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Name: 20190916_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 16, 2019
2721 lines.

Alex Jones discusses global political tensions, including the crisis in the Middle East and potential threats of war. He promotes various products available on InfowarsLife.com while criticizing the media for spreading lies about him and Kavanaugh. The show also debates drone warfare, Iran-Saudi Arabia tensions, and conspiracy theories. Jones takes a call from a listener discussing Easy Aerial and the overturned Smith-Mundt Act.

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Ladies and gentlemen, it's September 16th, 2019 on this Monday Global Broadcast.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
The world is on the edge of a major regional conflict that will definitely cause a major financial crisis and probably a recession slash depression if it goes to Escalated military conflict.
We could easily lead to a larger war and a new world war.
We're in one of the most dangerous periods in world history and you see all the proxy armies moving into place with India and China and Pakistan.
You see the Italian nationalist overthrown and the borders opened again to the Middle East and North Africa and the UN invasion accelerating.
You see nation states under attack across the world.
You see the left trying to implode our borders and announcing they're coming for our guns.
It's because they know they're getting ready to trigger not just civil wars in the United States, but across the planet.
The New World Order is about to make its move.
And right after Bolton leaves office one week ago as the National Security Advisor, the Big Hawk, Netanyahu's facing a snap election here in just a few days.
All of this is unfolding right now.
Russia's having a special election.
As all of this happens, boom, drones of reportedly Iranian manufacturer, their proxy army out of Yemen has taken responsibility, blows up half of the Saudi oil production, one Of the biggest attacks in history on an oil facility, probably the biggest, even bigger than Saddam blowing up his own oil fields, and that is 5% of total world production.
This is unprecedented.
And we've got Trump saying we're locked and loaded.
We've got the Saudis saying that it's Iran through the proxy Yemenis, who we know they're funding.
Iran just seized another ship.
So Iran is being very provocative.
And their proxy admits they carried this out.
This is insanity.
I'd love to say it was a false flag, but it doesn't look like it is.
Let's go ahead and go to the Secretary of State.
We're respected all over the world again.
Respected like we haven't been respected in many, many years.
You look at Iran and you look at so many of the things that are happening.
Iran wants to talk.
They all want to talk.
That's President Trump expressing expressing confidence that Iran wants to try to strike a
deal with the U.S. on its nuclear program.
But you know the president is shrugging off speculation of a potential meeting without
preconditions that he could have with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani when both attend
the upcoming United Nations General Assembly session here in New York in about two weeks.
This all comes after Tehran last week said it was using advanced centrifuges that are
prohibited by the 2050 nuclear deal.
And of course this all comes amid the breaking news this weekend about those Iranian-backed Houthi rebels attacking Saudi Arabia oil fields.
So what comes next?
Retired U.S.
Air Force General Robert Spalding joins us, former Senior Director for the Strategic Planning at the National Security Council, Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute, and author of the book, Stealth War, How China Took Over While America's Elite Slept.
General Spalding, welcome to Fox News Channel.
Thank you for your service to our great country.
First, let's start with Iran.
What do you think the chances are that the President could meet with Rouhani when they say, yeah, I'll meet with you if you lift all the sanctions?
Well, I think, first of all, that's an in-going negotiation tactic on behalf of Iran.
And again, the reason I wanted to play part of this report was to show you how they're just hemming and hawing and then they, oh, it's no big deal, you know, half of Saudi Arabia's oil field's blown up.
Will Trump still meet with them next week or in two weeks?
Oh, we don't know.
Oh, Pompeo says it's Iran through the rebels in Yemen.
So they're just very calmly reporting all this, while the rest of the corporate media is promoting that we need to hit Iran right now.
Senator Paul's saying that's insane.
And of course, this is all perfect timing with Bolton leaving, but this is Iran's rebels and they're taking credit.
And Iran just grabbed another ship.
So Iran is really, really pushing it, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll look at all the angles and how serious this is.
Straight ahead.
It is September 16th, 2019 on this live Monday edition, and the world is in unprecedented crisis right now.
I'm going to do my best to walk through this and who the different power players are behind the scenes and what's really unfolding and what's really happening.
And you're going to get an angle here that you're not going to get anywhere else.
Because we've been tracking this very, very closely and I'm gonna lay it out right now.
Barack Obama and John Kerry are treasonously and traitorously advising Tehran on how to sabotage what Trump's doing and what Israel's doing and what Saudi Arabia are doing.
It's a larger geopolitical system With Obama and Kerry and Hillary as well siding with Communist China to sell the United States out in the eight years that they were fully in power.
And many of the neocons are also part of the China project to make it dominant in the future.
And then it goes back to the Clintons and the eight years that they had as well.
So if you look at that eight years and eight years is 16 years.
And then you add another eight years of Obama.
That's 24 years that this cabal that all work together and all coordinate through the intelligence agencies and private corporate money to sell the United States out and maneuver us into this.
And it really kicked off in earnest under George Herbert Walker Bush, who served four years and then maneuvered the Clintons into place.
So that's 28 years that they had.
Now we've had three years Of Trump trying to reverse just a completely treasonous policy, and you've seen all hell break loose.
They maneuvered us where China owned our debt, China owned Hollywood, China had all of our strategic minerals, all the major deep water ports, the Panama Canal, control of most of the major universities, and the list goes on and on and on from there.
Trump gets in, begins to not go along with that, The CFR tells us that it's the Chinese century, America's done.
They bet against us in all the markets.
Goldman Sachs comes out against us when Trump gets elected, tries to plunge the markets.
But Trump's able to call thousands of CEOs, go to Wall Street and just say, hey, let's bet on America, believe in America again, we can do it.
And despite that, despite all the globalist attacks, the country is back to a great extent.
So the Federal Reserve raised interest rates eight times and did everything it could to destroy the economy.
To again, punish Americans and populists for supporting our own interests.
And they admitted that all over CNN, all over MSNBC, all over Bill Maher and HBO.
They admit that.
And they admit they're into pedophilia.
And they admit they want our guns.
And they admit they're keeping babies alive.
I have San Diego State University promoting pedophilia as a reasonable sexual preference.
Articles on InfoWars.com.
Right now.
San Diego State University normalizes pedophilia as a sexual orientation.
Isn't that interesting?
And people said, oh, it's not real.
So I went into the man's Twitter, who's there at San Diego, found the classes, found the class he's in, and found the online study sheet for that very class saying pedophilia is normal.
See, people can't believe this because it's the total normalization of all this coming out in the open.
But let me get back to where we're at.
Half of Saudi Arabia's oil production destroyed by drones that hit two different oil fields, two of the biggest in the world.
Five percent of total global oil production killed.
That's all the surplus that we have.
Trump is right to say to markets it's okay because the U.S.
is now the global Net biggest exporter and we can crank up production anytime we want to.
Most of the wells are metered.
Most of the wells have been turned off.
There's such a glut of oil.
We were taught that there's peak oil and it's all running out because the globalists wanted to have a post-industrial world.
The Saudis funded the peak oil movement.
They funded movements to kill drilling in the U.S.
and Canada.
That's all record with the left.
Showed that we wouldn't have this glut, but we have the glut.
We have a lot of extra.
But still, if Saudi Arabia gets totally turned off, Europe and China will go into a depression.
And they are the ones in a trade war with the United States.
And so isn't that just too bad?
You have to look at all those different angles.
But we know rebels in a civil war in Yemen that Saudi Arabia has been carrying out for, what, five years.
Have already attacked Riyadh with cruise missiles and ICBMs.
And we know they've taken credit.
We know Iran is giving them the technology.
We know Iran is seizing ships almost every day.
They just grabbed another one out of the Strait of Hormuz.
Ships are turning their transponders off just to get through, even though they're not on the Iranian side.
The Iranians are engaging in terroristic piracy.
They're completely out of control.
Because the regime is on the verge of collapsing because of Western sanctions, and they're very unpopular with their population, half of which is under the age of 30.
The Ayatollahs and their monotheistic Shiite system of the Islamic State, or the original one, is in deep trouble.
And so they're in a crisis, and they are escalating, and they are behind these attacks because Their rebels have officially taken credit for this.
You know, people are saying, why is Infowars saying this is real, and why is Drudge Report saying it's real?
Because they've taken responsibility in Yemen, and these are high-tech cruise missiles that did this.
Now, is there a deep state in Iran?
Could this have been done by another group to try to have the U.S.
strike the mullahs, to kick them out?
Are there different factions in Iran?
You bet your bottom dollar it is.
And so, I don't want a war, I don't want this to escalate, but let me tell you, when two of the biggest oil fields in the world, number one and number two, get blown up and destroyed, and are on fire as we speak, let me show you some B-roll of them burning at night like an image out of Dante's Inferno, then you know we are in a very, very serious, precarious position.
Because Iran has sleeper cells all over the world.
We're going to talk more about that when we come back from break.
But let me make the big announcement now, and then I'll flesh it out after break.
Remember in the last three years, that everywhere Trump goes, Obama and former Secretary of State Kerry follow them around and do quote, shadow diplomacy.
And they've been advising Iran how to embarrass Trump.
And they've been sabotaging his peace deals with North Korea through the neocons that they work with, like Bolton.
And so, they've even told Iran, and I said this last year, hey, go ahead and hijack ships.
Go ahead and escalate.
Push Trump into a crisis.
And just like Kennedy got set up to carry out the Bay of Pigs and then the CIA botched it on purpose, they're maneuvering Trump into that right now.
You better believe it.
It'll hurt the economy.
It'll hurt the recovery.
And they will sabotage our military, the deep state will, and this will go off like a horrible fiasco, just like they set up the Delta Force going in in 1979 trying to rescue the hostages in Tehran.
It was a setup from the beginning.
So you better believe the Deep State here and the Deep State in Iran are working together on this and this is not a good idea for Trump to strike.
There's another way to do it.
Special Forces can go in after all of the Yemeni's rebel sites are hit, missile sites are hit, and then send in hit teams Serf teams to go in and wipe out the rebels in Yemen and wipe out the Iranians and push them out like we've just done in Syria.
You got to kick out the Saudi-backed ISIS folks who Saudi stopped supporting when Trump got elected.
And we've got to have Iran get out of there as well.
The Russians pulled out as agreed.
The Russians came in and did most of the work for us.
90% of it they then pulled out as agreed.
Iran did not pull out as agreed.
So, kick their ass out of Syria, and kick their ass out of Yemen, and then no one can say that we're putting up with their crap.
That's the limited, controlled, real response.
The missiles came out of Yemen.
It's been going on five years of civil war.
Go in there and destroy them.
The Saudi Arabians are incompetent.
They literally give like a million dollars a sortie to the pilots.
They give them brand new Rolls Royces when they do.
Call them heroes.
They're flying around at 50,000 feet dropping bombs.
Can't find their ass in the dark.
And we just have to go in and end the civil war.
And clean it up or it's just going to keep happening.
But we don't want a full-scale war with Iran.
But Iran just keeps pushing and pushing.
But let me explain the key when we come back.
Explain the key!
I just said it, didn't I?
The globalists are working to sabotage Trump and America right now.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we are absolutely loaded for bear today.
I am your host Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
We are here despite The leftist and neocon establishment, the stay-behind networks at the CIA, the corrupt units inside the Justice Department, major Democratic Party law firms, and others, openly trying to shut us down, openly trying to silence us, openly trying to start a major war to derail our economy and derail President Trump as well.
Now, next segment, I'm going to really walk through every sector and every piece Of how big this is with Saudi Arabia and its major oil fields blown up, half of its production by drones produced by Iran, launched by their proxy network of Hezbollah forces that lead the five-year civil war in Yemen.
This is part of a Shiite-Sunni civil war for global control over the cancer that is expansive revolutionary Islam.
So we're going to be looking at every facet of this today and the fact that Obama and Secretary of State, the former Secretary of State John Kerry are admittedly, if you go back a few years and then even currently, advising Iran on how to maneuver Trump into a very destructive position and the EU, the chi-coms and the leftist In our government, along with the neocons, are playing a very sophisticated double game.
It was the neocons back in the late 70s that maneuvered that whole crisis and the hostage situation and the Iran-Contra.
This is a nest of globalists inside the conservative movement derailing it by design.
That is all coming up next segment.
I'm going to lay it all out.
But first, let me tell you something about what's unfolding live on the ground.
I want to do a document cam shot, please, for TV viewers, for radio listeners.
A few years ago, in April of 2017, Mike Cernovich received secret documents from inside Google, who Googled them the next day after this article came out and said, no, these are real.
We paid a firm millions of dollars.
To delist alexjonesandinfowars.com from search engines by having bot farms go out and downvote InfoWars and say that it's not credible and to call for it to be removed off platforms.
Now that's how they took our story from being at the top of searches to the bottom.
That's only one part of the attacks.
You can see the documents.
They're in the article.
Google admitted it was real.
Now the company, which is really getting a CIA contract, remember Obama put $2 billion in when he left office into the future defense budget of 2017 and 18, to counter Foreign Disinformation and Propaganda Act.
And this is through that contract, through Google.
It's all right here.
It's, they say, go read it.
We had to do this.
Because Alex Jones had Ron Paul on, and Ron Paul said that the UN report said the chemical attack was really carried out in Syria by al-Nusra and ISIS, and then that got picked up by Fox News and Rand Paul, and then we were unable to invade Syria.
They actually, go read the articles, and it's got the document they send out to thousands of operatives running millions of bots, And then the government gives the money to Google, who then gives it back to the agencies.
But again, 90% of it's private now.
And so the CIA says in this document that Alex Jones has to be delisted because he said that the chemical attacks were staged to get us into a wider war, which later came out was true.
It was true then.
See, they failed, ladies and gentlemen, miserably, to do that.
This morning, As soon as my position came out on the David Knight Show, when I came on David Knight Show, at 8, 8.15 in the morning.
And I said John Kerry and Obama are part of shadow diplomacy.
It's illegal.
They follow Trump around.
They've told Iran what to do, how to grab ships, how to resist.
That even came out two years ago.
This is treason.
They're working with the Chai Koms on how to defeat us.
They're betting against America.
Lloyd Blankfein bragged they were betting against America two years ago.
We've got to make this the big issue.
We've got to expose that we have Deep State working with Iran to maneuver us into a war that will kill the economy.
Within five minutes of my policy coming out, my idea, we were hit with giant denial-of-service attacks, very sophisticated, knowing exactly where to hit, even though we're behind the biggest server group in the world.
I won't say their names, but everybody uses it.
Then, as soon as I went on air at 11 a.m.
Central, they hit again to bring down InfoWarsTore.com.
They're also hitting Infowars.com.
So understand that I am here on air trying to simply point out, and you can type this into a search engine, Obama and Kerry.
Trump tells Obama and Kerry to stop advising Iran against the U.S.
Just type that in.
Started two and a half years ago, two years ago, it's been a huge scandal.
I'm just reminding everybody who's advising Iran, who's got cruise missiles blowing up half of Saudi Arabia's oil production.
Don't come back after I break those articles for you.
But this is what is so amazing about all this, and this is where we stand as a society and a culture, and they have congressional hearings every month in the Intelligence Committee and everywhere else saying, shut Alex Jones up, shut Paul Watson up, shut Matt Drudge up.
Yeah, they found a zero-edge article.
Let's put that up.
Great job finding that.
Former Obama officials caught advising Iran on how to defeat Trump's foreign policy report.
And then it goes through it, but that was also in AP Reuters.
And the media's like, good!
You know, they're like, China, help defeat Trump!
Washington Post, three weeks ago.
Oh, gee, crush Trump and on trade, teach us, crush us!
Actually said crush Trump, teach us, save him.
I mean, how sick.
Like asking Hitler in 1943 to crush Roosevelt or Eisenhower.
But that's how much the America hating has gotten institutionalized and normalized.
So I'm here on air, just a loyal American, care about peace, care about justice.
Somebody really attacks us, I say get them.
But we're being lured into this.
Iran's very bold, grabbing ships, very bold.
They're doing all this, they're doing it all.
My own listeners are like, no, you're covering up, it's a false flag.
I'm the guy that popularized false flags.
20 years ago, people didn't even know what that meant.
This is real.
But the false flag is that the globalists are working with Iran, setting Trump and America up to kill the economy, get us into a war, and then sabotage our military.
I'm gonna get more into this after the break, but this is it.
So, as we speak, the shopping cart's up, work's great, got all the certificates, they're just trying to shut down having service.
Telling me, hey buddy, we're suing you, we're having Defense Department meetings about you, you stay out of this war.
The Democrats and the neocons are right now telling me, hey, we've taken your bank accounts, we've taken all your sponsors, you know, you're down to your shopping cart.
I mean, what next?
You gonna kill me?
I don't want to die, but just do whatever you have to, scumbags!
I don't want to have World War IV.
I don't want to have Obama and Kerry over there advising how to sucker us into a new Bay of Pigs times a hundred.
Times a thousand.
But, listeners, we need your support.
This is a real war.
