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Name: 20191016_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 16, 2019
2544 lines.

In this segment of the Alex Jones Show, various topics are discussed including policies affecting women's health, racism and metabolism, media influence on body image, stress eating, censorship by big tech companies. The hosts debate on individual choices versus external factors influencing weight gain. They promote a sale at InfoWarsStore.com while discussing the power and control held by big tech companies. Alex Jones promotes a sale on bone broth at InfowarsStore.com while discussing the decline of America under China's control, leading to loss of freedom in America. He encourages listeners to take action against these losses. He also comments on recent Democratic presidential debate and criticizes billionaires controlling the kleptocracy through socialism. During a phone call with a listener, Jones discusses mind control tactics and propaganda being used in society, such as identity politics dividing people. They emphasize the importance of staying grounded in faith amidst these challenges. Stephanie interviews Mike Adams about various current events including LeBron James supporting China, NASA's alleged cover-up, Johnson & Johnson facing 100,000 lawsuits, and modern science impeding humanity's access to knowledge. Adams criticizes LeBron James for sacrificing his soul for profit. In another segment, Alex Jones discusses InfoWars' success and how it has caught on worldwide. He criticizes President Trump for his lack of action against big tech censorship but expresses hope in humanity fighting against globalists who want to take away freedom, guns, children, religion, and even souls. Independent media like InfoWars plays a crucial role in spreading awareness about these threats.

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
It is Wednesday, October 16th, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
It is Wednesday, October 16th, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And just minutes ago, I was in the control room standing over one of the riders, and
I was going to give a headline to today's live show.
We put a page out every day that has the live feed posted right there.
So you don't have to go to band.video or infowars.com forward slash show.
It's easy to share that way.
And it thematically says what the broadcast deals with.
then there's a quote from me up there saying this will be the most important broadcast
I've ever done.
And it will be the most important broadcast I've ever done in 25 years on air.
If I can just execute laying out the information in a calm, reasoned way.
I've talked a lot about how I've been very frustrated the last few months on air and off air and how my mind's been working like a splinter inside of it.
Wanting to find the lever to defeat the globalists.
and knowing that it was hiding in plain view, but that my conscious mind simply couldn't grasp it.
And then last night as I was laying in bed at about (burps)
Midnight after I've been up here co-hosting with the debates, the 4th Ronald Democrat debates in Westerville, Ohio, it hit me.
And then I just had great restful sleep until I woke up at 6 a.m.
this morning.
And I woke up refreshed and knew the mission that needed to be carried out.
And then I didn't just see that mission laid out in front of me.
Like it was a roadmap and a destination I'd already set out for and already reached.
Then this morning, all the blood was pumping through my brain when I was working out.
I achieved that vision of understanding that I knew others will achieve
when they carry out this ritual.
And then I realized that this is what the enemy fears more than anything.
And this is what night and day they work to make sure you never discover.
And the potential of this broadcast and the potential of my will set against the enemy And the fact that when you turn your will willingly over to God and open up that channel, that it's that the enemy fears and hates.
All of my previous work is child's play.
Nothing but preparatory events setting the stage for what's going to come.
And you are the answer.
You hold the power.
When like a plant you turn your face towards God.
It's all coming up today, on this October 16th, 2019 Global Transmission.
I'm Alex Jones.
The enemy has worked so hard to make sure that people can't find this show, but you have stood up to the bullies.
You have taken action.
You have overridden them.
So tell everyone how you're listening right now.
Ladies and gentlemen, It is October 16th, 2019 on this Wednesday Live Edition.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We'll be here, Lord willing, for the next four hours.
Let's break down exactly what's happening on this planet, who is behind it, and how we are going to be able to successfully stop it.
And out of the gates here, I am going to just lay it out.
And I'm going to lay out the facets and the nuances.
And then at the start of the next hour, we're going to air a very special report that'll take two segments to air that ties into all of this.
Now, I have been spending the last three months or so very, very frustrated, very pregnant
with an idea that I knew was hiding in plain view right in front of me.
But my subconscious and my spirit was hiding from it because I didn't want the responsibility And also, I am ashamed of myself.
And that's really the truth.
Now, I tell you this because it's important to understand that, to understand why all of us who don't openly, consciously, willfully serve darkness still tend to bow to it.
And it's a riddle.
That if you have the answer to, you really have the keys to eternity.
Michelle, I'm going to very calmly, and not in my normal hectic fashion, lay this out and just really start at the beginning.
And the best way to do that is from my own personal perspective.
I have known How to defeat the globalists all along.
And that's not just a statement or a claim.
When I break down how we defeat the New World Order, Satan's world government, you're all going to say, well, of course, that's obvious.
That's on its face.
That's prima facie.
That speaks for itself.
It is veritas.
It is truth.
But knowing what's true is only the gateway to the action of then once you know that truth that you hide from, taking on the full responsibility and then stepping into that office, stepping into that birthright, stepping into that place.
And carrying out God's will and what must be done.
And so if you are dialed into God, if you're not, you're dialed into the world.
And we're all dialed into both at the same time.
There's only one entity that's been on this planet, Christ, that was totally pure, but also dialed into the evil to actually feel it without being part of it.
The circuit breaker between us and God.
The connection, the metaphysical fact that for God to then forgive us and give us the cheat sheet on how to get out of this riddle, God had to shrink himself down to something so small and so weak to then experience it as we do.
Because what type of coach, what type of leader would God be if God hadn't run this obstacle course that we're now in?
That's just not fair, is it?
And God's very fair.
God's all about justice.
So let me lay it out.
The enemy, by being abused as children or having genetic predisposition towards it, by training, by lust, by a lot of different ways, prepare themselves to take on The evil operating system, the spirit of Satan.
They actively do that, they go through rituals, they go through training to be able to throw off
any connection to God, to harden their hearts, and to willfully cut themselves off from God
so they can be with Satan.
We have to consciously decide to be with God.
And I know why people don't want to do that because if you do have a connection to God and the Holy Spirit and all the discernment and all of it, you feel the pain of the innocence.
You have discernment, powerful psychic connection.
Empathically, your abilities logarithmically increase.
And you feel ashamed because you're in the presence of God And there is the genetic sin of your ancestors, there is the current sin, that just means false programs against God's larger plan, and you have this free will, and the devil is able to then manipulate you to feel like you're not worthy to have communion with God, and that you're not worthy to be a leader.
So the average Christian, or the person that's connected to God, basically disconnects from God, and thinks that, well, You know, that's something that I can't really be a part of because it's so magnificent and so timeless and so powerful that you want to crawl under a rock.
Now, the occultists just want to get it completely out of the universe because then they think they wouldn't feel so bad about themselves.
And so they want to do horrible, terrible things in its face to flaunt Their rebellion, thinking somehow that gives them power over it, when really all they're doing is damning themselves to be in a system, in a spectrum free of the Creator's spirit, power, aura, electricity, transmission.
And so you talk about solutions just on its face, praying is the solution.
Getting close to God is the solution.
And asking God to come into you and to lead you and to guide you and to direct you.
And then if God is in you, you will go out like a heat-seeking missile.
You will go out and find corruption.
You will go out and you will expose it.
And you will have a magic touch at doing it.
And the enemy will see it and will absolutely come after you, but that's a good thing.
You should not have any fear of Satan or his minions and his slaves.
You should have fear of not taking the steps towards going through the fire.
You should have an attitude when you commune with God, as Psalms chapter 91 talks about, verse one, he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
And you just gotta get used to it.
You've gotta get used to being close to God.
And I know it's awesome.
I know it's frightening.
It's called God-fear.
Because something that powerful, that old, that big, that is not gonna rape you, not gonna take you over, not gonna make you a slave.
You have to be ready.
You have to be ready to give it to God.
Stop asking God for what you want in your life, or like God, some witch you go to, or some demon, or some Ouija board, or some carnival barker, or some gypsy on the side of the road.
You've got to go to God and say, lead me, guide me, and direct me.
I'm yours.
And God just won't put a bunch of weight on you right away.
You ask for that, you will be put through the fire like a sword.
And you will be fashioned in God's plan for what you are now to do in this great age we are upon.
And there's another verse from chapter two, from 2 Timothy chapter one, verse seven, for God hath not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.
And the occultists know all this, that's why they tell you there is no God, because they serve the dark God, who is not a God, and they don't want you to tap into that power.
So chapter two, 1 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
Sound mind, meaning we understand things.
We're not easily manipulated, or lied to, or conned.
We have discernment.
We see through the enemy's plans.
We see far.
You look at their minions, they are dumbed down, they are unhealthy, they are stupid.
They'll believe one lie after the next.
They'll see something discredited, disproven, and the establishment will change a 180 and they'll adopt that right away.
Because they are given over to strong delusion.
They go insane.
They dial in.
They tap into the madness.
The disorder.
Because they have free will.
And they are being beguiled.
And taken down into the abyss.
So we see the sexualization of children, we see the occultism everywhere, we see the attack on the family, the attack on the union of men and women.
All of this are individuals that have been seduced, or manipulated, or willfully chosen to go down that path, and then what do they want?
They want to take other people with them.
That is paramount.
And they convince so many that, oh, you've already done bad things.
It's too late for you.
In fact, you have to serve us and our moral system to actually make sin and evil okay, and that's how you find redemption.
Oh, you helped Trump get elected.
You've now got to atone and admit how bad you are to us, the authority.
So the devil's the accuser.
And so, so many of the best people we've got, strong, hard-working, wealthy, well-spoken, skilled in the trades, will not get involved because it's not that they're humble.
It's that they know that they have sin in themselves, and so see themselves as imperfect.
So why would they stand up and speak out and be leaders?
Well, it doesn't mean you're perfect.
It doesn't mean that your flesh isn't corrupt.
It doesn't mean that you haven't done bad things.
That's why Christ on the cross says, just repent, you'll be with me in paradise.
It's that message that if you really change your heart, even in the last minutes, you can transcend The knowledge of evil, which is just a virus, a sick system that creates artificial paradigms, artificial realities of fraud that all weaken humanity and all cut us off from God.
And so I'm just constantly thinking about, do I fly airplanes, you know, over the DNC events with messages?
Do I get people in the streets?
Do we go to DC and get in their faces?
And all of that flows from being directed by common sense and a spirit of strength and power against evil.
But to get others to understand that you don't need to go to some establishment church.
You don't need to tune into the, you know, average show.
Most, you know, the devil's smart about putting his people in all those places.
You'll find a higher ratio of Satanists in mainline churches.
You'll find it anywhere.
You want to find Satanists?
That's not your average tattoo parlor or, you know, a guy with a devil tattoo he got in the army.
It's people telling you they're of the Lord because the angel masquerades as an angel of light.
Oh, it's an angel, alright.
A really nasty one.
An angel from heaven, here.
Trying to control our development.
Trying to hurt us.
And it all makes sense.
And they tell you now, oh, the elites are going to live forever once they throw off their humanity.
Once the post-human era's here, this force that's giving them all these ideas and guiding them and empowering those that serve it, who rules the planet, the god of this world.
A god misdirecting children.
It's not a god at all.
It's a con man, targeting the innocent.
And just as Satan targets us, God's children, the children of the children are the most targeted because you gotta target them when they're young before they ever make that electrical connection, that spiritual connection to God, the universe.
They have to steal that potential and take the children with them to their world, their false world they've created.
It's a dead end.
Just like, Hollywood knows this, the Satanists know this, the archetype of what you see in Poltergeist.
And there's a cult leader, takes the people out in the desert, they die.
The children are there.
He's killed their bodies, but he's there.
Wanted to get him out in the desert to kill them so that he could take their spirits with him to the false light.
That's an archetype of microcosm of how it really works.
The cult leaders take you to the desert, so the children are there, so all they know is you in that false reality with them.
Then they kill the body and try to convince those little spirits to go with them.
Think about that.
That's all this thing is, is a giant Third, fourth, fifth dimensional, real simulation.
Because you've got to have free will.
And it's the realization that you don't have to have all the answers.
Your will's not going to defeat Satan.
But the gifts God's given you, and if you tie in to God and just say, I have free will, but I ask you into my heart, I ask you to leave God and direct me.
And I ask you to show me what to do, then it will all follow and you will experience an intensifying relationship as you're ready to handle it.
See, a lot of people have connections to God, but the false churches lure them to them so that these Satanists and others can control you and misdirect you.
And because you have the real light in you, they want to send you out to bring other people to them so they can then flip it and take control of that whole flock of people and lead them into a spider hole.
And that's how this works.
And so we simply have to ask God to come into us and then we are in the world, not of it, but in it.
And we have to go out and challenge these Satanists and not let them set the parameters and tell us, oh, there is no God and laugh at us.
But you look in their eyes, they're scared and they know that you're dialing into the real power.
They're slaves.
You are literally marrying into God's family.
And everything God created and creation, and you will become a progenitor in that plan.
We are all made in God's images.
God wants you to marry into life and his creation.
It's a love affair.
Satan wants to Torture your soul.
Because it's all Satan has.
Satan is a loser.
Satan is a joke.
But God did create Satan and knew what Satan was going to do as a tester.
Because God has to have his children tested and had to give us free will.
And can't stand to watch how many people fall.
But that's the way the universe works.
That's what free will is all about.
It's time to choose your destiny.
ABC's hit show, The Good Doctor, that routinely has 18 million viewers, that's more than a Monday night football game, dedicated an entire episode a few nights ago to demonizing yours truly.
The producers and writers and directors of the show admitted that the character they were demonizing, that the show was built around, was an Alex Jones archetype.
Mitchell Stewart, the conspiracy theorist?
That's the celebrity now?
Before we even meet Mitchell Stewart, the thought criminal, the doctors are walking down the hall discussing how he thinks 9-11 was an inside job and he thinks sometimes massacres and crises are staged and they're just shaking their head.
They're just good medical professionals that are going in there to, you know, confront this guy about the truth and they're only trying to help him.
The guy thinks 9-11 was an inside job?
He's an ass.
He's an ass who needs liver surgery.
Mitchell Stewart, I don't blindly turn over my well-being or anything else to those in authority, so I ran background checks on all of you.
I'm sure you consider whatever you give me to be normal medical treatment, but we all know that doctors are pushers in the pay of the drug companies.
The vat contains an isotonic crystalloid composed of 0.9% sodium chloride dissolved in sterile water.
You must be the autistic guy.
No bull.
Probably doesn't know what bull is.
Bet your parents got one of those combination vaccinations.
Not connected because science does not support an autism link.
Yeah, that's what they told you.
Our Alex Jones bad guy, Mitchell Stewart, did you just see what he did?
He said to the autistic doctor that's only trying to save him that there's been links from vaccines to autism.
That's in hundreds and hundreds of studies.
But he just blurts out the mainstream media statement that there are WNDs in Iraq.
Oh, I'm sorry.
He blurts out the mainstream media statement that Kavanaugh raped all these women.
Oh, that's been retracted.
Sorry, sorry.
He just blurts out the mainstream media statement that there is no link and there is no problem.
even though autism is exploding off the charts.
Idiopathic portal hypertension can cause- My liver is damaged, but that's not the cause.
I've been poisoned. We're throwing that talk screen again.
The guy has a web show where he claims the parents of children who died in school shootings are
crisis actors. These aren't some enemies. Once we start doubting the test,
then you can't trust anything, and there's no point in anything.
And as I told you at the start of the next hour, I'm gonna actually air this entire
special report where dozens and dozens of movies, documentaries, TV shows
admit that they are creating characters based on Alex Jones.
And then they come out and say in the news that this is Alex Jones.
And then misrepresent who I am in an attempt to, again, create this false archetype.
That's in their words, archetype.
The full report's up on InfoWars.com.
ABC's The Good Doctor joins ABC News in new fraud.
So this is the demonization now embedded in scripts on TV shows.
Now, more than ever, it's up on NewsWars.com.
I'm gonna hit that next hour and then Sargon of Akkad again is gonna be in studio with us and we're gonna open the phones up as well.
