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Name: 20190829_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 29, 2019
3414 lines.

InfoWars discusses ongoing protests in Hong Kong against a bill that would allow suspects to be extradited to China. The Chinese government has sent troops into the city, threatening martial law which could lead to mass violence. Protesters have five demands including withdrawal of the bill, an inquiry into police brutality, amnesty for arrested protesters, universal suffrage and stopping referring to demonstrations as riots. InfoWars supports Hongkongers in their struggle against these changes and promotes products such as AM Wake Up and Work Packet, Patriot Points, and Super Silver Skin Cream to support protesters exposed to tear gas.

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So we should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way.
So we have to bring in the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, an agency that has the expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely.
I've known Alex for, like, more than 20 years.
I've hung out with that guy.
We've been hammered together so many times.
That is the most misunderstood guy on the planet.
He was right about all this Jeffrey Epstein s***.
That is a f***ing fact.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
For years, Jones has been spreading conspiracy theories.
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist.
Radio host and conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones.
Alex Jones supported President Trump, but also peddled and promoted sick conspiracy theories.
It's really hard for me to understand how anyone can be so sick in the head.
Alex Jones, my God, Mika, and just... Yeah.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Alex Jones has been behind several right-wing conspiracy theories.
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
The captain of America's conspiracy theory mothership.
Alex Jones espouses a litany of conspiracy theories, although he thinks that term belittles his reporting.
The government's poisoning the water?
I have all these other government documents where the government proposes and government think tanks propose it's poisoning the water to dumb down the population, make them more easily manageable.
Oh dear, the fluoride didn't work on this one!
He's fighting back against my takeover!
Hurry, chemtrail him immediately!
I've noticed what they attack me with on mainstream news.
Jones claims your cell phones are killing you.
Jones claims there's chemicals in the water that are lowering your fertility and confusing your sexuality.
Jones says there's black helicopters.
Jones says there's a world government.
Jones says the EU is unelected.
It is.
On and on and on.
And everything we're saying is out in the open.
Kelly Prime's son, Kyle, was just 10 years old when he was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2016.
Five months later, Kyle's friend and classmate, Mason Faruli, developed brain cancer.
Two more kids at the school were diagnosed this year.
The moms believe the recent increase in cancer cases could be caused by radiation from radiofrequency, or RF waves, coming from this cell tower located on the elementary school campus.
So think about how the LA Times, even Wired Magazine, will admit there are thousands of studies that prove that wireless radiation, as it's intensified in its strength the last 30 years, and how many places it's emanating from, and especially the microwave millimeter waves, cell phones operate as microwave transmitters and receivers, transceivers.
Now, what's a microwave do?
It vibrates water, vibrates molecules.
And 5G is an even more powerful form of microwave that even rattles it faster.
That's what causes the heat, the friction of the molecules, and burns oxygen and carbon dioxide.
You heard me right.
5G burns the atmosphere.
Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution in Florida in 2008 as part of a controversial deal.
In a civil case against the government about that deal, one accuser says she took part in an orgy on Epstein's private island in 2002 with approximately eight other young girls who appeared to be under the age of 18.
What may have happened here?
Just because some people want to restrict views doesn't mean they have a right to do it.
And see, once that happens, now you can shut down the details of Bill Clinton's best buddy and the pedophile island that we've been exposing.
Prison guards working when Epstein apparently died by suicide may have falsified reports to make it look like they were checking in on Epstein, when they were in fact not.
I am now more suspicious than ever that this could be a homicide.
People won't listen to me because I got too much data!
Can you imagine what this is like?
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
He was saying that they take a lot of famous people to this island and they have all these young girls that this guy hooks them up with.
He was talking about this years ago.
Now it is mainstream news.
Start your engines and get ready.
Because this is going to be one hell of a transmission to remember.
Tonight, 2019.
It's just heavy, heavy, heavy.
Make no mistake, it's... We're not in Kansas anymore.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
If you have a corrupt media, you don't have a democracy.
I don't think we've seen division like this in America since Vietnam.
It's a form of fascism.
The High Court will examine free speech rights and social media.
Multiple online platforms have now taken down content associated with Alex Jones and InfoWars.
First they come for Alex Jones, everyone else like Davos would fall.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
You can't watch this.
The Movie. Available now at InfowarsStore.com.
Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Ilhan Omar, whose home country Somalia has been occupied by the UN for decades, wants the UN to occupy the United
This is what she said two nights ago in Minnesota.
So we should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious
So we have to bring in the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, an agency that
has the expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely.
Now, I got sent that clip seven or eight times in the last 12 hours.
I got sent some late last night, some today by friends, family, you name it.
And Paul Joseph Watson is putting a big article together for InfoWars.com that gives you the rest of the backstory.
But you heard what she said.
She said we should do what every other country does.
We should have the United Nations run our borders and run the refugee crisis.
Now when she says that, she's giving you the establishment goal of the United Nations.
The United Nations Refugee Office, the treaties that most nations are signatories to, puts the U.N.
in control, not just of your borders, but of the policies and of who you accept into your country.
So I'm getting all these calls saying, Alex, it's incredible.
You were right again.
They say they want the U.N.
to run our borders.
Well, Obama called for the U.N.
to come and oversee the Border Patrol four or five times.
But Congress made a bunch of noises about it, so he backed off.
Europe's been run by the U.N.
for decades.
Back when the old Soviet Union was operating, a lot of times the U.N.
would come in, take control of an area, and then turn it over to the Soviets.
It was the U.N.
sabotaged us in the Korean War.
And wouldn't let us win the war, and basically ordered Congress to stand down and to remove General MacArthur.
So this is all mainline history.
It's like, Alex, you told us fluoride's causing brain damage and low IQ.
Why American Medical Association says you're right.
Because they said I was right 50 years ago.
I'm going off reports that are already confirmed.
It's just now people don't believe mainstream media, they don't believe the system, and so people are looking at the reports and going, oh wow, you're right.
I was always right.
I'm right about yield signs being yellow, stop signs being red, direction signs being green, water being clear or blue that's reflecting the sky.
I mean, that's what's so frustrating is 90% of what I cover is not cutting edge.
It's just the reality.
And people think that, oh wow, it keeps coming true.
I'm telling you about global cashless societies and face scanning to buy and sell, or to travel or live, and global social scores.
Market the Beast, because they were planning it decades ago, now it's here.
I was telling you beforehand so we could stop it.
Not to be a prophet when it all happened.
Because it's all been laid out by social engineers at DARPA.
And they're charting our course.
The eugenicists, the globalists, the transhumanists that control it, they are the ones running the show.
It doesn't mean that most people in those agencies are actually well-meaning.
They're compartmentalized.
Little gerbils on the wheel turning the engine of the deep state breakaway technocracy are good people.
But those piloting it, those siphoning off our resources, they're the bad guys.
Ilhan Omar demands United Nations take over America's border crisis.
We'll play that clip again of her, just in a moment, again.
So cue it up, please.
She says we need to do what every other nation does.
Yes, every other nation that is a signature to the UN, that's most countries of 170 plus, are signed on to the UN and then it decides who can come in your country through the refugee office.
Trump two years ago wisely pulled out of that treaty because we weren't even congressionally never ratified it but it was being executively followed.
Going back to George Herbert Walker Bush and the whole Agenda 21 initiative that he signed on to that Congress didn't pass in 1992.
So we've been harping on this since it happened.
I was reading about this when I was graduating high school in 1992.
And I was reading about us going under the U.N., then it was being hailed on the news.
Because back then, they thought there wasn't opposition.
They're like, the U.N.
now runs our borders and decides who can come to the U.S.
It's wonderful.
And the U.N.
will decide standardization of toilets, light bulbs.
The atomic family will no longer be here.
And so I was witnessing it.
That's what helped wake me up.
So this is a big deal, and I just want to open with this.
And there's a story that could pop up any moment on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
It was going to actually be up by the start of the show.
Can we look at Infowars.com front page or Newswars.com?
Can we put that on screen for me?
On my knees, I beg for it!
Because it was supposed to be up by the time we started the show.
Paul Watson is going to be on.
There you go!
It's live!
It's been live!
I need those new stories, the last hour's worth, printed on my knees!
I beg for it.
Now, continuing.
Ilhan Omar demands United Nations take over America's border crisis.
So we see this all over the place.
We see them announcing it's the U.N.
that supposedly runs this, and a lot of us are like, it's incredible, Jones, you're right.
How did you know this?
How did it come true?
Because it is.
The international world government law that the UN will use giant third world populations that they first stage in regional camps for six months to a year, literal brainwashing facilities.
They then organize them and they then flood the borders of the Western nations where then UN camps are set up to receive them.
Then they are deployed to certain regions and to leftist political parties who then sign them up for welfare.
And jobs, and then keep them as a sub-slave class, and they skim off the top their wages and their welfare, and then give them IDs, driver's license, unionize them, and then weaponize them.
They give them USAID, State Department and UN-funded, $1,000 to $2,000 to 2,000 euro debit cards per leg of the trip
with no name on it.
Mainline hotels are ordered to let the refugees in for free.
This is all part of World War 4.
The UN and the globalist waging war.
So these stories have gone live on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
They are our top stories today.
They are so incredibly important if you want to understand the big picture and how this whole thing is going down.
Ilhan Omar demands UN take control of US borders in Mirror of European migrant crisis.
We have to bring the United Nations High Commissioner on refugees.
And it goes through the entire plan.
It's on newswars.com.
It's on infowars.com.
And it is the most critical story ever.
And so when we come back from break...
I am going to walk through the history of this, the plan, and I'm going to walk through how to stop it, ladies and gentlemen.
But this is an absolute, stated, world government-admitted plan to bring down Western nations and to bring in 600 million refugees by 2050 to the U.S.
That is the stated goal, the past resolution by the U.N., 600 million.
That's three times our population who will be totally kept and controlled and dominated by the globalists.
This is the end of our nations, the end of our sovereignty.
This is how fifth, sixth generational warfare operates.
And if we don't get a handle on it, we're going to lose everything.
Then, Paul Joseph Watson, who just spent a week in Hong Kong, just got back today to the UK.
He's going to be giving us stunning inside intel and reports, not just from what happened on the ground, but from groups and organizations that he met with, and so much more in this whole proxy war between the US and China.
And there is a lot more, but bottom line, That we are now in the middle of a global civil war between nation states and free people and multinational corporations allied with authoritarian regimes like China.
It's lining up along the same battle lines of World War II.
You notice the Queen just suspended Parliament and got behind Brexit.
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Because you're a f***ing riot over here.
Yeah, by even making me talk to a trader.
A trader of what?
My country?
Look at me!
Look at me!
What's that say right there?
Don't tread on me!
That's a Russian slogan now.
That's a Russian slogan.
by nationalist traitors.
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Laura in Alabama.
Laura, you're on the air.
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And I can tell you this, my neighbor burned his finger a little bit.
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And like this?
And I said, yep, sure does.
So it's fantastic stuff.
I highly recommend it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, the show is now live.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back.
live broadcasting worldwide.
Paul Watson joins us fresh back from the insanity of Hong Kong next segment.
DredgeReport.com is linked to an article that Adan Salazar wrote that I'll be getting to next hour.
Hundreds of dogs have died in Austin.
They're dying all over the US from drinking Water in creeks and lakes will tell you why.
And everyone I know, basically, has gotten sick swimming in Lake Travis.
In Lake Austin or in Barton Creek.
And I'm a big water guy, but a month ago, I told my family, I said, we need to stop going into the lake and getting in the water because of this type of algae that is literally... Almost everyone I know that's gotten in the lake or the water in the last month and a half has gotten seriously sick, including myself and my family.
So we're going to tell you about this blue-green algae And why it's so deadly, that's coming up next hour, but that story is on Infowars.com.
And of course, DrugsReport.com.
So, let's get to this right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's break this down right now.
Ilhan Omar demands United Nations take over America's border crisis.
I was sent this Daily Wire story by a lot of people last night and this morning.
And they were like, wow, you know, look, Ben Shapiro's telling the truth about stuff now.
Wow, you've been proven right again.
I'm like, proven right again?
This is an official UN plan, going back decades, to build refugee centers in the third world, brainwash large groups of people into globalism, socialism and communism, and anti-westernism, and then have them invade and be a permanent political underclass inside the western countries.
So document cam shot please.
Here are a few of the articles.
Europe entering age of unprecedented mass migration shares destiny with Africa.
Says he wants 200 plus million in the next 30 years.
That's a quote brought in to the country.
200 million brought in.
Here's another one.
This is from Paul Joseph Watson.
Links directly to the United Nations website.
Revealed UN plan to flood America with 600 million migrants by 2050.
Tripling the population.
And they're building the UN Refugee Centers as we speak.
Now here's the big article that's on newswars.com.
And Infowars.com that Paul Joseph Watson has written about that gives you the backstory of all of this.
This is the article you send out.
This is the article you share.
You'll get censored on Twitter.
You'll get censored on Facebook.
But if you send out the Newswars.com, you won't get censored as much.
But whatever you do, hand-share it.
Send it out on your email.
Send it out on your text message while you still can.
Facebook and others are buying up all the text message apps and not letting you do that as well.
They're also not letting you tweet, you know, stuff about Jesus or strong women.
It's the sky's the limit of this takeover of communications.
And of course, Congress is still doing nothing.
Ilhan Omar demands UN take control of US border in mirror of European migrant crisis.
We have to bring the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees.
Now, Representative Ilhan Omar is demanding that the United Nations take control of the U.S.
border with Mexico in a mirror of how Europe was inundated with migrants following lobbying from international bodies.
And Paul goes on with the history of how they build the refugee centers in areas that are close to European or U.S.
like Guatemala or places like Egypt or places like Libya once they take control
of it. Then they advertise that people can come in, they give them money, they
give them aid, they give them backpacks, they give them food, and they give them
contacts and cell phones on who to contact once they make landfall. And then
they come across on the Zodiac boats, they come across on the land bridges,
they come, they jump on trains going from France under the tunnel that goes under
the English Channel, and they pour in en masse, and then leftist and globalist are
waiting on the other side to further indoctrinate them into the anti-American,
anti-European, anti-white brainwashing culture.
Just today, I had two articles.
Uncle of Italian girl murdered by migrants threatens to show photos of her dismembered body If immigration laws are loosened and it goes into the Nigerians torturing her and chopping her to death.
Here's another Ethiopian national.
Stabs to death.
Random white girl walking her dog in D.C.
because she was white.
These hate crimes are just exploding.
But the UN teaches them this.
And it goes on to continue.
Ilhan Omar says white people are the problem.
Should I play the clips of her saying that?
You've heard her say that.
Let's hear her say, like every other country, we need the UN that builds the centers, organizes the people, brainwashes them for six months, and then ships them here, but instead we have a Border Patrol trying to stop it.
No, no, no.
The UN should be running it like every other country.
But see, Trump withdrew us from the treaty.
Here it is.
So we should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way.
So we have to bring in the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees, an agency that has the expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
So this isn't something I cooked up in my head.
It's not something that patriots cooked up.
Under Kennedy, who people lionize and say was the greatest guy in the world, he had a lot of problems, they passed State Department Memorandum 7277.
And Congress created a whole system under what they call a Uniform Commercial Code or a public law that said the UN would finally occupy Russia and the United States as part of a global government peace deal run by the Carnegie Endowment.
Anybody can type into Bing.
I wouldn't go to Google.
It's it's workless now.
Memorandum 7277.
State Department Memorandum 7277 or public law.
And you'll get scanned copies, I've got a few around the office, of the actual UN pamphlet that was given to every college student in the United States after we signed on to it.
And it shows our military going down to zero on graphs and the UN going straight up.
State Department Memorandum 7277.
7277. State Department memorandum 7277. You can instantly pull it up for anybody that
wants to see that for yourself.
So this has always been the big public plan.
This has always been the program.
So back then, they just announced it.
They just announced it to Americans, like, oh, the U.N.' 's gonna occupy us and we're gonna take all the guns and we passed a U.N.
resolution that says all small arms will be handed in and the family's gonna have to be ended and single-parent homes have to be ended because it's called freedom from war and once we all live in dormitories, re-education camps, Then there'll be no more war. Once there's no more religion,
except a one-world religion, it'll all be okay.
So see, how do I know all this? It's been the plan all along.
In the old days, the New York Times had front-page articles promoting it.
America rejected it, so they went, "Okay, it doesn't exist.
You're crazy."
But right now, we're being assaulted by a U.N. takeover.
The world's in the middle of a civil war between nation-states and the globalists.
If you are trying to...
I've known Alex for, like, more than 20 years.
I've hung out with that guy.
We've been hammered together so many times.
That is the most misunderstood guy on the planet.
He was right about all this Jeffrey Epstein s***.
That is a f***ing fact.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
For years, Jones has been spreading conspiracy theories.
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist.
Radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Alex Jones supported President Trump, but also peddled and promoted sick conspiracy theories.
It's really hard for me to understand how anyone can be so sick in the head.
Alex Jones, my God, Mika, and just...
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Alex Jones has been behind several right-wing conspiracy theories.
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
The captain of America's conspiracy theory mothership.
Alex Jones espouses a litany of conspiracy theories, although he thinks that term belittles his reporting.
The government's poisoning the water?
I have all these other government documents where the government proposes and government think tanks propose poisoning the water to dumb down the population, make them more easily manageable.
Oh dear, the fluoride didn't work on this one!
He's fighting back against my takeover!
Hurry, chemtrail him immediately!
I've noticed what they attack me with on mainstream news.
Jones claims your cell phones are killing you.
Jones claims there's chemicals in the water that are lowering your fertility and confusing your sexuality.
Jones says there's black helicopters.
Jones says there's a world government.
Jones says the EU is unelected.
It is.
On and on and on.
And everything we're saying is out in the open.
Kelly Prime's son, Kyle, was just 10 years old when he was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2016.
Five months later, Kyle's friend and classmate, Mason Faruli, developed brain cancer.
Two more kids at the school were diagnosed this year.
The moms believe the recent increase in cancer cases could be caused by radiation from radiofrequency, or RF waves, coming from this cell tower located on the elementary school campus.
So think about how the LA Times and even Wired Magazine will admit there are thousands of studies that prove that wireless radiation, as it's intensified in its strength the last 30 years, and how many places it's emanating from, and especially the microwave millimeter waves, cell phones operate as microwave transmitters and receivers, transceivers.
Now what's a microwave do?
It vibrates water, vibrates molecules.
And 5G is an even more powerful form of microwave.
You heard me right.
that even rattles it faster, that's what causes the heat, the friction of the molecules, and
burns oxygen and carbon dioxide. You heard me right. 5G burns the atmosphere.
Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution in Florida in 2008 as part of a controversial
deal. In a civil case against the government about that deal, one accuser says she took
part in an orgy on Epstein's private island in 2002 with approximately eight other young
girls who appeared to be under the age of 18.
What may have happened here?
Just because some people want to restrict views doesn't mean they have a right to do it.
And see, once that happens, now you can shut down the details of Bill Clinton's best buddy and the pedophile island that we've been exposing.
Prison guards working when Epstein apparently died by suicide may have falsified reports to make it look like they were checking in on Epstein, when they were in fact not.
I am now more suspicious than ever that this could be a homicide.
People won't listen to me because I got too much data!
Can you imagine what this is like?
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
He was saying that they take a lot of famous people to this island and they have all these young girls that this guy hooks them up with.
He was talking about this years ago.
Now it is mainstream news.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of
the InfoWar.
And we are back live, broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
If you're a radio or TV listener, it is beyond imperative.
It is absolutely essential.
...let you visit drudgereport.com, which we'll put on screen, and that you go over to the right-hand side of Drudge and click on the fourth story down, Ilhan Omar demands UN take control of U.S.
borders in mirror of European migrant crisis.
