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Name: 20190613_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 13, 2019
3358 lines.

This episode of InfoWars focuses on recent events involving Iran and the potential for military action. The hosts promote their products as a way of fighting against big tech censorship while discussing various topics related to the situation, such as an incident from a raid in Corinto and differences between Iranian and Arab military forces. They also suggest that Iran might be attempting to provoke the US into a large-scale conflict before attacking through fourth-generation warfare tactics."

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
officials say it's highly likely Iran behind the new tanker attack and the bombing of another ship.
Well, if the mullahs are really that crazy... This could start World War III.
Vladimir Putin warned of the end of the world two days ago.
We covered it yesterday.
It got almost no attention.
Every major analyst agrees the world is in more peril of a new giant war than it's ever been between all these different factions and parties.
The Saudi Arabians against the Iranians, Pakistan against India, China declaring it controls all the oceans around it, including classical waters of Japan and you name it, down to Philippines.
Two ships, one torpedoed, one bombed.
Huge oil tanker burning on fire, set to sink and flood the Gulf with crude oil.
All of this happening in the Gulf of Oman.
One torpedo attack, one bombing attack, everyone abandoning ship.
Are the mullahs that crazy?
That's the headline on InfoWars.com in the live feed today.
If you want to share that, the censored broadcast, the video and audio feeds at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
War with Iran imminent?
War with Iran imminent?
Is Tehran really this crazy or is it another false flag?
Because if you study history, the favorite false flag comes from British naval annals.
The coin was first seen in naval journals 500 years ago.
But it's older than that.
The favorite place to stage events is on the open water because it's hard to prove who did it.
But you know World War I started with a ship, the Lusitania, and a quasi-false flag.
You know, the Maine started the Spanish-American War in 1898 with William McKinley and his Navy.
That's staged, most historians agree.
Blown up.
Nobody was off the ship to say that the Spanish had done it.
And of course, there's so many other famous naval events.
The USS Liberty, which was staged by Israel to get us into war with Egypt, didn't work.
That's been even declassified by many Israeli documents and fighter pilots.
And of course you've got so many other big events like the Gulf of Tonkin that got us into Vietnam.
I'm sure the headline will be out later in the news today, Alex Jones says that the tanker attacks are a false flag.
I did not say that.
I said that it could be and Many analysts are in the news saying Iran has nothing to gain from this.
Well, I would agree in the main, but not in a smaller area that's just as important when you actually look at it from the perspective.
The mullahs are under pressure politically and are very unpopular and teetering.
And their economy is under sanctions for decades and falling apart.
They have built up their military since Operation Praying Man has destroyed much of their navy in The 1980s.
But they believe they can win a war, a conventional war with the United States, and many analysts believe they can as well.
This is not Iraq.
And these are not the classic Arab nations with a very unpopular dictator sitting atop them that the West has inroads into their government and can basically overthrow them.
This is an entrenched group that, yes, has a lot of unpopularity in their nation, but a large military in place with a tight grip around the throat of the people.
And Iran might roll the dice.
And start these provocations, deny them, but then still use it to push into a larger war, activating Hezbollah sleeper cells, which are in every major western city and are ready to wreak havoc.
If you think a school shooting wreaks havoc in your town, take a couple of Iranian special ops, dumping chlorine gas down your 100-story building.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Well just two days ago Vladimir Putin held an emergency summit
in St. Petersburg.
Petersburg and said that the world was on the verge of nuclear war.
It could very easily destroy ourselves.
And magically, one of the hot spots where you would expect a major new world war to strike up, the Gulf of Oman.
Not one, but two tankers have been torpedoed and bombed and are on fire as we speak with all abandoning ship.
Again, radio listeners, obviously you've already seen this all over television today, but we have the latest at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
DrudgeReport.com also has excellent coverage of it.
This is also obviously going to be an environmental disaster.
The big question is, why on God's green earth have an attack in Hormuz, Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman, which would trigger the United States, Israel, Saudi Arabia and others to attack Iran?
Why would Iran do that?
And so far they haven't taken credit, at least as of 10 minutes ago when I was checking myself.
Guys, will you check and see if Iran is taking credit?
They denied they were behind attacks a few weeks ago.
But then they're running a proxy war in several countries in the Middle East, and some of those folks did take credit.
But the way they took credit, it could have been basically a setup.
So here's the bottom line.
We don't know, obviously.
You don't know.
I don't think anybody knows, except for those that did it, who's behind this.
officials are all over the news, Fox News, CNN, CBS, saying that Iran highly likely behind the torpedo attack.
Now, I know Trump is not into false flags.
He's a straight shooter.
In fact, he's even gone into the CIA and told folks that I've talked to who are in the room, large, large room, that all the dirty stuff's over, okay?
We're not going to play both sides.
I've told, this is a few days after he got elected and got into office, Trump told the whole room, the CIA of top people, he said, we're going to tell Saudi Arabia, you're going to stop funding ISIS and Al Qaeda, or we'll overthrow you.
And Trump obviously knows that the West has been playing both sides and we're not going to fund it either.
And so you saw ISIS destroyed, Al Qaeda destroyed.
So Trump isn't playing these games.
That doesn't mean that neocons or globalists inside the system, the embeds inside our system, Might not have funded another terror group, a third party
group, contractors.
We don't know.
When you go see James Bond movies and Spectre's trying to get the US to fight Russia and vice
versa and there's a private company that's actually blowing stuff up.
That isn't life imitating art.
That's art imitating life.
You know, Ian Fleming was MI6, high-level, OSS before that, wrote those books that a lot of it's based on today.
You say, well then why do they just keep doing the same script?
Because that's how governments and things operate.
That's the real world, folks.
That's how things actually take place.
There just usually isn't one super guy taking on a thousand people.
That isn't how it works.
And so, Trump says, I want square dealing.
I want straight shooting, so people know when I say something, I mean it.
No more of this strategy of tension, where the globalists run around stirring up trouble constantly, so we have an excuse to be everywhere, and then make money off both ends.
We're just going to be there, because we've got better military and better technology, and give people a better deal, and straight shoot them.
Because the subterfuge is killing our country.
And it's immoral, and it's wrong.
We don't know what's happened.
I'm not prepared to say that this is a false flag.
But I also think it's very interesting that you've got, quote, U.S.
officials saying they think it's Iran and that Iran stands to gain when many other analysts, and I agree with them, say Iran doesn't.
But the Mullahs are unstable.
And they do have a powerful military, and they are crazy.
And they are tired of being in the position of being under sanctions that could topple them.
So they could choose the house of war instead of the house of inaction.
Here are some of the headlines.
says, Iran likely behind torpedo attack on oil tanker in the Gulf.
Oil tankers are targeted with explosives in the Gulf of Oman.
Iran has little to gain from Oman.
Tanker attacks.
That's Bloomberg.
Oil prices surge after apparent attack on two tankers near Strait of Hormuz.
I want to say oil companies stand a game, but I don't think they're behind it.
Trump shock.
USA told it will lose war with Iran.
And here's why.
That's a big article out of the Express in the UK I'm going to get into coming up.
Dozens rescues, reported attack, leave ships ablaze off Iran.
It just goes on and on.
But Iran has not taken credit for it as of we're sitting here talking live right now.
Let's go to this CBS News report.
These attacks were caused by Iran.
He is not able to describe the method of attack but crew members of the two ships are being quoted as saying they thought they had either struck a mine or been hit by torpedoes.
Contradicts what Iran's foreign minister is saying.
He tweeted that these explosions were beyond suspicious, suggesting they've been the work of some third party in an attempt to sabotage a visit by Japan's prime minister to Tehran.
He is there today in an effort to reduce tensions.
In the Middle East.
The U.S.
defense official is also saying that Iranian claims to have rescued all 44 crew members are patently false because 21 of the crew members were picked up by the U.S.
Now, in recent weeks there have been other attacks on tankers in the Gulf of Oman.
just outside the Persian Gulf.
In those previous attacks, those were carried out by mines placed on the hulls of the ship,
and the U.S. blamed Iran for that.
The U.S. did not retaliate for those attacks, but it has warned Iran it will be held accountable
for any attacks on American interests.
And the free passage of ships in and out of the Persian Gulf certainly qualifies as an
American interests, and so much of the world depends on that oil.
David Martin at the Pentagon.
You know, I just remembered, though, a month ago, the head moolah, the ayatollah of rock and roll over there said, in fact, pull this up, guys, the exact headline was, Iran's leader, Supreme Leader, he pressed TV hat, it was directly out of their state-run media.
Iran's Supreme Leader vows to retaliate to U.S.
sanctions and declares, what's the exact term that he used, let's pull the quote up, said that they were activating They're Hezbollah forces around the world and that the entire world was a battlefield.
Just pull up, Iran's leader threatens to retaliate to U.S.
sanctions by hitting soft targets.
So just that statement a month ago, and I went and checked it.
I didn't just believe it when it was on the bottom of CNN.
I went and checked press TV and there it was.
And I meant to cover that.
I think I did.
Oh, that's a big deal.
That just moved the needle.
Towards it being Iran.
Plus this is exactly how they do it with rubber boats at night coming up.
When those ships are docked or moving through and placing mines on the side.
I think Iran's really crazy enough to do this, deny they're doing it, to put pressure on Trump economically.
Well, hell!
They threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz a month ago too!
In the same damn speech!
See, I'm so used to false flags that everything starts looking like one.
There's been so many in history.
But the more I percolate on this, they shot their mouth off a month ago.
Iran threatens to close the Strait of Hormuz.
That'll be everywhere.
And the other one was Supreme Leader tells Iranian forces worldwide that the entire world is a battlefield.
And other statements.
I'm not ready to say Iran's behind this.
I don't think anybody is.
And we're going to look at a history of false flags on the open water when we come back.
And we'll get into all the other news.
We are loaded for bear today.
This is, again, very important transmission.
We're sussing it all out as we go.
So stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
It's Thursday, June 13, 2019.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I've been doing deep research and analysis on the Iran situation for many, many years, as you know.