We've got a bunch of items.
Like Super Mel Vitality, 50% off with a free bottle of Ultimate Female Force for libido, stamina, energy.
Your wife, your girlfriend.
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And Chill Force, 40% off.
50% off when you get them together.
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Please take action.
You know, we've got this huge news in the world, really moving quickly towards global war.
All the armies are lining up in the usual ways before we have a world war.
And you've got evil just coming out of the woodwork right now, making its move.
You can see the spiritual battle very, very clear with defined edges now on this planet.
And we're going to go over all of it here today.
prepares to strike Iran as the Middle East braces for a major world war that could erupt.
It's Michael Snyder's analysis at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And you know, I really agree with that statement.
And you tune in to mainstream news.
They're not even making a big deal about it.
That's why you know it's so serious.
Oil to hit 100.
Pompeo blames Iran for unprecedented drone attack that crippled largest Saudi oil processing facility.
Rand Paul warns against needless escalation of war.
We're going to get to that.
But I'm going to cover all that, actually, next segment, because I'm printing some more of the articles I thought I'd want to show you, so I don't just tell you about it, so you remember when former Secretary of State and John Kerry and Obama are traveling around the world advising Iran how to embarrass Trump and how to militarily grab ships.
I remember they advised, and we're printing those articles for you.
They're all linked right here.
Advise them how to grab ships, or shut the Strait of Hormuz.
Remember that?
And it was like, wow, that's treason.
The news even talked about it a couple years ago.
Well, you're seeing that right now.
And that's Obama and all these globalists betting against America.
Betting against us with China and everybody else.
And even though it's against their own self-interest, the average leftist Spray paints on the sides of the highways that Antifa will crush the right and we salute China.
And then I have crew members who have liberal family members, multiple ones, said, oh yeah, my sister said they love communist China and hope they smash Trump.
And it's on the cover of the Washington Post.
I mean, what more do we need to even know about the situation?
But hell, we've killed 60 million babies.
Of course they kill babies after they're born now.
Of course we kill old people who are begging for their lives now and euthanize them.
It's not just the right to die, it's the right for the state to kill you.
Because we didn't have any bottom.
We didn't have any point to which we wouldn't sink.
But, you know, after I get to some of this gun control news, we'll get more into it next hour.
And Gavin McInnes is joining us in the third hour.
I want to get into the Kavanaugh thing.
And I actually had a big stack of it here in my stacks as part of my frustration and I have so many articles I was just digging around during the break trying to find the stack so I guess we're gonna reprint it all.
But this latest Kavanaugh thing is so big I wanted to read you the quotes not just repeat what was there.
Because as soon as I saw them last week say we need to impeach Kavanaugh
I knew it was pure bull because the other six were.
Four of them have admitted they lied, but said it's okay.
I mean, he's a bad guy.
Lying to get a bad guy is okay.
It justifies the means.
Oh, yeah, sure.
You define whoever's bad, then you become the bad guy to get them.
And Beto said they're going to impeach him, all the rest of it.
And then it came out that the woman, who they quote as saying he pulled his ding-dong out on, said it never happened.
They just quoted some woman and said there were witnesses that he did it to her, and none of it was true.
They called her, she said, "That never happened, I don't remember that, I don't remember, I don't even know Kavanaugh."
But the New York Times didn't care.
They ran with it.
And that was just like when NPR calls up and said, did you drink the ink out of pens and threatened to rape a woman?
I was like, what?
I'm a famous person.
I'm hated.
You can find anybody.
Did this make up something?
That I drink ink out of pens?
I was like, are you joking?
Yeah, and you got, you beat up all these nerds, so you got tied up in the woods in a cabin and all your teeth knocked out.
And I said, well that's not true.
I said, uh, I'll go to a dentist.
Dentists can tell you if any of my teeth have ever been knocked out.
None have ever been knocked out.
Well, yeah, yeah, we want you to do that.
And a few days later they go, no, we're gonna pass.
But they went on air and said all my teeth were knocked out.
And again, they know they're lying.
And when you come to grips with that, like AP, saying I wrote a book about Sandy Hook, and that I lost a lawsuit.
I never wrote a book.
I didn't lose a lawsuit.
And I had lawyers send letters to AP and Market Watch.
Wall Street Journal owns that.
News Corp.
And they just said, we're going with it.
Sue us.
We have unlimited money.
We don't care.
Because, remember, Jesse Ventura, love him or hate him, he got a jury to find it.
He didn't say Navy SEALs deserve to die.
Obviously, he didn't do that inside a Navy SEAL bar.
And Chris Kyle didn't knock him out.
It's not a true story.
He won that defamation.
But the appeals court overturned it.
So, big media thinks it can just lie, but now with my cases, they want to get rid of New York Times versus Sullivan.
Which will get rid of the protections.
So now the big law firms are saying, oh, we want to settle these cases with you.
Can't get blood out of a turnip, dumbasses.
There ain't no money, you dumb jerks.
Oh, how about you just support gun control?
How about you piss up a rope?
That'll be even better.
I've had people try to destroy my life, threaten to kill me, try to kill me.
You think money is a motivator for me?
Piss up a rope.
I didn't sell out to Hollywood.
I didn't sell out to the big radio networks.
I never sold out.
But then it means I've got to fight to have money to do it my way and tell the truth.
So we'll come back and get into the Kavanaugh thing, play the clips, go into all of it.
It's incredible.
But first off, I'll just go back to this.
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Yeah, right.
Yeah, sure.
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Filter your water or die.
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I want listeners to understand something.
I came into work this morning and they explained to me when the denial of service attack hit
InfoWarsTore.com and the main sites and exactly how they were doing it.
And I understood it was five minutes after I came out and said Obama and John Kerry are advising Iran on how to hijack these ships, how to begin to take control of the Strait of Hormuz to damage the U.S.
economy in a proxy war with the United States via Iran, who they're allied with.
And they admitted they were doing that a few years ago.
I have a stack of news.
That I will get to next hour on that subject when they were admitting this two years ago and a year ago.
And of course the leftists still embedded inside the CIA want me off air.
I'm telling Trump how they're embedded, how they're operating.
I'm showing people documents that Mike Cernovich got.
You know, he got the Epstein documents too.
He's a good guy.
Where they say, Alex Jones echoes Ron Paul who put out Russian propaganda that the chemical attacks were staged.
No, the UN, our own government, had said it by then.
And they said, we cannot allow him with future conflicts to have a voice.
That's why they're taking us off the air.
Go read it.
In that article, we have the scans of what they sent out to the thousands of people in private corporate intelligence.
Again, over 80% of intelligence is now private.
Booz Allen, you know, all those people.
And they just sit there at their desk all day with sophisticated internet warfare tools, lying about us, hammering us, shutting us down.
That was two years ago!
Because we're guilty of not wanting to throw Assad out and put Al Qaeda in charge.
Well, you see, years later, they lost.
America won.
We did the right thing morally.
The neocon leftist Obama move to back ISIS and Al Qaeda failed.
And Trump just blew up a whole island full of ISIS last week.
The globalists are pissed.
They were running those proxy armies and they're also working with Hezbollah.
And Obama is advising Iran on what they're doing right now, and he's got traitors inside our government working against Trump, just like they did against Kennedy in the Bay of Pigs, where they set up the invasion to fail from the beginning to embarrass the President.
And Trump knows good and damn well what they're doing.
And so I'm very honored that they had the attacks out of Russia, of course.
All they do is run the attacks from servers and the billions they spend, up to $5 billion a year in Russia through Soros, of U.S.
taxpayer money, to run stuff to overthrow Russia.
A lot of that money comes back to manipulate our elections.
And so you'll hear on the news, oh, we found a lot of Russian bots, but they admit 80% of it's anti-Trump, anti-Patriot, anti-Alex Jones.
But technically, there's a lot of action out of Russia.
Well, anybody can hack into your computer saying, Whitefish, Montana or Wyoming or whatever it is.
And then the police show up at your house and your computer's hacked in and launched an attack on somebody.
So, you know, we're getting 10 million visitors, you know, every minute or so to InfoWars.com and to the shopping cart.
And they're pissed they can't shut us down.
But that's America.
That's what I'm dealing with is the CIA leftist Running these attacks through their Vault 7, Vault 8 systems, through Russia!
And it's all coming from Russia!
I'm gonna get my IT to bring it all over, they were showing me this morning.
Completely obvious, and then they'll use that later to Congress.
And go, look!
Russia's attacking America, and use all these examples, when they're the ones doing it, from servers and buildings they've got leased in Russia.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, Putin's attacking me right now, sure, and the Easter Bunny's real.
So, this is how America operates with these criminals.
And they think you're so stupid that if you go to the shopping cart and it's down for a few minutes here or there that you're not gonna buy products from us.
This is a real war.
This isn't hype.
Again, people think Waylon Jennings and Willie Nelson and Chris Christopherson and Hank Williams Jr.
are outlaw country because they sang it different than Nashville and they talked about smoking marijuana.
I love all those guys.
I've been to Lukenbach when I was in middle school and college.
I'm friends with Willie Nelson.
But he's not one one-hundredth as outlaw as I am.
There ain't nothing more rebel, nothing more outlaw than this.
And the globalists know it.
Because we represent the people.
We represent you.
We don't back down.
We can't be bought.
We look for the truth and we put it out.
Some Islamic country really attached us?
Blow them off the map.
That's not what's going on here.
The neocons with the left are running this crap with Iran to derail our country right now.
And they're pissed that we're smart, and you're smart, and our guests are smart.
We got their number.
And so they're telling me again, hey son!
We'll take your money away!
What, because you're a criminal?
Oh, let me give in to you.
I didn't know you were a criminal.
I didn't know you killed people.
I didn't know you were promoting child molestation all over television.
I have stacks of articles where they're promoting open pedophilia now and sex with kids and saying, yes, we're pedophiles, we're going to have sex with your kids.
Major universities on the West and East Coast are officially saying that it's discriminatory and that pedophiles have a right to your children and the curriculum is vice.
And Salon talking about sex with children and showing four-year-old girls in cheerleader outfits dancing for a drooling man.
That's Next Hour.
Who wants to show you the softcore porn with the kid?
No, I'm not going to show it.
That's the left.
That's America.
So, I'm under attack by these people?
Wow, I must be doing things right.
San Diego State University normalizes pedophilia as a sexual orientation since it's discriminatory.
And they say emancipate children so they can have sex with adults.
That's where it's going.
That's the plan.
So, let's move on to Brett Kavanaugh.
I saw this last week.
get out of here I'll kick your ass the police arrest you.
That's where it's going that's the plan. So let's move on to Brett Kavanaugh.
I saw this last week they said he needs to be impeached. Another woman said that
at a party in college he pulled his tally whacker out and shoved it in
her face.
None of it was true.
People actually went to the woman and she said, I don't even know Brett Kavanaugh.
I don't remember any of this in my life.
Oh, but a couple of leftist professors said they remembered.
See how it works?
It's always professors.
That means three-letter agency.
They're all CIA folks.
That's the biggest agency.
They've all got access to your computers, your bank account, your life, little, little decoder ring, you know, they, they, they're all just weak little nobodies that just are in our business, in our lives, lying crooks who think they're invincible.
What a pack of dirty people.
New York Times corrects their Kavanaugh bombshell after internet explodes.
The female student described to be interviewed and friends say she does not recall the episode.
So they used basically a real person, not even caring it never happened.
And they make it as a footnote.
Washington Post passed on thinly sourced Kavanaugh story before New York Times published it.
Trump says Kavanaugh allegation deserves libel lawsuit or Justice Department investigation.
Yeah, these people are all spooks and they know they're lying.
They get off on it.
They even screwed up at the NPR and they sent me a text message.
It was supposed to go to Jon Ronson.
And they go, we're having trouble finding people that'll follow the script and witnesses that'll follow script.
They have a script.
They go interview everybody from my 5A high school.
And they'll find, oh yeah, Alex Jones tried to rape me, and he drinks ink out of pens.
And it's supposed to sound totally wild, because a wild thing must be true, because it's so crazy.
Like, I wear swastika shoes.
I mean, that is the biggest lie on earth, folks.
But that's who they are.
So here's a clip of Beto, and he's not saying, hell yes, I'll take your guns.
Here's a clip of Beto.
Saying impeach Kavanaugh, good lord, we need criminal charges on the people that made this up.
Because it's not just libel, it's not just lying, it's a coordinated racketeering fraud to remove someone that the elected government put in power as our branch of government in the judiciary.
This is racketeering, this is psychological terrorism, this is fraud, this is organized crime, here it is.
These people can't stop lying!
better and given the fact that it appears as though Brett Kavanaugh lied
under oath which is a crime I think that he has disqualified himself for service
on the Supreme Court. What's the remedy for that? He should step down or he should be impeached.
These people can't stop lying!
Gosh! I was sitting there talking to the NPR host. A Gollum-like creature.
And when they were telling me all this stuff, I said, that's not true.
They said, we're sorry, the truth's coming out.
Oh, you want to cry now?
And I was like, cry?
This is all made up.
I never tried to rape a woman.
I don't drink ink out of pens.
They just started giggling.
By the way, I have it all on tape.
It's going to be part of a lawsuit.
But, oh yeah, you didn't know that, Ronson?
All right, here's what's coming up in the shower.
I intend to open the phones up on the Iran, Saudi Arabia, World War 4 prospectus to get your view and your take on that.
And I specifically also want to open the phones up to ask you, is America really the greatest nation in the history of the world?
And I think hands down, there's no debating that.
And I'm going to break down why.
With great power comes great responsibility, and with great power, great decadence always comes.
So we're going to become, if we don't stop our course, the most evil country in the world that has the power.
Because evil has come here to try to get control of that idea of liberty that created all this wealth and power.
It's trying to hijack it and take control of it.
So I want to talk to you about that.
I want to get your take on Kavanaugh and how they tried to set him up this time, so desperate, with a woman.
They said they witnessed he pulled... They shouldn't even know?
Doesn't even remember any of this?
Why didn't they just make up a fake woman?
Because they just don't care.
It's crazy.
We're gonna talk about that.
I've been sent this video like 15 times.
That means it's big.
Ask Candace Owens.
When was America great?
And I want to really answer that for him.
I mean, this guy's worth hundreds of millions of dollars, reportedly.
It's the only place on earth that he could do something like this.
And everybody's fighting to get here from all over the world.
We're taking in all these African refugees, and... She gets laughed at by this crowd of folks, and... It's crazy.
Absolutely crazy what they've done for people in this country.
How they've taught us all to hate ourselves.
Obama and Kerry and Hillary are running the Iran thing against America right now.
That's why Iran's so emboldened and so arrogant.
They gave them all our codes, all our secrets, the chi-coms when Obama was in.
Jobs' personnel hack.
Google and Apple moved over there and Apple's given all the codes to every iPhone in the world and every Apple device to them.
It was in Reuters, remember they said, that's what happens when you move to China, the state runs you.
See, it's a hiding in plain view now.
Universities are teaching, pedophilia is good.
And they're going to emancipate children, and the library is going to be full of teaching kids when they're approached by adults to have sex with them.
And I covered that yesterday, and you're like, when is it gonna end?
It's not gonna end.
Thomas Jefferson was famously asked, how far will tyrants go?
What's their limit?
And he said, you will live under the amount of tyranny that you accept.
There's always somebody crazy.
There's always somebody more bold.
There's always somebody who's willing to get into power and do crazy stuff and gaslight you and hide it and blame you.
A point of decadence in this country, where the people doing all this evil, their conscious mind is very evil.
But they're very genetic still, don't like what they're doing.
So their body is rebelling against them and there's something in them like trying to get caught.
All these criminals always want to get caught.
So they're at the point now saying, yeah, we're pedophiles, yeah, we're keeping babies alive.
We're like, that's okay, that's liberal.
That's all right, you go ahead and do that.
Those of us that are aware of this and know what's wrong, that are going along with it, we're more guilty than those doing it.
Did you know that?
That's right.
We'll be right back.
You know, I get these phone calls from family all over the country.
Hell, we get calls from family I got over in Germany.
And they say, man, Alex lost a lawsuit.
I didn't know he wrote a book about Sandy Hook.
My mom says he didn't write one.
It's fake news.
He didn't lose a lawsuit.
I get all these calls saying, man, Alex sent child porn to the Sandy Hook families.
Wow, is he going to go to jail?
And we just show it's fake news.
It's not true.
People go, wow, I knew the media lies, but it's that bad?
Oh, yeah, folks, it's that bad.
NPR, again, said that I beat up hundreds of small children and that I was then grabbed by them and taken to the country and tied up and all my teeth knocked out.
Neil, that sounds insane.
Well, that's what the new Joker movie is.
It's some Tourette syndrome, mentally ill person in his mother's basement.
And then he becomes a psychotic mass murderer and has armies of leftists that go out killing people.
And Hollywood's worshipping it.
That's their ethos, is that they're victims of the system and they're gonna overthrow it because they're gonna be in charge.
