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Name: 20191018_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 18, 2019
2437 lines.

In Alex Jones' radio show on Freespeech.tv, he discusses the increasing danger facing President Trump and the nation's current political climate, including the neocon establishment joining forces with the leftist establishment to remove him from office. He warns that conservative supporters living in a bubble may be overestimating Trump's invincibility, and highlights recent threats against his life and potential assassination attempts. Jones also discusses privacy concerns, technology, history, national debt, personal responsibility, challenges faced by families attending Trump rallies due to protests from groups like Antifa, and insights from Dr. Nick Begich on various topics. He encourages listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products from InfoWarsStore.com and to fight against corporate tyranny.

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Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us.
On this Friday, October 18th, 2019 Global Transmission, I am your host, Alex Jones.
We have unbelievably important developments with the neocon establishment joining the leftist establishment and saying Trump must be removed, especially after the peace deal has been signed in Syria.
And Trump's great crime is he is not for endless wars and he's actually fulfilling his campaign promises.
They are definitely trying to remove the president right now.
And we have to talk about the aftermath of what will happen if they're able to successfully remove him.
A lot of nationalistic conservatives and Christians and libertarians think That President Trump is invincible.
And I have to tell you, if you believe that, I think you're living in a bubble.
We're going to open the phones up on that subject today.
And I understand why Matt Drudge is running a lot of stories that show Trump in danger.
Because Trump is in danger.
And I think Matt Drudge is showing, really, what's going on on the ground.
A lot of conservatives live in their own bubble.
Not as much as Leftists do.
They live in an insane asylum bubble.
But, they do live in their own bubble, and you need to get outside of that bubble sometimes, and I know our listeners do.
That's why we're activists, nationalists, Christian patriots, most of us, or just other folks that are libertarians, want to be free, common sense folks.
I'm not saying somebody's bad out there.
If they don't believe in God, that's your issue.
But the globalists are at war with the real Americana ethos that's a mix of Renaissance, Christianity, swashbuckling, freebooting, Wild Wild West, and it's very romantic what America really stands for.
Individuals standing on their own, And really finding their true grit.
And that's the antithesis of the New World Order model of domestication in a post-human world.
So, I think that denying ourselves just how dire the straits are is dangerous because I've been persecuted massively for supporting Trump.
I went from having an audience bigger than Rush Limbaugh, conservatively bigger, I mean way bigger, and bringing in more money than Rush Limbaugh does.
That's why I was able to build this infrastructure.
Nothing against Rush having a big $20 million jet or a $10 million house.
That's fine.
He spent his money on that.
I spent the money on the crew and infrastructure.
That's one reason we're still on air.
When everybody else would be taken completely off by this level of attack, it's because we were preparing for this.
We didn't want this to happen, but we knew it was probably coming.
If we were effective in rebooting America, there'd be a counteroffensive.
So, what I'm getting at is, I've supported Trump because I know he's for real and I know he wants to reboot the nation.
But he's got the power to stop the censorship that's racketeering election meddling.
He's got the power to go after the deep state.
And really, his rhetoric is basically perfect.
I'll give it about a 99.
And his action is about a 90.
I mean, when you talk about pulling us out of these wars and trying to reroute the economy and trying to build the wall, they've built quite a bit of it.
The War Patrol asked them to replace the hundreds of miles that was basically Swiss cheese, like an old shot up road sign.
You know, if somebody shot up 100 road signs in the town and money got funded for new road signs and they replaced the ones that were shot up, you wouldn't say, oh, the county robbed everybody, they didn't replace one new sign.
Because they replaced the 100 plus that were shot by shotguns.
So I want to defend Trump, but...
He's in that position where he could really devastate them if he just took a few more steps.
And I think he is too confident in himself as well.
And I think you could really say Matt Drudge pushed him over the top.
So I think that's one reason Drudge has been somewhat critical is to get Trump out of his confidence position he's in and to realize just how perilous this is, especially for those of us that have been supporting him.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live on this October 18th, 2019 Friday edition.
I'm your host Alex Jones and I am going to open the phones up throughout the
four-hour transmission today.
I have cleared the decks of guests.
We may get a few guests on briefly that were at the big Trump rally in Dallas last night because they're eyewitnesses to a lot of what transpired and went on.
It was a circus, and I was there.
I did not even intend to be riding around in an armored vehicle with a turret at the top, but the security group we were able to get through our contacts, great folks, had that armored vehicle as their main armored vehicle, and so I went ahead and Got picked up at the airport at that flew out of here.
The plane was delayed flat air about 430 got there about 515 got to the rally by about six and was back at the airport by nine and our flight got canceled.
So I got a car rental car and drove back to Austin, Texas and got some delicious shut eye by about 2 30 a.m.
So I am just collating a lot of this here on air like the rest of you are.
But believe me, this is a broadcast you're not going to want to miss because... Let's just break down what's happening first off.
I said yesterday that the president is in great danger of being assassinated.
Now on that same day, we saw CNN producers say he hopes Trump dies, he hopes Trump is killed.
Project Veritas released that.
Tom Arnold tweeted that, don't get too cocky, trader, tweeting at Trump, they showed up for JFK 2 in Dallas.
So a clear threat there.
You have Phil Mudd, Who ran assassination operations for the CIA, saying the government's gonna kill Trump, and quote, stabbed Giuliani in the back with a shiv.
Again, that's a prison knife, and we can play the compilations of them saying they're gonna kill Trump, and oh, we want an assassination.
And so I said, with Biden coming out on the debate stage three nights ago, and saying We need to not fight with each other.
We need to focus on removing Trump by the 17th.
Well, that was last night, so I just said, whoa.
Dallas, 56 years later.
All the other bizarre statements by Pelosi about bullets, orange bullets around her wrist and Cory Booker.
I said, hey, everybody's got a real feeling of concern about this.
I'm going up to Dallas with the crew.
And did we stop Trump being assassinated?
Did we stop an attempted assassination?
The world will never know.
But I know this, drawing attention to the fact that the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, the L.A.
Times, Vanity Fair, Esquire, I mean, you name it, they've all done it.
I can remember five times that the New York Times said somebody needs to assassinate Trump or I'm going to kill Trump.
You have reporters saying that.
And Kathy Griffin holding up the bloody head.
I mean, we all know about that.
And the politicians saying, go out and get him, attack him.
And Rand Paul getting his ribs broken.
Senator Paul and Scalise, Congressman Scalise getting shot.
The guy admitted he was trying to go there.
And in statements he made to left his friends and family that did nothing to stop him.
He drove there from Illinois to try to, quote, kill all 18 members of the conservative caucus baseball team.
So that's the type of stuff going on.
And then ABC News was there.
It went national.
It was also local.
And he goes, Alex Jones!
I'm up in the armored vehicle.
The police had stopped us to see what we were up to.
They let us go.
It's the First Amendment.
We're driving back and forth in front of it for a good hour.
Right in front of the American Airlines Center.
It's a beautiful old building.
And he just looked at me with such mainstream media hate.
And he said, Alex Jones!
He said, you're a liar.
Nobody in the government or nobody around the government is saying kill.
Well, we've got hours of footage from five different cameras that the crew is going through.
Most of them only had a few hours sleep.
We're close to having it probably by this hour or next hour.
We have HD footage of me from on top of the armored vehicle and from our camera crew below with that ABC reporter saying, I'm a liar.
Nobody in government or connected to the government is calling for Trump's assassination.
And I said, Phil Mudd said it.
And I said, Brendan and Clapper said they're going to remove him outside of impeachment.
And then raised their eyebrows at Will Blitzer, and we've seen all the calls for him to die.
And he said, no, you're a liar.
And I said, no, ABC News lies.
I would never crop footage from Knob Creek Machine Gun Shootout Expo, which is on my bucket list, and in Kentucky.
I would never crop that and say it was Trump blowing up or allowing the Kurds to be blown up.
So we're going to get to all of that.
First big thing I'm going to hit is Trump coming out and saying we've got a peace deal.
And the media, the left and the right, acting like he's a devil.
And what I saw on the ground was people waving Kurdish flags, flipping me off, saying F Trump, saying, you know, down with Trump, with Antifa, spitting on us, hitting us.
And I didn't even try to go into the Antifa group, but I did try to go down the street, on the other side, to videotape the pro-Trump and then anti-Trump people.
The pro-Trump people outnumbered the anti-Trump, I'd say 50 to 1.
I mean, when we left at 8 o'clock at night, once Trump was inside speaking, they'd been speaking a while, there were still giant lines around the block.
People just gave up, they couldn't get in, it was overflow.
Obviously they had to check him for security issues.
Because of security issues, a lot of people just never had time to get in.
It was too bad.
But the police directed us the way we were supposed to go, right by Antifa.
And then let 200 Antifa out of I'd say about a 500 group surround us.
And we've got unbelievable footage, but the cuss words are every second.
And the whistles and all the rest.
Raw posted Infowars.com beeped here on air, but it's almost pointless.
It's like one big beep.
And they stunk like a septic tank.
I mean, these people are just the scum of the earth.
So they followed us around the whole time and then they got us all surrounded by the police.
We went over to the police and said, please help us.
And the police said no and walked away.
A line of police, very despicable.
And you know, the guys I was with were either, you know, former police or Folks that have worked with the police and they said they've never seen anything like it.
It was very despicable, but it shows where America's gone with the political correctness.
We were directed by the police.
Oh, no, you can't go around this way, even though it was open.
Go this way.
All right, really go into the Antifa.
Yeah, that's the way you got to go.
And there's police in there.
And they did that, so that's all coming up.
There's articles on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com dealing with all that, and it just ties into watching people who can't even speak English going, if Trump, if America!
And I would, from the Middle East, and I would say, America's back, and boy, it was like throwing holy water on Linda Blair and the exorcist.
When I would say, America's back, or the Democratic Party founded the KKK, they would just go, I mean, just... Some of them would just start shaking and fall down on the ground and start flopping around.
You think I'm kidding.
I've got footage of this.
It was like exorcism when I would say, America's back!
America's back!
And they go... Well, you've seen the footage of people doing that.
They go... So, and then they start bumping into things and falling down.
I mean, these people are... Something's wrong with them.
So, you think I'm joking.
It's all coming up today.
And just so much more.
What an incredible time to be alive.
The action, the adventure, the craziness of it.
It's just a spectacular time to be alive in so many ways and I'm just glad to be here and I hope that you will continue to join us because key intel is coming up.
Well, it's a big red headline at DrudgeReport.com and I'm going to cover it next segment because that's a longer segment.
This is very important.
Trump campaigned to sue CNN over pro-impeachment bias demands substantial payment.
Now can Trump really do that?
Well, the Democrats are suing me.
Even Associated Press had another article out yesterday saying Jones insinuated Sandy Hook didn't happen.
Because now they know they can get sued because I've been suing some media outlets.
They're going, well, he insinuated.
Well, you have a right to say it didn't happen.
But to insinuate?
So by their yardstick, Trump can totally sue them, totally win, because he has Jeff Zucker admitting that it's a bias, and then he wants Trump taken out.
But I believe in free speech.
And so, what the Democrats have done is created a world where we're getting rid of everybody's speech, and it's like a circular firing squad.
In fact, I've got an article here where Martin Luther King's daughter... I may not have sent that to you, it's from...
Daily Caller guys, pull it up for me, is criticizing Mark Zuckerberg, basically, there it is, saying he's not doing enough to censor.
And then Daily Caller carries it, because it's this circular logic.
It's very dangerous.
Very dangerous.
She's like, oh, my dad got killed for conspiracy theories.
Well, the answer would be an open debate to counter that.
No, your dad got killed because the FBI, Globalist FBI, wound up some folks and assassinated him and then had James Earl Ray get set up to take the fall.
So, and that's all come out, so.
But I have a tendency to say I'm going to cover something and start covering it.
It's really important and I want to cover it next segment so I have more time.
And like I said, guys, please print me that article from Martin Luther King's daughter, because this is really important.
Conservatives are starting to take the bait on, oh well, if someone's speech of a fact-checking group says it isn't true, well then yeah, we need to have them taken off the internet.
Well, you can go create anything you want.
Microsoft is funding NewsGuard.
And then it's run by neocons.
I mean, these are the biggest liars.
On the planet.
Oh, there it is.
It's actually in my stack.
I missed that.
So that's all coming up.
And I want to spend some time on what's really happening in Syria because I've had time to really study it.
And I have to say I agree with what the president's done.
I think it's very, very well thought out.
Very, very pragmatic.
And most importantly, he's doing what he said he would do.
So I'm going to hit that in the last segment of this hour.
And great to tell, we have a bunch of clips of it.
And boy, I saw the left just howling, the Kurds, the Kurds, the genocide, the mass murder.
Where was the media when even the UN.
admits the persecution of Christians accounts for about 80% of all religious persecution in the world.
Used to be about a third.
A decade ago, persecution of Christians had doubled.
Now it's really more than that.
I think it's quadrupled.
You can pull the numbers up, but persecution of Christians is skyrocketing.
And you can pull up U.N.
This U.N.
report on persecution of religious groups.
And Christians top the chart.
And it's getting worse, and we all know about it, and Obama and others funded it, and they murdered hundreds of thousands of people in the Arab Spring conservatively, most of them Christians, displaced millions and millions and millions, women put into sex slavery, and you'd have to find it buried in journals or buried in military reports, little girls sold into sex slavery, gays thrown off buildings, all of this, and the media tried to cover it all up because the West was funding the Arab Spring, which was a jihadi takeover.
And so again, I'll get into all of that, but Trump is getting this peace deal, trying to iron this out.
And originally, what the globalists wanted to do was break the country in three to four parts.
Well, right now, they're really just giving 90% of it to Syria and then dividing the other 10% roughly between Turkey and the Kurds.
And that's the part where the Kurds can go back and forth into Iraq.
They never follow any borders or laws.
So they get used by Western intelligence agencies as a go-between, as a cut-out, as a foil.
And Trump is just saying, we're done with this.
We don't want to destabilize anymore.
We're out.
But as I said, I'll hit that with the tail and play the clips last segment of this hour.
And then I intend to open the phones up throughout the balance of this Friday global transmission, as I said I would do earlier.
There's a lot of other huge news.
Mainstream media is promoting everywhere.
Corporate media is promoting everywhere.
ABC News, NBC News.
Everyone needs to get microchips to buy and sell.
That's being rolled out like it's the new credit card.
We told you that was coming.
We'll talk about just how dangerous that is.
Not from a biblical perspective, but so many others.
And we're going to look at William Barr and even some mainstream media saying that the word is Inspector General report is going to be out today, next week, that it's imminent.
The latest on the Hong Kong mass massacres that are going on and some big developments of on the NBA front.
Very big developments there.
I'll hit the start of the next hour where I'd really been critical of the commissioner At first, saying, hey, let's not fight with China.
Let's tamper this down.
Let's not have a big controversy.
And that was a wussification perspective.
But we learned from day one, behind the scenes, they told the CHICOMs, no.
You're not going to order us who to hire and who to fire.
That's not American values.
Turns out, day one, behind the scenes, they were being somewhat more firm, but while trying to still kill the controversy.
He's only releasing that info now because they've lost massive amounts of money.
80% of their bread is buttered in the United States.
So, they were looking at that big ol' juicy communist hog they wanted to get on and gobble up, but, uh, you know, your bread's still buttered here.
And, uh, they are now getting religion.
Kinda like the NFL, Kaepernick took down their viewership, about 40%.
They've kinda tapped down on that anti-American stuff.
They're just not force-feeding it, you can still do it.
And so, some of the NFL's ratings are coming back.
Uh, really?
We don't want the NFL to be a social justice warrior.