Paul Joseph Watson and I talked this morning.
I said, my friend, you've written the articles.
I've laid it out here on air for decades.
We've got to create a condensed article showing people that this is actually how the UN does it and that it's their plan every step of the way.
Paul's done that.
This could not be more of a Paul Revere type moment.
The U.N.
has been set up to take over and collapse nation states.
The E.U.
has been set up to take over nation states, suck them dry, and collapse them.
The E.U.
is now saying they're going to get rid of national team names because soccer teams and rugby teams and basketball teams that have nationalist names are bad.
We're told that our president saying that America exists is bad.
We're told the word nationalist is racist.
This is the insane level of this garbage, but it's all in Freedom From War, the United Nations program for general and complete disarmament in a peaceful world.
And they say, tribes make people fight.
Families make up tribes.
Get rid of families.
Religion makes people fight.
Get rid of religion.
Nations make people fight.
Get rid of nations.
Get rid of cultures.
But once you've gotten rid of all that, what replaces it?
The trans-humanist, post-human world that NBC News has been telling us about.
So, of course everyone's freaking out right now when Ilhan Omar comes out and says we should do like other nations and have the UN come in and have them organize the refugee centers and then invite more so that it's 10 million a year, not a million a year.
That's the bum rush plan happening.
Ilhan Omar, the article is on DrudgeReport.com, demands UN take control of U.S.
borders in mirror of European migrant crisis.
We have to bring in the United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees.
Ilhan Omar is demanding the United Nations take control of U.S.
border with Mexico in a mirror of how Europe was inundated with migrants following lobbying from
international bodies.
Quote, "We should do what any other country does by dealing with this situation in a serious way,"
Omar said during an immigration forum in South Minneapolis.
So he had to bring in the United Nations High Commissioner, some were Russian, on the refugees,
an agency that has expertise and the training to handle massive flows of refugees humanely.
Representative Ilhan Omar says the United Nations must be brought in to handle the immigration crisis on America's southern border.
These are all quotes.
Omar, who was accused this week of having an affair with a married man, lectured the audience about the moral high ground.
Well, she also reportedly gave him a quarter million dollars of campaign cash, which if true makes him, I'm just a gigolo and everywhere I go.
Yes, that's the old song from the Van Halen singer.
Continuing, the demand bears hallmarks of how Europe was deluged with migrants or invaders after governments were forced to accept millions of refugees after lobbying from international groups and non-governmental organizations.
Any such intervention by the U.N.
would represent a direct violation of U.S.
sovereignty, fundamentally weakening America's national security.
Omar previously called for the elimination of the entire Department of Homeland Security, which was tasked with dealing with threats to the nation following 9-11.
And I'm going to have one of my writers beef this up a little bit, because I know Paul's busy and he never misses an interview.
He was supposed to be here a few minutes ago.
He's not here, so he might have had an issue getting back into London, but we'll find out.
We're going to add to his articles, previous ones by Paul.
We'll just add little blurbs that see his past reports, where the U.N.
says they're going to put 600 million people in the U.S.
as replacement populations.
And with Macron saying $200 million from Africa into, of course, France.
Those articles are all up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
In fact, let me just read to you from those right now, revealed.
plan to fund America, to flood America, revealed U.N.
plan to flood America with 600 million migrants.
By 2050, 73% of the population would be immigrants or their descendants.
A 2001 U.N.
strategy document is getting fresh attention in light of the migrant crisis because it outlines the need to flood America and Europe with hundreds of millions of migrants in order to maintain population levels.
Entitled Replacement Migration, ...is a solution to declining and aging populations.
The plan seeks to offset population decline and population aging, resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
So they tell people in the U.S.
don't have kids.
But then, they bring in third-world populations who were first brainwashed for six months at refugee camps, and then taken control of by socialist, communist, anti-fund democratic parties.
It concedes that mass migration to the West is needed for governments to maintain established economic, social, and political policies and programs.
The strategy documents sets out six potential scenarios for each country or region of the world necessary to meet the goal.
Under the most severe scenario, large numbers of migrants will be required to maintain the population support ratio.
How is 600 million in the U.S.
alone maintaining the 340 million?
No, they are politically supercharged with hate.
They are brought in and they are taught that white people are evil.
Turn on any channel, any show, it's all you see.
And just today, without even looking, uncle of Italian girl murdered by migrants from Nigeria threatened to show photos of her dismembered body if immigration laws are loosened.
Ethiopian national stabs to death random white girl walking her dogs in DC because she was white.
This is every day by the hundreds.
The fire bombings, the killings, the mass grooming, and this is all targeting White people, Westerners, and the UN is brainwashing them to do this before they come in.
They're even giving them hand grenades.
There's hand grenade attacks every day in Europe now, where the Islamists will throw hand grenades into white families at picnic tables.
All of this is being done to completely destroy the West.
And why?
Because the megacorporations already dominate the third world.
And already use it.
If they can dominate the first world and destroy the renaissance, they win.
We did get Paul Joseph Watson connected.
We're going to come back to him on the other side to get into Hong Kong, what he witnessed, but also this big report up on DrudgeReport.com that is so critical.
I know you as an audience know about the UN takeover plan.
I know you're aware of this whole globalist operation.
But if you don't get this to everyone you know, Then they're not going to understand the big picture.
So I appreciate Paul getting this article out today.
But we're going to add to it for him.
Or he'll do it.
Where the UN says it's part of a plan to overturn the West, and where it's part of a plan to replace the population in their own admissions, that's something that the globalists and Snopes said, well, it's a real document, but they don't really plan to do that.
They are doing it.
They don't want this out.
This is critical information.
You've got to get these articles out right now.
It's so critical.
And the same U.N.
system says, overthrow Russia for the Islamists.
Overthrow Israel for the Islamists.
And they've got the left chomping at the bit, wanting to get Israel, so they're accepting this worldwide against every Western nation state, and saying Israel's mainly white, so it deserves to be overthrown.
That was even on Bill Maher, had guest on saying that two weeks ago, and Bill Maher disagreed, so now Ilhan Omar and Tlaib say boycott Bill Maher for saying that white people should be able to live.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Hold on, there's more.
Hold on, there's more.
Well look, apparently Beto needs four different nonstick pans to cook his miniature burgers or whatever that was he put on an English muffin with two pieces of broccoli.
I've never seen anything quite like it, but it is kind of weird.
It's like an alien trying to convince you that they're human, everything that Beto's been up to.
But you know, I think that the problem that Beto is having now is he's eating all these burgers and it's causing indigestion and flatulation.
And so I I'm just here to offer Beto a solution.
Apparently he's been flatulating more than the average cow that's causing global warming because he hasn't been taking his carnivore from Infowarsstore.com.
So you may not know this, but when you eat red meat, sometimes it doesn't always digest properly.
This can lead to indigestion.
This can lead to flatulation.
This can lead to other issues with digestion.
And so we offer the probiotic carnivore.
And I'm not even kidding you.
I mean, I eat cheeseburgers a lot, probably too much.
In fact, I'm trying to consciously cut back.
But when I do, I do take the carnivore before I do with the digestive enzymes in there to help you properly digest red meat and high-protein foods.
But Beto, he didn't get the memo.
And so he's walking around campaigning after he eats a cheeseburger on an English muffin with a piece of broccoli.
And he's flatulating more than a cow.
But you gotta give it to Beto.
It's courageous to eat that much red meat and walk around farting all day.
But we're telling him, Carnivore from Infowarsstore.com.
It's got the probiotics.
It's got the enzymes to help you digest those burgers, Beto.
So whether Beto wants to put his burger on an English muffin or whatever he wants to do, he better take his Carnivore before he does it.
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I mean, there's probably like a hundred krill going into each one of these.
And, again, I'm not going to call this a drug, because drugs are a ripoff of what God made.
You take two of these before you go to bed at night.
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This stuff's powerful.
Just look at that.
Can the camera pick up just how pretty those are?
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
[ Music ]
I'm watching the midterms.
Man, you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You wanna Trump?
You wanna Trump?
Who are the presidents?
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
We're going to be playing some of that coming up in a moment.
Paul Joseph Watson just got back from Hong Kong.
And he's saying, oh, this ties together.
The U.N.
invasion, the U.N.
saying open the borders, the U.N.
saying let us run your border system, let us build refugee centers in the U.S.
like we've done in Europe.
This is all a plan.
Paul Joseph Watson's story is top-linked up on the right-hand side of DrudgeReport.com.
Critical to get that out.
Paul, wow, so much happened in Hong Kong.
You are now here back in the U.K.
This all ties together.
Where do you want to start first?
Well, it ties together, Alex, on three continents, because you have that quote from Ilhan Omar talking about the UN's plan to take over the US border.
We know they called for 600 million migrants to enter America by 2050.
That report was our exclusive as well.
In Europe, on a different continent, you have the collapse of Salvini's government.
He was the one guy at the fulcrum of preventing the migrant crisis in Europe.
He basically stopped the migrant crisis, at least at the level it was at.
That government's now collapsed.
They've got a coalition with the centre-left party and the Five Star Movement, so Salvini's now out of power until 2023, I believe.
Trump has already praised Conte, the left-winger, the new Prime Minister, so he didn't have Salvini's back, unfortunately.
And then in Hong Kong, as we saw this week, Alex, and this is not being reported by any media that I've seen, but this is what the protesters who we spoke to on the ground are saying.
that one of the primary reasons why they're protesting is resentment against immigration
from mainland China. It's even worse than immigration into Europe because not only do
they get immediate access to the jobs market, to housing benefits, to health care benefits,
by order of the Chinese government basically, coming from the mainland into Hong Kong with
a totally different culture.
Very different from what you would expect.
You would expect them to have a very similar culture, but they don't, according to the protesters in Hong Kong.
And, Alex, they're allowed to vote.
Imagine having millions of migrants coming over from Mexico and they immediately get the right to vote.
And guess what they vote for?
They vote for more power for Beijing.
So you've already got this tenuous situation in Hong Kong, where the leader of Hong Kong has to be approved by Beijing.
Half of the executive body is pro-China.
And now you're getting tons of Chinese immigrants moving into Hong Kong, voting against the interests of the Hong Kong people.
That is one of the primary reasons why they're out on the street protesting, and no mainstream media outlet will talk about it.
Isn't that a surprise?
And Paul, let me add this, because this is so critical.
China is unelected.
Communist overthrow.
What's left of it at the end of World War II.
Start killing tens of millions of people right away.
Anybody that had a job, or a company, or who was smart, who could run, ran to Hong Kong, ran to Taiwan.
That was 70 years ago.
Right now is the 7th anniversary.
Coming up here in just a few weeks, as you know.
Chinese armored vehicles are now entering as we speak today.
That's confirmed.
So the troops are now starting to roll in.
But Hong Kong has elections and representative democracy, so the Chinese move in and then
use that to vote them under Chinese control.
And now the government, as you know, two years ago got voted under Chinese control, right
as the new bridge the Chinese built, the biggest in the world, from the mainland was completed,
which they promised would never be used as an invasion point, and it's now being used
as an invasion point.
We're showing the armored vehicles coming in right now.
I mean, this is incredible.
Just like in Europe, they don't integrate.
We're told that, you know, we need these giant numbers of immigrants in order to fund the pension funds, the social security system.
In Europe, the majority of them immediately go on welfare.
they don't integrate. We're told that we need these giant numbers of immigrants in order to fund the pension funds,
the social security system.
In Europe, the majority of them immediately go on welfare.
They don't pay tax.
And meanwhile, we're being told as white Westerners not to have children.
So they're deliberately driving down our population and saying we need these to replace us.
And yet in China, you have a situation, for example, where as a foreigner, you try to get a taxi on some occasions driven by a Chinese immigrant.
They're refusing to take foreigners in their own taxis.
So it's like reverse discrimination, Alex.
I posted a photo on Twitter.
Dozens of taxis Driving through the streets of Hong Kong while these mass protests are taking place, waving giant Chinese flags out the back of their vehicles.
So they've brought the migrants in.
They're voting against the interests of the Hong Kong people and discriminating against Hong Kong people and Westerners in Hong Kong.
The other aspect, Alex, is this whole anti-surveillance movement.
Another key plank of the protest movement in Hong Kong is against mass surveillance.
They're concerned about the Chinese social credit score being introduced there.
That's why they've got lasers pointed at all the cameras to stop the facial recognition.
That's why they literally tore down these smart lamps, which have been put up all over the city.
The government, the pro-Beijing government, claims it's to measure air quality.
The protesters actually say they're for facial tracking surveillance to tie into, ultimately, the Chinese social credit score system.
So a fundamental plank of these protests is against Big Brother, against surveillance.
They're waving US flags.
They're calling on Trump to support them.
They're even carrying around Pepe memes.
So this is not a left-wing protest.
They've been discredited as far-right.
They're not far-right.
The left in America has tried to tie all this into their obsession with the culture war.
There is really no left and right in Hong Kong.
It's classic authoritarianism versus liberty, and that's what they're protesting for, and against the Big Brother surveillance system that we've largely accepted in the West.
Paul, this is beyond a movie.
This is really sensational.
This is 1776-type stuff.
This is Magna Carta-type stuff.
And, of course, for hundreds of years, the British have been in Hong Kong, and just like we got our Bill of Rights out of Magna Carta, they have some of those similar systems.
They've had hundreds of years of basic freedom versus 70 years of communist mass murder re-education
So of course the two groups are incompatible.
China, as you know, has about 12 different ethnic groups that don't get along with each
other even though genetically they're basically the same people.
So this is Asian not wanting Asian to come in and overturn the place they built, one
of the most successful islands in the world, and they don't want to be usurped and they
don't want to be spied on and they don't want their children to grow up where they can be
secretly arrested and disappeared.
We should be with them.
We should be standing with them.
This isn't like some fake regime change that the globalists would be pushing in Syria or someplace.
This is good.
Precisely, and there are several ways in which it mirrors what's happening in the United States, Alex.
Just as in the United States, we're now, you know, with Maxine Waters and everyone calling for Trump supporters, Trump cabinet members to be confronted in public at restaurants.
People wearing MAGA hats assaulted on the street on a routine basis.
They want to make it completely intolerable to support freedom and democracy in Hong Kong.
To the point now where the police, the pro-Beijing authorities, are working with triad gangs and criminal members to literally hunt down protest leaders in the streets.
And there's a Financial Times article about this today.
And beat them up to prevent them from organizing in and taking part in protest.
So it's really an across-the-board thing.
To give you an example, of the control over information and propaganda that Beijing
has in Hong Kong and in the mainland.
We went to a local Catholic church and talked to a priest who didn't want to be on record,
didn't want to be on camera because he would face obvious repercussions. He said that the
religious education control in China is now so strict, so locked down, that many Chinese people
have never even heard of Jesus Christ.
That's how much authoritarianism and control of information there is in China.
The social credit score and it's exactly what's being introduced in America Alex.
You've got CNN.
Today saying, oh, isn't it horrible that the Chinese government, the Hong Kong authorities, are considering banning social media, deplatforming protest organizers, when that's the exact same thing they've been lobbying for against dissidents in the West for the past two years plus.
Oh, but it's bad when it happens in Hong Kong.
Complete hypocrisy.
Stay in attack formation.
This is incredible radio.
This isn't fiction.
It's not Netflix.
It's happening!
A global info war for human freedom!
You're either for freedom or against it!
We'll be right back!
I'll take care of you now!
If you took your six-month-old baby and dropped it on its head on purpose, you would lose that child if you were seen doing it.
And you should.
If you're wondering why it's like a zombie apocalypse out there, why there's mental illness everywhere, why people seem...
So incredibly stupid, it's because the Soviets, the Communists, the proto-globalists that took over, had work camps, and they put hydrofluorosilicic acid in the water and lots of other stuff to test it on the people in the gulags.
I went to HEB this morning, the crew did, walked right in, it says, Baby fluoride water.
Let's zoom right in on that.
And notice it shows you the target.
It's kind of like buying a box of 30-odd-6 rifle shells, rifle rounds, and on the cover is a deer.
And there's a little crosshair on the side of the deer.
I have you now.
Target maximum firepower.
Oh *dies*
Oh, I mean... Oh, baby!
It's time to kill brain cells!
So much more fun to take our time.
And then it's bye-bye brain, and you've got a good automaton.
InfoWars.com Tomorrow's news today.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, if I seem excited and on the edge of my seat, India has invaded Kashmir.
China is rolling troops into Hong Kong.
The Democrats are all over the news saying burn down cities, kill Trump supporters, burn down their buildings.
I mean, this is on MSNBC.
The UN plan is flooding our borders.
The left is invoking the migrants to kill white people.
It's happening everywhere.
Giant child kidnapping rings.
You cannot make this up, and it's only getting crazier by the minute.
But humanity's waking up.
And again, it's not that people from Africa or Latin America or Asia are bad people.
It's the ones that UN brainwashes in these camps are low-educated, bottom of the barrel, brainwashed for six months, and then shipped in to the West to literally run around like wild animals, killing people.
This plan is to bring down civilization and have a global civil war.
Paul, we're in a civil war right now.
Yeah, let's play the audio of this.
In fact, we'll get to this next segment.
But this is just yesterday in Mexico.
This is Africans from Africa by the thousands shipped in by the UN and dumped out in Guatemala attacking Mexican police.
I mean, this isn't supposed to be happening.
But this is the UN.
So this is a global civil war between nation states You aren't perfect.
And the global corporations of the UN who admit, Paul, you have all the documents, I have all the documents, people need to know this is a plan.
Can you elaborate on that?
We'll get back into Hong Kong next segment.
But this is how you take over countries is collapsing borders and migration.
No, we've seen that, especially in London, where there's basically a stabbing every night now, a mass stabbing.
Five minutes from where I live, there were two stabbings over the past two weeks.
And again, when you look into it, 73% of the people responsible are from what they call BAME ethnic minority groups.
The immigrants who came in from the Congo, these really violent areas of Africa, are so violent That the local crime gangs had to step up their levels of violence simply to compete in these postcode turf wars in London.
And that's what you're seeing right now.
We're at a point now in London where Somalian migrants are sending their own children back to Somalia because they say it's safer for them in Somalia than it is in London.
These are the joys of diversity, Alex.
And again, that's one of the things they're protesting about in Hong Kong.
They're also flying American flags.
People keep asking why they're flying American flags.
Very simple, because it represents liberty and democracy.
Unlike in Portland, where, you know, snarling, spitting leftists burn the American flag, in Hong Kong they actually venerate it.
Unlike in Portland and these kind of areas where your crew are attacked and defamed and viciously snarl that in person, the protesters in Hong Kong, although they might dress similar to Antifa with the black get-up, the ski masks and whatever, They're the most kind, polite people you could ever imagine.
But if you piss them off, they will come against you.
These protesters are like nothing else I've seen.
The levels of courage!
That they have to go up against rubber bullets, tear gas.
I mean, they were even tear gassing them inside shopping malls.
It was absolutely incredible what we witnessed in the streets of Hong Kong.
And again, they're flying the American flag.
They're not protesting, Alex, like the left does in America, for rights that they already have, like these gay pride marches, just so they can take a selfie and put it on Instagram.
They're literally going up against one of the most feared military regimes on the planet, that flattens people with tanks if they stand up against them, that puts a million minority members in re-education camps, wanting to take over Hong Kong.
This is not the first protest of its kind.
This has been going on in Hong Kong solidly, year after year, for the past 20 years or so, and it really seems to be coming to the fore now, Alex.
But just to compare these protesters, Alex?
what you see in America with the chicken-necked Antifa thugs, if you put
them up against the Hong Kong protesters, they wouldn't stand a chance.
That's right, because the Antifa love the Chai Kams, they love evil. That's like their
mascot is Xi the Dictator. We'll be back and talk about the armored personnel
carriers now entering Hong Kong. Looks like we got our reporters out in the nick of time.
