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Name: 20191108_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 8, 2019
2782 lines.

In a podcast by Alex Jones, he discusses various topics including Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups, and tyranny. He mentions how it is illegal to possess certain stolen documents but the media is exempt from this law. Jones also talks about how investigative journalists are being targeted and arrested for releasing information while the press continues to call for his own arrest. Furthermore, he reveals evidence of how they stole the Kentucky Governorship and encourages listeners to purchase high-quality iodine from InfoWarsTore. The podcast discusses an episode from The Alex Jones Show, in which the host talks about a whistleblower case involving an Obama official and the controversy surrounding it. Jones criticizes the media for censoring the name of the alleged whistleblower and calls for free speech. He also discusses a story about fraudulent voting in Kentucky that was exposed by state government insiders. The podcast promotes various products, such as health supplements and a triple pack deal at InfoWarsStore.com. In another segment, Alex Jones discusses the media's treatment of Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russian lawyer Vlademir Sirimella. He criticizes the media for trying to create hysteria and making it seem like a big secret when in reality there was no outrage when Drudge Report reported on it. Jones also talks about how the media tries to control language and communication, using examples such as the brofist being banned by Apple. He ends by urging listeners to stay politically activated and spread live links at Band.Video and InfoWars.com/show. This text contains an advertisement for various products available at the InfoWars store. These include Patriot Blend coffee, Alexa Pure Breeze air purifier, and Super Silver Whitening Toothpaste. The host emphasizes that purchasing these products not only provides customers with high-quality items but also supports InfoWars financially, allowing them to continue their work. Additionally, the text mentions an announcement by the host about the arrest threats he and Don Jr. are receiving from Obama administration officials, as well as updates on ongoing investigations into voter fraud. In this segment of The Alex Jones Show, host Alex Jones discusses the ongoing legal battle surrounding Roger Stone's jury selection process, the suppression of free speech, and the weaponization of the law by the legal left. Jones argues that Obama- connected prosecutors are attempting to criminalize discussion about jury selection and prejudice in Stone's case. He highlights how major media outlets like the New York Times and the Washington Post have called for the arrest of those involved in these discussions. Jones emphasizes the importance of free speech and questioning the jury selection process, drawing comparisons to civil rights cases where potential jurors with prejudices against defendants would be unacceptable. He also criticizes the ongoing impeachment hearings as a "fraud" designed to discredit President Trump. Additionally, Jones mentions a recent conversation he had with constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes about the lack of action from the Justice Department in response to the alleged corruption and abuse of power by the legal left. The speaker discusses the differences between extortion and blackmail, and argues that these terms are being misused to attack Trump supporters. They also criticize

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Remember, it's illegal to possess, uh, these stolen documents.
It's different for the media.
So everything you learn about this, you're learning from us.
Remember, it's illegal to possess, uh, these stolen documents.
It's different for the media.
It's different for the media.
Remember, it's illegal to possess, uh, these stolen documents.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Friday, November 8th, 2019.
Why did I begin the broadcast with a clip from the fall of 2016, just a month out from the election?
We're 360 days out from the 2020 election.
Because that's the theme of The Deep State.
Reading what investigative journalist release makes you a felon and you're going to go to a forced labor camp, I guess.
And now, all over the news, AP, Reuters, CNN, they're saying arrest Don Jr.
Send him to prison because when the news was reporting on the identity of the fake whistleblower, he magnified it so we would discover that the lawyer was a person pledged to run a quote coup against Trump.
You're supposed to know who a whistleblower is.
The federal statutes are for The Inspector General, if the whistleblower doesn't want to be known, they don't release the name.
But a whistleblower on made-up garbage, whose name is public, who's been testifying to Congress, can't face your accusers, is totally legal and lawful.
Just like the Supreme Court's ruled dozens of times, the last big one in the 1980s, that to release the names of jurors, if there are especially Conflicts of interest.
Say if, again, John Gotti's son was on the jury, you'd want that information.
That's completely protected and legal and lawful.
Well, guess what?
They're all over the news.
Washington Post, CNN, calling for my arrest.
There are Obama-era prosecutors saying, I am a criminal.
Arrest me now.
And the judge reportedly has been talking about me in the courtroom.
And they're playing clips of me in the courtroom, but the press has all been thrown out.
And they're all scared because this nation has been gilded.
We've had our testicles cut off, and I intend to bring our huevos back.
Somebody's got to do it.
Bowing down to these people has got to stop.
But in the New America run by these people, you read WikiLeaks, you go to jail.
You report on a fake whistleblower whose name is already out, you go to jail.
You talk about them trying to appoint an Obama department head to the jury, which was confirmed, you go to jail.
They think we're so stupid they're going to get away with this.
Well, they're not.
Now we've got all the clips of this coming up, but let me drop a bombshell bigger on you.
I'm not going to leave the show when we come back.
I'm not going to lead the broadcast without, it's all over the news that they are trying to arrest me or seeking indictments right now.
Here's the headlines right here.
Alex Jones threatened to name a Roger Stone juror.
Experts say that might be jury tampering.
Washington Post, no.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not going to lead with that because it's important, but it's not as important as this.
I have investigative journalists on the payroll.
And, you know, I call this young lady around here the rabbit's foot because she just keeps coming up with the gold.
We have the total proof of how they stole the Kentucky governorship, and it's not too late to get it back.
We have the total, total proof, recordings exclusively.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the force is with us.
Whatever you want to call it.
God is with us.
Go with God.
That means God's on our side thanks to your prayers.
That is only the beginning of the transmission today.
Don't wonder.
Remember three years ago and a month before the 2016 election, Chris Cuomo went on CNN to engage in massive fraud.
Well, just hear what he said for yourself.
Remember, it's illegal to possess, uh, these stolen documents.
It's different for the media.
So everything you learn about this, you're learning from us.
Remember, it's illegal to possess, uh, these stolen documents.
It's different for the media.
It's different for the media.
Remember, it's illegal to possess, uh, these stolen documents.
So, if you read what an investigative journalist legally and lawfully releases, protected under the First Amendment, that's in all the Supreme Court rulings, you're going to go to prison, not just Julian Assange.
And they're showing us what happens to investigative journalists now, what would have happened to Daniel Ellsberg, exposed in the Vietnam War, today is being locked up to rot in solitary confinement.
And now they've come out all over the national news, and they've said, That they want Alex Jones arrested for pointing out that the judge selected as the first juror in the Roger Stone Railroading Kangaroo Show Trial Star Chamber event aren't enough words to describe how fraudulent it is on its face.
They're all over the news, Washington Post, CNN.
Alex Jones needs to be arrested.
Alex Jones has committed a crime, says former Obama prosecutors.
attorneys trot out on TV.
Arrest him.
He's threatening the lives of jurors.
There was a grim reaper on his show.
Yeah, talking about Epstein, we had a grim reaper on the show.
These people are unbelievable.
And what else did they say?
Don Jr.
needs to go to jail while they're on The View.
And one host says, ah, my law degree says you go to jail.
No such thing.
None of that's true.
Quid pro quo's not illegal.
As the president talking to a head of state, unless he was personally making money.
Which he wasn't off of it.
So they're just saying normal activity is illegal.
If they tried to put Bill Clinton on the jury, or Hillary Clinton, or Chelsea Clinton, or let's say Bill and Hillary Clinton's maid, somebody they have power over, they would be disqualified for the appearance of impropriety.
That's the law.
But Judge Jackson, in all her imperious, hubris-filled arrogance, admonished everyone, I guess, on Tuesday.
Or was it Wednesday?
It was Wednesday.
Not to talk about the jury to anyone.
And then they said Jones knew that when an hour later he talked about it.
No I didn't, but she can't sit there and tell the media don't talk about these jurors.
That's not gonna stand up.
What if one of the jurors was Bill Clinton?
Hi everybody, don't talk about me being on the jury here.
Don Jr.
100% cut and dry could say who the whistleblower is.
And the person's not even a whistleblower, but it has that, oh, dossier, whistleblower.
Intelligence community, oh, royalty.
And so they don't know what to do now.
They tried to put Politico and Reuters were in the room.
They said that the spokesperson for the Office of Budget Management under Obama, who they said husband works in the Justice Department on the Russia probe as a lawyer.
That was in the news!
We went and looked at the only woman that ever headed up the PR there.
She later went on to head up Health and Human Services as the cabinet head, on the cabinet.
And her husband, indeed, matched up as a lawyer on Russia Probe.
Oh, they go, oh, Jones isn't right.
We're not going to tell you who it is.
We have no idea.
The whole thing's secret.
But they did say it is an Obama official.
And that's perfectly fine, the judge said.
And now for daring to say, wow, that's terrible.
That's reportedly who it is.
They won't deny it.
Well, Jones needs to be arrested.
And then, I can't play all these clips, but normally you hear, oh, Don Jr.
destroyed The View.
Or, no, he destroyed them.
I'm bad to women?
Whoopi, you defend Norman Polanski drugging and raping 13-year-old girls in their rear ends till they bleed everywhere.
Shut her down real quick.
People started chanting and praising him.
He called him on it, so she said, shut up!
Behar said, this isn't a Trump rally!
See how fast their audience turned on him?
Because Junior was laughing at him with his good-looking girlfriend.
Smart, good-looking girlfriend.
They didn't know what to do.
They didn't know how to respond.
To the hot, smart, lawyer, Latina, and her European boyfriend.
And I'm gonna play some of these clips, but it's not our top story.
Wait till you see that next segment.
But this is who they are.
All over the news, I have a stack of articles.
Arrest him!
Fox News bans host from using the name of alleged whistleblower.
Eric... How do you pronounce his name?
Twitter bans it.
They'll kick you off if you use it.
Dems fight to keep the name of whistleblowers name private.
He's already testified.
His lawyer is a guy that swore to destroy Trump all over Twitter.
Here he is, Eric Saramalla.
Five facts for you to know.
Oh, it's okay for the heavy to have him before Don Jr.
Or anybody else.
I mean, Drudge had it, we had it.
But, oh, arrest him.
There he is with the First Lady right there.
We're not supposed to talk about this guy.
That's Le Pen's crazy wife right there.
What a circus.
So, that's the control because the media says it's illegal.
The rest of the media won't touch it to protect these people from exposure that they're political hacks that work for Hillary, Obama, Brennan, Clapper, Coney, Robert Mueller.
You know, I had a former federal agent in the trial that they didn't know about who knew what to look for and he said it's totally rigged.
He said the feds they have on the stands have openly been paid off and that he felt dirty leaving it and had not seen mafia trials that would the mafia that corrupt.
He said he literally never felt dirty leaving a courthouse.
They said the whole top is rigged.
Think about that.
By the way, that same source confirmed to me before it was news that Bloomberg is going to run.
He's already got a security detail set up.
It's on.
So, when we come back, I'll play Behar and others saying you're going to jail, you're going to prison.
We'll finish up with this attack on free speech.
And then...
I'm going to get into the big story, and we're not going to have the audio of this till the fourth hour.
I'm going to go ahead and host the fourth hour today.
Because I was on three-way phone calls this morning and recording phone calls this morning with the crew of the Kentucky state government.
And they were admitting on the phone how the Democrats stole the election in plain view.
And this is all in plain view, and we have the documents, we have the proof, but we're putting it all together with the reports, with Millie Weaver, for the fourth hour.
And this is all hiding in plain view.
How the Democrats stole Kentucky, how they stole the governorship.
Now, their wave of fraud wasn't big enough to pick up the other seats, but they got it there, targeting the chief executive, who can then pardon all the Democrats that have been indicted in the state, and that was really their main plan.
So they had focused illegal voting done there, with the names of dead people and folks off the rolls, and we even have the people who had their names stolen and put on the rolls, who don't even live in the state, we have it all.
Kimberly, you're a lawyer.
And we've known each other.
You were a former prosecutor.
I mean, did you advise your boyfriend that it is a federal crime to out a whistleblower?
I didn't advise him that it was a federal crime, but I did come out of the bathroom and say, I left you alone for 10 minutes.
What happened when Mamacita's gone?
Because by the prison court's reasons, however... It's only a federal crime for the IG to do it.
That's in the statute.
Well, no, that's not true.
That's a lie.
It is not true.
Let me show you the other side.
Okay, stop.
Everybody stop.
It's hard to hear.
Under U.S.
Code Section 1505, it is a crime.
It's not accurate.
My law degree says it is, but nevertheless... You did speak to him about that?
I talked to him, no, not prior to, after I said, oh, what happened?
He said, well, they're saying that I released this and I outed, but if you look at the facts, And the facts are that the name was out there.
I'm not saying, okay, I understand what you're saying, that perhaps, okay, it wasn't the most prudent decision to retweet an article, but I'm going to tell you something.
We talk about transparency.
The President of the United States released the transcript of exactly what happened in that phone call.
His opinion, or her opinion, of what transpired.
I'd like to talk about that, actually.
That's out there to say.
He's not trying to hide anything.
I'd like to talk about that.
Actually, let me ask you, do you regret repeating that?
You know, I don't think I should have to forego my first amendment.
I don't want to create hysteria, but if I'm reading an article, I'll be like, oh, the name's out there.
I didn't even realize that this thing is some sort of big secret.
So you don't regret doing that?
I don't regret doing it.
No, I don't think I should have to forego my First Amendment rights.
It's out there.
I read it in an article.
I've been reading it for a week.
I saw it on the Drudge Report.
Like, this is not some secret.
But to then say, because it's Donald Trump Jr., because he's an outspoken guy, to then create... Listen, this is not a mackerel, okay?
Why was there no outrage when Drudge Report, which is a major website, probably the largest aggregator of media news in
America. He puts it out there a few days ago and, no, crickets. No, no problem with
Because probably not a lot of people knew that it was out there, but once you
put it out on drug...
Millions of people see it every day.
I'm saying to you, listen man, I don't know how many people here read the
Drudge Report. I don't know.
So you got a bunch of arrogant, hateful harpies who don't believe in freedom.
Joy Behar, days before, said, we're going to confiscate all your guns.
We're going to lie to you about it.
Once we get in, we're taking them.
You understand?
We don't care about the freedoms that made this country so great.
We're going to flush them down the toilet.
And then I love how his girlfriend, Don Jr., is like, well, maybe it wasn't the best idea.
He did it.
The best idea, great job doing it.
Look at this.
Here he is, Eric.
Five facts you need to know.
Here he is.
I knew who this guy was days before it was the big news.
We're like, oh look, he's a little slimy Democrat.
His lawyer hates Trump and swore to remove him from office in a quote, coup in 2017.
Oh look, he works for Brennan and under Hillary and Obama.
And he just repeats the same garbage.
We have the transcript, we have the witnesses.
It's not true.
He's nothing but a deep stater.
And they turned that into it's bad.
What, he's just supposed to testify secretly to Democrats only and then send his written questions to the Republicans if they have any questions.
They can talk magically to his lawyer.
He doesn't have to face anybody.
He can just sit there and make this up.
It's 100% legal and lawful.
It's like it's 100% legal and lawful in the interest of the press that I exposed.
That they were trying to put high-level Obama administration officials on the jury, and they were admitting it in the news like it was no big deal.
Reuters, Politico, Washington Post were reporting that, oh, her husband worked at the Justice Department in the Mueller probe as a lawyer.
And I'm like, who is this?
Is it Robert Mueller?
He was a lawyer working at the Justice Department?
The Mueller Report?
I mean, that's how crazy this is.
But that's how dumb they think you are.
And Fox News and Twitter and all of them won't let their host say who it is because...
Because Joy Behar and others say you need to go to jail if that is the case.
Think about that.
Don't read the WikiLeaks.
Hit the tune to CNN.
Chris Cuomo's allowed to read it.
You're not.
You'll go to jail.
That's not true.
That's mafia threats from that goon.
From Fredo.
Trying to steal your birthright of speech.
That is racketeering.
That is criminal.
They didn't stop there.
Here it is.
Alex Jones threatened to name a Roger Stone juror.
Experts say that might be jury tampering.
Then they have Obama federal prosecutors quoted as saying, Jones has committed a crime.
Jones has crossed into criminal territory.
Jones is threatening the jurors.
They've got other headlines saying, Jones physically threatens the jurors' lives with a Grim Reaper.
They don't tell you it was in a Jeffrey Epstein report with our news director in a Halloween costume saying, did he commit suicide or did they kill him?
And we were asking the Grim Reaper.
Or I said, buy your DNA force.
It makes your telomeres last longer.
The Grim Reaper doesn't like it.
That turns into...
A threat, like I told the producer Daria, she had a California bear on her shirt today, and I said, are you threatening the jurors?
Don't be on TV here.
Federal prosecutors will say that bear, the grizzly bear's a lot scarier than the grim reaper.
That'll actually kill you.
Was Daria threatening them?
Because pretty soon, I mean, look, there's like crosshairs on the TV screens.
Oh, that looks like a crosshair.
Oh, a cloud looks like something racist.
You know, there's a town called White, because of white cliffs that are there.
And they're getting rid of the name in England, because the whiteness is bad, you see.
Well, white.
The white page, is that code word?