Circles jerk every night?
No, I don't think we do.
So that's coming up.
And just so much more.
Please remember, viewers and listeners, that...
We go confront the globalists in D.C.
face to face.
The corrupt senators, the corrupt vice presidents, the corrupt politicians.
I've confronted Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Janet Reno, the head of Google, Sundar Pichai, the head of Twitter.
All of them.
We've never backed down.
And last night we went and confronted Antifa.
I was there.
They surrounded us.
We didn't back down.
They attacked us.
They hit me, pushed me.
The police did nothing.
My security had to push him off, but we were there just to try to be as Christ-like as possible and not fight back, but let them, you know, show the world who they are.
So that's all going to be coming up later because we keep showing footage of me walking in.
We're going to show the footage once I got there and once they surrounded us.
So we're getting all that boiled down and ready for you as well.
And just remember that the only way we're able to fund this and do all this and fight hard for you and our own futures is with financial funding.
And that's at InfowarStore.com.
That's how we fund this operation.
And we have the massive sale, one of the biggest ever.
Everything must go super sale, 40 to 70% off.
And hey, Christmas is only two months away.
Why not just go ahead and do your shopping now with us and beat the crowds and all of it.
Get your own great products you already know are wonderful and then get some for your friends and family.
Coming up, episode two of the Trump Reality Show.
Except in this reality show, you can have a nuclear war, financial collapse, or race war.
A war between the sexes and the collapse of civilization, because the globalists are really trying to carry that out.
The truth is, it's not Trump's reality show.
Trump is simply somebody who certain factions of the establishment, backed by the American people, thought might have a chance to help America not decide to commit suicide.
And Trump's great achievement is drawing the globalists out and showing just how much they hate America and just how much they want to divide and conquer this nation.
So, President Trump has talked about mainstream corporate lying media being the enemy of the people.
He's talked about them being fake news.
He's talked about them being corrupt.
Corrupt media.
And ladies and gentlemen, they are corrupt.
Every day, I see articles about myself that I know are completely not true.
And I'm not going to go over a laundry list of those, but you've seen examples of those.
And so Trump's angle using the Layman Act from the 1940s is false advertising.
In that CNN says we're journalists, says that we're going to tell you the truth, telling you that they're balanced.
And then you have their CEO saying, I don't want the truth.
I want to remove Trump.
I want division in America.
I don't want anything positive said about him when it's the president.
Now, Trump and his lawyers have a leg to stand on here, but not much in my view.
I'm being sued by the Sandy Hook families, backed up by the Democratic Party.
They're claiming false advertising.
And they say that my fortune was made on Sandy Hook when I barely ever even talked about it.
And so basically those lawyers and law firms have attached themselves to the success of the show using stuff we barely talked about to continue to say they're being victimized by me.
It's a form of waving the bloody shirts, what it's called.
But they're saying that there's an advertising formula to what we cover here.
No, we cover what the big news is.
When Tom Arnold comes out and says somebody needs to kill Trump in Dallas, you know, we cover that.
Or when Trump sues CNN, we cover that.
Or when the public doesn't believe official stories, because they've been lied to so much, we cover that.
And there's nothing more American than that.
But I digress.
But with CNN, it really is their marketing strategy to Push the fake Russiagate and now the fake Impeachgate and all the rest of it.
But Trump is a public figure.
Trump's argument is though that they are defrauding the general public as a consumer class of information who believe that they're supposedly getting accurate info and that CNN is consciously lying to them.
It's like that famous movie that Andy Griffith stars in, The Face and the Crowd.
I ought to watch that again.
And he's a con man.
Who ends up becoming this big national icon, because it's like built on the idea of Roy Rogers.
And at the end, he doesn't know that the camera audio is still on.
And he goes, I hate you, my viewers.
I hate you, my listeners.
You're such idiots.
And he basically admits that he's been feeding on them.
And that's something psychotics do.
Sociopaths sometimes.
But psychotics love to brag.
They send letters to the police.
Taunting them.
The family's taunting them.
They want to get caught more and more.
They do more and more outlandish things.
And that's what the left's doing is kind of acting out because they are, if anything, psychotic.
And so when you've got CNN, I mean, if you had me behind the scenes going, let's do bad things to people to make all this money, like Jeff Zucker's doing, then you could say, wow, that's unfair trade practices.
That's fraud.
And that's what I've said about big tech.
I've said Trump could go after many ways.
The espionage, working with the Chai comms, Google and Apple completely.
I mean, my goodness, they've become state run over there and then they admit it.
That's unbelievable.
And then these are US citizens.
They can be indicted for espionage.
It should be.
It's cut and dry.
But another way is, as I've said, fraudulent.
Advertising unfair trade practices.
And I've sent letters to Trump by major law firms that developed those ideas two years ago.
And that's one of the reasons they, of course, cracked down on us.
There's actually a big article in Gateway Pundit about that today.
He admitted when he was first exposed Fiona Hill two years ago and how to stop it.
That's one reason we've been targeted for destruction.
I appreciate Gateway Pundit getting that out because folks need to understand that we're in a total war here.
I mean, they're really coming after us.
Adam Schiff, star witness, Fiona Hill was outed by Roger Stone in Infowars as Deep State Soros connected spy in 17.
And again, I'm not tooting a horn here.
You understand that when you're a public figure and you back Trump, all hell breaks loose.
So I'm saying, I'm not backing down in support of the President.
He has not been supporting us.
That have been persecuted and targeted.
And I'm still going to back him.
But man, it's like holding somebody on your shoulders while Lilliputian gremlins are eating your legs off.
And I understand that Trump's up there trying to look confident, trying to get the country rebooted.
So I trust him.
But I understand why some people are going to start balking.
Because I liken it to If robbers were trying to kill your kid, and there was a knife laying on top of the stovetop, and it was 300 degrees, and, you know, you could grab the butcher knife and, you know, kill him, but you'd have to burn your hand really bad.
And I've got a butcher knife in my hand, politically stabbing the globalists, but it hurts really bad.
I mean, my hand's on fire here.
And the American people, and others that have been persecuted, a lot of people have been persecuted around Trump, they need action.
We don't mind getting hurt.
But we want to see the other guy politically bleeding badly.
And not Hillary walking around all arrogant, and Obama walking around all arrogant, and Comey and McCabe walking around, and Mueller walking around all arrogant, while they have been pissing gasoline on us and then lighting it.
But I digress.
I support the President's suit.
If it goes to the wrong judges, And I'm looking at the lawsuit right here.
I mean, where they filed it and what district.
We're going to have Robert Barnes on today, constitutional lawyer, to analyze this and give us his take on it.
But it looks like a pretty good suit, but it could still go nowhere.
We don't have time, though, while this is battled out.
For even in a quick expedited way, six months with this election coming up.
And again, it's not like CNN even has that much power.
They don't even have that many viewers.
In a way, Trump always engaging them props up what little bit of viewers they have because at a certain point when somebody's a known liar, why do we sit there and argue with them at the street corner?
Stick a fork in them, they're done.
I mean, they still force feed it in public schools to kids every morning in first period.
Call it CNN's 10.
It's in train stations, it's in bus stations, it's in airports, it's in hotels, it's in bars, it's in restaurants, but everybody knows, oh, that's the CNN.
I mean, really, no one believes a word CNN says, maybe 7, 8% in polls.
But at least it's a publicity stunt, bare minimum, to be able to have in the suit things like President Donald J. Trump and Donald J. Trump for President Inc.
This firm is litigation counsel for President Donald J. Trump and Donald J. Trump for President Inc.
We write concerning your biased reporting practices relating to our clients.
The terms you and your in this letter shall collectively refer to CNN.
It goes in your website.
The expresser represents the public in writing that you are journalists, truth seekers, these are in quotes, united by the mission to inform, engage, and empower the world.
And your emphasis added, your slogan is the most trusted name in news.
And then it just goes on to show then how they have the CEO and others admitting on video that we're going to misrepresent, we're going to oversimplify, we're going to lie, we're going to hide.
Blacks shooting blacks.
I mean, everything we know goes on is all right here.
So I think it's a good idea.
They're going to say, oh, the president files lots of lawsuits.
They don't go anywhere.
No, a lot of them go places.
You never hear about it in the news because they never tell you.
We'll get to the rest of the story when we come back and then into the situation with Syria.
Please stay with us.
We're in the middle of a war.
A war between good and evil.
A war between different political power blocks that seek control of the future and control of the technocracy and the AI systems that will empower it and breathe Frankensteinian life into it.
The globalists, if you had to describe them, are mad scientists.
When you see Hollywood movies or read classic books, you see the mad scientist over and over again doing crazy things trying to discover the fabric of the universe or become God.
And globalists want full control of the whole planet so they can dictate to the nation states how they're going to live and how they're going to operate.
And so we're seeing deep state rage And the system going into crisis mode because President Trump has tried to get us out of Afghanistan and cut the troops back to almost nothing.
He's been trying to get us out of Syria.
He keeps ordering it.
The Pentagon's always got an excuse of why they got to stay there.
Well, as Senator Paul has said and others, and as we've been saying before, Paul never did.
I mean, we've done our research.
We've had the experts on.
The United States, under the Republican and Democrats before Trump, wanted to remove the Assad regime, and other analysts said, you do that, you've got all these different groups, it's going to descend into a Shiite-Sunni civil war between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
They're proxy armies.
The Kurds always have wanted the north of Iraq and of Syria.
They claim it's theirs.
Never has been.
They've been in a hundred-year war, going back to the Ottoman Empire.
With Turkey?
Kurds blow stuff up in Turkey every week.
I'm not saying Turkey's good, I'm not saying the Kurds are good.
Why are we there?
Why did Obama go destabilize it, knowing it would create this mess?
Because corrupt elements of the military-industrial complex want to siphon off hundreds of billions of dollars every decade out of there.
Like they've done in Ukraine in the conflict, like they've done in Afghanistan, now over a trillion.
What is it, five trillion in Iraq?
You know what $5 trillion in roads and bridges and fast rail would look like to jobs in this country?
How about we don't be in as much debt and we spend $3 trillion on that?
But you see, that investment was for China, not here.
Our trains go 40 miles an hour.
Our trains went 150 miles an hour when my dad was a little kid.
It would take him two and a half hours to drive from their ranch To Houston.
To downtown Houston.
They could get on a train and in 50 minutes they were in downtown Houston.
They could get off the train and go see the museums or go to restaurants.
The train went 150 miles an hour at cruising speed.
My dad's only 70 years old now.
But when he was 10 years old he could go to Houston In less than an hour.
If I train to Houston now, it takes four hours from there.
We have had no infrastructure built of any type that's real and lasting since the 70s.
We've just upkept things and built a few new roads for neighborhoods and overpasses and things.
That our real infrastructure is rotting.
And that's what this is really all about.
And, oh, they can control the borders in Syria.
They can control them in Iraq.
We can control them in Afghanistan.
A trillion plus, the China, it's 98% of our earth's minerals.
Something like 20% of them come out of Afghanistan.
They've gotten hundreds of billions out of there.
Look it up for yourself.
Last time I checked, I think it's something like 200 billion out of Afghanistan.
Look it up!
They provide zero money for security.
We provide all of it.
Through NATO and the U.S.
and the rest of it.
Yeah, NATO's there.
We fund half the U.N.
What is it, 40 plus percent?
Almost half.
So we're paying for almost all of it.
The CHICOMs pay zero.
No wonder they can do all this stuff.
No wonder they got trains that passengers ride that go 280 miles an hour.
They got trains coming up that'll go 350.
You imagine getting somewhere 350 miles away in an hour?
That's almost as fast as a jet airplane.
We can't have that because we haven't ever repaired any of our railways because it was decided we're not gonna have that anymore.
And I said I'd get to Trump.
You know, he just gave a speech.
He's still giving statements in the White House on why he did this.
And is it going to be perfect?
But Turkey was already doing incursions.
They've been doing incursions since this war started eight, nine years ago.
They already had taken areas of southern Syria and western Syria.
They have that huge border along them.
And under Trump, they left.
That's because the deal was made that if Turkey did that, they were going to get this autonomous zone.
And now Turkey's saying, hey, we're getting that 20 mile exclusion zone to keep the Kurds out.
Or we're going to give you three plus million people that are refugees into Europe.
So, and Trump goes, oh, that makes sense.
The EU said, no, just go ahead and flood us with people.
We're not going to let you send them back.
Trump said, you know what, Erdogan, I get your point.
You may not be a good guy, but we understand your territorial sovereignty.
Send them back.
Most of them are jihadi fighters.
Most of them are men.
You got these 30-year-old guys in middle school and high school in Europe, and they literally tell the 14-year-old girls in German after-school programs, hey, go ahead and get yourself an adult Muslim husband.
They have little 14-year-old girls on TV going, here is my husband.
He is 24.
He goes to my school with me.
The guy's like, yeah, she's my bitch.
I mean, you know, this is just sick cucking by the left.
And I was there in Dallas last night with the Kurds screaming at me, F.U.
Jones, F. Trump, spitting at me, waving their flags.
It's just, give me a... Guaranteed they're on welfare.
I'm paying for these guys to spit in my face.
I mean, give me a break.
And so you've got this war zone ongoing.
The globalists want to keep going, so we have to stay there.
And Trump's like, hey, it's your problem.
Hey, Mexico's got 220-something thousand dead now in the last eight years.
There's whole cities on fire, burning machine gun fights every day in major cities.
Hundreds dead every day.
Are we going down there?
Because we can't stop that either.
Areas of Mexico are worse than Syria?
Areas of South Chicago are worse than Syria?
But CNN has orders out not to report on Southside Chicago because that makes them, Democrat politicians, look bad.
So here is the president just minutes ago telling you why he did it and what he's saying is pragmatic, it's true, and it follows his promise.
But that's got the left was just chanting at me, it's no longer Sandy Hook or you're a Russian agent, it was, you are a mass murderer, Alex Jones!
You are hurting the Kurds!
I've got the video coming up, we're having to bleep it.
They're a mean to the Kurds!
These idiots didn't know who the Kurds were last week.
They're all literally bust in, homeless people, meth heads, to go out and get extra money if they beat somebody up.
Let's go to the President.
There was some sniper fire this morning.
There was mortar fire this morning that was eliminated quickly.
And they're back to the full pause.
We have ISIS totally under guard.
Turkey is also guarding separately.
They're watching over everything.
Let's stop here.
I went to this too late.
I'm going to come back and play.
A lot of this is important.
Notice the media was cheerleading, the corporate media.
Oh yay!
There's still some fighting.
The Kurds are still shooting at the Turks.
The deal's gonna fall through.
Trump won't be a peacemaker.
War's continuing.
We gotta remove him.
Yeah, he helped mass murder the Kurds.
No one cares about the hundreds of thousands of Christians killed by Obama and Hillary.
Sending them all in.
Remember that?
Nobody cares about that.
Nobody cares about the mass murder that's taking place.
We're going to go to break.
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points, info or store.com. Well, Gateway Pundit gets it right.
Where was the media?
ISIS committed genocide on Christians, killing 170,000 conservatively, while Obama partied and did nothing.
They also killed Shiites, Yazidis, and others, sold women into sex slavery.
Meanwhile, maybe a few hundred Kurds are being killed.
They've been attacking Turkey.
The Kurds are in a civil war with each other, fighting over who will control northern Syria and northern Iraq.
They've been in a hundred-year war.
With the Turks, and Obama and Hillary destabilized Syria on record to break it in at least three parts.
Well now, Trump's leaving it mainly as Syria, making a deal with Syria, Turkey and the Kurds, to say you're not getting all of Syria, you're not getting a big piece, Turkey gets a little bitty sliver, security zone to stop the Kurds.
