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Name: 20190704_Thu_Alex
Air Date: July 4, 2019
3376 lines.

Alex Jones discusses media attacks against him and guests, including false claims made by Associated Press. He highlights the weaponization of mainstream media in spreading lies about him. Soph shares her experiences with media harassment at school, while her parents have started questioning mainstream media credibility after watching Jones' show. The discussion covers concerns regarding journalism, intelligence, and critical thinking abilities of younger generations, specifically millennials and Gen Z. It argues that baby boomers are responsible for dividing society and encourages supporting Infowars. The conversation also covers the impact of safe space culture on millennials, their entitlement, and how it affects Generation Z's dissident opinions and potential for shaping America's future.

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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of
the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're live broadcasting worldwide on July 1st, 2019, from the InfoWars News Center in Austin, in defiance of the globalists, on TV and radio satellites, on hundreds of radio and TV stations, on global shortwave, and dominating at InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and Paul Watson's great site, Summit.News.
Thank you so much for joining us.
You know, I have an incredibly full plate of the Democrats' promised terror.
Antifa is hitting people over the head with crowbars, throwing acid attacks on people.
That's what it is.
These concrete attacks have lime in them.
It's all coming up.
But first, I want to air this piece that I've aired Friday, Sunday, and today.
Because it's so important, remembering how evil the globalists are, and the democrats, that their operating system is killing children and hating humanity.
While they claim, give them all the power, because they love humanity.
No, they hate children, they hate life, they hate everybody, they hate themselves.
Here's the report.
Our main story tonight concerns breast implants.
Some are against them, others believe they're fine in rare cases, and many believe you should be able to get them whenever the f**k you want.
Sorry, did I say breast implants?
I meant abortions.
Tonight's main topic concerns abortion.
So tonight, in honor of America, I'd like to do a salute to abortion in the great 10th annual Salute to Abortion!
Get out of my behind!
Get out of my vagina!
Get out!
It's a woman's body and she should not be forced to carry anything inside of it.
You wouldn't make her keep a tapeworm.
That has a heartbeat.
So you're comparing a baby to a tapeworm?
A fetus is a parasite, sweetie.
That is not what a fetus looks like, okay?
You think that it is the white man's duty to fix everybody's problems, right?
How many did you adopt?
How many did I adopt?
I kill my kids.
Oh, that's what you do to babies, huh?
Yeah, I love it.
You love it, huh?
Yeah, I do.
Okay, I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
Oh, I never go to Christ.
I hope that you come to Christ, sir.
No, I don't go to Christ.
A fertilized egg is a human being!
You're a pig!
Because I don't want to kill babies!
No, you kill them!
You let them live so they can starve to death!
Why'd you spit at us?
I, uh, don't agree with you.
No uterus, no right to talk about it!
Understand me, motherfucker?
In the ninth month, you can take the baby and rip the baby out of the womb of the mother, just prior to the birth of the baby.
Now, you can say that that's okay, and Hillary can say that that's okay, but it's not okay with me.
Well that is not what happens in these cases and using that kind of scare rhetoric is just
terribly unfortunate.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo lit up the One World Trade Center's spire in pink to
celebrate his radical expansion of abortion in New York.
State lawmakers approved a law permitting abortion in the state for any reason until
the 24th week of pregnancy and then up until birth.
If a mother is in labor I can tell you exactly what would happen.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.
There was a question over here.
Are you for third trimester abortions?
My answer to you is that that should be a decision that the woman makes.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
How do you justify the decision to allow Planned Parenthood to rent in this city for free?
That's your time.
Next speaker.
There's a new video out on InfoWars.com of two partial birth abortion, eight and a half month old babies.
And, uh, and it makes you want to kill people.
I'm gonna just be honest with you right now.
My guts, my spirit sees a baby who got killed and its brain sucked out by some asshole, and then they make a joke out of it.
These are abortion doctors with third trimester babies that were about to be born.
Defiling them, making jokes about them, that they're having a fight.
They're playing with dead babies in a little medical pan, and it was pretty shocking, gruesome stuff to see, and just total lack of regard for humanity.
It's just absolutely amazing.
We're gonna have, uh, Debbie Johnson.
I'm sorry.
There is no longer any doubt.
Multinational companies and governments are funding an attempted violent, Maoist-style overthrow of the U.S.
Our borders are being totally collapsed.
Already-born babies are being killed.
World government is here.
Now is the time for decision.
Now is the time for everyone watching and listening to decide which side they're on.
And if you decide that you want to stop the forces that are banning the American flag and attacking the family and that are attacking our borders and our country and our military and our heritage, if you want to defend that, then now is the time to take action.
And that means word of mouth about this broadcast.
And that means buying products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And that means praying for InfoWars.
And praying for President Trump.
And praying for yourself.
And praying for peace.
Praying for justice.
We're running it through July 4th, but it's got to end.
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the best we ever offer at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLife.com.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to hear a world-exclusive piece of information
hiding in plain view.
(upbeat music)
There are so many angles to this.
But here's the fact.
I have reviewed, in the last two days, more than a hundred videos.
We're gonna be presenting many of them here.
They're up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Antifa engaged in more than 20 acid attacks in Portland, damaging the eyesight and eating the skin off of more than 15 people's faces.
And Fox News is only focusing on one person saying he had a milkshake thrown on him.
Ladies and gentlemen, Antifa pledged two weeks ago and again yesterday to attack the Trump Pro-America rally coming up July 4th in D.C.
They pledged to block the entrances to get in near the White House area.
And they said, we are preparing acid attacks and put out the ingredients list and also talked about attacking Tucker Carlson's house.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is unprecedented evil.
So pulling back from this, did you hear what I just said?
We have the videos, we have the audio, we have the photos, we have them admitting it on the Antifa site in DC, the Antifa site in Portland, Oregon, the Antifa sites in San Francisco, the Antifa sites in Austin, Texas, that there are different ways to produce acid compounds and to then throw them on people to blind them.
Ladies and gentlemen, they themselves said, and there's photos and videos that are on screen, if you're a TV viewer, that they were going to mix quick-setting concrete and throw it in people's faces.
Why would you do that?
Because when it's setting, for about an hour after it gets mixed, it will put your eyes out because it has forms of bleach in it, ...and lime activated by the limestone dust, calcium sulfate, alumini, and amorphous silica, calcium, sulfa-almanate, and other deadly chemicals when mixed.
That's why it's quick-setting.
It has a chemical acid reaction.
Now, I worked in construction off and on in high school and college, because I could pick up, you know, 20 bucks an hour doing some work here, doing some work there.
Very hard-working folks in construction.
You wear thick industrial gloves.
You wear goggles.
You wear a breather if you're dealing with a large mix of it.
You've got to wear rubber boots when you get into it.
And let me tell you, it's man's work.
Because it gets through the gloves, it gets under things, it eats little holes in you.
Portland PD report on anti-mixing concrete into milkshakes.
This creates acid-like chemical weapons.
So, oh, Jack Posobiec gets it.
I searched all yesterday and found no one getting this.
So this is a chemical weapon.
This is a chemical weapon.
Ferrite is a dark brown crystalline phase commonly found in cements in the cement industry and is termed ferrite.
It also exists in nature as a rare mineral.
And then it goes on to talk about what it'll do to you.
Ladies and gentlemen, lime is what the mafia dumps on top bodies to basically eat them.
It's acid.
So they mix all these acid compounds together that when they come together have a chemical reaction that makes the concrete set quickly and fuses all of the silica together and they throw it in your face.
And that's why when you look at the photos and the videos of people that were hit with it, their skin is all burned, their eyes are all totally bloody and bloodshot.
They will guarantee have vision loss.
So what you're looking at is a mass terrorist, if you're a TV viewer, radio listeners, the articles are on Infowars.com.
Literally mixing acid attacks, and then notice the left is all about deception.
Calling it milkshake attacks.
And then we've seen prominent Democrats, prominent BBC reporters, prominent US reporters, leftists saying, they'd like to see Nigel Farage hit with an acid attack.
Remember that?
Prominent leftist journalist calls for acid attack on Nigel Farage.
He says, there needs to be acid in there!
That was three weeks ago.
Antifa now vows to attack families trying to go to a 4th of July event in D.C.
They're trying to get somebody to shoot them.
Doesn't matter.
They dump acid right on your five-year-old's face.
You pull a gun and shoot them.
You will be the terrorist.
You will be the bad guy.
They are the little meth heads that work for the cities, that work for the universities, and work for the federal government.
That's why the Portland mayor allows them to do all this, because a lot of them are his staff, it's turned out.
They are a domestic terror group.
The Proud Boys never got designated a terror group, but the media lied.
They lost all their bank accounts and everything because of another media hoax.
Kind of like they said I sent child porn to Sandy Hook families.
Did no such thing.
Sent 9.6 million emails.
After I get sued, people put magic links that are hidden in emails about Sandy Hook.
They subpoena the emails we never opened.
Find the hidden links.
Same law firm that found that put a fake transcript into the court two weeks ago saying that I talked about white Jew boys on air, did no such thing, said white shoe boys.
But again, I'm not saying that that law firm did that, I'm saying after I got sued, somebody sent us the child report we never opened, but magically they subpoenaed, found the hidden links, and you get that headline.
This is total weaponization by the left, ladies and gentlemen.
It's absolutely insane.
It's totally out of control.
If you want to find the right article from last week, that's about a two-year-old article up there you put up.
What you pull up is Raw Story did a retraction on the Jewboy comment and said, White Shoe Boy, and that's the one.
Just put a rawstory.com at the end of your search.
There it is.
But this is the reality of how the globalists are operating.
Now, I'm going to say this again.
Let this sink in.
Antifa, the Maoist communist group in the United States set up 30 years ago that calls for overthrowing the government, killing their political enemies, banning free speech.
They are now nationwide saying they're going to attack anybody at 4th of July rallies, anybody that tries to go out in public, anybody that tries to support Trump, any type of veterans rallies, any type of free speech rallies, that they're going to attack them with chemical weapons, with acid attacks, barring it from the Islamists who are their gods.
They were so vicious and hateful in Portland outnumbering folks 10 to 1 that they beat up A quote, gay man in a summer dress who they just decided to beat up.
If you're in a wheelchair, they attack you.
They target weakness, ladies and gentlemen.
And they were wearing brass knuckles, leaded gloves.
When we come back, we'll play clips of the media praising it and defending it.
These are the street-level brown shirt terrorists.
All of these videos are up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
We come back, we'll go through all the articles on Infowars.com and Newswars.com
where we show the crowbarred heads, the blood, all of it when we come back
on the other side of this break.
But acid attacks are taking place in America.
They mixed hundreds of containers of the chemical weapon and they attacked Men, women, and children with crowbars and with clubs?
And with improvised hatchets and the police stood there as terrorists and did nothing, aiding the criminal left, beating people in the head for no reason with clubs over and over and over again, up to 30 stitches per giant slash.
This is America while spraying pepper spray and dumping acid on their faces.
This is the left terrorist.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
The time has come.
The time is here.
The globalists are openly activating their anti-American forces to demonize the American people, the very existence of our borders, and the American flag.
From the NFL, to Nike, to the Ninth Circuit, to AOC, to members of our armed forces, high-level generals, We're all saying America is bad, that the American flag is offensive, that capitalism is offensive, and that our president's saying Americanism, not globalism, is racist, and that the whole world can come here and get everything free, but that we the citizens have to pay for it when our nation is on the verge of bankruptcy if we don't have major innovation and major booms.
We will collapse into third world status and the UN and others admit they're using giant migrant waves in Europe and the US to collapse the countries, to kill capitalism and bring in socialism so we can go the way of the old Soviet Union, North Korea and Venezuela.
This is a plan.
When you see top Democrats across the board, mayors, governors, you name it, saying America was never great, it'll never be great, that they're going to take this country down, that they're going to confiscate the wealth.
Why are they funded by billionaire hedge fund owners?
Because the billionaire hedge fund owners are offshore and they want to overthrow this country just like Russia was overthrown in 1917.
They're planning a Bolshevik revolution here run by the rich again to take over a country.
This is the critical understanding.
You've got the idiot masses believing they're going to get free health care, free housing, free education, and a living wage even if you don't want to work.
This is a systematic program.
So whatever you do, realize we were right.
Our worst fears have been confirmed.
It's all true.
The New World Order, the world government, the anti-Christian moves, the anti-unborn moves.
Now they kill babies after they're born.
Now they admit human clones.
They're walking around in China.
Everything is happening.
That's why we've got to stay on air.
It's why you've got to keep fighting.
Because we're going to win this in the end.
It's God's promise, and we see the evidence.
The tide's even turning.
As world government's built, a tide is coming against it, and world government will only stand for a day, the Bible says, and a day is generally a year in prophecy.
This thing is gonna be rough.
It's gonna be the last days of boot camp.
We're going to make it through it together.
That said, ladies and gentlemen, without you financing InfoWars and buying great products you already need, we won't be here, and we're running this July 4th Save InfoWars special right through at least till July 5th or so, but it's gotta stop then, Because X2 is selling out.
Turbo Force is selling out.
Super Blue Fluoride Free Toothpaste is selling out.
Because people are buying a lot of it at 15% off.
So we have to sell a lot of it to crack that nut.
This is a big facility.
A lot of crew.
Fighting hard.
Paying for all our own bandwidth.
But still winning.
Thanks to you and your support.
Whether you're Matt Drudge linking to us.
Or whether you're the general public buying fish oil you know you all need.
Or getting great turmeric formula bodies.
That's what makes it all possible.
So I salute you.
And I thank you.
But I ask you again.
Do your shopping with us.
It's a simple win-win equation, and we will continue on the face of this.
But now it's more urgent than ever that we stay on the air because I wish the Globals weren't as evil as I thought.
I wish they wouldn't openly be pulling down American flags and horses rolling against them and Nike pulling it off shoes.
But that shows you that when you've been taken over by a group, they tell you, don't fly your damn flag!
That's what happens when you're invaded!
That's what happens when you're conquered, and they're seeing if they can make you do that, they can do anything!
Infowarsstore.com 50% off, store-wide free shipping, double patriot points.
Whatever you do, commit now to history and know that buying products from us
is one of the most important things you can do in the fight against the global.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Antifa said they would start carrying out acid attacks
and they mixed up hundreds and hundreds of containers of it in the park in Portland,
came out and attacked men, women and children, split heads open with crowbars
and Fox News is calling it milkshake attacks.
Chemical weapon acid attacks.
And they're pledging to attack Trump's 4th of July Celebrate America event coming up.
On July 4th in D.C.
We're going to have reporters there.
This is an incredible time to be alive in America.
The left knows they're losing, so they're launching a violent revolution.
And the mainstream media is praising them.
And coming up, we've got clips of the Democrats praising Antifa and what they've done.
They're starting a violent war.
Here is a clip of just some of what happened in Portland.
Andy Ngo is hit, punched, pepper sprayed and has acid thrown his face.
Burning his eyes and face as they throw more.
Quick-set concrete.
Some of the concrete's totally set, so they're glasses full of concrete.
Others are still shedding with lime and acid.
The attack works! The attack works!
This is terrorism in America.
Mobs of cowards, ganging up.
This is why we have the Second Amendment, folks.
When they start coming to your houses, which they pledge to do, like Tucker Carlson's, and they're now doxing federal agents and border patrols saying they're going to come to their houses and kill them, they're going to find out that the acid won't beat bullets when we defend ourselves.
But in any leftist system, the arch crime is defending yourself against leftist thugs.
We have stacks of articles with that.
Here they are beating men who are peaceful from behind with metal bars, splitting their heads open.
We can show some of the photos here of people literally covered in blood.
This is the reality.
This is what is unfolding.
This is terrorism, leftist, organized, defended terrorism in America.
Joe Biden came out and praised Antifa as wonderful people during the debates, and we've got a compilation of some of the other leftists praising the domestic terror group where the police just stand there while men, women, and children are beaten to the head with metal bars up to 30 stitches and acid attacks.
A chemical weapon attack.
No one else is breaking this down.
No one else is even getting what's happening because the left defines things.
There aren't two genders.
They're not terrorists when they attack you, and quick-set concrete thrown in your face that can put your eyes out and eat your skin off, that's milk!
Because they are God!
And even babies after they're born should be killed now, because the left said, they're not human!
Kill those little creatures!
Ha ha ha!
And there's the photos of them mixing it all, handing out hundreds and hundreds of acid bombs.
So they can come out and just split people's heads wide open.
You know, more folks are going to show up now to Portland and D.C.
This won't intimidate Americans.
And I predict that mayor's going to end up getting arrested for protecting them.
I predict that you're going to have serious stuff go down in that meth-head, demon-infested area known as Portland, Oregon.
And these folks will be identified.
They will be going to prison.
But this is when the scum comes out of their rat holes.
By the way, the man that got particularly beaten badly, Adam Kelly, his head split open, many others did, he was helping a, quote, gay man in a summer dress who the Antifa just attacked because they thought they were weak.
Antifa even attacks their own people.
Like when Pelosi was forced to say they were basically terrorists a year ago, because they were just attacking their own people at a Democrat rally event, countering a Christian prayer vigil.
They're a bunch of scum who are cowards, who've never had any power, who are bullies.
So they go out and get together, and they go into feeding frenzies, beating innocent people.
Here is the enemy of the American people, the globalist corporate media, on the Chi Com payroll, celebrating their brown shirt shock troops.
I argue to you tonight, all punches are not equal morally.
In the eyes of the law, yes.
But in the eyes of good and evil, here's the argument.
They are strictly principled anti-fascists.
And what they see in the Trump administration and what they see happening in this country, they see the neo-fascism that we see.
And they've taken a principled stand to stand against white supremacists and white nationalists wherever they may show up.
It says it right in the name, Antifa.
Anti-fascism, which is what they were there fighting.
Listen, there's, you know, no organization is perfect.
There was some violence.
I think that a lot of people recognize that when pushed, self-defense is a legitimate response to white supremacist neo-Nazi violence.
The problem is to equate the violence in reaction against bigotry with the bigotry itself is to misunderstand the fact that when you go to cancer treatment, the radiation is tough treatment, but it is meant to remove the cancer.
There's a group of anti-fascists called the Black Bloc, which do tend to get violent.
Their idea is, look, nonviolence hasn't worked and we are going to try to stop this.
But they wouldn't have been there.
They wouldn't have been anywhere near there had it not been for the fact that white supremacists, neo-Nazis were out scaring the living daylights out of most of the people in that town.
Thuggishness is thuggishness wherever it comes from politically and we should be the first to call it out.
Wow, somebody said no to it.
Andy Ngo, who's Asian, got beat over the head and had acid thrown on him and his eyes are all red and bloody and his face is all half eaten off.
But, you know, that's okay to have quick concrete thrown in your hair and your face.
Because, again, the media said we're Nazis.
And what did Congressman Crenshaw say last week in Congress?
The veteran now congressman, he pointed out that, to Big Tech, we'll play that when we come back, that calling everyone Nazis when this country invaded a continent and millions of people were killed to take out the Nazis is inciting violence.
And that's exactly what they've done, ladies and gentlemen.
So they're out there involved in chemical weapons attacks, violent attempted murder with steel clubs thrown full power They basically had foil swords, if you really look.
They had big, long batons that you can kill people with if you hit them in the neck.
And this is what it's come down to because a bunch of white meth heads that work for the mayor said that an Asian guy who's just a journalist, oh, let's beat him up because we're a bunch of trash.
Whatever you do, ladies and gentlemen, let this sink in that the corporate media is going to cover this up.
They're going to defend it.
You just saw them defend the violence.
You just saw the left and the corporate media defend the radiation treatment you're about to get to teach you to submit.
They've been breeding this in the colleges, in the foundations, and now they're making their move.
Hillary was supposed to get in.
They were supposed to roll all this out against us with her as president.
But now they're doing it even though she's not in.
So we don't have full control of the government back, folks.
They're fighting to maintain their control and getting violent to teach us.
Don't eat at leftist restaurants.
Don't shop with them.
We must separate ourselves economically and boycott Hollywood, The Globalist, all their trash.
And don't visit their cities.
Let them be in the rats and feces and heroin needles.
Because they are absolute baby-killing trash.
Demonic filth from the pit of hell.
And fight back!
They want to silence you?
They want to bully you?
They can't stop you from spreading the word about InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Fairness is a dog whistle.
It does not mean what you think that it means.
And you have to apply double-think in order to understand what they're really saying.
And what they're really saying about fairness is that they have to manipulate their search results so that it gives them their political agenda that they want.
And so they have to re-bias their algorithms so that they can get their agenda across.
Okay, I've been interviewing James O'Keefe for...
Ten years.
Since he blew up in Acorn.
And I've seen all the devastating victories.
And them trying to indict him and their failures.
But to sit here and have him have the head of Google censorship with his weird Orwellian name of the office caught in undercover video.
You realize how hard it is to get this.
To penetrate.
To infiltrate.
Google executive, and there's a bunch of these people on tape, admits election meddling to prevent Trump winning 2020.
Brags Congress can pressure us, but we're not changing.
Am I right in saying this is probably the most important thing you've ever broken?
This is the total proof.
Oh, this is by far the biggest thing we ever broke.
That man in the shadow you see, the insider, is a current Google employee.