Stay with us.
Donald Trump presents Real Stable Genius Real Stable Genius!
Today, we salute you, Mrs. Social Justice Warrior.
Mrs. Social Justice Warrior!
What do you do with a Master's Degree in Gender Studies?
Put on a vagina hat and go fight fascism on the internet.
It's technocide!
As soon as you wake up each day, the outrage begins.
What the f*** did you just say?
Your privilege is showing, and...
Armed with only a keyboard, you tirelessly protect America from fake racism, and fake sexism, and fake some other word we've never even heard of, ism.
I need a trigger warning, please!
So, crack open a nice soy latte, miss purple-haired vagina costume wearer.
You live by life's two greatest rules, punch Nazis, and everyone I don't like is a Nazi.
Mrs. Social Justice Warrior!
♪ Justice Warriors ♪ Donald Trump, President Forever, Washington, D.C.
Ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here, back live.
We have just had an astounding last hour.
Armored vehicles by the hundreds and thousands of Chinese troops are now entering into Hong Kong on the biggest bridge in the world, the longest bridge in the world, built in the last two years.
So the Chinese military is now invading.
I felt a disturbance in the force two days ago and I called Paul and I called Greg Reese and Savannah Hernandez and everybody and I said, get the hell out of there.
They're like, although the word is the Chinese military is not going to invade.
The Chinese military is not going to invade.
I said, they're invading.
Get ready.
Get out of there.
I had the text messages because I know how commies operate.
If they tell you they're not going to invade and the invasion isn't imminent, you know it's going to happen.
Paul Watson was there Just 24 hours ago.
He just got back to London, England.
We're going to go back to him in just a moment, but this is so huge.
I didn't plug last time.
I'm going to plug right now.
We're running two huge mega specials.
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We're able to private label this.
No one else is, because the owners of this company are fans.
And so again, we now worked with them in the last year to develop a whole new product line that we're explicitly putting out, they're kind of beta testing with us, that is skin cream.
So it's an antibiotic, healthy, natural skin cream.
It's so revolutionary, and here's the great point.
It's $7 for the little tube, $14 for the big tube.
Just hyaluronic acid of this quality would be $30.
You know, someplace like Ulta or something, because they mark it up four or five times, which I get.
It takes money to run operations.
That's not our model.
That's not how we do it.
So it's available 25% off out of the gates at InfoWareStore.com, but it's already going to sell out very soon, so we're going to have to end that special at the end of the weekend.
There's another big special.
Nine days left.
To get DNA Force Plus at 50% off with the PQQ, the CoQ10, all the rest of it.
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It costs us 17 plus dollars just to produce this bottle of carnivore.
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Because I need more money to order more carnivore for next year.
And I think you're going to think it's so amazing that you're going to become a steady buyer of Carnivore at $30.
You know, so we make 13 bucks on it.
But right now it's a $17 plus value free with super male vitality and of course DNA Force Plus.
But that's only while the bottles of Carnivore last.
And there's only 2,000 or so of the 30 count, a little more than 2,000 of the 90 count that you get with these.
And so when they're gone, nine days left, Infowarsstore.com.
And that's how we finance sending camera guy and reporters to Hong Kong for a week to bring you all of that world-exclusive footage.
So thank you for the support.
Paul, you've got the floor for the rest of this segment.
Recap how huge this is.
Armored vehicles now invading.
Already the motorcycle cops by the thousands.
Already leaders of the resistance being beaten half to death.
This is so ominous.
The CHICOM said, oh we're not going to move in.
At least for a few weeks or months.
Maybe never.
Now they're moving in, risking a new Tiananmen Square of biblical proportions, Paul.
A lot of experts, and I agree with them, say that if they have a new Tiananmen Square there in Hong Kong, they won't control it like they controlled 1989.
This could really send shockwaves that could bring down the Communist Chinese Party.
What do you say?
Well, yeah, you've got experts in Hong Kong saying it could bring down the entire capitalist system if they invade with tanks like the Tiananmen Square.
What I didn't mention is the demands of the protesters.
OK, they've got five demands.
The primary demand is the withdrawal of this bill, which allows suspects in Hong Kong, which would be these protest leaders, to be extradited to China.
They've only suspended it.
They haven't withdrawn it.
So now they're talking about martial law, basically.
They're talking about forced seizure of property, where you can enter a property without a warrant.
Talking about terms of life imprisonment.
And they're talking about censoring the media, which of course means social media.
That's what the media in the West has lobbied for for the past two years, and they've got the nerve to call it out as being bad in Hong Kong.
So you've got the martial law coming in.
Then, as you mentioned today, you've got this garrison of Chinese troops within Hong Kong claiming they're just doing routine maneuvers while the PLA tanks roll through the streets.
What's going to happen next, Alex?
Well, in China, you've got this culture of saving face, of not being embarrassed.
That's what the entire nation of China is founded around.
October 1st is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.
So everyone in Hong Kong, all the media is speculating that China has to get this under wraps.
And if that includes violent repression, then so be it.
Before the 1st of October, because they want to save face and that's what it's all about.
So on the flip side, the protesters are planning something absolutely massive on October 1st.
So that could be the biggest protest slash riot yet.
But it's definitely picking up steam.
We were there on a weekend when water cannons were used for the first time.
They were lobbing tear gas at protesters.
Basically what happens, Alex, is they have a peaceful protest.
The government then declares that any protest after that is banned.
They bring in the riot cops.
They push back the protesters.
They fire the tear gas.
They fire the rubber bullets.
Greg Rees got all that footage, Savannah got tear gassed, it was absolute bedlam.
You had one medic who basically lost her eye because of a rubber bullet.
And it only seems to be escalating. You've got Chinese troops massing in nearby Shenzhen,
which is so close to Hong Kong you wouldn't even believe it.
So it's gonna kick off.
It's going to be sorted one way or the other.
Before October 1st, the Hong Kong government has said it will not bow down to any of the protesters' demands.
It never has in the past.
These protesters, though, they're not stopping.
We talked to them.
Every single one said until the five demands are met, they are not stopping.
They are going to be out on the streets.
They're going to be battling the riot cops until the bitter end.
So what's coming next could be a lot worse than what we've seen already, and it's chilling to think what could happen, Alex, given that Tiananmen Square, where they literally flattened people for wanting free speech in China, was only 30 years ago.
Paul, again, it is being confirmed by Reuters and others as you were posting last night.
Armored vehicles by the hundreds are entering.
Chinese troops are entering Hong Kong right now.
There have been increases in brutal attacks by masked men against demonstration leaders.
It appears to be that Tiananmen Square Part 2 has already begun.
They're already viciously attacking people with the motorcycle police.
Armored vehicles and tanks, wheeled tanks are rolling in over the bridge.
We have video of that into Hong Kong, triggering a global crisis.
People need to realize this isn't just a hardcore group of protesters who are out protesting routinely.
This is the entire population.
The protests are supported by the clear majority of the Hong Kong population and Old people, middle class people, it's mainly young people, but it's all across the board.
This isn't just hardcore protesters.
On the Friday night, we were there the first day.
They had a human chain, Alex, which stretched 30 miles around the entire city.
They even went up mountains.
And these were students, quite middle-class students.
In fact, some of them have been shopping for luxury clothing and brought their bags with them, forming this human chain.
So this is widespread.
And Paul, let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
We're going to have to do part of one more segment.
I'll let you get back to your important work.
We're going to come back.
I want viewers and listeners to understand something right now as we go to break.
If you look at the political climate, the population, the people that we're dealing with here, it's explosive.
This is not Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
This is not people already trained to be slaves and the university students demanding freedom and being crushed by tens of thousands of troops.
This is a free nation of 70 years with hundreds of years of quasi-freedom before that, and it's going to be explosive.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
When you...
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So they're always like, Jones sells unapproved things.
Well that's because the FDA makes all the supplement companies sit there and say that
it is not approved by them because by law they don't have that jurisdiction to be able
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We are in a complete war and you idiots don't join with the Republicans.
You fools!
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment!
Please do the right thing and stand up against big tech!
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want them shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a bad person!
I question things!
I'm evil!
I don't...
How dangerous is Infowars?
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Subscribe to The Alex Jones Show.
Hey, man, did you see that NFL game last night?
Yeah, my fantasy football club's really great.
Hey man, did you see that NFL game last night?
Yeah, my fantasy football club is really great.
We're going to go eat some wings and drink beer tonight.
Hey, nothing wrong with that folks, except there's a social engineer program funded by
the Chi Com sexualizing your children.
Your borders are being crushed by the UN.
World government's being announced.
The Democratic Party in Hollywood's trying to demoralize the nation and stop our president from winning a trade war with China.
It's really about getting China out of our business.
And now...
Hundreds and hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles are rolling across the longest bridge in the world from the Chinese Communist mainland.
Right into Hong Kong.
And if you go, at least when I checked during the break, to CNN or ABC News, there's no coverage of it.
You go to DrugsReport.com, there's some links.
You go to Infowars.com, there's some links.
But you'd think that's a bigger deal, you see.
But a lot of our media has been siding with China against Hong Kong.
And our media has been siding against Trump in the trade war.
All these Hollywood stars are saying China's good and Xi will show us.
It's absolutely disgusting.
But our own Greg Reese was just there days ago, right at the bridge, on the Chinese side, predicting that the invasion would come.
So while Paul's talking, for TV viewers, we'll roll some of that B-roll.
Paul, this is so historic.
This is going to explode.
You were just there, obviously.
What do you expect to unfold next?
Do they think the Chinese show a force?
We'll make the protesters not come out in the streets.
Because from what you've said, the history I've studied, this is not going to go like Tiananmen Square.
It's going to be a lot more people, a lot more sustained, a lot more serious.
And I predict as the violence by the chi-coms escalates, we're going to start seeing reprisals.
Because the word is, there's a lot of illegal weapons in Hong Kong.
And I predict you're going to start seeing some liberator pistols.
Well, we've already seen some fake pistols.
We've already seen live rounds fired into the air by the police to try and back off some of the protesters.
And no, they're not going anywhere.
Literally, to a man, everyone we spoke to said, whatever happens, they're going to be out on the streets until their demands are met.
To give you an idea, Alex, of what they're fighting against, just look at what the citizens of China have to labour under.
Under their social credit system, which is being introduced in the West, and you were one of the primary first victims of it, Alex, they've already banned 2.5 million people in China from buying plane tickets.
They've banned 90,000 people from buying train tickets in the month of July alone because Either they said something bad about the government.
Maybe they smoked in a non-smoking area.
Maybe they crossed the road on a red light.
Literally, there's a list where you can be banned.
You can be put on this social credit score list.
Have your score lowered.
They denied basic commerce, basic services.
They're buying too many video games, buying too much junk food, buying too much alcohol.
This is the complete control over society that the communists have been yearning after for decades and decades.
Now with technology they have it.
They even prevent people in China from going on dating websites if their social credit score is too low.
What do we see in America?
Now we see people being banned from having bank accounts because they have the wrong political opinions.
You were banned from having a PayPal account for having the wrong political opinions.
So the media Has the nerve to try and grandstand and pretend they're on the side of the protesters.
Hillary Clinton tweets about it on the side of the protesters.
Meanwhile, they're lobbying for the exact same social credit score authoritarian system to be introduced in the West.
And that's what really gets me.
The protesters are not going away.
Whatever happens, they're going to be out on the streets come what may, even if China, which we hope it doesn't, invades.
So that's what's going to happen.
This is literally a giant authoritarian nation with a hundred million...
Standing Army.
They've got that many in their reserves.
They've got like 5 million in their regular military.
Some say 10 million.
They've got reserves of 100 million, obviously, that in some form or way claim they can fight.
They don't have the supplies to do it.
But they are the greatest mass murderers in history, killing 100-plus million of their own people.
And they're now trying to absorb once-free Hong Kong and are already admittedly sending their triads and mafias in to squeeze everybody.
Because that's what the Communist Party is.
This is just amazing.
And I expect to see our media side against Hong Kong and against Trump supporting Hong Kong.
Well, we've already seen many people on the left who are called tankies try and smear these protesters as far right because they're carrying Pepe memes.
They don't know what it means in the West.
The media's demonised this meme as, you know, a white supremacist dog whistle.
They're not carrying signs because of that.
There's not this ridiculous partisan bickering in Hong Kong.
The society is largely united Behind the protesters.
And again, they're largely united against this migration invasion, which is subverting their society.
There was a quote from one protester there who said, quote, they drain our resources from health care to education and are diluting our culture, making it increasingly pro Beijing, which is what we see happening in the West with this mass migration from the Middle East and North Africa.
So they have many of the same concerns that their society is being subverted Diluted and the power that they once held is being transferred to China as a result of this mass migration weapon.
That's not far right.
That's just being right to stand up against, again, the most fearsome, one of the most fearsome military regimes on the planet.
That does not make you far right.
That just puts you in the right.
That makes you a freedom fighter for liberty, for democracy.
And that's exactly what they're doing.
That's who they are.
Well, we see headlines out of The Guardian going, oh, Chinese troops coming into Hong Kong causes unease.
So we're going to see the left's love affair with communist China that's all over our news, and I know all over your news.
We're going to see that put to the test.
I wonder how folks are going to feel.
When we see bloodied and murdered and run over bodies by tanks.
Because the Chai Koms aren't going to be able to contain this information very, very long once it kicks off, Paul.
Because I predict we're going to see even bigger protest and bigger response.
I know the Hong Kong folks told you that the Chai Koms invaded.
They had something really big planned.
Do you have any idea what that could be?
Well yeah, it's going to be, they've already got a garrison within Hong Kong.
They haven't rolled that out yet.
They've rolled it out today, as you said, claiming they were doing manoeuvres.
It's obviously an intimidation tactic.
In fact, they put out a video, the Chinese military, and it's in the video I posted a couple of hours ago, Truth About the Hong Kong Protest, where they're literally training with live rounds to just gun down protesters.
So if you want to know what they may have planned, just watch that video.
But people need to understand, Alex, this is so widespread.
This is not Isolated protests in little areas of the city.
Everywhere you go in the city, everywhere, there's graffiti, Democracy Now!, Chai Nazi.
Literally, Chai Nazi is written everywhere around the city.
This is so widespread, this is so supported by the whole population, that it's not just a minor protest movement, it is basically, at this point, a revolution.
We're going to play your report, Paul, when we come back.
Incredible job.
Look forward to having you back on as you track this.
I know you've spent a lot of time in China and a lot of time previously in that area through some family interest, and so you're a great reporter.
And you and the rest of the crew had a lot of courage over there.
amazing footage you got getting right in the middle of it.
We should be praying for the folks in Hong Kong and Taiwan. But bottom line, there are
periods in history when a lot of big developments unfold. They say every century or
so, more happens in just a few years than happens in the whole next hundred. We've reached
that quickening point right now. So everybody, strap yourselves in. We are not in
Kansas anymore. Thank you, Paul Watson.
Thanks, Alex.
All right, when we come back.
We're gonna finish up with this, and then we're gonna move into the news that ties into it.
The Queen of England just suspended Parliament to enforce Brexit.
We'll be right back.
Hi, I'm Dean.
I think that with the Trump election, in fact with elections all across the world starting with Modi in India, we had the upper hand.
Through social media we have the upper hand.
For years the media and the government and the establishment have been able to dictate what people think and how they think.
Now all of a sudden people can give their own voice.
And now the establishment are trying to take back the power.
And that's what you're witnessing.
Before if a politician or someone said something about me on Twitter, I'd go on and I'd comment and I'd put them right about the lies they're telling.
Right now there's no way to do that.
They're allowed to lie.
And then there's many comments underneath it, and no one gets to see the other side of the story.
You don't get a right to reply on any of it.
And that's what their sole intention was.
So that they, again, could have the power to tell people who you are.
Right now, anyone on Twitter can tell the public on Twitter, or the people on Twitter, who I am, what I stand for, without me having an opportunity to put them right on the lies they're telling.
And it's simply not right, it's not fair, and the public see that.
They shouldn't be able to censor or delete people from everyday life.
That's what they're doing.
It's part of society.
And if you're deleted off of Facebook, off of Instagram, off of Twitter, off of YouTube, it's like you're removed from society.
They shouldn't be allowed to do that.
There should be some sort of Bill of Rights from media giants and tech giants that should prevent them from doing that.
If people aren't committing crimes, we have laws.
We have many laws in this country to prevent people from muting agents.
If I was breaching any of those laws, I'd be arrested.
So I'm not promoting any hate.
You're just using, you're using that word in order to remove people.
No one has given me, PayPal couldn't give me an example of why they've removed me.
Twitter's example was irrelevant because it was a fact.
I wasn't even given my opinion.
It was a fact.
And then one of the other tweets that they'd already previously warned me for was saying that Islam promotes killing people.
Every imam in the world would agree that Islam promotes killing people.
It promotes murder and war.
It's a fact.
That's not hatred.
That's factual.
So I was released from prison by the highest judge in the country who accepted that everything that happened was unlawful, that I hadn't even been asked to plead guilty and not guilty, that it was, um... So I was released from prison, but I was released pending another trial.
I then went to the Old Bailey three times, and then it went before the head judge of the Old Bailey, where I wrote out a letter the night before, where I listed all of the unlawful things they were still doing, and the evidence that I'd give would expose all of these things.
And then when that judge read that, the day he was due to start the trial, he refused to start the trial, and he sent it back to the government.
So then it's been with the Attorney General.
Now, one week before I went, before Christmas, I was sent a letter and an email by the Attorney General saying that they were reviewing further charges.
I believe this is being left hanging over me in order to act as some sort of mental torture.
It's just heavy, heavy, heavy.
Make no mistake, it's... We're not in Kansas anymore.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
If you have a corrupt media, you don't have a democracy.
I don't think we've seen division like this in America since Vietnam.
It's a form of fascism.
The High Court will examine free speech rights and social media.
Multiple online platforms have now taken down content associated with Alex Jones and InfoWars.
First they come for Alvin Jones, everyone else like Domino's would fall.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
You can't watch this.
The movie, available now at InfowarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, you're listening to an Infowars.com frontline report.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am just completely on the edge of my seat right now with the Chai comms,
the images of hundreds and hundreds of armored vehicles, wheeled tanks, heavy APCs,
and hundreds of thousands of more troops massing.
We were just rolling the footage in the last two segments.
With Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to be tracking that throughout the day.
And in the fourth hour, we have three of our great intrepid reporters that are going to be hosting the fourth hour.
Gregg Reese, Savannah Hernandez, Becca Wright, and We're probably also going to have another military expert pop in to give his take on where this could go sideways.
Perhaps we should also, for at least one segment, if he can still do it, get Matt Bracken to give us his take, popping in.
I kind of preempted his hour, though it's always informative when he does at least an hour once a week with us, because they've gotten back and I wanted them to be able to host an hour of the main show.
But I think Matt can also, if he can still do it, do at least one segment, maybe the last segment with them to give his perspective as an author, researcher, terrorism expert, former Navy SEAL, really respect his opinions and views on that.
This next issue is so huge that I probably should have opened the show with it.
But the U.N.
officially saying that they want to break the U.S.
border and build refugee centers inside the U.S., and Ilhan Omar reporting it, is the first thing I led with because that's the attack on CONUS, or the continental United States.
And for me, it's not just an oath I've personally taken to defend the republic from these foreign domestic.
When you fought for something for a long time and gone through a lot to defend it, you start to love it even more.
I don't resent anything I've done in this fight, and I don't resent the fact that I've been persecuted for it.
But let me tell you, it makes me not want to lose it that much more, you understand?
And I can feel the spirit of liberty rising, I can feel the human spirit fighting back against this global technocracy, this global Mark of the Beast, this global Chinese social score that's almost in place, and the 5G going in, and all of this human enslaving tech.