And the Kurds get a little area in the north that they can then go back into Iraq where they've got an area.
So they've now got their homeland.
Something they've wanted for a hundred years.
But does Trump get nominated for a Peace Prize?
Ladies and gentlemen, he must be removed.
He's committed genocide.
Total crap.
Obama and Hillary started this destabilization.
That's why they get Peace Prizes.
That's why Obama gets them.
So let's go back to the President just minutes ago.
And Joe Biden and Joe Biden's son saying that has tremendous problems, tremendous problems with Joe Biden's son and the Ukraine.
So he's got tremendous problems with Biden's son and Ukraine.
And it's inappropriate at all of the horrible things.
I mean, you could get it.
You could see it.
It's been a big deal.
And I heard Schiff is going, no, no, we don't want to talk about that.
We don't want to talk about that.
But he talked about it.
And it's one of those things.
Look, this is a terrible witch hunt.
This is so bad for our country.
I just spoke to President Erdogan of Turkey.
We're doing very, very well with Turkey.
There's a ceasefire or a pause or whatever you want to call it.
There was some sniper fire this morning.
There was mortar fire this morning that was eliminated quickly.
And they're back to the full pause.
We have ISIS totally under guard.
Turkey is also guarding separately.
They're watching over everything.
So you have the Kurds who we're dealing with and are very happy about the way things are
going, I must say.
The Kurds and you also have the Turks watching, just secondarily watching.
We have ISIS under control.
We've taken control of the oil in the Middle East, the oil that we're talking about, the oil that everybody was worried about.
We have, the U.S.
has control of that.
And there are no shots being fired.
And a lot of people are doing a lot of things.
This is a deal that should have been made 15 years ago, 10 years ago, over the last number of years under the Obama administration.
The real number is over a million people were killed.
We have lost no, not a drop of blood since we've started what I've started.
And it was, so far it's working out.
Look, it's a complicated region.
Many, many people have gone down.
I have to watch great interests as I see people talking about what we should be doing.
And these are the same people that have been failing for the last 20 years, didn't know what they were doing, especially when they went in and did what they did.
They shouldn't have been there.
But we're doing a very, very significant amount of great work.
We'll see if it works.
It's very fragile.
It's been fragile for years.
They've been fighting each other for centuries.
Literally for centuries, they've been fighting each other.
And years ago, we injected ourselves right into the middle of it.
And we won't go into whether or not that was a good thing or a bad thing.
You know how I feel about it.
But we've had tremendous success, I think, over the last couple of days.
A little bit unconventional.
A little bit of hard love.
I told you that.
A little... It was a lot of pain for a couple of days.
And sometimes you have to go through some pain before you can get a good solution.
But the Kurds are very happy about it.
President Erdogan in Turkey is satisfied with it.
And we are in a very strong position.
We are Also in a position where we could put tremendous, powerful sanctions on Turkey or whoever else we want to.
Our country is a financially much stronger country than when I took it over.
China would have been, right now, the strongest economy in the world, the number one economy.
And they were taking the Middle East over.
See, we take over with economic deals that are good.
We don't take over with troops there and then we get none of the oil.
All the leftist lies about Iraq were fraudged.
We got zero oil.
Let me explain that when we come back in 60 seconds.
That's critical.
Well, Mad Dog Mattis is loved by the corporate media because he's an effeminate A feat.
And the globalists love jokes.
They have like a little candy ass as the leader of the Marines.
It's all part of their sick jokes.
He's not the leader of the Marines.
He's a globalist.
He fancies himself as an Emperor Palpatine.
And he makes these ridiculous pseudo-intellectual statements.
The guy is a fraud and a fop.
He is a complete candy ass.
He was at the big Al Green dinner, the one that Trump famously blasted Hillary face to face at and really tore into Trump.
Well, just remember, Mattis came up through a power structure and in power under Obama and under Bush Sr.
and all the rest of it because he wasn't a self-made man.
Trump never ran for office and won the presidency.
Trump's defeating China in a trade war.
They love to say, oh, he got money from his daddy and all the rest of this stuff.
So Mattis cannot hold Trump's jockstrap.
And this is not about kissing Trump's corpulent pachydermis.
This is about the reality that there are a lot of really cool Marines Like General Dunford and other people have some credibility and have stood with the President.
Mattis was a little snake from the beginning, but lied to Trump's face that he agreed with his policies while being a sniveling rat in the background.
And the same thing with McMaster from the Army.
Brought in Fiona Hill, totally a Soros operative, would talk crap about Trump right behind his back.
Tried to lead a coup against the President.
So these generals are yes-men, most of them.
Now, in the old days, they were not put into power because they were yes-men.
America prided itself on not being yes-men.
And if you go back to people like Admiral Nimitz, you know, he's from Fredericksburg, Texas, or General Eisenhower from Texas.
I mean, those guys came up through the ranks because they did the best job, had the highest scores, fought the highest, would work 24 hours a day if asked to, and were serious professionals.
And we just don't have the same type of generals today, let's just be honest about it.
So, Trump's worship of these generals is dangerous and is ill-founded, and some of them are great people, but a lot of them are really bad actors.
I mean, hell, the head of the Air Force Academy, a leftist SJW, caught manipulating, you know, fake hate crimes on the basis.
That's what they do, okay?
They're change agents that lust after getting control of the clergy, getting control of law enforcement, getting control of the military, getting control of academia, getting control of banking, getting control of the media, getting control of the family.
And then now they're moving into engineering and mathematics and butchering all of that.
This is a takeover.
And these globalists get power while they're in the process of taking over towards the goal of total power.
Because if they could just hijack our republic, they could dominate the world.
But they're in the process of running the country into the ground, and Trump's like, wait a minute, we'll have the biggest, most powerful military.
We'll have jobs.
We'll release the hidden technologies, the hidden medical breakthroughs.
And we'll go to war if somebody starts a fight with us or messes with our interest.
But we're not just going to feed our troops down a garbage disposal because a bunch of chicken-necked CIA leftists... I mean, you know how it works.
The few CIA or State Department people that are in a country are in armored compounds with 10-foot thick walls.
And they ship in prostitutes, and alcohol, and lobster, and then the military are in rotting facilities with lice all over the airplanes, and toilets not even working, and everything disintegrating, and you know, they take it because they're tough Americans.
And then the CIA people will be right next door and despise them, hate them, tell them, get my bags, you're a dumbass.
And you've seen Henry Kissinger's statement calling the military dumb animals, cannon fodder.
This is the elitist attitude.
These are not elitist.
You think Alexander the Great treated his troops like that?
You think George Washington acted like that?
You think Napoleon Bonaparte acted like that?
I'm not saying Napoleon's a good guy, but he led his troops from the front.
We don't have people like that anymore.
Well, Trump leads from the front.
I'm leading from the front.
And I don't even want to be a leader.
I've got to be a leader.
I can't sit... I keep waiting for somebody else to take action.
And you've taken action supporting us, but...
I want to finish up a little bit more of Trump's speech earlier, where he's laying out, hey, this has been going on for decades, 100-year war, should have made deals 15, 10 years ago.
Turkey's going to take a big part of the country, which they've agreed to leave in the West, if we don't, remember when they were already in there, in their 20, 30 miles?
He goes, if we don't give them this little autonomous zone, it's over.
Well, now he has a deal.
Some of the Kurds are in civil war with each other.
They're not signing on to the deal, but most of the Kurds did.
They're finally getting their autonomous zone in northern Syria and northern Iraq.
They're nomads.
They go back and forth there for thousands of years.
That should be praised as, wow, the peacemaker.
Instead, the guy who's fixing Obama's mess, the globalist mess, Zbigniew Brzezinski's plan to keep our troops always in the Middle East and Asia Minor and Central Asia.
That's the grand chessboard.
Control that, control the world.
That theory is wrong.
That's where empires go to die.
You can cut it off economically if it doesn't play ball and tries to dominate China and the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean controls the world.
India, and China, and the Koreas, and Vietnam, and Japan, and the Philippines, and Australia, and the Hawaii, and the West Coast, and Central and South America's West Coast, that's the future.
And Russia, with all that land, what is it, three, four times bigger than the U.S.
That's the future.
And Africa that wasn't always being destabilized, that's the future.
In fact, let's not go back to Trump.
Let's play a few minutes of Mattis roasting Trump, supposedly.
And all it is is a bunch of disgraceful crap.
Here it is.
Some of you were kind during the reception and asked me, you know,
if this bothered me to have been rated this way based on what Donald Trump said.
I said, of course not.
I earned my spurs on the battlefield, Martin, as you pointed out, and Donald Trump earned his spurs in a letter from a doctor.
So, not in the least bit put out by it.
And I think the only person in the military that Mr. Trump doesn't think is overrated is who you pointed out, Martin, and that's Colonel Sanders.
It was not the foreign aggressor we must fear.
It was corrosion from within, the rot, the viciousness, the lassitude, the ignorance.
Anarchy is one potential consequence of all this.
Another is the rise of an ambitious leader, unfettered by conscience or precedent or decency, who would make himself supreme.
If destruction be our lot, Lincoln warned, we must ourselves be its author and finisher.
I think often of Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum speech because it embodies both our greatest hopes and our darkest fears.
Today, in our own time, we need only look around us.
For decades, our political conduct has been woeful and a source of national paralysis.
We have supplanted trust and empathy with suspicion and contempt.
We have scorched our opponents with language that precludes compromise.
We have brushed aside the possibility the person with whom we disagree might actually sometimes be right.
We proclaim what divides us and seldom even acknowledge what unites us.
Meanwhile, the roster of urgent national issues have continued to grow.
Unaddressed and given the paralysis, impossible to address, and all of this was approaching a level of crisis even before the specter of impeachment arose.
This is the moment for an act of remembrance.
Remembrance of the core principles we used to know and live by and that we now seem to have forgotten.
Oh, the core principles we knew and lived by to be in 160 countries and doing it all for global government that we pay for while undermining America and getting rid of all of our...
infrastructure a little soldier boy pissing on America ladies and gentlemen we are back live broadcasting worldwide on this Friday edition I'm your host Alex Jones and boy there's a lot of news going on in the world a lot happening I want to open the phones up now interspersed with news for the balance of the broadcast today then we're gonna have Owen Schroyer and the War Room from 3 to 6 p.m.
And then we're going to have 7 to 9 firepower with Will Johnson and Tom Papert.
And I can tell you that Tom Papert and Will Johnson are going to have a lot to talk about tonight.
So much breaking.
But Will Johnson was there not just for the two hours that I was at the Trump rally in Dallas.
He was there Six hours or so with Harrison Smith and others who shot a lot of amazing footage, a lot of incredible things that happened that they're going to have on those shows tonight for you.
You can find all those broadcast at Band.Video.
Again, that's Band.Video.
And there's also an affiliates link at Infowars.com forward slash show and Band.Video for TV and radio affiliates.
If you have any questions or contacts or information and would like to pick up the show as well, always important that the listeners continue to reach out to stations.
If you don't have a station in your area, that's how we're getting a lot of new stations.
I do want to open the phones up specifically on any topic you want to discuss.
Long-time callers, first-time callers, People that disagree, you're welcome to call as well.
I'm not giving the number out yet because I want to give the first round of callers.
Let's say the first 10.
We're going to open the phones up first for 10 callers who disagree with me and think that Trump should be impeached.
But I'm really asking you to be serious.
I don't want it to be tongue-in-cheek.
I know people are listening who really think Trump should be impeached, who think that we've abandoned the Kurds, and think that Trump is profiting and violating the Emoluments Clause by allowing any political things to ever happen at his hotels.
It's your chance to call in and tell us why Trump should be removed, but the Democrats that have openly been against the country and for global government And who won all this war and who let hundreds of thousands of Christians get killed.
I want you to explain to me how they're the bad guys in the Trump administration.
And I also noticed that in the Twitter comments attacking yours truly and others from ABC News when they showed me in the armored vehicle bullhorning at the Trump event last night outside.
Most of the commenters said, I want him arrested.
I want him killed.
I want him in prison.
I mean, if I talked like that, it'd be national news.
Plus, I don't want any of you killed.
But the left really has organized itself in an echo chamber into a violent, miscreant, hateful clip.
And we could have an incredibly powerful show today if I just aired the Millie Weaver and Caitlin Bennett reports.
They both filed four or five reports that I personally watched last night.
Waiting for our airplane that got canceled and then driving back.
I wasn't driving, but I was in the car to Austin and getting back at 1 a.m.
It was just riveting footage that's up at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and the latest is always posted in their own channels at Band.Video.
Just staggering how stupid the left is.
Some of the footage, they had major demonstrations calling for Men to recognize tampon equality?
And if you can figure out what that means, you're a rocket scientist, but we're going to play that report.
These are insane people.
And the operating system of the left is really Satanism on one end, and the other end, mental illness.
They're either outright devil worshippers that just are nihilistic and hate everything, or I guess believe in nothing, you could say.
That wouldn't be Satanist, but it's just scum of the earth.
Or they're mentally ill and don't know what planet they're in.
So, that's all coming up as well, and I know we're going to be getting Millie Weaver on some of the later shows coming up today.
So here's the toll-free number to join us.
How insane is this going to get?
Because we're in a war now.
This is the fog of war.
This is the insanity of war.
It's an economic war.
It's a cultural war.
It is a economic war.
And we're really winning.
Sanity is winning because we're competent.
We're focused.
But it's still scary to see the level of insanity and to know that we've put up with the insanity and the corruption and we're letting it breed.
And if we don't now go on the offensive culturally and turn the tide, That long-term, they're going to win, and civilization will collapse, and the mentally ill, occultists, and others won't even know what's happening when it happens.
They have no memory.
They just destroy whatever they touch, and do you really want to sit there and watch this happen?
In a world all these children are growing up in?
And we will take your phone calls here on this Friday edition.
And of course, Lord willing, nothing's guaranteed, I'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
for the Sunday show as well.
we will take your phone calls here on this Friday edition.
Then of course, Lord willing, nothing's guaranteed, I'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
for the Sunday show as well.
Now, before I go to break and come back with the huge China developments with the NBA,
These are big developments and positive.
So maybe America may actually find its soul or maybe something else happened.
We'll talk about that.
I promise.
We start the next segment.
I need listeners to understand something.
Infowars really is important.
The globalists are obsessed with it because it's a place where you can call in.
It's a place where Americana ideas And ideas that are really popular and really work are allowed to flourish.
And the globalists have to have radio silence to have people accept things that don't make sense and aren't in their own interest.
That's why they promote mental illness and insanity and degeneracy is because they need you to give up on what works by never knowing it actually exists.
And they themselves then have been trying to make us insane by the process of trying to make us insane minions that they control.
So we're not in the game.
So they can control the future.
They themselves have drunk deeply from their own wine.
Their own poison.
They've smoked their own dope.
Their own cyanide poison.
But we need to be able to be on air.
And man, when I talk about how great the products are, when I come on air and promote them, we're able to fund ourselves.
When I don't, it's like flipping a light switch.
We don't.
And quite frankly, I should be more into promoting the products because...
They really are a big part of the solution.
I had the crew print a bunch of articles from studies and even mainline news back when they were telling the truth about the iodine conspiracy and about IQ reduction all over the world with lower iodine and just minor deficiencies causing all sorts of health problems.
Isn't that a huge issue?
Isn't that just gigantic?
And I never even got to it yesterday, but before I end the broadcast today, I'm going to spend a segment on that after we take calls because I want to show you these studies.
And yes, I sell iodine.
Yes, I want you to buy the iodine so I can stay on air to warn more people to buy iodine, to stay on air to get more people to buy iodine because we have the best iodine, but just to realize that this is a war.
