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Name: 20190917_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 17, 2019
3492 lines.

Alex Jones talks about a fake impeachment hearing, the Covington Catholic boys incident, black-on- white crime, and the Middle East crisis in his radio show. He accuses the Democratic Party of being seditionists and traitors, while also promoting health products and encouraging listeners to support InfoWarsStore.com.

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The answer to night...
1984 is 1776. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's Tuesday, September 17th, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I'll be co-hosting with Owen Schroyer today.
I'm in Los Angeles to do some big podcasts.
More on that later.
Now, I say this at the start of every broadcast.
There's a quickening.
A lot of things are coming together right now.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
But particularly today, a lot of really incredibly dangerous things are unfolding, and also a lot of really, really exciting good things are unfolding.
So coming up on the broadcast today, Trump has now come out and said he's going to be going after the censors.
They're preparing at the Justice Department.
They already are coordinating with all 50 states to do it.
Very exciting.
He's talking about the bullying culture of the left and standing up to them and what they've done to Kavanaugh and the fact that the New York Times has been caught in a giant hoax and the House of Cards is coming down.
Now we have the Pentagon coming out saying they have proof that the Iranians out of western
Iran, on board with Iraq, fired cruise missiles, not drones, at those refineries.
I told you that yesterday.
I said, "Folks, I think it's cruise missiles," I said in the morning.
Drones at this point are not doing that.
The rebels took the blame as a proxy army for Iran, and I've talked to a lot of smart
people and they concur, who didn't even hear my show yesterday, that this is like 1979,
The deep state's trying to embarrass Trump and hurt the US economy.
So I don't want to have war with Iran, but they are seizing ships, and they probably did launch these attacks because they know they can deny it, then sucker Trump in, and the deep states going to sabotage Trump, just like they did in 1979 with Jimmy Carter and the Iranians, the very same crew, and just like they did in the early 1960s with the Bay of Pigs, the CIA, did to Kennedy. So they do these tricks over and over again
and we were the first to break that information down. Now more and more people are
pointing at that as well. We're going to be covering all of that today. Also, David Knight
knocked it out of the park with a report he did on a secret U.S. government plan to survive the end
of the world. That's coming up middle of the next hour. There's going to be so much
more today. But first, you're going to see congressional hearings and all the
documentation of the Democrats directing the plan to censor conservatives that they announced two
years ago. None of this has been covered in the news. They think we're so dumb they
admit they're running the censorship in Congress, then go on TV and deny their censoring and meddling
in the 2018 and 2000 election that's coming up. So that special report is coming
up right after this break.
We know the globalist plan. We can defeat them if we take action and just don't accept
being dumbed down and being a slave.
We're covering it all right now at band.video, infowars.com, forward slash show, and of course, on the satellite, on the AM and FM, on the Global Shortwave.
And however you're listening, the only way we expand and defeat the globalists is you participating and spreading the word, which I know you're doing.
That's why we're overriding big tech, the chi-coms and the globalists, and they can't stand it.
Owen Schroeder will be co-hosting today in between these powerful reports with Breaking Live News and more.
We'll be right back on the other side of this quick break.
Tomorrow's news today!
That's right, so Alex Jones will be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
As I'm thinking this morning and praying, what's the big news?
What am I going to get into?
And then it was incredible when I got in and I saw all the reports that Alex had filed and the topics that he was going to file.
Again, it's like we're on the same wavelength.
What are the big issues we're facing?
A potential escalation of war worldwide with the situation in China and Hong Kong, with the situation in India, with Pakistan, and with the situation now in the Middle East with Saudi Arabia, Iran, Israel, and the rest.
You've got the AI takeover.
What does that mean when the AI gets fully rolled out?
Alex Jones is going to be reporting on that, knowing How serious these escalations could be.
What are the elite doing to plan for total global catastrophe?
We're going to be breaking that down.
How about the fact that the Democrats right now are openly calling to confiscate your firearms?
These are all huge news stories that are developing right now.
So we're going to break all that down and then lay the groundwork for the next slate of big news stories to come.
which will be hopefully the collapse of the deep state.
But it all comes up today on the Alex Jones show.
Owen Schroer sitting in studio.
Alex Jones on the road.
We'll be back on the other side of this short break.
Don't forget about Infowarsstore.com.
Don't forget about Infowars.com/show.
And now Band.video.
He sold Secret 12.
I've got a message for the scumbag anti-American Beto O'Rourke.
You're down here thinking you can tame Texas and conquer us and destroy us like California.
You think you can turn us into your disarmed slaves?
That's what, O'Rourke, you're well-known for fantasizing and writing essays about murdering children.
And you even got away with a hit-and-run and burglary.
You're a dirty criminal.
You've got your own bodyguards because you're hooked into that billionaire wife of yours.
How dare you try to demonize American gun owners?
Just in case you didn't know, this country was founded when the Redcoats came to take the guns in 1775.
That's why we got July 4th.
So I'm going to tell you what George Washington and the Continental Congress told King George III.
You're not getting our firearms because we're free men, you little piece of crap!
America and the world's glad, though, that you finally got the guts to admit your plan with the rest of those scumbag Democrats.
Beto O'Rourke, you're on notice!
You're not getting our firearms, ever, scumbag!
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Our species is facing the greatest challenge in our history on this planet.
There is a technological revolution being carried out by the technocrats, as they define themselves, that is seeking to build a post-human world.
way back in 2013, the dark side of Ray Kurzweil's transhumanist utopia.
He wrote in his book, "Humans who do not utilize such implants are unable to
meaningfully participate in dialogues with those who do."
The only way to conquer humanity is to destroy humanity.
That's how they supposedly declare victory to their AI god, that promises them immortality if they only cast off their
mortal coil.
And he also in fact quoted the Unibomber.
In his own book, he said, quote, due to improved techniques, the elite will have greater control over the masses, and because human work will no longer be necessary, the masses will be superfluous, a useless burden on the system.
If the elite is ruthless, they may simply decide to exterminate the mass of humanity.
When I was becoming politically aware 30 years ago, the statements by the establishment calling for this nightmare plan were only in white papers and academic treatises.
But in 2019, it's now mainstream news being promoted to us like it's mother's milk.
The end of humanity is a great thing.
We're a parasite.
We're bad.
In fact, let's keep babies alive after they're born and harvest those little suckers' organs.
Let's kill old people.
Let's just embrace pure evil.
So that when they come for us, when they come for you, there'll be no one left.
Our humanity is being stripped from us.
And that's my main sin.
That's why I am the most demonized, most lied about, most banned person in the world.
Because I stand for a human future.
I want to lay out here, the next 15 minutes or so, What's happened in the last three years to InfoWars and myself?
Because it's a model for you and your family.
Now, I said they're setting me up as a test case three years ago.
And a couple years later, they indeed banned me on hundreds of major platforms, took bank accounts away from me, took my ability to use PayPal away, listed me as basically a terrorist in an international database.
But all of that was part of the new global social score coming where anyone that doesn't behave the way the establishment wants is downvoted into oblivion.
Dear passengers, people who travel without a ticket or behave disorderly or smugly in public areas will be punished according to regulations and their behavior will be recorded in the individual credit information system.
That's the plan for this modern, mark of the beast, world government system.
Up and down the middle of the country, all red.
Arkansas, Louisiana, the state of Montana, Missouri.
Yes, it was at 80% an hour ago, for Clinton.
What is it now?
Okay, uh, godd*** it, I'm nervous.
Oh, oh, oh, hold, hold.
Ohio, gone.
Okay, yeah.
I don't see a f***ing landslide here.
I don't see it at all.
North Carolina.
If we need Florida, are you f***ing me?
It is f***ing panic time.
New Georgia!
Donald Trump, now the favorite to win the presidency.
We'd already seen a lot of censorship against Infowars on YouTube and Google and Facebook and Twitter, where if something we put out went particularly viral and was embarrassing to the establishment, they would just delete it or shadow ban it.
But when Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, they went from governing our reach down 90% to outright shutting us down 99%, where almost none of what we put out on Facebook, YouTube or Twitter reached anyone.
But that wasn't enough for Hillary Clinton.
That wasn't enough for Senator Wyden and Senator Blumenthal and Congressman Quigley and countless others.
They had hearing after hearing after hearing.
Alex Jones' YouTube channel posted a video that was seen by 2.3 million subscribers.
The video violated YouTube's rules against bullying and it was removed.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
Demonizing me and lying about me and saying I was working for the Russians or that I was a racist.
As of just a short time ago, and I'm talking about when this meeting started, on Twitter, if you clicked on the hashtag, NYC terrorist attack, which is, quote, trending, marked with a red button saying, quote, live, the top tweet links to an InfoWars story with the headline, Imam, I warned de Blasio about New York City terror, he was too busy bashing Trump.
This is a real-time example of when we talk about this information being weaponized.
This stuff is not speech, it's incitement, harassment, defamation.
I respectfully suggest whatever your machines are, they're not working.
And that I was doing all these things that I'd never really done to set the precedent that when I was banned, no one would stand up for me because I was supposedly a bad guy.
And once that precedent was set, using the straw man, that everybody else would then be banned after.
I predicted that, it was an easy call, and now it's happened.
Hundreds of millions of pages have been deleted.
Hundreds of millions of people have had their accounts taken away.
The Republican Party can't even put out an ad on Facebook saying, we're looking for strong women to join Trump and empower America.
That's supposedly hateful.
When Antifa goes to the home of the Senate, Leader Mitch McConnell threatens to stab him and kill him.
They're allowed to put that out and use Twitter to bring people to his house.
When he linked to it and said, look what these people are doing, they froze his account and stood by it.
All because Trump and the Republican Party and others have put up with this.
F**k your wife.
F**k everything you stand for.
Hopefully it's not my d**k. I thought it was some booty dolls in his d**k.
Yeah, you know somebody is.
That's probably what it is.
Just stab them in the heart, please.
They then intensified the demonization on all these platforms where I couldn't respond back in a meaningful way.
I still had platforms on the sites, but no one was able to get it or basically spread it or share it.
Then, as more Project Veritas reports came out, exposing that I was the main target.
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
They didn't call out Fox News by name.
They didn't call out anyone else by name.
They said, when it comes to Alex Jones, we need people to scroll and manually find him and manually have to find that video.
We're not going to allow that video, if it gets 10 million views, to be on the front of the so-called news carousel.
They made their big move on August 6th, 2018, when I was banned on over 40 major platforms in just three days.
Recently, many of the biggest tech companies joined in a coordinated effort to censor content from broadcaster Alex Jones.
Apple, Facebook, Spotify, Vimeo, YouTube, Twitter, all of them pulled or froze Jones' accounts on the grounds that his views are too dangerous to be heard publicly.
InfoWars just lost their war on info.
Isn't it funny, Stephen Colbert says, Alex Jones lost his war on info.
Let's all celebrate that.
Big, major corporations, led by Tim Cook of Apple, who literally runs slave factories in China, and who's moved their main base to China, and who's given all the code keys to all Apple users to the Chinese government.
That's confirmed.
Reuters reported it.
He gets up there and says Alex Jones is garbage.
We curated him out.
Like a museum.
Kind of like Hitler curated the Jews away.
Or how Mao Zedong killed 85 million of his own people in the Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution.
Now being praised by the New York Times as a great leader.
These are sick, evil authoritarians, and they are now taking everybody's speech, not just mine, and telling us, front page of the Washington Post, hey, Google Nest is watching and listening to you, and it's always been listening.
It's been recording you for years, and so is Amazon's Alexa, and so is Facebook's system, and so are 20 other major companies.
Like Samsung and others watching and listening to everything you do and putting it in corporate databases.
And now they're proposing that if you say things and sound depressed or sound angry, that goes into a psychological score recorded by big data run by a new agency they're setting up called HARPA that does pre-crime that will take your guns, forcibly drug you, or send you to a psychiatric facility if you're a thought criminal.
And 2019 isn't even over.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
If you wanna continue to see us on air, I gotta tell ya, it's so simple.
Shop with the good guys.
Go to InfoWarsTore.com, especially if you never have.
Get some of the great nootropics we've got that are healthy, good stimulants like BrainForce, TurboForce, and then ChillForce.
It gives you that awake, but focused, zen-type, awake, chill feeling.
And you can find that combo at InfoWarsTore.com for 50% off with the two together.
And Barnes, I never asked you to do this, but you were chiming in.
You really like our Wake Up America coffee, and you were saying you really like BrainForce.
Oh yeah, so I mean, I've always got the coffee, which is great.
It's fantastic.
Some of the best coffee I've ever had.
That's the reason why I get them.
A bit of a coffee snob.
I've always got the fluoride-free toothpaste, because I like that.
Because I've always had concerns about fluoride, which were recently confirmed in a wide range of studies after they were criticizing it for forever and saying there's no worries, no concerns.
All of a sudden, they're like, well, it actually causes baby defects.
And then I like the protein bars because they're a good sort of intermediate snack.
So when you want something to eat between sort of lunch and dinner or between dinner and a late snack, you don't want it just to be, you know, Little Debbie's or Swiss cake rolls, then protein bars really hit the spot.
But so with the protein bars, I got a free sample of Brain Force and typically I'm not a supplement guy.
Unlike other people, my brain chemistry is such that it's unaffected by most medicines, unaffected by a wide range of things.
So I just generally haven't tried it.
So I got a free sample and I was like, well, what the heck, I'll try it, see if it works.
Because of the nature of my legal work, I have these peak times where I need peak mental activity.
Whether it's doing a trial, whether it's about to be in front of a court hearing, whether it's doing an appellate oral argument.
There are times when you're up for two days.
Oh, exactly.
So I need to be able to, during that time period of when I'm, you know, I used to be able to stay up two days no problem.
You know, didn't blink twice.
No, passing that age threshold, that's not so easy.
So I needed something that when I wake up, I could stay peak and keep at that peak level.
And so I figured, I'll go ahead and try it.
And it turned out to be fantastic.
It's the best product I've ever had in that regard.
In fact, what happened was, I had taken it earlier in the day, and it was like around 9 or 10 p.m., I was like, why am I still at sort of peak mental facility?
Because I've been going for 15 hours.
And usually by that point, I started to fatigue, started to drift off.
In fact, I was trying to watch entertainment and my brain was still going boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
And then I realized, oh, this was the very first time I'd taken BrainForce.
So I was like, this must be it.
So I went and researched all the ingredients, figured out, oh, okay, this makes perfect sense, this combination.
And for whatever reason, no one else out in the marketplace has really combined it in the way you have.
Well, what I did is I went to the top developers.
I had to pay people quite a bit of money for that.
I mean, just our TurboForce, I had to pay $30,000 from the guy, top developer of products.
We said, if somebody would put a lot of money into something, because the other manufacturers won't, what would your dream product be?
And I had to pay the guy, he's famous, I can't say his name, that's in the contract, to make TurboForce.
The best, the strongest, 10-hour energy is really what it is.
And really what they did was, they spliced two best-selling products together.
And so that's why it works so well.
Oh, it's fantastic.
And what's great is the whole model.
The whole model of trying to make it affordable so the large blue-collar part of the audience can also afford it.
Basically, it's a way for people to be healthier, for people to be wealthier because they're getting the same products they would otherwise buy but cheaper, and to be able to change the world at the same time by creating a network that can literally help elect the President of the United States the most powerful country in the world.
Folks, we're in a total war right now.
I mean, we've really gone up and punched the dragon in the nose, and now the real fight's on.
We're doing everything we can here, but it takes products being sold.
That's how we fund our operation.
We've got Ultimate Bone Broth.
It is the strongest, best bone broth from chicken bone broth.
It's super high quality.
It's the best out there.
The best fish oil.
The best turmeric.
The best skin cream.
A lot of really game-changing stuff.
So thanks for the plug, but just sign up for AutoShip on things you're gonna want to reorder.
And then even if something's selling out, we hold back another order of that so you get it.
I've invested over a hundred million dollars.
You have, in the last 15 years in this place, or more.
Hell, it's way more than that.
You understand?
So, you want this to keep living?
Hey, feed me Seymour!
I appreciate all of your support.
Get some big specials right now.
It's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Hell yes!
We're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.
We're not going to allow it to be used against fellow Americans anymore.
These cartels are coming after not just our First Amendment.
They're coming after our Second Amendment and openly saying they're going to ban all the semi-autos and come to our homes and take them, if need be, from my cold, dead hands.
Tech overlords like Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, hope that you take it lying down.
They don't like it when you do what I and others did.
Go to Congress and confront them with their treason against humanity face-to-face.
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
As fate would have it, the day that I decided to go to the White House and bullhorn President Trump to take action against big tech censorship and attempts to steal the upcoming election, Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, just happened to be inside, lying to the President.
You must take action against the censors!
You must take action against big tech!
Looking live there at the White House lawn, Alex Jones, the controversial host, Trump supporter, out there with a bullhorn.
Tucker Carlson said it best.
Infowars wasn't taken off the air because we're lying or because we're bad and the system wants to protect you.
In between all the Prozac drug ads they're pitching.
It's because the truth is so much more powerful than a lie.
They can't succeed in deceiving you if the truth is allowed to be out there in the open to challenge them.
Because we can feel it.
We can see it.
We can, as Tucker Carlson says, smell it.
Censorship does not work.
Ideas spread.
The good ones, which are rooted in nature and observable reality, take root and they endure.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
You see, there was a perfect storm.
Dying corporate media, like CNN and others, that no one believed or wanted to watch, that they had to pay to be in bars and hotels and train stations and airports.
And the dying political corporate system worldwide that the people are seeing through.
And Big Tech that's offering to protect old dying media and the political establishment if they just give Big Tech total control over everything they do, then the technocracy will protect the establishment.
And now Big Tech's taking over education and is spying on all the pupils in public and private education and tracking everything they do over the iPads and over the systems.
Any serious government Any serious military that looked at this anti-human agenda and how it's unified across the planet and how it's been working for over 100 years in the scientific community to build this breakaway civilization and this post-human world
Would have to come away with one conclusion.
There's some type of off-world or inter-dimensional, call it satanic revelation, or mystery of evil is what the Bible calls it, that is literally building a worldwide government with a cashless society meant to micromanage and control every facet of our lives, and it tells us Then it's doing it to build a post-human world on the ashes of which this new age man, or this god, is going to arise from.
Don't these suckers see that this spirit that's commanding them, that's influencing them, that is animating them, that is inspiring them, that is possessing them, has come to kill, steal, and destroy?
All the science, all the Trojan horse iPhones make us depressed, make us lonely, make us not have people we love.
It destroys our lives and it's only getting worse.
It's an incremental, soft kill, silent weapon for quiet wars.
The ambient background is being turned up just like the frog in the cold water, slowly turn up the heat.
It incrementally never feels the temperature until it passes out and then dies.
We can face a frontal assault, we can face a foreign army, but we cannot face the creeping manipulative death that is globalism and the worldwide technocracy they're building.
And so the story of info wars being taken off the air, being shut down, being blocked on almost every platform, Is the story of everyone in the future as this octopus, as this giant squid, as this face sucker gets firmly in control over us?
Every day that passes, we're losing our humanity.
Every day that passes, we're losing that spark and that God-like spirit that our Creator gave us.
Every day, we're losing that connection to God.
We're losing that connection to family, and to the earth, and to the soil, and to being natural, good creatures.
We are in the process Of being phased out.
Of being destroyed.
Not because we're ugly and failed, but because we are the rightful heirs to this earth.
And because God has an incredible future for us, but had to give us free will so we could choose whether to be led by the fallen one into this system that we know is killing us, or to go with our spirit and our gut and our common sense and our ancestors crying out to us from eternity, waiting for us to join them At the next level.
If you want to stay with the devil and the worldwide system, that's your choice.
But to all of you thinking you're getting ahead by serving the system, by going along with Facebook three months ago when Zuckerberg said Alex Jones is the most banned man on earth, they said you will not say his name in a positive way, only negative.
You will not promote InfoWars.com unless you attack it.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
Well, Facebook believes it's so dangerous that you can be banned from using the platform, Facebook, just for sharing its content unless you simultaneously denounce it.
That's a giant cult.
