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Name: 20190912_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 12, 2019
2679 lines.

In this recording, Alex Jones discusses his fight against tyranny and spiritual battles against evil. He encourages listeners to participate in their government by attending city council meetings, student groups, and other political events. Jones promotes Ultra 12, a vitamin B12 supplement that helps fund Infowars. The show then plays a compilation of the left celebrating abortion and urges listeners to confront the evil in the world. The speaker discusses the need for conservatives to build their own strongholds and fight against the left's agenda, focusing on issues such as genetic engineering and government control. He criticizes the mainstream media for distorting facts and promoting false narratives. The show promotes various products available at InfoWarsLife.com, emphasizing their effectiveness and affordability. The speaker discusses abortion, climate crisis, mainstream media, American flags being banned from public schools, sales on his products to support InfoWars, and awakening of people regarding the truth about 9/11. He warns listeners about the dangers of allowing the "hedge" that protects society from evil forces to be lifted. The video presents a compilation of differing perspectives on abortion. The speaker discusses various conspiracy theories they have warned about, including Jeffrey Epstein's involvement in governmental blackmail rings using pedophilia, human-animal hybrids, organ harvesting from newborn babies, and a multitude of other issues. He emphasizes the importance of supporting Infowars by purchasing their products to help fund their work. The speaker discusses his views on PewDiePie and how he is perceived by the media. He criticizes those who attack President Trump, such as Mick Jagger and Mark Sanford, for their hypocrisy and inconsistencies in their actions and statements. He also addresses PewDiePie's recent donation of $50,000 to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), which led to a backlash from his fans. Alex Jones discusses how the left is trying to divide people through using false numbers and claims about white people and right-wingers being terrorists. He praises Sunny Bay heating wraps and pillows for providing relief from pain, and promotes Heart and Body Extract as a preventative measure for heart disease. In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, Robert Barnes discusses his predictions for the Democratic debate. According to Barnes, Elizabeth Warren is currently the favorite at 34%, and he advises shorting her as he predicts she will drop over the next 10 days. He also expects Bernie Sanders to rise in popularity, trading at around 12%. Julian Castro, who is set to perform well due to the debate taking place in Houston where there is a significant Latino population, is predicted by Barnes to rise from his current half of 1% position. Additionally, Barnes anticipates Andrew Yang to be an upset winner in the judge poll and the Google search engines tonight, as he is currently considered an underdog in the race. Alex Jones predicts that in the Democratic Party debates, Kamala Harris will either bounce back or be finished for good, and Joe Biden will try to pretend he is senile. He claims that his predictions of Tulsi Gabbard, Yang, and Marianne Williamson winning Google search engine searches, Drudge polls, and rising in betting markets have been accurate. The host discusses various topics such as family cemeteries on ranches where some tombstones are killed by Indians, Infowarslife.com products, BODY'S Ultimate Turmeric Formula and its curcuminoid level, Ultra 12 vitamin B12 complex, the upcoming Democratic debate, and Biden potentially burning down the Democratic party. The host also mentions that Trump will have a flag banner over Houston ahead of the debate with the message "socialism will kill Houston's economy." The rest of the audio is about a discussion on politics, specifically around the Democratic Party primaries. The speaker discusses the possibility of a staged event being used to influence the outcome of the convention in favor of Hillary Clinton. He talks about past events that were potentially staged by her team and how she benefits from creating chaos.

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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm here because it's time to take on the globalists.
It's time to politically knock them out.
Because, like LL Cool J said, mama said knock you out.
So I'm gonna knock you out.
I'm doing the best job I can, folks, to fight these globalists, and I come in there every day and I look at all the things they're doing, they admit they're doing, and I just want to raise the alarm and get people to not put up with it.
They want us to submit.
They want to break our will.
I want us to resist and break through.
Because if you submit to tyranny, you become weak.
If you fight tyranny, you become strong.
That's just a fact.
That's why I coined the term, resistance is victory.
Because you resist, and you know you're resisting, and you've got right on your side.
Long term, the idea is invincible.
What V for Vendetta quote from the writers is absolutely true.
Ideas are bulletproof.
I asked Darren McBreen, who's a great researcher, great newsman, yesterday, I said, hey, get me some of the clips of people celebrating killing their babies and abortion.
And he came to me this morning, he said, hey, I know you said you only want this five, six minutes long, but he said, there's hundreds of these.
And I said, well, what are you talking about?
And I got here a little bit early this morning, so we sat there for a while, and he played me a bunch of clips I'd never seen before.
And it just convicted my heart to come on air and say, that's why I'm so angry, that's why I'm so aggressive, that's why I don't want to lose, because these people get off on the power trip of rubbing out a little baby and its whole potential, and celebrating that.
There's nothing more satanic.
And so if there's a radio station on the spiritual dial that's hell on earth, that is the absolute bottom falling out, that's these individuals.
And this is a spiritual fight.
And evil is manifesting itself everywhere and none of us are perfect.
There's incredible pressure out there to just be angry or to get into it or not to care or just go get blind drunk.
And we can't do that.
And so I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, none of us are perfect, but we love God.
We love justice and we want to be better.
We have a conscience.
And so, people that love God and who are overall good people, we're all still fallen, are always feeling like, well, we shouldn't be leaders because we're not perfect.
Well, we're pointed toward that North Star that's God.
And that's really our job.
We just need to try to do the right thing and then God's gonna take us the rest of the way.
And that's really what it comes down to.
We're seeing evil come out in the open, try to overwhelm us, try to break our will, try to demoralize us, try to make us give up.
And that's not gonna happen my will.
Is stronger than it's ever been.
That said, though, like a race car engine over revving with the driver, you can blow the engine.
Some of your best racehorses end up, you know, having heart attacks because they want to go so hard.
They've got so much will.
So with great power, as they say in Spider-Man, comes great responsibility.
And all of us have great power that God's given us.
And now it's time to use it to get out there in every way we can to go speak at city council and the student groups and the PTA meetings and the college boards and the water district and the dog catcher and the legislature and Congress.
I mean, I go to Congress and there's no citizens there.
Or they have a hat in their hand, real scared, like they're talking to a god, going into their office buildings.
And there's just lobbyists, and politicians, and hangers-on, and aides, all arrogantly stomping around, faking it until they make it.
And instead, we the people should be in those office buildings, we should be at those hearing meetings, everyone should take their vacation every year in DC, and instead of just drinking a bunch of alcohol and eating a bunch of food, going and confronting these people, ...is much more fulfilling.
And it's very, very powerful.
I mean, you just walk right up to Sundar Pichai of Google and get right in his stinking, ugly, lying face.
And he craps his little britches and scream at him, you're a traitor.
You bet on the wrong country, you're going down.
That was less than a year ago, and you now see it beginning to happen.
That's called expressing your will.
Standing against the enemy, putting yourself physically there, and doing simple little things like that will bring down the system.
I'm Alex Jones, stay with us.
At the bottom of the hour, I'm going to play a new compilation of the left celebrating killing little babies.
Calling them horrible names and reveling in their death.
Reveling in their chance to live a life and Struggle and succeed and lose and build and create an experience.
There couldn't be a more selfish, truly wicked thing to do except celebrate it.
But if you're gonna go to hell, might as well be first in line, huh?
Might as well just fully commit to it and wallow in it.
Wallow in the Spiritual filth and stench.
You know, I don't like to cover things like this here on air.
I know the show, in many ways, would be more popular if I came on here and made fun of AOC and Ilhan Omar and the usual suspects.
And rebelled in John Bolton being removed and winning the special election in the Carolinas yesterday.
And all of that's important.
There's a lot of good things happening in this world.
But you know, if we would just come to grips with it, and recognize that we're really facing classical evil, the stuff you read about in history books, the stuff you hear about in fairy tales, the stuff of nightmares, is our own spirit, our own subconscious, our own past, our own history, our own guts, Warning us of what there is in this universe that's not good and the fact that we need to make the conscious decision to reject it.
And it's that decision that is infinitely, beyond infinity, eternally, more important than any physical wealth, any physical health, Any accolades that you could ever receive.
Nothing in this world will satisfy you except the spiritual.
That's why the globalists try to always keep people in a starvation mode so they're fighting just to be able to live so that they're kept at that level of base survival so they never experience The success of being able to have a quiet moment to reflect on eternity.
They want to keep us running on that hamster or rat wheel, so distracted that by the time we die, we never really experience life and never touch the face of God to make that eternal decision to go with God instead of go with everything that's fallen for eternity.
We've got a lot of guests today.
We've got a lot of news.
But at the bottom of the hour, we're going to play this compilation.
And then tomorrow, we'll have even more.
I mean, there's hours of this.
I mean, I knew the left celebrated abortion.
But I don't try to go around looking for it.
It's just all over the place.
And then once I asked the crew to look into it, it's just worse than I even knew.
And of course, isn't it always worse than you know?
This disease has been rotting behind the scenes, right beneath the surface for a while.
And now it's coming out.
And so that's really a good thing, that we're going to get this thing out in the open so we can tackle it.
It's critical that we don't become overwhelmed by it and give up and hide our head in the sand.
I mean, it's good to pull away from the big cities, pull away from the left and where their strongholds are, and go build our own strongholds.
But we have to go in or into their strongholds on sorties, politically, and we have to strafe them with the truth, and with justice, and with liberty.
Never physically.
And that's really what we are, is a mission in to this.
I mean, I was born in Texas, been in Austin since high school.
It was not the fetid L.A.
toilet that it is now, both literally and spiritually.
But that's why we're here.
And that's why you are where you're at.
But I just have to tell you that the abominations going on, the genetic engineering that they admit is happening now, It's just totally dangerous, totally insane, and creates so many issues, like, do these humanoids have rights?
Who really controls them?
What were they programmed to do?
I remember hearing 20-something years ago that they'd been cloning people since the 60s, and I went and looked it up and actually found it was in mainline literature.
Hell, I got a Time Life magazine I bought at some old magazine shop.
When I was out in Seattle, I haven't even shown this on air yet, and it showed test tubes with human embryos in them that had been engineered in the 60s.
So they kind of told us about it then, but people got upset, so they pulled back and said, oh, that's just fiction.
Imagine where they are now.
I mean, look at these headlines right here.
Scientists create a device that can mass-produce human embryos.
And you go in and read into it, from NPR, many of them really aren't humans.
They're splices of 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 100 people.
Chinese scientists edit DNA in attempt to cure man's cancer.
Boy, what could give rise out of that?
that's how the Yahoo Finance.
Next generation of aircraft will track your bathroom visits.
Isn't that great?
There's no such thing as anonymity.
With consumer DNA tests, sperm banks reconsider long-held promise to donors.
See, everything's about breaking promise.
Does the new iPhone creep you out?
Scientists grapple with tiny holes scare some people.
Yeah, it's got like a little robot.
See, now the robot's got two eyes on each side and little microphones and you can't turn it off and Google Nest had a hidden microphone and they admit they're always listening.
Of course they are!
It's all a race, militarily, to dominate and control you and make you as mentally ill and as broken as possible so they can program you.
I mean, they admit that.
Mosquito trials raise hopes of dengue fever.
Tell you about that.
And all this ties together.
We're going to have live coverage tonight, right through now, until 11 o'clock this evening.
Houston, we have a problem.
The Clown World, third round of debates, this time all 10 on one stage.
Elizabeth Warren will attack DOG, the reanimated corpse that is Joe Biden with his bloody eyes and his strokes and his stumbling and bumbling.
The Democrats now say he needs to step down.
Where'd you hear that first?
So that's all coming up.
Texas showdown.
Warren's new target.
Can Biden hang on?
That's all coming up.
And then we are going to get into so much more here today.
India set to carry out biggest war games near China border.
Told you the whole Kashmir thing is about proxy war with China.
Pinscher movement.
We're gonna tie it into a whole cornucopia and a large spectrum of news and information today.
As best I possibly can.
First off...
We're also, when we come back, going to get into right-wingers are America's deadliest terrorists.
We've got a CNN clip that went up on Infowars.com yesterday, last night, that we're going to cover coming up, where CNN puts up all these fake graphics and says white men are the terrorists, when statistically that's not even true.
But regardless, the fact that they're trying to say that while the New York Times came out and Said airplanes attacked us on 9-11.
Now obviously the official story has got big problems and there was a lot more going on there, but Islamic terror is real.
There were people that were trying to do it, they were probably decoys, but Islamic terror is a real thing.
To just say it was airplanes is like, well they said it was a truck attack, remember?
Killed hundreds of people or whatever in France, they've had a bunch of attacks, but one ran over several hundred, killed a hundred plus.
And remember, they said a truck attacked people.
No, this isn't Christine, or this isn't Maximum Overdrive, this isn't Hollywood, it wasn't the cars, it wasn't a Google self-driving car, it was a Jotty.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live broadcasting worldwide, and we're going to be here until at least 11 p.m.
tonight, and the first two debates were incredibly boring.
And incredibly stupid and unbelievably frightening how they all were trying to double down, offering free stuff, trying to go left of Mao Zedong.
Now that said, they were so boring and horrible, they were riveting.
But at the same time, it was very scary to look at Cory Booker and his fake smile and always looking like he's trying to...
You know, used the bathroom when he's been constipated for six months, and then Elizabeth Warren looks like a weird meth-addicted piranha with her eyes just bugging out of her head with hate, and then you look at Bernie Sanders, a 78-year-old communist that swindled colleges and ran all sorts of criminal operations and loved the Soviet Union, up there promising people stuff.
And then the New York Times is praising Mao Zedong, saying he was a great leader.
And AP is praising Robert Mugabe, who was like an African Hitler, said that whites should all be exterminated.
I mean, it's crazy!
That's mainstream media, folks.
They support killing babies after they're born.
They support breaking up the family.
They support saying, don't say mother and father in elementary school entrance forms.
They are destroying all of civilization in a total takeover.
It's their mission.
It's what they've been financed to do.
You can look at it temporarily and say, well, the Chai Koms see us as their main rival.
They want to demoralize us.
They want to break us down.
The left wants to do that to further conquer us culturally, so they're allied.
And Islam wants to take over the West, so they're allied with it.
What a combination!
The leftist Hollywood with the Chai Koms and the unelected EU with Islam.
And that's the big evil axis.
Against what's left of Christianity, what's left of free market capitalism and the Renaissance.
It's unbelievable to see these global, global, these global corporates doing the math, doing the numbers.
There's 1.8 billion Muslims.
There's a billion, 400 million Chinese.
Europe is in decline.
The population's capitulated.
America is in moral decline.
We don't have a Christian culture on average anymore.
We don't have a red, white, and blue culture.
We don't believe in ourselves anymore.
I see articles all over the place where the American flag, people wear American flag shirts and they're told take them off at football games.
Not just the Betsy Ross, but the Gadsden flag, the 50 star flag, the modern flag.
The Ninth Circuit ruled six years ago that you can't wear an American flag in public schools or colleges.
In 11 states that the 9th Circuit covers.
I'm going from memory.
Look how many states, is it 9 states or 10 states?
Last time I looked I was amazed it was so many states.
I think it's 11.
Maybe, is it 9 or 10?
Please look that up for me.
You know, you sit back and you see that.
When people followed suits in college and in high school, they'd wear an American flag, and people say, we're offended!
And they'd get kicked out of school for refusing to take it off, and then the court said, you don't wear that!
That's beyond the Soviet Union!
That's how far we've gone into this cult.
Now there it is.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Gosh, that's even more than I thought.
It's 13 states.
13 states.
You can't wear an American flag at school.
If somebody doesn't like it.
Let that sink in.
I'm gonna stop right there.
I've got stacks of news here.
We're gonna hit it all.
Yesterday in the first hour at the end of the hour, I came on air and told the truth.
I mean, it's a possible future that in the next year and a quarter or so, Infowars will run out of money to operate.
We can make it through the election, maybe that's just God's will.
I know I've got enough product that if I sell it all, I could run this place at full throttle and even expand some into the campaign and have our reporters on the ground for almost every major event and really have a big, strong, powerful finish for InfoWars.
And then the site would still be there, and I'd probably still do a show, but it'd be probably radio or, you know, something like that, because you build something up this big that's designed to reach hundreds of millions of people, then they cut it down, they cripple it, they crush it, and it's just hard to keep together.
And, you know, I told the truth about that.
Because listeners need to understand that we need to be here to put out truthful talking points against the globalists.
We need to be here to promote Americana and expose globalism because almost no one else really gets it like our guests do, you do, the listeners, and I do.
Now, I believe by telling you that, that after these years of boycotts and blackballing and attacks and harassment, that we've held up much longer than they thought.
But that without sustained financial support and also spreading the word aggressively, InfoWars, that is seen as a symbol of the American resistance, as pure Americana by the enemy.
They admit that.
They marvel at what we've done.
Their white papers have leaked out of Congress.
The New York Times, Washington Post.
I mean, they are scared to death of what InfoWars has done and could do.
It'll be a great victory for them if they're able to strangle us into oblivion.
But I believe that with the election coming up and with all the interest and all the things that are going to happen in Providence, that if we just go 110% into this fight, that we'll somehow be sustained in the next year.
But let me explain something.
If I don't have money to buy a future product and I have to operate off purely the money coming in, again, maybe, maybe, maybe a year and a half.
Then I'd have to lay a bunch of people off and I'd have to contract and I'd have to and that's just something that I don't want to do because we've already changed the world together.
So I'm going to tell you again, it's real simple.
We've got the best water filtration.
We've got the best air filtration at really good prices.
We've got the best supplements.
We've got great t-shirts, great books, great films.
We've got great emergency preparedness, storable food, everything you need.
