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Name: 20190828_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 28, 2019
3794 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the potential health risks of advanced technology, such as cell phones and 5G smartphones, and warns against their use. He also talks about electromagnetic radiation zones being built around the world, where land values are increasing due to the influence of globalists aiming to merge with AI gods and exterminate 99% of the population. Infowars Store promotes various products for pain relief, preparedness, and mental health, while discussing topics such as censorship, Joe Biden's forgetfulness, and red flag laws potentially being implemented in Texas.

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Ladies and gentlemen, we're live August 28, 2019.
We're basically already in full-bore war with China.
That's all coming up.
But first, what do the elite know that we don't know?
No matter how useful these damn things are, because technology's fine, but it's what they jack it with.
I got to get rid of it.
I got to at least start having weekends free, no cell phones, go back to landlines.
We're doing it.
They're all going away.
They're all getting locked up.
Every day when I get home, I'm done with them.
And a lot of smart folks like Matt Druggs, years ago, you'll refuse to have them.
Because they're a little portable, super high-tech computer, with more tech in this, than, you know, 30 years ago could be in a 10-story building.
And it knows your heartbeat.
It already knows everything.
It's listening to you all the time.
This is your little digital minder.
It might as well be a chip in your brain.
It's already frying your brain.
It's already giving you cancer.
And so, I always say I'm a hypocrite.
I admit things are bad, then I still do them.
But if you're a radio listener, you're not seeing this.
Mind control by cell phone, scientific American.
I mean, this is not my opinion.
People keep saying, why is it all coming out?
Why are you right about everything?
Because it was all in the medical and scientific literature 50 years ago, on average.
We're about 45 years ahead.
From the research and development to when they deploy it to us.
And when they deploy it, it's always bad.
It's always the worst possible thing.
It doesn't just destroy your attention span.
It doesn't just, in studies, make you where you don't have friends and family.
It doesn't just make you depressed.
It doesn't just surveil on you.
It doesn't just kill you and give you cancer.
It manipulates all of us and knows our dreams so they can always be ahead of us with trends.
It's our warden.
It's our jail guard.
It's our slave master.
It's our king.
It's our god.
It's our mommy and our daddy.
We spend more time with it than we do with our newborn babies.
And so this week, last week, I was talking about the heat coming off the thing.
So I went and got another one.
This bastard did it.
Was it today or yesterday?
Because I know heat when I feel it.
You're like, whoa!
It's beaming.
It's got some pulse power where it's got like a real microwave, like you're inside a microwave.
And that takes power to go, whoa!
That's what they've always said.
They can remotely kill people they don't like, I guess, with these.
So I think at an instinctive level, I have to just get rid of them completely.
Because it's slow killing us, but if they want to, and there's been reports on this, They can kill you quickly with 5G particularly.
So from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, we've been developing microwave weapons right up to today, and they are incredibly sophisticated today.
So if any government says that microwaves have no effect on you, The question is, why have you been spending billions upon billions of dollars with the military for the last 60 years, improving them?
Everybody's habituated.
Now they tell you, oh, 5G smartphones cause cancer.
Big Wireless doesn't want you to know.
Wired Magazine last year.
The inconvenient truth about cancer and mobile phones.
The Guardian.
So they're telling you.
Big report about how it's all admitted.
California bans 5G cell tower over claims it causes cancer at a school where 20% of the kids got cancer.
I mean, you didn't used to get one kid with cancer out of a million in the 1950s, folks.
Now you can't swing a stick and not, you know, hit a kid that's got it.
5G smartphones cause cancer.
Another headline.
These are all just boom, boom, boom.
Here's where you'll stop them.
Because once somebody's habituated to something, whether it's cigarettes, or whether it's liquor, or whether it's being abused by their significant other, they tend to put up with it.
We adapt to being in our environment.
They have these zones all over the world now.
We're discovering, and this is one of the cutting-edge things that I've been working on, where they're building Communities that don't allow radio transmitters, cell phones, anything.
And they always, the excuse is, oh, we're studying birds and bees here to see if electromagnetics hurting them.
They know it's killing them.
Or, oh, we've got a SETI government NASA program here, and so it jams in if there's any electromagnetic radiation.
And if you look at it, the land values and everything are skyrocketing in those areas, and they're getting some of the highest per capita people moving in.
and there's shell corporations buying it up and there's heavy earth equipment and things going in
and they're building underground bunkers in West Virginia in the tens of thousands of square mile
area where the government has laws that you can have no transmission systems of any type.
The globalists are. I love watching David Knight in the morning.
I love tuning in to Owen Schroyer.
I love all the other shows we do here.
But I'll be honest with you.
We run during the breaks a lot of news reports because I'm sick of hearing the ads.
So you think you don't want to hear an ad?
I don't want to hear an ad.
But here's the bottom line.
We're barely paying the bills here.
And I want to expand in the face of the globalists, not contract.
I don't want them to win.
So listen, you've got this guarantee from me.
We sell enough product, we'll have less ads and less plugs.
And we'll expand and really give the globalists a run for their money.
But we've got products you already really need, like DNA Force Plus, X2.
These will change your life.
Go check out the turmeric products.
Check out the water filtration, air filtration.
Check it all out.
Whatever you do, take action and know.
Be part of the Second American Revolution.
Be part of crushing the globalists.
You can get great products at the same time.
InfoWarsStore.com is the umbrella site.
InfoWarsLife.com is the supplements.
Take action now and fund the InfoWar for your own future.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we definitely have a policy of truth here.
I'm your host, Alex Jones, live on this August 28th, 2019, Wednesday edition.
In defiance of the globalists, in defiance of their tyranny, in defiance of their attempt to create a post-human era, the only way that dictators, psychopaths, and control freaks could ever win against humanity is to exterminate us.
And remember, I started the broadcast off yesterday With NBC News cover story, their top story, saying that the age of humans is over and that we will soon be extincted, perhaps in our lifetimes.
Because if the globalists can exterminate 99% of the population, they truly will not have the competition anymore.
And there it is.
Not long after that, Homo sapiens could vanish from Earth entirely in our own lifetimes.
Now, if Hitler wrote that, you'd say he was even more of a madman.
But when it's James Lovelock, the transhumanist environmentalist!
It's so sexy!
And where does James Lovelock go?
I looked it up.
James Lovelock has gone and spoken to the Albert Einstein Institute.
And who was the omnibudsman of that for the last 20 years?
Jeffrey... Come on down... Epstein!
But when it started to come out he was running a eugenics, transhumanist operation.
They didn't know what to do.
Said, oh, he's a kooky transhumanist.
The kooks are into that.
Well, almost everybody in Hollywood, almost everybody in the highest levels of governments, the Democratic Party, are all obsessed with having their heads and genitals chopped off at death and frozen.
There's dozens of these facilities around the world, so they can be reanimated.
They've got systems they're trying to develop to download their souls to do what the ancient pharaohs tried and failed.
And that, of course, is cheat death.
And those that try to cheat death will find eternal death.
Those that embrace life and don't fear death because they know the Creator already know that there's eternal life with God.
But with the death cult, if you energetically radiate to that, all you're going to find is eternal death.
Now I said yesterday that I was going to come in today with all these exhibits and do most of the show on the bottom of the rabbit hole, where the globalists are taking us.
It's not the top of a pyramid, it's really the bottom of a rat hole.
And I'm going to do some of that today, but really I need to do more preparation.
Because this is so important to really lay out their quotes, their statements, and to really get to the bottom of this.
So I'm either going to do that tomorrow, or I'll do it on Friday.
I'm not complaining.
But today has been law enforcement day.
I had the feds call me this morning when I was trying to get ready for the show on another issue, which was not a problem.
And then we had somebody steal a backpack here, and our head of security Wasn't even here at the time.
He drove down from North Austin.
Looked at all the convenience stores around here.
Within 30 minutes, found the guys.
Citizens arrested him.
That's still in the books.
If you find horse thieves, you can bring them into the magistrate and the police won't arrest them.
So I was dealing with that.
I'm not complaining.
There was just a bunch of other hell that broke loose this morning.
I mean, a lot more than that I'm not going to get into on air, but when it rains, it pours.
And so I got a little distracted.
A little distracted from at least sitting an hour in my office and focusing and writing some more notes on what I want to get to because, let me explain something, and I know you know this already, but there isn't anything bigger, except God, than the globalist desire to kill humanity.
And they've been given a big delusion on why they're doing that.
And you look at the pathetic, arrogant slaves Satan like Jeffrey Epstein and maybe you guys can find the
footage I should have told you it's the one where the the Prince Andrew type in
Prince Andrew at Epstein's New York mansion and you see the door open in the
dark and he's making this weird little vampire bat smile and a young lady
or girl is going Epstein's wearing like three big peacocking coats.
And you look at the satisfied look in his eyes and how powerful he thinks he is and how he's strutting around.
And it really picks up the essence.
You can't find it.
We'll add it in post later when we post it.
Infowars.com and NewsWorks.com.
Let's just type in Prince Andrew.
Click images.
Prince Andrew.
It's everywhere.
And You see in that little clip of video, and all the other film clips and photos he's in, just how he's in love with himself.
He's drunk in the eyes.
He's a superman.
And he's gonna live forever.
And he's got to be able to impregnate thousands of women to share his incredible, unstoppable genetics.
And he's got all these secret breeding facilities and occult facilities.
And you're like, that's really freaky.
That's really crazy.
But it's not freaky.
It's not crazy for them.
That's standard default position.
Again, if you just go watch my film for free online, Endgame, Blueprint for Global, Enslavement.
If you simply research what's in that two and a half hour film, And look it up for yourself.
Then you understand everything.
Because that's their religion, that's their system.
They're told by their God, the earth is bad, humans are bad.
You're gonna be God.
You're gonna overwrite it.
It's survival of the fittest.
You're gonna conquer all life and new life forms will rise out of that.
And then you will conquer the universe and be a God.
Well, that's what the devil said to Eve.
In the Garden of Eden, they had knowledge of good and evil, as we would think of it, but the knowledge of good is the knowledge of how to run good systems and be honorable.
The knowledge of evil is the infection and the code and the system to carry out parasitic systems against humanity that would end in humanity's destruction.
Knowledge of evil is knowledge of how to set up evil systems.
It's not the awareness that bad exists.
It is the downloading into your psyche the spirit of the devil.
The spirit of rebellion against God's perfect order.
And so yes, when I had Sargon of Akkad here in studio, and I said, well, you know, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, they all went and hung out with Epstein at the scientific institute they had in New York and the Albert Einstein Institute.
They're like, well, I didn't know that, Alex.
I'll have to see if that's true.
Well, we just put the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, The Washington Post, ABC News.
We could put all those on screen for you.
They've been going there for years.
That's why Bill Gates won't say why he went and met with Epstein.
We already know why.
It is a transhumanist cult.
And to transcend humanity, their God has told them that... Oh yeah, go back to that last one, because there's also video of this.
There's video they run on the news.
I'll find it during the break, no big deal.
But just go back to the other photo, please.
No, the other way.
One more over.
That's it.
Stay there.
Look at the smug look on Epstein's face.
And everyone's just going around acting like they're powerful, acting like they're enlightened, but he ended up in a puddle of his own piss with his neck broken by two gorillas.
That's where he is now.
That's what all his supposed power and his globalist acumen and all of it signified was that he was a nobody.
But you get in and around these meetings, and you read the minutes of these meetings that have leaked, they all just worship each other and call themselves supreme beings and gods.
And they're trying to build with technology that we've developed this system so they can pretend to do that, but all they are is perverts.
All they are is devil worshippers, always doing more and more heinous things
in the name of their supremacy, that they have a right to do it.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Please don't forget!
Well, I guess the way that God works, or however this happens, we keep bringing in just the amount of money we need to operate.
And I want to expand.
I want to watch the new shows, which we're doing next month.
I want to be able to put reporters in the field, like we've done with...
Overall, four reporters in Hong Kong.
I want to be able to do all these things.
And without you buying the products, we cannot do it.
So just check out InfoWarsTore.com.
Get a t-shirt, get a book, get a film, get a great air filter, get a great water filter you and your family need.
Get the new nano silver skin cream that we've got from the same great folks that brought you super silver wound gel that's patented and so incredibly popular.
This is proprietary.
We worked with them to develop this.
This is a brand new thing that just came out last week.
Folks are already getting it in their mail.
We're already giving it five stars.
Infowarslife.com takes you right to all the supplements and all the other products.
Again, the Super Silver Wound Gel is a drug.
It's FDA approved over-the-counter.
Strongest available over-the-counter.
This company let me privately label that.
We then discounted the Super Silver Cream.
Is the same nano silver, but it's just not gone through all the approval to, you know, stay approved for over the counter in the drug section.
None of it means anything.
Again, what the FDA does is they got a law passed in 96 trying to outlaw supplements and Congress said no.
We're not saying we're drugs.
You have no jurisdiction.
So the FDA said, okay, well, you have to say not approved by the FDA.
So they're always like, Jones sells unapproved things.
Well that's because the FDA makes all the supplement companies sit there and say that
it is not approved by them because by law they don't have that jurisdiction to be able
to even do that.
But then they try to come in and regulate people who are claiming that they're drugs.
But we're not saying these are drugs, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not saying that krill oil is a drug.
We're not saying that clean iodine is a drug.
This is all from mother nature that God gave us.
Whether it's turmeric or whether it's our high quality coffee.
They even try to say my coffee's a scheme.
It sells coffee!
*Groans* And toothpaste!
Damn bastard!
What a scam that you need toothpaste!
He's a toothpaste snake oil salesman.
Well, guess what?
People love Super Blue.
Fortified with a little silver and iodine.
No fluoride is in it.
So, again, we are very, very, very excited about all of this.
We're energized by it.
And this new product is really putting wind in our sails.
The only problem is I put in a medium-sized order for it.
It looks like it's going to sell out in the next couple of weeks.
So I've got to end the 25% off at the end of this week.
Take advantage of it.
We have it in the smaller containers.
And we have it in the larger containers.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of the smaller containers is $7.
The larger container is $14.
The larger container is $14.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Thomas Jefferson predicted over 240 years ago that when our republic was in trouble
in the future, it'd be the farmers that were close to the ground, close to reality, who
actually worked for a living that would end up saving the nation.
And today, the communist Chinese have banned all U.S.
farming goods a week ago.
And we've seen massive increases in polls, support for the president.
And what he's doing in this trade war wants China to put pressure on our farmers.
That's beautiful.
Americans aren't going to be bullied.
And we aren't going to back down.
So to the Joaquin Cruises and the Hillary Clintons of the world that want to intimidate people and tell us to back down, we're never going to give up.
And all you've done is awaken the human spirit.
And the human spirit lives at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And I'm asking listeners, Whatever you do, spread those links because we are the light in the dark of the night.
We are the resistance.
We are 1776 worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Finally, all the propaganda's been blown out of the way.
Face these people head on.
Finally, nothing moves.
High noon.
Black copper rolling below the asphalt drive.
A concrete fascination.
Screaming to the edge.
Edge of nothing.
This is where.
Monday through Friday, ladies and gentlemen, we're here live from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central and of course right after the transmission there's the war room with Owen Schroer the rest of his great crew and of course David Knight starts it all off weekday mornings at 8 a.m.
Central with the David Knight transmission.
Okay so here's what I intend to do to shake the transmission up.
I want to open the phones up early in the show specifically on treason and There's nothing but treason going on by the Democratic Party, by the multinational corporations that are still based in this country, that have set up shop in China in the last 40 years, and who are trying to complete their economic and cultural conquest and usurpation of what's left of the West.
Particularly the jewel in the crown of the United States.
Remember this headline last week?
Xi's choice.
Destroy Trump.
Or save him.
And weaken America.
Xi, the dictator of China.
With a hundred plus dead million under the party's belt.
Save us from the tyrannous, the tyrant king.
The elected President Trump.
You read the article, it reads like something that the Communist Party put out last night.
Story's up on InfoWars.com by Steve Watson.
Communist Chinese quote Taylor Swift in attack on President Trump.
Isn't that just darling?
And then it's got her quoted in here saying, I'll read you the quote, how dare Trump do what he's doing with the economy in China and I'm so ashamed I didn't campaign for Hillary, it's just terrible.
And the Communist Party quotes her and says, see Americans, see what you've done.
So we have the Washington Post openly Siding with Communist China over America.
When they have a zero corporate tax, we have a 15.
Meaning all our jobs still go there.
Trump lowered it from 40 to 15, thinking we get some corporations to come back.
And so Biden's trying to raise it back to 40 or 39.9.
To make it prohibitive to be here.
It's like, oh no, some companies are coming back!
America was never great.
America will never be great, said the governor of New York.
Meanwhile, Trump tweeted, our country has lost, stupidly, trillions of dollars with China over many years.
They have stolen our intellectual property at a rate of hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
And they want to continue.
I won't let that happen.
We don't need China, and frankly, we far better off without them.
And that's the truth.
The vast amounts of money made by, stolen by China from the United States year after year, and the decades, will and must stop Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for alternative to China, including bringing factories back to the United States.
Trump said that a week ago.
He said it last Friday, almost a week ago.
And they began to freak out everywhere that he's an idiot, he's a moron.
Meanwhile, again, China has $900 billion In trade deficit and stolen assets and intellectual property every year, conservatively, $900 billion for stuff that I won't even buy toys for my children anymore, unless they're like made in the US or Europe, you know, old-fashioned toys.
Literally, Chinese toys break half the time when you get them out of the box.
The other half the time, when you play with them like an hour, they break.
I will not buy made-in-China toys.
Made-in-China toys.
And then you've got China involved in our politics.
You've got them manipulating our currency.
Because they own our currency now, the biggest piece of it.
Buying up our media.
I know I harp on this a lot.
But it's really, really a big deal that as a society we've gotten to this point and that so many Americans believe it's okay to openly root against America for China when China doesn't have welfare, environmental standards, their rivers catch on fire, they have no scrubbers on their coal power plants, their daycare system is chaining children up to poles for most people, Hundreds of millions of children live in near-death level environments, and then we're supposed to compete with that, and the left tells us all day how we can't have any industry here, even if it's clean.
This was all designed to conquer us.
You wonder how America would get conquered?
This was the plan.
So yes, Trump does some things, like give lip service to red flag laws.
It's really bad.
You notice he shelved that.
We've got, you know, congressmen that are Republicans still pushing it.
We'll talk about Mr. Crenshaw bottom of the next hour with Caitlin Bennett.
He really sent her some nasty messages.
And yes, Trump's got some issues.
He hasn't come out to stop the censorship.
The Epoch Times.
It's been around decades.
Owned by Falun Gong.
First-rate newspaper.
Original reporting.
Said the whole Russiagate was fake.
Showed all the proof.
Put out those big maps that showed how the deep state did it.
Just invaluable reporting, something the New York Times never did.
Something the Washington Post wished they did.
They've been banned on Facebook.
Now they've got ABC News hit pieces against them.
Now groups are coming after them.
All because the Communist Chinese, like we're a sock puppet, are working through the corporate media and through their current party to go right down the line and shut down every one of their enemies.
And now they take away and block Mitch McConnell's Twitters.
And then they take away Michelle Malcolms.
And then they're taking everybody's communication systems away.
And the leader of the Senate won't even act when he's being silenced.
Because, ladies and gentlemen...
The Democrats still control the central systems.
The Democrats still control the major apparatus inside big tech, which was set up by our government.
And the Clinton and Obama people and the Bush people are still in place in government.
And Trump's only scratched the surface removing them and putting good people in.
And he's got to boldly go after them or they're going to steal the election.
I won't open the phones up.
I want to get your take on the treason of our media and our systems openly rooting for China and how outrageous it is that so many Americans are siding against their own interests and common sense with the heavyweight champion mass murderers of all history?
You see the Hong Kong folks standing up and fighting back in our own media, demonizing them.
The toll-free number is 877-789-ALEX.
877-789, first-time callers today, or callers that called in but didn't get through.
We're going to go to break in a moment, but here's Taylor Swift shooting her mouth off about Trump, wishing she'd worked harder to get Hillary in.
So I guess, you know, Hillary was obviously a Chai Com operative.
So here is Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift winning her second Video of the Year Moon Man for her Equality Anthem.
You need to calm down.
But Swift was pretty fired up about why the Trump White House has not acknowledged her Equality Act petition for LGBTQ rights, which was launched with that signal.
The Chinese execute gays.
There was a petition and there still is a petition.
Think about the irony.
which basically just says we all deserve equal rights under the law.
It now has half a million signatures, which...
[crowd cheering]
...which is five times the amount that you need to warrant...
Now folks, think about the irony.
China executes gays, but she's rooting for China.
We've had this in for two weeks.
