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Name: 20190808_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 8, 2019
3292 lines.

In the segment, Alex Jones talks about ongoing tensions between India and China; President Trump's plans to take action against big tech companies like Google and Facebook who he feels censor conservative voices online; and his recent trip to Washington D.C., where he met with several people who had either spoken with the president or knew someone who had. The show discusses topics such as censorship, minimum wage debates, big tech companies, and Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). Jones critiques Bernie Sanders for not paying his own employees minimum wage; praises Joe Rogan for having him on his podcast despite facing censorship; and highlights how big corporations avoid taxes while pushing their agendas onto others. A video by Paul Watson is discussed, where DSA members exhibit abnormal behavior and express concern about using gendered language and being politically correct, which Jones believes indicates a cult that poses a threat to society as these individuals are raising the next generation with their beliefs and influencing educational institutions. Other topics include President Trump's plans to take action against big tech, a new blockchain equipment leasing program in the digital asset marketplace, heart disease prevention with Heart and Body Extract, red flag laws, being without, mankind and freedom, Switzerland's military service, mass shootings, and gun control debates in America.

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The answer to no.
The year 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Rex Jones here, reporting for Action 7 News.
Now, the Democrats are really going at it in the primary right now.
They're calling Trump a racist.
They're calling you a racist.
They're calling your grandma a racist.
Hell, they're calling your Pomeranian dog a racist.
Jesus Christ, of course he's racist!
Now, you may remember when he lost his Senate race to Ted Cruz despite the 10-to-1 funding he had.
And you may remember when my dad came out here and looked at his mural.
Mr. Jones, is that what I said?
Is that what I said?
That's not at all what I said.
I said I will support Ted Cruz.
I will support Ted Cruz.
He is our elected senator and I will support him.
That's not what I said.
Now, I want you to pay close attention and really admire the beautiful artwork that is the Beto mural funeral piece.
It really is a monument to his short and bittersweet political career.
After failing against Ted Cruz in the Texas Senate election, he went on to fail in the general Democratic primaries.
He's now polling at under 1%.
Now, before the horrific El Paso shootings this weekend, I would have put Beto's chances of losing the Democratic primary at around 99%.
Now, I think it's safe to say, and polling data backs me up on this, it's around 100.
There is no chance that that man can win.
He laughed about the victims of the mass shooting.
I'm incredibly saddened, and it is very hard to think about this.
Not a good look, Beto.
Not a good look.
Muy mal.
I'm incredibly saddened and it is very hard to think about this.
Now you may be asking, why did I bring flowers to this?
Well, it's no longer a monument to his short and bittersweet political career.
It's a political tombstone.
I will now lay these flowers here as a memorial to his political career and to symbolize that he is truly deader than someone who has damning information on Hillary Clinton.
Pero, you had a good run.
And now it's time for the honorary moment of silence to celebrate
Robert Francis O'Rourke, the world's fakest Hispanic man's political career.
Rex Jones reporting for Action 7 News at the site of Beto's political tombstone.
Okay, I'm not trying to build this up because I can't even do it.
I'm mentally exhausted.
I think I need to just make that statement right now.
Just one story that we have that's exclusive is so big that the only way to describe it is to describe my own mental processes so that people can understand the magnitude from my perspective and I think you'll agree with me.
I've gotten so focused in the last three days on the incredible developments between the U.S.
and China and the proxy war in Kashmir that you now see all the news they're admitting is the greatest threat of thermal nuclear war ever.
I mean, again, I knew that was a giant issue.
Anybody would know it's a giant issue.
It was so huge, they didn't know what to do for a couple days.
But while I've been distracted with that, And it is a central issue, and it is boiling over, and it's bad.
War could break out any minute.
There is a massive issue sitting right in front of everybody.
And the fact that we have the inside baseball, I really should be talking about that we know what's on the table with Trump's executive order.
And we can tell you exclusively about the order that's imminent on tackling big tech.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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The tip of the spear!
It is the Alex Jones Show!
And lo, they cried out with doom in their hearts as they saw the angel of death coming into Egypt.
But if you had the red lamb's blood on your door, the angel would pass.
Let's listen to some of this Christian hymn.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us.
You see, God controls the angel of death.
And Christ has the keys to death and hell.
Remember that, Satanist.
Here's my thinking process, and it's the only way I can describe this, because stuff hits me like a ton of bricks all the time, that I got so focused on the whole situation with India and how that could cause a massive global war, and the fact that we had to do it because the Chinese were rolling in there and taking part of India, and that the West is standing up to the globalists and the Chai-comps.
They're having top Senate and House Intelligence Committee hearings about, okay, the Chinese government runs mainstream media, owns Hollywood, we're in deep trouble, we're probably going to have to arrest all these people.
I mean, you wonder why they're on the news.
Race war, death, everyone's a Nazi, America's evil, saying America's bad, take down American flags, major universities, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
They're globalists.
They're for the team that wants to get rid of the country.
And a lot of folks are coming to that conclusion, having to admit it, and going, well, what are we going to do?
This is insane!
It's totally insane!
It's enough to make you get upset and yell and scream on air.
It's enough to make you build a media operation to resist it.
And boy, 20 years ago, I talked about the Chi-Coms, and 15 years ago, when I made them front and center issue, people thought I was crazy.
10 years ago, 15 years ago, and I said, they own Hollywood now.
And now it's all admitted.
They own our debt.
They own it all.
But I got so focused on that, and it's still totally central, that I didn't get to, well, what I said two weeks ago, and what I said a month ago, and what I said a month and a half ago when I was in D.C.
I talked to three different people.
Two of them had met with the President.
The other talked to the president over the phone, and I guess I talked to a fourth who'd also talked to another prominent person that had met with the president, and Trump said, I'm going after Big Tech, and how do you think we should do it?
And I came on air and I said, he's going to go after Big Tech.
Now, here's the problem.
He's got a bunch of advisors around him that are two-faced, and so they bragged that, oh, he'll try to sign an order and we'll just hide it and hope he forgets.
So Trump has to now have a notebook, reportedly, and write everything down and go back and make sure they're doing what he tells them.
He's never really experienced that as an executive.
Usually you have people wanting to do what he said, so they would move up the chain in Trump organization.
But no, these folks are trying to move up the chain in the globalist organization.
And they've been hedging their bets, believing that Trump's gonna lose and fail, and then they'll be in good with the NWO.
But as it becomes clear, the globalists aren't winning, and their whole system's falling apart, and everything they touch is disintegrating.
Trump's winning, and people are now moving over to the Trump camp very fast.
And that's why the shrillness of the MSM on the CHICOM and globalist payroll is just screeching, squawking, foaming at the mouth.
Blow the US up!
Blow Israel up!
Blow the UK up!
You know, anybody that isn't part of this bigger, CHICOM-run New World Order.
They've got the right wing saying it, the left wing, and they've got all these controlled people.
That are freaking out, that are on the globalist payroll, because a lot of their money's drying up.
And it's been the Chi-Coms that have been the sugar daddy the whole time, and that's starting to dry up, because these folks can't deliver victory.
So here's the big announcement.
And I was sitting here 10 minutes before the show, looking at all this incredible news, and I was saying to myself, what is it that is the top story?
And I was like, well, it's obviously White House, Taking executive action on big tech censorship.
And then I was reading the Politico whitewash article about it.
But I saw something key in the Politico article yesterday when I first read it, and again this morning when I was re-looking at it.
And that's when they say, oh well there's a bunch of drafts and a big fight over what's going to be done.
Well obviously Soran and his forces are in there doing everything they can like gremlins to make sure the effective stuff isn't done.
This would have been done months ago, but Trump has gotten the most resistance to this to anything.
Not even taking on China has gotten this much resistance.
And they obviously wanted me off the air a year ago, so that I would stop bringing up the Chai comms.
Now Google and Apple moved to China, and how they gave the codes to Google and Apple to the Chai comms.
I mean, Tim Cook called a meeting and said, we got to shut this guy up.
You know, Obama signed the deal for us to sell America out.
We've made an agreement.
The powers that be said this, but Trump's not doing that now.
And this Jones guy will not shut up.
And I know there were discussions about trying to set me up, put me in prison, kill me.
I mean, that's the stuff that's been going on.
I've had some high-powered folks call me and they go, you know there are discussions about killing your ass right now.
These are people that are my friends, but suddenly tell me I better watch it, better shut up.
I'm not going to shut up.
So that's the end of it.
I'm on my course.
It's set.
That's it.
That's all the power I have is turning it over to God and committing.
And then it doesn't matter anymore.
I'm not here to serve your system.
So I'm sitting here this morning and I'm about to go live and it just goes, bing!
A big old light bulb.
And I went, wait, I know From all my sources and reports we've gotten to the President, and because Matt Drudge has gotten stuff to the President by putting it on Drudge Report and other ways, and Trump's security people, that Trump's seeing all this, and I'm like, I'm kind of sitting it out here while I'm focused on India and China and the trade war, while this is the final swirling draft going on, and I know right up to a week ago what's in the different drafts.
Because with law firms in D.C., some of the top ones, we wrote them.
When I got those to Trump, again, a little more than a year ago, that's when all the crapping themselves began.
Because I hired three law firms.
And if you're a lawyer, they're household names.
And I had my ideas, I checked, we wrote reports, so it would be given to the President.
We also publish those on Infowars.com.
And it's not like I'm even that special.
We just were willing to, you know, maybe get assassinated.
And, you know, they're trying to plant child porn on us.
I mean, these people don't play games.
Hey, that's fine.
I'm not a devil worshiper like you.
So I'm on God's side.
That's the only team I want to be on when the angel of death comes through town.
I don't fear you.
I fear the big guy.
And everybody else just wants to grovel in fear to the system.
That's coming to an end.
Big changes are here, folks.
Doesn't mean there's some utopia, either.
No, this is going to be a hard fight.
AI, globalism, it's all still there, but humanity is awakening.
So I was thinking, 10 minutes before the show, when I was figuring this out, I'm like, wait a minute.
The big fight's now.
You're busy looking at the trade wars and stuff that have already been set in motion.
And the proxy wars, which are important, but the listeners need to know how important they are.
You need to know how important you are.
We all need to know how important we are, and you need to be directing your crew.
I just kind of let them do whatever they want, because I respect David Knight and Owen Schroer and others, that they just kind of go on their own, because they have good instincts.
But let me tell you, I'm going to tell the whole crew and everybody, we need to get on lobbying, calling the White House, letters, calling into C-SPAN, sending messages to Tucker Carlson, everybody.
I mean, I'm not just going to be on air today.
When I get off the show, I'm going to call 20 people.
Because we kind of started this fight, but then we've moved on to other projects, but now it's come full circle.
The planets have aligned, and now the action against big tech is on the table, and it is the main thing on the drawing board right now.
And so the architects of deciding whether we're going to be a free society and not be run by China and the globalists, Is being drawn up right now.
And we know what went into that.
And we know what's on the table.
And we know what's in those different drafts.
But then, that's ten minutes for the show.
I could prepare for a month trying to come up here and tell you what is in the drafts.
And then how I think we should lobby for our own future.
But I'll do the best I can.
Coming up.
It just kind of snuck up on me.
But it's all here.
It's all happening right now.
We just passed the August 6th one-year anniversary of the historic event where all of Big Tech working in concert banned InfoWars and Alex Jones off the internet.
Alex Jones has been banned from all tech platforms.
Nobody said anything.
So Big Tech's language police are getting bolder.
Now four media giants are banding together to take down controversial InfoWars content from their site.
YouTube, Facebook, and Apple all announcing they're removing his content from their platforms.
But by the grace of God and via Matt Drudge's warning and others' warnings, we had helped build our own infrastructure, our own video, our own audio, our own news gathering system at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And it's all because of your support.
This is the house you built.
I want to play a few minutes of just a sampling of the demonization and the lies of a year ago.
And then I want to play a few minutes of what's happening currently as thousands and thousands of prominent people are completely banned and unpersoned as well.
And as hundreds of millions of accounts of people following Popular meme sites and other sites on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are being deleted.
That's hundreds of millions of followers not being able to choose what content they see.
This is outrageous.
That's incredibly dangerous.
But it's the day and age that we live in.
Thank God we built InfoWars so there'd be some voice in the midst of this.
And that's why it's so important to remember before we play these clips that Without your word of mouth, and without you spreading the word, no one knows we're still here and still on air.
Thanks to you doing that, we're coming back from the dead.
And without your financial support, we won't be here either.
So please check out the huge sales we have running, the Banniversary Sale, 50-60% off all the supplements, 50% off water filtration, air filtration, storable food, store-wide free shipping, and double Patriot Points, and a lot more.
So be sure and visit InfoRestore.com.
Now let's go to the folks who tell us that we need to be banned, we need to be silenced, that we need to be shut down.
And that, well, chief among those is yours truly, Alex Jones.
Yesterday, Alex Jones became an un-person.
Apple last night removed the entire library of Alex Jones' podcasts from their store.
The conspiracy theories are beyond the realm, are not only beyond being offensive, they're dangerous.
And we don't do enough in telling people out there right now this morning, people who read newspapers, exactly who these people are and what they believe.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
The real election meddling is by Facebook and Google and others that are shadow banning people, that are outright banning people, and they're blocking conservatives involved in their own First Amendment political speech.
Even the New York Times calls it a crackdown on conservatives and a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet and communicating with each other, just like communist China.
And we're also standing up To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
People at home could go and search, say, Alex Jones, a prominent InfoWars.com media broadcaster.
If you go to DuckDuckGo, or you go to Bing, and you search Alex Jones, you'll find InfoWars in a mix of articles.
If you go to Google, you won't even find his main broadcasting station, InfoWars.
Instead, you'll just find a bunch of negative hit pieces.
Conservatives are feeling the heavy hand of censorship in the United States and across Western Europe.
Their social media accounts are being banned, blocked, and cancelled on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
And in 2020, you can bet that all of these companies are going to go all out.
And the methods that they're using are invisible.
They're subliminal.
They're more powerful than...
most any effects I've ever seen in the behavioral sciences and I've been in the
behavioral sciences for almost 40 years.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
♪ Ooh, babe ♪ ♪ Ooh, babe ♪ ♪ Ooh, babe ♪ ♪ 'Cause mama's gonna help me overwhelm ♪
♪ Ooh, babe ♪ ♪ Ooh, babe ♪ ♪ Ooh, babe ♪ ♪ 'Cause mama's gonna help me overwhelm ♪
So, the American people have taken action.
They lobbied the president, Drudge, last Monday, about 10 days ago.
Posted that article in that video, by emergency measures, the president, asking, why are you committing suicide?
200 million Users, in three days, were deleted from Trump accounts on Instagram and Facebook.
That's 200 million, Mr. President.
And they're doing it every day, all day, just devastating, devastating, devastating.
Killing communities that communicate with each other.
One account had 43 million followers.
Another account, 30-something million.
All totaled 200 million in three days.
Gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone.
Because they amplified the voice of the President.
Did you see what happened yesterday?
Because I went and checked the news.
They barely covered, in the entire corporate news, Trump in Dayton.
Trump in El Paso, where the shootings took place.
And bringing people together and saying, I don't blame the Democrats, I blame mental illness and evil.
A few MSNBC shows, Would go out and try to get folks to attack Trump, and they'd say, no, we love him, we appreciate him coming, it wasn't his fault.
And so they don't know what to do, but that's a microcosm.
That's an example, right there, of how they're dampening and blocking, where the President was not even on the news, except for a few minutes here and there, when he goes to a massacre site.
Used to, they'd carry large pieces of his rallies.
Notice, they don't do that anymore.
This is all part of the strangling, the governing, the damning off, the walling off.
I mean, here's an example.
Mitch McConnell had psychotics come to his house and say, we're gonna stab you with a snake knife, or with a butcher knife, because you're the murderer turtle.
And they had little children going, F you murderer turtle!
F you murderer turtle!
Mitch McConnell's official Twitter and his campaign site, even though he's retiring, they put out on their Twitters, Tucker Carlson and others saying it was wrong, and they just locked their Twitter down.
And said, you delete it or we're going to delete your account.
And of course, what are they supposed to do?
I love how, like, in a communist system, they make you cut your own finger off.
They make you sit there and beat yourself with a bullwhip.
And they do it over and over again.
You delete these tweets, you delete those tweets.
Oh, you said something nice about someone we don't like, you're deleted.
If you say something nice about Alex Jones on Facebook or Instagram, you are banned.
You're warned once, next time you're banned.
And then it's Infowars, and now it's the NRA.
And now, oh, it's Trump.
They haven't made an announcement, but if you say something nice about the NRA, you get a warning.
If you say something nice about the President, you get a warning.
And they just say, you violated our terms, but people are taking screenshots of this, where they'll post a picture or a meme about Trump, just something nice and wholesome, and they're blocked.
So, the leader of the Senate, when people come to his house saying, we're gonna stab you with a butcher knife while he's there, and why he doesn't have a fence around his house, that's crazy.
That's the leader of the Senate.
Most powerful country in the world.
Like, third in line to be the President of the United States.
The fourth in line.
And all that's going on, and there's people in his house saying, we're going to kill you!
And they're left on Twitter, but Mitch McConnell can't be on Twitter.
Now, you think in a free country, the government should put up with that?
Because it checks and balances.
These corporations have become bigger than countries.
Oh, and it's happening.
They're now announcing what I warned you about.
Remember CNN a couple months ago when Facebook said, don't say nice things about me or you'll get banned?
They had a CNN reporter on there going, well, I've reached out to them.
Oliver Darcy goes, I've reached out to Twitter and I've reached out to Facebook because I'm finding out if he's got a WhatsApp on, because Facebook owns that, a private messenger because we want to find out if he's using instant messages to people.
One-on-one messages.
And now it's all being announced.
Oh, Microsoft's going to control your messaging systems and read what you say and not let you say certain things and ban you if they don't like what you're saying in private conversations.
Because we've already put up with all this, why not?
So that's in the news today, that they're listening to all your phone calls.
Oh, not the NSA.
I mean, they're doing it, but they don't even know how to, basically.
They privatized it all with big tech, so you would sign a form opting in for your television to watch you.
And your Alexa to listen to you.
Have sex.
In fact, they're all programmed, when you're having sex, particularly to turn on and send a message back.
So humans can listen.
Or if you're talking about drugs or guns or anything, it's listening a little robot just like your cell phone in your house.
And I'm going to get into what's inside of the different drafts and the big bombshell news.
But I've really got to think back over all these conversations and articles we've written where we've already talked about the drafts, the drafts that we wrote and sent to the White House.
I mean, again, this just kind of lightbulbed 10 minutes before I went on air.
But I will get into all that exclusive stuff in the last segment of this hour.
But there is a lot.
I mean, I know what's on the table.
I know what Trump's looking at doing.
I know what some of his advisors are telling him.
And I know the fights that are going on.
But I know what the president's been saying he's going to do.
But you read Politico, they go, the president claims there's conservatives being censored.
He claims that the sun is yellow and grass is green and buries tweet and fly in the sky.