But really, they are the system now.
And so I look at Kavanaugh, And what he's gone through, they've now claimed that seven women say that he tried to rape them or pulled his genitals out.
And none of it's true.
And three of the women have been contacted and said they never met him, it never happened, people just said their names.
A couple of the others admitted they lied.
And then, Balazi Ford, her lawyer, says, well, we're glad we did it because he's a bad person.
He wants to get rid of baby killing.
So there's now a criminal investigation into that.
And so they started the new smoke screen because of her lawyer saying that a week ago.
The new one is, oh, look, a woman says he pulled it out in front of all these people and shoved it in her hand.
None of it was true.
And now they've come out and said, OK, we contacted the woman.
No one called her.
No one checked whether she doesn't remember it.
Doesn't know Kavanaugh.
But that's the footnote.
And you sit back, and you don't even call this media, it's enemies of the people.
And when you sit there and they make up stuff from 30 years ago, 30 years ago,
I was 15 years old.
And they say, we talked to a woman that said, you said I will rape you.
And that you didn't bit the end of a black pen and drank it.
It's totally made up, but again, to sound like it's so implausible, it must be true.
And I said, that's not true.
I mean, I'm not bragging or anything, but I've been beating women off of a stick my whole life.
I mean, believe me, I'm not into rough stuff.
It is, but that's how they steal your identity, folks.
And you realize they are criminal liars who know they're liars and who have been given a green light.
They'll pay any of the lawsuits off.
They don't care.
They're just going to the mat with these big trillion dollar corporations and the Chinese government funding a lot of it.
And it's pure war.
Pure war.
Think about the arrogance.
They didn't even cook up maybe, I don't want to give my ideas, but a woman that died when they were going to college.
And then say, women go, oh she told us he raped them, but she's dead so she can't say it.
They picked a woman, didn't even call her.
So the rest of the media calls the woman, she goes, I never met Brett Kavanaugh.
I've never been sexually assaulted.
I don't remember any of this.
It's all professors.
Look at all the accusers or those that say they heard about accusations.
It's all professors that have worked for the Clintons or the Obamas.
Who then look that he was in college with them or high school and then they don't even have the nerve to go make it up themselves about themselves.
They pick somebody else out of the yearbook and then say it was her.
Not even Karen.
But they got a book coming out, The Education of Brett Kavanaugh.
New York Times deletes bizarre tweets referencing Kavanaugh's harmless penis.
Issues major correction.
Book bombshell accuser has no memory.
Never happened.
By the way, it's come out, and I know this is tight, but Kavanaugh made straight A's in everything.
A couple beers on the weekend.
Studying 10 hours a day.
Totally neurotic.
We all know the type.
Had a lot of friends that are like this.
Genetic engineers.
Top lawyers.
Medical doctors.
Brett Kavanaugh was a virgin until he got married.
So was his wife.
Those people still exist.
Imagine being a man who was a virgin.
Till he was out of college.
Being told that he's this pervert running around raping everyone.
But that's who they are, ladies and gentlemen.
By the way, Trump supposedly raped these women.
Turns out they're mental patients who say this about everybody.
Have you watched any films of Trump?
Like the party in Florida and Epstein comes in and there's women, super gorgeous women, throwing themselves.
You can read their lips going, let's go in the back room right now.
And Trump's got like five women not knowing which one he's going to take with him.
And then he's also a germophobe, so he dates girls.
He doesn't just jump in bed.
I mean, guys, pull up video of Trump with Epstein, because the real takeaway is the women all over Trump.
I mean, the women are all over him, like he's Elvis Presley.
It's the Miami Dolphins cheerleaders.
Those are some real conservative girls, let me tell you.
They're very shy.
And I know, as an audience, you know they lie.
But let me tell you, when you have experienced packs of criminals, knowing you're a public figure, knowing all of this, and having a formula to go out and lie about people, it's just mind-blowing to know that it's never going to end.
They're just going to get worse and worse and worse because we have let them do this forever.
And so there's no repercussions.
It's lawless, spoiled, yuppie criminals with intelligence agency badges working with media and government to just terrorize and lie and run around doing anything and everything They want.
And it's insane.
And it's the fall of civilization, ladies and gentlemen.
Because more and more people are like this.
More and more people are super selfish.
More and more people don't care.
More and more people are also super stupid.
Because they're so mentally lazy.
But they don't even care about themselves at the end of the day, and it's getting worse.
So, we have to ask those of us that are productive, and those of us that don't want to be part of this, what are we going to do?
And at a certain point, we've got to become very disciplined and not associate with the establishment, not go to their hotels, not use their airplanes.
And really develop a parallel economy and system.
They want us out of their economy.
They really don't.
They want to bully us.
Because they're a bunch of followers.
And so we have to create our own systems.
Our own telephone companies.
Our own computer companies.
Our own airlines.
Our own car services.
And say, hey, we're the producers.
We're the conservatives.
We're the libertarians.
We're the Christians.
We're the veterans.
We're the fighters.
We're the humans.
The people that haven't succumbed to the decadence.
And we...
We'll self-segregate ourselves now from you, and you can go over there and be evil.
You can go over there and be in your area, but you're not going to be in our area.
Because the truth is, they want to run us and control us.
They want our children and every other facet.
They want to conquer us because we have what they don't have.
We have the spark of creativity.
We have the spark of God.
We have the spark of liberty.
We have the spark of creation.
We have the spark of the future.
And they don't want to just conquer us.
They want to destroy us because they hate our superiority.
This is an existential envy situation of just evil fallen people who all resonate to their frequency, wanting to destroy those of us who are not of their father death.
They are the children of death.
They will not go into the future.
Welcome back, my friends.
If you're a radio listener, I would direct you to these articles I'm about to mention.
If you're a TV viewer, you can see it for yourself.
Zero Hedge links to the Washington Post, even the Associated Press, admitting this.
Going back last year, Trump slams Kerry's illegal meetings with Iran, which undercut the White House.
Shadow diplomacy, ladies and gentlemen.
And advising Iran on how to embarrass the White House, and how to engage in asymmetric warfare, they said, and how that if they submitted or backed down to Trump, they would be kicked out of power, but if they fought back.
And then suddenly the Mullahs came out and said, okay, we'll start stealing ships and blocking the Strait of Hormuz, which they've begun to do.
Just grab another one today.
And then we're so against war in this country, and so am I, That when Iran takes credit for stuff, people say it's fake.
Or when their proxy army launches the cruise missiles, admits it, and got them from Iran.
They're Iranian made, they found the pieces of them.
Oh no, it's not Iran, they're the good guys.
No, the globalist deep state is working with Iran, they're the ones that made the deal with them.
That's what's going on here.
And we're being maneuvered towards a war.
And you've also got the neocons that are tied into Israel.
And they want a war, and you've got Benjamin Netanyahu facing an uncertain election.
But would a war really even help Israel?
Iran will attack Israel with thousands of missiles.
And then we're off to the races.
So whether you love Israel or hate Israel, Israel's got nuclear weapons, they're not going anywhere.
I guarantee you, those of you that thrown your lot in with the Muslims and have a sycophantic fetish about them and the poor Palestinians, you're crazy.
I got problems with stuff that goes on in Israel, and I got big problems with the Muslims.
It doesn't matter.
It's not my fight.
I'm sick of this.
I don't want a new world war, and I don't want to see a plunging economy because of this.
I agree with Rand Paul.
But Trump slams Kerry illegal meetings with Iran, which undercut White House.
Remember that?
John Kerry admits to meeting with Iran about nuclear deal.
Lawmakers accuse him of violating Logan Act.
Former Obama official caught advising Iran on how to defeat Trump's foreign policy report.
And then remember.
Remember all of this.
It's just absolutely crazy that they think that you're going to forget all of this and just think this is all something new going on.
Or, oh, it's a Gulf of Tonkin 1964 that our own government staged.
That's declassified.
Declassified in 2004.
I'd always said it was staged.
It was in the news back then.
People on the ships came back and said that they staged the attack.
Then, of course, they released the LBJ tapes 40 years later.
And boy, did my credibility go up when we played those tapes on air.
LBJ talking about how they staged it, and McNamara telling them, we just staged it, sir, and here's what you say.
And LBJ's actually at his ranch outside Austin saying, all right, now, what do I say again?
Let me write these notes down.
All right, they talked for like an hour.
It's 1 a.m.
in the morning, Texas time.
McNamara's at the Pentagon at 2 a.m., telling them how we're going to go to war.
We've already been in a proxy war four years, Mr. President.
We need to let the folks know our troops are there.
The media's already becoming aware of us.
We've got to kick this off.
And, well, we're going to say the ships got attacked.
Well, did they get attacked?
Well, nobody's hurt.
This is what we were talking about?
Yeah, it didn't happen, Mr. President.
But this is what we need to get the full escalation, full commitment.
McNamara says we've got Westmoreland and the rest of them ready to really escalate this.
And so, you can go listen to the tapes.
Want me to air them again for you?
I get all that.
This is not that.
This is deep state, globalist, the EU, the chi-coms, through Obama, doing this to embarrass Trump, and trying to lure us into a proxy war that'll kick off a Sunni-Shiite civil war that nobody wants to be part of or in the middle of.
And why would the left suddenly come out and say, plunge the economy?
They've been working behind the scenes.
Why would they come out and say, yeah, we want to take all your semi-autos?
And every Democrat, major candidate on that stage said, we want to forcibly buy them back.
We want to have armed robbery.
Because they buy back, saying they sold them to you.
Then they spin it and go, oh, we mean like the buybacks you've seen where it's voluntary.
So that's all to drill you and protect you or program you to want to turn your firearms in because you've seen it done over and over and over again.
Then they'll show some idiot, well, I turned in my AR-15 to show I'm good.
And Beto goes, you're a good person.
It's some Democrat Party operative.
It's not about protecting us, it's about enslaving us, and we know that.
So why are they coming out now and admitting all of this?
Because they're getting ready to make a major move.
They're getting ready to try to trigger a civil war in this country.
And what you see geopolitically, what you see everywhere, is a larger part of that.
Remember Michael Moore, when President Trump had just gotten into office in January of 2017, And he said, there's going to be international crises with North Korea and Iran that are going to derail President Trump.
Don't worry, an international crisis is coming, particularly with Iran, that will get rid of Trump.
And this is it?
And nasty old Obama and nasty Kerry and Hillary that have been on shycom payroll for decades, they're all maneuvering us towards that.
But then because it woke people up a little too much, they want to announce gun confiscation, get you used to it, but then once you get angry, the psychology is, oh no, no, no, we didn't mean that.
So the next time they do it, you're not upset.
Because you think, oh, they don't mean it.
It's all telling you it's happening so you have an adrenaline rush, get upset, then back off, say you didn't hear it, then announce it again, back off again, announce it again, back off again, and then finally they start doing it.
As they're doing in many Democrat-controlled states right now.
Their red flag laws are taking guns everywhere.
So here are the Democrats denying that they ever want to take your guns, but now they're admitting they want to take your guns.
All part of psychological warfare.
And please, please do not, if some of you are watching certain television stations or listening to certain radio programs, please do not believe this notion that somehow I'm out to take everybody's guns away.
I'm not here to repeal the Second Amendment.
I'm not here to take away your guns.
No one is questioning your right to have a gun.
We're not talking about taking guns away from people.
They want to create the fear that the government is actually going to come after guns because that helps sell more guns than it has across the country.
I think a lot of people that are out there that are fearing what we're saying right now think that we're going to try taking their guns.
We're not.
The Never Gun Movement and the March for Our Lives is not trying to take your guns.
We're trying to take back our lives.
This is why the NRA puts up videos that try to scare Americans.
They go to emotions.
They go to fear.
You know, people want to take away your guns.
Nobody wants to take away people's guns.
We just don't want to be any different than Canada or Australia or Great Britain.
Those common sense measures would in no way infringe on any constitutional... That's the guy suing me.
Stoking it.
I mean, in my state, he put out an email from his campaign that was titled, they're coming to get your guns.
I mean, that's how brazen some of them are.
I am a Second Amendment supporter.
I do not want to take away any gun rights that are held through constitutional protections.
Now, if you own an AR-15, keep it.
Continue to use it responsibly and safely.
Hell yes!
We're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.
We're not going to allow it to be used against fellow Americans anymore.
It will be voluntary.
It won't be, hell yes, we'll come get your guns.
No, it's not voluntary.
I want to make sure that we make the distinction here.
It is mandatory.
It will be the law.
You will be required to comply with the law.
Man, I hope nobody ever knocks Beto O'Rourke's teeth out.
Those big old buck-toothed fangs.
The British are coming!
The British are coming!
Now the ride of Paul Revere set the nation on its ear, and the shock at Lexington heard round the world.
When the British fired in the early dawn, the war of independence had begun.
The die was cast, the rebel flag unfurled.
And on to Concord, marched the foe, to seize the arsenal, there you know.
Wakin' folks, searchin' all around.
Till our militias stopped them in their tracks, at the old North Bridge, we turned them back, and chased those Redcoats back to Boston Town.
And the shock around the world, was the start of the revolution.
The midmen were ready on the move.
Take your powder, take your gun, Report to General Washington.
Hurry men, there's not an hour to lose.
It happened that they had planned, if the British was ever to come over here,
that they'd put a light up in this high church steeple.
And Paul went down there to look.
And sure enough, there was the light, burning brighter and darker.
Paul, he jumped on his old horse and he lit out.
He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he had to go somewhere.
Oh, I wish you could have seen it.
That old horse with his ears laid back and his nostrils wide open, sucking in wind like a jet engine.
Feet pounding on them cobblestones, striking off sparks.
Paul holding on for dear life and a hollering at the top of his lungs.
He says, the British is coming, the British is coming.
Get your gun, we gonna have us a revolution.
And them farmers come a-piling out of the hay like bees out of a beehive.
Minute men, they's called.
What's minute men?
Minute men?
They's fellas that had to be ready at a minute's notice.
And when Paul comes screeching down the road... Beto's coming!
Beto's coming!
...they take out their guns and head out behind the weeds and walls... Beto's coming!
...trees and everywhere.
And when the British come prancing along all dressed up in their red suits, they let them have it.
It was a sight to see.
And then it happened.
They fired the gun!
They fired the gun.
And the shot was so loud, it was heard clear around the world.
Oh, get out!
It's fact.
That's the way this country started.
And here we are.
Well, you just heard Senator Blumenthal quarterbacking the attempt to take me off the air, the deplatforming with the CIA, his son running a lawsuit against me.
They arrest Republicans who get political office in Connecticut like the governor.
This same law firm ran all that.
Nice folks.
And they're sworn to get your guns, get your speech, get your family, get it all.
And all those public schools and libraries are teaching pedophilia now.
I've got those articles right here.
Colleges now officially say pedophiles are good people.
It's just a sexual preference.
We're going to get to have the pedophile liberation movement now.
You're right in the middle of it.
Articles are up at Infowars.com and Newswars.com with videos, with articles, where it's happening.
You can go read the new college courses!
I'm sure that'll help us compete with the world, won't it, as we export evil.
There's a fight about the future of this nation and the world right now, isn't there?
Well, Candace Owens was at a revolt TV summit about revolting and overthrowing Trump, and she was there with T.I.
He's in a lot of big movies, very talented.
Rapper, I even like some of his music, but he's a big leftist.
And he's reportedly known for his, um, great political and verbal repertoire.
But all I saw was a crowd not letting Candace Owens talk, screaming at her and laughing at her.
When he says, well, tell me when America was great, I mean, what period?
Everybody's like, oh!
Everybody's trying to get here.
We have one of the highest standards of living in the world.
Certainly the best for a big country.
We discovered and harnessed electricity.
Have more inventions than all nations combined.
Invented the internet.
Discovered the DNA double helix.
Created the first atomic weapons.
I'm not even saying that's a good thing.
Had the freest, most open society, it was England that actually outlawed slavery, about 60 years before we did, and then they had 11 wars, reportedly lost over a million people to end slavery.
That was the abolitionist movement.
Betsy Ross, of course, designed and created American flags.
He was one of the chief abolitionists at that time, in 1776.
It was a big movement.
But they have that original sin.
Africa still has four nations with slavery.
Black on black slavery.
Somalia still has it.
They teach in the Quran that blacks aren't fully human.
And so that they can then be enslaved.
And so Muslims all run out and become, blacks all run out and become Muslims for some reason.
Because the Atlantic slave trade, we learned that from the Muslims.
But, it doesn't matter.
Black folks have been taught that it's really sexy and cool to be a Muslim.
Okay, go ahead.
Depends on what stripe or variety of it are.
I mean, you know, least fair contrast is how people do self-improvement and empowerment and not be part of the whole criminal system.
I care about everybody.
I just want to have a good future.
But T.I.
I mean, if you ask me that question, what was a great period in America, I think we've loved ourselves, loved what made us great, the free market, the open Wall-Wall-West system, where everybody wanted to come here where it was a cash system in Japan, or a cash system in Nigeria, or a cash system in Italy.