That's what re-education camps are.
And that's what it is on a giant digital scale.
And that's what we've already accepted.
Wake up and say no to it now.
In closing, I'm not worried about myself.
People say, how are you taking it?
What's it like?
What's it like watching this control grid, this cage, this web, this net being tied around humanity and watching most people asleep or in a trance as they're slowly fed into the mouth of this monster?
It's incredibly animating.
It's incredibly empowering because I'm awake and I'm struggling against it.
And it's not my opinion.
They've said what they're doing.
They've said it's an anti-human system.
Because metaphysically, they have to tell you, that's God's rules, what they're doing to you.
Just like cigarettes, they'll kill you on the package.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're being given free will and you're being given a chance.
That's why we're still on air.
But the only way we get out is through organic humans spreading the word.
The AI system is using us as a test case of how to shut down the human resistance against us.
I represent the human resistance to whatever the hell this thing is that we know is killing us.
We need to have a debate about what it is.
We need to have a debate about its game plan.
We need to have a debate about how we're going to stop it.
And for those of you that choose to join this thing, you've been given over to great delusion because the road you're going down is not one that's going to empower you.
It's one that's going to destroy not just your physical body, The information you carry and who you are, your soul, that is real.
Your genetics is under attack.
Your body is under attack.
Your soul is under attack.
Your will is under attack.
And you must face the fact that you're under attack to become strong and resistant.
Don't adapt to submitting to it.
Adapt to overcome it.
But first you must admit it.
InfoWars Quest is the human quest.
You are the resistance.
We are the resistance.
And we're unstoppable when we ask God for help.
A great darkness is upon us, but the darkness is there to challenge us to recognize and choose God and choose justice.
Thank you for watching.
Please get this vital information out to everyone you know.
Without you, InfoWars would not have been here to relaunch Americana in the last decade and to relaunch Americana as a challenge to the globalist narrative of a godless, anti-human, anti-family world government.
But I do need to remind you that you are.
You're the engine.
You're the wind in our sails.
You are the blood in the veins and arteries of this operation.
You're the eyes and ears on the ground.
You are the soul of the resistance to tyranny.
And I know you're humble.
I know you're just the salt of the earth people all across this country and all across this world of every race, color, and creed who bleed red blood and love God and love justice.
And I'm here to tell you, your word of mouth spreading the fact that InfoWars is still on the air, person to person, via email, via text message, via Facebook, Twitter, and all the major enemy sites has changed the world and it's going to change the world again.
They want InfoWars out of the fight.
They want us to give up and roll over and crawl into a hole and die.
We're not going to do it.
We're going to continue fighting on because now more than ever, we are vindicated.
Those of you that have spread the word about the New World Order, about the private Federal Reserve, about the pedophile rigs that run the planet, about the Satanism in its operating system, you've done it all.
You exposed the fluoride given as cancer in Lord RRQ's.
You exposed the GMO, the glyphosate.
You've all been vindicated.
You exposed the drag queen story time as the pedo time.
You exposed the fact that radical Islam is orthodox Islam, that the globalists are funding it to tear down what's left of the Christian West.
You are the reason we're here today, all of us together.
You are the Infowar.
That's a literal statement, that's not figurative.
And so, without you spreading the word, financially supporting the broadcast, ladies and gentlemen, we're not going to be here.
So again, I commend you, I salute you, and I want to remind you, InfoWareStore.com to
get great products and fight this operation.
Okay, hold on.
Hold on, there's more.
Hold on, hold on, there's more.
Well, look, apparently Beto needs four different nonstick pans to cook his miniature burgers or whatever that was he put on an English muffin with two pieces of broccoli.
I've never seen anything quite like it, but it is kind of weird.
It's like an alien trying to convince you that they're human, everything that Beto's been up to.
But, you know, I think that the problem that Beto is having now is he's eating all these burgers and it's causing indigestion and flatulation.
And so I'm just here to offer Beto a solution.
Apparently he's been flatulating more than the average cow that's causing global warming because he hasn't been taking his carnivore from InfoWarsStore.com.
So you may not know this, but when you eat red meat, sometimes it doesn't always digest properly.
This can lead to indigestion.
This can lead to flatulation.
This can lead to other issues with digestion.
And so we offer the probiotic carnivore.
And I'm not even kidding you.
I mean, I eat cheeseburgers a lot, probably too much.
In fact, I'm trying to consciously cut back.
But when I do, I do take the carnivore before I do with the digestive enzymes in there to help you properly digest red meat and high-protein foods.
But Beto, he didn't get the memo, and so he's walking around campaigning after he eats a cheeseburger on an English muffin with a piece of broccoli, and he's flatulating more than a cow.
But you gotta give it to Beto.
He's courageous to eat that much red meat and walk around farting all day.
But we're telling him, Carnivore from Infowarsstore.com, it's got the probiotics, it's got the enzymes to help you digest those burgers, Beto.
So whether Beto wants to put his burger on an English muffin or whatever he wants to do, he better take his Carnivore before he does it.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, broadcasting live from the InfoWars World Headquarters
here in California, Texas, formerly known as Austin, but now California,
thanks to Democrat leadership like Mayor Adler.
And the homelessness issue here is a big story, but what are we looking at As a nation, and what does it mean that Democrats are calling for gun confiscation?
I really just, I'm actually floored right now.
You have, because it's just, you forget about people like Adam Schiff, don't you?
Remember that dirtbag?
Oh, that dirtbag's opening up his big mouth again.
But it's just, you think about the leadership of the Democrat Party.
The Nadlers, the Schiffs, the Swalwells, Pelosi, Schumer.
How about Ilhan Omar?
Married her brother!
Married her own brother.
In fact, the story is at InfoWars.com right now.
Ilhan Omar caught deleting Happy Father's Day tweet to Nur Sad.
Of course, that's her dad.
But her brother shares the same surname.
And so, she basically admitted, unwittingly, in this tweet from 2013, she married her own brother.
Isn't that nice?
Ilhan Omar.
Wasn't that like a white thing, I thought?
Like the white people are incest.
Well, I guess it's Muslims, isn't it?
Of course, that's true.
It's actually well known.
But it's not really a race thing, it's a culture thing.
But for Ilhan Omar, it was a break the law thing.
Tax fraud, immigration fraud.
Oh yeah, Ilhan Omar married her brother.
Now Ilhan Omar, I don't know if we have this clip guys, It just came out.
Ilhan Omar is now calling for federal employees or federal jobs for anyone who wants to work.
So, an avowed socialist here.
Ilhan Omar, the adulterer, brother-marrier.
But you know what's even worse?
Forget about the marrying of her brother.
Forget about the adultery.
She is an anti-American dirtbag.
And that's the worst part about her.
So that story is at InfoWars.com You can check that out at InfoWars.com, and while you're there, saunter on over to InfoWarsStore.com, where we have big specials happening right now, up to 75% off some of our supplements, including combo packs, like the Gut Health Combo Pack right now.
Seven different supplements in the Gut Health Combo Pack, and it is at a discounted rate right now.
I believe it's 50% off.
It may be actually more than that now.
We may have discounted that even more, but it's all at InfoWareStore.com.
But you know, I want to talk about a product that we just came out with maybe about a month ago, and that's the Ultra 12, our vitamin B12 supplement.
Now, I was stocked up on our former B12 supplement before we souped it up, and Reintroduced it as Ultra 12.
So I actually just started taking Ultra 12 this week because, or I guess actually last week because I had my stocked up of our former formula Secret 12, which we then boosted and made Ultra 12.
And everybody used to make fun of me, because there was a famous ad.
You guys probably remember.
It's like lightning in a bottle.
You heard it a hundred thousand times.
It was the first ad I cut here, and it used to run all the time.
And it was.
The old vitamin B12 supplement we had at m4restore.com, it was lightning in a bottle.
But Ultra 12 is like an entire lightning storm in a bottle.
And it really is amazing the energy you can get from B12.
It's also known to help with recovery.
Ultra 12 from InfoWarsStore.com is 50% off this week.
And you can read all the five-star reviews for yourself at InfoWarsStore.com.
Ultra 12, part of our massive sales happening at InfoWarsStore.com.
50% off.
And don't forget about Beto!
That loser wants to take your guns!
Well, he Beto Nott.
We've got that t-shirt.
It's a hot one right now.
Beto Nott.
I think we have three or four different colors of that.
I like the classic gray one the best with the red print.
There it is, right there.
Beto Nott.
It's got a weapon of war!
As Beto calls it.
No, it's got a rifle on there.
It says Beto Nott.
With a Lone Star above it.
I like the light gray the best, I think.
So, get your Come and Take It Beto O'Rourke Second Amendment T-Shirt.
That's on sale, $10 off at InfoWarsStore.com.
By the way, I'm not sure where this was.
There was a gun store, maybe in Oklahoma.
Guys, see if you can find this.
A gun store runs a Beto O'Rourke gun special on rifles, sold out in four hours.
There it is right there!
Beto O'Rourke is really trying to dethrone Hussein Obama.
As the number one gun salesman in the history of the United States of America.
What do you call that?
Beyond irony, really.
Gun stores across the U.S.
hold Beto sales after Democrat vows to confiscate firearms.
Get them before Beto does.
That's from Adon Salazar at Infowars.com.
Yeah, I actually purchased My first rifle after the Democrats started saying they were going to ban AR-15s, this was after the Stoneman Douglas High shooting.
I'm into the Second Amendment.
I like to protect myself.
I've got quite a few guns at home.
But I'm really not a big gun culture guy.
I don't really talk about guns much.
I don't really go shooting much.
I enjoy skeet shooting with my shotgun.
I'm pretty proficient at that.
Man, I'm just smart enough to know when people start saying, we're gonna go after the rifles, we're gonna come make it harder to get a gun, that's like, okay, code red, better arm up before the slave masters come to take my guns.
But the numbers are up across the United States.
Gun sales are up.
You do a Beto O'Rourke gun sales special, you sell out in four hours.
We sell t-shirt, we make the Beto not, don't take my guns t-shirt.
Those are selling like hotcakes.
Get those before they run out.
That's not even a limited edition, but we're already running out.
So, they really just don't get it over there at the Democrat Party, do they?
They really just don't get it.
I'm just stunned at this point how anybody could vote for a Democrat.
But the good news is, ladies and gentlemen, you know what, here's what I realized.
And it's time for conservatives to come out of their shell.
I already knew this, but it just re-hit me last night.
I was doing some shopping last night, and I was picking up some new sport coats, and the nice lady that was helping me We just started talking about an issue.
She just moved here from Houston.
She was shocked at the homelessness.
And the conversation kind of went down the road, and it turns out, you know, she's, you know, conservatives, shares conservative beliefs.
And I'm standing there like, you know, do I talk about conservative politics?
Do I say X or Y and be afraid if this is liberal?
And I just realized, because we just agreed with almost everything, and it was just common sense stuff, like, it's time for conservatives not to be ...intimidated out of their First Amendment.
It's time for us to realize we are in the vast majority.
And before I even walked out of the store, there were three other people.
One of them recognized me, and the other two were like, yeah, we really do need to do something about this homelessness issue.
It's turning into California.
What are the Democrats doing?
Ladies and gentlemen, people are sick of the Democrat Party.
People are sick of the liberal progressive politics.
It's destroying this nation.
We know it is.
They're now calling for all-out communism as like a latch-ditch effort to save the collapsing inner cities that the Democrats destroyed.
People are done with the Democrats, folks.
We gotta fund this operation.
I came in this morning and I He said, hey, everybody, what's a great Beto counter shirt?
Like, from our cold, dead hands?
I was like, well, how about from his cold, dead hands?
Well, I don't want to threaten him, but that's what's going to happen.
You know, they try to take the guns of Civil War.
I mean, how do you do it?
He's got a shirt out he's selling saying, hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15s and all your other semi-autos.
Well, one of my old friends, a guy that did security work for us, he called up this morning and said, we're in the middle of the show.
He said, I just came up with this design.
He said, how about Beto not?
Beto not.
It's a M4, AR-15, a Texas star above it, but it's an Army star or whatever you like.
And then Bateau knot.
These are being printed, already being printed.
And on the back, oh, they already have an Army ring.
Go down there and click below.
I guess they already did what I said.
On the back, it says InfoWars.com.
So, we've already got it.
We've already got it in gray.
We've already got it in army green.
We've got it in darker gray.
And this needs to be a best-seller.
Exercise your First Amendment in defense of the second or lose it.
And it's a win-win because you're funding this operation that, again, I just want to reach more people.
That's your word of mouth.
And I just want to fund the operation.
That's your support.
Plus, you get great products you already need.
Take action today.
You know, they came out and abandoned the Betsy Ross flag.
We sold 10,000 of them.
And that sounds like a lot of money.
It's not to run this operation, but to put a lot of the shirts on the streets.
That's great.
Thank you.
We sold 7,000 of the Space Force shirt that spreads the word.
It's a nice, comfortable, cool shirt.
We sold 100,000 of the Hillary for Prison shirts, but I sold half of them at $5 it cost.
These shirts cost more because they're nicer fabric.
The Space Show shirt's like $12.
The XXL is even more.
So, these are designer shirts that'd be $25, $35 in stores.
I just want to move.
In the old days, we just had the more inexpensive shirts.
They were still well-made, but they weren't as soft as regular cotton.
We still sell those.
But just go to mfullmorestore.com and get some of the apparel today to exercise your free speech in the third dimension.
The cyberspace is so censored.
And spread the word.
And again, I'm not bitching at you.
I'm saying, don't you Don't you want to win this thing?
You really want these globalists that are out in the open throwing down the gauntlet?
We're going to take your guns.
Yeah, we're into pedophilia.
Yeah, we kill babies after they're born.
Yeah, we work for the shycoms.
Yeah, America sucks.
It's not like we're just one of the programs out there fighting them.
We're the one that's got their number.
They don't like our spirit.
Because believe me, it's the opposite of Satanism.
And it may come off as aggressive and a little hateful sometimes because it's, you know, that's the Holy Spirit shining through my dirty earth suit.
And you know what?
The truth is, at least out of the Bible and history, most people God used to go after evil were not a bunch of candy asses.
We're not up there all telling you how holy they were all day long.
So I'm not just up here to put on some sweet see act for people.
Because I don't have the energy to do it.
I can't be fake.
I just don't have it in me.
In fact, if anything, I just hold back just how really pissed off I am.
Because let me tell you something.
If you're not angry about what's happening, there's something wrong with you.
And I know you're pissed.
Let's put that anger into action.
Pre-America Law Center.
We started Free America Law Center because we needed a counterpart to the ACLU and to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Organizations that have been legal support organizations for political causes on the left for a long time.
But many ordinary Americans, many people on the political right or political independence, did not have that same opportunity afforded them.
So we created the Free America Law Center to help fight back.
Fight back particularly in the areas of big tech deplatforming, big media defamation, big government deep state whistleblowers who need protection against the institutional powers of the establishment.
That's why we created the Free America Law Center to empower you.
You are creating equal access and democratizing the law so that ordinary everyday Americans can fight back against big tech, big media, and big powerful institutions out to deprive them of their rights.
Find out more at FreeAmericaLawCenter.com, where you can become a member today.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
(upbeat music)
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You said, quote, Americans who own AR-15s and AK-47s will have to sell them to the government, all of them.
You know the critics call this confiscation.
Are you proposing taking away their guns and how would this work?
I am.
If it's a weapon that was designed to kill people on a battlefield, if the high-impact, high-velocity round, when it hits your body, shreds everything inside of your body because it was designed to do that so that you would bleed to death on a battlefield and not be able to get up and kill one of our soldiers.
When we see that being used against children, And in Odessa, I met the mother of a 15-year-old girl who was shot by an AR-15.
And that mother watched her bleed to death over the course of an hour because so many other people were shot by that AR-15.
In Odessa, in Midland, there weren't enough ambulances to get to them in time.
Hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.
15, your AK-47, we're not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore.
They're coming for your guns.
They're coming to disarm you.
They're coming to complete your journey into serfdom and slavery.
Almost every nation on earth has had the guns taken.
You can count on one hand the nations that still have a basic right to keep their arms, and one of those was New Zealand.
But when a man came to the country and illegally got guns and killed people, now we all globally are guilty and have to turn our guns in, even though that makes crime rates explode.
And creates a victim disarmament culture.
And now in New Zealand, they're facing five years in jail if they don't turn their guns in.
And we have the images and the video of people turning their guns in, en masse.
This is happening, ladies and gentlemen.
And if they try to do that here in the U.S., which the Democrats admit they want to do, which they unanimously admit is their policy, the police are going to be the instrument trying to carry out that unconstitutional, deadly duty.
Our nation was founded in 1776 because the Redcoats were coming all over the colonies confiscating the guns, starting in Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill in 1775.
The globalists don't care about your children.
The globalists don't care about your safety.
They know that crime using guns is actually very rare.
It's a rare way to die.
They know that.
But they are invoking your emotions to manipulate you and to make you feel guilty for what psychotics and crazies do.
They have total gun control in the Middle East.
But they have one of the highest crime rates in terrorism and jihad everywhere.
Mexico has the highest crime rate in the world many years, or is at number two place.
Because all the citizens have been disarmed.
We already know all this!
And so it's time to get back in the system's face and say, listen, you're not getting our firearms.
It's not going to happen.
The left knows it will cause a civil war.
And because they're losing the political battle for hearts and minds, they want to start gun confiscation in blue states and in blue cities to trigger a civil war.
They're even going to have antifa guaranteed, stage themselves as patriots, and carry out false flags to blame us.
The globalists are making their move with economic warfare, with trying to start a war with Iran, with manipulating everything to try to stop this nation getting control of its own destiny again.
The people are aware and the people understand that being sheeple and being followers is what's gotten us into this predicament and America and the world is awakening with populism and freedom.
Let's not go the way of the hundreds of other nations, over a hundred, that incrementally had their guns completely taken.
Look at what's happening in New Zealand right now and understand this will not be America's fate.
New Zealand is a former Commonwealth of the British Crown.
We broke away from that.
If you want to be disarmed, if you want to be a slave, Physically, move to North Africa.
They still have slavery legal there.
If you want to turn your guns in, go to North Korea.
Go to China.
Go to Mexico.
Be a slave!
But America's different.
We deserve one damn country where the Second Amendment and the right to keep their arms hasn't been flushed down the toilet, and where we have the free right of free humans to defend ourselves.
Throughout history, serfs have been disarmed.
Slaves can never have weapons.
We are not slaves in America.
We are free men.
And the right of free speech is under attack as well.
And the right of property rights.
And the right of families.
We retake our liberty and our birthright and declare that we are not your slaves and we will stand up against your tyranny.
Exercise your First Amendment and your Second Amendment now or lose it like those in New Zealand.
Firearms collection event 100 kilometers northeast of the capital.
Following the deadly attack in Christchurch, the country's Labour government launched a national buyback scheme, offering financial compensation to people who surrender their guns before the 20th of December.
As part of tougher gun laws, most semi-automatic weapons and high-capacity magazines are now banned.
Since the program kicked off in mid-July, more than 19,000 firearms have been handed in and 21 million euros paid out.
There are some people that are very emotional with some of their firearms and we accept that and we'll do everything to respect that.
We make the process as easy and as simple as possible for them.
Where the firearms are old and have been handed down through the family, it's quite an impact on them to actually have to give that firearm after many years or generations being in that family.
The contentious crackdown and subsequent debate have divided not only New Zealand, but the firearm community itself.
Some 250,000 gun license holders.
You're only taking the weapons off the honest people.
It's more about laws about those that have weapons and are unlicensed and using them dishonestly.
I fully support it.
I think to me, you don't need these sorts of guns.
It should have actually been sorted out years ago.
That's my thought.
Hey, it's gotta happen.
You know, it's like anything.
One bad apple spoils a bunch, doesn't it?
While many New Zealanders welcome these tighter gun laws, others accuse the government of rushing through ineffective, knee-jerk legislation.
Groups such as the Council of Licensed Firearms Owners claim the reforms punish those who do the right thing and say they deserve to be heard.
It's really important that the Government starts to listen to some of the subject matter experts.