And when I woke up this morning and heard that one ship had been torpedoed, one bombed in the Gulf, right off the coast of Iran, I said, are they really that crazy?
Because so many wars get started with a false flag where a country will attack its own ship to blame the nation they want to attack or invade.
There's many historical examples of that.
I'll go into some.
And I was watching ABC News, CNN, Fox News, and they were unsure.
And then some U.S.
officials started coming out from the Trump administration saying, we believe it's Iran, but not giving any evidence.
And then I was sitting here thinking on air earlier, and it all hit me.
The Iranians took credit for this four months ago, two months ago, and about a month ago, and my crew was able to pull up the articles you heard me mention on air from memory.
So let me just tell you right now, Iran is the main suspect, and Iran stands to gain from this, and Iran thinks that they can push Trump into backing off sanctions, or they'll continue to sabotage ships in the Gulf, and then claim that Trump is staging it, so that if Trump strikes back, they look like the victim.
So, here's the big announcement.
Iran thinks they can't lose, because they think they control the paradigm of choices.
I'm speaking directly to Iran right now, and their molas.
I know what you're up to, because you've shot your mouths off.
I guess you warned Trump, but he didn't listen.
You think you'll either get us to back off the sanctions, and you can sue for peace in your proxy war in Yemen, which will mean you controlling the region, which Saudi Arabia won't put up with, so that's not going to happen, or you're going to push the United States into responding because you continue to sink ships connected to the United States.
Then you'll deny it, Looking like the victim.
Now why do I know that?
Because I read press TV.
I've been on press TV about a hundred times.
And I just got too tired.
I don't go on BBC, press TV, really any of it anymore.
Everybody knows that.
I certainly don't work for Iran because I've gone on their national television over a hundred times.
I read what their government says and what they say domestically.
And I've got it right here.
Because if somebody tells you they'll sink ships, then it starts happening?
They said they're going to do it, so they are the prime suspect.
Well, what happened again a month ago?
They were listed as a terror group in all of Hezbollah worldwide, which they obviously are.
They see themselves as a paramilitary group inside every country.
And they're very serious.
They make your average Arab terrorist look like a sweetheart when it comes to the effectiveness.
Very nasty.
Very bad.
We've allowed their total infiltration.
More treason by our leftist governments.
And guess what?
I'm going from memory.
I think it was about four and a half weeks ago.
We just pull up U.S.
Iranian National Guard is terrorist.
So Trump didn't didn't balk for threat and Iran threatened to sink ships and block the Strait of Hormuz and they vowed to activate their forces around the world.
That's the London Independent.
You can go to press TV and read it yourself.
Iran raises stakes in the U.S.
showdown with threat to close Hormuz.
That's Bloomberg.
April 22nd.
Remember all that?
And what did they say?
If you freeze the assets of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, that's really the government, that's their bank accounts, that's the moolahs.
If you do that, we will start sinking ships in the Strait of Hormuz.
And those ships are sinking right now.
In fact, we can put the big tanker back on screen.
Notice there's water shooting out the front of the ship.
And that's its pumps are on high.
Thousands of gallons a second are shooting out, and the ship is starting to list to its right.
And that's the helicopter that flew over hours ago.
The ship is going to burn and sink, 99% chance, and flood the Gulf with oil.
That's just one of the two sinking ships.
So they're following their promise.
We will sink ships in the Strait of Hormuz.
blacklists banks and individuals for transferring billions to Iran's Revolutionary Guard.
That's March 26, yeah.
But they went on to list the Guard about a month after.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Iran says they did it.
Iran-backed sleeper cell militants hibernating in U.S.
positioned for an attack.
Remember that InfoWars.com article?
Back in 2018, when we got the Google internal report of what they wanted banned, and Google was spending $15 million to have me delisted, but they were paying private outside groups to manipulate the algorithm, so when they tell Congress, oh, we don't do it, oh no, you just have somebody else do it for you, it's still technically a lie.
One of the things was that I was talking about Iranian sleeper cells.
They don't want us talking about that, folks, because the left is working with Hezbollah.
I'm going to say that again.
You heard that years ago here, and now it's been in mainstream news.
MS-13 and Hezbollah work with the Democrats, made a deal with the Democrats five years ago to help launder money, to help control the Middle East.
That's what pissed off the Saudis so much and scared the living hell out of them, to where now they'll do whatever Trump says.
And now it's all come out, like I told you, that former Secretary of State Kerry goes into these countries, like Iran, and tells them how to defeat U.S.
policy and defeat Trump.
And that they're working with Hezbollah.
MS-13, Hezbollah.
These are criminal cut-out groups, so Obama can give the order.
And Hezbollah will come to your house, or MS-13 will come to your house under orders.
He doesn't know it comes from Obama or Hillary.
And then you just hear, oh, a gang broke in and killed the congressman.
And they're killing Republican state senators right now as a test.
I warned everybody about this last year.
I said, you'll start hearing about senators getting killed at their houses, and then it's going to move on.
It's all a test.
Hezbollah and MS-13 have your houses listed.
And that's why I told you, you better have your battle rifles ready.
They'll kidnap your kids.
They'll carjack you.
They'll shoot you in the head.
They'll throw some heroin at the scene.
And they've got killers in every town to match Trump They believe.
And the embedded assassination teams, they're in every U.S.
There aren't just SWAT teams in every city, folks.
There are multi-agency kill teams in every city there have been since the Cold War.
And those groups have been mopping up and killing Hezbollah and MS-13 cells.
I was told this by high-level CIA when Trump was president-elect, that there was already a civil war and that they had the Mullahs and, yes, the Democrats.
Look, they've got the border going down.
They're helping child smuggle.
You understand?
That's why Pelosi said MS-13 are God's children and are good people.
Do you understand?
Do you understand?
This is real.
This is treason.
The Democrats are globalists.
They hate the country.
They want to bring it down.
They have murder teams all over the nation.
It's on everything with Force in its name.
The new, already best-selling, Space Force, America's Back, awesome shirt that I love and everybody else is loving.
It's gonna be a hit shirt now.
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Because we sold the t-shirt at 50% off, that'd be a cost.
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It's 50 to 30% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
InfoWars The most banned network in the world.
Riddle me this Batman.
We've got the second biggest outbreak of Ebola in world history.
They say it may be the biggest.
Thousands dead, tens of thousands infected in the Congo, and thousands of people are coming into Mexico, and then coming across the Rio Grande, and then showing up at San Antonio shelters, and it's only on one news channel, and then suddenly on the news, they're going, don't worry, we've got an Ebola vaccine for you.
I understand the Border Patrol's overwhelmed.
I understand there's 5,000 people a day they're catching.
Probably double that are getting by them.
100-something thousand a month.
And it just shows the recklessness.
What happens if Ebola gets in?
Are the politicians not worried?
Mike Adams, what do you think?
Well, let's remember, too, that after the Ebola scare from a couple of years ago, there was more research done on the incubation.
period of Ebola. They found that Ebola can remain viable in symptomless
carriers, especially in male sperm, for up to 12 months. So there could be
individuals who are infected with Ebola, they're carrying it, and if they begin to
have sex with partners in the United States, straight sex or gay sex or
otherwise, they can be spreading live Ebola to Americans through that
mechanism. That's well documented. So it's like a perfect bio-weapon carrier then?
Well, exactly.
That's 12 monkeys.
Someone, I think, released it in the airport in a canister.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
It can be put into people.
They could have infected 1,000 people, taken the 50 of them who were symptomless carriers, and then now transported those 50 people into Texas.
And why would they target Texas?
Well, they want to bring down the most pro-liberty state in America.
Governor Abbott just signed a bill, by the way, that guaranteed free speech on Texas college campuses, along with many other bills that he's just signed.
So Texas is being targeted.
So I think that this is part of what very well could be a massive effort, a biological weapon delivery system and a cover story.
And again, the thing that the globalists love about biological weapons is they're self-replicating.
They essentially threaten to depopulate the planet, which is one of their top goals.
I don't have fingerprints.
It can never be traced back to anybody, especially after it begins to mutate in the wild, as all viral strains do, including Ebola.
There's not just one set Ebola.
there are different variations of Ebola.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
The evidence at this point is overwhelming.
Iran just months ago said if you put sanctions on our Revolutionary Guard, around the world, we will start bombing ships in the Strait of Hormuz, and we will block the Strait of Hormuz, and we will cost you trillions of dollars.
But then, once you do it, you then deny it, so that you can get the U.S.
to attack you and make yourself the victim, like they've already been doing with their patrol boats in international water, grabbing our troops, our sailors, our Marines, our SEALs.
So that's what's happening here.
I have no doubt.
Yes, there's a long history of false flags and staged events, but no one's talking about how the Iranians, nowhere, threatened in April and in the subsequent months that they would do this, and now it's happened.
And that's why the Trump administration's saying they are the prime suspect, but the Trump administration's not pointed out what they said.
Remember Trump said never, ever, ever threaten the United States of America again or you will suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before.
That means nuclear weapons to the Japanese.
We are no longer a country that will stand for your demented words of violence and death.
Be cautious.
Well, Dr. Kam Schott, please.
That was Trump in just a few weeks ago.
And again back in 2018.
Well now, Iran has raised the stakes in the U.S.
showdown with threat to close the Strait of Hormuz by blowing up ships and other events.
That's Bloomberg, that's London Independent, that is back in late April.
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
Iran admits that they're behind it.
Because if they said, we're going to do this, And then it happens, they're the prime suspect.
Oh, but notice, oh, the Japanese leaders here, you did this to embarrass our meeting.
No, they know Trump isn't gonna attack Iran while the Japanese leader's there.
And so they use that as a shield as well.
This stinks like a Persian Shiite mullah concoction if ever I saw one.
And Trump is going to see right through it.
Yes, Japan wants that cheap oil.
So, Hezbollah's leader and all of them have been shooting their mouths off, bragging about this.
And now they've done it.
And they think we're stupid.
So I agree with U.S.
officials saying it's highly likely Iran behind new tanker attacks in Gulf of Oman.
