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Name: 20190711_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 11, 2019
3386 lines.

In this episode, InfoWars host Alex Jones discusses topics such as Jeffrey Epstein's arrest, big tech censorship, sustainable living, independent media, and the persecution of Tommy Robinson. He critiques those attempting to present the Republican Party as centrist and highlights how right-wing conservatives have remained consistent over time while left-wing progressives have become more extreme. Jones praises Lauren Chen's show on BlazeTV for open discussion and promotes a 34-hour fundraiser with discounted products, encouraging listeners to share their opinions about the current political climate. A caller expresses gratitude for Alex's work and hopes that his fight for liberty continues even if something happens to him or his show.

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Jeffrey Epstein is behind bars today after pleading not guilty to sex trafficking.
Accused of sexually assaulting teenage girls as young as 14 years old.
This all begins when the Palm Beach police get a tip from some parents about a child coming home with her lunch box full of money.
When they ask her where the money comes from, it's clear that it comes from Jeffrey Epstein.
Prosecutors say they made a disturbing discovery at his mansion.
Thousands of nude photos of underage girls were found there.
And inside of a lock safe, compact discs.
One allegedly labeled, Young Miscellaneous Nudes 1.
This is video of Jeffrey Epstein's home taken by investigators during a search of the multi-millionaire's Palm Beach mansion.
It is where Epstein was involved with at least 40 underage girls, some of whom he had sex with.
Epstein has had several high-profile friendships in the past.
President Bill Clinton reportedly rode on Epstein's jet more than two dozen times in the early 2000s.
It's no secret that former President Bill Clinton had a friendly relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.
A former Secret Service agent is threatening to release damaging information on former President Bill Clinton.
Dan Bongino says he may release information on Clinton's 26 documented trips on Jeffrey Epstein's plane jet, private jet, the Lolita Express.
Lazy Wall Street tycoon Jeffrey Epstein used the Lolita Express to ferry a bevy of beautiful young women.
Among the passengers, former President Bill Clinton and Britain's Prince Andrew.
FAA records show that Bill Clinton is on the airplane of Jeffrey Epstein 26 times.
Newly obtained documents show Clinton actually took at least 26 flights on Epstein's private jet to spots around the globe.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, mainstream corporate media, Wikipedia are all covering up what's really happening.
They are all covering up any connection to Epstein to the Clintons or the logs on the airplanes with the little girls.
Sources say there were dozens of victims.
The teen girls were encouraged to recruit their friends.
We were underage.
We were little girls.
By the time I was 16, I brought in up to 75 girls.
All the ages of, you know, 14, 15, 16.
People going from 8th grade to 9th grade at just school parties.
That's where I'd recruit them from.
You know, before you know it, I'm being lent out to politicians and to academics and people that you...royalty and people that you just You would never think, like, how did you get into that position of power in the first place if you're this disgusting, evil, decrepit person on the inside.
An absolute secret, the U.S.
government negotiated a deal that forgave multi-billionaire Jeff Epstein for procuring sex with about 40 children.
The 2008 agreement protects Epstein and anyone who worked with him from federal charges.
He was basically treated as a celebrity.
He was allowed to come and go six days a week from the jail as he wanted.
Every morning a chauffeur would come pick him up and drive him to his office where he would spend the day doing whatever he wanted to do and then check back in at night.
And he arranged it so that he got work release which meant that he had a valet, a driver that he hired pick him up at the jail every day.
Unbelievably, This evil pedophile monster served just 13 months in a county jail for his crimes.
The U.S.
attorney who authorized that deal, Alexander Acosta, now the Secretary of Labor.
-Avcosta is a George W. Bush appointee under the Bush Justice Department,
and he conducts his own investigation.
He rubber-stamps the state charge, and then he seals it.
-They were told, "Leave it alone.
Jeffrey Epstein works for US Intelligence and the FBI."
-Now, Bradley Edwards determined to get a federal judge to overturn the sweetheart plea deal.
-Somebody with money and power was able to communicate with the government in secrecy,
in direct violation of the rights of the crime victims.
It's scary because this is our government that's supposed to protect us but has done everything to protect, you know, a pedophile.
Giant pedophile rigs controlling The Deep State are now being exposed.
I started getting somewhat of an inclination that this is a situation where somehow, for some reason, the defendant and the government are working together against the victims.
Although that kind of conspiracy theory sounds so preposterous that I didn't want to believe it.
We told you about Jeffrey Epstein and everything he was up to and who he is years ago.
Now it's going to hit the mainstream.
The second American Revolution is happening now.
It's worldwide against the globalists.
The American system versus the anti-human, anti-God world government.
Ladies and gentlemen, any war to be successful needs funding, and we make it easy.
That's why we're launching our biggest sale yet, $17.76 worldwide.
Bigger than our Christmas specials.
75% off is the best deals, with a lot of our best-selling items at that price, down to 25% off.
And on top of it, we have a dozen items including all apparel for $17.76.
So stock up and fund the M4 War today in the $17.76 worldwide special exclusively at m4warstore.com.
I thank you for your support.
The Globalists hope you don't.
Whatever you do, choose what side you're on and take action.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of
the InfoWar.
(dramatic music)
Well, President Trump in tweets today is pledging to take action against big tech election meddling and censorship raging across not just the United States, but across the authoritarian and so-called free world.
It's Thursday, July 11, 2019.
We just kicked off at 8 a.m.
this morning with David Knight, a special 34-hour continual live transmission that ends tomorrow evening at 6 p.m.
We've got a crew of six people.
Or is it seven people?
In Washington, D.C., Millie Weaver and her crew, Owen Schroer and his crew, Caitlin Bennett and her crew.
I guess that's, oh no, that's eight people.
And listen, a lot of folks are saying, Alex, why weren't you invited to the social media summit with President Trump?
Well, if I was invited, it would become the only story about it.
And I've been so demonized by the left and by corporate media, Because they know that Infowars represents Trump's base.
That if I was to go to that event, it would be nothing but a distraction.
Like a Matt Drudge or somebody went to it.
This is about organizing people that are in social media, that are meme makers, to try to develop a plan of action for the president to take action against big tech censorship.
And it's a way for the president to draw attention to the censorship and let the world know that he's going to be taking action.
Not a lot's been released about the summit.
I've been told quite a bit by...
Folks that have been invited to the White House already last week, like Carpe Donctum and others, and what they've been told about the breakaway groups that are going to be taking place all day today and all day Friday and some folks into the weekend.
There's also some late night parties and events that our camera crews have been invited to.
We'll be there covering all of that.
But I want to explain something.
InfoWars is about leadership.
This audience is about leadership.
We created the reboot of the 1776 Worldwide Nationalist Movement.
And Paul Watson, I wouldn't say it was butthurt that he wasn't invited, but he did mention, wow, I'm kind of blackpilled.
I'm being censored.
I'm being attacked.
I've been listed as the verboten one, along with Alex Jones.
Facebook put out terms of service saying people can organize our murder.
That was up for a few days.
They removed it yesterday from their terms of service.
It's just getting insane.
But it's because we are the vanguard that if we were there, it would take over the event.
And let's really get down to brass tacks.
President Trump's invited me to the White House.
He's invited me to Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago, all that stuff.
And I said, Mr. President, don't worry about that.
I don't need to have you pat me on the head.
I need to just talk to you about policy.
That's what I want.
And Trump really likes that.
And so that's what's happening here is I don't go to the White House to get patted on the head.
I'm here to help create policy with you, the audience, for countervailing talking points to counter the globalists that we put out.
We are the heart of the resistance.
Now, people like James O'Keefe are there.
He is incredibly important to the whole fight.
Carpe Dantum.
Mark Geiss.
So many others.
But look at what happened to Ben Garrison.
He criticized George Soros.
And the media all called him an anti-Semite.
So whoever's organizing this, the press secretary, thought, well, let's not make it about that.
Let's remove Garrison.
Well, that only then encouraged all of the other media to start calling everyone white supremacist and calling the whole list that.
So at a certain point, I get not having Alex Jones there.
But at another point, Ben Garrison Has never been accused of that.
There's no truth to it.
It's a bunch of bull.
So to have the old, dying corporate media, the same ones that claim Trump is raping women and abusing women in public all the time, and none of it's true.
Well, if we went by the mainstream media's yardstick, that they're the arbiters of reality, and they decide who's acceptable in society, no one right of Mao Zedong would be out walking around a free person.
So it's pretty amazing that all of this is going on.
It's very, very dangerous.
So let me just cut right to the facts.
There are quite a few people inside of that event that we helped with their original funding, their original promotion, their original platform.
And so I knew all about the meeting before it happened, before it was announced.
I know all about what the meeting is going to be about.
And I've got a lot of the key people inside the meeting.
But understand, we created the policy out here in the Midwest and in Texas and in places like Idaho and Oregon, outside of Portland.
Portland's a whole other country.
We are the dog.
is the tail.
So again, we're not grasping individuals trying to be part of the inside club.
We are creating the relaunch of Americana.
We are the tip of the spear.
We're the blood that flows through the veins and arteries of the rebirth of the nation.
We are the blood of victory, the blood of liberty.
We are the wind in the sails.
We are 1776 worldwide.
So make no mistake that I've told Paul this, and he was just a little tiffed.
And I've told Owen this, who shot a video in front of the White House, saying, hey, it's good that we're outside the White House.
Because it shows that we really are the vanguard of anti-establishment.
I can still see Owen's a little bit irritated by it.
Because, you know, Owen used to shoot videos on YouTube, and the average video got 5 million views.
He had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of millions of views on his own channel, hundreds of millions with us.
Everywhere he went, he totally kicked ass as a reporter, and he's been lumped in with me and put in the Phantom Zone.
Let's see, now they're moving on to everybody else in the Phantom Zone.
Now, Professor Lott, who's super revered, does FBI statistics for the FBI, he's been banned off Twitter for putting out statistics about mass shootings.
So it's never going to end.
So if you're going to get banned, isn't it better to be banned first?
If you're going to be the black sheep, isn't it best to be the biggest, fattest, strongest one on the hill that everybody knows is the black sheep?
Like George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, and Patrick Henry, and Sam Adams, and John Hancock.
Lord, ladies and gentlemen, they were the black sheep, the devil.
Even people that were pro-American independence would not be seen or associate with the 3%, who started with one-tenth of 1%.
Even a year before the war ended, most people that were already secretly pro-independence would not associate with George Washington or Benjamin Franklin or Thomas Jefferson.
Do you understand what leadership's about?
Leadership, ladies and gentlemen, is about doing what you know is right when everybody's coming down on you because you know it's right and you know it's best for society and you know in the end you've got a shot at winning and making a better world.
At best.
At worst, you'll be destroyed, but still you'll be right in the eyes of God, and that's what really matters.
So that's what this is all about, ladies and gentlemen.
We guide the policy in the White House.
The globalists fear us.
They fear your word of mouth.
They fear what you're doing.
And speaking of that, we've launched a 34-hour special broadcast at Infowars.com forward slash show.
We've posted a page on the front page of Infowars.com, live coverage of Trump's social media anti-censorship summit in DC.
With a whole slew of our great reporters on the ground, giving you the latest intel as it comes out.
If Trump decides to go live with his speech, which I'm told he'll do, Sunday, November 2, Central today, we'll carry all of that and so much more.
A whole slew of special guests throughout the next 34 hours, right through tomorrow at 6 p.m.
when the great Will Johnson, he's an independent talk show host in his own right, but he fills in for us and does some auxiliary reporting for us.
And I invite him to come to town for the next week or so and co-host with us.
And so he's going to be hosting the War Room and then I'll be back tonight.
A bunch of other special guests.
The great Savannah Hernandez that folks love so much.
She is going to be there hosting as well.
Paul Watson is going to host two hours in the morning, 6 to 8 p.m.
right before David Knight and so much more.
We're going to have Millie Weaver and Caitlin Bennett and all of them on the ground in D.C.
covering a whole slew of events.
But what you can do is reach new people and say, hey, you heard of InfoWars.com?
You heard of NewsWars.com?
Well, they're doing a live special 34-hour broadcast from DC with the inside baseball on the summit and what's coming next.
So this is what the establishment doesn't want you to have.
Here's the forbidden link.
Now, you can share NewsWars.com still on Facebook or Twitter without getting banned right away.
InfoWars you share on your email, your text message, word of mouth, and it has even more power now in the third dimension because people know it's forbidden fruit.
But whatever you do, tell folks about those local AM and FM stations and TV stations, because they're doing a fabulous job as well.
And support them!
Tithe to the First Amendment.
Write out a check one time or every month to those local stations, because they are the light in the dark of the night.
They are the modern Paul Revere's, and so are you.
Big news straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein is behind bars today after pleading not guilty to sex trafficking.
Accused of sexually assaulting teenage girls as young as 14 years old.
Prosecutors say they made a disturbing discovery at his mansion.
Thousands of nude photos of underage girls were found there.
And inside of a locked safe, compact discs.
One allegedly labeled, Young Miscellaneous Nudes 1.
This is video of Jeffrey Epstein's home taken by investigators during a search of the multi-millionaire's Palm Beach mansion.
It is where Epstein was involved with at least 40 underage girls, some of whom he had sex with.
Epstein has had several high-profile friendships in the past.
President Bill Clinton reportedly rode on Epstein's jet more than two dozen times in the early 2000s.
It's no secret that former President Bill Clinton had a friendly relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.
A former Secret Service agent is threatening to release damaging information on former President Bill Clinton.
Dan Bongino says he may release information on Clinton's 26 documented trips on Jeffrey
Epstein's plane jet, private jet, the Lolita Express.
Sleazy Wall Street tycoon Jeffrey Epstein used the Lolita Express to ferry a bevy of
beautiful young women.
Among the passengers, former President Bill Clinton and Britain's Prince Andrew.
And it's amazing that there's been no discussion about Bill Clinton being on this jet 20 times.
Newly obtained documents show Clinton actually took at least 26 flights on Epstein's private jet to spots around the globe.
Sources say there were dozens of victims.
The teen girls were encouraged to recruit their friends.
We were underage.
We were little girls.
By the time I was 16, I brought in up to 75 girls.
All the ages of, you know, 14, 15, 16.
People going from 8th grade to 9th grade at just school parties.
That's where I'd recruit them from.
You know, before you know it, I'm being lent out to politicians and to academics and people that you...royalty and people that you just You would never think, like, how did you get into that position of power in the first place if you're this disgusting, evil, decrepit person on the inside.
An absolute secret, the U.S.
government negotiated a deal that forgave multi-billionaire Jeff Epstein for procuring sex with about 40 children.
The 2008 agreement protects Epstein and anyone who worked with him from federal charges.
He was basically treated as a celebrity.
He was allowed to come and go six days a week from the jail as he wanted.
Every morning a chauffeur would come pick him up and drive him to his office where he would spend the day doing whatever he wanted to do and then check back in at night.
And he arranged it so that he got work release which meant that he had a valet, a driver that he hired pick him up at the jail every day.
Unbelievably, This evil pedophile monster served just 13 months in a county jail for his crimes.
The U.S.
attorney who authorized that deal, Alexander Acosta, now the Secretary of Labor.
Now, Bradley Edwards determined to get a federal judge to overturn the sweetheart plea deal.
Somebody with money and power was able to communicate with the government in secrecy in direct violation of the rights of the crime victims.
It's scary because this is our government that's supposed to protect us but has done everything to protect.
You know, a pedophile.
Giant pedophile rings controlling the deep state are now being exposed.
I started getting somewhat of an inclination that this is a situation where somehow, for some reason, the defendant and the government are working together against the victims.
Although that kind of conspiracy theory sounds so preposterous that I didn't want to believe it.
We told you about Jeffrey Epstein and everything he was up to and who he is years ago.
Now it's going to hit the mainstream.
Tomorrow's news today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
I'm going to be talking about the new movie.
I'm going to be talking about the new movie.
I'm going to be talking about the new movie.
I'm going to be talking about the new movie.
I'm going to be talking about the new movie.
I'm going to be talking about the new movie.
I'm going to be talking about the new movie.
I'm going to be talking about the new movie.
I'm going to be talking about the new movie.
I'm going to be talking about the new movie.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
So the corporate media, literally in league with the chi-coms, has a tough job cut out for them.
They have basically no viewers.
They are going bankrupt.
They're having huge layoffs.
They're having to have pep rallies at NBC News because the people are so depressed at the layoffs and pay cuts.
But they've still got, I'm sorry, aging Fossils of the Republican and Democratic Party establishment that think they're all powerful and think that America really listens to them.
And so, there's hundreds of headlines I've already seen that Trump invites right-wing extremists to the White House for a social media summit.
Trump has white supremacists to social media summit.
None of it's true.
When you look at who it is, it's Mark Dice.
It's James O'Keefe.
It's Carpe Donctum.
But CNN has all these videos we're going to play later that look like mug shots up there.
And they show you the different people and how bad they are.
This person says there's only two genders.
And this person says we shouldn't have drag queen story time for the children.
But who's not there are the dangerous individuals, Alex Jones, Paul Watson, Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos.
They threw in Louis Faircon.
People kept saying, why are you banning all the right-wingers and not Louis Faircon?
Oh no, the really dangerous people that Facebook put in its terms of service, that you can promote their physical attack, even their death.
Oh no, none of those folks were invited, because again, People at the White House, not Trump, are scared of the media pointing out those of us that have some racy things we've said under the First Amendment and actually getting some legitimacy to the claim that we're these bad, evil extremists.
Why do we let the establishment set the benchmark?
Why do we let the anti-American globalists that tell us that AOC, who says America sucks, is good but we're bad?
Or that Ilhan Omar, who married her brother, came here criminally, says she hates the nation?
Why do we bow down and cower to these people?
Why do we let them tell us what the standards are?
It's like the mouse conquering the lion.
And coming up next segment, I've got the Tucker Carlson A piece he did a few nights ago where they're calling for him to step down over because he points out that Ilhan Omar has said she hates this country.
And that's what she said over and over again.
She constantly runs it down.
The Democrats constantly run it down.
They say that the Border Patrol's putting children in concentration camps, which they're not.
Then they show cages from the Obama era, knowing it's a fraud.
And then meanwhile, Tommy Robinson, Jailed for nine months over contempt of court.
Wore a shirt.
As she marched into jail this morning with Katie Hopkins, who'll be joining us tomorrow, she's an auxiliary InfoWars reporter, wearing a shirt saying, convicted of Islam.
Oh no, no, no!
That's, radical Islam's totally and completely legal in the UK.
The grooming of girls, the acid attacks, the cutting little girls' genitals off, the government basically leaves that alone, tacitly has made it legal.
No, wearing the shirt of the term that I coined this week, Convicted of journalism.
And on the back of the shirt, it says the UK equals North Korea.
Oh, and Antifa.
Got to throw things and punch people and attack the big crowd that was out there chanting, free Tommy, free Tommy.
And the media spun it again that it was an ugly scene as furious Tommy Robinson supporters riot outside Parliament and burn EU flags after the EDL founder was jailed for nine months for contempt.
Notice, he didn't get a jury trial.
The Magna Carta says, that's 1215, the basis of all Western law, that you must have a jury of your peers if you face more than six months in jail.
And current laws say the same thing.
And the law on contempt says the same thing.
But they don't care, do they?
Because whether it's Australia, or the UK, or Europe, or the US, or Canada, or New Zealand, they're all using the judiciary and the police to violate rights.
And every few days, another congressman, another congresswoman, another CNN reporter, another MSNBC pundit says, arrest people that disagree with us.
Arrest people that promote Infowars.com.
Physically attack Alex Jones.
It's okay.
And now, CNN analyst says young people need to be trained to do away with conservative media.
Steve Watson article on InfoWars.com.
It will just be a bad memory.
This is CNN analyst yesterday that young people should be trained.
Host John Berman.
An analyst, Errol Lewis, discussed Tucker Carlson and how horrible he is, saying that Ilhan Omar doesn't love America.
Here it is.
We know that there are lots of young girls who are watching the women's soccer team and they're being inspired and they're going to sort of change the world.
There are a lot of people, I happen to have been one of them as a kid, who saw all kinds of racist garbage coming out over the airwaves.
You know, people like Tucker Carlson.
And it was one of the things that inspired me to get into this business, to try and drive away the vestiges of that garbage.
I mean, on talk radio in particular, you heard it for years and years and years, just spewing this kind of garbage.
And that, I mean, it's stuff like that.
And things like what he said last night are going to be said all over the airwaves, all day, today and tomorrow and the next day.
And it's a wake-up call, it is an alarm, to the rest of us, that we need to train young people, get them into the media, get them into broadcasting, and do away with that stuff so it'll just be a bad memory.
I like that glass-half-full analysis of that.
The silver lining.
Do away with that sort of stuff so it will just be a bad memory.
That reminds me of somebody else, the former Attorney General, Eric Holder, when he said we need to tell the media at a media conference on C-SPAN to brainwash the public against guns.
