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Name: 20190617_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 17, 2019
3223 lines.

On his show, Alex Jones discusses the escalating tensions between nations, citing a false story published by the New York Times accusing the US of attacking Russia's power grid. He claims that globalists believe the end is near and calls for support for Infowars amidst attacks against them. On January 16th, President Trump denied any treasonous attacks, but Jones argues that the situation is tense and volatile. He also discusses the FBI investigation of InfoWars over child pornography emails that were planted to incriminate them. The show features Gerald Celente on economic trends and criticizes retailers for relying on cheap products from Asia. Other news stories covered include a backlash against a child twerking at a Gay Pride Parade, the arrest of Antifa members, and InfoWars censorship."

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Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live global
broadcast Monday June 17th 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I've been on air 25 years.
We passed that mark just last month.
I probably was on the air five years before I ever said this is the most important broadcast I've ever done or the planet is in incredible danger right now.
And then maybe ten years ago I started saying it about once a year.
And now you've noticed the last few years I've been saying it every month or so.
Now I'm saying it every week.
Just last week, Vladimir Putin, who has over 10,000 nuclear weapons under his control, and Lord knows what else, came out and said the planet's never been in more danger of ending the human population with a nuclear war, and he begged the United States to stop what they were doing.
We know what that was now.
There was a giant cyber attack launched in the last month against the Russians that endangered the nuclear power plants, launched out of the United States.
This was done by the Deep State to unseat Trump.
I've always said they could run a false flag, as the leaked CIA document showed under Vault 7.
And this would be the exact type of thing they would do to cause a new war, to basically embarrass Trump and unseat him.
Well, they've done just that.
Despite the fact the President came out yesterday and said it was treason, the media continues to run with the story.
Now, I want to say this very succinctly.
The New York Times came out this weekend and said the United States had offensively launched cyber attacks crippling the Russian power grid in the last month and a half to show them that we wouldn't put up with how they stole the election in 2016.
Now, A, they didn't steal the election.
That's been proven to be a fraud.
B, to offensively say, we have planted code in your power grid, when that's how Chernobyl blew up, was power surges.
And they had to turn it off, and it blew up.
They just had power grids go out in South America, the likes of which have never gone out.
Power grids went out last week all over Europe.
Ladies and gentlemen, all hell is breaking loose.
And now, I wasn't sure whether it was the Iranians, or whether it was a false flag with the ships last week.
Because the Iranians had said we'll close the Strait of Hormuz under advice from Kerry.
Shadow diplomacy against Trump.
Then you see the attacks, but evidence starts to point that it's a false flag.
And our sources say it's a false flag.
Then you have this whopper of a false flag.
The president comes out and says, this is treason, and it's not true, and we didn't launch offensive attacks on the Russians, that's war, and there's no proof they hacked into our systems, there's no proof they got into voting machines.
So the New York Times used this story about how we're at war with Russia and we've attacked them first to insert the lie because the Pentagon knows the Russians hacked the voting machines.
This is insanity, ladies and gentlemen.
And we have to remove the deep state now.
These people are out of control.
Can you guys pull me last week's stacks?
Where I have all the famous admitted false flags at sea, and then Dick Cheney saying he wanted to stage it, and then the neocon think tank advising it just last year.
Because now it all came together when I was reading this last night.
And I tried to take a few days off.
I usually am constantly reading news.
I took off to take my kids out to the lake and, you know, roast hot dogs around the fire.
And last night I started looking at the news again and jumped out of my skin.
I mean, this is unbelievably dangerous.
This is insane.
This is treason.
As the President said, and here's what's scarier, the news is still running with it, saying it's true that we're at war with Russia.
Did you hear that?
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It's on everything with Force in its name.
The new, already best-selling, Space Force, America's Back, awesome shirt that I love and everybody else is loving.
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all of the force products it's got force of the name it's 50 to 30 percent off at
info war store.com info war store.com you are listening to an info wars.com frontline report if
you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
you (audience cheering)
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's June 17th, 2019.
And as the world escalates, as we move towards the singularity, The Quickening, Ragnarok, Good or Dameron, End of Days.
As we head towards the possibility of that, that I hope we can avert, the globalists believe the end of man is here, the new silicon gods are about to rise.
As we accelerate towards this, each week I'm now saying this is the most important broadcast I've ever done.
I used to go five, six years before I'd say that.
The first 15 years of my broadcast, I might have said it three, four times.
Now I started saying it every month, now it's every week.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have so much incredible news that all ties together.
And I'm gonna do my best to cover it all today, but let me just calmly give you the top story, and then calmly try to go through this with everybody.
The New York Times came out, On Saturday, and again on Sunday, and said the United States is at war with Russia.
And that the United States has attacked the Russian power grid, mainly run by nuclear reactors, to show Russia that we're boss.
Now A, that's illegal.
B, it's insane.
But C, C. It's a lie.
And the president came out on Twitter and said, this is not true.
This is treason by the New York Times running these lies.
And he says again in multiple tweets, it is not true.
Now let's pull back.
If you've been following this, what's this really about?
It's about creating a crisis to make Trump look bad.
It's about, within the lie that Russia attacked us with no proof previously, it's about legitimizing offensive war with Russia, which is a policy Hillary Clinton called for when she was running for president and after she was defeated.
Treat cyber attacks like any other attack.
August 31st, 2016.
31st, 2016, the Hill.
The perfect way to frame somebody, and that's in the Vault 7 documents that came out that
same year, leaked by the CIA against themselves, that criminal elements inside our government
were going into Russian servers and attacking the United States to try to start a war with
Russia and/or to get funding.
So let me just calmly walk through this here.
I'm going to say this very slowly.
This is how giant wars start.
This is how planets end.
Cue it up please.
Vladimir Putin last week said the world has never been in more danger of destroying itself.
Humanity's never been in more danger, he said, from nuclear weapons.
He said the United States is moving weapons up against our borders.
Nuclear weapons and other attacks that he did not name.
And talking to a World Federation of Individuals at a summit in St.
Petersburg, he said the planet has never been in more danger.
The World Federation of Scientists came out and moved the doomsday clock closer to midnight than it was during the Cuban Missile Crisis in the early 1960s.
Now, he hadn't gone public with what was happening.
The New York Times publishes a cover story Saying that, A, Russia hacked our voting systems on 2016 to delegitimize the election.
That's never been proven, never even been said to be serious.
Total, abject, boulder-dash baloney that they put out on Saturday the 15th.
Bigger stories, Sunday the 16th.
The president tweeted out that day and the day after and said this is treason and total lie and none of this happened on either side, which is true.
And it's gotten almost no coverage and this morning going over hundreds of articles at home, hundreds of articles here.
We don't lay these articles out on here as a prop.
These are all stacks I've gone through.
They're still running with the fact that we'll show them damn Russians Remember Keith Olbermann?
Russian scum!
We're at war with Russia!
Remember that, two years ago?
It's all been disproven.
But they're rushing ahead with it.
That ups the chances that the attacks on the ship last week were false flags.
I was saying, Tehran has warned they'd do this, that puts them right up there as main suspects.
Plus, Kerry and the deep center over there are advising them.
This is multinational, this is global, this is geopolitical.
TNT we're playing with.
A factory of TNT with fuses everywhere.
We got a bunch of lobotomized monkeys running around with lit sparklers and flamethrowers inside there.
And it's only a matter of days or weeks until this goes sky high.
It's all still being said.
escalates online attacks on Russian power grid.
It's all being feverishly reported.
And CNN saying, the president's a liar!
Russia stole the election for him, and we're attacking Russia.
And you read this article in the New York Times, or you read the other ones, and it reads like a Dr. Strangelove movie, a Stanley Kubrick film.
Like General Jack T. Ripper's running things.
And here's what the lead producer pointed out, Daria.
Notice Trump, though, is saying the New York Times engaged in treason.
No, the New York Times got told this by John Bolton just as sure as the sun came up today.
And he got told this by the special working groups they've got inside these 18 intelligence agencies.
And it's madness.
It's total and complete madness.
So he says it's treason.
He says it's not true.
There's another tweet where he says that.
And obviously it isn't true.
Now here's what we know though, there have been cyber attacks in Russia.
So think about the perfect way to stage a false flag.
You don't have to land frogmen on somebody's ship to blow it up and blame somebody else.
You just get into somebody else's servers, jump through other servers, use a bunch of high-tech cloaking systems
they've got, they admit, and then you attack people's systems and trigger malware that you already loaded on to
their programs, and then you can take them down, and then you can say somebody else did it.
It's incredible.
And we've been there documenting it since day one, ladies and gentlemen.
What happened to us just last week?
We learned we'd been under investigation for two weeks by the FBI, who then gave a statement to my lawyer and said, Infowars is the victim.
Someone sent you emails with child porn on them, you didn't open them.
And it just so happened to be, we're going to get you for talking about Sandy Hook, you piece of crap, here's more threats.
And if you clicked on it, which we didn't do, it's child porn.
The national media ran with, Infowars infected with malware with child porn, their servers aren't safe.
Think about the deception.
But the FBI does say that Jones is innocent.
It wasn't malware.
It was individuals sending us emails to trick us to open them.
Saying we're gonna get you Alex Jones and here's our threats against you.
And you click on it and it's horrible crime.
You're having to look at it and then you've supposedly committed a crime if you knowingly did it.
But you can't let InfoWars be a victim.
Oh no, no.
So it just turns into a national story.
Did you hear about Jones and child porn?
Yeah, he's not guilty.
It was malware.
His servers aren't safe.
It wasn't our servers, ladies and gentlemen.
It wasn't a malware attack.
It was 14 emails sent to us in the last two years since we got sued trying to trick us to open it up and then when they get their Well, they get to go through it and they find those attachments magically out of thousands of emails and then run to the FBI hoping we get put in jail for it.
That's the Democratic Party for you.
That's who they are.
But guess what?
Nobody's buying it.
But what if they start World War 3?
World War 4?
Think about that.
We are now at war with Russia, says the New York Times, and Trump says it's all a lie.
That's dangerous.
The time has come, the time is now, to put the cards on the table.
What would happen, ask yourselves, if InfoWars is taken off the air?
Ask yourself another question.
It's even more important.
What would have happened if InfoWars was never on air?
The tens of thousands of interviews, the investigative reports, the documentary films, the rallies, the tens of billions of views on YouTube and Facebook and other platforms.
What would have happened?
You wouldn't have a global revolution right now against the globalists.
You wouldn't have a global revolution against tyranny.
You wouldn't have populists and nationalists and pro-Christian and pro-family candidates winning all over the world if Infowars hadn't been here.
Now that's not me up here flexing, saying you're lucky I'm here.
It's the opposite.
Whether you live in a little log cabin or a trailer, Whether you live in a big fancy mansion, you've got a connection to God and justice.
And those of you that have spread the word, and prayed for us, and financially supported the broadcast, getting great products at the same time, you built this house.
What's that movie about baseball?
If you build it, they will come?
Robert Redford's in it.
Is it the natural?
Field of Dreams?
I mean, I don't remember.
Field of Dreams?
We built this, ladies and gentlemen, and you came.
We built it, and we did it.
And now they're pissed because they don't want this golden goose with its big ol' fat juicy booty to lay any more of those golden eggs.
And that's really what this comes down to.
It's a sexy goose It's a pretty goose.
It's a sweet goose.
It's a goose that likes you and likes me and likes our children.
And you know, I can joke around about this all day, but getting serious, ladies and gentlemen, they're coming on at us like a freight train.
And this isn't some spectator sport where you watch us in the arena get chewed up or be victorious.
This is a real world action, a war.
Where your action and the support you give us, or don't, governs everything.
This isn't Netflix dramas, or HBO dramas, or Godzilla fighting the three-headed dragon.
This isn't theater.
This isn't imaginary world.
This is rubber meets the road, planet Earth, the middle of 2019.
So I thought for a long time about when it was time, what the demarcation line was.
The point of no return.
Instead of just saying, hey, we're not going to be here unless you support us.
But what is the point to tell people?
Because it makes the enemy happy, and we don't want to make them happy.
But we need to also be honest with you to say, we're bleeding to death.
We put up an incredible fight and I'm proud of what we've done but it takes millions of dollars to run our own servers and stream to millions a day and to run all the IT and to pay for all the equipment and to have the legal and to do this and you've done an amazing job but if you do not commit to get our great products and commit to sign up for AutoShip and commit every month when you can if you can't understand to get products that are the best air filtration, water filtration, all these things you and
your family need.
If you don't commit, the enemy will win. They will smash InfoWars and we will sink into the sea.
Help us fight on in the future because this is the ship.
This is the ship you built. InfoWarsTore.com. I'm in your hands.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This country is about to be handed over to scum who are beholden to scum.
Russian scum!
As things are today, January 20th will not be an inauguration, but rather the end of the United States as an independent country.
It will not be a peaceful change of power.
It will be a usurpation, and the usurper has no validity, no credibility, and no authority under the Constitution!
This is a reality that will become the only reality until this country rids itself of Donald John Trump.
He is not a president.
He is a puppet put in power by Vladimir Putin.
And those who ignore these elemental existential facts, Democrats or Republicans, are traitors to this country and will immediately and forever after be held accountable.
Well, that's when President Trump got inaugurated.
Keith Olbermann swore he'd be gone within a year.
Never happened.
But now, the neocons with the left inside the White House working with John Kerry and Obama are admittedly going around trying to start a giant war, an
international crisis that they believe will topple Trump. Trump calls a newspaper report
on Russia power grid treason. Says that Russia didn't hack our servers for the election. They can't
even really improve bots when around influencing people. And he says that the idea that we have
been for months attacking their power grid It's insane.
But there have been power grid attacks in Russia.
Probably by globalists.
Then they come out and say in the New York Times, hey, we're the ones attacking you.
Obviously trying to goad the Russians into a war.
Let's read what the president had to say.
Trump calls newspaper report on Russia power grid treason.
President Donald Trump has lashed out at the New York Times saying it engaged in a virtual act of treason for a story that said the U.S.
was ramping up its cyber incursions into the Russian power grid.
Do you believe that the failing New York Times just did a story stating that the United States is subsequently increasing cyber attacks on Russia?
This is virtual act of treason.
once great newspaper so desperate for story any story even it's bad for its
own country he wrote the story reported the development of American computer
code and the deployment into the Russia's grid and other targets to act
as a deterrent oh we've loaded malicious stuff onto your power grids to bring
them down that's an act of terrorism the newspaper also said the US Cyber Command
part of the Department of Defense had explored the possibility that Russia
might try to initiate secretive blackouts in key states to disrupt the
2020 election oh if the Clintons and the Obamas say they tried to get into our
voting machines with no proof Well, and if you might do something in 2020, let's preemptively go do it to you and then tell the world that there's malicious code.
Then what do hackers do when they hear about a malicious code out there?
They what?
They exploit it.
This is 101 cyber-terrorism.
And they've announced that the U.S.
is engaged in cyber-terrorism and are holding the Russians hostage with ticking time bombs that others can then exploit.
And what they're really saying is, others go exploit it, bring down their power grid, most of which is nuclear-powered.
The Russians and the French get most of their power off nuclear reactors.
Now what do you think happens if some of those go up?
This is an escalation that's Hitler level against the Russians.
And I'll tell you something right now, nothing's been done like this to Russia since Hitler invaded in 1941 with Operation Barbarossa.
I'm not a Russophile.
I'm a reality file and a survival file.
I kind of like living in planet Earth being here, not getting vaporized on the surface.
And the fact that Trump's being diverted as usual, that the New York Times did this?
No, the New York Times didn't do this.
The New York Times took orders from the psychotic neocons and the psychotic left, who are the same thing, who want power, and who said, we'll use international instances to embarrass the president.
Remember Michael Moore, when he was president-elect, said, don't worry.
Within six months, there'll be an international crisis, North Korea, that'll make him look like a fool.
But Trump went and, at least partially, defused it.
Then we learned the neocons were trying to what?
Derail it.
He tried to pull out of Afghanistan.
They tried to derail it.
He pulled out of Syria.
They called it treason!
On and on and on.
And the left now says, on average in national polls, they love war.
They just love war.
They love it so much.
It's so liberal.
It's so sweet.
It's so good.
And it goes on from there.
escalates online attacks on Russia power grid.
We come back.
I'm going to read some of this to you.
Because it's meant to enrage the Russians.
How we're taking them out, how we're going to show them, you know, how we can do this and that.
And it just gets more insane from there.
And it ties in to the ships last week.
And the fact that guaranteed Obama and Kerry admittedly were advising them on how to get Trump to back down.
So they said, we'll ship sinks.
We will sink ships in the Persian Gulf, in the Strait of Hormuz.
Then they just set the Iranians up to make it look like it was them when then they had their operatives carry out the attacks.
The evidence is mounting.
And it's the same thing here.
Start a war with Russia.
Start an incident with Russia.
Start a huge war with Iran.
Derail the peace talks with Kim Jong-un.
That's their global strategy of crisis.
Their global strategy of tension.
Now, that's one stack of the news.
There's more than 20 stacks here that are all just as bombshell.
Just as insane.
The new global world currency has been officially announced and endorsed by central banks.
We knew that cryptocurrency was being put out by the globalists to get you used to it, to think it was avant-garde and grassroots.
They would then tank it, and they would then bring in the new global currency.
I'm not saying cryptocurrencies are bad, I'm saying this was their plan.
It's now all confirmed and Facebook is doing it.
Facebook has now said if you don't behave, they're watching you at all times, you will not be able to buy or sell.
They said that Friday.
Yes, biblical prophecy is being fulfilled.
Your church won't say a damn word because they're going to take Facebook currency.
It's all there's going to be.
That's right.
One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
You want to be in the New World Order, folks?
You're going to be in it.
That's just one small stacky.
When I said 20 stacks, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.
27 stacks!
I don't exaggerate.
nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one,
twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven.
Twenty-seven stacks! I don't exaggerate.
Twenty-seven stacks, each one more insane!
As the quickening accelerates, my...
Jiminy Crickets...
At this point, I have entered insane asylum land.
(drum beats)
Please don't forget, they're trying to totally shut us down.
I mean, when they're trying to plant child porn on you, and you get sued, and folks know right to what to go look for, you know, you're not in Kansas anymore, are you?
No, you're not in Kansas anymore.
We need massive capital.
People say, why are you expanding?
You either expand or you implode.
I'm just trying to stay the course, launch a few more shows, get some more reporters out there in the field.
And so, people love it when we have a sale.
We have to sell a lot, though, to fund ourselves.
50% off store-wide and store-wide free shipping.
All of the best-selling supplements with 4.9 stars, you name it, are 50% off.
That means we barely make any money, but we move a lot of it.
We need funding.
Please get in there and get all the great products you need at Infowarslife.com.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
Defiance or rebellion is something that has to be looked at as a neutral
Is defiance bad?
Is rebellion bad?
Is resistance bad?
Well, it really is a question of what are you resisting?
What are you rebelling against?
The left pushes this whole narrative about they're rebelling against oppression, and they're rebelling against people trying to tell them what to do or say, but no one's really telling them what to do or say.
They're in charge.
They run the big tech.
They run the corporations.
They run the society.
They have their agenda, and they're openly the bullies, trying to dictate to us how to talk, how to dress, who to have sex with, how to live our lives.
They're constantly lecturing us about microaggressions and telling us that we'll be arrested or taken off Facebook if we don't behave ourselves.
These people are a clear and present danger to free societies.
And so that's what I really want to telegraph to folks is, we know the modern threat to humanity.
Every generation has a threat.
Every generation has a big war.
This is a political and cultural war, an economic war.
It's raging in 2019.
And the establishment is so angry that organizations like InfoWars are still on air.