I've been so busy, I haven't talked about it because I've been covering news.
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shut off as an introductory.
InfoWars The most banned network in the world.
The British ended up being the most powerful empire in the world.
Not because the Spanish couldn't fight.
Not because the Portuguese couldn't fight.
Not because the Austrian-Hungarian Empire couldn't fight.
You ever wonder why British are called limeys?
The British ended up getting basically key limes.
When they went into the Caribbean 500 years ago, and they had their captains right, and their ship's doctors, how long sailors survived, what climates, they were trying to figure out what's making sickness, they weren't sure if it was hot air, or why they got close to the shore, more of their sailors would die in a couple days, and they figured out pretty quick it was mosquitoes, but the British classified that 400 years ago.
So the British would always lay off the coast, and foreigners would ask, why did the Brits lay off the coast?
They don't want mosquitoes, and they didn't get all the The fevers, the malaria, the cangling mosquitoes.
Well, the Brits also figured out with their scientists, limes.
But the Brits were suspicious.
The average sailor thought if you swim, you get sick.
And they thought, you know, you don't want to eat vegetables, they make you sick.
This is what people actually thought back then.
So they would put the limes in the grog.
Which is, what's grog?
One-third rum, two-thirds water.
To make sure they would at least drink their water.
Part of their pay, their daily ration for good behavior, was grog.
So on the job, all sailors, Spanish, Russian, didn't matter, they were paid in alcohol.
And part of their daily food was alcohol.
So the British would start putting, 400 years ago, limes in the alcohol, the grog.
And so, what would happen when they were a thousand miles from home and ran up against a Spanish frigate twice their size?
Well, the Spanish, all their teeth had fallen out.
They had cuts all over them.
Open wounds.
No fresh vegetables.
No vitamin C. Well, notice the British for 200 years could keep it secret that limes were... And so it was a joke to all the other armies that there were bags of limes and obsessions with limes and powdered lime powder to put in.
And they would put it in the grog to make them drink it because they knew our troops are ready to fight.
Because they've got vitamin C. So I'm going into a plug here, but here's the deal.
Every study, Linus Pauling won two Nobel Prizes for vitamin C. So these are the things that are known.
If you think vitamin C is powerful, the stuff at DNA Force is even beyond that.
It's the next level of that.
That's what we know.
When your body doesn't have the good halogen of iodine, it uses the bad halogen.
And at a certain point, the cells are using toxic chemicals to survive.
They start mutating so they can use that and not die.
But then they take over your body and you die from cancer.
And so, so much of the deformity and the mental illness and the low IQs and everything is that people have vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
And they work around the clock with all these fake reports.
Oh, you don't need vitamins, you don't need minerals, you don't need... And they lower the amount you're supposed to take.
They know exactly what they're doing.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I've got a tiger in my tail, it's plain to see.
I won't be much when you get through with me.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
Well, I thought the day I met you, you were... You know, they're saying Joe Rogan is the most trusted man in America, the new Walter Cronkite.
And I know he's probably one of the most popular talk show hosts in the country that's actually trusted, because he has a lot of different views and ideas on them.
That's a good thing.
And I think it's emblematic of the fall of the corporate establishment media that somebody, my old friend of 20 plus years, Joe Rogan, would be in that position.
I think that's a fair statement.
You know, I just want to be known as the Sam Adams.
Of America.
Because he was in news as well, financing pamphlets across the country to awaken folks to King George.
But I gotta tell you something.
All of you, if you choose this mission to take action, and those of you that have spread the word, you're not just Sam Adams.
Who you really are is Paul Revere.
You can be black.
You can be white.
You can be Hispanic.
You can be Asian.
You can be old.
You can be young.
You can be an immigrant.
That came here and wants to be part of this country and came here legally.
And if you care about freedom and the unborn, and you care about justice, and you know there's good and evil in the world, and you choose God, then you are the light in the universe that God has brought forth to expose the darkness.
You are the salt of the earth.
And I salute you.
You are the Paul Revere's.
And it's only through you and your precious, incredibly powerful, Word of mouth.
We're overriding the system right now and they're getting madder, they're getting more angry, they're getting more out of control.
But I hardly ever, I say that more and more I do it, play a clip twice in the same show but I'm gonna air the Taylor Swift again because some of you probably just joined us and I didn't have time to really finish commenting on it.
Not only is she quoted in the official Communist China newspapers and in others against President Trump and Saying, oh, China's trying to save the American people by saving us from Trump.
These are actual quotes by the Communist Chinese government and by the Washington Post parroting word for word what they're saying.
They don't tell you that it's actual Communist Party talking points from them.
You see it from them when they officially put it out, but then you see it repeated by the Washington Post and others.
That is beyond insane.
But that's the point we've gotten to when even one of my oldest crew members been here 18 years.
His sister.
Will not talk to his mother, and will not let them see the grandchildren, and barely talks to him, and just says, I just hope China can beat Trump.
They're so good.
I wish we had a leader like Xi.
And my friend says to her, that's crazy, honey.
He's a mass murderer.
She goes, shut up!
That's pro-Trump propaganda.
They can teach them.
To love a literal mass murder, and we showed this last week, they put huge hammer and sickles all around the neighborhood where we're at, and saying, Antifa, rise up, crush the state.
Well, the state in America is we the people, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our due process.
It's not perfect, but it's the opposite of communist China.
You've got two pole stars, America looking for liberty, not perfect, but trying to get there, and a much better history.
China is the all-time greatest oppressor.
Not in 6,000 years of recorded human history have we seen anything that comes close.
Hitler, Stalin, nothing comes close.
Pol Pot, nothing comes close than to the Communist Chinese.
And so I harp on this, and I harp on this, Because it's all you gotta know.
I mean, every day there are clips saying Trump is worse than Hitler.
Trump needs to be killed, they say.
It just gets crazier and crazier and more out of control by the minute.
I mean, we played this clip a few days ago.
We're gonna play it in a few minutes.
After we play Taylor Swift again and then go to your calls.
Where they have Washington Post columnists saying, we've gotta burn down conservatives' facilities.
They're not even saying figuratively anymore.
Because they're gearing up, realizing they're not going to win at the ballot box.
And they say, we've got to eradicate their culture.
It always grows back.
It's too powerful.
Being pro-family, pro-God, pro-private property, pro-gun, pro-self-defense?
What person doesn't know that just because some Antifa crazy person goes and kills a bunch of folks that we should turn our guns in?
That's why we have our guns.
Just like when some Islamic runs over a couple hundred people in France, including dozens of little kids, and kills them, we don't ban 18-wheelers because some psycho stole one.
That was to walk up and smash this coffee cup across somebody's face.
They wouldn't ban coffee cups.
I could probably kill somebody with this coffee cup.
Ramming it into their temple.
Are you going to blame the coffee cup or are you going to blame me?
So here's Taylor Swift, quoted, she should have voted for Hillary.
Trump's screwing everything up in the Communist Party, China.
Meanwhile, she's at a Taylor Swift event with a bunch of obese men dressed up like babies.
That's the kid club movement.
That's the whole simulated pedophilia thing, which they now admit.
And she's there saying, oh my gosh, Trump, you didn't pass my equality bill or whatever.
That means brainwashing of kids, paying for sex changes.
I mean, if you want to get your testicles cut off, go ahead.
Just, I'm not paying for it.
Like, you want to have your nose cut off?
You want body modification?
You want to cut your ears off?
Put horns on your head?
I'm not paying for your breast implants.
I'm not paying for your abortion.
I'm not paying to get your tallywacker cut off.
This is all common sense stuff.
You're mentally ill and want to cut your Johnson off?
I'm not paying for it.
And so, in China, Someone would be arrested promoting this.
Gays get executed.
But none of that's lost on her.
She's rooting against Trump.
They know that that type of lifestyle, when it gets all into the craziness, destroys cultures.
It does every time.
In cycles.
And so they'll put you in jail for it.
But she doesn't say a word about them.
It's all about how Trump's bad.
Here it is.
Taylor Swift winning her second Video of the Year Moonman for her Equality Anthem.
You need to calm down.
But Swift was pretty fired up about why the Trump White House has not acknowledged her Equality Act petition for LGBTQ rights, which was launched with that signal.
At the end of this video there was a petition and there still is a petition for the Equality
Act which basically just says we all deserve equal rights under the law.
It now has half a million signatures which is five times the amount of people who voted
for it.
So again it's all empty, it's all hollow, it's all a division, it's all a fraud and
And it's all about promoting an agenda to depopulate the nation and weaken it.
I don't hate people individually for their sexual proclivities.
I'm saying the pushing of all this is to sabotage the nation.
China openly funds it here, but outlaws it there.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Now, I spoke about this, we played the full clip a couple days ago, but again, ladies and gentlemen, this is critical to understand that the Washington Post columnist goes on TV and says it's time to burn down conservatives with no survivors, close quote, here it is.
In essence, burn down the Republican Party.
We have to level them, because if there are survivors, if there are people who weathered this storm, they will do it again.
They will take this as confirmation that, hey, it just pays to ride the waves.
Look at me, I've made it through.
And so up and down the ticket, federal, state, local offices, the country has to repudiate this.
It is not a normal administration.
And when these people say, oh, you can't criticize us, it will deter public service.
It will deter people who are liars, who are enablers, who are really bad people, and they should be deterred.
All right, back that up five seconds and just hit pause for TV viewers.
If you want to know what traitors look like, if you want to know what sandbags look like, what AstroTurf looks like, if you ever wanted in your life to see the problem in culture and the problem in society, then that's it.
Can we just put the video or just play it again?
Just, we can do that, that'd be great.
I just want people to see the folks that I'm talking about right there.
Look at the looks in their eyes.
Look at the arrogance.
Look at the hate.
Look at the weirdness.
Crush us, burn us down, bully us, intimidate us.
These people are authoritarians.
Hmm, well today, I'm going to live life protein bar.
Mmm, I just devoured your cousin in four or five.
Protein bar.
They taste like candy bars.
This is what I want.
This is what I need.
But my God, there's no filler.
But my God, it's solid.
Protein bar, highest quality.
12 bars, highest quality.
Now you can bite into it easily, but you're gonna be like,
what in the world's going on here?
Mmm, well today, in four or five.
Protein bar.
Mmm, I just devoured your cousin in four or five.
Protein bar.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, meet my tummy.
(dramatic music)
We have a new product line in that I'm extremely excited about.
Everybody knows that Super Silver is the strongest over-the-counter, FDA-approved, over-the-counter sale.
Silver there is.
It's used in medical clinics.
It's used in hospitals.
It's for wounds.
A little pea-sized amount of it is like a shield on your skin.
It's amazing.
Everybody needs it.
Once you've been wounded, once you've got a scratch, or a little bit when you're going
to be going out and doing something, don't ingest it though, because it's really strong.
It's not good for bacteria and viruses for a reason.
It's mean.
And the particles are so small, they go right into them.
So this is the best stuff out there.
But I said, everybody says we should put out a high quality skin cream.
I said, why don't we put the silver in that, but not just get it approved for over-the-counter
sales just so you can have it stored and say FDA approved.
Well, that's what we got them to do.
The same big company.
We've had this in for two weeks.
I've been so busy.
I haven't talked about it because I've been covering news.
But it's very exciting from the same company.
But it's new.
Working with another big skin care company.
They're producing it in their factory.
It's super silver skin cream.
And so it's got all of these benefits.
Too many to mention.
But it's revolutionary.
It's brand new.
People are going to love it.
Introducing the new super silver skin cream.
Exclusively at 4store.com.
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The new Super Silver Skin Cream is the best of both worlds.
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Super Silver Skin Cream is infused with patented Silver Sol Technology.
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It's also loaded with the best natural ingredients for your skin, like coconut oil, vitamin E. Unlike most skin creams, Super Silver Skin Cream is free of BPA, parabens, harsh preservatives, and sulfates.
Well, we're going to go ahead and get started.
We're going to get started.
We're going to get started.
We're going to get started.
We're going to get started.
This stuff is the real deal.
Get super silver skin cream exclusively at 4store.com while supplies last.
It's got the highly sought after hyaluronic acid.
So this is stuff that has a lot of known great compounds and it's got the silver in it from
one of the top, probably the top group out there.
So you definitely want to get this for yourself for external use only.
And we've got it in the straight, no scent.
It's not even really a scent.
It's natural.
And we've also got it with the grapefruit.
It's also got all those added.
We have little tubes of it.
We have big tubes of it.
And it's a great deal.
Again, $7.45 for the little one.
And if you get the big ones, you get an even better deal for the amount that you get, $14.95.
And I can tell you, Similar brands sold in stores that don't have the silver.
Retail for $25.
Sell for $19.95.
So this is even better at $14.95.
That is a really good deal.
So this is a whole new enchilada.
It's a whole new world.
And I believe it's going to end up being a national bestseller, not just here.
And I believe it's going to fund us into taking the country and the world back.
So please, check it out.
The new products at InfoWarsStore.com.
sent off as an introductory at InfoWarsLive and InfoWarsStore.com.
Well, if you just joined us, I'm your host Alex Jones and Jennifer Rubin, a senior writer from Washington Post, He said that if conservatives and Trump supporters can weather the storm of lawsuits, harassment, death threats, we need to just physically burn them down.
Just like Biden said, it's a physical revolution.
And they're openly allied with the communist Chinese.
He says there must be no survivors.
And then you look at the panel.
I got plenty of new news.
Why am I going back to this?
Because what do you think Infowars is?
What do you think we're going through?
You're the target though, but I've dared challenge their Queen Hillary.
I dared mobilize the population.
You dared mobilize the population.
DrudgeReport.com dared link to us in defiance of all the threats I know he got.
And we're here, and we have energized the core of the nation.
Black, white, old, young.
And people don't buy the propaganda anymore.
I have so many people walk up to me and they say, you know, I didn't even used to be a fan of yours till I heard them lie about you and I had to go hear what you were saying to find out why they were after you.
And man, you've got an amazing broadcast.
I'm shaking more hands than I've ever shook.
I'm getting more support on the ground, but not financial.
Because it's only a core audience that actually buys the products.
I'm going to go to your calls, but we're doing something very special and I can tell you This special is the very best special we've ever done, particularly with this type of sale.
It's a type of sale we've never engaged in.
We've had sales where you get 50% off free shipping.
We've had sales where you can get one bottle and get another one free.
We've done sales that are excellent, because we don't market up that much.
When we do a sale like this, in some cases we're making like 25%.
We sell a ton of it, but I've kind of put myself in that trap, because the listeners, they always want the very best deal, and there's not a lot of fat there to fund the operation.
But DNA Force Plus with PQQ, CoQ10, and everything else you need for your telomeres, your cells, energy, it's the base you need for everything.
If you don't have this, no amount of energy drink is going to help you.
It's the fount of it all.
It's the very best, you name it, nootropic, antioxidant for your cells.
It's just, and this has got a bunch of patented stuff you can make claims on.
It's unbelievable.
98% reviews, Memphoreshore.com.
It's 50% off, even though at current sales, we've got five weeks of it left, and more isn't coming in for 10 weeks.
I've signed a huge contract a year ago to order even more of it to get the price down.
We're talking 30-something dollars worth of product in each bottle.
Let me go further.
Carnivore Digestive Enzymes.
This is a product that's been popular with people that know what they're doing, but overall, not a popular product.
They're $17 and something cents.
I think it said 80-something cents in each glass bottle of this.
I'm not going to get into what these expensive enzymes do.
They don't just help you break down fat.
Or break down protein in the gut.
It does it in the intestines.
And if you want to get flushed out, this is beyond probiotics, just like our anti-mold and yeast product is.
Carnivore, if you want to flush out the meat you've been eating and you want to really get healthy, this is amazing.
It's next level.
And so guess what I'm doing?
It cost us $17.
I don't want to discontinue this product.
In fact, I've decided to reorder it for next year, but it won't be here until next year, and I'm going to hype it up and tell you how great it is.
I never really launched this product, never really talked about it, but to buy the product for next year, we're going to sell it for like $35, so we make like $20 or whatever.
We are going to give it to you free.
Every bottle of DNA Force Plus, even though we're going to sell out of it, you get a free bottle, the big bottle, That has the 90 capsules in it that cost us almost $18.
Nobody puts $18 in a meat enzyme pill.
This is, I wanted the best.
I did it.
Most brands out there have $2 in them and it still works.
This has $17 in it.
It's incredible.
And yes, the pun is intended.
It's explosive.
You want to go next level probiotic?
This is Beyond Probiotic.
And it goes great with the MycoZx.
It hits the Candida, the mold, the yeast, all of it.
Now, Super Mel Vitality is our second best seller.
I don't need to sit there and tell you how great it is.
Cold-pressed herbs, wild-harvested, show that they keep their psycho-active, I mean, it's the brain, everything, libido, energy, stamina, much weaker than something like Our alpha force and our alpha power that's got the same herbs in it.
They're organic, but they're dry.
It's dose is way stronger than this.
A lot of people think, and I agree, this, it depends on your physiology, this is better because it's cold press.
It's less of the herbs, but they're cold pressed.
They were never heated up.
They were never dried.
When you get it 50% off, you get a free bottle.
With a 30 count of carnivore digestive enzyme in the glass bottle.
30 count.
And this baby cost us over $7.
Now understand, most people mark things up 5 to 7 times.
We mark stuff up 150%.
We always discount 50%.
So stuff when you get it is 100% marked up when it's on the regular 25% off sale.
This is the biggest sale of these two items we've ever done because I want to sell out of this, be able to reorder it, and then I'm going to promote it and actually brand it.
Because what happened is I got busy the last few years and didn't brand any of our new products, like Carnivore and things like that, that are some of our best products.
So I'm just giving it to you, knowing that you're going to want to order it next year for $35.
And then we'll bring in, I don't know, 17, 18 bucks and fund our operation.
It's free.
There's only a few thousand of each of these.
And there's only a few thousand at the sale price left of DNA Force.
As soon as we pass that amount of a couple thousand DNA Force sold, I'm gonna stop it so that we have enough at the normal sales rate of DNA Force for another 10 weeks.
You want to take advantage of this?
Now is the time.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And that's how we fund our operation.
It's really all up to you.
Thank you for your support.
That's at Infowarstore.com.
We also introduced the new SuperSilver Skin Cream exclusively at Infowarstore.com.
25% off.
It's got the hyaluronic acid and it's got so much more in it.
It's got the nano silver silver salt technology to blowing people away.
Now that said, I'm gonna go to break, come back, and I promise take nothing but your calls until our guest joins us on the treason of the globalists selling us out to China and Trump fighting back and being called a traitor.
And I just want to add this one caveat, whatever you do, if you're listening to an AM or FM station, Or you're watching us on a local TV station.
Call the local UHF VHA or cable.
Thank them.
Call their sponsors and thank them.
Become a sponsor.
Cable's very inexpensive.
Local TV's inexpensive.
Advertise your steakhouse, your Mexican food place, your laundry place, your church, whatever, on that station.
Because we have great active listeners.
Or just mail them a $20 check once a month.
And make that your tithe, because I can guarantee you that local radio station, whether it's WBCR in places like Tennessee or you name it, is doing a lot more for the Lord's work and fighting for the unborn and the already born than any of these so-called churches.
There's some good churches, but not many.
They all want to hide out, do whatever.
They don't say a word about the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, the microchipping.
It's all here.
And so if you think supporting this show is important, it is just... Listen to me, please.
Because you're the wind in our sails, you're everything.
It is just as important to support your local TV and radio stations as it is to support the mothership broadcast.
So I'm thanking you for the support, but I'm asking you humbly, please reach out and support those local stations.
It's absolutely critical.
If you call a station and they go, well, we don't really take donations.
Say, okay, then have a coffee mug that's $50 that you mug club like Crowder does where you buy the mug for 50 bucks and you do it each year.
Because NPR gets billions of taxpayer money and then they get all this foundation money that's tax-free and they beg for money every month.
Meanwhile, conservative talk radio is under attack.
They're shutting it down all over the place because they don't want you to have a voice.
Don't let them get away with it.
You heard that lady earlier.
Let's go out to break with her.
Saying, shut us down.
Don't let us weather the storm.
No, we're going to all weather the storm together.
We're going to hang together, hang separate.
As Benjamin Franklin said, here it is.
It's not only that Trump has to lose, but that all his enablers have to lose.
We have to collectively, in essence, burn down the Republican Party.
We have to level them, because if there are survivors, if there are people who weathered this storm, they will do it again.
They will take this as confirmation that, hey, it just pays to ride the waves.
Look at me, I've made it through.
And so up and down the ticket, Federal, state, local offices.
The country has to repudiate this.
It is not a normal administration.
And when these people say, oh, you can't criticize us, it will deter public service.