You know, if I got up here and I said, hypothetically, that I'm gonna do some horrible, heinous crime if you do X, you do X, and then that very horrible crime happens, people say, get that guy, he did it.
It's just presumed.
So, we have such a history of false flags and staged events, that when people tell you they're going to do something, you've still got to sit back and look at it.
But I'll tell you, as for me, my friends, they said they'd do it.
They think Trump might back down, take the sanctions off, or they think the U.S.
could, quote, start the war because they have denied it.
Now, let's talk about what comes next.
What happens if a couple more of these ships get blown up?
The United States, you can bet your bottom dollar, is going to back a Saudi Arabian attack on Iranian shipping lanes and Iranian military targets.
And you'll have a bunch of stealth bombers at 80,000 feet fly over and drop 2,000-pound bombs all over Iran.
Now, what happens after that?
Five minutes later, Iranian sleeper cells in every major U.S.
city, and Shiite sleeper cells in Iran, and Shiite sleeper cells in Iraq, and Shiite sleeper cells in any other country that backs what Trump does, are going to have soft targets hit.
Truck bombs, poisoning of air conditioning supply systems.
That's what Iranians specialize in.
Burning buildings down.
Oh no, the Iranians aren't going to run around with machine guns and fights with the cops in the streets.
They're going to drive around in little delivery vehicles.
The middle of the night, burning your houses down, nerve gassing you.
Dumping nerve gas out at the Capitol.
That's what they're going to do.
And there's so many of them here!
Hope everybody enjoys!
Because they're not just from Iran, you see.
19% of Islam is Shiite.
And they've got Shiites from every country in the world that have all purposely immigrated to the great Satan, so when the great day of judgment comes and the great war comes, and they think Iran gets nuked during it, that's okay, because they're gonna burn all of our cities down.
And while the cops are busy putting their armor on to go find out what's happening, all hell will break loose when they drive a truck bomb right in to the containment center at your local nuclear reactor, like the J.J.
Pickles Center in North Austin.
That's the first thing they'll do is, places like that, that are not guarded, they'll drive a big 18-wheeler full of plastic explosives in there.
Oh, by the way, if people are asking, Alex, don't say all this stuff.
No, no, I know what they're up to.
I'm telling you their tactics, believe me.
Your average group couldn't carry stuff out like this, so I'm not putting out any secrets here.
We've had western governments from England to the United States to protect Hezbollah and bomb-making factories.
They just pulled an article about it.
Pull that back up, please.
And again, I'm going to tell you, this sounds incredible until you realize how the world really works.
The Democrats are involved in child trafficking, drug trafficking.
They're the most corrupt people you've ever seen.
British PM asked The British government will cover up Hezbollah bomb factory because of Iran nuclear deal.
Remember that?
Now that's back in the news today.
Think about that.
So, you need proxy armies.
You need muscle.
You need mafia projection.
You need power.
And that's why Obama made a deal with Iran.
Because they've got Shiite networks that narcotics traffic all over the world.
You know, Iran helped overthrow Serbia.
Remember that?
And one-third of the country was given to the Muslims.
The men were killed, and the Muslims then took their second bride.
And there's videos of them bragging.
This woman is my slave.
She has my children.
She's now under Allah.
And so that's how this works.
This is a plan.
The Arab Spring.
All of it.
Obama protected Hezbollah drug ring to save Iran nuke deals.
New York Post.
That was three years ago.
You think Obama is just some cute community organizer?
He is a criminal mastermind.
With the people he works with.
So they've got Iranian.
Sex traffickers, narcotics traffickers, killers, paramilitary, all over the Western world, waiting.
And you've got Obama meeting with, and Kerry meeting with, and Kerry going monthly to advise Iran how to defeat America, how to defeat Trump.
And they've got their people embedded all throughout the government, and they still think they're going to win.
And they still dream of Antifa.
Antifa is only their cutout, is their decoy, their meth-head professor type.
By day, child molester, you know, by night, Antifa.
They're just decoys that'll get some of the blame when they send Hezbollah and MS-13 hit squads to people's houses.
Oh, and they'll go after the Senate Majority Leader.
They'll go after Republicans that think they're safe.
Because the Democrats want decapitation of the U.S.
And they're getting ready to make their move with Iran.
The Democrats are a foreign domestic army.
Getting into the inside baseball, we've been telling people Trump's about to go
You were getting into the fact that the last straw really was Facebook banning certain names in certain terms.
That really pushed Trump over the edge and now Human Events is riding on it.
It's now being confirmed by Bloomberg.
You want to talk about this?
This is pretty big to show Trump's thinking, just to show how real he is.
In other words, had they simply not made the choice to ban your name from their platform, ...and had not made the choice to try to go after and censor people saying anything positive about Alex Jones or Info.
It would not have led to the antitrust investigation.
And just the announcement of the investigation and the possibility it was going to go into Facebook as well cost them $137 billion.
That's how much money was lost by Big Tech by choosing to go after you.
That's how much the President cost them just by announcing the possibility of an investigation.
$137 billion collectively lost across Big Tech in less than a day, solely because they decided to come after you, not recognizing that the President was going to stand by his audience, was going to stand by his people, and was going to stand by the original principles of free speech and free press that govern and guide this country.
I mean, all they had to do is hear the president meets with Jack at Twitter.
There's a, there's a, well, all these problems had already been documented by that point, saying, look, just pull back, don't meddle in the election, don't continue to suppress and censor speech, and they would have been able to save their stockholders over $100 billion.
But they refused.
They decided they're going to go after- Oh, they're now spinning it because we cut off the fake news, we lost money.
No, it's because your censoring and antitrust investigations have been opened up on you.
There would be no antitrust investigation if they weren't engaged in any antitrust illicit activity.
When they decided to go from just being a technological monopoly on a platform and instead be a technological monopoly on speech, on press, and on elections, they made a decision that was a faithful decision that has now cost them billions of dollars, will cost them billions of dollars more in the future, and now they're under major antitrust investigation, and it's not gonna stop at Google.
It's gonna keep going.
All of these big social media tech giants might be taken apart, might be wiped off the map.
It might be basically forced to dissolve and forced to separate out its assets in the same way that Rockefeller was with Standard Oil back at the turn of the century.
So I think what's happening is there's now the U.S.
Federal Trade Commission has now announced that Facebook has agreed to subject itself to an antitrust investigation.
The Google antitrust investigation was leaked on Friday.
There's talk that it will go further than Facebook and Google and they're looking at Twitter, they're looking at Netflix, they're looking at other operators.
So these operators that decided to be so overtly political over the last two years, that they were going to use their tech monopoly, their platform monopoly, to suppress, censor speech, to shame individuals, to leak private information against them, to use and leverage their power to help the Democrats take the House, to help the Democrat win the Senate in 2017, threatening to do so the same in 2020.
When they reach the point where not only they ban people from using your name and InfoWars name, And at the same time, banned Paul Joseph Watson from all Facebook and Instagram overnight.
They agreed he hadn't violated any rule ever.
It was such a shock that it's what put the president in motion.
He realized, okay, this is too severe, so severe, action needs to be taken.
Let's unleash the kraken of antitrust enforcement against these rogue operators.
who think now they get to control and govern the country and get to impose a
Chinese social credit model system on the United States democracy and speech systems.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm your host Alex Jones, and our military can take out the Iranian mullahs very, very quickly, except they have stay-behind networks or terror cells in every major western city.
Mullahs in April and May all warned that if Trump puts sanctions on them, on their Revolutionary Guard that is the government, they are the Praetorian Guard.
They are the Mullahs.
They are the Shiite aristocracy, the royalty, genetically related to Muhammad.
They have their Shiite groups everywhere, paramilitary prepared for major terror attacks.
They bragged they were going to bomb ships and close the Strait of Hormuz in national television announcements.
They've now done it, ladies and gentlemen.
commanders last week, on the 7th, Says American forces face imminent threat from Iran.
You remember that, don't you?
And now they've come out and said, we're going to torpedo ships and sink them.
And now it's happening.
And now they're saying, oh, no, America did it.
It's a false flag.
It's unbelievable.
And it's incredibly dangerous.
But the best move is to not give in to the threat.
Believe me, most of these Iranian sleeper cells since Trump got in are being targeted.
Government databases that have been developed by Obama, that Obama had for controlling these groups, have fallen into the U.S.
government's hands.
And that's why you've got Barr and all the rest of the guys that used to be establishment totally in bed with Trump and America now.
Because the level of treason by the Clintons and Obama Working with the Iranians, giving them tens of billions in pallets of cash, not just hundreds of millions, but billions and billions, and using them as a drug network, and as an assassination arm in the West.
As the muscle for the Democrats, this realization, this revelation, of how infiltrated this country was, with CHICOM's support as well, has now brought us to the point of world war with Iran.
When I say world war, it's because it will trigger a larger crisis.
Russia would be advised to stay out of it.
Russia has drawn down troops in Venezuela.
China would be advised to stay out of it.
But this could very easily escalate.
In fact, it probably will.
You've got burning, sinking ships right now.
And no one is on the news saying Iran threatened to bomb ships two months ago if we put sanctions on them, and they just did it.
They admit to it.
Think about how incredible that is, ladies and gentlemen.
Think about how dangerous that is.
Pray for peace, ladies and gentlemen.
But again, we are dealing with an ancient enmity between the Shiites And the Sunnis.
The Sunnis were smart enough to sit on top of Mecca and control it.
The Shiites are the minority, but they believe, again, they are the rightful Muslims.
Because their leaders come from the bloodline of Muhammad.
It's like Queen Elizabeth is a royal bloodline.
It is a religious, royal bloodline.
It's 19% of Islam.
It wants the Kaaba.
It wants the stone.
It wants control of Mecca and Medina and other holy sites.
But it could never get itself a country like Saudi Arabia did.
And so it went and got Iran in 1979.
And God, we should never have let them do it, I tell you.
We should have stopped it right then because the Iranians don't want to live under it.
They're really smart, nice, good people.
And they've got high IQs, and they're trouble in a war, and it's just a bad situation.
But they've gotten them.
They've brainwashed them.