This first tranche of legislation has gone through without our help, without our assistance.
There is no need to have a divide between firearm owners and general public,
because those firearm owners are still general public.
For some New Zealanders, hunting is a way of life, both as a source of food and as a method of pest control.
And we're off.
Well, there you go.
Now, if New Zealand is successful with this gun confiscation, within 20 years, you will see it ramp up in violence and criminal behavior.
I would say it'll probably take some time to reach a state like Mexico is at right now, where you have hundreds, thousands of politicians murdered over the years, and the cartels basically run everything.
Now that the cartels know New Zealanders are disarming themselves, they will slowly start to move in, and believe me, there will be plenty of firearms to go around for the criminals in New Zealand, but if you're a law-abiding citizen, you will be disarmed, and you will be a victim.
In fact, the best bumper sticker I ever saw for gun rights, it was just simple, it had two Boxes to be checked.
One of them said gun owner, the other said victim.
Which one are you?
Which one will the New Zealand people be?
And I think we know where that goes from here.
But this is what Democrats are trying to recreate.
This gun buyback program or this gun confiscation like Beto O'Rourke is calling for.
It's not going to go over well.
The good news is Beto will NEVER be president.
That's the good news.
That creepo will never be president.
That total fraud will never be president.
The bad news is, it's now been implanted in the Democrat voters' mind, yeah, we can call for the confiscation of guns.
That's now considered mainstream.
Of course, The Democrat Party is probably perplexed by this.
This is something they've obviously been wanting to do, but they couldn't say it in so many words.
Now Beto's let the cat out of the bag.
And I just see no path to victory for a Democrat Party right now in the 2020 election.
These are people that are avowed socialists.
They admit it.
They're calling for more socialist policies.
They want open borders.
They want to destroy the Second Amendment.
And this is just not popular.
So they can think whatever they want about those policies.
They're not popular.
They do not sell.
And they will not win a presidential election.
But what is going on with this Democrat race where you have all of these people pulling at zero that are still running?
They're just in it for money and fame, folks.
Beto O'Rourke's not going to win.
Pete Buttigieg isn't going to win.
They're all irrelevant at this point.
Except for maybe three or four of them.
But they're gonna keep raking in those campaign dollars, and keep calling to take your guns.
So, good job, Beto.
The number one gun salesman in America today.
Beto O'Rourke.
We have never... We started InfoWars Live seven years ago, and now we've got more than 60 products.
And I've done a pretty good job rolling most of them out, but one place I haven't is Happy's Mood and Stress.
The system knows that what Mother Nature has given us works way better than what the toxic Big Pharma has been trying to push the population.
That's why the FDA and others work so hard To keep the knowledge from the people that just walking in the hills or the mountains or by a river for even a few hours a week has been shown in hundreds of conclusive studies.
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So there's something you can do that's basically absolutely free, or the amount of energy it'll take you to ride your bike to the forest, or the amount of gas it'll take you to drive your truck to the beach.
But that said, Happy's has become, on average, about our fifth best-selling product with no promotion.
And it's got hundreds and hundreds of five stars because people are blown away by it.
You see, it's got cold-pressed, known herbs that different cultures around the world have used for thousands of years.
Let me read over some of this for you.
Ashwagandha root, rhodiola root, passion flower herb, green tea leaf, and licorice root.
Happies is an amazing formula.
It's already in our top best sellers, but I'm offering it for 50% off right now
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but still overall it's working out.
Whatever you do, have a passion driven, have a purpose driven life and support InfoWars
so you'll get your Happies today, 50% off at infowarestore.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
We're gonna be rejoined by Alex Jones in the next segment.
But let's take a step back and remember who and what we're dealing with in the fake news.
And you really have to sit here and think critically.
Why would you have news publications like the New York Times be so fraudulent, be such Liars.
I mean, where does that come from?
What are they protecting?
Who are they protecting?
Why do they just lie to the public like that and think they can get away with it when it comes to the Brett Kavanaugh story?
Where literally the woman that they printed about says she didn't remember it.
The committees that were running the investigation into the Kavanaugh accusations reached out to her.
She declined comment or to come forward.
But that doesn't stop the New York Times from lying.
What is up with that?
So, last night, at a rally in New Mexico, where Trump had, what, 15,000, 20,000?
Let me tell you something.
There isn't a Democrat that could get 10,000 people at an event in New Mexico if they were giving away a free hot meal.
They still couldn't get 10,000.
Trump had at least 15,000.
They were literally, in fact now at every rally Trump has to set up, they have to set
up an outside viewing center with a projection screen because it's overflowing the arenas
every time.
Not a Democrat could even hope for that if they were giving away a hot meal and a reach
But here's Trump last night calling out the New York Times for their blatant fake news.
They use Democrat prosecutors and phony congressional committees whenever they can.
They'll do whatever they can to demean you, to libel you.
They try to blacklist, coerce, cancel, or destroy anyone who gets in their way.
Look at what they're doing today to Justice Kavanaugh.
Look at what they're doing.
You wonder if this isn't in response to Ruth Bader Ginsburg health decline.
Did you see the New York Times?
Did you see what they're doing?
Did you see what Democrats?
They're calling for his resignation.
They're calling for his impeachment.
And the woman involved said she didn't know anything.
She doesn't.
But they still.
So the New York Times had to put out a major apology.
And they had to change their story.
The woman said, I don't remember that.
And they still want him to be impeached.
And I just put out a statement, and he's a great man, by the way, great talent, a great, brilliant man, Brett Kavanaugh.
And I just put out a statement on social media that said, I don't think they'll do it, but they should, for the good of the nation.
I call for the resignation of everybody at the New York Times involved in the Kavanaugh smear story.
Or maybe it's just time for people to start suing the New York Times into oblivion.
That's one way to go about this.
We know that that's what the left loves to do, except they have no real litigation.
It's all frivolous.
It's all legal warfare.
It's all for press.
But that's what this is about.
You see, the New York Times knew everything was fake, knew they were publishing a libelous story.
They knew it.
Why did they do it?
Because here's the kicker.
I'm sorry, just thinking about this makes me so frustrated.
Now, anytime you want to have a political discussion with some brainwashed liberal, what are they going to say?
Trump appointed a rapist to the Supreme Court.
How can you support that?
And you say, what are you talking about?
They say, didn't you see the story in the New York Times?
About Kavanaugh's penis?
They literally tweeted about it, folks.
A fake story.
And they tweeted about his penis.
I mean, do you get any lower than the New York Times?
I mean, I don't know.
I mean, go straight to hell, baby.
That might be lower.
But they don't care.
It's all a game.
Publish the story.
The brainwashed leftists eat it up after it's reported on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS News all night long.
They retract it 24 hours later.
The retraction never gets covered.
So the first wave of information, Kavanaugh raped this lady.
Total fake news.
That's all people hear.
That becomes reality.
Doesn't even matter that the New York Times admitted the whole thing was fake.
Over by Comet!
Man dot video!
Shove that up your... Crawl, you pieces of garbage New World Order!
I'll tell you about that later, but you want to find out.
It's Info Wars now, but soon, it'll be everybody else that wants to resist.
We are building an army to bring down the globalists!
So get out the way!
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Move out the way, bitch!
Get out the way!
Move, O'Donnell!
Get out the way!
Move, O'Donnell!
Get out the way!
Get out the way!
You see them headlights?
You see me knock them curtains down?
Who bought them TVs, bitch?
Tell me that!
Get out of my way!
That's Americana, bitch!
Meanwhile, the New York Times revising that bombshell report on new sexual misconduct allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
The newspaper publishing an editor's note last night revealing the alleged victim referenced in their report does not remember the incident.
The Times correcting its story on these allegations surfacing in a new book by two Times reporters claiming a former Kavanaugh classmate and Clinton-connected lawyer Max Steyer witnessed the sexual misconduct.
Turns out the allegations were uninvestigated and friends of the alleged victim, as you mentioned, say she does not remember it.
the Times writing in their correction.
"We corroborated this story with two officials who have communicated with Mr. Steyer.
The female student declined to be interviewed, and friends say she does not recall the episode."
I mean, this is what happens when a story with a big problem gets out, it explodes on Twitter,
presidential candidates react on the basis of the story without the later correction,
and now everybody's on record, most everybody in the Democratic field.
Given the fact that it appears as though Brett Kavanaugh lied under oath, which is a crime,
I think that he has disqualified himself for service on the Supreme Court.
What's the remedy for that?
He should step down or he should be impeached.
If one person or two people weren't paying attention, if Molly Hemingway hadn't pointed this out, that the main person, the victim, could not verify the actual accusation, the Times would not have copped to this.
They would not have had the correction.
They're only doing it because they got caught.
And it raises that really big question, how many stories did they get away with because nobody was paying attention?
I think the New York Times made another terrible mistake.
It's a shame.
That a thing like that could happen.
I see they're making a big correction today.
They've just announced there's a correction.
But to do that about a Supreme Court justice is a terrible thing.
It's a false accusation.
Whatever happened with the New York Times, I mean, I can tell you personally, they never checked.
They never do.
We used to have a thing called fact-checking.
They don't do fact-checking anymore.
They used to call and say, what about this?
What about that?
How can they do a thing like that?
Time and time again, we have seen Trump zig and then zag.
news, it's just fake news, but it's a very fair question. I mean they have to be very
embarrassed but much more importantly what they do is wrong and they do it all the time.
Time and time again we have seen Trump zig and then zag, but in almost every case he
ends up doing the right thing.
Roger Stone's absolutely right about Trump.
When he gets the right information, he does the right thing.
He cares about the nation.
He doesn't like seeing us being sold out.
He doesn't like seeing the globalists with the left, who are America haters, give us one-sided deals over and over again.
It's that simple.
And so when we say, make America great again, we mean bring sovereignty back to our nation.
We're not going to be perfect, but let's have our government, federal, state and local, be run by Americans and not by these globalist combines, the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO.
Globalism is about destroying the nation states and transferring the power of we the people out of the nation.
We've already got enough problem with faraway DC or faraway state capitals or out of control bureaucracies.
When they become the IMF or the World Bank or the WTO or the unelected EU.
We are truly slaves.
And so the process of waking up to this is happening faster and faster.
And sure, the EU's fighting Brexit and all the rest of it, but that's part of the process.
20 years ago, the average Brit didn't even know they were in the EU.
It had been done by stealth.
I'd talk about how the EU was about to take over and write their laws.
I'd have Nigel Farage on 20 years ago, and people thought we were conspiracy theorists.
But then the EU took over.
They started making all the laws, started flooding them with illegal aliens, and so the population woke up.
And just recently, we've seen a huge awakening with Epstein and his murder, and the fact that he was running a government blackmail ring.
We've seen the public wake up as it comes out in major studies that fluoride does lower IQs, doesn't help our teeth, and gives us cancer.
It's coming out in major studies that glyphosate gave us cancer from the start, and they knew it and covered it up.
The list goes on and on, that 3G, 4G, and 5G gave us cancer.
And we're asking, who are these corporations?
They go out of their way to kill people.
Like Bayer, 15 years ago, knowingly took blood from the Clintons who control the Arkansas prisons.
And for over a decade, shipped it out around the world, being put into factor VIII blood products for hemophiliacs, filled with HIV and hepatitis, and killed over a million people.
When the documents came out, their corporate heads just said, eh, screw these people.
They need to die anyways.
Let's just give them HIV.
There is an awakening to how sinister and psychopathic these corporate leaders are, who for hundreds of years pass on power to the next corporate head, the next psychopath, and they all watch each other's backs, and they all get away with the hell they're putting up.
And because Trump and other nationalists, other populists have been getting elected, that so scares these globalists.
That they've thrown everything they've got at us.
And we've seen the fake news about myself, the fake news about Trump.
But this Brett Kavanaugh situation, where they've had, what, seven women supposedly go public.
Turns out most of them never went public and said that they were never assaulted by him.
In fact, they never met him.
And that other women, all of them former Clinton lawyers or Clinton operatives or Obama operatives, just made it up.
And this latest woman, the New York Times said Kavanaugh pulled his genitals out and pushed on her at a party.
What was the source on that?
Former Clinton lawyers giving testimony to the L.A.
Times and the New York Times.
And then the New York Times and L.A.
Times talked to each other and said, oh, we heard this, too, from each other.
Until finally somebody went to the woman and said, have you ever met Kavanaugh?
Did he ever go to a party?
She goes, no, I don't remember any of this.
It didn't happen.
You gotta ask yourself, why are they that bold?
Well, because they've gotten away with thousands of such stories.
And they're in total war mode.
Because they got caught lying with fake polls in the election and Donna Brazile giving the debate questions to Hillary from CNN.
Instead of stopping the lying, they're tripling and quadrupling down and telling bigger, more fantastical lies that are so unbelievable, I mean, come on, it's gotta be true.
And you learn this trick they do where Kavanaugh's at the party and he pulls his genitals out and then someone else pushes it in the woman's hand.
You're like, that doesn't make sense.
But they've learned in psychological warfare that if you're lying, make it sound confusing and weird, and then people kind of get lost in the minutia and think, well, it must be true because it doesn't make sense and is weird.
It's a psychological tactic, just like they had the Daily Mail say that I wear swastika tennis shoes.
100% a lie.
That I hit on an employee, and that I never actually hit on him, but that he felt like I was hitting on him.
It's crazy, ladies and gentlemen.
This is what they do, just 100% made up.
NPR did a piece where they said that I beat up all these little kids when I was in high school, and so they invited me out to a party someplace and tied me up in a barn and knocked my teeth out.
That never happened.
I never beat anybody up that didn't physically attack me.
I never bullied.
It's a total lie.
But again, that's the leftist cosmology, where they're the downtrodden, they're the bullied, so they've got to lie, and they've got to cheat, and they've got to oppress language, and they've got to brainwash kids, and they've got to take over the universities, and they've got to take over the media, they've got to take over big tech, because they're defending the downtrodden.
They just make it up because they're the bullies.
They're the liars.
They're the frauds.
And so they keep doubling down, and it's not working.
So you've got to ask, what are they going to do next?
They're now trying to implement violence.
They're now trying to get other people to go out and carry out violent attacks.
And when you see the unborn being killed, and babies already born being killed, and their body parts sold, and when you see pedophilia on the news and major universities like San Diego State saying, no, pedophilia is good.
In mainline classes, it makes you angry.
You think they're taking over.
We've got to do something.
We've got to fight.
They're losing.
People are waking up.
So they're doing all this to spur us into physical revolution.
And it's made me physically angry and physically, you know, very upset.
But that's because our heads are screwed on straight.
And the enemy knows that.
So they're trying to poke us.
We need to sue these people, politically expose them, create our own media, promote independent media, and never give up and know that we're going to win.
Now they're going to try to start wars.
You see that going on right now.
They're going to try to crash the economy.
They've admitted they're doing that.
They're going to try to pull out every stop they can to keep control of civilization.
But I'm here to tell them, you thought you'd bullied us into submission.
We were asleep.
Now we're awake, and you keep bullying more and more, going, why don't we submit?
We're not follower scumbags like you.
We built this country.
We built the technology.
We built what the modern world is.
The strivers.
The real individuals that already have personal power, so we don't seek power.
And it's only in history, every time evil's about to totally take over, that you awaken us to come and resist you.
Because we don't seek power, but we do seek peace and justice.
And so, we're awake, we know who you are, we don't believe a damn thing you say, and you're going to be held responsible for what you've done by being ostracized and completely seen as the scum you are.
And that goes for the NPR fake producers.
That goes for CNN, MSNBC, that goes for all of you and all the spooks and the intelligence agencies that literally just feed on this country and believe they own it and it's something they've captured.
We are not your slaves and we're aware of what you're doing.
So, attack us all you want, lie about us all you want.
The human spirit is awake and you will not conquer America.
You will not conquer Christianity.
No matter how you have alliances between Communist China and Radical Islam and all the rest of it and Hollywood and the EU and the unelected bureaucracies, you're going to fail.
The war is now!
The globalists are coming for your freedom, your children, your genetics, your treasure, your future, your destiny!
Get charged up!
And resist!
You are the future!
You are the leaders!
And you are unstoppable!
We are in an information war.
Our objective is to destroy the false narrative by reminding as many people as possible to think for themselves and question everything.
We were effective, and so they tried to destroy us.
Alex Jones' YouTube channel posted a video that was seen by 2.3 million subscribers.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
This stuff is not speech, it's incitement, harassment, defamation.
This is a real-time example of when we talk about this information being weaponized.
We survived.
But we were wounded.
Apple, Facebook, Spotify, Vimeo, YouTube, Twitter, all of them pulled or froze Jones' accounts on the grounds that his views are too dangerous to be heard publicly.
InfoWars just lost their war on info.
Obviously what he spews is hate and it's abhorrent.
We have crossed the Rubicon and there is no turning back.
We must push through to victory.
And so now more than ever, we need your support.
Our products at Infowarsstore.com are like war bombs.
Make a purchase today and support the fight.
There is now open talk of repealing the Second Amendment.
The NRA is being designated as a terrorist organization.
People are being arrested for personal opinions they post online.
We will continue to question everything and fight until the end.
So go to Infowarsstore.com and keep the fight alive.
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
They didn't call out Fox News by name.
They didn't call out anyone else by name.
He's specifically calling you out.
If you're going to have one of these digital surveillance binders, then you need to go to mfulworestore.com, where we have branded to our own systems, very inexpensive, lead-lined pockets.
And depending on the cell phone, these have about a 98% resistance rate.
The bigger packs we sell at mfulworestore.com, mfulwore's privacy pouches, we have these bigger ones, and this is what I like to use when I'm on a trip or traveling so they don't track me as easy.
And believe me, they do.
I mean, I've had folks break into my room, do physical stuff, and I don't try to make a big deal about it, I'm a man, but I mean, I, when I travel, I definitely put the wireless equipment, any iPads, any phones, in here.
And this, this, this larger unit has around 100% blockage.
And you just put everything in there and you keep it like that.
And we've got them that also have the satchels and have the straps on them.
But just whatever you do, you need to understand, they're reporting on you, they're tracking you, they're listening to you at all times when they have the radio connection to it.
It's recording and compressing packets that are more advanced level than blurping them back to the cell tower or through other wireless devices in your house that are slurping it up and in many cases transferring it down power lines.
That's right, information down powerline.
That's in place.
And so, I just suggest you go to infomarshore.com and get the e-tracker pouch.
And that's just something so you start thinking about how it tracks you.
Because I'll go for a few weeks using this, then I'll forget and stop doing it.
I mean, they've got private eyes following me.
They've got the New York Times, Washington Post following me.
They've had people try to set me up to do things I won't say on air for a lot of reasons, obviously.
So I'm just telling you.
This is an example of what I'm talking about just to get you and your children or your wife or your husband thinking.
And remember, InfoWarsHore.com for t-shirts, books, films, the best supplements.
Without your funding, we'll be defeated.
With your support, we're all unstoppable together.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Well, the Imperial forces are marching indeed.
We're done.
Right out of Silicon Valley.
Right out of the Democrat Party.
And they're marching to take your guns and to take your free speech.
Now, we've played some of the clips.
You've seen what Democrats like Beto O'Rourke have called for with the gun confiscation.
They want to enslave you.
If somebody comes to your door and tells you you can't have a gun and takes it, you're a slave.
Now, people tend to take that word and only apply it towards one type of slavery, but no, believe me, if you don't have the right to arm yourself and protect yourself, you have no rights.
And maybe you're not a slave out there, like it used to be, working in a field or doing something like that or in Egypt or anything, but, well, I guess it could get to that eventually, couldn't it?
And that's why you have a Second Amendment.
So that you don't have a tyrannical government telling you what you can and can't do, forcing you into labor, taking your money, taking your children.
And so this is what the Democrat Party is all about now.
And Paul Joseph Watson has the story at Infowars.com, headline, Shocking Report Shows Democrats in Congress Directing Tech Censorship Against Conservatives.
Will you allow the silencing of the American people before 2020?
Well, it's already happening, folks.
Infowars has been removed, all these social media platforms.
You've got Anna Paulina, or Paulino, Who's running for Congress.
