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Name: 20190625_Tue_Alex
Air Date: June 25, 2019
3559 lines.

Alex Jones discusses Google's alleged election meddling in 2020 and their censorship plans, revealed by whistleblowers. He urges viewers to spread this news across various platforms. Jones also talks about how Google could lose money if it tried to use blockchain technology to protect users' information, arguing that big tech comes at the expense of one's soul through giving away personal data. InfoWars sells products such as emergency solar survival backup systems and limited edition t-shirts with democratic candidates' faces on them to fund their information efforts. Jones discusses his book "Poems Against the Empire", urges people to call the National Treatment Advisors for help with drinking and drug use, appeals for financial support for InfoWars, addresses recent lawsuits filed against him, and criticizes Google's alleged censorship of conservative voices in America. He also discusses connections between the Ukrainian government and events in America such as the election of Donald Trump and the Charlottesville protests, Project Veritas updates on the Google story with Paul Joseph Watson, alleged election meddling by big tech companies like Google, Facebook, and YouTube, WordPress deplatforming conservative voices while allowing others with questionable content to remain on their services, the need for action against perceived bias in these platforms, and support of free speech. Jones encourages listeners to support InfoWars in the fight against globalists.

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Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, I don't normally dance around like a happy leprechaun that just found a A thousand buckets of gold.
But you notice yesterday I did a lot of celebrating on air.
Because I know the smell of blood in the water.
And there's blood in the water.
There's blood on the street.
It's up to my ankles.
That's the blood of tyrants politically beginning to bleed out.
Big Tech has crossed the Rubicon, they've engaged in massive 2020 election meddling, and they've been caught doing it on so many fronts it makes my head spin.
And when their Director of Censorship, that has an Orwellian name, got caught red-handed by Project Veritas, Google yesterday pulled The House of Representatives responded by uploading it to House.gov.
And now the Streisand effect just hit in with beautiful, white-hot afterburners.
Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas has uploaded it.
The censored 25-minute report Is posted front and center at Infowars.com and Newswars.com today, right under the live news feed.
With the headline, Watch Live.
Google's attempt to cover up their election meddling 2020 blows up in their face.
We have the arrogant head of their operations, censoring, admitting that they'll do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want, and that Congress can go to hell.
This is the proof of the criminal activity, the proof of the meddling, the proof of the lying to Congress, the perjury.
It's beautiful.
It's big.
It's massive.
And if you get the articles out that are on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, like, see the report Google censored about their election meddling in 2020 with Gin Genet, head of responsible innovation at Google.
That's the name of their censorship system.
Bragging about how they control everyone, and they shadow ban everyone, and they ban everyone, and that they're not going to let Trump get re-elected.
We have the murder tape.
Like when a serial killer videotapes them torturing a kid to death.
You have an open and shut, dead to rights, dead as a doornail politically, movement.
They are in a lot of big trouble now.
And we've got a whole bunch of articles on this with the censored video.
And the bombshell interview with Project Veritas hit yesterday that's so good, I rarely ask The War Room to air something I did.
I rarely ask David Knight to air something we did.
They both re-aired it.
I'm going to air 10 minutes of the interview on the other side with James O'Keefe because guess what?
That's a whole other story.
We've confirmed that a bunch of people have uploaded this to YouTube and it's been taken down more than 15 times by prestigious channels that thought it was newsworthy.
It's been taken off their channels.
That's a whole other story.
Now James O'Keefe being interviewed, being taken down, telling you that more insiders are coming.
That article's on InfoWars.com.
We'll put it back on screen for viewers.
From NewsWars.com, that's the real site we need to go to, with James O'Keefe Saying that more whistleblowers are coming forward.
More whistleblowers.
This will stop them stealing the election.
This is the heart of the fight.
This is the key to the fight.
But it's up to you.
Spread those NewsWars.com links.
News Wars!
Announcing the greatest show on Earth!
Reparations, free healthcare, free college, free homes, free money forever!
It's Cloud World 2019!
The Democratic Party's two-night extravaganza debate!
Let's meet the candidates!
Beto O'Rourke!
Oh my gosh!
Cory Booker!
The Amazing!
Joe Biden!
Swell as well says his new gun owners!
Bernie Sanders!
Loves the Soviet Union!
Kamala Harris and so many more!
It's the greatest show on earth!
Head to polewars.com forward slash show with live coverage next week!
Wednesday and Thursday night.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, Google has really stepped in and created a giant Streisand effect event.
The head of Google's operations that runs censorship got caught on hidden camera along with other executives bragging about how they were going to block Trump from being re-elected in 2020 and named their secret operational headquarters that's carrying all this out.
The full interview and expose has been taken off YouTube by Google.
Congress is now investigating.
The House and Senate have re-uploaded the video so the public can see it at House.gov.
We have re-uploaded the full censored 25-minute expose and our censored interview with James O'Keefe to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Get it and email it out to everyone you know.
But here's part of the James O'Keefe interview from yesterday in Project Veritas they don't want you to see.
Thanks, Alex.
Yeah, it is a 25-minute report.
We uploaded it this morning.
It's on Drudge and Red.
And this is a video recording of an insider, that's someone who currently works for Google, blowing the whistle.
It comes on the heels of a story from a Pinterest insider, which I know your audience saw.
So there's this sort of watershed moment where they're all coming forward.
Now what this video shows is it shows the insider talking about algorithmic unfairness.
That's a term you probably haven't heard before.
The confidential documents, which I have a copy of here and up here in the video, and I'm going to read from the document.
It says, quote, in some cases it may be appropriate to take no action if the system, that's Google, ...accurately affects reality, while in other cases it may be desirable to consider how we might help society reach a more fair and equitable state via product intervention.
So these documents show algorithmic unfairness.
The executive named Janai on the secret recording obtained by Project Veritas shows how they want to affect the 2020 election outcome.
So all these things corroborate each other.
It is a huge story, Alex.
An insider, whistleblower, secret recordings of the executives inside of Google, and the documents.
And it shows Google's efforts to basically James, when I got up this morning and saw this, nothing gives me butterflies.
Nothing gives me short of breath.
I almost had an anxiety attack on how in the hell am I going to make a big enough deal about this?
And then a text message came in from the producer, oh, we've got James O'Keefe.
I was like, because I want to beat these people.
And we know they've been doing it.
You've caught them a bunch yourself.
We've caught them.
They brag about it, and now you've got, like, the Holy Grail, the Rosetta Stone, the Skeleton Key.
I mean, she's on there, others are on there, just admitting it.
And this term, product intervention.
Sundar is up before Congress, eight months ago, saying, we don't intervene in anything.
I mean, the perjury alone!
Yeah, and one of the things that this Jenai, Jen Janai, who's the head of Google Innovation, says, you just showed the quote.
She said that, we're not changing.
Congress can pressure us, but we're not We don't want to show up.
We're not changing.
So I think one of the things the insider told me was how, there he is, Congress can pressure us, but we're not changing.
And she specifically says that Liz Warren, she's like, I like Liz Warren, but Liz Warren has some problems because if they break Google up, says this Jenjani, then small companies won't be able to stop Trump, but we can.
We can prevent, a big company can prevent Trump's situation, whereas smaller companies cannot.
So the issue is, Alex, that Google is classified as a platform.
I understand, section 230, back in 60, James O'Keefe, the legend.
Okay, I've been interviewing James O'Keefe for 10 years, since he blew up an acorn, and I've seen all the devastating victories.
And them trying to indict him, and their failures.
But to sit here and have him have the head of Google censorship with this weird Orwellian name of the office caught in undercover video, do you realize how hard it is to get this, to penetrate, to infiltrate?
This is like the Allies in 1941 getting the Enigma Code from the Nazis, okay?
If Congress and the President don't act, then they must be complicit, which we know Trump isn't.
But his underlings are bought off by Google and keep, you know, he's not lobbying and taking lobbying money, but they are.
This has gone to the president.
It needs to go mega viral.
It's at DrudgeReport.com, Infowars.com, ProjectVeritas.com.
Get it out.
25-minute report.
Total evidence of Google election meddling in 2020.
Trump must act now.
Reddit blocks Project Veritas.
The group exposes Google.
Election meddling.
Insider blows whistle on exec reveals Google plan to prevent Trump situation 2020.
They are scared of this.
This is kryptonite to their fraud.
So we've got, we got eight and a half minutes to work break.
You got to go.
You've got the floor.
Am I right in saying this is probably the most important thing you've ever broken?
This is the total.
This is by far the biggest thing we ever broke.
I mean, a lot of people are thinking what's going to happen.
Well, first of all, the story just came out.
I think Congress is going to hold hearings.
Lawmakers are telling me, sort of, here, they're texting me, we're going to have hearings in July.
But, I mean, the video is 25 minutes long, so, I mean, I've only got about 8 minutes, so let me just try to get through some of the facts here and maybe talk about it.
I'm not one to characterize people.
I'm just going to quote them, okay, Alex?
I'm not going to characterize them.
That man in the shadow you see, the insider, is a current Google employee.
And one of the things he said to me when I was interviewing him, he said, James, people would think this is a conspiracy theory if it weren't for the documents.
And one of the documents he gave me says, I'm going to quote them, this is Google, not me, not you, it says, it says, quote, training data are collected and classified, algorithms are programmed, media are filtered, ranked, aggregated, and generated.
People like us are programmed.
That's a direct quote.
People like us are programmed.
And one of the things that this executive says is that people who believe and agree with President Trump will not like our definition of, quote, fairness.
That's Jen Janai, the woman you're looking at right there.
People who voted for the current president do not agree with our definition of fairness.
So what's interesting, Alex, is that Google is saying here that they're able to define Fairness and this algorithmic unfairness and they have product intervention.
So what the Google insider did is he sat down with me and he googled Hillary Clinton's emails.
That's just the phrase.
And you can do it right now at your home computer.
And it doesn't autocomplete even though millions of people search for that.
But then he typed in Donald Trump's emails and it did autocomplete even though very few people search for that.
So Google is actually meddling in an election by virtue of defining what is fair and what is not fair, and they would never admit this publicly.
And right now, they're in a huge world of trouble because that is not a low-level ranking employee.
That is the head of their entire innovation department.
And she, as well as Gaurav Gite, corroborated the Google algorithmic unfairness document.
Now, Alex, one thing I must tell you.
That's the censorship blueprint.
She's the head of innovation, which is ending the old algorithm, what's popular, going to censorship.
I mean, you couldn't get better descriptors for the names of the departments if you went to Orwell or the protagonist Winston in 1984 who edits out... Remember that movie where he edits out all the newspapers?
Yeah, Ministry of Truth is the Ministry of Lies.
Ministry of Truth!
I mean, this document's called Definition of Algorithmic Unfairness.
It's labeled Privileged and Confidential.
Now, many of you are wondering, wow, these people are real heroes for blowing the whistle.
Hell yeah, they're heroes!
They make a lot of money and they don't care.
And one of the things he said The man in the silhouette there who works for Google, he says, I'm nothing but an ant.
He says, I'm just, I'm going after Goliath here.
And I said, are you scared?
Are you frightened?
He said, you know what?
I hope I get away with it, but there are some things bigger than me.
He said this to me.
He said, there are some things bigger than me, and you know what's happened in the last few hours?
I've already had a dozen more people email me.
And I think you're seeing a watershed moment right now, right here, today, as I sit here, where people... Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a watershed moment, because more whistleblowers have come forward.
I'm told it's even more devastating.
And Google is working with Facebook and Twitter, we've confirmed, to block anyone trying to upload the video or anyone trying to share it.
But here's the good news.
DrugsReport.com, right in the middle column, has red-linked it all, so it stands out, update, inside reveals Google plan to prevent Trump situation in 2020.
Manipulative algorithm.
YouTube pulls video.
Corporate media ignores.
The Corporate Media Ignores article is a Jamie White Infowars.com article.
And we're adding to that the banned video.
And we're adding the James O'Keefe full interview to that article.
Get it and share it.
This will defeat them.
Middle column.
Bottom link in red.
Get it.
Drudge report!
InfoWars The most banned network in the world.
Ladies and gentlemen...
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The time release.
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Get it there and know it stands in defiance of the globalists.
Thank you for your support.
Again, we could not do it without you, but don't let them win.
Why are they coming after us so much?
The audience gets it.
Because we're promoting Americana, we're defeating the globalists.
How do you defeat them?
Spread it word of mouth.
The Forbidden Show.
Tell everyone.
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(upbeat music)
Yo, bro, what's up?
Let's get down.
You think you're f***ing tough?
You're about to get it.
I will break your jaw.
I will knock your teeth out.
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I'm not afraid of you people!
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My listeners hate you!
And remember that scumbag forever!
If you don't spread the links, the globalists win!
Spread the legs!
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He said, there are some things bigger than me, and you know what's happened in the last few hours?
I've already had a dozen more people email me.
And I think you're seeing a watershed moment right now, right here today, as I sit here, where people are going to come forward, Alex, because they want the people to know what's going on.
You said it, James.
It's not hype.
You can feel the history.
This is watershed.
All the whistleblowers.
It's now just cascading.
And you look at the arrogance of their head of censorship under this Orwellian term, and she goes, it doesn't matter what Congress does.
Well, you notice Sundar wouldn't even go to Congress a year ago and testify.
And then they gave all the secrets that the Pentagon had given them to the Chinese with their dragonfly operation and their censorship office and their AI project.
And then now suddenly they're having to grovel a bit at the executive level, but still their employees, like you said, are programmed cult members still carrying this out.
This is incredible.
Their word's not yours.
They say...
That they're trying to quote program the people.
And one of the things that Jani says is the reasons we launched the Artificial Intelligence Principles, there it is, ML Fairness, is because people were not putting that line in the sand.
That they were not saying what's fair and what's equitable.
So we're like, we're a big company, we're going to say it.
So what Jani is saying is don't bust us up, Elizabeth Warren.
By the way, I'm anxious to see what Elizabeth Warren has to say about this.
Because she's being attacked by this Google.
Uh, executive.
What they're saying is don't break us up, don't get involved antitrust, because we need to stay the Leviathan.
We need to be large, such that we can continue to define what is real.
They're saying we need to be the big global monopoly to bully these evil conservatives that don't want to sexualize their five-year-olds or open the borders.
Yes, she's saying, keep us large so that we can change the outcome.
If 2016 happened again, would the outcome be different?
I love you guys, producer.
Your producers are so fast.
You pull it up as soon as I'm bringing it up.
If the algorithms happened again, would we have a different outcome than 2016?
That's the quote.
And Alex, I think there's going to be hearings as a result of this.
I think there's going to be whistleblowers.
I think, and I'm really sincere, I've known you for nine, ten years.
I don't think you think.
The dam has broken.
Sorry, go ahead.
I really think this is the moment that we have been waiting for, where the heroes amongst us.
Because it's one thing, Alex, if I infiltrate or I go undercover, this is them.
This is them giving us the information.
So I'm just really excited, and I know there's going to be more news to break.
No, I agree.
Remember two years ago, you brought it out, and it later came out in the news.
Google is more afraid of whistleblowers than anybody, and is running NSA-level spying on their own people.
I think what we really need, though, is we need people to contact Google.
Your listeners are all, what can I do?
What can I do?
Well, other than blow the whistle inside a company, I think, and you can do that by sending us an encrypted email, VeritasTipsAtProtonMail.com.
But, what I think what we need to do is, I think if you just press I don't have the email just in front of me, but the press office at Google, we've got to email them and get a comment.
We've got to get a statement from Google about this.
We've got to get a reaction.
Well, they're going to try to cover this up, but internally, this is going to run through all their employees, and they know they're in a cult.
They know it's getting more out of control.
Let's shift the minutes.
We have 11.
Please come back soon.
I know you're working very hard.
James O'Keefe at ProjectVirtus.com.
The audience here can override the AI, and that's why you're here.
The audience has to email this, Facebook it, call talk radio, call C-SPAN, call the White House.
Trump has to act now on this.
I mean, this, like you said, congressional hearings coming in July.
You've got congresspeople calling you, obviously senators calling you.
You have given them the motherload.
This is like Al Capone being caught, you know, with dead bodies.
But most people are on the take.
I mean, right?
The New York Times is supposed to be no fear or favor.
The bottom line is most people in this country are either afraid or they are on the take that Google is such a powerful company.
I mean, most people are afraid to publish a story about a company that can censor and define their income, because most distribution happens to the social media companies.
So Project Veritas does not have any advertisers.
I can't be boycotted.
I can't be bought or sold.
I refuse to compromise on my principles.
I refuse to settle lawsuits, Alex.
I've won five lawsuits.
I'll go all the way to a jury verdict, which I did, and I won.
And I think that people are... that Goliath fears the little guy if the little guy stands on principle, right?
Well, I gotta say in these games, if people want to see a thoroughbred Americana hero and a crew that have gone through the fire, you're it.
InfoWars has done it.
Only a few others.
You are the example.
And we just salute you and thank you for all your courage and everything you've done.
And I guess you've got even... I'm told... you told me a few months ago, I got really big stuff coming.
What else is coming?
Big stuff?
All these people are coming to me in the last 24 hours.
More insiders.
Yes, I just learned last night there's another person in the company that wants to come forward.
It doesn't get better than that.
VeritasTips at ProtonMail.com.
I urge you, if you work for one of these organizations and you do want to tell the truth to people, contact us.
We'll work with you.
James, fabulous.
I admire you and your whole crew.
You are the blood of freedom.
We salute you.
The reason why I decided to come to Project Veritas is because people need to know what's actually going on with Google.
There's this facade about what they're doing, but what they're actually doing, what the employees are actually seeing inside the company, is different.
But the reason we launched our AI principles was because people were not putting that line in the sand.
They were not saying, well, it's fair, it's not that cool.
So we're like, well, we are a big company, we're going to say it.
People who voted for the current president do not agree.
They're not an objective piece.
They're not an objective source of information.
But then there are teams, you know, which are called ML Fairness.
ML Fairness, the teams?
Fairness, like, you know, you need to be fair.
If we're also training our algorithms, like, if 2016 comes again, would we...
I couldn't be different.
They are a highly biased political machine that is bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again.
2020 is certainly on top of my old organization, Justice 18.
Top of mind, they've been working on it since 2016 to make sure we're ready for 2020.
This is a Goliath, I am but a David.
Trying to say that the Emperor has no clothes.
He got called in front of Congress multiple times.
Making pressures, but not changing.
Being a small little ant, I can be crushed and I'm aware of that.
But this is something that is bigger than me.
This is something that needs to be said to the American public.
Elizabeth Warren is saying that we should break up Google.
I love her, but she's very misguided.
Like, that will not make it better, it will make it worse, because now all these smaller companies who don't have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next sort of situation.
It's like a small commercial, and it's like...
Earlier this year, a Facebook insider exposed de-boosting of conservatives on Facebook.
That insider inspired someone at Pinterest to come to Project Veritas with his story.
Last week, we released a report from the Pinterest insider, Eric Cochran, detailing censorship of pro-life and Christian content.
The tech companies Can't fight us all.
Today, we bring you a Google insider.
A brave man who came forward and brought us a story that will scare you.
I think sunlight is the best disinfectant and people need to start asking questions.
A couple weeks before the Google insider came forward, Project Veritas secretly recorded with Jen Janai, a Google executive.
Janai talks about making sure when people search for things, Ladies and gentlemen, history is happening.
We'll go live on the other side, but I had to re-air this.
It's also historical.
And we have links in the center of DrudgeReport.com that show the suppressed investigative report of the century that blows this criminal conspiracy to steal the election wide open.
This is real election meddling.