High-quality coffee, high-quality toothpastes fluoride-free, high-quality fish oil and krill oil, high-quality turmeric, high-quality nootropics, high-quality post and pre-workout TurboForce.
I'm doing some of the biggest sales we've ever done.
I'm selling some stuff at below what it cost me to get.
Because quite frankly, we expanded a lot of the InForce products.
Some things are hits, some things aren't.
Some things are really important, really great.
Like this is the best fiber you'll find anywhere out there.
Gut Fusion, fiber and glutamine.
This is incredible for your body.
Competitors are like $50.
They usually sell this for like $20.
It costs like $12.
People don't buy it.
So, right now, you got a deal where it's free when you order it with something else.
It's like you can get ultimate female force, stamina, libido.
You want your wife to be really perky, your girlfriend?
A free bottle of this with Supramel Vitality.
There's like $15 a product in this!
This'll blow you away!
Free bottle of Supermetal Vitality!
Fund this revolution, or let the enemy win!
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we're back live.
They are dumping out the video, it'll be ready next segment, that has a whole bunch of new clips that I've never seen.
You may have seen these, of Democrats and leftists saying, we love to kill babies, it's so enjoyable, those little bastards, we're gonna dig them out of there, there's too many humans.
You're gonna see mainline feminists saying this.
Can you imagine being married to one of these people?
Can you imagine somebody like this watching your back?
Can you imagine being in business with someone this nasty and craved?
I mean, these are like Charlie Manson people that cut the baby out of Sharon Tate.
But see, that was 50 years ago.
It's exactly 50 years ago.
So that's 50 years ago, and then look at who we are 50 years later.
Charlie Manson doesn't scare anybody.
You know, AOC came out and said that Republicans are scared of her, and that the Democrats are pathetic and don't recognize how wonderful their communism is.
And you know, it's really true.
I am scared that a stupid meth head, I mean, she's obviously on stimulants, who behaves and acts like an arrogant crack whore, is up there spouting all this hate and saying cauliflower is racist and white people are inherently evil.
The woman is a pig.
Imagine if a white person was saying crap like this and said they were a pig.
And then she just sits there like she's God.
And that's what the comments on InfoWars went, oh, we're real scared of you, right lady?
Oh, you're a moron.
Hey, you know what?
Listeners, you better be scared of her.
You better be scared that we're not doing enough to educate people.
Because while you're busy working your job, and while you're busy running your own life, the left's got your kids, and they've got your church, and they've got the media, and they've got it all, and they're sabotaging civilization.
And so you laugh at her when she says cauliflower is racist.
Or when Burger King takes the word hamburger out because it might offend Muslims.
You laugh at that.
It's not funny.
They're destroying language on purpose.
You know, Limbaugh would always make fun of environmentalist wackos.
They're not wackos.
They get control of all the carbon on this planet and track every bit of it and surveil it.
That's big brother.
And then if they can tax it, they can literally impoverish whole nations selectively.
You don't need a bunch of bombers to blow up their power plants.
You just shut them down.
And Europe and the U.S.
have been crippled by what is it in Europe and the U.S.
over 3,000 coal reactors been shut down the last decade?
Clean coal reactors.
China builds something like 30 a week or something.
It's ridiculous.
We close them every week.
It's an incredible number.
I've seen that they open 30 coal power plants some weeks.
Look it up.
Like I said, the 9th District had Eleven or twelve states, I'm sorry, that's thirteen!
This stuff is insane!
How militarily we're under attack!
My God, you turn on Netflix, it's scientific warfare to destroy a country!
And then you read the white papers, they say they're doing it!
And Congress won't act to stop Google that's moved to China!
That's delisting everyone, it started with me, now it's everybody!
I should care less about me!
But I sure as hell cannot sit here and stand by while they do this to everybody.
And it scares the hell out of me that we've got their number.
We know how to beat the Globalists.
We know their plans.
I've actually read their white papers, their books.
And that's why they want me off here, because I really know what they're up to.
And a lot of experts want to sit back and be glad they're the only person that knows that I'm freaked out.
Millions of Americans know what's going on.
I know because hundreds of old-timers told me all this stuff and they were dead on.
Dead on.
I just popularized the American resistance that was right under the surface because you were already out there and you supported us and you put up with my crap a lot of the time because you knew I meant well and I was under stress and that nobody else was doing it at this level.
And I see Tucker Carlson starting to get it, and Drudge Report getting it for a long time, and I see Limbaugh adopting our talking points.
That's why Media Matters and Soros and the Democrats have gone after us, because they have found all the instances, and they know for a fact that Congress at lunch listens to the show, and the White House listens to the show.
That's why we've got to stay on air, folks, because they are listening.
And I've got to stay robust and strong, because they plan to bankrupt me.
And then they plan to criminally set me up when I can't defend myself and put me in prison.
They're following a formula.
Then they want to kill me in prison.
And I'm not a victim!
I'm telling!
I'm not like, oh they want to get me!
I expect all this!
But I don't want them to win!
I've got their tentacles wrapped all around my neck.
And I got their little leeches chewing all over me.
And I don't mind that.
It actually feels good.
Because I want to be in the fight.
Because while they're all wrapped around me, I'm just stabbing them.
And stabbing them politically.
Just running the knife at them.
And I can feel them biting into me politically and then letting go when they're in pain and biting again.
So let me tell you.
I mean, believe me, I want to stay in this fight.
I want to defeat these people.
When I watch these women start having orgasms when they talk about killing babies.
We're going to play video.
Women like literally rub their legs.
I mean, that is demon possession, ladies and gentlemen.
Because once people don't have God, they're given over to great delusion.
God turns you loose and you go, what's wrong with these people?
Overnight, men and women become basically, men become super lazy and stupid.
Women become satanic and turn against their very nature.
of being mothers and loving and good and it's getting worse and worse and worse and the new fetish ABC News reports is abortion addiction.
The power to kill your baby, the salivation, and women saying they have orgasms while they murder their babies.
And they sycophantically talk about how it's going to be so much fun.
Oh, I've got a little girl.
She's six months old.
I'm going to take pictures with her chopped up body.
These are real quotes.
And you think, well, this isn't a real person.
And then you go find out it's real.
And then you go out to an abortion clinic to demonstrate and Antifa shows up with their mask off and start putting black in front of your camera.
Ugly tar paper.
It's like only a demon would use that.
And the way they walk and move is all satanic.
It's all just, they're totally under its control.
And they just look at you and they go, I've killed 40 of my children.
And then I've talked to people that actually know these people and they go, no, that's what they do.
And they just, they go and they look at the dead baby and they go, and they spit on the baby, you little bastard, you little effer.
And they slap their baby in the face and then they go and have sex in their car.
I mean, these people are out of hell!
And I'm not gonna put up with their crap anymore!
They go and they, they, they piss on their babies!
And God sees that.
You know why they're doing this?
They want God to destroy us.
They want God to lift the hedge so everything collapses and they have a big free-for-all.
They're trying to get us to give up on God and not pray.
Because as soon as we do, the hedge is already going down right now.
You can see it going down.
And when the hedge goes down, ladies and gentlemen, hell is released.
And you think they're gonna stop with celebrating murdering their little babies?
And it's these weird feminists.
They're not feminists, they're there to destroy women.
Everything's the opposite.
I've got a little girl.
And I'm gonna kill her tomorrow.
I'm gonna go on Good Friday to desecrate Christ.
And they're gonna chop my little girl up.
She is a baby.
And I'm gonna do it for Satan.
And for me.
Remember who they are.
Remember they're everywhere.
And they're in education.
And they're in law.
They're banking and they want to run your life and they hate you just like they hate their baby.
They have babies just to kill them and I'm going to show you them saying it and celebrating it when we come back on the other side.
Know your enemy.
The angel of death is coming for the left.
And we don't need to go out and punch them in the face or shoot them.
We don't want any offensive violence.
They're dying.
They're falling apart.
Their minds are disintegrating.
Their selfishness is killing them.
Look at all the studies.
You don't need a study for this.
Spending time with friends every day may lower dementia risk, study finds.
The average leftist is incredibly alone, doesn't have any real friends, only goes out to meet like-minded people directed by Facebook.
Or Twitter, to carry out their evil operations.
And if you look at history, every culture, again, from the ancient Mesoamericans, to the ancient Europeans, to ancient people in Asia or Africa, every culture would decline once a priest class got in control, for usually a few hundred years, and they would start demanding human sacrifice of children.
Every history book's full of it.
The Roman histories, the Jewish histories, the Bible.
And they dig up these mass graves of sacrifices all over Europe, all over Mexico, all over Guatemala, all over Peru.
They found hundreds of thousands of little bundled babies at cenotes in Mexico, where they would sacrifice children to the water god.
Now, what's making people do this?
Why does it keep manifesting?
Well, it's manifesting again.
You can debate all day long why it's happening, where it's going.
So, yesterday I said, hey, go grab a few more clips.
I've seen a bunch of clips where women say, kill babies up to age three.
You know, there's too many people.
So we found Fifty more clips probably.
So I asked the crew to put some of these clips into that four minute report we've done with the media promoting abortion and making jokes about it with some new clips.
So some of this you've seen, some of this you may not have seen, but this is like a seven and a half minute compilation and then it ends with Paul reading off official Twitter accounts People saying, let's abort more babies for the Earth.
You see the news say, don't have babies, save the Earth.
They're selling the idea that humans are inherently bad, and they're really selling us on not having any value for ourselves, while now they euthanized a 46-year-old man because he didn't have any health care.
And he was fully conscious, begging for help in Canada last week.
So that's where this is going.
Here is this compilation that needs to get out to everybody.
We'll post it to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com later.
Here it is.
Our main story tonight concerns breast implants.
Some are against them, others believe they're fine in rare cases, and many believe you should be able to get them whenever the f**k you want.
Sorry, did I say breast implants?
I meant abortions.
Tonight's main topic concerns abortion.
So tonight, in honor of America, I'd like to do a salute to abortion in the Brink 10th Annual Salute to Abortion!
Get out of my behind!
Get out of my vagina!
Get out!
It's a woman's body and she should not be forced to carry anything inside of it.
You wouldn't make her keep a tapeworm.
That has a heartbeat.
So you're comparing a baby to a tapeworm?
A fetus is a parasite, sweetie.
That is not what a fetus looks like, okay?
It's a group of cells that's 12 weeks.
You think that it is the white man's duty to fix everybody's problems, right?
How many did you adopt?
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
I kill my kids.
You've got Amazing Grace being sung.
I don't know if AM radio picks it up, but they're saying, Hail Satan.
And the news confirmed, that's what they're saying.
There she is, Hail Satan, sticks her tongue out.
You gotta repent, sir, for murdering babies.
Because it's a sin before God.
Stinky breath.
Yeah, it's pretty evil of you, sir.
Yeah, I am.
And I hope and pray that you...
Well, that's what you do to babies, huh?
I love it!
You love it, huh?
Yeah, I do.
I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
Oh, I'd never go to Christ.
I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
No, I don't go to Christ.
Yeah, you... I don't listen to Christ.
You will have a darkened heart, sir.
I do have a darkened heart.
You have a darkened heart.
I do, I do.
Very, very much so.
And you will stand before God in Judgment Day?
Yes, I will.
Every day.
You will stand before God in Judgment Day?
Yes, I will.
Every day.
All of the babies that you have killed.
I love it.
I love it.
Yeah, keep tearing the babies apart.
Yeah, I will.
Keep tearing the babies apart.
I will.
I hate the Groots!
Merch and I, we're not pointing fingers at these kids.
Merch and I, we're not pointing fingers at these kids.
Merch and I, we're not pointing fingers at these kids.
Merch and I, we're not pointing fingers at these kids.
Merch and I, we're not pointing fingers at these kids.
Merch and I, we're not pointing fingers at these kids.
Merch and I, we're not pointing fingers Yeah.
You're a pig.
Because I don't want to kill babies.
Oh, you kill them.
You let them live so they can starve to death.
Why'd you spit at us?
I, uh, don't agree with you.
No uterus, no right to talk about it.
Understand me, motherfucker?
So when do we cut off abortions?
At what week?
I think at three years old is when we should.
I also had my first abortion at the Seattle Planned Parenthood.
I have an abortion!
I have an abortion on Good Friday!
On the topic, on the fetal tissue side of it, you know, it'd be helpful for us to understand volume-wise.
I mean, realistically, if we were to do an agreement with you guys, you know, what do we think you could get?
I mean, what do you feel like you could get?
Yeah, on specifically liver tissue because that's such an area of demand for us.
Right, so liver and what about intact?
Oh yeah, I mean if you had intact cases, which we've done a lot, we've sometimes shipped those back to our lab in its entirety.
You know, you can imagine where they would run with this, like, they're selling body parts, you know.
So I say, okay, what are you looking to supply today?
We were asked to procure certain tissues, like brain, liver, thymus, pancreas, heart, lungs, skin.
Pretty much anything on the fetus.
If we alter our process and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, it's all just a matter of line items.
Tell the lab it's coming.
I know.
And are we agreed that $100 would keep you happy?
I want a Lamborghini.
And are we agreed that $100 would keep you happy?
I want a Lamborghini.
I said I want a Lamborghini.
In the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother, just prior to the birth of
the baby.
Now, you can say that that's okay, and Hillary can say that that's okay, but it's not okay with me.
Well, that is not what happens in these cases and using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo lit up the One World Trade Center's spire in pink to celebrate his radical expansion of abortion in New York.
State lawmakers approved a law permitting abortion in the state for any reason until the 24th week of pregnancy and then up until birth.
If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.
There was a question over here.
Are you for third trimester abortions?
My answer to you is that that should be a decision that the woman makes.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
How do you justify the decision to allow Planned Parenthood to rent in this city for free?
There's a new video out on InfoWars.com of two partial birth abortion, eight and a half month old babies.
And it makes you want to kill people.
I'll just be honest with you right now.
My guts, my spirit sees a baby who got killed and its brain sucked out by some asshole and then they make a joke out of it.
These are abortion doctors with third trimester babies that were about to be born.
Defiling them, making jokes about them that they're having a fight.
They're playing with dead babies in a little Don't knock it till you try it.
And when you do try it, really knock it.
and just total lack of regard for humanity.
It's just absolutely amazing.
We're gonna have, uh, Abby Johnson.
I'm sorry.
God bless abortions and God bless America!
Don't knock it 'til you try it.
And when you do try it, really knock it.
You know, you gotta get that baby out of there.
Question regarding abortions and breeding fetish.
I have a female friend who has a really powerful fetish for breeding.
She has never used any type of birth control.
She is with a male partner currently, who is just like her, into breeding.
And they've been practicing their fetish for quite a few abortions.
I know this fetish.
My girlfriend and me have the same fetish.
My girlfriend enjoy her pregnancies, and she enjoys the abor-ta-ta-ta-tion.
Her preferred date for the abort is between 20 and 24 weeks of gestation.
I enjoy it to make her pregnant, and I enjoy the time of her pregnancy.
She has no menstrual period, and she is sexual, very active.
Sexuality without prevention is very emotional and inexpensive.
In the last 10 years in our relationship, we have done 7 aborts,
and my girlfriend is pregnant again with a little girl.
Abortion fetish is a great method for birth control.
Do not be angry about your girlfriend, but let them enjoy their pregnancies.
This is what a baby looks like at 20 weeks.
Well, we're already one hour into the coverage of Houston.
We have a problem clown world That's the third round this night.
It's only one night one night ten candidates and tons of laughs So you realize how dangerous they are who they work for that is Coming up right now, we're in live coverage, but we're going to be here right through 11 o'clock tonight.
The debate goes from 7 until close to 10 o'clock, and we're going to open the phones up this evening.
And we are going to, again, have coverage that officially is already kicked off, but we'll be live right after the War Room at 6.
I'll be here.
Robert Barnes is going to be here.
Of course, we're going to have Will Johnson on.
We're going to have Tom Papert.
As part of the breakdown and so much more but I really am to be good because I'm the worst person around here About getting fired up and wanting to make every point.
I'm gonna write notes not interrupt as much and I'm gonna again work in a lot of your calls that'll be obviously waiting and then my I guess when I kind of direct this when I choose that we've already heard this answer over and over again and it's and take a call or so.
But this is gonna be a bloodbath, and obviously we're gonna be going heavily
to a political bloodbath.
We try to say we're being violent.
That's a figure of speech, a metaphor, I know our audience knows that,
but the left will take it out of context.
We're obviously, when Elizabeth Warren's talking, she's gonna be going after old bloody eyes, old Biden.
So we're gonna be showing them, pull their knives out, who they see as the Julius Caesar
it's got to be dispatched.
And we'll be making predictions with Robert Barnes, who's been stunningly accurate.
Owens' predictions have been excellent as well.
But Barnes is a gambler.
He does sports gambling some, but he mainly does political gambling and is admittedly the biggest winner in the 2016 election.
Just on Irish bets, he made like $400,000.
And a bunch of bets here.
And so...
He's going to be handicapping this whole thing with us coming up later in the hour.
And we've got a bunch of other guests as well.
I am not a gambler in money or in chips or things like poker.
I mean, I have played poker games before for a few hundred bucks in the pot.
But I gamble my life.
I gamble my name, my treasure, my very soul and will to defeat the globalist.
And so all of us gamble.
You know, you gamble when you decide to marry a woman.
You gamble when you decide to try to climb a mountain.
You gamble when you invest in business.
But as long as you're doing things for what you think's right,
really that's all that matters at the end of the day is the action you take
and really who you are.
The destination is the journey, ladies and gentlemen, that really is so true.
