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Name: 20191204_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 4, 2019
2426 lines.

Alex Jones discusses election fraud, impeachment hearing, globalist agenda, space weather, genetic engineering, rise of communism/socialism, and urges listeners to vote on paper ballots, fight against tyranny, support InfoWarsStore.com, and defend themselves with firearms.

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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's Wednesday, December 4th, 2019.
It's Wednesday, December 4th, 2019. I'm your host Alex Jones and this is the transmission
that the globalists, the post-human exterminists are working around the clock to shut down
because we're putting out the reality of what's happening on this planet.
We're getting people all over the world to talk about and to look at who is actually in control and what their plan is.
We are living in a science fiction dystopic future.
The future is here.
The future is now.
The simulation is real.
And the globalists are trying to create an artificial simulation To suck us into it.
Now I thought long and hard this morning before I went live here about how I wanted to say this because it's very nuanced and if I don't say it just right it won't convey the thought I'm really trying to get out there that I think is important for all of us to have a discussion and a debate about.
And that's President Trump.
And what does President Trump symbolize?
What is President Trump's mission?
And what should we think President Trump's mission should be?
Because the attitude in the culture of laying down being spectators and not caring and not being involved, that's the spirit that wants Trump out of there.
The spirit that got Trump into office is one that's upset with tyranny, upset with corruption, and wants to upend the status quo, and wants to transfer power back to we, the people, and back to our elected constitutional government.
But there are large swaths of folks out there that say, oh, just trust Trump, everything's fine, everything's gonna turn out just great.
Well, we know from what's happening in the White House And from the information that's come out, that that is not the case, and that Trump is putting on a nice confidence act, and that's good, but that he's fighting for his life, and so is America, and so is the Liberty Movement, and that there isn't a full effort by us, being politically active, economically active, word-of-mouth active, and spiritually active, we're going to lose this golden opportunity to really shortcut around the New World Order, and not have to really go through the worst depths of it.
So I'm very thankful that we got Trump in.
But if he doesn't defeat the swamp, if we don't help him defeat the swamp to a great extent, all Trump getting into office does is summon and rally the enemy against us.
Not just here, but all the world.
And then Trump can actually become a rallying point for the forces of evil.
If we just trust in Trump and think that our job is done.
That is not the lackadaisical attitude that we need.
And I was really assessing the pros and cons of what President Trump has done in the last three years and a month in office with 334 days left to the election.
And I thought about his greatest accomplishments, but I also thought about his greatest failings.
And so I understand the psychology of he's under attack.
These impeachments are fake.
They've got the official hearings going right now.
Big fireworks today.
We'll be playing clips of that.
So there's a psychological tendency to just circle the wagons and fully get behind the president.
Well, you don't do that.
By not putting pressure on the President.
We know that the globalists have fought to keep him full wars off his desk.
Because when he gets the right information, as Roger Stone has said accurately, he'll make the right decision every time.
But if he isn't given the right information, some bad things can happen.
And so, we need to be very, very active.
And anybody telling you, trust the plan, as we one go, we all go, just that kind of attitude, that's the stuff that defeat is made of.
The stuff of victory is what InfoWars is made of and our awesome kick-ass audience of activists that are the tip of the spear.
So, big broadcast lined up today.
I'm going to tell you Trump's biggest failure and get into it with evidence when we come back.
Then look at the biggest positive things.
We'll talk about what we can do and then just so much more today.
Believe me, this is another broadcast you're not going to want to miss.
Thank you all for your support.
Whatever you do, be the Paul Revere.
Spread the word now.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide on this Wednesday, December 4th, 2019 transmission.
I am your host, Alex Jones, and I intend to open the phones up in the first hour.
And Gavin McGinnis is going to be joining us at the bottom of the next hour.
And I intend to get to part of the incredible testimony of Liberal Professor Jonathan Turley that just scientifically destroys all of the articles of impeachment.
Four of them they're writing up right now and considering.
This is extremely powerful.
And I've always respected Turley.
He's been on the show many years ago, quite a few times.
And so he's a person that's steadfast.
I'd put him in the same league as a Rand Paul.
So that is coming up today as well.
But again, the impeachment hearings, even though they're going to fail in the end, I predict in the Senate, are a success because they change the subject from the deep state's crimes and they suck all the oxygen out of the room and divert Trump onto defending himself.
And so they are certainly using the art of war there to distract from a great many things.
I'm going to open the phones up at the bottom of the hour for first-time callers to give me your take, your analysis on that subject and so many more.
Also, I wanted to look at the war on the West and why there is a war on the West by the corporatists and why they're so threatened by it and some illustrations of that we're going to be going over today as well.
But the first thing I want to do is issue my own gestalt, certainly not a full commentary,
on the good, the bad, and the ugly of President Trump with 334 days left
until the election that hangs over us like the sword of Damocles.
I'm very thankful for President Trump and I'm glad that we got him into office.
But we got President Trump, you got President Trump, into office by a giant political realignment repudiation of the globalist social engineers and everything they're doing.
The NFL and their woke culture has been rejected.
Viewership down almost 40%.
Hollywood profits down massively.
The people are saying no to the poison.
But still, they're injecting it into us, and it's taking a lot of psychological, cultural, and spiritual casualties from us.
Trump's been great breaking the back of political correctness and not bowing.
He's been great saying America's a good nation.
We should be proud of ourselves and we should believe in ourselves again and not be demoralized.
He got us out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership that Hillary Clinton helped write that transferred our power to a multinational secret tribunal beyond even the tyranny of the World Trade Organization.
He reactivated Our carbon industry that makes us a world leader in energy so that we can be self-sufficient and not under globalist control.
He's pointed out that we deserve to have a border and it's not a crime to have one.
He's gotten two Supreme Court justices appointed that are light years better than what Hillary Clinton would have done.
And Ruth Bader Ginsburg is hanging on by her fingernails.
And the list goes on and on.
We can all really rattle off the list how hard he's worked, how he's fought against
globalism and the purposeful economic warfare of having policies that are one-sided to move
our industry overseas where it doesn't benefit anybody but the globalists.
But when it comes to standing up for his supporters, and his supporters, and his supporters, and
And standing up for heroes like Julian Assange, President Trump is missing in action.
And when it comes to getting the Justice Department to indict the criminals, or to let the indictments that we know have been handed down, that's confirmed.
There's not thousands, there's not hundreds of thousands, all that made-up internet dribble, but there are reportedly at least 20 indictments handed down by grand juries in Virginia, Maryland, D.C., New York, and other areas of individuals in the FBI and other areas that engaged in the whole fake Russiagate attempt to overthrow the election.
And the president already has the inspector general report from the federal courts that came out two years ago that we premiered here and it got zero coverage when William Binney pointed it out.
That said that they were given fake information to issue fake warrants on President Trump and the courts discovered it and told the president.
So did the head of the NSA.
Rogers and others.
So, Trump knows all this.
You don't just think we knew he was being illegally spied on during the campaign or after and exactly who was doing it, and then Trump didn't know.
And then I told Trump in conversations, and he goes, yes, yes, very interesting, yes.
Not a big fan of Hillary and McCain, are you?
You know, little cryptic things like that.
He never really says anything as he knows it's all being recorded.
Can you imagine the enragement of the deep state?
Hundreds of them on the phone listening to us having conversations or almost daily conversations with Roger Stone.
So that caused that big giant conniption fit.
And the reason I'm covering that is Trump knows this is all going on.
And now we have the Inspector General of the Justice Department report coming out on the 9th.
It's been two weeks for six months, but now it's supposedly here.
It's coming out in the middle of next week.
And the word is, it absolves the FBI, but gives a public flogging of some of these little minion
FBI agents that were the underlings of Obama and Hillary and others following orders.
Because they have to, they have to protect the system.
And that Barr is going to protest it, but it's all Theater.
It's all kabuki.
And the swamp is absorbing Trump.
And if you'd like me to expand on that, look at how Silicon Valley is allowed
to basically pay zero taxes and to take the money offshore
and never spend a damn dime of it here.
Avoiding just the last year, a hundred billion in taxes, profits, Amazon, all of it too.
And Trump's now going to bat with billions and billions in sanctions against France on their wine, their cheese, everything.
Let the frogs get taxed when they tax everybody else.
But he's doing it for Silicon Valley.
Because Silicon Valley has had this digital tax brought forward against them that will raise billions of dollars.
So there's Trump, hanging out with Tim Cook, who's got the slave factories in China, hanging out with all the big tech heads that lie to Congress, and letting Zuckerberg do whatever he wants.
When America's being censored, America's being assaulted, we have AI going into place blocking everything we do up front.
And total election meddling and Republican ads being banned everywhere for members of Congress, the President, and he just sits there with Ivanka and Jared Kushner going to dinner with all the big Silicon Valley people.
And Trump is letting them do all of this and is presiding over The Chinese communist social score being brought in and China advising the UN on the standardization of the face scan and the cashless society which we're adopting and letting Apple be based in China and letting them give all the code keys to the Chinese government.
So Trump is presiding over the treason of the AI global takeover that will destroy America and every free society.
Trump is guilty of treason.
I didn't say that President Trump was guilty of treason to be a shock jock at the end of the last segment.
I said it because it's true.
But I'm going to say something right now.
I am guilty of treason.
You are guilty of treason.
Against God.
When we sit here and we accept evil and we accept corruption, and we don't fight against it, and we give in to it and we compromise with it, we become guilty of sin.
And we're taught by the system that sin is thinking a female form is beautiful or eating too much food.
And there's, sure, extensions of that that do become gluttony or lust or whatever the case may be.
But real sin is being a coward.
Real sin is going against God's operating system we've been given.
Real sin is vandalizing God's creation.
Real sin is knowing that God is justice and it's real and rejecting it and refusing it and rebelling against it because you have free will doesn't mean you still piss in the face of God.
So I'm not going to sit here like a cult member And watch all of our free speech erased and watch the Republican Party not allowed to advertise online while the Democrats all advertise and just don't call it advertising.
And while they censor everyone and they lie to Congress and it comes out in undercover videos from Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google, Alphabet, Apple.
They go before Congress and say, we're not censoring anybody.
And then the head of YouTube goes on 60 Minutes and says we're censoring.
They all do it.
Sundar Pichai, all of them.
Sundar Pichai gets up with the other Google heads when Hillary loses the day after, three years ago, and says, we're going to make sure this doesn't happen again.
We're going to control information.
And now they're not letting people send out images of Melania Trump, or they're not letting people send out ads that say the Republican Party is looking for strong women.
But what's the real treason here?
Because they're not just cutting up our free speech.
They're surveilling us all illegally, and have externalized the NSA spy system into big tech, all started here in the United States, and all set up to be a revolution to take over civilization and take over all human decision And Pavlovianly direct our everyday activities.
Now, I want to explain something, and I know you know this, but I want to keep repeating it.
The globalists.
The globalists.
One global government to be able to carry out their will, and once everyone is tracked and controlled by AI, and once it's the law that you have to be, which they're admitting is the plan, already is in China, they'll be able to control everything you say and do, buy and sell, everything you believe, everything you eat, everything you take.
And they're going to be able to make you do exactly what they want, and they admit that's the plan.
And they're openly saying on television, Ray Kurzweil, Elon Musk, Bill Oman, the Gates, all of them, that resistance is futile.
So this isn't Star Trek, where it's an imaginary UN galaxy.
Everybody's kumbaya, flying around, and then aliens show up in a cube saying, you will submit, resistance is futile.
This is the real world.
The head of DARPA when it was founded in 1962, developed the entire plan to have computer terminals
and then handheld computers that are wireless that you interface through,
that then tracks and controls everything you do to then apply propaganda through it and stimuli
to ensure your behavior for total control to absorb you into a machine-human interface.
That's declassified.
You might want to go read it, but see, you don't have to read it.
You can live it now.
Now the plan was launched in 62.
This plan is thousands of times bigger than the Manhattan Project.
And so Trump comes in and if he was a real revolutionary or if he understood what was going on, and I think he does,
he would understand that there is a race like a space race or a race for the gold in 49 in California
on who can get their AI system in place first and who can get everybody the most addicted
and get brain chips into the brain and every major tech company, the big six,
say we want to dominate your life, have every decision made by the computers, interface with
your brain, giving you unlimited pleasure and delivering you the unlimited pleasure the best,
so you will choose our company and upload your consciousness to us. That's the end game.
That is Satan saying, I took a third of the angels, I want you with me, I'll give you anything you want, just put these wires in your brain.
And of course, it's going to be hell on earth.
Once you give up your physical body, you're going to die.
And you're not going to be a machine.
That's going to be a facsimile to trick others, because it'll be able to mimic you perfectly.
But your soul is gonna be uploaded, and you're not gonna like where it's going.
So these damn aliens, folks, and let's just get down to what it is, okay?
Are setting all this up with collaborator humans, and they admit the plan, and they've already created thousands of cross-species creatures that are not human.
That's all admitted now, mainstream news.
They've got human clones walking around for 50 years.
They've done all sorts of stuff.
These tech heads are already got wires in their brains.
And I've got it from folks that literally guard them.
Here, let me give you some classified stuff.
Elon Musk, a few months ago, had his meeting with, um...
Vice President!
And they're pitching their secret moon base right now.
And they've already got their big 3D printers.
They've already boosted into orbit.
They've already been delivered some of them to the dark side of the moon.
Would you like to know the crater number?
It's about a half mile right over on the dark side.
And they're already setting up this facility with these big 3D printers for the Mars launch.
If you even believe any of that.
Yeah, Elon!
So let's just really go further here and talk about what's happening.
You're not in Kansas anymore.
The Bible's true.
Satan is basically advanced AI.
A really old rebel system and he took a bunch of Systems with him and it's here on this planet and it's setting up a system that Revelation warns you about.
And so just interchange aliens for demons and you got it.
And that's it.
And they're trying to turn us into machines like them to interface.
But they're machines that have transcended physical silicon form.
It's energy.
And they want one thing, kill you.
Because you're made in the image of the Creator and are way more advanced than them, their job is to overwrite and take us over before we realize who we are and join God.
That's it.
So, Earth is under alien attack.
You know, I just really released super classified information about the moon base they're already building.
We'll see if I'm dead in a week, I really don't care.
This isn't a bunch of BSQ crap, folks.
You're getting the real thing right here.
Because there's always the real McCoy, isn't there?
There isn't just a bunch of counterfeits and fakes.
There's always the real thing.
Everybody knows the real thing when they hear it.
Everybody knows the real thing when they see it.
Everybody knows the real thing when they feel it.
Alright, let's get into it.
And you know who the real McCoy is?
It's you.
That's not an exercise in kissing your posterior.
Gluteus Maximus.
It's the reality.
And I like to give you a little little treats Oh
Of super classified information, just so it goes right up to the President.
I don't just do that for no reason.
I don't just stick my head in a grizzly bear's mouth for fun.
I do it because it's gotta be done.
And people need to stop playing games.
Now, I care about the President.
I like the President.
I admire the President.
And I thank God for the President.
But, paradoxically, If he lets the modern telecoms spy on everything we're doing, and then in live time block what we can say and do.
If they were just blocking cuss words, it'd be bad enough, because it means prior constraint.
Think of how that'll be abused, and it is being abused.
And then a year ago, people were like, Alex, Apple's not blocking the emojis of the Taiwanese flag.
And Apple comes out and goes, yeah, we are.
We're going to block the Hong Kong flag too.
They're like, well, I don't care.
I'm not in Taiwan or Hong Kong.
There's this one-dimensional thought process where people go, I don't care if the stock market crashes.
I'm not in the stock market.
Everybody's in the stock market.
I don't own a single piece of stock.
But if this big bubble blows, it's going to be hard on everybody.
But again, there's this, that's what evil is.
Evil acts like it's not interconnected.
When everything's interconnected.
And it always thinks one-dimensionally.
Like, gee, I don't like these people across the table from me.
I'm gonna jump up on the table and I'm gonna stab them both to death here.
