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Name: 20190708_Mon_Alex
Air Date: July 8, 2019
3457 lines.

In "The Alex Jones Show," Jones discusses a variety of topics including earthquakes, global conspiracy theories, child abuse, borders and immigration, trade deficits, InfoWars, and censorship. He promotes various products such as Heart and Body Extract and Ultra 12 while advocating for freedom of press and speech. He supports open immigration while advocating for secure borders and criticizes tariffs. Jones accuses American and European companies of exploiting Chinese labor to manufacture goods cheaply and urges listeners to support InfoWars financially.

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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm watching the midterms.
Man, you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You wanna drop?
You wanna drop?
Who are the president?
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
Mega massive earthquakes are a real possibility and in the near future a certainty.
The world is a place of hope.
(upbeat music)
World government is in crisis.
Nation states are under assault from within and without.
Giant pedophile rings controlling the deep state are now being exposed.
This is one incredible time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm very honored to be here on this live Monday, July 8th, 2019 transmission.
Where to start?
I was out in the heat this morning, hiking around, and I wasn't sweating.
But as soon as I got in here and looked at all these stories, and I've been getting ready for the broadcast since 6 a.m., off and on, I started sweating, even though it's probably 69 degrees in here, with all this equipment.
It's a little bit hotter, all the lights.
And that's because when you read about them keeping babies alive and selling their organs, that's back in the news, and it's being normalized, you're supposed to start sweating.
That's your body metabolic system saying we're all under threat.
You ever been in a slaughterhouse?
You ever seen footage you want?
The cows start freaking out, yelling, mooing as the other ones get sent down the chute.
They get hit in the head by a big air pump jack hammer in the head.
And then big chains haul them up by their hind legs and they get their throats slit by a big machine.
The other cows start freaking out trying to get out of there.
Well, I'm sitting here watching a giant world government kill grid being built, and the globalists using weaponized scientific mind control to turn a large part of the population into basically undead, foaming at the mouth, anti-human zombies, who walk around talking about killing children all day.
We're in a science fiction movie, and I'm sweating.
I guess it's like a mini anxiety attack I have now.
Every time I get in here, I get ready to go on air because my brain, my metabolic system, my central nervous system is like, you better get this right, buddy.
Because I'm facing reality.
I'm living in the real world.
I was sitting out with Robert Barnes when he was here in town in 98 degree heat one afternoon at the shooting range.
They have an outdoor smoking for cigar lounge.
You're like, look, you're not sweating, Alex.
98 degree heat, but I'm sweating in here.
You know why?
We're in the cockpit.
And the energy from all of the planets flowing through and out.
And we are at the center of the resistance for humanity to survive a pro-human future.
Strap yourselves in.
I'm back in 60 seconds.
This is going to be one for the record, folks.
Wait till you hear what's coming up.
Stay with us.
The First World War is a great honor. But I still need my morning coffee.
Thank you.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Tommy Robinson called me last week and we had a private discussion.
It came on the air Friday.
I hosted the war room with Owen Schroyer, and we had Tommy on for an hour.
And he's going to be making a major announcement.
The freedom fighter over in the UK has been imprisoned three times, put in solitary confinement, lost 40 pounds, been tortured.
The Islamicists have He's thrown bleach on his face in the prison and he's marked for death.
They've told him next time they're gonna kill him.
He's been ordered to show up in court next Thursday and they're told he's gonna be put in solitary confinement for up to a year.
The crime?
He exposed giant child kidnapping sex rings with children being killed and then chopped up into kebab meat and fed to people on the streets of London and other cities.
It's now mainstream news.
And the British government is so evil and so pedophile filled.
It was the Muslims who were supplying them children.
And now thousands of these Muslims have been convicted and imprisoned.
They're usually only given a few months.
And the government covers up.
The big Islamic joke is to sell you human meat.
It's an Al-Qaeda ISIS thing.
You've famously seen the footage in Libya where they would make people eat human meat from prisoners they killed before they killed them because they believe it sends them to hell.
And so he caught them selling the kebab meat of the dead girls.
Oh yeah, they hang them up the back after they've, you know, raped them or whatever and let hundreds of men have sex with them.
And the police, it turned out, in these cities will do nothing to help them because it's politically incorrect.
to do that. So yeah, this sounds completely horrible. It sounds completely evil. It sounds
like it's not real, but it is real. Hundreds of knife attacks a day, dozens of deaths a week,
mass raping, mass killing because of the wonders of multiculturalism bringing in
barbarous primitive folks from vicious countries that are ruled by kingpins and by warlords,
and then bringing them into a docile, conditioned, imperially trained group of people who were once
wild themselves, but now been conditioned to submit, and it creates a nightmare situation.
And so that's where all of this is going.
Top liberals all over Europe are now coming out and saying, we were wrong.
The multiculturalism didn't work.
We're reversing it right now.
But they're doing that, they admit, to stop a rebellion by the nation states and to stop themselves being thrown out of power.
They're still going to keep the borders open.
This is part of a larger plan that's all delineated.
Now, Tommy Robinson is going to be making a major announcement An appeal to the President of the United States.
This is going to be big news.
It's very important and it's also very illustrative of things.
Just wait till we get there.
Second hour today.
But he's only three days away, three and a half days away from being taken and being put back into an Islamic torture pit where the jail guards allow them to come to his solitary confinement cell, hang their butts into the opening, And defecate into his cell.
And then up to a dozen, they come by, they lift their dresses up, Islamic dresses they wear, they put their butt up to the thing, and then they defecate into his cell.
The old guards love it, British government loves it, because he dared expose the pedophile meat wagon going right into their mouths of our children.
Again, the Muslims are the Renfields in the UK.
And any pedophilia going on in Islam, which is rampant, you know, Mohammed married his nine-year-old niece or whatever, is nothing compared to the people running the UK.
That is pedophile central, ladies and gentlemen.
Speaking of pedophile central, here's the indictment of Mr. Epstein, who was a procurer for Robert Mueller and others of blackmail.
He ran up to 200 girls at a time, ages ranging from 17 down to 10 that we know of.
And it was up to these girls to go out and find disadvantaged girls, poor girls, poor families.
And then Epstein would give them sometimes up to $10,000 a week back to the families to rent their daughters.
And then he would have rich men Onboard aircraft having sex with the children and then also flying to other facilities.
Some of the children never showed back up, of course, because there's always a little something extra at the bottom of the rat hole, isn't there?
And so now the media, the evil globalist disinformation factory, has come out And said Donald Trump is in trouble.
This will hurt Donald Trump.
And then they have no evidence, no statements, no nothing.
And Donald Trump's not in the indictment.
And no mention of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is now being reported in major newspapers as the only person, when Epstein originally got busted in 2009, to work with the lawyers for the victims And the lawyer said he was wonderful and gave them all this info and said, as much time as you need, and spent hours and hours over multiple days helping try to put Epstein under the jail.
Because he knew him from business.
They didn't fly on planes together, none of that.
Trump's been to one party Epstein was at, and he told Roger Stone, he said, I pull up, and you're like, isn't it nice?
You let all the neighborhood kids swim here.
They looked around, and he ran out of the house.
Trump's the guy on his Twitter saying, execute pedophiles.
I agree with him.
So, what happens when you're in the billionaire's club, and you don't play along?
Well, why did all this happen?
The media thinks you're stupid.
We're into this next segment.
Because the media, two years ago, tried to blame Trump and time to this.
And then they tried to blame Alan Dershowitz, who had no connection to this.
And Alan Dershowitz got pissed and sued.
And got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of pages that the FBI didn't want released.
Back from the Obama days.
And from the court case.
And it's the flight manifestos.
And it's the background.
And it's all of it.
Now the indictment is designed at a limited level to contain this information.
And you've got one of the prosecutors involved is Comey's daughter, so they've got their deep state people in there trying to contain this, but the judge did the right thing, ordered it released, and it's incredible information because you're not supposed to in a flight manifest Only put the initials of people on board the plane.
You're supposed to put their full names, their driver's license number, social security number, and you have to call ahead on each one, and it's cleared for takeoff by Homeland Security since 9-11.
That was in place a week after 9-11, 18 years ago.
This is Clinton, 20-plus times on the manifest, reportedly hundreds of times he wasn't, flying to Europe, to the Middle East, to known pedophiles, Facilities where these islamicists have whole harems of little kids.
So these people are the worst demons that anyone could imagine.
And yes, they even had a temple for having sex with the children on this Lolita Express Island.
So you need to understand these are these are psychic vampires who are draining the energy off people.
And that's what they do on board these passenger-sized jets, large jets, and then the media always whitewashes it and shows you, oh, a girl started when she was 15, but now she's 18.
It's far worse than all of that, okay?
And this means Trump's taking the gloves off, and they are really, really scared.
This is a big deal.
Also, Carpe Donctum, who made a little surprise visit to the White House, had a 20-minute
conversation with the President.
He's going to be joining us in the third hour with a lot of interesting information and a first look
at this big summit coming up in D.C. on Thursday. Stay with us. Most of you know.
Folks, we are launching another limited edition right now.
We're only going to have 4,000 of these.
There's four different variants, two different shirts in white and in navy blue.
I'm very excited about it.
It is the Betsy Ross flag, the first flag made by an abolitionist, made by an American.
She came up with the design.
It's a beautiful flag, one of the most recognizable in history, if not world history, and it's a white shirt on the front that has the flag in red, white, and
blue right across the chest, big.
And then under it, it says, "These colors don't run." On the back, it says, "America
is back. Infowars.com." There's another variant, the Betsy Ross flag, established 1776. And
on the back, it says, "America's back. Infowars.com." So, two different variants, two different
That's four shirts.
We're printing a thousand of each.
The order was put in yesterday.
The place where they make them in America is printing them now.
They'll be shipped to us by next week.
Two weeks for delivery.
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And we fund this revolution the old-fashioned way.
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InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
And your purchase of the shirts make it all possible.
888-253-3139 or InfoWarsStore.com.
You know, I talk about this on the air, and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements, and that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits and the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
But then they say, you've got to say it's not approved by them.
If you don't have vitamin C, you die.
If you don't have iodine in your body, you end up dying.
If you don't have water, you end up dying.
If you don't have sunshine, if you don't have oxygen, you die.
It may take 10 years with no sunshine, but you die.
And if you don't have a whole bunch of minerals and a whole bunch of vitamins and in the organic system where you can upload them, you will end up getting degenerative diseases quicker than you would have and you will die.
And all drugs are, is the system trying to tweak what's in Mother Nature and manipulate it and do different things.
And a lot of drugs work great.
They have side effects, not with Mother Nature.
I mean, there are some things in Mother Nature you take too much of, you'll have a side effect, but nothing like Big Pharma.
But Big Pharma doesn't want you knowing about God's medicine chest.
And so, they sit there and they demonize us all day long when we sell things like Ultimate Bone Broth, that's chaga mushroom, incredibly concentrated, high-quality turmeric, and a bunch of other bee pollen.
Mixed with organic, concentrated chicken bones that are rendered down where there's no way to quantify it, but this is the strongest bone broth out there.
You can make broth with this.
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Get in there today and fund the operation and watch this fight against the globalists continue on
because they're doing everything they can to shut us down and thanks to you, failing!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Bill Clinton.
Nice guy.
Got a lot of problems coming up, in my opinion, with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein.
A lot of problems.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have evidence of massive crimes.
The entire deep state system operates on secret forms of currency.
Arms, drugs, stolen art, rare coins, jewels, are the underground economy currency.
But now, even Senate reports confirm, in many areas of the world, human trafficking, including sex trafficking of small children who are killed in snuff films, their organs harvested, After their heads are blown off with .357 Magnums.
This is in the law enforcement reports.
This is the stuff the FBI has to look at.
The real stuff on the dark web.
Toddlers being gang raped by men having their heads blown off.
Remember, that's who wants to run your life.
Sorry to have to talk like that, but this isn't just a bunch of old rich men having sex with 15-year-old girls.
That's bad enough.
This is blowing children's brains out.
You understand?
You're like, really?
Yeah, I noticed that.
Playing with dead babies.
Throwing dead babies around like footballs.
Talking about how they love Satanism.
Eating the babies.
These are things that abortionists have been convicted of doing because their own employees go public.
Having sex with the dead bodies, sometimes for weeks.
Killing children, putting them in refrigerator trucks, and delivering them to people to have sex with the dead bodies.
I'm telling you some of the stuff that was confirmed with Jimmy Savelle.
I'm sorry this is so horrible.
It's real!
And this is what Hollywood is.
Purely demonic, purely evil, a black hole to another dimension, to hell.
It's open on our West Coast.
It's open in London, England.
Is open in Paris, France.
Gates to hell.
And I have stacks of news confirming Fusion GPS, the fake Russiagate dossier, tried to link Trump to Jeffrey Epstein.
But he had no connections like the Clintons and everybody else.
And so now the corporate media adds to all this evil by lying and saying, ooh, Trump's in trouble.
Trump's gonna be connected to it.
Think about that.
Think about that.
They're now openly defending the pedophile rings.
But they've always been doing it.
Remember I said Trump was gonna bust the pedophile rings wide open?
And notice you've seen a multi-thousand percent increase, a tenfold increase in arrest, prosecution, and conviction of pedophiles.
And because he was at parties with Epstein and in some business deals with him, Trump does thousands of those a year.
Oh, he's with Epstein.
Meanwhile, we have the aircraft manifest of Bill Clinton flying with little children, little girls, and the initials.
When the Secret Service made an issue about it, what did Bill Clinton do?
He stopped carrying the Secret Service with him when he went on those aircraft with those children.
That's what Don Bongino talked about a few years ago.
He said, watch out, Hillary.
Don't run your mouth.
We all know who's really with Epstein and the little kids.
Don't poke the bear.
Well, the bear got poked, and here's a OAN Jack Posobiec report on the latest information.
Here it is.
Former President Bill Clinton is keeping silent on his close relationship to a convicted sex offender as renewed attention is pinned on his long history of sexual misconduct allegations.
The Clinton Presidential Library refused to respond to a request submitted last week seeking information on Clinton's close ties with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.
Do you solemnly swear the testimony you're about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Yes, I do.
Epstein was convicted for soliciting sex from underage girls as young as 14 back in 2008, to which he served a short 13-month prison sentence.
According to reports, Epstein used his private jet, dubbed as the Lolita Express, to fly his friends around where they were offered sex with underage girls.
The Boeing 727 jet was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had grouped sex on during the flights, which was verified by an air hostess back in 2015.
Did you ever think that maybe more was going on than simple massages?
Looking back, of course.
Was there a bed on the airplane?
Actually, yes, there was.
According to flight records, Bill Clinton traveled with Epstein on board the Lolita Express a total of 26 times from 2001 to 2003.
Flight logs indicate only the first names of the female passengers were listed on the flights Clinton took, and showed he ditched his Secret Service detail on five of the trips.
On one of the flights, Clinton was joined by actor Kevin Spacey, who is now accused of sexual misconduct with an underage boy.
Epstein's assistant, Sarah Kellen, was accused in court filings of recruiting and grooming underage girls to perform sex acts with the billionaire and his friends, and sometimes participated in the alleged acts.
She traveled with Clinton on as many as 11 of the flights that he took.
According to reports, Epstein would also fly his friends to his private 72-acre island in the Virgin Islands, where a team of human traffickers allegedly rounded up girls as young as 12 to service Epstein and his friends during their visit.
It is unclear if Clinton ever visited the island.
In 2015, Judicial Watch submitted a request to the Department of Homeland Security to obtain records of Secret Service expenses used by Clinton during his trips with Epstein.
According to the watchdog group, the department never handed over the record.
So there you go, Jack.
Someone tweeted that out.
That's from the One American News Network.
Doing a great job.
I think you're going to be seeing the President promote more and more now that Fox is sliding, like they did last election, towards the left.
What a time to be alive.
We're going to get more into this when we come back.
I'm going to go through the documents, through the history, and the fact that you can't take a step if you're around the Clintons and not run into a convicted child trafficker or child rapist.
Again, one of the deputy heads of her foundation got caught smuggling kids in and a bunch of them disappeared and were found dead.
She changed her name and works for the group that gives the data to Amber Alert.
Yeah, they want to keep tabs on the children, don't they?
So, you have to understand, this is their currency.
There's over four billion dollars a year, the Senate reports, as of 2018.
The numbers are always a year old.
Four billion a year paid to the drug cartels just to smuggle people across the border.
Many of them children, one-third of those not with a genetic relative.
They're kidnapped.
But the left says, we're putting them in cages, we're torturing them, we're the Nazis.
And the truth is, They want that fresh meat.
They want that fresh blood.
They want unidentified children so they can snuff film them, torture them, and drink their blood.
Now watch!
It's all coming out.
You're gonna see it.
They drain children's blood.
They drink children's blood.
They kill babies after they're born.
They keep them alive.
I was talking to an RN nurse just a month ago, in my kitchen, and she goes, yeah, how do you know about that?
We keep, yeah, I don't work in that area, but there's a special wing where they keep the babies alive and organ donors so they can get the organs.
I go, yeah, keep them alive, right?
Well, because we get more money that way, being able to, you know, have it on the market.
I'm like, yeah, and she started shaking.
I never even thought.
Murdering babies!
Breaking blood!
Blowing their heads off!
Got it?
We will always be the people who defeated a tyrant, crossed the continent, harnessed science, took to the skies, and soared into the heavens.
Because we will never forget that we are Americans and the future belongs to us.
The future belongs to the brave, the strong, the proud, and the free.
We are one people chasing one dream and one magnificent destiny.
We all share the same heroes, the same home, the same heart, and we are all made by the same almighty God.
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the sand dunes of the Carolinas, from the fields of the heartland to the Everglades of
Florida, the spirit of American independence will never fade, never fail, but will reign forever and ever and ever.
And that's what Trump was going through, one by one, all the different examples in such a tiny time period from a historical, contextual perspective.
And over, in just 200 years, one country took the lead in lighting the flame of liberty for everybody around the world in a wide range of contexts.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
Full power of the Republic in the name of Jesus Christ.
Full power!
Damn the torpedoes, go straight at them!
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have making it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, just make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleet.
Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues.
He writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
I said, yeah, you look 10 years younger.
He said, oh yeah, it's just, I'm off all the sleep drugs.
He says, this is totally free.
But he goes, do you know what it is in there?
And I said, it's the synergy of it.
Of the chamomile, the lemon balm, the L-tryptophan, the valerian root, the melatonin, and several other ingredients.
All just moderate dose.
They're all the recommended dose, and they just fuse together, and whatever they do chemically in the brain, that Mother Nature, God gave us our Mother Nature, is incredible.
So, that's available at infowarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing.
To get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing billions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called "Report Your Show."
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
I want everybody to understand something if you just tuned in earlier.
You heard me talking about what they do to children.
I've been on air 25 years and I've read hundreds of thousands of articles.
And I have read news out of Europe, out of Russia, and out of the U.S.
And it's normally in law enforcement publications.
And it deals with evidence that comes out at trials.
And most of this never gets put on the news because the left wants to cover up.
Their religion is aborting babies, killing babies, damaging children, having sex with children, brainwashing children, poisoning children.
And when I was telling you about some of the stuff I said, that's in FBI reports, that's in convicted criminals and killers' cases.
I mean, I could go on for hours describing the stuff they do to children, and it's gotten to the point where when I see the articles most of the time, I can't even make myself read it.
So it's not like I'm up here exaggerating this.
The truth is, I know why people can't deal with this.