And if you have high intelligence, you are apt to not be conned as much.
The people perish for lack of knowledge.
So we have stopped the iodine conspiracy, wake up the world challenge, get bio-true selenium that boosts the iodine with X2 and X3 all 60% off when you get them all three together.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, I am your host Alex Jones and we are into the middle of the global transmission today.
You know, I was just mentioning this but I was reading it during the break when I actually pulled out some of the news articles I was going to cover yesterday about iodine deficiency and I was looking back over it and it's just spectacular how incredibly important all of this is.
I mean, look at these headlines.
China confronts retardation of millions deficient in iodine.
Millions of retarded people and millions others brain damaged and millions others with just low IQs and millions others who are autistic directly from iodine deficiency.
That's the New York Times, 1996.
Pregnant mothers and the dangers of iodine deficiency.
The London Guardian, 2015.
China confronts, again, how adding iodine to salt resulted in a decade's worth of IQ gains for the United States.
The effects of iodine on intelligence in children.
A meta-analysis of studies conducted in China.
Effects of drinking water with high iodine concentration on the intelligence of children in China.
The government put it in the water and found explosive IQ increases.
Russians rushed to buy iodine.
And what's incredible is, we have conservatively hundreds of thousands of people tuned in every millisecond.
We have millions that tune in throughout the day.
I mean, at our peak, we'd have like 15 million people a day, no joke.
Way bigger than Limbaugh.
Even under all the restrictions, millions and millions a day.
And I know that it's less than 1% of people that ever buy anything.
And I talked about these studies yesterday, and I think we sold 100 bottles extra of X2 and X3.
I mean, we could literally fund ourselves if 2% of the listeners Actually listened to me and realized I'm not kidding about iodine.
How it's the good halogen, how they put the bad halogen, chlorine, fluoride, bromine, they're all in the same family, in the water.
How it then literally lowers IQ on top of not having the iodine lowering IQ.
This is one of the biggest things that globalists do to make sure we're dumb and we're dull and we're manageable.
But once you get somebody in a dull, manageable state, and then you entertain them to death with thousands of new Netflix shows a month, it's over.
They just go, huh?
And they can't even self-preserve.
It's a fact that 97% of water supply in the U.S.
has glyphosate in it.
It's a fact it gives you breast cancer.
Grows it like miracle grow grows plants.
It's in all the studies.
And I just, breast cancer here, breast cancer there.
And I'll be sitting there talking to family.
That's smart.
It's got breast cancer.
And I'll go, I'll be watching them get tap water right out of their tap in a major city.
How's your chemotherapy going?
Oh, it's really horrible.
You know, you might want to drink filtered water.
Oh, I've seen studies, articles that bottled water is as bad as tap.
And I'm looking, I'm going, well, that's a false study because a lot of bottled water is really high end, especially if it's artesian.
It comes from, you know, really good old wells that have been tested.
But yeah, some of the big name brands just take tap water and then put them through charcoal.
And the people are always like, I don't want to hear it.
You know, it's like, oh, they don't want to hear information.
They just want to drink their tap water.
That literally taste like some type of foul smelling whiskey.
I mean, I grew up in Dallas and nobody was telling me that the water was bad.
I remember being a kid and I'd be out running around and I'd come in and drink a glass of water.
I remember it tasting bad.
I remember getting a headache after it.
I remember going to my dad and saying, why does the water taste so bad?
He'd be like, you're lucky.
Why the water in Houston sets on fire.
And then I've got a bunch of friends.
Who had brothers or sisters that were deformed and then died because they were born in Houston.
And the doctors tell them there, oh, it was the toxic chemicals in the water from the refineries.
You know, in the old days, they just dumped it out in the river.
They still do.
And, and... It's just mind-blowing to me... That...
I go on air and I say get an Alexa Pure Breeze or Pro Pure.
They're both excellent, top rated gravity-fed filters.
One is better at this, the other is better at that, but it's all some micron levels.
It basically takes everything out to non-detectable levels.
But again, David Hogg attacked me and said, "Jones says that water has chemicals in it
that turns the frogs gay."
First, it's great, let's turn everything gay.
Everybody's like, yay!
And then, he goes, but then he sells filters.
Again, in his mind, he thinks I'm trying to scare you to sell you a filter.
No, I fund myself selling you filters that I use.
And yeah, it's a symbiotic relationship, but to him, everything's so predatory, it must be predatory, and he thinks it's a joke to filter his water.
But actually, I bet you money that he's filtering his water.
It's like the establishment's obsessed with it.
But that's just the mindset.
I mean, how would you have a child and not filter their water or their shower?
You're like, well, I don't have the money.
Oh, I bet you've got the money.
And listen, don't get it from me.
Go look at high-end gravity filters.
And then get them for your family.
We just sell them at the lowest price you're gonna find.
And listen, if you're gonna use reverse osmosis, you need to get a quality mineral pill, mineral supplement that you take a couple times a week, at least.
Because reverse osmosis is great, but it's almost as Pure as distilled, and both of the waters basically act as distillates.
That's not the word.
They're chelators, and they take stuff out of your body and can really hurt you.
I know people that have done nothing but drink distilled water on these cleanses, and they almost died.
I know a well-known sports guy that owns a big company here in town, and he almost died in two weeks drinking.
There's still water.
The people told him.
They said, that'll kill you.
He didn't listen to him.
He thought, oh, that's not relevant to detoxify my body.
No, it'll kill you.
So, again, we promote whatever the best is.
And I'm telling you, if you're drinking tap water, you're nuts.
You're crazy.
Now, if you turn reverse osmosis on at your sink to fill up something you're going to, say, boil beans in or something, that's great.
That's fine.
Because the beans already have minerals and stuff in them.
It's just straight drinking reverse osmosis is crazy.
But the stuff they have in showers, the better filters are basically a three-stage filter.
You're like, well, it cuts down my flow rate.
Well, the ones we sell don't cut it down that much.
I'm just telling you, folks, the skin's your biggest organ, and they're attacking you through the damn water.
And at my house, we've got shower filters, we've got gravity filters, also have reverse osmosis for cooking, and we also have, I like Mountain Valley Spring because it's one of the best-tested things out of Arkansas, and it's a good-tasting sweet water that I just enjoy like a Coca-Cola.
And I don't mean to pontificate about all this, but everybody should really focus on water.
It's 70% of your body, roughly.
And then you should really focus on what's in that water.
And you should focus on, what does my body have to have?
Well, it operates off iodine.
Just like if you don't have vitamin C, you end up dying.
Well, if you don't have iodine, you end up dying.
And the enemy knows that, and so they're feeding you and pushing you things.
And most people have a major iodine deficiency.
That's why they don't have energy.
It's why they don't have stamina, libido, focus.
Because you can take all the herbs and all the stuff all day if you don't have iodine.
And things like B12 is your base.
These are things you gotta have.
You can't do anything.
People ask, how are you bouncing off the walls?
How did you work 20 hours yesterday?
I worked 20 hours, and then I slept for four and a half hours, and I got up and I'm here.
How did I do it?
Because I took iodine yesterday, and I took it today, and I took Ultra 12, and I drink purified water, and I've had some delicious hot cups of coffee as well.
America is reawakening.
Humanity, finding their own self-determination and getting back to what makes sense, common sense, is on the march.
The globalist technocracy is now beginning to meet its match and it's going to be an
incredible struggle.
Now I said I was an open the phones up for people that disagreed with me that Trump
shouldn't be impeached. People that think he should be impeached and we got a whole bunch
of calls but only two people said that Trump should be impeached.
I want to give you a chance to explain to me but but I went to break earlier a few seconds
ago and forgot to come back and talk about what I was going to talk about.
So when we put these videos at Band.Video later, when we cut up clips from the show, we'll probably need to add a few minutes of this to segment 5 of hour 1 and segment 1 of hour 2.
Add a little bookend here on this on the end of segment 2 of 2, so that'll be segment Five of hour one, with segment one of hour two, and then segment two of hour two, and then we'll just put this little piece right on the end of that so it'll be complete when we put it out.
Because I always forget sometimes to break down what it is I want to, you know, finally finish up and cover and really get to the meat and potatoes of what's happening.
But here it is.
The United States goes around the world and we pay for everything to these multinational corporations.
So while they debilitate us, put us into debt, lessen American power, and we get discredited because they're doing bad things in our name, they then are tax exempt offshore and they have us pay for their security.
And so a lot of people used to point out that, oh, The left's wrong.
companies didn't get any money out of Iraq from oil.
China and the EU and Japan and the Koreas got the oil.
And that's true!
Because that was the globalist agreement.
The U.S.
companies got the weapons sales.
But that's another example of how we take over Afghanistan.
We lose thousands and thousands of troops.
We're there 18 years, almost 19 years.
We spend over a trillion dollars and China is there getting all the rare earth minerals that go into all of the gadgetry, all the computers, all the smart houses, all the crap that surveils us and spies on us that doesn't work half the time.
The cell phones, The rings, the iPads, the smart refrigerators, the smart light bulbs that are spying on you.
Smart means raping you.
And so that's really the bookend there is that Trump's talking about how we have secured the oil.
And then he's talking about it, maybe the U.S.
will get some of that, you know, at a fair price.
The Kurds will have a little bit of the oil, and the Syrians will have most of it, and the Turks will have some of it.
And these are areas that historically the Kurds have been in, historically the Turks have been in, and Syria gets most of what Syria was.
And this country isn't broken into three big chunks where they'll keep fighting.
It's one big chunk with two little pieces cut off.
And that's a pretty fair deal if you studied it.
And we're getting out of it.
And then instead of paying for the troops, we'll just get the oil.
And we won't take it.
They'll sell it to us.
And they'll sell it to whoever wants to buy it.
Just like the U.S.
is now the world's net exporter for the biggest exporter of oil.
And that's happened under Trump.
Because he took the restraints off that were designed to keep us from being competitive.
All the environmental stuff's still there, basically.
But the rules making it where we couldn't compete, those are being removed.
And that's another reason the globalists are so angry, because these average liberals or conservative leaders, they're invested in China and overseas.
They've got a deal where America goes down, their investments go up.
The American century's over.
The Chai Com century's here.
So we'll go to Patty and Toby here in a moment, but since we mentioned this, it all ties together.
We saw the Rockets general manager come out and say that he supports Hong Kong freedom.
And then we saw the head of the NBA come out.
And say, well, we don't want to get in the middle of it and blah, blah, blah.
And there was a big backlash.
So then he mildly criticized the Chai Koms.
Well, now he's come out.
The article's on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
China secretly ordered NBA commissioner to fire Rockets general manager over Hong Kong tweet.
And Adam Silver addressed the fallout and the fact that he said, that's not American values.
Now, is this even true?
Who knows?
But we know why he's doing it.
It turns out they've lost a lot of money, and they know if they go down this path, Americans are going to desert them even faster.
It's the big shoe companies that make hundreds of billions a year globally, and most of them are made in China.
Very hard to find shoes that aren't made in there.
I'm wearing shoes made in Vietnam.
For some American brands, I do buy cowboy boots and work boots.
Some things like that.
But just for shoes that actually work pretty good or modern tennis shoes, I'm wearing some A6 right now.
Those are made in Vietnam.
There's basically a war with China right now.
But the point is, I'm not against the Vietnamese people, the Chinese people, if they've got any type of basic future, any basic wage.
Vietnam, by the way, is booming.
They're moving away from communism.
Well, we're moving towards it.
This shows the power of the people if we exercise our will over the Chaikoms, but it shows behind the scenes, and they admit this, they want to force other countries and corporations to adopt the communist Chaikom model, and they believe they're going to rule the world, and the CFR and others have told them they are going to rule the world.
Well, the last time we heard that was the Soviet Union, and before that it was, who was it?
It was Fidel.
Castro was going to rule the Caribbean, and it was Hitler that was going to rule the world for a thousand years.
And it just never ends good.
It's very, very dangerous.
You know, there's another article I forgot to get.
It was from last night on Infowars.com.
Just so many articles.
Extinction Rebellion head.
Whatever the hell it's called.
The group that takes over and blocks everything around the world.
They admitted we're here to make heterosexuality abnormal and reduce population.
And climate change isn't real.
It's our excuse to stop humans.
There it is.
Extinction Rebellion co-founders' climate protest is about ending idea heterosexuality is normal.
It's not about the climate.
See, of course it's not.
It's about them dictating and some weird anti-human cult run by Peter Singer.
Who founded PETA, uh, which is Ingrid Newhouse is her name.
Oh, I've read the writings of Singer.
He says kill kids up to age three.
Why do you think the left now says kill kids up to age three?
This is their religion.
And it's an anti-heterosexual, anti-human thing.
So I can say, hey, I don't care if you're a homosexual.
But then, now when you're in that club, oh, you gotta be, by the way, signed on to anti-gun, anti-family, all this.
And now they're admitting that's the plan.
But I digress.
Here's a clip of the NBA commissioner.
Obviously we made clear that we were being asked to fire him by the Chinese government,
by the parties we dealt with, government and business.
We said there's no chance that's happening.
There's no chance we'll even discipline him.
So, in that context, I was saying on one hand we were supporting free expression, but again, maybe I was trying too hard to be a diplomat.
Obviously, we made clear that... Yeah, maybe I was trying too hard to be a diplomat.
You can see the whole 15-minute interview in this article at InfoWars.com.
And again, every article you send out, every video you send out, is an act of resistance that has a huge effect.
When you get excited about videos, They get 200, 300, 400, thousands, sometimes a million views at Bandai Video.
When you don't, the average video gets about 15,000 views.
That's fine.
That's still a huge crowd of people.
You know, Obama gives speeches now on YouTube, and 5,000 people end up watching it in a week.
And that's why they wanted us off air, back when our average video was getting a million views.
But it doesn't matter.
We already woke a lot of people up.
And when I went to that Trump rally last night, 70% of the people were listeners, black, white, old, young, high-fiving.
And they're doing shows now, and they're involved, and they're hand-sharing the show from BandOnVideo and InfoWars.com forward slash show.
But make no mistake, there is a literal war.
To silence Infowars because it's seen as a populist voice.
It's seen as the Paul Revere focal point, igniting the minds and the actions and the will of other Paul Reveres across the country and across the world.
Because when I say 1776 worldwide, I don't mean Americana forcing itself worldwide.
I mean the idea of self-determination and the real renaissance worldwide of human freedom.
The left is an authoritarian takeover.
It knows it's an authoritarian takeover.
And we'll take your phone calls.
If you disagree with me and think Trump should be impeached, I want to hear from you.
From one of these folks on Twitter that says, you know, arrest me for daring to bullhorn and really thinks that's a good thing because you're the moral authority.
Call in.
Don't be a coward.
The toll-free number is 877-789-ALEX for people that disagree right now.
Only two dare to call in.
Only those that disagree.
Then I'll take the general calls after that.
Please stay with us.
Alright, so I have opened the phones up for folks that disagree and there are very few calling in that disagree at 877-789-ALEX.
So I'll talk to Patty and Toby here and then we're going to Open the phones up to everybody just about what what do you make of the fog of war and that we're in really a form of civil war and the left is just bullying and threatening and attacking and having fake secret tribunals in the Congress that Republicans can't attend and they're getting ready for a trial before Thanksgiving and then starting the trial in the Senate and having it done by Christmas.
Hell, now they're saying trial done by Thanksgiving?
I don't think that's going to happen, but this is very serious.
I mean, they don't have the former head of CIA assassinations.
Counterterrorism was called.
Phil Mudd on TV saying we're going to kill the president.
If they're not trying to telegraph that, it gets somebody to do it.
