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Name: 20191202_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 2, 2019
2555 lines.

Alex Jones from Infowars discusses various topics including symbiotic relationships, fighting against tyranny, globalist agendas, censorship, health supplements, second amendment rights, pedophilia, and technocracy. He encourages listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing their products and spreading their broadcasts. Jones emphasizes the importance of independent media and standing up against evil.

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InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
There are several different definitions of symbiotic relationships, but they're all basically the same.
Two or more species who live within close proximity of each other, and both of those species' life cycles and activities contribute to the others.
And so they live simpatico We're in a symbiotic relationship.
They're linked up.
Now, if we pull back and we look at what Hollywood's doing, what the universities are doing, not just here, but all over the world, there is a unified effort to sabotage the family, to sabotage culture, to get people into debt, to make people ill, to make them sick.
I mean, it's all out in the open now.
Only a few countries like Russia are actively Opposing that and saying, hey, too many vaccines are dangerous.
And hey, GMO really is sterilizing people.
And hey, don't try to break up families.
Don't try to sexualize children when they're in the elementary school.
That's evil.
And Russia has come out and pointed out that Hollywood and the EU and others are actually trying to poison society and destabilize it.
Now, we don't need the Russians to tell us that, to know it's true.
We can see it every day.
We're always hearing that, oh, the Russians are behind Trump, and the Russians are behind the fight against the EU, and the Russians are behind the Nationalists in Brazil.
Well, no, not the Russians themselves, but the spirit of not wanting to be slaves.
The spirit of wanting to have strong families.
The spirit of wanting to have a good future.
The spirit of wanting to build a civilization that's good and wholesome.
Yes, that spirit, that same spirit behind the Russians and their rebirth, compared to where they were, Is driving us.
The Russians hit rock bottom after 70 plus years of leftist torture and enslavement.
And so they've seen the face of the technocracy.
We here haven't hit bottom yet.
And there's different ways to learn.
You know, you can learn from experience.
You can learn by being warned, being educated.
And you can also, of course, learn by revelation.
Revelation would be the best way, wouldn't it?
From your own instincts, your own spirit, your own understanding and just follow what you know is right.
That voice is never wrong.
But we can live by experience and by education.
By experiencing globalism and the new world order and all the poison and all the curses and all the bad things that come with it.
And we can read and learn from people like Alexander Schultz and Eatson what they went through and say, let's not do this again.
But to be able to do that We're going to need to get aggressive and not see fighting tyranny as work, but see it as breathing air into our lungs when we climb a hill.
And the more we do it, the stronger we get.
And it becomes a compulsion to fight tyranny.
It becomes an enjoyment to fight tyranny.
Better than food, better than sex is fighting for our very survival.
Because if we don't fight for our territory and fight for our human will and fight for
justice and fight for our children, all the food and the sex and all the things God's
given us to enjoy our lives with our husbands and wives won't mean anything.
But you notice they're trying to take our food and they're trying to take our sex away,
our normal natural men and women.
Because all of that is holy.
What does holy mean?
It just means sacred.
It just means what's good, what was meant from the beginning, what works, what connects
us to all those that came before us.
It's not human culture, men and women, and families.
It's survival.
It's who we are, forged in the fires and the frozen waste and the wars.
And all we've been through, all of us are the inheritors of that majesty and this incredible
experience together.
And we're not going to let our species down.
And I know you aren't.
So spread the word about this broadcast however you can.
And buy those products that are great for you and your family, that are symbiotic.
And together, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to march to the future.
We're going to fight this dehumanizing force, this tester.
And we're going to win with God's grace.
Because God is good, and evil will fall and fail, but it must be given its one hour to test us.
And the test is now.
London Bridge terror stabbing.
Suspect shot dead by police was wearing hoax bomb.
Guardian London Bridge police shoot stabbing suspect after five injured.
And of course, last time, the Lion of London Bridge fought back when they'd already killed a bunch of people.
He was taken for re-education for daring fight back against the jihadis.
I'm not joking.
They, um, tackled the man.
He stabbed somebody, they're reporting, nearby London Bridge.
So it sounds like he went into some kind of shop or premises and tried to stab a bunch of people.
And was immediately tackled by a bunch of brave citizens who grabbed the knife from him.
And he was wearing what they now call a fake explosives vest.
They wouldn't have known that it was fake at the time, obviously.
So they got the knife off him, then the police arrived, got the public to stand back and basically double tapped him in the head and shot him dead.
Which has caused some consternation over quite a few people on Twitter, Alex, who said that the terrorist should not have been killed and that he should have been arrested or handcuffed.
Given that he just stabbed, they're saying, I guess at least five people at the moment, he was wearing a fake explosives vest, they're saying he should have been arrested, apprehended without deadly force.
Which is interesting, because we've got an election coming up here in about 10 days time, where the leader of one side of the parties that are running, the two major parties, Jeremy Corbyn of the Labour Party, Also said back, I think it was last month, correct, when Baghdadi was killed, that Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, should not have been killed and should have been arrested.
I have to say that I do not think it realistic.
To suggest that he could be just apprehended when you look at the threats that this country faces, that we are realistic about what we must do to be strong in the face of those threats.
And I must say, I think that if you're correct in what you say, which I'm sure you are, about what Jeremy Corbyn had to say, I think his approach is naive.
And it's naive to the point of being dangerous.
So that kind of rhetoric is now being mirrored in the aftermath of this terrorist attack in London.
What was the exact term?
They called him, what, an austere scholar?
A great leader?
Oh yeah, immediately after he was killed, the Washington Post reported that he was an austere scholar.
Here's an example of some of what I picked up on Twitter.
These people are all Jeremy Corbyn supporters, obviously.
One person said, well done to the public and the police on a fast response on London Bridge, but was there any need for the police to kill the man?
They could have easily arrested him but murdered him instead.
State murder doesn't sit well with me.
Again, he'd literally just been running around foaming at the mouth.
He'd ran into premises, police rushed to the scene, passers-by grabbed the man, pinned him to the ground, he had a giant what they call zombie knife.
But no.
He shouldn't have been shot, apparently, Alex.
That was too much deadly force and he should have merely been arrested.
So this is the narrative that we're dealing with.
The other aspect of this is, as you said, the guy who tackled the London Bridge terrorists on the previous attack, which was more deadly two years ago, he was later put in a right-wing extremist database So you have that tie in as well.
You also have...
He was also sent to re-education classes.
And again, how many people died?
How many times was he brutally stabbed as he took on the two individuals with huge knives
that were running around stabbing people, screaming "Allah Akbar!"
And again, we have the footage.
The man is going for a suicide vest.
They didn't know what it was.
They told him over and over again to stop.
You see the officer get in the position and kill him.
Should have shot him before that when he had his hands on what looked like a suicide vest.
Was saying he was going to detonate it.
Obviously wanted suicide by cop.
Had just reportedly stabbed a bunch of people.
What the hell planet are these leftists living on, lionizing people like this scumbag?
Do we think Thanksgiving is an offensive holiday?
It's a holiday that's commemorating the genocide of Native people.
We still deal with the scars of this today.
It wasn't our land to take.
We took it, and we're celebrating that we took it from other people who lived there first, and I think it's not nice.
Is that what Thanksgiving is about?
The idea of celebrating, um, it just, like, glorifies the, like, smallpox blankets and other things we did to, like, just completely eradicate the Native Americans.
I think we should, like you said, like, rename it.
What would you choose to rename it?
Food and Family Day.
Blue check mark liberals on Twitter have been saying Thanksgiving is offensive.
You shouldn't celebrate it.
Well, we're here at Rutgers University to see if the student body agrees with that.
Let's see what they think.
Oh sure, okay.
Okay, real quick.
So do you think Thanksgiving is an offensive holiday to celebrate?
I think that it's not intended to be offensive, but if you know the story, it is.
And I think what's more offensive is the fact that we teach little kids in schools, like, a surface-level story that isn't true.
That, I think, is so much more offensive to... I'm not Native American, but if I was, I would be really offended.
It's not my job to speak for Native American people, but I would rather not offend anybody because there's no risk, you know what I'm saying?
To just, like, reject it.
So we, maybe not to offend people, we should reject Thanksgiving?
Not as, okay, I phrased it badly, but at least not teach little kids that the Pilgrims and Native Americans were best friends and treated each other well.
Because that's not what happened.
Will you show the camera your shirt?
Yeah, this is from the Pride Parade last summer, June 30th.
It was the anniversary of the Seminole Riots, and it was an epic parade.
Epic, okay.
I'm sure it was.
Do you think Thanksgiving and all of its history and what it started as, do you think we should be celebrating it based on its history?
I think that Thanksgiving is currently an institution in American culture, and I think that its immediate effects are nice and good, but I also think that every time that we have it, we should always consider the fact that the Native Americans are a people that we have kind of misrepresented as being okay with it or being happy about it during this time in our holidays.
So you don't think that Native Americans are okay with it?
I think that they're probably not okay with how it's been represented.
Do you think Thanksgiving is an offensive holiday to celebrate?
I myself am part Native American, so I don't really think it's that offensive to celebrate it.
Do I think Thanksgiving is an offensive holiday?
Can you tell me why?
Well, it celebrates the, um, can you hear me?
Wait, can you?
I'll call you back in a sec.
Um, it celebrates, like, colonizer, like, holidays.
I think, like, the idea of celebrating, um, it just, like, glorifies the, like, smallpox blankets and other things we did to, like, just completely eradicate the Native Americans.
You think, um, Pilgrim said that, that came over?
Yeah well I mean I'm sure it wasn't all of them but like as a whole yeah the like colonizer attitude did that.
All holidays like this stuff like this is very nuanced like you gotta as long as you acknowledge like that like that there has been a lot of oppression of Native Americans in this country and that I mean basically like ethnic cleansing of tons of people that doesn't eliminate the fact that you could celebrate Thanksgiving.
Yeah, I mean, clearly it's offensive.
I think that over time, like, it does have a different connotation.
Now it's more about, like, seeing your family and things like that.
But the inception of it is, like, inherently problematic because it was the genocide of
indigenous people, and we can't change that.
Like, people were slaughtered.
There was an entire population up here that just doesn't exist anymore.
Because of?
Because of European colonizers.
Specifically, the pilgrims that came over on the Mayflower?
The pilgrims, but also, like, the Spanish colonizers that came with Columbus, like,
first of all.
Um, Zana, yeah, she thinks it is.
I don't think it is.
Why is it offensive?
Can I have her tell me?
It's offensive because literally Thanksgiving is all about, like, killing Native Americans.
She said it's all about killing Native Americans.
I really love eating turkey ass, so, like...
I don't know.
Like I wouldn't say so, but like, it kind of is, but at the same time, who doesn't like eating turkey?
You said turkey ass.
I want to make it clear, he said turkey ass, not just turkey.
Is there any other type of ass you like eating?
I'm a big ass eater.
That's true.
Thanksgiving should be represented as...
A time when people hang out with their families but also as something that was historically portrayed as pilgrims and Native Americans coming together when it was never really that.
Okay, what was it?
What's the truth?
The truth was...
They showed up, they killed a lot of Native Americans and had poor relations with them.
And then I guess certain political realities of the time resulted in them exchanging information,
but they still continued to fight.
Do you know when Thanksgiving happened, when the pilgrims came over?
I think Thanksgiving probably doesn't really celebrate one specific instance, but more an idea of a whole time span.
It actually celebrates a three-day feast and harvest of thanks that the pilgrims and Indians made together.
A tribe and the pilgrims in Massachusetts came together and they gave thanks for helping each other have such a bountiful harvest.
Educate him!
He's a white guy, he probably doesn't know much.
Well yeah, America is based on genocide and the forceful movement of black and brown people to this country, enslavement, and that history isn't acknowledged in virtually any holidays.
Did you know that's what Thanksgiving was?
Not exactly.
Okay, go on.
I'm just, yeah, it's a holiday that's commemorating the genocide of Native people.
We still deal with the scars of this today.
How do you deal with them?
How does it affect you personally?
I mean, we all live in the world of coloniality.
We all deal with the scars of colonialism.
Yeah, it's looking rough.
It's looking rough around here.
Where are you going?
Come here!
What's wrong?
What's wrong?
What's his problem?
Oh no, he just wants to go back to the Student Center and get some food or something.
I don't think so, because he noticed me, came up here, and now that I confronted him, he's walking away.
Is his testosterone levels low?
No comment.
Does that mean yes?
Sorry, have a great day.
Take him to the doctor.
Look, now he's waiting for his friend!
I mean, I celebrate Thanksgiving, and right now it's just like an excuse for us to eat food.
But even Thanksgiving, like we do... When we give thanks, we're not just giving thanks to the food that we eat, but we give thanks to the fact that this is indigenous land that we're sitting on.
We are people who have come here as settlers onto a place that initially wasn't ours, even me.
Why was it the Native Americans?
Why do they have claim to this land?
How do they own it?
Um, well, they were there!
It's like about degradation that, you know, like, the whole idea that we kind of lured them in, um, or, you know, the pilgrims lured the Native Americans in with, like, Thanksgiving, and then ended up killing all of them, and the point is that, like, If we continue to uphold these things without looking towards why they happen in the first place, we're just going to be continuing to uphold this whole idea of systemic racism and inherent racism in, you know, in society, and it's not fair as my opinion.
You think society is, like, inherently racist?
I know it is.
I am a minority.
Where's the proof?
I'm a minority.
So where's the proof that society is inherently racist?
Me and James are both white people.
We are in the oppressive class.
Am I in the oppressive class?
We benefit from white privilege in a way that it's not obvious, but it's in a more subtle way.
I mean, look around.
Do you see any indigenous people?
Do you see any indigenous people?
I myself am part Native American.
Oh, okay.
So, I don't really think it's that offensive to celebrate it.
There was genocide.
Rape and genocide.
You know what else is a shame?
Is that all the chestnut trees were killed.
You know what?
F*** the colonists.
You know the issue with the chestnuts?
Those used to be the eastern, northeast, you know, that was basically the redwoods of this country.
It wasn't our land to take.
We took it, and we're celebrating that we took it from other people who lived there first.
And I think it's not nice.
Is that what Thanksgiving is about?
I heard Thanksgiving was about the colonizers coming over.
They didn't know how the heck to live.
Half their population died because they didn't know what they were doing.
Native Americans came and helped them and then they said thank you and they had a feast of thanks.
That's the problem I have with it is that that's how it's construed to be and that's how history was when it isn't.
They came in, they did not have a nice dance party and a dinner party.
They raped and pillaged their lands, they murdered their
families. It's not okay.
I think if you're going to kind of, I feel like the cop out now is like, oh no, it's about being
grateful and about being with your family. If it was about that, we would get rid of the whole
thing and call it something else and build it upon something new. But saying that it's about
being thankful and about, it's just not. It's, it's...
It's just false.
They also deliberately killed all the bison so that the Native Americans didn't have any food.
They deliberately... They created the concept of biological warfare by giving blankets with smallpox on them so that they could eliminate Native populations.
It was a tactic they learned from the British and European colonization of Africa.
So these are...
I believe in everyone's right to self-determination and the ability to be free in their own religious pursuits, but that does not come at the expense of other people.
Are you Caitlyn Bennett?
I'm Jenna.
I think we were misinformed.
Yeah, we were told you were someone else.
I'm Jenna Talia.