And my very cells cry out against it.
Now, let me do the best job I can here, telling you what we haven't hit yet, and what really today's top story, you could say, was going to be.
Because as I do so many times before the show starts, I'm sitting here looking at all this news and I go, is it the Chi-Coms invading Hong Kong that's getting almost no attention?
Is that most important?
Is it the world awakening to the UN running the migrant invasion?
And the left openly calling for the UN to occupy the US?
Is that the top story?
Or is it the Queen of England suspending Parliament for the first time in 400 years?
Now, I have to say that's the top story.
Hong Kong's incredibly important and could trigger a new world war.
And it's going to be a bloody spectacle.
I don't think there's any doubt about that.
The Chai Koms need to show how tough they are.
They're in a war with the US, a proxy war.
They want to feast on the wealth of Hong Kong.
Their communist desire for dominance is unmatched.
And it's thirst or what it's engorged in innocent blood.
They have no soul, the Chai Koms in China.
Human-animal cloning, total experimentation, mass murder of Christians, Buddhists, millions in forced labor camps.
I mean, they are what North Korea wishes it was.
But the Queen of England suspending Parliament for the first time in 400 years.
This happens to be a 400 perfect number.
That signifies, like the cutting of a diamond, the constellation of resistance of the power structure.
The Axis, if you want to call the Globalists and the Chi-Coms, and their leftist system, and then the United States, the UK, the Liberty Movement, and how those groups are going to fight.
And the fact that the Queen of England Has weighed in, looking at how the breaks are happening, like in a game of pool or billiards.
If you're over in the UK, if you call it billiards, tells us a lot.
And you know who in the last two configurations of this sided with the US and with England, and that's the Russians.
And Trump knows that and has been trying to get the Russians to side with us in this.
And the globalist of the Chi-Com has been working through our media to say, Trump's a Russian agent, so that in this new world war that's here, that's economic, cultural, and military, that Russia will sit on the sidelines.
And so, exactly what we laid out, what we foresaw, is now here.
And just like World War I and World War II, World War 3 was the Cold War.
This is World War 4.
It has started.
It's a global civil war between nation-states and with the Globalist Combine.
Now you can say, wait a minute, I thought the Globalist Combine came out of the bridge and came out of Cecil Roads and the whole plan did.
Yes, but there's factions within it and they broke away with the CHICOMS and with the EU.
And these old power splits between Europe and the UK are still the dynamism that runs this.
And Bilderberg was always about trying to get the British Empire to work with the European Empire.
But it's two different distinct groups.
And these old fishers just split wide open, and it's beautiful.
The World Government Project is on the rocks.
And it's breaking right in front of us, and this couldn't be better for humanity.
We don't want one global system, a unipolar dictatorship, with the Chai Koms as the engine of it.
No thank you.
I don't think that's going to be happening now or ever.
And I predict, if we're successful, and I think we will be, that Russia is going to slide into this alliance.
And out of this, we can defeat radical Islam, we can defeat the Chi-Coms, the Hollywood EU group.
And you're like, but wait a minute, the British royal family is super corrupt, there's a bunch of pedophiles in it.
That's well known.
And they're not even British themselves, but they know who's winning.
They sat on the sidelines to the last minute.
And now the Queen just flipped her dictator switch, because the Brits did vote to get out of the Euro.
The Euro's been sabotaging things, trying to sabotage that economy, and so she just dropped the trillion pound bomb on them, and man, this is history!
That's all I gotta say, so I'm gonna do my best when we come back to lay this out, and this is gonna be spectacular.
These alignments are real.
The world is now in a bipolar structure.
I don't mean that psychologically.
That's what it's called.
Two fronts.
And Russia, as usual, is going to be the wild card right in the middle.
And Russia, I believe, will side with the West in the final equation.
That's why there's been every move made to keep Russia out of this alliance.
We will discuss it when we come back.
But we are now entering the quickening.
And this is an incredible time.
To be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
And there's been a lot of double-dealing by the globalist UK, a lot of double-dealing by Israel, a lot of double-dealing by our government, because there's double-dealing everywhere.
But the double-dealing is about to come to zero.
And you're going to see people divide into their groups right now.
And all the folks out there that have been sucking up the Hollywood propaganda, the shycom propaganda, you're going to lose.
And I know you're going to commit a lot of crimes.
Because you've been promised you'll be in the power structure if you could just overthrow America.
It's not gonna happen.
You failed.
I can tell you right now, there's no way you win.
You're not meant to win.
You're losers.
You think you can beat the United States and what's left of the British Empire?
You think you can beat us?
Good luck!
Nobody has and nobody ever will when we're defending ourselves.
And so the CHICOMS and the EU and all of you can piss up a rope.
Because you're about to get your back broken and your ribs torn out.
Get ready.
Let's go with Aaron and Alabama.
Thanks for calling, Aaron.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I want to say I've been in broadcasting, or I was, for about 15 years as a programmer.
And to be honest, I hadn't heard of you until about six months ago.
And I'm very thankful that I found you.
You touch on a lot of stuff that I've felt in my heart and soul for my whole life.
We really are.
We really are.
Listen, I've got a couple of points to make.
But first, I've had body pain all over my entire life.
And you know the product better than anybody there, I think.
What would you recommend?
I mean, literally, it's joint, it's muscle, it's everything.
What would you recommend for me to purchase?
You know, I think X2 or X3 because that's a building block to everything.
If you don't have that, the bad halogens take over.
And I would think Bonnie's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
Turmeric is amazing.
This is a very strong extract.
One of the strongest out there.
Probably the strongest, but there may be one stronger, so I don't want to say the strongest.
I mean, I would think Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus.
They've all bombarded us with synthetic hormones that mess up our body.
But then, if you get Preglanone, in my experience, I'm no doctor.
I just talk to the scientists.
With these other herbs like Real Red Pill and Real Red Pill Plus, I think you should go through the products, everybody is different, and test stuff out for yourself, and then just see what works best for you.
But they're all super game-changing, the best we can get, the best labs, the cleanest, just like whatever is the most proven, the best, I go produce it.
That's it.
Because I would, I'll explain this again, I'm a very superstitious person.
And by that, I'm God-fearing.
I treat you like I want to be treated.
You've got my total commitment.
Anything I do.
Any of it.
Like, they went out and tested.
Third parties did.
Alexa Pure and Pro Pure.
Some are better at this.
Some are better at that.
People are like, wow, we tested 30 gravity-fed filters and you have, like, the two best.
Why'd I do that?
What the hell do you think I'm doing?
I go out and find out what is the best price for the best quality, because there's always like some space-age $5,000 thing that's better, but I look at a line of like, what is the lowest price for the best benefit, and that's what I promote.
So, so, that's my advice on that.
Go ahead, sorry.
Well, and I appreciate that, and I can tell just from the way you talk about the product, I feel like I can trust you that you kind of do things the way I do.
You either do it right the first time, or just don't do it.
And I feel like I can trust you on your product.
Well, now listen, don't trust me, because here's the deal, is you need to talk to a physician, you need to research, because the iodine conspiracy's everything.
Most people have almost none of it, but if you've had none of it for 20 years, you take a bunch, you could have some issues.
Detoxing, you name it.
I mean, this stuff, this is it, man.
I mean, this is dangerous.
It's dangerous.
Because it's an element you've got to have, they've taken away from you.
Well, what happens when you finally get it?
You've got to be careful.
Because if you've not had this, your body will take in bromine, chloride, fluoride.
There's a whole bunch of bad halogens.
Your organs, everything operates.
Your hormones are produced with halogen.
And so the globalists have been targeting that with bad halogens that block it.
So this is the good thing.
But like anybody knows, it's like being punched in the head by a mule.
It's like, oh, that's the real thing.
Yeah, that's the mule.
So I'm just telling people, this X2 isn't a joke.
We just researched what the globalists are doing.
We do the opposite.
But yes, everyone with X2, X3, you need to consult a physician because you're like, oh, that's just Mother Nature.
Yeah, Mother Nature.
The drug companies and all the stuff they do is a counterfeit of what God's already given us.
You die.
The fields are depleted.
Everything's depleted.
Most iodine is bound to iron, copper, or lead, or something else.
You don't get it.
Pure iodine is explosive.
So yeah, be careful.
Iodine you have to have.
It's just paramount.
And so that's why we sell it.
That's why we've hyped it up because it's what they don't want you to have.
But yeah, have you been off of it and not had an eye on it for your whole life?
It's like if you've ever been in a boxing ring and you get in the ring with Mike Tyson, your body's gonna be like, what the hell?
What the hell is that?
Because you've never had it.
It's just iodine.
It's the magic sauce, folks.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Thank you for shopping and getting great products, and it helps fund this operation.
A total 360 win and you know I love those.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
It's being called the Masterstroke by the UK's new Prime Minister.
His top advisor is Nigel Farage.
See how far the liberty movement has come?
The UK was supposed to end, be merged into a world government, but the people didn't want it.
And so now ultranationalists are in control of the UK and the one-sided EU deal where they're flooded with illegal aliens and where the country's broken down and where they have all these horrible deals on trade.
That's all coming to an end, and now the UK can negotiate with the euro and absolutely
wreck the euro if they want to.
But the euro was designed, as the founders of it said, to kill nation states, including
European countries, and flood them as well.
So again, the United States and the UK are coming to save Europe from itself.
I'm not putting Europe down.
It's just a fact.
And history doesn't rhyme.
It repeats, ladies and gentlemen.
You always hear that it rhymes.
No, it repeats.
Now, let's continue.
Off with her head.
This is a real quote in the British newspapers.
Soros-funded Best for Britain group threatens Queen over Brexit and says last time a king... Actually, quote it.
Suspended Parliament, they cut off his head.
Now, people gotta ask, are you gonna side with the Queen of England, or are you gonna side with the Rothschilds that are also based there that run Soros?
Who, by the way, want to overthrow Israel.
All these idiotic anti-Jew, white supremacists go online and they call here and they say, oh, you're not against Israel, you're a traitor.
Israel's a bunch of factions, you dumbasses!
Just like the United States or Russia or anybody else that's got free political parties.
Everybody wants control.
I happen to know the real power structure.
I've studied it.
I actually want to know who the players are, see?
I don't want to just spout off how smart I am because I can list how many Jews have powerful jobs all day.
It has nothing to do with it.
And the Rothschilds funded Hitler early on, but later didn't.
They helped fund World War I. Opportunists.
And now they're trying to stop Brexit.
The powerful Rothschilds.
There's diversity in that family as well of opinions.
And it's on, ladies and gentlemen.
And you've got 400 years.
Well, the Parliament is still trying to scuttle the vote of the people.
And for four years, they've been trying to stop it.
So the Queen of England knows that real polls show up to 70% of people in the UK want out now.
It's just like our fake polls.
The fake polls show 55-60% won out.
Well, they already voted to do it.
So she says, I'm suspending Parliament for five weeks so that the government can really negotiate a deal with the EU that actually gives us the power to vote on our sovereignty because 93% of UK laws Are set and controlled by the EU.
And it just hit me.
We've got to get Lord Monckton on.
He was Chief Advisor to Margaret Thatcher.
He is at the heart of this resistance.
He'll give us all the inside baseball as if we don't already know it.
Please get Lord Monckton on today or tomorrow, Daria and crew, as soon as you can.
So, I mean, I'm about to read you the quotes here, but they threaten to cut the Queen of England's head off.
They say, oh, the last king did that, we cut his head off.
Now, I'm all for parliaments, folks, and I'm all for votes.
And back when the Queen suspended the Canadian parliament a decade ago, I said, this is so she's still in command.
To a great extent, she has that veto power.
But this time, she's in the right because they voted to get out.
The government, for almost four years, wouldn't let them do it.
They couldn't get their vote again in the last two years to stay in it.
And so she says, follow what the people voted in a referendum.
You're not giving the people what they want, so I'm exercising my veto over your undemocratic behavior.
And so the Saxe-Koburg Transylvanian Queen knows which way the wind is blowing and can see that Trump and America and the Nationalists and the Populists and the resurgence of the Christian movements worldwide are winning.
She sat on the sidelines while all this happened.
And while the UK got sucked down a black hole, and now she's coming in like the Deus Ex.
The Deus Ex is the hero that comes in at the last moment when the main hero is going to lose.
But the Deus Ex saves him right at the minute.
You know, he's the second king.
He's the little hero.
Han Solo, when Darth Vader is about to kill Luke Skywalker in Episode 4, right when he's about to blow the Death Star up, Darth Vader says, I have you now.
Well, the due sex is Han Solo comes in and stops him from killing Luke Skywalker, and the Death Star gets blown up.
Queen Elizabeth, with this action, has now become the Han Solo due sex at the moment.
And I'm not lionizing her.
I don't like royalty.
I don't like what they've done.
House of Windsor is a fake name.
They're not even Brits.
They're not Scots.
They're not Irish, okay?
They removed, their ancestors removed the old line of kings.
They removed the Norse kings that took over in 1100, William the Conqueror.
So there's nothing British about them.
But they know how the cookie crumbles.
They know how to cut this diamond, and they know that America is winning, and so they understand now what they've got to do.
This is big, big, big, big, big, big, big.
And it shows that the power alliances are lining up just like they did right before World War II.
The only question is, can the CHICOM stay-behinds and the leftists start a war with Russia, which Obama tried to do, starting a war, by trying to take the Russian half of Ukraine that Russia's had since they founded Ukraine 500 years ago.
Russia was founded in Ukraine 500 years ago.
Look it up.
What's modern Russia?
That modern czarist system that got removed in 1917.
And I mean, it'd be like taking New York City, you know, if the Chinese came and took New York City.
That's what Obama did, trying to get the Russians to go ape you-know-what.
And it didn't happen.
Putin cut their military funding.
He said, I'm not going to play that game.
And he's a sovereign leader, and he's kicked the globalists out, and they're not teaching five-year-olds how to put dresses on in Russia.
And they've thrown George Soros' ass and his companies and his foundations out of Russia.
Because they're foreign, alien, criminal groups.
Like Media Matters and all the rest of it.
And they're getting their asses kicked.
So I hope you all enjoy it, dirtbags.
But we need Russia in the alliance.
I know we've been taught in the post-World War II era to hate Russia.
Russia was captured by the same globalists that have tried to capture us.
Russia pulled the face sucker off.
We should be celebrating that.
We should be happy for Russia trying to increase its birth rate and trying to keep its culture.
We need to be that way.
The culture of Americana that unifies us all and a Christian ethos.
Whether you believe in God or not, the Christian ethos builds good societies.
I'll take that over the leftist, godless ethos of child molestation and their sacrament.
Off with their heads!
Soros-funded Best for Britain group threatens Queen over Brexit.
The EU loyalist Best for Britain group appeared to invoke the fate of beheaded King Charles I after Queen Elizabeth II agreed to prologue, temporarily suspend Parliament for a few weeks before the Brexit deadline.
Following news, the Queen, Robert Stamper Minister Boris Johnson's request to suspend the parliamentary session, the longest running for almost 400 years, so the government can bring forward a new legislation program.
October 14th, the Soros-funded group tweeted that it would make no sense for the Queen to back this deeply undemocratic, unconstitutional, and fundamentally political maneuver from the government.
They went on to say if the Queen is asked to help, Let's just pull back from that.
Yeah, but we're not facing Oliver Cromwell or anybody like that at this point.
suspension of democracy. The anti-Briggs group added darkly appearing to allude to
the fate of the monarch's ancestor Charles the first who tried to govern
without Parliament was in the end publicly beheaded. Let's just pull back
from that. Yeah but we're not facing Oliver Cromwell or anybody like that at
this point. Ladies and gentlemen, the Lord High Protector and all the rest of it,
you have to understand that the Brits voted to leave.
The people in the UK voted to leave the unelected EU.
They never voted to enter it.
It's like China trying to take over Hong Kong.
The Chinese communists were never elected.
The people ran 70 years ago.
They created the most successful per square mile place in the world.
Hong Kong.
The most expensive real estate.
Incredible wealth.
The average person there is... But now you see, they're standing up.
And so history is repeating itself over and over and over again.
And then Soros has the nerve to say, you are the one killing people's, quote, democracy.
It's outrageous.
The British Royals The House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha has clearly aligned itself
with Trump and America and has chosen wisely.
Things are going very well.
But the enemy is going to strike back.
We'll talk about how when we return.
Stay with us.
So let's go to Allen from Ohio.
He wants to talk about DNA Force.
Hi, can you hear me?
Yes, loud and clear.
Oh good.
It's an honor to talk to you guys.
I don't miss the broadcast.
So DNA Force, okay.
I broke my neck 16 years ago, you know, in a skiing accident.
I was paralyzed from the neck down only for a short period of time, like the first hour after the, you know, after the accident.
But I experienced that and I had a knife hardware in my neck and Yeah, I've had multiple plates.
And anyway, it did all right for like 12, 13 years.
And about two years ago, I started having the most incredible nerve pain down my arms, especially my left arm pulsing.
And you can't imagine the pain.
It was like I had rebroke my neck.
I went and got MRI to see if my heart rate was OK.
And this whole process of seeing a doctor and everything took a month or two.
And they scheduled me for these pain shots.
They were just going to deaden the nerve.
It was so painful.
I couldn't take it.
So anyway, I was waiting for my shots.
I missed them once, so I scheduled them again for a month later.
I ordered DNA force and I started taking it and I was taking 25 a leave a day, five times a day.
And I was wearing a neck brace for the first year of this like two years of pain every day.
But I started taking DNA force and within two weeks, I started thinking I don't need it to leave anymore.
That was like a few days into it.
I stopped taking a leave.
I take two DNA force in the morning and maybe one at night.
And I canceled my pain shot.
And I've taken two of them today.
And I don't even know if I'm going to need one later.
That is amazing.
I take no more leave at all.
That is amazing.
I swear.
It's the most incredible thing I have ever experienced.
You know what?
When I talk about the products, that's one of the things I'm always focused on is how well they work.
You know, they actually, they actually work.
It's not something that, you know, let's get it and just, you know, take it and whatever, hope for the best.
I mean, they actually work.
And hey, thank you for the call.
And because of people like you, the reason why Harrison and myself get to sit here today.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We have a surprise guest joining us for two segments.
And then I'll dive into all the other news after that.
But we're in a historical period, a major power flux.
The corporate global government plan of globalism gave untold fiat wealth to mega corporations.
And then they allied themselves with Communist China.
There was an agreement.
China would control the economics and the manufacturing.
The banks would control the finance and the digital currencies.
The United States and Europe would control the military in an alliance.
Of course, all these different power groups didn't follow the agreement except for the United States.
And the UK did to a certain extent.
And were absolutely cheated and set up.
Now all those agreements are being broken.
The United States is exercising its power over Europe and over the CHICOMS.
Russia is trying to stay out of it wisely.
The Queen of England has now joined with the United States and the West and is trying to get a clean Brexit in place.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
We are winning.
Now, we're still being culturally rotted out from the inside.
We are still Uh, seeing the establishment try to crash the economy.
They can still try to assassinate Trump.
That would only backfire.
Look at all the angles on that.
But they are going to just keep putting out disinfo and propaganda as long as they can.
And there's a lot of other ways that they're going to try to strike back.
And so on tomorrow's show, I'm going to get more into the real transhumanist threat, which we've still got to face.
Because just because the global model for global government's in trouble, doesn't mean these organizations still aren't there.
they're not still moving forward and trying to reconstitute their operations
through big tech that is forming the real global government with the casual
society with the surveillance with the censorship in live time using AI and
its human collaborators. We'll be talking about that some next segment but there's
more than one way as I say to skin a wabbit or skin a cat and that is to cut
off the infrastructure of Google and Facebook and Twitter to pull government
contracts not allow them to be used at government installations because they've
been compromised by foreign powers particularly Apple and Google and to do
things like the Justice Department just did.