So Robert Barnes coming up.
Brandon Tatum is with the great folks over at Turning Point USA.
And he's also one of the folks over there that isn't scared of the info war.
You know, he understands that's all of them trying to demonize what they know is effective.
So I always like to hear from him.
He's going to pop in.
And then Matt Bracken is always informative.
He's going to be hosting the fourth hour.
I'll probably host some of that with him as well today.
But start your engines, because I'm going to move quickly.
I'm going to move quickly in the next two segments to hit as much news as possible.
And I've actually been reaching some of my goals to get the show back to sort of its better days.
I mean, we do some things better than we used to, but other things worse.
A lot of that's because of me.
And so I'm going to try to blitz through more news.
I've noticed I've been getting more calls, more days, getting more of your calls.
Still not optimum, but it's way better than I was.
I really have it on my heart and my soul to just up my game.
And so I'm exercising more, I'm eating healthier, I'm taking the supplements.
I've been doing that about three weeks now, and it's like a fog has lifted, because I give some great advice, but isn't it easy to give advice?
It's easy to talk the talk, it's hard to walk the walk, but I've been doing it, so thank you all for your prayers, and your support, and the crew putting up with me as well, because sometimes we really reach the heights, and sometimes I reach the depths, and that's all part of the reality, though, of this real world, that we're just flesh and blood.
Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood.
That's why all the studies are out all hit.
You need friends, you need family, you need communication.
You're empowered by having a cat, having a dog, having a child.
They make it as hard as they can to not have that dog or have that child.
Just have people and things you love and things you take care of and things that take care of you.
It's all about love, isn't it?
But real love is being willing to get attacked and take action and go through a lot of pain for the innocents.
But in the end, it empowers you, doesn't it?
PewDiePie has over 100 billion views.
Last time I checked on one YouTube channel.
On all his platforms, he's got about, that I've looked at last time, this was months ago, about 150 billion views.
And that's with Google always cheating you on your views.
You know, we get up to 3 billion views and they downgrade it to 2 billion views.
On all our channels we had about 5 billion, they admitted to.
Count all the other channels, 10 billion views, whatever.
Number one Joe Rogan podcast ever.
My point is, is that every time we're allowed to get on the field, Or let's use a NASCAR analogy.
You let my team, my car, get on the track.
We have won more races politically.
We've gotten more checkered flags.
We've been popping the champagne more times than anybody in political media.
When it comes to video and audio.
Drudge is the king when it comes to the amount of clicks.
But it's not about who's number one.
I just want to beat the globalist.
But PewDiePie is something completely different.
He has more views than basically everyone combined, period.
And if he ever gets political on the side of liberty, it is going to destroy the globalists.
And that's why I have a message to PewDiePie.
They're never going to let you continue to operate as a maverick.
And that's why they continue to make up that he's a white supremacist.
And as they've done that the last few years, it's gotten him more patriot, more anti-globalist.
And I know a lot of people that know him behind the scenes, I'm just going to leave it at that.
The guy is the opposite of a, quote, racist, but he is Swedish.
He's got blonde hair, blue eyes.
That's a big trigger for the left.
And again, he's got more views than Netflix gets in a year.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
And so they're scared of him.
And let me tell you, every time he's plugged in for the wars, he's done it five or six times.
I mean, I'm like, why does the website have double the traffic this week?
It's unbelievable.
So, PewDiePie just cucked the ADL.
We're going to cover that in a moment, but first, this is an important report I've been wanting to get to.
And so let's go ahead and get to this report.
Democratic socialism is a cancer?
Well, yeah, not that one.
We'll get to that too later.
Populism critics are professional deviants.
That's a great point because populism means the people.
Well, I mean, we don't want these global populist movements.
We want big billionaires and Ruthless technocrats with the Chai comms to tell them to do.
Yay China!
Hope you can stop Trump.
Hope you can stop Boris Johnson.
Hope you can stop Balasaro.
Hear the record skip?
So here's that report.
It's always the people that have less than zero room to talk that come barreling out of nowhere to attack President Trump with cartloads of bull****.
Whether it's Mick Jagger, who recently blamed Trump for tearing apart environment controls when America should be setting the standard for the world, of course, His Royal Satanic Majesty doesn't understand that those controls include something found in the fine print of the UN Climate Summit known as loss and damage, where the United States and other developed countries would essentially pay up to undeveloped countries for any damage incurred by CO2 emissions determined by UN climate scientists.
A quick way to spiral the United States into an economic collapse.
But who can expect a Satanist who made a film with Crowley acolyte Kenneth Anger and future Manson murderer Bobby Beausoleil to understand anything outside of what his social circle of vampires tells him?
And then there is former South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford, who has announced that he will run as a Republican against Trump.
Sanford went on to attack Trump for his transgressions.
While brushing aside the fact that he covered up an affair he was having with his Argentinian mistress by claiming he had been hiking the Appalachian Trail.
I developed a relationship with a... He started as a dear, dear friend from Argentina.
Add to this motley crew disgraced former Trump press secretary Anthony Scaramucci, who is desperately clinging to his 15 minutes of fame.
He's going after individual private citizens.
Who's a fascist?
Is a fascist?
The first thing in the fascist manifesto.
What is that?
Is going after private citizens using your political power.
Here's my question to you.
See, because the minute you say something out of line, do you realize you're getting used by the media, by CNN, MSNBC?
Do you realize when they have you on to bash the president, they're using you?
Bashing the president?
No, we're going to work on getting him defeated.
Because they hate you.
No, it's not about... The media hates you, but now they love you because you're hitting the president.
And then there's the field of Democratic candidate madness, towing the same cringeworthy attacks we have all grown to loathe.
But if Donald Trump is re-elected, Freudian slip.
As this man tries to divide us, and demean Americans, and degrade Americans, and pit us against each other, it is time for us, it's time for us as Democrats to remember who we are.
I mean, what are you going to do in the next one year to diminish the mentally retarded action of this guy?
Well said.
Someone at your town hall that we were at yesterday called the current president, President Trump, mentally retarded.
What do you make of that?
There's video on social media.
It's an incredibly offensive term.
Well said.
Even the almighty king of morality and truth, Snopes founder David Mickelson, allegedly embezzled $98,000 for prostitutes during his divorce.
I ask you, has any decent person stood up in opposition to President Trump's populist uprising?
John Bowne reporting.
I wanted to play that report because you look at Cory Booker and Camilla Harris and Anthony Scaramucci.
And they're viciously lying about Trump and his supporters and calling it fascist if Trump then responds back and says someone's a liar.
I mean, Trump said Scaramucci only worked for us 13 days.
He didn't do a very good job.
That's why we got rid of him.
And now he's trying to get attention for himself because he's a loser.
That's Trump's response.
Trump's a fascist.
He's Hitler.
Get rid of him.
He's mentally ill.
He hates everybody.
He's a racist.
Well, did you ever hear him say something racist?
Well, no.
And then Cory Booker.
They're trying to divide us.
They're trying to... That's their playbook.
It's in the WikiLeaks that Hillary was trying to create racial division.
And division between men and women.
She's a ruthless pig!
You know, all the things about Hillary.
Representing child molesters on purpose.
And making jokes about it.
And just all the things she's done.
Overthrowing countries.
Murdering millions.
Tripling the sanctions on Iraq.
Killed a million children.
Madeleine Albright, when it was a half million, said it was a good price to pay.
These are admissions.
Is that it's well known, and it's been in the news, Hillary never tips.
And I'm just explaining.
Studies show liberals don't tip as big as conservatives.
Look it up!
Liberals don't donate as much as conservatives.
Liberals' virtues signal, though.
They steal more.
They lie more.
And now she goes around and art exhibits all over the world.
She's done it in the U.S., now she's doing it in Italy.
And she poses as the President!
And you look at her, she's a satanic zombie!
I'm digressing, let's get back to PewDiePie.
Fans furious after PewDiePie donates $50,000 to the ADL.
Well, Arnold Schwarzenegger gave a million dollars to the ADL, and then they stopped saying he was a Nazi back in the 80s.
You know, Arnold was buddies with Kurt Voltheim, an SS officer who actually rounded up Jews, and he wears Hitler outfits.
It's well known.
He said he loved Hitler.
To Rolling Stone, quoted, he bought the extra footage that was never aired from Pumping Iron because he praised Hitler and Pumping Iron in the extras they were going to put out.
Nice form of extortion though, the filmmakers.
He bought it for millions.
So he went to the ADL and paid him off.
Hodypie, they call a Nazi for no reason because he's got a hundred and something billion views and it's growing and they're jealous.
So the ADL is always attacking him, calling for him to be taken off the internet.
So he gave him $50,000 or started to.
There was a big backlash.
ADL didn't thank him.
And so he said, screw you, I'll take the money back.
A great way to chump the ADL.
The ADL with Abe Foxman discredited itself so bad, lost a bunch of lawsuits, got caught breaking into police stations to get files on people.
And the ADL is a leftist group trying to use what happened to the Jews in the Holocaust to project it on the American people.
And to make us all guilty.
Hey, we kicked Hitler's ass, ADL.
And so, you try to tell us all we're Nazis, hittin' gunna hunt.
By the way, they're trying though.
Right-wingers are America's deadliest terrorists.
We're gonna get to the false numbers on the other side as they try to sell you this, that right-wingers and white people are terrorists.
Boy, doesn't that sound racist?
I mean, this is the left going pure racial politics to divide us, while telling us that we're, when we try to unify people, that we're dividing.
I love people of every color, according to their deeds, like Martin Luther King rightfully said.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I almost forgot some exciting news.
I've been so focused on all the breaking news across the country, from Texas to New York to Illinois to California, confirming in court and in Congress in D.C.
that children are being kept alive illegally all over the world, not just here, and their organs are being harvested.
Yes, it's horrific, but we knew this a long time ago.
Now it's coming out, and that's why the Satanists and their minions are trying to really intimidate and bully everybody right now, because they can feel the heat, the searing light of publicity, like high noon vaporizing Count Dracula.
Now, President Trump tweeted Paul Joseph Watson's great news site.
Summit.News and I was talking to Paul this morning, Paul said yeah we've gotten over a million visitors from it so thanks to President Trump.
Ship carrying climate change warriors concerned about melting Arctic ice get stuck in the ice and of course right now is the end of summer This is the peak time in the Arctic, the North Pole and the Northern Passage, and there are big Russian nuclear-powered icebreakers that the West uses, that Russia uses, now that through most of the year, they actually keep it open.
They keep it open in the middle of the winter if they want.
There's a few months they usually take off, and these big giant nuclear-powered evil Russians keep that Northern Passage all the way around the North Pole broken open.
Some leftists wanted to go stage an event, because they do this every summer, and they show melting glaciers collapsing at the end of summer.
That's why you always have had the icebergs, sometimes giant ones, you know, the size of a city from Antarctica to the south or Arctic to the north, float sometimes.
There have been cases where they've seen them all the way up by Brazil's coast from the Arctic or from the Antarctic, because It'll break off and be the size of Dallas, which was one they said was the size of Dallas years ago.
And by the time it went a couple thousand miles north up to Brazil, it was still huge, though a lot smaller.
And the media always points at it and says, look at that.
Look at that.
It's all melting.
Well, that's because the Arctic and the Antarctic get smaller in the summer.
Bigger in the winter.
Now, I know all of you know that, but they'll show all the time to school kids, they were showing it.
You know, my kid saw some TV program, my middle daughter was asking last week, she goes, Dad, they showed a satellite.
Because she'd heard me talk about how the ice caps are actually the biggest ever recorded right now, which they are.
They've only been recording them, though, for a couple hundred years.
And she heard me say, oh, that's all bull.
She said, but they showed it shrinking.
And I said, honey, that was a time lapse of the summer.
And I went online and showed her how they run the scams.
And what's up with that and other sites, or monkeying sites have it.
And it shows the ice caps getting smaller.
Well, they show you the ice caps getting smaller.
And of course, the fall comes and winter, they get bigger.
That's how that works.
And then, at many times, the northern passage gets completely blocked if the Russians weren't going back and forth with these gigantic nuclear-powered icebreakers, which are amazing in and of themselves.
I watched a documentary about that just a few weeks ago.
Actually, my daughter was asking about it.
I went and showed her this.
And then she went, what's that?
It was an RT show about icebreakers.
And all of a sudden, she got obsessed with icebreakers.
And next, we were watching northern Military convoys and the race to the Arctic and the US and the Russians sending in forces to the Arctic and we spent like an hour at the computer watching it but I'm digressing.
It is riveting stuff.
Ship carrying climate change warriors concerned about melting Arctic ice gets stuck in the ice and it goes on.
Arctic tour ship MS Malmo with 16 passengers on board got stuck September 3rd And it goes on with the Archipelago Reports Maritime Bulletin.
The ship is on Arctic tour with climate change documentary team film, and tourists concerned that climate change and melting ice.
Now again, the average person goes, the Arctic's melting!
It's always melting in the summer.
It's expanding in the colder months.
Something's very wrong with Arctic ice.
Instead of melting as ordered by the UN, it captured the ship with climate change warriors.
So now they've got a Russian icebreaker on the way at the end of summer to save them out of it.
Because they all wanted to go.
Here's a shot of it.
They all wanted to go show this and be heroes and show you melting ice, but it didn't happen.
It didn't happen, ladies and gentlemen, because the ice is thicker than it's ever been right now.
So there it is.
Trump retweeted a ship carrying passengers who introduced and included a group of climate change warriors who were concerned about melting Arctic ice got stuck in the ice halfway between Norway and the North Pole.
So there you go.
We're gonna go to break and we're gonna have Robert Barnes here to stay with us.
We're gonna cover the waterfront of a ton of news.
But first we're gonna get him who he's the most successful famous sports gambler.
He is going to, not sports gambler, he does that too, political gambler.
So we are teleprompter free here, ladies and gentlemen.
So he is going to be in studio with us coming up for the balance of the transmission, including tonight, because we're already two hours in or so.
I mean, really, I guess it started earlier this morning with David Knight, so I guess we're like four or five hours in.
To live coverage, it runs right through 11 p.m.
We'll go as long as the crew wants.
I'm going to be here, ladies and gentlemen, covering the debate live with Robert Barnes.
I'm going to be here with our crew on the ground in Houston.
I was thinking about going to Houston myself, and it would be quite an extravaganza, obviously with the left freaking out and having convulsions.
There'll be more Democrat debates that I will go to, but I've decided to stay here just because I always go with my gut.
Old gutty what he said, stay right here in the ATX.
So, I'm gonna follow that directive.
When I was younger, I never followed my gut and bad things happened.
When I just do what spirit says, it's really spirit.
Your brain, your spirit connected to your gut, tells you through the gut.
The spinal cord has basically continued brain tissue into it.
So everybody now understands you follow the gut.
That's the subconscious brain.
It's the main powerful system.
Hundreds of times more powerful than your limited conscious focus.
It's like Trump's genius when he said, the most deep thing I ever did was learn to be shallow.
Like, women's intuition.
It's a first approximation.
It's not shallow.
Your first approximation, at a gut level, catches all the little manipulations, all the fake camouflage, all the disinfo, and then gives you that deep ancestral knowledge.
Kind of like, I was standing in my garage, and I got this old, cool African head hanging on the wall.
It's like a South African carved wood head.
I really like it.
But, uh, I got a dartboard on the other side.
And I was with Pat Riley.
We were working out in my garage yesterday.
And I said, watch this.
I'm just not even going to think about it.
I'm not going to try.
I'm on the other end of the garage.
I throw the dart, three-car garage, between the eyes of it.
I said, watch.
I did it again.
This close from each other.
I've got a surveillance camera in the garage.
I ought to pull that up.
I've got it for security obviously.
I've got cameras in the house.
I actually have it on video.
I'm going to pull it.
And he goes, yeah.
Thousands of ancestors had to throw the rock or the stone just right to kill that animal, or everybody would starve to death.
And when you just tune into the programming that's already there, as soon as I tried to hit it from 25 feet away, 30 feet away, I couldn't even hit it.
I was hitting around it.
But as soon as I just went, watch this!
It's like, it's incredible!
And how do you get dialed into that all the time?
Because when you get dialed into that, the spirit, all of it, it's just so powerful.
That is the great secret which we all seek.
The Satanists only have access to satanic energy, satanic tricks, knowledge of evil.
We need knowledge of good.
And to do that, we've got to purify ourselves and ask God in to then begin to handle the power, which is way beyond stuff like that.
I align myself with the pro-human future.
What about you?
The great Shooter Jennings.
Bringing us in with Summer of Rage, inspired by this transmission.
And that's not bragging.
What's exciting is inspiring people with their art, with their soul, to reach out into the world and not be cookie cutters of the globalists.
You know, Rob Dew was just reminding me.
about all these articles that are out and NASA admits they're watching mysterious object from interstellar space approaching our solar system.
And I'd forgotten about C slash 2019 Q4 and some other objects that obviously are not organically occurring.
And I'm not somebody that gets into space aliens and things because there's never really proof.
This, ladies and gentlemen, and some of these objects are basically Like canisters, like long, long tubes.
And they scan them with radio telescopes, and they've got trajectories that aren't following the way comets come in and go around the sun, because they're on the trajectory they've been caught by it, on an elliptical.
This is completely different, and it's traveling in, and it's set in just a few months to go by Mars.
Very close to Earth.
A lot of stuff going on, and this is the artist's rendering of it.
The issue is, is that they've found a bunch of these.
So if you're a TV viewer, you can see that it's tubular, and it turns out that these projectiles are exactly what you would use to encase something.