What do you do with your life?
Oh yeah, no, that's a good joke.
I saw what you did there.
You didn't pick up on this yet?
I don't know anything.
My name's Jenna Talia.
See what she did there?
Oh wow, that took a while.
I think we should, like you said, like rename it and try to make it more about like, okay yeah, family time, giving thanks about other things that we have, but I think the original meaning of it kind of, while it may have seemed okay a while ago, we've grown in our mindset and like it's not as okay as we once thought it was.
Okay, what would you choose to rename it?
Food and Family Day.
I think it's something that's separate now from its origins.
But the way we first teach it to people, uh, maybe not the best thing because we're still focusing on, like, um, a false narrative, I guess.
So, a false narrative.
Will you give us the true narrative?
Like the slaughter of all indigenous people over an extended period of time.
So that's what happened at Thanksgiving?
Not at Thanksgiving, but that's just something that we try and maybe gloss over a little bit too much, I think, with kids.
I feel like if somebody's offended, they got to speak up about it, and the groups that if they do feel offended that should speak up about it would be the Native American people, because they're the actual people who had the damage inflicted upon them through generations and systematically have been abused.
So therefore, once the Native Americans take up an issue with it, I feel like at that point we should respect their opinion.
We should, if they wanted us to change Thanksgiving, you think we should?
They were the ones who were abused.
The same way you wouldn't want to be celebrated if somebody had abused you or placed systematic hatred upon you.
So when the Pilgrims came over, half of their population died because it was such a harsh winter and they did not know what the heck they were doing.
Like I said, do you think it would have been better for that tribe that they encountered if all of them wouldn't have made it through the winter?
For the tribe, yeah.
For sure.
I mean, they had, clearly, like, they were all thriving there.
They had, like, their whole community set up.
They had their settlements.
And, like, we kind of just came over and kicked them out of it.
So, like, regardless of whether, like, they were dealing with issues with the weather, too, or, like, any of the diseases or anything, they would have been better off without the pilgrims having come over.
So it would have been better if they all would have just froze?
Maybe a little bit.
I don't want them to have frozen, but you know.
But the other side, it would have been better for someone else.
It seems to be that white people are continually creating this environment where minorities cannot thrive and cannot flourish and it's just unfair.
And you're sitting here on a college campus saying minorities cannot thrive or flourish because of white people.
And I say that here you are at a state university in New Jersey and you're not flourishing?
Just because I'm sitting here and you know flourishing does not mean I'm facing
on a daily basis. That's a very ignorant thing to say.
I didn't really know the true story up until like somewhat recently.
What in a short sentence is the truth?
Um that colonists came here from Europe to start something new because they were oppressed there
and they felt like they weren't being given all the rights that they should have and
And so they came here, and there were people here who we really kind of just tossed to the side, took their land, and then oppressed their women, oppressed them as people, period.
So I feel like that's the story.
About Thanksgiving?
Also visit my Patreon at patreon.com slash caitlinbennett.
If you sign up and donate in the month of November at the $50 tier, you'll get an 8x10 autographed photo of me, the most wonderful person in the world.
Who doesn't want that?
As we careen through the mud of yet more impeachment hearings.
Now the House Judiciary Committee and House Democrats have given the White House an opportunity
to participate in its first hearing in this next phase of the impeachment inquiry.
And the White House is turning it down.
So basically all that Nadler is asking What I'm asking is, are you going to play along with our completely biased and manipulated rules and the specific privileges we give you that you have to play along with that and we're going to lie, cheat and steal along the way?
Or are you going to decline to participate entirely and then we can say, oh hey, that's your fault, President Trump, for not participating.
I mean, imagine, Ed, if this were a courtroom and the respondents' only options were to come in and have a completely biased, arbitrary hearing Or declined to participate completely, and then have the judge just say, well, it's your fault you didn't participate, so we're making a finding of guilt.
Trump may or may not, we don't really know.
The evidence suggests he didn't.
Think about delaying aid, and that aid was delayed, but it wasn't cut off.
Maybe he thought about cutting it off.
But that's not a crime.
Continue to decipher the madness of the mouthpieces of globalism.
I got hairy legs that turned blonde in the sun.
And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and then watch the hair come back up again.
They'd look at it.
So I learned about roaches.
I learned about kids jumping on my lap.
And I've loved kids jumping on my lap.
[speaking in German]
[speaking in German]
The Mockingbird Media continues its treasonous propaganda campaign,
ignoring the unsung efforts of the Trump administration to restore and protect the American Republic and its
national security.
It was 14 days ago the Southern Poverty Law Center published an expose of hundreds of emails of White House advisor Stephen Miller trafficking in the ugliest stereotypes of immigrants and white nationalist websites and themes.
This is before he actually went to the White House.
And that man is the president's chief advisor in immigration who, according to NBC News reporting, has long believed that, for instance, asylum officers are soft.
For example, when it comes to the apocalyptic disaster across our southern border, President Trump has stated the obvious, yet bold.
Donald Trump says he wants to put Mexican drug lords on the U.S.
terror list.
It is a very, very sad situation.
So you are going to designate the Mexican cartels as terror groups?
I am going to be designating the cartels, absolutely.
Mexico's president responded.
In my case, I do not want to turn this into a controversy today, nor tomorrow.
I will only say cooperation, yes.
Intervention, no.
Interventionism, no.
The Mexican president instructed Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard to follow up on this matter.
Ebrard quickly requested a meeting with U.S.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, hoping to gain understanding of the scope and meaning of Trump's statement.
Meanwhile, under President Trump, the arrests on our side of the border continue to rack up.
We have sent thousands and thousands and thousands of MS-13 horrible people out of this country or into our prisons.
Many would argue that these practices are unfair, yet the time for half measures is over.
Keep in mind that in the past, in different municipalities, there have been police officers that have been assassinated with two officers in a car.
And the globalists have shown even the most ill-informed their hand.
How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?
Because you're not in power, but you have all the power.
As the rollercoaster that will be 2020 draws near, it stands to rival those rare turning points in American history.
And they're pushing that impeachment witch hunt.
And a lot of bad things are happening to them.
Because you see what's happening in the polls?
Everybody said, "That's really bulls**t."
John Donne, thank you.
On Friday, November 15th, protests broke out in Iran when the regime raised fuel prices by 50%.
Immediately following, the government began shutting down the internet.
Within 24 hours, practically the entire internet was shut down, including Iran's mobile networks, leaving the majority of the country disconnected and isolated from the world.
During the internet blackout, the Iranian people were encouraged through state-controlled media to join in the protests, while also being warned that they will be arrested.
Rouhani said that people have the right to protest, but they are not the same as people who rebel.
Kayan News reported that ordinary people must separate themselves from the rebels.
And BBC released video clearly showing the faces of several protesters, putting them at risk of arrest and torture.
Reza Pahlavi encouraged people to protest in his name.
He tweeted out, Pahlavi has always been with the people.
And hashtag people power.
But when people began getting arrested and killed, Pahlavi's impotent tweets were useless.
The MEK also encouraged people to protest without offering any actual support.
There are now videos surfacing of schools being closed down and turned into detention centers.
Videos show protesters being shot at and killed.
Women being fired upon.
bodies being beaten and dragged away unconscious.
Reports are now that over a hundred people have been killed.
The U.S.
State Department announced that the U.S.
will hold Iranian officials accountable and impose even greater sanctions against the struggling regime.
The Islamic Republic is getting weak.
Starting in 2005, the IRGC began acquiring state assets through shell companies to avoid being shut off by strict sanctions.
And today, they control about half of Iran's gross domestic product.
This gives the IRGC independence from Rouhani.
And their divide is growing stronger, which only fractures the regime even more.
Through all of these recent protests, the Restart Movement remained silent.
In part, because the internet was shut down, and they are not given a voice on state-run media like the other opposition groups are.
And also, because they expressed concern for the safety of the people, and questioned the authenticity of the protests.
Iranians on social media suggested that the IRGC was trying to duplicate the Restart Movement's protests of the recent past and failing to do so.
Iranian officials are now being accused of stealing dead bodies from morgues and injured patients from hospitals to hide the actual scale of violence being exercised by the Islamic Republic.
While the people chanted, we don't want the Islamic Republic, others tore down a sign that said, down with America, as the crowd cheered.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
InfoWars.com Tomorrow's news today.
It is December 2nd, 2019 on this Monday edition.
We're live in studio and I'll be hosting the fourth hour today as well.
This really is 33 minutes into the show, the start of the broadcast.
I was here yesterday and ready to do the Sunday show and just didn't do it.
And I was ready here to do today's broadcast, and I decided I wasn't going to do it.
I was just going to leave, and then I decided just to go ahead and come back and do it.
That's not a reflection on the crew, and it's not me being a prima donna.
It's that I'm going to shake this broadcast up, and I'm going to shake up what I'm doing against the globalists.
In a lot of different ways.
And I'm not going to just wait on these ideas I've had for years.
I'm going to implement them one way or another.
And so, coming up in the next few days and weeks, I'm going to host whole shows as a globalist.
Just attacking God, Christianity, the family, everything.
I'm going to just... You think that demon Sacha Baron Cohen can get into characters?
I'm going to really tell you what they think of you and go from their perspective.
And I'm gonna do it without scripts, without anything.
I know the enemy inside and out.
I'm going to show you who they are.
Because that will get people talking.
And that will get people thinking.
Because I refuse to be stagnant.
Also, I've got a lot of other tricks up my sleeve.
That I'm going to be implementing in the next few days and next few weeks.
And I just want our hardcore audience to know that so that when you tune in and you hear these things, and you hear me saying these things, that you understand it's done to get people thinking and to get them out of their trance.
Because I am not just going to come in here and chronicle the takedown of civilization and humanity without really throwing some curveballs at the establishment.
Also, I'm going to be in the third dimension a lot more on the streets.
And I'm going to be doing a lot of other PowerPoint type presentations in the next 336 days.
Because believe me, that is a very important number for this election and what's unfolding and the attempts to impeach the president.
and that ongoing fiasco.
But there is no rhyme or reason to what the globalists are doing
because they're chaos, they're destruction, they're death.
They're the collapse of all that is good because that exists in the universe
because there's free will.
And so I'm really going to do my best To cover it all today.
And again, one reason that I almost didn't do the show today was that there's a constant
frustration with this broadcast in that just one of the stories in my stack, we could spend
four hours on and not properly hit every angle of it to have real understanding.
And every day there's at least 20 stories out of the 300 or so in front of me that are
that big, that are earth shaking.
And so I'm constantly trying to gauge whether I should just cover one topic over a broadcast or whether I should just blitz through all of this information so that people get an idea Of what's happening and unfolding and how those systems tie together.
I mean, here's an example.
They have the CEO of YouTube coming out and saying, yeah, we censor and we're going to control what you see and it's our right to do it.
So they're going from denying it to now being out in the open.
And then she talks about how terrible it is how the moderators have to watch people like me and why they need AI to be able to do it and not have Alex Jones do it.
This is on 60 Minutes.
Because if the people have to watch the evil Alex Jones and other things while they're getting infected with it, you see.
So that admission Right there.
It's just incredible that their own human moderators go and watch this information,
other information and get convicted with the truth.
So they're just trying to figure out a system to fully replace humans with
And that's why they want to replace the military with robots and computers and autonomous machines so that they will follow the orders like a machine unthinkingly and you'll have a real technocracy on your hands.
But then there's added envelopes of propaganda and the disrespect that these technocrats have for us and the disrespect they have for themselves.
If you put the headline back up, She says, oh, it's more important than ever that we be a free and open platform.
That's why we have a right to censor everybody.
There's the quote, more important than ever to be an open platform one day after massive banning spree.
Remember a few months ago, she came out and she said, everyone's invited back.
We have free speech, no one is censored.
As the purges expanded, so as a joke, Owen Schroyer put a channel back up and said, we're invited back on!
And they banned us within hours and said, no, no, no, no, no.
What you do isn't speech.
We allow all speech.
You're not speech.
So it was just another slap in the face.
An exercise in satanic inversion.
That's one of these stories.
Now there's another one.
That on so many levels hit me like a ton of bricks this morning.
And also made me very angry at myself.
Because I haven't done enough work getting a big enough crew together or being focused or doing my job to work hard enough to make sure it happened.
Because we have bombshell information that's confirmed.
And we put an article out about it, but we didn't have any fanfare.
Like, ooh, look, we're important.
Oh, look, this is important.
None of that ritual was done.
So it went just right with zero effect.
Just dead.
It's like we produce things to hide them.
We produce things to actually make sure it doesn't matter.
We're not excited about ourselves.
We're not excited about how we've changed the world and how we've broken through and defeated the globalists on so many fronts.
We always marvel at anybody else's production or anything else out there.
Because we'll always be that garage band that never got a gig.
That's what InfoWars is.
There's always that mindset.
And I'm just externalizing all of this because when it happened, I said we got to go down to that facility.
We got to talk to those people.
And it's not that anybody's bad around here, we just didn't.
I mean, they have a warehouse with people microchipped in it in Austin.
Now, we already know that from the documents.
But somebody else did the interview and it's got 1.2 million views, which is great, except it doesn't have the backstory on it so people know how dangerous it is.
It's just a little hidden kernel in there.
And the internet realized just a day or so ago how huge this was, how important this was, that they're implanting people with microchips in a little smart city test grid that's an open-air concentration camp in Austin, Texas.
Other people were like, whoa!
This is hidden in this video.
No one is even pointing out what it is.
But they knew it was important because they knew to tell people and to care!
They had a spirit!
They had a resistance!
They were alive!
They weren't dead inside!
Like I am!
Weak and broken!
Run our course!
You know, in this whole wide world, there's not a lot of broadcasts that are independent that actually do their own research and come up with their own worldview.
And there's certainly none out there that have an audience this large.
And I respect this audience, and I respect the crew, and I respect everybody that makes this show possible.
That's why I'm not gonna sit here and engage in a bunch of half-ass, unconscious crap, and just chronicle and report on this ship going down that is free humanity.
I don't take any pleasure watching humanity down on its knees, bleeding to death, covered in maggots.
I don't take any pleasure watching what's being done to our children.
I don't take any pleasure watching what Hollywood and its death wish for culture is.
And I want to beat these people.
And to do it, we're going to have to get conscious and we're going to have to realize we are in a war for our very freedoms and our very destinies, our very soul.
That's it.
You cannot Build it up enough.
So, this whole first hour is basically us just warming the tires up, okay?
And I'm gonna host the next three hours today, and I'm gonna cover every damn piece of news in front of me.
Or I'm gonna die trying.
Because it needs to come out and we need to chronicle every section of this because there's not just the general public listening.
There are a lot of people making decisions that are listening that know the planet's going in the wrong direction and know that we need to organize A cultural, governmental, economic, spiritual system to challenge it.
And we already have the tools to defeat the globalists, but we have to recognize their attack for what it is.
A post-human, exterminist, Tower of Babel agenda.
Let me tell you what I'm going to cover.
And I'm just going to do it, and I'm going to do it in this order.
When we start the next hour, I'm going to cover Frozen.
Which was so filled with propaganda that I had a giant headache when I left.
I took my oldest and middle daughter to it and three of their friends.
And it was a satanic bombardment of our children that was nauseating.
But We're going to look at the different layers of it, because knowing the enemy's art, knowing what their worldview is, and how these different layers tie together, and what the end product is, is how we beat them.