And this is a video recording of an insider, that's someone who currently works for Google, blowing the whistle.
Now what this video shows is it shows the insider talking about algorithmic unfairness.
That's a term you probably haven't heard before.
The confidential documents, which I have a copy of here and up here in the video, And I'm going to read from the document.
It says, "In some cases, it may be appropriate to take no action if the system accurately
affects reality, while in other cases, it may be desirable to consider how we might
help society reach a more fair and equitable state via product intervention."
So these documents show algorithmic unfairness.
The executive named Janai on the secret recording obtained by Project Veritas shows how they want to affect the 2020 election outcome.
So all these things corroborate each other.
I'm not one to characterize people.
I'm just going to quote them, okay Alex?
I'm not going to characterize them.
This is Google, not me.
Not you.
It says, quote, training data are collected and classified, algorithms are programmed, media are filtered, ranked, aggregated, and generated.
People like us are programmed.
That's a direct quote.
People like us are programmed.
And one of the things that this executive says is that people who agree with President Trump will not like our definition of, quote, fairness.
That's Jen Janai, the woman you're looking at right there.
People who voted for the current president do not agree with our definition of fairness.
So what's interesting, Alex, is that Google is saying here that they're able to define fairness and this algorithmic unfairness, and they have product intervention.
So Google is actually meddling in an election by virtue of defining what is fair and what is not fair, and they would never admit this publicly.
And right now they're in a huge world of trouble because that is not a low-level ranking employee.
That is the head of their entire innovation department.
This document's called Definition of Algorithmic Unfairness.
It's labeled privileged and confidential.
Now many of you are wondering, wow, these people are real heroes for blowing the whistle.
Hell yeah, they're heroes!
They make a lot of money and they don't care.
And one of the things he said, the man in the silhouette there who works for Google, he said, I'm nothing but an ant.
He says, I'm just, I'm going after Goliath here.
And I said, are you scared?
Are you frightened?
He said, you know what?
I hope I get away with it, but there are some things bigger than me.
He said this to me.
And I think you're seeing a watershed moment right now, right here today, as I sit here.
Where people are going to come forward, Alex, because they want the people to know what's going on.
I just learned last night there's another person in the company that wants to come forward.
It doesn't get better than that.
I urge you, if you work for one of these organizations and you do want to Tell the truth to people.
Contact us.
We'll work with you.
James, fabulous.
I admire you and your whole crew.
You are the blood of freedom.
and we salute you.
It's Alex Jones.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you're a radio listener, you're not seeing this and you're kind of lucky.
A lot of these are at Infowars.com forward slash show.
I'll just watch them in a moment.
The left is allied with radical Islam.
They have up to seven acid attacks in London a day.
Up to 30 knife attacks a day.
Children just got stabbed.
Paul Watson is going to be joining us.
He was coming on about calls for acid attacks on Brigsiters that are being called for by BBC journalists.
Other journalists are saying they don't want to see milkshakes thrown.
They want to see acid.
Well, Antifa made good.
They started saying two weeks ago they're going to attack the 4th of July event that Trump has celebrating America.
We're going to have journalists covering.
There's one of the headlines.
NewsWars.com leftists advocate acid attacks against Nigel Farage.
Ladies and gentlemen, that was just May 21st.
So, Antifa picked up on that.
Corporate media praises the attacks.
And now it's here.
Now it's unfolding.
Ted Cruz is calling for an FBI investigation.
FBI investigation?
Ladies and gentlemen, if I went and had a demonstration at a park and loaded quick-set concrete into hundreds of paper cups to go tell people, talk about mind control, oh it's milkshakes but really it's acid.
They brag we're gonna put people's eyes out.
They can put your eyes out.
And then They go and throw it on people's faces, eating their skin off, burning their eyes, macing people, and hitting them in the head with metal clubs, splitting their heads open, giant split-open heads, blood pouring everywhere, of peaceful people, and CNN goes, oh, there was a fight in Portland when liberals attacked Nazis.
It's like the congressman said, Crenshaw, last week.
Naming everybody that's your opposition Nazis is a form of terrorism.
And then they tell all these city workers, that's mainly what it is, meth-head city workers, to go attack peaceful people that dare exercise their First Amendment.
I am so blown away.
Ted Cruz calls for FBI to investigate and bring legal action against Portland mayor.
Ted Cruz calls for legal action against Portland Mayor.
Democratic terrorists could target 4th of July holiday events.
ABC News, but no known plots, say the feds.
Domestic terrorists could target it.
And of course we know who those are.
No known plots.
You just saw terrorists mixing up hundreds of cups of a chemical weapon.
Quick-set concrete has four different types of acid in it.
It makes concrete fuse together.
It'll eat your eyeballs out.
Ask anybody.
Read the damn package.
New video shows Antifa crowbar attack.
Macing of elderly man.
Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
We're going to go to Paul Watson right now.
But please remember, this is why we need your support.
America is going in the most insane time since 1776.
The world is going into the most insane time we've seen.
There's a major global realignment against tyranny.
And all over the world, from Brazil, to England, to the United States, to Germany, to Sweden, to Russia, they have Soros funded, his son's the main controller of it, funded Antifa physically attacking people as modern brown shirts.
You cannot Make the magnitude of this up.
And InfoWars is the vanguard of fighting it and standing against it with our intrepid reporters that go into this.
Millie Weaver, Caitlin Bennett, Owen Schroer.
They menaced Schroer with guns, threatened to kill him just last year in Austin.
The police did nothing because we're a blue city.
The police are aiding and abetting this.
This is America.
They're not going to let Trump win.
They're censoring.
They're preparing terror attacks.
And if Trump doesn't move against them, it doesn't matter how popular he is, they will sweep him from office and bring in a reign of terror.
Then you'll have a civil war and a second amendment in defensive terms will come out.
Remember when I got banned off Twitter last year?
They said that I said, kill journalists with guns.
Never said it.
They never showed you video.
I said, Antifa says they're coming to people's houses to kill them.
Members of law enforcement, they're doxing you in Congress.
You have a right to defend yourself.
So be there and understand, have your battle rifles ready.
Well now they're doxing federal law enforcement everywhere and saying they're coming to your house to kill you.
And now they're mixing up concrete with acid and throwing it in people's faces and beating them over the head with clubs!
They're about to make their move.
Paul Joseph Watson of Summit.News and InfoWars.com.
You have been at the epicenter.
I asked you to come on last week, you were too busy, about the threats of acid attacks against Brexiters.
And now it's happening in America and they say coming up July 4th they're going to hit everybody at July 4th in D.C.
My God, imagine, terrorists are going to mix up acid and attack conservatives all over the world and our own governments aren't going to do a damn thing, Paul!
Well, there's one congressman that's come out about an hour ago, Alex, and it's up on InfoWars.
Congressman calls for Antifa to be labelled a domestic terror organisation.
This was already happening back at the start of 2016.
You had New Jersey Homeland Security and Homeland Security in general telling local and state authorities that Antifa was involved in quote domestic terror activities.
So you already had that going back to early 2016.
They're still getting away with it.
They're now literally threatening acid attacks on a free speech rally next weekend.
And the question is, why are they allowed to wear masks, Alex?
Police have confiscated weapons from Antifa domestic terrorists before.
These masks are only being worn for one reason, so they can get away with committing violent crime.
Okay, so if they come into a protest area with an object which is going to be used in the process of committing a violent crime, why is that not being taken away from them?
Ban the masks and then it's bye-bye Antifa because they can no longer hide their identities.
But finally, We've got a congressman not just saying it needs to be investigated, he said outright.
Declare them a domestic terrorist organisation.
Their avowal of violence and routine intimidation, harassment and assault of Americans has no place in our country.
So again, will we see any action or will we see potentially acid attacks en masse against Americans standing up for their free speech rights this weekend in Washington DC?
Paul, they are organizing.
They are serious.
They are protected, as you wrote at Infowars.com today.
This has all got to go viral, folks.
You've got to be the Paul Reveres.
Fox is barely covering this.
CNN is praising Antifa as of going live today.
If these articles don't get out, people don't even know that concrete was used, and they don't even know that it was Kwikset that's acid.
They don't even know about the hedge being split open.
This is a massive cover-up, and Antifa is flexing and testing, and the police just stood there while all this happened.
Yeah, and it's all being organized on Facebook and Twitter.
I'm banned on Facebook, you're banned on Facebook, you're banned on Twitter.
We know the group behind it, Alex.
It's called Rose City Antifa.
They've literally got a post on Facebook right now celebrating the quote, amazing success of their people smashing in old men's heads with crowbars and macing them in the face.
They're on Twitter.
Not being banned, not being suspended on Twitter.
They're raising money from a website called rally.org.
People need to contact this website called rally.org and ask them, do you support domestic terrorism because your platform is being used to raise money for domestic terrorists?
They've got a website.
Who hosts their website?
On this website, They openly dox people.
They list their direct address.
They talk about Hayley Adams, who was attacked at one of these events last year, but violently attacked again.
They list her exact apartment, her exact address on their website.
Who's hosting this website.
Why are people who are doxing people, who have been proven to commit violent crimes, and you could call that attempted crowbar, you could call the crowbar attack attempted murder.
They're allowed on Twitter, Alex.
Facebook and Instagram banned conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
I am now completely banned.
Now, InfoWars, of course, is that web show and website led by rageaholic Alex Jones.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
These people aren't terrifying or anything.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
These are very extreme individuals, and no matter what anyone tells you, they are extremists, and that's why Facebook decided to get rid of them.
Basically, they've deemed these individuals to be dangerous, is what Facebook is saying.
Those individuals include people like right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
If you don't like someone on Facebook, don't follow them.
out consistently how Alex Jones and other Infowars pages had just simply circumvented
any ban by starting a different account or going on Instagram.
If you don't like someone on Facebook, don't follow them.
It's not that hard to figure out.
Facebook, are you going to do something about the liberals who call me the N-word?
Because big tech is only interested in going after conservatives.
You know, the really dangerous ones.
Dangerous as in saying things that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like.
President Trump retweeted Paul Joseph Watson twice.
And a brief video by InfoWars' Millie Weaver.
Social media's hall monitor, Brad Stelter, was not very happy about it.
He is promoting the same alternative universe as InfoWars.
Back to your point, though, about the InfoWars presidency, I want to know, and I tweeted this the other day, what is the difference at this point between Trump's Twitter feed and InfoWars.com?
InfoWars content is useful to him.
InfoWars personalities align with him.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
Don't worry.
These people aren't terrifying or anything.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
We do not talk enough about trans Americans.
The biggest threat to the security of the United States is Donald Trump.
We need to include everyone in our democracy.
Moms across this country are getting paid less simply because they're women.
Does this hurt my Uncle Dick and his gear stand?
For the last 21 years, I've been raising a black son in America.
I'm someone that can win and beat Donald Trump.
We ask voters from across the country to submit their questions.
You are the only Latino Democrat who is running this year in the presidential race.
Everyone can vote in this country.
We are going to take a quick break.
We're going to get this technical situation fixed.
We will be right back.
Just because a woman, or let's also not forget someone in the trans community, a trans female, is poor doesn't mean they shouldn't have the right to exercise that right to choose.
Trigger a leftist authoritarian.
Get a great shirt and fund the InfoWars.
It's a limited edition made right here in the United States.
We just printed 5,000 of them to commemorate the two nights of Clown World Democratic National Debate in Miami.
Ladies and gentlemen, the shirt is amazing.
It's got InfoWars.com on it.
Clown World on the back.
It's like a concert shirt.
It commemorates all the idiotic candidates.
It's a First Amendment extravaganza.
It celebrates the fact that we're awake to their clowning, and it funds the Infowar.
We've already sold one-fifth of the shirts, so only 4,000 are left as of me taping this.
It'll be gone in a few days.
So again, thank you all for your support.
It's your chance to get this limited edition shirt and fund the InfoWars at InfoWarsStore.com.
Get your ultra limited edition Clown World t-shirts today at Infowarsstore.com
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Paul Watson's with us for two more segments.
We'll be hosting the second hour, fourth hour tomorrow.
In the second hour today, Stuart Rhodes of Oath Keepers, founder of Oath Keepers, is going to be joining us.
And then we have Soph coming on the broadcast as well to talk about all the censorship that's been going on.
And Gerald Salente.
And I think Robert Barnes is going to be popping in the last 30 minutes with some information as well.
I'm pretty upset right now.
Because, see, I'm not adapting to being enslaved.
I'm not adapting to how they use Islamists, the left does, as their enforcers all over Europe, and how they use Antifa in Europe and the U.S.
as their vicious enforcers in every blue cesspit city or area to go around beating people up under police protection.
I'm adapting and overcoming.
I'm upset.
That my reporters are going to be up there in D.C.
covering this, where terrorists are saying they're going to throw acid on people and beat them over the head with metal bars for no reason, for exercising the 4th of July, and our corporate media is defending it and saying they're heroes.
I'm upset that Trump isn't doing anything about this.
I'm upset that Trump gives lip service about he's going to fight censorship.
We all get excited he's going to have a, you know, summit coming up on July 11th.
Well, guess what?
If I go to that summit, I'll be outside bullhorning it to get media attention that we don't have action.
I don't care about having my thing patted on the head inside.
Just like press passes don't do anything in some rotting press office where Obama's picture still hangs up at the White House in the press room.
The left is making the revolutionary terrorist move.
They've now ratcheted up to organized people handing out concrete, acid, chemical weapon milkshakes.
And Congressman calls for Antifa to be labeled a domestic terror organization.
Republican Congressman Jim Banks has called for Antifa to be labeled a domestic terror organization following the violence in Portland.
The violence?
You mean the left viciously attacking anybody and everybody?
Get that article out.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Send it out to everybody you know.
We're going to go back to Paul Watson right now.
I was just during the break meeting with the warehouse folks.
Our products are made in America, distributed in America, you name it.
And they said, listen, boss, your 50% off sale's been so good, but you only marked stuff up 150%.
So what's up with 50% off?
We're only making 20, 30%.
If that, you're selling out of X2, you're selling out of Brain Force, you're already selling out of Turbo Force, you're selling out of bodies, you're selling out of a whole bunch of stuff.
You're going to have to end this sale, at least on a bunch of products.
So the 50% off, store-wide free shipping, and double Patriot points, We'll end on July 5th, because a bunch of stuff is about to sell out.
It will end.
Now, we'll still have some stuff that's on sale, because I've habituated everybody to always wanting 50% off.
And that's great.
We just have to sell a lot of it to be able to operate, because there's not a lot of profit.
We've only got about 100 left of the Clown World Ultra Limited Edition Clown World T-shirts.
That's at Infowarsstore.com.
We have the great new Limited Edition Space Shuttle, Space Force shirt that's so popular.
And a lot of others.
But whatever you do, think about how free speech is under attack and how critical Infowars is to be the loud, focused voice pointing out this is a chemical acid attack.
You're not seeing that on Fox or CNN.
That's the truth.
That's how crazy it's gotten.
So read the thousands of five-star reviews.
Everything is 50% off at Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
A lot of other big specials as well.
or 888-253-3139, 888-253-3139. A lot of other big specials as well, 888-253-3139.
All right, Paul Watson, you've got the floor in the next 10 minutes.
Get into what you predict is coming next.
The lack of action on this terror group.
The mixing of the chemical weapon in front of everybody.
The police standing down.
This shows they're really going to go the whole way coming into 2020.
Well, people forget that Antifa members were actually arrested back in February 2017 for planning an acid attack on Trump supporters.
Whether Trump administration is actually going to do anything about literal terrorists trying to target his supporters remains to be seen, but there's a headline from 2017.
Third arrest made in connection to planned deplorable acid attack.
And it was a plan that involved, quote, setting off butyric acid bombs into the ventilation systems of the National Press Club who was hosting this event.
The activist allegedly planned the attack with members of the DC Anti-Fascist Coalition.
And again, these are some of the same groups that have terrorized Tucker Carlson's family there in DC at his home.
Court documents claim the plan was to deploy butyric acid near the air ducts and or deploy bottles of butyric acid on the floor in order to cause the ball attendees to evacuate the building as a result of the smell.
So that was a plan.
People were arrested for it.
And then we have a new plan.
Today, which is up on Infowars.com, Antifa member threatens to acid attack attendees of DC free speech event.
And they got the telegram messages of whoever this individual is, who should be the subject of a FBI or DHS investigation right now, and he's using the pseudonym and he's using the artwork of this journalist who works for Rolling Stone Magazine and Playboy Magazine.
The individual who is the journalist claims that it's not him, even though he's written pro-anti for articles in the past, and the guy sending the messages He's obviously pro-Antifa and using his symbology, but he claims it's not him.
And he's literally in this Telegram group chat saying, you can't fight if you can't see.
These are his words.
Quote, I just want to toss as many blooms of muriatic acid in the faces of as many Proud Boys as I can.
I want to blind as many of you bleep suckers as possible.
A nice bloom filled with muriatic acid covered in wax.
And the reason they want to cover it in wax, as Big League Politics explains, muriatic acid can be purchased in virtually any pool store or home improvement store.
It's dangerous on its own.
You can wash it off with water, but by combining it with the wax, it will immediately form a film similar to candle wax on the injured person's skin.
So then that's a way of getting it into the bloodstream of the intended victim.
They're literally talking about this in these telegram chats.
Sure, it's like napalm.
Napalm is meant to stick to your body.
So this is an acid that sticks to your body that's very hard to get off.
Yeah, and they've planned to do that in the past.
They're planning to do it again.
Apparently DHS and FBI are now going to provide some kind of security, or they're going to have a presence at this DC free speech rally on the 6th.
So it remains to be seen if they actually do anything.
Again, why not confiscate the masks, ban the masks?
Then they can't turn up because they're wearing the masks, because they're committing violent crimes and trying to hide their identities.
Think about the magnitude of this, that they're doing this, that it's organized, they're making acid attack stuff in the park in front of the police.
This just shows the blue cities are saying they represent illegal aliens now, that we should open borders.
Beto O'Rourke is campaigning in Mexico.
Major journalists are calling for acid attacks on Nigel Farage.
I mean, they've just gone stark raving lunatic mad.
No, precisely, and we predicted it all along.
The media made a big joke about the milkshake attacks.
Oh, it's just the milkshake snowflakes, what you're worried about.
Bear in mind, these are the same people who are literally terrified of words and encountering ideas which they disagree with.
Oh, but we're the snowflakes because we don't like being doused with milkshakes.
Now the milkshakes have got acid in them.
They've got quick-drying cement in them.
You had big left-wing comics on BBC radio shows a few weeks ago joking about throwing acid on Nigel Farage and other people like that.
And to segue, Alex, Meanwhile in the UK, they're literally treating the guy who bravely fought off the terrorists during the London Bridge attack, where dozens of people were slashed, eight people killed.
Now the guy who literally fought off the terrorists and said, by the way, revealed that during the attack the jihadists were saying, quote, this is for Allah, Islam, Islam, Islam.
That's what the terrorists said, according to this victim who was there on the scene.
He was literally being slashed in the neck.
Let's be clear, they killed 8 people, stabbed 30.
He charged them and basically said, you know, I'm British, I'm not going to back down.
They stabbed him all over his body.
He's a hero and now he has to go to a re-education center.
Tell them about it.
Yeah, he's been put in the UK government, he's been put on the terror watch list, okay?
He's been forced to attend de-radicalisation classes because some anti-Islam activists in the UK contacted him.
So now he's a suspected potential terrorist, simply because they contacted him.
He should have been given a medal.
They should have given him the George Cross, which is the highest civilian award that you can get, for literally fighting off jihadists as they mowed down people in vans and stabbed people in the neck.
This guy is now on a terror watch list.
This is the situation we're at.
Meanwhile, the British Army says that if you describe yourself as a patriot, that's a sign of dangerous right-wing extremism.
This is the clown world that we live in, in the UK right now.
That's right.
Let's talk about it when we come back.
The British government, what, a month ago, put out flyers saying, look out for people that like the UK, that want to be in Brexit, and that like to be British or Scottish or Irish.
That's bad.
The army's watching you.
If the Muslim wants to stab you, you stretch your neck up, you say, right here, sir.
Those people who are online making fun of members of Congress are a disgrace.
And there's no need for anyone to think that is unacceptable.
We're going to shut them down.
And work with whoever it is to shut them down and they should be prosecuted.
These women were being told by CBP officers to drink out of the toilet.
Uh, excuse me.
I think this might be Gatorade or something.
I was just looking for some regular water.
You mean like in the toilet?
One of the women said that she was told by an agent to drink water out of the toilet.
What for?
Just to drink.
Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet.
What you're saying is that you want us to put water on the crops.
Like out the toilet?
Well, I mean, it doesn't have to be out of the toilet, but yeah, that's the idea.
Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet.
You think that we should be using more Brondo on the crops in Africa to help alleviate the food shortage and the droughts over there?
Any other comments on the Brondo being used in Africa that's helping the crops?
Definitely if they got it over there, they should get more out there to help them out and get the resources they need to stay healthy and alive.
More Brondo.
It's got electrolytes and what plants need.
For the last time, I'm pretty sure what's killing the crops is this Brondo stuff.
But Brondo's got what plants crave.
He's got electrolytes.
