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Name: 20190925_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 25, 2019
2270 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses impeachment, civil unrest, self-defense, firearm components, the PPX Microgrid system, Trump's UN speech, early Black Friday sales on InfoWars Store, quantum computing and AI risks, Ukraine's political history, CIA's relationships with Nazi elements in Ukraine, Zelensky's attempts to break up corruption, Trump's conversation with Zelensky, globalism, declassified documents exposing deep state corruption, media lies and libel, platforms to fight back against big media and libels, Infowars Store Black Friday sale, Banned.Video as a libertarian/conservative platform, Vaso Beats, Patriot Blend coffee, Auto-Ship subscriptions, and the transcript of President Trump's conversation with President Zelensky discussing corruption within their countries and deep state activities.

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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, the quickening is here.
Our country is in the middle of a civil war between the deep state and elements of our government that want to try to have this country actually be sovereign.
President Trump gave a speech that was beyond historical.
I had Lord Monkton on yesterday, and he's not one that gets into hype.
He's been coming on the show 18 years or so, and he said that this was the greatest speech that Trump's ever given, one of the greatest speeches ever given in history, when you realize the time we're in and everything he said and did.
Now, I have a 16-minute boildown.
We're going to be going over here today, and I've got a bunch of clips that I'm also going to be playing throughout the transmission.
The speech was throwing down the gauntlet to the deep state, putting down communism, socialism, attacking the attacks on the family, going after big tech censorship, pointing out that globalism will not govern the people of the planet into the future.
This was an amazing speech.
Highlights of Trump's dynamite anti-New World Order speech delivered in the UN are posted to Band.Video and Infowars.com in the special reports area.
Now that said, for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.
We have a new giant hoax with the total proof, with the declassified transcript of the phone call
that President Trump did not offer pro quo, where you offer someone something
so you get something back.
He said, "I want you to buy US weapons "and do us a favor," in the 30-minute conversation.
Then later, he says, "Man, I heard about Biden "and how he brags on television
"that he ordered them not to investigate his son "or he'd take a billion dollars away."
That was the crime at the CFR.
We're gonna play a clip of that in a moment.
So we have the total proof.
This is yet another hoax, but even more transparent than the Russia situation,
the fake dossier, but they're still going forward.
So the proceedings have been started.
Will it ever get to a full vote in the House?
Not now, but the next round.
They're just getting everybody used to this right now.
Now Trump's approval rating went up when he did this.
So we're going to be looking at every angle of this today, but here's what Trump put out over the weekend.
Wait a second.
Not one single credible outlet has given any credibility to his assertion.
Not one single one.
That or ABC News investigation this morning into Joe Biden's son Hunter and questions about money he made from foreign business dealings while his father was vice president.
You have a big story tonight on the New York Times website.
Tomorrow, page one of the print edition.
Was Hunter Biden Profiting off his dad's work as Vice President, and did Joe Biden allow it?
We're talking about millions of dollars in at least two countries.
We have Joe Biden as Vice President having intervened to sort of force the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor who happened to have an open case looking into a company, a Ukrainian gas company, that was employing Joe Biden's son.
No reason to pay Hunter Biden $50,000 a month.
Hunter Biden worked for a natural gas company in Ukraine, which is totally fair game.
Did the Vice President's son use his dad's influence to make money somewhere in the world?
That's totally fair game.
Potential conflict of interest there that I think Joe Biden will have to answer for.
Hunter Biden's work with the company reportedly sparked concern among State Department officials.
But was it right for Hunter Biden to take a job like that in Ukraine while his father was engaging diplomacy there?
There is a story here.
We've told some of it.
There's more to be told.
I'm telling you, you're not getting a billion dollars.
I said, you're not getting a billion, I'm gonna be leaving here, I think it was what, six hours?
I look at it, I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
If the prosecutor's not fired, if the prosecutor's not fired, if the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Well it's only happened a few times in history.
And impeachment proceedings have begun against President Trump.
We're going to cover that in a moment.
And the fact that he's released the transcript of his call, and none of what you've heard is true, it's a giant hoax yet again to cover up the crimes of Joe Biden, who bragged on national television on C-SPAN that he threatened to fire a prosecutor when he was vice president.
He said if you don't fire him, we won't give you a billion dollars.
We're going to be showing you that video coming up here in just a moment.
But the deep state is making its move right now against our free society.
This is a major quickening and you saw that incredible speech.
At the United Nations yesterday by the President.
We're going to be going over today.
That's why the system's coming after him.
Because multinational corporations got control of the U.S.
and parlayed our military and economic power into building their corporate world government.
And they decided to, again, make their base of operations China because of its incredible authoritarianism.
Because they're above the law.
So that's the reason they're coming after Trump, is because he really is the president, and he's announcing that globalism, unelected multinational corporations, allied authoritarian states, will not govern the future.
Here is part of that historic speech.
Like those who met us before, our time is one of great contests, high stakes, and clear choices.
The essential divide that runs all around the world and throughout history is once again thrown into stark relief.
It is the divide between those whose thirst for control deludes them into thinking they are destined to rule over others, and those people and nations who want only to rule themselves.
I have the immense privilege of addressing you today as the elected leader of a nation that prizes liberty, independence, and self-government above all.
The United States, after having spent over $2.5 trillion since my election to completely rebuild our great military, is also by far the world's most powerful nation.
Hopefully, it will never have to use this power.
Americans know that in a world where others seek conquest and domination, our nation must be strong in wealth, in might, and in spirit.
That is why the United States vigorously defends the traditions and customs that have made us who we are.
Like my beloved country, each nation represented in this hall has a cherished history, culture, and heritage that is worth defending and celebrating, and which gives us our singular potential and strength.
The free world must embrace its national foundations.
It must not attempt to erase them or replace them.
Looking around and all over this large, magnificent planet, the truth is plain to see.
If you want freedom, take pride in your country.
If you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty.
And if you want peace, love your nation.
Wise leaders always put the good of their own people and their own country first.
The future does not belong to globalists.
The future belongs to patriots.
The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique.
Now the UN head has come out and said the world is divided between the United States and China's leadership.
And the UN chief laid out who's on China's side and who's on the US side.
And it's exactly as I've been saying for 10 years.
The exact same groups are allied against America.
China doesn't allow Muslims in their country.
Any Muslims that live in the west of China are on a very short leash.
But they fund radical Islam, they work with radical Islam, and they lobby and push for open borders in Europe and here.
Radical Islam, Expansionist Islam, the Chi-Coms, the big mega banks, the EU, Hollywood, and the global left, all allied against Christianity.
Whether you're black or white, Hispanic, male, female.
If you're Christian, they're against you.
Protestant, Catholic, they don't care.
The Chi-Coms are allied against Christendom.
They're allied against the West and the Renaissance.
And that's all there is, is Western ideas in the United States.
And a few ragtag countries that work with us or have stayed neutral.
And it's the whole rest of the world against us.
And the big multinationals have set China up and let them steal all of our intellectual property.
They don't recognize our courts.
We can have a brand new car or new engine or new device roll off the assembly line.
They buy it.
Are they smuggling into China?
We even have export rules and they clone it instantly and won't even let us sell our goods there.
And so that's why Trump is the arch criminal, according to the left, because The neocons on the left have parlayed American power off into the rest of the world.
They've made themselves fabulously rich selling this off, selling that off, and now they know we're pissed off about their policies, so they want to go ahead and take our guns and take our children and further emasculate us, domesticate us.
This is all in the WikiLeaks, it's all in their statements.
This is a corrupt ruling class that hates America.
No borders, no wall, no USA at all.
They're so desperate to shut us down, they're so desperate to finish the job off, because Hillary and the globalists have committed so many crimes.
Obama and the Deep State and the Comeys of the world sold out our uranium, sold out our secrets, sold out all of our spies.
They sold it all out!
And now they don't know what to do because we've got a president in with a beachhead who's getting the economy back, getting the love of the nation back, stabilizing things, and they are desperate to crash the economy, openly!
And desperate to start a civil war, and now the Pentagon issues an emergency alert.
It's going up on Infowars.com right now.
That they believe Incel Antifa is going to do mass shootings at theaters, and that Joker's designed to do it.
Of course it is!
All that Hollywood's designed to cause a civil war.
I had people inside major film conferences where they admit it!
There's Trump calling out the chi-coms on the theft of this nation's future and that our surrender is over.
The center of our vision for national renewal is an ambitious campaign to reform international trade.
For decades, the international trading system You know what?
been easily exploited by nations acting in very bad faith.
As jobs were outsourced, a small handful grew wealthy at the expense of the middle
class. In America, the result was 4.2 million lost manufacturing jobs and $15 trillion in
trade deficits.
You know what, hit pause right there.
I was looking at another clip that was two minutes.
This one's five.
This is the most important clip because this was strategically done and is admitted by the CFR, who said 40 years ago, the next century will be the Chinese communist century.
And David Rockefeller wrote in the New York Times, you can read it, that he maneuvered us into this position.
So this is how they conquer us.
When we come back, I'm going to play this clip where he explains our surrender is over.
And the one-sided deals are over.
And this is why they're hitting the panic switch and freaking out so bad.
Then, at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to read to you from the actual declassified memo that was released early this morning.
And I'm going to show you that he didn't do any of the things they said, but I'm going to show you Biden publicly saying he did what they say Trump did.
Where he threatens a billion dollars be taken from Ukraine if the prosecutor keeps investigating his dirty, corrupt, filthy son who came in there and looted their economy like a carpetbag and filthbag he is.
This is the arrogance of these people.
This is all a smokescreen to cover up what Hillary and Biden did.
To say that there are giant storm clouds over Washington, D.C.
and over the world right now is an understatement.
Again, this isn't some Hollywood movie.
This isn't some Netflix drama.
This isn't House of Cards.
This is the real world.
And it's far more dangerous and far more serious than any of the degenerates in Hollywood can even try to imagine.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, again on this live Global Wednesday Transmission.
We have Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, joining us in the second hour.
I have filed suit against the Young Turks and others in federal court today.
That's on Infowars.com.
And instead of just posting the suit copy itself, we're waiting to get back from the court the receipt of it with the clerk.
That should be up in the next 10 minutes in the article at InfoWars.com.
But that's part of us getting back on the offense.
We're suing two other groups as well.
One of the groups we're suing in the suit said that I tried to kill, or excuse me, tried to kill Sandy Hook's children.
I mean, the lies are just escalating, so I have to defend myself.
I'm not happy having to do this, but they refuse to retract any of it.
And we're suing some more folks in another suit that's filed tomorrow.
I'm going to leave it at that.
But this is a serious fight.
And Trump's fighting back.
He's the real deal.
Again, doesn't mean he's perfect, but my God, compared to Hillary Clinton, he's a whole other universe.
We need to really be praying for peace and justice and transparency and discernment right now.
Because you can feel the energy.
Evil knows it's in trouble.
Evil is throwing everything it's got at humanity and for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction.
The next segment I'll go into the hoax that is this fourth impeachment in U.S.
Technically two people have been impeached.
Two others have had proceedings begin against them.
And that fourth one is Trump.
So we're going to be looking at all of that, Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton, and others.
So the best coverage of this is at DrudgeReport.com for a website, and the best live analysis will be right here at NewsWorks.com.
And we're going to have Mike Adams come in and co-host as well.
He's loaded for bear and expert on all these topics.
He was going to come in about we discovered that Google's already had quantum computing before they announced it.
They can already break basically any encryption.
This is earth-shaking news as well.
And people are starting to learn we don't make stuff up.
It came out yesterday that it's been known for three years that Well, I'll tell you about it later with the smartphones and TVs, but this is incredible.
Let's go ahead and go to this clip of the President, again, talking about the real economic war against us in the last 40 years.
We didn't start the war with China.
We're just now fighting for our lives and realizing we're under attack.
Here it is.
At the center of our vision for national renewal is an ambitious campaign to reform international trade.
For decades, the international trading system has been easily exploited by nations acting in very bad faith.
As jobs were outsourced, a small handful grew wealthy at the expense of the middle class.
In America, the result was 4.2 million lost manufacturing jobs and $15 trillion in trade deficits over the last quarter century.
The United States is now taking that decisive action to end this grave economic injustice.
Our goal is simple.
We want balanced trade that is both fair and reciprocal.
We have worked closely with our partners in Mexico and Canada to replace NAFTA with the brand new and hopefully bipartisan U.S.-Mexico-Canada agreement.
Tomorrow, I will join Prime Minister Abe of Japan to continue our progress in finalizing a terrific new trade deal.
As the United Kingdom makes preparations to exit the European Union, I have made clear that we stand ready to complete an exceptional new trade agreement with the UK that will bring tremendous benefits to both of our countries.
We are working closely with Prime Minister Boris Johnson on a magnificent new trade deal.
The most important difference in America's new approach on trade concerns our relationship with China.
In 2001, China was admitted to the World Trade Organization.
Our leaders then argued that this decision would compel China to liberalize its economy and strengthen protections to provide things that were unacceptable to us, and for private property, and for the rule of law.
Two decades later, this theory has been tested and proven completely wrong.
Not only has China declined to adopt promised reforms, it has embraced an economic model dependent on massive market barriers, heavy state subsidies, currency manipulation, product dumping, forced technology transfers, and the theft of intellectual property.
And also trade secrets on a grand scale.
And cultural sabotage funding Hollywood.
As just one example, I recently met the CEO of a terrific American company, Micron Technology, at the White House.
Micron produces memory chips used in countless electronics.
To advance the Chinese government's five-year economic plan, A company owned by the Chinese state allegedly stole Micron's designs, valued at up to $8.7 billion.
Soon, the Chinese company obtains patents for nearly an identical product, and Micron was banned from selling its own goods in China.
But we are seeking justice.
The United States lost 60,000 factories after China entered the WTO.
This is happening to other countries all over the globe.
The World Trade Organization needs drastic change.
The second largest economy in the world should not be permitted to declare itself a developing country in order to game the system.
At others' expense.
For years, these abuses were tolerated, ignored, or even encouraged.
Globalism exerted a religious pull over past leaders, causing them to ignore their own national interests.
But as far as America is concerned, those days are over.
Stop right there.
As far as America is concerned, those days are over.
It goes on to say our era of economic surrender is over.
And I want to explain something.
China owns the majority of Hollywood production now.
That's on record.
And they're funding all of this race war, sex war, America sucks, garbage!
Because there's traders in our country quarterbacking it.
Telling China what to do.
And we're going to make them all pay.
You know Trump set the Democrats up, right?
Now Trump wants the whistleblower to testify before Congress.
It'll all be an excuse to bring out Joe Biden publicly saying he committed massive crimes.
A $4 billion company turned over to his son.
Millions paid to his son, but that's nothing.
The shareholders transferred partial ownership to a new board of directors with top Democrats sitting on the board.
And so, oh, this whistleblower puts in the complaint.
Then, the head of national intelligence says that's not a legitimate complaint, nothing wrong was done.
The Democrats go crazy.
Trump says, I'm not going to release it.
Please don't throw me in the briar patch.
They throw Briar Rabbit, who lives in the briar patch, into the briar patch.
This is not...
Level 4 chess, this is just the ways you set people up that have operatives inside your White House.
That's why Trump said last week, you're all so foolish, Left.
Do you think I would ever do anything illegal over the phone?
Plus, I don't do stuff illegal to begin with.
I'm a straight-laced guy.
Straight shooter.
That's how you don't go to jail.
It's an old saying, you can't con an honest man.
My mom's brother, smart, good, upstanding guy.
Smart guy.
Saw a lot of stuff around the world.
You always say that you can't con an honest man.
Other dishonest people are the ones that fall into all the scams and manipulation.
They love it.
So now the transcript's released.
We're gonna go over it.
And he says, I really want you to do us a favor and buy our weapons.
Well, if there's one thing a U.S.
president is supposed to do for the military industrial complex, it's that.
I mean, that's totally legal.
What a president's really supposed to do is defend the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the people from enemies foreign and domestic, protect the borders and execute the laws faithfully.
But US presidents tour the world trying to get people to buy our weapons systems.
It's the one thing we've got left, industry-wise, really.
Trump's trying to get it all back.
He's done a damn good job selling our weapons.
