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Name: 20191220_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 20, 2019
2738 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the ongoing coup attempt by Democrats in Congress and encourages people to support InfoWars by purchasing products from their store or donating money. He mentions other companies that align with InfoWars' values, such as National Treatment Advisors, OMG Tax, and Turbo Force. Jones also talks about his own experiences being targeted by the Deep State and urges people to stay informed and take action against those who seek to undermine democracy. Additionally, he promotes InfoWarsTour.com for purchasing before Christmas, as revenue will support their mission. Lastly, he warns of potential civil unrest in America and recommends preparing for chaos by leaving cities and stocking up on essential supplies.

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Everything we have said, everything that we have warned of, is absolutely being confirmed right now, ladies and gentlemen.
The man honchoing the Deep State coup, Adam Schiff, the head of the Intelligence Committee, Has openly bragged that this is a intelligence agency coup against President Trump and the American people and our populist rebellion against their globalist tyranny.
He has now announced the plan, we're going to cover it right now, to remove President Trump during the Senate By invoking new false charges in the House and trying to create a national crisis.
Where then the Democrat members of the Supreme Court will then weigh in saying the Senate is illegitimate.
Again, trying to invoke violence in the streets of America.
And like clockwork, Schiff has now announced That they want to remove Pence next.
Claiming that he was involved in all of this illegal activity that's completely made up.
So it's now all happening, this broke this morning.
And I see the crew putting up articles from Flashback, January 2019.
Eleven months ago.
We're not going to show those articles here anymore.
I'm going to go to rebroadcast for a while.
It's no big deal.
Because I need to get prepared for this and I'm going to go to a terminal and I'm going to pull
the clips from 2017, the clips from 2018 where myself and Roger Stone specifically
laid out here on air exactly how they would trigger all of this.
And it's not about saying, oh look, we were right.
It's about people understanding how this has been premeditated from the beginning.
You've all heard me say it hundreds of times.
You've seen dozens of detailed reports.
We broke it all down on January 20th, 2017, the day the president was inaugurated.
We predicted this again a few months ago and played the clips on air of Roger and I laying it all
We are live on this December 20th, 2019 Friday Global Broadcast.
I do intend again to open the phones up and to take your phone calls.
Mike Adams will be hosting the fourth hour today.
I will be here for the next three hours taking your calls and I will be here This Saturday, last Saturday, I was here.
We were going to go live at 2 o'clock.
We had some technical issues with Skeleton Crew.
And so I decided to tape instead of go live.
But it did end up airing later in the evening, a very long, detailed, commercial-free breakdown report.
Tomorrow, I'm going to go live at 2 p.m.
with all the latest developments then, because they're going to make major moves in the next 24 hours.
And then I'll be back live Sunday.
4 to 6 p.m.
on the normal Sunday show to go over all this, but when we come back, I'm gonna lay all this out, and how they're gonna make their moves, and how we can counter them from every angle straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones.
This is the battle for the Republic.
This is America on the brink.
This is the Republic awakening and fighting back.
It is Friday, December 20th, 2019.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
And we are in the middle of a corrupt, deep state coup against the election of 2016 and
the attempt to overthrow the very popular, patriotic president, the maverick, ahead of
the 2020 election, now only 318 days out.
This is one hell of a time to be alive.
Now, I had made a lot of predictions, and so had Roger Stone.
He can't talk.
He's under unconstitutional gag order right now, facing 20 to 52 years in prison for the crime of getting the president elected.
They're trying to get us taken off air, obviously, as well.
That is a badge of honor and courage, which I wear proudly, but I do want to win and stay in the game, nevertheless.
But I did expect to be targeted.
Didn't expect to be this successful in fighting against tyranny, but the Lord does work in mysterious ways.
But, we told you in January of 2017, I'm going to show you those articles, those clips, everything at the end of the hour.
That they would do this exact move with a fake impeachment and then during the impeachment they would then start threatening everybody around the president and threatening them with impeachment if they don't move with a 25th amendment remove the president model.
And that's what Stone was getting from his sources, that's what he was advising the president of, how the president was being illegally spied on, who was behind it, how Comey was a criminal.
All of that's been proven to be absolutely on target.
That's why they were so angry at InfoWars and hysterical on every news channel, comedy show, movies, shows like Homeland, The Good Doctor, hundreds of programs, Comedy Central shows, hundreds of different broadcasts.
Just on mainstream TV saying I was the devil, I was a white supremacist, I was a total liar.
I believe there's Martian slave colonies.
Because I was having guests on that were the smartest, most informed people, period.
And it was scaring the hell out of them.
Now, the reason I say that now is not to go, oh look, we were right.
About almost everything.
Boy, I wish I was wrong about all this stuff.
We've been dead on.
Except it's worse than we thought.
I'm telling everybody this now because we're dead on.
Now, I want to say that Trump has routed them.
We've routed them.
It's blown up in their face.
They're totally pathetic.
The polls show Trump's incredibly successful.
And in the real world, that's happening with thinking people.
But in the deep state itself, there are plans within plans.
And Pelosi is illegally saying, we're not going to pass forward the articles of impeachment, we're just going to leave it here, as if the word impeachment means he's been convicted, not indicted.
And we're going to bring forward, we're going to have a trial in the House, basically.
And so let me just make the big announcements.
There is an ongoing coup.
What we first said is now completely confirmed.
They're having a trial in the House.
And they say they're going to have committees still ongoing churning out disinformation and having scripted Participants and witnesses bring forward all manner of stuff about his tax returns and his business dealings and his family and more Russiagate crap.
They're bringing that back out now and recycling it while holding The impeachment articles, one and two they passed, back from the Senate, and then Pelosi said last night, I may bring forward more impeachment articles, so that's her reason to hold back.
Well, the Supreme Court's clear, in the Constitution and in rulings, just in the last few years that we're going to go over here today, that it's a process.
Once you vote, once you trigger, once you do it, it goes to the Senate.
And courts can't come in and try to override the Senate.
The House can't come in and override the Senate.
That's the process.
That's our rules to stop attempts by the bureaucracy to become dictators like we see them doing now.
The out-of-control, arrogant, rogue government bureaucrats.
So here we are.
And that's what's happening.
And so people are like, oh, they just suddenly, because they're so embarrassed and people aren't supporting this in the polls, they're now holding it off.
No, folks, they were always planning this.
I was envisioning that they would bring forward the kangaroo allegations during the Senate trial itself, just in a court of public opinion, and then try to project that on pressure to the Senators.
That's going to happen too, but no.
It became clear last week, they're going to continue with investigations in the House, and then hold the country and the Senate hostage, while they tack on more disinformation, and then tell the public that impeachment is conviction.
So that a large portion of the public, so dumbed down in national polls, believe the president is being removed from office and is already gone.
Idiocracy has come to our shores.
Nixon versus United States says clearly Pelosi can't do what she's doing.
We're going to go over it.
There's a whole compilation article on Infowars.com.
Idiots think impeachment means Trump no longer president.
We're going to go over it.
It is amazing.
House Senate impeachment impasse would mean Trump wasn't impeached at all.
Harvard Law professor says, yes, according to federal rulings and according to the Constitution.
But they don't care.
They're going to create the illusion he's been removed and hasn't gone and call him a dictator.
Mark my words, by next week, you'll be hearing he's a dictator that needs to leave.
Then they'll put pressure under 25th Amendment on the rest of his cabinet to come after them and indict them.
Because the Justice Department won't act, Trump won't move against them, and so they're gonna up and ratchet up the game towards Civil War.
Harvard Law professor delaying impeachment trial is highly unconstitutional.
Yeah, and letting them get away with this is.
A plot to make Pelosi president.
Now Adam Schiff wants to go after Vice President Pence.
And that's up on InfoWars.com.
We told you that hundreds of times.
And who becomes president if he's removed?
Pelosi, then who's ready to run for office, still run the Democratic Party, waiting for a burger convention, Hillary Clinton, Pelosi's the placeholder, she becomes the first woman president, but oh, it's okay, we have an election a few months later, and boom, Hillary Rodham Clinton is in, it's all set up, it's all prepared, we told you two years ago.
With total precision.
We're getting the clips.
Total precision.
How dumbed down has America become?
Here are 30 people that actually believe Trump is no longer president.
That's just who they interviewed saying it.
Pelosi calls it bipartisan even though they voted along partisan lines.
So there you go.
We're going to lay it all out, but the coup is live.
They have a chance to succeed because no one's stopping their criminal activity.
They're just escalating, escalating, escalating.
Normalizing tyranny.
We're going to go to break.
We have the biggest specials now of the year going.
A lot of people waited until all 12 days of Christmas.
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You are everything, so thank you.
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Please do your shopping with us.
It's not too late.
All right, I intend to go to your phone calls, start of the next segment.
First-time callers, long-time callers, you agree, you disagree.
It's like disagreeing with the fact that I'm wearing a red shirt.
No, I am wearing a dark red shirt.
The background is blue behind me.
There is a deep state out in the open with Clapper on national TV saying, thank God for the deep state.
We're removing Trump out of the Intelligence Committee.
That is still having hearings, still producing fake information for the media, and then now the general public thinks that President Trump has been impeached.
That's what they think.
So What do you do about that
Well, President Trump has to come out against it and not just call it witch hunts and not just call it criminal.
He needs to be specific in a national address.
And InfoWars has written the articles that have all the details.
Zero Hedge has gotten it right.
Many others have, but my goodness, they've had articles in Atlantic Monthly.
They've had articles in the Washington Post.
They've had articles in the New York Times.
They'd have articles in the Council on Foreign Relations.
They've had article after article.
Here's one right here for people.
2017, Deep State Muell's continual government plan to overthrow Trump using 25th Amendment, install Pelosi, and then she would install Hillary as her Vice President.
Then she would resign, and Hillary would be President.
Now we told you that in 2017, in probably a hundred reports.
You can just go to Bing, Google blocks it, and type in Infowars.com as the prefix to find it for viewers and listeners.
That way you're searching just that.
And then you type in 25th Amendment plan to remove Trump, install Hillary and or Pelosi.
It brings them both up.
You'll just see Roger and I, dozens of videos.
And the reason it's important is we lay out all how they'll do it.
And then two and a half, three years later, it's happening just like we said.
And it's that story that defeats them.
How they premeditated it.
How they illegally spied.
How they made up the Russiagate.
How they used that to keep their people in place inside the government.
To fight against Trump claiming he was a foreign asset.
To have many people in government believe they were doing all this criminal stuff because they were countering a Russian agent.
Well now that's been disproven, so now they move on.
To the emoluments.
Now they move on to quid pro quo.
Now they move on to all this other fake stuff.
But they're bringing Russiagate back.
Now they're bringing Rapegate back.
Now they're bringing, because they want to discredit Trump and remove him, and remove Pence, and remove the two Supreme Court appointees.
They're already saying they're illegitimate.
This is a deep state coup against all nationalists and patriots in the government.
This is a purge.
And they've announced they want to arrest us if we talk about replacement migration, which is an official UN policy announced again yesterday to replace Europeans with Muslims.
But the ADL says they want you arrested if you talk about that as the UN announces it publicly.
I'm gonna cover that later.
So this is very dangerous and we can laugh at them and go, oh look!
Trump's poll numbers are way up.
People aren't buying it.
Yes, that's good.
But they're threatening his supporters.
They're threatening his backers.
They're threatening his funders.
They're threatening his family.
They're threatening yours truly.
They're going after everybody with harassment and lawsuits and death threats.
And they're going after people's spouses.
And because the Justice Department hasn't countered this, it gives these people power to act like a bunch of mafia terrorists And just up the ante and say, we're not going to send the impeachments forward.
Well, that's illegal.
Who cares what the Supreme Court says?
We're going to do it.
Because the general public in polls, up to a third, believe Trump is now out of office.
I've got the articles.
Camera people, including my crew, are going out in Austin.
And when you go to lebtard areas, most of the people think he's already going to have to leave.
They're like, well, see?
He's impeached.
He's got to go.
You know, now he only serves out the rest of his term.
Or no, he'll be gone at the end of the year, right?
They don't know their ass from the hole in the ground.
They can't find their butt with both hands.
And this is illegal.
It's what happens in third world countries.
It's going on right now.
And Playboy Magazine writers and CNN reporters and all of them are playing along with it going, yeah, he's gone now.
He's going to have to go now.
CNN writers and people know that's not true.
They're creating the perception.
I told you I took my middle daughter the night of the impeachment, Wednesday evening, to a big group event at a city coliseum where a whole bunch of schools were there doing their Christmas events.
And she'd been there about an hour before she performed backstage and she said, Dad, the kids were hysterical.
They're all saying he's out of office, he's a criminal.
This means he's going to jail, that he'll be in chains basically.
And I came on air that night.
A few hours later when it was official that they passed the two articles and I said, you watch, that's going to be what they're going to say is that he's no longer president, he's been convicted, even though this is just a political indictment.
Because the public is that ignorant about the process.
Because Democrats are like children.
Perpetualent, they're angry, they're dumbed down, they don't know what's going on.
So we have to ask ourselves, what are we going to do To counter all of this.
What are we going to do as the American people to get the word out and explain this giant hoax?
The toll free number is 877-789-2539.
7 7 7 8 9 2 5 3 9 8 7 7 7 8 9 Alex we're gonna take your call starting in the
next segment there's a lot of other big news though while we were all distracted
with the impeachment as we should be It's very important.
They had hearings with the Inspector General, where he just devastated their criminal activity.
We've got compilations of that, boildowns of that.
Barr called out Comey and said he's a liar, that he was running the illegal investigations, and that he lied to Congress.
So this shows that this is a real civil war inside the government.
And that Trump's really making a run at him, and that the way the Democrats are acting so desperate, it looks like Durham may actually be getting ready to refer criminal indictments.
We haven't seen it yet, and I'm not saying hold your breath, but the Democrats going for the juggler like this is probably going to precipitate Trump finally forcing people to do the right thing and do their duty, because it's so dangerous for the entire system, including parts of the power structure that are completely nihilistic and insane.
So that's the point we've reached on December 20th, 2019.
A very historic point.
A very historic moment.
And I want to explain to people, don't be overconfident.
Yes, this is leaning against the deep state.
They're in trouble.
But this puts them in the corner.
And means they're going to go for broke.
And they're trying to have the ignorant masses out there believe the president's a Russian agent, he's been convicted, he has to leave office.
And when he doesn't, Antifun, all these Soros-funded groups are saying they're going to drive him from power, and now Schiff's saying drive them from power, 25th Amendment, go after the vice president, put Pelosi in, it's all now official.
They're really trying it.
Will they succeed?
I'm thinking specifically about a letter that you sent to the Vice President's office this week, in which you raised questions as to what the Vice President knew about the President's behavior, the President's scheme in Ukraine, and thereby, essentially, his potential involvement in any cover-up of that behavior by the President.
Are you actively looking at Vice President Mike Pence and his role in this scandal?
And should we expect further revelations, either related to the vice president or related
to the other core parts of these allegations that have resulted in this impeachment tonight?
Well, we have acquired a piece of evidence, a classified submission by Jennifer Williams,
something that she alluded to in her open testimony, that in going back and looking
through her records, she found other information that was pertinent to that phone call that
we had asked her about.
And made that submission.
There is nothing that should be classified in that submission, but yet the Vice President's office has said they're going to assert classification or that it's classified.
It is not proper to classify something because it would be embarrassing or incriminating.
And that submission does shed light on the Vice President's knowledge.
We think the American people should see it.
Certainly any senators in the trial should have access to it.
But it just goes to show that there is a body of evidence, documentary and otherwise, that administration figures from the President on down, to include the Vice President, do not want the American people to see or know.
And the question is, will they succeed?
Will the cover-up succeed?
Or will the Senate insist on what we were not able to obtain in the House, and that is a White House that will comply with lawful process?
That's called lying in spades.
They had no evidence.
That's why they went with obstruction of Congress and why they went with abuse of power, nebulous things.
You can just subjectively, nebulously make up.
And saying that now Mike Pence is involved in the non-crime.
They know what they're doing because they're dealing with their constituents who are completely illiterate when it comes to how to skin a buck, run a trot line, how to raise children, the separation of powers, history, government, science, literature, art.
Every statistic shows that leftists are the most un-street-smart, domesticated dumbasses on earth.
Oh, but they know the 500 genders.
There's no 500.