And the bottom link is a link to our article showing the censored video and the media cover-up.
[InfoWars intro]
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The time release.
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Thank you for your support.
Again, we could not do it without you, but don't let them win.
Why are they coming after us so much?
The audience gets it.
Because we're promoting Americana.
We're defeating the globalists.
How do you defeat them?
Spread it word of mouth.
The Forbidden Show.
Tell everyone.
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Wednesday and Thursday night.
♪ ♪ ♪ You're listening to The Alex Jones Show. ♪ ♪ Waging war on corruption in
It's Alex Jones.
Let's go back to DrudgeReport.com for TV viewers, for radio listeners.
I'm gonna read these links out.
Now, when I smell blood, I smell blood.
Easier way to say it is like...
The Colonel in Apocalypse Now, he goes, I love the smell of napalm.
Napalm in the morning.
Smells like, like victory.
I smell victory.
I smell big victory.
Big time.
You have the head of Google censorship saying we're going to stop Trump being re-elected
and saying we don't care what Congress does, we're going to keep doing it.
That's the zealot, criminal focus and conviction of these people to engage in mutiny against this republic and not let nationalists, conservatives and Christians communicate.
In fact, I didn't even get to it yesterday.
Will you guys bring me yesterday's stack?
Without even looking for it, it was all over the news.
Mainline Christian sites being censored by Google, Apple, Twitter, YouTube, all of it.
This is the takeover.
The internet is telecommunications.
It is the modern communication systems.
It's already replaced landlines.
And they're coming in saying on the WhatsApp owned by Facebook and other systems, we're going to control what you can say live over an app talking to one person.
They now have AI systems that are censoring person to person.
What do you think Facebook was saying two months ago when they said you will no longer say Alex Jones' name or Infowars.com unless it's negative.
If it's negative, you're allowed to.
My God!
Again, that is beyond a Jim Jones cult.
That is beyond the worst stuff we heard about the Branch Davidians.
That is beyond what goes on in the old Soviet Union.
That is crazy.
Oh, but the Koch brothers.
In fact, I never played that last week.
Can we cue up a Tucker Carlson goes after the Koch brothers?
Because if I had a dollar for every time I got an email or somebody told me that I work for the Koch brothers, I'd have a million dollars.
The Koch brothers were the Clinton's biggest financiers.
The Koch brothers We're deeply in bed with the Democrats.
They wanted monopolies.
The Koch brothers want open borders where you subsidize their workers.
They're illegal alien workers.
They're total fake libertarians.
Not good little L, but big L. They're corporate raiders.
They make their money off corporate money.
That they get through crony capitalism and government contracts and subsidies paid to illegal aliens.
And the Koch brothers Finance all the big think tanks and work with the neocons to try to defeat Trump.
They gave their money to Hillary.
But I always have leftists toddle up to me and say, oh, you work for the Koch brothers.
The Koch brothers.
The Koch brothers are neocons.
The Koch brothers Let me explain this.
They're just like Warren Buffett.
Warren Buffett always says, I mail a check every year for a few thousand dollars to the Treasury because I don't pay enough taxes.
Then he structures things where he pays zero tax himself, takes the capital gains offshore, and was the biggest recipient of the banker bailout.
Three hundred plus Billion dollars the first year, and then he got a hundred and eighty-something billion the next year in the bailout.
It comes out to four hundred plus billion dollars.
Almost five hundred billion that Warren Buffett got.
Look it up!
Type in, Warren Buffett, biggest recipient of banker bailout.
Click Google Web, and you'll get it.
If they haven't censored that.
Oh, but he hadn't paid enough taxes.
He wants the middle class making $100,000 a year to pay more taxes because he swindles it up into his coffers.
And that's how the Koch brothers work.
In fact, let's just, since I mentioned it, let's play the Tucker Carlson piece to understand crony capitalist versus real capitalist.
And then you've got the Koch brothers saying they're against crony capitalists, but they want open borders and illegal aliens in here.
They want open borders and then we subsidize them all with welfare and food stamps and then they work in their paper mills and their meatpacking plants and their facilities.
The video's up on newswars.com.
Tucker calls out Koch Brothers for working with the ADL to censor Conservative online.
They're the ones!
It's the Democrats in bed with the Koch Brothers.
Here it is.
Charles and David Koch are two of the richest men in the world.
Each one of them is worth tens of billions of dollars.
Some of their money is inherited, much of it they made themselves.
But to their credit, the Kochs have never been content merely to get richer.
They are engaged intellectuals.
They have a sincere desire to change the world.
So for years, the brothers have been the single most important funders of Republican politics in Washington, in the country.
The Koch network of donors spends hundreds of millions of dollars every election cycle.
Virtually every major conservative non-profit in Washington takes Koch money, often a lot of it.
Koch organizations train political organizers and candidates.
Many Republican lawmakers owe their careers to the Kochs and are happy to say so.
For people whose main business is making fertilizer and paper towels, the Kochs have been remarkably effective in American politics.
And not surprisingly, the left hates them for it.
Both the Koch brothers and their families, who by the way are very nice people, have been grotesquely and repeatedly maligned by the media.
This in turn has convinced many conservatives that the Kochs must be on their side.
Anyone who's been slandered by the New York Times has got to be doing something right.
That's the idea.
It's not a bad standard, but in this case, in the case of the Kochs, conservatives might want to pause and rethink the relationship.
As it turns out, the Kochs don't have much in common with conservatives.
They are, in fact, totally opposed to most conservative policy goals.
The Kochs are libertarian ideologues.
They're passionate and inflexible about what they believe.
America first?
The Kochs find the very notion of that absurd, if not fascist.
An economic policy that seeks to strengthen families?
The Kochs denounced that as, quote, crony capitalism, or picking winners and losers.
They think it's immoral, and they'll tell you so.
Controlling our borders?
The Kochs consider that racist.
A few years ago, in fact, Bernie Sanders noted that the Koch brothers are far to the left of him on immigration.
Open borders?
Quote, that's a Koch brothers proposal, Bernie Sanders said.
And he was right.
But in fact, it's more than a proposal.
It's in effect what we have now in this country, open borders.
And that's thanks in part to the Kochs.
The overwhelming majority of Republicans want a secure border and less immigration.
That's why they voted for Donald Trump.
Two and a half years later, though, the border is more porous than ever.
A tide of humanity is flooding in illegally.
Republicans in Congress have done almost nothing to help with the situation.
Well, you can thank the Kochs for that.
In 2018, Koch-backed organizations, the Freedom Network and Americans for Prosperity, pressured Republicans in Congress to use their limited post-election lame-duck session to pass an amnesty for the so-called Dreamers.
Going into this election, the 2020 race, amnesty remains the Kochs' top legislative priority.
So if you're wondering why the Republican Party often seems completely out of sync with its own voters, this is why.
And it's not just on immigration.
The Koch network has also successfully pushed Republicans to join the left in going soft on crime.
The Kochs aggressively back the First Step Act, which is currently allowing drug traffickers to leave prison early.
They support the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act that would cut required penalties for heroin and cocaine traffickers in half.
Now keep in mind, they're doing all of this in the middle of the deadliest drug epidemic in American history.
The Kochs don't even bother to argue that these so-called reforms would help any law-abiding American in any way.
Alright, we're gonna go to break and we're gonna come back with the rest of this.
Then Robert Barnes is in studio with the fall of the House of Google.
It could happen.
At least the fall of the censors that have hijacked it and are running it.
It's all coming up next segment.
We're going to finish up where he gets into the Kochs working to censor conservative speech with the ADL.
That's right.
So next time a leftist comes up and says, oh, you're a fan of the Koch brothers, remember, these are ignorant moron fools, ladies and gentlemen.
And remember, the Koch brothers know, just like the Walmart dynasty, Walmart put out memos, what, a decade ago, telling employees, oh, we pay you not enough to live on, so you qualify for food stamps and welfare, so then you can live nice.
Taxpayers subsidize Walmart.
Taxpayers subsidize the Koch brothers.
I'm sick of it.
You're not libertarians.
What you are is the crony capitalist you claim you're fighting, just like Warren, biggest recipient of the banker bailout, Buffett.
We'll be right back, though, with Tucker getting into the Koch brothers censoring conservatives, their main enemy.
Moonraker, Zardoz, Logan's Run, so many movies back in the 70s and 80s, so many science fiction books about world government run by a group of scientists who want to reduce world population by 99%.
Now, Moonraker was written back in the 1960s by Ian Fleming, who'd been high-level OSS and then MI6 when they founded that in British intelligence.
Now you've seen The Kingsman, Where you've got a rich group of billionaires that are going to send a code frequency over cell phones that are going to make people become violent, irritable, and start killing each other.
I don't know if aliens are running this, but the way the technologies are coming out so fast in a lot of it doesn't look human-made.
The way the government's so secretive and compartmentalized.
The way the U.S.
seems to develop it all first, then dole it out.
And what all the technology does is poison us, sterilize us, and make us stupid.
All the Trojan horses are Pavlovianly training us Conditioning us, ending our human relationships, and making people irritable and aggressive in thousands of studies on smartphones, TVs, and flicker rates.
Let's cut right to the chase here.
I don't know if Trump knows this, but the establishment knows, and they have laid out a grid worldwide of systems.
That don't just track the Internet of Things, that don't just surveil everything you do, but that patently kill you, give you cancer, and they can manipulate and throttle the frequencies in 5G that's going to be every 300 or 400 yards, where they can rattle the DNA and literally split it apart, causing cancer.
They can give you cancer in these studies in a few days of being in proximity to one
of these 5G that's turned to an oscillation where it goes up to a certain frequency and
back down, back and forth very quickly.
It breaks DNA.
And they have studies, DARPA did studies on these as weapons.
Those are declassified in the 70s where you hit troops with it, they don't know what's
happening, they get nauseous, they get irritable, and then they basically die in about a month
from cancers all over the body.
So the government is putting in microwave cancer systems to literally fry you.
The cover story is that it is for communications and super fast downloads.
It has nothing to do with that.
I'm going to go further.
Our government wants to put in 5G to be able to spy on us, monitor us, track us, control us, but also change our behavior or even kill us.
Now, our government shouldn't have that power.
And ladies and gentlemen, they don't want to tell you.
They don't want They don't want you to know.
They don't want you to be aware of it.
But let me tell you something about radiation.
There's lots of different types of it.
This stuff goes right through you.
It goes right through walls.
It's ultra-fast, and it's at the exact frequency to rattle DNA.
Breaks your DNA.
That means cancer.
So here's some of the articles.
5G smartphones cause cancer.
Big wireless doesn't want you to know.
5G services is coming, and so are health concerns over the towers that support it.
In closing, it's the old parable of the vampire.
Newsweek even admits it.
Plan for 5G cell phone towers raises health concerns.
The rollout of 5G wireless services is a massive health experiment.
Daily Mail.
Rypon's cell tower to be removed from school grounds.
Mothers of cancer survivors share feelings of relief.
And all the kids that are dead and dying.
In closing, it's the old parable of the vampire.
Vampires aren't real, but the archetype is real.
That you have to invite evil in.
You have to go buy the cell phone.
You have to bring it into your home.
You have to learn to look into its eyes when it says, come here.
And give it your worship and give it your time.
And it bings and it buzzes like Pavlov's Bell to the Dog.
And before you know it, you are entrenched.
It's an evil frequency.
It's an anti-human operation.
It's why I say it's alien.
And I don't get into UFOs and all that stuff.
I'm reading the Bible, folks.
There's a fallen entity that hates our guts because we were made by God, his enemy.
And it's obsessed with rolling something out, but we have free will.
We have to accept it.
We have to get addicted to it.
And everything it does is dumb us down, give us cancer, rewire our brains, make us depressed.
And all of us live in this.
All of us are hypocrites.
I'm in this quicksand with you.
It's all here.
It's all happening.
It's all real.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to be going deep into the censorship wars.
Next hour with constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes, chief counsel on InfoWars.
You'll notice he's here a good week out of the month.
He'll be here for the next week.
We're very honored to have him.
A lot of exciting things coming up, a lot of big developments that you'll hear a little bit about this week and next week, but they're going to be launched coming up in about a week and a half or so.
But this is going to be a major offensive against the globalists, and obviously all of you aren't just essential, you are critical.
You are beyond critical.
You are everything that is defeating the globalists, so that's all coming up.
But I wanted to finish up with Tucker Carlson, before he left to Tokyo, where he's been broadcasting from, pointing out that it's the Koch brothers that want open borders.
It's the Koch brothers that finance the Clintons, along with Tyson.
It's the Koch brothers that are financing the fake libertarian Republican think tanks that say, oh, companies can do whatever they want, including censor Or control, or say the Republican Party's official policy is Nazism on the front page of Google.
And now Drudge has moved the Project Veritas links to the top.
So let's click on the fourth link there at DrudgeReport.com.
LinkedIn Red Corporate Media ignores.
And when you scroll down that Infowars.com article, Blacklisted MSM ignores Project Veritas bombshell, you see update number one.
Fox News also blacklist Project Veritas Google bombshell story.
Well, you'd think almost two days into this earth-shaking event, the head of Google censorship admitting that they're not gonna let Trump win, and how they censor people, they call it fairness.
Update number two is the actual censored video that Congress has had to upload because Google is banning it.
We have our own servers, as Drudge advised four years ago here in studio.
And there it is, our own servers.
See the video Google censored on their plans to steal 2020 election, then scroll down.
You can then see Watershed Event.
More Google whistleblowers to go public!
They've pulled that off every place we've seen it posted.
I've gotten a bunch of calls from major channels saying this is newsworthy and they're pulling it down, even excerpts of it.
They are scared.
So again, everyone go to DrudgeReport.com, the biggest news site in the world, the second largest site in the world, and get those four links And share them.
And take screenshots of the front of Drudge.
And share it.
And then let Facebook and Twitter censor you.
We're getting reports of that.
Send us screenshots to showtipsandinfowars.com.
That'll be big news!
For the Congressional hearings already announced on these companies working in coordination, when monopolies work in coordination, it's called a cartel.
That's the popular parlance.
It's known really illegal as a combine.
So we have these combines working in tandem right now, in conjunction.
It's called organized crime.
And we've got the walls closing in.
We say the walls close in, it's not like made-up Democrat talking points against Trump.
When I started saying the walls are closing in and the blood's in the water, I told you yesterday before, any of this was blood in the water.
Congressional hearings, House, Senate hearings, uploading it, FBI investigating.
It's all happening because she said, Congress will try to stop us.
They are not going to stop anything.
Like a supervillain bragging in a movie.
I'm going to flood the city and kill everybody and you won't stop me, Batman.
I mean, this is what criminals do.
It's why you see it in comic books.
It's a reflection of reality.
And now the archetypes are here.
They already lost $136 billion for their censorship this month.
They don't care!
They're zealots!
They wouldn't work with the Pentagon on AI.
They work with China!
So the die is cast, and Congress is slow to wake up.
This is $70 billion.
There was $136 billion just two weeks ago.
So it's grown since then.
That's an older article.
That's April, guys.
Click late May.
No, it was June.
It was the first week of June.
$136 billion lost in one day.
That's your headline.
I'll find it during the break.
You're doing a great job.
Click News.
You'll find it.
So let's finish up with Tucker Carlson.
We're going to tell you what's coming up, but this is history.
You may not be on Google.
You may not have a cell phone.
God bless you.
There it is.
Google, Facebook, Amazon falls $136 billion over Government Probe.
So it was all three of them together, but most of it was Google.
So good job finding that, guys.
That's Front Page Magazine.
Okay, let's go ahead now and go to the rest of Tucker Carlson pointing out most of the so-called conservatives have been bought and paid for.
Trump's really a populist.
That's why they're pissed.
Here it is.
The Kochs don't even bother to argue that these so-called reforms would help any law-abiding American in any way.
They just believe it's the right thing, the libertarian thing, to do.
So they're pushing for it.
On economics, meanwhile, you won't be surprised to learn that the Kochs hold views that bear no resemblance at all to what most Republican voters believe.
The Kochs have pushed for cuts to Social Security and Medicare, for example.
A vast majority of Americans are opposed to that.
Most Republicans are opposed to that.
Like almost everyone else, by the way, Republicans want lower drug prices.
Drugs are expensive and getting more so.
And yet the Kochs are working to kill a bill introduced by Senators Josh Hawley and Rick Scott that will prevent drug companies from charging Americans more than they charge the people of Canada or France.
That seems like a fair idea to most people.
The Kochs are preventing it from happening.
Then the Kochs helped draft the 2017 tax cut.
That turned out to be a far better deal for corporate America than it was for the American middle class.
A majority of Republicans support capping interest rates on credit cards and payday loans.
The Kochs think that idea is ridiculous.
In fact, some years ago, when David Koch ran for vice president as a libertarian, abolishing all usury laws was part of his platform.
Now, there's nothing surprising about any of this, or illegitimate.
It's what many rich liberals believe.
It's just not what most Republicans believe.
And that's a problem, given that the Kochs are the single most powerful figures in the Republican Party.
The Kochs don't seem interested in hearing you complain about that, or anything else, actually.
Remarkably, they have now joined the left-wing campaign against free speech in America.
Next month, the Charles Koch Institute will hold a summit with the Anti-Defamation League and executives from major tech companies, including Pinterest, Airbnb, Patreon, Mozilla.
The stated purpose of the meeting is to formulate, quote, best practices on the fight against hate and extremism online, end quote.
But you know exactly what that really means.
It means censorship of your views.
For the left, fighting extremism always entails crushing normal conservatives.
That's why Pinterest has censored live action.
It's why Patreon banned Milo Yiannopoulos.
It's why Mozilla drove out Brendan Eich for the crime of donating to the wrong political campaign.
Big tech has become a far greater threat to your freedom than the federal government.
The Kochs don't care about that.
Nothing Google does violates libertarian orthodoxy.
More to the point, the Kochs don't care about Republican voters or what happens to them.
Okay, that's fine.
No law requiring them to care.
But then, why are they running the Republican Party?
That's a question Republicans should start asking themselves.
Well, Tucker Carlson is amazing and he's a national treasure and he's going through a lot behind the scenes.
Antifa is a set to attack his house.
on July 4th. Literally they've got an army trying to shut down Trump's
celebration of America event and they intend to go over to his house and
attack it. And I'm gonna leave it at that. That story's up on newswars.com. We're
gonna break, come back with Robert Barnes for the next hour.
The man that wrote the US Biological Weapons Treaty and who's an expert
on war crimes.
Dr. Francis Boyle will join us to break down how smart it was that Trump did not strike Iran.
And then syndicated radio and TV host will be joining us after that to talk about some of the latest setups in the left financing extremist groups to demonize the mainline right wing.
That's Lee Stranahan coming up.
Robert Barnes on the other side.
Please don't forget Please don't forget that this is war.
We're delivering.
I told you this Veritas thing would have congressional hearings and would devastate them, and I can feel it spiritually, okay?
At a gut level.
I know when something's a winner.
If you get involved, if you share the links, if you call Talk Radio, if you keep this Project Veritas video alive, that's linked at InfoWars.com, if you get the link at the middle of DrugsReport.com, linked in red, media is ignoring this, we show what they're ignoring, if you humanly promote that, corporate media ignores that link right there, they're done.
This is them admitting their crime, still in the election.
And if you financially support us, and get great products you already need, whatever the highest rated water filter is, I go out and buy it in bulk, sell it at the lowest price.
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Whatever you do, take action now!
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But if you stand, they'll lose.
We're now entering the 10th round of this heavyweight boxing match.
We've got three rounds left, and we're winning!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the greatest show on earth, Clown World.