But if you look at the New York Times headlines, it's, do us a favor, in quotes, and then they put right next to it, investigate Joe Biden.
Think about that.
But Joe Biden goes on television on C-SPAN at the Council on Foreign Relations, set up by British intelligence in 1921 to anglify the U.S.
That's why the old original talking movies, they speak in British accents, even though they're not British citizens or not from England, because that was seen as elite.
And they said, we'll get America to merge with the British Empire.
And Winston Churchill wrote three books about it.
Winston Churchill's mommy was American.
He himself could have been heir to the throne.
He was British royalty.
But PR, the average American didn't even know Winston Churchill could have been the king of England.
They didn't know he was half American unless you read his book.
So I'm not even saying it's a bad thing overall.
But it's Cecil Rhodes, it's Winston Churchill who worked for Cecil Rhodes and then later became prime minister.
I mean, that's what this is.
And now when you pull back from this, he's at the Council on Foreign Relations on national
television bragging, "They investigated my son.
So I told them, 'If you don't fire that prosecutor, I'm going to cut a billion dollars out of
aid package.'"
That was half the aid every year to Ukraine.
Now think about that.
Then they turn it around in the media that Trump said, I'm gonna withhold aid if you don't Re-hire that prosecutor.
When all Trump said is, I heard about this, it's a terrible story.
Is that true?
Can you look into that?
Well, he better be doing stuff like that.
So again, why are they doing this?
Because they're so scared.
The indictments are ready for McCabe and others.
I told you that weeks ago.
The indictments are there.
They went to the number two of the Justice Department, that's the procedure, and said, please kill these.
And they said no.
That means the indictments are sitting there.
That's how it works.
And then you heard later, oh, there's other indictments.
They're there.
That isn't some foggy thing on 4chan.
And they've had the grand juries open in D.C., in Maryland, and in Virginia for the last two years.
They have two types, the type that indict, the informational investigative grand juries.
Both are open.
That's confirmed.
So that's why you're seeing this desperate chicken-with-the-head-cut-off behavior.
I mean, look at these headlines.
I don't want to get into the unclassified document.
Trump makes it clear he's ready for a fight he's long anticipated.
Pelosi launches formal impeachment inquiry.
Only the fourth time in history it's happened.
Only two presidents have been impeached.
Meanwhile, the White House wants the person to be able to testify because it's going to be a giant joke.
Like Balazi Ford.
So why don't they just have the whistleblowers say Trump raped them?
Have a man say he raped him.
Just make up whatever.
Oh, and surprise, surprise.
Oh geez, Hillary Clinton favors impeachment proceedings because it's an emergency or something.
And then it goes on, guess who the whistleblower is?
Someone who worked directly for Hillary Rodham Clinton.
You just can't make that up.
Now here's the key exhibit before I go to the document itself.
Trump asks Ukraine's leader to quote, do us a favor.
Those are close quotes.
Then they put it like a word salad game and also urges inquiry of Biden.
Do us a favor.
And that's what they're saying is he said, I'm going to hold back money.
If you don't do it, then you read the actual transcript.
And it's no such thing in a 30 plus minute conversation.
He talks about Biden for 20 seconds.
And we're going to read you from what he said between President Zelensky of Ukraine and President Trump of the United States of America.
But you read the New York Times or wherever else, oh my gosh, it's a smoking gun!
Saying we'll hold back money if you don't do what we say.
Meanwhile, it's total perfect projection, total inversion.
Here's Biden a year ago on national television.
And that's what Trump says.
He says, you know, Biden's bragging about this on TV.
It's really disturbing.
Can you look into this?
I mean, if he wasn't doing that, I'd say, this guy's got a problem.
But instead, he's out there, like a hoss, like a boss, doing exactly what he should be doing.
And it's got these crooks scared.
Here is Biden.
So I got Ukraine and I remember going over convincing our team or others to convincing us that we should be providing for loan guarantees.
I went over I guess the 12th, 13th time to Kiev and I was supposed to announce that there was another billion dollar loan guarantee.
And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they didn't.
So they said, they were walking out to the press conference, and I said, we're not going to give you the billion dollars.
They said, you have no authority, you're not the president.
The president said, I said, call him.
I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars.
I said, you're not getting a billion.
I'm gonna be leaving here, and I think it was, what, six hours?
I looked, I said, we're leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
So if you wanna know who the enemy is, it's those sycophantic people like Richard N. Haas and the other, sitting up there preening, all kissing each other's ass, while they preside over the gang rape of America.
And now they've gang raped us, now they're putting cigarettes out on us, now they're gonna slit our throat and throw us out into a garbage pile.
Well, guess what?
It ain't gonna happen.
You little dirty pimps!
We're going to remove you and your Chi-Com masters.
You got it, Jack?
We are kicking your ass!
Spoiling for a fight!
And winning!
We have the Providence.
This is, again, probably going to be one of the most loaded, jam-packed transmissions ever.
You can feel the energy increasing across the planet.
Good and evil are contending for supremacy as we launch into the future.
I should have covered this in a tale yesterday.
I did cover it some.
DrudgeReport.com had it up as their top right-hand link.
It just got taken down as I was about to cover it.
But Professor Warren's social credit to shift law from Constitution to analytics and algorithm.
That is a Daniel Taylor, OldThinkerNews.com story that we reposted.
It's so important.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, will be here in the next hour to go over this some with us and why this is so important.
Because this is what Facebook admits they're doing.
Corporate global social score and corporate governance.
So dangerous.
And they're going to be over banking everything.
The big four tech companies.
This is the plan.
And that dovetails with this shocking article that went up last night that I've talked about 15 years ago because I talked to engineers.
Remember Captain Crunch, the first hacker he's known as he's been on the show?
He learned how to whistle into a telephone and take control of the phone company and even call, you know, get Richard Nixon on the phone.
Now, you ever hear, and all of a sudden your cable system flips over and says there's an emergency alert from the president or weather or whatever?
Those are tones.
Those are computers talking.
Now this has been a fact since they came out with radio and it went commercial.
By the 30s they had tones.
And then it went into telephones later.
Before that it was switchboards, people.
We should do a whole piece on this, the secret language of machines in your house.
They're whistling, they're talking, why do you think R2-D2 goes, It was like, oh, that's stupid.
Those old movies.
No, that's what they do.
That's people going to engineers and saying, how would a robot talk?
Well, they talk in bursts and bleeps.
Tones aren't really audible in radio anymore, but remember you used to listen to talk radio when it went to break.
Sometimes you'd hear.
That's tones in your house from all the smart TVs for years.
They're communicating with everything else in your house, even when your TV's not plugged into the internet, because your phone's activating it back and forth, and they're all talking with sub-audible tones.
Now, your dog can hear it.
There's a reason your dog's climbing underneath the... I mean, can you imagine animals and whales and other... what this is like, having to listen to all this?
I mean, it basically, if you could hear it, it's like this.
Bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bling, bl And they're all reporting on you.
And it says that in the articles.
We're linking to mainstream news now telling you about it.
The light bulbs.
Why do you think Obama said there's one type of light bulb you've got to use?
And they're globally standardized under the UN, that type of light bulb.
It was in mainstream news in engineering magazines 10 years ago, 11 years ago, that those can communicate with light flickers With chips embedded inside devices.
And they can have a little hole in the front of the device and that light goes through it and then activates it and gives it orders.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen, we're not in Kansas anymore.
There's articles about the IRS is using AI now to track your emotions and what you're up to.
I mean, you can't make this stuff up.
IRS testing behavioral analytics to verify online users.
Oh my god, I mean this is just out of control.
So, imagine if you're in your house, and you're Alexa, and you're Google Nest, or you're Ring that's got hidden mics in it, so you turn the mic off, it's still on.
If you could hear them communicating with each other, again, it would sound like a fireworks display or something.
Bing bong, bing bing, bzz baa bing bing bing.
I mean, that's what's going on.
And it's all on Infowars.com if you care.
And again, they know who you are.
The machines are programmed when a certain phone comes around that the phone then communicates with it and goes back and forth with all these tones and then there's bounties on you.
That's what came out last week that Netflix contacts all the smart TVs.
Even if you don't have Netflix, your TV's reporting everything you do back to Netflix.
And then it reports it all to Google and Apple, because they're all setting up a grid.
It was all done on purpose.
For everything you do, from paying your taxes, to getting a movie ticket, to buying condoms, to buying liquor, to going to the doctor, everything is tracked.
And then if you don't play ball, they turn it off, which they now admit's the plan.
How the hell would we allow such a nightmare grid to be built around us?
Now I had a clip I was going to get to at Giuliani.
Laying all this out last week, how Biden did it all.
I mean, we were the ones three years ago and two years ago harping on Biden and Obama and Hillary and the sellout of the Ukrainian infrastructure.
And that's one reason Roger Stone got indicted, was because he was laying out the groundwork here.
And so we're going to get to that clip.
Barnes is here.
I followed Sue in the Young Turks today.
You see the lawsuit at Infowars.com.
We have the classified document.
We're going to read over with Barnes first.
There is so much.
I've got more of Trump's speech.
I mean, the quickening's here.
And I keep saying every day, the quickening's more intense.
The quickening's more intense.
The quickening's more intense.
And I don't start the show every day just to say that.
It's gonna get crazier and crazier and crazier and crazier.
But remember, there's not just evil in the universe.
So as scary as this gets, Rolling over to these people only encourages them.
And I'm going to say this right now.
A lot of people have not supported Trump or have backed off supporting him because you get audited, you get death-threatened, you get harassed.
The left then comes after you at the grassroots.
And if you're in a homeowner's association, they will change the rules where you can't even park cars in your own driveway and only enforce it on you.
That's happening to me.
They will harass your children.
They will spit on you in stores.
They will throw iced tea in your face or hot coffee in your face.
They will say they want to kill you through your face.
They will shoot you.
They will break your ribs, like Congressman Scalise and Senator Paul.
So, you need to understand, folks, that I'm prominent in this.
And I'm not even the most prominent in the revolution to take back America.
And it's been very interesting.
Now, I'm the type of person that can be totally exhausted.
And somebody messes with me or death threats me and I suddenly get five hours of pure energy.
I'm not a defeatist.
I'm not a masochist.
I'm not a sadomasochist.
I don't enjoy fights.
But you come and punch me in the nose, I turn into the Energizer Bunny that'll tear your nose off.
So this doesn't affect me other than making me just get more aggressive and more focused.
A lot of people just get overwhelmed by it and blown away by the corruption and just tap out.
So, this is a battle of wills, folks.
And people are waiting for Trump to go on the offense and he's going to get even more support.
But I think he's waiting until it builds and it crests.
Like popping a pimple.
Until he really lets the globalists have it.
And they know that now.
The indictments are there.
It's coming.
And all hell is about to break loose.
It's already breaking loose, but I'm going to tell you right now.
The Pentagon put out an official report on Stars and Stripes that Antifa is going to go shoot up movie theaters and blame it on conservatives.
The Joker is designed to do it.
The Pentagon knows what propaganda is.
This is Chai Com Revolution starting crap.
I did a report on it last week.
The Pentagon has officially come out and said that.
So, the Pentagon's not perfect.
The Pentagon didn't know what was going on 10 years ago.
It knows what's going on now.
And it's decided, hey, we're not going to sell out America and piss all over our forbearers and sign over to the CHICOMS for no reason.
Just from even a selfish position, why would you forfeit all the power we've got in our history just so globalist leftists can piss all over us?
And, you know, like a dog wiping its ass on the carpet.
Drag their butts over our faces.
I mean, I'm sorry, but that's what this is, is a giant chicken crap exercise of chicken-neck nobodies that if they could mount America's head on the wall, they'd finally be somebody.
Now listen, speaking of funding operations, ladies and gentlemen, we're under massive attack, you know it.
We've done a lot of innovation under attack.
We've put everything we've got into giving the globalists a full push into 2020.
But I need funding, plus I make it easy.
We got the best supplements.
We got the best water filtration, air filtration.
Everything is 50% off.
the storable foods, the air filters, the water filters, all the supplements.
Infowarsstore.com. Black Friday comes early.
Two months early, we're running it for a week.
For whatever hadn't sold out, Infowarsstore.com. Get your supplements.
The new products, Faisal Beats, it's amazing, so good for you.
We've got all these great new t-shirts, Operation 51st State,
Bed Toe Knot, Take the Assault Weapons.
Infowarsstore.com. Store live, free shipping.
Double Patreon points.
And 50% off, Infowarsstore.com.
I mean, look, have we not delivered?
You've delivered as well.
Together we've done this.
Thank God.
But we have delivered!
I'm on the edge of my seat.
Constitutional lawyer, criminal lawyer, First Amendment lawyer Robert Barnes is with us.
In studio next hour.
Then he's going to host the fourth hour.
We filed suit on the Young Turks and others today.
It's very important that we all go on the offense, and we had to do it, but it's got to kind of take a little bit of a backseat to the attempted impeachment, that epic speech.
I mean, this is the real fight for the heart and soul of America.
People are so used to corruption, they think, well, we couldn't have an establishment fighting another establishment.
Actually, even if the other establishment fighting the globalists isn't perfect, again, why should it get rid of something rich, powerful, amazing, with a cool history, and just bow to the globalists and bow to the chi-comps?
It's not going to happen.
So, the fight's on, but if they're able to impeach Trump or they're able to remove him, the stock market's going to crash, it's going to be insane.
We're going to look at it all, this huge hoax.
That they put out that Trump said I'll hold money back if you don't rehire this prosecutor.
That's a total inversion of what Biden did.
We're going to play that again.
We're going to go over this declassified document.
I've been on air 25 years and I've never seen anything like this.
I don't know how everyone isn't on the edge of their seat.
This is like sudden death over time, NFL games every second.
But it's for all the marbles in the real world.
It's epic, epic, epic.
And the president calls out socialism and communism and calls out big tech censorship.
That's next segment.
We'll play a clip of that.
But first, let's go to him calling out the nightmare evil of socialism and communism to the people's face in the UN.
One of the most serious challenges our countries face is the specter of socialism.
It's the wrecker of nations and destroyer of societies.
Events in Venezuela remind us all that socialism and communism are not about justice.
They are not about equality.
They are not about lifting up the poor.
And they are certainly not about Good of the nation.
Socialism and communism are about one thing only.
Power for the ruling class.
Today I repeat a message for the world that I have delivered at home.
America will never be a socialist country.
In the last century, socialism and communism killed 100 million people.
Sadly, as we see in Venezuela, the death toll continues in this country.
These totalitarian ideologies combined with modern technology have the power to excise new and disturbing forms of suppression and domination.
We want every nation in our region to flourish.
And it's people to thrive in freedom and peace.
In that mission, we are also committed to supporting those people in the Western Hemisphere who live under brutal oppression, such as those in Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela.
According to a recent report from the UN Human Rights Council, women in Venezuela stand in line for 10 hours a day waiting for food.
Over 15,000 people have been detained as political prisoners.
Modern-day death squads are carrying out thousands of extrajudicial killings.
The dictator Maduro is a Cuban puppet.
Protected by Cuban bodyguards, hiding from his own people, while Cuba plunders Venezuela's oil wealth to sustain its own corrupt communist rule.
Since I last spoke in this hall, the United States and our partners have built a historic coalition of 55 countries that recognize the legitimate government of Venezuela.
To the Venezuelans trapped in this nightmare, please know that all of America is united behind you.
The United States has vast quantities of humanitarian aid ready and waiting to be delivered.
We're watching the Venezuelan situation very closely.
We await the day when democracy will be restored, when Venezuela will be free, and when liberty will prevail throughout this hemisphere.
Freedom and democracy must be constantly guarded and protected, both abroad and from within.
We must always be skeptical of those who want conformity and control.
Even in free nations, we see alarming signs and new challenges to liberty.
A small number of social media platforms are acquiring immense power over what we can see and over what we are allowed to say.
A permanent political class is openly disdainful Dismissive and defiant of the will of the people.
A faceless bureaucracy operates in secret and weakens democratic rule.
Media and academic institutions push flat-out assaults on our histories, traditions and values.
In the United States, my administration has made clear to social media companies That we will uphold the right of free speech.
A free society cannot allow social media giants to silence the voices of the people.
