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Name: 20190802_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 2, 2019
3127 lines.

In this episode, Alex Jones discusses Jeffrey Epstein's connections to the Deep State, eugenics, and depopulation. He criticizes Cory Booker and Colin Kaepernick for falsely claiming oppression while being part of wealthy white households. The speaker emphasizes understanding globalists' psychology and modus operandi to comprehend their objectives and actions. Epstein was involved in child sex trafficking rings, with high-profile individuals using him for blackmail. The endgame is a post- human world controlled by AI and monitored constantly. The dark side of cults is connected to the CIA, infiltrating mainstream culture through gay parades and abusing children. Infowars calls on its audience to support them by purchasing products from their store and spreading the word about local stations against globalist elites. Covington Catholic Boys filed lawsuits against media figures, politicians, and celebrities for false accusations. The March for Life saw students subjected to verbal abuse but later attacked on social media. People need to report any degree of violence or assault to prevent escalation. Free America Law Center was created to democratize access to legal representation for victims of political violence. Patriot-branded merchandise and made in America products will be successful in the future economy, while Alpha Power supplements promote hormonal balance and enhance performance. The Alex Jones Show covers current events through a conservative perspective, focusing on free speech and accountability from government officials.

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Waging war on corruption is...
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
The date is Friday, August 2nd, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I'll be co-hosting today with Owen Schroyer, who will be live in studio.
He'll cover all the latest breaking news and information coming up in segment two and three and throughout the broadcast today.
But at the bottom of the hour, due to massive requests from radio stations, TV stations, listeners, my family, the crew, I will get into the full spectrum analysis of Jeffrey Epstein and how we were able to accurately lay out many years ago that he was an informant for Robert Mueller and the Deep State and that he was part of a larger intelligence agency grid carrying out occult activities.
We said that.
Also obsessed with world government, eugenics, depopulation, cloning, secret breeding projects.
We said all that, no one else did.
How did we know?
I'll break it all down coming up at the bottom of the hour today.
I will also then later get into some of the good news concerning President Trump and his executive order from a few months ago that now has universities settling every week, a new one just settled in Florida, with conservative, libertarian, and Christian groups, pro-life groups, pro-gun groups, you name it, who've been barred from having student groups or having events or having speakers come to their colleges.
The colleges, because of Trump's action, are having to back off.
So I encourage more people to get with student groups, to try to book your own event, your own speaking event, and then let them try to bar you, and then sue them, and you will end up winning.
And again, it's not that we're litigious, but we're exercising our First Amendment.
And the left is trying to bar it everywhere.
So it is beyond essential to do that as well.
That's just some very good news we're going to be breaking down.
Also, there's a very powerful piece from Tucker Carlson dealing with Cory Booker, who comes from one of the richest, whitest places in the United States, lying and talking about how he's been oppressed by the white man, just like Colin Kaepernick, who was raised by two white people that adopted him, and the man has made, what, almost $100 million.
That's going to be coming up. The deteriorating situation in the South China Sea with Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Chai
Kong set to invade.
We're going to break that down. We're going to look at so much more today.
But if you don't know the roots of the entire situation, and if you don't know what makes the globalists tick and
understand their psychology, their modus operandi, really their criminology, and how
they're very OCD and how they follow the same operations over and over again,
Nothing will make sense.
But as soon as you understand their cult...
And what their objective is, and then what comes after that objective, then you will have all the intel that only their highest level operatives have.
And then we can decompartmentalize the second, third, fourth, fifth rungs of their compartmentalized intelligence agency secret society model because their own minions are compartmentalized and believe they're working for another goal that's actually good than the actual diabolical Transhumanist, post-humanist, exterminist, uh, Malthusian, Neo-Malthusian, Neo-Galtian, eugenics agenda.
So you're gonna learn, how do I know he was into the occult?
How did I know they're into eugenics?
How did I know they're into Satanism?
How do I know they're into- because that's all they're into.
That's all they've ever been into.
And now their attempted claim that he is, that is of course Jeffrey Epstein,
only just some weird kook that was into this off of the side.
No, he was heavily funded by the foundations to integrate more of this into a lower level.
Epstein was second room below the central hub.
He was outside the committee of 13, if you would.
And there is a committee of 13, ladies and gentlemen.
So again, tomorrow's news today.
Stay with us.
Bottom of the hour, I'll lay it out.
Again, thank you all for your support.
Please don't forget, we've got store-wide free shipping, double pay for your points, 50 to 60% off part of this mega sale to raise money for the InfoWar.
Your money could not be spent in a better place, the products could not be better, and I could not thank you more.
Please stay with us.
George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary
And so, used to it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now, they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want to virtue signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act at a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag, particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag, and particularly when it says on the back, right there ladies and gentlemen, America's back, InfoWars.com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies' face.
All over, not just the U.S., but worldwide.
Because more than ever, the American flag is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
>>Live from the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
>>It's been said millions of times because it's true.
The Democratic Party, just like socialists in Europe, creates systems of dependency so they have client groups that they can manage, but who never get out of poverty.
And that was the admission of The Great Society was to domesticate black people and break their families up in the United States as a beta test for all other communities that are now seeing the exact same process take place.
But President Trump last night really called them out, we're going to play the clip in a moment, and said that no one has paid a price worse than people living in inner cities.
Due to the leftist program of controlled dependency.
And here's a great example.
In Austin, Texas, I heard the globalist mayor on the local radio this morning saying, we've got to get more funding for the homeless, and we had to pass this ordinance saying they can sleep in your yard, so we don't ignore the problem, so we get more money.
So there he was admitting what I said on air a month ago.
Problem, reaction, solution, a Galean dialectic.
Now they admit it.
The left's just come out of the closet on everything.
That they're communists, they want our guns, that they hate America, they want a race war, that white people are inherently bad, that the people saying that are white people.
It's incredible.
And there was the Austin mayor this morning saying, oh, you know, we can't just hide the homeless.
We need to have a law they can sleep in your yard.
So that we get more funding.
And the host went.
But like Seattle and all the other places that keep getting more and more funding for the homeless, it just is a magnet to bring them there.
And it encourages people to get on welfare, not have a job, and then live under underpasses and collect money.
There are some homeless that are mentally ill down on their luck.
They need to be targeted and helped with funding.
Local, state, churches, federal, you name it.
But not this general roll out the red carpet.
I tell you, I drive around Austin, looks like San Francisco or Portland or one of these other blue city toilet bowls in many areas.
Feces everywhere, bombed out of their brains on drugs, drunk.
And they're white, they're black, they're Hispanic, but they're mainly white.
And what it is is a bunch of freeloading, lazy jackasses.
You know, most whites aren't lazy in this country, like Max Boot and William Crystal say.
But it is true that the vast majority of homeless that I see in most cities are drug addicts, bombed out of their brain, really mean, nasty white people.
Now some I've run into admit they're drug addicts and say they want help.
Some are nice, but most of them are really, really vicious.
And that's a microcosm entitled and vicious.
That's a microcosm of how the left brings these people in and then incentivizes more to come, creates a crisis, and then says, give us more money.
But the good news was, The talk show host was on 590 AM, I guess about 8 o'clock this morning.
They totally tore the mayor up to his face and after and said, you notice, they always want more money and it always makes the crisis worse.
They know exactly what they're doing.
It's leftist formulation to again demoralize and bring down civilization.
And these guys know exactly what they are doing.
Here's the president.
The Democrat Party is now being led by four left-wing extremists who reject everything that we hold dear.
No one has paid a higher price for the far-left's destructive agenda than Americans living in our nation's inner cities.
They have paid a dear price.
You see what's happening?
You see, our inner cities, we spend billions and billions and billions for years and years and years, and it's stolen money, and it's wasted money, and it's a shame.
For decades, these communities have been run exclusively by Democrat politicians, and it's been total one-party control of the inner cities.
For a hundred years, it's been one party control, and look at them.
We can name one after another, but I won't do that.
Because I don't want to be controversial.
The homicide rate in Baltimore is significantly higher than El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala.
I believe it's higher than Give me a place that you think is pretty bad.
Give me a place.
The guy says, Afghanistan.
I believe it's higher than Afghanistan in our country.
Think of that.
I believe we'll check the numbers, and if we're wrong, they will tell us tomorrow.
It'll be headlines.
Trump exaggerated.
For the last 20 years, China's taken hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars out of
our country, and now we're stopping the theft of American jobs.
We're stopping the theft of so many other things happening, including intellectual property.
And you know, I think they want to try and make a deal with us, but I'm not sure, because
the word is, I feel, they want to wait till they get, oh, they're praying.
They're praying.
They would like to see a new president in a year and a half so they could continue to rip off the United States like they've been doing for the last 25 years.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, welcome in now to the InfoWars headquarters here in Austin, Texas.
Alex Jones is going to be back in the next segment and so on with more on the Jeffrey Epstein saga, more on President Trump last night, more on the collapse of the Democrat Party that is inevitable, and then I'm going to have A bunch of breaking news here today.
Robert Barnes is going to be joining me in studio.
He's got breaking exclusive news that he's going to give us.
And then I, too, have breaking exclusive news that I'm going to break here on the Alex Jones Show as well when we're joined by Robert Barnes.
But I have to just do this on air.
Now, I was going to do this nicely, and I was just going to drink my Turbo Force from InfoWarsTore.com, and I wasn't going to make a big thing of it.
And I'm sitting there during the segment as I'm listening to Alex, and I said, hey guys, can you get me some Turbo Force?
And now here it is.
I'm live, and I don't have my Turbo Force.
So I'm a little grumpy.
I'm a little upset.
And I'm not going to be able to move on until somebody gets me some Turbo Force.
And so I don't know what is going on right now.
Abandon cameras, lights, the whole thing, if you have to, until I get Turbo Force on my desk.
So, and I also, I already have my BrainForce Plus right here.
So all I need is a cup and a TurboForce packet.
And I know there's some around here somewhere.
That's right.
Tear the whole place down if you have to.
Stuff is now falling off shelves.
They're searching rampantly.
Here we go.
All right.
I got multiple packets.
So that's good.
TurboForce from InfowarsStore.com.
Look, folks, sometimes I drink coffee, but I've been drinking the TurboForce lately and just the flavor is so good.
That I'm kind of addicted to it, I think, maybe?
You know how when you drink energy drinks, like at Red Bull and stuff, you kind of get that need for that acidic flavoring?
Well, luckily, Turbo Force does not have that.
I mean, it's not acidic.
It's not gonna tear your liver apart like energy drinks do.
It's just got caffeine in it.
But the flavor is so good that I just really want my Turbo Force and I still don't have a cup, guys.
What is this?
What am I supposed to do here?
Thank you.
Here we go.
Savannah Hernandez finally figured it out.
Is there a spoon?
You've got 90 seconds to find me a spoon.
So that I can get TurboForce.
Now, if you want to get TurboForce, maybe it won't be so hard for you.
You can just go to InfoWarsStore.com and you can get TurboForce right now.
You can get BrainForce Plus.
I'm going to take both of them as I get ready to do the Alex Jones Show here today with all the breaking news with Robert Barnes, but InfoWarsStore.com, TurboForce.
Here's a spoon right here.
All right, look at this.
I'm going to do it in 60 seconds.
Now, this is how it's done like a pro.
TurboForce into the cup.
Water into the cup to mix with the TurboForce.
Spoon beats you to it.
Sorry, Savannah.
Connor beats you to it.
Look at this.
Oh, I'm beating the clock, too.
This is record speed.
I haven't even had my TurboForce yet, and I'm already at light speed.
BrainForce Plus into the hand.
And now we've got the Turbo Force and the Brain Force Plus with 30 seconds to spare.
All right, the crew made it before break.
You guys, maybe, maybe you guys can keep your jobs now, and I think the Alex Jones Show will be able to go on.
Great job.
BrainForce Plus from InfoWarsTore.com.
TurboForce from InfoWarsTore.com.
I really do love them.
Check them out for yourselves.
Serving with InfoWars is a great honor, but I still need my morning coffee.
And luckily, our break room at the InfoWars headquarters is stocked full of high-quality InfoWars store Patriot Blend coffee.
Grown in the high mountains of southern Mexico, the Chiapas farmers grow 100% organic, non-GMO coffee at the ideal altitude for the perfect cup.
A robust coffee with great flavor and mild acidity.
There has never been a more important time to support InfoWars.
So if you love coffee and if you want to fight for freedom, then you can help.
Order now at the InfoWars store.
Sign up for auto ship and get your own high quality supply of Patriot blend coffee delivered right to your door at
info war store.com.
Go ahead, Jerome.
Hey, guys.
Good evening.
How are you?
We're doing great.
Hey, I bought one of those gravity filters from you guys about a couple of years back, and, you know, it started working real good.
I said, Golly, this is a good, I don't have to carry water back up to my apartment.
So it lasted about six months and it started not dripping very good.
I thought, dang it, this is no good.
So anyway, I bought another filter, you know, I changed the filter.
Then I got to thinking, I said, wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait a minute.
This thing's gonna get dirty again.
So here's what I did.
I called up Patriot Supply.
I talked to a technician.
He told me, here's what you do.
You take and clean that thing with one of those scotch-brite sponges.
Hell, I didn't know that.
Yeah, you just scrub the outside because it's building up with garbage on the outside of that filter.
Oh man, I'll tell you what, the little white filters, those things turn like golden, man.
And when the water goes down, when it goes down, when there's a little, you know, a little
bit of water left in the top reservoir, it smells like a septic tank.
You know, I mean, that's why these people up here vote for somebody like that AOC.
I mean, you know, they're exposing themselves to God knows what kind of chemicals, man.
I mean, that's one thing I used to do was work in those water filtration out there in California.
I mean, out there they didn't put the hydrochloric acid in, but they did use other stuff like that zinc orthophosphate.
That's a rust inhibitor.
I mean, you're drinking that.
And the chlorine.
Chlorine's not good for you.
You're drinking that?
They use sodium hypochlorite, chlorine, but they did use ozone.
There was some of the municipalities that had ozone generators.
That was really unique.
But I want to tell you, this water in New York, man, I got filters on my shower.
I told my wife, I said, look, when you wash your hands, make sure you dry them.
Feel good.
Don't let water lay on your hands.
I mean, this stuff is bad, man.
That's why, like I say, that's why they vote for somebody like that AOC up here.
That burns the brain up.
I like AOC.
It's AOC!
You can't expose yourself to those chemicals over time.
I mean, it just eats you up.
George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And so it used to, it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now, they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want to virtue signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act at a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag.
Particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag.
And particularly when it says on the back, right there ladies and gentlemen, America's back, Infowars.com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies'
face all over, not just the U.S., but worldwide, because more than ever, the American flag
is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I feel like that's the theme song for James Comey, running through, like, the halls, like... Like, he's in this doorway.
He's in this.
Like, where'd Comey go?
Somehow avoiding justice.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer here in the seat in the Infowars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Alex Jones is going to be back joining us for the rest of the hour after this segment, but...
I've got a ton of news to get to.
I've got two exclusive breaking news stories I'm going to have in the second hour with Bob Barnes.
But before I do that, I have to tell you, I am not happy.
I'm irked.
In fact, I was talking to Darren McBreen about this today.
James Comey just, oh, he's guilty, but We're not going to prosecute.
And it's the Hillary Clinton story all over again.
And so I have to come out here and I have to admit, I mean, I'll admit when I'm wrong.
I'll admit when I'm fake news.
I am now fake news.
Because I assumed that when you got caught breaking the law that you would be prosecuted.
So I'm sorry.
I reported yesterday James Comey would be prosecuted because, you know, of all the felonies he committed.
The perjury, the classified leaking of documents.
So I am sorry.
I'm fake news.
I thought James Comey would be prosecuted for the crimes that he was guilty of that investigations found to be true.
But I'm fake news because I assumed we had justice.
So here is Lindsey Graham talking about the Clinton effect on James Comey getting off without prosecution.
Well, we've been waiting for the IG report.
We hear now it's mid-August.
We understand there's reasons for the delays that are far bigger than the issue of the violation of the Espionage Act that he's referring Coleman to prosecution for.
And, of course, being less than candid, lack of candor, but we can't have a two-tier justice system either.
I understand if the AG is looking at these other issues first, but to decline prosecution if he believes the laws are broken, I think we really have to reevaluate that.
Yeah, number one, I want to see the report.
I like John Solomon.
He's a good reporter.
But if it's true, the Inspector General has referred the FBI Director for Criminal Prosecution.
It's true.
That's stunning.
We'll know in a few weeks.
It's stunning.
Now, if Bill Barr decided not to prosecute on disclosing the memos, I accept his judgment.
I've known him for 20 years.
and I have no desire for him to be like Mueller. I want him to do what he thinks is right by the
law and not prosecute anybody if you don't think the case is there because somebody else got
mistreated. There's no reason to continue that practice. So if it's true, and we'll know pretty
soon, it's stunning, beyond stunning. It is to me, here's my interpretation of the top of
What do I know?
I'm just a talk show host.
I don't know a whole lot of anything.
You know a lot about this.
I kind of see Barr as a really thorough, extraordinarily bright human being.
And by the way, who told you that Barr was in there to protect the deep state, to kind of be a go-between?
That was Alex Jones.
Looks like he tried.
My head.
And I'd say that probably Barr has recognized the FISA abuse issues that we have talked about.
And if James Comey was warned that it's unverifiable, never verified, Hillary paid for it.
Oh, and by the way, Steele has an agenda and he signed it anyway.
And we now know, according to the Grassley-Graham memo, the bulk of that information was in fact the dossier with Russian lies, or as the New York Times says, was from the get-go Russian disinformation.
That would prove, number one, that Russians were favoring Hillary, and number two, that Attorney General Barr is being a little bit more... He's playing chess and long ball, and he's not playing checkers, and that he sees that there are bigger fish to fry down the road, and he could always revisit that issue.
But what do I know?
I'm not only a host.
Well, I think you know a lot about this, and if Bill Barr said, there may be a case there, but I think it's out of abundance of caution, I won't bring it, good.
That's what you want prosecutors to do.
For now?
I mean, but the point is, if you've got some doubt about the validity of the case, just don't throw it up against the wall and see if it sticks.
Would you want the first case you brought in jeopardy of not winning?
That would be in my consideration as well, when you know these other cases are stronger.
Yeah, you know a lot about prosecution, even though you haven't been one.
The worst thing you can do is overcharge somebody.
It began to fall apart, then it taints the thing that really is strong.
You're the lawyer.
I'm learning from you.
I just got lucky.
I used to do this.
What happened to stunning, Lindsey?
There's two ways to do this.
Throw everything in the kitchen sink at the accused and hope he pleads to something.
Or, make sure that when you charge them, it will not be undermined because you overcharged.
This is what happened with Mueller.
They tried to scare people into ratting on Trump.
It didn't work.
They were overcharged.
Mueller made things up.
Trump wasn't guilty of anything.
The fact that Barr is showing some prosecutorial discretion that is evened and reasoned is a step in the right direction.
And if he does bring a charge against Comey after doing this, I'd hate to be Comey.
I think I'd hate to be Comey.
I was trying to be a good guy and warn James Comey.
I told him before his stupid book came out that he had the right to remain silent.
I advised him to take that right.
So they decide they're not going to prosecute because there's no intent.
That's the Hillary Clinton argument.
However, pull this one down guys, because on CNN, even CNN is admitting that there was intent for Comey to leak this memo in clip 17.
Once fired, the former FBI director made a remarkable effort to shape the investigation.
Asking a friend to leak the contents of the memos documenting his meetings with the president to spark the appointment of a special counsel.
I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter.
Didn't do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointment of a special counsel.
An end result that Comey got with the appointment of Robert Mueller.
Isn't that just wonderful?
Now, let's conclude the clip, if we can.
Do we still have that time keyed up?
If not, it's no big deal.
But let's conclude the Graham clip, because I just wanted to put that in perspective.
Because they're saying, no intent.
Just like Hillary had no intent.
Well, what do you mean, no intent?
She knew she had an illegal server.
There's the intent, right there!
That's the intent!
Just like CNN admits, yeah, Comey leaked the memo to shape a public opinion.
Yeah, yeah.
So let's go back to Lindsey Graham saying, oh, no intent, but maybe Barr will come back and get him next time.
I hate to be Comey.
I was trying to be a good guy and warn James Comey.