And Trump, for several years, has put Iran on notice that if they attack any of our forces, he's going to go after them.
And Trump has tweeted that there had been no attacks on ships the first couple years he was in.
Well, now the attacks are back and Iran's reign of terror is being extended.
So pray for peace, ladies and gentlemen, but prepare for war.
So first they started with sabotage of oil tankers a month ago.
Now it's outright bombing them.
Trump's come out and told them again, over and over again, they're playing with fire, but they're not listening.
Again, I'm going to say it.
Iran said they'd do it if Trump did X. They just did what they said they'd do.
And I agree with the Trump administration that it's Iran.
Trump is not the type to pull false flags.
Very low chance some third-party group could have done it, or that Saudi Arabia could have bombed its own ships, but that's not generally what they do.
We'll see, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a very, very dangerous time, and I think I've made my point on that.
As new developments unfold, we will go through all of this.
I've got a team of several people just constantly scanning everything, and you better believe that as this unfolds, we will give you the latest on what could turn out to be a new world war, just as Vladimir Putin warned.
Two days ago, with all these flashpoints in the South China Sea, India and Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
It is just absolutely very, very dangerous.
Borders being collapsed everywhere.
Islamic invasions being funded by the UN.
Obama set all this in motion!
But Obama was supposed to have Hillary in power during this point.
So they'd have this big global crisis that we would just capitulate to Islam.
Well, it's not happening the way it was supposed to happen.
It's not unfolding the way the globalists wanted and they are now entering full panic mode.
Okay, let me judiciously tell you what is coming up.
There's a very important article on newswars.com It's also on EuropeWars.com.
There's a lot of original content on EuropeWars.com with our two reporters in Europe, three reporters in Europe.
Congress could slash migrant surge by changing two laws, says DHS chief.
This is getting no attention.
It needs to go viral.
We want to fix these problems very, very quickly.
Another report, Sweden discovers 90% of Moroccan minors are actually adults.
Shock footage, 1,000 migrants swarm in vague US through open border fence.
That's just some of what's coming up and a bunch more HD exclusive footage we've got
that the crew shot in San Antonio that I never got to yesterday
that is still gonna be hot breaking incredible footage that everybody needs to see of the actual invasion.
Then I've got communist all around the country winning office saying they're preparing a violent overthrow
and to link up with Iran, MS-13 and others by any means necessary.
I have video of that coming up with the new Denver City Councilwoman.
Yes, you heard me right.
Pledging the violent overthrow of the United States.
So there you go.
That's why communists are so dangerous, folks.
They overthrow, they put you in a forced labor camp, and they call it the People's Camp.
Hope you enjoy.
This is Alexandria Cortez, part two.
This woman can actually talk, though.
And her doesn't look like a demon, she just is a demon.
So that's coming up.
And so much more today that I haven't gotten to.
So many clips, so much more.
I'm just going to tell listeners this.
It's critical that we be on the air and stronger than ever going into this election.
And the enemy and the globalists and individuals appointed by Obama in the Obama administration are using law enforcement tactics against us like we were an organized crime organization to try to shut us down.
It's not going to work.
They're going to end up getting in a lot of trouble.
But we need your hopes and prayers and we need you to understand this isn't a game.
Also, I need people to just commit to go to m4wars4.com because money in this fight is almost everything.
Word of mouth and prayer is key.
We've got the best supplements, the best minerals, the best vitamins, the best nutraceuticals you're going to find anywhere.
The highest grade, the best quality.
A lot of brands out there have less product in it than the bottle cost.
No, ladies and gentlemen, we put out the best, highest quality at a very affordable price.
Whether it's the turmeric, our bodies, or whether it's Brain Force, or whatever the product is, they've got thousands of five-star reviews for a reason.
They really work.
They're really good.
And we have one of the biggest sales we've ever launched, where I'm giving a free bottle away of Ultra 12.
Now, why am I doing that?
Ultra 12 is pure, organic, methylcobalamin, the strongest, best quality you can get.
Similar formulas cost $100 a bottle.
We sell it for $29.95 and then discount it down to $19.95.
And the whole internet knows it's great.
And we sold out of a huge supply of it.
I doubled the order.
It just arrived yesterday to our warehouse in Austin of Ultra 12.
The very best V12 out there.
Twice as strong as Secret 12.
It's excellent.
A free bottle of it.
A $29.95 value when you get the new 8-Pack PowerStack Daily Care Twin Pack at 50% off itself.
Because I want you to see how great the 8-Pack PowerStack is and holds for 12.
It's time.
It's time to start your summer with real power.
The power that God gave us through Mother Nature.
We're dropping prices by 50% on all of our best-selling force supplements to help you reach your peak strength.
And the purchase of these products will help the info war go to the next level as Trump and others prepare to move against big tech censorship.
Ladies and gentlemen, all of the Force products are on massive 50% off.
Total Super Force special sale includes 50% off DNA Force Plus, Rain Force Plus, Turbo Force, Ultimate Female Force, and 33% off the new best-selling Space Force America is Back designer t-shirt.
All of this is available at Infowarstore.com.
And there's also a sticker bomb to help fight censorship as well.
Stickers are all being sold at cost.
You'll find these amazing specials at Infowarstore.com.
Mike in New Jersey.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling, Mike.
You are the man, Alex.
I'm so glad to be talking to you.
I'm so excited.
I'm such a big fan.
Ever since I've been listening, I've been buying your products.
I gotta do a shout-out for the Bone Broth.
The Bone Broth.
The Bone Broth.
Tastes like, tastes like a great milkshake.
You know, if you just add it to milk, it tastes like oatmeal.
It tastes like Ovaltine!
Like, good!
I feel great since I've been taking it.
My daughter uses the Bubble Gum Fluoride 3 toothpaste.
I've used the Supermail Vitality, a host of other products, so thank you so much for that as well.
Brother, you're thanking me for buying the products and keeping us on air.
I'm thanking you, but yes, this is the ultimate bone broth formula with the turmeric, the chaga mushroom, the true bone broth.
It is next level.
It really is good, so thank you.
I feel great since I've been taking it.
Thank you.
you. If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
to the world I'll send an S.O.S.
All right, what I'm going to do right now is tell you a little bit more about that special
that I barely plugged last hour.
Then I'm going to hit the ground running into all the other news next segment.
But covering this right now, what I'm going to do now is, well, what I'm going to do now is just kind of sit back and think about where the world is.
And where it's headed and what's unfolding.
Because it really is just crazy.
And I can't believe that at this point in history, when America is in a position like this, we've got a president that's just trying to let the country be prosperous and survive, to have so many people lined up against him, because they're so weak-minded and they've drunk the Kool-Aid of the establishment medium.
And I'll tell the establishment something too, you're crazy.
You're really crazy betting with the globalist against this country.
So when I come back, I'll get into all the news and all the information.
We've got several guests joining us today as well, but I'm gonna go to a special report here.
Lot of interesting stuff to get to.
There's dozens of these that we need to really cover in great detail.
But I want to Get into just the first few minutes of when I confronted Sundar.
We ran this at the start of the show yesterday.
And it's important.
It needs to be seen.
Thought I had yesterday's list today, but I didn't have that.
So I'll get by the next segment of yesterday's list.
And then I can tell you about the name of that video.
Terry McBrain put together a very important four minute video that breaks it all down.
So we'll be airing that later in the show as well.
But I just sit back and I think about Obama and Hillary and all of them in bed with the globalists.
all the things they're doing, all the things they're up to, and the fact that they've gotten away with all this.
And it just makes me sick.
And I just wonder how much of this we're going to put up with.
You know, why do we put up with all this?
Well, it's because we're a nation of TV heads.
Hell, we're all to blame.
But see, a lot of folks aren't TV heads.
They're hardcore criminals.
They have criminal minds.
They work with other criminal regimes to come up with criminal schemes.
And that's what they've done.
So when we come back, I'm going to get into all that here on air for everybody.
It's going to be perfect that we have Matt Bracken on the fourth hour because he's been in the Middle East, been in the military, been a Navy SEAL, written a lot about war with Iran and what he thinks is going to happen with it.
So that should be interesting when we get to that as well.
And I also intend to open the phones up today.
And we have a lot of exciting things being said and done by the President dealing with censorship.
And I've actually seen some good movement on that front.
There's also a whole Project Veritas situation that has expanded quite a bit with the red-handed censorship.
Because as I've said, they don't just censor.
They don't just censor.
They defame you in the process of it, and then they blackball you and financially ruin you.
So there's an added criminality to this that isn't just, oh, it's their platform, let them do it.
No, no, they remove you so you can be destroyed.
This is next level, breaking ground, history book level, science fiction dystopia, tyranny on steroids.
*whimpers* Bing, bing, bong, bong.
Just take the red pill, people!
Just take the red pill, people!
InfoWars The most banned network in the world
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The Alex Jones Show is a production of the Cinefix Corp.
and Cinefix Studios.
The Alex Jones Show is a production of the Cinefix Corp.
and Cinefix Studios.
(dramatic music)
President Trump has said that he is going to go after Big Tech now with antitrust and that they're going to be very very sorry for what they've done.
He's decided to go after Facebook, YouTube, his parent company Google and Alphabet, and of course Apple.
We told you all that first in that order.
He met with Jack Dorsey.
Jack Dorsey promised him nothing was going on.
There was no censorship.
Trump's been shown definitive proof by U.S.
intelligence agency analysts.
They're experts in cybercrime.
And he's been shown definitive proof by briefings given to him by those folks at Project Veritas.
Where Trump's actually commissioned research into it, that's no secret.
And he's been given briefings by three law firms that I had written up for him two years ago and a year ago.
And he has been shown massive breakdown proof by the head of the campaign, Mr. Parcell, who's also an internet marketing expert.
And so when he came out over the weekend and said, you will pay for this, it's because he knows that Jack lied to him.
Twitter should let the banned conservative voices back on their platform without restriction.
It's called freedom of speech.
Remember, you're making a giant mistake.
That was this weekend.
When is Twitter going to allow the very popular conservative voices that it's been so viciously shut down back on and into the open?
It is time.