Now let me get back to what I was covering earlier and just put a bookend on that.
In summation, this is a spiritual war.
It's good versus evil.
And the system has done everything they can in the last 200 years to teach that there is no God, and that it's all superstition, and that it's all made up.
Now, humans know something's going on.
They know there's the sixth sense.
It's been proven.
They know there's all these other dimensions.
So, priesthoods pop up and then tell you you've got to go through them to get to the metaphysical that you know is real.
And then that's where all of the disinformation and craziness comes from.
And those priesthoods always end up, within ten generations, it's usually five, engaging in mass human sacrifice to horned devil gods on top of black pyramids.
It doesn't matter where it was in the ancient world, they found the pyramids in Europe, they found them in Asia, they're finding pyramids in China that they thought were mountains and they're pyramids.
And they've got underground cities in them.
And boy, you talk about cover-ups, whatever's been going on in China is being very covered up.
So, we're not in Kansas anymore.
We were never in Kansas.
And let me tell you, and I'm not even proud of this, it's like saying I went out for a hike once in East Texas in a swamp and got leeches on me.
Or ticks.
I brushed up to the highest levels of Hollywood.
And they were soulless, they were freaked out, they were scared.
And they were telling me that yeah, Hollywood is pedophilic and Hollywood is satanic.
And they were asking me, how do we get out of this?
And I'm not even talking about Charlie Sheen.
That's just one of the people that's known that I know.
I know a lot of folks in Hollywood that are even bigger than Charlie Sheen.
That's how I introduced Charlie Sheen.
He was just wild enough to come on the show.
And so you've got people that serve the Hollywood slave system that are nihilistic and out of their minds.
You've got others that are actually evil and enjoy it.
You've got others that are libertarian, pro-America, and none of them live around there and they can't stand it.
And they will tell you, yes, Hollywood is run basically by vampires.
The spirit in them is ancient.
The bodies die, but it's a vampire.
They drink blood.
Everything, folks.
And you brush up against that, and most people get really scared and either run from it, or they decide to serve it.
And boy, if you are a strong person, And you will work with them, especially if you've been Christian.
They act like you are the Holy Grail, because if they can get you to join them, that's exactly what they're looking for.
They're not looking for the person that sells out in five minutes or even five years.
They want to turn people that are strong in their family histories and genetics to resonate with God.
Because your family is like a battery.
It builds up energy.
It builds up positive energy and negative energy.
And believe me, the only reason we're not in nuclear war and mass death and the hedge of protection already removed from us is because God Loves our ancestors that prayed for us and that understood what was happening and understood that these times were coming and were literally praying hours a day, quietly, silently, for the future.
I mean, my mom's mom died two years ago and she was all there pretty much to the end, but five or six years before she died, when her oldest child, my uncle died, She already told me stuff I knew, and she goes, well, you obviously can tell and know this stuff now, so I don't need to tell you, do I?
And it's like other people can't understand, their families don't have the history, and you feel it, don't you?
All those people before us that are praying, and you know, my mom told me about it when I was, you know, about your age and others, and that's what this is all about.
It's a spiritual war, it's real, and obviously you can dial into all this stuff, but you know not to dial into it, right?
You know that you can only turn yourself over to God because if you try to do it yourself, you will be destroyed.
Satan will overtake you.
You will end up being a slave.
And that's really what this comes down to.
You have got to turn it over to God.
You cannot direct it.
You cannot control it.
You're too powerful.
All of you.
You're made in the image of God.
God doesn't create robots.
Free will.
The angels had free will.
But they're different.
They're what you'd call a robot.
But they have free will.
Yes, Satan is ancient, what you'd call God's AI.
And it's not very friendly.
And it doesn't Like God.
And it can't do anything to God.
So God said, how about you take on my larva?
See how you did with those.
And yes, that persecution that Satan gives us is what will make us be even stronger as we go to the next level.
And you think about that.
Someday you will stand before the real creator.
Well, Ronald Reagan's adopted son, Ronnie Jr., Or I guess it's a design, I forget.
He had this to say during the debates when he had a...
We'll time out on the CNN fourth round of debates last night, and here's who he pledged allegiance to.
Hi, I'm Ron Reagan, an unabashed atheist, and I'm alarmed by the intrusions of religion into our secular government.
That's why I'm asking you to support the Freedom From Religion Foundation, the nation's largest and most effective association of atheists and agnostics, working to keep state and church separate, just like our Founding Fathers intended.
Please support the Freedom From Religion Foundation.
Ron Reagan, lifelong atheist, not afraid of burning in hell.
Hell is just the absence of God.
And boy, you wish you were gonna burn in fire.
Let's, uh, get right down to brass tacks here.
Carl Benjamin's Far Gone of Akkad, that's just the funny handle he did years ago, before he got super popular, is an atheist.
Because he can't prove empirically that there's a God.
Well, I can prove that the entire ruling class knows there's a God.
And I know that at least since the 1980s, early 1980s, DARPA had huge facilities with basically the equivalent of interdimensional astronauts hooked up to DMT drips and other drugs.
Going in and mapping other dimensions and communicating in groups with what they called interdimensional beings.
Not aliens, because they're right here next to us.
Now, I told Joe Rogan that three years ago in studio with him, and then Elon Musk came on six months later and repeated the same thing.
And then I was there eight months ago, and I laid out the DMT drips and the Sackett Research Institutes and all that, and MKUltra.
Theodore Kaczynski was involved in it.
That's LA Times.
Yeah, the Unabomber.
Most of these guys.
He got off the program, though, and then did that on his own.
And he said, they're building a post-human world.
We've got to smash the silicon.
We've got to bomb them.
We've got to... It's not that technology was bad.
It's that what we're being given He is a Trojan horse, and now you can see that.
I'm not agreeing with bombing executives, but he knew who some of the key players were.
He was trying to trigger a larger movement to wipe these people out.
He volunteered for the program, but that's not really volunteering, is it?
That's really funny.
It's a joke.
Oh, that's a good one.
Joe had professors on after that, went, "Oh, it's being announced next week that universities in Japan and England
and the U.S. have been...
have had the professor levels doing it, where they have IV drips and they go and they map these new dimensions, they communicate.
And you know what's funny, Joe?
They'll have groups of scientists and they're all seeing the same beings and having the same conversations, Joe.
That's not a group hallucination.
We don't think that's possible, Joe.
These are real entities.
And Joe's like, oh, I talk to them all the time and I take it.
I know.
But then I'm the kook for saying the elite's into it when Joe has people that run the programs on after I expose it.
And Joe says he's communicating with these beings, takes DMT sometimes a couple times a day before.
He says he's done that before.
But then I'm the first person to expose all this 20 years ago.
And they go, yeah, Jones is right.
They're called by the CIA, the clockwork elves.
Those are kind of like little managers.
They're little gray aliens, little green hats.
It's just, it's grays, little green hats, little green uniforms.
All the ancients said they saw these guys too.
See, I'm not going to take DMT.
I'm not going to get anywhere near that.
I got God.
Because the only thing that's going to contact you in those dimensions is bad stuff.
Because God ducked his hands off.
The devil and his boys aren't.
And if you want to take a bunch of DMT and hang out with a bunch of gray aliens in green elf outfits, knock yourself out.
Because I know a bunch of people in the building have taken it.
And if you're a Christian or you're somebody that's aware of this stuff, they're not very friendly because they know they're not going to get you.
And how about spending the equivalent of like 50 years in a dungeon with them torturing you?
How's that for a five minute trip to the other dimension?
How about, how about you psychically get raped by a 500 foot tall praying mantis?
How's that sound?
That happened to another guy in the building.
Think that sounds fun?
I'll explain this again.
Eric Muller, man cow, famous syndicated talk show host.
He went to Costa Rica.
Took DMT with 50 people, I think he said 45 people, with medical doctors running it, paid I think $15,000 to do it, and they all saw the same aliens come out of the forest and talk to them.
Everyone saw the damn aliens.
And then a couple people had the aliens jump into them and take them over.
But the doctors were there to help.
No folks, it was feeding time.
And I explained that to him, and he goes, yeah, that's what some of us thought, the people running it.
It's like chumming for sharks.
You go to the same spot in the Caribbean every day for years and put food out, tiger sharks come, and then people pay thousands to go dive with them.
They don't attack you because you're there feeding them.
That's what occultists and dark magicians do, is they bring their flocks, they bring their minions that want the knowledge in, they lie to them, they keep them deceived about it, and then they psychically, in black magic, basically try to turn you over as payment to these things.
Anyone involved in the occult is a maniac.
No one should get within a trillion miles of it, ladies and gentlemen.
You need God.
You need Jesus Christ.
You need that spirit the enemy hates and can't stand and comes after in every case.
The UN persecutes Christians.
The globalists are after them because the potential of it is a system that blocks them regardless.
Now, you've got a lot of pseudo-intellectuals and people that say they're atheists.
That's fine.
Because you haven't experienced things, you haven't seen things.
But the globalists believe in the devil, and the devil believes in you.
Now let's shift gears to the third dimension of what our bodies are made out of.
Yesterday I told the crew, go type in, iodine and IQ increase, or iodine deficiency, retardation, deformity.
And they ended up printing a whole bunch of articles, and then Rob Dew put a report together yesterday with stuff I'd never even seen.
A bunch of other studies, mainstream news, it was wild!
But it was all from 5, 10, 15 years ago.
And here it is, New York Times.
China confronts retardation of millions deficient in iodine.
New York Times, 1996, you can read the whole article, it's online.
And it talks about how they don't talk, the children look inward, they're upset by stimuli, they don't even call this autism.
One of the biggest things is obviously the fluoride in children causes mental retardation, lower IQ, lower fertility.
It's the bad halogen.
They take the good halogen out, leave the bad halogen.
And so since the 70s, China's been putting iodine into the water supply in the rural areas and into salt.
And guess what?
The Chinese IQs have gone up massively.
In some areas, they've gone up 30 points in just 40-something years.
Here's another one.
How adding iodine to salt resulted in decades worth of IQ gains for the United States.
But that was done in the 20s.
It was taken out in the 70s.
That was just a cruddy type of iodine.
And again, you don't have it, it basically kills you.
But before that, you are a blubbering idiot.
Now, the globalists want that.
Now see, that's world-shaking info.
What are people, I mean, are you telling people why they're dull?
Are you telling people why they can't have children?
This is one of the biggest reasons.
Because they don't just take the iodine away with these fields that don't have it in them anymore.
Where did it hit?
Poor black areas, poor white areas.
It hit areas where they've been farming the same land over and over again with no nutrients.
And it's not just iodine, ladies and gentlemen, it's a lot of trace elements.
But yes, I absolutely sell tri-iodine.
That's all three types of iodine.
Wide spectrum.
Not as strong as the X2.
This is good for some people.
Not for others.
X2, super strong.
Please be careful with it.
It's not a game, okay?
And iodine is associated with consciousness, with the pineal gland, that's the third eye, all of it.
The enemy is doing everything it can to keep you from having it.
Yes, I sell the best you're gonna find, and that funds our info, and I'm proud of that.
Infowarsstore.com, 70% off X3 because I want you to experience it.
50% off X2.
And again, X3 is weaker on purpose.
Some people can't take the quote, even recommended allowances, because you've never had it, and it will be a shock.
So be careful, talk to a physician, go slow.
This is big medicine, folks, big mojo.
Infowarsstore.com, everything must go mega sale.
Take action now, get the iodine, the globulus, hope you don't.
There's an old saying that you can't con an honest man.
It's people that are into scams, into manipulation, that think everything's a scam or manipulation.
So they do it to everybody, but they themselves are totally susceptible to it as well.
And then when somebody straight shoots them, they don't even know what they're dealing with.
It freaks them out, it scares them.
That's why a lot of times people will tell me a joke, and if I'm in a serious mode, I don't understand it.
And I get in a joking mode to then even understand it because I'm taking everything in as real.
Or I'm analyzing it for what it straightforward says.
And then I can look at the scam better than anybody because I'm an honest man.
And I am an honest man.
You know, that's why the system constantly says Infowars isn't for real, and that we're not authentic, because the New World Order, the Satanist system, is the most inauthentic garbage the planet has ever seen.
And you look at the minions that serve the left-hand path, the left.
I tell you, they are.
They are the most unhappy, pathetic, stupid people on the planet.
And they only show any animation when they're doing something bad.
They have no idea.
If I could show Satanists God's power, they would desert Satan in a minute.
But they're fallen from the beginning.
It's a predestination issue.
You do have free will, but God knows how the dice are going to roll.
And that's why real Luciferians that know how all this works say that God's a sadist.
Now, I have four children.
And I know that giving them life, I gave them death.
And I know one day they will die.
But they will live on through their children, and their ideas, and what they stood for.
And God gives us life, and God gives us death.
But our spirit goes on, the energy's there.
You know, that's what you see below is the same as above.
With computers and software and saving everything.
The establishment tells you they're going to be able to save your soul on a computer.
And they're going to live forever on that.
And people believe that.
But they don't believe that God of the universe could do that with our souls.
And do it for real.
The truth is, the globalists want to be God.
And they want to get Humans, to do it for him.
Because when you say globalist, you mean... God of this world.
Who knows the game plan, and knows the lay of the land.
Because... We're sitting here with our memories wiped.
In the test.
Satan's memory's not wiped.
Satan remembers it all.
Photographic memory.
computer memory.
Now, there's a ton of news.
The debate last night, Tulsi Gabbard got up there and was anti-endless war.
And a lot of people think she is the dark horse, that she's the sucker attack on Trump.
We'll see.
That's why they put her out, censored her, removed her, then bring her back.
We'll see.
That's coming up.
Sargon of Akkad is going to be in the studio.
Pelosi says she's not having an impeachment vote right now.
They never intended that.
They're going to have their kangaroo secret court first, then do that.
I'll break that down.
So many developments on so many fronts.
We'll cover it all today.
And we have Sargon of Akkad in studio.
I think Leanne Mack is going to be popping in as well.
But first, when we come back, why is the mainstream media so obsessed with InfoWars?
InfoWars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment.
InfoWars just lost their war on info.
Yesterday Apple, iTunes, Vimeo and Spotify, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook have all blocked Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Who is the most banned news network in the world?
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones, which has now been taken off Facebook, thank God.
CNN waged a long campaign against Jones. It worked.
Jeff Zucker silenced and deplatformed his show.
It was a stunning defeat for free speech.
If you are receiving this kind of information, you are in my existence.
ABC's hit show, The Good Doctor, that routinely has 18 million viewers,
that's more than a Monday night football game, dedicated an entire episode a few nights ago
to demonizing yours truly. The producers and writers and directors of the show admitted
that the character they were demonizing, that the show was built around, was an Alex Jones archetype.
Mitchell Stewart, a conspiracy theorist? That's a celebrity now?
Before we even meet Mitchell Stewart, the thought criminal, the doctors are walking down the hall discussing how he
thinks 9/11 was an inside job.
He thinks sometimes massacres and crises are staged and they're just shaking their head.
They're just good medical professionals that are going in there to confront this guy about the truth, and they're only trying to help him.
Guy thinks 9-11 was an inside job?
He's an ass.
He's an ass?
He needs liver surgery.
Mitchell Stewart, I don't blindly turn over my well-being or anything else to those in authority, so I ran background checks on all of you.
I'm sure you consider whatever you give me to be normal medical treatment, but we all know that doctors are pushers in the pay of the drug companies.
The bag contains an isotonic crystalloid composed of 0.9% sodium chloride dissolved in sterile water.
You must be the autistic guy.
No bull.
Probably doesn't know what bull is.
Bet your parents got one of those combination vaccinations.
Not connected because science does not support an autism link.
Yeah, that's what they told you.
Our Alex Jones bad guy, Mitchell Stewart, did you just see what he did?
He said to the autistic doctor that's only trying to save him that there's been links from vaccines to autism.
That's in hundreds and hundreds of studies.
But he just blurts out the mainstream media statement that there are WNDs in Iraq.