Well, he claims MSM lies.
Ha ha ha!
Never heard of that before.
And so we're looking at all of that.
We're going to be covering all of it.
And I've just... I've got to sit here over a couple of breaks and write notes because there's so much.
And we really do have the inside baseball.
And we never build ourselves up like media does with fake leaks or fake intel and pontificate, oh, the big giant story and it's a little tiny fragment of something.
We're going to lay out the big, giant, ultra-massive enchilada for everybody.
And boy, man, there is a lot.
There is a lot.
So I'm not even going to try to go to Infowars.com or Newswars.com from a year ago or over a
year ago.
I did it 14 months ago.
I did it 12 months ago, right around the time I got banned because we were putting reports
out and sending them to the White House and having law firms send it to them and getting
it through to the President through lobbyists and people that are personally close to him.
I'm not going to name names.
But I can tell you that Trump has been hand delivered information.
Again, I got told that I'm lucky I'm alive by people, but I better stop it.
You know what?
It's my president, we elected him, and I'm gonna give him any damn thing I want.
You saw those headlines 14 months ago.
White House Human Staff Spends Most of His Time Making Sure He Doesn't Get Any InfoWars Material.
Yeah, written up by a top free speech, you know, corporate law firm that the president already knows.
And so that's, that's, and I'm not taking credit for all this.
I'm just explaining to you that we were willing to take the ball and run with it, and we got a touchdown in there, but we don't know exactly what's about to happen, but it's big and they're scared.
We'll be right back.
Tomorrow's news today.
Please spread the links.
If you're trying to cause this theory, I think it's called scatastic terrorism, which is the idea of a leader using the mass media to demonize a particular group, whether it's Jews or immigrants or whomever.
And then what appears to be lone wolf Individual psychotics attacking that one group, where the individual attack is not predictable, but the general trend of it is predictable.
I think that at the end of the day, especially because this was a white supremacist manifesto, that I want to say with more moral clarity that Donald Trump is responsible for this.
I think the president has to bear some responsibility for creating a culture in the United States around race-baiting, around demonizing people of color, around demonizing immigrants.
We have a president of the United States who has embraced white nationalism.
And now, America is under attack from domestic white nationalist terror.
White nationalist, white supremacist, racist hatred.
White nationalism and white nationalist violence.
White nationalist terrorism.
White nationalists.
White nationalism.
The president has stoked the flames.
He has emboldened it.
He has given it power.
He has elevated it.
He has coddled it.
And he's got to stop.
This is the environment that the president has created.
He's made it okay.
He is responsible for what is going on and is doing nothing, nothing to stop the carnage and the chaos.
I'm incredibly saddened and it's very hard to think about this.
Our president right now is using the same language of racism, of bigotry, and white supremacy.
He is a racist.
Donald Trump talks like a racist, thinks like a racist, makes statements like a racist.
Yeah, he's a racist because racism is as racism does.
He must be held responsible.
It's a national embarrassment.
I mean, who cares how strong our economy is, or how strong our military is, if Americans are killing Americans?
When you read that manifesto, it looked like it could have been written by a Trump speechwriter.
Laura in Alabama.
Laura, you're on the air.
are glad. Hi Alex, I wanted to let you know first of all that I do pray for you
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So I ask everyone right now to go online and order some products.
It's important.
Well, thank you for your kind words, because take that wound gel.
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And then we private label it as Silver Wound Gel, which is a pre-gel, tiny bit, covers your hands, everything.
And then disinfects all day long or put it on once you have a cut or something.
Now, it's so super strong, you can't take it internally or it's poisonous.
But yes, it is the strongest FDA over-the-counter silver there is.
So that is one of our best sellers.
People absolutely love it.
Thank you.
And I can tell you this, my neighbor burned his finger a little bit.
We're building a fire outside and I ran inside and got it and put it on his finger.
And he said to me, is this supposed to work instantly and like this?
And I said, yep, sure does.
So it's fantastic stuff.
I highly recommend it.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're live in deep space.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
We're on a giant intergalactic spacecraft.
A huge planetoid.
Blasting through space and eternity.
Come on, bring me that article.
It's awesome.
We're live broadcasting worldwide in defiance of the globalist tyrants.
Here's what I'm gonna do.
Next segment, I'm going to get into the mechanics of why Trump's got issues with fighting the censorship because it's so complex.
These are just some of the notes I wrote during the last break.
I've got to write a couple more pages of notes from my contacts, our advisement, what we've been told is in the drafts, what Trump has told people that I've met and talked with, that directly met with the President.
This isn't like fake New York Times leaks, where they sit there and just make stuff up and say they have sources, or Comey uses his proximity to the President to then make up fake memos.
No, this is really what is about to happen.
And it would have happened months ago.
Trump already gave him the orders six months ago to come up with a plan to stop this and to fight it.
And if they don't back down to really get draconian, like Trump's done with China and others.
And he's had to remove people, move people around to try to get some straight answers.
And now they are down to the final drawing board right now.
Notice just a few months ago, the Huffington Post and Politico and all these Soros groups were all arrogant.
Oh, he'll never get around to it.
He can't get anything done.
You know, his people know he's an idiot, so they never carry out his orders.
And I remember the neocons, particularly over at the Atlantic.
And I sent that to someone that I know that talks to the President every day that the President calls, the President absolutely loves.
And I said, you know what to do with this.
And he's like, yeah, those are some arrogant bastards.
This will be very helpful with the president.
Their headline, Trump's not going to do anything to Big Tech.
What was the original headline?
Don't worry, Google.
Trump's all talk and his staff won't carry out what he says.
Six hours later, because obviously all our phones are being listened to and watched.
They're obsessed with the fact that we can talk to the president.
They had changed the headline.
I've rewritten the article in Atlantic Monthly not shooting their fat mouths off.
I am going to go to my why is Trump committing suicide message from 10 days ago.
Cue that up please.
But what I'm getting at here is this is so big that I'm just...
I'm having trouble even processing it, and I know they are too, because it's a big deal to go up against Big Tech, because Big Tech is the deep state.
It's the national security system.
It's the 18 agencies.
It's full of Obama people.
And it's the big holdout.
If you think the Justice Department's full of Obama people, no.
Going after Big Tech, you could say is jumping the shark.
I mean, if Trump does this in a meaningful way, it is the Grand Kahone Award.
You know, Owen did his joke award in here for most banned person a few days ago on the anniversary of my deplatforming, but we should have an award with just big, giant, brash balls and give it to President Trump if he does this.
I mean, he already deserves it, but I mean, I'm talking about a huge trophy made of real bronze you can't even pick up.
It's gotta weigh like 500 pounds.
Some giant kettlebells or something.
Because, let me tell you, but here's the thing.
Trump knows he's damned if he does, he's damned if he doesn't.
There's no way to play games with this.
The thing is, Chai Com run with a bunch of foaming at the mouth leftists that bought their own propaganda that was meant to divide the country.
The executives actually hate the country!
Their emails have leaked!
They actually smoked the dope!
The Chai Com and Globalist Tabistock Institute dope!
By the way, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
You know, the Tabastock Institute, I'm told, is having some big problems internally and a lot of other things are happening to them right now.
You want them to have a system to kill humanity and teach us not to have children and sterilize ourselves?
You actually want to make baby world reality?
Well, there's more than one way to skin a cat.
Or to pull the feathers out of a goose.
So, humanity is roaring back like a fire-breathing engine.
And it's going to be very, very interesting, that's all I can tell you.
Is that the fight's on, for every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.
And the Satanists thought, while we slept like a dormant or sleeping volcano, And they've heard a few rumbles, and they think, oh, nothing's gonna happen, oh, that'll never work out, but now they see smoke, and now, red fire shooting out.
They're going, oh, wow, is there time to evacuate?
You see, because the thing about a volcano is, it's a tidal, tectonic, titanous force.
It's a force of nature, it's natural law.
And we're going to explode politically on you, and all your intimidation isn't going to work.
Like Castro, he couldn't allow them to even say the sacrament of women killing babies for the Satanists, but even better is just getting men to sterilize themselves, because that stops babies too.
So he said, don't let women have the purview of the sacrament of abortion.
Trans men that become women, men can have abortions.
Just as an assault on reality.
That's how you know it's Satan.
When it's just a total up is down, down is up, black is white, there is no natural law, there is no common sense, there is no give and take, there is no tidal forces.
It's all just one-way, mindless garbage.
Rebelling against God's laws.
That's Satanism.
And so, he said he wanted to intimidate people and let them know that we're coming after you.
And that's what they're all saying.
Oh, we gotta get dirty.
We gotta show them.
We gotta scare them.
Hayes and Donnie Deutch and all of them.
We ought to put a whole compilation together.
It's the last month of the threats.
You know, not just, we're coming to your house.
We're coming to your... Don't let them eat their dinners.
Hey, great!
You yell at me, but when I'm eating my dinner, I come over and scream at you and get your ass thrown out.
I don't leave when you get around me.
At, uh...
Taco Deli, or at a sub shop, or at a restaurant, or at a fried chicken place?
I come, and I get in your face, and I yell at you.
I'm done eating.
You came over and threatened me three times.
Then I come over to you, because you're in the way, and then I get you thrown out, see?
Because I love it.
I've let myself go.
You think I care?
You're coming over saying, F you, hope you die at my table?
I was tired that day.
I was exhausted.
I was a little depressed.
And man, I had so much energy after that.
I went home and had a great time.
Because here's how it works.
Now you leftists, when I go to the restaurants, keep your mouth shut.
Because you know it's not going to be some one-way deal where you chase me out of the building.
I'm going to stand up to you.
And if you lay hands on me, I'm going to punch you right in your throat like you've never been hit.
Now, when you're in that hospital, fighting for your life with that trach down your throat, remember, there are some people that can tear people's heads off with their bare hands, and I'm one of them, scumbag!
You wanna fight, you little devil bastards?
I'll show you a fight!
I'll show you the fire of hell!
A lot of good things are happening, ladies and gentlemen.
A lot of good things are happening.
And you can feel the energy in the universe and you can feel Satan is absolutely enraged because he knows he's a loser!
He's always been a loser!
And he just wants to take as many children with him!
That means simple minds as well.
And it's up to us to not let that loser pull these people with him into that black hole.
That's what hell is, man.
The globalists know where they're going.
All the allegories, the comic books, the Phantom Zone.
That's it!
Well, guess what?
I don't want to go to the Phantom Zone with a bunch of you people.
Can you imagine being an eternal spirit that we are locked with these people forever?
That love to hurt children?
And prance around all day worshiping evil and wearing black and celebrating their weakness and their self-loathing.
They project onto us, I love myself!
I'm proud of who I am!
I love God!
I don't want to be with you forever!
I want you to get behind me!
As this planetoid races through space!
Get off our planet!
You damn devils!
They'll be back, stay with us.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Schroyer.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
No one can doubt that InfoWars has changed the world.
The globalists give us credit for discrediting their world government system, their neoliberal fascist plan, and infecting, in their words, The entire world was nationalism.
Now, how did I do that?
I did that because of you.
We did that.
You did that.
We're either going to have freedom or we're going to have slavery.
And these corporatists play nation states off against each other.
They play men and women off against each other.
They play people off against each other for what color their skin is.
But the people of the world more and more are seeing through it.
And that's why I want all of you right now As the world government falls apart, as the New World Order hits the panic button and tries to start a race war, to realize that we have come so far, and that all these globalists have now is trying to stir up internal information warfare fights.
But we knew history, and knew that these globalists are arrogant, and there would come a time when their system would enter a crisis, when it actually tried to implement It's incredibly anti-human agenda.
You know, I don't spend valuable time on air.
Showing you the infrastructure here, showing you what goes into it, showing you how much money it costs to run this and do this, especially since we were de-platformed one year ago today.
That's why we're calling it the one-year anniversary of the first domino to be unpersoned, to be sent into a black hole, the Phantom Zone.
But the globalists did it too early.
There's still talk radio, there's still TV, there's still independent websites like Infowars.com and Newswars.com that are on the air.
And people have word of mouth to say, hey, just because you can't say Alex Jones's name on Facebook unless it's a negative statement or can't show InfoWars.com, you can tell your office about InfoWars.com.
You can tell your neighbors about NewsWars.com.
You can share our videos and our articles.
We have our own site.
We have our own platform.
That's the beauty of what's happening here.
That's the beauty of what's unfolding.
And it's a real fight.
And things aren't going to go the way this whole synthetic technocracy want them to go, because you've been standing in the gap.
You've been spreading the word.
You've been praying.
You've been supporting this transmission.
You've been buying products from us.
So it's the one-year anniversary.
It's store-wide, ladies and gentlemen.
Free shipping.
It's double Patriot points on your next order.
And it's 50-60% off.
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Anniversary sale at InfoWarsStore.com.
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And again, sign up for auto-ship with an additional 10% off.
It is such a revolutionary act to keep this broadcast on air.
It is such a revolutionary act.
Every time you put a bumper sticker on your car, or paintinfowars.com on the side of your barn, every time you stand up to leftist police, every time you tell the truth, every time you keep this symbol of free speech and pro-human values alive, the enemy comes one step closer to their system falling.
We have pushed them into overreaching and showing their hand.
And now we've got a fighting chance, if we all take action, of defeating the globalists.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
But please take advantage of the sale.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I can feel the energy.
The energy fading.
Oh baby, I'm gonna teach you what love's all about tonight Trust me honey, everything's gonna be alright
Just do like I do, there ain't nothing to it Listen to me baby, any woman can do it
All you gotta do is just let yourself go Stop submitting to these devil worshippers.
You see, they have the fury.
They try to imitate God's fury.
We have the real power.
They couldn't even imagine.
I'm not doing this as a cliffhanger, but I'm going to have to at six after because I was busy during the break and I've got to write more notes.
I've got to brainstorm because again, all this fake news goes around and manufacture stories and they don't even know how to get sources.
No one trusts them, so they don't get sources.
I've not been perfect.
I got about a 98 when it comes to not hurting sources.
A few times, I won't lie, sometimes over the years, late at night or whatever, I've had a few drinks and said things I shouldn't on air.
That's why I pretty much stopped that, but definitely on air.
I didn't even drink any of the champagne no one brought in here.
I had like one sip of it.
These people just burn each other all day, they lie constantly.
I couldn't imagine being that dishonorable and just living where you constantly lie and constantly betray people and constantly screw people over.
Because they're cut off from God.
If you're connected to God, that's what God's fearing is.
People don't even understand what that means.
It means you feel God pulling away from you because you're moving away from God.
Because God is perfect.
And so when you're doing bad things, you're moving yourself away from God.
And so, it's like in a car that has, you know, the alert systems.
When somebody gets too close, or you're about to rear end, somebody goes, beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep!
These people don't have any of those.
They have no sixth sense.
They have no connection.
They have no intuition.
Oh, women's intuition!
That's women's psychic power.
And everything we're taught is to not go with our instincts, even though our instincts know.
And so people like Castro says, I want to intimidate people.
I want to teach them not to give a Trump.
Let me make a little prediction.
It's already happening.
Trump's bringing in more money than he ever did.
You dumb idiot.
Like you must think Texans are slaves.
That you dox thousands of people so they get harassed because they gave money to Trump.
And you were so dumb, a whole bunch of them had donated to you as well.
A lot of folks just do that for business purposes and now they say they're gonna just, like I thought, increase to Trump and nothing to you or any Democrats.
Gee, you thought a bunch of self-made business people are gonna back away from Trump because you say where they live?
You know, Castro, there's some people out there that don't put up with stuff like that.
I'm not threatening you.
You're an idiot.
I wouldn't dock somebody unless they docked me.
That's called chivalry.
You don't fight at people's houses.
You don't go to somebody's home unless they've been assaulting people's homes.
And let me tell you, this Antifa and people like him, hey Castro, we're coming to your house.
Not to hurt you, not to threaten to stab you with a butcher knife like your supporters do to Mitch McConnell, but we're
coming to your house.
Oh, that's another thing about chivalry.
When I'm coming to somebody's house, I tell them I'm coming.
So, you crossed the line here, buddy boy.
You crossed the line.
And by the way, anybody who comes to my house to hurt me and my family, you're coming to die.
That's another little message I want to give everybody.
I'm not into killing, I'm not into death, but if people want to go down that road, you know what?
I just so happen to know how to do all that.
I know how to do it real good, like it's second nature, like it's breathing or something.
It's so easy to hurt people.
You know what's hard is to be good and try to build things and build people up.
But that's what's fulfilling.
That's what's rewarding.
I'm really just a farmer, Castro.
I really just want to build a civilization and have happy people.
But you know what?
You won't get off my back, Castro.
and the rest of you people won't get off our backs so some things are gonna happen.
I don't want anything violent to happen to Castro or Antifa.
*sniff* *cough* But when you see him out, or you see him out doing stuff, you go get in that coward's face because he thinks he intimidated us.
He's drawing first blood over and over and over again.
And he needs to know that his intimidation isn't going to work.
So I said next hour, I said this segment, now next hour, I'm going to write some notes.
But to write some notes, again, how this happened, if you just tuned in, I've been at the heart with this audience, all of you have been at the heart, and Matt Drudge has been at the heart even more than we have.
I almost don't even want to say that and get the guy in trouble, but you already know how instrumental Drudge is trying to keep this country free.
Trying to get information to the President and Don Jr.
and others.
And it's happening.
But the President's getting ready with these executive orders.
It's a big deal.
And they still got the drafts together, so right now they're kind of all in the boardrooms deciding, and this is the maximum time to make this the big issue, as they report that Trump is set, and that is accurate, to issue an executive order on big tech censorship very, very soon.
I want to give you the intel of the discussions I've been made privy to, the intel that we've given the President, and how they're trying to block the more effective plans.
But then when I even try to think about what is the most effective plan, they're really thinking about that, too.
It's very weighty, heady stuff.
And it's why I haven't really got to it yet, because even though I've thought about this a lot and everything, when you come down to the moment, it's like giving you the space shuttle controls and saying, well, okay, what do we do with the space shuttle here?
The truth is, nobody's been in these waters, so no one is able to do this perfectly.
It just has to be done.
And so, we're here.
And it's big.
And it's not like I'm even choking to talk about it.
It's just that it's so important that we're up to this moment now.
We should probably just open the phones up the next few days and see what listeners think, too.
This is just a big deal.
This is a big deal.
And I don't want to go off half-cocked, but we're at this moment, and we know how they're trying to get him derailed.
So whatever we're going to lay out, and the fights we're going to talk about, and what we know the President's doing, will definitely get traction, is what I'm saying.
Because we're in the final days of this.
It was already going to happen before, but it wasn't going to be as strong.
But they screwed the pooch with all their arrogance, and lying to his face, and all the stuff.
Now it's going to be draconian.
Just like with China, it's going to be draconian.
I mean, Trump's not backing down.
He's really trying to fix this peacefully.
Because you know, if North Korea keeps playing games, I mean, it's good.
It's going to get serious, too.
Trump isn't hanging around with that little vampire bat demon for nothing.
That guy's a Chycom puppet.