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A bunch of parasites, bitching and complaining, working for the Chi-Coms to overthrow America.
Join us next Wednesday and Thursday for Clown World, the biggest show on earth!
I'm not Alex Jones.
I'm P.T.
I love the Democrats.
Beto O'Rourke says the world's ending in 11 years and the borders should be open.
There's so many other clowns.
Cory Booker says pay reparations, even if 98% of whites didn't have ancestors that owned slaves.
And then we move on to Pocahontas.
She's whiter than anybody ever known in history, but it's okay.
She's a fraud.
And then Joe Biden.
Well, Joe Biden loves segregationists and Wants to put blacks in prison for three times the sentence of whites.
But hey, the Democratic Party loves the KKK!
And then Swallowswell!
He says, use nuclear weapons on gun owners that don't turn their weapons in!
Bernie Sanders says, it's white people, I don't know what it's like to be poor!
And you've got Buttigieg, oh what a king!
And of course Camilla Ellis, and so many others!
It's the greatest show on earth.
Join us this next Wednesday and this next Thursday for coverage of the Democratic Tonight's Debates, the greatest clown show on earth, at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Nobody introduces their radio show with the Duke of New York but me.
I'm a big connoisseur of 80s techno.
Or whatever you want to call it, synthesizer music.
Robert Barnes, good to have you back with us for next week.
Little Great American.
Most stations carry this, but some don't, so we'll kind of recap the next segment, but I have quite a full palette here, and I know you've got a lot you want to cover as well, but we have the left caught running all these false flags.
We've got leftists saying Trump raped him, but saying it's really sexy to get raped.
They seem to be going insane.
Smollett, they've released incredible video.
We'll play at the bottom of the hour of him and his get-up with the rope around his neck 45 minutes after he said the attack happened.
I mean, all of this.
Insanity is coming up.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer.
So much happening.
Like you said two weeks ago, three weeks ago, here in studio, $136 billion lost by big tech, led by Google in just one day over censorship.
They admitted to prospectus and to shareholders.
They said, no, it's our censorship, but we're willing to do it.
And their latest executive, we'll get to it next segment, the head of censorship, she says, we're willing to pay financially for this.
And then Sundar was interviewed by CNN.
No doubt about it.
and about people rejecting their smart cities.
You say, well, we don't care.
We have a long-term plan.
You will accept it.
So they've got some real institutional arrogance, which I kind of like, because pride goes before the fall.
No doubt about it.
It reminds me of you going after the Google CEO in Congress just several months ago up in Washington, DC.
So it's the-- Google is evil.
And in fact, Google is going to have more news next week.
Next week in Omaha, Nebraska, 20 attorney generals are meeting to discuss launching state antitrust
investigations against Google.
Many of them are on the Republican or the conservative or other side of the aisle,
so they're serious about it.
So the degree of investigations that they're going to be under,
anti-trust investigation from the United States. They're under ongoing
antitrust investigation from various European governments.
They'll now be under antitrust investigation from anywhere from between 12 and
20 different state attorney generals. There's people look, GAB and other
people are looking at filing antitrust suits against them civilly to sort of
piggyback on...
And the Supreme Court as you know ruled not just in Apple but they said in general big
tech's open season.
No doubt about it.
All the assumptions, not only that, Senator Hawley has two bills pending before the Senate.
One is to remove their Section 230 immunity unless they comply with First Amendment standards and stop censoring.
The second aspect is that he is also requiring them to disclose in detail the amount of private information they obtain and the monetary value of that information.
That's significant in the antitrust context.
Because the way Google got away with its monopolistic practices was pretending it was providing a free service, so that thus there was no consumer antitrust claim to be brought.
The point that Senator Hawley is making is that that's completely a fiction.
Because they're stealing all your data that's incredibly valuable.
Exactly, they're monetizing it.
The best example of this is if Google tried to use blockchain so that people could privately protect their own information whenever it was accessed along the line, then Google would immediately lose money and go bankrupt overnight.
So the myth... Well, it would be like if you raped someone and said, no money was exchanged, there's not an issue.
I mean, the reality is nothing about Big Tech is free.
Big Tech is very, very, very expensive.
And the expense is that it doesn't disclose to you... Is your soul.
You're giving it away on a routine and regular basis.
And because of that, that's why they're at the place that... And then it builds systems to screw you further.
Oh, precisely.
And not only that, Google has been manipulating its monopolistic power to not only do what it did with YouTube, which they never should have allowed the Google purchase of YouTube in the first place, but to use their combined power to control other, I mean, Google not only, people forget, Google owns Android.
So Google owns a large market share of cell phones, search engines, video engines, almost any mechanism of video content delivery, over 90% is Google owned.
And then Google uses Brainwashing cults to control their employees and does not allow any dissension.
Dissension is wearing a cross.
Today the Wall Street Journal disclosed the number one donor for Elizabeth Sanders, the number one donor for Bernie Sanders, coming up for the debates this week, Google employees.
So if they're actually serious about regulating Google, why are Google employees giving them their number one?
That's their operatives that want censorship.
That's their Trojan horse.
That's their Briar Patch.
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From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6 in Austin, Texas.
Transmitting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
That promo is about 10 years old.
And isn't it true today?
Globulous lies.
But we're not devastating life.
Unborn babies.
I've got articles where they're banning pro-life.
Just have a baby.
It's beautiful.
The symbol of a heart over the tummy.
The left didn't like it, so they're banning them on buses.
And Facebook is banning it.
How hateful.
Saying life's beautiful.
But I have articles up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com where famous pedophile writers that write about sex with children, because sex with children is illegal, but they write these sick novels, and those are legal.
Salivating over Desmond is amazing.
The little kid they bring to the pedo bars.
And one of my writers wrote an article about it for Newswars.com, and it got flooded with the left.
Saying, oh, Jones.
There's the headline.
Pedophile author says 11-year-old drag queen Desmond is hot.
We're getting far from just a celebration of gender diversity.
And on the InfoWars comments, it's spammed with, Jones, you're the one caught with child porn.
No, I'm the one sent child porn right after I got sued with hidden links.
That we couldn't find, and then once they subpoenaed it, they found it and put it in the news, and said, I sent it to Sandy Hook parents.
No, they were never sent it.
Their lawyers were sent it, hidden in emails, sent to me right after I got sued last year, and then they sued and scanned it to find the hidden links.
Oh, and the same law firm, I'm not saying they planted that.
The media's gotten that wrong.
But that same law firm had a transcript made for the court last week saying that I said, white Jew boy, Talking about their lawyers, when they got me sanctioned, the judge agreed.
She said, this is terrible.
And it turned out, we don't know where the transcript came from.
It was unsigned, just given to the court.
But we had two other court mainline groups that do it in Connecticut.
They all said, white shooboy, which means a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant from Yale or Harvard, typically lawyers, Who wear white shoes in their fraternities.
And they've had to retract that in Raw Story and a bunch of other publications.
The reason I reopened this hour before we get into net censorship, the web, the globalists want to censor us off the internet so we can't respond when they put out outrageous lies.
But imagine, they've confirmed, Coscoff and Coscoff, the most powerful firm in Connecticut, Democrats, former federal prosecutors appointed by Democrats, brought forward a transcript of unknown providence but Robert Barnes, Constitutional
lawyer, believes he knows who.
So we've caught him before and entered into the record for the national news.
Who says white shoe boy? The term's never been used. White shoe boy is known in the vernacular
in Connecticut, meaning elites from Yale, and is the different differential, not Jewish or Semitic,
but Anglo-Saxon.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
I mean, white shoes, old school country club, the kind of people that were anti-Semitic, uh, historically.
That, you know, your old sort of, uh, literally meant the sort of white shoe law firms that held themselves out as being prestigious, as being of a certain, uh, And isn't that a perfect inversion, though?
Oh, completely.
No one would ever say white Jew boy.
That's not a common phrase.
That doesn't make any sense.
Every single person who heard the broadcast, watched the broadcast, knew it meant white shoe.
And the Indian lawyer it was being discussed about is not Jewish at all.
I mean, none of it made any sense in terms of what the falsification of the transcript was.
And the people who try to run fake news stories knew that, corrected themselves quickly when they were called on the carpet for it.
So the question is, how did this fake transcript get into the court record?
Where did it come from?
Because later the law firms also corrected themselves.
Where did the child porn come from sent to our servers?
There's no question that there's an effort, an onslaught of people whose interest is outside of the legal environment.
This isn't necessarily the lawyers or the court actors or others, but there's been an effort in the press, there's been an effort by political adversaries to target you in a discriminant and disparate way.
There's no question that's the case.
There's no other way to describe it or define it.
You look at what's happened in terms of hacking attempts.
You look at what's happened in the bogus emails that were being sent.
You look at what happened in attempts to entrap, attempts to set up.
All of them fit a similar pattern of behavior.
And it's where the left is going these days.
Where they deliberately send false emails or false information or put false comments, fake comments on websites to try to make it look like the audience is threatening someone.
And by the way, they admit they're doing this.
Yeah, in fact, they brag about it.
I mean, that's where you see, Carl, you saw reporters who went after Tucker Carlson, you saw other reporters who've gone after Steven Crowder.
All of them brag about how they want to de-platform people.
Their goal is to de-platform people, and part of that de-platforming is defaming them.
Alright, exactly.
And the reason I brought myself up is, because I'm sick of hearing about it just like you are, the tricks are going to get dirtier, they're getting more desperate.
Now let's shift gears to the Big Enchilada.
I have so much world news to get to, a bunch of other guests coming on, but I'm so glad that Mr. Barnes is here, our Chief Legal Counsel, working on some of our counter-offenses that are being announced in the next few weeks.
It was the best defense is a good offense, but that'll be unveiled in the next week or so while he's in studio.
How do you quantify, recap how big this Google is?
Am I right, this is blood in the water, a Death Star being blown up level event?
You mean that as a political allegory, not literally?
That they've been caught with their head of censorship, saying screw Congress, we're gonna do it anyways, we'll stop Trump from being re-elected, we're censoring everyone because that's fair, using our well-earned terms, they lost 130-something billion, the other companies are hemorrhaging out.
But they can't stop.
Drudge's top link to it.
Fox News still not covering Project Veritas' Google bombshell.
That's linked to the DrudgeReport.com article, where Google has taken down the video showing their chief executive over censorship, admitting the censorship arrogantly.
I mean, as a guy that goes on the offense and the defense, as a defense lawyer and as a litigant, am I wrong saying this is a holy grail video for Project Veritas?
If it wasn't a Holy Grail video, Google wouldn't have censored it.
You wouldn't have Google removing it from YouTube after it had a million views in less than 24 hours.
You wouldn't have mainstream... And 99% likes.
And you wouldn't have mainstream media refusing to cover it.
You had New York Times reporters making embarrassing fools of themselves on social media yesterday, including on Twitter, exposing how little tech knowledge they had.
They're basically saying, oh, this couldn't be what this says it is, right?
And you had a bunch of software engineers responding... That's not an algorithm!
It's people going in and deleting and blocking things!
Precisely, it's manipulating the algorithm for the purposes of creating a fake news story.
Which, by the way, is its own form of libel.
Years ago, a major lawyer at Skadden Arps wrote a law review article, and they represent
and do a lot of work for Google, admitting that a potential source of Google's liability
would be if they were manipulating the algorithm to put people's names or impressions and create
a false light impression of various individuals.
That is precisely what James O'Keefe and Project Veritas documented in detail.
And this evidence is so compelling that the entire mainstream press has to pretend it
doesn't exist.
Because this discredits their entire operating system, and you've got all the other big tech is blocking.
Facebook and Twitter right now are working overtime, so is Apple, blocking this information.
It's real collusion.
It's big tech, big media collusion to enforce their economic and gatekeeping cartel on information and data in the social media public square of today.
So if you needed any further proof that this is the real collusion scandal, election meddling scandal of 2020, and was really the potential one of 2016, probably did happen in 2017 and 2018.
But it wasn't enough.
That's why they panicked.
And then they're accelerating it to new levels while denying that they're doing it.
While pretending that they're not doing it.
But now they're at least scared.
No doubt, because if they weren't scared they wouldn't be censoring the video.
If they weren't scared they wouldn't have requested their big media allies completely sit on this.
Oh, exactly.
when I first saw this yesterday morning, just at a gut level I smell blood. And now the
Streisand effect's totally kicked in, Congress is having hearings are announced, everyone's
posting it, they're still trying to censor it and play whack-a-mole when the lights are
all on. It's like cockroaches are on the table eating the cake, you turn the light on, they
just keep eating. Oh exactly. And the person who actually is the main whistleblower, accidental
whistleblower, because they're undercover videotape, has admitted that it's accurate.
Hasn't challenged or contested any aspect of what it said.
Yes, they caught me.
So they all know it's true.
They all know it's accurate.
That's right.
They said, you caught me, but I'm not powerful.
That was their excuse.
Their excuse was, don't really worry about it.
Yes, it's true, but it's not really, really true.
You know, it's a totally Orwellian world.
Oh my, folks, if you get the video out from DrudgeReport.com, if you share our article at DrudgeReport.com, it's over for Google.
InfoWars. The most banned network in the world.
What do you do to a 100% American company standing up for unborn, standing up for babies being killed after they're born, standing up against sexualization of children and pedophile drag queen story time for kids?
What do you do?
Well, we just saw in thousands of publications, we just saw how they strike back on it.
Well, and it's the same thing they always do with projection.
It really makes you wonder about them projecting child porn and pedophilic activity onto you, which you're totally innocent of.
It's totally proven in the documents, in the stories.
They just run with a fake headline.
But remember what happened in the 2016 election.
Hillary Clinton colluded with Russia, and then what'd they say?
Trump colluded with Russia.
So it really makes you wonder if they're not doing that same psychology to you right now, who've been talking about the underground pedophile rings for decades.
And again, we get hit with a fake Sandy Hook lawsuit.
Stuff we didn't do.
They're using the poor families.
And they want all our emails.
9.6 million since Sandy Hook.
We go, hey, how about just ones with Sandy Hook in them?
And a bunch of other search terms.
All the families.
All the names.
We don't even talk about them.
They search it all.
They go, we want your metadata.
We're like, what's that?
All the weird code.
So they find hidden links in there and go report to the FBI.
I got pissed about that.
And so what's their response?
Alex Jones sent Sandy Hook family's child porn.
No, I didn't send them.
People threatening us for covering Sandy Hook said we're going to get you because you cover Sandy Hook.
Sent us links that we didn't open.
That's like if somebody comes and puts child porn in your mailbox.
It's not your fault.
This is crazy, but they think just that term, they think you're so dumb that they're just gonna say the word, the term child porn.
Oh my God, we gotta run away from you!
Folks, nobody's buying it.
We're seeing our support surge, but that's good.
Because we gotta fight these people on every front, that's Well, and I just want the audience to understand how dire it is.
supplements, you are literally funding the second American Revolution against evil.
It's never been clearer, the fight between good and evil, and everybody I think is getting
Well, and I just want the audience to understand how dire it is.
I mean, we were just talking, how many cards do they have left to try to play against us
before they literally try to put a bullet in your head or just blow this place up with
like, I mean, who knows what these Antifa people around here are doing.
I hope they wouldn't get that violent.
Or maybe, you know, some spook CIA FBI wants to come through here and try to mess with us.
I know that you've dealt with that before.
We're not bitching and complaining.
We want a strong finish.
I think we're gonna continue on, but whatever.
We're going on into the frickin' night.
We're pedal to the metal.
It's that old saying of John Paul Jones, when the ship was sinking, fighting the British, they said, surrender.
And he said, I've only begun to fight.
We don't know how to give up.
And I feel good at a spiritual level, because the fact that the enemy has to play one of their ace of spades.
I agree, kill us, whatever.
That's the next one that makes us smarters.
It's not going to work.
They're losing, Owen.
Well, imagine, for me, it's like, as a news reporter, as a show host, I wanted to play for the best team, and that was InfoWars.
So that's like, let's say a young kid grows up trying to play baseball, and he wants to play for the New York Yankees.
But he finds out, uh-oh, someone's trying to destroy the Yankees.
The Mets are trying to destroy the Yankees, and they're lying about them, and the Yankees are in dire straits.
But that kid just wants to play for the Yankees.
He just got drafted, and he's just saying, fans, please support the Yankees.
Make sure that the Yankees are still here so you can go to the stadium and root for them, and I can play for them.
That's where we're at right now.
I want to play for InfoWars forever.
They're saying we're putting cyanide in the peanuts and hot dogs.
None of it's true, folks.
We're not the pedophiles.
We're the Patriots, and we're winning thanks to your support.
We have Save & For Special, 50% off, double Patriot points, storewide free shipping.
Double down, take action, and show these bastards we're not backing down.
God bless you all.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Your beady eyes, they can cut me in two and I just can't let you be.
But it's a free for all and a heartless end, you can't bet your life.
♪ My stakes are high and so am I ♪ ♪ In the air tonight ♪
Oh, great one.
The Motor City Madman made us in.
Okay, let's get serious.
I got me a radio and TV network.
It's a free-for-all.
Turns out Google isn't all powerful like they thought they were.
You've got the floor here.
Let's talk about how big this is, what's coming together, the congressional hearings.
You can smell that it blew up in their face.
All the other news, Toronto doesn't want their smart city where Google runs everything and takes control of your life.
People's instincts are kicking in.
Big tech's in trouble.
Trump says he's about to take action.
This is all perfect timing, what Veritas and others in this audience have done, and all the censorship we've witnessed.
How do you think, though, Google could strike back?
Because I smell victory.
I feel victory.
You agree.
But let's get into this.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer.
Well, there's no doubt.
I mean, Google's individual employees are already the leading contributors to Senator Sanders and Senator Warren, the supposedly anti-big tech Democratic candidates for president.
So you're already seeing their attempts to, they've already doubled and tripled their lobbying budget in Washington, D.C.
So they're already trying the traditional, conventional path of trying to use big money influence and big media connections to try to silence this dissident political effort, to hold them responsible and accountable, and bring them back to American standards of freedom in the democratic experiment in terms of antitrust litigation and investigation that is taking place at the federal level by the Department of Justice.
Also, the Federal Trade Commission, and now being taken by the state attorney generals across the country, who are organizing next week for the purposes of not only launching their own individual antitrust investigations, but to coordinate those investigations in the most effective and efficacious way.
You have other competitors of Google, as was leaked today in the Wall Street Journal.
that are going to private competitors, people like Gab who have been discriminated against by Google,
by Apple, by Twitter, by others, who are organizing and aggregating their information
with other economic competitors who have been shut out and suppressed and censored
or been unable to meaningfully compete because of the monopolistic efforts of Google and others
to leverage their monopolistic power, to increase their monopolistic market influence
in a wider range of areas from their Android control to their purchase of YouTube,
to their search market engine domination, to their creating their own Chrome browser
and trying to force feed people into it by the way they operate their app store.
All of this has been done to manipulate their monopolistic power to have control over people economically.
But now they're taking it a step further and try to control people's thoughts mindsets votes.
What news they can see... Their giant power grab went too far and you can see it's now collapsing.
People are shocked by it.
And so they are not only facing federal antitrust issues and facing state attorney generals launching their own independent investigative inquiries, but they're also seeing potential civil suits coming down that are going to be piggybacking off of those federal investigations.
And on top of that... And this is going to supercharge it.
Not only that, you're going to see, they also just lost, a couple of weeks ago, up in San Francisco, they lost a major class action case brought on behalf of James Damore and other people that are talking about Google's internal hiring practices and employment practices, discriminating against people based on ideological viewpoint and intellectual dissident thinking.