I told him before his stupid book came out that he had the right to remain silent.
I advised him to take that right seriously.
Now I'm just going to advise him, not only do you have the right, if I was you, super patriot Jim Comey, I'd just shut the hell up because you're hurting yourself every time you open your big fat mouth.
I can't be any more blunt than that because I'm a talk show host and I'm not a senator.
Well, just from a prosecutor's point of view, you don't want to undermine a good case by throwing out some stuff that may be a zippy, because that only hurts you down the road.
So, if there was an abuse of the FISA process, if there was a misleading of the court by the FBI director, that is a monumental crime, and I would focus on that if that's what happened.
So basically the reasoning here that Graham is kind of standing up for Barr and protecting Barr as Barr is protecting Comey, really, in an extent, is he's saying, look, maybe this is wishy-washy, this case against Comey here, but we can come back and get him on this, this, or this, and it's much a stronger case.
But I'm just sick of these people.
I'm sick of Clinton breaking the law and not being punished.
I'm sick of Comey breaking the law.
I mean, it's just, America's sick of it.
We want justice here.
We'll be right back with Alex Jones.
Well today, InfoWars Live Protein Bar.
I just devoured your cousin in 4 or 5.
Protein bar.
They taste like candy bars.
This is what I want.
This is what I need.
But my god, there's no fillers.
But my god, it's solid.
Protein bar, highest quality.
12 bars, highest quality.
Now you can buy it and do it easily.
But you're gonna be like, "What in the world's going on here?"
Mmm, well today, in 4 or 5.
Protein bar.
Mmm, I just devoured your cousin in 4 or 5.
Protein bar.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, meet my tummy.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
I talk about this on the air and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements.
And that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits, the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were.
And I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
But then they say, you've got to say it's not approved by them.
If you don't have vitamin C, you die.
If you don't have iodine in your body, you end up dying.
If you don't have water, you end up dying.
If you don't have sunshine, if you don't have oxygen, you die.
It may take 10 years for no sunshine, but you die.
And if you don't have a whole bunch of minerals and a whole bunch of vitamins and in the organic system where you can upload them, you will end up getting degenerative diseases quicker than you would have and you will die.
And all drugs are, is the system trying to tweak what's in Mother Nature and manipulate it and do different things.
And a lot of drugs work great.
They have side effects, not with Mother Nature.
I mean, there are some things in Mother Nature you take too much of, you'll have a side effect, but nothing like Big Pharma.
But Big Pharma doesn't want you knowing about God's medicine chest.
And so, they sit there and they demonize us all day long when we sell things like Ultimate Bone Broth, that's chaga mushroom, incredibly concentrated, high-quality turmeric, and a bunch of other bee pollen.
Mixed with organic, concentrated chicken bones that are rendered down where there's no way to quantify it, but this is the strongest bone broth out there.
You can make broth with this.
You can put it in brownies.
I mix it with whey and put some fruit in it, and then it tastes great.
The point is, is it's concentrated, it's uber strong, and it is.
Experience it.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Jeffrey Epstein scandal could bring down the entire establishment.
You see, for over a hundred years, Western intelligence agencies, themselves infiltrated by secret societies out of Britain, used sex operatives to compromise targets who weren't just agents of foreign governments, but who were in outside power structures that this group didn't control, but was seeking to get control.
Cecil Rhodes wrote about this in several books on his plan for world government.
He had the main British Empire behind him and supporting him.
They set up roundtable groups across the world, like the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 in New York, to take over our governments using payoffs, using sex operatives and more.
They found quickly that if you tried to set somebody up or blackmail them over cheating on their wife, it wouldn't work.
But, if you could induce them to have sex with an underage person or a child, you had them by the short hairs for the rest of their lives.
So simply put, I was able to know that Jeffrey Epstein was an operative because of who he was associating with, because of his background, and because of the MO.
Jeffrey Epstein was recruited By these systems in New York City more than 30 years ago to begin recruiting little girls as a pimp on an industrial scale.
He reportedly had recruited hundreds and hundreds and hundreds a year.
That's thousands over the years to go out and then set up other people and bring them under his control.
But Jeffrey Epstein is only the second tier.
He's not The core group.
So I want to spend some time today looking at their operating system, looking at how they Not just dominate and control society, but what their endgame and goal is.
Their goal is a post-human world.
And in their own words, a post-human world means the classical human, independent, strong, family-based, with a relationship with God, just as the French Revolution was the prototype of this.
They want that system removed and a centralized, Corporate computerized technocracy, in their own words, that will then manage and control every facet of life.
That's what the carbon tax is.
You'll need total computer and human surveillance over every action And then you can control people, track and trace them, and also tax them.
Notice that we just witnessed Zuckerberg come out yesterday and announced, you're going to have a social credit score, just as we told you years ago, and you can pay us to fix your social credit score, but it gets worse.
You're going to have a global internet ID run by Facebook attached to the new global digital currency.
And if you don't play ball, if you don't take all your inoculations, if you're not a vegan, if you don't teach your three-year-old how to transition and be chemically castrated, well, then you're going to be downgraded.
A lot of folks will say, well, that's Black Mirror.
But we reported on this plan a decade before TV shows like Black Mirror, which are called predictive programming to prepare you for the future.
Now, let's get back into Jeffrey Epstein.
The media is asking, how do we know he was an operative?
Well, it was incredibly obvious.
Plus, if you go back to the court filings at the time, there was clearly a cover-up by the FBI at the highest levels.
Because again, he was going out on a mass scale, on an industrial scale, recruiting sometimes hundreds of young women and girls a month to frame people.
To dial them in.
To compromise them.
And that's just phase one.
Then, as people get deeper into the cult...
They start getting them into religious rituals.
They become more and more dark, more and more satanic.
Then the children get younger.
And through that process, it's basically trauma-based mind control, of the children and the adults, the cult finds out who is truly twisted and dark, and who will carry out certain operations no matter how horrible.
Then those cult members are sent to higher rooms of the secret society slash That's all intelligence agencies are in the last 200 years is the modern equivalent of ancient secret societies.
That's why when you're hearing all of this, you're saying, I read about this in the Bible.
I've read about this in history books.
I read about this in ancient Rome, ancient Greece, how these evil cults would slowly take over society, get control of governments and then do what?
Start sacrificing children.
And so that's really what is at the bottom of the rabbit hole.
Now, I would direct viewers to the Wall Street Journal a decade ago.
I would also direct you to London Guardian a decade ago with their headlines, Elite meet in New York to discuss overpopulation.
Elite meet in New York, David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, All these other elitists and all these other big decision makers, people like Oprah Winfrey, to discuss world government to carry out depopulation.
And here, my friends, is the rest of the story.
When you hear about Jeffrey Epstein and these billions of dollars that came from nowhere and setting up huge medical-style compound ranches in New Mexico and occult compounds and buying of islands in the Caribbean.
These are facilities where they had women's retreats, men's retreats, children's retreats.
Disney cruises would pay to land on the little island.
Look this up.
his occult compound and quote have snorkeling trips and go on the shore.
Again, that was just Disney, which is a pedophile group at the top,
chipping in money to help the organization.
All a giant cult scratching each other's backs.
So how did I know that Jeffrey Epstein was into the occult?
How did I know that Jeffrey Epstein was into eugenics?
How did I know that he was working for intelligence agencies?
Because every one of these groups, when you research them, you actually dig into them, you find is the same group
doing the exact same thing.
So let me explain the big secret.
The truth is the journey for these people is the destination.
As O'Brien, torturing Winston in 1984, says, Winston, there isn't a goal except tearing down humanity and making us dumber and stupider and not living as long and torturing you to death for pure satanic enjoyment.
A world that gets more evil, more destructive, more out of control, until everyone's dead, Winston.
And so, they tell outside groups, porch minions, people that aren't actually in the cult, Those being recruited that, oh, we're saving the earth, it's a world government to save the animals, and oh, it's a great loving thing, but we've got to do some really mean stuff for the greater good, and we've got to give them these vaccines with chemicals to lower their IQs and the fluoride, because we'll have wars if we don't dumb them down and if we don't make them manageable, and we've got to do all these things for the greater good.
But when you get into the deeper rooms, then you learn what the plan's really about.
So that's all that Epstein was doing at these elite dinner parties.
Where he was giving $5 million, $6 million, $10 million a pop to establish all these different institutions inside Harvard and other organizations was externalizing the method and taking this race-based eugenics cult first envisioned by Plato, first implemented by Malthus, first codified to a global scientific system by Sir Francis Galton 170 years ago.
With the full weight of the British Empire behind it since the time of Cecil Rhodes.
And then you understand, oh, it's a unified project.
And all Jeffrey Epstein was, was a super pimp, highest level, second tier administrative to frame and set up as many people as he could a month to get them into the cult, to induct them.
When I say frame, they'll tell you, oh, this woman's 20, they're really 16.
Now they've got you.
Oh, it's okay.
You know, here's some more 16-year-old girls.
And, oh, here's a 12-year-old girl.
Oh, this little girl's gonna talk to her mommy.
Come help me bury the body.
You understand?
Just like Eyes Wide Shut is fiction, but it's not fiction.
That's real stuff that goes on.
Oh, the prostitute died by accident during the ritual.
No, they just killed her in front of you.
So it's all about corrupting individuals.
It's all about taking over society.
It's all about compromising humanity.
James, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hello, Alex.
God bless General Jones.
May you live in peace and love forever.
In Christ's name we pray.
God bless you, brother.
And I'd like to thank you also.
You know, my wife and I have been married for 17 years, and we were never able to have kids.
And after a couple years of taking the B12 and the iodine, and knowing about not using fluoride and not having vaccines, we have a great, healthy, vibrant, six-year-old boy.
And I thank you very much for that.
Well, you know, fluoride is meant to block fertility.
It's the bad halogen, but iodine is associated with fertility.
So that's a beautiful story.
That's exciting, my friend.
And I've got all the articles right here about IQ, fertility, being boosted on iodine.
You name it.
That's why the system fights to keep people from getting good iodine and other things that we talk about here.
Even though I get it from InfoWarsTore.com, it doesn't matter to me.
Just research what deficiencies are doing.
But get back to you and your wife and recap the story you were telling.
So we've been married for 17 years and we never had any children and we bought the water filter first and we got out the fluoride and the glyphosate and then we started taking X2 and B12 and about a year or so later my wife got pregnant with our baby boy and with the iodine that she was taking and everything he's so bright and you can just see the glow in his face and he's always smiling and we just owe it all to you and you're our hero Alex.
Well, that's just beautiful, brother.
And again, it shows the system knows all this.
And it works to keep the people from just getting basic things the body has to have.
You have to have vitamin C. You have to have iodine.
You have to have water.
You have to have oxygen.
Instead, the whole system works to block that.
It's just so powerful.
It's what we're made of.
And I'm sitting here trying to explain this to people.
We're not just making this stuff up.
It's just everything.
But again, the other iodines are bound.
You don't absorb them.
Everyone calls their iodine atomic.
I wish everyone else was selling atomic iodine.
They're not.
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Laura, you're on the air.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Now I just said a lot in the last segment, but you can slow it all down, you can write notes, you can research it for years.
This is the operating system of these people.
So they sell recruits on we're saving the earth, we're saving the animals, we love humanity, but we've got to do some really bad things and be worse than the bad people to make sure we secure this future.
And that's how they began the first level of compromise.
But then, as you get deeper into it, they discover that no, this is really just all about abusing people, drugging people, controlling people, and mind control.
Just like these cults that control the CIA.
Hell, they helped set it up in 1947.
And what did they do?
Drugging prostitutes, drugging businessmen, doing mind control tests, kidnapping children, drugging them up, electroshock until they were totally new personalities, completely programmed.
And that's just what they declassified.
That Dr. Ewing Cameron had over 10,000 children in Canada and the U.S.
kidnapped from the 50s into the 80s and actually programmed them.
Innocent children that did nothing wrong.
You see, they're now externalizing their system.
They have mainline gay parades that now admit, actually, we're for pedophilia.
That's in Breitbart today.
They have mainline groups saying, we're going to put microchips and wires in your brain, and the AI is going to take you over.
They've now gotten to the point of saying, yeah, we're going to keep babies alive, harvest their organs, keep them comfortable, and then kill them.
Who would have ever imagined they'd be admitting stuff like this just 20 years ago?
But this is the process of searing our conscience.
The process of showing us millions of simulated murders and people being tortured on TV programs and in horror movies until our subconscious mind, at the bare minimum, is numb to it, but in many cases actually likes it.
And it's been artificially converted over into a form of synthetic, psychopathic lust.
And that's all Jeffrey Epstein is, is a Renfield.
He is a nightmarish, evil-looking, evil-acting, evil-living minion.
And just as Bran Stoker's Renfield delivered men, women, and children to his royal boss, reality, we learned that Bram Stoker was only telling us in
an allegory about how the real world worked. Because past the Sanduskys and past the
individuals at Penn State and past the Jeffrey Epsteins and all of this, and all these elite
organizations and sports organizations, entertainment organizations that are, quote, helping
disadvantaged children and having these galas and these events where they funnel the children
in to have sex with these pedophile But that itself is only one part of the equation.
It's part of a communal corruption.
So that none of them can ever come out of it again.
And in the final equation, there is again a vampiric draining off of the energy when they abuse women, when they abuse children.
When they don't take care of the veterans.
When they poison the water.
When they poison the food.
All of it is creating an atmosphere that allows this evil force to spread.
They are turning our environment into their environment.
And of course, if you saw it 20 years ago and warned people, it sounded insane.
Because back then, something like that could never happen.
Something like that could never be going on.
But all these years later...
You learn that every major state has thousands of Catholic priests, not just raping little boys, but actually carrying out satanic ceremonies, and it's in the newspaper, but a minor footnote.
And you find out it's the big Baptist churches, and the evangelicals, and you find out it's the colleges, and you find out it's the sports physicians, and it's the doctors, and it's the trainers, and it's everywhere because Because the enemy is going out and seducing people and converting them to it and baptizing them in the abuse of innocent children.
So just as in Christianity you were baptized in water, they are baptized in the satanic filth of abusing children.
And again, Star Wars, Episode 4, written by James Lucas, George Lucas.
What does he tell you right there?
Darth Vader is not Darth Vader yet.
He's committed himself to the dark side.
He's helped kill his former religious leader, Mace Windu.
Now he has to go kill hundreds of children because only then will you be powerful enough in the dark side.
They are telling you precisely what they're doing in the revelation of the method.
And the fact that these groups are being rolled up right now shows that Trump and others in our government are aware of these corrupt satanic intelligence agencies and are now moving and working against it.
I'll speak a lot more about this.
We need to make some special reports about it and show you more evidence of it.
But this is the reality.
They want the power to exterminate humanity.
They want the power to kill, steal, and destroy, and pose as the saviors while they do it.
They're not the guardians of the Earth.
They're the destroyers of the Earth.
Here's a few minutes from my three-hour film, Endgame, Blueprint from Global Enslavement, now 11 years old, where I lay out just some of this information.
But having the enemy's operating system is absolutely critical for the general public to know and resist and say no. But also for those that have been
recruited to the outer rooms of this system.
You will be destroyed along with your masters, but if you still have any connection to God,
it's not too late for you to turn back. Now, here's a few minutes from in-game
Blueprint for Global Enslavement, which is still free online for now at YouTube.
-Eugenics dominated the 20th century.
Its ruthless spirit has now metastasized into the fields of genetics, nanotech, and robotics.
But that's not surprising.
From their inception, all three disciplines have been dominated by eugenicists.
The billionaire founder of Sun Microsystems, Bill Joy, courageously went public in 2000 to warn of a cancerous consensus among the technocratic elite that at best humanity would be completely enslaved by the year 2030, and at worst, mass extermination of everyone but the elite would take place.
A who's who of the techno-elite are members of what is known as the transhumanist or post-humanist movement.
Many of its adherents see only the beneficial aspects of technology's exponential rise, like bringing sight to the blind, sound to the deaf, and longer life for all.
But what many of them don't know is that Master Eugenicist Julian Huxley founded transhumanism
and that society's controllers openly admit that the new system is designed to progress into absolute tyranny.
Leading transhumanist Ray Kurzweil boasts that technological advancements will allow those that can afford
it to live forever, but admits that most won't be able to keep up with the new
master race.
The drive for world government is now all about who will control and have access to radical life extension systems.
Biological evolution is too slow for the human species.
Over the next few decades, it's going to be left in the dust.
Transhumanists believe that they will attain the Fountain of Youth by merging with technology.
Now, it may be within their reach.
Decades ago, transhumanists said that if you did not accept augmentation or enhancements, you would no longer be able to get jobs.
And now it's happening today.
The elite who occupy the commanding heights of digital reality are suicidal nihilists.
Suicidal nihilists know that there is no longer any substantive purpose to their willing, but they would always prefer to go on willing than not to act at all.
They can very happily ally themselves with the notion of nuclear holocaust or perfect exterminism.
Technology has become so powerful in its capacity for destruction that free humanity cannot afford to let psychopathic technocrats with delusions of grandeur repeat the mistakes of their forebears.
because it is highly probable that this time they may destroy everything,
including themselves and their mad rush for godhood.
In this film, we have chronicled the Overlord's bloody orgy of experimentation,
which already claimed the lives of more than 150 million people in the 20th century.
And now, they are promising to deliver an invincible tyranny that will dwarf their past exploits.
In the days of World War II, there were sovereign nations and armies to stand against Hitler's final solution.
Once world government is in place, no one will be able to stop the New World Order's plans for global population reduction.
For those immune to psychological programming, hundreds of FEMA camps have already been built throughout the United States.
In their quest for population reduction, no method is off the table.
These dark builders intend to release a stream... Wow.
This is important.
I'm 45 years old.
When I was 35, I swam up to 2 miles a day sometimes.
And would jog.
And couldn't lose weight.
Because I didn't have the missing links.
I was deficient in things that nobody ever told me I was deficient in.
I knew all about the private Federal Reserve, the Trilateral Commission, the New World Order, Jeffrey Epstein and the pedophile rings.
I knew all about geopolitical systems, and the old Soviet Union, and how the globals put the chi-coms in.
But I didn't know about PQQ.
I didn't know about CoQ10.
I didn't know about all this.
And I didn't know about clean iodine.
And yeah, I want to fund my operation.
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I went out to top manufacturers.
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I said, I want to put $50 a bottle in it.
They said nobody's ever done that.
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Nobody does that!
Ladies and gentlemen, you read what's in this, and you research every ingredient in this, and then you experience it for yourself.
It's incredible.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
Infowars.com/show Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World
Order, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
1984 is 1776. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We are now into our number two on this August 2nd, 2019, Friday edition of
Owen is taking over live in just a few minutes and will host the rest of the transmission.
But I want to just be clear in summation of the last two segments you heard that we're going to combine and post to Infowars.com and Newswars.com that really needs to get out there so that people understand that people like Sandusky at Penn State and people like Epstein Working for the Clintons and others all work for the same organization compromising groups to control them.
It is a private corporate takeover system.
That is in control of almost every Western intelligence agency.
There are a lot of people inside the agencies who call themselves on the light side, the White Hats, who've been aware of this for a long time and are very, very upset.
But the fact that Epstein has been caught and the fact that this is a major window into this system could bring down this entire private intelligence network.
That is the enforcement arm of the world government.
And the CHICOMs are openly funding sex operatives as well.
They're funding demoralizing us on the whole Hollywood system.
And the global axis humanity's fighting is good versus evil.
But the main governmental and corporate forces on the other side are the CHICOMs, the EU, Hollywood.
The left and orthodox, radical, weaponized Islam.
That's why they're all unified together, targeting the West, targeting Christians, targeting families, targeting children.
And again, trying to make us give up, trying to make us be demoralized.
But once you understand the attack profile, once you understand the overall system, then it all makes sense.
But understand, I didn't dream all this up.
People keep asking, why is everything this guy says keeps coming true?
Why do they want him off air?
Why are they so scared?
I'm going to explain this again.
This is all in mainline history books until the 50s.
Now, it's PhD level stuff, but when I was a kid, my dad gave me all sorts of books about how all this worked.
I remember my dad having a Zbigniew Brzezinski book.
I think it was the Technotronic era.
And he was, when I was like five years old, he's saying, "It's just incredible, son."