But you could come here and get out of the cash system.
And so America's had a lot of attributes.
The French historian Alexandre de Tocqueville wrote a book on it.
He spent 10 years there.
He said, these are really unique, amazing people because they don't worship royalty or class.
They love individualism and what someone really stands for and what they produce.
And so Candace, well, I mean, here's part of the exchange, but I would love to be able to tell TI.
Why America has been an exceptional nation, undoubtedly the most exceptional, but a lot of great exceptional nations.
But America and the West in general and what happened in the Renaissance was amazing.
And America was that idea carried out.
And look at all the inventions and all the wealth.
Now we've become decadent.
That's certainly true.
We've got big problems.
I won't deny that.
But this is a period where we abort our babies and keep them alive and take their organs.
This is a period where we're being told we're a post-human world that we suck.
And record suicide and drug use.
So there was a time when the family was stronger and we were more Christian.
Would you say it was the 1950s, 1960s?
We're not saying go back to the bad things that were there.
We're saying the good things that were there, that were really the renaissance going forward.
Here's part of that exchange.
Let me tell you something.
If people know what you fear, you are the easiest person to control.
The Democrats have figured out that black America is emotionally responsive to the word racism.
She says racism, you jump up and you start cheering.
You haven't even listened to what I've said to rebut it, okay?
But, but it's the- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait The biggest issue facing Black America is not white supremacy.
When Trump said there were good people on both sides, he was talking about the fact that some people that were in the Charlottesville rally, and he could have paraphrased that better, he could have said something better, literally came there because they don't believe that statues should be torn down, okay?
Other people came there because they were upset that amongst the people that came there to watch the statue be torn down were also white nationalists.
So what he meant was there were some people that were just there using their First Amendment right There were some people that were there to respond to the white nationalist and a big mess happened.
I'm not trying to defend him or relitigate a situation.
I'm saying that being hung up on that is allowing you to not look at an administration that is tackling so many issues in black America right now.
I do not consider myself a Republican.
I do not, I definitely am not a Democrat.
But Trump woke me up.
I used to be liberal.
Trump woke me up to the idea that we're being manipulated by the word racism every four years.
So wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Alright, we gonna get into this because what I'm concerned about is how is that any different than the fear that Trump has created in poor whites?
The fear that Trump has lifted in poor whites that black people and poor urban people are their problem.
When did Trump ever say that?
That's a fallacy.
When did Trump ever say black people are their problem?
great again that's when he said it. Guys that was Ronald Reagan's slogan. Was that racist when Ronald
Slagin had it as a slogan? Yes. Hit pause. We're gonna go back and come back with the real meat of this but
America had been in decline in the 70s because of deindustrialization and the
drug revolution all that stuff we had big problems super high crime rate that
was just hey let's reboot the nation let's rebuild it let's believe in each
other and that's what Trump's saying again but see oh don't say America's great.
America was never great will ever be that great. This is about America hating and hating
yourself and only focusing on negatives and it gets really nasty.
On the other side, we'll air it all.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
The only way those sites get out is when you spread them.
Please do it.
The globalists are hoping that you don't do it.
The debate isn't whether America was ever the greatest nation on Earth or is a great nation.
The debate really ought to be, why are they constantly telling us that we can't even say that we are a nation, or that we have borders, that we have sovereignty?
Every other country controls its borders, or they're not a real government, they're not a real system.
Mexico puts you in jail for a year, forced labor, if they catch you there illegally.
And the UN is funding all these masses of people to pour into Europe, to pour into here.
They're brainwashing these refugee camps to hate us.
And then you see all these people at this event, this revolt event about black folks revolting against the
lowest unemployment in the history or Trump trying to stop the black babies getting aborted
and it's just none of it is based in reality. Before we go back to this video Candace Owens
and TI, band.video is an excellent new site we've launched.
And what's critical about it is it works great on iPhones, Droids, laptops, big screen TVs.
It's got systems that are on the site that we're going to shoot a video about soon with the IT guys explaining how it works like an app as well.
It has a lot of great functions.
And on top of that, Band.Video has the special events, the live feeds, and we've added Paul Watson's page,
we're adding Caitlin Bennett and Millie Weaver's pages, and we're gonna add a lot of other contributors.
We have Firepower up there with Will Johnson and Tom Papert now.
But we're also creating, just like they have at memeworld.com we're gonna take all that content and put it onto a feed,
and we're gonna have the hottest videos of the internet posted there in a feed.
So if you're not wanting to go get a long hour long hardcore interview or you know hear me rant about World War 4 or whatever, you're going to be able to just go there.
That's being added right now in the next few days.
That meme world feed.
And that really hot video.
Not just our videos, but the hottest videos on the web that are political, that are informative.
It's all going to be there.
So it's just going to build and build and build.
Because we've been kicked off YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, everywhere.
We've had InfoWars.com for its last show.
It's got four of our weekday shows and nighttime shows there.
More broadcasts are coming in the next month or so.
More shows we're going to be carrying and also producing.
Some of these we produce and have here.
Others we just carry and it'll help get on satellite and help get out to AM and FM stations.
As a multimedia hub, For the true American resistance against the globalists.
Please tell your Facebook, your Twitter, your YouTube, because that's a website that isn't blackballed yet, that you don't get spanked for in their rules.
Newswars.com isn't as blocked as well.
People don't really get punished for that.
You promote InfoWars, I mean, they'll kick you off Twitter or Facebook, because we're such a free country.
And a lot of times when they don't, it goes really viral, because people are looking for InfoWars.
It's a hot commodity, but people are still used to only watching things on the feed they're on.
And so I was even on another YouTube show yesterday.
What's the point with Brandon?
They're smart guys, but the guest host says, man, it was really great, you know, when you're on, you know, YouTube, people could see you.
People are riding in.
And I'm like, I'm an InfoWars.com.
I've been streaming my own streams for 20 something years.
We've been having our own video streams for 17, 18 years.
And we've been hosting our own videos, knowing the band was coming for four or five years.
And I mean, we have some videos that get 7, 8 million views.
The average video gets about 30,000 views.
We have videos every day that get hundreds of thousands of views.
That's big.
On our own system, InfoWars.com forward slash show.
We have the feeds at the top of InfoWars.com, but now Band.video.
It's the very same videos that show up on InfoWars.
It's the same feeds, the same posts, but it's organized better and it's getting better every day.
It's a first-rate site and it's gonna have a lot of content, a lot of new pages.
Just go navigate that baby, check it out.
We're gonna have events pages for all the standard shows with special events so we can update it ourselves.
I can even do it on my phone while I'm about to go live.
It's really exciting.
We put a lot of money into it, a lot of preparation to stay on air during the deplatforming so there is a resistance online during this, but it takes money.
I'll go to Congress and confront these globalists face-to-face, as you've seen.
And I'll go to California, and I'll go to New York, and I'll go to Europe, and I'll send people to cover the clashes in Hong Kong.
We'll cover Bilderberg in Switzerland.
That takes money.
And again, you already know all this stuff.
Don't take it for granted.
Other people don't.
They're ready to learn.
So it's not, oh, Alex, you already know all this.
Yeah, tell others now.
You're a leader.
This is not a spectator sport.
And explain.
InfoWars never got taken off the air.
It got taken off those platforms.
It's alive.
And it's reaching a lot of people, but it's only going to really be a force to be reckoned with if you spread it by hand.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
I know most of the listeners are like, yeah, we know this, Alex.
Let me tell you, everywhere I go in public, every time I'm around any people, where there's a crowd of people, I get asked, man, I used to love you on, you know, iTunes.
I was subscribed.
I used to love you on YouTube and my feed.
Man, I used to love you on Facebook.
Man, how is it being off air?
Because the media said Alex Jones lost his war on info.
He's off the air.
Oh yeah, a couple hundred radio stations, a hundred and something TV and cable stations.
Millions of visitors every day at Infowars.com.
We're not off the air, but we're mainly talking to the choir.
Well that's good, because you're the leaders.
Spread the word about the broadcast, that's how we, and tell people about those local AM and FM and cable stations.
However, I get emails and comments and letters all the time saying, can I put Infowars on my car?
Can I paint on the side of my barn or my 18-wheeler?
And it's like, you're asking me?
It's not a trademark.
It's not a copyright.
It's free to air.
I own InfoWars.
But it's just an idea.
So put out your own InfoWars t-shirts.
Put out your own NewsWars t-shirts.
Put out your own bumper stickers.
I'm not territorializing this.
The brand is resistance to the globalists and radical Islam and the New World Order and Hollywood and the pedophiles that are going public now.
My God.
It's just survival for all of us and common sense.
So, Please, please understand that the general public is hotter than ever wanting to know where InfoWars is.
But they don't understand because they used to always get it in those feeds.
And I thought about this.
I forget the name of the guy's show.
It popped my head like a week ago.
It popped my head in a minute.
I used to watch some of his YouTube videos.
And then he got kicked off of YouTube about six months ago.
Whatever that site was.
It popped my head in a minute.
So the other day, I thought, you know what, I'm always telling folks, hey, we're still at Infowars.com, and I thought, I bet that site, I bet that gun site on YouTube, I bet they're somewhere else, and I bet they have a website.
In fact, they did.
It took me about 30 minutes to remember the name, and I've forgotten it again, and find it.
There's been thousands of channels taken down, as you know, and when I found it, Sure enough, he's on a bunch of platforms and it had a bunch of views and was still alive and kicking.
So, I'm getting mad at people for not getting We're Still Here.
But I'm the same way.
I was used to seeing them on YouTube.
Once they were gone, I thought, oh, they're just gone.
No, seek them out.
Find them.
That's how we get off these big platforms again and build a real internet again to surf, where we all have our own systems.
We all communicate with each other.
And then any average person can start a site and show how you garden or how you hunt or how you paint or how you sew or how you sing.
And then we surf site to site and site.
Then we share with each other sites.
And it creates that real diversity, not these big giant Gulag, you know, archipelago systems that they've created.
These ghettos, as Matt Grudge and others call them.
All right, let's continue with Candace Owens with T.I.
at this event saying, well, when were we great?
Well, back when cancer wasn't 10,000 times higher than it is now.
You know, back when we didn't have record suicides.
You know, back when one person could work and raise a family.
You know, back when we had all the inventions and all over the world people knew we were the best.
And we were 4% of the population in 1955 and had half the wealth in the world and had the biggest middle class.
And we were the ones that empowered minorities and women and all of that.
You know?
And now we're told to hate ourselves by you, the left.
Here it is.
Yes, what time?
Yes, let me ask you.
Please answer this.
Please answer this.
I have a question.
I have a question.
Please just allow me just one outburst.
I have a question.
When you say make America great again, which period are we talking about?
The period when women couldn't vote?
The period when we were hanging from trees?
I'll answer.
Or, like, the crack era?
Which period in America are you trying to make America like again?
So, I actually think that I would totally rock a hat right now that said, make black America great again.
Because black America... No, America.
We're talking about make America.
That wasn't the question.
I am answering your question.
Which period was America great that we're trying to replicate?
Which era was it?
Tell me!
I think I'll answer your question.
Tell me!
I'm ready to answer your question.
Which era was it?
Which era was so great?
Here's the thing that you guys are forgetting.
America was actually one of the first... Slavery was all over the world.
All over the world.
America was... I'm not saying it's okay, so why are you saying oh?
America was one of the first countries... I don't want to make you so mad.
I'm trying to answer the question.
I want to be able to hear them.
I want to be able to hear them.
If I can't answer the question and you're just going to boo when I say slavery was all over the world, which is a fact, why are you booing a fact?
Because you're making light of... No, I'm not.
You're making light of the enslavement.
I haven't gotten to my point.
I'm not making light of the enslavement.
I was taking away that exclusivity.
I was a slave.
You make light of that.
That ain't nothing you breeze over.
I haven't even finished the sentence.
How am I making light of anything?
You started with some bull****.
No, she didn't.
That's all ad hominem attacks.
He just keeps badgering her where she can't talk.
I love to tell TI when America was great.
Back when... And that's what she's trying to get at.
And I'll explain this when we come back.
Then we've got Gavin McGinnis joining us, but I'm gonna explain it.
Black illegitimacy was less than 10% in 1950.
Now it's almost 90%.
And when there was segregation, it wasn't a good thing, but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Blacks had their own businesses and were very wealthy on average.
That's why the left created the Great Society to domesticate blacks again.
So, movie star and top-tier rapper, T.I.
asked, when was America a great period?
Well, this is the country where women got suffrage.
This is the country where we bring in the most immigrants.
This is a country where we pay immigrants to come here and have their babies for free, and then bitch and complain.
That needs to stop.
But I'm telling... No, TI, I'm not lessening slavery in this country that 2% of white people had in the South.
I'm not lessening that.
And I'm not lessening that four African countries right now have slavery.
And women are sold into slavery.
I mean, just type it, put it on screen.
I mean, there's been London Guardian articles, Al Jazeera articles, Business Insider articles.
Here, let me show you.
It's really easy.
African refugees bought, sold, and murdered in Libya.
That's Al Jazeera.
But let's pull up the Business Insider.
Just type in, women sold into slavery in Libya.
Comes up.
Bunch of links.
There's video of them being sold at the slave auctions.
Let me show you.
Because this is critical, and I need to show folks this, so I'll just do that.
So this is all going on.
Men, women, all sold as slavery.
So I'd say, hey TI, you concerned about that?
Or is it all complaining about America and then telling us how we're bad so we're guilty, even though none of us own slaves and have done nothing wrong, so that I guess politically we have to do what you say?
Yeah, there it is.
Humans are reportedly being sold as slaves for $400 each on the front line of the migrant crisis.
Do me a favor, print me all those articles.
It'd be really neat if I could just hand all those to TI.
You know, I never really get my wishes, do I?
People say, "Well, why didn't Candace do a better job?"
No, she tried to.
She got shouted down by the moderator, by TI, and by the crowd.
Who sit there with their smartphones and their fancy clothes, where the poorest people in America live better than most people in third world nations.
And the guy in the middle looks like, you know, he eats enough for 20 people.
Job of the hut.
And he's there just getting pissed when somebody says America doesn't suck.
But boy, I tell you, thousands of people come here illegally a day from Africa.
And the day they get here, leftist white people, they're taking them with open arms and marching them through to get them all the welfare and all the goodies.
The government just catches and releases.
And then I see those people later on the news talking crap about America.
How much it sucks.
Let me tell you, you're in Africa?
Guys, cue that up, just for when Gab McGinnis comes on.
Let's show some of the blacks burning blacks.
Willie Mandela was a big expert on that, because they're not from South Africa, they're murdering them.
And the black guy says, don't murder your brothers, kill the white people.
Like Robert Mugabe did in Zimbabwe.
And the truth is, Africa's super tribal, super violent, before white people ever got there.
And I'm not knocking the folks in Africa.
I'm just saying, the West, ladies and gentlemen, is where everybody wants to get because we treat people on average really good and we built a civilization.
And so the idea that you come here and you get it all and you bitch, and because 170 years ago or 160 years ago, Some people had slaves in this country, and then they got slaves all over the world.
People are slaves in North Korea.
Most people are slaves in China.
People are slaves all over.
The serfs didn't get freed in Russia until the 1880s.
There were slaves all over Germany, white slaves, until the 1880s.
Imagine, most people that moved from Germany since then don't even know they came from serfs.
Serf means slave.
I wouldn't sit here if I had some indentured servant background.
Sure I do.
Oh my God, I'm a slave!
You know, I need some reparations!
And the government says, oh, we're going to give you reparations.
We're going to give you that with strings attached where you do exactly as we say.
And you live the way we want you to.
And you politically go along with our system.
That's domestication.
That's buying the people off.
And then folks think if they become victims and whine and complain, they're going to get a bunch of free goodies.
Oh, like in the 60s when LBJ created welfare for black folks and said, I'll have these n-words voting Democratic for a hundred years.
He said, they got too well, but these are quotes with their own businesses, because I'm going to break those families up.
I'm going to pay them n-word women to throw their men out.
And they sure as hell did it, didn't they?
Then they got these pimps.
Unstoppable watch.
Hell, we're 100,000, WWCR.
Oh, really?
We're not just on the internet like the globalists thought.
We're on hundreds of radio stations and our own Band.Video.
It's not going as easily as you thought it would, New World Order.
That's why as soon as they launched all these attacks and the deep states directing Iran through Obama and John Kerry to try to trick Trump into a war, We're here exposing it.
They hit us with denial of service attacks.
Trying to take down the websites of the shopping cart today, but they failed.
And we're still standing thanks to all of you.
Joining us is Gavin McInnes.
He founded Vice Magazine and TV and all of it.
And of course, has launched a lot of other major movements.
That's why he's one of the only people as banned as I am.
And boy, what should we cover?
It's always a treat to be able to get him on with us.