They need to have victories because despite their trillions of dollars and their corporate dominance, people are rejecting them on a planetary scale.
Globalism is in full retreat.
It's in full collapse.
And so it's rearing its ugly head and hitting us with every nasty trick it had planned for the future.
For their conquest of humanity.
And it's still failing.
But for those of us At the front of the lines, or in the capital ships, we're the targets, ladies and gentlemen.
And I never thought of InfoWars as a major battleship, or an aircraft carrier, or a destroyer, or a submarine attack group, but the enemy sees it as that because we are.
And it's essential we stay in the fight, and never surrender, and never waver, and never back down, and never give up.
That's why, with all the unprecedented attempts to criminally set us up and put me in prison and shut down this operation that have been all over the national news, we have launched Save InfoWars emergency special that's only running for one week.
50% off all InfoWars life Nutraceuticals and supplements, free shipping and double Patriot Points on your next order.
Instead of 5%, 10%.
That's an additional 10% off every dollar.
Get 50% off all InfoWars Live formulas, free shipping, double Patriot Points and more.
This could be your last chance to stock up on top InfoWars Live formulas before they are completely out of stock.
And again, that's the point I've gotten to of having to admit the attack we're under.
The warehouse has confirmed we are already selling out of Survival Shield X2, Dayson Iodine, Super Metal Vitality, and DNA Force.
Plus, now is the time to secure your order before they completely sell out and know that you fund us into the future.
Take advantage of this massive special and support the defense of free speech and reality.
at Infowarsstore.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've proven that we're the enemy of tyranny.
We're pro-life, we're pro-God, we're pro-human.
We need your support or we'll be destroyed.
Please support us.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(singing in foreign language)
(singing in foreign language)
It was the strength of our friends, who fought against the enemies.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The president has come out and shown clear example of treason against the American people.
Treason against life on the surface of this planet.
The New York Times, working with criminals inside the Trump administration and inside the intelligence communities, falsely gave information to the New York Times that we have been cyberattacking the Russian power grid for months.
And we're basically at war with the Russians.
And then even after the president came out yesterday and said that the report was false, almost no media is running with it.
Buried within the lie is the bigger lie that the Russians hacked into servers for election machines in 2016 and gave the election to Trump.
No one has ever shown any evidence of that, but they state it like it is fact.
This is bigger than claiming WMDs were hidden in Iraq that weren't, because they didn't really have WMDs.
This is starting a war, an act of war, against a country that has 10,000 nuclear weapons, and it all came out of Hillary Clinton's mouth.
Before she even lost the election, she said, if Russia ever meddles in our power grid, we should nuke them.
And we should offensively start attacking them.
This is all CFR, neocon, madman, megalomania, Hitler-level stuff, okay?
Here's the headlines, the document.
Trump calls newspaper report on Russia power grid treason, says there's no truth to it, it's a total lie.
But he doesn't point out who is in his administration telling the New York Times this.
And you know it's Bolton.
escalates online attacks on Russia power grid is the New York Times huge disinfo piece.
Then we have all the famous examples of attacks on ships to get us into wars.
We have Hillary Clinton again August 31st saying threat of cyber attacks like any other attack, attack them.
Incredibly dangerous.
And you've got huge power grids going on in Argentina.
Uruguay restored power after massive blackouts.
The biggest in their history.
They're hunting for it.
There's been power outages in Russia, in Europe, unprecedented ones.
Moscow warns against baseless accusations over the tanker attacks.
Remember Stuxnet?
It was reported first by us.
A full year before it was admitted that it was a U.S.
slash Israeli operation.
Will Stuxnet malware be used in false flag attack?
It was.
Computer expert.
was behind Stuxnet.
Paul Joseph Watson.
Turned out it was correct.
Here it is.
Seven facts.
Vault 7.
CIA hacking tool.
Dumped by WikiLeaks.
What's in it?
How to frame the Russians particularly.
Or anybody else you want.
With proxy systems.
That live time will translate whatever you're doing into their other language.
It's all right there.
CIA tools found across 16 countries.
And now, even if we had loaded this on to their servers, telling people we'd done it would be treason, and it's already super dangerous, then other hackers and people know how to exploit it.
Latest WikiLeaks Daily Mail shows how the CIA used computer code to hide the origins of its hacking attacks and disguise them as Russian or Chinese activity.
WikiLeaks reveals Marble proves CIA disguised their hacks as Russian, Chinese, and Arabic.
And it goes on and on and on and on.
Now, I'm going to stop right there.
I've just done the last three and a half segments on this, and I'm going to stop.
But next hour, I'm going to open the phones up for folks that are security experts, cyber experts, IT folks, military, former NSA, Russians.
It doesn't matter.
Anybody that wants to call in and give your take on this.
But this is so criminal.
This is so dangerous.
This is so reckless.
And it shows what I've been predicting.
They have four ways to take Trump down.
The economy, but Trump's been blocking the Federal Reserve, raising interest rates.
He's taking action.
The open borders, we're battling that, but that's a serious crisis, but it'll still take time to sink us.
Election fraud, that's coming up in a year and a half.
The big one is war.
Big one is a war and then they'll embarrass the president with a bad response to the war and say that it's his fault and he was easy on the Russians or easy on the Iranians or he backed out of the nuclear deal.
And it endangers the whole damn planet and it needs to stop and Trump needs to take the gloves off right now.
I'll open the phones up next hour.
Specifically for first-time callers that want to speak directly to this topic, and how dangerous you think it is, and what you think we should do, and what you think is really going on here.
But I agree with the President.
It's treason.
It's a lie.
And it's totally dangerous.
And it sells the idea that there's going to be cyber attacks during the election, so they can have cyber attacks during the election, blame it on Russia, and claim they're helping Trump, and then hand it to the Democrats with their field of losers.
As the President said, only fake polls show us behind the Motley Crue.
We are looking very good, but it's far too early to be focused on that.
Much work to do to make America great again.
They're setting it up where they have cyber attacks, the deep state is still embedded.
They then blame Trump and his Russian allies.
Trump loses, or becomes discredited even if he wins.
They removed Trump, federalized elections as they tried to do in the last two and a half years.
They're running the same program over and over and over and over again.
And it's disgusting.
Now let me tell you what's coming up at the next segment.
No, not Facebook announcing a new world government currency and the world government saying it's approved.
So the first world government, one world currency has been announced.
We told you it was coming through Facebook.
No, I'll get to that later in the middle of the next hour.
How about this?
Suddenly, it's all being admitted.
Cell phones, cell towers, and cancer.
Link proven, but 5G advances.
This is mainstream news.
5G smartphones cause cancer.
Big Wireless doesn't want you to know.
Wired Magazine.
And this new tidbit from the good folks over at ZeroHedge.com.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Cell tower shut down after complaints about cancer cluster in school kids and the teachers.
Wait till you see all the dead and dying kids at the school.
Wait till you find out about that.
Because you know what cell phone radiation does, it rattles DNA.
It's a microwave, just like, it rubs the molecules together.
Breaks DNA.
It's a DNA smasher.
But Trump thinks it's good for the economy, so he's for it.
Another place he's fallen down.
Okay, so we've got that coming up.
We've also are going to get into mainstream media promoting prostitution to young girls as a new career move, and to little boys that they could be a drag queen.
I'm not joking.
It's Teen Vogue.
It's CBS News.
That'll be your job in the future, is if you're a boy, you'll be a girl.
If you're a girl, you'll be a prostitute.
You'll all be sex workers, but again, that's what's going on.
We're also going to be looking at the economy.
Google recognizes Father's Day with a genderless creature.
We're also going to be looking at the latest ...on record number of African migrants coming to Mexican border, AP, and being caught with rolls of $100 crisp banknotes and debit cards with thousands of dollars on them with no name.
You know where it came from, U.S.
aid sends it to Soros, who fences it, and then brings the folks in, and Trump's been trying to get that funding cut, but it's already been allotted by Congress.
So this is all the Underground Railroad from the world to here to bring in folks, put chips on their shoulders, and teach them to hate the American people while they get free stuff.
So it's all coming up.
Tell everyone you know, whether you're on AM and FM, watching on TV or the Internet, how you're watching and listening.
It's how we break the globalist stranglehold of censorship.
Word of mouth.
You are our only hope.
You know the worst part about getting into the inside baseball, we've been telling people
Trump's about to go on the offense.
You were getting into the fact that the last straw really was Facebook banning certain names in certain terms.
That really pushed Trump over the edge and now Human Events is riding on it.
It's now being confirmed by Bloomberg.
You want to talk about this?
This is pretty big to show Trump's thinking, just to show how real he is.
In other words, had they simply not made the choice to ban your name from their platform, and had not made the choice to try to go after and censor people saying anything positive about Alex Jones or Info, it would not have led to the Antitrust Investigation.
And just the announcement of the investigation, and the possibility it was going to go into Facebook as well, Cost them $137 billion.
That's how much money was lost by Big Tech by choosing to go after you.
That's how much the president cost them just by announcing the possibility of an investigation.
$137 billion collectively lost across Big Tech in less than a day solely because they decided to come after you, not recognizing that the president was going to stand by his audience.
Oh, they're now spinning it because we cut off the fake news we lost money.
the original principles of free speech and free press that govern and guide this country.
I mean, all they had to do is hear the president meets with Jack and Twitter. There's a, there's
a, all these problems that had already been documented by that point saying, look, just
pull back, don't meddle in the election, don't continue to suppress and censor speech, and
they would have been able to save their stockholders over $100 billion. But they refused. They
decided they're going to go after- Oh, they're now spinning it because we cut off the fake
news we lost money. No, it's because your censoring and antitrust investigations have
been opened up on you.
There would be no antitrust investigation if they weren't engaged in any antitrust illicit activity.
When they decided to go from just being a technological monopoly on a platform, and instead be a technological monopoly on speech, on press, and on elections, they made a decision that was a fateful decision that has now cost them billions of dollars, will cost them billions of dollars more in the future, and now they're under major antitrust investigation, and it's not gonna stop at Google.
It's gonna keep going.
All of these big social media tech giants might be taken apart, might be wiped off the map.
It might be basically forced to dissolve and forced to separate out its assets in the same way that Rockefeller was with Standard Oil back at the turn of the century.
So I think what's happening is there's now the U.S.
Federal Trade Commission has now announced that Facebook has agreed to subject itself to an antitrust investigation.
The Google antitrust investigation was leaked on Friday.
There's talk that it will go further than Facebook and Google and they're looking at Twitter, they're looking at Netflix, they're looking at other operators.
So these operators that decided to be so overtly political over the last two years, that they were going to use their tech monopoly, their platform monopoly, to suppress, censor speech, to shame individuals, to leak private information against them, to use and leverage their power to help the Democrats take the House, to help the Democrat win the Senate in 2017, threatening to do so the same in 2020.
When they reach the point where not only they ban people from using your name and InfoWars name, And at the same time, banned Paul Joseph Watson from all Facebook and Instagram overnight.
They agreed he hadn't violated any rule ever.
It was such a shock that it's what put the president in motion.
He realized, okay, this is too severe, so severe, action needs to be taken.
Let's unleash the kraken of antitrust enforcement against these rogue operators.
who think now they get to control and govern the country and get to impose a
Chinese social credit model system on the United States democracy and speech systems.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central and you better believe I'm trying to motivate you.
I'm not trying to scare you.
I'm trying to motivate you.
Now I'm going to hit some news here in a moment that is pretty much the most important news that anybody can cover.
Dealing with something that we can actually mediate or mitigate and not have something that ends up
killing more people than cigarettes has. And that's cell phones and all
the rest of this garbage because they keep upping the magnetic power, the
radiation power, the microwave energy power. And one of the most studied things
out there period.
One of the most studied things that you're going to find is microwave radiation.
They knew when they first started using microwaves at the end of World War II that you'd get really sick if you stood in front of one of the projectors.
They started learning that they could heat up cans of beans by putting it on a post a few feet in front of it.
That's where they got the ideas for microwave ovens.
Was because they started cooking their food with them in the 40s and 50s.
Now again, if it cooks beans, what's it doing to your brain?
This is not rocket science, ladies and gentlemen.
And so yes, it's much lower level radiation at a distance, but it doesn't matter.
The sun puts out a wide spectrum of radiation.
The light band and other rays.
And we all know that some sun's good for us, but if you laid out in the sun in the Sahara Desert for a couple days, you would die with huge blisters all over your body.
But you see, that type of radiation doesn't penetrate.
But what does microwave radiation do?
Why does your cell phone that has a microwave transmitter in it, Shoot through walls and go all the way out to towers.
Why, I've got four bars in here.
Four bars in here.
Four bars.
And even when I'm not using it, it's communicating back and forth with the towers, sending information.
Now, the studies show that these give you massive brain tumors.
And that the type of brain tumors, depending on which side of your head people go in, different tumors are up 2,000%, 3,000%, 4,000%.
Tumors that were very rare are now very common.
They always say, oh, let me guess.
Do you put the phone to your left side or your right side?
And it's always the side you put it up to.
And there's magnetic scans of this that shows it.
There were even studies I read 20 years ago on air that were like in CBS News.
They even tell you that the brain, after a few minute conversation, Gets the temperature raised up to two degrees.
It's actually cooking your brain!
That's why I always use Bluetooth, and I don't keep it in my pocket most of the time, and I keep them away from me.
Because if you talk to the engineers, the antenna is about an inch long in these.
And you're getting microwave radiation that would, you could stick it in an egg, and right around that antenna, it would cook that part of the egg.
You pull it out and have Some cooked yolk on there.
Or egg white.
So imagine years of it up against your head.
They also found in studies that the brain gets excited.
The brain is electrochemical.
And so people wonder why they seem to get so agitated the more they're on the phone.
Oh, and a lot of people just use a wire to it.
That, a lot of times, sends more of the radiation up the wire into your brain.
So, everybody knows when you stick one of these on top of a hospital or a school, suddenly massive numbers of cancers pop up.
20,000, 100,000 times the local rate of cancer.
So it's just like when somebody knows, what is it about this neighborhood?
Everybody's getting nosebleeds and cancer, and you go, oh, you're a big landfill.
I have a friend who works here that his wife's sister, I'm not giving you any details, she had that disease where her whole life she barely grew, and by the time she was like 15 years old, she was like 120, and then she died.
And then a lot of other folks in the neighborhood all died, and they said, oh my gosh, you're on top of toxin landfill from the 40s.
And they all got multi-million dollar settlements, but they didn't want those multi-million dollar settlements.
They wanted their children alive.
And about half the people in the neighborhood got cancer.
Well, guess what happens when you live by a big cell tower?
Let me go further.
You don't want to live under high-powered tension wires.
They're giant antennas.
That's why they have information transfer over power line the government's already using.
That's DARPA's big secret communication system, is information over the power lines.
Oh, and they can send data now into those that's picked up as wireless in your house and controls appliances that you didn't even know were wireless, but are wireless.
The former head of the CIA admitted to all this.
So, you know those government-approved, man-made little curly-cube light bulbs?
Those are patented to be operated by Communication over power lines.
And they can do a flicker rate!
That augments and interfaces with Microsoft programs with those little infrared sensors that are on them that they share for other devices.
They're really for those.
Oh, it goes further.
It gets a lot better.
They tested it in Minnesota eight years ago.
I saw an article in AP at a police station to calm the police officers.
The special light bulbs had a program flickering to calm them and make them happy.
They didn't tell the officers for a year.
Not in Kansas anymore.
There's massive testing being done on you and your family.
Now, there's a race to put 5G in every 300 or 400 yards, all over the country, all over the world.
And of course, the Chinese government was the fastest group rolling it out here at cost.
Well, Trump said, oh, they're able to break into all of our Appliances into everything with these, because they go through walls, and they penetrate everything, and you can't have them near military bases, and if you've got one of their Wapo phones, you can't be in the military or bring it on base.
But what about the U.S.
What have we built?
What have we done?
5G, the L.A.
Times, and even Wired Magazine admit, does give you cancer at higher rates than normal 4G or 3G.
So they're just upping the power because we put up with it.
And then everything's being designed to interface with it and work off of it because we don't want to run wires that deliver the signal better and easier.
We want everything in live time so there can be a worldwide social credit score.
And what did Facebook announce last Friday?
They said, we're going and data mining everything you ever did in the 30 years of the internet.
We're watching what you do in your house over the assistance units.
And if you ever said anything racist or bad, we're going to kick you off Facebook.
And in the future, that means banking.
That means travel.
It's the Chinese social score already rolling out.
And you won't be able to even... Folks, I'm going to cover this next hour.
This is in a press release.
Remember Samsung five years ago?
We wrote about it, said in its terms of service, watch what you say.
We have a video camera and audio.
We're selling it to third parties.
It said, watch what you say.
And then Schmidt of Google said, yeah, watch what you do online.
Well, what about when they bring the portals into the house that's following you and listening to you?
And then Facebook tells you, hey, dumb effers, That's a quote about his users.
I'm going to have the global currency.
I'm going to control everything you do.
I'm going to run your life.
I'm going to watch you.
And like fools, like the fools at Troy, we bring in the Trojan horse.
It's all coming up next hour.
But go look at it for yourself.
Why in the world would they do this?
It's about depopulation.
It's about control.
It's about social scores.
It's about tracking everything in live time, whether you have a phone or don't, with face scanning and all the rest of it.
We're going to go to break.
Please remember, without your support, we will not be here.
And it's more critical than ever that we are able to fund our operations into the future.
That's why we're running SaveInfoWars.com Emergency Special.
Save InfoWars Emergency Special 50% off all the best-selling supplements and nutraceuticals and store-wide free shipping.
50% off.
Oh, and I keep forgetting!
Double Patriot Points.
I cut ads for this this weekend.
I didn't even point out.
Double Patriot Points.
set a 5% off the next order, 10% off, sign up for auto ship on things like the toothpaste,
the coffee, the things you're going to need, protein bars, and get 10% off additionally on
that. Making a lot of these lost leaders. Whatever you do, take action now. We want a pro-human
future and only you can help keep us on air. I've thought for a long time about when does the...
I'm sorry. I've been thinking...
Truth is my only weapon.
And I've been thinking for over a year about when is the time to be honest with the... It's just a weird question to ask.
Let me put it this way.
Hell, maybe we should just put it out while I'm sitting here trying to figure this out.
You know, we're winning the info war, but we're losing financially.
And that encourages the enemy.
Because if I don't tell folks how serious things are, they won't support us.
Let me say it this way.
Infowars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.
It's Orwellian, it's biblical, it's authoritarian, it's insane.
And I keep trying to judge and gauge when is the right time To have to stumble up on deck as the captain of this operation and say, hey, we're sinking.
I've begged for your support before and thanks for keeping us afloat, but this is the real S.O.S.
If you don't buy a bunch of products and spread the word and keep fighting, InfoWars will be shut down, not just crippled.
And so we've reached that point.
It'll make the enemy happy, but, you know, whatever.
We have withstood so many of their attacks.
We've gone through so much because of your support.
You have been there.
But let me tell you, they are pissed they haven't been successful, and they're giving us their full assault.
So we need your prayers, your financial support, and your word of mouth now at InfoWars.com.
It's your fight.
Decide whether or not you want InfoWars to continue, because we could be shut down.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
(upbeat music)
Rallies celebrating Trump Derangement Syndrome were held nationwide as those calling for impeachment took to the streets to embrace the lies being fed to them by their congressmen and the blatant bias of the mainstream media.
Here in LA and across the country, activists, they're urging House Democrats to start impeachment proceedings and they took their messages to the streets where Trump supporters, well, they were waiting for them.
Well, they were waiting for them.
We love our president.
We think he's doing one heck of a great job.
It's no longer a question whether or not our president is a criminal.