It's because It's frightening that there are the equivalent of real vampires.
This isn't Salem's Lot.
This isn't Count Dracula.
This is psychotic, demon-possessed people roaming the earth, supplying children to people even more evil.
And they harvest their organs.
The more they can defile a child, the better.
The more satanic energy they get.
So it's not enough that they just torture him and make him beg for mommy.
Then they bleed him out.
Then they drink their blood.
In other cases, 20 men rape two-year-old boys and girls while they scream for mommy.
Then they take a .357 and blow their heads off.
That's what goes on in Italy and snuff made in Russia.
And do you know who the number one connoisseurs and people that are consuming this?
You know what that is?
It's Los Angeles and San Francisco and Seattle.
In the cases where they only make, say, 100 VHS videotapes.
Or they put it on 8mm.
And these people have snuff viewing parties, where they then recruit people in that actually want to be part of it.
That's how all this stuff is like gateway drugs.
Now we need to play that Tom DeLay 12 perversions piece that got him thrown in prison.
They tried to throw him in prison, took all the money he had, didn't get put in jail for a while.
Remember that?
The Republican leader that was exposing the pedophile rings?
Threw his ass in jail.
But see, they're not on top anymore.
They're this close to going down.
And we have to be ready to admit what they've done.
Oh yeah, the Nexium trial.
We can put that back on screen.
What came out in the trial?
That they watched snuff films.
And what were the snuff films of?
What were the snuff films of?
You guessed it!
You guessed it!
You see, liberal satanic women, they like to see pretty women killed, and they like to see little boys killed.
That's why the average leftist mother puts their child on Prozac, Ritalin, and they end up trying to institutionalize their boys.
It's a satanic demon.
That Munchausen by proxy wants to hurt that little boy.
And the woman may not even know that she's demon possessed, but these women, you see their sons, they look like their souls have been sucked.
It's like all the quote lesbians that adopt children or steal them from their ex-husband and then chop their genitals off.
That's a trend.
That's not just in the case that was in Brazil last week.
You see?
Defiling little girls and defiling little boys and hurting them is an affront to God and is the ultimate sin, the thing God hates more than anything.
And so if you're going to serve Satan, you might as well go all the way, right?
So all of you leftists listening, you wonder why you have empty cursed lives.
You come from cursed bloodlines.
You come from weak people.
And you think if you get rid of the good, you'll suddenly be on top.
No, you'll just be even more in the dark.
Now they're showing Tony Podesta stuff that, again, it's high magic to them.
They're all in the occult.
When Tony Podesta in 2007 had a full cover page in the local Washington Post About his deviant art and his dungeon basement, and now he's proud of this giant collection of pedophile artwork depicting children chained up in dungeons, bleeding out of their orifices.
You say, well, why would they put it in the Washington Post?
Why would they have Desmond is Amazing doing all this?
Why would they have major articles saying pedophilia is good?
They're normalizing it.
They're getting you ready so that when it really comes out, when they get caught, it's like, oh, 3,000 priests in Pennsylvania alone rape children.
Oh, what's in the actual conviction reports?
What's in the actual indictments?
Hundreds of priests detailing, well, we did satanic rituals.
We'd take the little 6, 7, 8-year-old, 10-year-old boys and we would do a satanic ritual where 20 of us had sex with them.
And they would say, you now take the blood of Christ.
And they would pump HIV into them.
You have to understand that on the altar in the Catholic churches.
And then it's just a little blurb, oh, here's the indictments, here's the witnesses, here's the conviction, here's the state police report, here's the FBI report.
And it's just so horrible that they go, well, we can't arrest 3,000 priests.
And it's beyond anything you've ever heard of in a movie!
And it's just kind of a blurb, just a little blip.
Oh, they have satanic rituals every Saturday night, every Friday night down at the Catholic Church.
All the little old ladies come in during the week, think they're doing good stuff.
Meanwhile, it's not Catholics doing it, it's Satanists that took the church over.
And not all churches are doing this, but I'd say Satan targets churches.
I'd say half the churches, whether they're Catholic or Protestant, are chaired by a devout Satanist who carries out satanic rituals daily.
You can go to these churches, you can feel it, boy.
These big mega-churches are chaired by devils to make sure they take the entire world down.
And it's all in your face.
The UN building was pledged to Lucifer in New York City.
Go to the chapel and read it on the wall.
It says this building is dedicated to Lucifer.
The Louvre was dedicated to Lucifer by Francois Mitterrand when they opened the new pink pyramid with 666 pieces of glass.
This is a satanic revolution we're facing.
And then, when we have hundreds of thousands of people pouring across that we catch every month, six-fold whatever happened, they're rushing our borders.
Trump gets blamed for the crisis the U.N.
and others set up.
And again, hundreds of thousands of children a year come across, many of them disappear, and they're not with their parents, and they end up dead!
That's in Senate reports!
And so, Trump tries to get more funding, so we can find out who these kids are, And the media and AOC, that demon drug addict, Crip Keeper.
She goes, they're drinking out of toilets being mean to them!
These racers, KKK!
Because her bosses are saying, you break that border, you get us those kids!
We're paying top dollar!
Because they need the satanic power they believe to overthrow America.
So the child sacrifice reportedly is off the charts right now.
They're killing kids every five minutes.
Torturing them.
Pulling their guts out.
Having them beg for mommy.
They got their engines turned up on full.
What are we going to do about it?
Defiance or rebellion?
(dramatic music)
It is something that has to be looked at as a neutral statement.
Is defiance bad?
Is rebellion bad?
Is resistance bad?
Well, it really is a question of what are you resisting?
What are you rebelling against?
The left pushes this whole narrative about their rebelling against oppression, and their rebelling against people trying to tell them what to do or say, but no one's really telling them what to do or say.
They're in charge.
They run the big tech.
They run the corporations.
They run the society.
They have their agenda, and they're openly the bullies, trying to dictate to us how to talk, how to dress, who to have sex with, how to live our lives.
They're constantly lecturing us about microaggressions and telling us that we'll be arrested or taken off Facebook if we don't behave ourselves.
These people are a clear and present danger to free societies.
And so that's what I really want to telegraph to folks is, we know the modern threat to humanity.
Every generation has a threat.
Every generation has a big war.
But this is a political and cultural war, an economic war.
It's raging in 2019.
And the establishment is so angry that organizations like InfoWars are still on air.
They need to have victories because despite their trillions of dollars and their corporate dominance, people are rejecting them on a planetary scale.
Globalism is in full retreat.
It's in full collapse.
And so it's rearing its ugly head and hitting us with every nasty trick it had planned for the future.
For their conquest of humanity.
And it's still failing.
But for those of us At the front of the lines, or in the capital ships, we're the targets, ladies and gentlemen.
And I never thought of InfoWars as a major battleship, or an aircraft carrier, or a destroyer, or a submarine attack group, but the enemy sees it as that because we are.
And it's essential we stay in the fight, and never surrender, and never waver, and never back down, and never give up.
That's why, with all the unprecedented attempts to criminally set us up and put me in prison and shut down this operation that have been all over the national news, we have launched Save Infowars Emergency Special that's only running for one week.
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Please support us.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, you know I almost want to apologize for covering all these horrible topics here, but it's got
to be done.
That's how evil operates, is in the shadows.
Tommy Robinson's got a huge global announcement and a direct message to President Trump, and I'm going to let him basically host the next hour so we can go through all of this, but just tell everyone you know, tune in right now.
That's how we're overpowering the censors.
It's how we are, word of mouth, crushing the globalists.
They're pulling out every stop, every one of their operatives against us.
But you and your prayers, your support, are incredible.
So the article is posted on newswars.com.
Please share it on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, everywhere else.
You do not want to miss this special broadcast.
Huge Trump developments and more.
Carpe Dantum.
Is it just getting invited with over 100 people that are libertarians, conservatives, Christian media that are successful in social media and memes?
It's really a meme conference.
They're calling it a social media conference.
He was at the White House last week.
I have some of the photos of that.
And he's not going to get into a lot of what he and Trump talked about.
We had a discussion about it.
But I've talked to other folks that have also had long conversations with Trump.
Confirming where his mind is, what he's doing, and what the plan is.
He is intending to take action.
He just wants to hear from the troops about their ideas before he prepares to execute operations against.
The shield and the bullhorn of the globalists, the chi-coms, and that is big tech giants.
Google, Facebook, Twitter, and of course, the kingpins of evil, the folks at Apple.
So that is all coming up in the third hour.
Believe me, you don't want to miss that.
Now, I mean, just look at all these articles.
I just mentioned a bunch of stuff that I have here.
Stack after stack after stack after stack after stack after stack of the most obscene, globalist garbage.
And this is just what they admit.
Going to islands where kidnapped 12-year-old girls were taken for Bill Clinton and others to have sex with them.
And that's what they're admitting.
Tied into the NXIVM sex cult.
Enough films.
All of it.
People are so naive.
I remember 20 years ago being on air and I'd be reading some law enforcement report where they had convictions for the people trafficking in it to L.A.
in the VHS tapes, and confirmed little kids being tortured and killed.
And people would call into the show, because it wasn't TV then, and they'd say, there's no way that's true.
There's no way our national parks have been signed over to the U.N.
There's no way they're keeping babies alive.
There's no way they take blood at birth from your baby and send it for a blood test, but it's really sent to the UN.
All of that is known now.
All of that is confirmed.
Just like everything else we talk about.
And we've made real sacrifices to be here on air.
And we've fought hard, and thanks to you, we are here.
So I want every listener to understand something.
I am honored.
To be in this position?
I am thankful, no matter how bad the persecution is, because somebody's got to stand up for the unborn, and for the already born being killed, and for all these little children.
And we go out to these Democrat events, we're not cherry picking, and these women walk over, and we've got an InfoWars mic flag, or when we don't use InfoWars mic flags, we can really hear what they think.
Look, I'm so sick of these little kids.
I say kill them up to age three.
So annoying to hear their little mouths running.
That was just a few weeks ago we got that on tape.
And we've got dozens of these in just the last month.
You've seen me play them where the operating system of these demon-possessed people is just they walk over.
Women always walk real crazy, kind of the billionaire strut.
And they just go, I'd like to kill some kids!
Yeah, children must be gotten rid of, little bastards, little voices make me sick.
I mean, what frickin' space alien is this, man?
Because it's not women.
And after you've been to enough of these rallies, seen enough video, it's like the same creature.
It talks the same, it acts the same.
Just like something out of Hellraiser.
Or something out of, uh, The Exorcist.
You know, I mean, it's worse than The Exorcist.
Linda Blair couldn't act as scary as the real deal.
Go out and see them.
Go out and look at them.
They're everywhere now.
Humans are losing their souls in mass.
Just like the Bible says, in the end times, demons will run rampant, large portions of the population will be demon-possessed, hell will be opened up.
I remember sitting there in church hearing that, in real churches in Dallas, and thinking, man, that's crazy.
And then you actually see it.
I kill my children.
I want to kill more.
I've paid for 50 abortions.
That's what they say.
I love it!
And then you see the undercover videos at their own Antifa meetings.
They'll be like laughing about it.
Yeah, we like to have sex with kids.
Yeah, it kills little bastards and it's all... And they all look ugly and soul-sucked and shriveled.
These are people that have succumbed They have Shakam.
It's real.
Darren, put that clip together about a week ago that's got like 15 clips of, oh, those little kids.
Screw them.
Get in there and crush them.
Murder them.
Get rid of them, those little trashy bastards.
So much fun to kill a baby.
Watch them fight for their lives.
And that scalpel comes from them.
Yeah, I mean, yeah.
Again, I didn't know all this stuff 25 years ago when I would go protest at an abortion clinic.
Because I felt guilty because I'd been involved in something when I was younger and didn't know.
And man, people walk over and they'd all of a sudden just go, I'm gonna get you!
And you're like, whoa!
Well, of course, they're in there killing babies all day.
What type of person do you think?
You do that, God removes protection from you, and whatever this space junk is, whatever these programs are, we all know how computers work and programs, we are electrochemical.
And these viruses get into us and take us over.
That's what this is, it's scientific.
I don't know all the details.
The Bible says once we'll find out, we won't believe it all, it'll be so incredible.
Eye hasn't seen, ear hasn't heard, no one's imagined what this really is.
But when we find out, Isn't it going to be interesting?
And don't you just want to be with God forever instead of Satan?
All right, I'm going to come back with that abortion four-minute video that McBrain put together.
It's only a small sampling of the worship of killing babies, and I've played a lot.
I want you to see who these people are.
This is out in the open.
This is keeping comfortable.
It's all sick.
Oh, they're not a human.
Oh, they don't have a life.
Oh, we decided to kill them.
But after we harvest them, we keep them comfortable, though.
We're gonna go to break.
Let's not show anymore.
I can't look at it.
We're gonna go to break.
And we're gonna come back.
I've got a bunch of big initiatives that are super exciting that are going on behind the scenes.
I'm gonna leave it at that.
InfoWars is not all that we're doing.
There's a lot of reasons they really want us dead, okay?
But I've got some opportunities for some initiatives that I know in my gut, spiritually, but also just from my research at a business level, fighting the globalists as a business model.
That's how we're successful.
That will knock major holes in their guts.
Knock holes in their heads politically.
I want to sink globalist operations.
I want to savage the living hell out of them.
And I've got major plans that I know I can execute within just three months.
And boy is the enemy.
The enemy's obviously got all my phones tapped.
They know all this stuff.
They're just hoping.
They're just hoping.
So I was thinking this weekend.
I said, why don't I just come tell everybody?
Why do I need a bunch of money?
It's not just to pay lawyers or fight fake lawsuits.
None of that's going to matter two years from now.
That's why the enemy doesn't care and lies about everything and it's so crazy now.
What we do now is what matters and they know that.
Infowars is winning and we've got all sorts of systems and we have got absolute directives from the President.
Directives from the President to intensify operations.
And he's surrounded by a bunch of cowards and bootlickers, but there's some good people in there.
But the President is really starting to make some moves.
I'll leave it at that.
And I had some very interesting conversations last week.
I'll leave it at that.
Very interesting conversation yesterday.
I'll leave it at that.
But I need money.
There's no sugar daddy.
There's no globalists.
There's none of that.
The Koch brothers gave money to Democrats.
They were never Republicans.
That's a cover story.
They gave money to Republicans to take control of them.
They're funding against me, by the way.
Not just Soros.
Not just Hillary.
But, you know, I'm up against the big dogs, okay?
It's okay.
We are smart.
You are smart.
You need to go to Infowarshore.com.
This is the last day because I got a new special starting tomorrow.
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And the new Betsy Ross flags!
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And it's a white shirt on the front that has the flag in red, white, and
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And then under it, it says, "These colors don't run." On the back, it says, "America
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, the article's up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com, the exclusive big announcement.
With Tommy Robinson coming up in the next segment.
You'll want to go learn what he's calling for and what he said, why it's so important.
It's bigger than Tommy Robinson.
Wait till we break it down.
Then I'm going to go over the details of the internal war inside the government.
To bring down the deep state whose currency is the trafficking and organ harvesting and killing of children.
There's hundreds of different ways they do it, but it's... At the end of the day, it's about degradating God's most precious creations.
And children made the image of God that are the seed of the potential of the universe.
And here's the enemy whose religion is attacking children.
Our main story tonight concerns breast implants.
Some are against them, others believe they're fine in rare cases, and many believe you should be able to get them whenever the f**k you want.
Sorry, did I say breast implants?
I meant abortions.
Tonight's main topic concerns abortion.
So tonight, in honor of America, I'd like to do a salute to abortion in the brave 10th annual Salute to Abortion!
Get out of my behind!
Get out of my vagina!
Get out!
It's a woman's body and she should not be forced to carry anything inside of it.
You wouldn't make her keep a tapeworm.
That has a heartbeat.
So you're comparing a baby to a tapeworm?
A fetus is a parasite, sweetie.
That is not what a fetus is!
You think that it is the white man's duty to fix everybody's problems, right?
How many did you adopt?
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
Well, that's what you do to babies, huh?
Yeah, I love it.
You love it, huh?
Yeah, I do.
Okay, I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
Oh, I never go to Christ.
I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
No, I don't go to Christ.
A fertilized egg is a human being!
You're a pig!
Because I don't want to kill babies!
Oh, you kill them!
You let them live so they can starve to death!
I don't agree with you!
No uterus, no right to talk about it!
Understand me, motherfucker?
In the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother, just prior to the birth of the baby.
Now, you can say that that's okay, and Hillary can say that that's okay, but it's not okay with me.
Well that is not what happens in these cases and using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo lit up the One World Trade Center spire in pink to celebrate his radical expansion of abortion in New York.
State lawmakers approved a law permitting abortion in the state for any reason until the 24th week of pregnancy and then up until birth.
If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.
There was a question over here.
Are you for third trimester abortions?
My answer to you is that that should be a decision that the woman makes.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
How do you justify the decision to allow Planned Parenthood to rent in this city for free?
There's a new video out on InfoWars.com of two partial birth abortion, eight and a half month old babies.
And, uh, and it makes you want to kill people.
I'm just being honest with you right now.
My guts, my spirit, sees a baby who got killed and its brain sucked out by some asshole.
And then they make a joke out of it.
These are abortion doctors with third trimester babies that were about to be born.
Defiling them, making jokes about them, that they're having a fight.
They're playing with dead babies in a little, um, Don't knock it till you try it.
And when you do try it, really knock it.
and just total lack of regard for humanity.
It's just absolutely amazing.
We're going to have, um, Abby Johnson.
I'm sorry.
God bless abortions and God bless America!
Don't knock it 'til you try it.
And when you do try it, really knock it.
You know, you gotta get that baby out of there.
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And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, "I don't know what's going to happen at the end of
this, but if you want to fight, you better believe you got one!"
(audience cheering)
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
There is a war on journalists across the world.
We know that's happening in China, where they jail and even kill them.
We give political asylum all the time to Cuban journalists because they face prison for reporting on what the state has been doing.
Here's an example right here.
Cuban journalist Saffron Moran granted asylum in the United States because he was being persecuted because he wasn't being allowed to do his reporting and faced jail.
Well, look at the UK.
Look at areas of the EU where they arrest people that report on Islamic child kidnapping rings.
Well, who first exposed that 12 years ago?
Tommy Robinson.
He saw them with little girls as young as 10.
Some of them ended up dead, cut up, and put into kebab machines.
Sold as meat on the street.
That's mainstream news.
Was Tommy Robinson exposed to this?
Girls trafficked in some towns by the thousands.
Just in towns.
The trafficking of women is part of the Islamic system in many nations of the world.
Not just places like Somalia, but Pakistan.
The list goes on and on.
And Tommy Robinson is a political prisoner.
He spent over a year in prison.
They acid attacked him.
He was thrown in for three months in solitary confinement.
Lost almost 40 pounds this year.
Give him a big news story.
Tucker Carlson had him on.
He's been out on appeal for the crime of committing journalism.
That's what it is.
And now they found him in three counts of contempt.
He could serve years in solitary confinement, which is a death sentence.
But because it's the UK, we go, oh, well, that's all right.
You know, they just got rid of free speech over there.
But it's not like Cuba when they do it.
So Tommy Robinson is going to have the floor for the rest of this hour.
I'll intro and outro.
We're going to break in seven minutes.
He sent us a special report video he just compiled.
He's about to premiere here.
And this is going to be his request to the president.
Well, I'll just let him say it himself.
Tommy, you're a hero to so many, and absolutely we don't want to see you disappear as they're planning.