So that was a few weeks ago.
Then this weekend, he comes out and says, you're in trouble.
That's a big deal.
So we're living in incredible times, but I want to just tell the audience something.
If you hadn't been banging the drum, if you hadn't been taking action, if you hadn't been calling Congress, if you hadn't been calling Talk Radio, if Tucker Carlson hadn't been doing what he was doing, if Matt Drudge hadn't been doing what he was doing, this would not be starting to happen.
Because if we lose the free speech, we lose it all.
You ask, why would the globalists be so bold?
Well, it's because It's about power.
It's about control.
They've gotten away with it so long they think they're invincible.
But do you remember Sundar Pichai, the Google frontman, lying to Congress last year and this year when I confronted him?
And Jack Dorsey and others?
Hell, they wouldn't even testify to Congress before that they were so arrogant.
They wouldn't even work with the military they were so arrogant.
But now they're not as arrogant as they used to be.
Because the cows are coming home to roost.
Here's a compilation in the last year of some of what's happened and how InfoWars has been at the very tip of the spear, as we promised you we would, at point-blank range, confronting Google, confronting Twitter, confronting Facebook, confronting these lying politicians.
And now it's paying off.
And that's why you support us.
This is listener participation radio and TV.
This is Take Back America.
And you've done it.
We're not complete yet, but you're turning the tide.
And so, I salute you and I salute this crew.
And I salute everybody that's made this transmission possible because without InfoWars, we would not be in this position.
And without you, there would be no InfoWars.
So I think that's clearly understood that you are the MVPs in this fight.
Without you, this country and this planet's done.
Now you think about that.
Here's the last year's action.
Would love to have me arrested and killed.
I am here because there is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
Infowars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
You know Google is helping China with Dragonfly, and you know that they're helping censor, and you know, you know that you've sold this country out, and you won't even help the Pentagon, you'll help the CHICOMS.
You bet on the wrong country, Sundar!
We're aware of his lying to Congress, we're aware of him and the Dragonfly project, that's already been operational for years inside the Chinese government, now it's just being rolled out to the general public.
You're engaged in treason!
You've had Google executives lie to Congress, you're not censoring conservatives!
The big tech companies and the head of Apple admit that they met with Senator Warner, who's running this whole thing, to begin shutting down conservatives or the Democrats threatened to federalize big tech if they did not basically roll over to them.
I know we had Alex Jones in the room earlier promoting conspiracy theories.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutch, are a liar and a fraud.
Google is evil!
Twitter is planning to permanently suspend Alex Jones' personal account at InfoWars.
This comes after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey was on Capitol Hill yesterday speaking with lawmakers.
Twitter gives Alex Jones the boot.
The social networking site permanently banning he and his media company, InfoWars.
I appreciate your support of the First Amendment, but I have a right to face my accusers, Jack.
They're lying about me and they're trying to de-platform me.
26 companies working in concert violating the Sherman Antitrust Act.
And now, Senator Warner and Senator Wyden have said, quote, there's thousands of sites worse than Alex Jones.
So, we're becoming like Cuba, we're becoming like Vietnam, we're becoming like China.
So regardless of what people think about me or the straw men, should I have a First Amendment or should these companies be able to violate the whole Safe Harbor Act and all that and then ban conservatives en masse?
Yeah, I don't know anything about your site, man.
To social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
Our interview was cut short because he was confronted by Alex Jones of InfoWars right here in the hallway.
That's weird, man.
Oh yeah, it's really weird.
There's no purge of conservatives?
There's no shadow banning?
Are you concerned about bias in social media?
Are you concerned about bias in social media?
Well, I think the bigger bias is against freedom of expression.
Everybody should be... There's a... Look, I support going after... It's happening here, but you say I don't exist.
Is that a heckler, or a press gaggle?
Look at this guy.
He's saying that I don't exist.
I just don't know who you are, man.
I don't read your websites.
And they demonize me in these very hearings.
And then he plays dumb.
InfoWars.com, you know what it is.
Does Google, does Facebook, do they need to be regulated like... Do they need to be regulated?
Marco Rubio, the snake.
Little frat boy here.
Alright, man.
Who are you, man?
Who is this guy?
I swear to God, I don't know who you are, man.
Tens of millions of views.
Better than Rush Limbaugh?
He knows who InfoWars is.
He's playing this joke over here.
That's why the deplatforming didn't work.
The most prominent casualty of the crusade against free expression has been the radio show host Alex Jones.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat him...
Prevent them from speaking!
On Twitter, the top tweet links to an InfoWars story.
This is a real-time example of when we talk about this information being weaponized.
The system self-corrected.
That shouldn't be the first tweet you see anymore.
It should be a USA article the last time I checked.
But you saw this?
USA Today.
At lunch I did, yeah.
And I also saw the system correct it.
Even the New York Times calls it a crackdown on conservatives and a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet and communicating with each other, just like communist China.
We need you to act now and move against big tech censorship, President Trump.
CNN and the Democrats you know are destroying the First Amendment and needs to be stood up against.
These are very extreme individuals and no matter what anyone tells you, they are extremists and that's why Facebook decided to get rid of them.
Look at this right here, the guy that goes around policing and calling for censorship and then claims that Trump's wrong, there's no censorship of conservatives or patriots.
You are the And now we are in prime position.
We've taken the hits.
We've gone through a lot.
But because of your support, we have now lathed the target for Trump to come in and elements of our government that want this country to survive And elements of the corporate world that don't want to be ruled by our new kings in Silicon Valley, who themselves are commanded by the Chi-Coms, to take out the globalists politically.
We have lit them up like a Christmas tree so everybody can see who the problem is, and now the vaporization is about to begin.
Watch, my friends.
Believe it.
It's already started.
We'll be back with even bigger news.
I got a lot going on.
You got a lot going on.
The news is so cutting edge, so hardcore.
I'm not going to belabor products.
You're awesome.
You know we've got great products.
Everybody needs fish oil.
It's what your brain, your heart's built out of.
For your children, for you.
Our turmeric's the best.
95% human oil.
We pay a lot extra for bodies.
We still have it at a low price.
We have the Super Force Special.
DNA Force back in stock.
50% off.
Brain Force Plus back in stock.
50% off.
Turbo Force, our great new product that already sold out.
Second batch in.
So, whatever you do, you understand your funding of this is the lifeblood and the globalists go around the clock trying to shut us down.
So let me just say this.
You judge someone by what they produce, what they stand for, for their track record.
My track record is victory for free market and individuals.
Because that's my stated goal.
And I preach it.
And it's the truth.
And it's successful.
And I see the globalists crapping all over everything.
Wanting to dumb people down.
Wanting to poison people.
Wanting to turn us against each other so they can run us.
What type of A powerful leader wants to dumb a bunch of people down and confuse them and screw them up so you can rule them!
That doesn't make you a god king!
That doesn't even make you a warlord!
That makes you a piece of crap!
And so I'll never be with those people, not in a trillion years, because they're losers!
And I'm going to kick their ass!
Up one side of the street and down the other!
If they destroy me, I win!
If I beat them, I win!
I don't lose because I'm focused on justice and truth and Americana and I think it's sexy and I'm in love with it and I'm having sex with Americana.
I'm in love with it.
It's like a big sexy woman with all the curves and all the power and the thunder shooting
out from between them thighs, baby.
And I want to take this country and I want its ideas to take the world over for freedom.
And I want the planet to explode with human activity.
And I want to spread throughout the cosmos.
And I want our crajee to look back on us and say we're winners in one constant connection.
And thank God our ancestors got us through that crap and got us off the ground so we could have communion with God in the stars and beyond.
And that's God's plan.
It's already going to happen.
Let me tell you, the devil's going to have his hour of power.
It's going to be hellish.
Billions are going to get killed in the end.
But let me tell you something, sweetheart.
You don't think God created this planet so people like Nancy Pelosi and Lord Rothschild and the Queen of England would be running the show, do you?
They were only there to test us.
I'm going to leave it at this.
In fact, without even getting into the big specials, the big sales, all the rest of it, if you want to see war against tyranny, if you want to see commitment, if you want to see ten new reporters hired, if you want to see us even more effective, hell, you've seen what we've done with all the other great reporters, and the Millie Weavers, and the Caitlin Bennetts, and the Owen Schreuers, and everything we're doing.
It energized me.
Because I want to throw my fist.
You ever have those dreams where you want to throw your fist at somebody, but you can't hit them hard?
And it just doesn't do anything?
Here's my fist, ready to ram down the throat of the globalists and tear their heart out.
Only you can take this fist from not being able to move, to focusing, getting ready, and then energizing, and I'll reach right down their throat, grab their heart, and I'll tear it out, even as they shove a sword into me.
But I want the victory when they shove that sword in me, you understand that?
I want victory over them!
We will crush their spirit with Jesus Christ's power!
We are unstoppable, but you must loose it now!
Loose it!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We're going to get into something that is, quite frankly, horrifying.
But, ladies and gentlemen, it's got to be covered if we're going to protect the children and future generations in this nation.
Throughout history, there have been cults that form inside different civilizations during their declines that are obsessed with sex with children, and obsessed with sacrificing children.
You can go to any archaeological site in the world, from ancient China, to ancient Africa, to ancient Europe, to ancient Mesoamerica, and you will find a priest class having sex with children at first, and then killing them.
Now, the vehicle used today for all of this is the LGBTQXYZ movement.
And at public schools all across the country, children as young as five are being indoctrinated into two daddies, two mommies, and are having their education sexualized.
And they're having their own gender confused, and their children And so when they then get it confused and say, oh, I do want to be the other sex, they're lied to and told they really can be another sex, or you could be a penguin, or you could be a dolphin, like South Park famously made fun of eight years ago.
But eight years later, they won't even make fun of it now.
Because Silicon Valley will take you off the air.
Because it's the religion in Silicon Valley to hate America, to hate capitalism, and to hate the family.
And I'm gonna tie it all together here in this segment and the next, but here's just the news today, without even looking.
School district to bus students to gay pride parade.