Oh, now the brofist is getting banned by Apple.
You know the brofist?
Bumping fist?
You know, my buddies, when we agree to meet somewhere or do something, my buddy said, hey, wanna go for a helicopter ride Saturday?
I said, yeah!
He bro-fisted me!
Like, boom!
You know, the fist, yeah, you're like, let's hit fist!
I didn't know that was a secret white supremacist code, but see, they're not mentally ill, folks.
The globalists are taking over all language, all communication, and saying it's theirs.
They'll decide who can be funny.
They'll decide what symbols are okay.
Ooh, like that evil one, the ADL?
We'll get your bank accounts taken and you use it.
Well you gotta use it because they're gonna take everything!
They're the danger!
The left!
The control freaks!
My goodness!
Alex Jones is trying to out jury members in the Roger Stone trial.
Alex Jones is threatening jurors.
Alex Jones... They're doing that in my name.
And you know they went to the jurors and said, you're under danger.
The mafia, Don Jones, is after you.
And they've probably got troops with guns.
Get in there quick, juries!
Jones is after you!
They would say in the post, jurors are hiding in fear.
Jones is coming.
Oh my gosh!
Again, this is the theater of the left.
The whistleblower, Trump's in hotels, hookers are pissing on him.
It's all over!
The audio's coming out of N-words from the president.
None of it's real.
None of it's true.
It's just lies, lies, lies, lies.
Don't you read WikiLeaks, you dirty Americans?
You sit there and you shut up!
You don't read about Hillary calling her followers useless idiots?
You just do what she says, because she has a right to own and rule everyone.
So I'm here to tell you, dirty Americans, from Judge Jackson, keep your mouths shut, turn in your guns, your children belong to us, bend over!
A global corporate anti-human exterminist neo-Nazi tyranny.
All right, Robert Barnes riding shotgun with us until the end of the hour.
He'll be back later with Owen Schroyer in studio.
We have news in the fourth hour that is Galacticus level.
Because it is the roadmap the Democrats are using in California and all over the rest of the country to put people on the driver's license rolls onto the voter rolls.
And then to have judges order those roles officially used, then their operatives are given the names and go vote in their names.
They got caught in Kentucky.
We have the state government admitting it on tape.
It's all coming up fourth hour.
The report, the audio recordings, it's all being put together right now.
Believe me, it's bombshell.
There'll be a video report filed by Millie Weaver before with the witnesses, with the victims.
A woman who's a Republican moved years ago to South Dakota.
That's how we found out about this.
And her husband is a legal immigrant, never voted, but When she moved, she learned years later that they had been put back on the rolls.
She got herself removed.
She found out she was back on, and found out she and her husband had voted.
He never voted.
But because the driver's license had been impaired, they put him back on, made him registered Democrat.
So they know when you leave, because the state database, through the federal database, tells you when you're gone.
So they fraudulently know you've left, you won't notice.
They then will put your husband or your spouse on the list and then that's given out to go vote.
175,000 were officially forced back on months before the election by the Democrat who was in control of that.
That's coming up fourth hour.
That's how big this is.
And it's all going to be breaking huge.
That's why they want us off the air.
That's why they want us arrested.
That's why the Washington Post, CNN are all calling.
Obama administration officials are calling for my arrest and Don Jr.' 's right now.
You understand?
Because they know that everybody else is scared and won't tell you this stuff.
We'll be back with Robert Barnes to break it down, but here is a big, important announcement.
Alex Jones here announcing a very important development, so please pay attention and please write notes and check out the claims I'm going to make because this can change your life guaranteed in multiple ways.
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All right.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, is here.
I was home having dinner with my family at about 8 o'clock last night.
They waited for me to get home.
that my wife made, minestrone, and text message comes in.
And Barnes says, "Well, they're trying to get you arrested with federal prosecutors
that are Obama appointees right now, but it's all fraud and all the lawyers have already
turned against him.
It's obviously a huge hoax, but it's very dangerous."
So we talked about 30 minutes about it and they want Don Jr.
arrested, they want me arrested, and it's a huge criminal hoax of racketeering to intimidate
But they got Fox News and Twitter to not let anybody say the name of the fake whistleblower
that openly says he wants to destroy Trump and his lawyer wants to destroy Trump.
And they're trying to say that they can appoint Obama officials to the jury.
It turns out some more got appointed.
That's why the judge is so scared right now.
They're threatening to try to arrest anybody.
Barnes explain to people what's really going on here.
So everyone has a constitutional right to monitor jury selection, to make sure the jury
selection process is not producing biased or partial or prejudiced jurors, as is enshrined
in the Constitution.
And so as part of that, that was the goal and the objective.
And what's happened is you have Obama prosecutors and the press, and parts of the press, labeling that as a criminal act.
To discuss jury selection, to discuss who is being picked, to discuss whether that person is prejudiced and biased or is likely to be prejudiced and biased in the jury trial of Roger Stone.
And it appears that there's an effort to suppress discussion and conversation about what appears to be extraordinary jury selection that is favoring people who have every reason to be hostile and have prejudice against Roger Stone.
And to be a railroading.
To give you an idea of the kind of people who have demanded jury selection information be publicly disclosed, includes the New York Times, who won that right back in the 1960s.
It includes major members of the press who won it in the Hinckley trial in the early 1980s.
This has been well established for a long time, and yet you have prominent prosecutors, Obama-connected prosecutors, still connected to members of the Department of Justice.
In the Washington Post saying it's time to arrest me.
That's what's happening.
I mean, you have people saying, let's criminalize this.
In fact, what the tweet was from this prominent prosecutor was, where is the DOJ?
Expecting the DOJ to just come and raid.
Jones is crossing the criminal territory and is threatening the jurors.
And they said like a mafia don.
And there's several problems with it.
First, you're always entitled to go into jury selection.
Secondly, you're always entitled to review whether the jury is being a fair jury.
Imagine if you couldn't question in the 1960s whether a Klansman was sitting on a trial in a civil rights case or with an African-American defendant.
That's effectively what the Obama prosecutors are saying.
It is dangerous.
It is precarious.
It is a threat to fundamental freedoms.
They're attempting to suppress free press and free speech in this country to cover up what appears to be a bad trial that is not going according to constitutional plan.
And they're doing it in unison everywhere.
So it's bigger than Roger Stone, bigger than Alex Jones, bigger than Don Jr.
Who's behind it?
How do we stop it?
And then we're going to get into all the other big news.
Stay with us.
Under U.S.
code section 1505, it is a crime.
It's not accurate.
My law degree says it is, but nevertheless... So, you've got Chyra Mella who's already testified.
Why do they never want to tell you who the original whistleblower is?
Because there isn't one.
They all want to say they heard something that didn't happen.
They don't want the fact that they're all political hacks to come out, that they're all deep staters appointed by Brennan and Clapper and Hillary and Obama.
And so when it does come out, oh, look, it's this guy whose lawyer says we're going to stop Trump.
He says we're going to have a coup on Trump one week after he's in office, and constantly attacks him, and the client is constantly attacking him, and all the evidence shows it's not true, and the quid pro quo is not illegal.
And then you've got the army colonel, the lieutenant colonel, we'll roll some footage of him, coming in to testify again at Congress, and oh, that's all got to remain secret, but now they're getting ready to have some more public hearings of this.
It's just giant, complete, and total fraud to say that we should know who they are.
But again, they don't want the scrutiny of who these people are.
Part of our system is you get to face your accusers, or people will make stuff up because they don't have to face the music.
We're being accused.
They want us in jail because we love America.
They're demonizing us.
They're coming after us.
So Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, shifting gears out of all the intimidation, They just keep doing it.
They're obviously operating like a mafia, but we keep hearing about the Inspector General report, and the indictments, and the fact that the Deputy Attorney General didn't kill the indictments.
So we know they're out there, but why hasn't Trump and the Justice Department moved?
I think that is a good question and I think it's a good question whether Barr is going to take action because it is problematic.
I mean, there were different people talking to me today and yesterday saying, when is this going to end?
This weaponization of the law in ways that is dangerous and precarious for the country and political partisan ways intended to punish people for their dissident speech or different ideas about the Constitution and fundamental freedoms and liberties in the country.
So here, for example, jury tampering has a very specific, one of the most outrageous things in the Trump era has been the way the legal left has redefined basic criminal terms to mean things that never apply to.
So, for example, if you look up extortion, there is a criminal definition within the U.S.
Sentencing Guidelines and the statutes for what extortion is.
It has nothing to do with what happened with Ukraine.
Extortion requires a threat of physical injury to a person or kidnapping.
That's the statutory definition for good cause.
Blackmail requires that you be doing something in exchange to not provide information about someone.
Again, that has absolutely nothing to do with what happened in Ukraine, in terms of what the president did.
And yet you have prominent legal leftists out there on the social media space, out there in the media space, saying that these crimes were committed.
Now you have this attempt to redefine jury.
You can't tamper with the jury by questioning how jury selection goes, because the jury's already been instructed to not be reading or listening to any media coverage.
So only if they're violating their oath could they even possibly be under any subject to it.
So these are just extraordinary interpretations and expansive interpretations intended to criminalize First Amendment activity because they don't want people exposing the degree to which there's corruption involved.
But the Justice Department and everyone allowing this...
You have the media, you have these Obama-era people saying, arrest Jones, arrest Trump Jr., when that's a crime to be claiming that your normal First Amendment is illegal.
These people are gangsters, and the fact that none of them have gotten in trouble.
Instead, we see more and more indictments of Trump supporters as they cut all of his pillars of support out from under him.
Yeah, it's a political war unlike anything the United States has ever seen.
I mean, you could go back maybe to the colonial times and the revolution, but that's the closest you could get.
Yeah, the king had kangaroo courts doing the same thing, and that's in the Declaration of Independence is one of the reasons we went to war.
Precisely, and it's one of the reasons why we have all these rights we have today, to make sure this is done correctly and properly.
Those are checks and balances.
Well, we do not have star chamber trials in America, even though that's what Schiff is trying to do with impeachment.
rule of law and they're doing it consciously while the judge cackles and snorts.
We do not have star chamber trials in America even though that's what Schiff is trying to
do with impeachment and that's what they're trying to recreate by.
It's the same thing, they're trying to make it like a grand jury where it's secret.
The grand jury is secret for different reasons, but a grand jury cannot take away someone's freedom.
A grand jury can only initiate a criminal proceeding and engage in investigative proceedings that are mostly meant to be secret so that a person's privacy is not improperly invaded in terms of the person that's being investigated.
That's who's supposed to be investigated.
Yes, and then in court it's public.
When they're ready to pull the trigger, it's public.
Everything in that process is public.
So particularly the decision maker.
When you sit on a jury, you're part of the decision-making process.
And your judgment, whether you are biased, is something that the public has a right to know.
Here's what's happened.
The Democrats in the deep state, all over the world, have decided to totally get rid of any pretense that they're not the bad guys.
And they've always been the bad guys.
But they're just going rogue, going tyrant on every front.
A, do you agree with that?
B, how do you think it susses out?
It's extraordinarily dangerous and at some point both the U.S.
Supreme Court and other state Supreme Courts where is appropriate other courts of appeals have to step in and stop this nonsense.
I mean to see what's happening I mean what I said yesterday is here you have what appears to be an anonymous jury.
Anonymous juries were rare only recent historically and or was supposed to be for mob cases and terrorism cases not Roger Stone.
So just like we knew Homeland Security Patriot Act it's all being expanded down to everybody.
Exactly it's what happens when you allow any crack It's just like they're openly saying, yeah, we're getting rid of the First Amendment for conservatives.
Well, that'll get rid of it for everybody.
fall apart.
And you're seeing it.
So you're seeing expansion of definition of, I mean you're seeing definitions of emoluments
and all kinds of legal provisions where they're trying to weaponize the legal system, recreate
and rewrite the law.
It's just like they're openly saying, yeah, we're getting rid of the First Amendment for
Well, that'll get rid of it for everybody.
You can't do it for one side and not do it for the other side.
And as an example here, here you have someone telling Don Jr.
and telling the world at the same time that it's a crime to disclose who a whistleblower is, saying her law degree told her so.
Well, maybe she got her law degree out of a cereal box, because that's not what any law requires.
It's only when they approach at the level of the Inspector General that the Inspector General is not to tell the public.
There's First Amendment reasons why it can't be private.
Here's an example.
Like a lot of court cases, they seal the court file.
That is, the courts stop putting it out, but the parties can't.
I mean, the reason why we have Freedom of Information Act laws, Sunshine Laws, Privacy Act laws, all these laws are meant to protect People's rights to know and have transparency in government.
You don't get to try to stage a coup against the President of the United States and then say, I get to stay a secret witness and let's have a Star Chamber proceedings.
Well, I mean, it's like what they did.
Only Balazi Ford would come forward.
She was a CIA recruiter.
Her dad was a high-level CIA at Baker Hostetler, one of the most powerful law firms out there that we know well.
James Baker and all the rest of it.
And then almost all the other women have said, I was threatened with my criminal record that they'd say I was this or that.
If I didn't go along with it, then other women said, I was never called.
I just saw my name on the news.
Then they called and threatened me with my background, which I'm not going to tell you, you know, if I did this.
And some had been hookers, some had been busted for drugs.
And so they go, oh, we've run your background.
They look at a whole university.
They call up women that never knew Kavanaugh and say, uh, he raped you, didn't he?
Well, I'm going to tell people you're a hooker.
How do you know that?
Well, we got an FBI scan on you.
Well, okay.
I mean, that, but then the women later go, I don't care.
He didn't do it.
Even though they're threatening to put the women in jail or bring out that they're prostitutes.
All they did was a scan of prostitutes at the college.
You know, people that were 30 years later were prostitutes decades before.
That is so damn evil.
But that's what the deep state does, folks.
And they've gone around to everybody that knows me.
And they've called him up, and they've threatened him.
And they've got backgrounds and databases, but luckily my circle of friends and family don't have any dirt.
But they go, oh, we'll make it up.
I've had the New York Times, we're getting lawsuits and things ready, folks.
Literally call up Pulitzer Prize winners, okay?
Mafia gangsters, and literally start threatening people with data mining they've done on them.
We're gonna do a story on you, unless you tell us Alex Jones did this.
And I've got witnesses, ladies and gentlemen, witnesses from Hillary Clinton law firms that literally, people recorded the phone calls.
Oh yeah, we've got this stuff.
Where they're literally going, well, that isn't enough.
Tell us Jones is a homosexual.
Tell us Jones wanted to have sex with you.
We'll give you $10,000 more.
These people are lawless, ladies and gentlemen.
Because they go, what will hurt him with his audience?
We'll say he's gay.
They're just, this is all crap, ladies and gentlemen.
With a degree to which, once you weaponize the legal system, and once you start engaging in Stasi-style techniques, and once you start doing Soviet-style trials, and once you start doing Star Chamber-style proceedings... You're over the edge of the cliff.
Not only that, the reason why we don't allow that in America is because it's also a bad mechanism of producing truth.
So it's not just a matter of it being problematic from a First Amendment perspective, from a freedom perspective.
You fall into a banana republic real fast.
Exactly, and you often don't get the truth.
You know, like the famous movie that Henry Fonda was in about 12 Angry Men, and it's one juror that holds out because he recognizes the truth.
In order to get, you need confrontation, you need cross-examination, you need due process in order to get the truth.
You need investigation!
Exactly, you cannot get the truth if you're only hearing one side that can coerce its witnesses in creative ways, that can engage in secrecy, that can prevent transparency, that can prevent public review and public scrutiny.
The net effect of that is you're going to create a lie.
The outcome of that proceeding will not... How long, and then it discredits the whole system.
How long do you think the New York Times has been so bad that they offer money for lies?
Well, I mean, I think that you go to the sort of deep state modus operandi.
What caused Ed Snowden to become Ed Snowden was him witnessing how the high-ranking and well-connected officials within the State Department and other aspects of the defense contractor world would routinely try to extort people.
And they were watching him have sex with his wife over his laptop.
I mean, people are sick of this.
We'll be right back, folks.
Stay with us.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Welcome back.
All right, Barnes is gonna go get back as a busy little elf in his workshop and things we're doing.
He'll be back with Owen Schroyer to get into the whole kangaroo trial up in D.C., the latest developments.
Owen will be in studio.
And then you are quite the expert on election fraud and voter fraud.
We were looking over the Kentucky reports that were going to be premiering in the fourth hour.
Good thing that the governor did not concede because we've caught them red-handed.
I mean, this is red-freaking-handed.
Well, there's a wide range of ways to monitor and document this stuff.
Whenever they've done any substantial or sophisticated survey, they find millions of people registered in multiple states.
They find millions of dead people registered still in the voter rolls.
It reminds me of the old Chicago joke, where they're going around registering voters, and at one point the young kid says, do we have to keep going?
And the head guy looks around the cemetery and says, would you dare deny these people the right to vote?
That's the nature of it.
I remember the Dallas Cowboys, the whole roster was voting in Dallas.
In Vegas.
Somehow in Vegas, someone had registered every single member of the Dallas Cowboys roster, who obviously were not living in Las Vegas.