I know you first just want to give the basic facts to the President.
He'll probably have five minutes to just watch this.
I know we can get it to him.
And then obviously you're going to give a report to his staff who can look into the case and see that it's just as bad as stuff that happens in Cuba or other authoritarian states and that you and your family absolutely need political emergency asylum.
I have the U.S.
code right here.
We'll go over towards the end of the hour, but you have the floor, my friend.
And so thank you for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
I've got a lot of information I want to get across so people can understand exactly what's happening in the UK.
This week I was found guilty on three counts of contempt of court by two judges.
There was no jury to find me guilty.
Two appointed judges.
As I sat in court, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Both judges found me guilty because they believed I breached a reporting restriction on a Muslim child gang rape trial.
They also came to the conclusion that me photographing Muslim child rapists while asking them simple questions before they entered court for their verdicts created anxiety for the poor Muslim paedophiles that I'm now to be punished with the full might of the British judicial system.
My name is Tommy Robinson.
Today I'm calling on the help of Donald Trump, his administration and the Republican Party to grant me and my family political asylum in the United States of America.
I'm sat here today before you to make my case of political persecution.
I have been found guilty of what is the equivalent of exercising First Amendment rights.
Benjamin Franklin had the foresight to know this.
Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.
For more than 10 years I've been proactive voice, highlighting the industrialised grooming, the pimping, the beating and the raping of young vulnerable British girls up and down the length and breadth of my once great country.
Successive British governments have sought to silence me, to persecute me.
And for what?
Trying to stop vulnerable young girls from being sex slaves to gangs of predominantly predatory Muslim men who drug them, rape them and beat them for years.
I have tried and I'll continue to try to get the British Government to take action and stop the systematic child abuse that's still going on right now as we sit on screen.
These young victims of Muslim rape gangs have been let down so badly.
It started at the very top of the Labour-controlled government under Gordon Brown as Prime Minister.
The stories are harrowing, disturbing, upsetting.
Believe me, I've sat down and I've cried my eyes out.
I've sat and heard the stories from victim after victim and family after family.
Let me outline to you what has happened in the second trial from contempt to court.
The original verdict was appealed due to unfairness and no due process.
There were no charges of prejudice in the case or potentially collapse in the trial as the media continued to push out.
They originally tried to bring those charges last year but had to remove them as it's been proved in court twice that nothing I said in my live stream could have prejudiced the jury.
One charge was for breaching a reporting restriction.
The other two charges were for photographing the defendants whilst entering court and, according to the judge, aggressively questioning them.
Both of these acts the Attorney General and the Government have claimed could have made these poor Muslim child rapists feel anxious and therefore not able to participate in their trial.
This is despite the fact the trial had already finished.
They had nothing to participate in.
The trial had finished, the jury had retired to decide their verdict, which all came back as guilty.
I just want to show you now so your American audience understand.
Let's look at the anxiety charges first.
Let me show you what I actually said outside Leeds Crown Court.
I'm at Lee's Crown Court where these men here, where these men here, let me see.
Right lads, how you feeling?
How you feeling about your verdict?
What verdict?
How you feeling about the verdict?
You've got your prison bag, have you?
You've got your bags, have you?
You've got your bags, have you?
How are you feeling about the verdict?
You've got no guilt?
Is there any guilt?
Is there any guilt, mate?
Is there any guilt?
My wife's a prostitute.
Hey mate, how you doing, you alright?
Your wife's a prostitute?
My wife's a prostitute?
My wife's a prostitute?
How you doing mate?
What you in court for today, if you don't mind me asking?
I've been seeing your mum.
You've been seeing my mum?
Another comment about a woman.
What are you in court for, mate?
How's the trial gone?
How's the trial gone?
Yeah, how's the trial gone?
How's the trial gone, bro?
I'm the one in court.
You're the one in court, yeah?
Why's he carrying a weapon?
Another comment about your mum.
That's every single alleged person who's walked into... Cheers, mate.
Every single alleged person who's walked into court today has made sexual references about women.
What was it?
Which one?
Oh, mate, what are you in court for?
What's that?
What are you in court for?
Come on, mate.
This is the verdict.
So the trial's ended, the jury are making their mind up, and this is the verdict.
This is the verdict today.
[Background noise]
Are you going to arrest me?
My colleague is going to explain what's going to happen next.
Am I being arrested?
I am being arrested.
I've caused a breach of peace.
I've caused a breach of peace.
I'm being arrested.
The content of what I'm streaming, I'm being arrested for breach of peace.
I'm being arrested for breach of peace.
You've all watched this.
You've all watched this.
Can you get me a slisser? Can you get me a slisser?
Can you just turn off your light, please?
Can you get me a slisser?
Just turn off your light, please.
Do you want me to tell him what I just said?
No, can you explain it again?
Can you explain it again?
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
What does that mean?
I've been told that from the feed, you can only Facebook.
Now former political president Tommy Robinson's We're about to go break.
He'll come back and be able to respond to this.
He's got more exhibits, but this is one of the reasons he's going to prison, is standing out front when he's the guy that first exposed all this.
They've been convicted, just like any other media would do, just like England did before, saying, hey, how do you feel about being convicted?
They say you were born out your mother's rear end.
It's a religion under these guys of degradating women.
And don't worry, these guys degradate your daughters real good.
Them little age eight year olds.
And if they run their mouths too much, some of these guys cut them up and feed them to people at kebab shops.
That's a bigger Muslim joke, you see, to feed you your dead daughters.
Moonraker, Zardoz, Logan's Run, so many movies back in the 70s and 80s, so many science fiction books about world government run by a group of scientists who want to reduce world population by 99%.
Now, Moonraker was written back in the 1960s by Ian Fleming.
High-level OSS and then MI6 when they founded that in British intelligence.
Now you've seen the Kingsman where you've got a rich group of billionaires that are going to send a code frequency over cell phones that are going to make people become violent, irritable, and start killing each other.
I don't know if aliens are running this, but the way the technologies are coming out so fast
in a lot of it, doesn't look human made.
The way the government's so secretive and compartmentalized, the way the US seems to develop it all first,
then dole it out.
And what all the technology does is poison us, sterilize us, and make us stupid.
All the Trojan horses are Pavlovianly training us, conditioning us, ending our human relationships,
and making people irritable and aggressive in thousands of studies on smartphones,
TVs, and flicker rates.
Let's cut right to the chase here.
I don't know if Trump knows this, but the establishment knows, and they have laid out a grid worldwide of systems.
that don't just track the Internet of Things, that don't just surveil everything you do,
but that patently kill you, give you cancer, and they can manipulate and throttle the frequencies
in 5G that's going to be every 300 or 400 yards, where they can rattle the DNA and literally split
it apart, causing cancer. They can give you cancer in these studies in a few days of being in
proximity to one of these 5G that's turned to an oscillation where it goes up to a certain frequency
and back down, back and forth very quickly, it breaks DNA.
And they have studies, DARPA did studies on these as weapons, those are declassified in the
70s, where you hit troops with it, they don't know what's happening, they get nauseous, they get
irritable, and then they basically die in about a month from cancers all over the body.
So, the government is putting in microwave cancer systems to literally fry you.
The cover story is that it is for communications and super fast downloads.
It has nothing to do with that.
I'm going to go further.
Our government wants to put in 5G to be able to spy on us, monitor us, track us, control us, but also change our behavior or even kill us.
Now, our government shouldn't have that power.
And ladies and gentlemen, they don't want to tell you.
They don't want you to know.
They don't want you to be aware of it.
But let me tell you something about radiation.
There's lots of different types of it.
This stuff goes right through you.
It goes right through walls.
It's ultra-fast, and it's at the exact frequency to rattle DNA.
Breaks your DNA.
That means cancer.
So here's some of the articles.
5G smartphones cause cancer.
Big wireless doesn't want you to know.
5G services is coming, and so are health concerns over the towers that support it.
In closing, it's the old parable of the vampire.
Newsweek even admits it.
Plan for 5G cell phone towers raises health concerns.
The rollout of 5G wireless services is a massive health experiment.
Daily Mail.
Rypon's cell tower to be removed from school grounds.
Mothers of cancer survivors share feelings of relief.
And all the kids that are dead and dying.
In closing, it's the old parable of the vampire.
Vampires aren't real, but the archetype is real.
That you have to invite evil in.
You have to go buy the cell phone.
You have to bring it into your home.
You have to learn to look into its eyes when it says, come here.
And give it your worship and give it your time.
And it dings and it buzzes like Pavlov's bells with a dog.
And before you know it, you are entrenched.
It's an evil frequency.
It's an anti-human operation.
It's why I say it's alien.
And I don't get into UFOs and all that stuff.
I'm reading the Bible, folks.
There's a fallen entity that hates our guts because we were made by God, his enemy.
And it's obsessed with rolling something out, but we have free will.
We have to accept it.
We have to get addicted to it.
And everything it does is dumb us down, give us cancer, rewire our brains, make us depressed.
And all of us live in this.
All of us are hypocrites.
I'm in this quicksand with you.
It's all here.
It's all happening.
It's all real.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Journalism is under massive attack across the western world.
President Trump has taken action when Sheriff Arpaio was being wrongfully imprisoned.
Gave him a pardon.
The submariner from 20 years ago who'd taken a photo of his workstation that wasn't even secret.
He was sent to prison.
Trump gave him a pardon.
Well, Tommy Robinson is a hero across the UK and Europe and here.
And he's just a mainline guy that exposed, because he owned a business, a tanning salon.
And right next to it, there were Muslim grooming gangs with little girls.
He's like, hey, mate, what are you doing putting little girls in guys' cars?
You're obviously pimping them.
Who's your daddy?
They started threatening Tommy.
Tommy stood up to him, reported him.
Got put in prison for fighting back.
He fights back.
He's been attacked by Antifa.
You've seen all the videos of them attacking him in public.
He fights back.
Antifa, the Islamists, all of it.
This is only an eight-minute segment.
Longer segment coming up.
Tommy, you just showed the first exhibit of why they're sitting in a prison, daring to talk to guys who you were polite to.
They insulted your family.
Just greasy thugs who were convicted of grooming children for sex traffic.
And of course, they gave him light sentences.
You've talked about it all.
This is another reason you need Trump.
You're asking for Trump.
We'll get to this.
We'll get to the U.S.
22 U.S.
Code 6401.
Findings and policy that you are a prime candidate as a journalist to get political emergency asylum, but you're being sent to prison Thursday.
Please continue.
I've had a few people messaging me saying that I seem tense.
It's because I am tense.
I feel like I'm two days away from being sentenced to death in the UK for journalism.
Let's be clear, the video you just watched, the questions I asked, I asked them as follows.
All right, lads, how are you feeling?
How are you feeling about your verdict?
All right, mate, how are you doing?
Are you all right?
Hello, mate, what are you in court for today, if you don't mind me asking?
How's the trial gone, bro?
As you can see, I was actually very polite despite some of the disgusting abuse that was thrown my way.
By claiming that these questions were in any way aggressive.
Not claiming, he said that, he skipped this in his summing up, the judge has said my aggressive questioning.
The judge has had to say that and the prosecution have simply lied in court, in open court, in order to back up their ridiculous charge of causing the defendant's anxiety.
Now these monsters have previously been kidnapping and raping young children in gangs for years.
In full view of everyone, including the social services, the police forces, everyone knew it was happening.
They don't sound like the anxious type to me.
If these men were anxious, It's because they were facing a court case, they're all now subsequently doing 15 years in prison.
They were facing a court case, they knew they were guilty, they'd raped dozens of young children.
Yet somehow me asking them a simple question as a journalist, I'm now being convicted for causing them anxiety.
One of them pushed me in the chest, told me to go fuck myself.
I simply said, alright mate, what are you in court for?
The other three old child rapist monsters coincidentally all made disgusting and vulgar sexual references about female members of my family.
One thing's for sure, none of them looked remotely anxious.
According to the Attorney General and the judge, I was aggressive.
And in the words of the prosecution, I molested them as they entered court.
No joke, this is what they said in court.
Molested them.
These are the guys that have molested and raped children for a decade.
The Attorney General, and actually in their prosecution, said that these men must be free to go and come from court without fear of molestation.
The reality is, with 16 child statements, witness statements, they shouldn't have been free to come and go from court at all.
They should have been on remand.
Let's have a look at me now.
You've seen that footage that I've just been convicted of.
You've seen the footage.
Let's have a look at the footage of me entering the Old Bailey for this trial.
Let me show you this now.
I didn't potentially collapse any trial.
I'm actually not in charge.
I'm not on trial for potentially collapsing a trial.
My charge is causing anxiety to the men walking into court by putting cameras and asking them questions.
Exactly what you've just done to me is what I face contempt of court for.
Exactly this.
You think this is causing my anxiety?
Look at your actions.
That's what I'm facing trial for.
I didn't act this way.
This is a facade.
The whole public know that.
That's why the public are here to support me.
No, I didn't nearly collapse.
That's a lie.
You're lying.
You're lying.
I didn't nearly collapse.
The judge's words in that case, nothing I said could have caused prejudice to draw in.
That's the judge's words.
That's the judge's words.
Read the transcript.
Do your job as a journalist.
Were you in contempt of court?
No, I wasn't.
That's why I was released from prison.
The whole case was unlawful.
This is politically motivated persecution by a government who want the silence.
That's what this is.
What do you think about the fact that they've called these charges back?
I think it tells everyone the fact.
Look at what's happening here.
Can you see this?
Look, I'm in court for causing them anxiety.
Look at all these cameras.
Look at all these journalists.
Stunning footage.
Tommy Robinson is hosting the show.
He's about to take back over again.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
He's doing a direct appeal to President Trump for journalistic asylum because the UK is now a police state.
If you're a radio listener, these are dozens of cameras and people pressed around him, pressing in on him, saying he's a bad person as he goes in for the kangaroo court to be convicted of talking to people that were convicted in the street.
And he says, I've been convicted for what you're doing right now, and they just look at him with hate because these aren't media, these are authoritarian lapdogs.
This is how far the UK's fallen.
Back to your statement, my friend.
As you can see, that was me on my way into court, just like the Muslim child rapist on their way into court.
Lucy Manning, leading BBC political broadcaster.
She blocked my path, along with multiple other journalists and media cameramen.
She was far more aggressive in her line of questioning.
She even assumed my guilt.
Now you're finally going to face justice.
That was her words.
She assumed my guilt.
I'm not saying anything she's done there is wrong.
I'm saying that is robust journalism.
That's what we're witnessing.
That's all I've done.
But what she is, is a collaborator with the Islamists and she's got a job to throw your ass in prison.
It's the BBC that famously has always covered up her pedophilia.
That's their known thing.
So she's told, you go stop him.
Please continue.
Even Alex, on Thursday, for the first day of my trial, every single newspaper published a picture of me in court.
Every single one of them.
According to the Attorney General, that is now contempt of court.
We played that video of Lucy Manning in court as evidence along with many other videos such as Rolf Harris being pretty much crushed by the press on his way into court.
The judge and prosecution completely ignored the fact that every other newspaper and journalist questions and photographs defendants entering court every single day across my country.
But in my specific case the Attorney General has decided for the first time in British history When Tommy Robinson politely questions the now convicted Muslim child rapists, it amounts contempt of court and it could have interfered with the court proceedings by leaving the defendants in an anxious state of mind.
I knew the entire system was corrupt when the judge unbelievably agreed with the Attorney General.
This has effectively set a precedent.
Questioning any defendant is contempt of court.
Will you ever see another journalist arrested and prosecuted for asking questions or photographing a defendant entering court?
Of course you won't!
The Attorney General spent five months trying to invent something they can fit me up with and therefore this will be a complete one-off designed solely to fit up Tommy Robinson.
Tommy, stay there.
When you come back, I want you to do your appeal directly to the President, but I want to be clear here.
TV viewers can see all this.
Radio listeners can hear it.
It's so shocking.
I think you're wrong, though.
They're setting the precedent for everybody to be arrested who is a patriot, who's in the media.
What they're really doing is outlawing journalism.
And you haven't told people yet how they send antifa to your house, they send the Muslims to your house, saying they're going to acid attack you, threatening your family.
This is your young children, your wife.
You need to get out of there.
You're asking President Trump for emergency journalistic asylum.
You are the textbook case for it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Cool, thanks.
Marcos, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
What's your view?
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate you having me on.
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Oh yeah, definitely.
Folks, you want people to fight for America?
You want people to stand up and say no to the globalists.
You want people to report on the Clintons and all the pedophile rings that are now in the news.
You want people to, you know, expose globalism or the Islamic invasion.
We're doing it, and we're not backing down.
And we're exposing the Covington hoax first.
We expose it first.
We're exposing it all.
We are the tip of the spear.
You are the tip of the spear.
And that's why everybody has to remember, we're running a Save Infowars special right now.
To get more capital in because we've not been able to expand.
We've actually been contracting some.
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We're still reaching a lot of people thanks to you, but we need capital to get more reporters to the field, to launch a bunch of stuff we've got ready to do that is going to devastate the globalists.
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As I've said the other day, and I've said to the people in the press, your case is the
template case for American freedom moving forward.
And whether or not they can break the InfoWars base, whether or not they can stop the InfoWars audience from supporting the InfoWars network.
Because again, like you said in corporate documents, the model of self-funding, self-sales is the thing that corporations, the globalists fear.
Because crowdsourcing and individuals doing this scares the living daylights out of them.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena and the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is an old-school American 1776-style experiment in the expression of the freedom of the press and freedom of speech that, in fact, the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to support and subsidize Organizations just like this because this was the kind of press they wanted and then ultimately we now live in an era where they've mostly been co-opted by big corporations or billionaire sugar daddies who have been able to control and manipulate what news and views the person's allowed to have or express or hear and the InfoWars audience has broken through that.
They are the bridge from the founding to the modern age of ultimate American democracy and freedom and that's why there's been an unprecedented onslaught of de-platforming, defamation, lawfare, and libel targeting
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Well, there's no doubt.
Europe, the UK and the US, to a great extent, is being swallowed up by authoritarianism.
Mass censorship of nationalists, conservatives, Christians, veterans groups, pro-gun groups, pro-life groups.
In the UK, over 10,000 are arrested a year for even having private conversations at restaurants that people hear that can be considered offensive.
An iron fist is crushing the people.
Former members of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, who weren't even born in the UK, are brought back, given free government housing.
Family members of terrorists convicted of bombing people in the UK are given money for their psychological pain, but victims aren't.
That's in the news today.
It's so unspeakable how they rub it in.
It makes the head spin.
Now, Tommy Robinson's doing an emergency appeal to the President.
He's been laying out the evidence of the fraud.
But I was telling him during the break, I said, Tommy, the President's very busy.
I can get this to him.
Tucker Carlson is watching.
I've talked to Tucker.
He's planning to try to get you back on.
But it's, we know you're innocent.
We understand it.
And the White House will want to see all this.
It'll probably be somebody like Stephen Miller that watches it all.
But what I'm saying is, you are a smart guy, well spoken.
We're going to cut most of myself even out of this when we, says the President.
What is your direct appeal about what you're facing, your family's facing, and why you need him to give you emergency asylum, which I think is a very good chance we can get him to do.
It also exposes how corrupt the UK's gotten.
So your upfront message to Trump?
President Trump, the American government, Britain has fallen.
Even yourself, if you was in Britain, you would be arrested and tried.
He would be tried because Sadiq Khan would demand it.
The political pressure that has been put on the judiciary system would be the similar pressure that would be put on for yourself.