And it's scary to the Chycoms.
The Chycoms have kept the Koreans poor.
The North Koreans.
Trump's really trying to say, hey, come on in.
The water's nice.
Come on.
Come on.
No, no, stop.
You can rule over all this wealth.
Just free your people.
But the Chi-Coms are all surrounding him.
And so it's just an amazing time to be alive, folks.
This is the crossroads of humanity.
Here's a few minutes of the report that Drudge linked to.
I know the White House got to Trump in my emergency message.
The President asking, why are you committing suicide and demanding quick action?
Here it is.
President Trump, I am here to respectfully tell you that if you don't wake the f**k up and take action right now, you're not going to get re-elected in 2020.
In fact, the globalists are going to steal that election and then fully overthrow this nation as you know well.
I'm about to give you a briefing on the endgame of censorship and the fact that you must act now!
Mr. President, we're able to get this report to you.
I beg you, for yourself, your family, my family, and the whole world, to understand that your blind spot, your Achilles heel, is your confidence that you can overpower the censors and overpower the manipulation that we saw in 2016.
That was intense, but nothing compared to what the Democrats in the deep state are doing this time.
They have pulled out all the stops.
In just the last three days, Mr. President, we have seen over 200 million followers
to scores of popular Instagram and Facebook accounts deleted and the accounts removed.
Some of these accounts had 43 million followers apiece.
Others had over 30 million.
If you combine just the top two accounts that got deleted for no reason other than they were politically popular and shared your information, that's more followers than you have on Twitter.
The Democrats admit, the EU admits, the big tech giants admit that memes are more powerful than all...
So that's part of the eight-minute report that Drudge linked to that we got to the President.
Thank God for Matt Drudge.
And a lot of people are lighting a fire under Trump's ass when he's out on the road.
He keeps giving orders.
They keep not coming up with plans.
Well, he's been cracking the whip.
It's very close.
So we need to talk about what's on the table coming up, and then we'll get into other issues today.
There's so much news to cover, but this is really the big enchilada in your voice and your lobbying.
Isn't penultimate.
It's paramount.
It's uno.
Everybody says it's the penultimate goal, like it's the top.
No, penultimate means number two.
Is that Spanish right?
I'm going from memory.
The point is, is that this is uno.
We're going to come back.
Don't forget.
Oh, big plug for the hour.
We got that mega sale going.
It's going to happen in four days.
We're running out of a bunch of stuff.
Storewide free shipping.
Double patriot points.
Fifty, sixty percent off.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on air 25 years and I've never at a gut level felt the fire of war like I do right now, ladies and gentlemen.
So many incredible things are happening.
So many dangerous things are unfolding.
And at a cellular level, at a spiritual gut level, At the heart of my gut, the heart of my mind, at every level, I can just feel the evil rage of the globalists, knowing that their plan for world government, and their plan for total censorship, and their plan for human-animal clones, and sex with children, and Satanism is in trouble.
It can feel the spirit of Christ coming back into the world.
There's gonna be a tribulation.
During this fight, the devil knows he's going to lose.
The devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows his time is short.
And I can feel Satan's rage.
I know you can feel it.
And they are planning a bloody revolution here.
They're planning massive censorship across the country and the world.
This is a time to be praying to Christ for justice and for freedom and that God's spirit come into you and lead God and direct you.
But it's also time to be politically and culturally active.
And it's time to spread the word about InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and override the AI sensors to override their systems and to let people know, hey, here's the name that must not be spoken.
Here's what the world fears.
Here's the guest and the information and the history and the analysis that is the cure to the globalist poison.
Strength lies entirely with you and the action you take.
You are the InfoWars.
You are the resistance, and everything you do now will affect the battle space for billions of lives going to the future.
The war has already begun, quote Patrick Henry.
It's an information and spiritual war.
The enemy's losing that war so they want to make it a physical war.
So prepare yourselves.
You have been warned.
Next segment, because I've still got to do some more brainstorming.
I'm going to give you my best thinking on what's currently happening and our inside scoops on what Trump is planning to do to big tech and how they're planning to counter-strike.
I mean, this is just, this is the war of our time.
When this is all said and done, you could have encyclopedic volumes written about how crazy all of this is.
But remember the backdrop.
Remember the operating system.
I only mentioned this yesterday.
Boy Scouts have a pedophile epidemic and are hiding hundreds in its ranks.
Boy Scouts to provide condoms at upcoming World Jamboree.
To five year olds.
Pedophiles rule the world and it's changing.
Here's a report on it.
Epstein pleaded not guilty to federal charges.
He's accused of recruiting a network of young girls he sexually abused at his mansions in Florida and New York.
No mention of this island, but authorities say he declared it his primary residence, with a massive main house, eccentric statues, and manicured lines of palm trees.
For over a hundred years, Western intelligence agencies, themselves infiltrated by secret societies out of Britain, used sex operatives to compromise targets who weren't just agents of foreign governments, but who were in outside power structures that this group didn't control, but was seeking to get control.
Cecil Rhodes wrote about this in several books on his plan for world government.
He had the main British Empire behind him and supporting him.
They set up roundtable groups across the world, like the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 in New York, to take over our governments using payoffs, using sex operatives and more.
They found quickly that if you tried to set somebody up or blackmail them over cheating on their wife, it wouldn't work.
But, if you could induce them to have sex with an underage person or a child, you had them by the short hairs for the rest of their lives.
Epstein could have faced life in prison, but only ended up with 13 months behind bars.
Do we know why he got such a favorable deal?
Well, he was very politically connected.
Some of his closest friends were world leaders, ex-presidents, royalty, actors, actresses, people in philanthropy and business.
He used those connections as well as his financial means to hire some of the best attorneys in the country.
Jeffrey Epstein was recruited By these systems in New York City, more than 30 years ago, to begin recruiting little girls as a pimp on an industrial scale.
He reportedly had recruited hundreds and hundreds and hundreds a year, that's thousands over the years, to go out and then set up other people and bring them under his control.
Epstein owns a sprawling ranch in the state, complete with airplane hangar and landing strip, where the Attorney General says some of the abuse took place.
This is a very large residence in a very isolated part of New Mexico.
There was clearly a cover-up by the FBI at the highest levels, because again, he was going out on a mass scale, on an industrial scale, recruiting sometimes hundreds of young women and girls a month to frame people.
To dial them in, to compromise them, and that's just phase one.
He has been doing construction on Great St.
James up until very, very recently.
We're told that this white shed was built only a few months ago.
The work being done right up until his arrest, bringing new attention to this tropical hideaway and raising new questions about what may have happened here.
Then, as people get deeper into the cult, They start getting them into religious rituals.
They become more and more dark, more and more satanic.
Then the children get younger.
And through that process, it's basically trauma-based mind control, of the children and the adults, the cult finds out who is truly twisted and dark, and who will carry out certain operations no matter how horrible.
Trump's getting ready to take action against Big Tech.
It's still all on the table.
Final battle plans are being reviewed.
I've got a bird's eye view and a close view.
I'm going to try to cover this massive subject when we come back.
Stay with us.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, we're here in defiance of the globalists, in defiance of the pedophiles, in defiance of the servants of Satan.
In defiance of their will.
And I can feel their will folding.
I can feel their anger.
I can feel their despair.
Because they know the time is short.
And they know that they will fail in the end and be cast into that black hole from which they came.
Our shadow's taller than our souls.
Measurement doesn't add up.
Adam's own.
All right, let's get into it right now and get serious.
It's not just my broadcast that's here weekdays.
11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
There's also the David Knight Show.
8 a.m.
To 11 a.m.
and we kick off and then of course the War Room with Owens Troyer and these are really informative shows.
Owens is fast-moving, a lot of guests, a lot of clips.
Davids is a very cerebral.
I mean Owens is a lot of smart stuff too.
They're just great broadcasts and we've got new shows that are about to be appearing.
Around September 1st.
So there you go dates and lawsuits and around that time against the globalists as well We've got a lot of things that we've been lining up preparing We got to get the money in to do all this and you've really been helping out folks With your purchases of the products because you're the you're the network sponsors and you hear the radio station sponsors.
It's important to support them particularly local sponsors of radio stations and stations themselves but when it comes to supporting us Our funding is InfoWarsStore.com.
Now, we've gotten some partners, three or four, that are big-name, high-quality product lines who wanted to be sponsors during this last year under our attack.
And I said, let's just have our cake and eat it, too.
Let's create private labels of your already best-selling products, build whole new sites that you have, whole new systems, so you get all the benefit of being our sponsor but none of the problems.
And that's been done, and I've been so busy that we've got Three of those built, a couple more ready to go.
We got so much going on.
I've been actually too ambitious, because we've got a lot of ships, to take a naval battle allegory, or analogy, or parallel, or parable, or comparison.
No, you get the point.
We've got a bunch of ships we've built, but we've got to crew them, and we've got to launch them, and we've got to do all that.
I don't want to say I've bitten off more than I can chew, but we've been busy little beavers.
So in case I get whacked or put in prison or whatever, that a lot of stuff's going to continue on, because that's really all that matters at the end of the day.
My old hide in this Earth suit's not worth a nickel, but this mission's worth the whole shooting match and more.
So again, mfullwhorestore.com, mfullwhoreselife.com, or 888-253-3139.
And we've got a lot of best-selling, great products there on the site.
The best air filtration, best water filtration, best rated, great prices on it.
50% off all the storable foods, store-wide free shipping.
50, 60% off all the supplements.
That's as good a deal as we ever do.
The last time we did that was last Christmas.
And we've got double Patriot points, all that.
And we've just got the money in to launch some of these covert programs
that you'll see and you'll hear about and will have a huge effect,
but you'll never see us take credit for.
And again, that's an example.
I didn't have law firms and top lawyers write up reports for the president.
In two of the three cases, these famous lawyers would not put their names on it.
They're so scared, because I'll kill you for this.
I mean, they come after your family, you name it.
They've been intimidating all of Trump's supporters.
So I knew, hey, none of these lawyers are going to come to him.
There's no lobby for free speech.
There's just a lobby for the globalists and big tech to take over.
They've already moved to China.
So I said, I went to like five law firms.
Two wouldn't even do it.
I had relationships with some of these others.
And they got together and they wrote briefs to the president.
And we got them delivered to him.
And we posted some of them to the site?
In fact, that's another reason, you know, I say I'm gonna get up here on air and I'm gonna cover all this, and I'm not mad at the crew, but this all hit me ten minutes before the show, that Trump's going after big tech, he's announced he is, the executive orders are imminent, the globalists are scared, and then I'm trying to think, okay, let me pull together all we've done and present it to you, but I'm busy on air.
So it'll have to be later, because I've got to go during the break and not just write notes.
I've got to go find the articles and some of the public messages we sent to the President to just show you.
A lot of you will remember that, but I guess there was no success, which is okay.
I'll find it.
Of the emergency messages to the President, Trump battle plans to take on big tech released.
You know, that was some of the headlines because, again, this is a big job.
You know, just one lobbyist would spend all their time, say, fighting for big tech against us and hundreds of millions of dollars.
So I'll get it because, again, I'm not building this up and building this up.
And maybe I should just do it tomorrow because I'm going to need some time to go because I paid the law firms and I I, I, get me Tim Ferruchet, he's got to get my email, and I'll just go from the law firm stuff we sent the President, because we can't find him on the floors.
Get me Tim Ferruchet over here, because I'm not, I'm not even throwing a fit right now.
It's not anybody's fault.
These are published things the President was given.
But they're a year ago, that's like 85 trillion years ago.
And then I've got to come up with the exact headline to punch it in, because I'm blocked on Google, or you don't even get it.
But regardless, I have a tendency to get OCD about little factoids and things and show you and go over the points that were in that because I specifically need to show you what the law firm sent so that when you see it come out on the news and the president do it, you understand how real Trump is and how real lobbying by the people is what he listens to.
That's why that's so key.
I'll call Tim.
He needs to get my email, and I need... Yeah, I'll have to talk to him during the break.
I'll handle it myself.
I'll get it out of my email.
That's what I'm doing.
So, this is big medicine, folks.
This is big stuff going on.
This is important.
And just assemble every rider I've got.
I'll give them basic headlines to pull me the stuff.
They can assemble them right there during the break.
I'll get it.
So again, nobody's fault.
You can get ready for weeks for a little speech you give.
I'm here trying to assemble the fact that we've gotten the key intel of the President and so everybody can know the debate that's going on and what's happening internally.
Or maybe I should just get into what everybody told me that's been meeting with the President.
You know, that's really important too.
Or maybe I should talk about India and Kashmir.
Or maybe I should talk about how the Boy Scouts of America is a giant pedophile cult.
How it's all admitted now.
Or maybe I should get into how Antifa's saying they're going to come to your house and kill you.
I mean, there is...
a lot here to cover ladies and gentlemen. Maybe I should go to rebroadcast for the rest of the day
so that while I still have energy I can get this prepared and I can give you a real presentation.
Because again I'm not just here telling you oh we're giving you the inside scoop on what Trump's
planning to do with big tech. It's not been decided yet and we need to explain what the
president needs to do instead of them sabotaging it and it's kind of snuck up on us because now
Trump's about to execute.
He's the executive and we need to be in battle mode getting the right advisement points out again to the president so that when they're sitting there trying to deceive him, we have point-by-point reactions to each point.
So maybe I should just go off air.
Run rebroadcast, focus for a few hours, shoot a 10-minute report, I get directly to the President again that actually lays this out so we change history and defeat the globalists.
See how that works?
Because for all the King's horses and all the King's men, I can get reports to the President, but I can't get them back in my hand again.
So, we're going to do all of this coming up today.
I'm in a really, really, really, really, really, because I'm in brainstorming mode right now.
And I'm going to lay it all out.
But I'm writing all these notes from memory.
I'm like, why don't I just get the reports we got through the president?
And that's the answer.
So I'm going to try my darndest during the break to do that.
And as soon as I'm ready, I'll try to give this report.
But we're definitely powering up here.
Stay with us.
Mmm, I just devoured your cousin in four or five.
Protein bar.
They taste like candy bars.
This is what I want.
This is what I need.
But my god, there's no filler.
But my god, it's solid.
Protein bar, highest quality.
12 bars, highest quality.
Now, you can buy into it easily, but you're going to be like, what in the world's going on here?
Mmm, well today, in four or five.
Protein bar.
Mmm, I just devoured your cousin in four or five.
Protein bar.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, meet my tummy.
As usual, it seems like people are finally catching up to what InfoWars was breaking first.
We know what's happening.
I was just worried that people weren't really aware of how bad it is and what's really going on.
InfoWars has been on the front front of that fight.
I've been on the front front of that fight and we gotta see more.
You know, I say this.
I'm gonna say this about InfoWars.
Everybody can say whatever they want.
Alex Jones is the man, in my opinion.
I mean, whatever you people want to say.
I've been a fan of InfoWars.
Hey Alex!
Free Alex Jones!
Alex Jones needs to be back on social media where he belongs.
What happened to Alex is horrific, you know, and I think that he was just sort of the litmus test for a lot of these tech companies.
You know, I can't say I agree with every single thing that Alex has said, but that's not the point.
That he should have his freedom of speech and he should be able to have that freedom on any platform that he chooses.
He's not inciting violence, he's like Antifa does.
Even Antifa sites haven't been shut down, but yet Alex Jones has because they don't agree
with him or whatever.
That's just, they're like fascists to me, Facebook and all of them, they're the real fascists.
We gotta make 'em kick us off, and then it just, all that would do
is be underlined what they're doing to us.
And I really hope that in the future we can get him and all of the other people
that have been treated so terribly by big tech oh, we can take him out 'cause he's sort of the symbol
of the most extreme voice out there.
And so I think to him, they targeted him and used him as an example.
A modern-day deep person, basically.
It's almost like a death sentence.
You can't get your voice out there.
But if they come after him, they can come after anyone.
So he should have his platform just like anybody else does.
InfoWars has given so many young people a platform in the beginning to get their voice out there.
Luckily, Alex's and your guys' audience is so big and so loyal that they're able to follow him to, you know, his personal website or the show's website.
But other people don't have that luxury, you know?
If you're a smart creator and you get de-platformed early on, no one will even know you exist.
So, I gotta give a shout-out to InfoWars.
I don't care what nobody will say.
I met Alex Jones personally.
I buy the supplements and everything, so... I just wanna give a shout-out to y'all, man.
You don't get enough credit.
He's a freedom fighter.
He should be here today at the White House.
I love you, Alex.
Everybody knows Ground Zero, Patient Zero is InfoWars and Alex Jones.
Everybody knows that.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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KMLA Los Angeles.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
anyone else alone.
Hitler took the guns. Stalin took the guns. Mao took the guns. Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.
The republic will rise again when you attempt to take our guns.
I am sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny of the mind of man.
I'm ready to take on the New World Order!
Can you imagine?
Imagine driving a sword right into the globe like... Give me some more!
High on life, baby.
That's what it's all about.
Here's what happened today.
I saw another key point to take down the globalists.
And we've done that with 9-11, exposing that as a globalist operation.
And I knew it with Trump, and I had that feeling.
And I just had, it doesn't happen very often, but when I, when I, the problem is I have an epiphany.
And then epiphanies are so big, and there's so many angles and fractals and information to it that my brain then explodes with all the thousands of data points, and then I overload like a race car and blow my engine.
So, I'm not building up all day that I'm going to tell you what Trump's planning to do.
Literally, I can feel the energy that this is being decided right now, and it's so pivotal to the future of humanity, and there's so many angles to it, that it's not even a form of choking.
It's kind of like false starting in a race.
So, I'm sorry to the crew that I'm running around like a Tasmanian Devil during the break.
I'm doing it on air.
I just... There's a total global crossroads right now.
Not just with big tech, it's everything.
There might be a nuclear war today or something.
I don't know, man.
The energy level is just off the charts.
I don't think I've ever felt this much energy on the planet before.
I don't want to get all New Agey.
I think everybody can feel it right now, folks.
I mean, this is explosive.
Something big's going on.
I tell you, that's it.
It's not even this tech thing.
I don't know if I can do the show anymore.
And then you see the left, all they've got is division.
All they've got is to turn us against each other.
All they've got is this racism, white supremism crap.
When I have a whole news report, in fact that's what we'll play, where there's modern slavery in Africa, and I know I've harped on this, and harped on this, and harped on this, but it's the West that ended slavery, empowered women, and didn't kill homosexuals!
I won't use the term gay because they order me to.
Oh, don't use mother and father now.
Any other words?
Yeah, don't say American flag.
What's the newest thing?
They're saying when we call the left clowns, that clowns is a white supremacist.
So they're banning the word clown and honk honk on Twitter and Facebook.
Oh yeah, you want to get banned?
Just say honk honk.
When someone's acting like a clown.
You see, they're insane.
And they're psychically trying to push their insanity on us when Castro says men can have abortions.
We need to pay for men's abortions.
Well, obviously, if you're a biological woman that says she's a man, you get pregnant.
It happens all the time with these lunatics.
You can then have an abortion.
