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Name: 20191122_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 22, 2019
2633 lines.

The passage discusses how media portrayal influences public opinion, citing examples of people protesting against President Trump for actions committed by former President Obama. The importance of understanding political facts is emphasized. Topics such as ongoing show trials, censorship, persecution, conservatism, information warfare, corruption, globalism, and InfoWars are discussed. Resistance through street art, protests, running for office, and staying informed is encouraged, along with mentioning recent events like arrests of Proud Boys members, President Trump's move to Florida, increasing persecution of conservatives, and Fiona Hill's testimony in impeachment hearings. Finally, the speakers promote products available at InfoWars Shop.

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We are live.
Friday, November 27, 2019.
Friday, November 22, 2019.
Get ready.
America will never back down!
The answer to 1984 is 1776!
If ours lives!
And if ours is fighting back!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
If ours lives, and if ours is fighting back, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
Hillary Clinton is an enemy of the American people.
Good people!
Hillary Clinton is an enemy of America!
Hillary Clinton is openly calling for censorship of all patriots and nationalists!
Hillary Clinton is a criminal who failed to sell our nation out to the tycoons!
of all patriots and nationalists.
Hillary Clinton is a criminal who failed to sell our nation out to the tycoons.
Hillary Clinton is a criminal.
Hillary Clinton will never silence the American people.
America is awake!
America knows what's happening!
And Infowars.com is exposing it!
America is back!
I can not!
I can not!
the Democratic Party is the last thing. The Democratic Party's accused of criminal takeover of America is failing.
George Giles, Hillary Clinton is a war criminal and is involved in style-set trafficking out of state. Hillary
Clinton is involved with Jeffrey Epstein. Hillary Clinton is involved with the
Hillary Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile aircraft.
Democrats are authoritarian, anti-American criminals that have failed to silence our speech.
Big Tech and the Chi-Coms and Hillary have failed to silence America's speech.
America is back!
America is back!
Hillary Clinton worked with the child molester Jeffrey Epstein!
Hillary Clinton wants to sexualize our children!
is back. America is back. Hillary Clinton worked with a child molester Jeffrey Epstein. Hillary Clinton wants to
sexualize our children. Hillary Clinton is a war criminal.
Hillary Clinton, the men in the block are going down.
Hillary Clinton is a failure.
Your Democratic Party is collapsing.
Every city you control is collapsing into hell.
Everyone is running from the Democrats and their mental illness.
Your so-called power club, the Democratic Party that founded the KKK, is going down.
The Democrats are KKK!
The Democrats are KKK!
The Democrats are KKK!
And look, they all agree to call it KKK!
Down with the KKK!
Down with the... check out this lady, I'm saying, down with the KKK!
And she says, no!
Down with the KKK and Hillary!
Down with the KKK and Hillary!
Down with the KKK and Hillary!
Down with the Democrats that founded the KKK!
Down with the Democrats that founded the KKK!
Down with the Democrats that founded the KKK!
Our very existence stands in the way of the globalist.
Our very existence, and our love of God, is the oxygen through which the universe and freedom thrives.
Consciousness, my friends, the globalists are seeking to rob us of it, but we will not allow them to do that.
We are the light in the dark of the night, and their artificial system is destined to fail, and is failing.
When we come back on this live Friday transmission, Fiona Hill committed massive perjury in Congress, and we have her by his short hairs.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Friday, November 22nd, 2019.
Only 346 days left to the 2020 elections.
2019 only three hundred and forty six days left to the two thousand and twenty elections
No amount of beautiful Italian Western
Good the bad and the ugly music can even give it the epicness of where we are on this planet today
But it does a pretty good job of attempting it [BLANK_AUDIO]
But the majesty of reality is even greater than the best art humans have to offer.
Ladies and gentlemen, This is quite a broadcast today.
The illustrative pieces of information we have are like planets aligning.
Fiona Hill [BLANK_AUDIO]
Also known as Filbert Hill.
And also known as the villain in the Shrek franchise.
I'm having a little fun here on this Friday.
For the media that's going to fact-check that, I'm not saying she's actually the character from Shrek.
That's called a joke.
They now fact-check jokes.
But everything else I'm going to cover from that point on, no, I don't believe that she's a tranny like Michelle Obama.
No, I don't believe that Philbert Hill is a character from Shrek.
But what she is, is a liar that perjured herself and her Joan of Arc haircut to the entire world yesterday while she was lying about me and you, the American people.
Oh, and I forgot somebody.
I forgot somebody.
From these arrogant, sniveling, bureaucrat class, paid for and put in power by Soros and other globalists.
She's lying about poor Roger Stone, who's done nothing but get Trump elected, nothing wrong, only good.
On that front, on that account, I'm sure he's done bad in his life, we all have.
He's facing 20 to 50 years, that's the range.
At 67 years old, for telling Congress that he did not talk directly to Julian Assange, and then he told crowds of people, he was trying to talk through intermediaries, I've talked to people that are talking to Assange.
And we're in contact with WikiLeaks.
Well, I guess I was sending emails they were ignoring, too.
I guess that's contact.
But I'm not rehashing Roger Stone here.
I'm simply pointing out that he can't respond to her, and I can respond for Roger, so I will.
They're trying to silence me, as you know.
When she gets up there and she lies, and says that Roger Stone and I concocted a criminal lie.
They say we're criminals.
Wait, I'm gonna play the clip.
From the impeachment hearings yesterday, And make up that she's a globalist, that she's a leftist, and that she's worked for George Soros.
Now, I'm going to play the clip, and then I'm going to show you evidence that is as plain as the nose on my face.
And it's this new thing they're doing where they hide things in plain view.
In fact, let's just, let me just show you this first.
It's right over here in my folder.
If you type in Fiona Hill Globalist into a search engine, I'm sure when Google sees this they'll change it and bury it.
There's a globalist think tank publication that she gets paid to work for, she's a senior writer, called, wait for it, The Globalist!
It'd be like if they said, yes, they're claiming my name is Alexander Emmerich Jones and it's preposterous lies.
My name is Alexander Emmerich Jones.
You go, but you just said your name is the exact same thing.
Well, uh, no, actually, that's anti-Semitic, so don't question me.
You know, I didn't even know that, uh, the wimpy, goofy, imperious, arrogant, snarky Lieutenant Colonel that said, I AM LIEUTENANT COLONEL VETEMAN TO YOU, YOU WILL ADDRESS ME IN MY ROYAL TITLE!
How un-American, how dangerous.
We're not North Korea.
We don't act like that towards the military.
They work for us.
We honor our military.
Our sons and daughters.
I didn't know he was Jewish.
When I think of George Soros, I think Nazi collaborator, globalist criminal.
I don't think Jewish.
I mean, the guy's an atheist.
His emails came out as he believed Israel should exist.
But again, it doesn't matter that both my grandfathers almost died fighting who Soros worked for.
By alchemy, I am now the Nazi.
So is Stephen Miller.
So is Michelle Malkin.
She's got a far more job as a Nazi.
She's married to a Jew in pro-Israel.
You're like, that doesn't make sense.
Well, I mean, saying I work, I'm a senior writer and I'm paid to work at the Globalist publication that is a think tank dedicated to global governance.
Go to their website.
She's dedicated to global governance and world government and is trying to strategize about how to manage global government.
She left the Brookings Institute and the National Security Council had that up.
She also was a founding member when they renamed the Open Society Foundation and directed it for George Soros in the restructuring.
That's on her Wikipedia, by the way, with entries by the State Department for her.
So her people say she helped reorganize George Soros' main global foundation that controls it all.
And she heads up, as a major writer, The Globalist.
You can go there right now.
And now she's all up there on TV.
Well, we're going to play it when we come back from break.
She's up there and she's got her hair cut now to look like Prince Valiant or the bad guy from Trek.
She's up there in her fancy pants, English accent, so we have to listen to her because it adds at least 5,000 IQ points.
So IQ isn't 70 anymore, reading off a script.
No, no, it's 5,070.
And then she explains to us about the anti-Semite Alex Jones and the preposterousness that She works with Soros and even... it's preposterous!
She's only headed up the reorganization of his main Open Society Foundation that runs hundreds of subgroups and major foreign ministries across the planet as well as the State Department and the attache.
Well, she gets up there, sworn on to Earth, and says, George Soros?
I've never heard of him!
Even though we have video and photos of him, with him, chairing events!
She doesn't just work for George Soros.
He didn't just pluck her out of college and bring her to America to show us Americans how to get with the globalist program.
She doesn't just a senior writer at theglobalist.com, teaching us about our world government.
She gets up there in front of Congress and announces George Soros' will.
Oh, the Alex Jones, Roger Stone, criminals, arrest them, anti-Semite.
They have made up an imagination that George Soros wants world government, that she works with him, that they're undermining Trump.
It's preposterous!
They're all just bragging how they're going to have a coup and remove him.
When the lawyer for the fake whistleblower isn't praising pedophiles, you know, they're busy beavering away to get rid of our free speech.
I mean, she's committed a major... Oh, sorry, I shouldn't talk like a Texan.
Let me go back.
Oh, yes, I'm smarter now.
She has committed a great crime in front of Congress, lying openly a thousand times the supposed Bending, if you believe the worst scenario, of Stone to make it look like he might be able to speak to Assange's toenail occasionally when the moon is in proper gesticulation.
Oh, I'm singing in an English accent!
Oh, I'm so smart!
But seriously, the massive crime.
She committed a massive crime.
Literally, she could have squatted and pissed on the Constitution on the table.
And she's talking about Roger Stemm, the criminal, while she's committing the real perjury in front of everybody.
Just like Joe Biden committed the big crime.
I told that son of a bitch, you fire him in a couple hours, you don't get a billion bucks.
They fired that piece of garbage at the CFR.
He got these Americans right where we want them.
So when we come back, we're going to show you this lying, stinking Soros warts operations, and I want her ass indicted.
I want her indicted for perjury today!
Indict that whore!
It's Friday, November 22, 2019.
Just 346 days left to the election.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com are the places that Fiona Hill and other deep state rogue government operatives that believe they own and run this country and who brag that they're the deep state and don't care who you elect, they're going to keep running stuff.
They say they want us taken off the air.
They want us arrested.
And they've been doing it.
So we're going to go to that here in just a moment.
But there she is on her think tank website, The Globalist.
Telling you how she wants world government, works for George Soros.
And we're going to get something really, really important here.
Her testimony, her incredible perjury here in a moment.
But she goes in, in this whole scripted deal, because they already had multiple show trial hearings in secret over the last month.
And so now they have these.
So she's done this in front of the same people over and over again.
They just add little pieces to it as they go.
And he goes, tell me, is this Anti-Semitism?
Speaking out against world government and saying you've ever worked for Soros?
And she says, it's funny, I was just thinking that.
We didn't script this or anything.
Everything she says is a lie.
Yes, it's Nazis running it all.
It's the Learned Elders of Zion.
The main funder, other than Soros, of the foundation she works at, Brookings, and even Soros' foundation that she headed up a major division of, we're going to show you here from her own bio.
Imagine it's on your own bio.
It's like, Alex Jones.
They say you've been a talk show host 25 years.
That's insane.
I've never had a show.
We're like, but you've publicly had one.
Haven't had it.
It's like South Dakota.
Meth, we're on it.
Sounds like you're saying you're on meth.
No, it doesn't.
By the way, CBS News is saying, they're not saying they're teaching children how to masturbate, which is pedophilic.
It's other adults that aren't parents showing their child how to masturbate.
I mean, what the hell are parents doing that?
It's pedophilic, pervert behavior.
They'll figure it out for themselves.
But again, it's just like we're going to, in school, touch your children's genitals, actually.
Reach down and help them, like Jocelyn Elder said back in the mid-1990s.
Sounded kooky then, but it's always been the agenda for them to put their hands on the little peepees and wee-wees of the boys and girls.
Because that's who these folks are.
Anyways, let me just get back to this.
Fiona Hill.
Has worked for the Brookings Institution, which takes massive amounts of money from the Ford Foundation, funded by Henry Ford.
Henry Ford printed and disseminated 500,000 copies of the Protocol of the Elders of Zion in the 1920s and on.
It's not just hypocritical, as Tash- Rahim Kassam says of Human Events, smart guy, because we aren't anti-Jew.
It has nothing to do with Jews if we say Vitamin's a liar and Soros is evil.
But they just put that out there.
And you hear the congressman when he brings this up, he's just dripping with enjoyment like he's gonna release some secret mega weapon that no one's ever heard of.
She's a globalist.
She's a Soros mole.
And if we start taking them out of the State Department, out of the government, about half of them are.
They brag they are.
Soros brags he helped overthrow Ukraine a few years ago with his moles in the State Department.
Taxpayer money is then funneled to all these think tanks and groups out of the State Department.
They're making money off of it and building world government for corporate interests in the Chai Comps.
See how that works?
Thank you so much for coming in and thank you for your service.
Dr. Hill, you stated in your deposition you've been accused of being a mole for George Soros in the White House, correct?
That's correct.
perjuring herself to the world.
Here is the hearings yesterday.
Thank you so much for coming in and thank you for your service.
Dr. Hill, you stated in your deposition you've been accused of being a mole
for George Soros in the White House, correct?
That's correct.
You said in your deposition specifically a conspiracy was launched against you
by convicted felon Roger Stone on the show "Info Wars" led by Alex Jones, right?
I don't think it was a convicted felon at the time that he launched this, so I didn't use those exact words.
But it was indeed Roger Stone and Alex Jones on InfoWars in 2017.
And in fact, just more recently, before Mr. Stone endured his trial, they were at it again, reprising the same InfoWars video and adding embellishments.
And they said, I'll quote what they said about you, We here at InfoWars, this is Roger Stone speaking, first identified Fiona Hill, the globalist leftist George Soros insider who had infiltrated McMaster's staff.
You said that on May 31st, 2017.
I presume you're not a globalist leftist Soros insider, correct?
I think my coal mining family would be very surprised to hear all of these things about me.
I agree.
Actually, leftists, perhaps not so much, but, you know, anyway, the left in Europe is a bit different from the left here, let's put it that way.
I agree.
Alright, hit pause.
So, she's up there saying, and it goes on, not a globalist, nothing to do with Soros, it's all made up by these criminals.
And they just go on and on and on when she is a chief operative and headed up his most powerful foundation, a major directorate.
It's like saying Joseph Goebbels wasn't a Nazi.
Or Babe Ruth wasn't a Yankee.
Or Roger Staubach wasn't a Dallas Cowboy.
Or Ronald Reagan wasn't a Republican.
Or George Washington wasn't an American.
Oh, other embellishments like your own bio?
Other embellishments that you came in there and McMaster shot his mouth off and Soros had all the intel and packed the White House with Soros operatives and we exposed it.
So we got demonized and sued and attacked because we're loyal Americans and we're not going to live under you dirty, arrogant bureaucrats like Vittiman.
It's Colonel Vittiman to you, Lieutenant Colonel, I'm in control!
These people couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag and they've been in power.
They took it over by secret.
It's illegal.
They weren't elected.
And now they know you're awake.
Now they know you're aware of what's going on, they're scared.
We're going to come back and play the rest of it.
Because this isn't about Alex Jones, it's bigger than Roger Stone, it's about the permanent bureaucracy that hates America, that's selling us out to foreign interests.
It'd be one thing to have a permanent bureaucracy that made some money on the side, that's bad.
Because it leads to this totally corrupt bureaucracy that is selling us off and has disdain for us and its religion is America was never great, it'll never be great.
Borders shouldn't exist, the family's bad, and about half of them are pedophiles.
And you're seeing that now, like this lawyer says he likes kids, and that lawyer wants kids, and this person's getting busted, and that person, and why is it always Egyptian temples?
Because they're re...
Playing sex magic garbage, folks.
That's all that stuff is.
Aleister Crowley resurrected a bunch of Egyptian sex magic.
And they get a lot of people into it to have orgies.
And then it gets just worse from there, okay?
So, that's all it is!
You're like, why are they devil worshippers?
Because it's the club.
It's the induction.
And when you take drugs and have orgies and stuff, and then screw little kids, and then kill little kids and stuff, you'll do anything you're told and you'll get so whacked out, ladies and gentlemen, you'll do anything from there.
It's mind control.
We call intelligence agencies intelligence agencies.
They came out of secret societies.
And you think of modern mind control, it all, the best stuff is just ancient torture and ancient satanism because it was designed for that.
If you can get people to rape and strangle and cut little kids' heads off while they beg for mommy, you'll do anything!
These people are a bunch of devil-worshipping trash.