And Bugs Bunny.
Bugs Bunny was there.
In fact, if you search most voter rolls, you'll find a Bugs Bunny.
You'll find the rest.
Where this gets exposed is I do a lot of representation of people who try to petition for a candidate, independent, third-party person to get on the ballot, or an issue to get on the ballot.
And in that context, you have to go around and get signatures.
You'll see the established parties that don't want that issue to be on the ballot, or that candidate to be on the ballot, all of a sudden they become very rigorous about all the problems with the voter registration bills.
They say, oh by the way, this name doesn't even match this address, this signature doesn't match this signature, and it's like... Oh but Donna Brazile, who rigged the debates on record, admits it, and is in the WikiLeaks rigging things.
Oh, she says don't worry about Kentucky.
Yeah, exactly.
And what they usually find in the petition context is half of the signatures are invalid.
So if half of the voter registration files are invalid for the purposes of a petition, what percentage are invalid for the purposes of voter registration of people who never even bother to sign a petition?
So that's where there's concerns about the way we... I mean, people are shocked.
I was over in London and they were discussing voter rolls and whatnot and one of the Canadians who sort of turned to the left was talking about voter ID and how that's discriminatory
and this guy from India said, "Well, of course you have to have voter ID to vote, right?"
What country would not allow you to not require voter ID to vote?
Otherwise, you'll have all kinds of voter fraud, vote multiple times, etc.
And yet that is the United States for the most part.
And again, conservatives, myself included, I know how to get the names of dead people
and I know how to go in and vote illegally.
You watch the Democrats.
I can't bring myself to do it.
But there's coming a point where, okay, cheat like they do or shooting war.
And I'm just being honest.
I've never been a cheat.
And I'm not going to adopt cheating standards, but we've got to beat them by sending them to jail.
I mean, it's got to happen.
Well, what's fascinating is the absentee voter campaign issue that unseated a Republican congressman in North Carolina, the main person who created those absentee ballots that turned out to be fake or fraudulent was someone who often worked for Democrats.
So in California, they saw an unprecedented in 2018 number of ballots come in after the election was over.
We're going to talk about that in the fourth hour, and they're putting that all off, but Judicial Watch, what, just three months ago, sued just in L.A.
and got proved two million people were on the roll shouldn't be, and most of them were voting dead people.
A lot of them.
I mean, that's two million just in a canvas of L.A.
That's what, like ten million people.
Well, the biggest issue is, if people who are here illegally Well, that's what I was telling Millie, that's the issue.
are automatically putting them on the voter rolls as soon as they get driver's
licenses then aren't there gonna be a lot of people who are...
Well that's what I was telling Millie, that's the issue because this whistleblower,
this lady that happened to, they live in South Dakota, her husband is a
legal immigrant but he's never voted and then she just called to check and she'd
already gotten off.
She's on there, and he's on there, and they both voted.
And they're scared, like, well, wait, he's not even a citizen.
Are we going to get arrested saying he voted?
No, you're in South Dakota.
It's not your fault.
So now we've given the criminal investigators.
We've got recordings of that.
I mean, it's just insane.
I mean, it's just what you just said.
That's how they're doing it.
And of course, this doesn't even get to the issue of having non-paper ballots and having no paper ballot trail, and that you have a lot of states that's purely digital.
And so the ability to—they admitted this when they were trying to blame Russians for it.
It's like, well, hold on a second.
That means you've known all along that you can manipulate these computers to manufacture an outcome?
Does this explain why sometimes election outcomes vary dramatically from polls?
It's incredible.
And the Democrats are the masters of voter-level fraud, organizing voters into large blocks to vote in the names of dead people or folks that have moved out of the area.
And we've got a huge report in the fourth hour.
It's game-changing.
Stay with us.
Thank you, Bob.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, my head is spinning right now.
I've already covered a lot of news, but I haven't even scratched the surface of what we're going to be breaking down here today.
But I'm going to do my best to cover a lot of the news right now.
And then we're going to have Owen Schroer, who was up at the Roger Stone trial, in studio to talk about the leftists, their attacks on him, what he witnessed, what it's like to watch the judge let anti-Trump protesters on the courthouse grounds.
She gives them electricity for their blow-up rats and blow-up Trump baby dolls.
You know, the baby blimp.
But then if they do anything or even pull a sign out, she arrests them.
I mean, it's just, she ought to be building a physical railroad out of the courtroom to the federal prison.
That's where railroading obviously comes from.
And now, they want me arrested.
And the judge has shot her mouth off about me a whole bunch, and they played clips of me in there, and they're doing it to scare the jury.
I'm not threatening the jury, but they go, Alex Jones is threatening you, knowing that that will make them then think of Roger Stone as even more evil.
Then they play clips of Roger Stone on the show.
So see, I'm not threatening anybody.
I'm not going to the Sandy Hook parents' houses.
I'm not doing any of the things they say I'm doing, but they use my name to do it.
Oh, I'm the big juror tamper.
Oh, I'm the big criminal.
I need to be indicted.
And again, it's not about Alex Jones.
It's about how they do it.
They use you as a puppet.
If I had an Alex Jones puppet here, and then somebody took it and put words in its mouth, that wouldn't be Alex Jones.
But they'll say, Alex Jones had a Grim Reaper on and threatened the jurors!
Of course they don't show you a video because it didn't happen.
We had a Grim Reaper on the show about Epstein.
But they don't care because they're nasty, dirty criminals.
And I just gotta ask, what are they gonna do next?
Can you imagine being Trump?
They got a big group of women lined up to say he raped them.
That's coming next, watch.
They just recycle the same crap.
That's the next thing coming.
And then it's going to be, oh, a black lady that worked, heard him say the N-word, just as sure as Christmas is coming up in a month and a half.
You can set your watch by what they're going to do.
And I'm not just going to sit here and take it.
But see, they don't want me on air because this whistleblower was public.
He went and testified.
It came out that he wasn't a whistleblower.
The Ceremella guy and that his lawyer is, again, Got a pledge to remove Trump and is a big globalist bootlicker.
And... They're threatening to arrest Don Jr.
And just off saying, that's illegal, the public's so ignorant.
Fox News, don't say his name, it's banned!
The press doesn't even know it's rights.
Same thing with Twitter's banning saying the guy's name.
See, first it's don't say Alex Jones five months ago, or you'll be banned on Facebook.
Now it's, oh, don't show yourself at an NRA shooting event.
We call that terrorist.
They're now banning people's channels for that.
Oh, and by the way, don't promote pro-life.
Oh, by the way, don't criticize vaccines.
Oh, you took a vaccine and almost killed you and the doctor told you it was a vaccine?
Don't complain or you're banned.
There's a big list of things, and we're teaching you, if you want to be able to communicate over these new systems, that we're watching with AI.
Wow, and Congress does nothing.
And we do nothing.
Now I said I would start the broadcast today with really what is the biggest story.
And the story's so big, and I've done so much research on it, that I get in a position where I feel like I'm not doing it justice.
Like, if I just sit here at the regular broadcast desk, it kind of gets lost in the background.
Like, oh, that's just, you know, part of the important stuff he's covering.
I'm going to do, and I've got to do it.
And I've been getting more and more done than I say I'm going to do it because you can feel the quickening and I may not be on air much longer.
I mean, this country may not be here much longer.
You may not be here much longer.
This is serious.
You can feel it.
You can see it.
But I want to do a PowerPoint-type presentation, where I'm at a lectern, probably in here with these big TV screens, and where I walk through scientifically all of this.
But 100% there is a process of incrementally engineering our Diseased short lives.
And the Western life expectancy is plunging, the birth rate's plunging, infant mortality is skyrocketing, and then you've got white papers where they say that they are soft killing us, and they see it as giving humanity radiation therapy, but not to save us, to kill us.
And so 5G and all of this, the 2G, the 3G, the 4G's been a test.
And now they're going to put in millions of 5G that I've got major mainline scientific reports, you know, American Medical Journal, you name it, admitting that 5G, worse than any other thing you've seen, rattles your molecules like a microwave, it is microwave, and creates toxins in the body and kills you, and makes you go insane while it does it.
And I was sitting there last night at about 11 o'clock reading a 70-something page.
I mean, I read the whole thing.
I was reading two different studies.
This one's 40, that one's over 30.
70-plus pages with mainline studies of how it's killing you and your family.
And I just decided I've got to do something.
Oh, Los Angeles Times.
Slight risk in tumors.
Oh, no big deal.
Well, this is way above that, and it's done by design.
You hear them say there's too many humans, we're bad, get rid of our population, save the Earth?
This is all part of a diabolical plan.
And we've even discovered going off the maps of where 5G is going in, that curiously, even in maps from 10 years from now, they've got large zones it's not going to be in.
And you watch, that's going to be where the property values go up.
That's where the elite are moving, we've already documented.
And I'm busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.
But I mean, I want to go to West Virginia and show you a 9000 square
mile range by law where you can't have any frequencies.
And look at who lives there and the helicopter pads and the elites all there.
I mean, they've got something planned here.
And they can oscillate these things to really kill you quickly or fry you or make you go insane.
And I've got all the studies, all the patents, all the CIA stuff.
I mean, I've got it all.
I've got total proof.
Just like I told you, I've got total proof.
Of the geoengineering and now they admit the whole thing while separately having Edward Snowden come out and say it doesn't exist when all he got was limited stuff and like he's like he knows everything.
So they do not want you discussing this.
They do not want you knowing about this and I don't trust Snowden as far as you can throw him.
So we're going to be laying all of that out as well, but This is a takedown of humanity going on, and I know I harp on that, but I want to explain something.
I'm not exaggerating one bit.
In fact, it's so horrible, so multifaceted, so huge, that I can't even wrap my brain around it.
But it's run by a scientific group who are in on the plan, and they've admitted a lot of it in public because they're about to externalize the hierarchy.
They're going full operational.
Let me put it to you this way.
When a king arrives or something, they blow trumpets and have fanfare.
Well, should I play Imperial Battle March?
Should I cut a finger off to make people know it's important?
I mean, I would if it got your attention.
I'm not a self-harmer.
I'd cut my arm off right now with a saw just to go, hey, I'm really serious.
This is killing you and your family.
But that would just, they'd just lock me up.
I mean...
Drumroll, how do I do this?
They're moving out of the beta test of the soft kill, the ambient silent weapons for quiet wars, into operational phase.
And so, you think cancer up 10,000% or you think all that's bad?
Let me tell you, get ready to die.
They're flipping the switches right now.
And this is it.
So, The racism, garbage, the sexism, all that stuff is just a distraction of, quote, you know, fake little fights to distract you from.
This thing is not of this world.
It's made a deal with the so-called elite, and the fallen one is making its move on us before we go to launch phase.
We're about to leave the embryonic phase like a butterfly.
Coming up in the last 30 minutes of the fourth hour today, I'm going to break down something you've never been told about before, exclusively.
The secrets of 6G.
It's already rolling out and they didn't tell you about it.
And I'm going to tie it all in together.
Ladies and gentlemen, the studies proving that 5G alone causes massive cancer increases and deadly chemicals to form in the body when your molecules rub together, causing violent mental illness.
Even LA Times says, oh, just a slight increase, they said, of brain tumors.
Total lies, ladies and gentlemen.
That is all coming up.
Now, Millie Weaver has filed Part 1.
She's going to file Part 2 before she comes on on the fourth hour.
They have hours of recordings from the state of Kentucky.
I want to air a special report she's put out dealing with this, and I want you to know,
this is just now breaking, it's on Infowars.com, the video, that there's more coming, not just
this, and that we've done our own searching and confirmed what she's about to say, but
here's the key.
A man who's not voted, who's not a citizen, was put on the voter rolls.
The woman is a Republican, hadn't lived in the state for years.
She got off the rolls.
She's conscientious.
She was put back on as a Democrat.
And now they're looking at it, investigating it.
And as of this morning, when I was talking to them and listening to the tapes, they were saying that they had voted, even though they're in another state.
And did not vote.
So, you want to see the proof?
175,000 people that weren't on the rolls were put on, and now we're confirming many of them never voted and aren't even citizens.
And remember, the current governor only lost by 4,000 votes and change.
They're doing a recount right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's just recount the same votes.
We need to go in and drill into who voted.
And that's where you'll find the fraud.
So get this report out.
It just went live on Infowars.com.
Breaking new evidence confirms Kentucky election fraud by the Democrats.
Of course, that was the individual at the state level that got the change made and got that done.
Kentucky Secretary of State Allison Lundgren, whose daddy just got in a lot of trouble, but I'm sure now that there's gonna be a governor they control, everything will be okay.
This is a big deal.
Here's the report.
Recently, we were in litigation.
We had, through the course of this last what's called lift maintenance, deemed 175,000 voters as inactive.
And then through litigation from different individual agencies and partners,
individuals, that suit required us to add those 175,000 back in.
Again, this video is on enforcement.
Kentucky State Board of Elections.
Hi, it's Tori again.
Hey, I was like speaking to my husband as well, and I was trying to explain
something to him, and I told him that you're going to be sending the email because, like I told you,
you know, we work with the AG, and he took care of it in 2016.
And what he doesn't understand is, I I said that we were accidentally, like, how were we off in 2018?
Now, I can't tell you, I cannot tell you that that's how, but the only reason that stands is recently we were in litigation.
We had, through the course of this last what's called "list maintenance," deemed 175,000
voters as inactive.
And then through litigation from different individual agencies and partners, individuals,
that suit required us to add those 175,000.
Now you said the only way you knew that in 2018 is you checked and you weren't on.
The only way I can envision that that happened is through that process.
I can't tell you that for sure because what I can see is not all of the activity record.
I'm a low man here.
I'm not one of the chiefs.
Well, the thing is, Ann, I worked with Governor Bevin's office, right, when this came to my attention.
And like I said, my concern in 2016 was, because everyone was talking about all this election fraud, I was like, what if someone votes, you know, on behalf of my husband, then he's gonna get automatically deported.
And that was my first red flag when you called, was how, first and foremost, how was he able to register when that first question is.
So, there are cards, and the cards have a permanent retention.
So if you'd like me to, I'll be glad to call.
Though they are extremely busy and this will not be one that will take front burner, I assure you.
The fact that it has me as a Democrat is insane.
As I stated, as I stated to you prior.
All I can do is try to help you in this endeavor.
I was here in 16.
I work in the same position and I would have kind of remembered this maybe, I don't know.
That was a presidential election year with a lot going on.
The only activity sheet I see is 2008, the original registration.
And then I see after that a change in 2010.
And it looks like the change backhanded.
For your husband, however, was in 2011.
See, that's what I'm saying.
November of 2011.
So, each time, each time it updated his voter registration as well.
So, I can start investigation of this for you, Ms.
Again, I will emphasize to you that the process for retention on any type of correspondence from 18 has passed.
Well, we're right at that 22-month period.
The only thing I can do right now is ensure you the method for removal.
I have spoken to my executive director in reference to this situation.
That's the best avenue I can find for you right now to ensure that you are not on these voter rolls.
And you're speaking to the AG's office in 18.
That's something that is beyond my control.
But it's not really funny when I see that we were removed and added back on.
It's a little bit crazy, right?
And you're not the... It's not the only time that I've seen that happen.
Individuals who are in Hope Green Card and are able to get driver's licenses, unfortunately, are erroneously registered here.
And then when they go through the process of naturalization, they find that out, and they have to go through a lengthy process to ensure that that is denoted so they can re-register.
And unfortunately, that error is on the part of... Alright folks, let's stop right there.
We have multiple calls to the Governor's office.
That was the Secretary of State's office.
We have it all.
And we have the copies of this woman and her husband, who's not a citizen, on it.
And they're totally freaked out.
He's never voted.
He's not trying to vote.
He's trying to become a citizen.
She's a Republican, left a long time ago, and checked and found it out.
Now, that's what they did.
And the Democrats did this, and they're putting this governor in, and you know that's only the tip of the iceberg, and they need to be investigated, and they need to not just recount the votes, the same fake votes, they need to burrow into those names, and see how many are fake, and you know they're gonna find the 4,000-something they need.
That's it!
They're done!
They lost!
They're getting caught!
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I want to be clear.
We've got so much huge developments happening around the world But why do I keep then harping on Roger Stone's show trial.
It's not just that I'm friends with Roger.
It's not just they're trying to put me in jail either.
It's that this is a move against the entire country and all our rights.
They're doing this everywhere.
The left in Europe and the United States has weaponized the judiciary and the legal system.
And Owen Troyer just got back from DC last night.
Did a great job reporting there.
Saw incredible circuses he's going to break down.
And I just wanted to get his take on the sense of things and where he thinks this is going.
Robert Barnes is with us.
I just played recordings from the Secretary of State's Criminal Investigation Division.
Talking to folks that we have documented, our friends of our investigative journalists who live in South Dakota, and her son, her husband is not a citizen yet, he's never voted, but they had him on the voter rolls and as voting.
So that's what's going on here, and it's confirmed that the Democrats put 175,000 in just one move back on the rolls.
They've only won by a little more than 4,000 votes, so that's being contested.