I mean, if I went on air and said, and I'm not saying this because I'll edit it and say I said that, if I came on air and said what Phil Mudd's saying, Somebody needs to kill the president, somebody needs to go do it.
People take that from authority figures like it's okay to carry it out.
I would get in trouble and I should.
I mean, I've melted down and yelled and screamed before and said I'd like to catch who's sending us child porn and trying to plant it on our servers.
When I find out I'm gonna put their head on a pike, that's all figurative.
I was also screaming about these lawyers, clearly wasn't talking about them, and they ran around saying I was threatening them.
But then when the left clearly threatens people, and the last thing I'd do was sit there and actually say I want physical violence against these people, because that's what they do.
I'm not stooping down their level, and I don't want to make them martyrs.
The only way they could win right now is assassinating Hillary and blaming it on us.
And so, the idea that I want violence, the idea that I'm pushing violence, the idea that patriots are doing that is just asinine.
It's the left assaulting and harassing people.
But you turn on the news, and people are saying, oh, Trump supporters are attacking people all over America, and Millie Weaver and Caitlyn Bennett go up and talk to these people, and they look at them, and they tell them, Oh, I've seen you Trump supporters.
You're assaulting people.
I saw it on the news.
Millie, we read one video that's up on M4s today.
She goes, this is just last night.
She goes, where'd you see that?
She goes, I saw it on CNN in Minneapolis.
Well, we've seen all the footage of Minneapolis.
It's leftist attacking men, women, and children, attacking the police viciously, slapping women in the face, hitting people in the face from behind, hitting people in the head from behind.
And, but when you talk to a leftist, they go, I've seen your violence and Trump's a Nazi.
And I had a bunch of Antifa following me when I was ready to go.
Cause they always want to follow you and then have the fake victory that you've left.
They'll wait till you leave a restaurant and scream, get out of here, get out of here.
You're paying your check or walk out the front door.
So they followed me back to the parked, uh, armored vehicle.
We came in just for fun.
Uh, cause that's what the security company we hired, they said, we got an armored Suburban, we got an armored, Truck.
Which one do you want to take?
I said armored truck because it's got a turret in the top where I can, you know, drive around bullhorning.
It's great.
So they followed us about a half mile back to the truck.
And I started chanting the stuff about how the Democrats founded the KKK and how I stand against white supremacists and a bunch of them looked at me real weird and stopped.
Because this was the lowest level antifa.
Actually about half of them actually were Hispanic and black and stuff and they were being directed by the other antifa that were, you know, college professors and people in masks.
And they were like, huh?
They're like, huh?
What, you don't hate us?
And I said, no, you've been lied to.
They're like, huh?
That's on video too.
And I'm like, yeah, dude, they couldn't believe I was saying down with the KKK.
They just, they went, well, we're sorry.
They really believed I was KKK.
Alright, we're going to ride to your phone calls throughout this hour.
Then Dr. Nick Begich takes over in the fourth hour.
Then Owen Schroer is back with all the HD footage of Antifa, tagging myself and others.
All the HD footage of myself driving through in the armored vehicle through Antifa and the rest of them down the street in Dallas.
Pretty epic stuff.
People love the archetype of it.
We got home at 1 o'clock in the morning last night because our flight was canceled.
We drove back from Dallas and flew up there.
I didn't get to bed until 2 something.
I got up at, you know, 6 this morning.
Rob Dew was with us.
He just got here and we have hours of HD footage with cuss words all over it.
So that's why we haven't had really any of that for you yet.
But the raw footage is all posted on InfoWars.com.
DrudgeReport.com, at least the last time I checked, had it right in the middle.
So you can find our updated page that's updating with all the footage.
It's just crazy stuff.
There it is.
Alex Jones attends Dallas Rally in armored vehicle.
And we should probably just add to the sub-headline that it is being continuously updated.
Also a man with a gun wearing helmet, vest, arrested outside a vent.
And he was wearing an InfoWars shirt.
And it turns out Owen was able to get contacted by him.
I've invited the fellow on the show.
I haven't gotten word back yet.
And it turns out he was just there in case Antifa attacked, exercising his Second Amendment, was not planning anything violent, was nowhere near the President.
But it turns out that is not fake news.
The gentleman says he was wearing an InfoWars shirt, I guess under his jacket.
But they sure made that into a big deal.
So not everything's a false flag, ladies and gentlemen.
So we checked into it, and that's a real report.
ABC's normally telling you that Trump's vaporizing the Kurds with 5,000-foot red mushroom clouds.
That's not true.
But we should have that HD footage, some clips for you, by the end of this hour.
If not, I will commandeer some of poor Nick Begich's precious time.
He loves to do the show.
He knows he can get preempted.
He's a good friend of mine going back.
20 years, but uh, there's just so much breaking news on Fridays, it's just crazy.
And if stuff breaks, I'll be back here tomorrow because I'm committed to win this, you know?
We've been in a long fight against the globalists and we've gotten so far now that globalism's in trouble, their system's been exposed, they don't know what to do, they're censoring, which is blowing up in their face, we're forcing a major debate about which side are they on, the Chi-Coms or Americana?
We're dictating the future because no one else ever challenged these corporations.
The world was asleep.
We're not asleep anymore.
And so, now though is the time to really work the hardest ever because we're barely winning.
And we're coming from behind.
And we've now crossed the 50% mark and we're 52% ahead.
Well, that's not having it in the bag, folks.
Okay, and again, it doesn't mean some utopia is about to happen, and I'm offering some utopia.
The world's not perfect, but we can go for people to be in positions of leadership that actually care about humanity, and produce results, and then go off someone keeping their promises, and someone fighting hard to deliver on what they've said they do.
I mean, if people don't appreciate that, then you deserve what you get.
And so, for me, it's bittersweet.
I love Trump.
He's done an amazing job on so many fronts.
But he's not stood up for the persecution of his supporters.
He hardly ever talks about how they get beat up outside of the arenas.
Because he thinks that will scare people away.
He needs to say, don't let these bullies stop you.
More need to come.
I'm going to have a rally in a hundred thousand, you know, group.
He needs to call their bluff.
And he needs to speak out against the censorship.
And Brad Parscale needs to.
And, I mean, if they don't do that and they leave us out, To dry, it's just not right.
And I know Trump is not a Svengali, he's not Houdini, he's not perfect, but I think Matt Drudge is right to show how much trouble Trump's in.
Because I don't think Trump's figured it out.
And I think that everybody being overconfident that nothing's going to happen to Trump, that sounds like nothing's going to happen to the Titanic either.
It's bad luck, folks, okay?
There's a big debate about what's Drudge doing.
Well, Drudge will show what they're saying, and then he'll show what Trump's saying.
And then when it turns out Trump's right, he'll show it.
I mean, it's still 70% pro-Trump.
I think it's pretty boring to have a page that just supports the President.
I mean, we have the enemy up on our side, and I see people going, what do you have this Hillary speech on here?
We don't need to hear from her.
You don't need to hear from her saying she may get back in the race?
And saying she won the last election?
And saying she wants to censor people?
I'm not saying the general audience is like this, but we do have folks on Infowars and people that talk to the street, they say, hey, you know, Trump's invincible.
I mean, I like Jesse James.
He's a friend of mine.
He's been demonizing the news.
None of it's true.
He ended up moving in next week, so I got to be good friends with him years ago.
But, you know, he's always like, ah, Trump will be fine.
Don't worry, Alex.
Come on.
Everything's wonderful.
And, you know, I just don't have that type of confidence.
I need to fight to make sure we get in a position so we don't go there.
And that's all I'm saying.
Trump can really be criticized for just letting 5G come in.
For not stopping the vaccines.
He knows almost, you know, killed Barron.
Really messed him up for a while.
Barron bounced back.
A lot of folks don't.
Plus Trump has got knowledge on the right stuff to do.
And how you can change the gut flora.
And Bill and Melinda Gates know all that stuff.
And I just, this is big.
This is a big deal.
And they intend to take Trump out just because their reasons are fake.
Doesn't mean anything.
And so I support what he's done in Syria.
I think it's wonderful.
I just think that we better not be like the left and live in a bubble.
And I think making this show not a bubble is important.
That's why I sound people to call and disagree.
Let's go to Cody in Canada, and then Bill in Kansas, and then Toby, Patty, and Matt.
And you guys say you want Trump impeached.
Go ahead, Cody.
Sounds like it's raining.
You know, this white noise might put me to sleep.
I sleep with white noise on, just like this.
I got a fan going, and it just sounds, it sounds like rain coming down so hard.
I want to keep that going.
No, no, I like that.
There you go.
You know, you go to YouTube, and it's got white noise, and it'll likely get 100 million views, 10 hours of white noise.
We can just record 10 hours of this, and then put a pillow commercial at the front of it and make a million dollars.
Oh my goodness.
Bill in Kansas, you're on the air.
Like I said, we got a new way of doing things around here, folks.
It's just been magic around here lately.
But I like it.
I don't get mad anymore about technical difficulties.
I just enjoy them.
There you go.
There's some more white noise for you.
Well, you know what the gambler says.
You gotta know when to hold them.
You gotta know when to fold them.
You gotta know when to walk away.
You gotta know when to run.
So we're done with calls.
We'll cut the white noise off at that point.
I don't have the power to do that these days.
Who knows?
It's equipment.
It's all that equipment.
It's a daisy, isn't it?
Now, I have a lot of really powerful reports that I haven't even aired because they're long.
I don't want to not do them justice and then just, you know, only air five minutes of this or five minutes of that.
I want to air the best parts.
But really, a lot of the intros of these are the best parts.
But I really do encourage people to go to Band.Video and see these for yourself.
But when I come back, I'm going to play some clips of some of the looniest leftists you've ever seen.
And then I'm going to get into some of the other news I haven't hit yet.
And then we're going to play The video, the condensed down video, there's hours of it of Antifa threatening to kill me and spitting at me and attacking me and the Dallas police standing down.
It's pretty noteworthy that families are trying to go to these Trump rallies and this is what's going on outside.
And then after the events, they try to follow the families out to their cars to attack them so that people get scared and don't support Trump.
Because the last thing they want people to see is the image out there of people that support Trump.
They want to gaslight everybody in a big cult that no one supports.
And then threaten those that are prominent and have big voices that are supporting him
and make our lives living hell.
And then Trump doesn't do anything about that.
And so he loses his support.
So that's that's the love hate relationship that's going on there.
So when we come back, I don't have a way to describe this.
I'm just going to have to play this video from Millie Weaver when we come back on the other side, and then I'll get to the other news.
It truly is tomorrow's news today, and only on air because of your support.
I don't take pleasure in how dumbed down and lazy and stupid the left are.
And in fact, if you can figure out how to reverse how the public has become very lethargic, very sloth-like, very stupid on average, And getting stupider by the day, you could really save the species.
But if you look at the ingenuity, the hard work it took to build this civilization, the craftsmanship, the dedication, and then you have a bunch of savages basically inheriting it.
White savages, black savages, brown savages, yellow savages.
Spoiled rotten video game players.
People that don't give a damn about anybody but themselves.
All statistics show it.
We're not living as long.
Our IQs are dropping.
I don't care what color you are.
We're in trouble.
And then the elitists celebrate how dumb the public is and how much they can screw them over.
I'm not going to list Obama or Gruber or Rahm Emanuel.
And you people celebrating the public being stupid?
That's dangerous.
And it's a spirit.
Well, I'm going to go to your calls.
We got the phone system working.
It just had a weird glitch.
It was hung up.
So I apologize.
Two callers were there, but it was just hung up a little digital thing.
So it's working now.
We'll go to the next segment.
I wanted to just play some of these right now, because it's just epic footage at Bandot Video.
And when I say that, I mean, I was driving home last night, watching Caitlin Bennett and Millie Weaver videos, and they were filing like five of them apiece yesterday, and they filed more this morning.
And just every one of them is incredible.
And they're not cherry-picking dumb people here, okay?
They are not cherry-picking any of it.
And the numbers show it.
People are really stupid now.
And they're getting stupider.
And you've seen it, and there's a lot of documentaries and books written about it, that Europe and here in the US, but Asia has a lot of lotteries as well, that you'll have some middle class dude who's been married for 30 years, totally happy, got a nice house, swimming pool, goes on vacations every year, his kids are in college, he wins a $5 million lottery, and a year later he's dead, in prison, Bankrupt or a combination of those.
In 95% of the cases.
I mean they basically, it's hard to find cases where people get a bunch of money and don't destroy their lives.
If they didn't earn it.
If they didn't learn how to control it.
Money and success will destroy you faster than anything.
If you're just going for success and money.
I mean, you think people like Dan Bilzerian is happy?
Because his daddy gave him $100 million or whatever?
You think, uh, these rock stars are happy?
They even earned it, supposedly.
No, because they're not helping people.
So, when I see these people, with no attention span, lower than a goldfish, literally, And I know it's being done by design, but it's worse than that.
Once you get someone in a smart-ass attitude, once you get someone in a not-caring slacker attitude... You know, I like Rick Linklater, but he made slacker his first big film, and it's celebrated being quirky, not having any drive, because that was really going on with people in Austin.
He's not a slacker.
Guy works his ass off.
But why was that celebrated by the left?
Because they're glorifying being a jellyfish.
Because that's what the system wants.
They don't want to compete with you.
Again, you think a male lion wants to compete with other male lions?
He walks up and he smells the other lions.
Sticks his nose right in their crotch to see if it's a boy or a girl.
And if it's a boy, he eats it.
That's what the female lions would do is protect the cubs, not from hyenas, but from other lions.
Same thing with grizzly bears.
And if you take that allegory of this, that's how it works.
Meanwhile, we have this that I'm just gonna have to describe.
This is another Soros-funded, I looked it up this morning, group that's claiming women are oppressed because there's taxes on tampons.
Now, I'm all for getting rid of taxes.
But you don't do it just because someone's a woman or someone's a man.
You just have to do it across classes and say, okay, well, all forms of diapers, we're going to get rid of taxes.
Okay, do that.
But don't do it for women.
Do it for everybody.
That creates another discriminatory system.
But imagine, this is just another insane group with men, feminist men, it's like a 15-minute report, they get even crazier, talking about how, well, just hear it from them yourself.
Here's Millie Weaver.
How did you find out about this movement and get involved with it?
So I was co-founder of Period at The Ohio State University and eventually I began working with
Period National as a policy coordinator and now as one of the leaders of the National Period Day
One, two, three, and Period Poverty!
We are a youth-run non-profit celebrating menstruation.
We help people with periods.
People with periods.
This is an issue that I believe we can eradicate and that's why we're focused on pushing it forward.
Do you think that ending this period tax is going to help end poverty?
This is a form of poverty, so yes, 100%.
Period poverty is a form of poverty.
It's a legitimate form of poverty, and working together with all these legislators here in Ohio and across the country, I believe we can do it and end it.
On Saturday, we're actually having National Period Day.
There's a crisis that's being ignored.
It's keeping far too many people away from school.
One in four women can't afford menstrual hygiene products.
Some have to use cardboard instead, or toilet paper, or even trash.
If you think it's uncomfortable to talk about period poverty, imagine the people with cardboard in their underwear.
You don't have to have PMS to be f***ing pissed off about it.
But it helps.
46% of women in St.
Louis had to, um... Okay, let's stop right here.
You've got toxic waste being dumped in the ocean.
You've got 90% nuclear reactors leaking.
You've got the huge third world populations ballooning.
You've got the Chinese Communist putting 2 million people in death camps.
You've got all this going on, and they're trying to claim that women are too poor to get tampons.
And they're inventing this big crisis, but it's really so they can have... If you're a radio listener, you're lucky.