And the world's waking up to that.
We have a satanic, pedophile cult setting up a world government.
Stay with us.
We're gonna stop them.
We're the real deal, ladies and gentlemen.
All of us on this planet are sentient human beings living on this amazing planet hurtling
through this incredible reality, this universe.
And the controllers are seeking and doing everything they can to keep us in the dark
and to lie to us.
We have a special report that Gregory's put together on Fiona Hill.
Who I called a whore as we went to break a segment before last.
And I want to apologize, not to Fiona Hill, but to prostitutes who are, in a lot of cases, you know, good, hard-working people.
I'm not really condoning what's going on.
I'm just saying there's a lot of people, you know, putting food on the table.
I'm in a globalist whore of sorrows.
A trafficker in evil.
She's far worse than the worst streetwalker.
When it comes to selling this country out, she whores herself out, she whores the world out.
But she's not an American, so what do you expect?
Her system is about destroying nation-states, tearing cultures apart, and putting it back together in people like Soros's architecture.
So, I'm going to do this report, but it's stunning that Roger Stone is convicted by a kangaroo court, being railroaded, By the swamp for telling Congress he'd not talk to Julian Assange.
Julian Assange would not give us the time of day, would not give Roger the time of day.
But Roger was smart.
He called a bunch of journalists that were talking to him like everybody was doing.
He was going on a lot of shows then, remember?
Before he got barred from it.
Helping defeat Hillary was the last straw.
They cut his media off, remember?
A few journalists could get in and write stuff down, but no more live interviews?
And that's all public.
Everybody knows exactly what happened.
This was all out in the open.
But it isn't about Roger.
It's bigger than that.
And I just keep going back to that because she's up there and they're like, they say you're a globalist.
They say you work with Soros.
Yeah, it's not true.
It's insane.
And then she works for a publication called The Globalist.
And she's headed up one of his most, if not most, powerful foundation.
I mean, it's all public.
It'd be like if they said, if Obama was testifying, Former President Obama, they say you're a reddish Democrat.
That's absolutely ridiculous.
Obama, they say, they say your father was black.
He's like, nope, not true either.
My father was Russian.
Thank you.
I'm glad you cleared that up for us.
They say milk's white, Obama.
Nope, it's purple.
We know that.
I was walking on a golf course near my house this morning.
He got stopped twice.
One by somebody walking and another by a greenskeeper.
Name Robert.
Hi, Robert.
And he's like, man, I saw you on the impeachments yesterday.
You know, saying that lady works for Soros.
And he's all like, wow.
He goes, does she?
You're not lying, are you?
I'm a listener.
I'm like, no.
And I pulled my phone out.
I said, watch this.
And I typed it in to Google.
Now, they're going to change it right now.
They're watching literally in lifetime.
They're doing everything.
Once people see it, it's trending.
But you can still find it on Bing or Dogpile or Startpage.
You type in Fiona Hill Globalist and you'll have all the publications.
Now she's calling for it.
Articles she wrote, global governance, world government, get rid of nations.
She writes for a publication called The Globalist.
The guy goes, well, that's amazing.
I said, I gotta go, buddy.
But that little... I talked to him, showed him that, everything, in about a minute, maybe 70 seconds.
I was looking at my watch.
70 seconds.
And that guy basically had tears in his eyes.
He was just like... Because he was just seeing that they're criminals!
I mean, my God!
If you're watching on TV and I go, this background today is not orange, and the background is orange, you're going, but the background's orange.
Well, if you tell me that background's orange, I'm going to call you an anti-Semite.
We're going to play Gregory's Report next segment.
It's really good on this and it goes over all concisely.
It's going to post it to Infowars.com and we should call it, you know, proof.
Shocking video.
Fiona Hill commits perjury.
Fiona Hill commits massive perjury before Congress.
That's really it.
Fiona Hill commits massive perjury.
Because it goes on.
I haven't gotten to even a third of it yet.
Lie after lie after lie after lie.
And Roger Stone is convicted For saying I've not been in contact with Julian Assange.
But you say you've been talking to Wikileaks.
Well, yeah, I've tried to talk to him.
Wikileaks is a big organization.
See, he's going to prison, probably.
He has people calling for his death.
I walked down the street with him years ago here in Austin.
People say, you're going to be in effing prison soon, and you're going to get in there too, Jones.
And when I go out to events, Democrats go, why aren't you in effing prison yet?
Even though their Russian thing is totally disproven, they get to call me a Russian, and so now I deserve to be in prison, because I'm an evil Russian agent.
Or they get to call me a Nazi.
And you know what we did to the Nazis, right?
We dropped bombs on them.
And that's the little middle game, so these people can act like crooks.
And they get into the whole anti-Semite thing.
If you criticize that weasel, Wittemann, well, you're anti-Semitic.
I didn't even know Wittemann was a Jewish name.
But they're the ones bringing out the anti-Semitism, making it all about Jews, and then hiding behind it.
And then she works for the Ford Foundation.
I mean, direct money from that goes to her.
And that's the most famous American Nazi organization there is.
It's incredible.
We're going to go to break and come back with all of this because it's about perjury.
It's about lies.
It's about hiding in plain view.
And it's about what a joke this permanent bureaucracy is that thinks it owns you and your family.
Now, we've got some big, exciting sales because we're going to the heart of Black Friday right now.
We have some really massive sales, unprecedented sales.
Going in to Black Friday week, and this can only last through next week because a lot of the items have sold out.
Others have come back in.
Others are coming back in.
Some won't be back in until next year.
Black Friday sales are here, 50% off.
Free shipping and triple Patriot points.
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Double Patriot points is 10% off.
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We sell the most, I guess, toothpaste total, but that's not a supplement.
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Silver Bullet, we normally do this once a year.
Colloidal Silver, $9.95, that's 67% off.
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So, silver bullet, colloidal silver, 67% off, $9.95.
Stock up on that.
Vazzo Beats, back in stock, being sold out for a month, 50% off.
Ultra 12, back in stock, 50% off.
Krill Oil, back in stock as a result for months, 50% off.
This is back in stock.
Super Silver Skin Creams, back in stock, 25% off.
Pollen Block, amazing, 50% off, back in stock.
Super Silver Whitening Toothpaste, introductory, 25% off.
Super Female Vitality, at cost, We are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host Alex Jones.
and it just goes on from there. Thank you all for your support, your support
yourself though and getting great products. So take action and do your
Black Friday shopping with us. We are back live rug testing worldwide. I am
your host Alex Jones. If you're a TV viewer I'd like to direct you to the screen.
Radio listeners, everybody else, please go to infowars.com A very important article written by Paul Joseph Watson.
There it is from News Wars.
Great place to share it.
It's from News Wars.
That won't get censored as much.
You can get it out there.
Fiona Hill calls globalist description anti-Semitic.
Despite writing for media outlet called The Globalist and being on the CFR, the preeminent globalist organization worldwide, and heading up the most powerful George Soros Directorate as major foundation on global governance and open society.
You cannot make that up.
That's like saying a Labrador retriever that's a black Labrador retriever is not a black Labrador retriever.
It's like saying That water isn't wet.
I mean, it's just the most bonafide, in-your-face lies.
And then we're all criminals, and we're all anti-Semitic, and all this craziness.
No one's thinking about Jews when you talk about George Soros.
Only thing he knows about Jews is killing them.
Help round up Jews.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
Or that that little vitamin creature is Jewish.
I didn't even think of that.
Doesn't even fit like an archetypal, you know, anti-semitic trope about Jews or something.
Just looks like a child molester to me.
I mean, I'm not saying he's a child molester.
I'm saying he looks.
If I was a Hollywood director and I was going to cast somebody, I'd cast him as a sniveling rat, mole-lying piece of crap.
Like, you didn't pop into my head, but don't worry, they're gonna tell you every time you don't want corruption or globalism or New World Order or somebody trying to teach your kids, you know, how to be raped.
That's in the news, CBS News, teaching kids how to be abused by pedophiles now, literally.
Teaching them to let adults touch their genitals, that's mainstream news.
I'm gonna show you video on CBS as they, CBS goes and tells elementary school students, kindergartners, how to play with their genitals.
They're coming for everything.
So, they want total power.
They get their hands on your kids' genitals.
You're going to put up with anything else.
You want to put your hands on my kids?
I'm going to fight you.
You want to touch their genitals?
I'm going to kill you.
Let's see if they can teach you to just sit there and take it.
It's sheep training.
Now we're going to come in and we're going to touch your daughter's genitals, okay?
We're not a doctor.
We just want to touch them and teach them about sex.
Okay, you're liberal.
That's right, I'm liberal.
Don't let me call you anti-Semitic.
Oh yes, oh, don't call me that.
What does that have to do with any of it?
It doesn't.
You know we fought Hitler?
Well, you're him if you don't bout us.
So let's go to Greg Reese's report.
Here it is.
Dr. Hill, you stated in your deposition you've been accused of being a mole for George Soros in the White House, correct?
That's correct.
During their failing attempts to impeach the president for something, Democrat Representative Raja Krishnamurti and Fiona Hill took an opportunity to claim that InfoWars and anyone else who criticizes George Soros is anti-Semitic.
But first, they shared a strange moment of celebration for the conviction of Roger Stone.
You said in your deposition Specifically, a conspiracy was launched against you by convicted felon Roger Stone on the show Info Wars, led by Alex Jones, right?
I don't think it was a convicted felon at the time that he launched this, so I didn't use those exact words.
After their little joke, Fiona Hill brings up the time she was exposed on InfoWars in 2017.
But it was indeed Roger Stone and Alex Jones on InfoWars in 2017.
George Soros has penetrated the Trump White House.
Soros has planted a mole infiltrating the national security apparatus.
A woman named Fiona Hill, who has a Harvard background, has been on the Soros payroll and the payroll of the Open Society Institute.
Fiona Hill served as an advisory board member for the Open Society's Institute, an organization created by investor George Soros.
But rather than address her Soros affiliations, Hill called it a conspiracy theory and proudly defended the Soros name.
Interestingly, you stated in your deposition that a similar conspiracy theory had actually been launched against Marie Yovanovitch.
That's correct.
And you said specifically, when I saw this happening to Ambassador Yovanovitch, again, I was furious because this is, again, just this whipping up of what is frankly an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory about George Soros to basically target non-partisan career officials.
Isn't that what you said?
I did say that, yes.
Democrat witness Alexander Vindman was asked if his attitude towards the Ukrainian government might have been influenced in some way by the fact that he was born in the Ukraine.
Without any reasonable explanation, this was considered to be anti-Semitic and racist.
And I'm sure you've been watching with concern what's happened to other non-partisan career officials.
We had Lieutenant Colonel Alex Vindman, an American immigrant, questioned for his criticism of the president in a very unfair way.
You know, basically questioning his loyalty to the country.
I believe that he's also of Ukrainian Jewish descent.
Would you say that these different theories, these conspiracy theories that have been targeting you, spun in part by folks like Mr. Stone, as well as fueled by Rudy Giuliani and others, basically have a tinge of anti-Semitism to them at least?
Well, so do when they involve George Soros, they do.
Well, so do when they involve George Soros, they do.
She then went on to bring up The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a book the Nazis used as propaganda against the Jews, and suggested that any criticism of George Soros is the same.
I'd just like to point out that in the early 1900s, the Tsarist secret police produced something called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which actually you can still obtain on the internet, and you can buy it actually sometimes in bookshops in Russia and elsewhere.
This is the longest-running anti-Semitic trope that we have in history.
And the trope against Mr. Soros, George Soros, was also created for political purposes.
And this is the new Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours, who swore that you were his adopted godson.
Yes, yes.
Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from the Jews.
That's right.
Was it difficult?
Not at all.
No problem at all.
No feeling of guilt?
It was actually probably the happiest year of my life.
That year of German occupation.
For me, it was a very positive experience.
It's a very happy-making, exhilarating experience.
He gets to say on NPR and 60 Minutes that it was really fun rounding up Jews.
Best time of his life.
When again, I almost don't exist.
Both my grandfathers almost died in World War II.
My grandfather's crew, when he didn't go up, two stories, once he had burned retinas and couldn't go up.
The other time they strafed their base in North Africa, it was early in the war, and he was injured.
And then the other captain went up and the plane blew up over Italy.
We didn't know that until he died.
We dug through stuff.
He was like, well, I did some flying.
Then I was a cook in the army after that, because you only flew your 21 missions or 22 missions.
And he did the 22 and was done and went into Italy.
Because at that time, early in the war, 55% of the planes Never came back in many of the missions, and on average, you had as good a chance of dying doing 22 missions as you did of surviving the 22 missions.
I mean, it was just swarms of German planes at that point.
I mean, you're talking hundreds of Messerschmitts flying at those Liberator planes, those B-17s.
Just hundreds, hundreds coming at you.
It doesn't matter, though, because George Soros helped round up Jews, so I gotta go, oh, I love you, ADL, oh, I love you, I love you, Hollywood, oh, I love you, I love you.
Thank you, George Soros.
And your son is all over the internet at Aleister Crowley Rituals?
Where they have the sacrifice people on tables behind them with daggers, and he's just smiling, going, F you America!
Oh, please don't call me anti-Semitic, you devil worshipper!
Oh, I'm so scared of you!
Finance your lawsuits, finance your attacks, do whatever you want, I don't care!
You're going to hell, and everybody knows it!
And it's just, I haven't even played all of it.
I mean, they just attack me, they attack Stone, they attack him for wars, they... They just say that we just made it all up, that she's a globalist, that she ever worked for Soros, when she was on the board of directors of his key core group!
I mean, it's like saying, Emperor Palpatine doesn't work for the Empire in Star Wars.
He is the Empire.
I am the Senate.
No, no, no, you will die!
You will now experience the full power of this fully operational battle station.
Fire at will, Commander!
Hour number two straight ahead.
Alright, I'm gonna open the phones up and we have several guests in the third hour and I've got a ton of news we haven't even hit yet.
So much of it.
It's all coming up.
CBS News is promoting pedophilia now.
They themselves.
We've just got so much to go over.
And of course, you've seen them in the fake kangaroo impeachment hearings with Fiona Hill all scripted, saying she doesn't work with Soros, isn't a globalist.
This is next level perjury, ladies and gentlemen.
But I want us to remember that according to their perjury scale, this is an infinity and Rogers at a point zero.
OK, so let's go to that report.
Free Roger Stone.
Did he tell you to contact, in the Trump campaign, to contact WikiLeaks?
Uh, no.
I've addressed that before.
That is incorrect.
The question is, did you in any way work with the Russians to help President Trump?
Categorically, categorically not.
No, absolutely not.
And as you can see there on the verdict sheet, the jury was asked to consider seven felony counts against Mr. Stone.
Their decision on those counts was guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty, guilty.
And in some ways, this verdict, it's sort of tempting to see it as yet another Trump campaign figure going to prison.
Or at least awaiting, at least another one of them awaiting sentencing after being convicted or pleading guilty of felony charges.
I mean, there's a lot of them now, right?
The judge, we've confirmed, has allowed Antifa operatives, that's who works for Soros, to have wireless mics in the courtroom transmitting out They allow protesters against Stone, but no one who's pro-Stone, on the grounds.
They gave power to right-wing watch that owns a big inflatable rat.
The courthouse plugged it in and has it right there at the entrance.
There has never been a railroading like this.
And remember, we exposed that there was a juror, it was a high-level Obama official, we got the name right.
And her husband was on the Miller probe.
When we exposed it, they called for our arrest.
It was totally legal what we did.
But the judge removed her off of the jury.
But again, they allowed people when Roger would walk in every day to hold up lock him up signs and throw little plastic Russian flags at him.
This is the show trial, ladies and gentlemen, and this is the model of what they want nationwide.
Stone obstructed a congressional investigation into Russian election interference because the truth would have looked bad for the president.
Stone is now the sixth Trump associate who's either pleaded guilty or been convicted in connection to the Mueller-Russia investigation.
The list includes Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, his former personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, both gentlemen spending another Friday night in prison.
Let's not forget the president's former national security advisor, Mike Flynn.
Remember, this is Brian Williams.
And we know who's on that jury.
CIA operatives, Democrat Party operatives, people that work for Clinton, Obama, high level.
Not just this one woman.
The first that it came out in that hearing was selected as the first juror.
The judge was telling everybody, you don't talk about who these people are.
Just like you don't talk about who the whistleblower is, Eric Sierra Mala, so that you wouldn't find out he was a political operative involved with Hunter Biden and Joe Biden.
So that's where we are, ladies and gentlemen.
This is the tyranny and this is a warm-up for President Trump.