Now, I'm no botanist, but I do know that if you put water on plants, they grow.
Well, I've never seen no plants grow out of no toilet.
Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet.
Yeah, that's good.
You sure you ain't the smartest guy in the world?
Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet. Out of the toilet. Out of the toilet.
Out of the toilet.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance
Rising up, straight to the top.
Alright, Stuart Rhodes is coming up in about 10 minutes.
Founder of the Oath Keepers to give us his expert take on this.
But Paul, you were saying during the break that this even shocks you, that organized acid attacks, mainstream media calling for acid attacks in the U.S., in the U.K.
against public officials.
doxing of law enforcement's homes, saying they're coming to kill them, publicly mixing up acid attack milkshakes in the
park, beating people's heads in, burning their skin off, and they're
just getting started and CNN says great job, keep it up.
Well, the thing that shocked me the most this morning was this, they've literally took the hero of the London Bridge
terror attacks, the guy that valiantly fought off the terrorists, he's
called the Lion of London Bridge.
This stems back to the fact that he screamed F.U.I.
Millwall to the terrorists as two of them were simultaneously literally stabbing him in the neck.
Millwall is a football team in London who are noted for liking to get in fights, let's just put it that way.
But this guy was rightly lionised and celebrated after the attack.
He was In hospital with 80 stitches to his head, ear, arms, hands and neck after literally fighting off two terrorists.
Okay, this is why he's in the de-radicalization program, because he dared to tell the public what the terrorists were saying while they were carrying out this attack, which was quote, this is for Allah and quote, Islam, Islam, Islam.
Now there's a video Horrifying video, but from that attack, when the terrorists are literally killing people from somebody who's cowered under a chair or a table in a restaurant, and somebody else shouts out, it might even have been this guy, Roy Lorner, the Lion of London Bridge, someone else shouts out, oh this is effing Muslims, which it was, and the Muslims carrying out the attack were saying this is for Allah, this is for Islam, so in the video someone shouts out this is effing Muslims, and then one of the victims
To illustrate the Stockholm Syndrome, literally says in the moment when he's cowering from Islamic terrorists, Oh no, this is not Muslim, shut up!
So he's literally denying that it's an Islamic terror attack while the terrorists are saying it's an Islamic terror attack while he's literally cowering under a table because it's more important to be politically correct than dead.
So on the flip side, you've got this Royal Honour who was the hero of the whole thing.
Now he's being put on a terror watch list by the government and he's being forced to attend de-radicalisation classes.
He says, quote, they treat me like a terrorist but I'm not political at all.
So he wasn't even political and they've put him in this database, they've put him on this programme.
Meanwhile, as I mentioned, we had another story from back in May.
British Army say people who describe themselves as patriots are extremist right wingers.
Now bear in mind, Just like in America in many cases, the army itself is being taken over by these social engineers.
So they put out a TV commercial trying to recruit Muslims into the British Army by showing the Muslim soldier doing a Muslim prayer while on operation while in full British Army uniform.
The problem is, that hasn't really worked, Alex, because more British Muslims joined ISIS than joined the British Army.
Didn't really work out.
But then it got even worse because they put out this leaflet, the British Army, and it says, Extreme Right-Wing Indicators and Warnings.
This is what they list as indications of right-wing extremism.
People who describe multicultural towns as lost.
People who use the term Islamofascism, which is used by academics and everyone.
People who refer to political correctness as a left-wing plot.
People who are angry about the loss of national identity.
People who make inaccurate generalizations about the left or government.
That's so vague it could mean anything.
And people who refer to those who challenge any of these views as being indoctrinated and they include describing oneself as a quote, patriot is an indication of right-wing extremism.
So they're literally saying that if you say you're a patriot who wants to join the British Army, you're probably a right-wing extremist.
Meanwhile, they're putting out television commercials trying to recruit Muslims into the British Army.
Paul, stay there.
I want to ask you what you think is coming next.
I'll stay there.
I want you to tell us what you think is coming next, and then we've got the founder of Oath Keepers joining us to give us his analysis on all this, the collapsing border and more.
We'll be back in 60 seconds.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Summit.News.
I want to encourage everyone to take advantage of the huge July 4th specials.
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For more stories, I promise.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
(dramatic music)
Ladies and gentlemen, the Lion of London Bridge that stopped a bunch of Muslims who had stabbed eight people to death, run over a bunch of others, injured 30 others.
He fought them off.
He was stabbed more than 30 times.
Had over 50 stitches just in his neck.
They tried to slit his throat.
Missed his carotid arteries.
It's absolutely incredible.
Let me just show people a photo of this right now.
Document cam, shot please.
I mean, just look at his neck right there.
Absolutely insane.
Stabbed over and over again.
He has been sent to a re-education camp.
That's what it is.
He's been sent for anti-extremist training because someone in the crowd while they were being stabbed said, oh, it's damn Muslims.
We're not joking.
Paul Watson just covered that.
And it's just in the news.
Well, he's on probation now.
He's going for re-education.
These are globalists taking over our countries.
That's why Beto O'Rourke has gone to Mexico to organize the next invasion force.
When he was running for Senate, he was bragging, oh, three caravans got in last week.
Because, you know, we're putting them in concentration camps.
Paul Joseph Watson, looking at the Antifa chemical attacks, mixing up the hundreds of glasses of quick-set concrete to put people's eyes out, splitting people's heads open, And this happened Saturday, and Fox News was saying, oh, you know, oh, somebody got hit in the head with a milkshake.
No, people have had their heads split open.
They have had acid attacks on them.
If you or I did this to a leftist, we'd go to prison immediately.
The police would do something.
Why is the left seen as God and able to engage in any crimes they want?
And what do you predict this 4th of July?
With the coddled Antifa, most of them government workers, saying they're coming to D.C.
to try to stop Trump's 4th of July rally, pledging to attack people with acid.
Well, the media's never going to admit that these are violent domestic terrorists because their narrative radicalised them in the first place.
That's the whole point.
They're responsible for it by putting out this ridiculous narrative that some soy boy in a mask, some runt in a mask, is on the same level as the troops storming the beaches of Normandy.
And that absurd comparison that they did a couple of years ago, which, by the way, people like Chris Cuomo on CNN actually supported.
They literally compared these Runs to British soldiers who are actually fighting Nazi troops on the beaches in France, but what's gonna happen?
Probably at some point you've had ISIS's own propaganda magazine come out and say, look, we broadly support the same goals as the extreme left in America.
Let's work together.
Let's give them weapons.
Let's give them training.
There was an FBI field manual, which we reported on last year, I think it was.
Can't find the articles anymore, Alex, because Google broke its own search engine, so there's no way I'm going to find them.
But I reported on it for InfoWars, where it was, again, Antifa, far left radicals, And ISIS, Islamic terrorists, looking to work together.
You had a guy who tried to massacre vast numbers of people.
This came out December 2017.
Pia 39 terrorist was an anti-Trump Antifa supporter, okay?
Muslim convert called Everett Aaron Jameson, who planned to carry out a Christmas Day massacre on Pia 39 in San Francisco.
You go on his Facebook page, He likes Antifa, he likes Al Jazeera, he likes BuzzFeed, he likes CNN.
Of course whenever anyone pops off a right-wing extremist, which we denounce because we denounce all political violence, if he so much as liked one of your tweets five years ago then you're responsible for his violence.
This guy was literally Straight out of Antifa casting.
He was a Muslim convert, planned a massacre, and that story disappeared.
It barely made the news.
So the threat, obviously, is when are they going to start working together?
And that is hopefully why federal authorities actually have to be on this now and treating it seriously, given what happened in Portland on Saturday.
What do you make of Ted Cruz coming out and saying he wants the Portland mayor investigated?
The Portland mayor has admittedly ordered police stand-downs and the police sit there, I guess because they're leftists or want their paycheck, and allow even children to be attacked, people to be attacked with acid and metal clubs.
That is violating their oath of office.
They're aiding and abetting terrorism now.
I absolutely agree.
We need to see that mayor in chains.
Well, the guy who got smashed in the head with the metal pipe with the lacerations and absolutely shocked that he didn't get brain damage or something.
He's very lucky.
He said that his problem was not with the police because they actually came to actually try and file a report and try and investigate it.
So he's blaming Wheeler.
He's blaming the mayor.
You know, how much of it is the police doing a stand down?
Because last year they did start confiscating the weapons in Portland from Antifa members.
That obviously didn't happen on Saturday.
So it looks like, once again, it's coming from the Mayor, it's coming from Wheeler, this stand down order.
And it's to what extent you blame the police, to what extent you blame the Mayor.
This guy himself, the victim, directly blamed the mayor.
And you've also got to blame verified checkmarks on Twitter.
Some of them who work in the mainstream media, people like Sarah Gailey, who is a verified Twitter user, who said, quote, while this is all happening, if we can't throw milkshakes, I guess we'll just have to go back to bricks.
Literally advocating Violent crime and domestic terrorism under a verified Twitter account.
The tweet wasn't even deleted as last time.
And Paul, let's expand on that.
If you watch the videos, we have a one minute boil down we've been rolling for TV viewers.
We have them all unedited, hours of them on Infowars.com and Newswars.com that the audience must get out to warn the public about because mainstream media is soft-soaping this or whitewashing it.
Even Fox News is.
Some of the quote milkshakes, nothing comes out.
They're hardened.
They're bricks.
Camouflage in a cup.
Others are still liquid and burn their faces.
You're actually more lucky to be hit by the brick than by the acid.
These are assaults with deadly weapons, assaults with chemical weapons.
This is just unprecedented, and it just shows the ratcheting up towards 2020.
As America turns towards the left, as they turn against them, they're just going to get more and more out of control.
Yeah, and it's when people are going to start paying attention.
I mean, you had Farage being attacked, you've had other people in the UK being attacked.
Matt Gaetz was attacked with a milkshake on June 1st, the Republican congressman.
Now it's come out that a staffer who is on the campaign of Mayor Pete ...is now advocating that he be attacked with urine next time.
So they always want to step it up.
So it's whether it gets to the level where you have actual lawmakers, elected congressmen and women, being viciously attacked, not just with... McCaul, it's already happened, remember?
The crazy guy went from Illinois because he was mad at Trump, tried to kill the 18 members of the conservative caucus, but there was security there and took him out, but not before he shot the congressman from Louisiana.
I mean, this is the reality of what's happening.
And then, even CNN praised the guy, not as a terrorist, but as a hero.
Wolf Blitzer had guest on saying he was a hero going after the evil people and shooting Congressman Scalise.
Yeah, James T. Hodgkinson, Bernie Sanders fan, was screaming about healthcare when he was trying to massacre a bunch of Republican congressmen.
Then you had the guy who, remember, before the election, rushed the stage and tried to violently attack Donald Trump while he was giving a speech in front of Air Force One.
What happened to him in the media?
The next day he was given a sympathetic platform, he was lionised by CNN and others.
So this is the whole point.
radicalization process itself has come from the mainstream media which is now they
call it why they constantly disavow ante for
because they've been in for the for the for the duration of them from the very
start so that's what i mean to be fair there were a few like even brian stelter
had to decry it jake tapper had to decry it
so the dam is breaking a little bit but i don't know
hundreds on twitter who still advocate
violent terrorism and then and then and then and then and then and then and
then and then and then and in closing i've been sued by georgetown university
claiming i said some photographer killed that woman uh... in clarksville
are whatever was in virginia Charlottesville.
Teleprompter Free, folks.
No, I said Antifa was funded by Soros, the police stood down, herded them together, knowing there'd be an explosion, and then the media tried to brand Antifa as heroes then.
Which they're not.
And so that's why they're pissed at suing me.
It's because I talked about their little darling meth-head professors that dress up like Batman and go out and attack women and children.
Paul, you're kicking butt with your prolific writing at newswars.com, infowars.com, and summit.news, the great site you're commanding.
And we commend you.
Keep it up, my friend.
And you're hosting tomorrow in the fourth hour.
Thank you, Paul.
Thanks, Alex.
All right.
For the rest of the hour, Stuart Rhodes is straight ahead of both keepers.
This is critical.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
The time has come.
The time is here.
The globalists are openly activating their anti-American forces to demonize the American people, the very existence of our borders, and the American flag.
From the NFL, to Nike, to the Ninth Circuit, to AOC, to members of our armed forces, high-level generals.
We're all saying America is bad, that the American flag is offensive, that capitalism is offensive, and that our president's saying Americanism, not globalism, is racist, and that the whole world can come here and get everything free, but that we the citizens have to pay for it when our nation is on the verge of bankruptcy if we don't have major innovation and major booms.
We will collapse into third world status and the U.N.
and others admit they're using giant migrant waves in Europe and the U.S.
to collapse the countries, to kill capitalism and bring in socialism so we can go the way of the old Soviet Union, North Korea and Venezuela.
This is a plan.
When you see top Democrats across the board, mayors, governors, you name it, saying America was never great, it'll never be great, that they're going to take this country down, that they're going to confiscate the wealth.
Why are they funded by billionaire hedge fund owners?
Because the billionaire hedge fund owners are offshore and they want to overthrow this country just like Russia was overthrown in 1917.
They're planning a Bolshevik revolution here run by the rich again to take over a country.
This is the critical understanding.
You've got the idiot masses believing they're going to get free health care, free housing, free education and a living wage even if you don't want to work.
This is a systematic program.
So whatever you do, realize we were right.
Our worst fears have been confirmed.
It's all true.
The New World Order, the world government, the anti-Christian moves, the anti-unborn moves.
Now they kill babies after they're born.
Now they admit human clones.
They're walking around in China.
Everything is happening.
That's why we've got to stay on air.
That's why you've got to keep fighting.
Because we're going to win this in the end.
It's God's promise, and we see the evidence.
The tide's even turning.
As world government's built, a tide is coming against it, and world government will only stand for a day, the Bible says, and a day is generally a year in prophecy.
This thing is going to be rough.
It's going to be the last days of boot camp.
We're going to make it through it together.
That said, ladies and gentlemen, without you financing InfoWars and buying great products you already need, we won't be here, and we're running this July 4th Save InfoWars special right through at least till July 5th or so, but it's got to stop then, because X X2 is selling out.
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So we have to sell a lot of it to crack that nut.
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It's a simple win-win equation, and we will continue on the face of this.
But now it's more urgent than ever that we stay on the air, because I wish the Globals weren't as evil as I thought.
I wish they wouldn't openly be pulling down American flags, and hordes rolling against them, and Nike pulling it off shoes.
But that shows you that when you've been taken over by a group, they tell you, don't fly your damn flag!
That's what happens when you're invaded!
That's what happens when you're conquered, and they're seeing if they can make you do that, they can do anything!
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Whatever you do, commit now to history and know that buying products from us is one of
the most important things you can do in the fight against the global.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Spiders from the stars.
Imagine, ladies and gentlemen, you have photos, of terrorists cooking chemical attacks in a Portland park,
right by the police, and then coming out and doing it, launching the attack.
And it's not even national news.
Quick, set, concrete, and put your eyes out.
But also, they were letting it harden.
They were really bricks.
And they said, we're going to go out and attack.
They split people's heads open, and they did it all.
Organized criminal activity.
Organizing for assaults with deadly weapons.
Mixing quick-set concrete with the lime and four types of acid in it.
Anybody's ever worked with Quick set concrete.
No, you're going to drop it in your eye.
It's like bleach.
It can blind you.
One time, I wouldn't listen to these guys.
I was like, man, you better be careful.
I was working on a construction site, and it was almost set, and I was sitting there just playing around with it, patting on it, and it burned my hands.
Stuart Rhodes, founder of Oath Keepers, Army veteran, has also practiced as a constitutional lawyer, joins us to give us his take on this.
Beto O'Rourke going and campaigning for president in Mexico.
That's even AP's headline.
We're going to talk about the left clearly is going into a revolutionary mode.
It's a Marxist-Leninist mode with a Maoist mindset from my research.
Stuart, what would you call this incredible period we're in right now?
I think it's weather underground part two.
I think it's the same exact pattern you saw in the late 60s, early 70s, except now, as you've already noted, they've got a mass of new voters, and they're replacing Americans with new voters from other countries through illegal immigration en masse.
That's why all of the Democratic candidates, they were talking to their new constituency.
They weren't talking to American citizens.
So President Trump is going to take decisive action right now.
In addition to declaring Antifa a terrorist organization, he should go ahead and just federalize the National Guard and deploy them into both California and Oregon.
And while he's there, not just press Antifa, but also start rounding up illegal aliens and deporting them using the National Guard, frankly.
That's what he has to do.
They'll call that martial law.
Now we have foreign powers, the chi-coms and others, funding revolution.
We have the Democratic Party calling for violence in the streets.
We have, this video will play next segment, of all these Democrats calling for violence against Republicans and against their supporters.
You have major talk show hosts on the BBC calling for Nigel Farage to be asked to attack.
They're saying they're going to attack.
The 4th of July, all over Twitter and Facebook with acid.
They just attacked a bunch of people with acid in Portland and CNN's calling them heroes and Fox is barely reporting it.
I mean, this is crazy.
It is.
And so we should recognize we're already in a civil war.
We've talked about this before with Matt Bracken.
We've been in a cold civil war for years.
But the left, I believe, is ramping it up.
And we should just go ahead and just pull the trigger on it now in the form of President Trump declaring what it is.
And declaring an insurrection and deploying the military on the border to seal it.
And then internally, you should use the National Guard and you should call on us, the retired military veterans out there in particular, and bring us in the service too as the militia.
We should do.
And of course, what's happening is his advisors are telling him, well, you can't do this.
You can't go after them.
You can't go after the sanctuary cities or sanctuary states.
You can't do any of these things or the country will explode.
Well, let it explode.
Let it explode now while he's Commander-in-Chief.
Let's get it over with.
Otherwise, what's going to happen is they're going to steal the election.
I mean, the Judicial Watch already came out and said at least a million and a half.
I think it's pretty low.
A million and a half illegal aliens voted in midterms.
I think it's far higher than that.
That's just in California.
They just won their lawsuit.
In California, it's 1.5 million.
That just broke JudicialWatch.org.
Proving that Trump was right when he said 3.5 million nationwide.
I bet it was more like 10 million.
Yeah, I think so, too.
I think it's far higher.
And it'll probably be closer to 20 million for this next year, for 2020.
That's what they're doing.
And it's the only reason why all of them are catering to, you know, speaking in Spanish and catering to the illegal aliens, promising them free health care, promising them to decriminalize being in the United States.
In other words, carte blanche, you come here, you can stay here, you won't be deported, end of ICE.
And they say on the stage, all Hispanics are insulted by us not having borders.
Most Hispanics I know aren't insane.
They don't want open borders.
They know it's people all over the world coming in.
You had some ancestors that came from Mexico, but they came here legally.
And that's the reality is a lot of American patriots in the Hispanic community are also very much in favor of secure borders.
This is complete nonsense.
So all that really is is the standard leftist tool.
All they have is to call us all racist and fascist and xenophobic while they go ahead and replace Americans of every color.
Black, We're going to walk through all that in the next segment.
I'm going to try to give you the floor because you're an expert on the border and have spent thousands of days down there in the last decade covering it all and where you predict this is going.
But I want to say something.
What you said is incredibly profound.
And it's so profound that we almost just can't come on air and just kind of halfway talk about it.
So I want to come back, and I want to specifically get in to what you just said, because it's true.
I don't want a violent revolution.
I don't want to offensively launch anything.
But when the left is terrorist, they're foreign funded, they say we don't believe in free speech, we're going to overthrow the government, we're going to kill our political opposition, and they're out there chemical attacking people, they're saying we're going to attack 4th of July parades, the mainstream media is promoting it, the borders are broken down, the leftist congress won't act and is blocking the president.
We're already here, we've already been brought into this crisis.
And we have the entire democratic stage of 20 people speaking in Spanish and pandering to those outside the country and Beto going to Mexico saying, let's tear down the border and invade.
This is the globalist onslaught.
This is America facing fifth generation warfare.
This is the globalist movement.
What you said is so profound.
We come back.
Give me the floor.
You know, as your military background, constitutional lawyer background, but also just a man who's been trained on the streets of this country, traveling to all 50 states and predicting this over a decade ago, that Trump's in now.
Imagine if Hillary was in.
Imagine if they assassinated him.
And again, we're going to win this physical civil war.
But I predict it's going to kill millions.
They're going to start the fight.
We're going to defend ourselves.
They've already been punching us in the nose.
They're going to label us terrorists.
They're going to order Blue City police to come after us.
And then it's all going to kick off.
And it's going to be Katy bar the door.
And then they're going to call it a race war.
And going to trick a lot of folks into a race war.
And the country is going to descend into a black hole.
It's going to descend into a warlord state.
For several years.
I would predict at least five years.
And the blue cities will starve to death.
We're going to have to quarantine those cities.
Let's talk about, is there time to turn it around?
But let's war game the scenarios of having to quarantine the blue cities as the best move during the Civil War.
And we know Trump's got the military for now.
And what the real divides are in the Civil War.
But it's time to really be honest about all this.
And why they got so upset about me last year when I said, Antifa says they're coming to your houses to kill you.
Congressmen, federal law enforcement, others, patriots, talk show hosts.
You need to have your battle rifles ready.