So, I watch Frozen so you don't have to.
But let me tell you.
It was everything.
And if you want to know where we're going, you just need to see that film.
So I'll tell you about that.
Give you my view on it.
Then I'm going to get into the latest wave of the fake impeachment and how that ties together.
And the next wave of massive censorship that's unfolding.
Facebook's now deleting photos of Melania Trump saying that's hate speech.
Buddha judge nods at the so-called black church, the communist church.
They talk about illegal aliens just reclaiming stolen land.
We're gonna get into that.
We're gonna get into the record cold temperatures of global warming.
Epstein tapes reported tapes from quote hacker about to be released showing the world leaders that were there and the pedophile orgies.
So that could be Trump's big revenge against them.
I certainly hope that's the case.
Release them now.
Flood us with the information just like Wikileaks.
Deal the death blow.
Release the Kraken.
A big viral video that's linked on DrudgeReport.com from Paul Joseph Watson of NewsWars.com.
China man interrogated for criticizing police on social media in a torture chair.
We'll get to all of that.
We're also going to look at obviously the latest little terror attack.
It's not little if you're two of the people that died being stabbed to death from the jihadi out on prison leave.
We're plotting to blow up the stock exchange, but there's a lot of stories, a lot of evidence that ties into this.
It's really illustrative.
That's all coming up.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg holding on to life by her fingernails.
That raises the prospect of election year Supreme Court battle.
Oh, there's no prospect of it.
I bet all the tea in China and all the mountains on the moon.
That she's dead within six months.
Meanwhile, China introduces mandatory face scans for phone users.
Told you that a couple years ago, that that's the holy grail.
Look at the operating system of the droids and the iPhones, and it's already in place.
And boy, once it comes into place...
If you don't submit to their agenda, you will be turned off.
And you're like, oh, I'll just be a leftist.
No, you're going to take hundreds of vaccines.
You're going to eat GMO.
You're going to hand your kids over to pedophiles.
And that's just the start.
If you want to be allowed to walk around, quote, free in this demonic hell pit.
So that's just some of what's coming up today.
But it's kind of a good thing we aired four or five reports at the start of the show when I was just pregnant with all these plans I want to implement.
Because you get to see a lot of the amazing reports that are banned on video.
And nowhere else.
Imagine, in America, building your own platform so you can at least put out your view of the world and challenge this anti-human, post-human agenda.
And the only way those brush fires spread is when you take the fire of truth at Bandot Video and when you share it while you still can.
Because make no mistake, they're breathing down our neck.
And that isn't what angers me and upsets me, it's the fact that the enemy is so easy to beat, but that we have been so buffaloed, so cowed, so driven into submission, so taught, that we're just supposed to bend over to all this, when it only makes it worse, and only intensifies it.
And then separately, There is the funding of this operation, which is really something that should be easy to do because we really do have amazing products and things that are going to make your life better in a symbiotic relationship.
Water filtration, air filtration, non-GMO heirloom seeds, great Patriot apparel to help spread the word, from sweatshirts to t-shirts to ball caps to so much more.
And we have the limited edition Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself t-shirt that says, Christmas lights are a lot like Jeffrey Epstein.
They don't hang themselves on the back.
It says Infowars.com and the O is a noose.
And that is a limited edition shirt only available through Christmas.
And we will, again, not produce any more.
Get yours at Infowarsstore.com.
And again, I didn't do the Sunday show.
I was here, ready to rock, ready to go.
I just didn't do the show because I just didn't feel like I was prepared to properly cover information.
I'm not just going to rattle this information off.
I'm not going to just sit here and do things the way I've done things in the past.
Yes, we've done a lot of good things, and we've been game-changing, and you've been part of that, but there's a lot more we're going to do.
You've got my commitment.
You're going to see it.
You're going to see a lot more action.
You're going to see more informative guests.
We are not going to just stagnantly sit here and rot while the globalists overrun society and civilization.
I've got my brain working overtime, and I've already got a whole bunch of plans that I know, if we just faithfully execute them, are going to devastate the New World Order.
And they know it too!
We've got the Black Friday special that is an extension of the Black Friday we've been having the last month, but these are crescendoing into the biggest sales of the year right now.
Triple Patriot points, storewide free shipping.
You get additional 10% off if you sign up for AutoShip.
Cancel any time for free.
Get 10% off on the order you're making.
Nobody's got that.
DNA Force Plus, 50% off with a free bottle of Brain Force Plus.
Get X2 and X3 with a free bottle of Brain Force Plus.
A lot of these specials are going to have to end.
A few of these specials will continue on later in the week, but a lot of these sales have to end.
Krill Oil is back in stock.
We have the new tooth whitening, fluoride-free toothpaste.
Super Silver and so much more.
Well, they're already calling it a war on journalists.
Oh, Trump, he's never arrested whistleblowers, never indicted members of the press like Obama did.
But Bloomberg said we're not going to investigate any Democrat candidates, only Trump.
Well, that's not a news organization, that's a devilish Disinformation fake news op.
So, breaking Trump campaign will no longer credential Bloomberg news reporters.
That's up on DrudgeReport.com, a Gateway Pundit article.
And isn't that what you do?
When you're dealing with such a fake...
Fake organization and the fact that they would do that.
You see, there's no shame in corporate establishment mouthpiece Decepticon media that calls themselves MSM.
And now that entire MSM is like a deer in the headlights saying, yes, actually we are censoring everybody and it's our right to do it.
We're not going to let Trump put out ads on Facebook saying we're looking for strong women.
We're not going to let people put out images of Melania Trump promoting the campaign because she looks too good and is too effective.
So they are now calling that hate speech and Trump is going to sit there and do absolutely nothing.
And then I'm supposed to sit here like a happy cult member and go over the edge of the cliff while this is unfolding.
Since when in America, on the main communication system, that's Facebook, biggest communication system in the world, private messages are being reviewed by AI and humans, and by the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center, they're in your Facebook instant messengers, and that's not enough for Sacha Baron Cohen!
He wants Zuckerberg arrested!
He's not doing enough!
What a pack of control freak pirates.
Because we lay down to it.
Because we roll over to it.
It just gets worse and worse and worse and worse and worse.
So, Trump is having the 2020 election stolen.
And the campaign's well.
Polls show the president's gotten more popular with impeachment.
Yeah, that's why they're gonna steal it from you, buddy boy.
Hey, we're polling better with internal polls than we did four years ago.
Uh, yeah, that's why they're gonna steal it from you, Trump.
Yes, we know the propaganda's not working on the majority of people.
But it doesn't matter because over half the machines are owned by subsidiaries of, oh, you guessed it, George Soros.
Anybody can look that up.
And nothing is done.
Because the political class wants to remove Trump from power.
And Trump just thinks if he has a few more stops, And gives a few more speeches, he'll overpower and override that, and that's not the case.
But start your engines, because when we come back, I'm gonna systematically go through all of the news.
First, Frozen 2, a stunning window into the mind of the deranged lunatics That own and run the planet.
And so if you want to know what they're thinking, if you want to know what they're doing, if you want to know what their agenda is, all you got to do is turn the television set on and it is a gateway into hell itself.
A rift in the time-space continuum, a gateway To the nether regions of the universe's dark, stinking corners.
With long, hairy tentacles reaching out, looking for however many children it can snare in its fetid claws.
You're up.
Oh, Elsa!
I don't think Olaf should get to rearrange.
Doesn't matter.
This is gonna be a cinch.
Oh, uh, distracted.
Has Elsa seemed weird to you?
She seems like Elsa?
There's this voice.
What does that mean?
Head for the cliff!
Who's shaking the building?
The kingdom is not safe.
Find who is calling to you.
They may have answers.
Go north, across the enchanted lands, and into the unknown.
We do this together, okay?
Be careful.
The spirits will challenge you every step of the way.
Whoa, whoa!
That's normal.
Frozen 2 is a demonic seduction.
Frozen 2 is Hollywood and the satanic pedophile vampires trying to seduce and harm the children of the planet.
It is a spider at the center of the web.
Drunk on the blood of the innocents.
For a giant feast.
It's just been waiting for.
So I took my oldest and my middle daughter, I've got three daughters, and four of their friends to see Frozen.
And I read some reviews.
I knew it was going to be New Age propaganda.
It was going to attack the West and have its own pilgrim story of the evil white settlers coming and killing the godlike natives, the peaceful angelic creatures.
But it was far worse than that.
Serious occultism projected through a Rosicrucian lens A lot of really deep occult iconography projected at one level through a godly ethos so as to trick young children that have already had experiences with God's energy, with the Holy Spirit,
To literally be drug into the dark by a huge anglerfish.
Let's show folks an anglerfish.
It has a false light hanging off its head and just inches away in the dark of the giant stinking teeth.
So it is a real work of hell.
Not just the bestiality, not just the pedophilia, not just the young girls in bed together,
obviously in a lesbian-esque event for young girls.
But the image of the waterfall.
The waterfall.
God's light, the truth, the universe, the time-space continuum flowing, the living waters.
And the West and evil white men have damned the water of God that is occultic earth worship.
And that men have captured the goddess, the feminine energy, and have enslaved it.
And only this lesbian queen Can summon the power of the earth to crush the dam and release the feminine energy into the world and save us all.
And that's the message.
Let's make sure that woman never has a man and never has children.
Let's make sure she never carries out the rituals God gave us that activate her power.
Let's tell her her power comes from serving the state and turning her will over to be the fifth element.
The Mary Magdalene that has sex with Jesus and then populates the earth.
So she's a god and the young girls learn they're gonna be gods.
And the evil white king who founded this new kingdom, he tried to steal the power and the essence of the unisex
And it turns out that his civilization and everything has to be destroyed
because it was stolen from the natives.
Basically, James Cameron's Avatar 2.0.
And it's the same message over and over again by the horribly corrupt, wicked, satanic, Hollywood that cheats everyone, that abuses everyone, that's completely soulless, that literally engages in human sacrifice, but it's telling you this message of earth worship and how everything's gonna be wonderful once we just get rid of men in the family and once the women and children are just all alone in the woods.
Then you're going to be really powerful all alone in the woods.
The film is an ice cream truck pulling up with ice cream music and sticking its arm out with an ice cream cone.
Inviting everyone to come over and pick their favorite flavor.
And then, oh by the way, come around back if you want a toy.
And then the back door opens and there's another little kid standing there.
He's got black circles around his eyes and cigarette burns on him.
But you're not really noticing that because he's got a little toy snowman and he's cute.
It's all about love.
It's all about love and not having any discernment and just lowering your defenses and just get in the back.
Here, we're going to close this door so we can have a little privacy.
And next, there's a ball gag shoved in your mouth and your hog died.
And in a couple hours, people are going to be drinking your blood while you're alive.
So the whole thing is an anglerfish.
This light hung out in front, telling little girls, you have this incredible power and you're going to have it because you're going to keep men out of your life.
And you're just going to let the spirit of the woods direct you.
And it's going to be really wonderful.
Just come towards the light, Carolann.
And it's all very, very cute.
And the spirits you're gonna conjure are little cute geckos and things like this.
And wild horses.
And you're gonna conquer it all.
Just come towards the light, and there, just never mind, you think you see some eyes and some teeth, just go down that tunnel, everything's okay, and you're gonna be fulfilled, you're gonna be empowered.
Brace yourself for the adventure of being taken to Jeffrey Epstein's spider hole.
And that's it!
And then you think about who are the people that produce this and make this, and it's every movie and it's every show attacking Christmas, attacking Thanksgiving, attacking families, because they want you alone to have their way with you.
And they run ads like, oh, it's like a fun Christmas movie where, you know, you sit around, you play charades or whatever.
No, that's not what it is.
It's not the light.
It's the false light of Lucifer.
And when you try to join with that light, you're going to find you're a slave forever.
And that's all it is.
Meanwhile, again, the Native Americans were all killing each other, incredibly savage and vicious, and would demand that the white settlers join them in attacking the neighboring tribe, or they would kill them.
It's just all lies.
There is a publicly admitted global plan in place to carry out The orderly extermination of the human species.
We are tracking who's behind it and how to stop it.
Would you like to know more?
I know I do.
This is the real adventure on this planet.
The simulation is real, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, finishing up with Frozen 2 and what it ties into.
The left is all for free speech, the left-hand path, while they're taking control.
Once they get the upper hand, they remove everyone else's speech.
And then they start demanding that the left not just be for tolerance, but accept pedophilia, bestiality, bloodletting, Satanism, mass suicide, death cult, black pyramids, human sacrifice.
Always the same transmission.
Always the same manifestation.
Using our free will.
By increment.
They are able to create a priest class by giving them otherworldly knowledge.
Then they fully enslave that priest class and torture them into pure evil.
And then they begin the process to the next level.
A giant, satanic, anti-human Ponzi scheme.
A black hole into hell.
Remember, humans are master builders, made in the image of God.
We get hijacked, the enemy is able to build monstrosities.
Now, let's continue.
Church of Sweden unveils altarpiece of paradise featuring, quote, gay couples and transgender serpent.
Now, remember what came out of the 3,000 priest and the Mass investigation by the state police in Pennsylvania that concluded two years ago that the priest said that once they'd been blackmailed to have sex with another man, then it was, well, have sex with a teenager, have sex with a 12-year-old, have sex with an 8-year-old.
Okay, rape a 5-year-old in a satanic ritual in the church on Saturday night.
That's exactly how it works.
You're like, oh, you're Satanist.
Yeah, we're Satanist.
And they would do it on the altar.
So now they're externalizing the method of the blasphemy in God's face to bring the annihilation on the earth.
See, Satan knows if he can piss God off enough and get enough of us to join in this or to not stand up to it, well then we can all be destroyed.
The defense shield is removed.
The hedge is dropped.
Shield goes down.
Demons come in.
Hell breaks loose.
Crazy Town is here.
And they have abodes of evil, command bases, nests, where the spiders live, and they suck the children in.
That story's up on InfoWars.com.
And it's all classic blasphemy events.
The Church of Sweden.
Where the rapes are up multi-hundred percents.
Where Christians have their children taken and are given to these families.
All a satanic ceremony.
And that leads us to Sink running for Congress.
The Young Turds.
Coming out promoting bestiality.
Here it is.
I believe that if I were the benevolent dictator of the world, I would legalize bestiality where you are giving.
Where you are pleasuring the animal.
You see what I'm saying?
You are pleasuring the animal.
You look at a cute dog, want to give it some food, now it's in your lap.
Not sink.
He wants to perform.
You know what on it.
Now that's who wants control of your life.
That's who says I'm the worst person in the world.
Well of course I am!
To you, demon!
I could just envision human expansion to the cosmos.
Oh my gosh.
You think these people want that?
They want this planet dead, mounted on the wall.
Like all those other planets they've destroyed.
Are you gonna let them do it?
Let's continue, ladies and gentlemen.
Remember, Christ said, I have other flocks.
Let's continue here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go to the next piece of this.
This is the latest footage as people go out and confront them.
Instead of confronting them on the ground they wanted, "Oh, you're a man saying you're a woman."
He goes with the, "Why are you teaching kids how to be whores?"
And that's really what this is in career day in Texas and now in Colorado.
They're not telling parents when people come to the school and tell their children,
"I work at a local gay bar, now a pedo bar, and you need to come learn to dress like a woman and shake
your ass for men."