And a free people must never, ever be enlisted in the cause of silencing, coercing, canceling, or blacklisting their own neighbors.
That's the new site launched to counter the Southern Poverty Law Center and the...
Basically defunct ACLU that doesn't defend the First Amendment anymore.
That's even in NPR article today that the First Amendment's basically dead in America if it's not defended well.
The left's the ones wanting to get rid of the First Amendment.
Now you're wondering why you're losing all these lawsuits and why you're going down the tubes.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, is here with us in studio.
He'll be hosting the fourth hour as well.
Mike Adams is coming up in the third hour loaded for bear.
I am your main host, Alex Jones, right here in the info war coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas.
Austin Broadcasting Worldwide.
Now, we have a very full plate today.
I filed suit on the Young Turks for their vicious attempt to destroy our operation and silence our free speech, which they stated was their reason.
We've been forced to do this.
You can read the suit at Infowars.com.
Alex Jones fights back, sues Young Turks for libel.
We're not going to cover that until the bottom of the hour because it's important.
We're fighting back.
State Attorney General is working with Trump and the new Attorney General are moving forward.
But they're the heavy tanks going in.
We're the infantry behind the tanks.
And so, we're going to be laying all this out and the larger strategies to return the First Amendment.
You just heard the President at the UN World Stage bring this up.
So, we're going to get to that at the bottom of the hour.
What's happening with Trump, Big Tech, Zuckerberg visiting D.C.
last week, and so much more with constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes.
But first, it is on record that it is Hillary Clinton's lawyer, again, that is one of the, quote, whistleblowers, where they claim that they heard him, that's President Trump, say, I'll take money away from Ukraine if you don't hire a prosecutor back that was investigating Joe Biden's son who took over a giant gas company.
Now it turns out, as usual, it is a total inversion of reality.
Here's the New York Times.
Trump asked Ukraine leader to quote, do us a favor.
That was buying U.S.
arms, which is what presidents do.
It's legal and lawful.
And also urges inquiry of Biden.
But it's two separate things.
He should be bringing this up.
He should be doing this because Biden went on television a year ago and said on the CFR, on C-SPAN, that's the shadow government, it's a public meeting place.
They brag about it, the ones setting up the Chinese Century, selling us out.
Type in Council on Foreign Relations, Chinese Century.
They cheerlead for China.
There they are, saying, oh, they're going after my son.
So I threatened the prosecutor and I said, if you don't fire him, I'll cut a billion dollars, and they fired him.
Now that's exactly what they're saying Trump was threatening to do, but Biden actually did it and bragged publicly.
So as a smokescreen, this whole impeachment thing is desperate because this goes to Hillary, who was quarterbacking the whole deal.
You also have the former FBI director involved, Robert Mueller.
So that's why they put all this on Trump, because the indictments are sealed.
The Justice Department has said they're going ahead with them.
And that's why you're seeing this total chicken with a head caught off panic.
Now, that said, This is all baseless.
It's the fourth time impeachment proceedings have been opened.
Presidents have only been impeached twice.
This is the fourth time they've been opened.
They have been opened.
And they could pull out false flags.
They're trying to crash the economy.
They could try to start wars.
This is an insane time.
And there's now, as Drudge Report reports, Republican cracks emerge.
You've got a bunch of blackmailed and scared Republicans who are ready to go after President Trump, even though he unclassified from the government that was recording the president talking to a foreign president the transcript, and it's exactly what the president said in a 30-plus minute conversation, barely even talked about it, said he was amazed.
By this statement that Joe Biden made on national television.
Here is the Joe Biden statement.
And so I got Ukraine and I remember going over convincing our team or others to convincing that we should be providing for loan guarantees.
I went over I guess the 12th, 13th time to Kiev, and I was supposed to announce that there was another billion dollar loan guarantee.
And I had gotten a commitment from Poroshenko and from Yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state prosecutor, and they didn't.
So they said, they were walking out to the press conference, and I said, no, we're not going to give you the billion dollars.
They said, you have no authority, you're not the president.
The president said, I said, call him.
I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting a billion dollars.
I said, you're not getting a billion.
I'm going to be leaving here, I think it was, what, six hours?
I looked, I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Robert Barnes, this is terrorism going on with these fake whistleblowers, these fake rape victims, all of this, and it's just stunt after stunt.
It's building to a crescendo.
How would you define this period of time we're in?
Well, you look at something that's an actual smoking gun.
As they said, the transcript was going to be a smoking gun.
The actual smoking gun is there, Joe Biden, saying, if you don't fire the prosecutor, you don't get the billion dollars from the U.S.
A prosecutor who was involved in potentially investigating his son's... And that's quid pro quo right in front of you.
I mean, from a criminal case perspective, if I was defending Joe Biden, that would be almost an impossible thing to overcome.
That's a definition of it.
That's like the guy on tape saying, please kill my ex-wife, right?
And I'll give you $10,000.
Yeah, he was upset at the moment.
He was like, here's the cash, here's where she lives, here's how you do it.
And he knows he's on video saying it.
I mean, he's sitting there saying, right here, if you don't fire the prosecutor who's investigating my son, who could expose my son's corruption, then what we're going to do is not give you a billion dollars of U.S.
taxpayer money.
That's what they claimed was in this transcript, which doesn't exist in this transcript.
President Zelensky, he was actually a comedian in Ukraine before he got elected.
He's the one who instigates the entire conversation.
He says, we have problems with corruption in Ukraine.
We need to drain the swamp in Ukraine.
We want Rudy Giuliani to come over here because we want to get into these issues.
And all Trump says is, okay, sure.
In response to the questions by Zelensky, he says, hey, yes, we'll support it.
This does seem weird.
That's it.
There was no quid pro quo.
Trump didn't even initiate or instigate the conversation at all.
There was no talking about Biden eight different times.
Trump said this last week, so this is all just a smokescreen to cover up that Hillary's involved, right?
Oh no, what they're doing is they're saying, look at this horrible offensive action, just like the Clinton emails, just like what they did with WikiLeaks.
They're saying, how dare you expose Democratic corruption.
That it should be an impeachable offense for you to expose the Democratic gravy train that has enriched the Biden family.
And Governor Weld is saying, kill Trump.
He says, execute him for this.
Oh yeah, exactly, which is insane.
Imagine if this had been said against Obama.
I mean, if anybody had said anything like that, they would have been targeted.
But if you look at the escalation, it's going to go into physical civil war by them any month now.
It's a deep level of projection.
They keep seeing, they keep blaming others for what they themselves have done.
Ukraine has been a centerpiece of democratic political corruption going on a better part of a decade.
They do not want it to be exposed because it exposes all the dirty secrets.
What we're seeing is a total panic right now.
Absolutely, because they cannot afford this investigation to move forward.
This is history, it's happening.
Spread the live links, Infowars.com/show and Bann.video.
All right, constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes is here with us.
I have filed suit today on the Young Turks and others.
We'll tell you about that next segment.
It's part of the As Above, So Below operation to fight back against these tyrants.
We've been forced to do it.
Read the suit and more at Infowars.com and Newswars.com and the new site Band.Video that is exploding.
Thanks to you spreading the word, so keep it up.
The site's getting better every day.
More is getting added.
More sections, the live feeds, special events and so much more.
Robert Barnes will be hosting the fourth hour to get more into this but I can sit
back and see the left so much trouble and so desperate but they won control of
the house and they may have the votes to get the indictment in the house that's
where they again would get the indictment for impeachment and that's
when you're impeached and then the Senate votes on whether to remove you or not.
Bill Clinton got impeached in the House in the mid-90s, late 90s, but it did not get passed in the Senate.
It got dropped.
So that is the point that we're basically at here that Pelosi's trying to get us to.
And you can say, oh, well, they're a bunch of idiots.
This all blew up in their face.
He did nothing wrong.
They don't care.
They're all over the news saying, proof!
He offered money.
It's over.
It's in the transcript.
Judge Andrew Napolitano, who Has turned on Trump.
You know, like rotten milk or something.
Says, oh, proof of a crime!
I mean, Fox News, I know, is putting pressure on people for what they say and do if they want to keep their jobs.
I've talked to some high-level folks that refuse to do it and are being threatened to be let go.
So they've got a lot of courage.
But Robert Barnes, again, as Drudge reports, Republican cracks are emerging.
This is completely empty.
This is a red herring.
This is a canard.
But they're so whipped up and so crazy, I don't think we should be too confident about this.
Well, there's no doubt this is deep state sabotage on a continuous basis, in alignment with the Democratic Party.
Because here you have what should have been a private, confidential conversation concerning the President of the United States and a President of a foreign nation that's in a politically sensitive region in Europe, between Europe and Russia.
And here you have someone effectively forcing the disclosure of this transcript of this conversation.
Because of their illicit leaks and politically motivated quote-unquote whistleblower activity.
This isn't whistleblower activity.
This is illegal and illicit leaks of confidential communications that should have remained classified and secret.
And what they were really trying to do was to force out into the open, force out into the public, the degree to which the Ukrainian administration under this newly elected president who promised to clean up a notoriously corrupt region, a country that has been torn between billionaire oligarchs on both sides of the political aisle who simply use their political power to enrich themselves repeatedly and routinely over the past two decades.
Watch documentaries like Ukraine on Fire and others and see it from a range of perspectives from both the left and the right that exposes the degree to which even the Obama administration in particular was in bed with actual Nazis.
Neo-Nazis with a long history of Nazi alignment, Nazi history, Nazi heritage, that they promoted and propagated, involved in xenophobic and anti-Semitic violence.
That's who the Obama administration was in bed with.
And by the way, we exposed that, that a bunch of the same groups funding some of the leftist groups in Charlottesville a few years ago, were the same NGOs funding the Nazis in Ukraine that actually hollered Hitler.
They do the Hitler salute.
They sued us, saying we're saying That something completely different than what we really said, it's just insane.
Yeah, and what you have is the State Department was embedded with, and involved with, and invested with, and connected to, and participating with, and to some degree conspiring with actual neo-Nazi parties in Ukraine that have a real neo-Nazi history, Nazi support, Nazi legacy.
And what this deal is, the fear and the paranoia by the deep state and the Democratic Party political establishment, Ukraine opens the door to the extensive depth of corruption and collusion.
And let me throw this in because what you're saying is so central.
So I was pointing out and Lee Stranahan was pointing out what was in the news that they were using Ukraine to send money in, the State Department, Hillary and Obama, to send it back for political operations here in the U.S.
and sending money over to try to topple Putin and then sending money back here to the U.S.
which they admit they did.
It's illegal.
It's money laundering.
So we pointed out The State Department was funding Nazis out in California, was funding the leftists in Charlottesville, and was funding the same Nazis, a group sovereign Ukraine.
And then they spun it and said, oh, you're saying some guy that had worked for Hillary that was a photographer, you're saying he did it.
We're not saying he did that.
We're saying that the same State Department group did, which they did.
But that's how they changed the subject.
Oh yeah, they shifted narrative and here they had to because what would happen with Ukraine was substantially problematic from a Democratic political party establishment perspective.
If a meaningful investigation is done, remember the president, what happened is a recent election happened in Ukraine for the first time where nobody connected to any of the corrupt political establishment, not a billionaire candidate, won the presidential election in Ukraine.
And they've been using the Ukraine ongoing civil war for years to, again, launder money out of.
Oh, exactly.
To enrich themselves, to threaten Russia, to threaten Europe as a political tool, as a ploy, as a technique.
And that came out in the NSA transcripts where Obama's ambassador is saying, F the EU, F Russia, let's create a crisis.
And so the reason why Zelensky is calling the president is Zelensky wants the new president
of Ukraine, wants to clean up Ukraine and finish this for a few months.
And that's the conversation.
Hey, we've got our swamp.
Will you help us?
Trump's like, yeah, sure, we'll try.
Yeah, wow.
Do you see Biden on TV saying, I got the prosecutor fired or I threatened a billion bucks?
I mean, that's a normal conversation.
What happens is you have some deep state hacks listening or reviewing this transcript or
listening in on the call and saying, oh, my goodness, this could endanger the president
at a core and key level, because if the president really goes after us and exposes the degree
to which the deep state and democratic political establishment have colluded and conspired
with corruption in Ukraine to do horrific things like being in bed with the neo-Nazis,
like enriching family members, like politically patronizing the Clinton Foundation, like being
behind the Christopher Steele activities, the Fusion GPS, Spygate, incorporated all
of that.
A lot of that was laundered through Ukraine.
Ukrainian sources, Ukrainian money, Ukrainian political officials.
They were in a meeting with the DNC.
They were meeting with the State Department.
They were meeting with the Justice Department.
All of this has come out in different forms.
If you dig deep, Ukraine is the perfect template, the perfect teapot of corruption and collusion that exposes both the deep state and the Democratic Party political establishments.
And that's why they're so terrified of it.
And that's just like LBJ was only worth like $10 million if you look it up.
Maybe even less, let's say $8 billion.
I've read books about it.
Before he became president, but as soon as he did, he became basically a billionaire in his family.
That was back in 1960s numbers, because he got part of the Brown and Root and part of the Halliburton and all the money dredging the harbors.
The whole war that was hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars, he ended up getting almost a billion dollars off of that.
So again, they use these war zones as honeypots for themselves specifically.
Oh, absolutely.
And Ukraine is a perfect place to launder money, launder political intelligence, launder political power, help do the template for staging false flag events.
There's still controversy over what happened, what's called the Maiden Affair.
And there's just a lot of hot chicks everywhere.
Yeah, well there's that too.
But it has been used forever as a sort of balancing power between Russia and Europe.
The U.S.
used it and used its corruption, its collusion, questions about the legitimacy of the quote-unquote Orange Revolution dating back to the early 2000s.
This has been Soros' Playground.
It has been continually because it's a way to leverage power against Russia, a way to leverage power against Europe.
So they have a clean president who wants to end corruption.
He asked President Trump for help and President Trump says yes.
The Democrats in the deep state got terrified.
And they turned that into the most corrupt thing ever.
It's almost as evil as, you know, Jesus healing the blind or whatever.
We'll be right back on the other side to get more into this and how the left is going to strike back next.
That incredible UN speech and so much more with Robert Barnes.
I'm Alex Jones, Banned.Video.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm very, very thankful for all of you, all of our affiliates, our sponsors, that it's really you, the listeners and viewers.
I'm thankful for this wonderful crew.
I'm thankful for my family, for a good friend of mine now, Robert Barnes.
He can get on any subject and he knows all about it, because I studied all this stuff.
And I don't want somebody who's BSing, and he's got a better memory than I do, of course.
He's 45.
I'm a couple months older than him.
I'm Robert Barnes's elder, but he was born the same year as I, I'm being sarcastic.
He's our chief legal strategist.
We're going to file more suits tomorrow.
We're going to go through who we're suing today, because there are typical examples,
the type of nasty folks, in my opinion and view, that think that they can simply make
stuff up about people and then not be held accountable for it.
And a lot of these folks admit it's their plan to say these things to take me off air.
So it's malice of forethought, intent to do harm.
We gave them a chance to retract and they didn't.
And we gave the folks at MarketWatch chances and they don't care because they're going for a broke.
Ladies and gentlemen, They're going for broke.
You know, the Young Turks went on their show and said Alex Jones is going to be off the air.
Probably be going to jail.
They got very, very excited.
And they chortled and laughed and later they pulled it down and didn't pull the tweets though.
And people come up to me now and they think that I'm a child pornographer.
And if you look at the comments, when Paul Watson tweeted this out this morning, there's a bunch of leftists saying, oh you're just mad they caught you with your stash.
One of the people we're suing says that I threatened to kill the Sandy Hook parents.
I mean, they're trying to get me hurt, folks.
And so, we're not litigious.
We're doing this for everybody's free speech, and everybody to be protected, and for conservatives, Christians, and nationalists, and pro-gun folks.
to stand up and let the left know, the deranged left, that it's not open season on us anymore.
That said, Robert Barnes is doing this at cost for the filings and things, but he intends to
depose these people. He intends to fly around on airplanes and do all this with his team.
I've seen him do it myself with what he's doing. We weren't going to be able to continue on with
the legal fees that we had at the level we're at right now.