Show big fat gay men with blood coming out of their nose, and other women bleeding, and then it cuts to women bleeding out of their crotches.
To just make everything ugly and just, the left's always obsessed with bathrooms and people's genitals and poop and urine and blood because they're mentally ill, they're miscreants.
And the CIA under leftist control admitted, it was declassified 10 years ago, that for 40 years they pushed ugliness in TV, ugliness in media, they made the family look bad, they made fathers look stupid.
They made ugly architecture and ugly art to make you feel depressed.
And in fact, I didn't get to the most important thing yesterday.
Yesterday was a very important broadcast.
And so was the day before, but I never got to the record suicides of teenagers and the troops, and how it's getting worse, and then how it shows record use of serotonin reuptake inhibitors, antidepressants, whose own inserts say they make you commit suicide.
So if I don't get to that today, I'm going to get to that on Sunday, because that's something we can cover to really do something about a real crisis, not period poverty so a bunch of leftist film students can splatter blood on their faces.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live.
One of the videos that I'll air at the start of the next hour before Nick Begich comes on was shot in Dallas last night by Caitlin Bennett.
She talked to dozens of people and said we need to ban the full-auto guns that fire cotton balls out of them and we need to stop them giving newborn babies the machine guns.
And they're like, yes, we need to ban that.
And then she goes, and the invisible clips and magazines that you can't see.
And they're like, yes, we need to ban those.
We need to SWAT team everyone and take them.
Yes, we need to do that.
I never even got to Beto O'Rourke.
Yesterday, I was so obsessed with the fact that they're hyping up killing Trump everywhere.
And there it is.
Invisible magazine clips.
Liberals don't know anything about guns.
I mean, that headline doesn't even do it justice.
And by the way, you can't do it justice.
These people don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.
And that's exactly how the system wants it.
What did the architect of Obamacare said?
He said, thank God the public's so dumb and has no memory.
But, I'm gonna go to your calls here in a moment, but some of the great things Trump said, like I said, his rhetoric is as good as it gets.
We're fighting against leftist socialists, ...and globalists.
This is just so beautiful, and it's going to have long-lasting effects, as Trump teaches America on a bigger scale than I ever could, and the world, who the real enemy is.
I mean, this is big mojo.
...against leftists, socialists, and globalists, who want to return to reckless wars, open borders, rampant crime, and totally disastrous one-way trade deals.
We're changing that one around very quickly.
Because they're corporate raiders.
They want destruction.
They feed off the crisis.
They believe America is the world's piggy bank and that your tax dollars should subsidize the economy, military, and defense of every other nation in the world but our own.
It's not happening anymore.
Our political opposition made its fortune selling out our nation and its citizens.
And you know that's what's been happening.
And that's why 2016 was so important.
And that's why 2020 I can never say it's more important, but you know, it's like the roots of a tree.
You plant the baby tree.
It's got a catch.
Get that extra time.
We'll have more tax cuts.
We'll have even, I'll tell you what, we have rebuilt our military.
What we've done has never been done before.
That is probably the best For a minute, I've never heard from Trump, except he did so good at the UN, saying globalism is not the future, nationalism and family and free market and religious freedom for Christians is the future.
I mean, it's just wonderful.
That's why I want Trump to win.
I want to win.
I want to beat the enemy.
But we would not be here right now if it wasn't for the listeners.
Now, I'm going to get to all the callers here.
Supposedly, everybody disagrees and thinks Trump should be impeached.
As a technical problems earlier and go to your calls, but I'm gonna try to go to, uh, anti deep state in a moment.
And then Gary and James and Matt and Toby and Patty.
And then Rob do got four hours sleep like I did.
I'm just saying he's a hardworking guy.
Um, I'm not knocking the rest of the guys.
They needed some time off.
You know, they're all sleeping, I guess.
Um, he's been up here.
That's why he's the news director because he works 20 hours a day when we need him to.
And he is We've been working like a beaver with hours and five different cameras of footage to try to put together four minutes of highlights that we will air at the start of the next hour and then post the article that's linked on DrudgeReport.com, Alex Jones arrives at Trump rally in armored vehicle.
And again, the Lord works in mysterious ways.
Again, I was sitting here, my crew was there.
I'm sitting there trying to assassinate the president.
They've been telegraphing they want to do it.
We need to point out what happened to Kennedy in Dallas and that they're openly talking about it.
And that it could happen anytime.
I mean, they've said they want to kill him.
And so I said, you know, I may go up there.
Well, I was fully intending to go up there, but I didn't want to give any enemy operatives exactly where I would be and when, for obvious reasons.
They're literally gunning for me.
And we called a group of retired soldiers that run a security company.
In the group that my security's with.
And they said, yeah, we got an armored Suburban and we got an armored truck.
And they said, he might want to bullhorn out the top of the truck.
I don't usually want to look ostentatious.
But I thought, hey, this is a great entrance.
And it worked out really, really nice.
I went up and down in front of it an hour before the doors, before Trump even got there, right during the golden hour.
And it's powerful.
Powerful, powerful stuff that is coming up.
And we've got a bunch of HD footage, too.
So throughout the weekend, that's going to be coming out.
Well, like I said, five cameras shooting HD.
It takes a lot of people to even go through that, but we're not seeing it in here, folks.
And that's why your financial support is so critical, is that we got Millie Weaver, Kaitlin Bennett, and Paul Watson, and Dan Lyman, and so many other great reporters.
I'm not going to name them all here, like Tom Pappert, and you've got... I mean, the list just goes on and on.
There's a lot of people.
And John Bowne, the list just goes on and on.
And these are people that have families.
These are people that we pay enough to live decently.
And the rest of Hollywood don't even really pay people anymore that are mid-level.
And it takes a lot of money to run this.
There's nothing else like this in the world.
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Let me air a few minutes of Kaitlin Bennett and her video,
Democrats are worried about cotton balls and invisible clips.
This is on Bandon Video.
You definitely want to share this.
And then we'll come back and take calls for a few segments and then I'll get to the boil down of Antifa attacking me and the police standing down and all the rest of it.
But here's a few minutes of her report.
Understand, it gets worse throughout the report.
We were not cherry picking.
These are dangerous people.
Here they are.
These clips and they put them in magazines and then they put the magazines in the barrel.
Can you believe that?
They'd do anything, I guess.
You know, I didn't know what a bump stock was until Las Vegas.
Yeah, a bump stock, you just stick a little piece of cotton in there, and it just turns the whole thing into an automatic machine gun, right?
Our parents were just able to buy it for them, like... So they go in with a coupon from the NRA, and they're like, hey, I have a coupon from the NRA for a PG-13.
Can I get one?
And they just give them.
They don't even really have to pay for them.
They think that every kid should have a PG-13.
Okay, that's insane.
I think it's great that you're talking about this.
I think it's a huge problem.
I mean, invisible guns are a problem.
And we can definitely do better than we're doing now.
And the idea of invisible guns doesn't sound like we're doing better.
No more clips with holes in them.
And less clips with holes in them?
Yeah, sure.
It's no secret that Democrats want to take your guns, and they will use any excuse to do so, even when they don't have a clue how they work.
I'm going to prove that to you guys today.
We're gonna go talk to Democrats and I'm gonna explain crazy things about guns that are not true
to how they don't even work and they're gonna say we need to do something about it.
By the way, the full things on Bandai video, if I go to a grocery store or I walk down the street,
I just, oh we love Caitlyn Bennett, we love Millie Weaver, well we love them too.
And they just do a great job, and I've got a bunch of other people I want to hire, and a bunch of other shows I want to watch.
I mean, I've got like 20 reporters, but they've got to have money to do this full-time.
And, you know, Kaitlin's not paid hardly anything by us, just her expenses.
And then she does some donation drives to actually fund herself.
She's very frugal.
I mean, this lady's awesome.
She gets attacked.
In this video, though, if you're a radio listener, she's in a disguise so they don't beat her up.
We'll be right back with your calls.
Okay, we had some phone problems earlier, but now we've got them working.
Gary and Anti-Deep State and Toby and Patty and Matt and James, I'll at least get to your calls.
And then I've got a bunch of other special reports our crew's put together that I'll air.
Brainwashed liberals think Trump is a gangster.
We're going to play that.
We're going to play the boil down of the leftist attacking me in Dallas and the armored vehicle and all the hubbub about that.
So that's all coming up and then Nick Baggett at about 15 after or so is going to be always loaded and ready to cover a lot of interesting things and also a lot of positive things and solutions.
Then I'll be back this Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Sunday live.
Let's go ahead and talk to Anti-Deep State Party.
That's the caller's name from North Dakota.
Okay, Anti-Deep State, thanks for calling.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate the call.
And I've been a longtime listener.
I have a love-hate relationship with Donald Trump.
Two of my things that really get under my skin, number one is the red flag laws.
That really is going to put a damper on gun owners.
You know, I work for CourtroomWatch.com and we're finding a lot of mental arrest I want to be fair.
court systems and I believe they're going to go after American citizens with those laws.
And secondly, my other gripe with him is this communist type of social score that he's trying
to bring into America.
You know, that I think is a very dangerous road to go down.
I want to be fair.
We're told that's been proposed to him and we confirmed it was proposed and that he didn't
decry it.
But I don't think it's fair to say he proposed it.
He did say we'll look at red flag laws and later he said, no, those won't work.
We're not going to do that.
So he backed down on those or he backed off of those.
Well let's hope that he sticks with that.
Oh, I agree.
Listen, there are, he needs to go offensive.
We need to have the federal courts as well.
You've got all over the country, they're taking guns from people.
An 86-year-old crosswalker, or where was it?
It was in Maine.
It was on Monday.
Or was it in Delaware?
I forget.
He, the school resource officer, was taking long two-hour lunch breaks and he said, hey, some crazy could shoot up the school.
He needs to be there and take his lunch there.
They said that was a threat.
They admitted that the old guy has no record and that he wasn't saying he'd shoot up the school.
He was saying the cop needs to be there.
So they took his gun, red flag law.
That's the end of due process.
A guy sent out a meme on Joker saying, you know, one ticket for Joker, please, as a joke showing a guy in a black trench coat.
Well, that isn't a call for violence.
It's saying, you know, incel, a guy without a girl, the Joker.
It was a joke.
They took his guns in Washington State.
Pretty dangerous, huh?
Right, absolutely.
And I feel like they're going to be pushing this more and more.
I mean, it's like a repeat of history, like Nazi Germany used mental health laws on the people.
And, you know, we have the advantage.
We see history.
And as American citizens, we have the ability to take action in a very civil way.
You know, like you just said, I mean, history is 2020.
And not just hindsight, that is what history is.
And we know what's happening is bad.
We know it's gonna be horrible.
And that's what upsets me the most is to see so many fellow Americans that are just totally unaware
of what's already hitting them.
But let me ask you this, you're saying, you're saying impeach Trump for red flag laws.
I don't think that's fair 'cause he's not really doing that.
And again, what would you get if you got rid of him?
Honestly, what we'd get if we got rid of Donald Trump is we would get somebody that we know is a complete enemy.
Somebody that would make the American people rise up and take back our country.
So that's one school of thought that they knew Hillary would blow up so they let Trump get in and knowing that would actually energize the leftists.
That's a very sophisticated Machiavellian view.
I appreciate your call.
I don't know if I agree with that but I don't think I can disagree with it because the future is not set yet.
Man, if Hillary had gotten in, oh, I mean, whoa!
Just thank God for Trump.
I just, I just, again, I love Trump, he's doing so much good, but he has the power to really get them off his back and my back and other people's backs.
And I was on a plane last night, flying up to Dallas, thanks for the call, Angie Deep State.
This woman talked to me for an hour, because we were stuck on the tarmac for 40 minutes, and she was a liberal.
She's like, oh my God, you're Alex Jones.
I've heard you're Satan.
After about 20 minutes, she goes, well, you're really nice.
I really like you, blah, blah, blah.
And she was just flipping out.
The woman beside her goes, yeah, but what about how his resort is going to host the G7?
And that's a violation of him making money in a government position.
I went, are you kidding?
And he is.
The emoluments clause says he can't enrich himself from his office, but that means he can't say, all government businesses can only stay in my hotels.
If no one ever stays in his hotels, which is happening because he's the president and it's government, then he would lose that when his hotels are right there in the same area and were used before.
And so Trump's like, I'm going to say G7 can meet there.
and that he won't use any US government money, but that foreign countries will come pay for it,
which is all his plan.
Well, that place is about to go under.
Trump's lost billions.
I mean, he's dying from this.
And so other presidents made big money off things.
You know, as long as he's not doing it from the taxpayers or whatever,
I don't see how he gets rid of everything he's got and he goes bankrupt 'cause he's the president.
He already gives up his paycheck.
And they're always henpecking.
The Air Force landed, you know, in Scotland, and then the officers decided to stay at his hotel
on their own money 'cause it was close by.
And the media said that was an emolument violation.
So I kind of get what Trump's doing at a certain point.
Like, "Hey, China, investigate Biden.
"You know, you paid him off.
"I told you that was sarcastic."
And now Jordan and others have said that, and so has Trump.
He's not serious.
He's calling China on it.
Oh, you think Ukraine's bad?
China, why don't you look at Biden and what you did?
He's calling them!
And so, CNN's like, he's normalizing his corruption.
No, he's not letting you intimidate him into not taking action.
Now, he's doing it so hardcore, he may be going too far.
Because it's now the time to say, let's have the G7 at our facility.
That's just asking for it, but I think Trump just doesn't care anymore.
Which is called real confidence.
I mean, there's no confidence on earth like, I'm not going to tell the whole story, I'll just go to your calls, but people know when you're really confident versus when you're not confident.
Fake confidence is not the real deal.
People smell real confidence.
Like if you go in a room of women and you're not trying to attract them or be around them or impress them and you're busy, you're the guy they can't stop talking to or looking at or wanting.
It's the same thing in anything.
You know, it's like if you're at a ball event or something and there's a repair guy Fixing, you know, a chandelier in the corner.
The women are all looking at him because he's focused and not thinking about them.
It's just the way the universe works.
I don't know how to explain it.
But it's the same thing.
Like Trump at some point has to stop caring what the globalists think or do and stop reacting to everything like he's done something wrong.
The danger is that he doesn't want to go too far.
My God, all these presidents personally have these foundations and get hundreds of millions and billions and just to do paper play publicly and Biden goes on TV and says, yeah, I had the guy fired because he talked about, you know, investigating my son.
I held back a billion dollars if they didn't.
I mean, he's doing it out in the open.
So Trump's saying, well, I used to have all these big things at my places before this, and they said they want to have it here.
You know, at a certain point, but that's like... It's starting to... I don't know, man.
It's crazy.
I'm sure Trump knows what he's doing.
We're gonna find out.
Gary in Florida.
Gary, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Alex, can you hear me?
I sure can, sir.
You rock, man.
I really enjoyed listening to you.
You rock, brother.
What's on your mind?
Well, what's on my mind is...
Impeachment at this point may be not so bad to expose what's going on.
In my opinion, I think, you know, I don't know what's in Trump's mind, but each day we learn something new.
And my feeling is you've got this Scaramucci guy going around saying 20, 30 senators have turned already.
You've got generals coming out.
Saying that this guy should never make it to an election against Article 88?
Oh, I don't think there's any doubt they're making their move on Trump.
Yeah, so you've got all these people in intelligence agencies, never in 58 years have I seen anything like this.
Going on CNN and everywhere else and saying... But I think that's a good thing.
This is the permanent deep state that presided over the sell-out of our nation, just like he said earlier.
He said these people have gotten rich off selling out our nation.