It's gonna feel so good.
But then you gotta pay the piper.
Don't you?
But the globalists They know how to put it in your water.
See, they like to kill people more than anybody.
They like to kill innocent people.
They don't like to kill people got killin' comin'.
They don't like to do that.
They like to kill innocent children.
They like to skin them real slow and bleed them out when they beg for mommy.
And they like watching you do nothin' about it.
Because then God starts hating you.
And then they can get at you.
That shine you got when God's protecting you.
That field of energy.
Starts getting weak.
And then it starts getting weak around your children and your wife.
See the man's head of the household.
The energy field flows.
The protective field flows from that.
The life field flows from the woman.
Two fields.
But you get that feel to turn off.
And then everything like sharks can swim in.
And then they got you all, don't they?
And then now they can take their time with your children.
Take their time with them forever.
You really want that to happen?
Wanna be part of that?
I don't think you do.
So God's waiting for us to join him, but we've got to do it.
Now, I'm going to say it again.
What Silicon Valley's doing is illegal on every front.
The immunity, the tax exemption, the total spying, the lying to Congress, the AI, real-time censoring, controlling, putting devices on our houses that listen to us a decade ago, 20 years ago, with the cable boxes.
And the fact that when I exposed that 23 years ago, they sent the Pentagon, they sent soldiers to threaten my life in parking lots twice when I broke it open on air.
Now what does that tell you?
It's not about Alex Jones getting threatened by the Pentagon.
It's when I busted that machine open that had a microphone in it, like the engineer told me, on live cable TV locally.
I was getting into a Pentagon program.
I was exposing something decades before you'd been slowly conditioned.
I was going back in the timeline before it was supposed to come out.
And they couldn't have that.
When the threats didn't work anymore, you know what happened for three years after that?
My Little Access TV show, I had a local radio show and syndicated by them, but I like to be able to show people back then.
That was for YouTube.
They have what they call an FM translator that sends your signal down the fiber optic to the cable system to send it out.
They went and turned those off only when my show was on so that almost no one would get the transmission through the boosters for years.
Because the show became the number one show in Austin when it aired twice a week.
They even tried a cable company takeover of it and I caught them taking bribes and one guy went to prison.
It's in the newspaper, right?
Secretly recorded him.
The guy went to prison.
I'm not bragging about me.
I'm showing how weak they are.
They had to send the Pentagon to threaten me twice.
They had to turn FM translators off and the fiber optics.
Whatever FM translators are.
They had to try to take over and finally, the little management of the access thing said, you can't have a primetime show anymore.
And then finally they wouldn't even let us air the tapes there.
But that's the way it is.
I'm used to censorship.
I came from nowhere.
Them taking away all these big platforms I was on, it does nothing because it's the message that matters at the end of the day.
It's not about me, it's about all of us.
But why is that so important?
I'll talk about when we come back.
They don't give the number out, we'll take your calls.
This is a giant project that we know of, was conceived in the 50s, put into operations from beta in 62, and it is a machine takeover of humans.
And then you dig deeper into the occult, that just means the hidden, and these globalists believe they are in contact interdimensionally with entities that are giving them The impetus and the inspiration for what they're building.
And again, these entities aren't even designing it.
They know humans have designed this stuff before.
This is obviously not our first rodeo.
Come on, folks.
And these things are a joke.
Like Revelation says, when Satan's finally captured, humans will say, this is who enslaved us?
It's a two-inch tall gremlin, folks.
Well, it's not running out of its nose.
I mean, literally.
That's why it hates us.
And we're these incredible energy, light, magic things that create whole universes once we go to the next level and meet God.
And these things are pissed!
They have envy of us!
But we're babies right now.
We're not even out of the womb.
We're not even off the planet yet.
We're not even out of our mother yet.
And we are overrun with these slugs and then fellow humans that sold out to the gremlin, the chief loser.
So if Trump doesn't fight the AI takeover and lets it go through, then Trump is an agent of Satan.
You know, Mike Adams is coming up in the fourth hour today and he's always powerful.
But I got to tell you, I may just stay up here tonight and do my own special broadcast or something to air.
Professor Turley's testimony.
I've got the written testimony.
We've posted it in full up on Infowars.com with a link to the live feed of him in Congress.
But man, he is just devastating the left.
And what's crazy is he's a well-known smart law professor, but all this is completely transparent.
They're saying under Article 1, they have the power to demand anything from the executive or he's impeached.
When the president has executive privilege not to turn anything over to them, and he has the right to go to courts and battle them in courts.
But they're saying, no, when we get courts and we file cases, he can't battle us.
That's obstruction.
That's how the left is now.
When you fight them in court, they go, whoa, you're not allowed to fight back.
As above, so below.
Just like Antifa physically attacks you, you fight back, you go to jail in Democrat-controlled cities.
You've got to read the full testimony, his prepared testimony.
He hasn't gotten to all of it.
I've got some of his intros powerful, but it's really amazing.
Now that the first witness that they're allowed to have after a month and a half of secret hearings, gets up there and just destroys them.
All right, let's stop there.
Getting back to what I was breaking down earlier.
Trump does the right thing when he gets the information in front of him.
Trump does the right thing when he hears our voices.
And he does care.
He just sees computers and industry as jobs, and he sees 5 million 3 to 5 million is what they want to put in.
5G systems and the workers that will hire and the infrastructure that will put tens of billions of dollars in the pockets of real people.
And he finds out the installers of it are making over $100,000 a year.
That's the worker on the ground.
Trump loves that!
So, he's very smart in a lot of ways, but This AI system has been designed from the beginning.
We had a caller the other day when I was co-hosting with Owen Schroyer, I guess on Monday, on The War Room, 3 to 6 p.m., that said, Alex, remember the Christian Science Monitor article?
And Alex, remember the MSNBC article?
Remember your film, 2004, Police Day 3?
You have all the articles where they said they're gonna put up Every 200-yard special readers that will track all our phones in live time and that will all have implantable microchips under a plan between Big Tech and DARPA.
And I'm like, wow.
And we pull up the articles and there it all is.
The plan 15 years ago in newspapers with headlines like, you'll all take chips eventually.
And then it says by 2020, chips will be rolling out for everyone.
It'll help track you.
You won't need a wallet anymore and it's going to be great.
And smartphones will be so good that your whole life will be on it.
And it'll track where you go and make decisions for you and make things so easy.
And you're reading it and it's 15 years ago.
And here we are 15 years later and they're doing it.
And I'm simply saying, why are we going along with this?
Why are we just letting this diabolical plan be set up?
Because we know it's run by really evil globalists, who now go, oh by the way, all the chipping and all the face scanning to buy and sell, and China being the standardization system through the UN, that was in Reuters yesterday.
They're now telling us the rest of the story.
Oh, we're just going to face humans out.
Humans are bad for the Earth.
And this will be the last generation of humans.
The species is over.
And if you join us, we'll let you have access to the Silicon Upload.
This isn't a movie where you go see some nightmare future of the year 2091 and an evil authoritarian world government's forcing everyone who wants food and water and shelter to begin to add computer components and prepare to upload to a giant mainframe in the sky called the cloud.
This is their stated plan.
So see, I'm on air saying they're creating human-animal hybrids that are alien to this planet, and the system calls them alien lifeforms.
AI will be an alien lifeform.
Never before on this planet.
Big tech is building aliens.
They say are going to absorb us.
That means eat us.
That means eat us.
That's what absorb is.
We're not going to marry the silicon and then live happily ever after in a little cottage in the woods with a little white picket fence.
This is the end of humanity.
It's the final revolution.
It's the end of history.
It's a post-human era.
These are technical terms.
You put these in.
post-human era.
And it's all right there.
And it's a cult.
It's a cult.
Ray Kurzweil comes up with the idea of the cloud 40 years ago.
He didn't come up with that.
He's their spokesperson.
And what is it?
Everything you've got's on it.
Everything you do's on it, so they can cut you off if they don't like you.
Then the AI has access to everything in live time, has all this 5G eyeballs and cameras watching everything, trying us, killing our human bodies while we're at it, slowly cooking us, where we're so miserable by the rollout of 678G in just a decade, that we're ready to die and upload to a machine!
You know, you come home from work, you got a bunch of tumors, you're dying, they got all these weird new advanced treatments, but it's not working.
The life expectancy's plumbing, half your block's dying.
No one asks the question, is this being done to us on purpose?
If you do, you get disappeared, or your credit cards get turned off, your chip gets turned off.
And you just go, well, that's just it.
And you punch your ticket and, you know, your kids get some extra credits and their digital chips because you made the upload that's good for the earth and carbon neutral.
And that will be the plan.
We hold it back 20 years.
You lay down to it five years.
And you'll be watching people cheered and loved and, oh, they're making the transition.
Don't criticize a man becoming a woman.
Oh, don't criticize someone transitioning to silicon.
Don't tell them it's not real.
Don't tell them it's a scam.
That's hate.
That's illegal.
Don't tell them the computer's really just mimicking their voice and their habits that it tracked for decades before they died and that it now is just going to mimic them as an avatar and manipulate their family and you get home and there's a 3D projection of your wife and she's there with you, oh honey, it's so great here.
I've been doing a lot of research with the AI and helping kids in Africa and you're like, oh baby, I'm glad you, oh yeah, I was flying drones today over the Pacific helping sea turtles and you're like, oh baby, it's so great.
She goes, why don't you have sex with me through the avatar?
Oh, yes, you go in the bedroom and there's, you know, there's the glorified blow-up doll.
Then, oh, in the future for the rich people, oh, there'll be a replicant, which is a human, grown in a tank.
It looks like Marilyn Monroe, or whatever your choice is, and oh, your wife, she's in there.
Oh, she gets to be in a body now.
And really, these are just robot-controlled replicants that we all think are people because they have rights, because they died 10 years ago and made the upload, but thanks to innovations, oh my God, we've just got all these clones ready for you, and you're alive again, but you're not.
But it can beat a voice print, It knows every secret.
It watched you have sex with your wife a thousand times.
It knows what your wife's farts smell like.
You understand?
It went literally.
You're gonna think it's your wife as you walk in her bathroom and she's taking a dump and you know the smell of your wife taking a crap.
You'll think it's your wife.
It ain't your wife!
It's a frickin' flesh robot with the globalists controlling everything!
And by the time all of that hits, they'll already wiped out the majority of people.
This is a message, if we fail and the globalists get full control for the last group, because they're gonna kill you off last.
I'm talking to that 50 million who think you're gonna, you know, be part of the new great.
Star Trek future, once you've triaged the planet and gotten rid of the overbloom of humans and, oh, taking your DMT and, you know, interface with the aliens and, oh, it's gonna be so great!
It's not gonna be great!
You're gonna die!
And then, God's going to cut you off and send you to that dimension that these little buggers have created.
We call it Hell.
Where they're going to rip you limb from limb for the rest of eternity, because it's what they do.
So remember, at the bottom of the spider hole is a bunch of devil worshipping scum.
Do you really want to be there?
So, while we're all being trained to fight with each other, and hate each other, While we're being taught that Christianity's evil in the West is bad, because it's our only hope, they're building the post-human future, and now they're admitting it everywhere, and saying, yeah, humans are bad, right?
For the Earth, we've all been taught to hate ourselves.
So just lay down and die, crawl in a ditch, resistance is futile.
And a lot of people say, hey, you're right.
The world's gone.
This stuff's all real.
I'm just going to go play golf and have a good time.
You're not going to be fulfilled doing that while all this unfolds and hiding out from it.
And the way they have tricked humans into going along with this is a joke.
They've just got people in an arrested development trance.
Where the average man, I know if they were aware of what was happening and ever felt the animating contest of engaging this and saying no to it and turn their discernment on would never want to just screw off and play games all day.
But men are arrested on average at about age 12 and women are arrested at about died 10 and it's because people have not been through
persecution, they've not been through adversity. Because all of that's been
taken away. That's why they banned 20 years ago dodgeball and then now most
schools have banned running during recess. They're trying to get rid of
exercise itself. I mean they just want you as weak as possible, as poisoned as
stupid. And oh now they're banning you know old Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer,
stop-start animation because some of the other reindeer are mean to him.
He has a red nose.
It's a story of overcoming and he has a gift and and the and the other ones are inherently jealous of it.
I told my middle daughter when she was going to the new school because she wanted to go there where friends went.
I said, now listen, you really are really pretty.
I mean, I'm not trying to make you go on a power trip or anything, but I said, you're 11 years old.
You look like a supermodel.
And I said, people are going to be really nice to you at first.
Then they're going to be really mean to you.
And then if you ignore it, then they'll all be really nice to you and leave you alone.
And that's the process that's taken place.
And it's because she's pretty and she's smart.
And she's special.
And they don't like that.
Because there's a spirit of evil in our young people now, particularly, and everybody knows about it.
There's a lot of young people that are great, but that story of Rudolph and how they're mean to him, but then he has that gift, that's really a deep story.
And that's really what it's like when you have a real gift.
I mean, what, you think if you're the coolest, strongest dude that you get left alone?
You think when you sing the best in choir, a lot of the people in the choir hate your guts.
Especially when people are young.
In this modern society, people have been taught to get in gangs and bully people.
But instead of telling kids to go get on Prozac because you get bullied, explain to them to overcome it and to make it a joke, and then they become strong.
But they don't want anybody to ever go through those processes, as many a historian has pointed out, in different ways.
But adversity makes strong people.
And decadence and plenty creates monsters.
Prosperity creates monsters.
Adversity creates men.
And so there's that paradox of the West creating so much freedom and so much wealth that now we have a giant crop of just spoiled, rotten, evil people who don't want to actually go out and build anything.
They actually hate everything good and pure.
And then the final expression of that is the Satanists that want to rape children and torture them and all the rest of it.
That's where this leads.
That's who they are.
Their religion is destroying all that's good.
We'll be right back.
We're talking about the ultimate sin.
What is the ultimate sin?
Corrupting the children is the ultimate sin.
Being a coward and not standing up for the children is the ultimate sin.
Not joining with the Holy Spirit is the ultimate sin.
The doors are closed and cannot be opened.
Think about that.
Think about being the people that serve evil.
You look at them, they are slaves.
They are so unhappy.
Driven to build total control over humanity, believing then, then they could be free!
But first, they must bring down humanity for their master.
Do they really believe their taskmaster is ever going to deliver on those promises?
Yes, that taskmaster is going to deliver on temporal power on this planet, but only to carry out the will of the slave master.
And the food, the wine, the sex is like the allegory of the dead ship, ghost ship from the cheesy Pirates of the Caribbean on the Black Pearl.
They try to drink the wine, try to eat the food, and it all just turns into ash in their mouths.
None of it fulfills.
None of it satiates.
Let me tell you, getting closer to God, my life is so satiated, so empowered, so fulfilled.
Food tastes so much better.
Sex is so much better.
My vision is so much better.
My mind is so much better.
Everything is so much better, but can you take it?
And the truth is, the average person has been warped and twisted to where they can't even begin to see reality.
It's too painful.
It's a form of mass autism where stimuli and a connection to the eternal is like walking on an edge of a cliff to them or a spacewalk.
And it's like, whoa, they can't handle the limitlessness of it instead of just having that connection.
And I want to be positive here about something before I get into the news.
Let me have a guess and then I'll get to the calls.
I promise I'll get the number out and we'll take calls the whole third hour.
I meant to get to him earlier.
I just haven't got the number out yet.
Instead of focusing on the globalists and how bad they are, which is important to do, but we should just do it, point out who they are, point out how they're liars, point out how they're deceiving, and just do it very scientifically and then move on 80% of the time to talk about the good in the world and why it's worth defending.
The globalists know we care about our children, but they don't want us to have that instinct, so they're trying to breed that out of us.
But they know we care about the earth, we care about the fish, we care about the water, we care about the air, we care about the trees, we care about the little animals.
So they manipulate that sentimentality and say, oh, you're killing it.
You're bad.
Build an anti-human world.