We're already in a civil war.
They went on errands so that I called for violence and wanted me banned.
They knew that I was aware of their plan and said get ready.
Yes, we're supposed to be for 70% tax rate on the wealthy.
Yes, we're supposed to be for free college, free public college for our young people.
We are supposed to break up big corporations when they're not serving our democracy.
Just because a woman, or let's also not forget, someone in the trans community, a trans female,
is poor doesn't mean they shouldn't have the right to exercise that right to choose.
And so I absolutely would cover the right to have an abortion.
We do not talk enough about trans Americans.
Fathers and mothers and children are dying while trying to enter the United States of America.
And what has happened now, the end result, is now we've got kids literally laying in their own snot with three-week-old diapers that haven't been changed.
My grandfather was actually separated from his family when he came to this country.
We're going to talk about Iran right now because we're working against the clock.
Who as president would sign on to the 2015 nuclear deal as it was originally negotiated?
We need to renegotiate and get back into a deal.
It was an imperfect deal.
I don't think we should conduct foreign policy in our bathrobe at 5 in the morning.
Should there be a roll for the federal government?
Everybody's mics are on.
I think we have a... I heard that too.
That's okay.
I think we had a little mic issue in the back.
Control room, we've got control room audio.
Yeah, we have the audience audio.
What's happening?
We are hearing our colleagues' audio.
If the control room could turn off the mics.
Do you think the federal government needs to go and figure out a way to get the guns?
What do you tell a gun owner who may agree with you on everything else?
Okay, but says, you know what?
The Democrats, if I vote for them in there, they're gonna take my gun away.
I look at these proposals and I say, um, does this hurt my Uncle Dick and his gear stand?
If the Democratic Party would stop acting like the party of the elites and be the party of working people again and go into states, including red states, to convince people we're on their side, we can put pressure on their senators to actually have to vote for the nominees that are put forward.
You got me?
You got me?
We have a perception problem with the Democratic Party.
On January 20th, 2021, we'll say adios to Donald Trump.
Trump is a phony.
Trump is a pathological liar.
Anyway, my time's up.
And that he lied to the American people.
And gave it to every single one of them for free.
It does sound as if you haven't seen what's been happening in the United States Senate over the last 12 years.
I have seen what happened.
I will release children from cages.
The old ways are no longer relevant.
A mother who pays a coyote.
To transport her child.
Pass the torch.
Pass the torch to the generation that's going to feel the effects.
I want a rape victim to be able to run in the middle of the street and wave down a police officer and report the crime against her.
Thank you, Senator Harris.
These are the issues that are before us, Chuck.
I hear you.
If we turn towards socialism, we run the risk of helping to re-elect the worst president in American history.
Make America great again.
Keep America Great!
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order is...
It's Alex Jones.
♪ ("The Real Housewives of New York" by Gari Media Group plays) ♪
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Look at these headlines.
Third arrest made in connection to planned deportable acid attack.
That's from two years ago, where Project Veritas got video of Antifa leaders in D.C.
planning chemical attacks.
And they're mixing other types of acids, you name it, clearly in these videos.
They're saying they're doing it with quick-set concrete.
They're beating people in the head with steel bars.
This is terrorism.
Antifa plans acid attacks on D.C.
Free Speech Rally coming up this week.
Uh, vows to blind attendees.
They say that is the goal.
Far-left group ratcheting up violence.
And then I'm gonna play the clip, next segment of them saying on CNN, it's like radiation treatment for a sick country.
Anybody that's a Republican is a Nazi.
We're going to hurt you.
Stuart Rhodes, practiced constitutional law, won awards, I guess, when he was at Yale for it, worked for Ron Paul, army veteran and founder of Oath Keepers.
Really smart guy about this whole attack that's happening and the huge bombshell he dropped that we're already in a civil war.
Like Patrick Henry said, the war has already begun.
You consider denying it to yourself?
So lay this out.
Well, yes, that's where we're at.
The left in this country, we're in a situation with the left now.
The Democratic Party is now dominated by Marxists.
AOC is the new wave.
This is the mask coming off.
And as we already said earlier, their new constituency is the rest of the world.
It's not the American people who were actually born here of any race, whether you're white, black, or brown.
The new constituency is the rest of the world.
They're giving a free pass to come here.
Doors wide open.
Right now there's no penalty.
This is the problem with the Trump administration's failure, frankly, to secure our border.
He should be acting as Commander-in-Chief right now.
He shouldn't be going hat in hand to Congress or begging some judge somewhere to let him defend the country.
He should tell that judge to go stuff it.
He should go to the Supreme Court with direct jurisdiction and say, until you decide, until I hear back from you, I'm going to defend this country and defend its borders, and call out the military to do so.
Declare the cartels international terrorist organizations, and then also declare Antifa to be a terrorist organization as well, and deploy the military on the border and seal it.
All of these so-called refugees should be kept on a military base or put back to Mexico straight away.
They should not be dispersed inside the United States.
And they should be willing to call it out.
I think Congress, McCarthy, has now started to speak openly about the ties between the Democrats and the cartels and calling it out for what they are.
Of course, the Democrats taking bribes from the cartels is the same thing the cartels do in Mexico.
So the Democrats, which has been done in Europe, are using these other elements.
They're in line with the cartels.
I believe they're in line with ISIS and Hamas and groups like that.
And Antifa is their military wing, their revolutionary guard.
And so what's going to happen in this country is that leading up to the election, they're going to open this floodgates even more and bring in millions of more new voters into sanctuary states and sanctuary cities, and they're going to vote.
That's why it's a mistake to send them there.
You saw Rush Limbaugh and others saying, you know, send them all to sanctuary cities.
All that does is lock in even more of a popular vote.
And all these states going into this alliance to give the next presidency to the popular vote is going to guarantee a Democrat in the White House.
Trump will be the last Republican president, unless he takes decisive action right now.
And if it's going to kick off, and of course the thing that's back in your mind is, well, if we do any of these things, if he deploys a military on the border, he sends a National Guard out there and federalizes them and has them go around and round up illegal aliens, then it will cause a revolution or cause a civil war in this country.
Well, so be it.
The left is going to go kinetic, let it happen while Trump is Commander-in-Chief of the U.S.
military in control of all of our nukes.
That's right.
They know they've lost the hearts and minds, and unless they Weaponize the third world, bring them into refugee centers, radicalize them, and then bring them in, give them driver's licenses, and have them vote.
New York just legalized that.
California is legalizing it.
They know unless they really overthrow the country now, they're going to lose.
So they're accelerating Cloward and Piven, the Marxist-Leninist program, and they say that themselves.
We're not just saying this.
This is happening.
Yeah, they say it openly.
There's no such thing as an illegal person.
And then say we gotta pay for housing, medicine, healthcare, education?
saying thing all over Twitter. And anti-fraud chants, you know, "No borders, no wall, no
USA at all." And the Democrats' platform is exactly that.
To decriminalize illegal entry in the United States, to end and fight against...
And then say we gotta pay for housing, medicine, healthcare, education. That is total bankruptcy.
Well, it's also just a promise.
It's like Bernie promising all your school loans will be... Or Yang, offering free money.
Folks, anytime somebody's saying, communists always say, we're going to give you free money, we just have to put all of our enemies in concentration camps.
Did you see the video during the debate, we're going to play the next segment, of de Blasio saying, there's plenty of money, we just haven't taken it away from people yet.
I mean, wow, that is literally Joe Stalin.
And of course, you're never going to get the super wealthy are never going to have their money confiscated and redistributed.
It's just a lie to buy votes.
Once the Democrats get a permanent lock on power via Massive vote fraud.
Then, of course, they'll keep promising all these things, and they'll keep bleeding out the American taxpayer, and it's pretty more money to support their new constituency, but you'll never get another Republican in office again.
And I think that if they were to do this and steal the election, I think the political right in this country will not accept the results.
We'll be in a civil war anyway.
So you might as well just, it's kind of like being sick and you need to throw up, right?
You just stick your finger down your throat and get it over with.
And get it over with now so that you're not as bad off later.
That's where we're at.
That's right.
When you learn that you've eaten something poisonous.
One time we were hunting when I was like 13 years old and one of my buddies stuck some pellets in the glass of water.
You know, stupid teenagers.
And I drank it back and it went in my stomach.
And I knew I had to get it out of me or I was going to get lead poisoning and get really, really, really, really, really sick.
And I vomited up one of the pellets but couldn't get the other out.
Got super sick for days.
Had the, you know, the you know what's.
But it was terrible.
I wish I'd have gotten that second pellet out of my gut.
We know poison's in us.
And the longer we wait, the worse it's going to get.
What's going to happen in the short term, though, because of the failures of the Portland PD, for example, that just failed.
You had multiple persons attacked over the weekend.
You had, you know, Andy Ngo, of course.
Then you had Mr. Adams, who attacked him and his friend.
So you had, you know, on camera, they're being struck in the head with steel poles.
That's a lethal force.
And it's lucky for them they weren't killed.
And Andy was struck with, like you said before, cups full of concrete.
So this is actually lethal for us and eventually Antifa is going to kill somebody.
What's going to happen in the short term, though, is that all of us out here who believe in free speech are going to wind up going there again to do their job for them, as we did in Berkeley in 2017.
We were there twice in Berkeley.
There were multiple events in Berkeley where American patriots stood up.
We had three percenters.
Bikers for Trump.
Oath keepers.
You had the Proud Boys.
And you had just average American patriots.
And notice how your Proud Boys, they come after you like you're enemy number one.
They say it's a terror group, though they were never designated that.
Uh, they are so scared of Americans standing up, but to watch five or six guys beating an older gentleman in the head with steel clubs, hitting him as hard as they can, uh, I mean, just the cowardice, the scumminess, and he was helping some transvestite gay dude they were beating up.
Uh, Mr. Adams was.
I mean, just the...
He's lucky he's alive.
That's lethal force.
And if he was carrying a firearm, he would have been justified in using that firearm to save his life.
And of course, they would have prosecuted him for murder and called him a terrorist.
This is where we're at, though.
I mean, Americans are going, it's going to happen.
Americans are once again going to stand up and go and defend people in the streets of Portland.
So you might wind up with it kicking off in Portland.
And you just had a situation where it almost kicked off when their crazy governor sent the state police out
trying to find the 11 Republican state senators who would not come back to the NYAQA forum
for their insane climate change bill.
That was also a powder keg.
Luckily, they didn't actually try to go and arrest these state senators.
Imagine if one of them had been shot and killed during the attempted arrest.
So this is the problem.
Oregon has become a focal point and a potential powder keg in this country right now.
It's funny you mention people defending themselves and being called criminal.
The lion of London Bridge who fought off all the Muslims that killed all the people, he's been sent to re-education because he said it was Muslims that attacked him.
And then a man in New York, they busted in his house, physically attacked him.
He shot and killed two intruders.
They're putting him in prison for defending himself in upstate New York.
We'll be right back.
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The United States is running concentration camps on our southern border.
And that is exactly what they are.
They are concentration camps.
And if that doesn't bother you, I don't Alexandria Cortez, or A-O Mack Daddy Cortez as she's known, went down to the Texas border with a bunch of Hollywood people in a fancy outfit wearing a $600 Mavudo Museum watch.
At least it's not $3,000 shoes like normal in $4,000 outfits.
No, you see her going to a fence in a fancy white outfit and going... People fought to get in.
They turned themselves in.
We're there literally taking care of these people and AOC shows up and you want to see the fakest photos you've ever seen in your life.
She goes down there and cries and says, oh, they're all victims in a concentration camp.
And it really blew up in her face.
She's in a designer clothing, designer watch, all out there for PR.
The worst acting.
It's worse than a fifth grade play.
Crying at the people in the concentration camp who came here illegally and who fight and die to get here because we're so bad.
So they can then bitch and complain like AOC.
They're getting...
Three and four times their previous records a day.
Up to 15,000 people at that checkpoint alone.
And the Border Patrol is working 18 hours a day.
They're collapsing in exhaustion.
They didn't get the $12 billion they asked for.
They got $1.3 billion this year.
And there are 14,000 to 15,000 people per sector a day that they're catching.
And by the way, the people just turn themselves in.
Because once they get here, they get given to a judge.
90% never show up to the hearings.
So they show up and say, feed me, Seymour.
Remember Little Chappaharras?
The plant goes, I said feed me!
Feed me, Seymour.
Feed me all night long.
That's right, boy!
I said feed me!
And so they show up, they're not allowed to drug test them, not allowed to test for diseases.
They just show up.
30% of the kids aren't with their parents.
They genetically test them, aren't even in the family group.
They're not aunts, they're not uncles, they're not cousins.
They're kids grabbed out of villages.
Many times, two years old, crying for mommy.
And when the illegals get through with them, they just throw them into a park, throw them into the woods.
Hundreds of kids a day are being found just dumped in Texas, sometimes 300 miles into the state.
Oh, she cares so much!
She doesn't care about the 200,000 killed by drug gangs in Mexico the last decade.
She doesn't care about 90% or 80% of the women being raped that come through Mexico to the U.S., not by the U.S., but by the Mexicans.
She's there to make you feel like crap.
She's another Jesse Smollett.
And that's not enough for them, ladies and gentlemen.
She wants you to be guilty.
No, I'm not guilty.
And quit bitching about the country all day and telling us how much it sucks!
And how the world's gonna end in 11 years if we don't do whatever you say, wannabe cult leader.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, I'm your host Alex Jones.
The Democrats have openly come out and said the borders are wide open.
They said they represent foreigners for free health care, free housing, free education.
They say they can vote.
Major states are handing out driver's licenses, letting them vote.
California, New York.
And people like de Blasio and AOC and others are saying, hey, There's going to be plenty of money, we're just going to take it from rich people and give it to you.
This is classic communism, and it's when the establishment decides to wind up the hordes, the unwashed masses, people fleeing Venezuela, that, hey, you'll finally get some free stuff, just let us into power.
And then, of course, all the prosperity disappears.
And during one of the debates, de Blasio, worst mayor in New York history, I agree with Tucker Carlson on that, said, oh, there's plenty of money.
We're just going to take it all.
Well, guess what?
All the big rich billionaires, except Trump, fund people like him because he domesticates people.
All the big ultra-rich have their money offshore.
They want America to fall into a collapse.
They'll buy it all up cheap.
The globalists say they've always been competing with the American system.
Since the British Empire, they don't like you being uppity, you having a swimming pool, you having a nice car, you being able to do what you want.
They want to make you poor.
It's called feudalism.
It's called serfdom.
So here's the shocking announcement.
That they want a violent overthrow and then CNN saying Antifa's heroes, I'm going to play that.
And then it gets worse.
Remember what Joe Biden said a few weeks ago?
He wants a physical revolution.
So Stuart Rhodes of Oathkeepers.org is right.
They're going into a physical revolution.
Here's de Blasio promising the poor all these goodies if you just let us arrest who we want.
But it won't be Bloomberg.
It won't be Bill Gates.
Here it is.
Yes, we're supposed to be for 70% tax rate on the wealthy.
You hear folks say there's not enough money.
What I say to them every single time is there's plenty of money in this world.
There's plenty of money in this country.
It's just in the wrong hands.
And AOC says the world's ending in 12 years, but it's okay.
She says that we can just have anything free we want.
So, going back to Stuart Rhodes, then I want to play some of these other clips.
Clearly, as you said, they're going hardcore Marxist.
They've been breeding this in the universities.
It's always been the plan to do this down the road.
But because Trump's in, nationalism's exploding, they're pulling out all the stops and going to pure authoritarianism.
And I agree with you.
If we don't take drastic measures, if the President and others don't, we're going to lose this country.
Well, yeah, they're thumbing their nose at the U.S.
Constitution and thumbing their nose at clear federal law with impunity.
And so far, the Trump administration, DOJ, has done nothing about this.
There's been no investigations whatsoever that I know of or indictments for harboring illegal aliens, for aiding and abetting illegal aliens, for harboring and aiding and abetting terrorism, Antifa as a terrorist organization.
Oh, you're right.
The Oakland mayor and a bunch of others tell MS-13 when high no-knock warrants are coming of known mafia dens with sex slaves, you name it, the city calls and warns them so they can kill the feds.
I forgot about that.
Right, so they're in league with Face Facts.
They're in league with the cartels because the cartels are helping them bring in a flood of new illegal voters for the Democrats.
And of course the cartels are profiting on this.
And I wouldn't be surprised at all to learn that the cartels are also paying the payoffs.
At the same time, they're in league with radical communists inside this country who want to see an overthrow of our government, an overthrow of the system.
Like you said before, it is Clark Piven, but it's also quite frankly an invasion with the domestic enemy.
But you agree they're making their move?
Oh yeah, I think so.
It's obvious.
And so what they're doing is they're telling all the radical leftists who are truly Marxist and communist, they're telling them, hey, this is it.
So that's their only real domestic constituency among the American people are the radical communists.
That's right.
They've got all the Hollywood movies trying to make blacks burn down the cities, all the race war stuff, that's not working.
They're trying to get Hispanics to hate America, that's not working.
So you go out to these events, it's 90% meth head, white professors and city workers.
It's young white students.
I think it was, what's his name on Twitter?
Tim Poole was saying that what this is is Antifa is an identitarian white movement.
He's right.
It's almost predominantly 99% white.
It's young white liberals who have been conditioned, like a zombie invasion basically, to hate their own country.
And so they'll fight to the death.
And as I said before on your show, They'll fight to the death believing that they're being killed by Nazis.
When us veterans get up and take them the task and beat them and kill them in the streets in a civil war, they will die believing with all their hearts that they're fighting Nazis like their grandparents did.
And let me stop you there, that's profound.
Veterans and people up against the general public would wipe them out.
But when I've watched Antifa, been there, but also watched the videos, these people are particularly pathetic.
I mean, if I hit somebody with a steel club full power, they'd die probably.
They're hitting them over and over again.
It's splitting their skulls open, but it's not killing them.
You hit somebody, you kill them.
I mean, these guys are so pathetic and so wimpy.
That if it goes to a real war, we're just going to wipe their ass out.
But what you said is even more profound.
We know MS-13.
We know Hezbollah is an auxiliary for money laundering.
The deals were made in Fast and Furious all the way into the Middle East and are actually sleeper cells.
And Antifa's only the decoy cover for Hezbollah, and I've been told this by high-level CIA, FBI, people that have been involved wiping some of these groups out, you know, where they've just done the kill notices on them because they're foreigners, and some of the worst leadership of it.
I mean, I'm sure you've heard about that.
You've got all your military sources.
So we've been in a hot war for three years since Trump got in, but the Democrats and Hillary were preparing to use them as their muscle.
That is so profound.
Well, they're also using them as useful idiot cannon fodder.
So, I think what they want is they'd love to see American veterans, you know, just kind of... You're Skype's breaking up.
I want you to do five more minutes with us.
Put him on hold for a minute.
I'm going to come back to him in a second.
It's only five more minutes to ask about solutions here.
Folks, you cannot hype this stuff up enough.
I cannot explain to you how insane, how out of control.
And please remember to go to OathKeepers.org, support Stuart Rhodes and his great work as
It's a great organization, Demonize and Attack, just like Proud Boys, but older, stronger,
even more effective.
If you're a veteran, you really should be part of OathKeepers.
And of course, anybody can support OathKeepers.
But this is it.
This is the second American Revolution.
We're fighting back.
And I'm going to give you some inside baseball next segment with Stuart, then our next guest
comes on.
But listen, I need financial support.
I would already have like ten more reporters, we'd be much more effective, I'd have four or five more camera people, and we would be able to really kick butt, even despite the deplatforming, if we had more capital.
Thanks for your support, we're still here, we're still operating, despite the boycotts, the attacks, the fake lawsuits, all of it.
And you know, now they're moving into even more sinister stuff to try to set me up.
That's okay, I'm a big boy.
But I don't want to go into political combat without the political ammo.
Without the crew, without the gear.
I want to fight.
I want to either, you know, fight and win or die trying.
So, I'm not a victim.
I'm in the field.
I love it.
But I need provisions.
And folks, it's a symbiotic relationship.
We have the 4th of July special, the Save the Infowars special, storewide 50% off, double Patriot points, storewide free shipping.
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This is your last chance to get a 50% off at Infowarslife.com.
The warehouse has just informed me before the show that we are about to sell out of our entire Survival Shield X2 inventory.
It could be weeks or even months before the next shipment arrives.
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We will also be holding back bottles exclusively for auto ship customers and you get an additional 10% off on that and we're selling out of a bunch of other items at InfoWarsStore.com.
We've also got less than 100 of the limited edition Clown World shirt that commemorates the debates and has InfoWars.com on front and back like a concert shirt.
Less than 100 left of those.
But whatever you do, go to Oath Keepers' website as well, get some of their great t-shirts, because that's how we fund our operations.
And we don't back down.
Stuart works seven days a week over at OathKeepers.org as well, so be sure and get some of their great Oath Keeper ball caps and shirts, or make a donation there.
No matter who it is, folks, I've gotten to the point with some activist groups where I'm just giving them donations.
Because I know they're so effective, and I never really talk about it, but back when we had more money, I was spending over a million dollars a year, covertly, funding other activist groups and organizations that did just such a great job.