So they're facing a major class activism factor.
And all DeMore said is, should we let conservatives have freedom?
Exactly, that was it.
Just asking a question is not allowed.
And so now they have all of this risk from so many different angles that the last thing they're holding on to is they still have monopolistic influence over search engines and they've been maximizing their manipulation in that arena.
But that's very easy to prove.
In fact, that was one of my arguments yesterday with a New York Times reporter who was trying to deny or dispute the Project Veritas report.
I said, just do it for yourself.
Go to DuckDuckGo, go to Bing, and then go to Google and search in any politically controversial topic or personality.
And you'll see radically different things.
They can do it by just searching Alex Jones.
Search Alex Jones in DuckDuckGo or Bing.
It's going to be Infowars.com.
It's going to be one of the top ones.
There's going to be a mixture of positive and negative articles.
And there's going to be a lot of InfoWars links.
And if you go into Google's search engine, and by the way, this was caught a couple of weeks ago, because right after Google, the antitrust investigation news was announced.
For a couple of days, Google changed their algorithm to quit manipulating searches related to Alex Jones or InfoWars.
And it went back to the way of merit, we were all the top ones.
But then the ADL bitch, and the Southern Property Law Center bitch, and Media Matters bitch, they flipped it back.
And so now, the easiest proof is the Alex Jones search, but you can also search different things related to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, related to emails.
You'll get different things.
I mean, like right now, you'll search and it'll say, if you search, a man can get pregnant, whereas it'll search a woman can do man activities.
I mean, these are just wide-ranging social ideological manipulations.
And that's because nothing against men that think they're women.
I'm a libertarian at that point, but they admit the San Francisco deal, like half the executives are transvestites.
Or whatever you call it, transitional people.
I mean, it's a cult.
You know, I am wondering if it was a group that's one half of one percent or whatever, how it's the new ruling class.
Men that think they're women on women's hormones?
That's the new... Who would write a science fiction book like that with men with handbags, with private jet copters and, you know, have him executed.
And then just, but it's okay because you're like, oh, you have handbags.
I mean, who would make up a nightmare scenario like that?
It's very dystopian, and to a certain degree it's the old debate, the old Edmund Burke-ian debate between conservatism and liberalism, that when you tear down tradition, when you disregard conventional mores, that the effect of it is you obliterate mores and you end up with a guillotine culture or society like the French Revolution.
And the same thing can happen in terms of... That's it.
Men dress as women running giant guillotines.
Oh, yeah.
That actually happened in the French Revolution.
Yeah, aspects of it did.
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, sadism sort of... When the dudes start wearing dresses, prepare to die.
It's like, you know... Well, it's just once you restrain yourself, or you remove all those self-restraints, then what happens?
And it tends to unleash a wide range of... Well, what happens if I start wearing a dress?
Well, I think people would have a different reaction to it, but you never know.
I'm not used to that.
Yeah, it would be very different.
I mean, it would be Scottish, I guess.
A little bit Scottish, but... Well, that's kiltsworn, man.
I remember like a flower pattern.
Yeah, that would be a little different.
Garter belts.
Well, maybe the left would like you then.
You know, I actually was a biological woman.
You didn't believe I transitioned?
Yeah, no I did not.
Do I have a feminine frame?
Yeah, unfortunately no.
But I mean, due to the nature of it, I think that to a certain degree, the sort of the whole logic and ideology that they've sort of got caught up in, and the sort of cultish culture.
There's a recent study they've done where they've surveyed college-educated liberals versus college-educated conservatives and other groups, and what they find is the group in the whole country that has the least understanding of its political adversaries are college-educated liberals.
And it's because in the Google world, that's intensified times ten, they live in their own incredible echo chamber.
Where the execs make everyone come into these ample theaters and go, I'm a beautiful dragonette!
You're a beautiful dragonette!
I'm a beautiful ornate building!
And they're all wearing like propeller hats and stuff, and they're just going, ooooh!
I mean, it's total mental illness!
It's a world where for them that is normal, and going to church is totally abnormal and freakish.
I mean, it's the reason why Joe Biden continues to dominate the Democratic Party.
Don't they get people who are going to church thousands of years ago?
Because when they didn't, it would be like, let's sacrifice our kids.
Or let's cut our genitals off.
You know, the Aztecs did that.
Like, we've done this before.
It's like, what is the thing where, hey, I got an idea today.
Let me chop my cock off.
Oh, delay that.
I mean, I don't understand.
Yeah, it's a different mindset, different mentality.
Imagine sitting in your kitchen, you see a blender.
You think, let me stick my arm in that, see how that feels.
Don't do that, folks.
We'll be right back.
Actually, what if I... That's transable.
People chop their own arms and legs off.
It's very liberal.
We'll be right back.
Santa Ana told Travis, you know, we're gonna kill everybody if you don't give us quarter and give up.
And he said, well, no quarter given, none taken.
Victory or death.
And you know what that means, don't you?
Victory or death.
Death isn't the power of the devil.
Death is the power of the living.
We control death and life.
The devil pretends he controls death.
We control death.
Death to your system!
Death is ours!
We will death!
The living have strength, not the dead!
And then pledging yourself to death, if you need to.
Giving yourself up for others.
It's the evil, the devil worshippers that fear death, not us.
That's why they try to act like they own death, and they have death, and they're in charge.
No, you're not in charge of death.
It's us, the living, that have children.
And to have a child who should know they're gonna die someday, to give life to We bring life.
We bring death.
We are men.
We are women.
We are the humans.
We are the planet.
We are God's creation.
We are the future.
Not you!
So you fear death.
We do not fear death!
There's nothing more pro-life than men saying we're ready to die for life.
Committed to death for life.
Committed to go all the way.
We don't fear death!
We have the keys to hell and death!
We have the real power!
The real ownership of the planet!
We have the real providence!
We have been given the authority!
We have the contract!
We have the name!
We have the will!
We have the genetics!
We have the history!
We rule the planet!
Not Satan!
And Satan is about to be evicted!
Because we hold the keys through Christ to hell and death!
Announcing the greatest show on earth!
Reparations, free healthcare, free college, free homes, free money forever!
It's Cloud World 2019!
The Democratic Party's two-night extravaganza debate!
Let's meet the candidates!
Beto O'Rourke!
Oh my gosh!
Cory Booker!
The Amazing!
Joe Biden!
Swallow's Whale says he'll nuke gun owners!
Bernie Sanders!
Loves the Soviet Union!
Kamala Harris and so many more!
It's the greatest show on earth!
Head to polewars.com forward slash show with live coverage next week!
Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Marcos, thanks for holding her.
I really appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
What's your view?
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate you having me on.
First off, I wanted to thank you for the body.
You've been using it for a while, but I sent a bottle to my mom, and after taking it for a few days, she called me literally in tears, saying that she could see the knuckles on her fingers again, and, like, the bones in her knees again.
She was ecstatic.
So, personal thank you to you for that, because anybody who makes my mom's life a little bit easier has a special place in my heart.
Curry in India is powerful.
The average turmeric product is about 3-5%.
Ours is 95%.
The strongest curcuminoid out there.
So, Advil works great when I got twisted ankle.
This is nature's Advil to the next level.
So that's why Bodies is so incredible.
People should really check it out and support the InfoWars.
So thank you for giving us your testimony about your mother because Bodies is amazing.
Oh yeah, definitely.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, is riding shotgun with us.
We're a TV viewer.
You can see the amazing graphic our crew put together.
We have coming up this Wednesday and Thursday night, I believe that's already tomorrow night, 7 to past whenever central, one hour of live coverage before The Clown Show, The Democratic Party first presidential debate.
There's so many of them, they've got to split it into two nights.
And then Thursday, 7 p.m., then we'll have kind of mystery science theater.
Only during the long pauses or applauses will we have quick one-liners analysis.
But our crew, including Robert Barnes, will be with us.
We'll be writing notes.
And then as soon as it's over, we will give analysis and take an hour or so of phone calls.
So Clown World, greatest show on earth.
And I've told you, More and more, we're doing limited edition t-shirts.
Our newest one is Space Force 2020 Info Wars American Flag Edition.
And we're only going to sell that shirt until September, and then a new variant of it, it is a bestseller, will come out.
It'll be similar, but it'll still be a collector.
But some shirts we're going to sell will be sold with one run.
We're printing 5,000 of these.
Made and printed in America.
And when they're gone, they're gone.
That means whatever sizes we get, we have.
We'll have large, extra large, and...
Double large and we'll have some smalls as well.
We're also going to come up with some children's shirts as well with some of the future products.
But it's clownworldinfowars.com on the front with the image of the planet with a clown.
Very popular.
And then on the back of it, it has all the candidates like it is a concert t-shirt.
Brought to you by infowars.com.
Clown World 2020.
Now there's only 5,000 of these that we're going to be able to sell.
And I think that's the number we'll sell in the next week.
So if you want it, it's being printed right now in America.
But in Pennsylvania, it's where one of our best manufacturers is.
It's being printed right now.
It'll get here in about a week.
It'll ship out, take about two weeks for delivery.
It's custom.
It's designer.
It is collector.
Don't miss out on Clown World from Infowars.com on the front.
It's a very nice shirt.
And that's the graphic design of it.
The actual one's a little bit bigger.
The Clown World will be a little bit bigger.
And then Clown World 2020 on the back.
This is one you really want.
Collector's item.
And it funds the Information War.
A one-off Clown World shirt.
Ships in two weeks.
So thank you all for the support.
Definitely a shirt you want, I predict.
It's going to sell very quickly.
They'll have some other variant of it, but it won't be the Collector Concert Edition.
Here's a little promo that was cut for it.
Welcome to the greatest show on earth!
It's Clown World 2020!
To commemorate this exciting event, we're bringing you the ultra limited edition Clown World t-shirt.
This is the perfect way to not only wake people up to the clowns that we're living in, but to also help fund The Info War.
What a time to be alive!
20 Democratic Clown Candidates debating against themselves to find out who will be crowned Top Clown!
Get your Ultra Limited Edition Clown World T-Shirts today during our Clown World broadcast of the Democratic Debates.
Now don't miss out, because when these are gone, they're gone for good.
Show the Democratic Candidates exactly what clowns they truly are.
Now let's be clear, that's another thing I forgot to tell you.
We're going to crown, we're going to have votes each night on InfoWars.com, where you can vote who you think the top clown is.
We're going to integrate these together, and then I, the ringmaster, with the rest of the crew, we will decide who the top clown is.
There will be another limited edition shirt, but only 1,000 of it will be made.
King Clown.
So, there's going to be a King Clown shirt.
Robert Barnes, are you excited about this?
Oh yeah, it'll be a lot of fun.
I mean, it's always interesting to watch the debates.
I mean, I watch it from a sort of multiple perspective.
I also watch it from a betting perspective.
So like, 2016 was fantastic.
So like before every debate you would sell Trump because the media would come out and say he did terrible, terrible in the debate and then you'd get a discounted value, you'd buy him right away because when the polls came out it would show Trump did great in the debate.
And so it was like easy money, it was like 24 hour easy cash, you could make 20% profit in just a day's turnover.
And so I watch the democratic process not only from a sort of an idea, what ideas are getting popular, what ideas are starting to circulate, what ideas resonate, who does well on the stage, who has certain sort of skill and stamina, but also looking at how the press is going to spin it and how the public is going to react to it from a political betting market perspective.
So slightly different from an overall political perspective because it incorporates a different component to it.
But this year, for example, will be the largest trading markets and betting markets surrounding Democratic presidential debates in political betting history.
By the way, Esquire, all of them say, Politico say, you're the biggest political gambler in the world.
Yeah, I've had the most success of any American political gambler.
Most successful?
Yeah, most successful, by far.
And 2016 was particularly nice.
But all of 2016 was great.
I mean, you had Brexit.
Didn't you make like $300,000 just in Ireland on Trump?
Just in Ireland, just on the November election.
So I made a lot of money before that on Brexit, made a lot of money before that on Trump during the primaries, which was fantastic.
So I think you're going to see, it'll be interesting to watch, they really need to take out Biden over the next two days.
Because Biden has almost an impregnable wall amongst older African Americans.
Well sure, also though, they're just giving him all the polls.
But let's talk about that.
And I don't just say this to say it.
He's like a toy that's wound down, the battery's out.
He's like... I mean, he's looking worse than Hillary did.
Do you agree with that, A?
Get into the strategy, you know, picking, you know, top, here's the headline, top sports, most successful, most successful political better breaks down the 2020 Democratic field.
So why does he have to go and then who's the leader?
Kamala Harris, what do you say?
The no Democratic candidate has won the presidential nomination without being the lead candidate of African American voters in the Democratic primary process since 1980, since 1992.
So, in fact, if you factor out the two times Jesse ran, basically the leading candidate amongst African-American voters has won the Democratic nomination every single time since 1976.
So that's how strong the Democratic nomination process is amongst the African-American vote.
And the leading African-American voter is an African-American woman over 45 who goes to church, often in southern and rural areas.
This is not the social media version of race reparations politics.
Many of them are conservative in terms of their cultural and social values.
They're sort of populist in their economic instincts and impulses.
And right now, Biden is living off of living in the shadow of Barack Obama.
So like right now, like in the old days, they used to say African Americans in the 1920s, if you went to their home, there was a picture of Jesus and right next to it was a picture of Abraham Lincoln.
By the 1980s, that was Jesus and Martin Luther King.
Today, frankly, it's Jesus and Barack Obama.
And as long as Joe Biden can live in the shadow of Barack Obama, he's going to be the next Democratic nominee.
That's why all of the other candidates in Politico had a big article about today.
All the Democrats are nervous.
All the big wigs, all the big money folks, all the anti-Trump folks are nervous because they're afraid the debates are going to expose all the Democratic candidates as they cannibalize one another and then they're seeking power for themselves.
And they have to cannibalize Joe Biden.
And they're all going to go way left.
That's supposed to be clown world.
Exactly, that's why they have no choice.
They have to go way left, number one, and at the same time find a way to take out Joe Biden.
Because right now Bernie Sanders is in the low double digits, so is Elizabeth Warren.
Everybody else is in the single digits.
Only Biden... So what happens?
We probably end up with Biden and then he's... Do you agree his batteries are running low?
I think if you're Donald Trump, you want Joe Biden to be your nominee.
I don't think there's any Democrat you really worry about.
Someone like Tulsi Gabbard would be unique, but there's no chance the Democratic Party is ever going to allow her to get elected.
So right now you're calling, unless he has a stroke or something, Sleepy Joe and Wild Donnie?
Yeah, exactly.
It's going to be Sleepy Creepy Joe against Donald Trump.
And for Trump, that's a godsend.
So for all of the things people can criticize... Sleepy Creepy!
That's kind of the name of the king of the clowns.
I think we already kind of know the winner.
Sleepy Creepy.
Hi, kids.
It's Sleepy Creepy.
Well, if you see the image... Let me touch it, huh?
He looks like the Joker behind us.
I mean, he looks the most naturally and natively like the Joker.
He does.
Look at him.
Can we zoom in on him?
You're also going to have a unique... Hi, kids.
You're going to have a unique dynamic in that there's actually, they're setting up betting odds on whether or not what President Trump will tweet because he's going to live tweet the Democratic debates as well.
By the way, whoever did this great graphic in our crew knew that he was a joker.
He's purple!
Oh yeah, exactly.
Everything about it, he looks it, he fits it.
I mean, when I was a, there's a lot of history of Joe Biden's corruption.
Gosh, look at Cory Booker though.
He looks like a psychotic.
Well, I mean, the amazing thing is, in fact, Congressman Clyburn, who's from South Carolina, commented on this.
Neither African American candidate, Kamala Harris or Cory Booker, has made any real head roads in the African American community.
Alright, we come back, let's get back to where we were.
The fall of the House of Google.
What will it look like?
Because we take them out.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not going to just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
Facebook and Instagram banned conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
I am now completely banned.
Now InfoWars, of course, is that web show and website led by rageaholic Alex Jones.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
These people aren't terrifying or anything.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
These are very extreme individuals and no matter what anyone tells you, they are extremists and that's why Facebook decided to get rid of them.
Basically, they deem these individuals to be dangerous, is what Facebook is saying.
Those individuals include people like right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
Organizations like Media Matters have pointed out consistently how Alex Jones and other InfoWars pages have just simply circumvented any ban by starting a different account or going on Instagram.
If you don't like someone on Facebook, don't follow them.
It's not that hard to figure out.
Facebook, are you gonna do something about the liberals who call me the N-word?
No, because Big Tech is only interested in going after conservatives.
You know, the really dangerous ones.
Dangerous as in saying things that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like.
President Trump retweeted Paul Joseph Watson twice and a brief video by InfoWars' Millie Weaver.
Social media's hall monitor, Frank Stelter, was not very happy about it.
He is promoting the same alternative universe as InfoWars.
Back to your point, though, about the InfoWars presidency, I want to know, and I tweeted this the other day, what is the difference, right at this point, between Trump's Twitter feed and InfoWars.com?
InfoWars content is useful to him.
InfoWars personalities align with him.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
Don't worry.
These people aren't terrifying or anything.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Get your motor running.
Head out on the highway.
Looking for adventure.
And whatever comes our way Yeah, darling, go make it happen
Take the world in a loving place Fire all of the guns and bombs and
Explode into space I like smoking lightening.
Heavy metal thunder.
Racing with the wind.
And the feeling that I'm...
Alright, there's a lot of bad stuff happening in the world.
But it does seem humanity is starting to awaken.
But the left is only going more crazy.
We didn't get to the Jesse Smollett stuff.
We didn't get to Trump rape accuser says rape is sexy and gave earlier interviews that she's obsessed with rape and being raped.
And she has no proof that she ever even met Donald Trump.
So I want to cover all that with you towards the end of this segment.
The next segment ahead of our next guest.
You're welcome to ride shotgun or get back to the work you're doing for us here.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer.
But recapping.
I don't sit up here and say something's devastating the establishment, unless it really is devastating.
They're constantly saying, again, walls are closing in, we're all screwed, Trump's not going to win, Alex Jones is going to be off the air.
All this garbage that isn't true, but they're trying to make us believe it so we just lay down our weapons politically and walk away.
But I don't see how Google, after all the testimonies and all the lies and all the arrogance and all the times they've been caught, now to have the head person over Google's program of censorship, describing how censorship is this Orwellian name, and then now they're saying, well, she did say it, but she's not really that important, even though she's the head of the program.
And then now Sundar's smart cities are in trouble.
And everyone's going, man, this is toxic.
Why do we let this in our home?
Why don't we just let them do whatever they want?
Especially when, not just libertarians or Christians or conservatives, but just competent people have all experienced censorship, because the control is so great now.
And once someone gets censored, and gets told they haven't been censored, it hardens them.
It makes them then, instead of being passive and asleep, go into a mode of being awakened.
How would you quantify this development?
It's a major breakthrough because it's the first time we've had inside information that confirms what everybody is
seeing and witnessing and experiencing.
So people already knew from their experience that Google was censoring, that Google was controlling, that Google was
manipulating, that Google wanted to control people's ideas and thoughts
by how they saw information, when they saw information, how that information was ranked on algorithms, whether the
YouTube videos were recommended or not.
So you have people like Lauren Chan yesterday go through the details of the same details that Dave Rubin had also found in research that he'd been doing over the last several months, where they saw through their own website and their own YouTube videos were suddenly no longer being recommended on a systematic and systemic basis.
So, we've all seen that, but that's what you would call indirect evidence, sort of circumstantial evidence.
What James O'Keefe and Project Veritas documented was intent evidence.
Words from their own mouths, on videotape, on a 25-minute videotape.