And the school said, your children deserve to see this, we're quote, grooming them, these are quotes, and you don't know what's best for them, we do.
And then they even go to city council and say it, to rub it in your face.
Here's the footage.
It's up on Infowars.com.
Needs to go viral.
Man confronts drag queen.
Here it is.
Let's hit pause.
Let's hit pause.
I'm gonna come back with more of this on the side, but understand.
These are inside classrooms.
Let's give them a round of applause.
I'm going to come back with more of this on the side.
But understand, these are inside classrooms.
This is a classroom.
And these weird women that know what they're in, they're always all freaked out and look crazy.
They bring their kid, the kid's like crying in every video.
And they put them in the weird man's lap as the man sharks up and goes...
Because it's... I mean, they're putting the kid in a demon's lap.
This is a ritual.
This is a bail ritual.
Next, it's a big fiery plate.
They burn the children and then rip the meat off on a big barbecue platter.
Done all over the world.
This thing manifests.
And so, bringing the children, and the women are all bozoed out and crazy.
Yeah, there's poor little Desmond with the convicted murderer on video.
With a rohibino on the back with an image of a little girl skipping rope.
It's all, we got your kids, we captured them, we got them.
We got 'em! Woo! And you notice the women automatically, when the men stand up and say,
"Hey, this is child abuse," the women go, "Ahhhhhh!" to black out our communication,
because they don't want the children to hear and to see men, like men are supposed to act,
"This is abuse. Don't do this to your children. Don't do it."
The women are like, "Ahhhhhh!"
Demons over the babies they only had to have their will over.
Especially the little boys.
They'll defeat that male energy.
They'll pull it down!
Pieces of spiritual gold that are given by their masters.
These people are so dead inside, the only time they feel alive is when they're draining the energy off children.
So all over the world, governments are funding pedophile story time.
Where children are groomed and where the first contact with adult men dressed as demonic clowns are made with children.
Now, not all of the men roped into this are pedophiles, but a lot of them, it turned out, are convicted pedophiles.
Many of them are supporters of NAMBLA.
And the groups backing this want the sexualization of children.
My God, just look at the Disney films.
Look at the different clothing ads.
Look at this whole agenda.
And it's invading the churches.
It's invading the seminaries.
It's taken over the Catholic Church.
It's taken over everything.
And then once it fully takes it over, it's too big to fail.
The Pope's right-hand man just got convicted of trafficking hundreds of kidnapped children.
It made almost no headlines.
It's the normalization.
And notice that in this whole Adam and Eve outfit, if you're a TV viewer, Of what goes on inside these churches now, where they blaspheme the altars.
That it's all going back to the roots of the seduction, the knowledge of evil, the injection of corruption into society.
And you've got the individual there dressed as the pharaoh.
How is it reported that Adam Schiff dresses when he's at Ed Buck's house where the black men die, according to their journals, in rituals?
Like a pharaoh.
Alistair Crowley, ladies and gentlemen, it's all open corruption being launched against civilization.
But this video, Man Confronts Drag Queen Story Hour, is very, very important.
The video and articles up on InfoWars.com.
Because it's not a drag queen.
It's a man in a disguise making contact with children, with weirdo women, bringing their children to it.
But now more and more, it's not being announced.
It's being done in the schools.
And now from Europe to the United States, they're teaching what Jocelyn Elders tried to launch many, Many years ago, reaching down and helping the fifth graders and the first graders and the kindergartners, helping them masturbate.
Remember her?
People are like, what the hell is this?
They want the precedent of putting their hands on your children's genitals.
It's their cult.
It's who they are.
Everything with them orbits that.
And this is their offensive.
This is their takeover.
This is their plan to censor and dominate and control the entire culture.
So let's go ahead and roll more of this video that just broke today.
Here it is.
I have a question.
What do you guys do when you stand before God and He judges everyone in here for your sins?
What are you going to do when you stand before God and you're judged for your sins?
What are you going to do?
The Bible says this, but if anyone causes one of my little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better that a large millstone be hung around their neck and they be drowned in the depths of the sea.
So this is child abuse to God.
And you're going to stand with your only child?
And you're going to tell your mother, what are you going to do when you stand before God and point to these kids' minds?
What are you going to do then?
God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life.
Perish, perish, but go to Him.
Little kids need to believe in Jesus Christ.
The Bible says, Suffer not, for you shall also be.
These little ones need to be raised up in the Lord.
These little ones need to be raised up in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Because there's going to come a day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that he's Christ's Lord to the glory of the Father.
The Bible says that men are men and women are women.
And men shouldn't dress like women.
And women shouldn't dress like men.
This is a sin, and the Bible says that the wages of sin are death. I'm here to tell you today that you all are headed
for spiritual punishment. We are all burned from the crooked way, and we pray. The Lord has...
We'll play more of this in a moment.
A lot of people are going to ask, well, who is this?
Why did I hear this?
The man is named Dory Love.
He had a YouTube channel.
We had him on a month ago about Work he's doing, his YouTube channel was taken away.
Now there's a new channel that just went up that's got it as well, but they've been taking these down.
Dory Love.
D-O-R-R-E Love.
So while you can, go find the videos and see it for yourself.
You can find the videos that have been taken down.
They don't want you to see what they're doing with children.
They don't want you to see.
These are sick, sick twisted people in my view and a lot of the others are just brainwashed people that believe this is actually about tolerance and including people to bring their children who are scared to sit on the laps of men dressed up like bizarre demonic clowns.
But you notice it's a white man behind the camera and it's a black man in front of the camera and it's that idea of people working together, not off of what color we are,
but what is right and standing up for truth and justice.
And that's something that really frustrates me is how we end up spending so much of our time
because the globals create racial division and cultural division and make us fight with each
other and groups do come against you because of what color you are.
But it's divide and conquer.
They're manipulating the whole thing while children of every race, color, and creed are being aborted.
They're being killed after they're born.
They're being abused.
They're being put through this evil system of hopelessness and being removed from God and being isolated so these demons can have their way with them.
And that's why the man points out it's better for you to tie a millstone around your neck and throw yourself in the deepest ocean than to harm one of these children.
Why are you here dressed like a whore?
Teaching children this, it's creepy, it's sick.
You don't dress your daughters up like that when they're little girls.
It's like the creepy beauty pageants with little girls.
This is next level past that.
And everybody knows what it is.
And that sink video from the Young Turks where he's talking about how much he wants to pleasure animals.
I mean, and he gets that crazy look in their eye.
These are degenerate, crazy people.
Let's finish up the video in Canada.
Here it is.
Today, which you all are heading for, are heading for spiritual punishment.
We don't learn from your wicked ways.
And repent.
The Lord has sent me here today to tell you to learn from your wicked ways and repent.
But we're going to stand before God and we're going to be judged.
And we don't have to get to the Holy Spirit until they come by us.
And we don't have to run out of time to think of a mind.
Let's pray.
Oh, God, we thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
We thank you for the power of your word.
All cruisers will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Good bye.
Good bye.
Good bye, sir.
Will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
Good bye, sir.
Homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
You can pass.
Lesbians will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
I have a question.
Arrest your husband.
You're talking about the wicked ways.
Will not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
You're talking about a child's event.
In the name of the Bible, you have not - You're coming to a town event
Wretched to hate.
And you're polluting their minds with this kind of dress, sir.
They are coming here willingly.
You think this is an appropriate way to dress in front of a child?
I'm covered, you are dressed like a whore in front of children.
Are you teaching children to be whores?
That language is completely inappropriate.
Again, these are mothers in a school.
Bring their children to sit on the lap of a six foot three man dressed like a woman.
And again, in Canada they're trying to arrest people that engage in their Christian faith and say they don't like this.
And the video you just saw has been taken down.
Well, it's gonna live at band.video.
Thanks for all your support.
I hope you all share it.
Now I'm gonna shift gears out of all this.
And I'm going to get into all the other news.
I haven't gotten to just stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Let me lay out what's coming up the next hour.
Right now, I'm going to hit big developments with the world system and the cash flow society that have officially now been announced.
You're going to say we already knew this, but it's now been announced.
it's official. And there's been really big Epstein developments reportedly a
That's why you see all this media stuff about, oh, deep fakes, get ready for deep fakes.
They could make deep fakes 30 years ago.
government have that, Trump has that, reportedly, folks connected to Eric Prince have that,
and that is set to be coming out.
Devastating footage.
That's why you see all this media stuff about, "Oh, deepfakes, get ready for deepfakes."
They could make deepfakes 30 years ago.
CG, it's just cheaper now.
These aren't going to be deepfakes.
Imagine when the footage of Bill Clinton raping little girls and little boys reportedly hits the internet.
And they're going to say it's a deepfake.
I can feel God's vengeance building up.
Like a tremor before the giant earthquake.
And my spirit trembles.
But not with fear.
With pure, focused rage and destruction.
I'm tuned in to God.
I know you are too, and I can feel it.
I've got to control myself.
You think you're pissed about evil?
You think you're mad about what's happening to children?
Imagine God has to sit there and watch all of it, and feel those children's pain, and Christ had to take all of that sin on that had happened before, at present, and into the future.
Because it wouldn't be fair if God didn't take it on, would it?
God is so just.
So good.
Took it on.
Felt every bit of it.
Feel that?
That's just one one trillionth of what God's gone through.
To have the will to create His children.
To have the will to then test those children.
That's will!
That's the power that created the universe!
That's God!
Unstoppable will!
Unstoppable depth!
All time, all space, all dimensions!
Think the enemy likes that?
No, they don't.
And that's why all the enemy can do is deform and sabotage.
Let me get into the news on China.
And boys, there are a lot of it.
Because it ties into all of this technocracy.
But let me just get this out.
People are tribal and we're ritualistic.
And we all like to follow rituals that are laid down.
I'm a traditionalist myself.
And tradition tends to be good.
That's why we clutch on to it.
And Black Friday is a day When people do their spending here, and then that allows us to fund ourselves into the next year under globalist attack.
It siphons off a lot of the capital that we would use to get our work done.
But then I did Friday's show, that is usually the biggest day of the year for us, and I plugged less than I do on a regular show, because That's just how I work, and I'm trying to change that.
Now, today is one of the biggest days of the year after Black Friday, Cyber Monday.
You heard me do a one-minute plug last hour.
Every other talk show, it's just constant plugging.
And I get it, to pay their bills, because there's such an oversaturation of advertising and such an oversaturation of media.
But we're not that media.
We're the media the globalists want shut down because we've cracked the code.
Thanks to you and your prayers and your support, literally.
So let me do some catching up here.
And I'm not going to give you the whole breakdown, but I mean, I'm not going to spend time getting into what the enemy's doing or how they're railroading us and what they're up to.
And I'm not going to tell the enemy what I'm up to.
But believe me, what you see here on the surface is the surface.
And yes, as it is above, to use one of the old terms of hermetic Alchemy, so below.
But believe me, I'm a busy beaver.
And if the NWO thinks they're going to shut me down without putting me in prison or killing me, they got another thing coming.
But it's hard for me to do the things that need to be done that you don't see, but you will see without money.
I have to then scrounge around and I have to spend half my time raising money.
Back in the day when I could just raise any amount of money I wanted to, I barely even did it.
I should have been busy and put away nuts like a squirrel does or like the ant does
and not a grasshopper.
But I've just never really been worried about that.
I need a lot of funds.
And you need this operation to be heavily funded so that I can easily do the things I need to do.
I need more reporters.
I need more camera people.
In the past, I've funded a lot of other people's operations with no strings attached.
I'm not able to write those checks anymore.
I never wanted the credit, but I've written hundreds and hundreds of checks that have funded a lot of the groups you see out there.
And we're now just simply Trying to develop some new projects that I don't own and that I don't control so that one way or another we have platforms to continue on when the censorship is going to get so bad because of Trump's failure to do something about it that those that are able to stay in a position with radio and TV uplinks
And other systems we've got in place are going to be able to critically change the destiny of the planet.
We've already changed the destiny together.
We've already proven we know what we're doing.
We've already won major races, to use a race car analogy.
We've already won the big races.
We've already gotten the checkered flag.
Now they're trying to sabotage our car.
And they've got their gremlins coming after it.
Other cars are being built.
And I'm just going to leave it at that.
If they think they're keeping me off the track, not happening.
Not happening.
But you want to break some globalist ribs.
You want to crush some skulls politically.
You want to drive ice picks through their eyeballs, spiritually.
There's nowhere you can spend money.
There's nowhere you can place your bet in a fight where it's going to have more power per dollar.
Your bang for your buck here gets you great products at great prices that literally fund the system where the spirit of resistance lives to drive it home to the enemy.
And so it's very simple.
If you don't want to be slaves and you want to see the fight taken to the enemy, which God wants to see, you see, we have to make the effort.
110% God will finish the move.
I went and saw the movie Midway, it's excellent, because it's very historically based, and there's a submarine attack, I'm gonna give a bright nose history, that actually held up the Japanese fleet long enough for the rest of them to discover them and get them and sink them.
They didn't, their torpedoes didn't hit, folks, but that submarine is what made them win that, and then probably win that whole leg of the war.
Would have lasted probably five years longer if Midway wouldn't have happened that way.
And by the way, this submarine has already blown up a bunch of ships before.
It's not like we're shooting torpedoes and holding them back and making them use a war analogy and then down the road it has an effect.
We've already sent the enemy to the bottom over and over again.
They know that.
And I know I need to stay in the fight, in the attack, attack, attack.
I want to attack.
I want to go after the globalists.
And so, I'm going to get up off my ass and come up with other ways for you to support us, and I'll announce that in the next week or two.
There's no more time to wait.
We've only got 336 days, and they've held me up a few years and things I wanted to launch, but I've got a lot of iron to the fire and a lot of stuff going on.
And just believe me, ladies and gentlemen, that if you want somebody to commit to you and your family to fight for all of our futures together, you've got to guarantee you keep me in the game.
I'm going to bust my ass with everything I got for us, for myself and my family, for your family, because we're in this together.
We are in this together.
But the Cyber Monday specials are here.
It's the big Black Friday sales, the triple Patriot points, free shipping, giant sales, free bottles of Brain Force Plus with the DNA Force Plus and with the X2 and X3 and a bunch of other huge specials, a bunch of stuff that was sold out back in stock.
These specials are going to have to end sometime this week.
We'll have some new specials, but they won't be as massive or as wide-reaching.
But whatever you do, find the info, Warren.
I salute you and I thank you.
All right, we'll get into the whole Market the Beast system and so much more when we come back.
Stay with us.
My brain was racing so fast and so hard this morning that I couldn't go on air.
And I'm not complaining.
I'm explaining to you, just so you as a listener, as part of this family, understand why in the future things are not going to be the way they've been, okay?
And we've kicked some ass.
I'm just telling you, I'm going to the next level or I won't be on air.
I'm serious.
This is life and death.
I'm going to up our game 100%.
At least.
Or I'm done.
Because I'm not going to do this half-ass.
I'm not going to go into this fight at 95%.
I'm gonna go into this 100% swinging to tear heads off.
And I was gonna start the show explaining this is what it's gonna be like
in the information singularity.
is a lot of cascades of many singularities towards the bigger singularity.
And already with the censorship, we are reaching the censorship singularity.
And that was such an epic catharsis.
Infinity clear.
When I thought about that Friday, and that's just such an epic understanding of that.