But it's gotten down to the point, you know, at this point, where I can't even do that anymore.
So, whether it's OathKeepers.org, or whether it's InfoWarsTore.com, now is the time to be engaged.
Now is the time to realize this isn't a drill.
The left knows they're losing intellectually, culturally.
We're going to come back, give Stuart the floor for five minutes about solutions, other things he's looking at, what else he thinks is about to happen.
But I don't know his full view on this, though I follow him and his great research.
They're doing this because they instinctively know they're losing.
They're doing this because they know populism is exploding.
And they're doing this By basically hitting the panic button.
The massive censorship.
The massive violence.
The bullying.
Dumping hot coffee and tea on me all the time when I'm out in public.
In any leftist area.
But anytime you go outside of leftist areas, people love us.
But the problem is the average person doesn't realize we're in the Civil War now.
They know they're losing and they're about to ratchet into a hot war.
Hour number three with so many other guests as well.
Please stay with us.
Carlos said we should be throwing milkshakes on conservatives.
That does not incite violence.
It does not incite violence.
I cannot say that Antifa was designed to kill the people that they don't like.
There are certainly aspects of them that are true to a cause.
That is a good cause.
It says it right in the name, Antifa, anti-fascism, which is what they were there fighting.
Listen, there's, you know, no organization is perfect.
There was some violence.
No one condones the violence, but there were different reasons for Antifa and for these neo-Nazis to be there.
One, racist fascists.
the other group fighting racist fascists.
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
[crowd shouting]
If someone in the grocery department decided that that was a good use of some of their budget,
was to donate some ice cream or something, to milkshakes to throw at fascists,
I think that is within their jurisdiction.
If we were approached and requested to donate items to an anti-fascist milkshake party, I think that that's a reasonable request.
And we could make such a donation?
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average man.
Well, she's been demonized.
She's been banned.
Self-interested young lady.
Put out some very sophisticated videos lately.
Will be joining us.
Going back to Stuart Rhodes of OathKeepers.org.
Stuart, I know that Trump gives orders and then is ignored.
So he says, start the antitrust, and then his people won't do it.
They admit there's a mutiny.
He signs documents.
They won't execute him.
So his instincts were right, but he's surrounded by people that won't do what they're told.
Meanwhile, we've got all these reports pouring in.
CBS drama, The Good Fight, calls for the assassination of Trump, says punch anybody that's a Trump supporter on the show.
The corporate media knows what they're doing.
And I just hope they know if this really kicks off, it's already kicking off, they're going to be held responsible.
What does Trump need to do?
And what are other angles of this?
And what can we as citizens do to whether it's going to happen or not?
And I agree, we're already here, basically, to affect the battle space and get engaged now to make sure that we win this thing.
Well, we have got to both push him and support him in acting as commander in chief.
This is the only route he has left, and it's the one he should have used from day one.
But you said he's surrounded by bad advisors, so we have to be able to reach, go around them and reach him with a message that he must deploy the troops on the border, he must be commander-in-chief.
And so actually, I was contacted by a black gunnery sergeant, Marine Corps retired.
We had a brilliant idea of doing a national stand-to of veterans, and so we're going to do that.
But we picked Veterans Day, the weekend of Veterans Day, November 11th.
There's already a rally going on of the three percenters at Arlington National Cemetery.
We're going to go ahead and join with them, but we're going to call for a national stand
to all the military veterans in this country, and then march from Arlington to the White
House with a message to Trump, a very clear message.
He must act as commander in chief and deploy the military and deploy us as the militia
and get this taken care of.
And in between then, we're going to do state stand-tos of military veterans in every state.
And I picked August 17th for that stand-to.
We already have Joe Biggs saying he's going to go to Portland on August 17th.
So let's go ahead and make that the time when all the military veterans come together.
Of course, American patriots who are not prior service have a duty and responsibility to
also stand up as well.
But we want to make sure that the president gets a message from the military, from us
current serving and retired military, that he has to act as commander in chief.
He must have put the military on the border.
He must call on the Federal Service, all the National Guard units of the states, and put
them on the border, or even better, put them to work backing up ICE to go and round up
the illegal aliens who are going to be the voting bloc for the Democrats.
If he does not do this and do this now, then we're done politically.
The political solution window will have shut.
We'll shut up 2020.
No, you're right.
God gave us a chance with Trump and if we don't all execute right now.
I mean, the Democrats admit we're bringing in a group to outvote you, it's over.
And we're going to bring in communism.
So the country will be gone.
This is how we get conquered.
This is globalist forces, multinationals have said they're doing it, they're financing it,
they're financing the refugee centers.
This is an act of war.
And Trump needs to cut all the funding from the UN, doesn't he?
But of course, the first thing he has to do is secure our nation and secure our vote.
Because without the vote, without the ability to actually vote for the next president, we will not accept the results of the election.
We'll be in a civil war.
This is the last chance we have to fix this politically.
He has got to shut that down.
And by the way, everybody I know, black, white, old, young, is sick of this.
And everybody I know is just, they're like, tell us, Alex, when we stop paying taxes, and we start doing whatever we want, and we start going after people.
And by the way, my listeners aren't dumb.
They're not dumb.
People aren't going to go find Antifa.
I don't want this to happen, but I hope all the politicians and bureaucrats and people know, Santa Claus has been making a list.
Well, they need to understand that when you go into a warfare like that, a civil war, it's going to be their entire command and control.
It's going to include them being, you know, it's going to include the journalists.
It's going to include the leftist journalists who are pushing their propaganda.
This is something that happens in every civil war.
And that's why they've been pre-preparing that Trump's attacking journalists, even though they're attacking him and causing the civil war.
They want to cause the war and then make themselves victims when they get in big trouble.
They're really playing with fire.
They got a tiger by the tail.
Thank you, Stuart Rhodes.
Great job.
Thank you.
Appreciate it.
We'll be right back with Soph.
I'm Alex Jones with newswards.com.
There is no longer any doubt.
Multinational companies and governments are funding an attempted violent, malice-style overthrow of the U.S.
Our borders are being totally collapsed.
Already-born babies are being killed.
World government is here.
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I've got a tiger by the tail to explain the scene.
I won't be much when you get through with me.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones, broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
Well I thought the day I met you, you were meek as a lamb.
Just the kind to fit my dreams and plans.
Now the pace we're living takes the wind from my sails, and it looks like I'm gonna die.
Alright, Soph, the young lady who's been banned and restricted on most of the internet, because she used a few
potty mouth words.
[whistle blows]
The leftists can do that all day.
They can brag about killing born babies and talk about kill those little bastards.
Take that two-year-old baby, bash their brains out.
That's the new trendy psychology.
Leftist media.
But if she uses the word poo-poo or something, she's got to be banned.
But she's put out a new video that's pretty sophisticated, and I'm trying to figure out the full riddle to, and we'll talk about that next segment.
Here's some really good news.
You keep hearing about leftist judges blocking Trump's agenda, but then it always goes to the Supreme Court, and in almost every case he wins.
Judicial Watch Org reports California begins massive voter roll cleanup, notifies up to 1.5 million inactive voters as part of Judicial Watch lawsuit settlement where people are voting in the names of dead people or folks that aren't on the voter rolls.
That's 1.5 million evidence of illegal aliens voting and others in California backing up that Trump says 3.3 million voted against him illegally in the election.
That was in major university studies that looked at the voter rolls.
So there you go.
They're having to purge those off.
That's why the California and others are saying just let illegal aliens vote.
Many cities are letting them vote.
Well, Soph joins us.
She's on Twitter at Surnugget.
She's plagiarizing the actual given name of Hillary Clinton.
Clearly Clinton's spirit animal is Surnugget.
And of course YouTube at Soph and Patreon.com Corbus.
And she joins us.
I've been wanting to get her on for a while.
This is an update on being demonized in the national media.
People calling her a right-winger.
I call her more of a kind of a libertarian provocateur, but maybe I'm wrong.
Just to get an update from you and also talk about your new video getting into the boomer generation that you think is the real culprit, the real problem here.
Hey, Alex.
Well, thanks for joining us.
What do you want to tackle first?
Um, I could do anything really.
I mean, a lot of stuff has been going on lately.
I mean, I got out of school, but I had an eventful last few days and I had to talk to my principal about a few things.
But the new videos, I worked on that a lot.
I think it's pretty interesting as well.
We're going to get to that coming up next segment.
Just describe some of the stuff that happened.
Your dad got threatened, your family got threatened, they tried to dox you.
Since you were on a few months ago, tell people what's unfolded.
Yeah, so it was an onslaught of articles about me, a lot that were sort of painting me in the wrong light, taking quotes out of context and saying things I said that I never said.
And I had journalists harassing my parents, you know, finding information about them and calling them and emailing them, even contacting my grandmother at a point.
Some of them were really going crazy with that sort of thing.
And then within the school itself, I was getting A lot of harassment from my fellow students.
I got assaulted technically three times and I also had to speak with my principal and that sort of thing and I'm being kept from saying things by my superintendent.
It's a pretty crazy situation.
You're being kept from saying things online by the school or at school?
Yeah, I mean exactly a week ago I got After school is out, it's already summer vacation and I'm transferring to a different school, I had a meeting with a principal.
I had this tweet where I said that some students, who I have no idea who they are, who were trying to get a segment of an interview of me, try to get it removed from the yearbook, I said that they are gay babies who are, you know, Farting on the floor about it pretty much and he had a problem with me calling them gay because apparently that's a slur now So I had to talk to him and it's you know It's unclear about what I can say in my next video about everything that happened at school I mean if I can even pass judgment on the kids because in the principal's own words, there's no code on what speech is disciplinable We know in California under the Ninth Circuit.
It's American flags.
You can't wear in California under the Ninth Circuit, but But I guess we'll have to have a new ruling on you, though, to ban you as well.
I mean, all the rules are super unclear.
It's pretty much if students make a big enough ruckus about you, you can get punished for it.
So I'm just trying to work things out right now, how I can move forward and how I can talk about what's happened to me without facing negative repercussions for it.
What do you make of The mainstream media, the corporate media, the dying dinosaur media, lying even more now.
I don't know if you're familiar with what's happened lately.
AP said that I lost a lawsuit for a book about Sandy Hook that I never wrote the book.
I wasn't interviewed for the book.
I didn't lose a lawsuit.
And they went on to say, All these other incredible lies about me.
They said that I said white Jew boys about the lawyers that are suing me.
I said they're white shoe boys.
That actually means white Anglo-Saxon Protestant ivy league graduates from Yale.
That's what they are.
Want to be elitist.
And then they said that I said Jew boys.
So there's a whole new level to the weaponization in the media.
Yeah, I mean, I'm unfamiliar with specific incidents, but I totally believe that.
I mean, even people like my parents are starting to wake up with how blatant it was.
Before I went on the show, my parents Pretty much bought the mainstream story about you because they have regular jobs, they do work, so they don't have time to go out of their way and really research these things.
And that's what big mainstream news sources really count on, that the average viewer doesn't have the time to look into the story so they can blatantly lie and get away with it, just counting on the viewer's ignorance.
But after I went on the show, they realized that you're not crazy, you're just a normal guy.
Well, I find it fascinating that... How old are you?
to wake up to what's been happening to the mainstream media.
Well, I find it fascinating that... how old are you?
I am 14.
So you're 14, and my 15-year-old daughter, she's 15 now, is as smart as you are.
She's just not really politically engaged.
My son, 16, he's super smart.
He's been doing videos since he was 10 that he actually did himself.
People thought that I told him what to say.
But you compare that to a lot of young people today.
They seem like zombies.
Or most adults are so stupid that it frightens me.
And the IQ is plunging in the country.
It's really scary for me.
A, do you agree with that?
And B, what do you think is causing it?
I think that's consistent, at least through millennials.
When it comes to Gen Z, there's a lot more skepticism, I think, just because they have so many sources just getting used to the internet that they realize, oh, well, like, newspapers aren't the only source, so they might not be credible.
I think the studies show that.
You're right.
Why do you think then the millennials just literally seem, on average, like lobotomized zombies?
I think because they just got to the internet later on, so they spend so much of their life getting used to these sources that they just have this unbreakable trust in them.
I don't know what it would take to really, you know, expose to them that that's just not true.
I think you're right, but it's more than that.
There's a subservience, and they think they're on the winning team.
They went and got two or three college degrees that are worthless, by design, and then the system, once it catches you in a scam, like a Nigerian scam, they get you to give $1,000 because you're going to get $100,000.
They go, oh, Prince of Boo-Boo needs $10,000 now, but you're going to get $1,000,000.
And once you've already invested $20,000 in the scam, you're supposed to get $10,000,000 from Prince Boo-Boo, or whatever his name is.
These people will tell their family.
No, you're jealous I'm getting money from Prince Bubu.
And then they'll have a Nigerian fly over here, get on a Greyhound bus, the seven people I know, come to their house in a prince outfit, but they have no money and they have a one-week visa.
And then families break up, and people's wives run off, their husbands run off, going, no, the prince is here, I hit the jackpot.
So it's the same thing, and then they'll sign their house over to him, because now the prince is going to give them a billion.
And they can never admit they got conned, so the left keeps doubling down, betting, they're like compulsive gamblers, believing they're finally going to be the ruling class.
Their degrees are finally going to work.
Once Bernie Sanders or Hillary takes over, she'll give them places in the whole economy.
But she says in the WikiLeaks show, My dumb constituents want money and position.
It doesn't exist.
They're all a bunch of stupid baristas who want power!
They don't have the intellect, the will, or the energy to do it!
I hate my constituents!
Because she knows who they are.
They've got two degrees on average.
They've got a meth habit.
They love Satan.
And they're completely unhappy.
And they see other people that have energy and lightning in their eyes, and they want to kill us.
And they want to hurt babies, too.
We'll be right back, Soph, with your interesting video.
Stay with us.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
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The time has come.
The time is here.
The globalists are openly activating their anti-American forces to demonize the American people, the very existence of our borders, and the American flag.
From the NFL, to Nike, to the Ninth Circuit, to AOC, to members of our armed forces, high-level generals.
...are all saying America is bad, that the American flag is offensive, that capitalism is offensive, and that our president's saying Americanism, not globalism, is racist, and that the whole world can come here and get everything free, but that we the citizens have to pay for it when our nation is on the verge of bankruptcy if we don't have major innovation and major booms.
We will collapse into third world status and the U.N.
and others admit they're using giant migrant waves in Europe and the U.S.
to collapse the countries, to kill capitalism and bring in socialism so we can go the way of the old Soviet Union, North Korea and Venezuela.
This is a plan.
When you see top Democrats across the board, mayors, governors, you name it, saying America was never great, it'll never be great, that they're going to take this country down, that they're going to confiscate the wealth.
Why are they funded by billionaire hedge fund owners?
Because the billionaire hedge fund owners are offshore and they want to overthrow this country just like Russia was overthrown in 1917.
They're planning a Bolshevik revolution here run by the rich again to take over a country.
This is the critical understanding.
You've got the idiot masses believing they're going to get free health care, free housing, free education, and a living wage even if you don't want to work.
This is a systematic program.
So whatever you do, realize we were right.
Our worst fears have been confirmed.
It's all true.
The New World Order, the world government, the anti-Christian moves, the anti-unborn moves.
Now they kill babies after they're born.
Now they admit human clones.
They're walking around in China.
Everything is happening.
That's why we've got to stay on air.
It's why you've got to keep fighting.
Because we're going to win this in the end.
It's God's promise, and we see the evidence.
The tide's even turning.
As world government's built, a tide is coming against it, and world government will only stand for a day, the Bible says, and a day is generally a year in prophecy.
This thing is going to be rough.
It's going to be the last days of boot camp.
We're going to make it through it together.
That said, ladies and gentlemen, without you financing InfoWars and buying great products you already need, we won't be here, and we're running this July 4th Save InfoWars special right through at least till July 5th or so, but it's got to stop then, because Max 2 is selling out.
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It's a simple win-win equation, and we will continue on the face of this.
But now it's more urgent than ever that we stay on the air because I wish the Globals weren't as evil as I thought.
I wish they wouldn't openly be pulling down American flags and courts rolling against them and Nike pulling it off shoes.
But that shows you that when you've been taken over by a group, they tell you, don't fly your damn flag!
That's what happens when you're invaded!
That's what happens when you're conquered, and they're seeing if they can make you do that, they can do anything!
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It's Alex Jones.
You know, they have the ink blocks, the Rorschach patterns, where you show people something and one person thinks it's
flowers, another person thinks it's demons, another person thinks it's
a unicorn.
And you can get a good psychological idea on patterns in people's brains with those.
And, of course, people that have a dirty mind will hear something and think it's about sex when it's not.
Well, I saw this video yesterday that Soph put out.
A young 14-year-old girl who's been on the air for a few years and has millions of followers.
And when I was watching it, I was thinking, well, who does the Internet always obsessing about saying runs the whole world?
They either say the Jews or the Catholics or...
They'll pick up, I mean I guess the left now says white people are inherently evil and white people are the bad thing on earth and being white is inherently bad and we should all pay reparations.
So I'm watching it and I'm thinking, is she going to say white Jews?
Is she going to say Jews?
Is she going to say, because I'm trying to, I mean I could tell it was something along those lines, but I go, well, David Rockefeller's not Jewish and that guy's not Jewish and this guy's not Jewish.
I'm thinking, okay, is she going to say they're all Democrats?
Well, some of those are Republicans.
And then she says, boomers!
And Again, it's the media watching that would again project Jews onto it.
Because a lot of these powerful CEOs do happen to be Jewish, some of the leaders.
But some are liberal, some are conservative.
But the truth is they're all boomers.
It's it's it's it's boomers creating the racial division.
So it's a very sophisticated video and it goes on for a long time and it's got some profanity and it's we're not going to play all of it here.
But so what was your thinking and thanks for coming on short notice.
What was your thinking in doing this because I didn't talk to you before you came on.
I've kind of made my guess at it that it was like a Rorschacher block ink pattern to kind of show that the Internet's obsessed with this, both liberal and conservative, and projecting it onto everybody.
I mean, I've got articles here, Instagram investigating an Alex Jones post that has stoked anti-Semitic hate in the comments, and it was a mere one socialist painting about the robber barons And it had nothing to do with Jews.
A couple of the guys that happened to be Jewish that were in it.
And it was 4% of the comments out of hundreds were anti-Jews.
So now I'm guilty for 4% of comments.
So, this is total and complete mind control.
I have that painting hanging in my office, but a better version of it.
He's got many versions.
The version I have doesn't have a famous Jew in it.
A few of them do.
But, I mean, so what?
There have been famous people that are good and bad that are Jewish.
I mean, you know, Lenin was Jewish.
I'd say that was an evil guy to be Jewish.
Hitler was an evil guy to be, you know, Austrian.
But there's been a lot of great Germans.
You know, Bismarck, you could say, was great.
There's been great Englishmen and, you know, great people from Africa.
But what was your thinking behind all this?
Um, the intro segment just happened to fall into place.
I mean, I, it was originally conceived as sort of a, just a funny, you know, bait and switch comedic thing, but it happened to sort of fit in with the rest of the narrative, which is like, well, There needed to be an explanation for why the millennial generation is what it is.
I mean, you know, it didn't just pop out of nowhere, so you trace it back maybe to the universities, but what happened to academia didn't just happen out of nowhere, so... And it was happening around the same time boomers were there, so it just happened to, you know, fall into place.
It intuitively made sense.
Well, this is definitely a very original video, and I don't know, you know, people that have degrees in media that could put out something as dark and interesting in the way it was all shot.
Did you do this by yourself?
Uh, yeah, I did it.
Well, technically, I set up everything by myself, but I have a friend that I work on these videos with.
He's Vaporaboy on YouTube, and we're just friends, but we, you know, bounce ideas off of each other, and he'll add a few things to the scripts here and there, and we'll do, you know, recordings together.
But, you know, my parents aren't, you know, helping me set up anything or anything like that.
So you're 14 years old.
How old's your friend that helps you?
Okay, let's go ahead and roll the first part of this video.
Here it is.
I thought you were all fools.
The idea of tracing all our troubles back to a single group of people.
I just couldn't believe it.
Scapegoating like that seemed too easy, too simplistic.
But it pains me to say it was right.
It's almost like I didn't want to believe.
Once you start seeing it, you just can't stop.
They're everywhere.
The banks, the media, the government, the Federal Reserve.
My neighborhood.
It doesn't take a genius to pick up on it.
Notice anything?
I know you do.
You can't ignore the patterns.
The ratty face.
The hair.
The nose.
Who else could it be?
Other than greedy, slimy, money-loving boomers.
The list of things more insufferable than dealing with boomers is a very short one.
It's as if they have a sixth sense that allows them to strike when you're the most irritable.
Unlike a type annoyance Pokemon, they have a characteristic move they love to use.
Complaining about your use of the internet.
In a handful of phrases, they managed to squeeze out a copious amount of superstitious gobbledygook about how much time you spent on the computer.
All while obnoxiously looming over your shoulder to watch you download Skyrim mods and Doom wads.
And when their lecture is done, they slither back downstairs to watch whatever MKUltra programming is beaming out of their 60-inch LED TVs.
Which only makes their objections to our consumption of media funnier, considering they're happy being fed an infinite course of a politically charged and geriatric version of Teletubbies.
