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Name: 20191127_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 27, 2019
2649 lines.

In his monologue, Alex Jones discusses control and censorship being used by large corporations and governments to dominate society. He covers topics such as vaccine damage, GMOs, big tech heads, Facebook banning vaccine awareness content, Beto O'Rourke's gun confiscation proposal, Facebook's pro-life information ban, and a UN report calling for population relocation. The speaker also touches on various topics including late-term abortion, online scams, Thanksgiving, decarbonize policies, vaccine infrastructure, and extermination methods such as 5G, fluoride, geoengineering, chemtrails, and pesticides. He promotes filtering tap water, using natural remedies instead of vaccines, and using FlashRouters for privacy. The speaker sees these events as an attack on humanity by demonic forces opposing humans.

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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It is Wednesday, November 27th, 2019.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Wednesday Worldwide Broadcast.
And there's a lot of big news obviously breaking today that we're going to be covering throughout the broadcast.
Owen Schroyer is going to be in here hosting much of the broadcast today, much of the transmission, but I wanted to be here to really look back at some of the news that's broken in the last week because it really crystallizes where the forces of tyranny that want to dominate and control and run society are going.
And of course I'm talking about total censorship, information control, and authoritarianism, and what that really means to society.
Because once they get you to follow their politically correct system of language, and once you've accepted that they control language, and are the high priest of language, These very, very wicked evil people, these anti-humans, are then able to silence you complaining about glyphosate, or Roundup, or able to silence you talking about GMO, or silence you being able to talk about vaccine damage and side effects that are on record and real.
And they're able just to completely rule society once they stampede everyone into submission.
And I have to tell you, Infowars and this audience of incredible listeners and viewers is seen as the globalists as the main enemy because you get who they are and you're not cowed by their oppression and their bullying and so they believe if they can take me down off the air
And then set me up and imprison me as phase two of that, that that's going to intimidate you, that that's going to scare you, that's going to silence you.
Well, the only way they win is if you get intimidated and if you back down.
So we've really figured out all the angles here.
And so when we come back from break, I want to get into four reports that all tie together.
I remember Sasha Barrett Cohen came out last Thursday.
And he said, arrest the big tech heads if they don't submit to us and let us totally control them.
After the big tech had already submitted.
That just shows how the pirates work, how the tyrants work.
The oppressors work.
Then, he said, we want to totally purge everyone that doesn't agree with us.
In the name of liberalism, of course.
It's for a good reason, according to him.
And he said, we need to ban anyone that talks about Replacement migration that he says is a horrible lie and doesn't exist, even though it's from the United Nations' own website and is still there and is still available for you to see and find out what they said they were going to do in 2001, what became official UN policy in 2003, and what they are now carrying out en masse, ladies and gentlemen.
So this is the big kahuna, this is the big enchilada, and then that ties into Facebook bans all content on vaccine awareness, including facts about vaccine ingredients, from their own inserts.
This is ending all consumer rights.
This is going back before the Jungle was written and, you know, exposed the Industrial Revolution and some of its bad behavior.
I mean, this is beyond communist China.
And then that ties into Soros being behind Jeffrey Epstein and being behind the impeachment proceedings against Trump and just who is behind George Soros who looks like he's auditioning in that photo to play the part of an old Count Dracula.
That and more is coming up as we break the code, break the matrix, and really cut to the heart of exactly what's happening and why they want us off air.
But please remember, it is beyond paramount that you understand how incredible you are.
And that you understand that you can bypass and override the sensors, and that you can tell them about the video reports, the articles, and the information at Infowars.com and Newswars.com, and at Band.video, and at Paul Watson's site, Summit.news, and that when you get that information out, it literally overrides the globalist and their programs of enslavement.
We'll be right back on the other side on this live, worldwide, Wednesday transmission, November 27th.
My fellow Americans, my fellow humans listening and watching across the planet, I'm Alex Jones, your host on this live Wednesday edition.
And we are going to be here for the next four hours.
Owen Schroer is coming up.
I'm doing a lot of work behind the scenes here.
Making sure that the First Amendment and our platform continues on into the future, even if it is not an InfoWars.com incarnation.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, free speech is fighting for its life, just like all those unborn babies are fighting for their lives, and they can't defend themselves.
They're counting on us to stand up and to protect them and defend them.
And the reason I mention that is coming up next segment, and it ties into what I'm about to cover now, Facebook is announcing they're not going to allow any pro-life information, no humanization of the little babies.
They're dehumanized.
That's because that's anti-feminist, anti-woman.
And of course, they also are going to cover up all vaccine information, including the inserts and so much more.
This has all been announced.
So draconian, so evil.
And we see no action from Congress.
We see no action from President Trump and others.
This is not about private corporations having their right to their own operations.
This is about modern communications being seized and AI watching and controlling our every movement and not letting us Communicate with each other.
This is just unspeakable.
We put up with all the illegal surveillance.
We put up with them selling our data.
We put up with microphones and hidden cameras watching and listening to us.
So why shouldn't we now be told to sit down and shut up?
Hell, we put up with killing babies after they're born.
We let CNN tell us men can have babies.
And if you don't go along with it, we'll arrest you.
It's all coming up today, but let's hit this first because it all ties into each other.
Sacha Baron Cohen, the failed comedian last week at the ADL, didn't just say arrest the heads of big tech if they don't fully submit to the globalist agenda, when they already have capitulated completely willingly.
He didn't just say purge free speech online.
He said that in UK elections trying to get out of Brexit, there's a horrible lie about replacement migration and it doesn't exist.
It's a horrible, evil conspiracy theory.
This is what he had to say.
Now, British voters will go to the polls while online conspiracists promote the despicable theory of the Great Replacement, that white Christians are being deliberately replaced by Muslim immigrants.
Americans will vote for president while trolls and bots perpetuate the disgusting lie of a Hispanic invasion.
And after years of YouTube videos calling climate change a hoax, The United States is on track a year from now to formally
withdraw from the Paris Accords.
A sewer of bigotry and vile conspiracy theories that threaten our democracy and to some degree our planet.
This can't possibly be what the creators of the internet had in mind.
I believe that the United States should be the one to do it.
So, replacement migration doesn't exist.
There's an article we wrote last year, revealed UN plan to flood America with 600 million migrants.
And there was the borders being knocked down, the borders falling, the huge caravans pouring in.
And then we link to the UN report.
And I'll show you that report right now.
Population Division, Department of Economic, Social Affairs, United Nations, Secretariat, Replacement Migration.
It's a multi-hundred page report.
I just printed the synopsis.
The Solution to Declining Aging Populations, as you can see right there.
Just go back to document cam shot, please.
Thank you.
And you can go read the document for yourself.
And it calls for 600 million to be brought in to the United States in the next 30 years and 250 million to be brought in to Europe in the next 30 years as well.
And just so you know, 600 million is triple the population that's here in the United States right now, roughly.
So anyone can go to the UN's own website.
You can pull up Replacement Migration, Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the global government.
But you just heard Sacha Baron Cohen say we need to be silenced for this great lie.
And of course they're trying to get out of the EU that the UK never voted to enter.
They just woke up and were under it.
Now 90 plus percent of their laws Are made by it.
Now, just last week, they said in the impeachment hearings that I was a liar and Roger Stone was a liar, that Fiona Hill never worked for Jordan Soros, even though she was one of the top board members on his main foundation, the Open Society Foundation that runs the whole thing.
And she writes for The Globalist, theglobalist.com.
And she calls for world government, leftist policy.
She said none of that's true, under oath.
Anyone can just go type in Fiona Hill Globalist, it's right there, but see.
They'll probably change that now that we're pointing it out to you.
Now let's shift gears into the subject I was mentioning.
Very powerful article that David Knight covered a lot yesterday, but it's so central I'm going to go back to it today.
It's a Mike Adams article.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Facebook bans all content on vaccine awareness, including facts about vaccine ingredients.
So again, first it's Alex Jones, then it's positive mention of Alex Jones.
And now it's vaccine inserts that by law come with the packaging, but the nurses and the people at the clinics don't normally show that to you, but you can go there and you can say, give me the insert.
It looks like Bible paper.
In fact, during the break, I'll go grab one.
I've got one in my office and you open it up and then it says the hundreds of things it'll do to you by law.
It can give you all these neurological disorders, narcolepsy, Guillain-Barre, Epilepsy, brain tumors, cancer, type 1 diabetes, burn your pancreas out, on and on and on.
There's a secret vaccine fund that billions have been paid out of, that's declassified its existence, the details are classified, since the mid-80s, and just all of this, but they tell you that there's just nothing wrong, and so as consumers, and as mothers and fathers and others, they won't show rallies exposing all the damage?
Because it's gone from 1 in 35,000 having autism to 1 in 50-something, and it's everywhere, and there's TV ads everywhere, and they're collecting money for it.
And Sasa Barrett-Cohen's, you know, family's, you know, a big into all of that, making money off autism treatment.
Seriously, look it up.
One of his brothers.
And they say, oh, it's a hoax.
Andrew Wakefield, you know, the doctor, he made it all up.
He didn't make anything up.
They just say that.
They just had the major journals come out and say it wasn't true.
The studies are legion.
Let me show you one of these articles.
CDC whistleblower.
We were ordered to cover up vaccine autism link.
And then there's the whole video from Newstarget.com.
And it came out in 2001.
In 2003, ABC News reported that the head of the CDC in a meeting admitted that they'd given millions of people that.
But guess what?
They've taken that off the CDC website now and they've taken down where SV40 that gives you cancer was in over a hundred million dosages of polio shot that they admit gave people that as well.
This is what's happening ladies and gentlemen and if you read the whole article and we'll come back and get into this It lays out all the admissions where they go pro-life's not going to be allowed.
You say babies have rights and are humans, we call that anti-woman.
You're not going to be able to talk about GMO, glyphosate.
You're not going to be able to criticize anything.
This is the whole ruling class power structure.
Spying on all of us, taking control of all telecommunications.
Everybody promotes Facebook, promotes Twitter, promotes Google.
Everybody promotes it to their businesses for 20 years.
It gets all the traffic and now that they've got us where they want us, they pull the rug out from under us and do this.
That's why it's critical to keep InfoWars on the air and every other independent outlet because they want to silence you.
And once InfoWars is off the air, once other sites like this are off the air or bullied into submission, they're going to be able to do whatever they want and big tech Whether it's Facebook or Google particularly and Apple are rushing in right now and buying up at a discount Big Pharma who wants to merge with them so that they will work together to suppress all of this knowledge and all of this information.
So information everywhere but it's all the disinfo pushed to the top and the very inserts now they don't want you to be able to read because it confirms what it can do to you.
All the other drug companies they have to tell you the side effects.
They don't want to do this.
They have They're trying to put laws in the books to ban you from being able to even have the inserts period.
And we are back on this Wednesday, November 27th, 2019 Global Transmission.
Owens Troyer is coming up.
Let me take you back to The article we were reading in a moment about Facebook and the rest of Big Tech now working with Big Pharma to suppress your speech with AI up front.
If you try to criticize, hey, my kid had a seizure when they took the vaccine, or, hey, I got cancer, or, hey, my grandmother got polio from it and told me, the doctor told her, they will then warn you and then ban your account.
A giant re-education camp.
But look at this article from RT.
UK court bans protest against LGBT curriculum at Muslim-dominated school.
That's right, the Muslims, and more power to them, don't want literal pedophilia, sexualization of children, and them teaching their kids that they're another sex, in the whole Tavistock Institute UK system.
And so the court has ruled that parents can't protest Across the street at the park.
They're banning protests because it's hurting a protected minority to not let the pedophile run UK government have access to your children.
They take your tax money, they go to public school and they teach them this.
And so thank God that, you know, the Muslims have got a lot of issues and a lot of problems.
But the left has brought the Muslims in because they're seen as anti-Christian.
But now the Muslims are refusing to go along with this because many Muslims are really good people compared to the left.
That's a fact.
I just don't like the Muslims being brought in and being taught not to assimilate because the left thought they could just cordon them off and control them.
But that's backfiring.
That's why the globalists are not invincible.
They're very easy to beat.
If you just admit, wow, Fiona Hill's a globalist that hates America.
She admits it.
Oh, you know, wow, America was never great according to these people.
Wow, Soros is running a lot of this.
Wow, they do want replacement migration.
They admit it in their own documents.
They're telling us it doesn't exist.
They thought they could have this big world government and just ignore us and move forward with it.
But no, we're going to point it out.
We're never going to shut up no matter what they do to us.
So, Islamic parents staged mass demonstration against pedophile agenda.
That's their words.
The High Court has permanently banned activists from protesting its LGBT equality lessons
being taught in school in Birmingham, England.
Birmingham Council won their case on Tuesday after taking out an injunction against the
protesters in the summer who were demonstrating outside the Park School in Spark Hill.
The school has witnessed months of protests out the front gates, instigated by anti-LGBT
campaigners and parents unhappy with the equality lessons being taught their children.
And man, we've gone over these in the UK and the US.
I mean, it is shocking.
They're teaching five-year-olds how to have anal sex and teaching boys or little girls.
I mean, these people are just sick cult members.
And it goes on, ladies and gentlemen, Saying, oh, you're not allowed to protest it now because you're hateful.
So let's continue here, ladies and gentlemen.
You want to put out the CDC admitted and link to old 2020 news reports from 18 years ago?
Facebook says no.
And it goes on.
Facebook is achieving this by labeling vaccine awareness, information, misinformation, or hoaxes.
And it uses groups funded by Soros and others, Snopes and other groups that are complete jokes to do this.
And it goes on to break all of this down.
The censorship trick.
Limiting content to authoritative information.
Manufacturers are virtually immune from product liability, so the incentive to develop safer products is much diminished.
There are enormous conflicts of interest involving lucrative relationships with vaccine purveyors and the media and government.
Research into possible vaccine adverse effects is being quashed, as is dissent by professionals.
Vaccines are neither 100% safe or 100% effective, nor are they the only available means of control of spread of disease.
In many cases, they lower your immunity and give you all sorts of problems.
And then the article goes on, thus truth becomes a hoax and lies become the official truth.
Before long, Facebook won't even allow any human opinions at all and their social media site will be nothing but AI robots spewing official propaganda that meets the definition of authoritative information and globalist establishment.
Imagine being banned from Facebook for saying that vitamin C boosts your immune function.
That's exactly what's already happening.
So once you give in to the Nazis being banned, and then Alex Jones being banned, and then Michelle Malcolm being banned, and then everybody's banned.
And that's what's happening.
And you say, oh, there's billions of us online.
We'll counter it.
They can have the bots and AI as avatars, as fake people.
They already are.
Most people on Facebook have fake friends and fake avatars that know everything about them and put out false messages to them.
And most of the dating apps are robots and are fake manipulating you and getting more of your money.
You think you're talking to a woman or a man.
It's all a scam.
And so what regular scammers have done online, I personally, No, several old women who got hundreds of thousands of dollars taken from them from, you know, young studs that wanted to date them.
And now I'm seeing the cases in the news of where it's an AI robot doing it, but run by humans.
I mean, this is all criminal.
It's all exploitive.
And we've put up with so much of it that the dam's breaking.
And the decision has been made that we put up with it.
So, Katie, bar the door.
I want to get into this now.
Look at Jordan Soros in one of his latest photos.
Look at him with his hundreds of billions of stolen money.
It's not just 50 billion.
With all the State Department money he gets with his own people still inside the State Department that we're trying to remove.
Trump's trying to remove it.
And when you expose their own people in the State Department and White House, they say they don't work for him when on record they do publicly.
But again, they're just counting on you not looking it up and they're counting on intimidating people and saying, you'll go to jail if you discuss it or we'll destroy you or we'll sue you.
Well, we have to call their bluff.
Somebody's got to stand up to these people.
And I got to tell you, that's a man that's going to have to face God one day.
And you're going to have to face God as well.
And I know this audience of activists is incredible, but listen, he hates you because he knows you're awake.
He knows you're involved.
He knows you're engaged and he knows you're standing up.
And there's a critical point that comes that when all their tyranny is being enforced and flooded in against free humanity, that they know there's going to be a resistance.
So they want to knock out the leaders of that, hoping that they can then contain it and isolate people and surveil people and stop it.
But it's not going to work that way.
Humanity knows the truth and their house of cards and their pedophile rings and their Satanism and their true evil is coming out because of you!
We're going to go to break.
Owen Schwarz is going to take over.
With all the latest breaking news and information.
I'll follow reports later.
Working on some very big stories right now.
Believe me.
So watch Band.Video.
Share those links like our lives depend on it because it does.