This is the stuff that we always hear about.
Manslaughter, murder, capital murder is when they have the videotape of the logs where the three people get together and describe how they're going to kidnap him, how they're going to torture him to death, how they're going to find the gold, how they're going to kill him, how they're going to bury it, what the alibis are.
The premeditation gets you capital one or executed.
It's the motive and the method.
And this individual on this videotape discloses both.
She goes through the motive, the motive being to never let 2016 happen again.
Never let Donald Trump or the populist movement succeed ever again.
Never allow any part of that movement to have success in the world of ideas or the world of elections.
And then she goes into how we're going to do it.
The method.
And the method is the details.
It's really like having a killer explain why he wanted to kill someone, what his motive was to kill them, and the method and means by which he was going to go about killing them.
Then I took her and I chopped her up.
It's the detail.
I'm going to do this, and then I'm going to do this, and then I'm going to do this.
And everybody's witness that actually happens.
And then we have the commission.
Then they carry it out.
And we've seen it.
We've seen the evidence.
This isn't a plan they just hatched and didn't execute.
We've already seen the dead bodies everywhere.
We've seen the corpses.
We've seen the cut-up corpses of what they've done.
And here they describe... You've seen Infowars being fed through a wood chipper.
And Sundard lied to us.
We never affect any search.
We never look at the computer to lie.
Well, you had Media Matters bragging about it.
And in fact, Media Matters now is targeting Caitlin Bennett.
Media Matters is now targeting You question the smile of Sundar?
In the smile of Sundar.
It's that mindset, it's that mentality.
And they're so used to winning, so used to prevailing, so used to dominating, they don't
know what failure looks like.
And because they live in an echo chamber world, now they're facing class action lawsuits brought
by Harmeet Dhillon and Sanford Stokes.
Can we roll some of Sundar with the praying mantis, dude?
Just in the background, a little bit of Sundar with the praying mantis person.
Sorry, go ahead.
Oh yeah, well yesterday your video of going around after him in D.C.
in the Capitol Hill was getting viral on various social media platforms because people realized what you were talking about then has now come to fruition for everybody to witness.
They can no longer call it a conspiracy theory when the person on tape is describing the motive of the conspiracy, the means of the conspiracy, and the whole world can see the consequences of that conspiracy in action.
Nobody can even claim it anymore, so the ability to to have that illusion.
We couldn't tell whether it was a he or a she.
Pat, yeah.
That's Pat from Saturday Night Live.
Really good.
You know, Pat's become a journalist now.
It's the new brave world.
When I originally saw this, I didn't see the Axios part.
I thought it was a prank video.
That's what everybody else thought.
I was like, no way.
Son of Arkham barely stopped laughing.
Yeah, exactly.
But I mean, it's very much like a Bond villain.
All these big tech billionaires are Bond villain-esque in their complete disconnect from the real world.
Like that one who raised the fake money to create the DNA testing and is now a Theranos, I believe it was called.
The big documentary on now facing big federal criminal prosecution.
Completely under the illusion that that would never happen because of her political connections.
Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, other people like that who are promoting But all that power is being swept away by the desire of populism in the hearts of humanity for every race, color, and creed.
Since we raised this, if you're a TV viewer, you can see it.
Radio listeners will describe it.
And Derek wants to talk about his cousin that's going to a college and what happened there.
He's now identifying as an Apache attack helicopter as his sexual orientation.
And so here we go.
It's an image of all these genders.
That's a small group of the new genders.
There's over 50 that Facebook recognizes, over 500 total, but the genders are male and female.
They're on the left-hand side, but as you go through the groups of them, there's all the mental disorders, like trans-abled, you know, blinding yourself with bleach and or the rest of it.
But there's even stuff where if you're Native American, And you're trans.
Well, you're something else as well.
So it's up to 500 of these now, Robert Barnes.
And again, I literally am not against mentally ill people.
If someone's a libertarian and a man really wants to do this themselves, that's different.
But just don't make it the center of the universe that we all have to abide by.
If we want to say it's a mental illness to chop your genitals off or pour bleach in your eyes, that's our right to do it.
It's certainly our right.
But places like Connecticut are now Legalizing kids having their genitals cut off, and we've got to pay for it.
I think that's very immoral.
Oh, and it's very dangerous.
I mean, when you had the Canadian judge allow certain things to happen over parental objection, that's a dangerous, but you had the UK case recently, that fortunately was overturned, but originally the judge was going to require, force someone to have an abortion, who didn't want to have an abortion, simply because of, didn't like her mental state, which goes back to the...
Forced sterilization ideas.
Exactly, eugenics, which the American eugenics was amongst the economic and political elite of America was who the Nazis cited as the foundation of their ideas.
Let's put back on screen this scientific chart.
Because they say there's only 100,000 genders.
We say scientifically there's only two.
That's a fact.
So there's our scientific chart.
I want to bring in Derek here.
Derek, you were telling me about some of your family that's going to college and they officially identify on their college card as an attack helicopter.
Go ahead.
Well, it's actually one of my friends, and he works for this... Oh, I misunderstood you.
It's one of your friends.
He works for this major university on the East Coast.
I don't know if I'm really at liberty to say... Well, he might get in trouble.
We're not discriminating against attack helicopters.
No, definitely not.
That's a whole sexual movement that's identified if you like to have sexual machines.
Precisely, and if you have a mental disorder like you need to address that like it's getting pretty out of hand But anyways, this microphone is looking pretty good.
Yeah But anyways on his bio for his work it has like a little spot to Place what gender pronouns you want to be referred to as.
And on his it says, Apache, Apachim, Apaches, and then I don't know if you can zoom in on this or what, but it has a little attack helicopter right next to it.
It's just absurd.
These are grown... Wait, why are you being hateful to people that are attack helicopters?
It's a mental illness, Alex.
It needs to be addressed.
How do we stop this?
I don't know.
Have you ever been close to an attack helicopter?
Pretty sexy.
What do you think?
It's biology denialism.
Are you saying an attack helicopter can't have a baby?
Probably not.
Oh, that's like saying men can't.
Wow, Robert Barnes put his foot in it.
Yeah, show us what your buddy sent you.
We'll be back with hour number three, InfoWars.com.
dot com dot com dot com so he's left out
but there's good news [MUSIC PLAYING]
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
So, what would you call the psychological weirdness or the psychological weirdness of the New World Order?
So, what would you call the psychological weirdness, Robert Barnes, as a smart lawyer that the Democrats are going
Jesse Smollett obviously staged the attack on himself.
It was cartoonish.
The system isn't prosecuting him to protect him, but still everybody knows the Covington kids being set up.
Now Trump rape accuser says rape is sexy.
I want to play that first.
During bizarre CNN meltdown, it turns out years ago she fetishizes rape.
What is this thing where police seem to admit it turns out half of rape allegations are fake, 90 plus percent of hate crimes are fake, which then protects really the bad guys.
What's happening here?
Well, with the rape accusations, just as rape is a crime of power, the accusation is a means and tool of power.
So you're always going to have some risk that people, for whatever reason, will make up a false accusation of a crime against somebody.
And it is a particular kind of crime that often does not have, or doesn't necessarily have, documented physical evidence if it's not reported until years after the fact.
So what you have here is someone who honestly had sort of crazy eyes, and Anderson Cooper's interviewing her, and Anderson Cooper's clearly unsettled by her mindset, by her words, by her vocabulary, by her behavior.
Feels deeply uncomfortable, tries to edit out and cut off the interview at key junctures where she's embarrassing herself in a wide range of ways.
As soon as this, anybody who has, I've done a lot of cases representing victims of domestic abuse, victims of sexual assault.
There are certain patterns in abusers.
And Donald Trump doesn't have any of those patterns.
If anything, if Donald Trump might have run into issues, it would be with adultery allegations.
It's not going to be with abuse allegations.
Well, by the way, I know some of the women he's dated, and people that know him well, they say Trump is super nice to women, puts them on a pedestal, but if they're rude or mess with him a couple of times, he's done.
But it's like he's so nice to women it's ridiculous.
Oh yeah, he's a mama's boy at heart.
I mean you can tell if you've ever seen interviews with his mother, there's a very caring relationship
between the two of them.
And if anything, maybe he was a little bit spoiled, some might say, by his mom.
So he comes, those kind of personalities, they walk into the room and believe, you know,
for whatever their cause, whether it's good or not, they think every woman in the room
loves them.
They have no question about it, they don't doubt it, they don't second guess it, they
don't challenge that.
So nothing about Trump's pattern of behavior, his psychology, his profile, fit at all any
of these crazy allegations of abuse and assault.
They were clearly manufactured.
What does the rapist, serial rapist fit in?
Because I don't even imagine making a woman have sex with me.
The whole point is they want it.
That's what's exciting.
What kind of person wants to rape?
They're people that have usually had sort of, not only rejecting, they've had no positive parental presence of any kind, parent or grandparent, uncle, aunt, community person, whatever.
And usually they've been violated by somebody close to them and usually by the parent of the opposite gender.
So you see that repeatedly.
You know, the common pattern you'll find, and you won't find any rapists that have happy family lives.
If you hear that, they're lying about their family.
Like Bill Clinton, broken family, mother was a prostitute, never home.
Correct, exactly.
And you have someone who feels abused, who feels violated, who feels his space is shooted apart.
His dad's totally engaged, mother totally engaged.
Yeah, completely.
I mean, everything about that.
You look at Trump's kids.
I mean, how many people do you know that are billionaires, that have been highly successful, that are in the public eye, that have a high-profile divorce, no less, with their mother, have kids that are basically pretty as normal as possible?
And usually you never see the kids with billionaires.
Oh, exactly.
They're everywhere.
I mean, here they're out in public eye in a major way with no major problems.
That does not happen by accident.
Anyone who's ever raised kids knows that doesn't happen by accident.
That's somebody telling you you're great when you're great and you're bad when you're bad.
And someone who's come up with a protective but disciplined environment that did not either over-reward them or under-reward them for their behavior.
And so they're very normal kids, very well-adjusted individuals as a whole, particularly given the culture and society and economic privileges.
But then meanwhile, do we have it queued up to her saying how great rape is?
Here it is.
Yes, she said it.
I was not thrown on the ground and ravished.
The word rape carries so many sexual connotations.
This was not sexual.
It hurt.
I think most people think of rape as a violent assault.
I think most people think of rape as being sexy.
Not in my planet, you lunatic!
I mean, just look at those eyes.
That is a loon ball.
Great job, Robert.
We'll talk to you soon.
Coming up, special guest.
Yes. Info.
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Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Had me arrested and killed.
Have me arrested and killed. Guaranteed.
I am here because there is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big
tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
Infowars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
You know Google is helping China with Dragonfly, and you know that they're helping censor, and you know, you know that you've sold this country out, and you won't even help the Pentagon, you'll help the CHICOMS.
You bet on the wrong country, Sundar!
We're aware of his lying to Congress, we're aware of him and the Dragonfly project, that's already been operational for years inside the Chinese government, now it's just being rolled out to the general public.
You're engaged in treason!
You've had Google executives lie to Congress that you're not censoring conservatives!
The big tech companies and the head of Apple admit that they met with Senator Warner, who's running this whole thing, to begin shutting down conservatives or the Democrats threatened to federalize big tech if they did not basically roll over to them.
I know we had Alex Jones in the room earlier promoting conspiracy theories.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutch, are a liar and a fraud.
Google is evil!
Twitter is planning to permanently suspend Alex Jones' personal account at InfoWars.
This comes after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was on Capitol Hill yesterday speaking with lawmakers.
Twitter gives Alex Jones the boot.
The social networking site permanently banning he and his media company, InfoWars.
I appreciate the First Amendment, but I have a right to face my accusers, Jack.
They're lying about me and they're trying to de-platform me.
26 companies working in concert violating the Sherman Antitrust Act.
And now, Senator Warner and Senator Wyden have said, quote, there's thousands of sites worse than Alex Jones.
So, we're becoming like Cuba, we're becoming like Vietnam, we're becoming like China.
So regardless of what people think about me or the straw men, should I have a First Amendment or should these companies be able to violate the whole Safe Harbor Act and all that and then ban conservatives en masse?
Yeah, I don't know anything about your site, man.
To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
Our interview was cut short because he was confronted by Alex Jones of InfoWars right here in the hallway.
That's weird, man.
Oh yeah, it's really weird.
There's no purge of conservatives?
There's no shadow banning?
I'm concerned about bias in social media.
Yeah, who's this guy?
We deployed for him.
I'm concerned about bias in social media.
Well, I think the bigger bias is against freedom of expression.
Everybody should be... There's a... Look, I support going after... It's happening here, but you say it don't exist.
Is that a heckler or a Francis guy?
Well Professor Francis J. Boyle, I won't go over his whole bio.
I'll take up the 20 minutes we have.
He's been coming on the show more than 15, 16 years.
He has helped write major U.S.
treaties, biological weapons, he's a best-selling author on geopolitical developments and events, and he also delivered the Bertrand Russell Peace Lectures.
He went to the same PhD that only has one or two people go through it a year at Harvard that Kissinger went through.
He was meant to be one of them, but he was obviously there as a rebel against that, and he wrote An article or a paper days before it happened advising Trump not to attack Iran preemptively.
That would be a war crime.
And Tucker Carlson, I know, and others talked to the President daily and convinced him not to do it.
And I've confirmed that directly talking to Tucker.
But Trump unleashes on Bolton.
We'd be fighting the whole world at one time.
That's up on NewsWars.com.
So I'm no fan of Iran, folks.
But the point is the neocons, as I've said, I'm no fan of Venezuela.
But we're being lured into something to set the president up.
And I think Trump gets that.
The question is, why in hell is Bolton in there?
And who would somebody like Francis Boyle Advise that Trump should have advising.
Trump's instincts are right to make peace with Russia.
His instincts are right to try to make peace with Iran and to get out of this strategy of tension, have a strategy of peace.
But we'll get Mr. Boyle's take on why the establishment is so upset at Trump and his inside baseball take on what's currently happening as he takes off his lunch break as a professor.
Thanks for joining us.
Good to have you on.
Well, thanks for having me on, Alex.
I'm glad the two of us were not censored off here.
Well, we're still on a few hundred radio stations and still on our own platform, but they've censored us pretty much everywhere else.
Right, I know, and I can't understand why they censored your colleague there, Mr. Knight.
I've given him several interviews.
He's a very low-key type guy.
He's a very calm, professorly person, isn't he?
And he had 9 million subscribers on iTunes.
That's where he had more than I did.
And they just banned him.
Isn't that horrible?
It is.
And they're doing, in fairness, they're doing the same thing to the left, too.
I know I sent a little note there to Mr. Knight when I heard he had heart surgery and wishing him well.
Well, he's back.
He's doing good.
So, I mean, how would you quantify the geopolitical point we're at right now, Professor?
Well, following Mr. Trump from the beginning, I think you're right that his pronounced instincts have been correct.
But right now he has what could only be said, you know, these highly ideological neoconservative warmongers like Bolton and Pompeo giving him advice.
And I'm not here to, you know, criticize President Trump for this.
He was a businessman.
Uh, making a fortune.
Professor, we're not a cult.
Criticize Trump all you want.
I agree with your call to impeach people like Bolton before they start World War III because this will derail our recovery.
It could start a larger war.
So just go right at it, what you think is really happening here.
Well, I think Trump should immediately fire Bolton and also Pompeo and get rid of both of them.
They were encouraging him to attack Iran, which would have set off a massive war between our two countries.
Also, Bolton on Pompeo sabotaged that Hanoi agreement That President Trump was about to conclude with Kim Jong-un over North Korea and the denuclearization of nuclear weapons.
And you said that at the time last year.
That's now been confirmed that they did sabotage it.
They sabotaged.
I mean, that agreement was there.
And certainly, well, I mean, all this about my age, Yale Law School, OK.
Pompeo behind me at Harvard Law School.
Certainly, they knew that when they sabotaged that in Hanoi, that was done deliberately to cause grave loss of face for Kim Jong-un.
What do you think the thinking was to bring in, because you could say Pompeo wasn't as bad, but now he's shown himself to be in line with neocons, Bolton.
I mean, I get having your enemies close, but Bolton, I wouldn't trust Bolton as far as I could throw him.
Well, that's right.
I think you and I discussed this before with respect to Bolton, but all the reports were that Bolton was the bootlicker of Sheldon Adelson.
Adelson is a big contributor and supporter for the Republican Party and President Trump, and that's who got him the job.
Which, by the way, no Koch brother money, no Wall Street money.
You're right.
Adelson reportedly put in $100 million.
Yeah, it was a large amount of money.
So, Bolton's position there was bought and paid for by Adelson.
And I think President Trump needs to fire him and Pompeo immediately.
Let me ask Adelson this.
I'm not against Israel existing.
But what does Adelson think is going to happen when we attack Iran?
They're going to attack Israel.
That is correct, Alex.
As a matter of fact, last week, Israel had massive war maneuvers right there on the border with Lebanon, clearly anticipating an attack on Iran that would then blow up with Hezbollah attacking them, and they've got maybe 20,000 missiles there.
So, yeah, if President Trump had followed the advice of Pompeo and Bolton and also bloody Gina Haspel of the CIA.
We'd be at war with Iran right now.
Massive war.
The whole Middle East would have blown up all the way from Turkey and Lebanon down through Israel to the boot of the Saudi Peninsula.
There's no question about it.
And massive loss of life on all sides.
So fortunately, the president at the last minute, I think, realized this.
Well, stay there.
Let's talk about, Professor, why you think you realize that, and you've been a top advisor on these treaties, what you think Trump should do.
Moonraker, Zardoz, Logan's Run, so many movies back in the 70s and 80s, so many science fiction books about world government run by a group of scientists who want to reduce world population by 99%.
Now, Moonraker was written back in the 1960s by Ian Fleming.
They've been high-level OSS and then MI6 when they founded that in British intelligence.
Now you've seen the Kingsman, where you've got a rich group of billionaires that are going to send a code frequency over cell phones that are going to make people become violent, irritable, and start killing each other.
I don't know if aliens are running this, but the way the technologies are coming out so fast
in a lot of it, doesn't look human made.
The way the government's so secretive and compartmentalized, the way the US seems to develop it all first,
then dole it out.
And what all the technology does is poison us, sterilize us, and make us stupid.
All the Trojan horses are Pavlovianly training us, conditioning us, ending our human relationships,
and making people irritable and aggressive in thousands of studies on smartphones,
TVs, and flicker rates.
Let's cut right to the chase here.
I don't know if Trump knows this, but the establishment knows, and they have laid out a grid worldwide of systems.
that don't just track the Internet of Things, that don't just surveil everything you do,
but that patently kill you, give you cancer, and they can manipulate and throttle the frequencies in 5G
that's going to be every 300 or 400 yards, where they can rattle the DNA
and literally split it apart, causing cancer.
They can give you cancer in these studies in a few days of being in proximity to one of these 5G
that's turned to an oscillation where it goes up to a certain frequency and back down,
back and forth very quickly, it breaks DNA.
And they have studies, DARPA did studies on these as weapons.
Those are declassified in the '70s, where you hit troops with it, they don't know what's
happening, they get nauseous, they get irritable,
and then they basically die in about a month from cancers all over the body.
The government is putting in microwave cancer systems to literally fry you.
The cover story is that it is for communications and super fast downloads.
It has nothing to do with that.
I'm gonna go further.
Our government wants to put in 5G to be able to spy on us, monitor us, track us, control us, but also change our behavior or even kill us.
Now our government shouldn't have that power.
And ladies and gentlemen, they don't want to tell you.