And they have the gall to go bug their kids for watching TikTok compilations.
In their minds, because their source of entertainment is under the auspices of the establishment, it simply can't be wrong, regardless of how trivial, diversionary, and consistently untrustworthy it may be.
Meanwhile, we can access every single morsel of information known to man through the web, but there are no flashy credit card ads lodged in it, which basically means it can't be reliable.
It's almost poetic how the big screen the boomer sits in front of gives so little in the way of anything, while the little screens they so despise are a window to the endless expanses of the internet.
And perhaps that's what truly annoys them.
The lack of main guidelines, the all-too-open nature of the internet, and all the esoteric info it offers without any filters.
The skepticism it symbolizes must really grind the gears of people whose main interest is just to not bother anymore.
The boomer's M.O.
is blissful ignorance.
The prospect of questioning the current authority is a foreign one to them.
True patriots don't question the government.
And alternatively, true Democrats don't peddle preposterous conspiracy theories.
Boomers are perpetually tangled in the minutia of the Euclidean political spectrum.
Never able to see a bigger picture or realize how much trouble the Democratic Party... Again, the video is very interesting.
She's targeting boomers, but she's playing on the whole bait-and-switch, thinking that the media will project and think that it's anti-Semitic.
And that's what I got from it.
That's what I thought, because I know you don't engage in that type of You know, religious or racial division.
I just want to see your past videos, but I wanted to give you a chance to just clarify what your video, that people can see on your YouTube channel, stands for.
And again, the group responsible for all of our troubles, SOF.
Other points you'd like to add about the video?
Um, I just think it's one of the points I sort of go in on there is the trend among boomers that they're so caught up in the political, you know, conflict, always, always caught up in the, you know, democratic, I guess, landscape.
To me, it seems the solution is no longer a political option.
It cannot be achieved through political means, so I think it's, you know, something pointless for them to be so focused on that.
And I also think with the millennials thing, they have Stockholm Syndrome for the boomers in that way.
They've already invested so much just with college that they think they still have to, you know, focus on all those values.
Let's talk about what's wrong with the boomers with Soph and constitutional lawyer Bob Barnes.
Santa Ana told Travis, you know, we're gonna kill everybody if you don't give us quarter and give up.
And he said, well, no quarter given, none taken.
Victory or death.
And you know what that means, don't you?
Victory or death.
Death isn't the power of the devil.
Death is the power of the living.
We control death and life.
The devil pretends he controls death.
We control death.
Death to your system!
Death is ours!
We will death!
The living have strength, not the dead!
And then pledging yourself to death, if you need to.
Giving yourself up for others.
It's the evil, the devil worshippers that fear death, not us.
That's why they try to act like they own death and they have death and they're in charge.
No, you're not in charge of death.
It's us, the living, that have children.
And to have a child is to know they're going to die someday.
To give life is To fight evil is to give life and to give death.
We bring life.
We bring death.
We are men.
We are women.
We are the humans.
We are the planet.
We are God's creation.
We are the future.
Not you!
So you fear death.
We do not fear death!
There's nothing more pro-life than men saying we're ready to die for life.
Committed to death for life.
Committed to go all the way.
We don't fear death!
We have the keys to hell and death!
We have the real power!
The real ownership of the planet!
We have the real providence!
We have been given the authority!
We have the contract!
We have the name!
We have the will!
We have the genetics!
We have the history!
We rule the planet!
Not Satan!
And Satan is about to be evicted!
Because we hold the keys through Christ to hell and death!
InfoWars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.
It's Orwellian, it's biblical, it's authoritarian, it's insane.
And I keep trying to judge and gauge when is the right time To have to stumble up on deck as the captain of this operation and say, hey, we're sinking.
I've begged for your support before and thanks for keeping us afloat, but this is the real SOS.
If you don't buy a bunch of products and spread the word and keep fighting, InfoWars will be shut down, not just crippled.
And so we've reached that point.
It'll make the enemy happy, but, you know, whatever.
We have withstood so many of their attacks.
We've gone through so much because of your support.
You have been there.
But let me tell you, they are pissed they haven't been successful, and they're giving us their full assault.
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Thanks for It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Soph is 14.
She's been on the internet for a couple years.
She has millions of followers.
Her average video gets about a half million views.
And that's what the shadow band she's under.
Well, she talked about Greta Thunberg and got so many strikes on her YouTube, it was frozen.
Because it's bullying.
If you talk about a 16-year-old climate activist, that means pay the Rockefellers, pay Obama, pay the globalist carbon taxes, literally, at the Chicago and London Mercantile.
That's like when I was criticizing David Hogg last year, when he was literally saying I was a horrible person, a criminal, and I would criticize him when he was giving speeches to 10,000 people, and they banned me.
They said, you do not talk about David Hogg, who's 17 years old.
And so I was asking, why no videos for two months?
Well, she's been locked out of her account.
For two months because I guess she talked about Greta Thunberg.
Tell us about that.
You're 14, but you don't get to have your opinion.
I guess you said something mean about her?
Um, I didn't really say anything mean.
I mean, the worst thing I said was she had a square head, but I said, like, fellow square head.
And YouTube just classified it as harassment and cyberbullying, even though she's way more famous and, you know, two years older than I am.
And I tried to appeal the strike, but they still haven't gotten back to me on it.
I guess that's a tactic they use.
They just don't respond to your appeals.
I mean, I just think it's insane.
Well, Antifa was caught on video loading hundreds of acid bombs that they threw at people and beat people over the head with steel bars, splitting their skulls open.
But that's okay.
But if you disagree with someone saying the world's ending in 12 years, like AOC or Greta Thunberg, you're the bad person.
How dare you, a 14-year-old young woman, criticize one of their lord and saviors?
I know, it's just crazy.
I think, yeah, she's like...
One of their protected people, because I think she's very effective at getting the message across to young people.
And that's what I commented on.
I mean, I think she's, you know, just being used as a tool to push the message of, oh, yeah, the government's just trying to collect more taxes.
It's just an effort for, you know, the whole climate change thing is probably just exaggerated by, you know, government employed scientists to collect more taxes through a carbon tax or whatever.
Greta Thunberg.
The world's ending.
Please, pay all the money to AOC or I'm dead.
And don't criticize that plan, even though only a few countries have to do it.
And then we won't be able to economically operate against China.
And China and Saudi Arabia have been actually funding us to shut down our energy so we can only buy from them.
But that's okay.
I'm Greta Thunberg.
I mean, well, she's very articulate, and that's probably the main reason they've been striking her.
If she was not articulate and she wasn't effective and she wasn't savvy at technology, she wouldn't be targeted in this manner.
The idea is that essentially there's a safe space for only protected ideas and protected classes, and everyone else is subject to harassment, to targeting, to censorship, to physical assault, as happened this weekend.
It's a sad situation.
Yeah, I've been keen to the whole, you know, Google bias for like a year and a half now, so I'm not surprised with any of this Project Veritas stuff that's coming out.
I think it's just, you know, to be expected, because it's so clear the bias that they put out on people like me while they just propel Greta Thunberg to the top of everything, to the top of, you know, recommended videos or whatever else.
It's amazing.
Let's talk about millennials.
Let's talk about, we're not saying all millennials are bad, but statistically they steal more.
They don't give to charity, but they tell you how to live your life.
More than half of them identify as communist with their smartphones and $200 skinny jeans and $200 sunglasses.
What's wrong in your view, Robert Barnes?
I mean, even the Atlantic says the boomers ruined everything.
They gave birth to the millennials.
Maybe Generation Z will save us.
Well I mean I think what happened is, there's good articulation of this by various sociology professors and other political science professors.
Sociological is a hard word to say.
Exactly, that's what I was trying to get to.
But essentially what happened was this safe space culture was impregnated into the boomer class as they were raising their kids because of the kidnapping scares.
And the various child care scares that took place in the late 80s, early 90s.
So don't go out and make... The whole world has become a little... And Google's even building, and so is Facebook, little AI spy cities where you live in a domed bubble.
And you have these special safe spaces on top of other safe spaces on top of other safe spaces.
And they've grown up in a safe space culture that mingled with that self-entitlement culture.
And you combine safe space culture and self-entitlement culture, and you get people who really believe, without any question, without any doubt, without any reservation, that they are entitled to only their voice being heard.
They're entitled to nobody... Because they're the ruling class.
Exactly, very much so.
And that the safe space culture that they grew up with as kids, with, you know, playdates, that everything was controlled and organized, it's sort of a mini version of the nanny state is how they grew up and were acculturated by their boomer liberal parents.
Whereas my generation was the last to just Oh, you're ten years old, you want to take the shotgun?
I'd put a .357 on my side with a holster, and I'd get a tent, a couple of my buddies, and I'd go out on a four-wheeler, a thousand, you know, acres in the middle of the wilderness, and just sit there and hunt and hang out for two or three days.
People think that's like, now leftists outside major cities, they're moving in like outside Atlanta, outside other areas, there's always news of this.
And they'll, people will drive by somebody's house and they'll be skinning a deer.
They'll call the police for animal cruelty and the cops will arrest them even though it's legal and they had a license.
They go, we still think that someone called from the nanny state.
Yes, skinning a deer is hurtful.
Well, it's amazing.
I mean, I do think Generation Z has a lot of promise.
They're much more independent.
There tends to be a generational reaction to the prior generation, and the Generation Z is sort of the anti-safe space culture in place.
Very independent, understand how to reach out to each other through social media, understand how to persuade and communicate through social media, understand how to express dissident opinions and be unafraid of big tech and unafraid of big media and unafraid of having quote-unquote unapproved opinions.
And I think they are the generation that's going to salvage and save the American future moving forward.
I totally agree, but you bring that up.
I mean, literally, when my dad was like 9, 10, they would send him every summer to apprentice a month here and a month there in a factory at an oil rig to go pick cotton somewhere with family to see what the real world was like.
But they'd just throw him on a bus, and he'd just go drive down there, and they'd take guns to their school, put them in the locker to go hunt at their friend's house, and literally, I remember being a kid, just 33, 34 years ago, 35 years ago, being 10-11, and nobody thought anything in the country, if you were walking by a fence, somebody's out there cutting stuff with a tractor, that there's a bunch of little kids with .357s on their hips and shotguns.
That was totally, because we were all trained, it was normal, nobody got hurt.
Nowadays, people flip out if they see an adult like that, Soph.
What do you think's happened?
Um, I mean, I didn't even consider all the safe space stuff, but I think it's just the contrast of the way that boomers were raised versus Generation Z. That's something I focus on.
Boomers grew up in an age of great prosperity, so they got, you know, most everything was pretty much handed to them, is what I focus on, and I think Growing up in such an environment, they didn't need to learn how to defend themselves or need to learn any good life advice, financial advice, because no matter what they did, they got success.
So they just say, assimilate, do what the establishment says.
They're in a cult!
Yeah, well particularly the upper middle class liberal boomers that she's describing.
So for like your blue collar working class boomer, what they experienced, and you see this in the division of Trump support amongst boomer generation, it's your non-college folks who saw their entire livelihoods ripped away and disappeared.
They had to serve in multiple wars that were failed wars, that were dumb wars, that were unsuccessful wars, that were unpopular wars, that killed their friends, their family, and their neighbors.
They had to go home to communities that were being ripped apart by racial politics, by their homes ripped apart by gender politics.
Divide the working class boomers who are great people versus elite boomers.
When we say boomers, we mean elite, generally white, upper class boomers.
Privileged kids who grew up so privileged that entitlement was second nature to them.
No sense of scarcity.
One critical principle of conservatism and sort of its hardcore root is a recognition of scarcity.
There was no recognition of scarcity because they were just used to... AOC says, they go, how are you going to pay for all this?
It's five times the budget.
She goes...
We'll just do it!
There must be the military must spend a whole bunch, right?
There's people that don't have any sense of limits, don't have any sense of know what it's like to live with limits.
It's a self-entitled, babied culture that easily bullies others because of how easily they were babied their whole lives.
I agree.
Self, do a few more minutes with us and we're going to get into the...
Other issues with Barnes.
A little bit in the next hour.
Jill Celente coming up on where you think this is all going, what you think President Trump should do, and more.
With Soph, be sure and follow her at Twitter at SureNugget.
She's named after Barack Obama's wife.
And YouTube at Soph.
Patreon.com forward slash Corbus.
I'm Alex Jones with NewsWars.com.
I want to encourage everyone to take advantage of the huge July 4th specials.
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I talk about this on the air and I know it sinks into people, but I've decided that we're
going to kind of reboot all our supplements.
And that if you go back five, six years ago, before all the censorship and attacks and fake lawsuits and the rest of it, I would talk about how great the products are and how they were the best and why they were, and I'd have doctors on and experts to explain why they were so good.
And instead, the last few years, I'm like, hey, we need to really support us or they'll shut us down.
The biggest thing people like to buy is supplements because they know how great they are and how wonderful they work.
And the left always has headlines everywhere.
Jones sells unapproved supplements that he claims are supplements.
No, under federal law since 1996, you can't say that a supplement has been through the FDA because they have no jurisdiction and won't look at it.
But then they say, you've got to say it's not approved by them.
If you don't have item C, you die.
If you don't have iodine in your body, you end up dying.
If you don't have water, you end up dying.
If you don't have sunshine, if you don't have oxygen, you die.
It may take 10 years with no sunshine, but you die.
And if you don't have a whole bunch of minerals and a whole bunch of vitamins and in the organic system where you can upload them, you will end up getting degenerative diseases quicker than you would have and you will die.
And all drugs are is the system trying to tweak what's in Mother Nature and manipulate it and do different things.
And a lot of drugs work great.
They have side effects.
Not with Mother Nature.
I mean, there are some things in Mother Nature you take too much of, you'll have a side effect, but nothing like Big Pharma.
But Big Pharma doesn't want you knowing about God's medicine chest.
And so, they sit there and they demonize us all day long when we sell things like Ultimate Bone Broth, that's chaga mushroom, incredibly concentrated, high-quality turmeric, and a bunch of other bee pollen.
Yeah, it is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
It is.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're broadcasting worldwide from deep in the heart of the ATX.
We're going back to Soph.
I'm doing 50 Minutes of the Next Hour with Barnes on all the big news that we haven't hit yet and to recap the Antifa terror attacks.
And I want to explain something after she leaves that is so critical.
They are probing.
They are testing us to normalize attacking us.
They call acid milkshakes.
Understand, this is all a big test to see what they can get away with.
Charlottesville was that.
For me to dare pointing out that Soros financed it, I'm being sued.
Misrepresent all you want, the truth will come out!
Georgetown University!
Financing lawsuits to shut us down because they fear us and they know we're effective.
Ladies and gentlemen, we have to save him for our 4th of July special.
I'm going to have to end it by the 4th of the day after because X2, the clean, deep earth crystal, Pure iodine.
The soil is depleted.
The types of iodine you get are bound with other substances, other minerals, other periodic table elements, and you can't absorb it.
If you don't know about iodine and loss of IQ and loss of energy and problems in the glands, well, you just don't know.
When I remember to take X2 four or five times a week, I have so much energy, so much focus, so much everything.
Sort of taking it Seven years ago, and I was exercising all the time and couldn't drop weight, and I lost 50-something pounds.
Now I've basically quit working out except for some ellipticals, so I've gained 30 of it back.
I'm just going back on a regimen again, where I'm taking all the vitamins, all the minerals, and I'm exercising.
I've already lost five pounds the last week and a half.
And you're going to see quite a transformation.
The next two months, folks, you're going to see it, because I'm going to work out like I used to before I took X2.
The stuff has made me lazy.
But you take the X2, you take the fish oil, you take the turmeric, you take the ultimate bone broth formula, they're all 50% off, double Patriot points for shipping.
I want to explain something.
Everybody knows how great bone broth is.
You go to Whole Foods, you go to other grocery stores, they've got little mason jars for $10, or if it's on sale, $8.
It's got the equivalent of a quarter scoop of bone broth from chicken in it, and chaga mushroom and bee pollen and stuff.
I keep meaning to go to the store and get some of these to come show you.
There's almost nothing in them.
You're talking hundreds of times more in a canister for $19.95.
And this is $9.95 for one little mason jar that's just yellow and just has the bone broth flavor.
Nobody's ever made a bone broth like this.
If you don't know what bone broth does for you, research it.
I don't have hours to get into it.
All of it's 50% off.
We're selling out of the X2.
They put us over a barrel.
They get it between 7,000 and 12,000 feet.
The oil company we were getting it from, because it's pure crystal source, it goes to DEA to even store it before it's transferred into the process that makes it where you can take it.
Because it's a controlled substance at that level because you can make all the stuff with it.
It's a magic element, okay?
They hit you with all the bad halogens like fluoride and the rest of it.
This is the good halogen.
It took us over six months to get it re-secured.
I played guts ball.
I said it's discontinued.
I wouldn't let them raise the prices on us because then it'd be like $50 a bottle.
They're gonna double prices on it for us.
So right now it's $19.98 even though, ladies and gentlemen, We only make like five, six bucks on it at that and maybe that.
So, 4.9 stars, 98% reviews.
Original X2 at m4warsandlife.com.
X3 is excellent.
It's triiodine.
The other two types and then the pure type, because some people can't absorb just the pure type.
Most folks can't absorb the bound types.
So, X3 was what doctors and scientists told me was great.
Folks, when I tell you X2's been the best, they don't want X3.
They go, well, X2's the best.
It's kind of like when Gillette had the best a man can get with three razors.
And then I'll kind of agree, four or five is a little too much.
People are like, hey, it's the best a man can get.
Don't tell me you have four blades.
OK, fine.
Some like three, some like four, some like two.
X3 is excellent as well.
It's not sold out.
So, inforastore.com.
So, we're two old guys, you know, running over a 14-year-old lady here.
I really want to hear what you have to say.
Any other key points you'd like to make about where you see society going?
The massive censorship, what you think Trump should do, Antifa just north of you, openly producing, you know, all of these acid attack cocktails to attack people.
I mean, it's big news when an Islamist throws acid on somebody, but when the liberals do it, it's loving, and we have a CNN clip saying this is a good thing.
I mean, yeah, everything seems to be accelerating just leading up to the election.
I mean, all the Antifa stuff is crazy.
They're certainly doing a lot of damage, but I don't think they're something that people should be scared of.
I mean, you see the videos, it's like a whole crowd against one person, and the one person is still able to get away.
Proportional to the size, they can't do much damage.
They're weak, so if, you know, People can can meet back with a greater force, which I think is easier than you know things will be good Yeah, I mean we can talk more about boomers if you want
Well, again, I'm not up here as Mr. Tough Guy.
I've had my ass kicked plenty of times, and I never started a fight.
And I got in fights with people like state wrestling champs and folks that have your head in the concrete in ten seconds.
Didn't matter what you did, you couldn't kick their ass.
But I've certainly, you know, won most of the fights I've been in.
But I can tell you this.
If somebody tried to hit me in the head with a metal club, they're gonna die.
I mean, or I'm going to die, because I'm going to get on top of him and I'm going to ram their head in the concrete.
And by the way, that's not premeditated.
You try to kill me or you hurt me, that's when you really get hurt.
Because the state wrestling champion, I said I didn't beat him, I actually did break his trachea.
I crushed his windpipe.
He had to get a tracheotomy and was put in the hospital.
So I guess I did kind of win, but the point is he had he had he had Paul drive me and thought he kicked my ass and I pop right back up and punch him in throat full power.
But all I'm saying is there's always somebody tougher than you out there.
But why do you think so if they think they can go out and engage in acid attacks and hit people over the head with metal bars?
Um, I think they know that the establishment is on their side.
I mean, something that the leftists like Carlos Maza often say is that, oh, the establishment is right-wing, you know, big corporations like YouTube are anti-gay, they're never on our side, which is completely just opposite of the truth.
You know, everybody's working together with the left wing, so they know, they have, they're not stupid, they just have overconfidence in the fact that the system is on their side.
I don't know if If that's how it's going to work out, but it seems that the police really aren't doing much to stop them.
And I think this is why the right to bear arms is so important in situations like these where the police doesn't have a handle on it.
You need to be able to defend yourself.
I know your dad's had threats.
You've had threats online.
Has anybody recognized you on the street and said anything to you?
Um, so far, I mean, I haven't been recognized on the street in a while.
I've been recognized a few times before, but it was always positive.
So far, I haven't been harassed, you know, out of school, just in public.
But we'll see how long that lasts.
Barnes, you've been out in public with me.
We're not bragging.
It's good news.
Probably 90% of folks that come up are positive.
Others are kind of neutral.
I don't think you've ever seen anybody get in my face yet.
I went and dropped my daughters off at camp.
I couldn't get out of there.
I shook almost all the girls' hands, all the guys' hands.
They all chased me.
I'm not kidding.
Chased me where my truck was parked.
It's a huge camp.
And were demanding photos.
And more kept coming.
I got stuck there for an hour taking photos with up to 30 people who just kept... Somebody chased me in a truck to take photos once I got on the highway.
I'm not bragging.
That shows we're winning the Info War.
But that minority is violent.
Oh, no doubt.
And the goal of Antifa is to scare the Sofs of the world into silence.
That's really the goal.