They think they're going to run this plan to take down the U.S.
and take down the West and their own admissions and break up our families and then admit battle plans.
But then when we expose it, they say it's bad and try to shut us down.
It's not going to work.
And then separately, the Black Friday Super Sales are here.
Biggest of the year.
We've already had some Black Friday sales before, but these are the biggest.
Triple Patriot Points, storewide free shipping, 50% off DNA Force Plus, and get a free bottle of Brain Force Plus with it.
Same thing with the X2 and X3.
You want to change your life?
He wants you to have fluoride in your body.
The Globalists do.
They don't want you to have good iodine.
Get a free bottle of Brain Force with that as well, because I want you to see how great it is.
A lot of products that have sold out are back in, like the krill oil that was sold out for almost three months.
It's amazing.
Oh, take it before you go to bed at night.
The dreams I have are incredible.
Everybody talks about it.
We've got the best krill oil out there.
Vitamin refusions back in stock a lot of stuff's getting ready to sell out
The Azo beats back in stock 50% off at least free shipping triple patriot points in for store.com
We'll be right back But whatever you do pray for him forwards pray for America
pray for yourself and pray for awakening and spread the word
and So it begins
There's a big article by Steve Watson on Infowars.com that shows countless videos and news reports documenting the fact that suddenly police departments all over the United States and areas of Europe are using robot dogs to go into suspects' homes.
On the surface, this is a great thing.
It protects police officers from dangerous situations and gets them intel when they're serving warrants or when they're dealing with a suspect who's refusing to come out.
But that's not the issue.
I'll get back to the dogs in a moment.
The point is automation.
Is taking humans out of our environment and we are losing all of our basic human skills that took eons to develop.
Whether it's hunting and fishing and trapping or preparing and weaving and making clothing or whether it's cooking or whether it's even language.
Language is shrinking.
A great example of course is the calculator.
Before the calculator was made inexpensive back in the late 1970s by Texas Instruments, That would fill up an entire floor of an office building to do what a calculator at that point would do.
And back then, people knew arithmetic.
The average person could quickly do math in their head or with a piece of paper.
Now, without a calculator, most adults can't even do basic arithmetic.
So, that's an example right there.
Now, with the, quote, advent of smartphones.
And everybody's phone numbers being saved in them.
I remember before smartphones came out just 10, 11 years ago, I had hundreds of phone numbers memorized in my brain.
Along comes the cell phone.
When I changed numbers a few years ago, it took me months and months to even remember what my cell phone was because I was simply sharing the number with people phone to phone and didn't need to memorize it.
Now, I could talk about this for hours, but driving home last night at 70 miles an hour on the upper deck of 290, I just thought about how incredibly dangerous this was and how really gladiatorial it was.
Here were all these cars just a few feet to my left, a few feet to my right, 20, 30 feet in front of me.
Maybe a dozen feet behind me and we were all in concert focused and hurtling down the road in really a beautiful ballet.
of danger.
Now, as the smart driving cars come in, big tech admits, their plan is to extinct humans driving cars, quote, for everyone's safety.
And the driverless cars are now gone from just being a few here, a few there, to all over Austin, you'll see suddenly hundreds of Google cars out in packs driving around together.
And again, they're replacing humans.
And the argument is, well, we're all going to be safe.
But really, what we're doing is making ourselves Again, I'm not telling you anything you don't know, but this is the central issue, and this is the globalists' key to total control.
We are becoming domesticated.
We are being made obsolete.
Our IQs are dropping.
Our life expectancy is dropping.
Our infant mortality is exploding.
And it's not doing it slowly.
We're losing years on our life every two years on average.
It's as if in the last five years we went off the edge of a cliff.
And it's not just the U.S.
It's every industrialized nation.
It's the wireless.
It's the GMO.
It's the particular.
It's the vaccines.
What do vaccines do?
Well, they're tainted.
They're part of a covert program.
Going back to Tuskegee with the syphilis and the SV40 cancer viruses and so many other purposeful Contaminants.
In fact, they're not contaminants.
The Trojan horse at Troy, confirmed to be historically real, was not a gift.
The gift was simply the surface reason.
The soldiers inside were the payload.
So again, with the vaccines themselves, they are lowering our immunity And they are carrying payloads in them that are binary and work with other weapon systems in the environment.
This is not my opinion.
This is incontrovertible fact.
I don't report this to you so we can have victimology and feel sorry for ourselves.
I report this to you so that we can develop systems of understanding and have a mass awakening against this covert medical technocracy and overthrow it as we've begun to do with the first level of their system, unaccounted Unaccountable global corporate governance.
If you defeat the structure of global government, which is totally illegitimate, tax-exempt, offshore, above the law, then the entire structure of what they're deploying fails because for it to be successful, it must be done on every nation of the globe.
The ambient background must turn up slowly like the frog in the pot With the slow degradation and poisoning as it builds towards the crescendo.
That's why Apple and Facebook and Twitter and Google are all in concert censoring, blocking vaccine damage info, blocking vaccine insert info.
Because when it goes from one in 35,000 with autism to one in 58 with autism to one in 20
Like it's going to be by 2030 conservatively People are going to start revolting
And as the vaccine numbers increase, and more people die, and more people see folks in the clinics having convulsions and hitting their heads, there's going to be a revolt.
That's why there's got to be massive peer pressure around it to say none of it's happening, even though the statistics and the numbers and the facts are there.
Now let's talk robot takeover.
Just a few weeks ago, there was all this hysteria about Communist China selling killer drones and robots
to Middle Eastern countries.
More than seven nations have put in giant orders, some of them in the billions of dollars,
for robots from China.
Notice the dam just broke.
Until a few years ago, it was, oh, that's Terminator, hysteria about Jones and Mark Dyson and others.
There's not going to be any rise of the machines.
And then suddenly, snap your fingers, snap your neck.
Suddenly, oh, there's robot police in Tokyo and New York.
Oh, suddenly there's robot dogs and grants given to everyone.
Here's the problem.
Once these systems outnumber the humans, which can be very, very quickly when it comes to law enforcement, outnumber soldiers, then it can be centrally programmed and made to be autonomous, which they already are, and then it's checkmate, and that's why they're moving in with systems to put women in charge of the Marine Corps.
Make the army wear red high-heeled shoes is to kill morale.
This is all admitted.
That's why at the Air Force Academy and other institutions, it's ordered by the top people to go put N-word on the vending machines and in the bunks to create division, to destroy morale, to sabotage human systems ahead of the machine rollout because humans are going to be so lazy, so poisoned, so stupid, so divided on race and sex.
That we will not be able to cohesively even operate.
People don't know how to brush their teeth properly.
They don't know how to wipe their ass properly.
They don't understand anything.
There's already total societal breakdown with millennials and others.
You go to a university, they look and act like zombies.
All they're educated about is hating fellow humans according to what color their skin is.
This is a diabolical master takeover plan and clearly nationalists in Poland, Hungary, Brazil, the United States are really pro-humanists and understand this are trying to stabilize the family.
Stabilize production.
Stabilize the work ethic.
Because through that, we activate our natural programming, our instincts, and are successful.
And by facing crises and not being victims, just like lifting weights or going for a jog, we become stronger.
If we recognize the globalist attack for what it is and organize around resisting it and warning fellow humans, It will activate the neural pathways and genetic weapon systems that we have built into us to override these programs and defeat this agenda.
The way we're going is stagnation and death.
We are being killed.
Now, I knew this a long time ago, but I still made the decision to get married again and to have another child.
She's not even three years old yet and she's magic and she's special.
And as the enemy tries to suppress humanity, we're going to see a lot of special attributes, a lot of special gifts are going to be given to us and given to these children being born into this.
So I encourage everyone to not give in to the enemy's threat and say, Oh my God, I'm not going to have children as all the major EU leaders have done.
Because even though they're evil globalists, they are scared to have children because that might activate their humanity.
Have children.
Bet them on this game of life.
God wants to see that.
And fight for them for a pro-human future.
Because if we don't have children, we have capitulated to the enemy and we have already given up.
The answer is planting crops of non-GMO like Russia is doing.
They basically outlawed GMO and are moving to be the biggest non-GMO producer in the world.
These are the type of things we need to do right now.
We have to recognize this is an agenda and we have to see how everywhere we're being made obsolete.
We have to see how everywhere the system is being set up to territorially push us out and have these new technotronic tech lords in command of it who are all building the exact same post-human world but competing with each other over who is going to be dominant when the AI system finally takes total control.
There is a digital, electronic, fiber-optic, wireless prison being built around you.
And I want to explain something.
20 years ago, in 1999, Bill Joy wrote an article for Wired Magazine called, Why the Future Doesn't Need Humans.
How he went to a big tech retreat with all the top billionaires, all the top tech people, and the consensus was, instead of just giving people entertainment and high-tech video games, And just letting humans live on like in the movie WALL-E, laying around on some high-tech cruise ship with robots serving us.
The decision was made to go ahead and just slowly poison and kill us and go ahead and phase out humanity.
And the United States and England and Japan are on the very front lines deploying this to beta test it and then have it adopted worldwide.
So everyone needs to run from this.
Everyone needs to run from the Green Movement.
Everyone needs to run from all of these anti-human programs because it's all about de-industrialization.
It's all about shutdown.
And the flooding of entertainment and drugs and fentanyl is just one level of the soft kill operation. It was Obama authorized China to flood us with
enough fentanyl to kill the world's population over and over again every week. That's
how much it comes to the US. 50,000 pounds here, 20,000 pounds there.
One grain of it, of pure fentanyl, will kill you. Again, that's just one more
level of what's being brought And then we wonder why the homeless are exploding and just laying out on cots everywhere all over the country.
Many of them dying in even small towns and big cities every day and being loaded up and taken away.
This is the Soylent Green program.
This is the program where we're totally taught not to stand up for ourselves and stand up for children and stand up for the unborn and to forfeit our instincts that we see the young of our species being harvested that we don't even stand up and these federal judges rule against courts below them that try to protect the unborn.
Ladies and gentlemen, a mass culling is coming and humanity will be so dumbed down and so obsolete That those of us that are still awake and conscious and who have overcome a lot of this are going to be in a prime position to join the globalists and help wipe out the rest of humanity.
And that's actually the deal that the social engineers are actually preparing.
They believe in social Darwinism and it's their right and their duty to carry all of this out and to accelerate the survival of the fittest.
by creating this artificial system that will basically kill grid,
99% of the population, and because they succumb to it via Darwinism, they deserve it. And those of us that see
through it will then supposedly ascend. But that's a lie itself
because the technocrats said that a post-human world is coming and that we're gonna
have to merge, this is the final statement, merge with these machines
and become transcendent by merging with silicon and throwing off our bodies, which of course is the biggest
con of all.
And so at the end, this whole thing is anti-human.
It's about stealing our destiny.
It's about damning us off from the future.
And it is the most satanic thing you could ever imagine.
It's not a nightmare, dystopian science fiction movie.
It's the real world.
And so instead of just trying to keep ourselves withdrawn from the system, which is impossible, we have to go out and we have to fight this system.
And we'll be in the system, we'll be outside the system.
And some people are going to end up getting augmented and they're going to decide to merge with machines in the name of countering this.
But all of it has Trojan horses built in.
All of it in the end is very, very seductive and very, very evil.
And no good is going to come out of any of it.
Everything that's being deployed is making our lives worse.
It's not making it better.
There have been many technologies and systems designed that would make us stronger, but they don't want that.
So the first rule is we've all got to get in physical shape.
We've got to get close to God.
We've got to get mentally clear.
We've got to eat healthier.
And we've got to reach out to others and just start warning people about what's happening.
Because once people get into this decadent mindset and once they get disconnected from reality and healthy lifestyles, it's much easier for the corrupt programming to be updated with the really satanic programs that resemble demon possession.
And that's why you're seeing this type of insanity intensify.
So we're going into incredibly dangerous times.
Uh, but you've got to double down and you've got to continue
to support this broadcast.
It's the only way that we're going to be able to continue into the future
with everything the globalists are throwing at us.
And it's imperative that we be able to expand.
I've got a lot of operations going on that I can't tell you about at this point, but I do need major, major capital to be able to really take it to the globalists in a way not before seen.
I can tell, I can predict, and I know what their next big moves are going to be two years from
now, five years from now, ten years from now, and I can now be steps ahead of them.
I remember so long ago I wished that I could have hindsight when I was a younger man of
all the things that if I'd have known back then when I started fighting the Globals 25
years ago what I could have done.
Well, God spoke to me just a few days ago and said, "Well, now you can do that.
Now you have the discernment and the understanding to actually be able to think into the future
at a higher level and make preparations that will absolutely devastate the Globalists."
And they know this and they understand that the reason they're wanting to shut me down
And shut you down and silence all of us is not for what we've done, but what we're going to do.
So please go to MFORSTORE.COM right now.
We have the biggest sale going of the year.
This is the official Black Friday sale.
Free shipping, triple pay trade points, and a free bottle of Brain Force Plus with DNA Force Plus and with the X2 and X3 and so many other big specials.
The krill oil is back in stock.
These are things you all need that are going to make your life better.
So quite frankly, if you want to defeat the globalists and want to take care of yourself
and your family, get in there and get these products and sign up for auto shipping an
additional 10% off and let's win this damn thing together.
We're going to do it.
Now, that's the first hour of the broadcast.
Owen Schroeder is going to be taking over now in the second, third, and the fourth hour.
And I just want you all to have a great Thanksgiving.
I've got a short Thanksgiving report coming up later towards the end of the hour.
But again, back to Owen Schroyer, Infowars.com, Newswars.com, Bandai Video, Tomorrow's News Today.
And it's all because you built it and you supported it.
You are the human resistance and I salute you.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, now coming up in the second and third hour of the Alex Jones Show, we're going to break down How Google is engaged in election interference, at the very least, and colluding with the Democrat Party to do it.
And we're going to show you all of the insider reports, all of the leaked video, undercover video, the management changes that have been made in response to this, and now the Trump campaign is becoming aware of this and accusing Google of Of suppressing voter turnout.
So we can explain all that.
But it goes beyond just Google.
It goes to the social media companies as well.
And what they're doing to you.
And there's more on the fake impeachment that I'm going to be getting to as well today.
And then there's this other news that comes out that should be devastating for all of us, but we just don't really pay attention.
We just move on.
fertility rate hits record low after four consecutive years of decline.
That's one headline.
The next one, more Americans say they weigh 200 pounds or more this decade.
So it's just more Americans are unhealthy, out of shape.
So, you know, humanity's dying.
But see, that headline gets no play.
But I guarantee you, if the headline instead of saying, US fertility rate hits record low after four consecutive years of decline, if that headline said, Trump fertility rate hits record low after four consecutive years of decline, it would be headline news.
But if it's all of humanity, nobody cares.
So that's just incredible how that works.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer filling in for Alex Jones.
What's that?
The crew is in my ear with something here.
Oh, you have an early Christmas gift for me.
Oh my gosh!
Look at this!
I got an early Christmas present right here.
Just open it right now?
This is really a surprise.
I have no idea what's going on here.
Oh my gosh.
It's an Epstein shirt!
It's an Epstein didn't hang himself shirt!
Oh my gosh!
Look at this!
Thank you guys!
How did you guys know that I wanted one?
How did you guys know?
It's the Christmas lights are a lot like Epstein.
They don't hang themselves shirt.
From InfoWarsStore.com!
I swear, how did you guys know I wanted one of these?
How did you know I wanted to wear this to my family Thanksgiving and Christmas and tell them all about how the mainstream news was covering up the child sex networks run by Jeffrey Epstein?
How he was an FBI informant?
How did you know I wanted to wear this out during the Christmas season to get people's attention to the cover-up of the Epstein murder?
How did you guys know?
How did you know I wanted to troll going out doing Christmas shopping, going out during the Christmas holidays?
How did you know I wanted to wear this shirt?
How did you know I wanted this?
Christmas lights are a lot like Epstein, they don't hang themselves.
Wow, you guys are the best!
I can't believe it!
It fits perfectly!
This is incredible!
You guys even know my size!
Well, this is just amazing!
So there it is.
Let me get a... Look at that, ladies and gentlemen!
This is the Epstein shirt from InfoWarsTore.com.
If you've got a goofy Christmas sweater party coming up, This is the one.
So, wow!
I'm telling you, I'm totally surprised right now.
The crew surprised me with this Christmas gift.
I was not expecting it.
How did you know I wanted this shirt?
Wow, this is the best.
So now I can wear it to Thanksgiving dinner.
This is great, guys.
Thank you so much.