It was 50 a few years ago.
I'm not kidding.
They know stuff like free spirit or elf or it's like Dungeons and Dragons.
They invent new little things.
It'll be a million probably in a couple years.
It's like the Hindu gods.
Invent one every hour if you want, there's probably a billion of them.
And really they're just assaulting reality.
And then having UN reports out saying we're going to replace Europe with Muslims and the US, we want 600 million brought in in the next 30 years, the US, official UN policy, 2001, voted into policy.
I have the printouts from the UN right here.
The ADL says they're lying in the upcoming UK election, this is a month ago, and they're saying that there's a thing called replacement migration to get rid of Europeans with Muslims.
They specifically say Middle Eastern Muslims and North African Muslims because they're more compatible with each other.
Oh, they don't want any Christian Africans.
They don't want any animist.
Which is just nature worship, Gaia stuff, because the Muslims kill them.
They go, hmm, we're going to have Muslims.
They're the ones that are compatible.
Because there was an Austrian-Hungarian prince, you can pull it up, who had a whole plan 100 years ago, he's the guy that invented the modern Olympics, to bring in Muslims!
Napoleon converted to Islam and had a plan to bring the Muslims into Europe.
You're like, why would he do that too?
Because there were more Muslims than there were Christians in Europe then, too.
You could take over.
They're one group that acts as one.
But Sacha Baron Cohen, like Napoleon, has already cast the dice.
The ADL now, literally, He's an Islamic organization.
Allied with it.
You go read what their head talks about on Twitter, it's love the Muslims this, Muslims are great that.
Yeah, they're real great when they make your ass convert to the sword and put your daughter in sex slavery.
I can't move to their countries, they'll kill my ass!
But I gotta bring them here!
Rubbing a newborn baby in bacon grease and throwing it into a group of starving pit bulls.
Alright, I'm going to stop.
I'm going to go to your calls.
But I do want to play some more of these clips.
Here's old Crip Keeper.
Nancy Pelosi says she's got a spring in her step.
Oh, she was so solemn about the impeachment, didn't want to have to do it.
Had big American flags up, big American flag pins.
She loves America.
She's doing it for America.
Nobody should be happy, but now she's got a spring in her step, and they're all, woo!
And they pass the impeachment.
Because it looks like action in front of their constituents, who are so dumb they think that means Trump's been removed from office.
And then now when he doesn't leave, they're going to get even more pissed.
These people walk up to me with straight faces and go, you effing Russian.
I'll keep eating my dinner in a restaurant.
I'll look up and I'll go, okay, you done now?
Screw you!
And then always, I'll go, hey lady, listen, I know you hate America and everything, you're pissed that America's back, and always the husband will be behind her, he'll bump into you.
I go, that's it?
Touch me again, you piece of crap.
Leave us alone!
I'm like, oh, I get the perfect world.
You attack me, And then you say I assault you by speaking back.
That's the total inversion world.
From the top to the bottom, Democrats, on average, are now evil people.
Savannah Hernandez and our great camera lady, Gabby, got attacked.
Her shoulder is hurt.
By men.
In Austin.
We're having an Action 7, Mike.
They hurt her.
Checked her with their shoulders.
And when they did it, the police came over and they went, they attacked us, they hit us, help us, arrest them.
They're all videos, all on their Twitter.
Played a bunch of it yesterday.
That's their religion!
Is they punch you right in the face, and if you even hold your hand up to block, man, under leftist religion, you're sent to jail because they're gods.
They're kings, they're lords, they're masters.
It's unbelievable.
We should probably add to that article the video she updated that shows all of it in context.
It's like 30 minutes of it she uploaded.
It's incredible.
As they follow her around, as that woman follows her around and then says, why are you in my face?
And then attacks her and pushes her off a curb while Gabby is attacked by men hitting her, running into her.
They feel like they're entitled to do anything to us.
And they bully our children in school.
They are a criminal mob of trash.
All right, I'm gonna play the clips when we come back, then I promise I'm gonna go to these loaded phone lines
on this live Friday worldwide broadcast.
I got a lot of calls yesterday, crew did a wonderful job, really appreciate them.
But please remember, it's vital that people understand that yes, this is blowing up in the globalist face,
but that's only gonna make them continue to get more aggressive and do crazier stuff,
which is gonna escalate to some type of breaking point, which I don't wanna see happen.
We'll get to Pelosi doting.
And then your calls.
Barr saying Comey's a liar.
Powerful video on the other side.
Whatever you do, tell people about the live feed up on InfoWars.com.
The article has in the title that it's confirmed there is a coup attempt, not just against Trump, but also against Pence.
And we lay out how they're doing it and how to stop it.
It's vital to get it out.
The headline is at NewsWars.com.
Red alert!
Deep State announces plans to remove Pence after Trump conviction install Pelosi.
They've announced that.
You should probably add to that headline.
I wrote that headline this morning.
I dictated it.
I guess I wasn't clear.
I want to add dash install Pelosi.
That's been announced.
We told you that in 2017, almost three years ago.
We told you that in 2018.
In the live feed that you see posted there, we post links to those articles and those videos.
We recapped it all in January, right before Roger Stone's gag order.
Laid it all out.
Played the clips, everything on that interview.
And here they are.
And again, why is that so important?
Because we show back then how they were planning it, and since then, in the last few months, you've seen MSNBC, CNN, all of them say, remove Trump and Pence, put in Pelosi, who then says she will appoint her Vice President under the Constitution.
And let me give you A thousand guesses who that's gonna be.
Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton.
That's why she doesn't need to make all the filing dates.
She could try to come in during a broker convention, or she can just have Pelosi put in and do it.
You're like, well that's super bold, that's crazy.
Yeah, it's crazy to hold the articles of impeachment until the Senate does what they say and what they want.
Now I'm gonna go to your calls.
But next hour, I'm gonna work in the Supreme Court ruling saying they can't do that.
The top law professors, Turley, Dershowitz, you name it.
People say, oh, he was a lawyer for Epstein, yeah, and a bunch of other people.
People deserve lawyers.
It doesn't matter.
Everybody knows that Dershowitz is brilliant.
People need to be brilliant to know that this is all illegal.
And so, what does Trump need to do?
What do we need to do?
What does the Justice Department need to do?
But here's Pelosi literally eyeing the presidency by coup.
Saying she's really got a pep in her step.
Here she is.
It really is interesting to see the response that we are getting.
Bipartisan across party lines.
I myself want to say I have a spring in my step because of the moral courage of our caucus.
To see them all, so many of a hundred members, go to the floor.
That's all that we had time for.
To go to the floor.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
about the facts of the case so clearly, so patriotically, so prayerfully, so solemnly, but so definitely.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, here's what Attorney General Barr had to say when he was being interviewed yesterday.
The full videos in the Kit Daniels article up on Infowars.com I suggest you watch it and suggest you share it.
It's important because we're in an information war.
The average low information voter is a Democrat and thinks that Trump was just convicted.
Again, you can politically indict a ham sandwich.
Travis County indicted Rick Perry.
As a governor for vetoing a spending bill which is passed by the legislature, his veto power.
It's like arresting Tom Brady for playing for the Patriots.
You're like, that's what he does.
No, no, we're arresting him.
But they indicted Rick Perry.
He had to spend $2 million fighting it over a year and a half.
All the subpoenas, digging through everything.
Well, that's what I go through.
And I'm not complaining.
I'm saying we're targets.
And I'm targeted by Travis County.
I'm targeted by Connecticut.
I'm targeted by Charlottesville.
Democrats funded by Soros are suing me.
And it doesn't matter if what they're saying isn't true.
It doesn't matter what the reality is.
Because these are controlled, captured systems they're using that are weaponized.
So what is the Attorney General going to do?
The Attorney General needs to move against the deep state and the criminality they're engaged in.
Because, again, every time it fails, we go, oh look, Trump's Teflon.
It's a dereliction of duty.
The Attorney General must act.
They must execute the law faithfully.
We can't sit here and take this.
Oh, but Trump's up in the polls.
It won't matter if they scare all his cabinet and get him to vote 25th Amendment.
It won't matter if they threaten the Senate enough and remove him.
So here's what the Attorney General had to say.
It's powerful.
It's strong.
Do you believe that?
sitting on top of an organization of 38,000 people, you can't run an investigation that's seven layers below
You have to leave it to the career professionals to do.
-Do you believe that? -No.
I think that one of the problems with what happened was precisely that they pulled the investigation
up to the executive floors, and it was run and bird-dogged by a very small group
of very high-level officials.
And the idea that this was seven layers below him is simply not true.
He also said that he told the president three times that he was not the target of the investigation.
Do you believe, based on what we know now, that the president was not the target of Crossfire Hurricane or wasn't one of them?
Well, I think effectively the president was being investigated.
They were investigating the Trump campaign and Trump associates.
But again, As I've said, what happened after the election, to me, is very questionable.
And I think there has to be a lot of focus as to what happened after the campaign, and they learned that their whole case had collapsed, and they really had no basis to take it further.
And so we are looking into that.
Do you think we need to reform the FISA court system?
Some people are even calling for it to be removed because there's no opportunity for the person who's presenting the evidence to have another side make the argument for why this surveillance perhaps should not be done.
No, I don't think we need to do anything that radical.
I think both Chris Wray and I take the problems and the misconduct of the past very seriously.
Chris has been particularly proactive in developing a number of reforms that are designed to address that, and I'm evaluating those and considering some additional steps.
You know, you've seen a lot of posturing by the FISA court.
We may never listen to another FBI secret warrant again.
By its very nature, a star chamber, a secret court, will be abused.
They always are.
It was only for Al-Qaeda, which the Globalists were funding.
But now, oh, it's for the President, it's for Roger Stone, it's for Alex Jones, it's for the members of the press.
So Adam Schiff can dial in and see what you've been up to.
Alright, we're gonna start the next hour.
Next segment, I will go to your calls.
Jeff, Bob, Daniel, Pastor Sam, Lewis, Chase, John, Cindy, Ranger, Carlos, and everybody else.
I see a lot of regulars there, that's why I said open phones for everybody.
Then after we go to this raft of calls, about half of them look like regulars, we will open up on the second half of the show for first-time callers.
So all new calls after this, if you call in, are first-time callers.
But we're giving the regulars a chance to get in.
A lot of these folks, I know, they make great points.
They feel like members of the family.
That's why we do first-time calls most of the time, though, so new people get a chance.
But today it's for whoever dials the fastest in the first round.
Briefly, We're not going to be on air if you don't support us.
And I'm not bitching at you.
It's your choice.
We got great products you need.
So if you'll just regularly get your high-quality coffee from us, get our great fluoride-free toothpaste and the whitening toothpaste from us, they're the best you're going to find out there.
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Ladies and gentlemen, get your Chill Force.
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And later in the show, I'm going to tell you what is in Chill Force and why it's next level.
Next level.
Next level.
Cindy's up first, then John, Chase, Louis, Daniel, Ranger, Carlos, Bob, so many others on this December 20th, 2019 global transmission.
And I'll be live tomorrow.
2 p.m.
Last week I came in to do it.
Had some technical stuff.
Went ahead and just taped it because we had a skeleton crew.
We're trying to hire more folks who are doing an amazing job.
Then I'll be back Sunday also, 4 to 6 p.m., because there's so much happening and I'm going to be here most of next week, too, because I was planning some vacation, but we're going to be here because history is happening and they want to try to ram all this through while we're not paying attention.
Well, we're going to be paying attention and I know you are as well.
You're all watchmen and watchwomen on the wall.
I'm not being patronizing, telling you you're important to make you feel important.
You are.
That's why when you call and tell me how great I am, I say, okay, great.
Look in the mirror, please.
You care, you tune in, you support, you spread the word.
I'm gonna explain it.
It's like having an appliance that's electrical and not having a plug to plug it into.
It's worthless.
You are this operation.
So, believe me.
Without you, they're going to be able to isolate me, shut me down, lie about me, put me in prison.
That's their plan.
And I'm going to explain that later at the bottom of the hour.
I meant to talk about something at the start of the show that's really important.
I didn't.
I'm going to spend a few minutes at the bottom of the hour.
I'm going to remember to do it.
The crew's going to remind me.
I want to go to Cindy first, because she kind of disagrees with what we're saying, I guess, which is fine.
She doesn't have to apologize for that.
She says it's all Trump's fault.
Could have avoided all of this.
And in some ways, I think actually, Cindy, I agree with you.
Cindy, what do you want to say?
Yeah, hi, Alex.
I just think that Trump had a chance a long time ago to stop this.
He could have done the Insurgency Act.
He could have stopped these low-life people.
Look at Kate's family.
That poor woman was shot to death.
And what did they do?
They allowed sanctuary cities.
Those things should have been stopped.
Yeah, the illegal alien just wanted to kill her.
Because she was white.
And then the liberals went, well, you're a Mexican who's been deported five times.
You're allowed to murder her.
And then they said he's a victim.
And now he's suing the jail where he was held.
She was with her dad.
He just shot her in the back for fun.
How does that make you feel in America?
Well, here's my deal.
I don't care if you're brown or white.
You don't want anybody being able to just shoot a young woman in the back for no reason.
You're right.
And he shot her because she was beautiful.
And if you notice anything, I don't care if you're a beautiful black woman, brown woman, white woman.
There are a lot of people jealous of beautiful women.
And Kate Steinle was gorgeous.
And he killed her because he was pissed and jealous and thought that that was her older Boyfriend, it was her dad hugging her.
They were crying and talking about family members that had just died.
And he saw that and thought he saw a couple together and he murdered her because he was jealous!
Sorry, I didn't mean to go on a rant.
So what has Trump done?
He has done nothing.
He's playing the businessman, that's fine.
Boy, it's time for Trump to quit playing Mr. Businessman and step into the shoes of Eisenhower.
We don't need a businessman right now.
We need a soldier.
Like when Obama went through, and he had no problem giving pink slips to all the patriots and the military.
And you know why he did that?
To weaken our military.
Well, it's time for Trump to get those patriots back in our military.
Oh yeah, they made the Army wear high heels.
They make the Marines pose while a 100-pound woman stands over them and tells them men suck to put that out to kill recruitment.
It's all globalist sabotage!
You're right.
And we need good people to join the military to piss on that and not let them override it.
We need people to join the military now to counter that and the leftists and to go in there to block them.
The left takes over the seminaries, the schools, the military.
It's to run good people out.
Instead of running away from it, you run in there and you stop their sabotaging.
I agree with you 100% on that.
150% on that.
Yeah, we don't need to run away from the attack.
We need to run towards it!
God bless you, ma'am.
Yeah, Trump needs to take some damn action.
And you know what?
I can feel it.
You're going to see action.
Because he knows they're going for his juggler.
It's dangerous to go after these people, but it's more dangerous not to.
The battle is joined!
You can feel the energy!
You can feel the fight!
Stand up now!
I'm going to talk about something at the bottom of the hour that's so critical, so important in understanding this fight and understanding the enemy's mindset of how they try to frame things and how narrative is everything.
We're on your calls right now.
I'm taking 20 of them this hour.
Alright, who's been holding the longest?
Is it John in Kentucky?
Is it Ranger in Texas?
Is it Carlos in Canada?
Jeff in Canada?
Bob in Oregon?
Who has been holding the longest?
I guess that would be Ranger in Texas.
You're on the air, Ranger.
Well, good morning, Alex.
First, I gotta say thanks for your product.
I called in a while ago.
I didn't mention them before.
Well, thank you, sir.
What's your favorite product?
Iodine, actually.
Everybody's deficient on it.
Damn right.
Encyclopedia Britannica, World Health Organization.
Over two billion people have, quote, mental deficiencies because of iodine deficiency, the number one cause of low IQ, infertility, so many, I mean, and of course, it's like a chess piece.
They try to put the bad fluoride, the bad halogen on us, we bring the good halogen in.
Go ahead.
Sure, sure.
So my son, he's got problems with his adrenal glands.
So, a number of years ago, we started him on some iodine and the improvement was just incredible.
I mean... Sir, you'd think I knew all this, but like I said about eight years ago, Dr. Group came in here and he goes, hey, are you taking iodine?
And I said, no, and he goes, we know everybody's deficient in it.
And I said, yeah, I knew they used to put it in the salt, and I know China puts it in their water.
And he goes, yeah, their IQ keeps going up.