We'll protect the animals if you do what we say.
They're holding the animals hostage.
They're holding the earth hostage.
Saying, give us carbon taxes.
Give us AI surveillance.
Give us total control.
Let us decide who can have a business and who can't.
Who can even have paper?
Get to that in a moment.
Fahrenheit 451 is now about to be achieved.
Wait till you hear this.
It's like somebody saying, "Hey, if you tell your parents that I molested you, I'm going to kill your cat."
And that's what these abusers do.
I've read about divorce cases where people will say, you know, if you don't tell the judge that you want to live with me, something's gonna happen to your cat that I've got.
There are parents that do things like that in this country.
And so it's the psychology of psychopaths, the psychology of terrorists.
And you know, I'm not going to lay down to terrorists.
Because turning my backside to them and curling up in a ball so they can come eat my guts out and listen to them smack and enjoy themselves, I'm not going to do it.
I'm going to wrap my hands around their throats and I'm going to squeeze politically until their eyeballs pop out and blood pours out of their nose, you understand?
And I don't care they're scrabbling with their claws, clawing my guts out while I'm doing it.
That's good.
That's good.
They can just do that while I'm on top of them, squeezing and squeezing spiritually and wrapping around them until their bones break, until all their ribs cave in.
And then I'm going to tear their heart out.
Understand how that works politically?
Because you see, they've sold this image of people standing up for what's right as a bunch of chicken-necked slaves.
That's the globalists.
They're the chicken-necked slaves, not us.
We're luminous beings.
They're a bunch of fallen, twisted trash.
And it's time to stop fearing them.
And it's time to stop bowing to them.
And it's time to stop trying to curry favor with political correctness in little ways to try to get along.
You're not getting along.
You're giving in to a cult of bullying abusers that know exactly what they're doing and they're sick.
And you need to stop feeding them.
You need to stop bowing to them.
In the hope that they'll leave you alone.
They're not leaving us alone.
They're attacking us!
The only satisfaction you're ever going to find in this universe, and boy is it satisfaction, is overrunning these people with truth and logic and revelation and justice.
And exercising it.
And planting your flag.
And then flame throwing them with the truth.
They can't stand it.
And when they persecute you, don't be in a victim mentality of, oh, I'm being persecuted.
Be glad they're attacking you, because you're pulling them off the children.
I meant to play this last Friday.
I never got to.
Will you guys pull up the polar bears attacking Walterson's police?
Pull that up.
I'm going to air it next segment.
Now, I haven't plugged yet, and I don't like plugging.
But if I need to fund this revolution, this operation, I'm going to bring you great products so you want to reorder them so they work great for you.
Because cosmically, I'm not going to sell you something that isn't great.
That's a no-brainer.
But we're at the same place we were last year financially, and that means we can't expand and do a lot of really important things in the field.
And then down the road, after the election, I'm already spending money that I need to run next year now.
Anybody that's had operations and had quote businesses know you have to buy the new product, you have to pay for everything, you have to do it.
And I, you know, I pay our warehouse people twice what the industry does just because I can't help it.
I just do it so they can have a decent car and a decent place to live.
That's how I operate.
And yeah, I really don't look forward to laying off a bunch of people.
I don't look forward to having to shut this operation down and do it smaller.
I really want to expand in the face of the enemy because you're either winding up or you're winding down.
And I don't like being held in stasis.
Because that is not where I want to be.
So, let's all go to the next level together.
Go to Infolwerstore.com.
Everything we sell helps you.
The fish oil, the krill oil, the whitening toothpaste, the regular toothpaste without fluoride with a little silver iodide, the super blue, the super silver toothpaste.
The DNA force has the best form of CoQ10 and PQQ you're gonna find with a bunch of other
ingredients that supercharge it and take it across the cellular wall or the membrane.
Plants have cell walls, we have cell membranes.
And it's just incredible.
I mean, it's a fountain of youth, of the stress and everything I've been through.
Everybody says, "Man, you look like 10 years younger.
What's going on?"
Well, I'm taking my DNA force religiously.
I'm taking my fish oil religiously.
I'm taking my X2, my X3.
And instead of eating a plate of enchiladas for when I was hungry, yesterday working up
here late, I just ate one of the protein bars and it was awesome.
I had a piece of leftover pizza and a carrot when I got home and drank a bunch of water.
I mean, it's just, it's just, it's great.
Infowarrestore.com, Cyber Sale Week is here, free shipping, triple patriot points, that's all new.
Just do your Christmas shopping with us, or do it with a big globalist and jump off a cliff.
I don't know, but just whatever you do, I want to thank you for your support.
Do your Christmas shopping at Infowarrestore.com.
We got it all, apparel, you name it.
I want to thank you for your support.
So, Hollywood.
The big Rothschild carbon tax scam thinks you're so stupid, they'd show you images of an old dying polar bear, and they show this in public schools for three years, little kids, make them cry, saying, you're doing this.
You're making this polar bear die.
And BBC, National Geographic, we're showing you this propaganda.
They all put this up there purposely And they lie to you, and they say, oh, polar bears can't swim, look at the baby's gonna drown.
They hunt in the spring and summer and fall on the ice floes.
Their numbers are five times what they were in the 1950s.
They're exploding everywhere, because no one hunts them anymore.
But they tell you there's global warming.
Look, the ice is melting.
Yes, it's hunting seals out there.
This is all a fact.
Like honeybees, you know, gather pollen and then make honey by partially digesting it and vomiting it out.
Or like the sun is a giant, you know, ball of ignited thermonuclear fire.
I mean, it's a fact.
The sports jacket I'm wearing is gray.
I have blue eyes.
Fire is hot.
But they show children this.
Anybody can go out and show you a starving deer in Austin, Texas, because they're sick.
They're only been hit by a car, but it's emotional manipulation at a base level.
And then no one challenges it.
They're trying to make it illegal to challenge this climate change.
But I wanted to play a BBC piece because they were filming the same host did this later from the backside of cliffs where they were birthing their calves, the walruses, and The polar bears are coming in trying to eat the calves so the walruses turn around and let the polar bear attack and bite and scratch them trying to pull them off the babies because that's who they want to eat because they're more juicy and delicious.
Okay, now in many cases they push the polar bears back, but in other cases they don't, they push them off the edge of a cliff.
They show walruses falling off cliffs and say they're committing suicide because of you.
And then little teenage girls commit suicide on record because they're so sad they killed a polar bear.
All lies.
So I thought I'd run some of this footage of what polar bears really do.
And when they get old and their teeth fall out, they die, like mammals have forever, like elephants do when their third set of teeth wear out as well.
This is reality.
But it also has a parable.
Why are the walruses standing up for their babies?
Because they have common sense.
They have instincts to protect their young.
Let's roll some of this audio.
-He tests the barrier, but it stands firm.
-This is the Parafall Medium.
The world's largest land carnivore has met his match.
He wants to transgender the boys so they don't have children.
He wants the testicles.
Can he get it?
If he can trick the child at age five to say maybe he thinks he's into the sex, the school can take over from the parents, and they can mutilate the child.
Not here.
Not here, though.
Not in the Bible Belt.
The evil humans fight back against the pedophiles.
See it sitting on top of the baby, protecting it?
If he can just get the 5G going, that'll get them.
Just drink the fluorides.
If you give them fluoride, they'd submit.
If he just called it the right of a feminist to kill her baby, she would give it to him.
Having failed with one, he heads straight for another.
By the way, they get tired of him and kill him.
Takes them a while to die, and of course they film it and then say that humans caused him to die in another report.
Walrus are so severe that he can barely walk.
The same presenter filmed them falling off another cliff nearby and said we did it.
What that is is hundreds of walruses all backed up fighting polar bears
and they're getting pushed off the back.
But see, that's how they operate, ladies and gentlemen.
That's how they lie to you.
And so polar bears routinely get injured and die trying to eat walruses.
Sometimes killer whales will bite one of their legs off, and then the same shows will film it and say, you did it!
And you're like, well, I don't buy that.
Well, your five-year-old daughter sure as hell does.
And that's what they teach in public and private schools all over the world, is that polar bears can't swim, and they're dying because of you, because you haven't killed yourself or turned all your life over to the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and Al Gore and their damn carbon exchange.
So again, the walruses will defend their babies.
Can we just skip to the end?
You can just type in, what's the name of the video from BBC?
Polar Bears versus Walrus Colony.
There's a whole bunch of them.
You can watch them running them off cliffs.
You can watch them all.
And then you can see the same show later, the same narrator.
Attenborough has admitted that he came out later and claimed that humans caused walruses to jump off cliffs and that it was a mistake, he shouldn't have said that.
But it doesn't matter, the school kids are still being shown it!
Think of the level of deception.
Think of the level of lies.
Polar Bear numbers are up at least five-fold in Northern Europe and Northern Russia and Alaska, they're up even more.
The damn things are running around like cockroaches everywhere.
Killing people, killing animals, and fine!
They just aren't endangered.
They call them threatened, because again, people don't think that bears swim.
It is a arctic, aquatic bear, that given long enough, if you believe in evolution, will turn into something like a walrus, I guess.
Or I guess you'd say that's what a leopard seal is.
In the Antarctic, swimming around eating the penguinos.
Which again, they tell school children, look at the penguins.
They're on the rocks.
They're on the ice.
They can't swim.
They're gonna die.
Penguins can't walk very well because on land is their secondary life.
They're mainly an aquatic bird.
See that video of your TV viewer?
You see that penguin running, swimming 20 miles an hour?
When he gets on land, though, he can barely walk.
Later, he attacks the seal.
And the seal runs off because the bird is just telling him, screw you.
It's an amazing video as well.
But again, humans won't stand up for ourselves like the penguin.
But there's all these lessons here from life and how they're lying to our children.
Why do we put up with these criminals?
I guarantee you, your kids go to public school.
This is going on right now.
And the criminal teachers know what they're doing.
They're all part of a cult of liars.
And I guarantee you, half those teachers want to rape your children.
They're already raping their mind.
They're already raping their soul.
They're already trying to put the smarter boys on drugs to fry their brains.
Why do we put up with these criminals?
Let's recognize who they are.
Lying, scum, filth that literally think you're idiots and want to enslave you into their damn cult!
Gavin McInnes is coming up!
Spread the word about the broadcaster!
Roll over to die!
Look at the left today.
All they do is try to keep people down and scared and not aware.
What a cult of sickos.
What a cult of freaks.
Gavin McInnes joins us for the next 30 minutes to chronicle all the incredible things happening.
The ongoing fake impeachment.
We have got Trump coming to the defense of Big Tech and the EU's tax on them.
I wish he'd come to our defense with the EU putting in all this anti-free speech legislation that now Big Tech has adopted because we wouldn't set the standard and say free speech is protected.
Trump created a vacuum and allowed the EU to come in and set standards that now we're living under.
And Reuters reported yesterday That China has been chosen, the Communist Chinese, to standardize the world ID for the internet and what that means.
Tracking, tracing, kicking you off of it, controlling you, the Chinese social score, and are standardizing the voice print, the face print, everything.
We already knew that because we saw them being followed and their specs being adopted, but it's not America that's creating global specs anymore and standards.
It's the Chi-Coms, and they have adopted the metric system, so that was the final nail.
Now we're getting rid of it.
of our original system. The point is whether you're for the metric or for the other, the
Chi-Coms are in command because they're making human clones, they're making human-animal clones,
they're creating AI, they've got giant death camps and it's an incredible time to be alive.
And you've got the real woke folks in Hong Kong saying no, waving American flags for what America
is supposed to represent. You've got the Antifa running around in a reign of terrorism.
So Gavin McGinnis of freespeech.tv.
Always great to have you here with us.
We haven't talked before you came on.
You're looking sharp there as usual in your studio.
What do you want to hit first?
Well, I think the interest I'm glad you brought up China because I was thinking about that today.
I lived in China for a while and Asian-Americans are just like us.
It's the same culture.
They've assimilated their cheerleaders.
They get it.
But Chinese, the country over there is inexorably incompatible with Western society.
They are totally different.
Like you'd see a woman who was just in a scooter accident.
And she cut her knee open.
She has blood pouring from her knee.
But you're not supposed to show emotion there.
So she's just standing there waiting for an ambulance as blood gushes from her knee and people are just walking by her.
Like the way they see life over there is totally different than the way we see life.
They don't value it the same way we do.
I'm glad you make that point, you know.
Asian-Americans, and I'm not doing some virtue-signaling, ass-kissing thing, they statistically are the biggest supporters of Trump in a non-white population.
They don't like people that don't work.
They're just overachievers.
Nine of the richest groups by ethnic tracking, according to the federal government, are Asians.
Whites aren't even on that top nine list.
But exactly.
You go to China, though, the Communist Chinese under Mao ...invented something called gung-ho, which means working as one machine as a robot, and then the Marines adopted that, thinking it was good.
No, that doesn't mean working as a team, it means turning your mind over and being a zombie.
So gung-ho is a Mao Zedong saying, And you're right.
In China, they kill you if you don't submit.
So they literally dial in like drones or something.
And in their own definition, it means working as one mind, one hive.
And so this is a global AI gung-ho takeover.
Well, Mao is not a bad guy over there, too.
The statues all over Beijing, all over Shanghai, huge monuments to him.
And you say, but he killed, and I hate when people say 40 million, 70 million.
He killed 70 million of you.
And they all just shrug and go, I don't know what the big deal is, the trains ran on time, you gotta break some eggs to make an omelette.
And I go, human life!
Is valuable.
You know, they have a rule over there.
If you hit someone with your car and, you know, you really screw them up badly, then you have to pay their medical bills.
And if they're in a coma, that could be, you know, all the money you have.
So what people tend to do when they really wallop someone is just drive over them again and again and make sure they're dead so that you don't have any bills.
Look at the human trafficking going on, the stealing organs.
I mean, we're doing business with China like they're Canada, and they're not.
It's a totally different country.
We had the same problem in the Middle East, too, as Buchanan points out.
He said, we're dealing with these jihadists like they're worthy adversaries, and we're playing by the same rule.
When we see an American flag on a coffin, our heart breaks.
When they see a dead soldier, they go, yes, he's going to heaven.
We did it.
That's victory to them.
Death is victory to them.
It's like we're the only culture that likes life.
And that's why the global corporatists want to overwrite the West, the Renaissance, true liberalism.
And to do it, they brought in a fake authoritarian anti-free speech liberalism that's cancer.
And all of these young people, the millennials at least, more than half of them are totally adopting it.
It's frightening.
They like, you know, we say we're pro-life, we're anti-abortion.
They're pro-death.
Here in New York City, they're so radical that I've met many people who go, yeah, abortion is murder, and I'm for it.
I'm pro-murder.
And you sort of go, well, I don't know where to go with this argument here.
This is the culture we're living in.
I just saw on Telegram, Milo was talking about how when you start sabotaging marriage and till death do us part, when you encourage women to be complete sluts, the civilization is usually gone in about three generations.
And I think the globalists, if you were to bring that up to them, they'd go, yeah, yeah, that's what we're going for.
We want total obliteration so we can rebuild a pro-death society that's just like China, where we can have credit scores and I can be in control of all of you peons and I can handle who gets what liberty and when.
I mean, we're And that's the craziest part is because the people that lower the drawbridge to authoritarianism are always the first to be fed into the meat grinder.
So all these leftists that already went and got three or four worthless degrees and have been told, hey we've got to have a takeover then you'll finally get a job running everybody else's life.
They're never going to be in a power position.
They are the ultimate schmucks.
I look at their chat sometimes and they say, what will be your favorite job after the revolution?
These commie chat rooms.
And they almost always say designing military's uniforms, putting little epaulets on and maybe having a stripe down this one and maybe a peacock feather sticking out of the back of this one.
You go, no, you're not going to be designing uniforms.
You're going to be on the gulag in slave labor.
Alex Jones will be fine.
Gavin McInnes will be fine.
We were sheltered.
We've got backup plans.
You don't.