It will deter people who are liars, who are enablers, who are really bad people.
And they should be.
Well, listen, witch.
You're a really bad person.
You're an authoritarian dirtbag bully.
I've heard your challenge.
I accept it.
And so does my audience of activists.
Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war!
Laura in Alabama.
Laura, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to let you know, first of all, that I do pray for you and Newport Warriors and the president every single day.
And I've now decided to increase my support for you guys and order even more each month.
My favorite products are the Silver Wind Gel.
Use it on everything.
Cut, scrape, burn, you name it.
The Super Blue Toothpaste.
Love it.
And my most favorite is Turbo Force.
Just great energy with no crash.
And I do have it on auto shift, so don't forget.
I think that's important for everybody.
Thank you, everybody.
Everyone who wants to see this info war actually happen has to put their money where their mouth is.
Well, thank you for your kind words, because take that wound gel.
We're the only other company in the U.S.
that has licensed it from the Colorado company that's very famous, that has FDA approval.
It's used in hospitals, it's sold in pharmacies, and then we private label it as silver wound gel, which is a pre-gel, tiny bit, covers your hands, everything, and then disinfects all day long, or put it on once you have a cut or something.
Now, it's so super strong, you can't take it internally, or it's poisonous.
But yes, it is the strongest FDA over-the-counter silver there is.
So that is one of our best sellers.
People absolutely love it.
Thank you.
And I can tell you this, my neighbor burned his finger a little bit.
We're building a fire outside, and I ran inside and got it and put it on his finger.
And he said to me, is this supposed to work instantly?
And like this?
And I said, yep, sure does.
So it's fantastic stuff.
I highly recommend it.
A classic InfoWars fan favorite formula, Super Blue Fluoride Free Toothpaste is a must have for any info warrior serious about their oral health.
Featuring natural oils and ingredients used since aboriginal and biblical times.
Fueled by the good halogen iodine and high quality nano silver.
We've taken the fluoride out and replaced it with powerful ingredients to help boost your smile.
Don't miss out on one of our best products.
Power up your morning routine with Super Blue Fluoride Free Toothpaste at the InfoWars store.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're going to be talking the left's open treason with China trying to bring down the U.S.
and Trump's recovery on the other side. But first, ladies and gentlemen,
a very important report, a Biden-Trump debate preview.
We patiently await the Democrats to narrow down their field of presidential hopefuls.
We can analyze the differences between the Democrats' leading candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, who maintains a double-digit lead over the rest of the Democratic field, and our current president, Donald J. Trump.
They both made recent speeches in the key Granite State of New Hampshire, which is always the first to vote in the primaries.
I saw some fake polls put out by the fake news media [crowd boos]
and I said that I'm tied [BLANK_AUDIO]
I'm tied with three of the other candidates, the Democrats.
I'm tied in New Hampshire.
I don't think so.
Consider it a preview of what's to come if Joe Biden manages not to grope anyone or gaff himself into oblivion and makes it to the 2020 presidential debate stage.
You know, well, I love you too and I love this town.
The danger might come back so often I may not leave.
This is God's country, man.
What a beautiful town.
We're actually here today to officially launch our campaign to win the great state of New Hampshire in 2020.
The first detail is blatantly obvious.
Crowd size.
We know Biden's crowd is small, regardless of the illusion of television.
But Trump's crowd?
Well, even a five-year-old, or possibly even CNN, could see the massive difference.
The president is returning to an old favorite obsession.
The size of the crowds at his rallies.
I think they said 17,000 people outside that couldn't get in.
The fire marshals closed it at a certain level.
The arena announced, I don't know the people at the arena, that I broke Elton John's record.
The thing is, pretty much everybody reported that the President had a big crowd in New Hampshire.
Though there was a viral tweet that showed some empty seats.
And we know how seriously the President takes his Twitter, so maybe that had something to do with it.
But CNN confirmed today that President Trump broke the attendance record at his rally last week, even beating Elton John.
Secondly, rhetoric.
Biden is somewhere between a moderate broken record and an undecided liberal socialist democrat.
We the people, in order to form a more perfect union, it's unique in history.
No nation, no tyrant, Can take us down.
Only America can rip itself apart.
And Biden apparently has no idea that the more he exaggerates the truth of what was spoken by a sitting president, the more he angers anyone with half a brain that knows which way the wind blows.
You know, can you think of any president who, when you saw what happened in Charlottesville, said there are good people on both sides?
And third, Biden's foreign policy is backwards.
Claiming that he would stand up to China is laughable in the face of Hunter Biden's billion-dollar pay-to-play deal known as Bohai Harvest, which has still managed to avoid the scrutiny it deserves, while Trump is waging a trade war with a communist country that has dug its claws deep into the heart of America for decades.
And as part of my trade deal with China, it's been very important And President Xi said he's going to do it.
So far he has not done it.
But I said you have to stop sending us fentanyl.
Have to.
And you have to criminalize in China the making of fentanyl.
And so far he has not come through, but I think he will.
And of course, with Biden, the gaffes never stop.
This time around, he thought he was in Vermont, rather than New Hampshire, according to an exchange he had with a reporter.
Anyone interested in the future of this country can plainly see that Trump is going to tear into Biden like Mike Tyson in his prime.
President Trump is only getting started, and a lot of Americans want to see what is around the corner.
But Joe Biden is as stale as day-old bread.
John Bowne reporting.
That's right.
Trump's brain is stuck on winning.
Biden is emblematic of the rotting emphasis that is the traitors that have sold us out.
Our surrender is over!
The surrender is over!
The spirit of liberty is loose!
It is rising!
Nothing will stand in its way!
Donald Trump presents Real Stable Genius.
Today, we salute you, Mrs. Social Justice Warrior.
What do you do with a master's degree in gender studies?
Put on a vagina hat and go fight fascism on the internet.
As soon as you wake up each day, the outrage begins.
What the f*** did you just say?
Your privilege is showing, and...
Armed with only a keyboard, you tirelessly protect America from fake racism.
And fake sexism.
And fake, some other word we've never even heard of, ism.
I need a trigger warning, please!
So, crack open a nice soy latte, miss purple-haired vagina costume wearer.
You live by life's two greatest rules, punch Nazis, and everyone I don't like is a Nazi.
Mrs. Social Justice Warrior!
Donald Trump, President Forever, Washington, D.C.
Let's do it!
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So, the Democratic Party is openly siding with China.
The Washington Post, New York Times have headlines like this.
Xi's choice, destroy Trump or save him and weaken America.
Chinese government puts out those exact same statements.
Oh, Americans, we need you to bring down Trump.
We're going to save you.
We're your friends, yes.
That's why it's a death penalty if you're found with fentanyl in China.
They allow its mass production and illegal shipping to the U.S.
There's a massive bust every day of it.
Tons of it being shipped in.
Hundreds of thousands of Chinese Chi-Com gun parts illegally being shipped into the U.S.
That's gun control I support, because it's a communist regime circumventing our laws and shipping weapons to the gangs they control.
I first learned about that back in 1997, back when the L.A.
Times was still somewhat of a reputable newspaper.
But right now, let's go to your calls.
What do you make of the treason?
How brazen, how naked, how insane?
The open rooting By the left now, as Xi has seen as this bulwark against Trump.
I mean, I knew two and a half years ago at Davos they bragged that Xi would stop Trump.
Him and Juncker made statements like that about how, oh, we'll crush America at a trade war.
Ho, ho, ho!
We're actually winning right now.
And you can hear the screams and the pewling and the... No!
I, Trump, will get you, the American people!
You'll never stop us!
It was our time to rule!
Hillary, totally on their payroll.
They're the ones that hate America.
And they tell us, oh, Trump's a Russian.
He's an outsider.
That's why he's trying to save the country.
These people are sick.
But coming up after calls, Caitlin Bennett joins us.
She's mad at Trump about red flag laws.
I was mad too, but I was told, and it was true, that he was Ropa-doping them.
To get them to ask for total gun confiscation and they get nothing.
You'll get nothing and like it, Judge Smales.
Tell Spalding.
Well, it's the same thing.
I still don't like playing that game, but that's what Trump's doing is jerking their chain.
I agree he shouldn't even do that.
He should attack Big Pharma and the mass murder pills.
He's already pissed at drugs, period.
It killed his brother, alcohol.
He was a teetotaler.
And if you get him on the Prozac route of those hundreds of type drugs, and he learns what those are doing, they're done.
They'll shut about guns all day because 99% of crazy shooters are on those.
But instead of bitching about Trump and red flag laws, he was never gonna do it, folks, from my intel.
Go after him and say, go after the mass-murder-suicide pills.
Like I told Piers Morgan.
Okay, we're gonna go to George, we're gonna go to Duke, we're gonna go to John, we're gonna go to everybody.
Well, here on the air, George, thanks for holding from New Mexico, sir.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Yeah, absolutely.
China is definitely the biggest threat, you know, to our Constitution, our sovereignty, and the tentacle that they've planted so deep into our society is just insidious.
But, you know, let's face it.
I mean, President Trump is by far the greatest president that we've ever got to experience in our modern day time.
We know that for a fact.
And thank God for him because of him, he's been able to kind of basically You know, halt the complete takeover of the globalist agenda.
And we're grateful for that.
And isn't it incredible that we're actually living and seeing it and then more people aren't more thankful on the right that at least... Look, let's keep him honest.
Let's stay on his ass.
Light fires under his butt.
But let's at least thank God that we've come this far.
Let's appreciate something.
Well, the swamp runs deep, man.
You know, and it's infiltrated both sides.
And we're in a great battle right now.
But the truth is, is, you know, Trump has been able to kind of keep us alive.
You know, my biggest fear, Alex, though, is what's going to happen when Trump is not around?
Because we know Trump's going to win in a landslide.
He's waking up a lot of people and a lot of things are happening because of him.
But my biggest fear, Alex, is what's going to happen when we don't have, you know, our
commander in chief, you know, and what's going to happen after Trump comes in?
That's my biggest fear.
I totally agree with you.
That's my biggest concern.
And we better start making preparations for them to steal 2020 because he knows they're fake polls.
He's done internal polling.
We've done it as well.
They add 15 points more Democrats on the average poll.
So that's how they cook it day one.
They also only target people via email and phone call, but they already know are Democrats a certain skew.
That's how they do it again.
I mean, members CNN was having bulls where Hillary wins by 68% New York Times 98% chance Hillary wins scientific algorithm that means they pull it out of their their their globalist rear end you know when the Chinese government isn't in there but in between breaks of you know them them them raping the country they engage in that activity and so we should have a whole show where we open the phones up
and ask the question, what do we do when Trump's gone?
Because that's a great point.
Joe Scalzi has made that. If we don't basically finish the Democratic Party,
like they're trying to finish us, the pro-Americans, the populists, they're going to eradicate
everything. I just played it last hour. That's their battle cry. Eradication, shut it down,
end the free country. And so these are globalists working with outside powers.
We've got to try them.
They've got to get arrested.
They're the ones working for foreign powers.
They're the ones saying they want to kill us.
They want to arrest us.
They want to bully us.
Well, we have to stop playing games, politically, and really call them out for what they are.
And that's happening.
Right now they're losing.
I believe if we can keep America awake and realizing how serious the fight is and not going to sleep because Trump's there, we will win.
If we don't, we're screwed.
Thank you for the call.
Great point, sir.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
It was an excellent point he made.
Duke in Maine.
You're on the air, Duke.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
I just wanted to make this point that I haven't heard anybody talk about.
I heard you talk about it back in 2012.
About how Obama allowed Chinese generals to tour our military bases, and I have not heard anybody talk about that since you, and I just wanted to hear your thoughts on that.
And I'll take your answer off the air.
Thank you.
Thank you, sir.
Well, I remember it was even in the defense publications.
It didn't make a lot on the national news, but they did detailed tours, and they even had exchange programs with Communist Chinese in secure areas.
And we know that it was Obama that gave them the operations manuals.
It was Obama that gave them the Office of Personnel Management hack, 21 million names.
I mean, basically, Obama totally sold us out to China, because again, they're all invested in China, and China's supposed to take over in this century.
And so I do remember that.
That would be well worth revisiting.
Remember back in 1996-97, Bill Clinton had Chinese generals in the White House more than, what was it, more than 30 times with briefcases, big square briefcases, the big ones.
Like you carry a typewriter in, full of $100 bills.
And that was confirmed!
They went, oh, executive privilege.
He can take money from foreign powers.
If Trump had Russians in the White House giving him suitcases of cash, I'd say try his ass for treason and hang him up by his toenails.
But that didn't happen.
It was, again, Harry Clinton.
Thank you for calling.
Thank you for holding, sir.
Really were excellent questions.
Let's go ahead now and take another call here.
Let's talk to Daniel in Arizona.
Thanks for holding her on the air, Daniel.
Good afternoon.
Good morning, Alex.
How you doing there?
Good, sir.
Honored to be talking with you.
I've been waking up people for years, and I was just wondering how you feel about the courage of the people in Hong Kong.
They are just this old, young, It's amazing, and that's what we should be doing in our streets.
Well, I agree.
You know, Antifa goes out and beats up prayer vigils and veterans events, a bunch of meth-head Democratic Party operatives.
In fact, I haven't even gotten to that.
It's on Infowars.com and Newswars.com, Paul Joseph Watson article.
Martial law considered in Hong Kong to crush pro-democracy protest could lead to total destruction of Hong Kong's capitalist system.
Again, why do I support it?
Mao took over China as a dictator.
The State Department backed it.
Our military didn't.
A bunch of our own operatives got killed by Mao's people, like John Birch.
Seventy years ago, these folks' grandparents and parents ran there.
They're now there.
They're secretly arresting people.
China has a client government in, now, in Hong Kong.
They've built a bridge to invade, the biggest in the world.
And they're saying that they're already disappearing people.
They're trying to pass a law to disappear people.
And now they're saying they're getting ready to declare martial law.
So they're waving American flags.
They're taking over government buildings peacefully.
And now they're threatening martial law.
A lot of experts.
Yeah, it's amazing what's going on over there.
I just can't believe it.
Communist Party of China is not going to be able to survive a new giant Tiananmen Square, the countries of powder keg.
What do you think?
Yeah It's amazing what's going on over there. I just can't
believe it I think they're secretly or watching what Trump is doing
over here I'm glad we have finally have somebody in the office that
have some big brass balls And shows an example around the world.
I want you to finish up, Daniel, with that point.
We'll come back to more calls.
Stay there, Daniel.
I love watching David Knight in the morning.
I love tuning in to Owen Schroyer.
I love all the other shows we do here.
But I'll be honest with you.
We run, during the breaks, a lot of news reports because I'm sick of hearing the ads.
So, you think you don't want to hear an ad?
I don't want to hear an ad.
Here's the bottom line.
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And I want to expand in the face of the globalists, not contract.
I don't want them to win.
So listen, you've got this guarantee from me.
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Because you're a f*****g traitor.
Yeah, by even making me talk to a traitor.
A traitor of what?
My country?
Look at me!
Look at me!
What's that say right there?
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That's a Russian slogan now.
That's a Russian slogan.
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So whatever you do, don't tell people on your text messages or on your email or by word of mouth, hey, InfoWars.com is demonized because it's exposing that traitors in our government and corporations merged with the Chinese communists and basically defeated this country until America woke up and elected Trump.
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Of course, I'm being sarcastic.
I got a lot of other news I want to hit.
We're continuing with your phone calls right now on the treason of China.
That is the treason of people working with China in our government, in our corporations, in our media, and openly coming out in the Washington Post, CNN, you name it, and saying, geez, good, Trump's bad.
Thank God, geez, standing up for that monster Trump.
When all they have is these internal tariffs and systems against us, and are absolutely shellacking us up one side and down the other.
So, going back to Daniel, I've even seen some right-wing or fake libertarian pushback in the comments on Infowars.
You know, you've got all your reporters over there supporting a war, supporting strife in Hong Kong.
No, that's where the free people in China ran after we saved them from the Japanese in World War II.
And now the Communists came in and chased them into there.
And they have a right to want to be independent and not under an unelected system that secretly arrests people and kills them.
I mean, I can't help but support them.
That's a real independence movement.
That's not like funding the Arab Spring and overthrowing governments that are, you know, leaving Christians alone and putting ISIS in.
I did not support those regime changes.
So to me, it's a no-brainer.
And yeah, Brexit's a great example.
Putin's a great example of nationalism against the globalists.
Trump's the biggest example.
Now you've got the president down in Brazil.
It's incredible what's happening.
It's an amazing time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen, and we're all part of it.
But we're seeing the globalists try to bully us back into submission.
Some other points you wanted to add about Trump being a great example, Daniel.
Why do you support the folks?
They don't want independence.
They just want to not be secretly arrested, not have face scanning cameras, and not have a Chinese communist social score, where if they don't support the party, they suddenly can't get on a train or an airplane.
I mean, we better be doing what the folks in Hong Kong are doing right now.
There's the same systems coming in here.
Yeah, they just want to live a peaceful life with love in it.
You know, I've got a couple things to say here.
The bravado of Trump is frickin' awesome.
Just, I know he's typing everything out, but bring on the frickin' Storm Trump, you know.
And all the Dems, they're just sharting in their pants right now.
They are just infuriated that Trump is there and he's not playing that old game anymore.
It's just incredible.
I tear up listening to Trump and what he's saying sometimes.
Oh, he's definitely... Look, they've been trying to demoralize us.
Hollywood, the chi-coms.
This is a demoralization tactic of a foreign military.
We are under foreign globalist attack.
That's what it is.
Cut and dry.
That's what they're saying.
You shouldn't even have a nation.
We shouldn't have borders.
Why, Trump's saying we should love our countries.
White supremacist!
This is literal foreign military garbage.
Thank you for the call.
And it just outrages me that more Democrats don't wake up and say no to this.
But see, once they get them hating Trump, they will then hate everything.
Once they take that poison pill, it's like putting a cyanide tablet in a big chunk of beef and giving it to a dog.
The dog's gonna slurp it down and die.
And once the Democrats decide to believe whatever they're told by the media, they actually believe we're Russian agents.
They actually believe that Trump's a Nazi.
And they're siding with the Chicops.
I mean, that's mind control.
All right, who's been holding longest now?
That would be... That would be John in Georgia.
John, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Alex, how you doing?
It's an honor to be on here with you.
Honor to talk to you, sir.
Yeah, just want to tell you that I have been the suspect of bomber number two in the Oklahoma building.
I talked to you about that the other day, too, as well.
I want to also share an experience I had.
Do me a favor.
Your phone's breaking up a little.
Just talk right in the receiver.
I'd gotten Lyme disease from a tick.
I took the cordial silver.
I doubled up on the doses and totally cleared up the Lyme disease.
I wanted to share that with you.
Wow, that's incredible because antibiotics can hardly knock it out.
Well, I took the antibiotics for a long time and the pain went from my knees all the way into my back and elbows.
But the Colonial Silver completely wiped it out.
It hadn't had an episode since.
Well, that's beautiful, brother.
My question to you is, you know, we know that the CHICOMs are in every facet of our society.
They're in the media.
They're in our telecommunications.
They're in the government.
Nancy Pelosi had her driver.
It was Dianne Feinstein, but they all, as part of getting the CHICOM money through U.S.
companies, you put an agent in your office.
And that's why Obama literally gave them the Office of Personnel Management hack.
I mean, so you're absolutely right.
So, knowing that they're in all these areas and facets, how can we even hope to think that we can fight the Chinese Well, that's why getting Trump in as a beachhead, he's literally like a king, a lion surrounded by hyenas.
And so he's able, with the executive power under the Constitution, to give those orders.
And that's why they're so upset and fighting him so hard, is because a lot of their people are still staying behind.
Now, as the CHICOM money gets cut off, They're starting to panic even more trying to get the CHICOMS back in power.
And it's not just the CHICOMS.
It's the globalists that parlayed U.S.
power to the CHICOMS and then basically collapsed a lot of our power in the last few years of Obama.
And then since they saw Trump got in, they tried to even finish that, but it hasn't worked.
So we've really grabbed victory from the jaws of defeat on this, but we're not out of the woods yet.
But you're right.
It is, listen, George Washington, I'm not saying do this.
But George Washington, when he was president, they would just go arrest these people, and then they would have trials.
And you know what they would do.
But foreign agents would also just be grabbed, and would be given trials, and then they'd be executed.
And that's really what you do.
I mean, in China or anywhere else, I mean, they've caught U.S.
spies, and they executed them with the Office of Personnel Management hack.
Obama said, listen, I'm really for you.
I really hate America.
Here's all of our agents worldwide.
Here's all their Social Security numbers.
Here's all the government employees' numbers.