He goes, here, here's a bottle of stuff I plan to come out with.
I'm trying to get the license with the DEA.
Nobody puts out real atomic iodine.
They all say they do.
The other stuff's bad.
Here's this.
It'll be out in six months or so.
And that's how we launched X2.
He goes, those sunspots you've got and stuff, all of it.
He goes, take this.
You'll feel terrible in about two to three weeks.
That's the detoxification.
In about a week, you'll feel better.
He goes, a bunch of stuff will come out of your skin.
He said, but you'll automatically get, I mean, and this is medical stuff, so I'll say it.
He goes, you're going to get much bigger erections in the morning, but like you're 15 years old.
That's when you know it's really kicking in because it'll activate all your glands.
Man, boom, baby, boom.
And everybody's like eight years ago, because I was really getting fat and unhealthy.
They go, how'd you lose all this weight?
Why are you suddenly, you know, your skin's clear?
And it was the iodine.
And then I'll go sometimes and forget to take it like a month and I start feeling like crap and stuff and I go back on it and it's literally incredible!
People ask how the hell I have so much energy.
I am on X2 and X3, baby.
I didn't mean to make that a plug.
I'm sorry.
Tell me what happened with your son.
I'm going to shut up.
Oh, no.
You know what?
Go on about it.
It really is great.
Heck, if I don't take it for a week or two, you know, we ran out, I had to order some more for him, and I didn't realize we were out.
I mean, that whole week was just a bummer week.
I was down the whole week.
But no, my son had adrenal gland issues, and when he was growing up, we went and saw doctors about how we could get him to improve his attitude, his mood, his behavior, and they couldn't find anything wrong.
So we had to take him to a naturopath, and they did some blood work and a urinalysis on him and said, well, his adrenal glands are not working out very well.
And apparently, it's not an uncommon thing, John Kennedy had this... If you don't have things like selenium and iodine, they burn out.
Because they have to use similar things in the periodic table that aren't the same, that work for a while, but then fry them.
Yeah, and the iodine, you know, and the best thing about it is it's a liquid, right?
My wife doesn't take pills, she can't do that.
But she likes the iodine because it's a liquid and it's something she can take.
Well, again, I don't have time to get into it all, but don't go to Walgreens, folks, and buy the topical stuff and eat it.
It'll hurt you.
That's not really real iodine.
It's bound, it's mixed in with things, it's different.
This is real, X2, X3, and consult a physician regardless because if you haven't had iodine and your body's been using the bad stuff, bromine, chlorine, fluoride, it could be a bumpy ride.
I mean, this is serious stuff.
There's a reason we've got to have a DEA certified facility to have it.
Now by the time it's put into the organic palm oil and things and delivered to you, it's legal.
But it's a controlled substance because real iodine is used in the production of a whole bunch of different illegal drugs because it's a major precursor and it's very powerful.
So when you watch Breaking Bad and they're robbing warehouses at night for iodine, that's what you use making methamphetamine.
It isn't like methamphetamine, folks.
It has nothing to do with it except in the making of it.
It's just the real, pure stuff is not sold out there because no one would actually do what Group did.
And so that's why X2 and X3 are so different.
Sorry, I'm going to stop ranting when I get to the impeachment news, but go ahead.
Yeah, no, it tastes good.
My only experience with iodine before was in the, you know, in the military when you have to take iodine out, they give you these two orange terrible tasting pills that they're just, they're just terrible.
That's a different type of iodine and it's still better than nothing and it's a big dose.
Obviously you were doing that for radiation drill emergency tests?
Yeah, we had a couple places when we were being deployed that we needed to take it for For just the sake of argument, so they didn't have any problems with it.
Sure, and of course we sell that too.
Like the New York Times is like, he sells iodine for radiation.
Yes, the rad pills that the military and that any army, navy store sells, that's for a radiological event to protect the thyroid.
Yes, we sell that.
It's totally normal and totally above board and totally good.
Anyway, sorry.
No, that's not why we sell the X2, even though it's good for that as well.
Well, you know, I try and stay stocked up on it.
You know, we usually buy it in a pack of, you know, six bottles because we get a little bit better deal, I think, on your website.
Well, I'm just going to tell you, you've got to be careful with it.
And you know what, even with the, like...
Most things with the FDA, they have a lower level than what a lot of experts think you need.
But with iodine, it's a pretty high level they say you can actually have.
That's what we've got on the bottle, but just be careful with it, everybody, because, I mean, it's not a game.
I mean, this is the real deal.
You die without it.
You die without iodine.
You die.
But then, if you haven't had it for years, And your body's all screwed up.
It's kind of like putting, you know, 100 octane gas in an old truck that's been running on, you know, crappy 87, and it's all clogged up.
You get in there, floor it, and go driving down the road 100 miles an hour.
The engine may throw a rod, or you may have a piston seize up.
So just, it's nitrous oxide, folks.
And I'm gonna stop plugging, but yes, X2 is 60% off, so is X3, at m4store.com.
Go ahead.
Sorry, I'm gonna stop ranting.
No, you're great.
So anyway, the point that I wanted to get to with this is, you know, our country has already been invaded.
In fact, we're already, you know, there are steps that are taken when whatever country is invaded from without or from within.
And one of them is destroying the culture.
Unfortunately, step number eight.
And, you know, when they get to number nine, then that means that they've reached the point where they're saturated with enough people that are going to go along with their agenda.
And I think we're very close to that point now.
But beyond that, you know, in 2001, George Bush brought an act out.
Actually, I think it was George Bush.
It might have been Clinton that did this.
PDD 5-1.
You know, PDD 5-1... Presidential Decision Directive, yes.
Saying we would absorb a first strike.
But it also said that the President could lay the country in...
Basically a martial law status.
Oh, you're right.
The globalists have given the presidency dictatorial powers, and I'm not, I'm not for those.
But Trump now has them, and we're in a real crisis against globalists, which he already had powers before that to act against, because the Democrats are being funded by foreign powers on record.
The Chi-Coms own Hollywood.
Damn right, he has a right and a duty to move against them.
Go ahead.
Exactly, exactly.
So I used to do private security.
We were working on a boat one time, a large vessel that was actually, pirates came on board.
They actually got on board.
Usually it's not a big concern.
They generally don't have boats that will go fast enough.
But when that did happen, the captain put the boat on lockdown.
Everybody went to their cabins and locked the doors.
We went room to room, you know, clearing the boat out.
Well, maybe it's time that the president looks at putting the country on lockdown.
That is the perfect analogy, and we just spent 10 minutes with me interrupting you and you talking about I-9.
I'm going to come back to you to have the floor with a two-minute video because I want to make it a promo that we air during the breaks, that that is the perfect allegory.
The globalists are pirates.
They're not Americans.
They're not following the law.
They admit they want to overthrow the will of the people.
Pelosi, Nadler, they've all said, oh, we're afraid he's going to get re-elected.
They've admitted their crime.
It is a coup.
It's like clearing pirates.
We've got to do it.
Because they're going to only escalate when we kick their ass this time.
So we come back.
I'm going to give you two minutes to make your statement again on that incompletion.
If I seem more crazed than normal, I mean, we've got literal globalists that are super evil.
Trying to overthrow this awesome president after all these decades of corruption.
They're allied with the Chi-Coms and have killed over 100 million people.
They literally promote pedophilia everywhere.
And a bunch of them are devil worshippers.
And they're complete liars.
And they can hardly talk and walk.
And a lot of the public thinks the president's a criminal now.
And they're moving forward to remove Pence and try to put Pelosi in.
They're not going to succeed.
But they could succeed in a civil war, which is what they want.
They're coming for the guns now in a bunch of states, saying they're going to confiscate them starting next year.
Because they don't have federal controls, they're going to start at the states in Oregon, and California, and Virginia.
I mean, it's on, man!
And so, yeah.
My spirit.
My instincts are engaged.
And we just had a caller, if you just joined us, who laid it all out, how he did security on a ship that actually got boarded by pirates, and what the captain did in that emergency.
I don't want martial law.
I don't want civil war.
The globalists are putting us into the national emergency.
And they're violating the law on every front, trying to overthrow an election, illegally spying, intimidating everybody.
The stuff they've done to me doesn't make me a victim.
But it makes me know how criminal they are, and I've been asked by law enforcement and security and lawyers and others not to get into it for a lot of reasons, but whatever you've heard on air they've been doing to us, it's about five times worse.
I mean, these people are crooks.
These people are criminals.
And they are recruiting armies of fellow Americans to bear false witness, to lie, to cheat, to steal, to poison people, to attack people's families, to do unethical stuff that I am shocked goes on.
They're making their move.
And so in two minutes, my friend, give us that analogy again and have some time.
Flesh that out.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Ranger in Texas.
Well, like I said, we were just doing private security on a boat.
There's places in the world where it's not as secure as others.
But take your time.
I mean, you've got a few minutes.
Lay out where you were, what happened, and then the allegory.
Just take your time.
Well, we were off the coast of Africa running security for a large vessel for, let's say, a big-name company that has had problems with pirates in the past.
We secured the boat.
There were 12 of us that were doing security on this particular run.
When the pirates made it aboard, the first thing the captain did was come on intercom and tell everybody that they needed to go in their cabins and lock their doors, that somebody would be coming to every cabin and checking every cabin, and to stay still and make sure your hands are visible when the door opens.
And it just seems to me like this is the time when Trump is either going to do something or we're going to lose what we have here as a president.
And I say that because he could very, very easily enact PDD 51, you know, stay the Congress and stay the Senate for six months, do what he needs to do, route these, route the rats out.
You know, I'm not the most avid Trump supporter, but I still recognize that what they're doing is wrong.
And I think it's about time that, you know, he took the gloves off.
It just seems like Donald Trump is playing real, really pretty easy with a lot of these people.
Well, he's a smart guy, but I agree with you that there's a point when things are criminal, and people are having their rights violated in mass, that you've got to stand up against a criminal mob of out-of-control bureaucrats being funded by foreign corporations because of your oath.
Sometimes you just can't be pragmatic like lawyers want him to be and go, "Oh, it's discrediting
They're going to stop now."
No, they're going to keep escalating and anybody can see that.
So I'm not looking for a big escalation.
They're the ones that are bringing it.
They're the ones that are starting it and we can't put up with it anymore.
You agree with me?
And I think that's the problem we have is we got to the point where, like I said, Trump
needs to do something big because they're doing something big.
They're trying to force him out of office.
They're trying to get Mike Pence out as well.
And if that happens, then, you know, then we're going to end up really bad, really quick.
That's right.
Drudge had the headline, you know, Trump plots his vengeance.
Then I read the article.
What is the vengeance?
Winning in 2020?
They're just gonna cook up something new then and then sabotage the government and block everything and harass everybody and keep funding all this DNC lawsuits against me.
God bless you, I appreciate your call.
Great points, Ranger.
Alright, let's talk to Jeff in Canada.
Jeff, thanks for holding.
Hey Alex, I have some massive breaking news.
It's been coming out that Trump has had a love child with one of his closest friends.
And that he was worried about that coming out, and he actually had him killed.
Of course I'm joking.
But hear me out.
As much as a shock as it was to hear that, and I'm sure everybody was shocked by it, that's what King David did.
And I'm calling out Christians today.
Christians will wave the flag of Christianity, and I'm a Christian, by the way.
But Christians will say that David was a man after God's own heart.
But I see the hypocrisy that's happening now against Christians that are not standing with their president, with their leaders, whether you like him or not.
The Bible says that we're to pray for our leaders, if you like him or not.
And today, top of drudge, Christianity today comes out calling for the removal of Donald Trump, saying that he should be out of there.
I think that's completely disgusting.
You know, Jesus said, if they're not against you, they're for you.
And I'm seeing so much friendly fire of people on the internet shooting at each other, Christians shooting at each other, and it's time to wake the F up.
No, you're right.
That's the top of DrugsReport.com right now.
That evangelical group that's obviously been bought off.
That's what the new talking point last month by CNN, MSNBC.
Remember they said Pelosi is the moral authority now.
She's the Christian.
She's invoked Christ.
Because now the new move is, oh look, the Christians You know, shouldn't support Trump because he's got a hot wife or he's, you know, done this or that or, you know, he isn't perfect or he says cuss words sometimes.
He's never been a hypocrite.
We knew who he was.
He promised to get the IRS off the backs of the churches.
They're violating the First Amendment.
He promised religious freedom.
He promised to stand up for pro-life.
He's doing it.
None of these other fake Christians have done that, and as you said, God judges the heart.
King David loved God, loved justice, but he was a man, and he had lust, and he got out of control, and he sent his best friend off to get killed, as you said, because he wanted his hot wife, and then later he repented, and God knew it was real, and said, you're a man of my own heart for that!
Because you don't think God doesn't have passions?
God hates evil!
And God hates wimps and cowards more than anything else.
People that feed on innocents and bullies and scum.
And you're absolutely right.
And if you test the spirit on Trump, you get a good response back from the Holy Spirit.
You look at these globalists, you just get redlined that that's a devil worshipper.
Pelosi, Hillary, all of them.
Tell you how good they are, how loving they are, how great they are, and they're a pack A devil-worshipping, child-molesting, supporting trash.
Every damn one of them.
You know Trump's good because evil is out of control.
They have witches and devil-worshippers coast-to-coast constantly doing satanic rituals against him, and it's all over the news!
My God, the devils mattered in hell at Donald Trump!
The future is now.
They had us as number one on Droid, number three on Apple, and we went back to get screenshots because our numbers showed us number one, and we're gone.
How did you decide to ban Alex Jones?
What users want from us, and what we've always provided them, is a curated platform.
If you're going to curate, that should be all.
Let me tell Tim Cook something.
We're watching you, what you're doing.
InfoWars is steps ahead of the globalists and their censorship agenda.
Getting ready to launch the next few months new apps.
Now it's easier than ever to have Band.Video on your iPhone.
Simply go to Band.Video with your Safari browser.
Then you click the share button at the bottom of the screen.
When the menu comes up, you simply click add to home screen.
You will now have Band.Video app on your home screen, despite the fact that Tim Cook tried to stop it.
So it's up to you whether you want to defy big tech and click the share buttons below.
Be sure and share Banned.video.
By the way, people ask why I'm so crazed.
I've only had like two cups of coffee today.
When the globalists are breathing down my neck and messing with me and pulling dirty tricks and they're doing to the country, it doesn't scare me.
It makes me Get hired in a kite.
I mean, I'm in ass stomping mode.
And I know you are as well.
It's called the Animating Contest of Liberty.
My only problem is I want to work 24 hours a day.
And the infrastructure isn't even big enough for that, and that's why I'm fighting to get more capital in here, and why I'm begging you for the sake of yourself, your family, and my family, we're in this together, baby!
Baby, I love you!
God, I love the audience!
We are the people fighting for the future!
And we have already kicked their ass up and down the block, and we're gonna do it again!
I've been on air 25 years and I've seen the changes.
I've seen us come from nowhere to contending to take the planet back.
And I'm talking about you when I say we.
I want to go right back to your calls, but I'm going to make this as succinct as I can.
When the globalists lie about you in the newspaper, when they tell these incredibly false stories, whether it's Trump or myself or others, It's because they want to create a false narrative of who you are.
And you're like, wow, Alex, you just told me that green lights are green.
That's very profound.
It is very profound.
Now let me walk through it.
Because the narrative, the real narrative of InfoWars, a guy on Access TV 25 years ago, I'm 45.
I've been on air since I was 20.
And getting a local radio show, and it getting top ratings right away, because people wanted the truth!
The seed fell into good soil.
It's not my success, it's our success.
It's the fact that people want freedom, they want justice.
And that from AXS TV, with people supporting each other, and believing in a better future, that we've come this far, and that InfoWars The audience is responsible for about half the global awakening we're seeing right now.
At least half of it.
Of the globalists in trouble everywhere.
Their satanism, their pedophilia being exposed, their anti-human agenda, their post-human system.
The knowledge about their plan was only known by FBI agents and military brass and intelligence operatives and some Christians who were doing research.
Maybe 1% of the public knew this stuff 25 years ago.
And I simply took what was known, and some of it I couldn't believe, it was so unbelievable, and then it turned out what those people were saying was dead on.
And I'll just say who the groups were.
People criticize them, they hate them.
Some people love them.
But it was FBI-type people, former NSA people, military people, former high-ranking FBI agents, and a lot of Mormons.