That's exactly what a lot of our scientists have for 60, 70 years have said, where they would mine asteroids, carve them, put an engine in the back, and then that's how you would handle space impacts into the future instead of having a force field.
So if you're going super fast, anywhere near light speed or warping, whatever they come up with, which the equations show they have or could develop, you're going to deal with a lot of particulate hitting, and that's what's going to destroy you.
Well, you would build it into an asteroid.
This is something I meant to get to for the last year since they discovered the object.
It's making its approach now.
And so we're going to be doing more of this in the future, things that we haven't gotten into.
So look for that.
Never gotten Robert Barnes's take on extraterrestrial life or interdimensional.
We'll get to that too.
Also, we're going to get into something I've been mentioning the last hour and a half but haven't hit yet.
We need to.
This whole lie, and we have the numbers, it's not even true.
I think it's a whopping lie that white men and right-wingers are America's deadliest terrorists.
It's all how the FBI doesn't list black-on-white crime or Islamic crime when they run somebody over in New York.
It's not counted as terrorism.
So, and I'm not here trying to keep numbers or anything, it's just they're lying about this.
And crime statistics show that white males have one of the lowest crime rates out there.
They're not the lowest.
Obviously women are the lowest for physical type crime.
And it goes through there, but it's just an incredible lie.
So we're going to go over some of that coming up in the next segment.
I wanted now to start getting into the debate tonight, and Robert Barnes, who is recognized by the London Guardian and many others as the most successful political gambler out there, he's forecast things way better than obviously these fake polls.
So we'll go to him in a moment, but please don't forget That we are funding ourselves 90% with listeners buying products at InfoWarsTore.com.
And if you just decide to get the products at InfoWarsTore.com and get water filtration, air filtration, which third parties tested, they go, wow, Jones' Alexa Pure and his Pro Pure are out of the top 50 gravity-fed filters out there.
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Wow, Jones really sells the best filter you can get.
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Ion filters like this 10 years ago were $1,000, using submarine technology, all that.
And then by the time I started getting smart into my house, they were $800, six, seven years ago.
Well, Alexa Pure came out with their system, and it was back then costing them, you know, $200.
It was selling for $300.
Then things get cheaper.
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We got to sell a lot of these.
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We have these amazing Ultimate Female Force, where I got together with the top developers and said, I want the strongest for stamina, weight loss, libido, energy for women.
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Thank you for being here with us.
We'll have live coverage throughout the evening of the big debates coming up.
Houston, we have a problem.
or 888-253-3139. Okay, Robert Barnes, thank you for being here with us.
We'll have live coverage throughout the evening of the big debates coming up.
Houston, we have a problem. Clown World Part 3. What is your first approximation
and what do you expect to come out of this?
I don't know if you're betting on this this evening, but last time you and Owen were just like Carnac the Magnificent.
Owen was amazing too.
You predicted exactly what was going to happen.
Yeah, so the different odds that are out there, there's odds in the U.S.
I get a lot of inquiries about where people can make money.
Just as like the InfoWars store, you can be healthier, wealthier, and help change the world just by buying products that you want and need for a discounted price that are better than the competitor.
The same sort of advantage, anybody, there have been people that have been following us who have been trading on the predicted market.
That's where you can in the United States.
They have limits on how much you can bet.
But people have been doing it and making money every single time they've been watching the debate coverage between Owen's predictions and my own.
So in the UK, we have fans in the UK, fans in Australia, fans around the world.
They can actually also bet on the Betfair trading markets and where Paul is in the UK and so forth.
And those current markets are currently listing Elizabeth Warren as a 34% favorite.
That's what she's trading at in the markets.
My advice is to short her.
She's going to drop over the next 10 days, is our prediction.
We believe Bernie is trading at about 12%.
We believe he will go up over the next 10 days.
Julian Castro is trading at about half of 1%.
We expect him to rise because the debate is going to be in Houston.
There's a Univision co-component of this.
They actually put out a poll related to this that was promoting issues related to various immigration-related issues, which is Castro's calling card.
So we anticipate him doing well.
So we anticipate Andrew Yang surprising people and being the upset winner of the judge poll and the upset winner of the Google search engines tonight.
The general predictions are Bernie or Biden or Warren or Harris or Buttigieg.
I guess it's Buttigieg.
I'm forgetting how to pronounce his name.
He's the useless mayor of South Bend.
So, you know, take it as you will.
But we think Yang will be probably the best person.
He'll be the surprise winner.
The underdog bet.
That's a good live dog.
You were able to predict Tulsi Gabbard before.
You were able to predict what the polls would show.
What were all those predictions?
Because I remember it was just uncanny.
So yeah, previously we predicted Gabbard, Yang, and Marianne Williamson in various debates winning the Google search engines, winning the Drudge polls, they did.
We forecast, in the first debate we forecast Harris going up and Biden going down, that happened.
After the second round of debates we predicted Harris going down and Bernie going up, that's exactly what happened.
So no matter which bet you took, the Google search debate, the drudge poll debate, the who was going to go up in the betting markets, who was going to go down in the betting markets, we predicted Gabbard would rise in the betting markets after each debate she did.
People made a 50% profit in one night if they made that bet.
So it's been a very profitable enterprise, those who have watched us discuss and forecast what was going to happen in the debates.
The big news tonight is, can Kamala Harris bounce back or is she done for good?
Because if she doesn't come out swinging and make another big hit like she did in the first debate, she may be DOA.
And can Joe Biden at least pretend he's senile for one night?
Can he hide the senility, the senile dribbling, and faux pas, and foot in the mouth, and the rest of the train wrecks that are Jeb Biden?
We'll talk more about this straight ahead, and then get into this claim that there's white terrorists everywhere.
We'll break it all down on the other side.
Tomorrow's news today.
Houston, we have a problem.
The Democrats and their CHICOM funders are trying to literally turn Texas into blue, and they're so close to doing it.
Don't be arrogant like they were in California.
There's a culture war.
We've got live coverage that's going on right now with Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer.
He is not just him tootin' his horn.
He is recognized as the most successful political better out there.
And he's handicapping this politically for everybody right now.
We're going to go back to him in a moment.
Then I'm going to hit, again, the attempted race war the globalists are starting.
But I need to explain something because I keep remembering this.
I need to explain to listeners.
I need to, I guess, write this up into a print out of this because I'm the guy that comes up with the sales and the ideas around here for better or worse.
We've got a bunch of stuff at 50% off right now.
We have Ultra 12 that is the strongest, highest quality B12 you're going to find anywhere.
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That's not an excuse.
Don't do it.
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I have a prescription for B12.
It's even more absorbable when you inject it, but that's the type that I obviously inject when I forget to do it into my fat, you know, once a week or so on my stomach.
I really feel it because it's, especially northern Europeans in the genetics are missing some of the genes, their mitochondria.
To be able to absorb energy into them.
I have 100% mitochondrial operation.
Very rare.
I'm a mutant.
I've had two tests.
Once I had it once, they said, we got to do this again at a big lab here in Austin.
They had another lab doing there.
It's very rare.
But my grandpa had like one of the rarest types of blood.
It's a whole bunch of stuff.
I'm a mutant.
Northern Europeans are.
I mean, we're all mutants at one level or not.
Ultra 12, B12 and this complex that it's in for absorption is something Northern Europeans particularly need, but everybody needs it.
Ultra 12, 50% off.
Body, 50% off.
We've got Super El Vitality, 50% off with a free bottle of...
Ultimate female force that's just amazing. We're mainly a male audience women. You really should get it
So men get this for yourself and give it to your wife or girlfriend
Believe me, you'll thank yourself and you'll thank me and you're funding the info war. So enough about that
There's a bunch of other stuff at 50% off right now brain force plus with
The chill force that's a new product Those are together, 50% off when you get them.
A lot of their specials.
All right, Barnes, continuing with Biden.
Biden-Warren to share the stage for the first time at U.S.
Democratic presidential debate.
All eyes are on that.
So yeah, so there's, my forecast is that Biden will go after Warren.
Biden has been bitter ever since Harris took after him.
That bitterness has risen and intensified over the several months since then,
as the media has taken various pot shots at him, made fun of some of his senility,
made fun of his verbal twist and gaffes, made fun of his, doubted and questioned his electability,
and in particularly challenged and contested his entire legacy in the new wokeness era.
And the consequence of that is going to be that Biden, we saw it and we predicted it before the last debate.
We said he was gonna start attacking people.
Remember he went after Booker on something that was like six years old that had marginal relevance, but it was just him.
He went after de Blasio at the very end.
So he was going after people with marginal roles, marginal places in the debate structure, just to send a message that if people attacked him, he was going to start attacking everybody and exposing all of their weaknesses.
In one of the recent polling surveys out of the Atlantic, That was done by a leftist group, showed that Democratic voters are obsessed with electability because they recognize Trump's strength.
And they're so scared of Trump's strength, they want someone who can beat him.
And the number one thing they're worried about is whether that person will come across as having character.
So that's why Biden is attacking specifically on issues of character and integrity and identity.
And so look for him to attack Elizabeth Warren tonight and raise what she's been trying to hide.
Which is her long involvement as a corporate lawyer in the bankruptcy arena, helping people scavenge and savagely attack various assets of domestic corporations.
She's Mitt Romney!
She's Mitt Romney times two.
She helped deny breast implant victims, where they actually suffered various diseases and cancer and other problems related to it.
To various production and design makers who then went into bankruptcy.
She helped protect them from having to pay what they were due to pay under various settlements and judgments.
She helped various companies take apart small businesses and destroy them.
She helped big Wall Street and corporate America basically devalue and demolish large parts of industrial America, deny pension benefits, deny workers benefits, deny victims of fraud, deny victims of medical devices that caused harm.
harm, severe harm in many instances, severe harm specifically to women in particular instances.
So it goes right to the core of everything she claims she's against.
Claims she's against Wall Street, claims she's against corporate fraud, claims she's against
corporate power, claims she's against institutional control, was bragging yesterday about CNBC
saying Wall Street doesn't want her as a president.
And so I think Biden will go right to the heart of that, go right to attack the core
of her credibility and character.
And by the way, he's warned them, and I don't like Biden, but I mean, they're even worse
than him in many cases.
He's warned them, he said, listen, honey, and listen, kid, I can tear the hell out of you guys if I want, and he can.
He can go after Harris, you know, and her whole background, like, viciously locking blacks up would triple the time like Hillary did.
Of course, he was involved in that, too.
He can go after her and her...
You know, great-grandpa being the militia that killed all the Native Americans in Oklahoma.
I mean, that's what the left is.
They tell you what you want to hear, that they're your advocate.
But if they're black, their advocacy is to enslave you.
And that's why they look like you.
They've been hired to do it.
With Warren, she loves Native Americans.
It's all lies.
She loves women.
Yeah, she loves to, you know, have...
Breast implant, uh, deals with the breast implants are killing women.
She makes sure you don't get the money.
She's a corporate raider.
It's why the system loves her.
Oh, she's going to stop big tech censorship by giving them legislation to protect them and let them censor.
Everything you hear from her is the opposite.
She is a psychotic weasel.
She is a sociopath bare minimum who goes, Oh, I'm going to have a beer.
Want a beer?
No, honey.
Don't drink beer.
Oh, here I'm here drinking beer.
She's like an alien pretending she's human.
Oh, no doubt about it.
Very fake at the very core.
And that's what he's going to be attacking.
So even though he'll be talking about corporate issues and other lawyer issues, she even put out a report where she tried to disguise, she tried to pretend that she helped victims of Rest In Plans get money when she was out to deny, when she was getting paid to keep them from them getting it.
And again, it turns out people from Texas and Oklahoma...
Almost everyone who had family that came here, anywhere from the 1820s to the 19- I mean, most people, women tended to die on the frontier.
And so, on both sides of my family, people married, their second wife was Native American.
And there actually wasn't as discriminatory as you hear in all the media.
It's all, depending on what tribe you were in, and the Natives were always trying to get you to attack the other tribe, and it was all this going back and forth.
But Comanche, you know, all those groups.
And, again, for her to basically have zero Native American and be from Oklahoma, I mean, that must have meant they were really, really didn't like the, quote, redskins.
I mean, because almost everybody in Oklahoma is part Native American.
Her ancestors got awards for their devastating, vicious, violent assaults and attacks.
On various... My great grandmother was named, her first name was Moon.
And she was almost completely Native American.
And my dad's, you know, grandfather married her and loved her.
So, and my dad went to Native events.
He didn't want to brag about it, but my dad's been there when they're the real deal.
Not like you go to some fake Indian reservation and buy plastic tomahawks and some, you know, some Mexicans dance around a fire in front of you.
But again, I never even play that card.
Well, Lee, I mean, my Indian law professor at Wisconsin, first thing he taught me was, he said, the number one thing Native Americans have to watch out for is Indian-loving liberals.
He goes, they're the most dangerous of them all.
So they'll come dancing across here.
If they want to discover what my father thinks, his longtime Native American father, believes is 100% Native American of his tribe, thinks about property rights and gun rights, they can just sort of, and thinks he's just sort of, you know, dancing to the sky, why don't you just cross his lawn late at night and you'll find out what he thinks about both property rights and gun rights.
So the idea here, she comes from an Indian-hating community, an Indian-hating family, and yet she was pretending to be Native American.
It's just perfect chameleon garbage.
Just like she says, I'm deeply anti-corporate, yet she spent her life as a corporate lawyer in bankruptcy denying ordinary people benefits.
She says she hates banks.
Bankruptcy court is mainly designed so that banks win before everyone else, and that's who she helped win.
Well, I'll just be honest.
I've looked, my family's in the history books.
We slaughtered tons of Native Americans.
By the way, with Native Americans right beside us demanding we do it.
I mean, you study what really went on.
It was just, it was constant war with everybody.
And the most peace-oriented tribes got wiped out mostly by other more hostile tribes.
That's, that's just a long history.
That's why this, that's why there's more Sioux around and Seminole around.
And Comanche.
That's the most vicious group there was.
The only group that really survived from a Native American tribal perspective that was not that violent was the Cherokee.
And that's because they had such a large swath of land.
And they had political power.
They developed language.
They developed democracy.
They were ahead of the curve across the board.
They were one of the most enlightened men.
They were able to make better deals with the white men.
They were.
John Ross's home is right near my home.
It's about two minutes from my hometown and where my home was in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
It's amazing.
And then you've got Oklahoma with Quanah Parker and all that stuff.
Great history.
But Elizabeth Warren was not part of the great part of that history.
And yet she's lying about it.
Just the same reason she's lying about being a corporate lawyer, a bank lawyer at Wall Street.
Well, it's amazing.
You can go to family cemeteries we've got.
Most of the land isn't ours anymore, but they let us go on these ranches and stuff.
And like a third of the tombstones are killed by Indians.
I mean, this was not, you know, this was not like people playing patty cake here.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, on the other side.
We're going to get into them trying to start a race war.
Stay with us.
50,000 unstoppable watts!
It's Clown World 2019!
We're just livin' in it!
We're gonna have our crack reporter teams of Millie Weaver and Caitlin Bennett on the ground in H-Town!
We're reporting from just north of the leftist cesspool, from our own leftist cesspool, Austin!
Once a great place, now literally fetid with homeless and heroin needles and...
Gun-grabbing, but it's okay.
We're fighting for the state here.
Alamo Part 2, but this time against leftist, drooling, trendy white people, mainly.
Robert Marshall, finish up with your handicapping of the coverage tonight.
You'll be here live during it all.
M4Wars.com forward slash show.
In the next hour, it's gonna have a big player right up top.
Banned.video won't get censored as much on Facebook or YouTube or Twitter.
So you can just send it out, because they haven't put it on the blacklist yet.
They'll run and do it.
But banned.video, summit.news is on our site, but Paul runs it.
President Trump tweeted that yesterday.
So a lot of exciting things happening when you take action.
So we love you and appreciate you.
We're in this fight together.
Finish up handicapping, then we'll hit all the news.
Sure, so I think tonight people are looking for whether Harris can survive or whether she's DOA.
They're looking for Biden to attack Warren and whether Biden will continue his, hey, if you try to destroy my legacy, I'm just going to burn the whole house down, which has basically been his approach.
I mean, I think the Democratic establishment is going to greatly regret Coercing Biden to run, when there was a lot of evidence he did, as you reported, that he did not want to run, that he was not interested in running, that he had moved on and moved past that stage of his career and his life.
Just wanted to live out his Grandpa Joe.
I mean, he's one step from a wheelchair already.
Absolutely, and I think he knew that, knows that, and he's exposing himself to the world.
I don't think he minds the health hits as much as he minds the legacy hits.
He wanted to be just nice old Grandpa Joe and the Democratic Party.
The legacy now is the guy that's falling on his face.
Exactly, and he's becoming the source, the centerpiece for the woke world to indict, to say everything that's wrong, is this old white man.
He's the old white man piñata.
Exactly, and he doesn't like being the old white man piñata, so he's going to take it out on every single other Democrat.
Which is going to be beautiful.
It'll be absolutely gorgeous to watch.
You know he's got a list of attacks.
Oh absolutely.
It's literally, he's got the kerosene, he's got the lighter, and he's just going to light it.
Watch the whole house burn up.
Says, you want to burn me down?
Fine, I'll burn all you down.
So your prediction is it's going to be a bloodbath, a firestorm tonight.
And it's because in order for him to survive, he's got to just start torching everybody.
And at a minimum, I think at this point, he no longer cares.
I think he just wants to have payback and punishment for everybody trying to take him out.
And he's gonna call it transparency.
So yeah, exactly.
If he can get that word out.