Oh, I'm sorry.
He blurts out the mainstream media statement that Kavanaugh raped all these women.
Oh, that's been retracted.
Sorry, sorry.
He just blurts out the mainstream media statement that there is no link and there is no problem.
Even though autism is exploding off the charts.
Idiopathic portal hypertension can cause- My liver is damaged but that's not the cause.
I've been poisoned.
Worth running that talk screen again?
The guy has a web show where he claims the parents of children who died in school shootings are crisis actors.
These aren't some enemies.
Once we start doubting the test, then you can't trust anything and there's no point in anything.
Of course, these fictitious doctors don't talk about how ABC that produced this show just got caught showing fake video from a popular machine gun shootout at Knob Creek, blowing it up and claiming that it was a war of the worlds attack on the Kurds that Trump allowed with 5,000 foot tall giant mushroom clouds.
They were actually 10 foot tall mushroom clouds in Kentucky.
Oh, but again, nobody ever stages anything.
This video right here appearing to show Turkey's military bombing Kurd civilians in a Syrian border town.
The Kurds who fought alongside the U.S.
against ISIS.
Our government claimed that Saddam beat babies brains out in incubators in Kuwait and used a young actress to go tell Congress she witnessed it.
She'd never been to Kuwait and it didn't happen.
So it's reasonable to ask questions about big events, but they don't want you doing that.
How dangerous and un-American is that?
They took the babies out of incubators.
Took the incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
Now is the time to check the aggression of this ruthless dictator whose troops have bayoneted pregnant women and have ripped babies from their incubators in Kuwait.
I cannot help but think of my nephew.
Who, if born premature, might have died that day as well.
They had kids in incubators, and they were thrown out of the incubators so that Kuwait could be systematically dismantled.
Now, we're going to get into this episode and dissect it in just a moment.
But first, it's important to understand that I have been chosen as the archetype by the establishment, by Hollywood in their own words, to be the go-to villain.
So they are basically kidnapping my persona and then misrepresenting it, not just in shows on ABC like The Good Doctor, but in the Homeland series and in the There you have it folks, conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio, an interdimensional warrior who gave his life to protect our planet and who will no doubt go down in history as the greatest superhero of all time!
But that's not all, folks.
Here's the real blockbuster.
Brace yourselves, you might want to sit down.
That's why we're throwing up these links, these videos.
Streaming worldwide 24/7.
My vacation's over!
You'll find a new set of talking points in your folders.
Get outraged!
Now I want to get into the meat of this last episode because if you look at the attack and the points they bring up, you learn what the establishment is scared of.
And the same talking points that they raise in this fiction piece are the same talking points they raise in so-called mainstream news and in other You make many statements that have been proven wrong.
what the establishment wants you to be psychologically inoculated to, so that if someone brings up
these issues, you go, "Oh, that's a bunch of kooks, conspiracy theorists.
I'm not allowed to look at that."
They want you to out of hand ridicule the information instead of being open to it, because
they fear you investigating.
You make many statements that have been proven wrong.
Do you really believe them?
You wanna untangle what's real and what's for show?
Now you're talking.
Do you think vaccination damage is being covered up?
Do you think the parents of children killed in school shootings are crisis actors?
I can't answer for individuals, but I do believe there's a force in this country that wants to scam our people into laying down their arms.
All of this, again, follows the script.
Demonize people that are exposing the dangers of vaccines that are on record, or how they've been given liability protection.
Or the fact that Gardasil's been shown to sterilize women and actually give them cancer.
It's incredible.
This is all admitted.
But they know that when we warn people, they're going to say, oh, I saw that on The Good Doctor.
That's crazy.
It's on record that the United States has the worst infant mortality of any industrialized nation.
We used to be one of the best nations.
It's on record that our life expectancy is going straight down, decade after decade.
But they have us to believe that mainline medical science never does anything wrong,
the drug companies never do anything wrong.
Did you know that roughly 90% of prescription drugs that we use in this country are made
in communist China?
Hey, that's great, but what about the big picture?
Once I'm out of here, I'll go back to being poisoned.
They stage the facts to always show the person questioning the system as a crazy person.
He believes he's being poisoned.
His liver isn't failing because of his genetics.
What are you eating if you're refusing hospital food?
80 grams of protein a day, kale and baby greens.
Leopard Spring.
It's Chinese herbs to make you feel younger, more energetic, more... virile.
You don't feel virile?
Of course I do, but there's nothing wrong with feeling more virile.
I need strength for the fight.
You're not talking.
Is there a problem?
No, these herbs are harmless.
You asked about my virility.
And there's a twist at the end!
You find out that indeed his liver is failing, but it's because he's taking an evil over-the-counter supplement that is hurting his liver.
It's not really a Chinese herb, it's Viagra.
I've discovered the cause of your liver problem.
Fatty liver?
I've never had any symptoms.
No, you were being poisoned.
Alright, let's stay right there.
We're gonna come back with the rest of it on the other side.
We're just focusing on one of these hit pieces.
What are they so afraid of?
Because, ladies and gentlemen, they know good and damn well that pretty soon half the public's going to have cancer.
They're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines, and that's on record as well.
Stay with us.
Welcome back.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
By the way, Seth Gordon, the producer of the show that says to The Hollywood Reporter and others that this show was to target me?
Turns out he works for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations World Development Fund.
That's right, that's who he works for.
And of course, Bill & Melinda Gates funds a lot of the shows on ABC.
We're looking into the funding of that, but they keep that very close to their vest.
That won't be in a shareholder document until later.
But that's the first entry is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations.
We have memorandum 200 from Henry Kissinger admitting their main plan was to depopulate the earth and the U.S.
population expectancy, life expectancy is plummeting.
Let's go back to this report making sure that if you have been turned autistic or brain damaged by the vaccines that you're proud of it and you attack people that try to save other children's minds.
Here it is.
I've discovered the cause of your liver problem.
Fatty liver?
I've never had any symptoms.
No, you were being poisoned.
Do you know who?
I thought maybe the dose of herbs listed on the bottle was wrong.
There's a toxic dose in there?
No, there are no herbs at all in here.
It contains sildenafil.
It's the active element in Viagra.
It promotes blood flow in your penis.
I know what it does.
They say it's natural herbs.
They lied.
Your idiopathic portal hypertension means your liver is vulnerable to abuse.
The amount of sildenafil in here wouldn't kill most people, but if someone with pre-existing liver issues took it every day, you were right.
You've been poisoning yourself.
Well, then he blames the Chinese and they go, no, no, no, they're wonderful.
Like LeBron James said, they've never done anything wrong.
They're good.
It was actually a company in California.
Those communist bastards.
I think they're based in San Pedro.
Big Pharma, ladies and gentlemen, does not want you questioning their drugs, their vaccines that are made predominantly in China.
So they set up this scenario where he's proven wrong and the good medical doctors are right.
It's good news.
Hollywood, the Democratic Party, the megacorporations, I love the communist China, admit in their own white papers that are public that they hate info wars because I am legitimate.
I am authentic.
I am real.
And we have helped launch a populist movement, not just here, but worldwide.
And they're threatened by real power of the people.
They're threatened by real grassroots capitalism and free market.
And so they have the fictitious Alex Jones admit that he's wrong and basically say that he's a liar so that he can be further discredited.
I no longer think there's a pedo slave ring in a basement under that pizza joint.
That was a wrong call.
What did you do when you realized you'd made an error?
No apologies, no admissions.
The second you say you were wrong, don't make it seem like everything you know is wrong.
You can't give them that ammunition.
Then you're not really offering the truth.
On Pizzagate, it was in the WikiLeaks that they were doing this in New York.
It's on record.
The spirit cooking, Aleister Crowley, all of it, John Podesta, his brother is in the Washington Post talking about how he likes deviant art of naked little children.
And then the media focused on the pizza place to get everybody to cover it because that wasn't going on there and then thus discrediting the whole story.
That's what I really said.
But instead they turn around and say there's no pedophiles, there's no targeting of children, there's no sexualization anywhere.
And that's what's really sick about this, is the whole things about targeting children.
With the vaccines, with the fluoride in the water, with the GMOs, with the cultural attacks, with all of it.
And then pointing at those of us that are saying our children are under attack and saying that we are disingenuous and we're the bad guys.
The truth is, People know what's going on and more and more people are waking up and taking action and that's why they've chosen yours truly to be the go-to villain to try to demonize me because they fear the fact that we're telling the truth and we believe in a pro-human future.
Maybe if people saw you admit you were wrong, maybe they'd believe you more.
There is no middle ground.
Compromise is a scam.
When only one side can get what it wants, Make sure it's yours.
As Tucker Carlson has pointed out many times, they banned myself and others off the greater internet, not because we were lying, but because what we were saying was true, and it was popular, and the people were listening and supporting it.
That's why they took us off the air.
Because they feared the truth.
They know the public can smell it.
In a free country, everyone can be hurt.
In totalitarian societies, only the powerful can be hurt.
The left used to understand that.
But they don't anymore.
What changed?
Why are the most powerful companies in the world suddenly so threatened by an independent radio show host in Texas that they're willing to lose business in order to make him shut up?
Elites aren't afraid of what Alex Jones says, Krieger writes.
They're terrified that it's popular.
They're in denial about the consequences of the world they created.
Trump didn't divide American society.
Alex Jones didn't cause our widespread and, by the way, justified distrust in institutions.
Elites did that with their spectacular failures.
Trump's election and Alex Jones' popularity are merely symptoms of a corrupt and failed status quo, the stewards of which refuse to take a look in the mirror, accept blame, and reform.
Censorship does not work.
Ideas spread.
The good ones, which are rooted in nature and observable reality, take root and they endure.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
You can't stop them from knowing that.
You can't control their minds.
You can only humiliate yourself and undermine your own authority by trying.
Once you've been deplatformed, you can't respond to the lies in those forums.
They up the ante and start openly saying that you're a racist.
And they recruit Alec Baldwin and SNL to run the attack.
They're shapeshifters.
They look like regular people, but they're aliens.
Look, there's one right there.
I am not an alien!
Yes, she is.
And so is the woman next to her, right there.
Oh, okay.
Sir, where are you getting this information?
From a very reputable source.
The FBI?
The CIA?
Info Wars.
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
You know he's legit because he's always taking off his shirt, okay?
Remember when liberals supported free speech?
Remember when universities weren't places that banned speech but encouraged it?
Out of all the thousands of leftists that have called for me to be taken off the air, even arrested, only Bill Maher came to my aid.
But he was really only coming to the aid of the First Amendment that he himself enjoys.
So, I wanted to do my free speech for a minute because Alex Jones, who is not my friend, and who tells crazy lies about me, is thrown off Twitter, I think, and Facebook, and a few other platforms.
I think he's gonna...
Well, if you're a liberal, you're supposed to be for free speech.
That's free speech for the speech you hate.
That's what free speech means.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
Either you care about the real American shit, or you don't.
And if you do, it goes for every side.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
In closing, you've got to ask yourself why there are so many TV shows, movies, books, films, you name it, demonizing those of us that question 9-11.
Those of us that question mass shootings.
Those of us that question big events.
We've been lied to so much.
It's our right to do that.
We see in the news every day where things have been staged, where they get caught.
Whether it's Jesse Smollett or the Covington kids getting set up for something they didn't do.
The system is more out of control and lying worse than it ever has.
So don't let ABC or anybody else intimidate you and continue to question everything you see, because it's your right to do it.
And history has shown that when we don't question authority, we end up with things like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao.
I'm Alex Jones, still fighting on at InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
If you believe in free speech, if you believe in freedom, if you believe in standing up to these bullies and not
letting them silence you or myself or anybody else, please visit Bandot Video today and see where real Americans, real
humans are fighting for a pro-human future.
Ladies and gentlemen, it turns out that the Good Doctor episode that aired this week, where they admit they're
trying to demonize me, was funded by a producer that works for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the United
Nation, Seth Gordon.
Incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, and it says there's no pedophilia going on.
Turns out Bill Gates hangs out with those folks.
Well, Carl Benjamin Sargon of Akkad is back in studio with us.
He is a smart cookie.
Look forward to having him ride shotgun with us and cover the waterfront.
And I just talked to him.
He just got here 10 minutes ago.
I said, what do you want to cover first?
He said, I want to cover the debates and impeachment.
I said, it's funny.
That's exactly what I've got first up with you.
So great minds think alike, I guess.
So we're kind of simpatico here.
But first, here's Trump just minutes ago, the press conference is ongoing, talking about the military-industrial complex.
And then how they're trying to keep war going, and quite frankly Trump pulled us out because Turkey said they're going in there regardless.
It's on their border.
They have three and a half million, they're now saying, refugees in there that aren't from there that are attacking them.
And so it's their right to push them out.
I'm not defending everything that Erdogan does, but that's the level we've gotten at.
We're not the world's policemen.
Obama started the war, destabilized it, and Trump is absolutely in the right.
And to see the left doing backflips and all sorts of mental gymnastics to try to demonize peacemaking when we've been in Syria for a decade is incredible.
Here's the president just minutes ago.
If they're fighting over Syria's land, are we supposed to fight a NATO member in order that Syria, who is not our friend, keeps their land?
I don't think so.
But Syria does have a relationship with the Kurds.
The thing that's common is that everybody hates ISIS.
Now, the PKK, which is a part of the Kurds, as you know, is probably worse at terror and more of a terrorist threat in many ways than ISIS.
So it's a very semi-complicated, not too complicated if you're smart, but it's a semi-complicated problem.
And I think it's a problem that we have very nicely under control.
We have two countries wanting their land.
We have one country that wants land perhaps that doesn't belong to them because they want to have a 22-mile strip of, they call it freedom.
They call it a lot of things.
They want to get terrorists out.
You have another country that says you can't have our land?
Then they're gonna have to work that out.
Now with that being said, Vice President Mike Pence is going there.
He'll be leaving either late tonight or tomorrow.
And I was gonna leave yesterday, but they have to have certain Security done.
He's a very important man in our country and He'll be leaving with Secretary of State Pompeo.
We already have representatives there negotiating with Turkey We put massive sanctions on Turkey and we have additional sanctions on Turkey and When I ran I ran on a basis, we're gonna bring Our great soldiers back home where they belong.
We don't have to fight these endless wars.
We're bringing it back home.
That's what I want on and some people Whether you call it the military-industrial complex or beyond that, they'd like me to stay.
One of the problems I have, and one of, for instance, with the witch hunt, you have people that want me to stay, they want me to fight forever.
They do very well fighting.
That's what they want to do, fight.
A lot of companies want to fight because they make their weapons based on fighting, not based on peace.
And they take care of a lot of people.
I want to bring our soldiers back home.
We're not a police force.
We're a fighting force.
We're the greatest fighting force ever.
I spent two and a half trillion dollars over the last almost three years rebuilding our military.
When I took it over, it was a mess.
It was an absolute mess.
Alright, again, how could anybody ask for anything better?
That's the exact strategy.
he? Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I'm Alex Jones. We'll see you next time.
Plus, a million have already left Turkey the last few years into Europe.
Now there's 3.5 million who aren't even really from Syria, all over the world, that try to take over Syria.
Now they've gone into Turkey, and Turkey says, we're kicking you back into there.
And the Russians have come in to fill the vacuum, and Erdogan is going to Russia to meet with Putin.
Pence is going out there, and they're going to work it out, and it's going to be done.
Putting the baby to bed.
Ending the war that the deep state started.
I don't know how anyone could not support that.
Popular researcher and author and all around popular guy online, Carl Benjamin Sargon of Akkad is here.
What do you make of what you just saw Trump say?
Trump is doing what he said he would do.
He said this in 2016.
He said that he would pull out of the Middle East.
And I think there's an important distinction to be made there.
He means the war zones in the Middle East.
People are saying, well, he's sending X amount of troops to Saudi Arabia.
He's kind of obliged to.
They're an ally.
It's one of those things where it's not a homogenous zone.