Gordon Sondland better sit up and take note of what happened today to Roger Stone on the witness tampering front and when he raises his right hand and he swears to Congress to tell the truth he had better not play any games because you know When you look at what has happened today alone on the witness tampering front, you've got President Trump sending out that tweet, that defamatory, threatening tweet to Ambassador Yovanovitch, as your previous guest, Professor Lawrence Tribe said, that sort of fits the bill for witness intimidation.
President Trump hasn't gotten Assange out of jail.
He could when he told Assange to release the WikiLeaks.
That's a big black mark on the president.
And if he doesn't, pardon Roger Stone.
Well then, I mean, I got to tell you, No matter how many good things Trump does, doing this to Assange and letting Stone hang out to dry if he does this, I just don't know what I'm going to do.
We need to call the White House right now!
202-456-1414 and tell President Trump to pardon him.
Don't let them get their hands on him.
They'll put him in solitary confinement.
God knows what they'll do to his food.
These people mean business and they mean to kill him.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stand for the First Amendment.
Stand for truth.
346 days left.
That's how long we have until this referendum on nationalism and freedom versus globalism.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're now well into hour number two on this live, original, unscripted, teleprompter-free, worldwide transmission.
November 22nd, 2019.
Thanks for joining us here on this Friday and throughout rebroadcast on radio and TV stations across the country.
President Trump has done it!
This is what we need to see more of.
This is the old Trump.
There it is.
Implicates him.
The warrant scandal, the fake warrants, the FISA garbage, the upcoming report that they've given a date for finally, months late, of the Inspector General report on the crimes committed in Russiagate by the Deep State to discredit an election and overturn an election.
That's called an illegal coup d'etat, which is French for coup d'etat.
I wrote that joke, that's not from the movie Hop.
Fact-checkers, that's called a joke.
For the left that doesn't get jokes, that's, you know, they now fact-check comedians.
That's a joke.
It's called a coup d'etat, which is French for coup d'etat.
I'm gonna stop right there.
I told you I gotta start going back to having fun on the show or I'm gonna go crazy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
And I work all the time, so I better start putting the fun back in.
Can we pull up the gingerbread man being tortured by Fiona Hill, please?
We're gonna get to that in a few minutes.
But let's get back to this.
This is serious.
Newswars.com, Infowars.com article.
Trump takes off the gloves.
Trump fingers the King Daddy, Obama, who's still running things against him behind the scenes.
That's why he's kept his head down, hoping Trump's stupid and doesn't know that.
Obama's even more powerful than Hillary, but they're both are still kind of co-heads of the Democratic Party.
Warrant scandal went to the top.
They were spying on my campaign and it went up to the top.
Everybody knows it.
The knowledge that FBI official Altered a document which led to the surveillance of the Trump campaign went all the way to the top of the Obama administration, President Trump said on Friday.
In particular, the document alteration led to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court granting a warrant to spy on campaign aide Carter Page.
They were spying on my campaign.
It went up to the top and everybody knows it.
And now we're going to find out.
Trump said during an interview with Fox & Friends, this was spying on my campaign, something that has never been done before in the history of our country.
I disagree with that.
These agencies spy on everybody, but just to try to help the globalists, they're usually spying on whoever they want to win, so they can ingratiate themselves.
And of course, it came out the CIA was illegally spying on Republicans and Democrats when there was oversight hearings a decade ago.
It's all illegal, it's all out of control, but it was intense.
It was the most intense in history and the most criminal because they lied to get the fake warrants to parallel construct the illegal investigation they were already doing.
That's the easiest crimes to convict on.
In fact, it's open and shut.
That's why William Binney, two years ago, calls up and he goes, hey, everybody's talking about wanting to see proof of them illegally spying.
It's in the Inspector General's report on the FISA court.
Issued by the Inspector General of the Courts.
And in it, it said they were brought forward for fake warrants that the courts had looked back on.
So they told the executive, and the head of the NSA, went and warned Trump when he was President-elect, remember, at Trump Tower.
So that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's incredibly, incredibly important.
You can see the video of the President breaking all that down.
The president implicating directly Obama and the deep state illegally spying on his campaign and trying to overthrow that election.
That is a criminal action, not just that violates federal law, but violates every American's right to elect a president.
That's something they're trying to steal from you and put you into a bureaucratic dictatorship that this deep state For decades denying its existence, now they're on national TV on C-SPAN.
Thank God for the deep state.
Paul Krugman of the New York Times has come out and said, oh thank God there's a deep state there that doesn't care who's in office and will do what's right, meaning ignoring the will of the people and common sense and selling the nation out.
Absolutely insane.
Now I intend to give the number out.
I intend to take your calls on the impeachment hearing fiascos.
On where the globalists are going on where all of this is unfolding.
The toll-free number is 877-789-ALEX.
And let's give first-time callers a chance again today.
First-time callers on this Friday, 877-789-2539.
Let's give first time callers a chance again today.
First time callers on this Friday, 877-789-2539.
Now, we're going to go to break in a few minutes and I'm going to come back and get into the
worst case of sexualization of children and open pedophile pushing we've seen so far.
When you understand why it's key and how it's the final bridge towards their end game goal.
Getting their hands on your children's bodies, their private parts.
That's the brass ring.
That's the prize.
That's the ruby in the head of the idol.
That's their Valhalla.
It's their jackpot.
It's what their heat-seeking missiles Coming right for your children.
And when you understand what makes them tick, then everything makes sense.
Oh, devil worshippers!
Oh, pedophiles!
Whether it's biological, whether it's spiritual, which is really just electrochemical transmissions.
It's just what a spirit is.
See, all the science is now merging with what everybody knew in ancient times.
They didn't know how to quantify it.
They just knew what it was.
Well, now we know.
It's a giant alien invasion.
Christians would call it demons.
And they're not very friendly.
They're not very nice.
Because they're not an advanced species.
They're just very old and twisted and hateful and like to eat us and tear us up and destroy us.
And they can only do it through our bodies.
They're not in this dimension.
So, and you know, they're here and they're hunting your kids.
That's their favorite.
And you know, I like veal.
So, you know, from their perspective, People say that's mean to, you know, eat dead baby cows.
Well, they don't really feel much when they get that gas bolt slamming their brains out.
A lot of folks will get mad at me for that, but I'm just being honest about it.
Maybe if cows had consciousness as much as I do, or stood up for themselves and weren't prey animals, they'd be pissed that I eat their babies.
I don't have sex with them, I'd be perverted.
But I, I, I eat baby cows.
Well, these things spiritually want to eat your children's souls.
It's the most delicious, the freshest, the newest for them.
And if they can terrorize them and enslave them, and then they can try to trick them into joining evil is really one of the plans.
So they get that essence forever with them down in that spider hole, you see.
So yeah, it's kind of inhumane that I'm trying to be more and more of a person that has even more empathy because you can have empathy for a cow you're eating.
You're going to have even more for humans.
I don't want to be callous.
I don't like hurting animals.
I'm just telling you that I've abused a hell of a lot of cows eating them.
But I don't have a flavor for your children.
It's a flavor thing.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, if you were wondering if the Attorney General, Mr. Barr, is a good guy, hopefully we're going to find out and see what's in this Inspector General report and see if he's going to take action.
He's done a lot of good things.
And he's talked about the deep state being criminal.
And he has spurred criminal investigations and admitted they're criminal investigations and said the deep state is out of control and needs to be stopped.
Rhetorically, that's really good.
But I want to see action, Jackson.
But something like this, this is not good, my friends.
No, this is William Barr.
Epstein's death was a perfect storm of screw-ups.
And he thinks the investigation will show that he really hung himself.
Now that's not as big a lie as Fiona Hill saying she never worked for Soros when she headed up one of his major foundations, The Most Powerful, or that, remember, remember the Big Whopper, that she wasn't a globalist when she writes for The Globalist, but it still is ridiculous and no one's going to buy it.
But, the great thing is you can trigger Lib Tards and others with a Jeffrey Epstein shirt, and we've got it in, ladies and gentlemen, in time for you to get it well before Christmas.
If you get it today, it'll ship out to you next week.
It's a nice green, long-sleeved shirt, white in the middle, very, very comfortable.
And then, it's got Christmas tree lights wrapped around its neck, and it said, Jeffrey Epstein is like Christmas lights, ladies and gentlemen.
That's right.
Christmas lights are a lot like Jeffrey Epstein.
These things don't hang themselves.
And the leftists know they're a pedophilic system.
Even the ones that aren't involved in it.
And it really just is the check made on them.
This is the ultimate shirt to get the word out.
It's a collector's edition.
We're only putting it out for 2019.
We've printed limited editions.
And the 18-wheeler arrived today.
Only got, what, 2,000 of them?
So if you want yours, get them right now and fund the InfoWar.
This is the ultimate Christmas sweater.
I don't want to say it's ugly though.
That's all fun to have ugly shirts.
I think it's really excellent looking other than him being ugly.
Some of them want to empower you and themselves and go beyond the stars.
Some of them want to seek God's countenance and face.
Some of them.
Understand there's unlimited mystery and destiny and beauty and will.
And justice.
But before humans can ascend to the next level, we have to be put through a test of what would we do with power?
Would we be lazy?
Would we be evil?
Would we be controlling?
Or would we be empowering?
Would we be able to have justice?
will we be able to have discernment?
The eye has not seen, the ear has not heard.
You think there's nothing new in the universe?
Think again.
There's nothing new on this plane, but different combinations of the same thing.
But right beyond this plane, right beyond visual sight, are the upper levels of this cathedral-like system that God's built.
But below this dimension is everything counterproductive to the justice and the logic and the will of the Master Creator.
You know, they say in the Masonic Order, and then people twist it and say they're saying that's the devil.
Well, the devil says that's the devil being a counterfeit, which the devil does, that God is known as the Grand Architect.
And that is what this is.
This is a grand architecture that continues to permeate throughout itself.
It is not a big bang, a singular compaction of matter from nothing exploding out, ever expanding into nothingness.
That is only one spark creating platforms through which third dimensional life can be arranged Developed, germinated, and launched.
But from the jump points, third dimension, look at this beautiful jump point.
We were given all this amazing life and these incredible oceans and just all the beautiful heavens around us.
That's a happy little nest, a beautiful little lily pad.
But there's a lot of stuff in this world.
We're a little beady larva swimming around in a raindrop on a lily pad.
And along comes...
Along comes the parasite.
All right.
I need to take calls.
I need to cover news.
I need to go through all of it.
There is so much.
By the way, I said this on short notice right before the show, and I know she's producing a couple of shows.
Are we going to get Savannah Hernandez on?
We are.
Okay, good.
She's going to join us at the start of the next hour.
And then we're going to also have another reporter on who's going to premiere Some footage that nobody's seen yet that we're going to post at InfoWars.com, I believe.
I know he sent it to me this morning.
Probably need to relay that to you guys to get it posted.
The Proud Boys doing some activism in New York that's very peaceful but also very thought-provoking and successful.
Trolling, credo.
You know him as the CNN host that tells you it's illegal for you to read WikiLeaks, but that he can.
It's illegal for me to say who the whistleblower is, but he can because he's Fredo Corleone.
So, we're going to have some proud boys from New York on with Jacob Ingalls, who writes for Gateway Pundit and many other publications.
So that's all coming up, but I do want to run through a lot of your calls, but let me just tell you some of the other news we've got up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and I'm going to try to get to at least some smaller clips while Savannah's on with me, and that's Kaitlyn Bennett that Turning Point USA is saying is bad now.
She's totally sweet, totally nice, loves everybody.
But if she's not run by them, she's a Nazi.
Oh, there's a new video.
College students think women can have male genitalia.
You talk about 1984, man.
They know they're just supposed to say it, so they do.
I think they're powerful going along with it.
That's all coming up.
And you go, well that's insane.
No, it's a cult.
It's designed.
We're in the U.S.
and the U.K.
Nurses have been reprimanded or fired when a man comes in and says, do a pap smear.
It's a form of activism.
In the case of England, the guy had big muscles, beard, everything.
And the nurse is like, sir, you have genitals.
It's ma'am!
Now, check my cervix.
He's supposed to, actually he has a cervix.
And the hospital wants to guard that mental illness and encourage it to cause a general insanity, to reward insanity, and reward all of us bowing to the insanity and doing what they say.
That's why they run ads like, South Dakota, meth, we're on it.
And then images of football coaches and cowboys saying, meth, I'm on it.
In any communication, that means they're on meth.
They mean, no, no, we mean we're on it, like we're gonna do something to stop it.
No, it's a PSYOP, ladies and gentlemen, they're at war With common sense, so that you see so much discordia.
That's really the definition of evil, is discordance.
It doesn't work.
This system can only infest something that's already good and built, and then screw it up and deform it.
It never builds something better.
It can only tear something down and twist it and put an eyeball in the wrong spot and a tentacle over here.
And then they call it their beautiful creations.
That's why in all the movies and literature, you know, the crazy mad scientist is the villain and he's, you know, kidnapping beautiful women and, you know, putting two heads on one woman.
You know, where'd they get this idea in Hollywood?
They got it from Joseph Mengele and people.
And the more I've learned about history and stuff, everything I end up seeing in Hollywood is some twisted version of what they're doing.
That's why they have all these movies where you just see the most horrible stuff going on, and then you find out later, oh, that's a real thing they did.
But then they'll turn around and say a patriot.
is doing what they've actually done somewhere else.
It's also amazing how they'll do that.
They do that to me a lot, a lot of TV shows, movies, as they brag about.
But when you come back, your phone calls, and then I've got to hit this, even though I don't want to, because I don't like watching this.
But CBS News goes in and says, here we are at the elementary school where we're teaching children to play with themselves.
We're going to talk about how they're pushing pedophilia, sexualization of children, and how deadly dangerous this key element is straight ahead.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are live, back live, broadcasting worldwide on this Friday transmission.
And the article is up on Infowars.com with the sickening video and the sickening graphics and what the children are taught and the things they say to them.
But this is being done to elementary school students and CBS News.
Is doing TV reports about how great it is and showing the teachers with elementary students teaching them how to play with themselves.
How girls do it and how boys do it.
Now why is it such an evil satanic bridge?
A. Parents don't sit there and do this with children or they're called perverts when they do it.
But when the state does it, they set the precedent to sexualize children, and then once they've got it where they tell the children about it in areas of Europe, they actually touch them and stimulate them to show them that which is sexual assault.
But once that bridge is there, well, I'm just gonna zip my pants down and put it into the child to show them.
See how that works?
Or I'm gonna use this device.
And then they can add new things they say are normal sexual practices, and your teachers can teach you how to have sex with an adult, how to be raped.
And that's what the books they have in middle schools and elementaries now, from Australia to the United States, it's in the news, where they teach children with so-called true stories, which of course aren't, they're written by really sick perverts, About, oh, how they were 8 years old or 10 years old, and how a man came to their backyard, how they had sex with them in a garage.
Things like that.
I read this, and I can't read this stuff on air.
It makes me too angry, and I'm not going to look at it.
But this is literally trying to tell your children, put in their head, that if a creepy man comes up at the park or in the woods to go with them, the kids will get killed a lot of times, not just brutally abused.
So they're just priming the abuse.
Just a few days ago, All over Colorado, it's in the main curriculum.
Selected, approved curriculum.
Poems about thousands of young girls being raped and semen pouring out of their vaginas.
Folks, this is not a show trying to be gross.
But this is happening to children.
This is happening to 8th graders.
And women chained up and being beaten and how sexy it is and how the women love it.
and then they make them in their classes recited.
And you're like, this isn't real.
No, it is real.
And it is happening.
And remember the Surgeon General.
Remember Jocelyn Elders.
Do you remember that?
Remember what she did?
She got approved and started giving speeches teachers.
And that weird voice of hers, oh, kindergartners, you need to reach down and help them masturbate.
And really what happens when people are habituated to this and told to do it daily during the kindergarten rest time, that when they become adults, The most unproductive people, and the most depressed people, and the most alone people, are masturbation addicts.
And there's a big movement of people trying to not masturbate, I guess, in the month of... Is it November or October?
It's November.
They're called... Yeah, No Nut November.
They got another name for the people that constantly do it.
And... This is a medical issue, and I'm being serious here.
And these people are totally depressed, totally unproductive, and I guess...
The average kind of video game head, porn addict, maybe up masturbating up to 20 times a day?
Or even more?
Some of them average more than that a day.
I mean, I just, it sounds horrible, doesn't it?
I mean, I'm a married man.
I have no need of that.
Like I've joked around.
My wife was a race car.
She wouldn't be street legal.