Remember this?
What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people.
One thing that I think is clear with young people and with adults as well is that we just have to be repetitive about this.
It's not enough to simply have a catchy ad on a Monday and then only do it every Monday.
We need to do this every day of the week and just really brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.
And here's Frederica Wilson last week on national television at a speech saying, You make fun of me, you're gonna go to jail.
Here she is.
Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace.
And there's no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable.
We're gonna shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down and they should be prosecuted.
We're going to go to break.
When we come back, I'm going to air the Tucker Carlson segment from two nights ago that has every corporate establishment, anti-free speech, anti-American media outlet calling for his head.
And then we're going to go over some of the quotes and some of the things that Ilhan Omar has said about America before, and the statements about the Border Patrol should be disbanded, and that they're terrorists, and that they are concentration camps.
But she sure as hell got here, and then got on welfare right away, and is just a disgusting, lazy rat.
A disgusting, lazy, America-hating rat.
I can't go to Somalia and get a bunch of free stuff, you witch!
Please, get the hell out of here!
Get the hell out of here, you dirty, ugly, stinking rat!
The most banned network in the world.
To prosecute wars takes a lot of money.
And if you look at the communists, they'll rob banks, they'll sell children to sex slavery, they'll hold people ransom for money for the revolutions.
But that's not how our founding fathers did it.
They just robbed British gold shipments.
Kill people.
We're not doing any of that.
We're just selling t-shirts and books and films and air filtration and non-GMO heirloom seeds.
A general store of high quality products at great prices.
And so, we have our new special.
And it is the biggest special we've ever had.
The last special we had was basically Christmas in July.
It's the best specials we do.
50% off, free shipping, stuff like that.
This new special, if you take advantage of all the sales that are there, is 75% off.
More than 30 items.
The average item is 50% off.
So the sale runs the gambit, the gauntlet.
From 75% off to 25% off.
And there's a bunch of other specials too.
A dozen items.
Our 1776.
Some of these items retail for $50 and we've never sold them for this price.
But it's true.
I've habituated the audience to big sales.
And the audience is smart.
They know, wow, these are really good deals on the air filtration, the water filtration, the seeds, the supplements.
Here's an example.
Nobody ever put $15 plus into a turmeric formula.
Our Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula has at least $15 a product in it, not counting shipping and marketing and everything that goes into the cost.
The leading competitor puts $5 in the bottle.
It's the strongest turmeric extract with all the other key co-enzymes.
If you don't know about turmeric, you need to learn about it.
If you don't know about Body's, you should find out about it.
That's one product.
The highest discount we've ever offered on it.
75% off.
It's just crazy.
InfoWarsStore.com is the main site.
InfoWarsLife.com is the supplement area.
It takes you right to that.
And in celebration of the amazing victories we're having against tyranny, we're having the 1776 worldwide sale that we are just launching.
And a lot of these products, like X2, are on the verge of selling out, Brain Force and things.
But whether it's Winter Sun, or Icarin, or Bio, PCA, or Floralife, or Gut Fusion, all shirts and hats, including the new Betsy Ross 1776, are also discounted for $17.76.
So everything is on sale.
At InfoWarsTore.com.
And that's how we fund this operation.
And again, I can't tell you about all the initiatives we're involved in because when my name's on it, the enemy tries to shut it down.
You already understand that.
But what you see visibly at InfoWars is the tip of the iceberg.
There's a giant mountain under the water and we are doing amazing things thanks to your support.
There is nowhere on Earth Where you can financially invest, get great products back, and know that you are fueling an explosive zeitgeist that has the globalists literally quaking in their filthy boots.
Take action now.
$17.76 worldwide at InfoWarsTore.com.
Take action now.
75% off, down to 25% off.
$17.76 on a dozen bestselling items at InfoWarsTore.com.
Take action now, 75% off, down to 25% off, 1776 on a dozen best selling items at InfoWareStore.com.
Thank you for watching.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The Democratic candidates for president are on the road this week, telling voters that the United States is an awful country.
America's institutions are built on white supremacy, squeaked Beto O'Rourke at an event yesterday.
Of all the lies these people tell, and there are many, this is the most absurd.
In fact, the United States is the kindest, most open-minded place on the planet.
The U.S.
has done more for other people and received less in return than any nation in history by far.
Americans like to help.
It makes us feel good.
Some of our deepest satisfaction as a country comes from watching penniless immigrants arrive on our shores, buy into our values, and thrive.
We call it the American Dream, and nothing makes us prouder.
It was in that spirit that in 1992 the United States welcomed ten-year-old Ilhan Omar and her family.
Omar was born in Somalia, one of the world's poorest countries.
He was then ruled by a Marxist military dictatorship.
When Omar was six, she and her parents and their six siblings fled a worsening civil war and wound up in a refugee camp in Kenya.
They spent four years there until America offered the family asylum here and let them settle in Minneapolis.
Omar's father drove a taxi at first, then got a job at the post office working for the government.
Omar, meanwhile, grew up free in the world's richest country, with all the bounty that that implies.
She became a citizen, then went to work at a state university.
A few years later, she became a member of Congress, elected by voters who were proud to see an immigrant succeed.
Omar is now, at the age of only 36, one of the most powerful women in America.
It's an amazing story, really.
Only in this country could it have happened.
Ilhan Omar has an awful lot to be grateful for.
But she isn't grateful.
Not at all.
After everything America has done for Omar and for her family, she hates this country more than ever.
In a recent piece in the Washington Post, the reporter put it this way, quote,
"In Omar's version, America isn't the big-hearted country that saved her from a brutal war and a
bleak refugee camp. It wasn't a meritocracy that helped her attend college or vaulted her into
Instead, it was the country that had failed to live up to its founding ideals.
A place that had disappointed her and so many immigrants, refugees, and minorities like her.
End quote.
If anything, that's an understatement.
Amar isn't disappointed in America.
She's enraged by it.
Virtually every public statement she makes accuses Americans of bigotry and racism.
This is an immoral country, she says.
She is undisguised contempt for the United States and for its people.
That should worry you.
And not just because Omar is now a sitting member of Congress.
Ilhan Omar is living proof that the way we practice immigration has become dangerous to this country.
A system designed to strengthen America is instead undermining it.
Some of the very people we try hardest to help have come to hate us passionately.
Maybe that's our fault for asking too little of our immigrants.
We aren't self-confident enough to make them assimilate so they never feel fully American.
Or maybe the problem is deeper than that.
Maybe we're importing people from places whose values are simply antithetical to ours.
Who knows what the problem is?
But there is a problem.
And whatever the cause, this cannot continue.
It's not sustainable.
No country can import large numbers of people who hate it and expect to survive.
The Romans were the last to try that with predictable results.
So be grateful for Ilhan Omar, annoying as she is.
She's a living fire alarm, a warning to the rest of us that we better change our immigration system immediately or else.
Hi, could you tell me, do you agree with AOC that ICE is running concentration camps on the border?
There are camps and people are being concentrated.
This is very simple.
I don't even know why this is a controversial thing for her to say.
We have to really truthfully speak about what's taking place and this is why it's really important for us to abolish ICE and make sure that we have an agency that is accountable to the people, that is dealing with the situation in a humane way.
There's no There's no way that we can allow for kids to be caged in this country and children to be separated from their families and people being terrorized in their communities.
We have to make sure that we are calling it out and I am 100% with Alex.
Think about that.
And there's countless quotes by her of similar things.
You know people are flooding into the country by the hundreds of thousands.
They're trying to get in.
One-third of the children are with people that aren't their parents.
There's massive child smuggling, drug smuggling, you name it.
Underground tunnels, submarines with thousands of pounds of cocaine being captured.
Hundreds of thousands dead on the Mexico side, but the illusion, the fantasy, is that America is bad, but everybody's trying to get into it because it's so horrible, because it's so evil, and then Ilhan says, oh, because they're concentrated, whatever that means, it's a concentration camp.
That's like saying people in line to get into Disney World are in a concentration camp, too.
So she knows that we have a conscience.
She knows that we have a soul.
She's a sociopath from a culture of piracy and sex slavery and just absolute barbarism.
And she sees you as the other, as the outsider.
And she's here to conquer you, as Tucker Carlson just said.
And now they want Tucker Carlson off the air.
You heard the Democrats earlier.
You heard CNN.
They said it's time to do away with all talk radio, With Fox News.
With anyone and everyone that doesn't do exactly what they say, when they say, how they say it.
By the way, ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars, despite all the so-called shadow bans and things, and the outright bans, is still reaching record numbers of people via direct word of mouth and via folks sharing our articles and our videos and people taking our articles and videos and taking my name out of it, taking InfoWars out of it, and it's going viral everywhere.
And because I've been banned so many places, the real thought The real decision makers, the thought leaders, more than ever tune in.
So we always had a great audience, but the quality of the audience was always excellent.
It's gone stratospheric when it comes to major decision makers around the world.
And that's been mainly because of you supporting us.
And obviously with Shadow Banning, I'd always funded More than 15, 20 groups a year, covertly, to not even promote us, just to go out and do good work.
Knowing that if I see talent and someone taking action out there that doesn't have funding to go to the next level, I will provide it.
But thanks to all the censorship and boycotts and lawsuits, I haven't really had that extra money to finance as many underground operations.
By underground, I mean people that are prominent and well-known.
Not know that InfoWars is funding them.
But the establishment has figured this out.
And so that's why they're really trying to shut us down.
It's why it's more important than ever to realize it's not just what you see here at InfoWars.
It's so many other prominent people out there that literally wouldn't be operating if it wasn't for your support of this transmission.
And when I say I haven't been able to do that on the scale that I used to, I've actually gotten better at spreading it out and doing other creative things behind the scenes.
And so I will just assure you that a lot of the big effects you see, a lot of the big events you see, a lot of the people you see at this conference, are openly funded by InfoWars and in some cases not openly funded by InfoWars and in some cases in great part, ladies and gentlemen, so it is literally essential.
We're doing a quasi-fundraiser today with 75-25% off everything in the store at InfoWarsStore.com.
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That is the new Betsy Ross shirt.
And so much more.
Thank you for supporting the InfoWare.
you built this operation. It's time. InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
I'm here to say, and this is the reason why I came to see you, Alex, is you are one of the very few who are operating under this theory to be an independent American.
In a big way.
If you're calling it media, fine.
If you're calling it sports, whatever it is.
But you've got to be the greatest you can be.
I don't know why they've been successful in pushing everybody into these little ghettos of these Facebooks and these tweets and these Instagrams, these Instas.
This is ghetto.
This is ghetto.
This is corporate.
They're taking your energy.
They're taking your energy and you're getting nothing in return.
They're dumbing the language down.
Twitter's designed to reduce the language.
Directly out of 1984, it's Ingsoc.
I had a Supreme Court justice tell me to my face it's over for me.
He said, Matt, it's over for you.
They've got the votes now to enforce copyright law.
You're out of there.
They're gonna make it so headlines you can't even use headlines.
To have a Supreme Court justice say that to my face, that it's over, they've got the votes, which means time is limited.
Time is not forever.
How many more moons and sunrises will you see in your life?
Uh, rise and fall.
There's not that many.
It's a small amount.
So for people to be saying with this attitude, oh, I'll get on with my life and my greatness sometime.
No, you can't.
We're being enslaved now, and that's it.
Under the TPP, they admit you can't put a headline to the New York Times.
You're sending massive traffic to them.
They're claiming you're taking their words.
This is insane.
And you had the Justice Stephen Breyer said we need to look at a global law.
That is what Matt Drudge said here almost four years ago, and has it not been proven completely true.
They're getting ready for these decisions to come.
You thought Obamacare was shocking.
You thought some of these other decisions were shocking.
Wait until these copyright laws work their way up and the Supreme Court decides you cannot have a website
with news headlines blinking across the board.
That is what Matt Drudge said here almost four years ago.
And has it not been proven completely true?
Just as we went to the last break, I said, "Hey, get me these two guys
from our camera crew together.
I want to go out and shoot this important report today.
And the producer popped me, and they said, they're in D.C.
to cover the summit on Internet censorship.
Oh, well, give me this person.
Well, they're on vacation.
And I'm not complaining, but there's two ways to destroy us.
Well, there's more than that, but two big ones.
If the globalists can shut us down and sue us out of existence and censor us, or if you don't support.
And again, I'm very thankful for all your support, but I need three or four more camera people.
I need three or four more field reporters.
I need to be able to put people in there and do other live shows.
And there's a few new shows that are finally about to start in the next month.
It's just been, we've been held back and I got a lot of covert stuff where I see somebody's already successful and they need help.
Project Veritas, people like Tommy Robinson, but that's the tip of the iceberg.
I've given money to over a hundred groups that I've seen kicking ass with no strings.
Groups that are busting pedophiles.
I'm in a war.
I'm totally committed to beating these people.
And I don't want people like Frederica Wilson to win when she says, oh, we should take all Americans' free speech and lock them up and shut them up.
So don't let her win.
go to Infowarsstore.com today and take advantage of the amazing specials and get the materiel to win the second
American Revolution.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
I'm here at the Old Bailey for the sentencing of Tommy Robinson today.
A real sense of nervousness, of anxiety.
Banks and banks of police officers here in their wagons.
The press pack is also here gathering and then there is a big crowd of Tommy supporters also gathering down the road.
So I'm about to go and meet Tommy off his train.
God only knows what he's thinking right now.
There is real nervousness.
I feel kind of a bit sick for him and I think I don't know if there was ever a moment that encapsulated the state versus the people.
I think this really must be it.
I do wonder how today is going to turn out and how it's going to go for Tommy and whether he ends up inside.
Now the Democrats, the deep state, the globalists have been arresting people for their speech.
Their anti-EU speech, their anti-open border speech in Europe.
Now they're doing it in the UK and Tommy was convicted of journalism.
Convicted of showing convicted pedophiles that he first exposed walking into the courthouse outside saying, how do you feel about your sentencing?
All the other media does that to everybody else, but they found him in contempt.
No judge in the U.S.
previously has ever done this.
England's never done this.
Europe's never done it.
But the reason you get juries is they would have obviously overridden this.
But Tommy didn't get a jury trial despite the fact that U.K.
law, going back to the Magna Carta, says more than six months you get a jury trial.
The judge has thrown you in jail.
You are going to get out after six months.
Well, he's facing nine months.
They starved him to death last time, lost almost 40.
Now, we're going to go to Katie Hopkins, who is an investigative journalist in her own right and also does news reporting for Infowars.com.
She's at Katie Hopkins, still on Twitter.
And she was there today, that was when she intro'd going in, she was there today when Tommy, wearing the shirt saying, convicted of journalism on the front, on the back, The UK equals North Korea.
She was there to break down what happened and how Tommy took it as he had to march into the courthouse and then was taken to prison.
What was the atmosphere there like, Katie?
Well, you know, Alex, I've never felt anything quite like it.
And there was a moment where it was glorious.
And that sounds like a strange thing to say, but as Tommy came out of the train station where I met him, Surrounded by his volunteers that help protect him as he goes about the place.
you know, just this overwhelming mass of people who are so in support, screaming his name,
you know, the chant, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy Robinson, just applauding his journey
from the train station to the court building, about five minutes, absolutely lined with people.
And you know what, for a moment there, walking side by side with Tommy,
just assisting him along, just a real feeling that this was the best of British. This is a moment
when all the people I was surrounded by, all the people I was with were just normal, ordinary Brits
who want the best for their families, want the best for their children, and want to support a
guy and stand up against what they know is, you know, really the wrong treatment. So for a moment
there, there was something glorious about it, but clearly that changed very quickly as we headed
into court.
I went into court with Tommy and sat through the trial with him on the other side of the press area where I was allowed to sit.
And there was something then really, really dark.
That's where outside, it was the people, you know, real people, my kind of people, your kind of people, Rust Belt America people.
Inside the establishment, the wigs, the books, the rules, them trying to find bits of law
that they might be able to apply to a social media age that make no sense whatsoever.
They clearly stated there's no case law for sentencing for any kind of conviction like Tommy's,
so they just had to basically make one up.
And the judge even said, "We need to,"
in words to this effect, "We need to make an example out of Tommy Robinson."
So that was a very dark moment in the court.
And of course, he says the big crime he committed was first, along with you and others, exposing 12 years ago,
the giant Islamic child kidnapping rings that are being carried out on an industrial scale,
protected by governments all over the UK.
Now they have to have these hundreds of secret trials.
And you watch the Islamists just walk in very, very arrogantly, insulting Tommy's family, threatening his family.
They're very, very proud of themselves.
And to see the criminals that have hijacked your government ignore your vote for Brexit, And now ignore your law for jury trials.
This is truly an alien, foreign, authoritarian, tyrannical, usurper government that you have.
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, this is a thing that Tommy's really been banged up for.
He's been banged up for going against the approved thought.
He's been banged up for going against what we are allowed to say.
You know, the government, the media covers up for these majority Pakistani Muslim rapists by calling them Asian men, or for the Oxford Rape Squad, they called them men of Oxford.
But because Tommy refused to be supplicant to that, those lies. That's why he's in jail today. And I can tell
you, standing with Tommy as we were waiting for the judge to return to the court to
give her verdict, he thought he was going to get 18 months inside. That's what his team
had briefed him on. And there is something really stark for your viewers, for your
listeners, you know, watching this real kind of this perspex box, this clear plastic box that
they put a prisoner in before they marched them down.
Suddenly there's a guy with keys jangling at his waist and Tommy went into that perspex box, was locked inside and then went down the steps as if to jail.
And I can tell you as a mum, there is a real moment there where you really feel the weight And the gravity of the establishment sending a man down, literally watching him walk down the steps to jail.
And Tommy told me there were 12 other cases in the Old Bailey today while I was there.
12 murderers being charged with murder.
And tonight when that wagon goes to the prison, it will be Tommy Robinson jailed for telling the truth in a wagon with 12 murderers.
And that is the state of the UK and that's what's headed your way across the pond.
That's right.
People don't understand, even when the Muslims are 5% of the population like they are in the UK, they all vote in a block, they all donate money, they all live 20 to a house, and they all know how to commit crime together in an organized fashion.
And that's how they make their business, it's how they fund themselves.
It's just true.
From North Africa, from the Middle East, from Pakistan, a large portion of people are in criminal fraternal gangs.
And it's just not compatible.
It's not comportable.
It's like Somalia.
You get off, you know, an airplane there, one of their dirt airfields, you'll be dead or kidnapped in five minutes.
But then we import, you know, folks here who literally then try to take over.
That's their nature.
Oh, absolutely, Alex.
And you know, to add sort of insult to injury today, the court also fined Tommy Robinson 24, made him pay the cost of his own trial today.
So he will have to pay £25,000 of his family's money towards the cost of today's ridiculous, farcical kangaroo court as well.
And of course, not one of the majority Muslim Pakistani rapists will have to pay any of the costs of their trials, but Tommy will have to pay for the cost of his.
I have that exclusive footage for you of the walk into court through these throngs of people and of the time after the court verdict when we come back out of court.
I have that exclusive footage, processing it overnight and we'll have it for InfoWars exclusively tomorrow.
Thank you very much to you and your team.
Keep going.
Keep strong.
34 hour exclusive broadcast, 1776 Worldwide to coincide with Trump and the social media conference.
We've got folks inside, we've got people outside.
We're gonna have exclusives on that throughout the evening.
So please, thank you for all your work and we'll talk to you tomorrow.
Absolutely, thank you very much to you and your team.
Keep going, keep strong.
Thank you.
Tommy, couldn't come on my show yesterday 'cause it was nighttime over there.
He said, I've got to take my sons and daughter to go-kart racing.
That's what they want to do.
So they went and had hamburgers.
I talked to him after that real late at night over there in the afternoon.
I talked to him yesterday.
And he said, hey, I had a few beers, had some hamburgers with my kids.
You know, before that, we drove go-karts, a go-kart ring.
And those are popular here, popular in the UK.
And he said, I feel good.
He says, I'm not bowing.
And so just tell folks whatever happens, I feel good.
Let me tell you, they're going to try to kill him in there.
They've thrown acid on him.
They've tried to stab him.
He's been a year in jail before.
And so you understand when you watch UK TV, it's like he covered a sex crime trial.
It's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of men per town.
Have been arrested and indicted and many convicted of kidnapping girls as young as 6, 7, 8 years old.
They disappear.
Others 10, 11, 12.
They move around the country.
A lot of them end up dead.
A lot of them end up being drug pushers, hookers for life.
And it's just, it's, well, they're Muslims.
They're allowed to do it.
And that's what's going on.
And that's what's happening.
Women are property under orthodox Islam.
And yeah, if you come from a good family, you're left alone.
But if you're a woman that's unattended, you go into sex slavery.
That's why every one of these videos, they insult your wife, your daughters.
Arrogant with their heads up.
Convicted of raping kids.
They're like, you were born out your mother's ass, and screw your daughters.
That's what Left always says to me.