We know that he is a criminal.
George Soros funded MoveOn.org was in full display nationwide.
The groups behind the protests are called MoveOn and By The People.
They organize support from dozens of smaller groups across the country, including Black Lives Matter here in New York.
MoveOn.org, which is simply a Democratic Political Action Committee, as all of their donations go directly to Democrats, continues to masquerade as American activism.
George Soros has dropped millions on MoveOn.org, while donors like Daniel Tierney, representing Wicklow Capital, donated $666,666 in an apparent representation of satanic numerology, flying in the face of American providence and foundational morality.
While Dustin Moskovich of the project organizing tool Asana, representing the totalitarian Silicon Valley Goliath, dropped $3 million on MoveOn.org in 2018.
Asana describes itself as a team that comes from many of the world's leading tech companies including Google, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Salesforce, and Dropbox.
Silicon Valley owns the Democrats.
Earlier this week, Democrats in the U.S.
Congress, rather than address the carnage and impending disease entering the country via the U.S.
border, or the totalitarian attack on free speech by Silicon Valley, or even the homeless epidemic in their own districts, decided to continue their mob mental illness by pushing for impeachment.
He's unfit to be the president.
He has no moral compass.
Regardless, that the numerous investigations which found nothing regarding President Trump and collusion with the Russians are essentially over.
Viewer discretion advised.
Anyone affected by watching mental patients wielding federal power should leave the room.
Volume 1 of the report outlines a sweeping and systemic effort by Russia to interfere in the 2016 election for the benefit of Donald Trump.
It establishes that the Trump campaign welcomed the Russian interference because it expected to benefit electorally from information stolen and released through the Russian effort.
It shows how the Trump campaign built the theft and dumping of Russian stolen documents into its campaign messaging and strategy.
And as special counsel made clear, it sets out in great detail why the conduct in his report should concern every American.
Finally, the amendment finds that the President's assertion does not change the fact that the Attorney General and the Secretary of Commerce are sadly in contempt.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
In 2017, former CIA Director Brennan stated in an open hearing in this committee that Russian active measures to impact the U.S.
had been going on for decades.
In 2012, then-candidate for President Romney stated he believed Russia posed the greatest threat to the United States, to which President Obama replied, the 80s called, they want their foreign policy back.
In 2014, then-chairman, now-ranking member Nunes warned of Russian maligned influence campaigns.
All of this acknowledgment of Russia and their intentions, and yet no response from the Obama administration.
So there's a lot of conspiracy theories swirling around about Russia collusion, so let's just add this one.
Is it possible that a group of politically motivated individuals at the highest echelons of national security decided to turn a blind eye to this activity, feeling that it would in fact enhance their candidates' chances of winning?
The Democrats assembled us today to analyze the shoddy political hit piece known as the Mueller Report.
It's written in the same spirit and with the same purpose as the Steele dossier, which was once championed by... And now the Democrats, with embedded leakers inside the White House for credibility, have made up the total lie that we've been at war with Russia, trying to take down their power grid for months, and put it out without telling the President in an attempt to create an international, perhaps even military crisis.
Stay with us, we'll be right back in 60 seconds with the biggest news yet.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.
It's Orwellian, it's biblical, it's authoritarian, it's insane.
And I keep trying to judge and gauge when is the right time to have to stumble up on deck as the captain of this
operation and say, "Hey, we're sinking. I'm sinking."
I've begged for your support before and thanks for keeping us afloat, but this is the real S.O.S.
If you don't buy a bunch of products and spread the word and keep fighting, InfoWars will be shut down, not just crippled.
And so we've reached that point.
It'll make the enemy happy, but, you know, whatever.
We have withstood so many of their attacks.
We've gone through so much because of your support.
You have been there.
But let me tell you, they are pissed they haven't been successful, and they're giving us their full assault.
So we need your prayers, your financial support, and your word of mouth now at InfoWars4.com.
It's your fight!
Decide whether or not you want InfoWars to continue because we could be shut down.
I have undoubtedly never come in to do a broadcast and have this much insane news on the platform.
We're going to get the number out here in just a moment and take your calls on this main subject that I spent most of the last hour on for first-time callers in the first round.
The New York Times comes out in a front page story Saturday and says the U.S.
has been at war with Russia for months.
A giant cyber attack that we offensively launched because they hacked into servers and flipped the election for Hillary at the voting machines.
No proof.
That's a known lie.
Never one shred of evidence.
The biggest part of the Russia hoax.
Trump comes out and says it's treason to say that we're at war and offensively attacking somebody.
You could start a huge war that way.
It's electronic digital terrorism, cyber terrorism to do that.
We don't offensively attack people.
And it's not true!
Now he said that on Saturday and Sunday and almost no one even picked up what he said.
I learned about this the day after it happened because I try to take at least a day off with my children and I couldn't believe it.
That even this morning, they're still going with, yeah, the Russians, it's admitted.
Pentagon says, unnamed sources, that they did steal the election for Trump.
But we've struck back, and we're inside their power grid, turning their nuclear power plants off.
We're letting them know we can if we want to, but yeah, they've had some power outages.
And there's all these other giant power outages in Europe, Russia, Latin America, the biggest ever in South America.
And all of this is doctrine of Hillary Clinton, saying that we should strike them because they struck our elections.
We should bring down their grid.
And of course, even mainline pundits said, that's war.
That's insanity.
No one would do something like that.
The Russians will respond.
We don't have any proof they did it.
And a few years later, now they're just in the New York Times saying it's happening.
This is a giant, electronic, false flag to destabilize the U.S.
and the world, and to make Trump look like a fool, and to start a giant war.
I said there's four ways they can bring down Trump, and number one is a false war.
And sure, I thought because Iran said, hey, we'll attack you and sink ships if you do sanctions.
Well, he was advised by Kerry to do that.
The Mullah was.
The Ayatollah.
And so I said that made him prime suspects.
But then the evidence came out that it was false flag.
Even mainline analysts don't believe it.
They believe it was being done by a third party or subgroup to again derail peace talks that Trump had going on with the Japanese Prime Minister who was sent there basically at Trump's behest to fix things.
We know the deep state, both Democrat and neocon, globalists, are sabotaging everything.
And this is an escalation to levels that I don't have words to describe.
I want to get your take, particularly if you've been in the military, if you've been in cyber command, if you've been in international computer relations operations.
Is what I'm saying an exaggeration?
I don't think so.
I think it's worse than I'm saying.
And we'll go over all the articles about Stuxnet being Israel and the U.S., and hitting Iranian nuclear processing centers, and then getting into other power plants around the world.
And then we'll also get into how dangerous it is to load this software onto other systems, because then hackers are looking for exploits that can get into it, not knowing what it does, and bring down their power plants.
You cut off power, they've got too much power to keep the nuclear reactors going.
Sending it down line, it'll blow up all the transformers across the country.
So you gotta turn the reactors off.
You can't turn most of the Russian reactors off.
You can't turn most of ours off!
They say theoretically on paper you can.
Most of the blowups on nuclear submarines and on aircraft carriers, and believe me they've happened, and at power stations, has been when you turn the power off.
You understand, you can't just keep a nuclear reactor going, sending billions of volts down it, and then there's nobody to take it.
If the power stations get turned off and go dark, but reactors are still sending power out, it blows up the transformer bases.
You ever drive around, see those big things look like science fiction?
All the big boxes and coils and wires?
That's a distribution power center.
You turn power grids off, nuclear reactors blow up!
The Russians are still operating on Soviet-made monstrosities.
You want a whole bunch of Chernobyls?
This is psychotic, devilish, demon possession by people at high levels of government.
Trump is not behind it, but he's sitting here pointing out and saying That it's treason by the New York Times.
The treason is the sources in government telling this lie, who use the national security window they're behind, the membrane they're behind, to lie to everyone and put out this info.
I want to take your calls on this at 877-789-2539.
877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex, 877-789-2539 on this topic.
There's no doubt this is a false flag.
There's no doubt Russian systems are being attacked.
It's perfect for the deep state to hide behind their servers, to hide behind their secret systems that are designed to cover up the source, attack Russia, and when that doesn't get the response they want, they come out and say, yeah, Trump ordered us to attack Russia, to destroy any chance of relations into the future.
This is madness.
Especially with the Chi-Coms getting into an aggressive stance, saying they're at war with the U.S.
in their major papers in the last month.
Russia is not expansionist.
Russia is trying to stabilize itself.
China is totally expansionist, in our business, owns our debts, owns most of Hollywood.
And this is deep state globalists that are allied with China, trying to start a war with Russia, a cyber war, an economic war, a physical hot war, as a way to sabotage resources.
As a way to make Trump look bad, as a way to destroy nationalism and populism.
And that's what Putin says.
He says, all this stirring up war with us is meant to drain our resources and meant to make us collapse.
We're cutting our defense budget.
We're not fighting with you.
And he did it.
Their answer was to go ahead and announce this.
Putin says we're the closest to nuclear war ever.
This is so dangerous.
Does the world know how much danger we're in?
And the next few days later, the New York Times puts out a huge story that is like something Emperor Palpatine would come up with.
OK, this is so evil.
Let's roll that Putin clip and I'll give you the subtitles.
If no one is interested, do it a little bit slower, guys.
Back it up.
Start it over, please.
Go ahead.
If no one is interested in renewing the START III treaty, we will not renew it.
We will have already said a hundred times that we are ready to do so.
But no one is willing to talk about it with us.
Please note that there is no formal negotiating process.
And everything will expire in 2021.
Mind you, there will be no more instruments to limit an arms race or, for example, deploying weapons in outer space.
Do you understand what this means or not?
Ask the experts.
It means that each of us, say under the nuclear weapon, permanently.
But we are doing this and doing it quickly.
Will anyone ever think about it?
Talk about it?
Or show any concern?
No, complete silence.
Or take low-yield nuclear weapons?
Or non-nuclear strategic missiles?
What if a globally ranged strategic missile is launched from a submarine in the middle of the ocean?
How do we know it only carries a non-nuclear charge?
Do you realize how serious and dangerous this is?
Is Putin issuing an SOS to the world?
And he goes on to say we're in the most danger we've ever been.
Now, I'm going to go to break and come back with your calls.
This is out of control.
And it is treason.
Treason against life on Earth.
Treason against humanity.
Complete madness.
And the Democratic Party has said, we want war with Russia and National Poles.
The average Democrat wants a nuclear war.
They are totally insane.
They're all ready to die as long as Putin dies, because he stopped their god, Hillary.
Total insanity!
They didn't.
Didn't Hillary stop herself?
It is the only independent press of this size and scale, of this public reach, It's reached so effective that that's why Facebook is waging war against InfoWars.
That's why Instagram is waging war against InfoWars.
That's why Google and YouTube and Twitter are waging war against InfoWars more than anyone else is because it is the ultimate counter China model.
It is the one model that says here's a way to have a self-supporting Self-sustaining, self-structured, little d democratic structure that because the audience determines what content goes up, the audience determines what audience is ultimately reached by their choices in supporting InfoWars.
So by doing little things like, okay, we want a little d democracy, we want a Fluoride-free toothpaste, let's say that's what it is.
So it's dealing with a particular health issue, where you have the health industry pushing one product overwhelmingly, the big pharma, big companies, the corporate model, the Chinese model, the statist corporate model that China has promoted, against Infowars' model, which is we're going to have an American-created product.
We're going to sell that directly to our own people.
Our people will decide whether they want to support it or not.
And by choosing to buy little products like that, they're able to fuel this independent press
that is the only one that is not dependent on billionaire donors or sugar daddies,
that is not dependent on big corporate sponsors, that is not dependent on getting the approval
of the social media giants in order to spread their message.
And it's all because the audience spends their, whatever it is, whether it's $5 or $50 a month
on products that they like and that they want that actually compete with the corporate driven model
and the ability to do that.
And at the same time, support press, support speech, support letting the audience choose what news they want to
see and what views they want And it's the ultimate American democratic expression and experiment.
And it is the celebration of free press and free speech with free markets.
And doing so in a way that's not corporate driven.
The reason why they don't see news change at InfoWars or content change at InfoWars, except as requested or thought about by the audience, is because the audience controls it.
Because the audience has chosen a self-supporting, self-sustaining economic model by making small contributions by buying products.
They already want, at a more affordable rate, by sustaining it, they create a self-sustaining, self-supporting structure that is unique in the world, and that's why they wage war against it.
And as long as the audience refuses to concede to that, or forfeit their economic contribution, as long as they continue to be involved, and continue to participate, and continue to partake, and continue this self-supporting, self-sustaining structure, there's nothing they can literally do to crush it or end it.
They can try to limit the scope of the audience, they can try to limit the size of the microphone, but in the end, we will find ways to reach them because the audience dictates and determines it by its support of influence.
It's time.
It's time to start your summer with real power.
The power that God gave us through Mother Nature.
We're dropping prices by 50% on all of our best-selling force supplements to help you reach your peak strength.
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Ladies and gentlemen, all of the Force products are on massive 50% off.
Total Super Force special sale includes 50% off DNA Force Plus, Brain Force Plus, Turbo Force, Ultimate Female Force, and 33% off the new best-selling Space Force America is Back designer t-shirt.
All of this is available at Infowarstore.com.
And there's also a sticker bomb to help fight censorship as well.
Stickers are all being sold at cost.
You'll find these amazing specials at Infowarstore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Don't forget, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
That's our home.
That's where you find us, unfettered, our own audio, our own video streams, our own systems, our own crews.
Your funding, your support of our broadcast pays for all of that.
And the deplatforming really hurt us because I spend millions and millions more a year streaming our own audio and video, which we already had as backup, And so that's one of the crippling factors of the deplatforming is we have massive extra viewers and listeners on the sites themselves every day.
I tried to accelerate it back when Matt Drudge came here three years ago and warned us and said, hey, I've talked to the top people, Supreme Court justices.
They're coming with global deplatforming the next few years.
You've got to accelerate people to your own platform.
You've got to get off Facebook.
You've got to get off YouTube.
You've got to get off Twitter because they're electronic ghettos.
Well, we tried.
Everybody else didn't.
They're all off the air.
We have our own platform, not as big as we'd like, but it's here thanks to you.
And after we take a few segments of calls, I'm going to get into what this global cryptocurrency means, and how the setup worked.
I'm not saying cryptocurrency's bad, but they always built them up, let them operate, to then start restricting them, and then they'll bring out the big kahuna that'll become the global standard tied to your behavior.
And I know high-level Facebook people that told me two years ago, it's going to be a cult.
If you're going to be on there, there'll be group managers that see all your stuff.
You're going to have your banking on there.
And if you don't behave, it's going to be the global Chinese social score, or like that Black Mirror episode is getting you ready for it.
It'll be just like that.
Well, Facebook has announced they're unveiling the mark of the beast, global currency backed by governments and banks out of the gates.
And they're going to come after everybody else.
So I more than ever want to support other cryptocurrencies, but you watch.
It'll be them saying Facebook only.
Unbelievable how protected and evil Facebook is.
It was set up by the CIA and the NSA on record.
Now, imagine.
Record number of African migrants coming to Mexican border, AP, into the US.
We documented that.
Drudge Report linked to it.
Well, now there's video on local news.
Africans coming across southern border have rolls of hundreds, up to $5,000 a piece.
And they have debit cards from Visa and MasterCard with no name, with thousands on them.
Yes, they're being flown to Central America out of the Congo.
Anywhere else, they're being paid with international money.
How do you think everybody got into Europe?
If you're a TV viewer, I am showing on screen George Soros admitting it all, years ago.
Then when it got bad last year, they had national news say Alex Jones is a liar, conservative media is a liar, George Soros gives no one debit cards.
Of course, it's not his money.
He gets it from the State Department, keeps part of it, and then gives it to you so the State Department can get around funding human smuggling.
Then when Trump started looking at it, they ran disinfo articles saying, oh no, no, we don't do that.
I'm going to show you all the proof coming up next hour.
Box Day is going to pop in.
We'll keep taking your phone calls.
We have Dan Lyman of EuropeWars.com on a bunch of huge developments in the last segment of this hour.
But I'm going to go to your calls right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Just please remember, we have store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points, And 50% off, a lot of that's at cost, because we've done so many sales, we've habituated listeners who really want the mega sales, and this is how we fund ourselves, and these are great products you need.
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It's all there.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
And it's still 33% off on the best-selling Space Force red, white, and blue American flag shirt that's so popular.
I knew it would be popular.
And so it is exploding.
Everybody loves it.
Perfect five-star vote so far.
This is the shirt we could get 100,000 of these on the street.
We've already got 5,000 out the door.
I'd like to see a go-chain reaction like the Hillary for President shirt.
This is high quality, made in America, super soft fabric, expensive to print like this.
The shirt cost us nine bucks, the printing like a couple bucks.
So when we sell it at $19.95, that is a great deal.
These shirts are normally $30 to $40 at the mall.
Shirts that are made by the same manufacturer.
If you don't cost them $15, $12 to make them, they're gonna want double, triple markup.
No, not us.
Get the shirt.
Make it go viral.
You're awesome.
Okay, let's stop there.
Let's stop there.
But imagine the cryptocurrencies.
They can Facebook these multinationals and give money to anybody they want.
Anybody to fly or anybody to come here.
It's all just digital.
They can pump it up and make billions a day.
Use it as a weapons system.
Well, you scrape and fight to live and even pay your bills.
It's pure evil.
It's the digital world government system.
All right.
Gary says he's an electrical engineer from Utah.
He wants to talk about how big a deal this is with the announcement that we're at war with Russia.
This is incredible.
Tell us what you think, Gary.
Hey, brother, how you doing today?
I'd ask you how you were doing, but if you're not nervous about what's going on today with the way things are going, I think you're just simply an idiot.
Go ahead and say that again.
You're a little bit overdriven, a little bit distorted there.
Hold on a second.
Can you hear me now?
Yeah, go ahead.
Yeah, I just think that if you're not nervous about what's going on today and how things are going today, everything's electronic.
I mean, everything's about data, how much data we can push.
5G makes me super, super nervous because of, I mean, I'm just nervous about all of it.
I can tell you that I worked on the Bay Area Rapid Transit System on their data system.
And you talk, you talk about microwaves and, and stuff like that.
And basically, you're in a sardine can when it comes to Well, they're admitting that it's massively increasing cancers.
And I just say that's just the way it is.
We're doing it.
enough room to really engineer the stuff that was down there. But pretty crazy. At any rate,
you're absolutely right with microwavable stuff. I believe I believe that. And I just
can't believe that nobody is nervous about this.
Well, they're admitting that it's massively increasing cancers. And I just said, that's
just the way it is. We're doing it. My big concern is saying we're at war with Russia,
saying they've hacked us with no proof, saying we're planting stuff on their servers and
trying to bring down their power grid.
That's an act of war.
And then the president comes out and says, this is illegal, plus we didn't do it.
It's treason.
What are you doing?
Well, people in his administration are globalists like John Bolton.
They are telling the New York Times this.
And they're trying to goad Russia into action and it's insane.
I've never seen anything like this.
It's like what a supervillain would do.
But it's all to try to derail this country.
What do you think?
I believe that.
I believe that.
I mean, when is America going to wake up and start doing something about it?
I mean, I talk to people around me all the time about it and it's like, Somebody else is going to take care of it for us, and that's just... Well, the good news is, and the bad news is, I agree.
So many kids are dying per school that have a cell phone tower.
Let me show you some of the dead and dying kids here at GBBR.
That it's all over the local news, and parents are just threatening to take their kids out, so it's all being ripped down.
We're going to rip it all out.
We're going to take it all out and bring in safe technology.
5G and all this is killing more people than cigarettes ever did.
The time has come.
The time is now.