She just announced her campaign about a week ago.
And she's already having her videos removed.
So she's not allowed to run as a conservative.
So this is what's happening.
Story goes...
A shocking new video report exposes how the widespread big tech censorship of the conservatives was a shame hatched by Silicon Valley and Democrat lawmakers from the very start.
The mass banning and censorship of Infowars and other conservative personalities and news outlets was preceded by Democrats in Congress demanding blanket silencing in the name of stopping hate and harassment.
Of course, that's all you get if you're a conservative.
Like, for example, People post videos of me being harassed on YouTube and then I can't even post them myself.
Of course, it all had nothing to do with that and everything to do with the fallout from Trump's 2016 success and preventing him from winning re-election in 2020.
Yeah, we've said it here before.
Trump's not running against the Democrat Party.
Trump is running against big tech and social media and Silicon Valley.
The long-term goal is to prevent anyone other than Democrats winning ever again by defaming, financially sabotaging, and digitally disappearing their ideological adversaries.
Virtually, and you gotta ask why?
What is really behind it when you're that evil?
Virtually everyone who helped elect Trump in 2020 is now imprisoned in a digital gulag to one degree or another with the next wave focused on blocking you even having the right to a bank account or to engage in basic commerce.
That's right, again, InfoWars banned off all social media.
Alex Jones banned off all social media.
I'm banned off YouTube.
I'm banned off Facebook.
I can't get on Instagram.
Republican candidates are getting censored and banned.
Even Tulsi Gabbard is dealing with this because she doesn't like war.
Who are these people censoring?
And by the way, you won't believe a clip that we have from CNN coming up.
You literally won't believe this, folks.
But now that they realize it was social media, No pun intended, trumping cable news.
They realize, okay, we have to censor social media now.
The endgame is a communist, Chinese-style social credit score where any American who expresses views outside ring-fenced norms is punished.
Imagine a future where you go to buy groceries and your credit card gets declined because some pencil neck in Silicon Valley didn't like your politically incorrect Facebook post.
Or imagine if you're not even allowed on Facebook where the digital currency is and commerce is engaged and you literally can't even exist.
That's our collective destiny unless we stop it now.
Our entire lives and our very thought processes dictated to us by the very worst people in society.
By the way, Trump is on his way to San Francisco right now.
Trump has a campaign event happening in San Francisco at an undisclosed location.
control feeks, hell-bent on socially re-engineering, the population will cement their power for
decades to come.
By the way, Trump is on his way to San Francisco right now.
Trump has a campaign event happening in San Francisco at an undisclosed location.
That's going to be happening today.
So what do you say to President Trump, who's ultimately going to be one of the biggest
The real victim is America.
The real victim is free speech.
The real victim is the First Amendment and just freedom in general and communication.
But it's all targeted at Trump.
And so what do you do if you're the president right now?
You know...
How do you...
How do you properly...
rule this out?
How do you properly get this message out?
Because, quite frankly, it's getting redundant at this point.
We all know about the social media censorship.
We've all seen the Project Veritas videos.
Kind of like, remember Nick Dudich from the New York Times that Project Veritas caught on a hidden camera talking about how, yeah, we're biased.
Yeah, we print fake news.
Yeah, we don't care.
He ditched it again to Kavanaugh.
They're popping champagne at the New York Times today.
They're not feeling bad or remorseful about their fake news destroying people's lives.
No, no, no, no.
That's what the New York Times is there to do.
Again, Project Veritas caught him on a hot mic.
They admitted it all.
No, the New York Times did understand what it did.
The National Review headline says the New York Times still doesn't understand what it did.
Oh no, it does!
It does.
It knows exactly what it did.
These are henchmen.
These are not journalists.
These are political henchmen.
Caught on a hot mic admitting that.
Again, Project Veritas caught him.
And you see, I sit here and I get all flimpy and mad.
Because... What is the President going to do about it?
Now, again... It's tough to talk about this, folks, because... We still support Trump, we still need Trump to be the man we elected, but my goodness...
It's kind of almost a I hate to say I told you so thing.
But I don't want to be right.
That's the thing.
This is one of those cases where I want to be wrong.
And so it's hard for me to say this stuff.
Because I want to be wrong, which is rare for me.
But man oh man, seems like I was right.
The social media summit was nothing more than a pat on the head and a dog bone.
No action!
We've got 50 state's attorney generals with an antitrust probe.
Where's that going?
Where's the update on that?
We've had Trump tweeting about the censorship multiple times.
Brad Parscale says he's going to do something about the censorship, but he's never heard of InfoWars.
President Trump, you are not running against the Democrat Party.
They have nothing.
You're running against Silicon Valley.
You're running against big tech.
Investigate these criminals!
(Electronic sounds)
If you are receiving this transmission, You are the resistance.
Josh in Washington.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting fried.
Then I have some comments on your supplements, man.
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feeling that I get back and buy my products and I just want to urge all
your listeners who haven't tried them I just want to say why not.
Well you're right that all of these things are known to be incredible whether it's
turmeric or whether it's the fish oil or the krill oil or whether it's the DNA
force with the CoQ10 and BioPQQ and all the rest of it all of these are
things that are like rocket fuel on the body people think is dumping energy
drinks on it will do something.
No, if your base isn't there, none of it works.
You take these bases together, then you have your foundation.
Now you can build the big, strong temple.
It's not that I'm perfect either.
I treat my body really bad.
But with these products I take, and I religiously remember to take them, it makes my life so much better.
And then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
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Kill force is really meant to be taken With things like RainForce or TurboForce, which even a big hit piece against RainForce said, well, it did create focus, clarity, and smoother speech.
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Thank you.
It's Alex Jones.
The left tries to threaten, bully, intimidate Americans into submission.
They use Democrat prosecutors and phony congressional committees whenever they can.
They'll do whatever they can to demean you, to libel you.
They try to blacklist, coerce, cancel, or destroy anyone who gets in their way.
Look at what they're doing today to Justice Kavanaugh.
Oh, look at what they're doing.
[crowd boos]
Did you see the New York Times?
Did you see what they're doing?
Did you see what Democrats?
They're calling for his resignation.
They're calling for his impeachment.
And the woman involved said she didn't know anything.
She doesn't.
But they still.
So the New York Times had to put out a major apology.
And they had to change their story.
The woman said, I don't remember that.
Can't believe it.
And they still want him to be impeached.
And I just put out a statement, and he's a great man, by the way, great talent, a great, brilliant man, Brett Kavanaugh.
And I just put out a statement on social media that said, I don't think they'll do it, but they should, for the good of the nation.
I call for the resignation of everybody at the New York Times involved in the Kavanaugh smear story.
And while you're at it, the Russian witch hunt hoax, which is just as phony a story.
They've taken the old grey lady.
Do you know the New York Times?
For years, the old grey lady, so prestigious.
They've taken the old great lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue, and ruined her reputation.
Well, that's a breath of fresh air.
Trump needs to go on a major offense against not just big tech censorship, but the culture of bullying and intimidation carried out by the left and by its Hollywood and Chi-Com backers.
It's sick!
Not just what I've gone through, not just what Trump's family's gone through, but what the average Trump supporter or someone who's proud of America has gone through.
The article by Steve Watson is up on NewsWorks.com.
Trump slams leftist cancel culture at New Mexico rally.
The left tries to threaten, bully, intimidate Americans into submission.
You just saw the clip, but that's really what's happening.
Think about how they've terrorized Judge Kavanaugh.
In fact, I was saying it was seven accusers yesterday.
I actually looked it up.
It's nine accusers.
Three of them have come out and admitted they never did it.
Only one of them has been criminally charged.
Again, three of them just said they made it up.
But they're like, well, he deserved it.
Because, you know, he's a right-winger and he's pro-life.
And then, Balazs Ford's lawyer comes out two weeks ago and says, well, we did this to try to, you know, stop him from getting in, but at least he's tainted now.
You know, we did this to discredit him, basically admitting they're lying.
And then now, this newest woman, never met Kavanaugh, never saw him, remembers none of this!
And that's the New York Times' source, who was never contacted, and when she was, it's totally made up.
And of course, it's two former Clinton operatives, who worked for Clinton, who were the sources to the LA Times and the New York Times, and the Washington Post passed on it.
And then no one even gets in trouble.
That's what's scary, is that they know they can lie.
And let me tell you, I'm not a victim here.
But when I explain to you just how evil they are, I know you think you don't.
And you may know.
But when you're a public figure, and it's free reign, open season, to make up whatever they want about you, It doesn't make me feel sorry for myself.
It pisses me off that these arrogant people think they're invincible and can get away with this.
But guess what?
They're not.
They are discredited.
Even their fake polls show that mainstream media is the most unpopular group in the country.
Congressmen and women are usually at about 11 percent, depending on the poll.
These are establishment polls, probably even lower.
The media has been as low as 7 percent.
In their own polls about themselves, they're at 15 to 20 percent.
So in their own fake polls, 15 to 20 percent of people like them.
So they have discredited themselves, like a restaurant where every time you go to it, you get food poisoning.
Well, that place wouldn't stay open, would it?
Well, it's the same thing with the New York Times.
Newsweek used to be bigger than the New York Times and was somewhat respected 20 years ago.
Newsweek went out of business a few years ago and was sold for almost no money to some internet group that's even lying more today with fake news.
Newsweek's gone, folks.
It doesn't even exist, the Real Newsweek.
The New York Times was propped up by the kingpin, Carlos Slim, who got $3 billion of taxpayer money from Obama.
He ran the Obama phone system.
A foreigner.
Or the richest man in the world.
And his payoff to prop up the New York Times was $3 billion.
Now he's gone.
Now they've got new sugar daddies.
And the sugar daddies want Trump removed.
The powerful ultra-rich want him gone.
Why is that?
Because he's actually being the president.
Doesn't mean every policy he engages in is perfect.
Doesn't mean he's an angel.
But he still believes in the country, and that's why they're pissed.
And that's the key.
You notice what else he said in that clip?
We're not going to violate our precious Second Amendment.
It's not going anywhere.
I told you I talked to two NRA board members.
One on the phone, one in person.
They told me over a year ago, Trump is going to play games with them.
He's going to come out when they want gun control and say, sure, what do you want?
To get them to say we want to ban all the guns.
And I got to say, 3D chess?
I was thinking about this this morning.
That's 3D chess.
Because him saying, oh yeah, what do you want?
You're right.
We want everything.
We want it now.
Hell yes, we're gonna take your AR-15s.
And the Democrats are all on the stage of the debate last week in Houston going, Beto, thank you for your courage.
We love you.
Take all the guns.
Oh, you're so good.
So I gotta say, Trump is playing 3D chess with these people.
It really is true.
But I'll tell you who else is playing 3D chess, and that's the deep state.
Obama and Kerry and Hillary are openly engaged in treason.
Trump's been complaining for three years, working with Iran, giving them the data, and telling them how to set Trump up and make him look like a fool.
And again, I said it earlier in the show, I've talked to a lot of people I respect.
One of them's standing right over there, a smart guy.
We're not gonna put him on camera.
Maybe we will.
And they all believe that it's just like they tried to set up Jimmy Carter in the late 70s successfully, working with Tehran, the deep state, to make him look like a fool, just like they set up Kennedy in the Bay of Pigs to make him look like a fool, that Trump's being maneuvered by Obama and the globalists, and Iran's been told, go ahead, launch cruise missile attacks, have your rebels take the blame for it, credit, and then that way, keep grabbing ships, And our military is so discredited because of what we've done to it, that's Obama and Hillary and Bush Senior, that they won't believe Iran attacked us, even when they do, and then we'll maneuver Trump into a disaster that plunges the U.S.
economy, which is their goal.
And that's a key report that's up on Infowars.com from Michael Snyder.
Very important report, where he lays out that, what is it?
The majority, in fact almost all of the major recessions we've had in the last 50 years came after massive spikes in oil prices.
And so you've seen the private Federal Reserve wanting to plunge the economy.
You've seen Bill Maher saying plunge the economy.
You've seen Democrats all over saying the economy needs to be taken down to defeat this populist uprising and to punish the American people.
And now they're doing it and that's what this is all about.
So a lot of my listeners are saying, Alex, We think every event is a false flag.
And so we think this is Israel doing this, or we think it's Saudi Arabia doing this.
And certainly those countries have staged false flags before.
But if you look at what's really going on, these are cruise missiles out of Iran.
Iran's rebels already took blame so that Iran could get away with an attack.
And then lure Trump in, even though it's well known by the military that Iran actually did this, to then set up Trump.
That's the real plan.
That's what's going on.
And it's my job to give you my best analysis from a historical understanding of what's really happening.
So I do not want to strike Iran.
But, half of Saudi Arabia's oil supply was just taken out, 5% of the world's supply, and it's meant to kill the markets.
And Trump comes out and says, hey, we got plenty of oil, don't panic!
Because almost every time this happens, it causes a global recession!
Which the globalists admit they want right now, to teach all the populace around the world to sit down and shut up, so the big banks can come in with more banker bailouts with our own tax money, to take control of our lives!
So let's think about the reality of what's unfolding here.
And realize this is the geopolitical manipulations.
That we're in a proxy war with China.
And that it's the U.S., India, the U.K.
against radical Islam, the globalists, the chi-coms, the Hollywood leftist movement, who is allied with Iran.
And so yes, we made an alliance with Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia is corrupt, they're out of control, they were involved in 9-11.
Saudi Arabia helped destroy ISIS and Al-Qaeda, which they were running.
As a way to prove to Trump they're not going to play games.
Trump said, you stop it right now or I'm going to overthrow you.
The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act was passed in 1994.
It was supposed to educate the public about supplements.
Evil things like vitamin C and vitamin E and things even worse like vitamin B12.
Horrible things.
It was, of course, Big Pharma, the people that bring us Ritalin and Prozac and things like Luvox and deadly opiates like hillbilly heroin, Oxycontin, that worked so hard to try to shut down burgeoning health food and vitamin stores across the country.
But thanks to people like Mel Gibson, who took action in the ad you're about to see,
America mobilized and we were able to retain some of our basic rights to be able to take
vitamins and minerals and things from evil Mother Nature.
Hey, guys, got him.
It's only vitamins.
Vitamin C, you know, like in oranges.
If you don't want to lose your vitamins, make the FDA stop.
Call the U.S.
Senate and tell them that you want to take your vitamins in peace.
If enough of us do that, it'll work.
There have been hundreds and hundreds of articles written in the last year
demonizing myself, Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro and others because we dare to sell high-quality supplements.
Now, it's okay when Whole Foods or grocery store chains sell basically the exact same things.
But when we do, it's evil and it's bad because we're patriots and we're nationalists.
But you see, they're really upset because they know that nootropics and other supplements sell because people are reporting they're getting great results.
Well, I've got a new evil to announce to the world that they can write hundreds of other articles about.
It's the sister, or you could say the brother, the kissing cousin of Brain Force Plus, our number one overall bestseller.
A nootropic that people absolutely love because we get the best, purest, high quality ingredients that are tested and proven to blow people's expectations away.
Now, it gives you a lot of sustained focus energy without the crash, but a lot of people want a way that after they've been turbocharged for 10 hours with just two capsules to be able not to come down
Let's just smooth out and be chill.
And that's why we're introducing what we know is going to be a massive bestseller, Chill Force.
I want to be clear, Chill Force is not like Knockout, meant to make you go to sleep.
It's simply meant to relax you, but still have clarity.
That's why a lot of people aren't just taking it after their day's over, they're taking it with things like Rain Force Plus and, of course, Turbo Force.
It's time to do what I did and take action with the Chill Force Challenge at InfoWarsLive.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
It's to choose between two admittedly regrettable, but nevertheless distinguishable post-war environments.
One, where you got 20 million people killed, and the other where you got 150 million people killed.
You're talking about mass murder, General, not war.
Mr. President, I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair must, but I do say no more than 10 to 20 million kills, tops, depending on the breaks.
I will not go down in history as the greatest mass murderer since Adolf Hitler.
Perhaps it might be better, Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American people than with your image in the history books.
General Turgeson, I think I've heard quite sufficient from you.
Thank you very much.
Mr. President, they have the Ambassador waiting upstairs.
Oh, good.
Any difficulty?
They say he's having a fit about that squad of MPs.
Well, that can't be helped.
Have him brought down here straight away.
Yes, sir.
Is that the Russian Ambassador you're talking about?
Yes, it is, General.
Am I to understand the Russian Ambassador is to be admitted to entrance to the War Room?
That is correct.
He is here on my orders.
I don't know exactly how to put this, sir, but are you aware of what a serious breach of security that would be?
I mean, you'll see everything!
You'll see the big board!
That is precisely the idea, General.
That is precisely the idea.
Staines, get Premier Kissoff on the hotline.
Charles Kupperman.
was the attache of the outgoing head National Security Advisor to President Trump, John Bolton.
And this gentleman gave interviews and wrote articles back in 1982 where he was quoted as saying the United States could survive a nuclear war and only get 10 to 20 million times killed.
Now, how did he basically exactly quote From the fictional film, Dr. Strangelove, released in the early 1960s.
Well, Kubrick did his research, ladies and gentlemen.
The article is from Paul Joseph Watson.
It's up on newswars.com and infowars.com.
New National Security Advisor once said U.S.
could take Losing 20 million people in a nuclear war.
I'm not saying we wouldn't get our hair must.
So he's now basically quoting the fictitious general played by George C. Scott in that famous film.
You got to go read these quotes for yourself.
They're absolutely incredible.
And they're even talking about a preemptive war starting one with the Soviets becoming more evil than even they were.
So this is the type of insanity that still reigns in some of these neocon brains.
David Knight yesterday got into a similar subject that the U.S.
government actually had a plan to survive a nuclear war at the end of the world as we know it, and once his wife and children actually went down the wrong road and actually visited one of these continual government facilities.
So I want to go to this report from David Knight, but you're actually seeing the evidence laid out here by him of the fact that the establishment believes they can survive doomsday, be it AI, be it bioweapons, be it nuclear war.
In fact, they're even romanticizing the post-human world and how good a nuclear war would be to get rid of us.
Like MI6 and OSS officer Ian Fleming that wrote Moonraker, kind of giving you an idea about how the elite fantasize about going to the moon or space while they kill all of us here and then come back and create a new Garden of Eden.
So here is David Knight's powerful report.
But whatever you do after watching this, we're going to post it to InfoWars.com.
Share this important video because people aren't going to believe it unless they see the facts themselves.
Folks, we've always talked about mutually assured destruction.
The people in the Pentagon really never believed that.
They believed that it wasn't going to be mutual destruction.
They believed they could win this war.
And in the 1980s, the guy who has taken John Bolton's place is one of the biggest advocates of, yeah, yeah, we could lose a few million here and a few million there, you know.
And right now, you've got all these people in the Pentagon telling President Trump.
I imagine if we were to tune into the discussions right now, it would kind of look like the war room discussions of General Buck Turgeson from Doctor Strangelove.
Remember this?
Play that clip.
Uh, sir?
Uh, if the pilot's good, see?
I mean, if he's really sharp, he can barrel that baby in solo.
You ought to see it sometime!
It's a sight!
A big plane, like a 52!
It's jet exhaust!
Flying chickens in the barnyard!
Yeah, but has he got a chance?
Has he got a chance?
Hell yeah!
Yeah, actually he does.
Actually he does.
And this is the kind of... These guys get swept away with their military weapons systems.
I mean, this... Dr. Strangelove was a black comedy, but it was very dark because it was based on reality.
We go back and take a look.
If you really want to know the history of this, the real history of this, take a look at a book called Raven Rock.
The subtitle of it was, The Story of the U.S.
Government's Secret Plan to Save Itself While the Rest of Us Die.
One of the hardened facilities for AT&T, which was a secret partner with the U.S.
military back in the 1960s, one of the secret sites that they had, that was right in the beginning of this book in the introduction, was a place called Big Hole, not too far from where I used to live in North Carolina.
And of course we were all told, oh, that's been shut down years ago, and the Cold War ended, we shut that down, and the people who were highly connected in politics, the mayor and all that, they had all worked At that facility, that hardened underground facility.