But you ask, why are they so openly criminal?
Because they get away with it, they never get in trouble with fake whistleblowers and fake dossiers and Russiagate and Fake lawsuits against me and the attacks on Trump and saying it's illegal for us to expose her, putting Obama officials on the jury, or it's illegal for Don Jr.
to expose the fake whistleblower because he's a big Trump-hating Democrat.
It's not illegal!
So, Owen, it's good to have you here.
Marge, it's good to have you popping back in.
Well, this will be covering election fraud in the fourth hour.
You and I with Millie Weaver with more on this huge story.
But that's at Infowars.com exclusively.
And you notice time and time again, we break it first, then it's national news the next day.
But they usually say, oh, arrest Jones.
And then they'll change the subject.
He released voter roll info!
That's illegal!
Or something like that.
To deflect away from what they're doing.
So, Owen, you were there.
You talked to Roger, your former co-host.
You're in the middle of this.
What was it like?
Well, Alex, I think the problem that we're all struggling with right now is to decide what is the biggest story.
You're going to break down the 5G threat to humanity.
You're going to break down the illegal voting we just had go down in Kentucky.
We're breaking down the I mean, it's beyond a dereliction of justice.
This is a sabotage of justice.
This is a bastardization of justice, what's going on with Roger Stone, where now this judge, who's not a judge, she's a liberal activist on a bench.
She's a revolutionary progressive liberal in a black robe.
That's what she is.
She's now intimidated people out of their free speech.
Not just Roger, who won't even say a word on a camera right now, but all of Roger's associates now.
And they say, oh, you're in contempt of court because you dared express your opinion on a Roger Stokes.
This woman thinks she's got more power than an ancient emperor.
And sadly, she does.
Look at what she's getting away with.
Well, the fear does.
They're all over the news.
Arrest Jones.
Washington Post.
Federal prosecutors under Obama.
Arrest him!
But it's the arrogance.
It's the arrogance of it.
It's the entitlement that they have to get away with it.
The insolence.
I mean, I've never seen a judge and people get up and just have just Total hubris.
Like, we know what we're doing.
Listen, Tim, you can't do anything.
Tim's former federal law enforcement, and he says he's never been in a trial like this.
He felt dirty leaving it, and he said it's all totally rigged.
He said as well, what Tucker Carlson said, she's snorting, cackling, laughing.
Does she have flying monkeys up there with her?
If she could, she probably would.
Maybe, you know, pick a couple guys' eyes out, because they didn't like what they saw.
There they are, my pretties!
Get them!
Bring them to me!
But you can see it.
And I don't know, you know, obviously, Bob, you may hear things, but I don't know what this lady's reputation is as a judge.
I know judges have reputations, but man... Well, you can talk about it all day, but this is who Obama put in the swamp as that judge, where they send cases to destroy people.
So her reputation is a guillotine operator, right?
Well, my view was that the government manipulated the way they brought the case in order to get it directly in front of her.
Clearly, they believed that she would rule in their favor, that she would rule on their side of the aisle.
And my view was that there should have been a motion to recuse filed because of the way in which the government had manipulated it.
But it wasn't done.
And so this is a last gasp of the giant Russia gate hoax.
It's like the dinner dessert.
Well, the only federal, the only person I've ever known to actually tamper with the jury,
to interfere or impair a jury during their deliberations process, in any case I've ever
been a part of, was a federal judge.
A federal judge engaged in ex parte communications.
The U.S.
Marshal hit it.
The court clerks hit it.
The law clerks hit it.
Everybody hit it.
Everybody conspired with the judge to do what he did.
The judge only voluntarily knew about it because the judge confessed it because apparently he was afraid that the jury was going to tell me about it after the trial.
So sadly that's the way our system operates and there was no adverse consequence that ever happened to that judge.
Are they getting more bold because they're confident or because they're desperate?
Because they're just like foaming at the mouth criminals.
It's both.
I think what's happening is you have a federal judiciary that believes, and it's very self-righteous, and believes the ends justify the means.
Well, that's it.
The left are a bunch of sanctimonious people.
And what's frightening is that there's not enough limitation, not enough introspection, not enough looking back and saying, hold on, how does this appear to the world?
So let's predict what's going to happen to Roger when we come back.
And we all know the jury's going to convict him.
It's the whole thing's a hoax.
We'll be right back.
Patriots Transform and Roll Out!
All right, you were on fire during the break, Owen, about just everything.
How they let demonstrators that are anti-Stone be there but not pro-Stone.
Totally illegal.
Just total rigging, setting the precedent, flaunting it, cackling, laughing.
You were talking about it's like a girls party in there with these FBI agents and everything.
It's just so much fun.
Roger being beaten up.
Nobody's even allowed to tell the public.
Everyone groveling in fear.
I mean, get into it.
Talk about what's happening, Roger, where this is going.
Well, I don't think I've ever seen or heard of anything quite like this.
I'm sure, Bob, maybe there's some other instance where someone has been so set up and a court rigged like this where they rigged the judge, they rigged the jury, they rigged the witness.
I mean, literally checkmate over the whole court case.
And yeah, the judge is in there laughing, cackling with her first, you know, witness that she gets, the former FBI agent that's now a political operative.
This is all foreshadows of the impeachment.
Oh yeah, exactly.
If they can get away with it in an actual criminal trial, if they can get away with star chamber type techniques.
I mean, the comment I made yesterday was that you have anonymous juries, threatened press, and a gag defendant.
That's usually how people would describe a Russian trial, not a trial in the United States of America.
But they don't just gag the defendant, they gag anybody associated with the defendant.
It's extraordinary.
It's all intimidation.
This judge is like, shut up!
Nobody talk about anything!
I'm in command!
Bring in more Obama and Hillary people and appoint them!
And shut down that journalist down there.
I mean, Jacob Engels is a writer for the South Florida Post.
He's following the Roger Stone story.
He lives in Florida.
He's not allowed to talk.
He's being held in contempt of court now for his First Amendment.
They want to go after Alex Jones because he dares say it on air.
And that's really what it is.
It's the fact that you're willing to say it on air.
Well, that's the new thing.
Arrest Don Jr.!
Arrest Alex Jones!
And none of it's illegal.
Just like Cuomo.
You read WikiLeaks, you're going to jail.
I can read them.
You can't!
I'm God!
I'm a Cuomo!
Well, it's sort of the Fredo mindset that the political establishment and the legal left has, which is very just, it's most parallel to communist states and communist governments, is really what it is in a sense.
And it's really happening.
So what were your other observations?
Well yeah, they let the political operative from the Clinton administration, Bill Clinton, Claude Taylor, out there with his rat.
He has a blow-up rat being powered off a government building.
That's nice.
Is he the same guy that ate your microphone head?
Yes, yes.
There's video of that somewhere.
Yeah, literally.
He grabs your mic and then eats the... He tried to eat it.
He also wiped his nose with it, his butt with it.
He shoved it in his tailpipe, too.
I mean, literally in his car.
Yeah, there he is right there.
That's Claude Taylor.
Uh, with his little Trump rat there.
He brought it out again for the Stone Trials.
So this is who Roger jumps out on him, like the Spanish Inquisition.
But this guy's allowed to be out there, set up his, you know, 10, 20 foot blow-up rat doll, or whatever the thing that is.
And that's perfectly fine, but if you're Jacob Angles and you want to organize people to support Roger, because...
They threaten to arrest him to his face.
And then what happens?
It's worse.
The federal judge lets them plug into the courthouse power for the rat.
So Roger's walking in and there's people with Russian flags saying, oh, thank you, Russian comrade.
You know, just set him up.
Huge plastic rat saying he's a traitor.
And the judge is smiling with her flying monkeys, you know, doing circles around the castle.
The way the case is looking, it does not look like a fair and impartial trial.
And that's the problem.
There has been an inadequate amount of concern by the judicial system and by the prosecution for a case that at least should look fair.
Even if you're not going to have a fair trial, at least try to have the appearance of fairness.
And it's frightening the degree to which there is a cognizant awareness that this is a trial that doesn't look fair, that anybody who comments on it about any unfair aspect of this trial is being threatened in some manner with either criminal prosecution by lawyers on social media or by members of the press who are described as quote-unquote experts.
I mean, what makes someone an expert?
In the issues related to jury issues, the prosecutor that they quoted as the expert in the Washington Post, who was calling for the Department of Justice to come after Alex Jones and anybody who was raising questions about the jury selection process, that same person, what makes her an expert?
She was not even aware of the First Amendment constitutional protection of that issue until other lawyers brought it to her attention.
Well, they are.
They're just assaulting, and it's a head-on assault.
And if they can get away with this, The reason why Roger Stone's case is much bigger than Roger Stone, if they can get away with it in this case, impeachment's going to be a complete farce.
Because if they can do this in an actual criminal trial that has a bunch of constitutional rules and statutory rules that limit what they can do, imagine what a shift is going to do.
They're going to see this as a green light to create a complete star change.
Well, that's what they're doing to everybody.
And they've said that.
In fact, the lawyer for the fake whistleblower is a big fan of Epstein.
We've now found his tweets.
He literally says he'd be honored to know Epstein.
He likes him.
He is the same guy that was saying, we're going to use lawyers to take down Trump.
Oh, yes.
In a coup.
By the way, we've got exclusive footage inside the courtroom of the judge and others here in a moment.
We're going to be rolling.
As soon as you have that footage, just go ahead and roll it.
Please keep going.
So yeah, this case is much bigger than just what's happening in that courtroom.
So there's been an inadequate amount of concern for what's taking place, for how it's taking place, for the way it's going about.
It looks like, you know, sort of 19th century Australia, all railroads and kangaroos.
You know, the judge has a good figure though.
Look at her right there.
She does look good in that black gown.
The whole nature of what's taking place makes it look like it's a political trial that's being done by the Politburo rather than a federal district court.
You tell that Washington Post I'll have him arrested and boiled alive!
Get them!
Tell the Americans to shut up!
CNN, MSNBC, fly!
Well, I think that all of America should just be appalled and stunned at witnessing what's happened to Roger Stone.
And that's why they don't want people talking about it, because they know that's the case.
I think America should be appalled by this, because, like you said, if they can do this to Roger Stone in this criminal trial, they can do it to anybody they want.
If they can intimidate the media, And the importance of high-profile trials is it educates the American public on their rights.
And so what happens when those rights are not protected and not respected and either people inside the courtroom or in this context people outside the courtroom are threatening people if they talk about their rights and exercise those rights, then those rights are going to fade.
And there was the way in which institutions like slavery, institutions like violating civil rights in the post-1865 South, most of those things happened outside of the legal system.
The books on the laws did not allow what was taking place to take place.
By the way, when you had people rigging courts, racist people rigging courts against black people, Those were Democrats!
It was the Democrats who did it!
Imagine if you could not discuss jury selection and bias in the jury selection process, these outside legal scholars and so-called experts, according to the Washington Post, would have made it a crime for someone to identify that a Klansman was sitting on a civil rights jury or a jury involving an African-American defendant.
That's how ludicrous these applications are.
That's how dangerous these interpretations of the law are.
And that's how they're an imminent threat to democracy.
Well, I mean, I gotta tell you right now.
I'm proud of the fact that we have footage inside the courtroom.
And we're having some audio troubles.
It just got sent to us from inside the courtroom.
So for TV viewers and radio listeners, this is an exclusive inside the Roger Stone courtroom of the judge holding court.
Here it is, folks.
I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do.
You're watching my show.
She caught me.
Take your army to the haunted forest and bring me that girl and her dog.
Do what you like with the others, but I want her alive and unharmed.
They'll give you no trouble, I promise you that.
I've sent a little insect on ahead to take the fight home.
Take special care of those Ruby Sippers.
I want those most of all.
Now drive!
I want that First Amendment most of all.
Hit him with the fluoride.
That'll make him not quite mad.
George Soros' Media Matters told them.
Arrest Alex Jones three days ago.
And they had it on the front of the Washington Post two nights later.
My flying monkeys!
Go, Washington Post!
I mean, here's the Washington Post.
But these people are allowed to engage in all sorts of crime.
They're allowed to rig courts, they're allowed to rig juries, they're allowed to do it all, but you can't even talk about it or they threat you with arrest.
Fly, Alex, fly!
Go to the haunted forest!
Alex Jones ran footage inside the courtroom.
I'm asking for that!
They've got him!
It was a grim reaper officer!
They've got Alex!
It was a death threat!
Get him!
America doesn't have speech!
Oh my God!
What have they done to Alex?
No, Alex!
Come back to us!
How dare that American talk about me!
Oh, let's see more of the... Alex, look!
Judge Jackson!
*laughs* *laughs*
*laughs* *laughs*
*laughs* *laughs*
*laughs* *laughs*
*laughs* *laughs*
You should be alright from hopping around.
You're a frog in your past life.
I'm a gay frog.
A gay frog.
And you know what?
As long... I heard 6G will turn you into a flying monkey?
As long as the world and America can see what happens to Roger Stone, I think that Judge Jackson... Oh wait, she's made it illegal to talk about it.
So I guess... She said so.
So the world will never... No, there'll be articles out tonight.
Jones threatens Judge with flying monkeys!
Is that a pretty good flying monkey?
I thought she had you possessed.
I thought Judge Jackson literally possessed you with her crystal ball.
You know, I want to apologize to her lord and highness, Judge Jackson, for...
We're showing footage inside the courtroom earlier of her giving orders to the FBI and others.
So, we're not going to show any more of that.
We're going to show footage the other day outside the courtroom when she let people in the media know, don't talk about her trying to put Obama officials and others on the jury.
And all the little people kind of ran away at this happening.
And the judge made an incredible entrance and exit.
This is real footage from outside the federal courthouse in D.C.
just a couple days ago, exclusive from a surveillance camera.
Here it is.
Right in front of the courthouse.
Right in front of the courthouse.
I thought you said she was dead.
That was her sister, the Wicked Witch of the East.
This is the Wicked Witch of the West.
She's worse than the other one was.
Who killed my sister?
Who killed the Witch of the East?
Was it you?
No, it was an accident.
I didn't mean to kill anybody.
Well, my little pretty, I can cause accidents too.
Aren't you forgetting the ruby slippers?
The slippers.
They're gone!
The ruby cigarettes!
What have you done with them?
Give them back to me or I'll... It's too late.
There they are and there they'll stay.
Oh, it's too late.
First Amendment.
Give me back my slippers.
I'm the only one that knows how to use them.
They're no use to you.
Give them back to me.
That's Cuomo saying you can't read the Wigglers.
Give them back.
Keep tight inside of them.
Their magic must be very powerful.
They're no use to you.
Or she wouldn't want them so bad.
You stay out of this, Glinda, or I'll fix you as well.
Oh, rubbish.
You have no power here.
I'll fix you.
But Joe's in jail.
Somebody drops a house on you, too.
Very well.
I'll bide my time.
And as for you, my fine lady, true, I can't attend you here and now as I'd like, but just try to stay out of my way.
Just try.
I'll get you, my pretty.
Your little dog, too.
There she goes.
She'll get that for a minute.
She'll shut that down.
By the way, I just realized how they project onto everything.
We had a Grim Reaper on the show about Epstein.
Did he kill himself, or was he killed?
They said that was a threat.
I said, play random clips of the witch.
That's the next one they found.
They'll say, oh, the house is on the witch.
It's a threat.
No, that's called Wizard of Oz, you crazy leftists.
Like a town in England, they're renaming from White, because the name White's evil now?
Yeah, that was not a threat on the judge either.
The more I think about it, because they can project that onto anything.
Yeah, no doubt about it.
They can project a wide range of behaviors onto other people, what they themselves would like to do.
And I think that there's a large aspects of what's taking place here is the willingness to weaponize the legal system against fundamental freedoms in the country.
and that you have prominent prosecutors and prominent members of the press urging the
arrest of anyone who covers whether there's jury selection bias taking place effectively.
That's how the story comes across.
Endangered freedoms for everybody moving forward and definitely means that the impeachment proceeding
will not look like anything resembling an American legal system proceeding that protects
and recognizes the rights that are enshrined into those institutions governing those methods
of resolving truth and justice.
You're back in the next hour and Owen's here and I want you guys to get back to the important
work you're working on, but do half the next segment with me.
It's only a minute break.
We never got to it.
What do you think is really going to happen to Roger just from this point?
And then what could his lawyers do now to stop laying down?
Why don't you get started now?
We've got about a minute.
Well it looks like a lynching.
So the question is how do they prevent a lynching?
And I think it's starting to expose it as such.
Raise questions and challenge and contest any aspect of inadmissible evidence.
Move for mistrials wherever possible.
This is not a fair proceeding.
This is not an honest proceeding.
I think they were entitled to move for a mistrial as soon as the prosecution got up.
And clearly the court apparently believed that Trump was not going to be a central figure in the case.
I found that hard to believe, but apparently from the published reports of how she handled jury selection, she really didn't think people's perceptions of Trump would matter that much in the case.
All the prosecutor talked about was Trump, for the most part, in the opening statement.
So that right there was grounds for mistrial.
They're being totally political.
They have all their speech.