He's sending missile defence systems.
Yeah, I think he's sending troops as well.
That operate them, yeah.
But the important thing is, in the actual border between Iraq and Syria, are you pulling troops out of there?
And I think it is important that he does fulfil that pledge.
Obviously, thank you.
Leads to the point of the Middle East then is going to essentially return to the business of the Middle East, as in they're going to continue fighting.
As you can see with Turkey invading Syria and then Syria being supported by Russia.
That's all they ever do.
Yeah, that's the common history of the Middle East for the last four or five thousand years.
So it's not something new or dramatic.
I'm old enough to remember when the left wanted us to pull out of the Middle East.
And now to hear them screaming about how we should stay there is an amazing... Last night's debate, did you watch it?
Yes, I did.
But the question that the left really needs to ask itself in this regard is, do we have the moral mandate to impose our version of human rights on the Middle East?
Because people in the Middle East broadly don't agree with what we consider to be human rights.
Plus, the Arabs destabilized it and made it worse.
Yeah, it did.
That we helped fund.
Yeah, and that was also a consequence of social media.
Oh yeah, Google and Facebook helped.
They were very proud of themselves.
Oh look, we can put the radical jihadis in charge.
We can have a revolution.
CNN endorsed it.
I don't think that was their goal.
I'm sure they thought that they were going to help Western-style democracy, but that's just not something that I think is very feasible in the Middle East because of the underlying belief systems of the country.
They just let whoever the strongmen were take over.
Yeah, essentially, yeah.
They don't have the kind of constitutional history that English-speaking countries have and Western countries have, so I don't think that that's necessarily good.
Now, wait a minute.
That's kind of xenophobic.
Let's say that the Middle East is superior.
We don't want Magna Carta or due process or anything.
The West is horrible.
The West sucks.
The West is terrible.
Constitutional rights are a bad idea, is the takeaway if you're a militant dictator.
But yeah, they don't have the kind of political history that we have.
And so essentially, the choice we have is, are we going to stay there with force and make them respect human rights in the way that we would prefer?
Or are we, which is an imperialist mindset, that's the most important thing.
White man's burden.
Uh, yeah.
Essentially, yeah.
That is essentially what it is.
But it is an imperial mindset.
We're going to go over there and use the barrel of a gun to make sure they do what we want in this regard, or are we going to be more isolationist and let the regional powers run the system as they want, which will involve them killing each other?
Well, I'll say this.
Eisenhower put into play things that put the Ba'athists in power, left them there.
And that was a stabilizing force.
The women went to college and they industrialized, their populations expanded, and they could buy Playboy on the news rack.
I'm not saying that's a sign of freedom, but Saddam Hussein had Playboys being sold, you know.
That's all gone now.
It's ten times worse.
So, the globalists want to destabilize things.
You know, you have the more benign neglect view.
They just don't know what they're doing.
But, I mean, if you get deeper into this, they want destabilized countries.
I don't want to ascribe that kind of motive, but I mean if you listen to Biden during the debate last night, he was speaking from the neocon playbook.
They thought they had a mandate to go in there and rearrange the Middle East to their liking and impose our values on those people.
And then it's Trump's fault that it's all wrecked.
Yeah, it's not Trump's fault at all.
Trump is doing what the left wanted done 10 years ago, but now there are consequences to that that are inevitable.
By the way, he was against the first Iraq war, he was against the second one.
He's always been consistent!
Yeah, he has actually been very consistent on this.
And he is doing what he said he would do.
So the fact they want to lay this at Trump's feet is, it's a bit ridiculous to be honest.
It really is, and I was here covering it last night, and it was like pulling teeth, but we had to analyze it, and it was torturous.
Because they were lying so much that we were all just jibbering trying to respond to it live.
It was just all pure crap.
Except when Beto was on us and said, oh yeah, we're coming to your house with gunpoint to take your guns.
That's coming up too.
We'll play Tulsi really knocking it out of the park as well.
It's all coming up next segment.
And we are back with Sargon of Akkad, Carl Benjamin.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And we have seen Trump deliver on about 80% of what he said he would do so far.
He's trying to deliver on the rest.
The entire power structure is battling him.
Other nationalists are getting elected everywhere.
They don't know what to do.
And so everyone's getting really excited last night.
Everybody ran up to me and said, Alex, look, Pelosi reportedly places a hold on inquiry vote.
Raising questions about level of support.
That's up on InfoWars.com.
But as I told you weeks ago, they're doing this fake kangaroo court thing and not going through the normal impeachment procedures so they can be secret, so the whistleblowers can be secret, because they're just propagandists.
I mean, it's really John Bolton.
I told you that, now it's come out.
And they're railroading Trump, and they're not even letting Republicans in the room.
So they're developing all this.
If she does it through formal systems, Then all the truth will come out, and the fact that there's a transcript, and all these other witnesses, and that none of it happened.
So they want to develop their fraud, come out and say they have a report, to then begin the move for impeachment, trying to use that report that wasn't derived with due process, and bypassing any House investigation.
Here's Congressman Andy Biggs, just about 30 minutes ago, speaking about this murder of due process.
Just astounding what's happening.
Here it is.
I don't expect anybody in this body to not have some kind of political or other bias.
But the American people and I expect that unfair bias Be done away with.
And that's exactly why you have the rules of the House.
The rules of the House are meant to protect the minority.
You don't have to protect the majority.
They've got the votes.
They can do anything they want.
That was a fired up Arizona Republican Congressman Andy Biggs a short time ago, slamming what he is calling the secrecy behind the House impeachment inquiry.
Joining us now, once again, hung out with us.
Thank you for that.
So what he's calling secrecy, secret closed door meetings, the Republicans aren't in there.
What he's calling secrecy.
What he's calling secrecy.
So, this is very dangerous, Carl Benjamin.
I'm not aware of what they're doing with secrecy.
I'm not even sure what the grounds for impeachment are.
What are they even saying that it should be?
Is it regarding the phone call that he had with the President of Ukraine?
Well, that's the excuse they're using.
The real crime is that John Bolton, who literally thinks we can survive nuclear wars, he's just a stark raving mad lunatic, Well, if you read his divorce files, it's really amazing.
You would expect that he dresses in leather dominatrix outfits, and he does, reportedly.
I mean, this guy's psychotic, and anyone with that mustache you can't trust.
And he literally is mad that Trump won't launch all these wars, so he's cooked all this up.
Right, okay, because as far as I was aware, at least from mainstream media reporting, they are under the impression that Trump was trying to get a foreign power to dig up dirt on his political enemies, but the transcript just didn't support this allegation at all, and that's why this is an inquiry into impeachment, rather than actually impeachment proceedings.
That was my understanding of the situation.
Yes, but even a real inquiry before an investigation would be open and you would have both sides there.
Yeah, I mean, you would think that would be the case.
A little bit of a tell-tale sign when they say, you can't see it and we'll never tell you who the whistleblowers are because it's John Bolton, it's Fiona Hill.
We told people that two years ago.
Yeah, I think... Before it ever even happened, we said they would do this.
Yeah, I'm not surprised that they've done this, to be honest.
But I... Well, you gotta ask, why the hell did Trump let that weasel in the White House?
I couldn't speculate.
Because he thought he could convince him.
His greatest strength is his weakness is that he's so damn confident.
I don't really know because I don't follow him too much but I can only assume that this has been such a vague analysis that they're giving because There doesn't seem to be anything they've got.
They seem to be on completely uneven ground.
And they don't really seem to have anything firm on which to pin on Trump.
I mean, what he did with the Ukrainian president was a throwaway line that appeared to actually be something respectable, as in, investigate what happened in the 2016 election regarding emails and etc.
So, I don't... I just don't see what they're complaining about.
All he said was... I mean, the president's complaining about corruption, which we know is really bad in Ukraine.
And then the president simply says, yeah, I saw Joe Biden on TV bragging how he got the prosecutor fired or he'd hold up a billion dollars.
That's amazing.
That sounds like a normal conversation you'd have when somebody brings up, yeah, we got a lot of corruption.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, if anyone, if a finger should be pointed at anyone, it's Biden and Hunter Biden.
The problem, I mean, Hunter Biden admitted in an interview the other day that he was given it because of his surname.
You know.
Yeah, they're hiding it in plain view.
I've had problems with alcohol.
You know, don't drink anymore.
I've never really had problems with any drugs, thank God.
So I don't judge people for the fact that the guy's a known cokehead.
He got disarmingly discharged out of the Navy, and he's a known criminal.
That's why I don't like him.
But he is.
He's a cokehead criminal.
And that's it.
And then what about he's resigned from this billion-dollar boards now from China?
The media was saying that was all a conspiracy theory, but now it's admitted.
I haven't followed this.
I didn't know this.
What a little entitled Nepotism leech.
It does indeed appear to be nepotism.
I mean, Hunter Biden said in the interview that he was asked, would you have been put on the board of this company if your surname wasn't Biden?
And he says, I don't know.
Probably not.
There we go.
And then they try to spin it that, oh, Trump having his kids involved because he can trust them and they're very capable, obviously.
Is the same thing.
No, he didn't put them on other boards of countries that we have militarily occupied over gas companies.
The Chinese, he did none of that.
They're on boards of companies they've been on for decades.
Yeah, that are his companies.
This is the same kind of pattern we saw with Bush and the neocons as well, where they would just make huge amounts of money out of what America was doing overseas, and no one was holding them to account.
You're absolutely right.
Well, Trump has lost billions, and I'm not just here to defend Trump.
Speaking of Gabbards, Tulsi just blows away everybody else on the stage.
She obviously has some spark.
She says some terrible things I disagree with, like no due process, red flag law, so I'm not supporting her.
But she came out and said, we need to end these wars.
And she came out and said, quit calling Joe Biden racist.
Uh, you know, when the left pushes that, it's totally made up.
And then she said that in a previous debate.
And she also said impeachment is dividing the nation.
Let's go ahead and play her talking about impeachment last night.
If impeachment is driven by these hyper-partisan interests, it will only further divide an already terribly divided country.
Unfortunately, this is what we've already seen play out as calls for impeachment really began shortly after Trump won his election.
And as unhappy as that may make us as Democrats, he won that election in 2016.
If the House votes to impeach, the Senate does not vote to remove Donald Trump.
He walks out and he feels exonerated, further deepening the divides in this country.
That we cannot afford.
I mean, compared to those meth-head mummies that are on the stage, you know, she's very attractive in the things she says, and physically compared to them.
But there's just, some people are really concerned that this is, you know, mental judo or something, a sneak attack, and that they're really planning to act like she's the dark horse they're holding back from us, but then she will surge onto the stage, and it's really, you know, bad news.
I think that the Democratic Party themselves won't let her win.
She's the only lucid candidate they have.
Her and Andrew Yang, in fact, are the only two lucid candidates.
And that's because they're not radical, Trump-hating lunatics.
Well, Yang said that too.
I mean, talk about what Yang said.
He said, impeaching Trump's not going to fix the economy.
No, no.
And he called them out as well.
In fact, he's going to tank it.
Can you imagine?
I don't know whether it's going to tank the economy, but a bunch of the sort of more fervent anti-Trump people on the Democratic stage were saying how impeachment would bring the country together, and Yang completely shut that down.
Of course, every study and every common sense means impeachment could lead to civil war.
That is something Trump said, yes.
No, the climate's here.
You see, I've been thinking about the idea of civil war quite a lot.
I think that's the wrong term.
I think it'll be a social war.
I think that's what we're seeing in Portland now, where it's very engaged internet activists who then come out into the real world, but the people who aren't on the internet and in their spheres have no idea what's going on.
And so... Oh, I agree.
Most Democrats, a lot of Democrats we talk to don't even know who's president.
I'm not kidding.
I mean, go on the street.
They don't know.
I'm not kidding.
Oh, I mean, they've got studies out where people don't even know the three branches of government.
Well, that's true.
But then they'll say to our cameras, well, I still support Hillary.
Is she president?
No, we got this on video.
I haven't seen it.
I know it sounds unbelievable.
We're going to go to break with Carl Benjamin and I intend to take some calls coming up next hour.
What did you think of the debate last night and what do you think of Trump saying the military-industrial complex doesn't care about the troops, they want to keep wars going?
I'll give you a big military so, you know, we all have great defense and everybody gets their pay and the economy keeps going, but you're not going to feed our troops down garbage disposals.
I totally agree with it.
Our military needs to be equipped, training, ready, like a sword in its scabbard, razor sharp.
Not out there beating upside the head a bunch of drooling jihadis constantly for globalist profits.
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We'll be right back.
Next stop, the Tyranny Zone.
A president elected, tries to restore sovereignty of the country, stands up against Communist China and their authoritarianism.
He then tries to remove troops from countries we've been in for 19 years, 10 years, and he's called devil by the left, by the university professors.
And now, Kamala Harris, the jackbooted police state queen, is getting her wish.
Twitter's made some announcements, we'll tell you about it next segment.
Carl, tell us about it.
Yeah, I haven't seen this article previously, but it's on Russia Today, but I think it's probably accurate.
I know it is.
Twitter announced it.
We've got five articles on it.
Yeah, so apparently world leaders are not immune to deplatforming if they cross some red lines, which include promotion of terrorism, doxxing, child sexual exploitation, promoting self-harm, and in the most obvious dig at Trump, clear and direct threats of violence against an individual.
And so how this works is, if Trump tweets the thing where he's smacking down the CNN reporter as a joke, they ban that.
And they've done this to us, they've banned you on Twitter.
This is them testing the perch, getting ready to restrict Trump.
Yeah, Kamala Harris was openly calling for it in the debate, wasn't she?
And she was challenging Warren on it.
She was leaning in saying, are you saying you don't want to censor Trump?
Why would she want to?
I mean, Trump He's supposed to be a citizen of the country, he's supposed to be free, you've got a first amendment... How dare him be able to communicate with the rabble!
Yeah, that's... Silence the president immediately!
She, uh, she is pretty unashamed in the cry for censorship.
I would have thought that that would have been, again, ten years ago, that would have been something the left would have howled over.
Can one of you or one of those Gidget Gadgetry's in there, get on then, get on one of the internet two-blitz and find me that clip.
I want Kamala Harris talking about censoring the president immediately.
Would you want me to do the rest of the interview in those accents?
Preferably not.
Are you sure, my friend?
It's a good English accent.
Does it make you uncomfortable?
Do you think my IQ just went up?
My good man?
How about we begin a fencing battle?
Oh God!
I would be terrible at fencing.
Prepare yourselves to defend your honour!
It's going to have to be flintlocks at dawn, I'm afraid.
We have those as well, my friend.
We actually have some black powder weapons.
How'd you like the armory?
It was one of the small cashlets.
It was genuinely amazing, I'm not going to lie.
Having 250 cows in the office is amazing.
Well, we need that.
Yeah, well, of course.
We have to have that.
Yeah, otherwise the government, the globalists are going to come, aren't they?
No, no, no.
We're all love and no war, my friend.
Yeah, I know, I know.
We're like a big little, fat little, squeezy, happy puppy.
Hungry puppy.
A well-armed little puppy.
Hungry puppy.
The sort of predatory look Kamala Harris was giving Elizabeth Warren over deplatforming was very similar to the sort of predatory look Tulsi Gabbard was giving Joe Biden and the rest when they're talking about Syria.
This was clearly something she was very firm about and felt very strongly convicted over.
Guys, go to, I know we can find it quickly, I know we have the whole debate, we've got like 20 clips we haven't gotten to, but just type in Kamala Harris Challenges Warren to censor Trump?
Yeah, well she was very firm on the idea of pulling down Trump's Twitter account.
Kamala Harris talks about pulling Trump's Twitter account in debate.
That'll pull the clip up.
It's about two hours in, I think.
But yeah, I can't believe a candidate is just calling for open censorship of the President of the United States.
That, to me, is wild.
It is wild.
I want to talk about that when we come back.
What do you think of Yosemite, Sam?
Um, I think he was a funny cartoon character.