And so one day, my wife and sons decided that they would go down that road.
You remember that, Travis?
You guys went down that road.
And all of a sudden, the station that was still there, everybody was saying, well, it's been abandoned and everything.
All of a sudden, the loudspeakers come on.
Turn back!
Turn back!
You're under authorized... What did they tell you, Travis?
Are you there?
I do remember it.
It's a little bit vague, but I do remember the fact that they had a guard tower with a spotlight and many armed guards for a facility that was supposedly defunct for years.
That's right.
That's right.
And you know, later on, that was probably Six or seven years before everybody started talking about that facility in New York City, they said, look at this.
It looks like some kind of a Soviet fortress style.
Brutal architecture.
You know, we have the exposed concrete walls with no windows and so forth.
Right smack dab in the middle of New York City and it was one of those facilities.
It wasn't hardened and underground like the one in North Carolina.
And there were multiple ones of those in North Carolina, but they had a plan.
Where they believed that they could initiate a nuclear war and they could survive it.
As a matter of fact, Kupperman, this guy who is now in John Bolton's place, going back to the 1980s, he was talking about, when he was part of the Reagan administration, he was talking about the fact that he thought that nuclear conflict with Russia, actually the Soviet Union at that time, was winnable.
And he said, quote, nuclear war is a destructive thing, but it's still in large part a physics problem.
And he took this position of John Bolton last Tuesday.
Here we are about a week later, and we're ready to blow up the world's energy supplies and start a global war.
Because Russia and China are going to be involved in this as well.
What he talked about at the time, you know, this physics problem that he talked about, He said, well, I can imagine a scenario where only 20 million people in America died, only 20 million Americans died, as opposed to 150 million.
He says if it was only 20 million people, then the nation could then emerge stronger and could prevail in the objectives, right?
Just like Dr. Strangelove.
With enough planning, this is, I mean, this is not Dr. Strangelove now.
I am reading you What the guy who took John Bolton's place in the White House and the Trump administration said.
With enough planning and civil defense measures such as, quote, a certain layer of dirt and some reinforced construction materials, the effects of nuclear war could be limited and the U.S.
would be able to fairly quickly rebuild itself after an all-out conflict with the Soviet Union.
It might take 15 years, but jeez, look how long it took Europe to recover after the Second World War.
And then he talked about Hiroshima, which was one of the two cities that was bombed to end the Second World War.
He said, Hiroshima, after it was bombed, it was back up and operating three days later.
I hadn't noticed that.
I hadn't noticed that.
Yeah, no problem at all.
As a matter of fact, to look at how life imitates art, let's go back To Dr. Strangelove, because that's what this guy literally sounds like.
Play the other clip of the actual Dr. Strangelove.
Mr. President, I would not rule out the chance to preserve a nucleus of human specimens.
It would be quite easy.
At the bottom of some of our deeper mineshafts.
Radioactivity would never penetrate a mine some thousands of feet deep, and in a matter of weeks, sufficient improvements in dwelling space could easily be provided.
How long would you have to stay down there?
Well, let's see now, uh... Cobalt-thorium-g?
Uh... Yeah, it's just a physics problem, yeah.
We can calculate this out.
Yeah, let me get out my slide rule here.
No problem at all.
Hey, look, we were told at the time, if you see a nuclear flash in a city, you know, try to get out of the city if the bombs are coming in.
Just get into a ditch.
You'll be okay.
Maybe a little bit of dirt too.
Here's Alex Jones displaying, putting the tin foil hat on display.
the tinfoil hat on display.
As you can see, the tinfoil hat, which was once a one-piece tinfoil hat meant to sit on your head comfortably, has now evolved into not just a tinfoil hat, but an adjustable antenna.
So not only do you have the tinfoil hat to protect yourself against fake news and predict the future, now it's included a tinfoil hat antenna, adjustable antenna, so you can pick up the InfoWars streams wherever you are On planet Earth, it's the brand new InfoWars tinfoil hat with adjustable antenna.
We're working on getting the satellite feeds up and ready so that you can tune in to the InfoWars live broadcast with your tinfoil hat.
Alex Jones tinfoil hat.
Now, Alex is a man of many talents, but you didn't know he had that type of catwalk ability.
Just look at the attitude.
Look at the flippant nature of defiance.
Look at the rebellion.
Ugh, just total defiance.
It's the brand new InfoWars tinfoil and tinfoil hat with adjustable antenna.
You can pick up HD audio of the Alex Jones Show with your brand new InfoWars tinfoil hat.
We told you first about the fluoride in the water.
We told you first about Jeffrey Epstein.
Now you can hear it for yourself!
Live time with the Info Wars tinfoil hat!
How's the satellite feed coming in, Alex?
Crystal clear.
Crystal clear.
HD feed, baby.
So right now I'm on the Alex Jones Show.
If I adjust the antenna approximately 30 degrees to the east... Now I've got the David Knight Show!
Now I'm listening to David Knight this morning.
He's talking about leftist cities and how they promote abortion.
Hold on, let me just tune it now 60 degrees to the southwest and give it a little bend here.
And now I'm tuned into the war room!
[Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is...]
It's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Alex is going to be rejoining us in the next segment with a breaking report on the AI rollout that is coming, but I wanted to play this clip here in this short segment, and then we're going to open up the phone lines coming up as well.
You won't believe what Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo were saying on CNN last night.
It's a pinch yourself moment.
This is CNN that has Brian Stelter, Oliver Darcy, and other nitwit losers trying to censor anyone who goes against their politics, which is take the guns, silence conservatives, America sucks.
And so they have been openly calling for censorship.
They have been openly promoting censorship.
Oliver Darcy is one of the king rats when it comes to flagging people to have them removed.
I mean, CNN is literally the rabid, cancerous, feral, malnourished guard dog foaming at the mouth to censor anybody who doesn't look as disgusting and hideous as them.
I must be dreaming when I tune into CNN and I hear this conversation between Don Lamon
and Fredo Cuomo.
Keep it pure.
I just, I hate the whole cancel culture.
I hate the whole, and I hate going back.
Pause it right there and restart it.
Dude, CNN is literally the cancel culture.
You guys have no ratings except for the money you pay to be in airports and hotels.
No one watches you.
You're a known joke.
You're a known empty husk.
You are the cancel culture.
You cancel yourself.
You promote the cancel culture.
Without the cancel culture, you won't even exist!
But again, listen to Don Lamone and Fredo Cuomo!
Keep it pure.
I just, I hate the whole cancel culture.
I hate the whole, and I hate going back.
Listen, think about this.
Think about if Richard Pryor or Lenny Bruce or even Eddie Murphy were coming up now.
Do you remember the you-know-what that they would say?
You think All in the Family would be on TV right now?
A lot of racist stuff, a lot of homophobic stuff, a lot of it.
They push the envelopes.
Lenny Bruce got arrested for some of the things that he said.
You think All in the Family would be on today?
So, I mean, people, so the whole... You think The Jeffersons would be on today?
You think they'd let Sherman Helmsley, may he rest in peace... Sherman Helmsley say... Do George Jefferson the way he did it then?
You think they would let George Jefferson say N-word please on television now?
Or when Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor pushed the limits on SNL by that whole N-word sketch that they did?
That wouldn't be allowed on television right now and something is wrong with that.
Because those were learning moments, teachable moments.
Who are we?
And who are we?
Everybody's a little too... What happens when we're tested?
How do we feel about it?
How do we respond?
What do we embrace?
What do we reject?
I think everyone's a little too sensitive, and I think going back in the past for every little thing that someone did, no one would have a job.
Because everyone says stupid things.
Everyone does something that's boneheaded from now and then.
And so I think we have to be... Oh my gosh!
So here's CNN.
Let me, guys, pull up a story about how CNN celebrates the censorship online.
Folks, Oliver Darcy is well known in Silicon Valley as, like, the King Rat.
Like, there's an old cartoon called Recess.
If you're about my age, I'm 30, if you're around my age, some of the crew here, you probably remember the cartoon Recess.
Remember the cartoon Recess?
There was a character called Randall in Recess.
You know, Randall was a worm, Randall was a narc, Randall was a rat.
Nobody liked Randall.
Kind of like Don Lemon.
They sit around, they look at people they don't like all day, and then they go to the principal and say, This person did this.
Make sure you have them removed.
That's literally CNN with Oliver Darcy who looks like he just ate the you-know-what out of the behind of a possum and enjoyed it.
And he goes around celebrating censorship and then they're gonna complain about the cancel culture that CNN literally created?
InfoWars presents Real Stable Genius.
Real Stable Genius.
Today we salute you, Mr. Fake News Anchorman.
Mr. Fake News Anchorman.
Night after night, you robotically read off a teleprompter words written by someone else.
When it comes out what you reported was fake, you feel no guilt.
After all, you were just doing your job.
Less and less tune in every night, but that won't hurt your ego because you're on television.
So crack open an ice-cold Kuck Light, Mr. Fake News Anchorman.
Because despite the fancy suit and big salary, we know you're just a puppet.
What the hell did I just read?
Kuck Light.
Austin, Texas.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
A lot of things developing today.
The Democrats' call for gun confiscation has only sold more guns in America.
15% was the number last week.
I would bet it's more than that now, where you have multiple gun stores literally rolling out Beto specials and selling out of their rifles in less than four hours.
You are a joke, Beto.
I mean, you are such a joke, it's not even measurable, quite frankly.
So, that's one thing we're seeing develop.
So yeah, you called for the confiscation of firearms, now there's about two million more you'll have to confiscate from our cold dead hands, you bastards.
You bastards!
If you would ever come for our guns.
Here's a better idea.
Why don't you just move?
If you don't like guns, get the hell out!
Because they're not going anywhere!
I mean, seriously!
I just don't get it, man.
I just really don't understand it.
Then you have Ilhan Omar.
Married her brother.
Committed immigration fraud.
Committed tax fraud.
This is a leader of the Democrat Party.
A known criminal.
Married her own brother.
I just want to know if she I mean, did she consummate the marriage, folks?
Let's be real.
There is a chance Ilhan Omar engaged in incest.
How do you like that, Democrats?
But they'll deny it.
Then you have the New York Times printing known fake news against Brett Kavanaugh.
Their quote-unquote source was actually reached out to during the original investigations into the accusations.
She declined to be a part of it then.
She said, I have nothing to do with this.
Please don't involve me.
Well, the New York Times drug her out of the nothingness and put her in a story and claimed things about her that weren't true, just like Kavanaugh.
And she's again saying, no, no, that's not me.
Never claimed that.
The New York Times retracts 24 hours later, but it's all too late by then.
They knew it was fake.
They run the headline.
The average brainwashed Democrat voter, which I don't even know where they are anymore.
I can't even find them.
They're at Elizabeth Warren rallies.
That's pretty much it.
Will actually believe that Brett Kavanaugh is a sexual deviant.
Because the New York Times publishes fake news, retracts 24 hours later.
How many times does the New York Times have to be proven fake news?
Doesn't matter.
Now, when we come back, Alex Jones is going to break down the real threat of the AI rollout.
That's coming on the other side.
As we just get more and more information about how the Democrats are working with Silicon Valley to keep Trump From winning the 2020 election.
And if the Trump administration doesn't move against that soon, we will have some serious problems, ladies and gentlemen.
Some serious, serious problems.
You've got Democrats committing fake hate crimes, like Jussie Smollett and Edon Lewis Kaufman.
Staging their own hate crimes to try to start a civil war.
This is the state of the Democrat Party.
This is pure evil.
Take your guns, lie to you to destroy their political adversaries, stage events to play the victim.
I mean, this is literally, if Satan could fill human bodies, it would be the average Democrat at this point.
It really would.
And that's not even to insult the average Democrat voter of, you know, say, 2016, 2012, whatever.
The Democrat Party's changed.
They've gone full evil.
Take the guns, end free speech, lie to destroy your political adversaries, engage in big tech collusion to censor and silence free speech.
That is literally the political Operating system of the Democrat Party.
Oh, I left something out.
They also stage violence and riots.
Forgot about that, too.
They engage in domestic terror.
In fact, the largest domestic terror group in the United States is the Democrat Party.
I'll debate that forever.
You can't show me a group of individuals in this country that has engaged in more Terrorism than the Democrat Party with Antifa and with straight-up Bob Kramer running riot gangs out of Chicago.
That's all caught.
That's all on record.
That is the Democrat Party, ladies and gentlemen.
They hate America.
They hate you.
And you know, I've been thinking about this.
But I think we've reached a demarcation line now where, again, I'm not insulting Democrat voters of yesteryear, but the average Democrat voter now Is somebody who's all alone, no family, no desire to start a family, no girlfriend, no wife, no boyfriend, no husband, no kids, nothing.
They just want to live in their own little selfish lives with their social media in their little pod cities in California, sip on a soy latte with their pinky out and claim they're intellectual when they are the biggest dumbasses you'll ever meet in your life.
But because they have no desire for prosperity, because they have no desire to build a future, because they're totally destroyed by Satan, they want to bring down the rest of us.
And so they use facade arguments like you're transphobic if you don't want to pay for a dingaling to be chopped off and a hole to be plugged in there.
This is literally what they're doing.
The state of California has now banned state-funded travel to Iowa because they won't perform gender reassignment surgery on a state dollar.
That's the state of the Democrat Party.
Ilhan Omar just decided she's going to side with Iran.
After the bombing.
Or whatever happened on that oil field.
Which, by the way, who's to say, in fact, I would almost bet money on it.
I bet that John Kerry is running that strike on Saudi Arabia with his little Iranian counterparts.
But hey, what do I know?
So, Alex Jones, when we come back, is going to be breaking down the rollout of AI and the threat to humanity.
But first, folks, over at InfoWarsTore.com, we've got maybe the biggest specials we've ever had.
I think it's probably the biggest specials we've ever had.
It's pretty much a clearance sale, and we're not really marketing it like that, but that's basically what it is.
When we got the Gut Health Fusion Pack on sale, Right now, seven different supplements.
I believe the whole pack is 75% off.
Right now.
Don't forget about the brand new t-shirt, Beto Not.
Beto Not, the brand new t-shirt at InfowarsStore.com.
Selling like hotcakes.
Get your Beto Not t-shirt with the rifle, Beto Not under it, and the Lone Star on top.
Beto says he wants to come take your guns.
Buy this t-shirt.
Give him the middle finger.
You wanna kick Beto in the nuts politically?
Buy this t-shirt.
You wanna put your fist through Beto's face politically?
Buy this t-shirt.
You wanna choke and strangle Beto O'Rourke till there's no breath in his lungs politically?
Buy this t-shirt.
Should I go on?
Do you wanna repeatedly stab a guy till he's bleeding out politically?
Buy this t-shirt from Infowarsstore.com.
I love Beto.
I would never want any harm done to Beto.
But politically, if you'd like to wring this guy's neck and break his leg and jaw, politically, not physically, go to InfoWarsStore.com and get the Beto Knot t-shirt.
And if you want to make sure I keep a job after saying that, maybe go buy a t-shirt too, because I may be on the chopping block, politically.
Alright, so, when we come back, Alex Jones is going to break down the AI rollout, which, you know, there's a lot of unknowns about the AI.
How organic What is AI and how influenced is it by human behavior or by human algorithms?
Is Silicon Valley going to roll out some AI that's a social justice warrior?
Where if you say, man, I love the United States of America, we should have a southern border.
You're deemed a terrorist.
And then, you know, they send the cops to your door to take your guns away with the social credit score.
Hey, maybe it'll be Beto.
In fact, Beto should go door to door and take the guns away.
I think Beto should do that.
He should be a real hero and do that himself.
Alex Jones on the other side.
Maybe not.
Everyone, it's now live.
I actually got a shot.
What will I cover?
I don't sell snake oil.
I sell fish oil.
Wild harvested fish oil.
Fish oil.
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Fish oil.
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Highest quality fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oils.
Fishin' oilin'.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
Fish oil.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
These things that we're building are not going to be people.
They might be really smart, they might be really good at all sorts of different things, but they're not going to be like us.
They're going to be aliens.
And they're going to be, I'm sorry to say, way smarter than every single person in this room.
In ways that we can't even comprehend.
So this, of course, triggers a lot of alarm.
One of the guys who talks about this is Elon, who says things like this.
Like, when you do this, beware.
Because you think, just like the guy in the stories, that when you do this, you're gonna put that little guy in a pentagram, And you're going to have your holy water out, and you're going to wave it at the thing, and by God it's going to do exactly what you say, and not one thing more, but it never works out that way.
So, this is an attitude that some are having, this emerging alarmism about the way this is going to go.
But these words, demons, doesn't capture the essence of what's happening here.
I don't know if any of you are turn-of-the-century weird fiction fans, but there's this guy named H.P.
Lovecraft, who's a very famous American weird fiction author.
And he exposed a view which is called Cosmicism.
And the essence of Cosmicism is cosmic indifference.
So what he was saying is basically, yes, there are these massively intelligent entities out there, but they're not good, they're not evil, they just don't give a shit about you, even in the slightest.
The same way you don't care about an ant is the same way they're not going to care about you.
And these things that we're summoning into the world now are not demons, they're not evil, but they're more like the Lovecraftian Great Old Ones.
They are entities that are not necessarily going to be aligned with what we want.
So this transition is really, really Massively important for our entire species to navigate and going back to that thing that Sam Harris was saying, nobody is paying attention.
This thing is happening in the background while people bicker about politics.
Jordy Ross has joined a chorus of AI experts and globalists and billionaires warning us that AI is going to be Millions of times smarter than us, and just crushes like ants, or a house plant, and that the end of humanity is here, and why are we doing this?
Why are we allowing it?
Because there's two camps.
There's those that say, don't do it, it's crazy, but we're going to be subhuman slaves.
And then others say, oh, it's wonderful, humans are trash, we're about to transcendent post-human world.
But when you read this, it shows you how these people have no respect for themselves or human potential, that we built all this, and that we're amazing.
The truth is, the globalists want you just to give up on life and believe that you're subhuman, that you are a reject, that you don't have any power, that you don't exist, and that you should just sign over your own destiny to the establishment who's charting the future for you and explaining how it's all lost and it's all over.
So just lay down and just give up and let them run the world.
Let them control the future.
AI expert says we are summoning robot entities who will treat us like ants.
And of course now all the major churches of the world, from the Buddhists, to the Catholics, to the Protestants, are putting robot preachers and priestings.
It's so cool!
That's just some junk spouting a recording out at us.
All these machines do is mimic what we say, mimic what we do, mimic our facial expressions, mimic our voice prints, to convince us, like a carnival barker, that we're really seeing something magic.
But really, it's not true magic, it's The magic of a scam.
The magic of the magician who is doing sleight of hand and manipulating.
Like all these big companies that came out and said, they can diagnostic cancer before you have it.
And then this machine can test all your blood.
And diagnostics.
And billions of the machines were sold by just one company alone.
There's like 20 companies I know of.
And it turns out it's all fraud.
Like the new one.
Oh, we have a blood test to see if you have PTSD.
We're going to have to take your guns.
We found a chemical in you to show that you have PTSD.
It's just some stress hormone.
It's all quack garbage.
You know how many people went to death row off fake lie detectors?
That's just a way to scam you, if you are lying, to go ahead and admit you're lying.
It's all bluffing.
It's all scams.
Things are much more complex than you're told or they say.
The truth is, all this AI computerizes is automation, and it's programmed by humans to control you.
So what he's really saying is, global psychopaths that see you as ants, and who want a post-human world, are programming a technocracy, is what it is.
Where it's all automated and runs your life and tracks and traces you and then punishes you when you're not a good little slave.
This is an imperial probe droid of the globalists.
Made by slaves in China.
Every part of it's evil.
It listens to me.
It has my heartbeat.
It's on when it's supposedly off.
It's tracking everything.
And now they admit all that.
Apple's always listening.
Google's always listening.
Because they're all in a race to get AI dominance and the post-human world.
They've decided it's a foregone conclusion.
Well, I'm here to tell them it's not.
A foregone conclusion.
But let's go further here, ladies and gentlemen.
There's another big story up on InfoWars.com that ties right into this, and of course it's on mosquitoes.