Roger has nothing.
They allow demonstrators that are anti-Stone, none that are pro.
It is a classic discrimination.
Total railroading from hell.
What is Trump going to do?
We'll be right back.
Alright, I've been having a little too much fun here.
I was just paralleling the tyranny of this judge in my First Amendment view.
In my evil American opinion, remember when we could have those?
Well, we still do.
Exercise them, you have them.
They're trying to extinct that behavior, but not without a political fight.
But I said, hey, play something with the Wicked Witch and the Flying Monkeys.
And I said, get her flying on her broom.
Well, they didn't find that clip, which is OK.
They had, like, 20 seconds.
They found her arriving at the Munchkin operation.
Well, I forgot there's a witch with a house on top.
So they say everything's a threat here.
you know, which is not a threat.
Again, I had the Grim Reaper on about Epstein on the show, and they said that was a threat to the judge
or jury or something.
And so now let's just get out ahead of that, that I'm not planning, would never want any harm
on the judge, and I'm not gonna drop a house on top of him, so you don't have to confiscate my house from me.
But that's what the media does, and I've never threatened the jury.
When they were trying to appoint a Obama official to it, I guess she'd done it, we talked about it,
that's under the law, we did our job.
It's not like I did something bad, it's not like Don Jr. did something bad.
We're just the ones that have the courage to research what it is to be an American and to do it.
And thanks to you betting on us and supporting us and spreading the word, we're here fighting.
And I gotta say it, we are the tip of the spear, you are the tip of the spear, viewers and listeners.
But Barnes, you were explaining why they did this, why the Washington Post, CNN, Obama officials
calling for my arrest.
I mean, this is insane.
Anyone that was doing, anyone that was calling for the criminalization of discussing jury selection bias is someone who was trying to silence, suppress, and chill speech related to the fact that this trial is not being handled in a manner that is consistent to the constitutional rights of Roger Stone or to the purposes of transparency and truth and justice that our criminal justice process is supposed to be about.
I'm a big believer in the American criminal justice process, and this doesn't look anything like it from the standard of what the Constitution requires and compels of that process.
And they just don't want people talking about it.
Because most people would be disturbed and bothered by the idea that in a highly political case where Donald Trump is the centerpiece of the case, that people who had a bias against Donald Trump and against Republicans were routinely being seated on the jury.
While people who had any kind of Republican connection were being removed from the jury.
And that's all on record.
The judge was saying this.
It was in Reuters.
It was in Politico.
The same word-for-word thing.
And we're like, Obama official?
Whose husband was on the Miller investigation?
That's a conflict of interest!
And their answer is, arrest him!
What planet are we on?
Thank God these... It's like Lindsey Graham, I'm not a big fan of, but he said during the Kavanaugh thing, he said, you people want power and thank God you don't have it.
I'd hate to see what would happen if you had all three branches of government.
I mean, these people are frickin' dangerous!
And by definition, none of this can be jury tampering because the jury's not supposed to be watching any media at all.
They're specifically instructed and taken an oath that they're not watching it.
So this isn't communication to the jury, this is communication to the court of public opinion Saying, look at this railroading!
Which is exactly what the role of the press has been.
Prominent legal scholars have been saying this for over half a century.
And as goes Roger Stone, goes the president of the country.
As goes... Kavanaugh was the beta test of just people lying with no evidence.
This man raped me and later, actually it never happened.
Never met the guy.
There were huge evidentiary flaws.
The reason why they want all these things to be secret is they don't want the evidentiary flaws to come out.
They don't want the reasons to realize that... Well, you told me last night, you said, I bet there's people even worse on that jury.
That jury transcript should be released.
You want to tell folks what you're thinking about doing?
Well, I may make an appearance in the case or have someone else make an appearance directly in the case to ask for the entire transcript of that jury selection process to be revealed.
Because you're part of big national groups that do that, mainly when you're fighting the KKK.
Right, or all of those.
Well, explain how that works.
Sure, so the jury transcript is supposed to be released to the public and supposed to be available.
If they want to redact individual names, then they can under certain circumstances if the person sits on the jury until seven days after the verdict is over.
But otherwise, that information should be available to see, one, whether people lied to get on the jury, whether people that had political motivations against Roger Stone made... I mean, that happened in the Snipes case.
Three different jurors lied to get on the jury and confessed to other jurors that they did, that they had a bias about the case and hid it from the inception.
So this happens all the time, sadly.
So this should be fully investigated, fully vetted to make sure the jury selection process... And they're telling you something that's a mainstay of America.
Is not supposed to happen.
They're letting jurors on the jury, by what has been published to date, that would appear to have every reason to be prejudiced against Roger Stone.
Have every reason to be prejudiced.
And even, correct me if I'm wrong, under law, even the appearance they're supposed to be struck.
And not only that, here you have a prosecutor who somehow got the judge convinced that Donald Trump wasn't a critical role, so they didn't have to even explore in questions what the jury thought about Donald Trump.
And then his whole opening statement is about Trump.
And the judge ruled that Stone, even though there's proof there was no Russiagate, Stone wanted to show they never had true proof that there was a Russian hack.
And the judge said, that doesn't matter, Russiagate doesn't matter.
Now they're making it all about Russiagate.
The second thing is, Roger Stone should now be allowed to speak to the public about his own trial.
The jury cannot watch or participate or observe anything that's happening, so nothing he said... But they know full well they've probably got big screen TVs rolled into them.
Not unless they're violating the Constitution.
In my experience, jurors usually abide by that obligation.
No, I'm talking about they're putting out that I'm threatening them.
They're using, the media is saying I'm threatening the jury so they can tell them we hear there's threats from Jones and they're playing clips of me.
They shouldn't relay any of that information because that's an attempt to bias and prejudice the jury.
So if somebody's doing, I've had marshals do that sort of thing sadly in certain proceedings.
Court officials try to do it and it has to be fully exposed because there should, no communication like that should be going on to the jury.
All right, well, amazing, gentlemen.
I've got a lot of other huge news to cover.
Owen's going to be hosting the War Room today, 3 to 6 p.m.
He used to have a co-host, but they arrested him.
He's facing trial.
We've got a lot of other stuff to cover, but other observations you made at this kangaroo event.
I mean, the fact that she lets them right-wing watch, plug the giant rat in, you know, and they've got the floating rat in front of everybody, the guy that ate our microphone, and they can jump out at Roger every day, but no one else that supports Roger can be anywhere.
I mean, this is just sick.
Well, I think, Alex, this is their game plan for you now.
We've seen other cases, they just say that you're threatening people, even though you never have, and then that's what's used against you, but that's kind of just a side issue that we see here.
But, you know, all of America, here's why Judge Jackson wants everybody silenced on this case, because In a fair world, in a just world, there'd be hundreds of thousands of protesters outside of that courtroom every day saying this judge should be removed because all of our freedoms are being raped that a lot of men paid for with blood!
And a lot of women and children's husbands never came home for these damn rights and these people are literally slitting this country's throat!
And so she knows that she can hold Roger Stone hostage, essentially, and threaten your First Amendment rights.
She's saying, look, I've got Roger, your buddy, over here on the noose.
I'll hang him.
Ah, you better not talk about me, Alex.
You better not talk about me.
You better not talk about my rigged jury.
You better not talk about the rigged prosecution.
You better not talk about my rigged courtroom.
I've got Roger's head in the noose right here, and I'll choke him to death.
And to watch the media sycophantically worship her and say, how dare Jones call her a fraud?
How dare she?
She's like, she's like, they just, the left worships the intelligence agencies and worships the black robes.
The real liberals used to fear that and have checks and balances.
Now they love it!
And I think, for example, none of this is calling, and no one should communicate directly with the judge.
That doesn't have any effect at all, and would backfire, and would be a bad idea.
What people should do is communicate in the court of public opinion.
That's right.
About whether what's happening in the judicial system is consistent.
Oh, you know, she's, that woman, that judge is a slave of the deep state.
We would never want to communicate with her.
It's like talking to the Satan.
I mean, give me a bright note, we're just exposed to America, what a danger this authoritarian leftist judiciary is.
And the whole nature of the system in terms of weaponizing the law.
Well, the other thing is, you see the left when a judge rules against them.
Then the left goes after them all entirely.
You look at how the left treated Justice Scalia over 25 years.
So the left has no- They celebrated his death.
Oh, you had lots of people on social media celebrating his death.
Oh, the left's all, kill Trump, kill Alex Jones, destroy them, go to their homes, attack the members of Congress, say kill, stab the leader of the Senate in the heart.
They had the networks for Scalia in the WikiLeaks.
Cut Trump's head off, all that's good, and then we have a grim reaper on the show, and they say it's a threat, when it has nothing to do with what we even talked about.
It just shows you how, again, they have people on CNN and MSNBC saying, go to their houses, flatten Trump supporters.
Scalise has been shot.
Rand Paul has his ribs broken, lung punctured, and members of Congress celebrate it.
The Hollywood, uh, Bette Midler says, you know, wants him dead.
Oh, but we're threatening them!
Dammit, that Alex Jones has millions of listeners and he's effective and they just got Trump in office.
Shut him down!
And you know what?
Now some of his listeners are getting active and now they've got thousands of audience members.
Shut them down too!
Shut up, you Americans!
Crawl in your hole and shut up!
By the way, you better let your loving child sit on this drag queen's lap with a full erection, otherwise you're a bigot!
That town's called white?
What the hell?!
We'll change the name right away!
Yes sir!
The name Lynch was on the hall because it's an old name and oh no!
Cancel Lynch!
Cancel Lynchburg!
Do everything!
First Amendment!
Put Judge Jefferson in charge of everything!
Arrest him all!
It is the Animated Contest of Liberty.
We're gonna get persecuted for taking the country back, but it's worth it.
The children are counting on it.
We're doing it.
And it's a pleasure and an honor to be here with you.
All right, next hour is going to be completely jam-packed.
We exclusively have the proof integrated with the Secretary of State's office, with the Governor's office, with the victims of having their identities stolen by the Democrats and put back on the voter rolls by the Democrat Secretary of State to steal the Kentucky governorship This is conclusive and if they, they're doing a recount, a partial canvassing, a sampling, what a canvassing is.
They need to go and they need to pull the names and show that a bunch of them are illegals and immigrants and people that are Republicans who went off the voting rolls put on as Democrats.
It's been confirmed and we've got the recordings from the Secretary of State's office and all of it.
Millie Weaver's joining us.
The interviews on Infowars.com.
Breaking new evidence confirms Kentucky election fraud.
Immigrants who were never on the voter rolls.
We should sign that sub-headline.
Immigrants who were never on the voter rolls added to them so folks can vote in their names and that's what's confirmed.
Did you hear that?
We have them now.
And the Democrats followed suits to do that.
That's how they do it in California, everywhere else.
And then I'm gonna get into 6G.
Oh, you haven't heard about that?
Nobody has.
I'll tell you about it at the end of the transmission today.
And things are so important on this whole 5G, 6G thing.
I'm going to come in this weekend, just on top of the Sunday show.
We always do 4 to 6.
I just, I've got to do a whole report for you that it's totally focused here.
Owen Schroer is riding shotgun with us because he's been heavy on the Epstein thing.
I wanted to get Leo Zagami, investigative journalist, best-selling author on.
Four years before the Vatican brought in the new Pope out of the Jesuit order, he exposed it all.
And he is a political target.
He joins us.
Zagami blocked on Facebook after we're posting an old post of Epstein that predicted his murder by the royal family and the Clintons.
They went in and blocked him on Facebook as he's frozen out of it.
Right now they may completely ban him for doing that.
And there's something else they do.
They admit this.
Facebook, Twitter, and Fox won't let you say the name of the fake whistleblower, Eric Samarilla.
Did I pronounce it right?
Even though it's totally legal, totally lawful, they're calling for Don Jr.' 's arrest even though it was already in the news.
So, they want my arrest, they want his arrest.
This is all going on.
You're not supposed to talk about this.
You're not supposed to be right, is really what it is.
So, Leo Zegami, I know you're an expert on the international pedophile rings, how this giant satanic Ponzi scheme works, how they corrupt people.
And it looks like, with the Deputy Pope in trouble, in a secret trial in Australia, and all the things that the dominoes are falling, that the House of Cards is beginning to implode, they're striking back at Donald Trump, at you, at me, at everybody trying to arrest you, arrest me.
That's really a badge of honor.
What would you call the position The dark forces of Satan are in right now.
It's a position, of course, of dominance still, because they have the mainstream media in their hands.
They still have most of the intelligence community also on their side, unfortunately.
But we are, of course, fighting them back.
And so they're very scared.
And that's why they are resorting to censorship, which is, in a democracy, the worst thing you can ever do.
And that's where we are at now, unfortunately.
You literally pioneered all of this when I heard you 20 years ago first on air about the International Crime Rings, using the pedophilia of British intelligence, how they took control of the Vatican.
I agree, they're still in dominant position, but that could end any day, like Hitler was in a dominant position in 1945, until he wasn't.
I mean, I think they can see their foundations eroding quickly and much of the facade falling away with their evil face now exposed.
Well, they will resort to any means to stop us.
And so, at the moment, I have just published an article talking about John Le Carré's latest book, which actually aims at Brexit and Trump.
And he's a very famous novelist.
He's the most known in the spy genre, together with Ian Fleming.
And he's been talking against Trump in this new novel in a way which is appalling.
At one point he says that the English are basically, I can't even say it on the air, they are sucking basically on Trump's penis.
The British people are performing fellatio on Trump?
On Trump, and they are inviting, of course, Trump to have tea with the Queen, and they are doing Brexit, which in the eyes of John Leclerc, who used to be a master spy in the MI5 and MI6, is of course wrong.
Well, it shows how desperate they are, and they don't want us getting out of their corrupt world government.
Let's get back to Epstein.
Facebook blocking your report when you called it all.
How were you able to call it all?
People can find the report on your site.
You should get it reposted.
And screenshots of them blocking you.
Tell us what happened.
Well, in early July, just after I came and visited you in Austin, I of course heard of the arrest of Epstein.
And my first thought was, he's going to be whacked.
He's going to be killed by the British intelligence because of Prince Andrew.
And the Clintons will help him out.
So I just made a post on the 9th of July regarding all this.
And let's remember that Jeffrey Epstein was well, he was in prison, but he was well.
And so nobody was thinking he would be murdered.
But I wrote that and I posted it there like you do when you are on social media.
And he got a few likes and so on.
But the day before yesterday, I thought with all the new things that all the new information coming out regarding the censorship imposed by Buckingham Palace on the Epstein case, I wanted to repost this poster to just show the people that anybody, everybody knew That Epstein will be killed.
But, of course, pointing also on the British intelligence as the main people that could do this kind of operation, conduct this kind of operation.
So I posted it, and after a few minutes I started to notice that my main account was having problems.
And then I was not allowed to post any longer, but they were not even telling me why.
They just banned me from posting.
And it's been like that since two days ago.
And then I have another emergency profile because, you see, I have been censored for many years.
It's not the first time I've been censored on social networks.
I had five accounts by 2012, 2013.
I had already many accounts closed down.
So they were definitely after what I was saying.
On the International Pedophile Union.
They're protecting fake whistleblowers.
They're protecting pedophile kingpins.
They're protecting evil.
And that's what Facebook, Google, and Twitter are, is monstrous organizations.
And everybody should know it.
And if people support them in this, you support protecting the pedophiles.
They know good and damn well what they're doing.
You should be getting a Pulitzer Prize for your work, Leo.
I mean, it's ridiculous how accurate you've been.
When we come back, I'm going to get more predictions from you and have Owen Schroyer pop in on this as well, on this Live Friday edition.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
You want to fight these murdering satanists?
I do.
I mean, we're not playing games, folks.
They got their assassins.
They got their people gunning for me.
I don't give a rat's ass.
I'm going full in.
What about you, listeners?
You want to fight back?
And Leo Zoghami and Owen Schroer riding shotgun.
Leo's right.
The globalists are still in the dominant position.
But as they're exposed, they get weaker and weaker.
And they're trying to bring forward classical tyranny.
It's worked some in Europe, but that caused a big backlash.
I don't think it's going to work here.
I think it's going to be rough for those of us that are the leaders of the resistance.
You know, talk about taking one for the team, but I'm not really taking one for the team.
Letting evil take over, folks, is not something I'm going to let my children or your children go through.
So it's not like we're heroes fighting this.
This is what everybody should be doing.
Well, there should be a survival instinct to do this, and I think that the problem is a lot of people don't have their survival instincts anymore.
And so, this is the chemicals in the water, this is the chemicals in the food, and so they're just dumb, they're docile, the flicker rates of the TV, they're attached to whatever's on their favorite social media, on their cell phone, and so they don't have their survival instincts anymore, or it's like a chilling effect.
Well, I don't want to talk about that.
I'll get banned off Facebook.
Oh, I don't want to mention that.
My friends will think I'm weird.
Oh, I don't want to do that.
People will say I'm associated with a white supremacist group.
So this is what they've done in the media to censor silence and chill free speech.
And then you don't have a survival instinct anymore.
But what happens?