You're a loser, and you're gonna be the first to go!
Oh, oh, oh, the globalists want to collect people like you and I, and I'm not bragging, like baseball cards.
They're begging us to join them constantly.
Just, please, please, please, oh!
I mean, because we have souls.
We have power.
These poor little slaves don't get it.
They have nothing the globalists want.
They want you dead.
You're dead if you're lucky.
We're fighting for gays.
We're fighting for visible minorities.
We're fighting for women.
We're trying to increase women's happiness.
Feminism has devastated women's lives.
We're saying, no, you shouldn't be in a cubicle doing someone's social media.
You should be at home shaping the lives of kids.
Our horrible, evil patriarchy that they seem to think is a handmaid's tale is all about freedom, liberty, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, everyone being armed, everyone being in control of their own destiny.
And they go, no, you're evil.
You're trying to impress me.
Oppress me, and I go, okay, what's your scenario?
Oh, well, what we do is we control everyone's speech, we make sure only the state has guns, and I just go, you're describing tyranny!
You're describing America in 1609!
We already went through all that, why do you want to go back in time?
Is it because you're a loser?
Well, that's it.
They literally, there's new footage coming out.
I want to talk about this when we come back.
I'm glad you raised this.
Posit Veritas has done it again.
They've got people in the newsrooms dreaming about how they're going to kill conservatives and nationalists and patriots once they get full control.
Well, hell, they tell us that on the street, but they've reportedly got a bunch of footage of executives and others talking about how they can't wait to start killing us in the re-education camps.
We'll talk about that with the Host of FreeSpeech.TV, get off my lawn, Gavin McInnes.
I'm Alex Jones.
Don't forget we have Band.Video, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm just glad there's all these new independent groups forming.
Whatever you do, listeners, spread the word about FreeSpeech.TV and Band.Video.
We're all fighting.
All right, folks, I will give the number out starting next hour, and I will take calls a little bit in the next hour.
And then Mike Adams will take over the last three segments of the fourth hour.
And then I think I'm going to go host War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Next week he's going to be going to the Trump Rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania with some of the other crew.
I'm going to be helping host his show because I just want to start doing six, seven hours a day.
And I'm also going to be launching a demonstration next week at one of the major water treatment plants here in Austin, where they put hydrofluorosilic acid in the water.
I'll have all the Harvard studies, the Cornell studies, the CDC studies, the EPA studies, and the latest Journal of American Medicine study.
That's totally killing us and giving us cancer and lowering IQ.
So I promise you, maximum effort, I'm going to work even harder with 334 days left in the election.
But to do that, we need capital.
I mean, it's going to take money to get the armored truck so we can go right into the Antifa, up to this Trump rally and a bunch of other places on the East Coast with security, with crew, with Caitlin Bennett and so many others.
And you're doing that.
You're funding it.
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If you shop at Walmart or Dick's Sporting Goods or Target, they're funding anti-gun
Transgenderism where they go in and trick five-year-olds to have their rights taken away and then and then prepared
into a squeeze shoot To have their penises and testicles chopped off by a satanic
cult that runs the planet This is all mainstream news, ladies and gentlemen.
It's that insane.
There's a report put out that's so incredible by Greg Reese dealing with this.
Castration Incorporated, Planned Parenthood, and the business of transgenderism.
We have the documents where a famous pedophile psychiatrist in the 40s came up with this plan, tried to launch it in the 50s, it failed.
But this is a depopulation program, and it's also a plan to be able to have sex with children.
He did have sex with children.
You'll know it as a household name when you see the report.
And I want to get into that.
Our guest will be with us 15 minutes to the next hour.
But I wanted to get into censorship.
And I was asking Gavin McInnes of freespeech.tv, what do you want to hit next?
And he said, I want to talk about the war on free speech and how bad it's gotten and just how serious it is.
Because it's not just conservatives now.
It's everybody.
AI control.
And you were laying a lot of that out with me during the break, Gavin.
Yeah, Nick Monroe is doing a lot of research about the, I don't know what they're called, the Health and Safety Department of Twitter or something.
They're the ones that handle who gets to say what and how are we saved from hate.
But he's been looking up the Twitter accounts of all these individuals, and they're all, the wall is racist, I want to murder Trump.
They're all, not just liberals, they're radical, alt-left, SJW, Antifa types.
And these are the ones running the show.
And, you know, you think about it and you go, so why do you hate Trump so much?
Because he's racist?
He wasn't racist before 2008.
Sorry, 2016.
He's homophobic.
He never even mentions gays.
And I wonder what's really behind this.
And I think what's really behind their hatred of Trump and their hatred of you, their hatred of me, their hatred of the right, conservatives, is a hatred of masculinity.
They talk about smash the patriarchy, but they really mean smash the masculinity.
They're fat, ugly, beta nerds who got picked on, and they see Twitter as a chance for them to get revenge for all the wedgies they got in high school.
And they don't get that their petty little revenge score is actually stifling what makes this country great, and that is open conversation.
I totally agree with you, and again, I love Trump.
We all helped get him elected.
I like a lot of the things he's doing, but the fact that he's done nothing to Big Tech when they're organized together, they're lying to Congress, they're now blocking Republican ads, they're letting Democrats run ads under other names everywhere, they're suppressing the voter population.
That's admitted, and Trump said that, but then does nothing.
He said six months ago, I'm about to take strong action on Big Tech.
We need the action now.
Why do you think he has to take action?
And what do you think is going to happen if he doesn't take action?
Because as you know, the censorship started with you and I. It's now everybody.
It's everybody.
I think he's not a pussy, but he doesn't like doing anything that will make him unpopular.
And he's scared that intervening is going to look too communist.
He's an open market guy.
He's a free market guy.
And he's scared of appearing too Maoist.
Trump, it's gone way past Maoism.
Google has changed their modus operandi from do no evil to let's change the election.
They just had that whistleblower who came out and said that they realize they can get Hillary anywhere from 2.5 to 15 million more votes.
And so she's getting ready to come back in!
They are activists.
They are, sorry, not just Hillary, but any Democrat.
They've decided that in retrospect they thought they could have changed the election if they were stricter, so they're going to do it with this next election.
And you go, this is no longer just a company that's operating the free market.
This is someone meddling in the election.
Everything the left accuses us of doing, they are openly doing.
And Trump has to listen to this whistleblower and say, wait a minute.
You're no longer a search engine.
You are controlling the minds of the country.
And we have to shatter that.
We have to unshackle ourselves from these chains.
Because it's not just Google doing it, Twitter's doing it, they're all altering the conversation of the entire country.
And then when you and I try to go, actually that's not true, this was changed in 2012, or update them on some legislation or something, we can't.
So they can go off on their lying tangents.
We're drifting pretty far into Chinese culture, to be honest.
Well, I mentioned that when you first came on.
In fact, it's in my stack from yesterday.
It was Reuters.
Well, somebody pull it or just reprint it.
But the headline was, UN chooses China to create new global specs for face scanning.
On iPhones and other smartphones, but when you actually read it, they're preparing the big global ID where to get online, you've got a face scan and then all the nightmares that come with that of controlling your identity, kicking you off the web, a social credit score.
China just announced two days ago that yes, it's the law to get on the internet, you've got a face scan.
So the UN world government is adopting this as the model and the UN is now standardizing it for all of us.
It's literally an episode of Black Mirror.
We are literally in the Twilight Zone.
Did you see that guy who was arrested for making a Facebook post where he criticized the Hong Kong police and implied they were totalitarian?
Oh yeah, and they have him all chained up in that special chair.
Yeah, he's got like his hand, it looks like a keg, and it's got all these bars around him where he can't move.
And you go, well that's absurd, at least we'll never have that here.
The UK is exactly like that.
You've got people getting their doors knocked on by cops because they made an unfortunate joke.
They have over 4,000 arrests and thousands of convictions in the UK a year for politically incorrect statements like, man, these Muslims are kidnapping kids and raping them.
Even though it's true, your ass goes to jail.
So being racist or being offensive is worse than raping children.
This goes back to what we were saying about death culture.
We no longer appreciate children.
Tommy Robinson at the Old Bailey, when they're throwing him into prison, it says above there in huge letters that we must protect the poor, the weak, the children of the world.
In giant stone letters.
And there he is getting thrown in jail for embarrassing a child rapist.
Now, Britain is not that far from us.
I know we like to think it's this crazy... Oh, no, no, no.
We're only two years behind them.
That's what Ezra Levin says.
He's like, it's like getting in a dystopian time machine where I can see where we're going to be in two to five years.
We should be wary of UK.
Well, that's the model.
And you saw Merkel on Monday.
She said, we've got to get rid of speech to protect freedom.
Well, I'd say 60% of young college students think that hate speech is not included in free speech.
In other words, free speech is just there so you can argue if the Beatles are better than the Rolling Stones.
Anything else?
Sorry, that makes people uncomfortable.
It's not included in free speech.
By the way, I love Ezra LeVant.
The things he's done for free speech, the battles he's been through in Canada, I think the guy's a hero.
I had my producer call him this week, try to get him on as a guest.
He thought it was a prank call.
So please tell Ezra that I want him on the show.
I will.
That guy is a warrior.
He's never not traveling.
The guy is in Paris one day.
He's in.
He's just.
Tommy's getting sued for like half a million pounds because he embarrassed a Muslim.
Ezra's over there for that.
He's back in Canada.
And I think he's going to get fried in this imminent YouTube purge.
Let's talk about that when we come back in two minutes.
By the way, I was just told Ezra Lovant is on the broadcast tomorrow.
Gavin McInnes of FreeSpeech.tv is our guest.
I'm with InfoWars.
I hate censorship and I hate, I hate devil worshippers.
I love folks that love life, and I'm all in, and man am I alive.
You go to these leftist rallies, and I don't feel good when I see a bunch of people look like they're half-dead zombies, but man, you want to talk about Army of the Dead, go to a leftist event.
You were talking about, YouTube's announced a whole new giant purge, and then their weirdo CEO who brags about banning myself and others.
She was on there saying, we're for free speech, but we do ban a lot of people.
And then she bragged about banning 300 Trump ads.
So it's definitely a scary world.
Where do you see that going, Gavin?
And Loomer's kicked off Facebook.
She's not allowed to advertise her campaign, even though that goes against the very tenets of our democracy.
Here's what happened.
Trump, the right, we were all pushed out of mainstream media.
The only channel we had was Fox News and the other channels were able to just sit there and lie about Trump.
So Trump comes out during his campaign and he shows the audience in Florida and you just see a sea Of people.
It was like a Rolling Stones concert in Rio de Janeiro.
Just human after human after human.
They were more like just colors.
Almost like static on a television, but it was human beings.
And then he went, holy crap, we're being lied to.
He's incredibly popular.
So then he won.
And social media like Twitter, Google, YouTube, they all went, oh my God, we are evil.
We facilitated this Hitler in the White House.
And I want to say to them, first of all, he's not Hitler, dumbass.
He's pretty slightly right of center.
It's a free market guy, a normal blue collar culture American.
And secondly, you didn't facilitate it.
There was just nowhere else where we could go.
So their solution is, all right, well, I have to cut off that one last Avenue so they don't have anything but basically Fox News, talk radio and subs like your site and mine.
And then they think that's doing good.
I'm getting Hitler out of office.
But it's all based on the myth that this guy is some sort of a bigot who's out to ruin the world.
He's out there to drain the swamp.
And liberals should love him.
Comedians should love him.
The creative classes should love him.
It's so frustrating that they don't see that by catering to the globalists, they're actually facilitating their own demise.
Well you're absolutely right.
I asked you this question about three years ago and every time you come on I ask you again.
What is peak SJW insanity?
How bad is it going to get?
That's a great question and the answer keeps changing.
There's obviously riots in the streets.
We're going to see more Berkeley and Portland in normal cities like Madison and Chicago.
You're going to see riots in Philadelphia when Trump wins again.
But what's scary about this next wave of civil war is that the SJWs aren't just the blue-haired
feminists that we met in college who refused to touch a man's hand during a handshake because
they're female separatists.
That was a thing when I was in college.
Now, they're judges.
They're prosecutors.
They're police.
They're chiefs of police.
They are chiefs of police.
They're the top brass in the military.
They are controlling who says what in big tech.
On YouTube, they purge conservatives.
Google, Twitter, they're defying the conversation.
So we are up against worthy adversaries.
I would say this is as big as the American Revolution in that we're up against the King George.
We're up against an entire nation that's within our ranks.
You're right, Ann.
It's like they're in a little secret club, like they're in the clubhouse and we're not, and it's lawyers, and it's judges, and it's teachers, and it's politicians, and it's just, we're gonna lie, we're gonna cheat.
They have articles in the New York Times about how to lie, and then now, you know, these Obama officials are coming out saying, oh, we're putting up hundreds of fake sites to counter Trump, and their excuse is, well, the right-wing lies so good, we're gonna out-lie them.
We're not lying.
So it's just weird why they seduce their people.
Oh, they're lying so good, come help us!
We're the good guys, we lie!
Look at Proud Boys!
There was just a guy from the Department of Homeland Security who was working on preventing school shootings.
They found on his computer that he had googled Proud Boys.
16 year career.
Flushed down the toilet.
What is it about Proud Boys?
Because when Facebook further banned him using my name they said because he had Gavin McGinnis on.
What is it?
I mean like Proud Boys just like... Proud Boys!
Just the idea of men is what scares them.
Because men should stand up and say no to these criminals.
Oh, we're alive!
It's alive!
It's alive!
It's alive!
They don't want us to be alive.
They don't want us to be animated.
They don't want us to be awake and focused and energized and informed.
But we are!
And freedom lives in all of your hearts and all of your minds.
Those of you that wish to take on the animating contest of liberty, the great challenge of our day.
You are the Paul Reveres.
You are the resistance.
You are the hope of humanity.
It's that epic.
Now, I'm not at liberty to tell this story yet, but I will.
But in a court proceeding, they had an individual recently who openly goes on Twitter says I'm a horrible person I need to be put in jail and to
be gotten rid of blah blah blah and then this person swears to be an impartial
witness against me and what I'm saying is all basic conventions of a free society
are being completely thrown to the wind by the so-called left who are undisciplined
stupid out-of- control grasping control freaks who are entering the vacuum
in a power grab because we the people have been so subservient to their
political Once they got us to accept one thing, then it was the next, the next, the next.
Look at some of these stories up on Infowars.com that have been breaking.
We should probably just do a document cam shot on this.
It's the best way to do it.
Dim impeachment witness goes on unhinged rant about how Trump ruined her Thanksgiving.
Trump derangement syndrome.
Claims another victim.
Again, they're just whining and bitching.
This is who their witnesses are.
Another article up on InfoWars.com.
We'll play this after Gavin leaves us.
Hillary on another unhinged coughing fit as she prepares to run for president.
Isn't Uncle Joe Biden unable to talk in weird, you know, bizarre rants that sound like somebody with dementia about roach legs and children hopping on his lap and then Hillary stumbling around like a reanimated corpse from Day of the Dead, no makeup needed?
Just isn't, and Nancy Pelosi, isn't this all emblematic of these people's disconnect, Gavin McGinnis?
Yeah, it goes back to the American Revolution.
Like, when the Brits came here, they were still doing that, and then you'd take a few steps, and then we just said, why don't we just get in the trees of the Indians and peg them off?
They are inept boobs.
Joe Biden doesn't speak English.
All he does is smell little girls' hair and rant about roaches.
He has no idea where he is.
Hillary Clinton is all but dead.
Uh, then we have Tulsi, uh, sorry, not Tulsi Gabbard, I like her, Pete Buttigieg and all these other clowns, and Kamala Harris, the Indian from Montreal pretending she's black.
They keep traipsing out these boobs, and they, and we easily, you know, peg them off, but they, they, they keep winning!
Because they have so much power, so much money, so much big Soros globalist money, like the woman at the impeachment trying, Roger Stone called her out, Two years ago, he said, they just got this globalist in.