So Zbigniew Brzezinski is the national security advisor to the president, and he's admitting
that the government runs the drugs, and the government runs the child porn,
and the government runs it all to control criminal groups in the name of controlling crime.
But in truth, they actually run the whole thing.
He told me about secret societies, compartmentalization.
And again, my dad had history books about this.
And then he had books about the French Revolution.
And he had books about the occult and black magic that are like the real ones,
not the ones they sell at the bookstore.
And this is stuff that all these professors and everybody knows.
And my dad, they directly tried to recruit him in college because he was top of his class.
A lot of people just skip right direct to the end of this thing and say no.
And my dad chose not to be part of this crap.
But I'm here to tell you, folks, this is the real world.
So I was a teenager, I was rolling my eyes at this stuff that I already learned when I was a kid until I found out it was all true.
And then I had retired generals and FBI agents telling me all the exact same stuff that my dad had told me.
So folks, there's no longer any denial.
There's devil worshippers, Satanists, pedophiles all over the place in hot places.
They are mainlining this in the culture and the society right now.
And you wonder why the Democrats are so vicious and so hateful and so evil.
It's because they work for people that are trying to break our will.
That's why in closing...
If you don't financially support us, you're not supporting yourself.
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Stand against the globalists.
Stand against their attempt to overthrow civilization and reality, because it's the only way these satanists can win.
Now, you've heard this key transmission.
Back to Owen Schroer of the ATX.
Please stay with us.
Big breaking news with Bob Barnes and myself on the other side of this short break.
The Democrats are making it no secret that they're trying to take away our freedom
and they're trying to take away our flag.
But we can't let them get away with it.
That's why you need to go to Infowarestore.com right now and get yourself a limited edition Betsy Ross flag t-shirt, which is on sale for $17.76.
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God bless America, and God bless InfoWars.
flawless victory.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Bob Barnes joins me here on the Alex Jones Show.
And you know, I gotta say, Bob, before we get into the big exclusive
that you're about to break here on the Alex Jones Show, and then in the next segment, I'm gonna break an exclusive.
With you, it's all big breaking news, but Bob, I gotta say, we're 4 for 4 on our Democrat political debate coverage and our basic odds-making of who's gonna win, who's gonna get the Google search, who's gonna get the drudge pull.
And so I just gotta say, Bob, in fact, kind of one way I gauge things is how much response am I getting organically from friends and family.
People are reaching out saying, you and Bob Barnes have the best political debate coverage, bar none, that they've ever seen.
So tip of the cap to you, tip of the cap to the crew here, tip of the cap to everybody out there that supports us because If it wasn't for you out there supporting us, going to InfoWarsStore.com, hitting the Donate tab, buying all the great supplements, taking advantage of all the great specials that we have right now, 50 to 60% off store-wide at InfoWarsStore.com, we wouldn't be able to have Bob Barnes on here breaking exclusive news, we wouldn't be able to do the extended broadcast covering the
Two night, two rounds so far of Democrat clown show debates, laughing and frolicking through the clown world as we break it down.
We thank you for you going to InfowarsStore.com, buying the toothpaste, buying the shampoo, buying the supplements, buying the hats, buying the t-shirts.
Your prayers are always important.
We thank you for that.
And right now, I think we still have the Money Bomb going.
I'm not sure if we've reached it, but you can always go to the Infowars Store Donate tab and just donate directly to us.
And so we cannot thank you enough.
Infowarsstore.com is how we make everything we do here possible.
You're our sponsors.
We don't get 20 million dollar breaks like CNN does, paid for by Big Pharma, Big Insurance, all these people.
We get paid by you shopping at Infowarsstore.com.
We cannot thank you enough.
So, this is big.
Now, Sometimes we have to go back in time and make stories relevant again, because they never really go away.
And one of those examples is what happened to the Covington Catholic Boys, where they send, who now Nathan Phillips is totally exposed as a punk.
And we're being polite here.
This guy is a punk.
And so...
There have been some other suits out there, but there's been some people trying to attribute some suits to Robert Barnes here, not his suits.
But he does have breaking news exclusively right now in regards to lawsuits being filed against the fake news for coming after the Covington Catholic Boys.
So, Bob Barnes, take it over.
What is the latest?
So yesterday afternoon, we filed suit on behalf of eight Covington families.
There's likely going to be four more who are going to be added, so ultimately it's likely going to be an even dozen.
Twelve Covington kids who filed suit for defamation per se, libel, against a range of defendants, including ten prominent high-profile social media personalities, people that are prominent in the press, prominent politicians.
So the people that were sued yesterday include Kathy Griffin, Include Senator Elizabeth Warren.
Include Congresswoman Deb Haaland.
Include Matthew Dowd.
Include Anna Navarro.
And include a range of others.
So they're going to be receiving those suits in the coming weeks.
Those suits were formally filed in state court in Covington, Kentucky yesterday.
Those suits are moving forward.
Those claims are strong claims.
We believe they will survive motions to dismiss and that ultimately each of those defendants, if they don't confess, if they don't reach some form of contrition, if they don't retract, correct, and apologize for what they did, they're going to face a Kentucky jury to determine what the amount of damages should be Or their action.
And all the family members are not seeking the lawsuit as a lottery ticket.
They're solely seeking it for recovery, to remediate from the harm, and to deter other people from doing the same thing.
So each of the plaintiffs, each of the Covington kids, is only seeking the cost of a four-year tuition at the University of Kentucky.
That's less than $50,000.
Now, in aggregate, between all of the claims of all the plaintiffs and all the defendants, it's in multiple millions of dollars, the potential liability that these individuals face for what they did, collectively and aggregately.
But what they're seeking is something reasonable, something necessary.
And as part of the case, we're launching something that there'll be more news about on InfoWars in the coming weeks, as we'll get into more detail, but the Free America Law Center.
FreeAmericaLawCenter.com is a subscription-driven, membership-driven organization that is supporting the Covington kids.
It's also going to be supporting other cases that are going to be high-profile cases in the news to help democratize and equalize access to the law for ordinary people in cases of defamation, in cases of deplatforming, in cases of deep state whistleblowing, because right now the legal system doesn't serve those people, particularly if you're not on the political left.
You have.
We need a counterpart to the Southern Poverty Law Center.
We need an ACLU that's for everyone, not just ideological causes on the left.
And that's the goal of Free America Law Center.
And the goal is for it to be membership driven and subscription driven so that ordinary people can fuel it and empower it in the same way that ordinary people keep InfoWars alive by supporting it, by going to the site, by going to InfoWars store, by buying products that they're already going to buy, like they're just placing in their kitchen cabinet.
With something that's directly sold to them, that has a higher degree of quality, that has a higher degree of reliability, that has a higher degree of authenticity, because it's been personally and individually vetted as something Alex Jones uses himself.
They keep the independent free press alive, and InfoWars is the biggest scale, biggest scope of the independent free press in the world.
And so we're mirroring that with the Free America Law Center.
The goal is something that ordinary people can have access to the legal system.
Because what all of these big media personalities were depending upon, what Senator Elizabeth Warren was depending upon, Congresswoman Halland was depending upon, what Kathy Griffin was relying upon, what former CNN contributor Reza Aslan, who called these faces so punchable, was depending upon, was that most ordinary people cannot afford a lawyer to bring a long, extensive, difficult suit, an underdog case.
That's why I stepped up and said I would do all the legal work for free and the Free America Law Center is going to cover all the court costs, service fees, expert witness fees, all of that jazz.
So ordinary people across the country can help make this suit a reality and keep it alive, but also support cases like it.
But this is the beginning of something that's going to revolutionize the legal system in the United States by making it accessible to ordinary, everyday people, so that the big tech and big media and big government rogue agents cannot suppress speech, cannot censor speech, cannot stop speech.
We cannot use the superior size of their platforms and their political and perceived prestige to lie and libel people like they did to Covington Kid.
We need real remedy.
Real remedy that's going to be enforceable.
Real remedy that's going to be impactful.
Real remedy that will be a deterrent to future people from doing this.
And that's why this suit was filed.
These families are not seeking a big payday.
They're not seeking a glamorous occasion.
They've tried to seek less notoriety and less publicity, not more.
But the reason why they brought suit is because each of these people We're afforded a 48-hour notice all the way back in February that we talked about right here on InfoWars back in February that said all of them, if they will retract or correct or do some sort of action of deletion or apology, they won't be sued.
Yet months later, they refuse to retract, refuse to correct, refuse to delete, refuse to apologize.
And this includes Maggie Haberman.
so maggie abram in the lead political reporter for the new york times
was sued today coming to kentucky and the reason she was sued is because she
lied in libel about it effectively called for their expulsion
can she never met based on an incident she never witnessed at the griffin as we were just about looking at on the
screen publicly called for these kids to be dot
them to be named in shame and after that they were docs
you're subject to personal threats on their phones personal threats in their
homes personal threats on the school personal threats they
receive in the mail personally said
She's talking about name them, name them, and she explains why.
She says she wants to shame them, and she wants to dox them, and she wants to hurt them.
Here it is.
Why is that tweet still up there today?
Well, because it's still up there today, Kathy Griffin got sued today.
And she got sued by eight Covington families and there's going to be more Covington families joining the suit because they're sick and tired of these kind of lies and libels by people who use their social media celebrity, their public profile, their public platform to try to destroy a bunch of kids they didn't know based on an incident they never saw.
And so it's time for real remedy.
It's time for enforceable remedy.
It's time for applicable remedy.
And that's why the lawsuit was filed.
The lawsuits are going to move forward.
People can read about it at FreeAmericaLawCenter.com.
They can read about it at InfoWars.com.
They can help support by the support they provide, InfoWars, is the support that allows cases like this to be moving forward because this case was fairly fully and clearly and cleanly covered by InfoWars in a way it was by the established press.
So real reform is coming, real change is coming, and we'll talk about another big legal matter
right after when we get back from the break that involves Owen personally that's going
to help change the law in America.
Let's go with Aaron in Alabama.
Thanks for calling, Aaron.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
I want to say I've been in broadcasting, or I was, for about 15 years as a programmer.
And to be honest, I hadn't heard of you until about six months ago.
And I'm very thankful that I found you.
You touch on a lot of stuff that I've felt in my heart and soul for my whole life.
Well, God bless you, brother.
We're all kindred spirits.
We really are.
We really are.
And listen, I've got a couple of points to make.
But first, I've had body pain all over my entire life.
And you know the product better than anybody there, I think.
What would you recommend?
I mean, literally, it's joints, it's muscle, it's everything.
What would you recommend to me to purchase?
You know, I think X2 or X3, because that's a building block to everything.
And if you don't have that, the bad halogens take over.
And I would think Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
Turmeric is amazing.
This is a very strong extract.
One of the strongest out there.
Probably the strongest, but there may be one I would think Real Red Pill, Real Red Pill Plus.
They've all bombarded us with synthetic hormones that mess up our body.
But then, if you get Preglanone, in my experience, I'm no doctor, I just talk to the scientists, with these other herbs like Real Red Pill and Real Red Pill Plus.
I think you should go through the products, every body is different, and test stuff out for yourself, and then just see what works best for you.
But they're all super game-changing, the best we can get, the best labs, the cleanest.
Just like, whatever is the most proven, the best, I go produce it.
That's it.
Because I would, I'm gonna say this again, I'm a very superstitious person.
And by that, I'm God-fearing.
I treat you like I want to be treated.
You've got my total commitment.
Anything I do, information, any of it, products, like they went out and tested, third parties did, Alexa Pure and Pro Pure.
Some are better at this, some are better at that.
People are like, wow, we tested 30 gravity-fed filters and you have like the two best.
Why'd I do that?
What the hell do you think I'm doing?
I go out and find out what is the best price for the best quality.
Cause there's always like some space age $5,000 thing that's better.
But I look at a line of like, what is the lowest price for the best benefit?
And that's what I promote.
So, so that's my advice on that.
Go ahead.
Well, and I appreciate that, and I can tell just from the way you talk about the product, I feel like I can trust you that you kind of do things the way I do.
You either do it right the first time, or just don't do it.
And I feel like I can trust you on your product.
Well, listen, don't trust me, because here's the deal.
You need to talk to a physician.
You need to research, because the iodine conspiracy is everything.
Most people have almost none of it.
But if you've had none of it for 20 years, you take a bunch, you could have some issues.
Detoxing, you name it.
I mean, this stuff, this is it, man.
I mean, this is dangerous.
It's dangerous.
Because it's an element you've gotta have, they've taken away from you.
Well, what happens when you finally get it?
You gotta be careful.
Because if you've not had this, your body will take in bromine, chloride, fluoride.
There's a whole bunch of bad halogens.
Your organs, everything operates, your hormones are produced with halogen.
And so, the globalists have been targeting that with bad halogens that block it.
So this is the good thing.
But like anybody knows, it's like being punched in the kick in the head by a mule.
It's like, oh, that's the real thing.
Yeah, that's the mule.
So I'm just telling people, this X2 isn't a joke.
We just researched what the globalists are doing.
We do the opposite.
But yes, everyone with X2, X3, you need to consult a physician, because you're like, oh, that's just Mother Nature.
Yeah, Mother Nature.
The drug companies and all the stuff they do is a counterfeit of what God's already given us, okay?
So I'm going to explain it again.
The fields are depleted.
Everything's depleted.
Most iodine is bound to iron or copper or lead or something else.
You don't get it.
Pure iodine is explosive.
So yeah, be careful.
Iodine, you have to have.
It's just paramount.
And so that's why we sell it.
That's why we've hyped it up.
Because it's what they don't want you to have.
But yeah, if you've been off of it and not had iodine for your whole life, it's like you've never been in a boxing ring.
And you get the ring with Mike Tyson.
Your body's gonna be like, what the hell is that?
Because you never had it.
It's just iodine.
is the magic sauce, folks.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Thank you for shopping and getting great products, and it helps fund this operation.
A total 360 win, and you know I love those.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Brought to you by InfowarsStore.com or the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer sitting in for Alex, Bob Barnes on the line with me.
I've got big news I want to break that Bob was just teasing last segment, but let's postpone that another segment, Robert.
Let's postpone that news for another segment, because I want to focus on this lawsuit that you have right now, and I also kind of want to bring a little personal touch to it from myself, because I grew up, I was raised Catholic, and I went to a Catholic grade school, and then I went to a Christian high school, Christian Brothers in St.
Louis, and I'm very proud of that upbringing.
I'm very proud of the values that I was raised with, the values that were instilled upon me by these Christian and Catholic institutions, but specifically the high school one, and the reason why I'm bringing this up, Bob, is because I went to the Pro-Life March with my high school, three out of my four years in high school.
And you know me, I'm a bit of a rebel rouser.
And so, I got into it a couple times with protesters out there.
And we even, me and a couple friends of mine even made front page news.
I forget all the different, but there was an epic photo of us facing down with some of the leftist, you know, abort your baby protesters out there.
It was front page news on a couple stories, but I remember And this was a different, I mean this was back in like, you know, 2006, 2007, 2008, so a totally different world.
You know, you're not a bigot just for smiling at a guy in a hat, like you are now.
But there were some attacks, there were people that found out where we went to school and wanted to make a thing out of this.
But I remember, because Like I said, they instilled good values upon us, good behavior and discipline upon us.
We never did anything inappropriate.
We never cursed.
We never did anything.
And so the school was always like, no, we're proud of our boys.
They have the right to free speech.
They're up there standing for life.
And so when I see what happened to these Covington Catholic kids, Where, because here's the thing, I see what they're doing, laughing, smiling, they start cheering.
Like, I relate to that.
I'm like, man, that's what I would have done.
This guy's in my face, banging on a bongo drum, like, trying to make me upset.
Yeah, I'm gonna sit here and I'm just gonna laugh and smile and we're all gonna have fun.
But to see what the media did...
It's so scary, honestly.
Is it not just scary to see what these degenerates in the media will do?
And just talk about how important it is for this lawsuit, for conservatives to have legal groups like the left does, to fund lawsuits like this, because we can't have these bullies in the media targeting children, targeting high school students, for who knows what.
I mean, doxing?
I mean, that's what they're doing.
So talk about the importance Of these lawsuits and letting the media know you're not going to be attacking children, smearing children, engaging in really just hate against people for their political views.
I mean, talk about how important it is this lawsuit coming through that the media knows you're not going to get away with these lies and these slanders anymore.
I mean, imagine these are kids.
Who came from a small town, Covington's a very small town in Kentucky, Northern Kentucky.
Likely have never been to a big city before, most of them have definitely not, have never been to Washington D.C.
Their first trip to the nation's capital, to the beauty and the majestic nature of the architecture of our capital, the center of power, the center of history, things like the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol.
The National Gallery of Art, the Smithsonian, all of these extraordinary institutions that we respect and revere in America, where our history was built, where the history of the freedom for the rest of the world really was founded and established.
And they first get to come to this trip, and they're doing it so with other classmates, with colleagues, with kids from all across the country.
And they're doing it solely for the purpose to march for the most vulnerable life in the world.
To march for life, the most unprotected life in the world, is what the March for Life is about.
They do the whole protest, they go through the March for Life, they have people yelling things at them on the side, no problems.
They go through it, they end up at the Lincoln Memorial, where they're waiting for their bus to take them home.
And they're just hanging out together and all of a sudden they're subject to this onslaught of vitriol by the Black Hebrew Israelites and a few other folks that were there, calling them incest babies, calling them future school shooters, attacking anyone who might be gay in their group, attacking anyone who might be African American in their group.
They try to defend themselves and they realize there's nothing they can do with this crazy group called the Black Hebrew Israelites that is notorious for being sort of trolls on steroids and the way they approach people.
And so instead they start doing their own chants and their own cheers internally.
They do what we would want our kid to do if our kid was in that position.
And they do their own cheers, and part of their cheers is the hockey dance, which is a Native American tradition.
It's actually a New Zealand Native tradition of the Haurari tribe.
And so they do that as part of, which is a very popular tradition in sports to do.
It's respectful, it recognizes it, it's empowering.
And then right at the end of that, all of a sudden Native American comes up, and he's drumming, and there's people, and it seems like he's joining in, that he's participating, that he's having fun.
That's why all the kids around are like, wow, this is just crazy fun.
This is just glee.
These other people are joining in, they seem to like it.
They start to realize something's a little weird and unusual, but they just go along with it, think everything's cool, that there's no problems.
There are no complaints to them at the time.
They get in their school bus to go back home, and by the time they reach home, they have been subject to a social media lynch mob.
And that lynch mob was led by people like Senator Elizabeth Warren, led by the New York Times political reporter Maggie Haberman, led by prominent celebrities in the social media space like Kathy Griffin.
Led by former CNN contributor Reza Aslan.
Led by current CNN contributor Anna Navarro.
Led by current ABC contributor Matthew Dowd.
And many of these people purport to be conservative, proclaim to be Republican, and here proclaim to be Catholic.
And here they are attacking these kids, attacking their families, attacking their parents, calling them to be named and shamed, calling for them to be doxed and expelled, calling for them to not have college admissions, and even suggesting and inciting physical violence against against them with Reza Aslan putting the face up and saying,
"Isn't this the most punchable face?"
And what does it lead to? It led to Hollywood directors showing these kids being pushed
through shredders and their physical bodies being torn apart, physical violence being threatened
against them. As soon as they return home, within days their school is being subject to arson
threats, their homes are being subject to arson threats, they're being subject to threats that
they're going to be beat up if they go out in public, that they're going to be exposed and
attacked and defamed and destroyed in ways that they will never recover their reputations ever
again, that their college admissions are in jeopardy, their school admission is in jeopardy
at the Covington Catholic High School, their entire future is at stake.
That people want to put a scarlet letter on them that calls them names that have nothing to do with who they are or what they're about.
And these, and so what we did, they are, the families retained me.
I went out and told people I would represent these families for free.
I would give them my own free legal services because what's happening here is horrendous and outrageous.
And so I went out on a wide range of media places, including InfoWars, and went on to Twitter and other social media and told these people that they need to add 48 hours to correct, 48 hours to retract, 48 hours to delete, 48 hours to apologize.
And many of the big institutional media ultimately did.
But the people that were sued refused to, to this very day.
How can you have the lead news reporter, political reporter for the New York Times, continue to lie and libel these kids and implicitly call for their expulsion?
Kathy Griffin continued to call for their doxing.