But he just, it's all about what?
Men have abortions, it's all about assaulting our minds!
And I will not have their spirit dominate me, I will not be broken by them!
And the truth is, we're breaking them right now.
And, uh... I'm high as a kite right now.
I walked in this morning and Pat Riley, he goes, what?
What's going on with you?
I said, what do you mean?
He goes, look, you're here to kill somebody.
I said, man, I don't know.
I feel the energy today.
And then it was just like, I don't know, man.
It's just, I tell you, everybody knows this too, like mice and stuff know before there's a big earthquake.
Maybe there's going to be a big earthquake or something.
I just, we should open the phones up and ask folks if they can feel all this energy.
I'm sure people do.
You know sometimes you'll be like in your house with your wife and the kids are all acting crazy and she's acting crazy and you're acting crazy and you go, what's going on?
You walk outside and there's this giant full moon and then a buck runs right in front of your yard, right out into traffic and a car hits it.
You're just like, yep, the universe is crazy.
You know what I mean?
It's like, it's that electricity that everybody feels, everybody sees.
And then I get OCD about, well, if I can just have that one of those legal reports we sent to the president, then I can just go off that with the top advisement of what he should do.
And instead, I just kind of go off the rails about it.
But I'm going to stop now.
I'm going to stop now.
And I'm going to come back and I'm going to be a good boy.
And I'm going in the next segment to cover what they're telling the president.
And what he's looking to do, and what the different pieces are, and what the different angles are, and how big a... I mean, he'll lose 2020 if he doesn't do this.
I think that's why we're all bouncing off the walls.
And the Kashmir situation, we're on the edge of World War IV.
The Democrats are trying to cause a civil war, and they're pulling all sorts of stops out to have that happen.
And I just sense, and I see, that humanity's not buying it.
No one I know, no matter what color they are, buys this crap anymore.
But here's the problem.
The globalists are going to go crazy.
And they're going to start a war.
They're going to do something bad to try to turn the chessboard over and make us submit to them.
And that's what this is all about, is being dominated by these powerless, pathetic globalists that don't have any inherent power or spark.
And that's why they're always seeking power.
And then those of us that already have inerrant power from the universe, from God, never seek power because we already have it, but we only rise up when they're trying to enslave us, and that's always explosive.
Yeah, there's Ceylon.
Yes, Democrats need a civil war.
Believe it or not, it's the only real path back to power.
And if you go, that's Ceylon right now, that's the mouth of the globalists.
And if you go into all the Netflix shows, there's like two new Netflix shows about kidnapping and killing white people because they're Trump supporters, but whites are doing it.
It's like the whites are going, oh, minorities, will you start killing white people with me?
I mean, how criminal are these people?
And then both these guys, I've gone and looked at their records.
They're both anti-fuck.
Both of them.
I mean, I took one look at both of them on that Saturday and I called up crew and I said, check their background, families that are psychologists working for the Pentagon and some psych warfare and devil worshippers.
And by the way, they're trying to cover it up with the El Paso guy, same MO.
They did it to blame the right-wingers.
It's so obvious.
And they just activate demonically.
There's no need for mind control.
It's spiritual.
They just do it.
They just go out.
You take one look at these dudes, and you think, that's a creep.
That's somebody that knows they're never going to get a woman, never going to have children, never anything.
That's fine.
People don't want to have kids, but it's this particular type.
And they're going to take some people with them because they're devils.
And what's the devil want to do?
The devil wants to take you down with him.
Well, guess what?
You found the right guy, then, because I'm Captain Ahab and Moby Dick, baby.
I'm coming after your ass.
And we're going to see what happens in the end.
So I ask, who's with me?
I'm not going to nail that gold piece to the mast.
I'm just here to tell you, wild horses couldn't drag me away from this, because they can feel the energy!
Ladies and gentlemen, I got to tell you, the InfoWars Life protein bars are really popular
around the InfoWars office.
I mean, people around here cannot get enough of them.
I'm telling you.
In fact, myself included.
Let me just show you why the InfoWars Live Protein Bar is so popular, man.
This thing is like a double fudge brownie.
Look at that.
Wrapped in peanut butter with peanuts in the middle.
I mean, you cannot get a better tasting protein bar than this.
And that's why people around the InfoWars office are going crazy for them and we can't even keep them on the shelves.
But they're on sale for 40% off right now.
So get your InfoWars Live Protein Bar 40% off at InfoWarsStore.com and you can be just
like the crew around here enjoying the best protein bar on the market.
Let me get into something briefly that is so paramount that it deals with the very essence
of the soul and the spark of consciousness and creation.
Every study documents what we already know in our heart and minds to be true.
That apathy leads to entropy, leads to collapse.
And that if you don't have a purpose-driven life, you will die before your body fails.
Apathy, most common symptom of dementia, science daily, distinct from depression, present in nearly half of patients.
This is out of the University of Exeter.
Apathy is the most common neuropsychiatric symptom of dementia, with a bigger impact on the functioning than memory loss, yet is under-researched and often forgotten.
And our very way of life is now sitting in front of screens, clicking on things to get dopamine rushes, and so when you go out in the real world, you don't get a dopamine rush off an owl flying over.
Or a hawk, or the moon, or airplanes flying in the sky like we're in a science fiction movie.
We are science fiction reality.
And just the magic of the universe and these experiences of falling off your bike, or jumping a dirt hill, or getting in a fist fight, or kissing that girl for the first time.
These are deep experiences that our ancestors experienced that are rituals within us that open up the gateways to perception in the universe.
We must go through the rituals.
That's why the enemy tries to domesticate people Nobody knows how to do math anymore because we use calculators.
And soon we won't know how to drive cars anymore because they're all going to be self-driving.
This system is designed to dehumanize us and the people that run it admit they're doing it to dehumanize us because they want us out of the way so the globalists can control the future and so they can dictate the new architecture.
And so, instead of just physically killing us right away, they kill our intellect, they kill our spark, they kill that which makes us higher than the animals.
That we can control our own environments, and that we can control our own destinies to a certain extent, and that we can envision things, and then build those things.
That we're master builders.
But when you dial into the universe, and the mystic secrets, and all the magic, and the real potential, and the ancestral memories, and the ancestral will, that is, again, electromagnetic, Electrochemical from you to your most ancient ancestor is an unbroken electromagnetic chain of genetic information that operates as an antenna to receive and transmit as a transceiver into higher dimensions.
This has all been proven scientifically.
The enemy can't stand it when I get on air because I already know all their equations, their operations, and then of course later I can go out and research and they've written and said exactly this, but in their more secretive reports.
Let me just tell you, I'm giving you the big enchilada, okay?
Oh, we're real.
Oh, we're eternal.
And they don't want you to know that because you're awesome.
And they want to lead you with them into their creation that is a leaking, stinking hellhole.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
It's all in plain view, people.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
Let me think, just let me think.
I suspect even now, orders are being shouts into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
Yes, Chancellor Sutler.
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power.
Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You told me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and depression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have sensors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and selecting your submission.
We need cameras.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid, cooling me.
War, terror, disease.
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
We have the globalists.
They strangle hope.
come on come on come on come on come on now baby like a dog in here now baby i'd like to turn the street
now i've been struggling for so long you know i'm here to stay
baby thanks for joining us it was thursday august 8 2019 global
transmission Now, I will stop pontificating and get into my report to the American people, my report to the President, my report to anyone that is concerned about the fate of humanity.
You guys can do a document cam shot on this, please.
This is one of the three reports that I know were hand-delivered into the President of the United States' hand, along with appendix.
Now, we also published this.
You see this right here?
Federal action.
You see that?
You see when this report was sent to the President?
About a month after my deplatforming.
There were other reports sent before it.
But we didn't send a report as draconian as this one until we were confirmed that the deplatforming came.
The previous reports warned that the deplatforming was coming, a Chinese social score, and laid out how it would operate and how the president would lose the election.
Think you paid attention when it all came true?
Yeah, I think you did.
So, the reason this is important is they are currently Meaning the president himself up to two hours a day on this.
He's got a lot of other important things going on.
Proxy wars, trade wars, the border collapse, the attempt for the private Federal Reserve to derail the economy.
I mean, he's like an octopus.
He's got so many arms.
That's good.
Like the joke of a mom that has like six kids and she's just juggling it all.
Well, Trump's got that to the next level.
And so people see the president say things like, hey, we need millions of people here, just come legal.
Well, we do need millions of people that have good records and are coming here.
Just not illegally.
I mean, because the media has the rhetoric that he hates all immigrants when he doesn't.
And never did.
And they're trying to create hate and division.
He says, no, we love immigrants.
We are a nation of immigrants.
Just like Ellis Island, you got to get vetted.
And some of the right wing actually goes, oh, my God, he's going back on promises.
Well, I guess you really don't like immigrants.
We got a lot of people here that weren't born in this country.
They do a good job.
They're not criminals.
They came here legally.
That's all we asked.
They always go, oh, look, Trump's got his own hotels and golf courses, and a lot of people are staffed with workers that come in six months out of the year.
Well, yeah, and they're good workers, and they're hard workers, and then they rotate out to another part of the world, and they come back.
That's the lifestyle they like.
They're saving money.
They're from Eastern Europe.
They're from Africa.
They're from Latin America.
They're from everywhere.
Trump's never been a hypocrite about any of this.
But I digress.
They say, oh, Trump's saying he wants background checks.
That's always been his weakness.
He's not a gun owner.
His sons are, dad, you're wrong.
He gets like, you just get one of those without a background?
He doesn't, no, no, no, sir, can grandpa give their grandson a rival?
Oh, of course.
Oh, then he'll, then he'll be against it.
He just, he's not a gun guy.
He's a golf guy.
He grew up in New York City, folks.
But that part doesn't matter.
None of that's going to happen.
Because the NRA's warned him.
And when the rubber meets the road, I've talked to folks that have met with the president that are NRA board members.
I just had no joke.
And Trump knows exactly what he's doing.
And they know his trick now, so I can let you know.
But he just says, oh sure, we'll do whatever you want if we can get it passed.
What do you want?
Ban all guns.
They're done right then.
But there's DrudgeReport.com, top link.
Red flag!
NRA warns Trump!
Because the red flag is for the due process.
That's an Orwellian term.
But on this internet thing, Trump is being told that if he goes after big tech, it'll plunge the economy.
And you notice that when he went after China, Big Tech is what brought the stock market down 950 points.
Well, they just did that to themselves to CC, because he really cares about the economy.
He really wants you to be successful.
He really wants to be the guy that turned America around.
Why wouldn't you want to be?
That's like Lee Iacocca on, you know, 20 levels bigger.
Here's the thing.
The Trump name either succeeds or it will become like mud.
You know the CIA, FBI guy that says he wants to kill Trump?
Turns out his great-great-great-great-great grandfather was the surgeon doctor that was the only other person convicted of the assassination of Lincoln.
History doesn't just rhyme, folks, it repeats.
And let's hope they're unsuccessful.
But Trump's name will be mud.
And so, just during the break, I got one of the reports I wanted, because again, I wasn't intending to come in and do this today, and then it clicked.
Wow, they're having this big debate, they're having this big fight.
So a lot of times when I do a message to the President, I get up here and prepare for like three or four hours.
Try to be quick and succinct, and then I really focus, and it's successful because I put the right energy into it, I pray about it, I commit to it, and that's why for over an hour and a half now, I've been spinning wheels here Because I'm doing research during breaks trying to get it just right.
This isn't like a golf game where you're trying to drive it, you know, all the way down the field or you're gonna lose a hundred dollars.
If Trump doesn't make the right decision on big tech and doesn't behave in a strong manner and doesn't really cut the head off a snake, we can see into the futures that are coming and it's gonna be very, very bad.
This is the clear move needs to happen and there's clear things need to be executed and Again, we've been instrumental because no one else would do it.
It's like if there's a big ruby up in the big idol's head, like out of some Robert E. Howard Conan book.
Anybody could go into the temple and go get the ruby because it's abandoned.
Except booby traps get you when you go do it.
So what I did is not that special.
I just toddled in though, and here's the thing, we got the ruby, folks.
Now I've got a few cari darts in me and I'm kind of limping along.
I might not make it, but we got out of the temple.
We've got the ruby.
The question is, what do we do with the ruby now?
Think about that.
So I will give the report to the President.
I'm going to just do it live.
Just like old O'Reilly used to say, that's what I'll do it live.
When we come back, I'm going to do it live.
So just stay with us, I promise.
This is very critical.
We'll stay with us.
Well Alex Jones has been banned from all tech platforms.
Nobody said anything.
So Big Tech's language police are getting bolder.
Now four media giants are banding together to take down controversial InfoWars content from their site.
YouTube, Facebook, and Apple all announcing they're removing his content from their platforms.
But by the grace of God and via Matt Drudge's warning and others' warnings, we have helped build our own infrastructure, our own video, our own audio, our own news gathering system at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And it's all because of your support.
This is the house you built.
I want to play a few minutes of just a sampling of the demonization and the lies of a year ago.
And then I want to play a few minutes of what's happening currently as thousands and thousands of prominent people are completely banned and unpersoned as well.
And as hundreds of millions of accounts of people following Popular meme sites and other sites on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are being deleted.
That's hundreds of millions of followers not being able to choose what content they see.
This is outrageous.
That's incredibly dangerous.
But it's the day and age that we live in.
Thank God we built InfoWars so there'd be some voice in the midst of this.
And that's why it's so important to remember before we play these clips that Without your word of mouth, and without you spreading the word, no one knows we're still here and still on air.
Thanks to you doing that, we're coming back from the dead.
And without your financial support, we won't be here either.
So please check out the huge sales we have running, the Banniversary Sale, 50-60% off all the supplements, 50% off water filtration, air filtration, storable food, store-wide free shipping, and double Patriot Points, and a lot more.
So be sure and visit InfoWareStore.com.
Now let's go to the folks that tell us that we need to be banned, we need to be silenced, that we need to be shut down.
And that, well, chief among those is yours truly, Alex Jones.
Yesterday, Alex Jones became an un-person.
Apple last night removed the entire library of Alex Jones' podcast from their store.
The conspiracy theories are beyond the realm, are not only beyond being offensive, they're dangerous.
And we don't do enough in telling people out there right now this morning, people who read newspapers, exactly who these people are and what they believe.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
The real election meddling is by Facebook and Google and others that are shadow banning people, that are outright banning people, and they're blocking conservatives involved in their own First Amendment political speech.
Even the New York Times calls it a crackdown on conservatives and a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet and communicating with each other, just like communist China.
And we're also standing up To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
People at home could go and search, say, Alex Jones, a prominent InfoWars.com media broadcaster.
If you go to DuckDuckGo or you go to Bing and you search Alex Jones, you'll find InfoWars in a mix of articles.
If you go to Google, you won't even find his main broadcasting station, InfoWars.
Instead, you'll just find a bunch of negative hit pieces.
Conservatives are feeling the heavy hand of censorship in the United States and across Western Europe.
Their social media accounts are being banned, blocked, and cancelled on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
And in 2020, you can bet that all of these companies are going to go all out.
And the methods that they're using are invisible.
They're subliminal.
They're more powerful than...
most any effects I've ever seen in the behavioral sciences and I've been in the
behavioral sciences for almost 40 years.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
In that great film, Gladiator, Russell Crowe asks, are you not entertained?
Well, I ask you now, are you not on fire?
Fire of liberty.
Let me tell you, big stuff's happening across the world.
Major decisions are being made.
But my gut tells me that humanity has made critical decisions into the future that prove what the Bible told us about victory against Satan and the devil.
And we knew it was foretold when it was gonna happen, but it's happening.
Doesn't mean a bunch of bad stuff's not gonna happen in between then, but I can literally feel the interdimensional historic chain electrifying into the future, and I just feel the tumblers clicking into place of humanity's survival.
At a fundamental, intergalactic, spiritual level, multidimensional, I just really feel good today.
Massive things are happening.
And a lot of bad stuff's happening, too.
I'm learning to go with my gut, it's never wrong, and it's my North Star, my connection to God, and it's massive.
Let me get into it right now.
Here is the report.
Back in August, and before that, July of last year, I sent, as I told you, three reports put together by law firms with different strategies and stratagems.
to stop big tech from their clear plan to de-platform everyone.
They were obviously warming up and getting ready.
And I wanted Trump to be advised on what was coming and what was going to happen so that he would pay particular attention to the next reports I sent him, which I've done, both publicly and privately.
But here's the article.
Exclusive Trump planning multi-pronged response to tech censorship.
of conservatives but then we knew that he was looking at our previous reports and hoping he
would take action and you can read those reports that law firms sent him and I also asked Mike
Adams because he was so smart when I was interviewing him and talking to him and he's a
programmer and engineer and I said well you please write a detailed report he wrote an even bigger
report that I know got on the president's desk as well the censorship master plan decoded.
Now Trump did make rumblings he did make statements he did do an executive order on
the university censoring and they've now been having to back off and let folks have
more free speech there so.
So that is a good beta test to show it's the right thing to do.
But within that report, you can read one of the law firm's reports that we sent to the president, social media deplatforming, federal action.
And they gave a spectrum of actions here.
That I intended to have some that were the best action, some that the system thought they could take control of the process, and so knowing Trump would take action, they would give him some things that they thought they could control.
And sure enough, they're going with the Blue Ribbon Commission to discover if there is censorship, or discover if the ocean's blue and the sky's blue and, again, birds fly in the sky and grass is green and, you know, mommy's milk is delicious when you're a little baby.
And so now I'll just say that we specifically put traps in here to then have lesser of two evils for the power structure so that they would try to steer Trump into the Blue Ribbon Commission.
We do not want the Blue Ribbon Commission.
But there are immediate actions in here that will devastate Big Tech's criminal activity instantly.
There's a lot of way to skin a cat, too.
We could just go after him for espionage, working with the CHICOMS, right away.
And I know Trump's kind of saying, yeah, let's just go after him for that.
I mean, they literally moved to China, helped round up people, moved the code keys, the national security over there.
Obama gave the Office of Personnel Management, every federal employee, every CIA person, that was given to the CHICOMS.
And notice that's in Senate and House reports this week.
I mean, we have been so Pearl Harbored.
It's like a 10,000 Pearl Harbors.
I mean, what the globalists, the CHICOMS, did is just biblical.
But if you read this, Attorney General can direct Acting Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, John Gore, Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust, Matkin, to act.
And a suit can be based on two grounds.
First, on the denial of First Amendment rights.
The Supreme Court, it's got all the rulings.
And the foreclosed access to social media altogether is to prevent the user from engaging in the legitimate exercise of the First Amendment.
Packingham versus North Carolina.
Democrats opposing use of Packingham, a case that goes for all that.
Senator Mark Warner's white paper entitled Regulation of Social Media with proposals that would financially ruin the social media companies within release of just a few days.
This is all the nuclear option.
We give a huge appendix to him on this.
Before social media took steps to platform right-of-center news sites.
Senator Chris Murphy stated in a tweet that these companies must do more to take down the website.
Survival of democracy depends on it.