To put the cards on the table.
What would happen, ask yourselves, if InfoWars is taken off the air?
Ask yourself another question.
It's even more important.
What would have happened if InfoWars was never on air?
The tens of thousands of interviews, the investigative reports, the documentary films, the rallies, the tens of billions of views, On YouTube and Facebook and other platforms, what would have happened?
You wouldn't have a global revolution right now against the globalists.
You wouldn't have a global revolution against tyranny.
You wouldn't have populists and nationalists and pro-Christian and pro-family candidates winning all over the world if Infowars hadn't been here.
Now, that's not me up here flexing, saying, you're lucky I'm here.
It's the opposite.
Whether you live in a little log cabin or a trailer, whether you live in a big fancy mansion, you've got a connection to God and justice.
And those of you that have spread the word and prayed for us and financially supported the broadcast, getting great products at the same time, you built this house.
What's that movie about baseball?
If you build it, they will come?
Robert Redford's in it.
Is it the natural?
Feel the dreams?
I mean, I don't remember.
Feel the dreams?
We built this, ladies and gentlemen.
And you came.
We built it.
And we did it.
And now, they're pissed because they don't want this golden goose with its big ol' fat juicy booty to lay any more of those golden eggs.
And that's really what this comes down to.
It's a sexy goose.
It's a pretty goose.
It's a sweet goose.
It's a goose that likes you and likes me and likes our children.
And you know, I can joke around about this all day, but getting serious, ladies and gentlemen, they're coming on at us like a freight train.
And this isn't some spectator sport where you watch us in the arena get chewed up or be victorious.
This is a real world action, a war.
Where your action and the support you give us, or don't, governs everything.
This isn't Netflix dramas, or HBO dramas, or Godzilla fighting the three-headed dragon.
This isn't theater.
This isn't imaginary world.
This is rubber meets the road, planet Earth, the middle of 2019.
So I thought for a long time about when it was time, what the demarcation line was.
The point of no return.
Instead of just saying, hey, we're not going to be here unless you support us.
But what is the point to tell people?
Because it makes the enemy happy, and we don't want to make them happy.
But we need to also be honest with you to say, we're bleeding to death.
We've put up an incredible fight, and I'm proud of what we've done, but it takes millions of dollars to run our own servers and stream to millions a day and to run all the IT and to pay for all the equipment and to have the legal and to do this, and you've done an amazing job, but if you do not commit to get our great products and commit to sign up for AutoShip and commit every month when you can, if you can't understand, to get products that are already the best, air filtration, water filtration, all these things you and
your family need.
If you don't commit, the enemy will win. They will smash InfoWars and we will sink into the sea.
Help us fight on in the future because this is the ship.
This is the ship you built. InfoWarsTore.com. I'm in your hands.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
By the way, there's a story up on Infowars.com from Japan today.
Japan demands more proof from U.S.
that Iran attacked tankers.
Says they really haven't seen proof.
They say a ship?
Coming up removing a mine?
How do you even know?
Bill Skousen I really respect.
He's a lot of great contacts.
Really smart.
He says it's a total false flag.
But you do have Iran threatening to sink ships in the Strait of Hormuz if we put sanctions on them.
All I know is the neocons, the globalists, can stage this easily.
We got a ton of amazing calls.
Sam and Tyler and Kevin and Justin and Harry and all the other folks that have been holding.
We're going to get to you in order.
You've all got great points.
I want to just bam bam bam go through them.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tyler in North Dakota.
Tyler, thank you for calling today on this Monday edition.
Yeah, I. My big thing is that this this this issue gives them so many different angles that gives them an angle to.
Drum up war.
With Russia directly, but it also gives them an opportunity to do a false flag domestically and blame it on Russia as retaliation.
That's the big one, is to say Russia already attacked us, stole the election for Trump with no proof, then say we've attacked them, giving them the green light.
When you attack somebody, they get to attack back.
But Russia's smart, isn't doing it.
But regardless, they'll now launch it and frame Russia.
Yeah, that's what I'm concerned about.
You know, I just think we have to push it out there as hard as we can and get as much attention on it as possible.
I agree with you.
How insane does the deep embedded state have to be to say we're attacking Russia when we really aren't, knowing it takes away our moral high ground?
I mean, they're just not following the normal rules of engagement.
People have rules of engagement because you end up having giant wars when you don't.
And it's just, why do you think they're doing this?
Well, you know, I think the same reason they were going after Syria so hard is because it's the Russian, Russia, Syria, Iran, they're all, they're all linked together.
And, you know, Russia is the big cherry on top that they want to, want to get in line.
You know, they want to, they want to take them down militarily and they want to push them into the EU, which, you know, EU is falling apart, but it's That's it, that's it.
And meanwhile, there's a big group of globalists that don't like the fact that America's waking up and dealing with China, who's the big threat, and so we can get off in a fight with Russia, then that's a good distraction for the Chinese to go ahead and take over.
Right, right.
You know, I don't know who is responsible for this or if there's any way, you know, I think it would be more effective at this point Instead of worrying about getting John Brennan in prison or getting any of the deep staters that are acting along with the Democrats, is to arrest somebody within his own administration that he knows is acting against him.
I think that would really make a big point to the American public about how corrupt the government is.
It's not just the Democrats and the CIA.
It's people that he's appointed.
And they don't have respect for him.
They talk about him right behind his back.
And again, because he came into the swamp and he's tried to work with people.
Thank you so much, Tyler.
Amazing call.
Incredible insights.
That's the next issue Kevin wanted to raise from Long Island.
Kevin there in Long Island.
Why does Trump allow the leaks to continue?
Well, let me tell you, I got 100 crew members.
About 100.
It varies.
Sometimes 98, sometimes 101.
That's always kind of our peak.
We got crude, you know, doing everything.
We got our own janitor, got our own legal, got our own accounting, got our own researchers, got our own camera people, got our own switchers, got our own producers.
There's a lot of folks that go into this.
Got our own IT, three guys.
And we do a lot.
For a media operation that reaches this many, normally we would have a $300 million budget a year.
We'd have a fraction of that.
You'd probably have 600 employees.
But we've got about 100.
If my crew didn't like me, and wouldn't put up with me, and didn't work really hard, we'd get nothing done.
Trump's got tens of thousands of employees outside the military.
And so, if they lie to his face, and take papers off his desk, And it's called mutiny.
You can have the best captain in the world on your ship.
If everybody on the ship says, F you, ship's not going anywhere.
They'll just throw the captain overboard.
So it kind of comes down to we the people.
Does that answer your question, Kevin?
Or were you begging the question?
Do you have the answer?
What do you think Trump should do?
I think the last caller's right.
I just can't believe it.
Let's these pieces of crap make them walk the plank man that are doing this kind of crap starting a war with Russia
Lying about it saying we've attacked Russia their damn power plants. That's insane
Go ahead yeah, I just can't believe it. Oh, I don't get it.
Let me ask you this way Let me ask you this way.
This is what I meant to start the show with and I didn't do it.
What would we do if Russia said, we're attacking your power plants and putting stuff in there to make them malfunction, including your nuclear power plants?
If Putin came out and said that, I'd say it's time to go to war!
But of course Putin wouldn't do that!
What the hell is going on in our damn government?
They are a damn threat!
I'm serious, man.
We need the Deep State hauled out of there now.
They are crazy!
Sorry, go ahead.
I'm in the same boat.
I just can't believe what's going on.
I don't understand why this president is just firing all these people.
Does he need men like me?
He must!
They call... It's funny.
They call me the captain, okay?
I was born in 65.
It's just...
I just can't believe it!
What happened to our country?
What's going on with all these people?
Sir, Evel, you know about the neocons.
They were Trotskyites that Stalin kicked out.
They went down to Mexico, they came up here, and then they funded National Review and all
of it, and they said we're no longer communists, we're a cult of power.
They were brainwashed at the Chicago Business School by Strauss, the economist.
And they all said Hitler wasn't bad.
He didn't target everybody.
We control reality.
We're going to take over.
But they're not Nazis.
They just believe in power.
And so they believe in ruling the earth through the United States and just starting wars, and they believe they're invincible.
It's called megalomania.
We have a group of megalomaniacs in the government.
They've now converted Democrats to be like them.
So what does that tell you?
Everyone's becoming victims of the deep snake.
It's time to turn this crap around and Hold people accountable and start punishing them.
I hear you. What do you think would happen?
Let me ask you this.
I should ask all the callers.
What would happen if Putin came out and said we've been attacking your power plants
and putting malware on them to bring your power grid down?
What would Americans say?
But of course, the New York Times for Trump said Trump's doing that.
Think of the sabotage.
But what would we do if the Russians announced this?
I'm sure we'd attack them or something.
You know, everyone's got to take a deep breath
and start wondering what's true and what's not.
Because there's so much disinformation and information out there.
And a lot of people are in the dark.
They're still listening to this crap that the fake news is spitting out, and it's just getting crazier and crazier.
Something's going to happen.
You're absolutely right, brother.
I mean, I have four children.
I love life, and I've never... I've read a lot of history books.
I've had thousands of guests on that are experts.
I've never seen anything like it, where the New York Times says, we've been told by Trump administration officials that he's been in a two-month cyber war, shutting down stuff and planting stuff on their power plants.
And then, of course, it's not even true.
Of course, it's insane.
But if you did it, you wouldn't tell anybody, because now the Russians can find the proof that you just admitted to this international crime, or hackers know about the exploit, they're gonna know to get into it.
It's like handing the nuclear button to a...
Monkey, and then putting a candy on top of the button, or tell the monkey, a trained monkey, push the red button, you get a candy!
And then the monkey goes over and pushes the button!
It's insanity!
This is, if Satan was running the government, this is what you would see.
No, it's the New York Times, the Democrats, and the neocons.
And, let me tell you about, like, like, like, like, the Prince of Darkness is what he's called.
One of these top neocons.
Richard Perle.
He literally has big black circles around his eyes, looks like a vampire, has white skin.
He would walk over to women at cocktail parties and go, I have power.
I kill a lot of people.
I run all the wars.
And they go, ooh.
And you go, what?
I kill people?
Like, I'm a killer.
They're just like, ugh.
They have no humanity.
They're mentally retarded.
Defiance or rebellion is something that has to be looked at as a neutral statement.
Is defiance bad?
Is rebellion bad?
Is resistance bad?
Well, it really is a question of what are you resisting?
What are you rebelling against?
The left pushes this whole narrative about they're rebelling against oppression, and they're rebelling against people trying to tell them what to do or say, but no one's really telling them what to do or say.
They're in charge.
They run the big tech.
They run the corporations.
They run the society.
They have their agenda, and they're openly the bullies trying to dictate to us how to talk, how to dress, who to have sex with, how to live our lives.
They're constantly lecturing us about microaggressions and telling us that we'll be arrested or taken off Facebook if we don't behave ourselves.
These people are clear and present danger to free societies.
And so that's what I really want to telegraph to folks is we know the modern threat to humanity.
Every generation has a threat.
Every generation has a big war.
But this is a political and cultural war, an economic war.
It's raging in 2019.
And the establishment is so angry that organizations like InfoWars are still on air.
They need to have victories because despite their trillions of dollars and their corporate dominance, people are rejecting them on a planetary scale.
Globalism is in full retreat.
It's in full collapse.
And so it's rearing its ugly head and hitting us with every nasty trick it had planned for the future.
For their conquest of humanity.
And it's still failing.
But for those of us At the front of the lines, or in the capital ships, we're the targets, ladies and gentlemen.
And I never thought of InfoWars as a major battleship, or an aircraft carrier, or a destroyer, or a submarine attack group, but the enemy sees it as that because we are.
And it's essential we stay in the fight, and never surrender, and never waver, and never back down, and never give up.
That's why, with all the unprecedented attempts to criminally set us up and put me in prison and shut down this operation that have been all over the national news, we have launched Save InfoWars emergency special that's only running for one week.
50% off all InfoWars life, nutraceuticals and supplements, free shipping and double Patriot points on your next order instead of 5%, 10%.
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The warehouse has confirmed we are already selling out of Survival Shield X2, Dayson Iodine, Super Metal Vitality, and DNA Force Plus.
Now is the time to secure your order before they completely sell out and know that you fund us into the future.
Take advantage of this massive special and support the defense of free speech and reality at InfoWareStore.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've proven that we're the enemy of tyranny.
We're pro-life, we're pro-God, we're pro-human.
We need your support or we'll be destroyed.
Please support us.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to the antidote for fake news.
It's Alex Jones.
If you just joined us, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I'm going to continue with your phone calls into the next hour.
I wanted to get Dan Lyman to pop in, who heads up EuropeWars.com, at least for a segment.
Because I'm seeing announcements that the yellow vest, after seven months of demonstrations that have brought the corrupt French globalist government to its knees, is hanging up their vest.
Is that true?
Is it victory?
Is it defeat?
What does it signify?
And then, all the accelerated news stories about the Islamists bombing churches and burning things down and raping people and shooting them.
That's all over EuropeWars.com.
And then I had a French TV crew here, and I see it on national news everywhere, when they were attacking me with Sundar Pichai.
It's like, well there's people, like Paul Watson, who says that maybe Notre Dame was Islamic.
They won't say what it is!
So now it's a thought crime, when Islamists have tried to burn it down several times and been caught, and the builders of it, that recently renovated it, say you can't burn it with, you know, The way we saw, without thousands of gallons of gasoline, you're not supposed to look at that.
It's just crazy.
And we see Merkel voted out of office, still in office, because of a parliamentary procedure.
We see May voted out.
I mean, how would you describe Europe fully awake, Europe in revolution, the globalists in retreat doing a rearguard action with new floods of Islamists funded with government-paid credit cards, debit cards to come into the nations?
How would you describe Dan Lyman with an update on the period of history we're in right now?
A little bit of everything, Alex.
It's definitely a period of turmoil in Europe, and it of course depends on which country you're looking at and the state of affairs in each country.
Of course, things are definitely crazier in Western Europe than they are in Eastern Europe.
And we've seen so much in the way of the rise of populism and nationalism across Europe
on the electoral front, of course.
But yeah, they're still flooding the country and the continent with migrants.
I see more and more every day just in the area that I live in, in Switzerland.
I can't even imagine what it's like in some of these other countries.
And we see more and more the crimes that are being committed and also the crimes that are
being covered up by the police, by the federal governments, and by the EU as well.
So you can feel things are speeding up, but at the same time, they're doing their best
to keep a lid on it because people have really caught on and they're really punishing them
at the voting booth.
Dan, the UN admits the master plan but for new listeners that don't know about all the official UN documents about Europe and the US, why don't you, while we roll some of this shocking footage, tell people what the admitted plan is?
Well, I think one really interesting clue is, of course, we just saw today, because we see parallel things playing out in North America and also in Europe, a very similar situation.
And there was a very telling story that was up on Drudge that the African migrants that are pouring into now the United States are being found to have wads of $100 bills on them.
Now that goes in line with these UN issued credit cards, EU issued credit cards, debit
cards I should say, that are also given to the migrants.
It's been uncovered that millions upon millions of dollars is being given to them in the digital
And then also not too long ago there was a situation where there was a migrant ship that
was stuck out in the Mediterranean for a while, one of these NGO vessels that was denied entry
to Italy.
Eventually they did dock in Spain, they were welcomed into the port of Valencia and there
were people on the ground there who were reporting that migrants had wads of 100 euros bills
and that they were spending them liberally at the bars there.
So, first of all, we can know with pretty much certainty that they are being given loads of money, whether it's digital or cash, and also that a lot of them are coming with their own money.
These are not the bottom of the barrel migrants.
This is the brain drain.
And they're going to create anchors to bring in more families.
They even had a Congonese family admitting that, oh, we're bringing our middle class over, and so we're here to get all the free stuff.
And they go on the news and admit this.
And since you mentioned that, Soros came out three years ago, it was on the cover of Reuters website, saying, oh, yeah, I give the migrants money via credit cards or debit cards with no name on them.
Well, he gets U.S.
and E.U.
money, then he gives it towards human smuggling.
So you're absolutely right.
That's why they're being paid thousands and thousands of dollars for every leg of the trip So they have a lot of money once they get here, because it needs to be a reward.
Remember when they did, five years ago, Flooding Europe?
They said, the women are there.
Free housing, jobs, free welfare.
And some of them get there and there's not all the free stuff.
Remember, they got pissed.
They would say, I want the money!
We've got these videos in English.
They knew it.
They'd say, give me money, give me bitch!
I want your woman's union!
And they'd start saying, give me their ass!
Give me money, I'll kill you!
So, once the money runs out, the real meltdown starts.
Since you mentioned it, here's a minute of that video that's up on DrugsReport.com.
It's also up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Get it out, folks.
Record number of African migrants coming to the Mexican border into the U.S.
Africans coming across the border have rolls of $100 bills.
Here it is.
What I found out is, through an aid worker there, he said they actually do have money, quite a few of them, because he spotted them under a tree, right in front of the shelter, counting there a roll of money with $100 bills, and he spotted them.
And they just put it back in the pocket, he didn't take it away of them of course, but they're still hanging there and waiting for, you know, public help.
So where do they expect to be going?
Do they have friends or family here?
They want to go, there's about three dozen left now of that 250 group and they all want to go to Portland, Maine.
The Congo and other African countries are being basically, they're repopulating Portland, Maine with a huge contingent of these immigrants, these migrants, and it's overwhelming The main authorities.
I mean, they're pretty liberal up there.
They're like, we can't take any more people.
We're full up.
But they're hoping to go there.
They're hoping and they're told they can't go there.
And they're told that I was told there is no solution anytime soon for them.
So rolls of $100 bills.
And then once they get here, the Democrats manage them, put them on welfare, skim part of it, and then put them into an underground economy.
So this is a total Political takeover and then the Democrats, what, in New York and in LA have now legalized giving driver's licenses to illegal aliens to vote and they're saying we want illegal aliens to vote.
So that's the plan.
Import voters and a new slave class you control, Dan Lyman.
This is a massive money laundering operation, as you're hinting at here.
There is so much money being exchanged.
There is so much money going to these NGOs.
It's pouring through this entire human trafficking operation.
We just had an interesting article we just published on News Wars last week.
Senator Lindsey Graham was in Senate testimony.
With the acting Homeland Security Chief, and Senator Graham actually pulled up basically a breakdown, a price breakdown of what people are paying to the human smugglers that are bringing them into North America.
And of course, this is going to be the same thing that's happening in Europe, but he was basically saying it's almost like a menu.
So if you want to go in just the cheapest way possible, where you're going to walk most of the way and you're just going to walk your way across the border, it's going to cost you, for instance, $8,000 to $16,000.
That was the 2017 prices.
However, if you have a little bit more to spend and you want to come by a boat, it's
a little bit more.
If you want to come by plane, it's a little bit more.
And as we know, a lot of these migrants are actually being brought into Europe on planes
and they're being brought in on boats.
There's all different ways they come in.
They can come in through the Balkans.
They can walk their way up.
So I would imagine that there are similar price menus for those who can afford certain
ways to get in.
And they're coming from all over the world and then using basically the north of Africa
as the jump off point.
That's right.
And you saw those Congonese, thousands coming in, not hundreds.
They were wearing big gold chains that were real, big earrings, the clothing.
That's the upper class coming here as colonists.
with the deals to get free deals as the chain migration to bring in their families and that they admitted they say we're here to colonize you we hear it's all free and so they're on video saying this it's it's pretty amazing Exactly.
If you recall, the terrorist in New York City who mowed down a bunch of people there, the Uzbek terrorist, he had a chain migration.
He was responsible for between 20 and 25 relatives that he had brought in.
He was the anchor.
So we're looking at thousands upon thousands upon hundreds of thousands pouring into the U.S.
