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Name: 20190805_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 5, 2019
3367 lines.

In a discussion about recent events, Alex Jones talks about the potential use of cutouts in weaponizing individuals, political division, censorship, red flag laws, Big Tech, mass shootings, the deep state's unraveling, stock market fluctuations, and China's currency devaluation as part of its trade war with the US. He urges listeners to support InfoWars financially and discusses his opinions on the current economic climate, health, and the importance of defending freedom through supporting the First and Second Amendment. Jones criticizes those who blame the government for mass shootings while supporting its actions abroad, urges listeners to support his Occupy Peace Party event, and discusses recent mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso. Finally, he expresses pride in America's heritage and encourages everyone to stay informed through Infowars.com.

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I don't know exactly what's going on in El Paso.
But I do know that the media is using the crisis to try to cause a race war in this country.
And that the corporate media has been pushing massive, massive, massive cultural division in an attempt to get an explosion.
There's been a full-on, full-on press for that.
How do you explain the frequency of these clearly racist shootings?
Well, I think it really mirrors the polarization that's happening in the country and it's being amplified now to include violence.
We've got to acknowledge the hatred, the open racism that we're seeing.
There's an environment of it in the United States.
We see it on Fox News, we see it on the internet, but we also see it from our commander in chief and he is encouraging this. He doesn't just
tolerate it, he encourages it.
Calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals, warning of an invasion at our border, seeking to
ban all people of one religion. Folks are responding to this. It doesn't just offend us,
it encourages the kind of violence that we're seeing, including in my hometown of El Paso
yesterday. Do you think President Trump is a white nationalist? Yes, I do.
You don't have to use a lot of imagination to connect the dots here.
It is very clear that this kind of hate is being legitimized from on high.
And if that were not true, the president would be acting and speaking very, very differently than what he's doing right now.
We both know that if this had been a brown or a black-skinned gunman, people would have been talking about terrorism within five or ten minutes.
Well, unfortunately, there is a plague of terrorists in this country who are not black or brown-skinned.
They are oftentimes lonely white men who are radicalized online.
And that is a danger right now.
Really, since World War II, young white men have been entitled and privileged and promised an easy life.
And if they fight for their country and work hard and follow the rules, they're going to be given a job and a house and a car and a pretty wife and a picket fence and a golden retriever.
And I'm being a little facetious, but the world has changed dramatically in the last 75 years.
And with equity comes great resentment from people who still think that those rules from the last century are still in effect.
They don't want to share the playing field with other people, specifically women and immigrants.
And they seize with resentment that they are failing in life and want to externalize or scapegoat that blame.
But there's no question that public rhetoric stokes hatred and racism.
And some of that rhetoric has come from the president.
Beto O'Rourke and all the rest of them, up there totally capitalizing on it, blaming the President.
When you can clearly blame the Democrats if you believe their official story about what's happened here, by foaming all of this up and making it about race war, when Trump's not made about race, or your color, or where you're from, he's made it about the law.
Well, they're the ones that are invoking all this hate, always saying that Trump is the one that is invoking it all.
Hate has no place in our country.
You know why I question mass shootings?
Because real mass shootings happen.
We have a lot of evil, sick people in the world.
But why do mass shootings happen?
They're statistically still rare, but the media hypes them up.
And so mentally ill people begin to think it's how they become superstars.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Monday, August 5th, 2019.
I am your host, Alex Jones, kicking off the main broadcast right now as we speak from Austin, Texas.
200,000 plus people have been killed according to the Mexican government in the last decade who were civilians in the drug cartel wars.
Thousands of them children.
Many people tortured to death, their heads cut off.
Most of the deaths were caused, though, by firearms, and Mexico has a complete ban on the civilian ownership of firearms, but Mexico has a crime rate and a firearms death rate that is the second highest in the world, only after Guatemala that also has a total ban on guns.
And so when you see President Trump out there saying, oh, we need to look at mental health, we need to look at more screening, we need to look at all these things, that's fine.
But what about the elephant in the room that the crime in this country is in pockets like Chicago and other leftist areas, and that mass shootings are on a slight uptick, but statistically still, you don't even have 100 people a year dying in them, which is still terrible.
But tens of thousands dying in automobile crashes.
2,000 a year dying on average from firearms in Chicago.
Those people are dehumanized because it's drug-related.
You never hear about it.
But when it's a right-winger, supposedly, the entire corporate media jumps in and throws the kitchen sink at things and says it's Trump's fault, it's Alex Jones' fault, it's the governor of Texas' fault.
You gotta turn your guns in!
Oh, so that nobody can fight back against crazies?
Now, in every case where they have social media that we're able to see, these shooters are obsessed with shoot-em-up video games.
They're incels.
They all basically look the same.
And they say that they're into the occult.
Almost all of them.
There was another shooter a few years ago, remember, down by Galveston, south of Houston.
And he was into Satanism.
And he was mad at everybody.
Well, guess what?
The individual who's a big anti-foe leftist, on his Facebook, on his Instagram, Paul Watson's written a big article about it with screenshots of it, said, I love Satan.
I hate Christians.
I hate Trump supporters.
And so he was wearing a mask and ear protection and all the rest of it, just like the other shooter in El Paso, Texas.
Isn't that interesting?
Always the same M.O.
Over and over and over and over again.
The preeminent article breaking it all down is on Infowars.com and Newswars.com by Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to be going over all of it here today.
But you look at the photos of him that he took himself.
What an evil, evil eyes.
Always got that weird, lazy, satisfied look.
That's the look of demon possession.
That's the look they've all got.
That sick, enjoyable look.
How much he loves Elizabeth Warren.
How much he loves Bernie Sanders.
How he wants to kill fascists and he loves Antifa.
Now he can't wait to go to hell and serve Satan.
And he hails Satan.
Almost every one of them, when you dig, is into the same thing.
But here's the big issue I'm going to tackle first.
President Trump Came out after the Vegas massacre that was an internal Saudi Arabian civil war.
They used a CIA US gun dealer to bring guns to the hotel room to get around the fact that they couldn't fly in with the guns.
There were 10,000 Saudis meeting in Vegas.
They flew in on their jets from the Saudi military.
Mainly the Saudi Air Force was having a convention there.
Crown Prince was there all nine yards.
He's in the same hotel.
He goes believing he's going to sell weapons to them.
They kill him and then carry out the mass attack as a way to terrorize Trump and embarrass Trump.
You saw Trump then overthrow the Saudi establishment and get them back in line.
But that's what really happened there.
You notice the media dropped it real quick and still they won't say what happened.
Well, I was told by the FBI hostage rescue team, that's really the SWAT team, directly the morning after.
Specifically about the paraphernalia, the Islamic paraphernalia, that he was a gun dealer, that there was antifa literature, but that it was a Saudi situation.
Gone awry.
And later all that information came out.
But notice they dropped it real quick.
Hundreds dead.
But you don't hear anything about that now because they want you to forget, but not this.
Oh, this is done because Trump wants to kill Hispanics.
And Trump's out to get Hispanics.
And, oh, don't vote for Trump because he's a Nazi.
Trump comes out and decries all of this and says we need red flag laws that even Ted Cruz is pushing.
We already have laws where if you threaten to kill somebody, your guns are taken.
But this is now, oh, someone feels threatened.
You didn't even say anything.
Accelerated due process is what Trump calls it.
That's not due process.
And see, what Trump does is, remember last year Pelosi's in the White House?
And she says, well, can we compromise on guns?
He says, yeah, tell me whatever you want.
We'll try to do it.
We'll see if we can do it.
And then she says, I want to ban all guns.
And then they couldn't pass anything because Trump tricked her.
I was in on conversations with folks, high level in the NRA, right before that meeting happened, who'd met with Trump and said, don't worry.
When Trump does this, it's to get them to admit they want to ban the guns.
Because then he can politically neutralize them.
He can take all their criticism away.
And then they're going to call for total gun confiscation, and then they'll get nothing.
But the big headline at Infowars.com today is, is Trump a Trojan horse?
Will he take our guns?
Because even playing along with this...
Even though it's expedient at the time, builds the idea that every time there's a mass shooting, that we've got to take the guns so it never happens again, even though I have a stack of statistics around the world here, of the 200 million people killed the last century, tens of millions this century, the last 19 years, in countries where only the government or select tribes have the weapons.
That's called a fate worse than death.
You'll have 10, 20, 30 times the number of people being killed in a Rwanda, or in a Syria, or in any of these places where the public is disarmed and a foreign group just comes in and takes over.
Or the drug cartels that don't even follow laws.
Every major Mexican city is devastated, is collapsed, with almost no tourism now.
The hotel prices are a third what they were just a year ago.
Because while I was even in Cancun this year, And was warned by our security.
You need to go to another place.
Believe me, the U.S.
News doesn't cover it.
There have been killings, kidnappings, murders here every day.
They went and showed me the places.
We left and went to another area.
While we were there, a police officer was shot in the back of the head.
Ladies and gentlemen, the public has no guns.
So when we come back, we're going to break this down.
But here's the final equation, and everybody knows it.
Everybody understands it.
It's that we have an evil problem, ladies and gentlemen, in this country.
We have a problem with Satanism.
We have a problem with corruption.
We have a problem with evil.
And just a spirit of selfishness growing where we kill already born babies.
What about them being protected?
They harvest their organs.
They're making human-animal hybrids.
That's now all over the news.
And notice all of this distracts from the giant industrial-level pedophile scheme going on with Jeffrey Epstein and all of this.
And right on time.
Right on time, individuals clearly with Antifa, Incel, MO, who say they love Satan, and they love Democrats, and they want a universal wage.
The guy in El Paso said all that.
Well, remember, that's why we have guns to protect us from maniacs in times of evil.
And we're entering one of those times of evil.
The Trump clips are straight ahead.
This is important.
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InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
Infowars.com/show William in Florida
William, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
Before I get into my points, I want to plug a couple of products.
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You don't mention it very much.
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Well thank you.
For those that don't know, you've got things like emergency and you've got things like airport or whatever it's called that you know that people take and those things have some good things in them.
When we did immune wall, I'm like what's three times stronger than any other immune support formula?
They're like okay we can make this and so anything we make is just chocked full of the very best things and yes the super silver wound gel is a natural National brand, patented, FDA approved, used at hospitals, used over-the-counter, $40 a tube.
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Put a tiny bit on your hands, rub it, and then it's a preemptive wall of the strongest silver allowed by the FDA over-the-counter.
I'm gonna be very clear.
Do not ingest it.
Okay, it's very toxic.
But, I mean, it's weaponized.
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Bacteria viruses, it's approved and proven to kill them better than a hammer.
Since you mentioned it, my friend, what experience have you had with a super silver wound gel?
Well, everything from minor burns to actually take out a little sloppy in the kitchen one
day and I normally turn my, when I'm chopping stuff, I turn the knife away from me.
I didn't do that.
I was in a hurry.
I couldn't reach for the knife and I cut my finger right down to the bone.
It was bleeding pretty good and I put the super silver wound gel on that and wrapped
it of course and in less than four hours, the pain was gone.
In a day, the deepest part of the cut was already healing up.
It is the best wound gel out there.
And I've tried to haggle them down on the price, but after the patents and the FDA approval took them like nine years, this is the thing used in hospitals.
So we're very, very proud of it.
So thanks for the plug, William.
Thanks for watching.
I'm William H. Cooper.
I'll see you next time.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The fact is, if they try to take our firearms, it's going to cause a real civil war.
And we won't be like leftists that go target innocent men, women, and children because of their skin color.
They're little staged events.
No, it'll be the leadership of the globalist operation.
That's another telltale sign about these mass shootings.
A lot of them are obviously being provocateured and staged.
But it's the media itself hyping it up, giving it attention, that does cause this very rare phenomenon to become now more commonplace.
Though statistically, out of 340 million Americans, it's one of the rarest ways to be killed.
But the media, just like shark attacks, Maybe seven people a year get killed by great white sharks, but they'll see a great white shark sighting off of Nantucket or something on the East Coast and no one will get in the water.
And then the tourist towns will just dry up.
In fact, after Jaws came out in the early 70s for a decade, they had more than half the public stop going to the beach around the world.
And they had to do ads in the newspapers saying it's very rare.
But imagine if the media hyped up shark attacks, you'd have empty beaches again.
And I understand we have an archetypal fear of a shark, an archetypal fear of going to Walmart and some crazy person coming and shooting us.
But the truth is you've got a lot better chance of somebody trying to break in your house with a gun in cities where the public's been disarmed.
Because let me tell you, thieves will break in your car and stuff in most areas of Texas, but they don't come in your house because they'll get their ass blown off.
Home invasions are very rare here.
In Chicago, in New York, in Detroit, in every leftist area like Baltimore, Maryland, they are epidemic.
But you know what's going to happen if they try to take our firearms?
Crime drop in the last nine years.
Real violent crime because more guns means less crime.
Britain took the guns 15, 16 years ago, tripling of your overall violent crime.
True, we have a higher gun violence level, but overall mugging, stabbings, deaths.
Those men raped that woman in India to death with an iron rod four feet long.
You can't ban the iron rods.
The guns, the iron rods, Pierce, didn't do it.
The tyrants did it.
Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
that el castro took the guns, hugo chavez took the guns and i'm here to tell you
seventeen seventy six will commence again if you try to take our firearms
doesn't matter how many lemmings you get out there on the street begging for them to have
their guns taken we will not relinquish them do you understand that's why you're going
to fail and the establishment knows no matter how much propaganda the republic will rise
again when you attempt to take our guns and that's been their goal all along and all the
major democrat candidates say just ban them Take them all.
That's their goal.
Take the, and I've got all the articles right here, the shooter a couple years ago that killed all those poor people at that Baptist church in South Texas.
That it was a citizen with a gun, took him out.
He was trying to kill more.
That individual, ladies and gentlemen, had been in an Air Force mental institution and had been adjudicated with a dishonorable discharge and they could not own a gun.
The Air Force didn't put it in the database.
Oh gee, and then he had some special psychiatric handlers connected to DARPA.
And the latest shooter, his daddy is in a cult and is a psychologist that runs government programs for PTSD and troops.
Saturday when it happened, I told reporters, I said, check in and see if this guy's family are psychologists.
And it just so happened that was the case.
It's very interesting.
So why'd you let him out of the mental institution?
See, and so now, They didn't follow the law.
They let him have a gun because the government didn't put him in the database.
And now the answer is, well, if somebody thinks you're dangerous or scary, you know, you didn't threaten anybody.
We're going to take your guns.
That's what they already do in areas like California and New York.
Here's President Trump really playing with fire.
Fourth, we must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms, and that if they do, those firearms can be taken through rapid due process.
That is why I have called for red flag laws, also known as extreme risk protection orders.
Today, I'm also directing the Department of Justice to propose legislation ensuring that those who commit hate crimes and mass murders face the death penalty and that this capital punishment be delivered quickly, decisively, and without years of needless delay.
Yeah, the coward up in Ohio, within five seconds, was shot dead by police.
Five seconds.
Five seconds.
But that wasn't before he could spray the bullets into all those people.
Reload and spray again.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, the man said that he worships Satan, hates Christians, and wants to go to hell as soon as possible.
Oh, but, oh, it's the gun.
It's not another liberal.
I mean, look at this guy.
If you're a TV viewer, if you just look at the face, it's that same weird, in love with themselves, sickening baby face that all these guys have.
Almost every one of them says they love Satan.
Love Satan.
Yeah, no kidding.
Gee, Satanists are going around killing people.
Dressing in black.
Gee, we always heard that in the old times.
Oh, that's a conspiracy.
There's no devil worshippers.
There's no pedophilia.
There's nothing going on.
Of course there is.
There always has been these type of people.
But in the old days, we dealt with them.
The village would recognize them.
And the first time they got caught doing something weird and sick, well, you know what the village would do.
And usually their parents will even join in beating their brains out.
People didn't put up with this type of crap.
The old days you acted sick and weird, said you wanted to kill kids, got caught doing something weird.
Well, where'd Bob go?
Well, nobody knows where old Bob went.
The last 10 shooters or so all said they hated Christians.
And that they love Satan.
Except the El Paso shooter, because they've expunged all his stuff and then putting fake stuff up about how he's a Trump supporter.
You know, that's admitted that his social media was anti-Trump.
I mean, there's screenshots of it, it's confirmed, but it didn't matter.
It all got put out there, it all got force-fed on Saturday.
We've been banned from the larger internet.
We couldn't counter it.
And so now, It is the accepted fact that the supposed lone shooter in El Paso, Texas, was a Trump supporter, even though we have all the screenshots from his social media, and they changed it.
We ought to be asking, who changed it within 30 minutes?
Who was able to do that?
Think about that.
Think about that long and hard.
Those articles are on Infowars.com.
They're on Newswars.com.
Gateway Pundit did a story on it.
But be sure you go read Paul Watson's article and read how much he hates... Oh, he's for gun control, too.
Of course you're for gun control.
Oh, and the supposed shooter in El Paso?
His daddy isn't just a guy that ran a psychiatric facility.
No, no, no, no, no.
Not a sin of cult, he admits.
But also, something else.
He's for gun control.
Oh, yes.
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(gentle music)
George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And so, used to it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now, they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want a virtue signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America-hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act at a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag, particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag, and particularly when it says on the back, right there ladies and gentlemen, America's back, Infowars.com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies'
face all over, not just the U.S., but worldwide, because more than ever, the American flag
is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
Thank you.
And there's one product that's offered at InfoWarsStore.com that is the elite of the supplements, and that's DNA Force Plus.
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Marcos, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
What's your view?
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate you having me on.
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You've been using it for a while, but I sent the bottle to my mom, and after taking it for a few days, she called me literally in tears, saying that she could see the knuckles on her fingers again and, like, the bones in her knees again.
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People should really check it out and support the info wars.
So thank you for giving us your testimony about your mother because BODYS is amazing.
Oh yeah, definitely.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
When I grow up, I want to be a rock star.
Rock star.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
The First Lady and I join all Americans in praying and grieving for the victims, their families, and the survivors.
We will stand by their side forever.
We will never forget.
These barbaric slaughters are an assault upon our communities, an attack upon our nation, and a crime against all of humanity.