I hate rabbits.
Would you rather me speak like Yosemite Sam the rest of us?
You already do.
I kind of do, don't I?
That's a good point, man.
I mean that as a compliment, too.
We're here with Carl Benjamin, one of them fancy pants from the UK, and I'm the roughest cup of zombies to the Pecos and west of the Klondikes.
I hate Bill Gates.
When we get back though, we're going to get serious.
We're going to get into the debate.
We're going to get the number out as well.
877-789-2539 877-789-ALEJANDRO The slaughter of the Kurds being done by Turkey is yet another negative consequence of the regime change war that we've been waging in Syria.
Donald Trump has the blood of the Kurds on his hand, but so do many of the politicians in our country from both parties who have supported this ongoing regime change war in Syria that started in 2011, along with many in the mainstream media who have been championing and cheerleading This regime change war.
Not only that, but New York Times and CNN have also smeared veterans like myself for calling for an end to this regime change war.
Just two days ago, the New York Times put out an article saying that I'm a Russian asset and an Assad apologist and all these different smears.
This morning, a CNN commentator said on national television that I'm an asset of Russia.
Completely despicable.
As president, I will end these regime change wars by doing two things.
Ending the draconian sanctions that are really a modern-day siege, the likes of which we are seeing Saudi Arabia wage against Yemen, that have caused tens and thousands of Syrian civilians to die and to starve.
And I would make sure that we stop supporting terrorists like al-Qaeda in Syria, who've been the ground force in this ongoing regime change war.
I'd like to ask Senator Warren if she would join me in calling for an end to this regime change war in Syria, finally.
Carl Benjamin, Sargon of Akkad is here with us.
You were pretty excited watching that.
You were a big ol' Cheshire Cat smile on your face.
Oh yeah, I really like Tulsi.
I love the fact that she's just calling them out to their faces.
CNN is despicable for lying about me because they are.
She's not an Assad apologist.
There is a lot of misinformation around Assad.
Not that he's a good guy, but you can't even try and correct the record without being accused of being some kind of sympathizer.
But she's the only person in my opinion with a coherent position on the Middle East. Because I mean if you listen
to Biden's rambling during the debate, he sat like, he can't decide whether it's Erdogan or Assad
who is the villain in the case.
And so when Erdogan's invading Syria, he ends up accusing Syria of attacking Turkey.
They kept calling Syria Afghanistan too. Yeah, he did.
And of course, he also said, I'm going to bring back the taxes, but then I'm going to get rid of the taxes on capital gains tax.
I mean, he was just a bumbling idiot.
He was totally incoherent, and he was completely in favor of the... I mean, he didn't think That the U.S.
had gone into the Middle East in order to enact regime change, which is what Tulsi is saying, because that's true.
The whole point was to remove Saddam Hussein.
That had consequences of the rise of ISIS and the war that occurred around there, and that required more troops to go back in.
Tulsi is very lucid on this point.
Biden was a bumbling mess.
And the media spouted that, oh, he came back and he's in the lead again.
I wonder why they're trying to say he's in the lead again.
Because he's their guy.
He's reliable.
He's part of the inheritor of the neocon position.
The corporate position on this.
He's malleable.
He's conformable to what they want.
Tulsi has actually got a principled position here.
She wants to get out of the Middle East.
She doesn't want to enact regime change in the Middle East.
She doesn't want to be the global policeman because she was a soldier.
She served.
She knows what it's all about.
Absolutely right.
I'd give her a 95.
She's got a 100 if she said Trump's doing the right thing.
He was given this horrible situation and he is going to all the parties and trying to make a deal and pulling us out like he said he would do, at least out of the war zones.
Then she says, oh, he has blood on his hands.
Well, yeah, like if somebody gets hit by a car and you go help them, you've got blood on your hands, but not in the way she says.
So I think it was a still little despicable turd she put right in the middle of the punch bowl.
I agree she's wrong to say that because I don't think that Trump is the one with blood on his hands here.
Especially as she is advocating for precisely what Trump is doing.
She would pull the troops out of the Middle East and not enact regime changes.
She wouldn't be the policeman of the Middle East.
So she was wrong to say that.
But I think that in her defense, in the context of being on the stage with the Democratic Party around her, with the activists and the supporters in the crowd, It's the same with Yang as well.
I don't think that they are as anti-Trump as the party is, but because of the circumstance they find themselves in, they kind of have to say it.
But then she says it and then moves on to the... Sure, and so whoever's the most radical then becomes the standard of the party.
Yeah, but the party itself is so radically anti-Trump that you can't even appear to be making a position... Oh, if he came out against cancer, they'd come out for cancer.
Probably, yeah.
It's incredible.
I want to get to this clip because you were flabbergasted during the last segment.
Some stations don't care that first five minutes, but we still do it for stations that don't want to carry so-called news.
We want to have more of the broadcast.
The fact that Kamala Harris has been calling for Trump to be kicked off Twitter, which is such a draconian, authoritarian thing.
Here she was really throwing down the gauntlet last night to, of course, a Pocahontas.
Here it is.
Senator Warren, I just want to say that I was surprised to hear that you did not agree with me that on this subject of what should be the rules around corporate responsibility for these big tech companies when I called on Twitter to suspend Donald Trump's account that you did not agree and I would I would urge you to join me because here we have Donald Trump Who has 65 million Twitter followers.
And is using that platform as the President of the United States to openly intimidate witnesses.
To threaten witnesses.
To obstruct justice.
And he and his account should be taken down.
We saw in El Paso... I make physical comments because you're not supposed to.
His manifesto was informed by how Donald Trump uses that platform, and this is a matter of corporate responsibility.
Twitter should be held accountable and shut down that site.
It is a matter of safety and corporate accountability.
Thank you.
Senator Warren, you can respond.
So, look, I don't just want to push Donald Trump off Twitter.
I want to push him out of the White House.
That's our job.
Join me in saying that his Twitter account should be shut down.
Let's figure out... No?
No, good for Warren.
Good for Warren on this.
No, I mean, I can't believe it, but... Exactly, but that's what they said with me.
They said it's a safety thing.
We had a new app on Roku.
It went to number one in trending two days into it.
And then they had Sandy Hook lawyers call up and say, Jones is sending people to our clients' houses, threatening them right now.
None of that was true, and they took us off.
And that's what they do.
They say it's a clear and present danger.
He's calling for violence.
Get him off.
And then all these Sandy Hook lawyers use the success of the show to claim I'm obsessing over Sandy Hook when I never even did, barely even ever talked about it, to then use that as a way to say I've got to be taken off the air.
It's unbelievable.
But either way, you took your position on Sandy Hook back, didn't you?
I want to be clear.
I always question big events.
I mean, this whole ABC just aired fake video, you know, of supposedly Kurds being attacked.
They put out fake babies in incubators.
So they misrepresented what I said.
Then I was approached, and they said, look, just apologize if you think it happened, because I've been saying for five years I think it happened.
I said, I see why people could think it's totally fake, because other stuff's been fake.
And they came to me, and they sent Megyn Kelly here, and I kept saying, I think it happened, I think it happened, I think it happened, and then she edited it to say that I said it happened, and I went, wait a minute, stop saying that I'm hurting these families by doing this.
I think it happened, and if I hurt your feelings, I'm sorry.
That's when they went, oh my god, he admits he lied!
Lawsuit, lawsuit, lawsuit, it was all settled.
And so we're going to get the tapes from Kelly in these suits, where I kept saying, I think it happened.
Stop saying I didn't.
Because she's a lawyer.
She came, literally, to get the statute of limitations so they think they can sue me.
It's just a whole canard to make my identity Sandy Hook.
And then to make it that I'm always talking about Sandy Hook, when that's totally made up.
But regardless, they're saying Trump needs to be taken down, because he's causing violence too.
It's the same lie.
Yeah, it's the same method, isn't it?
Yeah, it's the same method.
And she's a lawyer too.
And like with Twitter, laying the groundwork, saying, well, we could de-platform world leaders, you know.
I think that this is a deliberate attempt, and I think that's probably where they're going to try and go with it.
Or then de-platform whole countries.
That's what China does.
Well, yeah, that is what China does.
And that's honestly one of the reasons that said ship is bad.
You know, this is a naked tyranny.
It's naked tyranny from Kamala Harris there.
I've got the good news when we come back.
Calls are coming up.
Leanne McAdoo in studio as well.
Sargon of Akkad keeps riding shotgun with us.
Remember, The Globalist.
Hope you don't share the websites.
Newswars.com, Infowars.com, and ooh, Band.video.
Fentanyl Chinese communist dragon said no, no, no.
We are back live, broadcasting worldwide.
Your phone call is coming up.
Leon McAthews is going to join us in the studio to talk about the debate as well.
Please don't forget that they've got, that I know of, seven or eight big Netflix shows being produced that openly come after me, including documentaries.
Soros funded, Hillary funded lawsuits.
We're beating almost all of them.
They're really pissed.
They're trying to put me in prison right now.
Because we're effective and they see me as a populist, rebel, uprising leader.
This audience, our guests, what we did at InfoWars, with the help of all the great folks that boosted our information like Drudge and so many others.
Rebooted Americana worldwide.
We launched 1776 worldwide and I mean I can tell you that my vision and some of my operational plans that I put out publicly have really been adopted by Trump and some of the folks in the government that don't want to flush America down the toilet.
So that's a big thing and the enemy knows that.
That's why they have the Atlantic Council and the leftist CIA say that Jones is the prophet of the Tea Party and Jones literally programmed the talking points for this whole uprising and because it's true.
Now, I'm not a rocket scientist, folks.
I believe in America versus globalism.
It's not hard as a salesman to sell something I believe in, that I want to be part of, that I am part of.
And so I'm promoting something I want for myself, and I need you to be part of it to not be a slave.
And I don't want you to be a slave either.
But this is all very selfish, let me tell you.
And I want to live in a free country.
I don't want to join the elites and look down on you and dumb you down and have you be poor so I feel more powerful.
I call that the chicken-you-know-what dimension.
The chicken-s-s-h-you-know-what dimension.
Sargon of Akkad is riding shotgun with us here.
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Put the first filter screen back in.
I've got these in every room of my house.
And they also operate, it's kind of like a white noise machine, so I like the sound of them.
They've got a thousand of these at that price.
And that's it.
And we usually sell out at that price of $1,000 in about a week or so.
And at this price, we're making $30, they're making $30.
So it's a loss leader deal, because they're going to order a whole bunch more that are coming in for Christmas.
So you won't find that, but usually about once a year.
Get your Likes of Pure Breezes exclusively at that price at Inforestore.com.
Sargon is here with us.
I want to go to your calls, too.
Why do you think the deep state, the Democrats, kind of had their race-based brainwashing going at universities, but kept it kind of quiet, now it's public?
They always wanted to confiscate the guns, now they admit it.
Or do you disagree with me that they're kind of coming out and admitting their agenda now?
If so, why?
You have been saying for years, as I understand it, that they're coming for your guns.
And, well, Beto seems to be in agreement.
That they are coming for your hell?
Yeah, they're coming for your guns.
But I enjoyed his little set-to with Mayor Pete yesterday in the debate, where Beto couldn't explain how he was going to get the guns.
And Mayor Pete came after him and said, well, you're not going to send the cops house to house, because he said he didn't want to.
So how exactly do you intend to do it?
And Beto said that he was going to do it on good faith.
He just expected Americans to hand over their guns.
I wouldn't be so optimistic about that.
They're just introducing the idea.
Well, you know how we broke away from jolly old England.
Of course.
They came to take the guns.
That's what really did it.
That was the last straw.
Well, yeah, there were lots of reasons.
But the shot heard around the world happened when they came to take the guns.
Yeah, absolutely.
But I do not think that Americans are going to just willingly give up their guns.
At least half the country isn't anyway.
But I find it very interesting.
One thing that people should be more concerned about is the terms they're using.
Because the language you use controls the way that you think.
And the term, mandatory buyback, I find very, very... Deceptive.
It is, yeah.
Because they didn't sell you the guns, it's not their property.
Exactly, yeah.
You didn't buy your guns from the government.
So they can't buy them back from you because they never owned them in the first place.
They're claiming the legal tie-in there, but they don't have it.
Yes, exactly, yes.
This is your property, it was never the government's property.
So, and to say that it's mandatory is effectively to say that it's theft.
Since you mentioned Beto, here he is last night in the debate.
Congressman O'Rourke, in the last debate, you said, quote, hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47, but when you were asked how you'd enforce a mandatory buyback, you said police wouldn't be going door-to-door.
So, how exactly are you going to force people to give up their weapons?
You don't even know who has those weapons.
Look, we're going to make sure that the priority is saving the lives of our fellow Americans.
I think almost everyone on this stage agrees that it's not right, and as president would seek to ban the sale of AR-15s and AK-47s.
Those are weapons of war.
They were designed to kill people.
That's enough of him.
And they're hardly using any crime, but the media advertises using an AR-15 when you And I don't need lessons from you on courage, political or personal.
devil worshippers so they are their operatives, spiritual operatives, minion
operatives, fellow travelers, they do do that. But he means all semi-auto, it's
about 90% of the guns. Now here is what you mentioned, here is Buddha Judge, the
judge of Buddha, here he is bringing up a point that it'll cause basically a civil
war. Here's that clip. And I don't need lessons from you on courage, political or
personal. Everyone on this stage is determined to get something done.
Everyone on this stage recognizes, or at least I thought we did, that the problem
is not other Democrats who don't agree with your particular idea of how to
The problem is the National Rifle Association and their enablers in Congress, and we should be united in taking the fight for them.
That's a mischaracterization, Anderson.
I've got to answer this.
I'm serious.
Never took you or anyone else on who disagrees with me on this issue, but when you Mayor Buttigieg, describe this policy as a shiny object.
I don't care what that meant to me or my candidacy, but to those who have survived gun violence, those who've lost a loved one to an AR-15, an AK-47, march for our lives.
Formed in the courage of students willing to stand up to the NRA.
We don't go lost their lives to a truck.
Well, it was a truck of peace, you have to understand.
Truck killings are a real problem.
And this, in Europe, is actually often portrayed as if the truck had a mind of its own.
I'm glad you offered up that analogy to healthcare, because this is really important.
We are at the cusp of building a new American majority to actually do things that congressmen and senators have been talking about with almost no impact for my entire adult life.
Thank you, Mayor.
This is really important, okay?
On guns, we are this close to an assault weapons ban.
That would be huge.
And we're going to get wrapped around the axle in a debate over whether it's, hell yes, we're going to take your guns.
We have an opportunity to deliver guns to everyone.
Don't let them know the plan, dumbass!
I mean, they do openly say now, a large portion of the left openly says, we want to just ban guns.
Well, Leanne McAdoo, longtime InfoWars reporter that took a hiatus to take care of her mom and grandmother when they both had problems, health problems, is back, visiting, maybe will be working with us again.
Very exciting to have my old friend here with us on this Wednesday edition.
Sargon of Akkad is riding shotgun with us.
Very popular internet intellectual and classical liberal has been banned from Twitter.
And of course, we've got InfoWarrior and Chase the Patriot and Pastor Sam and Craig and TJ.
And I didn't say first-time callers.
We got some regulars there, but I'm sure they'll be great and give us their take On what they think of the debates last night.
Because except for TJ and Craig, I recognize those first three.
Which is fine.
It's good to have old classics on.
877-789-2539 is the number to join us.
Leanne, what was your takeaway?
Because you were here covering it live with us last night.
Our analysis of it at Band.Video and on radio and TV stations have picked it up.
Very thankful to that, the stations and all the viewers that tuned in.
What was your takeaway?
Well, I feel like before President Trump came in in 2016, we were all kind of really just like, wow, the globalists are going full steam ahead.
We've got to win this or it's over for America.
Of course, Trump gets in, surprised everyone.
And after watching the Democratic candidates that are up for this next election, it made me realize that President Trump's, how important his presidency is, and it is almost Um, just sort of a speed bump in their overall endgame and that they're going to like double down even harder if they're able to to get in this election cycle or 2024.