People say, well, look at the LDS and its corruption at the top.
I'm sure.
I'm not endorsing whatever.
I'm just, drudge trees by its fruits.
It was Mormons that knew all this stuff.
And Christians, and evangelicals, and folks that understood what was happening.
And man, it turns out those people, Christians in general, a lot of right-wing Catholics, were dead on about all this.
And so you have a grassroots Catholic person who's a great person, knows everything that's going on.
The Pope's pure evil.
Well, it's the same thing with a lot of these other organizations.
That's why they have thousands of articles lying about me because they're scared of the archetype of a Texan, of an American, of a red-blooded person who's really genuine and really means to change things and has a pure heart.
And they're scared of that idea of genuine people that are real.
And I can be a real a-hole too, but it's real.
It's not fake.
It's not couched.
It's not calculated.
It's not a projection.
It's not a manipulation.
Because I respect myself.
A lot.
Because I have will.
Because I have a connection to God.
Will is connection to God.
And it's how much of that you got!
And I see you made by God!
I respect you!
You're incredible!
And I'm not gonna sit here and watch these people screw these kids up anymore and their potential!
Because God made those children for incredible purposes!
And I'm pissed!
And so that's why these people want to sit there and say we're not genuine and we're not real and we lie and we manufacture stories.
It's all crap!
But I'm not talking about this to defend myself here.
I'm talking about it to understand their attack.
You understand their attack on yours truly.
You understand the attack on you.
So they can't deal with the reality that the grassroots is where the power is and from it comes the resistance.
You couldn't write a Hollywood movie about a resistance to a global government technocracy and the resistance coming out of where you'd expect it to.
Because all those movies and things were just images of archetypes people had already seen.
So they have to discredit that victory we've had together, that huge global awakening, and turn it into something about Sandy Hook or a pizza place to say there's no pedophilia going on, as distractions to make that my identity, to make Americana and the populist Christian awakening about those little things that we hardly ever even talked about, so they can distort that and make that our identity, to make us change the subject and defend ourselves on those identity points that aren't us.
I'll never talk about those things again.
If I'm not forced to.
Because they don't matter.
It's what the enemy has chosen to brush over what we've done.
To remove what we wrote on the wall.
So they can write something there and say that that's what we wrote and steal our identity.
Because everything this satanic system does is steal identity.
And so we've done incredible things together.
When I say that I don't mind being persecuted for the truth, because you expect to be persecuted for the truth.
But instead of just taking it and being able to deal with it, I have begun to rejoice in it.
Doesn't mean I don't fight it hard, doesn't mean I'm not totally focused, but beginning to understand that that is a real sign of the victory.
And that that's a good thing.
Not just something we tolerate, but that that's what we should expect, and that they're failing in their narratives, and they're failing in their lives, and that we have to celebrate that America is great, and humanity has great potential, and that we can reach for the stars and do so many things together instead of all those Democrat candidates up on the stage last night telling us how much we suck, and how bad we are, and how we're all done, and how we're pathetic.
It really is morale that's going to turn this around, but morale for celebrating the right things.
And we're going to do it.
And we're going to win together.
And I just want to salute you and thank you and just tell you how amazing you are, because in you realizing that is the victory.
You haven't even begun to fight yet.
I haven't begun to fight.
We're getting stronger.
The enemy's getting weaker.
This is the full assault on the President.
That's why they're going to have the mainline evangelical organizations, founded by the Grahams but not under their control, move against the President.
All the blackmail, all the threats are being used.
Last 50 years they created their tax exemption systems to trick churches to no longer be churches separate from government under the First Amendment with no government regulation allowed.
That's how Hopi Indians can take Hey, Odie, it's their religion, literally, and they can prove it.
The Supreme Court said you can do it.
That's why Christians of some bizarre sex can dance around with rattlesnakes in Arkansas and get bit by them.
Because that's their right and their religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
But you know they're making their move on Trump now in Christianity Today.
It says Trump should be removed from office, and it says our founding documents, Billy Graham explains that Christianity Today will help evangelical Christians interpret the news.
So now they make their move.
That's what you get for him trying to get rid of abortion and supporting the states getting rid of it and going to pro-life marches, something no president, even Ronald Reagan, would do.
Hey guys, battery went out on this headset.
It's doing that thing it does when the batteries go out.
So I need to get a new one on that side.
Thanks a lot.
Just, you know, I think I'm going to retire these wireless units.
They don't work anymore.
Let me just have him go ahead and put me up live on air.
I'll go ahead and take one of the wired ones.
Thank you.
I'm done with these.
They're just, they don't work anymore.
Anyways, continuing, ladies and gentlemen, they are making their move.
And that's what all of this is.
And it's only going to get worse until we realize it.
And it really is astounding that Trump has stood up for the right to religion in this country.
Trump has stood up for the right to religion in this country and
stood up for the unborn babies.
And gone in and gotten rid of the regulations that are unconstitutional, controlling what churches can say and
do when the media defines it as political.
When conservatives say they're pro-gun or pro-life or they don't want so-called sex education going on in the
And Trump says, yeah, people have a right to their free speech, and then you get a group, an organization, thank you Matt, you get a group, an organization, like Christianity Today, coming out and saying, you know, Trump's basically of the devil, get rid of him.
Well, as Jesus Christ said, you judge a tree by its fruits.
And Hollywood, the New World Order, the globalists, the chi-coms that have killed 100 million people and put Christians in concentration camps.
They're all against Trump.
And now, one of the evangelical groups has done just that as well.
Weirdest thing, we got these wireless transmitters about three months ago.
They worked really great.
Nice units from Switzerland.
And then all of a sudden now, they just go brrrr.
I'll go online, I'll buy some, it's no big deal, I'll figure it out.
and I think they've got a new unit thinking it was that.
It's must be RF in here or something, but these are officially retired.
I've dealt with this the last few weeks and it's distracted the living hell out of me.
So say goodbye to those.
I don't know how I'm gonna walk around.
So go with a headset?
We'll just go with a headset.
Wireless system would be the answer.
I'll go online, I'll buy some, it's no big deal.
I'll figure it out.
All right, I said I'd take a lot of calls.
I haven't so far, I apologize.
But we've covered a lot of really key news here and gone through a lot of important clips.
I do intend to try to move as quickly as I can now to your phone calls.
Bob and Louis and Chase and John and Mark and Owl Killer and Carlos and another George and Daniel and everybody who's been holding the longest here.
I guess that would be Bob in Oregon.
Bob, thanks for holding here on the air.
Yeah, thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I'll try to make this quick out of respect for your other callers.
I think the way that we defeat and prevent Trump from being removed from office is to fully engage what Nixon famously coined, the silent majority.
And I think the best way to do that is to combat mind control.
What's interesting is I really think the overwhelming amount of mind control is being done by the left.
And one famous way they do that, you talk about it all the time, is information control.
My gosh, if Trump isn't ready now, now is if ever the time to go after internet censorship.
You've talked on and on about how he hasn't done it for some reason.
I mean now, if anything, just to get all the information out so that we, and all the channels, so that if we're going to remove a president, let's have a free, open discussion on every single internet format possible.
Oh yeah, they're clearly teeing Trump up to remove him right now, and... Yes.
They're just shredding due process, our systems.
The Supreme Court has ruled before that the House cannot hold up votes for appointments of judges or anybody else with With any controls over Senate procedure?
Well, I mean, we already know that, but we have Nixon versus the United States dealing with the impeachment last time.
And law professors are clear, liberal and conservative.
So what Pelosi's doing is illegal.
But why doesn't she get her ass impeached?
She literally wants to be the president.
They're now saying they're going to remove Trump and Pence, and then who's that makes the president?
It makes her the president, brother.
Yeah, right.
I mean, I think through freedom of speech, we need to get aggressive and be on the attack.
The other two points I was going to make really quick is at the same time that we need to free up the Internet, I think that we need to engage our fellow human beings to get away from the Internet and have more human-to-human contact.
Let's get together with our neighbors.
Let's share ideas and not rely only on the Internet.
One thing I talked about on my last time I called you was one of the pernicious effects of the Internet.
And one of them on the free speech is it used to be back in the old days, That you had to attend a lecture to first find out what the person was saying.
Then, you would get informed, and then you can have a debate.
It's a two-way streak.
A lot of the kids these days think, you know what?
I already know everything I need to know about this person, so the only true human engagement is let's show up and shut somebody down.
I think we need to stop people being shut down, get away from the internet a little bit more, have true human-to-human contact.
The very last point I wanted to make is I think the most permissive thing that's going to actually implode on the left.
I don't really think I support Trump because I'm too afraid to say that's gonna implode in their face.
where if you like Trump, you're a white male supremacist.
You're not part of the woke generation.
You don't care about human rights.
You're a racist.
That's created so much cognitive dissonance.
People are saying, "Oh, I don't really think "I support Trump because I'm too afraid to say."
That's gonna implode in their face.
I feel like there's this big dam of people who love Trump, who are sick and tired
of being called all these labels, all these racist names, and I think that's gonna self-implode on them.
You're absolutely right, sir, and the dam is already broken.
People are coming out of their shell, because there's never enough political correctness or virtue signaling that's going to satisfy the left.
It only encourages them to bully and dominate and control more.
Thank you so much for the call.
Excellent call.
We're going to go to one more call, but since he mentions this, From Hollywood to Silicon Valley, the Justice Department is backing corporate giants.
Trump is allowing Hollywood, his big enemy, and big tech, his huge enemy, to do things that are way, way worse than Standard Oil or AT&T or Microsoft.
They need to be broken up.
Big article right there breaking that down.
That ties into This big New York Times article, oh, 20 years after we tell everybody with the engineering specs, and the New York Times wrote an article saying, Jones is crazy 10 years ago.
He thinks people listen to you or track you with your phone.
I mean, it's a fact.
But now they're telling you, did you know that the companies all track you and sell the data, and they can tell everywhere you go and what you do, and that anybody can get into it?
The Privacy Project, 12 million phones, one database, zero privacy, one little database, the New York Times bought for peanuts.
And this is their cover story.
The New York Times does exactly what News Corp does.
They hack into your phones, they track you in live time, and when I talked about the harassment I've gone through from media, these are intelligence agencies.
So I've had to change my cell phone six times, okay?
And I'm gonna leave it at that, but let's just explain this.
They don't need PIs to follow you.
And it's not like I've done anything wrong, but they identify who I talk to, where I go, then they have PIs approach And then process servers, people that know me, and then they threaten them.
First they offer them money, then they threaten them if they don't lie about me.
So you have to understand, the New York Times is only putting this out to try to gain credibility because they have none.
But you have to understand, they're also covering their ass.
They've been using these databases.
They go, oh, we've been tracking Trump.
Yeah, you've been tracking everybody for Schiff.
So they're trying to get out ahead of this.
When you read this article, you think, oh my God, the New York Times bought a database.
They've been tracking Republican leaders and talk show hosts.
Remember Schiff was tracking all those journalists?
They're doing it with private intelligence groups.
And I was briefed over a year ago.
On the issues of this.
And these people are out of control, folks.
These New York Times reporters and others go around with a phone or with an iPad, live time, stalking you.
They are organized criminals.
You understand.
On the payroll of an international narcotics trafficker.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Your calls are straight ahead.
All right, I'm going right back to your phone calls.
But in the last segment of this hour, I'm gonna get into hell.
Big media is really anti-American, anti-free speech, globalist takeover arms, how they spy on you, how they track you.
Now, their main job is harassing you and harassing your family, harassing people you work with, and trying to get people to bear false witness against you, and then scaring people because nobody knows how these reporters and their operatives know where you are, where you're going.
And they've got your cell phone data.
Every few seconds, it's pinging back where you're at.
They've got the database, and they're going in in live time and following you.
And the New York Times has come out and reporting on this because they know that it was about to come out very soon, what they were doing.
So now they're gonna go, oh, it's part of an investigation.
That's what people that always get caught with child porn say.
They go, oh, I was looking at it to research it.
You crooks.
Dirty crooks.
And it doesn't even mean the people writing these articles even know that.
They're just told, hey, get on this and do this 20-year-old story.
Now, because, you know, it'll show we have credibility with the youngsters.
No, they've got the databases because they're tracking you.
And what they do is they match the databases up with NSA databases, then they're told what database to buy, and then they've got your name, they've got your number, and then they can hand that off to hackers, other people, they get into your phone.
So, the New York Times is an organized crime unit.
You have to understand that committed to the destruction of this country and your family.
Total war.
All right, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Carlos in Canada, thank you for holding her on the air, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
Estás en fuego.
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Alex, I called you earlier, a few days back, because Hernández was assaulted, as you know.
An idea struck me.
Perhaps a safety vest could be worn by a cameraman.
You know, when the cameraman is filming an interview, they record any assault.
Perhaps a cameraman could be wearing a safety vest that says assault will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, warning or something like that.
So that those that are being interviewed are looking at the cameraman and they're looking at the interviewer.
Well, I know my security guys have tried to get me to wear a bulletproof vest, and to me it's like wearing shark mail when you go swimming around in the ocean.
I mean, you know, your chances aren't that high of getting shot, but really what it is is people Throwing things at you, hitting you, and the police doing nothing.
But yeah, I mean, they shouldn't be attacking female reporters, even when they don't have InfoWars mics.
All just because if you argue with them in any way, they start physically attacking you.
It's a lot bigger than them attacking us.
It goes to the mindset of these people across the board are a bunch of spoiled, rotten, little chicken neck wimps.
They're not warrior class.
And so the warrior class wouldn't start fights because they understand it means you're going to get attacked back, so you better pick your battles and you better have moral high ground.
There's nothing like the toddler, spoiled, rotten, pervert class now wanting to have a war.
The worker ants with the warrior ants.
It's really a stupid move, but the warrior ants have been so subdued because we're here to protect the sheep.
But what do you do when the sheep are working for the wolves?
I mean, it's become a real crisis.
I think a warning that they will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law should be something they should be aware of at the moment that they're being interviewed.
That will discourage them from engaging because they're being filmed.
You see?
And they'll be aware of it.
The next thing I want to talk to you about briefly is just Hillary Clinton.
Oh, stay there.
Back in 60 seconds.
I want to talk about Hillary.
Because, I mean...
I didn't just theorize that she's gonna do all this and try to remove Trump and then run for president and have Pelosi appoint her.
I mean, that's been the plan.
They're like, he's clairvoyant.
How did he know this?
They've been preparing it.
My God.
Connect the dots here.
We can beat these people though.
When you listen to NPR, they want to put you into a trance.
They want you sleepy.
Listen to my broadcast.
I want you awake.
I want you engaged.
I want you informed.
Now, I didn't do that on purpose.
I'm engaged.
I'm informed.
I'm pissed off.
But it works as the counter to the trance.
This is the grating.
Rocks in a wood chipper.
Because my larynx is like rocks in a wood chipper.
Ripped out from 25 years of battling them in the information war and screaming at the globalists to their face in the streets and halls of Congress and the mountains and the valleys of this country and other nations.
Now, there's big stories up on InfoWars.com That people need to know about.
Now, I know I tend to get a little blindsided by the fact that I research, I'm somewhat informed, so are you, and so you think, oh, everybody knows the House is just an impeachment, that's just an indictment, but no, large portions of Americans in major polls, got articles up on InfoWars.com, people in questionnaires on the street believe he's been removed.
They believe he's been convicted.
Well, the Supreme Court ruled years ago, multiple times, That you can't do what Pelosi did in a congressional process between the House and Senate.
They can't demand rules be changed.
Or they won't follow the constitutional procedure of holding up the impeachment.
But they don't care because it's a ruthless power grab like everything else these criminals do.
Supreme Court ruling knocks down Pelosi's impeachment demands.
The framers did not intend to impose additional limitations on the form of the Senate proceedings the Supreme Court stated in Nixon v. United States.
And they go through the fact that you cannot have the House telling the Senate what they can do.
And the Supreme Court ruled in that in a federal judge's impeachment.
And it goes through it.
Broke it all down.
I'm not going to read the whole article, but people need to see this.
You need to read this.
Very, very important.
It's on newswars.com and infowars.com.
If you just joined us, Roger Stone was in D.C.
as an InfoWars reporter reporting for us January 20th, 2017 when President Trump was being inaugurated.
And he said the word is they're spying on the president.
They're going to continue spying and they're going to basically try to lock us all up.