We are outraged and sickened by this monstrous evil, the cruelty, the hatred, the malice, the bloodshed, and the terror.
Our hearts are shattered for every family whose parents Children, husbands and wives were ripped from their arms and their lives.
America weeps for the fallen.
We are a loving nation and our children are entitled to grow up in a just, peaceful and loving society.
Together, we lock arms to shoulder the grief.
We ask God in heaven to ease the anguish of those who suffer.
And we vow to act with urgent resolve.
I want to thank the many law enforcement personnel who responded to these atrocities with the extraordinary grace and courage of American heroes.
I have spoken with Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Ohio Governor Mike DeWine.
As well as Mayor DiMarco of El Paso, Texas, and Mayor Nan Whaley of Dayton, Ohio, to express our profound sadness and unfailing support.
Today, we also send the condolences of our nation to President Obrador of Mexico and all the people of Mexico for the loss of their citizens in the El Paso shooting.
Terrible, terrible thing.
I have also been in close contact with Attorney General Barr and FBI Director Wray.
Federal authorities are on the ground and I have directed them to provide any and all assistance required, whatever is needed.
The shooter in El Paso posted a manifesto online consumed by racist hate.
In one voice, our nation must condemn racism, bigotry, and white supremacy.
These sinister ideologies must be defeated.
Hate has no place in America.
Hatred warps the mind, ravages the heart, and devours the soul.
We have asked the FBI to identify all further resources they need to investigate and disrupt hate crimes and domestic terrorism, whatever they need.
We must recognize that the Internet has provided a dangerous avenue to radicalize disturbed minds and perform demented acts.
We must shine light on the dark recesses of the internet and stop mass murders before they start.
The internet, likewise, is used for human trafficking, illegal drug distribution, and so many other heinous crimes.
The perils of the internet and social media cannot be ignored.
Alright, we're gonna get to more of this later, but I totally agree with Trump about unity.
The globalist, Qaikom-controlled media is creating division, trying to create a race war.
We all know that.
But seeing that the Internet is what radicalized this guy, we don't even know that.
And 8chan, 4chan and 8chan is full of trolls, full of government operatives, full of some good people as well.
But it's a total free-for-all.
It constantly attacks me.
That's fine.
That's their First Amendment.
The fact that this individual supposedly uploaded this manifesto to 8chan, and now 8chan's been taken down off of their internet provider, is beyond dangerous, ladies and gentlemen.
And next, they're talking about taking away URLs as well, as if 8chan caused This individual to go and do this.
It's just preposterous.
And it's, again, very, very dangerous to have Trump going down that avenue.
But that's where they're going.
And that's what they're doing.
And you could say, well, Trump's just politically getting ahead of this.
But then that allows the lie to continue that there's an epidemic of white supremacist killing people, and it allows the idea to be pushed that it's guns that have done the killing, and it allows the lie to be pushed that we need to blame the internet and free flow of ideas for what this individual did when Trump's been doing very little to stop the massive censorship of conservatives, nationalists, gun owners, Christians, veterans, you name it.
And so if Trump is a Trojan horse in anything, it's that he has not been a big defender of free speech.
And he is beginning to slide towards gun control, which is only going to encourage the establishment out there to provocateur.
And wind up more individuals like this because you take what happened last year on Valentine's Day in Parkland, Florida.
We had students on.
It was on local news as well.
People were shooting interviews.
The news wouldn't air it, but they'd be talking to news cameras and people hold up their cell phones and record witness after witness saying the police stood down for 20-30 minutes.
No one came in.
I still heard shots going off when I saw the supposed shooter.
We just reported that and they didn't like the fact it was getting tens of millions of views.
And CNN said that one of the students we had on was an actor and that we had a fake actor on.
So they made it up that I said the kids were actors, but I didn't say that.
And that nobody got shot, but I didn't say that.
And then they turned around and said that I was using actors on the show.
The level of lying is insane by these people.
We're going to go to break, and we come back.
I've done too much preparation for this show.
My head is spinning.
I don't just put these hundreds of articles out here as a prop where, look, I've got all the research.
I learned a long time ago that computers can crash.
They change stories.
They remove stories.
So I've been on air 25 years.
For 25 years, used to it took like a couple minutes to load an article.
Remember that?
25 years ago?
So I learned that if I got an article loaded, I would print it.
You know, I would sit around at the radio news talk station and watch folks writing notes about articles online.
And then they'd even bitch at some people and say, you're using all the print paper.
The sales guys need it.
So I started just bringing in my own printer, my own paper.
And I said, you know what?
I'm going to print every damn article I look at because it's, it's something for me to remember.
And so I have a record of it and that's why we do this, but I've got all this research here and buried in all this while we're focused on this shooting.
And these events is human-animal hybrids.
It's now all over the news.
World government, Mark of the Beast, global internet ID, you'll buy nor sell if you're not a good leftist.
They're actually saying that.
Prophecy is being fulfilled.
And if you don't believe in God, this is a nightmare system that, you know, if Satan didn't exist, they're building it.
If Satan isn't real, they're sure as hell fans of the archetype and they're building it.
It's all coming up today, ladies and gentlemen, and I'm going to do the best job I can, but this is all just mind-blowing at this point.
But the big way to get around the censors, because they fought hard to remove us off air ahead of all of what's coming.
And the only ace in the hole they had was to stage these attacks or provocateur them, and now you see it happening with the election.
And the FBI's warning, look out for copycats?
No kidding.
This is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.
So the answer is, keep your eyes peeled and be armed.
Good guys stop bad guys.
The Globalists are.
Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein is behind bars today after pleading not guilty to sex trafficking.
Accused of sexually assaulting teenage girls as young as 14 years old.
Prosecutors say they made a disturbing discovery at his mansion.
Thousands of nude photos of underage girls were found there.
And inside of a locked safe, compact discs, one allegedly labeled, Young Miscellaneous Nudes 1.
This is video of Jeffrey Epstein's home taken by investigators during a search of the multi-millionaire's Palm Beach mansion.
It is where Epstein was involved with at least 40 underage girls, some of whom he had sex with.
Epstein has had several high-profile friendships in the past.
President Bill Clinton reportedly rode on Epstein's jet more than two dozen times in the early 2000s.
It's no secret that former President Bill Clinton had a friendly relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.
A former Secret Service agent is threatening to release damaging information on former President Bill Clinton.
Dan Bongino says he may release information on Clinton's 26 documented trips on Jeffrey Epstein's plane jet, private jet, the Lolita Express.
Lazy Wall Street tycoon Jeffrey Epstein used the Lolita Express to ferry a bevy of beautiful young women.
Among the passengers, former President Bill Clinton and Britain's Prince Andrew.
And it's amazing that there's been no discussion about Bill Clinton being on this jet 20 times.
Newly obtained documents show Clinton actually took at least 26 flights on Epstein's private jet to spots around the globe.
Sources say there were dozens of victims.
The teen girls were encouraged to recruit their friends.
We were underage.
We were little girls.
By the time I was 16, I brought him up to 75 girls.
All the ages of, you know, 14, 15, 16.
People going from 8th grade to 9th grade at just school parties.
That's where I'd recruit them from.
You know, before you know it, I'm being lent out to politicians and to academics and people that you...royalty and people that you just...
You would never think, like, how did you get into that position of power in the first place if you're this disgusting, evil, decrepit person on the inside.
An absolute secret, the U.S.
government negotiated a deal that forgave multi-billionaire Jeff Epstein for procuring sex with about 40 children.
The 2008 agreement protects Epstein and anyone who worked with him from federal charges.
He was basically treated as a celebrity.
He was allowed to come and go six days a week from the jail as he wanted.
Every morning a chauffeur would come pick him up and drive him to his office where he would spend the day doing whatever he wanted to do and then check back in at night.
And he arranged it so that he got work release which meant that he had a valet and a driver that he hired pick him up at the jail every day.
Unbelievably This evil pedophile monster served just 13 months in a county jail for his crimes.
The U.S.
attorney who authorized that deal, Alexander Acosta, now the Secretary of Labor.
Now, Bradley Edwards determined to get a federal judge to overturn the sweetheart plea deal.
Somebody with money and power was able to communicate with the government in secrecy in direct violation of the rights of the crime victims.
It's scary because this is our government that's supposed to protect us but has done everything to protect.
You know, a pedophile.
Giant pedophile rings controlling the deep state are now being exposed.
I started getting somewhat of an inclination that this is a situation where somehow, for some reason, the defendant and the government are working together against the victims.
Although that kind of conspiracy theory sounds so preposterous that I didn't want to believe it.
We told you about Jeffrey Epstein and everything he was up to and who he is years ago.
Now it's going to hit the mainstream.
Tomorrow's news today.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
My eyes are blind, but I can see.
My eyes are blind, but I can see.
There's no place like home.
The sun no longer sets people free like Conor Betts, a Satanist, a hater of Christians, a lover of abortion, a lover of socialism.
His hoodie had a famous French Marxist on it, but he's a right-wing white supremacist killer.
That's how they roll, ladies and gentlemen.
The other guy, classic leftist cutout.
This manifesto, we have no idea, just pops up, it's shared everywhere.
Oh, they let you share it all over Facebook, Twitter.
but because it was uploaded to 8chan, they lose their internet service provider.
Oh, when the Christchurch guy uploaded that questionable video of that massacre,
of that strange event, did Facebook lose its internet service provider?
Oh, no, no, no.
It's anything that has a lot of traffic that rivals them, they then go around and demonize.
You know, you can look at Facebook and Twitter all day, anti-fuck, calling for killing conservatives, video of them beating people up.
Oh, Facebook, Twitter, they leave it up.
But when it's a chant, oh, you can't have your internet service provider.
And we've been dumped by dozens of internet service providers over the years.
Have to go through the whole rigmarole of changing it and moving because your left is complaining and all the rest of it.
Oh, build your own website, have your own thing.
They go after your bank accounts, they go after everything.
And yeah, 8chan's a lot more racy than we are.
I don't have some free open platform where you can run around there and say, you know, Jews are the devil or black people are the devil or white people are the devil.
I mean, there's everything goes there and they have a right to do that.
But everything doesn't go here because A, I don't agree with that and this is my show, but also B, they would shut us down like that.
They already misrepresent everything we say and everything we do because we're promoting unity and Americana.
And the first half of Trump's 10-minute speech is solid gold and I totally agree with it.
The one he gave a few hours ago.
And then it goes downhill off the edge of a cliff from that point on.
Yeah, I get it is expedient in the current time space.
To neutralize everybody saying he's a white supremacist when he isn't, to take that lie away from them, and to say, yeah, we need to have red flag laws that accelerate due process.
We already have systems where if someone says they think you're scary, they have the Baker Act and a bunch of others, and you can have someone put in a mental hospital for 24 hours for an evaluation just on your word.
This individual was on his site saying he wants to kill people.
We have screenshots.
I want to kill fascists.
That means anyone right of Mao Zedong.
And V.I.
He said, I love Satan.
Here's a little tip.
When someone says, I love Satan and can't wait to die and go to hell.
That's what he said.
And I'm going to kill people.
You don't need some red flag act that gets rid of due process.
Look at that guy.
Have that distant stare, like a little spoiled rotten baby.
Probably jerks off 50 times a day.
I mean, we know the exact MO of these dudes.
Women run from them.
They're creeps.
Because I guarantee you, daddy wasn't home and nobody ever beat his ass.
I mean, that guy needed to have his ass kicked royal.
I guarantee he was a bully.
I love the NPR fake origin story they put out on me.
Totally made up all eyes that I was a bully.
That I was beating up people smaller than me.
No, I was bullied.
And I beat the living hell out of people once I hit puberty.
That's what happened.
That's why I never had any convictions when I was a juvenile.
Even though I did put people in comas.
And I did break people's jaws.
When they put their hands on me.
But I'm not a bully!
I fight tyrants!
I take on the big dogs!
When I'm 45!
Just like when I was 15!
And I'll say this right now.
I agree with the FBI.
Most of the FBI are good people.
They've got all these different compartmentalized political groups, though, that put out the report a few days before this happens that, oh, the conspiracy theorists, they're violent.
That's Southern Poverty Law Center stuff that they had Democrat FBI put out.
But what did the FBI also put out that week?
Incels are the number one threat after Islamists.
We're finding that all these mass shooters are into death, the devil, can't get a girl, and hate women.
And they put out a report saying that incels are the major threat.
Remember that?
Stories up on InfoWars.com.
That's an article from June 24th.
The article I'm talking about is from August 1st.
Paul Joseph Watson.
DHS awards $30,000 to study male supremacist terror threat posed by in cells.
It's a male supremacy thing by total nerd wimps.
And again, I'm not saying ban video games.
A normal person plays a shoot-em-up video game or a hunting game.
It's all about skill and camaraderie and fun.
But if you're mentally ill and hateful and listening to devil worship music all day, and are into Satanism, and feel really bad about yourself, and then start getting into darkness, well then, Death Metal might not be for you.
And if you go to these guys' profile, Death Metal, Satanism, and they hate women, including his sister, who he reportedly killed up in Dayton, Ohio.
Talking about Connor Betts.
You want to look into the eyes of evil, ladies and gentlemen, look into his eyes.
So the FBI was right about that report.
Put out the day before all this crap started, and then look at this.
Another FBI report I agree with totally from the hill.
100% true.
FBI says brace for copycats.
You know this Ohio thing was a copycat.
Dressed the same, wore ear protection, everything.
Because they're used to wearing the headphones when they play the shoot-em-up games.
And he was into that too.
You see, when you're highly suggestible and already in a near-trance state, probably on psychotropics, both of them, you're gonna end up learning.
It's always that way.
under the care of some weird psychologist, psychiatrist like his daddy, the El Paso shooter,
you're going to see the copycat.
And that's what the one on Saturday night was.
Sunday morning.
Over and over and over and over and over again.
FBI warns of copycat attacks in wake of mass shootings.
The FBI is warning of potential for copycat attacks by domestic extremists after two mass shootings rocked the country over the weekend, including one that appeared to be motivated by animus towards Hispanics and immigrants.
In a statement released Sunday, the FBI said it's possible extremists could be inspired by the attacks.
The FBI remains concerned that U.S.-based domestic violent extremists could become inspired by those previous high-profile attacks to engage in similar acts of violence.
Of course.
And again, I'll go back to this for the 500th time.
If you read Basic Criminology, they learned back in the 30s that if somebody jumped off the Empire States Building, suddenly three more people try it that same day, or the next day.
And so, maybe somebody didn't jump for six months, but when somebody jumped, they would put police up there when it was open to stop it.
Because you learn how copycats work.
Well, the media knows when they cover this like it's super common and they hype it up constantly that certain types of people that are already suicidal but in a sick way are in love with themselves and into Satanism and hate people are gonna go do this to go down with infamy.
Just like Satan wants to destroy God's creation, the earth, and God's creation, humans, because we're made by God, the devil wants to kill, steal, and destroy, and take everyone with him.
That's how these spoiled, rotten people that didn't get invited to the party behave and act.
That's how creepozoids are.
And so they know who to profile.
They know who to go after.
Both these guys were putting out chatter and talking about all this stuff and what they were going to do and they were all left alone.
Because the system wanted this to happen.
It pushed the atmosphere.
It created the environment for this to happen and now they're hyping it 24-7 with their fingers crossed.
So every time there's another attack the media can say, Oh, you see, there was another attack.
We didn't take all the guns.
Never to mention the millions of Christians killed in the last decade by Muslims.
Never to mention the hundreds of thousands dead in Mexico or millions dead in Latin America from crime where the people are disarmed.
None of the real statistics, just all, look at this, look at this, you're all dead!
They're coming to get you!
Unless you turn in your guns!
Can you imagine what it would be like when only the criminals and the government has
the guns?
Jason, thanks for calling in.
What's your view on the situation?
How should Trump take action?
Mr. Jones, first of all, I'd like to plug products.
My son and I are both big Super Blue fans.
My son also takes the Honor Roll, which is a fantastic product.
Originally, they wanted to test him for ADHD.
Well, that wasn't the case at all.
He's just a really smart kid.
So the Honor Roll product, amazing, amazing results from that product.
Mr. Jones, thank you very much for everything.
Since you raise it, it's doing our research with top companies.
It's one of the highest rated blends of fish oil, particularly with small caplets for children.
And it's had the mercury taken out of it.
And they found that it's really a missing link in a lot of young people's brains.
What effect did it have?
I actually allowed him to focus.
As a five-year-old kid, he was having a little trouble staying in his seat and things like that.
And, you know, I feed him well.
He exercises.
We swim every day and things like that.
But the reality is, I just think his diet was missing something that over the last year of using the Honor Roll product, off the charts.
He's testing in the top percentages of his class, and it's just, people are beside themselves.
And, you know, I swear by the product.
I wouldn't Turn him away from it.
He even tells me every morning he doesn't have it.
Daddy, I just don't feel as well as I did the other day and I think a lot of it has to do with the young developing mind and body and without the, you know, the product, I will say that on my own personal experience, I will say these products work and that I thank you and my son also.
Thank you for them as well.
Jason, thank you for your support.
Good, clean fish oil, or krill oil.
There's nothing better.
I mean, with my own children, one of my daughters, she can kind of get up, low blood sugar, be a little bit grumpy, get her to eat some basic food, then she's not grumpy.
But when she takes her fish oil, she goes, Daddy, I feel so much better after I take it.
I'm like, absolutely.
So thank you, Jason.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I got Mike Adams coming up at 15 after and I can tell you right now he thinks it's his
phony $3 bill.
Mass shootings.
And he's got an absolute right to say that and to believe that.
But I'll tell you this.
If you look at all the admitted staged events, it'll make your head spin.
In fact, when he joins us, let's look at Operation Gladio.
Partially declassified by the U.S., declassified fully by the Italians, and we ought to try to get Leo Zagami on.
He was actually part of Operation Gladio when he was in the Italian Air Force.
And believe me, I've been to Rome with Zagami.
He's not making it up.
That guy can get in the Vatican, castles nobody can get into.
I mean, he's definitely in the secret societies.
And then people say, why do you trust Zagami?
No, Zagami was from the inside.
And exposed the entire thing.
So yeah, print me some stuff on Operation Gladio.