They always want me to go, screw your family!
It's the same spirit.
It's the spirit of evil.
We're in the middle of the 34-hour Global 1776 Worldwide.
Please be Paul Reveres.
Tell everyone about the local station you're listening to or spread the link to m4wars.com forward slash show.
Folks, we are launching another limited edition right now t-shirt.
We're only going to have 4,000 of these.
There's four different variants, two different shirts in white and in navy blue.
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She came up with the design.
It's a beautiful flag, one of the most recognizable in history, if not world history, and it's a white shirt on the front that has the flag in red, white, and
blue right across the chest, big.
And then under it, it says, "These colors don't run." On the back, it says, "America
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on the back, it says, "America's back. Infowars.com." So, two different variants.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Well, I'm very excited that we're right in the middle of the 34-hour 1776 Worldwide Summit.
I've got a lot of inside intel coming up on what's happening at the Trump Summit that officially kicks off in about an hour and a half.
But first, I want to go to a very important report before we come back with the latest news.
On the other side, Epstein document release could change everything.
Here's the report.
On Saturday, hedge fund billionaire Jeffrey Epstein's New York mansion door was busted open and search warrants were issued.
Meanwhile, Epstein was arrested by the FBI and the NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force at the Teterboro Airport, New Jersey, after flying in from Paris, as President Trump attended his annual golfing excursion at his Bedminster golf course just 44 miles away from where Epstein was apprehended.
Epstein is now awaiting a trial on Monday on new sex trafficking charges involving allegations that date to the early 2000s, where Epstein procured anywhere from a dozen to as many as 80 underage girls to perform erotic massages on himself and allegedly his powerful jet-set friends.
Epstein is now facing a maximum of 45 years in prison.
The case is already drawing in political venom from both sides, as CNN reported a team of federal prosecutors from the Southern District of New York, along with some in the Public Corruption Unit, have been assigned to the case.
Maureen Comey, the daughter of former FBI Director James Comey, is one of the prosecutors, according to a source with knowledge of the case, as reported by the Gateway Pundit.
Of course, Maureen Comey and the Mockingbird Media will use Donald Trump's association, via his Labor Secretary Alexander Acosta's outrageous plea
deal to stain the president as the election season ramps up.
The AP reported the White House said in February that it was looking into Acosta's handling
of the deal.
At the heart of the revelations, the unsealing of a 2,000-page document fully detailing a
global sex trafficking network that had been largely hidden from the public.
As The Sun reported, records in the defamation case contained descriptions of sexual abuse
by Epstein along with new allegations of sexual abuse by numerous prominent American politicians,
powerful business executives, foreign presidents, a well-known prime minister, and other world
Female scouts allegedly searched for girls that were, in the words of one of the accusers, basically homeless.
They searched globally and near the Epstein residences in New York City, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Epstein's private Caribbean island.
In an extensive investigative report by the Miami Herald back in November of 2018, Herald reporter Julie K. Brown blew Epstein's perversion of justice wide open.
Revealing close to 80 accusers and a stable of powerful lawyers including Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr that shamelessly defended Epstein's illegal lifestyle and allegedly engaging in the same behavior themselves.
In an unprecedented deal in 2008, Epstein spent only eight hours of a day in a county jail after he had avoided federal charges by agreeing to a non-prosecution agreement Overseen by the Florida U.S.
Attorney's Office in Miami, the 52-page indictment could have imprisoned him for life.
Epstein's plea of guilt to charges of soliciting prosecution from a minor resulted in only a 13-month jail term consisting of daytime work release.
He was required to register as a sex offender and agreed to pay restitution to his victims.
All of this blatantly constructed to protect Epstein's associates engaging in an elite global sex trafficking network as the state of Florida and the federal government drew up a lifetime moratorium shielding Epstein and all of his powerful friends from further prosecution.
One accuser, Virginia Roberts, accused Epstein of treating her as a sex slave.
Roberts says the slavery began when she was 15.
It was mainly populated by foster care teens, recruited by Epstein's partner in crime, Gislaine
Maxwell, who also allegedly participated in the abuse.
Roberts, now 31 years old, alleged that Epstein pimped her out to powerful players, including
Prince Andrew, modeling agent Jean-Luc Brunel, Bill Clinton, and Alan Dershowitz.
To Dershowitz's credit, he supports the public release of the 2,000-page documentation of
the alleged global sex trafficking syndicate, revealing more about the Clinton's involvement
on the Lolita Express.
That's a term I coined 15 years ago.
What does it really mean?
available as anonymous individuals involved in the case.
I will be back.
The full reports on Infowars.com.
Please get it out.
We're going to dive into Epstein and what's really going on in-depth,
coming up in the fourth hour today.
1776 worldwide.
That's a term I coined 15 years ago.
What does it really mean?
It means the idea of American freedom, Renaissance worldwide.
Doesn't mean we go conquer countries.
It means our superior Western values of true freedom get adopted because compared to globalism, it's night and day.
We're going to do a 34 hour special broadcast.
That kicks off this Thursday morning at a.m.
with David Knight.
Runs right through with me and many others till the next day at 6 p.m.
on The War Room.
We're gonna have our crew in DC at the White House Summit on social media.
We're gonna be at the after party with all the key folks taking action against censorship and so much more.
So everybody, share that link.
InfoWars.com forward slash show kicking off this Thursday at a.m. Central at Infowars.com/show 1776 worldwide
Crashing through the lies and disinformation is It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are smack dab in the middle of a special 34-hour live broadcast.
We do this when there's special events taking place.
We've got one with this social media anti-censorship conference taking place in D.C.
that just kicked off in the last few hours.
The president's set to be addressing the group.
A lot of our favorite people like James O'Keefe and Carpe D'Antem and of course Mark Dice and so many others.
We've got people inside.
We have covert folks, you know, that aren't officially in full wars.
And we've got people that are outside.
I fully support the president and his group not inviting in full wars or myself or Paul Watson because that would become a giant distraction.
I told you a year ago, I told Trump, don't worry about even defending me.
Don't worry about even patting me on the head or calling me to events.
I said, but defend everybody's free speech.
That's paramount.
And the president Has already gone after universities that have become little North Koreas, where any Christian, any conservative, any libertarian, any pro-military, any pro-police, any pro-gun, any pro-life is banned.
Hell, they even have it like Evergreen Universities and others, where they say, no whites weekend, led by weird white professors.
But here's Trump, tweeting today, a big subject today at the White House Social Media Summit will be the tremendous dishonesty Bias, discrimination, and suppression practiced by certain companies.
See, it's not just censorship.
It's dishonesty, discrimination, suppression practiced by certain companies.
We will not let them get away with it much longer.
That's how Trump does it.
He builds his case.
The fake news media will also be there, but for a limited period.
Yeah, that's at 2 o'clock.
And I'm told this is going for days in the breakaway groups.
And I'll just leave it at that.
But I have talked and my sources have talked to the highest levels of the campaign, had dinner with the head of the campaign three times, my source, someone that works for InfoWars, leave it at that.
And remember, there's a lot of people that work for InfoWars you don't know about.
I want to explain this.
This isn't about, oh, I'm a big shot.
The enemy already knows this.
They've got my phones tapped.
They're trying to move to block this.
It's why they're trying to choke the money off, ladies and gentlemen.
It's why they work around the clock, because they know we are the second American Revolution.
We're a focal point for you to take action.
And so, listen.
If I'm able to raise a few extra million dollars, which sounds like a lot, it's not.
I can guarantee, with your help together, You think we wrecked them in 2016?
You think we've been hurting them across the board for decades?
They're ripe for defeat right now.
They have no credibility.
People hate their guts.
That's why they're engaging in total censorship everywhere and just incredible crackdowns and have Democrats all over the news, members of Congress, CNN, MSNBC, saying just arrest conservatives.
Just shut them down.
If they criticize anybody in government, take them to jail.
I played those clips last hour.
New clips from CNN.
They want Tucker Carlson off the air for saying Ilhan Omar hates America.
That's all she does is piss on the country.
But if you'll fund us, and today is a fundraising drive with the great products, at Infowarshore.com, I guarantee you, in the position Infowars has gotten into, there have been cases in World War II and then again in Korea, where the Marines got completely surrounded in Korea by a couple million Chinese troops, and the Marine Corps General, he said, sir, we're completely surrounded.
He said, good, we can attack in all directions.
That wasn't a joke.
When you've got human wave attacks coming from every direction, all you gotta do is have C-130s fly over and drop munitions, and you can just keep fighting and just mow the enemy down like 300 at Gallipoli.
That's a true story.
So politically, it's the same position.
There was a case in the Battle of the Bulge in World War II where several Nazi divisions of tanks were coming in against fresh U.S.
I mean, they'd been in combat for a month or so, but they were fresh compared to the young German recruits, Hitler Youth and others.
The average age was about 16.
So they had big old giant super tanks and stuff out of like science fiction movies rolling up against our little bitty tanks and weapons, but we had all the farm boys and Well, there was one army sergeant, famously, it was in the newspaper.
I forget who said it.
You can pull it up.
They said, we're completely surrounded.
He said, those poor bastards.
Because that's what happened.
They all got killed.
They all got smashed.
And so that's the position we're in.
We are completely surrounded, ladies and gentlemen.
But now people now know, oh my God, they really hate InfoWars.
And now people understand that It only magnifies our voice.
It's totally backfired on the globalist, if we can continue to stay on air.
So we've got 75 to 25% off everything at Infowarsstore.com.
It can only run for two days because we are selling out of X2.
I think they may pull it today.
We are selling out of X3.
Learn about iodine, the missing link, what pure clean iodine does.
We are running out of Brain Force Plus.
I'm told I can only do Ultra 12 for another week or so at this sales price.
It's 50-plus percent off.
The cleanest, best Methicobalamin in the world.
Tastes sweet with no sweetener.
Learn about Real B12.
Learn how you can't absorb Synthetic B12.
Learn how most people can't absorb Organic B12.
That's why you take it under the tongue.
Next best thing to shots.
It's all there at Infowarshore.com.
And go there and sign up for AutoShip.
An additional 10% off.
On your future order.
Cancel any time.
It's absolutely free.
There's a lot of other big specials as well, but we've got the best water filtration.
We've got the best air filtration.
We've got the very best products out there.
We've got these new Space Force shirts.
This shirt cost me.
The fabric is so nice and so good.
Eight and a half, nine dollars for the fabric.
And the printing is three or four more bucks.
We're selling it for $17.76.
Look at that American flag.
I mean, that is just thick, super high quality paint.
I've probably washed this 20 times.
I wear this shirt all the time.
It fits so good to my husky body.
Infowars.com on the shoulder.
I love this shirt.
I want it to be as big as the Hillary for Prison shirt.
But we've only sold 5,000 of these things in the last couple months.
It's a good seller.
But you know what we've already sold 4,000 of?
Betsy Ross flag.
These colors don't run.
And on the back, it says America's Back, Infowars.com.
I said we'd print 4,000 of them last week.
It's a limited edition, but I'm already changing it a little bit for a new limited edition because we want to put these American flags on the street.
Four different variants, a dark blue, navy blue, and a white one.
Established 1776 under it.
These colors don't run.
On the back, America's Back, Infowars.com.
You want to trigger somebody?
This is it.
So these have essentially sold out.
There's a few smalls and mediums left, and people are getting bummed out by that.
And so right now they're redesigning it.
Very same shirts, but it'll be a little bit different.
I think we're going to flip the colors on the back from You know, blue on top to blue on bottom and a few, I think we're going to have ones that have an American flag on the arm.
That'll cost an extra dollar and a half, but you can do a cheap American flag for like 30 cents, but these really thick ones are like over a dollar.
And so we're going to put some new ones out.
So everybody can keep getting them, because people are frustrated that the largest and double-X larges are gone, gone, gone, most of them.
So that's going to be flipped over to a new design very, very soon.
Betsy Ross flags, which are pulling off the Nike tennis shoes, which are saying, taking down all the schools.
See, once they get you to agree it's bad, oh, now the school's taking it down.
Oh, now the university's taking it down.
Oh, now it's white supremacist.
This is total mind control.
And you think, wow, you're selling thousands of shirts!
That shit really funds you.
When you're making, at full price, ten dollars off a shirt, it might fund something.
When you're making three or four bucks, it doesn't fund things.
But it gets the word out, which is the most important thing.
So, go buy a ton of products, folks, because I've got... I'll just... The enemy knows what I've got.
I mean, I've...
I mean, I'm ready to win.
I'm licking my lips.
I'm ready to win, folks.
But I need money, and I will put it into the field against the Globalists so fast it will make their heads spin.
Because them trying to shut me down and lying about me and demonizing me, worse than ever, only makes me want to fight harder.
And now, all these amazing people that are doing incredible things, that just need a little bit of funding, are ready to basically just salute the general and do... And I just turned them loose, by the way.
But I've got over a hundred people ready to take action.
We're already super powerful against the globalists and information warfare.
But I need the money for them to get a couple crew members a piece, and travel, and basic equipment.
Turn us loose!
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
To prosecute wars takes a lot of money.
And if you look at the communists, they'll rob banks, they'll sell children to sex slavery, they'll hold people ransom for money for the revolutions.
But that's not how our founding fathers did it.
They just robbed British gold shipments.
Kill people.
We're not doing any of that.
We're just selling t-shirts and books and films and air filtration and non-GMO heirloom seeds.
A general store of high quality products at great prices.
And so, we have our new special.
And it is the biggest special we've ever had.
The last special we had was basically Christmas in July.
It's the best specials we do.
50% off, free shipping, stuff like that.
This new special, if you take advantage of all the sales that are there, is 75% off more than 30 items.
The average item is 50% off.
So the sale runs the gambit, the gauntlet, from 75% off to 25% off.
And there's a bunch of other specials too.
A dozen items.
Our 1776.
Some of these items retail for $50 and we've never sold them for this price.
But it's true.
I've habituated the audience to big sales.
And the audience is smart.
They know, wow, these are really good deals on the air filtration, the water filtration, the seeds, the supplements.
Here's an example.
Nobody ever put $15 plus dollars into a turmeric formula.
Our body's ultimate turmeric formula has at least $15 a product in it.
Not counting shipping and marketing, everything goes in the cost.
The leading competitor puts $5 in the bottle.
It's the strongest turmeric extract with all the other key coenzymes.
If you don't know about turmeric, you need to learn about it.
If you don't know about bodies, you should find out about it.
That's one product.
And ladies and gentlemen, It is the highest discount we've ever offered on it.
75% off.
It's just crazy.
InfoWarsStore.com is the main site.
InfoWarsLife.com is the supplement area.
It takes you right to that.
And in celebration of the amazing victories we're having against tyranny, we're having the 1776 worldwide sale that we are just launching.
And a lot of these products, like X2, are on the verge of selling out, Brain Force and things, but whether it's Winter Sun or Icarin or Bio, PCA or Floralife or Gut Fusion, all shirts and hats, including the new Betsy Ross 1776, are also discounted for $17.76.
So everything is on sale, okay, at Infowarsstore.com, and that's how we fund this operation.
And again, I can't tell you about all the initiatives we're involved in because when my name's on it, the enemy tries to shut it down.
You already understand that.
But what you see visibly at InfoWars is the tip of the iceberg.
There's a giant mountain under the water, and we are doing amazing things thanks to your support.
There is nowhere on Earth where you can financially invest, get great products back, and know that you are fueling an explosive zeitgeist that has the globalists literally quaking in their filthy boots.
Take action now, 1776 Worldwide at InfolarStore.com.
Take action now, 75.
75% off.
Down to 25% off.
$17.76 on a dozen best-selling items at Infowarestore.com.
Thank you for watching.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Big news, Trump says that big companies are engaged in criminal activities and that they're getting ready to take action and that they're not going to get along and get away with it for much longer.
We've got our representatives inside the White House and we've got our people outside.
A lot of folks ask me, well, why don't you want to tell us, you know, who the Infowars auxiliary people are?
Basically, almost anybody you talk about.
Because we have the audience that is patriotic, that's Christian, that's hardcore, that's Midwestern, that's Southern, and that are the very best people in the Northeast and out West.
We have the patriots.
And we have the demographics of folks that are serious and know their history, and they understand that InfoWars delivers.
And so, and they understand that other people don't know how to go out and get money.
They don't know how to go out and build an operation.
They don't know how to go out and build a support system.
And you can have a website with millions of viewers a month.
Google Adsense is a scam.
You might get $500.
Well, if you knew how to sell a product with a couple million visitors, even if you only sold 2% of them, You're going to be talking about selling hundreds and thousands of products over the years that you can fund yourself.
And all you got to do is sell a good product so people like it, make sure they get service, and then they're going to want to ideologically buy from you to build your media operation.
And it's that model.
So I'm not talking about myself here.
It's this model at the highest levels that the globalists want shut down.
Because if nationalists and conservatives and Christians and patriots and gun owners and just libertarians and folks that want to be left alone, common sense people, if we ever start creating our own communities, and if we ever start shopping with people that are on our side and pool our resources, we are the builders.
We're the fighters.
We're black.
We're white.
We're Hispanic.
We're old.
We're young.
But predominantly, we're Christian.
You know, Google Analytics will tell you anything you want to know.
And 95% of our audience is hardcore Christians.
Now, we welcome the other folks.
And I'm not one of these fake Bible-thumpers that's there to tell you how good I am and how you're going to hell because I'm better than you.
I've seen the other side.
I've basically seen the devil.
I'm just here to tell you it's real.
I'm a sinner.
And I'm not in your business, brother.
I'm just telling you it's real.
And you look around.
When I talk about the globalists being our enemies, They are the enemy.
They are usurping what's good.
They are usurping what's free.
They are usurping the family, and motherhood, and fatherhood, and they're destroying childhood, and they are diseasing us because they have chosen wickedness.
But Hollywood sells wickedness as the hot, sexy cheerleader, or it sells wickedness as like, oh, having fun.
No, ladies and gentlemen, wickedness is enslaving and dumbing people down.
God gave us men and women.
God gave us sex.
God gave us beer.
God gave us sunshine.
God gave us fistfights.
God wants us to be strong.
And the devil somehow sold the world that he's all the stuff that's fun.
No, the devil's not fun.
The devil's sad.
I'm gonna stop preaching.
I'm gonna open the phones up and go through all these clips and all this news.
I hate saying please go buy our products and doing the hard sell.
But this weekend it really hit me.
I got really excited.
I've started swimming again and I was about a half mile into a little swim in the lake in the early morning.
The sun was coming up over the hills.
And I was swimming and it was just like, man, you've got all these people want to work for you.
You've got all these people that are already incredibly successful, calling you up constantly asking what should they do?
What do you think about this?
What do you think about that?
You've already covertly funded over the years over a hundred people, some of which you've had to stop funding because you just are up there talking about keep them floors on the air.
We're in a fight.
Don't let them win.
Explain to people what you really have done.
And more importantly, it hit me, what they've done.
Do you understand?
I don't just get up here to a station owner or a station manager and thank them.
I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
Because all I want to do is resist the globalists because they want to enslave me.
They want to enslave my family and your family.
It's not some heroic, goody-two-shoes things.
They are trying to dominate us.
How is it some wonderful, altruistic thing that I want to get up and kick their ass?
No, it's just normal to stand up and say no as a man.
But see, people that serve evil, they get intimidated by the system.
They care about the world system because they're of the world system.
And the first thing I'll tell you, God hates the coward.
But God loves people that have courage.
And I know this audience has great courage, because you're activists, you're the opposite of an audience.
You are the people in the arena.
So there's no amount of hype that can go into how thankful I am to a Matt Drudge, or how thankful I am to a local station that's carried us, in some cases, 15, 20 years, despite all the attacks, and all the boycotts, and all the crap.
And you, the listeners.
Because we've really done something special here.
And the world is getting a second chance against world government, and the cashless society, and all these things that are out in the open now.
Because for decades, they tried to deny all this was happening.
Now they can't deny any of it.
So instead, they try to shut us down so we can't say, hey, we were right, we don't want this.
So I'm not going to plug anymore this hour.
I'm going to come back and give the number out and take your calls.
You can call 877-789-ALEX or 877-789-2539.
You can raise the Epstein case.
You can raise the Federal Reserve trying to kill the economy and Trump being right, saying it's the number one enemy of America.
It's foreign owned.
You can get into CEO of Volvo, says company is considering leaving Sweden, partly due to the rise in violent crime.
We can get into Ilhan Omar and everybody trying to take Tucker Carlson off the air.
And just what thugs they are, we can get into the social media conference.
We can get into all of it and so much more today.
And then we do have a special guest joining us.
I'll tell you about when she, I think she's the smartest and one of the best people on Blaze TV.
She had the courage to have me on, so that lady's going to be joining us.
I'll tell you about her next segment coming up.
And then I'm going to go ahead.
Matt Bracken loves it.
He loves to host the fourth hour.
He understands when I'm bumping.