Roger had been in D.C.
the week before setting up what he called the 45 group.
And he was approached by high level folks and they said they're going to put you in prison one way or another or kill you if you keep doing this.
This is a friendly warning.
He said that on air on the 20th 21st.
Live feeds D.C.
And he said.
And then your boy is going to be removed via impeachment, and then they're going to get Pence and everybody else and put Pelosi in.
Well, Pelosi wasn't in then.
She'd just been removed as a speaker.
But she was back two years later.
That was 2018.
So they've been positioning all of this, and now here we are.
We said this 3 years ago, 2 years ago, 11 months ago.
The reports are all on Infowars.com.
There's the headline for the live feed today with all the links and articles.
Red alert, Deep State announces plans to remove Pence after Trump conviction in Stahl Pelosi.
2017 Infowars first broke the globalist plan to trigger an illegal impeachment
causing a constitutional crisis. But they would then demand the 25th Amendment be invoked.
And now Schiff's been on TV saying it. And they say, we're going to put Pelosi in,
who will then appoint Hillary as the vice president during the last months of the campaign.
She will then win being the elected president.
That's the plan they've got.
And Pelosi will then step down.
And they'll go, don't be against it.
It's our first woman president and our second woman president.
I've talked to people that have been there in the meetings with Hillary two years ago.
Where she's in control of the Democratic Party and the big law firm in D.C.
and all the people.
And they're running the whole plan.
And she's talking about shutting down the independent media, buying it off.
It's all right there.
How she wants the polling companies bought off like last time.
How she wants all the Democrats under her control.
She's directing the DNC.
She gets the money.
She's campaigning everywhere.
Because she's going to come in at a broker convention and or appointed by Pelosi.
They've got many tracks to where they want to go.
And they're trying to do it.
Doesn't mean they're going to succeed.
But it's criminal.
It's out of control.
It's unbelievable.
And it's incredibly riveting and interesting.
I mean, there's not a boring moment in my life when you got these people breathing down your neck.
A lot of folks go, well then you should stop, you should back off, that's dangerous.
Think about yourself.
I came looking for a fight, and I don't say that to act tough.
I came to change things, just like you did.
That's why you came to the show.
And if we're going to go up against criminals, we want to clean the country out, clean the town out.
I mean, we're going to have to go out there at high noon, and I mean this metaphorically, just like I did with Mueller, and we're going to have to confront them in the town square, with the spaghetti western music on in the background.
And they're gonna come.
And you know the process of patriots being destroyed is what always brings them down.
Mahatma Gandhi letting men beat him in the head with clubs.
They're trying to march to the ocean and collect salt because the British government said you have to buy salt from us.
He did what an army couldn't do by letting them split his head open.
So you ever see me get my head split open or you see me in prison or dead, they're gonna say, oh, look at that loser.
They're gonna put, I'm a bad guy.
I hope everybody, no, no, I'm a winner.
And I can do a lot more letting them kill me than I can do with a gun.
And so I'm so violent.
I'm so aggressive that I'm willing to use the judo move and be destroyed myself in the process.
But you've got to know that that's a win.
You know how strong it is when you're a fighter to let somebody punch you right in the face?
Let somebody spit on you?
But you're winning when you do it.
Now there's times when they're all coming for you and your family and you're cornered, you fight like hell then.
But when it's at the right time, no one to hold him, no one to fold him, no one to walk away, no one to run, that's when there's time to turn the other cheek.
There's other times to kick the money changers tables over and beat them with whips.
You gotta know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to run.
And you gotta know when to swing for the fences.
You gotta know when to go for the jugular.
You gotta know when to turn the berserker on, turn on the juice, and then turn on the power.
Let's go back to Carlos.
You wanted to get into Hillary.
You can see the prime positioning, and it's quite a bold, chutzpah-filled move, isn't it?
You said so much of what I was going to say, but I will simply say that Lynne Rothschild told her that she would make sure she would be president.
And so what chance does poor President Trump have?
No, let me tell you something.
My father once told me that evil is not intelligent.
So always be on the side of intelligence, because if you do that, you will probably see evil for what it is.
Now, having said that, President Trump is being handed by the intellect of the universe the card to play.
The Russians interfere with the election.
Anyone could interfere with the election.
Anybody can hack the election.
Anyone can give a driver's license to immigrants or illegals to vote.
Millions can be produced out of thin air.
The dead can vote three, four, five times.
The President of the United States has a crisis coming up.
Hillary Clinton and the impeachment process have just determined what will happen.
And I will tell you, if he is outvoted by her candidacy, if she declares and she wins the popular vote by 15 million, 20 million, 30 million votes, he will not be able to say, well, just I got the Electoral College again.
He will have been impeached.
That will be the number one card she'll play throughout.
You've been impeached like my husband.
You were impeached.
She's not too intelligent.
The President can now make sure that the elections are not tampered with by the Russians, or the Chinese, or the Democrats, or anybody.
Make sure that veterans... Good point, good point.
Well, you can read Nancy Pelosi's letter to President Trump.
Pelosi invites Trump to preside over the State of the Union Address.
She tried to say last year she had to invite him, or maybe she wouldn't allow him to come.
It's all about training you so they can act like dictators.
Get ready for the fireworks, and we'll be covering it coming up on Tuesday, December 4th.
A lot of new stories up on InfoWars.com.
Big report.
Rowling came out and said, no, women are the only thing that can have babies.
A man can say he's a woman and dress up like one and that's fine and wonderful, she said, but you can't have a baby.
It's like saying pigs can't fly.
And the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus aren't real.
Well, she's losing her book deals, everything.
She's been cancelled.
She helped start cancelled culture, but now she's being attacked by the Maoist mob.
Again, Belgian soldiers Now too tall to fit in military vehicles.
The 34 million safety upgrade.
Oh my goodness, the globalists and their regulations are just sabotaging the West.
ABC announces two hour long Epstein special set for January 2020 after suppressing it for four years.
That's just some of the news.
Let's go back to your calls quickly here in the time we have in the shorter segment.
Let's talk to Lewis in Wyoming.
Lewis, thanks for holding her on the air.
Alex, my cupcake, how the hell are you?
I'm doing good.
You know, if you're watching us on TV, we have a polar bear in studio with us, the last one on Earth.
Because of global warming, there's only one left and, you know, it can't swim either.
They say there's no polar bears, they can't swim, even though they hunt whales and their population's up five-fold.
But facts don't matter, because Snope says they're actually all dying.
It's not true, it's a total lie, but that's just the way it is.
So we have a polar bear in studio.
Are you listening or watching?
I was watching.
I normally like to watch, but I'm actually listening.
I'm on my cordless phone.
Well, you can't see this polar bear.
It's the last one on Earth.
I'll watch it on the rebroadcast.
I'm sure it's very Christmassy.
So what do you think is coming next with the whole impeachment hoax?
Because it is a hoax now.
They're saying they may never send it to the Senate.
They may wait and pass more articles and have it be an ongoing continual spectacle for months to come.
First off, I just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas, Alex.
From my family to you and yours and the InfoWars crew, Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas to you.
You've committed incredible... Did you hear that Gorsuch said that on Fox and they're calling it a hate crime?
He said Christmas.
Can you imagine in a free country?
I'm not surprised.
I mean, the Democrats are criminal.
And I've been thinking about this a long time.
I know Trump has them terrified.
They're absolutely terrified.
When he goes after them looking at a Hunter Biden and all the actual crimes, they head him off the pass with this contrived impeachment fiasco.
And so what they're trying to do is tie him up with that nonsense.
But then, even if the Senate doesn't confirm this, and he gets tossed out, they're going to say, you know,
Hillary could enter the race or anyone else and he can investigate their crimes and go for prosecution.
And they're going to say, well, no, you can't prosecute us because we're political rivals and
this is retaliation for the impeachment.
See, we impeached you, which they didn't.
It would fail in the Senate.
But even if it does fail, they're going to say, well, this is retaliation, this is the reason why you're prosecuting us, etc.
This is their strategy.
And it's really hypocritical because they say no one is above the law except Democrats.
Oh yeah, whatever they do, Lewis, whatever they do, it's the inverse.
Thank you for holding great points.
Let's talk to that guy for an hour.
We've got to move to the next person.
But speaking of Gorsuch, I never got this a few days ago.
There was a national conniption fit By major writers for Playboy, you name it, MSNBC, all these tweets saying, oh my god, that was a real dog whistle to racism, you know, and Christianity, as if those are bad things, as if Christianity is a bad thing, when he said Merry Christmas.
That viewer and listener discretion advised, we may get a FCC fine for this, but here it is.
Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, good morning to you.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas, I love that you say that.
What an honor.
Wow, can you believe the boldness of that?
The ability to be free is 2 plus 2 equals 4.
The ability to be free, I guess, is to be able to say Merry Christmas and the left flipped out.
And they say Christmas cards are bad and everything else.
These people are sick cult members.
All right, let's go to another caller.
Let's go to Daniel in New York and Chase.
Daniel, welcome.
Merry Christmas, my brother Alex.
Thank you so much for taking my call, man.
You just got us another FCC fine right there, buddy.
I did.
I'll be honest, right?
Merry Christmas.
What about Happy New Year?
I guess that'll be next.
Well, I mean, it's whatever the cult leaders say words were allowed to use, so you need to... Again, major colleges are going after people that use the word mother and father.
Please continue.
Bone broth.
DNA for super male vitality.
Ultra 12 silver bullets.
Silver immune gargle spray.
Michael ZX plus turbo force.
Gut fusion.
Knock out super blue toothpaste.
Now the super silver whitening toothpaste.
Silver wound gel and body is one more.
Two more.
Nathan, iodine and krill oil.
That's me, baby.
I'm your pack.
I'm your super pack.
And Alex, I'm 50 5 0.
My wife is 53.
She's from Columbia.
She's also a D.A.
agent here on Long Island.
We had our She's awesome.
Princess Leia, we love you to death, man, and you are just the best.
I owe you a big fat steak dinner someday, and I guarantee you.
Well, brother, we love you and we appreciate you.
We got the biggest sales of Christmas going.
The 12 days of Christmas, they're all in effect right now.
60% off across the board.
Some things are even higher.
Free shipping, double Patriot points.
So please do your Christmas shopping with us.
If you order by this afternoon, all orders are guaranteed before Christmas in all 50 states.
So thank you so much, folks.
Do your Christmas shopping with us.
Beat the crowds.
Last few days to get the Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself t-shirt as well.
Limited edition.
What do you make of the whole situation with the impeachment and where it's going?
The twilight zone, man.
It's just what you've always said.
You know, it's the twilight zone.
And I don't understand.
My wife doesn't.
We just can't understand why.
You and mechanic and Roger, who my wife would bump into down in Chelsea market in New York, by the way, pretty funny.
But everything you guys say comes true.
But yet the Sleepy administration?
Why aren't they listening, man?
And President Trump, you are listening.
We love you to death, but let's go!
Let's fight!
Alex, you're fighting.
Man, I can't tell you how much we love you, but that's really my question.
Is he listening?
Do you guys, you know, get this information to him?
And I hope you do.
God love you, Alex.
You're just the best, and your crew is awesome.
No, you're the best, Daniel.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Say hi to your wife for me.
How's she doing?
Is she trying to stop fentanyl coming in?
I bet she's busy on that.
Listen, no, it's all MS-13, it's Central Islip.
I would love to call back with what she tells me.
I don't know if I'm supposed to say that, but it is madness, man.
And she just, she came home yesterday.
Well, you're up in New York, you've had a bunch of little kids kidnapped and sacrificed to the devil up there by MS-13.
Listen, man, they're doing that.
Natalie, she was telling me the lines, the lines at the DMV.
I said, honey, why aren't they just rounding them up?
I don't get it Alex, I really don't get it and it's maddening.
I'm frustrated.
Well, the globalists are trying to break the country.
If you don't have borders, you don't have sovereignty, if you let the CHICOM government ship in enough fentanyl to kill the country a hundred times, I mean, you're under attack.
We're under chemical attack by the CHICOMs that own Hollywood, that are attacking America, period.
We have a president that recognizes it and we are going to come back and we are going to win because the sleeping giant that is America is awake and it's passing!
And we're coming for the globalists!
We're coming for Hollywood!
And we're coming for the Chi-Coms!
Ben Burquam took action.
Video is on Infowars.com.
Should share it to trigger others to do it.
This is a information war.
Must watch InfoWarrior.
Makes citizens arrest on Adam Schiff.
And again, every day things like this are happening all over the country.
Not just Owen Schroer, a week and a half ago, standing up and pointing out the treason of the fake impeachment process.
And now you see how truly fake it is.
And Supreme Court ruling saying it's not a real impeachment if you don't pass it on to the Senate.
Now they're saying, well we may just create More impeachment articles and just hold them in the House and just have an ongoing witch hunt with all these rigged events trying to convince America that Trump's guilty.
Well, who's going to hold them accountable?
The voters?
In 318 days?
With all the election fraud?
They're going for broke.
The sky's the limit.
This is criminal activity.
We need to develop a plan for criminal prosecution.
They indict a few of these deep staters, they'll all turn state evidence against this cabal, this rogue government.
It's gotta happen now.
The deep state must be smashed, or America's going down.
Trump's gonna rise, America's gonna rise, or we're gonna fall.
It's simple.
We're not in a normal climate here.
You can't just put up with the corruption.
Now, pro-Trump activist, frequent InfoWars guest, Ben Burquam, captured epic footage As he confronted Democrat Congressman Adam Schiff, asking him what he'll do when he's brought up for treason.
And sort of reading him his Miranda rights, which is a great way to illustrate the criminal activity.
Here it is.
When this fails to impact the president like you guys expect it to, what are the Democrats going to do next?
I'm sorry, I don't have time for your interview today, but thank you anyway.
When you're brought up for treason, what is your response going to be then?
Thank you.
Sir, you're going to hear these words later, but you might as well hear them now.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of laws.
You have a right to an attorney.
You cannot afford an attorney.
You will be provided with one.
Do you understand these rights?
I've cited them to you.
Adam Schiff, everybody.
Guys, the Democrats are committing treason.
I won't get in the way of you doing your job.
God bless you.
Thank you for your service.
This is the shame.
He doesn't have time for my questions.
But right now, what we have going on in our country is an attack on our sovereignty.
And it's time that all Americans stand up against it.
Ben did a perfect job.
Find more of his information on the links on InfoWars.com in the article.
Calmly focused delivering.
That's an A+.
That's a 100.
I couldn't do it that good.
Owen, a 100.
And just showing he's a little nobody.
You can talk to him.
You can go to Congress and find where he is.
You can go to airports and speak to him.
He supposedly works for you.
And then just let the world see what other people are doing.
It causes a chain reaction.
It's beyond critical.
And we salute Ben Burkow for what he did.
We want him back on the show.
By the way, we're going to get Dr. Steve Pachinick back on in the next few days.
Just look for that and so much more.
We're really excited about some of the guests we're going to have on with us live next week as well.
We're doing a special live show tomorrow at 2 p.m.
We ended up doing a tape show last weekend on Saturday, but it will be live tomorrow.
I'm making sure we've got the crew here.
So, look forward to that.
We've got a lot of news.
It'll break from now and then.
So, War Room coming up today as well.
Band out video.
Okay, let's move fast now because, again, we have 20 phone lines, so that's why everybody has to hold.
I appreciate everybody holding.
Let's go to John in Kentucky, then Chase.
John in Kentucky, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First time caller.
Regarding the impeachment.
I've got a lot to spit out here, and here's the deal.
We have a total fraud, at least a double fraud, that's been perpetrated upon the American people.
And what is the basis for their alleged impeachment?
It's that Trump was meddling with our election by bringing in foreigners.
Is that correct?
Yes, sir.
And then it's the Democrats are the ones that are doing it in the open with giant lines of illegal aliens who don't even have to pass driver's tests from California to New York in front of everyone.
In fact, roll the footage for TV viewers of this week of the lines of thousands of illegal aliens literally being worshipped as God.
Go ahead, sir.
Okay, can I go?
No, I'm saying I agree with you.
You're right.
The foreign meddling is the Democrats.
They are the globalists.
Go ahead.
That's only the first element.
The second one is Millie Weaver's expose.
Last week or so, when she had the little 34-minute section where she's wearing a purple dress or dark blue dress, where we have Carrier IQ and Seidel, foreign agents, foreigners, counting the vote.