But they're just the first wave.
They're going to bring in their folks once they get approval to stay there.
And we're looking at millions upon millions.
It's a multiplying effect.
And that same situation, of course, is happening here in Europe.
And on top of that, especially with a lot of the African migrants, they do repopulate
very quickly and very fast and very healthfully.
So I mean, we're looking at just a total demographic wave, a dominance of the Western countries
that are being exploited.
And when the folks are brought in, they politically have a chip on their shoulder.
They're taught to hate America.
They're taught the Democrats are your God.
And they're tribal.
They understand.
They get in that tribe.
The tribe takes care of me.
I take care of them.
And there's an incredible swagger and arrogance.
Minnesota, the new ruling class is Somalis.
I've been there and had them just randomly call me names and laugh and say, you want to get stabbed, bitch?
I kill you!
And that's why I'm like, hey, screw you, man.
And Somalis see me all over getting my face on the street.
They're like, you're going to get it, you American!
I wish I was in Somalia!
We have interviews where they're like, I hate this country!
It's just like, God Almighty, well then go back to Somalia!
Holy hell!
And by the way, I have videos.
It's black folks that are mainly flipping out about all the Africans being brought in because they're so tribal.
You think Africans like other Africans?
They're super tribal in Africa, folks.
And this is a recipe for disaster.
In fact, speaking of the devil, I'm going to play a clip of a call to prayer shot in Brooklyn just a few weeks ago, and it's a black American freaking out over the Islamic takeover.
And then I'll go to all your calls, I promise.
Sam, Justin, Harry, Chase.
I've thought for a long time about when does the...
I'm sorry...
I've been thinking...
That's what I said...
Truth is my only weapon.
And I've been thinking for over a year about when is the time to be honest with the, like I said, I'm being honest.
You know, it's just a weird question to ask.
Let me put it this way.
Hell, maybe I should just put it out while I'm sitting here trying to figure this out.
You know, we're winning the info war, but we're losing financially.
And that encourages the enemy.
But if I don't tell folks how serious things are, they won't support us.
Let me say it this way.
InfoWars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.
It's Orwellian, it's biblical, it's authoritarian, it's insane.
And I keep trying to judge and gauge when is the right time To have to stumble up on deck as the captain of this operation and say, hey, we're sinking.
I've begged for your support before and thanks for keeping us afloat, but this is the real S.O.S.
If you don't buy a bunch of products and spread the word and keep fighting, InfoWars will be shut down, not just crippled.
And so we've reached that point.
It'll make the enemy happy, but, you know, whatever.
We have withstood so many of their attacks.
We've gone through so much because of your support.
You have been there.
But let me tell you, they are pissed they haven't been successful, and they're giving us their full assault.
So we need your prayers, your financial support, and your word of mouth now at InfoWarscore.com.
It's your fight!
Decide whether or not you want InfoWars to continue, because we could be shut down.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
So, the globalists have been exploiting the third world.
...and suppressing it in their own admissions for decades.
Now they've weaponized it, made it politically correct, are paying those people to come here, not to be absorbed, but to hate the country.
And the folks really warning us are good people that have immigrated here from all over the world.
But here's a video.
It's up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
I meant to get this on Friday.
We're going to repost it to the front page of InfoWars, and I'm going to telegram it out on Telegram.
Or is it Telegraph?
We've already got like 9,000 followers.
I haven't really plugged our Telegram or Telegraph account.
Can we go to InfoWars.com?
I'll show you on the front page.
There's a little blue triangle right under the Watch Live triangle or Listen Live triangle.
You click that, it's Telegraph.
Or is it Telegram?
Point is, it's an open, free Twitter.
Got like 300 million users now.
And it's the way to go.
See it right over there where it says Alex Jones Show up on the top?
We'll just take our time here.
Where it says the Alex Jones Radio Show.
You see that?
Right up there in the top right-hand corner.
Bigger than Dallas, Texas.
You see where it says, listen now, that blue triangle?
Well, look right down below it.
There's another blue triangle right there.
And if you click on that, I want to click on it, so I can tell people the name, because I'm teleprompter free.
It takes you to this organization.
And so my question, begging for help in my ear, I don't have a teleprompter, but I do beg for stuff on air sometimes.
The name of it, is it Telegram or Telegram?
And then what's the URL for it?
I want to tell people how to go there.
Just going to keep going.
Just click home on it.
Just going to keep going, keep rolling.
Because I've been meaning to plug this for weeks and I haven't.
But I am now.
No, I meant go to the home page on Telegram.
Just going to keep rolling, rolling, rolling.
I think it's like t something dot m e. There it is.
And then what's the URL?
Because this little cappy camper wants to give people the URL on radio because only a fraction of our viewers are on television.
Well, maybe next time.
My eyes aren't that good.
But hopefully yours out in cyberspace are.
But there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Dan Lyman, here is the video of a call to prayer.
Now, if you were playing a Christian call to prayer, at any decibel near this, they would shut it down, like, Jesus Christ is your Lord and Savior, your only Lord and Savior.
You're going to hell if you don't go with Jesus Christ.
People get mad at street preachers screaming at their regular audible.
But Islamists, people don't know in Europe, living there in closing, people don't know that in Europe, that this is, in all the world, it's a sign of domination, isn't it?
Anywhere in the world that they congregate in this manner.
We just had the end of Ramadan in Birmingham.
Birmingham, UK, just one city, over 100,000 turned out to the park to mark the end of Ramadan.
That's just one UK city.
And these things are happening across.
I mean, you can see these videos in Los Angeles and London.
Well, Dan, I really appreciate you.
We're going to have you back soon.
is playing out everywhere.
And if you recall also in Brooklyn, they recently just launched that Sharia patrol
where the cars look just like NYPD vehicles.
So things are afoot in Brooklyn that we probably wanna look more into.
Well, Dan, I really appreciate you.
We're gonna have you back soon, europewars.com.
God bless you.
Now I didn't get time to play this because I went off on a jag about Telegram, but it's t.me and there's a whole bunch of platforms popping up to counter Twitter and Facebook and Google and all of it.
I think Paul's up like 50,000 on there, Tommy Robinson even more.
I haven't plugged it on the show, but the easiest things go to Infowars.com up at the top of the site.
Right there, you can click on that little blue triangle under the listen now, and it will take you there where you can sign up and follow us there.
It's got video, it's got all the other great functions, so hopefully you'll join.
And really what it is is a paper airplane.
A lot better than a little bird.
Oh, and it doesn't spy on you.
It's not politically correct.
We really like it.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen, the big plug for Telegram, which I did kind of screwed up way because I wasn't planning it.
I just went to... I keep planning to plan it, and I never get around to planning it.
So it's better to go off half-cocked than never go off, don't you agree?
Better to blast the enemy with torpedoes, even if you're...
Yes, it still makes for nice fireworks off in the distance.
Maybe you blow up a fishing boat or something.
I'm being sarcastic.
We'll be right back.
On the other side, I'm Alex Jones with NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com.
Box Day is joining us, and we will get to your calls, though, and then I'll play the Call to Prayer.
Infowars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.
It's Orwellian, it's biblical, it's authoritarian, it's insane.
And I keep trying to judge and gauge when is the right time To have to stumble up on deck as the captain of this operation and say, hey, we're sinking.
I've begged for your support before and thanks for keeping us afloat, but this is the real SOS.
If you don't buy a bunch of products and spread the word and keep fighting, InfoWars will be shut down, not just crippled.
And so we've reached that point.
It'll make the enemy happy, but, you know, whatever.
We have withstood so many of their attacks.
We've gone through so much because of your support.
You have been there.
But let me tell you, they are pissed they haven't been successful, and they're giving us their full assault.
So we need your prayers, your financial support, and your word of mouth now at InfoWarshore.com.
It's your fight!
Decide whether or not you want InfoWars to continue, because we could be shut down.
Another world, another time, in the age of wonder.
Alright, I'm going to go right back to your phone calls.
And first up, on the insanity.
On the craziness that's taking place with our own government, Rogue Elements, saying that we've launched an attack, ladies and gentlemen, on the Russians because they attacked us.
None of it's true.
Trump says it's not true.
There's no proof.
But have we really launched an attack to then blame Trump by we, the criminals that have hijacked our nation?
Sam and Justin and everybody, you've been holding patiently.
Thanks for calling.
Sam in Arizona, what do you think's happening?
Alex, before I get to my point of we're overdue for an American Chernobyl, I want to call you out as a coward.
You are a coward not to allow this one listener to come on and express his opinion about the Rapture Bible.
He deserved to come on the show.
Hold on, put the guy on hold.
But sir, you are Bible Dan, and we have open phones about the cyber attack on Russia that they say happened that Trump says we didn't do, that's criminal if we did, that could start a giant war, and then you're calling in because I've debated whether there's a pre- or post-rapture, and that's not how talk radio works, sir.
That's not how talk radio works.
I gotta let you go, Sam.
I'm not a coward.
You call in all the shows, and you disagree on the Rapture.
And if we're ever having a Rapture show, that'd be a good show to have about that.
The Mark of the Beast and all this.
Then you should call in.
Or you could have called in.
I said first-time callers.
You lied to get on air.
That's not very Christian.
Justin in New York.
Justin, you're on the air.
Hello there, Al.
I'm a great fan.
I've been listening since 2016.
Thank you, sir.
I'm really concerned about the whole deep state, especially just acting on it, the whole rebelling.
They're just confident that Trump couldn't even get Brennan to get his security clearance removed.
Going ahead with the war that Hillary wanted now, I guess?
Yes, Hillary wanted a cyber war with the Russians, with her lie that we were attacked by the Russians with no proof, that they stole the election in voting machines, totally made up.
80% of the bots in the election out of Russia, continentally, were Democrat-bought.
Anybody can hire firms in Russia to do stuff.
Just because it geographically comes from there doesn't mean it's the government.
But 80% was Hillary, because she had 80% of the money in the campaign.
And Michael Moore showed up at Russian events that were Russian sponsored by bots against Trump.
So, again, none of it's true.
You don't know what to believe.
Now they're saying this.
It's crazy, Justin.
I appreciate your call.
Is there any points you want to make?
Now, what does Trump do to rectify this?
Like, how does he... What is his next step, essentially?
Like, does he just get Patriot Elm?
The military?
Mass arrest the bureaucracy that's in treason.
I appreciate your call.
That's that's where we are.
We already see that's a form of martial law.
But we're already under martial law.
We have rogue government operating however it wants, whenever it wants and trying to start wars.
This is incredibly dangerous.
Thank you, Justin.
Great questions.
Great points.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Who's been holding the longest here?
Let's go to Preston.
Preston in Missouri says the Deep State needs to be contained.
Boy, do I agree with you, Preston.
Yeah, I was wanting to call in not only about the New York Times piece on Russia, but really all the Deep State or the media have to do is create a false flag that's obvious.
Think of, you know, helium.
And, you know, making obvious to Trump's base, because we are awake to these false flags, push hard with an official story and narrative through the press, and they will either drive a wedge between Trump and his intel communities, or Trump and his base.
It's one of the two.
Well, here's the problem.
They built the whole NSA spy grid to cover the tracks of people doing illegal things inside of it.
It was built by criminals.
I've had the former head of the NSA technical explain that.
That started in the 90s and So a very small group of mutineers can make it look like the whole US government's doing this.
They probably were attacking Russia.
Then they took credit for it, so Russia has to act to start a fight.
It's just incredibly bold when you do attack somebody in a covert operation to take credit for it, whether it's true or not.
And then obviously Trump doesn't know it went on.
This is an incredible example of sabotage.
Like I said, I want the Venezuelan dictator out of there.
But Trump would get sabotaged like Bay of Pigs by the neocons if he tried to do it.
You can bet they would sabotage it.
So if you learn one thing about these globalists, they operate the same over and over and over again.
Because they want to exercise power in a raw way and they want to overwhelm the will of the people.
Does that make sense?
It does.
But look what they do with Syria where Trump was forced to do the airstrike.
And I was with you.
I was so proud of you in that moment.
Where you were, you had your conviction.
We knew it was a false flag.
We knew they were pushing it with Obama's redline speech and Trump.
We don't think he fell for it.
He bombed an empty airfield.
Nobody really got hurt.
I think maybe one military person from Syria did get killed.
But Trump did something of low damage, maybe to appease the base, but you set up Trump
on air, and I was proud of you in that moment because it looked like the Neocons were able
to deceive Trump and he was going along.
But we never know whether or not Trump is...
Trump's trying to play the middle game.
He's trying to keep his enemies close and his friends close and his enemies close, and
he wants these deep state people around.
They give him intel.
He knows Gina Haskell gave him false intel about the...
No, I hear you, and you know, you callers are all amazing, but Joe Rogan had a joke
like 20 years ago.
About it's the year 2000 and by then we were supposed to be flying around on silver jet packs But now I'd step behind a bush and my cell phone craps out.
It's like these cell phones I think it's the longer you hold to it like downgrades the quality or whatever.
Yeah But it's just like these calls.
Thank you so much.
I have to focus to hear what you're saying.
And when I finally hear what you're saying, it's really smart, Preston.
Thank you so much.
Let's see if this other caller's got any quality at all.
Let's see if Brighton in Texas is intelligible.
By the way, folks, when you can call in on landlines, they're so good.
They're so beautiful.
They're so crisp.
Kind of example how newer technology isn't necessarily better, right?
Brighton in Texas.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, I'm Mr. Jones.
I'm very happy for having me on.
Thank you.
So what I was going to talk about is how your, or not your book, but the book that you recommended, None Dare Call a Conspiracy.
How it's relating to everything that's happening right now, especially with the cyber space and security and how our government's lying to us and stuff like that.
I totally agree.
Give us your take.
So, Like, um, I'm not sure if it's on InfoWars Store right now, but the movie, uh, Amerageddon, all that is relating to what's going on about how the government's been lying to us and with everything, with the blackouts and everything.
I mean, I mean, it's gonna be the next step for, you know, America.
Like, is the, you know, EMP and all that gonna hit or what, you know?
Because our country is just going so downhill, you know?
And I'm 16, so, you know, being a young American, I'm worried about these things.
Well, now that you say it, I mean, it just really makes me worry about my children, because the world is just accelerating towards a crazier and crazier and crazier and more out-of-control place.
And again, from the doctrines of war, the doctrines of being the good guys, from any angle you slice it, it's got neocon written all over it, but now the Democrats are basically neocons that say they just want war, period.
The neocons say, we're God, we're America, we're going to start wars, but they're not America.
They're globalists that want to get rid of America, and then they say they attacked Russia?
And so now Russia can attack us?
They're trying to start a war.
It's insane.
What would we do if Russia came out and said, we've broken into your stuff and are trying to bring down your power plants and have planted viruses all over you?
We would get so mad at Russia.
But see, imagine if the Russian government said, we've planted stuff on your servers.
We're trying to bring you down and crash your power grid.
And then Putin said, that's not true.
You'd go, oh my gosh, that government's in shambles, that country is super dangerous, that country's out of control, and it's when things are that confusing that we could get a nuclear war that much easier.
This is a global, total, insane asylum crisis, and Trump must get control of the government.
It's not his fault they're traitors and criminals, but he must take action against them.
The people that have done this need to be identified.
And they need to get in big trouble now.
You go, oh, but they've got secrets.
They'll bring them out.
They'll do these bad things.
Look, the Pentagon knows what to do with people like this, okay?
Kayak accidents.
We'll be right back.
They all need to take swims.
The time has come.
The time is now.
To put the cards on the table.
What would happen, ask yourselves, if Infowars It's taken off the air.
Ask yourself another question.
It's even more important.
What would have happened if InfoWars was never on air?
The tens of thousands of interviews, the investigative reports, the documentary films, the rallies, the tens of billions of views on YouTube and Facebook and other platforms.
What would have happened?
You wouldn't have a global revolution right now against the globalists.
You wouldn't have a global revolution against tyranny.
You wouldn't have populists and nationalists and pro-Christian and pro-family candidates winning all over the world if Infowars hadn't been here.
Now, that's not me up here flexing, saying, you're lucky I'm here.
It's the opposite.
Whether you live in a little log cabin or a trailer, Whether you live in a big fancy mansion, you've got a connection to God and justice.
And those of you that have spread the word, and prayed for us, and financially supported the broadcast, getting great products at the same time, you built this house.
What's that movie about baseball?
If you build it, they will come?
Robert Redford's in it.
Is it the natural?
Field of Dreams?
I mean, I don't remember.
Field of Dreams?
We built this, ladies and gentlemen, and you came.
We built it, and we did it.
And now they're pissed because they don't want this golden goose with its big ol' fat juicy booty to lay any more of those golden eggs.
And that's really what this comes down to.
It's a sexy goose It's a pretty goose.
It's a sweet goose.
It's a goose that likes you and likes me and likes our children.
And you know, I can joke around about this all day, but getting serious, ladies and gentlemen, they're coming on at us like a freight train.
And this isn't some spectator sport where you watch us in the arena get chewed up or be victorious.
This is a real world action, a war.
Where your action, and the support you give us or don't, governs everything.
This isn't Netflix dramas, or HBO dramas, or Godzilla fighting the three-headed dragon.
This isn't theater.
This isn't imaginary world.
This is rubber meets the road, planet Earth, the middle of 2019.
So I thought for a long time about when it was time, what the demarcation line was.
The point of no return.
Instead of just saying, hey, we're not going to be here unless you support us.
But what is the point to tell people?
Because it makes the enemy happy, and we don't want to make them happy.
But we need to also be honest with you to say, we're bleeding to death.
We've put up an incredible fight and I'm proud of what we've done but it takes millions of dollars to run our own servers and stream to millions a day and to run all the IT and to pay for all the equipment and to have the legal and to do this and you've done an amazing job but if you do not commit to get our great products and commit to sign up for AutoShip and commit every month when you can if you can't understand to get products that are the best air filtration, water filtration, all these things you and
your family need.
If you don't commit, the enemy will win. They will smash InfoWars and we will sink into the sea.
Help us fight on in the future because this is the ship.
This is the ship you built. InfoWarsTore.com. I'm in your hands.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average man with an average life.
I work from 9 to 5.
Hell, I pay the price.
All I want is to be left alone in my average home.
But why do I always feel like I'm in the twilight zone?
And I always feel like Alright, I have got a ton of news to cover in a short time to get there.
We've got Vox Day, smart author and talk show host, syndicated columnist in his own right, to get into these different topics.
But I saw that he was writing some really interesting stuff last week about the tankard attack.
I know he lives over in Europe and has a lot of sources.
And at first I was thinking this might be real because Iran had threatened to sink tankers there.
But then that was the advice basically John Kerry gave them.
And then you see all these other experts coming out and evidence that the Iranians didn't do it.
Well, they're trying to stop another lip at mine from going off.
But regardless, the fact is most Americans on its face are wary because we've seen so many false flags, fake WMDs, Jesse Smollett case, the Covington kids.
My listeners, some of them got mad at me when I was saying maybe it's real.
Well, I mean, I don't say everything is a false flag every time.
But, you know, it could be a real event.
We've had naval wars with the Iranians before, like Operation Praying Mantis back in the late 1980s.
But Vox Day's got his view on this.
But now, Vox, I know you're aware of it.
I want to bring this up first.
How big a deal do you think it is?
And how do we get people upset about this?
The New York Times comes out and says that we've been cyberattacking Russian power grids, trying to bring them down and planting stuff on them for months, and that Trump knows about it.
And then Trump comes out and says, no, I don't know about it.
It's treason and that's a lie.
Plus, even if you did offensively attack somebody, that's illegal in the International Hague, everywhere else.
So to me, that is a diplomatic false flag right there of biblical proportions.