I'm going to go ahead and have Lee Stranahan on because he's done a lot of research into Jeffrey Epstein, a lot of research into Alan Dershowitz.
And I've done a lot of research and I don't know if Dershowitz is innocent or not.
And there's also been some developments where Different folks have said one thing about what caused the arrest of Epstein this last week versus what really did it.
So I just really want to kind of brainstorm here on air with the listeners as well.
What do you think's going on?
Where does this rabbit hole go?
Because we know it's the Democrats.
We know it's Bill Clinton.
But all we keep hearing is Trump, even though in all these documents there's nothing about Trump.
Remember, Dershowitz, who I've thought has been innocent in this, even though he's a Democrat, he sued to get some of these documents released that show he's not in them.
But then later people are saying he's in them.
So I'm not saying Alan Dershowitz is guilty.
I'm seeing Ann Coulter saying he looks suspicious.
I'm seeing kind of this gang up on Alan Dershowitz thing.
I want to try to really find out what's going on.
And I've invited some of the different parties on from different angles, and some of the parties don't want to come on.
Michael Cernovich.
Michael Cernovich.
Because, you know, he was involved in a lawsuit to get this out.
The lawsuit of one of the reported victims was, a lot of them are fake.
I'm not saying she's fake.
She's probably real, but we'll talk about it all.
I'm here in my parents' kitchen because my house flooded with torrential rains this week.
So the flooded part of the house, they're having to fix that, so I've been staying over here.
And I looked in my parents' cupboard and found that they were stocked up.
on some of the M4's life products.
I thought, wait a minute, I've been thinking about coming over to their house because their kitchen's nicer than mine and shooting a video about how amazing these products are.
So I called Drew, one of our great camera people over at M4's this morning.
I said, hey, why don't you meet me over here and I'm gonna shoot a video I've been meaning to do for probably a year.
So I'm like, I've got everything right here.
It's time to show you what I personally do.
Now, I want to be clear.
When I remember to take the supplements religiously, I lose weight, I'm healthy, my skin gets great, I have better stamina, libido, energy.
I've never been a supplements guy.
A lot of my big sponsors were supplement people, and I thought, well, why don't I try these then?
And it turned out they were really good.
So we came out, as you know, six years ago with our own line of supplements.
We've been expanding it ever since.
And what we do is, Set out to already find what's the highest rated, already find what's the cleanest, what's the best, and then make it better, and then cut the price.
And that's what we've done with these products.
And that's why InfoWare's live products are so highly rated by third-party sites, that's why they're so popular with you, and it's also great because it funds our political operations, trying to stop the technotronic, technocracy takeover.
I always start taking the supplements and then I forget to take them.
I either run out or I just get busy and then all of a sudden I'm not taking DNA Force.
All of a sudden, I'm not taking X2.
I'm not taking Secret 12.
That's why it's important for everybody out there that already knows they got great results with these high quality products at 4-H Life or other supplements you've been taking to remember how good they were for you and your family and to get back into it.
So today I just wanted to encourage everybody that's gotten great results with these products to just remember that because I need that reminder as well.
One of the biggest things is I tend to go to the warehouse and get some of the products out for myself and then those run out and I forget.
So now what I do, what my parents do, and Other people I know is they just put it on auto ship and then fullwarslife.com get an additional 10% off and then you don't forget each month or every two months how much you want to have it shipped to you to get the product, support the show, and of course also get 10% off.
Now some of the things I do is I don't really like soft drinks because I got so much sugar in them and I already have a problem with sweets sometimes.
So I really like soft drinks.
What I'm trying to say is I don't like the effects they have on me.
So what I do is take something like a Perrier, lime or non-flavored, and I put it into a nice glass.
And then I take the Ultra 12 And put in a whole dropper, and then I stir it up, and the flavor is incredible.
So again, take your favorite sparkling water that doesn't have any calories in it, either flavored or unflavored, it all goes great with the flavor of natural vitamin B12 that has a sweet taste without any sugar or additives.
You've got to experience Ultra 12 for yourself, you've got to experience X2 as well, and of course, X3.
That's triiodine.
Different strokes for different folks.
Bottom line, these are all incredible products that have changed my life and changed so many other people's lives.
As I've said over and over again, it then funds an organization dedicated to exposing the globalists and their operations.
That's why I thank you all for your support.
I want to encourage you, if you haven't tried these products, to try them.
And if you have tried them and again forgot, to reorder or forgot to steal in your regimen, remember the
benefits, plus it tastes great.
Take action today. Take care of your own body and the first event at the same time.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
So crashing through the lies and disinformation. It's Alex
By the way, I said last segment I wasn't going to plug anymore this hour, and I'm not.
I'm about to go right to your phone calls and all the news and all the clips.
I was thinking about the headlines I've seen the last few months, where BuzzFeed And other groups like Vox.
Vox gets 200 and something million a year.
Just from George Soros and others.
And from NBC.
And Daily Beast gets something like 400 million dollars a year.
And so does BuzzFeed.
400 million dollars a year.
We'll do something like sell $30 million a product, have $15 million, pay for all the bandwidth, pay for all the crew, pay for all the insurance, pay for all the travel, and then there's like $3, $4 million left and it's all for legal fees and taxes and crap.
Which is fine, because I don't measure things by how much money I make.
But most smart bombs, most missiles cost a couple million dollars.
So for the cost of a couple smart bombs, I know we could have devastating effects on the globalists and get around their censorship and their election meddling.
And so that's why I'm saying get your war bonds at InfoWarsTore.com.
Because you can pull it up where, again, NBC gave $200 million to Vox.
And then Vox goes around calling for everybody to be taken off the air, and when Vox snaps their fingers, YouTube and Google say, yes sir, and they take action.
So we're having a fundraiser today.
Buy the great products.
Oh yeah, 400 million from Disney put into Vice, which promotes pedophilia, the end of the family, and arresting Trump.
That's what I'm saying.
They're putting b-b-b-billions into These organizations, and they can't even get the audience we have, even when we've been blacklisted.
That's important.
So thanks for standing with us.
It's a true David versus Goliath scenario.
1776, 34-hour emergency broadcast.
That's taking place right through tomorrow at 6 p.m.
We'll have live coverage of the event coming up at the White House.
It's already kicked off, but at two or so, Trump's set to give a speech.
We have Lauren Chin of Blaze TV joining us.
Very smart, interesting lady.
And then I'm going to be hosting the fourth hour today, getting into how deep the rabbit hole goes and what's really going on here with the whole Jeffrey Epstein situation and what documents really were sued to get and then what really got the feds to bust Epstein again.
We'll be fleshing all of that out.
Coming up in the fourth hour today.
Okay, let me see those callers there.
The number is 877-789-ALEX.
Let me lower that screen.
I'll see the callers.
Thank you.
Travis, Ryan, Carlos, Cindy, Michael, Jason.
And this first round of calls is going to be totally open.
Second round will be first-time callers or folks that got through but never got on air.
So I'm going to go to your calls right now as quickly as I can.
Just please make your point go right to it because I want to get to everybody.
Let's go ahead and go to Travis in Minnesota.
Travis, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Yes, go ahead, sir.
All right, one second.
I'm running outside.
Okay, I'm going to have to put you on hold.
So big deal.
We're going to take calls today.
It's going to be fun.
Travis, stay right there.
I'll come back to you later, okay?
I told you, I'm going to your calls today.
Let's talk to another caller in Canada this time.
In Canada.
Michael in Canada.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Michael.
Thank you.
I'm just wondering, we've always heard about the mark of the beast, and I'm just wondering if the mark is actually the implant, or if it's our smartphones?
Well, if you really read Revelations, it's very clear, Daniel and Ezekiel, it's all clear.
It's a world system that you support and you love, and it's a way of life, and it tells you how to live, and then if you don't have the mark of the beast, and of its system, then you can't buy and sell.
So you behave a way So that you'll be given the Chinese social score, you'll be given the mark.
So the mark is subservience to the Antichrist, subservience to the One World Government, and then you're given the digital mark in your palm or in your forehead.
Chinese social credit score.
Sir, it's here.
They're already saying you cannot say my name or InfoWars in a positive light.
You can only say it negative.
And then Facebook went further and said you can call for my death and organize my murder.
And I believe the Canadian government is using Facebook groups to go after Conservatives.
Canada is one of the most authoritarian nations in the world now.
And the people are just sleepwalking into oblivion.
I agree.
And we're too polite.
We are the frogs in the pot.
You're absolutely right.
Where do you think all this is going, Michael?
I don't know.
I think unless something major happens to tick off a lot of Canadians, nothing's going to happen.
But a lot of Canadians aren't getting ticked off because the news up here is so controlled because our government gives them multi-million dollars to say what they want them to say and hide what is actually going on.
You've got a new ruling class.
Who will do anything at any time, but they're all anti-human, anti-family.
They believe a post-human world is coming.
And they want to shell us on that idea of an apocalypse, so that we basically give up and don't try to build a better world.
Because they've been told by this dark entity, that if they take over and get rid of the humans, they'll be allowed to merge with the gods and become eternal.
They don't know that they're more advanced and more powerful than Satan.
It's just that Satan's older and is playing tricks on them.
We're like babies.
Satan is ancient and is setting these people up.
Michael, great points.
Thank you so much for calling.
We're going to talk to folks in Florida now.
We're going to talk to Jason in Florida.
Jason, thanks for calling in.
What's your view on the situation?
How should Trump take action?
Go ahead.
First of all, I'd like to plug products.
My son and I are both big Super Blue fans.
My son also takes the Honor Roll, which is a fantastic product.
Originally, they wanted to test him for ADHD.
Well, that wasn't the case at all.
He's just a really smart kid.
So the Honor Roll product, amazing, amazing results from that product, Mr. Jones.
Thank you very much for everything.
Since you raise it, it's doing our research with top companies.
It's one of the highest rated blends of fish oil, particularly with small caplets for children, and it's had the mercury taken out of it, and they found that it's really a missing link in a lot of young people's brains.
What effect did it have?
I actually allowed him to focus.
As a five-year-old kid, he was having a little trouble staying in his seat and things like that.
And, you know, I feed him well.
He exercises.
We swim every day and things like that.
But the reality is, I just think his diet was missing something that over the last year of using the Honor Roll product, off the charts.
He's testing in the top percentages of his class.
And it's just people are beside themselves.
And then, you know, I swear by the product.
I wouldn't turn him away from it.
He even tells me every morning he doesn't have it.
Daddy, I just don't feel as well as I did the other day.
And I think a lot of it has to do with the young developing mind and body.
And without the, you know, the product, I will say that on my own personal experience, I will say these products work and that I thank you and my son also thank you for him as well.
Well, Jason, thank you for your support.
Good, clean fish oil or krill oil.
There's nothing better.
I mean, with my own children, one of my daughters, she can kind of get up, low blood sugar, be a little bit grumpy, get her to eat some basic food, then she's not grumpy.
But when she takes her fish oil, she goes, Daddy, I feel so much better after I take it.
I'm like, absolutely.
So thank you, Jason.
What's your take on the next move for big tech?
All right, here we go.
I'm going to knock this out of the park real quick for you, InfoWarriors, and let you know that Google and Apple have both stepped into the education systems.
As we all know, none of us are strangers to it.
My son's school has eliminated all textbooks at this point, and everything that the children do from the time they are in kindergarten to the time they graduate from the school, they will actually never have picked up a textbook in their life.
If we Google a few definitions real quick, Mr. Jones, I will tell you exactly... Hold on, stay there.
You are knocking it out of the park, Jason.
You're an awesome caller.
Let's come back to you right on the other side, then we'll go to everybody else.
But yeah, once they get rid of textbooks and books and paper, then they can change history whenever they want, even faster.
You see that happening now with these different systems they have.
We'll be right back.
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Joe in California than Kevin Joe, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
I wanted to say to you that when history presents itself, that you are one of the most important people that this country's ever had, as far as getting the word out, making the truth of what's going on in our country.
And I want to thank you for that, because 15 years ago, when I started listening to you, I had no idea what was going on.
And now people, when I talk to people, they think I'm crazy, and I just tell them, here's the fact.
And I'm educating people.
My family thought I was crazy for a long time, but now they're really educated on what's going on.
But what I really wanted to talk to you about is two things.
Your products are incredible.
I've been using them for the last five years, 49 years old, soon to be 50, and I was out of shape.
I was in shape for a long time in my life, but I got out of shape, gained about 40 pounds,
and I started taking Bone Broth and the Super Male Vitality.
And I'll tell you one thing, my body looks like it's about 30 years old.
I get all the time people ask me, you know, what my age is, and I tell them 49,
they call me a liar.
It's super male.
The bone broth, the colloidal silver.
I give my kids colloidal silver.
They got a cold within a day or so.
They don't have that cold anymore.
My blood pressure has went from high to low and the doctors keep asking me what I'm taking.
So I want to commend you on making the best product out there.
And I went through a lot of products and I don't think anything's better than yours.
Well, I appreciate your support, and again, I'll just tell people the truth.
I know supplements work if they're high quality.
I'm the worst at not taking.
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So yes, these are the very best supplements out there, and they fund the Second American Revolution.
So thank you so much, Joe, for those kind words.
That's what funds the InfoWar.
at Infowarsstore.com or Infowarslife.com.
(upbeat music)
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
[ Music ]
Welcome back, folks.
Alex Jones here.
We're talking to Jason in Florida.
He said the next move for Big Tech, Google, Facebook.
Please start over, sir.
Go ahead.
What do I think is going on right now, Alex?
They've managed to take the textbooks out of the classrooms.
I like to call it ever-changing definitions.
I'll go ahead and let you know how this works.
What we've done right now is the left has actually managed to create a mindless group of individuals that feel that words are violence.
You can see that now if you take and Google the definition of the word hate speech.
With that hate speech, you can now confuse people into thinking that words are violence.
Therefore, any word that physically hurts someone can then be called a hate crime.
That hate crime, if you definitely Google that definition, you can go ahead and link that to what they're doing to you right now, Mr. Jones, which is the definition by Google of terrorism, sir.
What they are doing is turning your words into physical violence, which then means the act of physical violence in order to change someone's political ideology is the definition by Google of terrorism.
What the President needs to do, Mr. Jones, and I know you're going to push it, pull their Section 230.
They have committed an act of conspiracy to commit against Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, every
one of you that's been banned, they are now saying that it's acceptable and tolerable to
organize against you or to commit acts of violence against you that because of their 230
immunity, they don't get in any trouble.
Strip it, Mr. Jones, and we will see that they are liable for any and all damages or acts of violence that are done against you or any other individual that they deem is politically incorrect or jeopardizes the harmonious way that their community is preserved.
Well, Jason, you've totally defined this perfectly, and they admit that's what they're doing.
And then to have Facebook come out and say, anyone listed as a dangerous person, you're allowed to organize their murder or their violent end.
They pulled that, but I'll talk to Robert Barnes and other lawyers that are on top of it.
They said, clearly, that's a test by Facebook to see what we would do.
This is getting crazy.
And it's not going to stop.
They've indoctrinated our schools now, Mr. Jones.
Like you said, every kid's got a Chromebook.
My son's in kindergarten.
He has a take-home Chromebook.
And let's remember this.
They're tracking everything.
They've got a profile on your son.
And they are tracking everything he ever writes or ever does.
And Facebook says in the future, Even when we change the rules of political correctness, if you violated our rules in the past, if you wrote 30 years ago there's only two genders, you will be punished in the future.
And like I said, Mr. Jones, thank you.
Thank everyone in there.
Don't forget David Knight from 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.
The Alex Jones Show from 11 to 2.
And followed in by the War Room after that.
Thank you again, Alex.
And if there's anything any of us can ever do for you, brother, let's blow this sail out of the water and let's launch 1776 worldwide.
God bless you.
Again, when you thank me, though, I want to thank you.
Every day before I go on air, it's so epic what's happening.
The globalists openly kill babies after they're born.
They openly hate the family.
They openly want to get our guns.
They openly don't want borders.
And then when you say, hey, you openly hate the country, they go, oh, we want you off the air!
Ilhan Omar calls for ad boycott of Tucker Carlson over white supremacist rhetoric.
What, just saying you run your mouth all day and say having a border is a concentration camp, and that the Border Patrol are Nazis, when 67% of them are Hispanic, and everybody wants to get into the country?
We have the most open borders in the world?
You are a lying monster!
Terrorizing us!
You got all the big corporations loving you because you're an authoritarian dirtbag, and so are they, you slimy sack of garbage.
And no, it's not because you're part African.
It's because you hate this country, and you got here, you got all the welfare, you never worked a day in your life, and you bitch, and you complain at everybody's expense.
Okay, who's up next here?
Let's go to Craig in Montana.
Craig, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you very much for taking my call.
I just called because I would like to bring attention to a petition on the whitehouse.gov website to grant Tommy Robinson political asylum in the United States of America due to the corrupt court system in the United Kingdom.
I called for that and I didn't know that was up there.
Tell us the name of it.
The name of the petition is Grant Tommy Robinson, Political Asylum in the United States of America due to the corrupt court system in the United Kingdom.
It was created on July 8th by me.
It was created by KE on July 8th, 2019.
I've got 872 signatures on there.
I just started it July 8th and I would like if you would bring attention to it because I know with With your voice out there that we could get to 100,000 on there in no time.
Craig, wild horses couldn't drag me away.
Thanks for letting me know you did that.
That's a great idea, a great initiative.
We need to get a story right now at newswars.com and summit.news and infowars.com.
Headline, White House petition would grant Tommy Robinson Political journalist persecution asylum in the United States.
We'll get that posted and linked up right now.
Talia Robinson was just slapped with nine months in jail for the crime of journalism exposing giant Islamic kidnapping rings.
Unbelievable, Craig.
Anything else?
Uh, no, Alex, just I've been listening to your show for years.
Thank you very much for bringing attention to this.
I've been watching Tommy Robinson go down into looting for 12, 13 years, getting beat up by Muslims, and bringing attention to these important issues that are going on in the UK, and they're trying to silence him.
This is a bad day for free speech.
Is this guy not a trooper though?
I mean he sees him kidnapping little girls, he first exposes it, he fights back, he's a little guy, he gets put in prison over and over again.
I mean the guy's like a superhero and the average even conservative won't even stand up for him.
It's disgraceful and he's a true lion of England, he's a true patriot and I want him to be reunited with his family and not separated from his small children anymore and to quit being harassed and oppressed by the government of the UK.
Well, the left's spouting, wait, you're against amnesty and you're against political asylum.
No, I don't want 10 million people a year all fake who are brainwashed at UN camps to hate America brought in.
When somebody's openly being tortured and put in prison because they famously exposed giant child kidnapping rings that have all been confirmed and then they're going to put him in prison for nine months again You're absolutely right.
I want him to have political amnesty here.
Just like if you're from Cuba, or China, or anywhere else where they're doing this.
And sadly, the UK is so corrupt, and Europe is so corrupt, that without jury trials, they're doing this to journalists everywhere.
I don't care if they're white or black.
Get their ass over here.
We need them.
Craig, I really appreciate you.
Thanks for calling.
We're in the middle of the 34-hour live global broadcast, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mark in Utah, then Carlos in Canada.
Mark, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing, buddy?
Good, my friend.
First-time caller, and I just want to say thanks to all the people that worked at Infowars and all they do.
I was about to say, if you want to thank somebody, this crew is awesome, and I really appreciate them.
And I want to also, uh, you know, I'm really upset that you got taken off of YouTube because I used to send out hundreds of your videos every day to my friends.
I used to post them on Facebook.
And for them to do this to you just infuriates me.
And, uh, let me tell you what you do.
You just upload it and you just say forbidden information and don't say my name or InfoWars, but still use their platform.
It'll go viral.
I'll do that.
And another thing too, what really upsets me is the, with Google,
demonetizing your platform.
I came across something that can actually help generate, you know, more people and more revenue for InfoWars
and I wanted to share it with you.
And I just want, I don't want to do it on air, but I'd like to somehow get with you off air,
have one of the owners explain it to you and see if it'd be something that you could utilize
over at InfoWars to generate revenue.
Sounds exciting.
Guys, get Mark's name and number, and we'll try to give him a call.
I get great calls, great ideas all day, and I apologize if we can't respond back.
We're a small organization.
That's why a lot of times if there's some great group like Project Veritas or Tommy Robinson or over 100 different people over the years I've given large checks to, it's when I figure out, hey, this person's doing better than I can do, I'll try to give them some money.
It's just frustrating to be out of money Except for running this operation and have all these huge opportunities that I'm ready to fund right now with people that are already hugely successful to massively amplify what they're already doing.
I mean, there has never been a time where there's been better opportunities with people.
I mean, I'm talking about cascades of individuals.
Imagine information warfare like bullets.
But non-violent.
And whole clips, whole magazines just jammed full of people that have already been super successful, who with a little bit of amplification, will blow holes in the globalist operation.
You know, most folks don't donate.
Back when I used to have money bombs, people used to donate.