She's a lot of horsepower.
But seriously, ladies and gentlemen, And they try to calculate, oh, we just don't want people to be hung up on things.
Children aren't hung up on things.
Children are the way God made them.
You perverts want a relationship with children, and you want to touch their genitals, and you want to have sex with them.
And that's all this is, is incremental towards that.
And they're right up to where they want to be in this incremental march by these little baby steps.
They're right there right now.
And it's absolutely out of control.
Guys, I had the new plug sheet here, and then when I started getting ready to talk about the whole Epstein situation, I lost it.
I was gonna have the new Supercell plug sheet.
Thanks a lot.
Print that for me.
I lost it.
You know, I've got so many of these pages here.
I can't keep track of them.
Oh, here it is.
I found it in the larger stack.
Then I'm gonna go to your phone calls.
Then we've got our guest coming up in studio.
But the fact that I've got to sit here and explain Why we don't want private schools, public schools, any schools teaching your children how to masturbate or anything else sexual.
Shows how much trouble we're in.
Because I know the audience understands all of this.
I know that you get all of this, but that's where we are.
And then my God, by the eighth grade, they are teaching them bondage and torture and rape
and every form of evil you can imagine, just absolutely corrupting their minds
and fetishizing all these things that are horrible, depressing, illegal, destructive,
but are evil, are against God, are against the way things are supposed to work.
These people have a hunger like vampires.
To have unfettered access to your children.
It's the ether in which they swim.
It's their God.
It's their universe.
It's their world.
And they are celebrating it everywhere.
The destruction of the innocence and all the different permutations, all the different ways they do it.
I'll go directly to your calls on the other side of this break.
The heart of our Black Friday sale is now here.
These are the best deals we've ever offered.
You notice we've escalated the sales here to introduce these great products to many people that have been on the fence.
The globalists are openly calling for us to be shut down in congressional impeachment hearings.
They're trying to put Roger Stone in prison right now.
They've convicted him of doing absolutely nothing.
They're trying to shut this operation down, but that's only one reason to get the products.
You're stepping up to the plate in history here when you do that.
These are amazing products that are game changing and help you and help your family.
Like DNA Force Plus with the PQQ and the CoQ10.
Right now we've got 50% off, free shipping and the new part of the sale.
Triple Patriot Points.
That's not double Patriot Points, the usual special.
It's 15% off your next order with the Patriot Points.
If you get AutoShip, that brings DNA Force down to below cost, but I want you to get it because you'll see how great it is.
And then we've got the free bottle of Brain Force, our amazing, clean, healthy, focus, mental stamina pill that has such rave reviews, thousands of five-star reviews.
You get a free bottle of Brain Force Plus with DNA Force Plus.
With triple Patriot points and free shipping.
That is right at cost with all that together.
But I want you to see how great the products are and experience the DNA Force Plus.
Experience the Nootropic.
Also get Survival Shield X2 and X3 for 50% off and get a free bottle of Brain Force.
And I can't even read down to the rest of these.
I've got two pages of the other specials.
It's at InfoWareStore.com.
I just read only the first few lines of those.
So check those out.
Black Friday is here, running through next week, and we need the funds to go into next year and into 2020.
But that's not even the reason to get the products.
These are amazing, and you just need to find out by using them yourself.
And a lot of stuff that's been sold out just came back in, like krill oil in PolarStore.com.
Welcome back to the most demonized, most lied-about broadcast in the world by tyrants, communists, pedophiles, devil-worshippers, sickos, chi-coms.
Speaking of CHICOMS, Furious China Shadows Two U.S.
Warships Sailing Through Disputed Waters, Warns Them to Leave, BigZeroHedge.com, article on Infowars.com.
Why is that so important?
Well, I went and looked at the navigation of those waters, and China in maps from over a thousand years ago claimed the Philippines, Japan, though they were never able to capture Japan, Had a bunch of wars with them. They just claim that whole
area is theirs. So, uh, it's ridiculous. And they're basically in a war with
Vietnam. That's what we're giving them ships now, larger ships, surface ships. So things are
really escalating. And we've just kind of like frogs in the boiling water are watching this go up, up,
up. And now Henry Kissinger says that war with China is inevitable, it'll be worse than World War
That's a quote last week, that's barely a blip.
He's the main guy talking to China behind the scenes.
I mean, this is serious business.
But we're busy hearing about how evil Donald, John Trump is for the media, and now he's Hitler and all this crap.
It's just insane.
Meanwhile, John Bolton, Teases coming back story in cryptic tweet.
That story's up on InfoWars.com, another jewel from ZeroEdge.
Globalist operative breaks silence amid impeachment frenzy.
Yeah, it's not just the Soros leftist globalists that are coming in against Trump, it's this guy.
We warned him about Bolton.
I disagree with Roger Stone.
He's like, well, maybe Bolton under Trump won't sell him out.
Maybe he'll stop being a neocon.
Yeah, leopards don't change their spots.
And this little chicken hawk, Certainly, he's going to say, oh, there's a backstory here, and oh, you know, Trump did mean to do all this, and I refused.
Because him and Fiona Hill laid out the breadcrumbs then, and were saying, oh, this will bring Trump down.
Look, he's meddling.
He's quid pro quo.
He's doing all this so that everyone will go, oh, he is.
Yeah, we all say that.
We all claim that we feel like that's what he said, but he was smart enough to never do that, even though real policy is quid pro quo.
Hey, you do this, we're not going to give you the money.
That's what foreign policy is.
He's buying these countries.
They just don't like the policy Trump's trying to buy.
And so he knows they're trying to make normal foreign policy illegal now.
And so he's like, ooh, they're trying to paralyze the president.
The quid pro quo that's bad is if Trump said, build my hotel there tax free and I'll give you the million dollars.
I'd say arrest him.
I ever see proof of that?
Not stuff from these liars?
I'll say impeach him right now and throw him in prison.
But none of that's there because Trump doesn't do business that way.
He wouldn't be where he's at today.
In this piranha world, you better be above reproach.
Hi, the New York Times calling me up.
The other day, saying, your former employee says this, this, and that.
And I went and asked people about the former employee and they said, yeah, no, he's the guy that we were gonna have to let go for saying the N-word in the hallways.
And I went, oh, I forgot about that.
And then he found out we were gonna have to let him go, so he acted all disgruntled about Trump and went over there.
And I was like, man, and we're just gonna wait.
And luckily, we had some evidence of that, so when that comes out in a week or so, we can then expose it.
But I mean, but we think he was in here now trying to set us up.
Saying it to people on road trips and in person, like, trying to get us to go, oh, code word, then we'd say it.
But, man, I tell you, it's just next level.
We had to let somebody else go, because they were doing that.
And then it turned out they were working with the left as well.
And people said, man, you gotta sue, you gotta sue.
And I'm like, listen, I'm fighting all these lawsuits.
I have sued the Young Turks and others.
I just can't sue everybody, but I do think, in fact, lawyers are here today.
We're meeting about suing people that use their nondisclosure agreement.
Nondisclosure agreement you have to sign here is for any media company or any place that handles people's info.
You know, if we have a secret guest on, we protect their identity because they're a whistleblower, we don't put that out.
Because we're the ones that protect the identity.
If somebody else figures this out or they start bearing witness in a court trial, now they have to be public.
But people sign NDAAs anywhere so that they don't release proprietary information.
It's not because we're hiding something and something evil is going on, but I've noticed with NDAAs, NDAAs, people use it to claim there's something secret going on that isn't.
Either we're going to sue them for violating the NDAA or we're going to waive that and then bring out the personal stuff about them.
And I think the audience will think it's very interesting and very informative.
I mean, I have all the witnesses, all the people, and in one case, the write-up for the one individual would come into meetings and start, and the person was black.
And we'd say, what's up, ma?
And people go, hey, whoa, we don't talk like that.
And the first three or four times, they didn't bring it up to a manager.
Later, it was brought up to me, and I'm like, well, let's, you know, I mean, it's just, I don't know.
But then you find out, oh my God, they were, man, that's not cool, man.
But that's what the left does, and that's how they operate.
Well, we've got another person doing it who wasn't black, but it's white.
And I'm just, listen, I've already sued, fuck, five people last month.
I'm done.
Gloves are off.
Gloves are off.
And listeners are like, hey, we want to see action.
Well, I mean, at a certain point, I've got to stand up for ourself so they don't buy off more people.
I just, it really clicked.
And I was like, why did you let that person on road trips?
They go, we, we just didn't want to stir up trouble.
And I'm like, well, then actually, you know, this is like a real case of, uh, you know, we're lower level people.
We're doing something we're supposed to be.
Cause they should have reported that person.
They'd be fired immediately.
That's not me doing that, but I mean, I will tell you when something's going on here.
So, you know what?
You want your racism story?
We'll give it to you.
Right out of the New York Times, with moles.
These people are sick.
They'll do the Kavanaugh stuff.
They'll make up all this other phony Russiagate stuff.
They'll illegally surveil us.
They'll brag how Roger Stone's going to prison and try to imply it's because he called Fiona Hill a globalist when she's a senior writer at theglobalist.com.
I pulled the exact URL.
I got it printed off.
It's globalist.com, right?
and then she's on the CFR and calls her global government and is on the board of directors
of Soros' main foundation that's pushing world government and no borders, the definition
of globalism.
Yep, I'm going from memory.
It is theglobalist.com.
I said I'd go to your calls, and I've got Savannah Hernandez coming in and everything else.
I wasn't going to talk about that, but I just made the decision.
I'm going to sue.
Yeah, I'm going to file suit on those former employees.
That's it.
I'm not putting up with their crap anymore.
And anybody else thinks they're going to come in here and plant n-words on us, you're going to get sued too!
No more of you leftists!
I'm going to ask the audience, you know what I'm going to plug right now for the lawsuit fund on these people.
You want fish oil, you want products, you want amazing stuff.
I'm going to start plugging them extra every show just to get the lawsuit money here.
Because I'm not going to take it lying down anymore.
I'm not putting up with this crud anymore.
I'm not lying down to this garbage anymore, ladies and gentlemen.
I want everybody to go to infowarrestore.com.
We have the Black Friday mega sales have begun.
They can only go through next week.
We have the Black Friday comes early.
We've had all this, but that's just different sales.
This is the biggest sale we're going to have in the year.
Because a lot of this stuff's going to sell out and we won't even have it for Christmas.
These are great products you need.
It'll fund us into 2020 with our great reporters and breaking all this major news that's, you know, everywhere and game-changing.
And yes, I'm going to sue these operatives, or their operatives now we know.
We don't know who they were then, but we know they were trying to set us up.
And I've made the decision I'm suing at least two of them.
Hell, let's make it a party.
There's like five of them I'm suing.
You want to play games?
Gloves are off.
Let's do it.
I got all the witnesses.
I got all the proof.
And I got you!
And again, these people want to run around and be leftist and morally project.
It's unbelievable.
So we have the major Black Friday specials going right now.
Storewide free shipping.
Triple Patriot points.
We've never done that.
50% off DNA Force Plus.
50% off X2 and X3.
And when you get even one of those, a free bottle of Brain Force Plus.
That is an award-winning nootropic that everyone loves, and it'll introduce it to you that who haven't taken it, you'll feel it in 30 minutes right away.
The X2 and X3 takes about two weeks to a month to kick in.
The DNA Force takes a few weeks to kick in.
DNA Force Plus has PQQ, CoQ10.
It's all right there, ladies and gentlemen.
It's all right there.
And these are the biggest specials ever.
The DNA Force Plus with the free bottle of Brain Force Plus, the nootropic, is amazing.
The DNA Force Plus has the PQ, the CoQ10, the PQ known to regrow cells, regrow the mitochondria in the cells, in the brain as well.
Just amazing.
The CoQ10 known to regrow Go get heart tissue and make it work again.
That's in major studies.
I mean, that's insane!
Nerve regrowth.
Telomeres last longer.
That's the PQQ.
That's the CoQ10 and the other ingredients in DNA Force+.
There's no excuses.
Get a bottle for yourself.
Get one as a Christmas gift for your mom, for your dad, especially older people.
It's game-changing.
People that are, you know, not having almost mental capacities.
What do you have to lose?
This stuff's proven to help.
It might take them to a whole new level.
And you know you're in front of the operation.
But I've just decided to go to total war with the Gloveless next level.
I'm going to be bullying all the Antifa.
I'm going to be all over the United States.
I'm going to fight a hundred times harder.
We're going to expand, expand everything we've got and just battle into the future, trusting in you and trusting in God.
And we're going to defeat these lying Gloveless, all the little snakes and all the little pimps and all their other liars.
And we're going to bring them to justice and let them know, you attack us, we fight back.
You attack us, we come right back at you.
We're taking your phone calls in this hour.
We have several reporters popping in as well.
We're going to go to everybody.
John, Tom, Tricia, Alicia, David, Dave, Dan, Eric, Alexandria, and others.
Alexandria in Pennsylvania.
You're up at bat first.
Thanks for calling in on this Friday edition.
Hello, Alex.
How are you doing today?
I'm doing good.
I'm in attack formation, since you asked.
I'm staying in attack formation.
You should, and God bless you, and I think our prayers are helping with you and everything else.
I can feel your prayers literally holding me up.
I'm serious.
It's unbelievable.
Thank you.
You're welcome, Alex.
My simple question is about this impeachment fiasco.
Do you think that this fabricated impeachment inquisition is a facade to hide a scheme that the Dems are creating behind, you know, this whole scandalous circus?
People say 110%?
How about a trillion percent?
How about infinity percent?
I mean, that is exactly what this is.
Doesn't matter if it's all a lie and a flop, it still makes them the authority and it changes the subject from the
reality that they're a bunch of knuckle-dragging, America-hating pedophiles.
So what do you think Trump should do?
I think he keeps pointing that out, and I hope this Inspector General report that's coming out December 11th, they've now confirmed, triggers a whole bunch of indictments.
I mean, that's what we need here.
Yeah, I just think Trump needs to heavy hand the whole situation.
Well, that's his problem is, when you, listen, when we're under extremist attack, Extremism and defensive liberty is no vice, as Barry Goldwater said.
They're the ones that are extreme, so meeting that force is not extreme.
We're not, in fact, we're extremely bad and cowardly if we don't respond very aggressively.
We're being attacked, okay, by a bunch of really bad lying people.
I mean, they're literally just assaulting the hell out of us.
So, I'm not wanting some big war and indictments, but you know what?
They brought the war, and so I'm not going to lay down in a ditch.
Does that make sense?
Yes, it does.
It does.
I just, I have a feeling they're cooking up something behind this whole ridiculous thing, and it's still going to come out somehow.
You know, they're going to continue it on.
But I wanted to thank you so much for your excellent line of health supplements, Alex.
They have improved my husband and I, our health, greatly.
And we have subscribed to BODY's Vitamin Mineral Infusion, the Super Blue Toothpaste, the Super Silver Gel, the DNA Force Plus, Ultra 12, VazioBeat, And I just got over a sinus infection, took pollen block, within three days I was getting cleared up already.
You know what's amazing, ma'am?
I thought of this a few days ago because my wife was looking at me and she said, my God, how much weight have you lost?
I said, well, 30 pounds, but I've gained a bunch of muscle.
So I really total lost about probably 35 pounds of fat.
And she said, what are you doing?
And I said, well, I really just eat all my supplements now and have like three small meals.
I had a pizza in here yesterday.
I ate one piece.
I had a couple eggs and one banana for breakfast, one piece of pizza, and then had a little bit of grilled chicken last night.
And because I just ate a bunch, I ate like five fish roll caplets.
I had some vitamin mineral fusion.
And I mean, literally, I'm just taking all the supplements now because I know they're all great.
And people are like, what the hell is going on?
It looks like you're 15 years younger.
You've lost this weight.
And that's all I'm doing!
And it's just, it's, I mean, I'll wait till I'm gonna do some shoots where I actually have my shirt off and stuff.
And, but I'm gonna wait another week or so because now it's just, it's just dripping off.
It's just racing off of me.
And I'm not, what's crazy is your body is hungry for the nutrients.
And so when you get them out of real supplements like this, you don't need the big masses of food.
Your body wants masses of food because there's no real nutrients in there on average.
So you need more, more, more.
So thank you so much, uh, Alexandria.
Anything else?
Yeah, it's just the quality of them.
You know, you can go to any old store and buy supplements, but your product line are top quality, and that's what really matters.
Well, they are.
God bless you, ma'am.
Thank you for the support.
Yes, there's a lot of money goes into each bottle.
It's not a bunch of filler.
It's high quality.
Thank you.