This is about the biggest thing I've ever seen.
We saw Hillary obviously say for years ago, we should cyber attack them.
They put the lie in there that we had supposedly, you know, You've been attacking them before, so it's okay.
What do you really think's going on here?
I think they're planning something big.
I don't think they're planning something per se, but I really like the way that you described it as a diplomatic false flag, because that's exactly what it is.
The neocons have been banging the drums for war with Russia almost since Putin took over.
And so I see this diplomatic false flag as yet another attempt to try to stir dissension between the U.S.
and Russia in the same way that, you know, there have been numerous attempts going into the related to the Syria thing, related to Turkey.
There's this consistent attempt to try to provoke war with Russia, which, of course, is absolutely insane at this point in time.
I am speechless, which is a rare thing.
When Trump says it's treason, he's right.
And I think it's clearly also meant to make Trump look weak, like he doesn't know what he's doing.
But I keep raising this.
What would we do if Putin came out and said, I've been attacking you, I've been attacking your servers, I'm trying to bring down your power plants because you meddled in my elections?
The U.S.
admits $5 billion per election trying to topple Putin.
That's not even hidden.
He still wouldn't have the excuse to try to take down our power plants.
That's an act of physical war.
That can make nuclear reactors melt down.
That can kill people in hospitals.
I mean, it's just such a Hitlerian event.
It's so beyond even Hitler.
I mean, trying to bring down people's power grids preemptively?
I think that this is directly connected to the recent release of the Chernobyl show.
I don't know if you've seen it.
Yes, I've heard about it.
It's a really good five-part miniseries.
I actually watched the whole thing.
Not entirely true, but you know, it's a docudrama.
I have the impression that that was used as, you know, I don't, I'm not saying that the documentary was created for this purpose, but given how successful the documentary has been, how much interest there's been in it, and The understanding that there is a relationship between the power grid and the nuclear reactors and so forth, which was intrinsically related to the Chernobyl meltdown and Chernobyl explosion.
I strongly suspect that they thought, hey, we can use this as a way of creating more pressure for war with Russia.
Now, the thing is, it's not going to work.
Because Putin is very, very well aware of the desire of the neocons and some parties to stoke war between the US and Russia.
And he's just not taking the bait.
I mean, he didn't take the bait when Turkey shot down a Russian jet.
They're not going to take the bait over a diplomatic false flag like this.
And they said the Russians shot down the Indonesian airline, and they've been having proxy wars in Ukraine, and they've moved missiles up to the...
edges of Russia and it just goes on and on all these Russian diplomats and security heads being murdered.
I mean, the West is in a war with Russia, but it's offensive.
That's why I said Hitlerian, because it was Hitler that last at this level in Operation Barbarossa invaded Russia.
And I'm not a Russophile, Russia's not perfect, but they're not offensively attacking us.
And I said this last hour, you're absolutely right, or actually first hour, that Chernobyl, you can't just turn these off and you can't just send the power out of the grids down.
So that's what causes these meltdowns.
And they've still got a bunch of old reactors in Russia.
So bringing down their power grid is an act of total insanity.
Well, especially because the U.S.
is not In the position of being the global monopolar, you know, the global unipolar power anymore.
The US is still the strongest military in the world, but we no longer have the ability to simultaneously engage in two full-scale wars on two different fronts, which, you know, back in the in the 80s and 90s was the plan.
And My take, and this is just my interpretation, I could be completely wrong, but my take is that everybody understands that the U.S.
advantage over China and over Russia is decreasing.
And we're not just talking about the current state of the militaries.
We're talking about the entire state of their societies.
You know, the United States today is not the United States of 1945 or 1940.
And so we no longer, we don't have the industrial advantage over China that we had over Japan and over Germany.
We don't have the more intelligent population anymore.
The average IQ of the US has probably fallen by about 10 points over the last 50 years.
That's all true.
I mean, you watch Pentagon briefings and you watch the different briefings of the Senate, they admit our advantages are eroding.
And let's just say it, our people on average are satanic goblins.
It doesn't mean everybody, but we are turning into a fallen group of people where we teach our little boys to play video games all day and put dresses on.
And those people aren't going to run the world.
Well, especially if you look at the recent reports, there was a story on Breitbart about how a bunch, how about Three or four gamma males in the Navy SEALs were all butthurt about their high-performing commander expecting them to perform at a respectable level as part of their SEAL team.
And they basically waged a campaign against him and were crying over things like, Somebody ate my cookie butter and somebody stole my can of Red Bull.
So we get them all little pink skirts.
Let's talk about that when we come back.
the disease of victimology with Vox Day.
Gavin McInnes just said it all.
He said we've got to create our own little pirate ships like Infowars.
Our own ecosystems, our own websites, our own platforms.
Because the system is abusing its power, its surveillance, its censorship.
And just like they've destroyed so many patriots in the past, well now, in the 21st century, we can rebuild them.
But we're not little bitches here whining about all this.
We're effective.
Gavin has launched major national advertising movements.
Launched Vice magazine and TV.
That's why they fear him.
Paul Watson has done incredible things.
That's why they fear him.
I've done amazing things.
Our audience has done amazing things.
Matt Drudge has done unbelievable things.
We're the good guys, Dan, and we've proven it.
And we've delivered Trump, and he's delivered a lot so far.
He's in battle.
We've got to do more, but audience.
I'm gonna go back to you again.
Dammit, you know how amazing you are and what you've done.
And so we're in this fight still together, but I'm telling you, it's an incredible time, Gavin.
Isn't it bizarre?
I mean, we've talked about this before, but your company's called InfoWars, and I saw Stephen Colbert joking around going, haha, looks like Alex Jones lost his war on info.
And you go, yeah.
That's exactly what happened.
That's not a joke.
And I think this sort of boomer left... All of these people, by the way, that we're having trouble with are rich white people.
And it's under the auspices of fighting for equality.
But don't these dummies realize they're making us cool?
That's why I wore this motorcycle jacket.
They are, Gen Y, Gen Z, these younger people, they're going, oh, they're verboten.
You mean like rock and roll in the 50s where they would burn records because it was Satan's music?
They're making us fun and exciting and they are showing themselves to be weak.
And incapable of debate, and incapable of handling differing opinions.
They're making themselves look really bad, and they're making us look really cool and good, especially to young people.
And they're basing their views on us, on what our critics have to say about us.
So it's like if you want to get an opinion on the Yankees, you talk to a Mets fan.
Well, Mets fans hate the Yankees.
And they go, you see, the Yankees are hate figures.
The Yankees are a hate team.
And you go, have you ever seen them play?
Like, have you ever watched the game?
No, they've never heard us in context.
And there's a plethora of content out there where you and I are saying things in context, but they're not interested in that.
They're profoundly incurious.
So they just take the comedian's soundbite, Where he said, I hate this guy because of this little blip.
And we've seen guys like Jim Jeffries take Abiyamini out of context and make him into some sort of hate figure.
And they go, good, I'm running with it.
I don't think they even believe it.
I think they just go, I need fodder to prove that the Yankees suck.
So I'm just going to take this Mets fan's word.
I don't really care about baseball.
They don't care about the truth.
They just want to run with this juvenile narrative.
The idea that they're calling all these people racist, putting Proud Boys in jail who have black wives, this has nothing to do with Nazis, nothing to do with truth.
This is all about crushing the enemy and crushing Trump.
And if you support Trump, and you're even mildly influential, they have to lie about you and try to destroy you.
And the only solution is to fight back.
Because if you don't fight back, they'll keep treading on you.
And this whole idea of a hate group.
What is a hate group?
What is a hate figure?
There's no logic to it at all.
It's just silly, pedantic rhetoric.
We all know the truth.
The truth is that Antifa is the DNC's paramilitary wing.
It's all the same and I think the crime that Proud Boys committed was saying, alright, we've had enough of this.
We've had enough of you harassing Milo and Ben Shapiro and moderates like Alan Dershowitz.
We're going to protect them, these speakers, from you psychopaths.
And that was a sin.
Like, at Deplorable, they're throwing feces, batteries, and urine at us, and we're the bad guys.
That's the clown world we're living in.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Alright, it's the Alex Jones Show.
Demonized, attacked, lied about everywhere.
Because the system knows we're doing our research and we are warning the public ahead of time so they can recognize what's happened and say no to it.
I want to get into the whole world government currency being announced by Facebook.
I want to hit some other issues with Vox Dei, syndicated columnist and author.
His websites are up on InfoWars.com linked, but Unauthorized.tv is one of them.
We also sell at InfoWarsStore.com.
His book, Jordanetics, Journey into the Mind of Humanity's Greatest Thinker.
That's being a little bit sarcastic.
Kind of shows the sigh of, I'm not even attacking the guy overall, but it's good to look at.
And we've also got Alt-Hero, which is a whole bunch of great comics that are from a pro-human, pro-West perspective.
They're very popular.
They sell out all the time.
We sell them at infowarestore.com.
And again, you can find them all right there and separately.
It is purchases at the site that obviously fund 80% of what we do here.
I am going to bring a couple sponsors on because we need the funding to maintain and expand a few shows and to expand some more reporters.
I mean, they have fought us to a standstill with all the unprecedented attacks you've seen, a lot we haven't told you about.
We're still here.
Thanks for your prayers, your support.
But I don't do marketing.
I just go with what I think is the best deal for myself and how I'd want to be treated.
But talking to a few folks that have been in marketing, they're like, man, you really only do markup your supplements and things 150%.
You always discount them 25%.
So people are going to wait until it's 50.
And then when you do sell at 50, you sell a lot more, but you don't crack that number of selling so much more that it brings in more money.
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So it really just comes down to that.
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So getting back to Vox Day, you were getting into I don't even want to call it feminization of men, because that's not really... it kind of insults women.
It's turning men into sycophantic, pliant, fake, shallow people that don't want to help anybody, but just prance around like everybody's living in a sitcom or something.
And then meanwhile, USA Powerlifting Federation prepares to defend transgender athlete policy in court.
And they say at some point we're going to have to defend the biology and stand on women being a protected class and it might as well start in Minnesota.
The head of the powerlifting president told the Daily Caller.
The idea that almost all over the world now, the winners Of all the powerlifting, of all the running, of all the races, are biological big men who would do okay competing against other men, and then they come in and win all the things and take the trophies and take the money.
At the Olympics, they've got, you know, hermaphrodites running that have got testicles in a man's body.
And they go, well, we did the magic wand.
He feels like he's a woman.
This is a mind control joke.
It's the religion of the left.
And where do you see this going with the, you know, what's the end game of this?
Well, the end game of this is the complete collapse of the equalitarian structure.
This was inevitable.
You know, there is no equality.
If you actually look at the facts, there is no equality of any kind.
Not legal, not spiritual, not material, not conceptual.
Equality is, and always will be, a total lie.
And so, because a lot of us want to cling to a part of the myth, but reject the rest of it, It creates the opportunity for more of the lie to creep in.
And now we're at the point where the lie has penetrated so far that even those of us who genuinely believe in various forms of equality can't accept it any longer.
And so I think that the entire structure of equality is going to collapse, but Unfortunately, probably not as soon as it should.
Now let's go further into a microcosm or it's not even just a microcosm, it's 35,000 foot view.
Asians are the top nine earning groups before white people or anybody else in this country.
And because they apply themselves and work very hard, now all these universities and Harvard have said,
well, we're gonna give them a bad social score and say that they don't have souls basically.
And then the Asians sue and the left doesn't know what to do because they're so busy demonizing white people.
Now they're like, well, let's say it's Asians now.
It's mainly white liberals running it that just want to keep and control minorities and, you know, make them have chips on their shoulders and believe that they could never excel or work hard.
They're just going to be some protected little suboid class they control.
It's just incredible to watch them when the majority of the planet's Asian and Asians are coming in and they're being successful to then say, well, it's because of what color you are, you've got an advantage or what race you are.
So now they're having to engage in the most classic Well, that's not the only place that the battle is taking place.
Hollywood is another major one.
are working harder and doing a better job, it just doesn't hold water.
Well, that's not the only place that the battle is taking place.
Hollywood is another major one. You've already seen a lot of Chinese money flooding in.
And now the battle is moving to the technological front because Facebook and Google
and those companies are directly in the sights of a number of the Chinese and South Korean companies.
The Japanese have never really been focused externally.
Even though there was that whole Japan Inc.
thing back in the 80s, That was never really a threat to any of the interest groups in the US.
And we were cutting their oil off for 30 years.
That's why we got World War Two.
Yeah, that didn't help.
But when you look at China and you look at South Korea, they're coming in and they're coming in hard and hot.
And, you know, I find it really remarkable that the big social media companies are being so foolish as to Attempt to cut off, you know, at least a third of their market when within five years they're going to be getting overrun by the Asian alternatives.
You know, I don't think that people realize it, but the biggest Chinese company out there already has a payment processing structure that completely pervades the United States.
They're not using it to compete yet with PayPal and Stripe and MasterCard.
Because they haven't decided to pull the trigger yet.
They're getting their whole thing in place.
Well, right now they're just using it for, what's the word, national sending money back to the homeland.
You know, it's basically like a Western Union for them.
But it's not going to take long.
I mean, we're talking within a matter of months if they wanted to.
They could turn it into something that would destroy the U.S.
payment systems, the private companies, would out-compete them as rapidly as Huawei has out-competed Apple.
And none of these Silicon Valley companies see it coming.
They're so busy trying to kick you off of everything, trying to ban me from, you know, both of us are Personally banned from setting foot on the Mountain View campus of Google as if we wanted to.
They're focused on that.
And meanwhile, companies like Samsung and Huawei and other companies that are even bigger ...are preparing to completely eat their lunch in much the same way that those Asian students are... Because they're following the old globalist ideology of dominating America, even though they have all these real big enemies that didn't follow their globalist model, they're still just trying to overthrow Western civilization because they believe that's still the dominant force.
But in their overthrow of the West, they destroyed any power base they would have ever had.
That's basically it.
They sacrificed the golden goose so they could pee-pee on it and feel powerful.
Which is what a bunch of lepers would do.
Defiance or rebellion is something that has to be looked at as a neutral statement.
(ominous music)
Is defiance bad?
Is rebellion bad?
Is resistance bad?
Well, it really is a question of what are you resisting?
What are you rebelling against?
The left pushes this whole narrative about they're rebelling against oppression, and they're rebelling against people trying to tell them what to do or say, but no one's really telling them what to do or say.
They're in charge.
They run the big tech.
They run the corporations.
They run the society.
They have their agenda, and they're openly the bullies trying to dictate to us how to talk, how to dress, who to have sex with, how to live our lives.
They're constantly lecturing us about microaggressions and telling us that we'll be arrested or taken off Facebook if we don't behave ourselves.
These people are a clear and present danger to free societies.
And so that's what I really want to telegraph to folks is, we know the modern threat to humanity.
Every generation has a threat.
Every generation has a big war.
But this is a political and cultural war, an economic war.
It's raging in 2019.
And the establishment is so angry that organizations like InfoWars are still on air.
They need to have victories because despite their trillions of dollars and their corporate dominance, people are rejecting them on a planetary scale.
Globalism is in full retreat.
It's in full collapse.
And so it's rearing its ugly head and hitting us with every nasty trick it had planned for the future.
For their conquest of humanity.
And it's still failing.
But for those of us At the front of the lines, or in the capital ships.
We're the targets, ladies and gentlemen.
And I never thought of Info Wars as a major battleship, or an aircraft carrier, or a destroyer, or a submarine attack group, but the enemy sees it as that because we are.
And it's essential we stay in the fight, and never surrender, and never waver, and never back down, and never give up.
That's why, with all the unprecedented attempts to criminally set us up and put me in prison and shut down this operation that have been all over the national news, we have launched Save InfoWars Emergency Special that's only running for one week.
50% off all InfoWars life, nutraceuticals and supplements, free shipping and double Patriot Points on your next order.
Instead of 5%, 10%.
That's an additional 10% off every dollar.
Get 50% off all InfoWars Live formulas, free shipping, double patriot points and more.
This could be your last chance to stock up on top InfoWars Live formulas before they are completely out of stock.
And again, that's the point I've gotten to of having to admit the attack we're under.
The warehouse has confirmed we are already selling out of Survival Shield X2, Dayson Iodine, Super Metal Vitality, and DNA Force Plus.
Now is the time to secure your order before they completely sell out and know that you fund us into the future.
Take advantage of this massive special and support the defense of free speech and reality.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've proven that we're the enemy of tyranny.
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We need your support or we'll be destroyed.
Please support us.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You know, folks, I hate to cover this, but I have to because it's rolling in every hour.
Video of children, 8, 9, 10 years old, almost naked.
Simulating sex with adults, having money thrown at them, putting money in the g-strings of obese men.
As long as they call it drag queening, it's supposedly cute.
Now what it is, is pedophile grooming and training.
So a new shocking story that's right along the lines of what Vox Dei and I were just discussing.
Alex Jones here, just tuned in.
Video showing child twerking, and this isn't like your average twerk.
This is humping the ground, spreading his legs, simulating, you know, adults all over him.
Adults celebrating a sexual activity of an eight-year-old at Gay Pride Parade causes outrage.
If I'm a bigot for opposing this evil, then so be it.
The clip posted on Twitter shows a boy around ages 8 to 10 years old performing the provocative dance in which the performer thrusts their hips back and forth and shakes their buttocks while squatting.
And he has everything on but short shorts.
I'm a bigot for opposing this evil then so be it said Greg Palmer who posted the original video which now has over a million views.
Other respondents echoed his sentiment.
This is pure evil being pushed for the left said Robbie Starbuck.
They're sexualizing kids and working to socially injure the world where kids have no innocence.
I don't think they realize What a red line.
This is for many of us.
We must fight this evil.
They'll never be okay.
And it goes on.
No, the left knows.
It came out of Viacom 15 years ago.
They wanted to sexualize five-year-olds.
They want control.
They want to screw them up.
Makes me so sad how much of this is seen in a short kid's life.
Kids like this feel used before they're even grown, said another Twitter user.
And it goes on, ladies and gentlemen.
Here's another one.
Drag Queen admits that he's here to groom your children.
That was at Lafayette, Louisiana.
And telling the people they were evil.
They were bad.
And that we're coming.
We're going to get your kids.
This weekend, they had armed Antifa out at a library so that we, quote, couldn't cover it.
And they assaulted Owens Troyer on video and began humping him.
I'll play that after Vox leaves us.
But, yes, just running up and sort of humping a reporter.
It's all about dominating.
It's all about control.
It's all about evil.
And it's who these people are, so that he couldn't even get into the library or get near the godlike drag queen that they were bringing the little children to, like offerings to Moloch.
So let's play that clip for the man saying, your children are mine.
Here it is.
Hi, my name is Dylan Pontiff.
I'm actually going to be one of the drag queens reading for Drag Queen Storytime.
So, apparently to a lot of people in this room, I'm the big boogeyman.
I am just as talented as a singer or a dancer or anyone that has a special talent.
It's just mine is dressing up as a woman entertaining a crowd.
The eyes that people give you whenever they think that you are the one that's in support of this event is truly disgusting.
But I'm here to let you know that this event is something that's going to be very beautiful.
And for the children and the people that support it are going to realize that this is going to be the grooming of
the next generation.
We are trying to groom the next generation to not see the way that they just did.
And just because I said that, you heard the little plore of people behind me.
It's disgusting.
It's disgusting that he says he's coming to groom your children whether you like it or not.
So in the past, these guys had to creep up to your backyard, or try to get into the window at night, or become a school counselor, and kind of get the kid in the corner real fast.
But not now!
You're disgusting!