Through those electronic machines.
Now, let's back up a second here.
We also have three due process of law violations or U.S.
Supreme Court cases that'll back up that this was a violation of due process of law.
The first one is Hurtado v. California, and this is under Article 6, Clause 2.
The U.S.
Supreme Court cases are the supreme law of the land.
So we don't need to go to the Supreme Court.
They've already decided this.
Not this particular one, but it's been decided in the past.
Hurtado v. California is 110 U.S.
516, and it starts on page 535.
And then we have Truax v. Corrigan, 257 U.S.
on page 535. And then we have Truax versus Corrigan, $257, US $312, 1921 case. And then
we have Connelly versus General Construction Company, which is $269, US $385.
385, 1926 case.
And so, if you'll give me the time to read these, the quotes out of it, the pertinent sections, I'll do that now.
But before we even get into that, we have an election that was done in 2018.
This election in 2018, we didn't know for sure that it was a ripoff.
Now with Millennial Millie's expose, Millie Weaver, that 34-minute document that she put out, and with the trap doors that are in Seidel and in Carrier IQ, where the vote can be rigged dozens of different times, dozens of ways.
Then the people that are sitting up there in the Congress right now that are Democrats are imposters.
They're fakes.
So that's fraud number one.
And then there's another case here called U.S.
versus Throckmorton.
That's 98 U.S.
Hey, listen, John, you're bringing up a lot of really great stuff.
You've been on about three and a half minutes.
I've got to get to everybody else because there's a lot of folks who want to get on.
But listen, we know about court cases.
They're important.
The Democrats are a criminal group.
They're completely out of control.
All of what they're doing is illegal.
It's all confirmed.
Supreme Court cases, you name it, you're dead right.
They engage in total election fraud in all the cities they control.
We're in a crisis.
I appreciate your call.
And if you want to shoot a video and send it to us, we'll probably play it or something.
We need to get articles out, I agree with you, showing all those pieces of evidence.
And we need people to email it to the White House.
We need people to hand it to President Trump.
You don't know how scared the globalists are of people giving Trump stuff.
Because he really cares about the average people and he goes and looks it up.
He's obsessed with magazines and articles and notes people give him and he just has boxes of it and when he's on the airplane he just reads it all voraciously because he doesn't want information control keeping him from getting information.
That's why so many times they've said, my God, they take what Jones says word for word and put it in speeches, which has been confirmed.
Because they go and check what I'm saying and they research it and they put it out because it's true.
So yes sir.
I will go to these calls before Mike Adam takes over.
George, Dave, Stewart, Dennis, Chase, Mark, Alkiller, Aaron.
And not necessarily in those order, but I'll get to everybody.
Chase is up next, then Aaron, Alkiller, everybody.
We're going to calls from Canada, from Texas, from Florida, from California, from Wisconsin, from New Jersey, from Kentucky, and so many others.
Please stay with us and please keep spreading the word.
It is the essence of victory.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Times are tough.
A lot of really evil corruption is coming out and we're having to face it.
But that's a positive thing.
We, together, have forced the new world order system out in the open.
They're having to openly defend world government.
They're having to openly defend the post-human world.
They're having to openly defend their sacrament of pedophilia.
And the whole world is turning against them.
We have forced their system out in the open.
They were always so arrogant and thought they'd just incrementally put it into place and people would forget the past and accept the tyranny.
But it's not happening.
All over the world, by every metric, they're losing, we're winning.
And yes, we were far down the rat hole and we're still in a lot of trouble.
But once we have the initiative, and once we wake up, and once we get engaged, incredible things can happen.
And your word of mouth, your action spreading our articles and our videos, and your financial support getting great products, InfoWarsTour.com, is the most important place in the world, other than your heart and your relationship with Christ, that you can change things.
InfoWars, temporarily.
When it comes to having the biggest effect, I can't believe it, but it's true, is really the tip of the spear.
So the 12 days of Christmas is here.
The 12th day is here.
The last day we can guarantee shipping to anywhere in the United States, including Hawaii, Alaska, before Christmas.
Most places in the country you can, you know, order on Monday and still get it, you know, the next day.
Half the country's the next day, whether it's USPS or the Priority Mail.
But just get your orders in.
Don't fight the crowds.
Great products.
You hear the listeners talk about them.
Huge sales going right now.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
A lot of new limited edition apparel as well.
That helps spread the word, which again is critical.
Okay, let's go back to the calls.
I'm going to try to go quickly here.
Chase in California, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
Merry Christmas.
Let's go over a list here.
NSA spying, Bundy Ranch, Internet of Things, Jeffrey Epstein, Deep State Coup, Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, deadly viruses and vaccines.
Everybody, support InfoWars.
They've been trying to give us the information for years in the front lines.
Now, Alex, I'm over here deep behind enemy lines in crazy California, but thankfully I live in central California in a bubble of sanity of sorts.
Congressman Nunes is in my district, right?
Well, Friday night I attended an event hosted by Congressman Nunes where he laid out the case of Spygate.
There was about a few hundred people there and I live-streamed the thing.
And here's the thing.
Congressman Schiff is releasing Nunes' phone records in this recent committee hearing.
That was a direct shot at one of President Trump's biggest supporters, a direct abuse of the FISA Court.
Oh, it's massive harassment.
And again, because they're not getting in trouble, they're getting more criminal in front of everyone.
Exactly right.
When you have the ranking member exposing the ranking, or the chairman exposing the ranking member's phone numbers in a hearing like that, I'm telling you, what we just saw from Ben there, He is on to something, because if Congressman Nunes goes on the attack himself, and if President Trump, because they need to expose these deep state actors.
Day by day, they continue to abuse the Constitution, abuse American sovereignty, and it's up to us, Americans, to do something about it.
And all we can do is sound the alarm.
Well, you heard what I got into with the New York Times.
They're reporting how they bought a database of 12 million people and tracked them in live time.
Because they have pings, you know, where those are.
It's beyond the database.
That's what they're all doing.
And it's big tech working with the deep state.
The Democrats are the globalists.
They're working with big tech to overthrow the country.
And so this is beyond just antitrust.
It's beyond censorship.
It's organized criminal racketeering.
What would you do with the mafia?
Was getting private phone records to harass people.
It didn't show any corruption.
What would you do if the mafia was spying on the media?
You know, the controlled media spies on the real media.
They fear the people.
They fear independent media.
And you're absolutely right.
Chase the Patriot.
Tell folks about your YouTube channel.
It's excellent.
Hey, thanks so much.
Yes, I go live every night on YouTube at 10 o'clock Pacific Time.
I also started my own website, ChaseThePatriot.com, and I'm on Twitter as well, ChaseThePatriot.
And I go every night with a detailed episode about an hour long.
I take live calls from a bunch of info warriors.
And again, Alex, I'm just trying to do my part to get my message out there.
We love you.
We love you.
We love having you on, Chase.
Thank you.
Okay, Owl Killer in New Jersey.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, hey, I just want to say it's great to be back once again, and I've never gotten to do this, but I'm going to give you a shout out for your products because they are phenomenal.
By the way, you haven't called in years, your active duty Navy.
When was the last time you called?
It was a few years ago, right?
I called in October.
October, right before I went back, and now I'm back on leave for the first time.
Okay, so I'd forgotten you called a few months ago, but okay, go ahead.
So, that's Super Blue Fluoride-free toothpaste, and that's Super Blue Whitening toothpaste.
Is on another level.
I use the one I use the super blue in the morning and then the whitening at night and it absorbs into your gums.
It is by far the best product that I've ever used in my life.
I literally just took turbo force on my way to the gym right now.
I've had four shoulder surgeries and a back surgery and that body has made me feel better than any any type of physical therapy or anything that I've ever done in my life.
So I just want to get that out of the way.
Support this man.
You heard what Chase said.
Everything that he exposed.
Nobody knew about Bohemian Grove.
Nobody knew about Epstein.
Nobody knew about Bilderberg.
Nobody called 9-11 before it happened in July 2001.
Go look it up yourself.
Well, we try our best, sir.
They definitely want us off the air.
Without you, we're not here.
But yeah, these are all great products, so thank you, sir.
What's your view on the impeachment situation?
So, in my home state of New Jersey, I just bought land in Athens.
That's where I'll be retiring to.
So, Jeff Van Drew, the congressman from New Jersey that had the guts to vote against the impeachment and just switch over to the Republican Party, I'm going to his office next week and I'm going to shake that man's hand.
That's what we need to do.
When they're right, when people make the right decision, We have to let them know that we know what they're doing, we're watching what they're doing, and we also have to back them up and give them that encouragement to make the right decision.
I totally agree.
You know, Van Drew was such a well-spoken person that he won a Republican district as a Democrat.
He said, listen, my constituents don't like this.
Trump said nothing wrong.
This is an attack on due process.
I'm fully pledging undying support for the president.
And that's what we need is to break the trance of groveling to the system.
Everybody hates the system in reality.
So kissing the system's ass is over.
Hollywood, the DC elite, they're done.
and they're trying to put on this big act right now, but Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Pelosi and Nadler
and all of them doddering around, little satanic gremlins, they are indicative.
Biden could hardly talk the other night.
He barely talked and said that Winston Churchill was the oldest US president.
These people are a joke, but they've been in power and it's all coming down.
I have a story about the former VP that we could talk about offline.
But anyway, going back to what I was saying about, same thing goes for people like Lindsey Graham.
The guy was a demon prior to his buddy dying.
When he's making the right decisions, when he's defending Trump, we need to let him know, hey.
And it goes for everybody in Congress.
We need to let him know.
You just hit the key there.
Listen, most of these people are followers.
And some of them would like to do the right thing, they've just been slaves.
We're at the tipping point where if we support people and they finally show a spine, others will do it and we win.
God bless you, great point.
We need to do it now.
You're absolutely right.
And forgive people like Christ did on the cross.
One guy didn't want to believe he could be saved, but the other person did.
Because their heart was right.
And it's never too late, folks, if you really mean it.
Okay, let's go to Aaron in Kentucky.
You're on the air, thanks for holding.
Alex, thank you so much for taking my call.
I've been listening to you since about 2006 when I first woke up and you kind of shook me and helped me to stay awake.
And I think that that same passion that you exude every single day on the air when you talk about how much you love life, how much you love Christ, how much you love liberty and your listeners and the people of America and people around the world, that same kind of passion is what the Democrats are trying to destroy right now.
Because real men standing up and doing manly things like facing evil and facing adversity is the exact thing that they can't have.
If we have an army of info warriors, an army of patriots, men that are dedicated to the Lord Jesus Christ, men who are fighting for values, who are standing up to protect women and true femininity and true masculinity, they can't stop that force.
So if we don't stand up now, and if we don't fight with that same kind of passion, then we're going to lose. You see things like that
Christianity Today piece that they wrote saying that Trump has to be dismissed from office. But
those folks are who give the evangelowuses the impetus to not fight in that situation.
They cannot come out here.
I love it. The evangelowuses, which a lot of great people are evangelicals at the grassroots,
the best people.
But the leadership, Christianity Today, Billy Graham's son supports Trump.
Christianity Today is not run by them.
These are globalists saying Trump's bad.
That is devilish.
You judge a tree by the fruits.
Trump's going after abortion.
Trump's standing up to the pedophiles.
Trump's defending Christians' rights.
And they're attacking it.
Christianity Today is a den of devils.
By their works, you shall know them!
And why is it that the Democrats can abort millions of babies, that they can say that there are over a hundred genders, that they can say that men are able to have babies now, but Christianity today is silent.
They don't say a word about it.
But because Orange Man Bad, he say something hurt my feelings, they write an editorial.
Stay there.
I want to come back to you briefly.
Here's why.
Trump's not a hypocrite.
He's never ran around in Bible thumps.
He's not going to do it now, but he believes in God.
He's standing up for freedom.
He's not a hypocrite.
God's using him.
He's real.
Christianity today is the type of people Christ would have beaten in the temple.
We are back live doing two more segments and Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com takes over.
Aaron in Kentucky.
I never did any of this formulaically.
I just believed in freedom and thought if we raised the alarm, people would say no to a horrible, evil, anti-human system.
And it's starting to happen all over the world because of Infowars and Drudge Report and so many other groups that have fought over the years.
People can criticize Drudge for having some negative Trump covers.
I think he did it to wake people up.
But he did good work in the past, undoubtedly, so that's why I give credit there.
But it's really the grassroots doing that.
But it really was places like Infowars and Drudge early on that were supporting Trump.
And, you know, Infowars has been somewhat hung out to dry with the deep state attacks we've gone through by Trump.
But Trump's surrounded.
He can't even get stuff done.
He can't even fire Clapper because they won't follow his orders.
I mean, he should fire a bunch of people.
He should indict people.
But he's still getting a lot done, so we're thankful.
That said, it is the energy of the show, that we're not like NPR trying to put you in a trance, that was effective.
Somehow, it's grating, it's obnoxious, but it's a wake-up call, like an alarm.
I don't think Paul Revere, riding through the night, saying, arms to arms, the Redcoats are coming, oneth by land, hooth by sea, probably sounded like a Christmas carol.
It sounded abrasive to get your ass out of bed.
And so, yes, that's where we are.
You're making some good points.
Anything else?
Yeah, you know, what I see, of course, you have to sound the clarion call.
We all have a responsibility to speak up for the truth.
And what people get so afraid of, especially in this culture that we have now, is the refusal to offend someone or hurt somebody's feelings.
Now, I'm not saying go out there and make fun of somebody.
Sure, but once they do that, they're breaking people's will and breaking the idea of communication, period, and turning us into a bunch of cult members.
Exactly, because we become too afraid of what somebody else is going to think about us than we are about actually speaking the truth.
And if we look at the model of Jesus, He did not have any fear about what anybody said about Him.
Of course, He was God.
And Christ was an example, and again I'm not saying hurt anybody at Christianity Today, I wish no harm against them, but they're a fake church, a fake group, attacking, standing up.
The Pharisees were always, oh that person didn't do this perfectly or didn't pray perfectly right.
But they didn't care about all these other evils going on.
And so Christ went in and beat the money changers with a whip.
And that's what Christianity today is.
Saying Trump's a devil, support the Democrats.
That is unbelievable evil.
And saying Trump should be removed from office.
That's a desperate group in the deep state.
Evangelicals are good people.
These aren't evangelicals.
These are globalists, World Council of Churches, CFR controllers.
And it's disgusting.
And it shows how desperate they are.
And it shows they're launching their main attack.
Thank you, Aaron.
All right, Mark in Wisconsin, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, hello Alex.
My name is Marco, first-time caller, former liberal, rehabilitated American.
Well, God bless you, brother.
What's on your mind?
I just wanted to say, dude, thank you very much, dude, for waking me up, dude, and bringing me into your family.
I met you through Joe Biggs in communist-occupied Milwaukee for the Sean Hannity taping when then-candidate Donald Trump, our future savior, you know, was running for president.
I'm calling mainly because, you know, I feel we're at a point, dude, where, you know, where I look at things around me.
I mean, where I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is going to be the home of the DNC headquarters and how, you know, Trump's doing well with the economy and how the Democrats are playing games, dude, by having fake homeless people sleeping under the viaduct, dude, here in Milwaukee to show Americans, dude, that Trump's economy isn't really working.
When I actually went into some of these encampments, dude, And these people, dude, are, you know, there for a week, dude, and then they switch, dude, and bring another family member over, or something like that, or a friend, or something like that, just to sit here and fight Trump, man.
And it's just really depressing.
And it's also depressing, you know, that all of this is going on.
I agree with your female— Hold on, don't hang up, Mark.
I'm gonna back in 60 seconds.
I want you to finish up, because— I don't blame people being Democrats before, because Republicans were so bad, and Democrats acted like they were anti-war and stuff.
Now it's so clear, and Trump's taken out the Republican establishment and the Democratic establishment.
He's not a conservative.
He's a populist wrecking ball, and he's just what we needed.
Stay with us.
We are back on December 20th, 2019.
And if you just joined us, Mark in Wisconsin.
He became a Trump supporter, I guess, during the election four years ago and he was, you know, saying, hey, I've, you know, converted over.
Well, but not to republicanism, to populism, common sense, old-fashioned, you know, blue-collar believing in America.
That's really what Trump's doing and it's scaring the hell out of the establishment and we need a referendum and a renaissance of the Democratic Party.