Monday through Friday, we are here live from 11 a.m.
The 3 p.m.
Then you've got the War Room with Owen Schroyer.
You've got Firepower with Will Johnson and Tom Pappert.
Of course, you've got David Knight.
Weekday morning is 8 a.m.
We plan on adding more shows.
It takes crew.
It takes time.
We're getting more camera people, more editors, more live switchers, more producers.
We're just putting everything into the fight.
Maximum push 2020 to expose the deep state, to remove the permanent bureaucracy, to restore the Republic, to get The public more educated about the real players.
Americanism versus globalism.
Free market, family, common sense versus globalist poison.
They have to poison us to get us to do things that are unnatural and conform to their system.
And people are really understanding just how predatory the globalists are.
It is a major, major problem.
Sea change.
Savannah Hernandez is with us starting next segment, riding shotgun and getting into some of the incredible videos and articles that Paul Watson's written about her reports where Democrats in Austin literally say, we don't care if Obama deported twice as many children and even his second administration that Trump has, we don't care if we put him in cages.
He's a gentleman.
When Trump doesn't have him in cages, that's bad.
The woman actually says that.
Because I don't care what Obama's father engages.
I don't care the numbers.
Trump's a valid.
He's not a gentleman.
Obama is.
Wait till you see this footage.
I want to go back to your calls right now.
We've got so many great people that are patiently holding here.
Let's go to Alicia in Michigan.
Thanks for calling.
Thank you for answering.
You bet.
I just wanted to mention, you've said before, you've talked about the Cold Civil War going on right now.
Um, my husband's family has been, like, they're very, very liberal.
And I've been a libertarian for a long time.
And, um, in the beginning, we weren't really big fans of Trump because we were scared of, like, the red flag laws and things.
And, um, but we slowly, like, realized he's, like, the best possible thing we can have right now.
And it seems like these impeachment hearings have been, like, emboldening the left a lot.
It's gotten to the point where we've lost most of my husband's side of the family, most of my friends, because they cannot stand that I will actually say good things when Trump does good things.
Well, that's a great point.
You know, I was going to talk about Trump today because I don't want to say I had an epiphany, but I really thought about why I'm really upset with Trump.
I'm upset with myself more than anybody, that I don't work harder, that I don't come up with better ideas, that in hindsight, all the time I wish that I would have done something I should have done then, but hindsight's 20-20.
So the person I'm really maddest at is me.
I'm not walking around on cloud nine that I've done this great job.
Now, I'm not depressed.
I'm very animated.
I'm very happy.
I'm energized, but I'm still feeling unfulfilled, an itch that I can't scratch.
I mean, a desire way beyond, you know, wanting to have sex or wanting to eat a big meal when you're hungry.
It's a desire to protect my children and it's powerful and it's driving me.
And it's so fulfilling, but it's fulfilling for 99% of it, and it's empowering, it's electrifying.
I mean, I'm just seething right now with energy.
But then there's that impetus to fire the weapon at the point of the energy and the power rising up.
This isn't just to be powerful, this is rising up to defend good.
This is to be projected.
And then you've got to expect the enemy to come back, and you've got to be ready to fight!
I can feel it!
The human spirit refusing to be dominated by Satan!
But only by reaching up to Christ can we make that electrical, spiritual connection to be energized.
And by joining with Christ, and then becoming a focal point, can we reach right in and defeat Satan.
Satan will be defeated.
Jesus saves.
We start realizing how powerful our God is.
The real architect, not the false architect.
And as soon as we start tapping into that, it's unlimited.
But Trump is kind of an island in himself.
Everything he does fails.
It's all a big joke.
He does a lot of good things.
Not going on the offense against their crimes and just letting them attack, attack, attack, attack, and then they get more and more out of control is dangerous.
And I get that it'll end up probably bringing them down 10 times worse, but that process is immoral.
And so if the Attorney General and others don't start moving quickly, it's dereliction of duty, plain and simple.
You do not sit here politically Waiting until they're on top of us, driving daggers into us to pull the trigger.
Like Colonel Jackson said, in the war with the British, the War of 1812, he told his troops in their formations that he'd been in the first Revolutionary War.
His brother and mother died and his dad died before that.
Jackson was amazing.
When he was like 12, when he joined the Continental Army, he was in the war four years, the last four years.
That's why he was such a badass.
And he was a spy, runner, killed British soldier by the time he was 13.
But side issue, Colonel Jackson said, wait till you see the whites of their eyes.
That's 30, 40 feet.
And then now a musket ball has five times the power at that speed that it does at 200 yards, 300 yards.
And you're going to get them dead on and they got to reload.
So you let them get their shots in.
That's what Trump's doing.
And then when they're up close, you just blast them politically.
I don't mean shoot them.
It's an analogy.
The left will claim I'm saying shoot everybody that I'm not.
They know that.
They just think you're stupid when they do that, but you're not dumb.
You understand what I'm really saying?
And but I mean, they're on top of us driving daggers into us at this point.
I mean, the whites, the eyes thing left a long time ago.
No, the truth is the swamp is paralyzing Trump and the Justice Department is full of a bunch of cowards at the top and operatives.
And the fact that we've gotten this far, you know, is at least something.
But we need to just crack the whip and Trump needs to get people in there that'll do their damn jobs and stop worrying about how they're going to get critiqued by the deep state.
The deep state is already collapsing.
They're losing their power.
But in their death throes, our inaction could let them grab victory from the jaws of defeat.
Let's go ahead and Alicia, do you have any comments or questions about that or any statements?
Well actually yeah, you mentioned the power of God and we used to be very atheist and it's like just this past year I really have felt like We really turned to Christ and it's made our lives so much better despite the fact that we're losing family members, but they were really toxic to begin with, so it's kind of...
It's sad, but it's a really good thing, and we're really happy.
And again, other people who pray to these other gods, they'll tell you, all over the world, the occult doesn't care about Buddha, doesn't care about this or that, it cares about Christ.
I mean, it's a real energy field.
I mean, what happened?
I mean, spend a minute or two, the process and what started happening?
Because what happens when you're starting to turn away from the world and the devil, like there's a block, you feel God's there, but you're not getting to God.
But as soon as it starts coming through, it gets more stronger and stronger, and then suddenly a dam breaks, the Holy Spirit hits you, I mean, have you experienced that yet?
Yeah, actually we were just feeling like we were missing something in our life.
Like, we didn't know what and we started kind of exploring and there were people on my side of the family that were like, you need to open your heart to Christ.
And that means, you know, just asking Him and not opening your heart.
You're not going to get an answer.
You have to open your heart and open Open your mind to receiving him.
And when we did that, it was like, I knew it was true.
Had you ever felt a feeling like that before?
Well, it's gonna get a lot better, but a lot of the churches are corrupt.
The devil sends his people in there to do bad things to you, to turn you off to Christ.
That's not Christ.
Christ talked about that extensively.
Just go directly to God, and it just gets stronger, it just gets better.
And the enemy knows that, and Christ's spirit's coming into the planet so strong right now, that's why they're so scared.
That's why the globalists are going crazy, trying to bully us into submitting to them, but it's not going to happen.
This is an amazing thing.
God bless you, Alicia.
Thank you for your testimony.
You're gonna find the false Christ in most of these churches, but you're gonna find the real Christ in your heart when you open it up.
But there you have demon books on conjuring demons for elementary students now sold at Walmart, so they open their heart to the devil.
That is so dangerous.
You open your heart to the devil, he comes in too.
He's real.
We are electrochemical transceivers.
We are...
Electrochemical transceivers.
We receive and we transmit.
That's been proven now.
Every cell receives and transmits a signal.
The globalists, a name for the forces of Satan, are literally with chemicals, biologicals, and then with words and actions and programming, with their lexicon of syntax, are attempting to jam the transmission with their transmission.
But through these different levels, we're able to understand it.
And even though they're jamming, it's more intense.
The background radiation of God's transmission is strong, but it doesn't force its way.
The enemy forces its way in.
But once you're aware of that, you can then, with your will, your consciousness, That's free will.
Tune to the channel.
Even if you're in solitary confinement being tortured, you can tune that out and tune right to Christ.
And that's the secret.
They train you to think third dimensional.
You've got to go to a church, you've got to go to a leader, a priest, who then, on average, is a Satanist.
Who is there to get control of you and make you think that you found Christ so they can mislead you so you turn against Christ and don't believe in Christ.
That's the devil's biggest trick.
And I would say 80% of the churches in the world now, in big industrialized areas, are globalist-run.
The World Council of Churches is run by the Rockefellers.
And they're either worldly or they're secret atheists or leftists who went to the seminary.
That's all been admitted.
But then the higher up ones are Satanists.
People like the Pope and his deputy Pope.
They're not Catholics.
They're not Christians.
And that's their plan.
That's how they mislead you.
And Christ spent most of his time looking at the Pharisees and saying, they're the ones misleading you.
They're not the real leaders.
They are the synagogue of Satan.
Synagogue just means church.
And so that happens in any of these systems where you try to get to God.
There are real synagogues.
There are just many of them that are church of Satan.
There are many churches.
Just many of them are the church of Satan.
Oh, that's an anti-Semitic thing in the Bible.
No, Jesus was Jewish.
He's saying that's not a real synagogue.
That's the synagogue of Satan.
Went in with a whip, started beating him.
Because they weren't teaching about God, they were teaching about rules and things, and making themselves God, and nickel and dime and people.
I'm preaching, I apologize, Savannah Hernandez is here.
And man, she went out to the Trump-Tim Cook Kissy Kish Fest, and I'm glad a factory's coming here, and Trump's doing a good job on that front, but he should have, you know, told Tim Cook, knock off the censorship.
You were there, you got physically attacked, we're gonna play some of these amazing clips.
These have gone viral.
Paul Watson wrote about it, tweeted about it.
I mean, they're going viral.
Hundreds of thousands of views just this morning.
Of these people.
Tell them what happened.
There's two different videos we're going to play.
This is amazing.
Well, like you said, I got attacked a lot by Antifa members that were there.
They were trying to follow you as soon as you got there.
So we went and we were following them.
They attacked us.
Several people who were trying to interview attacked us.
I went out with a MAGA hat and I was holding it.
I was just asking people, what does it mean to you?
What does it symbolize?
I wasn't even wearing it, just holding it and showing it to them.
People were trying to rip it out of my hand.
They're getting really aggressive.
And of course I wanted to ask them, well, why are you so upset?
What really brought you, what was the one thing that President Trump said or did that brought you to really feel this way and make you this angry that you had to take the whole day off of work to come and protest this?
And I went around and either people wouldn't talk to me or they had zero response at all, which was not shocking, but if you're going to be at a protest, maybe know why you're there.
And this is the huge takeaway.
You are a smart, perky, attractive young woman.
So whether you're a man, a woman, a child, we're biologically geared, an attractive, young, nice, sweet woman.
Everybody likes that, right?
That's like the helper in society, the good thing in the world.
What we protect, what we like.
She had an Action 7 mic.
She was acting nice.
They didn't know who she was and they were hateful little ignorant demons.
You understand?
So they're hateful to a woman saying, okay, how's Trump bad at this and that.
They didn't even know who it was, and they were gibbering morons, and also attacked you.
I mean, these people are, these people, you can take a horse to water, you can't make it drink.
Yeah, and again, I don't understand why they were so angry at me, because I wasn't going over there telling them, oh, you're dumb, you're an idiot, you're stupid, why are you here?
I was simply like, hey, explain your sign to me, tell me why you're here, what are we upset about today?
No one can explain it.
And then, of course, it goes around like, oh, she's with InfoWars, she's bad, don't talk to her, don't talk to her.
Creator of the group or the person who really brought everyone there together kept following me around too
So I went and confronted her and I said is there an issue?
Why are you trying to stifle my First Amendment?
She was like I'm not gonna talk to you and I was like, okay well
Then don't talk to me and stop following me around because you're ruining my interviews with people who actually do
want to talk and tell Me about why they're here today, which again they didn't
even know themselves. So This girl could talk can't she?
Way better than I can.
That's why we're going to get her own show if she'll do it.
I'm trying, folks.
I'm pushing her.
Maybe soon.
But Savannah, you just said it again right there.
They not only won't talk to you, they try to stop others from talking unless you're the approved group.
They're so hive-minded.
There's a couple hundred of them out there.
And they would say, I'm sorry, I didn't say I can't talk.
They're like zombies!
And I understand being put on the spot as well.
Because, you know, okay, there's a camera in front of my face, I get nervous.
But when push comes to shove, if I was at a Hillary Clinton protest, and someone came and asked me, why are you protesting Hillary Clinton?
I would say, it's because she called black people super predators.
It's because she's done so many bad things.
I would at least have one point, this is why I'm here.
But again, no point.
Benghazi, servers, the death list.
But they can't list one thing off about Trump and I'm just like, you guys sit here all day long and the media spends every single waking moment reporting on why he's bad and you can't tell me one thing.
Just one.
Just one.
And they can't do it anywhere in the country.
Yeah, it's really interesting.
Well, it's not interesting, I guess.
They don't even say he's racist anymore.
Or he likes David Duke.
Because it's come out now that Obama, again, and I said this in my video as well, at this point in his presidency, he deported double the amount of people that Trump currently has.
And so you bring that up and they're just like, well, I wasn't following politics.
That's their new thing that they say.
Well, I wasn't following politics back then.
We need to focus on the present.
And I'm like, okay, well why weren't you focused on, did you not care about it back then?
Why is it so different now?
If you care about it now, then why can't you denounce it when it happened back then?
We'll play those clips when we come back and you'll ride shotgun with us.
Then we'll talk to the Proud Boys that have done some nice trolling of a Fredo.
Fredo Cuomo.
Of course, he also said that that's an attack on Italian-Americans when you say Fredo.
No, the Italians came up with it and wrote the book.
It's the name for a dumbass.
And I guess Mario Puzo explained what it meant before he died, I think in a Larry King interview that I saw.
And he said, no, that's a term we had in our neighborhood.
We call people Fredos that are dumb.
So the Italians came up with Fredo, you dumb Fredo.
So we'll talk about that.
And then there's the other clip, too, we're going to get into.
I mean, these people are just so whacked out and I don't feel empowered that they're so stupid.
I feel scared because this is a dangerous group of lemmings.
Yeah, I wanted to see, too, who our voters are in 2020.
And I asked a lot of them as well, you know, who's your candidate for 2020?
Nobody knows.
No one even knows why they hate Trump.
No one knows anything out here.
And it's just, it's really funny.
It's easy man on the streets for me.
Good content.
No one knows what they're talking about.
What is it like, though?
Because I remember three, four years ago, we'd show people that were mindless at rallies.
They'd say, oh, they're cherry picking.
Now even the mainstream media goes, OK, just don't show our people.
They know we're not cherry picking.
I mean, it's scary.
I mean, you go out to one of these events, these literally look like the living dead.
And again, I'm so against whenever anyone says, oh, you cherry pick your videos.
And it's not cherry picking because either no one's going to talk to me or they're not, when they do talk to me, they have no reason as to why they're actually protesting.
So I think the people who don't want to talk to me are just smart enough to say, well, I really don't have any coherent thought and I don't know why I'm here.
So I'm not going to make myself look like a fool.
I have to repent for something when we come back.
I mean seriously, this is serious.
I've been thinking about this a lot and God's layered upon my heart that I should talk about this on air so we can all repent of it and think about what we really should do and what the right thing to do is.
It's not good to make fun of these people who know it's fine.
It's not good.
We'll be right back.
I've been watching and I've been waiting.
And I tell you, we can get frustrated at the progress against globalism.
People didn't even know what globalism was ten years ago.
Now it's Global government, and if you don't like it, you're anti-Semitic.
Why are they injecting stuff about Jews into global government that's got all sorts of globalists, they're Chinese, they're Jewish, they're Christian, they're Mexican, they're people that don't believe in nation states and want to work for global corporations and basically enslave people.
But they're injecting that.
There's a big article on Infowars.com with a video report by Greg Reese posted in it where we totally proved Fiona Hill perjured herself before Congress yesterday.
And said, I'm not a globalist, I've never worked for George Soros, and Roger Stone's a criminal, and Alex Jones is evil, and they're anti-Semitic.
Now, we have them with this.
And again, Gregg Reese has done a great report.
I want to have that added to Watson's report, and I want to ask everybody to get it out.
Gregg Reese's report is like five minutes long, and it's just all in there showing the perjury.
She's the senior writer at theglobalist.com.
She was the head chairperson on his main foundation and a top CFR member, the premier globalist organization.