Here's the keys to everything.
and they gave China that and then Google and Apple moved there, gave them all the code keys to all
your devices and China basically is now interfaced with YouTube and Google, not just Southern Property
Law Center and they're the ones in your accounts. I mean this is all admitted. So yeah, Trump really
needs to just declare a national emergency and seize control of telecommunications.
Because the Chinese have already seized it with the globalists.
And so, only a response like that will fix it.
That's why they're so scared that any minute he might actually make the default proper move.
Now, I respect the President.
If he thinks he can remove this face-sucker by cutting the money off the Chi-Coms and making them negotiate and stop their attempted takeover, that's probably better.
The problem is, They haven't shown any inclination of stopping.
They have a real disrespect for us that they were able to buy off most of the public universities.
That they were able to get the Washington Post to say, side with China against Trump.
They have a real disrespect for us and see us as weak and decadent.
And a large part of us are.
A large part of us aren't.
And so they've really misread America like Hitler and the Japanese and others did before.
And so, great points.
Anything else, John?
Yeah, one of my main concerns is, too, is that there's so much Chinese tech floating around in America.
We knew that in Desert Storm, I mean, the... Hold on, I'm going to have you finish.
I apologize.
Just a little bit more.
Hale and Bennett's coming up.
We'll get to everybody's calls.
Stay with us.
If you took your six-month-old baby and dropped it on its head on purpose, you would lose that child if you were seen doing it.
And you should.
If you're wondering why it's like a zombie apocalypse out there, why there's mental illness everywhere, why people seem so incredibly stupid, it's because the Soviets, the communists, The proto-globalists that took over had work camps, and they put hydrofluorosilic acid in the water and lots of other stuff to test it on the people in the gulags.
I went to HEB this morning, the crew did, walked right in, it says, HEB baby fluoride water.
Let's zoom right in on that.
And notice it shows you the target.
It's kind of like buying a box of 30-odd-6 rifle shells, rifle rounds, and on the cover is a deer.
And there's a little crosshair on the side of the deer.
I have you now.
Target. Maximum firepower.
Oh Oh
Oh, I mean... Oh, baby!
It's time to kill brain cells!
So much more fun to take our time.
And then it's bye-bye brain, and you've got a good automaton.
InfoWars Tomorrow's news.
So let's go to Allen from Ohio.
He wants to talk about DNA Force.
Hi, can you hear me?
Yes, loud and clear.
Oh good.
It's an honor to talk to you guys.
I don't miss the broadcast.
So DNA Force, okay.
I broke my neck 16 years ago, you know, in a skiing accident.
I was paralyzed from the neck down only for a short period of time, like the first hour after the, you know, after the accident.
But I experienced that and I have now I have hardware in my neck.
Yeah, I've had multiple plates.
And anyway, it did all right for like 12, 13 years.
And about two years ago, I started having the most incredible nerve pain down my arms, especially my left arm pulsing.
And you can't imagine the pain.
It was like I had rebroke my neck.
I went and got MRI to see if my heart rate was OK.
And this whole process of getting a doctor and everything took a month or two.
And they scheduled me for these pain shots.
They were just going to deaden the nerve.
It was so painful.
I couldn't take it.
Yeah, I ordered them once, so I scheduled them again for a month later.
I ordered DNA Force and I started taking it and I was taking 25 a leave a day, five times a day.
And I was wearing a neck brace for the first year of this, like two years of pain every day.
But I started taking the DNA force, and within two weeks, I started thinking, I don't need to leave anymore.
That was like a few days into it.
I stopped taking the leave.
I take two DNA force in the morning and maybe one at night, and I canceled my pain shot.
And I've taken two of them today, and I don't even know if I'm going to need one later.
And I take no more.
Wow, that is amazing.
I take no more leave at all.
That is amazing.
I swear, it's the most incredible thing I have ever experienced.
When I talk about the products, that's one of the things I've always focused on is how well they work.
You know, they actually, they actually work.
It's not something that, you know, let's get it and just, you know, take it and whatever, hope for the best.
I mean, they actually work.
And hey, thank you for the call.
And because of people like you, the reason why Harrison and myself get to sit here today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(sirens blaring)
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
As the caller, John, was saying, "We're going to finish up with him, then go to Caitlin Bennett, then more of your
As John was saying in the last segment, even back during Desert Shield, Desert Storm, in 1990, 1991, it came out that... I'm going from memory, like 25% of the defense chips and missiles and avionics and other systems were CHICOM made and had back doors for them, built in where they could get into them.
Well, now that's all admitted.
And when you realize that something like 90% of our drugs, I saw this number a few years ago and couldn't believe it, but it's upwards of 90% of the drugs in this country are made in China.
Then they make the illegal fentanyl and ship it in in mass, and it's something like 100 times stronger per dose than heroin.
They just received massive tonnage of it last week coming in through the land Corridor into Mexico into the U.S.
And it's just it's just huge when you start thinking about the level of treason the Confucian Institutes that took over all the major universities with hundreds of millions of dollars per school in some cases like UT.
Over 100 million dollars the last 10 years or so was given to UT.
And I was told about this by the feds and people I know five years ago.
This year, they shut down the funding to UT saying it was run by a Chinese general.
They caught SMU being run by it.
I mean, this is just in Texas in my local newspapers.
So when we talk about this, folks, we're not just hyping this.
When they say Russia is involved, that is a joke.
The CHICOMS Are dominating, and the callers are rightfully saying, why doesn't Trump just arrest him or whatever?
What it'll do to the stock market, what it'll do, it'll be a disaster.
But not as big as a disaster as if we let them keep doing this.
So Trump has totally taken the gloves off.
He's ordered the US government to tell US companies to move out of China as fast as they can.
And you bet it's a disruption.
More than 70% of the stuff made in the world is made in China now.
It's a joke of consumer goods.
And that's the position the globalists put us in.
And they've totally abused us, and they have nothing but arrogance towards us.
So that's the position we're in, and I just marvel at all these people still betting against America with China.
It's going to be a big deal, but the biggest is Apple giving the code keys early last year, Zen Reuters, to all of the Apple IDs.
And Apple said, well, when you headquarter in China, that's what you do.
The Chinese government is in control of all Apple products.
They can get right into your phone anytime they want.
Google's over there with him.
And finally, Marco Rubio's talking about it.
So, when Marco Rubio, I talked to him last year, he made fun of me, he said, get out of my face, when I politely brought it up.
Well now, when the Ferengi ambassador is finally talking about something, then you know it's about to hit.
So we're in a full war, Trump's being calm and polite about it, but we are in a war, not just a trade war.
Finishing up with John in Georgia, you had some other points to make about that.
Yeah, exactly what you're just saying.
My main concern is, is that this kind of so in depth in control of a lot of tech United States.
You'd even mentioned on a few shows ago about the Batman scenario where they could actually map out and see things through the telecom.
So now that China has Apple and Huawei, we've caught them in every facet.
They've been caught.
They haven't hit nothing.
My concern is, is The awesome power that they now have to be able to listen to iPhones, map out things and get any information they want at any time.
Military bases, just think of soldiers that have these phones on military bases or in secret places.
Boy, you just said it.
I should have led the show with that.
They're banning Huawei phones a couple years ago, and now Huawei 5G, because they noticed the Chai comms are putting it in, for those who don't know, at cost in rural communities.
But then the Pentagon, two years ago, went, wait a minute.
They're putting them in only in rural communities, right by military bases, particularly up in Iowa, the SAC base.
And other areas like that.
So absolutely.
And so Trump has to block it.
He has to arrest the head of the company.
I mean, we've got to take the gloves off.
And Trump's doing it.
And they need to take control of Apple.
And all these... Well, that was my next point.
I forgot to make it.
Thank you for reminding me.
Apple's a bigger threat than Huawei.
Apple's doing exactly what Huawei is.
Apple has merged with the Chai comms.
Great point.
Yeah, that's all I have, Alex.
I appreciate it.
Well, I interrupt you.
Go ahead and make your point.
It gets me so excited.
There's so many points we know, and I can't even lay them all out, and you're just reminding me.
It's insane.
We could sit here for 10 days talking about Chinese infiltration.
When you put them all together, though, just think of the awesome power that they now control.
You have Google.
You have Facebook.
All these companies are aligned with China.
Not only that, not only the small tech that we don't even talk about, the computer chips and the technology and refrigerators, car, everything, everything we have, China at some point has a piece of it.
And just think of the awesome power when you take all that technology and put it together and you want information, you're going to get it.
God bless you.
Well, that's why Google announced two years ago, we're not working with the Pentagon or the U.S.
government anymore.
We are moving to China to work on their deep mind, and we're going to give them all the AI.
China has been chosen because they'll have clones, they'll have killing of Christians, killing of Buddhists.
They are totally evil and the globalists are totally evil, so it is a match made in hell.
Now we're going to go to break and for 15 minutes to the next hour, Caitlin Bennett is going to join us and we'll continue with calls as well.
There's also a Central Texas gun shop owner and Gun trainer, a good friend of mine, Michael Cargill, has been on the show many times over the years.
He's all over the news now.
Because right by where his really nice offices are in South Austin, there are homeless camps set up.
There's homeless camps set up around where we're at in our area of Austin.
And so, you want to know about San Francisco, or you want to know about all these places?
The mayor admits that they are trying to collapse the society so that we quote take care of the poor. Now
they're just advertising drug addicts and others coming into the cities, coming into the areas
and just lounging around. The video they were about to show that we'll get to later is homeless
guy shooting up heroin on his company's porch and then pooping and that's what they do.
They shoot the heroin, they pass out, they crap all over the place.
And when you go on Skid Row, you see people everywhere just covered in feces, covered in flies, having sex.
It's quite a sight.
I'm not trying to be gross here, folks, but you think you've seen Hellraiser?
You think you've seen horror movies?
It's nothing on Skid Row.
Imagine trannies having sex in piles of feces with flies all over them.
Yes, I've seen it.
I've smelled it, ladies and gentlemen.
And I began beginning to vomit.
And, uh, we started walking fast and we ended up running with Katie Hopkins.
I've never run from a fight, but I did run from the shriveled trannies with the period.
Well, I'm not gonna give you more descriptions, but it was about a hundred degrees.
And it was hell on earth.
And I'm gonna stop there.
We're gonna go to break.
Come back.
I'm going back to that horrible nightmare place.
Katelyn Bennett, of course, is the Penn State gun girl.
She's gotten famous the last two years.
She just goes out and does good, sweet interviews that are smart.
And they threaten to rape her.
They threaten to kill her.
They threaten to attack her.
They do attack her.
The left does.
But who would ever know that Dan Crenshaw, also known as the Gay Pirate.
Nothing against the fact that he's a gay pirate.
That's the nickname the girls have for him here in the office.
No, no.
Dan Crenshaw, the Navy SEAL.
Uh, who is for gun control, and who basically, uh, you know, Texans, he lost his primary at first, thought that, uh, he was a Democrat for the stuff he checked off on.
Uh, but the left's attacked him, and we don't agree with the left saying they want to kill him.
Sometimes I think the young Turks are trying to prop him up, though.
But old Dan Crenshaw doesn't just talk about red flag laws, he still wants them.
And by golly, he believes without...
It's just heavy.
Heavy, heavy.
Make no mistake.
It's... We're not in Kansas anymore.
He sent some really mean messages to Kaitlyn Bennett.
We'll talk more about that, not just that, when we come back.
Stay with us. We're not going to just dwell on the gay pirate.
It's just heavy, heavy, heavy.
Make no mistake, it's...
We're not in Kansas anymore.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
If you have a corrupt media, you don't have a democracy.
I don't think we've seen division like this in America since Vietnam.
It's a form of fascism.
The High Court will examine free speech rights and social media.
Multiple online platforms have now taken down content associated with Alex Jones and InfoWars.
First they come for Alex Jones, everyone else like Davos would fall.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
You can't watch this. The movie, available now at InfowarsStore.com.
The year is 1995, and InfoWars launches the last of America's counter-globalist probes.
In a freak mishap, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Alex Jones to Earth 25 years later.
Trans-dimensionally over the space-time continuum through full space-time.
Where people are extremely lazy, the social engineers are there laughing.
What we envisioned 100 years ago, 20 years ago, is now reality.
While the society unravels, men run around totally frantic, not knowing how to be men, and women run around frantic, not knowing how to be women.
And they don't understand that it's an animating contest of life, and that it's fulfilling to be informed.
It's fulfilling to be involved.
It's fulfilling.
Tomorrow's news, today.
Laura in Alabama.
Laura, you're on the air.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
No one is as brave You live life up and down, oh
Nightmares of your dreams Another lonely way you're hanging around
Don't you take it lying down, no, no Hold on, hold on tight
Everything's gonna be alright.
As long as we take action.
Alright, Caitlin Bennett's with us 15 minutes into the next hour.
We'll continue with your phone calls.
I see some on red flag laws as well.
A lot of listeners actually got mad at me when I came out and I said, listen, Trump's not gonna actually do the red flag laws.
This is a tactic to get the left to come out and say they want total gun bans.
Then they get nothing.
But I said, Trump's still playing with fire and I don't like it.
Because it gives lip service to the lie that extrajudicial confiscation of guns without due process, without somebody breaking a law, is exactly what they've done in Europe and everywhere else and it will lead to total confiscation.
Well, Dan Crenshaw went further and he put out his red flag ideas.
He said, well, we're just talking about a family member that's concerned or a police officer.
You mean a police officer that swears out a report that you threatened to kill somebody?
Yeah, then take him until we find out what you're planning to do.
That's already on the books.
Forty-two times, the crazed shooter, last February, last year, in Florida, at Parkland, said he was going to kill people.
He's known as the school shooter.
He'd been kicked out of school.
Under a leftist law, they passed that minorities could commit crimes four times and not go to jail for it, in many cases.
Mr. Cruz was allowed to do that.
He also threatened the FBI twice when they came to see him.
He said, I'll kill you.
He walked around saying, I'm gonna kill you.
Why did he have guns?
It wasn't even legal for him to have them.
And every other time, it's the same.
You have this Antifa shooter in Ohio.
This other guy in Texas was.
They just changed his social media.
So Dan Crenshaw, hey, great, you went over and fought in the Middle East, wonderful.
Wash your eyeball.
I don't agree with the Young Turks, Hassan Pecker, or Picker, whatever his name is, saying, you know, that you deserve to die or whatever.
But, We don't need to compromise on the Second Amendment.
The Democrats say it's not about sensible gun laws.
It's about taking our guns.
And that's how the Revolutionary War started in 1776.
They didn't say, oh, at Bunker Hill, well, some crazy guy might get a gun someday and hurt somebody, so you've got to turn yours in.
They said, we're coming to conquer you.
We're taking your guns.
So Danny Boyd, you ought to go join the Democratic Party and be honest about what you're doing.
Now, I don't want to spend time on him because he's not that important.
I know Saturday Night Live attacked him and that's what made him popular.
He probably would have gotten elected if it wasn't for that.
Sometimes I think the left's making these statements against him.
Uh, to prop him up, because it made him get elected when he was losing.
And it's the same thing with the young Turks saying they want to, you know, kill him or whatever.
And that makes him popular.
I think we've got a Trojan horse here on our hands.
A lot of Texans think that too.
But that doesn't matter.
The guy is now a pirate that wants to board us and take our guns.
Now people say, well then aren't you mad at Trump?
Well you notice Trump shelved it.
Crenshaw's still pushing it.
And I don't want to be enemies with Crenshaw.
Maybe he's a good guy, okay?
But other than the eyepatch mystique, you know, we've got a problem here.
I don't want to spend all the time.
I want to get into your concerns about red flag laws and Trump, Caitlin, because that's really who's important is President Trump.
But obviously you did a video about this.
It's on your web page.
We'll put on screen a Liberty Hangout.
Tell folks that URL.
You did a nice 20-minute video that breaks it down, but specifically, he ridiculed you, he used psychological warfare tactics to tell you you were small and nobody, and never responded to your very, very nice, lengthy messages when he first contacted you.
So he thinks, clearly, he's smarter than everybody else.
Yeah, he thinks he's some intellectual genius over here.
What he failed to really do is sit there and tell me, I will protect your rights.
I'll make sure no one is able to hurt you and you're able to defend yourself.
You could tell that he was so bothered by a little girl going out there and making a meme about him.
All he wanted to do was criticize my activism, the way I do my reporting.
And that's fine.
That doesn't bother me.
I don't, Dan Crenshaw isn't going to hurt my feelings.
But what, even if I were like the worst person in the world, that has nothing to
do with his position and power to be able to take my rights away from me.
And all I was looking for was to convince him that his ideas of Republican red flag
laws are no different than the left.
That's like saying that democratic socialism is the same or different than socialism.
Let's not forget, we don't have time to go through it all, but I want you to give people your URL and also the name of the video that's gone viral because I mean, you show it and you read the whole thing.
His messages to you, private messages on Twitter.
He says, oh, we saw the bad thing you did at the Bernie event.
You go in politely, sit there, and they throw you out.
And he makes fun of you and goes, oh, look, you're a victim.
You're First Amendment.
This guy sounds like a punk ass.
Yeah, so he just wanted to insult me, and the title of the video is just, Dan Crenshaw messaged me, and that's at Liberty Hangout on our YouTube, and I break it all down.
I go through, and I wasn't going to release the messages at first, because I wanted to be respectful, even though he wasn't respectful towards me.
But the more I read it, I was like, what the heck?
People deserve to know what he's doing.
So he kept trying to bait me into being rude to him.
He kept trying to bait me into insulting him or making fun of him, because when he first messaged me, I just wanted to be like, okay, like, you're stupid.
You're a grown man.
Like, not only is he a congress member, he's a grown man upset at a little girl tweeting about him.
So, he's kind of a soy boy, if I'm being honest, and Texans aren't going to re-elect him, so I'm not too worried about his position in power because he barely won, but he lost his primary, barely won when they did a runoff election.
So I don't think that he's going to get re-elected, and if I have anything to do with that, I'll take that with a badge of honor.
Well, folks, you can go to LibertyHangout.org and find all your powerful videos.
They should bookmark it.
They should share it.
I watched it this weekend, but for memories, we can put it up on screen.
What's the name of your Dan Crenshaw video so folks can find it?
It says, Dan Crenshaw messaged me.
That's right.
It's on Infowars.com and NewsWars.com.
Dan Crenshaw messaged Conservative.
Put that back up for me real quick, guys.
I'd really appreciate that, the InfoWars story.
Thank you.
Dan Crenshaw, Message Conservative reporter.
The congressman reached out to InfoWars, Caitlin Bennett.
And again, it took you 20 minutes to read all the messages back and forth, but people really ought to go hear it because...
It sounds like some frat boy or something.
And I don't mean a cool frat guy.
I mean like the bad guy in the frat.
Because he can tell he's using psychological warfare on you.
But it's very amateurish.
It's very, very... He's trying to ridicule you.
Trying to make fun of you.
And that's... Why would he even spend his time doing that?
This is weird.
Well, what I say and what I told him, and people will see that if they watch the whole 20 minute video, is that the fact that he felt the need to message me shows that he's bothered enough to know that what he's doing is wrong.
And I feel like he's so deep into the rabbit hole of supporting red flag laws that when he gets called out, he has to try to insult somebody to like, maybe I guess silence them?
I don't know if he was trying to silence me or if he was just trying to make me feel bad for calling him a rhino.
I don't know, but what he doesn't understand is I've been through so much.
I get ridiculed so much from the right.
It doesn't bother me anymore.
I know who I am.
I know what I stand up for.
We're going to continue with you in the next hour and we'll let you make these points and take some calls on red flag laws, but listen.
You're an eloquent, smart, great lady.
We're so honored to have you working with Infowars.
You've gone through so much, you know, deplatforming, harassment, and you've stood the test of time.
So, we wish he, as a Navy SEAL, big, strong, you know, tough guy, we wish he'd come here and defend that most precious of amendments, the Second Amendment, and not ridicule you for your first inside with Bernie Sanders.
I think that's the big bombshell, but let me say this as we go to break and we'll come back with you.
I don't know why he's called the gay pirate online.
It's okay if he's gay.
I think he's got a family and he's from Houston, a multi-generational Texan.
That's great.
But, you know, he's known as the gay pirate.
He's known as the, you know, the gun compensator, the anti-gun pirate.
But really the name that sticks with me that he's been called is McCain 2.0.
He needs to come out, say he's wrong, come out for the Second Amendment.
McCain 2.0.
We do not need Dan Crenshaw to do this and to be the new John McCain.
We're going to come right back to you, Caitlin, in a minute.
In just a moment.
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InfoWars presents The David Knight Show.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right, after Kaitlin Bennett leaves us, I promise we'll get to Rex and Adam and Josh and Ben and Robert and Chad.