Gavin, do you want to hit the latest Kavanaugh?
Where they just admit that they just made it up again?
Why'd they do that?
Why don't they care?
You want to hit the World War IV brewing in the Middle East?
Who do you think's really behind that and all this craziness?
You want to hit the Democrats saying, of course we're going to take all your guns.
Or maybe TI going after Candace Owens like, when was America great?
They're like, yeah, this place sucks.
That's why we're all trying to get in here.
I mean, there's just so much craziness going on.
It's getting nuttier and nuttier.
Good to have you on from FreeSpeech.tv.
Thanks for having me.
Yeah, let's cover all of it.
I mean, the T.I.
thing, what a lot of people don't understand about Make America Great Again is no one's talking about going back to the 1900s.
They're not talking about going back to slavery.
They're really just talking about 1985.
We want to get back to Ronald Reagan.
We want to get back to when it was cool to make money and be proud of your country and be patriotic.
And we didn't have, as we learned about in Montreal today, a one-room-only changing room where little girls are next to a grown man, totally naked, drying himself off.
We want to get away from that and back to maybe just 20 years ago.
Wait, wait, wait.
Let me stop you.
I know that Chris Cuomo said two years ago that we need to have full-grown men in showers with kids at public schools.
And if your 10-year-old girl doesn't want to see a man's ding-dong, that she's a bigot.
That was his tweet.
What's going on in Montreal?
So Montreal gets progressively more French as you go east, and in an area called Rosemont, they just opened up a pool, and there's one big changing room.
Men, women, old ladies, some 7-year-old girl is going to see a 70-year-old's testicles.
What's the headline?
I want to pull that up.
Montreal pool only has one changing room?
Wow, we'll get that pulled up.
Please continue.
So, when we say Make America Great Again, we obviously don't mean separate drinking fountains.
We obviously don't mean slavery.
We obviously don't want to endure a second Civil War, where if it was the same population distribution, it would be 5 million.
We lost 620,000, that would be 5 million today.
We obviously don't want 5 million to die fighting against slavery and against the Civil War, against The South fighting the North.
We obviously don't want to return to that.
We want to get back to the 80s when it was fun.
Even the 90s people were cool and getting along.
Even in the early 2000s you had Obama and Hillary talking about closed borders and Bill Clinton saying we need to deport.
What we want is five-year-olds not being taught to get in vans with men and have sex with
That's literally being taught in public schools.
What we want is to not have San Diego State University, that's on Infowars.com, saying
pedophilia is a good thing and just a sexual preference.
What we don't want is totally open borders with people with leprosy and TB and typhus
pouring across with no testing at all.
You know, they had six months of testing, you know, there at Ellis Island.
What we want is to not hear we suck and not hear we're bad and not have the media hype
race war constantly and stuff like that.
We didn't talk about racial identity politics 10 years ago at all.
I saw a great graph of this too, and it said how much times whiteness was mentioned in the media.
And from the 50s on to 2000 almost, it was pretty normal.
And then it's just spiked.
In the past 10 years, to absurd proportions, everything is race.
All the time.
And black people are sick of it.
They're sick of being defined by the race.
Oh, you're a black person.
It's sort of like, you ever hang out with a super tall guy who's like 6'6"?
Every single where he goes, people say, oh man, how tall are you?
What are you, like 6'5"?
I've never heard that before!
Yeah, do you ever play basketball?
My son has a birthmark on the side of his head, and every time a liberal woman would come around at the lake or the pool, they'd walk up and go, honey, did somebody hit you?
Was it this man?
And by the time it was five, he'd go, that's my daddy, I have a birthmark!
But the left is so neurotic and hyper-weird, and they're always horning in on places they're not supposed to be inserting themselves, like, we're gonna come in your little girl's bathroom, they're gonna see our ding-dongs.
Yeah, they really do feed on the darkness.
This whole cool culture of, I hope I die before I get old, and the opioid epidemic.
I would even argue that Greta Thunberg, the fact that she's suicidal, is a big part of her appeal, especially to Swedes, especially to Northern Europeans.
Yeah, let's talk about her flying around on jumbo jets everywhere, and just arrogantly telling us what to do.
She's not just spreading eco-friendly environmental awareness.
She's spreading suicide.
She hates humans.
She hates herself.
She hates living.
And the academic Swedes, they love the idea of cannibalism.
In fact, they were promoting it last week, saying we should eat human flesh.
They love this idea of mass suicide, mass death.
They don't want to live.
They don't love this country.
They don't love living.
She's evil.
It's totally whacked out.
Let me ask you this.
Where do you, because I asked you this like three years ago, and you said it's never gonna end.
When do we have peak SJW?
I mean, I guess it's when they say burn down our houses, kill us, enslave us, overthrow reality.
I mean, they're just not gonna stop it.
They get more radical by the day, and they're just coming out with everything that they're doing.
What do you think they're up to?
Well, 2020 is going to be an absolute madhouse.
You know, I think what surprises me about all this radical politics is how quickly the normal, moderate liberals just inhale it all.
It's sort of like Islam.
I mean, we had the Wahhabists come in there and, uh, is that what they're called?
Whatever they're called, the Wahhabists, they come in.
A hundred years ago, most Muslim women were not even wearing headdresses or hijabs.
Now they're all wearing beekeeper suits.
So it's just a total radicalization.
Look at Iran in 1978!
It looked like New York City.
Beautiful place.
But they let themselves get infected by radical Islam and it putrified the entire religion.
The left is like this with these radicals.
Antifa will tell them something and they'll go, oh, okay.
There was just a cop who was fired.
A sheriff fired him seven days into his career because they found these posts.
That were six years old on Facebook when he obviously wasn't a cop.
Where he was saying things like, I'd die for this country and Islam is a threat to America and pretty tame stuff.
But because Antifa contacted the chief of police, boom!
He's gone.
Hey, what about the volunteer firefighter who tried to join Proud Boys so the city last week disbanded the whole fire department.
They've been around a hundred years and let the town burn down.
Because, oh my god, firefighting is American!
Get rid of that!
And that would be one thing if there's all these crying housewives saying, he's ignored our family fires and this firehouse is racist and they won't go to black homes, they won't go to trans homes, we've had enough.
I would understand that, you kind of got a point.
It was just because Antifa contacted the city council member and he went, uh oh, I don't want to be embarrassed by a bunch of radical anarchists who cover their face and attack people anonymously.
And don't they get that virtue signaling and groveling to these bullies only makes it get more intense, more crazy?
Yeah, and who kowtows to lunatics so fast?
I mean, imagine the right, imagine conservatives, moderate libertarians, kowtowing to Nazis.
They get some radical, alt-right group that denies the Holocaust and hates black people.
They send out a tweet to a moderate conservative who's like, okay, okay, okay, he's fired, he's fired, I wouldn't want to offend you.
Like, why does the left capitulate to the radicals so fast?
And then we start Zeke Hiling or something.
And that's the thing.
When we come back, I want you to describe, as the founder of the Proud Boys and all the demonization and the latest on being convicted in New York for defending themselves on video, how would you describe Antifa?
Because when you see them with their mask off at their own meetings, they look like they escaped from mental institutions.
They can barely talk.
They're eating their boogers.
They have tracks all over their arms.
They're devil worshipers.
They're almost always into pedophilia when they have undercover videos that they'll have Oh, and we have the local Nambla chapter, oh great!
And the leader's like, I'm Nambla too!
And it's like, weird meth-head white pedophiles that everyone just bows, oh god, oh!
And they go to Mitch McConnell's house and say we're gonna kill you.
Twitter leaves that up.
McConnell goes, look, they came to my house!
And Twitter goes, you're banned!
Oh, you can't speak out against them!
Saying they're gonna stab you in the heart!
Alright, Gavin McGinnis is with us, one more segment.
I'm going to give the number out next segment to get into the World War 4 scenario.
The Cold War was World War 3.
The situation, where do you think that's going with Iran and Saudi Arabia?
What do you think about all these people saying America was never great?
How do you respond to something like that when people are still fighting to get into the country?
It's just asinine.
But Gavin McInnes liked my last question.
So in this segment, I want him to have the floor, because you founded the Proud Boys, you got lied about, demonized for it, now they're arresting Proud Boys that defend themselves.
You've studied Antifa, you really know who they are, why they're protected by the corporate media, by universities.
Who are the five factions of Antifa, and why are they so protected?
OK, let's start at the bottom.
At the very bottom, there's those meth-head losers you were just talking about.
They often are abandoned by their biological family.
They often have a dead dad.
One of the guys that attacked the Proud Boys in New York, Finbar Slonim, he goes by the name of Solange Slonim, he recently lost his dad.
And those guys make easy prey for the top brass at Antifa.
They're sort of like orphans, and you get people like Yvette Falarca who take them in and feed them and give them a place to stay, and then they're beholden to their hosts to do something for the cult.
And make no mistake about it, this is a cult.
They're the paramilitary wing of the DNC.
They're protected by rich lawyers who work for globalists, but they are all members of this cult.
And you don't really see this bottom tier too much in New York.
It's more like Southern California.
You see this in Berkeley.
You see this in Oakland.
Those are the panhandling losers.
You also see them in Portland, these poor bastards.
Now, one up from them, you have the rich white kids, and they are probably 70 percent.
Of total antifa everywhere.
These rich white kids tend to be the children of academics, and they tend to be steeped in Marxism their entire lives.
They're all wimps.
They can't fight.
They've never really been in a fight.
They're very sadistic, and these are the kind of guys that will kick you when you're down, hit you with a pole while you're unconscious.
Really cruel, bizarre people who, I think, feel insecure about their lack of conflict.
They will target people in wheelchairs.
They will target old women.
They will target children.
When you see the violence, it's hard to determine whether it's the rich kids or the poor kids.
Because they're both brutally sadistic.
But there's different purposes.
When the poor kids attack, they're trying to appease their Yvette Flarco hosts and earn their keep.
When the rich kids attack, they're trying to make up for the fact that they've had no troubles in their lives and want some culture.
They want some grit.
Above that, you have these sort of shot callers and you'll see them at the Antifa rallies where they're on their phones the whole time.
They determine who goes where.
They're the sort of lieutenants of the battle.
And they are one down from the rich lawyers.
The lawyers are these these they tend to be lesbians.
I've noticed.
And they're the ones who give out these beautiful signs that all match and have been done at And they have great graphic design and they pass out all the flags.
They're also the ones, by the way, who bequeath lawyers when these two bottom tiers get in trouble.
And then at the very top, we have the money source.
These are the guys with suits who deal with the funds, who deal with Hope Not Aid and the S.P.L.C.
and the A.D.L.
They're the ones who funnel the money from the rich guys and then get it to these lower tiers.
And the amazing thing about it is they all work together.
So you have someone like Cuomo, de Blasio, he says we have to stop hate in America.
That goes down to the guy handling the money, goes down to the lesbian lawyers, go down to the shop callers, and eventually ends up with the rich academics and the scumbags who go out there on the streets and get into trouble.
None of these top three ever get their hands dirty.
Even after they're exposed, and we follow the money, they receive no shaming, no nothing, because the media is complicit in all of this.
The media needs all five of these factions in order to get rid of Trump, in order to push the DNC narrative.
So they're complicit in all of it, and they just get away with impunity.
I mean, they're at the point now where they just brag.
They brag about how they kick our asses.
And the night when Proud Boys got arrested and are facing Fifteen years for defending themselves.
There was an earlier fight with Caleb Perkins, Finn Barcelona, the guy whose dad died, and Kai Russo.
And these guys, among seven other people, attacked a journalist, beat the crap out of him, took his stuff, nothing.
No media attention, no tweets.
I think they got probation and misdemeanor.
No criminal records, nothing.
Whereas the guys who actually defended themselves, stood their ground, as we learned is a sin from the Covenant Catholic School Boys.
Those guys who stood their ground, 15 years.
They'd be happy with nine years.
This is for a 17 second barroom brawl.
And I'll be stunned if they get less than two years in prison, in jail, in New York State for defending yourself and being a patriot.
Gavin, you're just on fire.
I mean, you really are a smart guy.
It's why they fear you.
You launched so much of the hipster movement.
I mean, you've already launched four or five big movements.
That's why they're so scared of you.
That's why they're scared of me.
We're not bragging.
They're scared of anybody that is real, that people like, that people know are telling the truth.
And you just laid it all out.
That that is exactly who they are.
And then Alexander Soros is now the biggest patron, putting hundreds of millions, and we even got documents from family members, we'll put it on screen for TV viewers, where they describe exactly what you said from the top down and the action plans and the battle plans.
This is from level three and level four of the documents we got that are real documents, how they even work with police in Portland and in Baltimore and the areas they're allowed to attack.
And how they're trying to cause the black population to rise up, particularly in Baltimore.
This is smoking gun criminal racketeering terrorism.
Confidential level 7 ABG.
I mean, these people are an organized crime syndicate.
And the media ignores it.
Look at the way they treat the S.B.L.C.
The N.R.A., their president stepped down.
They stopped doing their TV show.
That's the end of the N.R.A.
Oh, the media is dancing in the streets.
They're obliterated.
They're over.
Meanwhile, the S.B.L.C., Morris Dease is shamed.
His entire career flushed down the toilet.
The guy's exposed as a fraud.
He's fired.
From the S.P.L.C., which he founded.
The president, Richard Cohen, steps down.
Their head of legal steps down.
They get Tina Tchen to come in and try to save their brand.
She ends up being involved in the Jussie Smalls thing.
She's ruined.
And the media still cites the S.P.L.C.
on a daily basis as this valid source.
The S.P.L.C.
is enshrined in gold in the media's mind, in their narrative.
Yet every other slightly right group is destroyed the second they have a grumpy Monday.
You know, I meant to give you this article.
I didn't even cover it, Sonny.
There's so many cases.
I'll pull up the name of something in a minute.
Another black NFL former player got caught by police in Atlanta tearing up his own pizza place and writing monkey on the wall, but he got caught in the act doing it.
I mean, this is happening everywhere.
Almost all these attacks are staged.
Yeah, there it is, WGCL.
Yes, and he included MAGA in that.
It was all about MAGA, just like Jussie Smollett.
And it's all about destroying Trump.
And the media lets it happen.
That story barely got off the page.
Can you imagine if that was a true story and MAGA guys really did that?
You'd never hear the end of it.
Or look at, remember that mentally ill, handicapped kid who was wearing a MAGA hat and they kidnapped him and they tied him up and they cut him?
They cut his scalp and they were screaming at him?
The girl who did that, one of the girls got away with probation.
No charges.
Proud Boys?
15 years for defending themselves.
A mentally handicapped MAGA supporter?
So we have to remember that we're not just up against Antifa.
They're just the useful idiots for their henchmen.
We're up against- That's right.
Don Lewis Kaufman, former NFL player, caught spraying Swastikas, MAGA, and Monkey, the Swastikas backwards.
Good Lord, Gavin McGinnis, you are on fire.
People can find you at freespeech.tv.
Please join us again soon.
And I know you got a big tour coming up in Australia, so look forward to that.
I'm thinking about going with you, but we'll see.
All right.
God bless you, brother.
You're awesome.
We'll be right back.
On the other side, I'm going to hit it all.
Believe me, there's a lot of it.
Straight ahead.
Matt Bracken served in the Middle East.
He's a former Navy SEAL, really smart fella.
I want to get his take.
Next hour on what's happening over in Iran.
It's a very complex situation.
Could obviously lead to a major world war.
I set up the phones up.
I'm going to host 15 minutes of the next hour.
We're going to your phone calls right now.
I mean, by the end of this segment, the toll free number to join us on the world war situation, what you think's happening, what you think Trump should do.
Your take on it.
That's 877-789-Alex.
789-ALEX-877-789-2539. That's 877-789-ALEX. On that topic, specifically, China warns Trump not to believe war hawk
conspiracy theories that Iran was behind attack on Soviet on Saudi Arabia.
Very interesting story by Paul Joseph Watson at Newshorse.com.
Cautions that revenge attack on Iran could cause Middle East to spiral out of control.
You know, I would normally agree with that and I'm not saying I'm for a wider war, but
Iran grabbed another ship.
They grabbed dozens of ships.
And when they grab ships, a lot of people call in and say, Alex, there's a conspiracy.
They're not doing anything.
The neocons, they're warmongers.
Iran admits to grabbing a bunch of ships.
They're going out of their side of the Strait of Hormuz, out of their territorial waters, into Saudi Arabia's.
They're threatening to attack all these countries.
They're funding the Shiite rebels in Yemen.
They now have high-tech cruise missiles that did blow up these oil refineries.
We can show you the satellite, the drone footage.
We can show you the burning refineries.
Let's put that on screen.
So all I'm saying is, people better pull back.
And they better really think about the big picture, that you have shadow diplomacy by Obama and by Hillary and by former Secretary of State.
John Kerry admittedly advising Iran on how to embarrass Trump and how to sabotage our economy and this couldn't be a better way to do it.