We had callers talk about this yesterday, how we need to treat Apple and Google like Huawei, which is really an organ of the Chinese Communist government.
And this is now out from Bloomberg.
Justice Department opposes Google's undersea cable from China and is not allowing them to connect it to the U.S.
mainland or to Hong Kong.
So there you go.
The plot is thickening.
Oh, Parliament suspended for working against the referendum of the people.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Oh, Kashmir just got invaded by the Indians.
It's their land anyways.
They're not going to submit anymore and have the Hindus ordered out of their own country.
Oh, sorry.
And you just see Move after move after move after move.
And you see Russia telling neocon US senators, you're not welcome here.
And Israel telling, you know, all the Islamists in our Congress, you're not welcome here to come here and try to overthrow.
I mean, people are fighting back.
Also, this is huge.
Trump administration to create special Office of Transparency to expedite release of DOJ documents.
Unfortunately, they're not charging Comey at this time.
Just like we see Barr saying, oh, there's no foul play with Epstein.
He's there to clean stuff up and have an alliance in the government and try to stop the civil war in the government.
But the left isn't stopping.
I'd love them to stop and we can make America great again and fix the country and move on.
I don't want to just piddly around and fight them all day.
I want them to go away with their stolen money.
But they're not.
Just like Napoleon got put on an island and then he came back and formed his army again.
Finally he wasn't given, you know, a hundred troops and his generals to reconstitute.
Oh, you'd have your generals pretend to be a king.
He used them to launch another giant war.
Got his ass handed to him, finally, by Lord Wellington.
And we're right back at that point again.
We're gonna have to indict these people and lock them up for espionage.
They're not gonna stop, okay?
We've got all the evidence.
It's not gonna hurt the stock market.
It's the right thing to do.
They're the ones trying to overthrow the country.
So we gotta move against them like Benedict Arnold.
Gotta indict them, lock their ass up, and throw away the key.
We'll be right back.
Make sure you guys go to InfoWarsTore.com right now.
We have Don't Tattle Me shirts, just like he had that tattoo on his arm.
This is literally how the left acts every single day.
I can't come out here and expose these people and the delusions that they engage in without your support at InfoWarsTore.com.
Supplements, shirts, books, bumper stickers.
Your car might get vandalized, but still buy them.
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A classic InfoWars fan favorite formula, Super Blue Fluoride Free Toothpaste is a must have for any info warrior serious about their oral health.
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There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think, just let me think.
I suspect even now orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Sutler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words offer the means to meaning and for those who will listen, the The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subverting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you.
And in your panic, you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order.
He promised you peace.
And all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the InfoWar.
(Electrical zapping)
(Electronic music)
Atta boast!
I'm here to tell you all about Murph's d***.
You see, Facebook won't let us use the word g*** in any advertisements.
They also won't let us show g***, shotg***, g***les, or g***les.
Here at Murph's S**t, we got tons of stuff for all your outdoor and self-protection needs.
So much so, that this is one of the only camera angles in the store that we can show you without violating Facebook's rules.
Oh, s**t. We got it all!
And in real life, none of the stuff in the store is covered up or blurry.
we got a great selection of [ __
and [ __
So whether you're trying to stock up for a great pheasant, whitetail, or turkey trip,
or you're just trying to exercise your second amendment right to protect your family and own a
[ __
I've got a tiger by the tail that's plain to see.
I won't be much when you get through with me.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
Well, Cale Murphree is our guest.
We aired this Earlier in the week, I had it posted at newswars.com and infowars.com over the weekend, and I said, I gotta find out who this little gun shop in a medium-sized city of Oklahoma is, because they did a super good commercial.
Much better than you see on national television.
It turned out it's a real gun shop, popular all over the country.
Not a sponsor of ours.
Wish they were.
Murph's Guns.
And Kale is a third generation owner of Murph's Guns in Duncan, Oklahoma.
Since buying the store from his father and uncle in 2013, Kale has been working hard to grow the online presence and recognition of his gun store.
And I said he did a damn good job here.
Ought to hire him to do our marketing.
But the big story is how they got censored.
Now you can't say the word gun or shotgun or handgun or ammo and again with AI watching it now Facebook's saying you won't be able to text it just like my name.
First they said you can't say Alex Jones or InfoWars.
You try to use the WhatsApp, they're blocking talk of guns.
So this is, Congress has got to act.
I mean these things are bigger than utilities.
Imagine if AT&T said we've got AI listening to your phone and if you say the wrong word we're going to cut in on it.
Well, Facebook's doing that.
I was just warning of this three months ago.
Now they're doing it.
Remember, CNN said, well, Jones, you can't say his name on Facebook unless it's negative.
And if you do say it positive, you'll be banned.
But they said, we're also looking to see if people are talking about him on WhatsApp.
That's private messengers!
And I said, yes, we're watching you there.
So this is beyond what the Chi-Coms are even doing.
So, Cale, thanks for coming on with us.
And thanks for fighting back.
You know, Dick's Sporting Goods.
I mean, Dick really goes by his name here, doesn't he?
Nothing against people that have the name Richard.
But Dick's is saying they're anti-gun.
They're going to pull guns out.
That is, I think, building towards confiscation.
So I'm glad you are fighting back, my friend.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
Thanks for having time to join us.
So tell us what happened to you and why you did this.
Well, a friend of mine and I were having breakfast one morning.
I was kind of telling him how hard it was to advertise on Facebook with this brilliant idea.
You know, what if we said everything that Facebook won't allow us to say, but we censored it?
And so he came up with this great idea.
It's all bleak, where every time it's guns, shotguns, rifles, pistols, it's blurred.
Hey, Murphy, man, I really want to get you on, but we're going to reconnect on your Skype.
We're having a Skype problem here.
Hell, you just might have to fly down here to Austin or drive down here and be in the
studio with us.
But again, we love what you're doing over there.
We're going to work on that here for just a minute and get back with you, because we
are a radio show, though you are pretty.
Seriously, folks, this shows the level we've gotten to, where last week the Republican
Party put out just a color online brochure that said, "We want strong women to join the
Trump campaign.
If you believe in America and women empowered, and America having women at the corporate
leadership level, Donald Trump's launched a leadership council to get women into even
more leadership positions.
He's put more women in leadership positions than the last two presidents combined.
He wants to have you join his campaign."
And they said, you are not allowed.
You are not allowed to say strong women because somebody might not be a woman.
That's misgendering.
You know, that doesn't make sense.
It makes perfect sense.
If you can sabotage the very language you totally control.
That law in California says if you misgender someone, you say, hey, sir.
And the guy's got a short haircut and looks like me.
I'm a woman, how dare you?
I've got a beard, but you ain't never seen a bearded lady?
That's a crime!
So this is a war on reality, a total power grab.
It's absolutely out of control, and it's incredibly dangerous.
But I can't wait to talk to this fella, because he put together a really good ad.
So we're gonna work on his audio, maybe get him an external mic.
Maybe we'll teleport that up to Oklahoma.
Northerners up there.
Part Oklahoma, part of Texas.
And then we'll get right back to him.
But I wanted to air this little piece.
Smart meter radiation attached to millions of homes as a public service announcement is incredibly important.
So again, smart meter radiation attached to millions of homes.
The only way we're going to warn people about smart meters being basically 4G, the 5G, not linked but proven to be causing cancer, is to admit this is happening.
So we're going to go out to break playing part of this report.
The government says you should set your thermostat to 80-something degrees at night to save the Earth, to save the planet.
The idea that carbon dioxide is bad, it's actually good.
If you liquefied all the CO2 in the atmosphere down, it'd be less than an inch.
If it was liquefied, I mean, it's one of the most trace gases out there, essential for life.
If we didn't have it, we'd all die.
Plants would not put out oxygen.
That's what's going on.
First they said 87 degrees, now they're saying 78 degrees.
They're trying to walk it back because of the backlash.
But remember, they told us 10 years ago, oh the smart meters will turn your thermostat down for you at night, and your smartphones will interface with it and track what you're doing.
And the government then under Obama was saying, we'll just do this without you consenting.
We do know that some smart meters produce data that has enough granularity that experts are able to go in and tell what kind of appliances people are using.
Despite concerns from groups like the ACLU, the utility says it's built cybersecurity into the meters and the software that runs them.
But information's still being gleaned.
They're building a profile on the consumer.
Not only their usage, but the time of day.
You can tell when a homeowner is home or not by this monitoring.
We don't know if their system can be hacked.
And then there's the concern of radio frequency emissions, which some say can cause health issues.
We spend a lot of time out here.
We're going to break.
It isn't some say.
It's all the major studies.
It's conclusive.
Cigarettes cause cancer.
5G, 4G, 3G cause cancer.
Cell towers give your kids big giant brain tumors.
Brain tumors are up tens of thousands of percent.
I see kids everywhere with their heads shaved and surgery points on them.
Saw like five kids yesterday that had part of their brains cut out.
I wasn't even looking for it!
We've had this in for two weeks.
I've been so busy, I haven't talked about it because I've been covering news.
But it's very exciting.
It's Super Silver Skin Cream.
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Well today, InfoWars Live Protein Bar.
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Well, today, M4's live protein bar.
I just devoured your cousin M4's live protein bar.
They taste like candy bars.
This is what I want.
This is what I need.
But my God, they're so good.
I'm going to have to get a new one.
I'm going to have to get a new one.
I'm going to have to get a new one.
I'm going to have to get a new one.
I'm going to have to get a new one.
I'm going to have to get a new one.
But my God, it's solid.
Protein bar.
I'm going to have to get a new one.
I'm going to have to get a new one.
As we witness the most disastrous geological activity in recorded history, the globalists are backed into a corner, and the leftists are pushing for civil war.
Borders are being broken and sovereignty is being challenged.
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(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
I will break your jaw.
I will knock your teeth out.
I will break your nose.
You think you're f*cking tough, you're about to get it!
I will break your jaw, I will knock your teeth out, I will break your nose, I will break your neck.
I'm not afraid of you people!
You're a little wimp!
You son of a piece of garbage!
I hate you!
My listeners hate you!
And remember that scumbag forever!
If you don't spread the links, the globalists win!
Spread the legs!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, Kale Murphree, owner of Murph's Guns up in Oklahoma, is our guest.
And this is an example of a small business person fighting back and putting out a viral video that shows how Facebook won't let you say the word guns, firearms, ammunition, shotguns, rifles, you name it.
And again, they've now moved on to everything else and all these other words Congress has got to act.
Get into why you did this, recap what you were saying earlier before your audio cut out, and where you see all this is going.
And again, it's a hilarious gun store ad, bypasses Facebook censorship.
It's on Infowars.com.
So tell us, tell us more about this.
Yeah, Alex, so a friend of mine and I were having breakfast one morning and I was kind of telling him about the struggles I was having about advertising on Facebook.
And he said, you know what, what if you He said all those, all the words, guns, rifles, pistols, shotguns, but you bleeped it out.
And you make eight videos where every one of those words is bleeped out.
So that's what we did.
Well, it was really smart and it's gotten a lot of attention.
Tell us about this particular actor.
He's a funny guy.
Oh, he was great.
He owns the media production company.
He's called Six Foot Five Production in Birmingham.
And actually, a friend of mine that I was having breakfast with knew Taylor Robinson.
And he said, you know, this is your guy.
This is the actor that you want.
And what's really funny is whenever you talk to him in real life, he's very laid back.
He's not anything like that.
Well, I'm actually just like this guy in real life, so...
Oh, are you really?
Well, I'll call you next time.
No, no, no.
I want to hire him to do an ad for us because, seriously, we're in the same position where you can't say Alex Jones, you can't say InfoWars, you can't say Strong Women.
So I'm going to take all the things that Facebook has actually banned and maybe have somebody like him saying, hey, I'm here from Facebook.
Let me tell you what you can't say.
Shut your damn mouth, Americans.
You can't say this.
You can't say that.
I mean, he's a good guy.
Oh, he was a great guy.
And what we wanted to do was we just wanted to, you know, kind of Yeah, I mean, it's it's it's fun.
It's poke fun at both both sides of it and.
You know, creating something that we thought that our customers would like and our customers would think was funny, and I think we've done that so far.
What's the response been like?
Oh, it's been great.
I've had P. I had a guy call me from Amsterdam.
We've had several emails, even from Ireland, telling us to keep fighting, keep fighting
the good fight, and that they love the commercial.
And what's even funny, too, is there's been almost no negative feedback.
You know, even the anti-gun people have emailed us and said, you know what?
I can appreciate something like this.
This is funny.
But think about the danger of the assault on the language where you can't say strong women because that misgenders people.
If someone sees the word woman, I mean, this is a cult.
This is so dangerous.
This is beyond things like 1984.
It is, and you know, I wish they wouldn't censor stuff like that, but you know, there's rules that they have that I have to play by, and so that's what we did, and we were able to create these videos.
And what's funny is a lot of people don't know... Sorry, go ahead.
Well, a lot of people don't know is that we did create eight of them.
So the next one is actually coming out tomorrow at 9.15.
And they all have, you know, every time it says any of these words, it's bleeped out.
Well, I would love for you to send us that as well.
If you send it to us, we'll premiere it at 9.15 as well on Infowars.com because these are really, really funny ads.
So we've only seen the first, and now we're going to get to see seven more.
That is correct.
Yes, sir.
So I would say that's money well spent.
I like how you worked around what Facebook is doing.
So they haven't restricted these ads yet?
No, they haven't.
And, you know, I'm kind of surprised they haven't.
But, you know, we actually never say guns, rifles, pistols or shotguns.
So I don't know what their grounds would be if they did want to take it off.
Well, you know, they're just going to probably change their rules, which is really frightening.
How are folks responding to all this censorship and things that are going on up in Oklahoma?
Oh, you know, there's, of course, you know, in Oklahoma and especially in my part of the country, in Duncan, Oklahoma, most people are pro-gun.
So they do think it's pretty ridiculous, but there's ways around it.
You know, if you want to, if an individual wants to sell, you know, two guns and they
want to put it on Facebook, you know, they could take a picture of it and say, you know,
the cup of coffee is on the, the cup of coffee on the left is, you know, X amount of dollars
and the cup of coffee on the right is X amount of dollars.
But Facebook won't pick up on it because you didn't say gun.
So there's ways around it.
So people still do it.
And that's why Facebook and Twitter and the European Union want to ban memes.
They actually passed a law saying you can be fined thousands of euros if you don't get a meme pre-approved by the government.
That's just taking an image and making a joke about it.
Because A.I.
can't tell what humor is and A.I.
can't tell when you're making a joke.
And that's really the beauty of the human mind.
So we're being told by Elon Musk that the age of humans is over.
Our age is just beginning unless we advocate our authority over to this system.
That is correct.
I mean, we need to continue to support those who support the Second Amendment.
And, you know, I am all for the Second Amendment.
I'm all for electing people that are pro-Second Amendment.
And, you know, it's really funny.
I've done detailed research, and I've never sold a gun to somebody that was anti-gun.
So we need to continue to put those people in office that You know, that are pro Second Amendment and that are going to fight for our rights.
By the way, is that a new T-shirt?
It says Murphs and it shows a pheasant.
Guns is blurred out.
Is that part of this advertising campaign?
It is.
Yes, sir.
And in fact, we were planning on making some T-shirts, but we were just a little bit behind the ball.
And whenever we released this video, man, it went over like gangbusters and people were telling us, you know, get a shirt, get a shirt.
We actually have shirts available on our website and we also have water bottles as well.
That's awesome.
So shirts are allowed, water bottles are allowed.
Facebook won't get mad about that.
But seriously, I hope that you'll send me or maybe I should get one of complimentary Murph's guns in extra large because that is a handsome, simple, good old-fashioned shirt and people ask why it's blurred.
Well, that's not to make the Libtards angry.
We don't want to trigger them with free speech.
That is correct.
If you'll send me your address, I'll send you a couple.
I'll even throw in a water bottle for you.
I just want to say, appreciate you having me on here, and stay tuned.
when your second one drops and murphsguns.com. We really appreciate you coming. We got about a
minute left. Anything else you want to add? I just want to say appreciate you having me on here
and stay tuned. We do have seven more commercials coming so I hope you enjoy them. All right well
let's all hang together on the First Amendment as well because I know you're getting around it.
It's cute and it's funny and it's smart and you should do it.
We should adapt and improvise, but we should also go to Congress and say, listen, these are bigger than telecoms, bigger than AT&T, and they need to stop this, because they're trying to block Christian groups.
Like I said, they're blocking Republican ads, Twitter blocked.
It is very dangerous.
And you know, I wish everybody was able to play by the same set of rules.
You know, you being a gun store owner, I'm limited on that.
But the one thing that I'm thankful for is I know God is still in control.
And so that's what I hang my hat on every night I go to sleep and every morning I wake up and So I'm thankful for that, but we do need to continue to fight for our freedoms and our liberties.
That's right.
Well, Cale Murphree, thank you so much.
We'll talk to you again soon, and Godspeed.
All right.
Thank you.
Love what they're doing.
We need every mom and pop to fight back the same way.
Build alternative systems, but fight on the platforms.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
In Washington.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting fried.
Then I have some comments on your supplements, man.
Totally changed my life.
I use TurboForce, BodyEase, AlphaPower, BrainForce.
fish oil, Ultra 12 daily, X2 every several days now. And what I've found is
really combining them is a totally synergistic and transcendent feeling
that I get by combining all your products and I just want to urge all your
listeners who haven't tried them, I just want to say why not.
Well you're right that all of these things are known to be incredible.
Whether it's turmeric, or whether it's the fish oil, or the krill oil, or whether it's the DNA force with the CoQ10 and BioPQQ and all the rest of it.
All of these are things that are like rocket fuel in the body.
People think just dumping energy drinks on it will do something.
No, if your base isn't there, none of it works.
But you take these bases together, then you have your foundation.
Now you can build the big strong temple.
It's not that I'm perfect either.
I've tricked my body really bad.
But with these products I take, and I religiously remember to take them, it makes my life so much better.
And then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
We've got Greg Reese and Savannah Hernandez.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Like I said, we've got Greg Reese and Savannah Hernandez joining the broadcast in the fourth hour today.
They're going to be co-hosting.
They just got back from Hong Kong.
That's really a big deal.
Chinese troops Again, invading with wheeled tanks and armored vehicles as threatened.
Our media is basically playing it down like, oh it's causing unease in Hong Kong that Chinese troops just rolled in.
They have promised that they are going to be attacking the population if they try to
go out and demonstrate.
It's estimated that 80% of the population there does not want to be under Chinese mainland
They are the children and grandchildren of those that fled 70 years ago when Mao Zedong
took over the mainland and began slaughtering over 100 million people.
But they never got in trouble like Hitler.
So basically, the government put in by somebody as bad or worse than Hitler is now invading their nation and now shipping in massive Chinese Communist Party nationals to take over.
And they're angry.
They're upset.
So I've got a bunch of other news I want to hit, but we'll do that next segment.
I want to play Paul Joseph Watson's report.
He just got back yesterday as well, breaking down what's really happening in Hong Kong.
But this is a big, big deal.
And then, engineering school lowers entry bar for women.
Critics blast MOVE as insulting to women, especially current female engineers.
And the Army Rangers have lowered standards yet again so that they can put women into the meat grinder.
Also, I mentioned this at the start of the show, it's linked up at newswars.com and infowars.com.
It's not just happening in Austin.
I first heard about this two months ago.
Now it's happening all over areas in the southern United States where they've had temperatures over 100 degrees weeks on end.
Hundreds of dog deaths in Austin, because most of them don't get reported.
Thousands all over the country.
I personally know people whose dogs have died that didn't tell the news or the health department.
And we'll tell you what's happening.