That's what globalism is.
So we're talking trillions.
These people have taken trillions, used Ukraine and all these places as bases, and have taken trillions of dollars.
So you've got guys, these multi-calls, multi-national corporations, like you guys, like Source.
Hold on, so Gary, you don't think he should be impeached.
You think Trump's setting him up.
I think impeachable.
Hold on, hold on, stay there, stay there.
We're getting to Gary, we're getting to James, Patty, Toby, and Matt, and then I'm going to play the clip, and then we've got Nick Baggage, Dr. Nick Baggage, he's ready.
We're now into the fourth hour, Dr. Nick Baggage is about 15 out, we're taking your phone calls right now.
And Gary, who I really appreciate holding, is saying impeachment should happen.
Trump is setting up fall guys.
Well, yeah.
The trial in the House is already happening.
You're not supposed to have a trial in the House.
You're supposed to have an inquiry.
So they're having a secret trial to claim they have evidence, but then they're going to want to try to have the vote that supposedly convicts him and then have the trial in the Senate.
They want it all done by this year.
And Gary thinks somehow that's going to blow up in their face.
Is that where you're going with this, Gary?
Well, yeah.
The thing is, I don't think it's going to get there.
I mean, basically the deep state is telling us it's not going to get there.
You have generals now, almost like a military coup, coming out and saying this guy is never going to get there.
We need to do this now.
And they're not talking about impeachment either.
So whether they, who knows what they have up their sleeve.
All I know is if we just say, is he going to be able to get now his infrastructure
Not the way things are now.
It's not going to happen.
So he can't, you know, and we need this.
So they're setting him up for the economy to totally crash.
So they're not even going to let him get to that point.
So something is going to happen.
He sees it.
So all of a sudden, if you notice, he's changed so much in the last 30 days.
He's got a lot more hardcore.
He's letting it fly.
He's exposing people.
Larry Kudlow, this economic guy, came out today and said, you've got to do the deal with China.
I'm talking to CNBC.
You've got to do the deal with China.
You've got to do it all.
You've got to do it all.
The economy needs you.
Yeah, just sell out.
So, you know, the thing is, he's surrounded by people.
They're not going to let him get infrastructure done.
They're not going to let him get a Canada and Mexico trade.
So, we're at a point... You're right, they're busy trying to sabotage the economy as fast as they can.
Yeah, so we're at a point now that, so he's got to be saying, whoa.
I, you know, heads I win, tails I lose.
I mean, in other words, we're in a place where impeachment would actually be something where if they, the senators were so... No, I get it.
At least that'll show them trying to persecute him and they don't have anything.
Instead of them killing him or drugging him, 22nd Amendment saying he's incapacitated, having his cabinet turn against him, they're trying to create that stampede feeling that actually gets that done.
But he's so charismatic, the real polls show he's more popular than ever.
I don't know how they're going to get that pulled off.
That's what I'm saying.
This is an explosive moment like a hydrogen bomb.
He's got the fall guys now.
In other words, if this goes down, he can say, look, the economy would have been great if they let me do this for you.
So when he goes to these terrific rallies, it's like being in an arena.
He's like our WWE gladiator.
I love America.
People are hanging from the rafters.
We wanted this guy.
We want to win.
And all the guys that are in a D-State that are getting multi-billion dollar contracts left and right.
Spreading money and doing things.
I mean, he really came in and tried to change it.
But now he's at the point where at least he can show the contrast and say, look what I wanted to do.
Look how the economy crashed because they did this.
So now he wins and he wins.
And so we can see it.
We can have an illustration in front of us.
Sort of like, you know, a raptor will go and test defense, test defense, test defense, test defense.
And then we need some kind of Godzilla to come in.
But he has really done so much.
And he's exposing now.
You're a smart guy.
We're almost out of time in this segment, Gary.
What do you think is going to happen?
Well, I think Trump basically knows what's going to happen.
I can't see him Resigning and doing some kind of deal, although he's losing business.
I can't imagine the threats the family is through.
So, I don't know if he can get it through an impeachment trial and these senators... You just said it.
It's an epic moment.
The globalists are damned if they remove him.
They're damned if they don't.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
You know, I sit back and I look at how epic the times are.
Everybody overuses epic, but they're epic.
And I look at the screws they've put to me trying to get me to turn against Trump.
I can't imagine what it's like for senators or for everybody else in the media.
So, listeners have to remember that that's going on.
I mean, major pressure is being brought to bear.
I mean, why do you think Tucker Carlson got invited to dinner with old Zuckerberg and then Zuckey was on Fox the next day?
There's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes, a lot of threats, a lot of serious stuff.
I mean, it's big, big time twisting of arms happening.
So let's just pray for justice, pray for discernment, and just keep doing our job promoting Americana and basic freedom.
And if we defend our values and don't buckle to those that want us to follow their orders that are unconstitutional and garbage, we're going to be able to make it through this.
But it's about integrity right now, folks.
And we stand on the shoulders of people that had a lot of integrity before us.
America's had a lot of wild things in our history.
We were known for integrity and known for doing what we said we'd do compared to others.
And we're rediscovering that right now together.
We're finding out just how bad we can get.
We're finding out just how good we can get.
James in Louisiana.
I gotta move quick now.
Thanks for holding, James.
I'm gonna go to Patty and Toby.
Go ahead, and Matt.
Go ahead, James.
Hey, Alex.
So I guess I got two points on it, because on a personal, like a selfish level, I do want them to get impeached.
I think mainly because it's going to cause so many of the people that have been on autopilot, ignoring everything, they'll kind of have to put their heads up and see what the hell is going on.
I think that's why Drudge has been, you know, showing how much trouble Trump's in.
Because he is in trouble.
They're coming after him.
They got all these generals.
Everybody's all over TV saying, get him, kill him.
And then, you know, Trump's saying everything's fine, which I get.
He has to act confident.
Somebody's got to be there to say, no, we're not in a perfect position.
Yes, sir.
I mean, on a basic level, obviously, I don't want him to get impeached because he's doing the closest thing to what we need as a country compared to anybody else that's on that platform.
But I feel like right now the uprising needs to happen in our country.
And I'm wanting to see more individuals make movements to show that we can change politics.
Well listen, I got a bunch of enemies and I'm not bragging saying I'm Mr. Tough Guy or have a lot of courage.
It's just what has to be done and I have no fear.
But, you know, anti-fund folks want to kill me.
I went up to Dallas.
I went into the crowd.
I did it all for a couple hours just to show that that's what has to happen.
Everybody's got to put their skin in the game or we're going to lose it all.
Yes sir, I absolutely agree.
I think right now the two big messages need to be full transparency of our government.
If he can push something like that where we can all watch what the government is doing as far as the technology that we have in 2020, it's crazy to me that the people of our country can't even see what's going on behind these closed doors that are going to affect every American.
And I also want to get rid of all the censorship on these social media platforms.
If they say they're a platform, they shouldn't be banning people like you or anybody that speaks out against what kind of message they're promoting.
It is false advertising a billion percent, James.
You're absolutely right.
The censorship is crazy right now, and I think If Trump made them decide, are you a publisher or a platform, that would change a lot of the things.
And so, like I said, a lot of... Well, that's a criticism of Trump.
In his new NAFTA-GATT renegotiation, he gives unbelievable immunity to big tech, even worse than it was.
That was actually in Reuters yesterday.
You don't normally see truth out of Reuters, but it was like Republicans and Democrats mad at Trump that he's giving total immunity to big tech.
Again, I don't think Trump knows what's in the full agreement.
So that's why it's good that that's in the news.
God bless you.
And that's another thing that could, you know, make people really mad.
I mean, it makes me mad, okay?
But I've learned Trump's overwhelmed.
I mean, I don't know what's going on right now.
Two offices over for me and I only have a hundred and something crew members.
I'm not giving Trump a pass.
Let's let him know what's going on.
They told Trump red flag laws were just if somebody's been adjudicated mentally ill and violent, they don't get guns.
He's like, yeah, I have their medical records.
And then he goes, wait, no due process.
Just take people's guns.
We're not doing that.
They lied to him.
Thank you, James.
Great points.
OK, Patty and Tejas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Patty.
Thanks for holding.
Thanks for taking my call.
You guys just rock.
I love your show and I listen to it every day.
Well, thank you, ma'am.
Please spread the word about it.
It's how we stay on the air and defeat the globalists.
You're doing a great service for everybody in the United States, even the ones who don't understand what you're doing.
So, keep on.
I'm trying.
Alex, I was calling in about Syria.
With Trump dealing with peace talks in Syria, He's made some incredible, huge enemies by the path that he's going down.
He's pissed off the intelligence community.
He's pissed off the military-industrial complex.
He's pissed off the bankers.
He's pissed off everybody that you can possibly piss off by withdrawing troops and striking a peace deal.
The reason that we were in Syria in the first place has never been told or has not been stressed to the people of the United States.
And I think that has a lot to do with why Trump is going to be in a lot of trouble with the powers that be and the globalists.
Are you saying it's about those gas pipelines?
Well, the gas pipelines are only a part of it.
That's kind of like It's not small fry, but it is in comparison to the reason that they wanted to get rid of us.
Sure, so tell us, we know the powers that be that we're sick of, that hate us, that sold us out, hate Trump and really want to kill him, which means he's good.
But specifically then, why are you saying we were in Syria?
We're in Syria because it's one of the few, last few countries that don't have a central bank put in through the World Bank and IMF.
Oh, there's no doubt that Syria isn't under the New World Order and neither is Iran.
And so, exactly, it's not in the global government system.
That's the main reason why... Oh yeah, Trump is saying no to world government.
Trump's saying China's not going to tell us what to do and we're not going to be over here for the big banks controlling Syria.
No, that's it.
Yeah, Assad was not going to go along with that at all.
That's why they wanted regime change out there.
And the same thing happened to Muammar Gaddafi.
Right, and yeah, Gaddafi, he was setting up a gold standard for his own monetary...
He was setting up an African Union.
Right, and the whole thing.
And he was not on a central bank.
Yeah, he was setting up an interest-free system that would have empowered Africa.
That was a big no-no.
Yeah, absolutely.
The last, one of the very last countries that doesn't have a central bank, Alex, that you probably already know, is Russia.
So that's one of the reasons I think that the Clintons and the other people, you know, that support Hillary, have been targeting Russia.
It's kind of in a backhanded sort of way that she's done it.
Patty, you're absolutely right.
And Trump's saying it's wrong that we try to run other countries and it's wrong they run us.
He's really a nationalist and he's upturning the entire global government model.
Nationalism, Americanism, non-globalism.
And that's why they're coming after him and why they're threatening everybody else that supports him.
God bless you.
Amazing point.
We had a lot of great callers today.
That was the best call of the show.
We got Toby and Matt, but man, I got Dr. Nick Baggage ready to go.
And I don't want to, you know, be mean to these callers, but I'm going to tell Toby, I'm going to tell Matt, don't forget guys on Sunday, I promise to give both Toby and Matt at least five minutes a piece on Sunday or on Monday, but don't let me forget to call them then.
Because we're going to come back and play the little three and a half minute compilation Of the armored vehicle and the demonstration and the Trump rally and the Antifa attacking me.
We'll come out, play that, and then Nick Begich will just take over for the next three segments.
And I appreciate him hosting part of the fourth hour.
And then Owen Troyer is going to be doing the War Room today.
And then we've got Firepower with Will Johnson and Tom Papert tonight.
Infowars.com, Ford's Live Show, and Band.Video.
And yes, we have the Everything Must Go Mega Sale.
It's bigger than the last sale in many ways.
It's just some things I can't do 50% off because that's the cost, but it's 40 to 70% off.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot points, and that's how we fund this operation.
A lot of incredible videos and articles we didn't get to.
They're all on InfoWars.com.
Please check them out.
Please share them.
We've worked really hard to bring you this critical intel.
Many boffins lost their lives in this transmission.
This is what families have to go through just to come here to the president's speech.
This is what America goes through to try to basically have our freedoms.
These people are incredible.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is absolutely essential to exercise the First Amendment in the face of this communist rubble.
America is back!
is back.
We are here to exercise of the First Amendment and defiance of the trade.
We are here in America to stand up to these bombs, our criminals, and thugs.
These people are literally the sum of the earth, and our earth is full of the devil.
No one is going to stop this from growing.
No one is going to circulate the taxes of the land.
We are here to stand up to these criminals, and promise all these free goodies we are going to get from the wreckage of
[crowd shouting]
I've been here, ladies and gentlemen, in this country, quite frankly, a war.
Even the police are intimidated by the communist mob that have taken this nation over.
Tim, tell folks, you saw the--
you've been a police officer, you've been in the Army, in the Marines, you've been in the Blackwater, everything.
You saw for yourself that Dallas PD stood down and let them swarm us.
I'd have to say that.
I'd hate to say that.
I'm very pro-police.
But in this instance right here, there was at least eight Dallas police officers right there, and they all backed away and let Antifa swarm us, which is totally unacceptable.
They saw that the situation was getting out of hand, and they didn't step in.
What would you say, about 100 were around us?
Another group of 500 right there?
They are panicking, and we are here telling the world that you are not going to assassinate our president like you did yesterday.
The deep state, billboard, CNN, all the usual suspects, Joe Biden, said they're going to take the president out by the 17th.
That's tonight!
The rogue criminal deep state is being defeated.
America is a leader.
And the deep state is not ruined for assassinating our president,
assassinated JFK 56 years ago here in Dallas.
And welcome back to Info Wars and this is Dr. Nick Begich and
I'm in Anchorage, Alaska today and missing everyone last week, but I'm glad to be back.
You know, picking up kind of where the program sort of left off, you know, talking about, you know, what's really going on, what's the background noise that we should be paying attention to that we kind of get ignoring as life goes on, you know, and I've read a lot this last couple of weeks, you know, I read Snowden's new book, this one, Permanent Record, pretty interesting.
A few things I kind of wonder about, but Alex, I think, mentioned those a few weeks back.
But having read it, I gotta say, you know, be sure nice to see him protecting privacy in America, maybe running the government accounting office after a presidential pardon.
Snowden, boy, if you haven't read his book, somebody ought to read it and summarize it again per The President, this guy deserves a pardon.
Snowden, Mr. President, pardon him.
And let him tell us how to protect our privacy rather than see it exploited.
And having read it, you know, it confirms what I've been saying for over 20 years, that every single electronic communication that we do, no matter where it goes, is recorded, kept, and eventually, of course, We know you don't have anything to hide.
I was thinking about this and I read some things about this and how people always say that when you get into the issue of privacy.
Oh, I don't have anything to hide.
Don't worry.
So if you don't have anything to say, you don't care about freedom of speech.
And if you don't read the newspaper, you don't care about freedom of the press.
And I guess if you don't have any friends, you don't care about the freedom of assembly.
And if you don't believe in God, maybe you don't care about religion either.
But actually, we ought to care about privacy.
Because the door's been kicked into your digital doorway and you're standing naked before God and the government.
Isn't that funny?
G-O-D and G-O-V.
You're naked.
But having said that, I've also read another book this summer.
This one I highly recommend.
This one Poisoner-in-Chief, the Sidney Gottlieb and the CIA Search for Mind Control.
This is a new one, you know, this is 2019 also.
And you know what's interesting about it is I, for 25 years, 30 years, I've been researching Gottlieb and the mind control programs of the CIA.
And you know, when you kind of read the narrative on this I really don't want to say on the radio guy.
Anyway, Godly, when you read it, you go, man, you know, this guy should have been buried under the prison, you know, and Snowden has to hide out.
You know, he was headed to Ecuador to be safe and they took his State Department confiscated his papers and he couldn't make it.