She literally works at a magazine called The Globalist.
I forget her name, like... Fiona Hill.
Fiona Hill or something.
And she's out there talking about the impeachment.
We had one of the jurors for Roger Stone going into Washington Post and saying, yeah, I'm part of the resistance, and I screwed him, and I'm an activist.
Basically, I shouldn't have been on a jury.
Just proudly admitting that he's an activist who threw Roger in prison because he's an activist.
He said, I'm proud of what I've done, and I'm a Democrat, and y'all will show you.
I was at the trial.
It was a complete kangaroo court.
All of the jurors were activists out to get him.
There was nothing egalitarian about the whole thing.
The judge was out to get him from day one.
The jury looks like the judge.
It looked like the same thing.
So it's frustrating that we have these almost like these British King George boobs with these big white wigs and their silly muskets and their big hot red coats.
And they're killing us just because they have so much power, so much authority, so many numbers.
I'm glad you mentioned the British.
Christmas cards banned at England school by principal concerned about their environmental impact.
Now, she doesn't care about all the other paper.
It's just selectively anything that's seen as Western culture.
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer bullying scene blasted by viewers.
They're calling for it to be removed off the air.
This is mass Stockholm syndrome.
So Fahrenheit 451 Is here.
You don't burn paper, you ban paper, but now it's for the earth.
And there's articles right here in Texas where they're telling kids don't write Christmas cards.
You're not allowed to.
You're allowed to have free speech.
The school shouldn't have an official religion, but you have your free speech.
Whether it's moronic Harry Potter or whether it's Christianity.
But isn't this next level, Gavin, what they're doing now?
Did you ever think we'd get to a point in our culture, in our history, where Merry Christmas was seen as ostentatious?
Like, if you have Merry Christmas in front of your house in big letters, you're making a statement.
That's a bold statement.
It reminds me of after Bataclan, I was talking to this gay guy and he said, I love France and I want to hang a French flag outside my window, but I feel self-conscious.
That feels kind of fascist.
And I said, we're in France, you guys invented gays, and you're too scared to put a French flag in front of your window?
Like, even having an American flag in New York, and the sub is around New York, that's a bold move.
That's saying something.
People are trained to hate themselves, and then what's replacing it?
Communist China.
As the operating system adopted by the UN to determine the world internet ID to get online and President Trump's doing nothing.
We need to put pressure on Trump, Gavin.
What do you think he should do legally and lawfully?
I mean if AT&T 20 years ago they had the AI back then.
then with keyword would cut into your call if you said the wrong thing people
would say no to that but when big tech does it in real time and is banning you
know Melania Trump photos calling it hate speech on Facebook we have a right
to duty as citizens as everybody to say no to this and to decry it.
Reverse your priorities. Stop this infantile obsession with white
nationalists implying Nazis are lurking around every corner.
It's a lie.
If you look at mass shootings in the past 14 years, there's basically two patterns that have emerged and it's severe mental illness.
And jihadists.
So those should be your priorities when you're trying to keep the country safe.
Who's lost their mind?
Let's have more mental health care in this country and try to stop these lunatics and stop drug medicating them to the point of complete insanity.
And let's keep an eye on Islam.
And when I say let's I mean Britain, Europe, America, Canada, we totally ignore jihadism because we're so obsessed with these mythical Nazi skinheads that are going to jump out of the bushes and start a civil war.
It's a ridiculous myth that's consuming all our time.
Trump has to shatter that myth and say, let's get an open discussion happening again.
And by the way, he should pardon Roger Stone.
He should pardon Proud Boys.
These are political prisoners who were there for being Trump supporters.
Since you mentioned that, in closing, dealing with radical Islam and orthodox expansionist Islam, The left's freaking out, and I'll give Islam some thumbs up here.
They've been protesting in Europe where they're coming in with pedos and others sexualizing children in pedo, slave training, kidnapping story time.
And the Muslims are protesting and saying no.
And last week the UK banned Muslims protesting across the street.
from schools saying it's hurting the LGBT rights to have them say keep away from our kids.
So how is this, how is, how are those two things going to collide together?
Great question.
I mean, I saw this demonstration where these liberals were dressing up in rainbow colored hijabs and saying, Allah, we're gay Muslims and Allah embraces homosexuality.
And I just sort of feel like saying, you know what?
You guys are your own worst enemy.
I'm done fighting you.
I think you're just going to cannibalize each other and start your own civil war.
But sometimes I just think we should leave them to their own devices.
Because they're much better at sabotaging themselves than we are at fighting back.
Well, exactly.
They want to sabotage civilization and run it.
But people that always want to run everything don't know how to wipe their own ass.
That's where we're at.
And we see this time and time again.
Like with the trans thing, they go, we want trans to be the new thing.
And then you see the severe mental illness in that community and the lesbians saying, can we stop encouraging women to remove their breasts?
They call themselves trans exclusion and radical feminists.
And then you start having trans men winning at all these meets and these track meets and they're dominating sports and now we have drag queens telling feminists that they're not being women well enough.
Yeah, real feminism is my daughters can do whatever they want to do in a profession and that's great.
It's not men get to come into the bathroom and show them their ding dong and harass them.
Gavin McGinnis, great job.
We love you.
We'll talk to you soon.
Just keep kicking butt, my friend.
Thanks, buddy.
Thanks for having me on.
Thank you.
Let me say bye to you during the break.
I'm going to come back with huge news.
Get the number out.
Take your calls.
So much more.
All right.
I intended to come in here today and open the phones up at the start of the show, and I have not done it again because there's so much to cover and so much to get into.
Because I really want to ask listeners what they think we do three hundred and thirty something days out from the election to get Trump to move against the massive surveillance And censorship, because it's surveillance AI watching what you say and do, and then punishing you if you support President Trump, or conservatism, or Christianity, or the veterans, or the Second Amendment in any way.
It's total control!
And the President's putting up with it, and it's not what free market companies are doing.
It's beyond what the Chinese communists are doing.
And it's an AI planetary takeover.
From the beginning it was designed to do this and we need people to recognize it.
And as humans say, we don't like this evolution that's been chosen for us.
This de-evolution.
This devolution.
This isn't a good devolution where you take power from the central and bring it back to the people.
This is a breakdown.
This is a system that's poisonous, that hurts us, that hurts real diversity, that hurts real freedom, that centralizes control.
And good people care about openness and goodness and freedom, so they manipulate us and tell us we've got to do what they say because they are the protectors of the openness and the diversity, and they are not!
They are the plague.
And I know the audience of this broadcast is not an audience.
I know you're an activist and I want to really thank you because you don't realize how important you are.
And I don't have words to describe to you how critical you are.
You are the human intelligence that's dialed in the most of anybody on the planet.
That's not a bragging statement.
That's a scary statement.
Sure, we've reached billions of people.
We've awoken, all of us together, hundreds of millions.
But there are billions of people in spiritual, cultural, economic bondage who are being weaponized against us right now.
And if we don't redouble and triple our numbers and expand the energy wave that God has given us and move forward against the enemy instead of backing down from them, if we don't go on the offense and press our will up against them, then the future is going to be nightmarish beyond imagination.
But I want to be clear about my experience because this isn't magic.
This isn't the hubbub that you get from the establishment that is a twisted shadow of the real thing.
It's the way the universe really operates, the way God operates.
God has all the power, but God wants us to make the right decision and to respect our ancestors and to respect ourselves and to put our flesh in the game.
And then God opens up a front in front of us.
And when you commit to do whatever it takes to stand against evil, just that spiritual decision, and say, I'm not afraid of evil, what it says to me, what it does to me, and you really mean it.
It's not an act.
It's not a ritual.
It is an action.
Rituals are stylized systems of actions and intent.
Where we pass on our power and it's a facsimile of it.
This is the real action.
I mean, the ultimate ritual is having children in this evil world and then betting them on the future and then defending them to the end.
That's an absolute ritual of creating a new sentient conscious being.
I mean, God is delivering the spirit that is new.
is a trifecta of the bloodlines of those before coming together and then God sending the Spirit in that is a reflection of what your ancestors have already done.
God allows us to be in the process of creating the new Spirit.
I'll give you the big secrets now.
And the enemy doesn't even know these secrets.
But it's time for this to all be revealed, ladies and gentlemen.
What you think I told you about a moon base and that was just talk in the first hour?
That wasn't talk.
And it's not a Houdini act either, getting chains tied around me and thrown on the lake.
I'm not doing this to be a daredevil.
I'm just telling you, ladies and gentlemen, that you have a right to know how the universe actually works.
And the globalist wants you cut off from God.
And it's time for you to make the decision not to be cut off from God.
Think about that.
Because the most important thing you can ever do is open that channel up to God and realize that's victory, that's completion, that's eternity, that's everything.
And that's what the enemy doesn't want.
We can focus on them all day, we can show what they're doing, how out of control they are, how bad they are, and that's important.
But then once you know that, you need to just give it to God.
And that doesn't mean don't care and go hide in the church and say, thank God the microchip's coming, that means Jesus is about to be back.
Meanwhile, everybody's gonna be taking the chips around you, world government, Christians getting persecuted, but you're not gonna get persecuted because you think a rapture's coming that Is in the Bible.
After Armageddon.
A five-year-old can read it and understand it.
But the big lie of the pre-tribulation rapture is only 180 years old and was developed by the Illuminati.
And boy has it worked.
Kind of like the Q movement.
Oh, there's no need to do anything.
It's all handled by somebody else.
Before they had the Q movement, they had This white knight movement out here about 25 years ago, 20 years ago, and then online.
Oh, don't worry, the white knights have got it all handled.
Oh, oh, oh, don't worry, there's a big secret group of good guys.
Well, they're always good guys.
And you know, the good guys aren't supposed to be secret.
We're supposed to be out in the open, a light in the world, not bowing down and creeping around like the enemy.
I mean, there are times to keep things you're doing secret.
I certainly do that quite a bit, but my message and who I stand for is out in the open.
My John Hancock's written bold on it right there because if you're going to try to spend an eternity on the right side of things, don't you want to go 110%?
I mean, there's not even a question of doing the right thing here.
You do not want to be with evil.
Evil is cut and dry.
It's right there.
It's all being revealed to everybody because God's going to let all of us make a choice about where we want to be.
And it's going to be completely out in the open.
By the time Armageddon comes around, they're going to be having sex with kids on television.
They're going to be drinking baby blood and killing babies on national global television with everyone praising it.
I mean, by the time this all goes down, we are going to be living on literal hell on earth.
Billions are going to die.
It's going to be spectacular.
And there's going to be a great falling away from these fake churches When the Antichrist is ruling and nobody's being raptured, and that's good, because they're going to go to the real church that is inside of them in their relationship with God.
And it's going to be a revival, the likes of which we've never seen.
And you are, God is going to send back.
That's the way the universe works.
People read the Bible and say, this is crazy.
Like, we are uploaded to God, and then people, and then the prophets are going to come back, and then they're going to get killed, and then rise again, right up in front of everybody in Jerusalem.
And the Antichrist, all of them, won't be able to kill these people.
Can you imagine that point?
When they see their God, Satan, broken and can't even kill two men.
Think about that.
You're going to see all of it.
You're going to see prophecy fulfilled.
You're going to see the devil in chains.
You're going to see it all.
And then a thousand years later, the whole universe is going to get rolled up into a scroll.
Satan likes to pretend that he controls death.
He doesn't.
God does.
The Angel of Death is real.
The Grim Reaper works for God, not Satan.
Death delivers us all in the end.
Death is the equalizer.
Death cleanses the wicked and unites the faithful with the Creator.
Death is but a doorway.
We choose what portal we access.
This way, hell.
The left hand.
This way, the universe.
Choose wisely.
I'm gonna stop the preaching.
Said I'd take some calls tomorrow.
I'm gonna take at least two hours of calls.
Make me do that.
The toll-free number is 877-789-2539.
Get five, six, seven first-time callers.
Get 5, 6, 7 first time callers.
Are you mad at Trump about doing nothing about the big tech surveillance, the lying to Congress,
the blatant criminality?
He's got all this power, a hundred different ways to skin the cat to get him to stop it.
And now they're banning the Republican ads and running Democrat ads.
They're just not calling them Democrat ads.
And then if Republicans try to run little information news videos, they call that election meddling.
They either call it hate speech or they call it voter suppression.
A bunch of my videos get uploaded to Facebook and Twitter and the news articles are written about it by others.
They go, I put up a video of Alex Jones talking about Trump and they called it voter suppression because they don't want my messages getting to the President.
And of course they get to the President.
That's what frustrates me is that I have learned From a lot of different sources.
I'll just leave it at that.
Well-known individuals that I haven't even sought out who just wanted me to know about meetings with Trump, meetings with Pence, Elon Musk meetings, all of it.
And it's just like, you know, and I'm able to talk to others that confirm those meetings.
And Trump knows all this stuff.
He knows about the 5G.
He knows vaccines are tainted.
He knows all this.
And so I'm not going to sit here and put perfume on a pig here.
People say, oh Trump's holding his powder, you know, till they're up close and he's got a this and that.
Trump has a duty to do the right thing.
And I love the president.
He barely won because of election fraud last time.
They're going to hit him a hundred times harder this time.
He's not in control of the government.
There's huge rogue elements that are committing all these crimes and don't care.
They're going to steal it.
Yeah, get out there and vote.
Get out there and expose election fraud.
We're exposing massive election fraud all over the place and it doesn't even get picked up.
I know big tech lies to his face and that's a big part of it.
So I'm just saying we need a lot of fire under the big guys.
But, he's got a big ol' booty.
Shouldn't be hard to find.
And we just need to do that.
You need to go to the White House.
You need to bullhorn.
I had no idea that the head of Twitter would be there the day I went, the exact time I went.
And as Jack Dorsey walked in, I was bullhorning and they all thought I'd been given inside intel and kind of panicked and freaked out.
It was on the news.
It went out live on Fox, went out live on CNN.
I was literally going to go the next day.
We'd ordered food.
I'm sitting there at the hotel.
I'd just gotten there an hour before.
I was going to take a shower.
I'm a clean freak.
And I just said, forget it.
We're tired of the food.
I'm not eating.
Let's go to the White House right now.
And they're like, what's going on?
I said, we just, we've got to go now.
And I just, the more I just do that, the more I just go with my gut, go with my instinct.
It's just, it's insane.
It's like shooting the torpedoes down the reactor shaft on the Death Star.
I'm turning the computer off.
And that's what we've all got to use because we've got the computer right here.
It's connected to God.
These Satanists all operate in unison because they're dialed into his transmission.
And they like it.
Because they never got God's transmission.
Some of them refused it.
And now, while that's big news...
Larry Page and Sergey Brin, the founders of Google, are stepping down as the heads of the main company.
This could be Trump.
Let me give you a news flash.
This isn't even hidden.
It's actually in the white papers.
Going back when I started.
Google is the NSA global privatization takeover grid that the Pentagon and DARPA designed in 62.
And it's the dominant big enchilada.
The competing system is Facebook.
The globalists always create at least two systems.
And that's why I'm saying Trump shouldn't allow this.
This is a human takeover system.
But the fact that those two just stepped down, that could either mean they're putting worse globalists in, or that could mean Trump's moved against them because he's got the power under those executive operations to remove those people.
I mean, let me tell you, stuff is not what it seems in the United States.
It's a giant scientific war machine, okay?
I mean, the United States is 50 years ahead of China.
Doesn't matter that they're being given everything on purpose because they're evil.
The UN's letting them create the global standardization, which again, the globalists created, David Rockefeller's family created.
Little break with Jacob, Derek, Dave, Zach, Alex, and others.
You know, I went ahead and just gave people a tour of our offices.
It's never before been seen where our real offices are versus the ones that the media says are.
And I went ahead and showed people our warehouse and gave people a tour.
This is not aired yet.
I'm going to air its second segment of the next hour just to show folks what we're doing and how we're fighting here.