If you can't hold, I understand.
It's great we have 20-something phone lines.
It's also bad.
It's already took like 10 calls.
But I want to continue with your calls.
But we've got Kaitlin Bennett on us right now.
We've got Mr. Cargill popping in as well to talk about the homeless problem and how the Democrats do it by design.
And we've got Mark, who's a police officer, wants to talk about red flag laws.
And we'll do that with Caitlin Bennett in the next segment.
But Caitlin, again, I don't like attacking Dan Crenshaw.
We're barely keeping Texas red.
But what's the use of having Republicans if they act like Democrats?
And so a lot of people got pissed at me when I didn't attack Crenshaw.
A few weeks ago, when he was out there, you know, playing kissy-face with all the Democrats, being praised all over CNN, MSNBC, because I knew Trump was manipulating him.
I still don't like playing politics.
I don't like it.
But I told you Trump would shelve it.
I know you're still mightily angry at Trump.
You have that right.
And I think it was people being mad that made, you know, Trump at the final equation back off even quicker.
But Crenshaw's still out there flogging this dead horse.
And so that tells me he's pretty bad news.
Well, what I didn't know before I made this video, and I did some research about him and I found out all these things, he actually met with Moms Demand Action, which is a gun control group, back in February, and he told me, I think one of the most damning things about the messages was that he told me that he's been thinking about this for years.
He's been thinking about red flag laws and gun control and implementing them for years.
What's the use?
Like you said... Oh, that's the key you make.
Oh my gosh.
I'm only interrupting because it's so key.
When you read all the transcripts, you guys went back and forth like 10 times or whatever.
He said, oh, I've been supporting this for years.
This is my policy.
But then he told everybody he wasn't for it during the campaign.
So he's a damn liar.
Oh yeah, he's a total liar.
I think he's probably a carpetbagger.
I don't think he's been here six generations.
We'll find out.
Yeah, well, he was actually born, I think, in Sweden, I think.
But he was born to American parents, so I don't really know the whole story with that.
But it's just really, really upsetting seeing how the Democrats are so passionate about gun control and confiscating firearms and taking them from us.
We need someone on the right that's just as passionate about the opposite, about keeping firearms in the hands of people.
So I think as right-wingers, as conservatives, as Trump supporters, We have to call it out.
And I'm not attacking Dan Crenshaw.
I'm not doing that.
And that's why I kept it very polite in my messages.
I wanted to go, you know, my usual aggressive self and just tell him that he's ridiculous.
He's a soy boy.
He's acting like a child.
But I kept it cool and I was hoping to change his mind.
And I didn't.
One thing that the Democrats have Is that when they get backlash for something, they might apologize or just ignore it entirely.
He's not doing anything.
He is doubling down.
He is attacking people who he needs on his side.
He even said it in the messages if you go to the video and watch it.
And I really encourage everybody to do that.
It's 20 minutes, but seriously go and watch it.
He tells me, he attacks me for not supporting him.
And he even says, I've reached out to a lot of influencers on social media because he knows we're mad at him.
We don't support this.
So he has to try to alienate us, make us feel bad so that we change our mind so that we don't get attacked by Dan Crenshaw.
He's not that scared.
He's not that scary.
He doesn't scare me.
He doesn't intimidate me.
I know what I believe in.
And shame on him, honestly, for trying to attack my personality instead of my ideas.
Well, you're right.
I mean, I've read the big transcript.
It's in your video.
It's posted under the article.
People need to really see it at LibertyHangout.org.
And like Matt Drudge said, when he was here in studio almost four years ago, everybody has to build their own sites again.
We have to surf the web again.
We have to build our own internal systems, our own audio, our own video.
InfoWars has done that.
We're going to start having more contributors that are able to access our systems to back up their videos.
We can't have it open to the public or they'll go, Post child porn or whatever to try to shut us down.
But we are going to have contributors that are able to double down, unlike Crenshaw, for the Second Amendment and post audio and video to our site for people that are members.
We're going to announce this soon so that people have a home where they know what they put up will not be erased or removed.
We're going to take some calls on this subject with Caitlin Bennett straight ahead.
You've got to go watch her video.
It's long, but she reads through it all.
She devastates every argument, and she shows That Dan Crenshaw will show you the photos and videos.
They already showed them literally at gun control conferences.
I mean, this guy is working for the other side, unfortunately.
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sent off as an introductory.
The answer to 1984 is 17.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we need every pro-Second Amendment congressman we've got in this fight to restore the Republic.
First Amendment's under attack, Second Amendment's under attack.
And I sat not on the fence, but I wasn't too loud about it.
When Trump came out and said, OK, I don't like mentally ill people getting guns.
We've got to stop them getting it.
Maybe some of these red flag laws would be good.
Well, then he learned what was in the red flag laws and how unpopular it was.
And Trump shelved it and said, we're not going to do that.
He said, because it wouldn't do anything.
All these people said they're gonna kill people.
Most of them get the guns illegally.
I've already gone over that 40 plus times that the lunatic kook that shot all those people in Parkland, Florida last year.
40 plus times the police were called saying he's gonna kill people.
He'd walk around saying I'm coming to school to kill you.
He committed all these crimes and was let go by a liberal law they passed where you can commit all these crimes and not go to jail if you're quote a minority.
Cruz wasn't even Hispanic.
But he was adopted by Hispanics who both had died recently.
It's a very suspicious story.
The point is, is that this wouldn't protect us.
But people got mad at Trump.
And rightfully so, but he's backed off on that.
On the few chinks in Trump's armor.
But Dan Crenshaw is still doubling down, putting on all the sail he can to get that boat going as fast as he can.
And the last straw for me was watching Caitlin Bennett's piece on Infowars.com this weekend, where he sends her a mean message, she goes back and forth, he tries to belittle her, and then we learn he's hanging out with gun control groups and wants no due process, your guns are taken.
Caitlin marks a police officer in Texas, and he wants to comment on this, but other points you haven't had a chance to make before I go to him.
I would just say please watch the video, share the links, everything like that.
Yeah, let's go to the police officer.
I'm really interested to hear what he has to say.
Well listen, Caitlin, do this.
Tell people your Twitter.
Retweet it right after you're off in a few minutes so people can find it easier there.
We'll also repost it because we're not trying to hurt Crenshaw.
He's hurting us.
He's coming for the rights that Our veterans, going back to 1776, fought for, and when he does that, any good work he's ever done for this country, he betrays.
Benedict Arnold was one of our greatest generals.
Of course, he'd been a double agent the last three years of the war, because he thought the British were going to win.
We almost lost the war because of him.
So now, he's the worst of traitors.
And we have to stop going along with this.
We have to let these rhinos know.
Oh, by the way, briefly tell folks, we'll go to the police officer, what originally triggered him.
It was a photo of him with a plastic rhino.
Yeah, so I was in Boston in Quincy Market and I took a photo with a fake rhino that's decorated with, you know, stars and stripes.
And I was like, look, I'm with Dan Crenshaw.
It only got like a thousand likes, but he was so bothered by it.
He had to start messaging me saying, oh, you don't care about me.
You don't care about the right.
You just want to alienate people.
And I'm like, if that's what you get out of that, then fine.
I'm trying to criticize your actions and your policies, but he just butt hurts.
Well, it shows that he's really afraid.
Again, the last straw for him in the middle of the call is, in fact, you have the transcript there, but he said, oh, look at you at the Bernie thing.
Oh, you poor little victim.
You weren't a victim.
You went in there to cover what he was doing.
They threw you out.
The police said it was wrong.
It was a public venue.
It was a school auditorium.
And then Crenshaw's making fun of your First Amendment.
So, I mean, this guy's got a real problem.
I mean, he has a serious problem with trying to go after people who are trying to criticize his ideas.
What is really funny about him mentioning me about the Bernie Sanders thing is that he's trying to say I had a victimhood mentality during that, when I didn't.
And if he would have answered my first message when I asked him to share the video, he would have seen it, and he would have actually talked to me about it.
But he's calling me a victim, saying that I'm playing the victim card.
That video was months ago, and that's what he chooses to try and come after me for, so I think there's a lot of insults and belittlement that he's trying to get thrown at me.
I think he was trying to bait me into being mean to him, so maybe he could post them.
Oh, absolutely.
Well, he was trying to demoralize you, like the chi-coms are trying to do to America, but it's not going to work.
Let's go to Mark in Texas, a police officer who wants to comment on red flag laws.
The police officers I've talked to say it's unconstitutional, plus It wouldn't have ever saved anybody with these mass shootings.
People are always getting warned.
The laws are on the books.
You're saying you're gonna kill somebody.
Well, you can have your guns taken if it's a credible threat.
But what about what this will do to police?
Turning you guys into an army of gun-confiscating Gestapo?
That doesn't sound like a very safe profession.
Well, God bless them for worse.
We have a Facebook page, Town Hall for Crenshaw.
It's Town Hall for Crenshaw.
We are bringing them back to the district September the 7th at 9 a.m.
at Crosby Church.
So he can come explain his Taps Act and red flag laws.
We're not happy in the district.
We're volunteers.
We work really hard for him.
And we want some answers here.
Well, please tell us how you work for him and why you're upset.
Well, as a matter of fact, my buddy and myself, we got a fundraiser together for him, brought in a lot of money.
We've worked the polls.
We walk the neighborhoods, talk to people.
And we did a lot of good work for him and a lot of hard work for him.
And now we're getting slapped with this.
We love our country.
We love our Constitution.
We love our Second Amendment.
And we're not going to tolerate that.
I would also like to say to Caitlin that I saw the video and I appreciate your style of activism very much.
Thank you.
Continue the mission and stay strong out there.
Alex has changed my life.
Y'all rock.
And also, before y'all let me go, I have body armor for your reporters.
So you can send me back to the screener, and I'll be happy to give it to y'all if you would like to have it.
Well, you're very nice to say that, sir, but I don't want to put you through any expense.
I mean, in fact, if the reporters want body armor, we should probably buy it for them.
It's kind of gotten to that point, but we'll do that.
But you sound like a pretty level-headed, smart police officer.
Why are you against red flag laws?
Just because they're unconstitutional?
Plus, look at all the cases.
There's almost never been a case where extrajudicial taking guns would... In almost every case, these guys are telling everyone, I'm gonna kill everybody.
I love Satan.
I'm gonna go kill people.
And then they're not being arrested.
Well, we do find... I find it unconstitutional.
And this TAPS Act is a grant to have local law enforcement do what the feds want.
These people are our friends and neighbors.
I don't want to go collect their guns.
And I'm a police officer.
I'm not a psychiatrist.
What are they thinking?
And expand on how his particular red flag law, from what I've seen, is one of the worst.
About how it federalizes you.
Explain that, because you're an expert on that.
Well, it is a grant.
And I do work in an area where there are grants.
Grants are driven by stat.
Want that grant money?
You better produce.
Very dangerous, especially when you start talking about our constitutional rights.
So what you're saying is they're putting a bounty on gun confiscation, extrajudicially, where just because a crazy neighbor or, I mean, or leftist or whoever says, oh, I saw his guns, they scare me.
I see that all the time.
In California, Bloomberg reported last year, that's their model.
If someone's uncomfortable, I see the case all the time where an old guy's cleaning guns in his garage and the neighbor thinks they're illegal and calls the SWAT team.
Well, Alex, I've been reading the bill, and for me, the scariest part of the bill is that it's so vague.
It's simply creating the framework for a new entity that's going to do this, but it doesn't say what they're looking for, how it's going to operate.
It's just showing that the Director of Homeland Security, or Secretary of Homeland Security, is going to be in charge of this.
Now, can you imagine if Janet Napolitano was our Director of Homeland Security again?
Islam was not our biggest threat. It was our veterans returning home.
So maybe if this pass does pass under President Trump, we may be okay for a while.
But who knows if we ever get President Warren or President Sanders.
Where's this beast going to go?
You're absolutely right.
And I'll say this, I will not support President Trump if he actually gets behind any of these bills.
I mean, if he says, oh, we need to have stronger enforcement of the background check or something like that, where all the time the people have been in mental institutions, like the Texas shooter at the church last year.
He'd been in a mental institution.
He'd been adjudicated, not be able to own guns, had a disorderly discharge or a bad discharge from the military.
Dishonorable is the word.
And he shouldn't have been able to own guns.
And the Pentagon, the Air Force, never put his name in the database.
So if Trump had some funding to have a better database or something to stop mentally ill people, that'd be fine with me.
But not psychiatrists, psychologists, just random people wave a magic wand.
They're the same ones saying Trump's crazy.
God bless you, Mark.
Great points.
Caitlin, we're out of time.
Thank you so much.
You're amazing.
Please join us again.
And we're always watching at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, your daily reports, and at LibertyHangout.org.
So we're praying for you, and just keep it going.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we have the owner of Central Texas Gun Works, Mr. Cargill, one of my good friends, popping in to talk about red flag laws and how they're expanding the homeless problem by design.
Then your phone calls will continue.
Please stay with us.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Please don't forget.
I guess the way that God works, or however this happens, we keep bringing in just the amount of money we need to operate.
And I want to expand.
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This company let me private label that.
We then discounted the Super Silver Cream.
Is the same nano silver, but it's just not gone through all the approval to, you know, say approved for over the counter in the drug section.
None of it means anything.
Again, what the FDA does is they got a law passed in 96 trying to outlaw supplements and Congress said no.
We're not saying we're drugs.
You have no jurisdiction.
So the FDA said, okay, well, you have to say not approved by the FDA.
So they're always like, Jones sells unapproved things.
Well that's because the FDA makes all the supplement companies sit there and say that
it is not approved by them because by law they don't have that jurisdiction to be able
to even do that.
But then they try to come in and regulate people who are claiming that they're drugs.
But we're not saying these are drugs, ladies and gentlemen.
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We're not saying that clean iodine is a drug.
This is all from mother nature that God gave us.
Whether it's turmeric or whether it's our high quality coffee.
They even try to say my coffee's a scheme.
My self coffee!
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Mmm, delicious vanilla.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We'll be with you for two segments.
Then if you want to stay on hold, callers, I love you to death.
I'll get to you in the segment after that, and the segment after that.
Tomorrow, in the fourth hour, we're going to have reporters who were embedded with the Hong Kong resistance, who just got back.
They are going to be hosting the fourth hour, Savannah Hernandez and of course, Greg Reese and others.
So look for that tomorrow in the fourth hour.
A lot of other surprise guests and things that are coming up here throughout the week.
Now, Michael Cargill.
He's a veteran.
He's a entrepreneur.
He's got a very successful gun shop and firearms training institute.
And he's who I got my concealed carry through as well.
And he's a frequent guest.
I mean, he's probably in the last seven, eight years, been in here a hundred times.
He's always welcome.
He just tells us when he wants to come on and he comes on.
But I called him today and he came right over.
Not just because he keeps exposing the homeless crisis that the mayor admits they're making worse to, quote, get more funding, which then brings more homeless, which then gets more funding.
Literal heroin heads everywhere, crapping all over the street.
He videotaped it.
So I'll tell you when to turn away.
That's coming up next segment.
But I wanted to get him on about the red flag laws and a focus on how dangerous they are and how bad they are.
What Trump was being told is it's just more funding for people that we know are mentally ill to be able to take guns when they're threatening to kill people.
Well, Trump's like, we already have that on the books.
That's why he said and shelved it last week.
Still, it's frightening he would look at that.
I agree.
But Dan Crenshaw, he's been pushing the worst forms of it and won't stop.
So I'm really upset to learn that we've got a Democrat in Republican clothing.
I don't want to go off on a jag against him.
But what is your take on the red flag fiasco?
We, you know, Alex, we already have laws on the books right now, you know, and you really can't legislate crazy.
You know, so we can't create new laws that are going to, you know, stop someone from doing something they really want to do.
This guy, you know, that we're talking about drove from, what, Dallas, Texas to El Paso, you know, 10 hours to actually kill random people.
So you have someone that's dead set on doing something like this?
There are no new laws that we can come up with.
What you can do is say, hey, you know, if the mother or the father who was a counselor noticed something was wrong with their son, they should have got him some help.
But it's not up to us to actually do something about that beforehand.
Do me a favor, move your mic in front of me a little bit.
It's cutting out.
Sure, you're making great points.
Well, look at Ohio.
The guy was a devil-worshipping Antifa.
And the guy in Texas wasn't Antifa.
They just erased his pages and put up that he was a right-winger.
I'm really worried that Antifa is staging these events to get our guns.
I mean, the guy in Ohio admitted it.
Yeah, and very dangerous people.
What we need to do is, I suggest everyone, you know, you go out there, you train up, you arm yourself, you get yourself prepared, and you get yourself ready, because there are people that are dead set, Antifa, wherever they are, dead set on committing just carnage around this nation, and it's really up to us to make sure that we're prepared to handle that, we can take care of our families, we can take care of ourselves, and that we stay trained and stay armed.
Michael Cargill of CentralTexasGunWorks.com, a veteran, an entrepreneur, and a person teaching the Second Amendment.
You know, the left tries to indoctrinate our children.
The way to defend the Second Amendment, I believe, is to exercise it properly, inform others, and train others, and really bring them out of the slavery of not being able to defend yourself.
Absolutely, you know, and I try to do that for my, you know, my students.
I try to release the change from their wrists and from their ankles and free them and say, hey, you know, here's the knowledge, here's the power, go out there and do great things and be great citizens of this country.
Let's talk about Crenshaw, because everybody was calling me, including a lot of military people that I'm friends with, saying, go after Crenshaw, go after Crenshaw, and I wasn't really paying attention.
Then I saw that He's been supporting all sorts of stuff, and I don't want to make him a target politically.
I just want him to get back with, you know, the law and find Jesus, basically.
Yeah, you know, Dan Crenshaw, he's gone off the path right now.
I don't know what's going on with him, you know, where he's getting off on, you know, talking about red flag laws and all this little tangent that he's on.
But he needs to remember his base.
Remember that the people that sent him to D.C.
sent him there for a reason.
And that is, you know, Texans want to be... We love our firearms.
We love our Second Amendment.
We love, you know, praising the Lord and passing the ammunition.
We do not need a U.S.
Congressman telling us, you know, that you're going to walk into our homes and take our guns because that's not going to happen here in Texas.
That's not going to stand in the United States.
We're just not going to put up for any of that stuff.
And it's because people know guns, they know their rights, and they're dug in.
If we knew all our other rights and were dug in, the system would never be able to take our other rights.
And it's important that you, you know, educate yourself on all the different laws.
Understand our Constitution.
Understand how we got to where we are today.
Learn history and how all that stuff works.
And Alex, you know all this stuff.
You know, because like in Austin, we're talking about like the homeless and all that stuff.
I mean, they literally, someone, It started way back in like the 50s where they went into the asylums and actually shut them down.
And now we have people that are just living amongst us that are just, you know, crazy and just losing it.
I think that's about half of it.
And the rest is, they'll give them a city check and a federal check and come out with vans and cater to them a couple times a week, giving them free goodies.
And they put it all into heroin, all into meth, all into alcohol.
And all around my office, all around your office, it used to be nice areas.
They're just people lounging around in easy chairs, shooting heroin up.
You'll drive by, they're just crapping right in the street in front of you.
Your kids are like, Daddy, what's that?
And they're just like monstrous, you know, mean, gross drug addicts.
And I don't want to come off as someone that's, you know, being heartless and picking on the homeless, you know.
But we're talking lawlessness, you know.
Yeah, a person has a right to, you should have a right to live, you know, and not be a responsible person if you don't want to.
But take care of yourself.
That's all fine and dandy.
Well, I mean, like you said, half of them are mentally ill, but the rest are just absolutely out of control drug addicts.
Just complete lawlessness.
And we're just, it's going to have to take some tough love because we have people that are You know, being sent here from other states.
They bus them here?
Yes, from other cities, and they're saying, hey, you know what, we don't want them here.
And the mayor knows that.
I'm sure, did you hear the mayor, when he was on the Kelby J about a month ago, and he said, I'm making the law where they can camp in your front yard.
That's the law, except for the city council, I'm not joking.
Talk about hypocrisy.
So that we get more money and fix the problem.
That's just going to bring more of them here!
And they're coming.
We're seeing this every single day.
You go down to the bus station, they're rolling in, and no one's doing anything.
We've got to reverse what the city of Austin has done because, as goes the city of Austin, will go to every other city in this state and every other city and state in this nation.
And again, folks, on the sidewalk, in front of your house, because before the cops would stop them in neighborhoods.
Well, now they want to be in your neighborhood, folks.
When we come back, we'll show the video.
This is your nice facility.
They're out there.
We're not going to show the video yet.