Dog deaths across the U.S.
linked to toxic blue-green algae in lakes and ponds.
But here's Paul Joseph Watson's report on Hong Kong.
tear gas, rubber bullets, water cannons, live rounds fired.
That was my leisurely Sunday afternoon in Hong Kong.
Why are the protesters out on the streets?
They have five demands.
One, the full withdrawal of a bill that would allow suspects in Hong Kong to be extradited to China.
Two, an inquiry into allegations of police brutality.
Three, amnesty for the arrested protesters.
Four, universal suffrage to allow 100% of the city's executive council, which is dominated by Beijing, to be voted in by the people of Hong Kong.
The fifth demand is that authorities stop referring to the demonstrations as riots.
Which is probably going to be difficult given that you basically have two armies dressed in battle gear, gas masks and armed with weapons.
One side lobbing tear gas, the other side lobbing bricks.
It certainly looked like a riot to me.
The Hong Kong government has said over and over again that it won't accept any of the five demands, so the violence
will only escalate.
Many protesters have also said they think violence is part of protest and that the threat to their freedoms is so existential they need to resort to all means possible.
We talked to several people who said that the Chinese government is using mass migration to subsume Hong Kong's identity and weaken its unity.
Does that remind you of anything?
[Speaking Chinese]
Enjoy difference, start tolerance.
Chinese people are allowed to move to Hong Kong and get immediate access to the jobs market, housing and health
care benefits.
They're even allowed to vote.
This destabilisation and subversion of Hong Kong is driving a great deal of the resentment.
And it goes both ways.
Dozens of Chinese taxi drivers in Hong Kong are flying huge Chinese flags from the back of their cars.
There have also been small, sporadic pro-China protests in the city.
But they're miniscule in comparison to the anti-Beijing protests.
Despite dressing similar, the Hong Kong protesters are very different from America's snarling, spitting, obnoxious Antifa thugs.
Whereas Antifa attacks the media and refuses to be filmed, the Hong Kong protesters go out of their way to protect the media ...and prevent journalists from being harmed.
Whereas Antifa burns the American flag, the Hong Kong protesters fly it proudly.
They've also taken a shining to Pepe the Frog, proving once again that any meme can be reclaimed and repurposed despite the American media's obsession with denouncing it as a hate symbol.
And no, that doesn't mean the protesters are far-right, as numerous idiotic, tanky, left-wing journalists are claiming.
Opposing an authoritarian regime that silences dissent by literally flattening people doesn't make you far-right.
It just makes you right.
No reasonable person could deny that the protesters' grievances and fears are entirely authentic.
This isn't a bunch of whiny privileged leftists protesting for rights they already have just so they can virtue signal about waving a woke banner on social media.
This is a nation's youth fighting for the preservation of its future.
They're going up against one one of the most fearsome military regimes on the planet. A
nuclear armed dictatorship that interns millions of members of minority groups in re-education
camps. They're risking incarceration, torture and a nightmare future trapped in
China's social credit score system.
A minority report style dystopia where dissidents who express the wrong political opinions are
prevented from using social media, travelling or even having bank accounts. Again, remind
you of anything.
Dear passengers, people who travel without a ticket or behave disorderly, assaulting
public areas will be punished according to regulations and the behaviour will be recorded
in the individual credit information system.
Dear passengers, people who travel without a ticket or behave disorderly, assaulting
public areas will be punished according to regulations and the behaviour will be recorded
in the individual credit information system.
The anti-surveillance aspect of the demonstrations came to the fore when protesters tore down so-called smart lamps which they fear are secretly scanning their faces.
To give you an idea of how intense China's control over propaganda and information really is, a local Catholic priest who didn't want to be named for fear of repercussions said that religious education in China is so tightly controlled That many people have never even heard of Jesus Christ.
The Christian community in Hong Kong is standing firmly behind the protesters.
On Friday night there was a vigil attended by thousands of participants.
This preceded the monumental human chain, where protesters linked arms for 30 miles around the entire city.
They even climbed up mountains.
The event was an homage to the Baltic Way, when two million people joined hands around three countries, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, in 1989 to protest against the tyranny of Soviet rule.
Which reminds us that the Hong Kong protest is fundamentally anti-communist.
This chai Nazi graffiti also adorns walls across the city.
The wider Hong Kong population broadly supports the protesters.
Which is no surprise given that police have fired tear gas inside shopping malls, subways and densely populated residential areas.
Leading in some situations to angry residents banding together and forcing the cops to leave.
Who's responsible for the violence?
Police claim they're merely defending themselves against armed mobs and trying to maintain order.
Protesters say the demonstrations were peaceful up until riot cops were deployed and tear
gas was used against them.
China has thousands of troops massing in nearby Shenzhen.
Will they be sent into Hong Kong to enact a brutal bloody crackdown?
Probably not, experts say, but Chinese culture is all about avoiding embarrassment, saving face.
If Hong Kong is still in turmoil, on October 1st, the 70th anniversary of the founding of Communist China, that will be the biggest embarrassment imaginable for Beijing.
So they have to do something.
And this is China we're talking about.
Tiananmen Square was only 30 years ago.
What that something will be remains to be seen.
But it certainly isn't going to be pretty.
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What's that mean?
What's that mean?
Oh, you're mad!
Not only are these products going to enhance your life, but they make sure I can continue bringing you all the content you love.
Because you're a f***ing riot over here.
Yeah, by even making me talk to a trader.
A trader of what?
My country?
Look at me!
Look at me!
What's that say right there?
Don't tread on me!
That's a Russian slogan now.
That's a Russian slogan.
by nationalist traitors.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Please don't forget!
Well, I guess the way that God works, or however this happens, we keep bringing in just the amount of money we need to operate.
And I want to expand.
I want to watch some new shows, which we're doing next month.
I want to be able to put reporters in the field, like we've done with Overall, four reporters in Hong Kong.
I want to be able to do all these things, and without you buying the products, we cannot do it.
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Infowarslife.com takes you right to all the supplements and all the other products.
Again, the Super Silver Wound Gel is a drug.
It's FDA-approved over-the-counter.
Strongest available over-the-counter.
This company let me proudly label that.
We then discounted the Super Silver Cream.
Is the same nano silver, but it's just not gone through all the approval to, you know, say approved for over the counter in the drug section.
None of it means anything.
Again, what the FDA does is they got a law passed in 96 trying to outlaw supplements and Congress said no.
We're not saying we're drugs.
You have no jurisdiction.
So the FDA said, okay, well, you have to say not approved by the FDA.
So they're always like, Jones sells unapproved things.
Well, that's because the FDA makes all the supplement companies sit there and say that it is not approved by them because by law, they don't have that jurisdiction to be able to even do that. But then they try
to come in and regulate people who are claiming that they're drugs. But we're not saying
these are drugs, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not saying that krill oil is a drug. We're not saying that clean iodine is a drug.
This is all from Mother Nature that God gave us, whether it's turmeric or whether it's
our high-quality coffee. They even try to say my coffee's a scheme. I sell coffee!
And toothpaste!
Damn bastard!
What a scam that you need toothpaste!
He's a... He's a toothpaste snake oil salesman!
Well, guess what?
People love Super Blue.
4 to 5 o'cloyal silver and iodine, no chloride is in it.
So, again, we are very, very, very excited about all of this.
We're energized by it.
And this new product is really putting wind in our sails.
The only problem is I put in a medium-sized order for it.
Looks like it's gonna sell out in the next couple weeks.
So I've gotta end the 25% off at the end of this week.
Take advantage of it.
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And we have it in the larger containers.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of the smaller containers is $7.
The larger container is $14.
Infowarsstore.com or AAA253-3139.
or triple 8 to 533139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel.
The future's uncertain, the ends always near.
Keep your eyes on the road.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm done.
Who's hosting the fourth hour?
You know who.
Savannah Hernandez and Greg Reese back from Hong Kong.
It's important.
Chinese troops have invaded.
We're going to be breaking it all down.
And then, of course, tomorrow I'm going to have wide open phones and I'm going to get into the technocracy, the transhumanist takeover plan that's now being admitted everywhere.
If you look at the reports we heard earlier, it is simply amazing footage.
The armored vehicles, the tanks rolling across, the troops massing.
That story is up on DrugsReport.com and Infowars.com if you want to see the raw videos and all of it for yourself.
And also Ilhan Omar demands UN take control of US borders in mirror of European migrant crisis.
Such an important story because the UN is running that operation.
And by the way, I don't do inhalers.
This inhaler has been here for about Six months.
I can just see people in the document cam.
There'll be a whole new conspiracy about the inhaler there.
But it doesn't really matter.
The only way to get rid of this inhaler is to do this.
There you go.
Wow, actually broke a light or something.
That's a good shot, huh?
But again, ladies and gentlemen, continuing.
What else is over here on this table?
We've got a Trump 2020.
$100 bill.
I don't think this is, I don't think this is real.
It's kind of like a seashore or something over here.
Things just kind of accumulate and pile up on it.
I have a eco-science book down here.
They're planning to put fluoride in the water and poison you and your family.
Maybe we should talk about that.
But again, continuing, I have a few stories that I want to hit here.
But first, we produced a product called Carnivore that has these very expensive high quality
enzymes in it that naturally help your body when you're on an Atkins diet
or a ketosis diet absorb and break down the protein and the fat much
better and then also flush you out.
Everybody knows probiotics are really, really good.
Foods that are also been fermented are really, really good for your guts, upper and lower intestine.
But because of all the toxins in the food, the chemicals and things, a lot of those bacteria get killed, especially if you take antibiotics.
You've got to replace it with, again, really good probiotics is the quickest way to do that with a regimen.
And we sell great Floralife probiotics.
But we also have the MycoZX that knocks out the yeast, the candida, the mold.
That's something people don't go after.
It's incredible.
But Carnivore, in the 90 capsule bottle, cost us $17.80.
Because we went with the very best enzymes, the most high quality, the most concentrated.
The 30-pack cost us over $7 in a nice glass bottle.
Those are free right now while the 2,000 bottles sell out.
In just a couple days, it'll be a new special.
When you get it with DNA Force Plus, with the PQQ, the CoQ10, and all the rest of it for your telomeres, your cells, for a base for everything you do, you cannot beat that product.
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And then, of course, getting all that meat out with that meat diet, which has a lot of benefits, but a lot of bad things in the upper and lower intestine.
You know, we love meat.
I'm all about meat.
Truth is, we have really high meat diets and it's got some bad side effects.
And Carnivore literally is incredible.
So get those today at InfoWarsStore.com or call toll free 888-253-3139 and ask for the buy DNA force 50% off and get a free bottle of Carnivore today.
You can read all the great reviews at InfoWarsLife.com.
I don't really think that's true.
percent off, Super Mel Vitality and the free bottle of 30 count Carnivora. I was
saying 50% off, they said hey boss we lose money on that, please don't have
sales where we lose money, let us make 10-20 percent because we're selling a
lot of stuff, but we're not making a lot of money because of this way you do
things, you are a screwball. I don't really think that's true, I want to just
ramp up sales so high that even we're making 20-30 percent on stuff, we can
still pay the bills. But whether it's the toothpaste or whether it's the colloidal
silver. It's all excellent.
The fish oil, the krill oil, it's all amazing.
A lot of other specials as well, so be sure and check those out.
I thank you all for making the transmission possible.
And I also thank Matt Drudge, as usual.
But it is important that Ilhan Omar says, well, the UN runs everything around the world and runs borders.
Why don't they run it here?
I want the UN to get rid of our borders and take over and build refugee centers here to bring more in faster.
That's a UN plan.
Thank God Drudge thinks that's important and linked to it.
It could not be more important, because it's the rest of the story.
It's not just Ilhan Omar saying that.
Ooh, I want that.
Grab that.
Trump confronted by Fox hosts about criticizing the network.
Except for four or five hosts on there, it's backstabbing.
Its polls are fake.
It's run by a bunch of globalists.
And so yeah, Trump better watch out because they're planning to have him unelected.
They're planning to steal that election.
CNN has a big article out about, you know, don't be so sure 2020 that Trump's gonna lose because, you know, he might steal it.
They're getting you ready for a contested election.
Okay, let's get to the big story.
The story is so important.
It's up on InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Starting about a month ago, I started talking to folks that are dog lovers, and they're saying, yeah, have you heard about all the dogs dying that drink out of the Colorado River?
It's dammed up in Austin.
They call it Lady Bird Lake.
But really, it's just an extension of the Highland Lake chains that are the Colorado River.
And I said, no.
So a couple weeks later, I started seeing articles about this blue-green algae, and the dogs stir up the bank, they drink it, and it kills them deader than a hammer.
Well, my wife swam in Lake Travis about a month ago and got an infection in her throat and another infection.
Both my daughters got earaches and sore throats.
I like to go and swim.
I started swimming more, but the lake got up to 90 degrees in the afternoon.
It's a petri dish.
And then a bunch of my friends got sick.
And then Drew was swimming in the creek that's real popular, Barton Creek.
It's been raining a lot, but still, it's like bathwater.
He got sick, like some kind of stuff eating his skin.
Kellan has his ears swole shut from the Colorado River.
He was up even higher, where it's actually called the Colorado.
And so, this is serious.
And just like we know 5G and 4G before that is causing cancer, just like we know stuff's going on, this is something that needs to be discussed, because every year in Texas, You don't want to swim when it's 110 degrees and you see little things swimming on the top of the water with little white specks.
Those are amoebas.
And every year there's at least two deaths in Lake Travis where an amoeba gets up into the sinus, reproduces, eats through the sinus wall, and eats your brain.
There are dozens of deaths a year from it.
Now this isn't amoebas, but they think it's bacteria that are actually growing on the blue-green Algae.
And so again, it's just an example of how we know this is killing the dogs.
But with some pharmaceutical drug, they just cover it up.
But if it's blue-green algae, they'll admit it.
Breast cancer is killing millions a year.
Every place that puts in glyphosate gets massive increases in breast cancer.
Just like they admit the fluorides, lowering IQ and giving you bone cancer.
But at least with the dogs, people are learning about it and keeping their dogs out.
So here's the deal.
Until the end of September, I'm not getting in any water in Texas.
And I wouldn't get it in the South either.
This is happening all over the country.
Dog deaths across the U.S.
linked to toxic blue-green algae in lakes and ponds.
This is an emergency health alert to canines nationwide.
But I would also, again, tell humans, just do not go in the water.
I won't get in the Texas Gulf when it's 100 degrees out, because the few times I've gotten infections, it's been in there.
And I'm not a germaphobe either, but you start getting something eating your skin off, it's not fun.
From Oregon to Maine, from Minnesota to Texas, beloved pets are dying after swimming in lakes and ponds.
Stories are emerging nationwide of dogs who took a dip and died moments later.
Moments later, in some cases.
And local governments are advising against pets swim in bodies of water which may be contaminated with toxic blue-green algae in Austin, Texas.
And this is what the news admits.
It's hundreds, folks.
Most people I know it's happened to.
Dogs have died after swimming in Lady Bird Lake with the deaths attributed to the algae blooms being found across the U.S.
And then it just goes on from there.
But here's why this is so important.
It's never been this bad.
There's always been amoeba deaths.
There's always been deaths from toxic stuff in the water.
But it's much worse, not just in the South, but in places like Maine and Minnesota.
They've never seen things like this.
So what's in our environment that's triggering all this?
Well, the GMO.
The mutations.
The cell towers are mutating cells.
The radiation relief from Fukushima.
The Earth is getting more toxic and it's very serious.
We'll be right back.
Ladies and gentlemen, stay with us.
Hold on, there's more.
Hold on, hold on, there's more.
Well look, apparently Beto needs four different nonstick pans to cook his miniature burgers or whatever that was he put on an English muffin with two pieces of broccoli.
I've never seen anything quite like it, but it is kind of weird.
It's like an alien trying to convince you that they're human, everything that Beto's been up to.
But you know, I think that the problem that Beto is having now is he's eating all these burgers and it's causing indigestion and flatulation.
And so I I'm just here to offer Beto a solution.
Apparently he's been flatulating more than the average cow that's causing global warming because he hasn't been taking his carnivore from Infowarsstore.com.
So you may not know this, but when you eat red meat, sometimes it doesn't always digest properly.
This can lead to indigestion.
This can lead to flatulation.
This can lead to other issues with digestion.
And so we offer the probiotic carnivore.
And I'm not even kidding you.
I mean, I eat cheeseburgers a lot.
Probably too much.
In fact, I'm trying to consciously cut back.
But when I do, I do take the carnivore before I do with the digestive enzymes in there to help you properly digest red meat and high-protein foods.
But Beto, he didn't get the memo.
And so he's walking around campaigning after he eats a cheeseburger on an English muffin with a piece of broccoli.
And he's flatulating more than a cow.
But you gotta give it to Beto.
He's courageous to eat that much red meat and walk around farting all day.
But we're telling him, Carnivore from Infowarsstore.com, it's got the probiotics, it's got the enzymes to help you digest those burgers, Beto.
So whether Beto wants to put his burger on an English muffin or whatever he wants to do, he better take his Carnivore before he does it.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the Fourth Hour, always with an amazing guest host.
Sometimes I commandeer it.
He shot this video on August 23rd from Hong Kong.
Now, six days later, it's coming true.
China's plan for Hong Kong invasion revealed.
Let me show you the bridge they'd invade on, and now it's happened.
Gregory, Savannah Hernandez, they are suiting up, and they're ready, coming in in the next segment.
Please, share the links to InfoWars.com forward slash show, and promote all the great shows that we have here for you.
The War Room with Owen Schroeder, David Knight, and so much more.
I meant to get to this yesterday, I didn't get to it, but I was watching it again last night.
And let's start rolling the video for TV viewers.
It was this Tampa, Florida event where you have this teenager who admittedly was on psychotropic drugs.
The minute I saw it, I said, I bet he's on psychotropics.
He was.
He just killed his sister and his niece.
His brother was a Major League Baseball prospect.
Older brother.
And then he attacks the groundskeeper.
We'll show people this footage.
And begins humping him like a demon.
And going, and making demon faces.
And trying to strangle him.
Now, he also before was chasing the police around.
Now, folks.
And the ancients would call this demon possession, and it's getting worse, it's popping up more places.
It's out of control.
And when people go on these serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or these so-called antidepressants, the insert says, can make you kill yourself or kill others, can make you have delusions of grandeur, and almost every shooter has been on these.
Can we back that up and maybe slow it down and blow it up?
When you look at his face, He is what you call demon possessed, or his lower brain has taken over if you want to be scientific and say that's it.
But this is why we have guns.
And I got to tell you, if the economy goes south, this whole country is going to be a time bomb.
Crime is exploding all over the country.
And it's getting worse, and the robberies are getting worse.
Everybody I know is getting robbed, or knows someone that's been robbed in the last couple months.
Muggings are up, even in areas that people are armed.
I see stacks of news every day where women protect themselves from rapists and intruders, where people stop killers.
I mean, I don't even get to those stories.
Thank God we've got the Second Amendment.
And it's better to be judged by nine than carried by six.
Better to, you know, have them catch you with a gun you're not supposed to have and have a jury trial than be killed.
And Americans need to get guns, need to learn how to use them, and need to get serious, need to start watching your butt.
Because there's a lot of dangerous stuff going on.
Also, Apple knows they've been in bed with the Chai-coms for a long time.
And Google's now having its undersea cable with China.
Completion cut off by the federal government.
They're saying, you're not going to hook that up to the United States.
We're in a proxy war with China.
And MarketWatch is reporting Apple CEO Tim Cook sells millions in Apple stock.
Cook sold 265,000 Apple shares for $54.7 million, an average price of $206.
65,000 Apple shares for 54.7 million an average price of $206.