Your phone runs out of battery and all of a sudden like that's your survival instinct ticking in like, oh my gosh, what's going on here?
Uh, but you said it, Alex.
Exposure is what weakens these people.
That's why they're censoring it.
That's why when Leo Zagami shows, hey look, here I am, you know, a few years back, like everybody else, saying, yeah, Epstein's probably going to get suicided here.
He's got all this blackmail on these top pedophile networks that involve royalty and, you know, top officials in the West, too.
And then, oh, what do you know, they kill him.
And then, oh, what do you know, they ban Leo.
It's pretty obvious to see what's going on.
This is the bad news.
And ABC and Brian Stelter saying ABC did the right thing.
We don't want to cover Epstein.
Epstein's not bad.
They're really out in the open right now.
Leo, what do you think is coming next?
Well, what is coming next is even more coming out from the closet with all their evil.
Let's see what has happened in the last few weeks in Rome since they have placed Moloch in front of everybody.
That's another reason I wanted to get you on.
That's somewhere in my stack.
Pull that up.
They put the deity of child sacrifice, which wasn't even Roman, in front of the Colosseum.
What the hell?
And they are, of course, justifying it by saying they are doing an exhibition on the Carthaginians, on the Phoenicians, and that this is just a cultural thing.
But we all know that to have the statue of Moloch placed in the Colosseum, which is also used by the Pope each year on Easter Friday, means you need to have approval from the Pope himself.
So, I have been really talking with a lot of people in Italy who are completely shocked and appalled, but also there is a growing number of tourists who are entering the Colosseum watching Moloch and saying, what is this?
This statue, by the way, was picked up from a movie that came out over a hundred years ago, and it was a movie written by a guy called Gabriele D'Annunzio, who is one of the founders of fascism.
Let's go further.
I've seen some of that really scary old silent movie footage of children being thrown to Moloch.
That's the same one.
Guys, what's the name of the movie?
We'll pull it up.
It's on YouTube.
It's really scary.
Oh, God.
There it is.
Roll this.
Leave it up, guys.
Let me describe you what you're seeing here.
You're seeing a ritualist from this cult.
It was the right of moral practice by the ancient Phoenicians.
And you have a hundred Together with the protagonist of the film, who are a couple of people who are a young person who gets kidnapped from Sicily and brought down to North Africa, where it was, of course, that the cartagena had their city.
And that's what you're seeing in the film is the statue of Moloch, which basically represents this deity, which we all know it's described Regarding child sacrifice.
So placing this in the Colosseum, in the center of Christianity, in a place so important for Christian martyrdom, means really that we have reached the end times for sure.
There is no coming back from something like this.
So this guy was a fascist founder, a devil worshiper, I remember reading about him, who removed two of his ribs to perform basically black magic rituals of servicing himself.
And a member of secret societies that are part of the Illuminati network, like the Martinist.
He was also a 33rd degree Freemason, but he was a guy obsessed into the occult side of Freemasonry, which is not what all Freemasons follow.
A lot of Freemasons... George Washington warned of that.
We understand that.
We know it goes back to Solomon and beyond that, and a lot of people don't understand that.
Now, now, Leo, this is incredible.
I'm glad you mentioned this.
I'd forgotten this film, that same statue has been brought in?
Because the word is, when I read about this, is they actually did real rituals in and around this film, and some reports were that they were killing real children later, just like in Bohemian Grove they simulated but really do it for real later.
This is a big deal.
Yeah, because five years after this film came out, Gabriela Nunzio managed to invade and conquer the city of Fiume.
And basically, he placed there his own little government and it became the headquarters of all the deviant forces in the Illuminati in Europe.
For over a year, you had the Satanist, Occultist, all kinds of And wasn't this all going on during the takeover of Italy when they were taking everybody's land and murdering people en masse, which later triggered Mussolini, who came out of the movement, to then resist it, correct?
Of course, this was a fundamental part of the creation of the fascist myth when he arrived in Fiume together with his Arditi, and then it became the basis of... Of Hitler!
Of Hitler!
Of Hitler!
Of devil... Hitler came from literal devil worship and what viewers just saw.
Yes, because Hitler, of course, was inspired by all this for his own Nazi empire that he wanted.
I'd forgotten all this.
That's why me and Leo can finish each other's sentences.
I've just read this in Mainline History.
You read a real Mainline book about Mussolini, it's all in there!
Yeah, it's all in there.
And what happened is that in 1924, though, Mussolini made a deal with the Jesuits.
And at that point, he started to persecute the people who helped him going into power.
Yeah, he switched and basically at that point started also the persecution of Freemasonry in Italy.
The lodges were destroyed and Mussolini became a tool of the Vatican.
He signed the Lateran Pacts that became the basis for this new treaty between Italy and the Vatican because there was no treaty with the Vatican up until that time.
See Leo, that's why you gotta come on for like three hours sometimes and do a whole special on history because you've lived it, you've been involved in all of the different levels, you've exposed the good parts, the bad parts.
People don't get that whether it's the Vatican or whether it's Masonry or whether it's Jewry or whether it's any major movement, there is the different factions and that really there's only two ancient factions fighting each other and all groups become manifestations of those two fighting and that's why to always oversimplify one group behind things is ignorance.
Yes, and also we have the SS, which were inspired by the Jesuits.
The SS of Himmler.
So, I mean, we have also that important faction in this Occult War.
Well, it wasn't inspired.
He fashioned them after the Jesuits.
Yeah, he fashioned them.
But then he was.
It is the SS got inspired by the most occult and deviant forces when they created the best symbol castle.
This base, which was used, by the way, again, by pedophiles like Michael Aquino in the early 80s, who went there and celebrated black masses in this castle.
Blond-haired, blue-eyed children's head off, believing they could take the psychic force and then portend in the future while gazing into the eyes of the child during the point of the spirit leaving the body, they believe.
We'll come back, and this is all mainline history, by the way, folks.
The Nazis, the Communists, Lenin was a Satanist.
They're all coming for your children.
Leo Zagami is our guest.
Owen Schroer riding shotgun.
I've got, I want to get into their race war garbage.
They're heating up.
The attacks on language have hit new levels.
All this and more.
Straight ahead, I'm Alex Jones.
This is the Info War.
Have you told people about the broadcast?
Another time in the Age of Wonder.
Just as the book tells us, evil is entering a cycle where it tries to fully manifest itself and it always destroys itself in that process.
But evil has become more scientific and is trying to study ways to suppress us and play us off against each other in the hopes that it can prevail and have a final revolution that finally enslaves humanity for its enjoyment.
Leo Zegami and Owen Schroer, got you both for one more segment.
I'm going to do two segments on the race war.
They're trying to start a whole constellation of articles and videos.
I haven't gotten to them.
We're going to plunge into Kentucky, red-handed, how the Democrats stole it.
They've been caught.
It's incredible.
That's why they want us off the air.
We exposed the juror they were putting on that was openly an Obama department head.
And the judge, when she got exposed, said, take them off.
We want a fair jury.
We want due process.
We want to, I mean, that's what we're doing here.
And it's totally legal.
They want my arrest.
They want us off the air because they're going to do more and more outrageous stuff That nobody can defend if there's someone there calling the fact that the Emperor has no clothes.
Now we're going to go back to both of these gentlemen in a moment.
Please visit LeoZagami.com.
He has amazing books and information and his daily articles that we carry as well.
But it's just an amazing information.
You can't get better info in my experience.
And we've got Owen Schroer here obviously hosting the War Room.
That's coming up in an hour and 12 minutes.
He'll host three hours.
So much is going on.
I want to be with my children.
It's kind of like, be with your children and then they live in a horrible hell pit and we lose.
And I just grow old watching them live in a hellhole.
Or, don't see my children as much and defeat the globalists.
I mean, I see my children a lot.
You know, my son more and more is working with us.
He's chosen to.
I didn't try to make him do it.
And he's doing a great job doing his own thing fighting the New World Order, but definitely joining us in the fight against the globalists.
But please remember that we're only here because of your purchases.
That funds the operation.
Your word of mouth and the purchases.
Here are the network ads.
That's for them.
And for local radio stations, support those.
It's great.
Support your local radio stations.
That's key.
Make a tithe.
Instead of that church that won't stand up for pro-life, you put this show on, you're standing up for the unborn, and we're having a victory.
So tithe the local radio station or TV station.
I'm not kidding.
Send them a hundred bucks a month.
Whatever you can.
Tell people about the shows.
And buy the products.
We've got it in the Everything Must Go Super Special.
I was on the phone for over an hour just this morning.
I was supposed to be shooting ads, listening to these recordings of the Secretary of State in Kentucky and confirming all this.
I cannot believe it.
I mean, normally it'd take a team of 10 reporters weeks to even deal with this.
It's so huge.
But I mean, and I'm not complaining.
I'm just saying, the sale's got to be over.
We're selling out a lot of the products and I haven't even come up with new sales yet.
It's supposed to be done with this a week ago, or five days ago.
So just, you want to take advantage of the stuff where it sells out.
InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLive.com.
We got great products you need.
We're running out of the last Lexapir Breezes at the cost we've got them.
Alvin Bone Brow's selling out.
Skin Cream is, you know, look at all the waiting list stuff right there.
Waiting list for the fish oil and krill oil.
Waiting list for the large tubes of the skin cream.
I mean, it's a lot of stuff selling out.
And they're like, oh great, got plenty of funding.
No, I'm selling out of stuff at sale and not having money to buy new stock.
I mean, we're just full power into next year, hoping and praying for provision.
So please visit InfoWarsaw.com.
You answer our prayers.
God works through you.
And we have the new product that just came in about a week ago.
We have 10,000 tubes of super silver whitening toothpaste that has the above sea level coral calcium to re Put the minerals back in your teeth.
It's got the fluoride-free and it's got the natural whitening with coral calcium and the silver salt patented nano silver infused with the toothpaste.
So this is beyond just a whitening.
This is the ultimate toothpaste, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm so proud of it.
It doesn't compete with the super blue that's excellent as well that has the colloil silver and the iodine.
We also have the children's, because the adult's about to be sold out.
That's 50% off still.
This is 25% off introductory price.
And believe me, it's got a lot of money in it.
This does not have the fillers and garbage.
Nobody has got one like this.
And it is next level.
I mean, the top silver company that supplies all the big hospitals and everybody that has the patents and it's approved and, you know, for all the other stuff, they love us.
And we're the only people that get to make this.
The skin cream, the toothpaste, it's ours.
It's ours.
It's ours.
Thanks to God coming through.
That's the little du-sex we have.
That's the little something special.
You know what a du-sex is?
It's, you know, Episode 4, Star Wars.
Luke Skywalker blows up the Death Star, but he's not going to be able to if Han Solo didn't come back and take out Darth Vader.
I mean, that's the due sex.
Those little things.
Every door closes, God opens another one.
We get through that, we got to trust in God, it looks like they're going to get us, boom, another door opens.
But it's like a video game.
It's getting closer and closer as we hop across the fiery river on the stones.
They're disappearing as we go.
And we jump, and there's not even a stone yet, and the stone appears.
I mean, that's how this is thanks to your prayers and your financial support.
I'm going to stop ranting.
Owen Schroeder, Leo Zegami, finish up for us in the time we have and just where this is all going and how epic it is, because everybody can feel it and see it.
Well, I just want to make a final comment about something we were having in the break, and then Leo can close us out here.
You know, we played that clip from the old movie, the Moloch Child Sacrifices.
They just put that Moloch statue in front of the Roman Colosseum.
I hadn't even heard about that.
It's just shocking.
People just start asking questions.
After the one that real kids got killed at, reportedly, by these proto-Nazi groups.
And it's just like, well, what the heck is going on here?
So, but watching this ritual, you know, these are ancient rituals that used to take place all across the world.
I mean, they're well documented in history.
But we don't have to go through something like that anymore.
That's too extreme.
I mean, overall, as humans, we have more of a consciousness and a moral code, I think.
They just celebrate abortion all over the news now.
So yeah, so that's what it is.
So it's just like, celebrate abortion.
And you know, look, for the average person that has an abortion, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're evil or whatever.
You got your own problems.
But overall, as a society, as a civilization, for us to be celebrating abortion like this freak here at a... No, no, you said it.
If you don't know and get tricked, Then God judges the heart.
That's why in law we have intent.
But when you know it and the left now calls it a religion and they say on TV, let's hurt that baby, it's fun.
I like to bully my baby.
I like to kill my baby.
That is Satanism and you are damned to hell when you do that.
No, we don't throw babies into a fiery effigy of Moloch.
We just have big, ugly, disgusting men call themselves a woman and then go, don't speak out against a woman while she celebrates murdering a baby with a demon face.
We just bring out Drag Queen Storytime on Good Morning America to do a strip tease for adults.
We just have... We just drool over you at 9-year-old boys.
A salute to abortion where they march into a parade and celebrate how they kill babies.
So that's the new modern-day Moloch exercise.
Sorry, you're just making me jump in because you're so right, Owen.
Leo, he's on fire.
Yeah, I mean, he's completely right.
And at the same time, we see the left increasing the rhetoric, the anti-Trump rhetoric.
And even if the son of Donald J. Trump posts on Twitter something that has been posted previously by Drudge Report, then he gets accused of having exposed the whistleblower.
I mean, it's becoming really obvious that we are Standing with the right side of history.
And they are not.
But the more it goes on and the more we're going to see their rhetoric transforming in evil acts because they still have power and they're going to grab to this power until they have it.
And they are becoming desperate.
So this is dangerous.
And of course, the Vatican is in control, but also the Queen of England is control.
Epstein has not killed himself, but if there is one person in the world who knows who killed Jeffrey Epstein, that person is called Queen Elizabeth II.
Oh, British royals never kill anybody.
They're sweet.
Break down the relationship.
Do you think Epstein was Mossad, MI6, or CIA?
The word I've got is originally British intelligence, and that's why he was hanging out with that Maxwell chick.
Well, and a lot of people don't know that the Clintons were enrolled in British intelligence during their time in London.
That's why their daughter is called Chelsea.
So, I mean, we have here the evil British Empire that is now celebrating their Commonwealth Veteran Day soon in charge of murdering somebody simply because they want to protect Prince Andrew because their mother says, oh, Prince Andrew has to be protected.
So let's just kill people like Epstein, who cannot be Do you agree with me that Epstein... I've never seen a zeitgeist this big.
It totally took the blinders off.
I walk down the street anywhere now, it's like Fight Club.
They go, Alex Jones, you were right, I apologize.
Epstein, they killed him.
You're right, they're all pedophiles.
Hillary can go... I mean, it's totally woken people up.
And I'm not saying, oh, they say I'm right now.
That's the bellwether.
I'm like a gauge out there, a sensor.
People are really going, you're right, Alex!
Alex, you're right!
You're right, Alex!
You're right!
I mean, it's crazy.
You're right, Alex.
And we are right in having done all this work during these years to prove and to dig depth on these people who are ruining the planet.
But now it's becoming obvious that this is gonna probably become a civil war on the long run.
If they impeach Trump, of course.
That was my next question.
Back in two minutes.
Do five more minutes with both of you.
Civil war.
They want it.
Trump admits it's happening.
The Democrats say they want a physical one.
How do we avert that?
If we can't, how do you see that unfolding?
Both of you will have two and a half minutes when we come back.
I want you guys to give us your take.
And then, the latest on their attempts to trigger the Civil War with race war.
And then, total proof of the Democrats stealing Kentucky.
Coming up, I actually agree with Piers Morgan.
The planets have aligned.
Yeah, he thinks if a town has the name White in it, it shouldn't be banned.
Leo Zegami, he brought up civil war.
The globalists, the left-hand path, they know they're losing.
The lost ones, think if they can control us, they'll find absolution, which is not true.
Obviously giving themselves over to God's will is the answer, but you talk about revolution, violence, that's their admitted planets in the WikiLeaks from four years ago.
Now it's here.
What do you expect to happen?
Well, one of the pioneers, one of the prophets of the race war, we all know, was Charles Manson.
And we all know who was Charles Manson and what he did to arrive to that point in which he got his followers to kill all those people.
And so Charles Manson is the prophet of these leptards.
And coming from California, it's a very suited profit for what we are seeing here, depicted on the screen with a drag queen impersonating an abortion just for fun on Halloween Day.
I mean, we are really going towards a division in our society.
So also a division in the United States of America that could become the It means that parts of the United States of America will, of course, stand with these hypocrites, with Satan, with the enemy, and they would like to persecute Christians.
So the other part will have to defend themselves.
And that's why we are inevitably going, if Trump impeachment moves forward, towards this civil war that will divide our country.
And in that case we have to be very careful because California, Northern California holds Silicon Valley and holds a lot of the servers in this war which is also an information war.
We have seen them active in the censorship more and more.
Aside from my official profile being closed down because of the Epstein thing, the other emergency profile was closed down simply for posting an article regarding Pachamama, this idol that was paraded in a procession by the Vatican in front of the Pope, which is another idol like Moloch, which they dedicate human sacrifice to Pachamama in the Andes.