Reza Aslan continued to call for their physical assault implicitly by his nature of violent incitement and the kind of Twitter post he has posted.
So these kids had to take remedial action.
Because if they can come after kids, minors, people they've never met, based on an incident they never witnessed, knowing they're just kids and minors who are private citizens, imagine what they will do to anyone else.
That was the message.
The message is they could shut up anybody, anywhere, any place, any time.
Exactly, exactly.
And here's the message, and we're going to break this news on the other side.
We've got more breaking exclusive news.
We'll get to the other side.
But here's the message.
Trump supporters need to stand up, file police reports, sue people.
It's time for us to demand justice.
I'm here in my parents' kitchen because my house flooded with torrential rains this week.
So the flooded part of the house, they're having to fix that, so I've been staying over here.
And I looked in my parents' cupboard and found that they were stocked up on some of the M4's Life products.
And I thought, wait a minute.
I've been thinking about coming over to their house because their kitchen is nicer than mine and shooting a video about how amazing these products are.
So I called Drew, one of our great camera people over at M4's this morning.
I said, hey, why don't you meet me over here and I'm going to shoot a video I've been meaning to do for probably a year.
So I'm like, I've got everything right here.
It's time to show you what I personally do.
Now, I want to be clear.
When I remember to take the supplements religiously, I lose weight, I'm healthy, my skin gets great, I have better stamina, libido, energy.
I've never been a supplements guy.
A lot of my big sponsors were supplement people, and I thought, well, why don't I try these then?
And it turned out they were really good.
So we came out, as you know, six years ago with our own line of supplements.
We've been expanding it ever since.
And what we do is, Set out to already find what's the highest rated, already find what's the cleanest, what's the best, and then make it better, and then cut the price.
And that's what we've done with these products.
And that's why InfoWars Live products are so highly rated by third-party sites, that's why they're so popular with you, and it's also great because it funds our political operations, trying to stop the technotronic, technocracy takeover.
I always start taking the supplements and then I forget to take them.
I either run out or I just get busy and then all of a sudden I'm not taking DNA Force, all of a sudden I'm not taking X2, I'm not taking Secret 12.
That's why it's important for everybody out there that already knows they got great results with these high quality products and InfoWars Life or other supplements you've been taking to remember how good they were for you and your family and to get back into it.
So today I just wanted to encourage everybody that's gotten great results with these products to just remember that because I need that reminder as well.
One of the biggest things is I tend to go to the warehouse and get some of the products out for myself and then those run out and I forget.
So now what I do, what my parents do, I And other people I know is they just put it on auto ship and then fullwarslive.com get an additional 10% off and then you don't forget each month or every two months how much you want to have it shipped to you to get the product, support the show, and of course also get 10% off.
Now some of the things I do is I don't really like soft drinks because they got so much sugar in them and I already have a problem with sweets sometimes.
So I really like soft drinks what I'm proud to say is.
I don't like the effects they have on me.
So what I do is take something like a Perrier, lime or non-flavored, and I put it into a nice glass.
And then I take the Ultra 12, And put in a whole dropper, and then I stir it up, and the flavor is incredible.
So again, take your favorite sparkling water that doesn't have any calories in it, either flavored or unflavored, it all goes great with the flavor of natural vitamin B12 that has a sweet taste without any sugar or additives.
You've got to experience Ultra 12 for yourself, you've got to experience X2 as well, and of course, X3.
That's triiodide.
Different strokes for different folks.
Bottom line, these are all incredible products that have changed my life and changed so many other people's lives.
As I've said over and over again, it then funds an organization dedicated to exposing the globalists and their operations.
That's why I thank you all for your support.
I want to encourage you, if you haven't tried these products, to try them.
And if you have tried them and, again, forgot, to reorder or forgot to stay on your regimen, remember the
benefits, plus it tastes great.
Take action today. Take care of your own body and the first event at the same time.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show. And now the tip of the spear, leading the fight
to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So Bob Barnes, representing Covington Catholic students, suing Kathy Griffin and others for their lies and Verbal attacks against the innocent boys and just all the trouble that came to those boys because of it.
It's key because it's all about going for justice and really demanding justice because here's the thing.
We as conservatives, as Trump supporters, as patriots, as Americans, as independent people, as sovereign citizens, we don't really demand justice from our government because to us, justice is just our own justice.
We're independent.
We don't even want the government to get involved.
We have to understand that we have to turn the engine on that mindset and start demanding justice.
When you get assaulted in the street for wearing a Trump hat, you need to file a police report.
You have to do it.
It doesn't matter how inconsequential or petty it seems, you have to do it.
We have to demand justice.
This is the only way we're going to stop all the political violence, all the fake news lies, and highlight it.
So you just got the exclusive from Bob Barnes on the Covington Catholic lawsuit, but I am now breaking an exclusive.
And it's not been fun dealing with this, quite frankly, but it is done and there is a huge relief.
And people have been asking, so I now have the answer.
The story is at InfoWars.com.
Woman's march protester found guilty of sex abuse against InfoWars reporter.
So folks, you may remember from the women's march, the young woman that came up Grabbed my genitals, mocked me, laughed about it, and admitted she sexually assaulted me on camera.
It was all on HD film.
I've been dealing with the litigation, and we have a verdict, and she has been found guilty.
Now, it was such a relief because I've been assaulted so many times for my political speech, and I've never got any justice, ever.
And so this really was a big relief to me, and, you know, it's sad Government workers get such a bad rep because there's obviously a bunch of bad eggs and lazy people and just the nature of government work is just like, ugh.
But I want to thank the people that helped get this verdict.
I want to thank the attorneys.
I want to thank the detective.
And it really was such a relief because these were great people that helped this.
And it was never political for them.
It was just about justice.
And so justice was served here.
Again, the story is at Infowars.com.
Please share it.
We need to celebrate this.
We need to use this as an example for other Trump supporters.
Again, when you get assaulted, when you get hit, when you get your hat ripped off, file a police report, man.
You have to go through this.
Otherwise, it's never going to stop.
You have to demand justice.
And so I just tweeted it out as well.
Share that tweet.
That's the last place I'm allowed to exist.
In fact, now promo videos I do are getting banned across the board.
We'll talk about that later.
But Robert Barnes, Do you agree that it's time for conservatives, for Trump supporters, for Americans to stand up and demand justice?
And demand justice, not worry about how inconsequential it seems at the time.
This is what has to be done.
Do you agree?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, for a long time, the left has effectively weaponized the law and used its disproportionate access to the law to make real and meaningful change that benefits the political causes and ideals of the left.
And this stems whether you're talking about the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, who only were able to achieve civil rights by using their access to the legal system to do so.
Or you're talking about the ACLU, which effectively used the legal system against the president repeatedly.
So we should not continue to forfeit the entire legal system and all the remedies the legal system offers to the left.
We cannot allow them to dominate that and monopolize that.
And so we need to take meaningful, we need to start using the legal remedies that the court system and judicial system and jury system and our constitutional system affords us, and we need to utilize them.
We need to exercise our right.
That's why it's important to report any degree of violence because these degrees of violence tend to escalate.
The way I think of it is how Rudy Giuliani cleaned up New York City and took it from one of the most violent cities in the world to one of the least violent cities in the world.
How that came about was because they recognized that if you took action the moment somebody broke the law, even if it seemed relatively minor, like graffiti in the subway or jumping, not paying the tokens and jumping the subway, little things like that, a broken windows in a neighborhood, that's how the theory became known as the broken windows theory.
But what it was is once you tolerated any degree of criminality, That what happened was the criminality didn't tend to de-escalate.
It escalated.
It got worse.
People realized, oh, if I get away with this, I bet I can take it a step further, and a step further, and a step further.
And that's how you get to the place where somebody like Andy Ngo, a small Asian American from Vietnam, His family were refugees from the communist regime of Vietnam, who's just a little reporter, goes to a place like Portland just to report on what's happening in Portland.
And what happens to him, he is physically assaulted repeatedly, right there on camera, in the presence of the police, who do nothing at the time.
That is only coming about because people hadn't been taking action before then, hadn't been taking action.
That preceded that point.
And that's why the problems continue to accelerate.
That's why the problems continue to go forward.
And unless people take action, for example, why did Maggie Haverman think she could get away with lying and libeling these kids?
Why did others think they could get away with it?
Why did Kathy Griffin think she could get away with calling for doxing these kids?
Why did all of this happen?
It happened because in the past they've never been sued.
Well, and let's be clear too about this because at a certain point, you know, you can understand,
you know, the police officers, they don't want to do the paperwork.
They don't want to go through the process.
They don't want to deal with this immaturity anyway.
But at a certain point, you have to realize too, every time someone comes up and knocks
your Trump hat off or spits at you for having it, every time you go and file a police report,
that makes the police more inclined to do their job at the source so that they don't
have to deal with the backlog and they don't have to deal with the paperwork or whatever.
So instead of saying, okay, this guy just got his hat knocked off, I'm not going to do anything, and hopefully that's going to be that, No, now the police are going to know, okay, that person just got his hat knocked off.
They're going to come at me.
I'm going to have to do paperwork.
I'm going to have to do a bunch of backlog, or I can go arrest that individual right now.
It's a use them or lose them when it comes to your rights.
And because people haven't been using them, because they've taken a tolerant approach, hope that it would not accelerate, hope that it wouldn't get worse.
They've been indirectly and unintentionally incentivizing it and encouraging it and facilitating And so, for example, so many people did Trump rallies in 2015.
We're subject to all kinds of verbal abuse.
Then that accelerated into physical violence.
But many of them didn't do anything about it.
And because of that, it just got worse and worse and worse and worse.
Or someone like Andy Ngo gets beat up on video while everybody watches it happen.
And the police don't do anything about it because they've been accustomed and conditioned to discarding it and disregarding it because the person who had been the victim in the past never followed through on it.
The number one thing police and prosecutors will act upon is someone they have confidence will follow through.
That's why it's critically important for you to follow through in your case.
Not only that, it establishes a record of these other people.
These people are then put in the system.
That's key.
And then when they look in... Yeah, yeah.
No, no, no.
That is key.
I'm sorry.
Just go on with that.
Because that way, when the police look them up in the future, then they realize, oh, okay, this person has a history of doing this.
They've done it repeatedly in the past.
They've done it to this individual or this set of individuals.
This fits a modus operandi.
And the number one thing police operate off of is criminal arrest records or criminal police report records.
And that's when they know how to filter and frame because what they know is they know if this person has had a prior report then that means they're a lot more likely to be worth their time to investigate because they know that person is posing a unique threat of continuing the bad behavior and even accelerating and escalating the violence of the behavior unless the police take action.
That's how they, like the cops are used to ignoring domestic violence calls for a long time because often the person wouldn't follow through.
Once a person followed through, police would take it much more seriously, be much more proactive, and much more protective.
Every American's got to start doing the same thing.
Because if they don't, that person may, if they victimize them, may victimize somebody else far worse.
So it's critical to take action.
Assert and exercise your rights.
Use them or lose them when it comes to your First Amendment freedoms.
And that is critical and essential of every Trump supporter in the country to start doing.
And that's what Free America Law Center is all about.
The reason why Free America Law Center started is to create a membership... Okay, okay, you know what?
Let's pause it right there because that's key.
The left has all these different groups funded by billionaires.
The victims of these whatever left want to cry about, they don't have to pay for lawyers, folks.
It's all paid for by billionaires.
Conservatives don't have that.
We need to create that to fight back against it.
So let's talk about the importance of that and then I know the audience is going to want to know some of the details about how this went down.
I've got some things I can share with you.
you. It's pretty interesting.
Jason, thanks for calling in.
What's your view on the situation?
How should Trump take action?
Go ahead.
First of all, I'd like to plug products.
My son and I are both big Super Blue fans.
My son also takes the Honor Roll, which is a fantastic product.
Originally, they wanted to test him for ADHD.
Well, that wasn't the case at all.
He's just a really smart kid.
So the Honor Roll product, amazing, amazing results from that product.
Mr. Jones, thank you very much for everything.
Since you raised it, it's doing our research with top companies.
It's one of the highest rated blends of fish oil, particularly with small caplets for children, and it's had the mercury taken out of it, and they found that it's really a missing link in a lot of young people's brains.
What effect did it have?
I actually allowed him to focus.
As a five-year-old kid, he was having a little trouble staying in his seat and things like that.
And, you know, I feed him well.
He exercises.
We swim every day and things like that.
But the reality is, I just think his diet was missing something that over the last year of using the Honor Roll product off the charts.
He's testing in the top percentages of his class, and it's just people are beside themselves.
And, you know, I swear by the product.
I wouldn't I think.
He even tells me every morning he doesn't have it.
"Daddy, I just don't feel as well as I did the other day."
And I think a lot of it has to do with the young, developing mind and body.
And without the product, I will say that on my own personal experience, I will say these
products work and that I thank you and my son also.
Thank you for them as well.
Well, Jason, thank you for your support.
Good, clean fish oil, or krill oil.
There's nothing better.
I mean, with my own children, one of my daughters, she can kind of get up, low blood sugar, be a little bit grumpy, get her to eat some basic food, then she's not grumpy.
But when she takes her fish oil, she goes, Daddy, I feel so much better after I take it.
I'm like, absolutely.
So thank you, Jason.
Beware the Elon and the Elon invasion.
Dr. Werner Von Braun.
Wonder what he knew.
When I watched his promo about this with executives from his company, they all look like they're on hardcore drugs.
I mean, they're like sweating, their eyes are like lit up, like, I mean, they look nuts.
You know when somebody's on drugs.
You know, they admit Silicon Valley is into hardcore speed and hallucinogens.
They're taking IV drips at work of DMT.
They're taking LSD microdoses and psilocybin mushrooms and peyote every day!
Who in the hell...
Would want to join with these people.
I've seen people take like three hits of acid, their eyes aren't that big.
What the hell are they on?
And one of the crew members said maybe they've already got this whole Neuralink wires, hooks in their brain, because as PKD pointed out, Philip K. Dick back in the 70s, the cyberpunk future is where you can get any type of pleasure you want, just plug in, but no one wants to even get up or eat for weeks or days.
You just die because you just plug all this in, and it's the Matrix.
And now the Matrix is here, and you look at Tim Cook, Or Elon Musk or any of his executives when they're up there on that stage.
They'll be under white lights.
Their pupils are 90% open.
Zuckerberg, all of them, these people either have brain chips.
That's it.
These guys are wireheads.
Something's going on.
I'm in here underneath bright lights and my pupils are very little.
Now zoom in if you can.
My pupils are tiny because I'm not on drugs.
I've had two cups of coffee today.
So here, let me show you my pupils, okay?
My pupils are little.
They're supposed to close!
That's what happens under the sun or under bright lights.
But not these guys.
These are drug addicts.
And they want the hit of wires in their brains.
And all of them have got those giant pupils.
Because they've been there.
and they ain't coming back.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroer, Robert Barnes here with you.
We broke two exclusive stories.
One, Bob Barnes drops new lawsuits against those that slandered the Covington Catholic kids.
The names include Kathy Griffin and former CNN reporters.
That exclusive can be found at Infowars.com.
In the last segment, we just broke news.
The woman that came up to me at the women's march in DC and grabbed my genitals has been found guilty of sex abuse and that story is also at InfoWars.com and so
Well first let's do this Bob, let me just kind of go through some of the details.
Now there's some things I can't share about what happened here, but there are some things I can share that I think the audience would find interesting and probably yourself included.
One, and I'm sure you've probably experienced similar things as a lawyer, The legal interest, if you will, in this case, as it was going down, and literally as I was being grilled by the defense for my witness testimony, there was a lot of interest.
And the courtroom, let's just say, had some intrigued ears and minds and eyes volunteering to pop in and observe what was going on.
And the other interesting thing is, I won't go into all the details, but you know, they The defense tried to pull a bunch of clips to make me look bad and politicize the thing, which was crazy, honestly.
I'm sitting there with the tape and everything.
She admits it, and I'm sitting there, and the defense is trying to politicize this whole thing.
Again, I won't get into some of the other details.
I'm trying to say only the things that should be said here, but basically, The people that were watching in the audience and other people that, you know, maybe didn't know who I was or about InfoWars or stuff, are hearing these things that I'm saying, seeing the clips that they're playing, and they're like, like, wide-eyed, like, oh my gosh, like, what is this stuff?
It's like, I mean, and it is shocking stuff, I mean, you know, getting sexually assaulted, and I admit, I say some crazy things on air, but I have reasons, I have logic behind them, but, so there's this whole weird thing of like, It's like, still to people, like, InfoWars is like, not even in their purview, and when they see it, they're like, oh my gosh, this world exists?
Like, holy smokes, like, this is, oh my gosh, people actually say this stuff?
And so there was that aspect of it, there was the aspect of it being politicized by the defense, which had me worried, but I'm glad this is the verdict that was reached.
But here's the problem, Bob, and I think that you're highlighting this with this new legal group.
The left has the ACLU, the left has all these big funded groups, and I can't even think of all the names.
I mean, there's multiple legal groups they have.
And so, oh, you're guilty, or oh, you're a victim of this, and you're a liberal progressive.
They rush and they get you an attorney there, paid for.
The conservative movement doesn't have that.
So all these conservatives that are getting assaulted and everything, unless it becomes a big case like the Covington Catholic deal, you just don't hear about it.
So tell me though, what is your game plan here with this new legal group to kind of group fund, crowd fund, a source for conservatives, Trump supporters, patriots, They're a victim of whatever hate crime, whether their hat gets ripped off, assaulted, denied service, whatever the case may be, an option for them to go to now.
Luckily, my whole thing was caught on case, and I could file a police report, so I had, you know, prosecuting attorneys.
But sometimes it doesn't work like that, and you need a legal team, and now there's a source for people that are conservatives, Trump supporters, and victims of what I think are political hate crimes.
Oh exactly, I mean the whole point of Free America Law Center, freeamericalawcenter.com is the website where people can read and read about other cases, they can read about, they can see videos, they can get other information and they can see what they want to do with it, where they want to join.
It's basically going to be up to them, it's going to be up to the audience, it's going to be up to the public to decide what kind of suits get brought and whether we can form a legal organization that can counterbalance What the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ACLU and everyone has done for the left.
We need something that protects all Americans, protects patriots, particularly against defamation, particularly against deplatforming, particularly for deep state whistleblowers who expose corruption in government.
Because of our legal system, there's no effective means for lawyers to be affordable for most people when they are the victims of those things.
In an automobile accident or medical malpractice, there's contingency lawyers, but there really are no contingency lawyers in the deplatforming, defamation, deep state whistleblowing role.
And so there needed to be an organization.
And the goal was not to have the organization dominated by just a few rich donors, not have it run by a secret agenda of a couple of millionaires or governments or It's a limited liability company.
It's member driven.
It's a monthly subscription.
The monthly subscription amount is $17.76 a month.
IRS regulated charity that could determine and deny certain benefits so that they can
litigate what needs to be litigated.
It's a limited liability company.
It's member driven.
It's a monthly subscription.
The monthly subscription amount is $17.76 a month.
And the reason for that is to have something that's affordable and that's accessible so
that we can make the legal system affordable and accessible for ordinary people of all
political stripes so that they won't be subject to discrimination.
They won't be subject to discriminatory defamation, discriminatory deplatforming, discriminatory deep state whistleblower being attacked by the system.
There will be some remedy out there, someplace they can go to the legal system.
And this includes using the Freedom of Information Act.
This includes using the Privacy Act.
This includes moving to intervene in cases, as took place in the Epstein case, and helped lead to Epstein being put on the public profile for future prosecution.
We can help facilitate that.
Moving to intervene in other cases to promote certain policies that are not being promoted in the legal system because there's no voice for so many Americans.
Well, that's exactly it.
And let's explain the greater philosophy here, too, because, I mean, folks, look.
I had to deal with a bunch of lawsuits.
Bob Barnes is well aware of this.
We understand legal help is not cheap.
Good legal help, especially, is expensive.
I understand that.
I've seen this.
I've had to deal with it.
And so we can sit here and we do.
It's like, hey, look, we need funding.
We're getting sued all day long.
New lawsuits trying to be filed against us all day long.
I mean, hell, folks.
Plant child porn on Alex Jones and blame him for that.
I mean, you can only imagine the stuff that goes down here.
You really just see the tip of the iceberg.