Let me just pull that up for you right now as we cover what's really going on and what's really unfolding in this nation.
Genetically modified mosquito apocalypse plan backfires spectacularly in Brazil.
Oh, turns out a big globalist company, funded by always the same people, Oh, you bet.
Mr. Eugenics, Mr. Depopulation is involved.
One of his foundations, Bill Gates.
A British biotech company conducted a 27-month long experiment in 2013 in Brazil aimed at reducing the local mosquito population by 90% while preserving the genetic integrity of the local insect population.
Instead, it failed and created a new mutant super mosquito that are spreading diseases even faster.
The full article by RT is up on InfoWars.com.
And my point is, We're learning six and a half years later about another one of these failed experiments.
But did it really fail?
We're always told that, oh, it's an experiment to make less humans die.
But Bill Gates says he's working with mosquitoes to learn how to deliver pathogens to reduce population.
He said it there in a TED Talk.
People laughed like it was a joke.
It's not a joke.
And he's released mosquitoes in Florida and released mosquitoes in Africa.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, HIV was a race-specific bioweapon targeting Africans.
Look it up.
That's not a conspiracy theory.
Just like fluoride lowers IQ.
Just like fluoride gives you cancer.
That's in major studies.
But viruses mutate to where they're less harmful or non-harmful.
That's why the epidemic of HIV has gone away.
Because the virus mutated out.
But they've got to keep giving vaccines with the original strain to give you HIV again.
But Africans everywhere refuse vaccines.
They know it's HIV inside of it.
And so it's gone down 90 plus percent.
See how this works?
And then Hollywood elites found out as well that they have cures for all of this.
This is very serious.
Northern Europeans do not have the receptor sites on their T-lymphocytes.
They're generals.
They're white blood cell training cells.
They go out and train the other white blood cells.
And this targets T-lymphocytes so that whatever else is in your environment kills you.
Well, they found ways to block that.
And again, the virus also mutates until a less harmful form.
I was told this in the 80s, okay?
I was told this in the 80s and it turned out to all be true.
That's just the facts, ladies and gentlemen.
It's been in the medical literature all along, and any of you that take a vaccine are insane.
It's not that vaccine science couldn't help you.
It's that they're tainting it.
They're jacking it.
They're Trojan horsoning it, just like they do everything else, from your cell phones to the water supply to everything.
It's a very small technical elite that's doing this, carrying out experimentation on the population, because they believe they're saving the Earth from overpopulation.
But really, they just want to control people, and it's totally sick.
So, AI is run by globalists, that's why it's dangerous, because they're building it.
So, there's a post-human world.
Now back to the live transmission with Owen Schroer.
I'm Alex Jones, doing some important work in Los Angeles, and I'll be back tomorrow.
Stay with us.
I've got a message for the scumbag anti-American, Beto O'Rourke.
You're down here thinking you can tame Texas and conquer us and destroy us like California?
You think you can turn us into your disarmed slaves?
Beto O'Rourke, you're well known for fantasizing and writing essays about murdering children.
And you even got away with a hit-and-run and burglary.
You're a dirty criminal.
You've got your own bodyguards because you're hooked into that billionaire wife of yours.
How dare you try to demonize American gun owners?
Just in case you didn't know, this country was founded when the Redcoats came to take the guns in 1775.
That's why we got July 4th.
So I'm gonna tell you what George Washington and the Continental Congress told King George III.
You're not getting our firearms because we're free men, you little piece of crap!
America and the world's glad, though, that you finally got the guts to admit your plan with the rest of those scumbag Democrats.
Beto O'Rourke, you're on notice!
You're not getting our firearms, ever, scumbag!
Free America Law Center.
We started Free America Law Center because we needed a counterpart to the ACLU and to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Organizations that have been legal support organizations for political causes on the left for a long time.
But many ordinary Americans, many people on the political right or political independents, did not have that same opportunity afforded them.
So we created the Free America Law Center to help fight back.
Fight back particularly in the areas of big tech deplatforming, big media defamation, big government deep state whistleblowers who need protection against the institutional powers of the establishment.
That's why we created the Free America Law Center to empower you.
You are creating equal access and democratizing the law so that ordinary everyday Americans can fight back against big tech, big media, and big powerful institutions out to deprive them of their rights.
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, sometimes you just have to sit back and recognize the clown world for what it is.
Because that's what it is.
When you have Democrats calling for the impeachment of Kavanaugh, the impeachment of Trump, they've got Corey Lewandowski right now in front of Congress testifying.
We're going to go to that here in just a moment for the remainder of the broadcast.
But don't worry, you know, after the Corey Lewandowski testimony is over, the Democrats are going to call the Hamburglar.
To ask what he knows about Trump stealing pancakes.
After that, maybe Ronald McDonald.
And so, really important eyewitnesses and fact witnesses coming up to destroy Trump that the Democrats are going to bring up.
Maybe another Blasey Ford.
I don't know anything or anybody, but Kavanaugh definitely raped me and ten other women.
I know that.
I don't know how I know, but probably.
That's the Democrats, ladies and gentlemen.
And so, They'll call up anybody.
They'll call up Aunt Jemima.
If that's the type of syrup Trump used on the pancakes he stole.
This is the pathetic state of our government.
And it should drive you insane.
Drives me insane that this is what we're paying for.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon just shut down the border wall.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, the Pentagon just shut down the border wall project.
They said they don't have enough money.
And if you believe that, you're the dumbest ass I've ever met in my life.
They'll spend money on anything.
In fact, as one of the crew is pointing out here, probably cut a deal saying, look, you go to war, Trump will build your wall.
No war, no wall.
So the Pentagon shut it down, said they didn't have the funds.
That's a blatant lie.
But hey, we got plenty of money to get Ronald McDonald in front of Congress for a testimony.
Let's go to the Corey Lewandowski testimony where the Democrats will do anything to try to destroy this country.
Good morning, Mr. Glendofsky.
I'm questioning you right now.
Thank you.
Oh, I'm questioning you right now.
I'm also breathing right now and drinking water right now.
Sheila Jackson Lee.
What a joke.
The President could have just picked up the phone himself at any time and called the Attorney General.
The President also had a full staff of executive employees right down the hall.
So this made me wonder.
If the President thought what he was doing was legal, why didn't he just pick up the phone and call Attorney General Sessions, or why not ask any member of his staff who worked right down the hall to deliver a message?
It is clear to me that the reason he went to you, Mr. Lewandowski, is because everyone said no.
So I want to ask you about that.
We're going to pause this real quick because I just want to give a little context here for the audience.
This is an impeachment hearing.
The Democrats, House Democrats in a committee launched this impeachment process to try to remove Trump.
So in their impeachment, guess what's not named?
So it's not even about Russia anymore.
So Russian collusion's gone.
That came and went.
That big bombshell of nothing.
So now they bring Corey Lewandowski up there on obstruction of justice.
I'm sorry, you know what?
I'm just gonna shut up because I'm just gonna start screaming.
Just go to the thing.
This is a joke.
I'm just done.
I'm just done with this crap.
Just go to the crap.
Just go to the crap.
Go to the crap show.
Called White House Counsel McGahn at home on a Saturday to fire the special counsel saying, and you can see that on the screen, Mueller has to go.
Call me back when you do it.
Plain and simple.
But McGahn refused.
When the President asked you to deliver that message, did he, the President, tell you that two days before your meeting, his White House counsel had refused to fire the special counsel?
Volume 1186 is where you'll find that language.
Volume 2.
Volume 2.
When the President asked you, did you hear the question?
I'm sorry, could you repeat the question, Counsel?
When the President asked you to deliver that message, did he, the President, tell you that two days before your meeting, his White House counsel had refused to fire the special counsel?
The White House has directed me not to disclose the substance of any conversations with the President.
You are not allowed to answer whether the President told you he called his counsel at home on Saturday to remove, on a Saturday, to remove the special counsel, and his counsel said no.
The President had also personally called Sessions at home and asked him to unrecuse himself and oversee the Special Counsel's investigation, and Sessions said no.
When the President asked you to deliver his message to Sessions, did the President tell you that Sessions had already said no?
Volume 2, page 107?
Again, Congresswoman, I recognize that the privilege is not mine, but I've been asked by the White House to... Congresswoman, I'd be happy to answer your question, or you can just have a conversation by yourself, but if you'd like to ask me a question, I'll be happy to answer it.
I'm going to continue.
The reason is because... Well, then don't ask me a question if you don't want to hear my answer.
I'm reclaiming my time.
This is a House Judiciary, not a House Party.
So if you ask me a question, give me the opportunity to answer your question.
The very campaign the special counsel is investigating, I'd like my time restored, please, of his interruption.
The gentlelady controls the time.
So he was a witness to the Special Counsel's investigation.
For that reason, Sessions said publicly that federal law prohibited his involvement in the Special Counsel's investigation.
Here's a quote from the report from Volume 2, pages 49 to 50, which is on the screen.
You can read that.
Yes or no, did the President tell you that the Attorney General was legally not allowed to take any part in the Special Counsel's investigation when he asked you to deliver him a note about that very investigation?
Did the President tell you that?
What you've just read is not on the screen, Congresswoman.
You need to look at the screen.
There it is.
Yes or no?
Read the screen.
You're welcome to read it, Congresswoman.
You're welcome to be stalling.
And I'm not going to stall.
You either answer the question yes or no.
Congresswoman, I'll take the same privileges that you've had as other members.
The President tell you that nobody at the White House was supposed to even contact the Attorney General about the investigation?
That you can answer yes or no.
I will not disclose any conversations I've had with the president, congresswoman.
Again, you are obviously here to block any reasonable inquiry into the truth or not of
this administration. The White House counsel quote, "shortly after Sessions announced his
recusal, directed that Sessions should not be contacted about the special counsel investigation."
In fact, the White House counsel's internal notes state, "no contact with Sessions and no
communication serious about instruction." Can you read that?
I just said it. Can you read that?
Did you hear me?
Is there a question?
Did the president tell you his White House counsel told him no contact with Sessions because of serious concerns of obstruction when he asked you to deliver a message to Sessions?
I am respecting the executive branch privilege of confidentiality and I will recognize that this time.
Let me just say that you knew, did you know the president was putting you at risk when he asked you to deliver a message to the Attorney General?
I want to be very clear.
The president knew knew what he was doing was wrong because everyone else had
already said no. He called his White House counsel to fire the special counsel. McGahn said no.
He called the attorney general to ask him to unrecuse himself from the special counsel's
investigation. Sessions said no.
His White House counsel said there should be no contact with Sessions because of his
recusal. So what does the president do? He calls you in to do what everyone else wouldn't
do. He called you in to do his dirty work in secret because he knew it was wrong. Well,
we will expose the truth.
The President can not hide behind you any longer.
You should be here to be telling the truth.
The truth will set you free and the American people.
I yield back.
The time of the gentlelady has expired.
The witness may answer the question.
I don't believe there was a question, Congressman.
Very well.
Yes, there was.
Could you repeat the question?
I didn't hear it.
I'd be happy to repeat the question.
It's just a rant.
I can't repeat the question.
I'll be hard to repeat the question.
Gentlelady's time has expired.
The gentleman from... Did you know the Attorney General... Oh, this is great right here.
The gentleman from Ohio... She literally didn't ask a question.
She just screamed and shouted.
Thank you for appearing this afternoon to testify before this committee.
I understand that you've spent many hours testifying voluntarily before Congress over the last few years.
Isn't that correct?
It is.
And have you had to hire and retain counsel?
We're going to bring this back live when we get back from this break just as the Democrat clown show continues.
Honestly, folks, I'm just at a breaking point.
And it's just like, I'm just telling you, it's like, if I'm at this point, where is Trump?
Where is Trump?
They just shut down the border wall project.
I just got three different texts from President Trump's team to donate.
I mean, I'm done, man!
This is a joke!
Free America Law Center.
We started Free America Law Center because we needed a counterpart to the ACLU and to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
Organizations that have been legal support organizations for political causes on the left for a long time.
But many ordinary Americans, many people on the political right or political independence, did not have that same opportunity afforded them.
So we created the Free America Law Center to help fight back.
Fight back particularly in the areas of big tech deplatforming, big media defamation, big government deep state whistleblowers who need protection against the institutional powers of the establishment.
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That's what Free America Law Center is all about.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Owen Schroyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The crew says to me during the break, man, Sheila Jackson Lee is acting like a total bitch.
I said, hey, that ain't acting.
That's a bitch.
That's a thug bitch.
But she's a powerful black woman, so she can do whatever the hell she wants.
But if you reverse the rules, it'd be called racism.
You know, I'm going to calm down and we're going to go back to this clip because the things I really want to say can't be said over terrestrial radio.
And there's multiple things.
It is Tuesday!
Maybe I'll see you next Tuesday!
Know what I'm saying?
So let's go back to this clip.
But I don't know about you in this audience.
I'm fed up.
I'm fed up.
I'm sick of getting asked to donate to the Trump campaign.
I'm sick of watching this damn clown show every day with taxpayer dollars.
I'm sick of the government shutting down the border walls, with the Pentagon shutting down three border wall projects today.
I'm sick of the illegal immigration.
I'm sick of the censorship.
I'm sick of all of it, man!
So I'm gonna shut up and turn my mic off, but just know, as we're listening to this fake hearing, another fake impeachment hearing, They say, oh Trump was obstructing justice.
Obstructing justice over what?
Your Russian collusion investigation?
Which came out was totally fake?
Contrived by the Obama administration?
Total treason?
So I have to sit here and allow total treason to happen?
And just get my ass whooped every day, huh?
Oh no, we're winning though.
Let's go back to winning at a fake impeachment hearing.
Isn't that correct?
It is.
And have you had to hire and retain counsel to represent you for all the investigations that you've had to endure simply because you served as the president's campaign manager?
Yes, sir.
That's unfortunate because you didn't solicit or receive assistance from the Russians, did you?
No, sir.
Are you an agent working on behalf of the Russian government?
No, sir.
As a close friend and advisor of the President, do you realize how low IQ this is right now?
This is an insult to anyone with an intelligence level at all, above that of Don Lamond.
To your knowledge, there is no effort on the part of the President to intentionally obstruct justice, is there?
No, sir.
There's no crime!
It's all fake!
Yet again, coming here to tell this committee what we, Special Counsel Mueller, and the American public already know, that President Trump did not collude with the Russians, nor did he obstruct justice.
That's not to say that the Russians weren't trying to interfere and influence our 2016 presidential election.
It's clear that they were, by sending fake texts and operating fake Facebook pages and holding fake rallies, all in an effort to try to influence the outcome of the election.
Democrats want to ignore all of the real evidence of Russian interference and hold this fake impeachment.
Because it happened under a different president's watch.
This all happened under President Obama's watch.
Isn't that correct?
Yes, sir.
And it was the Obama administration that failed to protect us from the Russian interference and influence in our election.
Isn't that also true?
President Trump wasn't president.
He wasn't the one that failed to protect the country.
If anybody failed, it was the Obama administration.
Is that right?
Yes, it is.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.
We're wasting valuable committee time engaging in this impeachment investigation.
The fact of the matter is, one thing this committee could be doing is to question Inspector General Horowitz concerning the bias against the President at the origins of the Russian investigation.
We could be questioning Horowitz about his recent report, how then FBI Director Comey mishandled department memos.
This committee has such a rich history, his jurisdiction over a whole lot of very significant things.
We're spending our time on this fake impeachment, but we could be focused on something that really matters like immigration, asylum.
We have hundreds of thousands of people that have entered our southern border.
Generally, they're brought up either individually or in groups, caravans.
Usually, oftentimes connected with cartels.
Cartels make a lot of money when they come up here.
They're told the magic words.
Come across the border, they say that they're in fear and come right into our country and we put them on a bus or on a plane and they're sent to communities all across the country.
All run by the Democrats.
All run by the Democrats.
Total treason.
Total sedition.
By U.S.
code, punishable by death.
Last year.
That's something in the jurisdiction of this committee.
Yet, we do virtually nothing about it in this committee.
Balanced Budget Amendment.
It's something I've introduced in this Congress.
We've got a $22 trillion debt hanging over our head.
Yet we do nothing in this committee about attempting to actually pass something that would make us balance the budget every year, like all our states have to do.
So finally, I just want to thank you again, Mr Lewandowski, for appearing at today's hearing.
Perhaps your testimony today will finally convince Democrats that there are much more important things that this committee could be spending our time on, rather than continuing to pursue this fake impeachment, a faux impeachment.
The bottom line is, they don't have the votes in the House to move forward, for the House to vote for this committee to open up an impeachment inquiry.
They don't have the votes.
Some of the Democrats want to vote for it.
Some of the Democrats would vote against it, but they don't have the vote.
So what they do is they spend valuable committee time that we could be spending on other important things on this fake, faux impeachment.
And it's a shame, because this committee could be doing so much more on behalf of the American people.
With that, I yield back.
Mr. Chairman, point of parliamentary inquiry.
Who states a point of parliamentary inquiry?
General Milne State has a point of parliamentary inquiry.
Mr. Chairman, the witness just answered a long line of questions from the gentleman from Ohio about whether Donald Trump had colluded with the Russians and about the origins of the Mueller investigation and so on, but he never testified as to any of those things before Special Counsel Mueller.
Can he now continue to invoke this White House rationale that he's confined to the four corners of the Mueller report when he's gone way beyond it in his responses to the questioning from the gentleman from Ohio?
Regardless of whether he went beyond the four corners of the Mueller Report and the answers that he gave to the last questioner, regardless of that, and I'm glad to hear he favors the Patriots even though that's not in the Mueller Report, but regardless of the long series of answers that he gave, irrelevant, that weren't in the Mueller Report, the claim of privilege made by the witness is improper.
For the reasons set forth in our letter today to the White House and to the Witnesses Council.
That said, I will take the claim of privilege under advisement.
Mr. Chairman, parliamentary inquiry.
The gentleman will state his parliamentary inquiry.
Did you actually answer his parliamentary inquiry?
Because it was a statement, not a parliamentary inquiry.
You just sort of skipped on the executive privilege here.
At least acknowledge that it was not a parliamentary inquiry.
The gentleman stated the parliamentary inquiry.
He did not.
That was a statement.
I answer this parliamentary inquiry.
The gentleman from Tennessee is recognized.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Mr. Leandowski, it's been made clear here you were not an employee and you admitted it at the White House.
You had no W-2, you had no card, you had nothing.
You were not an employee.
And you weren't a policeman at one time.
So you know something about the law and about following the law?
Didn't you think it was a little strange that the President would sit down with you one-on-one and ask you to do something that you knew was against the law?
Did that strike you as strange?
I disagree with the premise of your question, Congressman.
You weren't a policeman?
I didn't think the President asked me to do anything illegal.
You didn't think it would have been illegal for you to ask?
Mr. Sessions, to drop the investigation and to just go on to future presidents and omit everything with this president and go olly olly in free, we're going to start with the next one about colluding with Russia?
You didn't think that was illegal to obstruct justice?
Congressman, the president just asked me if I think it's illegal.
Obviously, you've never been a judge and won't be one.
You know, I wonder what a Democrat scumbag like Stephen Cohen... You know, here's what I want to know.
Why are all these Democrats out here being open frauds, open liars?
Like, America sees this.
Like, we know you're a total liar.
Like, we know these Democrats are total liars.
What are they hiding?
Seriously, are all these Democrats behind the scenes raping kids?
Because I'm wondering why they're so committed to such a lie that the American people can see.
Are all these Democrats out raping children?
Is that what's going on here?
Because I can't reason how they can be such bull-faced liars.
I really can't.
Go back.
All these people asked you, they gave you dictation.
He dictated to you a message to give Sessions.
Had you ever been a secretary for the president before and taken dictation or shorthand?
Many times.
Oh, we got your qualifications now.
You were a secretary.
Could it, could, but he asked you outside of White House channels, and that's what Mueller wrote, that this was outside of White House channels.
Could it have been he asked you to get the message to Sessions?
You know, here's my fear.
We're gonna come back to this.
We're gonna air all of this.
Here's my fear.