Hundreds of bombings and mass shootings in Italy alone by the US government and NATO to stop the left from getting into power.
See how it works?
So, yeah.
It's even in Army manuals in Special Operations, Captain and above, how to stage false flags.
Ever seen Graham Greene's book, Turn into the Quiet American?
It's actually a composite of true stories.
He puts it out as fiction, though, so he doesn't get sued.
About how the CIA was staging terror attacks in southern Vietnam as the US started taking over in 54, 55.
We were really there in Indochina before 1960.
And staging the terror attacks to get the South on our side against the North.
And I'm not defending the Communists.
I'm not defending Ho Chi Minh.
But he wanted to work with us from the beginning.
But certain folks did not want that to happen.
They wanted to have the long-term extended war.
And so that's how this stuff really works, ladies and gentlemen.
So, we have a right and a duty to look at every event as if it could be staged.
Take the babies in the incubators again, 1990.
Desert Shield.
The build-up before Desert Storm.
The offensive.
And they came and testified that they saw babies by the hundreds, pulled out their brains, bashed out.
The girl had never been to Kuwait.
None of it happened.
She was the daughter of a PR firm controlled by the Saudis.
She was four years older than they said.
She was 18.
She wasn't 14.
It was a lie!
You know, they have Hollywood movies like Wag the Dog.
Bill Clinton liked that movie so much with Dustin Hoffman.
And Willie Nelson, that he staged it!
A year after it came out, exactly that, in real time, in the same area.
So, do they stage events?
You better bet your bottom greenback they do.
But they don't need to, with 340 million people, most of them sitting in front of video games and TV all day, taking serotonin reuptake inhibitors.
Because they don't make you see pretty colors, like a hit of acid does, or peyote, or mescaline.
But they put you into that state of high suggestibility.
And so one day, you just get suited up, because that girl is mean to you, and you go kill her and a bunch of other people.
But see, the feminist groups, they just want to control women.
They're not warning women about incels.
They're just saying, we need to get the guns.
It's still very rare, but there are little, spoiled, rotten, demonic brats who always love Satan, who are killjoys.
And because they're scared of women and exponentially feel powerless, they go, I could be powerful if I was dark and evil.
And they have a little devil sitting on their shoulder.
Well then, put the helmet on.
Put on the body armor.
Go show them you're a man.
Show them your power!
You know what the power would be, son?
Would be going to a soup kitchen and helping homeless people.
Or going and joining the Peace Corps.
Take care of your grandma.
Change your grandma's diapers.
But see, you're not a man.
You don't do that.
You go kill people.
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From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We are back.
We're into hour number two.
We've seen tragic Attacks that have killed 30 people over the weekend.
That's terrible.
We also have had thousands of babies killed since then in abortuaries and hundreds have been kept alive for their organs to be harvested after they're born.
But the media is not going to humanize them like the poor folks killed in Dayton, Ohio by an avowed Satanist and Obama supporter and Hillary supporter or the other incel.
Reportedly attacked in El Paso.
They're only going to hype up this because they want to demonize Trump and the fact that we have a border that even exists that people are fighting to get across because we have that border and are not a third world country.
Please remember that it's not just the Alex Jones Show that's here fighting in the face of all the censorship and attacks.
It's also the David Knight Show.
8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
every weekday morning doing a fabulous job.
And David's taking the week off, but I got to tell you, we had our own Greg Reese sitting in.
Sounds great.
Looks great.
He's an awesome dude.
Great camera guy, great editor.
And he really pulled it off this morning.
And then we've got Owen Schroyer at 3 p.m.
every day with the war room that obviously you don't want to miss.
We've got Mike Adams joining us in the next segment to get into all the bizarre anomalies and more.
But, I know what he's going to talk about, because I know he's a smart guy.
It's the season we're in, and the FBI's saying look for copycats in way more of these, and I agree, that's what's going to happen.
Because the media hypes this, and these mentally ill people that want to go down in a blaze of infamy, they're going to go out and stage more events.
And the way the media is giving this full wall-to-wall coverage, they know out of 240 million people, it's going to happen.
And it's just a sickening tragedy to watch all this unfold.
It'll be another 24-year-old that can't get a girlfriend, who's a devil worshiper.
And if you joined us now, last hour I went over the M.O.
on all these people, and I've got a bunch of the past shooters as well, it is the same person.
A devil worshiper who can't get women, Who's looking for power, and who plays shoot-em-up video games all day.
Normal person plays shoot-em-up video games?
It's not a bad thing.
But these guys, these incels, are all the same.
And we've been saying this for five, six years.
Paul Watson's really been harping on it.
Now the FBI completely agrees with that, and says that's who you should be worried about.
The big issue here is that Media Matters is the mouth of George Soros and Alexander Soros.
And undoubtedly they picked up this report I put out because they want to show Alexander Soros this and say, see sir, he's attacking you.
Give us another $50 million this year.
And Alexander Soros is the main funder, through Democracy in Action, that he's the main funder of, of the Antifa movement that says they're coming September 1st through November to lay siege and kill Border Patrol and ICE.
So Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and in Texas the Lieutenant Governor has more power than the Governor, came out and said, you're not welcome in Texas, don't come here in the middle of this crisis.
So in reaction to the El Paso mass shooting, Alex Jones, Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick sound a lot alike.
Well, because obviously if Antifa is coming here and wanting to have a civil war, that's not a good mix.
Obviously don't do it.
That's not hard to say.
And they're saying they're going to be violent.
They put out graphics of burning American flags and of dead ICE agents in pools of blood.
My God!
Trump says if someone says they're going to kill somebody, go out with red flags.
The law already says that.
I mean, I don't make a big deal about this, but when people death-threat this office and death-threat our people, we report it to the FBI and local police and others, and three or four times a year people get arrested and indicted that threaten us and threaten any of our crew, and sometimes they show up here.
And we go press charges, you go to jail!
Well, how is Antifa, who's already firebombed and shot up things and attacks people with, you know, concrete and metal bars, how are they allowed to be organizing this?
How'd this guy in Dayton, Ohio, this monster, say, I love Satan, I'm gonna kill fascists, I'm about to die and go to hell!
I'm about to die and go to hell, I'm gonna kill people, and I love Satan!
Yeah, that's somebody you need to go put in a mental institution for a few weeks to see what the hell's going on.
Yeah, that's a close-up of the graphic.
We can put the whole graphic up.
Articles are on Infowars.com by some of our reporters that put that out.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to Dan Patrick on Fox News that Media Matters is reporting on like they caught him doing something.
Here it is.
You know, I was looking at a story recently I just saw in the last couple of days where Antifa is posting, you know, they want to come to El Paso and do a 10-day siege.
Clear message from Antifa, stand up El Paso.
Stand up Texas, basically.
But we don't need them coming in on September 1st.
We didn't need them to begin with before this happened.
But I would say to Antifa, scratch Texas off your map and don't come in.
It is not the time and place for them to come at any time, but particularly in the aftermath of what's just happening in El Paso.
So, Antifa, message for the Lieutenant Governor, stay out of Texas.
They're meeting all over the country and they're going to converge on El Paso to attack ICE, to quote, lay siege.
And then Media Matters has this huge article demonizing it and how fascist it is, because that's their little army.
A lot of the folks at Media Matters, you know, dress up on the weekend as Antifa and go out and do this type of stuff.
So here's a clip from my report Saturday I shot.
And they act like this is somehow bad.
I'm very proud of what I said here.
Here it is.
NBC reports Patrick Crutias.
The leftist savior who just shows up right at the moment when the left is being exposed, when our whole agenda is falling apart, and when Trump is defending our borders supposedly as evil racists, right as Antifa announces nationwide, funded by Alexander Soros, that they are going to be marching across the U.S.
in the meeting September 1st, in like 26 days, in El Paso to Cross the border patrol and to lay siege to them.
These are quotes.
They put out graphics showing American flags burning.
They put out graphics showing dead ICE officers.
And I said, what are they planning to stage?
I said this on Friday's show.
What are they planning to stage?
And on Thursday's show.
What are they planning to stage?
Ahead of Antifa showing up right on time at El Paso so that it looks legitimate when they attack physically the ICE agents and call them Nazis and say kids are drinking out of toilets and the people are being killed when they're actually coming here from the countries that are collapsing.
And I saw a new FBI report that came out saying that conspiracy theorists are the big terror threat in America and that it's QAnon that's the threat.
When you've got a few obvious schizophrenics going to commit crimes, believing that Trump ordered them to do it, when it's obvious that the whole Q movement is a bunch of leftist intelligence ops jerking people's chains.
Doesn't mean if you like the Q movement, you're evil yourself, but it's a weird shadowy thing that you can't ever tell who's in command of it.
It's perfect to get people to join it under one auspice.
And then later, commit crimes under its banner.
So I've been saying this is all coming.
This person can be completely just wound up by all the media and all the civil war talk.
And the Democrats saying, go out and kill Republicans.
And the Democrats saying, kill more than just Scalise and kill Trump.
And it's time to fight dirty.
I mean, these are all the quotes.
And it's time for a physical revolution.
Joe Biden.
You see all these statements.
So just making statements like that can trigger unhinged other people to then go out and carry out violence.
Or, as has happened in other parts of history, this could be totally staged.
Operation Northwoods, declassified in 2001, broke down how the U.S.
government planned to stage mass shootings and bombings across the U.S.
to blame on Cubans and then trigger a war with the Soviet Union. Kennedy said no to the plan,
but it was Greenland to his level. ABC News. So, so they put out a report showing all the evidence of what I
just said.
Why do they do that?
I believe because they actually want to use that to give orders to their incels, who are
actually Antifa, to go out and pose as conservatives and launch attacks.
I'm here to say, and this is the reason why I came to see you Alex, is you are one of the very few who are operating under this theory to be an independent American.
In a big way.
If you're calling it media, fine.
If you're calling it sports, whatever it is.
But you've got to be the greatest you can be.
I don't know why they've been successful in pushing everybody into these little ghettos of these Facebooks and these tweets and these Instagrams, these Instas.
This is ghetto.
This is ghetto.
This is corporate.
They're taking your energy.
They're taking your energy and you're getting nothing in return.
They're dumbing the language down.
Twitter's designed to reduce the language.
Directly out of 1984, it's Ingsoc.
I had a Supreme Court justice tell me to my face, it's over for me.
He said, Matt, it's over for you.
They've got the votes now to enforce copyright law.
You're out of there.
They're gonna make it so headlines you can't even use headlines.
To have a Supreme Court justice say that to my face, that it's over, they've got the votes, which means time is limited.
Time is not forever.
How many more moons and sunrises will you see in your life?
Uh, rise and fall.
There's not that many.
It's a small amount.
So for people to be saying with this attitude, oh, I'll get on with my life and my greatness sometime.
No, you can't.
We're being enslaved now, and that's it.
Under the TPP, they admit you can't put a headline to the New York Times.
You're shindig.
We're seeing massive traffic to them.
They're claiming you're taking their words.
This is insane.
And you had the Justice Stephen Breyer said we need to look at a global law now.
Remember just recently... We're getting lined up with it.
So they're getting ready for these decisions to come.
You thought Obamacare was shocking.
You thought some of these other decisions were shocking.
Wait until these copyright laws work their way up and the Supreme Court decides you cannot have a website with news headlines linking across the board.
That is what Matt Drudge said here almost four years ago, and has it not been proven completely true?
Just as we went to the last break, I said, hey, get me these two guys from our camera crew together.
I want to go out and shoot this important report today.
And the producer, Pop Maren, they said, "They're in DC to cover the summit on internet censorship."
"Oh, well, give me this person."
"Well, they're on vacation. Well deserved."
And I'm not complaining, but there's two ways to destroy us.
Well, there's more than that, but two big ones.
If the globalists can shut us down and sue us out of existence and censor us, or if you don't support.
And again, I'm very thankful for all your support, but I need three or four more camera people.
I need three or four more field reporters.
I need to be able to put people in there and do other live shows.
And there's a few new shows that are finally about to start in the next month.
It's just been, we've been held back.
And I got a lot of covert stuff where I see somebody who's already successful and they need help.
Project Veritas, people like Tommy Robinson, but that's the tip of the iceberg.
I've given money to over a hundred groups that I've seen kicking ass with no strings.
Groups that are busting pedophile rings.
With all of it.
It's not about getting credit.
I'm in a war.
I'm totally committed to beating these people.
And I don't want people like Frederica Wilson to win when she says, oh, we should take all Americans' free speech and lock them up and shut them up.
So don't let her win.
go to Infowarsstore.com today and take advantage of the amazing specials and get the materiel to win the second
American Revolution.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We've known, ladies and gentlemen, that big events were coming.
We know criminal foundations and organizations have staged events in the past.
And so it's right to look at any of these events and say they can be staged.
But even if they're not staged, the media is organically promoting it and hyping it up to create the copycats.
And the FBI has come out and said that.
We're going to go to Mike Adams of naturalnews.com.
Really smart researcher here in a moment.
Leo Zegami is going to be popping in next hour, as well as others.
I intend to open the phones up.
I agree more attacks are coming and they're going to come for our guns.
Is Trump really a Trojan horse?
I don't think so.
is gonna be covering this in depth because I agree more attacks are coming
and they're going to come for our guns. Is Trump really a Trojan horse? I don't
think so. But coming out and saying we need red flag laws?
One of these individuals said I'm a Satanist I want to kill Trump
supporters and I'm gonna I mean, that's pretty right there.
You don't need a red flag law to get around due process.
Trump said red flag laws with expedited, accelerated due process.
There's no such thing.
Look at Mexico.
We got a higher crime rate than us.
You never hear about all the murders there though, because the media doesn't personalize it.
This is so manipulative.
And yes, it's senseless and evil.
And you ask why?
Because evil's real.
And civilization is unraveling.
People are becoming corrupt.
Illegitimacy is massive.
You talk about the internet corrupting people?
Turn on Netflix!
I had a crew member go to Sundance this year.
I was invited.
I didn't go.
And they were at Sundance and it was all about we want to corrupt people.
The funding is all to just destroy society.
Talk to Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com in a moment.
We are extending the sale, the money bomb sale that is the biggest we've done since Christmas.
Because folks like the specials, it helps fund our operation, and I was talking to our general manager, Tim Fregier, this weekend.
He said, you know, you know that Tuesday is the anniversary of your massive deplatforming that was the precedent for everybody else last August 6th.
And I said, you know, I forgot about that.
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Something else I saw, and something else that was really important, is that when they were
demonizing people filtering their water the last few years against us, David Hogg and
others, when they had all the debates about how bad our water is at the Democrat debate,
suddenly sales of water filters exploded.
Yeah, I sell what I believe you need and works good, and that I have good mojo selling you.
Reap what you sow, whatever you want to call it.
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Alexa Pure Pro.
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Okay, I'm done plugging.
Forgot to plug last hour.
That's how we fund ourselves.
I want to thank all the viewers and listeners for your support.
Without you, we wouldn't be here.
Mike, where do you want to start?
We can get into the shooting, the anomalies, but just what about, we knew this was coming, right on time, the election, the way the media is working it, the way they're changing is social media and live time.
I mean, this stinks worse than a shipload of rotting fish.
Well, let's start with the New York Times.
Here's an article from 2012 by David K. Schipler, Terrorist Plots Patched by the FBI.
This is New York Times, OK?
This is not us saying this.
And if you look at this article, the New York Times said, hey, there's a suicide bomber intercepted on his way to the Capitol to bomb synagogues, to shoot Stinger missiles at military aircraft.
And to fly explosive-laden model planes into the Pentagon.
And this is the New York Times again saying this.
But all of these dramas were facilitated by the FBI, whose undercover agents and informers posed as terrorists and offered rudimentary training.
By the way, and then they recruited people to play the role and jump into the van or punch the button or do whatever was the final act.
So the FBI, according to the New York Times, and again this is not me or you saying this Alex, this is the New York Times, the FBI And this is from 2012.
The FBI has more experience creating terrorist plots in America than any other organization that you could even think of.
And it's not just the New York Times.
Here's the Kansas City Star, an article by Ian Cummings.
FBI undercover stings foil terrorist plots, but often plots of the agency's own making.
And in this article, It talks about the terrorism investigations.
I'm sorry.
Here we go.
The jihadist attacks on a train station in Kansas City.
To bomb a September 11 memorial.
To blow up a thousand pound bomb at Fort Riley.
To detonate a weapon of mass destruction at the Wichita Airport.
The failed plans all show imagination.
But how much of it was real, asks the Kansas City Star.
It turns out, often not much.
They're all plotted by the FBI.
Now the reason I mention this, Alex, is because Friday, in Front Page Mag, new evidence unveils disturbing facts about Hillary's email scandal.
This story from FrontPageMag cites Jay Sekulow's American Center for Law and Justice that found Documents where the FBI agreed to destroy the computers that had the backup emails from Hillary Clinton's email servers.
These emails that show a pattern of criminal activities on the part of Hillary Clinton and we now know the FBI took part in the destruction of evidence.
The obstruction of justice that at least one faction of the FBI under James Comey and Barack Obama helped Hillary Clinton carry out acts of You can see the massive evidence coming out of the pedophile rings and of the Clintons and of all their people getting in major trouble and AOC reportedly stealing millions and about to get indicted for it.
And right on time, boom, these Manchurian candidates activate.
That's exactly right.
We see the media desperately working to change the narrative.
Now, I'm sure you would agree that the violence was real.
People were really shot and killed.
None of us are saying that that didn't happen.
What we're saying, what we're asking the question is, Why was this violence taking place, or why was this person dispatched to this Walmart in El Paso to carry out this shooting?
And if he was on a suicide mission, why was he wearing hearing protection?
Why was he wearing eye pro and ear pro, as we say in the shooting community?
You only do that if you expect to survive, which is why I don't believe that his so-called manifesto is real at all.
I think the manifesto is a hoax.
Well, let's explain how this works.
You think you're going to a drill, or you think you're taking part of something because you're in the Q movement, and Trump's got you as a secret agent, and you get set up in the process of it, then you get given electroshock therapy a few hours later, and you never remember what happened.
The FBI has a long history of recruiting people to play a role in staged terror events.
And that's the New York Times, Alex.
That's not Infowars saying that.
That's the New York Times and the Kansas City Star.