That shows its political direction and election meddling.
So that's criminal.
As Trump said, what Twitter's doing is criminal.
Senator Ron Wyden announced August 22nd, 2018, in an interview with Kara Swisher of Recode,
that there should be consequences for social media platforms that do not.
So that's the Democrats threatening consequences.
So that means Trump is not coming into the vacuum.
He's leaving them to threaten and control and censor going, "Oh, we don't control what social media does,
but you let the Democrats and the Chai comms come into the vacuum and do that."
And then they go through different things they can do with actions on the Sherman Antitrust Act,
Section 2, and the real teeth of all that, and then a presidential commission.
The president didn't want to do this one, but we don't want the commission.
We want immediate action, because the commission just sets up a bunch of potentates who will then put a rule over the carving up of it.
There'll be limited agreements by big tech, which they always violate.
I mean, they lie right to Trump's face, which is what really angers him.
So let's get back to The actual notes from all my sources at the White House, what's going on.
Clearly opening up an antitrust investigation, which has been opened up.
That was announced a month ago.
It's a good move.
But you've got to accelerate that.
They're also going to tell Trump that, oh, you're hurting the economy by doing this.
But there's no election.
There's no future America.
They won't even let Trump deal in a trade war with China if he isn't in office.
So the real threat is not having the New launch of America, instead this globalist plan is antithetical to our very existence so you can't even allow that.
So all these claims are just terrorism.
Do what I say or I'm going to kill the hostage.
Well, you're going to kill the hostage anyways.
So we need to step up and say no and use the President's bully pulpit.
against all this propaganda to tell them you're not going to do this and we're not going to go along with it.
We're going to hold you responsible.
They don't respect the president.
They think he has inaction.
They've engaged in so many lies to Congress, so much perjury, so much censorship, and they've been caught so much.
They think the president is weak.
Now, here's really why Trump doesn't know what to do.
Because Big Tech was really set up by DARPA and was set up by U.S.
But it was set up then to have heads of it, like Chief Science Officer of the Globalists, Bill Gates, where they would follow through with a plan and invest the money where they were told to, and they weren't really these big rich people you heard.
They were just the functional heads of this into the future.
That, of course, was betrayed.
It was always a setup.
The Globalists, the Obama bots, the Bush bots, the Clinton bots, they're all the heads of these companies.
They've all made tens of billions of dollars on average.
And they've used it to spy and oppress and do all of this.
So they totally betrayed that.
And of course they would betray.
Power like that is always abuse to the hilt.
And so Trump is trying to understand all these stay-behind networks and how most of these agencies and most of these groups basically private officers of an NSA system that dwarfs the
NSA where they trick us to opt into it and Trump's being told sir it's an
AI war in the future it's how we defeat China and and others is that we
built this infrastructure it looked like it was private everyone
adopted it if you come out and take it over and admit all this our enemies will
know the enemies already know all that they already know that Apple and
Google think we're so weak that as soon as you got elected they officially
announced they moved to China for tax exemption and have given again the entire
infrastructure to them as a checkmate against you to say look bitch we got all
your codes well good we'll take all those executives that did this and you know
what's gonna happen to them
There's not time for blue-ribbon commissions.
There's not time to play games.
We've let an authoritarian regime that's killed 115 million people get all the codes to everything, okay?
We let somebody worse than Hitler in control.
So you can't play patty-cake.
It's arrogant and doesn't respect us because it's got its arm up our ass.
It's gonna be painful.
You gotta pull the arm out because it's gonna jerk our guts out if we don't.
It's embarrassing, too, to have China's arm up our ass.
But it's gotta come out.
I'm sorry to be gross.
That's what's happening.
This is not a drill.
Everybody knows who Donald Trump is.
Donald Trump.
We have to let him know who we are.
This has to be the party that's not afraid to say out loud, we're going to tax the hell out of the wealthy.
Your estimated net worth is more than $65 million.
That would make you subject to Senator Warren's proposed wealth tax on the assets of the richest 75,000 homes, households or so in the United States.
And I'd like to finish talking about Eddie.
The guy who has ALS.
This isn't funny.
It's not funny!
The healthcare industry will be advertising tonight on this program.
Thank you, Senator.
Senator Warren, it's your turn.
Oh, that's a big sponsor, isn't it?
Or that whole class of drugs.
Let me ask you a question.
No, whoa, gotta cut that off, don't you?
I think if we're gonna force Americans to make these radical changes, they're not gonna go along.
You, uh, throw your hands up.
But you, uh, you haven't... Whoa, I can do it!
We're up here with makeup on our faces.
And the thing about predators is this.
And our rehearsed attack lines.
They prey on people they perceive to be weak.
Playing roles in this reality TV show.
They prey on people they perceive to be vulnerable.
It's one reason why we elected a reality TV star as our president.
Predators are cowards.
I am not afraid.
And for Democrats to win, you can't be afraid either.
We don't need a liberal or progressive with big ideas.
We need a mass political movement.
Or we don't need a moderate who can win back Trump-Obama voters.
Progressive as anybody up on this stage, but I'm also pragmatic.
You need someone who can do both.
We have to walk and chew gum at the same time.
I really do believe that we can walk and chew gum at the same time.
We have to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Go to Joe 30330.
Let's end this three ring circus.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are being monitored.
You are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, our open society got infiltrated, we got taken over, but in the 11th hour, the instincts kicked in, we elected Trump, and now the fight's on.
And I don't use gross analogies to be crude or rude.
The truth is, the globalists are, they got their arm down our throat with our heart in their hand.
And they're trying to squeeze it.
And we gotta get it out.
It's gonna hurt worse if we let them keep going.
It's that simple.
Trump can use antitrust.
That's a good thing to do, but it takes too long.
The better way to skin the cat is to go after Google and Apple for espionage and violating privacy rights and national security violation.
And just being honest saying, hey, there were agreements.
These were U.S.
government agency partnerships.
They betrayed it.
Yes, we had it hooked into the NSA to find out if there were terrorists and things.
It was used against you.
We apologize.
We're going to stop doing that and we'll have a commission on that.
That's what we have the commission on.
And then bold actions, bold attacks means bold response.
Arrest Tim Cook.
Arrest Sundar Pichai.
Arrest Eric Schmidt.
These people are criminals.
They literally sided with somebody that killed five times what Hitler did, and they prance around all day with propaganda trying to teach young boys to ask to be castrated when they're three years old.
Screw these people!
And by the way, they're all murdering people worth $100 million.
Like Eric Schmidt.
People are like, my God, Eric Schmidt could kill you.
Do it then!
It's not because I have some death wish!
I'm not gonna sit here, two years ago, and read about, oh, it's so liberal they're handing out condoms to the Boy Scouts at their World Jamboree, and encouraging everyone to have gay sex!
Everything that goes on, everything that happens, is to demoralize us and collapse us.
And now a few years later, Boy Scouts have a pedophile epidemic and are hiding hundreds in its ranks.
Hundreds in its ranks?
It's not the Catholic Church that's bad.
It's not the Boy Scouts that are bad.
It's not Penn State that's bad.
This is a cult that gets a few people in positions of power that then recruits people and gets them corrupted.
And then tells them, hey, you defile children, it's how you join the club.
It's a satanic initiation.
It's a satanic ritual.
And I didn't believe this 25 years ago.
And then I talked to The former heads of Department of Defense branches and heads of FBI offices and they were all telling, no matter who it was, they were all telling the same thing.
Well, initiation is sex with children and down the road they torture them.
And then later you learn it's all true.
Because at 25 years old, I couldn't believe that was going on.
Can you?
But it's true.
So just because it's horrible, And just because we aren't into it, doesn't mean it's not going on.
And it is going on.
So, I'm going to hit some other subjects, get some other things.
I've gone kind of wild today.
It's a big deal that Trump is about to pull the trigger.
He needs to pull the trigger hard.
Big Tech doesn't respect Trump.
They're full of Obama, globalists, chat-com operatives.
And President Trump has to take action, or they are going to steal the election from him.
And they are going to cause massive race riots in this country.
And the alternative is just... By the way, even if you let the globalists stay in control, they're just going to take over faster now and make it worse.
We don't have any choice but total commitment.
That's it.
The show, the harshest course, the most vicious course.
I mean, the proper response to this is to arrest the entire leadership of Big Tech, but we know that would be a public relations problem.
So you know what to do, Mr. President.
Execute order number 66.
The Glob.
The year is 1995, and InfoWars launches the last of America's counter-globalist probes.
In a freak mishap, InfoWars.com and Alex Jones are blown out of their trajectory into an orbit which freezes his life support systems and returns Alex Jones to Earth 25 years later.
Trans-dimensionally over the space-time continuum through full space.
Where people are extremely lazy, the social engineers are there laughing.
What we envisioned 100 years ago, 20 years ago, is now reality.
While the society unravels, men run around totally frantic, not knowing how to be men, and women run around frantic, not knowing how to be women, and they don't understand that it's an animating contest of life, and that it's fulfilling to be informed, it's fulfilling to be involved, it's fulfilling.
Tomorrow's News Today.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
You're on my tombstone.
I should say, Alex Jones is alive.
Alive in my actions, alive in my energy.
Alive in the universe.
Not subserving myself to satanic forces, but exploding with energy and life force.
And I know you feel the same way, and I salute you.
You know, I didn't try to pontificate.
Somebody could spend a year trying to write a report to the President.
Somebody could sit there and think about what action should be taken.
I just know this, we have drastic tyranny going on.
We have incredible corruption unfolding.
We have amazing pissing in the face of the American people, where the American flag's bad, and Christians are bad, and white people are inherently evil.
This super-venomous Hollywood crap.
And it's all funded by the globalists and the chi-coms, and there's Senate reports now going, we've seen a tenfold increase in Chinese government funding of propaganda that's undermining and demoralizing the American people and attempting to create cultural crises.
That means race war.
And we're just supposed to sit here and go, oh well, we're an open, free society, you know, we don't arrest the heads of big tech or anything.
Because that'd be a police state.
No, a police state's letting the chi-coms sit here and run our country.
And I've gotten to enjoy the stuff they do.
I've gotten to enjoy the death threats, and the being followed, and the lies, and the dirty tricks, and all their billions of money just poured in to destroy me.
Oh, but we're a free country.
We're Americans.
So, hey, we're not going to do anything to them.
Ho, ho, ho, ho!
We're going to sit here and take it, because, you know, we don't fight like that.
And they get up there on TV and they say, it's time to be dirty, it's time to go after families, it's time to... That's what they say.
Oh, you know what?
I don't want to fight dirty.
I want to fight.
And you know, if I was a guy that had made... Whatever it is, Sundar's only got like $10 million, I think I looked him up.
He's just a little front guy.
For Schmidt, he's worth like, you know, $60 million or whatever.
You know, if I was set up by the NSA to build this giant thing to supposedly predict the future...
And to supposedly have good stimuli to the public and use the power of humans that can create, stimulate us with positivity to build a next world system.
That's the lie they told people because all the nice folks at DARPA are like, we want to build the next human level and go off world and find life extension for everyone.
Well, that's good.
We're going to neural network all humans together with an AI computer with machine learning.
We're going to build this utopia.
But you weren't planning that.
You're building a system of a post-human world, because you're greedy demons.
And then if they signed up with the Chai-coms that have killed 115 million people, to round up their own population of Christians and Buddhists and Muslims, everybody else... I mean, I would expect that... I would expect that... people speak out against me.
People... legally come after me.
I would expect people faced with something that evil to take action.
Because you notice all these mass shootings they stage.
They're winding these up with the culture, the media.
There was a big study out yesterday, big procedure study.
It was in my stack.
It's right here.
Somebody reprinted it.
I was trying to find it earlier.
That the media hyping mass shootings is causing them.
See, that's mind control.
But see, it's always a Walmart and working class folks.
It's always some poor black people at some church or some poor white people at some church.
Nobody ever goes to Eric Schmidt's house.
Nobody ever goes to Sundar Pichai's house.
Nobody ever goes to Bill Clinton's house.
Nobody ever goes to...
Representative Castro's house.
He says come to our houses.
And I'm not wishing any violence upon them.
I'm just saying 101 of the synthetic garbage is it targets the general public to scare them.
And what does Joaquin Castro say?
He says I doxxed Trump supporters.
To make them think twice, is the quote.
Oh, oh, to scare!
Oh, oh!
Mr. Castro, I'm not scared of you, I'm scared of me.
Because, you're going down a road, son, and your mouth's writing checks you cannot cash.
Start sending people to folks' houses.
What happens when one of your nutbags kills somebody's family, Castro?
See, You take our restraint as weakness.
We're scared of ourselves, Mr. Castro.
We're scared of once you start this, what's going to happen.
Because we don't want a bunch of people to die.
And a lot of people will die.
There's a civil war in this country.
20 million people, 30 million people are going to die.
Maybe more.
You really want your name on that, Mr. Castro?
You think going out and punching a bull in the nose is going to scare it?
You're really a dumb piece of crap.
See, America is a big bull.
It's mean, it's tough, it's old, too.
And you'd be smarter if you made us mad and tried to stab us in the heart, but you're not even doing that.
You're out there like a matador with your chest all out.
Put blindfold on.
You're so confident.
And you're going to get run over.
Here's the problem, Castro.
In the process, a lot of innocent people are going to get run over.
And see, I don't want to trespass on their lives.
I don't want to trespass on their destiny.
I don't want to run their lives.
I don't want to intimidate them.
I want to inspire them.
I don't want to bully people.
I want to lead them.
And guess what?
I am leading people.
Which is common sense.
You're not a leader.
You're a thug.
You're a punk.
Now we were able to get Mike Adams on on very short notice because I've had kind of a berserker conniption fit if you just tuned in the last few hours.
Because I got hit like a ton of bricks.
10 minutes for the show.
I'm like, whoa, Trump's about to do the executive order.
I confirmed that's the truth.
He's got all these plans on the drawing board.
They're all trying to not have him do something meaningful.
And I know the reports.
We had lawyers put together, and I know Mike Adams' report, that I asked him to write that he stayed up four days to put together.
Got to the president.
Just like Matt Drudge last week got our video out and got to the president.
And so I thought just one segment with him He's busy as an engineer and runs his own operations to talk about what he thinks Trump should do and the fact that they are again down to the wire right now on what's going to happen and how serious this is and how they're trying to divert off with a presidential commission or something.
It'll just become a bunch of politicos that just want to be seated in the power discussion to kind of debate and carve up the spoils.
No, we need immediate action.
And what does Mike Adams think that immediate action with the President is?
Because the immediate action is coming.
Trump's people have blocked him.
They've sabotaged him.
His lawyers tell him they're going to do it.
They refuse it.
They put it into a process, like he's a client they're milking, to extend it out as long as possible.
But Trump is now, on so many fronts, really taking action.
And he understands they're going to try a civil war.
They're not going to back down.
No matter how much dirt he's got on them for Clinton and the files, they're still going to try to remove the president and then come after everybody because they want a violent revolution, because they know culturally and spiritually they're losing.
So we'll go to him after this break.
Please don't forget.
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But what is Mike Adams' message to the President as they're on the operating table at the White House right now, looking at all the options and about to take action?
You can feel the fork in the road we've now come to.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
No one can doubt that InfoWars has changed the world.
The globalists give us credit for discrediting their world government system, their neoliberal fascist plan, and infecting, in their words, The entire world was nationalism.
Now, how did I do that?
I did that because of you.
We did that.
You did that.
We're either going to have freedom or we're going to have slavery.
And these corporatists play nation states off against each other.
They play men and women off against each other.
They play people off against each other for what color their skin is.
But the people of the world more and more are seeing through it.
And that's why I want all of you right now As the world government falls apart, as the New World Order hits the panic button and tries to start a race war, to realize that we have come so far, and that all these globalists have now is trying to stir up internal information warfare fights.
But we knew history, and knew that these globalists are arrogant, and there would come a time when their system would enter a crisis.
When it actually tried to implement It's incredibly anti-human agenda.
You know, I don't spend valuable time on air.
Showing you the infrastructure here, showing you what goes into it, showing you how much money it costs to run this and do this, especially since we were de-platformed one year ago today.
That's why we're calling it the one-year anniversary of the first domino to be unpersoned, to be sent into a black hole, the Phantom Zone.
But the globalists did it too early.
There's still talk radio, there's still TV, there's still independent websites like Infowars.com and Newswars.com that are on the air.
And people have word of mouth to say, hey, just because you can't say Alex Jones's name on Facebook, unless it's a negative statement, or can't show InfoWars.com, you can tell your office about InfoWars.com.
You can tell your neighbors about NewsWars.com.
You could share our videos and our articles.
We have our own site.
We have our own platform.
That's the beauty of what's happening here.
That's the beauty of what's unfolding.
And it's a real fight.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live with Mike Adams, who worked closely with me getting
reports the president a year ago on battle plans.
He wrote a blueprint, a lengthy blueprint we'll put on screen in a few minutes, that Kit Daniels has reposted to InfoWars.com as a flashback.
It's in that article, with actions the President should take.
So, Politico and others are reporting right now.
That Trump is planning to take action in the next week or two, has a whole bunch of different battle plans in front of him.
They're trying to push him towards a commission that'll just stall this out after the election.
But it's so naked, they're doing this, this election meddling.
And we even have Mitch McConnell, when they come to his house a few days ago, saying they're going to stab him and kill him.
Well, his own Twitter then posted it saying it was wrong.
So they blocked and froze his Twitter.
So the leader of the Senate Isn't even allowed to defend himself from people coming to his house saying they're going to kill him.
That's how crazy this has gotten.
So Mike Adams, I appreciate you being at the heart of this and working with us on this.
What do you want to talk about at this point and hopefully get listeners and everybody else in the White House to put pressure on right now while this is all being looked at in the final stages of what the President's going to do?
Well, happy to join you today.
It's important for, I think, President Trump and his administration to understand that whatever executive orders are issued, the tech giants will willfully ignore those orders, and they will find left-wing judges to deem those orders to be unconstitutional.
These are the same judges that refused to allow Trump to protect our national border, the judges that shoot down, you know, the ban on Islamic extremists entering the country and so on, you know, the Muslim travel ban and so on.
So, Trump is going to have to realize that in order to back this up, you have to be willing to take it to the next step, which is to, at some point, you have to invoke the Insurrection Act.
You have to declare these tech giants to be Quite literally, enemy combatants.
And by the way, you were the first to say that almost two years ago on this show.
Now the president's even talking about that because they're the ones that are trying to be dictators.
They're the ones on CHICOM funding.
They're the ones overriding it.
They're the ones that do whatever they want.
Yeah, that's right.
And realize that they cannot coexist with a freedom-based economy.
The tech giants, you cannot reason with them.
They will follow no rules and they do not act in good faith.
This is crucial to understand.
They're not acting in good faith.
They continue to deny the fact that they are banning channels and deplatforming and demonetizing based on political targeting.
They are actively interfering in the 2020 election.
We already know that they stole much of the outcome of the 2018 midterms.
And remember, it was Robert Mueller who charged Russian companies with conspiracy to defraud the United States of America.