And we can all see it.
That's a whole other subject.
The censorship singularity that we're now entering.
What that really means.
Because censorship isn't the right word.
It's total information singularity.
Well, what does information singularity mean?
People think, oh, that means all the information in the world.
know it means no information.
And so I'm sitting here at the At the junction point of all this information coming in.
You wonder why presidents, all their hair goes gray like that.
It's that responsibility.
Well, this is something akin to that.
For all of us that care, because I was thinking about this audience of activists, because you're not an audience, you are men in the arena.
Guys, I always butcher, you print me the man in the arena thing again, thanks.
And it hit me that We're not building up enough how incredible this time is and how dangerous but also fortuitous and just how amazing it is and how incredible it is that InfoWars has been at the center of it because you are the people that care.
You're the people that saw what was happening far away.
Now it's here.
You're the people that are in touch with God.
And so the fact that this broadcast is even on the air is what drives the globalists insane.
Again, back in the day of real journalists, big journalists would work with teams of people
for several months on one story we cover today.
And people say, "Well, then how could you make a decision so quick on a story?"
And no, well, we make mistakes sometimes.
We're accurate about 97% of the time.
Because I'll look at a story, and I'm not just going off that one.
I've got a whole lexicon of other reports and things that I know in the background, and what's been done in other countries and other places.
And when I see something, I know what it's gonna be, and then I read it, and it's that.
And then I can even see the rollout of it in my mind, and then I see it roll out.
And then when I finally see it roll out...
And it's bad, and I knew it was coming.
It's like watching a punch come at you in slow motion.
It's this feeling of, if we have this knowledge, we should be able to stop this if we have revelation.
But you can't stop it if other people don't have the revelation.
You can't tell them about the Matrix.
They've got to see the Matrix.
It's true!
Because it's a spirit, it's a download, it's a communion, and they don't have it because they're lost.
I was just thinking about, can I queue it up again, the look on Sink of the Young Turks when he talks about pleasuring animals.
And he gets this look in his eye of just absolute pervert glee.
And this is the guy promoting pedophile story time with your children.
This is the guy that calls me the most horrible person in the world.
Well, yeah, to a damn demon like you, I bet I'm the worst person in the world.
I take that as a compliment, you slug.
Good God, and see, we just don't imagine they want to have sex with animals, sex with your kids.
They want to do evil things.
They want to put round Pegs and square holes. They want to put five eyeballs on
things and arms sticking out of the side of your head. Why because it's
aberrant, it's Demonic it's a failure. It doesn't work. It's not
Satisfying because they are not satisfied They're lost because they get a thrill out of rebelling
against the programming That's it. It's very very simple.
And these people will bring our civilization down so fast it'll make your head spin.
Let's go ahead and play Sync.
And if you're a radio listener, you're lucky.
You don't have to look at this guy.
He... He looks like...
You know, when you and your buddy are sitting there in college, and this super gorgeous chick walks in, and the door opens, and her skirt blows just perfect, like Marilyn Monroe, and you're just like, oh man, whoa!
It's like, she's so gorgeous, it's painful.
I mean, there's just a total yearning.
It's not even sexual, you're just admiring this beautiful creature.
That's the look he's got on his face talking about pleasuring your cat or your dog or I guess your, you know, I mean like Vice TV, sex with earthworms, sex with children, I mean... Oh, but men and women, oh that's all rape and that's all bad and that's all clouded and under attack because that's powerful and that's real.
That's fulfilling.
And see, now it's, oh no, let you have sex with the earthworms and your poor dog, you're gonna rape your dog.
Like I'm telling you, that's his new congressional tagline.
Sink's coming!
Lock up your animals!
Sink's coming!
Sink Ugar, how do you say his name?
Sink Ugar, he's got a heart on for your dog.
I mean, that's who these people are!
Let's go ahead and roll video of him lusting over your animals.
Here it is.
I believe that I am going, if I were the benevolent dictator of the world, I would legalize bestiality where you are giving, where you are pleasuring the animal.
You see what I'm saying?
You are pleasuring the animal.
And he gives the person off camera a look like you're across the table with a candle, you're drinking some Chianti at an Italian restaurant with a girl you really like, and you've never been with her before, and you're looking at her and you're like, you know, you really are gorgeous.
I just, sometimes it turns me on like I've never been turned on before in my life.
And I give them that look.
Let's just skip dinner and get in the car and go home right now.
He's giving the person off camera that look when he talks about, I can pleasure the animal.
That's who this guy is.
If he was, he's up there, if I was a dictator, this guy's always talking that pontificating voice, if I was dictator of the world, I'd screw your cat.
Gives new meaning to the, guy's got a look on his face like he just pumped your dog.
And you're like, why?
Why does he want to have sex with your pelican?
Your aardvark.
Your rhinoceros.
Your donkey.
Get out of my swamp, donkey!
I'm gonna open the phones up in the fourth hour today.
By the way, David Icke's not been on the show in two years.
And I think that's because he's been a little mad at me for being on the Trump train.
I mean, yeah, the globalists are totally pissed at Trump.
Trump's done a lot of good stuff, but I get Trump's got some problems.
And I just know suddenly David Knight, David Knight is on the weekday mornings.
David Ike will come on tomorrow for two hours.
And so I really look forward to having him on.
Very misunderstood guy, very controversial guy, very interesting fellow, very smart fellow.
You know, he said a lot of things 20 years ago that I thought were crazy that ended up being true.
I just hope he's wrong about the rest of it.
But you know, these people sure act like what he says they are.
Sure explains a lot.
I just go with what I can prove.
What I can prove is so out there, I can't even hardly believe it.
So we'll go down the rabbit hole and then some.
With David Icke, two hours tomorrow.
He was the first guy that told me... First interview with David like 23 years ago.
Oh, he was the biggest interviewer you could get 23 years ago.
Still one of the biggest.
And... I remember... He was like off-air telling me.
me and then a couple years later I went to a conference like 20 years ago and had dinner
with him.
And he's like, "Well, this Prime Minister would like to have seven-year-old girls with
black hair and green eyes."
So it's very hard for them to kidnap them.
They'd search all over Europe to get them.
And then they'd have trouble getting them up there.
Then they'd bring them in and they'd put plastic down.
And then one guy would slit the throat.
And then this particular prime minister didn't have sex with the girls.
He would just masturbate while they did it.
20 years later, that came out in the newspaper.
I mean, slitting little girls' throats, watching their blood spray everywhere?
I mean, look, I don't want to have to talk about this.
They're doing it!
You're like, why would they do that?
Because they're into themselves, okay?
They like the feeling of the power.
Here's a beautiful little girl, has the whole future of the universe before her.
She is magic, she is powerful.
Let's murder her!
Because we're into ourselves!
Because you and I won't do anything to stop them.
Because we either can't believe what's going on, or we're too busy playing golf, or polishing our watches, or whatever it is guys are into.
And there's nothing wrong with golfing.
There's nothing wrong with polishing your watches.
But that's not on the hierarchy very high up.
You know, you do that once you've destroyed the globalists and routed the pedophiles and made them hide under rocks again.
That's when you go play golf and have a Miller Lite.
You don't do it when all hell's breaking loose and they're coming for our damn kids and have already got unlimited numbers of them.
I'm gonna stop right there.
I said I'd cover all the news and I will cover all the news.
I will cover it all.
David Ike told me there were devil worshippers killing kids.
General Partin told me there were devil worshippers killing kids.
The former top FBI agent who ran all of the Southern District of California told me all that.
And by the way, they just declassified a month ago thousands of pages, all of it, everything Ted Gunnarsson told me.
I read most of the file about a month ago at night.
I took it home.
And I started crying.
Because I was having all these flashbacks to all the times I had dinner with Ted Gunderson.
And I mean, I probably met with the guy 20 times over the years and how earnest he was and how he was telling me and like writing notes saying, Alex, you got to check this.
You ought to interview this person.
You got to talk.
This is what they're doing over here.
And I remember just thinking, this guy's crazy.
This is a crazy person.
And he was just doing his job still, just fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting.
And years later, more and more came out.
Oh my God, he's not crazy.
And by the time I interviewed him last, seven, eight years ago, he'd had all these surgeries.
He had bladder cancer, he had an artificial bladder.
He'd done all these experimental surgeries, such a tough guy.
I interviewed him, I didn't even know when he was on air, he died like the next day, like two days later.
And there's like beeping going off and nurses in the room.
He's like, he's just all jolly.
And Alex, you've got a great job and you've got to keep your work going forward.
I apologize to Martin Luther King.
I ran the COINTELPRO against him, but God knows I apologize and I'm ready.
And realize he sounded jollier and better than ever.
And he was dying on the telephone with us for like an hour and a half.
It's just, it's just incredible.
It's just incredible.
We are live broadcasting worldwide and I salute the men and women of every race, color, and creed who are one race, the human race made by God who bleed red blood.
I salute the man and the men in the arena because this broadcast is in the arena.
Teddy Roosevelt said it best and you can't quote it enough.
It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.
The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs, who comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcomings, but who does actually strive to do the deeds, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, and who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at worst, if he fails in the end, At least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.
So I salute you all for your support, and I salute you for being the men and women in the arena, and I salute you for keeping this broadcast on the air, and now is the critical time to be all in.
You can bet your money on Trump all day, that's great, and bet your energy, let's get him in there.
But I'm telling you, when it comes to getting the information out that'll bring the globalists down, it's InfoWars.
And it's projects, not just Band-Odd video, but other things out there we've got developing that are going to have a huge effect into the future.
So take advantage of the Cyber Monday specials that I could extend throughout this week, but then that's it.
50% off, triple Patriot points, free shipping.
Free bottle of Brain Force Plus with DNA Force Plus and with X2 and X3 and so many other big specials and things like the amazing Krill Oil back in stock.
Okay, I've covered 10% of what I said I would get to by the end of the show, but I'm doing the fourth hour.
And so I've got to be judicious and I've got to start getting into it right now.
They say a picture tells a thousand words.
And this one, I think, tells a little bit more than that.
Man interrogated for criticizing police on social media.
Social credit score coming to the West soon.
Now look to dehumanize this poor man.
If you're a radio listener, go to Infowars.com.
He is what looks like a school chair, a school desk.
But it's metal and his hands are Chained down, bracketed down, and his upper arms are, and he's crammed into what is a restraint chair.
We're going to air some of this audio in a moment.
And the Chinese Communist Police are saying, so you talk bad about the police on one of the social apps.
And they tracked back his identity.
And he said, yes, I did.
What he really means is he's talking about the state, and he says, I'm drunk, I'm sorry, and he even begs them.
Of course, we don't know what happened to them.
People are sent to re-education camps or killed for less.
But the issue is, this is what they do with their social score, where you have to face scan to get online.
And all the new phones, of course, globally, have had this on them for two years now.
It's all standardized, and China is the testing ground.
Before we air that audio, look at this article out of French news agency.
China introduces mandatory face scans for phone users.
And so to own a phone, it has to be hooked into the state-run telecom, Huawei.
And then, of course, you have to face scan to even get on the Internet.
That way you're not using somebody else's.
And if you even call somebody who's been downgraded, well, you...
Lose your score as well.
And it goes on enough.
You're not only allowed to go outside your door one half foot.
That's a Chinese government statement.
We will be able to control you where you can't even leave your home one half foot.
Then you will lose your house and will starve to death on the street.
That's the wonders of the cashless society and the system that they're putting into place.
And this system was designed with Western companies brought to China.
The globalists put the Chinese communists in power and Trump won't even stand up against the censorship that's taking place.
He's standing up to Huawei, which is good, but Apple is even more in bed with the chai-coms than Huawei in many respects, and they've got all of your passcodes.
Your Apple key code is stored in China.
He first reported that almost two years ago.
I'm not going to tell who I told this, but I was talking to a talk show host.
When I was in D.C.
and I was telling him this, and he didn't believe me, so I pulled it up and showed him Reuters.
He said, the President has to know this.
I'm going to be meeting with him tonight.
Don't tell anybody.
I said, I won't tell anybody you're meeting with him tonight.
And little word is that that helped contribute to the Huawei decision.
And again, I'm not bragging about Infowars.
The President's so isolated and so surrounded, he didn't know that Apple had moved to China Early last year was in Reuters and had given him the code keys.
That's how weak the globalists are!
That I'm in D.C.
I'm sitting there having drinks with a well-known talk show host, back when I still had a few drinks.
And I tell him this, he goes, Alex, come on.
I pull it up.
I text message it, he goes, give me a call.
And then, you know, boom!
He's covering it a couple days later.
He's like, but the Pentagon is a Pentagon.
He's like, excuse me, he took like five minutes to read the article?
Yeah, that's it.
He looked up what, you know, what the code keys are.
And then they said, yes, when you're in China, you let the Chinese government run things.
Chinese intelligence runs Apple.
And I'm sitting here, you know, telling everybody this.
I mean, yeah, there's the article.
It's hidden in plain view. It's hidden in plain view. It's hidden in plain view.
And so the left comes up to you on the street and they say I can't wait till you're arrested.
I can't wait till you're in jail for what you've done.
They've moved on from Russia just to the fact that I hope you go to prison.
Hell, you see videos of it where I'm out on the street and they come up and spit on me and say, go to prison, effer!
A guy in a wheelchair came over and reached between my security at the Trump event at Apple a few weeks ago, pinched the snot out of me.
I mean, I had a little, you know, purple mark on me.
And I turned around and almost punched whoever it was, and I looked, and it was a leftist smiling up in a wheelchair.
Again, from the top, they're evil.
Down to the bottom, they're all about setting you up.
They're all about smolleting you.
They're all about tricking you.
They're Decepticons.
They live in deception.
They breathe deception.
They love deception.
From the top, down to the bottom, they're evil!
And I don't like to talk about how people look.
You can see an old man who's been in a car wreck and he's 89 years old, but you see fire in his eyes and there's dignity to him.
You go to a leftist rally, they look like their souls have been sucked.
They're not just fat.
You can see a jolly fat person that has a happy soul, and they're cool.
But they all have this weird pedo fat, with a huge fat body, little bitty arms, and they're just walking around going, ugh, I'm going to kill you, ugh, I love communism, ugh, I like children, ugh.
And you're like, what happened to these people?
They look like their souls have been sucked out by Maleficent in The Little Mermaid.
And that's it, and they want to steal our voice so they can use it to trick more souls to come to them.
It's all in the children's fables.
You will not have my voice.
You will not silence InfoWars.
The listeners stand with us, and God stands with us.
We'll be back with a ton of news, your phone calls, and more!
InfoWars is on fire!
Alright, again, I'm not complaining.
But imagine if you had to keep broadcasting on the radio and TV while a building's burning down next door.
That's basically what's going on around here.
Let me put it to you this way.
We've got a story that is so huge that I already confirmed a month ago that's been hiding in plain view That broke yesterday and has over 1,200,000 views with no news articles about it.
But if I say too much about what I know, it can mess up things we've got going on.
So I have to leave it at that.
They have facilities in Austin.
I have this from the police department.
That our model test for the collapse of society and martial law, civil war.
And they've already got thousands of people microchipped.
And they're beta testing it with a company run by the United Nations.
Now I've got copies of the contracts.
And I had this a month ago and intended to do more on it.
And did do something on it.
But then it began to break, just organically, because you can't hide something like this.