Again, it's like saying Adolf Hitler wasn't a member of the Nazi party.
Well, she's not the head, like Soros is the physical head.
She's just like the deputy.
So it's more like deputy for Rudolf Hess or Heinrich Himmler.
It's like saying Heinrich Himmler, remember Hogan's heroes with Sergeant Schultz is like, Hey, tell me, Schultz, who's the head of the Nazi party?
I know nothing!
This magnitude is just the biggest insult to our intelligence I've ever seen.
We're going to finish up with Savannah here.
She's going to ride shotgun with us.
Then I'm going to go to our guests who are really taking action in the third dimension.
And if you want to know what victory smells like and resistance, this is it.
So we're going to talk to Enrique Tarrio of the Proud Boys and of course Jacob Ingalls who writes for Gateway Pundit, Infowars, you name it.
They've got a new article up on Infowars.com right now that we're going to be going over here in just a minute as the Proud Boys troll Fredo Cuomo, also known as Chris Cuomo, will arrest you if you read the WikiLeaks.
Will arrest you if you say the whistleblower is this thug.
So we're going to talk to them here in just a moment.
But introduce these two videos for us and for listeners that just tuned back in, let me do my mea culpa here.
We can make funny videos and make fun of leftists when they talk like they're mentally retarded.
All these things.
But really, these are victims.
Brainwashed victims, many of them.
Now, the higher-up controllers, it's okay to make fun of them because they're evil, that they know what they're doing.
But we've got these leftist events, and you said you're not cherry-picking.
And almost none of them can even form a sentence.
And they're mean, and they're stupid.
Laughing at them, which I'm one of the main culprits of.
Age, Skrillex, Karl the Cuck, all of them.
I mean, so many of these icons we brought you.
We discovered these superstars of idiocy.
But, you know, we're laughing at our fallen self right there.
Like, we're already fallen, but these guys have really fallen from grace.
And that's people we lost.
It's like laughing at a dead body in a battle.
Oh, look, his guts are blown out of sight and he can't talk.
They're close to that.
And so even though they're gremlin like a lot of them, I want to think of a way to be loving to them, and to talk to them, and next time I go out to one of these events, so they're going to brief them because they hear this, but I'm going to go to them, I'm going to find some that haven't been briefed, and I'm going to tell them, I love you, I care about you, let's go get lunch, and I'm going to try to get five or six of these anti for people, and I'm going to say, listen, this isn't a joke, we'll turn the cameras off, let's go get lunch, I really want to talk to you, and I think
We can talk to them, and I think we can get through to some of them, because just laughing at them, they already feel so bad.
They already have such low self-esteem, the studies show, that us laughing at them when they attack us only compacts them more into their system of hate.
And I really think at the end of the day, you know, it's fun for eating popcorn, but when you realize what it really is, it's dangerous.
I definitely agree with that, Alex, and I think that'd be a great idea to do.
Obviously, a lot of these people are in a blind rage, and I think that's why, as well, when you confront them with the facts, like in these videos, you know, I ask them, what do you think about this?
They don't know how to answer it because they aren't aware themselves.
They're just uneducated on these things.
And by the way, I had said, you know, to you six months ago, I said, or a year ago, I want you to go out in the middle of the street and you said, I don't like, they're so, so sorry and stupid and I feel sad for them.
But finally you're willing to go out.
Yeah, we were talking about this on the break.
I said when I first started here, I didn't want to go demand on the streets because I don't like making fun of people.
I don't like making people look stupid.
But when I went out to this event again, this isn't me looking for specific clips that are going to be the best.
I went out there and I even live streamed and I said, Hey, what are we doing here?
Either no one's going to talk to me or when they do, that's what comes out of their mouths.
I mean, at the end of the day, like that was the content that I got.
So I put it out and.
We just need to educate them.
Well, I think that's the message.
We show how stupid and twisted and dumbed down and evil they are.
And some of them are consciously evil, so we can make fun of them.
But the real little zombies and stuff, when I go, look at your pathetic eyes.
No lie to them.
Look, you look like a zombie.
You look like your mother didn't take care of you.
And I'm really, that's true.
And they all, they start crying because I go, well, let me guess, she left you in the crib.
Well, just because I can tell them who they are, that's, that's, I need to somehow show them love, at least try it.
Because these really are the victims.
And now they want to suck us down with them.
Well, Oxon, I think you wanted to get to these clips.
Let's do it.
We can go to the first clip, which... Anti-Trump protester refuses to denounce Obama for deporting more immigrants than Trump.
This is incredible.
Here it is.
So at this time in Obama's presidency, he had way more deportations than Trump has had.
That's what he's looking to do.
He's trying to take the immigration population and diminish it and diminish the people.
So at this time in Obama's presidency, he had way more deportations than Trump has had.
What did you think about it back then when Obama was deporting all of them?
Follow politics.
And I have to say that that's the one good thing for me.
They came out of all this over the past three years.
I didn't follow politics.
It wasn't important to me, but when I saw what was going on three years ago in this person, and I saw the hate that he had... Well, you denounce Obama for putting kids in cages and deporting illegal immigrants?
I didn't follow politics.
Well, you denounce Obama for putting kids in cages and...
I probably didn't do it to the extent that it goes on now.
You're right, it's double what Trump is doing.
And there's a lot more behind Trump that goes on.
Well, you denounced Obama for putting kids in cages and deporting illegal immigrants.
Would I what?
You denounced Obama for putting kids in cages and deporting illegal immigrants.
I would not denounce him.
He probably didn't do it to the extent that it's being done now.
He did it double.
Oh, double.
I don't know, but I wouldn't denounce him because he was... his character...
He's just, he was a gentleman.
So it's okay to deport people as long as you're a good person?
It isn't okay, but this person has many things against him.
Everything about him is just corrupt.
You could teach a whole logics class on her because she's the opposite of it.
You can use that as a teaching example.
And just how she's disconnected from reality.
Okay, well, when Obama didn't even do his job, but the courts weren't blocking him completely, so he deported double what Trump had done three years in, which is a number they admit, when he does it and does it in bad conditions, Trump fixes it up and does it better, does a better job, and less of it because the courts are blocking him.
He's the Nazi, but Obama's the good guy.
That is a total war on reality, what she just said.
And I think the saddest part of that clip too is she said that Trump is what really started her into politics and what made her start focusing.
And what is there for her to actually listen to now?
All she has is a media that hates Trump and focuses on only the bad things that he does, repeats lies, repeats their rhetoric, exactly what they want the public to hear.
So none of them actually know the facts behind what our president has done.
All they know is this blind rage.
And that's why we get people like this.
Who refused to denounce exactly what they're protesting Trump for when Obama did it.
And this is central.
We're going to break it back with our guests and play one more of her clips, then get to their clip.
They'll be with us a little bit in the next hour.
Then Nick Beggars takes over.
This is the key to it.
She just said it, and the lady just said it.
Most of these new anti-Trumpers were total zombies.
They weren't even politically dialed in, but they're pop TV viewers.
They're sitcom viewers, with all these plots that attack me, Trump, everybody.
So these are fiction lovers.
And they have now believed that fiction is reality.
That's why they believe lies.
And so they are the...
Most uninformed, most delusional, not even really stupid, just most in a trance, that are now being activated as the literal zombie armies.
How do we wave a wand or, you know, kiss the toad and get them to stop, you know, acting like this?
Is there some way to get them out of the trance?
We'll be back with Savannah Hernandez and the Proud Boys from New York.
Stay with us.
You know, when you say you're the tip of the spear, you really better be the tip of the spear.
And it means you're going to get some flack, folks.
We're ready for it.
Because we got you.
You're praying for us.
You're financially supporting us.
You're spreading the word.
You do those three things.
Give us tips and information as well.
Those four things.
We're as fine as finest frog here.
Thanks to you.
So I'm very thankful to the listeners and this great crew and these fellers we're about to talk to about 15 minutes to the next hour because I got to a little bit late because we're behind today.
I apologize for that and I apologize to Nick Baggett.
You'll be up at 15 after next hour.
Always loaded for bear doing the last hour or so of the Friday fourth hour.
What's the biggest thing that Trump has said?
so much more coming up. Savannah, you're going to write shotgun too. Savannah Hernandez,
our amazing reporter. Let's play this other clip. Anti-Trump protesters don't even know
why they're protesting. And by the way, she has hours of this. This is how they all are.
This is just a sampling. Here it is. What's the biggest thing that Trump has said? What
is the biggest action he's taken that's really pushed you to want to come protest? The count,
the list is endless.
I don't think I could come up with a single one.
Can you give me one specific thing that he's done?
What's the biggest thing to you specifically he's done?
No, um, just, it's, it's from day one he was just an evil, uh, evil mother******.
Um, well of course I'm gonna make America great and that he's gonna bring jobs.
And that he's taking care of everybody and that... Wait, so one of the worst things that he said is... Those are the worst things and also that when he said that he was going to help the people from Syria and he never did, I thought that was one of the worst things ever.
Just his entire person, the persona that he is, everything about him, just to me.
Yes, everything about him.
He just lies.
Everything he does is... What's one of the biggest lies that really angered you?
Michael, do you have something?
Did you read the transcript?
time he has inaugurated, you know, all the way from the crowd size all the way to, you
know, oh it's a perfect phone call, what he's saying now with his phone calls.
Did you read the transcript?
No, I didn't read the transcript, but I listened to the, I've been following it on the news.
What is one of the most divisive things that Trump has said to you that really pushed you
to want to come protest today?
I can't think right now.
Just one thing, one big thing that Trump did.
And what's scary is these people think they're good.
No, just one thing.
I should have led the broadcast with that today because everybody's seen other videos
like this around the country.
And what's scary is these people think they're good.
They think they're in the moral right.
And they don't even know that she's an InfoWars reporter.
She's Action 7.
We've got a lot of those flags that are just kind of, it's not even being deceptive who we're with.
Those are little organizations we've created, little channels we have, so that we can actually try to talk to them without the triggering.
The old guy with the blue hat was flipping me off for hours in my face, telling me he was going to get me and all this stuff, the raw videos on InfoWars.
Another guy had a police dog menacing people with it, and like, he was scaring us.
I mean, if his dog would have bitten me, he would have gone to jail, his dog would be taken, its head cut off, and sent to be tested for rabies.
I don't want that to happen.
It's the dogs.
It's just an animal.
This guy brought it there trying to threaten to, you know, kill me, basically, with it, you know, menacing.
And the guy's like, I'm gonna get you, and he'd bring the dog over and have it there.
Like, it scared me.
I was like, give me a break, man.
A dog bite?
I mean, come on.
We were like 10 years old, we'd go down where people let their dogs off leashes and get in fights with them on purpose.
And the police would chase us off, you know, after we smashed big rocks on top of pit bulls heads.
I mean, am I trying to act tough?
We used to go fight dogs for fun when I was a kid.
You know, it is kind of a mean thing.
Quit doing it, got bit a few times, but...
That's just how crazy all of this is, and I want to bring in one of the top Proud Boys in the country, great guy who's been on before, Enrique Tarrio, Proud Boys Chairman, Congressional Candidate, website tarrio2020.com.
2020, what a cool name.
I love that name, Tarrio.
Sounds like a race car driver.
But what he is is a patriot, and of course, we also have Jacob Ingalls, a syndicated writer.
He's got an article out for Infowars.com right now.
Um, getting into all this.
Hope people share it with the video.
Epic, hopefully it'll go viral, video of the Proud Boys trolling Chris Cuomo, now forever known as Fredo Cuomo.
So, gentlemen, thanks for joining us.
We're going to play this video in a few minutes, but we should talk about these ongoing show trials, not just of Roger, but of the Proud Boys and the latest on that.
So please give us an update, Tarja.
I think the Roger thing ties in exactly why we went to New York.
So we got political persecution coming in D.C.
on the federal system and then we have it coming at the state system where these nine men essentially defended themselves against the Antifa horde and got four years in prison for it while the judge in the case, the prosecutor, Have let off pedophiles with three-month sentences, have let off heroin dealers with zero sentence.
They just close the case, they throw it out, and then our guys for defending themselves, it's four years in prison.
That is crazy.
And it's really totalitarian, like you said.
I mean, what's happened to Roger, what's happened to everybody?
I don't know if you guys saw the clip yesterday, them bragging, yeah, he's a felon, yeah, he deserves to go to jail.
He lied and said, Fiona Hill works for Soros, who's a globalist.
He goes, I have not done any of that perjury.
What he's been convicted of not doing.
And she's the head writer at theglobalist.com, CFR head, was the top board member on his main foundation, worked directly for his foundation.
And she got money from the Ford Foundation that famously, truly was anti-Semitic, but then she called us that.
I mean, that's just crazy.
It's outrageous, Alex.
It's outrageous.
Jacob, what's your view on that?
I mean, I don't even remember this.
I've known you for years, but you're Jewish, right?
I'm actually not.
I'm raised Roman Catholic, but I have a great affinity for Jewish people in Israel.
You're gay!
That's what it is.
My point is, I didn't even know that whoever that idiot Lieutenant Colonel was Jewish.
They go, they're saying he's bad because he's Jewish.
I didn't even know he was Jewish.
I don't even pay attention to what people are.
I pay attention to what they say.
Sorry, I'm ranting.
Just drives me crazy.
No, no, we're all humans, Alex.
It goes back to the point you were talking about a segment ago with Savannah.
We should really try and reach these people on a human level.
Unfortunately, so many times they don't want to treat us like humans.
So we're stuck in this situation where we're compassionate, we have a heart, we care about people, we care about God, we care about country, but these people care about nothing except advancing themselves towards a globalist society.
So we, all too often conservatives, sit there and say, let's turn the other cheek, let's show compassion.
And we just keep getting a foot on our throat.
And I think it's about time, high time, that we stand up.
I agree.
Going back to the Proud Boys leader.
Let's get into Cuomo because I'm glad that you guys are fighting back against this tyranny, Afredo, and are actually getting out there.
Because the power of street art and actions like this is really critical for not just you guys, for all of us to be doing it.
That's why I'm getting out in crowds more, I'm going out in public more, I'm engaging more.
Well, it starts off with getting banned on social media, and then you've seen in my case, you get banned off of your bank account.
Now that's just the beginning and I know that happened to you too.
That's just the beginning.
What they do is they use these tools to silence us so we won't be able to fight back against these stories.
So then it goes over to like the state level where the prosecutors are using these media headlines to persecute these people for their political views.
So what they did, it's a gift and a curse getting banned off of social media somewhere where Me as a candidate, I can't even, you can't even show support for me as a candidate on Facebook right now.
But those are things in order to silence you and then we're seeing the evolution of it with them putting us in prison for fighting back and the gift comes in and it makes us more active in real life where we see that it's not just social things.
It's not just a digital world where we have to be activists.
We have to actually go out into the real world, put these banners up, host a rally, protest.
And in some cases, I mean, those things are limited in their reach.
I think that the next step we have people like Cenk that's running now for Congress too.
And all of this that we're doing doesn't amount to the dry ink On a sheet of paper from a senator or congressman.
That's why I'm running for Congress, because these things got to change.
This has to stop.
There's no crime committed here.
We put up some banners to go against the fascist state of New York, starting with Governor Cuomo, which is the first one that sent out the tweet that put our guys in jail, essentially.
This has to stop.
And we have to stop it by being on the streets, getting members of Congress elected, City officials, we've had, the Proud Boys have had seven, in the past three weeks, we've had seven members win elected seats across the country.
We need to put our people in those positions where they can make those changes.
Enrique, stay right there.
Fourth hour coming up.
What you just said is key.
Two things you said made me get chills up my back.
We'll be right back.
And unfiltered by the deep state scum.
Born free and dying free.
This is America and the world awakening.
This is your life.
Your decision.
Enrique Tarrio, Tarrio2020.com.
I was about to say, everybody's got to run for office just for the bully pulpit.
You get on TV locally, even if it's for low-level positions.
You get on national TV, other areas, and you just engage in the information war.
And a lot of times, you win.
And they're so demonizing the Proud Boys as a terrorist group, none of that's true, that they're scared of Americans standing up and defending themselves when Antifa attacks men, women, and children.
And so running for office is key.
And then everybody getting out in the third dimension is key.
And then realizing what an amazing blessing it is to do that and to experience that.
And then Jacobs was saying something, too.
You know, it's important to get engaged and stop lying down.
I agree to violent globalists and the ones that know what they're doing.
How do you, though, bridge that line?