That's a charge that he leveled against Russian companies in order to create the propaganda that something was happening with Russia and the 2016 election.
Well, guess what?
There are companies that are conspiring to defraud the United States of America.
Those companies are named Google, Apple, Twitter, you know. I was about to
say I think the best advice is go after them for espionage, for election meddling, they
moved to China, they gave the code keys. We've got them, but we know that
again Trump is surrounded by these intelligence agencies that are aware of
this and who are not following his orders.
So what does he do when they're trying to cause a civil war, a race war, when they're totally ignoring him blatantly?
I mean, here's an article on Infowars.com, just came out, Ben Warren.
Instagram trusted partner caught harvesting millions of user data.
I mean, these are lawless groups that have gotten away with so much, they're just mad dogs.
Well, let's be clear.
These tech giants are in fact celebrating and allowing speech that calls for death camps for Trump supporters.
They are allowing speech that calls for the doxing of Trump donors, which is basically
a veiled threat for radical leftists to go out and commit violence or threats of violence
against Trump supporters.
These tech giants are, in my view, enemy combatants in a civil war that is being waged right now
against the people of the United States of America.
And it's time, I think, for Trump to fully embrace the fact that we are in a war.
This is an info war as your name comes from, your site's name.
The info war is here and we have to realize we're in a war and take action to stop the enemies of America.
Exactly, they're attacking us, they're calling for race war, they're spewing the most vile stuff, they're engaging in criminal activity, they're all over the news now saying let's get violent.
They're not just saying confront us at gas stations or at the shopping mall like, you know, the Democrat Harpy said last year.
They're now saying come after everybody.
Twitter just banned the channel, at least temporarily, of Mitch McConnell for exposing the violence of the radical left-wing mobs.
And by the way, if anybody needs an argument of why you need standard capacity magazines for a rifle, and why you need multiple magazines, and why you need rapid fire, just look at the liberal mobs threatening people like Tucker Carlson.
If Tucker Carlson, if his home is invaded by a liberal mob... That's right, the hashtag was trending, they allowed it, saying burn his house down last night.
Yeah, exactly.
You know, the question is, does Tucker Carlson's wife have the right to have an AR-15 rifle with rapid fire to defend herself against a violent, lunatic left-wing mob?
Absolutely she does.
And Tucker Carlson himself has that right, as all of us do.
So there's your argument right there for why we need effective firearms to defend ourselves against these lunatic mobs that are being whipped up into their hatred by the tech giants and the left-wing media.
Look, there is a war being waged in this country.
The radical left, both the journo-terrorists and the media, as well as the left-wing tech giants, are trying to get the radical left-wing lunatics, these Antifa mobs and other leftists, to become incredibly violent and to start viciously attacking... Well, look at both the shooters now.
One is totally Antifa, the other has Antifa connections.
These are just, in my view, foot soldiers that went out and did this atrocity.
They're finally getting smart to blame us.
Now, what President Trump needs to know, I believe, and he may not know this, is that the American people, and especially veterans all across this country, are ready to rise up in defense of this nation.
If President Trump issued an executive order and the tech giants said no, and if President Trump were to, let's say, arrest the tech giant CEOs with military... By the way, which is totally normal.
I mean, they literally moved to China and gave the code keys to all our iPhones They literally, this is like World War II, but if all the U.S.
companies were with Hitler, I mean, we wouldn't put up with that.
No, and if the radical left rose up and tried to have violence in the streets, all Trump would have to do is say, Veterans, active duty soldiers, everyone who has sworn an oath to defend this Constitution, you are now activated to defend this nation.
But that's why they're cutting all his communications off.
Have you noticed you don't see his speeches on TV almost anymore?
You didn't see him go to El Paso or Dayton.
They're already, man, they're making their move.
Well, but I also, I happen to know because I speak to so many of these people and I actually train with so many people.
No, I know.
The entire police and military, everybody hates the globalists.
No, but that's what's so crazy.
They're never going to execute, even if they kill Trump, they're going to get it.
They're going to lose.
They just need to give up.
Look, if they kill Trump, there will be a spontaneous activation without orders from headquarters of veterans all across America who will take action to defend this nation.
End of story.
That will happen.
And we're not going to be like anything that goes and harasses innocent people.
All these globalists...
I mean, are obviously, literally, sticking their head in a guillotine right now and asking for it.
Mike Adams, really, really great points.
This is all coming to a head.
It's an incredible time to be alive.
Thank you for popping in.
NaturalNews.com, we really appreciate you coming on on short notice.
Thank you.
We'll be right back, folks.
History is happening now.
Stay with us.
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InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
You're listening to the Antidote for Fake News.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, people always ask me, how do you have so much energy?
Are you on drugs?
No, I had half a cup of coffee this morning.
My stomach was hurting.
Just the smell of it.
I usually love coffee.
It's not just, you know, your stomach's upset, you can't drink coffee.
But I'm bouncing off the walls.
People say, are you on cocaine?
I hate cocaine.
Did like twice in high school.
And the hangover.
Good God.
The depression the next day.
No way.
I don't need that.
I'm high on life.
I'm high on the energy in the universe.
I'm high on freedom.
And the contest of freedom against evil.
You only power up when you stand against evil.
You only get strong when you put yourself at risk.
And I was just thinking during the break how I'm not going to apologize for being a maniac today.
I mean, we're on a planet, in space, with seven and a half million people, and criminals in our government allied themselves with the most oppressive, evil people on the planet, and they're trying to take us over, and I'm attacking back.
And again, a chihuahua's not a very tough dog, but it'll bite you back.
And I guarantee you, if you try to grab a chihuahua and break its neck, it's going to bite you in the process.
It's going to fight back.
How do they train people to just sit here and, when they're under attack, not fight back?
Because I see these videos where people get attacked by mobs, by Islamic mobs mainly, white folks by, you know, racist blacks that have been programmed to do it.
And I see these white guys, they just kind of go, they just fall down, hoping someone stops hitting them.
And they're not knocked out at first, they are knocked out later.
And I just... Yeah, all these videos are coming out of the Islamics torturing the Europeans.
Because the Europeans have been trained, their whole identity is just laying down, laying down, laying down.
Because the Islamists tried to dominate these very Swedish Vikings a thousand years ago and got their ass kicked.
But see, the media conquered them.
The media taught them that they were bad, that they were evil, that they had to lay down.
And we sit back and we watch all this going on.
It's ridiculous.
Imagine watching a black person beat up like this and kicked and tortured.
You'd be angry, not about their skin color.
But they put us into a tribalism.
It was like seven, eight years ago, a black woman ran up to a military checkpoint in a drill in D.C.
And she ran from the police.
That was all during the Trayvon Martin thing.
The media hyping up race war with Obama.
And when I was defending her, before and after it came out she was black, when the cop overreacted and shot her for no reason.
That was a real case of, you know, the police, a woman panicked with a baby in the back, and they kill her.
And the outpouring of black support, oh, we know you're good now, you know what happened to Trayvon's wrong too, because you stood up for a black woman that got killed.
I don't care what color she is.
I mean, I'm against that.
I don't care what color a baby is.
Let's not abort them.
Let's not kill them after they're born, for sure.
But it really hit me just how tribal people are.
Everybody's tribal.
We have that from our ancient past, but The egalitarian Christian model is to get rid of that tribalism and have Christianity as the unifier.
And to come together around ideas, what Martin Luther King talked about.
But that whole thing is being thrown away right now.
And when you pull back and you look at this and you realize there are powerful forces that know all of this.
And instead of trying to get people to work together, In fact, we ever played Tucker Carlson's clip from yesterday?
Can we cue that up?
Where he says, white supremism, it's like one of the rarest things in this country.
It's not the crisis.
The crisis is thousands of suicides a week.
24 veteran suicides a day.
The real crisis is opioids and deindustrialization.
That's affecting millions a year.
The real crisis is hopelessness.
And what does the media give us?
More hopelessness.
More chips on our shoulder.
Because they're the enemy.
They're the corporatist.
The only way to bring this country down would be to do it from within.
And they know what they've done.
They're aware of what they've done.
Do we have the Tucker Carlson?
It doesn't matter.
I don't need it.
So... That's what all of this has come down to.
It's just a real shame that people put up with it.
Because most people see through this, they just tune out of it.
And so as folks tune out of mainstream media, they just get more shrill.
And it's in movies, and it's in cartoons, and it's just, it's everywhere!
Where even if you're, like, trying to get away from all the lies, they just keep feeding them and feeding them and feeding them and feeding them.
And then Tucker Carlson says we should come together, like President Trump's saying.
And their answer is, Well, let's set him on fire.
They've already been to his house.
They've already been to Mitch McConnell's house.
And how dare Mitch McConnell, when 30 people showed up and said, we're going to stab you to death, murdering turtle.
See, they projected, you're a murderer, or we're going to kill you.
Their answer at Twitter is, take Mitch McConnell's Twitter.
Freeze his Twitter.
Because he's already put up with it.
He's the leader of the Senate.
Hey, listen, old man.
We came over to your house and said we're going to kill you, and you're not going to show it.
We're gonna let those sites that posted it stay up.
We're gonna let them keep calling for your death.
But you ain't gonna fight back, bitch.
Because, see, oh, these are the downtrodden people.
Fighting the big evil man with his little modest house in Kentucky.
That he was in.
Little four bedroom little shack.
I was reading about Bill Gates moved out of his 30,000 square foot house into a, uh...
3,000 square foot house.
But again, ladies and gentlemen, this is all out of control.
And they're trying to foment the revolution, and Twitter and Facebook think they're going to start a revolution by encouraging people, but they're not going to get in trouble.
I assure Jack Dorsey and Sundar Pichai and Eric Schmidt and all the rest of you guys, you will pay for what you're doing.
You're already in a lot of trouble.
You need to stop and come out with your hands up right now.
Because this is not, we're not gonna give in Raul Castro's life.
We gotta intimidate him more.
Remember last week, I played Crusades.
He goes, it's time to really intimidate them and ruin their lives and destroy these Trump supporters.
All you're gonna get is your ass destroyed with your stupid glasses.
They don't even have lenses in them.
I mean, you're sitting there starting fights, son.
You've never been in a fight.
All you've done is creeped around all day with a bunch of pedophiles.
Confronted and destroyed.
Hey, dude, look out when you're trying to destroy people what you find.
You just dug a hole for yourself, now you're jumping in it.
You really want me to put the dirt on your head?
Because let me tell you something, Mr. Hayes.
You go around looking for death, you're gonna find it, son.
Those that live by the sword, die by the sword, my boy!
And you don't even know how to use the sword!
But you want to run around with one all day, telling other people to use one!
Don't you get that the captains, or who's everybody shoots for, in a smart army?
You think we're going to fight with your little meth heads?
Your meth heads kill somebody.
You're going to get it.
And I'm not going to be the one that does it.
I'm telling you, Chris Hage, how the universe works, son.
See, we're not stupid like you.
We don't go out and fight low-level people.
You start this fight, boy, it's gonna be you.
We gotta go on a break.
We don't even know we have time for the clip, but we mentioned it, here it is.
But the whole thing is a lie.
If you were to assemble a list, a hierarchy of concerns, of problems this country faces, where would white supremacy be on the list?
Right up there with Russia, probably.
It's actually not a real problem in America.
The combined membership of every white supremacist organization in this country, would they be able to fit inside a college football stadium?
I mean, seriously.
This is a country where the average person is getting poorer, where the suicide rate is spiking.
White supremacy, that's the problem.
This is a hoax.
Just like the Russia hoax.
It's a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power.
That's exactly what's going on.
You know, I get tears in my eyes because I can't believe they've gotten so many people to push this evil and try to cause a true civil war.
And none of the dumbasses doing it know how much danger they're in.
I mean, you guys are in a lot of danger, man.
I mean, woo!
We just passed the August 6th One year anniversary of the historic event where all of Big Tech working in concert banned InfoWars and Alex Jones off the internet.
Well, Alex Jones has been banned from all tech platforms.
Nobody said anything.
So Big Tech's language police are getting bolder.
Now four media giants are banding together to take down controversial InfoWars content from their site.
YouTube, Facebook, and Apple all announcing they're removing his content from their platforms.
But by the grace of God and via Matt Drudge's warning and others' warnings, we had helped build our own infrastructure, our own video, our own audio, our own news gathering system at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And it's all because of your support.
This is the house you built.
I want to play a few minutes of just a sampling of the demonization and the lies of a year ago.
And then I want to play a few minutes of what's happening currently as thousands and thousands of prominent people are completely banned and unpersoned as well.
And as hundreds of millions of accounts of people following Popular meme sites and other sites on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube are being deleted.
That's hundreds of millions of followers not being able to choose what content they see.
This is outrageous.
That's incredibly dangerous.
But it's the day and age that we live in.
Thank God we built InfoWars so there'd be some voice in the midst of this.
And that's why it's so important to remember before we play these clips that Without your word of mouth, and without you spreading the word, no one knows we're still here and still on air.
Thanks to you doing that, we're coming back from the dead.
And without your financial support, we won't be here either.
So please check out the huge sales we have running, the Banniversary Sale, 50-60% off all the supplements, 50% off water filtration, air filtration, storable food, store-wide free shipping, and double Patriot Points, and a lot more.
So be sure and visit InfoRestore.com.
Now let's go to the folks who tell us that we need to be banned, we need to be silenced, that we need to be shut down.
And that, well, chief among those is yours truly, Alex Jones.
Yesterday, Alex Jones became an un-person.
Apple last night removed the entire library of Alex Jones' podcasts from their store.
The conspiracy theories are beyond the realm, are not only beyond being offensive, they're dangerous.
And we don't do enough in telling people out there right now this morning, people who read newspapers, exactly who these people are and what they believe.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
The real election meddling is by Facebook and Google and others that are shadow banning people, that are outright banning people, and they're blocking conservatives involved in their own First Amendment political speech.
Even the New York Times calls it a crackdown on conservatives and a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet and communicating with each other, just like communist China.
And we're also standing up for To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
People at home could go and search, say, Alex Jones, a prominent InfoWars.com media broadcaster.
If you go to DuckDuckGo or you go to Bing and you search Alex Jones, you'll find InfoWars in a mix of articles.
If you go to Google, you won't even find his main broadcasting station, InfoWars.
Instead, you'll just find a bunch of negative hit pieces.
Conservatives are feeling the heavy hand of censorship in the United States and across Western Europe.
Their social media accounts are being banned, blocked, and cancelled on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
And in 2020, you can bet that all of these companies are going to go all out.
And the methods that they're using are invisible, they're subliminal, they're more powerful than most any effects I've ever seen in the behavioral sciences
and I've been in the behavioral sciences for almost 40 years.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Well, I'm actually proud of Trump.
Not on his gun rhetoric, which is meant to take the wind out of their sails, does it very effectively.
Completely shuts them down.
I get it, it's still Machiavelli.
I just, it's not my tactic.
But, on the subject of borders and sovereignty, Trump, when he announced five years ago to run for president, four and a half years ago, he said, My hotels, my casinos, my golf courses have a lot of great people from overseas.
They come here legally.
Some decide to stay.
They go through the process.
I'm not the best at Trump invitations.
And then the media said he hates Mexicans.
He says they're all criminals.
He never said that.
He said you better be here legally, just like Mexico deports your ass fast if you stay there when you're not supposed to.
Because any country can't stand if it doesn't have borders.
So I got a lot of emails, a lot of calls saying, oh my gosh, Trump's, you know, betraying us.
He's saying we need millions more.
I get what he said last year or this year.
We're full with the processing and the welfare and the illegals being promoted to be able to vote without being citizens.
The Democrats are promoting that and they're doing it.
So I get people that say, hey, we're full.
We got to process what we got.
No, he's going to deport people that are here illegally.
Big, big thousands of arrests a day are taking place.
Record numbers.
600 here, 500 there.
I mean, it's going on.
But Trump has the courts against him, like Mike Adams said.
And he's got the whole system raining hell down and thousands of lawsuits against the Border Patrol being filed by Democrats, wanting $3 million each case.
I mean, it's crazy.
Trump is trying to create unity while they're trying to create a civil war race war.
I didn't even get to these videos the last two days.
They're up on Infowars.com.
Netflix shows, you name it, where Trump supporters are arrested, put in death camps, and killed.
And you see signs up all over New York saying put Trump supporters in death camps.
DrudgeReport.com linked to it yesterday.
This is the division they're trying.
And Drudge has also been linked to our story.
Actress Roseanne Arquette Apologizes for being born white.
Kneels in front of American flags, saying she'll never stand for it again.
She doesn't get the archetype.
She's actually kneeling in front of it.
She's so scared of it.
She doesn't even get that.
And says, because of this white supremacist supposedly did this, that she's guilty.
How un-Martin Luther King is that?
To say that if a white person does something wrong, she's guilty.
There's white people in the town I live in every day committing crimes.
How the hell am I guilty?
If a black person commits a crime and you're black, how does that mean you're... Or a black person does something and you're white, does that mean you're guilty?
That's crazy talk.
I'm sorry I was born white and privileged.
It disgusts me and I feel so much shame.
Well, I just feel shame that you're such a race baiter and think you're going to get attention doing that.
A washed up Hollywood chicken necked hag.
Showing La La Land out there.
She doesn't even know what planet she's on.
But there's President Trump.
Trump takes high ground.
I don't blame Democrats.
While they say he's a white supremacist, and he killed these people, Trump says, I don't blame Democrats.
I blame mental illness.
Here it is.
No, I don't blame Elizabeth Warren, and I don't blame Bernie Sanders in the case of Ohio, and I don't blame anybody.
I blame these sick people.
These are people that are really mentally ill, mentally disturbed.
So that's just a common sense thing.
340 million people, probably 360 if you count all the illegals, and okay, 20 people died.
It's terrible.
Like my grandma died.
It's terrible.
But it's not even a drop in the bucket.
You know, I think I'm going to do a whole piece on this.
You know what's killing Hispanics?
I'm drinking a LaCroix.
Aluminum is probably not good for me, but that doesn't have any sweetener in it, so that's not killing me.
But I almost brought a Coca-Cola up here, a Pepsi.
I mean, you understand, like, Hispanics' genetics, on average, can't drink corn syrup.
Or a lot of sweets.
You get diabetes.
I drive down the road at the bus stops all over Austin and like every bus stop almost has a poor Hispanic man or woman with their legs cut off.
You know what's killing Mexicans?
Is sweets.
Because genetically we're all similar but we're all different.
Kind of like white people can't handle to be out in the sun every day or they get skin cancer.
Well Hispanics can't handle a bunch of sugar.
For whatever reason genetically.
Kills millions a year in America.
Oh, no, no, no.
They're not a big story about that because they don't care about you.
Yeah, there's a... Hispanics disproportionately affected by diabetes.
Oh, they're not telling you about that.
No, no, no.
It's all Hispanics.
Trump came and killed 20 of you.
He wants to kill you.
He wants to murder you.
And meanwhile, he's hiling Hitler because he's going to lower the flags on 8-8.