And the fact that we're not funded by George Soros, we're not funded by The Globalist, we're funded by you.
And they want to silence you.
And so do your Christmas shopping at infowarestore.com, and I would do it now, because we've got the Black Friday extended into Cyber Week, and these are the biggest sales ever.
Free shipping, double Patriot points, triple Patriot points now, and 50% off DNA Force.
Everybody should be taking that.
So good for your body, so good for your cells.
It actually is the closest thing to Fountain of Youth out there.
and you get a free bottle of Brain Force Plus with it on top of the discount.
So that's a huge deal.
Free bottle of Brain Force Plus, even though it's our number one overall best-selling
product, we sell the most of that.
It isn't really a big profit center 'cause we sell it at a low price, but people love it.
A free bottle of that with X2 and X3, I mean, if you're not taking clean iodine, you're insane.
I mean, you want to have better dreams, you want to have better skin, you want to have better sex life, you want to enjoy everything better.
I mean, they don't want you to have it.
They put the bad allergen in everything to keep your ass down on the plantation.
I mean, like energy drinks and stuff and all this crap doesn't work unless you have the basics of everything else.
Then it all does work.
I can't even take that kind of stuff because I'm bouncing off the walls on fish oil and iodine and everything else.
And no wonder they don't want people on fish oil and iodine, man, because you get on this.
I mean, my God, I got so much energy.
It's like insane.
Stop the iodine conspiracy, wake up the world challenge.
Get a bottle of bio-true selenium from the mustard seed.
It's the best you're gonna get anywhere.
Put Survival Shields X3 and X2 together.
That's an incredible deal.
100% review on that.
That's a new special we got, but whoever got it loves it.
You gotta give that to every family member you got.
Just do your shopping here.
Fund the Info War.
It's unbelievable.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139.
Jacob, Derek, Dave, Zach, Alex, Bob, Catherine, Ray, Kevin, we'll get to your calls right when we come out of the gates.
There's a lot of stuff I didn't get to today that I really need to get to.
You know what?
I'm supposed to get a haircut at 3.30, but I can get back here and host the last couple hours of the War Room and Firepower.
I mean, hell, I'll just do a whole other show.
By the way, I'm gonna start, I'm committed to the next 334 days.
I'm doing shows seven days a week, and I'm starting a new show very soon.
I'll let you know about it.
Actually, I'm starting two new shows a day.
So there's gonna be two new shows a day for the next 334 days.
Two new shows a day that I'm gonna be doing myself.
I need to step up!
Okay, folks, we are back live broadcasting worldwide, and I'm pretty wound up because the energy level on this planet is just insane right now.
And the evil slaves, the globalists, are just making fools of themselves at this impeachment hearing.
We're going to have a lot of highlights of that during the war room today, of Professor Turley and others just destroying them.
That's coming up.
Mike Adams is coming up soon as well.
We're going to your phone calls right now.
Let's talk to Dave in Kentucky.
Dave, thanks for holding her on the air.
Thank you so much.
The reason I'm calling is I'm concerned about election fraud, having direct personal knowledge of this.
A handful of people control all these voting machines, and only one or two programmers are in control of millions of votes.
These same companies also are in charge of land management software for the counties.
And so the only way to save 2020 is to have paper ballots.
Paper is the answer.
That's why they want to ban paper in schools.
They don't want us to use paper.
Leftists do mail-outs.
They want everything up on the cloud, so it can all be controlled by AI and erased in live time, including someone's voice print, a song, a speech.
They can go through the whole world and erase it.
It's all decentralized, including the Pentagon, on Microsoft and Amazon computers.
We trust these people.
Good God!
And you guys, Beth Harris has the documents.
You guys have documents.
You know who these people are.
They're your friends.
They're your neighbors.
You can reach out to these people.
The average man on the street can go through their dumpster.
They're very lazy, these globalists.
They often keep sloppy paper trails.
You have to bring this to light and please paper the election and reach out to people physically with paper because unless we do that, it's totally lost.
The voting is rigged and my fear is that they prepare Google and all the other big data companies to subjugate the vote.
You're right, my friend.
God bless you, Dave.
Thank you for calling.
Let's go to Ray in Oregon.
Ray, you're on the air.
here in Kentucky, they know how to fix a horse race, they know how to fix the payouts,
and it's been a test ground so they can do the payouts to those sellout neocons so they can maintain their status.
And we know where the money goes back to as well.
You're right, my friend.
God bless you, Dave.
Thank you for calling.
Let's go to Ray in Oregon.
Ray, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Man, I am just fired up.
I'm fighting these globalists and I've decided to fight them with everything I've got.
I'm just, I'm seething with energy.
How are you doing?
I'm feeling it.
I'm a ten-year one-percenter.
This March will be ten years that I have not missed a minute of your broadcast.
I mean, I'm not saying I just tune in.
It's heralding to me, okay?
Well, you're awesome, brother.
Are you feeling the energy go up?
Oh, God, yes!
Phoned in since you had Viggo Mortensen on some years back, and, uh, I just thought it was important to call this time and get through, and then, man, I made it through.
Well, God bless you.
What's on your mind, my friend?
Well, I-I noticed last night... Sorry about the background.
That's okay, brother.
Go ahead and hit us.
All right.
I noticed last night that I started thinking about the fact of the ADL using Borat to be their frontman, and why are they doing this all of a sudden?
Well, Trump's been meeting with these guys, and I think he's taking them out to the woodshed.
I think maybe there's something going on behind the scenes.
And, uh, more than we know.
Well, listen, you may be right.
I'm sitting there bitching about Trump and saying, man, we gotta, we gotta take action.
And, uh, guys, when you read that article you put on screen a little while ago, I mean, the fact that the heads of Alphabet, the founders of the Google demon, uh, have stepped down, that is a big, we need, we need to understand why that happened.
Because if, if, if, if, if better people are put in there, because believe me, I mean, it, it was built by US taxpayers.
It's, it, Google is the US government, folks.
And if Trump's finally figured that out and done something about it, that's good.
Because it may be too far when Google started banning his ads.
You know, it's like I said, if Trump doesn't stop that, my God, there's nothing he won't put up with, you know?
Some of that's just the facade.
But the fact that they would just come out of nowhere and say, you know, submit to us, we're in charge, we own you.
Something triggered that.
So, they're suspecting something, or they're, you know, maybe nothing's going on with Trump, just the fact that he's meeting with them is making them- Well, I'll tell you this, the head of the ADL, when he's on TV, looks like he's being tortured or something.
I mean, he looks like he's in hell.
And Barack looks like a psychotic Count Dracula, uh, Sacha Baron Cohen, and so I'm just glad I'm not on the side of Satan, I tell you, it's freaking me out.
Well, I've gotten to the point wherever I see somebody so engulfed in this that that's a celebrity type status.
I automatically start thinking, okay, they got video of this guy snuffing a kid or something.
Well, I mean, I'll tell you what they got is they got his soul.
Everything that Sacha Baron Cohen's ever done is about destroying free speech and in the name of defending it.
And he's reading off a teleprompter.
So when you see him, you're hearing from the deep state.
Just do one thing for me.
Just say, we're Motel 6 and we'll leave the light on for you.
And a couple other quick things I want to mention.
No, no, it's just you do sound like that guy.
You say, we're in full wars and we'll leave the light on for you.
We're in full wars and we'll leave the light on for you.
I love it!
Hey, and when the day comes that I meet you in person, I don't want to cause any static with your past relationships, but I'm going to get you to do the French guy for me.
I miss that.
What's the French guy?
I forget.
You'd always do your Frenchman.
Oh ho ho!
Oh ho ho!
La poule et ton nez de dépenteur!
You know, there was a French TV crew here that I got pissed off at.
I started doing that to them and ran them out of the office like I was a huge rooster flapping my wings.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
That's good.
That guy sounds just like the Murm Hotel 6.
We'll leave the light on for you.
We gotta get that clip up.
Jacob in Georgia, thanks for holding.
You're awesome.
Welcome, sir.
Hey, Alex.
Alright, listen, very close, man.
The way to win the Info War is we need what they have that we don't, and that's a plan.
They've been spelling it out in Agenda 21, you know, Council on Foreign Relations, 1984 publications, books, movies.
We're in a battle between love and hate, good and evil, but if you boil it down a little more, we're in a battle between socialist dystopia and libertarian utopia.
We need to turn InfoWars into a crowdsourcing apparatus and start crowdsourcing the best engineers, the best architects, the best designers, and build a world that people, these millennials, want to live in.
We don't give them a direction.
They're all searching.
Well sir, I've tried to build something and I'm not the best at it.
So I'm going to start doing shows on other platforms as well.
I'm not, we're good at putting content out and covering things and I've got a great crew.
I just, I can't do more.
Believe me.
I mean, I just, it's unbelievable.
But what I'm trying to get at here with you is that Yes, we need to talk about the good world we could build versus what the globalists are going to build, and I was saying that earlier, but that all takes money and word of mouth.
That's why it's all on the audience here.
InfoWars is maxed out.
I mean, we're at full capacity.
We can barely produce the shows we're doing.
I can't seem to hire people for some reason.
I can't ever seem to be able to expand for some reason.
I can't seem to be able to build websites for a reason.
I mean, we're just always under attack trying to fix what they've already shut down or taken away from us, so I'm not complaining.
I'm not a victim.
I'm just saying that, yeah, there's a lot of great stuff we could do theoretically.
All I could do is just start doing more shows, more places.
I mean, I can do the shows.
I can cover the information.
I can take the calls.
Go ahead.
You're doing great, man.
I mean, I can't even do them here.
I don't even have crew to do more shows here on the weekend and stuff.
So I'm going to go work in other places now.
And it's nothing against the crew.
I'll show up.
I'll just do whatever I can.
You got my commitment here.
Yeah, well, we love you, dude, but it's all about, you know, tip of the spear, tip of the spear.
Now we gotta move to the shaft of the spear.
What comes after the tip?
That's what we gotta focus on.
I mean, it's like, I love you, I listen every day.
Okay, so tell me, okay, you just said, it's not about me, okay?
Tell me how we crowdsource, tell me how, tell me how, I do anything.
Just explain to me how I don't go home and there's rotting food in the refrigerator.
Just explain to me how I get people out of their zombie-osis.
Yeah, and really, it's inspiration, man.
We gotta go to the inspiration wars.
And we gotta say, you know what?
These Christian people who built this amazing world built on truth, justice, liberty, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, that's all sacred.
That is sacred stuff that we need to fight as warriors, man.
We're all unhappy and feeling lost because we all want to be spirit warriors, man.
And that's why we love you.
It's because you're a spirit warrior, dude.
Brother, I love you too.
We're all in this together.
But we do need to get animated and upset and in motion and not complying with the evil.
And I think that's it.
We need to be alive.
We need to get aggressive.
We need to all realize that there is a fight between good and evil right now raging.
I appreciate your call.
I wasn't mad at the caller.
I'm not even bitching about things.
There's just major frustration here because I want to make films.
I want to do productions.
I want to do all these things, okay?
I mean, there's a lot of stuff I want to do.
And there's a certain thing of entropy that anything done in the same place too long just creates these eddy pools of failure.
And I'm not saying Infowars is failing.
I'm just simply saying that Infowars has been a mom-and-pop organization and It's under attack from without and other areas.
And so when people call in and tell me, Hey, we need him for us to do this.
I mean, you know, I mean, my God, man, I'm just trying to, I don't think you know what actually goes into an infrastructure.
Next segment, I'm going to have for you the big moves that just happened at Google.
It's coming in right now, collating it for you.
Some really, uh, bad news.
Google is not reorganizing because they've been caught in all their evil.
They are just consolidating, and then the founders of it that still own it and run it are moving away to a distance to try to have plausible deniability about the massive criminal activity, illegal surveillance, rigging economies, monopoly activities, and just so much more.
I'll tell you about that next segment.
Boy, this is just incredible.
All right, now let's go back to your phone calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Alex in Washington.
Alex, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I just want to say big fan.
I've been listening since I was about 13 years old.
I just wanted to share a censorship story that I had with actually promoting InfoWars and Banned.Video.
I was watching the impeachment live on YouTube and tried, you know, typing out Banned.Video.
Instantly got, you know, deleted.
Then tried spacing it out using special characters.
Still got deleted, and then my account was actually banned.
Yeah, well that's... So you're seeing censorship in live time about what you can even type, which they admit is going on.
Yeah, I mean, like I said, I typed it out.
My message was instantly deleted.
Sure enough, then I couldn't go back to my account for a couple days.
It just wasn't working, and I just wanted to share that.
Now again, walk through that.
You tried to put Band.Video in where?
Into the chat.
Live chat on YouTube and on Twitch.
Instantly deleted.
Didn't even pop up on the chat.
And then I got a message saying that I was banned for that, and yeah.
And of course, that's an incredible monopolistic behavior.
They're taking the you out of YouTube.
They've announced they're going to censor and purge everyone starting this month.
They haven't purged, and then yeah, people trying to put Infowars.com in, ban.video, they're seeing the same thing.
And it's happening at Facebook, and it's happening to everybody.
I mean, again, they're not letting him send out Melania Trump photos saying, join the Trump campaign.
Because she's good looking and she's got positive numbers with people.
They're like, no, you're not allowed to win the election.
And Trump puts up with it.
So it's just an absolute nightmare.
Yeah, craziest part about it, you know, it's on the Fox News Network, you know, and you'd think it'd be as supportive as a little bit, or, but then, then again, you have the big tech YouTube coming in and just kicking our asses.
Well, News Corp, two years ago, about six months before I got totally banned, had a big 30-page subscription article that we printed off, Paul Watson wrote about it, made a big deal about it on air, and they said, hey, old media's gonna be successful again, like News Corp, with big tech.
We're gonna start by censoring Julian Assange and Alex Jones.
And once the president said to ban them, we're banning everybody.
There'll be no more YouTube and you.
It's gonna be everything to be like Netflix.
And they projected huge profits and control.
And so they had a subscription article for the readers and business to all be on board.
And they did it!
So that isn't like the mainline fake news they put out for everybody.
That was a subscription article, 30 pages long, and they told everybody.
what they were going to do. I forget the exact name of the article it was, but other people
wrote stories about it. One of the headlines was, "Hold on to your tin foil hat, Alex Jones.
YouTube's coming for you." And a couple months later they did. So that's how they operate. And
yeah, that's why you've got to do stuff through word of mouth about Band-Aid video.
And then of course it'll be, oh, the AI heard you.
Oh, the streetlight listening heard you.
Oh, your credit score went down.
And people just say, how did it know that?
How did it do that?
It's listening to you.
Now they admit, oh, your phone is listening.
It knows when you talk about something and then puts ads up.
It's all just, yeah, yeah, we are.
And it used to batch every day.
We'd have a little file, create a little text file on the phone that's tiny.
And it would send it once a day.
And then now, reportedly, it's sending in every hour, and soon it'll be every minute.
And so it's just always recording, even when the phone's off.
A lot of the phones, even when it's out of power, it has a little backup battery in there you don't even know about.
A lot of them have hidden microphones.
And then it just sits there and beams it back all lovingly.
Yeah, that's a liberal.
Yeah, but don't worry!
They're gonna teach your little boys at age five that it's trendy to pretend they're a girl, then they're gonna say your child's decided to transgender, and then your child's rights are taken away, you still raise the child, but your child is then mutilated with chemicals and their penis and balls are chopped off, and everybody just accepts the giant satanic death cult ruling everything, because they love it!
We are back live, Mike Adams is taking over.
But I wanted to hit this big breaking news.
Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin stepped down as Alphabet executives.
And Sundar Pichai steps into a huge role as Alphabet CEO.
And he's brown!
So you've got to let him lie to Congress.
And you've got to let him spy on you.
And you've got to let him run monopolies.
And you've got to let him listen to you through devices in your house.
Because if you don't, you're racist.
So, bow down to Sundar and his fabulous AI demon machine, Google.