Describe what you just catch on a daily basis.
Yeah, it's sad.
I have customers coming in, customers leaving, and they're witnessing this stuff, and it's just really sad.
It's something that we really shouldn't have to put up with, but this is where we are.
This is the place that we made.
This is the state of Texas that you're turning into.
We have people that are moving here from California, moving from Washington State, from Oregon, and they're bringing those ideas with them.
And we've got to do something.
We've got to push back and say, you know what, this has got to stop.
This complete lawlessness, just lounging around, doing nothing, not being productive to society, and just committing crimes, stealing, and it's got to stop.
Richard Linklater back in the 90s made the famous film Slacker, but it's not an owner's manual.
And again, we shouldn't pay for people's sex changes, and we shouldn't pay for homeless to just lay around and inject heroin all day.
We're gonna come back and play this video, but describe it.
In one video you got on the news, he injects heroin, and this is what they do, then he craps all over the place.
Oh, he's defecating and he's actually trying to shoot up all at the same time.
All in one stride.
Not even breathing.
Just shooting up and crapping all in the same place.
Literally turning the city of Austin into a liberal shithole.
We'll delay that, but Austin... Folks, it's a formula.
The Democrats do it everywhere.
It's a plan.
It's a plan.
We'll explain how to stop it on the other side.
Throw their dirty asses out.
That includes the homeless that are criminals and the mayor of Austin, the chief criminal amongst them.
As usual, it seems like people are finally catching up to what Infowars was breaking first.
We know what's happening.
We've seen it.
We've seen it happen to you guys.
I was just worried that people weren't really aware of how bad it is and what's really going on.
InfoWars has been on the front front of that fight.
I've been on the front front of that fight and we gotta see more.
You know, I say this.
I'm going to say this about InfoWars.
Everybody can say whatever they want.
Alex Jones is the man, in my opinion.
I mean, whatever people want to say.
I've been a fan of InfoWars.
Hey, Alex.
Free Alex Jones.
Alex Jones needs to be back on social media where he belongs.
What happened to Alex is horrific, you know?
And I think that he was just sort of the litmus test for a lot of these tech companies.
You know, I can't say I agree with every single thing that Alex has said, but that's not the point.
He should have his freedom of speech, and he should be able to have that freedom on any platform that he chooses.
He's not inciting violence, like Antifa does.
Even Antifa sites haven't been shut down, but yet Alex Jones has because they don't agree with him or whatever.
They're like fascists to me, Facebook and all of them.
They're the real fascists.
We've got to make them kick us off, and then all that would do is be underlying what they're doing to us.
And I really hope that in the future we can Get him and all of the other people that have been treated so terribly by Big Tech.
Oh, we can take him out because he's sort of the symbol of, you know, the most extreme voice out there, you know, and so I think to him they targeted him and used him as an example.
A modern-day deep person basically.
It's almost like a death sentence.
You can't get your voice out there.
But if they come after him, they can come after anyone.
So he should have his platform just like anybody else does.
InfoWars has given so many young people a platform in the beginning to get their voice out there.
Luckily, Alex's and your guys' audience is so big and so loyal that they're able to follow him to his personal website or the show's website.
But other people don't have that luxury.
If you're a smaller creator and you get de-platformed early on, no one will even know you exist.
I gotta give a shout-out to InfoWars.
I don't care what nobody will say.
I met Alex Jones personally.
I buy the supplements and everything, so I just want to give a shout-out to y'all, man.
You don't get enough credit.
He's a freedom fighter.
He should be here today at the White House.
I love you, Alex.
Everybody knows Ground Zero, Patient Zero is InfoWars and Alex Jones.
Everybody knows that.
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InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Yo, bro, what's up?
Let's get down.
Hang around.
You think you're f***ing tough?
You're about to get it.
I will break your jaw.
I will knock your teeth out.
I will break your nose.
I will break your neck.
I'm not afraid of you people.
You're a little wimp.
You son of a piece of garbage.
I hate you.
My listeners hate you.
And remember that scumbag forever.
If you don't spread the links, the globalists win.
Spread the legs!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
We're back, broadcasting worldwide right now.
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So this is almost a lost leader with 50% off DNA Force Plus.
In fact, they may have just said 25% off this because maybe it loses money.
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Maybe we'll keep it at that.
I don't know.
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We've got to keep the rest back because a lot of this isn't coming in for 10 weeks.
Done talking about that.
Now we're going to just roll this video in the background while you speak about it.
It's gross so a lot of folks won't want to watch it, but we're documenting What's going on for radio listeners?
Describe just, just, just daily.
A couple years ago, I bought a lot of guns at your place or, you know, been over there taking classes from you.
Never saw homeless.
Now, whether you're in North Austin, whether you're in Westlake, whether you're in South Austin, nice areas, bad areas, they're just homeless encampments everywhere encroaching now, even at the businesses.
Yeah, and I'm not trying to, you know, talk bad about the homeless itself.
I'm, you know, really, you know, focused on the lawlessness that we're seeing here.
And you're absolutely correct, you know, we're seeing this everywhere.
And it was not like this over a year ago, you know, but now it's just terrible.
We have, you know, I walk outside my door and literally I'm standing here, I'm looking at this guy.
This guy is, he's He's doing the number two and he's shooting it up at the same time.
Literally right by my front door where my customers are coming in and going out.
And this is a very busy area.
We have, there's a transit station, a bus station right next door to us.
There's the, you know, we have people that are going in to get acupuncture done.
We have people going in to get physical therapy.
A lot of stuff is going on.
It's a very heavy traffic area.
There's a restaurant.
Yeah, a restaurant there as well.
And that's what you see when you're walking across the parking lot.
You see someone who's defecating and shooting up all at the same time right in front of your face in broad daylight.
And let's be clear.
Some are mentally ill, we should take care of them.
The churches, the system, you should do that.
There's a lot more mental illness now, though, because of all the corruption in drugs.
That's causing mental illness.
Weaponized marijuana is causing massive schizophrenia increases.
But a lot of them are just piratical, rude, like the drag rats are a gang!
Well, mainly white kids that have been around at least 20 years that beat up and robbed people down on the UT drag and the police aren't able to do anything about it.
So a lot of these are violent gangs as well.
What's funny about it is University of Texas is pushing back.
You have the UT police chief just released a statement today.
He's saying, hey, you know, something needs to be done.
This is actually pretty funny because you have the progressive Democrats that are pushing against the progressive Democrats.
That's incredible.
Yeah, the University of Texas, they're saying, hey, it's too much for them.
And they're the ones that said, you know, bring us your poor, bring us everything, you know, we can handle it.
We're very, we're the progressive liberals here.
And it's too much for the University of Texas.
Well, it even made the newspapers, you know, we put it up on screen earlier, when the mayor went on local talk radio and said, I did this to show you the homeless problem.
Show that we get more funding.
But he's inviting them here from all over the country.
The endgame is the city services all this.
The city gets money to take care of the homeless.
And then city council members, family members, and folks run the groups that skim money off the top.
The drug dealers sell them the drugs.
I mean, they know exactly what they're doing.
Yeah, you have ladies that are being raped on a weekly basis in this town.
Sexual assault is happening in our parks.
Oh, crime's exploding.
Yes, in our parks and they're just, you know, encampments are growing in the parks and that's the place that it wasn't supposed to be.
He said you're not gonna be able to do this at City Hall property, you're not gonna be able to do this also in the parks, but that's not what's happening.
We're seeing this happening right now.
Law enforcement is not doing anything about it and you have kids that are scared, you have the little girls, little boys that are scared to go to school, to walk to school.
It's just not safe for them anymore.
Well, I went to Seattle last year, early last year, and we were staying at a four-star hotel, not in a nice area of town.
There were crack pipes and needles right outside when you walked out with my children.
And then when I would try to go places, there was feces all over the place and homeless encampments everywhere.
And they're on heroin that the CHICOMS are shipping in.
And that's really what it is, is a heroin epidemic.
Yeah, and I don't even know what to say to that.
That's just, that's sad, you know, because you're talking needles, you have to bypass.
My goodness, that is not something that's supposed to happen.
And we've got Democrats leaving California and Oregon and places to come here, but they bring their culture with them.
Yes, yes, exactly.
And we don't want that in Texas.
This is Texas, the Lone Star State.
We don't want that.
We don't want to be the Lone Poop State.
Why do you think every blue city is infested with rats, feces, and needles, and getting worse?
It's the leadership.
The leadership that people are voting into those cities.
It's happening in Dallas, in El Paso, San Antonio.
That leadership is allowing this type of behavior to happen.
Let's be clear.
Almost every city in Texas is blue now?
Almost every major city.
Your large cities.
You know, out in West Texas, East Texas, your smaller towns, they're remaining red and strong and they don't have these issues.
And once the Democrats get control of a city, you never go red again because they engage in election fraud.
They take charge, and then we've lost it forever.
You know, they're very close by the next election, the one after that, winning Texas.
And all these good old boys won't go out and warn people, won't rally them to vote.
That'll never happen, Texas!
California was as right-wing as we were 30 years ago.
You need to wake up.
Yeah, wake up now and smell the coffee.
Because if you don't, you know, we're going to lose.
You're going to lose the Second Amendment.
You're going to have red flag laws in the state of Texas.
You know, and I never thought in a million years I'd be talking about having a red flag law, talking about universal background checks.
But that's all you're hearing now.
I'm hearing this coming from the governor's office.
I'm hearing this coming from some of our, you know, so-called Republican elected officials that are in D.C.
And they're saying, hey, we need to, you know, let's do universal background checks.
I'm like, what are you talking about?
Universal background checks for?
And I want people to understand, what does that really mean?
When you say universal background checks, you're saying that, let's say you did something 20, 30 years ago, and you've been an outstanding citizen.
You paid your debt to society.
That means that you're never going to be forgiven for that crime.
Why send someone to jail?
Why make them pay for that debt to society if they're not going to get their rights back?
I was about to say, it's worse than that.
The Democrats are saying, just extra-judicially, if somebody thinks you're scary, you didn't make a threat, you lose your guns.
And then it gets even worse than that.
They're talking about these red flag laws.
Well, take the universal background or the gun show loophole.
That means that a father can't give his son a shotgun.
That is correct.
That's correct.
You can't pass it down to your father, your son, or, you know, to an uncle or brother or anything like that.
You're gonna have to walk into a gun store and do a background check first just to give someone a gift.
And there's not that many homeless people.
It's not bad there, but it's bad pretty much everywhere now.
It's like Day of the Dead, as Joe Rogan described it in Los Angeles.
It's getting worse, so we're trying to bring attention to the Blue City Blight.
Thank you so much.
Michael Cargill, thanks for coming in, my friend.
Absolutely, Alex.
Thank you very much for having me.
You bet.
We'll be back with your call.
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sent off as an introductory at InfoWarsLive and InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you.
Alright, we're going right to your phone calls for the troopers that have been holding since last hour's topic that's so critical.
Communist China is now in control of Apple.
It's in control of the iPhones and all their devices.
It's been given the code keys publicly.
Huawei is admittedly spying on us.
Trump said no.
They're holding Hong Kong hostage, threatening to invade, declare martial law.
They've infiltrated the colleges, the government.
They have backdoors in the chips.
And the media is siding with China.
The Washington Post is siding with China.
This is a big deal.
What do you think about that?
Let's see who's been holding the longest here.
Chad in Washington, thank you so much for holding.
I'm gonna go to Josh, Adam, and others.
Go ahead, Chad.
Yeah, a couple points I want to make here.
First, I just want to ask you, what do you think of the Foxconn factory that's about to open here in the U.S.?
I remember you years ago talking about those factories and the suicide nets, and it kind of just sounds like we're turning to China slowly.
And then I would like to make another point about the Second Amendment.
and Donald Trump and Crenshaw, you know, everyone is in lockstep right now for gun control.
There's not really a politician out there against gun control, particularly when we're
talking red flag laws.
And remember, Crenshaw isn't just talking rhetoric.
He's a co-author of the TAPS Act.
He helped write that.
And this is what they're going to be pushing when they go back into session in September.
Congress, that is.
And I think when it comes to the Second Amendment, Trump is a complete failure.
He's done more damage than Obama.
That's now history now.
And sadly, truth is stranger than fiction.
That's really all I'm at with that.
And I don't think I'm voting at all in 2020.
You know, I hear you.
Trump's big failing is that he's never been a gun guy.
His sons told him he's wrong.
Nobody used the bump stocks.
They're pieces of junk, so they're like, oh, let him do that.
But it creates the idea that taking guns means we're going to be safer when that's a fraud.
And it's one of Trump's biggest failings.
He's doing a good job on a lot of other things.
I'm glad it's not Hillary, but you're absolutely right.
Why should we try to appease the Violence Policy Center and Million Moms for Gun Confiscation?
Why did Crenshaw, like you say, co-author the really draconian bill that they support?
You're right.
And then separately, we have regulations and things for safer factories than China.
Foxconn is coming here under pressure from Trump, but they're only giving us one out of, I forget how many, but they got a whole bunch of factors.
Something like a hundred or something in China.
And so they're only bringing one to Wisconsin.
And so I don't see that as us becoming China.
I see that as the pressure to bring a lot of jobs back to the U.S.
You bring up really, really good points.
Thank you for the call.
You know, again, listeners have been really angry about the red flag stuff.
And I told you if they pass it or try to pass it, I'll get really mad.
I've been told by NRA board members, not one but two, that have met with Trump that he said, watch, I'll tell them, because it's all emotional, that okay, we'll do something, and then they'll ask for everything and won't get it.
But I just don't think you should play politics like that.
And I was right, he took it down for pressure.
I mean, maybe you're right, maybe the pressure made Trump pull it.
Maybe he really wants to take our guns.
That's just insane.
And people are not going to accept it.
The First Amendment and the Second Amendment are more important than Trump.
And remember, he wrote in, he surfed in on a wave of nationalism and populism.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to who's been holding longest now.
That would be Ben in Canada.
Ben, you're on the air.
How's it going today?
Good, brother.
A couple things I want to talk to you about.
I want to give you a Canadian perspective of the stuff you're talking about.
Everything you talk about is happening in Canada as far as guns being taken away, the drug problem, if you've ever seen Hastings Street in Vancouver, BC.
One of the worst streets in North America.
And on the topic of Trump, as far as Alberta goes, Canada has done a survey on Trump, and Alberta leads Canada in Trump support.
I just want to let you know that.
And, um, as far as China goes, um, I support Trump, myself, on the China situation.
However, um, Trudeau, um, we've dealt with China quite a bit in our trade, and, uh, as you know, your farming community, uh, is, uh, suffering slowly because of China cutting your farming off.
They're doing the same thing in Canada.
But the first... Oh, you're right.
We're in a war, brother, so people are gonna get hurt.
Go ahead.
Oh, we're in a war.
We're in a war.
And as far as China goes, the first chance Trudeau gets to start dealing with China again, regardless of what Trump does, and let me say again, I support Trump more than I do Trudeau, which is sad, but not that I hate Trump, I just hate Trudeau.
But the first chance Trudeau gets to deal with China again, he will, just for his own You know, political games, you know, just so he can stay in power.
He doesn't really give a crap.
I think that's an understatement on Trudeau, Ben.
You're awesome.
Thanks for holding and thanks for calling from the beautiful country of Canada.
Okay, let's go ahead and go next to California and Adam.
Adam, thanks for calling and thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Alex, this is Adam with nomorenews.org.
I've been one of your biggest fans for 10 years, and perfect topic today to talk about treason in China, because ever since the rise of Trump, I really studied it deep and realized that all the accusations and rumors about you being a Zionist Apologists, propagandists are all right, and Trump is completely a Zionist agent, owned by Adelson, AIPAC, ZOA, bailed out by the Rothschilds in the early 90s for billions of dollars with Wilbur Ross, who's now our Commerce Secretary.
He got the top Zionist award in 1983 from the JNF, the Jewish National Fund, founded by Theodore Herzl.
He's totally controlled by Netanyahu and Kushner.
Trump donates to Kushner, who is Chabad.
He donates to Chabad.
They consider Christianity idolatry.
That's who Trump supports.
And you, blaming everything on China, deflecting from who really is controlling and conquered this country, is treason.
George Washington would accuse you of being a traitor, and you should be ashamed of yourself for covering up for who really controls.
Can I talk now, Adam?
I barely think about Israel, and I've seen the mental illness of people out there that say that I work for Israel, or I get talking points from Israel.
Israel is, again, a diverse group of people, different parties, just like the U.S., just like Russia.
I've been accused of working for Putin.
I've been accused of working for the Vatican.
I'm an American.
I'm a Texan that believes in the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
I'm trying to create a big tent.
To bring everybody around Americana and stop all the racial and cultural division that the left is using.
And I've seen the extreme left, like the four horsemen, you know, Tlaib and AOC and, you know, all those folks.
Peanuthead from Somalia, whatever her name is.
All that, literally constantly saying the same thing, that Israel needs to be overthrown, that Israel runs America.
And so what you're saying is, I'm the bad guy, and AOC and Tlaib and Omar and other folks and Presley, they're the good guys.
That's what you're saying.
People have been saying this about Zionism.
Stop it.
Stop it for a minute.
Answer my question, okay?
Because I support the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the Second Amendment.
I want to protect the unborn.
I'm a Christian.
And I have experienced the lies and the fetish, the fetish that people that obsess on Israel, people that obsess on Masons and all this stuff.
It's crazy.
I'm trying to create Unity around the Bill of Rights and Constitution and making our sovereignty great and believing in our country again.
I mean, China does own our debt.
The biggest part of it.
China has bought up the big production companies.
Chi-Com propaganda is everywhere.
The Washington Post is saying, we hope Xi crushes Trump.
That happened at Davos.
They said, Xi will crush Trump.
These are real things.
I mean, you're telling me That the CHICOMS, that the CFR doesn't say that the Chinese Century's here and that America's done, and the Economist owned by the Rothschilds, you want to talk about Jews all day?
I mean, you understand, like, the Rothschilds tried to unseat Netanyahu.
You understand that the Jewry worldwide is not one block.
I mean, you've actually read real history books, right?
Not just Nazi books.
See, you're talking about red flag laws, and you say anybody that criticizes Israel is mentally ill, and you call them... Whoa, whoa, whoa.
That's not a... Hold on.
That's not a real... I don't believe if someone says they think you're mentally ill, that you should have your guns taken.
Now, that is... that is an ad hominem attack.
That is twisted.
That is a fraud.
Now, I do not believe anybody should have their guns taken unless they're saying, I'm going to go kill these innocent people.
Then that's a terroristic threat.
They should be arrested, taken in for mental evaluation.
I'm saying people that fetishize the Vatican running everything, people that fetishize Jews running everything, people that fetishize this or that group running everything, I'm going to hold you over so you can finish up.
And I've got to be fair to Justin and Josh and Rex, because we've got Mike Adams coming up.
This is Divide and Conquer.
If you've got AIPAC supporting gun control, I've come out against AIPAC when some other people supported it.
I go off issues here.
Do I not like some of the Israel lobby manipulating the U.S.?
I don't want the Chinese lobby either, but you saying the Chinese aren't powerful is pure crap.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on air 25 years and I've never at a gut level felt the fire of war.
Like I do right now, ladies and gentlemen.
So many incredible things are happening.
So many dangerous things are unfolding.
And at a cellular level, at a spiritual gut level, At the heart of my gut, the heart of my mind, at every level, I can just feel the evil rage of the globalists, knowing that their plan for world government, and their plan for total censorship, and their plan for human-animal clones, and sex with children, and Satanism is in trouble.
It can feel the spirit of Christ coming back into the world.
There's gonna be a tribulation.
During this fight, the devil knows he's going to lose.
The devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows his time is short.
And I can feel Satan's rage.
I know you can feel it.
And they are planning a bloody revolution here.
They're planning massive censorship across the country and the world.
This is a time to be praying to Christ for justice and for freedom and that God's spirit come into you and lead God and direct you.
But it's also time to be politically and culturally active.
And it's time to spread the word about InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and override the AI sensors, to override their systems, and to let people know, hey, here's the name that must not be spoken.
Here's what the world fears.
Here's the guest and the information and the history and the analysis that is the cure to the globalist poison.
Strength lies entirely with you and the action you take.
You are the InfoWars.
You are the resistance, and everything you do now will affect the battle space for billions of lives going to the future.
The war has already begun, to quote Patrick Henry.
It's an information and spiritual war.
The enemy's losing that war so they want to make it a physical war.
So prepare yourselves.
You have been warned.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm gonna jam in a few final calls here.
Mike Adams is taking over.
But, sometimes I go into YouTube and I type in Alex Jones, just to see what videos they're allowing on, because it's only the negative, predominantly, and I'm not allowed to ever respond to attacks.