He sold stock at requiring 560,000 Apple shares in August through restricted
stock units that vested. Apple withheld 294,000 shares to satisfy tax
withholding requirements for the vet so he's starting to dump on his stocks so he can
get whatever drug it is he takes to make his pupils giant. This is another traitorous
dirtbag. Also MSNBC's O'Donnell retracts Trump story after Trump prepares to file
suit on him claiming that Deutsche Bank said that Trump's funded by
Well, O'Donnell is, again, a miscreant liar with no ratings who literally pulled that out of his rear end.
He just keeps hammering, hammering, hammering, hammering with the propaganda.
And then we hammer him with the truth, and he says, stop the hammering!
Well, guess what, buddy boy?
We're not going to stop the hammering.
We're going to come back.
I see her in there.
Savannah Hernandez, Greg Reese, they're getting ready.
And they shot those reports saying the Chinese invasion was imminent on the 23rd.
That's just six days ago.
And boy, look at Gregg Reese in there.
Looking sharp!
He's ready!
We're ready!
And they're taking over!
And they're in the war room with the one and the only Owen Sharp!
Donald Trump presents Real Stable Genius.
Be a stable genius!
Today, we salute you, Mrs. Social Justice Warrior.
Mrs. Social Justice Warrior!
What do you do with a master's degree in gender studies?
Put on a vagina hat and go fight fascism on the internet.
Step aside!
As soon as you wake up each day, the outrage begins.
What the f*** did you just say?
Your privilege is showing, and...
Armed with only a keyboard, you tirelessly protect America from fake racism, and fake sexism, and fake some other word we've never even heard of, ism.
I need a trigger warning, please!
So, crack open a nice soy latte, miss purple-haired vagina costume wearer.
You live by life's two greatest rules, punch Nazis, and everyone I don't like is a Nazi.
Mrs. Social Justice Warrior!
♪ He was just this warrior ♪ - Donald Trump, President Forever, Washington, D.C.
This is Greg Reese reporting from mainland China for InfoWars.com.
Behind me here is the start of the HKZM Bridge.
Opened less than one year ago, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge is 34 miles long, consisting of three cable-stayed bridges, an undersea tunnel, and four artificial islands.
It is the longest open-sea fixed link on Earth.
The bridge links the mainland to Hong Kong.
This is the bridge the Chai Kams are going to use to invade Hong Kong.
Reporter Savannah Hernandez is reporting on the upcoming elections that are already fixed, where only one candidate who stands for Beijing rule over Macau is set to win the election.
First comes Macau, second comes Hong Kong, and this is the breach.
After World War II, we saw the rise of communism in the Soviet Union and in the People's Republic of China.
In 1949, the Chinese Communist Revolution, led by Party Chairman Mao Zedong, was responsible for the murder of over 100 million Chinese.
Millions of others fled the mainland into Taiwan and Hong Kong, which as a result, grew into thriving societies as mainland China plunged into darkness.
2019, the 70-year anniversary of the Communist Revolution, and despite its horrors, communism continues to spread.
The People's Republic is a model for globalized governance, and the Communist Chinese are now looking to absorb those who fled 70 years ago.
100,000 troops of the CHICOM's paramilitary PAF are now training on the border of these autonomous cities, preparing for an invasion.
And the people of Hong Kong are united against this tyrannical cancer.
Right behind me is mainland China, separated by this small waterway.
With over 100,000 troops already amassed, set to invade only a fraction of the People's Armed Force, the CHICOMs are preparing for Tiananmen Square 2.0.
Reporting from mainland China for InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
Welcome back.
This is Greg Reese with Savannah Hernandez.
We just returned from Hong Kong about a day ago, really, and our hearts are still there, and we're not at all surprised to hear about troops crossing in.
We didn't really think it would happen this soon, but we knew it was going to happen in the next month, and it's Chilling, when I saw the video played on the Alex Jones Show today of the troops crossing that bridge.
That bridge was first proposed in 88, and a year later when Tiananmen Square happened, they halted the discussions of it.
1997, when the United Kingdom returned Hong Kong to China, they began discussing and planning the bridge again.
They began construction in 2008, which is just a couple years after the first protests began in Hong Kong.
2005 they had a march for pro-democracy and the abolishment of appointed district councils.
The bridge was completed less than a year ago.
The protests began early this year and then now we have thousands of troops crossing the bridge, a 30-minute commute from the mainland into Hong Kong.
And the protesters know what they're up against.
This is really the central happening In the global awakening.
Right next door to China.
Now Greg, we actually went to Macau when we were in Hong Kong for this past week.
And again, I do want to say a quick thank you to all of our supporters that went to Infowarsstore.com and helped support us and get us over to Hong Kong and allow us to stay over there.
But we went to Macau while we were over there and we did those special reports.
We actually saw that bridge and you were talking about how, like you just said, that connects mainland China to Hong Kong and it's going to be a central point in mainland China invading this city.
These stories just came out today.
China sends fresh troops into Hong Kong as military pledges to protect national sovereignty.
Vice came out with this article.
Chinese military vehicles just entered Hong Kong.
Beijing says there's nothing to worry about.
They talk about how there's armored vehicles, armored helicopters going into the city.
So, of course, this is something that we've been reporting on for the past week.
What do you make of all of this, Greg?
I mean, are you surprised to see China invading?
No, I'm not surprised.
I mean, when we were there, I don't think any of them are surprised.
Everyone we talked to over there, they kind of knew that they were up against the Chinese government.
They knew the Chinese government was not going to allow them to continue the protests.
And that's really the whole purpose of the protests.
They get criticized a lot for being violent, but they know exactly what they're doing.
They're very smart.
And what they're doing is they're forcing China's hand.
They know that their only hope is A conflict which will hopefully create some type of global outrage and people will come to their defense.
And you have to admire them for that.
They're not taking a knee.
Those that are rising up in defiance of the police are the heroes of the Hong Kong people.
It's their only hope.
Right, and you and I actually saw a video, I don't know if we put it in the show folder for today, but there was a clip that we saw and it was protesters walking in a line in a mall in Hong Kong.
And all of the citizens around them begin clapping for them.
And you and I were talking about just how beautiful that video was, how chilling it was.
You were talking to me about how there's, you know, a small percent of the population willing to stand up.
And these are those people.
These are the people in Hong Kong willing to stand up right now, willing to die for this cause.
We were actually just watching a Vice News piece as well.
And many protesters have come forward and said, we're willing to die for this cause.
I was actually watching a video this morning, too.
And this is clip four on this list if you guys want to just roll that as b-roll.
Protesters are getting tattoos now.
A local tattoo artist in Hong Kong, I believe he's 28 years old, he's giving protesters free tattoos and it is both the emblem of the Hong Kong flag and the umbrella and they're basically saying we're getting these tattoos because when you get a tattoo it really shows you like you can't go back on it you know and it's there forever.
Just like we are going to be with this protest.
We're going to stay with it.
We're going to stick with the protest until the five demands that we requested are met.
So I think that's a beautiful thing and we really have seen the resilience of the citizens of the protesters when we were over there.
This is the spirit.
This is the only thing that's gonna save us from tyranny is this type of fighting spirit.
And, you know, the rest of the world, a lot of the Western world, we've been like frogs slowly boiling in water to the point where we're willing to accept whatever they hand us.
But what I learned when I was in Hong Kong is they don't seem to have that Handicap that we do.
They seem to be well aware of what they're up against.
They're well aware of their limited freedom.
I asked many people, do you want independence?
Do you want some sort of Constitution, Second Amendment?
And pretty much everyone's answer was no.
They were very realistic.
They just wanted justice.
They said they wanted something in between.
Mainly, they just want to remain Hong Kong.
They want to remain the way that they've always been.
And they don't want communist China there.
Right, and we talked about, too, how Hong Kong was set to have their autonomy.
They had a deal in 1997 when they were handed back over to mainland China.
However, they were set to have autonomy for 50 years.
And of course, a lot of people are feeling that this extradition bill that was introduced
was mainly in China, beginning to impede upon their autonomy ahead of that 2047 deadline
And as we're seeing, too, you know, the military starting to move in.
We've been reporting on this bridge.
We're really seeing them starting to impose on this city, come in, and like Alex has been
talking about, China's set to take over, basically.
And we were looking in Macau as well.
We reported on their elections.
And we're seeing that in Macau, basically, their chief executive is elected by Beijing,
and it's similar to Hong Kong here.
Carrie Lam is their chief executive.
She's pro-Beijing, and Beijing is the one that allows who really gets elected, who's allowed to run these cities.
So this is something that's been going on for a long time, and I think these protests are just the rest of the world finally waking up to the fact that China's really taking over and trying to take their autonomy.
Well, that's right.
And in the 2005 protests, one of their big things was they wanted the abolishment of appointed district councils because they knew that Beijing was entering their government that way.
They knew that they were getting pro-China officials back then.
So this has been going on for a long time and it's all playing out right now.
We'll be back after this break.
This is a major, exciting moment in the global awakening.
We were winning, Antifa was over, the culture wars had been won, it was time to gloat.
We were winning the meme war, everyone was laughing.
And then...
You get depersoned to the point where you don't exist.
Like, Laura Loomer had to leave New York.
She's living in a place, I don't think I can even say, across from a police station so they can get there fast.
Steven Crowder's had to move many times.
Dana Lash's had to move.
And when these people move, they don't make it a slow decision.
They have to pack up in the middle of the night.
I'm gonna have to move.
Tommy Robertson has to move, and he has done so several times.
So, I think you have these negligent, family-less media sources trivializing these allegations because it makes for a salacious headline, but they don't realize that they endanger people's lives, and like, they put these people's children in danger.
You know, Dana Lash's kids have a, have a, you know, most, most, actually I shouldn't just say Dana Lash, most of these conservatives have spoken to their principals about attack plans and what happens if there's a threat to the school, not to the school but to the student or something like that.
So, it's a strange dichotomy where you have this incredibly severe punishment for the right.
But the people doling out the punishment are these flaky babysitters.
Like the SPLC can shut down my life.
And then you read their articles and it says, you want bigots, Gavin?
This is how you get bigots.
Talking like a bratty babysitter.
So, you have You have someone who wants to replace the judicial system, basically, with their own kangaroo court.
SPLC's like that, AVL's like that, the media's like that, they're judge, jury, and executioner.
And you think, okay, if you're going to take over hundreds of years of justice, You better be real thorough, because you're basically saying you're better than millions of people in hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years.
And then they're so flippant about it.
So they're doing this the same with conservatives.
They're just sort of assuming someone said something, taking it out of context, and then just destroying it.
But it's been an underhanded trick of warfare for a long time.
I mean, the English did it to the Americans in the American Revolution.
The English did it to the Boers in the Boer War.
It's a common trick that weak people do.
It's a common trick people do who don't have families.
And so they say, I'm going to call this guy a Nazi without thinking that his son is going to get, you know, accosted due to these rumors.
I don't think they really believe it.
When they talk about white supremacy, I don't believe them that they think it's a big threat.
I think they're, they're just, it's a game to them.
And it's kind of the problem with the death of the family is everything becomes a silly game.
Make no mistake, it's... We're not in Kansas anymore.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
If you have a corrupt media, you don't have a democracy.
I don't think we've seen division like this in America since Vietnam.
It's a form of fascism.
The high court will examine free speech rights and social media.
Multiple online platforms have now taken down content associated with Alex Jones and InfoWars.
First they come for Alex Jones, everyone else like Davos would fall.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
You can't watch this.
The movie.
Available now at infowarsstore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are back with Greg Reese and Savannah Hernandez, fresh off the plane from Hong Kong.
Here today we're now thousands of the People's Liberation Army of China are now entering Hong Kong via the HKZM bridge and Chinese naval vessels about a month ahead of the October 1st 70th anniversary of Communist China.
Now we were down there talking to a lot of the protesters We got tear gassed.
We witnessed people get hit with rubber bullets.
And the spirit that we saw there in that fight was extremely moving, especially being Americans.
We have our own problems, and we're so divided in this country.
It was such an unexpected treat to witness a united people like Hong.
Definitely Greg and I was actually talking to Owen too yesterday about how surprising it was to see all of the citizens who weren't protesting but were supporting all of the people who were out there standing up for Hong Kong.
People were handing out water, they were handing out snacks, they were giving other protesters rides home after all of the events for the day.
So there's such a sense of everyone being united in that city and it was a beautiful thing to see something that I don't think we've commonly seen here in America and that was very foreign to us just because there's so much internal conflict here.
Yes, there was one moment on the Sunday protests where I saw a bunch of elderly people holding hands and they were blocking in an entrance way that behind them was a bunch of young protesters.
And I didn't really know what I was seeing at first.
And then there was the police were yelling at the protesters behind the people and the people were calling other people to hold hands.
And then later that day, I spoke to a Hong Konger and they mentioned to me what they say translates into English as the gray haired squad.
And she said that it's a lot of the elderly and Hong Kongers that show up to these marches wearing yellow vests and they hold hands and they try to protect the young protesters.
So it is...
The entire city of Hong Kong standing in solidarity.
Right, and I think we saw people of all ages as well at those protests.
During the peaceful marches, we saw a lot of young children, and then again at the end of the day when those protests started getting more violent, we saw the grey-haired squad come forward, we saw people of all ages.
There was even a 16-year-old protester who I interviewed at one point who had gotten attacked, not attacked, but he got hit by a tear gas canister.
and it cut his leg open. So again, there's people from all different ages at these marches,
at these protests, all standing up for Hong Kong. And we were actually at a protest on Saturday,
and that was at Kwun Tong, and that was the anti-surveillance protest.
And we'll show you guys a little bit of B-roll from that.
And it was really interesting to note that we did see those lasers being used when we were there.
And this video actually came out that day two of citizens downing and the surveillance post in
the city.
This was actually at the protest that we were at on Saturday.
Yeah, I think I read recently that the average IQ for a Hong Konger is about 108, and that's what we were seeing.
We were seeing a very clever, well-thought-out movement.
They understand that they're not going to beat the police with umbrellas.
They understand that.
But what they also understand is that the only hope they have is to push them and to force and to resist them.
I would imagine that the Hong Kong police aren't necessarily happy about what they're doing, but they're being forced by the Communist Chinese.
They seem to be working with the triad gangs.
There's actual video footage of Showing the police allowing triad gangs with weapons and communist flags enter into the group of protesters for violence, doing nothing.
And so they know that if they can't stop it, the Chinese government's going to come in.
Chinese government's on their way right now.
And so the protesters' main tactic, it seemed, was to resist the police and force the Chinese to come in, which is a very brave and noble tactic, I would say.
And going back to that footage of the surveillance post being taken down, I thought that was extremely interesting because we've been reporting on the Chinese social credit score for a long time.
We've also been reporting on the AI facial recognition software that they have in China.
We know that's a really big thing there.
I believe over 20 million people could not buy plane tickets in China because of that social credit score.
So I think that this was an interesting example of how the people of Hong Kong are resisting that by taking down that surveillance post, by using those lasers which thwart the AI software.
So that was a really interesting thing that we saw in response to mainland China starting to come into Hong Kong.
Yeah, and it's a shame to see that our Western mainstream media and social media are now starting to paint these protesters as alt-right Nazis.
I mean, it's not necessarily surprising, but in any other reality, these people would be celebrated worldwide for their bravery and for their spirit.
And I know that they are amongst many people, but the other interesting thing there is while I was off, I was watching a lot of the mainstream news in Hong Kong, and even their mainstream media seems to be united with Hong Kong.
It's really only the police working with the triad gangs, Both working for the Communist Chinese to try to shut this thing down.
And now what I'm wondering right now is we see, you know, what was it, a couple hours ago I saw that video of the troops moving across the bridge.
Gave me chills.
I knew we were going to see it.
I didn't expect to see it so soon.
But I just can't help but think about what this weekend's going to be like there.
And again, this was the 12th week of protests in Hong Kong, and this was one of the most violent weekends.
Water cannons were deployed, of course, as we talked about, tear gas, rubber bullets were used, beanbag grenades, which you and I didn't see.
We read reports about that.
We experienced all that with the people there and again we stood in solidarity with the protesters.
We marched with them.
We were on the ground and we talked with them and asked them, what do these marches mean to you?
What do these protests mean to you?
And I did do a man on the street while we were over there as well and I talked to a couple of the protesters and I asked them, are there fears of people Of the protesters specifically being kidnapped by Beijing, being extradited to mainland China for protesting, and of course a lot of them came forward and they admitted to us that yes, this is a very real fear that many of them have.
We got close enough up where I could see several of the faces of the Hong Kong police and there was a lot of conflict, which is understandable.
I mean, these are their own people.
And, you know, we always wonder, like, could our own military turn against us?
And I'm sure there would be a conflict there, but now we're talking about the Chinese military coming in, and a lot of people think that the Hong Kongers and the Chinese are the same, but they're not.
Most of the Hong Kongers we talk to, one of their biggest issues is that their culture is being changed by this mass immigration.
Paul Joseph Watson was just talking about that.
They're having the same sinister immigration policies that Europe has had.
Thousands of Chinese coming into Hong Kong being able to take their jobs and being able to get benefits of the system and vote and so they are under threat now more than ever and I think This is happening worldwide.
We see this everywhere.
We see this in our own country.
We see this through Europe.
But to me, this is the pinnacle of everything because it is the Chinese... The Communist Chinese is the model for the new global government.
It's the perfect model for the elites.
The Hong Kongers probably know it better than anyone.
And Hong Kong seems to be ground zero for everything that's happening in the world.
Our prayers are with them.
And thank you so much for supporting us.
We're going to be talking about this a lot because what we did in Hong Kong would not have been possible if it wasn't for the support of our audience at InfoWarsStore.com.
If you want to see more international InfoWars independent journalism, then please support us at InfoWarsStore.com.
And thank you for all of your support so far.
We'll be back after this break.
You are the resistance.
Josh in Washington.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah.
Showing your brain getting fried.
Then I have some comments on your supplements, man.
Totally changed my life.
I use TurboForce, BodyEast, AlphaPower, BrainForce.
Well, you're right that all of these things are known to be incredible, whether it's turmeric or whether it's the fish oil or the krill oil or whether it's the DNA force with the CoQ10 and BioPQQ and all the rest of it.
All your listeners who haven't tried them, I just want to say why not.
Well you're right that all of these things are known to be incredible.
Whether it's turmeric, or whether it's the fish oil, or the krill oil, or whether it's
the DNA force with the CoQ10 and BioPQQ and all the rest of it.
All of these are things that are like rocket fuel in the body.
People think just dumping energy drinks on it will do something.
No, if your base isn't there, none of it works.
But you take these bases together, then you have your foundation.
Now you can build the big, strong temple.
It's not that I'm perfect either.
I treat my body really bad.
But with these products I take, and I religiously remember to take them, it makes my life so much better.
And then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
I talk about this on the air and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're
going to kind of reboot all our supplements.
And that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits and the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
But then they say you've got to say it's not approved by them.
If you don't have vitamin C, you die.
If you don't have iodine in your body, you end up dying.
If you don't have water, you end up dying.
If you don't have sunshine, if you don't have oxygen, you die.
It may take 10 years with no sunshine, but you die.
And if you don't have a whole bunch of minerals and a whole bunch of vitamins and in the organic system where you can upload them, you will end up getting degenerative diseases quicker than you would have and you will die.
And all drugs are is the system trying to tweak what's in Mother Nature and manipulate it to do different things.
And a lot of drugs work great.
They have side effects.
Not with Mother Nature.
I mean, there are some things in Mother Nature you take too much of, you'll have a side effect, but nothing like Big Pharma.
But Big Pharma doesn't want you knowing about God's medicine chest.
And so, they sit there and they demonize us all day long when we sell things like Ultimate Bone Broth that's chaga mushroom, incredibly concentrated, high-quality turmeric, and a bunch of other bee pollen mixed with organic, concentrated chicken bones that are rendered down where there's no way to quantify it, This is the strongest bone broth out there.