I barely knew 8-8 was a Hitler thing.
That's so mentally ill.
They're just introducing, oh, 88, oh, the like-you symbol.
But this, you know, I never got to this piece.
And we have a guest host taking over, Matt Bracken, but I'm going to do two segments of it.
He'll be here at 15 after.
Paul Watson did a great report.
Tucker Carlson did it.
My mom came over for her 70th birthday the other day, and she brought it up.
She said, have you covered this?
And I said, no, I got too busy with Cashmere and that situation.
But Monday, I meant to.
We wrote a big story about it.
In fact, Paul actually broke it on Sunday before it got big.
That's how it kind of works.
We're like, we're always breaking stuff and not actually covering it when it gets big.
But you had the World Socialist, National Socialist meeting, and it was just, I watched hours of it, just mental illness on display.
All fighting with each other, none of them able to get anything done, just because...
That's psychic warfare.
That's brainwashing.
That's sabotage people.
That's what they want.
Like, you hear about colleges where if someone gets upset, they give them Play-Doh and basket weaving and Crayolas.
You think, okay, that's a joke.
No, there's undercover video, we've played it, where someone sees a pocket Constitution.
Well, the Libertarians are allowed on campus.
And they run and they go, I'm so scared!
I saw the Constitution!
And the professor goes, it's okay, I know it's painful here.
Come and play with Plato.
You think, this is like not even real.
It is.
Because they're all, and now the new trend is liberals wear diapers, look this up, hundreds of thousands of liberals wear diapers and poop on themselves.
They identify as babies or they put their eyes out.
They identify as blind.
Cause you're not, it's not trending anymore to just cut your genitals off or you know, whatever.
And so there's a big trend.
It's been around in the quote gay community for 30 years.
Mexico actually legalizes it.
Mexico is very liberal.
So there's a big colony down in Southern Mexico where men want to be helpless.
So they have their arms and legs amputated and Mexico will do it.
I saw a documentary at South by Southwest about 15 years ago on it.
They call them nuggets?
Is it nuggets?
Nugget porn.
And so you have your arms and legs cut off, and then you live in a box, and then you're dependent on the man, and then people come and torture you.
So, like, 50 men have sex with you, you have no arms and legs, and then you just love it, because, I mean, what type of... Folks, I'm not joking, and I don't want to tell you this type of stuff because your brain hasn't been assaulted by it, but I'm forced to research this, okay?
And I was just given an all-pass media like, what's this?
I walked out of it.
It was like them having their arms and legs cut off.
The documentary started with people shooting each other with guns in Dallas.
And again, it was gay guys, because it's so liberal to have the wounds.
And so he goes, I love you.
He goes, I love you too.
Shoots him with like a .357 Magnum under the arm.
Blood blast out.
And he goes, ugh.
He goes, have sex with me.
It's so awesome.
Oh, it's so liberal.
I mean, they're like shooting each other, chopping arms and legs off with meat cleavers.
Ah, liberal, ah, Satan, ah.
I mean, it's like Hellraiser just pulling your eyeballs out.
They ever seen Event Horizon, where they go into a black hole and it's hell?
And they see film of the crew once they enter hell, and they're just pulling their eyeballs out and going... The Aztecs did that.
The priests would do that to themselves.
They'd finally get to the point where they would just rip their eyeballs out, chop their genitals off, and just start stabbing themselves going... Winged serpent, kill me!
Ah, Satan!
And that's it!
Just shoving guns under their arms.
Ah, liberal!
Just give us your children!
Give us access to your children!
You think I'm joking?
You've seen the video.
We're coming to groom your children.
And now the drag queen Tory time, the children ride horsey on the men's bulging pants.
And the mothers go, mmm, because it's so demonic.
They're like, oh, it's so pleasing to give my two-year-old to a man in a clown outfit for them to ride their crotch.
See how it works?
Yeah, that's it.
That's exactly it.
And so that's it.
That's where we're going.
They put all this in movies because these Satanists are really doing this and they want to show you what they're doing.
You understand?
Now you understand.
See how it works?
The skin, Joe.
The skin.
You really want to be part of that?
You want to be with these guys forever?
No thanks.
I'll go with the big guy.
I like family and children and space bases and building new worlds.
I want to go there.
I want to sit around and be an honorable decent person.
I don't want to rip my eyeballs out and chop my genitals off with a meat cleaver.
But if it's liberal, oh, for children, maybe.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on air 25 years, and I've never at a gut level felt The fire of war, like I do right now, ladies and gentlemen.
So many incredible things are happening.
So many dangerous things are unfolding.
And at a cellular level, at a spiritual gut level.
At the heart of my gut, the heart of my mind, at every level, I can just feel the evil rage of the globalists, knowing that their plan for world government, and their plan for total censorship, and their plan for human-animal clones, and sex with children, and Satanism is in trouble.
It can feel the spirit of Christ coming back into the world.
There's gonna be a tribulation.
During this fight.
But the devil knows he's going to lose.
The devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows his time is short.
And I can feel Satan's rage.
I know you can feel it.
And they are planning a bloody revolution here.
They're planning massive censorship across the country and the world.
This is a time to be praying to Christ for justice and for freedom.
And that God's spirit come into you and lead God and direct you.
But it's also time to be politically and culturally active.
And it's time to spread the word about InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and override the AI sensors to override their systems and to let people know, hey, here's the name that must not be spoken.
Here's what the world fears.
Here's the guest and the information and the history and the analysis that is the cure to the globalist poison.
Strength lies entirely with you and the action you take.
You are the InfoWars.
You are the resistance, and everything you do now will affect the battle space for billions of lives going into the future.
The war has already begun, quote Patrick Henry.
It's an information and spiritual war.
The enemy's losing that war, so they want to make it a physical war.
So prepare yourselves.
You have been warned.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
Okay, I want to hit the next segment A really important subject I'll get to in a moment, but first, I like Joe Rogan, you know.
I didn't like the fact that he was caving into the censorship, so I got mad at him, I went after him, but he did the right thing, and we had a come-to-Jesus moment, and that's good.
And you know, if you count up all the videos that he's done, I'm the biggest podcast he ever did.
Just one version on YouTube has 15 million views.
It was the biggest thing he ever did on the site for iTunes that and they even suppressed it and wouldn't
let people share it but it was still number one there and he had all the derivatives of that on
his own site it's at about 60 million views uh and that means that uh his second biggest podcast
is Elon Musk at about 40 million. So see people want the truth they want wide open no governor tell
it like it is but he had Bernie Tandor's on unlistenable but because of the hype of it it
happened a couple days ago it's gotten four million views well I had like four million views when
I was on his show that was you know then they put a governor on it and 15 million on YouTube
but it just shows how you know and I'm glad Joe had him on that's great Bernie Sanders
offering all this free stuff and Telling everybody.
But Joe brought up minimum wage.
Sanders brought up minimum wage.
Sanders wasn't giving his own employees minimum wage this year.
Until they bitched.
And when he did give minimum wage, he had to let some go and cut their hours, which is free market happening.
So I kind of wish Joe would have brought that up, but here it is.
Very exciting video.
As you can see.
Let's go with the minimum wage thing.
Now the argument that I've heard about the minimum wage being raised to $15 an hour is that they're entry-level positions for high school kids, for people that are just getting their feet wet in the marketplace, they're learning how to work, they're making some money after school, that if you charge or if businesses have to pay $15 an hour to people like that, to entry-level people, that they won't be able to stay open.
Well, first of all, they will be competing against, you know, if you're a business and I'm a business, and both of us have to raise our wages at the same level, we both have the same burden, so it's spread across.
That is what my conservative colleagues will tell you.
The truth is, I don't have the numbers right in front of me, that while it certainly is true that young people do work at McDonald's and the minimum wage jobs, a significant and majority... I swindled the university, it closed.
Often, and I've met them at McDonald's.
I have three million dollar homes.
And a $119,000 car.
When we, we work very hard to raise them.
My first paycheck was at 40.
And at Disney, we put pressure on both of those companies and they did the right thing.
And when you talk to the people at Amazon who got that raise, these are not kids.
These are people in their 30s.
These are not kids.
These are ordinary adults who cannot make it on 12 or 13 bucks an hour.
So I think the argument... I can't listen to any more of it.
Just shut it down.
Again, this is a guy who wasn't paying his own crew members $50 an hour.
He's paying them $13.
And then once he did, he had to let a bunch go.
It's all lies, folks.
The big corporations don't even pay taxes.
They're the ones pushing all this crap.
Here's Joe talking about the podcast, my second podcast, because, oh, I forgot to tell you, I am Joe's First and third biggest podcast ever.
The second biggest is Elon Musk.
But imagine, being number one means you're banned.
Here it is.
It becomes like a game of like shooting ducks.
People get excited about it.
They like taking people out, whether it makes sense or not.
And I think there's a lot of that going on, where people are calling for people to be deplatformed just because they disagree with them.
And so far, these big tech companies have resisted some of it, but not enough of it for my taste.
Yeah, yeah, you know, my boy Alex Jones, they got him out of here.
I think, you know, if I was Alex, my ego would be so huge after getting de-platformed.
Well, when we did a podcast together after he was de-platformed, it was one of the biggest podcasts of all time.
What did he get, like 16 million YouTube videos or something?
Yeah, that's your highest one.
Meanwhile, YouTube did not demonetize that one.
We let them know in advance, just heads up, Alex Jones is coming on.
And they just took that money.
A little bit bigger than that, Joe.
They don't want to piss you off.
They've got a psychological profile on you.
They know if they push you, you'll stand up and be a leader you are.
That's why I messed with you, was to get you to be that leader.
And now Trump is clear to fire.
The Death Star is in orbit, and he's getting ready to sign those executive orders.
Well, today, M4's on his protein bar.
I just devoured your cousin in 4 or 5.
Protein bar.
They taste like candy bars.
This is what I want.
This is what I need.
But my god, there's no filler.
But my god, it's solid.
Protein bar, highest quality.
12 bars, highest quality.
And you can bite into it easily.
But you're gonna be like, "What in the world's going on here?"
Mmm, well today, at 4/5 Protein Bar Mmm, I just devoured your cousin at 4/5 Protein Bar
Mmm, delicious vanilla Mmm, delicious vanilla
Mmm, delicious vanilla Mmm, meet my tummy
[Music fades]
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, I never got to this Monday, and then we broke the story over the weekend at InfoWars.com.
DrugReport.com, link to it, that's why it went viral.
I covered everywhere.
Because I was worried about India and Kashmir, which is now blowing up.
But the Democratic Socialists of America had an event.
Stories, again, up on Infowars.com.
Headline, Watch Democratic Socialists Destroy Themselves.
I mean, they infight so bad, they can't even communicate.
So now, five days after we put it out, I'm going to finally get to it, because Paul Watson did a report.
You have to understand, these are literally people assaulting reality, assaulting normal behavior, and trying to claim control over all language and what you can say and do.
That's a cult!
Quentin Tarantino, who's put out some good movies.
I think he's put out a bunch of crap movies lately.
I went and saw True Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, which is an alternate reality.
It's kind of like a David Lynch film, and it's very well done.
And for the period piece, and going back to 1969, which I agree with him, that was the end of the Golden Age, not the 50s.
Gave me a lot more respect for Quentin Tarantino.
They're calling him a racist and sexist for making it like the period really was.
It's like the BBC is creating period pieces where the Romans are half black.
There were a handful of Roman citizens that were black.
It's not against black people.
It's like if you made a movie about ancient Africa or Shaka Zulu, Shaka Zulu is not going to be white.
Yoda's green.
007's a man.
Make it 008 or something and it'll be in a hot check.
But it's all about overriding everything.
And history.
And it's insane.
I'd love to go see a movie with black people in it.
If it's a good movie.
But, I mean, a James Bond movie where 007's a woman just to do it as a gimmick?
It's all just done as a gimmick.
And Hollywood got ordered, just like Gamergate a decade ago.
Every hero's a woman, men are heroes.
Kind of like Married with Children, where every father's an idiot.
There's an agenda here.
It's not about empowering women.
It's about making women delusional, like they're Navy SEALS and they think they're invincible.
The Navy SEALS aren't invincible.
It's the one the Navy SEALS killed, because they teach them, you're invincible.
If you don't buy into that, you're not in the club.
Hitler taught the SS they were invincible.
You're not.
Not bashing Navy SEALS, it's just well known.
So, this is the type of mental illness that's being pushed.
And of course, just like Ghostbusters being all women, and it failed, because the women they got weren't even good.
They're like, oh, we'll get a bunch of women.
It'll be popular because it's women.
Well, if you'd have got four awesome cast, like you did in Ghostbusters, of women, yeah, it'd be good.
The actresses you got sucked on top of it.
So there's also this crutch like, well, if it's politically correct, it won't matter if it's quality.
Everyone will watch it because it's politically correct.
Because you're just worried about making it politically correct and rewriting reality instead of just making it good.
But that's mental illness, folks.
That's what they're trying to project and control people.
So here's Paul Joseph Watts' report on...
The sabotage of civilization.
You think these people are a joke?
They're raising your kids.
They're going to teach your kids college you pay all the money for.
This is the crutches, the brainwashing, the sabotage of civilization that the globalists and the shycoms are funding.
This is weaponization and this is what it turns people into.
Here it is.
Bear in mind as you watch this that it isn't a comedy sketch.
This is real life.
Is this real life?
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Democratic Socialists of America Convention.
If we want to defeat capitalism, we are going to need a party that will organize working people to fight for the demands that we want and to win socialism.
Thank you so much.
Quick point of privilege, quick point of personal privilege.
Guys, first of all, James Jackson, Sacramento, he, him.
I just want to say, can we please keep the chatter to a minimum?
I'm one of the people who's very, very prone to sensory overload.
There's a lot of whispering and chatter going on.
It's making it very difficult for me to focus.
Please, can we just, I know we're all fresh and ready to go, but can we please just keep the chatter to a minimum?
It's affecting my ability to focus.
Thank you.
Thank you, comrade.
Sensory overload.
Yeah, because communist revolutions are notoriously peaceful and quiet.
And what's this weird thing they're doing with their hands?
And to win socialism.
It's called jazz hands.
Jazz hands.
First used in early 2015 at a feminist NUS conference in the UK.
It's a replacement for clapping.
Because clapping causes anxiety.
It is also triggering to my anxiety.
Yeah, these people are literally afraid of this.
But they're totally going to lead a revolution to overthrow the entire global capitalist system.
Triggering to my anxiety... Quick point of privilege once again.
Hi, James Jackson, Sacramento DSA, he him.
I have already asked people to be mindful of the chatter of their comrades who are sensitive to sensory overload.
And that goes double for the heckling and the hissing.
It is also triggering to my anxiety...
Like, the be comradely isn't just for like, you know, let's keep things civil and whatever.
Comrade, folks.
It's so that people aren't gonna get hurt.
That means I'm a commie.
And so that it doesn't affect their performance as a delegate, okay?
Your need to express yourself is important, but your need to express yourself should not- Trump, what's your bullies?
He said Trump!
Triggering to my anxiety.
Sensory overload.
So please don't clap, shoot up these.
We have a lot of disabled comrades and a lot of those are invisible disabilities.
You mean like the disability of being unable to handle everyday noises without having a nervous breakdown?
That's not a disability!
Don't really talk to anybody.
Don't talk to cops.
Don't talk to MAGA.
Don't talk to anyone with testosterone levels higher than an amoeba.
You might have a panic attack.
Triggering to my anxiety.
Take a deep breath.
We have quiet rooms that are available.
There's a range of options of these, right?
Please don't go in that space with anything that's like an aggressive scent.
You mean like the stench of the 90 million victims of communism?
An aggressive scent.
Point of privilege, I'm a Tourette's victim with B.O.
and an irrational fear of jazz hands.
We are safe and we are strong.
Until someone forgets to state their pronouns or whispers too loudly, then you go cry in the quiet room.
Triggering to my anxiety.
Jesus Christ, for someone who suffers from sensory overload, you sure do shout a lot.
Triggering to my anxiety.
Point of personal privilege.
Please do not use gendered language to address everyone.
You know who it is?
It's Ma'am.
Six foot four, two hundred and ninety pounds.
Please do not use Ma'am.
God, look, it's not.
It can't be.
It's Frankenstein.
Is it?
It is Ma'am.
And if you're wondering what triggered him... Please do not use gendered language.
The sensory overload, dude.
Use the word.
Guys, first of all, James Jackson, Sacramento, he, him.
I just wanna... Guys, first of all, James Jackson, Sacramento, he, him.
I just wanna... Guys!
Please do not use gendered language!
It is male!
Take a deep breath.
Insane Asylum.
How in the holy f**k do you even get through a normal day?
It's an open air insane asylum.
Leave your house, operate in society, and get back without emotionally liquefying.
How are you going to even host a convention when you spend the entire first day getting triggered by each other's words and mannerisms?
Triggering to my anxiety?
I've seen less neurotic people at a bipolar incels anonymous meetup.
What up DSA?
Sensory overload.
Oh, we're almost there.
Just, uh, this, but thank you.
Um, triggering to my anxiety.
There must be something in the water.
Oh yeah, I love how Linda Sorcerer's there.
What a bunch of low-energy weirdos.
I know vegans find it hard to muster up energy, but I've seen more enthusiasm at a Joe Biden retirement home visit.
But Biden better buck up his ideas because these people are taking over the Democratic Party.
These are the people Democrats increasingly have to pander to.
2020 really is gonna be an absolute sh** show.
Triggering to my anxiety?
All right, that's the Paul Joseph Watson report.
Ladies and gentlemen, Matt Bracken is going to be taking over and covering it all on the other side.
But what a crazy day.
Trump is set to take action against big tech.
That is very, very exciting.
And we've given you a lot of the inside baseball on what's on the table, what they're trying to get the president to do, but what we think should be coming out of this.
But regardless, China underestimated America and Trump.
Big Tech underestimated all of you and beautiful things are happening.
Please don't forget your financial support makes it all possible.
I want to thank you for that.
Mega Sale is going to end soon.
We'll be right back on the other side.
We are the leaders.
We are changing the world thanks to everything we're doing.
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Thanks for watching.
And so, used to it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now, they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want a virtue signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America-hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act at a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag, particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag, and particularly when it says on the back, right there ladies and gentlemen, America's back, Infowars.com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies'
face all over, not just the U.S., but worldwide, because more than ever, the American flag
is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
OK, you've got me for the rest of the hour.
And this is kind of going to be starting with a history lesson,
then talking about current events.
And then I'm going to push it into the future.
Get out my crystal ball and shine it up.
You know, the reason that I wrote my first novel shortly after 9-11 was I could see these trends already in play.
And I wanted to get enough of a reputation for predicting things way in advance that when This fourth turning, or whatever you want to call it, when this current situation began to unfold, I'd have some credibility.
And I suppose that, to a certain extent, you can say that it worked.
I'm on InfoWars.
I'm on the Alex Jones Show.
And I've got an audience.
And that's why I wrote the books.