Like I said, it's a gift and a curse to be banned on social media.
leftists really are mentally retarded and and and yeah they're mean and
vicious but but there's like some way to ever reach out to them so let's let's
walk through that there in the short segment longer segment coming up here in
a moment and the exciting news that a lot of proud boys are getting elected
tell us more about that like I said it's a gift and a curse to be banned on
social media it gets you it gets the energy going gets up it gets that that
that true sense of compassion for our country.
We need to stop sitting back on our computers and thinking that just hitting the share button does anything.
The Proud Boys are the example of what we do when we get banned on social media.
This weekend with Governor Cuomo, it was 15 men and women.
This included a group of, the official group of Latinos for Trump there.
And there, the whole, all the headlines were how small our numbers were.
Well, 15 people made this huge difference in New York City, in this fascist state, where like, like is showing on the TV where pedophiles get three month sentences and people for defending themselves get four years in prison, those men did not deserve that.
Those men did not deserve that.
There was no victims in the trial.
NYPD testified and testified with us that day.
It's a travesty what happened to these guys.
We're going to play the Fredo video next segment, but that's like saying it was probably only 15 men.
I think it was only like 20-something.
It was only 20-something men that started the Boston Tea Party and threw the tea over and then created the war that defeated the empire no one had defeated and created the most powerful country in the world's ever seen that you invented almost everything.
I mean, what did it do with 20-something people dressed up like Native Americans going onto a ship?
I mean, what did that do?
They said the same thing.
They met at the Green Dragon and had beer, too.
They were probably drunk when they did it, you know?
I mean, I love that.
You're nobody.
That's why they're trying so desperately to lock you all up.
Yeah, absolutely, Alex.
And one thing that I think we need to hit on is a lot of times they say, you know, this is a small group of people.
These are people who are Nazis or fascists.
They always try and push into a corner where people say, well, that's too controversial.
Yeah, you're a small group of men that came out when they beat up any women and children at public events, and then you'd kick a hundred of their asses when they attacked you.
How horrible!
You're a small group!
How dare you do that!
The few, the proud, standing up for freedom!
Lay down and take it!
Lay down and take it, Enrique!
I know that, Jacob, you got beat up in New York just covering Roger Stone by antifa, and the police did nothing.
A bunch of them attacked you!
Well, and that's the thing, Alex.
These people don't see us as humans, so unless they know that we like the same music, we watch the same films, we watch the same TV shows, read some of the same books, we have to humanize ourselves to them to the point where they can't ignore it.
But yes, I was in D.C.
covering Stone's Trial, and this mob of rabid Antifa marched out in the middle of the street.
I was just trying to get back into Trump Tower, and these people would not clear the road.
So I finally just said to hell with it.
Stay right there!
We're going to be back on the other side with Jacob Ingalls.
Enrique, and we've got Savannah right here as well.
Governor Fredo!
As long as two innocent men are behind bars, the Proud Boys will return.
Well done.
You want war?
Well, you've got one.
Dedicated to the political prisoners Maxwell Hare and John Kingsman.
I wonder what Kingsman's ancestors did.
Worked for the king.
There you go, and they're in jail for defending themselves.
Fredo is a thug.
He hit and ran at a public fair drunk, and they let him go because he's the governor's son.
The video's up on Infowars.com.
Epic Video, Proud Boys, Troll Fredo Cuomo in New York City.
Savannah Hernandez is riding shotgun with us, with Enrique Tarrio, the Proud Boys, and Jacob Ingles, who writes for A lot of big publications including Infowars.com, and of course, confidant Roger Stone.
Speaking of political prisoners, Enrique, Savannah, and of course, Mr. Ingalls, this political persecution is getting out of control, and Trump needs to take action.
I mean, everywhere I go in public, leftist women go, I can't wait until you're in effing prison, and thank God the government took your kids.
I go, I didn't have my kids taken.
I mean, these are, these are, they want my kids?
They want me in jail?
Did I murder somebody?
I love America, and so here's the key, and I want to ask you all about this.
I love Mr. Tarrio.
Your shirt for Congress.
How, in the O, it's the Betsy Ross flag.
An abolitionist who was trying to outlaw slavery.
They almost did it in the first Constitution.
England led it worldwide doing it.
So England gets blamed for getting slavery banned.
They supposedly created it because they stopped it.
Still going on in areas of Africa, but I'm ranting.
The point is, is that the ADL came out with Nike, remember?
And Nike got rid of the shoes that had the American flag on them.
Because the original American flag scared Kaepernick.
Well, the ADL's, the Department of Law Center, now say you can't do the OK sign, which is the international symbol for everything's good.
Underwater, military, you name it.
Everybody knows that.
Now it's the bro fist.
It just means, if anything, I think black folks kind of came up with that.
Like, hey, let's not shake hands.
Fist bump.
I mean, I know that's where I learned it growing up in Dallas, was from black friends of mine.
But it doesn't matter.
The ADL knows that it's not bad.
They know the OK symbol's not bad.
They know the fist bump isn't bad.
They know the Betsy Ross flag isn't bad.
If they can say those things are bad, they can ban anything.
If you can ban the American flag, and you can ban the OK symbol, you can ban a brofist, or give me a brofist, Savannah.
Look how evil we are right now.
If you can do, you can ban anything.
And I'm going to do a joke thing in the next few weeks.
satire where I'm gonna say white supremacists are using the smiley face
ADL considering banning it and then I'm gonna say and also the N in the
alphabet offends because the first letter of the of the unspoken word and I
bet it gets picked up just like 4chan's troll of the okay and I bet they ban the
letter N within one year and I'm not joking and let's just start because it's
about banning language guys you want to comment I'm gonna stop ranting.
This is all about thought crimes.
We're being prosecuted for thought crimes.
We see that with Roger Stone.
It's insane to me that a governor is involving himself with 15 people sitting on the street.
You said this on the previous segment.
You said that these people are victims, and that's very true.
They actually believe that they're fighting this Nazi cause, right?
Anti-Nazi cause where we had to get the FBI involved in this event in New York because of threats that we're getting online.
They want to hurt us.
They want to kill us.
When you rolled around in the armored vehicle, what would happen to you if you got off that vehicle and you sat in that crowd for, I don't know, five minutes?
I had, in that case, four security guys with me, you know, been all over the military, Blackwater, everything, and they said they never seen anything like it.
I mean, I had hundreds of antifa run across the street in Dallas, surround me, start attacking me, and the police would not help us.
We were just trying to get to the convention center.
They would not let us get in the convention center.
So yes, at first I rented the armored vehicle twice.
I've bought it now, because I'm going to go all over the country in it, and it's used.
I got a good price on it.
And literally, we've seen anti-events here in Austin.
Austin at a Beto event where 500 anti foot tried to surround us.
The state police had to stop them.
This way we can pull up and let them attack and show everyone what's happening and broadcast
from inside and show the police stand down.
In some jurisdictions like Austin, the state police were there.
They did their job.
Everywhere else, they stand down.
Like in New York, you know, they stood down and let them attack and people defended themselves.
They admit that you guys were attacked.
But again, fighting back against a meth head leftist is an arch crime.
I asked that same question I asked you.
I asked that question to the journalists that were covering our side of the events.
And I'm like, hey, what would happen if you guys go to the other side?
And they just nodded.
They're like, no, no, we're not going to go to this side.
We're going to stay on this side.
That shows you that we're not this violent group that the media portrays us as.
And it shows, we saw this with Andy Ngo.
We see this with InfoWars.
You guys, we've seen journalists and activists The acts of violence that are perpetrated against us for simply thinking differently, right?
Savannah, Owen, yourself, when you go out there, you know, there's a chance that you might get you might get killed by these people.
You know, that's what they want to do.
They want to kill you.
They start by throwing milkshakes to humiliate you, silly string.
And then they hit you over the top of the head like they're about to do with Andy Ngo.
They throw milkshakes, they break windows.
They throw hammers at people.
And I'm tired.
Something needs to happen.
These guys need to get labeled as a domestic terrorist group.
They need to happen, and that's one of the primary things that I'm going to do.
When I get elected to Congress, one of these things is fight these people back.
Put them behind bars.
Put them in prison, because that is where they belong.
They're a bunch of animals.
Look at this.
I mean, this is nuts.
This is America today.
This is the left that America wants.
This is the future that they want.
They want us to fear ourselves, but one thing I'm going to tell you, Alex, I am not going to sit here and allow this to happen.
I'm going to keep going over there, and if Andrew Cuomo decides that he wants to jail people for simply having a different thought than them, then you know what?
I will keep going back, and I will sit behind those bars happily.
Well, that's amazing.
That's how we got this controversy.
People are willing to stand up for freedom.
You brought up Enrique.
We've got to have you on more.
We've been on many times, but you bring up so many really central points I haven't thought of.
It's true.
The media all over always goes to the conservative or nationalist or patriot side.
Even though they're attacking us, they'll never go with Antifa.
Because the left, in general, is so vicious, they just attack people that don't look like zombies.
They're just nasty people.
They attack Savannah when she doesn't even have an InfoWars thing, just because she doesn't look degenerate.
They literally go, oh, you're pretty, or you're well-kept, you must be evil, and start attacking because misery loves company.
I mean, it's crazy.
They are the baddies.
Mr. Ingalls, thanks for writing the story.
Any other comments here at the end of this segment?
Well, the crucial important point is they've dehumanized us to the point that they no longer view us as humans.
So therefore it starts with a milkshake like Mr. Tarrio says and it ends with a bullet.
This is not a joke.
This is not a game.
So if you're a patriot, if you're an info warrior, if you're someone that's out there, keep yourself safe.
Travel in groups.
Don't get caught alone.
Because when I got caught alone in DC and had a rabid mob of Lesbian feminazis spitting in my face like dinosaurs and then punching me as I'm wiping the spit out of my face.
It's insane.
I couldn't believe it.
And no one was there to help you, folks.
First they deplatform you, then they imprison you.
God bless you.
Great job, everybody.
Dr. Nick Begich is coming up here in just about two minutes.
Now, he's always got a lot of subjects he's gonna cover.
We trust him.
We love him.
We don't even check what he's gonna get into.
It's always interesting, and I'll usually have my lunch on Friday and listen to the show.
Already had my lunch during the break, but I'll still be listening to it when I'm doing some work.
And then the war room's coming up with Owen Schroyer.
And the only way we get out to new people is when you tell them about the little radio station you're listening to, or Band.Video, or Infowars.com forward slash show, and then share that link.
So thank you, because we're in this together.
But I'd like to get his take in a moment on this.
I've been harping on Fiona Hill and her testimony yesterday.
Off and on throughout the last couple hours because she says, I'm not a globalist and I don't work for George Soros.
When she's high level CFR, the preeminent globalist organization, she writes for a publication called The Globalist.
She is a globalist thoroughbred.
I mean, if she was a race whore, she'd be.
In the world of globalism, a Kentucky Derby winner.
I mean, of the top 50 globalists, she's in there.
I mean, she's like the globalist.
Didn't take rocket science to go, hey, Trump, get her out of there.
She's a Soros operative.
They get her up there, and they say, no, nothing about globalism.
She says, I am a leftist, and I don't work for George Soros.
No, you just are on the board of his main foundation.
You are a huge pusher of globalism.
That's why you write for a foreign policy publication called The Globalist, advising world leaders on better governance in globalism.
I'm quoting the site right now.
So, we're just calling you what you say you are.
They say it's anti-Semitic.
Well, she's not Jewish.
Why do they keep injecting stuff about Jews in here?
Because we talked about Vitamin being a liar.
I didn't even know that's a Jewish name.
It's just, it's just unbelievable.
So, this is what they're doing, and they brag, oh, Roger Stone's in jail for lying, and Alex Jones, ha ha ha.
This is perjury.
Roger Stone's going to jail for perjury and did nothing.
Didn't perjure.
He said, no, I've not talked to Julian Assange, because he hadn't.
He tried to talk to him.
He talked to the WikiLeaks people.
It's like saying, did you talk to Alex Jones?
If you've never talked to me, you've never talked to me.
And if you talk to somebody that works here, you've talked to InfoWars.
You haven't talked to Alex Jones.
It's like saying I called up his brother when he was a U.S.
Senator, his dad was a Congressman, and said, uh, can I talk to Congressman Begich?
Well, no, he's out.
I said, I talked to Congressman Begich, and he told me he was out.
No, you talked to his secretary.
So see, it's the same stuff.
He didn't perjure himself.
He's facing prison, convicted.
This lady goes, I'm not a globalist.
I don't work for George Soros.
It's on video.
Ladies and gentlemen, she's a right-hand woman of him.
On the board of the Open Society Foundation.
That's the captaining center orblet.
One of the most important battle stations of the globalist.
I mean, she's like one of the generals on the Death Star, okay?
It's like saying, she's like, I don't work for the Empire, and I don't work for Lord Palpatine, and she's in the damn uniform of it.
You're like, you're in a great uniform on a Star Destroyer.
No, I'm not.
Like, yeah, you are.
Here you are.
Here's your old bio.
Imperial fleet, you know, joined 30 years ago, worked up to rear admiral, you know, worked for, I mean, it's the level.
So I'm going to turn this over to Mr. Baggage here in a moment, Dr. Nick Baggage.
Expert on 5G, all the rest of it.
But just understand, they're trying to take us down.
I didn't even plug last hour, so I'm going to do it now.
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All right, Nick Begich, I appreciate him hosting.
He's taking over now.
If he can just, as a smart guy from a political view, give me his take on Fiona Hill, and then he'll cover whatever he wants after that.
And Doctor, please come on next week as a guest in general, just about 5G and your view on that on my main show.
But thank you, sir.
God bless.
Hey, you know, the whole testimony, listening to that yesterday and the Lieutenant Colonel's testimony, this is the problem with Really career bureaucrats that really last from generation to generation from administration to administration.
And this is one of the things that I frequently talk about because the elected official, especially someone like Donald Trump, President Trump gets elected.
He hadn't been in a system where he really got to know how it's played out.
And so he's learning trial by fire, you know.
And these folks on the inside in these positions do have strong positions,
do have strong ideas, and sometimes they're quiet and they kind of ride things out.
But for these two characters, this was sort of their 15 minutes of fame, I guess.
But here, let's look at the issue of what's in play.
They're saying that President Trump made some influence to push people to look at Biden's son.
I don't necessarily believe that.
I think there may be some people around him that were pretty zealous to see that story break and get told.
And I think some of the people around President Trump might have pushed that agenda pretty hard.
But stop and think about it.
Why shouldn't they?
If it was Donald Trump's agenda or George Bush or someone else doing something that was illegal.
In fact, it's illegal for an American citizen to bribe people to engage in activity that deals with bribery and corruption no matter where in the world you are.
You don't have to To be in the United States, to be convicted of that in the United States.
So when Biden's son is getting $83,000 a month as a board member, I can tell you it wasn't because he was an expert in oil and gas.
It was because he was related to the Vice President of the United States.
And that's corruption.
That's personal gain.
And they're trying to say challenging the permanent deep state and going after corruption is bad.
I think that inversion is going to fail, but they are going to get the impeachment passed.
He will face trial.
It's going to be spectacular.
And I predict they're going to launch a bunch of other scams to discredit the president during that scam.
This is just the launch platform for the other scams.
EarthPulse.com's baggage-great website.
Check it out.
He'll take over in just a few minutes.
And welcome back on this Friday afternoon.
And it's always a pleasure to sit in and to work with the team down there in Austin.
I'm coming to you from my home in Anchorage, Alaska.
I'm sorry to miss you the last couple of weeks.
You know, just before the break, we were talking a little bit about the corruption and Fiona Hill and Lieutenant Colonel's testimony the last few days.
And yeah, I did have occasion to listen to most of it.
I can tell you, you know, the whole issue, kind of how they frame the words, just sort of how they twist it all.
In a trial, obviously, a lot of that was hearsay, secondhand information, information that would never be considered and then I watched how
the uh... D's kinda made that whole issue of hearsay kind of a lawyer-ish
sort of comment and I'm sure their polling told them lawyers are
held kind of in low esteem by
a lot of the world so you know again think about words and propaganda and the
shaping of words and what that means uh... you know and I say it often I've used the word bribery
in place of the word campaign contribution because they're kind of
interchangeable it depends on the culture you know when you have committees
and when you have brown paper bags well in Ukraine
And, you know, by way of disclosure, I do a little bit of business in that part of the world as well.
But, you know, when I think about this, when I look about Biden and the situation, you got to know something about the business you're being paid for or it's something else or you're paying for something else.
And I can tell you, here's how board seats work.
You either know something that you're contributing, you know, some knowledge that they need that's part of their charter, part of their business plan, or it's political.
And that's not unusual either.
Look at boards.