I mean, it'll be interesting to see how that works, his verbiage works.
Whether he will continue to self-destruct of his senile tour of 2019.
So it'll be interesting.
Bernie, this is the first time they're all on the stage together.
Bernie doesn't like to talk about anything other than issues.
The over-under on Bernie is to raise his hands and do this bit at least three times.
Well, he does that, you know.
I swindle schools.
First paycheck I got was 40.
I run things now.
Do you understand?
This guy has never had a blue-collar job in his life that he could sustain.
I mean, he was a terrible carpenter.
He wasn't a good worker.
A government paycheck has been his only key to life.
That's why he thinks a government paycheck is the key to everyone else's life.
He knows how to tell you what to do!
And he's been running from his immigration position that he held in 2015 when he said open borders was dangerous.
That was the only thing ever reasonable because it'll bankrupt things.
He's running away from his long legacy in opposition to gun control as fast as he can.
So it's an embarrassment watching him embrace the woke world because he's dependent upon his millennial base like sort of a mid-level communist who has to appease the Stalinists within the party.
So as we see how much he further trends in that direction and strays in that direction.
The fun people are all not on the stage other than Yang.
Yang has promised to do something no Democratic nominee has ever done or Democratic candidate has ever done.
Who knows what that means.
Maybe he's going to wear a big gold chain.
Maybe he's going to make another Asian math joke.
We'll see.
Asian what?
He loves to tell Asian math jokes.
I'm Asian.
I like math.
That scares Donald Trump.
I don't think Donald Trump is scared of that at all.
Donald Trump just wants to build hotels in Asian countries.
We're gonna be right back with a bunch of news.
Trump to fly banner over Houston ahead of Democratic debate.
Socialism will kill Houston's economy.
I like how Trump's taking a page when we put up the Trump Air Force.
Remember that?
Back when we had the cash to do stuff like that?
Infowarshore.com, folks.
We'll fight hard for you.
Alright, Robert Barnes is our guest.
I want to get into right-wingers are America's deadliest terrorists.
And white people are terrorists.
We're going to look at those fake numbers and look at the MPIs we'll be doing here in a moment.
But first with Robert Barnes riding shotgun with me.
We're here live right through tonight past 11 p.m.
We've been live since David Knight kicked off this morning.
At 8 a.m.
with The David Knight Show, right through the War Room, right through Firepower.
Bill Johnson will be co-hosting with us tonight with Tom Papert as well, but obviously the coverage of his regular show is preempted.
It'll be Firepower with all these great guests, all these great hosts, and we're gonna have live coverage of the Houston debates.
The others were, again, spectacular, promising all these goodies.
Spectacular white people are evil devils from white people.
Spectacular lies.
And so it was so horrible, it was interesting, but still frightening to know that this is really what they admit they are.
Well, tonight, though, the knives are out, and I think we're going to see the house burn down, as Robert Barnes was just saying when they attacked Biden.
So I'm not just hyping this to get you to tune in.
I think tonight's going to be spectacular.
I'm excited.
We've got reporters on the ground.
And last time, I thought it'd be super boring, but they'd offer a bunch of free stuff.
And it was so depressing.
I had to leave both times, or I was going to say really nasty things on air.
We'll see what happens tonight, but I've walked off the coverage.
I mean, I have trouble watching these people, but we have to because they want to run our lives.
Tonight, though, I think you're right.
It's going to be a bloodbath.
What do you think?
I mean, you have three candidates that have three major problems.
Biden can't get any young people to like him within the Democratic Party.
Bernie can't get any old people to like him within the Democratic Party.
And Warren can't get any black people to like her in the Democratic Party primary process.
So if they can't overcome those hurdles, it's hard to see how any of the three somehow win.
There's increasing predictions today from Sean Trendy at Real Clear Politics, an old buddy of mine from Yale, that there's going to be a contested convention for the first time in the modern primary era since 1972.
And of course, 1972 did not go well for the Democratic Party.
So we may see a fascinating brokered convention, and then who do they steal it from?
Do they steal it from Indian Elizabeth Warren?
Do they steal it again from Old Man Bernie?
Do they steal it from Old Man Joe?
From Creepy Uncle Joe?
Who do they steal it from?
And here's the wild card.
This has even come out on Frontline.
We saw the documents decades ago.
Even Frontline has done documentaries about Nixon.
Wanted to bomb his own convention and blame it on the Democrats until they explained, sir, your numbers are great.
Then there were plans to bomb their convention to make them look like commies.
Then the left, it turned out, there were some plans to stage attacks and blame it on Nixon.
So this is something that goes on.
So let's be clear.
Are they going to stage a mass shooting on themselves?
We know they've done it before.
Some of the shootings are real.
But all the studies, just type in, studies show media giving attention to mass shootings triggers them because now it's an option for schizophrenics and nuts instead of killing themselves as I'm...
You know, I'm going to go out and do this in a blaze of glory.
So, they're hyping all the mass shootings, hoping something like that happens, and they're telling us attacks on the media, attacks by the right wing, are epidemic, they're happening any minute.
That begs the question, are they trying to provocateur it?
Or are they knowing something that we don't know, Robert Barnes?
Well, think about who might stage such a provocation, who has a history of unique political involvement around the world, who might want to come in as the white horse to save the day when they can't decide between Bernie, Biden, Or Warren, because they all have huge institutional flaws.
Who might want to ride in on the white horse, best done by staging violence outside the proceedings, that can come in and save the Democratic Party from itself and get reappointed to the presidency that she believes she's rightfully entitled to.
That yesterday she was in front of a fake Oval Office desk, pretending to actually read emails of all things, pretending to be president.
Who is it that would greatly benefit from a brokered convention?
Who is it that would desire a brokered convention?
Who would love to have sort of Antifa?
Remember, in fact, we've seen previews for fake provocations like this, or staged provocations.
And staged just means, doesn't mean that the provocation itself isn't occurring.
They create the climate.
Like Charlottesville, they're saying, I said the government killed the girl who had the heart attack or whatever.
I'm saying the police stand down, they hire a bunch of fake right-wingers we know work for the left, most of them.
Some real racist idiots show up.
You bring out the Antifa scum and they have a huge conflagration.
The police march them into each other hoping somebody got killed and then blame Trump.
And then they sued me saying that I'm saying that this dude did it himself.
And then they say in my name the defamation against themselves.
And what's amazing about all of that is, the way I always describe it to people is this.
If you want to understand what it means to say an event is staged, just look at how the media covers Putin and Russia.
So there they'll say, this is staged, this is staged.
Oh, Islamics blew up a building!
Putin did it, just to meet a Putin, Putin, Putin.
But then we say, hey, did somebody stand against this?
Shut up, you evil person!
Perfect example of this, 2016, the way in which someone like Hillary might do this was
what the mayor of Chicago, a long-time Clinton ally at the time, remember they staged when
Trump was supposed to come in, they staged a bunch of Bernie people creating a huge brawl,
purportedly Bernie people, even though Bernie people up to that point had had no history
Antifa had, but Bernie people didn't.
People purportedly being for Bernie went in and staged a bunch of violence against Trump supporters.
That was Hillary, came out in WikiLeaks.
And we said at the time it was Hillary.
I said, looks like Hillary, she stands to gain.
It was!
And it was perfectly set up because the narrative coming out to the press was, Bernie people are crazy and dangerous.
Trump people are crazy and dangerous.
Who's the solution?
Oh, Hillary is.
So you can see the same sort of dynamic occur again.
If you start to see that happen, if there is a brokered convention and you start to see those kind of events take place, you should be reasonably sus- And again, I want to be clear.
I don't make this stuff up.
I know people that have guarded Hillary off and on for years.
I'm going to leave it at that.
Not just Secret Service, but that too.
They're the ones that told us she drives around in a black ambulance.
She's falling down every 45 minutes.
Just follow her.
Well, people did.
They caught it.
We caught it when she was in a tent.
But others caught it in New York on September 11th a few years ago, three years ago.
Three years ago yesterday.
And so, that's really what this comes down to, and the same people are like, no, she's on the phone, she's in there, running the Democratic Party, her foundation's still getting money, and they all still kiss her ass because she's in control with Obama of the stay-behind networks and all the Democratic bureaucrats that they put in, and basically the Bush people just advocated to her, let her still kind of run it.
So Hillary is still kind of a shadow president, kind of like in England they'll have the main That's how they're operating, the shadow government, the deep state.
Is Hillary still bumbling around?
She's still got all her people in with national security clearances doing this and she still thinks that this is such a weak field that maybe she slips in then Trump gets assassinated or something.
Believe me, this woman runs around pretending to be the president all over TV shows, all over the media.
She was doing it again yesterday.
Why is she doing that staged photo yesterday?
Or look at a Politico article.
And look how psychotic she is.
Can we blow that up?
Yeah, exactly.
They'll say I meant blow her up.
I don't mean that.
I mean zoom in on it.
Can we zoom in for TV viewers on her?
I mean she looks like an...
Animatronic robot at Chuck E. Cheese.
Yes, she does.
She still doesn't understand photo ops.
That's what Trump was laughing about in 2016.
He said, all these people that attack me, they always get these great photos of me.
He's like, I have to go get those photos because of how good they are.
But Dee, if you look at it, the other thing is, look at a Politico article, and Politico is sort of the insider publication in D.C.
for the political consulting class, just a few days ago, where Hillary was taking credit for the Warren campaign.
They said, Warren's getting her advice from Hillary, Hillary's helping, almost like a Henry Kissinger kind of piece.
And so it was almost a message that she's setting something up so that there'll be one woman, Warren, Two guys, Bernie and Biden, Warren won't be able to get over the top.
She comes in and says the only real way to protect women's rights is to nominate Hillary as the peace candidate between all of the different contingencies and constituencies within the Democratic Party.
Look at the look on her face.
The entitlement, the mental illness.
Yeah, precisely.
And that's the person that's, one, the most dangerous.
It's someone that's obsessed with power and disconnected from reality.
And she has still disproportionate institutional influence because the Democratic—she—the Clintons did such a great job at decimating the Democratic base that you now will see tonight three leading candidates, Biden, Bernie, and Warren, Who cannot get any appeal from a big wing of the Democratic Party.
And it's like a power cult!
I mean, I've been around Democrats and I've watched the videos.
They worship her!
Oh, yes, yes.
They worship her and fear her and obsess over her at the same time.
You know, my ex-wife's mom...
He's a big Democrat.
I mean, Jimmy Carter's, you know, come over for dinner before.
And they, like, 10 years ago, they were at an event with Hillary and Bill, and they said, what do you think of Alex Jones?
And they thought they meant Alex S. Jones of the New York Times.
She said, oh, he's a very important, wonderful person.
They all had heart attacks.
Couldn't believe it.
We're all groveling.
And I said, she means Alex S. Jones.
They called her later and found out it was true.
We're like, oh, good, because we hate you.
But it just, it's hilarious how much they worship this woman.
We'll be right back.
Welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Robert Barnes, who's a charming, likable, smart guy.
I like him.
He's our chief lawyer in our battles with the globalists.
We're being very successful with, so they lie and say that we're losing.
You're our backers, though.
Without you, we are nowhere.
Without you, the articles, the videos don't get out.
I cannot say how critical that is to go to band.video and to share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, your email, your text message, your word of mouth.
And we're adding a bunch of new contributors and a bunch of new pages and a lot of new stuff.
I'm coming in this Saturday.
2 to 4 p.m.
It's going to be called the Infowars Roundtable Caller Show.
And we'll have a host that hot shows it, and as we develop the callers, callers that host the show, some will be on Skype, some will be on the phone, and the best callers will end up having a show.
And I intend to actually expand that out, quite frankly.
To be honest with you, I have a plan to launch something that's like a Washington's Journal, but an America's Journal.
Maybe even a world journal, like the first few hours is a caller from the U.S., then a caller from outside the U.S., something that starts at 4 a.m.
in the morning.
And that we have a host that just covers news, just shows the news, shows a clip, not much commentary, maybe a little bit of opinion after you take calls.
And just really make it about callers.
We're trying to get more calls on the air here.
We get unlimited great calls.
I'm trying to make the show more about calls as well because I love hearing what you say.
I love the angles you take us in.
But I'll be hosting that show with some of the callers that I've been getting over the years when I've had this idea.
This Saturday, 2 to 4 p.m., and I'll be back live with the 4 to 6 p.m.
Sunday Show.
We've now been doing it for 12 years.
Been doing this show in this time slot for 23 years.
22 and a half years.
So, let's get into this right now.
Marianne Williamson.
came out on a hot mic.
This just came out in the last few hours.
And other Democrats were saying this last week.
And talks about Democrats being so vicious and so mean behind the scenes,
but also in person.
And it's really being hateful and bad and it just blowing her away.
So a good part about a lot of the people getting involved in politics that haven't been involved
'cause they think Trump's so evil is they actually find out
the Democrats are some nasty, nasty folks.
So Marianne Williamson really gets woke.
Now says the left is mean and lies.
Here it is.
What does it say that Fox News is nicer to me than the lefties are?
I'm sorry?
What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me?
It's a bizarre world, ma'am.
It's such a bizarre world.
You know, I'm such a lefty.
I mean, I'm a serious lefty.
But they're so... I understand why people on the right call them godless.
I mean, it's like... I didn't think the left was as mean as the right.
They are!
Well, I'm... I'm just... just right.
And again, she didn't even know she was on air.
And similar comments are coming out.
Here's another one.
I mean, just on Monday, Rahm Emanuel said, we can't offer everything free.
We're already almost bankrupt.
We don't really grow our way out of this.
We are.
And at the same time, you've seen other Democrats come out and admit that.
But if they do, they get shouted down because the globalists want policies that collapse us, because they can loot the whole infrastructure, fire it back up and dominate the planet, but this time from a very anti-God, anti-freedom, anti-American perspective.
Here it is, ex-Obama official, Dems going way too far to the left.
Here it is on MSNBC with Jay Johnson.
Here it is.
Look, most Americans want to be fair and treat in a humane way those who have migrated here, who are desperate, who are fleeing really bad conditions.
We want to take care of people who came here as children.
We want to take care of the dreamers.
But, Americans also want secure borders.
They want to get control of illegal migration.
And that's true, I know, from Laredo, Texas to Detroit, Michigan.
And so, when we talk about deprioritizing the deportation of those apprehended at the border, or decriminalizing illegal immigration, I know that we're going way too far to the left of the American consensus on where we should be on this.
And you just cannot have a policy where a border patrol agent arrests someone at the border and says, in effect, you get to stay here unless you commit a crime.
And they commit a crime to get here, and they expect everything free.
And by the way, I should have opened the show up with this.
We didn't just win this big Republican race, the Democrats put everything they had into a North Carolina.
We didn't just, you know, see all these things unfold.
We also have the Supreme Court ruling, we'll talk about in the next segment some, the Supreme Court ruling that of course Trump can have these strong amnesty laws, he can have these strong laws.
On people claiming political asylum that clearly aren't.
When 15,000 people run over the Mexican border, and they're from Africa, or they're from South America, and they've got kidnapped kids who get a free ticket in, and they're carrying drugs, and then they run over our border, hell yeah they're getting deported!
I mean, give me a break!
No one!
I couldn't fly to Mexico!
They'd show up and say, I'm here to have my baby free.
They'd kick your ass.
I mean, my God, ladies and gentlemen, when you fly into Mexico, they say, what hotel are you staying at?
They call, they check.
You don't fly out the day you say, they arrest your ass!
But then we're supposed to get everything and just give it away free.
Simply incredible.
And I see more and more Democrats coming out and saying, hey, back off, guys.
Not that they don't want this agenda to happen.
They just want the Democrats to stop being honest.
Oh, no doubt about it.
I mean, what Marianne Williamson is talking about, you know, Marianne, we did a segment of meditation with Marianne, and that's sort of her mindset, her mentality.
Obama's, not Obama, but...
Oprah Winfrey's spiritual advisor.
That's sort of her persona and personality, and she's shocked by how harsh and vicious and vile and mean the left, the modern left, is.
And what it is is when the left, what the left accuses the right of, what my old friend John Avalon, who's on CNN, accused on 9-11, decided to use 9-11 to attack so-called right-wingers and make up this fictional white nationalist violence all across the country that's not occurring.
What that reflects is the projection of the left onto the right of the left's violence, the left's anger.
Let's talk more about that since you mentioned it.
Here's a clip of that.
Since 9-11, right-wing terrorists have killed more people in the United States than jihadist terrorists.
That's according to New America.
There are some folks, for their own political purposes, would like to keep the focus on only one form of political violence over another.
But that would be unwise.
Because we don't have the luxury of choosing which threats we face.
And there's a case to be made that these threats actually echo each other, as our colleague Jim Sciutto and others have argued.
They're weaponized versions of tribalism, motivated by fear and finding identity in their hatred of the other.
As Max Fischer of the Times wrote, in both there's the apocalyptic ideology that predicts and promises to hasten a civilizational conflict that will consume the world.
To mark the 18th anniversary of 9-11 is to reflect on how we're all the children of 9-11.
That attack unleashed destructive forces that we're still wrestling with.
But to truly learn the lessons of 9-11 is to resolve not to let hate win or fear define us.
And that's your Reality Check.
And then they go on, right-wingers are America's deadliest terrorists.
I have the transcript here.
And then I've got the FBI numbers.
They just don't call a jihadi killing somebody or bombing something or shooting somebody a terror attack.
Remember, Obama would say, oh, that's not Islamic.
That's just a crime.
And then they take every shooting when the white guy does and say it's a terrorist act, and then that's how they do it.
It's manipulation of the numbers.
