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Name: 20190717_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 17, 2019
3719 lines.

In this video, Alex Jones discusses immigration issues in America, comparing detention centers for migrant children to concentration camps, and criticizes left-wing politicians for spreading misinformation about these facilities. He highlights various recreational activities available for the children at the facility and mentions Candace Owens' visit to an immigration center for unaccompanied children, where she claims that the conditions there are better than some public schools in America. Jones also addresses the situation with Candace Owens and her investigation into migrant facilities, pointing out the similarities between the centers in different states. He emphasizes the harsh conditions faced by border patrol agents and criticizes politicians like AOC for labeling them as Nazis. The video highlights the discrepancy between the conditions in these holding centres and the narrative pushed by left-wing activists, who claim that the US is running concentration camps on its southern border. Jones also discusses how he believes humans are being unfairly labeled as "inherently fallen" by social media platforms such as Facebook and argues that this labeling is untrue and goes against the principle of free speech. He talks about how Google has stated that Infowars and him will soon be unsearchable on YouTube, which he believes is a violation of his rights and affects everyone else as well. Jones mentions how he plans to fight back against these restrictions by moving to D.C., setting up a bureau there, and attending more committee hearings. He encourages his audience to visit Subscribestar.com/AlexJones to support him in the fight against tyranny and human freedom worldwide.

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The answer to--
1984 is 1776. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what
Two pairs of bunk beds in each bedroom and the living room.
They are concentration camps.
HHS provides the teens with six hours daily classroom instruction, access to arts and crafts, three meals a day and snacks.
Is it school sports day?
Summer camp?
With freshly made beds?
with family, then legal services. And as the contractor running the holding facility describes,
most importantly, they provide playtime.
Is it school sports day? Summer camp? With freshly made beds? Eat all you can buffet?
And the inevitable video games?
The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the home of the free is extraordinarily
Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.
Some protesters replaced three flags at the front of the facility with a Mexican flag and an upside-down U.S.
flag spray-painted with abolish ice.
You are more concerned with a piece of cloth than people who are locked in cages.
Children, right in front of you.
You know those flags and those troops?
There were American flags hanging all over these facilities.
That children were being separated from their parents in front of an American flag.
Mr. Speaker, we do have a crisis at our border.
It is one of morality.
As we have seen this current strategy unfold intentional and cruelly created by the Trump administration.
If you're not happy here, then you can leave.
White supremacists!
White supremacist!
The United States is running concentration camps.
(upbeat music)
That's what she says, the United States is running concentration camps.
It doesn't matter that we've got video for the last three years of AP, you name it, going inside these attention centers, and they're nicer than most elementary school facilities around the country.
But they don't care.
They're doubling and tripling down, calling the guards murderers.
Saying they're killing children, they're drinking out of toilets.
All of it is lies.
And they're getting away with it.
The whole corporate media is getting away with this entire thing.
And it just shows you they'll just intensify the lies even more.
And the weakest minded people out there, the most deranged, are now trying to kill Border Patrol and ICE officers because they believe that they're really killing children inside.
Truth is, we're being totally rushed by tens of millions of people because they've been offered free stuff.
I played local Texas newscast where they talk to the illegal aliens.
And they say, I've come here because I'm supposed to get free stuff.
They look at who's paying for the ads.
It's the U.S.
State Department.
You know, why doesn't Trump stop it?
It was put into federal endowments by Obama, and Trump can go stop it, but he's got so many things going on.
The money's also fenced out to George Soros, who then distributes it back.
There was a Candace Owens rant where she's saying, I want this to go the most viral of any video I've ever done.
And she's on her own now, she's not even on Turning Point USA.
And she's a handheld camera shot, but it's a powerful rant.
She speaks for all of us in our anger.
It makes the same points I make that these videos, these facilities, where they're letting third-party journalists in, show that it's nicer than the summer camp I just dropped my daughters off at a few weeks ago.
I mean, it's very nice.
And there's one problem with her video.
She doesn't show the proof.
So we just posted the video to InfoWars.com, I mean, a minute ago, they gave me the green light.
With her rant, with all the added proof added to it.
So that's coming up next segment and it's going to be posted to InfoWars.com.
Has been posted.
Every single person listening who's mad about this, you need to get the video with Candace Owens with the added proof.
Because she doesn't have a crew or anybody to help her.
Well, we'll help Candace.
Old Paul first helped launch this great lady and InfoWars is proud that we helped incubate the work she's done as she's now reaching tens of millions of people.
We're still here helping Candace.
We'll be right back.
Hope you'll help us get the message out.
InfoWars The most banned network in the world.
Tom in Texas, police officer on the border, talks about MS-13 and more.
Thanks for calling, Tom.
Yes, sir.
Thank you for taking my call.
Just want to thank you for your products.
I have the InfoWard decals on the outside of my cell phone case, my truck, sports shirts, all the equipment.
I find it's the best way to get your word out.
God bless you, brother.
And I have three or four InfoWard bumper stickers in my glove box right now I hand out if I get to talking to somebody just to help spread You're our only hope, brother.
I'm telling you, you're more important than I am.
It's people like you on the ground as you know that's boots on the ground.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
It's Wednesday, July 19th, the year 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And I say this every day, because it's true.
Every day gets more intense.
Every day gets more insane.
Let me tell you what's coming up today.
To the point.
Rant by Candace Owens after she toured her third or fourth migrant detention center.
But she's on her own now.
She's not with Turning Point USA.
She was too popular.
The left attacked her so, you know, the conservatives all put their tail between their legs and peed on themselves and threw her under the bus.
That's okay.
That's what they do.
To our now Fox News host in Phoenix, who's an Emmy Award winner, they caught her with a Parler account, which is just a conservative or open Facebook alternative, and she got caught on tape being admonished that you're not supposed to say you're conservative, you'll get called extreme.
So you can't even be a Republican now.
F them, Fox 10 host responds to bosses who asked her to hide her right-wing views.
And that's the attitude to this.
You gotta have, because they're always moving the goalposts.
You know, one day it's Alex Jones is banned, next it's... Oh!
Bible verses are now banned.
Paul Watson answers his own question in this article on newswars.com that you might want to send every church you know of, and maybe if they're real Christians they'll stand up and say that that was enough.
Hate speech!
Facebook deletes post quoting peaceful Catholic theologian.
Bible passage to be banned next?
Well, I don't think Paul's that big of a theologian.
So he doesn't know.
Two of the things said by the priests that are banned are Bible verses.
So they are banning Bible verses.
Canada's already doing this.
Areas of Europe are doing this.
They're taking Christians' children And giving them to Muslims as part of cultural enrichment.
And Poland's giving people from Sweden and other areas political asylum.
Because the governments are saying Christianity's bad.
I'm not kidding.
We're going to take your children away and give you the Muslims their good.
And the BBC runs TV shows for children where young people learn to convert to Islam and find peace.
Again, the quote from the Catholic Saint, who expresses the opposite of hate speech, he's essentially re-saying the words of Jesus Christ, as that's exactly what he's doing.
And we're printing those Bible verses up right now, where he said that men are hopeless creatures.
The actual quote is, hopelessly wicked, fallen.
We're going to give you those quotes coming up.
Anybody can just type in Bible verses about Humanity being fallen, being hopelessly wicked.
Romans 7, 24, 25.
Wretched men that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of death.
Now, yet I'm going to print those and I'll be covering that coming up a little bit later.
That's just some of the things we have to cover here.
Oh, and speaking of Facebook now banning Bible verses and reviewing it and saying, oh yes, this is hateful to say humanity's fallen.
Now, you know what's really going on here, right?
Once you let them have the power in government or in academia or anywhere to say we don't have free speech anymore if we define it As hate speech?
Well then they're going to define everything they want to as that.
Hate speech is no speech.
Hate speech is authoritarianism.
Hate speech is the only truly dangerous, hateful speech.
It's the song of tyrants.
It's the hurricane of tyranny.
It's what knocks down its opposition and creates nightmare scenarios and real death camps and real concentration camps.
Remember YouTube just removed a video of Tommy Robinson defending himself saying he shouldn't go to prison for journalism.
They removed that as hate speech.
And so people go to YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and they go, it's not hateful to quote Jesus.
They go, yes it is.
And then you argue with them that it's not hate speech.
Hate speech is whatever the left says it is to take your speech.
And instead of saying you're the tyrant, you're the threat, you're the bad guy, you're the dick dastardly, You're the villain.
You're the joker.
You're the devil.
You're the Hitler.
You're the bad guy.
You're the Mao Zedong.
They go, oh, please, no, I'm not hateful.
I just quoted Jesus.
Well, Jesus is bad.
I guess you're right.
See the trick?
You know, I like Joe Rogan.
He's a good friend of mine.
Really smart guy.
And I like listening to him.
And he smits some smart things.
But man, he constantly has gas on about the censorship.
And they'll debate, well that's not hateful what Alex said.
Making fun of the governor of Virginia?
Where he's talking about keeping born babies comfortable?
I mean that's hilarious!
Remember they had the head of Twitter on, Jack Norsey, and Jack was talking about bad things I'd done.
Where I'd made fun of people and stuff.
Joe goes, well that's hilarious.
That's not hate speech.
Don't give them the moral authority to define something as evil so it doesn't have free speech.
Joe will sit there constantly with banned comics and go over, well that's not really bad.
You're not really dislike black people or you're not really against gay people.
They should be able to say bad things.
Black people should be able to say whatever they want.
White people, if you disagree with it and don't like it, then don't be friends with them.
That's what speech is all about, and I know everybody understands it when you step back two feet and go, wait a minute.
I remember, I shared about the war on Christmas 20 years ago, and I thought my listeners were exaggerating, and I'd see news articles where they'd go, this eighth grade girl was suspended for a week for giving out Christmas cards.
The school has a zero tolerance on violation of church and state.
And now it's everywhere.
Now they tell people don't wear a cross in the workplace.
It might offend someone.
Separation of church and state means the government doesn't say we have an official religion like leftist environmentalism and carbon taxes and political correctness.
That is the state religion now.
They admit it's a religion.
They've just removed one religion as an operating system and brought in a new anti-human religion.
See how that works?
And the little girl and her parents, I remember we had her on, there's been countless cases like this.
I had to call them and say, you need to get a lawyer.
And I said, you understand, Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, primitive for exercise thereof, or the press or the right to assemble and all that.
I said, you have a right to personally give people anything you want.
To me, a Harry Potter book was the example I used.
Harry Potter was just coming out then.
They're like, oh, you are right.
Well, yeah.
Yeah, you can hand out Buddhist cards.
You can hand out Christian cards.
As long as it's at recess or after school or in between things, that's human interaction.
Prisoners in prisons are supposedly able to exchange notes unless it's a maximum security.
I mean, are these maximum security prisons?
Where you can't give somebody a Christmas card?
Where Starbucks gets in trouble?
Because now, just...
Santa Claus iconography is seen as Christian, which it's not.
It's pagan.
Oh, Tannenbaum.
Oh, Tannenbaum.
So, this is an incredible time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
It's super dangerous, and that's just some of the censorship news.
Senator Blumenthal of Connecticut admits that he's the former state attorney general, and that he got into office on the back of Sandy Hook, and that Senator Murphy did.
And that his son is running the operation to try to shut down InfoWars, and he admits that.
And then he lies about me to the Google executives, and says I want him 100% off Google.
And they said, sir, we're going to get it done soon.
Incredible admission of total censorship by an evil thug who wants to silence my speech, and he does it on the backs of Sandy Hook.
Victims twisting what I ever said or did and then using it and probably Robbie Parker who's suing me
with his voice shaking like Robbie Parker is is is is just Elvis Jesus and the Loch Ness Monster all rolled into one
there Or unicorns or whatever.
And it's just like, he is mean to Sandy Hook.
And they go, we will have him banned.
How Hitler, basically, is what the Google people say.
I mean, it is just so authoritarian.
You want Hitler?
This is it.
You want authoritarianism?
Maybe this is it.
All pretty with a big ol' bow on it.
And there's so much more coming up.
I mean, this is gonna be one hell of a transmission.
InfoWars. The most banned network in the world.
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But we are in your hands, you are in your hands.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, coming up, they've got the big Democrat debates, part two, on the 27th.
We'll be here covering it live.
Talk about the circus coming to town.
Okay, let's get to something that is incredibly important, but also amazingly frustrating, and really gets my blood boiling.
Candace Owens, formerly of Turning Point USA, a great citizen activist and journalist and podcaster, She went and toured multiple facilities for herself.
Randomly went and picked some.
They let her in as a journalist.
They'll let anybody in.
As long as you assign paperwork not to show the children's faces.
I mean, I remember when they were saying Trump was putting kids in concentration camps three years ago.
AP and others went.
We went.
We got in.
And it looks like a nice elementary school.
And for the older kids, it looks like a nice middle school or high school.
And we're paying for it.
They're coming here, and many of them, up to a third, are not with their biological family.
We've got to find out what the hell's going on with the three or four or five-year-old being brought in.
A lot of them being rented by their families as a soccer ball, as a football, to get them across the border.
And I've played newscasts with the migrants admitting that.
Remember that famous footage, the woman going, I got 10 kids!
I'm having another one!
Somebody needs to take care of all these kids!
Remember that famous video?
We'll play it in a minute.
Well, it's the same thing here.
Look at all these kids!
Somebody needs to take care of these kids!
So Candace Owens comes out.
She's really pissed.
She's outside the lavish facility.
A lot of these are like at former nice hotels and stuff.
We've gone and covered it.
And she gets angry.
And so she wants it to go viral.
It is going viral.
It's got like a million views, but only about a few hours.
But the problem is she's not with Turning Point USA anymore.
She doesn't have any crew.
She's hand shooting this.
Well, guess what?
I saw the left this morning at 5 a.m.
when I was first up looking at this on her Twitter going, screw you, no, it's a camp, you're lying, where's the proof?
Even though it's all over the internet, not on the nightly news, showing that these aren't camps.
But a little on Fox.
But if you go to the actual local reports and the AP and our reports, you can see the truth.
So we've added the proof to the Candace Owens rant.
So it's Candace Owens' powerful migration detention center rant with video proof.
We've posted it to YouTube.
We're posting it to Twitter.
You need to get this out because sitting members of Congress, all four of the four horsemen, AOC, Ilhan Omar, all of them, Presley, They're all saying that they're killing children, they're drinking out of toilets, and that they're death camps.
These are concentration camps, and the guards are Nazis.
And MSNBC shows photoshops of the guards as Nazis.
This is outrageous.
These people show up, we take care of them better than anybody in the world.
Europe doesn't take care of them, they just dump them on the street.
In many cases.
Other cases they take Section 8 housing from old people and give it to them.
This is just crazy!
But instead of, oh look how loving and good we are, it turns into we're bad.
All the disease coming in.
By the way, Separated migrant families are suing U.S.
government demanding $3 million for each child.
That's the Democrat lawyers that they're sending into these to lie about conditions, sign affidavits that senators then use against the Border Patrol, and they go, Border Patrol?
Kids don't have toothpaste.
They don't have food.
I know you're doing it!
And the Border Patrol goes, that's not true, show proof.
They go, don't you talk back to me.
I've played the clips.
Don't you talk back.
Are you telling me lawyers that are down there are lying?
One guy looks like a cartoon character, he's sitting there banging his fist and then he goes, well, Senator?
I'm just telling you that's not true!
Think about the fraud of that.
The dirty lawyers that are suing for $3 million for each kid that came here so that we could pay for them.
By the way, big national poll in Mexico?
The vast majority of Mexicans are upset about the open borders and say it's got to be shut down.
But let's go to this powerful Candace Owens breakdown.
The video is on InfoWars.com.
Spread it.
Get it out.
If you want to resist, this is how you do it.
This is the Candace Owens rant with the proof.
Here it is.
I hope this is the most viral Periscope video that I do.
I genuinely hope that every single person retweets this.
Because what I have just seen, I am incensed, I am horrified, and I am angry.
Children are being mistreated in this country.
They are not the children that are sent to ICE immigration centers, okay?
They are the children that are in Chicago.
They are the children that are in Baltimore.
They are the children that are in Detroit.
They are the children that are being ignored while the leftists drum up a bullshit narrative that these immigration centers are somehow harming people.
The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border.
And that is exactly what they are.
Two pairs of bunk beds in each bedroom and the living room.
They are concentration camps.
HHS provides the teens with six hours daily classroom instruction, access to arts and crafts, three meals a day and snacks, access to call centers to reconnect with family, then legal services.
And, as the contractor running the holding facility describes, most importantly, they provide playtime.
Is it school sports day?
Summer camp with freshly made beds, eat-all-you-can buffet and the inevitable video games.
The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the Home of the free is extraordinarily disturbing.
Let me tell you what I just saw when I walked in there, okay?
And by the way, I'm with an entire film crew.
So I'm about to blow up this narrative in a way that the left is not expecting because they are filthy, disgusting liars.
And I am sorry that I am so angry right now, but what I just saw was astonishing, okay?
This place is nicer than where I went to the public school system.
I went to Stanford, Connecticut public schools.
This place is like an elementary school.
There are colors on the wall everywhere.
There's a nursing station that is so clean and so nice where they dine.
They're sitting down laughing, eating food.
They have people that go to the counter that can participate if they want.
They can help cook if they want.
Let me tell you what activities they have here.
I walked in on the woman that were in their arts and crafts session.
They had just concluded their f***ing Zumba class, okay?
In the same room that they do their f***ing Zumba, they also have to do their arts and crafts, okay?
That's just for the woman's side.
All these immigrants say they came because free American services and assistance are being advertised in their home countries.
They're all welcome.
There is a sand volleyball court.
There is a sand volleyball court, which they are all welcome to play anytime that they want to, in the center of the section.
There are phones that line the entire place where there's a sand volleyball court, a foosball table.
What else did I see?
There are pool tables.
There's a soccer field!
Because in case they want to play soccer when they're outside, there should be a soccer field that is adjacent to the sand volleyball court where they can play.
They're all laughing, they're having a good time, and listen, I'm not saying that people that come here should not be treated well.
That's not the argument here, okay?
But these people are treated great!
They are treated fantastically!
Everything that I just saw there was somewhere... I thought I was...
I scream, and it's like Google goes, I'm wearing a pink and a green sock, and I got a little beard, and I talk like this.
You know what those guys do when they get on jets?
They go, bring me 15 hookers now, and get the drugs ready, and take me to the private island.
Get the satanic rituals ready.
You don't just think the enemy has sleeper cells, do you?
I love it!
They've told me directly, if I don't want to be sued, if I don't want to be attacked,
if I don't want to be you name it, stop reporting on this.
And guess what I'm going to say to the big bank and the New York Federal Reserve and everybody else?
Here's what I have to say to them.
Hey, you ready?
This is what I'm saying to you right now.
You got that message?
Never going to stop.
Never going to stop.
Going to beat you too.
We're in a fight here.
I got like two battle axes fighting them.
They're hacking at me.
We're like, ah!
But you don't want to come out of mommy's basement.
You want to sit there and suck on your own little wee-wee and play video games and pretend like you're this big, you know, badass person.
You're a soldier on the internet battling everybody.
A lot of liberals have broken their conditioning because of it.
Just keep making fun of me!
Keep attacking!
I love it!
I'm totally destroying you!
So 100 U.S.
Code, Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B. Is that true?
You nailed that right there?
Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B.
Is that true? You nailed that right there?
Oh, man! You want to fight, you're going to get one.
I don't want to lose my voice, but I just want you to know, the majority of the frogs
in most areas of the United States are now gay.
But it's like a rape wave.
You know, it looks all nice and candy, puppy.
That's how they act all liberal.
Oh my gosh, communism's really good!
You're gonna like it, get in the car!
How do you like that, Wonder Man?
Oh yeah, you like that, wanna see it again?
Oh yeah?
Yeah, that's goblin power.
This broadcast is in four minutes.
Four minutes.
I'm Alex Jones, and I do the show here weekdays, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m., and then we have Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex, and all the InfoWars, can you hear me?
Yes, sir, I can!
Thank God!