I mean, it's it was actually frightening, like Beto up there who lied to people initially saying, no, we're not going to take your guns.
We're just going to.
And then he's up there saying, we're going to take your guns.
And if you don't let us in to take your guns, then there's going to be more consequences from law enforcement.
So he's like actively saying, we're going to send the police in and there's going to be a civil war.
And we're only a few votes away in the Senate.
So when he was running for Senate in Texas, he lied that that's preposterous, even though his own policy and because, you know, he signs policy statements, his ban the semi-autos.
He lied to everybody.
And so now that he's on a national stage, of course, I'm going to take your damn guns.
What I find really interesting, actually, is he didn't even have the courage of his own convictions to say, yeah, we're going to send the police to take your guns.
He was like, no, no, I trust that you'll just send them in voluntarily.
It's like, don't be a coward.
You know, commit to this.
And he's not going to go in and put himself in that position.
Yeah, at least he commits it.
He's not going to put himself in the position between a bad guy with a gun that doesn't want to give it up and him.
He's going to send the law enforcement in, who they've been throwing under the bus, you know, saying how terrible they are and how racist it is.
And now, cops, we got a mission for you.
March in and disarm 150 million veterans.
Well, that was exactly Castro's argument, wasn't it?
He, in fact, demonized the police and said, well, we don't want to give police an excuse to go around minority communities, because essentially he implied they were basically just going to shoot them.
By the way, statistically, police slow roll a lot of minority communities, and they're twice as likely to shoot a white than a black person.
Yeah, that's true.
The cops are scared.
The cops aren't trying, on average.
Are there some idiot cops that shoot innocent people?
Damn right.
Like the guy up in Dallas, or the woman.
They're usually greenhorn idiots.
Yeah, that is true.
But the thing I found very interesting is that's a left-wing argument for not seizing firearms.
So, you know, the right could actually push that, you know, and could actually support them.
Support Castro and that saying, look, don't come and take the guns because that will endanger minorities.
Because don't you know all the police are racist, you know?
I forgot he said that, man.
He comes up, remember when he said that we need We need men to be able to get abortions, because trans men, women that are having babies, say they're men, are being turned away, which is totally made up too.
I mean, that's a real right we need to worry about.
Well, apparently, according to the British Chief Police, that's a form of abuse.
So perhaps you should be deplatformed, Alex, for abusing people there?
Since you mentioned that, I want to go to some calls here with Leanne McAdoo.
Can we go to the professor, the head of trans studies?
This is a real clip, stories on Infowars.com.
A gender studies professor blames Trump for black female obesity.
During a television appearance in New Jersey, gender studies professor, that'll get us ahead, claimed that Donald Trump's policies are to blame for black female obesity.
That's at NewsWars.com.
Here's the clip.
I hate when people talk about black women being obese.
I hate it.
Because it becomes a way to blame us for a set of conditions that we didn't create.
You didn't eat that food.
We are living in the Trump era.
And look, those policies kill our people.
You can't get access to good health care, good insurance.
The research says that black women, when we do the same diets as white women, we lose less weight and we lose it slower.
And what public health practitioners think is that stress responses in the body change our metabolism.
It's literally that the racism that you're experiencing and the struggle to make ends meet actually means the diet don't work for you the same.
Oh, there's always an excuse, isn't there?
But I think it's also really important for us to know that we have the power to choose how we see ourselves.
We will be fortified to fight all of these other external issues
when we pour into ourselves enough to say, "I love me. I am not the conditions that surround me.
I am not my experience.
I am more than the circumstances that I have gone through."
Wow, Leigh-Anne.
On the one hand, the host is saying we are more than the circumstances
that we were born into or that happened to us.
We got to take some responsibility for ourselves, but...
It's racism.
To push everything on Trump, who just came around.
I mean, was she eating while he was reality TV president?
Here's an example.
If I go to the grocery store and I buy sweet rolls, and I know that's not good to give my kids, but maybe once a week in the morning, and I buy a bunch of sweet rolls and feed them sweet rolls, they're not gonna eat their eggs and stuff.
I mean, that's a bad choice.
Trump's not making me Go get the sweet rolls.
And I mean that woman, you know, nothing against her, I think she's pretty good looking.
She looks like she's having quite a few, you know, pints of ice cream at night.
And I don't think that's Trump's fault.
And she sure as hell got enough money to buy it all.
But surely that's because you're white.
You don't understand.
If you were black, you'd be fat.
I mean, I love that what she's saying is basically that three years ago she was slim, and then suddenly she's ballooned out.
And I love the contradiction as well.
It's like, well, we have the power to see how we see ourselves, but not the power to eat vegetables or salads, right?
And, you know, I say this as a fat guy.
I'm fat because I eat food.
I like food.
You know, I'm okay with it.
You're not really fat.
You're not sickly, though.
I'm not skinny, and I know it's because of my diet, but that's okay because I like my food.
She should just own it.
Yeah, I mean, people need to start taking responsibility.
You mean Trump didn't make up his extra pound?
No, he did not, actually.
Sorry, Leigh-Anne, go ahead.
I've actually lost weight since Trump got into office, so I don't know, what does that say?
White privilege.
It is my white privilege!
I'm so stress-free now, you know, that I've dropped some pounds.
It couldn't be the fact that I'm walking every day and going to the gym, you know, four or five times a week.
No, no, Trump waved a magic wand.
You know, Obama said he couldn't wave a wand at the economy going.
He did.
But now there's a magic wand he waves, and then black women's asses get bigger.
Yeah, well, I think there's like this whole, there's just this whole dynamic of victim blaming or blaming everyone else for your problems.
And it's being propped up.
She's being put on a stage.
Hey, I like a big, thick and juicy like Sir Mix-a-Lot said.
Honey, there ain't nothing wrong with you.
And again, that's the host saying it's all how we see ourselves.
That woman isn't seeing herself as a beautiful woman.
Trump's got it.
Look at Trump's photo.
That's a real photo.
Trump likes to eat McDonald's and stuff.
I gotta tell you, Trump's ass will give that woman a run for the money.
Maybe that's what she's saying is like she had Trump ass envy.
And she's like, man, Trump's got an ass bigger than, you know, Oprah Winfrey's.
And she's like, I gotta get one of those.
She's sort of drinking like five gallons of cream gravy every day.
That's it!
Trump did make her gain, like, 200 pounds.
Well, there we go.
He goes, I need me one of them big ol' fat booties like he got.
Yeah, well, we really shouldn't... I do think it's very amusing, but I think you're right.
It's blaming everything but themselves.
And it's being reinforced by the crowded room of people saying, yeah, very... Wait a minute.
Is Trump really a black woman?
Because let me tell you, that...
He's got a badonkadonk.
He has a lot of junk in his trunk, yeah.
He's got an Aunt Jemima ass.
Well, stress eating is a thing.
I kind of like Trump's butt now.
That means I'm gay.
I get where she was going with that.
Big ol' juicy booty there!
I apologize, a family show.
What happens when I start having fun, folks?
What were you saying?
Because I think you were on something.
We'll be right back with Leigh-Anne McAdoo.
Sargon, that means we're going to break.
I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Hello, stupid Americans.
Fenton North, Chinese Communist Labyrinth here.
I told you just a week ago, when you don't do what we say, you die.
Look what happened to Hong Kong protesters.
Oh, and don't forget, we killed more than Hitler ever did.
And that's why the liberals love us.
In America, the colleges that we fund teach no borders, no walls.
No USA at all.
Let me show you a trained slave.
America is a rotting carcass.
Yeah, we apologize.
We love China.
Look at your own James Harden. He came out and apologized to us. That's good.
And now we tell the NBA what to do and the NBA say, "Yes, Master."
Yeah, we apologize. We love China. We love playing here.
Finally, you saw what happened to South Park.
They talk about our re-education camps, and our death camps, and how Winnie the Pooh was banned.
And let me now tell you what happens.
They abandon our country.
Then they put out sarcastic apologies.
That's not good enough.
Once we take over, we're going to kill the South Park producers.
That's what we do.
Everyone is adopting our model.
Big Tech is censoring Alex Jones, and now even Republican leaders, and they do nothing!
Soon sites like Panda Video will be shut down.
You stinking Americans do not share that site.
Or Infowars.com.
Do not fight back.
Do what I say.
I just caught you, American!
You visited Bandar Video!
Oh, Mark Zuckerberg and others angry at you!
Do what CNN says and do not visit Bandar Video, or I have to hurt you!
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
We are here trying to broadcast as best we can today.
And we got Sargon of Akkad and Leanne McAdoo here with us in studio.
Guys, what would you call this period of time that we're at in the world right now?
The period of time we're at?
No, I mean just historically, what would you call this time?
I don't even have a name for it.
It's just, it's this strange new world that we've entered.
I guess the digital age is the best way I would describe it.
And then all the shake-ups that come with the change.
Yeah, because we're entering a... I mean, social media is only 10 years old. People forget this is
so unbelievably new. And the worst part is it's tapping into kind of the base human desires for
instant gratification. And so social media, Twitter especially, has become an addictive
tool that is actually being destructive to democracy.
Elizabeth Warren actually mentioned this in the debates yesterday that this was the case.
It was actually damaging the social fabric of the country and the democratic nature of our societies.
And I think she's right.
I actually think she's right on that.
It was a very reasonable point.
And it's pretty interesting that she can say that, even knowing that one entire side of the debate on the conservative side is being silenced and stifled.
So I don't think that she's really taking up that battle and that argument that we need to let all voices be heard.
It's more so, you know, shut down.
Shut it all down because it's hurting us, the Democrats.
Yeah, I wouldn't call her a free speech warrior or anything, but she's definitely at least going down the right path.
Because I mean, I agree, there probably does need to be some kind of breakup of big tech.
I don't see, I mean, they're not going to be around forever, but you know, the market will change things over time.
But the question is how much damage is going to be done in that space of time.
And it seems to be quite a lot.
Well, we have representatives who, when they bring forward Mark Zuckerberg
and they're asking him questions, sort of like, how does Facebook work?
And he's like, well, you know, you push a button and you have to.
So we have these, the older generation, I mean, I barely understand computers and how they work,
but you have an older generation who's like trying to figure out what's happening with social media
and just how these tech giants are getting so much power, so much more so than the government itself has.
And we're just handing it over to them.
They've got the biggest biometric database there at Facebook,
just collecting everyone's pictures and doing all this.
Yeah, sure, they're saying that they want to use it to sell us advertising, but that's just a part of it.
Yeah, this is why Steve Bannon wants data to be effectively publicly owned,
so people can profit from any use of data that is done.
So you, I mean, you know, pay for, essentially pay for Yang's dividend, you know.
But it's something that was not, it wasn't planned.
You know, nobody planned this.
That's the thing.
This is the consequence of a free society.
Things just Yeah, nobody saw it coming, and so we're saying we're trying to break them up, or people are kind of calling for that, and then Yang, he makes a lot of sense, he's a very smart man, but what he's not taking into consideration, even though he himself is being the victim of being silenced in some arenas, he's not taking into account
People like Alex Jones, you know, info warriors that have been completely taken off the social medias and they are not allowed to use them.
Well, how are they going to reap the data dividends?
How are they going to be able to engage with these social networks to get their thousand dollar UBI?
That's a good point.
You know, I don't think it's accurate, like you say, to say everything is completely planned.
But the establishment, the social engineers, a lot of stuff they end up restricting, they call disruptive technology.
And they have had things in the blueprint and on the drawing board for decades before they're deployed, before they're rolled out.
They test lots of things that don't end up getting adopted.
And they knew about the Internet.
They knew about its future.
They knew how they were going to use it for panopticonic surveillance and then try to
control people.
And they had the idea of social media back in the '60s.
And all of this was envisioned.
And they thought it would be total control.
It's kind of backfired.
So they're hurrying up the censorship in a ham-fisted way.
But these big tech monopolies have gotten away with so much.
And they're so tied into all the intelligence agencies that they believe they're invincible
and can do whatever they want.
And so the governments are all agreeing, build it for total surveillance, build it for AI.
No one's even denying that's what they're going for.
Then it just becomes a question of what elite is going to be controlling it.
And how much of this would we have even been aware of if Edward Snowden hadn't released all of his documents to see just how deeply everything was in bed with the NSA and these other agencies?
You can tell that he did something good because he's in exile in Russia, hiding from our own governments.
That's how you can tell that he did something that was genuinely worthwhile?
It's a shame that Trump doesn't pardon them.
I don't see why he wouldn't.
Yeah, well, and Alex, you know, you asked what would we call this age.
Again, I'm not, you know, as clever as you are with coming up with words, but we are teetering on the edge of something.
Like, we're moving into the future and it seems that there's only one side, even though they're putting out these wild scenarios or wild solutions.
They're planning for a future.
They are creating a future.
That's right, they're building the future.
Obama talked about dominating the future.
There's lots of human developments and then the top corporations get together in big boards and they decide how to herd that in a direction they want.
They're not in full control, I agree with what you're saying, but they have a plan that becomes a kind of a matrix overlay that ends up being the centralized system.
So over time, they do get control of these things.
They decided to make an extremely authoritarian move here.
I think it's interesting how a lot of the social networks, I don't think that the CEOs who are responsible for them, like Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey, actually knew the kind of effect they were going to have.
I thought they thought, oh, this is a cool idea.
Wouldn't this be interesting if people could, you know, look people up and such and such, or talk to each other very quickly?
And it seems that these giant monsters have grown underneath them.
And if I think so now, effectively, they're kind of riding these dragons.
And they can see the damage that the dragon is doing, but they're not entirely sure what to do about it.
Well, the surveillance grid has always been about power and control.
And if you look at big tech, they're all the same way.
Anti-family, world government, transhumanist.
When you realize that's really their religion, as opposed to human world, then you see the overall driver.
Yeah, but I mean, if you just look at the mannerisms and the emotions on people like Mark Zuckerberg, this guy's a nerd.
You know, he didn't mean to be... What emotions?
He's a robot.
He looks nervous all the time.
He didn't mean to be bestriding the world like a colossus, and that's where this nerdy... I mean, if you look, Carl, if you look at the CIA and their System they set up the day that Facebook went on they
turned their social network off. We'll be right back. Okay Well, we've had a powerful broadcast so far today and
remember this broadcast existence is in defiance of the globalist
Land Macadu's here Carl Benjamin Sargon of a cod as well Coming up in 15 minutes is the great Mike Adams taking over, then the War Room, Owen Schroer, and then of course Firepower with Will Johnston and Tom Papert as we go forward into the future.
Right now let's go to InfoWarriorPrincess in California.
Thanks for holding InfoWarriorPrincess.
You're on the air.
I know, Princess.
It is amazing, isn't it?
Yes, it is good.
Alright, well, she probably didn't like holding too long.
We'll see.
Oh, sorry, Alex.
Oh, hello.
Sorry, sorry.
I had you on mute.
It's okay, you're on air now.
This is the Narc-Aid.
It's the age of the narcissists.
And gaslighting.
The debate was a rerun of the nagging of the fake enemy news, the baboons throwing their boomerangs, and gaslighting America about Trump.
You know, gaslighting is a psychotic, psychological, emotional rape crime.
There was nothing substantial Trump was debated about serving American farmers, veterans, border security, Social Security, First Amendment, hemp to end climate conspiracy, vaccine damage, reparation, jobs, fluoride, chemtools, gluten poisoning by GMO, on and on.
Nothing but freak out about Trump out.
Orange man bad.
I'm glad you're fired up because I am as well.
It was really a train wreck of a bunch like you said nagging, griping, bitching, people promising all these free goods.
Sanders saying we'll take all the billionaires money.
Most of the big billionaires run this kleptocracy.
Their money's offshore and they're financing socialism to get control of us.
You guys got any comments on that?
Yang actually demolished that idea.
As he said in the debate, in Europe they tried exactly the same thing, the wealth tax.