We'll have one of those in the future.
But you can donate $17.76 or whatever at Infowarshore.com.
It's a straight donation, then we get all of it to fund the operation.
Or just take advantage of the 1776 Worldwide Sale.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, infowarestore.com/1776worldwide.
We were going to have a money bomb, but we're not really doing it.
We're not putting the donate page up.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We will always be the people who defeated a tyrant across the continent.
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Because we will never forget that we are Americans and the future belongs to us.
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Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
Full power of the Republic in the name of Jesus Christ.
Full power!
Damn the torpedoes, go straight at them!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, we have a very special guest joining us.
I'll continue with some calls, then I'm going to get into the rabbit hole that's Jeffrey Epstein and what's really going on there.
We're going to have a deep discussion in the fourth hour with Lee Stranahan.
We'll continue with calls then, but specifically only on that topic.
Speaking of that, let's go to Jim and then Carlos.
Jim, in Texas, you say Jeffrey Epstein is a controlled operation.
Well, it's come out that he worked for some U.S.
intelligence agencies and Robert Mueller.
You know, I said that years ago.
It's in the news now.
He was obviously protected.
My issue is, is that there's no evidence Trump is anywhere connected to it.
If Trump was connected, I would expose it.
All I see is Bill Clinton and Democrats connected.
What do you think?
Well, given that every story has mentioned that James Comey's daughter's in charge of this, and given that Pelosi's daughter came out and announced it, that's the signal to the left that they're not at risk here.
It's like when Obama closed car dealerships that were owned by conservatives, but not liberals.
This is going to be a selective targeting of Republicans That have enabled Trump to do what he's done.
Now think about who Jeffrey Epstein is.
He's a banker.
How many pervert bankers are there?
Democrat or Republican that have gone to that guy's island that they have a black book on.
They're gonna target just them, not any Democrats.
They're gonna turn a blind eye to anything that makes any Democrat or any Democrat they don't like look bad.
They're gonna target Republicans.
No, I think you're right.
We're all cheering this on.
There's no connection to Trump.
They're still going with it.
And so what you're saying is a selective prosecution.
If they can take out the bankers that have helped Trump to run the economy, if they can crash the economy, that's what they want to do.
They want to cause a riot.
That's what they're hoping to come out of this, Alan.
Oh, exactly.
He's a huge international banker.
He's had all these guests.
If they can implicate them, they'll leave Trump and won't support the economy, right as Trump says.
Last week, the biggest threat to what we're doing is the private Federal Reserve.
That's what I'm worried about, sir.
Well, you're a smart caller, that's why I take calls.
I will expand on that, Jim, because yeah, Pelosi's daughter came out and said, some of our favorite people are going to be implicated.
But that's cover.
That's pretend talk.
They know it's not going to happen.
This was past.
You've got to know that Bill Clinton and Hillary gave a thumbs up to this before they ever went ahead with it.
Jeffrey Epstein knew what he was doing.
He came back and did a lay-down.
So you're saying this is going to be the revenge inside of the Democratic Party and the Justice Department, knowing that Epstein has a list of some Republicans he was able to compromise.
I agree with you.
I think that's where this is going, and I think it's going to be Impossible for them to only burn their own people when it's mainly Democrats doing it.
I think it's a threat to Trump.
I think he calls their bluff, but I think you're right.
Thank you, Jim.
One hell of a time to be alive.
Carlos in Canada.
Carlos, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, thank you very much, Alex.
Just the first point of information, and the second is probably the most important item that I will ever cover on any of my phone calls to you.
It's very, very important.
But in November 2018, the Miami Herald, as you know, published a new investigation into Epstein's alleged child sex trafficking ring.
And it prompted federal investigators to invalidate the agreement, not to prosecute.
And at this time, shortly after, a month later, they were ready to move on Epstein.
Coincidentally, on January the 5th, You know, Carlos, you've been calling for a long time, and I forgot about Orgy Island burning down.
We've got Leigh Stranahan on in the fourth hour.
Give us your number, and I promise you'll be the first caller we go to with Leigh Stranahan.
She'll have five minutes or so when Leigh Stranahan's on, say in about an hour and a half from now.
Are you game to do that?
Okay guys, get Carlos' number.
He's been calling for like a decade.
Really smart guy.
And he's reminding me of all this stuff.
I'm like, oh yeah, it burned down.
It's just, that's why... This is getting crazy.
And we'll go to everybody else as well.
Annabelle and Mac and John and Richard and Josh and Travis and Jerome.
But we have a special guest.
It's time to shoot.
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I thank you for your support.
The Globalists hope you don't.
Whatever you do, choose what side you're on and take action.
Well, we've still got radio silence on Trump's social media summit.
Trump's vowing action against big tech censorship, bullying, discrimination, suppression.
That's some of the words he used.
But we've got our reporters, some of our auxiliary folks inside, the reporters outside, and there's a ball tonight at Trump Tower that my crew was invited to.
We have a bunch of participants, so we'll have a lot of live feeds throughout the 34-hour broadcast that continues right through tomorrow at 6 p.m.
Central at Infowars.com forward slash show.
And I know the faithful audience is already doing this, but for everybody tuning in on AM, FM, TV, satellite, shortwave, the internet, Lauren Chin is one of my favorite people on Blaze TV.
I've been on her show, which takes courage to do, because you can obviously be censored for talking to the one who must not be named.
She's a political and social commentator and hosts the Blaze TV show, Pseudo-Intellectual.
She began as a YouTuber and has since gained I'd say hundreds of millions of views, she just says like 40 million or whatever, on the platform and hundreds of thousands of followers.
She's also appeared on Fox News, Daily Wire, Rebel Media, PragerU, and The Rubin Report.
She's born in Canada, raised in Hong Kong, and came to the U.S.
for university.
She has a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a minor in Middle East Studies and Arabic.
The topics she is most passionate about include dating culture, family values, individual liberty, gender equality, and issues surrounding race.
Follow her on Twitter at @DLaurenChin and Blastv.com/lauren.
Thanks for joining us today.
I want to get into censorship, something you want to cover with this whole conference going.
How crazy it's gotten.
You also want to talk about Tommy Robinson, the persecution of the press, CNN hosts saying we need to do away with talk radio, members of Congress saying arrest people that criticize Democrats.
I mean, wow, this is like we're living in the beginning phases of the novel 1984.
Thanks for coming on.
For sure, thanks for having me, and you're absolutely right.
This is Orwellian in every sense of the word, and I think if you would have told me where things were going to be right now, I don't know, five years ago, I don't think I would have believed you.
Well, I watched your show.
It was great being on your show.
You're really an expert on this.
Lay into it of where you think we're going, what Trump needs to do, just your top points.
Sure, well right now we're at a point where all the big social media platforms, I'm talking Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and above YouTube, just Google in general with their search results.
And not to mention Pinterest.
I wouldn't consider it a major platform, but it's part of this too.
They're kind of surreptitiously, they have been trying to de-rank, de-boost, and hide any content that's even remotely conservative or pro-Trump.
And you might even go further than that and say, maybe not pro-Trump or conservative, but just anti-far-left progressivism.
So they've been very successful about this.
I know you guys have encountered it.
If conservative commentators aren't outright banned, they're facing shadow banning.
Videos aren't being recommended.
Views are dropping among political commentators that I know on YouTube to maybe just 10 or
16 percent in some cases of what they used to be.
And this is all, I think, gearing up for the 2020 election.
I mean, these people, they are far-left ideologues.
They're pretty open about it, I think.
And as the Project Veritas tapes have seen, if anyone hasn't seen them yet, I really recommend
you check it out.
They do think they have the responsibility, these Silicon Valley tech giants, to make
sure that Trump doesn't get elected again.
So that's why, since 2016, they've been trying to work on all of these ways to make sure
Any Trump supporters or any information that might sway voters' opinions to be more supportive of him, that content doesn't spread.
It's very concerning.
We've known it's been happening for a while, but it's only just recently that the president, I think, has given it the attention that it deserves.
I applaud him having this summit.
I hope, though, that this is just the beginning and that eventually there is actual concrete action taken against these companies.
When I saw this two nights ago, I didn't believe it at first.
So I actually went to Facebook's Terms of Service.
It took like five minutes to find it.
And they changed it to say, you can engage in threats that cause death or bodily harm if someone is a dangerous person.
Well, that definition is reserved for myself, Paul Watson.
Milo Yiannopoulos and Gab McGinnis and a few others.
And it was actually an invocation for terror.
They already said, don't say my name unless it's negative.
But it's so Orwellian, I was pinching myself that they're issuing fatawas on ourselves.
So I think that shows us where they're going if action isn't taken.
I think it shows a real megalomania inside big tech.
And it's so strange.
I didn't believe that new update when I saw it, when I heard of it either.
I actually had to check it out for myself like you did.
Because I think if there's one, and we talked about this when you were on my show, if there's one thing that I think most people, even those who are for free speech, agree on that is okay to be moderated, it's actual violent threats, right?
That's kind of like the one thing that everybody should be able to abide by.
If a site doesn't allow porn, no porn, no gambling, and no calls for violence.
And that's in Section 230 that you can take that down.
They're violating Section 230 now in an actual aggressive way, saying we go past saying we're not just moderators, that we're publishers now, but we're going to call for violent activism.
And I think you can't look at this new measure and not see how it's a blatant double standard, right?
Because conservatives, for a while, we've seen how there's this thing called verified hate.
People collect all the awful things that some of the left-wing verified Twitter users say or, you know, even post on Facebook and it's not touched, it's not removed.
But if you're someone who has, I guess, less popular politics for these Silicon Valley
people, you're going to come under fire.
This new Terms of Service update is essentially just, I guess, codifying what we've known
for a long time.
There are certain people where you're totally fine to make threats against and nothing will
happen to you.
It's just, it's pretty shocking.
It's very bold of them to make these kinds of updates, especially with all the scrutiny
they're under right now.
I'm just, I'm very, very much looking forward to seeing what's going to be done about this.
People have mentioned things like maybe antitrust breaking up companies like Facebook and Google.
Some people say that's not enough.
We need to hold them liable under 230 to civil suits.
It's dead on.
for things like defamation and whatnot.
Will Chamberlain, who talks about this a lot, he thinks that platform access
should be considered a civil rights.
There are a lot of different avenues we could take to fix this problem.
I'm interested to see what the president is gonna choose to focus on.
I totally agree with what you said.
It's dead on.
The other part of the equation is the fake Libertarian Koch Brothers foundations
are gonna say, "Hey, it's their own company."
These companies, Facebook, Apple, Google, they've bought thousands of companies.
They buy everything.
Facebook bought WhatsApp and then said, we're going to take Alex Jones off that if he's using it, so I can't instant message private people.
This is like the phone company breaking in on your phone.
So they are giant monopolies working together.
That's cartels.
And they are a clear and present danger.
I just wonder, Why do you think they're so arrogant and think they're invincible?
Well, I think because for the longest time they have been, right?
I mean, these Silicon Valley tech giants, they've escaped with... If you think about, like, e-commerce that they engage in, how Google runs their ads or their search results, they deal with clients every day, and they're one of the least regulated, like, industries that I can think of.
Because every type of service industry is regulated.
I mean, food, retail, what have you.
There are tons of government regulations on all of these businesses.
But Silicon Valley, these tech giants, have escaped largely untouched.
Why is that?
Because they serve more customers or deal with more people than almost any other industry.
Everybody's on Facebook and YouTube.
They deal with a lot more cash inflow than all of these other industries.
So what makes them so special?
I think it's because for a long time they have been investing money in lobbying to keep these, I mean Congress and whatnot, off of their back and they've been successful about it.
I'm hoping that we're finally at a point where people like Trump, these outsiders who are now in power, can I don't like government regulation.
I'm a small government-minded person, but there comes a point where you have to wonder why they get such special treatment, right?
Because I'm not just saying, like, oh yeah, let's just burden the tech sector with more regulation.
You're totally right.
They're already bigger than most governments.
They're engaging in criminal activity.
I'm for free market, but I do not support having the mafia, because they call themselves free market, come and burn down my grocery store if I don't pay them protection money, or not let me have a cement company in New Jersey.
So this is just criminal activity.
And plus the big tech companies had CIA funding, NSA funding.
A lot of government bureaucrats got invested in them.
And so that's why there's this sick relationship.
It's an abuse of power.
It's out of control.
They sold out to the Chai Koms, the EU, and others.
And that's why they've got to come down.
When we come back, I want to ask you what you think is coming next.
What else you think Trump should do.
And then what you think about the persecution of the press, not just here, but around the
You can follow her at blazetv.com forward slash Lauren.
Lauren Shin's our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
only you can circumvent the censorship.
My name is Tommy Robinson.
Today I'm calling on the help of Donald Trump, his administration and the Republican Party to grant me and my family political asylum in the United States of America.
I'm sat here today before you to make my case of political persecution.
I've been found guilty of what is the equivalent of exercising First Amendment rights.
Benjamin Franklin had the foresight to know this.
Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
For more than 10 years I've been proactive voice highlighting the industrialized The guys grooming, the pimping, the beating and the raping of young vulnerable British girls up and down the length and breadth of my once great country.
I'm an English man, a British citizen who loves my country and it hurts me to have to say I have no future here.
The only future that lies for me is death.
Death at the hands of an establishment who will feed me to Islamic gangs of jihadis within the prison system.
I have 48 hours before my sentencing.
I previously spent three months in solitary confinement for journalism, for breaking no law.
The reality is, and I urge you, please, get your lawyers to look through this case.
You will expose and see complete corruption.
I'm being found guilty when I've broke no laws.
I've not been tried by my peers.
Twelve members of the British public, that's the Magna Carta.
That's common law.
Common law is if members of my peers, if the British public find me guilty, I'd accept my fate.
I'm not being tried.
This is a backdoor ruling.
In order for the government to silence me, imprison me and inevitably have me killed.
To understand the level of political correctness that has infected this once great nation.
We are imprisoning journalists.
And our media celebrate it.
But this is a direct appeal.
On behalf of my family, we love the United States.
I have no future here.
It's inevitable.
I will be murdered, I will be killed.
And I will be imprisoned on Thursday for journalism.
We talk about North Korea, we talk about China, we talk about Russia.
Our freedoms are gone.
Our free speech is gone.
It's gone.
We live in a post-free speech era.
And exactly the same, what they've inflicted in this nation, I know they want to do to yours.
I know they want to take your freedoms, they want to change your constitution.
I know there's people who would take away your rights tomorrow.
The difference is, they want to do it to you in America.
They've done it to us.
They've done it to us.
Our free speech is gone and it's celebrated.
It's celebrated by the people in power, who rule over us, the globalists.
It's celebrated.
It's celebrated when a journalist is being imprisoned.
The media, they're not journalists.
They're activists.
If this was happening to a journalist in any other country, in China, in Russia, in North Korea, human rights lawyers would be fighting to defend them.
And what I realise now is that my government don't care if the world's watching.
They don't care if they're breaking the law.
They don't care.
And they actually don't give a damn what the people actually want or vote for.
They don't care about the British justice system.
Looks an absolute joke across this world.
All they care about is getting what they want.
We are run by nothing but a globalist dictatorship.
They moan about Russia, they moan about China, they moan about the clampdown on free speech.
They're the biggest bunch of hypocrites walking this planet.
They are traitors that are ruining my beautiful country.
They're removing our fundamental freedoms step by step, day by day.
Every day we're losing our freedoms.
I want to make a genuine appeal to President Trump, to the Republican Party, please consider me and my family for political asylum.
The British state's appeasement to Islam, the unrestricted waves of migrants into this country
means that they are deliberately persecuting and illegally imprisoning
anyone who speaks out against their globalist agenda.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Lauren Shins, the host of the popular show, should've been an electoral, on Blaze TV.
If you're a TV viewer on TV stations or the internet right now, you see an image of Tommy Robinson wearing the t-shirt as he walked himself into jail this morning.
That's like 15 hours ago, UK time.
With a t-shirt he had made, convicted of journalism.
That's the headline we put out Monday.
Convicted of journalism.
On the back, the UK equals North Korea.
Lauren Chin again as our guest.
Without even trying, I have CNN today saying do away with talk radio.
Just ban all conservative media.
And then we have the Congresswoman, famously, in Florida, just last week, saying arrest anybody that criticizes Democrats.
Here it is.
Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace.
And there's no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable.
We're going to shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down and they should be prosecuted.
Frederica Wilson, you know, Tipper Gore was a Democrat, but you know, she didn't want 10-year-olds to be sold lyrics by two live crew that were pretty nasty.
But I'm still saying, hey, that's up to parents to control that.
I don't want the state involved in censorship, because next it's me.
But now, they're just out in the open saying, censor everybody whenever they want.
It's so draconian.
It's so dangerous.
It's so scary.
Lauren Chin, why do you think they're coming out of the closet like this everywhere?
I think it's because they really intend, just like Europe's done, to ban speech.
I mean, Tommy Robinson exposed huge rape gangs, was beaten up, attacked dozens of times, put in prison.
The guy's a hero.
No jury trial.
Sent back to prison for talking about convicted child pedophiles.
Well, I think right now if we look at what's happening with the left, essentially going off the rails and advocating full on for censorship.
They're not even hiding it.
It's not dog whistles anymore.
They're coming out and saying, no, let's just ban these people.
They're right to voice their opinions.
For the longest time, the media, establishment media and establishment politicians have kind of fed each other, right?
They've controlled the narrative entirely.
And what's happened now with platforms like yours, with other independent I'd like to think that Blaze is part of that, as am I. They no longer have that control anymore, right?
They don't get to decide what stories we talk about, what we report on.
And as we saw with the 2016 election, that has real-world consequences, right?
I mean, I think it would be naive to think that, you know, for example, people my age, that we all just are naturally inclined to be far-left progressives.
No, it's because that's the line, the narrative that we've been fed for the longest time.
independent media outlets or conservative commentators started
chipping away at that and their control that they've had.
They essentially freaked out for lack of a better term and this is their
attempt to kind of regain that control. That's why we see places like Facebook,
YouTube, they're really cramping down on these people and I think people
like the Congresswoman you just saw cannot believe that's not parody.
Super scary.
They're at a point where they're not even afraid to advocate for banning it because they've managed to frame this whole conversation not as, you know, free speech is bad, we're afraid of the control rules.
No, to them it's like, oh no, we're just, we're trying to ban hate speech.
Just these bad people who have dangerous opinions.
No one wants to support literal Nazis, right?
Yeah, and they're smart to have done it.
The very same people doing this are the ones going, Trump's waging war on the press.
He wants to arrest us.
He wants to kill us.
He's made them more money in ratings than ever.
He's never called for them to be shut down.
He just responds to their lies, and they call that a war on the press, when meanwhile, they're saying shut down free speech.
That's a war on the First Amendment, not just the press.
No, you're absolutely right, and it's funny.
If Trump treated the mainstream media the way that Silicon Valley treats establishment media, they would absolutely lose their minds.
They don't even know what it is to try to be silent.
They think getting your press pass taken away from you is a violation of their First Amendment rights.
I mean, there's a blatant double standard here that they're employing, and they're not even ashamed of it.
How far do you think they'll go?
Do they have any bottom?
Because I've seen a few cases lately where they've told huge whoppers and some of the media, here's an example, they had some headlines saying nobody showed up at Trump's event at the 4th of July.
Later, a few media outlets had to say, okay, You know, we were wrong.
They put out fake news headlines that I lost a lawsuit for Sandy Hook, for a book I never wrote that I wasn't in, and that I sent child porn to people, which I didn't.
A bunch of people retracted.
Some didn't.
But there's got to be some low point.
There's got to be a bottom.
Is there a bottom to, as you said, the hysteria of the left, who was so arrogant, thought they were invincible, and found out they've lost most of the young people?
I used to think there was.
I hope that there was.
But I think, like a lot of people, the whole fiasco with Covington Catholic really opened my eyes about the depth that these people are willing to stoop to in order to push their agenda.
The footage was always available of what happened that day and how I think his name is Nick Sandman, if I'm not mistaken, was just standing there and someone came to confront him, not the other way around.
That footage was always there from day one, the moment that story broke.
Either these people, these journalists, were too lazy or they just didn't care enough to look.
But since then, no, I don't give them any benefit of the doubt because I don't think they've earned that.
I think they're willing to do whatever it takes to get control back.
You know, being an online commentator, I see the way that they smear people that I've worked with, I consider friends.
You know, Gavin McInnes, Tommy Robinson, the lies that they tell about these people, it really shocks you.
I'm at a point now where, I mean, when I hear the media, and this is awful to admit, but when I hear the media call someone a right-wing extremist, unfortunately, my first response, my first instinct is, oh, they're probably a reasonable person.
How dystopian is that?
Well, you're right.
They've had, like, 26 women say that Trump raped them, always in a public place with their witnesses.
They'll be coming back.
I've got a clip of a lady that said he kissed her on the lips aggressively.