So we're caught between a Shiite and Sunni civil war.
The war's real.
Now it's pertinent, perfect though, I get why people are asking questions.
Bolton leaves last week.
Israel's about to have its election.
Netanyahu's in trouble and all of a sudden these oil refineries blow up.
The Yemenis rebels have taken responsibility.
They fired missiles before.
They're officially taking responsibility.
Iran's denying it.
This is half of Saudi Arabia's oil production.
One more attack like this and we could see it go well above $100 a barrel.
This could kill the U.S.
I believe this is staged by deep state globalists working with Iran.
To try to trick Trump into a war and into strikes.
And they've got something really big planned to plunge the global economy.
This is a super triple cross.
And so I agree with Rand Paul and Ron Paul we shouldn't do it.
But Ron Paul's got an article out.
It's on Infowars.com.
We respect the former congressman.
Saying it's probably staged.
Well, I mean, I remember when we first reported that the chemical attacks a few years ago were staged.
It was being reported by the UN and others, just didn't get reported here.
And the CIA came out and said, I need to be shut down because I'm putting out false narratives.
I'm just trying to figure out what's going on.
It turned out those chemical attacks weren't staged.
But Ron Paul and people are saying, oh, this could be totally staged by Saudi Arabia or by Israel.
And I'm not saying those countries couldn't stage something.
But Iran is really grabbing ships.
Iran is really funding rebels.
Iran's really giving them missiles.
These refineries really got blown up.
Because Iran is playing dirty, working with the deep state, which we know.
And the deep state's been advising them to maneuver Trump into an embarrassing event that'll make the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba look like child's play.
Secretary Pompeo says we call on all nations.
To condemn, publicly and unequivocally condemn Iran's attacks, the United States will work with our partners and allies to ensure that energy markets remain well supplied and Iran is held accountable for its aggression.
So Pompeo is saying, after getting rid of Bolton, and we now learn they disagreed, Pompeo wasn't this big hawk.
He was peace through strength though.
That Pompeo and Trump do think it's Iran because the rebels are Iran-run.
They've had a bunch of, not just cruise missiles that fly above the ground 100 feet, 200 feet.
They've had ICBMs that go up into space and come back down on top of Riyadh.
They've shot them down with their Iron Dome systems and others.
They've gotten from the US and Israel.
But this is not either Iran staged it or the West staged it.
This is Iran emboldened by the deep state thinking Trump can be manipulated and there's some really dirty stuff going on.
And Iran was used by deep state to discredit Jimmy Carter, who I was no fan of.
But that went on before, so folks better be aware of that and understand this is a very serious time to be alive.
China warns Trump not to believe war hawk conspiracy theories.
Tulsi Gabbard rips Trump on Iran threats, acting like Saudi Arabia's bitch is not America first.
Well, that's just a cheap shot.
You know, like people cussing on TV, like they do on CNN, talking about asshole countries.
I mean, we're not acting like Saudi Arabia's bitch.
Saudi Arabia just had two of its biggest oil refineries blown up.
We just made Saudi Arabia come to heel and stop funding ISIS and Al-Qaeda.
Meanwhile, New Montreal City Pool will have just one changing room and it will be gender neutral.
That's right, your kids will be with men and women.
San Diego University normalizes pedophilia as sexual orientation.
Go look at it for yourself.
Those that don't like it are bad.
Archaeologists uncover world's largest child sacrifice site in coastal Peru.
Yep, I guess it's all back to that again.
The Catholic case for communism.
Major Catholic publication calls for communism.
American Magazine.
Killed 200 million people.
And so much more.
AOC says Miami will disappear in a few years.
The world's not ending in 12, it's ending in two years if you don't pay Al Gore and Ward Rothschild all those carbon taxes.
Pretty amazing to see all of that unfolding.
That's just some of what we need to cover.
We're going to go to break and come back with Casey, Sean, David, Doyle, and others on the other side of this quick break, and then we're going to take calls I guess I could take more than six or seven.
I have this thing now that I can only take two segments of calls.
I only have six or seven callers on, but I'm going to host 15 minutes the next hour.
So let's get about 10 on there.
I should be able to get to all of those folks.
Toll free number 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539.
On the situation that we see unfolding, the U.S.
prepares to strike Iran as the Middle East braces for World War III.
Ball to hit $100.
Pompeo blames Iran for unprecedented drone attack on the crippled largest oil processing facility.
Rand Paul warns against needless escalation of war.
So, there you go.
I agree, we don't need to escalate this, but the rebels took credit.
And we don't see any evidence that that's a staged event.
So what is Iran doing?
Well, they've been emboldened.
So it is a false flag of a type because the Deep State is over there advising them that they can set Trump up.
Very dangerous position.
Same thing they tried on Kennedy with the Bay of Pigs.
Well, that didn't work.
You know what they did to Kennedy in the end.
And Trump, like Kennedy, has definitely upset the power structure.
We're going to go to break.
Come right back with your calls.
Please remember that the globalists are working around the clock to shut us down.
There's been attempts to take down InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWars.com today with giant denial of service attacks.
I mean, 10 million people, bots hitting the site every minute.
But we stayed up and the sites are secure.
InfoWarsTore.com, we have some huge specials that have to end this week.
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There's a bunch of other specials that are about to end as well, but we're about to sell out Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to your phone calls right now, but just before the break, I mentioned a lot of stuff is on major sale, 50% off right now, and I just haven't all week been telling you, or last week, what it is, because these specials have to end this week.
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You know, people rather just rot and die and let the pedophiles take over.
I get it because there's an unconsciousness, a mass death.
And let me tell you, billions are going to die.
They're going to rape your children and they're going to have nuclear war because they want to kill everybody.
It's going to happen down the road.
You know, I'm just trying to get as many people right with God as I can.
But I see the death in everyone's eyes.
I see the no attention spans.
I see, I just see the failure.
And you know, it's just all part of cultural death.
It's just, it's very sad.
But a lot of us are still tuned into God and still have that fire in the eyes.
And we, it's up to us to fight these devils.
Now, the armies are lining up around the world, ladies and gentlemen, in proxy war.
We could talk about that for 10 hours, but I'm gonna go to your calls.
But these are the times massive world wars start.
And we have such a bunch of America-hating boobies and idiots and we've had so many liars in government lying about wars and lying about WMDs and lying about Gulf of Tonkins and false flags that now when Iran is working with the deep state and really staging these events, the average American doesn't support the president and thinks he's making it up.
And I'm not for attacking Iran because it's a setup.
With the state like the Bay of Pigs, understand?
Because think of it, Jones the warmonger works for Israel.
He supports an attack.
No, I didn't say that.
All the people running around saying it's a false flag are wrong.
Iran's behind it because they think we're weak and they've been greenlighted by the globalists to do it and their whole deal.
It's about how the world divides.
China made the deal with Iran and Obama.
Trump is saying we're not China's bitch anymore on trade or military or oil and it's about us cutting them off and that's what this is, a proxy war with China.
India just moved into Kashmir a month ago and moved up to the border and moved more troops in last week up against the Chinese border.
We're blocking China's expansion of the South China Sea.
They're at a stalemate in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Islamists are working with the EU flooding Europe again.
They just removed the Italian leader that was blocking it.
This is all proxy wars between the UN with the EU, radical Islam, the Chai Koms, Iran and others against the West and the United States and what's left of us.
And Hollywood's in there as their propagandist.
And the average American can't even get that.
So I'm not for striking Iran.
It's a super triple-cross deep state setup run by Obama and Kerry and others.
Just like Michael Moore bragged three years ago they'd do with Iran.
This is the scum we're dealing with.
Now that's what's really happening.
But it's a real attack.
And the ship they grabbed today is real.
So, we're in a war with China right now, and the average American doesn't even give a hell!
Because people have been put in trance states.
When you're shown hundreds of thousands of simulated murders, and when you play shoot-em-up video games, you don't take real stuff anymore.
When you drive by and see a guy with his head cut off in a wreck, oh, I've seen that before on TV.
And it desensitizes you where you can't operate anymore.
But the world is on fire right now, literally and figuratively, and there's enemies inside our government and the Federal Reserve trying to drive down our economy right now.
And Trump looks like he might be taking the bait.
But not in a neocon false flag.
It's a globalist false flag through Iran at the highest levels.
That's my analysis.
What do you think?
Chris, Ryan, Doyle, David, Duncan, Jam, Casey!
We're going to go to all of your calls.
Chris in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
In the morning?
Yes, sir.
It's just a crazy world.
What do you think about what I just said?
What's your view?
Well, first, let me plug BrainForce real quick.
Cheaper and better than Joe Rogan's AlphaBrain.
Love that stuff.
But I don't know if you listened to No Agenda at all with Adam Curry and John C. Dvorak, but they raised an interesting point in the last episode about Iran supposedly bombing the oil facilities with drones.
Like, how does a swarm of drones make it 500 miles undetected?
I'm sorry, my audio was cutting out.
I heard the part, you know, I've had Adam Curry on, he's a great guy.
Then his supporters all got mad at him coming on, so he said, you know, I have to submit to my liberal bully users, so I can't come back on your show, they're my masters.
It's very, very sad.
But he is a really smart guy, and he's made some really good points, but the last part cut out.
Just elaborate on that again.
Well, they raised the point of how a How did a swarm of drones make it all the way from Iran to Saudi Arabia 500 miles undetected?
And then how come there's no details on what type of drones they were?
Like, if Trump really, he says he has this proof that it was Iran, why can't he release that proof just so we know?
I'm sorry, my mic's breaking up again.
I'm having technical difficulties.
I'm gonna have to go off air here.
I'm sorry.
Just say it again.
The third time's gonna be the charm here.
Basically, if Trump has all this proof that it was Iran, why can't he release that proof?
And also, how did this drone swarm go 500 miles undetected if Saudi Arabia has all this great equipment?
Well, I mean, listen.
You have to know that that's the point of cruise missiles, is that when something's flying at 100, 150 feet and mapping the terrain, that's the whole point of cruise missiles.
And while Russia's got cruise missiles we can't stop, we've got cruise missiles that they can't stop.
And so the idea But you can't fly drones in off the coastline.
They're saying it came from Iran, Pompeo is, because Iran gave these cruise missiles to Yemen, who's taken the credit for it.
Did you know that?
I've heard Yemen was involved.
I didn't know all the details on that, but it just seems fishy to me.
The whole thing is real fishy.
Well, you know, I got people calling me saying Iran hadn't taken over ships.
You know Iran's taking ships, officially announcing it, right?
Yeah, and the point you brought up with Obama and Kerry kind of overseeing the whole Iran thing is very important because they keep getting involved with Iran and trying to go behind Trump's back, which is a big problem.
But if Iran really has these kind of capabilities to do strikes from 500 miles away undetected until it happens, that's a big problem.
Well, you're absolutely right.
We should ask questions and I wasn't irritated with you.
I don't normally have problems.
I've gone to this wireless receiver and it's buzzing in and out and I kind of pick up some of the other mics occasionally.
It's a little bit irritating.
But really, really good points.
I appreciate your call.
God bless you.
Okay, we got one caller in.
Now I'm going to try to be a big boy.
I come back on the other side of this stinking break, and we're gonna try to go to the other callers, Casey, and Jim, and Duncan, and David, and Doyle, and Ryan, and others.
But this whole situation really, really angers me, and I'll just be honest with you.
We have the French Revolution Part II happening.
Devil worshipers that want to end the family and sexualize children, like all cults do, from Charles Manson to you name it, because they're vampires targeting children's energy.
And that's why everywhere they're announcing that men are going to be in the showers with little girls and all the rest of it, and that men are going to screw your kids, Boy Scouts, and that's just the way it is.
And they're not going to stop because we let them.
And it's just, you know, a lot of people are good in this country, but just a lot of folks want to be slaves and they want to bow down because they're followers.
We don't have enough leaders in this country.
I can be in a bad mood listening to this song.
It always gets me in a good mood.
It's Russian programming.
It's Russian techno from the 70s, before they really had techno.
Did you know that?
It is.
All right, let's get back to your phone calls.
Hold on, Putin, what's my orders?
I've seen the latest thing.
I didn't air it Sunday.
I meant to air it.
But these folks online literally think that my earpiece, I'm being told what to say.
Sometimes they leave mics open.
I'm hearing things, but that's about it.
Yeah, people are really telling me what to say.
And it was really funny.
Maybe I'll play it after the caller's next segment.
They were saying, I'm Bill Hicks.
But what was funny is they were saying, what's his name?
Mark Dice is Joaquin Phoenix.
Or something like that.
Oh yeah, Putin says Russia developed meme capable of making Alex Jones the next US President.
And the leftists are sending that around like it's serious.
I gotta go to Russia, man.
I gotta meet my bosses sometime.
And I'll even joke like that and they'll put out stuff on YouTube going, look, he admits he's a Russian.
And the left goes, God Almighty, it's incredible.
And again, they just said that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted a woman and they talked to her.
She said she had never met Kavanaugh.
That never happened.
But the leftist looked at her name in the yearbook from college and just said, I mean, these people are nuts.
They're nuts.
And so I do not blame the audience thinking that this attack on the refineries didn't happen.
Okay, Saudi Arabia blew up its own refineries.
And then the Yemen rebels took credit for it.
This is a nightmare.
Just thank God we're energy independent now, and we're the global world oil exporter.
Great job, America.
Great job, Texas.
Great job, you know, Roughnecks.
Great job.
America is exceptional again.
The world's biggest oil exporter.
Thank God we're leading in something, huh?
We're back, bitches!
Ryan in Michigan, thanks for holding.
You're a real trooper.
Absolutely, Ryan.
I'm doing good today.
How is Michigan?
It's good.
Well, that's nice.
We'll come back to Ryan in a minute.
Oh, you're there!
How you doing, man?
Awesome, good to have you here!
Hey, thanks, man.
Hey, I just want to say, I want to get to that real quick, but I want to call you.
You know, I really want to hear you, but do me a big favor.
You got that phone wrapped up in a shirt or something?
No, can you hear me now?
I sure can, my friend.
Hit me and hit me hard.
Is that better?
I hear you!
God, it's good!
Come on, talk to me, baby!
Alright, so I want to get into Iran, but first I want to talk to you about this fantastic product.
Go ahead, sorry.
So, alright, I had enlarged prostate when I was 19.
I went on all the pharmaceutical drugs.
Well, I want to apologize to you, not just because you're doing a plug, but I'm going to be honest with you.
I've hit the wall with all this war stuff and the pedophile stuff, and so I'm freaking out on air.
It has nothing to do with the callers.
Abnormal for a young guy, so I want to thank you for that.
It changed my life.
Well, I want to apologize to you, not just because you're doing a plug, but I'm going
to be honest with you. I've hit the wall with all this war stuff and the pedophile stuff,
and so I'm freaking out on air. It has nothing to do with the callers. I'm actually freaking
out right now, okay? I just can't handle it anymore.
I thought that like if I exposed everything, the devil worship, the pedophilia, the cancer viruses, the vaccines, the fluoride, everybody.
I mean, I've got another family member with freaking breast cancer that's got to go under chemotherapy starting next week and I am pissed and I am sick of these globalists.
And so I'm mad at myself.
I'm going to go to break.
I'll come back and talk to you, Ryan.
I'll give you the flora.
But I'll tell you what it is.
They're trying to push us into violence because the truth is, is that that's really where all this is going.
I mean, that's really it.
I always tell you what I really believe, and I'm not calling for violence, but I'm just telling you, I'm pissed at myself right now.
Because they have trained us to put up with stuff, and all we do is bitch about it.
And so I think some of the listeners out there have a good point, that we should just stop talking.
The problem is, when we go down that road, I guess they've taken us to that.
I'm not saying do it yet, but I think that we have to be honest.
They're killing babies after they're born.
We're taking your phone calls right now, and I'm very thankful for the callers, very thankful for the crew, very thankful for everybody, and we're going to hold the line against these leftists, but they're throwing like a goblin dying or a zombie dying.
They're poisonous vomit.
They're trying to spray vomit on us and make us be demoralized by how bad they stink in their death throes.
The world's awakening, evil's on the run, and it's trying to sabotage everything and trying to incite us into violence, and I don't want to go there, but we all have to work super hard in the info war to kick their asses.
Because they're assaulting children, killing babies after they're born, doing all this evil everywhere, and they've got to be stopped.
We have to take our governments back, we have to indict their asses, and do it legally and lawfully and not let them cause a civil war, because every document shows that's what they want.
But I understand folks out there that are pissed and are angry.
So, I had a large prostate when I was very young, and it's very uncommon.
Um, usually men in their 40s get it.
And I had it when I was about 19.
and the globalists are behind the scenes with Iran trying to trick everybody into this.
I'm telling you, it's a globalist op.
Ryan, start over with what you were talking about with your prostate.
That's very important.
So I had a large prostate when I was very young and it's very uncommon.
Usually men in their 40s get it.