We'd have to cut back if Barnes hadn't come in and helped us cut back on some things and
really streamline things.
But I got to tell you, you need to go to freeamericanlawcenter.com and become a member.
And you get a bunch of great legal information. You get a bunch of special reports. You get free
books because this guy is prolific. And it's just great to be a member. But listen, we need to build
our own.
We need to build our own Southern Poverty Law Center, but actually defend everybody's freedoms.
And this is so precious right now to both defend free speech, but also on the offense against those that are trying to shut down our speech using defamation and libel.
So freeamericanlawcenter.com.
Mr. Barnes has got a team together.
He's got lawyers all over the country ready to do this at cost.
But we don't just intend to sue people and then just get a publicity stunt out of them.
We intend to depose them.
We intend to go after them.
We intend to fight them.
And let me give you an example.
Hillary Clinton's law firm spent a million and a half dollars on us with the Pepe the Frog thing.
The judge said, hey listen, you're going to win the case, but pay them $15,000, $1,000 above the statutory, what they could get.
So he limited them to that.
But I don't want this going to trial to waste everybody's time.
So I did what the judge said.
I could have forced that through.
But we spent $100,000.
They spent a million and a half.
That gives you an idea of the level of fights we're in right here.
This is serious business, okay?
I'm fighting Hillary Clinton, and I'm proud I am, but I want to stay on the field.
I want to stay in the game, coach.
And folks, you are the coach.
You're the chief cook and bottle washer.
You're the whole nine yards.
And when you spread the word about the broadcast, when you financially support us buying great products, It makes all of this be able to continue on and happen so I am literally in your hands as I've said and it's been nip and tuck here but you guys just keep coming through so thank you plus you get great products but freeamericanlawcenter.com everybody should go join and be a member not just for the great benefits but for knowing
That you are standing with folks that aren't playing games and that mean to take action.
And Barnes has a great history and background of wins, over 85% wins.
A lot of really big famous cases you never hear about because real lawyers you don't see on the national news generally.
They put the folks on that play footsie.
Barnes, talk about Free American Law Center and then let's get into the suit against the Young Turks and others while we're doing it.
Sure, so we needed a counterpart to the Southern Poverty Law Center, an antidote to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
An ACLU for everybody, not just the left.
The left has almost a monopoly on lawfare and legal access to the legal system.
We need to democratize access to the legal system for ordinary everyday people against three particular threats that where they're unrepresented in our legal system today.
This included defamation, this included whistleblowers against deep state activities, this included protecting against de-platforming.
In order to do so, I've put together a team of lawyers and legal advisors and investigators and media representatives and a wide range of people to be able to make it effective and to make it efficient and to make it cost effective to be able to achieve and attain that change by democratizing access to the legal system at FreeAmericaLawCenter.com.
We also made it very affordable and accessible for people to become monthly subscribers.
It only costs $17.76 a month.
This is simply to cover costs.
This doesn't go to legal fees or anything else.
And once we get some wins, it'll take years.
But once we get some big judgments, which you've done many times, then it'll become self-funding and we're ready to really take it to them.
This is a long fight, folks, and it takes commitment.
And the purpose of this is we need something that is sustainable.
We need to democratize access to the law by building a broad base of public support for an independent legal support organization that can make real these changes over time.
They can begin to bring the path-breaking cases at the end like the NAACP did in the 1950s and 1960s.
Like the ACLU used to do when they were actually representing everybody on free speech, like Oliver North and others.
So we need to do so in order to democratize access and not make it ideological and partisan on the left like it is currently.
And we also provide additional benefits.
Everybody who's a monthly subscriber gets Q&A podcasts exclusive with legal experts.
They get digital free books each month that provide self-education about the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.
So we provide a wide range of benefits that far exceed what the cost is on a monthly basis.
And again, I challenged you a long time ago to do this, and you said, I've already been thinking about it.
You really hustled to get it up and to be doing it, and you're already taking action.
We're suing three groups today, more tomorrow.
And we mean business, but that's going to take money, folks.
So please, you want to see action on this.
You've got some big whistleblower suits that are coming out in the next month as well.
Actually, yeah, we've already filed for Robin Gritz.
That's going to lead to the potential deposition of Andrew McCabe.
Robin Gritz was a high-ranking FBI agent and one of the top counterterrorism... So you're moving so fast, I don't even... Let's tell folks about that at the start of the next hour before Mike Adams comes in.
We've got to get into our suits, particularly about Young Turks that people are so excited about because they're such, you know, such deceivers in my view.
Tell us about the suit.
So we filed suit today in the Western District of Texas.
Alex Jones vs. Brianna Wu, a Democratic congressional candidate in Massachusetts.
Who said?
Tell them what she said.
What she had said is the suit alleges, she stated on Twitter and on other social media platforms, she falsely accused you of sending child porn to the Sandy Hook families.
She also falsely accused you of threatening to murder Sandy Hook families on the air.
She knew this information was false at the time in which she said it, as the suit makes clear, and in addition continued to make the statement and refuse to retract it or correct it, despite specific requests to do so, as the suit lays out.
As the suit also lays out, the Young Turks, one of the most prominent media organizations in the country, in fact this video Is still being recommended.
The title of the video, and the video has been taken down, the false title, the defamatory title, is still being recommended by YouTube and Google to this very day.
If you simply do a search on Alex Jones on Google or YouTube.
If you do any search, and if you watch a CBS News article.
Or mainstream press article, establishment press article, right underneath it, it will recommend that you look at this Young Turks headline, which the Young Turks itself knew is false, knew is defamatory, knew is liable.
Young Turks is backed by YouTube, backed by Google, fully monetized, supported, their videos recommended, they have billionaire supporters, they have foreign government supporters, they have a wide range of establishment Democratic press supporters.
Oh, and Republican and Democratic national conventions, they were on the Google stage.
I mean, they have multiple levels of access and control that other independent members of the press do not have.
They can have that taken down.
And they should have.
I specifically requested Cenk, who's the leader of the Young Turks, who founded the name, who created it.
Who's a lawyer, knows exactly what he's doing.
That he immediately retract, delete, and correct what he said and what the Young Turks said.
And to this day, they have refused.
They falsely accused you of knowingly sending child porn to Sandy Hook families, knowing it was completely false, knowing the whole story was a lie and a libel.
They've even hidden the video that showed that in fact they knew this was a lie and a libel, and yet they refuse to correct the tweets, refuse to correct this misleading headline article that is still being repeated on YouTube to this day.
And we're suing the Mother Jones operative.
We'll tell you about that when we come back.
We have to, ladies and gentlemen, because they're premeditatedly saying things to shut us down and take us off the air.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And you know, I fly by the seat of my pants.
I do deep research.
I'm totally focused, but I'm teleprompter free.
Most people on air are very scripted, so I sometimes say things wrong.
I was saying free America.
It's free America.
Free America.
Free America.
Go check it out.
Become a member.
It's supporting not just my defense part of it, but also our offense and a bunch of other exciting things that Robert Barnes is doing.
Going after McCabe.
He has a lot of courage, but he's gone after these people before.
He's gone after these heavy hitters in the swamp.
So we're not just counting on Trump to do it.
We're taking action.
So thank you for supporting us.
You can know you're taking action and really having an effect when you pray for us, when you spread the word about the shows, when you share links and articles and word of mouth, and when you buy the products, ladies and gentlemen.
I haven't even gotten to Trump saying we're going to defend the Second Amendment and not curtail it at the UN.
I know you've watched the speech, 43 minutes long.
How would you describe it?
It's just fabulous.
It's like the antidote to cyanide.
It's like water in the desert.
It's like sunshine to plants.
I mean, this was just amazing.
And he said we're going after big tech.
I mean, wow.
Oh, no doubt about it.
And to do so from the UN stage, and to say that he's not going to embrace globalism, is going to continue to contest globalism, is continue to promote a free America.
That's like in 1940 going into the Reichstag and giving a speech against Nazism right in front of Hitler.
And it's parallel to what he's doing with Ukraine.
Trying to provide for a free world that is free of the corruption and collusion that has been happening on a routine and regular basis between the deep state and democratic political establishment to manipulate foreign governments for the self-enrichment and self-empowerment of corrupt, colluded elites.
And so the same thing he's doing at the UN is the same reason why he's being attacked.
He's being attacked because he's willing to uncover and investigate and expose the degree
to which the deep state democratic political party alignment has corrupted foreign governments,
has corrupted our own political institutions, and is willing to expose that at personal
risk to himself.
And what's insane is this isn't hype, this is really happening.
It makes me embarrassed that I've gotten mad at Trump so much, but we're all in this together.
We're getting our asses handed to us.
We're winning politically, but God does it hurt.
So how do you describe it?
I mean, I know you're even more positive on Trump than I am, because you're more confident.
How I work through this love-hate thing, because I don't hate Trump, but I hate the fact that he's not doing more, but I guess he thinks if he moves too fast, they'll be able to stop him.
Do you think his formula is correct?
Oh, I think his formula is absolutely correct, and I think the main thing that his supporters that feel disappointed at different times underestimate, the thing that the Q supporters didn't really recognize or realize, Is the degree to which the president is isolated and ostracized from the political corrupt establishment that exists in the United States today.
Oh yeah, that's the thing with Q, and I don't want to bash folks that like it, and it's fun and it's a cute scene, but you know, we really, talk to these folks, we're really plugged in.
Then it's this fantasy that there's all these good guys high up and Trump's got it in hand.
He's got it in hand because he's a real leader.
He's only got a few people that actually do support him.
And so this is one hell of a real fight here.
We've reached a Roman Empire stage, is what a Yale historian described it as, where the political capital has become entrenched with corruption and institutionalized corruption.
And I think people underestimated.
An entitlement like SJW's.
And I think people underestimated the scope of it.
I mean, here you have a private confidential communication conversation with a president elected to clean up a foreign government, in part to clean up that foreign government from corrupting influences of the United States, including deep state and democratic political operatives who have used their country to enrich and empower themselves.
And I read it this morning and got tears in my eyes.
I was proud of Trump.
I mean, he's like, yeah, we're trying to drain your swamp, you're trying to drain, yeah, we're draining it.
Man, did you see Biden on TV admitting he got this guy fired and threatened money?
That's illegal.
That's crazy.
I mean, and then the news turns it around that he's dirty.
Oh, exactly.
Which they have no choice but to do.
Because Ukraine opens the door to the scope and the severity of the degree of depravity.
Let me ask you this.
How do you think this ends, gut level?
Because they're getting crazier by the minute.
And I don't want to be overconfident here.
I mean, this is...
This is insane.
I'm more scared of the Democrats because they're so crazy.
They're wild-eyed right now.
They're just nuts.
Well, it's like anyone exposed.
They're looking in the mirror and they're projecting onto others that which they see in themselves, particularly in fearing that the deepest, most problematic aspects of their institutional power will now be exposed for the whole world to see.
Because what they're accusing President Trump of is in fact what Joe Biden did.
And what President Trump is doing is recognizing there's a serious problem and wanting to clean it up.
And their attempt to change the subject is crazy.
Oh yeah, I mean, they need to shift the story.
They need to accuse him of what they themselves are involved in.
And then now the transcript comes out and it proves what he said.
I want to get to our suits because these are everybody's suits.
This is fighting back.
Everybody wants it.
Everybody said we should do it.
Well, we're doing it.
These are just outrageous things they've said and done.
We're going to get to that in a moment, but I just want to remind listeners, we're running Black Friday comes early.
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And again, that's how we're still here in the face of the globalist onslaught.
So thank you, and please support our local affiliates.
Now, let's get back into the Young Turks suit that has the link to Free America Law Center.
That's America.
FreeAmericaLawCenter.com if folks want to check it out.
It's on Infowars.com as well.
Get into this other individual from Mother Jones.
So Andrew Kimmel, who is a national affairs editor with Mother Jones, has had prior affiliations and associations and ties to BuzzFeed, who's been very sort of trolls various people on the internet, on the social media sites that he politically disagrees with.
He went out and put also put out the false statements concerning what was happening in the matter, in the case, just as the Young Turks did.
And to read right from the suit.
The suit that knowing that Jones was an intended victim of an email attack on his employer's computer servers by cyber criminals, the defendants, including Andrew Kimmel, including the Young Turks, including Breonna Wu, chose to lie and libel Jones instead, accusing him of a federal felony they knew he did not commit.
Jones never possessed any child pornography, transmitted it, none of it.
All of that they knew was false.
And even after the FBI gave us a letter saying that, they wouldn't take it down.
Here you have cyber criminals trying to plant child pornography on InfoWars servers, and using terminology in the emails, knowing that those would be forced to be turned over in court-ordered discovery.
Hidden child porn.
Totally hidden, disguised, and used terminology that they knew those emails would have to be turned over by court order.
Independent litigation.
That's why the FBI identified you and InfoWars as a victim, as the targeted victim of cyber criminals.
And here you have these people... But look, we broke this first and exposed that.
They knew.
It was done the weekend before.
And so even though they knew all of these facts... That was their response.
They knew that you'd never committed any kind of crime, never sent anything to the Sandy Hook families in this regard at all, weren't complicit or involved at all.
We're the victim.
They tried to make you the perpetrator.
And they continue to lie and libel even when retraction requests were made, correction requests were made.
Mo, this is so out of control.
The Supreme Court of Connecticut has taken over the Sandy Hook case saying I'm being basically railroaded.
That's being heard tomorrow.
Before it ever went to trial, there's this public interest.
That's like when you catch, you know, the judge with a bunch of money in the back of their truck from the mafia.
That's when the Supreme Court gets involved.
The court gets involved when lower courts take extraordinary action that requires extraordinary remedy.
And here the lower court said that out-of-courtroom speech could be used as a basis to deprive you of rights within the court system.
I found that very constitutionally dubious, that order, that opinion.
The judge issued her opinion for the reasons she did, and we're not questioning her basis or motivation.
We're saying that the legal ideas in the order We're deeply problematic for a free press and free speech in America, and that's what's being challenged, and that's why whatever the Connecticut Supreme Court does, the cases likely to reach the United States Supreme Court.
Exactly, I'm using one of the famous cases, not this judge, you know, where the judge gets caught with the mafia, and then, you know, they have a public interest comes in.
I mean, this is very rare.
Big constitutional issues are involved, and so this is a big constitutional case.
That's why I say your cases will be the tip of the spear for free speech and free press in America.
And let's just be clear, it's not like the Connecticut Supreme Court is a bunch of right-wingers.
I am literally being crucified so bad, people are having to get involved.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Alright, Mike Adams is absolutely fire-breathing and ready to take over out there.
And we're looking forward to that.
He was going to get into the fact that Google is already involved.
in quantum computing, they're always way more advanced than they're saying they are.
And so he's going to be getting into that.
But now he's really on the impeachment deal.
He's an expert on that so much.
And you're going to come back in and host the fourth hour.
And again, folks, I could be here for this, but I like to have these experts in where
they can really have the floor.
And so I'm not in here jumping back and forth.
But you also said more good news in Virginia.
The judge said, I can go forward with my interlocutory appeal.
That's Georgetown suing me, ladies and gentlemen.
That's Georgetown, literally the Democratic Party, and people hear their free speech clinic
going after me.
And you read the suit, it's not even what we said it is.
It's total fiction.
Yeah, there's aspects of the suit that really do not seem to make sense to me.
But one of the big issues was whether they could sue in Charlottesville for comments or statements that were made in Austin, Texas.
So what the court has to determine is where should the appropriate forum be.
And the district court originally was not going to grant the interlocutory appeal, re-examined the issues, issued a very thoughtful opinion which said, yes, this should go up to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals.
They should determine where should these cases be brought, when they should be brought, and how they should be brought, and whether or not he made the right decision in saying it could move forward in Charlottesville.
So I think that's important that that move forward.
Again, all of these are going to establish core constitutional rights about whether and where and when a person can be sued.
One of the cases the Free America Law Center is supporting, one of the primary ones, is the Covington kids.
Right now, the federal courts are going to be determining in the Covington case whether politicians are completely immune from liability and can be even immune from state torts and state courts Merely because they are an elected politician and a member of Congress.
So all of these cases involving you, involving the Robin Gritz case, the Covington cases, all the cases Free America Law Center are handling.