And a couple times I've seen, I think this is the same guy, video, and I saw one just like a week ago or something, and it was like 5 minutes long, off a 20 minute rant I did, all edited selectively, Show that it would make it sound like I was just purely supporting Israel.
And that's called being deceptive and intellectually dishonest.
And I watched it, and I didn't feel bad.
I'm glad even the negativity will bring people to the show to find the truth of what's really being covered here.
But that type of intellectual midgetry is not good.
And then I had the producer go, oh yeah, this guy's been on with Owen to debate him.
So we have let this guy on the shows before, and he can't even, like a normal person, just have a debate.
We're all guilty of treason, and we're getting orders from the Zionists.
Nobody gives me orders.
And so, you know, you're going to have to pick.
Is it the Russians?
Is it the Jews?
Is it the Vatican?
Is it the, you know, Masonic folks?
Blah, blah, blah.
Jones admits he's an intelligence agent because he admits he's talked to people in government.
I know more than the generals that call me up.
I mean, it's a mental midgetry.
I'm the maverick.
I'm the original.
I call the shots.
I set this up.
I believe in freedom.
I'm not like other men who only follow the directives of others or other people's ideologies.
I've rebooted Americana 2.0.
I'm not bragging.
I am me.
Here I am.
So, if you watch C-SPAN, and you watch Senator Blumenthal, whose law firm is trying to destroy me, In just hellish things you can't imagine.
And the ADL coming after me, none of that means anything to the mental midgets.
Because they don't know the Southern Poverty Law Center and others run them and run their
ideology to keep the division going.
They don't know that Israel's bombed Jewish enclaves to make Jews then go to Israel under
corrupt regimes in Israel.
They don't know I've made films on that.
It isn't about real mental understanding.
It's about the thought of superiority, where everyone else is a shill of some group, but you, you're the truthful one.
You're the pure one.
You're the one that knows.
You're the trailblazer.
You're the maverick.
That's why you can spew attacks on me all day.
All day long, with all these other thousands of groups, and it gets monetized and pushed on everyone, but I can't be heard because I'm the real one that really cares about black babies, and white babies, and Hispanic babies, and Christian babies, and Jewish babies, and Muslim babies.
I care about humanity.
I want a pro-human future.
And while you're obsessing all day on Jews, the globalists are eugenicists planning a post-human world.
That's what's really happening.
Paul, we're divided and conquered.
Now, I gotta go to break, and I'll take Josh, Justin, and Rex's calls.
And I gotta move quick, because Mike Adams is loaded for bear.
But you've got a minute and 20 seconds to finish up.
Go ahead.
Israel and Bibi are selling us out to China with the Belt and Road Initiative.
And if you care about America and you're a patriot, you will cover the tech transfer.
Netanyahu and Paul Stinger, Trump supporter.
All of the tech.
ADL, Apple, Intel factories, Ford factories.
It's all being— I've covered all that.
Israel that's dominating in cybersecurity and then you're gonna say
that Epstein is controlled by the Chai comms in a video the other day it's the
mega group it's Wexner it's Bronfman it's all of these Dynas groups connected
to Mossad connected to mega group connected to birthright going back to
Roy Cohn all these things you want to talk about China getting into school
look at the Alge's zero I thought you said I'm making it up that China is our
big adversary. All you can do is mute people and then and then talk forever.
Debate me on my show.
Give me an hour without muting me any time to try to win the debate.
I've only found giving you guys attention only makes you lie more.
You're not looking for real discussions.
You're looking to be superior.
You're looking to lie about and misrepresent so you can be the only person that tells the truth.
And that's good.
Enjoy being on YouTube.
I'm banned there.
Because I'm not a chosen one like you.
You are chosen.
David Duke is allowed to operate.
You're a chosen one.
I'm not a chosen one like you, Adam.
I understand.
You're superior.
You're better.
Have fun on YouTube.
I'm banned from there.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll be back.
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Welcome back.
Mike Adams is taking over here in just a few minutes.
From nationalnews.com, I'm Alex Jones of newswars.com and infowars.com.
I take a few of your calls right now.
You just joined us.
There was a caller who has a YouTube channel, and he was saying that I'm engaged in treason with the Jews for saying that China is our big adversary.
But then he said, no, the Jews run China.
And then he listed Jewish companies that have been involved in China.
Yeah, Israel sold them weapons, cigarettes.
You name it, a bunch of countries have it.
It's wrong!
Our governments are corrupt.
Whether it's Israel, the U.S., you name it.
We're trying to fix it.
But his claim that Trump is working with China to screw us over for the Jews... Trump has broken China's ribs.
Trump is hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars of tariffs a year.
He's stopping it all.
The Jews sold us out to China through Trump, and now Trump's, who just got in office, is taking a baseball bat to China's teeth.
It's just, you heard him floundering around.
It was very, very sad.
And again, I'm not interested in obsessing on Jews.
I don't worship Jews like Adam does.
I love God, and I love freedom, and I love humanity, and I want to build a human world for us all based on ideas, like Martin Luther King said, that unify us around a tenet of ideas.
Being good, being honorable, building good society, not killing the unborn, not dehumanizing ourselves, knowing we have a connection to God, and the left's creating racial and cultural division And then ruling over us with it.
I reject the left.
I reject all the things they're doing.
I reject all their bigotry.
And that's what I'm doing.
Now, is there a consortium of very vicious people in Congress and rich and powerful coming after me?
And they're mad that I'm unifying people.
And that's just the way it is.
So it's going to continue to happen.
Now, this is a powerful video.
We've had it up for an hour.
I should have gotten to it an hour ago, but we've had some great guests on.
Biden apparently forgets Obama's name.
Kent Daniels' story up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
I said it months and months and months and months and months and months ago.
I said that Biden's had another stroke.
He's slurring all his words.
He'll never make it.
Until the end of the campaign.
A year plus away.
A year and three months away.
He's never gonna make it.
He's neurologically, just everything's a gaffe.
Everything's marbles in his mouth.
And so who's gonna come in at the last minute?
Michelle Obama?
I know they've been in talks.
Told you that a year ago.
I don't make this stuff up.
She's basically still on the campaign trail.
Nobody's showing up.
But their arrogance is incredible.
So here's that clip of Biden.
Because they invaded another country and annexed a significant portion of what's called Crimea.
He's saying that it was President, my boss, it was his fault.
My boss.
He can't even say Obama.
And the gaffes just keep rolling.
Let's take a few final calls here.
Who's been holding longest?
Rex in Texas.
84-year-old Infowarrior.
I might have read that earlier and I got you on first.
I apologize.
Rex, welcome, sir.
Recently, I took a look at your documentary about the U.N.
having taken over the national parks and the Presidio.
Yes, sir.
And how we gave the deepwater ports in L.A.
to Costco and in China.
Uh, and then, uh, it ended up with you being in Austin, uh, refusing to give your thumbprint for a driver's license.
Yes, sir.
That's America Destroyed by Design.
Made that in 1997.
Yeah, that's great.
Uh, thank you.
And you talked today about another right, other rights being taken away.
Well, you know, uh, they're trying to implement the real, uh, National Real ID Act.
Uh, right here in Texas.
Very dangerous.
And when you're applying for a driver's license renewal, you have to have a birth certificate or a passport.
But the illegal aliens don't need that.
Oh, that's right.
That's exactly right.
And, uh, uh, I think we really need to push back about that.
I wholeheartedly agree with you.
What do you think about Trump taking on China?
You think he's really doing it?
That last caller says Trump's basically run by China.
No, I think he's taking him on.
And I'm kind of like you.
There are things that I'm questioning.
I think he should be a little more forceful about protecting the borders and things like that.
But he's the best we got right now.
And there sure as hell is how to tag him out.
Rex, God bless you.
I appreciate you calling.
Great points.
Love that guy's voice.
Let's go ahead and talk to Justin in Ohio.
Justin and then Josh.
Go ahead, Justin.
It's a pleasure to talk to you, Alex.
This is the first time I've actually had the opportunity to.
Good to talk to you, brother.
So there's three different things that I wanted to cover.
One being with China.
The other thing with China and Hong Kong.
With, you know, how much deep state and the cabal is kind of against Trump.
What do you think that the chances are that he'll try doing an arm Well that's a great point, because they're talking about martial law in Hong Kong now.
Could the Chi-Kong stage a false flag to make it look like the Hong Kongers are the bad guys?
That's the exact type of card they may play.
Because right now the Chi-Kongs pull anything big or get violent in New Tienanmen Square, word is, the whole mainland may collapse because they're in a state of rebellion already.
The other points, one was going to be on the red flag laws.
What do we have, like 22,000 gun laws that are already on the books, or maybe more than that?
And red flags wouldn't have saved any of these people, exactly.
So why are we gonna put one more on?
It's like beating a dead horse and expecting to win the race.
Well, Trump wants to make it look like, in Crenshaw, to the soccer moms, that they're doing something.
They're gonna vote against him regardless.
Crenshaw is a lightweight.
He still thinks big corporate media is powerful.
Believe me, that guy sticks his finger up to which way the wind blows.
And then Trump's listening to advisers saying, sir, you need these women in blue state areas that went for you, that are purple areas, and at least act like you're doing something, sir.
No, he should come out and blame the psychotropic drugs they're on and the fact of all the warnings and make that the issue.
That's what we've got to do.
Thank you, Justin.
Thank you so much for holding.
These are amazing calls today.
Josh in Washington.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
I have an idea for a new InfoWars t-shirt.
Instead of, this is your brain, this is your brain on drugs, this is your brain, this is your brain on 5G.
Ooh, yeah!
Showing your brain, getting fried.
Uh, and I have some ideas for, um, or some comments on your supplements, man.
Totally changed my life.
I use TurboForce bodies, AlphaPower, BrainForce, the fish oil, Ultra12 daily.
X2 every several days now.
And what I found is is really combining them is a totally synergistic and transcendent feeling that I get by combining all your products.
And I just want to urge all your listeners who haven't tried them, I just want to say why not?
Well, you're right that all of these things are known to be incredible.
Whether it's turmeric, or whether it's the fish oil, or the krill oil, or whether it's the DNA force with the CoQ10 and BioPQQ and all the rest of it.
All of these are things that are like rocket fuel in the body.
People think just dumping energy, you know, drinks on it will do something.
No, if your base isn't there, none of it works.
But you take these bases together, then you have your foundation.
Now you can build the big strong temple.
It's not that I'm perfect either.
I treat my body really bad.
But with these products I take when I religiously remember to take them, it makes my life so much better.
And then it funds the information war, which is so critical.
So thank you.
What was your point on Trump taking action?
I just want to say to Trump not to telegraph everything.
It's like a quarterback letting the defense know where you're about to throw a pass.
And then the defense picks it off and runs into the end zone.
I wish Trump would just take legal and lawful action.
Get things done.
Don't let everybody, and especially his enemies in the media and globalists, know exactly what he's going to do.
Just do it.
You don't have to spend all this time on Twitter letting everybody know what you're going to do.
Trump, just take action legally and lawfully.
You're the Commander-in-Chief.
Get it done.
And once it's done, it's done.
I totally agree with you.
I mean, I think Twitter's still very useful.
You should do more fireside chat stuff like Ross Perot would do, showing graphs and things.
Not just his chopper talks, but just don't become Dan Crenshaw.
I think that's the moral of the story.
Thank you so much.
God bless you.
We got to all the calls today.
I probably took like 40 of them.
Good job to the crew.
Good job to everybody.
Now, Mike Adams for the next 40 minutes, naturalnews.com.
45 minutes.
He is taking over and he's always riveting and informative.
So whatever you do, spread the word about the live feed at infowars.com forward slash show.
That is beyond critical.
It's your mission if you choose to accept it.
I've known Alex for, like, more than 20 years.
I've hung out with that guy.
We've been hammered together so many times.
That is the most misunderstood guy on the planet.
He was right about all this Jeffrey Epstein s***.
That is a f***ing fact.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
For years, Jones has been spreading conspiracy theories.
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones, the far-right conspiracy theorist.
Radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Alex Jones supported President Trump, but also peddled and promoted sick conspiracy theories.
It's really hard for me to understand how anyone can be so sick in the head.
Alex Jones, my God, Mika, and just...
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Alex Jones has been behind several right-wing conspiracy theories.
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Radio host and conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
The captain of America's conspiracy theory mothership.
Alex Jones espouses a litany of conspiracy theories, although he thinks that term belittles his reporting.
The government's poisoning the water?
I have all these other government documents where the government proposes and government think tanks propose.
It's poisoning the water to dumb down the population, make them more easily manageable.
Oh dear, the fluoride didn't work on this one.
He's fighting back against my takeover.
Hurry, chemtrail him immediately!
I've noticed what they attack me with on mainstream news.
Jones claims your cell phones are killing you.
Jones claims there's chemicals in the water that are lowering your fertility and confusing your sexuality.
Jones says there's black helicopters.
Jones says there's a world government.
Jones says the EU is unelected.
It is.
On and on and on.
And everything we're saying is out in the open.
Kelly Prime's son, Kyle, was just 10 years old when he was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2016.
Five months later, Kyle's friend and classmate, Mason Perulli, developed brain cancer.
Two more kids at the school were diagnosed this year.
The moms believe the recent increase in cancer cases could be caused by radiation from radiofrequency, or RF waves, coming from this cell tower located on the elementary school campus.
So think about how the LA Times, even Wired Magazine, will admit there are thousands of studies that prove that wireless radiation, as it's intensified in its strength the last 30 years, and how many places it's emanating from, and especially the microwave millimeter waves.
Cell phones!
...operate as microwave transmitters and receivers, transceivers.
Now, what's a microwave do?
It vibrates water, vibrates molecules.
And 5G is an even more powerful form of microwave that even rattles it faster.
That's what causes the heat, the friction of the molecules, and burns oxygen and carbon dioxide.
You heard me right.
5G burns the atmosphere.
Epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting prostitution in Florida in 2008 as part of a controversial deal.
In a civil case against the government about that deal, one accuser says she took part in an orgy on Epstein's private island in 2002 with approximately eight other young girls who appeared to be under the age of 18.
What may have happened here?
Just because some people want to restrict views doesn't mean they have a right to do it.
And see, once that happens, now you can shut down the details of Bill Clinton's best buddy and the pedophile island that we've been exposing.
Prison guards working when Epstein apparently died by suicide may have falsified reports to make it look like they were checking in on Epstein, when they were in fact not.
I am now more suspicious than ever that this could be a homicide.
People won't listen to me because I got too much data!
Can you imagine what this is like?
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
He was saying that they take a lot of famous people to this island and they have all these young girls that this guy hooks them up with.
He was talking about this years ago.
Now it is mainstream news.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
Alright, Mike Adams of Natural News stepping in here for the remainder of the fourth hour on the Alex Jones Show this day, this, what is it, August 28th?
Wow, time is flying.
It's always great to be here and I appreciate your attention to the urgency of the issues that we're now facing.
I've got some bombshell items to share with you over the next couple of segments.
Let's just get right to them.
First of all, a big question about is Andrew McCabe going to be charged?
Is anybody in the deep state going to be charged for the criminal coup attempt Against President Trump, the illegal surveillance.
Is Barack Obama going to be charged?
Or Hillary Clinton and the corruption of the Clinton family or the Clinton Foundation that took money from international sources as a kind of pre-purchase bribery of what she thought would be her presidency in the White House.
Because the question is, if these people aren't going to be charged, then we have a lawless society And we are living under a deep state dictatorship.
I mean, we either charge these criminals for the treason that they committed, for the FISA court fraud, for the lying and the illegal leaking of people like James Comey.
We either charge these people, or the rule of law does not exist in this country.
And I hope, and I believe that William Barr understands this, by the way.
And I think that President Trump understands this as well.
But we cannot let these criminals get away with what they attempted to do.
They tried to overthrow the country.
They got caught.
They have been stopped.
And it's time to charge them, to criminally indict them.
Otherwise, what do we have?
Why would any citizen follow any law ever again in this country if the people with the most power can't even be held accountable for the most malicious crimes carried out against this country?
So that's the first item.
Watch the news to see if Andrew McCabe gets charged in the coming days.
A second item that's very important.
There's a new program that has been pushed by an organization called the Suzanne Wright Foundation.
This is being pushed onto President Trump as a new form of monitoring the mental illness of people to try to assert red flag gun control oppression.
This program is called HARPA.
And again, it's the Suzanne Wright Foundation that is pushing this.
What's crucial to understand about this, and I know that, I think Ellen Schreuer covered this the other day as well.
But what's important to understand is that this program calls for the government to monitor the mental health of all Americans by surveilling you through all of the tech company devices that you are installing in your home, such as Amazon Echo, or Alexa, or the Google Nest devices that have microphones in them, and they listen to everything that you say in your own home.
So, by the way, if you are installing any of these devices in your home, You're a fool, because they're just spy devices.
Why would you pay Amazon to install a spy device in your home?
I mean, Amazon actually sells, or at least they did, a video camera that you're supposed to install in your bedroom to watch you get undressed so that Amazon can make recommendations on your wardrobe.
Who buys that?
What kind of sheeple buys a spy camera from Amazon and installs it in their bedroom?
And I tell you, there are probably millions of people willing to do that because, I don't know, they're fluoride damaged, they're lead damaged, they're medicated to death.
They've lost the ability to think for themselves.
They don't understand what it means to be free or to have privacy.
So they're buying these devices from Google and Amazon and other companies and installing them in their homes.
Apple, Apple Siri, is always listening to what you say.
I mean, Amazon has been caught Monitoring all your private conversations.
They have entire teams of people that sit there and listen to what you say.
They record and archive everything you say.
It's a spy device in your home.
In any case, the push here is to have the government archive all of that audio and video in some cases from your private home and then to do what they would do a transcription.
Of what you said, they would convert it into text and then they would use a keyword density search algorithm to score the text of what you're saying and to score it for red flag keywords such as, of course, Alex Jones or AR-15 or whatever keyword they want to put in there.
So if you're talking at home and you say Alex Jones and you say Second Amendment and you say President Trump, whatever, You're going to get red flagged, and they're going to say that they have to take away your guns, and that they're using mental illness profiles now to help prevent mass shootings.
That is HARPA.
And that's what's being pushed.
Now, fortunately, President Trump, so far, has rejected that program.
I don't think he will push this, but I just want you to understand that's what's being pushed through, and it's a very dangerous program.
Okay, the next thing.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg.
I've talked to some other doctors about Ginsburg and her condition.
And based on the information that has been publicly released by the U.S.
Supreme Court about her, well, it was a laser ablation tumor removal surgery, a kind of radiotherapy for tumors on her pancreas.
And she had a bile duct stent installed as part of that procedure.
Well, according to the physicians that I've talked to, who are very familiar with cancer surgery, this is a very strong indication that Ruth Bader Ginsburg probably does not have long to live.
And I've been told the chances are about 90% that she will not make it to Christmas of this year.
And, of course, we're going to be very saddened to see anybody die of cancer, especially when those of us, like my website, Natural News, you know, we promote natural, holistic cancer cures, but we are censored by Google and Apple and Facebook and Twitter.
And so even if Ruth Bader Ginsburg wanted to have access to natural cancer cures, which, by the way, I'd be happy to share with her, She would not be able to find that information through Google because of the extreme tech censorship.
So the tech giants are actually killing Ruth Bader Ginsburg by denying her and people like her access to natural remedies, natural cures, holistic cancer treatments and so on that could very well save her life.
In other words, Ruth Bader Ginsburg appears to be going down with the system that she helped create.
This oppressive, tyrannical, radical left-wing system is actually, in a sense, exacerbating her own cancer, which is very sad to see.
Now, the upshot of all of this, you know, as much as I don't want to see anybody suffer, pancreatic cancer is a very, very painful type of cancer.
You wouldn't wish that on your worst enemy.
It's very painful to go through that, and the prognoses that are out there for pancreatic cancer, you know, diagnoses are very poor.
So, but the upshot is that if she does pass, or whenever she does pass, that President Trump is likely to nominate Amy Barrett.
So of course the left is already anticipating this, and they are right now trying to come up with ways to smear Amy Barrett.
So they're trying to come up with the same kind of smears that they leveled against Kavanaugh, where they just completely fabricated all these accusations of rape.
They had actors come forth, all these fake accusations and fake memories.
It was just a big theatrical false flag by the media.
They're going to do something very similar to Amy Barrett.
And they are working up plots and plans in order to do that.
And the entire left-wing media will have a coordinated campaign to try to destroy any nominee that President Trump puts forward.
If Ruth Bader Ginsburg passes away during Trump's presidency, which looks very likely.