Man, having read his story in his own words, I recommend because it'll move you a little bit.
To know what this guy gave up for a measure of maybe a measure of light on our personal privacy and the hijacking of it.
What used to be a conspiracy theory.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mr. Snowden, for making a theory of fact so all of us can know the truth a little bit of it anyway.
And it would have been nice to know the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
So help us God.
But no, we don't get that in our country anymore.
We just get to swear that on our way to the jury trial.
Man, so those were good ones.
And then the other one I read, I know this guy has said some nasty things about Alex, but I don't think he knows Alex.
If he did, he wouldn't say these things.
But Jordan Peterson, 12 Rules for Life.
And Jordan, you know, I mean, he got his butt kicked and I saw about 40 hours of his videos and read his book this summer.
And what I'd say about the guy is Right on for a lot of truth in the face of opposition.
But what I would also say to Mr. Peterson is another point.
Don't feel like you have to defend your dissertation.
You already did that.
Just be fearless in your work and don't be on the defense.
Be on the offense.
Because that's the name of the game.
You see, truth isn't something to be defended.
It's something to be spoken, shared, articulated and lived.
Live the key element of that.
You know, do it if you believe in it.
If you're divinity, you believe in divinity, then act like it.
We'll be right back.
This is Dr. Nick Vegas.
This Friday afternoon.
Hey, welcome back.
And it's good to be here.
The afternoon.
This is Dr. Nick Vegas The pursuit of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
You know, we always forget about those three fundamentals, you know, in the scattering of a busy week and closing it out, you know, in many parts of the country, even now, as we are going into these hours and around the world where this broadcast is heard.
You know, I'm thinking about some of the things in the news, you know, and I mentioned some of my reading material and I recommend that for anyone interested in those themes.
But this show is about information, about info wars, and that's something, you know, people say, you know, what do you do?
What do you do?
You know, and when they ask, you know, that's kind of a common thing besides, hey, who are you?
What do you do?
I read a lot, you know, and probably six, seven hours a day anyway.
And instead of watching the television, you know, the programming, Because I'm not so interested.
I kind of select.
So I actually read and I recommend it highly.
You know, these things, these things, you know, first generation information war.
It's called books.
And really, I encourage it.
But here's what we do at InfoWars.
We all take in a lot of data, and then we distill it, and we make it available, and then we cite it so you can look it up yourself.
Isn't that great?
I mean, that makes it easy on everybody.
And I love doing it.
And then we get to talk about that in the context of values.
Somebody asked me the other day, Dr. Begich in this panicked voice, you know, after articulating 50 of the horror stories of the 21st century, you know, from A to Z, from soup to nuts.
And I said, You know, and they were waiting.
They were waiting for that moment when it would be this thing, you know, this one technology or that technology or the Big Brother thing or whatever it was with the bankers or something.
And what it was is I said, well, these are all the symptoms and it's about people behaving badly.
You know, and that's really what it always boils down to.
We think it's such a big deal, whether it's your five-year-old behaving badly or your president or your dictator across the globe.
You know, whoever it is behaving badly, it always boils down to that, doesn't it?
Or at least in a way that we disagree with.
I guess we'd call that bad.
But maybe it's not.
Maybe for the other guy, it's good.
But I would say to God, it's probably all small stuff.
But this is important, you know.
People say, you know, if you don't, you know, anything to hide, what do you worry about?
You know, that's a scary thought.
And you could also say, if you have nothing to say, then I guess you don't care about freedom of speech.
But here's the point I'd really like to make.
When you think about the press in the 21st century and what this network represents and why it needs to be supported, No one should be allowed to manipulate the data.
protect the platform of speech, which in the 21st century is in fact the Internet.
No one should be allowed to manipulate the data, no one should own or control
the data, but you and me individually.
And in Europe, why that argument even began and is going on is because some of the stuff that we did around 1999, 1998, 2000, we were able to get in front of planners in Europe to look at the privacy question in a different way.
In fact, you can look at EarthPulse's work and the work that myself and the late James Roderick and others contributed to, that we got a lot of material in front of people that were setting up the regulations for privacy in your time, and then slandered it a little different way.
And why, and I mentioned it before, Or in other segments, you know, why is the deep state so angry at Donald Trump?
Well, he went after international profits for U.S.-based companies.
So they get our military to defend their sorry butts all over the world, and then they don't pay any taxes when he does tax global income on multinational companies operating outside the United States.
The same way that, you know, after all, in fairness, you know, that's the way you as a human being, an individual, is taxed on your worldwide income no matter where you reside as an American.
So, why shouldn't American companies whose asses we're covering pay for a little bit of the coverage, so to speak?
You know?
I mean, you know, pay the bill.
You know, you enjoy the defense.
And right now, in Syria, in the Middle East, everybody's going, oh, it's horrible!
It's terrible!
Because we're leaving.
Why were we there?
Why are we there?
Should we be there?
Gee, should we be indebting our great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great running out of time grandchildren to the debt of that fiasco?
Is it our war to fight?
If the Kurds were to fight, I absolutely agree.
We've armed them all up.
Sold a lot of military arms.
And now the armament sellers are pissed because we're leaving.
We're not going to continue to roll up the debt and pay the bill.
They can all kill each other, you know, we're letting Russia and Syria do whatever they're doing now.
And wow, what a mess.
You know, it sounds like Gog and Magog and the armies gathering at the Euphrates, which, gee, isn't that what's happening?
I think it is, actually.
But should we be there?
Should we be doing this?
Should we be engaged in it?
And for what purpose are we there?
And I think those are questions worth asking.
And is this the nature of America?
You know, I don't think so.
And on another point that came up in the last segment, I looked to it very carefully, when Alex was talking about this gun confiscation, you know, automatic weapons, AKs and, you know, ARs and all this, you know, hey, give me a break.
The war wouldn't have been won, you know, the one 250 years ago, more or less.
The war wouldn't have been won without the privateers who happen to own cannons and mortars.
Cannons, ladies and gentlemen.
If it wasn't for private ownership of cannons, we wouldn't be having the conversation we're having today, right now, on the air.
Private ownership of cannons.
Not that I support that necessarily in the 21st century, but the point of the matter is they were the biggest weapon of the day, and every plantation owner and everybody owned a ship bigger than a rowboat owned one.
And you know, and that's kind of how it worked.
And if it wasn't for, you know, the privateers protecting our shores and our ports, we would have been even in deeper trouble, and that was because they owned cannons.
And so, When they talked about, oh, it was never meant to be, well, wait a minute, you know, let's look at history.
And I got in a conversation about history this last week when I wasn't on the air with you folks.
Man, I couldn't believe it, who I was hearing it from.
And I won't get into that, but I want, because I want to deal with the people side.
I always like policy, you know, let's talk about policy.
And here's where it is.
History does matter.
History does matter, ladies and gentlemen.
Not the blurry reinterpretation of it according to the political correctness of the day, but the truth of history matters.
And history, somebody told me recently, ought to be taught from the present moment backwards.
Well, maybe that's where the line of transparency ought to run, from the present moment Backwards and echoing again what I heard in the last hour from one of the callers was talking about transparency in government.
You're dead on right!
Turn the cameras and all this technology the other direction and look in on government excluding that which is classified but change of the rules ladies and gentlemen congressmen have a right to scrutinize and analyze and talk about outside experts and swear them and secrecy and whatever Whatever they gotta do to verify the BS at the Dog and Pony Show they're seeing in those classified hearings, when they can't question, ask, and they don't even have the basic science to know the questions to ask, and they can't talk to anybody because it's classified, they can't take notes.
And this is how so much of our technocracy runs in the 21st century and why we need to pay attention.
You know, going into the next segment, I want to talk about economics, inflation and the fallacy of it and the money supply, the fallacy of it, the banking hijacking that's been going on for over 100 years.
Because when your pocket's being picked and your country's getting its butt kicked by economic factors, it shouldn't exist.
You got to ask yourself the question.
Where's the beef and who looted the treasury?
And we're going to talk about that.
Who's looting the treasury?
Where's the money and who?
Who are the winners and who are the losers?
We don't need to be losers in 21st century.
This is the United States of America.
We're supposed to be that shining light that we are and we can reclaim that birthright.
This is Dr. Nick Begich and we'll be right back after these brief messages.
And welcome back this Friday afternoon.
This is Nick Begich coming from Anchorage, Alaska, actually just before the noon hour here in my part of the world.
You know, before the break, we were talking about history.
History does matter in the context of all of this.
But the other side of it, you know, when you think about the national debt, you know, the national debt, the United States is about 21 trillion dollars.
Now, that's not to say that's the unfunded liability.
That's around 132 Trillion dollars with a T. Trillion, 132.
That's like Social Security, retirement, all that stuff that we said we're going to pay that we haven't sort of paid yet.
But debt, you know, national debt, inflation, what drives it, central banking, all the whole scam, you know, when you look at the whole program, where did it go?
The money.
And then look at Russia, you know, everybody wants to talk about Russia.
You know, as a percentage of GDP, we're over 100% now.
In other words, everything that everybody does that generates anything, all together, that's the national debt, you know?
And the Russian national debt, and their economy is, like, really small compared to us.
And they have a declining population, unlike us.
And they have a bigger resource base, unlike us.
And a bigger land base, unlike us.
And a whole lot of things, and they only have a 17% debt.
Uh, in relationship to its GDP in that little bitty economy, which is really a big economy.
If you think about what a real economy is, we understand what a real economy is because we confuse a real economy with money paper.
Another form of BS, if you will, that somebody wants to fertilize the world with.
But paper money, fiat currency, is what the currency is.
You know, people believe in it, full faith in credit.
AI believe it, so it's so.
Bitcoin, too.
Somebody believed it and ran it up a bit.
You know, if you believe it, it is so.
You know, so that's the money supply.
And the money supply is also a big pile of credit cards called Visa, MasterCard, American Express, a bunch of others.
And what they do is create money out of nothing, you know, and they're owned by the banks also.
And that money out of nothing generates a 2%, 4% fee for the banks that they skim off the top of each sale.
Skimming, they used to call that in the rackets, you know?
Now we call that a fee.
So we give it a new name to affect the same basic take.
So all these credit card companies, if you want to play the game, and then they try to get you out of the game like they did with Alex, you know, by getting the skimming piece off the table, you know, so Good grief.
Give me a break, you know?
So, in any case, let's think about this.
This is all the fiction money, called money supply, that allows you to buy goods and services, which is the real stuff, you know?
That's created out of labor, land and natural resources, equipment, you know, like shovels and factories.
The real stuff of an economy.
And they've tricked us into thinking it's the paper in between, and then we've handed that function off to the bankers, and then we borrow from the bankers and pay them interest.
And the Federal Reserve is, you know, the 300 consortium of bankers that run it independent of the government.
Blah, blah, blah.
So they can increase interest, so they can get better employment, but see, the theory failed.
You know, that's the latest, right?
Read The Economist last week, the mainstream Piece of literature suggesting that, oops, oops, modern economic theory is wrong.
Money supply might not matter.
Oh, oh, oh, because we had the lowest in unemployment since 1969, you know, in 50 years, a half a century, ladies and gentlemen, a half a century and Lowest inflation ever and they gotta have a whole new theory.
So they're kind of trying to whip one up.
And hey, I got the answer.
It never mattered.
Because there's not enough cash in between all the goods and all the services that entrepreneurs and land labor factories and all of these great things and entrepreneurship have created.
There's more of them available than there's money supply to fill the need.
That's why the debt Has become the money supply.
And so everyone's a little slave working for the credit card companies and for their bankers.
Look at your mortgage, how much of that is debt?
You know, and what you said about the dinar in Libya, you know, they want to make a zero debt banking system.
So you didn't have that crap.
You know, when you look at your payments, you actually paid twelve hundred towards your house.
Wouldn't that be funny instead of three hundred to your house and nine hundred to the bank?
Whatever the ratio is these days, and the worst of it.
And you know, here's the thing about all of it.
Debt slave.
Wage slave.
See, there was just different classes of slaves when you go back to the concept of slavery as we adopted that concept in the West, going back to the Greeks.
And there was the slave that didn't get wages, and then there was the slave that did get wages, and there was the free man who didn't get wages because he had Stuff that made money, you know?
Things that threw off rent and, you know, whatever.
Real stuff.
See, that's the fallacy.
We think money is real stuff, stock certificates are real stuff, all this stuff is BS on a piece of paper.
Real stuff is owning your house, owning your farm, owning your shovel, so you can, and your axe, you know, and your pistol, so you can carve something out of the wilderness, you know, and it wasn't meant for the government, you know.
This is the thing, the real wealth of the nation We've been lulled, slow-boiled into thinking it's A when it's B. So we're all looking at, and I've said it a lot on this network and a lot of other networks, the P&L statement.
Profit and loss.
How much money's coming in?
That's taxes, excise, duties, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
How much is going out?
That's where we're, you know, dumping it out there in a lot of ways a lot of us disagree with.
But no matter, it's money in, money out.
Well, that isn't the real deal because that wealth of the nation is on the balance sheet.
It's in the land and natural resources.
And those things that we own, they ought to be throwing off some rents.
That we keep, but we don't do it that way.
See, if you go back in our history, historically, we've handed off that well to the multinationals.
Used to be the crown when they first arrived on this spot.
They used to take it.
about someone trying to buy Louisiana, purchase the purchase.
We bought that.
Supposedly, you know, the Mississippi River was the boundary going this way to the colonies.
We say, hey, the French had that, so we'll buy that.
And we bought that.
You know, basically the drainages that they explored and I made ports and stuff, we bought it.
And then if we didn't buy, we took.
So everybody kind of worked with us.
Remember Russia and Alaska?
The Alaska purchase.
Somebody would disagree it was something else, but without getting into the technicalities of international law at the moment, let's just suggest that somebody thought they were buying a good title when they bought Alaska, you know?
Buying land in big chunks to avoid war was kind of the standard of the day, and that was the translation of it back then, that maybe it was going to be a war otherwise, and maybe it wasn't, you know?
Maybe it was a way They did it, you know, and people are still unraveling those knots and the horror stories they've read, including in my region, the world of Alaska.
But here's what I gotta say, and why I continue to come on InfoWars, why it's important.
Because there's a lot left to be said, and the nation's not in flames, and it's not burning yet.
And you know what?
I have great optimism, as does everyone on this network.
Everybody gets fired up in different ways.
And we express ourselves in different ways.
And the point of the matter is, it's time to wake up.
It's time for a change.
And it starts with human beings behaving badly and deciding that's a bad idea.
And each of us taking ownership of ourselves and following, you know, the mandate that, you know, the In the sliver in the other guy's eyes, we might want to jerk out the rod or the pole stuck in our own.
And here's the thing about all that.
Our vision of truth might actually be wrong.
And we have to accept that fact too.
If we are wrong and take responsibility for the words that we have and the actions that we do, And if we believe we're created in the image and likeness of God, we should probably act like it a little bit, maybe a little bit differently, I would suggest.
And when we look at another, I'll recognize them as the same, a cell in a greater whole, a greater part of something that needs to be together and function together, even as different as we are.
And that requires a different kind of respect and a different kind of discussion and different kind of debate that hangs itself by not Pointing the finger or giving the finger, as we saw in that segment at the beginning of the hour, to the opposition, but giving the respect of a conversation that accepts us where we are as divinely created, the image and likeness of God, whether we know it or not, and treating each other perhaps a little bit differently, and maybe we stimulate that in others and the world changes.
When we behave a little bit differently, perhaps the world doesn't behave so badly.
Hey this is Dr. Nick Begich signing off for this Friday afternoon and you've been listening to InfoWars.
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