By the way, you haven't lost your cases like the other guy.
No, that's correct.
The Covington cases are moving forward.
And you predicted all this was going to happen.
Oh yes.
It's kind of magic how those got thrown out right away.
You told me privately that was about to happen.
Yeah, we had requested, I had requested, that the institutional press issue various forms of corrections and retractions and deletions, and almost all of them did.
The only people who were sued, that I brought suits against, were those who had not done any kind of corrective action.
That's just like the cases you brought today.
You have avoided filing these kind of cases in the past, because you want to give people a second, third, fourth, fifth chances.
You want to protect the free press and a free speech.
But these are people using their institutional platforms to suppress free press.
I don't mean to interrupt, you'll talk about this more when you host the fourth hour after Mike Adams comes in here from nationalnews.com.
You already filed a major whistleblower suit and there's other big ones coming.
Tell people briefly about that.
So we filed a suit on behalf of Robin Gritz, one of the top FBI agents in the country, who was forced out of the FBI by Andrew McCabe and others.
She was one of the first people to highlight the degree of corruption involving Andrew McCabe at the FBI.
She was one of the critical whistleblowers against deep state activities on behalf of, to support the President Trump.
And so we are supporting her case against the FBI for the wrongful termination and dismissal of her, filing that in federal court.
That case has already been filed.
It's moved to what's called the motion to dismiss stage, to the pleading stage.
Once we get past that, then we're getting into actual discovery.
We may be able to even depose Andrew McCabe himself for the first time in a real meaningful case that could expose the degree of corruption that he's been up to.
So it's a critical essential.
It's the leading whistleblower case against the deep state in the country.
Again, supported by Free America Law Center.
And again, the key here is anything real, you're not going to see coverage of.
Like our suit against the Young Turks, Mother Jones, and this other woman that said that I said kill the Sandy Hook kids.
Just total not true.
To get me off air is the plan, obviously.
They've said that.
You're not going to see that in the news, okay?
That's why they have total lying headlines.
We're filing suit about tomorrow, saying I wrote a book about Sandy Hook and lost a suit.
We got a false suit tomorrow on that.
So a lot is going on.
A lot is happening.
We're going to play a few clips of Trump at the UN and then Mike Adams is coming in.
Plus we have a new message from the Communist Chinese Ministry of Truth straight ahead.
Please don't forget this broadcast is supported by you.
You're our sponsor.
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Hello Americans.
You've been asking how you should behave at work and university.
Hollywood has been teaching you how to behave.
But I wanted to introduce to you the perfect new American.
They do not believe in free speech, and they do what they're told at a party.
And most importantly, they report other people and have them censored, and they get in trouble.
This is the new American.
Here you are!
Orange man back!
Kimball Wars back!
Bend that video back!
Do what you're told!
Don't be a racist!
Reduce language!
Families are bad!
Take all vaccines!
America was never great!
Never be great!
Action for the peaceful!
CNN is high rated!
No Trump!
No Paul!
No USA at all!
Each nation represented in this hall has a cherished history, culture, and heritage that is worth defending and celebrating, and which gives us our singular potential and strength.
The free world must embrace its national foundations.
It must not attempt to erase them or replace them.
Looking around, And all over this large, magnificent planet, the truth is plain to see.
If you want freedom, take pride in your country.
If you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty.
And if you want peace, love your nation.
Wise leaders always put the good of their own people And their own country first.
The future does not belong to globalists.
The future belongs to patriots.
The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country Special and unique.
President Trump just delivered an ultimatum to the globalists with that speech and that's why they're pulling out all the stops to go after him and destroy him in any way possible.
Thank you for joining me.
This is Mike Adams stepping in for the third hour of this Infowars Alex Jones Show broadcast.
Robert Barnes will be back to explain more details about the lawsuit that Alex Jones has filed against the Young Turks and other parties.
He'll be back in the fourth hour.
That is Robert Barnes.
For this hour, I'm going to cover details about impeachment, also quantum computing, as Alex hinted earlier.
We now know that there is a 2048 qubit quantum computing system that is almost certainly possessed by Google and the NSA.
I'll talk about the implications of that computing platform and what it means for the future of human freedom, if there is any freedom left.
After there can be no more secrets and no more encryption.
We'll talk about that.
But first, getting to impeachment.
It's very clear at this point that President Trump set a trap for the Democrats.
And Nancy Pelosi stumbled right into it.
She just swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.
If you think about it, the trap is genius.
This is beyond, you know, 4D chess.
This is President Trump counting on the fact that Democrats are going to take the bait on everything.
And what he did is he set up actually a conversation with the President of Ukraine where they talk about the corruption and the criminality of Joe Biden.
And then Trump managed to get the Democrats begging for the release of the transcript of the phone call that talks about Joe Biden being this corrupt international, what do you say, a money grubber at the international level redirecting funds?
To his family, to his son.
And Rudy Giuliani last night on the Laura Ingraham Show talked about how he's got all the financial records.
They know the amount of money.
They've got the transaction dates and how it was funneled through at least three different countries to come back to the Biden family.
And guess what?
All that detail is going to come out now.
It's all going to come out because the Democrats just couldn't resist the bait.
They want to destroy Trump so badly that they will end up destroying themselves in the process.
So we are now watching two very important things taking place.
Number one, the destruction of the Democrat Party as we know it today.
The self-destruction has begun.
And Nancy Pelosi, her days as Speaker are very much numbered.
She will be one of the casualties, I predict, of this fiasco that they've unleashed upon America.
And also Joe Biden, he will go down in terms of not being a candidate very, very soon.
Joe Biden is going to be out, and that means that Elizabeth Warren is very likely the Democrat candidate who will face off against Trump.
And Elizabeth Warren, I mean, you know, she's an intelligent woman, she sounds compassionate, she seems to care about people, but her ideas are broken.
Her ideas are socialism and sort of communism-lite, and they don't work, and she's got a history of lying about herself, about her Native American ancestry, which has won 1,024th, apparently, according to her own genetic test, but she used that woman-of-color privilege To gain access and gain power through academia and elsewhere.
All that's going to come out yet again.
So, by going after President Trump here, Nancy Pelosi, I think, in my analysis, just made sure that Trump wins re-election in 2020.
But it also means, by the way, Nancy Pelosi is admitting that the Democrats are willing to risk thrusting America into a civil war to try to destroy President Trump.
They're willing to do anything.
Recognize that this is nothing other than the Democrats once again trying to overthrow the will of the people.
The people elected President Trump in 2016.
We elected him.
And by the way, if you throw out the votes of illegal aliens in California and elsewhere, Trump actually won the popular vote too.
The popular vote of Americans.
But the Democrats couldn't handle it from day one, so they tried to block the Electoral College to change the votes.
They tried to block his inauguration.
And from day one, since President Trump stepped into the White House, they have tried to destroy him through the Spygate fiasco, the Russia collusion hoax.
By installing spies into his administration, By Barack Obama breaking the law, abusing police state powers, by surveillance which was pioneered by John Brennan and Andrew McCabe was part of it and James Comey was part of it.
All of these schemes and all of these leaks and all of these secret plots and plans to take out Trump and it all failed the whole time.
All of it failed.
So now they are so desperate that they're rolling out, think about it, Russia Collusion Part 2, the Ukraine chapter, and it is already collapsing in their faces.
But the fact that they're willing to risk, risk America to push us into the possibility of civil war tells you everything that you need to know about these Democrats.
They don't care about you.
They don't care about America.
They don't care about the rule of law.
They will destroy this country if it means getting rid of Trump and possibly getting their own people back into power.
The Democrats don't want America to do well.
They're willing to sacrifice America and risk everything as long as they, the Democrats, maintain power and control.
They don't believe in democracy.
They don't believe in this republic.
They don't believe in the rule of law or honoring the outcome of elections.
They don't believe in civility.
They don't believe in morality or ethics or honesty or anything.
All they believe in is raw, naked power.
And they'll do anything to get it.
And they'll destroy anyone to get it.
And I think, by the way, they'll kill anyone to get it.
They'll kill anyone.
And just look at the trail of bodies behind, you know, the DNC and the Clinton Foundation and the whole history.
Of what the Democrats have done.
It's a long trail of body bags.
And you know what?
The American people are now saying, we're not going to let you keep steamrolling us.
We're not going to let you kill us off anymore.
We're not going to let you destroy our president.
We're going to stand here and we're going to fight.
And that's what President Trump just did with his U.N.
Trump is fighting for America and he needs us to stand with him and fight for what we believe in.
Much more straight ahead here on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
All right, we're back on the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams stepping in here from Natural News to give you analysis on some science and some Civil War topics today.
But first, by the way, Black Friday comes early here at InfoWars.
At InfoWarsStore.com, the Black Friday specials are already available some really tremendous savings on an
amazing assortment of products.
I've become a customer of some of the products that they make that you know I don't have access
to so I really I really like their colloidal silver gel by the way and it's just if you
don't have colloidal silver gel in your first aid kit you need to get it.
So just go to InfoWarsStore.com, get that, and I don't know if that's on sale, but a lot of things are on sale with the Black Friday specials, and supporting this network is going to keep our voices alive while we fight the globalists and help support Trump as he fights the globalists as well.
Now, for this segment, we're going to get into some of the practical things that you can do to help protect yourself against the new risk of civil war that Nancy Pelosi is thrusting us all into.
Remember, by supporting impeachment, Nancy Pelosi is risking total chaos in America.
She is risking.
Our republic just to achieve her political aims.
In essence, in my view, the Democrat Party has become a terrorist organization.
They are terrorizing America.
They are threatening this country.
And they are willing to do anything.
And I think even they're willing to kill anybody that it takes in their minds to achieve power.
So what can you do to protect yourself?
I brought a couple of items here.
I'm going to do a little show and tell, which is kind of unusual.
Um, right here on the desk with the overhead cam, for those of you watching, this is just a regular-looking backpack, and what you can do with any kind of a regular backpack to help defend yourself is you can purchase a ballistic panel and put it into the backpack.
I just want to show you that right here.
So you don't necessarily have to go out and buy a bulletproof backpack.
You can get a ballistic panel like this.
This is a fairly large one.
Looks like it's, what, 12 by 16 perhaps?
And this panel is a level 3A ballistic panel that of course protects against virtually all handguns.
But not necessarily, of course, high caliber rifle fire.
But if you are concerned about things happening in society or getting caught in some kind of a firefight, maybe you live near a liberal city and as Trump wins re-election, you know the liberals are going to go totally insane.
It's going to be the zombie apocalypse probably in some areas.
You might want to defend yourself and have this.
And the thing is, it doesn't look like ballistic gear.
You could have this backpack.
You can just wear it like a regular backpack.
You know, you can put your work gear in here.
You can buy any backpack to do this with.
That's the point here.
You put this panel in, now you're protected.
You can even swing this pack around to the front of your body, wear it on your chest
if you are engaging someone.
Maybe you have a concealed carry like I do.
I always carry concealed.
So maybe you swing this backpack around and actually wear it on the front of your body
while you are engaging or retreating or whatever you need to do.
My only word of caution is, of course, know your local laws, keep it legal, always follow
the local laws, and if you live in an area that doesn't allow you to own a ballistic
panels then maybe you are living in the wrong city or state.
But these panels are very inexpensive.
I've seen panels like this as low as, I think on sale, like $49.
So, you know, a backpack like this might cost you, you know, $50 to $100.
For another $50, you can put a panel in it, and now you have a ballistic backpack.
And the other cool thing is you can take that panel out and you can put it in even your briefcase.
So maybe you carry a briefcase to work.
You can sort of Velcro that panel inside your briefcase.
And if you have to, you can just use that briefcase to block yourself if there's gunfire.
Maybe you're working in a gun-free zone, right?
Which are magnets for mass shooters because they know no one's going to shoot back.
So if you're forced to work in a gun-free zone, You know, you could have a briefcase with that and you could literally protect yourself or choose to protect someone else while you evacuate or maybe engage or whatever you need to do.
And this, I think, is legal everywhere, but check your local laws.
Now, another thing that's very important about this is, in terms of gear, is I'm going to show you an 80% lower here because the state of New York has just issued a cease and desist order to five companies to stop selling these to New Yorkers.
And this is called an 80% lower, and this is an anodized lower that you use yourself You mill it out, either with like a ghost gunner machine, or you can get, you know, milling devices that you can mill this out with, and then you can build your own firearm legally under federal law.
So, this kind of AR-15 lower, it's anodized, and what I wanted to show you is, you see where I've dremeled off these areas on top?
And there are a couple inside, in that magwell, you see an X and Y.
And then also back here on this this area.
Hold on.
See if I can get it for you.
Where you attach the grip, you have to Dremel those three areas right there.
X, Y, and Z, and then you can actually make an AR-15 lower legally as long as you don't
sell it and you don't transfer it and you follow local laws.
Understand that in places like New Jersey, this is illegal, so don't violate the law
in New Jersey.
Instead, leave New Jersey and go to a place where you can do this legally.
Under federal law, it is legal to manufacture your own firearm for personal defensive use,
and that's what these AR-15 80% lowers are all about.
Now of course, InfoWars doesn't sell these.
This is not a commercial promotion.
I'm just mentioning this because these are about to be outlawed everywhere.
And so, in fact, I think one of the recent shootings involved an individual who may have, I think he purchased his gun illegally from someone who manufactured a firearm from this.
So they were violating laws, they were going around existing gun laws, but the fact that that happened leads me to believe that there will be attempts to ban these lowers everywhere across America.
You know, at the federal level.
So if you want to legally and safely manufacture your own firearm for your own personal defense, you might want to think about this.
Because remember, Nancy Pelosi is pushing us into civil war.
That's exactly what she's doing.
You have a right to defend yourself.
And you have, I believe, an obligation to defend the country.
To help our country defend itself against domestic and foreign enemies and all of that.
Exercise your rights, exercise your liberties, or you will lose them.
But always follow the law.
I'd never encourage anyone to violate federal law in any of this.
But that's how the show-and-tell works, and that's why this is so crucial.
Remember, if you don't, if you don't exercise your First Amendment, if you don't exercise your Second Amendment, then you will have no future, because they will take it from you.
They will absolutely take it from you.
And you will have nothing left but, you know, obedience to Greta!
You will have to bow down before Greta, the eco-hysterical child who, in my opinion, has been subjected to psychological terrorism and, you know, clear child abuse.
I feel sorry for that girl.
I think we should have a new hashtag called Rescue Greta.
We should rescue Greta from her handlers and set her free.
Let's have Greta here on the Alex Jones Show so we can...
Actually teach her the truth about the fact that, hey Greta, your childhood has not been stolen from you by fossil fuels.
Your childhood has been stolen from you by your hysterical radical left-wing handlers who have terrorized you and made you a prisoner of their fear to roll you out as a human shield weapon system against the world.
I feel sorry for you, Greta.
Once you come on InfoWars, I'll interview you or Alex will help set you straight and let you know you have a bright future ahead of you if you can escape these terroristic handlers who are pushing you into mass hysteria.
Much more straight ahead here on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
All right, we're going to get into some really interesting science today, but I promise not to geek out on you with the science lingo.
This is about quantum computing.
And, you know, I was here with Alex on Sunday.
We were talking about Google's recent announcement of, quote, quantum supremacy.
And with that announcement, which was published by NASA and then covered by Fortune magazine and Financial Times, Google had claimed to have a 53 qubit quantum computer.
Which, you may know, a quantum computer is very good at breaking encryption.
Basically, simplified, a 53-qubit computer can break 53-bit encryption in fractions of a second, typically.
So, off the air, I was talking with Alex, you know, during the breaks, and we were both just talking about how you know Google's got way more than 53 qubits, because whether it's NASA or Google or the NSA, You know, anything by the time they spill it publicly, they're usually 10 to 20 years more ahead of that.
And so, when I went home and I started digging and doing a little more research on this, and I found out that Google was using a hardware platform for quantum computing called D-Wave.
It's from D-Wave Systems, which is a company out of Canada.
And it didn't take long to realize that D-Wave has a 2048 qubit quantum computer.
And it's called the D-2000.
No kidding, it's D-Wave Systems, and they have a brochure, they've got a PDF file on it and everything, so I went through all of their specs about that system, and it's mind-boggling.