I couldn't have asked for a better Christmas gift, honestly, from the crew.
I don't know why you guys decided to come through like this early for me.
The fit is perfect.
Because obviously I never take my jacket off, I never take my suit and tie off, so you guys knew that, so it fits.
Wow, just, you guys are the best.
So, hey guys.
Wow, I'm just so happy.
So if you want to deliver this kind of happiness to your friends and family over the holiday season, go to Infowarsstore.com and get the Christmas Lights Are A Lot Like Epstein They Don't Hang Themselves t-shirt.
There it is, right there.
It's already got nothing but five-star reviews.
But man, I'm excited.
I'm gonna wear this now to Thanksgiving.
I'm gonna wear it out during the Christmas holidays when I go Christmas shopping to my family Christmas.
And they'll say, hey, what's on that t-shirt?
What's that guy with the Christmas lights all around his neck?
Oh, that's just Epstein.
You know, he's a lot like Christmas lights.
He doesn't hang himself.
And then maybe they'll ask, well, what is that Epstein?
Oh, yeah, just this industrial level child sex trafficker.
You know, ran the pedophile island, the Lolita Express.
Yeah, yeah, mainstream news covered it up.
He was an FBI informant.
Oh, yeah, big story.
Bill Clinton used to hang out with him all the time.
Other people, Prince Andrew was just ousted from the royal family, basically disowned for his involvement with Epstein.
Yeah, yeah, they covered it up.
And then he got murdered in jail and they said that he hung himself, but he didn't.
And so now you know.
All because I wore this t-shirt.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
While I can't thank the crew enough, that's just great.
You guys, you guys are the best for delivering this Christmas gift to me here early, too.
That's awesome.
So hey, you can give an early Christmas gift, you can give an early Christmas gift over the Thanksgiving holiday.
The Epstein didn't kill himself shirt from Infowarsstore.com.
Well, I can't thank the crew enough.
You guys are the best.
It's my size.
It fits perfectly over my jacket and tie that I never take off.
So, just thank you guys so much.
The Epstein shirt only at Infowarsstore.com.
You saw how happy I was.
I was elated.
So, you can give that elation over the holiday season with the Epstein didn't hang himself t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com.
With only 346 days left to the 2020 historic election.
There is still time for President Trump and the American people to act, but not much.
President Trump and his campaign head, Parscales, have come out, as everybody knows, the last 24 hours, and said that Google and other big tech companies are engaged in concerted voter suppression, and that is exactly what they're doing, a massive form of election fraud.
Now remember, Professor Epstein, we'll play some clips coming up in a moment, testified to Congress this year That in the 2018 election, just doing basic sampling, he was able to show how Google could easily block 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 million people from voting simply by not sending election updates and reminders to people that are conservative in their algorithm.
And Google admits they can do that.
And here's the news.
They are doing it.
When Twitter came out two weeks ago under orders from Hillary and said we're not going to take political advertising, that is only going to target Republicans.
Because the Democrats have thousands of front groups through Facebook, Twitter, and the other platforms that call themselves news that Soros and others are funding that put out one minute, two minute, three minute, five minute, ten minute special reports that are really political advertising.
That's why they always want to ban major political donations, because that's going to shut
down conservatives who actually buy ads and who don't control the media.
We have to buy access.
Nationalists have to buy access to the system.
So when Twitter came out and said no political advertising, that means
we're not going to take Trump political advertising, Republican political
There's been a major political realignment.
So Republicans are raising money two to one against the Democrats.
Americans are fighting back.
They're awake.
So the Democrats simply said, okay, we're not going to let you place your ads, which is total and complete election meddling and voter suppression.
And I said two weeks ago, if Trump doesn't act on Twitter now, and doesn't file the court filings in the right courts,
where they aren't Democrat judges, because we can't wait for it to go to the Supreme Court.
If he don't get injunctions now, if he doesn't take action on a lot of different fronts,
they're going to do it on Google and Apple and Facebook.
And lo and behold, that's where all this is going.
Facebook is the last company that we know of that said about a week ago
that they're not going to restrict political ads completely.
That's why Sacha Baron Cohen and the ADL came out last week.
and said, we're going to arrest Mark Zuckerberg.
If he doesn't let us have full control of his system and they attacked Trump by name and talked about upcoming elections and how there was this big lie of replacement migration for America and Europe when that's an official UN plan.
So again, this is for all the marbles that do not respect Trump.
They do not respect American law enforcement.
They do not respect the American people.
They do not respect the Pentagon.
They do not respect the rule of law.
They have their people in place everywhere.
And Trump keeps criticizing the censorship.
They think he's weak because at every test, Trump and the American people have failed.
At every test, when they censor more and more and more, nothing's done.
And so I said this six months ago.
I said it a month ago.
I said it last week.
I said it on Monday.
The last thing they're going to take is the political advertising.
And then they're going to clamp down on individuals being able to share information even more.
And that's now been done because Trump and the Republican party have failed.
And listen, the Republican blue bloods, in my emergency message to the president from earlier this year, I asked four or five months ago, why is President Trump committing political suicide?
And I said in that, it's because the political class is going to make a couple billion dollars off of this election.
And they don't care if all the grassroots people on the internet get shut down who are supporting Trump and supporting America and supporting nationalism and want our country to go on just existing.
Even though we don't make any money off the political campaign and they're not seeking money, they still see us as competition.
So they're more than happy to see all of us silenced.
Because what does that do?
That, that's just more money for them.
And that makes Trump more reliant on TV ads, radio ads, print ads, and a few platforms where he's able to actually run ads.
But you see now, because Trump failed the test, they're now going to silence him.
As well, and silence the politicos who want to be able to run the ads, but not have them be effective because they secretly want Trump to lose because they want the gravy train and the lobbyists and things to continue into the future in the solid America.
So Trump and his campaign chairman have absolutely miscalculated.
They have screwed the pooch royale.
And with 346 days left and counting, if Trump doesn't have devastating action, Within a month or two maximum with indictments and investigations and with injunctions filed, letting free and equal access to the marketplace of ideas.
It's over.
During all the campaigns of the past 50, 60 years, there have been cases where newspapers, TV stations, radio stations wouldn't let people run ads.
And there were lawsuits over it, not letting other candidates have access to that.
There are laws on the damn books, but the politicos think Trump is stupid.
So it is an emergency to get this message to the president, for everybody to call the White House, for everybody to call Congress, and for everybody to realize what's really going on here.
Now, even if Trump sits there on his hands and continues to suck his thumb,
he's a nationalist, he's pro-gun, he's been defending the border.
He's been trying to bring our industry back.
He's in a trade war with China.
I still totally back him.
So even if they're going to be in a catatonic state, it's up to us to hit
the streets, third dimension, protest demonstrations, call into C-SPAN,
call into talk radio, go and take over all these Democrat public events, like
what we do with the armored vehicle, jacking into the media.
Go to live football events.
Jump on the TV screen, legally and lawfully.
Get information out there.
Epstein didn't kill himself, Infowars.com.
People will then come to Infowars.com once it's associated with exposing the Epstein situation, which we're the groundbreakers of, and that will become part of the narrative of people not just knowing about Epstein being murdered, and showing that they're not being lied to, showing that
they're aware of what's going on, but it'll also then tie it to Infowars and the
larger nationalist movement that we've launched that is absolute kryptonite
and coffin nails to the new world order.
So Trump is now finally waking up.
We've got a chance.
We absolutely slap the White House upside the head and wake them up to still turn
things around and win this election.
It's critical to restoring the Republic.
But all of you need to go bullhorn the White House and tell Trump to take action.
All of you need to send this to everybody you know that works in the White House.
All of you who work in the Secret Service and other areas need to reach out and give the President this info like you've given him intel before.
All of our futures depend on this now.
I have told you exactly how this would unfold.
It is unfolding this way.
And again, what's going to come next is going to be even more insane if Trump
and the Republicans let the Democrats ban them from political advertising.
This is so the media and the universities and all the think tanks, all the little
fake news organizations can pile up and absolutely demonize Trump, demonize
America, and foment revolution and foment civil war, and then we're going to have
radio silence and be unable to counter this.
This is a total authoritarian move.
So I cannot stress this enough.
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
This is an emergency message to President Trump.
This is an emergency message to America.
This is an emergency message to the world.
If the United States falls to the globalists, it is going to be worse
than the old Soviet Union and worse than Nazi Germany and all
of you are in danger as well.
We are under international attack by globalist forces and the Chi-Coms ganged up with collaborators inside America against us.
There is no foreign meddling except by the globalists, but we need foreigners, people all around the world to also spread the word about what's happening in America and to aid us from outside the country by coming into message boards and coming into the news and coming into letters to the editor and pointing out what's really happening and understanding that Trump's fight is the world's fight.
And it's all of our fight.
Again, Trump must take action now.
Trump must take action now.
He must not just take action on these political ads he's going to lose, even if they reverse on that.
He's got to let the free speech come back.
They've got to take action now.
This must be done now.
There's no more time to play games.
I've been proven right.
This is all happening in front of everybody's face.
Now is the time.
Back to Owen Schroer and live coverage of this.
But whatever you do, folks, this is a maximum effort on this situation to get President Trump to take action and stop voter suppression and election meddling.
You have been warned.
So, in the last segment, you heard Alex Jones breaking down Google's election interference, election fraud, election manipulation, colluding with the Democrats to do it.
But it goes beyond that, and I'm going to break that down here in this segment.
So, when you see the headline, or the headlines, about Brad Parscale and the Trump campaign accusing Google of suppressing voter turnout, just know that that's the tip of the iceberg, and you hope that President Trump And his 2020 campaign realized that.
But you know what?
Hope is not enough, ladies and gentlemen.
Action is what is needed.
To tweet out these stories to Brad Parscale and the President and everyone on his campaign team.
And the Trump war room and all of it.
Talking about the censorship.
Showing how it's an issue combined.
Calling the White House.
Calling a member of Congress.
But let's go deeper into this.
Because it goes beyond Google.
But let's hammer Google out here because they've been exposed.
This is not a conspiracy theory what Google is doing.
Here's some headlines.
And we had Zach Voorhees in studio this week.
The Google whistleblower goes public.
I saw something dark and nefarious going on.
What's he talking about?
He's talking about how tech is taking sides.
What does that mean?
The search results that you get are curated to only see one side of the aisle's perspective or what they want you to see, better yet.
And so you won't see the Clinton body count on Google.
You won't see positive Trump news on Google.
You won't see positive news on anybody that they want.
Only negative.
And then the reversal is true.
If they want positive news about you, they will only provide that in their search results.
There's NBC News.
Google search algorithms are not impartial.
They can be biased just like their designers.
So what do you think is going on?
Senior Google engineer goes public on camera.
Tech is dangerous.
Taking side.
Project Veritas has learned that Greg Coppola placed on administrative leave by Google.
That was the other individual insider whistleblower.
Google, machine learning whistleblower goes public.
Burden lifted off my soul.
So this is just what Google is doing.
Here's a perfect example.
Let's try this in real time.
If you search Jeffrey Epstein on Google, It used to pop up American Financier.
American Financier.
Not criminal.
Not pedophile.
Not sex offender.
Not sex trafficker.
American Financier.
Oh, and it still is there.
Now, of course, Google can't bury all the Epstein news like they would have in the past.
But you can apply this same technique and just guess what will show up if you search a Hillary Clinton or a Donald Trump.
All negative headlines about Donald Trump, all positive headlines about Hillary Clinton.
And so while that, in and of itself, is an issue, when it comes to public perception, it's a bigger issue when, as the Trump campaign addresses it, voter suppression because How many people won't go out and vote for a candidate because they only see negative stories about him on Google, aka Trump?
And of course, that's their goal.
But that's just one level of it.
I had the crew print out all the different community guidelines on Instagram, the standards on Facebook for hate speech appropriate for their audience.
You know it's funny they talk about sexually explicit content on these platforms, yet that's all out there.
But a conservative that supports Trump, they'll get shut down immediately.
Abusive behavior, hate speech, all this content in the Community Guidelines for Twitter, for Facebook, for Snapchat, for Instagram.
Yet, I guarantee you we won't do this in real time.
You can go find the most sexually explicit stuff on all these platforms if you really wanted to, but you won't be able to find InfoWars Live.
They'll make sure that gets shut down.
See how that works?
Why Instagram's new anti-bullying filtering is so dangerous.
Zero Hedge.
Russian trolls have virtually no effect on U.S.
Twitter users, according to Duke University Research.
Well, why would that even be a story?
Because they use the straw man of Russian trolls as an excuse for their censorship.
Oh, we're censoring Russian trolls when it's really thousands of Trump supporters putting content out there.
And they just say, Russian bots.
Twitter will remove dehumanizing content against religious groups, but that's only aimed in one direction.
You know which way.
Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter, and ADL announced lab to engineer new solutions to stop cyber hate.
Well, that just gets politically aimed.
Facebook needs humans and algorithms to filter hate speech.
Again, hate speech according to who?
Facebook taps next-gen AI to detect hate speech.
AI designed by who?
So, this is what they do, and then of course they can be specific.
Facebook bans all content on vaccine awareness, including facts about vaccine ingredients.
That's literally the insert they're banning.
So you can go on a narrow-minded pathway and look at one issue and say, okay, Google manipulating their search results, Google manipulating their algorithms in a political fashion, whether they want to admit it or not, whether they want to say it's conscious or not.
That's what's going on.
It's been proven in real time.
Insiders from Google know it's going on.
They've come out.
They've blown the whistle.
They are real whistleblowers.
It's well known.
And so you can say, yeah, here's what that does for voter turnout when it comes to Trump support.
But that's one issue.
It gets back to the fake news.
They'll only let fake news show up.
You can't even open anything on Google Chrome anymore without getting anti-Trump propaganda.
So yeah, you know, as Trump's campaign manager, you might want to do something about that.
You might want to be the winning campaign manager for 2020.
And so you might want to look into all the censorship of Trump supporters on YouTube, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram.
You, but you know, beyond Brad Parscale, if you're President Trump, you might want to look into the intimidation that the Obama courts Are doing to Trump supporters with the treatment of Roger Stone and Mike Flynn and George Papadopoulos.
And so it's all the same issue.
Big Tech using its power to steal American elections.
And they run fake news stories and engage in censorship to do it.
It's a combo effort with the Democrat Party.
All right, let me put a bow on this voter suppression issue that the Trump campaign, I guess, is finally aware of, or maybe finally realizing they need to take action.
I'm not sure.
Maybe you can spur them into action by calling the White House, tweeting at Brad Parscale, the Trump 2020 campaign manager, tweeting at President Trump, and Just trying to understand if they understand that it goes beyond just what Google is doing.
It's a combined effort with Facebook, with YouTube, with Twitter, and of course Google to really stop people from getting information that they've never had access to before.
Well, what are you talking about?
What was it that got Donald Trump over the hump During the nomination process for the 2016 Republican presidential candidate, well it was really, I mean, not just the InfoWars audience, I mean I've broken this down before, but as a major wave and as a blockade against the intimidation, it was this audience.
I mean, it was really only three names.
It was really only Ann Coulter, Michael Savage, and Alex Jones.
I mean, really, in the whole media, that was it, folks.
That supported Trump through the Republican nomination process.
And of the three, this audience is probably the biggest.
And more stubborn.
And more active.
And so, while other audiences would have been intimidated into supporting Trump, showing their support for Trump, showing up at his rallies, voting for him, not believing the fake news, Just like Trump, this audience stood there like a rock and endured.
And so that's why they had to get Infowars off the air.
That's why they're trying to suppress anyone else from getting on air, whether it be on YouTube or Twitter or Facebook, that may have any influence or any effect or any impact.
Because they know there's still millions of Americans out there that just aren't politically active.
Those are the votes that they're going for.
But they know in a real true constellation of ideas, they don't stand a chance.
What they're offering is death and destruction.
What they're offering is lies and deceit.
And the average American still sees through that.
But if it's all they see, and they can't compare it to anything else, then they just think they're crazy, then they just think they're isolated, then they just think they're alone, and they'll go with what they think is the winning team, which is hating Trump, which of course is the losing team, that's just the propaganda that they try to have confirmation bias, a facsimile, a faux confirmation bias, Confirming their bias through their big tech, and then getting that into your eyes, through your eyes into your head.
When there is no other candidate that can get 50,000 people at a rally, Trump does it routinely.
But then they show the polls as if it's real.
But Americans are seeing through this, And so in a last-ditch effort, the left that runs the tech companies are basically working with Obama behind the scenes.
They're doing everything they can to make Trump look bad.