They don't want you to know.
They don't want you to be aware of it.
But let me tell you something about radiation.
There's lots of different types of it.
This stuff goes right through you.
It goes right through walls.
It's ultra-fast.
And it's at the exact frequency to rattle DNA.
Breaks your DNA.
That means cancer.
So here's some of the articles.
In closing, it's the old parable of the vampire.
Big wireless doesn't want you to know.
5G services is coming, and so are health concerns.
Over the towers that support it, a switch to 5G may be bad for the environment.
Newsweek even admits it.
Plan for 5G cell phone towers raises health concerns.
The rollout of 5G wireless services is a massive health experiment.
Daily Mail.
Rypon's cell tower to be removed from school grounds.
Mothers of cancer survivors share feelings of relief.
And all the kids that are dead and dying.
In closing, it's the old parable of the vampire.
Vampires aren't real, but the archetype is real.
That you have to invite evil in.
You have to go buy the cell phone.
You have to bring it into your home.
You have to learn to look into its eyes when it says, come here.
And give it your worship and give it your time.
And it bings and it buzzes like Pavlov's bell to the dog.
And before you know it, you are entranced.
It's an evil frequency.
It's an anti-human operation.
It's why I say it's alien.
And I don't get into UFOs and all that stuff.
I'm reading the Bible, folks.
There's a fallen entity that hates our guts because we were made by God, his enemy.
And it's obsessed with rolling something out, but we have free will.
We have to accept it.
We have to get addicted to it.
And everything it does is dumb us down, give us cancer, rewire our brains, make us depressed.
And all of us live in this.
All of us are hypocrites.
I'm in this quicksand with you.
It's all here.
It's all happening.
It's all real.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Do you feel like you were being pushed into military action against Iran by any of your advisors?
I have two groups of people.
I have doves and I have hawks.
You have some serious hawks.
I have some hawks.
John Bolton is absolutely a hawk.
It's up to him.
He'd take on the whole world at one time, okay?
But that doesn't matter.
Because I want both sides.
You know, some people said, why did you put... You know, I was against going into Iraq.
for years and years and before it ever happened I was against going into Iraq
and some people said oh I don't know I was totally against I was a private
citizen never made sense to me I was against going into the Middle East
Chuck we spent seven trillion dollars in the Middle East right now
yeah that's why I supported President Trump He was a Republican that wasn't foaming at the mouth, wanting to attack everybody.
The Democrats in major polls, Gallup polls, support war now because they think it's anti-Trump.
Trump says pull out of Afghanistan.
The Pentagon ignored him.
And that's the neocons at the top of it.
The average military person's great.
After Professor Boyle leaves us, I was told about this by James O'Keefe this morning.
My producer was.
He said, watch for it.
Breaking new Google document leak describes Shapiro Prager as Nazis using dog whistles calls for them to be shut down.
Ted Cruz grills Google executives in hearing following explosive by Project Veritas.
This video is all coming up in the fourth hour with Paul Joseph Watson today.
This is a big deal.
Getting back to Professor Dr. Francis Boyle, who's advised US government on biological weapons treaties, helped co-author him, you name it.
Really smart cookie.
Finishing up, I don't think the world understands.
This isn't like we go into Libya and it's a banana republic.
Or we go into Iraq and we've already owned half their operatives and they stand down.
This is Iran.
And I've talked to family that's been in special operations, officers down to special forces,
down to helicopter pilots.
Iran's had nukes for a long time.
They don't have delivery systems.
They are ready for war with no technology.
They killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
We killed over a million of them in the Iran-Iraq war.
They've got sleeper cells all over the place.
They've got 100,000 missiles aimed at Israel.
Why would certain - because I'm not anti-Israel.
I want peace.
Why would certain elements of Israel and Saudi Arabia...
What war with Iran, knowing it's going to, I think, be unwinnable with the stay-behind networks of Hezbollah that they've got all over the world, especially when Israel, what, seven, eight years ago, lost a war against Hezbollah just north of Israel and Lebanon.
Well, I can't speak for Israel and Saudi Arabia.
I can only speak for the United States of America.
I'm a U.S.
citizen, a law professor.
And right now, if Bolton and Pompeo stay in there, they're going to get us into war with Iran.
The latest steps just taken Yesterday, the cyber attack, the trashing of the Ayatollah Khamenei, the sanctioning of the foreign minister.
I saw President Trump reading from a script.
That script obviously had been given to him by someone else.
No, I agree.
So let's say this.
They're trying to start a war.
They may get one.
A, how do we stop it?
I'm not for war with Venezuela, but wouldn't that, the neocons wanted that.
Wouldn't they have been satiated with a regime change there?
Wouldn't taking out, I'm not saying do it, professor, law professor, but also historian, wouldn't it be better to take out Venezuela and less dangerous than Iran?
Well, we don't have to do either.
I mean, again, my assessment of the situation, President Trump can negotiate settlements here with Iran, with North Korea, with Venezuela, with China, with Russia.
I follow all of these conflicts and disputes.
He is never going to settle any of them.
With Bolton and Pompeo there.
So I think he's got to get rid of Bolton and Pompeo immediately.
Secretary of State, I would recommend bringing in Senator Rand Paul, who's made a lot of sense.
Senator, I think he'd do a great job.
Can he do that?
I mean, constitutionally, I mean, because we need that Kentucky seat.
Can he be an official advisor on the cabinet, but be a senator at the same time?
No, he would have to leave, and I don't know how that would work out politically there in Kentucky.
But just looking around the Republican establishment, which unfortunately, you know, you have a lot of raving lunatics there these days.
It wasn't that way when I was a kid.
But I think Senator Paul is the most reasonable one they have.
And he might do it for the good of the country, because really right now we need someone like Senator Paul and Pompeo to get out of there.
You have to understand Pompeo is a member of this Federalist Society that are highly ideological Die hard, neo-conservative, war monger, totalitarian.
You and I have discussed the Federalist Society before and how pernicious and nefarious they are.
And I want you to come back for a full hour soon.
We can even do a commercial free hour or two hours, a special report going through the whole history of this.
I know you're one of the primitive experts, but the two minutes or three minutes we have left I was taught a lot by Roger Stone before he was gagged.
And when you say Roger's good, he's bad.
But when it comes to Trump watching, he knows his stuff.
He said, watch.
When Trump's praising somebody, he likes them, they're on their way out.
When he starts saying, are they good?
Are they crazy?
That means he's already planning to get rid of them.
When he says, they're causing a problem, what do they want me to do?
He plans to get rid of them.
And so when Trump says, do you want to fight the whole world?
And that Bolton's nuts, that means he is planning to get rid of him.
The problem is, it means Trump's looking for a replacement.
So I think you've gone there, that'd be a Rand Paul.
Rand Paul would be excellent, yes.
Who else then?
Because he probably won't leave the Senate.
We need someone like Senator Paul in there.
And I'd be happy to help Senator Paul if he wanted my help, sure.
But who else if Paul can't do it?
He's going to probably stay in the Senate.
Who else is out there that could be on a list for Trump to get that isn't a warmonger?
Well, I don't know.
I'd really have to think of it between you and me.
Because see, there's not a big pool for Trump to pull from.
People keep asking why he has all these bad people.
This is the swamp that's filled with these creatures.
You're correct.
And we have the neoconservatives, the Heritage Foundation, this new acting Secretary of Defense, Espers, from the Heritage Foundation.
They're all raving lunatics over there, along with Bolton.
And remember, Alex, Bolton was on the project for the New American Century Report, which we discussed before.
Which is the blueprint for 9-11.
That calls for a new Pearl Harbor.
Well, we almost had that last week when Bolton sent that PC Orion up there.
As we know, and as has been reported, not only was a drone up there, okay, and it was... But they sent an Orion into questionable areas by the drone, hoping the Iranians would think both were Global Hawks and shoot them both down.
That's correct.
I think your assessment of that situation is correct.
That Bolton and the rest of them were dangling that PC Orion out there as bait for the Iranians to take to set off a war.
And we're fortunate the Iranians only shot down the drone and realized the implication of shooting down an Orion.
Alright, Professor Boyle, we're out of time.
What's the best website for folks to visit, or what's your newest book?
My newest book, Poems Against the Empire.
my poetic reflections on 50 years of fighting the American empire.
All right.
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Santa Ana told Travis, we're gonna kill everybody if you don't give us quarter and give up.
And he said, well, no quarter given, none taken.
Victory or death.
And you know what that means, don't you?
Victory or death.
Death isn't the power of the devil.
Death is the power of the living.
We control death and life.
The devil pretends he controls death.
We control death!
Death to your system!
Death is ours!
We will death!
The living have strength, not the dead!
And then pledging yourself to death, if you need to.
Giving yourself up for others.
It's the evil, the devil worshippers that fear death, not us.
That's why they try to act like they own death and they have death and they're in charge.
No, you're not in charge of death.
It's us, the living, that have children.
And to have a child is to know they're gonna die someday.
To give life is to give death.
And to fight evil is to give life and to give death.
We bring life.
We bring death.
We are men.
We are women.
We are the humans.
We are the planet.
We are God's creation.
We are the future.
Not you!
So you fear death?
We do not fear death!
There's nothing more pro-life than men saying we're ready to die for life.
Committed to death for life.
Committed to go all the way.
We don't fear death!
We have the keys to hell and death!
We have the real power!
The real ownership of the planet!
We have the real providence!
We have been given the authority!
We have the contract!
We have the name!
We have the will!
We have the genetics!
We have the history!
We rule the planet!
Not Satan!
And Satan is about to be evicted!
Because we hold the keys through Christ to hell and death!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother [Music]
Let's go to DrudgeReport.com again.
Oh, there's billions of websites.
There's only one DrudgeReport.com.
Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Let's go to DrudgeReport.com again.
Oh, there's billions of websites.
There's only one DrudgeReport.com.
And that's where, at the top of the middle column, Insider reveals Google plan to prevent Trump situation in 2020.
Manipulating algorithm.
YouTube pulls video showing their head of censorship.
Saying we'll stop Trump from winning.
Admitting all the censorship.
Admitting they perjured themselves to Congress.
Corporate media ignores.
And now Google execs delete social media accounts that were James O'Keefe's latest expose.
And then we've got even more.
Infowars.com, Kit Daniels, out of the park article.
Fox News is two days into this.
Fox News is two days into this.
And they've not reported on Project Veritas Google Bombshell Report, where they admit they're stealing the election in every way.
I just have my producer in here, we're doing hand signals, and I'm not good at hand signals.
Oh, it's not a big deal.
Because I texted it to you and my phone's been messed up.
It doesn't send text anymore.
It got updated a few weeks ago and it's essentially worthless at this point.
I'm going to have to get a whole new phone number, probably.
Some type of corruption of the file or something along those lines.
Everybody goes, oh, your phone's working fine, even though half the folks can't text.
Judge to reconsider dismissal motion in rally defamation case.
Or just type Alex Jones into Google.
We're into puck, duck, go, or puck, puck, go, or bing, or whatever you want.
And you'll get the Martinsville Bulletin judge to reconsider dismissal motion in a rally defamation case.
And we'll spend a few hours waiting for that.
Everything's good.
And then we'll talk about it.
But as I was saying, ladies and gentlemen...
A lot of big historical things are unfolding.
A lot of big historical things are taking place.
The fact that big megatech has been set up by DARPA and our government to dominate the world, well now the globalists have taken it over.
It's being used to dominate us.
And so we've spent years hammering that Google's been compromised, and Apple, and Facebook, and Twitter.
And they just go to Congress and they lie about it all, and they say none of it's true.
And then we get the head Google executive over censorship via Project Veritas on video admitting it all.
And it's an incredible moment.
An absolutely incredible moment as the whole thing falls apart.
Now, this isn't about Alex Jones.
This is about reality.
But you saw the law firm, Democratic Party law firm, suing me in Connecticut for stuff I never said about Sandy Hook, which if I said it, I have a right to say.
And then they provided a transcript, unsigned last week, saying I said, white Jew boy.
But I said these elite white shoe boy firms, which is the definition is Yale and Harvard, aren't going to stop me.
They're like, oh, we'll stop you, white Jew boy.
We'll put that out.
But you know what?
It all got retracted, just like the child molestation stuff, you know, all that stuff.
None of it's working.
The child porn garbage, all of it.
Yeah, that's the original story.
They got a raw story.
They retracted it.
So, that's where all this is going.
And that's how these groups operate.
And it just shows they'll go to any length necessary.
Even though these groups don't believe in due process, they will use our due process system against us.
So, The issues we're going to cover here today are absolutely essential.
But you can bet that whether it's the Democratic Party saying that Judge Kavanaugh Rape them and none of it's true, or whether it's them saying I'm sending child porn out that isn't true, or I'm running around saying white Jew boy that isn't true, they don't have any rules.
Like the weird Trump rape accuser saying rape is sexy during bizarre CNN meltdown, or Tessie Smollett, or any of this.
These are followers who believe in the system, and they believe if they just break the rules for the system, they'll be rewarded, but they're not being rewarded.
Now, I wanted to bring syndicated radio host Lee Stranahan on because it's not about Lee Stranahan, it's not about Alex Jones.
It's about, remember a year and a half ago, that lawsuit filed in Virginia against he and I and sweet little Leanne McAdoo.
She's smart, but she's sweet.
She had him on as a guest.
He said nothing, but she was sued to teach her to shut her mouth.
And they said that we said Stuff we never said.
And so the judge allowed the lawsuit to go forward, preliminary, and believe things in their brief that were not true.
Well, guess what?
The judge did something rare.
He's announced another hearing, not just on jurisdiction, but in general, we're being told, because he's gotten the word, and I'm talking to lawyers after the show today about this, that what they were told in these briefings is not accurate.
Now it's one thing for lawyers to play games in filings, but when they're totally not true, it's another animal entirely.
So again, yeah, everybody knows the Democrats lie.
Well, wait till they sue you.
All we ever said is George Soros funded Nazis in Ukraine with very same tiki torches to march and overthrow the government.
that wasn't it funny that a lot of these former Democrats that worked for Obama, that worked for his campaign a year
later, and that worked for Hillary, were carrying tiki torches.
We said isn't it funny a guy that worked for the State Department for Hillary, he catches the lady getting killed
on camera.
They just knew it was going to be a melee.
Soros funded the leftist antifa to come out.
We think the right wing was funded, there's a lot of evidence it was, to create a false riot.
Now whether that's right or not, it's our right to ask that question.
And a lot of evidence shows that's the case.
But we never said that the man that photoed journalists that took the photography of the woman dying, that he was, that he killed her.
We said he was a leftist and all part of this big conflagration and that Soros ordered The police to stand down, and the Democrats ordered that, and it was their fault, not his, but Soros'.
And in America, we were sued for that to teach us to shut our mouths, so that we wouldn't be around at future events.
So that we wouldn't question future events.
Because it turned out there was crisis actor companies that hired people for a month for the event.
It didn't mean there weren't real white supremacists or real meth-head antifa, but most of them on both sides were hired to say things and do things with all this nation full of people that want to be actors and want to have a Netflix show.
Hell, half the kids you talk to want to be actors.
There's not the slots.
But there were real companies that hired real crisis actors, real protesters.
You can hire a fake protest if you want online.
For a couple thousand dollars, twenty people will show up.
For a hundred thousand dollars, thousands will show up.
Tens of thousands if you spend a million.
It's called a rent-a-mob.
So for pointing out AstroTurf and a rent-a-mob, this happened.
Lee, we got you on late, I apologize.
We're gonna go to break, come back and finish with you, but I want you to set the record straight because the judge has suddenly reversed himself and said he's gonna have another hearing on this.
This is pretty good news.
Well, yeah, I'm really glad that they're gonna have another hearing, Alex, because, you know, one of the things, I'm just gonna be The most minor point.
It's not a free speech point.
They claim that I'm a resident of Texas.
I have literally not lived in Texas for I think three or four years now.
I used to live in Dallas.
And I haven't lived there.
And the reason they did that is a minor technical point.
But the reason they did it were being sued in a Virginia court.
I live in Virginia, and they can't sue federally if I'm a resident of Virginia, so they blatantly lied.
I've been doing a radio show.
Anybody can check my social media records, everything.
I live in Virginia now.
I've been living in Virginia since about just a couple months after the inauguration.
I moved out here when I was with Breitbart, and then I've left Breitbart since then to host a radio show on Radio Sputnik, but I've been out here.
That basic point needs to be adjudicated again.
And aside from...
Folks, you want people to fight for America.
You want people to stand up and say no to the globalists.
You want people to report on the Clintons and all the pedophile rings that are now in the news.
You want people to, you know, expose globalism or the Islamic invasion.
We're doing it, and we're not backing down.
And we're exposing the Covington hoax first.
We expose it first.
We're exposing it all.
We are the tip of the spear.
You are the tip of the spear.
And that's why everybody has to remember, we're running a Save Infowars special right now.
To get more capital in because we've not been able to expand.
We've actually been contracting some.
The enemy has been winning with all their attacks.
We're still reaching a lot of people thanks to you, but we need capital to get more reporters in the field to launch a bunch of stuff we've got ready to do that is going to devastate the globalists.
We've proven we don't talk, we deliver.
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As I said the other day, and I said to the people in the press, your case is the template case.
For American freedom moving forward.
And see whether or not they can break the InfoWars base.
Whether or not they can stop the InfoWars audience from supporting the InfoWars network.
Because again, like you said in corporate documents, the model of self-funding, self-sales is the thing that corporations of the globalist fear.
Because crowdsourcing and individuals doing this scares the living daylights out of them.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena, in the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is an old-school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of press and freedom of speech that, in fact, the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to support and subsidize Organizations just like this because this was the kind of press they wanted.
And then ultimately we now live in an era where they've mostly been co-opted by big corporations or billionaire sugar daddies who've been able to control and manipulate what news and views the person's allowed to have or express or hear.
And the InfoWars audience has broken through that.
They are the bridge from the founding to the modern age of ultimate American democracy and freedom.
And that's why there's been an unprecedented onslaught ...of de-platforming, defamation, lawfare, and libel targeting you.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
*music* We're skipping right to the end.
At the distance.
Not gonna stop.
It's the man who's willing to survive.
All right, coming up next segment.
Ted Cruz today just so happened to be a big Google hearing.
Senator took him to the woodshed and knocked him out of the park.
And Paul Watson's coming up.
Getting back to Lee Stranahan.
Lee, you're bringing up the fact that the way you've gotten this new hearing is the evidence that jurisdictionally they're wrong.
And it's rare, I'm told, by my lawyers, three of them, including one over D.C., one in Connecticut, one in L.A., that this would happen.
So this bodes well.
They say not just on the jurisdictional, but that they now have been listening to you and others.
and the briefs that we never said any of the stuff that's there.
These are false quotes.
These are false statements that we've been demanding they bring forth the real quotes.
Just like they said with me and the Jew boy comment that I never said.
They're getting desperate.
So I want to get to the jurisdictional, but let's get back because you're the expert on this.
We never said this thing about.
Let's point out what they're really afraid of here.
This has now come out in the past few months.
that the Ukraine opposition was funded by Soros and the State Department. I mean, hell,
the State Department admitted that.
Well, not just that, Alex. Let's point out what they're really afraid of here. This has
now come out in the past few months. I've been reporting it on, you know, including
on InfoWars for two years now, that a lot of what we're seeing with this Trump-Russia
Ties into Ukraine.
It directly ties to Ukraine.
For instance, I've talked about the fact that a DNC operative named Alexandra Chalupa met with people in the Ukrainian embassy.
She was targeting Paul Manafort.