But my point is like, so yeah, we are so grateful to the InfoWars audience for going to InfoWarsStore.com, supporting us at InfoWarsStore.com so that...
When these lawsuits come in, we can have a legal team ready to deal with it so that I don't have to sit here and get bogged down and not be able to do my job.
But I understand most people don't have that luxury.
So that's why this is so key.
And so we understand.
The philosophy here is a rising tide raises all ships.
The InfoWars audience has lifted us to this point.
We want to go higher.
We want to keep raising that tide.
And part of that is this new legal group that we want to promote.
Part of that is promoting other groups.
So that, let's say that they destroy the ship of InfoWars.
Well, the tide is still up here now.
So if you launch another ship, you're already up here.
And there's other ships at that sea level battling.
And so that's why we're promoting this stuff.
That's why your support at InfoWarsStore.com is always key.
And that's why we bring up other groups to say, hey, look, this is how we're fighting.
This is how it's a tide raising all ships.
But before we break another news story coming up in the next hour, let's get your just legal take on my case with the lady that came up and grabbed my genitals, bragged about it, found guilty of sexual abuse.
I mean, seeing that and I mean, look, the verdict was great.
You can probably go through the legal analysis in your head about how we ended up with these charges and here instead of
going after some other things with the verdict of guilty being the main goal here
but I mean just analyze this from a legal perspective about where we're at
right now in society and and what people have to do to get justice.
It shows the importance and relevance of it.
I mean, it takes time out of your life.
You're subject to cross-examination.
You're subject to having your life cross-examined.
You're life investigated into.
And this is part of the reason why a lot of people don't bring action.
Why they don't seek out police.
Bob, I'm telling you, the defense was relentless on me.
A lesser man would have cracked.
And my, you know...
The people that were on my team were like, wow, like, you know, that was brutal.
We're glad.
And I'm like, look, I have people coming up and spitting on me, threatening my life, doxing me.
This is like the least of my concerns.
But yeah, it's brutal, man.
Oh, absolutely.
And they do that because it works.
So, for example, you look at all these Antifa activities, and you look at these other attacks on people, and the defamation campaign.
Like, they've been trying to de-platform Alex Jones at InfoWars so that they can defame him with immunity and impunity because he's not able to defend himself in the court of public opinion because he's been de-platformed.
And so these things work together.
Big Tech and big media are colluding with each other.
To be able to control the thought process of ordinary people.
To control what people see.
To control what people think.
To control what people say.
And we need to fight that.
And we can.
We do have constitutional legal remedies to protect ordinary people and all Americans against this onslaught.
And the point of Free America Law Center is to be able to be an organization that we can join.
That we can subscribe to.
To make sure that it outlasts me.
It keeps going no matter... It's beyond me.
It's outside me.
And it supports independence and freedom and patriotism of all Americans so that free speech can remain free, free press can remain free, Americans can maintain their liberty.
Because unless we get, we have to reinstate, you know, the answer to 1984 is 1776.
That's what the Free American Law Center is about.
Because that's what Alex Jones and Infowars is about.
And we gotta restore 1776.
And that's what the Covington case is all about.
That's what Free American Law Center is.
Before I started work.
William in Florida.
William, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thanks for calling.
Before I get into my points, I want to plug a couple of products.
First off, the Immune Wall.
You don't mention it very much.
It helps keep me healthy.
I work in an environment where I'm exposed to the public and, of course, you know, everything that comes along with that.
I stay healthy.
Well, thank you.
For those that don't know, you've got things like emergency and you've got things like airport or whatever it's called that, you know, that people take.
And those things have some good things in them.
When we did immune wall, I'm like, what's three times stronger than any other immune support formula?
They're like, okay, we can make this.
And so anything we make is just chocked full of the very best things.
And yes, the super silver wound gel is a natural National brand, patented, FDA approved, used at hospitals, used over the counter, $40 a tube.
We have to pay like $13 or something a tube.
For folks who don't know, it's like gloves.
Put a tiny bit on your hands, rub it, and then it's a preemptive wall of the strongest silver allowed by the FDA over the counter.
I'll be very clear.
Do not ingest it.
Okay, it's very toxic.
But, I mean, it's weaponized.
It's the strongest silver over-the-counter.
But bacteria viruses, it's approved and proven to kill them better than a hammer.
Since you mentioned it, my friend, what experience have you had with a super silver wound gel?
Well, everything from minor burns to actually take out a little sloppy in the kitchen one day and I normally turn my, when I'm chopping stuff, I turn the knife away from me.
I didn't do that.
I was in a hurry.
I couldn't reach for the knife and I cut my finger right down to the bone.
It was bleeding pretty good and I put the super civil wound gel on that and wrapped it, of course, and in less than four hours, the pain was gone.
And in a day, the deepest part of the cut was already healing up.
It is the best wound gel out there, and I've tried to haggle them down on the price, but after the patents and the FDA approval took them like nine years, this is the thing used in hospitals.
So we're very, very proud of it.
So thanks for the plug, William.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
(upbeat music)
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Troyer sitting in for Alex today.
We do have more from Alex Jones coming up this hour.
Nick Begich gonna host the fourth hour.
Time is flying today.
I got a bunch of news I'm gonna get to.
I got video clips I want to get to that are more important than this, but this I just got to see because it really just...
Sometimes it's the old kiss method.
Keep it simple, stupid.
And so sometimes the most powerful hard-hitting clips or statements or whatever are just simple, blunt, frank, short statements that just hit the nail on the head and nothing more needs to be said.
And so here you have Charles Barkley, who's one to share his opinion.
Here is Charles Barkley talking about Black people voting Democrat.
Now, I believe you've been pretty outspoken about the Democratic Party sort of neglecting black folks, right?
No, taking black folks for granted.
And what, do you feel like it's different this time around?
I do not.
I know.
I think all politicians take black folks for granted.
They talk to black folks every four years, and that's about it.
How they're going to make our lives better, and they do nothing about it.
And both parties suck in that aspect.
You know, that is not a Republican or a Democrat thing.
So that's really the clip right there.
So that's really the clip right there.
Every black person I know votes Democrat and they're still poor.
Now obviously I think take that with a grain of salt perhaps and some blurred lines, but
the point is, and yeah I mean look, I'm no Republican, I don't like either party, but
here's the thing, and I wish that Charles and others would give Trump credit, and it's
not even about black communities, it's just a fact that Trump has helped black communities.
I mean, Trump is helping all American communities, but if you want to sit here and highlight one sector or the other, I mean, yeah.
Unemployment record low, that means black unemployment record low.
And it will be even lower if we can bring jobs back to these inner cities that have been shipped over to China and other countries for cheap labor and manufacturing.
Because you know, in America you pay a living wage here.
In China, you pay a bag of rice.
But you see, that's why they shipped all the jobs away.
And so, I wish A. Charles would give Trump credit for being the only politician to actually do something for these communities.
But what is the highlight?
What is the takeaway?
What does he say?
Every black person I know has always voted Democrat and they're still poor.
What does that mean?
Black people have been indoctrinated by Democrats.
Democrats have sold them a victimhood status, sold them a bill of goods about identity politics and who's out to get them and who's not.
Which is all just politics.
And then what happens when the rubber meets the road?
What happens in the real world?
What happens socio-economically?
And so that's what Charles Barkley is saying here, but when are people going to take the next step?
Now, they already are.
And you can, again, if you want to just sit here and talk about one identity group of people and talk about black people, if black people have always voted Democrat for, let's say, 30 years, that trend is changing.
You can't find groups of black people going to Democrat events, doing viral videos, wearing Democrat hats, celebrating Democrat candidates and Democrat policies.
You won't find it.
But you will find thousands of black people celebrating Trump.
You will find thousands of black people wearing Trump hats.
You will find thousands of black people doing viral videos going out, talking about conservative policies, talking about Trump policies, talking about the real issues, doing things in their community.
And so, That's the difference.
And I understand if you don't like the Republican Party.
I understand if you hate politics.
Let's talk about results.
Throw away all your political buzzwords and talk about results.
Donald Trump is getting results for the American worker.
The Democrats have been making promises for 30 years and never delivered.
Trump is actually delivering.
Say whatever you want, his policies are delivering and they could deliver even more if America would get behind him.
But the damn Democrats, what are they doing again?
They're keeping the black man down just like the Democrats always have.
Well today, InfoWars Live Protein Bar.
Mmm, I just devoured your cousin in 4 or 5.
Protein bar.
They taste like candy bars.
This is what I want.
This is what I need.
But my god, there's no filler.
But my god, it's solid.
Protein bar, highest quality.
12 bars, highest quality.
Now, you can buy into it easily, but you're going to be like, what in the world's going on here?
Mmm, well, today, in 4 or 5.
Protein bar.
Mmm, I just devoured your cousin in 4 or 5.
Protein bar.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, delicious vanilla.
Mmm, meet my tummy.
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
.com. Defend the future.
An article on Infowars.com that illustrates everything we've been talking about.
It deals with Gillette, owned by Procter & Gamble.
It's a Paul Joseph Watson article.
As of just a few weeks ago, they'd lost $5 billion after their Get Woke campaign.
Now it's eight billion dollars.
And Gillette's CEO says backlash to toxic masculinity ad, a price worth paying, close quote, despite eight billion right down.
Get woke, go broke, stay woke.
And he says that due to a declining market share, I guess because most men have beards now, that they need to target the young millennial generation.
So now, this story is at Infowars.com.
Gillette is losing billions of dollars.
Because of their toxic masculinity social justice warrior virtue signal campaign.
Total failure.
Now, imagine if Gillette would have come out and put a Betsy Ross flag on a razor blade.
Would have been a top seller.
In fact, I literally just gave somebody a million dollar idea.
That is a free million dollar idea right now.
A Betsy Ross flag on a razor.
Guaranteed to sell.
In fact, I'm learning this right now.
In fact, I got a big exclusive that I'm about to drop here, but I got it.
Here's the new market, folks.
And I've said this before, but it's all coming true.
The new marketplace is Patriot-branded merchandise.
What are you gonna do to defeat Nike?
Make your own shoes.
Make your own socks.
Make your own workout attire.
Make your own swimwear.
That's how you defeat all of these anti-American companies shipping jobs to China.
You make your own!
You don't like Gillette saying you're bad if you're a toxic man and have a beard?
So make your own razor with a Betsy Ross flag on it.
It'll sell a million!
You'll make a million dollars!
Look at... More people have bought a Betsy Ross t-shirt in the last month than ever in the history of the world.
See, this is the new marketplace.
People just haven't got it yet, because they're not catching up.
Intellectually, and this is all done by design, the average American citizen, the average population is about 20 years behind trends.
And these measurements are really just all, you can't really measure it, but this is the new economy, folks.
And people still believe this is the whole thing why the NFL embraces kneelers, why Gillette embraces, you know, blaming toxic masculinity, why Hollywood thinks all these leftist liberal films are gonna be good and then they suck, nobody likes them.
They haven't got it yet.
They're 20 years behind.
They're falling for the fake news.
Real Americans want American-branded stuff.
Create a company and it's all about Made in America.
You win.
That's the next economy.
That's the growing market that people haven't realized yet.
So there you go.
You want a clue?
You want a stock tip?
You want an exclusive stock tip?
You want an exclusive future information to profit off of?
Here you go right now.
I'm telling you.
The market, the future marketplace, is Patriot-branded merchandise and Made in America-branded merchandise.
You market that, And then you'll be even luckier if you get banned on social media, then you become a national news story, then people go support you and buy your products!
I guarantee you if someone dropped a razor blade tomorrow that had a Betsy Ross flag on it, you would sell a million razor blades.
If you started a swimwear company, a t-shirt company, a shoe company, a workout attire company, Patriot-branded, made in America, saying, we hire American, we make in America, you win.
That's the future economy.
In fact, really it's not the future economy.
It's the economy now.
America just hasn't realized it yet because of the fake news media.
Because of the Tokyo Rose media.
Because of the Baghdad Bob Media.
The Betsy Ross T-shirt is one of the most successful T-shirts we've ever had here.
It sells more than the Space Force T-shirt.
Which is a great T-shirt, I love it!
It's amazing!
Betsy Ross T-shirt, we can't even keep it in stock!
And the Space Force T-shirt is selling too!
It's all at InfoWarsTore.com.
So here's the deal, I'm gonna have to put back, guys, I'm gonna put off this video.
I'll do this exclusive news story on the other side, because I haven't gotten to it.
I've got another exclusive news story.
Think about it.
You've got people... Folks, look.
We don't even brand it like this.
We brand everything with InfoWars because we had to make our own economy to survive.
We had to build our own marketplace to survive.
And so what did we do?
We made a supplement line, InfoWars Life.
50 to 60% off right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
We made Made in America t-shirts with patriotic designs to fund what we do here.
The Betsy Ross t-shirt sold like hot cakes.
The Hillary Clinton for prison t-shirts, still the top seller.
The Space Force t-shirt, people love it, it's in back order.
So we had to create our own marketplace for like-minded patriots here that want to have the best health, that want to have water filters, that want to wear t-shirts that have an American flag on it that say, uh, these colors don't run.
People that want The best supplements, the best B12 that you can get, Ultra 12 at InfoWarsTore.com, the best turmeric supplement you can get, bodies at InfoWarsTore.com, super male vitality.
So we had to create our own marketplace.
But now, now in the InfoWars world, with the InfoWars president, where we're having more influence than every show on CNN combined, now the marketplace is changing.
So I'm giving you a future stock tip.
This is like insider trading information, folks.
The new economy, the new marketplace, is Patriot-branded merchandise, and pro-America, made-in-America merchandise.
There's your future marketplace.
Get into it now.
But, InfoWars built this marketplace.
InfoWars, in our audience, is this marketplace.
And I just look at everything that we've done here, you know, this is actually my three-year anniversary today.
I started in August of 2016 working at InfoWars.
And so now here, August 2nd, 2019, this is my three-year anniversary.
Some people are like, whoa, feels like you've been here longer than that.
Other people are like, wow, three years already?
When I got to InfoWars three years ago, we had the Alex Jones Show for four hours a day, and then we had a magazine-style nightly news program that ran every night that featured myself, every once in a while, David Knight, and then we had some other reporters that have passed now.
I mean, gone on to other places.
And so, I just look at everything we've done here at InfoWars as an example Of the new economy, the new marketplace, the new media, and it was all built off of the audience.
We didn't get big billionaire donors.
We don't have big groups funding us.
We don't get government stimulus money.
We don't get anything except your support at InfoWarsTore.com.
You telling your friends and family about the links.
Think about this.
We would do 5 hours of programming when I started here 3 years ago.
Now we do 10 at least a day.
Some days we do extended broadcasts like with the Democrat debates and other stuff that goes on and Trump rallies.
So some days we're doing more than that.
And now, we aren't even allowed to exist on social media.
Now you say, I'm gonna make a news company.
We're going to double our live content.
Minimum, double our live content.
We're going to be successful, we're going to self-fund, and we're not going to be allowed on social media.
Someone would look you in the eye and say, are you nuts?
Do you have a financial suicide mission for your business right now?
Well, we just give it to God and give it to the audience, and it's remarkable that we're still here in orbit, but we are.
And we're raising the tide.
And it's just, it's just unbelievable to be a part of this.
So, I can't thank the audience enough.
Your prayers, telling friends and family about InfoWars, shopping at InfoWarsStore.com.
And here we are, literally 1776 worldwide, making our own economy right now.
So I just gave you an insider sock tip for if you want to have a business in the upcoming future economy.
In the next segment, I'm going to air the newest, most banned video on the internet.
You don't want to miss it.
Before I started working at InfoWars, I was not only a fan of Alex Jones and InfoWars.com, but also the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And there's one product that's offered at InfoWarsStore.com that is the elite of the supplements, and that's DNA Force Plus.
Now, I remember when Alex first started talking about this with some of his special guests.
Tell-O-Mirs and Tell-O-Mir support with your DNA.
So I started to look into the science and what Tell-O-Mirs were and how it can improve your health and longevity when you protect your Tell-O-Mirs.
So I started looking into DNA Force Plus, but It's expensive.
Because it is an elite supplement.
And then I started seeing other competitors coming up with competitive supplements for telomere support, and they came and they went.
But DNA Force Plus is still there.
It is the elite supplement.
I get excited when DNA Force Plus is on sale because I know it's expensive.
So you should take advantage of 50% off DNA Force Plus at InfoWarsTore.com.
George Orwell said that in a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
And so used to it wasn't that important to wear the American flag.
Because we still loved our country and there wasn't a large group of people that actually hated it.
But now, they're trying to take it out of schools.
They're taking it down off of government buildings.
Weird white leftists that want to virtue signal are pulling down American flags and running up Mexican flags.
This is the bizarreness of the America hating we're seeing.
So now it is a revolutionary act in a time of incredible deceit and oppression and bullying to wear the American flag.
Particularly the Betsy Ross anti-slavery flag.
And particularly when it says on the back, right there ladies and gentlemen, America's back, Infowars.com.
So whatever you do, take action today and exercise your free speech in these bullies' face.
All over, not just the U.S., but worldwide.
Because more than ever, the American flag is a symbol of freedom against globalism.
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As we witness the most disastrous geological activity in recorded history, the globalists are backed into a corner, and the leftists are pushing for civil war.
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Oxy-Powder from Infowarsstore.com clears those pipes that have been giving you all that backup.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Owen Schroer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's a lot of important news I need to get to here, and I plan on getting to it before I hand over the reins of the Alex Jones Show to Nick Begich, but here's the deal.
If we don't promote our own stuff and our own ideas that are unique in the media, no one else will.
So you've heard Alex Jones with his expertise on the Jeffrey Epstein story and the transhumanism and him wanting to seed the human population and the pedophile island and all of it that he's been covering and studying for decades.
You're only gonna get that here.
We then gave you the exclusive with Bob Barnes, the new Covington Catholic lawsuit against Kathy Griffin and other liberals out there.
We just gave you the exclusive.
The woman that sexually assaulted me at the Women's March found guilty of sexual abuse.
All these stories are at InfoWars.com only.
So yes, there is other important news.
The good news is, InfoWars has broken the dam for news coverage, so most of the other stuff people will probably get to, like Kamala Harris just had California scrub her arrest's legal record.
Because Tulsi Gabbard destroyed her, and it's all true about Kamala Harris, so they scrubbed it from the record.
So we'll get to all that.
But here's the latest exclusive.
This is now the next most banned video.
I did a promo video because we don't do it enough here, and we really should promote ourselves, it's just we're so busy and we're literally living and existing in the future, we don't ever go back and dwell on the past about stuff we've done, stuff we've said.
But I put together a promo video finally for the show I host here at InfoWars, The War Room, thanks to your support building InfoWars and Alex's vision.
So I finally put a promo together of just all the crazy stuff that we've done.
Me going out on the street as a promo for the war room that I host 3 to 6.
Like, hey, let's build it up.
Let's market ourselves.
We don't do it enough.
Well, I'm banned on YouTube.
I'm banned on Facebook.
And I'm shadow banned hardcore on Twitter, where I get thousands of new followers and my follower count goes down.
Imagine that.
So we put this video together.
Darren McGreen did a great job.
And guess what?
Immediately banned on YouTube by people that put it up on YouTube.
Now you can go to InfoWars.com slash War Room, download the video and put it on your own YouTube, but you might get banned for it.
You put it on your Facebook, you might get banned for it.
Darren McBreen put the video on his Facebook and he got his first ban ever.
And they said it violated community standards.
Graphic violence, hate speech, harassment, and bullying, nudity, sexual activity, and sexual exploitation.
Now here's the irony.
The violence was against me.
The harassment was against me.
The sexual violence was against me.
So am I not allowed to put out a video saying, hey look at the violence committed against me.
Look at the harassment.
Look at the sexual abuse.
Am I not allowed to now put that video out there?
So what I'm going to do is I'm going to air this video, this banned video, this powerful video put together by Darren McBreen.
You can find it at InfoWars.com.
Watch it here.
Facebook bans powerful InfoWars video.
It's banned everywhere!
So I'm going to share it right here.
You can share it by going to InfoWars.com slash War Room and find here is the new Owen Schroeder War Room promotional video.
You can download it, share it on your own social media, but they're probably going to ban it.
Because I'm a victim!
So I'm not even allowed to be a victim of bullying, harassment, and sexual abuse on social media because I'm that band now.