The FBI is expert.
They are experts.
And again, these are the compartmentalized groups in the FBI that are the Clinton operatives that are set to go to prison forever.
If they don't do that, we're going to break down how they set people up on the other side, the Arlington Road system.
Stay with us.
The Democrats are making it no secret that they're trying to take away our freedom and they're trying to take away
our flag.
But we can't let them get away with it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
Make no mistake, we're riders of a storm, my friends.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
So yes, the FBI's had a long history of problems.
Any big domestic security force always has corruption problems.
Whether it was the Praetorian Guard guarding the Caesars in ancient Rome, or Uh, whether it's been the secret police of Pinochet or whether the secret police of Mao Zedong, uh, power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
And so what Mike Adams of naturalnews.com is expertly laying out, uh, is that there is a history of staging terror attacks and provocateuring them.
And a lot of times people think they're part of a drill, they come to the drill, and then they get set up.
That's how that works.
Meanwhile, Ray welcomes Peter Strzok back to the FBI.
Almost one year after he was fired from his top position, he's back there in meeting after meeting.
It's all being reported.
So they're getting their ducks in a row.
They know they've committed all these crimes.
They know Hillary's email servers have been found.
All this incriminating stuff's gonna come out now.
Trump's got all the NSA stuff on him.
He's got him.
He's got him in the crosshairs.
And he's been ordering them to be criminally prosecuted.
He says, I'm not a wimp.
We're not backing off.
Mass shootings start.
What does Saudi Arabia do?
They're in that civil war that we won.
They did Vegas.
So, folks need to know that the left's tools to start a race war.
That's the race in the hole.
All the movies, all the Netflix, all the TV shows are race war, race war, race war.
And so I think Trump's right to come out and say, hey, white supremacism is terrible, even though we know this guy's a leftist and the other guy's an admitted Antifa member that loves Satan.
I get why Trump's doing this politically.
It's still very dangerous with his base to talk about getting rid of due process with red flag laws.
But again, Arlington Road came out, I don't know, 15 years ago?
Jeff Bridges.
He's a libertarian professor.
He's a critic of the government.
Having too much power.
And there's this weird shadowy right-wing group.
The movie pretty much, it's shadow government CIA.
They set him up.
He believes he's stopping the truck bomb.
But all they really do is trick him to get in there when it goes off, so they can then put it on the news to make it look like he's the terrorist.
And look, it's a respected professor that did this.
Let's go to the audio.
Here it is.
Sir, step out of the vehicle!
There's a bomb in the van!
Sir, step out of the vehicle!
It's got a goddamn bomb!
Michael, wait!
That's the van!
There's a bomb in there!
That van was authorized!
That's the van!
Francis, stop!
It's the noon delivery!
Brad's in there!
It's got a goddamn bomb!
Hold your fire!
But of course the bomb didn't hit.
In the back! In the back!
We gotta do another building!
There's a bomb!
In the van!
We gotta get him out of the building!
Get him out of the building!
We gotta get everybody out of here!
There's a bomb!
It's in there!
That's... That's not the man!
Let him go, let him go!
I said let him go!
Let him go!
The van's clean!
There's nothing in here weird!
It's in your car, buddy.
You just got shut up.
Michael, it's all clear.
The guy is authorized to be here.
We're all authorized to be here.
Everyone except you.
And then he figures it out.
It's your car.
Really good movie.
You wanna know how these people work, folks?
This is it, I'm telling you.
You know who writes most of these scripts?
The CIA.
How nice!
Figured out whose car it's in.
Stand by.
You're not good for radio, but TV you can all see it.
The end of Arlington Road.
Right as he perfectly opens the car, he detonated it.
At least, everybody thinks he is.
He opens it, and boom!
I'm telling you how they do it, folks.
Everyone except you.
And there's the bomb!
Thought you were in QAnon.
You weren't.
And then it's on the news that he's the right-wing terrorist.
(thunder rumbling)
And now the police take and take over.
So Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com, that's where you were going with this.
We can pull up Encyclopedia Britannica about Operation Gladio.
Hundreds of bombings and shootings conducted in Italy blamed on the political enemies of NATO.
That's the reality, Mike Adams.
What you just showed there was a very important depiction of even the PSYOP that's happening inside the FBI.
And for the record, I think most men and women who join the FBI have positive intentions.
They are pro-law and order people.
They want to do what's right for their country.
That's how they go into it.
But there's a black hat element, of course, the James Comey, Barack Obama, deep state element inside the FBI that's actually running a psyop on the other factions of the FBI itself.
So an FBI agent that's going out and recruiting somebody to engage in an act of terrorism, that agent himself or herself may not even be aware of the bigger plan of how the fake explosives are going to be swapped out with real explosives, for example, or the fake debt cord becomes real debt cord.
Or the gunman that you're recruiting is actually augmented by three or four other gunmen who actually do the targeted shooting in a Walmart.
And by the way, that's what credible witnesses said at the Walmart and mall area was, these were, well, no, I saw them.
They were Anglo men in full black, head to toe with mask on, but I saw their blue eyes.
That's what people saw.
Well, and remember, you know, look, I've been a longtime supporter of law enforcement, and I've trained with many police officers, sheriffs, deputies, and even former FBI agents that I know quite well.
And we're all trained in self-defense, you know, tactical response kinds of situations.
If you are moving with a long gun, an AR or an AK, you're moving and trying to shoot targets that are running, it is extremely difficult.
That takes an expert marksman to pull that off.
That's not something that a casual 21-year-old with no experience can accomplish.
That takes years of training to do it properly.
I don't know if your listeners have ever, you know, You go to a shooting range, you're not allowed to move.
You're not allowed to run and shoot.
You have to just shoot at still targets.
Real training and first responders are trained to shoot moving targets, running targets, especially lateral movement is very, very difficult to nail.
And that's why I believe this 21-year-old person who's depicted in the surveillance screenshot, and by the way, we've seen no video footage of him actually carrying out any of the shooting.
No video footage has been released whatsoever.
He does not have spare magazines in the still shot.
Mike, stay there.
And I'm going to say this.
I've watched the video and photos put up by police.
He looks very calm.
It looks very rehearsed.
Again, but it's also the climate, the time we're in, Antifa coming, the media hyping this, the fact that all the corruption is coming out, this whole situation.
I mean, let me tell you, if you just Shot 20-something people.
I don't care what police department it is.
You're gonna get your ass kicked some.
This guy does not have a blemish on him.
And I guarantee you, if this guy would have been jumped on, he'd have a black eye and a bloody nose.
He was lucky.
But no, nothing.
Something's going on.
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Imagine if somebody told you 20 years ago that in the future universities would be saying, don't use the term America or American, and that American flags would be seen as offensive, and that federal courts would be ruling that it's a hate symbol.
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But people are fighting back in this symbol war.
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Now the Democrats are coming.
Now to Decision 2020 as the Democratic candidates for president descend on Detroit.
20 presidential candidates will head to Detroit.
Democratic presidential primary debates.
This time the candidates are making their case in Detroit.
Tonight, Democratic presidential debate event in Detroit.
Good evening from the historic Fox Theater in downtown Detroit, Michigan.
This moment will define us forever.
I'm running for president because our country is running out of time.
And I'm here to say this isn't about left or right.
This is about new and better.
Free everything.
Our problems didn't start with Donald Trump.
You're gonna hear a lot of promises up here.
Impossible promises that'll turn off independent voters and get Trump re-elected.
Successfully confronting endless war and climate change.
We're not going to solve the urgent problems that we face.
Endless war, climate change.
I was out of work for two whole years.
And I have had it with the racist attacks.
In the face of cruelty and fear from a lawless president.
Science tells us we have 12 years before we reach the horizon of catastrophe when it comes to our climate.
Donald Trump disgraces the Office of Presidents every single day.
We have got to take on Trump's racism, his sexism, xenophobia, and come together.
Free everything.
That's how we win back the places we lost.
That's how we're gonna beat Donald Trump.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
♪ ♪
( "Till you figure it out" )
♪ ♪ All that I'm saying is ♪ ♪ I'm still waiting ♪
♪ I'm still waiting ♪ ♪ I'm still waiting ♪ I'm sitting here mentioning these.
Mike Adams is raising them.
We have very credible A service member that saved a bunch of kids is saying all the kids said they saw three shooters all in black.
Very credible Hispanic American man.
Very credible in the video.
Saying, I looked at him, he was in Anglo, saw his eyes.
He had a black mask on.
Okay, well this other guy didn't have blue eyes.
And then there's a Hispanic lady, very credible.
She's very clear.
She's saying three shooters.
We've got all those clips and I don't even want to come up here and say This was staged or fake, but man, this guy's dad works as a psychiatrist, but only with a two-year degree, running a facility, and then he's part of a weird cult.
It's just always the same M.O.
The first thing I said Saturday was, see if his family are psychologists or psychiatrists.
Holmes, James Holmes, in the Aurora shooting.
His dad headed up DARPA Brain Computer Interface.
He was in the program.
Was getting paid $80-something thousand a year by the government.
Remember, they said, oh, local police can't go in his apartment.
It's got bombs in it.
There weren't bombs.
There was a bunch of MKUltra stuff.
Theodore Kaczynski was MKUltra.
Type in Unabomber MKUltra.
LA Times, Associated Press.
That was the CIA.
You understand now, folks?
I mean, of course we've got to ask this.
Here's a few minutes from the intro video that Greg Reese and I put out, showing clips from when I predicted all this last Thursday, titled Operation Northwoods Part 2.
Here's just the intro, because it's got one of the witnesses.
I have a prediction.
I was sure of it Sunday, but I just didn't want to sound like I was stirring up trouble.
I've always got to go with my gut. Man.
They're gonna list Antifasotero group.
And they're gonna list Q as one as well.
In fact, they already did.
And Q is the perfect cutout.
Because they can have their operatives do it and then blame it on the movement.
Anything anonymous like that is made to set people up.
That's why I'm out in the open and what I stand for is clear.
Tomorrow's news.
Two days after Alex Jones predicts that false flags are going to be carried out and blamed on the QAnon movement and American patriots, lone gunman Patrick Crutius is arrested for the El Paso massacre.
His social media page MyLife was changed to say that he was a follower of QAnon and his designation as a registered Democrat was changed to Republican.
The first reports from El Paso Police and the El Paso Mayor were that there were multiple shooters.
Eyewitnesses claimed to have seen multiple shooters dressed in black.
What else did you see?
Did you see people running out?
That kind of thing?
I even saw the guy with the gun.
I saw him twice.
What did he look like?
Was he dressed in Anglo?
About six foot.
He was dressed in Anglo, about 6 foot. He had an AK-47.
Was he dressed in like military clothing?
All black.
All black.
He had a mask.
He can see his eyes.
But before the end of the day, without any investigation, Patrick Crucius was named as the lone gunman, white nationalist, and linked to the 8chan board where the QAnon movement resides.
All right, so that's some of the clips.
Great job, guys, pulling that up.
I literally told the crew, coming out of break, find the video.
They scrambled and did it.
So Mike, you mentioned that.
I thought we'd play some of that.
I mean, this is ridiculous how many holes are in this.
Yeah, and some big breaking items here.
FedBizOpps.com has a bid put out by the FBI to build what they call a pre-crime system, where they want every FBI agent to be able to search social media and find people who they say are guilty of pre-crime.
Now Alex, you and I know that will be used by the FBI to recruit people.
To carry out acts of terrorism as described by the New York Times and the Kansas City Star.
Exactly, it's to scan and find all the unstable people that fit the prototype.
And sadly, President Trump is falling right into this.
President Trump is saying that the tech giants need more power to stop shootings by having pre-crime algorithms, not knowing that President Trump himself is contributing to the construction of a massive surveillance police state system that's actually going to be used by the corrupt factions of the FBI.
Again, not all factions are bad, but there are bad factions in the FBI to recruit people to carry out these acts of terrorism.
And that's indisputable that the FBI has a long history of recruiting people to carry out acts.
Now, typically the FBI will stop those acts at the very last minute,
or the bomb will be a fake, or, you know, the gun will have a blank...
Let's be clear, from declassified documents like Northwood's and many others...
Most the FBI or even the CIA is trying to catch real people doing it.
They can only convict them if they can convince them to carry it out.
But then other times they'll remove people.
Black cats will step in.
They'll use the drill as the bootleg to fund the real event.
Then they'll set up the patsy.
Well, that's exactly right.
And importantly, Alex, because notice the extreme censorship that's in place right now.
Over the weekend, you did not see any videos on YouTube that were allowed to question the official narrative.
This means the censorship overlay is so complete now and so effective that no alternative analysis is allowed on any major platform.
This is the test case, I believe, Alex.
This is the test case.
Now they can roll out... We said this.
We said this.
Christ... I'm just interrupting you because you're so on target.
Christchurch was the beta test in a more controlled, safe nation where the globalists had full control.
Now they're going to export this everywhere else.
You said that at the time.
Well, that's exactly right, yeah.
And the next attack to come will be much, much bigger, and it's clear they're going to target either a crowd of Antifa people, and then blame it on a QAnon follower, perhaps, or a white supremacist, or a Trump follower, or someone who watches InfoWars, for that matter.
Or, there are calls now for anti-gun marches across America.
I think John Kasich called for that.
And it's clear that these marches will likely be targeted.
By, again, some kind of a Patsy setup.
Exactly, they'll get a bunch of kids leading it, and of course the politicians will step away last minute and a bunch of kids will get mowed down.
Yeah, look, the radical left, they know they're losing.
The deep state is about to be exposed.
They have to change the narrative.
There are probably going to be criminal indictments against many of the people in the deep state, even inside the FBI, who have been involved in these types of events in the past.
So they have to change the narrative.
And they need, they need a 9/11 scale event to have national outrage,
to condemn their political enemies who are of course Trump supporters,
QAnon followers and so on.
So we're in very dangerous waters right now.
And most of the violence that's taking place in America is pre-planned.
Now the violence is real, but it is being manipulated or shaped for a political
And that is the definition of terrorism.
To carry out acts of violence in order to achieve a political outcome.
And this is terrorism that's false flag terrorism.
In other words, the violence is real, but the narrative is fake.
And it's designed to achieve a specific political purpose.
So that's, things are about to get way worse.
Just as you said, Alex, this is just the beginning of what we're going to see in America.
And Mike, everybody can feel it.
Everybody can see it.
There's a history of this.
You can see the scripting.
You can see the preparations.
You can see Antifa coming down there right as Steve Bannon is organizing a rally that was already set up September 1st.
This is a major confluence.
Way beyond what we saw in Charlottesville, that was also a staged event by both sides.
That's why they're so angry at us for exposing that the entire leadership were Democrats a year before.
This is the only way they can try to bring us down and defeat this American resurgence.
But when you talk about how we're entering this great time of crisis, there's no doubt the CHICOMs on a scale of 1 to 10 have pulled an 11, trying to crush the U.S.
All I can tell TV and radio listeners and people that are watching and listening, there could come a time very soon where the only way you can communicate with us is at Infowars.com forward slash newsletter because you gave us your email so we can send you videos and articles.
This could all be shut down.
The only way you can communicate with Mike is if you sign up for his newsletter.
We are really entering a real crisis time that we've been preparing for for a long time.
So right now, whether you're listening on AM, FM stations, whether you are listening on shortwave, whether you're listening on the internet, you've got to tell people, you've got to tell people, ladies and gentlemen, that it is critical for them to tune into this broadcast so they understand what's really happening, so they understand what's really unfolding.
Because they've had the power to shut down everything on the internet for a while.
They've already put the kill switch in on all the big platforms.
Now they're coming for everybody else right now.
And they got something really big planned that they don't want us on air when they pull it and I think everybody can see that.
Everybody knows that.
Something big's about to hit.
This is just a prelude.
They're trying to start a race war.
This is incredibly dangerous.
Pray that God opens people's eyes.
Before I...
Go ahead, Jerome.
Hey guys, good evening.
How are you?
We're doing great.
Good, good.
Hey, I bought one of those gravity filters from you guys about a couple years back, and you know, it started working real good.
I said, golly, this is a good, golly, I don't have to carry water back up to my apartment.
So it lasted about six months, and it started not dripping very good.
I said, oh, dang it, this is no good.
So anyway, I bought another filter, you know, I changed the filter.
Then I got to thinking, I said, wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait a minute.
This thing is going to get dirty again.
So here's what I did.
I called up Patriot Supply.
I talked to a technician.
He told me, here's what you do.
You take and clean that thing with one of those scotch-brite sponges.
Hell, I didn't know that.
Yeah, you just scrub the outside because it's building up with garbage on the outside of that filter.
Oh man, I'll tell you what, the little light filters, those things turn like golden, man.
And when the water goes down, when it goes down, when there's a little, you know, a little bit of water left in the top reservoir, it smells like a septic tank.
You know, I mean, that's why these people up here vote for somebody like that AOC.
I mean, you know, they're exposed and they're sick.
They're exposing themselves to God knows what kind of chemicals, man.
I mean, that's one thing I used to do was work in those water filtration out there in California.
I mean, out there they didn't put the hydrofluorosilicic acid in, but they did use other stuff like that zinc orthophosphate that's a rust inhibitor.
I mean, you're drinking that.
And the chlorine.
Chlorine's not good for you.
You're drinking?
They use like sodium hypochloride, chlorine, but they did have to use ozone.
There was some, uh, some of the municipalities that had ozone generators.
They were really, that was really unique.
But I want to tell you what, this water in New York, man, I got filters on my shower.
I told my wife, I said, look, when you wash your hands, make sure you dry them.
Feel good.
Don't let that water lay on your hands.
I mean, this stuff is bad, man.
That's why, like I say, that's why they vote for somebody like that AOC up here.
That burns the brain up.
I like AOC.
It's AOC!
You can't expose yourself to those chemicals over time.
I mean it just eats you up.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We're back live.
Mike Adams riding shotgun with us.
Anna Giratale is a writer for the Washington Examiner.
She says, according to my law enforcement sources in El Paso, who gave me the apprehended shooter's name and age, a second suspect was killed when police responded to the Walmart shooting.
Police have not disclosed this info yet.
Mayor says otherwise, but my sources says second suspect is dead.