She was saying that Trump was connected to Russia before Mueller even said that the supposed DNC hack ever happened.
This was a setup the entire time.
I was reporting from the White House on CrowdStrike.
These, all these things were happening prior to this lawsuit happening.
So what happened was Alex, there's a film that I saw called Ukraine on Fire that explains how the United States government under Barack Obama overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine.
And I was saying that what happened after that was they set up a thing called NABU, the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine.
Now, you remember Paul Manafort, he was the head of the Trump campaign.
In August of 2016, he was taken out.
You remember that?
Why was he taken out?
Because of this fake black ledger that came out through NABU.
The FBI, James Comey's FBI, has an office at NABU.
Now, in that film, Ukraine on Fire, and by the way, I've got to point out, part of what they're really afraid of is in about two weeks, the sequel to that film is coming out, and I'm one of the journalists in that film.
I'm pretty significantly featured in that sequel that's going to be coming out.
It's premiering in July.
And we've shown how the Ukraine connection, and by the way, I didn't just pick Ukraine through a dart.
The malware that was supposedly used, that they claimed was used to do the DNC hack, was Ukrainian.
There are these Ukrainian connections everywhere.
So I was reporting on that.
And I had seen this film, Ukraine on Fire, which showed every January 1st, They do these, the Nazis over there, these are real Nazis.
These are, you know, the bad guys in Ukraine do a tiki torch march.
And I pointed out when I saw Charlottesville, I was like, hey, that's the thing that I just had seen in this movie a few days ago.
And then the more I looked into it, now it's come out.
The FBI has said they did it in this Los Angeles court filing.
They connected some of the bad actors in Charlottesville.
Some of the neo-Nazis had actually gone over to Ukraine.
This is what the FBI said subsequently.
So all I did was point out two things.
Oh, by the way, who is the biggest funder of NGOs in Ukraine?
George Soros, right?
So this guy who's suing us, Brennan Gilmore, he worked for a congressman who was running for governor,
who received major funding from George Soros.
Now he didn't win the gubernatorial race, but guess who the congressman now works for,
literally works for?
George Soros.
He went to work for the Open Societies Foundation.
So there's nothing illegal about pointing out the facts.
Brennan Gilmore, who's the person who shot the vehicular murder of Heather Heyer, which I have never said anything but that is a horrible crime.
I've never said this guy was responsible, like you said, never said he was responsible for it, never said anything like that.
I pointed out that he worked for the State Department, true, he admits it, and that he had connections to Soros, and that I saw this Ukraine connection.
And if you look at the Ukrainian real Nazi tiki tortures that got put into power by the State Department and Obama to overthrow Russian control of Eastern Ukraine, it's almost identical.
And then it turns out they did PR hiring Uh, on record, where Democrats went out and did hire people to come to this.
So it's all been, everything we've said is true.
So they almost don't even want this to go to trial.
A lot of lawyers I know say, Alex, let it go.
Including Barnes in there is like, are you kidding?
Because Barnes knows all this stuff too.
And he's like, they're going to be destroyed.
No, that's right.
And I really believe, Alex, that part of what's going on here is that they know that this Ukraine connection, which John Solomon over the hill, finally, after me reporting on it for two years, Fox News, you know, they're a little slow on this stuff sometimes, Alex.
Fox News, about 2-3 months ago, started finally reporting on the Ukraine stuff.
This is after Petro Poroshenko, the guy who was beat by a comedian in the last election.
See, you've got to understand, don't forget, we overthrew the democratic, the US government, not you and me, the US government overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine, put into place Poroshenko, who was behind the Coup attempt on Donald Trump.
He was, he never wanted Trump to get elected.
He wanted Hillary to get elected.
He was supported by Victor Pinchuk.
They used all the money poured into overthrowing Ukraine to run election meddling in the US.
You said it years ago.
It's all been confirmed.
In closing, let me ask you this.
Why did they sue us, then, just to teach us to shut our mouths?
Because that's not going to make us shut our mouths.
That just makes us pay more attention to this.
Because they say things we never said.
We just said, looks like Soros is funding the same group in Ukraine and groups here, and it turns out it's the truth.
That they just started a big fight in Virginia.
We're not saying the photographer killed that woman.
That's asinine.
Not at all.
You know, we're literally being sued, Alex, because I shrugged my shoulders.
They can't point out a single thing that I said that was incorrect.
So what happened was, I went like this.
And they take that to mean... Wait, I'm suing you.
Do it again, I'll sue you twice.
You don't shrug your shoulders at me, buddy.
Do you know why I said that?
Because I had seen this film a few days earlier and I thought it was a weird sort of cosmic coincidence that a couple days later... And now the FBI says, oh, lo and behold, international extremism is being funded by people.
No, that's exactly right.
So I have been saying for I've been a broken record on it.
That the real scandal here involves elements of the Ukraine.
And by the way, this directly connects to the FBI.
It connects to James Comey's FBI.
Sure, the whole fake thing.
They use international operations to do domestic things.
Look, they don't want people going out to these events to document what's happening.
They want to punish people.
But folks are going to go there because they did this.
Alright, Lee Stranahan, thank you for the great work you do.
CitizenJournalismSchool.com, Populous.tv, you have your weekday morning show that broadcasts all over the world out of D.C.
And that's Fault Lines with your great host, Mr. Garland.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
Keep up the fight.
I'll try.
Okay, I've got to get to this Google thing before Paul takes over and I can talk to Stranahan for five hours.
My lawyers are like...
Why are we going to fight going to court?
Let's just get to a jury trial.
You're going to win.
I'm just like, my gut says stall this as long as possible, because more is going to come out, more smolleting, more scams, more staging.
My gut's never wrong.
But yeah, we're not scared of jury trials, folks.
Nothing they say is real.
They file reports saying I'm screaming white Jew boy on air.
Or that I'm sending child porn to people.
Why the hell would I do that?
And of course, they go later, well, he didn't actually do it.
But they're like, you like how that feels?
Knock yourselves out, man.
Nothing, including a bullet in my head, is going to stop us.
Except our listeners not supporting us.
We're running a giant sale.
It's got to end this weekend.
Storewide free shipping.
50% off all the award-winning supplements.
Double Patriot Points.
Save InfoWars Emergency Special.
And you can.
It says pre-order, but I told them just have order on there because it's already being printed.
Within two weeks, your new ultra limited edition Clown World t-shirt will be shipped out to you.
So there's no pre-order.
Not in the production meeting a week ago.
Not the one on Monday, and not the one on Tuesday.
It is essentially going to be shipped out to you.
We have Clown World coverage of the debates tomorrow night and Thursday night.
That's right.
We'll be back with the fall of Google and Ted Cruz.
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Get the apparel, get the books, get the videos.
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Get it there and know it stands to defy the globalists.
Thank you for your support.
Again, we could not do it without you, but don't let them win.
Why are they coming after us so much?
The audience gets it.
Because we're promoting Americana.
We're defeating the globalists.
How do you defeat them?
Spread it word of mouth.
The Forbidden Show.
Tell everyone.
InfoWars.com (Intro)
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, you think crashing Google up is impossible.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, you think cracking Google up is impossible. It's not.
And once there's institutional resistance to something, it's hard to get people to get out of where they've been,
of letting Google spy on you, letting Facebook spy on you, letting these groups abuse you.
But once you do it, it's game over.
That's why I've made such a big deal out of having the top Google executive over censorship admitting they're gonna steal the 2020 election.
So here's Ted Cruz.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
A lot of Americans have concerns that big tech media companies, and Google in particular, are engaged in political censorship and bias.
As you know, Google enjoys a special immunity from liability under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act.
The predicate for that immunity was that Google and other big tech media companies would be
neutral public fora.
Does Google consider itself a neutral public fora?
Thank you, Senator. Yes, it does.
Okay. Are you familiar with a report that was released yesterday from Veritas that included
a whistleblower from within Google that included videos from a senior executive at Google and
then included documents that are purportedly internal PowerPoint documents from Google?
Yes, I heard about that report in Industry News.
Have you seen the report?
No, I have not.
So you didn't review the report to prepare for this hearing?
It's been a busy day, and I have a day job, which is digital well-being at Google, so I'm trying to make sure I keep the trains on the track.
I'm sorry this hearing is impinging on your day job.
It's a great opportunity, thank you.
I really appreciate it.
Well, one of the things in that report, and I would recommend people interested in political bias at Google watch the entire report and judge for yourself, there's a video From a woman, Jen Janai.
It's a secret video that was recorded.
Jen Janai, as I understand it, is the head of, quote, responsible innovation for Google.
Are you familiar with Ms.
I work in user experience, and I believe that AI group is somebody we worked with on the AI principles.
But it's a big company, and I don't work directly with Jen.
Do you know her or no?
I do not know Jen.
As I understand it, she is shown in the video saying, and this is a quote, Elizabeth Warren is saying that we should break up Google.
And like, I love her, but she's very misguided.
Like that will not make it better.
It will make it worse.
Because all these smaller companies who don't have the same resources that we do will be charged with preventing the next Trump situation.
It's like a small company cannot do that.
Do you think it's Google's job to, quote, prevent the next Trump situation?
Thank you, Senator.
I don't agree with that.
No, sir.
So a different individual, a whistleblower identified simply as an insider at Google with knowledge of the algorithm, is quoted on the same report as saying Google, quote, is bent on never letting somebody like Donald Trump come to power again.
Do you think it's Google's job To make sure, quote, somebody like Donald Trump never comes to power again?
No, sir.
I don't think that is Google's job.
And we build for everyone, including every single religious belief, every single demographic, every single region, and certainly every political affiliation.
Well, I have to say that that certainly does not appear to be the case.
Of the senior executives at Google, Do you know of a single one who voted for Donald Trump?
Thank you, Senator.
I'm a user experience director and I work on Google Digital Wellbeing and I can tell you we have diverse views.
It's a simple question.
Do you know of anyone who voted for Trump?
Of the senior executives?
I definitely know of people who voted for Trump.
Of the senior executives at Google?
I don't talk politics with my workmates.
Is that a no?
Sorry, is that a no to what?
Do you know of any senior executives, even a single senior executive at the company who voted for Donald Trump?
As the digital well-being expert, I don't think this is in my purview to comment on... So you don't know?
It's alright, you don't have to know.
I definitely don't.
It's alright.
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Head at fullwars.com forward slash show with live coverage next week!
Wednesday and Thursday night.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
So, I know when I smell blood, I know when stuff's unfolding.
And Google was set up by the NSA and DARPA and the CIA to dominate the world for America.
That's what they told Congress and taxpayers 40 years ago when they set up the whole internet.
But the whole time it was to set up a world government and surveillance grid for the banks.
Well, people got aware of that.
And so Google and Facebook and all of them have been lying about the censorship for years.
But now they've been caught red-handed, and the article Corporate Media Ignores, red-linked on DrudgeReport.com, taking down the video of their own head of censorship, admitting it all.
And we have the censored video posted there, and they hope you don't go to DrudgeReport.com and find that InfoWars.com or NewsWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or Summit.News.
That's Paul's site, and spread it.
They think you're morons.
They think they'll sit there and brag how they're gonna steal 2020 and you'll do nothing.
But the truth is, congressional hearings are already called, criminal investigations, perjury, it's all happening.
Now separately, as I turn this over to Paul Joseph Watson from the UK, the great job he's gonna do, just remember, it's listener support that makes this broadcast possible.
And it's human communication that strengthens people.
Not communication by bots, not broken text messages, not no one wanting to communicate and all this mental illness.
We're basic human communications breaking down.
Real human communication.
And having a memory will be the most valuable thing going into the future.
Because the average person has less of a memory than a goldfish.
I love my crew.
They're amazing people.
I've had three meetings and a fourth this morning.
Because so much is happening around here, I forget stuff too.
That's why I'm saying this is the great asset.
And I said, a few weeks ago, I want a Clown World shirt for the debates.
A limited edition Clown World shirt.
And I said, because it's being printed right now, it's not going to be pre-order, because we always say pre-order, but never when you're going to be shipped.
I could have 100 meetings.
Once the vortex of resistance began, subconsciously, it cannot be countermanded or defeated, I've learned.
So I say, hey, we're not going to say when it's getting delivered.
Even though it says pre-ship and pre-order, even though everybody else would tell you,
nobody orders it because it doesn't say. We know that'll never happen.
So, in four meetings, including one this morning, I said, "We're going to say it takes two weeks for
delivery because it's being printed right now. We'll have it in a week. It'll be shipped to you."
It'd say that. That's fine. I'm going to interdimensionally defeat it right now on air.
*laughs* Watch this!
Watch it!
Fifth meeting, live on air.
Let's have it!
Clown World!
Infowars.com, ladies and gentlemen.
This is just our test one.
It's going to be even bigger on the front.
Bigger Clown World for everybody.
And on the back, look at this.
Like a concert t-shirt, ladies and gentlemen.
Clown World 2020.
Cory Booker and all the rest of the usual suspects.
We're gonna have live coverage, and there's only 5,000 of these being printed.
5,000, and that's it, and it funds the operation.
So it's been changed since the break.
It's a clown world!
We're just living in it.
Celebrate the circus in this Democratic debate with this exclusive, limited-time Clown World shirt.
Really soft, nice, high-quality fabric.
Whole nine yards for everybody.
No reviews yet because nobody's gotten the shirt yet, ladies and gentlemen.
And, again, it's not pre-order because it ships within two weeks.
Done, done, done.
And, yes, we're running Storewide, free shipping, 50% off the supplements and double Patriot points.
And that's how we fund this operation.
But listen, don't worry about getting your next two-year fish oil or the 50% off Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula or any of this great crew.
Just go to DrugsReport.com.
And get that Jamie White article, how the entire corporate media, including Fox News, is ignoring the huge Project Veritas, smoking gun, holy grail information.
That's all I'm asking.
Fox News still not covering Project Veritas Google.
Because they're part of the corporate elite, they want the censorship of their competition.
They want to treat us country bubs like we're idiots that fell off a turnip truck last week.
But we're not.
Thanks to you, the amazing audience, and this amazing crew, and everybody else.
We will prevail.
Aren't you glad I'm throwing fits on air?
Because if I would, we wouldn't be here.
I love the crew.
I love you, everybody.
But I'm pissed.
And I want to show Silicon Valley, and Eric Schmidt, and Sundar Pichai, and all these chicken-neck criminals, that you're not better than us, and that you bet on the wrong country, and you're gonna be defeated.
Now, from His Glorious Highnesses, Britannic Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II's England, we are joined by Paul Joseph Watson!
Thanks a lot, Alex.
Yeah, big updates on the James O'Keefe Project Veritas story.
They've got another leak today, of course.
He was on your show yesterday talking about new whistleblowers that were about to come out in their droves, specifically from Google.
So now they've got a new leak today from Google.
It's up on projectveritas.com, breaking new Google document leaked, describing Shapiro, Prager as Nazis using the dog whistles.
This is a leaked document from a member of Google's Transparency and Ethics group.
And in this message, which is being ping-ponged around the inner sanctum of Google in terms of algorithmic manipulation of content, they say, quote, one of these Google insiders says, quote, Remember, this is Transparency and Ethics.
If we understand that PragerU, Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro et al.
are Nazis using the dog whistles.
PragerU, Ben Shapiro, that is a Jewish operation.
Ben Shapiro is Jewish.
And now they're literally putting them into the Nazi category.
For what purpose?
Well, they go on to say, But you notice that Ben Shapiro and others, Paul, you know, said, oh, it's free market, do it.
So now it's going to happen to him.
They always come for everybody because we don't stand together.
You know, Dennis Prager is Jewish.
Ben Shapiro is Jewish.
They're literally in their conversation calling them Nazis and then saying, quote, I don't think correctly identifying far right content is beyond our capabilities.
This is now Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson are far right.
But if it is, why not go with Meredith's suggestion of disabling the Suggestion feature?
The vast majority, or at least the clear majority of views that go to YouTube videos are via YouTube's Search Suggestion feature.
I think it's second only after the Subscription feature when Subscribers get notified, then the large majority of views after that come from that suggestion feature.
So this again is clear election meddling, manipulating their own algorithm to down rank people like Ben Shapiro, Dennis Prager, Jordan Peterson.
Because they're, quote, Nazis.
Obviously that is, on the face of it, a completely ludicrous and absurd claim.
So this only backs up what came out yesterday.
Again, with the Google insider saying they're not going to let Trump 2020 happen, and they're going to use algorithmic manipulation to ensure that does not take place.
Now they're literally naming specific people, saying these are the people we need to target because they're Nazis.
And they've already been doing this for the best part of a year, probably more.
As we've highlighted, you can search the exact title of a YouTube video By someone like Mark Dice about Michelle Obama, for example.
And the actual result, the video you're looking for, will not come up until something ridiculous like page 30 buried beneath a wall of mainstream media results that have nothing to do with what you searched for.
They've literally broken not only YouTube, which is the second biggest search engine in the world, but also Google.com itself.
They've broken their own search engine.
That is the extent that this election meddling, that this algorithmic censorship is taking place right now.
You can search right now, Paul Joseph Watson YouTube, and the top result is some YouTube channel that's about a tenth the size of mine, somebody doing an impression of me.
They've broken their own search engine to suppress Conservative commentators.
They've done it deliberately.
Sundar Pichai got up in front of a hearing and lied about it.
It was perjury, saying they had no partisan algorithmic manipulation.
We already knew they've been doing it for months.
Now they've got a document from inside Google where it's a Google executive, or at least an engineer, admitting that they want to remove views from conservative commentators based on this hysterical Trump derangement syndrome position that Ben Shapiro, a Jewish guy, is a Nazi.
This is how bad it's become.
We'll be back, Infowars.com.
Hi, I'm Dan.
Defiance or rebellion is something that has to be looked at as a neutral statement.
Is defiance bad?
Is rebellion bad?
Is resistance bad?
Well, it really is a question of what are you resisting?
What are you rebelling against?
The left pushes this whole narrative about they're rebelling against oppression and they're rebelling against people trying to tell them what to do or say, but no one's really telling them what to do or say.
They're in charge.
They run the big tech.
They run the corporations.
They run the society.
They have their agenda and they're openly the bullies trying to dictate to us how to talk, how to dress, who to have sex with, how to live our lives.
They're constantly lecturing us about microaggressions and telling us that we'll be arrested or taken off Facebook if we don't behave ourselves.
These people are a clear and present danger to free societies.
And so that's what I really want to telegraph to folks is we know the modern threat to humanity.
Every generation has a threat.
Every generation has a big war.
But this is a political and cultural war, an economic war.
It's raging in 2019.
And the establishment is so angry that organizations like InfoWars are still on air.
They need to have victories because despite their trillions of dollars and their corporate dominance, people are rejecting them on a planetary scale.
Globalism is in full retreat.
It's in full collapse.
And so it's rearing its ugly head and hitting us with every nasty trick it had planned for the future.
For their conquest of humanity.
And it's still failing.
But for those of us At the front of the lines, or in the capital ships, we're the targets, ladies and gentlemen.
And I never thought of InfoWars as a major battleship, or an aircraft carrier, or a destroyer, or a submarine attack group, but the enemy sees it as that because we are.
And it's essential we stay in the fight, and never surrender, and never waver, and never back down, and never give up.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports, and more.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
People seem to forget that we already have red flag smoking gun evidence of election meddling when it comes to Google, which owns YouTube.
Remember the referendum in Ireland on abortion, whether to legalise it in Ireland earlier this year?
Well, days before that vote, in Ireland, You had an article by a Slate writer who was complaining that there were too many pro-life videos at the top of YouTube's search results.