And by the way, I'm not sitting on it.
I'm saying they can't hide it.
I mean, the angles of this thing alone make my head explode.
And again, your head explodes at this level, not to be on the radio talking to people.
We're supposed to be taking action at this point.
This is what hit me this weekend.
We need to have a big demonstration outside the water treatment plant here in Austin where they put hydrofluorosilicic acid in the water when they admit in major Harvard studies it causes brain damage and increases cancer.
That's something we should be doing.
People should be filing lawsuits to stop it instead of having the mayor laugh at people
up there from his dais when we bring the top toxicologist here from Cornell
and they just laughed in his face.
Guys, I'm going from memory.
That was 10 years ago.
Dr. Conant.
Look up Dr. Conant.
Was it Cornell or was it... It popped my head the minute.
Just look up Dr. Cornell.
I mean, Dr. Conant.
And the new mayor's laughed at us.
Owen's gone down there.
The new mayor laughs.
That's three mayors that laugh at us.
We bring them reports from Harvard and Cornell.
The entire lobby of government scientists that work at the EPA Have signed letters in 2001 and then again in 2010 saying, take it out of the water, it's causing brain damage and infertility.
And we bring up that letter and the damn mayor laughs at us.
You know what?
They're assaulting us with a damn chemical weapon!
And now, they've got an old hotel they just bought for millions of dollars from the mayor's buddy.
That they renovated for the homeless people.
And there's sponsorship going on with Google.
And do you want to know why?
Because it's a smart city test of open-air prisons with microchipped homeless people.
And we have the documents.
It's confirmed.
And we've already talked to homeless people.
And we're getting their medical records from them, and we're meeting with the people that are their city sponsors.
And again, they roll out the chips with the most disadvantaged, make it all sound great, make it...
Oh, we set up this smart warehouse in the smart city, and now we track the homeless with these
readable microchips that 5G Google tracks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
I'll cover that next hour.
I'll play the video.
Here comes Rob Dew.
Come on over here.
I know you're working on this.
Yeah, Paul Conant.
Was he at what university?
But then he worked somewhere else when he got the whole group of scientists to sign the deal.
Wasn't Cornell?
I grabbed that real quick.
My memories.
He did have some stuff.
How's it going with the interview with the homeless people?
We'll take care of it then.
Okay, and then let me just give you another example of what's going on here.
You see this story been out since the weekend?
It's up on ZeroHedge.com.
And it's linked to the British newspapers.
Turns out... Turns out... We know... That it's not a hacker.
Just like you were told with Seth Rich that, you know, it was a hack.
And the evidence, of course, points towards it was downloaded at the point of origin.
That it's not a hack.
and it turns out InfoWars has the scoop on this.
And I just have to say that on air.
Can you imagine how dangerous all this is?
Can you imagine how scared the system is right now?
Epstein tapes.
Sorted case takes a bizarre turn after mystery hacker emerges.
MI6 connected groups are reporting there's a bunch of videos about to come out so that he gets taken off Prince Andrew, that videos are going to be released of billionaires and world leaders having sex with underage girls just to begin with!
And again, you don't think it'd be hackers that would actually have that, do you?
You know who really has it is law enforcement at the state and local level in Florida, and then at the FBI level, and then at the Eric Prince XZ frontier type situation.
So yes, obviously the whole operation was about videotaping and blackmailing people.
People knew they were going to be blackmailed to get in the club.
Oh, the initiation is you videotape me having sex with kids.
That's how it works.
That's the club.
Big club.
We ain't in it.
Don't want in it.
Want to take down those that are in it.
But that's what's going on.
And so I'm a little breathless.
I'm a little speechless at points here.
Because I don't even feel like I should be on air at this point.
I should just be... spending weeks figuring out the next move against these people.
But I'm... caught here, always on air.
And so all I can do is brainstorm here on air with all of you.
I mean, it's just, it's overwhelming.
You talk about information singularity, this is it.
I mean...
We got the paperwork.
They're microchipping homeless people in a smart city outside town in East Austin.
Outside downtown.
They bought a big hotel and they're gonna do it there.
Starting in a couple weeks.
The microchipping has begun.
And see, once they fully collapse society, you want your food, you want, you know, turn your guns in, take the chip.
That's how they're doing it.
That's how we always knew they were going to do it.
And it's all happening like clockwork.
And this isn't some Netflix dystopic movie, ladies and gentlemen.
Who could come up with this?
I mean, you know, devil worshipers, world government, people with a driven hunger for blood and raping children in control.
And then the whole collapse of it as they all in fight with each other over the technology and the surveillance grids and we're all caught in the middle and the average man is just going to be playing golf.
You know, there's that famous video and photo of out in California and the mountains are burning just a few yards away and the people are still playing golf.
I mean that's literally what this is like. Fiddling while Rome burns.
Hour number four is coming up.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
We've only begun to fight.
A toll free number to join us on the whole house of cards coming down on the next Epstein shoe to drop as the deep state begins to blackmail each other over the multi decades long blackmail ring being run by MI6 CIA Mossad.
Through Epstein, just one of the groups doing it.
Bill Gates is caught up in it, the Clintons, everybody.
That's why they're so desperate to get rid of Trump.
Trump's not involved in it.
Trump isn't into that, plus he never put himself in that position.
And that's why they're so scared, that's why they're so desperate.
You've got the whole fake impeachment, saying, oh, Trump refuses to come to the Hearings in the house, because it's all been a kangaroo.
They don't even know who the other witnesses are.
They weren't allowed to ask questions before.
The whole thing's a fraud, and any proceeding that's been a fraud from the onset only gets legitimized by joining with it later.
That's all coming up today as well.
A toll-free number to join us to cover any issue you want.
Long-time caller, first-time caller, disagree, agree.
Any subjects you want to discuss?
Totally wide open phones, but... I always say this and I never do it, we are just gonna go to your call, get your point, move the next person, I'll never get to anybody.
Okay, I have covered a lot today, but I haven't scratched the surface, so let me...
be as judicious as I can.
We've been working on this story for over a month and a half.
We've been working on this story for over a month and a half.
We've been working on this story for over a month and a half.
We've been working on this story for over a month and a half.
And of course, if we put out the documents and put out a video, it's not even allowed on YouTube.
In the video we posted on Bandot Video, I think it only had like 50,000 views, which still didn't chop liver.
But hey, UN Connected Group begins microchipping of Austin Homeless.
Here's the documents, here's the admissions, here's where they've already done it in Latin America.
Nobody cares.
It's confirmed, it's bombshell, it's insane.
As of the beginning of the show, this morning when I was watching it, it had 1.2 million views.
When they printed this, It had another 100,000 views.
Let's see what it's got now.
Because the folks videotaping this, they know this guy.
They're friends with him.
This is actually where I get my haircut.
Don't want to give out too much, but I do get my haircut there because my grandpa used to get his haircut there at the old location.
It's still open.
South Austin Barbershop.
Homeless Gentleman's Amazing Barbershop Transformation.
Of course, their other videos have a few thousand views.
You know why this one has so many views?
Can we pull that up?
Here, I can do it on my phone.
It's because he talks about how they're living in a warehouse and getting microchips.
Here, just do a document cam shot.
That'll work this way.
So just, just think about that.
But everybody's freaking out because he's in a video not about the microchipping.
Maybe it got through the Google filters.
Because it's, oh, amazing gentleman's barbershop transformation.
Homeless gentleman's amazing barbershop transformation.
Oh my gosh!
Went up on the 27th, only went viral today.
It probably has 2 million views now.
Here, let me pull it up on my phone.
So, it's just incredible.
Here, let's do it.
There it is.
So now it has 1,423,000.
So in the last couple hours, it's got another 100,000 views.
And of course, everybody's talking about how it's the microchipping and how they're moving them into a warehouse, which is all confirmed.
And we have the documents, but no one cares.
I was telling the crew about this this weekend.
I said, it's crazy.
When we have all the proof, and it's totally admitted, no one cares.
But if it's a mystery, or, oh, it's hidden in something else, then it's the biggest thing since sliced bread.
And I don't care that somebody else's YouTube channel got 1.4 million views.
In fact, I love it.
I get my hair cut there, in that very barbershop.
I told you I go to a barbershop that's mainly a minority barbershop.
It's just quick, easy, they're nice guys, and my grandpa.
The old owner had it open since like the 60s, but I'm into tradition.
But see how we break that over a month ago and have videos about it and articles about it to show the documents and no one cares.
It's like, that's just, you know, that's just Jones, big deal, you know, implant the homeless.
But he's just up there nonchalantly talking about it all.
About, yeah, you know, they're moving us into this warehouse, we're getting microchips, so we're all safe, and everything's free, and everything's taken care of.
And everybody is totally freaked out about this.
You gotta read the comments, they're just like, oh my god, it's all true, this is insane.
Of course it's going on!
It's going on all over the damn planet!
We're gonna go to break, and I'm gonna play some of that audio coming up, and we're gonna take your phone calls, and I'm gonna get into all these other news items I haven't hit yet, and believe me, there's a lot of them, ahead of YouTube.
Comes out and says, well the scary part about conspiracies is, we have to counsel our moderators.
They're believing it.
It's so dangerous.
They're believing that it's not true that men can't have babies.
Alex Jones says men can't have babies and we had to ban him.
He's crazy!
Leslie Stahl's like, you're right, men can have babies.
Because they've got to have the mental illness out in the open and get you to accept it.
And pedophiles have access to your children.
Yes they do!
Pedophiles are good!
They're liberal!
Whatever you do, let's beat these people, and it's word of mouth and information warfare that does it.
So take the live feed from band.video of the show today.
Send out that URL and InfoWars.com forward slash show.
That gets censored everywhere.
So send out NewsWars.com forward slash show.
That URL isn't banned yet.
I'm sure it will be.
NewsWars.com forward slash show.
NewsWars.com forward slash show.
So that people out there who don't know what's going on and are just getting conditioned can tune in and find out why it's happening and who's behind it and see the proof because they fear this broadcast!
They fear the guests, they fear you, they fear this crew, they fear what we're doing because we're not intimidated and we're not backing down!
And we've bloodied their political noses over and over again and now we're going in for the kill!
Hour number four straight ahead!
Alright folks, we're gonna come back with your phone calls and get more into the
chipping of the Austin homeless community and putting them into these
quote smart grids with Google after the break but here's this report.
There are several different definitions of symbiotic relationships but they're
all basically the same.
Two or more species who live within close proximity of each other, and both of those species' life cycles and activities contribute to the others.
And so they live simpatico, or in a symbiotic relationship, they're linked up.
Now, if we pull back and we look at what Hollywood's doing, what the universities are doing, not just here, but all over the world, there is a unified effort to sabotage the family, to sabotage culture, to get people into debt, to make people ill, to make them sick.
I mean, it's all out in the open now.
Only a few countries, like Russia, are actively Opposing that and saying, hey, too many vaccines are dangerous.
And hey, GMO really is sterilizing people.
And hey, don't try to break up families.
Don't try to sexualize children when they're in the elementary school.
That's evil.
And Russia has come out and pointed out that Hollywood and the EU and others are actually trying to poison society and destabilize it.
Now, we don't need the Russians to tell us that to know it's true.
We can see it every day.
We're always hearing that, oh, the Russians are behind Trump, and the Russians are behind the fight against the EU, and the Russians are behind the Nationalists in Brazil.
Well, no, not the Russians themselves, but the spirit of not wanting to be slaves, the spirit of wanting to have strong families, the spirit of wanting to have a good future, the spirit of wanting to build a civilization that's good and wholesome.
Yes, that spirit, that same spirit behind the Russians and their rebirth, compared to where they were, Is driving us.
The Russians hit rock bottom after 70 plus years of leftist torture and enslavement.
And so they've seen the face of the technocracy.
We here haven't hit bottom yet.
And there's different ways to learn.
You know, you can learn from experience.
You can learn by being warned, being educated.
And you can also, of course, learn by revelation.
Revelation would be the best way, wouldn't it?
From your own instincts, your own spirit, your own understanding, and just follow what you know is right.
That voice is never wrong.
But we can live by experience and by education.
By experiencing globalism and the New World Order, and all the poison, and all the curses, and all the bad things that come with it.
And we can read and learn from people like Alexander Schultz and Eatson what they went through, and say, let's not do this again.
But to be able to do that, we're going to need to get aggressive.
And not see fighting tyranny as work, but see it as breathing air into our lungs when we climb a hill.
And the more we do it, the stronger we get, and it becomes a compulsion to fight tyranny.
It becomes an enjoyment to fight tyranny.
Better than food, better than sex, is fighting for our very survival.
Because if we don't fight for our territory, and fight for our human will, and fight for justice, and fight for our children, Well, all the food and the sex and all the things God's given us to enjoy our lives with our husbands and wives won't mean anything.
But you notice they're trying to take our food and they're trying to take our sex away.
Our normal, natural men and women.
Because all of that is holy.
What does holy mean?
It just means sacred.
It just means what's good, what was meant from the beginning, what works, what connects us to all those that came before us.
It's not human culture, men and women and families.
It's survival.
It's who we are, forged in the fires and the frozen waste and the wars.
And all we've been through, all of us are the inheritors of that majesty.
And this incredible experience together, and we're not going to let our species down, and I know you aren't.
So spread the word about this broadcast however you can, and buy those products that are great for you and your family, that are symbiotic, and together, ladies and gentlemen, we're going to march to the future, we're going to fight this dehumanizing force, this tester, and we're going to win with God's grace.
Because God is good and evil will fall and fail, but it must be given its one hour to test us and the test is now
We are back live broadcasting worldwide Your phone calls are coming up here.
Start of the next segment on this live Monday edition.
Only 336 days out from the election.
There's a big story up on Infowars.com.
60 minutes.
Google, YouTube took down 300 Trump ads.
That's right, CEO still claims the site doesn't target conservatives.
And of course they're now taking down photos of Melania Trump because that's seen as pro-Trump and Trump is hate speech and so anything supporting Trump is 86th.
But she says this is freedom of speech.
Just like Merkel said last week, she said the British Chancellor, the German Chancellor, said We have to take people's freedom to protect freedom.
That's right.
That's their system.
That's how they operate.
They're making their move.
And if we don't say no to it, and if we don't challenge it, we're going into great tyranny.
And next will be the arrest of people for their speech, which is already happening in Europe and England and the UK wide.
And it's now coming here.
And a lot of folks are like, well, we'll just let these people run our lives.
Okay, well, they want your kids, and they want your health, and they want your life, and they want to run your mind.
And they found a bunch of corporate operatives that will do anything or say anything for the power structure.
And then when the power structure is on its off time, it's meeting in secret, having sex with children.
That's what went on at Jeffrey Epstein's operations.
Meanwhile, people that stand up for free speech lose everything.
Land of the free, home of the brave, not for much longer.
If we as a civilization don't start saying no, we better start having a conversation about how do we say no.
The globalists really want Infowars off the air because we're saying this isn't right.
We need to organize and say no to this and these people are evil.
And they think if they can punish us and take us off the air, that'll send a message to everybody else that, see, you better shut your mouths.
But see, I think you're like the people in Texas.
When the Mexican dictator who oppressed his own people, who just lost Guatemala, they rebelled against him.
Marched up here to take the firearms and to take people's private property that they had come and cleared and made valuable and defeated the Comanches.
There are only a few Spanish missions in Texas.