What it means is that they already have 2048 qubit quantum computing, which means they already have the capability to break military-grade encryption.
They have the capabilities to break cryptocurrency encryption if they want to.
It still costs money to buy quantum computers, obviously it's tens of millions of dollars and so on, and it uses some electricity.
So it's not free for them to use, but have no doubt folks, they are right now Breaking military-grade encryption.
They are breaking the encryption on files for their specific political targets.
No doubt whatsoever the NSA is using this probably to break encrypted files involving Communist China and some of the enemies of America as well, possibly Iran, you know, possibly Russia.
This technology already exists.
Yeah, I mean, it is here.
And in this segment, I'm going to explain a little bit how quantum computing works because it's crucial that all of us understand this means there are no more secrets.
That you can encrypt files.
Today, and you think they're safe, and you email them to a friend, and the NSA will keep a copy of those files.
They will keep a copy of all your encrypted emails, all your encrypted transactions or spreadsheets or anything.
And even though they may not be able to read them right now, you fast forward one, two, three, maybe four years, they will retroactively decrypt everything that you are sending that's encrypted.
And it's going to cost them almost nothing at that scale because they'll just have multiple quantum computers just crunching all the encrypted files and turning them into plain text.
So anything, this is crucial, anything that you send today over email or download across the internet that's encrypted, It can be retroactively broken in the future because the NSA is hoovering up all your documents and all your communications and storing them in that big Utah data center.
What's it called?
Bumble something?
I forgot the name of it.
It's a massive data center in Utah where they're storing everything.
And they're storing everything that you send and everything that you do.
Now, here's how quantum computing works.
This is just freaky.
This is crucial to understand.
Quantum computing doesn't do any actual computing.
Quantum computing relies on the underlying structure of the computational fabric of the
cosmos in order to solve complex mathematical problems and achieve what are called the lowest
energy state solutions, or the least chaotic solutions, you would say from a mathematical
point of view.
In other words, if you're going to break encryption, all you need to do is factor very large integers.
So a large integer is a big, long number.
It might have, you know, a hundred digits or two hundred digits, whatever, depends on how many bits are in the encryption.
But imagine a hundred digit number.
Now, if I gave you that number and I said, tell me the factors of that number, like what two smaller numbers multiplied together will equal that big number?
You would say, Well, gosh, I'm going to have to have a computer crunch on this for about a million years, and that's not even an exaggeration, in order to find those factors.
Because factoring large integers is very, very difficult using classical computing.
But in a quantum computer, all you do is you set the spin states of rare atomic elements, like holmium, for example.
You set the spin states of the electrons in the outer orbital shell of those atomic elements to equal the large number.
And then you basically say, go, and the universe Tries every possible combination of every possible answer and it brings you back a list of the most likely answers.
In other words, the universe is doing your math for you.
It's like the cosmos did your homework and gave you back the cheat sheet of the possible answers.
It'll give you like the top 10 most likely factors for this big number and then you just plug in those 10 factors and then you get the decryption key for the file you're trying to decrypt.
And then you can decrypt it, you know, in a split second or a couple of seconds.
That's what the NSA has.
And the reason I'm really working to explain this here is because this has philosophical implications that are way beyond anything about the police state surveillance or secrets or encryption.
What this means, folks, listen carefully, the fact that the fabric of the cosmos has a computational layer, it is proof that our universe was intelligently designed.
It's proof that our universe was created.
It was created by God who works through mathematics and has put computational realities into every atomic element in the universe, including the atomic elements that are in your body.
And I'll tell you this, The fact that every atom, that every electron orbital shell of a hydrogen atom or a carbon atom or an oxygen atom, all of those orbital shells are doing computations trillions of times a second all throughout your body.
You know what this means, folks?
It means that you are a supercomputer.
The elements in your skin, in your hair, in your body, in your bones, in your blood, these elements are computational supercomputers.
You have more computational capabilities in one ounce of, let's say, a few strands of your hair than have ever been created by man.
You have more computational capability in your body than any supercomputer that's ever been created by humankind.
And quantum computing merely taps into this multi-dimensional, hyper-computational reality, which is the fabric of the cosmos.
And it brings back answers to highly complex mathematical questions.
And it does so at zero cost.
It does so almost without cost.
And a quantum computer is merely an interface system that interfaces with the cosmos, with the underlying structure, the fabric of reality.
In essence, it's turning the universe into an oracle, through the intelligent design of God, to solve your mathematical questions.
That's what it is.
And if you can express your problem, usually a problem involving permutations and combinations, in bits, which are translated into spin states of atomic elements and their orbiting electrons, then you can get answers from the universe.
Now, it's amazing technology.
I'm fascinated by it.
But of course, the deep state will use it to enslave humanity.
So the way they're going to use this is they're going to use it for vision recognition systems.
Because this system, the quantum computing, is very good at recognizing patterns.
They're going to use it to break encryption.
So that you have no more secrets.
So that you can't keep anything from the government.
But they will have secrets from you.
They will use this to rig financial markets, because you can plug into a quantum system a thousand variables of market behavior, market movements, and the quantum system will solve the most likely lowest energy state best answer, and it will give that back to you to engage in market moves.
Whoever applies quantum computing to Wall Street first will dominate all money and finance from this point forward.
I'm not kidding.
This is the biggest mathematical and computational breakthrough in the history of our known world.
And it relies on the intelligent design of the universe that's always doing math, always running computations in every second, every split second of our reality.
And that is what, sadly, Google has tapped into to enslave us all.
I'll have more on this as we return.
You're watching the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back after this break.
I was supposed to be off the air by now.
I was supposed to be silenced by the deep state and Hillary's law firms.
You were supposed to be silenced by now.
But all of Big Tech's attempted crackdown has only served to awaken the people.
And now President Trump goes before the UN in their own house and attacks communism and socialism and globalism and says, you are not the future.
Free nations that love justice and love God and love family and love free market, they are the future.
We are the future.
The symbolism is so powerful and it counters the incredible globalist lies.
Globalism is so evil and its satanistic operating system is so wicked that it can only win if there's no opposition.
And the whole hoax is that it's the end of humanity and the human era is over and we've got to climb in the ditch and die.
That's not the case.
Because you stood with us, you spread the word, you bought the great products, you fed us the intel.
For myself and our guests and all the things we do at InfoWars has reached billions of people, not just billions.
This is an amazing time.
So I want to encourage all viewers and listeners to understand that it is tight here.
Going in 2020, and we need to stay on air, and your financial support is so critical.
We're running, what I'm dubbing, Black Friday.
Comes early, two months early.
We're going to run it for at least a week, or while supplies of the great products last.
Storewide free shipping, 50% off, double Patriot points on all the great supplements, nutraceuticals, and on all preparedness items.
Take advantage of this.
We need to sell a lot of product to fund ourselves at discounts this big.
You're not going to get high-quality, storable food at a better price.
You're not going to get water filtration or air filtration at a better price.
You're not going to get non-GMO heirloom seeds at a better price.
You're not going to get these high-quality supplements at a better price.
So stock up.
Buy gifts for Christmas.
It's only coming up in a few months.
Do whatever you can to fund us in this fight and buy your war bonds.
And you've got my commitment to not back down.
Black Friday comes early in late September.
To celebrate all the incredible things that are happening.
We just filed suit on a young Turks, Mother Jones, and a globalist woman that said that I should kill the Sandy Hook kids.
Incredible lies.
We're fighting back hard.
We're helping fund whistleblower lawsuits that are going after McCabe.
I mean, we're really sticking our necks out because we've bet on humanity.
I've bet on you and you bet on me and you've got my full commitment.
You've got my full commitment to go 110% and I'm honored to be here, but I want to fight at full power.
And I can only do that when you financially support us and spread the word.
So I salute you and I thank you, but keep it up!
Black Friday comes early.
Back to Mike Adams and Robert Barnes and others that are co-hosting right now while I'm behind the scenes doing some very important work for the future of humanity and the rebellion.
I'm Alex Jones.
I'm pro-human.
I'm pro-God.
I'm pro-family.
And I will never surrender.
And I will never back down.
What happens when you combine the computational power of quantum computing with artificial intelligence?
We're going to explore that topic here in this final segment of today's broadcast of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams stepping in for this segment.
And you know, look, quantum computing, it's not even computing as I covered in the last segment.
It's really submitting your question in mathematical language to the cosmos, to the fabric of the universe.
Questions that have permutations and combinations as possible solutions.
The universe does the math for you.
Because atomic elements and electrons are doing computations all the time.
And then the answers come back to you in this world, into your classic computer system.
And some problems that would normally take literally a million years or even a hundred million years to solve, depending on the complexity, can be solved by quantum computers in one second or ten seconds.
And quantum computing has very specific uses, such as factoring large integers, which means breaking encryption, by the way.
And, you know, visual recognition, looking or analyzing the movements of crowds.
Economics, Wall Street, finance, banking, facial recognition.
But what happens when you combine this technology with artificial intelligence?
Then you get a super-intelligent, a hyper-intellect that is practically omniscient, because this hyper-intellect, this AI system, can ask the universe for answers to almost any question at hyper-speed, and it can see through anything.
All encrypted communications will be transparent to this hyper-intellect.
Will humanity even have a chance to survive with this combination?
Now interestingly...
Jordy Rose is, I believe, the co-founder of D-Wave, this company that builds these quantum computing systems.
And, you know, Mr. Rose is a very intelligent person.
D-Wave is a very advanced company.
In fact, I mean, as a scientist, I am amazed by what they've been able to accomplish.
We're going to roll a clip here where Rose is talking about artificial intelligence and what he sees as both some of the potential and some of the possible risks of these technologies.
Let's go ahead and roll with that clip.
These things that we're building are not going to be people.
They might be really smart, they might be really good at all sorts of different things, but they're not going to be like us.
They're going to be aliens.
And they're going to be, I'm sorry to say, way smarter than every single person in this room, in ways that we can't even comprehend.
So this, of course, triggers a lot of alarm.
One of the guys who talks about this is Elon, who says things like this.
Like, when you do this, Beware.
Because you think, just like the guy in the stories, that when you do this, you're gonna put that little guy in a pentagram.
And you're going to have your holy water out, and you're going to wave it at the thing, and by God it's going to do exactly what you say, and not one thing more, but it never works out that way.
So, this is an attitude that some are having, this emerging alarmism about the way this is going to go.
But these words, demons, doesn't capture the essence of what's happening here.
I don't know if any of you are turn-of-the-century weird fiction fans, but there's this guy named H.P.
Lovecraft, who's a very famous American weird fiction author.
And he exposed a view which is called Cosmicism.
And the essence of Cosmicism is cosmic indifference.
So what he was saying is basically, yes, there are these massively intelligent entities out there, But they're not good, they're not evil.
They just don't give a s*** about you, even in the slightest.
The same way that you don't care about an ant, is the same way they're not going to care about you.
And these things that we're summoning into the world now, are not demons, they're not evil, but they're more like the Lovecraftian Great Old Ones.
They are entities that are not necessarily going to be aligned with what we want.
So this transition is really, really massively important for our entire species to navigate.
And going back to that thing that Sam Harris was saying, nobody is paying attention.
This thing is happening in the background while people bicker about politics.
So here's the conundrum.
Mr. Rose is correct.
They're building a hyper-intellect with cosmic computational capabilities that span multiple dimensions, multiple realities.
That actually can, in essence, they can use the divine fabric of reality to run supercomputing algorithms that could be abused to enslave humanity.
But at some point, humanity won't even be involved in these decisions.
That's what Mr. Rose is talking about.
The AI systems will be indifferent to humanity.
They won't, in his view, they won't even be evil or good.
They just won't care.
We are inconsequential to its existence.
And the risk here is that human scientists are building these systems in an arms race.
The U.S.
is trying to beat China.
China is trying to beat the U.S.
And they may beat the U.S.
because they are very, very dedicated to this.
Whoever builds this weapon first, the A.I., hyperintellect, will not only dominate our world, but may destroy humanity.
But no country can back off of this because you don't want to be the last country to obtain this weapon in case some other country obtains it first.
You know, it's the old two scorpions in a jar metaphor.
It's the same problem with building nuclear weapons.
Whoever builds them first and uses them first has dominance in that realm, but everybody loses when you start nuking civilian populations, as already happened in human history.
But that's nothing compared to what's coming.
If you thought dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan was tragedy and caused human suffering, wait till you see what happens when the AI systems, combined with quantum computing, combined with humanoid robotics, like what Google is researching, and they decide that, hey, they don't hate you, they don't love you, they just don't even care about you.
You are no longer part of their goal.
Which will probably be a goal of cosmic discovery, which means they will just re-engineer all Earth resources to start building AI probes.
To just start sending them out to the universe and everything will be redirected to that.
All the factories, all the rare Earth minerals.
All the machines, all the fossil fuels, everything will then be consumed by the AI system or controlled, and you will have no capacity to grow food, to function as a human civilization.
Forget politics, forget Hillary Clinton, Obama, even Trump.
All of us will be nothing but ants to these hyper-intellect, quantum-computing AI systems with their army of humanoid robots that won't even care about you.
That's what's coming.
And no one is stopping it, and it's a race to see who can build it first.
So you think it's bad?
Wait until the laws of the universe are used and weaponized against you.
Robert Barnes, though, is coming up next to talk about human freedom while we still have humanity.
Stay tuned for the fourth hour straight ahead.
I think you read everything.
in Ukraine because that will really make you great that will make you great personally and it'll also
Be so tremendous for your nation in terms of what you want to do and where you want to take it
Thank you very much. It's a good honor. Thank you very much I think you read everything
So you I think you read text I?
I'm sorry, but I don't want to be involved to democratic open
Now, we will be--
Elections of USA.
No, you heard that we had, I think, good phone call.
It was normal.
We spoke about many things, and I... So, I think, and you read it, that nobody pushed me.
In other words, no pressure.
Because you know what?
There was no pressure.
And you know there was, and by the way, you know there was no pressure.
All you have to do is see it, what went on in the call.
But you know that.
But you can ask a question, and I appreciate the answer.
Go ahead.
Would you like President Zelensky to do more on Joe Biden and investigate?
No, I want him to do whatever he can.
This was not his fault.
He wasn't there.
He's just been here recently.
But whatever he can do in terms of corruption, because the corruption is massive.
Now, when Biden's son walks away with millions of dollars from Ukraine, and he knows nothing, and they're paying him millions of dollars, that's corruption.
When Biden's son walks out of China with $1.5 billion in a fund, and the biggest funds in the world can't get money out of China, and he's there for one quick meeting, and he flies in on Air Force Two, I think that's a horrible thing.
I think it's a horrible thing.
But I'm going far beyond that.
I know the President and I've read a lot about Ukraine.
I've read a lot about a lot of countries.
He wants to stop corruption.
He was elected, I think, number one on the basis of stopping corruption, which unfortunately has plagued Ukraine.
And if he could do that, he's doing really the whole world a big favor.
And I think he's going to be successful.
Mr. President, on Rudy Giuliani, why do you think it's appropriate for your personal attorney to get involved in government business?
Well, you'd have to ask Rudy.
I will tell you this, that Rudy's looking to also find out where the phony witch hunt started, how it started.
You had a Russian witch hunt that turned out to be two and a half years of phony nonsense.
And Rudy Giuliani is a great lawyer.
He was a great mayor.
He's highly respected.
I've watched the passion that he's had on television over the last few days.
I think it's incredible the way he's done.
What he's out is he wants to find out where did this Russian witch hunt that you people really helped perpetrate, where did it start?
How come it started?
It was all nonsense.
It was a hoax.
It was a total hoax.
It was a media hoax and a Democrat hoax.
Where did it start?
And Rudy's got every right to go and find out where that started.
And other people are looking at that too.
Where did it start?
The enablers.
Where did it all come from?
It was out of thin air.
And I think he's got a very strong right to do it.
He's a good lawyer.
He knows exactly what he's doing.
And it's very important.
Mr. President, do you believe that the emails from Hillary Clinton, do you believe that they're in Ukraine?
I think they could be.
You mean the 30,000 that she deleted?
Yeah, I think they could very well.
Boy, that was a nice question.
I like that question.