The goal is if you get out there and you're going to be a high-profile person with views that we don't like, it will escalate from, it will start with censorship, then it will go to sort of cyber-stalking, true cyber-bullying, and then it will escalate into actual physical bullying and actual physical threats and physical violence.
But am I wrong, Sof, in saying that type of behavior only would make you fight harder?
I mean, yeah, I definitely, um, I don't know if it's a good thing, but it definitely, like, it excites me in a sort of way that I feel like I need to get involved in what's going on.
It's just, you know, seems like there's so much civil unrest that I need to be in the middle of it and get involved.
And yeah, like, People seeing things like this will alienate them from the left.
That's all it does.
It makes them, you know, angrier.
It gets them more revved up and ready to fight.
And it's only gonna just, you know, accelerate things and make more people ready to fight Antifa.
Well, that's not what I think, and I agree with Soph.
I mean...
This is exciting.
The threats to our freedoms and then threatening to attack us?
That doesn't make me want to stay away.
It makes me want to go there.
Yeah, well the spirit of Americana and the spirit of America cannot be put out by a bunch of sort of black block style vigilantes who are basically just trying to be the sort of lefty brown shirts of the modern age.
By the way, let's be clear.
Even the Daily Beast is now reporting what I told you first hour.
The FBI's warning of terror attacks in D.C.
by Antifa.
The FBI's now calling them a terror group.
Because when you're cooking acid bombs by the hundreds and hitting people, helping a gay dude they attacked, a gay guy in a sundress, and Antifa was attacking, when you're doing that, you're a terrorist.
Look at that.
Homeland Security warned of Antifa terrorist attacks.
Soph, what do you make of that?
I mean, I'm glad that there's actually being a resistance to it, that they're at least trying, or seemingly trying to take care of it.
And, you know, hopefully that's effective.
But I think most of the fights are going to be taking place between citizens themselves.
Well, I know this.
Anybody does anything to my family, I'm not going to go after Antifa.
I'm going to go after their bosses.
So, everybody should, in their target menu for attack profile, be doing that research for defensive counter-attacks.
And if it's not the target, their controllers are.
Clown World!
Infowars.com, ladies and gentlemen.
This is just our test one.
It's gonna be even bigger on the front.
Bigger Clown World for everybody.
And on the back, look at this.
Like a concert t-shirt, ladies and gentlemen.
Clown World 2020.
Cory Booker and all the rest of the usual suspects.
We're gonna have live coverage and there's only 5,000 of these being printed. 5,000!
And that's it.
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Celebrate the circus and its democratic debates with this exclusive, limited-time Clown World shirt.
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And that's how we fund this operation.
Thanks to you, the amazing audience, and this amazing crew, and everybody else.
We will prevail.
Recent studies and reports have shown that pipes and plumbing are getting clogged and backed up with human waste and debris.
This is from people flushing things that aren't meant to be flushed, like baby wipes and feminine products and safe sex products.
And so this is resulting in pipes being backed up and clogged.
Well, just like plumbing gets clogged, and just like pipes get clogged, the human body gets clogged just like that.
And you may be experiencing back up too.
So if you want some relief, some explosive relief, go to Infowarsstore.com and get Oxy Powder.
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So go to InfowarsStore.com, take care of your clogged plumbing with Oxy-Powder.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
I burn with desire each time my heart fans the fire through that old flame that burns inside of me.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Of all the insane videos, you've got to go to InfoWars.com, watch American Rapper Crew brawl with Islamic invaders in Sweden, with migrants in Sweden.
It's up on newswars.com, but there's 20 minutes of this footage.
They're doing a rap show there.
They're in a hotel, they're in a restaurant.
These guys hit their main security guard, like a 300-pound big black guy, in the head with their headphones.
Bloody his head, and he doesn't want to go to jail.
He's like, hey, stop, stop.
These little 120-pound guys keep following around.
You go, why are they doing this?
Because Europeans all bow down to them.
So you've got this rap crew, four, five, six guys.
You can see three of them, four of them on tape.
Others are behind the camera.
And they keep harassing him.
And they say, go away, leave us alone.
They finally get their ass kicked.
These are probably like 16-year-old little thugs doing it.
Why would they feel so invincible?
Why would they be like little Banny Roosters?
Why would they be grabbing women's asses for no reason?
Because everyone bows to them.
Like Kaepernick saying he hates the American flag.
So I want to get this rap group on.
I'm told they're pro-Trump.
So watch this.
And TV viewers can see this.
You can go full screen.
And they just keep hitting him.
They keep saying, leave us alone.
They walk away.
They hit him more.
And finally, they get their ass kicked.
You talk about total delusional.
All they've been doing is beating Europeans up constantly with them groveling.
And they run into Americans who aren't going to put up with it.
And even if they weren't black guys, they were, you know, guys from, you know, who were corn farmers from Nebraska.
They would probably attack them quicker.
I can't believe how these black rap group puts up with this crap so long.
American rapper, A money sign AP Rocky and his crew were confronted by two migrants.
These are literal invaders.
Arrogant, full of hate in Sweden who they fought later according to videos posted to the media and reportedly these guys got put in ambulances but for 20 minutes Richard Reeves guys that maybe weigh 120 pounds are messing with the other black guys are probably 200 pounds one guy's like 300 pounds and I I mean, what if it's a bunch of big white guys or whoever?
But why would they do that?
Because they're entitled and they're used to it, Richard.
Well, they are.
They know they're a protected class and they think they can get away with anything.
So they're just super arrogant.
And it's just amazing.
I mean, think of if that were in the United States and if those were patriot white guys, of course, if they're anti-white guys, they can attack black guys, no problem.
There's not going to be Any kind of issue.
But if they were Patriot Info Warrior white guys attacking big black guys, man, we'd never hear the end of it.
They'd just be all over it.
It would be all over us.
So it's just amazing the arrogance that they've come to.
Look at this photo.
This guy's maybe 16, 17, maybe 130 pounds.
And because it goes on for like 20 minutes, we can't play it all here.
They're hitting the big the big 300 pound bodyguard and he's like, stop.
And they hit him again.
They hit him over and over again.
And I can't believe they got... And finally, they just literally... Finally, the bodyguard doesn't do anything.
The regular rap guys literally do judo moves, throw the guys to the ground, and then stomp the hell out of them.
I love it.
Well, and ultimately, it's a great thing they had all these video shots of it and witnesses, etc., because had that not happened, they would have been run through... Well, so the bodyguard's obviously got a license.
He's trained.
He knows, if he hurts these guys, they can still sue him.
So it's finally the rappers that beat their asses.
And they could be in the situation that Tommy Robinson's been in with being railroaded, had it not been for all the witnesses and video shots.
So thank God for that, and thank God that they were able to handle the situation.
Well, I agree, but the psychology of, you weigh 130 pounds, and you're punching a 300 pound black dude in the face for no reason.
Just because they, the local news admits, yeah, they try to tell them you can't be here, you're not from here.
And then they tried to beat him up.
Well, and that's how emboldened they are, though, because they think that they've got the powers that be and the system behind them.
It's like I'll have some 130-pound little leopards come up and throw tea in my face that hadn't been caught on tape.
Coffee has.
And they go, come on, let's fight!
I'm like, are you joking?
And I'm going to grab their head and just slam it through a wall.
My emergency message to Trump, get it to the four winds, it's coming up.
We're going to post it to Infowars.com that Mike Adams is coming up.
Thanks, Richard Reeves.
Great job.
Thank you.
I want to encourage everyone to take advantage of the huge July 4th specials.
We're running right through into next weekend, but then they've got to stop.
Store-wide free shipping, 50% off all the award-winning supplements and double Patriot points.
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President Trump has signaled to the world that he's preparing to take action against
big tech censorship.
He's announced a July 11, 2019 anti-censorship social media conference to be held at the White House.
On the agenda will be ways to tackle big tech censorship and strike back.
The president is also keen on promoting new independent anti-censorship platforms like Parler and Gab.
Our sources tell us, and President Trump has confirmed in public statements, that he's also preparing to take anti-trust action against big tech combines and cartels that have formed a monopoly over information and are meddling in the 2020 election.
Thanks to Project Veritas, we have even more proof from their own mouths that Google is actively already meddling in the 2020 election and plans to deliver it to the Democrats.
InfoWars analysis shows the most effective way for President Trump to take legal and lawful action against big tech tyranny and manipulation of the upcoming election is to simply declare that all critical infrastructure federal employees, including the armed services, not be allowed to visit Twitter Facebook, YouTube, Google, Apple, and other platforms that are openly, like Huawei, working with the Chai Comps.
This will bring the tyrants to their knees.
Similar executive orders, similar to the President's order on colleges banning free speech, should also be implemented.
Federal funds on projects and contracts will be denied, including advertising to the Big Four tech giants, until they stop meddling in U.S.
And now a word from myself, Alex Jones, and constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes on why you, President Trump, must act now.
President Trump, Alex Jones here with an emergency briefing.
And as you know, in the past four years, I've given you briefings over the phone, but also directly via the internet that have turned out to be critically accurate.
Because we're here on the ground giving you intel that you may not be getting in Washington.
And constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes is here with me as well.
He's had his ear to the ground.
He's been studying this and he's been at the heart of some of the major cases against big tech censorship.
Now I know you're planning to rein in big tech and their out of control behavior.
Especially after the conclusive Project Veritas video that came out two weeks ago.
But President Trump Atlantic Monthly and others have written headlines by the neocons saying, oh Trump's all talk, big tech don't worry about the president, do whatever you want, censor conservatives.
What you've got to understand, Mr. President, is that China and the EU are already bringing in fines and regulations.
You've talked about this.
You know this.
Against big tech based in the U.S.
So even if you don't regulate, they're regulating.
So you're not going to allow foreign governments to have this Power Vacuum opened up for him.
And I know you've been giving proper orders and directives for antitrust and for lawsuits, just like you did with your executive order on universities that was beautiful, saying you're not going to discriminate against conservatives or Christians.
And I understand that a lot of your underlings don't carry out your orders.
But I'm just here to tell you, ahead of your big summit coming up on the 11th of this month.
Leadership and a strong message to big tech is all that's going to turn this around.
Because even if you are going to win the 2020 election, which all the real numbers show you are, they're planning on stealing it and they don't want you to have a voice or a support base when they do it.
And from my expert analysis, You don't have a prayer of winning, despite the fact you're probably 20 points ahead in real polls.
We all know that.
You're loved out there on the street across this country.
It doesn't matter if you don't have the voice.
And if you don't have control.
And if you're not standing up to big tech, they're the same crew that's going to steal the election from you.
So you've got to go after them with less than 18 months out, decisively now.
Robert Barnes, step up here and talk directly to the President.
Big Tech believes that the President is bluffing.
Big Tech believes they can continue on their path.
They're doubling down on their path to meddle in the elections, to corrupt the elections, to rig the elections by what they're doing with their algorithms, by what they're doing with censorship, by what they're doing with blacklisting, by what they're doing with demonetizing.
And unless they think that this summit is just a show summit, They think this summit is not consequential.
They think the President is simply bluffing, doesn't have the cards, doesn't have the chips, doesn't have the chutzpah to move forward and do something real and significant and consequential.
So that is why it is critical and essential and fundamental for the President to do to Big Tech what he did in terms of going right to North Korea and getting the peace talks renegotiated and back going again.
He must do the same with Big Tech to make clear that he has the real chips, he has the real cards, and he has the real guts to take real action.
Just like you've done on Mexico and the borders, making them put 14,000 troops at the border.
You know what to do.
And I know you're giving the right orders.
But just as you said, big tech brags that you won't follow through.
They think they own Washington.
So if you won't stand up to them on this, it's seen as a bellwether, a test to steal the election.
Judicial Watch just proved 1.5 million fake voters in California, way beyond the 3.3 million nationwide you talked about.
You know that if you don't exercise power against them right now, they're going to take that election from you.
So now is the time to act.
July 11th is the time to make clear to Big Tech that you will not be bullied, that you are not bluffing, and that in fact the President of the United States will exercise the power of the presidency to protect the freeness and fairness of our elections.
You did the right thing on Huawei.
That's 5G isn't even in yet in 98% of the country.
You have big tech allied with China.
You have Google and Apple that have moved there a year and a half ago.
You've got them helping oppress their own people.
And then they tell you, oh, we're not spying on anybody.
Oh, we're not election meddling.
It's all a lie.
And it's a paper tiger, a paper dragon.
If you will simply announce antitrust investigations, if you will simply unleash the FBI for national security issues with Apple moving its code keys to everyone's iPhone and device to China, which was in Reuters a year and a half ago, if you'll simply go after them, these authoritarians will back down.
But these would-be dictators of America don't have any respect for you because you're a decent businessman.
And you've been trying to negotiate and be friendly and give them a carpet of gold.
All they recognize is a carpet of bombs.
That means political resistance.
They have been demonizing and attacking and suing and raping your constituency because they hate you so much.
And you're the ultimate target.
And your family is.
And now you have the Project Veritas Proof, you have Senator Wyden saying, I want the Donald subreddit shut down, the biggest website in the world that supports you and produces most of the memes.
You're the target, and you know it.
So I hope this summit, which we've got the inside baseball on, isn't just to pat people on the head and make sure your constituents don't get pissed, and you promise to make it a campaign issue and go after big tech if you win again.
You're not going to win again.
They're going to fix the election.
They're going to steal it.
Their Russiagate failed.
They're pissed.
They're coming back crazier.
We've done the research.
We know what's happening.
We know about Section 230.
We know about the combines, the monopolies, the EU regulations.
What do you want to advise the President in closing are his most important points to hit to be able to stop big tech from selling this country out?
The President must exercise the power of the Presidency to protect the freeness and fairness of elections.
That means unleash the Federal Trade Commission on these consumer protection violations, unleash the Department of Justice and the antitrust investigations, and in fact create a special counsel to investigate whether or not these CEOs committed perjury before Congress when they lied repeatedly last year and they're lying repeatedly this year about their efforts to control the elections, meddle in the elections, and censor free speech on the Internet.
Exercise that power now, and he can change the script for 2020, so that an honest election puts him back in the presidency where he belongs.
So, the President's watching this.
They're at the Oval Office, they're on Air Force One.
We know he sees his reports.
Great patriots, get it to him.
From the Secret Service, you name it, we salute you.
What else does he need to know as a roadmap?
Obviously, he's got all the facts, he understands this.
He's already given most of these orders.
How does he reign in these rogue groups who think they're so powerful?
Big Tech's only powerful because we thought it was part of America, and we turned it loose.
They've shown they disdain America, like a bunch of snot-nosed SJWs.
What else does the President do legislatively, executively, through the criminal justice system?
What are the other tools?
The other tools are to push Senator Hawley's legislation to condition future Section 230 immunity on protection of free speech and the protection against election meddling that Senator Hawley's bill is currently in the Senate to do.
He can also announce all of these steps, these critical executive and legislative and public steps at the summit itself.
He needs to confront them directly, confront them individually, confront them on camera in front of the world, so that the world know, use the power of the bully pulpit as well as the presidential power to change the electoral environment so that we have free and fair elections.
Because the only way that's going to happen is if the president exercises his presidential power.
And there's another huge way, Mr. President.
You already know this.
Brad Parskills, you're amazing.
InfoWars presents the David Knight Show, the Alex Jones Show, and the War Room with Owen Troyer.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
The time has come.
The time is here.
The globalists are openly activating their anti-American forces to demonize the American people, the very existence of our borders, and the American flag.
From the NFL, to Nike, to the Ninth Circuit, to AOC, to members of our armed forces, high-level generals.
We're all saying America is bad, that the American flag is offensive, that capitalism is offensive, and that our president's saying Americanism, not globalism, is racist, and that the whole world can come here and get everything free, but that we the citizens have to pay for it when our nation is on the verge of bankruptcy if we don't have major innovation and major booms.
We will collapse into third world status and the U.N.
and others admit they're using giant migrant waves in Europe and the U.S.
to collapse the countries, to kill capitalism and bring in socialism so we can go the way of the old Soviet Union, North Korea and Venezuela.
This is a plan.
When you see top Democrats across the board, mayors, governors, you name it, saying America was never great, it'll never be great.
They're going to take this country down.
They're going to confiscate the wealth.
Why are they funded by billionaire hedge fund owners?
Because the billionaire hedge fund owners are offshore.
And they want to overthrow this country, just like Russia was overthrown in 1917.
They're planning a Bolshevik revolution here, run by the rich again, to take over a country.
This is the critical understanding.
You've got the idiot masses believing they're going to get free health care, free housing, free education.
And a living wage, even if you don't want to work.
This is a systematic program.
So whatever you do, realize we were right.
Our worst fears have been confirmed.
It's all true.
The New World Order, the world government, the anti-Christian moves, the anti-unborn moves.
Now they kill babies after they're born.
Now they admit human clones.
They're walking around China.
Everything is happening.
That's why we've got to stay on air.
It's why you've got to keep fighting.
Because we're going to win this in the end.
It's God's promise, and we see the evidence.
The tide's even turning.
As world government's built, a tide is coming against it, and world government will only stand for a day, the Bible says, and a day is generally a year in prophecy.
This thing is going to be rough.
It's going to be the last days of boot camp.
We're going to make it through it together.
That said, ladies and gentlemen, without you financing InfoWars and buying great products you already need, we won't be here, and we're running this July 4th Save InfoWars special right through at least till July 5th or so, but it's gotta stop then because X2 is selling out.
TurboForce is selling out.
Super Blue Fluoride Free Toothpaste is selling out because people are buying a lot of it at 50% off.
So we have to sell a lot of it to crack that nut.
This is a big facility, a lot of crew, fighting hard, paying for all our own bandwidth, but still winning thanks to you and your support.
Whether you're Matt Drudge linking to us, or whether you're the general public buying fish oil you know you all need, or getting great turmeric formula bodies, that's what makes it all possible.
So I salute you, and I thank you, but I ask you again, do your shopping with us.
It's a simple win-win equation.
And we will continue on the face of this.
But now it's more urgent than ever that we stay on the air because I wish the Globals weren't as evil as I thought.
I wish they wouldn't openly be pulling down American flags and horts rolling against them and Nike pulling it off shoes.
But that shows you that when you've been taken over by a group, they tell you, don't fly your damn flag!
That's what happens when you're invaded!
That's what happens when you're conquered, and they're seeing if they can make you do that, they can do anything!
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Whatever you do, commit now to history and know that buying products from us is one of the most important things you
can do in the fight against the globalist.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is...
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, these are the latest breaking articles on InfoWars.com.
Please spread this video.
Emergency message to Donald Trump concerning big tech censorship and July 11th social media summit.
We get the inside baseball and what's happening there, what Trump's looking at doing, and what we think he should do.
Everyone listening, please go get the article.
And the article has the video posted at Infowars.com.
Now they blocked that being spread, so spread it from Newswars.com.
It's going up as we speak.
So get it out, ladies and gentlemen.
Also, pro-PETO journalists and journal to join Antifa in DC to throw acid on people.
That's being announced.
There is just so much more.
Muslim youths attack police station in France screaming Allah Akbar and unprecedented attacks trying to burn the police station down.
It's all happening.
It's all on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Please don't forget that we've got to rebroadcast tomorrow, but if all hell breaks loose, I'm going to be in here live.
I'll be back Friday live.
The War Room's coming up today in about 40 minutes.
Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com with news that dovetails with all of this is coming up.
The authoritarians are making their move.
This is an incredible time to be alive, but we need to get this message to Trump.
Hit his Twitter.
Hit his Facebook.
Hit his White House email.
Send this out.
The President will see this report.
I'll call some of my sources and try to get him to watch it as well.
He doesn't always watch it, but a lot of times he does.
Especially if you flood him with emergency measures to Donald Trump concerning big tech censorship and July 11th social media summit.
You can also report it to that website at whitehouse.gov about the censorship.
The president needs to be flooded with this information.
That's what he looks at, is what he's flooded with.
He cares about what you think and what you're saying.
We're really shaping the future here on how we're going to take action.
Now, going to Mike Adams of naturalnews.com.
Thank you, Alex.
What is astonishing today is how well delineated the lines are now between the anti-American factions and the pro-American factions.
The Democrat Party no longer even pretends to love this country.
They're out there announcing all kinds of agendas that would destroy America from within.
They claim that America is running concentration camps, and yet what the left wants to do is actually put conservatives and Christians into actual concentration camps.
And by the way, it's not a concentration camp at the border if you can turn around and just go home.
That's simply a processing facility on a humanitarian basis and AOC continues to lie
about it and exaggerate what's going on there. But it's astonishing to me how quickly the left has
become anti-america, how quickly they have professed their hatred for this country. In fact, Rush
Limbaugh even made a point the other day, I think it was yesterday, that Colin Kaepernick, it's
clear from his attack about the American flag on the Nike shoes, it's clear that Colin
Kaepernick, he was never interested in police brutality.
He was always anti-America.
He hates the symbols of America.
He hates symbols of freedom and liberty.
And he has brought Nike to the point where it's now obvious that Nike itself hates America,
along with many other corporations such as Google, Apple, and Twitter, and Facebook that
are clearly demonstrating anti-America bias.
For example, Twitter will not take down the Antifa accounts, even though Antifa is clearly
a domestic terrorist organization at this point.