They know they are.
There is no great white nationalist threat.
Nobody is afraid of Klansmen marching down the street and burning all of their homes.
That threat has long since passed.
The only real politicized violence has come on the left, and it's come from politicized, radicalized Islam.
There is no right-wing politicized violence.
And of course, Antifa and others.
It's the left bullying everybody.
Everybody knows it.
No amount of CNN lying will change that.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
More coming up.
Remember, we're still on the air despite big tech, the Democratic Party, the globalists, and leftist groups put into the CIA charged with getting us off the air in congressional hearings three plus years ago, two years ago, last year, this year.
We're putting together a compilation of that we're going to be airing in the next few days.
It's more clips than I thought of them saying in Congress they want me taken completely off the air.
Talk about an American.
Don't forget what Anna Navarro said.
Remember that, ladies and gentlemen.
I think that's good.
I think they are horrible for our society. I want them shut down. I want them silenced. I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society. I want them shut down. I want them silenced. I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society. I want them shut down. I want them silenced. I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society. I want them shut down. I want them silenced. I want them muted. Remember
that ladies and gentlemen, I think that's good. Thank you.
That's what we're dealing with.
Now, I want to cover the waterfront here, Barnes.
We haven't done this before.
With just a ton of different angles and different issues and different areas in my stack.
And just kind of not like one-word responses or ten-word responses, but maybe one-minute responses.
Because you're a smart guy and I want to get your take on a whole bunch of things here.
But first off, the Supreme Court ruling That Trump, of course, that's in the Constitution, he can control who can come in from what country.
Just like his other so-called Muslim bans was seven countries that don't have working State Departments, that don't have real passports.
The Imam issues it.
And literal Al-Qaeda and ISIS was coming in.
So Supreme Court allows broad enforcement of Trump's asylum rule.
They didn't allow it.
It's on its face.
But what's scary is, thank God he's gotten 150 better judges.
And I know you've been studying them.
Are they really better?
I think some of them are.
On to the bench, because that's blocking this leftist takeover that we see.
I mean, is Gorsuch perfect?
Is Kavanaugh perfect?
But compared to who Hillary would have put in, we see now courts that have been federal courts this week that have been overruled by the Supreme Court are issuing new rulings and ignoring it.
I mean, this just seems like beyond judicial tyranny, it's judicial mutiny.
I mean, what you're seeing is federal judges asserting, particularly Obama appointees, asserting their power through the judicial branch as if they were elected President of the United States.
And that's the problem.
And that's what the Supreme Court keeps overturning.
So, for example, one of the things that's not supposed to happen is a district court judge in the federal system should never be issuing, for the most part, nationwide injunctions.
They should be limited to the parties before them and limited to their jurisdiction.
So if you're a judge in the Northern District of California, your injunction should only apply in that district to the parties before you.
It should not apply to Texas.
It should not apply to New York.
It should not apply to Florida.
It should not apply to Tennessee.
And yet you have these judges... And this has been repeatedly issued.
The Supreme Court overturned a nationwide injunction on the gag rule going back to the Clinton administration concerning gays in the military.
That's got to scare the left.
Sorry to interrupt because you're on fire.
The Supreme Court's been overturning everything they do because I'm not even a lawyer and I can read the Constitution.
Of course he can bar people from Somalia with their fake passports.
He better?
Oh, absolutely.
It's his duty.
It's his obligation.
In immigration and borders and anything outside the borders of the United States and controlling the borders of the United States, has constitutionally been delegated almost exclusively to
the president.
And then Congress has reinforced that by putting in its immigration laws, giving
him broad discretionary power to do as he sees fit and needs to do.
Because the executives over the military and the military's jobs the damn border.
Also some of these judges issuing these nationwide junctions were often the same
judges who either promised in their confirmation proceedings or later as a
judge, denied the power of Arizona, the state of Arizona, to try to impose any
immigration rules of its own, saying that hey that's preempted by the
president and you can't try to do anything to undermine what the great
Obama has tried.
Then of course Trump does it and all of a sudden they completely reverse the same legal principles they applied to protect Obama.
Suddenly they say don't apply to protect the president when in fact they're more specific and particular and relevant and applicable.
So there's been hypocrisy and inconsistency in the court system.
And what's most dangerous is, this is an ideology on the left that say results are all that matters, the ends justify the means, that say we can contort and distort the rule of law solely to serve the principle of power and the objective of the leftist agenda.
And that is a direct threat, not just to the principles that President Trump got elected on, but it's a direct threat to the rule of law in the United States.
And that makes it, as a lawyer, a particularly pernicious threat, what these unjustified precedents are doing.
And Bob, when you pull back from this, and you see how Trump's gotten 150 to the federal judiciary, hundreds more about to happen.
You've got Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who has pancreatic cancer that kills 93% of people within a year, what, 98% of people within five years.
It's almost incurable.
And she's already so sick, she'll be gone in a year.
She'll be gone before the election.
Trump will get his nominee.
That's why they want revolution.
That's why they want race war.
That's why they want to crash the economy.
And you have the private Federal Reserve of Democrats openly saying, let's crash it.
And literally bankrupt people.
That's financial terrorism.
It's because they know they're losing.
And that's why we can just hold the line.
And if Trump can just do something about the censorship and if we can win this election, Trump is overall doing a great job.
And if you're on the fence about that, look how he just got rid of that neocon lunatic.
Talk about keep your friends close, enemies closer.
I just, my gut level, I'm very pleased with Trump.
And then when I pull back from all the pessimism, all of it that's left is generated out there to be mad at Trump.
And again, we've got to keep his feet to the fire or he'll go sideways just because of his personality.
And I'm kind of all over the map here.
How would you quantify what I'm trying to say?
Essentially what it is, is Trump is doing all that he can, but he is facing an internal war with a deeply entrenched deep state that has extraordinary administrative influence within almost every bureaucratic aspect of government.
But not only that, it has completely infiltrated large parts of our judicial branch.
Sure, but they are trying...
...to overthrow the whole system now because they realize, I think, fundamentally, they're losing.
Oh, no doubt.
What is, is the more he succeeds, the more threatened they feel.
Just like media gatekeepers.
As they lose their gatekeeper control and their gatekeeper monopoly, they're going to be more desperate and that desperation is going to produce more extreme actions on their behalf.
And that's when people have to be the most vigilant.
So we're winning the fight.
But we're gonna get kicked and hit and bit pretty hard in this, but we gotta go through it.
So people better just realize, whether it's keeping this broadcast on air, because I mean, we're central to the talking points of reality we put out and the guests we have.
I mean, we rewrote the whole deal.
We rebooted America.
You did.
So again, spreading the word.
I'm getting chills right now.
Supporting the broadcast, praying for us, and buying the products like high quality fish oil and great nootropics and amazing turmeric and amazing bone broth and the best B12 out there.
It's all 50% off right now.
We're only making 30% or so on these.
We need to sell a ton of this to fund the operation because that's how we fund ourselves.
That which doesn't kill us made us stronger.
They took our sponsors away, they took everything away over the years, but we just went to direct sales and brought you great products.
But it's so important now, folks, I thank you, but thank yourself to realize that your word of mouth, going into this election, telling people about the local radio stations, the local TV stations, or InfoWars.com forward slash show, or Banned.video.
They'll block you on Twitter and Facebook.
So again, your word of mouth and your financial support.
This is a real war.
I just go back to that because I'm thinking about how close this fight is and it could be snatched away from us and the folks will be going to a physical revolution if they're successful with violence, which they want so badly.
It is going to be hellish, and we're going to win that too, but we don't want to go down that road.
No doubt.
I mean, you have the media as a cornered adversary, the institutional deep state apparatus is a cornered adversary, the Democratic Party is a cornered adversary.
That's when they are the most dangerous.
And where else can people get healthier, get wealthier, get wiser, and change the world easier than just going to a four-store?
That's it.
I mean, it's extraordinary.
You buy products you want, you buy products you need.
You buy products at a discounted price.
You get the best product at the cheapest price.
And I'm thinking about this, the model, they're scared, I bet they're scared of this model.
Because they don't want shows or magazines or people to be supported because this is popular and it won't be Hollywood and the media perched on us, force-feeding us things that aren't popular.
It's like Dave Chappelle, 99% from the people, you know, saying we don't have political correctness for his comedy show, zero from Rotten Tomatoes.
Again, they don't want you to have the power to vote.
InfoWars is the purest form of that, and you are the InfoWars, so thank you.
But they have strangled us, they have really got us, and I just want to be able to rampage forward.
Now, let's cover the waterfront when we come back, and then Matt Bragg is coming up.
Stay with us.
Okay, ladies and gentlemen, there's a reason I'm always hitting refresh on InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
There's a reason I'm always hitting refresh at DrudgeReport.com.
During the break, I went to DrudgeReport.com, and what did I see right there?
LinkedIn Red.
Let's put it up on screen, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm glad we've got a criminal lawyer, we've got a defense lawyer, we've got a First Amendment lawyer, we've got a litigation lawyer, we've got it all here.
There it is, red-linked on the left-hand side of DrudgeReport.com.
Attorney recommends proceeding with charges against Andrew McCabe as DOJ rejects.
Last-ditch appeal.
I told you a year ago that I was told that in Maryland and Virginia grand juries were open on him.
This isn't some nebulous stuff.
This was from high-level sources.
And that the word is they had issued sealed indictments, real ones.
Now, Barnes knows more how this works than I do.
I mean, he's done a lot of famous criminal cases.
And he was reading over the Fox News.
He says they don't understand exactly what was just said, but in the meat of it, they are correct.
And so to go over this, we have him here to break it down.
We'll do a little bit in the next hour.
Then Matt Brackett's coming up to get to all the other stuff.
I said I would, but this is breaking down.
I think you agree with me.
We need to hit this down.
I just kind of lost my breath there.
This means, I mean, Trump's on the rampage.
The fact that they're doing this means the House of Cards is coming down, man.
This is really good news.
And I told you the word is from people when I was in D.C.
three months ago.
I talked to three people that were in face-to-face meetings with Trump.
And he said, no, they're going after him.
Attorney Jesse Lew has recommended moving forward with charges against Andrew McCabe, Fox News has learned, as the Justice Department rejects a last-ditch appeal, that's not literally a legal appeal through courts, it means through the system, from the former top FBI official.
McCabe, the former Deputy and Acting Director of the FBI, appealed the decision of the U.S.
Attorney from Washington all the way up to Jeffrey Rosen, and that was just internal, the Deputy Attorney General, but he rejected the request according to a person familiar with the situation.
That's when he started putting out little messages apologizing to his boss over there, the 7 foot 8 creature, Comey.
The potential charges relate to DOJ Inspector General findings against him.
And of course we've seen the Texas congressman that Trump recommended to be the head of national intelligence but the left freaked out saying the word is he's got to be indicted and that he is going to be indicted.
That was over the weekend.
Sources close to McCabe's legal team said they received an email from the Department of Justice which the department rejected your appeal the United States Attorney General's decision in the matter.
Now you're here to decipher, this isn't a court, what type of appeal this really is and what you read here in the tea leaves.
But this, am I right so far?
This shows the dam is breaking?
Oh, no doubt about it.
The inside story on this is fascinating.
So all of this started, Andrew McCabe was the acting actual director of the FBI.
So he'll be the first FBI director I know of to ever be criminally prosecuted in our history.
Even though most of them, frankly, could have been for various things they did while they were there.
So this is big.
This is watershed.
Massive, massive.
Because they tried to take down an elected president.
Sorry you're not bigger than that.
This is one of the most powerful members of the Deep State finally seeing potential consequences for his conduct.
Will this have Hillary crapping bricks?
I mean, Hillary feels so immune from the process.
Though Hillary was deeply embedded with this.
His potential information, he has said before that he will rat anybody and everybody out.
He's made that clear that he'll rat.
Comey out, he'll rat anyone else out.
That's why CNN hired him as hush money.
Remember McCabe is the guy who raised almost $700,000 overnight for his legal defense.
We're not making a threat.
We wanted to live a long time in prison.
Are we going to see Epstein, McCabe, we're going to see him have a canoeing accident?
Well, he will not be jailed.
Assuming he's indicted, so here's the backstory.
Jesse Liu is the Trump-appointed United States Attorney for the District of Columbia.
It was the Inspector General Horowitz, who was actually an appointee of Obama, but was so independent and so ethical that the Obama administration under Sally Yates stripped him of his ability to even investigate a wide range of matters, even though that was his duty under the law.
So once Obama was out, Trump restored that power and authority to him.
And it was Horowitz's report that said McCabe had committed multiple felonies while either being the deputy director or the actual director of the FBI.
Let's talk about some of those things they did.
He lied to them, so he obstructed justice.
He misled them.
He was leaking information illicitly in violation, not only of internal FBI rules, but in violation of specific laws.
Misleading Congress?
Misleading Congress repeatedly.
Misleading the President of the United States repeatedly.
Purportedly involved in a plan to illicitly wiretap the President.
So he told the President no one's ever spied on you when he was directing it?
Orchestrating it, organizing it, running it.
This was the guy that was ahead of Peter Strzok.
This was the guy that was ahead of all the key people doing all the illicit activity.
Comey was the guy who was sort of the rubber stamp.
McCabe was the actual orchestrator and organizer of all of it.
So, he also knows where all the bodies are buried, because remember, it was his wife who was running for office in Virginia.
That they gave a half million to.
Exactly, and who was it that helped orchestrate that?
Exactly, because it was the governor of Virginia that helped orchestrate that, who has been the long-time, I got a story about him, the long-time money man for the Clintons, going way, way back.
There are deals involving him and high-powerful Democratic media supporters, how Clinton used him as a money man.
That's why I said, I mean, this was a Clinton operative.
And who ran all the illegal espionage, I mean, wow!
It was McCabe who shut down the email investigation in certain aspects of it, not Comey.
It was McCabe who was directing key... So this was a Clinton creature?
This was a guy who helped direct, who helped cancel the Clinton Foundation investigation.
So I mean, this guy is at the center of the cover-up of the Clinton corruption and the attempted coup against the President of the United States.
And here's the backstory on this.
Jesse Lew originally was slow playing this.
So there was a lot of people that were upset that thought McCabe should have been indicted over a year ago, should have been indicted before the 2018 elections, which could have helped Trump win.
But what is this I was told about grand juries open on it?
So there are potential grand juries, but the way the grand juries operate is they simply gather information.
So there's what we call an invest—inside the business, we call an investigative grand jury and an indictment grand jury.
And theoretically, constitutionally, every grand jury should just be an investigative grand jury, but it's not practically how it works.
Because prosecutors have carte blanche power in there.
But what happens is an investigative grand jury just gets information.
They're not looking to indict anyone.
It's the tool by which the U.S.
Attorney can secretly get evidence about someone.
secretly get subpoenas, secretly have testimony, etc.
And they usually scare witnesses into thinking that witnesses can't talk about
what happened before the grand jury when it's actually only the government and the grand jurors
who can't talk about it.
But that's why they like it, that's why they use it as a tool. But what happened here is
a lot of people believe that Jessie Liu was slow playing it.
And because she was slow playing it, they started getting increasingly agitated over
the last several months.
Also, somebody close to Trump leaked that he was originally considering giving a big promotion to Lew.
And I talked about this a year and a half ago, that if she would indict McCabe, the president would probably put her number two or number three in the Department of Justice.
She didn't.
And so he let leak that he had originally planned on doing that.
But given how she was slow playing these corruption investigations, he was having second thoughts.
So it's not a surprise that suddenly she decided to accelerate the prosecution.
And the language they use here isn't quite correct.
What happens is certain kinds of cases, like tax cases, I do a lot of criminal tax cases, they have to be approved by the U.S.
Attorney for the Tax Division.
The local U.S.
Attorney can't run those cases.
Almost all cases, the local U.S.
Attorney, in this case, Jessie Liu, could make her own determination.
The other area where that's not true is high-profile political cases.
Those have to be approved and authorized by the number two at the Department of Justice, the Deputy Attorney General.
That's why Rosenstein was such a key person to control all this.
So when Rosenstein was finally out, then that allowed, it looks like the number two currently They have his name here.
Yeah, because actually he talks about is Jeffrey Rosen, not Rosenstein.
And so now all that happens is what happens is Lou decided she was going to recommend prosecution.
That's the only reason why Rosen would be involved.
That means Lou has already decided to prosecute him.
So you're confirming from the way this is laid out that the decision to prosecute McCabe is here?
The Justice Department is going to prosecute the former acting head of the FBI a first.
This is a big deal.
It's unprecedented.
And again, I'm not having a victory lap, but my endorphins are coming out.
I'm having some pleasure right now because it feels like I'm getting these demons more off my back and all this hard work starting to pay off.
Oh, oh, this.
this oh oh oh should I be feeling this good right now?
Absolutely everyone should feel good because this is the first time the sort
of deep state has faced a threat since Mark Felt, former Deep Throat, was
indicted for his COINTELPRO activities in the late 1970s.
And then he got off the hook entirely.
So here you have, while Trump is president, the leading orchestrator of Deep State activities who has more intel and information about what was happening with Spygate, what was happening with Comey.
What was happening with Brennan?
What was happening with Clapper?
What was happening with the Clinton Foundation?
What was happening with the Clinton email investigation?
That anyone in the entire government is now going to be indicted in the District of Columbia.
He's going to face meaningful prosecution.
Please stay there, we've got a break.
I'm not, I just, I don't have a lot of these because we were always fighting the enemy, but I'm, I'm having some, I'm getting high as a kite here.
I hope you are.
We're going to be right back.
Hour number four.