Now, again, this is a respected reporter that's talking to police that she says gave her the name and photo of the guy before it even broke, and they're saying, no, he killed somebody.
And the witnesses, there's dozens of these videos, said they either saw multiple shooters or saw people in full black with masks on.
You don't just confuse one guy without wearing a mask with guys wearing masks.
This is amazing information.
So, there you have Washington Examiner reporting that the police said, no, we killed somebody else, but they're being told be quiet.
Just like Vegas, folks.
Just like Vegas.
So there's some big stuff going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's play a clip of a few of the witnesses.
Here it is.
We're waiting to see some men running in.
Is there more than one person?
At least two?
At least three or four people.
How were they dressed?
They were dressed in black.
I was just so worried about those kids, man.
I heard it was more than one shooter.
I heard it was four.
I'm just worried about those kids.
I wasn't even really worried about them.
I was trying to pick up the kids, man.
I wasn't really worried about myself.
And we've got witness after witness.
We just played them last segment saying the same thing, Mike Adams.
Yes, Alex.
What's crucial to understand about all this is the fact that one person could not have possibly carried out this shooting according to any kind of common sense analysis.
Number one, he's firing an AK-47, which uses 7.62x39 ammunition.
And that ammunition has a conical shape, which is why the magazines are curved.
Which means magazines that are curved will tend to flop out of your pockets if you don't secure them.
People who've never done running and gunning probably don't realize this, but you have to have a chest rig to carry spare magazines for an AK-47.
You can't just slap it in the back pocket, it'll fall out.
And you can see he doesn't have anything in his pockets, anything on his back.
He just has one banana clip.
Yeah, exactly.
He would have had to have a chest rig.
He would have needed a minimum of three to four magazines to carry this out.
You don't shoot and kill 20 people and wound almost 30 people with one 30-round magazine, which is what is shown in that screenshot.
Even the best shooters, military trained shooters, miss all the time.
You know, 90% plus of all the shots fired by soldiers are misses.
You know, I mean, it's just, it's probably like 98%.
It's not, it's not easy to carry out what, what he is alleged to have done.
And I'm not saying that people weren't shot.
People were obviously shot and killed, but they, they were clearly shot and killed by more than one assailant.
That's my point.
More than one.
And the eyewitnesses are saying that they were masked assailants.
So, you know, put the pieces of this puzzle together.
It's pretty obvious what happened.
And again, we'll add in post to this when we upload it, the photo of him coming into the supposed Walmart and he doesn't have any of the stuff added to him.
That's key to add in post, absolutely essential for TV viewers and for radio listeners so that they can see that he's coming in, he doesn't have any of the gear on, nothing in his pockets.
That is a critical piece of evidence that you just raised there, Mike Adams.
And the photo shows that he's a right handed shooter.
So when you're reloading an AK and you're a right handed shooter, you're reloading with your left hand.
Your left hand is what's reaching for the magazine.
So you would position and stage magazines on the left side of your body, the left side of the chest rig or the left side of a battle belt.
A battle belt, the magazines would normally be stacked so that they're positioned vertically on that battle belt.
They would be very obvious.
They would not be difficult to see.
I mean, they stick out.
They're curved magazines, again, because of the shape of the brass of the AK rounds.
So it's clear this guy had one magazine.
That's it.
And you can't do this shooting with one magazine.
Even if they threw spare magazines on the ground.
Well, there's your headline.
The Crucius El Paso shooter couldn't have done this.
Not with one magazine.
It's impossible.
And even the military people will tell you that.
They don't even have this guy on the ground.
I mean, this whole thing is just unbelievable.
Well, you can see how the media is acting.
They're gonna make their move.
The FBI says more shootings are coming.
And the American people are being told, turn our guns in.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
♪ Rolls ♪ All right, if you just joined us, we played four different witness reports.
No, five.
They were all very credible, saying we saw three or four shooters, black mask on.
This guy comes in with one magazine, Banana Magazine, doesn't have anything in his pockets, appears not to have a backpack.
How'd he do all this?
Mike Adams is making a great point, and then Anna Jarrett Telly is the reporter covering DHS, border, immigration, and alumni for Washington Examiner.
She says, listen, I've talked to law enforcement.
They killed another suspect, but have been told not to talk about it.
And this just fits into everything.
This whole thing, Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com, stinks to high heaven, and I think you've been making the right point.
I have another huge point here, Alex.
I'm sorry to interrupt, but when people are trained to be shooters, whether in the military or as private citizens, the only time you wear ear pro and eye pro, that's protection for your ears and eyes, is when you are engaged in training.
This so-called shooter was wearing ear protection and eye protection, which means that in his mind, he believed this was a training exercise.
You don't go into a suicide mission worried about whether or not your ears are going to work after you kill a bunch of people and get killed yourself.
He, in his mind, believed this was a training exercise, and it's visual proof right there.
And let me add more.
What about the Antifa individual who said he loves Satan?
And all the rest of it, up in Ohio, he was reportedly, ABC News is reporting, CNN is reporting, was wearing ear protection as well.
Well, I hadn't heard that yet.
If that's confirmed, that's yet another shocking example of this.
You have to start to wonder, did these people believe they were firing blanks?
Did these people believe they were aiding law enforcement in a training exercise to protect innocent people?
From Antifa terrorism, perhaps.
And you've alluded to that possibility.
Again, we don't know exactly what happened.
We're asking a lot of what if questions.
But the visual evidence is undeniable.
You don't go into a suicide mission wearing ear protection.
You only wear that if you think it's a training exercise.
It's very clear.
And of course the media won't allow you to ask any of these questions, and the tech giants have censored everybody who has an independent analysis of this.
So you're not even allowed to analyze events anymore unless you agree with the official narrative, which frankly is unraveling by the hour.
Yeah, there's the CNN headline.
He wore hearing protection.
This is just unprecedented.
And what I used to hear from some of the experts and people I trust is they in the future they would use all these active shooter drills as the cover then Uh, for someone else to then come in and carry something out.
But look, we know last year in Broward County, controlled by the Clintons, that the police stood down on purpose and that David Hogg said he was at home when the shooting happened and got there after.
But then he's in videos, I'm inside, I'm in the closet, he's outside shooting.
I mean, which David Hogg is telling the truth here?
Well, it's also very sad that Trump is parroting the mainstream media narrative here, saying that this is white supremacists behind all of this.
Now, perhaps the El Paso shooter had some very bizarre racial segregation views, but those are the views actually espoused by Democrat KKK leaders, who supported segregation and opposed integration.
You know, it's the Democrat KKK that wanted blacks and whites to be separate, which is what this El Paso shooter has espoused.
So, you know, Trump is falling for the media narrative on this, and he's calling for red flag laws, and he used a quote where he wants guns to be, quote, taken through rapid due process.
Well, Alex, if it's rapid, it's not due process.
So Trump is falling for this, and he needs to be alerted to the fact that he's playing right into the narrative of the gun control left.
All right, well, one thing's for sure.
I'm on the edge of my seat, and you can see the media saying it's Trump's fault, it's all gun owners' fault, it's QAnon's fault, it's my fault, it's Paul Joseph Watson's fault.
The Southern Provincial Law Center that kind of writes the scripts for all this, we know they ran Elohim City and the Oklahoma City bombing.
That even came out in federal lawsuits and court documents that they were controlling major white supremacist groups across the country.
They came out and said, oh, look, it's QAnon and Alex Jones.
This guy's a fan of them.
Off of people going on his social media, taking down that he was a Democrat, and adding that it's us.
I mean, that right there is just bombshell information.
This whole thing is unraveling, Mike Adams, incredibly quick.
Well, we know you'll be following and covering it all at naturalnews.com.
Thanks for joining us.
Thank you.
Okay, we got Leo Zagami, who's an expert on false flags and actually worked in the Italian Air Force and was involved.
on the edge of Operation Gladio that was a NATO plan staging hundreds of terror attacks to blame it on the left to maintain control.
Some of our other guests were in and around Italy at the same time, like Steve Pachinic, but we're going to be talking to Leo Sugami coming up.
But the fact is this stuff goes on.
It's not just in movies like Arlington Road and when you've got the Washington Examiner
saying the police told their reporters that there were multiple shooters and all these
credible witnesses are like no I saw the shooters they were running around three or four of
them and I was up close they were wearing full black masks and everything and then you
got the one idiot running in whose dad runs psychiatric facilities but only has a two
That's always really interesting.
And then is in a cult?
Admittedly in a New Age cult that they run.
I mean, that's always the M.O.
Psychiatric facilities, and they've got a cult on the side.
And then, oh, members of the cult go out and do something.
I'm not saying that's what happened here.
I'm saying, with the whole history of things being staged, we'd be crazy if we weren't talking about it, if we weren't looking at it.
And to just see the media seize on this and try to create copycats, as the FBI is now warning.
And to see gun owners blamed when still, mass shootings don't even kill 100 people a year in this country.
But the media hypes them like they're the end of the world.
And they are for the people getting killed.
It's terrible.
They don't talk about the hundreds of thousands dead in Mexico or mass shootings every day there.
They do it to invoke racial division.
And then 8chan's taken down.
But oh, everybody else, Facebook, Twitter, they let you promote the manifesto.
But then say, should we start censoring the web more to stop hateful manifestos?
All the media does is create hate division.
We're going to take a break and come back with Leo Zoghami, here in the U.S.
right now, but also a researcher, expert on the Illuminati, how these secret societies work and operate.
Say hi to Leo.
Leo, how you doing, my friend?
We're going to go to you in just a second.
I know you've got a lot coming up.
Great to be with you, and great to see that you're right on target with everything you're saying.
Well, I just can feel the energy and the danger right now.
So we'll talk to you, my friend.
Thanks for coming on on short notice.
And then please don't forget, ladies and gentlemen, we are 100% here because of you.
And they've clearly been trying to silence us.
Everybody gets it up ahead of this.
They don't want us here asking these questions.
They don't want us here covering all these different angles.
So, again, your financial support is how we operate.
But folks love big sales, so it takes a lot of sales at this price.
But people respond, so we're able to fund ourselves doing this.
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But the New York Times, the London Guardian, the Washington Post, they all say we need to shut Alex Jones down.
Don't say his name.
And Facebook says, okay, we won't allow you to even say his name.
In a positive light, or his website.
Well, they can't stop you from telling people it's still up, it's still standing.
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network in the world.
You see Pelosi acting like she's dissing herself from AOC, but that's really the globalist policies AOC just does in a ham-pissed way, and lies when she gets caught.
And so, they're trying to act like, oh, you know, the party split.
And I was watching different Democrats on Fox News this morning saying, we all need to come together and be more centrist.
No, the truth is, Republicans have tried to be centrist.
We get drug along and the left is garbage.
And the left now has just run away like a fish with a line.
In the most extreme insanity.
And so the media is spreading it like, we all need to be less extreme.
Conservatives and Christians and people, we're not extreme.
We're promoting stuff that works.
That's tried and true.
Like family and property and the right to defense and borders.
And then they're meanwhile saying, there's hundreds of genders and pedophilia's good and world government's good and open borders are good and America sucks.
And then we're like, okay, what's the alternative?
It's just these people, I don't know how they got so whacked out.
Well, I think, I've brought this up too, how the left is going insane and I've had people say, well, everybody's a little bit more polarized and etc, etc.
They've actually done studies.
They track the trends of political opinions in the U.S.
and they can prove with data that over the past few decades, the right-wing conservatives, Republican Party, they've remained pretty consistent, right?
Someone who identifies as right-wing now is going to have a lot of common ground with someone who identified right-wing, let's say, 20, 30 years ago.
The same is not...
This case is not the same for the left wing.
They actually have demonstrably gone further left than they ever have been.
I mean, we see this with even people like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, you know, there are tapes of Barack Obama of them, you know, maybe 10 years ago talking about the importance of securing the border.
They're not saying that kind of stuff anymore.
One of the only positive things I can say about AOC is I think she is so far left that even Nancy Pelosi and people like that are starting to say, okay, Maybe we need to slow things down a little bit.
That's honestly the only hope I think the Democrats have right now because I think among a very small base of people, these far-left progressives, people like AOC are great.
They're amazing.
But I think Democratic Party needs to realize that America in general is not woke Twitter.
They need to stop pandering to these people or else they're going to feel it in elections.
Eric in Colorado. Eric, thanks for holding. I really appreciate you. You're on the air.
Go ahead. Yeah, I really appreciate you and it's an honor to talk to you and I do before I start,
I also wanted to do a plug for a couple of your products that I really love.
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Yeah, I do a lot of construction.
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I love that too.
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And I swear, man, that X2 really helps with cognition.
Well, that's because the synapses in the brain operate off of it.
It's electrochemical.
You're absolutely right.
When I forget to take X2 every couple of days, sometimes I forget for like a week because I get busy.
Then I feel it and I take it and it really is amazing.
So thank you for the support, brother.
Make no mistake, you're living in incredibly historical times.
I am so...
Wound up by just the energy and what's happening.
I'm just beside myself right now.
This is it.
The giant pedophile rings are being exposed.
The world government's being exposed.
The tyranny's being exposed.
And the whole world government system is in collapse.
And then magically the mass shootings start.
And one of them is an admitted antifa that says, Hail Satan.
Almost 9 out of 10 are like that.
And then you've got this other guy with his dad running psychiatric facilities and running a cult.
Even the media says a cult leader.
Well, that's mind control.
And then you've got them going into social media and changing him from Democrat to Republican.
And it just gets crazier and crazier and crazier and crazier.
Please don't forget, it's not just the Alex Jones Show here at the Tip of the Spear with Infowars.
It's the David Knight Show, weekday mornings, 8am.
Till 11 when I come on and then after I go off at 3 p.m.
It is The Great Owen Schroer.
So you definitely don't want to miss any of these broadcasts.
And again, I keep hammering it because it's beyond key.
If you don't tell people by word of mouth about NewsWars.com, about InfoWars.com, about your local radio stations and TV stations, no one will do it.
You've been doing it.
It's making them really angry.
We're in a total war.
If you don't tell people about LeoZagami.com, He's been deplatformed.
He's been arrested.
I mean, Leo Zegomany told us who the new Pope would be five years before, that they'd end up having two Popes.
That never happened before.
That they would start talking about having world government and all of this.
And he's been proven right.
And he was in the Air Force.
He was even involved in Gladio.
And so we'll tell you about Gladio.
That was a NATO operation with our government involved, staging hundreds of shootings and bombings against political enemies to blame them with false flags.
So I'm not saying this is a false flag, but you have the reporter for Business Insider, you have reporters for Washington Examiner saying they've talked to the police and they shot a second shooter but have been told don't talk about it.
And you've got all the witnesses saying the same thing.
I'm saying we have a right to question this.
With the Gulf of Tonkin getting us into Vietnam, attacks on ships never happened.
I mean, we did have some of our patrol boats fire on our ships.
That did happen.
But the North Vietnamese didn't do it.
We did have no babies in incubators to get in the Iraq War.
This is done over and over again.
So, Leo Zegami, you've got the floor, my friend, for the rest of the hour here.
Then Matt Bracken pops in.
Then, of course, the trends forecaster, good friend of mine, also be joining us, Gerald Cilente.
But folks need to understand that from just a gut level, the way the media is behaving, the way all this stuff doesn't add up, the way they are lying, the way they're blaming everybody, that this is clearly how they're going to try to start their race war.
What do you think, Leo Zegami?
Hello, Alex.
Well, I was actually involved, like you said, in the last year of Operation Gladio that was finally revealed by an Italian politician called Giulio Andreotti in October of 1990.
I was in the Air Force and I was recruited by Operation Gladio mainly to dispose of all the documents that had been, of course, they were compromising documents and also lists of members that needed to disappear.
So I fortunately became part of this operation and I got to meet some of the key people in this operation.
Comandante Giorgio Balistieri, who then was protected by the US and became a US citizen and involved with the Democratic Party.
And he also started to work for this great alliance that has been going on for years between the sons of Italy and the Democratic Party here in the US, which was also connected to Operation Gladio.
So watching these terrorist this because we can call them terrorist attacks.
That's what they are.
I mean, they're not naming them as such.
But these people, of course, are being used.
They are subliminally being convinced of what they are doing.
Most of them don't even know that they are part of a scheme.
That is one of the great things that they have been for a long time. I think
we have probably a hundred years of experimentation on
how subliminally be able to recruit people without even
them knowing that they are being recruited. And like you
said earlier, they are at times connected to the mental
health institutions. And myself, I have my father who
was a great psychiatrist who in the middle of the 70s
was fed up that psychiatry could be used and
manipulated for things that have nothing to do with mental health
but have everything to do with political...
Because you come from an aristocratic family, which I've been over there and seen for myself in Rome, so it's not like you're part of the Illuminati.
You were just pretty much born into that, recruited because of your aristocratic background.
People don't know this, but for example, the attempted assassination of John Paul II was done by a Gladio agent.
Ali Akcha was not an agent of Bulgaria or the Russians.
He was an agent of NATO and Gladio.
So I even met the guy who handed the pistol for killing the pope.
This guy was called Prince Aliata di Morreale and he handed the pistol in a So, things are very different from how they appear.
And what is happening now is very interesting and I have been reporting on it on my site because there is a lot of connections.
Like, for example, last week we had this triggering word by one of the aspiring candidates, this dark psychic force mentioned by Marianne Williamson.
And we'll play that next segment since you mentioned it.
What was she invoking there?
Well, this is a trigger word, because once you trigger with these words subliminally, the agents get in action.
And Marianne Williamson actually published a tweet between her and the father of the Air Puzzle shooter.
So there is a connection there.
It's a new age cult.
People think they're getting into the new age, but really, once they get into it, they're being programmed.
Yeah, but they are connected to one of the worst New Age cult leaders of all time, John of God, who was connected also to Oprah Winfrey and who has been exposed as a child trafficker.
And by the way, they admit that this guy is a follower of John of God.
And he actually admits it himself in a video which I have published on one of my latest article, because he actually says that admits that the followers of John of God inspired him from starting to work with crystals.
And he had rented his space to people that were trained directly by John of God.
So he admits it on camera.
We don't have to make a conspiracy theory about it.
We just have to see the evidence.