Twitter and Facebook and Google, they will ban organics.
They will ban natural health websites.
They will ban sites that criticize the dangers of GMOs or herbicides or pesticides or vaccines.
But they will not ban left-wing domestic terrorism groups.
And this is why I agree with what Robert Barnes and Alex said in that special report.
President Trump must take decisive action.
He must unleash the regulatory giants of government to go after these tech giants in the
interest of protecting individual speech.
Now, none of us are fans of big government running roughshod over the rights and civil liberties of individuals,
but it is the proper role of government to go after corporations when those corporations are threatening the
rights of individuals.
And, in effect, the tech giants today are running a massive criminal cartel to steal the election.
This is election meddling at a scale that Robert Mueller could have only dreamed of when he was fabricating his delusions of Russian interference in the election.
In truth, the interference in the election is these tech giants.
And they are doing it deliberately, they're engineering it every day.
And if President Trump does not rise to the occasion and stop this, I don't see that he can get elected.
I mean, even as disastrous as the Democrats are right now, you saw the debates, you saw the clown show, you saw how disastrous their ideas are.
The only ideas they have are bad ideas.
And yet, If President Trump does not take decisive action to stop this collusion of censorship among the criminal cartels of the tech giants, then Trump supporters will have no voice.
Trump supporters will have no opportunity to debate in the public space.
We're all being silenced every day.
More channels being silenced.
And Trump will not win unless he takes decisive action.
And I hope that message is getting through to him very clearly.
Another important point.
Alex said this earlier in the show.
The civil war in America has begun.
The left is waging it and the right is doing nothing.
The conservatives are just letting America be overrun.
The left has launched a civil war.
The left has launched their brown shirts.
They've launched their terror wing, which is engaged in domestic terrorism, violence, the use of potentially lethal weapons against journalists like Andy Ngo and many others.
The left is out of control and they will not stop until they are forced to be stopped by the intervention of probably the federal government or perhaps Trump invoking the Insurrection Act, which is exactly what needs to happen.
And I agree with what Stuart Rhodes said the other day.
Trump needs to put on his commander-in-chief hat, and he needs to invoke the Insurrection Act, and he needs to authorize action against Antifa terrorists.
He needs to label them, designate them, a domestic terrorist organization.
And after doing that, allow law enforcement to clean them out, arrest them, prosecute, get them off the streets.
These are radical, rabid, Terrorists committing acts of violence against innocent Americans.
And of course, they're all wearing masks.
And it's time to unmask them.
And it's time to defang them, so to speak.
It's time to take them off the streets.
And it's time for American conservatives to stand their ground.
Now, a word of warning in all of this.
It's very clear to me that the entire media wants a conservative with a concealed carry permit To open fire on Antifa terrorists.
They want to see that bloodshed and they would, of course, they would twist the story, they would edit the video, they would change the camera angles.
They would do what they did to, was it Nick Sandman?
The young Catholic school student who was completely smeared by the media even though he was only standing his ground and peacefully smiling as these radical left-wing activists continued to threaten him and smear him and try to get him to do something.
But the media wants conservatives to open fire in self-defense because the media wants the narrative and it will go exactly like this.
Today, Trump supporters openly shot and killed innocent, innocent progressives who were carrying milkshakes.
That's going to be the story they want.
They'll even take off the Antifa masks and show you the person without the Antifa garb, whatever it takes.
They're going to try to twist the story and they want armed conflict to take place.
Much more analysis straight ahead here on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams.
We'll be right back after this break.
Hello, Americans.
If I were the devil.
If I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness.
And I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
So I set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first.
I'd begin with a campaign of whispers.
With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve.
Do as you please.
To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.
I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square.
And the old, I would teach And then I'd get organized.
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could.
I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.
The President of the United States is racist.
If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect the disciplined emotions Within a decade, I'd have prisons overflowing.
I'd have judges promoting pornography.
Soon, I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.
And in His own churches, I would substitute psychology for religion.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes... I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
...in hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct.
I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.
In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing.
Now you know...
the rest of the story.
(upbeat music)
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Mike Adams.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams filling in here from Natural News.
Now this year, 2019, is the 30th anniversary of the discovery of so-called Cold Fusion.
Cold Fusion, which has since been renamed Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, LENR, just pronounced LENR.
Cold Fusion was first announced by two scientists Very widely recognized scientist named Fleischmann and Pons at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 1989.
Now, what they had observed was excess heat production in a reaction that could not be a simple chemical reaction.
It had to be, in fact, a low-energy nuclear reaction involving, in that case, a palladium matrix and heavy water, also known as deuterium.
Now, this Cold Fusion reaction was never called Cold Fusion by the discoverers of it, Fleischman and Pons.
In fact, that name was put on them as the attacks began to happen.
I want you to understand that the attacks you see today on Alex Jones, InfoWars, or even myself or others in the independent media, the exact same thing was run against Fleischman and Pons in 1989.
Except they did not have their own websites to fight back with because the internet hardly even existed in 1989.
So the entire establishment, including the entire what we would call mainstream media today, they colluded to destroy the reputation of Fleischmann and Pons.
They colluded to cover up one of this discovery, which is one of the greatest discoveries in human history.
And the reason they did that was because there were billions of dollars being Funded into the realm of so-called hot fusion hot fusion, which still has not produced a single Excess calorie of heat to this day as far as as far as I know Hot fusion is not still not working and the current estimates are that hot fusion will take until the year 2060 just to produce a feasibility result there's an organization named ITER I T E R and
That's being constructed in France that is working on hot fusion with international money to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.
But getting back to 1989, it was the Department of Energy that got involved.
The D.O.E.
helped shut down cold fusion.
And because the D.O.E.
really rules over nuclear energy production and the nuclear designs that we have today are engineered to produce nuclear fuel as a byproduct.
And this is what has enabled, for example, former President Barack Obama to commit acts of treason by funneling nuclear technology to countries like Iran, in some cases claiming that it's just peacetime energy production, or back in the case of Bill Clinton, providing nuclear technology to North Korea.
They said it was peacetime nuclear energy, it's infrastructure for the people of these countries.
In truth, it's all designed to generate nuclear weapons.
And in the case of Barack Obama, those nuclear weapons being funneled to Iran with international money laundering from the Obama administration, plus nuclear fuel being sold through the Clinton Well, how should we say this?
Hillary Clinton and her foundation were part of the movement of nuclear fuel out of the United States through Canada to Russia, which eventually ended up in the hands of Iran.
And this was all done by design.
This was all done in order to provide Iran with nuclear weapons.
And it all traces back to 1989, the attacks on Cold Fusion and why they had to keep the hot fusion realm alive.
Understand that the globalists today, they want international nuclear war.
They want destabilization.
And most of all, they want enemies of America to be well armed with nuclear weapons.
And in fact, these Democrats like Bill Clinton, And Barack Obama have worked diligently over these years to provide the enemies of America with nuclear weapons capabilities.
And their efforts will continue if there's another Democrat in the White House.
They will do the same thing.
Understand, and I think it's become apparent today, these people hate America.
They want to see America destroyed.
They wouldn't mind seeing America nuked.
They certainly wouldn't mind seeing America's allies nuked, such as Israel in the Middle East, for example, or Japan being nuked by North Korea.
Japan is a U.S.
ally today, of course, and Japan is someone that helps bring stability to that region, a nation that helps bring stability.
So it's very crucial to understand history here.
A lot of you maybe haven't heard about cold fusion or low energy nuclear reactions.
If you want to get up to date on that, there is a podcast site that I made note of here.
It's called coldfusionnow.org.
And there, there's a host named Ruby Carrot, and she interviews people and she brings podcasts about what's happening in the realm of cold fusion.
The truth is that these cold fusion experiments are being replicated now.
They have been successfully recreated in hundreds of laboratories across the world, including laboratories in Japan, laboratories in Europe, in the United States, and other countries.
And in fact, corporations like Toyota have invested money in low-energy nuclear reaction research.
And believe it or not, Google is also invested through one of its subsidiaries in low-energy nuclear reaction research.
What's fascinating to me is that when you have all these climate change cultists running around saying, oh, the climate's going to destroy us all.
They say carbon dioxide is bad.
They say fossil fuels will be the end of all of us.
There's hardly... I can't think of one of them that has gone out and said, we need cold fusion.
We need low-energy nuclear reactions.
That technology exists.
It has been covered up by the Department of Energy, i.e.
the war machine in America, the military-industrial complex.
And it is exactly individuals like President Trump who threatens to Cause upheaval that could unleash this technology for the benefit of humankind.
Imagine eating your home in the winter with a small machine that is no bigger than a modern day computer server.
You know, smaller than your dishwasher, but it heats your home.
For virtually free.
Imagine heating businesses, warehouses, and farm and agricultural buildings, which consume a tremendous amount of fossil fuels throughout the winters.
All of that is producing CO2, which I say CO2 is a healing molecule.
It's a greening molecule.
It's good for plants.
But the climate change people say CO2 is a poison and a pollutant, and yet you don't see them saying, let's use cold fusion to heat homes and buildings and farms and warehouses and schools.
You don't see them saying that, which proves they're not really interested in solving the problem.
They just want something to complain about.
They're whiners, just like everything the left does.
They want victims.
They want the dead dad and the dead child in the river crossing the border.
They want destitution.
They want homelessness.
Austin just passed a law to have tent cities and shantytowns all over the public streets and sidewalks of Austin.
They want to turn Austin into San Francisco, I guess, or Seattle.
And you have all these liberal cities are now expanding into mass homelessness.
That is by design.
Understand, that's on purpose.
They want problems in our world.
They don't want any solutions whatsoever.
So when Trump comes along and says, I'm going to bring solutions to this, Trump says, I'm going to solve this international trade disparity.
Trump says, I'm going to, I'm going to fight this currency war against China, which is constantly devaluing its own currency.
Trump is a solutions oriented kind of guy.
And that's why he is hated by the establishment.
Because the establishment needs problems.
The establishment needs scarcity of fossil fuels.
They cannot allow solutions to be publicized and shared with the public.
Look, we already have the answers, folks, to all of these problems.
We can create essentially free heat.
We have the answers to cancer.
We can solve the cancer epidemic.
We know how to solve A joblessness.
We know how to solve homelessness.
We know how to stop infectious diseases from spreading.
We have, in fact, we have advanced propulsion systems.
We know how to travel and explore other planets with much greater efficiency.
All these solutions exist, but they're all being suppressed and shut down by the establishment that wants to keep humanity weak.
And keep humanity enslaved and keep you dumbed down and keep you ignorant.
Google and the tech giants have become realms of anti-knowledge.
They no longer allow you to find real knowledge.
It's all about teaching you falsehoods and lies.
That's the reality of the world in which we live today and that's what we're fighting.
Tear that down and free humanity.
We'll be back with much more right here on The Alex Jones Show.
And that is exactly what they are.
They are concentration camps.
And if that doesn't bother you, I don't Alexandria Cortez, or A-O-Mac Daddy Cortez as she's known, went down to the Texas border with a bunch of Hollywood people in a fancy outfit wearing a $600 Mavudo Museum watch.
At least it's not $3,000 shoes like normal and $4,000 outfits.
No, you see her going to a fence in a fancy white outfit and going... People fought to get in.
They turned themselves in.
We're there literally taking care of these people and AOC shows up and you want to see the fakest photos you've ever seen in your life.
She goes down there and cries and says, oh, they're all victims in a concentration camp.
And it really blew up in her face.
She's in a designer clothing, designer watch, all out there for PR.
The worst acting.
It's worse than a fifth grade play.
Crying at the people in the concentration camp who came here illegally and who fight and die to get here because we're so bad.
So they can then bitch and complain like AFC.
They're getting...
Three and four times their previous records a day.
Up to 15,000 people at that checkpoint alone.
And the Border Patrol is working 18 hours a day.
They're collapsing in exhaustion.
They didn't get the $12 billion they asked for.
They got $1.3 billion this year.
And there are 14,000 to 15,000 people per sector a day that they're catching.
And by the way, the people just turn themselves in.
Because once they get here, they get given to a judge.
90% never show up to the hearings.
So they show up and say, feed me, Seymour.
Remember Little Chappaharras?
the plant goes I said feed me. Feed me Seymour. Feed me all night long. That's right boy. I said feed me.
And so they show up they're not allowed to drug test them not allowed to test for diseases.
They just show up, 30% of the kids aren't with their parents, they genetically test them, aren't even in the family group.
They're not aunts, they're not uncles, they're not cousins.
They're kids grabbed out of villages.
Many times, two years old, crying for mommy.
And when the illegals get through with them, they just throw them into a park, throw them into the woods.
Hundreds of kids a day are being found just dumped in Texas, sometimes 300 miles into the state.
Oh, she cares so much.
She doesn't care about the 200,000 killed by drug gangs in Mexico in the last decade.
She doesn't care about 90% or 80% of the women being raped that come through Mexico to the U.S., not by the U.S., but by the Mexicans.
She's there to make you feel like crap.
She's another Jussie Smollett.
And that's not enough for them, ladies and gentlemen.
She wants you to be guilty.
No, I'm not guilty.
And quit bitching about the country all day and telling us how much it sucks!
And how the world's gonna end in 11 years if we don't do whatever you say, wannabe cult leader!
I want to salute and commend every man, woman, and child that has supported this broadcast over the years and that has stood with us.
And I want to thank all of our sponsors and all of our affiliates.
But I'll tell you like it is.
You've seen the unmitigated attack we've been under.
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And if you go there and buy great products that you already need from across the board, it funds the second American Revolution worldwide.
So I want to thank you for your support.
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Go to InfoWarsStore.com for whatever the product is you need.
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Thank you for making InfoWars possible.
God bless you.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance it
It's Mike Adams.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I guarantee you that you're not ready for what's coming.
The reason I know you're not ready is because I've been prepping in one way or another for over 20 years and I'm not ready.
Unless you are sort of a lifelong professional prepper, there's no way you can be ready for what's coming.
And when I say what's coming, I'm talking about an accelerating cascading collapse
of what you know as civil society and the infrastructure that serves that society today.
So this segment is going to be about collapse and some of the things that you can do
to insulate yourself right now.
I was, there's a, by the way, a couple of movies that you need to watch or re-watch
so I'm gonna recommend to hear it.
Number one, remember Book of Eli with Denzel Washington?
And his character was roaming through a collapsed post-apocalyptic world where there had been some kind of war, some kind of grid-down scenario, maybe nuclear war, it wasn't really clear in the movie.
But in that scenario, all the ammo had already been used.
So this was the post-ammunition world.
Now, it's important to realize that no matter how much ammunition you stockpile, and those of us who are Patriots, of course, think maybe we have plenty of ammunition, there's a point where it runs out and the manufacture of ammunition requires a complex society.
So it's not so easy to make clean-burning gunpowder.
It's not so easy to make the brass casings.
It's not so easy to make the primers.
Right now, you buy those things online.
You buy the bullets, you buy the powder, you buy the brass, you buy the primers.
You know, you put them together in your reloading center, in your garage or whatever.
But imagine a world where you can't buy those components.
How do you make those on your own?
You can't.
It requires a complex society to make those pieces.
And when society collapses, that complexity, what we call the specialization of those certain things, like the ability to smelt metals and create metal alloys and so on, the ability to refine gunpowder raw materials and so on, those specializations collapse and you end up in a very rudimentary society which has to return to some level of agrarian society where people are growing most of their own food in order to survive.
And the weapon systems that are used in those times are, guess what?
Edged weapons.
That's what was depicted in the movie with Denzel Washington.
Edged weapons and bow and arrow.
And yes, your crossbow.
Because everybody's got a crossbow for some reason out there.
And guess what?
It actually has a purpose after the ammunition runs out.
But that could be a long period of time after collapse.
Ammo will reign supreme for a period of time because guess what?
Firearms work even when the power grid collapses.
And this is what I find hilarious about the whole argument about smart guns.
So you see these liberal anti-gun politicians always pushing smart guns.
In their cities.
They want everybody to buy a smart gun.
Well, what's a smart gun?
It's a gun that has electronics, which will fail.
So, everybody who has a smart gun, I mean, look, if I'm in a post-collapse scenario, and I've got my BCM-AR, like my Recce-14 .5 inch barrel or whatever, I would love to Fight with a bunch of people who have smart guns because all their guns were will fail.
The batteries will run out.
The circuit boards will be blown out by EMP weapons or solar flares or that fingerprint scan won't work that day because they're sweating too much because they're they're taking rounds.
You know what I mean?
I would never buy a smart gun.
I would never rely on a smart gun.
I would never even rely entirely on electronic optics.
You got to have iron sights.
You got to make sure your backup sites work.
So, firearms work even when the power grid goes down.
Think about the world.
Even when we talk about cryptocurrency, whether it's Bitcoin or Mark of the Beast, Facebook's new Libra coin, I think they call it, global coin.
All those cryptocurrencies stop working when the power grid goes down.
What still works?
Again, depicted in the movie, The Book of Eli, what has value?
Clean water has value.
Gold and silver coins have value.
Working flip-open lighters have value.
Edge weapons have value.
Firearms have value, and especially ammunition has value, because it's very scarce at that point.
So don't forget how quickly society can collapse.
There's also another movie out there called Captive State that I strongly recommend you watch, and it basically presents the same premise as the Colony series, which talks about A non-Earth extraterrestrial alien force occupying Earth and controlling society and human beings being put into slave camps to work for the aliens.
And the reason this movie is so important to watch, Captive State, is very well done.
It's a very realistic kind of aura.
The settings and the acting is all absolutely amazing.
John Goodman stars in this movie along with some younger stars.
It's a fantastic film.
I strongly recommend you watch it.
But look how quickly some factions of humankind turn against humanity and agree to work for the aliens in this case.
This is a fictional account, a fictional movie of course, but it says something important about humanity.
I think it's good to watch this and to understand that when it comes down to it, whether we're talking about occupation by United Nations troops or whether we're talking about, you know, something more out there like what's depicted in the film.
Most people will turn against humanity if given some reward for doing so.
Very few people operate with ethics.
Very few people will stand their ground with morality and the rule of law.
Very few people will do what's right when it is so much easier for them to do what's wrong.
And so, when you think about the collapse of society today, we're already seeing this emerge.
We're seeing Antifa, terrorists, take to the streets.
And beat people, and rob people, and violently assault people with deadly weapons.
People who are innocent journalists.
In fact, in the case of Andy Ngo, a gay conservative journalist.
I think he's conservative.
Maybe he's not.
Maybe he's more libertarian.
He's a gay journalist, and they attacked him, showing how quickly they were willing to turn against humanity, and turn against their own so-called philosophy.
Antifa also recently defaced a Chick-fil-A restaurant.
And they're putting graffiti, they're trying to destroy private property, they're trying to destroy businesses.
And they do this in the name of love.
So understand that this escalation of violence will always be carried out in the name of love and peace and tolerance by the very same lunatics on the left who are filled with hatred, filled with violence, filled with bigotry.
And they will target people based on the color of their skin, or based on their political philosophies.
And the collapse of society is accelerating so rapidly right now.
It's also being accelerated with this attempt by the left to flood the United States with illegal migrants.
Illegal aliens.
By flooding the southern border of the United States, they place a burden on all southern states.
You know, Texas, Arizona, California, and so on.
And by doing that, what they do is they destabilize part of society.
And they require then a shifting of resources to deal with those individuals taking away resources from things like law and order.
When you have to send police to deal with these illegals like what happened in New Mexico.
They took state police from all across the state and they sent them into Albuquerque to manage a migrant detention center.
And by doing that, they took away these resources from across the state.
So then you start to have lawlessness spreading out across America.
You have increased costs to society based on the lawlessness.
You have more home robberies.
You have more rapes.
You have more crimes that have to be prosecuted.
This is what helps bring down society.
This invasion of America is a planned event to destroy the United States of America from within.
This is why President Trump must invoke the Insurrection Act.
He must deploy the military to the border.
He must stop this invasion.
And frankly, he must arrest and indict all of those on the radical left who are complicit in this invasion, including these twisted federal judges who think they run the country.
It's time to just send in the military police, arrest those judges, and say, you are not the president.
Your little district decision here does not control America.
We have a right to defend our country, a right to defend our nation.
One other point in all of this, you may have noticed yesterday, the internet was down virtually every website that you know, from Drudge and Gateway Pundit, maybe InfoWars.
I know Natural News was down for, I think, 12 minutes or so.
It was a cloud flare problem.
That cascaded throughout the system, and it brought almost everything down that you can imagine, and it caused havoc and chaos throughout the day.
We have seen more and more of these failures across the Internet recently, showing the massive vulnerabilities of the telecom and Internet infrastructure.
We are seeing the Internet is not resilient, it is not robust, and it can be brought down by one problem with one provider, in this case, Cloudflare.
That can also be exploited as a kill switch.
In other words, someone could force Cloudflare to take down all those websites by recreating the same problem they experienced the other day, and it would take down most of the internet.
So, we are not resilient, we are not robust, and our society is subject to a cascading, accelerating failure.
That's the truth about what's happening.
Thanks for watching today.
Mike Adams here for InfoWars.com.
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Serving with Info Wars is a great honor, but I still need my morning coffee.