Literally, I have waited and I've been, I'm a very patient man and I'm a man of God and I'm a man of Christ.
And I believe that we can look.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, tyranny's making its move.
Censorship is exploding all over the world.
And with these automated AI systems on Google and Facebook and Twitter, they can erase somebody's voice, somebody's name, just by hitting a button.
And Google has announced that they have algorithm systems and AI ready to remove my name, my voice print, my likeness from the internet.
Facebook's already begun by announcing my image is illegal on their systems.
They have the same filters that block child porn.
Unless it's a negative light, it's disparaging.
Or if you're organizing for my death, I'm not joking.
This is not a Twilight Zone episode.
If you're organizing my murder, that is authorized.
Now, they changed it back last week saying only calling for violence is okay, not the murder, because of course that was illegal.
So, we're not kidding.
A quick correction, because I go through a lot of videos in the morning, and I was watching this Candace Owens video at like 5 in the morning, and I was like, oh, she left Running Point USA.
Look, she's shooting this video with her own handheld.
I thought, oh, let's add the video proof, because we've got all the video inside these centers.
To show it super nice.
Then I missed the two seconds where she's like, this is coming out.
I got a film crew.
And then you see two film crew guys like 50 feet behind her.
So that's good.
But I was wondering like, wow, why is she showing all this?
And we already know this.
I'm glad she's angry.
We all should be angry.
I'm angry.
Why is she showing the video inside?
Well, notice from Texas and California and Arizona, We spliced in footage that AP released yesterday showing exactly what she said she found in Florida and is going to be showing.
Because all the facilities are the same.
That's the facility for women and children and unaccompanied children.
And I'm gonna say it again.
One-third are either alone or not with a family member.
And we're just supposed to take five-year-olds and ten-year-olds and eight-year-olds and three-year-olds and just let them wander down the street.
That's concentration camps.
Collapsing, hellish Guatemala.
Collapsing, hellish Venezuela.
Thousands of murders a week in Central America.
I have an article a day out of AP about it.
Hundreds of machete deaths a day in El Salvador.
In Nicaragua.
Massive attacks here in the US.
Same thing happening.
Severed heads being dropped off and delivered at police stations.
Barely makes the news.
And then AOC It's up there on television, and she says, you know, back Candace Owens, back to the beginning.
We already aired about three minutes of it, but I want to air the last minute.
But let's just, let's air the whole thing, unedited here, so we don't, you know, run into a break again, my fault.
I looked at the clock wrong.
And she's angry.
You should be angry, too.
Because you're being called a Nazi.
Your taxpayer money pays for this.
Our Border Patrol has one of the hardest, roughest jobs there is.
They work their butts off.
Compared to the average beat cop or FBI agent who work a lot, too.
I mean, it's grueling.
It's rough.
In some areas, one person is processing up to 50 people a day.
Can you imagine?
And they're sick, and they've got diarrhea, and they're vomiting all over themselves, and the guards are getting, and the Border Patrol are getting all sorts of diseases.
And TB.
Can you imagine?
Have you ever been around a car wreck or something, and you see a car wreck, and you see somebody hurt?
How stressful that is when you go home?
How you're exhausted?
You ever see somebody with their leg cut off or something and you put a tourniquet around them or whatever?
And you go home and you collapse, you're exhausted?
I've done a few things like that.
I've seen stuff like that.
And you go home, you're just exhausted.
Imagine doing that all day long.
Eight, nine, ten hours a day.
In 110 degree heat.
115 degree heat.
120 degree heat.
And you're being told you're a piece of crap.
You're getting shot at.
You're getting killed.
And you get to turn the TV on.
And you get to hear how you're a Nazi.
And AOC knows damn well she's a liar.
Yeah, they captured 15,000 people this year in one Texas area and had at one facility 15,000.
And it turned out that the Border Patrol had to work seven days a week for a month then.
Some of them were working 20-hour shifts.
People were collapsing, loading them on buses and feeding them and just getting them into the United States and other centers.
It was 14,000 plus people, the Border Patrol reported, in one day.
14,000 people.
You imagine 14,000 people showing up at your church.
Let's say your church is 1,000 people.
What if 14,000 showed up and said, wipe my ass?
Cook me dinner!
And if you don't get it just right, just right on time, you're a Nazi!
You're a concentration camp guard!
Here's Candace Owens.
This is the most viral Periscope video that I do.
I genuinely hope that every single person retweets this.
Because what I have just seen, I am incensed, I am horrified, and I am angry.
Children are being mistreated in this country.
They are not the children that are sent to ICE immigration centers, okay?
They are the children that are in Chicago.
They are the children that are in Baltimore.
They are the children that are in Detroit.
They are the children that are being ignored while the leftists drum up a bullshit narrative that these immigration centers are somehow harming people.
The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border.
And that is exactly what they are.
Two pairs of bunk beds in each bedroom and the living room.
They are concentration camps.
HHS provides the teens with six hours daily classroom instruction, access to arts and crafts, three meals a day and snacks, access to call centers to reconnect with family, then legal services.
And, as the contractor running the holding facility describes, most importantly, they provide playtime.
Is it school sports day?
Summer camp with freshly made beds, eat all you can buffet, and the inevitable video games.
The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the Home of the free is extraordinarily disturbing.
Let me tell you what I just saw when I walked in there, okay?
And by the way, I'm with an entire film crew.
So I'm about to blow up this narrative in a way that the left is not expecting because they are filthy, disgusting liars.
And I'm sorry that I am so angry right now, but what I just saw was astonishing, okay?
This place is nicer than where I went to the public school system.
I went to Stanford, Connecticut public schools.
This place is like an elementary school.
There are colors on the wall everywhere.
There's a nursing station that is so clean and so nice where they dine.
They're sitting down laughing, eating food.
They have people that go to the counter that can participate if they want.
They can help cook if they want.
Let me tell you what activities they have here.
I walked in on the woman that were in their arts and crafts session.
They had just concluded their f***ing Zumba class, okay?
In the same room that they do their f***ing Zumba, they also have to do their arts and crafts, okay?
That's just for the woman's side.
All these immigrants say they came because free American services and assistance are being advertised in their home countries.
They're all welcome.
There is a sand volleyball court.
There is a sand volleyball court, which they are all welcome to play anytime if they want to, in the center of the section.
There are phones that line the entire place where there's a sand volleyball court, a foosball table.
What else did I see?
There are pool tables.
There's a soccer field!
Because in case they want to play soccer when they're outside, there should be a soccer field that is adjacent to the sand volleyball court where they can play.
They're all laughing, they're having a good time.
And listen, I'm not saying that people that come here should not be treated well.
That's not the argument here, okay?
But these people are treated great!
They are treated fantastically!
Everything that I just saw there was somewhere... I thought I was touring a place to send my child to elementary school.
And by the way, I would have sent my child to this elementary school.
This is an ICE facility in Broward County, the source of so much debate and anger, and everyone came down to Florida because the left did what they do best.
They made up a f*cking narrative that is completely false and untrue.
We were massively behind this year in the funding we need to discontinue.
But I've really worked hard, promoted products to some good ads, and part of that deficit was taken away to where we're able to operate right now.
And I've always been so confident that I haven't really worried about it, but I've really got to tell listeners, now is the time to support.
I want to thank you.
I'm not complaining, you haven't supported it enough, but my God, if we're not proving we're the tip of the spear, we need your financial support, and we make it easy.
I've never been a marketer.
I always just sell what I think is the best and the highest quality at low prices.
And I got told by a few people we talked to over the years, hey, you keep selling everything so discounted, you're selling an unbelievable amount.
But if you sell $30 million in a year, but you only make $5 million, $6 million, that doesn't fund your operation.
So that's kind of the paradox we're in, is, you know, selling $40 million of stuff and making $10 million.
That does not fund all these crew members and all these people and what we're doing and the expansions we need to do and all the things.
I mean, BuzzFeed and stuff get $50 million a year, you know.
Vice gets $600 million from, you know, and then Fox gets $250 million from NBC.
We could run for five, six, seven years off that.
Because that's pure money.
That's not like products sold, and most of it's in cost.
So, infowarestore.com, last days of the 1776 Worldwide Special.
We've got great shirts.
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So please financially support us at Infowarsstore.com.
Please take action now.
The globalists are hoping you don't.
Antifa, Ilhan Omar, AOC, the globalists, Hillary Clinton, they're hoping you sit on your hands.
I don't want to be shut down in the midst of all this tearing.
And I've got expansion I want to engage in.
Instead of expanding, we're just fighting to survive under all these attacks.
And I'm proud of us.
I'm proud of your support.
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Again, that's 888-253-3139.
You can also make a straight donation, that way you get 95% of it.
You know, we had perfect credit before, but they did all that tax on us.
Gotta pay 5% on credit cards and banks now.
It's all the ways they screw us over, but I'm not a victim.
I'm a target.
I'm under attack because I'm effective and I tell the truth.
InfowarsStore.com, and your donations are absolutely essential.
So thank you all for your support.
Please take action today, but whatever you do, tell people word of mouth about the broadcast.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Okay, I've just spent a lot of the hour on the hoax that we have children in concentration camps.
Now, I know you know that that's all a fraud.
Under Clinton, they actually built FEMA camps for a civil war and tasked Delta Force to go in and take over cities and capital cities if governors fought back against a federal takeover.
That was Clinton's delusion of grandeur.
Now, how did I know about that?
I got told about it by the military.
Then, once I got heavily involved in it, some of the military that was being ordered to do it came to me and said, Jones, we know you're like 25 years old and everything.
Let me explain something to you.
We're the ones that told law enforcement so they told you.
So stop acting like we're the bad guys, dumbass.
And I was like, oh, really?
Yeah, we were given the orders.
We leaked the information so people know about it to Soldier of Fortune and others.
So will you get off our ass?
I was like, oh, yeah, well, thanks for telling me.
So, you know, that's the learning process in life, ladies and gentlemen, because you can be intelligent, but you don't have all the pieces, so you make bad assumptions.
But still, I was going in the right direction that Bill Clinton Was trying to prepare and test to see if he could get the military to bring in martial law.
That's a real danger when you've got a bad leadership.
That happens all over the world and in history.
That's a real thing.
Collapsing Latin America.
Collapsing North Africa.
Collapsing Middle East.
Collapsing near Asia.
Central Asia.
Coming into Europe.
Coming into here.
The UN funding it.
That's an artificial, globalist, outside attack.
And our government's designed and constitutionally built to deal with that.
So see, that's not tyranny.
That's normal operation of constitutional government.
So it really is incredible to see them trying this, but the good news is the wheels are coming off of it.
The Democrat real poll numbers are going straight down.
Even the CNN admits Trump's officially broken Washington.
No, you broke yourselves.
But even Obama, remember a few years ago before he left office, was saying, hey, just being poor or whatever is not a prerequisite to come here and to get asylum.
That's not what asylum is.
Here it is.
I felt like some of the stories were a little over-pranked.
And as I explained to my fellow presidents, under U.S.
law, we admit a certain number of refugees from all around the world based on some fairly narrow criteria.
And typically, refugee status is not granted just based on economic need or because a family lives in a bad neighborhood or poverty.
It's typically defined fairly narrowly.
You have a state, for example, that was targeting a political activist and they need to get out of the country for fear of prosecution or even death.
There may be some narrow circumstances in which there is a humanitarian or refugee status that a family might be eligible for.
If that were the case, it would be better for them to be able to apply in-country rather than take a very dangerous journey all the way up to Texas to make those same claims.
But I think it's important to recognize that that would not necessarily accommodate a large number of additional migrants.
What's more important is going to be for us to be able to find the kinds of solutions, So, anybody who wants to go to Infowars.com, they can pull that story up from yesterday.
Flashback, Obama said crime and poverty are not qualifiers for asylum.
If your country, say, got bombed by its nearby country and overrun, that's refugee status.
And that's usually the closest country that's culturally more similar to you, that's stable, that should take you in.
If they can.
And then countries have meetings together and decide who's going to take what.
That is very humanitarian, a very American thing to do.
And we're the most open in the world!
That now, by the alchemy of Democrat lies, turns into, we're killing children, they're drinking out of toilets, these are death camps.
And it's a total hoax.
It's a total lie.
It's total fraud.
From one end to the other and back again.
And you gotta ask yourself, and the audience is like, yeah Alex, we knew three years ago that these weren't death camps.
We understand that.
I know, but a lot of the public doesn't know that.
Like when they say I'm a Russian agent.
Or they say, you know, Trump's doing all this bad stuff.
These people believe this garbage.
In fact, let's play another clip here of just a compilation of Democrats sounding just like
Trump until just a few years ago.
And again, they have such disdain for you, they disrespect you so much that at first
they said there was no refugee crisis.
There were no caravans.
We'll get to that next segment.
I've got a bunch of other news, but speaking of censorship, this is so important.
This is such a crazy story that I'm going to tell it.
I called Tim Frugier into my office yesterday.
He's our operations manager, a good friend of mine.
And I said, do you remember Last week, I said, we're going to sell out of the new Betsy Ross American flag.
These colors don't run America's back shirts, which we did sell out of.
Thanks for the support, folks.
But the price we sell them, we got to sell a ton of them to fund the operation.
But we did sell 4,000.
And I said, I told folks, it's a popper.
We have a new variant.
And I said, I want the new variant to be an American flag, a Betsy Ross, but also another just classic American flag, all 50 stars.
With the Gadsden Snake superimposed over it.
And on the back, America's Back, Infowars.com.
Last night, I'm on Infowars.com, and I read, Chris Pratt criticized for t-shirt choice.
It is literally the shirt that I envisioned.
Of course, it's a common sense shirt.
But what's better than just an American flag?
How about a, don't tread on me, under the flag?
Saying don't tread on the American flag.
It's a perfect combo.
So great minds think alike.
I mean, whoever designed that shirt, we'd already come up with the exact same, similar design.
And so that's the new limited edition.
We're printing 4,000.
By the way, just yesterday, the 4,000 shirts of the Betsy Ross flag arrived, the ones that are already sold out.
Those are now shipping today.
Anyone wants this new limited edition, it is the Don't Tread on Me American flag t-shirt, inspired by the triggering of leftist by the shirt worn by Chris Pratt.
And I'm told by folks that know Chris Pratt, I think it's pretty obvious he's a Christian and he's criticized for that, that the guy is a patriot.
Of course, Kurt Russell, Clint Eastwood, anybody it seems that I like on the screen, you know, is already truly a wake person.
So that's exciting.
This is inspired by the shirt he's wearing.
But it reminded me that I was already having the shirt designed.
And Tim's like, wow, that's that's crazy.
But no, it's really not crazy.
Think about it.
Don't tread on me.
Because they're treading on the American flag and then the snakes with it.
And it just really works well.
We did a little bit better design, I think.
But it's a battle tattered flag, like the one that flew over Fort Sumter that's in the Star Spangled Banner song or National Anthem.
And again, on the back, it says AmericasBackInfoWars.com.
So I am very, very proud of that new shirt.
4,000 of these babies.
And that's it.
Tim doesn't like to be on camera, but I told him, I said, Tim, at least do an audio ad with me.
We're reenacting what happened or talking about it, because that's a cool story.
I mean, I'm in there with the graphics folks.
I want an American flag, and I want the Betsy Ross one.
That's two different shirts, four different variants, just like the last shirt.
And they go, well, how do you want the snake?
And I go, I don't know, kind of faded into it.
But, you know, where you see it.
And then Chris Pratt is wearing one just like it, and then he gets in trouble, and the left says it's racist, and they're going to unfollow him, and Hollywood's not sure now.
You know, you wore an American flag.
It's a white supremacist symbol.
They said Betsy Ross was one!
She was an abolitionist!
The average leftist is so dumb, they don't know abolitionists were the Christian movement out of England, and the United States that banned slavery worldwide.
And England went to war with at least 11 countries to ban it, and lost over 100,000 sailors and marines.
I guess they're called Dragoons.
So we've got the Betsy Ross version and the American flag version at InfoWarsTore.com being printed in the USA right now.
And I had to extend the 1776 worldwide special just because I'm so busy.
The new specials and new ads aren't cut because I'm just focusing on news.
It was up until 7 o'clock last night, fighting hard.
But thanks for your support.
Take advantage of that sale one more day.
We'll be right back.
The most banned broadcast in the world.
The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border.
And that is exactly what they are.
Two pairs of bunk beds in each bedroom and the living room.
They are concentration camps.
HHS provides the teens with six hours daily classroom instruction, access to arts and crafts, three meals a day and snacks, access to call centers to reconnect with family, then legal services.
And, as the contractor running the holding facility describes, most importantly, they provide playtime.
Is it school sports day?
Summer camp with freshly made beds, eat-all-you-can buffet, and the inevitable video games.
The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the home of the free is extraordinarily disturbing.
Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.
Some protesters replaced three flags at the front of the facility with a Mexican flag and an upside-down U.S.
flag spray-painted with abolish ice.
You are more concerned with a piece of cloth than people who are locked in cages.
Show it right in front of you.
You know those flags and those troops?
There were American flags hanging all over these facilities.
That children were being separated from their parents in front of an American flag.
Mr. Speaker, we do have a crisis at our border.
It is one of morality.
As we have seen this current strategy unfold intentional and cruelly created by the Trump administration.
If you're not happy here, then you can leave.
White supremacists!
White supremacist!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Now, there's a psychological warfare system, a law, And you can quantify it or name it, whatever you want.
But if tyrants start oppressing you and you accept it, then you'll be like the frog in the pot that slowly boils.
Everybody knows about that concept.
I guess it's the frog in the pot concept.
If you resist it, Long enough, you will become stronger, you will overcome it.
It's the law of nature.
It's like, we couldn't beat the North Vietnamese because it was their land and they'd been fighting folks for 2,000 years and they weren't going to back down.
So if we didn't basically kill every one of them, they're not going to lose.
Well, it's the same thing with us.
Nobody's going to conquer America unless it's from within.
And unless they start with, oh, just don't be a Nazi.
Well, I'm not a Nazi, that's fine.
Well, just don't let them have speech.
Yeah, okay, sure.
Oh, just don't say something that hurts people's feelings.
Don't call people homosexuals.
Well, that's a scientific term, like heterosexual.
Just, well, you call us gay.
Okay, I don't want to hurt your feelings, sure.
Pretty soon, don't call yourself father or mother.
By the way, we're going to teach your son, they're really a girl, do what I want or I'm going to report you.
And by then, ladies and gentlemen, the system's got you.
They got you by the short hairs.
They got you right where they want you.
And we know from Europe and Canada, Canada is one of the worst.
Canada is incredibly authoritarian.
Great people.
Wonderful people.
Friendly, nice.
Very naive, like a lot of Americans.
And I've seen, I'm not going to exaggerate, 500 articles over the 20 years, 25 years I've been on air, where preachers would get arrested for preaching passages out of the Bible, and people would come sit at the church and hear it, go report it, and the police would come and arrest them.
Now there are cases where In California and places in Canada, where if you say that a guy with a beard who's six foot two is a man, you get arrested.
You use the wrong pronoun.
That's a cult.
That's living in a prison.
And so I've got a stack of articles here where they're now going after Christians in the U.S.
And Facebook, again, is banning Bible verses.
Paul asked, you know, how soon until they ban Bible verses?
Well, the famous quote by a priest is a composite of Bible verses.
And now if you try to put those verses in, Facebook is banning you as well.
So, that's the frog with the water boiling.
If we don't jump out now, it's burning our butt, it's burning our little suction feet, Yeah, we're showing real footage on television.
If you're a TV viewer, radio listeners can go to InfoWars.com for a show of a real example of a frog.
In a pot and you turn the water up incrementally.
And they just.
Like they're in a hot tub, go to sleep.
Then you can pull him out, salt their legs up and eat him.
If you're into French, French Louisiana cooking, I've had plenty of frog legs.
That's how this works.
You know, I'm not a frog in the pot, man.
I'm like, I'm in the pot, my ass is burning, my feet are, my eyes are rolling back in my head, because we're all collectively have to jump out together.
We're the frog.