That's right, you don't go to the planetarium or the zoo You get to get out of class and it's encouraged and go to the Gay Pride Parade.
You ever been to a Gay Pride Parade?
I was downtown a few years ago on Halloween and they had a Gay Pride Parade and I was like, what is this?
It was naked men, some of them having sex with each other, when I was walking across the street just to go to a restaurant.
Folks, you don't take kids to a gay pride parade.
We have to cut most of the stuff we film at these out because it can't go out over broadcast television.
Including scantily clad five and six year old girls and boys twerking their asses to men and women.
The whole thing is pedophilic.
And now they admit.
The British government has MPs, members of Parliament, and major think tanks say sex with kids is good, kids like it, it's healthy, it's wonderful.
That was just yesterday.
Make child porn legal!
There's all these shows about children and sex, and Salon and the New York Times talk about how pedophiles aren't criminals, they just love children, and Buddha Judge's boyfriend or husband won't even say that Love knows no age.
That's the new NAMBLA slogan.
So you see it everywhere.
Little kids dancing half-naked on TV having men throw dollar bills at them.
So this is all happening.
Instead of sending kids to these over-sexualized events, they should really be focusing on failing schools in the district.
Adon Salazar reports for InfoWars.com.
The Austin American-Statesman gushingly reports on how great it is And now they're going to bus the little kids to the Gay Pride Parade.
And you know what?
We'll be there videotaping it and showing the child abuse.
Oh, but guess who else will be there?
They always act like we're trying to stop these events.
Masked men!
With guns!
Promised to show up at the Gay Pride Parade to make sure haters don't get to show you what's happening with the children.
And the news will all sanitize it very nicely when they set the kids up on their knees.
Sometimes unannounced, a convicted pedophile has your child sit on their knee.
And then what does the local news in Houston say?
You gotta get them while they're young.
That's a quote.
So, Antifa won't just be out there with their guns when your kids get bused to the Gay Pride Parade.
No, ladies and gentlemen.
Antifa vows to defend Drag Queen Storytime at Texas Library.
Again, here in Central Texas.
And we're going to be there.
We've got a report with Owen Schroyer next hour.
He's gone out and shot a report.
Owen's going to be there.
It's in two days.
And Antifa's going to be there to protect it.
I wonder if they'll bring their AK-47s into the library, you know, to make sure it's defended so that these adults get to have time with children.
And, oh, Weep Weep sent Owen to one last week.
You saw it?
They didn't tell people it was Drag Queen Storytime.
It was the big middle of the week for kids that aren't in kindergarten yet.
And people are like, what the hell, when they showed up to it and there was a dude in a clown outfit.
So you think you're going to, again, read Richard Scarry books?
My two-year-old daughter has gone to that library before for story time.
And I remember hearing about it, and I said, you know, you might not want to go to that big one downtown, even though it has the best story times.
It goes for like two hours.
Really good story time readers.
Because they're going to slip, you know, one in there.
She goes, oh, come on.
Well, guess what?
They did.
My daughter wasn't there.
But you can't send your daughter, your son, without them being there.
And then they encourage, come sit in my lap.
Come sit in a convicted pedophile's lap.
Two of them convicted pedophiles in Houston alone.
But don't worry.
Antifa, the good guys in masks, they vow.
Well, guess what?
We vow as well to get all your driver's license numbers.
We'll be there too.
With accredited people who are legally allowed to run your backgrounds.
And you know what's gonna happen when we find out what we found out in other areas?
You're gonna go to jail, jail, jail, jail, jail of any of your convicted pedos!
Which there'll be plenty, swimming like sharks around bleeding baby seals.
Antifa vows to defend Drag Queen Storytime at Texas Library.
They're gonna defend like the beaches of Normandy.
Antifa has pledged to protect the Drag Queen Storytime event at the Texas Library to ensure that protesters will not interrupt.
Oh, they won't let you interrupt.
They're police officers.
The children's exposure, ooh, to the far-left's trans agenda, which, hell, doesn't just, you know, You know, bend the kids over and bugger them.
Oh no, no.
This will teach them to chop their genitals off.
And so, Austin's Antifa chapter called ATX Resistance Action, it's a malice group, announced their call to action on Facebook ahead of the Drag Queen event, set to take place at the Leander Public Library Saturday, June 15th.
Hosted by the Open Cathedral Church.
And they go on with all their comments.
Oh, I wonder if they'll be at this event, where the two lesbians cut their son's penis off.
He didn't like it.
He cried for daddy.
Daddy tried to save him.
But the police, it's in the news, wouldn't help him.
Because, you know, if your mom cuts your genitals off with scissors, it's okay.
Well, then they stabbed him to death.
I wonder if Antifa was there to help.
He was nine years old.
They stabbed him to death.
How liberal.
I don't know if you were happy that day, but I read on your Facebook page you were getting a vaccination.
You were singing.
A PhD immunologist and vaccine proponent recently admitted during a conference that babies are only given shots up to age one in order to train the parents to get their children into the medical system.
That the vaccines are completely worthless.
The notion that babies are being injected with vaccines in the first year of their life simply in order to brainwash parents into feeding their children into the medical system is an extremely disturbing premise.
Hey, how would you like to take InfoWars with you wherever you go?
Well now, you can do just that with the new Official!
I said one time, who's in charge here?
It is absolutely free at the Apple Store and Google Play.
You can join the InfoWars today.
Check it out right now at InfoWars.com/app It's the InfoWars official app taken on the globalist at
point blank range.
And with your help spreading it and with your help downloading it, we are unstoppable.
I said one time, "Who's in charge here?"
And I think the congressman's right about that fact.
There you want some.
Yeah, I got some.
Here, Jerry.
Take a drink.
You look a little dehydrated, brother.
You seem a little dehydrated.
You okay?
It took a little longer on the floor than I had anticipated in the custody of the border patrol.
Everyone started sending signals.
The U.S., Mexico, Canada.
If that's not the accurate character.
Some people call it AFTA-NAFTA, some call it NAFTA 2.0.
We're working together to make past that.
You seem a little dehydrated.
You okay?
You want to take a drink of this?
So, but the president again stormed out.
I think, what, first pound the table, walk out the door.
But I intend not to.
There's three things.
Three things.
Three things.
Do you want to take a drink of this and give yourself some?
How do you feel, man?
Do you feel okay?
Are you alright?
Okay, do you want to drink some of this and give yourself some?
How do you feel, man?
Do you feel okay?
We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
I hope he can, too.
I want to just put out a message right now to the Democrats because, look, your leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler, are struggling.
And so we've got BrainForcePlus at InfowarsStore.com.
And if there has ever been an example of somebody that needs BrainForcePlus, the neural activator, it's Nancy Pelosi.
And it's Jerry Nadler.
Now, unfortunately, we're not miracle workers here.
And we can only do so much with our great supplements at InfoWarsTore.com.
But if there's any hope at all for Nancy Pelosi or Jerry Nadler to get their brain working, it's Brain Force Plus from InfoWarsTore.com.
And if you're ever feeling like a Pelosi or a Nadler and you can't think or talk straight or move, Brain Force Plus is the answer.
So don't be a Pelosi and fumble and bumble through a press conference like a gibbering idiot.
Don't be a Jerry Nadler who can't even think or pick his head up and look forward during a press conference.
Go to Infowarsstore.com and get yourself some Brain Force Plus.
You don't want to look like Pelosi.
You don't want to look like Nadler.
You want to look sharp.
You want your mind to be sharp.
So go to Infowarsstore.com and get your BrainForce Plus today.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
One last breath, the four winds blow.
Better raise your ears.
The Sound of Voice!
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Imagine 20 years ago if you read a science fiction book.
♪ It's how you do it ♪ Where armed communists in black physically attack whoever they want and get away with it.
And where children are taken, in many cases, to convicted pedophiles.
In some cases, when the parents aren't even told, in public schools and in libraries.
And sat on the lap of huge obese fat men in clown outfits while they cry.
And then local news in Houston says, ha ha, gotta get them while they're young.
No one would ever believe that.
And then you'd have A kid who's autistic, and they admit that's who they're getting is mentally ill children because they don't understand what's happening, they perform at gay nightclubs, to other pedophile nightclubs, throwing cash at them, and then the sponsors is a convicted famous drug dealer who chopped a man up with a saw, served 18 years in prison, and then he says on video, and they say on video,
We're now going to talk about children and drag queens, so bring your especially small children to the television.
We want to corrupt them.
And then he goes, he goes, would you like me to play it?
In fact, cue that up first.
So, in the psychological manuals, and before there were psychological manuals, the Germans developed 200 years ago, if someone started chopping their fingers off or their genitals off, we called them crazy people and said they were dangerous.
And if they were only hurting themselves, we would throw them out of the village.
Or lock them up.
But if they hurt other people, we'd kill them.
But now, if you teach children that are mentally ill and autistic or Down syndrome to chop their testicles off, it's stunning and brave.
So I thought I would just get to this before I talk about something you're not gonna believe and play this Sundar Pichai clip.
But here are two of the sponsors The men who launched the club kid movement, which was underaged teenagers being gang-banged at gay clubs, and then now they hang around with 8, 9, 10, 11 year olds who have money put in their g-strings, and they say, we want to corrupt your children, and behind them in the videos it says, Rohibinol, which is a date rape drug, and the little kid in another video says, I like to take Ketamine.
Which, again, is a... Folks, I want to show you things here, but we're on a lot of TV stations.
Now, some of this is from PBS.
You can show surgeries and things if it's documentary.
That's how South Park was able to do it.
I don't want to show you a sex change video, but I think I am.
So that's coming up.
Viewer discretion advised.
Next segment.
But you need to understand, folks, most of these, it's now mentally retarded children and autistics that are being captured by these people, and it's very funny.
So let's play a clip of the famous murderer who now manages children who dance half-naked for men.
Here it is.
And now we've got something to show you, and we have to warn you, ladies and gentlemen, if you've got young or impressionable children in your household, bring them to the screen right now.
What we're going to show you is going to leave an impression on them, and we hope the impression will be that they grow up, if they're 3 or 4 or 5 years old, to become 7 or 8 year old drag queen performers.