A couple thousand people lived in Texas in the 1820s and The Spanish Empire had given up on the Southwest.
They had some ports in California and a few missions across the West with gun ports in the doors.
Go down and look at the missions in San Antonio.
That's all that was down there.
And so when the Spanish got overthrown, the Mexican government invited the settlers in because they had pushed the Native Americans out.
Who are completely warlike and constantly killing each other.
You want to see an accurate depiction?
Go watch The Revenant, which is a true story.
And the real story is even crazier than what they put in that movie because you wouldn't believe it.
That's a true story.
Everything in it happened.
And it was every man for himself so nobody could conquer the West.
And so, the Christian settlers were invited in because they would stand and fight.
And they did.
And the Comanche, who were known as the Lord of the Plains, that went around exterminating all the other Native Americans, got their asses handed to them in Texas.
In Oklahoma.
And then all the other Native American groups that had been hiding out.
In other states, we're able to come back in.
Other territories at the time.
But that's the real, you know, Thanksgiving-style story.
That's the real stuff that went on.
But Santa Ana thought if he killed everybody at the Alamo, executed the only couple of survivors, that would scare everybody.
And make them all turn tail and run.
Of course, it did the opposite.
It energized.
And the Santa Ana got defeated big time at San Jacinto.
And so whatever happens to Infowars, I believe in you, and I know you're not intimidated by these people.
In fact, I know America and the world has been asleep.
And now you're getting woken up.
And the system now knows that, so they're going with the old fear tactic, thinking that's
why you were silent.
The truth is you were asleep.
You were lazy.
You were distracted.
There were so many diversions.
So was I. But once you found out what was really going on, you decided to take action.
And so now they're trying to take every venue you can.
Hundreds and hundreds of millions of people's accounts have been taken down on Facebook.
Everybody's being silenced.
And these people are rolling up their sleeves.
They made the decision that, oh, whatever got Trump elected, we've got to go after it.
We've got to destroy.
We've got to level.
These are quotes from CNN, MSNBC.
Everyone that doesn't submit to us.
And they've got this happy-go-lucky fake liberal operating system that it's about equality and it's about love and that's why they're censoring when it's big, hardcore, ruthless corporations replacing humans with robots who absolutely hate humanity and it's all a bunch of old men that run it with the communist Chinese.
But they've got all these women that grew up in the lap of American freedom who are the front people.
They got a few men in there like Sundar Pichai who are captaining the censorship and the control and telling us how it's all for a greater good.
China introduces mandatory face scans for phone users.
Amazon warehouse cult-like sweatshops run by robots.
New York Post.
Yeah, they've got new systems where you're locked in a cage and then you, the robot, tells you what to do.
Amazon has patented a system that would put workers in a cage on top of a robot.
Who runs Thunderdome?
Master Blaster runs Thunderdome.
But now... It's a big robot with a big claw like those...
Arcade games where you put the money in and then it grabs a toy.
And of course, we've got nice Chinese communist cages for people that don't have a good social score.
You get locked up and tortured into a re-education camp, but that's okay.
It's liberal.
In the new Disney Frozen 2, it's Northern Inuit are like Chinese.
That's what the Inuits are.
Ice Age Chinese.
And they teach the evil white men how bad they are.
And they take over and it's all peace.
There's a lesbian queen.
The lesbian queen of YouTube, and the lesbian queen of this, and the lesbian queen of that.
And it's all just a weird operating system, as if the lesbian queens run anything.
It's an AI demonic takeover.
the end of civilization.
And the Praetorian Guard trick the mass of the public to destroy the dam,
the evil white man's dam of civilization, and take it down so the third world doesn't get technology
and starve to death.
Oh, it's so liberal.
Oh, it's so trendy.
Oh, it's so good.
Oh, it's so sweet.
It's all lies.
All poisonous garbage.
All right, we're going to come back to your phone calls and I'll get to the microchipping of the Austin homeless that's now breaking virally and so much more here today.
I'm Alex Jones, Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Whatever you do, spread the word about the broadcast and override the globalist.
All right, we're taking your phone calls.
We got James, Trish, George, Matt, Brandon, Judy, Troy.
Chase, Pastor Sam, and many others.
Let's go to who disagrees first here.
James in Ohio, thanks for calling in on this live Monday edition.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you trust Trump?
I'd say I trust Trump about 7 on a scale of 10.
I mean, I got two quotes.
The first quote is, I back Trump 100%.
The other quote is, Julian Assange is Hillary Clinton's butt plug.
Now, who did those quotes come from?
Well, they came from me.
You sound like a libtard.
Well, actually I'm not.
I'm definitely behind what you would call conservative or the liberals of the past of the 1990s.
Okay, well, let me just address each little thing you put out there as if, you know, I'm just going to go off the air now.
I'm going to quit because you called in and said that.
Obviously, when I'm talking about backing Trump 100% on getting out of the TPP, backing Trump 100% on building a wall, and the fact that we should have a sovereign nation, I think I trust myself, you know, about 8 out of 10, because I'm a sinful person.
I'm not perfect.
We make mistakes.
I mean, sometimes I'm angry by 8 o'clock at night.
Sometimes I'm in a great mood at 8 o'clock at night.
I mean, we're all flawed creatures.
So to act like it's bad to say that I don't completely trust Trump because he's an infallible human.
He's not infallible.
And then you'd better damn well believe in time and space that I was mad about WikiLeaks.
I've told that story.
That's all over the news.
I said that.
It's not like you called in with some super powerful nugget of hidden gold that you found and now I've been totally destroyed by your incredible gravitas.
I said back when he wasn't releasing the dirt on Hillary that I wanted to see that they said they had that I called him Hillary Clinton's butt plug at 3 a.m.
When he didn't release anything the night they said they were.
And I've told that story over and over again to point out that Roger Stone didn't have any secret contact with Julian Assange the way the media spun it because I was there and I know what was going on.
So your attempt to discredit me at the outset of what you were going to say does not do anything but discredit you!
Now go ahead!
So my point would be is there are many many pictures many video of Donald Trump with Jeffrey Epstein.
Now if you say what you did I didn't know anything about Trump before he ran for
president. I didn't care.
So you're saying you were totally open about that, but yet you back him 100% and yet you call Julian
Assange Hillary Clinton's butt plug. The only reason Trump got in was because people like yourself,
people like friends of yours reported what Wikileaks actually gave out to the public.
Okay, listen, listen.
You've called before with the same weird argument.
I appreciate your call.
Take care.
I'm not going to have little, like I've got a fever and I'm hallucinating when I talk to you liberals.
None of it makes sense.
You'll always obsess on some word and then build a whole universe out of that.
It's weird.
It's weird.
I've been a supporter of Assange back when he was releasing information ten years ago.
I was mad at night and said that about him, and I don't apologize for it.
I was saying he was holding in all of Hillary's dirt.
So it's an allegory.
It's a joke.
You understand.
I've called for Julian Assange to be released.
I've gone and bullhorned the White House.
I've gotten petitions sent to the President.
But it's about you and the left having the moral authority, because it's a weird ism you have, where you go, oh, you didn't support Assange, you did this.
What does that mean?
It means nothing.
I support the press.
I did not arrest the press or whistleblowers like your God, who lost Hillary Clinton in the Obama administration.
So I just will not have false debates with you.
I went to you first.
You said you disagreed about Trump on Epstein.
What I said was, I didn't really follow Trump until he was running.
Then I went and did a bunch of research, is my full quote.
I didn't care about Trump.
I thought he was a cheesy reality star.
Until I started to hear what he actually stood for, then I went and researched him, looked at his dad being a John Bircher, the quotes he'd said on TV about wanting to have better trade deals, all of that, and then I got behind Trump and I'm proud I did.
My criticism of Trump is not some chink in the armor you found so you call in trying to make me turn against Trump.
We put Trump in office, he belongs to us, he needs to stand up against the censorship.
He needs to stand up against the globalists.
That's what I'm doing.
Not, not, oh I'm buckling under liberal acumen and liberal mental gravitas and you've really taught me who I am and oh, you did that psychological warfare thing right there.
No, it's pathetic what you did.
It's a joke.
Your mental midgetry gave me a headache.
I could dissect everything you said.
I talked about Epstein before he even got busted 12 years ago.
We've pioneered, in a mass media form, exposing the truth about how these black belt rings operate.
How you, with some sick form of libtard alchemy, turn that into, I'm covering up for Epstein, when we are the fount, one of the main headwaters, one of the main epicenters, the progenitors Of the genesis of this understanding.
And then you turn it into I'm covering up for it.
That's libtard logic.
Great job.
You failed.
When I looked into Trump, I found that he had public events, parties he throws as a public figure that Epstein attended on video.
We have him one time with him in a couple photos.
And we have him criticizing him many, many years ago once he found out how creepy he was.
Hillary flew on the plane.
Clinton did.
With our great listeners, got hundreds of people to confront Bill Clinton and call him a rapist in my name, putting my John Hancock on him.
And you're so pissed we wounded your princess, your god, your lord, your queen, your master, your Lilith, your Medusa, your Gorgon, your Jezebel, your Delilah, your demon witch.
May she burn in hell for a trillion eternities.
I piss on your god, Hillary.
I crap on her.
I hope she burns in hell!
Excuse me, Lord, I'm getting a little out of control.
Excuse me.
So there, I literally, I desecrate your goddess.
I stomp on her.
I've spit at her.
Ha ha ha!
Take that!
You just hear the weakness and the simpering and the weird little collection he had to try to distort and upend reality.
You failed, lebtard!
You failed, seminar caller!
You failed!
We put Trump in office!
As a shield against you, and he's defeated you on so many fronts and it's beautiful, but I want to make sure he goes in for the kill.
And so I want my audience with big, long, spiritual whips to drive Trump towards his destiny to drive the enemy off a cliff.
And if we all go over the top of the cliff with the enemy as we fall, we've gotten them off the backs of our children and that's a good mission, politically.
Wish no violence, of course, that's all.
This is information war.
And Hillary's fallen.
Your God you worshipped and put everything into has failed.
And no amount of Hollywood trash and devil worship and satanic rituals conducted nationwide in her name can ever resurrect her!
Hillary is a failure!
Hillary is a liar!
Hillary is a defender of child molesters and Hillary is a demon!
And the stench of her evil work goes on forever, but she will pay for it.
More phone calls straight ahead.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
You can really see God's plan at work.
We've had a lot of infiltration, a lot of sabotage, a lot of betrayal.
But for all those evil doors that get opened, God opens other doors and it equalizes out.
That's how the universe really works.
It's not just in Newtonian physics.
I see it every day.
That's why they want you locked up in your houses, not out engaged in the world, not exposing corruption, because then you'll never have a chance to really see God get involved in things.
But God gets involved when you put your skin on the line.
I was a little mean to that last caller, but I clicked it.
He called like a month ago, the same guy, and said the same weird play.
And the left never has a legitimate argument.
It's always some fallacy based on a fraud.
It's never real because being real isn't in them.
Anybody that listens to the show knows I've been a big fan of Assange since he showed up.
And I've, you know, literally busted my ass to try to get him out of jail.
And one of the things they put in the internal Google documents that came out last year that Cernovich got, that Google admitted were real.
Was that I was defending Assange.
You notice all the media has turned against him.
All these people that interviewed him back when he... They've all said he deserves to go to prison.
Because they're not journalists, they're pieces of crap.
But a libtard calls in, when I've been persecuted, I'm not a victim, I expect to get attacked.
Hell, if my ass is locked up in prison for exposing corruption, I expect people to try to get me out.
I mean, to be telling you, watching his ass rot in solitary confinement, I feel like it's me!
I'm pissed!
And so the guy calls up and says, I'm pissing on Assange.
I wanted to beat Hillary real bad.
I knew what she was involved in.
They kept saying, oh, it's big.
It's going to hurt Hillary.
I said, then release it.
And all he's got is that I was mean to Assange.
Well, you're Democrat gods want him dead!
But see, does it matter to a Libtard?
Because they're cut off from reality.
They know we have a conscience.
They know we care.
They don't.
They're sociopaths.
All the studies show it.
That's why they come up to us like we're a vending machine and try to program us.
You're bad.
You're not being loving.
You're not.
Because they keep trying to like make us fall down and worship them.
And it's not working anymore and they don't know what to do!
So they all just chip away.
They could be somebody if Trump was removed from office.
Let me tell you something.
Worst thing that ever happened to you libtards is if they were able to remove Trump.
That is gonna cook your goose seven ways to Sunday.
It's not gonna happen.
Not on the current trajectory.
And you better thank your dirty little stars.
Because anybody kills Trump, or they remove him in some half-assed event, it's gonna trigger things that in the end are gonna devastate you.
And by the way, if Trump's evil And he's got a good measure of it, as we all do, but he's got a little gleam going on, a little bit of shine on him, you know what I mean?
A little bit of shine on that old skunky-kwonky.
Is that he's manipulating you guys into something and he's gonna take full power like Emperor Palpatine dumbasses.
So I don't, you know, I always got my eyeball pointed at different things and
I don't trust Trump as far as I can throw him.
Because I don't trust myself.
I don't know what I'll be like when I'm 73 years old, but, you know, I'm getting meaner.
I'm getting crazier.
I have to really keep myself under control all the time.
I have people messing with me like Trump does.
I got all that power.
So maybe he's right holding back and letting all you rats sit there and climb all over him and crap all over us.
Because you are destroying yourselves in the process.
Maybe Trump is the smartest guy in the room.
He's a piece of work, that's for sure.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Alright, Trish in Virginia, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
I've been a listener for many years.
I want to say thank you for your product.
I've been slowly putting my family on them for the last several months.
I can say my son-in-law, who's 6'3", well over 300 pounds, massive bear of a man.
He's a big welder.
He's so happy with your products.
He cannot live without them.
He's lost so much weight.
He's thrilled.
Well, that's awesome.
What products is he on?
He's on your 8-pack power stack.
He's on that powder, that power drink that you have.
He stops taking all those monster drinks and all that other stuff.
You know, when he goes to work, he just takes that little powder drink with him, and he takes it.
He's good all day.
The other day, he was out cutting wood on the property, and he came in at like 10 o'clock in the morning.
He said to his wife, I forgot to take my power drink.
He's like, I got to get this stuff.
I'm tired.
Because he didn't bring it to work.
He wasn't at work.
Cutting down wood.
Loves this stuff.
My husband's got some serious health problems.
Started him on it.
The turmeric is better than the ibuprofen.
This stuff is amazing.
Amazing stuff.
Well, that's what turmeric does.
You know, when I've got an ache or a pain, it's a food.
I'll take like five or six of them and it works way better for me personally than Advil.
That's what most people say.
I mean, quite frankly, I hurt my back two weeks ago doing two heavy squats because I'm older and I hadn't done heavy squats in a while.
So I did a little bit heavier squats and a little bit of my back got hurt.
And so I was taking Advil and I'm like, wait a minute, take turmeric too.
And the two together were amazing for me.
What you said about turbo force is absolutely true.
If you look at the big energy drinks, they're full of dyes, they're full of weird chemicals, and then they're full of a bunch of synthetic caffeine and other drugs, and they'll wake your ass up but at a very big detriment to your body.
Not turbo force.
It's five types of natural energy that are time-released, And then it's got the vitamins, the minerals, and amino acids to upload it into your cells and take it across the blood-brain barrier.