Here is the band promo video put together by Darren McBrain exclusively at InfoWars.com.
What are you doing today, sir?
I'm f***ing you up!
InfoWars, f*** your followers!
You're a f***ing fashion pig!
I don't like fashion.
I don't like InfoWars.
I don't like young Nazis.
Go f*** yourself!
Hey, why?
What's wrong with me?
Who did I assault?
What the f*ck matters?
You're a f*cking white male!
F*ck all you Zionists! F*ck all you racist b*tches!
The good old white days are over with!
The good old white days are over with!
Ain't no more today, bruh!
13 o'clock, please stop!
These people are literally all humping me right now!
I'm literally...
F*ck all of you!
A little drag queen story time for ya.
Are you a Christian pastor?
This is mockery.
What you're doing here is mockery and you know it.
That's why you're kicking us off.
That's why you called the cops on us.
You don't have the power of God because you're not a godly man.
I think you're a fraud.
Weren't you at the drag queen story hour?
Was that you?
Was that you?
F*** off!
Get the f*** out of here!
Get out of here!
Get the f*** out of here!
Get the f*** out of here!
Get out of our town!
F*** out!
How you doing today, chicken?
Pretty good.
You're out here protesting Trump.
Let's have a real conversation.
Why don't you like Trump?
There's so many reasons.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
I don't want to go to war.
It's just not my tag.
What now?
Spikes my microphone.
I'm literally chasing a chicken.
Live on video.
You guys are the fascists!
You're all the fascists!
You're behaving like a fascist.
This guy's literally in my face right now.
Wait a minute.
Who walked up to who?
I have it on tape.
You literally just walked up to me.
Oh, now you're trying to assault me?
Are you going to assault me?
What are you doing?
Don't touch my equipment.
You are a freak show.
Oh my God!
Are you going to return that?
Did you just lick my camera?
This dude just licked my camera.
Dude, seriously, do you realize how deranged you are?
Like, you belong in a mental institution.
Do you make fart noises with your mouth?
I'd say yes.
That's the first answer we've gotten out here.
You don't like walls?
I don't like you.
Your mom doesn't like you either, does she?
Say that to my mom.
She's watching.
I'm sorry, he's your son.
You did a sh**ty job.
She just grabbed my d***.
Is that sexual assault?
Is that sexual assault?
So you just sexually assaulted me?
I did assault you.
So you'd be arrested?
Arrest me.
What's it like being a gay frog?
You should go ask the gay mafia in Hollywood.
Dude, I could push you over like a f***ing toothpick.
No, I don't want to assault you.
That's why I want you to leave me alone.
You're a f***ing soyboy twig hanging out with your coward p***y friend.
Why don't you take your mask off and meet me in a boxing ring?
Your friends wouldn't recognize you afterwards.
Oh my, what's your problem, man?
Hi, have I seen you before somewhere?
Mindless zombies.
F*** off!
F*** off!
I could drop every single one of you.
Look at this guy.
This guy's a joke.
What don't you like about the travel ban?
That makes a lot of sense.
First you march and say Trump is Hitler, and then you march and say turn the guns into the government, which is exactly what Hitler did.
Explain to me how Trump is like Hitler.
Hey, you're doing well!
Oh my God!
It's for our borders!
For our borders.
For our border. For our border.
Oh my God!
You are such a piece of sh*t!
He this close to getting the dog sh*t kicked out of his ass!
Why are you getting so close to him?
Watch out of my face.
Seriously, you didn't want to have to deal with me today.
I'm a loud mouth.
I know that.
How do you look at yourself in the mirror?
With my two eyes.
So this is Owen Schroeder from InfoWars.com.
There it is.
Infowars.com slash show.
That is a banned promo video.
So I'm not even allowed to share videos of me getting assaulted, violated, spat on, harassed, and bullied.
But I guarantee you if one of those Antifa members shared it and celebrated it, they'd be allowed then.
Let me get into something briefly that is so paramount that it deals with the very essence of the soul and the spark of consciousness and creation.
Every study documents what we already know in our heart and minds to be true.
That apathy leads to entropy leads to collapse.
And that if you don't have a purpose-driven life, you will die before your body fails.
Apathy, most common symptom of dementia, science daily, distinct from depression, present in nearly half of patients.
This is out of the University of Exeter.
Apathy is the most common neuropsychiatric symptom of dementia, with a bigger impact on the functioning than memory loss, yet is under-researched and often forgotten.
And our very way of life is now sitting in front of screens, clicking on things to get dopamine rushes.
And so when you go out in the real world, you don't get a dopamine rush off an owl flying over.
A hawk, or the moon, or airplanes flying in the sky like we're in a science fiction movie.
We are science fiction reality.
And just the magic of the universe, and these experiences of falling off your bike, or jumping a dirt hill, or getting in a fist fight, or kissing that girl for the first time.
These are deep experiences that our ancestors experienced, that are rituals within us that open up the gateways to perception in the universe.
We must go through the rituals.
That's why the enemy tries to domesticate people Nobody knows how to do math anymore because we use calculators.
And soon we won't know how to drive cars anymore because they're all going to be self-driving.
This system is designed to dehumanize us and the people that run it admit they're doing it to dehumanize us because they want us out of the way so the globalists can control the future and so they can dictate the new architecture.
And so, instead of just physically killing us right away, they kill our intellect, they kill our spark, they kill that which makes us higher than the animals.
That we can control our own environments, and that we can control our own destinies to a certain extent, and that we can envision things, and then build those things.
That we're master builders.
But when you dial into the universe, And the mystic secrets, and all the magic, and the real potential, and the ancestral memories, and the ancestral will that is, again, electromagnetic, electrochemical from you to your most ancient ancestor is an unbroken electromagnetic chain of genetic information that operates as an antenna to receive and transmit as a transceiver into higher dimensions.
This has all been proven scientifically.
The enemy can't stand it when I get on air because I already know all their equations, their operations.
And then, of course, later I can go out and research.
They've written and said exactly this, but in their more secretive reports.
Let me just tell you, I'm giving you the big enchilada, okay?
Oh, we're real.
Oh, we're eternal.
And they don't want you to know that because you're awesome.
And they want to lead you with them into their creation that is a leaking, stinking hellhole.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth.
As it is in heaven!
It's all in plain view, people!
David Knight here.
You can join me every Monday through Friday at 9 a.m.
Eastern, 8 a.m.
Central Time for The David Knight Show.
We have the first independent news as it breaks every morning, but we'll not only give you the news, we'll give you the background, the context behind that news from a perspective that values our God-given liberties.
We're going to take a look at those who want to do a detour around our Constitution, those who want to deconstruct our culture and destroy our civilization.
So make sure you join us every Monday through Friday again, 9 a.m.
Eastern, 8 a.m.
Central Time.
You can find the program on InfoWars.com forward slash David-Knight-Show.
You can also find us on YouTube at LibertyTarian and on Twitter.
Live broadcast both of those places again, 9 a.m.
Eastern, 8 a.m.
Central Time.
Again, don't forget to tune in to the David Knight Show on InfoWars.com/David-Knight-Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I won't be there anymore.
Get out of my way.
Let me by.
I got better things to do with my time.
I don't care anymore.
I don't care anymore.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, brought to you by InfoWarsStore.com, where we have specials going up to 60% off InfoWars Life Supplements right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
What an epic Alex Jones Show it's been so far.
We've heard from Alex Jones, we've had multiple exclusives, and because of all this breaking news, I haven't really gotten to All of the important headlines.
So, what I'm going to do right now, while you go to InfoWarsStore.com and try DNA Force Plus, try the real Red Pill for 60% off, get yourself some storable food for 50% off, take advantage of free shipping, double Patriot Points, So while you're going to InfowarsStore.com and shopping right now, I am going to lay out all the headlines for you.
Washington Free Beacon has a story.
California removes arrest reports from Kamala Harris years as the Attorney General.
That's really all you can say to that.
I mean, you want to talk about Orwellian?
As Donald Trump Jr.
points out on Twitter.
This is erasing history to manipulate public perception.
Kamala Harris is a dirtbag.
And I'm being kind.
You know, Kamala Harris is one that stirs that nausea, that just...
Any goodness in your soul just churns when you see a Kamala Harris.
That is just pure evil.
But here's what it is.
She's a descendant of slave owners, so she has that domination, I own you mentality.
I mean, you can see it.
But, Tulsi Gabbard calls her out on her history in California, arresting people for smoking marijuana while she laughs about smoking marijuana, which she probably lied about.
She said she used to smoke marijuana, listen to Snoop Dogg, before Snoop Dogg ever made an album.
So she's a liar on top of it, but Tulsi Gabbard calls her out on her arrest record history when she was the Attorney General of California, and so what did the state of California do?
They removed the reports to protect Kamala Harris.
How is that not criminal?
But it's fine.
Kamala Harris has no choice.
They can try to put makeup on an arrogant pig all day like they did with Hillary Clinton.
It's not going to work.
Tulsi Gabbard will defeat Kamala Harris despite the fact the media is all on Kamala Harris' side.
But the fact that they've removed the arrest records from Kamala Harris' years in California just shows you she was engaged in such illicit behavior, such sordid behavior.
Potentially criminal.
Let's move on.
Alex Jones broke down the Jeffrey Epstein stuff.
This is a headline from years ago.
It's all coming out.
Jeffrey Epstein's corporate philanthropy tied to transhumanist neo-eugenics from
the intrepid report.com in 2015. It's all coming out.
Jeffrey Epstein hoped to seed human race with his DNA in a post-human world. Twitter
suspends accounts using hashtag demand voter ID.
Yeah, because you see, it's all about Russian interference.
It's all about voter integrity.
It's all about election integrity until the Democrats want to cheat.
Then it's all good.
Then it's all legal.
But yeah, protect election integrity, but no voter ID.
I can't go buy a beer.
I've got a full beard.
I've got, sadly, some gray hairs in my beard.
I'm a 30-year-old man.
I can't buy a Bud Light without showing ID.
But if I want to go vote, no ID necessary, because that's racist.
In fact, oh my gosh, maybe that's what we do now.
I'm going to go to a bar, and I'm going to order a Bud Light, and when they ask for my ID, I'm going to say, how dare you, racist?
How dare you I.D.
Do you know how racist that is?
To I.D.
me for a Bud Light?
Soros dumps $5 million plus into 2020 Super PAC.
Largest check any mega donor has given so far.
That is a drop in the bucket for George Soros.
He's just getting started.
Soros spent $7 million in district attorney races.
Uh, in the last cycle.
This guy has billions and billions and billions of stolen money.
And he funds all of his leftist, anti-human agenda with it.
And it's all exposed.
Lock her up, Chance.
Break out at Trump rally.
Oh, but it doesn't matter!
Look, Donald Trump is doing a great job, but man, I'll tell ya.
They'll reverse all the stuff he did economically and everything, and the PC stuff, the media will try to trump that once he's out of office, but man, I just want the President to understand.
We're tuned in to the consciousness of America here at InfoWars more than any other news outlet, because we are the consciousness of America.
If Donald Trump leaves the office, whether it be in 2020 or 2024, If Donald Trump leaves the office and Hillary Clinton at least is not in jail, the entire presidency will be a failure.
And again, I understand all the economic success, the jobs numbers, everything, for culture, for America, for nationalism worldwide.
I'm not denying how incredible Donald Trump has been as president.
I'm simply saying, if these high crimes that we know Comey and Clinton and Obama and their gang are guilty of, if they go unpunished, None of it matters.
Because we still don't have a country, and we still don't have a justice system.
But we wait and see.
As the Democrats begin impeachment inquiries into Trump, just pathetic.
They all, the whole, any Democrat that wants Trump impeached should probably be investigated immediately.
Manhattan DA subpoenas Trump organization over Stormy Daniels' hush money.
Oh yeah.
You know, and again, Trump, look at what they're doing to you.
And he said it!
But do it.
He said, oh, what if we looked into Obama?
What if we looked into the Clinton Foundation?
No what if!
Do it!
Do it!
These people would have you killed if they could!
And you're not even gonna have a simple investigation to expose all the crimes that they've done?
They would pull the trigger on your head tomorrow, President Trump.
And they might do it.
He needs to understand there is no quarter with the Hillary Clintons of the world.
There is no quarter with these people.
They were going to... Oh my gosh.
See, I don't even want to get into this because it's so next level.
It's almost impossible to break down.
But folks, they were going to eliminate the human race.
Do you understand that?
Do you understand that?
Do you understand the Georgia Guidestones?
Do you understand Jeffrey Epstein wanting to cede the human race?
Do you understand the FEMA camps?
Uh, man, New York City man beaten by gang of teens for wearing MAGA hat.
YouTube supporters had eggs and drinks thrown at him for wearing a MAGA hat.
Antifa publicly organizing terror attacks on ICE facilities in Texas.
Oh, but... Oh, but what is the FBI doing?
Congress says, hey look FBI, Antifa is committing terrorism, acts of terrorism, on film, damaging property, threatening government facilities.
Will you please label them a terrorist group?
The FBI says, no thanks.
But, if you follow QAnon, or you tweeted Pizzagate, or you're a conspiracy theorist, you're now a domestic terrorist.
And in fact, guess what?
In all the stories, including I believe in this Yahoo story, it's all about Alex Jones.
Jones said Sandy Hook was this, Jones said Pizzagate was this, and it's not even accurate!
I'm reading this, I'm not even Alex Jones, and I'm reading this like, you liars!
We didn't start Pizzagate!
We didn't start QAnon!
And all the conspiracy theories that InfoWars reported on all came true!
The fluoride in the water lowers your IQ!
The atrazine in the water is causing frogs to turn gay!
Jeffrey Epstein was an FBI informant, pedophile, blackmail, child sex trafficker!
You called it all a conspiracy theory!
It was all right!
Obama spied on Trump.
Conspiracy theory?
No, that was accurate!
But now you're a domestic terrorist if you're just an American patriot that knows the truth.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Yo, bro, what's up?
Let's get down and go around.
You think you're f***ing tough?
You're about to get it.
I will break your jaw.
I will knock your teeth out.
I will break your nose.
I will break your neck.
I'm not afraid of you people.
You're a little wimp, you son of a piece of garbage.
I hate you.
My listeners hate you.
And remember that scumbag forever.
If you don't spread the links, the globalists win.
Spread the links!
Donald, you're probably the best-known builder, particularly of great buildings in the city.
There's a great deal of question about whether or not the damage and the ultimate destruction of the buildings was caused by the airplanes, by architectural defect, or possibly by bombs or aftershocks.
Do you have any thoughts on that?
Well, it was an architectural defect.
You know, the World Trade Center was always known as a very, very strong building.
Don't forget, that took a big bomb in the basement.
Now, the basement is the most vulnerable place, because that's your foundation.
And it withstood that.
And I got to see that area.
About three or four days after it took place, because one of my structural engineers actually took me for a tour, because he did the building.
And I said, I can't believe it.
The building was standing solid, and half of the columns were blown out.
I mean, so, this was an unbelievably powerful building.
If you know anything about structure, it was one of the first buildings that was built from the outside.
The steel, the reason the World Trade Center had such narrow windows, is that in between all the windows, you had the steel on the outside.
So you had the steel on the outside of the building.
That's why when I first looked, and you had big, heavy I-beams.
When I first looked at it, I couldn't believe it because there was a hole in the steel.
And this is steel that was, you remember the width of the windows of the World Trade Center, folks?
I think you, you know, if you were ever up there, they were quite narrow.
And in between was this heavy steel.
I said, how could a plane, even a plane, even a 767 or a 747, or whatever it might have been, how could it possibly go through the steel?
I happen to think that they had not only a plane, but they had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously, because I just can't imagine anything being able to go through that wall.
Most buildings are built with the steelers on the inside around the elevator shaft.
This one was built from the outside, which is the strongest structure you can have, and it was almost just like a can of soup.
You know, Donald, we were looking at pictures all morning long of that plane coming into building number two, and when you see that approach the far side, then all of a sudden, within a matter of a millisecond, the explosion pops out the other side.
I just think that there was a plane with more than just fuel.
I think, obviously, they were very big planes, they were going very rapidly, because I was also watching where the plane seemed to be not only going fast, it seemed to be coming down into the building.
So it was getting the speed from going downhill, so to speak.
It just seemed to me that to do that kind of destruction is even more than a big plane, because you're talking about taking out steel, the heaviest caliber steel that was used on a building.
These buildings were rock solid.
And, you know, it's just an amazing, it's an amazing thing.
This country is different today and it's going to be different than it ever was for many years to come.
Very profound statement and very true.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Watch me!
Watch me!
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
In God, we trust.
In God, we trust.
You know, I got news to give you.
This quarter, just happens to be sitting on the desk here.
I don't even know why.
And I picked it up.
And it says, In God, we trust.
And you know, Alex is probably listening right now, and I know sometimes he gets frustrated with me because he wishes I was just more hardcore at self-promotion.
And I'm just so focused, like he said, I'm just so focused on news and aggregation and, like, futures, like a sports freak, but for politics, that I just don't, I do no self-promotion.
And the reason why is because, in God, I trust.
You know, I figured out a long time ago, well, not too long ago, but figured out a long time ago that Yeah, you can have plans.
You can have all kinds of ornate plans, but God already has plans.
And God's plans are the real plan.
And the quicker you figure that out, the quicker you'll find your destiny.
But they'll probably take in God we trust off of U.S.
If they could.
They might still do that.
Final segment with me here, and I just can't thank the InfoWars audience enough.
God bless this audience for telling your friends and family about InfoWars.com, for shopping at InfoWarsStore.com, getting the toothpaste, the shampoo, the household items that everybody uses.
That's how you can shop at InfoWarsStore.com.
If you're not into supplements or t-shirts or whatever, hey, everybody brushes their teeth.
We've got toothpaste.
We've got toothbrushes at InfoWarsStore.com.
Everybody washes their body and shampoos their hair.
We have shampoo and body wash at InfoWarsStore.com.
We have shower heads.
Everybody has a shower and takes showers.
We have the best shower heads that filter your water and have the best water pressure at InfoWarsTore.com.
So, just God bless this audience.
Thank this audience so much.
This is the final segment with me, Nick Begich takes over.
Of course, Will Johnson is going to be filling in for me on The War Room, 3 to 6 p.m.
Central, weekdays at InfoWars.com slash show.
But let me just do one final news blitz here.
Let me do one final news blitz here before we take off.
But again, folks, just to give you what you've had on the Alex Jones Show, Alex Jones breaking down the Epstein connection, Trilateral Commission, transhumanism, eugenics program, and his expertise from studying this and reporting on this for decades.
We had an exclusive from Bob Barnes.
He has just filed another lawsuit against those in the media that targeted the Covington Catholic Boys.
I dropped the news on the woman, the woman that came up and grabbed my genitals at the Women's March.
The verdict has been filed.
She's guilty.
And then of course we aired now what is the most banned InfoWars promo video on the internet.
We aired that as well.
So it's been a loaded broadcast and I'm going to do my best here in the last seven minutes before Nick Begich takes over for the fourth hour to bring you the rest of these headlines.
I want to give a shout out.
I've explained this before, but I'm a student of media.
I'm a student of politics.
And quite frankly, I spend about nine or so hours a day in the classroom.
And my teachers that I go to, I've talked about this before, I'm not saying I agree with everything or they're the go-to sources for me, is Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Alex Jones.
It's been that way for about four years of my life.
And so I want to give a shout out to Michael Savage, who has been a guest on the Alex Jones Show, a friend of the Alex Jones Show, a kindred spirit in censorship.
Michael Savage asks Boris Johnson to lift 10-year ban from his travel ban to Europe.
So, Michael Savage is also blacklisted from mainstream news just like Alex Jones is, so they're kindred spirits in that.
They're kindred spirits in their unrelenting fight for truth and for America.
I'd actually love to get Michael Savage back on with Alex Jones to talk about this.
I think he should.
Maybe even reach out to Savage's people, guys, to get him on with Alex next week, because this is a powerful thing.
And quite frankly, because I follow it, I'm telling you, I'm a student of the media, Savage and Jones are the only places really giving Tommy Robinson a fair platform to talk about his target, the target on his back in England.
So, I'd love to see these audiences.
Converge to make more things happen.
Conservatives don't do that enough.
They're just so focused on the truth and awakening the public.
But let's go on.
About a quarter of large U.S.
newspapers laid off staff in 2018.