It didn't get the results that they were expecting, they didn't get the revenues they wanted, and they had to abandon it.
They had to bring in VATs, which in and of itself is a tax on the poor.
Because if you're putting value-added tax on almost any product, then it hits the people with the least money first.
That's always the final phase in this, screwing over the poor people.
Well, at least we didn't have to see Hillary up there with her Mao Moo Moo on.
But we do see Warren with that black shirt and pants on for the past 45 years.
That poor girl ain't got no style.
Hey guys, get this lady's, get Infra-Warrior Princess's numbers.
I'm going to start a show soon.
We've got a few of them that's just callers, you know, on the show co-hosting with me.
So you can be on for like 30 minutes instead of, you know, five minutes or a minute.
So please get her name and number.
Great crew in there and we will...
Try to get her back on.
Wow, she's making some really good points.
She's really fired up.
Yeah, well, and she's absolutely right.
There was nothing of substance.
They kind of glossed over and sort of asked Biden about the Hunter Biden situation and would he have, you know, and they just, they didn't push back.
Anderson Cooper just said that he did nothing wrong.
He just said, no, these are false allegations.
Yeah, they didn't play the video, they didn't ask him about the video clip where he's talking about how he said, you know, they better do what I say, or ask them, see if I'm a tough guy.
Like, he's bragging about much worse than what they're accusing the president of.
And so it's just that there's no pushback.
They just said, oh, well, Hunter Biden, we interviewed him today, and he said he didn't do anything wrong, so that's it.
Trump's a conspiracy theorist.
And then they just expect the American people to just gobble that up and go on.
And then you go out and try to talk to an average person in the street, and these are the arguments they're using.
Well, I ought to say this, and I don't say this from an elitist perspective, but Yeah, like Joe Biden, which I don't like making fun of, you know, people like that.
I'm a softie.
I don't care if they're black or white, old or young, either people are really awake and
you can see they're awake and there's something in their eyes or they just like, "Ugh."
Yeah, like Joe Biden, which I don't like making fun of people like that.
I'm a softie.
I feel, I have empathy that it hurts when we make fun of people.
And I'm also living in Florida where I see a ton of old people that are way more healthy
and in great shape than I am.
But it's a good point that a nation of zombies would be led by a gibbering zombie.
I mean, Joe Biden looks like a depreciating stock, as Bill Maher said.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live broadcasting worldwide.
Final segment here, and then Mike Adams is taking over the rest of the hour.
The health ranger, Leanne McAdoo, to my left.
Over to my right, we have Sargon Avakad, also known as Carl Benjamin, his actual name.
Really appreciate you being in town.
It's been awesome.
I guess you go off tomorrow on part of your university tour.
That's correct.
The initial date was at Rice University, but they got cold feet because of a scandal that they had internally within the university.
Had nothing to do with me, but because they were afraid of press attention being caused by me going there, they had cold feet.
So I've done a private event there instead.
So that's what I'll be going off to do.
You know, I've got articles here where the director and maker of Men in Black got called, you know, names by the left for being a White man speaking about politics.
The guy was saying leftist stuff.
They said, you shut up, you're white, you can't speak.
And he apologized, mansplaining.
He's not just a white guy, he's a man, that's even worse.
And it's like the city council meetings we see where the female mayor tells the man, the man's like, we need to stop xenophobia.
She goes, shut up, white devil.
He goes, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're right.
I mean, this is like mind control or something, Leigh Ann.
We are living in a world of mind control.
It's absolute programming.
And it doesn't work on all of us, but some people are so susceptible to it.
And the way it kind of gets its tentacles in there is through our emotions.
And so they're really trying to ramp up these certain identity politics that get people so impassioned about things to where we can't even have a civilized conversation.
Actually, Hillary Clinton is under fire right now because she's being She was accused of regurgitating transphobic talking points because she said, you know, this whole trans issue and a man being able to say, I'm a woman and we just have to accept that.
Well, that's not something that she, her generation grew up dealing with.
So we need to kind of, you know, as a woman... And let's be clear though, they do all this on purpose.
Like he came out and apologized on purpose, the creator of Men in Black.
They're the ruling priesthood.
So they then violate it to make us think, oh, everything's okay.
But then they also come out and apologize for it.
Yeah, well it's like you're not even allowed to say, I don't understand this, it's such a new topic, we were only introduced to this whole trans thing just a few years ago and now all of a sudden it's like, no, we are trans women and we're gonna dominate your sports and you have nothing to say about it.
And really we're just men posing, we're really just...
Psychotic men taking over.
Yeah, there was no middle ground.
And so this is, this is that bunch of men going, hell, these women, people open doors for them.
Well, guess what?
I'm a woman.
If you don't like it, I'll break your jaw.
And as women... It's ma'am!
It's ma'am!
It's ma'am!
Sure, I was in prison two years ago and I bench-pressed 500 pounds.
I'll kill you!
You don't call me a woman, you piece of crap!
Yeah, no, I have been, like, bucked up, and being out in Austin, I have had a... A woman!
A woman!
A woman!
A woman, Leanne!
Call me a woman!
Yes, ma'am.
Yes, ma'am.
I am a woman!
Give me your children!
Let them sit on my lap!
Like that?
You actually should identify as a woman, see what they do.
I am a woman!
Then you might be allowed to say whatever you want, Alex.
If you just go ahead and... They de-platformed you because of transphobia?
Well, I never really hit a woman, but if that guy laid a hand on me, I'd break his nose.
Wow, he's a pretty big, tough dude.
I'm running my mouth from the distance.
He scares me.
Yeah, and that's kind of where we're going, where it's just, it's equality.
And so if that ma'am wanted to fight me, I would just have to let her punch me.
You've totally even had a few men that say they're women bump into you.
Yes, I've had people, trans women, kind of... Just say it, they're men.
They were very large, broad-shouldered broads.
They were men saying they're women so they can get into women's bathrooms and mess with women.
Get in my face and like wanting to like fight me because I was in their space or whatever and I'm just like, wow, you are, you know, I have to allow you to hit me because you're a woman.
It's man!
Yeah, it's... Hey, I want to take a few calls.
I want to just say something about the crew.
We had an incredible show today.
And I take on all this stuff, it really gets me angry.
And then we have dead air, any little technical problems, I tend to blow up here on air and off air, but I love everybody, everybody's doing it.
How do we deal with the stress of globalism, and it's death row, is really what this is, and then not take on their hysteria and their anger when we're empathically focusing on them?
Because Leon talks about this, how do you fight this agenda but not let them take your energy and staring into the abyss become the abyss?
I don't know.
It was globalism that made me fat.
Leigh-Anne, was it globalism that made you very healthy and in good shape?
Well, I think that's the secret.
Tapping out, shutting off all of the triggers and getting off social media and not watching the fake news that's just pumping us full of lies and propaganda.
But if you don't fight it, you look out your back door and there's a giant fat man in a clown outfit raping your child.
Well, and that's the thing, that's why I'm like, I can't entirely go away.
That's true.
That's a hell of a debate.
Have you seen where the men, it's war paint, because most of them are convicted pedophiles, and then the kids now ride horsey, and the men go, oh yeah, horsey time.
It is very refreshing.
Ride horsey, yeah.
I wanna ride horsey!
It's like, look, mom's like, look, he looks like it, the clown.
Will he bite my arm off?
Well, he'll do something to you, honey.
That's being normalized, by the way.
And then the clown goes, it's lollipop time.
Just to be clear, though, I'm serious.
This is what children are being taught, Leanne!
It's ma'am!
It's ma'am!
I saw a Drudge Report in Poland.
They're not going to, if you try to teach sex ed to even up to a teenager, that you could be thrown in jail.
So they're trying to do the opposite of what's happening here in the United States and other countries.
Leanne, shouldn't we put some of the drag queen story time goblins on screen, please?
Shouldn't we just turn our children over to men that want to dress up like women and have them sit in their laps?
That's totally normal, right, Leanne?
It's not, and I don't understand why it's trying to be pushed on us as being totally normal.
This is just a way to accept and let our children see that this is a normal part of life.
Like, no it's not!
Unless you go to a drag queen show and that's what you want to see, and that's fine.
I've been to drag queen shows, they're lots of fun, but you don't take your six-year-old kid there.
They are fun!
How many drag queen shows have you been to, Lena?
I have won at Drag Queen Bingo several times.
And it's fun.
But it is a fun show, isn't it?
Like this whole, you know, drag story time and stuff like this.
I'm not going to take my kid to drag queen story time at the library.
Like, that doesn't make sense.
It's not a nightclub.
Where they're telling sexual jokes.
Alright, I apologize to TJ, Greg, Pastor Sam, and Chase the Patriot.
All of you get a free limited edition.
Space Force t-shirt.
We're about to sell out of those.
We'll never have them again.
The last run has been done.
And they're at infowarestore.com.
But all four of these folks have been holding along.
If you get a free t-shirt, I apologize.
I ran over.
I wanted to take calls.
Things went really crazy today.
And the first two hours, it's all been powerful.
But the first two hours was the answer to defeating the Globalists, I'm telling you.
And it's just staying right with God and not going insane in the process of fighting this.
I mean, how do you, without a higher power, Sargon of Akkad, how do you deal with this?
I don't know.
I've never... I was not raised in a religious household.
So the person that is the final arbiter of the decisions of my life is me.
So I take responsibility for the things I do.
Well, I mean, I've got articles that are up at newswars.com where the left and product companies are now saying, we love Bathomette, we love Satanism.
I mean, the Democrats have taken on Satanism as their operating system, and they claim, oh, we don't really believe in it, but give us your kids!
I mean, they sure are going according to it like it's an owner's manual.
Avon catalog features image of woman caressing Bathomette.
There is definitely a kind of cultural trend towards it.
Because, I mean, the left is broadly atheist at this point as well.
So, they like to have something to dress up as.
They're really pushing it.
That is a transgender creature.
It totally fits with their ideology.
Yeah, so, I mean, I think that's what it is, is that they're telling us the new humanity's here, they're getting us ready for the clones, everything else, so they want to just get us used to, hey, you can turn your kids over to convicted pedophiles, can we also, you know, have some clones?
Trans-species, like when you were a dog, you remember you had the dog?
You identified as a dog for a little while there?
As long as you don't defy Hitler, dawg.
That's taking it too far.
That's taking it too far.
All right.
Hey, great job to the crew.
Mike Adams is loaded for bear, as usual.
He's taking over.
Please don't forget, without you funding our operation, this act of defiance against tyranny will not be here.
Plus, we got great products you need at InfoWareStore.com and Sargon of Akkad on YouTube.
What did they ban you on Twitter for?
I called Nazis mean names.
It's not criminal.
Man, I tell you.
What is he going to do next?
I was rude to Nazis and you're not allowed to be rude to me.
Hey, Leanne, you're on Twitter.
Where are you on Twitter?
Leanne McAdoo.
All right, Mike Adams stepping in here.
Welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
We've got a lot to cover here today.
Some very powerful segments, very important segments coming up about Communist China.
Of course, I'm going to give you a few comments on LeBron James.
Also, there's a big NASA cover up.
NASA believes there is an atmosphere on Mars.
And we have proof that NASA believes that.
We'll be bringing you that news here as one of NASA's former top scientists is speaking out publicly now about the cover-up of life on Mars that NASA has been waging for 40 years.
Also we'll be covering today Johnson & Johnson faces 100,000 lawsuits We'll talk about the purpose of modern science is to destroy knowledge and destroy access to knowledge and deprive humanity of information that we need to be sustainable and be informed.
And, well, a few other topics coming up as well about vaping and so on.
So I'm just going to jump right into it.
First, about LeBron James.
I know it's been covered here on Infowars.com, but I need to add to that The history of LeBron James, someone who claims to be a social justice warrior, someone who claims to be fighting for civil rights, someone who claims to be walking in the footsteps, or at least repeating the words of Dr. King, for example, and then suddenly when it comes down to it, when it comes down to really protecting people who are being oppressed, when it comes to really speaking out against tyranny, LeBron James sides with tyranny.
So just like every leftist, LeBron James doesn't believe anything that he says.
When he's touting his virtue signaling social justice warrior words, he doesn't mean any of it.
He doesn't believe it.
What he really believes in is selfish profit over human rights.
Because that's what he now advocates.
And I have to imagine if, you know, one day Your spirit counts, right?
What we do counts.
One day, LeBron James is going to face God, like all of us.
One day, he's going to pass away, like all of us do.
And God is going to say to LeBron James, I'm disappointed in you.
I gave you this amazing gift, a God-given gift, of being almost a God among men in terms of your talent.
And that talent, that's God-given.
What LeBron James demonstrates on the basketball court, That's not just practice.
That's a God-given talent that almost nobody else on this planet has.
And God's going to ask LeBron, hey, what did you do with that talent?
What did you do with this amazing gift that I gave you?
Did you inspire humanity?
Were you a leader to inspire others to greatness?
And LeBron is going to have to say, if he answers honestly, no, I used that to sell tennis shoes and garments made in slave labor factories.
You know, so he could maximize his own profits while betraying humanity.
And I can only imagine God will look at him and say, LeBron James, burn in hell for what you are doing.
Because you haven't learned the lesson of life.
You haven't taken these gifts and used them to uplift humanity.
You have betrayed the human race and you don't even believe what you profess to believe.
You speak with a forked tongue.
You follow, you know, the serpent, you follow demonic principles, and you're doing it for money.
And I just hope, LeBron James, I hope, I hope that you can take all those sneakers with you when you one day pass away like all of us do, because you don't have a soul left.
You've sacrificed your soul.
You're full of shame.
You should be.
You're pathetic.
You don't represent humanity.
And you have betrayed the very people that looked up to you.
Shame on you, LeBron James.
And shame on everybody who's now trying to defend China.
I mean, what happened to all those people that have the Free Tibet stickers on their cars?
Free Tibet, remember that?
Oh, Free Tibet?
Well, Tibet's being oppressed by China.
You know, China's engaged in organ harvesting, and the arrest of the Falun Gong members, and the quiet disappearance of political dissidents.
The organ harvesting, the rape, the torture factories, the gulags.
Free Tibet, the leftists said.
You gotta free Tibet.
All of a sudden, what, it's not free Hong Kong?
Do the Hong Kong people not deserve the same freedom that you demand for Tibet?
Why is that?
Why are all the Free Tibet people suddenly pro-Communist China?
And the answer is because they hate America and they never believed in freedom for anybody.
They were virtue signaling the entire time.
Remember the net neutrality debate?
Same thing.
Net neutrality, we were told.
It was a couple years ago.
Oh, we have to support net neutrality, so that we can all have access to the websites that we love, so that there can be no censorship of those sites.
Democrats told us that if we didn't push net neutrality, that, oh, you wouldn't be able to visit your favorite abortion websites, or your favorite gay and lesbian and LGBT websites, that those would be censored if we didn't have net neutrality.
Well, guess who ended up being censored?
Of course, Trump supporters.
Conservative media.
Natural health.
Websites like mine.
We talk about organics.
We talk about the dangers of GMOs.
We talk about the dangers of vaccines.
Oh, that's who's censored now!
Because net neutrality was never about neutrality, was it?
Free Tibet was never about human freedom.
And the NBA is not about inspiring humanity.
It's about taking money from ignorant youth.
Who pay $200 for a pair of tennis shoes that cost $6 to make in a Chinese slave factory.
And it's about those people, like LeBron James, dying with as much money as possible one day.
With a coffin full of sneakers!
Like a, I don't know, like a basketball Imelda Marcos or something.
A coffin full of sneakers!
While betraying humanity.
It's sad, it's pathetic, and frankly, God expects better of each of us.
I don't mean to be a preacher here.
I'm not a preacher.
But it's obvious to me, God expects us to do better.
God expects you, LeBron, to do better.
And you know what?
Many of us who stand up for humanity, we have sacrificed many things.
We've been censored.
We've been demonetized.
We've been deplatformed.