We need at least a two-party system in this country.
We don't even have that anymore.
We have the neocons and the hardcore leftists, globalists, and then you've got the Freedom Caucus that people are trying to gun down at baseball games.
So, that's what's happening.
And you were getting into how Trump needs to take action.
Trump go after Congress is what it says.
What's your view on that, Mark?
I mean, you know, we have one choice, and it's obvious, Alex.
And I just want to know, you know, who's out here willing to carry out this country's constitutional mission?
I mean, you know, Trump has done great things for this country.
Don't get me wrong.
The economy's been good.
You know, a lot of things, bringing back Americana.
But we don't need the businessman anymore.
We need the soldier.
We need the Eisenhower.
We need to fight her.
And Trump is starting to become a failure only because he's been too nice to these Democrats.
I would have just rolled these plotters up.
It just seems like most of the Republicans in my state, dude, are too overwhelmed, too
intensified to fight back.
If I were Trump, and I would sit there and say, impeachment be damned, calling for Rex
84, I'm locking down the country, I'm putting the military on the borders, I'm stopping
all travel, dude, for all these politicians, and I'm smoking these Democrats out with the
Marines and just taking control of this Democrat coup.
I wish Trump sometimes was a dictator.
Hell, the Democrats call him one every freaking day.
The media are criminals, and they're complicit with this treason, and I would have arrested them just like Lincoln did.
He arrested battlefield correspondent ballots.
Brother, I love that passion because you're not lying down, you're awake, and you're not just screaming and yelling and saying racist, racist, or mindless programming points.
You're saying eloquent focus points about what's happening and about action.
I don't want authoritarianism.
You're a former mainline liberal.
I bet you were anti-war.
So am I. Trump's trying to get us out of all these wars.
Rand Paul loves him for that.
Ron Paul, we need to come together and do common sense things and be America again.
And they are so scared of this president showing us how good he is.
And you're right, though.
His only failure is he's paralyzed by the lawyers and people in the White House telling him to take all this crap.
And it's dangerous.
God bless you, Mark.
Please call back again.
We're taking a lot more calls, folks, because this is the people's house.
This is your country under attack, not just mine.
And I told you I'm going to shake the show up.
We've been doing it.
I think the show's gotten even more powerful.
People say, well, there's warning lights flashing for Democrats as they impeach Trump.
Yeah, but that's because they're going to do even more and go for broke.
They don't care.
They're crazy.
We've got to move quick now to finish up for Mike Adams.
Stuart in Canada, thanks for holding her on the air.
Merry Christmas, Alex.
Yes, sir.
Back at you.
Hey, thanks for taking my call from the Justin Trudeau Post-National State U.N.
controlled Canada.
Yes, sir.
Big shout out to your products.
Love them.
We've got to figure out a way to get them up to Canada, get the shipping costs down because they're pretty extreme.
I've got some ideas, but my question to you is, What's going to happen if Hillary Clinton slithers her way into the White House and becomes president?
Because you know she's gunning for it.
You know what?
That's my next question for Mike Adams, who's about to take over.
And I'm not just kissing Mike's ass.
Mike is probably, when it comes to wide spectrum information understanding and piercing, cutting to the heart of what's coming, Mike Adams. He knows as much as I do maybe more. That's a
good thing. We need smart people, my God.
He's been predicting what's coming and I was already thinking tomorrow to come in and cover the latest
developments, commercial-free, two o'clock, and just cover
what's gonna happen if they pull this off.
Because it's not going to be like, oh, we're back in power.
They've said we're going after everyone.
Reign of terror.
Mike Adams has written huge articles at NaturalNews.com.
What happens if they remove Trump?
So the idiot neocons and others understand the Democrats are getting rid of everything.
They want one party rule.
They've said it.
So, yes, tomorrow, I will be here at 2.
We'll go live for at least 2 hours.
My mom's having a Christmas party with the kids at like 4.30, so I gotta leave at 4.
I'll do 2 hours commercial-free tomorrow, because history's happening, and I will break down from Mike Adams' article, my own analysis, what they're gonna do if they take over.
And again, Katie, bar the door if that happens.
It'll be a red terror, my friend.
Thanks, Alex.
Looking forward to it.
God bless you from Canada, brother.
Beautiful state.
Beautiful country.
Freudian slip.
Canada needs to be the 51st state.
The moon can be the 52nd.
Let's go ahead.
The Chi-Coms are declaring the moon theirs.
We better declare ours quickly.
Let's talk to Dennis in Rhode Island.
That's a cool state.
Dennis, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
How are you today?
I'm good, brother.
That's good.
Alex, it's a real treat being on your show.
I've been waiting to do this for one long time.
Well, I'm honored to talk to you, brother.
Getting to know just average good people is a real blessing.
Well, I'll tell ya, it's great to be out here.
But I'll tell ya, I got a hat on.
It's got an InfoWars sign on it.
I got a car that's got an InfoWars sticker on it.
And I'll tell ya, there's a lot of people that look around like I've got two heads or something because it's not a popular thing.
People out here don't like it when I wear a Trump hat.
People think I'm crazy when I do that because I'm up here.
It's a sad thing to be in the most patriotic section in the 1700s, and yet people hate Trump.
Well, that's right.
For people that don't know, other than Virginia, Per capita, Rhode Island was the largest, on average, group of volunteers in the fight.
Rhode Island was like a detonator in the Revolutionary War, and they're seeing that because you're a leader.
They're seeing it because they're scared.
A lot of them support Trump, too.
They just can't believe they're seeing a man who will wear his American colors.
When you fly InfoWars, or you fly the Trump colors, man, you're letting people know, I support freedom, and I'm not a coward.
Okay, I appreciate that.
No, it's true!
It's true!
I'll let you go.
Go ahead.
Okay, first one thing, first of all, a minister, okay, which is not the biggest thing in the world, I want to tell you that, and I'm going to tell you one other thing.
In the 12th Psalm, which is a very, very short Psalm, the last verse, which is in the eighth verse,
it says, "The wicked walk on every side "when the vilest men are exalted."
And at this particular time, we can see that the vilest men are exalted
and the wicked are walking on every side.
So that is certainly a fulfillment of Psalm number 12.
We can see that going on right now.
The other thing I'd like to say is, I worked 32 years for the swamp.
I had four years with the Coast Guard from 1971 to '75, 16 and I, a young guy.
And then I worked for another branch in the service and I did some...
I won't mention them because they're very close to where I live.
So take it from there.
If you do your geography, you'll know the branch that I worked for.
But at any rate, I would just like to say this as I leave you.
Many people ask me many times, "Do you listen to anything?"
Do you do anything?
Do you listen to good radio stations?
And I'll say, yes, I listen to InfoWars.
Alex Jones.
Have you heard of him?
Some people say yes, some people say no.
And I'll say, here, do you have some to write with?
I always carry a pen.
I always carry something to write with.
Alex, here's the thing.
You sell a million good things, and I've bought a lot of things.
Right now, on your, uh, yeah, whatever you want to call it, your site, OK?
A suggestion.
Whatever the amount, 250 cards, 100 cards, maybe 100 cards, put a good price on them,
come up with a black business card that says in white letters, InfoWard.com with your logo
and your name, and there's nothing better when you can hand someone a business card.
And thank you.
We did that years ago, and I've said it before.
We're going to put out business cards at cost for everybody, and we're going to throw free
ones just like we do bumper stickers in every order, and I will launch that.
I'm out of time.
Mike Adams is ready to go.
And, but he understands.
I got two more callers.
I promised to go to him.
So, we're going to break.
Each caller will get one minute, then Mike Adams takes over.
But I want to hear what he has to say.
Dave in Florida, get ready.
Start your engines.
And then George, we're coming right out of break.
I'm going to cut out dry.
No music.
I'm going right to them.
And then Mike Adams takes over at naturalnews.com.
Then there's the War Room.
Owen Schroeder taking over.
And I'll be back, like I said, on Saturday, 2 p.m.
And if big stuff breaks, you just go to M4's.
I'll be live up here at midnight.
Such a historic time.
And don't forget, only way we stay on air.
The 12 days of Christmas are all in effect right now.
60% off on things like Chill Force, Brain Force, Ultimate Turmeric Formulas.
Up to 50% off on apparel.
Storewide free shipping.
Please do your Christmas shopping.
You can also put in the note where you want the address sent so you can send packages to friends and family.
Do your shopping with us.
I want to thank you for keeping us on the air.
Stay with us.
All right, one of the callers hung up.
Alex Jones here back live.
Dave didn't.
I'm just committed to taking more calls, and we've been doing it and succeeding, and we're going to get even better at it.
Then Mike Adams takes over.
Dave in Florida, you're our last caller.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Happy Christmas.
You too, sir.
God bless you.
You too, man.
I got $5,500 in change worth of product I bought off you this year alone.
Thank you, sir.
Couldn't do it without you.
We're literally just nip and tuck here.
Yeah, you got some great stuff.
Great stuff.
Thank you.
I love it all.
Toothpaste is great, and anyway, I don't want to get into all that.
I don't have that much time.
Well, no, I mean, the recalcification, the remineralization alone of the tooth whitening worked on me, because I was getting, or I had thin enamel up here at the top, and my wife's like, your teeth look so much whiter, and what's going on?
I'm like, this is like the best stuff you could come up with, with like a top research firm.
This is really good toothpaste.
And again, Super Silver doesn't compete with the Super Blue.
It's two different formulas.
Go ahead, sorry.
I know, that's fine.
I love your toothpaste so much, I won't have to buy it for two years.
Thank you, sir.
Oh, no worries.
Thank you.
Your dad did a great job in that.
And I got enough of food to last me for three, and I just tried your DNA Force Plus, like, this month after I got off.
Yeah, we've been sold out of Living Defense for a while.
It's coming back in in January.
been sold out of Living Defense for a while, it's coming back in in January. How did Living
Defense work for you?
Living Defense, let me tell you this. Living Defense cleared out, for 10 years I had a
problem with my ear. I was overseas, over in China of all places, and I got back home
my ear popped, and for 10 years my ear had worms in it.
I couldn't get it out.
Antibiotics, the whole nine yards.
Doctors, nothing could happen.
Drainage was disgusting.
It was totally disgusting.
I tried living defense, cleared it right up.
Right up.
What do you think about impeachment?
Well, here's the problem.
I'm not an anti-Trumper, and I'm not a, like Gerald Celente says, a political atheist.
But I have a feeling, and I hope I'm wrong, that the guy's in on it.
I think he's in on the whole show.
Well, he's certainly putting up with it, and it's pissing me off.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
That's what I'm saying.
It seems, okay, the biggest problem I have with it is, you know, Stone is his best friend.
Jesus, like everybody said all today, you know, you know them by their fruits.
My best friend, Alex, I couldn't do that to him.
I couldn't keep him in the pen like that.
I'd get him out.
And he didn't do anything for the border for a long time.
You know, now he's starting to work on that, and he did a lot of things he did great, and I thank him for that.
And I don't think it's right to kill babies, and I think, you know, that's wrong.
But I think he's in on it.
And I think he's in on it.
Well, we're going to find out.
I know this.
Julian Assange, Trump said, released the WikiLeaks and he's leaving him in jail.
Stone hasn't been... That's what I'm saying.
Assange doesn't need that.
And you know, and that's why I think he's in on it.
What I'm saying is though, he has failed that test on Assange.
But on the case of Stone, Stone hasn't been...
Given a Senate shift that's coming in February, and that'll be the big test.
Thank you, sir.
Interesting points.
All right, Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com.
We'll all be listening intently here in the last 40 minutes of the broadcast.
He's always got a big plate full of things, and he'll obviously be able to comment, too, on what happens if they do remove Trump, because now it's not a theory that we first broke.
They want to remove him and put Pelosi in, who will then appoint Hillary as vice president.
It's all over the news.
These people are crazy.
Mike Adams.
Well, it's great to join you again, Alex.
Let me just start off by saying, InfoWars nailed this as you started off the show today, even years ago, warning of exactly the scenario we're seeing unfolding.
Of course, I covered it too, long ago.
We knew that there would be an effort to install Pelosi as president.
So that she could either maintain that office until the 2020 election and get Hillary elected or just install Hillary, too, by first naming her vice president.
Of course, normally that requires confirmation by the Senate, but the Senate, if they roll over on this impeachment thing, they'll roll over on anything.
So the Senate is controlled right now.
That's another aspect of this that I've got to bring in.
Part of the delay that Nancy Pelosi is perpetuating right now Is so that the NSA, the black hat operators inside the NSA, can continue to gather more blackmail dirt on GOP senators.
To threaten them, threaten their families, and threaten their business associates with being exposed, exposing their emails, their porn subscriptions, anything.
Embarrassing pictures, family members, all that.
They're all being threatened right now, and Nancy Pelosi is waiting to see if they can turn enough senators to get a conviction in the Senate.
That's one strategy of many that she is pursuing right now.
And by the way, let me take a little tangent from this.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is near death.
Remember, Ginsburg and her imminent death, and we never wish death upon anyone, but This is, this is biology at this point with her.
She's got stage 4 pancreatic cancer and she's already undergone chemotherapy, which itself is toxic and tends to accelerate fatalities.
You know, the number one side effect of cancer is more, of chemotherapy, excuse me, is more cancer.
And sadly, she has undergone that and also damages the brain, damages the kidneys and the heart and so on.
She is near death.
And so there is a sense of urgency to remove Trump from office before he has a chance to appoint another Supreme Court Justice or, alternatively, to tie him up under impeachment and then claim, well, you can't appoint a Supreme Court Justice when you're under impeachment.
That's nonsense.
Of course you can.
But they will argue that.
They will gaslight the country and they will try to prevent Trump from doing that if this situation should occur.
The other strategy is to then dictate the rules of the Senate to introduce new witnesses.
Now, you nailed this, I think, on your show yesterday, Alex, where they, the Democrats, are demanding to introduce new witnesses into the Senate hearings so they can introduce a January surprise, which will be maybe four or five women who claim to have been raped by President Trump.
Consistent with the whole whistleblower fiasco in the house, you won't be allowed to know who these women are.
It's going to be the first anonymous rape victim witnesses in a trial.
At least that's what they will attempt.
Will Mitch McConnell let them get away with that?
Gosh, we hope not.
We certainly hope not, but right now they're getting away with everything.
They're violating the rule of law.
They've thrown every system of due process out the window, and they are going to proceed until someone stops them.
They're going to keep gaslighting the whole country until they are stopped.
So don't be surprised if that's part of the strategy, to have witnesses that claim Trump raped them.
Okay, the next thing.
If they should succeed in removing Trump from office, And installing either Pelosi, who can barely keep her own teeth in her skull at any given moment and talks like she's possessed by demons or has lost her mind.
I mean, between Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, we are talking about a neuropsychiatric phenomenon that is horrifying.
These people have lost their minds.
They can barely talk.
They can barely think.
They can barely speak.
And yet, somehow, they are running our country?
They are telling us what is?
These people are gone.
And they're all on Alzheimer's drugs, by the way, which is actually making their symptoms worse.
But if Nancy Pelosi takes office, what she's going to unleash We'll be so devastating so horrifying to America.
I'll cover the details on the other side of this coming break here on InfoWars.
You had better get ready because my prediction not calling for it.
But my prediction is there will be blood in the streets of America because under a President Pelosi or President Clinton.
There will be death squads to hunt down Trump supporters, conservatives, Christians, and gun owners, and they will not stop until you are dead in ditches all across America.
That's what I'll be describing when we return here on the Alex Jones Show.
And we're back here on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for joining me, and Merry Christmas to all the listeners and all the great callers.
I was listening to many of the calls before I came on today.
Just amazing.
All of you InfoWarriors out there, I just have to give you thumbs up.
Thank you for standing up with your courage and for supporting this important infrastructure of truth and real journalism.
You know, look, if you go back to the last three years, And you actually were to assess which news organizations in America got the stories right and which organizations got them wrong.
InfoWars comes out on top.
I mean, Natural News, one of the most accurate news sources on the planet.
The Gateway Pundit, accurate.
Again and again, Breitbart, accurate.
Guess who's been lying and wasn't accurate?
New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, lying again and again and again.
Fabricating false evidence, fake witnesses, fake anonymous sources, fake leaks from the deep state.
I mean, it's a joke.
And yet, they're called the real news, and InfoWars is called fake news.