You can make broth with this.
You can put it in brownies.
I mix it with whey and put some fruit in it, and then it tastes great.
The point is, is it's concentrated, it's uber strong, and it is amazing.
Experience it.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And we are unstoppable thanks to you.
Plus, these are products you need.
Get in there today and fund the operation and watch this fight against the globalists continue on.
Because they're doing everything they can to shut us down.
And thanks to you, failing. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's going the distance.
♪ He's going for speed ♪ ♪ She's all alone ♪
♪ All alone ♪ ♪ All alone in a time of need ♪
♪ Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course ♪
♪ He's fighting and fighting and riding on his horse ♪ ♪ He's going the distance ♪
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
(upbeat music)
Welcome back.
You are with Greg Reese and Savannah Hernandez, talking about the latest developments in Hong Kong.
We're about to talk about getting tear gassed in Hong Kong last week.
And so before we do, we can talk about something that would have been very beneficial for a lot of people there right now.
One of InfoWarsTore.com's great products.
Yeah, Greg.
So I actually want to talk about one of our newest products, which I'm actually very excited about because I'm always all about skin health and preventing wrinkles.
So we have our new super silver skin cream at Infowarsstore.com and that is at 25% off the introductory price.
So it is currently on sale for $14.95 and it comes in two cents.
You can get it in an unscented version for, you know, those with sensitive skin or a grapefruit version.
Now, this is the ultimate skin solution.
It helps reduce wrinkles and it keeps your skin healthy.
It kills dangerous viruses and bacteria that make you sick.
Not only that, but it's infused with our patented Silver Soul technology that's used by top hospitals and health clinics to kill off everything from MRSA to Candida fungus.
Now, of course, unfortunately, over time, the hyaluronic acid contents of our skin slowly decreases as we age, and that's why the Super Silver Skin Cream also contains hyaluronic acid, a key compound that keeps our skin healthy, retain moisture, and protect from free radicals.
And of course, unlike most skin creams, Super Silver Skin Cream is free of BPAs, paraben, harsh preservatives, and sulfates.
Of course, we know that we're all about health here at InfoWars, so great and super exciting that this product is so great for our skin and so healthy for us.
Independent studies have proven that Silver Soul Technology and Super Silver Skin Cream Yeah, it's true.
And you know what?
This product at just 20 PPM silver is up to 10 times more effective than similar products containing up to 3000 PPM silver.
So, of course, this stuff is the real deal deal.
So get your super silver skin cream exclusively at You can get that on sale right now for $14.95.
I know that I'm going to start using this product immediately, Greg, because, again, I'm always about fighting wrinkles, protecting my skin, especially after a week in Hong Kong, like you talked about.
We got tear gassed.
We were marching out in the sun for hours, and then we were marching out in the rain for hours.
We were exposed to all of the harsh elements.
So I'm really excited to use this product on my skin and have that protection that I so desperately need on my face.
Yeah, and if you want to support the Hong Kong protesters, then you can buy a case of this and send it off to Hong Kong, where they'll surely appreciate it.
I was just reading an article today how a lot of them are suffering skin problems, because if you watch these videos...
They are prepared for the tear gas with gas masks, but their skin is exposed and they're bathing in it, basically.
I mean, they were just popping off hundreds of canisters and they're not afraid.
They're running right up to the canisters and pitching them up with badminton rackets, grabbing them with their hands, throwing them back at the police.
And so they are suffering a lot of skin issues there.
Not only that, but I was actually reading another article that stated that the tear gas is heavier than the air, so it sinks down.
So even when you don't feel the effects of the tear gas there, it's still there.
And a lot of young children are walking throughout the cities because, of course, these protests are taking place all over.
And they're being affected by this.
They'll break out in rashes.
So even young children, of course, unfortunately, are being affected by this.
So, you know, hopefully, We'll see, like, if this product can work, this product can hopefully, you know, help with those issues.
Now a lot of our audience might not realize what a warrior Savannah Hernandez is.
But I got to see it firsthand last week.
I have the good fortune of being in the United States Marine Corps.
And we were subjected to CS gas on a regular basis.
They used to lock us in a room, fill the room with CS gas.
We'd have to take our masks off until we started vomiting.
And then they would open the doors to fresh air.
We would do that quite a few times to get us used to it.
So I've been there before.
It's not pleasant.
That was your first time getting tear gassed.
What do you think about that?
It definitely hurt a lot.
I was, well, I told Rob Dew before we left that I was fully ready when we went to Hong Kong for anything that was going to happen.
I just wanted to get the shot and I wanted to get our reports out.
So being tear gassed was not fun at all, but I'm glad that we were able to go and again, experience what everyone in Hong Kong is experiencing there.
So it was really, you know, on the ground coverage in depth and once in a lifetime experience for sure.
Yeah, and one of our journalist friends that we were with got a big scar, I believe, right on their arm from a rubber bullet.
It just grazed her, but it opened up her skin, a pretty ugly gash.
It was a war zone there, at least as close as you could get to it.
And it's going to get a lot worse now that the Chinese army is rolling in troops.
It's hard to imagine how it's going to turn out.
I mean, we're familiar with Tiananmen Square.
We're familiar with Tibet.
And you have to realize that Tibet and Tiananmen Square, these events were questioned and protested throughout the world, but not really that much.
And not so much that the Chinese government has ever changed.
So to think that we're not going to get another Tibet, that we're not going to get another Tiananmen Square, is a childish notion.
It's really hiding your head in the sand.
We are on the verge of seeing perhaps One of the biggest slaughters in some people's lifetimes right now.
It's chilling when I look at these video footage that they're playing right now of the Chinese army rolling into Hong Kong.
And we actually have a military expert joining us now, Matt Bracken.
What do you make of the Chinese military coming into Hong Kong?
Give us some insight into what's going on here.
Well, first, I've been watching for the last few days and I salute you, Greg and Savannah and Paul Joseph Watson and the others behind the cameras that made it all possible.
This is very emotional, and I'm a boomer.
There's no doubt about it.
And I was born in 57, which was a year after the Hungarian Revolution.
During the 50s, America was very patriotic and very anti-communist, and when the Hungarians and other Very high IQ, organized society.
They kind of took their cues from the USA and Voice of America, and they had a revolution against the Russian Soviet communists that had occupied their country.
And it was crushed.
It was absolutely crushed.
They were very smart, very brave.
They had organized rat lines to get people out of Hungary.
They had They even they had their own pirate broadcasting and pirate newspapers during the short period in 56 of the of the Hungarian Revolution.
They even attacked tanks with Molotov cocktails, which is like a self-sacrifice, you know, to run up to a tank in a tight city street like Hong Kong with just a Molotov cocktail.
They put things like dinner plates on roads and covered them with dust, so it looked like maybe a landmine had been planted.
Because they had no weapons, like Hong Kong.
And a takeaway from the Hungarian Revolution was that, you know, people can be very gung-ho for freedom, but maybe then, in the final analysis, the Americans say, you know, there's nothing we can do.
We're not going to start World War III for Hungary.
Now, Hong Kong in 2019, This is 30 years after Tiananmen Square.
From the, going back to Hungary.
Hungary was in 1956.
The Soviets just crushed that revolution.
Crushed it.
Hung people, shot people, disappeared people.
But by 1991, the Berlin Wall fell.
The Soviet Union, now in an era of cameras and television, network cameras even, they knew they couldn't just do another Hungarian revolution crush.
Like on East Berlin or Hungary or Czechoslovakia.
And now it's 30 years since Tiananmen Square.
Will the Chinese communists feel that they're ready to just crush Hong Kong?
Because Hong Kong could turn into Warsaw Ghetto.
It could turn into Grozny that the Russians had to attack twice and almost leveled that city to take it.
You know, it was spoken of earlier that the Chinese Have very much importance on face.
And it's coming up on the anniversary of the 1949 revolution.
And what will it mean if Hong Kong is still having a, you know, an uprising?
Well, it'll be a lot worse if it's Tiananmen Square times a thousand.
Ten thousand people died on Tiananmen Square.
Nobody knows for sure.
But there was no video coming out of Tiananmen Square.
But I'll tell you what, there'll be video coming out of Hong Kong.
There will be video.
Thanks for calling, Aaron.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I want to say I've been in broadcasting, or I was, for about 15 years as a programmer.
And to be honest, I hadn't heard of you until about six months ago.
And I'm very thankful that I found you.
You touch on a lot of stuff that I've felt in my heart and soul for my whole life.
Well, God bless you, brother.
We're all kindred spirits.
We really are.
We really are.
And listen, I've got a couple of points to make.
But first, I've had body pain all over my entire life.
And you know the product better than anybody there, I think.
What would you recommend?
I mean, literally, it's joints, it's muscle, it's everything.
What would you recommend to me to purchase?
You know, I think X2 or X3, because that's a building block to everything.
And if you don't have that, the bad halogens take over.
And I would think Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
Turmeric is amazing.
This is a very strong extract.
One of the strongest out there.
Probably the strongest, but there may be one stronger.
I would think Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus.
They've all bombarded us with synthetic hormones that mess up our body.
But then, if you get Preglanone, in my experience, I'm no doctor, I just talk to the scientists, with these other herbs like Real Red Pill and Real Red Pill Plus, I think you should go through the products, every body is different, and test stuff out for yourself, and then just see what works best for you.
But they're all super game-changing, the best we can get, the best labs, the cleanest, just like whatever is the most proven, the best, I go produce it.
That's it.
Because I would, I'm going to say this again, I'm a very superstitious person, and by that I'm God-fearing.
I treat you like I want to be treated.
You've got my total commitment.
Anything I do, information, any of it, products, like they went out and tested, third parties did, Alexa Pure and Pro Pure.
Some are better at this, some are better at that.
People are like, wow, we tested 30 gravity-fed filters and you have like the two best.
Why'd I do that?
What the hell do you think I'm doing?
I go out and find out what is the best price for the best quality.
Cause there's always like some space age $5,000 thing that's better.
But I look at a line of like, what is the lowest price for the best benefit?
And that's what I promote.
So, so that's my advice on that.
Go ahead.
Well, and I appreciate that, and I can tell just from the way you talk about the product, I feel like I can trust you that you kind of do things the way I do.
You either do it right the first time, or just don't do it.
And I feel like I can trust you on your product.
Well, now listen, don't trust me, because here's the deal, is you need to talk to a physician, you need to research, because the iodine conspiracy is everything.
Most people have almost none of it, but if you've had none of it for 20 years, you take a bunch, you could have some issues.
Detoxing, you name it.
I mean, this stuff, this is it, man.
I mean, this is dangerous.
It's dangerous.
Because it's an element you've got to have, they've taken away from you.
Well, what happens when you finally get it?
You've got to be careful.
Because if you've not had this, your body will take in bromine, chloride, fluoride.
There's a whole bunch of bad halogens.
Your organs, everything operates.
Your hormones are produced with halogen.
And so the globalists have been targeting that with bad halogens that block it.
So this is the good thing.
But like anybody knows, it's like being punched in the head by a mule.
It's like, oh, that's the real thing.
Yeah, that's the mule.
So I'm just telling people, this X2 isn't a joke.
We just researched what the globalists are doing.
We do the opposite.
But yes, everyone with X2, X3, you need to consult a physician, because you're like, oh, that's just Mother Nature.
Yeah, Mother Nature.
The drug companies and all the stuff they do is a counterfeit of what God's already given us, okay?
So let me explain it again.
Iodine, you die.
The fields are depleted.
Everything's depleted.
Most iodine is bound to iron or copper or lead or something else.
You don't get it.
Pure iodine is explosive.
So yeah, be careful.
Iodine, you have to have.
It's just paramount.
And so that's why we sell it.
That's why we've hyped it up because it's what they don't want you to have.
But yeah, if you've been off of it and not had iodine for your whole life, it's like you've never been in a boxing ring and you get the ring with Mike Tyson.
Your body's gonna be like, what the hell is that?
Because you've never had it.
It's just iodine.
It's the magic sauce, folks.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Thank you for shopping and getting great products.
And it helps fund this operation a total 360.
win and you know I love those. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
Welcome back.
You are watching or listening to the Alex Jones Show with Greg Reese and Samantha Hernandez talking about Hong Kong, perhaps the biggest story in the world today.
If you were surprised to see us there, if you were happy to see us there, I know a lot of you were.
It was because of your support.
And if you want to continue to see that type of international independent journalism coming from InfoWars, you can do it right now.
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That's InfoWarsLife.com where you can support this type of international independent journalism coming from InfoWars in the future.
And we really appreciate your support up to this point.
Matt Bracken, you were just talking and you kind of sobered me up.
I can be somewhat optimistic.
I tend to be very optimistic in life.
Coming back from Hong Kong, I still am there in my heart.
The people there are so kind.
It was probably one of the nicest societies I've ever visited and I really wish I was there still today and it breaks my heart to know what's coming to them.
You were just talking about What's likely coming?
And it kind of sobered me up a little bit and made me realize these people are really brave.
And everything you were describing is how it's going to be in Hong Kong.
I mean, this is a very thriving capitalist city, a huge economic hub.
It's not.
It's a beautiful place.
And to imagine tanks rolling through and the fighting there, it's it's heartbreaking.
I think that it gives Beijing pause, very serious pause to consider If they go in hard, you know, shooting at windows, for example, people wave a flag and they're going to, you know, put 20 or 30 millimeter rounds through windows and high rises, because that's what it's going to take.
The optics of that are going to be disastrous for Beijing, and they know it.
So this so-called troop rotation that they're doing now, it can be the beginning of a full out invasion, or it can be just like another move on the chessboard, like a poker game, you know, showing another card.
But if they go in hard, like they're going to just crush the Hungarian revolution, I think that the difference is today, not only is there going to be film, there's independent journalism.
And I salute and my hat is off to Alex Jones and Infowars for doing better journalism, for backing better journalism than our mainstream media is doing, because the mainstream media is all tied into the narrative.
So they're never, for example, going to talk about Pepe the Frog or the American flag, because they're not into that.
They want to show this in their own preconceived narrative.
And there's really a freedom narrative going on in Hong Kong.
And if they are crushed, which I think is going to be very difficult to do, if they are crushed, this is going to be a global red pill.
This is going to expose everybody who supported the Chinese, including the Antifa communists.
This is going to totally expose them.
You know, I think Bernie Sanders in the last day or two was talking positively about China, about how they lifted so many people out of poverty.
Yeah, only killed 50 to 100 million Chinese, but what the hell?
You got to break a few eggs to make an omelet.
That's what Chairman Mao said.
So this will expose the American communists and the international globalists.
If they support China and China goes in, it's going to be like Tiananmen Square times a thousand.
This is a city.
And we've seen urban warfare in places like Grozny or Sarajevo.
It's not easy to do.
And something else on the military level, I love your reporting.
I saw that guy using a badminton racket to throw back a grenade that could have been a flashbang grenade.
Can lose your hand, you know, easily.
So these guys are very smart.
So the Chinese must be considering, when we come in with the tanks, it's not like they're going to roll over and surrender.
They're going to move to another phase.
They're going to have all kinds of ways of sabotaging us.
The first time that the Russians invaded Grozny, they moved right into the center of the city in armored columns and thought, hey, we've arrived, we won.
And the next thing you know, from close range, they're taking all kinds of RPG attacks.
Of course, in Hong Kong, they don't have RPGs.
But they'll have other weapons, other things that they can use.
Between high-rises, tanks are Uh, it's not a panacea.
What are you going to do?
Blow up the building?
Destroy the foundation?
So, and there's no way they can't get this out on film.
So, already in Hong Kong, believe me, before the troops roll in, already, the last month, there are Chinese special operations forces all over the ground.
This is including the so-called taxi drivers with the communist flags.
They're spetsnaz.
They're spec ops.
The triads, they're spec ops.
That's cover.
Everybody's wearing a mask.
So it's easy to do whatever you want.
It's the Chinese version of the Russian men with green faces.
They're already in Hong Kong.
This is a fourth generation war.
It's already engaged.
The war is already happening.
And we're just going to see how it escalates phase by phase.
But what will be worse for the Chinese anniversary than what's going on now?
Is Hong Kong in flames with a Grozny, a Stalingrad, you know, a Sarajevo happening?
That's going to be even worse, and they don't want that, believe me.
No, you know, we did see several different uniformed types of police there, including what definitely clearly looked like special forces of some kind.
We even saw some white Westerners wearing uniforms amongst the troops there.
Not many, but there are some photographs going around on the Internet of that.
And the other thing I noticed, too, is you were talking about the mainstream media coverage.
It seemed like the majority of the mainstream media was embedded behind the police looking out at the protesters, which definitely made the protesters appear to be sort of the, you know, problematic rioters, violent protesters, whereas we were mostly within the protesters.
And it's interesting how the angle makes everything look different.
From our angle, we saw a united city with a police force trying to hold them back.
Yeah, and this is this is so key when everybody can be wearing a mask or taking the mask off, depending on what they want to do.
Anybody can be anybody.
So it's it's a perfect environment for all kind of false flag operations, you know, where people would throw a Molotov cocktail at the police, but it's a policeman doing it.
Even in Europe, we've seen in Germany, somebody released a German like special forces police manual that gave them the authority to throw rocks at police certain German police units were given authority to commit violence against police so that they could then have a reason to go in with water cannons against the AFD party, for example.
So it's not exactly... This is fourth-generation warfare, and we're seeing it.
And a new factor in Hong Kong, with all of the base surveillance and etc., is these people are very brave.
They're putting their necks on the line, literally.
Because if this goes the wrong way, And China clamps down building by building, which is how this kind of a war is fought.
You know, you secure the sidewalk, then you capture the building floor by floor.
People are going to be hauled away to gulags in China, and they know it.
And that's why they're fighting so hard.
They know that a month, a year from now, they can be dragged out of their bed or off of the street.
And the next thing they know, they're having their kidneys removed and they're being shot with an AK-47.
And because that's how the Chai Koms roll.
And that's what we've been talking about a lot too, Matt, because a lot of people here in America are trying to equate the Hong Kong protesters to Antifa.
They're saying, you know, if they weren't so violent against police, the police wouldn't have to retaliate with such force.
But again, they don't understand.
People here in America that are saying these things don't understand that this is authoritarian China that is trying to come in and take away these people's rights.
And China...
Again, as we've talked about, we know that they have that AI facial recognition, the Chinese social credit score.
They're very authoritarian and these people are genuinely fighting for their rights and they're fighting for everything that people here in America take for granted.
You know, they're flying the American flag in Hong Kong.
Meanwhile, people in America are burning it.
They're fighting for their lives because if they fail, if the Chai Koms roll in hard, They will, one at a time, be dragged away to a Chinese gulag and to never be seen again.
They're fighting for their lives.
I salute them.
And thank you, InfoWars, for sending you guys.
Thank you, Matt Bracken.
God bless Hong Kong.
Free Hong Kong.
Thanks for watching InfoWars.com.
Tune in tomorrow.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for supporting us.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on air 25 years, and I've never, at a gut level, felt The fire of war, like I do right now, ladies and gentlemen.
So many incredible things are happening.
So many dangerous things are unfolding.
And at a cellular level, at a spiritual gut level, At the heart of my gut, the heart of my mind, at every level, I can just feel the evil rage of the globalists, knowing that their plan for world government, and their plan for total censorship, and their plan for human-animal clones, and sex with children, and Satanism is in trouble.
It can feel the spirit of Christ coming back into the world.
There's gonna be a tribulation.
During this fight, but the devil knows he's going to lose.
The devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows his time is short, and I can feel Satan's rage.
I know you can feel it, and they are planning a bloody revolution here.
They're planning massive censorship across the country and the world.
This is a time to be praying to Christ for justice and for freedom and that God's