Alright, so you gotta go to leozugami.com, you gotta go to band.video, infowares.com, and Leo, we need to get you a login account and get you your own sub-account so you can post your reports and mirror them to band.video.
That's why we built it and it's almost ready to start having members for free.
We'll host trusted members material.
God bless you.
Talk to you soon.
Thank you so much for this.
Thank you.
You want to tell Gunn what he just said?
Well, I think it comes down to this, Alex, and there's a couple of issues we've touched on today.
You look at what's going on with the Roger Stone case.
Well, OK, we can at least fight it intellectually with our free speech, right?
Well, now they're taking away our free speech.
So what are we left to?
Well, First Amendment, Second Amendment.
You have election fraud going on on a massive level.
You have an illegal impeachment going on right now against Donald J. Trump, the 45th president of the United States, elected by this republic.
And what are they doing?
Well, they're removing Alex Jones from social media.
They're banning InfoWars.
They're getting ready to make their big move.
And so basically, Alex, what it's come down to for us is like, hey, We wanted to take America back with our First Amendment.
And we still want to take America back with our First Amendment.
But when the First Amendment fails, you go to the Second Amendment.
That's not a threat.
And that's why they're going to stage false flags before we ever even do that.
And we don't, you know, they're coming for our kids.
And they're not going to stop.
So I think, you know, I'll close it out with this, Alex.
Donald Trump controls Donald Trump's destiny.
If he wants to go down in history as Orange Man bad, then that's on him.
Yeah, and let me tell you, he's watching too much cable news, he's too damn confident.
I smelled his victory, and folks, I'm telling you.
I'm smelling a real potential, oh, it's not good.
Well, just as Trump will control his destiny to either be the greatest American hero or wrongfully labeled as the biggest traitor.
America has the right to determine its destiny.
Do we want to be free?
Do we want to have free speech?
Do we want to have a second amendment?
Are we going to let this group of bullying criminals tell us what to do?
So that's what it is ultimately going to come down to.
Well I know what I'm doing.
I'm rolling my sleeves up and I'm fighting hard in the info war right now.
And I'm pulling stunts to get the word out.
Owen, War Room's coming up in 55 minutes.
Big guests today.
Big guests.
Alright, stay with us.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live.
We're broadcasting worldwide and I want to get into just the incredible fomenting of racial attacks against white people.
And we're lining those clips up.
I thought they were in the computer.
They're not.
So we're getting that lined up, and then I'm going to go to those clips.
This is very important.
Then I'm going to get some into 6G, if you haven't heard of that in the last segment.
We have Millie Weaver, Robert Barnes coming back in on the just gigantic news, they hope nobody shares, that we caught how they stole Kentucky, and it's not too late to stop them.
So that's coming up.
So we'll be right back in a moment.
This is really an important announcement.
Alex Jones here announcing a very important development, so please pay attention and please write notes and check out the claims I'm going to make because this can change your life guaranteed in multiple ways.
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And yes, it's called whitening toothpaste, and it does that, and it does a great job of it.
But it's also got the patented nano silver that knocks out the bacteria and the gingivitis like nothing else.
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And then it's got the above sea coral calcium carbonate which is known to not only whiten but re-mineralize your teeth.
And so many of the other whitening toothpaste clean them but they also eat your teeth.
So, this is the all-around best toothpaste in the world, I believe, and it funds the info war.
So, it's really magic.
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Ladies and gentlemen, you need to check this out.
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And again, it funds the InfoWar, so it is a true non-zero-sum game, a classic 360 win.
Thank you all for your support over the years to build this independent institution where we can not just come out with documentaries and films and huge interviews and game-changing investigative reports, but Great products like this as well, like X2, like X3.
Just everything we do is about game-changing and bringing you science and technology the globalists know about but don't want you to know about because they don't want to empower us.
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And when you buy it, it does more than just take care of your teeth and your gums.
It funds the info war.
So get in there and get your super silver Beyond whitening toothpaste today at InfoWarsLife.com Now I am getting those clips into the computer that were not bleeped and so, you know, I told you I was gonna hit 6G in the last segment and
That's not going to happen now.
I need a large crew tomorrow, and we're going to do a three-hour show tomorrow.
So, and I'm not just saying I'm going to do this.
That needs to happen.
I will be here tomorrow, and I'm going to do a three-hour show at three o'clock.
Three-hour Saturday show, three o'clock.
It'll be on the satellite.
It'll be on the radio.
It'll be on the TV satellite, and I'm going to cover The total 5G globalists take over, the 6G rollout, and I'm going to cover the whole spectrum.
Because our children deserve to have a shot at the future and for people to take seriously what's going on.
Myself included.
This isn't just more entertainment.
This show isn't just...
Something where we're having fun and, you know, Leo Zegami's on, a big reporter from Italy, and he's telling me about a Moloch in a famous 1920s film with child sacrifice run by the founder of the fascist movement that created Mussolini and Hitler.
And then doing satanic ceremonies with Hitler.
And I was finishing his sentences.
We weren't making that up to be scary.
That's where this comes from.
Lenin was a satanist.
He said he was.
Hitler was a satanist.
Mussolini was a satanist.
They're devil worshippers.
Do you understand?
Why the hell would they put up electromagnetic radiation that gives everybody cancer?
Because they want to kill everybody!
They want to do it slow.
They want to be able to turn it up and turn it down and watch what it does.
And they don't care if it hurts them.
They want to hurt their bodies.
Take one look at one of their servants, who they are.
This isn't a game, people.
We've all gotten punch drunk.
I'm proud they want me arrested, all over the news.
I'm glad these knuckle-dragging crooks want me arrested, because it means they're worried because I'm getting to them.
The children that they've done horrible things to, these globalists, are crying out for justice and it's our job to be part of that.
Here's part of a piece we put together from the film, A Face in the Crowd.
This is what the globalist media really thinks of you when they claim they love you and they care about you.
It's all a sick joke.
Here it is.
I'm not just an entertainer.
I'm an influence, a wielder of opinion, a force!
Do you have any people paid by the CIA who are working for television networks?
I think we're getting into the kind of detail, Mr. Chairman, that I'd prefer to handle in an executive session.
Are those morons out there?
You're so stupid.
Sure, I got them like this.
You know what the public's like?
A cage full of guinea pigs.
Boy, do I almost look stupid.
Good night, you stupid idiot.
Good night, you miserable slob.
a lot of trained seals. I toss them a dead fish and they'll flap their flippers.
Oh, if they ever heard the way that psycho really talks.
I don't care who the f*** you have to call, stop the hammering!
So, I just want people to understand something.
When you saw Joy Behar, was it last Friday, on The View say, "Hey, you don't tell them we're gonna take the guns till
you get in office, then we're gonna confiscate all these dumb Americans' guns."
That's the character that's supposed to be Will Rogers, who the left didn't like, claiming he's some evil character, saying that he really hates his audience.
But that's how the globalists are.
That's really how they are.
And she tells you out front, she's lying to you.
And they rub it in and they think it's funny.
I 100% care about this audience.
I 100% don't even feel worthy of people that care about me so much.
And I'll be out walking down the street and a great family comes over and shakes my hand and mom and dad have tears in their eyes.
My God, I gotta live up to that.
But not these people.
They love you trusting them so they can screw you over!
Because they're a pack of devil worship and trash!
And they're scared of the spirit that lives on this broadcast.
A spirit that won't bow to their fallen, fake God!
Satan's a loser!
Christ, Jesus Christ, is in command!
I know I've been wound up today, folks, and maybe the three cups of coffee I've had is part of it, but when they're all over the news saying you're a criminal and they want to put you in federal prison, when they're all over the news dreaming of the destruction of your family, When leftists walk up to you and spit on you and say F your family to your face.
It just gives you a lot of energy.
Doesn't make me scared.
It makes me just have too much energy and want to fight too much.
And Millie Weaver called me this morning and she began to put me on three-way of these recordings at the Secretary of State's office in Kentucky.
There's hours of this and she told me the whole case and I was looking it up at the time and confirming everything she was telling me from the news.
And this happened months ago.
The Democrats sued and got 175,000 names put back on the voter rolls of people that were dead or living outside of the state.
And they said, oh, it's just people that, you know, haven't voted in a while.
Well, it turns out it was Republicans that had moved to other states.
Or it was their husbands.
Or wives that weren't even citizens but they used the DMV database just like they caught them in California with lawsuits and FOIA requests by Judicial Watch.
They got the documents.
Remember that?
They found three plus million from California alone who voted in the names of dead people or folks that have moved out of the state.
We have all these Democrat election heads over the years caught on video about Veritas and others admitting it!
They can usually get one person to vote 10 times.
So you wonder, there's no crowds for the Democrats.
Huge crowds for Trump.
Because of election fraud and Republicans in the Justice Department won't do anything.
So Millie's got a bigger video coming out.
She's got one up on Infowars.com.
Breaking new evidence confirms Kentucky election fraud.
Immigrants taken from DMV database and enrolled as voters and then people vote magically in their names.
Non-citizens being added to voter registration from DMV database.
There it is.
Now that's the first interview she posted.
It's key.
It's like seven minutes long.
She's got a big one going on.
Millie, great job.
You and the team working so hard.
Tell us the latest and when this big report's coming out.
This is so huge.
And of course, it's bombshell that the people they put back on had never voted.
I mean, that shows it's not people that they were told was inactive.
They've gone and skimmed a bunch of names Out of the DMV, people that aren't even citizens, and put them on there, and you just know, the governor's only lost by close to 5,000 votes.
You know they stole it, and you know he needs to get into this.
This is huge, Millie.
We could turn this around and defeat them and stop them from defrauding the voters of Kentucky, Millie.
Well, you know, Andy Beshear, the Attorney General of Kentucky, it was his office that was the one that actually did the lawsuit to get the 175,000 purged voters back on the rolls.
So, of course, it seems a little bit like he had something to gain there, don't you think, Alex?
And it is pretty suspicious that any immigrant who goes to the DMV and gets a driver's license, they just include them in the voter registration rolls.
However, there's a box they can check to exclude people who are under 18 from the voter roll.
So why aren't they doing that with the immigrants who are even ineligible to vote?
They just say, oh, well, it's just on them to choose not to vote.
Well, we're just going to blindly I hope that nobody commits election fraud when half the time you go to these election polls and the Democrats or the people there are saying, oh yeah, yeah, it doesn't matter if you're an illegal immigrant or if you're an immigrant, you can vote.
Yeah, sure, go ahead.
Most of these uninformed citizens just walk in there, they vote, and then they don't realize they're committing a crime which could actually get them deported, if they're even legal immigrants.
So it's a major problem.
I mean, as soon as you were telling me this this morning, we're on the phone listening to the recordings and later live calling back to the governor's office and then the Secretary of State's office.
I was searching this and confirming and people said, hey, these are people that moved out of the state.
These are dead people.
The judge just said, do it.
And then now we learned it's...
Your friend, who's a citizen's husband, who's not a citizen, he's never voted.
He's saying to the investigator, I'm scared.
We've got the recordings.
I'm scared.
If you vote illegally, you can get kicked out of the country.
I didn't vote.
But he's on there and they're saying they did vote.
So this is, you know, this is it.
We've got them.
The governor is re-canvassing to see if the votes were cast.
Well, what about who cast them?
That's the investigation.
They've got to go into that database and look at who's out of the state or who isn't a citizen and it's over.
That will disqualify the votes and the governor will win like he was supposed to.
Well, what's scary is in 2016, Tori, she actually went through the process of trying to get herself removed from the voter rolls in Kentucky.
She sent in a notarized form, paper, everything that she signed to have herself removed.
And then when she went to go check it now recently, they said she was put back on the rolls.
And she was like, well, why was I even put back on the rolls?
This is ridiculous.
I haven't lived in Kentucky for over eight Years.
They said, oh, it was because of this recent Purge lawsuit that they brought everyone back onto the rolls.
And then you called more, got more investigators on from the state.
They all told you the same thing, which is confirmed.
This is incredible.
This is incredible.
And they did say, the Kentucky Board of Elections staffers said that they are going to be investigating and looking into why her immigrant husband was even registered to begin with.
And it's important to note, both her and her immigrant husband, who's ineligible to vote, were registered as Democrats.
That's right, Nellie.
And again, your friend is mad about the illegal voting.
You told me.
have lived in Kentucky for over eight years and they moved from, okay so from
Kentucky to then Oregon to North Dakota. She checked Oregon's records and Oregon
had removed them. That's right Nellie and again your friend is mad about the
illegal voting. You told me, I talked to her, she double-checked.
She wanted to make sure someone wasn't stealing her identity.
We should all be like her.
And then she caught him!
She caught him!
And her husband's completely freaked out.
He wants to stay here, obviously.
He's law-abiding.
This is incredible.
And again, as you said... She's panicking right now because if they did commit voter fraud in her husband's name, that could actually put his immigration status in jeopardy.
Well, he'll be fine.
He reported it, but absolutely.
Unless it's a Democrat judge, they'll probably try to have him executed.
Milley, this is insane.
And look, Judicial Watch, when we come back, I'll show you all this.
I know you already know.
They did lawsuits everywhere.
They found three plus million just in a few canvas areas of California.
That was a small part that were voting illegally.
So Trump said, hey, Hillary stole it by three million.
That was only California, Milley!
Yeah, you know, Matt Blevin has only lost the race by, what, a mere 5,000 votes, and the Democrats and the RINOs are both saying, oh, you need to concede, you need to throw it in, give it to the guy.
No, no, no.
What's wrong with you?
You know, no, Matt Blevin needs to demand that they investigate this last-minute program.
Well, it's not just investigate.
They have a national ID database that tells who's in what state.
The Democrats knew.
They go and that's what they use it for.
They've been caught doing this.
They go buy the database.
They compare it and find out who's out of state, who won't know, who's been gone at least two years is the model.
They do this.
They have scientific firms do this.
So they look at voter rolls in other states, they compare it, they find out who's moved out, then they look at who's there, then they hand out the people.
Okay, you're a woman, you go vote 10 times as these women.
You're a man, you go vote 10 times.
And so again, it's not just dead people.
That's a small part of it.
It's having homeless, illegals, and Democrat operatives.
Hell, they've got videos online with the Democrats saying, go to Alabama, go to Kentucky, go to Michigan.
Here's how you go and vote.
And then they send in their voter registration cards like they live there using Democrat addresses This is fraud.
This is an organized criminal swarm that believes it will defeat us.
It will not defeat us.
The governor is the governor and he should not ever stand down.
He needs to prove this, compare the databases from their state to the others, and then remove the names that are improper and those votes and send the criminals to prison!
You know, I get wound up about all this because our whole future is being stolen.
They want me arrested.
They want Don Jr.
arrested for saying things that are public and lawful and that you should get patted on the back for.
Robert Barnes riding shotgun with us in this segment because he is a smart guy when it comes to election fraud.
Going over Kentucky, the recordings, the admissions.
She's a Republican.
She's been signed up as a Democrat.
Hadn't lived there in eight years.
Her husband is an immigrant.
He's there legally.
He's never voted.
Clearly DMV's been put over.
They're doing this.
They're messing with these databases.
There's always been a concern from the beginning of motor voter legislation, which originally had some good intentions.
It was to make it simpler and easier for more people to vote and participate in the electoral process.
of the fraud.
95% of voter fraud concerns could be solved by requiring... Yeah, you gotta have an ID to match this.
Right, exactly.
And that would deter a lot of sort of bogus voting.
Now it wouldn't completely prevent it because local precincts could report certain people as voting who didn't show up to vote.
And then claim they voted a certain way.
That's what happened when they did the examination in Detroit after 2016 in the recount.
And the reason why all of a sudden there was no further pursuit of it is they found, now of course they're sort of lazy in this instance, there were more ballots than people who voted.
Well, what should the current governor do when 175,000 people got put on two months ago and it turns out they're Republicans in other states and immigrants that are legal but never voted?
I mean, they ought to just index it, see who's in other states, see who is not a citizen, and boom, he wins!
The other thing to do is always look for turnout discrepancies.
So people had been saying that after the Moore election in 2017, where Roy Moore lost the Alabama Senate seat, they thought there was voter fraud.
I set out to prove that there was not voter fraud, and the way to do so is to compare various turnout in demographically similar precincts compared to using presidential turnout as a baseline.
Well, it turned out there were very unusual turnout trends in the 2017 Alabama race.
You had the same demographic group Two blocks apart, one of them turned out at 90% of presidential turnout, one of them would turn out at 65% of presidential turnout.
And the way that can happen if the voter fraud is involved, is people claim people voted who didn't.
And they just, they vote for them effectively, and just stick it in the ballot box.
And you have so much control at each individual precinct, particularly when you have precincts that are 90, 95%, 98% Democratic.
Oh, here in Austin, they have city council members electioneering at the door to the, it's a federal and state crime.
I think you still do.
It has to be a certain amount of distance and the reason for that is they don't want people feeling coercive pressure.
You had the famous case in Philadelphia where people were armed and outside of the presence of various polling precincts that appeared to create intimidation.
Black Panthers.
The new Black Panther Party was their self-identification.