If the Trump administration thinks allowing these things to go on will just anger Americans enough to really have his back, I'm just not seeing it, folks.
I'll be honest with you.
I'm seeing the Trump base become so comfortable with all of it and just not really care because they're just having a good old time.
And that's not going to lead to victory.
But I guess we'll find out more of this coming on the other side, Democrat Clown Show.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, we're gonna go back to this Fake impeachment hearing run by Jerry Nadler's committee.
Seriously, these Democrats must have so much hiding in their closet to embark on this treasonous journey that they've been embarking on for three plus years now.
It's really stunning.
And you know, I have a lot of people ask me, it's like, because sometimes I'm critical of the president.
Obviously right now I'm really critical of these Democrats running this fake Uh, impeachment hearing?
Folks, I just call it like it is.
That's what we do here at InfoWars.
I'm not sitting on Trump's you-know-what!
So yeah, I'm calling out the fact that Democrats have lied about Trump, New York Times have lied about Trump, the Democrats are committing open treason, they've been doing it for three years, they're trying to destroy this country, they want to take your guns, take our free speech.
Yeah, that's the damn Democrats!
They're the ones destroying America!
I elected Trump to build a wall, stop illegal immigration, and I'd like to see him actually do something about the censorship.
People say, oh, leave Trump alone.
Shut up, conservative snowflake!
Now, let's go back to the fake impeachment hearings with Corey Lewandowski, who just announced he may be running for Senate after this.
So let's go back.
...could it have been he asked you to get the message to Sessions because he thought you would do whatever he asked, even if it was illegal or immoral, just like your former boss Bob May.
Illegal or immoral?
These guys are literally engaged in treason right now, man.
Lying to the public!
I'll shut up.
Good, just go back.
...background as largely as a Trump guy, not so much as a strategist, not a campaign manager, but as a right-hand man, a body man, and an enforcer.
And Esquire went further and said the one-time campaign manager for Donald Trump has the traits of an enforcer and the conflict resolution skills to match.
And you've even described yourself in your book, Let Trump Beat Trump.
You said, we were fine with whatever role the president wanted us to play.
In Donald Trump's army, there were only loyal soldiers.
There were no more loyal soldiers.
As these guys are all loyal to Obama's treason.
That's what this is all about.
Jack Abraham scandal.
You were fired from Americans for Prosperity after being accused of fraud, voter fraud.
You are now involved in this.
Either you were willing to break the law for politics and Mr. Trump, or you're some kind of a Forrest Gump relating to corruption.
So maybe let me ask you this.
Did the president pick you as enforcer?
He thought you would play whatever role he wanted because it was illegal?
Is that possibly why he chose you to take this message to Sessions?
That'd be a question for the President, Congressman.
Well, Donald Trump was right, though.
First, the White House counsel, Don McGahn, refused to fire the special counsel.
Mr. McGahn showed principle and character and refused to do what he knew would be an illegal act.
Then Attorney General Sessions, who had recused himself, was asked to unrecuse himself.
But Attorney General Sessions also did the right thing.
And he said, I'm not going to unrecuse myself because I'd have a conflict, because I was involved in the campaign and knew some things, can't do it.
Then the White House counsel advised the President not even to contact Sessions.
But you, his loyal soldier, would do it.
You were different than Sessions and McGahn.
Trump could depend on you.
You did not ask any questions.
You were a loyal soldier.
You just wrote down the message and agreed to deliver it.
That's what he thought.
You took the dictation.
You gave it to Hope Hicks.
You asked her to type it up for you.
Not that you couldn't have done it yourself, I'm sure.
And then asked somebody else to deliver the message to Sessions when you decided not to.
Donald Trump talked to you outside normal channels so there'd be no record of anything that he asked you to do to obstruct justice.
Nothing to do with that at all.
The President knew what he was doing was wrong.
Mr. Sessions knew what he was doing was wrong.
Mr. McGahn knew what he was doing was wrong.
You seem to be the only person who didn't think it was wrong.
But Mr. Trump was wrong.
Because at the last minute, you got cold feet.
You chickened out.
The President's trust was misplaced.
You decided not to do what you told the President you were going to do, and you handed it off to somebody else.
Did you realize at some point that Mr. Ney, your former boss, got involved in criminal problems?
All right, all right.
This is, by my view, treasonous bastard Stephen Cohen, Democrat, here.
Look, I'm going to try to break this down on the other side of this, but look, I'm just at zero tolerance at this point, okay?
And, well, if nothing changes after the Inspector General report comes out here in, I think, about a month, I don't know how much more of this I can take, folks.
I really don't.
This is Paul Justice Watson with Summit.News and Action 7 News.
We're here in Hong Kong.
This is Savannah Hernandez for InfoWars.com.
I'm reporting to you from Hong Kong, where I'm joined by reporter Greg Reese for the next week.
This is Greg Reese for InfoWars.com in Hong Kong.
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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
I'm having like a polar vortex magnetic shift right now.
And I don't even know if I should be on air right now, quite frankly, because this is all happening internally, but I mean, I never thought the day would come.
Like, I'm about to have to start debating Trump supporters now, because they're in La La Land.
Uh, I'll just leave it at that, folks.
We're gonna go back to this hearing.
The fake impeachment hearing.
The Democrats committing treason against this country.
And, um... I don't know how much more patience I have to wait for this deep state to We already know everything that happened.
That's what bothers me.
We already know the treason.
We know the details.
We know the names.
We know the players.
We know the process.
We know all of it.
And we get no hearings.
But we have dozens of hearings over fake news, fake investigations, fake impeachments, fake rape accusations.
All of it fake.
Fake climate change hoaxes.
I mean, literally, we spend all these congressional hours on fake BS.
But the known treason committed by Obama gets nothing.
Now, again, I don't know how much more patience I have left.
And it's reaching a point now, I criticize Trump because I want action.
I love Donald Trump.
Donald Trump's the best president of my life.
I will vote for Trump again as of right now.
But, I'm not an idiot.
I'm not a Trump fanboy.
I am an American.
And man, When I just point out basic facts like, hey, the Pentagon just shut down three wall projects due to lack of funding, and I get Trump supporters saying, no they didn't, Trump's built the wall already.
I'm just like, what?
So, man, this is just a weird polar vortex magnetic shift I'm having, and I know I'm not the only one, folks.
I know I'm not the only one.
And so I'm trying to get a date on when the Inspector General report from Michael Horwitz is about to come out because I think that's my personal demarcation line.
And if we really can't start to move against these people when the Inspector General report comes out, I believe it's supposed to come out.
Yeah, they keep pushing it back.
It was supposed to be in September.
Boy, the more I think about this, the more ticked off I get.
By the way, the President has just landed in California.
He's having a secret meeting out there at an undisclosed location.
I'm just... I'm just so bewildered right now, I really shouldn't even be on air probably.
So, um...
So yeah, we got another report from Alex Jones coming up, by the way, before this is all said and done.
Don't forget about InfoWarsStore.com, ladies and gentlemen, because if it wasn't for InfoWarsStore.com, you know the censors over there at CNN, at Facebook, at Twitter, at Google would have us shut down.
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Again, Alex Jones will be coming up, working on the road.
Let's go back to the fake impeachment hearing that is driving me absolutely insane.
My time.
The gentleman yields back.
The gentleman from Ohio.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Lewandowski, you ran President Trump's campaign between January 2015 and June 2016.
Is that right?
You were at the helm of the campaign when President Trump secured the Republican nomination.
Pretty good campaign you ran.
Thank you.
I mean, you beat, what, 17, 18 different opponents, senators, governors, some good senators.
Of course you had a pretty good candidate.
The best?
Pretty good candidate.
I think he's done a great job as President of the United States.
After you left the campaign, I think you left in June of 2016, after you left the head of the campaign, were you still involved with the campaign throughout the rest of the election, all the way up to November 8th, 2016?
In that entire time?
So you were part of the campaign operation at some level or another, from January 2015 to November 8th, 2016.
during that entire time.
Alright, Jim Jordan speaking at the fake impeachment with Corey Lewandowski there.
Alex Jones is on the line with breaking news.
Let's go to Alex now.
I'm going to break this breaking news down.
I want to explain something.
You're going through the same thing I go through when I broadcast 6-7 hours a day.
You read hundreds of articles, you watch hundreds of clips, and you get immersed in it and you
spend all your dopamine up in your brain, focused on it, and then it seems overwhelming
to you.
A lot of people are still awake.
I don't think they realize how serious the fight is, but this happens to you, it happens
to David, it happens to me.
especially by the third or fourth hour, we tend to just get freaked out by basically battle fatigue,
psychologically focusing on this, because we do the opposite of the general public.
We totally focus on this. But let me give you the huge news.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are winning, and the worm is turning, and the leader of the Republicans
in the House says the indictments are coming. Bob Barnes is right. That's the procedure, that
there is an indictment on McCabe, and they said, "No, we're not overturning the
indictment last week."
So this is all happening.
They're in total panic mode.
All these ridiculous hearings.
We hear about Russiagate now.
They're a Russian agent a thousand times.
It's meant to divert you, distract you, and have us debated and fight with them all day.
That is the distractionary process.
But here is the mega bombshell that I'm about to cover for everyone right now that is so incredibly important.
Get ready for this.
Lindsay Anthony's bombshell original Kavanaugh accuser witness threatened to lie.
I was told behind the scenes that certain things could be spread about me if I didn't comply, she said.
Uh, Leland Kessler, the, uh, Dina Malazzi Ford said that the witness was told to basically lie about Kavanaugh.
That story is all up there.
She didn't remember it.
None of it happened.
It was all made up.
to these lawyers and globalist CIA operatives like Ford, but threatened women who they saw were listed
inside the college and high school roles and threatened to destroy them in the news
if they didn't agree, if they remember Kavanaugh assaulting them,
even though they don't remember Kavanaugh, never knew Kavanaugh, never did it.
This new woman, supposedly from college, she never got contacted by the news,
never met Kavanaugh, never remembered it, never saw it.
That was Clinton lawyers doing it as well.
This is total, complete fiction.
And instead of getting mad about it, and I get mad too, it's an honor that NPR lied and said I was a horrible criminal and basically a rapist.
It is an honor when these hardcore criminals lie about you.
And we're winning.
The country's coming back.
They're trying to start a war with Iran.
The Obamas and people are advising Iran behind the scenes.
They're embarrassing Trump like Timmy Carter.
It's not going to work.
We are winning.
The country's coming back.
The Tycoms are getting their ass kicked.
Exciting things are happening.
You got to go to InfoWars.com.
You got to go to NewsWars.com.
You got to get super excited and aggressive because now we've got to force these stories out that not one, not two, not three, but all these women are coming out.
Not the ones that lied to Congress, not the ones that said they knew women that were assaulted, but the cutouts.
Real women that they went and intimidated and threatened to keep their mouths shut.
In some cases, the women weren't even contacted.
They just put their names in books, and then on the news, believing the women would play along because of peer pressure.
The whole house of cards is coming down.
They published this new book, The Education of Kavanaugh, believing they would reboot all these ridiculous lies, but instead it blew up in their face a thousand times.
We are watching victory right now.
We've got to stay vigilant.
We've got to realize the globalists are going to launch something else right now.
They're going to stage something big.
Another mass shooting.
Another Oklahoma City.
Another big war.
So, yes, we are in a critical position, but we're fighting back.
It's an amazing time to be alive.
The headline is at peoplewars.com.
Original campaign.
threatened to lie. He threatened to lie about me if I didn't comply. Leland Kaiser, who Christina Blasey Ford said was a
witness when Brett Chabotoff sexually assaulted her in the 1980s.
Now doubts that it ever happened. He goes on to say, "I never remember it. Never happened, but they threatened me
to say I'm a drug addict and a criminal, and I didn't. They put me on the news, so I kept quiet, but I can't do it
anymore because now they put her in the book."
And it turns out the other woman as well absolutely was never even contacted. It wasn't true. And three of the
other women admit it was a total lie. They did it because they thought he was a bad guy.
This is incredible criminal, organized evil taking place, but people are pulling back the rug. That's why CNN is
suddenly saying they're against the wolf culture, and CNN is against the wolf culture.
Uh, you know, the cancel culture and the SJW, when you mentioned that, Alex, they launched the whole thing.
That was an excellent section you covered earlier.
They were hitting on all cylinders trying to make us get angry and blow up and give up by showing their evil
Hoping we would give up I don't have to tell this audience that you're amazing
Without you, InfoWars would not have been here to relaunch Americana in the last decade and to relaunch Americana as a challenge to the globalist narrative of a godless, anti-human, anti-family world government.
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You're the wind in our sails.
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They want InfoWars out of the fight.
They want us to give up and roll over and crawl into a hole and die.
We're not going to do it.
We're going to continue fighting on because now more than ever, we are vindicated.
Those of you that have spread the word about the New World Order, about the private Federal Reserve, about the pedophile rigs that run the planet, about the Satanism in its operating system, you've done it all.
You exposed the fluoride given as cancer in Lord RRQ's.
You exposed the GMO and the glyphosate.
You've all did it.
You've been vindicated.
You exposed the drag queen story time as the pedo time.
You exposed the fact that radical Islam is orthodox Islam, that the globalists are funding it to tear down what's left of the Christian West.
You are the reason we're here today, all of us together.
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That's a literal statement, that's not figurative.
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We are in an information war.
Our objective is to destroy the false narrative by reminding as many people as possible to think for themselves and question everything.
We were effective, and so they tried to destroy us.
Alex Jones' YouTube channel posted a video that was seen by 2.3 million subscribers.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
This stuff is not speech, it's incitement, harassment, defamation.
This is a real-time example of when we talk about this information being weaponized.
We survived.
But we were wounded.
Apple, Facebook, Spotify, Vimeo, YouTube, Twitter, all of them pulled or froze Jones' accounts on the grounds that his views are too dangerous to be heard publicly.
InfoWars just lost their war on info.
Obviously what he spews is hate and it's abhorrent.
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There is now open talk of repealing the Second Amendment.
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People are being arrested for personal opinions they post online.
We will continue to question everything and fight until the end.
So go to Infowarsstore.com and keep the fight alive.
I mean, you must be a threat if they call you out by name.
They didn't call out Fox News by name.
They didn't call out anyone else by name.
He's specifically calling you out.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
Alex Jones here, back live.
I'm on the road doing some big podcasts down in LA.
I'll just leave it at that.
We'll definitely make big news.
We're fighting hard out here.
But I want to turn this back over to Owen, but I want listeners to understand, I get excited about this because this is a total hyper-civilization against literally a satanic operating system.
And now we've had multiple witnesses come forward in the last three days saying they were threatened to lie about Kavanaugh or that they would never even remember it and it didn't happen.
We have caught the Clintons and the Obamas red-handed with this crap.
They tried to put out this book, The Education of Kavanaugh, to reboot it.
It blew up in their face.
It's just spectacular.
But, Kate Daniels has the new article breaking on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Everyone has to get this out to all the libtards.
All the leftists you know to shove it down their faces because CNN and MSNBC will not tell them.
Now, Owen's going to read you this Kit Daniels story that needs to go viral right now.
Only you can share this video, so take action.
Only you can share this article.
Only you can smash the enemy, but now is the fight.
This is not a frickin' game, folks.
They want a bloody civil war.
We can't stop it with information and truth.
We're going to have to go to the next level when they attack us, so let's overt that.
I'm going to read this whole story.
Headline, bombshell, original accuser's witness was threatened to lie about Kavanaugh's story from Kit Daniels at Infowars.com.
we want to stop. Back to Owen Troyer and a live transmission of something very important.
Next segment, stay with us.
I'm going to read this whole story. Headline, bombshell, original accuser's witness was
threatened to lie about Kavanaugh's story from Kit Daniels at Infowars.com. I want to
piggyback on what Alex just said because the average Libtard doesn't believe the facts
these days anyway.
It's time to start calling talk radio.
It's time to start calling into C-SPAN.
Get on the air!
Get in these people's faces!
Go find a CNN reporter and say, hey, why aren't you guys telling the truth?
Go outside of the New York Times headquarters with this story from Infowars.com and plaster it all over the telephone poles!
Seriously, there should be a protest group of thousands of people in front of the New York Times right now for the sedition that they're engaging in.
There should be a thousand people with this article from Infowars.com outside of the New York Times headquarters right now saying, you guys engaged in treason, you're fake news, you're trying to destroy this country.
That's on you though.
Here's the story on Infowars.com, headline from Kit Daniels.
Original accuser's witness was threatened to lie about Kavanaugh's story.
I was told behind the scenes that certain things could spread about me if I did not comply.
Leland Kaiser, who Christine Blasey Ford said was a witness to when Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in the 1980s, Now doubts it ever happened.
During Kavanaugh's bloody confirmation in which Ford accused him of sexual assault, Kaiser said through her lawyer that while she didn't refute Dr. Ford's account, she was also unable to corroborate it because she has no recollection of the incident in question.
Yeah, totally made up, folks.
The New York Times literally made it up.
But now Kaiser and she challenges Ford's accusation entirely according to the new book The education of Brett Kavanaugh and investigation, a book of which, ironically enough, was apparently intended to keep the accusations against Kavanaugh alive.
I don't have any confidence in the story, Leland told the New York Times reporters.
Who wrote the book.
Interestingly, Kaiser said that in a group text of Ford allies, she was threatened with being smeared as an addict if she didn't help Ford, as reported by the Federalist.
An unnamed man on the text suggests that they defame her as an addict.
Kaiser has been in recovery for some time, as her friends know, and as has previously been reported.
Another answered, Leland is a major stumbling block.
While asserting she didn't want her to make anything up out of whole cloth, she offered ideas for things that could sound supportive of Ford's story, such as that she'd been in similar situations with Blasey Ford that summer.
I was told behind the scenes that certain things could be spread about me if I didn't comply, Kaiser told the reporters, a stunning admission of the pressure to which she was subjected to by Blasey Ford allies, the Democrat Party.
As previously reported in Justice on Trial, Kaiser continues to think about the story in which she was supposed to have played a part.
She has both logistical and character-driven problems with it.
Focusing on one of the angles that many women had trouble believing, she says, it would be impossible for me to be the only girl at a get-together with three guys, have her leave, and then not figure out how she's going to get home.
Ironically, this is the book's major bombshell, even though that's not what the authors intended.
Buried at the end of the new book, The Education of Brett Kavanaugh on Investigation, reporters Robin Pojbrin and Kate Kelly quietly admit that Blasey Ford's lifelong friend Leland Kaiser did not believe her friend's tale of a sexual assault at a party they both...
Supposedly attended, wrote the Federalist Molly Hemingway.
Kaiser was named by Ford as a witness, one of four who denied any knowledge of the event in question.
The book offers no evidence in support of the allegations made by Blasey Ford, but they write their gut reaction was that her allegations rang true.
Both reporters have been under intense fire recently after penning a New York Times article claiming that a new accuser witnessed Kavanaugh engaging in sexual misconduct, but left out that the alleged victim denied any memory of it.
Also denied to be a part of this when the committee requested her to be back in the original confirmation process.
So this was multiple denials by this lady.
The New York Times still went with it.
An earlier version of this article, which was adapted from a forthcoming book, did not include one element of the book's account regarding an assertion by a Yale classmate that friends of Brett Kavanaugh pushed his penis into the hand of a female student at a drunken dorm party.
Reads an editor's note attached to the article, the book reports that the female student declined to be interviewed and friends say that she does not recall the incident.
That information has been added to the article.
So this is what the Democrats are doing right now, ladies and gentlemen, and I'll tell you what.
Brett Kavanaugh has ruled with the Democrats on two of his decisions.
Two Supreme Court decisions from Brett Kavanaugh have been on the liberal side of things.
Now, if it's his belief that giving them an inch, maybe they'll leave him alone, hopefully he's learned that's not the case.
Because, of course it's not.
These people are out for blood.
The Democrat Party is out for blood.
And ladies and gentlemen, I'm not gonna sit here and act like I have all the answers as to why the Democrats are behaving like this, but let's allow you to reach some logistical conclusions of your own.
The Democrat Party engaged in open treason, a coup, attempted to keep Trump out of office.