I'm an Englishman, a British citizen who loves my country and it hurts me to have to say I have no future here.
The only future that lies for me is death.
Death at the hands of an establishment who will feed me to Islamic gangs of jihadis within the prison system.
I have 48 hours before my sentencing.
I previously spent three months in solitary confinement for journalism, for breaking no law.
The reality is, and I urge you, please, get your lawyers to look through this case.
You will expose and see complete corruption.
I'm being found guilty when I've broke no laws.
I've not been tried by my peers.
Twelve members of the British public, that's the Magna Carta.
That's common law.
Common law is if members of my peers, if the British public find me guilty, I'd accept my fate.
I'm not being tried.
This is a backdoor ruling.
In order for the government to silence me, imprison me and inevitably have me killed.
I'm a father of three, with three beautiful children and a wife and a beautiful wife.
Last time I was in prison, the police went to my family's home to tell them and they had intel that there were going to be acid attacks against them.
They went to my wife, they went to my mother.
They're going to take me away and leave my family vulnerable.
My crime?
Awakening the British public to the mass problems from open border immigration.
Importing a culture of dominance and violence.
And see, the globalists don't want the public to be aware of this.
They don't want people to understand the problems that come with their utopia vision for our world.
I've spoke out.
I've laid my life.
I'm saying to you, I want to keep on fighting, but I can't fight it because I'm going to be killed.
And as a journalist, as a British citizen, I beg you, I beg Donald Trump, I beg the American government, just look at my case.
If you look at my case, you will see the wrongdoings.
My previous, when I tried to fight this case, this is the corruption in this country.
The QC, the Queen's Council who was representing me, told me to do a deal.
And then I was told he didn't want a black mark on his name for fighting my case.
That's his job.
But he wouldn't fight my case to understand the level of political correctness that has infected this once great nation.
We are imprisoning journalists and our media celebrate it.
I've been imprisoned for asking a convicted paedophile, how do you feel about your verdict?
That is the reality.
My conviction for causing anxiety?
For causing anxiety?
This is even before.
I want to get on to the final charges, but this is a direct appeal on behalf of my family.
On behalf of my family, we love the United States.
I have no future here.
It's inevitable.
I will be murdered.
I will be killed.
And I will be imprisoned on Thursday for journalism.
We talk about North Korea.
We talk about China.
We talk about Russia.
Our freedoms are gone.
Our free speech is gone.
It's gone.
We live in a post-free speech era.
And exactly the same, what they've inflicted in this nation, I know they want to do to yours.
I know they want to take your freedoms, they want to change your constitution.
I know there's people who would take away your rights tomorrow.
The difference is, they want to do it to you in America.
They've done it to us.
They've done it to us.
Our free speech is gone and it's celebrated.
It's celebrated by the people in power, who rule over us, the globalists.
It's celebrated.
It's celebrated when a journalist is being imprisoned.
The media, they're not journalists, they're activists!
The globalist corporate media, and they've been used as attack dogs against me.
I just, I make this as a direct appeal.
I ask American citizens, please make sure somehow, I ask Alex Jones, I ask anyone, make sure this lands on the American government.
I know that when I was taken and kidnapped off the street and unlawfully held, which has been proven, I know That congressmen from the Republican Party stepped in.
I know that pressure was put on the British government.
I'm telling you now, it's not pressure that's needed.
I need evacuation out of this country.
Because there are people and dark forces at work in this nation.
The same dark forces at work in this nation that want to repel you as the leader of the free world from even entering this country.
There are many people in this country who would want to seek the same against you that they seek against me.
The same lies that are told about you.
I have to fight these lies.
I've fought these lies as a young working class man from a town in England.
I've had to fight against the labelling, against the stigma, the Nazi, the racist, the fascist.
All the words used to destroy a man's reputation.
I've had to fight and fight and fight as a single individual.
And right now I'm about to be imprisoned and I'm saying if you care about freedom, like I know you do, I know America loves freedom, I know you'll fight for it and die for it, and so would we.
Ours is gone.
It's gone.
The country's fallen.
Everything you've watched, as I go through the details in this case, you will see that every word I'm saying is true.
It's factual.
They're going against the law of the land.
They're not judging or sentencing by the law of the land.
Tommy, Tommy, I want you to add just one point.
You don't have to talk about yourself.
There's hundreds of these videos of them assaulting you and your family in the park, in public.
Then the police always come and say you're the bad guy.
People talk about how they antifa came to your house saying they're gonna attack your family, trying to trick you to defend your family so they can put you back in prison.
Tell the president some of the other things they've done to you and your family.
To the President, I have this label, people want to label me, label me, with all these different labels.
The difference is, I walk the streets of the UK.
I am as well known in my country, and I'm loved and I'm hated.
A very similar situation to you, Mr President, to Donald Trump in America.
I don't have security.
I walk every day on my own.
I walk everywhere on my own.
I don't have the money to fund a security fund to continue it.
You see Nigel Farage in this country.
He wouldn't last one day walking the streets.
He would not last one day without his protection.
I walk them every day.
I walk them every single day with conviction and my head held high for what I stand for and for what I want.
And I say that everything has been thrown at me.
And what I realise now It's that my government don't care if the world's watching.
They don't care if they're breaking the law.
They don't care.
And on Thursday I will be, what I'd say, is sentenced to death.
Every single prison in this country is overrun and controlled by jihadi gangs.
By jihadi gangs.
I'm saying to the world watching.
If this was happening to a journalist in any other country, in China, in Russia, in North Korea, human rights lawyers would be fighting to defend them.
Political correctness is that powerful in this country?
I can't find a human rights lawyer to defend me or even mention me.
Every time we speak to lawyers about anything, as soon as they hear it's my name, nope, we walk away.
Even getting an affidavit signed last week by a law firm.
I went to sign the law firm, when they see it was me, nope.
That is the power of political correctness.
That is how infected my nation is.
And I'm appealing to you directly for help.
I'm appealing to you for help on the side of freedom.
Tommy, stay there.
We're going to come back and then go for the White House lawyers into the evidence.
And we're live.
I'm going to take this and put this up front and all your evidence after.
The President will definitely see the first five minutes of this.
I can assure you of that, my friend.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Robert Barnes, what has Big Tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies, and the way they did so is because they face no consequence, social, economic, political, or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the public officials that care about this, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, have to be And let's be absolutely crystal clear here.
Big railroads and big steel and big oil had Pinkerton security, killed thousands, were horribly corrupt, gouged small-time farmers, ran all sorts of scams.
equivalent to the big trust of the 19th century who ran American politics and ran American
economy almost into the ground until we were able to recover after the Great Depression.
And let's be absolutely crystal clear here. Big railroads and big steel and big oil had
Pinkerton security, killed thousands, were horribly corrupt, gouged small-time farmers,
ran all sorts of scams. But they weren't reading all your mail. They didn't know what bra size your
wife wears or what size tampons and what you like to watch porn watch.
They didn't know what was in your bank account.
They didn't know what god you worship or don't worship.
This is omnipresent level abuse and coupled with the monopolies, it is the ultimate Mark of the Beast style nightmare system.
And remember, InfoWars was the vanguard of being banned first, the most banned, and the vanguard of fighting it.
Because we are the vanguard!
You are the vanguard!
Step into the history, folks!
The InfoWars audience is the fuel that flames the light of liberty across the world.
And that's the reason why, because it created this little-d democratic experiment in independent free press, independent free speech, of ordinary Americans coming together collectively and aggregately, through their financial support of InfoWars, to make real the original promise of an independent free press, to make real the actions of independent free speech.
In our electoral arena, in our social and cultural influential arena that shapes people's minds, shapes people's thoughts, to where you can choose your own news and your own views and share and spread those with the rest of the world.
That is why it was the target for a totalitarian, authoritarian, control-oriented, big tech, big media collusion.
They used our openness as our weakness.
It's real collusion.
Real collusion of big tech and big media manipulating and working with each other to try to meddle with elections, to try to shape people's thoughts.
You're in the whopper of telling us the whole time it's not happening.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just saw.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(dramatic music)
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Here's Frederica Wilson last week calling for anyone that makes fun of a Democrat to be arrested.
By the way, more and more Democrats are saying this.
They're saying, arrest Alex Jones.
Arrest Donald Trump.
They are arresting journalists in Europe and in the UK.
And Tommy Robinson is a folk hero over there, folks.
He's well-known here.
Very, like, more famous than I am here in the U.S.
He is over there and loved.
That's why they're hell-bent on destroying him.
Let's go to what the Congresswoman said just last week.
People who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace.
And there's no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable.
We're going to shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down and they should be prosecuted.
So, this is bigger than Tommy Robinson, who's a great hero and a good friend of mine, and if you don't know his whole history, you have a best-selling book about an action hero or something, and it would seem just unbelievable, but truth is stranger than fiction.
We won't be able to operate, though, if we don't have funding, so let me just briefly say this.
This is the last day of the Save Info Awards July 4th special.
This will be the last day.
New specials tomorrow.
But this is one of our biggest and most extensive ever.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot points, and 50% off all of our best-selling supplements.
That's the brain force, the turbo force, the...
Survival Shield X2, the Superdome Vitality, the amazing Fluoride-Free Toothpaste, Super Blue, Fortified with Colloidal Silver and Iodine, and your purchase makes it all possible.
And one other interesting issue.
You know, we do limited edition t-shirts, and sometimes we only sell like 500 of one.
Sometimes we sell a couple thousand.
Sometimes we sell 20, 30 thousand.
That helps fund things.
It takes a lot of money to run this.
I've got some big, exciting operations that we won't get credit for, but that's not what this is about.
Oh, it's not just what you see here.
A lot of stuff you see out there.
Other folks are getting credit for?
I don't want the credit.
Submarines run silent, run deadly, run deep.
And what you see here is just the tip of the iceberg.
I will assure you.
I need warfare operation funds if you want me to go out and destroy the globalists politically.
I can destroy them with your help.
We've already gone so far together.
We've already paid a lot.
They're trying to plant child porn on me now.
You know all about it all.
And I've seen a lot of support come in since then.
People are like, oh my God.
Exactly, folks.
This is hard core.
Of course they got caught, the fact that it was all a lie.
But this is such a dangerous time.
Tommy can tell you, I'm not bragging, he's at times that he's needed money.
For what's going on.
He's going on.
Hey, $30,000.
You know, and a lot of other folks you don't know about that I send checks a lot bigger than that to for their strategic operations.
So you have to understand the enemy wants me out the year for good reason because they don't want me to have contact with you to get funding that we then turn loose to others with no strings attached because we already know they've done a great job.
I'm trying to run a war here.
I'm trying to win.
I believe in you and your purchases now are critical.
The Betsy Ross flag.
Which, Nike's pulled off her sayings racist, even though she was an abolitionist.
You know, that's the group that got slavery banned.
She designed the American flag.
She's amazing.
They're pulling it everywhere.
Well, guess what?
I had an idea that if we put out a limited edition shirt, they've now arrived, they're shipping out now, that you'd like it.
One is the Betsy Ross flag with 1776 founded.
1776 on the back, it says America's Back.
People love it.
The other one is even a better seller.
They're about to sell out.
I said, I'm only printing 4,000.
I thought it would take a month to sell that many.
We've already sold out 2,000 as of this morning.
So a lot of sizes are about to be gone.
Then we have the other one that's white.
It says America's Back, Infowars.com on the back.
On the front, the Betsy Ross flag, big across the chest, and these colors don't run.
And that's the one that's selling out so quick.
Don't worry, it's so popular, I'm gonna make a new limited edition after this, okay?
And we'll have 10,000 of those.
You're like, wow, that'll be a lot of money.
Yeah, it takes a ton more.
We have sold 100,000 t-shirts before, of Hillary for prison.
That helped fund a lot of stuff, but we sold half of them at cost, so we need the funding.
Carpe D'Angelo is amazing.
Just was inside the White House.
He'll be okay till 10 after or so for the rest of the hour with us.
He understands, Tommy, he's a political president facing certain death.
They pledged to do it, and so he'll be good.
I want you to go through the rest of your breakdown of the evidence of the false charges against you and the total proof.
Tommy Robinson.
Alex, first of all, what you were saying, You actually financially contributed to some of the equipment we would have been using on the day for this case.
So thank you.
And also, you know, I'm reaching out to the United States.
There's been an organization in the United States, the Middle East Forum, who have also funded our fight for free speech in the UK.
They've funded and tried to fight and have me released and continue to fight my legal battles with me.
So a thank you to them.
I know so many Americans step forward when they see our freedoms are disappearing and that our people are under attack.
I want to address the final charge.
The breach in the Section 4.2 reporting restriction.
Previously, I was ignorant to the rules around reporting restrictions and the rules around court.
I'm a citizen journalist.
I hadn't studied.
I hadn't been to university.
So I began to learn, and I paid privately to go to one of London's leading law firms, Kingsley Napoli.
I went for training on contempt of court, for training on reporting restrictions.
I went.
I learned.
I downloaded and read the judiciary's own paper.
It's called the Reporting Restrictions in the Criminal Courts.
It's available to download on the judiciary's own website, their website.
In fact, the Lord Chief Justice himself, the lead of our courts, he introduces this report stating that it's a practical guide for judges and the media on the statutory and common law principles which should be applied with regards to reporting restrictions.
All you have to do is go on Google, put in reporting restrictions criminal courts, you'll find it, it's the top link, okay?
Now, let me read for you what it says, yeah?
Any reporting restriction imposes potential criminal liability on media organisations, journalists or editors who breach it.
If a breach occurs, media organisations and their employees may face unlimited fines.
Don't mention a prison!
For these reasons, it is essential that any reporting restriction should be reduced to writing as soon as possible.
It should be clear and precise and in terms and drawn up as a court order as soon as practicable.
Once orders have been made, they should be drawn to the attention of the media by being shown on the court list and on the door of the court, and wherever possible, sent to relevant local or national media organisations.
Court staff should respond positively to media organisations' requests for assistance in relation to the existence of terms of a reporting restriction.
Now, Let me show you the court listings from the day before I went to court that day.
Clearly, this is the court listings from the day before.
As you can see from the online court listing the day before, they mention that the jury had retired, but crucially there's no mention of any reporting restrictions in place.
Clearly, it's not there, okay?
This is a screenshot that I took when we were researching for this case.
Now, of course, this led me to think the trial had finished, the jury's retired.
Maybe the restrictions have been lifted.
When I turned up to court that morning, I went into court.
I asked a member of staff if there was still a reporting restriction on this case.
The prosecution's own witness confirmed this in court.
He told me he didn't know of any reporting restriction on the case.
He did not provide me with the details as he is required to do by the judiciary's own guidelines.
Now my cameraman also went into court and took a picture of the screen.
He looked at the court door, both of which had no notification of any reporting restriction.
The Attorney General read my statement, because with a civil case, I had to give my statement three or four weeks prior to court.
I told them, you didn't have report restrictions on the screen, on the door, you had no report restrictions anywhere visible, okay?
Because of that, the Attorney General got a statement trying to disprove me by interviewing the manager of Leeds Crown Court.
Unfortunately for the prosecution, she actually confirmed everything I said in her own words.
They had failed to adhere to the legal guidelines.
In fact, the details of the reporting restrictions were never ever once loaded onto the court system during the entirety of the six-week trial.
Now, let me show you this.
This is the... This is...
The Law Commission, the British Law Commission.
So the Attorney General in 2014 asked the Law Commission to do an investigation into contempt of court.
Let me read, so this is in there.
It is now standard practice that any reporting restriction is shown on the Crown Court list under the name of the relevant case, allowing a ready means of checking whether there are such restrictions in place.
Now that's exact, I've just showed you it wasn't on there, okay, I've showed you.
Now, in March 2014, the Law Commission recommended that there should be a single publicly accessible website enabling the media and members of the public to find out if an order has been made under Section 4.2 of the Contempt of Court Act 1981.
This website should include a restricted area where, for a charge, certain users could find out the details of the reporting restriction and could sign up for automated alerts of new orders.
At the time of writing this, this website has not been established.
Tommy, stay there.
Tommy, stay there.
The point is, is that reporting restrictions are on things like a trial about nuclear weapons or national security.
But they didn't even have one for this child molester thing they're trying to protect, which you've been proven right.
You're the hero.
And so they just make it up.
Another reason they're throwing you in prison is saying you violated a restriction that didn't exist.
The truth is you're a political prisoner about to be sent back to solitary confinement.
You need to be evacuated to the United States with your family.
We'll be right back.
We will always be the people who defeated a tyrant, crossed the continent, harnessed science, took to the skies, and soared into the heavens.
Because we will never forget that we are Americans and the future belongs to us.
The future belongs to the brave, the strong, the proud and the free.
We are one people chasing one dream and one magnificent destiny.
We all share the same heroes, the same home, the same heart, and we are all made by the same almighty God.
From the banks of the Chesapeake to the cliffs of California,
from the humming shores of the Great Lakes to the sand dunes of the Carolinas,
from the fields of the heartland to the Everglades of Florida,
the spirit of American independence will never fade, never fail,
but will reign forever and ever and ever.
And that's what Trump was going through, one by one, all the different examples in such a tiny time period from a historical, contextual perspective.
And over, in just 200 years, one country took the lead in lighting the flame of liberty for everybody around the world in a wide range of contexts.
Infowars.com, tomorrow's news today.
Full power of the Republic in the name of Jesus Christ.
Full power!
Damn the torpedoes, go straight at them!
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Carpe D'Antem's coming up, fresh off his White House visit.
First look at what's coming up at the big summit on memes, war, and social media this Thursday at the White House.
And I know well more than 10 people that are going to be at the conference.
They're going to break aways with the president.
McCarpe has already been summoned there for a long 20-minute meeting with the president.
I'll show you some of those photos and more, but a lot of interesting things to talk about.
Some on record, some off record, but a lot of interesting things are happening.
You know, I physically get not even angry, but vicious.
Just really focused when I hear about things like this because I know Tommy's telling the whole truth.
He's got all the proof.
I've lived through this.
I've already gone through some of the things he's gone through.
Nothing is bad, but I understand I'm going down that same road.
That's what empathy is.
You know, when you see a squirrel run over, it's a squirrel.
You still feel bad.
Boy, I bet having its back broke really hurts.
I hope it dies quickly.
Well, what about watching a journalist who's a hero who exposed giant child kidnapping rings, and they're busting thousands of these men, sending them to prison, and the government is so pissed about it that they want to put Tommy Robinson in prison.
They already put him in there for a year, then three months in solitary.
The collaboration of the people in the British government The UK government is astounding.
We've got a few minutes in this segment, a little bit more time than Carpe's coming on, but you're going through your evidence here, and I think everybody understands.
No reporting restrictions.
They've still convicted you of that.
It's just total criminal fraud.
And as you said, it's because the UK is so compromised.
Go ahead.
The contempt of court law is out of doubt.
It was set before the invention of the internet.
The high degree of confusion around the guidelines to report restrictions led the Law Commission to conduct a six-month review and a recommendation paper in 2014 specifically about contempt of court.
The Law Commission found that the rules and guidelines are extremely confusing and could lead to a journalist mistakenly landing in contempt of court.
Their sole recommendation, their one recommendation from their six-month review of the government, ...was to create one national website that all the details for trials and reporting restrictions are placed.
That would allow the media, that would allow journalists, members of the public, access.
So if I wanted to go up to a court case, I'd go on one national website... But Tommy, Tommy, stop right there.