So, when I first saw the report, before they announced Sundar, I said, if they put people in their pro-free speech and reverse this, it's a good idea.
Because Google was started by DARPA.
No, they put Sundar, that lion-snake frontman of Schmidt.
Eric Schmidt really runs the whole deal.
And they worship Obama, they worship pedophilia, they worship the New World Order.
I mean, this is just a pack of crooks.
And they're just running circles around Trump.
While we're watching Trump run circles around the impeachment, that's the diversion.
That's the magician with the attractive assistant, you know, in her fishnets going, ha ha ha, while you're looking at her, wave a wand, he's getting the rabbit ready under the table.
And that's it.
That's what's happening.
And it's very, very sad.
We need to see major shakeups at Google, Apple, Twitter, all these places, Facebook.
But instead, AI is pre-controlling what people can say and do.
As I warned you years ago, it's here.
And nothing is being done.
Nothing is being resisted.
Nothing is being challenged.
Because the entire infrastructure was built for an AI takeover from the beginning of the Internet being invented.
It was not to keep us online when the Russians attacked.
And the older model could have helped communications during an attack because it was decentralized.
Now the cloud and everything going into one system is the opposite of a diversified Internet.
But it's all being done so the AI can scan everything at once.
And so, if you're not a good little boy or girl, they can remove it, or control it, or not let you have access to it.
I mean, who would keep all of their data, all of their secrets, all of their everything, somewhere else, when the cloud's designed to be accessed and designed to be abused?
They talk about Communist China.
Oh, we can't have Huawei's cloud.
Oh, we can't have Huawei's 5G.
We have to have Amazon's and Microsoft's, which are just as bad.
They're run by the people that created the Chai-coms.
And have the poor Chinese people under such horrible bondage.
And gung-ho means strapped up like horses pulling in one direction.
Unified slavery.
The Marines adopted that name.
We're gung-ho now!
Which means robots in Chinese.
Robot mind is what it translates out, basically.
Yeah, we're a robot mind, alright.
All this stuff we think of as American.
I'm gung-ho.
That's Mao Zedong invented that.
But Mao Zedong didn't invent any of it.
DARPA, when it was under another name, set all of this up.
And it's as satanic as the day is long.
There's a lot of other stuff I didn't get to, but I'm gonna get to some of this right now.
Now they're saying get rid of paper, it's bad for the earth.
You've heard that a lot, but now they're banning only Christmas cards because they're Christian over in the UK.
And I didn't get to this yesterday or today, but I'm gonna get to it now.
Lefty BBC comedian booed offstage for tired Brexit jokes.
Finally the whipped British people You know, have this guy bitching at him, this comedian at this charity event, about how you colonized me and you're bad, well then why the hell do you want to live in the UK?
And then he just finally booed his ass off the stage!
And it's that simple!
Just reject it, and say no to it.
So this is BBC Nish Kumar.
He's not even funny, the whole thing's like 20 minutes long.
Here's a few minutes of it, it's up on Infowars.com, so you watch an article.
Watch a lefty BBC comedian boot off stage for tired Brexit jokes.
Here it is.
Um, listen, I... That dude is not fucking around.
So what I would say is if you really, if you didn't like what I did, then I would say donate more to the Lost Atlas, and get them some budget to start paying some proper convenience.
Is that something you could agree with?
I was ready to leave, but now that you lot have started paying me like cricks, I'm not going.
You can put what you want.
I was ready to wind it up.
I was ready for it to be compromised.
But as soon as you first started playing in 40, I didn't go anywhere.
I was full of blood pounding it.
Absolutely burnt out.
I know you want me to leave, so I'm not going to do it.
But as soon as you decide to make a point, I'm not going anywhere. I'm full of blood pounding you.
Absolute blood pound. I know you want me to leave, so I'm not going to do it.
Absolutely not.
Absolutely not.
And I think the very least we can do is to say thank you for doing that.
But thank you very much Nish.
I think now is the time to draw the blackboard.
Well done.
Ladies and gentlemen, Mitch David Steinman, come and support the charity today.
And I think the very least we can do is to say thank you for doing that.
But thank you very much, Mitch, and now it's time for us to draw the blackboard.
Well done, thank you Mitch.
I was just like, "Boo!"
And then Albert will come up and go, boo.
How many of the audience walked out?
I saw one, man.
Did you see one paper that said, everybody walked out?
I haven't seen that one.
Everybody walked out.
It's on paper.
It said everybody walked out.
They're really losing their minds here.
Alright, well that's not the video I sent to the crew there, but whatever.
I think it's great anyways.
Just get it off there.
That's all.
Freaking awesome.
I don't give a freaking damn.
You know what I mean?
Everybody's gonna be dead soon anyways.
Along this timeline.
Everybody loves Satan so much.
Everybody loves marijuana so much.
Everybody loves death.
Everybody loves being stupid.
I don't know.
Anyways, I just told everybody and I guarantee you, this ain't the same show anymore.
You understand?
And you're gonna see a lot of other big changes and a lot of craziness.
Because I'm getting outside the box here.
And I am not going to roll over and die.
But I am gonna go ahead and just spell it all out.
And talk about the things that are going on, the things that are happening, and the things that are unfolding.
Because we've got a bunch of satanic, crazy people running things.
Let's play this next clip.
This is up on Infowars.com.
Dem impeachment witness goes on unhinged rant about how Trump ruined her Thanksgiving.
So this is the type of testimony we have as a whining, bitching, complaining person about Trump being bad because of her Thanksgiving.
Here it is.
You know, I spent all of Thanksgiving vacation sitting there reading these transcripts.
I didn't, you know, I ate like a turkey that came to us in the mail that was already cooked because I was spending my time doing this.
So, again, she just mixes into, oh, the Thanksgiving, I have to explain to everybody how bad Trump is.
And then AP comes out and gives a guide on how you need to have a moderator and not talk about it at the table, but go to a designated room where the left tells you where you have speech and where you don't.
And they're all like ugly chicken neck, sexy looking demons.
You know, just all just weird, creepy nobodies from filthy, scum families with just backgrounds of trash and filthy, weak, chicken-neck people having sex over and over again and creating more weak, stupid, grasping, low-level scum who want to rape your children because they're a bunch of demon-possessed trash right out of hell.
That's what it is.
That's what it is.
And they just love it.
We're all just supposed to bow down to it and just think it's the greatest thing since
sliced bread and give big fat clown men with big demon mask on the keys of the city and
just fall down and go, "Here's our children.
You're a big fat ugly looking pervert.
Please, please, please, please have sex with my child.
It's so liberal.
It's so trendy."
And we all just bow down and just sycophantically worship it and just spend our money on all
Hollywood trash and garbage and just bow down to it.
I'm going to tell the left, let me tell you something.
You're all going completely insane.
You've noticed that.
So I'm just channeling what you're up to.
And that's why you're all having breakdowns on air.
It's why you're all having heart attacks, why you're all dying.
Because long before we're dead, all the patriots, you're all going to be dead from your own system.
So just get ready, Roaches.
Welcome, Mike Adams, stepping in here for the remainder of the fourth hour today, December 4th, 2019.
And just segueing from what Alex Closed out with in the last segment, Alex is right on target.
He really gets it.
He sees exactly where this is headed.
It is the extermination of humanity if we don't stop these tyrants and these destroyers from wrecking everything.
We are fighting here at InfoWars and across the independent media.
We're not just fighting for, let's say, a political outcome of Trump getting reelected or even whether you like Trump or not is almost irrelevant.
We're fighting for humanity.
Team humanity is what we're on, and the opposition to this is trying to destroy humanity.
When you look at the radical left, the communism, the socialism, the destroyers of all that is good, they are destroyers of civilization, destroyers of abundance, destroyers of freedom and consciousness, and the very thing that makes you human Which is that dignity, you could call it a divine dignity, granted to you by God, this consciousness, this free will, this soul that you were born with.
That soul is what the radical left despises.
And they hope to crush your soul, to crush your speech, to crush your consciousness.
They want to turn you into, temporarily, obedient robots, and then long-term, simply exterminate you.
And this is what communism is all about.
That's why we have to defeat communism.
Humanity must declare war on communism and all of those who practice it and advocate it.
So today, I'm going to talk about five out of ten grave threats to humanity that exist right now that we must defeat if the human race is to have any future on our planet.
These are beyond just mere politics.
These are grave, cosmic-level, universal threats to human existence.
I've posted a story today on my website that talks about 5 out of the 10.
Part 2 of that story is coming tomorrow, so I'm going to cover those.
But, also today, I've got a new documentary, a mini-documentary, 20 minutes long, roughly, that has been posted, I believe, on Band.Video.
Thanks to the efforts of the InfoWars team, I've got a channel there now.
I've been posting a video every weekday.
And we recently posted this video about how America is collapsing into a narco state, I'm sorry, a pharma state as a parallel to the narco state status of Mexico.
Now that video, here today we're going to play some minutes from that video, not yet, but we'll get there.
That video is available on both Band.Video and Brighteon.com.
And a quick note about these video platforms.
I hope you understand that I've spent millions of dollars to build Brighteon.com.
I know that InfoWars, Alex Jones, has spent millions of dollars to build Band.Video.
We are building these platforms so that you can use them and you can share those videos and you can tell people about those platforms.
These platforms are not yet getting the use that they deserve.
There's resistance for some reason.
Even in the pro-liberty community, there's resistance to posting videos on, let's say, BrightTown.com because people say, well, I get more views on YouTube.
Okay, fine.
Until the day you get purged and then you have zero.
You need to be using these platforms, folks.
They're free to use.
Use Band.Video.
Share videos there.
I know maybe you can't post on Band.Video yet, but that's coming soon for more and more people.
But you can create an account on Brighttown.com.
It's free.
Use these platforms or you will be subjected to the tyranny of the left and they will cut you off.
And when I look at people out there, like prominent independent media voices that are out there, I don't want to name any names, but just some of the biggest conservative names you can think of, why aren't they on these alternative platforms?
Because, well, they're kidding themselves if they think they're going to not get banned on YouTube sooner or later.
That's coming for everyone who is pro-human and pro-America and perhaps even pro-Trump as well.
But getting to the ten big threats to humanity that exist right now, and just to set the context for this, when things get really bad, As they are now.
When you are talking about the extermination of human civilization, the rise of outright authoritarianism and tyranny, the censorship, the mutilation of children that Alex talks about being carried out by radical leftists, the LGBT agenda, massive brainwashing, fake news media that deliberately lies, total injustice in the House of Representatives with Jerry Nadler today in the judicial hearings.
When things get this bad, There are a couple of ways to react to it.
You can get mad.
Or, what I tend to do is I tend to get academic for some reason.
That's just my own personal response.
I tend to go into analysis mode.
I tend to think, I don't know, when I'm under stress, I tend to think in solutions and mathematics and physics and things like that.
That's why I really enjoy rifle training because I don't feel any pressure at all.
You put an AR in my hand and, you know, 10 spare mags on a chest rig and show me a scenario and I love it, man.
I'm just fighting for freedom.
So, you know, in training.
I do that all the time.
And I enjoy it.
I don't stress out at all.
Like, shooting live ammunition doesn't stress me out.
It actually, it kind of helps me focus.
But I've written this story to academically analyze the big threats to humanity, so let's get right to them.
First one is space weather and solar flares.
We are right now subjected to solar flares and asteroids impacting our planet.
These are planet killers.
These are mass extinction events.
And you know about these, probably.
You've heard about them at least.
The entire power grid can be taken down without notice.
In an instant.
Just by one solar flare that happens to strike our planet.
Now, we as a human species, we are doing nothing To ruggedize our infrastructure against that.
Essentially nothing.
We are just, it's like we're walking through a minefield with a blindfold on in some kind of mad parade of stupidity and just waiting for our legs to get blown off.
That's what humanity is doing right now as we are hurling through space on this planet that is in a shooting gallery.
There's space weather, there's objects moving at very high velocity, tens of thousands of miles per hour equivalent relative to our planet.
We're going to get struck by these one day.
It's going to happen, and it has happened before, and yet we're doing nothing to stop it.
Why is that?
Well, because humanity doesn't have a lot of foresight, sadly.
Point number two, a big threat to humanity is the genetic engineering of humans.
China is now leading the way because they have no morals and no ethics, and they are genetically engineering super soldiers.
At least that's their effort.
They are going to grow in human cloning vats, these super soldiers, obedient biological robots that they can send out as armies to try to conquer the world and put everybody under the thumb of communism.
And they're doing these genetic engineering experiments on human babies right now and they're hiding the identities of those babies and they're causing unforeseen mutations That become genetic pollution because they can be carried forth to future generations.
So China is now polluting the human gene pool with mad science experiments, and they're going to continue to do this.
Which means all of us are at risk.
The future of the human race is at risk because of China's mad science experiments.
And remember, this is the country that right now runs organ harvesting dungeons.
Now, of course, they're going to use genetic engineering to try to clone human organ harvesting farms where they can harvest organs for profit and growing people in a matrix-like set of vats, prisons, for biological conscious beings who never know reality.
All they're grown for is for their organs because China is a communist country and they have no ethics and no morals.
There's more coming.
Bigger threats to humanity I'll cover when we return after this coming break.
You're watching the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams here stepping in for the remainder of this hour.
Much more coming, so don't go anywhere.
Humanity is on the brink.
We'll be right back.
Alright, Mike Adams here, continuing.
We are discussing the top 10 threats to the very survival of humanity.
And that's what's threatened now by these radical leftists and all these different things that are trying to destroy humanity, destroy all that is good.
In essence, there's also, we talk about this from time to time, the rise of demonic influences trying to destroy Everything that is a representation of the divine, or anything that resembles God, such as human beings, for example.
So, if you believe in good, if you believe the child should be protected, if you believe in economic abundance, freedom to think, Free will.
Then you are considered evil and you will be targeted for destruction by the radical left.
So we're talking about all those things.
Point number three from this list, which is in an article I've posted today on Natural News.
Number three is communism and socialism is a grave threat to humanity. We must declare war against
communism if we are to survive as a species.
And part of the reason for this is because communism is based on the idea that you do not have free will,
that you are not a human being with your own consciousness or soul.
Remember that free will springs forth as a natural emergent property from self-awareness
and the sense that you yourself are aware of your thoughts, that you are creating your thoughts,
that you have a choice inside your own mind what to think, what to say, how to act, what to do.
And yet this runs counter to communism and authoritarian tyrannical regimes such as communist China, which by the way calls itself socialism.
Are you aware of that?
China calls itself a socialist country even though it's an emperor who is now a lifetime position, cannot be removed through any kind of elections, massive tyrannical police state surveillance of all the citizens, Social credit scoring systems, you know, spying on every citizen in every way possible, restricting access to free information, and yet that is called socialism according to the Chinese themselves, mainland Chinese.
And just as a side note, Taiwan stands in great contrast to that.
Taiwan is the pro-freedom version of Chinese culture.
I used to live in Taiwan.
My wife is from Taiwan.
Taiwan, I've called it the Texas of Asia.
It's kind of like the pro-freedom nation of Asia.
So don't confuse Taiwan with China, even though China is trying to convince everybody that Taiwan is a republic of China or some kind of territory of China.
That's not true.
Taiwan is an independent nation and Taiwan actually expresses freedom and freedom to think.
But communism is a threat to us all.
Communism must be defeated everywhere in the world.
Recognize that when people promote communism or support it, they are in fact supporting the destruction of humanity.
That's how it will end if communism achieves dominance.
Point number four in this is censorship.
The tech giants, you're well aware of this topic.
We talk about it all the time here on InfoWars.com, Alex included.
I'm calling it digital tyranny or online ethnic cleansing.
This is a digital genocide type of agenda being pushed by the tech giants.
It is criminal in nature.
It is treason because it is deliberately interfering with the body politic and the role of the people in electing representatives in Washington, D.C.
So this criminal treason being carried out by the tech giants for some reason is not being resisted or shut down by President Trump.
And that may be his undoing.
That will be his great failure.