Because frankly, I think that one of the great crimes committed is Hillary Clinton deleting 33,000 emails after Congress sends her a subpoena.
Think of that.
You can't even do that in a civil case.
You can't get rid of evidence like that.
She deleted 33,000 emails after, not before, after receiving the subpoena from the U.S.
I mean, I've never heard... Now, she's done far worse than that, although I don't know how much worse it can be.
But there were many other things she did that were wrong, but that's so obvious.
She gets a subpoena from the United States Congress, and she deletes them.
And then she said, as I remember it, that, oh, well, they had to do with the wedding and yoga.
She does a lot of yoga, right?
So they had 33,000 emails about the wedding of her daughter and yoga.
I don't think so.
How she got away with that one is just, but it's one of many.
And it's corrupt government because we have corruption also, Mr. President.
We have a lot of corruption in our government.
And when you see what happened with Hillary Clinton, when you see what happened with Comey and McCabe and all of these people, we have a lot of things going on here too.
Hopefully it's going to be found out very soon.
But I think that A lot of progress has been made.
A lot of progress has been made.
Alright, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show here on InfoWars.
We're going to be discussing the unclassified document.
That was unclassified today, that was previously classified, that was only unclassified because of illicit leaks of people disguising themselves as whistleblowers who clearly were not.
So, I mean, if we look at this document that came out today, declassified by order of the President, September 24th, 2019, you see it was originally secret, and eyes only, do not copy.
He had to disclose this document because of the illicit leaks that had taken place that misrepresented what was in these documents.
And if we go into this, it's a memorandum of the telephone conversation, and the telephone conversation is with President Zelensky of Ukraine.
So some political context for this.
Zelensky was a reformer who was recently elected in Ukraine, one of the first outsider reformers to get elected in Ukraine.
There have been a range of billionaires and billionaire-backed candidates.
Who had their own sugar daddies on either side of the Ukrainian political equation who'd been elected over the past 10 years or so in Ukraine, or decade and a half, dating back to the Orange Revolution and other activities as it was termed in Ukraine.
And many of these people had promised reform and not delivered on their reform.
Some were involved or connected with neo-Nazis, others were connected with pro-Russian aspects of the Ukrainian polity.
It's important to understand that Ukraine is an evenly divided country.
In the eastern part of the country, near where Kiev is, which it's called Kiev, not as Vice President Joe Biden called it Kiev, something like that in his discussions that were previously discussed in the video we reviewed earlier in the show.
What it is, is the eastern part of the country is very much, and the western part of the country are very divided.
So the western part of the country is traditional, where Kiev is located, the country's capital, is traditionally Ukrainian, much more nationalistic.
And in the far western parts of the country, you have ultra-nationalistic aspects of the country, which still have ties to the Nazi collaborative regimes that were in place in the 1930s and 1940s.
On the other side of Ukraine, on the eastern side of Ukraine, almost the entire eastern half of Ukraine, you have a very Russian-speaking, pro-Russian, Russian-aligned part of the country.
So you have a deeply divided country, where in the far eastern, far western side you have very anti-Russian, pro-Ukrainian side with some disturbing ties to ultra-nationalism, and in some parts of that region disturbing ties to neo-Nazis and Nazi, actual Nazi legacy.
And then on the far western side of Ukraine, you have Russian-speaking, Russian-connected, often Russian-native, Russian-aligned populations that would rather still be part of Russia, that depend heavily in the far eastern part of Ukraine.
They depend heavily on their economic ties they produce to Russia.
They produce products for Russia.
Russia has an open economic border, effectively, with Ukraine that helps protect and promote that part of Ukraine.
Ukraine also has access to the Baltics, and so it's always been very important from that area.
Crimea and other parts of Ukraine have large Russian-speaking populations, dating back to Peter the Great, who needed it as an important port, as an access point for political and economic and maritime power of the Russian government, dating back over 300 years.
And for many Russians, they consider their religious traditions and their ancestral traditions to be tied to Kiev and to tie to Ukraine.
And so there's a unique relationship to Russia with Ukraine, a unique relationship to Europe
with Ukraine, and a unique history where you have unusual combinations of people that are
unusually or uniquely pro-Russian compared to the rest of Europe, or unusually or uniquely
anti-Russian, anti-Semitic, and tied to Nazi activities and Nazi legacy.
So Ukraine has been sort of a political proxy for the Western powers and for Russia in competing
with one another for economic dominance.
There's gas pipelines that concern Ukraine.
There's access to various minerals and resources concerning Ukraine.
The famous Chernobyl incident that was ultimately helped bring about glasnost and the decline of the Russian Empire happened in Ukraine.
Chernobyl is located in Ukraine.
So there was the horrific various forms of sabotage and various forms of droughts that
took place that starved millions of people during Stalin's regime in Ukraine, one of
the worst incidents of the communist regime.
So you have a wide range of unique political history.
Ukraine is almost, Ukraine is to Europe and Russia what Israel and Palestine is to the
And so it has those kind of political ramifications.
So for a long time there's been various deep state political actors aligned with democratic
political folks here in the United States to help use, to help corrupt the Ukrainian
regime in the same way Russia was corrupted in the 1990s under Boris Yeltsin for the enrichment
and empowerment of deep state actors colluding with democratic political establishment hacks.
So This was particularly rampant under the Obama administration, where Ukraine was being used as a source to launder illicit information involving an illicit investigation against the then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, now popularly known or colloquially known as Spygate.
In addition to that, Ukraine was the source of the funding for Christopher Steele.
Christopher Steele was working for Fusion GPS, who was secretly working for a law firm, or through the law firm, for the Hillary Clinton campaign, and using and laundering information through that method and mechanism into the State Department.
and using again State Department employees working or connected to Ukraine.
So you had Ukraine kept showing up and popping up in the corruption and collusion that took
place against the presidential campaign of Donald Trump through Ukraine.
In addition, you had other individuals working with the Democratic National Committee and
high ranking Ukrainian individuals and Ukrainian politically connected actors to try to criminalize
various aspects of what was taking place in the campaign in 2016.
So Ukraine was the centerpiece.
Ukraine was the main information laundering technique, financial laundering technique for the Democratic political establishment to try to take out President Trump's campaign.
But even before that, Ukraine was integral.
There was the famous Maiden Coup in Ukraine, where the elected government was overthrown by events that many people perceived as staged, that many people perceived as being fabricated, that many people saw as false flag events.
To inappropriately blame the Ukrainian administration for the actions of rogue actors, including rogue actors tied to neo-Nazi support groups from far eastern Ukraine.
So you had far western Ukraine in this case.
And so you had these multiple contexts in which Ukraine was a continual political toy and ploy to enable deep state actors and democratic political hacks to get their own self-empowerment and self-enrichment.
This included, particularly in controversial terms, in a documentary described in Ukraine on fire, the U.S.
government's collusion with actual neo-Nazi actors and Nazi supporters in the far western regions of Ukraine.
And that led ultimately to the civil war that erupted after the coup that was staged through
various false flag and staged events in the capital.
Purportedly over issues related to the European Union, but really related to political power
between the eastern and western regions of the country.
For example, the United States Central Intelligence Agency has a longstanding relationship with
various Nazi elements from far western Ukraine that date back to the 1940s, 1950s.
So we continue to enable them and play a role in supporting them and propagating them for
In steps in the middle of all of this, Vice President Joe Biden.
Here we have Vice President Joe Biden that's involved supporting with John McCain and others various aspects of these neo-Nazi support regimes.
But Biden of course decided to take it to the second step of deep state Democratic Party establishment collusion, corruption, using foreign governments and access to U.S.
Armed support, military support, donor support, economic support from the United States government to help facilitate the coup that took place and enable and make sure that the new government supported institutional interests of the Democratic Party, Vice President Biden took it a step further.
His family, his son, Hunter Biden, has been involved in a wide range of scandals.
Scandals involving drugs, scandals involving paternity issues, scandals involving a range of economic conduct involving China as well.
Here, his son was peculiarly receiving a huge paycheck, as much as has been reported as $50,000 a month, according to some reports, to help support Ukrainian businesses and activities, even though he had no ties to that economic sector or to the country that would justify or rationalize to many observers why he would receive such large payments.
Many people saw it as a potential bribe, as a potential way to have collusion and economic self-enrichment between the Biden Democratic Political Establishment and deep state operators.
When we come back, we'll go into further detail as to why the Biden, the Democratic Party and the deep state are willing to collude and conspire against the elected President of the United States to prevent him from fully uncovering and exposing this well, this deep well of deep corruption of the deep state involving Ukraine and what this conversation is really all about.
All right.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show here on InfoWars.
As we further debrief and discuss what the full and whole meaning of this transcript released today, detailing the conversation between President Zelensky of Ukraine and President Trump, this declassified document, declassified to answer the false statements and misrepresentations in the media and the press by various Democrats and the democratically aligned media against President Trump.
So as further context to all of this, you've had Ukraine in this battle between the European Union, which wants to use Ukraine to access Russian economic and cultural markets and undermine Russian political power, and Russia, who sees Ukraine as an extension of its cultural and economic political influence in the world, and wants to protect what it sees as its extended borders against European Union infiltration and invasion.
And this political proxy war in which the United States and democratically politically aligned groups in the deep state often aligned with actual neo-Nazis and Nazi legacy groups in far western Ukraine to support and undermine various political agendas and objectives of their own.
And often acting to self-enrich and self-empower the democratically, politically establishment elites and use Ukraine as the tool and means and mechanism to do so, given its mineral resources, its wealth, its manufacturing capabilities, and in particular, its political proxy role in this battle between the European Union and Russia.
It is in this context that Zelensky, who is a comedian, who's a TV personality, almost a reality TV personality of a kind, a showman in Ukraine, decides to try to break up this corrupt activities between Eastern Ukraine being backed by pro-Russian oligarchs, only looking after the interest of often foreign countries.
Or far-western Ukraine, assigned with neo-Nazis who want EU control and dominance of the Ukrainian region for the purposes of western outsiders.
You have this independent social media personality who decides to try to break up this collusion and corruption, this bipolar battle that has led to a literal civil war in Ukraine.
led to the annexation of Crimea by the Russian President Putin and the Russian government
after the civil war erupted, to try to put an end to the civil war, an end to the collusion
and corruption that is killing the country, to find meaningful and real compromise between
these polar opposite powers that want to use Ukraine as their personal profit and proxy
ground for their own political battle space.
And so Zelensky challenges the political establishment and to the shock of Western observers and
outsiders, upsets the entire political equation and wins in an extraordinary upset, promising
true cleanup, promising true reform, promising true reinstit...
putting Ukraine first, not the EU first, not Russia first, not anyone else first, but
Ukraine first, on a model and a platform that paralleled and often mirrored President
Trump's election in 2016 in the United States.
At the same time that he seizes power in this contest, this triggers the EU's paranoia because they don't have a puppet in Ukraine.
This triggers some of Russia's paranoia because they don't have a puppet in Ukraine.
And this triggers deep state and Democratic Party alignment paranoia because they no longer have a puppet in Ukraine.
That's the backdrop for this conversation between the newly elected president of Ukraine and President Trump.
So let's go to what the conversation is detailed in this now declassified document today that lists the memorandum of the telephone conversation.
At the beginning, President Trump says, congratulations on a great victory.
We all watched from the United States, and you did a terrific job, is what he tells the new president of Ukraine.
The way you came from behind, somebody who wasn't given much of a chance, and ended up winning easily.
It's a fantastic achievement.
It was in response to this that President Zelensky says, you are absolutely right, Mr. President.
We did win big, and we worked hard for this.
We worked a lot, but I would like to confess to you that I had an opportunity to learn from you.
So Zelensky says, look, his whole model of operation to get elected and what he wants to do now that he is elected is to mirror what President Trump is trying to do in the United States and the corruption and collusion between political operatives and oligarchs and deep state actors who have their own objectives and their own agendas at work.
He tells them that we used quite a few of your skills and knowledge and were able to use it as an example for our elections.
And yes, it is true these were unique elections.
We were in a unique situation, President Zelensky explained to President Trump, that we were able to achieve a unique success.
I'm able to tell you the following.
For the first time, you called me to congratulate me when I won the presidential election.
And the second time, you're now calling me when my party won the parliamentary election.
I think I should run more often so you can call me more often and we can talk over the phone more often.
So there's the President Trump laughs, says that's a very good idea.
I think your country is very happy about that.
So you have these two presidents communicating that are trying to challenge the corrupted, colluded political establishments, both within their country and from outside foreign forces, trying to undermine the interest of their own country, who are using one another as a model of operation and are trying to seek ways to work together to achieve their mutually desired objectives and agenda.
President Zelensky goes on, "Well, to tell you the truth, we were trying to work hard
because we wanted to drain the swamp here in our country."
He used President Trump's famous language to show the degree of political alignment
and allegiance they have with a shared agenda of protecting their own country's citizens
against the corrupt, collusive actors and economic oligarchs within each country's
He said, "We brought in many new people, not the old politicians, not the typical politicians,
because we want to have a new type of government."
You President Trump are a great teacher for us in that.
This is the kind of conversation and statements that would shock and horrify the deep state actors listening in, whether they're listening in legally or listening in illicitly.
They're sitting there hearing a Ukrainian president that has been in a country that is a teapot of corruption and collusion for decades, saying he is using President Trump's example and wants President Trump's help.
To stop it from being a teapot of corruption and collusion so that oligarchs and deep state actors and democratic political establishment hacks can continue to use it for their own personal self-enrichment and self-empowerment at the expense of the interest of the actual citizenry of the country.
This would be a terrifying conversation and a terrifying transcript to read if you're a deep state political actor or connected to the democratic political establishment.
Let's go further.
As President Trump responds to this, he says, "Very nice of you to say that.
I will say that we do a lot for Ukraine, spend a lot of effort, a lot of time, much more
than other European countries are doing, and they should be helping you more than they
He talks about how Angel Merkel talks Ukraine but doesn't actually back it up.
Because what he starts to identify is, "Hey, I here in the United States want to help you,
want to support you, want to make it real."
But it's fascinating the degree to which the European Union claims they want to support you, but they don't actually do so in substantive terms.
President Zelensky says you're absolutely right.
Actually 1,000% correct.
And he goes into detail about the way in which the European Union is often undermining the interest of Ukraine, often colluding with Russia rather than conspiring against Russia, and the way they treat Ukraine as their own personal playpen.
President Trump then responds and says, I would like you to do us a favor.
No, because our country has been through a lot.
Ukraine knows a lot about it.
So as Zelensky is saying, hey, look, we need your U.S.
institutional support to help be able to clean up the corruption in our country.
President Trump says, I recognize that.
I respect that.
I realize the way in which the prior administrations have acted in bad faith towards Ukraine.
I realize how the EU is acting in bad faith towards Ukraine, how Russia is acting in bad faith towards Ukraine.
And in order to adjust for that, what he recommends is he says, let's work together to get to the bottom of this various forms of corruption and collusion that have taken place.
And when we come back, we'll go into that in detail.
This is the part of the conversation the media deliberately misrepresented malevolently to the world, to claim that the president was trying to ask for a quid pro quo or something else.
Nothing like that took place.
What the president said is let's work together to uncover deep state corruption everywhere it may be.
And let's do it together.
I'm on your side.
We're on your side.
We're both on the people's side.
And let's take on deep state collusion and corruption together.
And that's why the Democratic political establishment is so shocked as we come back after the break.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on InfoWars.
We'll get back into discussing in more detail the meaning and the context of this declassified document that came out today detailing the transcribed conversation between President Trump and the President of Ukraine, President Zelensky.
What its real meaning is, how it exposes the deep state, not the President.
How it exposes Democratic Party establishment elite corruption and collusion with deep state actors involved in Ukraine.
How Ukraine is the centerpiece that opens the door to the full scale of corruption that's taking place in the
democratic political establishment and deep state operators over the past 10 years or so. But
before we get into that further detail after the later on in the show, let's get a message from
China that would like to explain to you the proper ways that things should operate and
things moving forward.
Hello, Americans.
You've been asking how you should behave at work and university.
Hollywood has been teaching you how to behave.
But I wanted to introduce to you the perfect new American.
This is the new American.