A few more segments.
We'll get Matt Brackett's take on this as well, but hallelujah.
Thank you, Jesus.
This is great.
Praise God and pass the information warfare ammunition.
It's going to be rough now.
They're going to go really crazy now.
Let's talk about what you expect.
How this will unfold in the next year's drop.
Please, however you're watching.
You have the power to resist the globalists and defeat them if you simply take action.
You have the will and the spirit.
And I'm asking you to tell everyone you know tonight to tune in to our live coverage at band.video.
Right up there is this live feed and the debates.
We're going to be talking about this.
This is exciting.
This is how globalists are taken down.
This you can smell.
Oh, the Huawei.
All the things that are happening.
It's an incredible time.
Hour number four straight ahead.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Countdown, ladies and gentlemen.
Andrew McCabe.
The decision's been made to indict him.
The breaking news today is that U.S.
Attorney Jesse Lew has chosen and decided already, has made the referral, and the referral has been approved and authorized to indict Andrew McCabe, the former director of the FBI, the former deputy director of the FBI, the key decision-maker in the Clinton email case, the Clinton Foundation case, The orchestrator of the spy gate and coup attempts against the President of the United States, for his false statements to the FBI, for his false statements to the Office of Inspector General, for his illicit leaks to the media, for his attempts to illicitly spy on the President of the United States.
All of that is going to be the basis and the reason and the predicate for an indictment, the first ever indictment, against an acting director of the FBI who had ever been in any high-ranking position in the FBI.
It's an extraordinary case with the first deep state indictment really since Mark Felt in the late 1970s, who ran COINTELPRO and was known as Deep Throat, who secretly took out the Nixon administration.
That's how significant and consequential this indictment is.
Because the way the process works is there's a doctrine called the delegation doctrine.
It's a constitutional process about who has the approval and who has the authority to indict.
While a grand jury has an indictment, only a U.S.
attorney can bring that case to the grand jury for the purposes of an indictment.
And the way that works is, if it's a particular kind of case, tax case, has to go to a particular U.S.
attorney in charge of the tax division.
If it's a certain kind of political case involving a high-ranking government official, then it has to be approved of by the deputy director, the deputy U.S.
attorney, the number two in the United States Department of Justice, which is Jeffrey Rosen.
Today it's reported that he has approved it.
That means the indictment is coming within days, within weeks.
Andrew McCabe will be indicted by the Department of Justice for his crimes against the President of the United States and on behalf of the Clinton family.
And against the voters of this country and our electoral system and our republic.
And this aura of invincibility, of infallibility of the Clinton crime machine and the Obama Crime Machine will then evaporate and you'll start seeing many others turn state evidence very, very quickly.
This is a giant moment for the Republic.
This is approaching the level of when the British sued for peace 240 years ago.
This is so massive, ladies and gentlemen.
You're going to see major counter-strikes, though.
I suspect if they're ever going to try to kill Trump, or ever try to stage a big terror attack or something, this is when the deep state is about to fire all barrels.
Well, in fact, I would say that this message is partially that, because apparently the source for this story coming out is McCabe himself.
It's McCabe's legal team sending the message, by the way, I'm about to get targeted, I'm about to get hit.
So it's a peculiar kind of timing.
If I was McCabe's people, I wouldn't necessarily put this out to the public.
Now, he did raise almost $700,000 for a legal defense fund earlier, so maybe he's planning on doing a fundraiser.
What about Arkansas?
What about his family getting life insurance on him?
I mean, I think this guy has as much longevity and a shelf life of Jeffrey Epstein.
Well, there's two things about McCabe.
He has made clear to everybody for a long time that he'll rat out anybody and everybody to save his own hide.
That's number one.
Number two, he's the source of letting everybody know, hey, by the way, he's about to get indicted.
So that's a very sort of peculiar thing to do if you want to protect yourself.
The third aspect with him is that, put it this way, if you're an insurance company, would you give life insurance right now to Andrew McCabe without some special exceptions for unusual and unexplained deaths?
Kayak accidents, heart attacks, slipping.
It will insure you as long as your death can be fully and completely explained.
But any unexplained death, sorry, no insurance for that.
No sudden, you know, weird ways of... Car wrecks.
Yeah, no car wrecks, no weird way, no sudden unexplained heart attacks.
No falling down stairs.
Yeah, exactly.
None of that.
No committing suicide while you're temporarily in federal custody under a video camera.
Nothing like that.
It will be interesting to see.
Now, he does have intel and information literally on everybody.
I mean, if you wanted to talk about a deep state hatchet man with all the information and intel, it is Andrew McCabe.
Covered up with the Clintons, the Foundation, and emails.
Ran the counter-espionage units.
So you're talking about a guy who knows everything about Peter Strzok, knows everything about everybody and everyone in every way.
He had access to all the panopticonic big tech surveillance grids and everything else.
Another stuff suit.
Another white shoe boy about to burn because he thought he could take down an elected president.
He thought he could be a Chai Com errand boy.
You and the Chai Coms are going to pay.
America is rising.
Stay with us.
We have Matt Bracken, best-selling author, former Navy SEAL, smart patriot, taking over in the next segment.
And then we're going to be back throughout the day.
Owen Troyer, the War Room.
It's all part of the live coverage of Clown World 3.
Houston, we have a problem.
We've got reporters on the ground there.
You can feel the energy in the air.
The whole show's been amazing today.
And then it popped up on the left-hand side of DrudgeReport.com from Fox News.
And I'm not telling Drudge what to do, because it is the big showdown of Elizabeth Warren and Biden.
That's a big top story, but not compared to that Fox News one right there below it.
Because the way Fox writes it, you're not sure what's really being said there.
Attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal.
But following how the process works, I knew what it meant.
And then I asked Robert Barnes, a famous criminal lawyer, And he laid out exactly what it meant if you just joined us.
So let's play the Fox News piece that doesn't quite get it right, and then we'll lay out why this is so big.
The decision has been made to prosecute him.
It's on.
This isn't a court appeal, this is an appeal to the Deputy Attorney General.
This is the first time an FBI Director, because he was acting FBI Director, has been indicted.
This means no more Mr. Nice Guy in the Deep State, no more political parties playing games and patty cake.
Trump's going to war.
Big tech better get ready.
Everybody better get ready.
Because they tried to overthrow an elected president.
They're trying to overthrow the borders.
They're on the Huawei-Tricom payroll.
And America's finally decided to fight for its life.
We may still lose!
But at least we're going to go down fighting.
And I say we have the initiative and history on our side.
And all these slapjaws that bought the propaganda and signed on to the anti-American crap, they're going to feel like fools when they lose.
This is a very serious time for our country and the poison injected into us by the globalists in Hollywood, it's a pyrrhic victory unless we get God again and reverse what's happening.
Because we may beat the Chai Kams, we probably will, but can we then not crawl off from the poison already injected in us and die as a society from corruption later?
Here's the Fox News report, then we'll have constitutional and criminal lawyer Robert Barnes decipher it.
Here it is.
My business is investigations, evidence, finding information, and exposing that information when the American public has a right to know it.
I'm not a political person.
I'm not a political operative.
Well, that was former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe claiming he isn't political.
But now the Philadelphia Inquirer is reporting that the disgraced former FBI official will headline a Democrat fundraiser in Pennsylvania later this month.
Not political at all.
Just raising money for the Democrats.
Now remember President Trump fired him in March of 2018 after this IG report came down saying he leaked information to the media, wasn't forthcoming about it, and the Inspector General is still investigating.
Joining me now, Joe DiGenova, former U.S.
Attorney and Jason Chaffetz, former chair of the House Oversight Committee, Fox News contributor, author of the brand new book, Power grab.
Go grab it.
All right.
Joe, the mask is really off on McCabe, is it not now?
Oh, absolutely.
He and Comey have done irreversible damage to the FBI as an institution.
But this is not surprising.
This is a seamless transition.
From the private partisan political activities he conducted with Comey and others, especially on behalf of his wife, who was running for a Virginia Senate seat while he was getting hundreds of thousands of dollars for her from a Clinton operative.
Now he's just public with his Democratic partisan politics.
He's a disgrace to the FBI, and he's kind of a pajama boy.
As you watch him, there's something about, kind of weakly masculine about him.
He's a little strange.
Yeah, he doesn't scream.
But that's the kind of people, by the way, Comey surrounded himself with.
You look at them.
They're all diminutive.
They're weird.
They're skinny.
They're strange.
They're all strange.
Very, very strange people.
Those are odd.
Jason, the fundraiser, just in case you want to get your ticket.
A congressman.
It's purchased through ActBlue.
They range from $80 to $160.
The more expensive Speaker's Circle tickets, Jason, come with access to a private reception.
So if you want to be lied to to your face, you can go to the President's Circle event.
Looks like there's still quite a few tickets left, but there's also ones down at $32.50, I guess.
Get a signed copy of his book for $32.50.
What of this?
This is so terribly tone-deaf.
He's on the receiving end of one of the most scathing IG reports there's ever been.
There's at least two more IG reports that are coming out.
Now again, this is the report posted in the bombshell article.
Attorney recommends proceeding with charges against McCabe as DOJ rejects last-ditch appeal.
We went and checked.
Barnes is a criminal lawyer.
He's been following very closely.
Most of them from DC.
And this means that they are indeed going forward with a criminal prosecution, indictment, you name it.
And this is going to send shockwaves through.
We told you this was going on last year.
We told you this year.
And he's the bag man.
He arrogantly committed all these crimes.
He ran this for the Clintons.
They're letting, at least for now, Comey go, but by getting McCabe, Comey has been told by Congress, you're still on the crosshairs.
How do you expect this to unfold?
There's a lot of ways it could, but this is a big deal.
Oh yeah, I mean, first of all, this means that he is going to be indicted.
That's what this is.
The way the process works is the delegation power to choose who gets indicted or who to, the recommendation is the recommendation to the grand jury.
That's what takes place.
So the U.S.
attorney says, I'm going to recommend the grand jury indict you.
If you're a particular, if it's a tax case, or you're a high-profile political person, it has to get approved by someone higher up in the Justice Department.
And tax goes to the tax division.
In this case, it goes to the deputy, the number two, under the Department of Justice, right under Barr, the number two is Jeffrey Rosen, and he makes that- He replaced Rosenstein, who was all giving him carte blanche to commit crimes, lying to Trump and saying you're not under investigation, when he and McCabe were running it.
So that's why it was key- That little weasel needs to be indicted.
Well, yeah, the long issues with Rosenstein.
Many of my highest profiles wins were against cases he made the mistake of recommending.
But the fact that Rosen came in and said, yes, and this is referred, and notice he refers to, the email says, the U.S.
Attorney's decision in the matter.
What that means is they've already decided to indict.
Andrew McCabe will now be indicted.
The only person who could have stopped it is the deputy director.
He has said, no, I'm not going to stop it.
It is full throttle with the U.S.
Attorney's Office.
And so, quote, that administrative appeal failed.
And really what it is, is it's not even, I wouldn't call it an appeal or an administration.
What it really is, is it's who has the final authority.
So the U.S.
Attorney said, hey, I'm going to go to the grand jury and indict you.
But under the law, I don't have that final authority.
The number two of the Department of Justice does.
So you can go to him.
So how long until, I mean he's the one putting out that he's about to be indicted.
How long?
A week?
two weeks? It could be tomorrow. So it could be tomorrow, it could be a several
weeks, it could be a few months. So what will happen is it'll depend on when the
grand jury meets. So they'll walk down to the grand jury and when the US Attorney's
Office requests the grand jury to indict, the grand jury indicts 99.7% of the time.
So he is... And the feds convict what on this type of deal most of the time so I
would look for him to be Arkansas-ed? It will be interesting. He is in DC so that's
favorable to McCabe. Oh yeah, they even let off the senator with little girls there.
So you never know, it's a very democratic bias.
They've been doing jury nullification in the case.
So everybody's going to be watching this.
So now Lou knows that she's under massive pressure to secure a conviction, that the credibility of the U.S.
Department of Justice depends on a successful prosecution of Andrew McCabe.
But what it also means is he has all the intel and all the information.
Hold on, we're going to come back with Matt Bragg, because I want him to take over.
But I want you to finish with this, then we'll get some lunch.
We didn't even have breakfast.
We've been working so much.
Not complaining, but we've got to eat.
And don't forget, you're in the middle of our live coverage of Houston.
We have a problem.
The Democrat debates in Houston.
We've got two different crews down there.
I'm going to be here live.
We're live right through 11 o'clock tonight.
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Andrew McCabe will be indicted.
That's the headline story coming out of Fox News.
Andrew McCabe himself, his counsel, apparently is the source leaking out that fact.
That is already going to happen.
What will he be indicted for?
He'll be indicted for various crimes likely related to what was in the Inspector General Horowitz's report going back almost two years ago.
Report that detailed the ways in which McCabe illicitly leaked to the media, lied to the Office of Inspector General, lied and misled other people within the FBI, likely obstructed justice and perverted the course of justice.
It may include illicit activities involving illicit partisan activities on behalf of his
wife receiving money from Clinton connected political packs while Clinton was under investigation
by purportedly Andrew McCabe, including the Clinton Foundation investigation and the Clinton
email investigation, his complicit role in Spygate, his purported knowledge of Rosenstein's
plan to illicitly wiretap the president inside the White House.
All of those things can be fully disclosed.
So you see McCabe's counsel today leaking this to the press that he's about to get indicted,
which I can tell you in the past prosecutors have interpreted as a message to his deep
state co-conspirators to start deleting evidence, destroying evidence, voluntarily disappearing,
maybe involuntarily disappearing those people who won't voluntarily disappear.
That would be the nature of it.
If this was a mob case or any other kind of case, that's how the prosecutors would interpret
what he's doing.
He's giving a heads up to all of his co-conspirators.
I'm about to get nailed.
He's saying run, burn everything.
That's the message a lot of people would take out of this.
So the why is, just ask yourself in any situation like this, why would McCabe's own counsel leak to the press?
We started apologizing to Comey publicly two days ago.
I mean, this is just groveling.
Well, and if I was him, I would probably start apologizing to key Deep State members because he had previously said if he goes down, everybody goes down.
So we're lucky to have you here with the coverage.
You're going to continue on.
We'll both be back for sure.
6 to 11 tonight.
And you're going to be honchoing.
I already had this decision tonight.
You're going to be running the debates because you're a great talk show host, a smart guy.
You're perfect for this.
And we're going to have everybody here.
We're going to have...
We're going to have Tom Papert.
We're going to have Rob Dew.
We're going to have Ellen Schroer.
We're going to have Will Johnson.
We're going to have Millie Weaver.
We're going to have Caitlyn Bennett.
And then I know you wanted to do this earlier and have some fun.
The Alex Jones mask, you buy one for $9.95, you get four free.
So we're selling you these at cost.
We've ordered 50,000 of these to freak people out on Halloween and other times and spread the word in the third dimension.
So buy one Alex Jones mask, get four free.
The sale just went up today.
We're going to sell all 50,000 of these.
At cost, ladies and gentlemen.
This is about an information war.
Throwing free bumper stickers in there to trigger libtards in your area.
They're trying to censor us out of the internet fake silicon division.
We are doing it in the third dimension.
InfoWareStore.com and a bunch of sales are going as well right now.
Your purchases make the transmission all possible.
And Bob's going to have some fun with this, but things are too serious.
Thank you, Matt Bracken, for being here.
I love your t-shirt, The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.
Thomas Jefferson, you've been calling for this and pushing so hard.
You look just as happy as I do.
This is a big day so far.
This means we've got a real president and a real war just kicked off.
So Matt Bracken, EnemiesForeignDomestic.com, thank you for being here.
Thank you.
Well, you know, there's an old saying, when you move to kill the king, you better kill the king.
Because if you don't, The King's got a lot of tools and he's gonna track you down.
He better not miss!
He's gonna take you out.
You better not miss.
Well I mean, Andrew McCabe is the deep state equivalent of Jeffrey Epstein.
That's how significant he is.
He's the inside man to what Jeffrey Epstein was on the outside.
He's the guy with all the intel, all the info.
He's the biggest deep state indictment in more than 40 years since Mark Felt, who ran
We can't say how big it is, that's why we're talking to you.
But you just made another great point, Dwyer.
Take over, we love you.
We're going to go eat lunch and listen to you.
God bless you.
Folks, we're in the business.
Spread the word about this live feed.
History's happening right now, folks.
Do it.
Banned on video.
Go ahead, my friend.
Yeah, this is the big shift, you know, visible.
Icebergs are good for a couple of analogies.
Obviously, most of an iceberg is invisible.
What we and, you know, just folks out here without inside sources like, you know, classified sources, what we see is that like 10% of the iceberg.
But the deep state players, they know much more of what's underneath the water.
And so if McCabe is starting to panic, you know that it's bad and all the rest of the deep state coup plotters, they're going to be in a panic also.
And sometimes With an iceberg, sometimes they actually capsize or you've seen them calving off of a glacier.
You know, when that iceberg, it looks so solid, it looks like a big solid piece of that glacier, you know, like a cliff, like a wall.
But when that acre of ice falls off into the fjord, It sends out big waves.
And today we're seeing that one of those icebergs calve off.
You know, that glacier's been moving so slowly.
For two years I've been saying, when's somebody going to get arrested, indicted?
You know, when are these coup plotters, when is the shoe going to be on the other foot?
Well, I think that today, visibly, it's happening.
You know, another couple of analogies in warfare, you can sometimes see an army just on the march and it looks like it's unstoppable, but they reach their limit, they go too far, where their logistical lines are too overextended, their people are worn out, maybe they don't have the right uniforms for the environment.