If he does not take action against the tech giants, he will lose in 2020, and America will fall.
And it's because the tech giants have decided that they alone, their unelected, radical, left-wing engineers and decision makers, they alone get to decide what you are allowed to say.
And anything they don't want you to say will be labeled hate speech.
And what is hate to a leftist?
Well, hate is just anything they don't want to hear.
So if you say, we should protect and love unborn babies, that will be called hate speech.
If you say, it's wrong to mutilate the genitalia of babies and infants and children, then you will be labeled hate speech because they will say, no, it's love.
It's love to do those violent, horrible things, they'll say to children.
And that's how twisted they are.
But they're making the decisions of what you are allowed to say.
These distortions are very dangerous, and you now have Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of the World Wide Web, unveiling what has been called the Magna Carta for the web.
It's actually the contract for the web, which has been described as protecting people, protecting the rights of the people to be safe from hate.
What, you ask?
What does that mean?
The rights of the people to be protected from hate?
There is no right to be protected from someone else's speech.
These are fabricated, fake rights that are being invented.
It's not a right.
You don't have a right not to be offended.
You have a right to change the channel.
You can go to a different website.
You can turn off a subscription to some channel that you're following.
But you do not have a right not to be offended.
And you especially do not have the right to suppress the speech of individuals who are engaging in speech just because you don't like the color of that speech.
In the same way that you don't have the right to discriminate against people because they have dark skin color, for example, or because they follow a religion that's different from yours, or because they're a different sex than you.
You know, you can't discriminate against women, for example, just because they're women.
But, apparently, in America today, you can discriminate against people based on the color of their speech, and that's called tolerance, and that's called safety, and Angela Merkel says that's free speech.
Free speech is censorship.
According to her.
So we are now devolving into the Orwellian nightmare scenario that's described in George Orwell's 1984 book.
Ignorance is strength.
War is peace.
What's the rest of that?
The real version of it now is that censorship is free speech.
And tolerance is hating conservatives.
And diversity is obedience.
That's what it has become today.
That's what the left is pushing.
It's straight out of 1984.
All right.
Point number five, which is all I've got for you today on this list of ten.
The mass chemical contamination of the food supply.
It is now accumulating through this process called bioaccumulation in the bodies of individuals because the human food supply is toxic.
It is deliberately contaminated with pesticides and herbicides and heavy metals.
And this is going to cause a transgenerational effect.
We're already seeing rising rates of cancer, rising rates of stroke among the youth in America.
Strokes in kids, basically.
20-something-year-old people, they're having strokes.
Why is that?
Because the food supply has been deliberately poisoned.
And now, this is even more alarming, we are seeing in our lab, and we're seeing reports of this also on the web, of herbicides being found in organic products.
So USDA organic products are now contaminated with toxic cancer-causing herbicides.
This is a trend that we've been seeing for the last six months, and it's now reaching alarming levels.
For example, recently we tested a wheatgrass powder that was certified organic.
It wasn't anybody's brand.
It was a raw material that we were assessing to see if we wanted to use it for our own products.
And it contains such high levels of glyphosate that we rejected it.
But it was certified organic.
Think about this.
The food supply of humans is designed to be toxic.
And we are the only mammals on earth that deliberately poison our children with toxic chemicals in our food.
And you look out at mammals all across the earth from elephants and deer and dolphins and whales and I mean, they don't feed their babies poison, do they?
They try to get clean food and they don't physically maim and assault their babies either.
With, you know, Drag Queen Story Hour.
Do that.
You don't have, like, dolphin... dolphin drag queens running around the ocean.
Only humans are insane enough to psychologically terrorize their children and chemically poison their children through the food supply.
And if you are eating non-organic produce, you're getting huge exposure to these poisons.
And if you're eating organic produce, you're still getting some exposure.
That's how bad it is.
And this underscores the importance of, you know, clean groceries and clean food.
And just drinking water and sweating and eliminating toxins and all the things that you need to do to stay healthy in a general sense.
That's why exercise is so important because you're sweating out the toxins.
That's why liver health is so important because your liver then neutralizes these toxic pesticides and things that are circulating in your blood.
So those are five of the ten major threats to humanity.
Five more coming tomorrow.
Maybe I'll discuss them next week here on InfoWars.
I'm telling you, Things are bad for humanity.
If we don't change course, we will be exterminated.
We will destroy ourselves, or we will allow ourselves to be destroyed by events outside of our control, such as space weather.
More stories ahead.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Until recently, I thought the coming civil war would start in California.
But after recent events in Virginia, where the Democrats have taken control of that state and tried to push extreme gun control, to even criminalize all the owners of AR-15s in Virginia who purchased them legally.
Now we have had, we've seen meetings and town halls all across Virginia, I think many of them even last night.
30 counties in Virginia are now Second Amendment sanctuary counties.
I think the coming civil war may begin in Virginia.
Because the tyrants are running rampant across the rights of Virginians.
In fact, remember the state slogan of Virginia is Six Semper Tyrannis in Latin, which roughly translated means resisting tyranny or death to tyrants.
It's not an exact translation, but it's close.
Virginians have a long history of resisting tyranny and rising up against oppression.
And it looks like they're going to do it again.
And if Richmond is going to try to criminalize firearms ownership across Virginia, I strongly
suspect that there may be a point where the citizens of Virginia not only surround the
Capitol, but actually maybe rise up and, you know, I'm not going to advocate violence here,
but peacefully take back their state, peacefully arrest the tyrants and take them out of power
and restore the rights of Virginians who, of course, have constitutional rights protected
by the Constitution of the United States as well as the Constitution of the state of Virginia
So, a big round of applause for the people of Virginia today for rising up and declaring
their Second Amendment sanctuary status.
And you know, hey, if the left is going to play this game of having sanctuary cities like San Francisco, where they don't allow illegals to be arrested and they just release them back onto the streets to rape children and murder people and commit acts of violence and engage in drug trafficking and human trafficking, that's what the left supports.
Then, by God, we can declare Second Amendment sanctuaries to support our right to keep and bear arms.
How about that?
So, good on ya, Virginians.
It's about time somebody in America had a backbone and stood up.
It's kind of like the people of Hong Kong, who also deserve applause for rising up and working in the ways that they can.
Remember, they can't even own firearms, but they're trying to defeat the tyranny of communist China.
They deserve a lot of credit for that.
But, you know, Virginians are armed, by the way, of course.
And that's what this debate is all about.
And if these... By the way, this new law that's being debated starting in January in Virginia, I think it's SB 64, Senate bill, I think it's being taken up on January 9th, does, in fact, the language says that it would criminalize all concealed carry firearms training.
It would criminalize a father teaching his son how to shoot a firearm.
And if you really read the law, how it's written, it appears to criminalize all martial arts training, including Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, would be criminalized under this law, at least unless it's modified.
I mean, it sounds outrageous, but that's Democrats.
Of course it's outrageous.
They don't want anybody to be able to defend themselves.
They want you to be a slave, a disarmed, obedient slave to Governor Northam.
Who wants to murder your babies.
Oh, but keep them comfortable first and then kill them.
He's going to do the same thing for you.
He wants to keep the people of Virginia comfortable before he disarms you and then murders you because that's what Democrats do.
Hey, if they're willing to murder babies in Virginia, you think they're not willing to kill you?
To get your guns?
To murder Trump supporters?
To murder Christians?
Of course they are.
That's the evil that Governor Northam espouses.
He is an evil demon.
And the Democrats have gained power in that state and they will abuse that power.
They will exploit that power.
They will carry out genocide.
They will carry out mass murder.
They will maim and destroy and murder and suffocate babies.
And they will take your guns and then they will use your guns that they took from you to shoot you in the head after lining you up on your knees in front of a bulldozed ditch.
So they can take care of you and keep you comfortable as you're lying dead in a ditch of the mass genocide carried out by Democrats in Virginia.
That's what you need to think about resisting.
Because that's what it's coming to.
And yeah, do you have a right to rise up and defend yourself against that?
Absolutely you do.
In fact, you have a duty.
All of you in Virginia.
And everywhere across this country where this kind of tyranny is being rolled out.
You have a duty.
To rise up and defend this nation, and defend your rights guaranteed under the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and defend your livelihood, defend your right to exist in a nation that's now in many ways run by these radical left-wing tyrants that only seek your extermination.
So, something to think about.
Alright, a couple other big news items as we wrap up this hour.
USA Today best-selling author Jennifer Janes, J-A-Y-N-E-S, was reportedly Found shot to death.
Sadly, she was the author of thriller novels that exposed the criminality of the vaccine deep state.
Now, this story has gone very far and wide.
It's a very sad occurrence.
The official ruling, according to reports, is that she committed suicide, but then it was also reported that she was shot in the head twice.
Many people suspect that she may have been taken out by the vaccine deep state because her books were gaining a lot of popularity.
Her books were these just remarkable thrillers.
And she's got, I think, audiobooks on audible.com and she's got amazon.com books.
Sadly, we did not know about her books before this happened.
Otherwise, I would have gladly promoted them and interviewed her.
But you can help support her family and you can support her work by purchasing her books.
Jennifer Janes.
Go look for her books on Amazon or Barnes & Noble or Audible.com if you want an audiobook.
Listen to her books.
They are very accurate.
I believe Jennifer Janes was a reader of natural news because She is so accurate about the criminality of the Deep State.
And it's so sad that she has passed.
I wish her family, surviving relatives, blessings and prayers.
And I hope that there can be a new investigation initiated because I agree it's possible she may have been murdered by the vaccine Deep State.
Which brings up the point of self-defense once again.
Why we need firearms?
Why am I armed all the time?
Why do I engage in so much tactical combat training with pistols and rifles and long-range rifles and shotguns and so on?
Because we're all constantly under threat.
They want to murder us.
They want to silence us first if they can.
If they can't, they want to take us out.
To physically exterminate us.
All of us who speak the truth.
All of us who expose the corruption and the criminality of Big Pharma.
And they will try to destroy us, so we must take steps to protect ourselves.
Now, speaking of Big Pharma, we're going to get to my mini-documentary now for the remainder of this segment.
It's called America Collapses into a Pharma State.
This is a must-see documentary.
Again, I believe it's on Band.Video and Brytian.com.
Share this video with everyone.
Let's watch a few minutes of it here, and I'm going to sign off, just leave you with a few minutes of this video.
Thank you for joining me today.
Here's the video.
I'll talk to you again soon.
Go ahead and roll that.
Everybody's familiar with the concept of a narco state.
It's like Mexico, where the narcotics industry controls every institution of the nation of Mexico.
The narcos control the government.
They control law enforcement.
They control border movement.
Migration movement, they control entire industries including big sectors of agriculture.
It's a narco state because the state itself has become overrun with narcotics and their controllers.
That's well understood.
But most people don't understand something even more astonishing.
America is collapsing into a mass-medicated pharma state.
And big pharma controls everything in America.
Big pharma controls internet content.
Big pharma controls big tech, which is now an extension of big pharma.
Big pharma controls the national laws, the regulations, the FDA, which protects a pharmaceutical monopoly.
Including price controls and border controls.
That's why you can't get affordable prescription drugs from Canadian pharmacies because the FDA enforces a border control monopoly when it comes to pharmaceuticals.
Google won't even allow Canadian pharmacies to advertise to American consumers because that would harm the profits of Big Pharma, which Google protects.
And also the drug companies control the science journals, the medical journals, the medical schools.
In fact, Big Pharma controls the mainstream media because it's drug advertising that provides as much as 70% of the revenue for broadcasters like CNN, NBC, ABC, and other fake news outlets.
Big Tech is, of course, deplatforming and demonetizing all independent media that promote natural health, nutrition, or disease prevention.
And we, America, we have collapsed into a pharma state where every institution of power, from big government to big tech to big media to big pharma, all of it, science, medicine, education, everything, is now controlled by the pharmaceutical cartels in the exact same way that everything in Mexico is controlled by the narco cartels.
The more pharmaceuticals you're on, the sicker you get, which is the repeat business model of the pharmaceutical industry.
That's all by design.
If you have diabetes and you take diabetes drugs, they may temporarily block symptoms
of your type 2 diabetes.
Now it's easier than ever to have BandDot Video on your iPhone.
Simply go to Band.Video with your Safari browser.
Then you click the Share button at the bottom of the screen.
When the menu comes up, you simply click Add to Home Screen.
It will then ask you to name the app.
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Black Friday continues at Infowarsstore.com (crunching)
There's a reason that nutritional supplements are the fastest growing industry, not just in the United States, not just in Europe, but all over the world.
Because the power of Mother Nature that God gave us is simply incredible.
Now, a lot of viewers have noted that I'm more focused.
That the broadcasts have been better than they've ever been, and a lot of people notice that I look younger and I've lost a lot of weight.
Well, you remember just three months ago I said on air that when I do take the supplements from InfoWars Life, I lose weight, I have more stamina, more energy, more libido, and then I tend to get back in better shape, and then forget about the supplements, even though that's how we fund our operation, and I stop taking the majority of them.
A lot of times, family comes to town for Thanksgiving, and we take the Lazy Susan off the dining table, and then I forget to put it back, and literally, six months later, I'm like, wait, I'm not really taking many of the supplements.
It's when I religiously take our flagship products, So many great things happen.
So I'm launching for this Black Friday week, and as long as we're able to do this while supplies last, because one of these is not stocked up as much as it should be, I'm going to offer this special that I've named the Change Your Life Trifecta Pack.
Now, We've got the great BrainPill Nootropic BrainForce Plus.
We've got the great Triiodine with the Deep Earth Crystal Iodine and two other types to help absorb it.
That's X3 together with this product.
I believe is one of our very best products and that I actually had our designers put together because products like this are the best-selling systems in the world right now and the fastest growing.
So let me show you what's in the 8-pack PowerStack AM PM system.
Look at all of these packets.
13 different pills that you take in the a.m.
and the p.m.
and then this way you don't forget.
So that's why I'm calling this the change your life trifecta pack because if you take The morning pack and the evening pack, this alone is simply amazing and has changed my life.
All the different supplements that are in it, what they do for you, what they do for your health, what they do as antioxidants, what the fish oil does, what the nootropic does, what the detox does, what the energy does.
It's just insane.
It's insane if you take these 13 pills a day, what Mother Nature has put together.
Because listen, The top selling packs out there may have $10 a product in it that you take in a month.
This has close to $30.
We went out to the top manufacturer of organic supplements, and we have the Daytime Pack and the Nighttime Pack, and we put almost $30 a product into this.
And so this special right now is at cost, ladies and gentlemen.
You get the BrainForce Plus, you get the Survival Shield X3, and you get the 8-pack PowerStat all For $59.95, that's it, more than half off.
This is more than a $120 value.
When you put it all together, we are giving this to you at cost.
Even though the X3 and the BrainForce Plus are really huge sellers, this seller that I thought would be our top seller has not sold well.
But it's game-changing and the highest quality supplements you're going to find anywhere.
No one that I know of has ever put out A daytime, nighttime pack with this type of quality.
This will blow you away.
This will change your life.
All three of these together.
It's incredible and it funds our operation.
Language is being destroyed.
Reduced right in front of us.
Every form of real diversity is under assault by the supposed keepers of diversity.
Every Hollywood film, every major publication that's being promoted by the establishment is putting out a self-loathing, a orthodox hatred for humanity and our potential, so that we are psychically wounded With self-hate so that we will give up on ourselves, crawl into a ditch, and die as a culture.
This is all being done in the name of saving the Earth because humans are a form of cancer on the planet and have to be culled, like you give a body radiation to supposedly stop cancer.
But the globalists themselves, in their own internal publications, many of which have leaked, believe that the planet itself is going to be overwritten By the new technologies they are supposedly developing.
What we're dealing with is psychotic mad scientists.
And every action they take is simply a nihilistic search for more power and more control.
And the ultimate power is controlling the minds of fellow humans on this planet and playing God.
And building systems of surveillance that create an artificial form of omnipresence.