I'm sitting there going, you ever had a, I want to call it a night terror, but I've had it before where you wake up and you can't move.
You're still asleep, but you're conscious and your eyes are open and you can't move because Your lower brain has disconnected from your spinal cord.
You ever been sleeping next to your wife, and they go to sleep, and they kind of, you know, there's like a pop, or like a clunk?
And that's when your brain basically disconnects from the spinal cord, and you start going to deeper sleep.
And you ever had your eyes open, and you have to will yourself to like kind of go back asleep and wake back up.
I know how to get out of those.
Now that I'm 45, that happens once a year or so.
But I was like 15 years old, so that was horrifying as hell.
Open your eyes up.
Can't get up.
Can't move.
Gotta take a piss.
Well, it's the same thing.
I'm like the frog.
We're all the frog.
I want out of the pot.
But I gotta wake up, everybody, and get out of this paralysis for us to get the hell out of this pot, baby.
Let's do it.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Get your motor runnin'.
Head out on the highway.
Lookin' for adventure.
in whatever comes our way.
Yeah, darling, go make it happen.
Take the world in a loving way.
Fire all of your guns and bombs and explode into space.
Ladies and gentlemen, did you know that in Charlottesville a year and a half ago,
the Democratic Party and other groups put out ads and they hired what is called in Washington "AstroTurf"?
And they hired people to dress like Nazis.
That's why they actually wore costumes.
Khaki pants, white button-up shirts, tiki torches.
And the five leaders of the group all formally worked for the Democratic Party within two years of them becoming Nazi leaders.
And most of them were simply art department people and college students getting acting degrees, degrees in the arts.
Mainly gay men, wanting to do their part for the Democrats, who came out and got together from all over the country, flew in, and then had their march so that America would see marching Nazis.
And I'll say it, Richard Spencer, Is a total fake.
And CNN puts him on as the Nazi leader.
He wears outfits like he's from 1938 Germany.
And it's all a giant theater art production.
And I have the ads!
Online ad recruited Charlottesville activists for $25 an hour.
Actors and photographers wanted in Charlottesville.
Now I exposed all this and so they said in the news that I said that woman didn't die of a heart attack or by getting scared by the car.
I never said that.
And that I said that some photographer killed the woman.
I never said that.
I'm being sued for that.
The judge was letting it go forward but has allowed a very rare hearing.
Because I guess the judge has found out his law clerk just took whatever these people said and put it in there as his latest ruling.
It's not what was said and not what was done.
The judge has in a ruling that I said, and the other defendants said, wait for it, that the people suing us had been neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
No one ever said that.
It's totally made up.
But see, these judges, some of them are old school.
They don't understand how much the media lies.
They wrote headlines that I lost the Sandy Hook lawsuit.
In AP.
For a book I never wrote.
For a suit that never happened.
And AP told us, they said, go ahead and sue, we're not retracting it.
And we are, don't worry.
That's getting geared up.
We don't want to sue them, but I mean, you got to, folks, when they're just saying flat out lies.
And now, reportedly, the judge has actually been brought transcripts of what was really said, and not too happy.
But there's this attitude in corporate media that they can just say whatever lie they want, put it in lawsuits, and then just have everybody believe it, and then convict me in the court of public opinion, like Senator Blumenthal did in the Senate yesterday.
And I didn't lead the show with that.
But Google testified saying InfoWars and Alex Jones will soon be unsearchable.
And now it's Bible verses are being banned as hateful for saying humanity is fallen and needs God.
Well, that's hate speech to say that humanity has a problem.
And again, even if that wasn't true, which obviously it is, just look around you.
Even if that wasn't true, it's someone's right.
It doesn't matter if you define it as hate speech, but all the debates are, that's not hate speech.
The Bible's not hate speech.
How about you don't have jurisdiction, government and corporations, to get involved in our communications and say, well, we've decided, because we're a bunch of crazy, wild, university-trained leftists, that Bible verses are bad, so we've decided it's hateful.
We're judge, jury, and executioner.
That's a giant cult.
So, they're not coming for everyone.
They've already come for you.
They've got your children.
First, they banned criticizing vaccines and talking about what happened to you personally.
Since when can consumers not say that on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook?
Now, major university and government studies are being buried and banned off of Google and Facebook.
Scientific published studies aren't allowed either.
Because see, once you ban one person's speech, you better believe it'll be somebody else's speech tomorrow.
And the worst part is, once they've silenced you, they can tell whatever lies they want.
If they're successful shutting down talk radio like they want to and all these other things, no one would be there to go to the facilities and show people that there's no concentration camps for the immigrant children.
And that they're nicer than most of our public schools.
Think about how dastardly that is, because see, I could easily just walk off and no longer be on air.
But they're going to come for me!
It isn't just like they take your speech away.
Then these criminals, like Senator Blumenthal, this authoritarian monster, sits up there with a straight face and says he wants me eradicated.
The other senator says for America to survive, I must be silenced.
I must be silenced!
Because I said something mean about Sandy Hook, which isn't even true.
But I have a right to say, but they're lying.
But they create a false narrative.
Trump's hurting children in concentration camps.
Alex is hurting.
He's like, he's currently attacking the Sandy Hook families.
Protect us.
He won't stop.
He sends violent people.
That's like saying, he's sending people to our house right now.
Stop him.
This isn't speech.
This is violence.
He's telling the... And Google's like, we're trying to stop him.
It's all lies.
He's bad.
He's hurting us.
He's... These people know exactly what they're doing.
And his son, who's a former federal prosecutor, runs their fake lawsuit against me.
And Blumenthal, in the Senate, in his chair, Says, we want him off the air.
And his son runs the fake lawsuit.
And he admits it?
I mean, this guy lives because you're asleep.
His whole world is that you won't stand up.
He thinks you're an idiot.
So here it is.
Alex Jones in 2018.
By 2019, they're saying you're allowed to prepare and organize violence against him and anyone else we designate.
And they've got that million person that wants to storm Area 51.
There's no aliens in there.
There's a bunch of secret aircraft and a giant toxic waste dump and a bunch of chemical weapons dumps.
It's a whole bunch of those sites.
But if you storm that, you see, that's Facebook testing to see if it can organize that.
Facebook was designed to overthrow countries.
And Facebook and Google and all of them still think they're going to beat Trump.
They still think they're going to defeat America.
They work with the chi-coms, and they're openly moving against everybody right now.
So people ask me, how you taking it, Alex?
What's it like?
I'm like a fighter pilot in a dog fight.
I'm loving every minute of this.
This is white knuckle exhilaration.
How about you?
How are you doing, folks?
It's all our freedoms they're stealing.
I'm in the front lines fighting as hard as I can.
I feel pretty damn good.
I'm worried about all those unborn and born babies they're killing.
I'm worried about the pedophilia everywhere and trying to sexualize children.
I'm not doing good there.
I'm pissed.
See, everybody thinks you get ahead by going along.
That may have been the last hundred years of entropy.
Not anymore.
We're at the final phases of this.
You grovel to the system, you get your ass cooked.
And now they're banning.
Go read the Bible verses they're banning.
We'll cover some of those when we come back, but... I'm gonna play some of this Richard Spencer.
Because CNN says there's Nazis in concentration camps, and here's their little cute little...
All polished little fake Nazi.
Another leftist art project with his leftist government parents.
This guy thinks we're a real idiot, you dirty globalist.
Pomp, pageantry, and armored tanks.
President Trump creates a different kind of fireworks this 4th of July.
In recent years, 4th of July on the National Mall has been a tribute to universal American themes.
The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, a star-spangled civic hymn.
This year, by design, it will be much more about him.
President Trump has decided that this year, the 4th of July, should be for him.
This is a celebration of our nation's history.
It is not a celebration of any particular individual, including him.
I don't think he understands.
This is America's birthday, not his birthday.
This is why the word hijacked is being used.
Donald Trump has hijacked the nation's previously nonpartisan 4th of July celebration.
That effort to hijack July 4th for his own purposes did not go well.
Using patriotism and the military as political props has hijacked a day that should unify Americans.
But it's safe to say unifying Americans is not one of Trump's core talents.
Political rally in the middle of DC on 4th of July.
It's just totally improper.
It's just obscene.
And the speech is going to be dreadful.
They're going to have their Confederate flags flying and their license plates and all kinds of troublemaking.
Well, let's see.
Let me be subtle here.
At a professional level, 25 years in national security, I hated it.
At a personal level, I hated it more.
I've decided Washington is going to have a party on the 4th of July.
There will be big parades with floats using a new invention of mine.
This should not be a political event.
Nothing about 4th of July should be reduced to politics.
But he's putting himself at the center of this.
He is, by all accounts, the most polarizing president in modern history.
And simply by his presence, standing in front of one of our most cherished monuments, makes this a very controversial decision.
There's no need for this.
I mean we've celebrated America on 4th of July pretty well.
I think in part this is about a president who's deeply insecure and this is a bit of sort of phony toughness that we've seen out of him.
Sure looks like a partisan re-election rally on public space.
Donald Trump's campaign rally in Washington paid for by the American taxpayer.
A campaign event.
Some kind of a campaign speech.
A political rally.
Partisan event.
Combination Trump rally and Kim Jong-un-style military parade.
The president's vision bears a closer resemblance to the chest-thumping displays put on by authoritarian regimes.
This is the kind of military display that we were used to seeing from the Soviet Union.
I also have some concerns about a president Not celebrating the military, but glorifying military might.
That scares me the most.
I'm just troubled about the militaristic tone of this whole thing.
This reminds me of parades I used to attend in the Soviet Union.
Not the right look for the 4th.
Americans love our freedom and no one will ever take it away from us.
Those words sparking criticism that the president has taken over DC's 4th of July celebration on the National Mall.
Because the American people are being co-opted into this.
This is their day.
This is the day for America and for every American and yet the American people are being somewhat against their will.
Some of them who are just coming there for the fireworks co-opted to be a part of this.
The nation's birthday is being politicized.
Devotion to our founding ideals led American patriots to abolish the evil of slavery, secure
civil rights, and expand the blessings of liberty to all Americans.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, if it seems to be real, it's illusion.
For every moment of truth, there's confusion in life.
Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer.
And it's all alone, all alone, all alone, all alone, all alone.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Alex Jones here, broadcasting worldwide.
And central to all of this is the giant, unmitigated hoax that we're putting children in concentration camps.
Well, AP released three videos yesterday saying they're more like summer camps.
These are people coming here for free services.
They're in the reports saying, we want free services.
Thank you, America.
And AOC's like, they drink from toilets, and they're Nazi, and they kill them.
And then Trump goes, you're a damn liar.
Oh, you talk bad about me, you racist.
I mean, it's just like, shut up!
God, you're a monster!
Do what I say or world will end!
Just one whopper lie after whopper lie after whopper, whopper, whopper, whopper, whopper.
Here's the report.
The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border.
And that is exactly what they are.
Two pairs of bunk beds in each bedroom and the living room.
They are concentration camps.
HHS provides the teens with six hours daily classroom instruction, access to arts and crafts, three meals a day and snacks, access to call centers to reconnect with family, then legal services.
And, as the contractor running the holding facility describes, most importantly, they provide playtime.
Is it school sports day?
Summer camp with freshly made beds, eat all you can buffet, and the inevitable video games.
The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the home of the free is extraordinarily disturbing.
Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.
Some protesters replaced three flags at the front of the facility with a Mexican flag and an upside-down U.S.
flag spray-painted with abolish ice.
You are more concerned with a f***ing piece of cloth than people who are locked in cages.
Show it right in front of you.
You know there's a flag and there's troops.
There were American flags hanging all over these facilities.
That children were being separated from their parents in front of an American flag.
Mr. Speaker, we do have a crisis at our border.
It is one of morality.
As we have seen this current strategy unfold intentional and cruelly created by the Trump administration.
If you're not happy here, then you can leave.
White supremacists!
White supremacists!
Why supremacists?
Why supremacists?
And again, you go to an election meeting, it looks like people escape from a mental institution.
It's not like, oh, we go and pick and choose and show a few people who look like they're from a mental institution.
Go to any Democrat event, it looks like The most pathetic, stupid, lazy, low energy people you've ever seen, until they get aroused like zombies that smell fresh brains, and then they start hopping up and down.
And again, zombies are all allegories.
Zombies are living, but they're dead.
They're dead, but they're living.
And what do they want?
They want brains.
They don't have intellect, so they want to destroy the people that have intellect, that have the spark of the Creator.
Because to a demon-possessed meth-head, the spark of God is very ugly and very painful.
Now, getting back to the Big Enchilada, I want to play this Richard Spencer clip.
I've watched Vice documentaries.
I've tracked this guy.
His family, his parents are big leftists, big globalists.
All of his main henchmen are former Obama or Hillary workers.
One of those has been on the show.
He was the leader of the Charlottesville event.
He worked for Obama one year before he became the Nazi leader.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, it's come out over and over again that the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL don't just infiltrate Nazi groups, they run them.
Elohim City, outside Oklahoma City, that planned the Oklahoma City bombing, came out in federal court.
Carol Howe, FBI informant, exposed it.
It was being run by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The whole thing.
McVeigh tried to stop the attack.
He was the army infiltrator.
The army, of course, was watching what was happening.
He was double-crossed.
He was set up.
And I've interviewed his family, all his lawyers, all of them.
It's a fact.
We have the witnesses that saw the feds placing the bombs in the building from the FBI, CIA, and Deutsche Intelligence.
And now, this guy is up here on television with CNN giving this platform.
You know, Paul Watson interviewed Tommy Robinson.
And they said, oh, he's a Nazi, which isn't even true.
But Paul was banned from Facebook.
That was the reason given.
For even giving a platform to somebody, even if you disagree with them.
But CNN, oh, they can give a platform to whoever they want, you see.
This is about them controlling the narrative.
So here they are giving Richard Spencer a platform to act like Trump's just pretending he's a Nazi like me.
He's not a real Nazi like me.
Essentially, it normalizes hate and it makes it acceptable.
And it lowers our bar, our tolerance for what is allowed in our country.
And that is dangerous.
But here's a twist.
Hail Trump! Hail our people! Hail victory!
White nationalist Richard Spencer, who hailed Trump when he was first elected,
Hail victory?
is among those who are turning on Trump.
Many white nationalists will eat up this red meat that Donald Trump is throwing out there.
I am not one of them.
I recognize the con game that is going on.
They say Trump is all talk and no action on maintaining white dominance in America.
He gives us nothing outside of racist tweets.
And by racist tweets, I mean tweets that are meaningless and cheap and express the kind of sentiments you might hear from your drunk uncle while he's watching Hannity.
If you really listen to this guy, it's all dog whistles to the left.
He's a socialist.
CNN gives platform to alt-right white supremacist Richard Spencer.
Oh, look!
Online ad recruited Charlottesville activist for $25 an hour to play the part of white supremacist.
Oh, look!
Document cam shot, please.
Look right here.
You can go hire crowds.
There's dozens of companies, dozens of groups.
Here's another one.
Why was this crowd hire company recruiting $25 an hour political activists in Charlottesville the week before?
Ladies and gentlemen, it's staged.
It's staged.
I looked at the videos of Charlottesville very closely, the march a few nights before and the big melee the next day.
90% of the Nazis are theater major gay men from all over the United States who went and got paid to be actors.
They all want to be on Netflix, they all want to be on TV, and they all then prance around and talk about Nazis by posing as Nazis.
That's how the left wins.
They stage things like Jussie Smollett.
I'm just telling you, you've got all these theater majors, the left's recruited them, and this is what they do now.
Giant hoaxes.
Fake narratives.
Like kids in concentration camps.
They're all a bunch of lying trash.
Casey, I'm sure it's wishful thinking you're saying, Tyra comes back from nowhere, is he on turbo force?
Which is an amazing pre-workout and long-term energy system, unlike any other.
Or Tyra Woods isn't actually taking turbo force, is he?
That's a good idea though, I should try to send him some.
I'm not entirely sure, but when I was watching I'll have to try to find out.
I know.
I've been told by multiple folks that are friends with him.
He's a listener, but I don't really worry about stuff like that.
But that's great.
Who knows?
He might be on Turbo Force.
'cause he's a big story, you know, he's Tiger Woods.
And every once in a while, he'd be sucking on that bottle of Paul Wood's Spring and it was pink.
And I don't know anybody else makes an energy drink that's pink.
I'll have to try to find out, I know.
I've been told by multiple folks that are friends with him, he's a listener,
but I don't really worry about stuff like that.
But that's great, who knows, he might be on Turbo Force, who knows.
Well, last year, when he won his first tournament in a long time,
they tried to grill him on, like, degrading the president in some way.
You know, this is what you need in a press conference after a golf tournament, and he wouldn't do it.
I know, he's friends with Trump.
He's been friends with Trump, like, 20 years.
Yeah, exactly.
The media wasn't even talking about his win.
They were talking about his politics.
Thank you, Casey.
We were massively behind this year in the funding we need to just continue.
But I've really worked hard, promoted products to some good ads, and part of that deficit was taken away to where we're able to operate right now.
And I've always been so confident that I haven't really worried about it, but I've really got to tell listeners, now is the time to support.
I want to thank you.
I'm not complaining you haven't supported it enough, but my God, if we're not proving we're the tip of the spear, we need your financial support, and we make it easy.
I've never been a marketer.
I always just sell what I think is the best and the highest quality at low prices.
And I got told by a few people we talked to over the years, hey, you keep selling everything so discounted, you're selling an unbelievable amount.
But if you sell $30 million in a year, but you only make $5 million, $6 million, that doesn't fund your operation.
So that's kind of the paradox we're in, is, you know, selling $40 million of stuff and making $10 million.
That does not fund all these crew members and all these people and what we're doing and the expansions we need to do and all the things.
I mean, BuzzFeed and stuff get $50 million a year, you know.
Vice gets $600 million from, you know, and then Fox gets $250 million from NBC.
We could run for five, six, seven years off that.
Because that's pure money.
That's not like products sold, and most of it's in cost.
So, infowarestore.com, last days of the 1776 Worldwide Special.
We've got great shirts.
We've got great books.
We've got great films.
We've got great supplements.
We've got great protein bars.
The best you're going to find anywhere.
Everything we do is the best.
Our new t-shirts are super high quality fabric, everything.
So please financially support us at Infowarsstore.com.
Please take action now.
The globalists are hoping you don't.
Antifa, Ilhan Omar, AOC, the globalists, Hillary Clinton.
They're hoping you sit on your hands.
I don't want to be shut down in the midst of all this tearing.
And I've got expansion I want to engage in.
Instead of expanding, we're just fighting to survive under all these attacks.
And I'm proud of us.
I'm proud of your support.
But let me tell you something.
You need to double down.
This is the last two days of the 1776 Worldwide Special.
I'm 75% off.
That's our highest sales.
A lot of that's a lost leader.
Ultra 12 is 55% off.
All the t-shirts are 1776.
I want to commend all those that have supported us.
But listen, we got the best coffee.
We got the best toothpaste.
We got the best fish oil.
We got the best turmeric.
We've got the best bone broth.
We've got a lot of great products.
We've got a lot of great films.
A lot of great books.
A lot of amazing things.
At InfowarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
You can also make a straight donation, that way you get 95% of it.
You know, we had perfect credit before, but they did all that tax on us.
Gotta pay 5% on credit cards and banks now.
It's all the ways they screw us over, but I'm not a victim.
I'm a target.
I'm under attack because I'm effective and I tell the truth.
InfowarsStore.com, and your donations are absolutely essential.
So thank you all for your support.
Please take action today, but whatever you do, tell people word of mouth about the broadcast.
That's how America doesn't give up.
It's how we don't submit.
And we're gonna win.
But now is a critical part of the fight.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Ben Garrison is our guest.
Then I'm going to have the phones up in the third hour and get to so much of this other incredible news that I haven't even mentioned yet.
I'm going to mention some of it here in just a moment.
But it's a paradox.
I learned three, four weeks ago they were going to have the summit, even before it had been announced by the White House, the social media summit, the free speech anti-citizenship summit, and that I never intended to be invited to it.