Can't make that up.
He looks like one of those horror movies where the mortuary's doing medical experiments and that's the guy that like captures you and grabs the teenagers and takes them to the lair.
They're like, where does Hollywood cast these people?
Because they've seen the real deal.
I used to think Italian gangster movies were overdone, the way the Italian gangsters act.
And then I ran into John Gotti, one of his grandsons, and some of those guys in New York that came to my event.
They're like, this is our club, you know?
People said, look, you couldn't do this show, but we liked it, we're gonna let you in the club.
And the guy was like, patting me on the cheek, going, I love you!
It was just like when Robert De Niro goes, oh, I dislike you so much!
It was like, well, those were nice guys, though, compared to these guys.
My point was, they were actually acting with the caricature.
So you see these movies with people that kidnap kids and stuff, and then the ones that actually are involved in all this craziness, they look just like what you'd think they'd look like.
So see, Hollywood's just showing you what's really going on, ladies and gentlemen.
It's crazy.
So there's the real threat, folks.
Not John Gotti III or whatever.
So, he's not trying to chop your son's balls off.
I'm sorry.
It's just that's the place that we've gotten to in this country is evil.
Out in the open, roaring at you, bragging about what it's doing.
And we're about to get to even more hardcore stuff.
That gentleman there with the cat lady glasses, wait till you see the background on this.
This is sick, sick, sick.
But don't worry, Antifa vows to defend drag queen story time at Texas Library.
The time of the fascist event opposing story time is 1pm.
We need to be there at 1230, so we have enough bodies to take to space.
Story time is from 3 to 3.45 p.m.
The ATX resistance action stated.
So, you'll have a dozen meth heads or so show up in their black uniforms and masks, which is even better, because unsuspecting kids that didn't know their moms will just leave.
She'll only have a few ghouls, or what's the term they use?
There are going to be Renfields there that will be bringing their children.
And of course, you'll always see the child autistic, drugged out, probably being sold for rape meat.
I'm not sure that's what they call it.
They call it rape meat.
Because Andy Phil will be there though, normal folks that didn't know what was happening, they'll leave.
And then you'll just have people bringing rape meat.
And I don't mean to be so gross about this, you need to know the terms for your children.
A child they've had for a while is called rape meat.
Now, let's continue.
There's fates worse though than being rape meat.
Because again, the left can't abort you before you're born or even after you're born and harvest your organs for Satan.
This is the satanic power they get from it, they believe.
The exercise of evil.
They do this.
There is a huge phenomenon.
I had them just search engine-ing it.
The crew was blown away by people cutting their son's genitals off.
Because this satanic culture is about hurting the family and hurting the human community.
And so, if you can't get your son on Ritalin and Prozac, or give him a bunch of shots so he's autistic, because it gives you a thrill when you do it, The next thing you do is that you cut his genitals off yourself with scissors and carve a makeshift vagina.
That's a quote from the police report.
Now the father was worried, but...
The mother was allowed to run off with her girlfriend.
They cut his genitals off when he was younger.
He complained and tried to leave and beg for daddy.
So they stabbed him to death.
Which means he's trans-dead now.
Which may be a new thing where leftists go, actually they want to euthanize kids.
They admit that.
They want people to be able to commit suicide who aren't even sick.
So I guess the left's new thing will probably be, they're probably already doing it, torture their kid enough where they ask to be guillotined and then you go to say the town square, auntie was there and little kids are having their heads guillotined because that's what this is.
So he begged for daddy and so they plunged a dagger into his heart dozens of times with pleasure and rolled around his blood.
I'm not kidding.
You can go read the Brazilian police reports if you'd like to.
There's longer articles.
News Wars spared all that.
The Natural News article got more into it.
I kind of went down the rabbit hole and read the full thing.
They were satanic delights.
I tell you about how they tortured children over long periods.
Well, there's something about Mommy doing it that Satan really likes.
That's kind of like the Super Mario Bros.
invincibility aura.
Or when you go supernova.
I mean, oh, when mommy cuts your penis off, when mommy stabs you to death, that's sweet, sweet to Satan's ears.
That's a special little bugaboo for those.
But remember, it's all liberal.
A Brazilian lesbian couple who tried to force transgender surgery on a nine-year-old boy stabbed him to death because he didn't like having his penis cut off.
And you can go read the whole article about it.
A lesbian stabbed innocent nine-year-old son to death after trying to make him transgender.
Turns out they'd done multiple surgeries.
They kept trying to carve it and stabbing him.
It wasn't to cut his genitals off.
They wanted to give him a vagina, they said.
I'm sorry for TV viewers, but this is what... The children are being taught this.
And so, he finally fought back and they murdered him.
And that was, he's in God's hands now, folks.
Let's be serious and pray for his soul.
I have no doubt he is with Christ right now.
And I have no doubt where these women are going straight to effing hell and you know there is one.
So keep laughing, demons.
Keep laughing!
Because you didn't get his spirit.
You may have tortured the living hell out of him, but you didn't get his spirit, you child molesters!
You will go to hell!
The Heights Public Library today debuting a new children's story hour called Drag Queen Storytime.
My name is Blackberry.
I'm a bearded drag queen.
That means I'm a lady with lots of facial hair.
Stephanie Whitfield sat in on the program designed to promote acceptance.
I'm actually going to be one of the drag queens reading for Drag Queen Storytime.
Drag Queen Storytime.
And we witnessed parents taking their children, as young as two, inside to take part.
Are you nervous?
Do you want to touch my hair?
And for the children and the people that support it are gonna realize that this is gonna be the grooming of the next generation.
That's the whole goal is to make kids that aren't used to seeing something like me more comfortable just seeing it.
You could be a drag queen superhero!
And shake your butt!
Shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em.
Sweet dreams are made of these.
Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world as the wind sees.
Everybody's looking for something.
Something I want to give you.
Some of them want to be.
No one's there to push an agenda on anyone.
No one's there to persuade people or to recruit people.
Who wants to be a drag king when they grow up?
You could be a drag queen superhero!
Are you nervous?
They were all accepting.
They all were happy about it and excited and giving me hugs and everything.
Most people seem to walk away having a good time.
A stardom young, right?
A stardom young, right?
When the woman gets up on her table, spreads her legs, it's a man.
This is adult entertainment.
But what do predators do?
They target children.
Breaking news, we have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston Public Library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
A media spokesperson for the library confirms one of those drag queens, Tatiana Malanina, is really Alberto Garza, a child sex offender.
In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy.
This is Tatiana Maldonado, my sister from Queens of the Week.
And everywhere else it's called pedophilia.
But when it's done institutionally, and they can get away with people dressed up like demon clowns with your children.
Pull up Tranny Time in the New York schools.
This was put out in the New York Times like it's wonderful.
And it's the biggest scary looking group of weirdo pot-bellied men.
Looks like a bunch of Dennis Hasterds running around with clown makeup on.
Just hopping around rubbing their giant bellies in front of children and you're like, what alternate universe is this?
What planet did I wake up in?
[Sounds of a plane taking off]
[Sound of a plane taking off]
[Sound of a plane taking off]
[Sound of a plane taking off]
Margo, thanks for holding her.
I really appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
What's your view?
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate you having me on.
First off, I wanted to thank you for BODY.
You've been using it for a while, but I sent the bottle to my mom, and after taking it for a few days, she called me literally in tears, saying that she could see the knuckles on her fingers again and, like, the bones in her knees again.
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So, personal thank you to you for that, because anybody who makes my mom's life a little bit easier has a special place in my heart.
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So that's why Bodies is so incredible.
People should really check it out and support the Advil work.
So thank you for giving us your testimony about your mother because Bodies is amazing.
Oh yeah, definitely.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So, Hollywood and the Tavistock Institute in the 60s developed a plan to create promiscuity to break up the family.
But then they said, we're not going to just promote homosexuality.
And again, that's not to bash people that are homosexual.
I'm saying they're using you, okay?
To then say, oh, well then everything goes, bestiality, sex with children, and by increments they've gotten the LGBT community to become the LGBT-P.
In fact, they're even adopting it, saying pedophilia is good.
And so we would show you, three years ago, drag queen festivals in Austin, held in public, open to the public.
Outdoor areas, hotels, schools, where small children put money in g-strings of men.
Now it's children going to nighttime clubs where alcohol is served and men shove money in their g-string while little boys shake their butts in their faces.
But because it's, quote, gay, it's okay.
If you walked into a topless bar, and I was in plenty of them in college, I went to a few bachelor things.
When buddies got married, I'm not a topless bar guy.
The point is, is that If you walked into one of those and you saw a 6-year-old, 7-year-old, 10-year-old girl on stage, you go call the police!
And if you saw men sticking money in 10-year-old girls' G-strings, you'd kick their ass.
I mean, seriously, I would start beating... I'd say, hey, shut this down, and a bouncer would walk over and put his hands on me and I'd break his nose.
And I'd stop bragging, you'd do that too!
What the hell is a little girl doing up there on stage?
Well, her tits aren't out, excuse my French, so it's supposedly okay.
No, it's not.
It's sick!
And it's mainlining people into a very dark, evil world of freaks.
And it's exploitive, and it's pure evil.
And so, all over the country, all over the world, men are cutting off their own genitals, even though it would be paid for by the government.
Women are cutting their sons' genitals off.
It's a sick form of Munchausen beyond proxy, I would call it.
And it's being sold by Hollywood and Silicon Valley, where it is a giant cult.
You get to these women in Brazil.
I'm not kidding.
They ran off a little boy for years from his father and tortured him.
And I'm not going to read the translated police reports, but they didn't just chop his genitals off.
They were like, you are going to be a girl now.
We're going to, you know, they kept stabbing him on a weekly basis because they were torturing him.
You know, that's totally mentally ill.
It's mentally ill to go to the doctor and have your genitals cut off.
You're not a woman.
You are not a biological woman, but I am a libertarian.
If a full-grown man wants to go say he's a woman and have his genitals cut off, that is his business.
I'm not paying for it.
I think you're mentally ill.