InfoWars has been absolutely correct.
Nearly 100% of the time, not exactly 100%, a few corrections here and there, because nobody's perfect, but as close to 100% as you can see, whereas the mainstream media maybe has had Perhaps, on the high end, 50% of those stories are correct and the other 50% are lies.
And they're deliberate lies, too, with the media.
With New York Times, Washington Post, they're deliberate lies.
It's not like those are accidents.
They do that on purpose.
Alright, getting to the topics I promised before the break.
So much to cover.
Here's what you need to understand.
So the Democrats have completely abandoned the rule of law in this impeachment process, which means that they no longer respect any rules of civil society.
Now, what are those rules?
I mean, number one is the rule that we engage in elections and then we respect the outcome of those elections, even if the person elected was not our person of choice.
So this election process, or what's called a representational democracy, this is a replacement for brutality and violence.
Before democracy, people decided who was in charge by just killing all the opponents, or killing the political leader, or just carrying out violent coups, mass shootings, and whoever ended up on top with the biggest guns, you know, and the most troops, well, they were in charge.
That's most of human history right there.
That's kings throughout Western Europe for centuries, and many countries today, you know, in Africa and Central and South America, in some cases even to this day.
But democracy and voting was supposed to replace that, to say, well, guess what?
Let's not just all kill each other.
Let's have systems, rules of law that we all agree to respect, so that we don't have to result in this violence and we can simply elect people.
The Democrats have abandoned that.
They've now said they disagree with the principle of elections, and by default, they want to revert to brutality and violence and lawlessness.
Now even though they are not uttering those exact words, when you hear Nancy Pelosi say that she is somber and she's acting with love in her heart to protect the Republic against the evil king, dictator Trump or whatever she says, and she can barely say those words by the way without slurring at all, what she's really saying is that she as a Democrat Now denies the existence of the rule of law, rejects the outcome of elections, and has decided to engage in brutality and violence in order to remove their political opponents so they can seize power and install an authoritarian regime, a form of despotism, to rule over the people and then commit violence against the people.
That's actually what she is saying.
Even though those aren't the words that she uses.
Because you either respect the rule of law or you have no rule of law whatsoever.
And they, the Democrats, they have no rule of law.
They're lawless tyrants.
They are vile creatures.
They are traitors.
Every last one of those 228 Democrats who voted for so-called impeachment in the House should be arrested and charged with treason today.
And frankly, William Barr should do that today.
He should declare the Democrats to be an illegal criminal coup.
Or engage in a criminal coup.
An illegal criminal mafia organization.
A clear and present danger to the sustainability of this constitutional republic and our system of laws.
If the Democrats will not respect those laws, then they should be placed in prison and face charges for the sedition and the treason that they have actively conspired to carry out against these United States of America.
And at some point, either William Barr is going to have to declare that, or perhaps the President might declare that, or the American people are going to have to defend their republic against domestic enemies such as Adam Schiff, Jared Nadler, And 228 Democrats in the House.
And quite a few traitors in the Senate as well.
I'll talk about that more in a minute.
Now I said all that to mention this.
If Pelosi were to gain power, the Oval Office, if they were to eliminate Trump and eliminate Pence, and they could do that by gaslighting, they could just say that they're out.
And they could say Pelosi is President.
What would stop them?
Seriously, I'm asking you.
What would stop them?
No one's stopped them so far.
A bunch of Republicans trying to be polite hasn't stopped them from violating the rule of law, shredding the Constitution, and impeaching, or nearly impeaching, the President with totally fabricated false evidence.
No one has stopped them so far.
What's to say tomorrow CNN just announces Trump is gone, Pence is gone, Pelosi is President?
Most of the country would believe that.
And if Fox News went along with it, and maybe the Washington Post, they would just gaslight the country.
And people will say, well, gosh, Pelosi must be president.
And they would just have maybe an armed rogue wing of the Pentagon go in with rifles and take Trump out.
I mean, physically remove him or perhaps assassinate him.
And then say, Pelosi's president.
If that were to happen, here's what's coming.
Here's what's coming for all of you.
There will be mass criminalization of all Trump supporters because it will be said that Trump was an illegal dictator.
And that those who supported him were part of treason against America that was thankfully stopped by the Democrat.
Thank God for Nancy Pelosi and her teeth.
She was able to stop America's coup by the evil dictator, President Trump.
You see how they project everything that they're doing?
Every crime the Democrats are committing, they project onto Trump.
And then they will say every gun owner in America who supported President Trump, and every Christian who supported him, and every voter who supported him, is a co-conspirator in this illegal coup attempt to overthrow the United States of America and take it away from the Democrats, who are the legitimate rulers over this country.
This is what they will argue.
Then they will use that To issue death squads and arrest squads nationwide.
They will run roadblocks, not just in Virginia, they will have roadblocks nationwide and they will profile vehicles looking for pro-Trump stickers.
Perhaps Infowars bumper stickers, any kind of conservative bumper stickers, gun bumper stickers.
If you have a bumper sticker like that, they will pull you out of your vehicle.
If you resist, they will put a bullet in your head and leave you in the ditch.
This is their ultimate goal.
This is what radical left-wing fascist regimes always do.
Sooner or later, the Democrats always end up wanting to just commit genocide.
They want to just mass murder everybody who's a political opponent.
That's the only way they can maintain power.
And they have to target gun owners.
They have to target Christians and Trump supporters.
So this is exactly what will happen.
Death squads will be unleashed nationwide.
They will attempt, although I don't think they'll be very successful, but they will attempt to go door-to-door, executing prominent Trump supporters, confiscating weapons from all private citizens, and spreading terror nationwide.
And in the meantime, anyone who resists them will be labeled a terrorist.
So get this, President Pelosi will have terrorism death squads going door to door.
If you resist it, you will be labeled a domestic terrorist and you may be shot or executed on sight because you will also be accused of engaging in, quote, hate crimes.
So this is what's coming to America if something doesn't stop this first.
William Barr could stop it.
President Trump could stop it.
And frankly, we the people can stop this as well.
Those scenarios of how we can stop this, that's what I'll discuss on the other side of this break.
You're watching InfoWars.com.
This is Mike Adams filling in for the rest of the fourth hour.
I'll be back with some solutions of what we can do to save this republic from the treasonous Democrat criminals, the vile, lawless creatures who are trying to destroy everything that we value.
I'll be right back after this break.
Proceed at your own risk, listening to the remainder of this segment.
This is Mike Adams here from Natural News, filling in for the rest of this hour on the InfoWars broadcast of the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to talk about solutions, because this is headed for a civil war, it's headed for kinetic conflict, and there will be blood in the streets, sadly.
We don't want to see that, but we know that the Democrats will push America to that.
In fact, it's part of their plan.
This is what they want.
And just to be clear, part of what they want to call for is United Nations occupation of America.
And in order to do that, they have to whip up all kinds of violence and bloodshed for the CNN cameras so they can say, look, President Trump has lost control or blame Trump for the violence to say, look, he's an out of control dictator.
Or he's tried to federalize the National Guard of Virginia, for example, proving he thinks he's a dictator.
And you're going to see, mark my words, Barack Obama will call for United Nations occupation and invasion of America, at which point it becomes a full-blown guerrilla warfare scenario.
I'm going to give you some solutions of what you can do to survive the next year.
It's going to be perhaps the most chaotic year in America's history since the Civil War.
And in many ways it may resemble the Civil War.
So here's what's important.
I've done a lot of studying of publicly available information, and it is my belief, based on that research, that the power grid will be taken down in many liberal cities once the Civil War gets underway.
Now, I certainly don't advocate that anyone engage in taking down the power grid.
That is the vulnerability of cities that will take down cities and it'll take down Google and and other treasonous institutions.
But the problem is many innocent people would die in that scenario as well.
This is not something I advocate, but I do believe it will happen by others who are acting On their own interests.
And as you know, the power grid is not defended nationwide.
It is relatively simple, unfortunately, to take out power generating stations and power substations, power distribution grids and so on.
What this means in a practical sense against once the Civil War gets underway, it means that.
Many areas of the country will not have a functioning power grid or it will be functioning in.
A very unreliable manner.
So this means you're going to have then total chaos in the cities because you're going to have the failure of food stamp transactions.
So there will be mass rioting and looting and arson because people who live in cities often like to burn down their own cities and no one's going to stop them.
By the way, the police aren't going to get involved in that.
Firefighters aren't going to have the manpower to do anything about it.
The cities will be engaged in total chaos at that point.
You want to be out of the city when that happens.
Half of survival is just not being there when bad things happen.
OK, that's number one.
Get out of Dodge before this happens.
The second thing you're going to need is obviously to be well prepared in terms of natural medicine,
basic first aid medicine, some plant-based antibiotics that might be effective against
infections and sterilization products such as povidone, iodine and so on.
Because it's actually infections that get more people killed in these collapse scenarios
than almost anything else, even than gunfire.
More people die from infections than from being shot.
So yeah, you should have your AR.
You should have your ghost gunner, pistol or multiple firearms.
Lots of ammo for your defense.
But you should also be able to defend yourself against infectious bacteria, because that's what tends to kill a lot of people in war zones, as has been, you know, witnessed all around the world.
The third thing that's crucial for this is you need to have a mindset that, frankly, most Americans are not yet ready to accept.
A mindset of understanding that you are being hunted.
You are being hunted by the Democrats.
They want to kill you.
You cannot negotiate with them.
You cannot appease them.
And there's no point in trying to be polite to them.
You cannot coexist with rabid hyenas and drooling zombie vampires that are trying to destroy everything, including their own babies, by the way.
I mean, they cut their babies apart for body parts.
These people are insane.
They're criminally insane.
They're violent.
Stop trying to think that you're going to reason with them.
You're not going to be able to do that.
If you don't get your mind right on this right now, they will come for you.
They will kill you.
They will take your supplies.
They will dump your body in a ditch or just set your house on fire and burn up your corpse along with whatever they left behind.
If you don't have the right mindset here, you will not survive this.
And I've You know, I've trained with a lot of people who are former military.
I've worked as a, you know, I own a pretty large company and hire and fire people.
I've dealt with, you know, many thousands of people over the years and I've seen what is mentally strong and what is mentally weak.
And I tend to find, by the way, that veterans are very mentally strong because they've seen what humanity is capable of.
Veterans have been in the sandbox, they've been there, they've seen What happens?
They've seen the exploitation of children to turn them into armed soldiers in Afghanistan, for example.
They've seen the human trafficking.
They've seen the desperation, what happens when you lose a power grid, when you lose all the benefits of modern society.
They've seen this firsthand.
I'm talking about the men and women that have served on the front lines.
They have a mindset of survival.
The ones that can handle it.
You know, a few soldiers can't handle it.
They get extreme PTSD.
They break.
Fortunately, that doesn't happen to most soldiers.
Most soldiers have the kind of mindset understanding the reality of what's coming.
And yet, the typical civilian working in America, working in a warehouse or a desk job or whatever, they don't have that mindset.
Now, firefighters are survivors.
Police officers that have been on the streets They've seen this too, and they're survivors.
And frankly, even truck drivers, because of the adversity that they deal with all the time.
They are survivors.
And they have to solve problems on the road, and they have to adapt to survive.
So there are people like truck drivers and firefighters and cops who are survivors out there.
But your average desk jockey worker in America?
does not have a survival mindset.
They have an appeasement mindset and they're living in an artificial reality where they think everything's going to function and people are going to be polite and they make the mistake of thinking that others will abide by the rule of law and treat them the way that they want to be treated themselves.
Your average cop has long ago abandoned such foolish faith in humanity.
Your average beat cop knows what humans are capable of.
And it's sickening.
I'm not even going to describe what the average street cop has seen out there with trafficking and children and rape and spouse abuse and all these things.
But you want to know about reality?
Go talk to a cop who's worked in a city like Detroit or Los Angeles or Houston, for that matter.
They will give you the real lowdown of what's coming.
If you don't adopt that mindset, you won't make it.
So you need to change your mind very quickly.
I don't know.
Go get some survival training.
Go take some rifle training.
Go do something that challenges you to break out of your mental box.
And I know many of you do.
And I know most of you listening to this are already way above and beyond the average American in terms of your awareness, your consciousness, and your commitment to surviving all of this.
You're going to need the mindset.
You're going to need gear.
Some gear.
You don't have to go overboard.
And you're going to need to be away from the chaos of the cities, which will likely be plunged into darkness.
From there, if you survive all that, you're going to have to survive guerrilla warfare from the occupying UN troops, who will enter through the southern border.
They will enter through the port of Los Angeles.
Governor Newsom has already done a deal with invading Chinese troops, according to my sources.
They're going to turn California into a beachhead of communist China.
Those of you in Eastern California and Northern California, you will be the front lines of a guerrilla war.
You'll have to start taking out communists, by the way.
You better be able to shoot them straight, because it may very well come to that.
There will be UN troops across America being activated in Colorado and Florida and other places, according to my sources.
I don't care if you believe me or not.
I've been right about everything so far.
Just as Alex said at the opening of the show today, we've been right.
We are the ones who nailed the accuracy of this.
Our sources are correct.
And my sources are telling me again and again from multiple sources, this is all about creating civil war conflicts so that the UN occupation and invasion of America can be justified and called for by Barack Obama.
That's what this is coming to.
And yes, you better have extra ammunition.
You better have night vision devices.
You better have your topo maps.
You better be able to navigate without GPS.
You better get ready.
You're going to have to fight for America's survival.
That's what this comes to.
That's the bottom line.
You want to live as a free person on the other side of this?
You're going to have to get some things done in order to achieve that.
Liberty is no longer free.
From this day forward, you're going to have to earn it.
And you better have the right mindset to be willing to do what it takes to earn that freedom because you are being targeted, your nation is under assault, and there are treasonous criminals who belong behind bars running things in Washington, D.C.
That's the truth, and you're only going to get it here at InfoWars.com.
Stay tuned for Owen Schroer next on The War Room.
Thanks for watching.
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There's a war on Christmas, there's a war on America, there's a war on our free speech, there's a war on the family's
very existence.
And all over the world, Christians are being persecuted.
But Hollywood and the corporate media promote it like it doesn't happen, or that it's something cute, it's something funny.
But it really is a sick.
And those very same forces that have it out for Christianity, have it out for Infowars, and have it out for you and your family.
But bottom line, when you spread the word about InfoWars, when you spread the word about the videos and the articles, you make these scumbags so damn angry.
Just like when you use the term Merry Christmas.
They absolutely hate that because they want to make you say Happy Holidays.
They want to make you talk like they want you to talk.
They want to make you their puppets.
Well, I'm not their puppet, and I know you're not their puppet.
And once we're awake, and once we're pissed off, and once we're not submitting to them, Once we start exercising our speech, we start winning.
And that's what's been happening.
That's why they've been censoring us.
But they can't stop you from getting the word out.
And if you fund InfoWars, there's really nothing they can do.
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So go check out the Patriot apparel.
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You're amazing.
I want to thank you all for putting up with me.
I want to just encourage you with this Christmas and the New Year coming up to redouble your efforts to exercise your free speech or lose it and don't let the authoritarians bully you into submission.
Whatever your speech is, whatever your ideas are, whatever your religion is or lack of, it doesn't matter.
You should exercise what you believe and what you stand for and not go with the corporate media or the universities or any of these institutions that are attacking your right to say what you want.
There are a lot of countries where you don't have free speech and people can move to those, but they don't want to.
They want to come here because America was known for freedom, but we're losing that freedom and we need to stand up for it now.
So again, we need funds to keep our organization on air.
We're not funded by Soros and billionaires and Globals.
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They're just like us.
So thank you for your support in the last few years.
And for some of you going back 25 years, we've come so far together.
Let's see how far we come together in the future.
Let's see how far we go, because we've already done some incredible things, but we're going to do even more amazing things.
There's a lot of talk out there in the world about, do this, you'll get results, or support us, and you're going to see amazing things happen.
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Infowars does deliver.
And that's why they're trying to destroy us, that's why they're trying to put me in prison, that's why they're trying to shut us down so we can't stay on air.
So when I tell you something, I've done research and I really believe it, and I'm almost always right, and you know that.
And you give us intel, and you're part of our eyes and ears, and I appreciate you, and we're in this together.
But listen.
There's a globalist system that's got to come down.
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Please do your Christmas shopping at InfoWareStore.com.
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