I've never been the guy that tries to join the clubs.
I've never been the guy that tries to get into the fraternities.
I'm not saying you're bad if you have, that's good for business, whatever.
I've never been a joiner.
I'm here, you know, in Austin, Texas.
And, you know, I've been here since high school, born in Texas, family, you know, from Austin.
But I moved back to Austin in high school, and it wasn't the big mega Mecca hub, kind of California escape valve that it is now.
It was just the middle of nowhere.
But that's kind of how I operate.
I'm not saying I made Austin this big mega hub.
I'm saying I like to create the trends.
And then I like to see everybody else then jump on board those trends, and maybe like a jazz musician, riff off those and make them even better.
And so, I've always been the kind of the guy out in the wilderness, the mad prophet of the Tea Party, as Time Magazine said 15 years ago, or 12 years ago.
And so I didn't get butthurt by not being invited.
I know that Paul Watson thought it was strange he wasn't invited because he's been so banned as well, and it's about that, and Trump wanted to learn about it, or that people like Laura Loomer or Milo Yiannopoulos or others weren't, or Gab McGinnis.
But see, it would have been all about us instead of about social media and the censorship itself if we'd been there, so I got it.
But Ben Garrison is undoubtedly the most successful, most prolific Graphic political cartoonist in the world.
There's just absolutely no doubt.
And he was invited.
And what's wrong with this is that once the media called him anti-semitic, because he criticized George Soros, who just so happens to be Jewish, He was commissioned to do that piece, by the way, by Mike Cernovich.
Once he did that, it wasn't Trump did it, but it was his people dropping him like a hot potato.
And that just shows how by increment, anytime the media criticizes, anytime the left criticizes, we're all supposed to grovel in fear.
No, Trump's all about breaking the back of that, not giving in, not being politically correct, not watching what we say or some leftist will get mad.
And so of the whole conference, I'm very happy overall.
A lot of good ideas came out of it.
Trump committed to take action.
We're seeing some of that start.
But the only fly on the ointment is that he invited Ben Garrison, and then Ben Garrison, who I'm proud to say I've influenced him.
He was just a mainline guy, but still libertarian-esque.
And then he started putting out more anti-globalist stuff over a decade ago and got even more popular.
And then he got censored.
Then he got banned.
And now he's more popular than ever.
I mean, I've seen more Ben Garrison everywhere than I've seen all the other top guys combined.
And so, Trump needs Garrison.
His people need Garrison.
Trump needs us.
And Trump knows that and is very appreciative.
I'll guarantee you, it's Trump said, bring Ben Garrison.
I know he loves Garrison stuff.
But Trump's instincts are our instincts.
They're not the Washington swamp he has to pull from.
In fact, can you guys print me the article from yesterday I didn't get to?
The Fox News 10 reporter.
She's Emmy Award winning, top ratings.
They told her on camera, they didn't know it was going out, somebody was taping it, you can't have a parlor account, someone might call you right wing.
Oh, now it's don't be Alex Jones, don't be Ben Garrison, now it's don't be right wing.
And so everyone's just groveling and looking for new ways to please the system.
And there's no limit to it.
So when Facebook started banning Bible verses today, the Christian groups are arguing, well, these aren't hateful passages.
Why do you give them the authority to say what an imaginary term hate speech is, and then you go to them like they're the judge and say, okay, But I don't think this is hate speech.
You know, they don't have the right to do that.
And of course, it's not going to end anywhere, folks.
It's going to continue.
So Ben Garrison joins us.
He's with GRR Graphics.
GRRR Graphics dot com.
Bulldog's his symbol.
And he's coming on with us. I mean, you've heard my take on this. I mean, to me, the story isn't that they uninvited
you. It's in the general statement of we need to grow a backbone in this country and we need to speak our mind
again. That's the essence of being free.
Yeah, Alex, I understand what you said and where you're coming from, but you should have been there.
I mean, you are the epitome of an influencer who helped Trump get elected, and then you sum up everything that they're trying to do to us.
They're trying to de-platform us, de-person us, and that's all that stuff that's happening.
You should have been there.
And so should have the other ones that you mentioned.
I should have been there.
Look, I was so happy to be invited.
I didn't say anything for about a week, but I was like bursting.
I wanted to tell our supporters, you know, that I was so happy to be going.
I was going to give Trump a proof of our coffee table book, which came out so beautiful.
I was going to present it to him somehow.
And I just couldn't wait to go.
I was like, you know, I was really excited.
It was surreal and I couldn't wait to go.
I should have kept my mouth shut.
I'm not good at playing politics, I guess, even though I'm a political cartoonist.
And I don't consider myself to be a racist bigot, anti-Semitic, blah blah blah blah, whatever they want to call me.
Because I don't identify as any of that.
I didn't expect to be called all this.
But all these people that sort of make these decisions for us and tell us what we can and cannot say, the line drawers, they draw lines and they say, well you can't go over that line, you can't mention the Federal Reserve because you'll be anti-Semitic and we'll say that you hate Jews, or you can't cross over this line or we'll say that you're You know, an outspoken racist with the Huffington Post called me out of the blue, an outspoken racist.
I go, where is this coming from?
But they all piled on me.
You know how it goes.
They start clutching their pearls.
They play the ain't it awful game.
They blow it up into a giant conflagration.
I was kind of surprised they used me.
I can't, you know, I'm I'm still kind of... I consider myself just kind of like... Well, Ben, they know you're super effective.
And they also think you're stupid.
Because I learned from insiders, they thought that when they tried to drive a wedge between me and Trump, I would get mad at Trump.
And of course, we're not like little babies that take our marbles and go home.
But the left's trying to take Trump's biggest supporters and make us feel spurned so that we don't support Trump.
I still support the President, and I said that when I, you know, announced what was going on.
And I still went to Washington, D.C.
It was too late to cancel the tickets.
I said, heck with it, I'll go.
And one of the invitees was kind enough to invite me to the after party at the Trump International Hotel where I stay, and it was a really nice experience.
And let me tell you, Alex, about, I mean, I saw your guy, Harrison Smith, there.
Oh, that guy's a really sharp young man.
Oh, absolutely.
Harrison's awesome.
We also had... I was talking to these guys, and they're young.
I mean, it may be that I'm old and I see everybody in a different light, but these guys have so much potential.
Some of them, they're like very smart.
They're articulate, well-spoken, and they're handsome.
I mean, I looked at them, I thought they were movie stars.
I mean, here's a guy that looks like Brad Pitt.
There's a guy there that looks exactly like Sammy Davis Jr.
There's another guy I met that looked like Frank Sinatra.
I was thinking to myself, well, these guys can have a mega Rat Pack going here.
But I kind of walked away out of that with some hope because these young people can really help Influence and turn the tide.
I mean, I guess what, because I'm kind of a cynical guy, but I mean, I met one young lady, she must have been in her 20s, and boy, this gal, I mean, she's going to start a YouTube channel, and I could see a star in the making.
Oh, absolutely.
What's happening is, the more they censor, more talent just pours in to fill the ranks.
We've got a lot of battlefield promotions going on here.
But when I come back, I want to quantify where I was going, because I don't think I articulated it right.
I want to explain something critical.
You brought the game, Ben.
I brought the game.
We already are in the White House every day.
Our spirit.
We were massively behind this year in the funding we need to discontinue.
But I've really worked hard, promoted products to some good ads, and part of that deficit was taken away to where we're able to operate right now.
And I've always been so confident that I haven't really worried about it, but I've really got to tell listeners, now is the time to support.
I want to thank you.
I'm not complaining you haven't supported it enough, but my God, if we're not proving we're the tip of the spear, we need your financial support, and we make it easy.
I've never been a marketer.
I always just sell what I think is the best and the highest quality at low prices.
And I got told by a few people we talked to over the years, hey, you keep selling everything so discounted, you're selling an unbelievable amount.
But if you sell $30 million in a year, but you only make $5 million, $6 million, that doesn't fund your operation.
So that's kind of the paradox we're in, is, you know, selling $40 million of stuff and making $10 million.
That does not fund all these crew members and all these people and what we're doing and the expansions we need to do and all the things.
I mean, BuzzFeed and stuff get $50 million a year, you know.
Vice gets $600 million from, you know, and then Fox gets $250 million from NBC.
We could run for five, six, seven years off that.
Because that's pure money.
That's not like products sold, and most of it's in cost.
So, infowarestore.com, last days of the 1776 Worldwide Special.
We've got great shirts.
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Everything we do is the best.
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So please financially support us at Infowarsstore.com.
Please take action now.
The globalists are hoping you don't.
Antifa, Ilhan Omar, AOC, the globalists, Hillary Clinton, they're hoping you sit on your hands.
I don't want to be shut down in the midst of all this tyranny.
And I've got expansion I want to engage in.
Instead of expanding, we're just fighting to survive under all these attacks.
And I'm proud of us.
I'm proud of your support.
But let me tell you something, you need to double down.
This is the last two days of the 1776 Worldwide Special.
I'm 75% off.
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At InfowarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
You can also make a straight donation, that way we get 95% of it.
You know, we had perfect credit before, but they did all that tax on us.
Gotta pay 5% on credit cards and banks now.
It's all the ways they screw us over, but I'm not a victim.
I'm a target.
I'm under attack because I'm effective and I tell the truth.
InfowarsStore.com, and your donations are absolutely essential.
So thank you all for your support.
Please take action today, but whatever you do, tell people word of mouth about the broadcast.
That's how America doesn't give up.
It's how we don't submit.
And we're gonna win.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back. Alex Jones here. Ruck, that's worldwide.
We have the undisputed top political graphics, cartoonist, local cartoonist with us, Ben Garrison.
And he's a humble guy, you know, out in the mountains of the West with his wife.
He's come to town, met his wife.
She's a great lady.
And he's just hurt that they're calling him a Nazi and all this.
But see, we always are on the defense.
And, you know, I've been the same.
But everybody knows their line about concentration camps and little kids drinking out of toilets and Trump's killing them and all this crap and that the kids are being separated from their parents.
Yeah, when there aren't any parents with them.
And fake Time Magazine covers of little crying Hispanic girls.
This is sick and evil.
But everybody always defends themselves and goes, oh, I'm not these things.
Instead of going, you're a pack of lying scum.
You're the enemy of the people.
You're fake news.
Trump does it.
I do it.
And Ben does it as cartoons.
But we have to stop caring, folks, because I don't think anybody's been lying about More than me, except Trump.
And you just learn that it's a fraud.
Take this article.
F them.
Fox 10 host responds to bosses who ask her to hide her right-wing views.
Somebody, sort of hearing this conversation, probably a leftist, was like, ooh, she's talking about how she's allowed to have a parlor site.
Parlor's just an alternative to Facebook.
It's got liberals, conservatives, you name it on it.
The president is getting ready to promote it.
And so here you've got the main anchor talking to her.
She's the other big anchor.
She's award-winning, national TV level, Emmy award-winning.
And he's saying, you better watch out.
I mean, somebody might complain.
She goes, what, some local leftist paper?
So what?
Oh, well, we don't want you on there getting a national audience.
This woman puts out good reports.
I went and watched some of them.
I've seen some before.
She starts putting them on Instagram.
She starts putting them on Parler.
She'll get millions.
Oh, no, someone might get upset.
Someone... Oh my gosh!
Someone... So again, first it's the Nazis.
Well, take their rights away.
And then it's Alex Jones.
And then it's Ben Garrison.
And then it's everybody.
Now it's Bible versus Facebook's taking down.
Big article on Infowars.com.
There's no end.
And I love how she just says, F them.
I'm doing it.
I'm reaching people on there.
I'm a human being.
Somebody might say you're a right-wing extremist.
Here it is.
I think they just think it's been branded as a far-right kind of place.
So they don't want you tied into anything like that where you're going to get blowback from the New Times or whoever it is.
They're 20-year-old dopes.
That's a right for selling marijuana.
I know, but you've got to... Then they're in a position where they've got to explain it or you've got to explain it.
I'm reaching people.
So we're about to go live.
She's standing next to this soulless peacock who's looking at himself and all getting ready to go on and act powerful.
And he's lecturing her about the manager wanted me to say this to you.
Well, if someone complains, he'll have to explain it.
Just have no soul.
Read off the teleprompter.
Don't have your own parlor site.
And this happens everywhere.
Death by a billion cuts.
Oh, you might not say this.
Oh, you might not say that.
And then, it's less and less we can say.
Oh, better not share Bible verses, so the average church now won't even have Bible verses.
Oh, we might want to take that cross down in the first Methodist, you know, here, because somebody might be offended.
Okay, we'll take that cross down.
We better have an LGBT preacher.
Well, that's not enough we have a gay preacher.
We better have a lesbian preacher.
And it's just all taking, and that's the new ruling class, you see, leftist, because of where they stick their sexual organs, they are better.
And you look at this soulless peacock, he's, he's just telling her, you know, you need to grovel, you need to, America didn't get built groveling, little man!
Ben Garrison, what I'm saying is, we were the launchpad for Trump.
We are already arrived wherever you're out in Montana or Wyoming.
I'm here in Austin, Texas.
We are here.
We don't want to be in the club.
You're summoned to the White House because you're important and because Trump wants to get ready to take action and because you were so important they didn't want you there.
Because when you're really important, you can't be there because Washington fears you and they fear you having that access.
But my friend, you have the access because we the people share your Cartoons.
We the people share the Candace Owens video she did that she asked folks to get out, but we added video proof from inside the facilities backing up what she said exclusively.
The listeners.
They are America.
They are the world.
Somebody could be listening in Africa or Asia.
They could spread this video.
I'm just saying, Ben, and I'm not lecturing you.
You're older than I am, but I've just been... You understand, like, it's an honor that they kept you from going.
I'm not saying it's good, but what do you expect?
Don't you think the enemy in a war would want to keep... Don't you think the three-headed dragon in the latest Godzilla movie, whatever it's named, wouldn't like to keep Godzilla off the field?
I mean, you understand that, right?
Well, yeah.
Well, it boils down to the fact that these control freaks, these authoritarian control freaks, you know, people like Hiller, you remember.
The internet needs an editor.
Well, who's going to be the editor?
Well, it's going to be people like Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama saying, Oh, this internet is, it's not controlled enough.
It's the Wild West.
Well, yeah, we'd like that, but no, he wants the sheriff to come in town and clean the town up.
And of course he's going to be the sheriff and he's going to tell you what you can say and what you can't say.
He's going to keep everybody channeled.
into a narrow channel of what's acceptable subjects for conversation.
And if you happen to jump out of that channel, then you get noticed and they come at you with the whips and the whips are the name calling to get you back in line.
And that's sort of what they did to me on a mass scale.
I mean, I was just kind of amazed.
It's like, wow, you know, I'm getting vilified all over the world, and it's all a lie.
And I typed in a couple key words that they all used, and it just went on and on.
All of them were, like, lockstep, with, like, somebody handed him a script, and this is what you say.
He's blatantly this, and he's a racist that.
It's like, God, this is journalism nowadays?
Well, you know, Here's the deal.
They're really trying to make not just our free speech rights, but all of our rights.
What they want to do is they want to make them all relative, because you know how relativistic they are.
So they make our rights relative, and they want to convert them into privileges.
And once they get a control over what those privileges are, then those privileges go away.
It's just like Cory Booker came out and said he wanted Oh, we just want reasonable gun control.
They need to get a license.
And I was screaming at them.
I said, the Second Amendment is my license.
I don't need your license, because as soon as you start controlling the licenses, you're not going to be able to get a license.
It's the same thing with free speech.
Once we let them control what we can say or not say, it's not going to lead to a good end.
I mean, this is where we really have to start pushing back against these tyrants, because once they get total control of the narrative, Then they're going to get control of thought itself.
And you just said it.
If you watch what the Democrats are saying in the Senate, in the House, they're saying the buzzer's up.
That's what Blumenthal said.
We're going to regulate the Internet now, but the Democrats are going to decide how it's done.
We're going to censor everybody.
They're going to use that as the reform to intensify the crisis they've already created.
So there's no choice that the U.N.
And the EU and the Chi-Coms are already regulating it, so Congress must act now because they've created a vacuum.
Exactly what I've been saying for two years.
is now understood by the White House and others.
And so we've really reached this amazing flashpoint where Blumenthal said,
"I must be completely taken off the internet, even my mention."
Facebook's already doing that.
That is beyond 1984 and being airbrushed out of history.
So it's here.
Tyranny's not coming, it's here.
We'll go right back to Ben Garrison after break.
Speak of the devil, they can't stop you in the third dimension taking action.
And Chris Pratt was out wearing a shirt, photographed yesterday, that said,
"Don't tread on me," the American flag with a snake on it.
And I saw that and I called my head guy and I said, "What's the new design of the new shirt
with the Betsy Ross flag?"
He goes, "A snake on it and don't tread on me."
We thought that was a perfect...
I said, "Well, I guess great minds think alike.
Pratt's wearing basically the same shirt I want, navy blue and everything."
I said, "Just make it better."
We're printing 4,000 of them.
The last Betsy Ross flag sold out.
So it's two variants.
The regular American flag with Don't Tread On Me with the Gadsden snake on the back.
Infowars.com, America's Back.
And then another version that's the Betsy Ross flag with the snake saying Don't Tread On Me with Infowars.com, America's Back on the back.
Only 4,000 of these.
This is high quality fabric.
It's extremely nice.
Just the shirts cost like $8, $9 depending on the size of them.
Then the printing is another $3.
It's big, thick color printing.
So we make like $5, $6 at $17.76.
But because we're running this sale still, normally it would be $19.95.
They're $17.76.
And I love doing these limited edition shirts.
Limbaugh's come out with his own Gadsden Flag shirt.
Great minds think alike.
But this one is even better, I think.
Only 4,000 of these inspired by the Chris Pratt shirt that he was wearing.
But not really, we already said to it last week, but it reminded me we're doing it.
So, InfoWarsTore.com.
I've extended the 1776 sale one more day.
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we make it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, just make it a bigger capsule that's powdered, so you actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleep.
Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
I said, yeah, you look 10 years younger.
He said, oh yeah, it's just, I'm off all the sleep drugs.
He says, this is totally free.
But he goes, do you know what it is in there?
And I said, it's the synergy of it.
Of the chamomile, the lemon balm, the L-tryptophan, the valerian root, the melatonin, and several other ingredients.
All just moderate dose.
They're all the recommended dose, and they just fuse together, and whatever they do chemically in the brain, that Mother Nature, God gave us a Mother Nature, is incredible.
So, that's available infullwarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing.
To get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it, because it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing billions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
So Chris Pratt, who I do think is an entertaining actor, is a Christian.
And you know, his mom worked at Safeway, his dad was a miner.
A lot of folks that know him, they say he's a really nice guy.
And that he's a patriot.
And then he just wore a don't tread on me shirt about the American flag.
And they call him a white supremacist at the top of Yahoo.
Well, Yahoo changed that headline, but they still have the article, people calling him a white supremacist.
So, we always warn, next will be the American flag, Ben Garrison, of graphics.
Top guy out there as a political cartoonist in the world.
I think it's conservative to say that.
I think it's the truth.
What do you make of this hysteria?
Where does it end?
What do we need to do to counter it?
Because these people are out of control.
They can't beat us with logic and reason because they have none.
They won't win the argument, the conventional argument.
All they have is name-calling.
And I was thinking about the names that I got called, for example, a conspiracy theorist.
And it's a conspiracy theorist, Ben Gerson, and they're using that because as soon as somebody sees that, they've been conditioned to Conditioned to ignore whatever that person has to say.
So they might as well say, you know, wacky nut job, Ben Garrison.
And so you don't pay attention to what I say anymore.
So they're always prefacing things with that.
Or they'll call somebody a racist.
So what are they really after with that word?
What they're really after is they want us to say that if they call somebody they don't like a racist, they're saying their heart is black.
They really don't have any soul or humanity.
And so any bad thing that happens to this person that we call a racist, they deserve it.
And that's the whole thing.
There's this litany of other tricks that they use.