It's her trying to kiss him.
He kisses her back a little.
Trump's a germaphobe.
He doesn't like doing that.
Yeah, there it is.
Video appears to show Trump embracing a 2016 campaign staffer.
She's now suing and claims he forcibly kissed her.
But the video shows the complete opposite and her leaning in to kiss him, him kissing her on the cheek.
And, you know, he's the bad guy.
Total lies.
What do you make of this?
Um, I mean, I think people are going to watch that and they're going to see whatever they want to see, right?
Because, I mean, there's really been, if we look at what's happened with Trump...
No, no evidence, substantial evidence to support any of this.
These people, they have Trump derangement syndrome, for lack of a better term.
And I mean, they'll make whatever they want of it.
I think we're at a point now where we saw this with Russiagate as well.
They're willing to anything they could possibly grasp at in order to make him look guilty, like a predator, corrupt, whatever it may be, they're going to take.
Thankfully, I think it's at a point for most people where they've just gotten tired of all the lies and all.
Here's the Elva Johnson 15 second clip of what she's suing him for.
She comes over, they kiss on the side of the cheek.
She said he squeezed her, kissed her on the lips.
She's suing.
Here it is.
And that's the exchange.
and that's the exchange when we come back I'm gonna tell some listeners some
of the things I've dealt with with people I've known including people that
are perforate family when the New York Times calls them up officer money of the
Daily Mail and then they tell them what they want they tell them the lies they
want to hear then a check is cut what our guest said is true there's no
bottom you're dealing with criminal syndicates for the ride back
info war the most banned network in the world I'm here to say, and this is the reason why I came to see you, Alex, is you are one of the very few who are operating under this theory to be an independent American.
In a big way.
If your calling is media, fine.
If your calling is sports, whatever it is.
But you've got to be the greatest you can be.
I don't know why they've been successful in pushing everybody into these little ghettos of these Facebooks and these tweets and these Instagrams, these Instas.
This is ghetto.
This is ghetto.
This is corporate.
They're taking your energy.
They're taking your energy and you're getting nothing in return.
They're dumbing the language down.
Twitter's designed to reduce the language.
Directly out of 1984, it's Ingsoc.
I had a Supreme Court Justice tell me to my face it's over for me.
He said, Matt, it's over for you.
They've got the votes now to enforce copyright law.
You're out of there.
They're gonna make it so headlines you can't even use headlines.
To have a Supreme Court Justice say that to my face, that it's over, they've got the votes, which means time is limited.
Time is not forever.
How many more moons and sunrises will you see in your life?
Uh, rise and fall.
There's not that many.
It's a small amount.
So for people to be saying with this attitude, oh, I'll get on with my life and my greatness sometime.
No, you can't.
We're being enslaved now, and that's it.
Under the TPP, they admit you can't put a headline to the New York Times.
You're sending massive traffic to them.
They're claiming you're taking their words.
This is insane.
And you had the Justice Stephen Breyer said we need to look at a global law.
That is what Matt Rudd said here almost four years ago, and has it not been proven completely true.
They're getting ready for these decisions to come.
You thought Obamacare was shocking.
You thought some of these other decisions were shocking.
Wait until these copyright laws work their way up and the Supreme Court decides you cannot have a website
with news headlines linking across the board.
That is what Matt Drudge said here almost four years ago.
And has it not been proven completely true?
Just as we went to the last break, I said, "Hey, get me these two guys
from our camera crew together.
I want to go out and shoot this important report today.
And the producer popped me and they said, they're in D.C.
to cover the summit on Internet censorship.
Oh, well, give me this person.
Well, they're on vacation.
And I'm not complaining, but there's two ways to destroy us.
Well, there's more than that, but two big ones.
If the globalists can shut us down and sue us out of existence and censor us, or if you don't support.
And again, I'm very thankful for all your support, but I need three or four more camera people.
I need three or four more field reporters.
I need to be able to put people in there and do other live shows.
And there's a few new shows that are finally about to start in the next month.
It's just been, we've been held back.
And I got a lot of covert stuff where I see somebody who's already successful and they need help.
Project Veritas, people like Tommy Robinson, but that's the tip of the iceberg.
I've given money to over a hundred groups that I've seen kicking ass with no strings.
Groups that are busting pedophile All of it.
It's not about getting credit.
I'm in a war.
I'm totally committed to beating these people.
And I don't want people like Frederica Wilson to win when she says, oh, we should take all Americans' free speech and lock them up and shut them up.
So don't let her win.
go to Infowarsstore.com today and take advantage of the amazing specials and get the materiel to win the second
American Revolution.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
When I was summoned from Montgomery, I had my guitar on my back.
When a stranger stopped beside me in an antique Cadillac.
He was dressed!
He was dressed like 1950, half drunk and hollow-eyed.
He said, it's a long walk to Nashville, would you like to ride?
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
I sat down in the front seat.
He turned on the radio.
And them sad old songs coming out of them speakers was solid country gold.
Then I noticed a stranger was ghost white pale when he asked me for a light.
All right, I intend to go to all your phone calls.
Mac, Annabelle, John, Chris, Richard, Travis, Jerome, and more.
Cross the board here.
We're in the middle of this 34-hour special live global transmission.
1776 Worldwide.
I like how Tommy Robinson over a year ago on this show said, I am not a victim, I'm a target, and I'm doing this willingly, but I don't want to get killed, so if I can get the truth out and fight this evil and not get killed, that's fine.
But if I'm going to get killed, so be it.
And there's something so refreshing and human and manly about that, that I was talking, and she's gonna be joining us tomorrow with a bunch of exclusive footage, to one of the reporters that works for Infowars, Teddy Hopkins, who was out there, that it felt like victory as he was going into that prison for literally exposing giant child kidnapping rings.
Some of the children, this is in mainstream news, were killed, cut up, and used and sold in kebab machines.
So, and then the court says, well, you're in contempt.
You're not supposed to report on that.
And people go, well, he was in contempt.
It violates Magna Carta.
It violates law to spend years in jail.
He's already spent time.
Now he's going to spend more time for reporting on what's happening.
But you know what?
He's satisfied at the end of the day.
But talking to our guest, Lauren Chin, who works for BlazeTV.com forward slash Lauren.
You can find her work right there.
Follow her on Twitter at the Lauren Chin.
This is going to radicalize conservatives, nationalists, Christians.
I don't know what you call yourself.
I've seen your show quite a bit, but I just think of myself as more of a populist, you know, libertarian, little L, you know, type guy.
But I do kind of sit back every day looking at this news, and I'm like, I should even get more upset.
This is real tyranny.
This is classical evil.
And then I see what I mentioned earlier, and I don't want to get into long stories, but the New York Times watched the post before, but especially New York Times.
They will stalk me for years.
They will call everybody I ever knew, anybody ever worked here.
They will offer them money.
They will then threaten them.
They'll then guilt them about how bad you've been.
They'll go, I'm sorry.
And then they'll have people literally make stuff up for money.
I was talking to the Daily Mail and I said, how much did you pay them?
Well, we're not going to tell you.
So I used a law enforcement tactic.
I said, what, $20,000?
Well, no, it was $10,000.
To say I wear swastika shoes, or that I fire guns at people's feet in the office, totally insane, like kind of a Simpsons version of a Texan, or just all of this Insanity that goes on.
And then you ask yourselves, how did this many of our countrymen and women become so evil, so soulless, so corrupt?
And even if Trump stays in office, we kind of fix things.
What do we do with the wreckage?
Of a third of the population or so, if you go to a leftist event, you've seen this, they look like they are neither living dead.
They're promoting pedophilia.
I'm kind of ranting, I apologize, but you get the gestalt of what I'm saying.
What do you make of this culture?
If there was some country to move to to get away from these people, I'd do it.
No it's absolutely terrifying and I'm someone like you I talk about these issues a lot and I feel like there's not an accurate way there are no words I could use to make people understand how serious this is I mean with Tommy Robinson I mean just for people who are watching who are in the US or Canada you know there there was a I think a The press were barred from reporting on the event.
That's something they do in the UK.
Even that concept is kind of foreign, especially, I think, to Americans.
There's nothing like that for ongoing trials in the States, as far as I'm aware of.
And then if you kind of look at the fact that the charges were dropped for him, and then they were retaken up, and then he was convicted.
That kind of sounds like violating double jeopardy to me, I don't know about you, but just the whole thing with Tommy Robinson, there's nothing about it that shouldn't scare the British people.
And, you know, the British government, the system they use, it's not like the U.S.
There's no enshrined Second Amendment, or First Amendment, rather.
You know, the slippery slope that they've gone through, it just goes to show how when it comes to something like freedom of speech, you really can't take anything for granted, right?
You can't just assume that everything is going to be guaranteed and protected because it's simply not going to be.
And I think we've seen in the past few years how quickly those rights can erode unless they are specifically protected.
For anyone who's watching who's a supporter of Tommy Robinson, I think now is like the time.
There's never going to be a more important time for you to voice your dissent to your government that you're not okay with this happening.
And, I mean, it's not just the UK, unfortunately.
If we look at even Canada, you know, this kind of thing is happening.
People are starting to want to make hate speech prosecutable by the federal government.
The U.S., thankfully, hasn't gotten that bad yet, but I think it's only a matter of time when the people who advocate for these types of measures pick up more steam.
And, you know, you're right.
It feels like there's nowhere else you can go right now that's safe.
And I saw, I think it was on your show specifically, Tommy's now asking for political asylum.
I mean, people have laughed at him for doing so, but I think he's absolutely justified.
This is exactly political prosecution for his political beliefs, and I think it's disgusting that this is happening in a, you know, so-called Western democracy like the UK.
Let's take Asia Beebe, our own David Knight made this point the other morning.
This is a wonderful woman, no criminal record, a mother facing a death sentence because as a Christian, it's blasphemy if she drinks out of a well being a Christian.
Now, the UK, she asked for asylum in the UK and the current Prime Minister Theresa May said, no, you'll upset the Muslims.
And so she asked Trump for it.
This is a woman.
This is a Christian.
This is exact... I notice we won't let Christians out of Syria.
We only let... I'm not against Muslims, except they get worshipped.
They get protected.
They get covered up.
And then this woman, who's a Christian, is treated like a dog.
Worse than a dog.
She can't drink out of a... Because in Pakistan they have public water supply.
She's not supposed to get water.
Like black people can't go to the water fountain or whatever.
It's beyond that.
And Trump wouldn't take her in.
Because nobody got the message to him.
I got the message to him on Arpaio.
He did that.
I got the message to him on the Submariner.
He talked to him.
I brought it up to him.
He did that.
But I can't get Tommy Robinson to him because of the people around Trump controlling him.
It's disgusting.
No you're absolutely right and I'm someone who I I'm very critical of the whole refugee and asylum system that's in place right now very very critical of a lot of the claims that are being made about who's deserving of it and who's not and just in general the way the UN system has set things up but when it comes to someone like Asia Bibi I think if if We are going to take in refugees and if I think if we do so it'll be out of generosity not because of out of you know any supposed obligation but if we are going to I think to me it makes sense to take the people who are being targeted for their you know minority beliefs people like you know Christians like Asia Beebe or someone even like Tommy Robinson and look I
I don't mean to compare their two situations.
I understand they're very differently.
A lot of people may say, what's the big deal?
He's just being sent to prison.
It's not like it's a death sentence.
Understand that in the prisons, like these UK prisons, they're overrun with Islamists, right?
And this is not a conspiracy theory.
It's a noted problem.
They're run by Muslim gangs.
Right, exactly.
And, um, last time Tommy was in prison, he spent a lot of time in solitary confinement for his own safety, it was said, and he was also, he spoke about how he had a little window facing the courtyard.
These people would shove their feces into his room.
I mean, it's not It's not an exaggeration to say that his life is in danger if he goes to one of these prisons.
He was being polite on air.
I got the full story from him.
They would hang their asses in.
They'd stick the genitals in.
And the guards just let him do this.
And exactly.
Political asylum is when it's known the Cuban government Is putting somebody in a prison.
Or it's known you're going to prison for your speech.
Or it's known that there's a death sentence out because you're a Christian woman in hiding because you dare drink out of a well.
That's when you know you get asylum.
Bring them.
Not, oh, 150,000 people showed up this week.
They all claim asylum.
Let them in.
Right, and I think the left, they're trying to conflate the issue.
They're trying to make refugee or asylum seeker synonymous with economic migrant from a poorer country.
They're two very, very different terms.
There should be different laws applying to them.
They're not the same thing.
And as someone who is the daughter of an immigrant from Hong Kong, like, the idea that anyone who's foreign is just the same, they're all living under the same conditions, therefore all the same, we're like, no.
That's not how immigration works.
It's never... Exactly.
Lauren Shin, stay there.
Blaze TV host.
Amazing lady.
We'll be back.
Pump, pageantry, and armored tanks.
President Trump creates a different kind of fireworks this 4th of July.
In recent years, 4th of July on the National Mall has been a tribute to universal American themes.
The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, a star-spangled civic hymn.
This year, by design, it will be much more about him.
President Trump has decided that this year, the 4th of July, should be for him.
This is a celebration of our nation's history.
This is not a celebration of any particular individual, including I don't think he understands.
This is America's birthday, not his birthday.
This is why the word hijacked is being used.
Donald Trump has hijacked the nation's previously nonpartisan 4th of July celebration.
That effort to hijack July 4th for his own purposes did not go well.
Using patriotism and the military as political props has hijacked a day that should unify Americans.
But it's safe to say unifying Americans is not.
One of Trump's core talents.
Political rally in the middle of D.C.
on 4th of July.
That's just totally improper.
It's just obscene.
And the speech is gonna be dreadful.
They're gonna have their Confederate flags flying and their license plates and all kinds of troublemaking.
Well, let's see.
Let me be subtle here.
At a professional level, 25 years in national security, I hated it.
At a personal level, I hated it more.
I've decided Washington is gonna have a party on the 4th of July.
There will be big parades with floats using a new invention of mine.
This should not be a political event.
Nothing about 4th of July should be reduced to politics.
But he's putting himself at the center of this.
He is, by all accounts, the most polarizing president in modern history.
And simply by his presence, standing in front of one of our most cherished monuments, makes this a very controversial decision.
There's no need for this.
I mean we've celebrated America on 4th of July pretty well.
I think in part this is about a president who's deeply insecure and this is a bit of sort of phony toughness that we've seen out of him.
Sure looks like a partisan re-election rally on public space.
Donald Trump's campaign rally in Washington paid for by the American taxpayer.
A campaign event.
Some kind of a campaign speech.
A political rally.
Partisan event.
Combination Trump rally and Kim Jong-un-style military parade.
The president's vision bears a closer resemblance to the chest-thumping displays put on by authoritarian regimes.
This is the kind of military display that we were used to seeing from the Soviet Union.
I also have some concerns about a president Not celebrating the military, but glorifying military might.
That scares me the most.
I'm just troubled about the militaristic tone of this whole thing.
This reminds me of parades I used to attend in the Soviet Union.
Not the right look for the 4th.
Americans love our freedom and no one will ever take it away from us.
Those words sparking criticism that the president has taken over D.C.' 's 4th of July celebration on the National Mall.
Because the American people are being co-opted into this.
This is their day.
This is the day for America and for every American and yet the American people are being somewhat against their will.
Some of them who are just coming here for the fireworks co-opted to be a part of this.
The nation's birthday is being politicized.
Devotion to our founding ideals led American patriots to abolish the evil of slavery, secure
civil rights, and expand the blessings of liberty to all Americans.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, final segment with our amazing guest, and I promise I'm going to get to all your calls, and I'm going to also have other guests on getting into the Jeffrey Epstein thing.
And this is going to target Trump, the Republicans, or the Democrats?
As we know, it's mainly the Democrats involved, but it looks like they're setting it up for that.
Tommy Robinson convicted of journalism.
The UK is now North Korea, in his words.
And there's a new article, Tommy Robinson's final plea to Trump.
My family needs asylum.
Antifa and Islamists have already been to his house.
They pledged to kill them.
The police said they won't protect them.
I wonder why the left has to, like, cheerlead the destruction of the West.
As hundreds of supporters gathered around London's old Bailey Courthouse awaiting the sentencing of Tommy Robinson, the British patriot made one last plea for help to President Trump.
UK online newspaper caught Tommy on his way to the courthouse on Thursday to ask, "What
is your message to Trump?
Our freedoms are gone.
Don't stand by and watch.
If this was another country other than Britain, everyone would be intervening."
Robinson replied, "Do you think he'll grant you asylum?"
Public Occurrence has asked, to which Tommy responded, "My family needs asylum."
We genuinely need asylum.
This has been a political persecution, a witch hunt by people who want to kill me, but it was orchestrated by my own government.
And you've got Sadiq Khan saying Trump needs to be tried for war crimes or kick him out of the UK or don't want him to come.
And then we just always ignore it and bow down and just let them have the moral high ground.
What's your comment on this, Morgan Chen, and then Ablaze TV, and then is there a way out of this for reconciliation?
With the college and the corporate brainwashing, sensitivity training, leftist cults, where these people just get crazier and crazier.
In the end, I think they're going to lose, but it's so sad that so many people are just wrecking their futures.
Yeah, well I think Sadiq Khan should spend a little bit more time worrying about his city's own stabbing problem.
Spend a little less time trash-talking Trump.
That might be good for London.
But overall, I think Tommy absolutely is right to fear for the safety of his family.
Whether Trump is going to give him specifically asylum, I unfortunately don't really see that happening.
I think there's a lot of diplomatic There are issues there, especially that he's already been convicted, right?
So if the U.S.
were to take him, that just brings up extradition questions.
Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to happen.
I really wish it would, but I guess we'll see.
In terms of his family, though, I absolutely think they should be able to leave.
There are people who their addresses have been doxxed.
He spoke about it.
He's spoken about it in interviews.
They've had to move several times because of all the death threats.
And these aren't just, you know, random trolls on the Internet.
There are people out there that would absolutely be willing to hurt him.
I think we've seen that enough.
I would love to say that we've reached a point where the rational centrist or anyone who
isn't a far-left progressive has gotten tired of all the craziness, the political division,
letting these lunatics run our governments.
I would love to say that it's over, that it's going to stop.
But frankly, and I've talked about this a lot on my show, the way the far left has set
things up, right?
They control media.
They control establishment news.
They control pop culture, TV shows.
They control education, elementary schools, up to colleges.
They really have a good hold on the system right now.
And I think I'm not saying that it's worth stopping fighting or anything like that, but
I think it's going to take a lot more from anyone who's upset about these issues.
I think what you're saying is, we better decide whether we're going to give up or really fight hard.
Because they're duds again, they're trying to cement their takeover.
And I mean, I think we are maybe starting to see cracks, right?
And I think independent media is a huge part of this.
Again, I'll praise independent media for kind of breaking the cycle of control that the establishment has had for so long.
There are a lot of stories, like everything that Tommy's trying to bring awareness to with the whole grooming gangs.
Without people like him, these people would just be completely unaware of what's happening in their own country to their own daughters.
And you always know when somebody's over the target, they're being persecuted.
No, absolutely, and I think it's... the whole thing with Tommy, it should scare people in the UK, not just because you support him or not, but it should scare you that your government treats these ideas with such disdain, right?
Because anything Tommy speaks up against, like, they're not really prosecuting just him, they're trying to make an example of him to anyone who's gonna say the type of things that he does, you know, to raise awareness to the issues that he does, like the gaming, the games, the mass migration, exactly!
So, if you're someone who just casually supports him or agrees with him, whether or not you're his biggest fan, like, this is an attack on you specifically, directly.
In closing, people can find your show, obviously, at BlazeTV.com forward slash Lauren.
You see Pelosi acting like she's dissing herself from AOC, but that's really the globalist policies.
AOC just does it in a ham-fisted way and lies when she gets caught.
Uh, and so, they're trying to act like, oh, you know, the party split.
And I was watching different Democrats on Fox News this morning saying, we all need to come together and be more centrist.
No, the truth is, Republicans have tried to be centrist.
We get drug along and their left is garbage.
And the left now has just run away like a fish with a line in the most extreme insanity.
And so the media is spreading it like, we all need to be less extreme.
Conservatives and Christians and people, we're not extreme.
We're promoting stuff that works, that's tried and true.
Like family, and property, and the right to defense, and borders.
And they're meanwhile saying there's hundreds of genders, and pedophilia's good, and world government's good, and open borders are good, and America sucks.
And then we're like, okay, what's the alternative?
It's just these people, I don't know how they got so whacked out.
Well, I think, I've brought this up too, how the left is going insane, and I've had people say, well, everybody's a little bit more polarized, and et cetera, et cetera.
They've actually done studies.
They track the trends of political opinions in the U.S., and they can prove with data that over the past few decades, the right-wing conservatives, Republican Party, they've remained pretty consistent, right?
Someone who identifies as right-wing now is going to have a lot of common ground with someone who identified right-wing, let's say, 20, 30 years ago.