YouTube being the second biggest search engine in the world.
Days before a referendum on legalizing abortion in Ireland, she complained to Google-owned YouTube on the Friday By the Monday, they had changed the search results for the first page of search results when people search for abortion or pro-life terms.
Again, doing the bidding immediately caving to these activists who pretend to be journalists, days before an election, to manipulate their own search engine, which is the studies of Dr Robert Epstein have proven, can shift millions of votes on election day.
He said, quote, I estimate conservatively they could shift upwards of 12 million votes.
That was based on a study of the biggest democratic election in the world in India.
And he also said Google helped shift two to three million votes in Hillary Clinton's favour, simply with biased search algorithms, simply by ranking certain search results above others.
You saw it yesterday with the insider whistleblower from Google, where they would type in Hillary Clinton emails.
The autocomplete suggestion was removed.
It wasn't removed for Donald Trump emails despite there being vast interest right before the election in Hillary Clinton's deleted emails.
So you had an exact concrete example of election meddling with the Irish abortion referendum question and everybody seems to gloss over that.
Pitch Eye gets up in front of a hearing under oath and says they don't quote manually intervene For partisan purposes.
Yes they do, they did it then.
Days before a national referendum on a massive subject in a major western country.
How is that not an example of election meddling?
And these New York Times journalists and others react to the latest.
Project Veritas released saying, I don't see any evidence of partisan bias in this.
They've literally got a leaked document from a discussion of Google transparency and ethics people from within Google saying we need to censor Ben Shapiro because he's a Nazi.
How is that not political bias?
How obvious does it need to get?
I mean, you've got the bill by Senator Hawley right now.
To strip them of immunity under Section 230 of the Decency Communications Act.
You've got Ted Cruz talking about it.
Now slowly we see today some actual mainstream news coverage of this huge Project Veritas bombshell.
But only in British newspapers!
You've got the Sun, you've got the Daily Mail talking about it.
As Alex Jones said, Fox News have done nothing whatsoever.
Because Fox News are the token conservatives for big tech.
As long as they say, oh, we're not doing anything mean to Fox News, so we're not biased, that's how they can justify that warped suggestion, that warped excuse in their own minds, even though you've got flagrant proof of it happening right before your eyes.
And I've talked about it before.
They've literally broken their own search engines to the point where I can search for articles with the almost exact headline with my name that I wrote because I reference back articles when I'm writing about the same subjects.
Or I can search for a Breitbart article about a subject.
For example, I was doing it the other day.
I was trying to search for The statistics on knife crime in the UK and who was committing the knife crime because I remember that Breitbart had done an entire article quoting the government body about the statistics on knife crime in the UK.
You type into Google and it's just a bunch of hit pieces against Breitbart.
You can't even find what you need anymore because they've broken their own search engine to that extent.
You go on DuckDuckGo, you go on even Bing, you get completely different results.
They are changing the course of reality.
They are censoring people via their algorithms and they are meddling in elections.
What was it?
The Russians spent a total of, what was it, like $4,000 on ads on Facebook for the entire election campaign.
Yet we had a hysterical news cycle that was repeated over and over again.
That Russians meddled in the election with Facebook ads.
That Russians meddled in Brexit with Facebook ads.
They spent virtually nothing on ads.
And some of those ads were left-wing.
They were pro-Black Lives Matter stuff.
So the media hyperventilates over Russians buying Facebook ads to the tune of $4,000, which is absolutely nothing.
It's a pathetic amount of money.
That goes on for years.
Then we have Google insiders openly admitting they break their own search engine to meddle in elections.
Trump 2020, the Irish abortion referendum.
We had Spain The Vox party in Spain, days before the election, their pages, millions of people who were supporting the Vox populist party in Spain, millions of people on numerous large pages completely deleted by Facebook.
Days before a national election.
That is election meddling.
Vox's YouTube channel was completely deleted last week.
Again, that is meddling in the policies of a country.
How many other examples do we need to see before we have some actual teeth in any actual bills or before we get Conservative ink behind this?
How many people need to be banned?
How many people need to be shadow banned?
Absolutely incredible.
Again, this shifts millions of votes on election day.
You had Candace Owens's Blexit website.
Completely buried.
When you search for Candace Owens' Brexit website, it was buried on page two.
Some completely unrelated website was thrown up in first place.
Absolutely incredible.
Then of course you have the whole demonetisation issue which came to the fore with Crowder and Vox a couple of weeks ago.
Where it's now to the point that I can upload a video which is not advertiser friendly, none of them are, But it becomes advertiser friendly when a third party claims copyright on a tiny bit of music that runs for like three seconds in that video.
Now, I don't really care.
It's better than the old system where they would just take down the video immediately.
But why does my video only become advertiser friendly when a large corporation claims income from it?
Their system is completely broke.
And then you've got a tier of premier, privileged creators, like CNN, like all the Comedy Central left-wing late-night
comedy shows, who can talk about any subject whatsoever.
They can talk about ISIS terrorism.
They can talk about immigration.
They can make homophobic jokes like Stephen Colbert did.
Does it affect their advertising?
Ads on every single video because they're in the special class.
They are immune from YouTube's own terms of service, which are then deliberately altered, skewed, to punish conservative commentators and anyone else that basically differs from the progressive orthodoxy.
Absolutely incredible.
And when we come back, I'm going to talk about another Big tech platform, WordPress, who recently deleted a blog called the Heart East blog, which again was right of centre commentary.
And now they're giving a platform to a literal paedophile and a convicted child porn peddler to say how much he's attracted to Desmond is Amazing, the 12-year-old drag queen kid.
We'll be back with that and more on the Alex Jones Show live, InfoWars.com.
Don't go away.
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And see whether or not they can break the InfoWars base.
Whether or not they can stop the InfoWars audience from supporting the InfoWars network.
Because again, like you said in corporate documents, the model of self-funding, self-sales is the thing that corporations, the globalists fear.
Because crowdsourcing and individuals doing this scares the living daylights out of them.
It's not only that you have a unique voice in the public arena and the public square, the other thing that's unique about InfoWars is it is the only network of this reach that is not backed by a corporate donor or corporate sugar daddy, that's not backed by some billionaire, that's not being funded by a secret foreign government.
It is an old-school American 1776 style experiment in the expression of the freedom of the press and freedom of speech that, in fact, the founders were so concerned with at the beginning of the country, they actually tried to support and subsidize Organizations just like this because this was the kind of press they wanted and then ultimately we now live in an era where they've mostly been co-opted by big corporations or billionaire sugar daddies who have been able to control and manipulate what news and views the person's allowed to have or express or hear and the InfoWars audience has broken through that.
They are the bridge from the founding to the modern age of ultimate American democracy and freedom and that's why there's been an unprecedented onslaught of de-platforming, defamation, lawfare, and libel targeting
Margo, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
What's your view?
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I appreciate you having me on.
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Oh yeah, definitely.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
So remember when Vice.com, which absolutely hates my guts and it's hilarious, they literally send spies to comedy nights in London to spy on my reaction to jokes.
That's how obsessed they are.
Remember when Vice gave a platform to Todd Nickerson, an admitted paedophile?
And they gave him a platform to talk about how much he lusts after six-year-old girls, literally while playing dreamy footage of a little girl twirling in the background as he talked about masturbating over her.
They literally did that.
I mean, Salon.com did it before them, but at least Salon.com was moral enough to delete their articles, which were penned by this monster, whining about how right-wing people don't like him.
His article is still up at Vice.com, of course.
He's the victim.
He's targeted by vigilantes, the literal wannabe child molester.
So they will give a platform to pedophiles.
Another big tech platform which has given a platform to an admitted pedophile is WordPress.
You remember that WordPress, a couple of months ago now, Banned a blog called HeartEast.
It was called Chateau HeartEast.
It was a right-of-center commentary blog.
It wasn't a white supremacist blog.
It wasn't a neo-Nazi blog.
It was right-of-center.
They banned the blog entirely.
The guy's entire, what, three, four-year archive of posts was immediately deleted.
Some people would say, why didn't you get a .com?
I mean, that is a good point.
Why would anyone be stupid enough to trust WordPress?
with their entire back catalogue of work.
But the fact is they banned him, deplatformed him, got rid of his entire blog.
Somebody who's still got a blog on WordPress is an individual called Tom O'Carroll.
Tom O'Carroll is a former chairman of the now disbanded Paedophile Information Exchange.
Remember that?
That was a big paedophile normalisation group which included members of the left-wing Labour Party in Britain.
The group that campaigned for the age of consent to be lowered to four years old.
He was the chairman of that group.
This is who WordPress is giving a platform right now.
He was also a member of the International Paedophile and Child Emancipation Group.
Now, O'Carroll was jailed in December 2006.
Convicted and jailed for two and a half years for conspiring to distribute a cachet of child pornography obtained from his co-defendant which contained 50,000 indecent images of children.
O'Carroll has repeatedly campaigned for the normalisation of sexual relations with children and sees nothing wrong with pedophilia.
And this is all in the article up on summit.news called Pedophile and convicted child porn peddler says Desmond is amazing is quote hot He's written an article which is linked in this summit news article if you want to read it it's disgusting in which he writes quote Child drag artist Desmond is amazing is indeed amazing and hot No wonder 11-year-old Desmond Napoli and other kids daringly diving into drag culture right now have provoked right-wing reactionaries into paroxysms of moral outrage.
Yes, because we're the bad guys.
The people who point out that having 11-year-old children dance around in skimpy outfits in front of people in gay bars in New York while they throw money at him.
We're the bad guys.
We're not progressive enough.
So in this article he goes on to argue that, quote, a scantily clad Desmond, those are his words, accepting, quote, tips from an audience apparently wild with excitement, he's talking about the New York gay bar, is, quote, far more than just a celebration of gender diversity or an innocent display of precocious performance talent.
Remember as I read these words, this is a guy who is an admitted paedophile And who has been convicted and jailed for distributing and viewing child pornography.
He's lusting after an 11-year-old kid.
He was 11 at this point, I think he's 12 now.
He's justifying, saying that it was right for people to be wild with excitement as this poor victim of a child, that's how I look at him, was made to dance around at a New York gay bar while people threw money at him.
That's completely normal.
There you see his mother, And we had the article about 10 days ago now, appearing on Australian television, saying that it was completely normal for him to be dancing in front of a gay club in New York while people threw money at him.
In fact, her own words were, quote, I don't understand what the controversy is.
So this paedophile, convicted child pornographer, Writes in his blog, which is hosted by WordPress, which de-platforms right-wing people for hate speech but allows paedophiles to lust after children, quote, it says loud and proud, I am a sexy kid with sexy feelings.
It's totally cool for grown-ups to get turned on by me.
I love it.
That's why I do this stuff.
It's great.
It's fun.
It's me.
Those are his words talking about an 11-year-old child saying that it's great For him to be turning on adults, by which he means paedophiles like himself.
He goes on to call Conservatives desperate to pretend that, quote, kids have no erotic dimension.
Now, I haven't read Wordpress's terms of service, but I would tend to imagine that they don't allow paedophiles on there to lust after children.
This blog has been up for over a month.
People have talked about it.
People have complained about it.
It's still there.
I don't even care if they de-platform him.
I don't want them to ban him because I'd rather monsters like this be out in the open where we can see what they're doing and what they're saying.
But again, it shows you the absolute double standard and it shows you the sickness that riddles society where all these big mainstream media networks Put this poor victim of a child on a stage to normalise drag queen children and to put him in front of actual paedophiles like this El Carol monster to lust after him on the internet.
Absolutely incredible.
And of course Desmond is Amazing was previously involved in Drag Queen Storytime in which drag queens visit schools and libraries across America to read to children because it's progressive.
As we covered many times before, one of the participants at a Drag Queen Storytime event in Houston, 32-year-old Albert Garza, later turned out to be a registered sex offender who was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy in 2008.
This guy who's talking about lusting after a kid is an admitted paedophile, a convicted child pornographer, and he's allowed to have a blog on WordPress in which he Describes in great detail how he thinks that this, quote, scantily clad boy is sexy and hot.
This is literally on a WordPress blog right now.
Are they going to de-platform him?
Are they going to ban him?
I guess nothing whatsoever is going to happen, but they will continue to ban people who have right of centre opinions because they're progressive.
Absolutely incredible.
Then we have this up on summit.news.
New Vermont law would require taxpayers to fund sex change operations for children.
Now I've talked about this in the UK.
You have tons of surgeons and doctors at the Tavistock Institute in London quitting because they're being forced to perform sex reassignment treatment on children as young as six.
And I quoted the numbers.
It went from a few dozen miners asking for this treatment back in, I think it was less than 10 years ago, to now it's over 2,000.
So it's probably times by about 500% over the past 10 years.
And obviously that is because this warped gender ideology is being imposed on them by their parents.
They're the victims and now huge numbers of people are quitting because they're refusing to conduct this treatment on little boys and girls as young as six.
So a new law in Vermont would require taxpayers to fund sex change operations for minors and could even allow such procedures to occur without parental permission.
This is a new regulation from The Department of Health said it would require persons under the age of 18 to get parental consent.
But then it says, if the minor is emancipated by court order, parental guardian permission is not required.
So this would allow, for the first time, Minors under the age of 21 to get a sex change reassignment operation on taxpayer expense.
How do you feel about that if you live in Vermont?
You will literally be asked to pay through your taxes to fund sex change operations for children.
Absolutely sick!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Thanks for watching!
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You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
And we are back in the final segment.
Before I hit some final news stories, I just want to tell you about the great special available right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
Obviously, we're under constant assault from all sides.
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Now let's talk about Trump's rape accuser because obviously she had a complete bizarro meltdown on CNN last night with Anderson Cooper telling him that rape is sexy.
Now first she said that basically Trump didn't rape her, he threw her down.
Trump of course denies everything.
Cooper said I think most people think of rape as violent assault And E. Jean Carroll responded by saying, quote, I think most people think of rapers being sexy.
And as Cooper desperately fumbled around and tried to cut to the adverts, she followed up with, quote, think of the fantasies.
And as you can see in this clip, she fixes in with a glare and says, you're fascinating to talk to.
And then Anderson Cooper kind of laughs nervously and she looks absolutely cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.
And he finally manages to cut to a break.
Now that made the rounds this morning for the right reasons.
It was absolutely insane.
What most people don't realise is Mrs Carroll seems to have had a rape fixation for quite a while.
Specifically for 25 years.
We have another story at summit.news.
Trump rape accuser once said, quote, women love the idea of being dragged into a cave by a man.
So this was a conversation on Charlie Rose's show, who, by the way, later got accused by 35 different women of sexual abuse and assault.
Back in 1995, nearly 25 years ago, the topic of conversation veered into how, according to Carol, women were obsessed with men.
Now, her fellow guest on the show commented, quote, Yeah, but there's a lot of rules.
You can't walk out of a cave with a club and drag a woman back.
Trump's rape accuser, Miss E. Jean Carroll, responded by saying, Jimmy, women love that!
So she's basically saying that women love at least rape fantasies, if not rape itself.
That is the connotation of what she's saying with that response.
She then asked Charlie Rose, when was the last time you took a big old club?
Yeah, this actually happened.
So she's on, I think it was CNN back then with Charlie Rosas on, I think it was, 25 years ago, basically saying that women find it sexy, women love it, the idea of a man with a club, a caveman with a club, dragging them back into a cave and you know what happens next.
So she was talking about rape fantasies 25 years ago.
She was on Anderson Cooper talking about rape fantasies last night.
This is their big, credible rape accuser with Trump.
Kind of collapsed, hasn't it?
Just like all the others.
There was one back in 2017, I remember, who went on Megyn Kelly's show and said that Trump asked her for her phone number and she described that as sexual assault.
The bar is pretty low at this point.
But again, they always go back to the Access Hollywood tape.
They let you grab them by the pussy.
Well, even though that was, some would call it disgusting locker room talk, his own rhetoric suggested consent.
And this woman was literally on CNN 25 years ago, talking about rape fantasies.
Absolutely incredible.
But Newsbusters reports ABC CBS omit Trump accuser describing rape as sexy to Anderson Cooper.
All three networks Tuesday morning covered the sexual assault allegations by Elle magazine columnist E. Jean Carroll against President Trump.
With NBC being the only network of the three to just do a brief on the story.
However, the networks omitted the accuser's very odd behavior and comments during the interview with Anderson Cooper.
ABC gave a full-fledged report on the accusation, and on Good Morning America anchor Cecilia Vega described Trump's response to Carroll's allegation with a disgusted look on her face.
But then when it came to Carroll herself, they omitted the worst part of her conversation with Anderson Cooper, where she said that most people think rape is sexy.
Ask yourself why they would omit that.
Does that show a hint of Partisan journalistic bias that the very moment where her credibility completely collapsed, as if it hadn't already, is edited out by the big news networks.
Don't think we'll be seeing much more of Mrs Carroll in the near future.
Moving on, UK, Lloyds Bank offers its staff acid attack guidance because diversity is a strength.
Lloyd's Banking Group in the UK is offering its staff acid attack guidance as corrosive substance attacks continue to rise across the country.
Here you see one on video right now.
These two individuals who got back in the car and sped off after acid attacking two other individuals had reportedly carried out a separate acid attack in London early the same day, dressed in Islamic headscarves to hide their identity.
Because diversity is a strength.
And now an image posted to social media shows a sheet of instructions telling employees what to do in the event of an attack.
So this information guideline was posted at a branch, I presume it's a branch, of Lloyds Bank somewhere in the United Kingdom.
It's been circulating on social media.
It says, quote, immediately wash affected body part of patient with plenty of fresh water.
Lean forward so the water does not move the acid to other parts of your face and body.
And they've been convenient enough to include, under this instruction sheet, four large bottles of water which can be used for the next acid attack victim to treat them in their branch.
That's very considerate of them because diversity is a strength.
According to the National Police Chiefs Council, London now has one of the highest rates of recorded acid and corrosive substance attacks per capita in the world.
We also have the knife crime.
That's just an added little bonus.
There are 15 acid attacks in the UK every week, with three quarters taking place in London.
This compares to just two a month from 2007 to 2011.
So it sparked rapidly after 2011, after the London riots.
Knife crime across the country also continues to rise.
And in terms of knife crime, in fact I've got a video coming out probably tomorrow, London is a bleephole, that's what it's called, where they ask Sadiq Khan, once again, what he's going to do about violent crime.
What he's going to do about all crime.
Robberies are up 65% in London since Sadiq Khan took power as mayor.
Knife crime is up 55%.
Rape is up 45%.
So in a committee meeting, they confronted Sadiq Khan with these statistics.
And what was his response?
His response was to say, London is safe.
And diversity is always a strength.
Black SNUI professor says he feels happy seeing white homeless people begging for food.
This was in an article called, Seeing Poor White People Makes Me Happy.
Well, he literally talks about how Martin Luther King was completely wrong.
No, you shouldn't judge people on the content of their character.
You should judge them on the color of their skin.
The exact opposite message of MLK.
And he said, white people begging us for food feels like justice.
It feels like Afrofuturism after America Falls.
It feels like a black nationalist wet dream.
It has the feels I rarely feel.
A hunger for historical vengeance, satisfied so well I rub my belly.
What kind of sick, demented, soulless, inhumane freak would see a poor homeless person on the street, be they black or white, And be glad about it, and be happy about it, because they're the racists.
Basically, he's written an article saying, I'm a racist, I hate white people, I want them all to die.
And of course, he's a professor at SNUY.
He's teaching your kids!
That's going to wrap it up for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
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Coming up next is War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Don't go away, more news coming up.
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Cory Booker says pay reparations even if 98% of whites didn't