And I had it when I was about 19 and I went on all the big pharma drugs and it did help,
But I had some monazite side effects, which I don't need to get into.
But I stopped that and I kind of just lived with it for a while, you know, for many years.
And then I took care of tumors and I'm telling you, the inflammation went away, the pain went away.
I mean, I can't even explain really what else it did, but it was fantastic what it's done for me.
Also, the iodine is probably the most important supplement that I take of yours.
Don't thank me.
I want to explain something.
you know, just maintaining weight. So yeah, I want to thank you for that as well.
Well sir, don't thank me. I want to explain something. I got depressed, you
know, 20 years ago really learning all this and getting deep into it. I didn't even
know I was depressed because I worked 18 hours a day and did a lot of stuff and
had a bunch of children and you know was happy overall but was so upset about it.
I started drinking, I started eating like a pig, I went from running six miles to
you know every other day lifting weights and being in great shape looking like
Bruce Lee to you know weighing 280 pounds and being 100 pounds overweight
just because I didn't care anymore.
Because when I get dead threats or attacks, I just started not caring about myself.
I wasn't scared of dying either.
I just turned loose.
Now I've slowly gotten back in shape, and when I religiously take the supplements, it makes my life better.
So the things we sell are all missing links that we know the globalists are trying to suppress in the food chain.
We even have documents.
So things like iodine, the good halogen, they bomb you with the bad halogen fluoride and other bad halogens.
Things like turmeric, incredible natural.
...system that kills inflammation.
DNA force.
You can actually say what it's got in it.
Makes telomeres last longer and makes nerves regrow.
I mean, it's insane.
PQQ, CoQ10, the type we have is the best.
So absolutely, these are real things.
So people like David Hogg go, Jones claims there's poison in the water and then sells filters.
He's manipulating.
No, it's a straight shoot.
I want to fund our information warfare, get people healthy and safe at the same time, and be able to reach others by you getting good products you need.
That's how you build a civilization.
But these Satanists are blind to that.
They don't get building larger systems, symbiotic relationships, non-zero-sum games.
They don't get God's plan of a win-win situation.
They get a winner-and-loser situation, a conquest economy, not a renaissance economy.
That's why these supplements work so good, is they really are excellent.
I mean, take Ultimate Female Force.
There's $17 a product in it.
Okay, Supermobile Vitality is a big hit.
Because men like it, and obviously it does things to your body, your hormones, it really works.
Our audience is only 20% women.
Well, they're not getting it.
So, I'm giving you free bottles of No Vitality, because I know women take it, they'll want to order more of it.
But, I mean, other stuff is at $5 and it really works.
We're putting $16, $17, $18 in these things.
Nobody does that.
And so that's why they work so good.
No iodine out there is really atomic.
That means it's rare earth crystal.
You've got to get a DEA license and have it locked up in a special facility to have real iodine.
You should not take any other iodine out there.
None of it's real.
We are the only ones that aren't lazy and went and got the real one.
The real things are, I mean it's just insane how these people will do this stuff.
So damn right, now you got to consult a physician.
If you've not been on real iodine for years and your thyroid is full of bad allergens,
who knows what it'll do to you.
You know, I mean because you got to have it to live, but your body will use the bad stuff
to operate.
So it's a sophisticated system.
But thank you for the plugs.
What was your point, Brian, before we go to Casey and Jim and others?
Well Brian, my view on what's really happening here is that we know they're trying to kick
off a battle for the loose on behalf of the left.
And what I think they're trying to do is they're trying to get our troops over there so that
we obviously, we're armed.
We're trained.
We know what to do.
We don't want to, but we will if we have to.
I can promise you that.
And they don't want troops here to protect us, to help protect us.
That's what's going on, in my view.
Oh, I agree.
They're trying to get the military out of the U.S.
so they can kill Trump.
I'm telling you, my gut level, but also my intellectual analysis is, this is a real attack by Iran, but Obama and Kerry and Hillary are advising him on it to set Trump up with a new Bay of Pigs.
I have no idea what Matt Bracken's view is.
I respect him.
He's a smart guy.
We're not running a cult.
Other networks and stuff get people on that agree with the boss's view, who is a puppet themselves.
We're not.
We are having a real debate.
God bless you, Brian.
I really appreciate your call.
God bless you.
Amazing caller.
Okay, who's been holding the longest?
Let's go ahead and take a call from Duncan in Idaho.
Duncan, you're on the air.
What do you think's going on?
Hey, Alex.
Thank you.
First off, I wanted to say, let's hear what Joel Skousen's counsel is on Iran and the situation there.
Oh, that's a good idea.
Let's get Joel Skousen on tomorrow.
Yeah, thank you.
Also, I just wanted to, earlier this year, Mike Pompeo, former director of the CIA, said at the CIA, we stole, we cheated, and we lied.
I saw that.
There's all other kinds of quotes.
Why would he say that on stage?
I think he was talking about previously saying he isn't going to do it now.
Well, I think he was just bragging, right?
They know what they're doing, and they're just out in the open about it.
But as far as your frustration in that, As far as solutions, obviously we gotta educate the world on these conspiracies, secret combinations, but one thing we can do is use the Constitution.
The Constitution specifically says, a well-regulated militia being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Now, a lot of people, when you make that statement, think, Firearms right off the bat and let's go to war.
That's not what we're talking about.
We're talking about the grand jury.
We just need 10 million patriotic men in this country to gather around you as a medium with the battle cry and we can start forming those grand juries and indicting these people like you want to do.
Like all of us want to do.
So my suggestion is get Dr. Edward Riviere on and let's I totally agree.
You know the great part about Matt Bracken coming up?
place so that we can organize these grand jury. I totally agree. You know the
great part about Matt Bracken coming up, Matt likes to take calls and so
everybody holding, I don't have to cut it as time anymore, everybody holding will
get a chance to talk to Matt Bracken who's just as good as talking to me, maybe better.
He's not quite a maniac like me, he hasn't gone completely crazy.
But like Narls Barkley says, he's kind of good to go crazy.
He had a lot of space when that happened, you know what I mean?
You don't care anymore.
But I do care, I care so much I don't care anymore.
I am so sick of watching these evil scum, and they're worse than I ever thought.
And they're more evil than I even thought, and it's all true!
And instead of like going, oh look, I'm right, everything's coming out, I am not happy.
Well, let's get the grand juries in place to the Constitutional Militia.
And Dr. Edwin Vivieri is the expert on that.
We gotta get him back on.
They're all awesome.
You're an awesome caller, Ramon.
I mean, God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
I'm going to have Matt Bracken take over.
I'm going to be listening very closely to what he says.
And then callers, you'll want to talk to Casey and Jim and David and Doyle.
I know he wants to take your calls.
Matt, I see your face over there on the screen.
You want to take these calls?
I've got to sign in to the system here.
You'll have your segment when you come up to tell us what you think, and then after that we'll go to all the callers.
Dr. Matt Bracken.
He's a smart cookie.
He'll give you his take.
I respect it.
We're going to find out his angle on this.
I think what we know for sure is we're not exactly sure what's happening, but you know the deep state's involved.
I guess the big thing now is talking about the drumbeat for war back in the Persian Gulf.
And I wouldn't say I'm exactly a contrarian on this show.
I understand everybody's deep suspicions, because I have them too.
You know, we live in an era of competing narratives.
Truth doesn't seem to matter, especially, for example, to the left in this country.
As Alex said, they'll just go back to a high school or college yearbook, find names, And then get some Democrat operative like Tom Spire, I think that's his name, to just say, people told me these stories.
And that's enough for the New York Times to run a story.
And it doesn't matter if the competing narratives are saying, that's all lies, that's all BS.
Because the New York Times is just speaking to their own bubble, their own hermetically sealed audience.
And as long as they can keep their group together, the truth absolutely doesn't matter.
So when it comes to Iran and these oil field fires, I understand why people are going to believe all kinds of things.
First of all, there's such a distrust in our own government that a lot of people are just going to say, If our government says it, it's got to be a lie.
There's a quote, it's attributed to Otto von Bismarck, who was a, you know, a leading German statesman, leader in the late 19th century.
He said, never believe anything in politics until it is officially denied.
So yeah, there's, it goes way back, this whole idea that, you know, if my government is saying that the sky is blue, I'm probably not going to believe them.
I'm going to go out and check.
But in this case, you know, you can't just say, I distrust my government, right?
I think that, you know, the Israelis and the, you know, the Jewish bankers, they're in charge of everything.
So they must be doing it.
That's a very simplistic, naive view of the world.
And then you have to say, all right, let's remove our own perspective.
Just take our part of the equation off the board, like you're doing algebra.
Just take our side of the equation off the board.
Let's study the other side of the equation.
The Iranians definitely have an end times view of the world.
It doesn't matter If the majority of Iranians want to be modern and want to join, you know, the modern world, want to let their hair down, so to speak, they're not in charge.
The people who are in charge can still drag people out and hang them for, you know, being homosexuals, for being drug addicts.
Women that were engaged in these no hijab demonstrations a few months ago are in prison, probably getting, you know, gang raped by guards on a daily basis to humiliate them.
It's part of the punishment.
If they're ever released from prison, they're going to serve as object reminders.
Don't go against the regime.
So the same crazed end times fanatics that are in charge of Iran today, they're the same ones that have been in charge since 1979.
And they're getting very old.
They see the social current in their own country going against them.
So if they're going to have this end times showdown, they want to have it on their watch.
They're afraid that if they let this expire, if they let it run out, there's going to be some kind of detente with the future regimes that, to their way of thinking, would be a sellout of Shia Islam and their belief in how the world should be run.
So they'd rather have it happen now.
And I'm going back now to the tanker battles or the tanker limpet mine attacks of a couple of months ago.
And this is my theory.
If you have America self-sufficient in oil, Trump could literally say, hey, the Straits of Hormuz, it's not our problem.
Saudi Arabia refineries, 5% of the world's oil taken offline, doesn't concern us.
You know, in fact, we've got a strategic petroleum reserve.
We've got salt caves full of oil, enough for months and months with absolutely, you know, under wartime conditions.
So it's not our problem.
So to the extent that Trump even gets involved in this Saudi situation, It's because he's trying to keep a global balance, keep the Chinese or the Japanese, the Koreans from freaking out to stabilize the oil price.
But Iran is thinking, we need to put so much pressure on the world that the world goes to Trump and says, you have to renegotiate.
These sanctions are really hurting them.
They're crippling them.
The tanker, blowing up a few tankers, burning a few tankers, it didn't do the job.
So what this is, to my way of thinking, this is raising the ante.
This is the Iranians making a calculus.
Well, what did we get out of limpet mining the tankers?
Not enough.
And we're still in the same situation.
So we have to up the ante.
Now this time, supposedly, these were done by drones.
And if you look at a map of the Persian Gulf in Saudi Arabia, from Yemen, south of Saudi Arabia, from the very border, it would be 1,000 kilometers across the desert to reach these targets with drones.
From the ocean side, it would be more like, you know, 100, 150 kilometers max.
From Iran, a couple hundred kilometers.
So you have to get into the technical analysis of what kind of drone could have accomplished this mission.
And who has the capability of fabricating and deploying these types of drones?
Do the Houthi militias, which are in a starvation blockade right now, they can barely get enough food and ammunition to sustain their side of the civil war in Yemen.
Does anybody think that they've got a drone project where they're going to build 1,000-kilometer drones that can take out oil refineries?
Nobody's buying that.
Would the Iranians ship drones all the way to Yemen to fly them clear across the Saudi desert to hit these refineries?
Why would they do that?
So, with drones, a problem is concealability.
If they were launched, if they launched, for example, the truck-borne missiles that they have tons of in Iran, if they launched them directly into Saudi to take out these refineries, then their back, their trail, their signature would be evident.
There would be a known launching point.
We would be able to look on satellite, see those rockets firing up, And we'd be able to construct radar traces and other forensic traces that would back that drone strike straight to its origin in Iran.
That's not going to happen either, unless the Iranians really just want to get into World War III.
How were these drones launched?
What kind of drones were they?
And are we going to find out what really happened?
When we come back after this break, I'm going to talk a little bit about different types of drones and their capabilities, their advantages, their disadvantages, and what can really happen from drone warfare that we're starting to see.
We saw it with ISIS in northern Iraq with little quadrotors dropping grenades.
We're seeing it with this refinery attack.
Believe me, we could see it anywhere in the world.
Any refinery could be hit like this, anywhere.
And we'll talk about it on the other side.
Okay, we're talking about Iran and we're talking about drone warfare.
And when we're speaking about drone warfare, you have to fix in your mind that there's a spectrum That goes all the way from the Global Hawk that the Iranians shot down over the Persian Gulf.
The Global Hawk is, like, way bigger than a Predator.
It's a humongous aircraft.
I think it's, like, comparable to a small jetliner.
And it can sail off for, like, you know, a day or more.
All the way down to drones that mimic insects, like dragonflies, that can You know, just sit on a tree branch, recharging, and then fly around your neighborhood or around your backyard taking pictures.
Everything in between is a drone.
But to say this was a drone attack, nobody can really wrap their hands around this.
Now, two years ago in Ukraine, There is a massive ordnance depot that supposedly did a billion dollars worth of damage where a small drone put a thermite grenade exactly into a really dangerous pile of high explosives.
And the important thing to keep in mind about this is that when you're speaking about drones, you have to juggle all of these metrics.
The payload.
Well, in the case of what you're seeing on the screen, you know, about a, you know, a two kilogram thermite grenade set right on top of a stack of high explosives, you know, burning right through it can cause a cascade effect.
Obviously, that's like a home run.
That's a Grand Slam home run times a million to leverage that kind of effect.
That's up there with box cutters for jets for buildings.
It's a very high leveraged payoff.
But to fly a little drone with a thermite grenade straight into an ordinance depot, you'd have to have somebody in the country able to drive very close in a car, you know, within a couple miles to launch that small drone.
Then at the other end, you've got things like the armed predators and raptors and reapers That can fly for, you know, a thousand kilometers, stay up for 18 hours, or fly in one line.
If it was, if you, if you were going to weaponize a, something like a Predator, so that it wasn't just loitering on station, carrying a large fuel load.
Instead, you were going to take out a lot of the fuel, put in high explosives, and send it on a one-way trip, making kind of like a poor man's Tomahawk cruise missile.
That's something that the Iranians are certainly capable of doing.
I mean, they have anti-ship missiles that can go hundreds of kilometers and destroy a ship.
And in the middle, though, you have drones that you could hack in the back of a pickup truck and launch from, say, 50 or 100 kilometers away.
This means that the launch vehicle for this attack against the Saudi oil fields The launch platform could have been a ship in the Persian Gulf, or it could have been launched from a couple of Land Rovers, trucks, out in the Saudi desert.
Something that people don't really think about very much, but when you talk about, for example, Central Africa, the Sahara, places like Saudi Arabia, the open, empty spaces are so vast that they're almost like an ocean in some respects.
There are countries where the Americans, where we'll just set up a predator base in the middle of nowhere, in a country like Mali or Niger, a hundred miles from nowhere, C-130s roll in, set up a predator drone base, and nobody even knows we're there.
You know, it gets refueled, it gets personnel changed once in a while, but it's like a ship in the ocean.
Instead, it's a little base in the desert.
So, we know going back even to World War II, you can drive all over the North African desert with columns of trucks, like the SAS did and the Long Range Desert Group, American groups did.
So you could actually drive from Yemen into Saudi Arabia, get very close.
Now, so it all depends on the payload and the precision.
In the case of that Ukrainian ordnance depot, you have a very tiny payload on a very short-range drone.
But that payload, that two kilo thermite grenade payload, can be put within inches, literally landed on top of something that they know will have a humongous explosion.
All the way to, at the other end, something almost as big as a Predator drone, which I don't think that the Iranians are going to launch.
Now, one other thing to keep in mind, when drones of any size, large to small, When they have completed an attack, there's forensic evidence there.
It's not like the thing is going to just disintegrate.
Even in the midst of a big fireball, you're going to have duds.
You're going to have some that the engine crapped out, you know, 10 miles from the target and crash lands in the desert.
When you have, it's been quoted, 10 different drones.
When you have 10 drones doing an attack, you'll be lucky if eight of them make it to the target and are burned up.
You're going to find pieces of the wing, pieces of the engine, and this will probably be able to be traced back to Iran.
So there's a big question for Iran concerning an attack like this, which is deniability.
They don't want to just launch something from Iran on a ballistic trajectory, which can be traced straight back to the launch site.
They want to do something like those limpet attacks that they can deny, the ship attacks, where they'll give some of these medium-range, small pickup truck-sized UAV drones that have maybe a 100-kilo payload, but with GPS targeting, which is very simple, commercial off-the-shelf stuff.
With GPS targeting, a 100 kilogram high explosive payload can land within, say, you know, 10 or 20 feet of the target.
Which, if you're talking about an oil refinery, may certainly be enough to cause an immense fire.
All the way to, you know, a larger drone with a larger payload, but less precision.