Now let's play the convicted murderer with his buddy that has the show where Desmond comes on, other little kids, and the guys that invented the club kid movement, talking about bring your children to the screen, the corruption is about to begin.
Here it is.
And now we've got something to show you, and we have to warn you, ladies and gentlemen, if you've got young or impressionable children in your household, bring them to the screen right now.
What we're going to show you is going to be an impression on them, and we hope the impression will be that they grow up, if they're 3 or 4 or 5 years old, to become 7 or 8 year old drag queen performers.
I mean, both those guys could be in serial killer roles that like that and win Academy Awards.
Oh, but one of them actually is a famous killer that chopped up a man, but it's okay.
He got out of jail because he's liberal, liberal.
Vox Dei, what is the whole point of this coming out at our children, the LGBTP movement?
Oh, it's all satanic pedophiles.
They're pure evil and This strips away all of the veneer.
It's not about Democrats versus Republicans.
It's not about liberals versus conservatives.
It's not even about nationalists versus globalists.
It's ultimately about Christians versus Satanists.
These are the children of the devil.
And that's why They want to destroy Western civilization.
That's why they want to destroy Christian civilization.
And they're just the avant-garde.
They're just the vanguard.
But the movement runs broad and deep.
It goes like Ben Shapiro trying to claim that Western civilization is Judeo-Christian and is based in Jerusalem and Athens.
It's total nonsense.
Totally false.
You know, he is an intellectual drag queen in the same way that these are, you know, child-sacrificing drag queens.
Well, I don't like Ben Shapiro because he's an Edward Trumper and things, but I've read a lot of history.
But quantify your statement that Western civilization has nothing to do with Jews or with the Greeks.
No, it does have to do with the Greeks.
There are three pillars of Western civilization.
Oh, I thought you said Athens.
Oh, you said not... No, no, he claims that Western civilization is Athens plus Jerusalem.
And that's totally false, because it leaves out both Christianity and it leaves out the European nations, which are actually... Wow, he leaves them completely out.
Wow, that's amazing.
And so, you know, and this is all intentional.
It's all related.
You know, I mean, it goes back, what they're trying to do now with Western civilization is they're trying to do to Western civilization what was done to America 50, 60 years ago.
You know, when they started defining America as a nation of immigrants and a melting pot and all this other nonsense that was totally false.
Now they're attempting to do that to Western civilization.
You know Shapiro is just trying to redefine Western civilization in the same way that The United States of America was redefined after World War II.
Well, there's no doubt that Shapiro and Jordan Peterson have been force-fed from the top right in.
And I am seeing, even though they're force-fed by Google, their numbers are starting to decline.
So I see them working a lot harder now in things.
I'm not in competition with them.
I wish they were on our team.
But I do see them, like Peterson has a lecture explaining, well, Christianity's good, but of course it's a fable.
But it's got good lessons for us all.
I mean, so the devil couldn't be doing a better job?
It all comes down to the same thing.
Like I said, ultimately, at the end of the day, you either serve God through Jesus Christ, or you serve the God of this world.
And that's why I think it's always important to ask, who is your master?
Who is your God?
It's definitely a religious demarcation line, because I've noticed a cultist of any type, they always have their loving, liberal, white magic cover, but it's always evil.
They always know if you're a Christian, even if you don't say it, and they always want to destroy you, and they're always in the process of being destroyed themselves.
And the final thing is the corruption of children.
That's where it always ends up.
Where you see the clue, the reliable clue, the reliable tell, is in the inversion.
In the Bible, It's written, uh, woe to those who call evil good and good evil.
And, you know, that's, that's a specific example of inversion.
Oh, and the Bible says, woe, that means your ass is about to get struck by lightning.
In fact, for TV viewers who are seeing this, it's a nightmare.
This, this drag, because the controllers and the kids are always wearing clown makeup, that's the disguise.
It's not a drag queen, it's a clown group.
So a man in a clown outfit is sexually kind of humping towards him, and he tells him, twerk now, do your trick, and the boy does it for him, and it's disgusting.
Well, and it's supposed to be, because they are always attempting to invert the good, the beautiful, and the true.
That's why that drag queen who was speaking publicly was talking about how they were disgusting, the way that they look at me is disgusting.
No, it's not.
He knows he's the disgusting one.
He knows he's the evil one, but he's attempting to invert the truth.
And that's why you always see evil... That's why he said, this little group behind me.
No, they built America.
They're good people.
They're Christians.
They love God.
They're upset.
They're hardworking.
And you're going, this little... It's like a demon.
This little group has nothing!
I'll spend time with your children!
And it's gonna be beautiful when I groom them!
And he goes on, I'm a sex worker by night, and I know to keep my sex away when I'm with your children.
And you're just like, holy hell!
Fox Day, always great having you.
Is unauthorized.tv the best website?
Well, I'm a little biased, but give us a shot.
That's the best one, you got a bunch of websites.
Alright, and get his comic books at InfoWars.
I've thought for a long time about when does the...
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I've been thinking... Truth is my only weapon.
And I've been thinking for over a year about when is the time to be honest with the...
You know, it's just a weird question to ask.
Let me put it this way.
Hell, maybe you should just put it out while I'm sitting here trying to figure this out.
You know, we're winning the info war, but we're losing financially.
And that encourages the enemy.
But if I don't tell folks how serious things are, they won't support us.
Let me say it this way.
Infowars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.
It's Orwellian, it's biblical, it's authoritarian, it's insane.
And I keep trying to judge and gauge when is the right time To have to stumble up on deck as the captain of this operation and say, hey, we're sinking.
I've begged for your support before and thanks for keeping us afloat, but this is the real SOS.
If you don't buy a bunch of products and spread the word and keep fighting, InfoWars will be shut down, not just crippled.
And so we've reached that point.
It'll make the enemy happy, but, you know, whatever.
We have withstood so many of their attacks.
We've gone through so much because of your support.
You have been there.
But let me tell you, they are pissed they haven't been successful, and they're giving us their full assault.
So we need your prayers, your financial support, and your word of mouth now at InfoWarsCore.com.
It's your fight!
Decide whether or not you want InfoWars to continue, because we could be shut down.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Fitting music for the reality.
If you're a TV viewer, look at it.
If you're a radio listener or a TV viewer, go to Infowars.com and Newswars.com and get the Nightmare article.
I apologize to Watson and get it out to everybody.
We'll do a larger article showing a bunch of the examples.
This is a young boy, looks like he's about eight years old, maybe seven, being directed by a pot-bellied creature and a woman to twerk for everyone as a sexual object during their writhing so-called gay pride parade that resembles a barrel of snakes that have been snorting PCP.
These are literal piranhas that have been turned loose on our children.
And then I'm going to play a clip of Drag Queen Storytime outside Austin this weekend where the armed Antifa came out and then some of them, Owen was just trying to get to the event.
They wouldn't let him get in and they began humping him.
So that's that's how the left operates.
A lot of folks have been arrested for assaulting Owen.
But that hasn't happened yet in this case.
So video showing child twerking at Gay Pride Parade causes outrage.
There's no audio to this, but it's gotten millions of views up on Twitter.
It's on Infowars.com.
Now, let's go to some of the audio.
It's a long report.
It's up on Infowars.com.
"Voan Schroer being attacked for going to the men dressed up as clowns who children
are brought to at public events and schools."
That's what it is.
It's not drag queen story time.
It's a big nationwide international movement, massive funding in your schools.
In fact, it's in the news that now they're teaching kids during career day in the fifth
grade how to be a drag queen or how to be a sex worker.
That's actually in the news today, I'm not joking, that Vogue is teaching girls how great it is to be a sex worker.
So there it is, it's pride!
And what is it pride in?
It's pride in the sexualization of children.
And there it is in every state, surging forth.
And that's what's going on, where you bring your men, you bring your children to sit on the knees of men.
Wow, couldn't think of something more nightmarish.
If a man in a clown outfit approached your child and talked about their booty at a park, they'd go to jail.
But if you just bring your child to story time, most of the time not being told and waiting for them is a grotesque creature.
In many cases, up to 400 pound goblin creatures are there and the children are brought up and they even
talk to them about their sexual preferences and some of them are convicted pedophiles. We
learn why they use aliases.
As Owen pointed out yesterday when he hosts the show, they shouldn't be giving their drag queen
name. These are adults to be with their children in the grooming phase and we should know these
men's names in their demonic clown mask.
This isn't Eyes Wide Shut, folks.
This is America 2019, and this is evil coming out of the pit.
Let's go ahead and roll that clip of Owen being assaulted.
Owen Schroer here for InfoWars.com and I am at the Leander Public Library in
Austin, Texas.
And there is quite a storyline as to how we got here today with major, major, massive police presence even across the street.
There's multiple police vehicles at a funeral home.
Down the street you had police lined up for a quarter mile away from the venue.
Let me tell you how we got here.
As we walk down the police line, and you can see the massive police presence that is out here.
So, about a month ago, the Leander Public Library announced that they were going to be having a Drag Queen Storytime.
And so myself and a couple other local activists here in Austin wondered, do we want to make a big scene of this?
Do we want to keep this under wraps and then maybe infiltrate or go film?
And then they started promoting it more and more.
They released public flyers.
And so that's when we decided, okay, I'm going to report on this, shed some light on it, and see what happens.
Let's see how this goes.
Hello, sir.
Are you a gay frog?
Yes, I sure am.
Tell me, what's it like being a gay frog?
You should go ask the gay mafia in Hollywood.
You were hearing about that on your show just the other day.
The full report...
The full report is up on InfoWars.com and News Wars.
InfoWars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.
It's Orwellian, it's biblical, it's authoritarian, it's insane.
And I keep trying to judge and gauge when is the right time To have to stumble up on deck as the captain of this operation and say, hey, we're sinking.
I've begged for your support before and thanks for keeping us afloat, but this is the real SOS.
If you don't buy a bunch of products and spread the word and keep fighting, InfoWars will be shut down, not just crippled.
And so we've reached that point.
It'll make the enemy happy, but, you know, whatever.
We have withstood so many of their attacks.
We've gone through so much because of your support.
You have been there.
But let me tell you, they are pissed they haven't been successful, and they're giving us their full assault.
So we need your prayers, your financial support, and your word of mouth now at InfoWarshore.com.
It's your fight.
Decide whether or not you want Infowars to continue, because we could be shut down.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
That's right, and Gerald Cilente is taking over here in about five minutes.
There he is for the team of viewers, on screen in his awesome command base in Kingston, New York.
So we're looking really forward to hearing what he has to say in the next 55 minutes or so.
We're about to go to him just briefly.
Some of the news I didn't hit that I should have started the show off with.
There's a lot of amazing video up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Trump supporters wait 40 hours in line before a rally.
While relatively few show up for Impeach45 protests.
There's videos of Trump tweeting them out.
Maybe a hundred people at the biggest rally against him in DC.
And then tens of thousands coming out for Trump rallies.
That video and photos are up on newswars.com.
Get that out.
It is so important.
Another video that's important.
Viral CGI video shows robot rebelling, violently attacking its creators.
And again, folks, that's the problem with all these robots and automation, is that it allows the globalists to cut human decision-making out of the process and allows tyrants to do whatever they want.
That's what's so incredibly dangerous about that.
Also, China organ harvesting dissidents says whistleblower.
Hell, China advertises that they sell organs.
It's a big breakdown, the latest, of just how serious that dehumanization is.
Some of the other news showing how unpopular the left is.
Jim Acosta's book already discounted 40% in first week.
It's force-fed.
In his book, he claims the president is a dictator.
That's the new talking point.
It's incredible.
I can't wait to hear Gerald Salenta talk about the New York Times publishing a story Trump calls treasonous, where they say that we've cyber-attacked Russia because they stole the election and hacked the voting machines.
That's a total lie.
And Trump says it's a lie that we ever attacked Russia.
That's an act of war.
But Hillary has said she wants that.
So the government, to a great extent, acts like Hillary.
is still the president.
We will break it all down.
Gerald Cilente will take over in just a moment.
But first, please remember, Gerald Cilente at TrendsResearch.com is one of the top trends researchers in the country.
He's been around for 40 plus years with amazing analysis.
Be sure and become a subscriber.
Get his magazine there.
Even if you think you know everything, you'll learn something reading this.
And people more and more don't even listen to online stuff.
They listen to nice color magazines.
What was old is now back and hip.
We're finding DVDs are selling good again because people want to physically hold things in this age of censorship.
So that's good instinct.
So be sure and go there.
Sign up for his free news alerts and more and support his great work.
And finally, ladies and gentlemen, I have thought about when is the time to go on air and say, OK, without your support, we'll be in trouble.
When is the time to say, listen, I know I'm always asking for support.
Because we're running a real media operation with real bandwidth and real cost and millions of years for the bandwidth.
We've got a great crew, got a lot of things we need to do.
I see our reporters kicking butt in the field, getting tens of millions of views a week, exposing the corruption of the globalists.
We need to get more reporters.
Four or five more.
Four or five more camera people.
Got a couple new live shows I want to launch.
And then I think InfoWars will pretty much be where it needs to be.
But without your support, we're going to start contracting.
Not growing.
That's what I say.
You're either growing or you're contracting.
Well, we've not been growing, so the contraction's been going on under these attacks the last couple years.
And, folks, this is a real war, so just get your high-quality toothpaste.
Just get your high-quality coffee.
Sign up for auto-shipping at 10% off additionally.
Right now, we've got 50% off Save InfoWars Emergency Special.
With all the unprecedented attacks you've seen, free shipping store-wide, 50% off, and double Patriot Points.
That means on your next order, You don't just get 5% off, you get 10% off.
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Ultra 12, back in stock, was sold out.
It's a discount of 50%.
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They're back in.
It's all there.
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Knockout, great sleep formula, alpha power.
Try it for yourself.
See how good they are and just shop with the good guys.
And that's how we fund the operation.
Get a t-shirt, get a book, get a film.
That's how we do this.
Okay, turning the helm over to the great Gerald Cilente.
I don't know what you're going to cover first, but I'm always listening when I go eat my lunch, when I get off, whenever you host.
So thanks for hosting the fourth hour.
And then coming up in 50 minutes, Owen Schroer is loaded for bear.
He's ready to fight.
He's on fire.
The War Room, 3 p.m.
Gerald Cemente.
Thanks for having me on, Alex, and thanks for all that you do to keep the people informed about what's going on as the prostitutes just put out more junk.
All they are is corporate whores.
They get paid by their corporate johns and their whoremasters to do what they're told.
So, thank you for having me on, and everyone listening, please do what you can to support InfoWars, because The truth is hard to find anymore.
You know, you mentioned about the Russians.
This is a story out of Financial Times.
EU poll hit by Russian disinformation.
Russian sources mounted, quote, a continued and sustained sustained disinformation effort to, quote, suppress voter turnout and influence voter preferences at last month's EU parliamentary elections.
The document does not draw conclusions about who was behind the disinformation or how it was coordinated.
But it says the polls faced wide-ranging attempts to mislead voters.
Again, not one shred of evidence.
And here's the disgusting element about what the prostitutes get paid to put out by their whoremasters.
The fact of the matter is, the turnout in the EU parliamentary elections was the highest in 25 years.
So, hit by Russian disinformation.
Another fact, the Green parties, the Socialist parties, won many more votes than they had anticipated.
Not the so-called, quote, Populist parties.
So this is how they keep selling and making us hate Russia with no information behind it.
Another anti-Russian story.
Big story here in the Financial Times again today.
Journalist release signifies fear of unrest.
The evidence was blatantly fabricated when Russian investigative reporter was arraigned in a Moscow court last Saturday on charges of drug dealing.
He expected the worst.
Anyway, they freed him right away.
Putin called in an investigation as to why this guy was arrested.
Now let's make this really simple.
Hey, anybody see Chelsea Manning lately?
How about Julian Assange?
You don't see The paper's writing about that, do you?
But a big story here, when the Russians do it.
Freedom of speech is gone in this country.
It's one of our top trends for 2019.
Censorship 2019.
So do what you can to support InfoWars.
Of course, I love my super male vitality, because, you know, you got to boogie before the lights go out, because tomorrow is iffy, and this stuff keeps me moving and rocking and rolling.
So that's what we do with trend forecasting.
We look at the facts behind the stories rather than the propaganda they keep putting out.
And just another example of how dumbed down the media is.
This is today's toilet paper of record, the New York Times.
This is the front of the business section.
Look at all that black and that stupid little picture down here of Mario Draghi, the head of the European Central Bank, former henchman for the Goldman Sachs gang.
He was head of the European division.
They don't have anything to write about.
This is the news, the business news section.
And then when you go inside, It's just another full page of stupid photos.
That's why you tune in to InfoWars, and of course subscribe to the Trends Journal, because you're not getting any news anymore.
You're getting biased opinions without any facts.
Oh, today I saw Gloria Vanderbilt passed away.
Anderson Cooper's mommy.
The guy born on Third Base and thought he hit a home run.
He'd be nowhere if he wasn't a Vanderbilt.
So stay tuned, we'll be right back.
The most banned network in the world.
InfoWars settles Pepe the Frog lawsuit, pays tiny settlement to creator Matt Fury.
Mark, overall, what do you think of this decision?
Mark Rendazzo.
I mean, look, when they come at us first saying they want $1.2 million in attorney's fees, and then they wind up begging us for a pittance of a settlement, I think that's grounds for a victory lap.
I mean, the amount that you wound up paying them for a licensing fee.
I mean, when we were calculating what it would have cost for, you know, your first class flight to L.A., the kind of hotels that we like to stay in and the kind of meals we like to eat.
I think our bar tab would have been more than that in L.A.
just for the week.
I just, I have a very big feeling of satisfaction when they put as many lawyers on the other side of the table as I have in my entire firm.
And then they squeak out the door with a, you know, essentially it was like you flipped a coin to him and said, here, get out of my way, go buy yourself an ice cream.
The thing you were saying earlier about how your viewers and your listeners helped out in order to help you win this free speech fight, I can't reiterate that enough.
You know, when you have stood up on these cases, you're not standing up just for Alex Jones or InfoWars.
You're standing up for everybody's rights.
And, you know, now that this case is over, you know, you can kind of start reloading the guns, but there's gonna be more.
You know that.
Well said.
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I want them shut down, I want them silenced, I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Banning people.
They're dictating the opinions that everyone on the platform is allowed to have.
I'm a conservative Jew, so I guess that makes me such a dangerous person.
Spreading articles, spreading videos, spreading links.
You're gonna get demonized, you're gonna get attacked.
That's going to do something terrible like help Trump get re-elected.
That's really what all this is about.
They say that they deem our content and our brand unsafe.
Is the right to be, do, and say whatever you want.
It's about freedom of expression.
I'm a journalist and the left's not interested in telling the truth about me because I don't fit the stereotype.
They can say whatever they think, and I respect their constitutional right to do it, and I hope they respect my con- If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
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Oxy-Powder from Infowarsstore.com clears those pipes that have been giving you all that backup.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Hello, hello, hello!
Great being here on the Alex Jones Show, InfoWars.
Remember, do what you can to support InfoWars.
Buy the products, keep the truth alive.
I was mentioning, as we're going out to break, you know, once upon a time there used to be reporters, but they've cut them back.
One of our Trends Journal stories in the last edition is The Fourth Estate, Rest in Peace.
They call it The Fourth Estate because you had the executive branch, the judicial branch, and the congressional branch.
And The Fourth Estate was the media to watch to see what the other three were doing and to inform the people about what they were doing To help us and to hurt us.
Excuse me, I have to take a sip of water here.
So, they don't have reporters anymore.
They cut down the staffs to nothing.
And again, I showed you this photo.
This is the business section of today's toilet paper record, the New York Times.
They call themselves the paper record.
But there's nothing anymore of record.