The Democrat Party This is all on record, folks.
Bob Kramer started riots in Chicago to make Trump look bad.
The Democrat Party, at the very top, that met with Jussie Smollett, now Jussie Smollett goes out and engages in a fake hate crime that gets reported nationwide in all the Democrat press.
Totally made up.
The Democrat Party brings forward Christine Blasey Ford to make up a story, and then they all run with it, and their counterparts in the media, to keep Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court.
Literally all made up.
How about the Covington Catholic boys, where they sent in an operative, Nathan Phillips, who lied about being a veteran, stolen valor, and then got in some boy's face like a rude jerk, and then what'd the media do?
Said he was the victim.
This is just small-scale stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
The Democrat Party is a domestic terror group.
The Democrat Party is engaged in open treason and sedition against this country.
The Democrat Party is a pack of scum and liars.
You reach your own conclusions.
Why do they want an open border?
Are they trafficking drugs?
Are they trafficking children?
Are they diddling children?
I don't know!
Why are the Democrats such known liars?
Hold on, hold on, there's more.
Well look, apparently Beto needs four different nonstick pans to cook his miniature burgers or whatever that was he put on an English muffin with two pieces of broccoli.
I've never seen anything quite like it, but it is kind of weird.
It's like an alien trying to convince you that they're human, everything that Beto's been up to.
But you know, I think that the problem that Beto is having now is he's eating all these burgers and it's causing indigestion and flatulation.
And so I I'm just here to offer Beto a solution.
Apparently he's been flatulating more than the average cow that's causing global warming because he hasn't been taking his carnivore from Infowarsstore.com.
So you may not know this, but when you eat red meat, sometimes it doesn't always digest properly.
This can lead to indigestion.
This can lead to flatulation.
This can lead to other issues with digestion.
And so we offer the probiotic carnivore.
And I'm not even kidding you.
I mean, I eat cheeseburgers a lot, probably too much.
In fact, I'm trying to consciously cut back.
But when I do, I do take the carnivore before I do with the digestive enzymes in there to help you properly digest red meat and high-protein foods.
But Beto, he didn't get the memo, and so he's walking around campaigning after he eats a cheeseburger on an English muffin with a piece of broccoli, and he's flashlighting more than a cow.
But you gotta give it to Beto.
It's courageous to eat that much red meat and walk around farting all day.
But we're telling him, Carnivore from Infowarsstore.com.
It's got the probiotics.
It's got the enzymes to help you digest those burgers, Beto.
So whether Beto wants to put his burger on an English muffin or whatever he wants to do, he better take his Carnivore before he does it.
in the world.
If you're going to have one of these digital surveillance binders, then you need to go to mfulwhorestore.com, where we have branded to our own systems, very inexpensive, lead-lined pockets.
And depending on the cell phone, these have about a 98% resistance rate.
The bigger packs we sell at mfulwhorestore.com, mfulwhore's privacy pouches, we have these bigger ones, and this is what I like to use when I'm on a trip or traveling so they don't track me as easy.
And believe me, they do.
I mean, I've had folks break into my room, do physical stuff, and I don't try to make a big deal about it, I'm a man, but I mean, I, when I travel, I definitely put the wireless equipment, any iPads, any phones, in here.
And this, this larger unit has around 100% block it rate, and you just put everything in there and you keep it like that.
And we've got them that also have the satchels and have the straps on them, but just whatever you do, you need to understand, they're reporting on you, they're tracking you, they're listening to you at all times.
When they have the radio connection to it.
It's recording and compressing packets that are more advanced level than blurping them back to the cell tower or through other wireless devices in your house that are slurping it up and in many cases transferring it down power lines.
That's right.
Information down power line.
That's in place.
And so, I just suggest you go to InfoWarshore.com and get the e-tracker pouch.
And that's just something so you start thinking about how it tracks you.
Because I'll go for a few weeks using this, then I'll forget and stop doing it.
I mean, they've got private eyes following me.
They've got the New York Times, Washington Post following me.
They've had people try to set me up to do things I won't say on air for a lot of reasons, obviously.
Time is telling you.
This is an example of what I'm talking about just to get you and your children, your wife, your husband thinking.
And remember, InfoWarshore.com for t-shirts, books, films, the best supplements.
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With your support, we're all unstoppable together.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
(upbeat music)
Violent robberies were up dramatically this summer in downtown Minneapolis until police connected the dots now with more than a dozen suspects captured in surveillance videos.
The victims who were seriously injured in those assaults also appear to have been targeted in these coordinated attacks.
Fifth and Hennepin, three weeks ago tonight.
A man is staring at his smartphone on a corner still bustling at 4 a.m.
Another man strikes up a conversation and within seconds he is surrounded by six others and brutally beaten.
It goes on for a couple minutes.
No one steps in.
Who would?
The victim is left unconscious on the sidewalk.
All of this for his cell phone.
A few days earlier, and a few blocks away, a dice game at Target Field Plaza ends when a cell phone is swiped and a brutal beatdown begins.
The victim is stripped, punched, and kicked in the head.
He's defenseless as the suspects jump on him, throw potted plants on him, and ride over him on a bike.
The videos to virtually everybody that saw it were very disturbing.
The numbers are disturbing, too.
Year-to-date, robbery is up 46% in downtown Minneapolis.
And in a three-week period in August, 47 robberies.
And the prize each time was a smartphone.
Bill Peterson is the new inspector downtown.
The vast majority of these incidents involve groups of males.
Sometimes a female will be involved, and they are targeting Specific victims, if you will.
Drunk victims.
Sometimes they'll ask for a cigarette, or to use a phone.
Or in the case of this man walking through the light rail station, they'll block his path, harass him, while someone picks his pocket.
And there's a name for this coordinated mugging.
The groups that we've talked to call it finessing.
They're finessing the victim.
They're trying to figure out sort of the victim's stability, their status, their intoxication level.
So they're sizing them up and deciding how they're going to take them down.
That's what finessing is.
Pack hunters, like wolves, beating up and mugging people in Minneapolis, St.
It's happening in Detroit.
It's happening in D.C.
It's happening in Austin, Texas.
It's happening in L.A.
It's happening in Seattle.
It's happening everywhere.
I see these reports in local news that people send us every day.
I see it in Europe.
But what do they never point out in these reports?
That it's pack hunters, groups of black youth and young black males, hunting predominantly white people.
Occasionally, they also attack and rob a black person.
There's a report out today where they threw a black guy on the railroad tracks, almost got him killed, had to fight for his life, broke his knee.
They robbed him.
Because see, sometimes there's not a white person around to rob.
Remember just a few weeks ago in South Africa, we saw all these blacks burned to death because they're migrants coming into South Africa.
Not by white people.
No, not by the devils.
But by other blacks in South Africa.
But the black South Africans said, hey, don't kill your brothers.
Kill the white people.
Xenophobia must stop.
If you want to do xenophobia, okay, right.
Start to kill white people.
Start to kill Chinese people.
Start to kill Asian people.
Don't kill your brother.
Don't kill your brother.
And then, even Trevor Noah, who's from South Africa, he came out and blamed the white people.
He said that white people are killing black people, and there's record numbers.
Of course, he didn't show you any of the videos like we're showing you right now.
But this is the reality of what's really going on, and it's so sick.
You look at the FBI's own numbers, that you have for every white person that attacks a black person, you have 10 white people attacked.
And that's also true for Black on Black.
The truth is there is a minority of black males Who are a minority of the blacks who commit a disproportionately large amount of the crime.
In fact, it's right at about 45% nationwide violent crime.
It's glorified by the whole gangster culture and by Hollywood and the media.
Those numbers weren't like that until the 90s and they went way up when MTV funded gangster rap and made it all cool.
So, we all know the truth.
But people like T.I.
and stuff want to talk about how America was never really great and all this and how the whites are out hurting the black people.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's just not the truth.
And black folks have been told that their identity is that they're downtrodden and abused.
And so that if anyone says that that's not really the case these days as much, you're lessening what happened in the past.
No, I'm telling folks, don't live in the past.
Let me tell you something right now.
I played football.
I played a lot of sports.
I had a lot of black friends growing up.
And they were like, man, you really are colorblind.
You really are a nice guy.
Because I also got attacked by black people who were 3, 4, 5 years older than me growing up in Dallas.
And my parents just said, get tough.
Well, you know what?
I did get tough.
But the truth is that I was racially attacked.
Let's not exaggerate.
Probably 50 times, just in junior high, and then into high school.
But I wouldn't call it really attacked after that, because I hurt people real bad.
I started just, you know, punching people in the throat, grabbing them, ramming their heads to the ground.
And you know, then the rednecks wanted to fight me, because they're like, who's this 170-pound guy that's kicking everybody's ass?
But the truth is, I owe those black folks those racial attacks.
Thank you.
You made me who I am.
I thank you every day for it.
It's so good.
You see, I'm not a victim.
I love it.
It's so good.
You see how that works?
And I didn't go join the KKK or something with some other gang that hates black people, because I'm not a tribalist idiot.
But I will call out packs of racist black guys acting like wolves, attacking white people all day, and then bitching and complaining.
World star hip-hop all knows about the knockout game.
Kill those old white people.
Knock them down, hit their heads, bleed all over the ground.
And then you sit there and go, but I'm downtrodden.
All Africans fight to get into this country to escape slavery still going on in four African countries run by the Islamists.
That's right.
The Koran says black people aren't human and can be a slave.
So remember, go join your mosque right now.
The truth is I know history.
I know facts.
And that's the reality.
So you just got it all laid out here, ladies and gentlemen, packs of men.
Hunting down white devils.
What a joke!
What a scam!
What a lie!
The system wants us all divided and conquered, so we can all be played off against each other.
And they want to invoke the idea that white males are inherently evil, even though everybody's fighting to get into nations and systems that are based on the Christian Renaissance, which the globalists are threatened by, so right now they're removing it and destroying it.
That's the reality, ladies and gentlemen.
Now we're going to go back to Owen Schroer and the live coverage and the incredible impeachment hearings going on right now that had amazing fireworks.
But I love everybody.
And I'm like Martin Luther King.
I believe in what he talked about.
Judge people by the content of their character and their deeds.
You judge a tree by its fruits.
He didn't invent that.
Jesus said that.
That's common sense.
And so most black folks are great.
Most white folks are great.
We all want the same thing, freedom and justice in the future for everybody.
But they have invoked a lot of young black people to be racist against whites and to believe it's okay to attack them.
The young, you know, black folks in Houston listened to the new Black Panther Party leader, I've had him on the show, who says, don't mug and hurt your own people, go mug the white people.
So this is the reality.
And as all this racism against whites explodes, other whites then grovel like Stockholm Syndrome and try to capitulate to it and try to kiss ass and then sign on to leftist globalist policies that the Fortune 100, like Apple, are funding.
When Apple runs giant slave factories in China with the greatest level of slavery the world's ever seen, but because it's Asians enslaving Asians, it's not trendy and cool to talk about it when you're Bozo the Clown Kaepernick, bitching about how America sucks all day because his white parents adopted him.
That's the reality, ladies and gentlemen.
So, no, I don't have any guilt.
I guarantee you there aren't any black people in this country that got attacked 50 more times by white folks.
It ain't going on.
Everybody knows, though, it's kosher and good to attack white people.
And so here's what I say, whether you're black or white, whoever you are.
Whoever's attacking you, whites attacking blacks, blacks attacking whites, that's why we have a Second Amendment to defend ourselves.
So I'm an older guy these days.
Whether it's a group of white guys or black guys trying to kill me or attack me, I'm going to defend myself with a Second Amendment.
That's why we have it.
Now, back to the live transmission.
You just got some major truth laid on your ass.
You know, folks, it's information overload here at InfoWars.
And watching that report, I'm just remembering yesterday, it's not even in the report, I mean, We had all the videos, as Alex was breaking that down, of white people getting attacked by gangs of black people.
And there wasn't even a video that was going viral yesterday.
I mean, there's literally so much of it, you can't even get it all into one video report, where some young white gentleman were out on a pier in Boston.
Yeah, there's the video right there.
And a gang of black kids that are obviously older than them, bigger than them, it looks like some grade school kids, maybe some young high school kids, and then some college-aged men, black men, just start beating the crap out of these white guys, telling them to get off their pier.
That's real racism.
That's what you're promoting, CNN and MSNBC.
You are the protagonist of racism in this country.
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The lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Alright, it's been an action-packed broadcast, ladies and gentlemen.
We're gonna go back.
To the fake impeachment hearings happening right now, run by the biggest domestic terror group in the United States, the Democrat Party.
Been committing open treason against this republic for a long time, but openly for about three years now, it's all on record.
Now, Remember, folks, InfoWarsStore.com is how we stay afloat here, how we stay in orbit.
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So they try to censor us.
Actually, we got more live content.
Yeah, 12 hours.
Banned out video.
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I'm gonna hand the baton over to Harrison Smith as the war room that I normally host kicks off at 3 p.m.
Central goes till 6 p.m.
Central I'm normally hosting that but sitting in for Alex today we'll hand the baton over to Harrison Smith who's got a lot of great reports coming up and big guests as well you're not gonna want to miss but let's go back to the fake impeachment hearings that the domestic terror group Democrat Party are hosting right now with Jerry Nadler who had to get a Taylor from a different dimension to get pants around his FUPA.
Let's go back to the fake impeachment hearings.
That same question, sitting at that same table, he gave the same answer.
Falsely accused.
The president is falsely accused of colluding with a foreign state to impact the election.
Jim Comey, when we deposed him at that very table, said after 10 months of investigation, we didn't have a thing.
Bob Mueller gets named special counsel.
He wastes $30 million of taxpayer money, 22-month investigation.
He sits at that table just a few weeks ago and gives the same darn answer.
But these guys over here, they don't care.
They don't care.
They don't want to get to what Mr. Chabot said.
They don't want to figure out how the false accusation happened.
They just want to drag people in front of this committee and keep trying to find some way they can go after the president.
Let's go back to the process that the ranking member raised.
Did you testify in front of the Senate Intel Committee in 2017?
Did you testify in front of the House Intelligence Committee in 2017?
And you went before the special counsel and answered his questions in 2018, is that right?
It is.
And you did that all voluntarily?
No subpoena?
No, sir.
You said, I'm willing to comply, give answers, answer all the questions you got.
I think in your opening statement you said 20-something.
How many hours did you sit in front of those various committees?
More than 20.
More than 20 hours.
And for this committee, did you get a letter from this committee back in March asking you to comply with certain document requests that Chairman Adler wanted to have?
I believe so, yes.
And you and your legal team complied with that?
Yes, sir.
And then on June 24th, you got another letter, is that right?
June 24th of this year, you got another letter asking you to do an interview, a transcribed interview, in front of the committee.
And your lawyer contacted Chairman Nadler and said, we'd be happy to do that, is that right?
Said, give us some dates, we'll come in, we'll be happy to sit for an interview.
That's right.
What happened next?
Next, about five weeks ago, the committee issued a subpoena for my appearance.
So you're willing to come voluntarily, just like you did with Senate Intel, House Intel, just like you did for Bob Mueller, for the special counsel, 20-some hours.
You're willing to do that all.
You complied with when they asked you for certain documents.
And then when they want you to come in for an interview, you said, all right, sure, we'll do it.
They hit you with a subpoena.
And then they start calling you names.
Saying, close up that book, answer the question, start treating you this way.
Kind of interesting.
They're the ones that started it.
They're the ones that slapped you with the subpoena when you were willing to come here voluntarily.
I was.
And then they question the demeanor you bring here today.
I mean, first they changed the rules last week in the middle of the Congress.
Changed the rules of the committee in the middle of the game, and then today they're not even going to follow the rules?
Because the rules that changed last week talk about staff asking questions after members are done.
We've got this whole issue with consultants.
Maybe we would be better served if we did exactly what Mr. Chabot said.
Maybe we would be better served as the House Judiciary Committee if we actually focused on how this whole false accusation started in the first place.
What do you think, Mr. Lewandowski?
I think it would be a great idea.
Great idea?
Maybe the American people would be better served than spending more time investigating something that's already had 32 months of investigation.
From both Jim Comey and the FBI and Bob Mueller and the Special Counsel, maybe we would do that.
You know a great place to start?
Great place to start, Mr. Chairman?
I asked you about this one week ago today.
Great place to start would be the Inspector General's report that was issued just three weeks ago.
The scathing report about Jim Comey.
That'd be a nice place to start.
But when I asked the Chairman when we might have an opportunity to question Mr. Horowitz, he said, I don't know.
I haven't thought about that.
Course you haven't thought about that.
Too busy trying to impeach the President.
Too busy slapping subpoenas on Corey Lewandowski.
Course you haven't thought about that.
That's what the committee should be focused on.
I yield back.
Gentleman yields back, the gentleman from Georgia.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Mr. Lewandowski, you are about like a fish being cleaned with a spoon.
It's very hard to get an answer out of you.
But let me ask you this, sir.
Based on the president's past statements, everybody knows that...
This is Hank Johnson who thinks islands float, who opens up his question and says, Mr Lewandowski, you're like trying to clean a fish with a spoon.
It's hard to get anything out of you.
This sort of intellectual genius is well beyond my pay grade, folks.
Go back to the genius.
Everybody knows that the president does not like for anybody to take notes when he's talking.
In fact, he asked lawyers not to take official notes, and you're aware of that, correct?
I'm aware of the public account, sir.
All right, fair enough.
But when the president met with you in the Oval Office one-on-one on June 19, 2017, to dictate a message to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, he told you to, quote, write this down.
Isn't that correct?
That's accurate.
And it was just you and the president in that meeting, correct?
It was.
And you knew that you needed to write down as fast as possible what the president was telling you so that you could make sure to capture the content of what he was telling you correctly, correct?
I don't know if speed of writing was a criteria, but I tried to capture it to the best of my ability, Congressman.
Thank you, sir.
And he dictated to you exactly what he wanted you to put into the mouth of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, correct?
I believe he asked me to deliver a message.
This is Hank Johnson.
How many times has this guy been re-elected?
Can you guys find that out for me?
A message that he intended for Jeff, meaning Jeff Sessions, to deliver out loud and publicly.
He wanted the public to know what he was saying, but he wanted Jeff to say it, correct?
I mean, like, it would be quite a challenge to find someone with a lower IQ than Don Lemon, but... Hank Johnson?
...that the president dictated to you that he wanted you to deliver... How many times?
He's been re-elected, what is that, four times?
...screen and I'd like for you to read the first... This guy's been elected at least four times.
...would entertain that.
And he came out of Cynthia McKinney's district, who's actually a patriot, called out the foreign wars?
That's a major sea change.
Would you prefer for me to read it instead of you?
It says, I know that I recused myself from certain things having to do with specific areas, but our POTUS is being treated very unfairly.
That's what he told you to write down, and that's what you wrote down.
And I'll continue, he said he shouldn't have a special prosecutor counsel because he hasn't done anything wrong.
Now, that's what he wanted you to deliver to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, correct?
I believe that's an accurate representation.
And he wanted you to deliver it to Jeff so that Jeff could say it to the people.
You notice how he didn't include the part where the President talks about how they're subverting the Constitution.
Eight times Hank Johnson has won re-election.
Wow, what a stud, this guy.
No, sir.
This guy is just an intellectual mountain.
Which the mountains float, by the way.
Correct, I never delivered the message, Johnson.
I went on vacation.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, goodnight.
Just... what... just... just... I'm speechless, folks.
I'm speechless.
Harrison Smith takes over for the war room for me today.
This is gonna do it for the Alex Jones Show.
Be sure to share the Kit Daniels story about how the New York Times knowingly lied, knowingly lied about Brett Kavanaugh's accusers.
This is the Democrat Party, ladies and gentlemen, committing open treason.
You better get woke.
I will.
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What's that mean?
What's that mean?
Oh, you're mad!
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Because you're a f***ing riot over here.
Yeah, by even making me talk to a trader.
A trader of what?
My country?
Look at me!
Look at me!
What's that say right there?
Don't tread on me!
That's a Russian slogan now.
That's a Russian slogan.
by nationalist traitors.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
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