The same is not, the case is not the same for the left wing.
They actually have demonstrably gone further left than they ever have been.
I mean, we see this with even people like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, you know, there are tapes or Barack Obama of them, you know, maybe 10 years ago talking about the importance of securing the border.
They're not saying that kind of stuff anymore.
One of the only positive things I can say about AOC is I think she is so far left that even Nancy Pelosi and people like that are starting to say, okay, Maybe we need to slow things down a little bit.
That's honestly the only hope I think the Democrats have right now because I think among a very small base of people, these far-left progressives, people like AOC are great, they're amazing, but I think Democratic Party needs to realize that America in general is not woke Twitter.
They need to stop pandering to these people or else they're gonna feel it in elections.
That's right.
And Lauren Chin, thank you so much for coming on.
I love your show and I got a chance to watch it.
I see the clips all over the internet.
People should follow it at BlazeTV.
But when you pull back from all the stuff that's happening, the gatekeepers of the left try to always keep the right wing from talking to each other.
They always lie on everybody else to make sure we're all atomized, we're all balkanized.
And the fact that you and others, like Steven Crowder and others from BlazeTV, you know, buck that trend of control, that is so essential to not letting the left dictate who we talk to and when we talk to them.
So thanks for coming on and have a great week coming up.
For sure, and again, thank you so much for having me.
Thank you.
Lauren Chen joining us from BlazeTV.com forward slash Lauren.
So intellectual.
I know callers have been holding.
I took a lot of calls last hour.
I'll get to your calls coming up.
We've got a special guest joining us.
We're in the middle of a 34-hour broadcast that I intended to be a fundraiser, but I got so busy fighting the globalists, it's my fault.
I didn't even get the directives going to build a page for it and all the rest of it for 1776 worldwide.
I was going to have some action points for the rest of it.
So we're not doing the money bomb today.
We'll do that in a few weeks.
Just straight up donations.
Because we haven't done that in a long time.
And a donation, if we get a dollar, we keep like 95% of it.
Instead of only keeping like 20-30% of it with product sales.
We got a bunch of initiatives that are really important.
But we are doing a fundraiser.
With the 1776 worldwide 34-hour broadcast.
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are 1776 at info war store.com again 1776 worldwide ladies and gentlemen
that's what's all about And whatever you do, we're doing this live feed right past the TV and radio stations as well.
So spread the word about the 1776th Worldwide Broadcast at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
All right, some of your phone calls straight ahead, and at least strain a hand as we go down the Jeffrey Epstein rabbit hole.
Let's talk to Mark.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Washington ordered the declaration read aloud to the troops.
The assembled soldiers just joined an excited crowd running down Broadway.
They toppled a statue of King George and melted it into bullets for battle.
The faraway king would soon learn a timeless lesson about the people of this majestic land.
Americans love our freedom, and no one will ever take it away from us.
This was a exorcism against the New World Order and against the America-hating systems that wanted to moralize us.
This was a very Christian, very Americana, pure Western Renaissance moment.
This was absolutely amazing.
I am so honored by it all that we've come this far together and I know a lot of you are very, very happy right now.
This is a big deal.
On this July 4th, We pay special tribute to the military service members who laid down their lives for our nation.
We are deeply moved to be in the presence this evening of Gold Star families whose loved ones made the supreme sacrifice.
Thank you.
Thank you.
What he invoked, what power he called down, versus the globalists and the corporate media Spending and rolling and spitting and hissing in total abject hatred and the public completely turning against them when they did it.
It is a Rosetta Stone.
President Trump's tweeting about it this morning saying it will be the show of a lifetime.
But will it be the show of unity and patriotism?
Or a show of partisan politics, as a lot of Democratic critics are calling it.
With one describing this as a vanity project.
And to make it into what seems to be kind of a combination Trump rally and Kim Jong-un-style military parade of hardware and equipment.
Presidents don't speak at the 4th of July.
It's the People's Day.
It's not the President's Day.
And he's trying to turn it into something else.
And I just think it's awful.
A window into the good and the bad.
What an incredible time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
What an amazing time.
That same American spirit that emboldened our founders has kept us strong throughout our history.
To this day that spirit runs through the veins of every American patriot.
It lives on in each and every one of you here today.
It is the spirit, daring and defiance, excellence and adventure, courage and confidence, loyalty and love that built this country into the most exceptional nation in the history of the world.
And our nation is stronger today than it ever was before.
It is its strongest now.
Trump almost broke down crying three times, and you could see him gulping back, never seen his body language.
Melania was on fire, like some angelic queen, and was radiating Americana and the love of the country, and they know exactly what they're doing.
And they understand that this is literally a ritual Bringing Christianity back into America, and love of our nation, and love of our people, and unity, the exact opposite of what the globalists are saying, and what the globalists are doing.
And all of the different Christian songs that they played, and invoking God, and invoking Christ, and to see that huge diverse crowd of people out there, wanting to come together, wanting to love the good parts of America, and knowing that Trump's pulling troops out of all these
countries and trying to stop all these big wars has been nominated for a peace prize, which he actually
That's why we then celebrate our military and all of it because the globalists are trying to divide us,
demoralize us, culturally poison us.
1776 Worldwide.
That's a term I coined 15 years ago.
What does it really mean?
It means the idea of American freedom renaissance worldwide.
It doesn't mean we go conquer countries.
It means our superior Western values of true freedom get adopted because, compared to globalism, it's night and day.
We're gonna do a 34-hour special broadcast That kicks off this Thursday morning at 8 a.m.
with David Knight.
Runs right through with me and many others until the next day at 6 p.m.
on The War Room.
We're going to have our crew in D.C.
at the White House Summit on social media.
We're going to be at the after party with all the key folks taking action against censorship and so much more.
So everybody, share that link.
InfoWars.com forward slash show kicking off this Thursday at 8 a.m.
8 a.m. Central at Infowars.com/show. 1776 Worldwide.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation is...
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome into hour number four.
We're going to continue live until 6 p.m.
tomorrow night.
I really appreciate everybody calling in.
Sorry to get to everybody's calls.
I apologize.
Call back later during the next shows and I promise you'll go to the head of the line.
Really appreciate you holding.
I meant to get to you.
We just ran out of time.
Lee Stranahan has worked for liberal newspapers, conservative newspapers.
He is a syndicated radio host out of D.C.
I've been on his show many times.
He's been on with us many times.
And he's a pretty smart guy.
And I found a lot of his research is original and very accurate.
That doesn't mean that his interpretation and my interpretation might be different sometimes.
And I'm also not somebody that tends, when I've worked with somebody, Kind of a weakness I have that I'll then, I don't turn a blind eye, but I have to see a lot of evidence before I get really angry at him.
That said, once I started listening to some of the things that Lee was saying, it reminded me of a bunch of things that quite frankly I'd forgotten.
Because I do so much research, look at so much news, I know so much about the Epstein case the last decade, it gives me a headache.
And then a lot of the stuff he brought up, I'd forgotten and I went and looked it up and it was true.
Now clearly Epstein was working for some branch of intelligence.
Foreign intelligence?
We're not sure.
He was working with Mueller.
Mueller had him as an informant.
He was protecting him.
Bill Clinton was the one on the airplane with a bunch of Democrats.
Some Republicans.
I've not seen any evidence of Trump.
I'm not just defending Trump.
All this Epstein crap was out before I even endorsed Trump I went and looked it up.
So I'm not in some exercise to protect Trump.
But what I want to know from Lee Stranahan, and I'm going to have other guests on about this, with different views, we're going to try to suss this out, is who is the media going to try to target with all this?
Why did he get busted last week?
Why did he get raided when he had been given a pass by the state prosecutors, the local prosecutors, and then given a mild sentence by the U.S.
At that time, under George W. Bush and then Obama.
Why had all that gone on?
I'm not defending the guy that was, you know, the Fed that gave the quasi-pass, who's now the head of labor.
I'm just saying, I don't see him as the villain in all this.
I see the people trafficking the kids on the planes, those that were involved.
But the media tends to be focusing off on Trump and his cabinet appointment.
So obviously that's partisanship.
It's the same media that tells you nobody was there at the 4th of July rally.
It's the same media that says Trump raped all these women.
It turns out it's not true.
Same media says that, just outrageous stuff about me.
But what I want to understand is, who are the different cogs in this machine?
Because I like Lee Stranahan.
I like Mike Cernovich, who's been on the show many times.
Broken a lot of big news.
You know, defended me when they've made up lies about me.
But I knew that it was Dershowitz.
I saw him on Fox News months ago, four or five months ago, saying, I have sued one of Epstein's reported victims because, and Lee's the factoid guy.
He has it all in a list in front of him.
I'm going from memory here.
So correct me if I'm wrong.
Anytime, Lee, just jump in.
I'm about to go to you.
I have sued this woman to release documents to show I'm not in them.
I'm like, great.
Then Cernovich and others joined that suit. It comes out and then right away
when that information comes out three or four days later Epstein gets grabbed or
two or three days later. Well the media took that as if well this lawsuit is
what triggered Epstein being grabbed the street even though it was already great
pressure. It's not about saying who gets credit for it, who doesn't get credit for
it. It's about understanding why we've heard in the media that it was what Alan
Dershowitz did that caused the raid. Alan Dershowitz has been the lawyer by
the way we should add of Jeffrey Epstein. That's why this gives me a headache.
There's so many angles, and you know, the new thing we're in, Coulter's basically saying, this is really suspicious, Alan Dershowitz is saying, well I was at his house, his seven-story pleasure compound in New York, and an old German woman gave me a massage, not a young girl, and you know, I had my underwear on.
Well, okay.
All I'm saying is, What really happened with Epstein?
Who did he really work for?
And then what's all this corollary stuff with Alan Dershowitz and the media saying that's what triggered this new bust?
And then you've got, you've got Comey's daughter as the prosecutor?
I mean it gives, like I said, I'm not accusing anybody of anything.
I know the Clintons are heavily into sex trafficking.
I know they're into corruption.
I know that's a secret sauce they use as an underworld currency.
We've trailblazed that.
The specifics, though, of who's who and what's going on, I'm not sure of it.
I don't want to misstep or accuse anybody here.
So, Stranahan, we're going to break in four minutes.
Try in this segment and the next as quickly as you can to kind of talk about what we do know and why the rollout of all this you think is fishy.
Well, yeah, so let me talk about this for a second, Alex, and I gotta say, you're definitely ahead of me in this stuff, because this is one of those stories, and you know how it's like, you can only focus on so much, right?
This is one of those stories that, to me at first, was like the Stormy Daniels story, in that it's a tawdry story, but it didn't seem that, you know, like it's bad for the Clintons, but I didn't really know much about it, didn't focus on it.
Then when I started to look into it, after this recent arrest and everything, people were coming to me, they're going, well, the media is cutting out Cernovich.
And I'm, I don't think anybody, I think if you, if you do work on a story, you should get credit for it, period.
And, and so... And I've given Cernovich tons of credit.
I'm not here mad because he's gotten a bunch of credit.
More power to it.
I'm not, I'm not either.
But when I looked into it, here's what I found.
So let's talk about the facts that we know for sure.
First off, as you just put up, Acosta, the Labor Secretary, and this is why I agree with you, I think Acosta is the patsy right now.
Let me explain.
I'm not trying to justify or anything, but to me he's the patsy and here's why.
It was reported by no less than the Daily Beast, not exactly a pro-Trump source, that Acosta was told, as you reported also on InfoWars, Acosta was told Leave Epstein alone, he's intelligence.
That's what we've been reported, right?
Now, if that's the case, that Epstein is intelligence, let's ask ourselves a question.
Who else uses, do intelligence agencies want to blackmail people?
Of course they do.
Do we know for a fact That Epstein had cameras and was videotaping people in this pleasure palace, in these massage rooms.
Yes, we know that too.
That is a matter of public record, right?
When you get the intelligence agencies involved, Alex, there's going to be a lot of disinformation and misinformation, and it's not going to be directed at one side.
It'll be directed very, you know, you know how the CIA works, right?
They're experts at this.
You know how the deep state works.
You know how British intelligence works.
This is an information campaign.
So what I looked into was, I looked into, okay, Cernovich is saying he did this, let me look into that.
Dershowitz is saying this, let me look into that.
And base, here's what we know for sure.
First off, Jeffrey Epstein got a sweetheart deal that you mentioned, and that deal was sealed.
Now, did Alan Dershowitz or Mike Cernovich get that deal unsealed.
No, they did not.
They don't even claim to.
What they did was they got involved in the civil suit between one of Epstein's victims and this woman, Giselle Maxwell.
Now, by the way, let me just do a quick parenthetical.
Her father was Robert Maxwell.
And Alex, I think you know who Robert Maxwell is.
He is a All the stories say an MI6 agent and a Mossad agent who was a big media mogul in Great Britain.
That's the father.
Of the girlfriend that Epstein was using to procure women with.
His girlfriend 20 years ago, when a lot of this stuff was going on.
That's her father, Robert Maxwell, who died under mysterious circumstances in 1991.
We got spooks crawling out of the walls here.
Let's come back and talk about this and what this really means and who Epstein was really working with and how they're gonna try to frame Trump and Acosta and others on the other side and then how Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace.
And there's no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable.
We're gonna shut them down!
And work with whoever it is to shut them down and they should be prosecuted.
These women were being told by CBP officers to drink out of the toilet.
Uh, excuse me.
I think this might be Gatorade or something.
I was just looking for some regular water.
You mean like in the toilet?
One of the women said that she was told by an agent to drink water out of the toilet.
What for?
Just to drink.
Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet.
What you're saying is that you want us to put water on the crops?
Like out the toilet?
Well, I mean, it doesn't have to be out of the toilet, but yeah, that's the idea.
Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet.
Do you think that we should be using more Brondo on the crops in Africa to help alleviate the food shortage and the droughts over there?
Any other comments on the Brondo being used in Africa that's helping the crops?
Definitely if they got it over there, they should get more out there to help them out and get the resources they need to stay healthy and alive.
More Brondo.
It's got electrolytes and what plants need.
For the last time, I'm pretty sure what's killing the crops is this Brando stuff.
But Brando's got what plants crave.
It's got electrolytes.
Now, I'm no botanist, but I do know that if you put water on plants, they grow.
Well, I've never seen no plants grow out of no toilet.
Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet.
Yeah, that's good.
You sure you ain't the smartest guy in the world?
Out of the toilet.
out of the toilet.
Melatonin is on average $19.95 a bottle.
And a lot of it is not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have making it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, just make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you can actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleep.
Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
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I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
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This is insane.
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Of the chamomile, the lemon balm, the L-tryptophan, the valerian root, the melatonin, and several other ingredients.
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But thank you for committing.
To get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing millions and then, you know, funding race war.
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It's called "Report Your Show."
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the 1776 Worldwide Special 34-Hour Broadcast.
Big sensors, big tech.
Hope she won't spread the live links via her email, More and more you can't do it online at Google or YouTube or Twitter or Apple or Facebook because they'll block you.
Speaking of that, this has been going on about 30-40 minutes.
Something is technically wrong.
Worldwide outage.
Thanks for noticing.
We're going to fix it up and we have things back to normal.
Got a little Mark Zuckerberg, even though it's Twitter, they've still got Mark Zuckerberg as their little...
I guess you'd call it mascot right there.
I'm being sarcastic.
They all say he's a robot or an alien.
But getting serious.
Turned out that Mark Zuckerberg has had bots and hundreds of employees tracking people for years that claim he's an alien.
I never really thought it until now.
We'll talk about that some towards the end of the broadcast.
But here's what's serious.
Twitter down.
Site not working for users around the world.
Started about 45 minutes ago.
And some are saying Twitter's showing Trump who's boss.
Because that's how he communicates, is on Twitter.
And Trump, there's been radio silence so far for a press conference or an event.
Or maybe the whole NSA, big telecoms, that Obama put an internet kill switch in.
Maybe they're showing Twitter who's boss.
A very interesting coincidence.
Not a lot of stuff's coincidental, but a long time since Twitter was completely down worldwide.
Trump has said that Jack Dorsey's a liar.
He said that Jack Dorsey is engaged in criminal activity.
He promised to take action against them.
And then now Twitter is down worldwide.
What do you make of that?
Well, one of the things I should point out, Alex, is about the same time that the Twitter outage happened, this social media summit started at the White House, just a mile or so away from where I am.
And at the White House, they're having this big social media summit.
Of course, Twitter is a major part of the social media infrastructure in this country.
So I find it very interesting.
I think we could find, for instance, that it's possible that hackers took down Twitter To call attention to the social media summit or something.
But I find that outage very, very interesting as well.
So let's talk, let's make sure, let's go back to, can we go back to the Epstein stuff for a second?
Yes, let's go right back to that.
Yeah, because there's a ton of stuff here and it doesn't... That's why you're on.
I just am trying to cover up the Epstein stuff by diverting with Twitter down.
That's why I personally took... No, no, no, I think... That's why I took Twitter down.
No, no, Lee, I'm not... No, I agree.
I'm not accusing you of that.
I'm joking.
It's pretty insane, though.
What do you think is happening with Twitter?
Then we'll get back to Epstein.
Yeah, so yeah, I think, I think the, what I think of Twitter, right, see the problem is I've been using Twitter for a long time, and the danger is that I like it, I think it's an important part of, as, let me just say this, as a journalist, Alex, you know this, most people who are in the audience don't experience this, you have to be on Twitter if you're a journalist.
Because right now, it used to be 15 years ago, people would do press releases if they announced a death or a divorce.
Now they do a tweet, right?
So literally, the way to get news first, you have to go to Twitter.
I consider Instagram or Facebook, you know, it can be on it or not.
If you're a journalist, you have to be on Twitter.
And I'll tell you what they do that really bugs me, Alex.
I, on one hand, I don't like any form of censorship.
So if, let's say Roger Stone, our mutual acquaintance Roger Stone, I love, you know, Roger, I'm friends with Roger, and I don't like the fact that they took his account.
But what I don't like more is that they erased the account that existed.
In other words, if they'd said, hey Roger, we don't like what you're doing, or Alex, we don't like what you're doing, or whoever.
No, instead it's like burning all the books an author ever wrote if he gets in trouble for something.
Now we destroy his whole record so he can now lie about his record.
That's exactly right.
So I want to be able to see...
What you said or what Roger said or whoever, anybody, I want to be able to see what they said and then I can decide for myself.
They've made it much more difficult.
You can't use the Twitter search engine to find and they did it to Roger before a federal indictment came down against him.
That hinges on, don't forget Mueller and other media have lied about what he said, that time in the barrel line.
They misquoted.
No, exactly.
And I want to get back to Epstein because you're right.
This is the big firestorm.
The left's acting like they think it's going to bring down Trump.
You've got Comey's daughter in there.
I mean, are they crazy enough when they're all the known pedophiles to try this on Trump?
And then what do you make of the media giving credit to Dershowitz for when he brings out this stuff on a civil suit, not bringing out the stuff that was in the criminal file?
Why are you concerned about that?
Well, here's my big concern, and I don't know whether Alan Dershowitz is guilty, but I absolutely know this.
He's been accused by multiple people, separately.
Of knowing about the Epstein situation or participating in it.
More than one victim has said Dershowitz knew and Dershowitz was there.
Now I don't make any claim as to whether they're telling the truth or they're false.
And he's not been charged.
He absolutely is innocent until proven guilty.
But I do know that he's on a major PR campaign and that he was trying to get that material in this civil suit, not the criminal suit, released because A, because he's been accused, and B, he's an Epstein attorney and an Epstein friend.
Now, I also know that an attorney named Mark Randazza is the guy who, and this is on the record, Mark Randazza, he has a blog called Legal Satiricon.
He is pro-Dershowitz and has written a blog post that said, I don't think, I think these are absurd charges.
He did that a couple of years ago.
Sure, let me just throw in, Mark Randazza has represented me on, like, Pepe the Frog.
He's a big First Amendment lawyer.
That's right.
You know Mark, but, and I'm not knocking it, I know Mark.
He is a First Amendment lawyer.
He's on all kinds of clients, including Mike Cernovich.
And Cernovich said the other night that the way he got involved in the Epstein case was that his lawyer, and by the way, Mark is the lawyer of record, Mike did not file Randaz is the one who contacted Mike and said, do you want to get involved in this?
So it's not something Mike came up with on his own.
Now, that's all again, that's all fine.
And if someone wants to take the position that they think that Alan Dershowitz is innocent, they should.
I'm in favor of that.
They should feel free to do that.
What I don't like is this sort of Uh, misinformation, where a lot of people think, and Mike has said it, that because he filed, which again, Randazza did, and Mike has said, the lawyer contacted him, that's why it happened.
That's why this whole criminal case happened.
I don't think so.
And I think it's a distraction from, let's go back to the big story.
Let's think about this, Alex.
If Jeff Epstein Is intelligence, as the Daily Beast has reported, Acosta was told.
This becomes a story.