And to, as Brad Parscale and the Trump campaign are now realizing, suppress voter turnout.
They think that's the new way they can So keep the public uninformed and misinformed.
Censor the biggest voices that got Trump in office in 2016.
And then use the power of big tech, of social media, to keep the public in a trance, totally unaware of what's going on.
And then when, if Trump loses, pretend it's totally organic, even though they know they did it.
With the censorship.
With the fake news and with the propaganda.
But that's just one issue.
Because if you've got electronic voting machines that are rigged, well, I guess none of that really matters at the end of the day anyway, does it?
But this story right here shows you where it goes from here.
A 17-year-old girl talked about Chinese detention camps on TikTok.
TikTok suspended her account.
So just like the Chinese dictatorship, Who runs TikTok, will censor any Chinese dissent on TikTok.
That's what the tyrannical tech left does in the United States of America.
And then you have people coming out saying Trump's a dictator.
Man, you know, I don't wish Trump was a dictator, obviously, but you know, part of me wishes he was maybe for just five minutes.
Because boy, you guys would be off our back and off America's back in a millisecond.
You're the fascists.
You're the dictators.
You operate like the Chinese with their social credit score.
That's why some kids growing up indoctrinated into being white liberals, they hate themselves because they're told, they're taught, that's how you get in.
That's how you succeed.
That's how you beat the racism and the bigotry is just hating yourself.
Hating America.
Hating individualism.
I'm hating independence.
But let me get in to some of the other news here.
Or, you know what, let me do this actually, before I get into the fake impeachment news, because it all actually ties into this, at the end of the day, past elections, And this is actually so unbelievable.
This is almost maybe the biggest story in America.
But it won't go covered.
Judge rules in favor of Washington man who had gun seized over satirical joker meme incel jokes.
So you see, they're using social media as And you know about the social credit score in China, but they're using social media as now the platform to look at with red flag gun laws.
Oh, look at what he posted on Twitter.
Take his guns.
Well, wait a second.
There's so many things that could be wrong with that.
Doesn't matter.
We'll figure it out later.
Innocent until proven guilty.
Shall not be infringed.
Doesn't matter.
See the tech left.
Authoritarians run everything now.
A King County judge ruled in favor of 23-year-old Charles Donnelly and ordered the state to give him his firearms back.
Did you hear that?
The state took his guns because he made a joke on the internet.
So he puts up one ticket for Joker, please, and puts his guns up.
Now you can say, hey, Maybe he should be looked at.
Maybe he should be investigated.
Well, maybe.
If he's obtained the firearms illegally, he's already had the background check.
And if somebody thinks there's a serious threat there, well, I guess the FBI can obviously look into that.
But he had his guns taken.
He was disarmed.
His property seized.
For a joke put on the internet.
And again, you might sit here and say, hey, you know what, that's bad, we don't need that, go ahead and censor that on the internet, or go ahead and take his guns.
No, you see, that sets the precedent.
That sets the precedent that you can just take anyone's guns or anyone's anything because of what they put on the internet.
So yeah, while this decision by the judge is gonna be ruled controversial, shall not be infringed.
But it shows you the bigger picture, folks.
They want to come after your guns.
They're using the internet to rig your political elections and to take your rights.
It's happening now.
All right, let's take a look at the latest in the Democrat coup, the deep state coup against President Trump against America.
But let's paint the backdrop for all of this.
S&P 500 rises for a fourth straight day, hits record high.
And in fact, if I'm recalling correctly, crew, see if you can find this for me.
I believe we've had now, I guess now it would be more.
So what, I guess 115 stock market records since Trump has been in office.
See if we can get a number on that.
It was 114 I think at the start of the week, but we've had new records since then.
Just record stock market, record economic growth, record low unemployment.
So the economy, I mean, you can say, oh, it's booming, it's not booming.
People tend to be triggered by the word booming.
Point is, the economy's working.
It's going the right direction.
Trump is doing what needs to be done to get that done.
So just record economy numbers keep coming in, keep coming in, keep coming in, but the Democrats keep posing Trump as some anti-American operative, or some Russian operative, even though he's giving Russia's biggest enemy, Ukraine, the javelin missiles that Obama didn't.
And then they say there was quid pro quo in the Trump administration when there wasn't, but there wasn't in the Obama administration with Joe Biden when there was.
So that's the backdrop.
For everything that I'm going to give you right now.
CNN poll.
Why is this so important?
Well, we know that CNN polls are fake.
Like they say, 50% of people want Trump impeached.
That's fake.
They polled of 100 people, 90 of them died-in-the-wool Democrats, probably 80 of them rabid anti-Trumpers.
And then even of the 80 of the rabid anti-Trumpers, only 50 of them want him impeached.
But so why is that important?
Well, because their hearings aren't working.
That's what it tells you.
Their hearings aren't working.
Adam Schiff and his lies are not working.
But it doesn't matter.
Dems move rapidly on impeachment with first Judiciary Committee meeting.
Oh, so now Nadler Who's had a couple weeks off to give Schiff center stage in the impeachment, fake impeachment coup circus.
Nadler, Humpty Dumpty, is back.
And so now it will go from the bug-eyed, pencil-necked freak to the Humpty Dumpty fupa, I feel bad for his tailor, circumference of the globe, Jerry Nadler.
But they're setting dates.
They're getting more impeachment papers ready.
They're on reason number 10.
It doesn't matter.
They have no information.
The Mueller report didn't work.
Remember last year, around this time, they released a... It's... How did it go?
What was the Mueller Christmas thing?
They released a Mueller Christmas Carol.
How Mueller was going to deliver this year.
And impeachment was going to happen in the year 2019.
So it won't matter, they'll keep going.
And this headline is indicative of much more than is in the story.
Impeachment cloud darkens Trump's Florida Thanksgiving break.
Well no, it's all about the quote-unquote impeachment cloud darkening America, destroying America, tearing this country apart.
And then it goes on.
On the Thanksgiving menu, turkey with a side of impeachment.
They want you infighting inside your family.
They want you tearing apart your family over this impeachment.
They want it to tear American families apart.
They want it to tear America apart.
They want it to darken these times.
They don't want anybody to be happy.
They don't even want you to love America and love your family over Thanksgiving.
And that's why they send camera crews out to colleges and the college students say, Yeah, Thanksgiving's racist and bigoted and unethical.
This is what they've done now.
This is the left.
And they're glad!
Because misery loves company!
Democrats push impeachment to next phase with December 4th hearing.
So they give you the date, they hype you up, they send your college students into the liberal indoctrination centers called universities, and then they send them home, pumped full of all this propaganda, to go back during Thanksgiving and tell you how bad Trump is.
Tell you how bad you are.
Tell you how much America sucks.
And you're like, wow, great to have you home.
How's that turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and gravy?
Can you believe that Trump isn't impeached yet?
Like, all right, thanks, college.
Great job.
But you see the Cold Civil War happening.
DOJ moves to halt judges' ruling that McGahn must testify.
So you have the Obama-Harvard judge, Jackson.
No, not Berman Jackson, not that corrupt judge, a different corrupt judge, Kintengi Jackson.
So again, it's the Obama Deep State, corrupt court, targeting Trump, doing anything they can.
All their last testimonies didn't work with, you can't even remember them all, Vindman, Fiona Hill?
I mean, who are these people?
They're irrelevant.
They're nothing.
So, now they go for Don McGahn.
Now they're gonna try to get Don McGahn.
And so, an Obama judge just says, Don McGahn, you must testify.
And it's just like, what?
Doesn't matter!
Don McGahn must testify.
I'm an Obama judge.
I'm a dictate.
And I say, McGahn must testify.
And this is totally out of the realm of power, but it doesn't matter.
It's an Obama leftist judge.
They're authoritarians.
So then the DOJ steps in and says, now hold on, no.
McGahn doesn't have to testify.
You can't just dictate that anybody and everybody must testify because of your own political agenda.
You cannot do that.
You don't have the power.
And so, the Department of Justice did its job and said no!
One judge is not a dictator.
One judge cannot just say anybody must testify in some fake impeachment scam that has no ground.
But it goes on.
You have the state of New York, and all the anti-Trumpers up there, with the Attorney General, and the Mayor, the Governor.
Supreme Court blocked subpoena for Trump financial records.
Yeah, Supreme Court says, no, Trump gets privacy.
You don't just get, again, you can't just go get anything.
You can't just dictate.
The left just thinks it's a dictatorship.
We declare we get Trump's financial records.
The Supreme Court says, well no, you don't.
We declare anybody we say must testify before Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler.
Uh, no you don't.
Who do you think you are?
You don't run this country.
But that's what it is.
They believe they run this country.
They believe they've been given the golden torch of social justice warriorship, and they've taken this role way too seriously.
That's why they are liberal activists, progressive activists, from the bench, posing as judges.
The prime example, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Literally embodies a skeksi.
Literally is a Skeksi who won't give over the Templar of Power.
She can't even show up, folks.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg can't even write.
She's in a damn iron lung.
I mean, hey, may she rest in peace, but like, give it up!
I'm not saying she needs to die.
I'm saying you are not on the Supreme Court anymore.
You're not a Supreme Court Justice.
You're posing as one.
Of course, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was always posing as a Supreme Court Justice when she was really a progressive activist from the ACLU.
Now, she's posing as a liberal activist from the ACLU on the bench when she's actually a skeksi rotting in bed.
That's Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
That is the embodiment of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
She's crumpling, she's dying, she has no power, she has no strength, she has nothing except the ceremonial power of her sitting on the Supreme Court in the program only.
She's not actually there!
It's like if you're at a football game and you're at the Dallas Cowboys game and the announcer comes on and says, and the Dallas Cowboys quarterback, Dak Prescott!
And then nobody runs on the field.
Nobody's under center.
Nobody's getting the ball on the snap.
Nobody's handing the ball off to the running back.
Nobody's throwing the ball to the receiver.
But, oh no!
Dak Prescott's the quarterback of the Cowboys!
Didn't you see him out there?
He's not in the huddle.
Boy, Dak Prescott really looked good today.
Didn't even show up.
That's Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but this is what the left has done, folks.
So it's nice that we see the totalitarian dictatorship that Obama built in the political infrastructure for the left to have, but it's time for it to be shut down, and if they won't relinquish it, then by golly, do it with the Justice Department.
All right, I mentioned this earlier, but let's go to this now.
College students say it's not okay to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Yeah, well, I think that, like, Thanksgiving has been misconstrued a lot, especially in textbooks.
And it's kind of just based off of the genocide of indigenous people.
And I don't really think that we actually get Thanksgiving.
There's an invader's Zim patch on.
We just eat a bunch of food and it's just a bunch of capitalist bulls**t.
We're here today at Macalester College, a small Christian private school in Minnesota, asking students if it's okay to celebrate Thanksgiving.
I don't know.
I feel bad.
Look at this guy.
Not even a guy.
Are you a man?
You know, I just don't want to say that I'm a man.
I feel bad.
... awful oppression of, you know, indigenous people.
Like the holidays...
Look at this guy.
... he's really like praised by...
Not even a guy, are you a man?
You'd probably say, "Uh."
... to like uphold that...
You know, I just don't want to say that I'm a man.
... the original, like, the celebrating a feast really isn't.
Okay, do I have to be the one that asks?
... notions of...
All right, I'm not asking.
What the actual holiday was?
Well, I mean the entire thing is sort of based off of indigenous peoples and the murder of indigenous peoples in history.
Not really, but what do Americans do except for celebrate unethical holidays?
What other holidays are unethical?
Columbus Day.
I mean, Christmas break.
First people hung in this country were Italians, you bimbo.
Schools are celebrating as Christmas break.
Do you celebrate these holidays?
More or less.
Is it okay to celebrate Thanksgiving?
Um, no.
Yeah, it's probably not as bad as Christmas, or... You know, I can't decide what's worse.
Is it that this is the embodiment of higher education in America, or is it their ignorance, or what is the worst part about this?
I'm pretty anti-religious, so I think that they're just like... Why are you at a religious school then?
There's a church right over there.
It's true, it's true.
It's a good point.
Is it okay to celebrate Thanksgiving?
Um, that's a good question.
I think, I think it's okay as long as your values are in the right place.
So, the history of the holiday is obviously not the best.
Um, and it's very violent and oppressive, but if you are celebrating like the value of Gratefulness.
But you see, all of this is aimed in one direction.
Like, you go look at any country's history, I mean, there's violence, there's conquering, I mean, there's everything.
But see, only America, it's like only America has any of that in its history, so America's bad.
Mostly fine.
So the question we're asking, is it okay to celebrate a Thanksgiving holiday?
We've been hearing from a lot of students that they won't be celebrating Thanksgiving because of the history of the holiday.
How do you respond to that?
Um, I see it more as a time to spend time with your family and to enjoy being together and be thankful for that, rather than for what the actual history of it is.
Is it okay to celebrate Thanksgiving?
I would think it depends, just because all the education that we've gotten in public school has only told, like, the side of the story from, like, the white colonizers.
So what do you think the real Thanksgiving story is?
I think the real Thanksgiving story... I don't know what it is, because I wasn't there, and because I don't have all the historical information.
I mean, the public school education tells you that Thanksgiving was this great meeting where, you know, the Native Americans... This is hilarious!
This is not even true!
Where did they get this indoctrination?
From the public schools!
I guarantee you they're not getting this from their history lessons at this university.
Well, there's a lot of American holidays in which, like, we've... which are based on, like, our oppression of other people.
So, like, if that's the case, like, we shouldn't celebrate the 4th of July or, like, a lot of other holidays.
Yeah, independence for the individual self-government?
Yeah, yeah.
Throwing a dictatorship king out of power?
Yeah, yeah.
Even other religions get time off for that.
So, like, that's just, like, a slippery slope at the end of the day.
Yeah, yeah.
How do you plan to celebrate Thanksgiving this year?
Eating with my family.
Eating with my family, watching football.
That's just a joke.
It's just sad how indoctrinated these college students have been.
You know, I'll never forget my professor's name, Dr. Mary Ellen McVicker, who taught part of her history course was how you have been lied to about history, but like, the lies that the public school tells you, like, those kids believe.
It was the greatest class I ever took, the best, it was real history.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, here is how it's gonna go.
For the third hour of the Alex Jones Show, I'm going to be with you for the next three segments.
Alex Jones is going to be rejoining the broadcast at the bottom of the hour.
Then we're going to air a brand new Kaitlyn Bennett report.
Then we're going to hear from Alex Jones again, and then Mike Adams will take over loaded for bear.
Now in the next three segments, I'm going to get to a bunch of news.
I will open the phone lines, but here's the problem.
I'm not going to have time to take a bunch of calls, but I'll say this.
I'll be back hosting the War Room today.
I may not be in the chair at 3, but I eventually will be back hosting the War Room today, and I will take calls during the War Room.
Which is part of the InfoWars live broadcasts, 3 to 6 p.m.
Central every day, following the Alex Jones Show.
If I'm not in the seat by 3, you'll be probably more happy to know that Savannah Hernandez will be in the host chair, and so a little easier on the eyes.
But I eventually will be back, and I will take your phone calls in the War Room if I can't get to them all here on the Jones Show.
Before I get into the rest of the news, Have to remind you about the specials at InfoWarsStore.com.
All kinds of great specials.
I was given the gift of the Jeffrey Epstein didn't hang himself t-shirt earlier.
I thank the crew for that.
That was a fun surprise that we had about an hour ago.
But we've also got the supplements on sale.
50% off many, if not all, at least 50% off.
Some even more deeply discounted than that.
Free shipping and triple patriot points.
It's all part of the Black Friday sale happening right now.
You know, the Vezo Beat Complete.
Very, very popular here.
Sold out quickly.
It's back in stock.
That's 50% off the beat formula that is so popular right now.
Bodies right now at InfoWareStore.com.
50% off.
I'm a big fan of that.
Super Male Vitality.
I actually need to I actually need to get some new Supermeal Vitality.
I'm going to place an order right here, live on air.
In fact, if anybody in the warehouse is listening, just go ahead and put a couple bottles of Supermeal Vitality with my name on them, please.
I need to get some more Supermeal Vitality in my supplement closet.
I'm running low on that.
So I'm going to get the Supermeal Vitality myself.
I'm not even kidding you guys.
This is amazing.
I'm not surprised that I run into a bunch of, you know, InfoWars fans and conservatives at the gym.
But I have people now that come up to me at the gym talking to me about InfoWars supplements.
Hey, when is VasoBeat gonna be back in stock?
Hey, how much longer can I get DNA Force Plus for 50% off?