They'll call my cartoons a trope.
They kept saying this over and over.
This is a trope for anti-Semitism.
All right, what does this trope word mean anyway?
Well, it simply means it's a cliché or metaphor.
Well, guess what?
We cartoonists, we traffic in metaphors and clichés.
All cartoons are built on metaphors and clichés.
The truth is, your cartoons are true.
In almost every Islamic country, they kill gays.
So you show liberals welcoming the Muslims in, the dumbass Democrat donkey, and then it shows them killing gays.
That's what happens.
And so, they want you banned because you're pointing out the elephant in the room.
Well, here's the thing, and I did go out to Washington, and it was worthwhile in many dimensions for me.
Namely, when this summit was going on at the exact same time, I was at the National Art Gallery in a room filled with Rembrandts.
That experience, that's the first time I got to see him in person.
I've always seen him in book places, but they're so much better in person.
And you can see the soul that's in these paintings.
You can see the light.
I've seen them coming out of it.
It's like he captured the soul.
Well, this is what it boils down to.
He's telling you the truth.
It's an intangible truth.
I can't tell you exactly what the truth means, but you look at it.
This is true.
He's captured this man's character.
Oh, I've seen the Mona Lisa in person, and when you see it, it's like the woman's there.
And I know that's not Rembrandt, but... But you look at the... you look at, like, the way he handles the black, but it's not black.
There's depth to it.
There's dimension.
So I came away... I became away kind of a... well, sort of reassured and convinced that art, to me, Should tell the truth.
And that's what I try to do with my cartoons and my fun are too.
But I want to try to tell the truth no matter how uncomfortable it might make some people.
We should not be afraid of telling the truth.
That's what that's why we're here on Earth is trying to find out what it is instead of instead of perpetuating the lies that they want us to keep spewing about.
Well, any topic that you could name, it seems like they wanted to put their own spin on it.
It's almost like we're dealing with some kind of demonic force, and they wanted to believe in this counterfeit narrative of what's going on in life.
I call it a union with reality, so I try to stay aligned with reality.
Okay, Ben, now you're talking heavy stuff my direction 110%.
To do a few more minutes, because you're on a roll here.
Absolutely, we're in line with truth.
We're resonating with truth.
And there is a demonic force that wants to twist and override and obscure the truth.
And that is the essence of what we're facing, good versus evil.
We'll be right back in 60 seconds with Ben Garrison.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm here live in defiance of the globalists, in defiance of all their tyranny, all their attempts to shut us down, only because of your support, your prayers, and your word of mouth.
And all of those are so critical.
But Ben Garrison is not just my favorite political graphic cartoonist.
I read the newspaper.
I scan the internet.
There aren't really a lot of good ones out there.
There are a few.
They do a great job.
They don't even begin to rival Ben Garrison.
He's definitely the most prolific, and it's very exciting to have him on with us right now, finishing up.
You talked about going to some of the great museums in D.C.
If D.C.' 's got one thing, it's the Smithsonian and all the rest of those, the National Art Archives.
You could spend months there, folks.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
So you were seeing Rembrandt, and now I've seen Rembrandt's in person, and how you can see the soul of the person.
The paintings glow like they are beyond a photo of someone.
It somehow brings out the essence.
It's not cartoon.
It's not a photo.
There's something magic to it.
You were saying truth is what's going to defeat the lie, and you were describing it as almost demonic.
Speak to that for a couple minutes.
The left has gone so far, they've gotten so radicalized, they've pushed it so far that now it's becoming fashionable to hate America.
And anybody who, like what you alluded to about the flag, if you wear the flag, all of a sudden you're a white supremacist.
They've jumped a shark, they've jumped like a hundred sharks, but they keep trying to Continue what Barack Obama was doing, and that's to destroy America.
And why did they do that?
Because they want their socialism.
They want people addicted to big government.
That's why they promised the free stuff.
That's why they want to control anybody's free speech so we can't speak out against it.
And we're going to go down to this dark path where they want everybody made equal.
Well, what's going to happen is everybody will end up equally poor.
But the young people's minds are where they're going after them the most, by promising them free stuff.
And it's like the easy outlet for them.
And so what I'm going to do in my cartoons is continue to Make the case that socialism is evil, because that's what I think it is.
It's not just a failed political philosophy, it's outright evil.
And that's what, it's good versus evil.
Alex, you know this.
I mean, and when you're in that room with the Rembrandts, you know what good is.
Because he, looking at these, it makes you proud to be a human being.
And the left does not want to make you proud.
They want to make you feel like nothing can happen without their government.
You have to have government to make the decisions for everything.
You know, how dare you have some freedom?
You might abuse that.
You might hurt somebody's feelings.
This is like, we're really, these people, they're on the road to the Senate.
That's why I drew them in a loony bin.
I mean, they're in a rubber room with straitjackets.
I mean, how do you argue with somebody who's insane?
You can't.
And these people are insane.
I mean, you can't have a discussion with people like this.
So this is why I think Trump is going to win easily.
I still kind of wonder if Hillary's going to run.
I'm thinking that they're setting up all these far left and further, further, further left whack jobs.
So Hillary will be seen as this paradigm of reason and logic and the only person who could beat Trump.
I think I wouldn't be surprised.
Look, sometimes I'm wrong, but only because the people change their minds.
We were told by the Secret Service she has a black ambulance, she falls down all the time.
And then somebody caught her falling down having a convulsion.
And we first reported that.
The Secret Service did tell us this.
Then I got told by folks that had been, you know, Blackwater, CIA, Secret Service, all of it.
I mean, it's a small community.
I've been told by every one of these guys I know, you know, some of them are quite famous, some aren't, that Hillary's totally rude, she screams at people, she hates dogs.
It's all the same stories.
They have been, in the last year, two different guys told me, where Hillary's tell everybody what to do, she's on the phone, and she's got her exploratory committee already going, and she's already planning to run.
She's certainly in control of the Democratic Party still.
And, and, and... Well, of course, she could just roll some money.
She has all the money in the world.
Well, exactly.
So what I'm getting at is she may not run, but she sure as hell is telling people she's looking at still doing it.
And then Biden is shooting his mouth off saying, man, I may drop out.
Doesn't mean he is, but he was saying this in front of people and saying, why am I here?
Why am I doing this?
Well, days after I learned he's doing that, he starts saying it on the podium to his crew.
Like, why am I here?
Why am I doing this?
Because he's going in and out of gear.
You know, we've all had family that gets older, gets Alzheimer's, and you know, when they first
start getting it, they're there totally. They remember, and then for like a few hours, they
don't know, you know, they're kind of, and I see that with Biden. So I agree with you. With this
super weak field out there, and any real contenders holding back, why do you think it is? Because
Hillary's in the wings? Well, that's my suspicion, and I'm not alone in that suspicion. And frankly,
I kind of have like this, you know, guilty pleasure of hoping she does, because I love to
So it would be really fun to have a Hillary too and I have to go through the, you know, because I like to caricature her and I think she epitomizes the globalist mindset of evil and I think that's what she is.
She's got a pretty black heart.
So yeah, I wouldn't mind drawing her next go-around if she decides to run.
But if it's Elizabeth Warren, the same deal.
I mean, boy, she's a piece of work, but I would enjoy caricaturing her or any of those guys.
I mean, it's going to be, for a cartoonist, it's going to be easy pickings.
Well, Ben Garrison, what's the best site?
I see a lot of places that syndicate your work.
We post some of it.
Not nearly enough.
And I see some other sites that post your stuff daily.
Oh, by the way, this cartoon here, I gave the book I was going to give the president, the coffee table book, the proof of it.
I gave it to Carpi Dongtum, and he was really thrilled to get it.
And it's a heavy book.
It's over five pounds.
It's a massive book.
And our coffee table book should be arriving sometime in August, and we'll mail them all out.
We have 1,000 heavy books to mail out in August.
But those were completely sold out.
But this one was a tribute to all the influencers and some of the more popular.
I met the guy Mad Liberals, and this guy was a genius.
Doctoring up videos and things.
I was looking at some of the stuff he did and it was just amazingly creative and funny.
The people there, I'm telling you Alex, these guys are really going to have an effect on the next election.
They really are influencers.
Well Ben, keep it up.
We love you.
We appreciate you.
We'll talk to you soon.
Okay Alex.
Thank you.
Okay folks, there goes Ben Garrison.
I want to open the phones up and I want to get to a bunch of news I haven't even covered yet.
The latest.
Trump is a socialite.
Trump owns dozens of hotels, dozens of golf courts, hundreds of buildings.
He has giant parties everywhere.
They've gone through all the archives at NBC.
And found one video of him in 92 introducing people into a giant party ballroom and watching cheerleaders from a major football team.
And Trump's just talking to people, and they're going, oh look, he's with Epstein.
No, it's Bill Clinton on the airplane with Epstein.
It's Mueller working with Epstein and giving him immunity, not Trump.
So that video, when we come back, it's up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And also the Washington Post and the New York Times tried to ruin the Apollo moon landing anniversary with woke identity politics about how horrible it was because it was just men.
Just like it was just men on the beaches of Normandy.
This is a sick culture, man, where everything the leftists template is how we're bad and how our history's bad.
This is sick.
To destroy our families.
Speaking of art, we have the new...
American flag, a Betsy Ross, and a regular American flag, all 50 stars, with the snake on it.
It says, don't tread on me, meaning the American flag, a double meaning.
On the back, America's back, Infowars.com.
I already had the idea for the shirt last week.
Basically, this exact shirt.
Told them to produce it.
Then I saw Chris Pratt wearing one, and them calling it white supremacist all over the news yesterday.
4,000 of these are being printed.
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I haven't been to the 1776 Worldwide Special.
I've been so busy.
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It's your purchase, your ongoing purchase of the products that allows not just what you see here on air, but a lot of other reporters and people that are independent, but that can't Basically, obviously, get around the country and do what they do on what YouTube pays them, because YouTube has demonetized a lot of folks.
And yes, InfoWars, over the years, and I'm about to expand that, hopefully, has just helped over 100 different groups and individuals, from Project Veritas to Tommy Robinson, with very large donations, no strings attached.
I've made bigger donations to Project Veritas than Trump has.
And Trump's made some big ones.
Because if I see money strategically who's kicking ass, and I've got money that's coming in, I just give it all away.
Well, with all the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits and the globalists, we've gotten to where we are not as flush in money as we once were.
You've been coming through regardless, but I don't want to just sit here and have InfoWars contract.
I want InfoWars to expand.
We've got some major projects that I'm not at liberty to tell you about yet that will devastate the globalists.
And you know I don't just sit there and say to people that we are going to devastate the globalists.
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But I'm telling you, we have never been in a position better, covertly, to do some amazing things that you'll learn about down the road.
And I want to thank the great audience.
I want to thank the great crew.
This is the second American Revolution.
Don't sit there on the sidelines.
Get involved.
I want to thank all of you that have been involved.
But I'm telling you, What you see us doing on the surface is important, and it's me, but a lot of the folks you see out there, in fact, most of the names you see, that's the real reason, and they already know this, I'm just going to tell you.
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So whatever you do, spend that money today at Infowarsstore.com.
A total 360 win.
And I thank you all for your support.
But we are in your hands.
you were in your hands.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones Show.
When the evening sun goes down, You will find me hanging out.
The nightlife ain't a good life, But it's my life.
Many people just like me, dreaming of old used to these.
And the nightlife Alright folks, we're back live here.
Your TV viewer, you see Donald Trump with Jeffrey Epstein.
You heard me talk about Jeffrey Epstein 10 years ago, if you were listening to us, in say 2009.
That's when he got convicted of being a child molester.
And we started reporting on Bill Clinton, and the aircraft, and the torture cells, and Hollywood, branding women, and everything I told you was being given to me by FBI.
Gosh, I used to have Ted Gunderson on before he died.
And he'd say stuff on a show.
And it just sounded crazy.
And it all turned out to be exactly what he said.
And then John DeCamp.
He ended up getting Alzheimer's.
He was in the CIA.
Project Phoenix.
Senator John DeCamp.
He didn't like to rape little kids, so he exposed that whole thing to the Republican Party.
Oh, he was involved right at the top of Operation Phoenix, which wasn't very friendly.
He wouldn't rape little kids.
So that's kind of the litmus test, you see, between good and evil.
And so, we know all about these people.
And if I ever got a smell of Donald Trump doing anything to kids, I would have nothing to do with him.
But you notice the pedo armies, who got it all over them, They're covered in it.
They're pointing at him with not one drop on him and saying, Oh, you know, Jeffrey Epstein was at a few parties with Trump and Epstein did a few business deals with some of his companies.
I mean, Trump has thousands of properties.
And so there's the proof.
And then finally 1992, that's almost 30 years ago.
That's almost 30 years ago.
That's 28 years ago.
He's at a big, giant ballroom.
NBC doesn't even put out the full clips because obviously there's people coming in and out.
He's saying things to them.
They're pointing at the cheerleaders who are doing a number.
Not high school cheerleaders.
NFL cheerleaders!
And saying, boy, she's pretty.
And then the news, I've got clips I'll play.
Mika Brzezinski, comment how scary it is, and other MSNBC, oh, CNBC, this is scary.
Mika Brzezinski, your husband got found in his office with a beautiful intern's head caved in, and he's known as Creepy Joe Scarborough.
He's also known as Psycho Joe.
Why do you think Trump calls him Psycho Joe?
She had her head caved in.
And her panties down around her ankles.
But all that got suppressed, didn't it?
By old Psycho Joe.
You're married to the main suspect in an unsolved murder.
But she likes it.
Because her daddy's a mass murderer too.
Her daddy bragged that he helped kill tens of millions of people by using the communists to do it in the Khmer Rouge.
She likes her daddy.
Her daddy was a killer.
I wonder what they talk about when he's probably got like a tourniquet around her neck.
I wonder if he simulates bashing her brains out like daddy would do.
I wonder what daddy did to Mika.
So she's married to a dude found with a dead body in his office.
They got covered up, and now he's been a good servant.
Psycho Joe!
Oh, but now, oh!
28 years ago, Trump was at a ballroom, and we've got 10 seconds of tape.
Here, let's roll the evil.
Here it is.
So we want to show you now some footage from 1992 that our producers found in the NBC archives that shows Donald Trump with Jeffrey Epstein, who is now a sex offender and accused sex trafficker, looking at and talking about women at a party.
Welcome to the Southern White House.
Since becoming president, Donald Trump has branded Mar-a-Lago the Southern White House, a place that entertains foreign leaders, where military strikes are ordered, and whose terrace served as an open-air situation room over dessert.
And we had the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you've ever seen.
But in the 90s, Mar-a-Lago was Trump's South Florida party palace, one frequented by Jeffrey Epstein, who is facing charges for sex trafficking.
He has pleaded not guilty.
The president says his relationship with Epstein was no different than anyone else in their elite circle.
Well, I knew him like everybody in Palm Beach knew him.
He was a fixture in Palm Beach.
I don't think I've spoken to him for 15 years.
I wasn't a fan.
Yet, a tape in the NBC archives of a Mar-a-Lago party shows Trump giving Epstein his personal attention.
The footage, shot in November of 1992, before Trump opened the resort as a club, shows the future president surrounded by cheerleaders for the Buffalo Bills and Miami Dolphins.
I like him even more.
For an appearance on Faith Daniel's NBC talk show.
We're going to get great ratings on your show.
Trump is surrounded by women as music flares in front of him.
Yeah, he's got like five kids.
He's had three wives.
What the hell do you think he's doing?
I mean, again, these are full-grown women all over him.
28 years ago!
She's like, he says he hasn't talked to him in 15 years, but here he is 28 years ago!
I mean, and this is Mika Brzezinski, whose father is a famous mass murderer war criminal, married to a dude found with a intern's clothes torn off with their head bashed in, in his office.
Here, let's go back.
For a while, Trump goes to greet three new guests.
Among them, the financier Jeffrey Epstein.
More than a decade before his guilty plea on state prostitution charges.
Later in the footage, Trump is seen talking to Epstein and another man.
As men are dancing in front of him.
Trump alternates between dancing and pointing out women to Epstein and the other man.
At his hotel!
At his private club!
He's shaking guest's hands!
Ladies and gentlemen, you have a party at your big hotel estate place, and you shake people's hands when they... It's over, folks.
Epstein became a member there.
Trump threw him out.
They all know what they're doing, but there is Mika Brzezinski with the creepy Psycho Joe next to her.
And they're trying to project this fraud.
There he is and there's women!
He was in between marriages then.
He had girlfriends!
A man with women!
Hell, Trump could probably repopulate the earth if we need him to.
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Margo, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
What's your view?
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So, personal thank you to you for that, because anybody who makes my mom's life a little bit easier has a special place in my heart.
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at info war store.com You're listening to the Alex Jones Show
Ladies and gentlemen, I am not trying to brag.
In fact, I don't think this universe is a simulation.
I believe you're real.
I believe you exist.
I know I exist.
I know God exists.
I know evil exists.
But I did tell my dad in my living room a year ago, pretty much this time of year in July,
that they're going to ban me first.
And then they're gonna use that as a precedent to ban everybody else.
But I think within a year or so, Congress will begin to start taking action.
And I believe Google and others have bit off more than they can chew once they learn
that the communist Chinese and the EU and the UN are coming in to regulate our internet.
This whole fake libertarian laissez-faire, oh, we don't regulate companies,
is being used to then, by extension, let foreign control in via the vacuum,
which then regulates and controls and censors.
It's the same thing.
It's a worldwide system.
It's the first global government.
Is the internet, the intergalactic communication system that some psychiatrists in the 50s envisioned and then that the Pentagon and DARPA developed in the 1960s.
I mean, that's the real internet, folks.
And all of it's come true, just like I said on Eretwood.
I went and confronted the tech heads.
I said, you're traitors to China.
Now Elon Musk is talking about it.
The president says there's a consensus.
Blumenthal says there's now a consensus.
You know, the clock is up.
The time bell is rung.
I'm about to play it.
We're going to regulate you.
Well, they've been trying to kind of stop all that.
They just wanted censorship.
But now they know it's here, so they're going to jump in and try to use the needed breaking up of big tech.
It's way bigger than Standard Oil ever was, way bigger than JP Morgan ever was, way bigger than Ma Bell was when it got broken up in 1980 or whatever.
It's got to be done right now.
Microsoft was never anything like this.
They're watching you.
They're listening to you.
They have surveillance capitalism, as it's called.
And now they're banning Bible verses.
Facebook's now saying that humans are inherently fallen.
They say that men are inherently evil.
Whether that's true or not, it's not hate speech.
It's your right.
But they define speech as hate.
Blumenthal says my speech isn't speech.
It's incitement to violence to Robbie Parker, who I've never even really talked about.
But even if I said those things about Robbie Parker, I have a right!
So this is affecting everybody.
Here's the article.
Google exec says Infowars and Alex Jones will soon be unsearchable on YouTube.
They've not just taken our sites down.
They've not just banned our videos and only let negative stuff.
He says in this, it was eight hours of it.
I watched hours of it yesterday.
I stayed up here late.
Ruined a lot of my day.
I didn't get a lot of stuff done.
I can't even.
They're having hearings every week where they talk about me.
I go to these things.
And they have police come stand on both sides of me, even though I've never disrupted any of these meetings.
And they go, he's here with his lies!
I'm in a basic court.
And I never get to be examined, cross-examined.
I don't get an opening statement.
I don't get a final statement.
I don't get S-H-U-K-T.
That means you don't get it either.
Well, you know what?
I'm going to hound their ass.
I think I'm going to get a condo in D.C.
and we're going to actually set up a D.C.
bureau for real.
I'm going to start living there two weeks out of the month.
I don't want to be, but man, I'm going to be on your ass at those committee hearings until I get my day in court.
Norm Pattis, a famous constitutional lawyer, very well known, famous criminal lawyer, just won a huge custody battle against a Russian oligarch.
So this is finally a Russian connection.
Norm Pattis, how Senator Blumenthal uses Alex Jones to silence debate.
And man, you talk about fascism, you talk about a danger.