What's the headline?
What's the story?
The old stream media is dying.
The fake mainstream news approach is old and withering and dying.
You have to be able to get on camera and talk Without a teleprompter to make it in the new media.
You have to know context and background and history to make it in the new media.
You have to understand trends to make it in the new media.
And the old guard media, the old guard in the print, the old guard on TV is dying.
That's really what this is about.
And Infowars is the most censored name out there and yet we're expanding thanks to this audience.
Oh, Governor Cuomo, that old bag.
Cuomo Bill disarms teachers in classrooms.
So that's nice.
So now school shooters will know that in Governor Andrew Cuomo's New York, school shooters will know that there's no guns inside.
Way to go, Cuomo!
Way to go, you filthy Un-American dirt.
That's just un-American, man.
And so I hope there's no school shootings in New York.
Let's pray to God there's never another school shooting.
But if there's one that happens in New York and that shooter's allowed to fire off for five to ten minutes, we know why!
We know why, Governor Cuomo!
And we're looking right at you, buddy!
That blood will be on your hands, buddy!
Because, here's the thing, it's not even your fault, Bill, or Andrew, but You guys want to blame conservatives and Trump and the NRA every time there's a mass shooting?
So guess what?
Mass shooting at a New York school will be on your hands, Governor Cuomo!
federal court exposes Democrat Party conspiracy against Assange and WikiLeaks.
Oh, that old Russian conspiracy theory.
Russian collusion fell apart, didn't it?
The real Russian collusions on the Hillary Clinton-Joe Biden-Obama campaign.
And the lawsuit was thrown out.
Folks, I mean, you can't... What?
What percentage confidence level?
And they say, oh, you can't talk about Seth Rich.
Michael Isikoff writes stories for Yahoo News.
Stop talking about Seth Rich.
How about I just say Seth Rich ten times straight?
Seth Rich.
Seth Rich.
Seth Rich.
Seth Rich.
Kiss my ass, Michael Isikoff.
Maybe Seth Rich handed the emails to the WikiLeaks.
I don't know.
DHS Secretary Kevin McAlanan renews temporary amnesty for 7,000 Syrians.
I mean, we're just so racist and bigoted in this country.
To have Syrians here that get asylum and amnesty, thousands of them, Muslims.
I mean, it's just so racist and bigoted America that just opens its arms to all these people and the left bitches and moans.
Flood of illegal immigrants expected to surpass one million in the year 2019.
Infowars told you that first.
ICE let loose a quarter million migrant family members into the U.S.
so far this year alone.
Oh, that's just great.
And this is what happens.
Trio charged in smuggling nine-year-old boy into Texas for human trafficking.
That's, again, thanks to Democrat policies.
Wide open borders.
Oh, but this makes sense.
Yeah, a fart will get through that.
Build a wall.
Implement immigration reform.
Deport the criminals.
Deport the ones in the jail.
Shut the border down.
We can still take people in, but I mean, we need some control over this.
Oh, I need to just plop, this is just, so much news.
Hundreds of bees drop dead around 5G towers in California.
Folks, the 5G is going to literally kill us.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
And so I just had the crew print out some other stories about 5G.
So again, this is the new headline, hundreds of bees drop dead around 5G towers in California.
Uh, 5G is already linked to rising health problems.
Concerns about health calamity on the rise.
5G service is coming and so are health concerns over the towers that support it.
5G danger.
Hundreds of respected scientists sound the alarm about negative health effects from 5G networks worldwide.
5G smartphones cause cancer.
Big Wireless doesn't want you to know.
And then you got a 5G tower at a school that gave kids cancer.
Uh, other stories at like apartment buildings and stuff.
So yeah, but let's roll out the 5G.
You can watch your new, uh, you know, favorite celebrity, uh, you know, do whatever they do on social media.
I didn't even get to some of this worldwide news.
It's crazy what's happening in Europe.
Go to Europe, uh, uh, Infowars Europe to find all that.
Newswars.com, Infowars.com.
It's just, it's just crazy, folks.
And by the way, you're racist now.
CNN says you're racist if you have a white robot.
So if your toilet's white or your silver or your dinner plates are white, you're racist then, too.
All right, Nick Begich takes over Infowars.com slash show.
Google's manipulation of votes gave at least 2.6 million additional votes to Hillary Clinton in the year 2016.
Is that correct?
2.6 million is a rock-bottom minimum.
The range is between 2.6 and 10.4 million votes, depending on how aggressive they were in using the techniques that I've been studying.
They control these, and no one can counteract them.
These are not competitive.
These are tools that they have at their disposal exclusively.
Your testimony is that Google is, through bias in search results, manipulating voters in a way they're not aware of.
On a massive scale, in 2020, if all these companies are supporting the same candidate, there are 15 million votes on the line that can be shifted without people's knowledge and without leaving a paper trail for authorities to trace.
Without monitoring systems in place, we'll never know what these companies are doing.
And in 2020, you can bet That all of these companies are going to go all out.
And the methods that they're using are invisible.
They're subliminal.
They're more powerful than most any effects I've ever seen in the behavioral sciences.
And I've been in the behavioral sciences for almost 40 years.
A handful of Silicon Valley billionaires and giant corporations are able to spend millions of dollars, if not billions of dollars, collectively.
Influencing the results of elections.
Senator, with respect, I must correct you.
If Mark Zuckerberg chooses to send out a go-vote reminder just to Democrats on Election Day, that doesn't cost him a dime.
time. If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance. Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
It's Nick baggage. You're listening to the You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
This is Nick Peggich and we're here on a Friday afternoon again broadcasting from Austin and Anchorage, Alaska.
I love the ability to connect in this way.
I mean, it's pretty incredible what you can do with technologies.
And we're going to talk about technology today.
We're going to talk about some of the things that started my work in the public years ago.
And my interest in effects on human consciousness and the mind.
So we're going to get into that.
And before I do, I want to kind of talk about, you know, I was listening to Owen last hour, and he was talking about, you know, sort of how the network began and the reliance on listeners.
And I want to mention that because that is critical.
You know, when I started now over 25 years ago, my The basic premise was if people didn't support me in terms of what I was doing, then it probably wasn't worth doing.
And I had a juncture, you know, in the very beginning also, you know, where I could have gone to traditional grant sources to advocate for the issues that were important to me.
The problem is those sources always then demand something.
You know, you always end up compromising.
And I didn't want to do that.
So what I did is similar to what Alex did, and this is why people need to support this network, is we did it one person at a time.
And I published a book and I figured, well, people value the information, they would buy the book, that would allow me to continue to research and write and do the things that were important to me.
And the same is true with this network, InfoWars.
You basically support it.
That determines whether this broadcast continues.
And really, that's the measure.
You know, if the information is useful, if it's good, if it's meaningful, then it's valued.
And people register their value by voting with their economics.
And I appreciate it.
Alex appreciates it.
This network appreciates everybody involved in getting information to you.
So having said all of that, I want to talk about the foundation of where I began, which began, which was the issue of mind effects and looking at sort of the propaganda wars, listening to how media is shaped today.
And basically, it's not about just delivering information and gathering facts and collecting information and then reporting on a story.
Now it's about Creating the news, creating the story, what is now called the narrative, which is really kind of a nice word for propaganda and BS, period.
Because the narrative is the way in which culture is shaped and the way in which populations can be easily manipulated.
And one of the things discovered early on in the science was that The mind of human beings was incredibly powerful if it could focus its attention and hold it for a period of time.
You could actually create more effectively the effects of what happens in the world around us.
And the basic idea of quantum physics, the ideas behind quantum physics, the idea that the observer creates the reality is something that science shows us.
But when you can get a person to hold the thought, For a million seconds.
Try it.
You can't do it, right?
You can't do it.
Because as soon as you try to hold a thought, your mind drifts.
You can't focus.
But imagine if you could take a million people and hold a thought for one second or two seconds or five seconds even.
The compound effect is just as if one person had done it.
So it's cumulative reality creation, which is why the media and the control of the media become so powerful, because as you shape the narrative, you change the focus, you create the reality, and then things change around us.
This is the foundation of mind effects, consciousness manipulation.
We're going to cover this over the next hour and get into this topic, the foundation of mind control and how The narrative is shaped by the media, and we must choose to reshape the reality in front of us in the 21st century, or be manipulated by the reality postured on us.
This is Dr. Nick Fagett, you're listening to The Info Wars, and we'll be right back
after these brief messages.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Nick Bagich.
Welcome back to InfoWars, InfoWars.com, and I appreciate being here on this Friday, August 2nd, 2019.
And, you know, a lot of things, you know, when you think about media push and just before the break, I was talking about how the cumulative effect of consciousness actually begins to shape reality.
Now, when you think about the Internet and modern technology and how it links literally billions of minds through the internet and millions at a time,
potentially through media feeds.
And fortunately, the CNNs aren't getting very much read these days, because when you can compile
all of those conscious thoughts, you then begin to shape reality. And you think about how media
works and how everyone is connected to the digital realities these days in terms of how
they interface with the news, interface with each other. It's all fed in. And then information is
collected from all of these various devices that then gives a better profile and view of an
individual, which then allows a higher level of manipulation. This is the simplest form.
This is what was utilized in Brexit, what was utilized in Trump's campaign, the management manipulation of big data.
But what's not generally known is this is done every day in every way, so to speak, by the big commercial interests, the Googles, the Amazons, the Facebooks, the data collectors, and then transferring through their alliance with government.
That data so the government can take and manipulate that information even further and when you think about media then restricting and constraining the voice of people including this voice and this networks voice this is a fundamental problem in a free society or theoretically a free society and and you know words are Are part of the shuffle in terms of the mind effects, mind control, some simple things, you know, I mean, when you think about what Republicans did to sort of break up the Democrats in terms of how they view themselves, Democrats, the Democratic Party, it used to be called, now they call it the Democrat Party.
The Democrat Party, because that's abrupt ending, it kind of chops it off, it makes you have a negative connotation.
That was deliberate.
When you think about bribery, you know, you get visions in your head of deliberate things, you know, bag full of money.
But in America, we think about campaign reform to take care of bribery.
So we created committees and rules and regulations so that we could Funnel the money in with a chain of events, you know, but what's the difference?
We just gave it a new name.
Feels good.
Oh, committee, rules, regulations.
Now everything's good, right?
You're just substituting different words for the same effect, because the effect is access, influence, and outcomes.
That's what bribery gets you.
That's what campaign contributions on a big scale get you.
That's what PACs get you.
That's what lobbyists get you.
And what that ends up getting all of us is a crummy patchwork quilt of rags as public policy because it's built on special interests and then built on the manipulation of the population to go along with the theme, the program, the programming.
Because television and media isn't about watching the program, it's about receiving it.
This is what most listeners, observers don't do, is pay attention to the details and what's being fed in.
Foundation of basic mind control.
But I want to go back in time and history a bit.
And I want to also qualify for how the government overlay fits into this.
And by way of background, you know, my dad was a state senator.
He was later a U.S.
He disappeared on a plane with hailbogs, and I'm going to touch on that segment.
And then my younger brother, Mark, he became a mayor and assemblyman and then later a U.S.
And then my brother, Tom, he was and is currently a state senator and ran a bunch of campaigns, done a lot of work.
And I've done a lot of work internationally, nationally and locally.
But you get a sense of government and what government is really all about.
And so much of it today is about focus groups, polling and spin and manipulation to get an outcome.
And really doesn't have much to do with governance and doesn't have much to do with creating a better vision, you know, for this country.
So much of it is BS and propaganda based on polling and spin.
Uh, rather than what people really, uh, honestly believe.
We saw it in the debates recently.
I mean, you couldn't ask for a better group of, uh, a thousand soundbites, right?
I mean, and that is part of it.
But let's go back in time, in history, and talk about what was happening back, going back even in the 1920s, 30s, 40s, and hypnotherapy, the labs at Harvard under a guy named Esther Brooks, who did a lot of research there.
You can look him up, Library of Congress, you'll see some of his publications, pretty interesting guy.
But he was involved in the CIA experiments.
And some of the work of the CIA, which the work of the CIA included things like experimenting with LSD and hallucinogenics, a lot of things that today we would consider pretty repugnant.
They repeated sort of similar themes, just a sort of export of the torture tour, you know, when they shuffled it around and outsourced to a bunch of other countries.
But what people forget is the CIA abuses were happening then, and they kind of revisit.
They show up every, you know, couple of decades when you get reminded about the abuses.
But the players, now this is interesting, the players sort of remain the same.
You know, Esther Brooks, when you look at what he was doing by the time the 60s hit, you know, there's a lot going on.
MK Ultras in full swing.
These were the mind control experiments with the CIA and 140 plus sub projects.
Huge amount of research being spent on how to manipulate the human brain.
The same was spent by China, Russia, Israel, and many others to figure out
can we manipulate human beings?
And most people think about things like the Manchurian candidate, this kind of thing.
But there was an abuse that many people have forgotten and it was sprinkles.
who was in the early 50s, did work in biological agents after World War II, in interrogations all over Europe.
And these were brutal interrogations, which include hallucinogenics, drugs, all kinds of things.
Now, we never got the full story, but I'm sure it dwarfed the waterboarding stories of this century.
But the fact is, it was going on then.
Now, Olson, he wanted to resign.
And he told his family he wanted to resign, and unfortunately, nine days before he died, back in 1953, he was given LSD by the Central Intelligence Agency, and then nine days later, pushed out of a 13th floor building in New York, where he died.
It took decades for his family to get any sense of relief, and that happened in the early 1970s.
And this is where the story gets a little twisted because the guys who settled the Frank Olson CIA dispute, who came up with the settlement cash to shut up the family because they were so worried about what a lawsuit would draw out of the CIA that the church committee wasn't going to find or anybody else wasn't going to find because it was so hidden so deep, but they would find it perhaps.
And that was Dick Cheney and his buddy Mr. Rumsfeld when they were working in the Ford administration.
Let me tell you how the Ford administration happened.
So many people forget this.
And this is the real story, right?
Because what happened?
Richard Nixon and Agnew We're in deep trouble, right?
Watergate had broken.
Agnew was nailed for bribery.
You know, bribery, before we formed the committees, you know, when it was still in brown paper bags.
And then out of all of the Watergate, we formed the committees, the committees to keep America safe again from the corrupt, Jerks who strangled us, right?
I mean, so this is the story.
So what happens?
Richard Nixon.
Well, first of all, you get Richard Nixon to resign, right?
But it happened in a sequence of events.
Agnew's thrown out.
Ford is appointed.
Ford is the VP.
Nixon resigns.
Ford moves up.
He pardoned Nixon.
And guess what?
America never gets the truth.
The truth that Americans deserve from then and the cloud that hangs over this country today.
This is Dr. Nick Begich, you're listening to InfoWars.
We're gonna be back after these important messages.
Pay attention and support the network.
We appreciate your help.
Thank you and infowars.com.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
With Nick Begich.
And welcome back to the Alex Jones Show, and you know, here at InfoWars, we're always involved in a lot of things.
I always forget to give my website.
It's earthpulse.com, E-A-R-T-H-P-U-L-S-E, earthpulse.com.
But all the books and videos are available at the infowarsore.com, and I prefer that you get them there.
That way we get the three You get good information, you help me, and you also help the network.
So I prefer that you do that.
So look at the InfoWars store.
But for articles and information about the subject we're covering today, it's earthpulse.com.
And the book most closely aligned with today's topic is Controlling the Human Mind, available at the InfoWars store.
But you know, when I think about Where we were before the break, sort of the things that were happening during the Watergate era, and even before.
You know, one of the reasons that Olson was murdered, basically, by the CIA was because he was reporting, and he was getting angry, and he was getting ready to pull out of the CIA's programs because they were doing these brutal interrogations, even resulting in death.
Of those being interrogated is how the story goes.
So, you know, the CIA didn't want to have that disclosure, so it didn't come out until almost 20 years later when the Church Committee and the U.S.
Congress began to explore the abuse of the CIA and when the family of Frank Olson began to move it forward.
But even as late as this 2012, the Guardian and Great Britain was reporting on this story because more information continues to come out as the decades pass.
The problem is the abuse has never ended.
We gave new names, new cover, new stories, but it always has continued.
And this is what Part of the draining of the swamp that we hope this administration attacks because the abuses of the CIA and the FBI have gone on for decades.
The corruption began with the foundation of the FBI under Hoover, who would be probably totally accepted today in terms of what he was and what he did.
He was a cruel, brutal man that manipulated political processes for what he believed was the American way Um, and he blackmailed congressmen, U.S.
The same kind of thing that happens today, I believe.
Through the elite organizations and networks of abusers and abused.
Because what happens so much in the political arena is this about knowing something about your opponent or the person you're supporting and then manipulating them to behave in a certain way.
And I think this is what we're seeing more and more of.
This is what the Epstein story is going to be about when you really get down to it.
It's going to be about political manipulation.
And blackmail.
And I believe that's how these organizations function at the very highest level.
Blackmail and power corrupting the very essence of our government.
You know, when you think about what happened after the Watergate was the Rockefeller Commission, which is kind of a joke, but I have a copy of it.
It's a great report.
It's a report showing the abuses, many of the abuses of the Central Intelligence Agency, including MKUltra, opening people's mail, infiltrating domestic groups, and on and on and on.
The same kind of things and tactics that are used today by both the CIA and the FBI.
Where they actually, you know, and there's a lot of good people in these organizations, don't get me wrong.
There are incredible public servants in all of these organizations that are committed to the security of the nation and to doing the things that the country requires that are constitutionally committed, but there are many that are not.
And unfortunately, there are too many at the top that are not.
And it's time to clean it out and clean up the programs, because these programs have abused too many Americans for too many decades.
When you think about the Church Committee and what came out of that, and I want to talk about going back to Frank Olson, where I was mentioning before the break.
So here's what happened during this time frame and how Ford came to power.
And there's a, for those that are looking, you know, there's a copy of the report to the President on the commission of CIA activities within the United States, which is the cover of the document I previously mentioned, June 1975.
You know, when you think about All of this.
So here's the story.
And I'm in D.C.
as a young person, as a teenager.
My dad's in the Congress.
People are always at the house.
You know, we've got Hubert Humphrey dropping by.
He was in the Senate by then and served his time as VP.
He was a good friend of my dad's.
My dad knew him from the first time Hubert Humphrey ran for the U.S. Senate in Minnesota,
where my dad at that time resided as a young person.
In the 1950s, he was a young Democrat involved in politics when the Democratic Party was
a much different animal than it is today.
And what he did is he worked on Humphrey's campaign.
They became friends.
And then Humphrey later got my dad his first job in Alaska as an inspector on federal programs, which brought him here in the mid 1950s.
But when my dad got to the Congress in the early 70s, Humphrey was a senior person, powerful person in the U.S.
Another friend of my dad's was Blotnick, Congressman Blotnick from Minnesota.
My dad worked hard on his campaigns and by then he had seniority in the U.S.
House, was able to help my father navigate one of the most complex legislative issues in the country at the time, which was the biggest indigenous settlement in history, the Alaska Native Land Claims Settlement Act.
But my dad was able to get right into the midst of the power structures in DC and as a consequence get good legislation passed but at the same time become privy to a lot of the information going on just before Watergate broke, when Nixon was engaged in the greatest levels of corruption, Hoover was corrupting the entire FBI and Boggs, Hale Boggs, the Majority Leader, or the Speaker of, uh, Majority Leader, excuse me, in the House, was calling for the resignation of Hoover six months before.
Him and my father flew out of, on a flight from Anchorage to Juneau and disappeared, um, forever.
Later to find out that the FBI knew their locations, um, based on intelligence, uh, that has been documented well over the years, I'm not gonna get into it today, but the fact is it would have been a very different situation.
Boggs was the majority leader.
Carl Elbert was the Speaker at the time, and Carl was not... He was a nice guy, he used to hang around at the House, but he was a horrible alcoholic, certainly couldn't be President of the United States, and that's third in line, right?
President, Vice President, Speaker of the House.
What happened is Boggs, the powerful guy, the guy that could have actually done something, the uncorruptible guy, Was the man he was up next for speaker, which would have put him in line.
What would have happened had things happened a bit differently as you recall?
Agnew went to jail, Ford came into office, Nixon resigned, Nixon was pardoned, Watergate went away, and then Squeaky Fromm from the old Manson family tries to assassinate Ford and goes to jail.