We'll have a lot more straight ahead.
We'll be back after this break here on the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
Be right back.
Hold on, hold on, there's more.
Well look, apparently Beto needs four different non-stick pans to cook his miniature burgers or whatever that was he put on an English muffin with two pieces of broccoli.
I've never seen anything quite like it, but it is kind of weird.
It's like an alien trying to convince you that they're human, everything that Beto's been up to.
But you know, I think that the problem that Beto is having now is he's eating all these burgers and it's causing indigestion and flatulation.
And so I'm just here to offer Beto a solution.
Apparently he's been flatulating more than the average cow that's causing global warming because he hasn't been taking his carnivore from InfoWarsStore.com.
So you may not know this, but when you eat red meat, sometimes it doesn't always digest properly.
This can lead to indigestion.
This can lead to flatulation.
This can lead to other issues with digestion.
And so we offer the probiotic carnivore.
And I'm not even kidding you, I mean, I eat cheeseburgers a lot, probably too much.
In fact, I'm trying to consciously cut back.
But when I do, I do take the carnivore before I do with the digestive enzymes in there to help you properly digest red meat and high-protein foods.
But Beto, he didn't get the memo, and so he's walking around campaigning after he eats a cheeseburger on an English muffin with a piece of broccoli, and he's flatulating more than a cow.
But you gotta give it to Beto.
It's courageous to eat that much red meat and walk around farting all day.
But we're telling him, Carnivore from Infowarsstore.com.
It's got the probiotics.
It's got the enzymes to help you digest those burgers, Beto.
So whether Beto wants to put his burger on an English muffin or whatever he wants to do, he better take his Carnivore before he does it.
So let's go to Allen from Ohio.
He wants to talk about DNA Force.
Hi, can you hear me?
Yes, loud and clear.
Oh, good.
It's an honor to talk to you guys.
I don't miss the broadcast.
So DNA Force, okay.
I broke my neck 16 years ago, you know, in a skiing accident.
I was paralyzed from the neck down only for a short period of time, like the first hour after the, you know, after the accident.
But I experienced that and I have now I have hardware in my neck.
Multiple plates.
And anyway, it did all right for like 12, 13 years.
And about two years ago, I started having the most incredible nerve pain down my arms, especially my left arm pulsing.
And you can't imagine the pain.
It was like I had rebroke my neck.
I went and got MRI to see if my hardware was OK.
And I just the whole process of seeing a doctor and everything took a month or two.
And they scheduled me for these pain shots.
They were just going to deaden the nerve.
It was so painful.
I couldn't take it.
So anyway, I was waiting for my shots.
I missed I scheduled again for a month later, I ordered DNA for it.
And I started taking it and I was taking 25 a leave a day.
Five times a day. And I was wearing a neck brace for the first year of this, like two years of pain every day. But I
started taking DNA for it and within two weeks I started thinking I don't need it to leave anymore. That was like a
few days into it. I stopped taking it.
I stopped taking a leave. I take two DNA's once in the morning and maybe one at night.
And I cancelled my pain shot and I've taken two of them today and I don't even know if I'm going to need one later.
Wow, that is amazing.
I take no more leave at all.
That is amazing.
I swear, it's the most incredible thing I have ever experienced.
When I talk about the products, that's one of the things I'm always focused on is how well they work.
You know, they actually, they actually work.
It's not something that, you know, let's get it and just, you know, take it and whatever, hope for the best.
I mean, they actually work.
And hey, thank you for the call.
And because of people like you, the reason why Harrison and myself get to sit here today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is The Alex Jones Show with Mike Adams.
In a bombshell story put out by the Wall Street Journal just a few days ago, the title is, quote, Amazon has ceded control of its site.
The result?
Thousands of banned, unsafe, or mislabeled products.
Now, the Wall Street Journal in its investigation found over 4,100 products for sale on Amazon.com that were blatantly fraudulent.
Many of them violated heavy metals limitations for supplements or children's health.
Many of them violated state law.
Many of them had falsely claimed to be FDA compliant.
Many of them were blatantly illegal.
They have been products that were banned by states or the federal government.
And this, it's extraordinary.
The Wall Street Journal, this is really a great piece of journalism by the Wall Street Journal.
I commend them for this story.
What I find fascinating is that at Natural News, we had a story, I think, three or four days before this that talked about Amazon.com selling a supplement with very high levels of lead and aluminum.
And you don't, for the producers, you don't need to show that on the screen.
My point here is, if you wonder why InfoWars store is a better place to buy supplements than Amazon.com, This just underscores it.
The Wall Street Journal has just confirmed what we've been saying at Natural News for years, which is that Amazon.com is, and you can quote me on this, Amazon.com is a marketplace of fraud, a marketplace of toxic heavy metals, a marketplace of illegal products that, even confirmed by the Wall Street Journal, products that are banned, that are illegal, that are fraudulent, with false claims.
And yet, you know, you look at InfoWarsStore.com, in contrast, Is fully compliant with all the regulators is incredibly tightly run.
The labels are reviewed.
The ingredients are reviewed.
We even do lab testing of many of the InfoWars products just as another layer to check everything and everything's great.
And some of the products we've tested have been just extraordinary.
And, you know, of course, I do that for for all all the all my own products as well.
The point is that Amazon.com is a place where you're going to get into heavy metals.
You're going to get into illegal products.
And if you want safe supplements or safe superfoods, you need to get them directly from the sources you trust, like InfoWarsStore.com.
I mean, it's just another big reason to do that.
Again, proven by the Wall Street Journal.
And here's something just shocking.
And I'm not going to mention any brand names.
And guys, don't show anything on the screen here.
I don't want you to get dragged into any kind of issue here.
But we found a product sold by Amazon.com That contains basically two ingredients.
One of the ingredients is a mined, oxidized coal, and the other ingredient is an industrial fertilizer.
And it's put into capsules, and it's sold to the public.
And it is blatantly, outrageously out of any kind of compliance with regulations, but it's sold by Amazon.com and it falsely claims to be Prop 65 compliant.
We ran all the tests on that supplement, found it's wildly out of compliance, has extremely high levels of lead and aluminum, and it's marketed to children.
So isn't it interesting that the left-wing media never Never goes after Amazon.com.
I mean, this story by the Wall Street Journal was a rare exception.
And Wall Street Journal, you can't argue, they're not really left-wing, corporate-controlled media.
They're, you know, finance media, Wall Street media.
But the mainstream media will attack Infowars, and they will attack independent media, but they will never expose the truth about the massive fraud and heavy metals and illegal products that are sold on Amazon.com.
Isn't that interesting?
And of course, now you know why.
But, once again, just underscores the truth about what we're talking about here.
You know, Wall Street Journal.
116 products falsely labeled as FDA approved.
43 listings for a pain reliever that lacked FDA labels warning against use on children.
80 listings of an infant sleeping wedge that the FDA has warned can kill children.
And 1,400 electronic listings that falsely claimed to be UL certified.
It just goes on and on and on.
The truth is, Amazon.com runs virtually no quality control.
And they don't check the compliance of almost anything they sell.
A third-party seller can go onto Amazon, and they can make any claim they want, and they can put anything in a capsule.
They can dig up gravel and put it in a capsule and sell it, and Amazon will sell it.
That's the truth.
That's the cold, hard truth about what we've found and what the Wall Street Journal has found.
So again, if you want quality, safe, clean, compliant supplements, you shop at InfowarsStore.com and the independent sites that you know and trust.
That's what you do.
That's how you solve that problem.
It's crucial to understand that this is what's happening.
Okay, moving on to another issue here.
We've got now confirmation From several sources, you know, I have a lot of different sources in various realms of, we'll say, defense or self-defense.
We now have confirmation that there are a new technology exists for drones.
Drones have now been outfitted with not only rifles, essentially sort of customized rifles that go onto the drones, but they now have ballistics Software coupled with rangefinders thermal imaging that in essence drones can now engage human targets at night from altitude from 500 to 1000 feet of altitude while they are moving.
And the ballistics software in these drones compensates for the movement of the drones, compensates for all the ballistics properties that you normally have in ballistics software, you know, density, altitude, barometric pressure, temperature, spin, drift, all these things that you normally do if you're a long-range shooter, you know about all this stuff.
This is all now programmed into the drones.
They have a rangefinder and a thermal imaging system and they can lock on to a human target.
This now exists.
It has been confirmed.
They've been tested at night, obviously not on human targets, but you can probably imagine what kind of targets might they might be tested on.
And the technology works and it puts rounds into specific organs of specific targets on the ground from altitude at night.
Now, the reason I mentioned this is because, well, You know, the InfoWars listeners are very informed, very intelligent audience.
You can probably connect the dots on this.
You can do the math on this about maybe how the next big false flag event might be constructed.
I'll just leave it at that.
Okay, next comment.
Changing the subject here.
Dave Chappelle has a new special on Netflix.
I encourage you To take a look at this, even though I don't support Netflix, that Netflix puts out a lot of horrifically bad propaganda to indoctrinate children into Satanism and liberalism.
But Dave Chappelle really deserves, I think, a round of applause for his latest special, where he takes it to the transgender community.
And he says, in fact, in his special, that every black man and woman in America should register to legally own a firearm.
And he talks about the firearms that he owns and why he needs them and how he uses guns for self-defense.
And again, Dave Chappelle, who says he doesn't like guns, but he's got them and he's explaining to his audience why you need them and why every black person in America needs a gun.
Of course, every free citizen needs a gun regardless of your color.
And you may not agree with Dave Chappelle on everything.
Of course, no one ever would.
But Chappelle has courage.
He has real courage.
To get up on stage and to criticize the transgender indoctrination of children, to criticize the political correctness, indoctrination, and brainwashing of the masses of our country, and he's got the guts to say that he needs to own some guns for self-defense.
Whatever you think of Dave Chappelle and You know, again, he's done a few crazy things in the past, but so what?
He's speaking his truth, and he's not being censored.
And he's refusing to kowtow to the thought police and the speech police of America.
Meanwhile, you have Taylor Swift, who is nothing but a brainwashed puppet who says whatever the globalists want her to say.
So compare those two.
Dave Chappelle, He deserves credit for speaking the truth.
Taylor Swift deserves condemnation, in my view, for being a puppet of the globalists and saying whatever they want her to say.
Interesting contrast, isn't it?
There's more straight ahead here on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams.
We'll be right back after this break with more.
One half.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Please don't forget, I guess the way the God works or however this happens, we keep bringing in just the amount of money we need to operate.
And I want to expand.
I want to watch new shows, which we're doing next month.
I want to be able to put reporters in the field, like we've done with Overall, four reporters in Hong Kong.
I want to be able to do all these things.
And without you buying the products, we cannot do it.
So just check out Infowarsstore.com.
Get a t-shirt, get a book, get a film, get a great air filter, get a great water filter you and your family need.
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This is proprietary.
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Folks are already getting it in their mail.
We're already giving it five stars.
Infowarslife.com takes you right to all the supplements and all the other products.
Again, the Super Silver Wound Gel is a drug.
It's FDA approved over-the-counter.
Strongest available over-the-counter.
This company let me private label that.
We then discounted the Super Silver Cream.
is the same nano silver but it's just not gone through all the approval to you know say approved
for over the counter in the drug section. None of it means anything. Again what the FDA does is they
got a law passed in 96 trying to outlaw supplements and congress said no we're not saying we're drugs.
You have no jurisdiction.
So the FDA said, okay, well, you have to say not approved by the FDA.
So they're always like, Jones sells unapproved things.
Well that's because the FDA makes all the supplement companies sit there and say that
it is not approved by them because by law they don't have that jurisdiction to be able
to even do that.
But then they try to come in and regulate people who are claiming that they're drugs.
But we're not saying these are drugs, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not saying that krill oil is a drug.
We're not saying that clean iodine is a drug.
This is all from mother nature that God gave us.
Whether it's turmeric or whether it's our high quality coffee.
They even try to say my coffee's a scheme.
It sells coffee!
*Muffled* Oh, no!
And toothpaste!
Damn bastard!
A scam that you need toothpaste!
He's a toothpaste snake oil salesman.
Well, guess what?
People love Super Blue.
Fortified with a little silver and iodine.
No fluoride is in it.
So, again, we are very, very, very excited about all of this.
We're energized by it.
And this new product is really putting the wind in our sails.
The only problem is I put in a medium-sized order for it.
It looks like it's going to sell out in the next couple of weeks.
So I've got to end the 25% off at the end of this week.
Take advantage of it.
We have it in the smaller containers.
And we have it in the larger containers.
Ladies and gentlemen, one of the smaller containers is $7.
The larger container is $14.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
It's just heavy, heavy, heavy.
Make no mistake, it's... We're not in Kansas anymore.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
If you have a corrupt media, you don't have a democracy.
I don't think we've seen division like this in America since Vietnam.
It's a form of fascism.
The high court will examine free speech rights and social media.
Multiple online platforms have now taken down content associated with Alex Jones and InfoWars.
First they come for Alex Jones, everyone else like Davos would fall.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
*awkward silence* You can't watch this.
The movie.
Available now at InfowarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There's one thing I want you to do for me.
Come here.
What are we waiting for?
Take this!
What are we waiting for? Take this!
It's Alex Jones. And now, your host, Mike Adams.
Some interesting video. We were just watching there Bernie Sanders trying to run a punching bag, a drilled bag there
and getting...
Getting slapped in the face.
It's a good metaphor for socialism.
Every time socialists try to control the economy, they get slapped in the face.
Every time they try to run a city, the city collapses into destitution and filth.
And if you put socialists in charge of the country, they're going to collapse America just like they've collapsed all their left-wing cities.
I mean, it's a reasonable question to ask.
How do you Democrats think you can run the country when you can't even You know, keep feces off the streets of San Francisco!
You can't even keep all the homeless, addicts, drug abusers from, you know, defecating all over the streets of Austin or every liberal city.
How do you think you can run the country?
They can't, of course.
But continuing with some of our food research today, here's a couple more important things I have to share with you.
And then I'm going to get to Project Scopex, which is the Bill Gates project.
He's funded it.
It's going to try to drop calcium carbonate and lead all over the world to block out the sun and contaminate the soils.
I've got some new information on that to share with you.
But first, there was breaking news over the last couple of days, or five days or so, about a farmer in the Midwest who was convicted of organic fraud.
And he committed suicide to avoid going to prison.
The Associated Press covered this.
I believe his name is Randy Constant.
And he was a farmer in Missouri and I think Iowa.
Anyway, he carried out organic fraud for eight years, producing millions of bushels of organic, so-called organic soybeans and so-called organic corn that actually was not organic.
And what he did is he laundered those grains through animal operations to feed all those Fake organic grains to cattle and chickens and so on.
And then he sold and advertised that meat as being organic meat.
It was all a fraud.
And he eventually got caught and he got convicted and sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Some of the other farmers that he was associated with also got sentenced to shorter prison sentences.
But the real question here is, and this has everything to do with where you get your food and where you get your supplements, Why didn't the USDA catch this?
Why did it take 8 years?
I mean, this guy produced up to 8% of the soybeans grown in the United States of America, of organic soybeans, and it was all fraud.
How come he got away with it for 8 years?
And I've come to the realization, as a food scientist, and running a lab, and doing all this testing, and just like the Amazon.com story from the last segment, Wall Street Journal found Amazon selling all these high-lead, high-cadmium products, I found that certified organic, to me, doesn't... I don't trust it anymore.
You have to go beyond organic.
You have to have your stuff really lab tested.
You have to get your products from a clean source.
You know, again, InfoWars store is very credible.
They do the research.
They do the work.
They check their sources.
But if you went out and bought organic meat at a grocery store for the last eight or ten years, that might have been fraudulent organic meat.
Wasn't organic at all.
You were paying double price or triple price, and it was stamped USDA organic.
But it wasn't organic.
The USDA has big lapses in its program.
And by the way, it's even worse in China.
So of course, once you get dishonest, deceptive communists, Having certified organic products, exporting to the United States, a lot of that stuff isn't organic at all either.
But this problem exists both in the United States and in China, and it just brings home the point.
I mean, who can you trust?
Well, not the USDA.
And not Amazon, that's for sure.
So I just want to underscore all that, because I promote organics, you know, I promote nutrition, and I've encouraged people to buy organic, but now I don't even trust it anymore.
You have to go way beyond just organic.
In other words, gosh, are we surprised?
The government screwed up the organic program.
Wow, what a big surprise that the government is incompetent.
We've made another astonishing discovery.
What do you know?
The government can't run the organic program.
Without allowing all kinds of fraud to persist for almost a decade in the marketplace, is anyone surprised at all?
Of course not.
Okay, Project Scopex.
This is the Bill Gates-funded project, I believe, involving Harvard scientists to try to block sunlight because leftists hate the sun.
So Bill Gates has this massive depopulation scheme, of course, to collapse the ecosystem, destroy the biosphere.
And they say they have to do this for global warming or to stop climate change.
So they're going to poison the atmosphere to accomplish this goal.
But the calcium carbonate that Bill Gates wants to put into the atmosphere is always contaminated with lead.
We've done these tests.
We've seen this before.
So he's actually talking about dropping lead all over the crops and all the soils of the world along with the calcium carbonate.
So you're talking about massive lead contamination of the soils, which means some of that lead gets taken up into the plants, so you're talking about lead contamination of the plants.
Now when you combine this with the new findings from the Journal of the American Medical Association about fluoride causing brain damage, and this was covered extensively by Alex Jones and others on InfoWars over the last week or so, you realize that this is a binary weapons system.
It's fluoride to damage the brains and then it's lead to cause what?
What does lead cause?
Well, according to the state of California, lead causes not only cancer, not only damages developing brains, but is also responsible for what's called male reproductive toxicity and female reproductive toxicity.
So what we're talking about is an infertility heavy metal that's going to be literally dropped out of the sky by Bill Gates or a Bill Gates funded operation.
In order to contaminate the entire food supply, with no exceptions, because you can't avoid the air if you're growing crops, everything falling out of the air is going to fall on your crops.
So you're getting, if you drink water, you're going to get brain damage from the fluoride, and if you eat food, you're going to get brain damage from the lead.
And this is all on purpose, because they have to dumb down the population to such a low IQ that people can stand to watch CNN.
And you have to really lobotomize people to get somebody to be able to watch CNN without physically vomiting.
It's so obnoxious to any intelligent person to even attempt to look at someone like Brian Stelter and make some kind of an argument.
Or, gosh, how do you get a population to vote for Joe Biden, who can't even remember the name of the president under which he served?
Coming soon, Joe Biden won't even be able to remember his name is Joe, or how to spell it, or how many letters are in the name Joe.
I mean, he's gone.
His neurology is gone.
Of course, he had brain tumors and so on.
I feel sorry for the fact that he's had this damage.
I don't wish suffering upon anyone, but he certainly doesn't have the neurology to run the country.
But how do you get a population to vote for him?
You brain damage him.
And you do it through the deliberate mass poisoning of the food supply.
So it's the fluoride, it's the lead, and it's also the toxic chemicals that are deliberately added to the food supply, which include, by the way, atrazine, the chemical hormone disruptor.
It's known as a castration chemical.
You've got atrazine, you've got glyphosate, you've got estrogen mimickers, estrogen disruptors.
You've got chemicals like astrazine that actually do turn the frogs gay.
They actually literally cause distortions in the endocrine system that are related to gender expression in both amphibians and humans.
It's a scientific fact.
So this is a deliberate mass poisoning of our planet so that Democrats can win because the population is dumbed down enough to actually support Democrat policies that do not work.
So the real, quote, utopia of a Democrat-run world is a world of literally crapping retarded zombies, shooting up drugs, running around trying to recruit all the autistic kids to be transgenders so they can have their drag queen, transgender, drug addiction, feces story hour, and then saying that it's all the fault of Trump.
I mean, the utopia of Democrats is a crap hole world, a dystopian, collapsed, destitute society of mass mental retardation, of neurological damage, of cancer, mass contamination of the food supply.
That's the hell that they will bring you if you vote for Democrats ever again.
Think about that.
It's all true.
Well, that's a wrap for today.
Stay tuned for Owen Schroer coming up next.
Thanks for watching.
This is Mike Adams here for InfoWars.
stores. Until next week, take care.
Or take TurboForce, which provides me with enough energy to make it through a long day of interviewing liberals.
What's that mean?
What's that mean?
Oh, you're mad!
Not only are these products going to enhance your life, but they make sure I can continue bringing you all the content you love.
Because you're in the f***ing riots over here.
Yeah, by even making me talk to a trader.
A trader of what?
My country?
Look at me!
Look at me!
What's that state right there?
Don't tread on me!
That's a Russian slogan now.
That's a Russian slogan.
by nationalist traitors.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
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