I want you to think about this.
How many Americans, Alex, whether they're Democrats or Republicans, left or right, want the U.S.
government supporting and protecting child molesters?
In the name of national security.
That is insane.
No, I think 90% are against it.
I mean, a good third of Democrats support it.
That's their religion.
But yeah, 90% of the public would be against the Democrat religion.
Well, no, that's exactly right.
And because they don't know about it.
So if this Acosta thing that came out in the Daily Beast, and again, that's a mainstream... But tie this together for me, because...
When we come back, why it's a big deal that Cernovich did this suit?
I'm not saying you're wrong, but like, who do you think's really behind it?
What's really going on?
Why is this Cernovich thing a big deal that he sued to get documents released?
By the way, I was just notified that Ross Perot has died at the age of 89.
And of course, remember him for his runs of the presidency, but especially for his opposition to NAFTA.
He accurately predicted exactly what was going to happen with NAFTA.
And of course, George H.W.
Bush and Bill Clinton, they were both on board with it.
So there wasn't any discussion between the two of them.
Ross Perot had this to say about it.
Run the clip.
We have got to stop sending jobs overseas.
To those of you in the audience who are business people, Pretty simple.
If you're paying $12, $13, $14 an hour for factory workers, and you can move your factory south of the border, pay $1 an hour for labor, hire a young 25... Let's assume you've been in business for a long time, you've got a mature workforce.
Pay $1 an hour for your labor, have no health care, that's the most expensive single element, making a car, have no environmental controls, no pollution controls, and no retirement, And you don't care about anything but making money, there will be a giant sucking sound going south.
I'm the only guy that talks numbers.
I love this.
Nobody else will even talk about it.
As I've said, it's like a crazy aunt in the basement.
Everybody knows she's there, but nobody talks about her.
I'm talking about it.
Then I can talk, you know, with endless numbers about it.
And then when I finish, typically the establishment press said, he didn't tell us enough.
Now, just for the record, I don't have any spin doctors.
I don't have any speech writers.
Probably shows.
Would you guys ever do anything but propaganda?
Isn't it your business also?
Would you even know the truth if you saw it?
Oh, yes I... I don't believe you would.
Now, when you've got a 7 to 1 wage differential between the United States and Mexico, you will hear the giant sucking sound.
That's right.
Look at wage costs, look at the lack of regulation, lack of health care costs.
That's basically what's happened with China as well.
The giant sucking sound of money going south.
And of course he was absolutely right.
We've had a rough parity of trade deficits between the U.S.
and Mexico, for example.
It fluctuated from between two and five billion dollars each year.
Some years, the U.S.
would be ahead.
Some years, Mexico would be ahead.
But it never fluctuated by more than two to five billion dollars with one country some years ahead and another year the other country would have a surplus of trade.
But after NAFTA was passed, The trade deficit with Mexico immediately jumped.
Remember, it was trading in the 2 to 5, plus or minus 2 to 5 billion dollars.
It jumped to 17 billion dollars.
And it stayed there for the next two or three years.
And it never got any lower than a $17 billion deficit.
So you had a situation where, you know, some years we had a $2 to $5 billion trade surplus with Mexico.
Some years they had the surplus with us.
But it always was $2 to $5 billion.
It jumps to $17 billion.
It got as high as $72 billion.
But it's now typically about, you know, 50-60 billion dollars a year.
That is what is called a giant sucking sound.
And of course, the establishment, both Democrat and Republican, was full on to go with that.
And that's why these people hate President Trump so much.
Because he said, we're not going to let that sucking continue.
It's gotten much bigger.
The problem has gotten much bigger with China.
They all come after President Trump.
Say, look at this!
He invented tariffs!
No, he didn't!
Tariffs invented the United States, quite frankly.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Now, Lee Stranahan got interrupted by my Twitter outage, and so that got us off the rails there, but Twitter is completely down right now.
All Trump's big social media summits unfolding.
We're going to be tracking this throughout the evening.
We've got eight different crew members, three different reporters, or four different reporters on the ground in D.C.
So much coming up.
The War Room, here in about 25 minutes.
Lee Stranahan is a syndicated radio host out of D.C.
Lee, talk to me like I'm five years old, because I saw the 11-minute piece on Uh, Periscope, and it made sense, it was interesting, so I wanted to get where you were going, but tell us kind of your summation up front, your opening statement, and then where you're going, because, okay, Ellen Dershowitz was the lawyer, and Ann Coulter sure thinks it's weird, we'll play a clip of her in a moment, 4F's team has said, hey, I was with one of the young girls, I was with an old lady, but I was wearing my underwear, she gave me a massage.
Okay, I get it.
You know, they have people, masseuses come and give massages.
I'm not saying he's guilty of pedophilia because he was a lawyer for Epstein.
But then you're saying, hey, the media, everybody's giving Cernovich credit because they won their suit to release stuff on one of the victims.
They thought to prove that Dershowitz hadn't done anything.
I've been accused a lot of fake stuff, too.
I say more power to him.
But then how does that tie into the media and what really came out and why the feds really went after Epstein last Friday?
So quantify what you think's really going on here because I'm not smart enough with all the looking at each angle and this and that to know what you're getting at.
Okay, so here's what it is.
Alan Dershowitz, 100%, there's no doubt, he is currently doing a PR campaign to say that this victim is lying about him.
There's no question about that.
Now, how's he doing it?
He was on The View two days ago.
Now, he's also using Cernovich, and he's got multiple people, he's friends with Joel Pollack over at Breitbart News, who used to be a research assistant for him.
Here's what Alan Dershowitz is doing.
He is doing a PR campaign to say, this victim of Epstein's is lying about me, Alan Dershowitz.
Whether that's true or not, he's doing that PR campaign.
And he's doing it, directing it at people on the right.
Why people on the right?
Because ultimately, and look at Dershowitz since the election.
He realizes that it's smart to get Trump on his side.
Therefore, if he gets Trump supporters on his side, and again, not saying he's innocent or guilty, saying that's factually true, he wants to get people who are Trump supporters on his side.
Because Trump's president.
He also wants to get women on his side to have a shadow of a doubt.
Maybe Alan Dershowitz didn't do it, you know, and people should be skeptical.
But what he's doing, he's a Epstein lawyer who has come out and said, we don't know.
But I don't.
He said, I don't know what Jeff Epstein's done.
And so therefore, that's his position.
OK, that's fine.
What I'm suggesting is part of what he's doing is doing a PR campaign to misdirect people.
And here's the danger.
Let's talk about the danger of this whole thing.
First off, As we talked about at the top of the segment, if Epstein is connected to intelligence, Alex, this is the biggest buried story in the country right now.
Because it means a child molester, convicted child molester, was being backed by intelligence agencies, including, but here's the, let's just stop everything.
Alex Acosta, forgive me, Acosta said that he was told by somebody, back off.
Now, If that's true, that he was told that, here's the obvious next question.
Who told you that?
You were told to back off on Jeff Epstein?
Who told you?
I haven't seen anybody in the media asking that question of Acosta.
Who told you that?
Because Alex, think about this.
Let's say he was told that by Robert Mueller.
That's gigantic news, right?
Let's say he was told that by, name anybody, we want to know who it is.
Yeah, we want to know, well listen, if you had started the interview out, and I have you on because you're a smart guy, I want to hear all the pieces, with hey, he obviously works for an intelligence agent, maybe the Israelis, the FBI, the U.S.
Clearly that's going on.
We want to know exactly who he's been protected.
Obviously I agree with you that so far Alexander Acosta is the scapegoat.
He was ordered to do this.
The guy got some jail time.
I think that's a distraction.
They're trying to blame Trump.
They found some evidence.
Walk the plank Trump.
But we don't see that yet.
I was wondering as you were focusing so much on Alan Dershowitz and then on Well, here's the thing.
journalist who got approached by a lawyer, hey, let's find out what's really in these
I mean, I see that as being pretty reasonable, unless you've got some other angle that's
I'm just wondering why the front-loading about Alan Dershowitz.
And I'm not saying it's bad to do that.
Alan Dershowitz and, of course, Mike Cernovich.
Well, here's the thing.
Let's talk about where Alan Dershowitz fits in the political universe.
One thing that I've noticed here is that Alan Dershowitz, and again, I'm not somebody who's
overly critical of Israel, but I see the role that the Zionist lobby has in this country
at AIPAC and stuff like that.
And I've covered, and again, I've worked with Breitbart and stuff like that.
So I'm aware of how that goes.
But Alan Dershowitz has a purpose in that.
He is always brought out as an advocate For the state of Israel.
He's brought out there.
Now, if in fact, Alex, it turns out that Epstein was a Mossad agent, as multiple reports are suggesting, Then, is it possible, again, there's a disinformation campaign here, that Dershowitz is part of some general disinformation campaign to make Acosta the patsy?
I'm using that term because, of course, Oswald used that.
And that's kind of how I see Acosta right now.
He's the guy who everybody's focused on.
But here's the question.
Who told Acosta that This guy was intelligence.
And let's find out who that is and say, intelligence for who?
No, I agree.
Acosta needs to say who told him to back off.
And then he refused to back off and got the bare minimum he could.
Because I saw that press conference where they're like, how dare you tell the Justice Department and your agency signed over control three years ago when you took over to make sure every family is vetted that it's actually their kids and that criminal charges be on smugglers.
And Acosta goes, how is that bad?
I haven't, and I'm not just here defending Trump because he appointed Acosta.
I just, it's obvious they're trying to crucify this guy.
It is, and like I say, when I see the information that's come out, I just go, and again, you know, as soon as you talk about Zionism or stuff like that, people get freaked out about it, but again, I'm not somebody who's anti-Semitic, I'm not somebody, like I say, who's got a built-in spy.
No, no, I'm not anti-Israel myself, but Israel has a bunch of spy agencies, and they've been caught a bunch doing it in the U.S., and Epstein has all the trappings of being multiple intelligence agency cutout.
We know he was working for Mueller.
And if you look at his connections, such as this guy Wes Lexer, for instance.
He's the guy from Victoria's Secret, The Limited.
He's a big billionaire.
He was the guy who seems to be Jeffrey Epstein's only client.
Yeah, sure.
Epstein's not really a billionaire.
He looks like a classic cut-up.
Right, exactly right.
And so what I'm suggesting is, if Alan Dershowitz, who is a advocate for the state of Israel, like, almost officially, you know, he's brought out on CNN, if he's covering for a Mossad agent, That's significant, right?
In the same way that if he was connected to the CIA and covering for CIA... Sure, sure, but I mean, give me the Mossad connections because there might be some, there's some there, but it's admitted that Epstein was an informant to the FBI and Robert Mueller, so why are we going with... I'm not defending Israel, they did it fine.
Israel certainly runs sex operatives, that's well known, but what about the FBI?
It's a great way.
The FBI is a huge factor in here and of course they work together.
Look, we see this in the Trump-Russia collusion, Alex.
Who shows up all the time?
British intelligence, right?
Uh, a certain amount of Israeli intelligence and people connected to Ukraine.
The Israeli intelligence is connected to this anti-Putin drive.
Because don't forget, they were not using the intelligence.
Sure, they're using the State Department money in Ukraine.
They're using that as to muddy and fence what the intelligence agency is doing.
I think it's the State Department.
Here's the Mossad connection.
Remember, the girlfriend right there you're showing it.
That arrow is pointing to Giselle Maxwell.
That's, that's Dempsey's pimp.
And she, right, exactly right.
And she is at the front row of Chelsea Clinton's wedding.
Front row.
Giselle Maxwell's father is Robert Maxwell.
There's a book out on Amazon called... No, I'm just saying her dad was a famous Israeli spy chief, British spy guy.
Maxwell is alleged to be...
Mossad and MI6.
He died under mysterious circumstances in 1991.
Okay, Lee, this is all interesting and it's good food for thought.
But who are they going to blame for Epstein?
How are they going to cover up it's mainly Democrats?
What about that time bomb?
I really want to focus on that.
And again, I appreciate you coming on.
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Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
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Otherwise, they will never change.
And they would become the big tech oligarchs, equivalent to the big trusts of the 19th century, who ran American politics and ran American economy almost into the ground until we were able to recover after the Great Depression.
And let's be absolutely crystal clear here.
Big railroads and big steel and big oil had Pinkerton security, killed thousands, were horribly corrupt, gouged small-time farmers, ran all sorts of scams.
But they weren't reading all your mail.
They didn't know what bra size your wife wears or what size tampons and what you like to watch porn-wise.
They didn't know what was in your bank account.
They didn't know what God you worship or don't worship.
This is omnipresent level abuse and coupled with the monopolies, it is the ultimate Mark of the Beast style nightmare system.
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That is why it was the target for a totalitarian, authoritarian, control-oriented, big tech, big media collusion.
They used our openness as our weakness.
And it's real collusion.
Real collusion is big tech and big media manipulating and working with each other to try to meddle with elections, to try to shape people's thoughts.
It's the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I promise.
Well, I gotta tell you, my interest has really peaked.
I got a call from more than 10 people that got invitations to the Trump social media
summit that's ongoing as we speak at the White House.
And there is a lot of media speculation on what's going on.
But now we see President Trump delivers remarks at the Presidential Social Media Summit.
We're going to post that on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And when Will Johnson takes over here in just about 13 minutes for the War Room for Owen Schroyer, he is going to be co-hosting.
Owen is on the ground.
In DC, Millie Weaver, Kaitlin Bennett, all of our crews are there and they're going to have live feeds in as folks come out, but I'm getting some very interesting intel.
From the inside there, Trump's over an hour past when he was said they were going to start doing some live streaming.
So I would imagine you'll see a speech from him for maybe 30 minutes.
We'll cover that next hour at Infowars.com forward slash show.
We're in the middle of 1776 worldwide special broadcast for the summit that runs through 6 p.m.
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And there's an article on the front page of InfoWars.com we can put up for TV viewers.
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Live coverage of President Trump's social media summit from Washington.
NewsWorse.com enforces a team of eight reporters on the ground in D.C.
as part of our special 34-hour broadcast.
Let's say a crew of eight.
And again, NewsWorse.com doesn't get blocked by the filters as much, so share that live feed off of that page.
And I am excited because Trump says he's going to take action.
The big tech's about to get it.
He always has meetings with them first, hopes they'll back off.
Now they haven't backed off.
Now he's having meetings with the people that have been victimized.
And so now I look for action.
Clearly the left has gone completely insane.
They are engaged in all sorts of criminal activity and it's one hell of a time to be alive.
Lee Stranahan, just 35,000 foot view on this.
He's an investigative journalist who's been studying all the different factoids involved.
Clearly, I think what you're getting at is, Alan Dershowitz was his lawyer.
Alan Dershowitz admits, we'll play the clip in a moment, that he was in his underwear with an old quote German woman massaging.
And then you've got another journalist over here whose lawyer, who's friends with Dershowitz, contacts him.
And says, hey, we ought to do this suit against one of the victims, because Dershowitz says it's bull.
We need a third party to get this out.
And then they get the third party stuff, and it doesn't show Dershowitz in it.
And believe me, I've been falsely accused of stuff, too.
So you start seeing everything as a nail when you're a hammer.
But I also wasn't Epstein's lawyer.
But you know, people deserve lawyers.
So I'm not accusing anybody here, but I get your point.
Why is everything in the news about Alan Dershowitz, and about, oh my god, he exposed Epstein, now Epstein's been arrested, thanks to Cernovich, when as you pointed out, the FBI raided him because it's all over the news, the cover-up, we've been hammering it.
So I just think, you're irritated because what's in the media about why this happened isn't a fact.
A, is that true?
And then B, Why then did the FBI raid them last week?
Well, so I, it irritates, I get, I get mad.
First off, I'm not trying to take credit for anything.
As I said, I didn't, wasn't looking at this story.
Then when I started to look at it, some stuff was so obvious to me, like for instance, whatever, again, I'm not saying Alan Dershowitz is guilty of anything, but he's clearly still an advocate for Epstein, right?
Right or wrong, he's an advocate for Epstein and is out there in public saying stuff.
Well, we don't really know that this happened or that happened.
Second, you've had lawyers.
How many of your lawyers have you said, hey, if you want a massage, I'm just saying that's so Dershowitz is more than a lawyer, right?
He's a guy who's getting a massage at Epstein's house.
I'm not having massages with my lawyers.
That's right.
It's an odd thing to do.
And let me point out the other thing, Alex, especially since you're doing this 1776 event, which is so important.
Let me talk about why InfoWars is really important.
There's plenty of sites out there that have news.
You are one of the few sites, Alex, especially from a pro-liberty viewpoint, Some sites on the left are pretty good about this, you know, Consortium News or whatever, about covering the history of the CIA.
You're one of the few sites that's a pro-liberty site who's talked about Project Mockingbird, who's talked about Northwoods, who's talked about all these historical examples going back decades.
Now, why do I bring this up?
What you know, Alex, and what I know, because we know the history of these intelligence agencies, as soon as you find out the CIA is involved, you need to be very careful, because they want to control the information space.
What you're saying is, why is the media making it Dershowitz on the radar as a good guy, and then we've got, over here, Acosta as the bad guy?
Clearly, the media, whether Dershowitz is involved or not, is trying to make it about Trump.
That's right.
And they're also trying to make it about, like, if the result here is Epstein gets another sweetheart deal, basically, people need to really watch this case.
Because if it's intelligence, you're not going to get the truth.
And by the way, nobody should take anything.
It's one of those, trust no one.
Obviously, when you say intelligence, it's Mafia's in the government, interfacing with intelligence
Clearly it was a giant blackmail scheme.
That's how the Clintons operate.
We know this.
It's how the deep state's been operating.
It's how the Bush's have been operating.
So I don't think there's any doubt that Epstein was kind of a master procurer or familiar
to organize all of this.
The question is, who are the big players on the deep state?
I think we already know so so I was getting irritated earlier to saying why is Alan Dershowitz the focus or any of this but but but I get what you're saying is they're using that as the distraction because Clearly that's not why they rated Epstein because they got this lawsuit info.
They already had a lot of their info most that was already in the public so Let's give an example of who they're not talking about.
Have you heard anybody talking about Bill Richardson, the former governor of New Mexico?
On the board of Genie Energy, who's in Epstein's black book.
There's not a question in the world.
He's on the flight logs.
Bill Richardson is a major political player.
He is at APCO.
APCO, worldwide, is a big lobbying company.
The guy who's also at APCO, Jonathan Weiner, he's the guy who brought Christopher Steele into this.
These are all the players, Alex, that went on the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy theory.
Those lies about that, those people connect, including Maxwell.
By the way, you've heard me talk about this guy, Bill Browder.
His Maxwell, Gesale Maxwell, was Epstein's girlfriend, procurer.
Robert Maxwell was Bill Browder's mentor.
All of these people, you mentioned Comey, you mentioned Mueller.
It's not an accident.
Well, no, exactly.
The classic deep state is to use underage people to set everybody up.
That is the standard deal for corrupt Western intelligence agencies.
And it's amazing.
Places like China, they just threaten to kill your family.
All right, well, it was good talking to you.
Lee Stranahan from Fault Lines.
Twitter is back up.
People can find your info there.
Feel free to post any of this you want, my friend.
And thanks for coming on.
Very informative.
Thanks, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
And again, keep up the great work.
Obviously, you know this.
You and the work that your audience is doing is very important in this time of disinformation.
So thanks again.
Well, I appreciate you.
We don't have all the answers.
We're trying to figure it out.
I respect you.
I think you're a great guy.
Coming up, Bill Johnson's going to be host for the next three hours of The War Room.
I'll be back tonight.
This is a 34-hour emergency, 1776 Worldwide Broadcast.
We have a satellite feed and we have a WhiteHouse.gov feed.
As soon as the President gives a speech at the summit, he's live right now.
Okay, well, let's go out to break with this.
Not the greatest.
I wouldn't say the greatest.
But you know what he was great at?
He was always looking at his computer screen.
I said, that guy's incredible.
So right at the beginning, I said, that's the man.
And there was nobody better at that.
And I think Hillary had 28 people and I had Dan.
All right, we've got radio and TV stations that have to take breaks.
We're back in two minutes.
Trump's doing some pleasantries right now.
You'll get to see a lot of the folks that are there.
A lot of people didn't say they were going because they knew the media would target them.
So this will be great for people watching and more.
We've got people inside, outside, everything.
We'll have it all InfoWars.com, Portslash Show, and the live feeds without us talking.
Will Johnson's coming up in just two minutes.
We'll go right to this.
During the President's speech and questions, then Will Johnson will have a commentary.
But please don't forget, store-wide, we've got 75-25% off 1776 special and a bunch of other specials at mfortwarsstore.com.
That's how we fund ourselves, but whatever you do, tell folks about the live feed at mfortwars.com forward slash show.
So the War Room with Will Johnson, our whole crew's on the ground in D.C.
It's all coming up in T-minus two minutes on the live feed of the President.
Stay with us.
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