Blumenthal admits his son and a former U.S.
attorney are quarterbacking this, like I'm organized crime, and he says he wants me shut down.
How do I get a fair trial?
And you've seen what they've done to us.
You've seen how they operate.
This is a hit squad.
They admit to take me out, in their own words.
Norm Pettis joins us over the phone.
We'll play some of the Blumenthal clip.
It's posted in the article on InfoWars.com.
We're going to post this full letter that the New Hampshire Register did publish.
Usually the New York Times, everybody else just won't even publish his letters, but they did respond because I'm constant.
Imagine, you're in committee hearing rooms.
With Jack Dorsey and Sundar Pichai, and they're talking about you.
Sometimes four or five senators, three or four congresspeople, will sit there and point at me and go, he's the one that said nobody died at Aurora.
I never said that.
So the police stood down.
It was true.
They go, he's the liar.
I just sit there and can't respond.
That is so un-American.
So Norm Pattis, thank you for joining us.
I know when I sent you this video yesterday, you were infuriated, you stayed up, you wrote this letter.
You're asking them to put this in the public record at least.
And hopefully we can lobby and you and I can testify to Congress.
I'll be very polite.
I'll be very nice.
I don't know why they're so scared of letting me face my accusers.
Since when do they do this to everybody and we don't get to be in these committee hearings where we're the main character?
Well, I mean, you know, if the Senate can do what it wants and it has no procedures, you know, it's often said we get the government we deserve.
I think we deserve a whole hell of a lot better than that.
So we did write to Senator Grassley today, the chairman of the committee, to complain about movement false conduct.
I don't expect for a moment that he'll upgrade Blumenthal, but I do expect that you or I or someone on your behalf will get an invitation to come and speak to that.
When a senator in the United States Senate and a former attorney general for the state of Connecticut, a state, can sit in the well of a court and demand of a social media company that it take down someone's speech based on misrepresentations, that is close to fascism.
That's frightening, and it should have people up in arms.
So, I'm hoping that we'll get a response from Brasley.
The New Haven Register was kind enough to print immediately something that we wrote about your case, and I think they did so because they realized that you don't have to agree with someone to support their right to speak freely.
And, you know, in the United States, we've cherished debate as a matter of what holds us together as a people.
And we've decided that the anecdote to speech we don't like is more speech.
You want to tell me something I don't know?
Tell me.
And debate me.
Persuade me.
If you can't persuade me, move on to the next person.
That's what this country is about.
It's not stiff arms in a Senate chamber by a guy who thinks that he speaks to God directly and the rest of us are unworthy.
So, you know, I'll be curious to see what sort of response we get from Grassley.
The letter went out a couple hours ago.
Haven't heard anything yet.
I wouldn't expect to.
But I do hope you get an invitation to go down and address them.
I think they're overdue.
You're overdue.
Well, for those that haven't been paying attention, most have, this is unprecedented, the things that Blumenthal says.
He just says, I want the algorithms and AI to shut him down.
I don't want him to ever be able to be on the internet again.
And they say, no, sir, we're going to have that.
And they have stuff where we can block my face, my name.
Facebook's already doing it.
So they want to unperson me so he can sit up there and lie about me all day.
I mean, why do you think they're out to get me so bad?
You know, you told me a long time ago that you thought it might have been related to the electoral cycles, and I just listened and I thought, well, you know, everybody says Alex is a conspiracy theorist, maybe this is an example.
But the more I've gotten to learn about your case, that's the only explanation that I can discern.
You can't tackle Facebook, it's too big, and it's got information probably on everybody.
You can't tackle Google, same analysis, but you're smaller and expendable.
And I think that plenty of people think social media tilted the scales in 2019, largely through Cambridge Analytica and Facebook, and that there's an effort going on prior to 2020 to silence the right on the theory that a divided and silenced right can more easily be conquered.
So I view all of this as foreplay for the 2020 election, which makes it all the more alarming to me.
I mean, the fact is, Donald Trump, love him or not, won the election.
Whether it was fair or not, that's a topic for 2020 and a topic for investigation.
But the notion that the Senate should be free to bully social media companies and silencing people because the members of the Senate don't like what they say, that's not my country.
Although I'm from Connecticut, he's not my senator.
So, you know, I'm with you 100% Alex.
It's very, very chilling.
Well, you've given me the whole backstory, and I looked into it.
It's incredible.
Senator Murphy, Senator Blumenthal, all of them live off Sandy Hook.
They get elected off of it.
It's like a religion.
Everyone's sick of hearing it.
Even your own papers are like, shut up!
I mean, it's all they do.
It's like they were these nobodies, and still are nobodies, and they think it's how you get on the news, and they're just... It's like, do what I say.
Sandy Hook.
Give me your money.
Sandy Hook.
Give me your guns.
Bankrupt Remington.
Sandy Hook.
Sandy Hook.
Polygonic rancor!
Polygonic rancor!
Take Alex Jones off the internet!
He hurt, he hurt the children!
And Google, we know he's hurting them right now.
Yes, he needs to be banned.
Phantom Zone for him.
Yes, master.
We will subscribe.
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Awesome! Thank you!
We love you!
We love you!
Let's party!
Yeah! Yeah!
We love Alex Jones!
Free Alex Jones!
Make America Great Again!
Let's go!
Thank you!
Thank you!
Yes, you're welcome!
Thank you for InfoWars!
Thank you!
InfoWars! InfoWars! InfoWars!
Thank you so much!
Thank you!
You're welcome!
Free Alex Jones!
Free Alex Jones!
Free Alex!
Free Alex Jones!
I love you!
Thank you!
Thank you for your support!
Oh my goodness!
I am so freaking honored!
I love you!
I'll stay right here.
You are the greatest thing ever!
You are the greatest thing ever.
Thank you.
Wait, I gotta get the info wars out of the way.
Is that safe?
Oh yeah, InfoWars!
Gun girl!
InfoWars, what's up?
Free Alex Jones!
We appreciate all the work that Alex does, and all Americans do, and I think it's just a shame and a travesty with Facebook, Twitter, and the banks, and I mean, we're living in a fascist country.
Thank you!
Oh, thank you!
Oh my gosh, we love you!
Fight fake news!
Oh my gosh, we love you!
Thank you!
Share the articles!
You're my daddy, girl!
I would love to meet Alex Jones.
What would you say to him?
What would I say to Alex Jones?
Where does he come up with his ideas?
Because he honestly says the weirdest things, but some of it does make sense, if you really think about it.
I absolutely love Infowars.
I've been watching for like 11, 12 years.
You guys are awesome.
Thank you!
He's still there.
Go to Infowars.com.
You can watch his live show on his website.
I miss him so much.
I used to watch him every Tuesday night, so I don't know what happened to him.
Go to Infowars.com and click on where it says Radio Show and you can watch him every day.
Okay, cool.
We just want to say, hey Alex, wish you were here with us, Deplorables.
Come on, brother.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I was just talking to one of our longtime great crew members, great cameraman, great switcher, great editor, Marcos Morales.
And I said, man, this is getting crazy.
And he goes, what it is is fascism.
And that's what it is.
All day we hear about concentration camps and Nazis and how much we suck.
We're the most diverse country in the world with some of the most greatest opportunities ever.
And Chris Pratt can't wear a American flag shirt, and he's called a white supremacist on the front page of Yahoo.
I mean, that's what you do when you demoralize the people, is you make them hate themselves.
It's getting crazy.
That's because the left are not liberals, like Thomas Jefferson, they're fascist.
And fascism is banning Bible verses.
Fascism is suppressing people's speech.
Fascism is Blumenthal, we're about to play.
Coldly, they looked all freaked out, like a James Bond villain.
I mean, the guy just reeks power trip.
He talking about how I need to be silenced because I'm harassing families and I'm doing all these things that aren't even true.
But what they do is... Can you get a shot of that for me?
What they do is they... Let me zoom in on that.
Just evil face.
It's not just like one shot of him.
He takes himself so seriously.
And I know things aren't going the way he wants with all his fake lawsuits.
He's really upset.
We're going to be here in 2020.
We're going to be here after that, thanks to our lesser support.
But going back to very successful, very famous, legal top dog.
There's a lot of lawyers out there, a lot of bad ones, but Pattis is a really smart guy.
What would you quantify this as?
What would you say this is?
Because when I'm watching him sit up there and Senator Murphy say that I need to be taken off the air to save America, close quote, I don't feel sad for myself.
I'm like watching this, and it's like all the movies about a fascist future, this is what you would see.
It's just such a lie, but they're just doing it.
Norm, back off your phone a little bit, I think you've got your mic muffled.
Okay, is this better?
Norm, back off your phone a little bit. I think you got your mic muffled.
Okay, is this better? That's great, go ahead.
Yeah, I see a nation divided and I see a nation afraid and I'm looking for leadership in public office and not in...
Right now, everything is not about character, it's not about principles, it's about identity.
And as demographics change, we're dividing into tribes that don't share a common language.
The Democratic Party is playing the identity card yet again, probably going to deliver the election to Donald Trump.
And Trump is playing identity as well.
When he called out four Congresswomen, now there are calls for impeachment.
They're American, fine.
They're as American as you or I, but you know, you or I don't tell people, you're not entitled to something because of the color of your skin.
We don't say, you owe me something because of the color of your skin.
I think we're indulging in a very luxurious form of pathos in this country, in the absence of common principles, with pluralism having run amok.
No, you're right.
And we're going to work on your phone for a moment.
I'll play some of Blumenthal.
Blumenthal is playing with his children, with his son's lawsuit.
Now you're right, and we're going to work on your phone for a moment and I'll play some
of Blumenthal.
Either we need to reconnect with him or he needs to back off the phone because it's coming
Or we should connect via audio Skype or something.
But he's making some great points.
Here is Blumenthal in some of his statements to the Google executive, who promised, oh, we'll ban Alex Jones and a lot more.
I mean, just totally eradicate me!
Here it is.
When Alex Jones and others used YouTube to quote, and I'm quoting him, regurgitate demonstrably and undeniably false information about the Sandy Hook shooting, while simultaneously attacking victims' families for profit.
These lies were... By the way, hit pause again.
This, this, this guy that could literally play Count Dracula without any makeup.
He looks like a reanimated corpse.
He perches up there and says, I did this for profit.
We got into the Google Analytics.
We've talked about Sandy Hook.
Point two percent.
And that's with all the news coverage.
I don't live Sandy Hook like you do.
You're a Sandy Hook vampire.
You live off those dead kids, you monster, you anti-American criminal.
God Almighty, you make me sick.
And you will be defeated, you authoritarian.
You and Wyden and Murphy and all of you.
You are the people that need an anti-corruption task force.
You need to be investigated for racketeering.
And don't worry, you are being investigated.
He has a superiority complex.
He thinks he's your God.
You're not my God.
You'll face God one day, don't you worry.
But not in my hands.
I wish no harm upon Blumenthal.
Let's go ahead and now go back to him.
More than just false, they were malicious, they were cruel, they incited harassment, physical threats.
They forced this family literally every day to relive their loss.
And as Robbie Parker told us last time he was here, for too long Google and its peers were quote-unquote complacent.
Pause again.
They kept saying I was the Sandy Hook guy like three years ago.
So I went, hey, I think Sandy Hook happened.
The public questioned it.
We have a right to question it.
I already had said I thought it would happen.
They go, ah, you admit you were lying.
And I went, no.
Your whole career is about this.
No, yours is.
I'm talking about Blumenthal.
And then now, they just keep restating.
But then he gets into how to be silenced, and how to be taken off the air, and they agree they're going to do it.
You've seen the full video.
What do you make of this, Norm Pattis?
You know, that's Dick being Dick.
I mean, I'm a Connecticut lawyer.
I have been for a quarter of a century.
I knew him when he was Attorney General.
I appeared with him in the United States Supreme Court.
I appeared with him in courts throughout the state.
He is a man without apparent qualities.
He is sort of like a robot.
He does what he thinks is going to keep him elected.
And you know, candidly, Alex, he's going to be elected for as long as he wants to be elected
in Connecticut.
Nobody's going to mount a credible challenge against him.
I don't see it on the horizon.
Well, that's why God gave us all expiration dates.
Well, you know, that that you have maybe, you know, but I mean, he is.
I don't know if you've ever read Robert Musil's book, Man Without Qualities.
I mean, that's Blumenthal.
I had a very interesting series of confrontations with him one year.
I represented a man on death row.
I was trying to get him an opportunity to attend his mother's funeral, and Blumenthal came in by limo to argue the motion.
And I said, Judge, may I have a moment with the Attorney General?
And I put my hand over the microphone, and I said, Neil, look, here's the thing, Dick.
You read the brief on the way up here in a limo.
You're here for a photo op, so fuck you and don't you know I'll be staying in that.
Excuse my language.
And then I said, thank you, Judge.
He argued the case.
I saw him a couple months later in the Supreme Court of the United States.
He acted like it never happened.
I bested him in a case involving a prisoner who was beaten for millions of dollars.
The next time I saw him, it was as though I was his best friend.
So you're saying the man is a sociopath?
I'm not saying that.
I'm just saying there's no getting to the bottom of him.
And with respect to Sandy Hook, you know, you're an easy target in Connecticut right now, but I think that's beginning to change.
You know, we've been litigating your case and talking about it quite a bit in the Connecticut courts, and people are coming up saying, when's this stuff gonna stop?
By the way, I don't want to talk about myself, but they're always claiming I'm this sociopath, I'm this evil guy, I'm fake.
The truth is just the complete opposite.
You're a pretty good judge of character.
You really poked around here and didn't believe me, and I kind of got irritated by it, but you've spent a lot of time, you've dug through everything here.
How would you tell the audience what is InfoWars and who is Alex Jones?
Well, you're right about that, and I mean, I'm not going to repeat our communications.
I know I did get you pissed, and I thought you were going to fire me at one point, but I didn't believe anything that I saw, and I spent probably two weeks there.
I've talked to everybody in the place that would talk to me, which is everyone.
What you see is what you get.
There is no master conspiracy.
When I hear stories about Alex Jones conspiracy theory, no, I think you should be rebranded as Alex Jones, an authentic, angry American.
If you spout hatred, it's not hatred of things, it's things you fear.
I don't want an InfoWars shutdown.
You've got a bunch of very strong, independent-minded people working there.
I don't always agree with what I hear, but I don't have to.
You don't exist to suit me or anyone else.
You speak the truth as you see it and take the consequences as they fall.
I think all you demand is a fair fight, and when the United States Senate is stacked against you or the courts seem uninclined to hear you, then you've got to roll up your sleeves and push back hard.
That was my next question.
That was my next question.
And we'll do five more minutes, then I gotta go.
Mike Adams is coming up.
It's not going well.
A lot of their cases, judges are having special hearings, Supreme Court hearings, public interest things that are unheard of, because I think the courts are discovering the narratives they've brought in are almost completely lies.
Well, and when they're not wise, they just don't matter.
The fact of the matter is, we've always had the freedom to speak boldly and provocatively in this country.
If we didn't, we'd be drinking British tea right now and celebrating British holidays.
This country has been about angry, defiant, And our courts have traditionally stood behind that.
I think they'll come around and stand behind you.
It's going to take a little more work, but we're well on the way to get being where you need to be.
And thanks for the listeners.
We were having to hang tough through this.
It's a fight, but we're getting stronger thanks to you literally holding us up.
I am in your hands.
It is the final day.
I said yesterday it was, but I've been too busy to do new specials.
The 1776 special has to end today.
special has to end today. 1776 on the apparel, 75 to 25 percent off to a wide.
The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border.
And that is exactly what they are.
Two pairs of bunk beds in each bedroom and the living room.
They are concentration camps.
HHS provides the teens with six hours daily classroom instruction, access to arts and crafts, three meals a day and snacks, access to call centers to reconnect with family, then legal services.
And, as the contractor running the holding facility describes, most importantly, they provide playtime.
Is it school sports day?
Summer camp with freshly made beds, eat-all-you-can buffet, and the inevitable video games.
The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the home of the free is extraordinarily disturbing.
Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants.
Some protesters replaced three flags at the front of the facility with a Mexican flag and an upside-down U.S.
flag spray-painted with abolish ice.
You are more concerned with a piece of cloth than people who are marking pages to it right
in front of you.
You know there's a flag in those troops?
I don't give a f***!
There were American flags hanging all over these facilities.
That children were being separated from their parents in front of an American flag.
Mr. Speaker, we do have a crisis at our border.
It is one of morality.
As we have seen this current strategy unfold intentional and cruelly created by the Trump administration.
If you're not happy here, then you can leave.
White supremacists!
White supremacist!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
(SINGING) No one here's a friend.
Again, folks, I don't want to get up here and say, I'm for real.
Talk about myself.
The whole media keeps trying to say I'm this lie.
I'm this fraud.
And, you know, people believe this stuff.
I mean, I let Norm into our bank accounts.
I let him into everything.
There's no Russian money.
There's no Mercer money.
There's none of this stuff.
It's you, the people.
We're real.
And they can't believe that we're real.
And, you know, I ended up staying up here late last night to watch the hearing.
It went on for like six hours.
Over an eight-hour period, but it took a break.
I was brought up over and over again with incredible lies.
And they admitted how they're going to censor everybody.
They've got AI to come in.
And you're listening to this.
They're the fascists.
They're the danger.
And he sits there with a straight face.
Just other points in closing, Norm Pattis.
How do you see this ending?
Where is this going?
How bad is this going to get?
That's a great question.
I mean, you know, I'm a lawyer, so I always think in terms of legal remedies.
I've been urging you to consider actions against Facebook and Google.
Those would be difficult and expensive, and perhaps not winnable under current law.
In our letter to Senator Grassley this morning, we asked for an opportunity to talk about amendments to the Communications Decency Act to require that these massive social media companies do not censor in exchange for their immunity from suit for publication of items.
So I think there's going to be a legislative or legal challenge.
If it doesn't end and they end up silencing people by fiat, these things historically never end well.
And, you know, then the people are going to have to decide whether this is the government they want and deserve.
Thomas Jefferson said a revolution every generation or so was necessary.
I don't know if we live in those times.
Some part of me wishes we do, some part of me fears we must.
So I'm very apprehensive about what the future holds.
I know that you're concerned about the attacks on you and I know how much they weigh on you.
When we talk, I can feel the sorrow and the grief and the anger.
I just encourage you to keep fighting and your listeners to keep fighting with you because it's an important fight.
If you let the self-righteous win and tell you what you can think, what you can't think, He did seem, a lot of people said, defeated and really upset when he was speaking.
And I think you said last night you picked up on some of that too.
Blumenthal thinks is correct. That's a humorless leash to wear and I refuse to
wear it. He did seem, a lot of people said defeated and really upset when he was
speaking and I think you said last night you picked up on some of that too. I
don't think things are going the way they thought just in general. Well I
think in part the problem is bigger than politics.
It's the big other.
It's the problems Shoshana Zuboff talks about in The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.
We have created these giant algorithms, and now they're beginning to tell us what we can and can't do.
I mean, for example, I've watched a close person, an associate of mine, struggle with Airbnb.
It used to be that that was a welcoming place to go and make a little money on a part-time
Now they're telling you what you can and can't do, and if you fight them, they make your
life endlessly difficult and give you bad ratings.
Who's governing?
We are the machines.
One way of looking at what Blumenthal was saying yesterday is he's reaching the conclusion
that the machines are beginning to take the role of human judgment, and they're telling
us what we can and can't do.
That would be too facile.
The fact of the matter is that there are humans creating these algorithms, and even Google
acknowledges that humans supplement their censorship efforts.
So from my perspective, the aim is simple.
Make Google respond to First Amendment pressure.
Do not permit Google, Facebook, or the other social media to engage in content-based censorship.
No, you're absolutely right, and you know, I understand that maybe Blumenthal's more like a machine so he doesn't care if it's soulless, but why don't these elites get jealous of machine power instead of always trying to dominate other humans?
Why don't they become pro-human?
I think because many of them are eating off the machines' welfare.
You know, as Duvall points out, it's not as though the machines are in absolute control yet.