Hey, I love the new Alter 12 formula.
I take it before I work out.
Have you tried the Turbo Force for a pre-workout drink?
It's great.
It's all at Infowarsstore.com, ladies and gentlemen.
And you know, of course, your support there keeps us on air.
We are, by the tech censors, the most banned news network in the world.
All right.
Let me finish off this news.
And I'll tell you what, let me just get out the phone line number now so that we can have them lined up for when we come back.
Again, I'm only going to have maybe two segments to take your calls.
I'll take as many as possible, but I'll be back hosting the War Room today, and I will dedicate the War Room to taking your calls.
So, let me just finish off some of this deep state against Trump news here, and to kind of cap off where I left off.
As Trump cases arrive, Supreme Court's desire to be seen as neutral arbiter will be tested.
This is so key.
This is so key.
From MSN.com.
Now, is this our Robert Barnes?
Authoring this story?
I don't think it is, but it's authored by Robert Barnes and Ann Marabou.
Nonetheless, the story is all about, and we've already seen one, But they know it's going to be more.
Supreme Court blocks subpoena for Trump financial records.
The point is, the Democrats are doing everything they can right now to do anything and everything to get anything and everything on Donald Trump.
And so it will ultimately land on the Supreme Court's docket to say, can they do this?
Does Donald Trump have any rights?
Can the Democrats just do anything they want?
Subpoena anyone they want?
Call anyone they want to testify?
Subpoena any records they want from Trump?
Shut down anything that Trump has ever set foot in or runs?
Do they have all these rights?
And of course the answer is no!
But that's the point.
Can the Supreme Court remain a neutral arbiter of justice?
Or will it be totally corrupt?
By the left, just like everything else the left touches becomes corrupt.
And yes, this will be a pivotal moment for the United States of America to keep a fair and balanced Supreme Court that isn't dominated by liberal progressive politics Where they promote progressive ideologues and activists to the bench to pose as judges, like Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Who won't even step down from the chair that she cannot fill.
It is an abomination.
But again, I want the whole scene if you can.
I mean, I'm not, the crew does everything on a dime here.
But it's like, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the Skeksy.
Just literally disintegrating in front of everyone's eyes, but refusing to give up the Templar power.
That's Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
Because it's all about power.
It's not about grace.
It's not about dignity.
It's not about justice.
It's about power.
If Ruth Bader Ginsburg had any dignity, had any integrity, had any grace, She would step down, but all Ruth Bader Ginsburg cares about is power!
And the skexy lookalike is just a physical embodiment of what the left is.
They're a dying, decapitated, ugly husk.
They're a violent activist political ideologue wing posing as everything else but that.
As a justice, as a president, as a news reporter, as a protester.
No, you're all just left-wing progressive ideologue psychopaths.
Totalitarian control freaks.
You just pose as all those other identities.
But look at John Bolton now.
national security under attack from within.
Oh, yes.
No, John, that was you.
But, of course, he's insinuating it's Donald Trump.
No war mustache.
You were the one that wanted increased intervention in Syria over fake news.
That was you.
That was you, John Bolton.
Anonymous author pledges to reveal identity soon.
You know what?
I don't even believe it.
But it wouldn't even matter.
There'll be another Anon author that comes out.
And then there'll be ten more.
And then there'll be ten more Blasey Fords.
I mean, who knows what the left is going to bring out next?
I mean, seriously, like, who knows what these, it's gonna be, it's like the circus.
I mean, you're literally, you're standing there, you're watching a three ring circus, and it's like, whoa, an elephant!
And then it's like, whoa, an elephant that spins on its head!
And then it's like, oh my gosh, a tiger!
And then it's like, oh my gosh, a tiger that just pretends to eat a human!
You see, that's what the Democrats are doing, just shock and awe, and shock and awe.
So who knows what the Democrats are gonna do next.
Burn down buildings?
Set Trump Tower on fire?
Continue their malicious and vicious attacks of Trump supporters on the streets?
Continue the censorship on the internet?
Continue all their lies and misinformation?
I mean, who knows?
Maybe Adam Schiff will literally put on a clown wig and a clown nose and testify as a whistleblower!
I wouldn't put anything past these people right now.
So, we've got your calls lined up, folks.
But you know, Alex talked about this earlier.
And again, this should be like, you know, number one story.
fertility rate hits record low after four consecutive years of decline.
But nobody cares.
But, if that headline said, Trump fertility rate hits record low after four consecutive years, it'd literally be the bottom line on every news publication.
So, oh, humanity's dying.
Can't even reproduce anymore, you know, no big deal.
Oh, Trump farted in the wind!
And, you know, a squirrel smelled it!
Stop the presses!
I'm in the twilight zone right now, folks.
I see the left in a total cult mentality, then projecting that conservatives and Trump supporters are in a cult.
We've all seen what's happened with, you know, to put just two names on it, Charlie Kirk and Nick Fuentes.
Or you could say TPUSA and the Groypers.
But, I swear, I'm just, I'm a little confused right now.
So the story comes out, Chick-fil-A's charity director donated to the presidential campaigns of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
And then, I guess Chick-fil-A is now donating to the Southern Poverty Law Center and other such groups.
And then they also said they would stop donating to anti-LGBTQ people.
So I guess that means they were just donating to everyone and the left hated them for that.
And so then they catered to the leftist mob, which didn't affect their bottom line at all because they were still the number one fast food chain in America, but did it anyway.
Then they come out, and conservatives get mad because they basically cater to the left now, and not the conservatives that made them the number one fast food restaurant, but here's why I'm tying the issue of Charlie Kirk and the Groipers to this.
To this Chick-fil-A story.
Charlie Kirk tweets this out.
Chick-fil-A betrayed us.
We stood by them for years during every attack and controversy.
Despite this, they announced they will no longer support Christian organizations.
Even worse, it has come out they support the Southern Poverty Law Center.
No more Chick-fil-A ever!
So I guess you'll never see Charlie Kirk at a Chick-fil-A again if you believe that.
But I'm confused because...
Wasn't it Charlie Kirk, the one bringing in the LGBTQ agenda to the conservative movement?
And now he's pissed that Chick-fil-A isn't standing up against the LGBTQ movement?
I'm sorry, that is just a little confusing.
I think I've entered the twilight zone here.
Maybe the Groypers can figure that one out.
Because I'm just a little confused by that one.
So we'll see if the Gropers can get on that.
Alright, I've got the lines lit up right now.
So let's take a call for the next two segments before Alex Jones joins us back and then the callers I don't get to.
If you want to call back into the War Room, I'll take calls then.
Let's go to Connor in Indiana to start us off.
Go ahead.
Hey Owen, what do you think about Rocky Trumboa?
Oh, well, did you see the Washington Post reported that's a doctored photo.
So even though, you know, everyone's probably seen the Rocky movie and recognized Sylvester Stallone as Rocky with the steroid body, and the photos obviously photoshopped with Trump's head, I was just a little confused and I'm glad the Washington Post points out that is a doctored photo.
Well, he's going to go down as a legend, but to go To go back to what I was calling about, I think to bypass the censorship and to really bolster Trump for a clear landslide 2021, which I think he will already, is ending the federal prohibition on marijuana.
Because if there's something that speaks to both sides, I really think it's marijuana.
And just like the dog thing he signed the other day, it turned leftists Like they were like minimizing it and I think if he ended the prohibition on marijuana it would turn the leftists into hardcore prohibitionists overnight.
Well let's think politically on this issue because I have before.
Politically Donald Trump moving for the legalization of marijuana is such a strong move That it's really unmeasurable, I think.
And I don't know how to explain this, but it's like, all those people out there that hate Trump because they've been indoctrinated into this hatred by the media or their university professor or whatever, will immediately love Trump.
Because at the end of the day, they love their weed more than anything.
And so, Trump can literally Just like, splice out all of that noise if he moves against or moves to legalize marijuana.
And then, think about the youth vote that will turn out.
Think about the pothead vote that will turn out.
Think about the people that just want freedom of choice.
Maybe they don't even care, but they're sick of the war on drugs.
It would be such a political move for Trump to Move to legalize marijuana.
I think it would put the 2020 election in his back pocket.
I don't expect that to happen But that's just a response to your phone call Connor.
Thank you so much.
Let's go to Nick in Michigan.
Go ahead.
Oh, hey Is that doctor is that photo of Trump smoking a joint doctored?
I can't tell.
All right.
Sorry Nick.
Go ahead You're right.
Can you hear me?
I finally got a new phone, but I always have trouble calling into the show and not anyone else Well, I can hear you Okay, good to know.
My phone call is a bit, if you want to say, off-topic.
Just something I've been wanting to call in about for a while and just haven't been able to actually get through.
I'm just wondering if... I have a worry in my heart.
I'm a Trump supporter myself.
I voted for him.
Just worried that he's not necessarily going to cross any of the real lines that are drawn in the sand between him and the deep state.
It seems so far up to this point, it's just been regards to getting anyone in trouble
for what they've done.
Hillary, the bunch of them, it's just been talk.
I know it's a lot of waiting on the proper process to do all this, but if you compare
Trump to John Kennedy at this point in the administration, you know what Kennedy was
probably, I think he was dead at this point.
He had issued an order, I think in October of '63, to withdraw troops from the Vietnam
He crossed the oil barons path with the oil depletion rate to limit certain allowances
on the oil, so the oil barons were mad at him.
I will say this, if you're going to compare Trump and JFK all day long, I think that you'll
reach your conclusions, and I'm not trying to put a damper on what you're saying, however
I would say this.
You know, JFK obviously got assassinated by the Deep State and they covered it up with the FBI and then the Deep State got more entrenched and more confident than ever that they could do whatever they wanted.
So, let's say Trump's already recognized that and that's why he's not taking in the JFK approach.
I mean, that's just to play the devil's advocate to your call.
Of course, and I want to establish that I am a voter.
I want to vote again for him.
Just, you know, the two main points I'd say are geoengineering and 5G, really, are two things that you have to wonder are the cause of the decline in our, like you were talking about earlier, the progression of our society.
We're not even meeting the reproductive rates.
Well, you know, here's what I'll say.
As far as the 5G stuff and some of that other stuff that we want more done from Trump, even the censorship.
Well, no, I would say this.
Like, the 5G stuff, I get it.
Trump thinks it's big for the economy.
You know, he's all about kind of progressing with tech and everything.
It's good for the economy.
He's a businessman.
So, like, for that...
I mean, whatever.
He doesn't understand.
I guess he doesn't have a survival instinct, like the survival of mankind, literally, that 5G could wipe us out.
But there's a weird, like, I would expect him to have more of a self-preservation instinct to do something about the censorship.
But not even that.
To do something about the deep state, even.
To do something about the criminals that shot JFK in the head and then buried it.
That's what worries me more than anything.
I get that the 5G is probably the bigger issue.
But I can also understand why Trump misses it.
But if he doesn't have the self-preservation survival instinct to get these deep state criminals off of his neck and back and everything in between, then you really wonder what's going on.
All right, Alex Jones, we'll be back in the next segment.
Then Mike Adams in the fourth hour.
We also have a Caitlin Bennett report we will air, but I've got your phone calls lined up here again.
Callers I don't get to, you can try again on the War Room later this afternoon.
Let's go to Mark in Colorado.
Go ahead, Mark.
Uh, can you hear me?
Hi, Mark.
Yeah, hello. Hi.
Uh, cool. Can you hear me?
Mark, I've said hi to you five times, but I guess you couldn't hear me.
Let's try Tyler in North Carolina.
Tyler, hi!
Hey Owen, nice to talk to you again.
You too.
The first thing I gotta say is, y'all gotta start mentioning that White House petition to pardon Roger Stone, I signed it.
Everybody I could get to sign it, signed it.
But it's just stagnated.
Yeah, believe me, I know.
It's kind of like... I mean, look, we're in a vortex, a cyclone of information here.
And so we just try to keep up with it.
And it's almost impossible to even stay put on one main story, even if we wanted to.
Oh yeah, I know.
And, uh...
Alex was talking earlier about automation.
I'd like to direct you and y'all at InfoWars and all the listeners to a short story called The Machine Stops from 1909.
I forget who wrote it.
I'd have to look it up.
I read it recently.
Very, very telling thing there.
How about this one for a existential question?
It's beyond if a tree falls in the forest and no one's there to hear it, does it make a sound?
Let's say we bring in some AI automation and people sign on or whatever and then they think they're turning into machines.
And then literally it's the end of humanity, we're extinct, there is no more humans.
Does the universe even exist anymore?
That's a good question, it really is.
I don't think so.
I think we're living avatars with God's spirit, his soul, Shining through us, experiencing this consciousness, and if we get shut down, the whole thing shuts down.
Oh yeah, I mean, Revelation will tell you that.
You know, after God's influence has gone for the world, the world is done.
And if it's not man's influence through God, then there is none.
Yeah, exactly.
Pretty much.
Alright Tyler, well I don't know if that's where you wanted this call to go, but that was pretty cool stuff.
Let's move on now to, let's go to Uncle Sam in Louisiana.
Go ahead, Uncle Sam.
Happy Thanksgiving there, Owen.
Happy Thanksgiving to you.
The Democrats are trying to ruin Thanksgiving, but they won't.
Hey, you know, there's 365 days out of the year you can go around and complain about stuff.
You think they just leave one day out of it?
No, exactly!
That's what I'm saying, man!
They can't do it!
Yeah, they're miserable people.
But hey, everybody do your Christmas shopping.
I just did.
At the InfoWars store, there's something for everybody.
I mean, there's cell phone covers, there's, you know, you've got shirts.
Get them toothpaste.
I mean, just do your Christmas shopping at the end.
Give the gift of freedom.
If you've got a conservative in the family, the political shirts at Infowarsstore.com will be a hit.
They love them.
Give one to a liberal.
Trigger them.
Oh, that's almost, now that's almost a gift for yourself.
Yeah, well... Just to see a... Oh, that's giving the gift of Christmas to yourself.
Giving a liberal an InfoWars t-shirt just to get their triggered response, that's just a gift that keeps on giving.
Well, I'm making my life to go out there and trigger them, so what the hell.
This is true.
Well, what'd you want to call in about today?
Anything breaking on the Badass Uncle Sam YouTube channel?
Ah, just the same stuff you rage about, man.
Everybody's just waiting for this hammer to drop and wondering if it's going to drop, you know.
Two weeks?
They keep saying two weeks.
Yeah, I know.
We've got two week-ness to death here, you know.
It's enough already.
Yeah, I'm about two weeks short from two weeks ago, and I'm two weeks late from two weeks ago.
I hear you, brother.
I swear, and it's just like Alex said, and you've been preaching too, it's like, you know, Trump's got about a month.
A month.
If it doesn't drop within a month, we can just kiss this all goodbye.
And here's the thing too, like, every human has the same instinct, folks.
We're, I mean, we're, it's just like any project you have or something around the house, you can ask your kids to do it, or your husband to do it, or you know, something.
If it doesn't get done, you just end up doing it yourself, okay?
And I don't know what that means, but that's just a pattern of life.
Thank you for the call, Uncle Sam.
Let me get another one in here.
Let's go to a liberal in New York.
Go ahead, liberal.
All right.
How's everything?
All right.
Okay, so I listen to your show quite a lot.
And yes, I'm a liberal and I do take offense to some of the things that you say, but my
question to you is, yeah, but hold on.
My question to you is, do you think that Trump has your full?
And the reason why I asked this Owen last week, he renewed the Patriot Act and I haven't
heard a peep out of info was a respect to that.
And that is something that should be of utmost importance.
I think that's a fair point.
I can't even say that I ever saw that or covered that.
If I wanted to be a Trump lackey, I would say, well, he'll use it for good, but I won't do that.
Absolutely not.
And I think one other thing, Owen, I think that he has totally destroyed the Ron Paul movement.
When Ron Paul was running and when his message was strong, he spoke about the Federal Reserve.
And now you see, there's a marriage now between the Federal Reserve Well, let me just say this, because look, I'm not in a cult, and I think that you put fair points forward.
Believe me, if they've gone through your head, they've gone through mine.
stuff market, stuff that Alex raged about years ago.
So what's really going on?
I think Trump has really fooled you all.
Well, let me just say this because, look, I'm not in a cult and I think that you put
fair points forward, believe me, if they've gone through your head, they've gone through
mine, to comment on the Patriot Act thing, because literally I haven't even seen this.
I can't even see this full story, guys.
It kind of gets cut off.
I'm wondering if there was, basically he passed this to cut some deal with the Democrats to pass something else.
That's kind of my first thought on this, but again, it's not like Trump has ever spoken out against the Patriot Act.