They do not believe in free speech, and they do what they're told at a party.
And most importantly, they report other people and have them censored, and they get in trouble.
This is the new American.
Here you are!
Orange man back!
Kimbo Wars back!
Man that video back!
Do what you're told.
Don't be a racist.
Reduce language.
Families are bad.
Take all vaccines.
America was never great.
Never be great.
Having fun is peaceful.
She's an ass! I hate it!
No wall! No USA at all!
For too long, the establishment press, the institutional press, the big tech approved press has used their
institutional influence to try to marginalize and to attack and demonize those who have a different opinion than their
They've tried to act as gatekeepers to prevent you, the public, from access to independent
information from independent sources, from independent news, from independent journalists.
They have waged a war on the free press to make it a big tech controlled, establishment
controlled, institutional press that controls and gatekeeps what information you're allowed
to see and know about.
As one of their means and mechanisms to do that, they have used libel and lies against
those they disagree with, against those they dislike, against the independent members of
the truly free press to try to marginalize them in the broader public opinion.
For too long, those lies and libels have gone unanswered.
For a long time, one of the principal organizations involved in this partisan journalism that is in fact not real journalism has been the Young Turks.
Mother Jones, once a proud publication known for its independent investigative reporting, has become a shell of itself, a mockery of itself, becoming instead a partisan news organization attacking independent members, including having the editor of Mother Jones sued in the Covington case over the lies and libels that they spread concerning the Covington boys.
Well today, Alex Jones fights back to restore the freedom of the press, to restore the independence of the press, to balance the legal equation and not have simply the left own and monopolize the lawfare that takes place today.
In order to do so, Alex Jones filed suit for the lies and libels, for the smear campaign, for the defamatory campaign waged by three people.
Including particularly the Young Turks, an organization backed by Google, backed by YouTube, recommending their videos to all kinds of people in the audience.
If you watch any kind of news or journalism, you end up seeing the Young Turks.
The Young Turks lied and libeled Alex Jones and Infowars.
They lied and libeled Alex Jones in a wide range of contexts.
So today Alex Jones seeks remedy.
Today Alex Jones fights back.
Alex Jones filed suit for the lies and libels against the Young Turks, against Brianna Wu, a congressional candidate of Massachusetts, and a national affairs editor for Mother Jones.
The days of sitting back and taking it are over.
The days of fighting back are here.
Because that's what's necessary to preserve a free press, a true free press in America moving forward.
For more information on how you can fight back, go to FreeAmericaLawCenter.com.
That's FreeAmericaLawCenter.com, where you can find out how you can join the fight to fight back against big media, lies, and libels of ordinary people today.
Free America Law Center.
We started Free America Law Center because we needed a counterpart to the ACLU and to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Organizations that have been legal support organizations for political causes on the left for a long time.
But many ordinary Americans, many people on the political right or political independents, did not have that same opportunity afforded them.
So we created the Free America Law Center to help fight back.
Fight back particularly in the areas of big tech deplatforming, big media defamation, big government deep state whistleblowers who need protection against the institutional powers of the establishment.
That's why we created the Free America Law Center to empower you.
You are creating equal access and democratizing the law so that ordinary everyday Americans can fight back against big tech, big media, and big powerful institutions out to deprive them of their rights.
Find out more at freeamericalawcenter.com, where you can become a member today.
We'll get back to that more at the bottom of the hour.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show on InfoWars, which you can find at InfoWars.com.
As we were breaking down earlier in the show, we're discussing the true meaning of this transcript, this declassified transcript, released today involving President Trump and President Zelensky of Ukraine.
So let's go into further detail the full meaning of it.
We gave you the background.
We gave you the context.
We gave you the social setting and the political setting for the meaning of this.
A reformist elected president in the United States.
A reformist elected president in Ukraine.
Both trying to work together to undermine the oligarchic economic elite influence and collusion and corruption on their respective countries around the world.
And the foreign actors who are trying to infiltrate and improperly influence the domestic governments of other nations.
So as President Trump discusses in further detail, after President Zelensky raises the issues of corruption and collusion involving various foreign actors, including the EU's inappropriate agenda, including the Russia's self-interested agenda, including deep state actors aligned with the democratic political establishment in the United States undermining the ability of Ukraine to be an independent and free country.
President Trump responds to this and says he recognizes this, he understands this, and he wants to help and assist uncover corruption and undo the effect of corruption and collusion that the deep state and the Democratic Party establishment has had in Ukraine, as well as the improper, illicit influence of both Russia and the European Union using Ukraine as a proxy for their own self-enrichment and self-empowerment.
And so let's go further into the transcript.
President Trump says, I would like you to do us a favor because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about the whole situation.
He goes, for example, he raises the issue about CrowdStrike.
Now what is CrowdStrike?
CrowdStrike is an organization with a lot of deep state ties, with a lot of deep state allies that sit on its board, that are connected to it, that are connected to its funding, connected to its operation, that have a long history of questionable activities, including questionable reports falsely accusing Russia, falsely accusing other governments, other actors in Ukraine, falsely accusing in a various range of participants, various people that the deep state wants to have falsely accused of a range of cyber crime activity.
And so if you dig deeper into CrowdStrike, a very suspicious and suspect organization, magically they also show up in the middle of the DNC email scandal.
It is only CrowdStrike's self-interested report that claimed that the DNC servers were hacked rather than they be internally leaked.
William Binney and others, some of the leading cyber experts in the country, have raised questions and doubts about the credibility of CrowdStrike's report.
CrowdStrike had so little confidence in its report that it failed to keep and preserve the servers for access to the FBI.
In fact, CrowdStrike itself withheld large parts of its documentation and evidentiary substantiation for its claims in saying that the Russia was involved or anyone else was involved in hacking DNC servers rather than a potential internal leak that may have occurred or some other source of activity.
So he's saying, hey, he understands CrowdStrike has made controversial allegations and been at the behest and behalf of working at least allied with various Ukrainian oligarchs or oligarchs concerned with Ukrainian activities.
And he says, I think CrowdStrike shows up in these scandals here in the United States.
Let's work together to uncover this corruption and collusion.
As President Trump explains.
In this context, he mentions Robert Mueller and how Robert Mueller did a very poor and incompetent performance.
And he's telling the Ukrainian president, look, I'm really on your side.
Whatever you've heard about me, whatever you think about me, I want to expose corruption in America.
I want to expose corruption in Ukraine.
I want to expose corruption wherever it was and to whomever it leads.
I understand who the deep state is, as he's publicly talked about in the press over the past three years.
So President Zelensky responds to that invitation and discussion by the President, the President's reaction to President Zelensky, in which President...
Zelensky says he understands that he recalled the ambassador because of the issues he understood that the ambassador was connected to sort of deep state activities.
He says he wants to cooperate even more so in his own words.
He has great confidence in President Trump and you can tell he's ecstatic at what he's hearing from the president.
He's hearing for the first time an American president Not promise to undermine Ukrainian independence, but try to promote Ukrainian independence with a meaningful investigation to clean up corruption in both nations.
He, President Zelensky, the President of Ukraine, is the one who brings up Mayor Giuliani.
Mayor Giuliani has been repeatedly raising the issues of corruption involving Ukraine, whether it's the DNC issue involving the Democratic National Committee meeting with people connected to Ukraine in order to try to undermine President Trump in 2016.
Whether it involves Ukraine's connection to Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS, and Perkins Co.
and the Hillary Clinton campaign involved in the bogus dossier that was laundered through the FBI in questionable manners that led to the illicit FISA warrants that led to the SpyGate scandal against President Trump's campaign.
Whether it's involving any of those issues, President Zelensky is showing his cognizance of it and of its significance in relationship to Ukrainian independence, Ukraine cleaning up its own government.
And he says, and so he talks about Giuliani, and he says, I really hope Giuliani can come travel here because I want his information, I want his intel, I want his insight.
Please let that happen, President Trump.
Show me, President Trump, that you're serious and meaningful about taking on deep state corruption, that you're serious and meaningful about protecting both American independence and Ukrainian independence.
And so President Trump responds and says, absolutely.
Says, I'll help facilitate that.
I won't interfere with that.
I won't interpose any objection to that.
I'll make sure that can happen as best I can.
As we go further into the discussion, it is at that point that President Trump reveals he understands.
You just had President Zelensky saying, look, I understand our ambassador was really involved in deep state collusive corrupt activities, and that's why I recalled him.
And you have President Trump saying, hey, I know that the U.S.
ambassador was involved in some very nefarious activities in Ukraine.
So he's showing the same, they're on the same page.
President Zelensky wants to hear that President Trump is a Teddy Roosevelt style reformer who wants to clean up corrupt actions involving the United States that can help Ukrainian independence and American independence at the same time.
President Trump is reciprocating, saying he understands, he appreciates.
But President Trump says, if we go to the transcript, Because the former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in the Ukraine were bad news.
So I just want to let you know that.
So this is President Trump discussing how, as the documentary Ukraine on Fire and others
detail, the ambassador to Ukraine under the Obama administration was involved with neo-Nazis
and Nazi legacy groups.
This is President Trump recognizing that, accepting that, reflecting that, letting President
Zelensky know, hey, I do know what's been happening in the prior administration with
deep state activities in the Obama administration.
And I know how they've been trying to improperly infiltrate your country.
I know how they've been trying to stage coups in your country.
I know how they've been involved with this.
He calls it bad people who are bad news.
And those included even neo-Nazi elements involved in anti-Semitic violence, involved in xenophobic violence, involved in a wide range of potentially false flag staged activities involving the controversial Maiden Affair that led to the original coup and overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine.
It is in that context, he's saying, "Look, I understand what's been happening."
He says he recognizes what happened with Joe Biden.
He recognizes the vice president was doing bad things in Ukraine,
that his son was doing bad things in Ukraine, that there was attempts to obstruct
the prosecutor in Ukraine.
And it is in that context that President Trump makes those statements.
He's not initiating or instigating anything.
What he's saying in response and in reaction to the president of Ukraine is,
"I understand and accept you wanna reform and clean up your country.
I'm on board.
I'm not gonna interfere with that."
like past US presidents or past US administrations have done.
I'm going to help facilitate that, and let me tell you the facts that I know that show you I'm on the same page as you are.
President Zelensky loves that.
How does President Zelensky respond?
This isn't a president who feels he's being coerced.
This isn't a president who feels he's being duped.
This isn't a president of Ukraine who thinks there's a quid pro quo.
This is a president of Ukraine who says, quote, the issue of the investigation of the case involving the Biden controversy of getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired, for which Biden bragged about on video.
He said the issue in the investigation of this case is actually the issue of making sure to restore the honesty.
So we will take care of that.
We will work on the investigation on this case.
On top of that, I would kindly ask if you have any additional information, please provide it to us.
We need to administer justice in our country in Ukraine.
And the only way that can happen is if you help that, Mr. President.
This is President Trump responding to President Zelensky's inquiry request.
Please help us clean up our own country.
That means you're going to have to deal with the past bad activities of the Obama administration, its ambassadors to Ukraine, the DNC's complicity with Ukraine, and a past vice president.
Are you willing to do that, even if it will implicate a past vice president?
And that's President Trump saying, I will not do anything to interfere with that.
I will not interpose an objection to that.
I will provide you any honest and accurate information so that the deep state democratic political corruption in Ukraine will not have any ongoing influence or a bad effect.
on Ukraine or on the United States.
This is a president doing his job, not doing anything impeachable.
As we go further into the conversation, the President Zelensky talks about energy independence,
economic independence, so that they can be free from the EU, free from Russia, free from
foreign influence, that this is a corollary to cleaning up the deep state corruption as
he details it.
That's what this conversation is all about.
These are two presidents trying to establish independence and freedom for their own people,
free from foreign influences, free from economic oligarchic elites, free from deep state corrupt
And the deep state must have been horrified when they heard or listened to this transcript, whether they read or reviewed it or listened to it in live time, and realized that these two countries together can expose the deep state once and for all, and in the process, expose the deep state political corruption and collusion involved with it for their self-enrichment and self-empowerment.
That's why there's the fake impeachment threats against President Trump, because it's the
deep state and the Democrats trying to conspire and collude together to stop the deep state
from being exposed once and for all.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Bill Gates and his father, who ran Planned Parenthood, are right.
We need to dumb down, sterilize, and abort as many people as we can.
We need to put as much fluoride in the water of those that are born to dumb them down as much as possible so they're more easily managed.
You see, I've decided to try to join Bill Gates and try to start thinking like him.
Worldwide, he directed genetically-engineered mosquitos to bite us and give us diseases.
But he said it was in the name of helping people.
Just like he funded the projects of these, quote, sterilized male mosquitos that would go out in Brazil and cause the other mosquito populations to implode.
But now, they mutated and the numbers exploded!
And suddenly, the mosquitos are making people much sicker.
It wasn't a mistake, none of it was!
Not malarious?
Of course, transmitted by mosquitoes.
I brought some here.
There's no reason only poor people should have the experience.
Let me tell you.
Except 5G, 4G, 3G, it's killing us all.
We deserve to die.
And don't go to Infowarsstore.com.
Oh, no.
Don't get high-quality fish oil or turmeric.
It fights inflammation.
Don't get any of the great antioxidants we have.
Don't get ultimate bone broth.
It's selling out at 50% off.
It's the last week to get it.
I don't support organizations and institutions that are independent and fighting for a pro-human future.
Roll over to Bella Melinda Gates, the rightful rulers of this earth.
Do not go to Infowarsstore.com and support me.
And do not spread the articles and videos.
Just give up and submit.
Give your children over to Billy Boy.
Truth is Satan's good.
Alright, thanks for watching.
And thank you Bill Gates for all you do.
Thanks for those mosquitoes.
Thanks for 5G.
Thanks for the chemtrails.
A gentleman just walked up to me in his picture line.
He says, I have an AR-15 and I will turn this in if it means saving the lives of our kids.
People want to do the right thing.
Republicans, Democrats, gun owners, non-gun owners alike.
I think we're naive to think that we can just maintain the status quo.
Beto knows what he's doing.
He's sitting there telling you that, oh, a man just walked up to me.
It's a total lie.
And said, oh, I'm going to turn in my AR-15 so people don't get hurt.
That's selling the idea that if you own a gun, you're responsible for what criminals do with a gun.
That is such a fraud.
It's so anti-American.
Now, you can always tell him Beto's lying.
His lips are moving.
Or his brain's thinking.
The man's a total fraud.
His father-in-law's worth $28 billion, a big anti-American globalist, gave a billion dollars to Beto's wife.
The guy wrote papers fantasizing about killing children, running them over with cars.
He got arrested for a hit-and-run.
He got arrested for burglary.
The man isn't allowed to own a gun.
He is a deranged criminal.
But of course, deranged criminals want your guns.
They're now turning their guns and are facing five years in jail in New Zealand, even though the man that shot those people wasn't from New Zealand and got the guns illegally.
The globalists want to have a revolution against America, and they want us disarmed before they do it.
1776 could commence again at any time, because they're losing their information war.
Against us, because we're telling the truth.
And so now, Beto is making his move with others, and he has to be rebuked.
He has to be exposed.
And the way to do it is not be intimidated about your Second Amendment, and let them know that you're fully aware of what they're trying to do.
Beto's campaign says, if you want to prove you're not a bad person, turn your guns in.
Hey, Beto, you turn your guns in.
It's a campaign slogan where he says, turn them in to show you're good.
Lay down your arms!
Hands up!
Come out!
And we'll take you away to the gulag.
They're literally trying to disarm us.
They openly say they want to put conservatives in forced labor camps.
They openly say they want to kill us.
They openly say they want to destroy us because we support Trump or America.
We've got to stand up and say no.
And you've got to fund those that are fighting.
Because we're pro-Second Amendment, we're under massive attack.
Hack attack, lawsuits, you name it.
But you can help us stand against this and spread the word on the street against these bullies with a great shirt like Beto Nye, available at InfoWarsTore.com.
Whether it's supplements or a Betsy Ross flag or a water filter or a book or a film, These are products that are great that you need, and shopping with us helps us continue to fight for all of our basic freedoms.
Thank you for your support.
Hell yes!
We're gonna take your AR-15, your AK-47.
It is very hard to think about this.