They're still a tiny elite.
Call it the 1% of the 1% that's skimming the cream.
You know, Zuckerberg, Mark Zuckerberg, spent $22 million the year before last on security.
Think about that.
That's in one year, $22 million to keep him safe.
To keep him safe from whom?
From us, perhaps, because we're beginning to see what he's doing to us.
And what those machines are doing to us in the name of profits for an ever smaller number of people.
Oh yeah, all these big tech heads are building underground bunkers in New Zealand and Tasmanian.
They're all, they know something's scary because they're projecting onto the world their own evil.
Norm Patus, you're amazing.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you for having me, Alex.
All right, Mike Adams is coming up, but I got a couple more things I need to hit that are really important that I didn't get to on the other side.
Please stay with us.
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Answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, Mike Adams is one of the most popular co-hosts here.
Mike Adams is one of the most popular co-hosts here.
He's taking over here in just a few minutes.
Bunch of news I didn't get to.
I did cover a ton today.
I meant to go to calls, but things are just getting insane.
CNN and others are calling transgender facility a concentration camp.
Yeah, there's so many transgenders in Latin America, I guess that's really the birthplace of it all, that They have to have their own facilities, and in the videos, it teaches them how to be sexier to get men.
Well, guess what?
That's a concentration camp.
ICE Detention Center teaches transgender migrants how to look feminine.
They get their nails done, their hair done.
They, again, have a sand volleyball court.
I didn't have that in high school.
I liked playing volleyball with the girls sometimes.
It's always a great way to pick a girlfriend up, but we didn't have sand, and they've got Basketball courts and of course they have full soccer fields and basket weaving for the few weeks they're there.
But now, among the ICE detention centers, Democratic leaders are calling concentration camps as a unit described specifically for transgender migrants.
Or again, they're taught classes in cosmology.
God Almighty.
God Almighty.
It's just, there's no end to it.
You know, I mentioned this earlier, but I want to pull it up and show TV viewers on screen.
Paul Joseph Watson article that's on newswars.com and infowars.com.
And remember, we're blocked in the algorithm everywhere, but you, the human element, can tell Zuckerberg, can tell Sundar Pichai, hey, I'm going to share this on my email.
I'm going to share this on my text message.
I'm going to word of mouth say, hey, did you see the New York Times and Washington Post all put down the Apollo program because it was men.
So my God, the Great Wall of China got built by men.
It's bad too.
This is insane!
Only aliens would come here and teach us to hate our species like this.
This is how you would tear a planet apart.
And I don't cover UFOs in Area 51.
I'm just saying, this looks like what an alien would do.
Attack our families, attack our genders, attack our DNA, attack our entire system, attack our atmosphere.
Oh, and then the Bible says it's a fallen entity on the planet that wants to kill us all.
Every other culture and ancient says that.
There's something evil on the planet that wants to destroy us.
Maybe it's psychotics get together and there's some group collective mind meld.
I don't know.
We know there's a group consciousness.
All I know is, it's real.
And the establishment is into it.
Washington Post and the New York Times tried to ruin the Apollo moon landing anniversary with woke identity politics.
Let's put this on screen for TV viewers, please.
And you go through it and it's all of these photos and all of these reports about, oh look, there were no women and it's men and it's a bad thing.
And then folks tweeted in there, That, oh, look at these men, too.
Yeah, look at these evil men.
Let's click on that, and let's just look at those evil faces of all those men, smiling, minutes before they face Thousands of pieces of German artillery and heavy machine guns and half of them were killed on the beaches that day.
Look at those.
Oh, I forgot.
They're not just men.
It's dirty white men.
This is the left.
This is what they've created.
This is like some racist twisted PCP Twilight Zone.
One who flew over the cuckoo's nest.
Insane asylum.
But just look at this crap.
And I love that photo.
If you go back, I looked at it for like five minutes this morning, and blow that photo up if you can.
Look at the looks on those guys' faces.
They're not just smiling like they're trying to act happy.
A lot of them look like they're excited.
A lot of them look like they're having a good time.
A lot of them look serious.
And I even looked up when that photo was taken.
Those are guys on like the fourth wave, knowing half the people getting off are dead.
And they're ready.
You think men are like that today on average?
I'm going to ask you a question.
You go round up men in your tit, black, white, whatever they are, Hispanic, you think you load them on a troop carrier and they're going in to face hundreds of thousands of German troops and half of you are going to die before you get up the hills.
You're all going to be, half the people you're in there are going to be dead in 20 minutes.
Another third or so are going to have bullet holes in you.
And you're watching troop carriers blow up in front of you.
That have shells, mortar shells and artillery shells going into them.
You're watching dead bodies all over the beach and you're smiling.
And you look how men are today.
I played that clip of that soulless peacock earlier with that woman, the top newscaster.
He's out there in Phoenix.
And she's got a parlor account.
Not even right-wing.
And he's like, oh, the boss wants you to take that down.
You might get called an extremist.
She goes, I'm reaching people.
He's like, oh, I'm just saying.
People are pretty upset and concerned.
They're going to know you're a Republican.
Oh, can't have that American flag on.
Chris Pratt.
Oh, it's an act of courage that Chris Pratt is a Christian and admits he's a Christian.
They've called for him to denounce Trump, but he won't do it.
And now he said, don't tread on the American flag.
What a, what a, what a, what a hero.
But in 2019, I guess that's heroic, right?
I guess it is.
By the way, we sold out, and it takes a lot of money to fund this operation, so thanks for buying 4,000 shirts, but we make like $5 a piece when we discounted them.
The fabric's nice, the printing's nice, so that Betsy Ross flag that said these colors don't run, it was so popular, we're bringing another one back tomorrow, another limited edition.
It'll be different colors, a little bit different setup.
But I already had one in the pike.
I already told them to design it last week.
The Betsy Ross flag.
With Don't Tread on Me, and the Gadsden Snake, and the Gravix people, and Tim Preget.
We're blown away.
They're like, hey, look at this!
And I noticed it too.
Chris Pratt's wearing a shirt just like Navy Blue!
Same, because it's just common sense, folks.
Maybe his is black.
Ours is Navy Blue.
I think that's Navy Blue.
So I literally envisioned the same shirt because it makes sense.
Says America's Back Info Wars dot com on the back.
Four thousand are being printed now.
Two days ago, the Betsy Ross ones arrived.
They're already shipping out.
And that's how you support the broadcast and all the crew and what we're doing.
And then the fights were engaged in and I have to expand the 1776 sale.
I don't hope the new sales yet.
This was one we were developing last week.
We just launched this morning for the shirt.
Our new sales or new specials aren't ready.
I'm so busy.
I barely cut ads but 75 to 25% off storewide.
And 1776 for all apparel, that includes the new Chris Pratt-inspired shirt.
Once I wrote that headline, it's not really accurate because I already had the idea.
I mean, why not say, don't tread on me, they're treading on the American flag, and combine the two?
It's just common sense!
It's like, why didn't somebody stick flame-broiled beef and cheese and onions and lettuce and tomato on a bun before the guy invented it at the World's Fair or whatever, I forget, in the 20s?
It's like, the hamburger just got invented in the 20s?
But the point is, is that it's just a common sense thing.
Don't tread on meek and bound with a flag.
The shirt's limited edition.
And like I said, the other shirt sold out, but Betsy Ross is so popular.
Limbaugh's got one now, too.
Because everybody agrees, hey, the American flag's not evil, okay?
And so, we're going to have a new design of that out for those that are chomping at the bit.
A lot of requests.
We'll have that for you by tomorrow.
But there's a, oh, by the way, one of the flags is a Betsy Ross one.
The new Chris Pratt inspired, don't tread on me, one's a Betsy Ross, one's a regular American flag.
So we do have a Betsy Ross flag if you want that.
And it triggers the left.
They're all over top of Yahoo News.
White supremacist.
You know, Chris Pratt.
I want to see... I've never had a flagpole at my house.
Let's go with it.
And a Betsy Ross.
We're going to make Betsy Ross flags.
I mean, because this is the hill I want to die on.
She was an abolitionist, folks.
A leading abolitionist.
On top of it, an anti-slaver from the countries and the Christian nations that banned it is who made it.
It's so cool.
The American flag was made by an abolitionist.
It's just like the sick irony of that is so incredible.
But whether it's the X2, which is about to sell out, or Brain Force Plus, the Bone Broth's getting ready.
We're down to the last few kegs of that, thousand kegs of that.
What else is selling out?
Oh, Ultra 12.
Twice as strong as Secret 12.
Highest quality metal at the bottom.
And that's selling out.
Won't be more for a few months.
We're still keeping it at $17.76.
All right, Mike Adams is ready to go for three powerful segments straight ahead.
We'll be right back.
But we do have to apologize that men landed on the moon.
It's a horrible, misogynistic thing.
So I apologize for all the men of Earth to the moon.
We go moon.
You know what I was most proud of?
For eight years, there wasn't one single hint of a scandal or a lie.
President under pressure from a trifecta of scandals.
President Barack Obama trying to get ahead of just one of the three scandals now consuming the country's attention.
That scandal involving the Secret Service and accusations of drinking and hiring prostitutes in Colombia.
The Obama spying scandal.
The mother of all scandals, Spygate.
This is a big...
It's a huge scandal.
The gun walker scandal.
The VA scandal.
The VA scandal.
It's a scandal telling America you can keep your doctor, a callous deception that hurts millions.
Today widespread embarrassment about this scandal has really turned to disgust.
All of this comes as a White House that takes pride in being scandal-free has been hammered by a series of controversies.
The latest?
Revelations the Justice Department obtained two months of telephone records of reporters at the Associated Press as part of a leak investigation.
I believe there's been a pattern by this administration in not taking responsibility for failures, avoiding blame, pointing the fingers in somebody else's direction.
Would you agree with that?
For eight years.
There wasn't one single hint of a scandal.
The CIA went in to walled off Senate computers in a bona fide investigation that's being done of the detention and interrogation of detainees.
As far as the allegations of, you know, CIA hacking into, you know, Senate computers, nothing could be further from the truth.
CIA Director John Brennan apologized today after an internal investigation determined the agency had spied on staff members of the United States Senate.
Firestorms surrounding the IRS.
Last night, we asked if what they did was fair.
Tonight, the FBI is asking, was it criminal?
I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this.
In the years before the election, more liberal groups were being approved, while conservative groups with names like Patriot, Constitution, and Tea Party were stymied.
In 2011, not a single Tea Party group was approved.
Operation Fast and Furious, an Obama administration program that let thousands of assault weapons fall into the hands of violent Mexican drug cartels.
Guns found in over 170 crime scenes, including the murder of a U.S.
Border Patrol agent.
The Obama administration denied the program's existence and withheld information to protect political appointees.
The Dallas Morning News calls this a cover-up.
Will anyone be held accountable?
One single hint.
My main concern is fixing a problem.
New questions over who is to blame for the deaths of some of America's most elite warriors in a helicopter crash.
Their families suggest that the White House and others are lying about their deaths and what led to them.
All of a sudden there's movies, SEAL Team 6, documentaries, SEAL Team 6, SEAL Team 6, this, this, this.
Where did it all start?
Joe Biden in Delaware in a tuxedo with a half a load on, telling everybody it was the elite Navy SEAL team.
Now to the VA scandal, which is now a criminal investigation.
An extensive new report reveals more than 100,000 veterans waited months to see a doctor or never saw one at all.
And some workers saying they were pressured to falsify records.
Now the VA scandal has officially become a criminal investigation.
I think I'm either low IQ or slow or I don't know what I am, you know?
Slow Joe Biden?
Now, I have to tell you, he's a different guy.
He looks different than he used to.
He acts different than he used to.
I had two cranial aneurysms.
And they literally had to take the top of my head off.
I mean, they take a saw and they cut your head off.
Flawless victory.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
It's Mike Adams.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, here filling out the rest of the show today.
As usual, I've got a lot of hard-hitting, unique stories for you.
But first, I just want to comment on this insane attack on America, on America's history.
The Apollo landings now, they're said to be racist by the Washington Post.
I mean, when the moon landing is racist, you know, you know they've gone Way too far with all the labeling and all the attacks.
And these disgusting, filthy, wretched individuals in Congress, like Ilhan Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, and others, who literally hate this country, And in the case of Ilhan Omar, it looks like she committed massive marriage fraud and immigration fraud to get into this country.
That's according to a new video.
I saw it this morning up on the Gateway Pundit.
I think it's Alpha News has that video.
You guys got to get it on InfoWars.com.
It looks like a really powerful expose of Ilhan Omar's massive fraud, by the way.
But these people hate this country and then they claim to love it.
All they can do is talk about racism and genocide and concentration camps and children drinking out of toilets at the border.
It's complete nonsense!
And in the case of Ilhan Omar, you go back to her home country and the establishment there, it's a disaster.
It's a collapsed third world, authoritarian, gang ridden infestation of violence and rape and murder of gay people and every human rights violation you can imagine.
She wants to recreate that for America.
She wants to turn America into another kind of Somalia.
You know, she wants to turn America into a collapsed nation that would make her feel more at home.
She would feel very familiar in a country where there's massive rampant violence and abuse and raping of women and killing of gays and a corrupt government and destitution and bribery and everything.
That's familiar to her and that's what she's trying to recreate in America.
And I think I speak for most Americans, at least in alignment with most Americans, when I say Get out.
Get out of America.
You are not an American, Ilhan Omar.
You don't represent America.
You don't love America.
And you are not even legally an American.
You committed immigration fraud.
You need to get out of this country.
And all of us who are real Americans, like those of you watching this show, all of us, we need to assert the proper protection and defense of our country while welcoming legal immigrants, by the way.
We welcome legal immigrants who want to support our Constitution and want to be real Americans and want to learn and practice the principles of liberty, you know, the principles of The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, all these things.
If you are willing to abide by the law and be an entrepreneur or be a hard worker, and you're not just coming in to collect free stuff, then we welcome you.
Not illegally, not through marriage fraud like she committed, not through immigration fraud, not by crossing the border illegally.
You gotta come into this country legally, and then, guess what?
You're welcome.
The other thing that these radical leftists are doing With these attacks on all men now.
All men are considered bad by the radical left.
All white men, in particular, are considered doubly bad.
I mean, again, they're attacking the Apollo landings.
They're attacking the history of science.
And we've seen this in academia as well.
They're trying to destroy the entire history of science, or archaeology, or chemistry, or physics, or, you know, the space program, whatever, because there were white men involved.
It's funny though, the media doesn't attack the vaccine industry even though vaccines are pushed by mostly white men.
Somehow those white men are heroes for pushing vaccines, but the white men who flew to the moon, suddenly they're bad?
What kind of bizarre standard is that?
Well, it's no standard.
It's complete hypocrisy.
The left is deranged.
Nothing they say makes any sense.
But what they do want to do is destroy our history.
They are tearing down our monuments.
They want to take down history.
They want to destroy your memory of who you are and the culture that you represent.
And this, my friends, this is what the communists do.
They do it every time.
It's like the Cultural Revolution under Maoist China.
This is a Stalinist type of approach.
You destroy the history, take down the monuments, rewrite the history books, and send the champions of your society into the gulags, and then replace everything with communism.
This is what the left is trying to do.
It is a radical, lawless, anti-human, anti-humanitarian approach.
And this is what they're trying to push.
The left-wing media is complicit.
They are terrorist organizations.
I'm the one who coined the term, journo-terrorist.
It was several years ago.
And I said CNN, they're journo-terrorists.
Now we see yet more confirmation that that's exactly what's happened.
These left-wing journo-terrorist organizations like New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, they all in one way or another endorse the radical left-wing Antifa terrorism.
They endorse it, and then they refuse to retract their endorsements.
They refuse to apologize, just like Ilhan Omar.
Just like AOC, just like the others, part of the squad, they refuse to condemn, at least at first they refused, because I think some of them later backtracked and said, yeah, they condemn it.
But at first, when first challenged, they refused to condemn acts of terrorism.
The firebombing of an ICE detention center by a radical left-wing Antifa terrorist, who was parroting the words of Ocasio-Cortez, by the way.
Ocasio-Cortez is the inspiration for left-wing terrorists.
They cite her words as they're throwing incendiary devices and trying to blow up cars in government buildings and shoot up, you know, ICE detention guards and so on, border patrol people and so on.
This is the radical left.
This is their plan.
And they have only just begun.
And I want to give you an analysis here.
I'll give you more detail on the other side of this coming break.
I want to bring you back to an interview between Stuart Rhodes of Oath Keepers and Alex Jones just a couple of days ago.
Forgot which day exactly, but Stuart Rhodes said something in that interview that was mind-blowing about what's coming.
He said that no matter what the outcome of the 2020 election, the outcome will not be accepted by half the country.
In other words, if Trump wins, the left will go insane.
They will not accept Trump achieving victory yet again.
If the left wins the election, it can only be by massive coordinated fraud, ballot harvesting, illegals voting in places like California and New York.
And I believe Stuart is correct when he says that conservative America will not accept another stolen election.
We already endured one stolen election, which was the 2018 midterms.
We will not endure another stolen election.
So no matter who wins or loses in 2020, America erupts into a civil war.
Very likely.
That's the outcome.
When we come back after this coming break, I'm going to talk about what that civil war might look like and how to prepare yourself and things that you need to start doing right now to get ready for that civil war, because it will be devastating.
The power grid will likely be taken down in one way or another, and foreign powers are likely to get involved, with probably Communist China occupying the west coast of California to the cheers of the
radical commie leftists who now run California.
There will be a major war in California if this unfolds as we see.
Stay with us here. We'll be right back after this break.
Alex Jones Show will be back.
The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border and that is exactly what they are.
Two pairs of bunk beds in each bedroom and the living room.
They are concentration camps.
HHS provides the teens with six hours daily classroom instruction, access to arts and crafts, three meals a day and snacks, access to call centers to reconnect with family, then legal services.
And, as the contractor running the holding facility describes, most importantly, they provide playtime.
Is it school sports day?
Summer camp with freshly made beds, eat all you can buffet, and the inevitable video games.
The fact that concentration camps are now an institutionalized practice in the Home of the free is extraordinarily disturbing.
Let me tell you what I just saw when I walked in there, okay?
And by the way, I'm with an entire film crew.
So I'm about to blow up this narrative in a way that the left is not expecting because they are filthy, disgusting liars.
And I'm sorry that I am so angry right now, but what I just saw was astonishing, okay?
This place is nicer than where I went to the public school system.
I went to Stanford, Connecticut public schools.
This place is like an elementary school.
There are colors on the wall everywhere.
There's a nursing station that is so clean and so nice where they dine.
They're sitting down laughing, eating food.
They have people that go to the counter that can participate if they want.
They can help cook if they want.
There are also some infants who are housed here with their mothers.
Some of those babies were even born here.
We will have a crib for the baby and the mommy, and if two girls, you know, two teen girls came, then they will be able to share a room.
But when a mommy and me comes, we just give them a room for just the two of them.
Let me tell you what activities they have here.
I walked in on the woman that were in their arts and crafts session.
They had just concluded their f***ing Zumba class, okay?
In the same room that they do their f***ing Zumba, they also have to do their arts and crafts, okay?
That's just for the woman's side.
All these immigrants say they came because free American services and assistance are being advertised in their home countries.
They're all welcome.
There is a sand volleyball court.
There is a sand volleyball court, which they are all welcome to play anytime that they want to, in the center of the section.
There are 10 spacious houses on the complex.
They have a library here, well-appointed classrooms, a soccer field, and a gym.
A foosball table, there are pool tables, there's a soccer field, okay?
Because in case they want to play soccer when they're outside, there should be a soccer field that is adjacent to the sand volleyball court, where they can play.
One of its primary roles is to house unaccompanied immigrant minors.
Today, it's also sheltering children separated from their parents at the border
because of President Trump's zero tolerance policy.
The immigrant children are housed and schooled here.
So Emma, tell me a little bit about the conditions that are inside the facility.
Sure. Well, as you said, this is a converted Walmart.