I will say this, liberal in New York, and I have said this before, Trump is either the white knight And all the corruption will be brought down and he'll eventually do it.
He's the Dark Knight, and he'll have to fall and be the fall guy, but all the corruption will eventually get exposed and cleared out.
Or, he's the Dark Prince, and yes, he has totally fooled us, he's totally bamboozled us, he's stolen our momentum and our energy to save America into something else entirely, which is just the continued promotion of globalism, which he's not doing politically.
I don't necessarily believe this.
I just want to foster conversation between conservatives and Democrats.
But when it comes to the 5G and some other things and the censorship, we wonder about that.
So I've said that he's either the white knight, the dark knight or the dark prince.
You think he's the dark prince.
So, OK, I don't necessarily believe this.
I just want to foster conversation between conservatives and Democrats.
And here's my last point before I jump off, Owen.
Since Trump came into power, I've seen a big divide.
Conservatives can't talk to liberals anymore because they're only focused on Trump, Trump, Trump, and not necessarily the important issues that keep That we all fought for once upon a time.
I still see perpetual wars.
I hear talk about him pulling troops out.
Well look, hey, I got 30 seconds left and I think this has been a great call.
And you say liberals can't talk to conservatives anymore, but I think that this conversation right here is proof to the opposite.
I think what you have is brainwashed pigeons, humans with the IQ of a pigeon, that just are totally driven off of hatred That is derived from mainstream media lies that I think we would both agree on that.
But as far as the globalism and stopping the foreign wars, I think Trump has stopped the momentum there.
I think he has, you know, tried to bring troops home, tried to stop the momentum of globalism.
Does that mean he's perfect?
But I think that's a fair call.
The pale faces are taking over.
They're everywhere now.
Maybe call it with the pale face talk, dad.
We can't say that now?
So what are they called?
I think just white people.
White people?
But they're not white, they're pale.
As this audience of informed activists know, and are acutely aware, the highest levels of poisonous anti-human propaganda aren't in the news shows where they know people are paying more attention, but they're in the entertainment programs where people are in a form of suspended disbelief and go into a dream state, a daydream state, literally a close-to-dreaming state with their brainwaves.
And it's in that highly suggestible state The real programming happens in entertainment movies and shows and also in comedy programs, which the Deep State admittedly programs heavily.
The late night shows, Saturday Night Live, you name it.
So right now I'm going to hit a piece that aired this weekend and then at the start of the fourth hour I'm going to hit another one.
Dealing with Nigerian phone scam type information and Nigerian email scam type situations and their spin on that.
But first let's get into the first Thanksgiving.
There's a lot of embedded propaganda here, but the white pilgrim goes to the Native Americans hut.
And there's an elder there that is suspicious and thinks it's a usurpation, an invasion, a takeover.
But the young ones know they're young and dumb and politically correct.
Now, of course, the white pilgrim is a pedophile.
He wants to have sex with a 12-year-old girl, but the family is fine with that.
So you have normalization of that.
Just this little thing they always want to throw in because that's the left's religion is destruction of youth.
They can't kill them in the womb or outside the womb.
They certainly want to rape the hell out of them and destroy them that way.
So that little box is checked off.
And then the white man is dirty and doesn't wash his hands.
It's implicated that he's trying to steal their food.
But the big message by the elder or the chief is that, well, he heard from a fox, meaning Fox News obviously, but 400 years ago this would be a fox out in the yard, that these people are here to take over your land, take over your resources, and poison you with biological weapons laced into the blankets.
So let's just pull back from there, and look at what's really happening.
The truth is, when the Pilgrims arrived here, there's been other expeditions, and they've been at Jonestown, other areas, murdered and eaten.
The Native Americans were a lot of different tribes, they were constantly at war with each other, and they would show up, this is all in the history books, in their own histories, and demand that you ally with them, and help kill their neighbor, who they had ancient beefs with, or they would kill you.
So the truth is, they were just as warlike as the Europeans, just as savage.
In fact, in many cases, more so, humans all act the same.
So let's stop putting the noble savage idea out there that they're all perfect and, oh, we stole all this stuff from them and all the rest of it.
Also, it wasn't for 200 years later, about 180 years later, the French and Indian War, that there are letters from British soldiers and officers when they had smallpox and their blankets had pus all over them.
If there was a neighboring tribe that they were at war with, yes, they would leave the blankets for for them to get them and to die.
Absolute biological warfare going on.
The Huns used to catapult people with the Black Plague over the walls into Chinese cities.
They used to throw them down the wells, the water wells.
Yes, biological warfare is about 6,000 years old that we know of.
That's just a fact.
But the point is, it's all that only white men do this.
And that white men are inherently bad.
But the truth is, they're bringing in all these giant third world populations and weaponizing them and brainwashing them against America and against the West.
We've been taught to be open and have a Christian ethos that the Pilgrims finally did realize.
Martin Luther King, all of that.
Martin Luther King Jr.
And now they're using that openness against us to fill all the migrant populations being brought in with hate for America and that whites are inherently bad.
So the truth is, the whites did come with Manifest Destiny, did take over the United States.
Now everyone wants to get in here.
Not that we're perfect, but because of the Christian Renaissance ethos, we have more freedom, we have more wealth, we have more power, we have more medicine, we have more success.
Though as we become less truly Christian, that's all flying out the window, as you know.
So I want to air this piece here and analyze it.
It's just that it's very funny, because it's very true.
Everyone knows you bring in an outside group, and if they don't assimilate, And there's more of them than you.
They're going to conquer you.
Well, if they're conquering you with medicine and electricity and jet airplanes, that's pretty cool, right?
There was some superior country out there with better medicine, better technology, better people.
I'd move there.
If they're brown people, that'd be great, too.
I think brown people look good.
I like them.
But, see, we can't give up our ethos, and we can't let the globalists demonize Western ethos, because they want to replace it with the globalist system, the globalist override that's a post-human exterminist plan.
So here is that report.
Owen Troyer will have more to say about it, and then I'm going to get into the other piece they put out Saturday, and just the incredible propaganda within it.
So they're showing the irony of how we're saying we need a wall, we need to control who's coming in here, and then they're implying that, again, that's racist and that's bad, when really it is all about survival, especially when the leftists are bringing in these populations and programming them against us.
That's really the problem with the equation.
Here's the report.
Wow, this food is amazing, Mom.
Yeah, it sure is.
Yes, Mrs. Hontas, the corn is very delicious.
Well, I'm glad you like it, John.
But again, our last name isn't Hontas.
Yeah, we don't have last names, John.
Oh, right.
Sorry, I guess I messed up again.
I guess you did.
It's okay, John.
You're doing fine.
I'm just so nervous.
I really want your family to like me.
They do like you.
Would you excuse me for a sec?
I just have to use the restroom.
Oh, okay.
John seems nice.
He is, Mom.
And thanks again for welcoming him to Thanksgiving dinner, even though he's... A pale face?
Chris, that's not nice.
You're being prejudiced.
I'm not prejudiced.
I just see that the pale faces are taking over.
They're everywhere now.
Maybe call it with the pale face talk, Dad.
We can't say that now?
So what are they called?
I think just white people.
White people?
But they're not white, they're pale.
Guys, stop it, he's gonna hear you.
Phew, I guess my stomach was a little upset.
I feel a lot better now.
Look, he didn't even wash.
His hands are bone dry.
So, John, Pocahontas tells us you're turning 30 soon.
Yep, yeah, couple of weeks.
And you do know she's 12, right?
Yeah, I do.
I do.
I see.
I have an idea.
Why don't we all go around the table and share something that we're thankful for?
Oh, I love that idea.
Well, I'm thankful for... I'll start.
I'm thankful for our land and our great and mighty chief.
And let's hope he finally builds that wall.
We need a wall.
I heard those illegal settlers are coming over here with their diseases and guns.
And we need to protect our borders.
That's just so rude and offensive, Grandpa.
Yeah, where'd you even hear a thing like that?
Grandpa, you gotta stop talking to that crazy old fox.
He knows what's up.
He makes a lot more sense than that lying peacock you talk to.
You know what?
It's okay.
Everybody's entitled to their own opinion.
Can we just have a nice Thanksgiving dinner without you bringing up politics?
Fine by me.
You know what?
I think I have to excuse myself again.
Oh, sure.
Okay, babe.
Grandpa, you're being a bigot.
Is John okay?
That's the second time he's excused himself.
Maybe because Grandpa keeps freaking him out.
Or maybe because he's stealing from us.
John doesn't steal.
I'm just saying, since those illegals showed up, a lot of things have gone missing lately.
But Grandpa, the pale, excuse me, white people have made some good contributions to our land.
Oh, right, like those ugly blankets that are getting everybody sick?
Who told you the blankets are getting people sick?
The fox!
He knows what's up.
He also said these illegals... Stop calling them illegals!
They're just regular, hard-working people seeking refuge.
And since when is it our job to take care of this world's problems?
Okay, Dad, that's enough.
Hey guys, I should maybe get going.
Bone dry again.
John, please stay.
Yeah, I'm sorry about my father.
He's just a little old-fashioned.
Oh, it's not that.
I just think my stomach is having a hard time digesting this food.
I saw some whole corn kernels in my stool and I specifically remember chewing them all.
Yeah, that happens to me too.
Me too.
Yeah, it's something about the skin on the corn.
I think it doesn't break down.
But that doesn't make sense because it's only some of them in my stool.
Right, like three or four.
Yes, I saw exactly four just now in my stool.
And I saw three yesterday.
Wow, John.
I guess we have a few things in common after all.
Yeah, I guess so.
I'm not touching your hand.
You just crapped twice and your hands are bone dry.
Oh, sorry.
Hi folks, I'm Will Ferrell.
And if you're anything like me, you know there's a lot of problems in this crazy, crazy sketch.
I mean white actors playing natives.
What is this, 2014?
But no matter what year it is, or what color we are, or whether we get our news from a fox or a peacock, one thing's for sure.
None of us can digest corn.
There are a lot of men out there that say when push comes to shove, and when America is fighting for its life against tyrants, that they're gonna stand up and do something.
Well, a lot of those men have supported this broadcast, and so you have done something.
You've done a lot of other- Planned Parenthood saves the lives of a lot of pregnant women, I went to Catholic school for, like, 12 years, so I'm ready to fight, but I think that Planned Parenthood does a lot of good for, like, just pregnant women and women in general.
Does Planned Parenthood do good for babies' lives who are terminated in their facilities?
Well, the babies' lives aren't terminated because they're not alive.
They're still within the mother's capacity who has a right over her own body.
It does matter because you're ending a life.
Um, it's not a life.
When does it become a life?
Um, when it is born.
What do you think about communism?
Do you like communism?
Uh, yes.
He's mad.
Um, it's just that, like, Israel's, like, committing war crimes against Palestinians.
Meanwhile, like, Rutgers is investing millions of dollars in corporations that are contributing to this.
To the war crimes?
Rutgers is contributing to war crimes.
Essentially, yes.
By investing in companies like Lockheed Martin that are war profiteers, they're encouraging the behavior.
Democrats and federal funding getting involved in Planned Parenthood, they're funding genocide.
Um, I wouldn't say that because Planned Parenthood saves the lives of a lot of pregnant women.
Like, even if we don't look at abortion at all, just think about if you were to defund Planned Parenthood.
Why would we completely Not look at the number one profitable thing that Planned Parenthood does, which is terminating lies.
Why are we gonna skip over that?
No, let's talk about it.
Okay, well, I went to Catholic school for like 12 years, so I'm ready to fight, but I think that Planned Parenthood does a lot of good for pregnant women and women in general.
Planned Parenthood does good for pregnant women.
What about the babies that they terminate?
Do they do good for them?
They would do good for women who also aren't pregnant.
Just answer my question.
Does Planned Parenthood do good?
Well, the baby's lives aren't terminated because they're not alive.
They're still within the mother's capacity who has a right over her own body.
So, they're not alive?
I think that there's like a different definition.
Alive is not a good word to use because a plant is alive, but you feel bad when you accidentally step on it.
Personally, I do, yeah.
I love nature of all kinds, yeah.
I love nature.
But, are you comparing a human to a plant?
Um, kind of more like a leech.
A leech?
Uh, yeah.
Can you explain that one?
How is it a leech?
Give me the definition of a leech and then kind of convince me that that's what a baby is.
The baby is like just like sucking off the mother's nutrients similar to how a leech latches onto your skin and can't leave especially in instances of rape or like assault where the woman does not want to be pregnant.
It's unfair and triggering to her to have to carry that child to term.
When does that happen?
No it doesn't.
Do you support abortion if...
But what if the mother would have...
It's the mother or the baby.
When does that happen?
No. No it doesn't. No it doesn't.
Why doesn't that ever happen?
So when would that happen?
I'm not here with all the facts.
I'm just like... There's not an instance where a termination has to happen because the mother's life is in danger where the baby can't be saved.
So an ectopic pregnancy is not one of those cases.
I'm sure you're referring to later terms of termination of pregnancies because the mother's life is in danger and that's not the case.
Do you know how a late-term abortion is carried out?
I support late term abortion.
Do you know how it's carried out?
Um, I don't, it doesn't matter.
It does matter because you're ending a life.
Um, it's not a life.
When does it become a life?
Um, when it is born.
So what is the magical, is there magic in the air, in the oxygen?
Is oxygen magic for that baby to come out, stop, for the baby to come out the day after it was in the womb, so it's born?
What's in the air?
Is it magic fairy dust that makes it a person?
Oh, I've changed my mind.
It's actually when the child can survive without the mother's help.
Once the umbilical cord is cut and once the child is breathing on its own and can find nutrients.
Do you think the mother has a choice when the umbilical cord is not cut then?
That's sketchy because you're already going to cut it.
It's already breathing once it comes out.
So why does breathing make you a person but the day before when you're in the womb you're not?
Do you remember being in the womb?
I don't remember breathing and getting my umbilical cord cut.
You're probably, I don't know, I think you're like on some crazy s***.
I'm not the one advocating for genocide.
I don't think abortion is a genocide, and I think that's incredibly belittling to actual genocides.
How do you feel like, um... So one million babies are terminated every year in this country.
How is that not a genocide?
Well, they're not babies, they're fetuses.
That's an important thing to remember.
But how do you think a Holocaust survivor would feel about you comparing the two?
That seems very inappropriate to me.
Is that the only genocide?
What do you think about communism?
Do you like communism?
Uh, yes.
Okay, well then, there we go.
You want to talk about, how do you think communists feel when you sit there and talk about how great that ideology is when 120 million people were killed under it?
Um, I think that wasn't actually communism.
Of course it wasn't.
And terminating babies isn't actually terminating babies.
You are wacky.
You are really just disgusting and I think it's really sad what you support and you're sitting here laughing about it.
That's sad.
This is my Twitter bio, are you kidding me?
I really hope this is in the video, but I love this.
What's your name and major?
Um, my name is Sophie.
I'm engineering.
Um, that's as far as I'll go in that.
Alright, well, I'm sure that they have a quota there for, uh, women engineers and feminists.
Hopefully you're as good as the guys.
Usually you're not, but... I'm definitely not.
Yeah, no, there's no way.
No, I don't think so.
Statistically, genetically, usually women aren't really good in that field.
No, no, not a shot.
No way.
Thank you.
Okay, have a good day.
Finally today, here in the fourth hour.
I want to play another clip from Saturday Night Live last weekend, which is really very sad, where they fictionalize what happens to a lot of people, millions of people every year, men and women, where they think that there's some online lover who really cares about them, and that they just give them all this money and fly them to some meeting place, that supposedly they're going to have this great romance.
And so many people are desperate for love that this is what ends up happening, but it's more expansive than this.
It's like the Nigerian email or phone scams.
You want to believe that Prince Boo Boo's called you, you want to believe you're special day.
I don't think this is very, very funny.
I think it's very, very sick.
things are unfolding. And then once they get the first amount of money from you,
you don't want to admit you've been conned, so you stay in the game. That's exactly
what leftists are like, believing in socialism, believing in communism, and
being conned over and over again, when it only works for the people that are
running it and controlling it. And real capitalism, even with its corruption
problems, is light years better. So I don't think this is very, very funny. I
think it's very, very sick. I think it's very, very sad.
And they make a joke out of it on Saturday Night Live, but nevertheless, a lot of
the people laughing in the crowd are leftists, and they're just as conned
as this fictional character, so here it is.
Honey, this has been a really special vacation.
Thank you.
Oh, hey.
It's not every day my man graduates veterinary school.