We all know they abuse the contempt of court rule and they use it to protect pedophiles.
That's been all over mainstream news.
Everybody gets that at the White House.
I want you to get into some of the other things and the reason you need to be brought in.
Because obviously, you're a journalist, they're kangarooing you, you don't get a jury trial, you're a national hero, we need you here.
Hell, if you get to the U.S., you can have a show right here.
We'll get you a work visa.
I know because of your prior convictions of the other fake stuff for journalism, it's even harder for you to get a visa to the U.S.
Well, hell, the liberals do it.
We'll just march your ass across the Rio Grande.
I bet the Border Patrol will turn a blind eye.
Uh, and we'll just bring you and your family, you can just swim the river, brother, or we'll just drive over in my RV, I'll pick your ass up.
Because seriously, uh, I mean, we got all these people flooding in by the millions that aren't real political dissidents, and then you're a real political dissident, and I just, we need, you need to file for asylum now and bring this up in court as well and just say, listen, you can have the country, Islam's got it, bye bye, and just let them know you want to leave.
But see, they want to kill your ass.
But see, that takes their plum away.
Because if you make a big political issue, as you are now, they won't have their big victory.
Alex, the whole reason for all of this is a cover-up.
The whole reason is not wanting the public to realise.
For example, that law commission, it's simple, it's very sensible and it's extremely easy to implement.
One website.
Why won't they produce one website so journalists can go on?
Because if they did, Anyone could go on and they would see the amount of secret trials of Muslim rape gangs in every single town and city's court across our entire width of this country.
The public would then realise just how many of these cases there are.
Because every single one of these cases now is given a reporting restriction preventing anyone talking about it.
That's the reality of what it is.
So that is exactly why they haven't implemented that.
This was their sole recommendation from a report by the Law Commission for the Attorney General.
That's right, so stay there.
You've got three contempts of court.
You've already hit two in other frauds.
Hit the final one briefly and then a summation.
As you just said, your crime is exposing the giant industrial level that have hundreds of trials.
Hundreds of convictions, thousands sent to prison off of what you first exposed 11-12 years ago.
You have exposed, just like all the stuff in our news, the pedophiles.
Sometimes grown-ups touch kids in ways they don't like.
I was wrestling with my uncle, and it changed.
It felt icky.
When touching feels funny, it's hard to know what to do.
He said I shouldn't tell anyone.
If that ever happens to you, say no.
Then go!
And tell someone you trust.
Say no!
Then go!
And tell!
A message from the American Medical Association.
I'll bet you're as bright as you're gonna be.
I'll tell you what.
What's your favorite subject?
Whoa, I better be more circumspect in my answer.
Those guys back there.
Go ahead, the next question.
And by the way, that's one of the things that's a dangerous idea.
You know, as these guys will tell you, I'm not always their favorite subject.
But the truth of the matter is, the reason we are who we are is called a free press.
Yes, continue to spend it.
The answer to nine...
1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Carpe Danto!
One of the top memers, if not the top memer in the world.
Many of his videos get over 50 million views.
He'll be joining us for the last 45 minutes of this hour.
Then Gerald Cenalente takes over.
Tommy Robinson hasn't gotten through half of what he wants to hit.
The proof of the fraud, the lies, we already know it.
We've seen the videos.
The guy's a hero.
He's facing prison again.
Three counts.
Just on one count of contempt earlier, he was three months in solitary confinement.
He appealed and got out on that.
Now, they're talking about throwing him in jail for years.
This is incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
So dangerous.
You just heard the Democratic Congresswoman and others saying, arrest conservatives that even criticize herself or AOC.
AOC warned Donald Trump Jr.
I've got subpoena power, we'll arrest you.
She doesn't even understand that the Legislative doesn't have that power.
These people are dangerous.
Tommy Robinson, in summation, run through the rest of this information.
Those people that are dangerous are in power in Britain.
They're in power everywhere in Britain.
Even in the Attorney General's skeleton argument against me, yeah?
This is how laughable this entire case is.
In their own skeleton committal proceedings against me, it referenced a President from 1997, yeah?
It was a case of reporting restrictions against a newspaper publishing a PRC where it has decided, and I quote, yeah?
No one... No one should be in peril of suffering a criminal penalty for contempt unless the order which he is said to have infringed is clear!
We've got evidence.
It wasn't anywhere.
There was no talk of an order.
The crucial point is that all of this is irrelevant.
The prosecutor just used all of these things in court as distraction tactics because I did not even breach the reporting order on that day.
Even all the rules and regulations, yeah?
The fact that the trial would come to an end The failure of the court to notify the public of the existence of an order, I thought it weren't in place.
Given how much the government have it in for me, I decided I would still not risk breaching it.
During my training and my studying for Contempt of Court and looking at the Judiciary's Own Guide, this is a guide that's issued for judges and the media on reporting restrictions.
It mentioned one critical point and I followed that critical point to the letter.
The crucial bit of evidence, the crucial piece, is that on the Judiciary's Own website it states Courts have no power under section 42 to prevent publication of material that is already in the public domain.
Now this guide that I'm reading was approved by the Lord Chief Justice himself.
Listen, let's be clear.
You went and you read a BBC headline in front of a court that had dozens of reporters out there and then they've arrested you and already put you in prison once for doing that.
Just like Roger Stone's facing jail before his kangaroo trial on Russiagate.
For linking the news articles on his Instagram feed.
And our own law is the same.
It comes out of British Common Law.
It says, if there's a reporting restriction or there's a gag, that doesn't gag you from restating what's already public or reading a record.
It just means you can't yourself, as a party, say something about what's happening in the proceedings.
So again, this is all total fraud by the court.
It's there.
Simply everything I said that day was in the public domain.
Now this is on the judiciary's own website.
It's approved by the Lord Chief Justice.
I referenced this several times in my live stream that day.
I stated clearly that if you watch the hour-long live stream, I was only referencing information already in the public domain.
Now they failed to make any clear detail of notifications of any report restriction in this case.
According to legal precedent, that would mean they cannot hold me criminally liable Crucially, I followed... Sure, and they give men three-month sentences for raping over 50 girls and beating them and torturing them.
We understand your government's super evil right now.
Get to the third charge and then the summation.
Well, unbelievably, Alex, do you know what they said?
When I quoted that everything I said was in the public domain, they said this information on their website was wrong.
They said that's wrong.
And when they say that's wrong, on the opening page of these... Well, you're reading the law and the rulings and the guidance on the law by the head court, by the Supreme Court, and they're saying that's wrong.
I get it.
It's total judicial arrogance.
And this sounds unbelievable, which is why I'm begging President Trump and your administration, please look at this case.
They said it's wrong.
They said, no, that's not the law, that's wrong.
It's been on their website for five years.
Let me just read this one bit.
This guide is now in its third edition.
This is from the Right Honourable Lord Chief Justice.
I warmly thank Guy Bassel of Matrix Chambers for his work in revising this guidance to ensure its legal accuracy.
It's legal accuracy!
They said it's wrong!
Their case against me was that what I read on their... Let's be clear.
The same guy trying to put you in prison said that that is the letter of the law and certified it as the law.
Well, the Lord Chief Justice, this is the previous Lord Chief Justice, but the court, the prosecutor for the Attorney General's government, just said that's wrong, that's not the law.
Now, I knew when I was defending my case, yeah, that it's clear the prosecution was determined to open up a massive legal net no matter what.
It's become apparent the minute the prosecutor for the Attorney General, Andrew Caldicott, that was his name, yeah?
He said he was at court, and I don't get it.
That's set on their website.
On their website, which they then say is not accurate.
And that is the guidelines for a journalist to go on.
Now last year, Leeds Crown Court broke every single legal procedure possible.
They refused me my own legal representation.
They didn't even tell me what I was accused of doing.
They didn't ask me to plead guilty or not guilty.
They didn't even let me speak.
I was sent into 30 months in prison in a 10 minute trial, something you'd imagine being held in North Korea.
It was rightly thrown out on my appeal after I spent three months in solitary confinement.
Judge Marston decided that day that I needed to be immediately removed from the streets and sent to prison within minutes.
The Muslim child rapist, with 16 witness statements detailing the rape and torture of children, he deemed they were no risk to the British public.
He provided them with bail so they could continue to walk the streets alongside our children.
Alongside our children.
Now, One of these men decided to do a run-up.
He done a run-up a week before the case finished.
He's still hiding in Pakistan.
That dangerous child rapist monster was on the run for months before reporting restrictions were lifted.
So because of these criminal, these reporting restrictions, we had a paedophile rapist on the run and no one could even talk about it.
Our media couldn't warn people.
They couldn't even challenge for his whereabouts.
The government's number one priority first and foremost should be to ensure the safety of the British people.
Exactly what your president, exactly what President Trump is doing for America.
The needs to suppress the scale of these gang rapes across my country trumps everything.
This scumbag rapist is still walking the streets now.
He's evaded justice thanks to Judge Marston.
Do you know in over 60 years no one has ever been in prison for a publication reporting breach.
No one.
The Judiciary Reporting Restriction Guideline which is on their website doesn't even mention prison.
It just mentions a reference of a possibility of unlimited fines.
Can I just show you and your audience and show the public some previous high-profile cases so you can get the context on what's happening to me?
Rod Liddle.
Rod Liddle was a journalist.
He nearly collapsed the Stephen Lawrence murder trial by detailing the defendant's previous criminal record.
He risked collapsing the murder trial.
He wasn't even prosecuted.
The magazine he wrote for got a £3,000 fine.
Journalists at the Daily Mail and the Daily Mirror, they publish this prejudicial information on the Levi Bellifield murder trial.
It was so prejudiced, it collapsed the entire case!
The jury had to be discharged!
Tommy, Tommy, here's what's happening, here's what's happening.
I've got carpe d'antimon, this is incredibly important.
You've still got ten pages of evidence here, ready.
And it's critical that people understand how the police state works.
What you're saying is, even if you did these things, even if it was true, the law is still wrong, but you didn't do what they say, so they're lying, which is really criminal.
And you've got the point that they've never Given somebody's sentences, 30 months in jail, a year in jail, three months solitary, like they are, and you need to get out of there, and you say London and England has fallen, and I agree, and I think we need to admit it's been fallen.
Kind of like Spain fell to Islam, we can have a La Reconquista.
But we can't have the reconquering of Wales and Scotland and Ireland until we admit all of these problems.
So, why don't you, I know you're very busy, and we're going to get all this together, and I want your full statement before we go to the White House.
Why don't you cool your heels for 45 minutes, because Carpe D'Angelo's got huge news as well from inside the White House, and just have dinner or something.
I know it's late.
And then come back for a couple of segments.
Gerald Cilenti will understand.
In 45 minutes, he'll finish up.
We'll splice it all together and put it out.
How's that sound?
Yeah, that sounds cool.
Yeah, yeah.
It's my daughter's birthday, man.
Hey, you're kicking ass, and it's a great defense you're putting on.
You want it on record before you go into this rat hole prison.
I understand, brother.
You're awesome.
Our main story tonight concerns breast implants.
Some are against them, others believe they're fine in rare cases, and many believe you should be able to get them whenever the f**k you want.
Sorry, did I say breast implants?
I meant abortions.
Tonight's main topic concerns abortion.
So tonight, in honor of America, I'd like to do a salute to abortion in the break.
10th Annual Salute to Abortion!
Get out of my behind!
Get out of my vagina!
Get out!
It's a woman's body and she should not be forced to carry anything inside of it.
You wouldn't make her keep a tapeworm.
Does that have a heartbeat?
So you're comparing a baby to a tapeworm?
A fetus is a parasite, sweetie.
That is not what a fetus looks like, okay?
It's a group of cells at 12 weeks.
You think that it is the white man's duty to fix everybody's problems, right?
How many did you adopt?
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
Well, that's what you do to babies, huh?
I love it.
You love it, huh?
Yeah, I do.
I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
Oh, I'd never go to Christ.
I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
No, I don't go to Christ.
A fertilized egg is a human being!
A fertilized egg is a human being!
You're a pig!
Because I don't want to come, baby!
Oh, you killed them!
You let them live so they can starve to death!
Why'd you spit at us?
I, uh...
Don't agree with you!
No uterus, no right to talk about it!
Understand me, motherfucker?
In the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother, just prior to the birth of the baby.
Now, you can say that that's okay, and Hillary can say that that's okay, but it's not okay with me.
Well that is not what happens in these cases and using that kind of scare rhetoric is just terribly unfortunate.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo lit up the One World Trade Center spire in pink to celebrate his radical expansion of abortion in New York.
State lawmakers approved a law permitting abortion in the state for any reason until the 24th week of pregnancy and then up until birth.
If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.
Are you for third trimester abortions?
My answer to you is that that should be a decision that the woman makes.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
How do you justify the decision to allow Planned Parenthood to rent in this city for free?
That's your time.
Next speaker.
There's a new video out on InfoWars.com of two partial birth abortion, eight and a half month old babies.
And, uh, and it makes me want to kill people.
I'm gonna just be honest with you right now.
My guts, my spirit, sees a baby who got killed and its brain sucked out by some asshole, and then they make a joke out of it.
These are abortion doctors with third trimester babies that were about to be born.
Defiling them, making jokes about them, that they're having a fight.
They're playing with dead babies in a little medical pan.
And it was pretty shocking, gruesome stuff to see.
And just total lack of regard for humanity.
It's just absolutely amazing.
We're gonna have... Abby Johnson.
I'm sorry.
God bless abortions and God bless America!
Knock it till you try it.
And when you do try it, really knock it.
You know, you gotta get that baby out of there.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
I hear people.
Senator Warren, I want to start with you.
We are less than 50 miles from Parkland, Florida, where 17 people were killed in a school shooting.
Someone's got my binder.
What's happening?
We are going to take a quick break.
We're going to get this technical situation.
What's happening?
We are hearing our colleagues' audio.
You know, we've prepared for everything.
Guess what, guys?
We are going to take a hard break.
Hard break down some of it, gentlemen.
We're going to get this technical situation fixed.
We will be right back.
And so many other great meme makers, great artists, great communicators,
this Thursday are going to be in D.C. for the summit that's being called a social media summit.
What it really is is a meme summit.
And President Trump is deciding how he's going to take action against big tech.
He met with The head of Twitter, you know, a few months ago, I happened to just be in D.C.
when it was going on.
Nobody told me to be there, and I just happened to bullhorn while he was inside.
And now the President's come out and said that Jack Dorsey basically lied to him and is engaged in criminal election meddling.
McCarthy Dongtum will show you some photos he sent us.
Well, he got a contact and was able to go meet with the President for 20 minutes, also with his children.
He was nice enough to bring one of his other meme buddies along with him.
Very exciting.
He'll be driving back to D.C.
here in just the next day or so to meet with President Trump again.
A lot of people are calling me saying, what's going to happen at this summit?
I've talked to more than 10 people now that have gotten the invite.
I'm not butthurt that I was not invited because this isn't about journalists or broadcasters.
It's about meme makers.
It's really who's being invited, like Ben Garrison, who's undoubtedly the most prolific and popular political cartoonist in the world right now.
Billions of views of his stuff.
Poor guy could barely make a living, but that's how the world works.
But his cachet in culture wars is unlimited.
Now they're calling him an anti-Semite.
So a lot of folks They got invited, told me, just please don't say we're invited, we don't want to be attacked.
One particularly prominent person that's a frequent guest here.
So don't worry, we've got plenty of representation inside.
But the good news is, Trump has told a lot of people I've talked to, not Carpe Donctum, but others, that he is planning to take action.
He's just trying to get the Justice Department to move with antitrust and more.
So Carpe Donctum joins us during this critical time, because if we take action against big tech censorship, We can win the next election and set this country back on the right path to success.
So I don't want to get into too much of what we talked about with the President, different angles of this, what you think is coming up this Thursday.
You just start wherever you want, my friend.
And thank you for joining us, Carpe Donctum, on Twitter, Carpe Donctum, on YouTube, Carpe Donctum.
And the great part about you being under the President's wing, they've been trying to get you removed.
CNN's been trying to dox you.
They haven't been successful yet.
And we'll just leave it at that, but this is definitely, we laugh about it, this is definitely a war.
Oh, absolutely.
You know, I'll just get this out of the way right away.
I'm wearing a hat that was in the Oval Office and given to me by President Trump, but I'm going to take it off because I look dumb wearing it.
No, you look good.
Leave it on.
So, it's absolutely a war.
They're going to try and silence anyone who's effective.
They're going to try and shut them down, get them off the internet, make sure that the message doesn't go out.
Big tech is going to continue to ramp up.
We've already seen increased bans for highly public figures.
We've seen demonetization for people like Crowder and others.
We're already seeing people like, you know, kind of centrists like Dave Rubin being like shadow banned on YouTube or on Twitter.
They're just going to keep ramping up until they've tightened the noose so much that no information can get out.
And they've even listed mainline liberals that are popular saying they're right-wing leaders too.
It seems like anybody that hasn't taken a deal with YouTube or Google or Facebook or Twitter to be under their control is like Philip DeFranco.
They called him the key right-wing leader.
Philip DeFranco is a liberal that attacks me on a routine basis.
Yeah, it's very funny and you know I think it's I think you're starting to get a little bit of feedback from some of these liberals that are saying, hey, wait a minute, I'm with you guys.
I said this one thing over here that wasn't quite in line with the party lockstep, but I'm a liberal like you, and they're like, no, you can't talk like that, otherwise you're all right, or you're affiliated with this pro-Trump movement.
You know, the classic liberal is a unicorn, and they're super hard to find because they get squashed every time they say anything rational.
There's no longer room in the platform, or the democratic platform for rational
And by the way, we're not just saying that. I mean, I've become punch drunk. They're actually
winning in some respects, where I see articles every day out of Germany, Sweden, Austria,
even Italy's got a better leader, but still the courts are corrupt. Where like someone
criticizes there's 500 migrants in our town of 100. They raped my daughter today. Boom.
You're arrested.
Tommy Robinson is facing years in prison for simply standing outside a courthouse when convicted pedophiles walk by and say, what do you think of your conviction?
Which is totally legal.
This is a war.
We have Democrats from AOC to all these other idiots saying, arrest people that criticize them.
I mean, these are real authoritarians.
This is really happening.
Right, that was just a couple days ago.
I forget who it was that they were saying that we should shut down anybody that makes fun of us on the internet.
Wasn't that a representative or a senator that said that?
Yeah, it's Congresswoman Wilson from Florida.
Right, and that's insane.
The state of big tech and the state of the Democratic Party is moving just further and further out.
She's a crazed Muppet.
And then every time she gets criticized, she goes, I'm a lesbian, don't criticize me.
Lady, I don't give a flying what you're doing.
The point is, keep your damn hands off my freedom, you witch!
You're a damn witch clown!
Go to hell!
I got my rights!
A lot of people died for that, lady!
I mean, all my camera crew is so freaked out about the Tommy Robinson thing.
We can all watch the video.
He's outside politely asking people.
The press is allowed to do that in the UK, so they are here.
And then they're putting him in prison!
I mean, we're all in danger, brother.
I thought so that that happened what like nine months ago that was yeah I thought that was insane just just on the surface of that he got put in jail for filming outside 30 months he spent three months in solitary congressman made a big deal they let him out on appeal right he was convicted by a judge in five minutes no trial Do you also remember, I believe he got arrested at Speaker's Corner, where you're supposed to be able to say whatever you want, and he got arrested over there.
They wouldn't let him speak.
God, look what he looked like when he came out of the jail.
Almost 40 pounds lighter.