I'm thinking of Civil War, Lee at Gettysburg.
You know, hey, they're in Pennsylvania.
The South must be doing great.
And within a year and a half, Richmond, it's all over.
Or in the Second World War, the Nazis got to Stalingrad, and they were on their way to securing the Caspian oil fields.
And that was their high watermark.
And then the rest of the way is defense all the way back to Berlin, and Berlin being crushed.
The Red Army just wiping them out all the way back.
And I think this is the turning point, one of those days in history, when we're going to see this as an actual turning point.
And I can't wait to see MSDNC and CNN today, how they're going to spin this.
You know, the great hero McCabe being slandered and besmirched by the evil Trumpian corrupt Justice Department.
It's going to be a joke.
It's going to be like the election night, worth recording to savor over the coming weeks and months.
When I come back, I'm going to talk about another angle on this whole deep state coup that's also been ongoing this week, which is the Mike Flynn case.
This is like another battlefront.
While we're dealing with the Nazis in Europe, we've got the Japanese in the Pacific.
This is another front in this deep state counterattack.
The amazing lawyer Sidney Powell has been doing an unbelievable job in court trying to get this Brady material, that's the exculpatory material that should have been released, that wasn't, that the DOJ even till this day has been hiding.
You know, even with Barr in charge, there are all these deep state moles so deeply embedded that it's just been almost impossible to drag anything out of the Department of Justice.
But, you know, Mike Flynn, who went bankrupt in his first go-round with his old law firm, he should ask for a refund.
And I believe Sidney Powell, this female attorney you've seen on TV, she's actually doing this pro bono.
So Mike Flynn went to D.C.
attorneys, and I'll bet they were actually not working on his behalf.
They were taking his money and letting the meter run, but were they actually working for General Flynn, or were they working for their future business partners and legal partners in the deep state?
It really makes you wonder how deep this goes.
But this is going to be a day to savor the final pivot, the counterattack, you know, when the Germans get pushed out of Stalingrad and it's back to Berlin.
You know, this is going to be an epic sea change coming up, and we'll have it back more in a few minutes.
Okay, when we left, we were talking about the panic in the deep state.
And that's exactly, I think, what we're seeing now.
McCabe is sending out the signals to his buddies.
The only leverage he's got is to try to warn them.
In other words, please don't kill me.
I don't feel like going canoeing on the Potomac or driving off a cliff.
So forgive me.
Now we've all got to cover our own butts as best we can.
This is why for the past couple of months, supposedly people have been going back to the Inspector General Horowitz and amending their testimony.
This is because Among the Deep State plotters, you know, the rumors will be flying about who's singing like a canary, and you don't want to be holding the short stick because
The conspirators all said, we won't say a word or we'll all agree to tell this lie.
But then you hear one of your co-conspirators has broken ranks, and they're talking to Durham or Horowitz.
So they're scurrying back to Horowitz to say, you know, I had some further memories.
I remembered things a little bit differently.
This is because they know that the axe is coming down.
They know that it's going to happen.
And there's no stopping it at this point.
corrupt people is that they think everybody is corrupt.
You know, a thief thinks that everybody is a thief.
That they just don't get caught.
Like, you know, maybe they're a more careful, better thief.
But thieves, liars think that everybody lies.
You know, they don't think that they're uniquely sinful.
They think that all politicians are corrupt.
If you go and you explore this cast of characters, start with Comey.
And look at his relationship with Mueller, with McCabe, with Rosenstein, with former Attorney General Holder and Lynch.
You'll see that all of these players have been, they went to law school, they went to work for the Democrats.
To enrich themselves and to further the power of the Democrat Party.
And if you look at, it's really interesting to put on a timeline, you know, where was Mueller?
Where was Comey?
Where was Lynch?
Where was Holder?
They take turns.
They're working as U.S.
attorneys where they can throw favors to corporations.
They take corporate gigs as like senior legal counsel for like HSBC Bank, for Lockheed Martin, and then they do deals with their U.S.
attorney pals.
They get contracts cleared or approved, or they get fines reduced to a slap on the wrist.
This is how they have functioned.
So these are, this is a cast of entirely, you know, really evilly corrupt people and finally, finally, it looks like There is going to be some level of justice coming down, and we might not see the justice ourselves.
They might have a lot of security in some respects.
You know, well, Epstein thought he was untouchable.
Epstein thought, I've got so many blackmail tapes, they'll never touch me.
He wound up dead under mysterious circumstances, to say the least.
I think that the Rosensteins and the McCabes They probably have in a form of a parachute, which is a dead man's switch.
You know, if I'm taken out, I'm taking all of the rest of these guys out.
Well, to our benefit, that can lead to a cascade because all of these thumb drives and packages full of information are going to get leaked now furiously because if you look at some of the conspirators, If you look particularly at McCabe, Comey, and Rosenstein, they have some very serious contradictions in their testimony.
There are cases where one or both of them have to be lying.
It's either two plus two is four or not.
And if you're caught on the wrong side of a provable lie, somebody is going to testify against somebody else, and you can go to jail for perjury.
You can absolutely go to jail for perjury.
And these guys, at their ages, and with the power that they have accumulated, they do not want to see the inside of a jail cell.
I don't think we're going to see any G. Gordon Liddy's out of this crowd.
If you go back to Watergate, G. Gordon Liddy was the head of the Watergate plumbers that did the break-in, but he just wouldn't talk.
He took it like a POW, you know, name, rank, and serial number.
This crew is not going to go the G. Gordon Liddy route.
They are all corrupt, evil, venal men.
And, you know, with the exception perhaps of Comey, and the reason I say that, I think that Comey is not Corrupt financially.
Of course, he did do the, you know, gigs at like Lockheed Martin and HSBC where you make three or four million in a year for approving corrupt deals or looking the other way for Uranium One deals, things like that.
But I think he's a true believer.
Until recently, his Twitter handle was Reinhold Niebuhr.
And Reinhold Niebuhr is a 20th century quote-unquote theologian Who preached, you know, that Jesus was the first Marxist, basically.
So, Comey's book is called A Higher Loyalty, meaning a higher loyalty than to the oath that I took to, you know, defend the Constitution, obey the law.
His higher loyalty is to further the goal of globalism, socialism, and to me, they're just synonyms for communism.
So, I think Comey, out of this whole crew, he might fall on his sword.
He'll just, you know, take Twitter pictures of himself staring in the woods.
But, you know, it's not going to help him, because in the end, the Strokes and the Pages, they're not going to be willing to go to jail to protect their higher-ups.
You know, the Carlins and the Bakers and the McCabes and the Rosensteins.
All of these people have guilty knowledge on one another.
They all do.
And when they're all individually put under oath and deposed, they're going to spill their guts because they don't know what other people have said.
So their only defense is going to be completely let it out, let it spill, and the devil take the hindmost.
Everybody is going to be out for self-preservation.
And at the end of the day, I hope, you know, maybe I'm just having a good day and I'm pretty naive, but I hope we see that some of these people see the inside of a prison cell.
And I'm thinking at the very top, you know, you've got the communist Brennan.
How did he become the head of the CIA?
I mean, you know, it really bears studying all of these guys.
I go back to Diana West's amazing book, The Red Thread.
You know, how did these guys wind up in charge of the seventh floor of the FBI?
Every night Hannity says, you know, 99% of the FBI, they're as pure as the driven snow.
They're great patriots.
It's just that somehow, you know, that bad 1% wound up in charge of FBI headquarters.
I don't believe it.
I think that we're going to see a generational struggle now.
So even though we've had a battlefield win today, and we might even win part of a war if we root out this deep state coup and we see some of these guys thrown in prison, that's not going to end it.
As I've been saying for quite a while now, college output is federal government input.
If college is turning out, you know, Marxist social justice warriors, guess what?
That's who's entering the FBI.
That's who's going into the DOJ.
That's how these corrupt Democrat operatives, you know, like, like Holder Lynch, all of these guys, that's how they've risen so fast and so far through the Department of Justice.
The entire edifice is just worm-eaten with, to me, I'll call them communists.
They can say they're progressives with a higher loyalty.
I call them communists.
And even though we may have a battlefield victory here today, I don't think that it's over by a long shot, because for the next 20, 30 years, The people that thought Brennan should be allowed into the CIA and then opened the doors for him all the way through to director of the CIA, they are still the same people that are selecting tomorrow's FBI agents and CIA case officers.
Those are the people that are supposed to defend us that actually they see a higher loyalty also.
They don't believe that oath that we took to defend the Constitution.
Their higher loyalty is to globalism.
And it's going to be a long, long war before we end this.
Now, obviously, the McCabe News is dominating everything today.
And it's very important.
You know, it's the rock in the river that the river is bending around today.
But it relates to a lot of other big picture items.
And I think that what's happening now is that the Deep State's timeline, their narrative time cycle, it's been very disrupted.
So we're going to see some unexpected events that are going to come out of the blue, but maybe not so out of the blue.
Because of this panic among the deep state, the key deep state players.
Now, the plan was to pivot from Russian collusion, the hoax, which occupied mainstream media for two straight years plus, two and a half years.
The plan was to just never mind that.
You know, leave that, go away from that, and pivot to the new narrative that, you know, white man bad, orange man bad.
You know, that the former American patriots now are the most dangerous terrorists in America and the world.
You know, the dreaded white nationalists.
You know, anybody who is of European heritage Who is a national patriot, is today a white nationalist.
And we know what that means.
It means that they've got a Nazi uniform hidden in their closet.
So this was the long-term plan for the progressive deep state operatives, was to just, you know, like a magician, misdirecting, never mind the Russian coup, We've now got an even bigger threat looming over the horizon, which is the rise of the evil alt-right white nationalists.
I saw a video today.
It's on BitChute and YouTube.
There's a videographer out.
He was a Brit in North England named Iconoclast, and I put him easily at the top tier with Paul Joseph Watson and Black Pigeon Speaks.
If you've never seen Iconoclast, I highly recommend him.
Now, he was in a purge about two or three weeks ago.
He was banned for a couple of days and then brought back.
He has like 200,000 followers.
His videos get seen millions of times.
His video today is brilliant.
He's a European, he's English, and he's a patriot, so the way he is now referred to in the BBC and The Guardian and other left-wing British rags is as an European white nationalist.
You know, an extremist.
And all he is is an English patriot.
I mean, so his video today starts out saying, what if you woke up and on TV all the NPC bots are saying the sky is green, the sky's always been green.
And if you say no, it's blue.
You're a skyist.
You're like holding on to outdated, bigoted ideas.
Anyway, the video is really terrific.
It's called, The Mainstream Media Lies About Demography and Smears Me.
You know that you can't even talk now on YouTube about the Great Replacement.
If you say Great Replacement on YouTube, automatically you're banned.
So, if you don't support mass third world immigration into this country, you're automatically next door to being a Nazi.
Now, again, more good news, like the news on McCabe's coming indictment, The Supreme Court slapped down 7 to 2 this absurd notion that anybody from anywhere in the world can come through, you know, a dozen countries, buses, airplanes, show up at the American border and claim asylum.
So that's definitely another battlefield victory.
But it's nothing to gloat about because, you know, we're being swamped demographically.
What happened in California over the last, you know, 20, 30 years is happening in states like North Carolina.
Why is it even in play?
Because of demography.
You know, we've got an unbelievable explosion of third-world immigrants into sanctuary cities and states, where they're given driver's licenses, which are motor voter, and nobody checks to see if they're voting.
This is what happened to California, and it's happening right across the country.
So, we've had a victory today with the asylum ruling, and I hope that Trump can push it.
They're putting these asylum judges in tents right at the border.
and get right out, the solution to this is to throw the problem back to Mexico and say,
"They're not coming into our country, so you might want to deal with it at your southern border.
Otherwise, you're going to have permanent refugee camps in northern Mexico.
We're not letting them in."
But because of the McCabe news today, this racial identity politics,
long-term narrative, this pivot from, "Trump is a Russian agent," to now, "Trump is the arch-racist,"
what's happened with McCabe is...
That a giant boulder, almost an asteroid, has landed in the pond.
And they don't have time for a long pivot towards, you know, red flag laws, banning guns.
This is going to take too long.
They need something to take the exposure of the deep state coup right off the front page.
And my worry is that we're going to see some kind of terrorist attack It seems to happen when they need it.
Now, I'm not saying that one of these deep state coup plotters is going to pick up a telephone or his smartphone and then leave all these fingerprints to some parallax view corporation where they're going to set out on a patsy.
I don't think that's how it works.
I think that it's more like the way that insects communicate with pheromones or jellyfish, you know, with vibrations in the water.
They all can turn at the same time even though they have no brains.
And we're going to see somebody like the Odessa lunatic or the Parkland lunatic, somebody who is These Deep State players are aware of, and I'm not saying at a high level, but when all of these pheromone signals, these panic signals go out, it's like kicking over a fire ant nest.
You know, way in the bottom of the fire ant nest, they all come out, even if somebody just pokes a stick at the top.
And that's all done by chemical pheromones.
Well, in this form of communication, the panic signals are going to go out.
We need a major distraction.
So I wouldn't be surprised if we see something coming up in the next days to weeks to get the whole McCabe Deep State coup indictment out of the news.
Something that's going to last a long time.
And I'm just becoming aware now of something happening in New York on the 28th of September.
I'm not making any predictions here, but they're promoting this on network TV big time.
Just imagine if this was like a patriotic American rally.
Hell no.
It's called the Global Citizen Festival in New York with big A-list acts Going to be, you know, free tickets, free everything.
Can you imagine what it costs to put this on and to promote it, you know, globally?
Nationally, at least.
They're going to give free tickets to this event, and it's basically going to be a commie fest, okay?
It's going to be, you know, no borders, no walls, no USA at all.
That's going to be the message.
So you can bet that the Antifa, Pink Hat, those guys are going to be there en masse.
They are going to be there en masse.
And what would be a better event for, you know, an alleged Right-wing, alt-right, white nationalists to disrupt either something that will be blamed on a group like the Proud Boys with fights down at ground level, or something much worse like the Las Vegas event of two years ago, and something that is going to be
Blamed on the conservatives, the alt-right, the gun owners, the Second Amendment, and something that will sweep McCabe and the Deep State coup comeuppance right off of the media.
So, I'm not making any prediction, but if I was, you know, if I was In the security business for the government, I'd be very concerned about this global commie fest in New York on the 28th, because it would be the absolute perfect venue to blame on conservative, quote-unquote, white nationalists.
If something detonated or a shooting Uh, riots, anything like that.
You know it's going to be blamed on us, but they need something really big.
They need something at least as big as Las Vegas or Parkland, but not just blamed on a lunatic.
It's got to be the correct Patsy.
You know, the culprits have got to be conservative white right-wangers.
We are the designated scapegoats, and they need desperately something to take the spotlight off of McCabe and the Deep State coup plotters, and I think that we are going to be in the spotlight.
So just keep your powder dry because we're gonna need it.
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Ladies and gentlemen, this isn't a Netflix drama show.
This isn't a Law & Order TV program.
This is not a movie.
This is not a drill.
This is not fiction.
This is reality.
You have a major Google engineer backing up what the other engineers have said, what the documents have shown, and talking about perjury before Congress.
Pray and support this individual and others to come forward.
So, Zach Voorhees, we salute you.
And I'll say this.
It's all of our birthright.
Black, white, old, young, gay, straight, whether you're from San Francisco, New York City, or Austin, Texas, or Des Moines, Iowa.
We're all having our birthright stolen right now.
We're seeing election meddling, and it's time to admit it and to realize we've seen a giant backdoor power grab.
come like an enemy from over the horizon. They came from inside and they came
through cyberspace. Our Republic, our constitutional little d democracy has
been hacked. And please remember, without your financial support we wouldn't have
withstood this withering storm of censorship, attacks, and lies.
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But an incredible time to be alive, an incredible time to be making history together, and standing up and seeing the good guys wake up, and to see us coming back from zero to basically tying the Globalists right now for a football analogy.
So back to Owen Schroer and Zach Vortes.
Do you think Google is the biggest threat to U.S.
I think that, you know, if you want to look at the biggest threat, it's Google together with Facebook, together with Twitter.
They formed this echo chamber in which if they want to apply their control of narratives, then what they're going to do is they're going to press down the voices that they don't want, and they're going to boost up the voices that they do.
And InfoWars has been Sort of the main victim in this and it's clear that as if your audience looks through the disclosure list posted at ProjectVeritas.com, they're going to see InfoWars pop up in numerous blacklists that have been disclosed.
Google's mission statement is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.
When InfoWars was taken offline, was that making information universally accessible and useful?
No, it wasn't.
What do you think comes next in this disclosure of what Google is doing to manipulate U.S.
And what would you like to say to the Google executives that are engaging in this?
Yeah, well, something quite amazing is happening right now.
Like, there's been a huge document dump.
I've released over 950 pages, and right now there is a crowd raid.
There are a bunch of users, they're looking at these documents, they're digesting them, and they're posting the content of them onto Twitter for us all to see.
And so, you know, one of the things I want to invite for your audience is to come online, Go to Project Veritas, see their disclosure.
They posted a link to all these documents.
I'm asking your audience to download the everything.zip file and just go to town.
And the thing is, is that whatever you think Google's doing, I promise you, it's way, way worse.
And, you know, I see the reaction online and everyone's like, you know, WTF?
And I'm like, yes, everyone is now seeing what I've seen, uh, privately.
Uh, and you know, we're finally having the exposure of light This is important.
I'm 45 years old.
darkness and people are finally understanding what's really going on in America.
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InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.