I mean, Look at InfoWars.
If InfoWars had agreed to sell out to the globalists, do you realize InfoWars could be a multi-billion dollar platform of propaganda if they chose to go that way?
But Alex didn't.
Alex stood his ground.
He drew a line in the sand and said, I'm not throwing in with you globalists.
I'm not going to sacrifice humanity.
I'm not going to advocate the murder of babies.
And as a result, he was punished.
He was sued.
He was attacked over and over again, and this happens to all of us.
So if you stand up for humanity, you are punished in this world.
If you betray humanity, you are given all the riches and all the fame so that you can continue to use your platform to betray the very people that have given you that fame and fortune in the case of LeBron James and others.
We're going to go to a break shortly.
When we come back, we're going to get into NASA and the massive cover-up about life on Mars, life in the universe.
NASA knows there is an atmosphere on Mars.
NASA knows there's life on Mars.
And they're starting to leak information that's pushing toward a big disclosure.
Disclosure is coming.
They're trying to ready us for the big announcement that claims there is life on other planets.
And we know this is happening.
I'll have those details for you and much more, including the J&J, Johnson & Johnson lawsuits, when we return here on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay with us.
Back after this short break.
This is bombshell news, really, on a cosmic level about life on other planets.
NASA As known for four decades, according to one of its own former scientists named Frank Levin.
They've known for four decades that there's life on Mars.
They covered it up.
They buried this knowledge to deprive humanity of this very important information.
And now, Frank Levin, who is the designer of a mass spec instrument experiment that was sent to Mars on a Viking mission in 1976, he is speaking out through an op-ed published by none other than Scientific American.
So on ScientificAmerican.com you can see his op-ed in which he states that he believes life was, in fact, confirmed on Mars in 1976.
His experiment proved it.
His experiment used, I think it was a simple mass spec instrument that used a radioisotope to confirm respiration of microbes.
In essence, the physiology of microbiology.
And the results were very clear.
In fact, at that time, in 1976, Levin, and this is Frank Levin, not Mark Levin for those of you, this is Frank Levin the scientist, he received a phone call from Carl Sagan, you know the famed astrophysicist and author and so on.
And Carl Sagan congratulated him for spearheading this discovery, one of the greatest discoveries in the history of human civilization, the discovery of life on another planet.
But NASA buried it, they swept it under the rug.
Why did they hide this?
Why do we not know the name of Frank Levin as we would know the names of, let's say, Albert Einstein or Niels Bohr, for example?
You know, famous scientists throughout history.
Levin's name belongs there.
He is one of the, well, he is the guy who built the experiment that discovered life on Mars.
Well now, There's more coming out.
NASA, over the last, I don't know, 10 days or so, began leaking the fact that they are going to announce life on Mars sometime in the next two years.
They're floating this idea to see what the public reaction is.
But there's something else.
Something that we've been covering.
I've got this story up on naturalnews.com today.
Also, they're sending a helicopter to Mars for the 2020 Mars rover mission.
A helicopter!
Now, you might say, whoa, whoa, wait a second!
How does a helicopter fly on Mars when NASA has been telling us for decades that Mars has virtually no atmosphere?
Many of you watching, maybe you're pilots, maybe you're aerospace engineers, or you just understand how flight works, you have to have an atmosphere for propellers to work.
Because propellers are, of course, spinning wings.
And they produce lift by moving through Atmosphere.
And when you have no atmosphere, they can't produce lift.
So, NASA has created a helicopter that is a dual rotor helicopter named Scout.
And this has been announced by NASA's administrator, uh, Bridenstine, I think is his name.
I think that's his name.
Anyway, that's the NASA administrator.
Yeah, it's Bridenstine.
And they have been faking videos Or I should say they've been faking like they have a helicopter that can fly in a near vacuum.
This so-called helicopter that can, quote, fly in a near vacuum doesn't even work.
It crashes.
It barely gets off the ground and it has to have a tethered power cord.
And we've got a little animation of that in the article that I published this morning.
So they're faking it in the same way that CNN faked that Charles Jaco video back from the first Gulf War in 19, what was it, 91, 92, when they faked like they were in Saudi Arabia.
Oh, this is CNN broadcasting from Saudi Arabia.
We're under attack!
And there were two guys on screen, Charles Jaco and some other guy, and they had sirens in the back, like, oh, it's a Scud missile attack!
And one of the guys grabbed a helmet and the other guy grabbed a gas mask.
So one of them was going to die if that was real, because, you know, a helmet doesn't protect you from a chemical attack, right?
And a gas mask doesn't protect you from a kinetic attack.
But it was such incredible comedy and parody, it looked like a Saturday Night Live script.
NASA is now doing the same thing with this, quote, helicopter that they claim will fly on Mars, even though NASA says Mars has no atmosphere.
In fact, well, they say it has 0.6% of the atmosphere of Earth.
That's less than 1%, almost one half of 1% of Earth's atmosphere.
Why am I saying all this?
Because NASA knows that Mars has an atmosphere.
They've been lying about it for decades.
Just like they've been lying about the discovery of life on Mars.
For the same reason that they scrubbed Levin's experiment and claimed that Levin didn't find anything.
NASA knows there's an atmosphere on Mars, and an atmosphere that can support life, and NASA knows that Mars has all kinds of life.
In fact, some people say Mars has seasons, perhaps sort of like forests of different types of plants and liquid water that seasonally flows on different parts of Mars right now, today, some people say.
There was a scientist recently that said that He saw visual evidence of mushrooms on Mars, of fungi growing, from NASA's own photos that were returned from the various missions.
And of course then, there's the ancient civilizations question.
Are there structures on Mars that look like Earth's pyramids, for example?
Are there structures on Mars that had to be built by intelligent civilizations?
Many people believe that answer is yes.
You can decide for yourself.
That's not the focus of this show today, but Mars does have life.
NASA has known about it for decades.
NASA has covered it up.
And NASA knows Mars has an atmosphere.
And the way that you know that's true is because they're sending a helicopter.
And on this helicopter, by the way, they're going to put batteries and solar panels and telemetry equipment, which all, of course, has mass.
So it weighs something.
And Mars has, I think, 38% of the gravity of Earth.
We're very close to that.
So all this weighs something, which means in order to fly a helicopter on Mars, you would have to have an atmosphere.
You can't fly helicopters in a vacuum.
Every pilot knows that.
Every aerospace engineer knows that.
So NASA has been lying, but now they're about to come out with disclosure.
And the question I ask you today is why?
Why is NASA preparing humanity for the biggest announcement in the history of science or space exploration?
Why now?
They're going to tell you in the next two years.
They've already pre-told you that this is what they're going to tell you.
They're going to say there's life on other planets.
That we are not alone.
They're about to roll that out.
Why is that coming out?
I'm going to actually ask you some questions and encourage you to start thinking about the answers.
Why is this happening at the same time that Bill Gates and Harvard are running experiments to block the sun, to pollute the stratosphere of Earth, and to shut down photosynthesis on our planet, to collapse the food supply, cause mass starvation and famine, and kill off most of humanity?
At the same time that people like Elon Musk are saying, well we'll all just go to Mars and live on Mars colonies.
Guess what?
Mars colonies don't work if you don't have an atmosphere.
And guess how you create a thicker atmosphere on Mars?
Guess, just guess.
From a scientific perspective, how do you create atmospheric pressure and have an atmosphere that can support life?
You do it by releasing carbon dioxide.
Because carbon dioxide is the gas that creates the atmospheric pressure And feeds the plants, even simple single-celled organisms like microalgae, for example.
They need carbon dioxide and then they release oxygen into the atmosphere.
And then the oxygen supports more complex life forms like on Earth, mammals, you know, primates, humans, dolphins, you know, you name it.
We need plants, which means we need carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is now the enemy according to mainstream science in our world.
Earth scientists are saying they have to eliminate carbon dioxide, starve the human population, block the sun, dim the sky, rain down geoengineering and chemtrails on the population, destroy humanity, but they're about to announce life on Mars?
So, I'm not going to fill in all the blanks for you here today.
You do some thinking on this.
Because if there's life on Mars, there's life everywhere in the galaxy.
Anywhere from 150 to maybe 250 billion star systems in our galaxy alone.
And NASA's about to tell us we are not alone?
Where do you think that's going, folks?
Yeah, stay with us.
We'll be back after this break with other news here on the Alex Jones Show.
State health authorities are sounding a warning over vaping-related illnesses.
Demonstrating the complete hypocrisy of the CDC and the FDA.
Oh, they're so concerned about vaping, but not about the 100,000-plus Americans killed every year by FDA-approved prescription drugs.
Yes, they're not concerned about that at all.
Not concerned about the, let's see, the 2.6 children who are injured by vaccines.
2.6% of children, I should say, who are vaccinated experience injuries.
That has just come out.
Children's Health Defense had that news a couple of days ago.
So they're trying to get you to focus on vaping, saying, oh, vaping is bad.
But take your flu shot.
Make sure you're injected with aborted human fetal tissue and aluminum salts, squalene, MSG, you know, all these things that are in vaccines.
Crazy, festering diseases that they grow in, like, what is it?
African green monkey kidneys!
Yes, you're supposed to take that, but you're supposed to worry about vaping.
Well, guess what, folks?
Vaping is nothing more than inhaling aerosolized solutions.
So, do you remember maybe when you were a kid and you felt sick, you had a stuffy nose?
Maybe your mom or your dad would have a pot of hot steaming water and they'd put some, you know, like VapoRub or Vicks or whatever in that water and you'd put your head over that with a towel over your head, right?
And you'd breathe that in and it would clear your sinuses.
That's called vaping!
Folks, it's just breathing aerosolized liquids.
In fact, if you're walking around Los Angeles today, you are vaping all the pollution and smog of Los Angeles.
You are vaping.
You're breathing in water with every breath because you don't live in a place that has 0% humidity, probably.
So you're vaping all the time.
The question is not whether you're vaping.
The question is, what are you vaping?
Are you vaping, you know, the airborne viruses in the festering liberal cities like San Francisco?
Is that what you're breathing in?
If so, you're vaping human disease and filth, by the way, walking around.
But no, the FDA wants you to be concerned about vaping devices.
There's no health danger in vaping if the ingredients are clean.
It's only, you know, toxic ingredients that maybe some sort of China-based vaping formulas use, you know, artificial flavors and things like that.
Yeah, those aren't healthy for you, but give me a break.
Vaping is not A health risk if the ingredients are clean.
Okay, moving on.
Other health news today.
Eight billion dollars in fines have been levied against Johnson & Johnson over its anti-psychotic drugs.
And these are the drugs that have caused males to grow breasts?
Is that what this says?
Yeah, I think that's what these are.
Some of these drugs Cause such hormonal disruptions that males are growing breasts.
And Johnson Johnson has had big fines over that issue and other drugs.
Anyway, the point is they're now facing a hundred thousand more lawsuits.
Which is, I guess, 200,000 male breasts out there.
I'm sorry, that's in poor taste.
There are a lot of victims of these drugs, is the point.
And drugs are altering human physiology and altering hormones, and these companies are facing now huge numbers of lawsuits over all of this.
Not just Johnson & Johnson, but it's also, of course, Bayer, which purchased Monsanto, is facing, reportedly, 10,000 lawsuits over Roundup, also known as glyphosate.
and round up being linked to non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
So we've got anti-psychotic drugs that are causing you know bizarre you could say malformed tissues that are
not not healthy in humans.
And then you've got Roundup that's causing a form of cancer.
These corporations are now about to face their day in court.
I've calculated that Bayer might be facing as much as $1 trillion in liability if the current court decisions are projected out to future court cases.
So, there you go.
A little bit of health news.
Looks like Big Pharma is starting to get held to account.
And, uh, oh my gosh.
I mean, by the way, you think that's an accident?
That some of these drugs cause males to grow breasts?
It's not an accident.
It's by design.
This is why they put hormone disruptors in the food.
By the way, atrazine is a common agricultural herbicide.
Atrazine is saturating the food supply and the water supply.
Your tap water probably contains atrazine if you get it from a municipal water system, like in any major city in America, or probably in Canada as well, or even Europe.
These chemicals are known to be hormone disruptors.
They are hormone mimickers.
They create unhealthy, let's say, Physiological expression that are gender benders.
And then when society sees a rise in transgenders and all these people, many of whom seem to be truly mentally ill, and who are suddenly saying that they're another gender, you have to look back at exposure to gender bending chemicals.
And this area of science has been suppressed.
You're not allowed to talk about gender-bending chemicals.
In fact, you're not even allowed to talk about chemicals that cause cancer.
Because the cancer industry wants you to believe it's all spontaneous, it's all random.
You can't control it.
You can't prevent cancer.
Just go in, get chemotherapy, you know, have your breasts surgically removed with a double mastectomy.
For some reason, this whole industry is just infatuated with breasts all the time.
They want to grow breasts.
They want to cut off breasts.
I don't know what the deal is.
I mean, well, actually, I do.
They're demonic.
They're all... They're insane, and they're violent against women, you know?
All of this is on purpose.
It's about chemically altering humanity.
And why, you ask?
What's the big game here?
What's the big picture?
To answer that question, you have to remember the rise of AI systems.
Artificial Intelligence Robotics Automation.
Now here's the thing.
Listen carefully.
We've only got a few minutes left.
The reason the globalists don't need humanity anymore, the reason that they are advocating all these hormone disruptors and the cancer-causing chemicals in the foods, and the reason they're pushing for depopulation, eugenics, genocide, abortion, infanticide, is because they don't need you anymore.
They've got two things coming up.
AI systems, which will replace office workers, your basic office tasks, your document, Editors, you know, all this is going to be replaced by AI.
And then you've got your physical robot automation systems that will replace up to 70% of the current human workforce within the next 25 years.
We're talking about truck drivers.
Uber drivers will be obsolete.
We're talking about agricultural workers, harvesters, janitors, warehouse packers.
All these jobs are going to be threatened by robot automation.
And the robots will, of course, double as spy agents.
They'll have Video cameras to spy on your workplace and report back to Google and back to the NSA using 5G bandwidth so they can have spies monitoring everything you do.
And of course these spies are going to be the robots that replace all the human workers.
You're going to have 70% of the human population unemployed and about to riot in the streets, right?
So what have the globalists decided?
They're going to get rid of the humans.
They don't need them anymore.
So what are they How do they achieve that?
They use toxic drugs.
They use infertility chemicals in the pharmaceuticals.
They use toxic chemicals in the water supply.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
It's chemistry, folks.
They put infertility chemicals into the food, into the medicines, into the water, and even they put chemicals into the skies now to block the sun because they don't need you anymore.
They cannot, they, the globalists, cannot face a mass uprising Of unemployed millions, tens of millions, hundreds of millions.
And that's where things are headed in the next generation.
So they've decided they don't need you.
They're going to get rid of you.
And everything that you are seeing now playing out in the media is about controlling humanity so that they can exterminate humanity.
It is about genocide.
It is about depopulation.
That's why everything that's anti-human is being promoted.
And that's why those who are defending humanity Are turned into villains.
Like that TV propaganda piece against Alex Jones.
That, you know, tried to depict him as crazy for talking about the truth about chemicals in the water supply.
There are toxic chemicals.
There are gender-bender chemicals.
It's intentionally put into food and even food packaging.
The plastics contain these gender-bender chemicals.
It's basic science, basic chemistry.
So, understand, this is all deliberate, this is what's happening, and the best place to stay informed about this is InfoWars.com.
And I appreciate Alex asking me to fill in today.
I'll join you again probably next week with more information.
My name is Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com.
Be sure to support all independent media.
Coming up next with Owen Schroer is the War Room, I believe.
And a lot of powerful information on this network.
Be sure to support InfoWarsStore.com.
InfoWars needs your support to keep this platform open and functioning so that we can all be here to bring you this powerful Life-changing news and information that you just won't find anywhere in the corporate controlled media.
So thanks for joining us today.
Mike Adams signing off till next time.
Take care.
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