When someone is in psychiatry, he only had a two-year degree but ran a major psychiatric facility that got Pentagon contracts of PTSD, then they always have them set up a side cult to do stuff outside the medical license.
He leads cult groups in programming people and removing bad memories with sound therapy.
And when you start seeing those key words, you know what you're dealing with.
Well, my father got involved in all of that, and that's why he walked out of it.
He had his own groups, he was experimenting.
Of course, people from the intelligence world wanted to do dirty work that he didn't want to take, he didn't want to operate with.
And this guy here, the father of the puzzle shooter, was involved with the Timberland, Timberland Psychiatric Hospital, which was actually closed last year for safety violations and treated their patients in a terrible way.
Because most of the time, these people in the outside world, they promote themselves as great gurus of some new age and life.
Oh, stay there.
Explain to us when we come back.
But the big thing is, what's coming next?
Everyone can feel the storm clouds.
You ever felt like a heavy air, but electricity?
You haven't been looking at the weather, but you go outside and there's giant thunderheads?
It's that feeling.
It's like big thunderheads rolling lightning thunder.
If you are trying to... You know, I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks into people, but...
I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements, and that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits and the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
But then they say you've got to say it's not approved by them.
If you don't have item C, you die.
If you don't have iodine in your body, you end up dying.
If you don't have water, you end up dying.
If you don't have sunshine, if you don't have oxygen, you die.
It may take 10 years with no sunshine, but you die.
And if you don't have a whole bunch of minerals and a whole bunch of vitamins and in the organic system where you can upload them, you will end up getting degenerative diseases quicker than you would have and you will die.
And all drugs are is the system trying to tweak what's in Mother Nature and manipulate it and do different things.
And a lot of drugs work great.
They have side effects.
Not with Mother Nature.
I mean, there are some things in Mother Nature you take too much of, you'll have a side effect, but nothing like Big Pharma.
But Big Pharma doesn't want you knowing about God's medicine chest.
And so, they sit there and they demonize us all day long when we sell things like Ultimate Bone Broth, that's chaga mushroom, incredibly concentrated, high-quality turmeric, and a bunch of other bee pollen.
Mixed with organic, concentrated chicken bones that are rendered down where there's no way to quantify it, but this is the strongest bone broth out there.
You can make broth with this.
You can put it in brownies.
But I mix it with whey and put some fruit in it, and then it tastes great.
The point is, is it's concentrated, it's uber strong, and it is amazing.
Experience it.
Infowarrestore.com or 888-253-3139.
And we are unstoppable thanks to you.
Plus, these are products you need.
Get in there today and fund the operation and watch this fight against the globalists
continue on because they're doing everything they can to shut us down and thanks to you,
Nicole in New Jersey wants to talk about GMOs and allergies.
Awesome, thanks for taking my call.
I love InfoWars and what you guys do there, so thank you and the rest of the crew for keeping us up to date with the truth and facts.
Keeping your amygdalas not enlarged.
We're trying, we're trying.
So in New Jersey it's really terrible and I have really, really bad allergies.
So what I want to tell Alex, thank you so much for getting the Alexa Pure Breathe.
That has truly saved my life and has given me the ability to not have sinus infections anymore.
So if anybody out there is listening and needs to breathe again and sleep right and not have multiple sinus infections, go for the Alexa Pure Breathe.
Wow, so you keep it in your bedroom?
Yep, yep, yep, yep, I do.
And I have a couple that I'll be getting for my mom and dad, and then one for my son and his girlfriend.
And New Jersey is just so air polluted, it's disgusting.
I actually live not far from Lockheed Martin, so there was a lot of lawsuits and stuff that went on when our neighborhood was built about the water and possible contaminants in the water.
So it's actually a backwards way of how I found InfoWorth, was looking on a natural way to kill my pirates.
And so the Selenium is actually what introduced me to InfoWorth.
I was like, where have you guys been my whole life, though?
It was definitely a bonus find.
Alright, Nicole, thanks for calling.
We appreciate your support and everything else.
I might pick up one of those air cleaners.
I have one at my desk, actually.
So maybe I should get one for my house.
Maybe that would help in my bedroom.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Shortest straw, my friends.
Pulled for you.
What an honor.
honor. It's a mission I want to take on.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation in the new season of The Biggest Liar.
It's Alex Jones Well, good and evil have never been more clear.
The Democrats and liberals all over the world are uncloaking as leftists.
Left-hand path satanists.
They are openly saying, we're going to pull down God, country, the family.
We're going to kill the born, the unborn, the old people.
But, oh, people got shot.
They were shot guns.
We're so sad.
It's unbelievable.
The cultural rot and evil we're seeing expand everywhere.
And they're making their move.
And I have this sense of urgency.
This sense of I'm upset at myself that there's something I need to do.
There's something I need to say to stop this.
Because we know more is coming.
And we know both these guys were leftist.
They were so sloppy, they didn't even cover up their social media when they said, I hate God, I hate Christians, I hate fascists, that means conservatives and Christians, I'm going to kill them.
And then it all gets taken down and replaced with fake stuff.
And you go to the Wayback Machine and the Google Archive, and it's really them saying, I'm a Satanist, hail Satan.
And then we watch them in real time change it.
I've now learned on both of them, And how huge is that?
Now it turns out there's dozens of videos of credible veterans and people saying multiple shooters, men in all black.
But this guy comes in with a gun and one banana magazine.
And then his dad is involved in all this weird crap.
And the first thing I said Saturday was, I'm talking to reporters.
I go check and see if his family are psychiatrists or if he's been in the psychiatric system.
Just like this guy that shot up the Baptist Church was in an Air Force mental institution.
Wasn't supposed to own a gun, but was allowed to go buy one.
And now, what's the endgame goal of this Leo Zagami?
And do you have that same earnest, pregnant feeling?
Like I'm not, like something big's about to happen?
It's not even a fear or a verboding.
It's like we're already in the thick of the battle, but I'm just like, there's something we're not doing.
There's something we're missing here.
That's the overriding thing in my gut.
The Vatican has basically inspired in the last month or so a lot of these agents to array, arrange and push for a civil war.
They actually openly said that to themselves, that in their Catholic publications, They are inviting people to civil disobedience.
That's the start of a civil war, of course.
So they are secretly moving all their agents towards that project, which is to create complete chaos.
And at that point, they can install martial law.
And of course, it's going to be our worst nightmare.
But what they are doing before that is even worse.
Activating their sleeping cells.
All these Manchurian candidates.
People might not believe in this, but there is plenty of evidence that subliminal operations have been conducted on unwilling citizens.
So inform yourself better and you will see that we are not conspiracy theorists here.
We are just realists.
And I'm afraid that this is going to go on triggering more attacks.
And of course, their final end is to take all our guns away because the US is one of the few states in the world, if not the only one, that still has this great possibility for people to embrace a gun and defend yourself.
Something that the rest of the world doesn't do anymore because now That kind of thing is done by the police, by the military, by all the mercenaries of the states that, of course, are prevalently socialist and that are implementing this left-wing New World Order.
So when it comes to Gladio, people think that Gladio was only an anti-communist operation.
Well, it wasn't.
It was much more than that.
It was both an anti-communist, but also an anti-fascist.
It was everything that sabotaged the state, so to make it very weak and volatile.
In my readings of it, anything that was populist that would make the nation-state strong, they would sabotage.
It was a sabotage of the nation-state.
Well, in fact, there was actually a guy called Andre Moyen, a former member of the Belgian military, who was involved with Operation Gladio, who said that the states behind networks were not only anti-communist, but they were made for fighting subversion in general.
Now, what did they mean with that?
Subversion was a very different thing.
That's right.
Trump is seen as a subversion to the global order, populists now are, and so these very same tools that were used against communists and others are now being used against the patriots.
Well, and of course now the whole thing after the end of the Cold War has reversed because communism and socialism are now being made gradually acceptable by the U.S.
public, something that would have been... No, I agree.
Let me bring up this wild card.
You know the anti-communists in this country knew about this full paradigm shift.
And they created organic stay-behind networks.
You could say I'm part of an organic stay-behind network.
I was never officially paid.
I was never trained.
It was just everybody I was around was already aware of the new world order, the whole system coming.
And so basically there are organic groups everywhere preparing and preparing to resist, but also politically fighting.
So there's also a third rail, you could say, of true organic stay-behind paramilitary that's not under globalist control.
What would you call that?
Yeah, I will call that a true resistance.
But then we have Antifa that is now instead the state behind is focusing on that kind of operation, how to trigger Antifa against the conservatives and how to diminish the influence of conservative forces in this country.
This is their priority.
And of course, with all the money that George Soros has invested in this, about 18 billion, well, we have a a long way to go.
You can buy the lives of a lot of people.
And I've actually infiltrated years ago, the black block groups that were basically what Antifa has become.
And those groups are very easily to both infiltrate, manipulate and buy.
Because, I mean, they are mostly of them are living with money that comes either from the rich Well sure, that's all, exactly, they're all government employees, or newspaper people, or they're paid by the foundations.
But what's coming next?
I mean, I can feel it.
You agree, you can feel it, you can see it.
All these reports coming out saying conspiracy theorists are the terrorists.
How they're using QAnon.
When people that like Q aren't bad, I'm not saying they're bad, but it uses it because it's secret as a way to set people up.
Yeah, of course, this warning by the FBI means that they might try to restrict our civil liberties and the possibility to even investigate what they are planning behind closed doors.
So I don't like this situation and what it is leading to.
I think that their plan is really to incite a civil war.
And this is really detrimental for... And by the way, Leo, you're not just saying that.
We now know this is happening.
That's the Rubicon we've passed.
They intend to remove populist in Trump.
They're committed now, and they're really going to try it.
And when they finally try to remove Trump and the rest of his support, they're going to shut the internet off.
So I think that's why we're all so freaked out.
This is it.
This is it, folks.
They're going to go for it.
Right now, they're going to go for it.
And the enemy is actually making themselves known as satanists because that's their ideology.
In the end, Antifa is overlapping with the satanic temple for that reason.
Their ideology is satanism.
And that means that we are going towards the mark of the faith.
Oh, I saw that movie Hail Satan, where they later admit they're real satanists and they promote for Antifa in it.
It's the same group.
And then, of course, we know how popular that movie was within the left wing.
Then, you know, the Democrats this year, they love this kind of things.
And they lie.
They love Satan is because, of course, they are all prevalently atheist.
They're not necessarily Satanist.
They are saying that without knowing it, because anybody who is an atheist is actually a Satanist.
And that's a big problem that we're going to have in the future.
We're going to end up probably with a war of believers against Satanism.
That's right.
Let's talk about that coming war with the Satanists, because it's here.
This is a war against Satan.
It's God versus the devil.
That's all there's ever been, all there will ever be.
Stay with us.
Big tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the public officials that care about this, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, And let's be absolutely crystal clear here.
Big railroads and big steel and big oil had Pinkerton security, killed thousands, were horribly corrupt, gouged small-time farmers, ran all sorts of scams.
equivalent to the big trust of the 19th century who ran American politics and ran American
economy almost into the ground until we were able to recover after the Great Depression.
And let's be absolutely crystal clear here. Big railroads and big steel and big oil had
Pinkerton security, killed thousands, were horribly corrupt, gouged small-time farmers,
ran all sorts of scams. But they weren't reading all your mail. They didn't know what bra size your
wife wears or what size tampons and what you like to watch porn watch.
They didn't know what was in your bank account.
They didn't know what god you worship or don't worship.
This is omnipresent level abuse and coupled with the monopolies, it is the ultimate Mark of the Beast style nightmare system.
And remember, InfoWars was the vanguard of being banned first, the most banned, and the vanguard of fighting it.
Because we are the vanguard!
You are the vanguard!
Step into the history, folks!
The InfoWars audience is the fuel that flames the light of liberty across the world.
And that's the reason why, because it created this little de-democratic experiment in independent free press, independent free speech, of ordinary Americans coming together collectively and aggregately, through their financial support of InfoWars, to make real the original promise of an independent free press, to make real the actions of independent free speech.
In our electoral arena, in our social and cultural influential arena, that shapes people's minds, shapes people's thoughts, to where you can choose your own news and your own views and share and spread those with the rest of the world.
That is why it was the target for a totalitarian, authoritarian, control-oriented, big tech, big media.
They used our openness as our weakness.
And it's real collusion.
Real collusion is big tech and big media manipulating and working with each other to try to meddle with elections, to try to shape people's thoughts.
You're in the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
Laura in Alabama.
Laura, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
I wanted to let you know, first of all, that I do pray for you and Newport Ward and the president every day.
I've now decided to increase my support for you guys and order even more each month.
My favorite products are the Silver Wind Gel.
Use it on everything.
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And I do have it on auto-ship, so don't forget.
I think that's important for everybody.
And everyone who wants to see this Infowar actually happen has to put their money where their mouth is.
So I ask everyone right now to go online and order some products.
Well, thank you for your kind words, because take that wound gel.
We're the only other company in the U.S.
that has licensed it from the Colorado company that's very famous, that has FDA approval.
It's used in hospitals, it's sold in pharmacies, and then we private label it as silver wound gel, which is a pre-gel, tiny bit, covers your hands, everything.
And then disinfects all day long or put it on once you have a cut or something.
Now, it's so super strong, you can't take it internally or it's poisonous.
But yes, it is the strongest FDA over-the-counter silver there is.
So that is one of our best sellers.
People absolutely love it.
Thank you.
And I can tell you this, my neighbor burned his finger a little bit.
We're building a fire outside and I ran inside and got it and put it on his finger.
And he said to me, is this supposed to work instantly and like this?
And I said, yep, sure does.
So it's fantastic stuff.
I highly recommend it.
(electronic music)
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
♪ A modern day warrior, mean, mean strife ♪ ♪ Today's Tom Sawyer, mean, mean pride ♪
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Ladies and gentlemen, I've been on air 25 years and I've never, at a gut level, felt the fire of war like I do right now, ladies and gentlemen.
So many incredible things are happening.
So many dangerous things are unfolding.
And at a cellular level, at a spiritual gut level, At the heart of my gut, the heart of my mind, at every level, I can just feel the evil rage of the globalists, knowing that their plan for world government, and their plan for total censorship, and their plan for human-animal clones, and sex with children, and Satanism is in trouble.
It can feel the spirit of Christ coming back into the world.
There's going to be a tribulation during this fight, but the devil knows he's going to lose.
The devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows his time is short.
And I can feel Satan's rage.
I know you can feel it.
And they are planning a bloody revolution here.
They're planning massive censorship across the country and the world.
This is a time to be praying to Christ for justice and for freedom and that God's Spirit come into you and lead God and direct you.
But it's also time to be politically and culturally active.
And it's time to spread the word about InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and override the AI sensors to override their systems and to let people know, hey, here's the name that must not be spoken.
Here's what the world fears.
Here's the guest and the information and the history and the analysis that is the cure to the globalist poison.
Strength lies entirely with you and the action you take.
You are the info war.
You are the resistance.
And everything you do now will affect the battle space for billions of lives going to the future.
The war has already begun, quote Patrick Henry.
It's an information and spiritual war.
The enemy's losing that war so they want to make it a physical war.
So prepare yourselves.
You have been warned.
Leo, you want to issue any statements about this time we're in?
It's a critical time and it's not a coincidence that a few days ago on the 31st of July, a special place went on fire and it was actually set on fire.
It was a place that was To evoke those demons that will eventually channel through him the influence.
Unlock Ness.
Unlock Ness.
And for those of us that are Christians, we think of him as an idiot, a joke.
But I've been around billionaires and globalists.
They worship Crowley.
They believe he brought the new books, the new way of Satan.
And we are in the critical days here of the summer known as the dog star days connected to serious, which have a very big importance for the Satan is the serious for the Satan is set Satan.
And so the bonus can house that already went on fire in 2015 suddenly goes on fire again.
And this time they know is Larson, but they don't know I have exposed with an article, which is also on Infowars.com, that this foundation behind the Boris Gein House, this new foundation, had people from the British intelligence community involved in it, like Andrew Curley and Satanists like Marcin Barty and Niki.
And let's go further.
Jack Parsons, the Jet Propulsions Laboratory that became NASA, all Crowleyites.
And there is a TV series, Alex.
Have you seen that TV series, Strange Angel?
Because that TV series is for the first time unveiling really what went on in people.
And they're not even hiding anymore in Hollywood.
I haven't seen the TV series, but I saw an ad for it where they just admitted that I mean, I went on and went through it and I was astonished.
For the first time, they showed the methods of recruitment, the rituals, what went on and the whole plan.
And they're not even hiding it.
So I mean, they are coming out in the open.
And that means that if they are coming out in the open soon, there is going to be the follow up, which you just How bad is it going to get?
Because they are, even their lowest level minions, are like attacking Trump supporters at events and just screaming and howling like maniacs.
Like they're being empowered, they believe, by something.
They're all empty husk, but for the first time in their lives, this satanic energy is entering them and they're like undead zombie hordes.
To get Trump in a way in their club.
They have attempted already at the last Bilderberg meeting with Pompeo to do that.
But they are not of course successful up until now.
And I hope that Trump will resist the temptation of getting his whole family in the establishment.
He and his family need to stay out of this new world order.
And this bunch of people that are basically following the devil in his ultimate quest for presenting them the result of all this, which will be the Antichrist.
Because let's not forget, the follow up is also the Antichrist.
But we all know that when all these things materialize, we have the good side.
Of Jesus and new Christianity that will, of course, save all the true believers.
So we have a positive thing around the corner.
We have a lot of bad things that are going to be, unfortunately, happening next.
Leo Zagami, thank you for joining us.
God bless you.
We look forward to speaking to you again soon.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless America.
Folks can find his books there now.
I'm going to do a little bit more in the next hour with Matt Bracken, and then we have our next guest taking over, Joe Celente.
But first, I want to play a little four-minute piece we played a month ago of the left celebrating abortion and the death of children.
They don't care about dead people at a Walmart.
They love death.
They love hurting our most innocent.
They are the Satanists.
They are pure evil.
Here's the report.
Our main story tonight concerns breast implants.
Some are against them, others believe they're fine in rare cases, and many believe you should be able to get them whenever the f**k you want.
Sorry, did I say breast implants?
I meant abortions.
Tonight's main topic concerns abortion.