Look at all of them.
Look at the U.S.
The biggest one in the interlocking boards and what those interlocking boards do and what companies they manage and control.
And then take a look.
At those circumstances and all the things surrounding that.
And you get a whole different picture of what is happening in the world.
And that different picture, that different analysis of what you see and what you see in the world really begins to show up.
And it's a narrative.
And that's even the word that's used is a narrative.
And when you think about this, it's just like a fiction that you create The fiction, and then you get it to the press, and then you quote it as if it's real.
And if you think about this, this is one of the things that was being talked about when, you know, when all of these recent hearings about everything that Donald Trump has tried to do since he was elected president.
And then it's the bureaucracy that has moved against him in an anonymous whistleblower.
And I get that.
I understand that.
But someone Who is blowing a whistle at some point needs to face those that they accuse.
And that's really the standard of law and decency in the United States.
When I worked in the union movement years ago, anonymous complaints, they were pitched.
You know, they weren't valid.
You can't move against someone with some anonymous accusation.
Doesn't work that way.
Whether it's in something like union politics or a courtroom.
And yet here in the Congress, Where they make law, they don't get that.
The Colosseum in Rome features a reconstruction of a statue of Moloch, a terrible ancient deity associated with mass child sacrifice, that greets visitors at the entrance of the historical site.
Prior to the Phoenicians, the Hebrew Bible identifies Moloch as a god of the Canaanites and was associated with child sacrifice.
Either through fire or war.
And God constantly forbade and warned the Jewish people of worshipping or sacrificing to Moloch.
And when they fell into temptation, their society fell alongside their righteousness.
Parco describes the Moloch statue as, quote, a reconstruction of the terrible deity Moloch, and will be stationed at the entrance to the Colosseum to welcome visitors to the exhibition.
The statue was positioned in a prime spot where everyone who entered had to pass it and be subject to the perception of its powerful presence.
The statue of Moloch displayed by Parco's exhibition at the Colosseum is an identical replica of the statue of the same deity constructed for the 1914 silent Italian film, Cabiria, which is set during the Second Punic War of the 3rd century BC.
A war regarded by ancient historians as the greatest war in history, and the film was released just two months before the breakout of World War I, which is undoubtedly one of the greatest wars of modern times.
The 1914 production portrays heinous religious rituals where children are offered up as sacrifices to a giant bronze Moloch statue, depicted as a Humanoid bull, where they are burned alive in a furnace compartment, built into the statue as a chest cavity.
The screenwriter and primary creative force of the film was Gabriele De Nunzio, an author and Italian elitist with a severe case of megalomania.
Who essentially invented fascism, predating Mussolini and Hitler, and introduced Italy to nihilism.
He felt that representative democracy was too bourgeois for him, and it lacked a dramatic arc over the centuries.
Essentially, he thought the average person was too dumb for democracy to work, and therefore, Di Nunzio called it a foolish endeavor.
He felt the state should just get out of the way of all the brilliant people who lust after power, and that perpetual imperial expansion would help continue the beautiful and glorious wars around the world.
D'Nunzio believed that a country was sustained by faith, not trust.
Therefore, instead of trying to govern kindly or honestly, he thought a political leader should act like the head of a religion.
Not simply as a pope, but as a messiah to the governed.
After serving in World War I, he resurrected the Roman straight-armed salute that would later be plagiarized by Hitler and the Nazis.
Also in sync with fellow fascist Hitler, D'Annunzio was known to take a lot of cocaine.
Just nine days after the statue was erected, the Amazon Synod was opened at the Vatican Gardens.
Where the Pope and other top-ranking Catholic officials took part in a pagan ritual where shamans worshipped the fertility god Pachamama, represented by wooden statues of pregnant women.
A statue of child sacrifice soon followed by the worship of fertility symbols that represent and celebrate procreation?
What is going on in Rome?
Even though Moloch feasts on the flesh of children in its fiery furnace, Moloch still needs God's creation, the fruits of fertility, before consuming the children as sustenance to survive.
And despite its relevance fading into history, the revival of Moloch, the fallen deity, only opens the door to a future of an unconscionable past.
This is Brian Wilson with InfoWars.com Wow!
What a video.
Hey, getting back to this issue of corruption and the games that are played, and I want to get back into what that video touched on in a moment.
But talking about Biden again and the kind of corruption that's taking place, a million dollars a year, $83,000 a month basically, just about a million bucks a year.
Uh, that is corruption, ladies and gentlemen.
And I want to talk a lot also about the big foundations that are formed after presidents leave office.
I believe that's corruption, too.
You know, the Clinton Foundation, a billion dollars plus and growing.
I mean, is that not corruption?
I think so.
You know, in a lot of different ways when they were in.
I remembered and thinking going into this show today about some of my friends in this line of work and the challenges faced 20 years ago.
We're going to get into that right after this break.
And welcome back.
And thank you for being here this Friday afternoon.
You know, talking about corruption, corruption of words and the word games that are being played right now, the important aspect of all of it is to kind of break through the fog and try and sort out the facts and the fiction.
And I want to make a couple of let's just assume that Donald Donald Trump's team did want Biden investigated.
Why not?
If he broke the law, shouldn't he be investigated?
Or should he be insulated?
Insulated or investigated?
A pretty good question for the public, actually.
And when it comes to Americans and other countries, actually, the law does extend.
We're one of the countries, one of the few countries, where our anti-corruption laws bind you as an American citizen, no matter where in the world you travel, you see.
Because that is the law of this land.
And so if, in fact, there was corruption involved, it ought to be looked at.
But I don't think asking someone to investigate corruption is corruption.
You know, I think it's the right thing to do, actually.
And I don't think they were necessarily withholding anything.
I think Donald Trump withholds all foreign aid until he figures out why is it in America's best interest.
And he listens to everybody.
And it might take a little bit of time.
And at the end of that, he makes a decision.
Because that's what he ought to do.
And not just believe these career bureaucrats on face.
But listen carefully.
Analyze carefully.
And make your own judgment.
As President of the United States.
And you know, sometimes the other team doesn't like what you decide.
And that's why there is another team.
But this team is the one in charge right now.
And people are mad at Donald Trump.
And really what I saw in those video clips in the last hour.
We're people who are angry because he behaves badly.
And he does in a lot of ways.
He's got a personality that rubs a lot of people the wrong way.
He's not someone that you might bring home to your mother for dinner, you know, and expect a polite conversation all the time.
But I think Donald Trump says what's on his mind.
And sometimes it comes out in a crass way.
That's who he is, for goodness sake, and everybody knew it when they elected him.
The same people angry about his behavior are still angry, but his words are clear and he expects performance.
And NATO, NATO's dancing around because they're not carrying their weight in Ukraine.
We are.
And NATO needs to buckle up in Ukraine and in all of Europe where their interests, if they feel their interests, are at stake and start paying the bill that America has been paying.
And Donald Trump is not happy about that either.
So he's asking all these groups of people, these networks, the European Parliament's ambassador to listen to all the BS from the European Union and then he needs to get the input from NATO and listen to all the BS from the NATO partners who don't pay their share as good partners might.
You know, they're not partners.
They've become parasites driving the international agenda for the United States.
Is that how it goes?
I don't think so.
As for a globalist agenda?
Yeah, there actually is one.
And it is real.
And now because of the global internet and the global network of communications and the global system of banking through the SWIFT system, You can control the whole ballgame!
And they want to go to a digital currency.
This Bitcoin thing is to test it.
Because Bitcoin is a traceable thing, if you really think about it.
Because you can follow the chain, you see.
Currency is going to be Bitcoin kind of thing one day.
A digital matrix.
It's happening, the discussion, even in Germany as we're talking today.
Because people taking their money out of banks because they have a negative interest rate.
They charge you for banking your money.
So a lot of big companies bought big safes and moved a lot of cash into vaults.
Well, they don't like that.
So they want to use a digital currency in Germany.
So you can't do that.
So you've got to pay the negative interest rates to keep your money in their system.
As a little digital entry that can be blipped out of existence.
You know, and then on gold in Europe and Germany, now if you buy a thousand dollars, euros, excuse me, of gold, less than an ounce, it has to be recorded because one day they're going to tax gold in the bulk, I'll guarantee you, or they're going to take it like they did in the U.S.
and other places in the 30s.
Then you see a run on gold by central bankers starting to accumulate it in small countries, big countries alike.
Why is that?
Well, stop and think about it.
You think these people don't know what's coming?
They are what's coming, for goodness sake.
And the propaganda wars, the info wars, where this network started, info wars, wars on for your mind, right?
And where I started now, 25 years ago, was changing the way we see the world, because I thought we could see a little bit differently, maybe change it, you know?
And I think we can, I still think we can, after a quarter century of watching A lot of degradation.
And before the break, the last break, this reminded me of when Ross Perot ran for president.
And the establishment was really uptight.
And they took out all the stops to beat this man up and his family in any way they could get to him until they diminished his ability to run.
And at that time, there was a broadcaster that some of you will remember.
It was Chuck Carter, now deceased.
And someone reminded me of him this week, a listener.
And Chuck, Chuck was a consumer advocate, started out that way, and then became a little bit more political because he realized that's where the action was, if you really want to change the world.
But he was a non-profit, which limited his political speech.
A lot of people don't know this, but if you're a non-profit, people can donate to you and give you money.
You don't get political speech.
501c3, no way, man.
You start speaking politically, they send an auditor into your place.
Which they did to Chuck for three years.
They had an auditor from the IRS sitting in his office for three years.
Think about that.
And then he got a little financial stretch because he grew so fast because people really liked what he was doing and liked the alternative news he was providing.
And it gave us a different view of the world that was needed back then.
And when I remember listening to Chuck, he had a huge network, you know, big network, and they did everything to diminish it.
Finally, they came in the back door.
They came in, they financed his program, got him obligated, and then he lost his editorial voice at a certain point when the cash flow dropped, and he was stuck.
And then he was done, and then they wiped him out.
And he passed, I'm sure, Not a broken man, because he did make a difference, and the fire in his voice still echoes in the voice of all of us who remember him and still talk about the fact that that was about making change then, and this is about making change now, a quarter of a century later.
And it's the same game, but the difference is this time there was an InfoWars that had a broader network, a bigger network, a network that couldn't be stifled out of existence.
And it maintained its independence because you, listeners, supported this network and continue to do so.
So there could be a free voice still in the game.
And yes, it had a big influence on Donald Trump's election.
It'll probably have a big influence on whoever wins the next election.
But I can say this about that.
Is if it's coming out of Washington, D.C., it's coming out of a swamp.
Let me give you some other examples of corruption.
Real estate deal.
Stock insider information.
How about gambling?
You know, playing poker with the lobbyist and the lobbyist always loses even on a full house or four aces.
You know, how does that all happen?
How about book deal?
Big advances.
Baltimore right now.
Children's book written by the mayor.
Oh, why do people buy a hundred grand worth of a children's book?
Give me a break.
You know, a lot of that does happen that way.
I got to tell you.
And, you know, look at the boards.
Look at who's doing the decision making in these decisions and ask yourself, and how do we combat that as Americans?
What do we do with all of that?
And then you've got, you know, Pelosi talking about creating news out of thin air and making it policy.
I mean, are we going to go forward in this country and in the world creating policy based upon BS that someone wants us to consider fertilizer?
This isn't the America that I grew up in and one that I don't want my grandchildren or my great-grandchildren growing up in without knowing the truth about it.
And the truth is, our words are what sets us apart and sets us free.
And we don't have to agree with those words.
We can change the channel.
But what's important in this country, and in favor of liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and all things that we hold dear, is a free voice.
Because it is in the word that things change.
It is in the word that the world is changed.
and it's through InfoWars that we're all the tip of the spear.
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We're patriots.
America and the world is aware!
You know what I'm talkin' about?
Hillary Clinton is a Chinese communist figure, and a criminal, and that's just the way it'll be.
America is a white and fighting bird.
America will never let you down.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Hillary Clinton is an enemy of the American people!
Hillary Clinton is an enemy of the American people!
Hillary Clinton is an enemy of America!
Hillary Clinton is openly calling for censorship of all patrons and nationalists.
Hillary Clinton is a criminal who failed to sell our nation out to the tycoons.
Hillary Clinton is a criminal.
Hillary Clinton will never silence the American people!
America is awake!
America knows what's happening!
And Infowars.com is exposing it!
America is back!
America is back! America is back! America is back!
The dogless criminals represented by Hillary Clinton are failing.
The entire all evil Democrat party is collapsing.
The Democrat party's attempted criminal takeover of America is failing.
Your dog Hillary Clinton is a war criminal and is involved in child sex trafficking and obscenity.
Hillary Clinton is involved with Jeffrey Epstein.
Hillary Clinton flew on Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile aircraft.
Democrats are authoritarian, anti-American criminals that have failed to silence our speech.
Big Tech and the Chi-Coms and Hillary have failed to silence America's speech.
America is back!
Hillary Clinton worked with the child molester Jeffrey Epstein!
back. America is back. Hillary Clinton worked with the child molester Jeffrey Epstein. Hillary
Clinton wants to sexualize our children. Hillary Clinton is a war criminal. Hillary Clinton,
who can't even walk, are going down.
Hillary Clinton is a failure.
Your Democratic Party is collapsing.
Every city you control is collapsing into hell.
Everyone is running from the Democrats and their mental illness.
so-called power cult, the Democratic Party that founded the KKK is going down.
The Democrats are KKK! The Democrats are KKK!
The Democrats are KKK! The Democrats are KKK!
The Democrats are KKK!
And look, they all agree to call the KKK...
Down with the KKK!
Down with the... Look at this lady!
I'm saying, down with the KKK!
And she says, nope!
Down with the KKK and Hillary!
Down with the KKK and Hillary!
They tried to lie about their agenda and secretly build it.
That didn't work.
So now they've tried to silence us and then gaslight the population, promoting pedophilia, gun confiscation, and pure evil as normal.
They're doing that to demoralize you.
But the truth is, they're failing.
You can see it, and you can feel it.
Hell yes!
We're gonna take your AR-15.
You're gonna take people's guns away, wait till you get elected, then take the guns away.
Don't tell them ahead of time!
Breaking news, we have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston public library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
We are winning.
Humanity is awakening to the fact that it's under attack.
We were asleep before.
And the fact that we're awakening enrages the vampiric globalists and their demonic slaves.
Ladies and gentlemen, they wouldn't have come out in the open with gun confiscation, pro-pedophilia, attacks on America, attacks on real Christians.
Even if they weren't scared and weren't losing.
They've had to fully uncloak themselves in a hope to normalize their assault on our species.
But it's not working.
The fact that they had to censor InfoWars off of more than 60 major platforms.
And then the fact that Zuckerberg had to say, if you say something positive about Alex Jones or about InfoWars, that they'll ban you on Facebook.
How dangerous is Infowars?
Well, Facebook believes it's so dangerous that you can be banned from using the platform, Facebook, just for sharing its content unless you simultaneously denounce it.
Revolted against that and said, my God, this is like the old Soviet Union.
And now all the big tech companies are coming out with their cashless systems, with the smartphones and the AI systems, the assistants and all the rest of this garbage.
These people are making their move on humanity right now.
But again, if they couldn't be defeated, they wouldn't be trying to censor those of us that are standing up to them.
They know they've got an uphill battle, but their god, their master, whatever the hell this murderous force is, this death cult, is obsessed with driving us into submission and demoralizing us to get rid of our fighting spirit.
But everybody can see it and everybody can feel it.
That fighting spirit of humanity is beginning to Burn brighter than it ever has before.
It is exploding.
And the wicked, twisted forces that believed that they were going to have a leisurely dissection of the human species are now beginning to realize that just like every time in the past, evil failed.
They're going to fail this time.
And their attempt to destroy us will only be the final nail in the coffin for their Luciferian system.
That said, I need your prayers.
You need to pray for yourself.
I don't have to tell you that.
I need your word of mouth that is paramount, that is key, that is the coin of the realm.
Human, human intelligence, and I need money to prosecute the war against the globalists.
You know that nobody fights harder than InfoWars because you are behind the InfoWars and you've got my commitment to go 110%.
But I need the capital, I've got a bunch of key initiatives to launch, so go to InfoWarsStore.com and take advantage of amazing deals and high quality products that make your life better and fund the InfoWars.
You know my pitch.
It's a straight shoot of facts.
InfoWars is resisting.
InfoWars is fighting.
InfoWars wants a pro-human future.
And you are what powers the InfoWars.
So take action today.
Spread the word.
Pray for us.
And please buy the products.
And I thank you.
And I salute you.