So that people could read these novels and then say, you know, 10, 15 years ago, that could never happen.
You could never have, you know, corrupt federal law enforcement officers running false flag operations.
Yeah, you could.
It was called Fast and Furious, and it was intended to result in hundreds of dead Mexicans to be blamed on the Second Amendment.
And going back to that period, If you remember, at that time, the Attorney General was Lynch, the Secretary of State was Hillary Clinton, and President Obama, they were constantly talking about 80% of the guns found in Mexican crime scenes at murder scenes came from America, or even 90%.
This was all part of a plan to discredit the Second Amendment.
Why am I going back to old history, Fast and Furious?
The Second Amendment to the left is the holy grail of conservatism.
It's the bulwark.
It's the barrier that they have to smash before they can ever take full power in this country.
As long as Americans are armed, they are in a checkmate situation where they can't sweep the board, clear the board, and force their socialist utopia down their throat.
And these, the leftists will use every method possible because the goal is to force socialism.
First, destroy the Second Amendment.
How do you do that?
Well, a lot of it is psychological preparation.
You know, you have movie after movie, plus the video games, everything else, lowering the bar for people who are mentally labile to just go out and take a gun and do something for kicks.
If you remember the movie Natural Born Killers, very sick film.
It's almost as if they were saying, look, the left is saying, look, before we can get rid of the Second Amendment, we have to just totally turn guns from a good, wholesome thing into just an evil scourge of society.
And to do that, we're going to need not only widespread rampant crime in our inner cities, which, of course, we see with with, you know, practically mass murders every weekend in Chicago.
Nobody cares.
It doesn't get the press.
It doesn't suit the narrative.
But what they really want is to trigger a right wing and left wing into committing massacres with guns.
This is all to turn Americans against guns in general.
Even here in conservative Florida, there's a referendum.
They're passing around the petitions now.
They want to get an assault weapons ban on the ballot for 2020 that will, among other things, force people who currently own so-called assault weapons, these are semi-automatic rifles, People who currently own them to register them.
Now, the more naive on the left think that this, at a first level of thinking, they think, well, you know, people will register them, then we'll know who has them.
But at a second or third level of thinking, they know that conservatives won't register them.
This will turn tens of thousands of Floridians, if this wall passes, into felons.
Who will be at the mercy, for example, of an ex-girlfriend calling the red flag hotline and saying, I know my boyfriend's got an AR-15.
I'm wondering if he registered it.
This is a way to just set society against itself.
You know, tearing into itself.
Will you trust that your ex-wife or ex-girlfriend or other family member, liberal family member that doesn't like your politics won't drop a dime on you to the red flag law after this kind of law passes?
The red flag laws, in general, they sound good.
It's going to be an easier sell.
President Trump, he seems to be going for it.
It'll be an easier sell than another assault weapons ban.
But we can see from history what happens with this kind of well-intentioned law.
20-25 years ago, they passed asset forfeiture laws to go after the narco-traffickers, you know, the big importers that were buying entire buildings in Miami.
They said, we'll have to just attack their assets.
Don't worry.
It's just for these big kingpins.
And that that went completely widespread to the point where people just driving in a car get pulled over.
They find cash that you can't account for.
They just take the cash or they take your vehicle even so we can see with the asset forfeiture laws.
How this is going to go once the red flag laws are in place and you have a liberal town or a liberal County.
The people on the red flag panels are going to be people who hate the Second Amendment and hate guns.
You think they're ever going to deny a red flag request?
Everybody that comes to them and says so-and-so is dangerous and has guns, it's going to be a rubber stamp.
It reminds me of the FISA court.
We were told, oh, this will only be used in exceptional circumstances.
We need it to protect ourselves from foreign terrorists and spies.
And these judges, they'll be very professional.
Well, it turned into a total rubber stamp.
The FISA court approved something like 99% of all of the warrants to completely spy on Americans.
Automatic rubber stamp.
In fact, Peter Strzok had a friend on the FISA court, so we can see an example of very likely corruption at the highest levels.
So, as these red flag laws work their way through the courts, you can just assume that they're not going to be put under any kind of a check, because the liberal social justice warrior judges Who see them, who see their part of this entire plan to be the judicial rubber stamp on any leftist law or plan.
They're going to approve every red flag, confiscation, raid.
We've already seen them lead to deaths, you know, where the police roll up,
somebody doesn't know what's going on, there's a shootout and the homeowner is killed.
That already has happened.
So this is another method of turning Americans against Americans, leading to more violence,
more calls for security crackdowns.
And this is going to all be timed so that as we roll into 2020,
Americans are going to look at conservatives praised gun nuts and we have to get you know we have to
vote in the Democrats.
I'll continue this on the other side.
The Democrats are making it no secret that they're trying to take away our freedom and
they're trying to take away our flag.
But we can't let them get away with it.
That's why you need to go to Infowarestore.com right now and get yourself a limited edition Betsy Ross flag t-shirt, which is on sale for $17.76.
You can also get the same Don't Tread on Me t-shirt that Chris Pratt was wearing.
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This is next level, breaking ground, history book level, science fiction dystopia, Tyranny on Steroids.
Just take the red pill, people!
Just take the red pill, people!
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Matt Bracken.
You know, just following the news over the last couple of years,
I feel like a lot of what's been happening in my novels, it's just
it's like turning the pages.
I'm not trying to brag, but I mean, I've been projecting this and predicting this for more than 15 years now.
And when I see things like the Las Vegas massacre, still very mysterious, the motives and, you know, the people behind it.
That guy was an adult, a professional, had a pilot's license, an entrepreneur.
Yet somehow he found himself up in that building, firing down on a packed crowd.
Then we see things like Parkland, where the kid was obviously crazy and people had been calling the local police, the FBI.
Nothing was ever done.
He was searched every day when he went to school.
He was considered so crazy.
But nothing was ever done.
It's almost seems like a pattern where these emotionally disturbed individuals are being messaged by the media to try and go out and beat the score.
I have to think that that the Dayton, Ohio shooter, he had the his.
It's an AM pistol like an AR shorty pistol, you know, with a very short stock so qualifies as a pistol.
He killed his sister, and almost killed his best friend, and killed his sister's boyfriend.
He had the weapon in his car.
He had probably in a duffel bag.
So he went with them to this bar, went into the bar scouting it out, wearing a regular t-shirt, left the bar, went and retrieved the weapons.
And I think that he had probably been planning something like this for a long time.
But why did he do it when he did it?
I think that the El Paso event triggered him into acting immediately and I think that his goal, well obviously he was trying to get inside the Ned Peppers bar where he could have had something even worse than the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting.
He was, thank goodness, the police were so fast running towards the firing instead of away like all the civilians.
The police put him down like the mad dog he was, but if he had gotten inside of Ned Peppers and he was close, he collapsed right there at the doorstep of the nightclub.
If he had gotten into a killing pen like that, he might have killed a hundred people or more.
He had hundreds of rounds of ammo in those, and that looks like a Betamax double drum.
He was out to set a record.
You know, the El Paso You could say right-winger in terms of the motivation, anti-immigration.
Certainly the El Paso shooter was in many ways no conservative.
You know, he's for universal basic income and a lot of socialist schemes.
But the Dayton shooter seems to have wanted to counter and one-up him.
So you can see we're now into a very dangerous period where these emotional wrecks With weapons that they already possess.
They've never been institutionalized.
They don't have a criminal record.
So they've got a clean background check.
They're going to get the weapons.
This is all filling in like part of a pattern, which is buttressing the liberal argument that firearms are just too dangerous.
These high-capacity magazines, these so-called assault rifles, they're just too dangerous.
And it's a constant sell in the mainstream media.
Even in conservative media, it's difficult to make the argument against it.
But you have to go and go back in history and look at the big picture of what's going on.
You know, when these mass shooters do their terrible thing, they killed 10 or 20 or in Las Vegas, dozens.
But when socialists take power and disarm their people, always in the name of public safety, they never say we're going to disarm you so that we can wipe out our enemies.
When socialists take power and disarm their people, They can then kill by the millions.
This was done in Armenia, under Ataturk, who is called a Turkish socialist.
In Soviet Union, under Lenin and Stalin, communism.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
It was done in Germany, national socialism.
It was done in China, the People's Republic of China, communist country.
That was done in Cambodia.
But in every case, the people are disarmed first.
Well, they can't just come out and say, look, we're going to do Fast and Furious or we're going to trigger these insane people into mass murders because we want to disarm you so that we can force socialism on you.
They just couch it purely in terms of public safety.
And it's an easy way to sell it.
But in every case, every case of these genocides, first, they have to disarm the population.
Every time.
It's without fail.
And in fact, the Second Amendment, thank God for our founding fathers and their wisdom, the Second Amendment is the big bulwark against this, this what would be a genocide.
And this, this is how it works.
And you can go through history, every case.
Socialists take power.
They have utopian schemes.
I was just watching that clip in the last segment.
Where Bernie Sanders is talking to Joe Rogan about the $15 minimum wage.
How can Joe Rogan not laugh in his face and say, dude, three years ago you were saying Venezuela is showing the world the way to social justice and prosperity.
How in the world can any sane individual listen to somebody who thinks that Venezuela is the path forward?
You should be laughed off the stage anywhere you go.
Everything you've done has failed.
So let's assume that socialists, when they come into power, they've got these utopian economic schemes dreamed up in a faculty lounge.
They're going to then wreck the economy.
They'll wreck it.
They'll say, okay, the $25 minimum wage, whatever it takes, and everybody has to have, you know, the board of directors on down has to exactly reflect society.
This many albino transsexual midgets, you have to have it or you can't get a business license.
So the economy will be wrecked.
And this is, you think, well, jeez, why would the socialists do that?
Are they just completely stupid every time?
When they wreck the economy, phase two comes into play.
They'll never go on television and say, you know what?
My socialist schemes were doomed to failure from the start.
They never say that.
They say, those conservative reactionary capitalists are sabotaging our perfect, wonderful five-year plan.
We gave orders to the factory directors and they're not obeying.
We told them what to produce.
We told them how to load the bread trucks and distribute it for free at the food center and they're just refusing.
So they use the wrecked economy as an excuse to target their class enemies, either class or racial or both enemies or religious.
And then there's so much anger in the society because of, you know, food lines, food riots, that it's an easy sell that we've got to go take out our class enemies.
So every genocide follows this pattern.
Wreck an economy, blame a target group, whether it's the Kulaks in Russia, the Kulak class meaning somebody that had two cows, Or the Jews in Germany, the tenant landowners in China.
In every case, they wreck the economy, use that as an excuse to target their enemies, and then wipe them out.
Once their enemies are wiped out, like in Cuba for example, there's no chance of a counter-revolution because everybody that might have even thought about ...of fomenting a counter-revolution against this communist socialist takeover, they're dead.
They're in the ground.
This is how it works.
If you want to make a communist revolution possible, you have to disarm the people, then you wreck the economy, then you blame the wrecked economy on your class enemies, and then you wipe them out.
After that, it doesn't matter if the economy is wrecked, because as the communist overlords, you'll be in charge.
Even in North Korea, starving North Korea, the bosses live like kings.
And that's the point of it.
It's all just a sigh up and a scam to sell socialism, put the elites into permanent power.
We'll be back after the break.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
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But we knew history, and knew that these globalists are arrogant, and there would come a time when their system would enter a crisis, when it actually tried to implement It's incredibly anti-human agenda.
You know, I don't spend valuable time on air.
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That's why we're calling it the one-year anniversary of the first domino to be unpersoned, to be sent into a black hole, the Phantom Zone.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Matt Bracken.
Yeah, I've been writing and blogging about this for years now, and it certainly seems like we're coming to a climax here.
Because for sure, and I just call them communists.
Let's be frank.
The globalists are communists.
You know, the hammer and sickle isn't a good sell right now because people will bring up the, you know, 100 million plus murdered in the 20th century.
But they've never quit.
They just morph into another disguise.
And today the disguise is globalism.
So when you see anybody on television, whether they call themselves a Democrat politician or a non-governmental organization, a charity person, if they are for open borders, they are a communist.
Because They see America as the last holdout, the citadel, against globalism being victorious.
And Trump is really, to them, the worst, the antichrist against globalism is Trump.
Because not only did he defeat Hillary that he thought was, that the globalist communists thought were a shoo-in, not only did he defeat Hillary, But he's led to a nationalist resurgence in much of the rest of the world.
We know that this has happened in Italy with Salvini stopping the NGO human trafficking ships coming to Italy.
We've seen it with Orban in Hungary.
We've even seen it in India.
Americans don't follow this too much, but the Kashmir situation is an Indian nationalist who is not taking the crap from the Islamists.
And he's being very strong on Kashmir and saying, look, it's part of India.
There's going to be no special rules.
So we're seeing a pushback against the globalists and the Islamists across the world.
And this is causing the globalist communists, the Democrats, to panic.
Because they see 2020 as an absolute Waterloo, Watershed moment.
They will do absolutely anything to win in 2020.
They thought that they had it in the bag in 2016, that their level of fraud was going to be sufficient, and they still lost the Electoral College bigly.
But they're not going to make that same mistake in 2020.
If, for example, in Broward County, Florida, they had 60,000 fake votes stashed away in trunks, they missed by 15,000.
You can bet that all of these counties will have 200,000 fake votes ready to go, plus the vote harvesting and everything else.
So the left is going to absolutely see nothing that they won't do in terms of vote fraud, knowing that The judges, who are their comrades wearing a black robe, but underneath they've got the hammer and sickle in their heart.
The judges are absolute shills.
They're just communists.
The mainstream media, they're the propaganda arm of the globalist communists.
You know, they would love to destroy conservative media, alternative media.
That's what we're seeing with the, you know, with the deplatforming from social media and the algorithm bias and stacking at Google, which is completely happy, as Alex says, completely happy to work with the Chinese regime, which slaughtered 100 million of its own people.
Because to these globalists slash communists, The ends justify the means.
Chairman Mao said you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs or maybe a hundred million human eggs.
But that's how it goes.
Because to utopians, us deplorables, we're just an impediment to get out of the way.
Unfortunately, from their perspective, Us deplorables have this nasty habit of collecting and training with firearms.
And that's like the, that's the bell on the cat.
They just, they, you know, if we could only put the bell on the cat, but how can we put the bell on the cat?
We can't.
The cat will eat us.
Us, you know, Democrat rats.
So it's how do we get rid of the assault rifles, the semi-automatics, which would include eventually pistols.
You know, anything with a detachable magazine.
That's their problem.
How do we get rid of it?
Well, we get rid of it by associating, in the mass mind, the slaughter of innocence with guns.
In fact, Hollywood, and you can see it rolling right now, there's a film coming out in the fall called The Hunt, where elite billionaires, Gulfstream jet-flying billionaires, are going to kidnap deplorables, country folk from Mississippi or Montana, and then use them for hunting.
They say, oh, it's just it's just a parody.
It's sarcasm.
It's a joke.
Can you imagine them making a film where blacks were caught and released and hunted as a joke?
This is all part of psychological battle space preparation.
You can extend it back to natural born killers and all the way through where they're lowering the bar on the mentally labile to think this is a cool way to affirm my existence on this planet.
I have no friends.
I have no contacts.
Everybody, you know, that comes in contact with me breaks off contact.
Well, I'll force the world to pay attention.
And my goal is to beat the score.
How many did the Parkland shooter get?
How many did the Orlando shooter get?
When I go into Ned Peppers with a double beta drum magazine and, you know, 500 rounds of ammo, I'm gonna set the record.
And the media stokes this.
They do this intentionally.
And the reason is to psychologically associate in the minds of Americans guns with evil criminal acts.
Not with guns as a safeguard against ultimate socialist takeover and genocide.
You know, things are even changing in Switzerland, but until recently, every adult male in Switzerland does a short period of military service, and then as a reservist, inactive reservist, for the rest of their life, they keep a fully automatic battle rifle and ammunition at home.
No massacres.
Well, something that People often say, you know, Switzerland, it's never been invaded, it's never been conquered, since they've had this ethos of defending the country, of people having the weapons at home.
But something that people don't consider is, at the same time, in Switzerland, there has never been a tyrant.
There has never been a dictator.
You look across Europe.
Dictators come frequently, every century.
From the French Revolution onward, you see dictators, Napoleon, Hitler, not in Switzerland, because the people are armed, and they recognize the small chance of somebody misusing firearms, where a dozen or twenty might die, is like a small insurance payment against being disarmed, which opens you up to socialist tyrants, slaughtering by the millions.
This is my first book.
Wrote it 2002-2003.
It's free on Kindle today and tomorrow just because I want people to read it, get the idea in your head.
Not every massacre is necessarily what you might be led to believe.
I have grave doubts about the manifesto written by the El Paso shooter.
People that know him say there's no way he wrote that.
He could have been a weaponized autist, you know, set out, lured, in essence, into committing this.
One of the short stories that I wrote, it's called Professor Raoul X, and it's about an evil college professor who seeks these people out and mentors them and twists their minds and turns them into human weapons.
I'm not saying that this has happened in any of these cases.
Maybe it's just media, social media interaction that's doing it.
But in this climate, I totally expect more of these shootings.
It'll be part of a symphony that's orchestrated to change the climate in this country to where the, you know, the housewives who are kind of neutral on guns turn hard against the guns.
And if that means voting for Democrats, That's what they'll do.
That's at least their plan.
I hope that it doesn't work.
But even in Florida, we're going to see a law on the ballot banning assault weapons and at the very least forcing you to register them.
You know, lest you become a felon.
So we're in a very dangerous climate.
You know, this massive doxing by the Representative Castro, this is going to lead to action-reaction.
These mobs going to people's houses at night.
Somebody's going to throw a Molotov cocktail, and somebody's going to light off an AR-15, and then somebody's going to target, say, Representative Castro's family, and it's going to be game on.
And this is all leading to something called anarcho-tyranny.
It's sort of like wrecking the economy so that you can blame an enemy.
In this way, you wreck the society.
Then you can use that as an excuse to turn it into a dictatorship citing the security concerns.
Anyway, get my book.
You can get it from me signed or just get it on Kindle free today.
And I'll see you next week.
It's all coming out.
It's so devastating.
And the government isn't even sure how to bring this out.
They're starting to bring it out, going, Democrats, stop!
Democrats aren't going to stop.
They're trying to cause a civil war right now.
Like, they're starting to get some purchase.
Trying to start a fire?
They got some fire going.
All the physical attacks, shootings, bombings, ICE facilities getting attacked, dead people everywhere.
It's on, folks.
And if you think it's bad now, if they really get traction, it's going to go insane.
So now, more than you've ever done, for yourself, for me, for everybody, spread the word about this broadcast on your local station, radio, TV.
Tellfolksaboutinfowars.com forward slash show.
And let them know, hey, they wanted to shut this guy down because he exposed the Chinese government funding and controlling Hollywood.
You wonder why Hollywood's anti-American?
It's literally owned by the Chinese military.
UT's basically run by China now.
It's unbelievable.
It's all coming out in Senate and House reports.
But listen, everybody else is scared.