So tonight, in honor of America, I'd like to do a salute to abortion in the break.
10th Annual Salute to Abortion!
Get out of my behind!
Get out of my vagina!
Get out!
It's a woman's body and she should not be forced to carry anything inside of it.
You wouldn't make her keep a tapeworm.
Is that how the heart beats?
So you're comparing a baby to a tapeworm?
A fetus is a parasite, sweetie.
That is not what a fetus looks like, okay?
You think that it is the white man's duty to fix everybody's problems, right?
How many did you adopt?
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
Oh, that's what you do to babies, huh?
Yeah, I love it.
You love it, huh?
Yeah, I do.
Okay, I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
Oh, I never go to Christ.
I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
No, I don't go to Christ.
A fertilized egg is a human being!
You're a pig.
Because I don't want to kill babies.
Oh, you kill them.
You let them live so they can starve to death.
Why'd you spit at us?
I, uh, don't agree with you.
No uterus, no right to talk about it.
Understand me, motherfucker?
In the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother just prior to the birth of the baby.
Now, you can say that that's okay, and Hillary can say that that's okay, but it's not okay with me.
Well, that is not what happens in these cases, and using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate.
Andrew Cuomo lit up the One World Trade Center spire in pink to celebrate his radical expansion of abortion in New York.
State lawmakers approved a law permitting abortion in the state for any reason until the 24th week of pregnancy and then up until birth.
If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.
Are you for third trimester abortions?
My answer to you is that that should be a decision that the woman makes.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
How do you justify the decision to allow Planned Parenthood to rent in this city for free?
That's your time.
Next speaker.
There's a new video out on InfoWars.com of two partial birth abortion, eight and a half month old babies.
And, uh, and it makes you want to kill people.
I'm gonna just be honest with you right now.
My guts, my spirit sees a baby who got killed and its brain sucked out by some asshole.
And then they make a joke out of it.
These are abortion doctors with third trimester babies that were about to be born.
Defiling them, making jokes about them, that they're having a fight.
They're playing with dead babies in a little medical pan.
And it was pretty shocking, gruesome stuff to see.
And just the total lack of regard for humanity.
It's just absolutely amazing.
We're gonna have... Abby Johnson.
I'm sorry.
God bless abortions and God bless America!
Don't knock it till you try it.
And when you do try it, really knock it.
You know, you gotta get that baby out of there.
The animated contest of liberty is waiting for you.
Because you've got to take it in your hands.
You've got to have the will to accept the truth and buck the system and the group collective.
Do that, and you'll earn your way to the next level.
This is the Info War.
I believe that they can attain something if they can destroy the planet before we go to launch fish.
They are just an intergalactic demonic transmission spewed out of hell trying to bring the planet down before the next level.
But we will make the jump and nothing's going to stop them.
And we're going to have a pro-human future.
We're not just going interstellar.
We're going interdimensional.
As we travel up this true stairway to heaven, people won't want to play video games anymore.
They'll realize this is the real universe with the real levels.
This is where you want to get that score.
Not in Super Mario Brother, not in Donkey Kong.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I hear people talking bad about the way we have to live here in this country.
Well, the left is going crazy.
And it's just getting crazier.
The author Stephen King is calling for Mitch McConnell to be charged as an accomplice in the attacks in South Texas and in Ohio.
Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, best-selling author, good friend of the show, co-host quite a bit.
I've been so busy the last few days, I haven't followed his take on it, but I always respect it.
I gotta say, either way you slice it, their editing is profiled, they're covering it up, the FBI admits this amount of hype is gonna cause other people to attack.
What's the big takeaway from this?
Because it seems like the left's making their big move right now, Matt.
Yeah, the fact that the Ohio shooting happened 13 hours after seems really just amazingly significant.
It shows me there are a lot of people out there that are just primed, like walking bombs.
The Ohio shooter obviously had it in his mind because he killed his sister.
That wasn't random, obviously.
But the fact that what he perceived as a white nationalist committed the atrocity in El Paso, I think triggered him to create a Satanist leftist atrocity in Ohio.
Obviously, he's very mixed up in his mind.
He kills his sister and his brother.
But I have to wonder how many more of these freaks are out walking around.
And the Paul Joseph Watson video that's just up is really important.
Taking H-10 down, for example, you know, which would have been a vehicle for the FBI to surveil and possibly, if they were on the ball, get ahead of shootings like Parkland or El Paso or Ohio.
But when you drive these people completely underground so that they're not talking to anybody, they're just going to give maybe a 20-minute warning, post a manifesto, and then go somewhere shooting.
But I think that the pot is starting to boil over.
Well, I agree.
But I mean, take Facebook.
The Christchurch attack in New Zealand, they didn't take down Facebook because the guy uploaded the video there.
How is it 8chan's fault that supposedly he puts a manifesto up on there minutes before he attacks?
It's so minuscule compared to the greater spectrum of social media, but if anything, 8chan would be a tool for the FBI.
They should have, you know, if a fusion center is looking at anything, they should have a rapid response team so that when somebody posts a manifesto, they should be able to get SWAT teams and law enforcement out in front of these people instead of always being, you know, an hour late.
In Ohio, it just happened that the cops were patrolling on the street.
Matt, let's expand on this.
I'm not saying this is a false flag yet, but we know those go on.
The fact that this guy had his social media changed to right winger from left winger, and the whole MO on it, and just the whole thing.
How do we know Antifa isn't going to start carrying out attacks?
Because that's a smart way to demonize the right wing.
Either carry out attacks or cultivate and trigger people who are just labile and are like a vessel ready to be filled.
I wrote a short story called Professor Raoul X a couple years ago about how easy it is to locate somebody who's, you know, mentally and emotionally susceptible and then form them into a weapon.
Then the person who actually is the guide of this human missile just disappears into the shadows.
And I don't think that there's anywhere where, you know, there's a federal law enforcement people that are saying, you know, hey, let's do this.
What I think is that much lower, like the guy who went into the Obama White House a hundred times, who was instigating the fights outside of the Trump rally.
Um, I think his name was Kramer, but spelled like Kramer.
These are the kind of guys that are the, that arrange, then push the tools forward via a series of cutouts.
So the people, whoever you're going to see on television, they're never going to have a memo connecting them to anything, but via a series of cutouts, these, these mental time bombs can be weaponized and directed very easily.
Let's talk about it when we come back.
And is Trump dumb enough to try to gun control to appease the left?
That'll do nothing.
Shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at NewsWars.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Please go there.
Pat Brackins, an author, researcher, good friend of the show, former Navy SEAL, smart guy.
(upbeat music)
And Matt, look at these stories.
Ohio shooter was radical leftist who supported Elizabeth Warren, said he wanted to kill fascists, that he wanted to go to hell.
AP reports, Classmates Ohio shooter kept a hit list and a rape list.
So we don't need red flag laws that are outside.
Trump said accelerated due process.
That's an Orwellian term.
We already have the Baker Act and all this stuff where people feel threatened even though we haven't been threatening.
You can be put under psychiatric evaluation for 24 hours.
That's what happened to Kanye West when he supported Trump.
But the red flag laws Democrats want is just, oh, I don't like that person, I'm scared, and your guns are taken away.
But in almost every case, these people are very clear about what they're planning.
Yeah, the red flag laws, a similar thing happens on social media called brigading.
You know, if a social media site says, all right, if we get 100 complaints against somebody, you know, 100 objections, well, then the left just says, hey, let's get 200 people and put in complaints.
That's what would happen with red flag laws.
They would essentially swat you by brigading you on social media.
I can see that happening very readily with these accelerated due process deals.
And they already do this.
They SWAT people.
They find somebody they don't like and they get a burner phone and they call the SWAT team and say, you know, help, I'm being held in Sam Smith's basement.
He's got pit bulls and AK-47s and he already killed my sister.
And the SWAT team just comes roaring in at 0-dark-30, you know, to an innocent conservative's house.
This happens.
The left gets more and more deranged all the time.
And they seem to really have seized on this, like this is their moment.
But they did that with the rush again, they did it with everything else, but something seems different this time.
Yeah, the one thing that's very significant to me, the deep state seems to totally be unraveling.
George Papadopoulos is sort of a touchstone of all of these intel operations that were run against Trump.
That's right, so it's all coming out, the pedophile rings, Hillary servers are found, all this huge news is breaking and then magically this happens.
And Team Deep State, like the Andrew McCays, the Brennans, and the Clappers, they're suddenly back on TV talking about the shootings, to blame this on Trump.
So you can see it's like a poker game.
Everybody's pushing all in.
And they're using this like a facelift.
Like you said, why do you think that Peter Strzok has been welcomed back to the FBI now, a year after being fired, and is now there almost every day?
Yeah, this is by no means is it a foregone conclusion that Trump is going to win.
And, you know, this is a great smokescreen and cover and they'll probably, I'm not saying like directly trigger like boom, boom, boom, cause and effect.
But the way that the media is putting heat under the fire, we can expect more of these, like, more shooters for sure.
Oh yeah, the FBI came out today.
The FBI came out actually last night and said, you're going to have more copycats.
Look out for those.
And not only shooters, although shooters work the best for the left-wing narrative, you'll also see things now that, I think one of the biggest mass murders in American history was in New York at a nightclub with a can of gasoline.
Same thing in Tokyo at that, um, anime cartoon factory, like, two weeks ago.
And by the way, there is a, there is a Drudge Report siren, and I kept saying the last three hours, what is it I'm missing?
What is it I'm not covering?
It was in our headline today for the live show, but I just dropped the ball spectacularly until now.
The Dow is down 900 points.
It's been described by economists as an 11 on a 1 to 10 Richter scale.
China has absolutely devalued their currency in an attempt to win their trade war with the United States.
What do you make of this, Matt Bracken?
Yeah, and there could be other pretty humongous things that happen, because there's also, of course, this currency war in the background with the dollar losing its status as the global reserve currency.
You could even have something like China announcing it's going on to a gold standard.
You know, they've been collecting gold for a long time.
The Russians have always had a lot of gold.
Brazil has a surprising amount of gold.
By the way, it's now down $9.50.
It's plunging.
Let's pull up CNBC, folks, and let's show it in live time on the Wall Street Journal Market Watch.
So there it is in live time.
And again, as you said, they had Goldman Sachs.
They've had JPMorgan badmouth the dollar last week.
And I said they want to stop the Trumpian revolution.
And so it's all a concerted effort.
This thing is completely obvious.
What do you make of China going thermonuclear here?
Very, very arrogant.
They're talking about invading Hong Kong.
Trump said go easy on China.
I saw that as an act of weakness.
What do you make of all that?
I could definitely... China has put out these warning videos showing, you know, paratroopers and commandos attacking urban targets.
And essentially warning Hong Kong, you know, this is going to be your fault.
You've gone too far.
You know, you're disrespecting the Chinese Communist flag.
When we see America, Uncle Sam in peril, all the other dogs are going to get in on the dog pile.
I wouldn't also rule out Iran, you know, firing a missile or at a refinery, something like that, because it's to the advantage of all of the smaller enemies of America to throw bricks into this boiling kettle, you know, while it's boiling over.
It's like, hey, you know, this is a good time for me to ratchet it up a little bit more.
And just see if we can shake America loose.
But the left better be careful because if the veneer of civilization ever peels away completely, don't all these leftist people know that they are going to be shitting ducks and the walking dead for a lot of people that are really, really angry and upset?
They may or may not, but no matter how we get there, if transportation systems are disrupted in this country, things go haywire really fast.
And all of our enemies know it.
You don't need to fire a nuclear missile at an American city to burn it down.
All you've got to do is cut off its electricity.
Big enough riots will do that.
Hacking the electronic benefit transfer system and ATMs and credit cards would be enough to do it.
So, if it comes to a war with China, for example, it might not be the Chinese invading Taiwan and us trying to stop it.
It'll be China completely hacking our systems, blaming it on Iran or North Korea.
Sure, well, there's no doubt.
I agree.
There are times when everything comes to a head at one point, and we're entering that season.
Matt Brackett, EnemiesForeignDomestic.com.
Thank you so much for joining us today.
Thank you.
Gerald Celente is coming up, and I was going to leave, but I...
I saw the 500 points when we started the show.
It's at 950 right now.
We're going to follow this as it unfolds.
We're going to come back with Gerald Cilente right now.
But Dow has plunged 950 points.
Looks like the Plunge Protection Team is involved.
It's suddenly started going back up.
China retaliation is 11 on a scale of 1 to 10.
Wall Street warns.
Perfect storm for the summer brewing for stock correction as trade war simmers and more Fed action awaited.
It's all coming up.
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Gerald Cilente, who's a great market expert on the economy, is coming up right now.
Mmm. Well, today, M4's High's Protein Bar.
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(electronic music)
Casey, I'm sure it's wishful thinking, you're saying, Tyra comes back from nowhere, is he on turbo force?
Which is an amazing pre-workout and long-term energy system, unlike any other.
Or Tyra Woods isn't actually taking turbo force, is he?
That's a good idea, though.
I should try to send him some.
I'm not entirely sure, but...
When I was watching the Masters, he was drinking a bottle of Poland Spring that was pink.
Check it out!
I mean, you can go on YouTube, because they showed him a lot, you know, when he was just standing around, because he's a big story.
You know, he's Tiger Woods.
And every once in a while, he'd be sucking on that bottle of Poland Spring and it was pink.
And I don't know anybody else makes an energy drink that's pink.
I'll have to try to find out.
I know.
I've been told by multiple folks that are friends with him.
He's a listener, but I don't really worry about stuff like that.
But that's great.
Who knows?
He might be on Turbo Force.
Who knows?
Well, last year, when he won his first tournament in a long time, they tried to grill him on, like, degrading the president in some way.
You know, this is what you need in a press conference after a golf tournament, and he wouldn't do it.
I know.
He's friends with Trump.
He's been friends with Trump, like, 20 years.
Yeah, exactly.
The media wasn't even talking about his win.
They were talking about his politics.
Thank you, Casey.
Margo, thanks for holding her.
I really appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
What's your view?
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate you having me on.
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You've been using it for a while, but I sent the bottle to my mom, and after taking it for a few days, she called me literally in tears, saying that she could see the knuckles on her fingers again and, like, the bones in her knees again.
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So thank you for giving us your testimony about your mother because Bodies is amazing.
Oh yeah, definitely.
There are thousands of ideologies out there, hundreds of different political systems, and most of them are funded by the globalists.
Infowars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular like it's always been.
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night.
That sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family, I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWars, and I salute you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us as we broadcast worldwide.
(gentle music)
On this Monday, August 5th, 2019 broadcast, I can't think of a better guest to be joining us right now and co-hosting than Gerald Cilente, best-selling author for 30 years, top trends forecaster, economist, you name it, political atheist.
The super-rich are selling stocks, buying properties, and keeping cash ready.
Dow plunges 950 points in worst drop in 2019 as losses accelerate into close.
On a scale of 1 to 10, it's 11.
Wall Street reacts to China's retaliation.
This is huge, ladies and gentlemen.
That's Bloomberg saying on a scale of 1 to 10, it's an 11.
Darrell Celente joins us right now to give us his take on how serious this situation is.
Again, for me, China, from what I've researched, Well, thanks for having me on, Alex.
One-sided deals for a long time with being massively de-industrialized.
Trump it looks like has tried to get a few hundred billion back a year of the 900 billion
of intellectual property and trade deficit.
China's threatening to invade Hong Kong, Taiwan.
We're having confrontations with their ships on a daily basis.
How would you describe the climate right now, Gerald, as you take over?
Well, thanks for having me on, Alex.
And again, thank you for all that you do.
We sent out a notice to subscribers whose subscriptions had expired, ex-subs, this morning.
It went out at 7 a.m.
I wrote it on Friday.
And we said that, are you ready to lose your business, your job, your house?
Because the greatest depression is on the way.
And about a month and a half ago, I don't remember the exact date, When I was on with David Knight, I said, prepare for the greatest depression.
This has nothing to do with trade wars.
That's just kind of like a little spark here and there.
One of the ways of forecasting trends is that current events form future trends.
So what I do each day is I study the news that's going on and analyze it.
So, for example, over the weekend, when I would love to do other things, I have to read the Financial Times and other weekend newspapers, India index in worst July for 17 years amid economic woe.
Now, India is not doing any trade with China.
We're not doing a lot of trade with India.
This has very little to do with the trade wars.
That's just a line they keep throwing out.
The game is over.
Fight's on.
They've been pumping in monetary methadone into the system to keep the addicted bull running following the Great Recession.
Well, Gerald, I'm going to have you take over here, and I'm not disagreeing with you.
There's a global race of bubbles here.
No one's doubting that.
But China massively devaluing their currency was a response to the trade war.
And I get it's just more of the same.
The devaluation is accelerating.
So I get in the endgame, In the final equation, you're right.
I'm saying currently, though, this is a pissing match between Trump and the Chinese.
It is that as well, but they're not devaluing their currency on purpose, as I see it.
And I'll tell you the reason why.
80% or more of China's GDP is consumer-based.
About two-thirds of ours is.
That means stuff that they buy, they're paying more for.
And they're also concerned about capital outflows.
That's a big one.
That's what happened back in 2015.
That's one of the reasons... No, you're right.
Trump wants businesses and their money to leave them.
He's been so successful at cratering them that now they're having to put this in, you're saying, to protect themselves.
Yeah, I'm saying they don't want it.
It's happening.
It's being devalued because their economy's going down.
Well, I respect you.
I respect you.
So do you think Trump has been squeezing them too hard?
No, not at all.
Again, I don't agree with the Trump plan.
To me, it's a very simple plan.
You go back to what was before NAFTA and what it was before China came into the World Trade Organization.
When Trump said recently that why are we giving China the benefits of being a developed nation under the terms of the World Trade Organization, he's 100% right.
They're not a developing nation.
Again, so I respect you.
You were advising people 40 years ago in Congress on the economy.
Talk to me like I'm 5 years old.
What's really going on?
What's going on is the bubble is bursting.
They're lowering interest rates around the world.
China's dumping dough in.
They have no reserve ratio requirements of banks that are worth anything.
You have interest rates in Australia at an all-time low.
In Turkey, they just lowered interest rates 4.5%.