Or a smaller drone with a smaller payload.
Potentially, if it's controlled by video with an actual operator, then the drone can be set down exactly where you want it.
In this case, I would guess that we're talking about intermediate-sized drones.
That Iran will say, we don't know what you're talking about.
We didn't do that.
We didn't do it.
They might have been launched from anywhere in the Saudi desert, 100 miles from the targets, 200 miles from the targets.
Definitely, they didn't fly 1,000 miles from northern Yemen.
I think that we can rule that out.
But it wouldn't, it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility that these were fairly small, launched from pickup trucks right inside of Saudi Arabia.
They have their own ethnic Shia minority.
So these oil, these eastern oil fields, even though Saudi Arabia is majority Sunni, a lot of the workers in these eastern oil fields are Shia who are sympathetic to Iran.
So it's kind of a situation that could, if you, Extrapolated it to America, we also have minorities that might be, you know, hating the majorities, willing to launch drone attacks against our own refineries or other targets in a Civil War type of scenario.
Well, in the Iranian scenario, it wouldn't be hard for Iranian agents to deliver the kinds of, you know, folded up with the wings all stowed and everything, stuff that can fit in the back of a pickup truck, Drive it out into the desert.
Go ahead and launch it from, you know, 50, 100 kilometers away.
All it's going to do is zero in on the GPS coordinate close enough for government work.
And that's probably what happened.
And the fact that we don't have a clear forensic trace of this yet, I'm sure that we have our own FBI bomb people and EOD people over there going through this as the fires are put out, looking for the surviving elements of these drones.
That's going to be key to determining if Iran is actually responsible for this.
And when we come back on the other side, I'm going to go straight to calls.
I got some more to say about this, but on the other side of the break, We'll start taking calls, but just keep in mind, this type of a drone attack, it's not unique to the Middle East.
You know, we didn't think about 9-11 before 9-11.
Well, our own refineries could be taken out this way.
Okay, now, I wrote something over the weekend, just a short piece that mentions that Ukrainian thermite grenade to take out a billion dollars worth of Ukrainian ordinance.
And it's called The Future is Drone Warfare.
That's up on American Partisan.
But seriously, there's nothing unique about the Persian Gulf when it comes to drone warfare.
We already saw small, mini weaponized drones in northern Iraq, where now soldiers have to worry about some little quadrotor just zooming in, you know, very quickly dodging around and planting a grenade in your lap.
This is no joke.
You think about any type of a social breakdown in this country, that's going to be the future of warfare.
You know, your enemies might be one zip code over and you're going to be in drone range.
The kind of drones that are launched from the back of a pickup truck can be made in a garage.
And unless the government is willing to take GPS down or degrade the signal, You know, to a degree that would make it unusable for attack drones, which they probably won't want to do because airplanes land and take off based on that.
Ships drive through channels based on very precise GPS navigation today.
But there's nothing to prevent somebody from creating the types of drones that I think were used in Iran.
These medium-sized drones, you know, a crew of a couple of men can set up the wings, get the engines running, and launch a swarm of them, you know, just from trucks sitting out in the country.
Drones with a range of 50 or 100 miles, 100 kilogram payload, that's enough to put a serious hurt On a refinery or a government building or anything else.
And, you know, we invest so much in our country at the high dollar, billion dollar end.
You know, space, the high frontier, the satellites, the F-35 fighters, you know, half a billion or something, an airplane.
So we forget that there's this whole spectrum we're going to have to defend against.
We've become like medieval knights with the world's greatest high-tech armor.
It's fantastic.
No other knight can get an arrow through it or can find a chink in it.
But a little wasp or a hornet can fly right through the visor and start stinging you in the eye.
And the medieval knight has no defense against it.
And that's how we have to think about the full spectrum of drones from the tiniest little like hand-launched drones that can spot the enemy over the hill or deliver a little grenade on them all the way up to the Predators and Reapers.
It's a full spectrum.
And they're not going away.
Government's not going to be able to tamp it down.
People are going to create these in their own garages.
And when all you need for targeting is a GPS, You know, to put it on a geographical location or a camera to even hit an individual target, you know, like an assassination weapon.
This is the future is drone warfare.
So, we need to put a lot of effort into thinking about this.
I'm going to take a call now.
Casey in Mississippi wants to talk about the Iran situation and he's been holding for a long time.
Go ahead, Casey.
Can you hear me?
Thank you, Matt, for taking my call.
You're welcome.
I'd like to get directly, I know we're short on time, so I'd like to get directly to the things that you brought up right there.
I'd like to point some of the people in your vicinity to a company called EZ Aerial.
When you speak about things that can happen within our country that deal with drones, there are certain organizations, certain companies that come to mind.
EZ Aerial is one of them.
I think this pairs... How's that?
Is that E-Z or E-A-S-Y?
I believe it's E-A-S-Y.
And it's easy aerial and it pairs with Carbine 9-11.
Okay, so we're looking at a influx of things that are coming into our country that it's under the premise of dealing with solar energy.
So what the idea is or what they're putting forward is that these drones will be able
to monitor the wind machines without people having to go up themselves,
which is, you know, on its own a great idea.
But if you look into the background of these companies, you'll see that there could potentially be a nefarious
So again, easy aerial paired with Carbine 911.
And I want to say one more thing.
Yeah, I'm --
Go ahead.
Okay, I want to say one more thing about the fake news media.
You know, quoted the fake news media, Trump did us a great service by pointing
out that the media pretty much as a whole is quote, unquote, fake.
But where he fell short was reinstating the Smith-Mundt Act in order for us to be able to hear truth on the airwaves.
And these people, since the Smith-Mundt Act was overturned, they are essentially allowed to propagate freely without any repercussions legally or whatever.
So if he's really behind American people, if he's really 100% American first.
Since it was undone via executive order, it will be done and put back into place, executive order, under- I'm not familiar with that.
I'm sorry, sir?
Oh, Smith-Munt, I see it up, yeah.
Yeah, essentially what that did, it allowed the CIA and other organizations, and I don't want to say all of the CIA, But certainly the bad factions to propagate the populace without any legal consequence.
And so if we want to see some good stuff happen in our country, we need an influx of truth.
And we need these organizations, we need these mainstream media propagandists to be brought to heel.
Those are my main points.
I have plenty more.
Thanks, Casey.
Yeah, thanks, Casey.
That's a good call.
I think we have time for another one.
David in Ohio has been waiting also for more than an hour.
Go ahead, David.
Yes, I study history, philosophy, religion, martial arts, and the situation, like you said, we don't know exactly the logistics, the tactical, how this happened.
We have some ideas.
I think it's a big Uh, trap to catch Trump, to get him to put troops into Iran or start a conflict.
And I do want to get to the main point.
Because of our banking systems the way they are, in essence we really don't have self-rule.
We're under the thumb of the international banks.
And until we get a movement where You know, it's unconstitutional for us to have foreign banks printing our money, private banks.
It's in our Constitution that only our government can do that.
And I think you need to push... Yeah, and everybody should read, that has not heard of it, should read Griffin's The Creature from Jekyll Island, about the creation of the Federal Reserve.
It's one of the most important and eye-opening books anybody will ever read.
Go ahead, David.
The thing I wanted to say is, not only should we be pushing for a national bank in the United States with currency backed by gold, but we should be pushing for this internationally.
And the reason I say this, for each country to have their own banks backed by gold, is because every time we've had a president who's tried to get away from the international banks, go back to Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Uh, Kennedy, they all get assassinated.
That's when it goes down.
Yeah, it's funny how that happens.
And just look at how the deep state came against Trump.
I mean, because he's a disruptor.
I'm not saying it's strictly about banking, but the whole banking angle, the globalism, the deep state, it's all tied together.
Or look at the Brits, Boris Johnson and Brexit.
They voted to get out.
And even the so-called conservative MPs said, no, wait a minute.
So, you know, it is to a certain, well, to a great extent, like a fake sham democracy we have now.
I know it's a republic, but I mean, our elections have become almost a sham.
That's why I have to give kudos to Trump because at least he is really battling against the deep state.
They did everything they could to elect Hillary and take him out.
And he's still standing.
And now in Britain, Boris Johnson is saying he's going to go Hulk.
He's going to go for a hard Brexit, come what may.
But, you know, the bank, the globalists, the bankers, the, you know, the multinational corporations, they want to run the world.
They don't want us national populists to have any say.
They want us to be, you know, compliant worker factory drones And just, you know, take us, take the Soma, the bread and the circuses and, you know, just be compliant workers.
Watch our country flooded with third world immigration and we'll all be leveled out at something like, you know, Guatemala or Brazil or Argentina, you know, and none of us will have any real control over what's going on.
But let's keep our eye on Iran and I'm looking especially for Forensic evidence.
I'm looking for somebody to come out with little engine parts that have serial numbers on them.
The Iranians did a really good job.
There won't be any.
They'll be sterile, as we say.
All right.
Not sure when I'll see you next, but thanks for being on InfoWars and see you next time.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
(electronic music)
We gotta fund this operation.
Um, I came in this morning and I Said, hey, everybody, what's a great Beto counter shirt?
Like from our cold dead hands?
I was like, well, how about from his cold dead hands?
Well, I don't want to threaten him, but that's what's going to happen.
You know, they try to take the guns of civil war.
I mean, how do you do it?
He's got a shirt out.
He's selling saying, hell yes, we're going to take your AR-15s and all your other semi autos.
Well, one of my old friends and a guy that did security work for us, he called up this morning and said, we're in the middle of the show.
He said, I just came up with this design.
He said, how about Beto not?
Beto not?
It's a, M4 or AR-15, a Texas star above it, but it's an Army star or whatever you'd like, and then Beto 9.
I want to do one, too, in Army green.
These are being printed, already being printed, and on the back, oh, they already have it in Army green.
Go down there and click below.
I guess they already did what I said.
On the back, it says InfoWars.com, but click on that green one down there below.
We've already got it in gray.
We've already got it in army green.
We've got it in darker gray.
And this needs to be a bestseller.
Exercise your First Amendment in defense of the second or lose it.
And it's a win-win because you're funding this operation that, again, I just want to reach more people.
That's your word of mouth.
And I just want to fund the operation.
That's your support.
Plus, you get great products you already need.
Take action today.
You know, they came out and were banning the Betsy Ross flag.
We sold 10,000 of them.
And that sounds like a lot of money.
It's not to run this operation, but to put a lot of the shirts on the streets.
That's great.
Thank you.
We sold 7,000 of the Space Force shirt that spreads the word.
It's a nice, comfortable, cool shirt.
We sold 100,000 of the Hillary for Prison shirts, but I sold half of them at $5 it cost.
These shirts cost more because they're nicer fabric.
The Space Show shirt's like 12 bucks.
The XXL seemed even more. So these are designer shirts that would be $25,
$35 in stores. I just want to move. In the old days, we just had the more inexpensive
shirts. They were still well-made, but they weren't as soft as regular cotton. We still sell
those. But just go to mfullworthstore.com and get some of the apparel today to exercise your free
speech in the third dimension. The cyberspace is so censored. And spread the word. And again,
I'm not bitching at you.
I'm saying, don't you want to win this thing? You really want these globalists that are
out in the open throwing down the gauntlet?
We're going to take your guns.
Yeah, we're into pedophilia.
Yeah, we kill babies after they're born.
Yeah, we work for the shy-coms.
Yeah, America sucks.
It's not like we're just one of the programs out there fighting them.
We're the one that's got their number.
They don't like our spirit.
Because believe me, it's the opposite of Satanism.
And it may come off as aggressive and a little hateful sometimes because it's, you know, that's the Holy Spirit shining through my dirty earth suit.
And you know what?
The truth is, at least out of the Bible and history, most people God used to go after evil.
We're not a bunch of candy asses.
We're not up there all telling you how holy they were all day long.
So I'm not up here to put on some sweetsy act for people.
Because I don't have the energy to do it.
I can't be fake.
I just don't have it in me.
In fact, if anything, I just hold back just how really pissed off I am.
Because let me tell you something.
If you're not angry about what's happening, there's something wrong with you.
And I know you're pissed.
Let's put that anger into action.
Well, today, M4's live protein bar.
I just devoured your cousin in four or five protein bar they taste like candy bars this is what I want this is what
I need but my god there's no filler but my god it's solid protein
bar the highest quality 12 bars highest quality now you can
bite into it easily but you're gonna be like what in the world's going on here
well today in four or five protein bar I just devoured your cousin in four or five protein bar
mmm delicious vanilla mmm delicious vanilla mmm delicious vanilla mmm meet my tummy.
you you
(dramatic music)
Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a Netflix drama show.
This isn't a Law & Order TV program.
This is not a movie.
This is not a drill.
This is not fiction.
This is reality.
You have a major Google engineer backing up what the other engineers have said, what the documents have shown, and talking about perjury before Congress.
Pray and support this individual and others to come forward.
So, Zach Voorhees, we salute you.
And I'll say this, it's all of our birthright.
Black, white, old, young, gay, straight, whether you're from San Francisco, New York City, or Austin, Texas, or Des Moines, Iowa.
We're all having our birthright stolen right now.
We're seeing election meddling, and it's time to admit it and to realize we've seen a giant backdoor power grab.
They didn't come like an enemy from over the horizon.
They came from inside and they came through cyberspace.
Our republic, our constitutional little d democracy has been hacked.
And please remember without your financial support, We wouldn't have withstood this withering storm of censorship, attacks, and lies.
We have the new World Awakens Mega Sale Globalist House of Cards Collapsing End of Summer Super Sale.
It's the big, giant, 50-60% off, store-wide free shipping, double Patreon points, but only on 50-something items.
On every item, because a bunch of these are very close to selling out.
Whether it's Ultimate Krill Oil, Body's Turmeric, Brain Force Plus, Knockout Sleep Aid, Turbo Force, 8-Pack Power Stack, it's all 50-60% off, and your purchases make it all possible here.
But an incredible time to be alive, an incredible time to be making history together, and standing up and seeing the good guys wake up, and to see us coming back from zero to basically tying the Globalists right now, for a football analogy.
So back to Owen Schroer and Zach Vortes.
Do you think Google is the biggest threat to U.S.
I think that, you know, if you want to look at the biggest threat, it's Google together with Facebook, together with Twitter.
They formed this echo chamber in which if they want to apply their control of narratives, then what they're going to do is they're going to press down the voices that they don't want, and they're going to boost up the voices that they do.
InfoWars has been sort of the main victim in this, and it's clear that if your audience looks through the disclosure list posted at ProjectVeritas.com, they're going to see InfoWars pop up in numerous blacklists that have been disclosed.
Google's mission statement is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
When InfoWars was taken offline, was that making information universally accessible and useful?
No, it wasn't.
What do you think comes next in this disclosure of what Google is doing to manipulate U.S.
And what would you like to say to the Google executives that are engaging in this?
Yeah, well, something quite amazing is happening right now.
Like, there's been a huge document dump.
I've released over 950 pages, and right now there is a crowd raid.
There are a bunch of users, they're looking at these documents, they're digesting them, and they're posting the content of them onto Twitter for us all to see.
And so, you know, one of the things I want to invite for your audience is to come online, Go to Project Veritas, see their disclosure.
They posted a link to all these documents.
I'm asking your audience to download the everything.zip file and just go to town.
And the thing is, is that whatever you think Google's doing, I promise you, it's way, way worse.
And, you know, I see the reaction online and everyone's like, you know, WTF?
And I'm like, yes, everyone is now seeing what I've seen, uh, privately.
Uh, and you know, we're finally having the exposure of light This is important.
I'm 45 years old.
When I was 35, I swam up to 2 miles a day sometimes.
And would jog.
understanding what's really going on in America.
I was deficient in things that nobody ever told me I was deficient in.
I knew all about the Private Federal Reserve, the Trilateral Commission, the New World Order, Jeffrey Epstein, and the pedophile rings.
I knew all about geopolitical systems, and the old Soviet Union, and how the globals put the Chaikoms in.
But I didn't know about PQQ.
I didn't know about CoQ10.
I didn't know about all this.
And I didn't know about clean iodine.
And yeah, I want to fund my operation.
I want you to get products that have changed my life and changed so many other people's lives that have 98% reviews and then experience that I'm not BSing you.
So that for some of you, maybe in the first time in your life, you're going to experience somebody that treats you like they want to be treated.
Let me tell you something right now.
You see DNA Force?
I went out to top manufacturers.
They're the most respected, most highly tested.
And I said, I want the strongest PQQ CoQ10 overall formula that has pure, non-synthetic stuff in it that's ever been put on the market.
And they said, well, that's like a $22 each model.
I said, I want to put $50 on it.
They said nobody's ever done that.
Then I signed a contract to double the amount I was gonna buy.
I got it down to thirty-something dollars a bottle for what it cost me to make this.
Nobody does that!
Ladies and gentlemen, you read what's in this and you research every ingredient in this and then you experience it for yourself.
It's incredible.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.