And there wasn't a meaningful, real investigation into that and what happened.
So there's always risk when it comes to the ballot.
It's who's counting the ballot, how did the protocols happen to make sure that ballot was properly placed by a registered voter, how to make sure that particular person is who they claim to be.
These are all the problems.
And when you have an election that's so tight, like Kentucky, you're talking about 5,000, 6,000 votes out of hundreds of thousands of votes cast, then you can have realistic risk.
But what about this case?
I mean, this is stunning that a Republican who hadn't lived there in eight years was put on the rolls as a Democrat and her husband, a legal immigrant, never voted as on it.
I mean, that is just stunning, Millie.
Yeah, she actually went through the process, like I said, of having herself removed in 2016.
She sent in a notarized form and everything, and she was under the impression she was removed.
And that's why they said it was when they did this litigation, they brought back all those purged voters.
They put her back against her consent, essentially.
And we should definitely look into this because Andy Beshear's office as Attorney General, they participated in this lawsuit, this litigation, and yet he is now the one that won against Matt Blevin?
He was the incumbent, the Democrat incumbent that won by a mere 5,000 votes.
So we have to demand investigation immediately into the Kentucky election because if we're seeing it here, it means there's a lot more.
It's like you see one cockroach, that means there's a lot more.
Exactly, and you just said it.
I mean, it's confirmed.
I've got a big stack of articles, where California, 3.5 million more registered voters than live adults.
That's like investors.com.
Study, 1.8 million dead people still registered to vote.
That's NPR, just one area.
The vote for all the Democrats refuse to see, New York Post.
I've got dozens of these articles here.
And people do suits.
They get the database, they check it, and it's dead people, or it's people that have moved out, or it's illegals, or it's immigrants.
This is insane!
People say the Democrats don't have crowds.
They only have these blue cities.
That's where they've got the election fraud in place.
They never leave because it's fraud.
No doubt.
And there's such risk of fraud.
It's amazing that the media is always so scared about a meaningful review.
They weren't worried about it when the Georgia governor was claiming there was voter fraud.
Then they were willing to let her continue to claim that the election was stolen from her, the Democratic candidate who lost the governor's race, for years afterwards.
With no evidence?
I mean, here's the deal.
If I find Republicans cheating, I'll...
I saw some cheating on both sides back in 2000 between Gore and Bush.
I don't know who won that.
I mean, I know the Republican establishment will steal some stuff, but the Democrats aren't—admit it.
Well, I mean, I— Remember Obama on the eve of the election—of the second election with Romney said, vote often!
Yeah, exactly.
I actually bet on W in 2004 because I was trusting that he would make sure the votes got counted in a certain direction.
I mean, there's a long history of voter manipulation and voter fraud taking place in all forms of government.
That's another reason I hate Roger Stone, is he was involved in all that.
Yeah, there's been just that and the other about that.
Well, he was definitely involved in everything that happened in Florida in 2000.
And they've long believed... The Brooks Brothers, right?
The Democrats and the media have been very selective when they highlight issues of voter fraud.
It affects both parties.
It affects both institutions.
It's across the board.
There should be full transparency about what happened.
And nobody should be scared of it or afraid of it.
They should welcome it.
Milley, when is your new... and please, you're working super hard.
I'm not cracking the whip here.
When is your next big report coming out?
What is it going to add to this?
Because the one you already put up is bombshell.
Oh yeah, we knew that this is imperative to get this information, the audio out to the public immediately, so we just dropped it pretty raw.
And we are going to be putting out another video, an edited out report with more detail and kind of going in depth into the investigation that we did.
But I'm also going to be doing a live stream on my channel, Millennial Millie, and I'm going to be having the woman who recorded the audio on to talk about her whole situation.
Okay, when is that?
Because I would like to take that live tonight.
We don't have a space now.
We re-air my show 6 to 7.
Maybe you did it then central.
We would dial in and pick that up or just let us know and we'll take some of it live during the other shows.
Yes, that's going to be this evening.
I'm working with her on an exact time, but we're going to be sitting down and trying to do this as soon as we can.
She's a very well-spoken woman.
Oh yeah, she's extremely, I mean, this woman is very intelligent.
She's on top of it.
She's just the type of person that wants to have everything done right by the book, and that's why she... And you've got the recordings of them checking the names and everything, and the people on WOW, but I mean, again, you're going to find the thing's loaded with people.
It's going to be loaded with people that aren't citizens and loaded with folks that moved away.
Anytime there's been any meaningful investigation or litigation, that's always been revealed, for the most part, pretty consistently.
That's what Judicial Watch revealed.
That's like an independent political scientist did a study back, I believe, after the 2012 election.
And what he looked at was just looking at demographic data and other metrics.
He could determine what percentage of illegal immigration likely participated in the electoral system.
And he found the number to be very high, and it shocked a lot of people.
And he was just pointing out that... Well, Democrats now say all they want is illegals voting.
Well, yeah, there's been many Democrats that have said that, unfortunately.
Hell, they're passing laws in Chicago and in San Francisco where they do.
Well, in the net effect of it, when, oh yes they are, to allow them to officially participate.
And the question becomes, once they're on their voter rolls, and once they're participating in the election process for a local election, how are they going to preclude them from participating in another election?
It's incredible.
Hell, I may become an illegal alien.
You get more rights when you do.
How do people follow you on Twitter?
At Barnes underscore Law.
At Barnes underscore Law.
And Millie?
Millie underscore Weaver on Twitter.
Alright, and give people your website.
You can go to MillennialMillie.com, or you can find me as Millennial Millie on YouTube as well, or Millie Weaver on Facebook.
Alright, you're awesome, Gavin, your crew, and everybody's awesome, and please pop on the other shows tonight.
We'll be carrying a report as soon as it comes out.
We'll post it to InfoWars.com.
Folks, our first reports on InfoWars right now.
Please get it out if you care.
I mean, this is coffin nails the globalists.
Flood the current governor.
Flood Fox News.
Flood Tucker Carlson.
I know I'm going to text it to him.
Get it out.
Thank you, Millie.
Great job.
I'm going to come back with that race report I talked about.
Thanks, Bob.
So, ladies and gentlemen, there are countless videos every day of white people Being beaten up, and being attacked, and being stabbed, and being robbed, and being knocked out, and being pushed on railroad tracks, and Islamists is doing it to them, and the media just says white people are bad, they deserve to die.
And there's all these other articles just completely and totally celebrating it all over the world.
And articles about how whites need to be gotten rid of, and you know, 125,000 retweets of a woman saying, oh I just robbed this white woman's purse, she deserved it.
There it is.
A woman rags about stealing purse and money from homophobic white woman gets 126,000 likes on Twitter.
That's the type of stuff we're talking about.
And then we've got this new video of a white teenager being robbed by black folks at gunpoint while they say racial epithets at him.
And again, imagine if a white person did that.
It'd be all over the news.
There'd be nationwide race riots.
But the media knows how to hype up just the certain things.
To get what they want, and that's in the WikiLeaks.
The Democrats are up to that.
So here's some of the video.
What do you want?
What do you want?
I'll do everything, bro.
I'll give him--
Who the fuck do you think you is?
Hey, bro.
Give this nigga a phone, bro.
No, no, please.
Bro, give him your phone, bro.
I'm not playing with you.
Hey, phone.
Give him your phone, bro.
Give him your phone, bro.
Bro, don't touch him, bro.
What do you want?
I'll give you something.
What do you want?
What you got?
Hey, what you got?
Hey, you got money?
What you got?
Hey, you got money?
What's in your pocket, bro?
What FPD you got?
Riding for his AirPods, bro.
Ran for his shoes, bro.
Where are your shoes at?
Ran his shoes, bro.
Ran all his ribs, bro.
Gang ass out here, bro.
Gang ass out here, bro.
Don't play with us, bro.
Play with us, man.
Fucking play with the gang, bro.
So, hunting white people is a big sport.
And white people are so self-hating and so domesticated that that's just the way it is.
You'll never see that on the national news, though.
It's just every day.
It's just constant.
But here's another example.
Here's Piers Morgan.
who doesn't believe we need guns to defend ourselves, even though he's got private bodyguards,
talking about a UK village known as Little Whitetown for over 500 years.
It's had that name because of the shore.
It's a port.
It's got white rocks.
It may be forced to change its name over racism complaints.
Because back in the old days, they would name ports off of Yellow Cliffs or White Rock or
Round Rock or Black Rock.
Or Freeport meant they didn't make you pay to pull into it.
Somebody knows the names of ports.
Well, oh, the word white is upsetting.
Like White House or White Rock Lake is in Dallas because they have white rocks on the shore.
It's the White Rock Lake, you know?
That's how they have towns.
Or like, Brown Mountain or Greenfield.
Well, people want that taken down.
They want it gotten rid of.
So, that's what's unfolding, ladies and gentlemen.
So let's go ahead and play Piers Morgan.
Here it is.
Look, Mr. McGough, I live in Biddeford.
I'm very concerned that I think everybody should be shot dead in the town.
Oh, that's not a very nice comparison.
Something extreme like, well, everyone's shot dead.
Would you then propose a motion that you don't agree with, saying, I propose that everyone should be shot dead in this town?
Well, I'm pretty certain on air, sir, I'm not going to give any views.
I'd say that to you.
I'd give you a quite passionate view because I'm passionate about my town.
You've just said the only reason you proposed a motion you completely disagree with is because some people complained.
And it was the parishioners had an idea they wanted to get rid of the signs.
So I'm taking it to a logical extension and saying, if some parishioner came to you with some other mad idea, would you then propose a motion saying that that shouldn't happen?
No, you wouldn't, would you?
If I feel passionate about your town, and trying to defend your town, at the end of the day, it's taking me two months to put this motion to the table.
I can't listen to this anymore.
There are things called Lynch Hall in this country, an Irish name.
People think it means lynch black people because there was a famous case of a lynch guy who was, by the way, wasn't black, being lynched.
It's mental illness, but the system empowers it because they want the media to hype things they want to cause a giant domino effect.
So they're saying the OK symbol is racist and the left is banning it and prosecuting people in Europe to try to use it.
Well, PewDiePie Points out that now the brofist, which when somebody sends you a fist right on it means, I want to bump fists with you.
Now you say, oh, the left's crazy saying that's white supremacist and wanting to get rid of it.
No, they're not crazy.
They want dominance over everything in the world.
That's what they're doing.
That's what they're establishing.
They know damn well their operation.
You glorify groveling.
Oh, men in women's bathrooms upset you because some people identify as a dog.
Let's give in to that.
Oh, big fat men want to dress up in clown makeup and come hang out with your kids.
So Sweden just put hundreds of thousands of dollars to start it there.
To pay men to go and fondle children.
It's about training you to be a slave.
Here's Pootie Pie breaking it down.
Quick question.
Which one of these is a hate symbol?
Is it A, the bowl haircut, B, the number 12, or C, the OK hand sign?
It's all of them.
The answer is, of course, all of them.
Let's go through some more examples.
Hey, remember this guy?
I've actually never showed him properly on my channel.
But most of you probably know it's Pepe the Frog.
Pepe the Frog was a booming meme from 2015 to 2016.
Everyone loved this guy.
From what started in just a pretty small comic book, was adopted by the internet to become the biggest meme of that time.
Celebrities were posting him, and what made Pepe so popular was that he could be made into anything.
And the fact that there were so many different versions of Pepe, became a meme in itself.
Pepe practically became too popular, and versions of Pepe that should never have been made, was created.
which changed things a lot.
But they were all of them deceived for another ring was made.
merging racist ideology known as the alt-right.
Junior, for example, he put this image on his Instagram account.
It's a meme of Pepe.
And for those of you who don't know, Pepe is a white nationalist symbol.
Are essentially nihilists who do it for the law.
Basically that means, for the heck of it.
Racist, antisemitic, and overall just offensive Pepe memes were spread across the internet.
And the future of Pepe looked bleak.
But there were some who resisted.
Some people fought back.
A movement called Hashtag Save Pepe was created by Matt Fury, Pepe's creator, to try and bring Pepe back to something positive.
The internet tried to help, even ADL tried to help, but it was too late.
Alright, we'll air the whole thing coming up on The War Room because it's important.
No, the ADL didn't try to help.
Matt Fury, who said it was free and said the whole world should use it, and who put it out there, figured out, oh, I can call it white supremacist and then take my copyright back by claiming everyone's white supremacists that have it.
And then he sued me.
But he didn't get the money he was looking for.
A Democrat firm spent a million and a half dollars.
They got $15,000 from us because the judge said, you've won this case, but I'm not going to let it go to trial.
Pay them $15,000.
But again, that's another one of the symbols they've taken away.
Meanwhile, we'll go out to break.
We'll go out to the end of the show here with Popeye's Chaos.
It's up on DrudgeReport.com.
Angry Americans fight over coveted chicken sandwich.
And this is the hysteria where they say it's oh so coveted, oh you've got to have it, and it's just a chicken sandwich, and people actually buy into it.
Here it is.
Just like they buy into Trump's evil and a racist.
It's all just total hype.
Here it is.
People stabbing each other to death over chicken sandwiches.
Because the media, an Austin PR firm, says it is the ultimate thing in the universe.
[crowd cheering]
They won't fight for freedom, the average American.
Won't get involved, but boy, if it's overhyping a sandwich, let's kill each other.
Warren with Owen Schroer at Band-Odd Video and InfoWars.com for our show and our radio and TV affiliates.
It's coming up.
He's ready.
He's locked and loaded.
Thank you all for your support.
Remember, they're all over the news calling for my arrest right now for no reason except the fact that they're criminals and they're scared of the truth.
Thanks, crew.
Great job.
See you back tomorrow at 3 p.m.
special Saturday show live.
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(upbeat music)
It was more than 25 years ago that I was in college and I still remember being at Barton Springs,
this big natural limestone pool in Austin, Texas that feeds into the Colorado River
and seeing these professional swimmer types out there who were in really good shape.
And I remember this old man who looked like an Olympic athlete or something with a A gallon jug of water, but it was light brown.
And I said, what is that?
And he said, it's iodine.
And I said, well, what's it do?
And he said, well, you see how good a shape I'm in.
He said, I learned about this a long time ago.
And it's the trace element that counters the fluoride that's killing everybody.
And have you seen how the planes are flying over?
They're spraying something in the atmosphere.
And I was kind of awake then, but I hadn't heard of chemtrails yet.
And I'd heard something about the debate about fluoride, but I knew that Stanley Kubrick had made fun of people back in Dr. Strangelove, back in the early 1960s in that movie, so I wasn't exactly sure what the guy was getting at.
But then all these years later, like eight years ago, Dr. Groups here.
And he's like, listen, he was a guest.
This is about nine years ago now.
And he goes, you need to take atomic iodine.
He goes, I'm developing it.
I'm going to put some out.
It'll make you healthy.
It'll make your skin healthier.
It's, you know, it's the good halogen versus the fluoride.
Of course, I know all about fluoride causing brain damage, lowering IQ, hurting fertility, causing bone cancer, just all of it.
And I'm like, okay.
He said, but when you take it, I'm going to warn you about two weeks in, most people detox and a lot of stuff comes out of your skin and you're going to really feel bad for a week or so.
But then after that, you're going to feel a lot better and lose a lot of weight.
Just like clockwork.
Two weeks in, I'm taking a dropper full of water every day, and I just suddenly feel lethargic.
I feel like crap.
I break out.
I've got all this oil coming out of my scalp.
Hadn't had zits on me since I was in high school.
I'm like, what is going on?
And a bunch of other things happened.
I was sleeping with that in the bathroom.
And that went on about four or five days.
And I woke up one day and felt way lighter.
Felt great.
It's like when you're going up a hill.
Carrying your kid on your shoulders, and you find him at the top of the hill, and you take him off your shoulders, and you feel a lot lighter, felt like you could fly.
It was kind of like that, and then a lot of weight came off of me, and I did amazing things.
And then every time I forget to take a good, clean iodine, I start feeling like crap again until I remember to take it.
So, for everything in our lives, it's so special.
Well, X2 is the pure, deep-earth crystal iodine.
And people love it, and we sell it, and it's on the site, and it's our best seller.
I was talking to some medical doctors and others, and they said, Alex, there's a small percentage of people that can't absorb atomic iodine, and the pure deep-earth crystal type.
You should have triiodine with two other types with it that help you absorb the deep-earth crystal iodine, but a little bit of the other two types.
And so we have all three types in Survival Shield X3, and a lot of people like X3.
Better than X2.
It's all your physiology.
It's all your body.
This is weaker.
And that's just the formula because when you do it with the other two types, it reportedly supercharges the pure iodine.
And so you don't want it to be stronger.
It's not about a saving money thing.
It's not even a cost issue.
It's that this is a different formula for different people.
And so it's up to you to try it.
By the way, iodine's big, big.
Big mojo.
This isn't a game.
So be careful with it.
Consult your physicians.
Check into it.
Because you already have deficiencies and stuff.
And then this comes into your life?
You're playing with lightning in a bottle here.
It's 70% off for the 2-ounce bottle.
60% off for the 1-ounce bottle.
Right now.