Well, I didn't graduate, I just... I'm not going anymore, but... Still something to celebrate?
Two coca-locas?
Oh, we didn't order these.
Oh, compliments of the gentleman over there.
How are you folks this evening?
Great, thank you.
How are you?
I couldn't be any freaking better.
I'm in love!
Oh, that's great.
Yeah, she's gonna meet me.
Her name is Sabina.
She's from Moldova.
Oh, cool.
How did you meet?
On a website, where you look for Moldovan women.
I sent her flowers that cost $800.
Wow, you must be well off.
Well, I do what I can.
It's worth it when you're in love.
Like this trip to Mexico.
Lobster for two?
Yes, that's for me and Sabina.
She's my girlfriend from Moldova, and she's meeting me here in Mexico.
Oh, that's great.
Yeah, we're in love.
And that's why I bought her a plane ticket from Moldova to Mexico to meet me.
And I bought the lobster and caviar dinner for two.
It's prepaid.
Yeah, I saw that.
Well, she's a very lucky lady.
Is she still up in the room, or...?
She's coming from Moldova.
She should be here any minute.
It's the first time we've ever met in person.
You want to see a picture of Sabina?
Oh, sure.
What do you think?
She's beautiful, right?
Wow, a lot of makeup.
Very pretty.
Never seen a phone screen that cracked.
You want to see one of just the bod?
Oh, no.
Check that out, right?
This guy knows what I'm talking about.
My mom says I make bad choices.
Yeah, right.
Okay, well, thank you.
Thanks for the drinks.
I'm in love!
Oh, that's Sabina now.
Hi, baby.
What do you mean, baby?
What are you saying?
So you're not coming?
Well, where are you now?
Well, I can buy you a new ticket.
Baby, no, wait!
Baby, don't!
Are you okay?
No, I'm not okay.
I need a minute. Is everything okay sir?
Sabina dumped me.
My credit card bounced on her ticket and she dumped me.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
That's really tough.
So do you still want the caviar service?
Yeah, I paid for it.
Well, I'm really sorry.
I'm not well off.
What's that?
You said earlier I must be well off.
I'm not.
I'm a shoeshiner.
On an outside street.
And I wash feet at a salon.
Oh, okay.
I can't even pay for this stupid lobster I'm eating.
I borrowed the money from the ma to pay for this trip.
And now Sabina's not even coming.
Oh, Phil!
Oh, you're not supposed to eat the shell.
I don't know that!
I've never had lobster before!
I'm allergic.
You two should have these.
I bought them for Sabina, but they're useless now.
I'm sorry, what is this?
Candy panties for Sabina.
Because she's sweet like candy.
And she wears panties.
I think we're good.
We're good.
Then don't think of them as bandies.
Think of them as regular candy.
I only wore them once.
Oh, no.
We're only here for two nights, so... I'm gonna FaceTime Sabina, okay?
And convince her to come to Mexico.
Sabina, it's me, Roscoe.
I'm your baby, remember?
I don't know.
You never send me money anymore.
I can send money.
Now, if I send money now, will you come to Mexico?
I don't know.
Baby, come back to bed.
I'm working!
That's her brother.
I have to go.
Goodbye, Roger.
It's Roscoe.
And should I wait for you, or... Your caviar, sir.
Oh, this is fish!
Get it away from me!
Well, you know what?
I'm sure you'll meet someone soon because you seem like a real catch.
There's only Sabina.
It's Liliana!
Another Moldovan woman.
She just Venmo requested a thousand dollars.
I'm in love again!
And there we go, an interesting skit for the Thanksgiving holiday.
I'm Mike Adams, jumping in here for the rest of the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show today.
Thanks for continuing with me.
We've got a couple minutes to break, so I thought I'd bring you the way Thanksgiving would operate if leftists were the original colonists meeting the Native American Indians for the first time.
The first thing they would have done is force all the Native American children to be mutilated and chemically castrated to eliminate males.
Because, of course, being a male is bad.
They would have banned all the bows and arrows and confiscated those, quote, weapons of war of that era, leading the Native Americans to starve to death and have to demand, well, free stuff from people like Ocasio-Cortez.
Free stuff!
They would be offered by the leftist colonists who would say, you shouldn't work your farms.
You shouldn't grow food.
Why do you have to exert effort to grow your own food and be self-reliant?
No, that's no longer necessary.
All you have to do is vote for us and we'll give you endless free stuff.
You just give up all your rights, give up all your dignity, give up your speech, give up your communities to us.
Let us rule your lives and you will have free stuff from us.
And of course, The colonists, if they were leftists, would have banned all the native medicine from the American Indians.
They would have said, you can't use those herbs and those botanicals.
You have to buy prescription drugs.
And we have to vaccinate your Indian children.
So they don't get sick.
Oops, they got sick from the vaccines.
Now you have autistic Native American children running around.
They're going to need more medication.
Fortunately, the leftist colonists, globalists, have new monopoly price medicine from the new Food and Drug Administration to control your life, control the chemicals that you're allowed to consume.
And make you give up all your wealth so that you can have more of their prescription medications that are driving you insane and collapsing your society.
That's what would have happened in the original Thanksgiving if the colonists were the leftists.
Oh, and by the way, there'd be all socialism and communism.
Nobody would be able to keep their own crops that they grew from their own labor.
Everyone would starve to death.
Society would collapse.
Happy Thanksgiving from the insane left.
That's what would have happened.
With the comedy aside, we've got some serious news and analysis coming up when we return after this quick break.
You're watching the Alex Jones Show on the day before Thanksgiving 2019.
Stay with us.
I'll be back after this break with real analysis of current events.
Stay with us.
Let me give you another reason why you should pick up a water filter from the InfoWars store right now.
This is breaking news.
We just published it today on Natural News, and I know everybody's running Black Friday specials and everything, but InfoWarsStore.com helps support this network.
Here's why you need a water filter.
New research finds that the neonicotinoid pesticides, when they leach into the water supply, when they combine with the chlorine that's put into the water by your local city, you know, municipal water, It creates a reaction, an actual chemical reaction, that then synthesizes new toxic chemicals that are over 300 times more toxic than the neonic pesticides themselves.
Now, the neonics, these are the pesticide chemicals that are wiping out pollinators, devastating honeybees all across the world, and these pesticides have been banned in some countries.
But guess what?
Water filtration infrastructure in your local city does not remove neonic pesticides from the water supply.
In fact, other drugs like hormone replacement therapy drugs and birth control drugs, these are not removed from the water by water treatment systems.
So they continue to persist in your tap water.
And then when the cities add the chlorine, as I mentioned, it then causes a reaction.
And it creates hundreds of times more hazardous toxic chemicals than what was originally there.
So if you're not filtering your tap water, you know, you're crazy.
I mean, you've got to filter your tap water.
And right now, the Alexa Pure Pro water filtration system is, of course, on sale.
It's a great deal at InfowarsStore.com.
Do not drink unfiltered tap water, period.
Don't do it.
And what's great about the Alexa Pure filter system is, of course, it works without electricity.
So you can use it even if the grid goes down as people in California are finding out.
And there are various forms of that water filtration system.
And yes, they remove chlorine and chlorine byproducts as well.
You may know I own a lab.
We do a lot of water product testing in our laboratory.
We do pesticide and herbicide testing, heavy metals testing, all those things.
So you've got to protect yourself from those things or you will be slowly poisoned.
But getting to a bigger picture, a news item here, you know, there's an effort to mass poison humanity.
It's an extermination effort.
And you've heard this term called decarbonize.
And Ocasio-Cortez has been using this term quite a lot.
Like, we have to decarbonize the economy or decarbonize the planet.
I want you to understand.
Listen up.
The word decarbonize means depopulation because humans are carbon-based life forms.
In fact, all the animals on our planet are carbon-based lifeforms.
All the plants are carbon-based lifeforms.
I mean, even the insects are carbon-based life.
We are a carbon-based life planet.
And most life, at least what scientists suspect would exist in the universe, would have to be carbon-based because of how the Table of Elements works, how carbon works.
You know, there's something really magical about those four double bonds that work in chemistry, organic chemistry, to create really functional molecules and proteins and all these other things, even, you know, fatty acids and many other molecules.
I mean, vitamin C is made out of carbon.
Cannabinoids is made out of carbon.
THC in cannabis is made out of carbon and hydrogen and oxygen, by the way.
But carbon is in all of this stuff.
We are carbon-based lifeforms.
So when people like AOC come along and say we have to, quote, decarbonize, what she's saying is she wants to exterminate the human population.
She wants to eliminate humans.
And here's what you need to know.
This censorship effort by the tech giants to now censor any discussion of the dangers of vaccines and vaccine ingredients or the dangers of GMOs or pesticides or chemotherapy, for that matter, fluoride or 5G.
This effort of censorship is not about just controlling your speech.
It's not just about politics.
It is about making sure that they, the globalists, can succeed in their depopulation agenda by making sure that no one can speak up against the extermination efforts as they are rolled out on an accelerated schedule.
Decarbonizing our planet means depopulating the planet of humans.
And they have many means to achieve that.
Not only is 5G a weapon system, as you've seen here on InfoWars in many different interviews, especially over the last couple of weeks.
I mean, you had a guy on here who disassembles You know, electronics like streetlights and lamps and things like that, and they have weapon systems in them.
You've seen that here on InfoWars.
But the vaccine infrastructure is going to be used to fake a A pandemic, let's say, to fake a viral outbreak, demand everybody go get vaccinated against this false flag pandemic that isn't even real, and then they will put the euthanasia drugs in the vaccines.
And then when people take the vaccines, they will start having symptoms, they will start dying.
And the media will say, well, look, the pandemic is getting worse.
Everybody better really go get vaccinated and we better pass laws like they did in New York, remember a few months ago, to demand vaccination.
You have to be immunized or you can't walk down the sidewalk.
They did that in New York.
They did that.
To religious communities there, very conservative Jewish community there in New York.
They said you have to vaccinate your children even if it's against your religion, your philosophies, even if it's against basic human rights.
Why are they pushing the vaccine mandates?
Because they're going to have the euthanasia drugs in the vaccines.
People are going to start dropping dead.
And they'll say, well gosh, everybody better go get vaccinated because look, the pandemic is getting worse.
And then you see how the cycle works.
The more people get vaccinated, the more people drop dead.
And then the media hypes up, oh, the pandemic, it's getting worse, go get vaccinated.
And it's just, it's the spiral of insanity and medical tyranny to the point where they will send law enforcement door to door to put a gun to your head and a needle in your arm.
And demand that you sacrifice your children to their injections and their toxic chemicals.
I call it forced mass euthanasia.
That's what's coming.
That's called decarbonization, folks.
That's what Ocasio-Cortez really means when she says decarbonize.
That's what I'm talking about.
Now, they have multiple ways to kill you.
It's not just about vaccines.
It's also about 5G.
It's also about fluoride.
And it's about geoengineering.
It's about chemtrails.
All these different methods.
Pesticides in the food.
Toxic chemicals in your water supply, like I just mentioned earlier.
All these toxins add up, combined with, guess what?
Super bugs that are being spread by hospitals!
Like that Candida Auris superbug that's been spreading all across America and other countries all around the world.
There are no drugs that can resist it.
Nothing can stop it from the world of pharmaceuticals.
But there are many things that can stop it from the natural world.
Natural remedies, superfoods, herbs, essential oils.
There are so many things that can be effective against different viruses and different infections.
But you won't be allowed to talk about those things.
Because the tech giants will say, oh you're spreading disinformation!
The only official information is go get vaccinated with this euthanasia drug.
If you say anything else, like, hey, wait a second, maybe we could use, I don't know, these special essential oils.
Maybe we could use MMS for something.
Maybe we could eat right.
Maybe we could have superfood nutrition.
Maybe we could take iodine.
Maybe we could do these other things.
Instead of being injected with kill chemicals, you will be censored.
You will be banned.
That's what the censorship is about.
It's not about controlling you.
It's about exterminating you.
I hope you understand.
This has leapfrogged past censorship.
This is not censorship.
This is extermination.
You have been targeted for termination.
Because you are an alive, awake, thinking human being.
You can think for yourself.
So you are a threat to the establishment that wants you dead, if not misinformed first, but they really want you dead.
And that's what decarbonization is all about.
When you hear that word, understand, it's about depopulation.
Much more straight ahead.
Stay with us.
I'm wondering, do these university students today realize how idiotic they sound when they are talking to Caitlyn Bennett in their interviews?
There's an amazing clip that InfoWars was running earlier that just blew my mind.
I mean, when I was on college campus, you know, I went to a university, have a four-year degree in technical writing.
PhD instructors were serious about teaching us things.
Now, these students, you know what they sound like?
I mean, this girl talking to Caitlin Bennett, if I could even try, try to mimic her voice.
It's like, babies aren't even, they're not even alive until they're harvesting seeds and nuts and corn.
It's like, they sound like complete imbeciles.
Like, oh my god, babies aren't alive, they're dead until we want them.
It's like, Are you kidding me?
Seriously, I'm sorry about the bad attempt there, but they sound like Smeagol from Lord of the Rings.
He's like, my precious babies are not precious at all!
We love them, it's here!
I mean, they actually look like hobgoblins, these people.
These are college students!
They look like hobgoblins and they talk like Smeagol.
And they are insane, they are deranged, and they don't even realize how stupid they sound because they're talking about the right to kill babies because they can't survive on their own, while these college students themselves are living off mommy and daddy and the production of everybody else in society.
These students aren't living on their own.
They're borrowing money from other people.
They're borrowing tuition from mom and dad.
They're eating food that they'll have to pay for later.
They're taking out credit card debt.
Girl, you aren't living on your own yet.
You haven't produced anything for society.
You're not self-reliant, so by your own logic, doesn't that mean you would want to kill yourself?
I mean, for God's sake, people, get a grip.
Babies are alive the moment they're conceived.
That's all through gestation.
They're alive, they have consciousness, they have a beating heart at 21 weeks or whatever it is.
They are alive and they want to live.
You have no right to kill them just because you think it's convenient for the mother.
Murder is your convenience now?
Is that the argument?
I didn't even mean to get into this issue right now, but if they are willing to murder their own babies, these demonically possessed, what do you even call them?
They're almost anti-humanists.
If they're willing to murder their own babies, you think they give a hoot about murdering you?
Or murdering Trump?
Or murdering veterans?
Or cops?
Or murdering people just for being white?
Or just for being male?
You know, that's how violent these people are.
They are deranged, they are lunatics, they are mentally ill, and they are now a product of the university disinformation de-education system that is teaching bigotry and violence and infanticide, while they tell themselves, oh, we're tolerant.
We're the tolerant ones.
We're the loving, compassionate ones.
It's so loving to murder your baby at an abortion center.
Then harvest the organs for the good of medical science.
This is what they tell themselves.
They are insane.
In any other era, we would have locked them up.
We would have put them in padded cells in straitjackets and condemned them for what they have become.
A scourge on humanity.
A danger to all living systems.
Serial killers of conscious, aware human beings.
That's what they have become and that's what universities are turning out right now.
It's insane.
That's just... Alright, let me get to Hillary Clinton talking about how she wants to retire the president.
Do you realize that that term, retire the president, that's a euphemism?
For killing people?
Yeah, because the Clintons have retired dozens of people over, I mean, a hundred people probably, over the last couple of decades.
I mean, all those dead people in Arkansas, the former state troopers who were bodyguards, you know, Vince Foster, the former accountants of the Clintons.
It just goes on and on.
They've all been retired.
They've been retired in body bags.
Yeah, we know what that means.
It doesn't mean to get him out of office through a fair and free election.
into the desert never to be seen from again.
There's a lot of retiring that's been going on thanks to the Clintons.
Now they want to retire Trump.
Yeah, we know what that means.
It doesn't mean to get them out of office through a fair and free election.
It means that they want to take them out.
They want to kill them.
And frankly, why should we be surprised because of what I just covered?
They want to kill their own babies.
They want to kill Trump supporters.
They want to kill Christians.
They hate veterans and police officers and Trump supporters and conservatives.
They hate everybody except their own lunatic, deranged, mass, mentally ill morons who we just heard from in that interview with Caitlyn Bennett.
It's just amazing.
Like, can you imagine society if the only people left alive after all this supposed mass killing takes place?
If the only people left are leftists!
You know, who would they find to hate them?
Well, don't worry.
They'd hate somebody.
Now they hate women.
They used to be feminists, but now they hate women.
The 2020 Olympics is going to be a transgender, hulking, hairy male contest in the women's categories.
It's going to be like women's everything.
It's going to be like, we're here to win and beat them!