It's just a propaganda piece of junk.
And here's when you open up into the middle for the rest of the story.
Look at these stupid photos.
I need information to learn about what's going on, the current events forming future trend.
They're not providing it.
Mr. Whatever-It-Takes, In his eight years atop the ECB, Draghi charted new territory in monetary policy.
Yes, new territory in monetary policy.
Negative interest rates.
Excuse me.
Negative interest rates.
Quantitative easing.
Nearly $3 trillion worth.
And what has it done?
I've got something stuck in my throat over here.
I shouldn't have had a peppers and sausage sandwich before I came on.
But I made those peppers and sausage myself, so... Anyway...
$3 trillion worth of quantitative easing, and now you're looking at the German economy, the strongest one there, and it's lucky to grow at about 0.6% this year.
A major downgrade.
A downgrade around the world.
We are going into the greatest recession.
Oh, excuse me.
And so what's going on in the emerging markets?
They're selling out.
They got real problems.
Subdued volatility and worsening debt of fuel unease on Wall Street.
rate cut prospects spurred demand for junk bonds.
Thank you.
Junk bonds, right?
Because you're not getting any interest rates.
So we're saying, the Federal Reserve is meeting this week, tomorrow and Wednesday.
We believe they're going to announce a rate cut very soon.
They should have cut them before.
There's a global slowdown going on.
In one sector after another.
The numbers are here.
Millennials face greatest hardships from toxic economic conditions.
This is from Stanford University, not the World Socialist Organization.
Millennials earn less money without college degrees than their predecessors and are more likely to die by suicide or drug overdose than any other generation.
The average millennial has an average net worth of $8,000, far less than previous generations.
It's one story after another.
Suicide rate.
You ready for this?
The doctors and young physicians among the highest in the U.S.
These are doctors.
And the reason is, is that it's one big takeover.
When I was a kid, we used to have the family doctor used to come to our house.
And then you went to the doctor's office, and it was in their house.
It was a nicer house than everybody else had, but it was nothing great.
I wrote about this in my book, Trends 2000, back in 1996, when they gave us the HMOs.
And now it's no more drugstores, you got CVS.
No more stationary stores.
You got Staples.
No more hardware stores.
You got Lowe's and Home Depot.
It's a takeover.
And it's in every country.
And that's why you're seeing these protests going on.
Look what's going on as we're speaking in Hong Kong.
Two million people taking to the streets, not just once, but day after day.
There's this, what have they got, about one point, excuse me, about 7.5 million people there.
And two million are out in the streets, protesting.
What do you get in America?
Oh, we're going to go to the Washington Mall for a day, get on the bus and then come home and forget about it.
No protests.
What do you think brought down the Berlin Wall?
It's when the people went there and they wouldn't leave.
And more people came and they wouldn't leave.
And more people came and they wouldn't leave.
But not in America.
Everybody's just on their handheld.
That's all it is.
And the information is here to show you how bad it's getting.
Americans now spend more at internet stores than restaurants.
Courage is gone.
And that's why you need to support InfoWard.
And of course, the Trans Journal and other people that put the truth out.
Because you can see where this is going.
If we don't fight back, we're gone.
Unless you like the Democrats and the Repulsive Kid.
I don't like any of them.
I don't believe in parties, I believe in people.
So it's up to we, the people, to make the change.
If they could do it in Hong Kong, could we do it in America?
Could we break up these 1% that are robbing us and taking all the dough?
We'll be back in a little bit.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Defiance or rebellion?
Is something that has to be looked at as a neutral statement?
Is defiance bad?
Is rebellion bad?
Is resistance bad?
Well, it really is a question of what are you resisting?
What are you rebelling against?
The left pushes this whole narrative about they're rebelling against oppression, and they're rebelling against people trying to tell them what to do or say, but no one's really telling them what to do or say.
They're in charge.
They run the big tech.
They run the corporations.
They run the society.
They have their agenda, and they're openly the bullies trying to dictate to us how to talk, how to dress, who to have sex with, how to live our lives.
They're constantly lecturing us about microaggressions and telling us that we'll be arrested or taken off Facebook if we don't behave ourselves.
These people are a clear and present danger to free societies.
And so that's what I really want to telegraph to folks is, we know the modern threat to humanity.
Every generation has a threat.
Every generation has a big war.
But this is a political and cultural war, an economic war.
It's raging in 2019.
And the establishment is so angry that organizations like InfoWars are still on air.
They need to have victories because despite their trillions of dollars and their corporate dominance, people are rejecting them on a planetary scale.
Globalism is in full retreat.
It's in full collapse.
And so it's rearing its ugly head and hitting us with every nasty trick it had planned for the future.
For their conquest of humanity.
And it's still failing.
But for those of us At the front of the lines, or in the capital ships, we're the targets, ladies and gentlemen.
And I never thought of InfoWars as a major battleship, or an aircraft carrier, or a destroyer, or a submarine attack group, but the enemy sees it as that because we are.
And it's essential we stay in the fight, and never surrender, and never waver, and never back down, and never give up.
That's why, with all the unprecedented attempts to criminally set us up and put me in prison and shut down this operation that have been all over the national news, we have launched Save InfoWars emergency special that's only running for one week.
50% off all InfoWars life, nutraceuticals and supplements, free shipping and double Patriot points on your next order.
Instead of 5%, 10%.
That's an additional 10% off every dollar.
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This could be your last chance to stock up on top InfoWars Live formulas before they are completely out of stock.
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Plus, now is the time to secure your order before they completely sell out and know that you fund us into the future.
Take advantage of this massive special and support the defense of free speech and reality at InfoWareStore.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've proven that we're the enemy of tyranny.
We're pro-life, we're pro-God, we're pro-human.
We need your support or we'll be destroyed.
Please support us.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Gerald Celente.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Oh yeah, the old days when that music used to go.
Love that stuff.
Save your rap, man.
I got my own.
Don't want to hear it.
Love that music.
Anyway, remember, Save Info Wars Emergency Special, 50% off all Info Wars life formulas, plus Free shipping and double Patriot points.
They just launched a new major special at InfoWarsStores.com for a limited time.
Get 50% off on all InfoWars life formulas, free shipping, double Patriot points and more.
This could be your last chance to stock up on top Infowars Life Formulas before they are completely out of stock.
I know I bought a load of my Supermail Vitality.
Keep me rockin' and a-rollin', boppin' and a-reelin', yep.
Now's the time to secure your order before they completely sell out.
You don't want to miss out when they sell out.
So take advantage of this massive special and support the defense of free speech End reality at InfoWarsStore.com.
Free speech.
We are losing it.
We got freaks taking our free speech.
Oh, yeah, little Suckerberg should tell us what we should say and how we should say it.
Could you imagine this?
No outrage in this country.
Again, of course, you people And listen to InfoWars, you're informed, and you're on top of the news and ahead of the trends when you subscribe to the Trends Journal, of course, as well.
And we really need to prepare for this future.
I was among the first people saying they were going to lower interest rates back in March in our trend alerts.
The Federal Reserve is meeting on Tuesday and Wednesday.
I believe they're going to not wait till July to lower rates.
They're going to do it now.
Current events form future trends.
You ready?
Empire State Manufacturing Index posts largest ever drop into negative territory in June.
Oh, June!
Hey, we're in June!
Hot off the press, the New York Fed's Empire State Business Conditions Index took a sharp turn for the worse in June.
Falling into negative territory for the first time in more than two years, the Empire State Manufacturing Index plummeted 26.4 points to negative 8.6 in June.
The New York Fed said, today, that's a record decline.
Economists Had expected a rendering of positive 10.
Any reading below zero indicates a contraction in activity.
And there was broad-based weakness in the report.
A key metric, the new orders index sank 21.7% to minus 12 in June.
1.7% to -12 in June. Shipments fell 6.6% to 9.7%. Unfilled orders also fell sharply. And
inventory sank into negative territory.
[ Silence ]
The index of future activity fell 4.9 percent to 25.7 in June.
I'm going through this in detail to show you how serious this is.
And there's a global slowdown.
The Chinese are dumping money in the Yuan.
The Yuan now is almost 7 to a dollar.
And they're not doing it to devalue their currency.
They're doing it to pump up their economy.
They lower their reserve ratio requirement.
So banks can loan more money out and not have a lot of money in the bank.
There's a global slowdown.
They should have lowered interest rates in this country months ago.
They should have stopped raising them last year.
Am I in favor of low interest rates?
It's not a question of that.
It's a war against the savers.
Because we've got nowhere to put our own money other than in the junk bonds.
Or, the markets.
Because if you put them in regular bonds, you're not getting any money.
Matter of fact, with her bragging about Mario Draghi, European Central Bank President, and I mentioned what's going on in Germany, guess what?
You know, you're of a lot of great folks out there in Info Wars, I got a deal for you.
You buy the German Bund, the bond, Buy a 10-year bond, and in 10 years, we'll give you less than what you bought it for.
I'm not making that up.
Negative yield.
So that's where we're at.
What's going on there in the Middle East with Iran?
The good news is oil prices haven't spiked.
And they're actually in bad territory.
That means they're down 20%.
What happened over there in the Straits of Hormuz last week?
The day before that happened, oil prices were down 4%.
When that happened, oil prices spiked up 4%.
But then it went back down.
What's that telling you?
It's telling you that the flare-up's not ready to flare up.
Because if it was, prices would go way up.
But the other part of the story it's telling you Is that there's more supply than demand in oil.
And that's why prices aren't going up.
It's a global slowdown.
A report just came out from the former central bank head of India.
And he said they're cooking the books.
They're rigging the market.
Growth isn't as strong as they're saying it is.
So oil prices should be spiking now.
But demand is down.
There's more supply than demand.
Another key indicator to watch, if you want to see if things are going to explode, gold prices.
Gold is reaching a critical level now, on the way up.
We believe it has bottomed.
It could go another $50 down, $60.
In the futures markets, that's very small.
Right as we're speaking now, it's around the $1,340 range.
It needs to go up another $55 less, actually.
It has to hit about $385.
When it hits that mark, the next jump is going to be $1,450.
If it breaks $1,450, the spike is going to go, my forecast is, to $2,000.
But again, Watch the global events.
That's telling you where things are going.
If things are really heating up to an explosive level right now in the Middle East, both gold and oil prices would be flying higher, and they're not.
So that's how you look at the current events forming future trend.
So who really did this to these tankers out there?
Hey, how about the Saudis?
They need oil at $100 a barrel for their economy to float along.
That's right.
And what's oil now, Brent Crude?
Eh, around $60.
Could they have done it to boost the prices up?
Maybe the United Arab Emirates.
How about over there in Kuwait?
Can't wait.
You know Kuwait, the temperature hit 124.5 degrees?
So, that's what we're looking at.
The current events forming future trends.
Gold and oil.
They're going to tell the story.
Watch them closely.
Again, they should be spiking with what was going to break out in the Middle East.
We'll be back in a few seconds, in a few minutes.
See you in a bit.
The time has come, the time is now, to put the cards on the table.
What would happen, ask yourselves, if InfoWars is taken off the air?
Ask yourself another question.
It's even more important.
What would have happened if InfoWars was never on air?
The tens of thousands of interviews, the investigative reports, the documentary films, the rallies, the tens of billions of views, On YouTube and Facebook and other platforms, what would have happened?
You wouldn't have a global revolution right now against the globalists.
You wouldn't have a global revolution against tyranny.
You wouldn't have populists and nationalists and pro-Christian and pro-family candidates winning all over the world if Infowars hadn't been here.
Now, that's not me up here flexing, saying, you're lucky I'm here.
It's the opposite.
Whether you live in a little log cabin or a trailer, whether you live in a big fancy mansion, you've got a connection to God and justice.
And those of you that have spread the word and prayed for us and financially supported the broadcast, getting great products at the same time, you built this house.
What's that movie about baseball?
If you build it, they will come?
Robert Redford's in it.
Is it the natural?
Feel the dreams?
I mean, I don't remember.
Feel the dreams?
We built this, ladies and gentlemen.
And you came.
We built it.
And we did it.
And now, they're pissed because they don't want this golden goose with its big ol' fat juicy booty to lay any more of those golden eggs.
And that's really what this comes down to.
It's a sexy goose.
It's a pretty goose.
It's a sweet goose.
It's a goose that likes you and likes me and likes our children.
And you know, I can joke around about this all day, but getting serious, ladies and gentlemen, they're coming on at us like a freight train.
And this isn't some spectator sport where you watch us in the arena get chewed up or be victorious.
This is a real world action, a war.
Where your action, and the support you give us or don't, governs everything.
This isn't Netflix dramas, or HBO dramas, or Godzilla fighting the three-headed dragon.
This isn't theater.
This isn't imaginary world.
This is rubber meets the road, planet Earth, the middle of 2019.
So I've thought for a long time about when it was time, what the demarcation line was.
The point of no return.
Instead of just saying, hey, we're not going to be here unless you support us.
But what is the point to tell people?
Because it makes the enemy happy, and we don't want to make them happy.
But we need to also be honest with you to say, we're bleeding to death.
We've put up an incredible fight, and I'm proud of what we've done.
It takes millions of dollars to run our own servers, and stream to millions a day, and to run all the IT, and to pay for all the equipment, and to have the legal and to do this, and you've done an amazing job, but if you do not commit to get our great products, and commit to sign up for AutoShip, and commit every month when you can, if you can't understand, to get products that are already the best.
Air filtration, water filtration, all these things you and your family need.
If you don't commit, Enemy will win, they will smash InfoWars, and we will sink into the sea.
Help us fight on in the future, because this is the ship.
This is the ship you built.
I'm at your hands.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Hello, hello, welcome back, welcome back.
Thanks for tuning in to InfoWars.
Great being here.
I'm a supporter of InfoWars and their products.
Again, my favorite of many.
Super male vitality, because when you get to be an older cat, especially, you know, you need that extra juice to keep boogieing, you know?
I love to boogie.
I don't boogie anymore.
But anyway, I was talking about the markets before.
Emerging markets cut rates on expectation of Fed easing.
The Russian Central Bank just lowered their Interest rates by a quarter percent.
Since April, India, Malaysia, and the Philippines, all have lowered rates.
China's central bank has taken steps to encourage more bank lending, as I was saying before.
That trend is likely to broaden over coming months.
This is the Wall Street Journal.
Particularly if the Fed cuts its key rate, as officials have signaled it may.
I say, not signaled it may, I am forecasting that they will cut interest rates between four to six times by Election Day 2020, the presidential reality show.
Egypt, Indonesia, Mexico, South Korea also ready to cut rates.
Central banks are responding to signs that the global economy is losing momentum.
The World Bank expects the global economy to expand 2.6% this year.
They're blaming it on the trade wars.
There's nothing to do with trade wars.
It is no trade war.
These are minor tariffs compared to the deficits.
Tiny tariffs, I should say, compared to the deficits.
I'll show you how the toilet paper over here, the New York Times, Another front page story.
Tariff threat has retailers warning of disaster!
Watch out for that disaster!
You know what the disaster is?
Well, even healthy chains like Walmart and Costco, the new duties threaten the business formula that helped speed their rapid rise over the last few decades.
Import cheap products from Asia and sell them at rock bottom prices.
Isn't that great?
And these slimers brag about that.
We used to have products made here.
Oh, yeah.
You paid more money for them.
You know why?
Because you used to have an Wage that paid a living that gave you a middle class and you weren't one of those?
Millennials net worth collapses, study finds.
This is disgusting.
The National Retail Federation estimates that China supplies 42% of all apparel.
73% of house sold appliances, and 88% of the toys sold in the United States.
Isn't that great, huh?
Get that slave labor out there.
Get them to make your products.
Bring them back!
Be a Walmart!
Be the multi-zillionaires!
While you work in these places, And you can't even have a living wage.
Isn't that great?
And they brag about it.
Actually, over 90% of our clothing, they just talk about China, is imported.
They used to have, make shoes.
Remember in this city over here, New York, Garment District, 7th Avenue, going up and down the streets with big racks of Garmin, son.
All over the country, we used to make our own things.
And now, it's disgusting, according to the New York Slime.
Who wrote this piece of crap?
Nelson Schwartz and Sapna Mahaswi, or however you pronounce their name.
What a Bunch of propaganda.
Can you imagine the nerve that we should have manufacturing jobs that pay living wages?
We gotta make the Costcos bigger.
We gotta make them Home Depot.
We can't make our own washing machines or dryers or irons.
We can't make anything.
We have to import it.
That's right.
So you can keep your job at Walmart and Amazon and other Slavelandia companies.
So keep your mouth shut.
Don't complain.
Work on the multinational plantation in Slavelandia and behave yourself.
Again, a big story.
Front page next to this stupid Photograph of Draghi's head down the bottom.
Look at this crap!
They don't have reporters, they have prostitutes.
The major story.
Anyway, going back to the economy.
I mentioned about the emerging markets and what's going on.
Then you look around the world.
Great what's going down there in Argentina, huh?
Wonderful in Brazil.
Hey, how about Venezuela?
Take a trip to South Africa.
One economy after another slowing down.
Colombia's president says ousting Maduro is his moral duty.
Isn't that great?
Why don't you mind your own business, huh?
Moral duty?
There's economic warfare against Venezuela.
I'm totally opposed with what's going on there.
The United States should mind its own business.
Power outage.
It's Argentina and Uruguay.
Mind your own business.
Fix your own problems.
You know what the inflation rate is in Argentina?
Almost 60%.
The peso, the currency's down over 50%.
Unemployment skyrocketing.
This guy, Colombia, you know what his poll rating is?
Recently around 20%.
When all else fails, they take you to war.
Oh, and they have a problem, too, because the people leaving Venezuela are going into Colombia.
And then I want to mention this.
Story in today's Wall Street Journal.
Backing for impeachment inquiry hits 27%.
That's not a lot.
I'm not good at math, but that's like a quarter, right?
A little bit more.
Impeachment is a waste of energy.
A waste of time.
Figure it out!
You don't have to be good at math at it.
Okay, the House impeaches Trump, and it goes to the Senate.
They gotta say, we're firing you.
You're fired, they'll say to the Apprentice Chief.
Reality Show Champion.
They need two-thirds of the Senate vote.
And you got a Republican majority in there.
It's a waste of time and energy.
And that's what the news media has become.
Every day, a stupid piece of worthless news.
Not helping you to prepare for the future.
And that's what we do.
The Trends Journal.
The future's coming.
Ready or not.
But all the media is yesterday's news tomorrow.
And again, that's why you need to support InfoWars.
Buy the product.
Put your money where your heart and mind are.
Because if you don't, you're gonna go down with dumb news.
You can see these stories I read you how they're blaming the Russians.
More and more censorship everywhere.
Censorship 2019, a top trend.
Buy your InfoWars products.
Take advantage of the sale going on now.
Get the products while they last.
Because if you don't, support InfoWars.
The truth is going to be harder and harder to find.
So, I want to thank everybody for tuning in.
Remember, as you look at the markets, look at gold and oil.
Watch those key indicators.
And one other one, copper.
As goes copper, so does the global economy.
Copper goes up, economy goes up.
Papa goes down.
I've thought for a long time about when does the...
I'm sorry, I have a fever.
I've been thinking, well, that's all I'm gonna say.
Truth is my only weapon.
And I've been thinking for over a year about when is the time to be honest with the... I don't know how to say that.
You know, it's just a weird question to ask.
Let me put it this way.
Hell, maybe you should just put it out while I'm sitting here trying to figure this out.
You know, we're winning the info war, but we're losing financially.
And that encourages the enemy.
Because if I don't tell folks how serious things are, they won't support us.
Let me say it this way.
Info wars and free speech and your right to speech has been under unprecedented attack the last year or so.