And so, that's why TurboForce is so strong.
And quite frankly, I can't take it.
And I can't take BrainForce Plus unless it's like 7 at night and I gotta work till 2am, then I take it and I'm great.
and it has a clean come down.
So yeah, these are just the cleanest, best formulas you're gonna find.
They're all 50% off right now.
You get a free bottle of Brain Force Plus with DNA Force right now as part of the Cyber Monday sales.
It'll run through this week.
And then these huge sales that have been going for so long are gonna have to end for a while.
I wanna thank everybody for their support.
It's beyond critical.
What is your view on what the country needs to do?
First of all, I wanna say that last caller, he's what I call spam.
He's what I call static.
You need to not put your energy into him.
You need to not put your time into him.
You need to focus on solutions and exposing evil.
The whole damn country has got to wake up.
I came from New England and moved to Virginia 13 years ago.
My father said to me many, many, many years ago that all of New England has turned into a spiritual wasteland.
We moved to Virginia and it was like a breath of fresh air.
Except there's one problem.
I don't understand it.
I don't understand how these people...
Especially black people.
I love black people.
They are fantastic people.
But how can they go off of the Democrat plantations from the Civil War, under these people's belt, under their roof, taking their food, taking everything, being told what to do, when to do it, how to do it, fight for their freedom, not get the right to own firearms until what, the 70s?
When did black people actually get the right to own a firearm in this country?
Fought for civil rights and they're still voting for the Democrat plantation.
I don't get it.
I'll never understand it.
It's called Stockholm Syndrome.
People tend to submit to their abusers.
If they don't think they can get out of it, people adapt to the slavery.
What you said is central.
The gun laws were passed in the 60s and 70s in black cities.
And so that's where that was done to make sure black folks couldn't have guns.
Then the NRA was set up at the end of the Civil War because northerners didn't know how to shoot
like southerners and because the KKK was taking black people's guns when they got them. And so
what you said is totally accurate that literally, I mean the Democrats are the KKK, but they've got
people on their plantation.
All you've ever known is slavery.
It's hard to get out of it, but we're all going under the same slavery.
God bless you, Trish.
Great points.
All right, more calls, I promise.
I'm going to move quick when we come back.
Stay with us.
This is the final segment.
Then the war room with Owens Troyer is coming up.
I might just come over there and co-host that with him.
Only 336 days left, and the number one thing we've got to start doing is not submit to the globalists and stand up and be heard.
Speak out.
Stop being the silent majority.
Become the active majority we are.
Or continue to turn the world and society over to pure, bloodthirsty evil.
Let's run through these calls as quickly as possible, and then... Owen Schroer's coming up with the war room.
I got a lot I didn't get to, so...
Good chance I'm going to be co-hosting with him.
I'm going to get word in a minute.
If he already has a guest lined up, I won't do that, but I should know here towards the end of this segment.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to Troy's retired police officer.
Let's talk about United Nations crime, the border, and Epstein.
Go ahead and thanks for calling.
Well, be blessed, Alex, you, your staff, and your family.
I pray that the Heavenly Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ bless all of you.
All the time, and thank you for giving us the truth, at least the best you can, the best anyone can, and I just appreciate you, your products, and I'm a first-time caller, and I've been listening for about, well, right before the election, 2016 election, I actually got to an India, so thank you.
Well, thank you, sir.
What do you think about this whole situation?
Based on my experiences, it looks like we're all being set up for, if you take China, The UN, the hands that are sort of guiding them, what's going on at the border.
What I've dealt with in the city of Reading when I worked there, this is the 90s, and we had a huge influx of illegal aliens there that were primarily criminal running the drug cartel.
And it seems like they're just trying to rip the whole country apart.
And if you take everything that you took God out of, you take God out of education, you take God out of the medical, I mean, they don't go by the Hippocratic Oath anymore.
You took God out of government, this is where we're at.
So I think we're getting ready for pretty much a big fight.
No borders, no walls, no USA at all.
We can simplify it.
They admit they don't want this country existing.
And the Chi-Coms are funding the Hollywood poison, all of it, you're absolutely right.
And I think it really comes down to what we're going to do to be vocal and active, and what President Trump does.
I'm a big supporter of Trump, but I'm telling you, him letting them ban Republican ads, him letting them ban his wife's image on Facebook, I mean, he's really failed the test of allowing this type of un-American censorship and control.
It's really incredible.
Well, it might be a little well-laid trap if you let it go one part in one direction.
Take 9-11.
I mean, they've got the Patriot Act, and if they set us up for a civil war here, we start begging for all the IDs and the restrictions and all these electronic surveillance.
They're going to get us that way, too.
So, I mean, as much as sort of like the fluff that you see on the mainstream media, that's more of a distraction, I think, to people who are a little more in tune.
We need to realize, and especially the first responders, you know, for those who are listening, I think, I mean, you take the flak for what you do.
You're over the target.
A lot of first responders, a lot of them are either overwhelmed on the job, trying to handle matters of their local communities, and just raising their own families on whatever, you know, income they make.
So, it comes to that point where we need to be very careful.
I mean, I...
I gave my life up to Jesus Christ now again, and I'm very thankful for that.
I don't think I would be here without him, based on what I've seen him done.
We need to remind ourselves that as Christians, too.
No, I totally agree.
Please call back, sir.
Thank you.
Great callers today.
Trying to get to all these.
I may just ultimately blow over for War Room as well.
So I'm going to get to everybody.
Yeah, get your relationship right with God, folks.
That's the bottom line.
This is totally spiritual.
It's real.
And thank God we know it's all real.
So thank God for Jesus.
I mean, it just comes down to that.
Let's go to...
George in Connecticut, he says guerrilla activism.
I agree.
If we hit the streets, we're smart, we've got ways to get the word out.
What should the guerrilla activism be?
What should our slogans be, George?
Well, it's not the slogans, it's more or less how we should attack them.
We should use the old-time faxes to the White House, to our representatives, because if we bury them in faxes on an issue they don't want to acknowledge, they can't just hit delete for a thousand emails or whatever, or voicemails.
The same thing, we should use postcards.
to the White House on free Assange, free Roger Stone, or whatever issues it is.
We send millions of these things.
The people that are surrounding Trump and trying to keep these electronic means from
getting to him, it's going to be hard to see piles of mail with the cards that are open
there and so you can see exactly what's on the message that somebody in the White House
won't dump a couple of them.
And Trump goes and gets into the mail.
In fact, they hate that.
Everybody should just, people should be writing postcards every day to the White House until the election.
I totally agree.
And to Mar-a-Lago, with your messages to the White House.
Yes, it absolutely gets into there.
Hammer them with everything you've got.
And everybody should go buy a bullhorn and go bullhorn the White House.
Trump can hear it.
You're only like 100 yards away.
I mean, believe me, it was on national news when I went and bullhorned.
You could hear it in the White House.
Also, each one of these demonstrations that he has, he sets up for these rallies.
We should be outside and saying, free Assange, stop the censorship, bullhorn that, and also emphasize postcards and at these rallies that we should be basically Yanking the licenses of the major networks, since they're not showing a true independence, they're showing bias against the president, and also anything that is way left of center.
And as well, on the corporate level, as far as these big corporations, whether it's Facebook or whatever, we should yank the limited partnerships and their corporate I totally agree, George.
God bless you.
Incredible points.
By the way, I've just got to say this.
What the globalists are doing is really illegal and crazy and over the top.
If we just call it, they're going to get defeated.
This fake impeachment is driving Trump's numbers up.
Again, as long as we stay engaged, we're going to win.
Now, I'm going to keep taking calls, but this phone system works in the other studios.
So, I promise you, I'm going over there with Owen, because Owen got back with me.
He doesn't want me to host at least the first hour with him.
I'm going to get rid of the calls right up front.
Boom, we're going to get to you.
You're not going to hold anymore.
I'm going to take these calls.
And hell, if Owen wants, I'll just host the whole thing with him and take calls, because I'm just going to fight hard.
I got a bunch of stuff planned, and I'm just going to give you my full commitment here.
And so, we're going to get to Nick and Pastor Sam and Judy and Brandon and Matt and Bob.
Transfer those over and at 5 after, first thing we're doing on The War Room, Infowars.com forward slash show, Bandai Video, it's on the radio and TV satellites.
A lot of our stations pick them up.
Keep spreading the word, folks, because here's an example.
They took us off all these platforms that we were number one on.
We went to number one on cloud TV after being on there three months.
That reaches millions of people.
That's got hundreds of channels.
That's bigger than Fox News on there.
That's bigger than OAN.
That's bigger than Newsmax.
By the way, I'm not in competition with them.
I'm glad they're out there.
It's just that people know the real thing, okay?
They know this isn't scripted.
They know we mean business here, okay?
And God bless you.
You're doing it, folks.
That's why they don't want us to be anywhere, because we go to the top, showing America wants the truth.
America wants freedom.
America and the world understand what's happening.
That's why they've got to target the children before they know any better.
But the children innately know what's happening.
So just, I cannot stress enough that the world's on fire right now for evil and for good.
The quickening's here.
The battle is now.
And I will get to the chipping of the Austin homeless.
It's all confirmed.
And I'm so mad at myself that I knew this a month ago, barely covered it.
And then now there's a viral video of the homeless talking about how they're getting chips and where they're being moved into.
And I've got the documents to know, to tell the truth.
I got the documents.
But it's just, it's just, that's crazy.
And then I didn't get into the head of YouTube just telling huge lies on 60 Minutes, we'll get to that too.
War Room, Owen Schroyer, weekdays 3 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
Then there's an hour of my show rebroadcast.
Then we've got Firepower with Will Johnson and Tom Papert.
And that's, of course, weeknights 7 to 9.
And we'll add more shows as soon as we can get more crew and build things up.
But that comes down to your funding.
So thank you all for the funding.
Please support our local AM and FM stations.
Support cable systems that pick us up.
Let them know you support.
Become a sponsor.
whatever and buy the products at InfoWarstore.com. You need the turmeric, you need the fish oil,
you need the high quality hyaluronic acid skin cream in the big tubes. That's now back
in stock. That was sold out for months. We've got a bunch of stuff. We got triple Patriot
points, 50% off, free shipping. A lot of these things are lost leaders at that price, but
we've got to sell everything just to fund ourselves in the next year.
This war is so hardcore, so thank you for your support.
But quite frankly, it is neck and neck for this operation.
And so, you've seen my commitment.
You've seen me turn up the heat.
You've seen me fight even harder because this is just make it or break it.
And we are winning!
I mean, make no mistake, our energy level, our spirit is completely different than this world.
We all know that.
We understand it.
And we see these zombie slaves, we wonder why they don't love God.
It's because they've cut off from God for whatever reason.
They never got the spark.
They never got the connection.
Thank God we found God.
Thank God for sending his son in here.
Special operations right down in here to get tortured and have everything put on him.
Because that's the fair thing to do, ladies and gentlemen.
And God did it.
Went through all of that for us so that we can beat this thing with his help.
So it's all coming up right now in just two minutes.
The Kickoff Live.
Spread those leaks!
The War Room!
Your calls and more right now!
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We're patriots, unite.
America and the world is aware.
Hillary Clinton is coming!
Hillary Clinton is a Chinese Communist figure, a criminal, and that's just the way I like to write.
America is a white and fighting bird.
America will never back down.
The answer to the world is right!
America is awake and fighting back!
America will never back down!
The answer to 1984 is 1776!
Hippo's there!
And Hippo's is fighting back!
The answer to 19...
1884 is 1773.
Hillary Clinton is an enemy of the American people.
Hillary Clinton is an enemy of America.
Hillary Clinton is openly calling for censorship of all patriots and nationalists.
Hillary Clinton is a criminal who failed to sell our nation out to the tycoons!
Hillary Clinton is a criminal!
Hillary Clinton will never silence the American people!
America is awake!
America knows what's happening!
And Infowars.com is exposing it!
America is back!
The dogless criminal representative of Hillary Clinton, Honorary Lynch.
The entire all-evil Democratic Party is collapsing.
The Democratic Party's accused criminal takeover of America is failing.
Your dog, Hillary Clinton, is a war criminal and is involved in child sex trafficking on a daily.
Hillary Clinton is involved with Jeffrey Epstein.
Hillary Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile aircraft.
Democrats are authoritarian, anti-American criminals that have failed to silence our speech.
Big Tech and the Chai Kams and Hillary have failed to silence America's speech.
Hillary Clinton wants to sexualize our children!
America is back! America is back! America is back! America is back!
Hillary Clinton worked with the child molester Jeffrey Epstein.
Hillary Clinton wants to sexualize our children. Hillary Clinton is a war criminal.
Hillary Clinton, who can't even walk, are going down.
Hillary Clinton is a failure.
Your Democratic Party is collapsing.
Every city you control is collapsing into hell.
Everyone is running from the Democrats and their mental illness.
The Democrats are KKK!
The Democrats are KKK!
And look, they all think we're just like the KKK?
Tell them the KKK!
Down with the... Look at this lady, I'm saying, down with the KKK!
And she says, nope!
Down with the KKK and Hillary!
Down with the KKK and Hillary!
They tried to lie about their agenda and secretly build it.
That didn't work.
So now they've tried to silence us and then gaslight the population, promoting pedophilia, gun confiscation, and pure evil as normal.
They're doing that to demoralize you.
But the truth is, they're failing.
You can see it, and you can feel it.
Hell yes!
We're gonna take your AR-15.
You're gonna take people's guns away, wait till you get elected, then take the guns away.
Don't tell them ahead of time!
Breaking news, we have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston public library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
We are winning.
Humanity is awakening to the fact that it's under attack.
We were asleep before.
And the fact that we're awakening enrages the vampiric globalists and their demonic slaves.
Ladies and gentlemen, they wouldn't have come out in the open with gun confiscation, pro-pedophilia, attacks on America, attacks on real Christians.
Even if they weren't scared and weren't losing.
They've had to fully uncloak themselves in a hope to normalize their assault on our species.
But it's not working.
The fact that they had to censor InfoWars off of more than 60 major platforms.
And then the fact that Zuckerberg had to say, if you say something positive about Alex Jones or about InfoWars, that they'll ban you on Facebook.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
Well, Facebook believes it's so dangerous that you can be banned from using the platform, Facebook, just for sharing its content unless you simultaneously denounce it.
Revolted against that and said, my God, this is like the old Soviet Union.
And now all the big tech companies are coming out with their cashless systems, with the smartphones and the AI systems, the assistants and all the rest of this garbage.
These people are making their move on humanity right now.
But again, if they couldn't be defeated, they wouldn't be trying to censor those of us that are standing up to them.
They know they've got an uphill battle, but their god, their master, whatever the hell this murderous force is, this death cult, is obsessed with driving us into submission and demoralizing us to get rid of our fighting spirit.
But everybody can see it and everybody can feel it.
That fighting spirit of humanity is beginning to Burn brighter than it ever has before.
It is exploding.
And the wicked, twisted forces that believed they were going to have a leisurely dissection of the human species are now beginning to realize that just like every time in the past, evil failed.
They're going to fail this time.
And their attempt to destroy us will only be the final nail in the coffin for their Luciferian system.
That said, I need your prayers.
You need to pray for yourself.
I don't have to tell you that.
I need your word of mouth that is paramount, that is key, that is the coin of the realm.
Human intelligence.
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