What is happening in Europe, and what is happening, well, this isn't Europe, but Germany, places like that, is...
What they want to have happen here.
That's right.
Stay there.
You're gonna have the four-way come back.
And that's why we're fighting hard, folks.
Tommy Robinson is a real man.
I don't care about Hollywood stars, basketball players, even.
Let me tell you something.
Somebody like Tommy Robinson?
Are you out there supporting this?
That's... That's a... Let me tell you.
They're gonna probably kill him this time.
They said they're gonna kill him.
He's ready to die.
If you...
Folks, we are launching another limited edition right now t-shirt.
We're only going to have 4,000 of these.
There's four different variants, two different shirts in white and in navy blue.
I'm very excited about it.
It is the Betsy Ross flag, the first flag made by an abolitionist, made by an American.
She came up with the design.
It's a beautiful flag, one of the most recognizable in history, if not world history.
And it's a white shirt on the front that has the flag in red, white, and
blue right across the chest, big.
And then under it, it says, "These colors don't run." On the back, it says, "America
is back. Infowars.com." There's another variant, the Betsy Ross flag, established 1776. And
on the back, it says, "America's back. Infowars.com." So, two different variants.
Two different colors.
That's four shirts.
We're printing a thousand of each.
The order was put in yesterday.
The place where they make them in America is printing them now.
They'll be shipped to us by next week.
Two weeks for delivery.
So get your Betsy Ross InfoWars limited edition shirts exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Recent studies and reports have shown that pipes and plumbing are getting clogged and
backed up with human waste and debris.
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And so this is resulting in pipes being backed up and clogged.
Well, just like plumbing gets clogged, and just like pipes get clogged, the human body gets clogged just like that.
And you may be experiencing back-up too.
So if you want some relief, some explosive relief, go to InfoWarsStore.com and get Oxy-Powder.
But let me warn you, this stuff is no joke.
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So go to InfowarsStore.com, take care of your clogged plumbing with Oxy-Powder.
The most banned network in the world.
InfoWars settles Pepe the Frog lawsuit, pays tiny settlement to creator Matt Fury.
Mark, overall, what do you think of this decision?
Mark Rendazzo.
I mean, look, when they come at us first saying they want $1.2 million in attorney's fees, and then they wind up begging us for a pittance of a settlement.
I think that's grounds for a victory lap.
I mean, the amount that you wound up paying them for a licensing fee, I mean, when we were calculating what it would have cost for, you know, your first class flight to L.A., the kind of hotels that we like to stay in and the kind of meals we like to eat, I think our bar tab would have been more than that in L.A.
just for the week.
I just, I have a very big feeling of satisfaction when they put as many lawyers on the other side of the table as I have in my entire firm.
And then they squeak out the door with a, you know, essentially it was like you flipped a coin to him and said, here, kid, get out of my way.
Go buy yourself an ice cream.
The thing you were saying earlier about how your viewers and your listeners helped out in order to help you win this free speech fight, I can't reiterate that enough.
You know, when you have stood up on these cases, you're not standing up just for Alex Jones or InfoWars.
You're standing up for everybody's rights.
And, uh, you know, now that this case is over, you know, you can kind of start reloading the guns, but there's gonna be more.
You know that.
Well said.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, if it seems to be real, it's illusion.
For every moment of truth, there's confusion in life.
Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer.
And it's on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
Carpe Dantum is our guest.
Currently the dominant meme maker on the planet.
He works to not have his name put out because they're ever seeking where he lives to attack his wife and children.
That's how they operate.
Believe me, I've experienced it.
Once they have their way, prisoners will be faced.
We're not victims, we're targets because we're exposing the globalists.
We're exposing their endgame plan.
But we're fighting back.
And in Trump, they see everything they hate.
Carpe, you've got the floor here on this side, because I always run over folks.
I heard you on the other day, and he's just as bad as I am about interrupting.
I love him to death.
But you're a smart guy.
So I've got a lot of questions, like talking to Trump for 20 minutes.
What's the inside baseball?
Your take on what's coming up at this big summit in just three days in D.C.
that you're going to be at.
You're pre-invited.
Nobody else I know is pre-invited.
Trump has a special eye for you, so do I. What do you want to impart to this large audience?
Well, you know, so I almost feel bad, you know, talking about, you know, it was a big moment to go in there and meet Trump, but I almost feel bad making such a big deal about it.
I know it is a big deal, but when there's so many other things going on, But he's recognizing that you've gotten billions of views and your art is powerful.
I totally get that.
I just feel like there's so much going on right now that it's hard for me to stop and kind of take it all in.
But in the White House, it was an amazing experience.
I think that you asked about what the summit is going to be like.
I don't know specifically, but I know it's in the East Wing.
I think there's going to be a lot of people there.
I feel like it's just it's going to be just a venue where different influencers that have experienced censorship or are able to still speak out about censorship can get together, network together and hopefully build relationships that can then be leveraged to kind of bring big tech back to heel.
And I really hope that during the meeting that President Trump will speak out strongly against those that have been censored like you and remove from the public discussion and issue some sort of ultimatum of that this needs to stop or we're going to have to go down some real serious avenues here of how to fix it.
I hope that that's the statement that he makes, whether or not that's the statement that will be at this meeting.
I feel like this is going to be one of many future meetings, some maybe even more exclusive and possibly like boardroom style meetings where it's actually a listening session.
This doesn't really feel like a listening session.
This feels more like we're going to get together.
We're going to show some strength.
We're going to get the right people in the right room and move forward.
But I do hope that in the future there is a lot more of this type of stuff going on.
I'll tell you what I'm thinking.
Trump needs people like you on his staff to help produce memes for him directly that are from the president so they don't dare touch them and they have that that imperial glow to them that we need.
You're a smart cookie and there's a lot of inside baseball we can't get into but I agree with your analysis and the fact that the president said obviously he wants to meet with you some more and what that means.
is that Trump is preparing to kind of look at the army and and figure out and talk to you guys about
what should be done. There'll be breakaway meetings and it'll also be a test to see who
talks about what, who can be you know who's an operative.
Trump's learned about infiltration.
Right and you know I've said this before but there's a certain quality about the stuff that I
do that could never be done in an official capacity.
I can create things that can be shared around, and maybe the president doesn't share it, but there are things that if I was working for the White House or... No, no, I mean, it'd be too much.
I mean, probably in an unofficial capacity, but yeah.
Yeah, there'd be a hundred lawyers standing between me and the retweet button.
So there is some good to not actually having official people inside the campaign.
No, I'm just saying, talking to you and interviewing you before, you're a smart cookie.
And this is the type of people Trump needs, is real people that didn't come out of the swamp, but came out of America.
Well, and I totally agree with that.
I think he does have people around him.
And I want to say that the media team is doing a fantastic job for Trump.
Some of the videos that they've come out with in the last You know, six months have been just spot on.
Great music, great visuals.
The 4th of July video for the speech was very well done.
And that's the kind of stuff that they need to continue.
Now, they don't do the memes so much.
They don't add really the funny elements to it, but their serious work is really getting good.
No, you're absolutely right.
Dan Scavino's doing a great job.
No, they certainly are.
And that's why the system's getting mad, because Trump's almost three years in.
He's finally getting some good people in.
He's getting his sea legs.
That's scaring the system.
That's why they spin everything as if it's a disaster.
They're like, oh, Trump 15 minutes called the attack off.
The British ambassador says it's inept.
No one's ever done that.
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy was hovering over the launch buttons.
They'd already given the order to shoot the rudder off the Russian ship, but the Russians turned at the last minute.
And they called back, and then Kennedy killed the attack with their ship and, you know, the nuclear missiles to Cuba.
That happens constantly with a strike that is political.
All the time, most of the time, presidents call stuff off.
Here's an example, Cuban Missile Crisis.
I don't want to go into a long story, but they even had an NPR piece about it, which I'd already read before.
I wouldn't disbelieve NPR.
They were inserting green berets, which really just means you're willing to do suicide missions, with cyanide pills during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
You'd be brought in by helicopter.
They'd have to hike in 30, 40 miles.
They'd get to the missile site.
They'd sit on top of a water tower or whatever with a rifle that projected just a beam of light.
It wasn't lazing like infrared back then.
and they'd have to have somebody come up on patrol that had to knife him to death or whatever that
happened. A lot of times some of them did take cyanide, quite a few died I'm told, a lot of
that's classified but this one guy was telling a story on NPR about he would laze the target every
night when the jets came over just so the president had a target time to bomb it and he wanted to just
blow up the launch site. So the idea that Trump's insane, he was, they were 15 minutes away from
bombing and no one's ever pulled off an attack and no one's ever stopped an attack like that,
that's pure horse crap. Right, well so I've talked to a few reporters since I got out of
the White House there and I've told them the story.
One of the few stories that I will share from the White House, which is Trump turned to my kids and he said, he pointed to the little red button on his desk and he says, you know what that button does?
And they said no.
And he says, well, maybe we should press it and see what happens.
Some people say that it launches the missiles.
And so he goes over and presses it.
And the kids are all excited about what's going to happen.
And then just one of the Secret Service says, I'm right here, Mr. President.
And so, I mean, that's a funny story.
But, you know, I can imagine that when anybody in the media that I've told that to gets that story, They're gonna run with the headline of Trump plays with his Secret Service button on his desk.
Or they'd say Trump scares children with launching a nuclear war.
Right, right, exactly.
Trump jokes about nuclear war in the Oval Office.
Those are the types of things that are just insane to think about.
I mean, the sign behind me?
Uh, the Trump forever sign?
They're already spinning your memes that, oh, they wanted to be a dictator!
Right, like he's gonna be president forever.
Like, I had- He's 73!
I had a reporter asking me, so do you think he's really gonna be president forever?
And I was like, are you insane?
Like, what is wrong with you?
On average, he'll be dead in two years.
I mean, come on.
The left has completely lost any sort of humor.
They've lost any sort of rational thought.
It's just insane.
Well, what they are is deceivers.
Carpe, you're on fire.
Well, I want to hear more about this, because this will be big national news.
Trump plays with a red button on his desk.
Make you read 20 paragraphs until you find out.
Carpe Duncan is our guest.
Amazing individual.
Aren't you blessed to have him?
The Globalists are hot.
Pomp, pageantry, and armored tanks.
President Trump creates a different kind of fireworks this 4th of July.
In recent years, 4th of July on the National Mall has been a tribute to universal American themes.
The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, a star-spangled civic hymn.
This year, by design, it will be much more about him.
President Trump has decided that this year, the 4th of July, should be for him.
It's a celebration of our nation's history.
It's not a celebration of any particular individual, including Him.
I don't think he understands.
This is America's birthday, not his birthday.
This is why the word hijacked is being used.
Donald Trump has hijacked the nation's previously nonpartisan 4th of July celebration.
That effort to hijack July 4th for his own purposes did not go well.
Using patriotism and the military as political props has hijacked a day that should unify Americans.
But it's safe to say unifying Americans is not One of Trump's core talents.
Political rally in the middle of D.C.
on 4th of July.
That's just totally improper.
It's just obscene.
And the speech is gonna be dreadful.
They're gonna have their Confederate flags flying and their license plates and all kinds of troublemaking.
Well, let's see.
Let me be subtle here.
At a professional level, 25 years in national security, I hated it.
At a personal level, I hated it more.
I've decided Washington is gonna have a party on the 4th of July.
There will be big parades with floats using a new invention of mine.
This should not be a political event.
Nothing about 4th of July should be reduced to politics.
But he's putting himself at the center of this.
He is, by all accounts, the most polarizing president in modern history.
And simply by his presence, standing in front of one of our most cherished monuments, makes this a very controversial decision.
There's no need for this.
I mean we've celebrated America on 4th of July pretty well.
I think in part this is about a president who's deeply insecure and this is a bit of sort of phony toughness that we've seen out of him.
Sure looks like a partisan re-election rally on public space.
Donald Trump's campaign rally in Washington paid for by the American taxpayer.
A campaign event.
Some kind of a campaign speech.
A political rally.
Partisan event.
Combination Trump rally and Kim Jong-un style military parade.
The president's vision bears a closer resemblance to the chest-thumping displays put on by authoritarian regimes.
This is the kind of military display that we were used to seeing from the Soviet Union.
I also have some concerns about a president Not celebrating the military, but glorifying military might.
That scares me the most.
I'm just troubled about the militaristic tone of this whole thing.
This reminds me of parades I used to attend in the Soviet Union.
Not the right look for the 4th.
Americans love our freedom and no one will ever take it away from us.
Those words sparking criticism that the president has taken over DC's 4th of July celebration on the National Mall.
Because the American people are being co-opted into this.
This is their day.
This is the day for America and for every American and yet the American people are being somewhat against their will.
Some of them who are just coming there for the fireworks co-opted to be a part of this.
The nation's birthday is being politicized.
Devotion to our founding ideals led American patriots to abolish the evil of slavery, secure
civil rights, and expand the blessings of liberty to all Americans.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I love the smell of liberal tears.
Smells like victory.
InfoWars smells like victory, doesn't it?
Yeah, it smells like victory.
It smells like Americana.
That sweet smell.
And the fallen ones hate it, but we have the light and the power.
They seek it, but should never have it.
Humanity has been in the Odin sleep.
Now it's time to stop sleeping and awaken.
Come out of the trance.
Carpe D'Angelo, you made some amazing points so far.
Tommy Robbins is going to come back because he didn't finish his statement before he goes into a black hole prison, where I'm not exaggerating, they let the Muslims come to his food opening and poop in it and the police laugh.
That's how when leftists are running the government, what you live under, he's about to literally enter a You know what, Hole?
We're praying for him.
He's popping back on to finish what he said to Gerald Cilente.
But just keep rolling with where you see the country going, where you see the world going.
All these other great meme folks you're in contact with on the Donald subreddit.
Oh, that really woke Trump up from somebody else that talked to the President.
That he was really pissed that they froze the Donald during the Democrat debates as if, oh, let's protect our precious debates.
This will defeat Trump.
You have horrible candidates.
Cory Booker always looks like he's giving birth to a 400-pound turd.
He thinks that's like an earnest look.
I mean, these are clowns.
These are clowns.
We need to awaken.
Alex, that's, you're talking bad about Spartacus, man.
You can't talk bad about Spartacus.
That's right, he said, I'm Spartacus, I'm releasing secret info, which wasn't secret info.
Well, you mentioned the Donald, and that's, wasn't that nuts that on the day of the debates they shut down the Donald?
The place where all of the memes will be coming out, For the debates, they shut it down that morning.
As far as I know, it's still shut down.
I mean, you can get to it, but you have to know the exact URL.
You can't search for it.
It won't show up in your subscriptions.
But, I mean, they've been messing with the Donald for a year and a half.
And that's after Senator Wyden, who looks like a dead Lizard and of course Senator Murphy who says I must be taken off the air to save democracy.
He says he wants it banned in a in a public ask me anything and now they've they phantom zoned it which is the next thing we do before they ban it.
Again that's that's incredible that's a message board about the president Trump must act on this.
Sorry I'm ranting.
No you're fine it's it's a You know, there have been, and I want to give a shout out to the moderators of The Donald, do a fantastic job because there's infiltrators all the time trying to post bad content on there that'll get us in trouble and they're removing stuff all the time.
Sure, the left admits they do.
They go on there and say the most racist crap attributed to us.
It's like Jussie Smollett stuff.
Yeah, exactly.
They're hoaxing on us all the time.
You can look at the logs.
Reddit itself has only had to remove, I think, two or three posts in the last month out of, you know, the quote unquote, like 700,000, 800,000 people on there.
It's more like six million.
But out of all of the things that are posted on there, Reddit has only had to step in like twice.
And who knows what those things were anyway, if they were even something they should have But exactly, but let's explain.
Phantom Zone.
So how do we find the Donald's subreddit?
Well, we should have the URL.
You have to type it in by hand.
Again, Phantom Zoning.
How do we find that?
Well, you have to go to like www.reddit.com slash r slash TheDonald.
Again, unsearchable.
They've all worked in coordination.
You've got to actually go.
I mean, this is just, it's incredible.
Well, there's an underscore.
Yeah, I think you guys pulled the wrong thing up.
Yeah, it's an underscore.
So it's this incredible taxing thing.
But here's what's funny, CarpiDontum.
They thought, oh, our magic debates will be so good.
We can't let Donald and them, where the memes come from, we can't let them make fun of it.
It was still a giant train wreck, even because it's pathetic.
You can't polish a turd.
Yeah, see, there you go.
There's the quarantine that they put on the Donald.
Making sure you know that there might be something that might upset you on the other side of that link.
But yeah, you're right.
It didn't matter because There was the debacle with all the technical issues and then the next night you had that crazy lady talking about crystals and power of love and all that kind of stuff.
And all the illegals and everything free and the other guy Castro saying we need to have trans people be able to have abortions.
Trans men.
That was one of my best tweets of the night.
Was being like, wait, what?
Trans women deserve the right to abortion?
How does that work exactly?
But, uh, and Biden doing his little, that thing was hilarious.
Um, it was just, it was a train wreck from beginning to end.
Swalwell being, being out there on the stage.
Oh, Swallow's well, it's just not even polling one.
He's announcing today.
I think he's, I think he's leaving the race today.
He's doing a press conference later.
I'll be sad to see him go, though.
Well, it's an incredible time to be alive.
And just because they're still being devastated, it's, ugh, look at him.
It's very dangerous to now say, oh, one of the biggest message boards in the world with six million users, the Donald subreddit, you can't get to it, it's quarantined, it's bad.
They're saying a message board, you can't, I mean, Trump has to act on this.
Well, you know, They quarantined it because they can't ban it.
If they ban it, it will create, they know it will have the Streisand effect, that if they ban it, it will just, it will go crazy on them.
Because you understand, sending something into the Phantom Zone is the same thing.
Well, it is.
Well, we haven't executed him.
He's in the Tower of London.
It's that in-between zone.
It's not quite the same as banning, but you know, it's, It's for the lawyers, basically.
And it's for the PR people.
They can be like, no, we're allowing them to be there.
They're fine.
They're just, you just need to see them for interaction.
Matt Drudge said almost four years ago in this, in that room through the door over there, he said, Alex, first they put you in a digital ghetto.
Then make everybody forget about you, make you poor for a couple of years.
Then they ship your ass to the death camp.
I mean, we're at the death camp at Infowars, but people are fighting through, you know, whatever.
But as for the Donald, doesn't it get, it's been put into the digital ghetto.
You watch Black Mirror?
There's a lot of kind of social justice warrior stuff in there but there was an episode where they had these little implants in their eyes and you could block people and they would just fuzz them out so you couldn't see them anymore.
That's what they're doing with different people on social media.
They're still there.
You just can't see them or interact with them.
Everything's all garbled.
Guys, trying to pull up the Caitlin Bennett article from last week.
The headline was Instagram bans American flag because of InfoWars image.
And it was her like eight, nine months ago in an InfoWars shirt with an American flag.
Yeah, I heard about that.
That's insane.
And they blurted out and said, you do this again, you're banned.
And that was, they said two months ago, no Alex Jones.
But they're going back in time now.
They're like, oh, you know, you did this.
Well, I guess I'm lucky then because I haven't been banned from, I've posted your stuff on Instagram and on Facebook.
so far gotten away with it but I guess look for look for that in the future.
Well Carpe D'Antem, they know the president's tweeted out a bunch of your stuff, they know
the president likes you, they're scared of triggering him and so that's what I'm trying
to explain to you the fact that you know you're having phone calls 20 minute one-on-one conversations.