So you walk through the sliding sort of whispery Walmart doors and inside the old McDonald's is a cafeteria.
The loading docks have been turned into a movie theater where kids were watching Moana yesterday.
Our goal with every immigrant child who comes here is to reunite them with family in America.
I'm not saying that people that come here should not be treated well.
That's not the argument here, okay?
But these people are treated great!
They are treated fantastically!
Everything that I just saw there was somewhere... I thought I was touring a place to send my child to elementary school.
And by the way, I would have sent my child to this elementary school.
This is an ICE facility in Broward County, the source of so much debate and anger, and everyone came down to Florida because the left did what they do best.
They made up a...
false and untrue.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order,
it's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
♪ Wake up in the morning ♪ No, Google is actually now, it has become a pharmaceutical company in essence, and Amazon is heading that way as well.
I'm going to get to the Civil War analysis here in just a second, but something I heard there during the break just reminded me to say that one of the reasons InfoWars is under such severe attack by the tech giants is because the tech giants are becoming part of the pharma cartel.
The pharmaceutical cartel controls the media.
70% of media advertising revenues come from drug companies.
And that was legalized by the FDA under Bill Clinton, I believe in 1997.
And so the pharma cartels control the media, they control all information.
Pharma cartels control Wikipedia, they control now Google, they control Facebook, Twitter, everything.
And so The pharma cartels think about what is their number one goal is to turn you into a lifetime repeat customer who's suffering from ongoing diseases, mental health conditions and physical health conditions, cancer and everything else, diabetes.
They do not want you to be well because if you are healthy, you don't need their products.
And they want to shut down the natural supplements industry because it's natural supplements that help you stay healthy so you don't get sick all the time.
And that's why, that's one of the reasons why they're attacking InfoWars so much and why they're attacking me as well.
Because one of the things that we both have in common is nutritional supplements and advocacy of nutrition.
And if you could see the mountain of scientific evidence that I go through every day, if you could see how much scientific evidence there is for turmeric or iodine or omega-3 oils from fish oils or things like that, you'd be blown away.
You would immediately know that we have the answer for lifelong health and longevity for every American.
The answer already exists.
The answer is found in supplements and superfoods and nutrition.
And yet, the entire tech tyranny cartel and the drug cartels and everybody, the media and so on, academia, scientific research, they're all aligned with a message to try to lie to you and say that nutrition doesn't work and that you were born with a deficiency in pharmaceuticals.
And vaccines, of course, right?
So think about it.
They say that you're born, your brain is deficient when you're born, that your brain won't be complete until you have these pharmaceutical chemicals in your brain.
That's their message.
And it's absurd.
It's just as absurd as stating that men can become women.
It's just as absurd as saying that the Apollo landings were racist because there were men who landed on the moon instead of women.
And no doubt, by the way, just as another side note, if Disney or Hollywood ever remakes a documentary about the Apollo landings, no doubt they will replace those men with transgender women!
It will be trannies on the moon!
Part 1, 2, and 3.
That will be the future that you will see, because they have to erase history and replace every white man with trannies on the moon.
Seriously, I mean it sounds like a joke, but this is what they're doing across media.
Getting back to pharma, and then I'll get back to the Civil War.
Sorry, I'm taking some subroutines here.
But pharma, you need to know, part of the attacks on Alex Jones are because his products literally keep people healthy.
No joke.
I'm a food scientist.
I run a food lab.
I know a lot about nutrition.
I take the same ingredients every day, the same types of supplements that InfoWars store sells.
And in some cases, I have actual InfoWars supplements, even though I have my own line of other types of things as well.
The point is, don't be suckered into the pharma cartel.
And if you really want to be healthy, go to InfoWarsStore.com.
Their products actually do work and they make a huge difference in your life and your quality of life.
Now getting back to the Civil War analysis.
Here's some good news.
I mentioned on the InfoWars interview, I think last week, there was a really great analysis video out there called Civil War II, who will win by a guy named John Mark.
I didn't know who that was, but I checked out his channel on YouTube and I invited him to come over to Brighteon.com, which has just gone through a major upgrade, by the way.
Brighteon 2.0 is now active.
All the pre-roll ads are eliminated from the videos.
And his video is there now because it was probably going to be deleted by YouTube.
I just want to encourage you, now InfoWars uploads everything right now to Brighteon, but if you have a video out there, whether it's a gun rights video, a self-defense video, a video criticizing transgenderism or the LGBT mafia or whatever, If you think that video is going to be banned, get it over to BitChute, get it over to Brighteon.com, get it to, I think, DTube is another one that's out there.
Get your videos onto these alternative platforms so they can be safe.
Without censorship.
That's the only way that you're going to be assured that your videos will continue to have reach.
And we're doing everything in our power to build a better system for you.
It's still not profitable.
It takes a lot of money to build and run a system like that, but we're doing it as a public service, frankly, to help support your free speech.
Now, in that video that's now on Brighteon, the Civil War II analysis, John Mark, I think his name, talks about the coming Civil War What I think you need to understand is that it will be geographically local.
Where, you know, Civil War I in American history was the North versus the South.
But what's coming in Civil War II is going to be every state, or essentially every state, will be the rural areas versus the state capital or the dominant cities in that state.
So, for example, In Colorado, the Civil War, it wouldn't be North Colorado versus South Colorado, it would be Rural Colorado versus Denver.
You know, versus the left-wing tyrants in Denver.
In California, it's going to be Rural California versus the left-wing communist leaders in Sacramento and San Francisco and Los Angeles and so on.
In Oregon, same type of thing.
It's going to be Rural Oregon versus the insane left-wing anti-American lunatics in Portland.
And in Washington State, same deal.
Rural Washington versus Seattle, which is collapsing into third world status even as we speak.
Now in some states, like, you know, moving slightly to the east from that, go to Idaho and Wyoming and Montana, probably not going to have much of a civil war there.
Maybe a very short-lived one, especially in Idaho, because Idaho is a patriotic state.
Almost everybody in Idaho loves America and they're going to defend America.
And if there are any traitors or enemies of America in Idaho, they will be, well, we'll just say quickly nullified.
They will be out of power very quickly.
Same thing's true in Wyoming.
Probably much the same is true in places like Nevada.
And Utah, Arizona might be some some fighting in certain areas surrounding Phoenix.
But again, what John Mark points out in his video is that every city depends on electricity and inputs.
Inputs like food and water.
I already mentioned electricity, but also fuel.
So those inputs have to come into the city.
And it's a simple matter, he explains, for in a civil war type of scenario, it's a simple matter to disconnect those cities from those inputs.
And honestly, how long does Los Angeles last if there's no electricity?
And we're starting to see power grid failures recently in New York City and in Southern California just the other day.
Power grid failures are increasing even in the good times, not to mention a civil war or a foreign power invading our country or the Chinese landing communist troops on the West Coast and so on.
Believe me, if the communist Chinese take over Los Angeles and are working with Governor Newsom, who is a communist in my view, it's going to be a very Very quick reaction by patriots in California to probably cut off the Los Angeles power grid and stop all food deliveries and fuel deliveries to Los Angeles because that will be necessary to defend our country against a foreign invader who is working with traitors i.e.
Newsom and others who are trying to betray this country.
What Stuart Rhodes mentioned that I think is worth repeating is that all the military veterans in America, almost all of them are pro-America, and they don't need orders from headquarters to take action.
They already know what to do.
In fact, they've been trained by the military to do the kinds of things that need to be done to defend their country against seditious traitors, acts of treason, and acts of domestic terrorism carried out by radical leftists and these haters of America.
Trump doesn't even need to say anything.
People are going to take action on their own to defend this country against those who are trying to destroy it.
That's what's coming.
So you have a very short period of time, 18 months or so, or less, to get out of the cities before that happens.
Stay tuned, more straight ahead here on the Alex Jones Show.
We were.
Massively behind this year in the funding we need to just continue.
But I've really worked hard, promoted products to some good ads, and part of that deficit was taken away to where we're able to operate right now.
And I've always been so confident that I haven't really worried about it, but I've really got to tell listeners, now is the time to support.
I want to thank you.
I'm not complaining, you haven't supported it enough.
But my God, if we're not proving we're the tip of the spear, we need your financial support and we make it easy.
I've never been a marketer.
I always just sell what I think is the best and the highest quality at low prices.
And I got told by a few people we talked to over the years, hey, you keep selling everything so discounted, you're selling an unbelievable amount.
But if you sell $30 million in a year, but you only make $5 million, $6 million, that doesn't fund your operation.
So that's kind of the paradox we're in, is, you know, selling $40 million of stuff and making $10 million.
That does not fund all these crew members and all these people and what we're doing and the expansions we need to do and all the things.
I mean, BuzzFeed and stuff get $50 million a year, you know.
Vice gets $600 million from, you know, and then Fox gets $250 million from NBC.
We could run for five, six, seven years off that.
Because that's pure money.
That's not like products sold, and most of it's in cost.
So, infowarestore.com, last days of the 1776 Worldwide Special.
We've got great shirts.
We've got great books.
We've got great films.
We've got great supplements.
We've got great protein bars.
The best you're going to find anywhere.
Everything we do is the best.
Our new t-shirts are super high quality fabric, everything.
So please financially support us at Infowarsstore.com.
Please take action now.
The globalists are hoping you don't.
Antifa, Ilhan Omar, AOC, the globalists, Hillary Clinton, they're hoping you sit on your hands.
I don't want to be shut down in the midst of all this tyranny.
And I've got expansion I want to engage in.
Instead of expanding, we're just fighting to survive under all these attacks.
And I'm proud of us.
I'm proud of your support.
But let me tell you something, you need to double down.
This is the last two days of the 1776 Worldwide Special.
I'm 75% off.
That's our highest sales.
A lot of that's a lost leader.
Ultra 12 is 55% off.
All the t-shirts are 1776.
I want to commend all those that have supported us.
But listen, we got the best coffee.
We got the best toothpaste.
We got the best fish oil.
We got the best turmeric.
We got the best bone broth.
We've got a lot of great products.
We've got a lot of great films.
A lot of great books.
A lot of amazing things.
At InfowarsStore.com or 888-253-3139.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
You can also make a straight donation, that way we get 95% of it.
You know, we had perfect credit before, but they did all that tax on us.
Gotta pay 5% on credit cards and banks now.
It's all the ways they screw us over, but I'm not a victim.
I'm a target.
I'm under attack because I'm effective and I tell the truth.
InfowarsStore.com, and your donations are absolutely essential.
So thank you all for your support.
Please take action today, but whatever you do, tell people word of mouth about the broadcast.
That's how America doesn't give up.
It's how we don't submit.
And we're gonna win.
But now is a critical part of the fight.
For months and months and months, CNN, BuzzFeed and others lobbied to have Alex Jones removed
from social media.
He was removed from basically all the major social media platforms apart from Twitter.
And then they said, oh, you're not being banned.
You still have a platform on Twitter.
You still have an app in the App Store.
Banned by Twitter, banned by the App Store.
Oh, but you still have a website.
You still have InfoWars Store.
You still have a shopfront.
And then what do we see?
Washington Post.
Oh my god, traffic to Alex Jones' InfoWars store has increased by 50%!
Maybe now we should look at that all the way down the line.
They literally want to sabotage people's right to commerce.
They will not stop, which is why we need your support right now by getting the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And again, we're not funded by giant fat checks from George Soros, like Media Matters is, to fund these de-platforming campaigns.
We're not funded by Dolph State dictatorships, like CNN is, We're only funded by you, by getting the products at infowarsstore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it. The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Mike Adams.
Talk about the climate change hoax today in this final segment a little bit.
But first, something about nature.
You can learn a lot from observing Mother Nature.
And I live on a ranch in central Texas, and I spend a lot of time with animals and just observing all the different life forms around and comparing that to what human society has become.
And one of the reasons why I think Democrats and leftists and abortion pushers are so demonic is because they're dissociated from nature.
Think about it.
These radical leftists like Ilhan Omar and they say, oh, children are drinking out of toilets at the border.
Or they say, oh, children are being separated from their families.
These are the same people that advocate the murder of children.
So it's a joke.
These people are pathetic liars and fakers when they talk about caring for children because They kill their own children, you know, and they celebrate it.
But you don't see that in nature.
I've observed all kinds of animals out in the wild.
I mean, from owls and raccoons, salamanders, lizards, frogs, toads.
I've got donkeys, goats, dogs, everything that you can imagine out in nature.
All the different birds, all the different insects, praying mantis insects.
Guess what I've never seen?
I've never seen not even a cockroach killing its own children.
Which means that these Democrats that are advocating abortion are lower than cockroaches.
Because even field mice and rats, I mean swamp rats, don't even kill their own babies.
They try to keep their babies alive.
Again, insects, even cockroaches, they try to nourish their children and allow them to survive because it's the survival instinct.
And guess what else?
All of these species, they reproduce by something called sexual reproduction, which requires a biological male and a biological female.
And those are different.
And yet the radical left today, they want to claim that they're compassionate.
They're murdering their own babies.
And claiming there's no such thing as a male or a female, or that you can transition at any time by wishing it so, and that men can get pregnant and have babies.
You know, these are the lunatic rantings of a cult of... a suicide cult, really, that has no sustainability for the future of life on Earth.
That's what leftists are.
And if we could just speed up the Darwin Award a little bit, speed up that evolutionary clock, so to speak, All these radical leftists who believe in transgenderism, they are extinct because they cannot reproduce.
They are cutting off their reproductive organs.
They are chemically castrating their children and murdering their children.
They cannot reproduce.
They have no future because of what they believe, which is insane and a complete violation of nature.
And again, if you go around nature, what you see in nature Is male and female parents having offspring and those parents caring for that offspring and trying to keep them alive as best they can.
You know whether it's a baby deer with You know, just a doe out there, they're trying to keep that baby deer alive, you know?
Whether it's a baby donkey, and I've carried a baby donkey right after it was born, you know, still wet and gooey and everything, carrying it to try to get it to nurse and everything, and there's a survival instinct there.
And we see that when we observe nature.
But people who live in cities who become radical leftists, they've lost the survival instinct of humankind.
And it's not just that they have no will to survive, it's that they want to murder everybody else as they destroy themselves.
They are a suicide cult.
This is why they want to kill white people.
They want to kill Trump supporters.
They want to murder Americans.
They want to murder Christians.
They literally have nothing but blood and violence and murder on their minds at all hours of the day.
They are seething with lunatic hatred and they demonstrate it by murdering their own children as well.
That's what we are facing.
So when the day comes, To defend yourself, or defend your family, or defend your country against these deranged, murderous, violent lunatics, do not hesitate, my friends.
Do not hesitate for one moment.
Because these radical left-wing murderers, they deserve exactly what they are bringing down upon themselves.
Do not hesitate.
They want death.
They want to kill everything, every living thing on this planet.
This is the climate change hoax.
It's about mass death.
They want to kill the food webs.
They want to kill the plants because they want to dim sunlight, reduce photosynthesis.
And by doing so, by collapsing the food webs, they will kill humanity as well.
This is their goal.
This is their desire.
They are a death cult.
Never forget that.
That's what we're up against.
You think this is a battle about politics?
You think this is a battle just for the future of America?
No, it's a battle for the future of life on Earth.
This is a cosmic battle for the future of our entire species.
Not just our way of life as Americans, but our very existence on this planet.
That is what the radical left opposes.
That's what the globalists oppose.
They openly talk about depopulation.
They talk about using mosquitoes to have stealth vaccines of people.
They run experiments in Africa with infertility chemicals in the vaccines.
They've weaponized vaccines into death systems, death vectors.
They've weaponized the food supply with chemical weed killer and other pesticides that cause death, that cause disease, that cause cancer.
And they've weaponized everything, the entire food supply chain with plastics.
Plastics that contain hormone disruptors.
Hormone disruptors that influence The perception of hormone balance in human biological systems.
Atrazine is known as a chemical castrator.
Atrazine actually, it really does turn amphibians from one gender to another.
Famously, Alex Jones said, I think, they turn the freaking frogs gay.
That's not inaccurate.
That's actually a very accurate description of what atrazine does.
It's a chemical castrator, and it's the second most commonly used herbicide across America.
It's in all the water.
It's in most of the foods.
I know.
I see it because we're doing the testing in our lab.
We see atrazine.
We see glyphosate.
We see AMPA.
We see heavy metals, all these things that affect human hormones, cause infertility, cause mental instability and insanity.
And even from that perspective, some of these radical leftists, it's not even their own fault how deranged they've become, because they're poisoned!
They're poisoned with chemical exposure, they're poisoned with heavy metals, and they are out of control.
They have been essentially assaulted, carpet bombed, with chemicals.
That is the absolute truth about what's happening in our world.
Now, getting to the climate change hoax in particular, a new study was published I don't know, was it Monday or a few days ago that really found the root cause of variations in Earth's temperature.
And it's not from carbon dioxide.
It is, in fact, from the wavering strength or weakness of Earth's magnetosphere.
That's the magnetic, what do you call it, like a magnetic bubble around Earth that deflects Well, that magnetosphere is always in flux.
cosmic rays because they can't get through the magnetic shield, so to speak, of our planet.
Well, that magnetosphere is always in flux. Sometimes it's weaker, sometimes it's stronger.
Sometimes there have been pole shifts in the history of our planet where north and south
flipped completely.
In fact, they flipped hundreds of times in Earth's past.
How did that happen?
Well, the magnetosphere got really weak and it started to have flux in it and then it flipped the other direction and then it got stronger.
These cycles of weakness and strength in the magnetosphere, they either allow or block cosmic rays to penetrate Earth's atmosphere Resulting in either the formation of more clouds or the elimination of clouds at low altitude in the atmosphere.
These clouds then either shield the Earth's surface from the sun because they have shade, just like if you're standing in the shade in the summer, you don't have the sun making you hot, right?
Same thing is true for Earth's surface.
More clouds means lower Earth temperatures.
Fewer clouds means higher Earth temperatures or global warming.
So it's actually the magnetosphere that determines global warming and global cooling more than any other single factor.
Yeah, of course the Sun and solar cycles are very much involved and carbon dioxide has a very tiny effect, but an order of magnitude less than what the current scientific community believes.
And human activity As was said in this study, it can only account for about 0.01 degrees Celsius of any kind of rise in global temperature.
And besides, carbon dioxide is fertilizer and food for plants.
CO2 is good for plants.
You want to make the earth green?
Emit more CO2.
The plants will love you for it.
The food crops will grow more abundantly.
The rainforest will recover.
The grasslands will take over from what used to be desert.
Carbon dioxide is good for our planet.
And that's why the left wants to eliminate it.
Because they are all about death.
They're all about collapse.
They want to destroy all life on our planet as we know it today.
So that's the takeaway from this today.
Because we're just about out of time here for today.
Remember that they don't want to just kill you for your politics.
They want to kill you because you're living.
Because you have a soul.
Because you have consciousness.
They want to destroy everything that you represent at a cosmic level.
And that's why the radical left must be defeated.
Completely defeated and removed from power.
And your opportunity will be coming soon.
Thanks for watching today.
This is Mike Adams for InfoWars.com.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
Alex, if I can just quickly, InfoWarsStore.com, I want to thank you for Polnblock.
It's amazing.
I've used so many different antihistamines over the years because I get really bad hay fever, and the antihistamines sometimes work, sometimes don't, but they never quite work for me.
Thankfully, they don't block all the symptoms.
They just kind of dry you up, or at least that's what they do for me, if they work at all.
But Pollen Block, it works.
It stops everything.
I don't get the itchy eyes, I'm not sneezing, and I don't get the irritation.
It is amazing.
This is a known patent out of France.
You have to pay for the patent, where they just discovered that if you feed a certain secret diet to quail, and then you get their eggs, it creates this incredible antihistamine of a certain type of quail.
How fast did it take for Pollen Block to kick in for you?
It's pretty much straight away.
You know, maybe 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes.
It just works.
The antihistamines, the pharmaceutical products, I find that with those, I can't take them until I start getting symptoms.
And even then, they might not kick in for half an hour, or they might not kick in at all, depending on the day.
Pollen Block works every single time.