Trump is doing this, by the way, with the China deal to get the Fed to lower interest rates more.
They have to lower interest rates because they have to keep pumping cheap money into the economy.
I totally agree, and that's bad and it abandons fiscal responsibility.
But aren't we, like you said, already so far gone?
Trump's just kind of like, I had a friend that was dying of organ failure because he got sick from a surgery.
And they were just giving him shots of adrenaline so his dad, who was driving in from Dallas, could see him before he died.
His dad got there right after he died.
And they were just, listen, this will keep him alive 20 minutes, go say bye to him.
And literally, they were giving him more and more adrenaline until his arteries collapsed and he died as I was looking into his eyes.
One of my best friends, my best friend growing up with Ryan.
And so I think that's kind of almost what you're saying is, this is just last ditch efforts, but they know it's gonna go belly up.
You got it.
And very sad about your friend.
And that's, by the way, that's the moral of the whole story, is that we have to put more into life of dignity and respect rather than the sickness that we have now that's running the world.
And so that's on the grand scale.
But on the economic scale, game's over, fight's on.
Look, you get our stuff.
On June 6th, June 6th, we sent out a trend alert.
The gold bull run.
Gold was $1,332 an ounce.
As we're speaking, it's around $1,465.
No, you're right.
$32 an ounce as we're speaking. It's around 1465
This bubble burst it's gonna go to 5,000 It what I had been saying I was bearish on gold for five
years six years I changed the forecast.
As you well know, I called the Trump rally two weeks after he got elected in 2016.
I call it as I forecast it.
We are in the beginning, and people know it.
They feel it in their pocketbook, and they feel it in their bones.
I feel it in my bones.
What is it I'm feeling in my bones?
Because I've been really upset.
You're feeling depression about what's going on.
You're unhappy with it.
Yeah, and then I get mad at the people around me.
I love all you guys.
I hear you.
Well, take over, Gerald.
I hear you.
Something bad's about to happen.
Stay on as much as you want.
If you have any questions, I love talking to you.
No, I love talking to you.
I got a hundred things to take care of, but I'll be watching tonight.
I'll be watching the archive, and then Owen Troyer's coming up in 30 minutes.
Great job with the crew.
Hey, InfoWars needs to stay on the air during all this, folks.
So, InfoWarsTroyer.com, Giant Sales.
Please help us stay on the air, and we appreciate you all.
We'll be right back with Gerald Simonson.
George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And so, used to it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now, they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want to virtue signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act at a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag, particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag.
And particularly when it says on the back, right there, ladies and gentlemen, America's back, InfoWars.com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies' face all over, not just the U.S., but worldwide.
Because more than ever, the American flag is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
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As we witness the most disastrous geological activity in recorded history, the globalists
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Before I started working at InfoWars I was not only a fan of Alex Jones and InfoWars.com but also the products at InfoWarsStore.com and there's one product that's offered at InfoWarsStore.com that is the elite of the supplements and that's DNA Force Plus.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1985.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilenti.
Hey, everybody.
What a day to be here on the Alex Jones Show.
As the markets dows down over 800 points, Nasdaq's down, both of them down over 3%.
Gold prices spiking.
This isn't news to you.
Again, as I mentioned before, when I was on with Alex, I was on with David Knight about a month and a half ago, and forecast the beginning of the greatest depression.
Again, people feel it in their pocketbook.
And they feel it in their bones.
They're depressed.
Look at the pharmaceutical drugs.
The drug pushers there.
Big Pharma.
All these depression drugs.
People feel it.
You're seeing it in a lot of different areas.
You saw the job numbers that came out.
Where were most of the jobs created?
In the healthcare sector.
What do they pay?
Not a lot.
We go over all the data.
You know how the middle class has shrunk so terribly and all the money's gone to the 1%.
I'm not making that up.
Even the Wall Street Journal did a huge story on it last week about how bad it is for what used to be called the middle class.
When this thing goes down, it's going to go down like we've never seen before.
The debt bubble, probably more like about $280 trillion worth of global debt.
The last official numbers were about $250 trillion, and that was about a year ago.
This isn't news.
Again, on June 4th, we sent our subscribers a trend alert.
The gold bull run has begun.
I've been saying this now for six years.
That gold had a break over $1,385.
And be steady over that.
The next mark to break through was $1,450.
It's broken through that first mark very solidly.
And now it's breaking through the second mark.
And I said when it breaks through the second mark of $1,350, $450 an ounce.
A sharp rise to the $2,000 levels.
Will there be ups and downs?
Of course there will.
I do not give financial advice.
I want to make that 100% clear.
I'm a trend forecaster.
The downside risk of gold as I see it now, 1400 at the worst.
So that's where I see this going.
We were talking before about China devaluing its currency so they can increase exports.
I don't buy it.
China is very concerned about capital outflows.
It started happening in 2016 when the yuan went down.
Now the yuan's down to a 10-year low.
And that's what I put on strict capital control.
Devices to stop the money from flowing out of China.
Then China has another problem.
It's called Hong Kong.
Yeah, how nice.
By the way, here's my forecast with Hong Kong.
All these protests?
Gonna be nothing.
The Chinese are gonna come in and control the place, end of story.
They got 7 million plus in Hong Kong.
They got a hundred And 40 billion in China.
Numbers count.
This is what we sent to ex-subscribers this morning.
I was mentioning to Alex.
Are you prepared to lose your business, your job, your home?
Prepare for the greatest depression.
That was the subject line.
This past June, a few days after I forecast a global run, gold is up over $100 per ounce since then.
Now it's up about $150.
I warn subscribers that the Greatest Depression is on the near horizon.
The fallout from the Greatest Depression will reverberate far beyond economics.
As the natives grow restless and social unrest intensifies, quote, When all else fails, they take us to war.
Beyond the trends of increasing military conflict, the warning signs are flashing, quote, danger ahead.
Among them, the unprecedented global trend of governments and central banks pumping in heavy doses of monetary methadone to keep the addicted bull markets running and failing economies from crashing.
The future is now.
The Trends Journal will show you what will happen, why it will happen, and provide you with trend forecasts, analysis, and action plans that you will not get from any other magazine in the world, money-back guarantee.
I truly suggest you take action now and prepare for the worst that is yet to come.
The facts are clear.
Our subscribers have followed my Gold Bull Run forecast, got invested in gold, Are richly golden.
I call it like I see it.
Like I said to Alex, I was the first person to call the Trump rally in November of 2016 when he got elected.
I call them as I see them.
They're going to keep pumping more cheap money into this.
And the sad story that Alex said about his dear friend passing on, as they try to inject more stimulants into him to keep him alive, is the same thing with the addicted bull.
It's been pumped up with cheap money, nothing else.
There's no such thing in the world as zero and negative interest rate policy.
There's no such thing as quantitative easing.
They made all this stuff up.
They didn't teach me that in Economics 101 at graduate school.
You're looking at 30-year bond yields.
30-year bond yields!
Now in negative territory.
Who in their right mind would buy a bond that's going to pay you back less than what you bought it for?
It's a government scam.
The governments are buying 10-year and 30-year bond yields, corporate and government, to keep this failing economy going forward.
The Plunge Protection Team.
That's a scam.
To keep the markets going, they're going to pump it back up.
No question about it.
How long will it last?
Will it last?
Time will tell.
You know, I'm on this show a lot and I rarely promote my magazine, The Trends Journal.
I promote the products from InfoWars like my super male vitality.
Yes, yes.
So tune in the news today after the markets close and find out what happened.
Or you can subscribe to the Trends Journal and find out what's going to happen.
To read tomorrow's news today, history before it happens.
This is a serious time.
You know one of my sayings.
Guns, gold, and a getaway plan.
When this thing goes down, it's gonna go down like nobody's ever seen before.
Violence, Craziness, insanity, desperation.
From the top of the governments when all else fails, they take you to war.
To the Jack and Jill on the street.
Gotta do anything to cheat.
To make ends meet.
It's gonna get serious out there.
Now I'm just saying to you, do what you want, think for yourself, but plan for the worst.
And we'll be back in just a few to tell you how bad it's going to be.
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Let me get into something briefly that is so paramount that it deals with the very essence of the soul and the spark of consciousness and creation.
Every study documents what we already know in our heart and minds to be true.
That apathy leads to entropy, leads to collapse.
And that if you don't have a purpose-driven life, you will die before your body fails.
Apathy, most common symptom of dementia, science daily, distinct from depression, present in nearly half of patients.
This is out of the University of Exeter.
Apathy is the most common neuropsychiatric symptom of dementia, with a bigger impact on the functioning than memory loss, yet is under-researched and often forgotten.
And our very way of life is now sitting in front of screens, clicking on things to get dopamine rushes, And so when you go out in the real world, you don't get a dopamine rush off an owl flying over, or a hawk, or the moon, or airplanes flying in the sky like we're in a science fiction movie.
We are science fiction reality.
And just the magic of the universe, and these experiences of falling off your bike, or jumping a dirt hill, or getting in a fist fight, or kissing that girl for the first time.
These are deep experiences that our ancestors experienced that are Rituals within us that open up the gateways to perception in the universe.
We must go through the rituals.
That's why the enemy tries to domesticate people.
Nobody knows how to do math anymore because we use calculators.
And soon we won't know how to drive cars anymore because they're all going to be self-driving.
This system is designed to dehumanize us and the people that run it admit they're doing it to dehumanize us.
Because they want us out of the way, so the globalists can control the future, and so they can dictate the new architecture.
And so, instead of just physically killing us right away, they kill our intellect, they kill our spark, they kill that which makes us higher than the animals.
That we can control our own environments, and that we can control our own destinies to a certain extent, and that we can envision things, and then build those things.
That we're master builders.
But when you dial into the universe, And the mystic secrets and all the magic and the real potential and the ancestral memories and the ancestral will that is, again, electromagnetic, electrochemical from you to your most ancient ancestor is an unbroken electromagnetic chain of genetic information that operates as an antenna to receive and transmit as a transceiver into higher dimensions.
This has all been proven scientifically.
The enemy can't stand it when I get on air because I already know all their equations, their operations.
And then, of course, later I can go out and research.
They've written and said exactly this, but in their more secretive reports, let me just tell you, I'm giving you the big enchilada, okay?
Oh, we're real.
Oh, we're eternal.
And they don't want you to know that because you're awesome, and they want to lead you with them into their creation that is a leaking, stinking hellhole.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth.
As it is in heaven.
It's all in plain view, people.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption is...
It's Gerald Celente.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, great being here on the Alex Jones Show.
And you know, one of our top trends for 2019 was censorship.
So you're getting from Alex Jones Show what you get from our magazine and a few others of us are Insights, information, forecasts, and analysis that you won't find anywhere else.
And they don't want that.
As I said, tune in to the news if you want to know what happened.
Tune in to us, Alex Jones, if you want to know what's going to happen.
So this is the first anniversary, the annual, I should say, ban-iversary, store-wide sale With 50-60% off InfoWars Life, free shipping, double Patriot Points.
How disgusting it all has become.
That we got little clowns, morons, cowards, freaks, and fools telling us what we should know and not know, who we should listen to, and who we should believe.
Like those conspiracy theorists.
You know, I'm gonna tell you, that guy Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-Qaeda.
And all you little prostitutes are going to repeat it.
You know, those Iranians, they sabotaged all those ships a couple of months ago.
We don't have any proof, but we're going to say it anyway.
You'll call that a conspiracy theory, wouldn't you?
Well, not if the government says it.
Only if people like myself, Alex Jones, or others say things that they don't want us to say because they don't want the people to hear.
So, it's the one-year anniversary of Alex Jones and InfoWars deplatforming.
More than ever, the First and Second Amendment must be defended.
With an unprecedented 50 to 60% off InfoWars Life, free shipping, and double Patriot Points, it's the perfect opportunity for a 360 win.
So they got a load of products out there that are on sale.
DNA Force Plus for 50% off.
Survival Shield X2.
One after another.
And of course, My favorite super male vitality.
So, do what you need to do to keep the truth coming.
Because it's gonna turn ugly out there.
And remember, when all else fails, they take you to war.
You know what happened over the weekend with the horrors in Texas?
El Paso and Dayton, Ohio.
Mentally disturbed people.
Who you gonna blame it on?
Everybody's blaming it on somebody else.
Here's who I blame it on.
You know, I don't like this guy down the street.
I don't like the way he treats his family.
I don't like what he stands for.
I want to get rid of this guy.
Give me some money and some guns so I could go kill him.
If you gave me money or guns to kill him, you'd be an accessory to the crime.
And you would say that I was insane.
Of course, of course, you wouldn't give me money.
Here's another one.
You know, I don't like that guy Qaddafi.
I don't like what he's doing to his people.
I want to get rid of him.
He gotta go.
What's different than the mentally deranged Obama destroying and killing people throughout Syria to overthrow the government than any of these two sick individuals that slaughtered the people In Dayton, Ohio.
El Paso, Texas.
You know, I don't like that guy Assad.
I want to get him out of here.
Go do the job.
Hide these killers.
These ISIS guys.
These mass murderers.
I want to overthrow that country.
I want him out of there!
What makes the murderer Obama any different than the murderer In El Paso, Texas, or Dayton, Ohio.
That Assad is gone.
He's not gone yet, but we got rid of Gaddafi.
And you know that guy Hussein?
I don't like what he's doing.
You know what?
I'm worried about him.
He could get some weapons and he's going to be dangerous.
Get rid of him.
Make up lies!
I don't give a damn!
Get rid of him!
Yeah, send our troops.
I don't care how many get killed.
Overthrow the country!
What makes those two guys from El Paso, Texas, a Dayton, Ohio, any different than the sick son of a bitch, the mentally impaired, George, the murderous, slimy little boy, Bush, and I'll call you that to your face, Junior.
Come over to Kingston.
The most historic four corners in America where the seeds of democracy was sown and the founding fathers, well, Alex used the word before, pissed off.
They'd piss on you.
Get this little boy out of here, they would say.
How about murderer Bill Clinton?
Every time he got caught with his pants down.
Or as you know what, where it shouldn't have been.
Bombs away over Iraq.
That no fly zone.
Killed over 500,000 kids under the age of 5 with his sanctions against Iraq.
You know, Madeline, not all that bright.
Unless he stall.
Unless he stall Astor when she was the ambassador of the United States.
Is the price of 500,000 Iraqi children?
Under the age of five, worth the sanctions?
Yes it is, said arrogant Albright.
If only women's were in charge.
Black, white, male, female, gender doesn't make a difference, creed, color, good and bad come in all of them.
Everybody could save their baloney for somebody else.
What makes those two murderers in Dayton, Ohio In El Paso, Texas, any different than Bill Clinton, Madeleine Albright, Susan Rice, Condoleezza Rice, Hillary Clinton, Penis Cheney, Wolfie Schutz, and all the others.
All the liars.
All the people calling for murder.
All the people calling for murder!
Murder in the first degree.
What makes them any different than the murderers that are sick out of their mind that kill those innocent people as the United States stole trillions of our dollars to kill millions of people?
And by the way, that's why I launched Occupy Peace, and I'm thinking of launching on this coming September 21st, International Peace Day, an Occupy Peace Party up here in Colonial Kingston.
We're putting it together.
Anybody that wants to help, You can go to my website.
Go to Occupy Peace, rather.
Occupy Peace website.
And do all you can to help us push this peace forward.
Because as all else fails, they take you to war.
Not only our government, all over the world.
Watch what's going on with Hong Kong.
You know what?
You're gonna start seeing a lot of people with a lot of dough leaving Hong Kong.
That's right.
Because they know what's gonna come down.
And that sledgehammer of communism is gonna crash through them.
Oh yeah!
Remember how they told us to hate those commies?
Vietnam War.
Cold War.
Can't trust those commies.
But we can do business with them because we'll take our manufacturing, give them all our technology, all our information.
Get the products made from slave labor people, bring it back and make a lot of money.
The commies are okay.
You know why our trade deficit with China is going down a bit?
Because it's going way up with Vietnam.
Oh, those commies!
You remember the liars, the freaks, the Johnsons, and all of the others that got 58,000 of our guys my age killed?
250,000 wounded, destroyed the country, killed over three and a half million.
Hey, but now we're doing business with that commie country.
It's okay.
What makes those sick people that destroyed the lives of so many in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas, any different than Lyndon Baines Johnson, Harry Truman, or all the other murderers connected with them?
To me, nothing.
Nothing is going to change until we occupy peace, and we'd better do it now.
We have to stop wasting money on the military and start building our economy.
It's our only way out.
As I see it, and you know the motto of the Trends Journal, think for yourself.
And remember, today is the one-year anniversary of Alex Jones and InfoWars deplatforming.
The anniversary.
Do everything you can to support them.
Keep the truth alive.
Keep speaking out and doing the best you can for society and yourself.
See you next week.
This is important.
I'm 45 years old.
When I was 35, I swam to two miles a day sometimes and would jog and couldn't lose weight.
Because I didn't have the missing links.
I was deficient in things that nobody ever told me I was deficient in.
I knew all about the private Federal Reserve, the Trilateral Commission, the New World Order, Jeffrey Epstein, and the pedophile rings.
I knew all about geopolitical systems, and the old Soviet Union, and how the globals put the Psycoms in.
But I didn't know about PQQ.
I didn't know about CoQ10.
I didn't know about all this.
And I didn't know about clean iodine.
And yeah, I want to fund my operation.
I want you to get products that have changed my life, and changed so many other people's lives, that have 98% reviews, and then experience that I'm not BSing you.
So that for some of you, maybe in the first time in your life, you're going to experience somebody that treats you like they want to be treated.
Let me tell you something right now.
You see DNA Force?
I went out to top manufacturers that are the most respected, most highly tested, and I said, I want the strongest PQQ CoQ10 overall formula that has pure, non-synthetic stuff in it that's ever been put on the market.
And they said, well, that's like a $22 each model.
I said, I want to put $50 a bottle in it.
They said, nobody's ever done that.
Then I signed a contract to double the amount I was gonna buy.
I got it down to thirty-something dollars a bottle for what it cost me to make this.
Nobody does that!
Ladies and gentlemen, you read what's in this, and you research every ingredient in this, and then you experience it for yourself.
It's incredible.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
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