By the way you're great for I'm not kissing your ass but like the photos from the White House are
like world that's not you know.
Time Magazine's not that good.
Like the kid playing with the airplane and Trump in the background.
These are great photos.
Well, I will tell you this from the conversation.
When we walked in there, the White House photographer was there and President Trump said, now that is the most highly paid Photographer in the entire world and completely worth it.
So we got great great photos.
Oh, so that wasn't you?
That was the White House photographer?
I was wondering why it looked so damn good.
I was like, wow, you take these too?
They should be coming through soon.
There should be a lot more.
So we'll see what those look like.
They should look just as good.
I want to do five more minutes with you and then Tommy Robinson, political prisoner facing I mean, he's already served three months of a 30-month deal.
He got out on appeal.
He's about to go back in.
This is incredible.
He's enjoying it.
So then we're going to have Gerald Solntay take over.
But I want to get back into the red-button White House thing.
I want to just walk through that, because that is big news.
Now you said they'll try to spin that.
Just want to have you at the chance to lay all that out.
Folks, follow his work at CarpeDontum.
And YouTube at Carpe Dantum.
And hopefully soon he'll be launching a website.
He was telling me yesterday he's going to launch a website soon.
We're excited about that.
Because here, I just want to win.
And I want to see Carpe Dantum grow more powerful than we can possibly imagine.
Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace.
And there's no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable.
We're gonna shut them down and work with whoever it is to shut them down and they should be prosecuted.
These women were being told by CBP officers to drink out of the toilet.
Uh, excuse me.
I think this might be Gatorade or something.
I was just looking for some regular water.
You mean like in the toilet?
One of the women said that she was told by an agent to drink water out of the toilet.
What for?
Just... to drink.
Out of the toilet.
What you're saying is that you want us to put water on the crops?
Like out the toilet?
Well, I mean, it doesn't have to be out of the toilet, but yeah, that's the idea.
Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet.
Do you think that we should be using more Brondo on the crops in Africa to help alleviate the food shortage and the droughts over there?
Any other comments on the Brondo being used in Africa that's helping the crops?
Definitely if they got it over there, they should get more out there to help them out and get the resources they need to stay healthy and alive.
More Brondo.
It's got electrolytes and what plants need.
For the last time, I'm pretty sure what's killing the crops is this Brondo stuff.
Well, Brando's got what plants crave.
He's got electrolytes.
Now, I'm no botanist, but I do know that if you put water on plants, they grow.
Oh, well, I've never seen no plants grow out of no toilet.
Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet.
Yeah, that's good.
You sure you ain't the smartest guy in the world?
Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet!
*crying* *sad music*
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I feel good!
I knew that I wouldn't.
Harpey Duncan is our guest.
One of the top meme makers in the world.
Harpey, I want to finish the story or recap it about Trump and the big red button.
But briefly, why is it Because it's been proven statistically.
Even the UN admits it.
The CIA looks at it.
Their AI can't scan a meme, a video, an image and tell if it's funny or not.
So they're having trouble censoring humor because the machines have trouble blocking it.
Leftists can't understand it because they're machines.
Why can't the left meme?
I've said this for a long time.
The reason that I think that the left is so ineffective in memes and really in comedy in general right now is that it all comes from this place of anger and upset feelings and all of these negative emotions.
And when you're trying to produce something funny, that That emotion bleeds through and so everything you do it gets tainted by this like this anger and it and it feels like like a roast not a not a good natured or a funny kind of thing.
It feels like just that mean, you know, say that say the worst thing you can say kind of stuff.
Whereas somebody from like the right, like myself, I'm always approaching it as what's funny, you know, poke fun, but you don't have to destroy the person.
I mean, if you destroy them accidentally, sure, but like when I was going after Biden or when I go after anybody, I'm always trying to find the funny things, not, I'm not, I'm not trying to like, I'm not trying to be mean to them.
I'm trying to poke fun at their weaknesses.
And that will do the job.
Especially if they come back at me and don't... Well, that's exactly it.
You're just magnifying... Strock looked like a total demon.
And so you just put fire and horns on him.
I mean, you just take the truth and then just focus on it.
Now, with the left, though, I mean, they also just use very crass I mean, I can't tell you how many homophobic or just terrible sexual memes are made about President Trump from the left.
It's just not funny.
I mean, they make stuff that's gross.
Like, just disgusting.
That's their thing.
They follow none of their own rules.
Oh, of course not.
Which we wouldn't even do that stuff anyway.
So, in closing, you're amazing.
Hope you come back soon.
We'll talk to you after the big summit coming up on Thursday.
Carpe Diem.
The red button story.
Recap that for us.
So we're standing in the Oval Office.
We've just taken some pictures and he talked to my kids and he says, you know what that red button does?
And they didn't know.
And he said, well, let's let's press and find out.
Some people say that it launches, launches nukes.
And so he goes over and presses it and then kind of looks around and the kids are looking around to see what happens.
And then one of the Secret Service says, I'm right here, Mr. President.
So that's it was it was a funny moment.
But, there's the other red button.
That one didn't work out so well.
Yeah, so Hillary can make her jokes, but as you said, you're saying this for the first time, and you were worried before you told the story, you said earlier that they'll be like, oh, he joked around and manipulated the Secret Service, or, oh, he was joking about nuclear war.
No, he was teasing kids and having a moment of excitement.
Something they'll remember forever.
The best thing I know about Trump is he loves to have fun with everybody.
Oh yeah, he was great.
You can tell from just a couple photos there that he was great with my kids and he talked to them and he talked to all of us.
But they had a great time in there.
You know, I was paranoid the whole time I was in there.
I wasn't really that nervous talking to him.
It felt kind of like an old friend kind of situation.
But I was paranoid that my son was going to knock over the The model, the Air Force One model and break it.
That was what I was worried about the whole time.
So I was like kind of out of the corner of my eye, always watching him.
Make sure he wouldn't knock that model over and then like have to buy a new million dollar model or whatever that thing costs.
Well, I'll tell you, Trump's the real deal.
He gets energy off of empowering people, and he wants to empower America.
That's why they're so pissed.
There's not just evil in the universe, there's good as well, and Trump is definitely good.
Carpe Donctum, you're empowering me, I'm empowering you, we're empowering the President, he's empowering us, and good is on the rise again.
We look forward to talking to you after the big summit on Thursday, and we salute your work, my friend.
Thanks for having me, Matt.
Powerful interview.
Tommy Robinson didn't get into his full defense as he faces certain death.
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The world is a dangerous place not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
We don't take it for granted.
And we are not standing here idle and doing nothing.
We're fighting and fighting hard.
And one of our champions, who's delivered in Europe and the UK like no other, is facing death.
He's already been asked and attacked, year in jail for exposing child kidnapping rings.
Instead of being hauled on the shoulders of the people of the UK, he's facing prison again.
And he wanted to finish up before Gerald Solympe comes on.
With his whole rundown of how the three convictions, not of a jury, but of these corrupt judges, and the prison they intend to inflict on him as a victory of evil on Thursday, 48 hours away.
Tommy Robinson, finish up your report.
We're going to combine together and get to the President.
Alex, I've shown you my first, the fact that I was supposed to cause anxiety to these grooming gang Paedophiles.
I've showed you the BBC report doing exactly the same.
I've showed you the law on the judiciary's website that they cannot prevent you reporting what's already in the public domain.
There's not ever been any question that anything I said wasn't in the public domain.
I didn't report on the proceedings.
I reported information that was already on the BBC News website.
I've showed you the severity of other people's and other journalists' reporting which has resulted in prejudicing trials, collapsing murder trials, escaping justice for murderers.
You've seen all of them.
I've compared them.
Now ask yourself, those more severe breaches got small fines.
Ask yourself why I received a 30-month prison sentence in a kangaroo court back in Leeds.
It's because the British state's politically motivated attempt at shutting down and dissenting voices and generally trying to have me killed by Muslim gangs in prison.
There can be no other reason why, when I was given 13 months, I was moved from the safety of Hull Prison to the most densely Muslim populated prison in this country.
That's where they moved me to.
Now in this country, this is the dangerous thing which everyone should be up in arms about.
If a defendant is accused of a crime that can land them in prison for more than six months, it's the law of this land that they must stand in front of a jury of their peers to ensure fair justice.
This contempt court charge holds a two-year prison sentence.
Yet they're refusing me a jury of my peers because they know full well 12 ordinary members of the British public would throw this out.
I would be found not guilty.
This is the back doorway of the Attorney General and the government effectively sentenced me to death in prison by bypassing a trial by jury.
Even people who don't agree with me and they don't like my views can see how unbelievably corrupt this entire process is.
The fact the judges heard all the details I've just relayed to you, yet still found me guilty, makes an embarrassment of the British legal system to the one that was once respected across the world.
They do not care.
You've seen them.
You've seen the betrayal of Brexit and democracy.
And people need to wake up.
There are a handful of elites who are connected and they actually don't give a damn what the people actually want or vote for.
They don't care about the British justice system.
Looks an absolute joke across this world.
All they care about is getting what they want.
We are run by nothing but a globalistic dictatorship.
They moan about Russia.
They moan about China.
They moan about the clampdown on free speech.
They're the biggest bunch of hypocrites walking this planet.
They are traitors that are ruining my beautiful country.
They're removing our fundamental freedoms.
Step by step, day by day, every day we're losing our freedoms.
I want to make a genuine appeal to President Trump, to the Republican Party, please consider me and my family for political asylum.
The British state's appeasement to Islam, the unrestricted waves of migrants into this country, means that they are deliberately persecuting and illegally imprisoning anyone who speaks out against their globalist agenda.
There are Islamic terrorists already serving 30 years in prison that were caught with guns, knives and IEDs on their way to murder me.
The British state has issued me already with nine government official Osman warnings, informing me that there are credible intelligence that Islamic extremists or far-left extremists are plotting to murder me and my family.
Despite this, they refuse to provide me with any of the details of their intelligence, yet they inform me that I cannot take steps to protect myself.
I cannot even defend myself.
I'm asking for political asylum for the safety of my wife, my three beautiful children.
If you have watched this video, you have seen the complete sham of a persecution.
My legal team will now look at every avenue to appeal.
The only option I have is to fight.
If I'm put in prison, the only option I have is to fight.
Every time I walk out my door, the only option I have is to fight.
So I only know how to fight, and I'll fight it if I'm... I'm asking for political asylum, but if I'm left here, I get my written judgment.
I'm waiting on my written judgment for how I've been found guilty.
This prosecution has already cost, which is one of the reasons they stick it on me as well, it's cost over £115,000 in legal fees.
The costs continue to escalate.
I need to lodge an appeal as quickly as possible so I can work towards getting me released so I can prevent my murder in prison.
Anyone who can help or support, we have an appeal fund, we have a website, it's tommyappeal.com.
I am, my real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, but we are all Tommy Robinson.
Our freedoms in Britain are eroding, they're being taken.
This is a plea to America and a warning to the United States, a warning to every single one of you.
You see the opposition, the people and the groups that oppose you, the dark forces at work, the report, President Trump, the false dossier of Russia.
The false Russian dossier was created here by someone working for our government.
That's the level of deep, dark corruption in my country.
They've built against you and worked against you and I'm pleading with you.
I will be left to be murdered in this country.
I'm a journalist and I'm going to be sentenced to prison on Thursday for journalism.
The country you think you understand, the country you look to, the country that many people admire around the world, it's gone.
It's changed.
The level of corruption, we knew we had a corrupt media.
We knew that.
We all know that.
We witnessed it all the time.
We knew by the cover-ups, by the government and the police force, that we had a corrupt police all aligning and cooperating together to suppress the truth about the rape of a generation.
Understand this.
When I talk about these issues, understand this.
This happened to a relative of mine.
She was a victim of one of these gangs.
I have travelled across this country meeting the families, meeting the victims.
They, you know, if people understood the true length, And the numbers.
And it goes against their vision that they want for this world.
This open border policy.
All cultures are equal.
Everyone's the same.
It completely contradicts it when a culture comes in and enslaves a generation of our daughters.
And it's that that they're trying to hide.
It's the embarrassment that I bring with my news reports.
I worked on the biggest expose of the BBC this country's ever seen.
A documentary called Panadrama.
Five days after Panadrama, these charges were re-bought against me.
24 hours after Panadrama, big tech, social media, YouTube, Facebook all removed me because I exposed exactly the accusations you make, President Trump.
The accusations you make of the BBC being fake news.
I caught it all on camera.
I caught it all on camera and guess what?
In the biggest expose, not one single British journalist mentioned it.
That is the proof of a corrupt media.
That is the proof.
They are not journalists, they are activists.
And they're working against the sole interest of the people of this country.
The country I love.
And I ask again, if you're watching this, if you're in the administration of President Trump, Donald Trump Jr.
I'm pleading with you.
Please raise concerns over this case.
I promise you, all of the information, all my own barristers have said they've gone against the law.
My own barristers said that it's impossible for me to get convicted, yet I've been found guilty of all three charges.
Tommy, we get that you're a trooper and this is about the rape and enslavement of a generation.
It's up to the audience and the listeners to send the videos.
We're going to post to Infowars.com, to WhiteHouse.gov, to all the radio and TV stations to make a big issue out of this.
You should join us again tomorrow.
With a countdown to them trying to make you a political prisoner.
And we appreciate you and you've done a great job.
Where can people, we're only 10 seconds left, where's the best place to follow?
tr.news, tr.news.
For Tommy Robinson, great job my friend.
God bless you.
We're all Tommy Robinson.
Folks, we are launching another limited edition right now t-shirt.
We're only going to have 4,000 of these.
There's four different variants, two different shirts in white and in navy blue.
I'm very excited about it.
It is the Betsy Ross flag, the first flag made by an abolitionist, made by an American.
She came up with the design.
It's a beautiful flag, one of the most recognizable in history, if not world history, and it's a white shirt on the front that has the flag in red, white, and
blue right across the chest, big.
And then under it, it says, "These colors don't run." On the back, it says, "America
is back. Infowars.com." There's another variant, the Betsy Ross flag, established 1776. And
on the back, it says, "America's back. Infowars.com." So, two different variants, two different
That's four shirts.
We're printing a thousand of each.
The order was put in yesterday.
The place where they make them in America is printing them now.
They'll be shipped to us by next week, two weeks for delivery.
So get your Betsy Ross InfoWars limited edition shirts exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com.
And we fund this revolution the old-fashioned way.
We earn it with your support, with high-quality products that are win-wins.
Go right there for all of the great apparel.
InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139 and your purchase of the shirts make it all possible.
888-253-3139 or InfoWarsStore.com.
You know, I talk about this on the air and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're going to kind of reboot all our supplements.
And that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits, the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were.
And I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
But then they say you've got to say it's not approved by them.
If you don't have item C, you die.
If you don't have iodine in your body, you end up dying.
If you don't have water, you end up dying.
If you don't have sunshine, if you don't have oxygen, you die.
It may take 10 years with no sunshine, but you die.
And if you don't have a whole bunch of minerals and a whole bunch of vitamins and in the organic system where you can upload them, you will end up getting degenerative diseases quicker than you would have and you will die.
And all drugs are, is the system trying to tweak what's in Mother Nature and manipulate it and do different things.
And a lot of drugs work great.
They have side effects.
Not with Mother Nature.
I mean, there are some things in Mother Nature you take too much of, you'll have a side effect, but nothing like Big Pharma.
But Big Pharma doesn't want you knowing about God's medicine chest.
And so, they sit there and they demonize us all day long when we sell things like Ultimate Bone Broth, that's Chaga Mushroom, incredibly concentrated, high-quality turmeric, and a bunch of other bee pollen.
Mixed with organic, concentrated chicken bones that are rendered down where there's no way to quantify it, but this is the strongest bone broth out there.
You can make broth with this.
You can put it in brownies.
Well, I mix it with whey and put some fruit in it, and then it tastes great.
The point is, is it's concentrated, it's uber strong, and it is Amazing.
Experience it.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139 and we are unstoppable thanks to you.
Plus, these are products you need.
Get in there today and fund the operation and watch this fight against the globalists continue on
because they're doing everything they can to shut us down and thanks to you, failing!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Gil Celente's taking over right now.
Pop Trends Forecaster, good friend of mine.
I want to point something out.
The new Spider-Man movie, Has a villain broadcaster that they're admitting in mainstream news is supposedly Alex Jones.
He's a horrible criminal that sets people up.
Did I go see the movie?
Do I care?
Because that doesn't matter.
Everybody knows it's not true.
And you talk about somebody like Tommy Robinson, who was put in jail for a year when he exposed rape gangs 11 years ago.
And then served three months in solitary confinement with a 30-month conviction for covering a rape trial.
He's facing three charges.
They've convicted him.
The judges have.
No jury.
It's a death sentence.
And he's just trying to warn people.
But if Trump exposed it, if Trump gave him asylum to show what a police state the UK is, it'd be a big victory against tyranny.
The truth is, good people fall asleep.
That's why it was spreading so fast.
I just want to say this briefly because I didn't plug last hour with Carpe D'Antimon.
It's a shell of products that make this show possible.
We have the new Betsy Ross flag shirt when they banned that off Nike tennis shoes.
I thought, hell, we ought to put a t-shirt out.
I said, well, I'm going to print 4,000.
One blue, one white, two different variants.
One says, since 1776 with a flag.
The other says, these colors don't run.
On the back, it says, America's Back and Fours dot com.
There were 2,000 left of them this morning.
I don't know.
They're going to sell out probably today.
Thank you for the support.
It takes a lot more money than that, though, to fund this operation.
Oh, you sell 4,000 shirts to make like $10 apiece on them.
It takes a lot to do what we do here.
We've got a lot of undercover stuff, a lot of behind-the-scenes things you don't know about.
InfoWars is just the tip of the spear.
There's a lot of things going on that people don't know about.
Because that's the best way to act against the globalists.
And so please go to m4store.com, get your Betsy Ross flag shirt.
It's the last day of the 4th of July specials.
Free shipping store-wide, double-paid trade points, 50% off supplements.
Without you, we won't continue to operate.
So thank you all for your support.
I'll turn this over now to Gerald Cilente, the Trends Forecaster, for the next 40 minutes or so.
Appreciate him letting me take over a little bit.
Tommy was behind.
He had a lot more to cover.
It's just a dark day when journalists are being put in prison for exposing what's happening, but evil's going to fall in the end.
Gerald Salente, thank you for being here.
Thanks for all that you do.
And yes, journalists are in prison.
Look at Julian Assange and all those Democratic liberals.
They got lockjaw on that one, except Tulsi Gabbard.
Journalism's dead.
The fourth estate is dead.
The first estate is the You have the executive branch, congressional branch, and judicial branch.
The fourth estate is the journalism branch, and journalism is gone.
They've cut back reporters, and there's hardly any news.
You look at the toilet paper record of the New York Times, you go to its business section today, and it's just a couple of pages of nothing, and mostly big pictures.
So, it's very sad what's happened.
So, it's very important that people tune in to InfoWars, Of course, our magazine, the Trends Journal, to get the truth in trends and the truth in news, because you're not getting it anywhere else, is the mainstream media has been taken over.
Nine, was it six companies, over 90% of it.
So they're not journalists, they're prostitutes.
They get paid to put out by their corporate johns and their government whoremasters.
So press is dead.
I'd like to talk about, I'm talking about a little bit about what's going on in the world today.
They had an election over there in Greece yesterday.