And don't forget that after Ford became president, Rockefeller became vice president, had Squeaky Fromm succeeded, it would have been Rockefeller as president of the United States in the early 1970s.
Now what a change in history that would have been!
But equally, it could have been hail bombs.
We're going to talk about that right after the break in the context of mind control.
You're listening to The Info Wars.
This is Dr. Nick Begich, and we'll be right back after these very important messages.
InfoWars. The most banned network in the world.
You see Pelosi acting like she's dissing herself from AOC, but that's really the globalist policies AOC just does in a ham-pissed way and lies when she gets caught.
And so, they're trying to act like, oh, you know, the party split.
And I was watching different Democrats on Fox News this morning saying, we all need to come together and be more centrist.
Now the truth is, Republicans have tried to be centrist, we get drug along and their left is garbage.
And the left now has just run away like a fish with a line.
In the most extreme insanity.
And so the media is spreading it like we all need to be less extreme.
Conservatives and Christians and people, we're not extreme.
We're promoting stuff that works, that's tried and true.
Like family and property and the right to defense and borders.
And then they're meanwhile saying there's hundreds of genders and pedophilia's good and world government's good and open borders are good and America sucks.
And then we're like, okay, what's the alternative?
It's just these people, I don't know how they got so whacked out.
Well, I think, I've brought this up too, how the left is going insane and I've had people say, well, everybody's a little bit more polarized and etc, etc.
They've actually done studies.
They track the trends of political opinions in the U.S.
and they can prove with data that over the past few decades, the right-wing conservatives, Republican Party, they've remained pretty consistent, right?
Someone who identifies as right-wing now is going to have a lot of common ground with someone who identified right-wing, let's say, 20, 30 years ago.
The same is not...
The case is not the same for the left wing.
They actually have demonstrably gone further left than they ever have been.
I mean, we see this with even people like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer.
You know, there are tapes of Barack Obama of them, you know, maybe 10 years ago talking about the importance of securing the border.
They're not saying that kind of stuff anymore.
One of the only positive things I can say about AOC is I think she is so far left that even Nancy Pelosi and people like that are starting to say, okay, Maybe we need to slow things down a little bit.
That's honestly the only hope I think the Democrats have right now because I think among a very small base of people, these far-left progressives, people like AOC are great.
They're amazing.
But I think Democratic Party needs to realize that America in general is not woke Twitter.
They need to stop pandering to these people or else they're going to feel it in elections.
Awesome, thanks for taking my call.
I love the doors and what you guys do there, so thank you and the rest of the crew for keeping us up to date with the truth and facts.
Keeping your amygdalas not enlarged.
We're trying, we're trying.
So in New Jersey it's really terrible and I have really, really bad allergies.
So what I want to tell Alex, thank you so much for getting the Alexa Pure Breathe.
That has truly saved my life and has given me the ability to not have sinus infections anymore.
So if anybody out there is listening and needs to breathe again and sleep right and not have multiple sinus infections, go for the Alexa Pure Breathe.
Wow, so you keep it in your bedroom?
Yep, yep, yep, yep, I do.
And I have a couple that I'll be getting for my mom and dad, and then one for my son and his girlfriend.
And New Jersey is just so air polluted, it's disgusting.
I actually live not far from Lockheed Martin, so there was a lot of, like, lawsuits and stuff that went on when our neighborhood was built about the water and possible contaminants in the water.
So it's actually a backwards way of how I found InfoWars, was looking on a natural way to kill my thyroid.
And so the selenium is actually what introduced me to InfoWars.
I was like, where have you guys been my whole life, though?
It was definitely a bonus find.
Alright, Nicole, thanks for calling.
We appreciate your support and everything else.
I might pick up one of those air cleaners.
I have one at my desk, actually.
So maybe I should get one for my house.
Maybe that would help in my bedroom.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Nick Vagic.
And welcome back and appreciate you all listening today on August 2nd 2019 on this Friday afternoon and I'm broadcasting from Anchorage Alaska today and hooked in through the team in Austin and I really appreciate Connor and Dari and all the guys Down there doing the work that makes this work for all of us.
You know, I so much appreciate the network and the ability to get these issues out and have time to really explore them and break them down.
And from the context of coming out of a political family and looking at how it's changed, and again, kind of back to this theme I've covered in Pass shows multi-generational knowledge.
You know, this is where it matters when we can convey the information that's foundational and fundamental in a way that That helps us grasp a value system within the context of current news.
And, you know, the rest of the team covers so much of the of the current news.
It seems like redundant for me to get into some of it.
But these issues kind of underlie so much of what we see happening in the news, because the elites have functioned the same way and they always have.
When I go back again to the 1970s, we are at the same crossroads today.
As we were then without and then we didn't we had media you know I remember sitting in front of my grandfather's who my grandfather was an immigrant from Croatia came over here in 1906 and I'm sitting there with one of my buddies in his living room and washing the Watergate trials and was when Ehrlichman was testifying and I knew Ehrlichman's son I went to school with him in DC he was a nice kid but Ehrlichman at that point it was a Representative from Hawaii, I think, was in a way who said he's lying, you know, and it got picked up by the mic.
And my grandfather was so incensed, you know, what was going on, he couldn't believe it, you know.
And then it all got shut down when Nixon got pardoned, you see, because the real story was the elites had an operation and a plan, and it was to shut down information that was about to break loose and break free.
And it started with the Kennedy administration.
He was going to break it loose and break the information free.
It didn't happen.
Boggs knew this.
He was on the Warren Commission.
Wanted it broken back open because he knew our government was involved and it was corrupt.
At least involved to the extent of either hiding it, which is what the FBI did to the very flight he was on, hid the information and they never recovered the plane.
That's the fact of the matter and that's what the history shows.
The reality is our government did this routinely.
Richard Nixon was one of the most corrupt people that ever lived.
When you think about how government operates, this is the problem.
We never get the truth.
And then with the Ford administration came Cheney and Rumsfeld trying to shut down the church committee's information.
With Frank Olson's testimony, believe me, his family's testimony would have been a very different outcome than the nonsense that we got.
And it was bad enough.
From what we've seen from those committee reports.
But the point of the matter is, it's happening again today.
CIA abuses, abuses of the FBI, false reports.
And now we have secret courts, FISA courts, that can hide all of this.
So now they can lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate.
No one gets to see the truth.
This fundamentally violates the very foundation of the nation.
And these courts, where they've been violated in this way, where people's rights have been violated, including the current sitting President of the United States when he was a candidate, we should be gutting these agencies.
We should be in there with the Government Accounting Office, slicing them up, hacking them up, and finding out where the corruption is and getting it out of there.
Drain the swamp.
That's what we need.
The manipulation mind control today is on steroids.
Let me talk about a little bit about sort of how that works and how easy it is.
And again, you can get the background in the book, Controlling the Human Mind, or the video, Controlling the Human Mind, both available at the InfoWars store.
But They give you the foundation.
Over 300 sources, I think, were cited in that book of where all this information comes from.
But how easy is this to manipulate?
You know, there was a U.S.
Army War College quarterly back in, I think it was 98 or 99, and you'll see the reference, but What they said was essentially article you look up the articles called the mind has no firewalls and it was a reiteration from the of a publication the US Army
quarterly, and it was a publication of Orienteer, which is a Russian journal, and what it was
talking about was the ability to manipulate human behavior, utilizing any electromagnetic
Now, this includes radio, television, the internet, Wi-Fi.
I mean, anything that you can pulse modulate a signal in a specific way, you can change
the attitude and basic emotional state of population.
You can do this a lot of different ways.
But what the research shows is that this has become highly sophisticated, and increasingly so as time moves on.
So what you're able to do is gain what I call resolution.
The more computing power, the more capability of understanding the electromagnetic fields associated with biological systems like human beings, then you get to figure out how to manipulate those electromagnetic signals.
And what you can do then is you can sort of, you can look at the brain and you can map what's going on in the brain at a very high resolution because you've got the computing power now and the ability to monitor at very fine resolution.
And then the idea is by taking those signals and then trying to interpret what those signals are saying,
in other words, the images and visions, and then being able to reestablish a program
to send signals back in.
And there was a publication, it was "Technology Arises," a US Air Force document
back in around 2000, again, cited in "Controlling the Human Mind."
And in this particular document, it was talking about being able
to create complete memory sets where you could substitute all of the basic senses,
touch, taste, smell, sight, sound, and be able to substitute and create illusions so real
you couldn't sort out what was a real memory from the fake memory.
You want to talk about fake news?
This is direct program.
This is where the technology is headed and where the research is going.
If you look at a PBS special called "The Worldwide Mind,"
their belief is the next leap, they say 100 years out, that's ridiculous.
It's gonna be much sooner than that.
That you'll be able to link the minds of individuals.
Already they're looking at mechanical, electromechanical devices to do this.
There's already been many developed, but not using any implanted technology, nothing, where you can just manipulate even at a distance.
why that's important is being able to focus the signal to a relatively small area or specific
device, so you can manipulate the person within that field, within that device's range.
The electronic surveillance system that has been put in place is part of that manipulation.
Everyone that carries an electronic device is part of that system. The only way you get
out of it is what Osama bin Laden did when he was eluding everyone, is you drop the electronic
footprint. You let go of all the modern technology, everything. You don't keep any of it, because
all of it is a tracking tool, a surveillance tool.
And now we've all invited the government and commercial interest into our homes into our lives on 100% basis.
Think about that, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to talk about manipulation of mind control at its foundation, within our home, Every one of us has our digital doorway kicked in every moment that we breathe.
Let me say that again.
This is our digital doorway.
This is our constitutional privacy that's being violated every day, in every way, with every breath we take, as our systems monitor every single thing we do.
Is this The 21st century that we envision for our children, our grandchildren, what we envision for future generations?
I don't think so.
It's time to remember what multi-generational history yield, which is better government, not manipulation.
We're in it for the long haul.
This is the Info Wars and you're listening to Dr. Nick Begich and we'll be right back
after these very important messages.
Eric, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I really appreciate you, and it's an honor to talk to you.
And I do, before I start, I also wanted to do a plug for a couple of your products that I really love.
Changed my life.
The DNA Force is one, and X2.
You know, I do a lot of construction.
Using the tools that you're using, it just really wreaks havoc on your body.
And I had three of my fingers starting to go numb, and I didn't think there was anything going to work on it.
Well, thank you, brother.
I mean, we want to sell you stuff that works.
You want to order it again, but PQQ CoQ10 has been proven to make telomeres last longer, to make nerves regrow.
It really is an amazing product for anybody above 40.
Young people can take it as well, but yes, DNA Force Plus is amazing.
What did you think of the X2?
I love that, too.
After a few months of being on that, I felt like I wasn't searching for words.
There was a time in my life where I felt like, man, I don't know if I'm just too exhausted or what, but you feel like you want to get in a conversation and you're pausing and you can't find the word to say, and I swear, man, that X2 really helps with cognition.
Well, that's because the synapses in the brain operate off of it.
It's electrochemical.
You're absolutely right.
When I forget to take X2 every couple days, sometimes I forget for like a week because I get busy.
Then I feel it and I take it, and it really is amazing.
So thank you for the support, brother.
But you've got to take it in your hands.
You've got to have the will to accept the truth and buck the system and the group collective.
Do that, and you'll earn your way to the next level.
This is the Info War.
They believe that they can attain something if they can destroy the planet before we go to launch fish.
They are just an intergalactic demonic transmission spewed out of hell trying to bring the planet down before the next level.
But we will make the jump, and nothing's going to stop it.
And we're going to have a pro-human future.
We're not just going interstellar.
We're going interdimensional.
As we travel up this true stairway to heaven, people won't want to play video games anymore.
They'll realize this is the real universe with the real levels.
This is where you want to get that score.
Not in Super Mario Brother, not in Donkey Kong.
I'm Alex Jones transmitting from the third dimension, planet Earth, two-thirds of the
way out on the spiral arm Milky Way Galaxy.
Infowarsstore.com is how you support us and it's not like we're selling stuff you don't
need, you don't want.
The air in the average American home is filled with toxins that put it on par with a major city.
Some of the most polluted areas on earth are major cities.
How can I solve that problem?
So we have air filters at Infowarsstore.com, the Alexa Pure Breeze, which is right now $50 off.
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We're basically selling these at cost because there was a big overhaul.
Go ahead and read the hundreds of five-star reviews for yourself.
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You will notice the difference, ladies and gentlemen, with the Alexa Pure Breeze in your house.
Don't live In a polluted major city in your home, have clean air.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And welcome back to InfoWars and this is Nick Peggich on this Friday afternoon.
And we're in the last segment today.
And we're talking about controlling the human mind and the whole concept behind
sort of what happens and how does this go and sort of the politics behind it as well.
And and again, we're at that crossroads.
This point in history and where we were during the Watergate era, and what I believe would have happened had Boggs' plane not disappeared.
It would have been a very different outcome.
And we almost had Rockefeller running the country.
I mean, you want to talk about elites?
Think about this.
And Ford was bad enough, quite frankly.
And the pardoning of Nixon, which really hollowed out What should have been the bringing down of a corrupt institution, the Central Intelligence Agency at the time and the FBI.
And they neither were properly reformed, although we all got the illusion of it by the Rockefeller report.
But, you know, thinking back on the time now, what would have happened had Boggs been and had remained the majority leader?
What I believe would have happened is Karl Elbert would have stepped down.
Boggs would have moved up as the speaker, as the speaker had been third in line to be president.
Agnew would have been thrown out.
Nixon would have been thrown out.
And that would have been put Boggs in charge of the executive branch.
And then you would have seen the opening of the book.
Uh, in terms of the corruption that has gone on in this country for way too long.
We're at the same threshold again.
We have someone in office that actually might do it.
I know a lot of people are screaming about Donald Trump in so many ways.
I still support him.
Yeah, he's rough in terms of his approach, but sometimes, you know, you need a guy like him to be the bully.
That this country hasn't had in a very long time.
Sometimes you need a guy with a baseball bat.
To step into the arena of foreign affairs and address it differently than the niceties of yielding to the global elites every time we turn around, which is what the Democrats and Republicans at the national level have been doing for much too long.
Catering to special interests, catering to those interests that work against us.
We got a total remake.
You know, Donald Trump He wasn't someone who came out of the Republican Party.
He's someone who went into the Republican Party, changed it, fundamentally altered it, and became President of the United States and wiped out all of the people that the establishment could produce.
What was it, 16, 17 people ran against him?
You know, come on.
The fact is, yeah, a little rough around the edges for sure.
But he's getting the job done, you know, and in this area, I hope He cracks the egg because manipulation is what's going to determine whether he's the next president of the United States or not.
Because believe me, what's going on with big media today dwarfs the things we've been talking about in terms of manipulation.
Big media today is the Facebook, is the Googles.
These are the folks that right now are the gatekeepers for what knowledge is shared worldwide.
Fundamentally wrong.
Fundamentally wrong.
The YouTubes, the Facebooks, these are public utilities, need to be regulated accordingly.
Speech needs to be protected.
Personal privacy of individuals need to be protected.
And the sanctity of the mind and awareness, consciousness, is the foundation of all of it.
Think about it.
Freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion require fundamentally freedom of thought, freedom of the mind, function, freely of interference, especially of technologies that weren't even envisioned 250 years ago when that Constitution was being formed.
And here we are in the 21st century.
Again, our digital doorways kicked in.
Our minds raped by the propaganda wars.
And where is the opportunity to have a republic, a democratic republic, that is the representative of our voices?
Controlling our mind, controlling our speech, controlling our thinking is fundamental to that.
You know, when you think about the ability to manipulate, and during the break, Conor and I were talking about that PBS segment that appears to be scrubbed off of the Internet.
So, the World Wide Mind, a PBS special.
I know I marketed quite a bit of those VHSs when they were out.
But somebody's got it out there.
Take a look around, find it on the shelf and re-upload it because I'll look in my archive as well.
I think it's an important one that people need to realize that before it was big news, people were willing to shut it down.
But I'm telling you, the worldwide mind is the greater threat.
Because think about this, the digital money.
OK, the digital money in terms of Bitcoin and what that's about.
One day you're going to see this concept applied to a worldwide currency.
Because every transaction then can be tracked.
And your engagement in that is going to be modeled after the facial recognition and social scoring systems being trialed in India and China today.
And the monetary system, the digital monetary system, being trialed in India today.
And when you combine these things with what the Googles and the YouTubes are doing in consumer manipulation under the guise of consumer manipulation with the support of the government and the structure of government, you have a fascist system of corporations aligned with government and the manipulation of populations from China, To the sea to shining sea, from China to the USA to Europe, we are all being manipulated.
From the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere, from the East to the West, we are all being manipulated.
It's time to pay attention.
It's time to dig deeper.
It's time to rise up into the essence of who we are as created human beings.
Take that which we are and express it in the world in a different way.
This is what's needed right now.
It's a recognition of the divinity of human beings, created in the image and likeness of God, to be divine, to be responsible, to live forever.
This is the carrier.
We're stewards of this planet and we have to take care of it in a rational way.
But more importantly, We need to support and take care of one another in a different way, in a way that allows us to explore the individual power and potential of what we do, not as some squishy collective, but as enlightened individuals who are able to create
A better way, a better world, and it's by looking into the eyes of one another and seeing the divinity in each other and constructing a conversation, not destroying each other as the media is trying to create through identity politics.
The only identity that we need is we are part of the human race.
We are engaged in a collective consciousness for sure, expressed through individual souls manifesting in this planet in a way that we can either change it Or lay down and accept it.
And I don't think that's what we were created to do.
Each of us have incredible potential and power.
The counterbalance to this is to rise up into what we were created to be and begin to express it in the world more fully.
That's controlling the human mind.
That's controlling our outcomes by taking our power back.
Being accountable first to ourselves, recognizing our places to improve and change, and then jumping into it.
And not being so self-condemning and self-restricting.
I mean, we all make mistakes.
We all are flawed, for sure.
But to condemn the highest creation in the universe, the human soul?
This is blasphemy against creation itself.
Recognize our flaws, change who we are, and then we alter our world.
But we do it first by doing the hard work internally so we can express externally what we were created to be.
That's what we need to do to change the world today, is step into what we believe is right and true and begin to act on it.
That's called the act of faith.
That's called awareness acting in the world.
Do what you can within your sphere of influence, whether it's talking to your neighbor.
And if it gets elevated, calm it down.
Look them in the eye and express to them what you would express to speaking to someone created in the image and lightness of God.
Then the conversation changes.
Do what you can each day.
Write a letter to your congressman, a handwritten letter, not an email, not a phone call, a handwritten letter.
Second most effective thing is a phone call directly to their offices.
Look up their phone numbers in their local phone directories.
You'll find them for those who still use them.
And look them up.
Call them up.
Tell them what you think.
Let them know that you want an accountable government, that you want the truth.
The things that set us free, the truth about our government, even as ugly as it might be, because the only way it'll change is when we first recognize the need to change.
And that's through revelation, through recognition, through the vision of seeing the truth.
Let's look for that truth on The Info Wars.
Let's find our truth and let's express it in the world today.
Let's make a difference in what we do.
Let's change the way we see the world and let's have a different kind of mind control by controlling our minds and our thoughts in the 21st century.
Thanks for being here.
I got $180 so far this year in Patriot Points and I feel like I'm stealing from you.
I buy so much in the store because I don't want to give that money to Walmart.
I don't want to give that money to people who are going to donate it to causes I don't believe in.
So I'd rather give that money to Well, sir, let me break this down for you.
I do receive have changed my life. I mean the x2 has really done a lot for me
I've lost weight my brain works a whole lot better My kid they use the to pay my son used to get these little
Uh sore throats and he puts x2 in water and drinks it and it gets rid of his sore throat
I know sir. Let me break this down for you. I've never really done marketing, but I did
Bring in a few advertising people a few years ago who knew how to advertise online
And they said, Mr. Jones, they said, what's your markup?
And I said, 150%.
But we always discount 25%.
So that's 100%.
And they said, yeah.
And then you're always discounting 20, 30%.
And then we notice you only sell stuff when it's at 50%.
And then you're barely making any money.
You need to stop that.
And they looked at our data and they said, oh, your audience would buy it if it was even more.
And I said, I want high quality stuff in there.
I want a good price.
But I've kind of habituated everybody.