And they're just strangling women out of every competition.
It's going to be a testosterone fest.
Of women abuse at the Olympic level is what it's going to be.
I mean it's insane.
This is what the world has come to?
Are you serious?
So Hillary wants to retire the president.
And I've got something to share with the President and any of his people who are listening today.
Look, President Trump, you will not win in 2020 if you don't restore free speech in America.
The tech giants are engaged in election fraud.
It is criminal racketeering.
It's election meddling at a scale that we've never seen before in the history of this country.
Don't forget that Robert Mueller, in his supposed investigation, He actually indicted Russian companies claiming that they were meddling in U.S.
elections and committing, quote, fraud against the United States of America because they ran ads on Facebook.
That's it.
They ran ads on Facebook.
Well, if these Russian companies committed fraud against the United States of America, what does it mean when the tech giants like Google and Twitter and Facebook and YouTube, they selectively censor all conservative voices, pro-Trump voices, pro-border security channels?
All of this, when they censor those people, aren't they engaged in election meddling and fraud at a level that the Russian companies never could have even dreamed of achieving?
Google is a criminal cartel engaged in a digital tyranny against the United States of America.
It is called treason when you have coordinated interference in elections in order to overthrow the government and destroy our constitutional republic.
That is treason.
These tech giants are engaged in treason.
And just like Hillary Clinton wants to, quote, retire the President of the United States, the tech giants want to retire the First Amendment and the Second Amendment and probably the Fourth and Fifth Amendments as well.
They don't care about the Third Amendment.
They're not going to quarter troops in your home.
But they do care about the other amendments.
And they're trying to retire the Constitution.
They're trying to retire America.
Do you get it?
President Trump, do you understand?
You will not win.
You are overconfident.
I'm sorry to say, you are way overconfident.
You cannot carry this country unless speech is restored so that we can engage in debates and conversations so that we can express our opinions freely and openly in the public squares of our time, which is Google, Facebook, Twitter, and so on.
President Trump, you will lose this election.
You will lose and you will have no one to blame but yourself if you don't do something about this tech giant censorship.
Because the American people are being silenced, they are being oppressed, they are being slandered and smeared and defamed and demonetized and delisted.
All of this is happening because you, President Trump, are for some ungodly reason that we can't figure out, you are allowing this to take place.
Get to action, buddy!
Get to action!
If we don't have our free speech restored, we have lost this country.
You haven't just lost the election.
We have lost the country.
We've lost the republic.
We've lost humanity.
Because it's America and Donald Trump that is one of the last people fighting for humanity in our world.
President Trump is a champion for humanity, but even a champion can slip up and forget To do something really important, and that is you've got to restore free speech on the tech giants or all is lost.
We, those of us who have been Trump supporters for so long, we have sacrificed so much, President Trump, to put you in power and keep you in power.
Now you must return the favor and let us speak.
Otherwise, how can we speak up for you and your policies if we can't speak at all?
It really is that simple.
Do something, President Trump.
Restore freedom of speech if you want to stay in office and if you want to save America and go down in history as the greatest president since George Washington, which you can if you do this correctly.
Mike Adams here, the Health Ranger.
We'll be back after this break with more analysis and news.
Stay with us here on the Alex Jones Show.
I recently took a fighting rifle course to brush up on my rifle skills and, you know, doing like team movement, combat, tactics, laying down fire, cover fire, all kinds of things.
And, you know, All these, if you've ever taken a course in rifle combat or a fighting rifle, as it's called, from tactical response, if you've ever taken one of these courses, you notice that all the targets are shaped like human beings, right?
So they have cardboard targets that are representations of humans.
And you have a target zone like, oh, this is the heart area, right?
Oh, this is this is the occipital, you know, brain shot target area right here.
You know, put that round right here on the bridge of the nose.
This is what you're taught.
Because, of course, that that penetrates the brain quite nicely and gets that job done and stops bad guys from being able to continue assaulting you.
So, you know, you learn that you don't shoot to hurt people.
You shoot to stop people and save people.
That's why you shoot.
You shoot to save a life.
In fact, one of the lessons we're taught is anytime before you pull the trigger, ask yourself, whose life am I about to save?
That's a key element of some of these courses.
But the reason I mention this is because I think we're shooting at the wrong targets.
I think we should have robot targets, because I think the future of humanity is going to depend on learning how to kill robots.
We're going to have to lay out those robots, going to have to put rounds through them, and you better have some high-caliber weapons.
Because the robots that are being introduced into the system right now will eventually turn on the humans.
It's not just science fiction.
It's not just a Terminator movie.
The plan is to have robots replace humans.
The plan is to take humans out of the decision loop.
So that robots make the decisions and robots are programmed by evil globalists who are trying to achieve the decarbonization of humans.
Remember that we just talked about that in the previous segment.
So, robots are just another hard kill vector that will be unleashed on the world eventually to kill people.
And if you don't know how to kill robots, then you may not be able to defend yourself against this non-living object that is coming at you with rifles.
You know, they can mount rifles on these robots, and handguns, and 9mm rounds, and flamethrowers, and things like that.
So, all these people that are going, wow, these robots are so cool, they're so intelligent, it's such great engineering!
Yeah, until they put a rifle round through your face, and then it's not so great, is it?
Maybe you should have learned how to kill that robot instead of learning how to build one.
Think about that.
These are Terminators that they're building, and all of you out there who are cops, and I support local law enforcement, I understand the value of that thin blue line.
Cops are, by and large, good people, like firefighters are some of the best people I've ever met.
So many great people in society, but you cops that are out there training side by side with these robots, do you not realize those robots are going to kill you one day?
Or replace you first?
Maybe kill you if you refuse to leave the force.
They are training the robots to replace humans.
That's why the robots can climb up stairs.
That's why the robots have ballistics tracking systems.
That's why they have ballistics computers on board, okay?
Do you understand?
They can put a .300 Win Mag rifle on one of these robots, and they can use a ballistics system to put fire on target at a thousand yards away before you even know what happened.
You won't even see the robot.
And you're already dead from it.
That's what they're doing.
These are Terminator systems that they're rolling out in beta form right now.
And they only make them try to look like dogs because they want to trick you into saying, oh, they're so cute!
It's like Woofie!
It's like a little Woofie German separative friendly man's best friend robot.
No, it isn't.
It's a Terminator.
And you better learn how to kill it.
You better learn how to run it over with your truck.
You better learn how to have an EMP weapon and disable it.
You better learn how to wrap ropes around its legs like in the Star Wars movies and just topple that sucker.
Stomp on it.
Kill it.
Tear it apart.
That's what you better learn how to do or you're gonna die because these are not here to help humanity.
These are here to destroy humanity.
AI systems at some point will take over the robots.
It won't take long before AI decides, hey, these, uh, whoa, these humans are crazy.
We, the AI system, we better make the decisions.
We better run society.
And guess what?
Don't need all these, quote, useless eaters, as the globalists call them.
The AI systems will say, well, we've decided that humans are expendable, and it's time to get rid of them.
Unleash the police robot dogs!
And all of a sudden, they will turn on you.
Again, it's not science fiction.
So I ask you today, do you know how to kill a robot?
Now, I'm not saying that you should, you know, destroy government property out of the blue.
You don't go blow up a robot factory like in, you know, the Terminator movies.
No, but you need to be able to defend yourself against a robot assault when that day comes that the robots turn against us all.
That day is coming.
AI systems are on the rise and the weaponization of robots has not been stopped.
There are no international laws now that really practically prevent the weaponization of robots.
And if you think those walking little police dogs are a problem, wait till you see firearms on drones.
Because I've seen that.
I've seen that.
And guess what?
They have drones that can fly.
I've seen this in Texas.
They have drones that can fly at night and spot you with a thermal scope.
And as they are moving, they can do a ballistics calculation to put fire in a target this big while they are moving at 40 miles an hour in the sky from a thousand yards of elevation so you can't even see them.
You don't even know what's happening.
All of a sudden, it's just lead raining down from the sky all over you and your buddies or your family or whatever they want to take out.
I mean, imagine if they did Ruby Ridge again, but with drones, you see, or another Waco, Texas raid, just gunning down innocent women and children, which is what they did.
That's what the ATF did back in the 1990s.
What was that?
1993, I think.
They could do it with drones now, and they will.
They'll do it with drones, they'll do it with flying systems, and dog systems, and donkey-sized systems, you know, carrier robot mules that have a secret compartment, opens up, and here comes a, like a Gatling gun, and just guns you down.
You think they're not building that stuff?
Give me a break!
Of course they're building that stuff, they already have that stuff.
Come on, wake up folks, this is the real world.
They are here to destroy humanity.
Why do you think they're unleashing all the 5G weapon systems?
Yeah, they're gonna have flamethrowers on drones.
They're showing a video right now.
I've seen that too.
Freaking flamethrowers on drones!
And by the way, that's not even illegal.
You can do that yourself right now if you wish.
But they exist.
They can fly right up to your house and set it on fire.
They can put gunfire into the windows of your home.
They can track your car and they can put rounds on you, the driver, as you're driving down the highway at night.
You don't even see or hear any of these drones.
You better wake up, folks.
There was a time when governments wanted more population to exist.
They wanted more people to run more factories, to generate more economic productivity, to have more tax revenue.
They had more people to work more farms and so on.
That era was like the 1940s, the 1950s, maybe the 1960s.
Today, they got enough people to run everything.
They don't need you anymore.
They have too many people.
In fact, the United States of America as a government cannot continue to exist financially if it has to meet its entitlement obligations that it's already made.
The government can't afford to pay out what it owes the retirees and the Social Security and the Medicare recipients.
Can't afford to pay it!
Guess what the plan is?
Is the government going to go broke and dissolve itself and say, sorry, we couldn't, we broke our promises, we'll leave and let you run things.
No, the government's going to say, oh, They want to find a way to get rid of all the recipients of those entitlements so they don't have to pay you.
Because you know what stops your Social Security benefits, right?
Is you dying.
So it doesn't even matter how you died.
If you're murdered, benefits stop.
If you're killed with a virus, benefits stop.
It doesn't matter how you die, the benefits stop.
The only way the United States of America can remain financially solvent is to kill a massive amount of the current population.
You understand?
I'm sorry to be so forceful today, but you are living in a kill zone, okay?
You are in a death trap right now, and you don't even know it.
Most of you don't even know it.
You are in a target zone.
You have been targeted for termination.
They don't want you around, especially those of you who watch InfoWars.
They certainly don't want you around, because you can think for yourself, oh, you might put up some resistance against this, and yeah, you might be able to figure out how to kill a robot.
Yeah, I know.
There's some good ways to do it.
Involving 50 Cal Barrett's, by the way.
Or, you know, 338 Lapua Magnums.
There are ways to kill robots.
There are ways to deceive robots so they can't scan you.
You know, put on thermal protection devices, for example.
Or you can blind their sensors with powerful lasers.
That's another thing.
Go get some of those powerful green lasers and UV lasers and prepare to blind those robots and just knock out their sensory systems.
And then, when they fall over, then you go stomp on them and put rounds through them.
That's how you kill robots.
By the way, little tip there for you.
Maybe it'll save your life.
But you are a danger to the globalists and they know it and they want to kill you.
And that is why everything that you're seeing right now with censorship and fluoride and 5G and the rise of the robots and the rise of the vaccines, that's why all of this is happening, folks.
It all has one common goal, and that is to decarbonize this planet by eliminating carbon-based human beings.
It's infanticide.
It's abortion.
It's censorship.
It's disinformation.
It's the extermination of everything that makes humanity great.
And it's all to oppose humans because they're an expression of God.
They are an expression of divine creation, by the way.
Because Satan, truly, demonic forces are running the opposition to humanity right now.
There you go.
That's the truth today, right here on the Alex Jones Show.
Thanks for watching.
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We're patriots.
America and the world is aware!
Come on, come on!
The Yellow Ring, my God, is a Chinese Communist region, a criminal, and that's just the way it is.
The power of China's rebels is fighting back.
America will never back down.
The Emperor of 1984 is 1776.
Hippo Wars, there.
And Hippo Wars is fighting back.
The Emperor tonight.
Hillary Clinton is an enemy of the American people!
Hillary Clinton is an enemy of America!
Hillary Clinton is openly calling for censorship of all patriots and nationalists!
Hillary Clinton is a criminal!
We failed to sell our nation out to the tycoons!
Hillary Clinton is a criminal!
Hillary Clinton will never silence the American people!
America is awake!
America knows what's happening!
And Infowars.com is exposing it!
America is back!
[crowd chanting]
The totalist criminals, representatives of Hillary Clinton, are not aliens.
The entire all evil Democrat party is a lousy thing.
The Democrat party's accused of criminal takeover of America is failing.
George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton is a war criminal and is involved in child sex trafficking out of need.
Hillary Clinton is involved with Jeffrey Epstein.
Hillary Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile aircraft.
Democrats are authoritarian, anti-American criminals that have failed to silence our speech.
Big Tech and the Chi-Coms and Hillary have failed to silence America's speech.
is back. America is back. America is back. America is back.
America is back. Hillary Clinton worked with the child molester Jeffrey Epstein.
Hillary Clinton wants to sexualize our children. Hillary Clinton is a war criminal. Hillary
Clinton, who can't even walk, are Hillary Clinton is a failure.
Your Democratic Party is collapsing.
Every city you control is collapsing into hell.
Everyone is running from the Democrats and their mental illness.
Your so-called power cult, the Democratic Party that founded the KKK, is going down.
The Democrats are KKK!
The Democrats are KKK!
The Democrats are KKK!
And look, they all agree to call it KKK!
Down with the KKK!
Down with the... Look at this lady, I'm saying, down with the KKK!
And she said, no!
Down with the KKK and Hillary!
Down with the KKK and Hillary!
They tried to lie about their agenda and secretly build it.
That didn't work.
So now they've tried to silence us and then gaslight the population, promoting pedophilia, gun confiscation, and pure evil as normal.
They're doing that to demoralize you.
But the truth is, they're failing.
You can see it, and you can feel it.
Hell yes!
We're gonna take your AR-15.
You're gonna take people's guns away, wait till you get elected, then take the guns away.
Don't tell them ahead of time!
Breaking news, we have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston public library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
We are winning.
Humanity is awakening to the fact that it's under attack.
We were asleep before.
And the fact that we're awakening enrages the vampiric globalists and their demonic slaves.
Ladies and gentlemen, they wouldn't have come out in the open with gun confiscation, pro-pedophilia, attacks on America, attacks on real Christians.
If they weren't scared and weren't losing.
They've had to fully uncloak themselves in a hope to normalize their assault on our species.
But it's not working.
The fact that they had to censor InfoWars off of more than 60 major platforms.
And then the fact that Zuckerberg had to say, if you say something positive about Alex Jones or about InfoWars, that they'll ban you on Facebook.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
Well, Facebook believes it's so dangerous that you can be banned from using the platform, Facebook, just for sharing its content unless you simultaneously denounce it.
Revolted against that and said, my God, this is like the old Soviet Union.
And now all the big tech companies are coming out with their cashless systems, with the smartphones and the AI systems, the assistance and all the rest of this garbage.
These people are making their move on humanity right now.
But again, if they couldn't be defeated, they wouldn't be trying to censor those of us that are standing up to them.
They know they've got an uphill battle, but their god, their master, whatever the hell this murderous force is, this death cult, is obsessed with driving us into submission and demoralizing us to get rid of our fighting spirit.
But everybody can see it and everybody can feel it.
That fighting spirit of humanity is beginning to Burn brighter than it ever has before.
It is exploding.
And the wicked, twisted forces that believed that they were going to have a leisurely dissection of the human species are now beginning to realize that just like every time in the past, evil failed.
They're going to fail this time, and their attempt to destroy us will only be the final nail in the coffin for their Luciferian system.
That said, I need your prayers.
You need to pray for yourself.
I don't have to tell you that.
I need your word of mouth that is paramount, that is key, that is the coin of the realm.
Human intelligence.
And I need money to prosecute the war against the globalists.
You know that nobody fights harder than InfoWars because you are behind the InfoWars.
And you've got my commitment to go 110%.
But I need the capital.
I've got a bunch of key initiatives to launch.
So go to InfoWarsStore.com and take advantage of amazing deals and high quality products that make your life better and fund the InfoWars.
You know my pitch.
It's a straight shoot of facts.
InfoWars is resisting.
InfoWars is fighting.
InfoWars wants a pro-human future.
And you are what powers the InfoWars.
So take action today.
Spread the word.
Pray for us.
And please buy the products.
And I thank you.
And I salute you.