And the fellow that won, great, his daddy was prime minister before him.
Another guy born on third base and thought he had a home run.
Harvard boy, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, bullets, bombs, and banks.
The jerk before him, Tsipras.
And you know I'd like to say, but they'd bleep me out if I pronounced his name properly with the taking out the T on it.
And what he did was the people voted against the austerity measures that the International Mafia Federation, labeled the International Monetary Fund, put on Greece.
Over 60% of the people voted against the austerity measures.
Cyprus, the guy that's on his way out now.
We could care less what you want.
We're in shock.
And that's what it is around the world.
Democracy does not exist.
How about those clowns over there in the European Union?
Oh, they just voted in a number of people.
Matter of fact, one of them to head the European Central Bank.
Is Christine Lagarde, the former head of the IMF, the International Mafia Federation, and all the other three people they put into top positions.
Nobody voted.
They decided.
We'll decide for you.
You know, there's going to be a movement on Facebook that anybody says, don't get out to vote in the 2020 elections, they're going to ban it.
And so there's a big movement underway to ban people that aren't going to vote.
What if you don't want to support the repulsive kins and democrats?
What if you want a new way, like many other countries have?
Not allowed in the U.S.S.A.
We got the two ruling parties, the Bloods and the Crips, that morons and imbeciles call the Republicans and the Democrats.
I say Bloods and the Crips because by their deeds you shall know them.
They're murderers and they're thieves.
They start wars based on lies and steal our money.
Too big to fail.
Oh, people are worrying about capitalism being dead and socialism taking over.
Capitalism is long dead.
In capitalism, there's no such thing as too big to fail.
Hey, but we got to protect our bankster buddies, you know?
So talking about Greece, just some of the data.
Greece's financial straitjacket is fueling a brain drain.
Some 500,000 people have left the country from 2010 to 2017.
It was the deepest setback since the Great Depression in the 1930s.
The Greece economy is still 24% smaller than it was in 2000.
Those austerity measures worked perfectly.
Yeah, they only have, I think, unemployment.
Oh, it's only 18 percent.
But now they got in a guy.
Stanford and Harvard.
Daddy was Prime Minister before, so you know where this is going.
More of the same, just another country in the multinational plantation of Slave-landia, Slave-landia.
We're going to get rid of your social benefits, your retirement.
We're going to move to after you die and forget about your pensions.
They don't exist anymore.
So, another corrupt government.
More of the same.
Be back in a few.
Stacey in the great state of Texas.
In FEMA Region 6.
You're on the air worldwide, Stacey.
Good to talk to you.
Before I get into what I want to say, I just want to let you know that I don't normally take vitamins at all.
I was turned on to the Ultimate Female Force.
I looked at all the ingredients, and they're all organic, root, things like that, that I trust.
You know, because I've seen a lot of other vitamins, they don't have things that they say that they have in them, and they're often not things that are natural.
I appreciate that.
Well, what happened with Ultimate Female Force?
Tell us about it.
Well, it's really great.
You know, it's like a multivitamin.
I take it.
It tastes good.
It doesn't have that nasty aftertaste.
It actually has kind of a pleasant aftertaste.
And, you know, it just gives me energy and fuels me throughout the day.
So I really like it.
Well, just so you know, we look at whatever the best herbs are.
They're known to turbocharge women.
And then we get the organic ones and put it in it.
So, yeah.
Stamina, libido, energy.
These are amazing things in Ultimate Female Force.
So I'm glad you plugged it.
at Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
It is the only independent press of this size and scale, of this public reach, It's reached so effective that that's why Facebook is waging war against InfoWars.
That's why Instagram is waging war against InfoWars.
That's why Google and YouTube and Twitter are waging war against InfoWars more than anyone else is because it is the ultimate counter China model.
It is the one model that says here's a way to have a self-supporting, self-sustaining, Self-structured little d democratic structure that because the the the audience determines what content goes up the audience determines What the what audience is ultimately reached by their choices and supporting info wars so by doing little things like okay?
We want a little d democracy.
We want a fluoride free toothpaste.
Let's say that's what it is so to dealing with a particular health issue where you have the health industry pushing one product
overwhelmingly, the big pharma, big companies, the corporate model, the Chinese model, the statist
corporate model that China has promoted, against Infowars' model, which is we're going to have an
American-created product, we're going to sell that directly to our own people, our
people will decide whether they want to support it or not, and by choosing to buy little products like that, they're
able to fuel this independent press that is the only one that is not dependent on billionaire
donors or sugar daddies, that is not dependent on big corporate sponsors, that is
not dependent on getting the approval of the social media giants
in order to spread their message.
And it's all because the audience spends their whatever it is, whether it's $5 or $50 a month on products that they like and that they want that actually compete with the corporate driven driven model and the ability to do that and at the same
time support press, support speech, support letting the audience choose what news they want to
see and what views they want to hold.
And it's the ultimate American democratic expression and experiment and it is the celebration
of free press and free speech with free markets and doing so in a way that's not corporate
The reason why they don't see news change at InfoWars or content change at InfoWars
except as requested or thought about by the audience is because the audience controls
Because the audience has chosen a self-supporting, self-sustaining economic model by making small contributions by buying products.
They already want, at a more affordable rate, by sustaining it, they create a self-sustaining, self-supporting structure that is unique in the world, and that's why they wage war against it.
And as long as the audience refuses to concede to that, or forfeit their economic contribution, as long as they continue to be involved, and continue to participate, and continue to partake, and continue this self-supporting, self-sustaining structure, there's nothing they can literally do to crush it or end it.
They can try to limit the scope of the audience, they can try to limit the size of the microphone,
but in the end we will find ways to reach them because the audience dictates and determines
it by its support of influence.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Solente.
Hey, hey, welcome back, welcome back.
Well, the markets opened up today.
So what's going on in the market world?
Well, over there in Turkey over the weekend, Erdogan removed central bank chief Erdogan, of course.
Here's El Presidente over there, the Prime Minister, or President, and he dismissed the Governor of Turkey's Central Bank during fresh investor concern over the independence of the institution that is strained to combat inflation.
I mention that because over the weekend, President Trump also took aim at the Federal Reserve.
He said, quote, Strong jobs report.
Yeah, you saw those job numbers that came out.
They were much stronger than anticipated.
Low inflation and other countries around the world doing anything possible to take advantage of the United States, knowing that our Federal Reserve doesn't have a clue.
They raised rates too soon, too often, and tightened, while others did just the opposite.
Well, not all of them did the opposite.
That's when they got rid of the cat over there in Turkey.
They kept raising interest rates.
They're like a 24% interest rate over there, trying to stop inflation.
So, the point I'm making is that, yes, the President could get rid of the Fed.
They say that they can't.
They do.
They got rid of the cat in India as well.
And let's get this straight.
All these central banksters are connected.
It's one big club, or as George Carlin used to say, it's one big club and you're not in it.
I just mentioned who became the clown boy now that's playing prime minister of Greece.
Daddy was prime minister or president of Greece and went to Harvard.
Harvard, Princeton, Yale, bullets, bombs, and banks.
One big club.
So, on Friday, Trump said, if we had a Fed that would lower interest rates, we'd be like a rocket ship.
But we're paying a lot of interest and it's unnecessary, but we don't have a Fed that knows what they're doing.
So, it's one of those little things.
But if we had a Fed that would lower rates, you would have a rocket ship.
Yes and no.
The low rates allow the big companies to get bigger.
And stock buybacks is what they do with most of the cheap money they get.
As we saw with the details in 2018 with the tax cuts.
Nearly a trillion dollars was spent in stock buybacks.
So the other thing low interest rates are, they're a war against savers.
When I was a young boy, You used to have a thing called Savings and Loan Institutions.
You put your money in a savings account and you got interest on it.
Then you retire to Florida.
Those days are gone.
On the other hand, the low interest rates keep the economy moving.
As interest rates go lower, you see the housing market going higher.
And by the way, when you follow your trends, And you look at the investment in the stock markets, in the real estate sector, they're moving up nicely.
Because they expect lower rates, and so do we.
So we're going to know very shortly whether the Federal Reserve is going to lower interest rates this July.
The bet was, the hope was, for 50 basis points.
It's only a 2.25 to 2.50 overnight rate right now.
But now they're saying about a 25% Excuse me, yeah, 0.25%, not 25%.
0.25% interest rate cut.
So it still looks like it's on the table.
And the way you can tell it's on the table is by looking at gold prices.
They came down from their recent high, but they're still around the $1,400 level.
If interest rates are going to go a lot higher, gold will go a lot lower.
Because the higher the dollar goes, the lower gold follows.
As with most commodities, because you buy about 40% of commodities, gold, are dollar-based.
But the higher the dollar goes, the more expensive is those commodities.
Those prices go lower.
So gold is holding up.
I believe the Federal Reserve is going to aggressively lower interest rates between now and the 2020 elections.
And that Trump does have power over them.
Because you read the numbers coming out.
And again, we just had the biggest monthly increase in U.S.
jobs for 2019.
So that eased the concern of slowdowns.
But when you look at other data, It's not that great around the world.
China's factory activity in June was the lowest since January.
China's short-term borrowing costs hit 10-year low after liquidity injections.
Monetary methadone, that's all this is.
Shoot more cheap money into the system to prop it up.
They gotta do it.
SUVs pile up with more on their way.
This is just fresh news.
Sales of Corsos and SUVs are slowing.
While models are sitting longer in dealership lots before being sold.
And companies are resorting to more sales promotions to keep inventory from piling up.
And then you go back to some other little news.
Ford's U.S.
sales fell 2.9%.
amid soft market.
Go around the world.
[ Silence ]
Germany's industrial orders fell 2.2 percent.
Far more than expected in May.
And the Economy Minister warned that this sector of Europe's largest economy was likely to remain weak in the coming months.
You got a global slowdown.
And Manufacturing Alliant Copper weakens.
This is a very important story.
Current events form future trends.
I'm going over these details.
To put things into perspective.
In the business, we call it Dr. Copper.
That's right.
Dr. Copper, because copper is an indicator of the health of the global economy.
China uses over 50% of all the new copper produced.
Copper is used in everything from heavy industry to high tech.
The retreat in copper prices is signaling continued investor concerns for the global economy.
Copper, which is critical, they say to construction and manufacturing, fell 1.7% last week,
pairing some of its rally from June and bringing its decline from an April high to 11%.
Prices have fallen in eight of the past ten weeks.
There's a global slowdown going on.
Oh, and by the way, it has nothing to do with trade wars, boys and girls and children of all ages.
Just like those car sales, do Americans care about trade war going on and that's why they're not buying cars?
But that's what happens when that happens in China.
The media blames it on trade wars.
Has nothing to do with it.
By the way, China's yearly car sale numbers now, the worst since the 1990s in terms of a downturn.
They blame it on trade wars.
It's a slowing global economy.
More monetary methadone, and that's what's going to push gold prices up and keep them higher.
So we believe gold is near its bottom.
And I'll talk about, a little bit more, where it's top is.
And again, I don't give financial advice.
I'm a trend forecaster.
And the forecasts are becoming clearer and clearer.
Be back in just a few minutes.
Stay tuned.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Folks, we are launching another limited edition right now.
T-shirt, we're only going to have 4,000 of these.
There's four different variants, two different shirts in white and in navy blue.
I'm very excited about it.
It is the Betsy Ross flag, the first flag made by an abolitionist, made by an American.
She came up with the design.
It's a beautiful flag, one of the most recognizable in history, if not world history.
And it's a white shirt on the front that has the flag in red, white, and
blue right across the chest, big.
And then under it, it says, "These colors don't run." On the back, it says, "America
is back. Infowars.com." There's another variant, the Betsy Ross flag, established 1776. And
on the back, it says, "America's back. Infowars.com." So, two different variants.
Two different colors.
That's four shirts.
We're printing a thousand of each.
The order was put in yesterday.
The place where they make them in America is printing them now.
They'll be shipped to us by next week.
Two weeks for delivery.
So get your Betsy Ross InfoWars limited edition shirts exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com.
And we fund this revolution the old-fashioned way.
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Robert Barnes. What is big tech become?
Big Tech are big babies that have become big bullies.
And the way they did so is because they faced no consequence, social, economic, political or legal, for their illicit activities over two decades.
And because of that, that's why the courts, the judges, the juries, the public officials that care about this, the members of the independent free press that care about this, the ordinary members of the public and the audience that care about this, And let's be absolutely crystal clear here.
Big railroads and big steel and big oil had Pinkerton security, killed thousands, were horribly corrupt, gouged small-time farmers, ran all sorts of scams.
equivalent to the big trust of the 19th century who ran American politics and ran American
economy almost into the ground until we were able to recover after the Great Depression.
And let's be absolutely crystal clear here. Big railroads and big steel and big oil had
Pinkerton security, killed thousands, were horribly corrupt, gouged small-time farmers,
ran all sorts of scams. But they weren't reading all your mail. They didn't know what bra size
your wife wears or what size tampons and what you like to watch porn watch.
They didn't know what was in your bank account.
They didn't know what god you worship, or don't worship.
This is omnipresent level abuse, and coupled with the monopolies, it is the ultimate Mark of the Beast-styled nightmare system.
And remember, InfoWars was the vanguard of being banned first, the most banned, and the vanguard of fighting it.
Because we are the vanguard!
You are the vanguard!
Step into the history, folks!
The InfoWars audience is the fuel that flames the light of liberty across the world.
And that's the reason why, because it created this little-D democratic experiment in independent free press, independent free speech, of ordinary Americans coming together collectively and aggregately, through their financial support of InfoWars, to make real the original promise of an independent free press, to make real the actions of independent free speech.
In our electoral arena, in our social and cultural influential arena that shapes people's minds, shapes people's thoughts, to where you can choose your own news and your own views and share and spread those with the rest of the world.
That is why it was the target for a totalitarian, authoritarian, control-oriented, big tech, big media.
They used our openness as our weakness.
It's real collusion.
Real collusion is big tech and big media manipulating and working with each other to try to meddle with elections, to try to shape people's thoughts.
It's the ultimate form of gaslighting.
What you just saw isn't what you just saw.
Even it is what you just thought.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Gerald Celente.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, welcome back, welcome back.
It's great being on the Alex Jones Show.
I want to thank him for having me on and all the people at InfoWars.
To bring out the news you could use as they're censoring everything else around the world.
Not only in the U.S.S.A., it's everywhere.
You know those riots are going on over there in Hong Kong?
People protesting the extradition law?
Guess what?
Not news in China.
It's blanked out.
Just like happening in America.
Anyway, Great being here, and you know what you have to do.
Put your money where your heart is to keep InfoWars going.
Because things are getting tougher as the censorship keeps getting deeper.
So it's up to you to keep the truth alive, and you can do that with the Betsy Ross 1776 Limited Edition Shirt.
Unlike the politically correct cowards, Infowars is bringing you an all-new design featuring the pride and joy of revolutionary America, the Betsy Ross flag!
Now you can share with the world your patriotism and love of freedom, while letting the liberals and democrats know that these colors don't run.
A limited edition print, which is $4,000 in stock, and I heard Alex say, Before I went on the air that that stocks dropped a lot.
There may not be many left.
This shirt features two separate designs and two different colors with only a thousand of each design.
And again, less of those now.
You can choose between the since 70, 70, the six and these colors don't run tag lines with blue or white background.
Do what you can to support InfoWars and all the other great products, and you know me.
I love that super male vitality.
I mentioned before about the EU picking unelected leaders, and I couldn't remember all who they were.
So, what they did over there was they got... German Defense Minister, Ursula von der Leyen, will head the European Commission.
An ally of Angela Merkel, she is a major proponent of an EU super army.
Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Fontales will run the EU foreign policy.
Christine Lagarde will move from the International Mafia Federation to head the European Central Bank.
And Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel will replace Tusk as European Council President.
And all you little clowns in all those European nations, you didn't vote for one of them.
They give it to you like everybody else.
Oh, we need the EU.
The EU, the F-U.
That's right.
Spelt it wrong.
What a joke.
It's no joke.
And these clowns, these arrogant little boys and little girls, to be fair, It keeps invading foreign nations under the B.S.
that they're bringing in democracy, as they don't have a hint of it over there, European Union.
All you are is a colony of Germany.
That's the quote.
Mr. What is his name again?
That's right.
Mr. Savona, who is going to be EU's economic minister.
But they wouldn't let him become one.
Because all he's said is that the rest of the country is to become colonies of Germany.
Paolo Savona.
And he's right.
Because if Germans had the Deutschmark, rather than the worthless Euro, They wouldn't be able to sell their stuff the way they do, and be one of the world's largest exporters.
So, moving on, and why you need to support InfoWars, and of course the Trends Journal.
We're coming out with a new edition this week.
Sunday talk shows falter in the ratings.
Face the nation, and meet the prostitutes.
Declined 8%.
In 2018, to about 2.3 million average viewers.
2.3 million average viewers in a nation of over 320 million people.
And this gets press that we have these major networks that barely anybody watches, but boy, are they great propagandists putting out the BS.
The average audience, the evening newscast, ABC, CBS, NBC?
5.3 million.
Again, in a nation of over 320 million.
China must be jealous.
You know, one of the things, I don't support Trump on a number of things.
I'm not a believer in one person, one way.
I say what I like, say what I don't like.
I'm a political atheist.
What I do support him with, Two issues, the borders, and you know me, I want to have a, I want to have a man, I want to have a, on the ballots, I want to have a referendum.
Yes, I support open immigration and I'm willing to pay X amount of dollars in education, healthcare, and housing for each new immigrant.
I want secure borders, and I'm willing to pay X amount of money to make it happen.
Let the people vote.
So, anyway, I agree with him on that, and of course I agree with him 100% on the trade issue.
I disagree with tariffs.
I say just put in place what used to exist before slick Willy Clinton sold us out with NAFTA and the World Trade Organization.
And bringing China into it.
China's debt level went, before they came into the World Trade Association, from about a trillion dollars to over 40 trillion today.
The middle class was 5%, now it's 35%.
In other words, they have more middle class plus 100 million people in America as a nation.
And I don't blame the Chinese for this.
I blame the American companies and European companies for bringing all their technology and manufacturing there to have slaves make their stuff really cheaply and then bring it back and mark up the prices.
So, trade gaps showed widening in May.
Yep, the trade gap in goods and services jumped 8.4% in May to a seasonally adjusted $55.52 billion.
Regarding U.S.
trade with China, the bilateral goods deficit widened in May by 12%.
Who would do business like this?
You name me anybody in business that would do losing business like this.
No one in the world.
If a Democrat came out against... You're about a minute away from the end of what happened.
Trying to reconnect.
It's not letting me do it.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Everyone thinks so, but I would never say it.
You know what I want to do?
I want to get it finished.
The prize I want is victory for the world.
It's also what happens when you listen to the radio host, Alex Jones.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag.
Infowars helped fuel the rumor that President Obama is an ISIS supporter.
It's been a cozy relationship from the beginning.
I will not let you down.
You'll be very, very impressed, I hope.
And I think we'll be speaking a lot.
Donald Trump and Alex Jones.
This means that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
We will always be the people who defeated a tyrant, crossed the continent, harnessed science,
took to the skies, and soared into the heavens.
Because we will never forget that we are Americans and the future belongs to us.
The future belongs to the brave, the strong, the proud, and the free.
We are one people chasing one dream and one magnificent destiny.
We all share the same heroes, the same home, the same heart, and we are all made by the same almighty God.
From the banks of the Chesapeake to the cliffs of California, from the humming shores of the great