Now people want to put bleach in our eyes.
Governments pay for it, and then we pay for it in tax money because they feel trans-abled.
This is total mental illness.
And I know you know that.
But you need to know, it's been focused and it's been deployed on purpose.
Now, more than a decade ago, South Park did a whole comedy piece on this.
And back then, everybody thought it was crazy.
And they showed real footage, 35mm film, of a sex change operation.
So viewer discretion is advised.
You asked how they aired this on national television.
Because it's surgery.
And these things have aired on PBS as well.
You ever watch PBS with heart surgery and stuff?
I found that even scarier than this.
But I'm going to show everybody what they put out on Comedy Central, interspersed with a cartoon like it's a joke, saying this is horrible, you shouldn't do it.
It was something good that the brothers did.
I'm a fan of a lot of their work.
I think it really exposes the hypocrisy of the left.
And it's horrific.
And it's horrible.
But you have to understand, this is what children are being targeted with, and in Europe especially, Sweden and England, children as young as seven are having sex changes.
They're having their testicles flayed.
This is mental illness, and the rate of suicide is off the charts.
The rate of mental illness, because it's already mentally ill.
You know, Vincent Van Gogh cut his ear off.
He was mentally ill.
He was poisoned by mercury.
It's not good.
And then he committed suicide.
Someone should have saved Vince... There you go.
He cut his ear off.
He was stark raving mad.
And if you cut your ear off, or your fingers off, or your testicles off, you're crazy.
Unless you've got cancer in your testicles.
And then you've got to do it.
And I had to sit here in 2019 and explain that this is wrong.
I know our audience gets it, but it's part of a diabolical plan.
And then I'm getting to the big story I haven't hit yet, and then Robert Barnes is joining us.
Because I'm going to show you the apex of this operation.
I'm going to show you who runs it.
I'm going to show you who's up at the top of it.
That comes out in daylight.
And who calls for me to be taken off the internet.
Child actors who played young children past their age, who then head up censorship operations as a liaison to Google, who also has interesting things on their Twitter about Muppets and children, and who goes out to the events with little children and tells you how great it all is.
It's fine!
Wait till you meet this person coming up!
Who has this great, funny act.
Everybody's so nice.
Everybody's so good.
There's nothing creepy about any of this.
We need your children to come to our event.
Are you bringing them?
We got contacted by Silicon Valley, by Google, and by Twitter.
And they said, and Facebook, they said, you can do anything you want, just don't talk bad about our agenda.
And I said, what's that?
Bringing Muslims in and teaching children about sex changes.
That's all.
It's the one, well it's the two things we want you to do.
And she says this, he says this, this cat lady glasses person says all this in the video we're gonna play with Sundar Pichai.
And you're gonna read, oh hi kids, I'm a mommy, come close, I'm a mommy.
Mommies take care of little kids.
You can trust a mommy.
Little kids are scared of men, but not when they're dressed like women as much.
Sundar seems a little uncomfortable, but it's okay.
Sundar signed on for, what is he, worth like 50 billion or whatever?
You know, he signed on.
It's kind of making him upset.
He's got children and a wife, but it's okay, Sundar.
It's okay, Sundar.
So let's go to South Park and the real footage of a man having his genitals flayed.
Here it is.
Hello, Mr. Garrison.
I'm Dr. Biber.
I'll be performing your surgery today.
God bless you, doctor.
I know you'll make me well again.
Now, you're absolutely sure you want to have a vaginoplasty?
My whole life I've been a woman trapped in a man's body.
A sex change operation is my last chance at happiness.
Alright, then let's begin.
Just relax, Mr. Garrison.
I think if more people could just see a sex change operation, they would know how perfectly natural it is.
The first thing I'm going to do is slice your balls.
With the scrotum open, I can now discard of your testicles.
So long, balls!
Now, I'll just continue the incision up the shaft of the penis.
Oh, that stings.
This is the religion.
Now I'll just turn your penis inside out.
Oh, oh jeez.
All we need to do now is stuff the unskinned penis inside your pelvis.
And now I'll use the skin from your penis to make the vaginal lips.
Do I look like a woman?
Pretty much.
By the way, that's censored from what I've seen back when it happened.
They showed the whole thing on national television.
It was way more horrible.
So that's an edited version.
I want to find, I know we've got other medical ones.
I just wanted to show that one because TV stations, the left will call and say, he's showing bad things.
And the station can say, no, we just showed what aired on national television and national cable.
There's a reason I didn't show a sex change off PBS.
Because you leftists would lie and trick people.
Because you want to commit the crime of chopping little boys' balls off.
You don't want me to show the crime.
So you'll call up and say, I've committed the crime of showing it.
No filth.
Just like in a murder trial, I'm showing what you do to masculinity.
You hate it, you call it toxic, you want to destroy it because you want no one to oppose your takeover.
Sundar, all those billions aren't worth it.
You know the left's gonna get your children, Sundar.
Are your children worth it, Sundar?
I think Sundar's completely... I've watched this interview like eight times.
He's freaked out because this person is a demon goblin he's talking to.
It's not a woman.
It's a Hollywood thing.
But it wants you to think it's a woman.
Because, hey, puppies and candy, they don't settle kids down.
Mommy wants to help little boys and girls, and Mommy's going to help.
Mommy learned a lot in Hollywood.
Mommy learned a lot.
We'll be right back.
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It's Alex Jones.
Throw away the key.
There's someone in my head, but it's not me.
I'm in the cloud presence, thundering your air.
Okay, I don't get into this to make fun of this person, because they've made themselves the victims, but they're
not the victims.
They're the Hollywood ruling elite.
And the transgenderism is an attack on the family.
It's meant to sexualize children and screw them up.
And it makes no mistake, ladies and gentlemen, that this comes directly out of Hollywood.
Document cam shot, please.
Inna... Inna Fred.
Is that how you pronounce it?
In a Freed.
Now, when I read this person's bio the other day, the crew thought I was joking.
Early life.
Played the son of Rocky in Rocky 3 and played children up until the time he was 25 or so.
In Hollywood, playing a child.
I bet all the tea in China that we've got a victim here.
But a lot of victims turn into Renfields.
And again, I've explained how this works.
So, this individual is a key liaison helping run censorship with Google and others.
They always use outside media.
Chief Technology Correspondent for Axios.
Senior editor, recode.
Senior editor, all things digital.
Senior writer, CNET.
Goes on.
Formerly a man.
You cannot find the name of what he was.
He is still biologically a man.
He even talks like one.
But I wanted to play this bizarre Sundar piece.
And then I wanted to read every comment is negative about it on YouTube.
Every comment says, is this the Twilight Zone?
And again, the person's trying to be shocking, trying to be the center of attention.
And talking about Islamophobes, you would be dead in two minutes in Somalia.
You'd last 20 minutes in Saudi Arabia.
You would last five minutes in northern Sudan.
You would last 10 minutes in Libya.
You would not last an hour in Baghdad.
It's this thing of like gushing over it, and then of course there's all these Muppets.
I don't see Elmo on there.
Elmo creator got busted, or the guy that does the voice of Elmo actually got busted as a pedophile, but no big deal.
Oh, lots of little Muppets and a pretty mommy.
That's how he sees himself, is a nice mommy.
Well, let's play Mommy, because you're not just a child actor star now that played a child after you weren't a child.
And all those child stars that hung out at Michael Jackson's house.
I wonder if you ever did.
We're investigating.
I bet you did, but it's not just that.
No, no.
It's more, isn't it?
Let's roll the tape.
Maybe a good place to start is YouTube, and obviously it comes up a lot.
What goes through your mind when you watch a video like the recent one?
You had this teenager who had appeared to be donning Muslim garbs, spewing a lot of anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, homophobic hate.
What goes through your mind when you see a video like that and see that it's gotten 350,000 views?
You know, I don't know all the details of this specific video, but in general, look, I mean, all of us Uh, you know, none of us want harmful content on our platforms.
I think last quarter alone, we removed nine million videos from the platform.
More recently, we have introduced, you know, just like today, we do this in search.
We, you know, we had ranked content based on quality.
And so we're bringing that same notion and approach to YouTube so that we can rank higher quality stuff better and really prevent, uh, borderline content.
Oh, hit pause.
We're going to come back and play the rest of this.
You'll know what the borderline contents mean.
But oh, this person with Sundar up lying to us on HBO.
That's quality.
No one wants to watch it.
It got 50 to 1 down votes.
Every comment hates you.
This is quality content for you.
You will like the quality content now.
It is good.
It's a joke.
It's politically incorrect to do an Indian accent.
I love Indians that are patriots.
But I make fun of everybody and I'm going to do it because we're not going to follow your politically correct rules anymore.
You got it?
I'll talk like Yosemite Sam.
Or I'll talk like this, like Sundar if I want to.
Or I'll talk like...
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Waging war on corruption.
All right, you are go.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Meet Ian Free.
Now, Ina Free, former child star, bounced around Hollywood, playing the part of a child many years after he wasn't a child, in movies like Rocky III.
Yes, you can't make that up.
And now, he goes around calling for everybody to be censored off the internet.
He doesn't agree with.
And so this is doing some study on this guy.
You go to San Francisco, the whole ruling class at Google and these facilities dress like women and clowns now.
So this is kind of his good behavior outfit.
And that's why you have lawsuits that are going forward.
Where that poor little boy is.
Imagine the hell he went through in Hollywood.
And that system, wow.
We ought to pray for his soul.
There's probably nothing left there now, whatever's running him.
Whatever deep star system it comes from, but let's continue back to what I was getting at.
He's out here now, not just a child star, and now not just a man that says he's a woman.
He now, ladies and gentlemen, is a censor.
But, literally, 50 to 1 down votes, thousands of negative votes, only a few positive votes, And everyone is saying things like, I just threw up in my mouth as he interviews the head of Google.
Hate speech doesn't exist, just speech that some authoritarians don't like.
Wow, this is beyond weird.
That fat guy dressed up as a woman.
Clown world.
What the F is this?
Is this the Onion?
Is this Brian Stelter in drag?
Is this a parody?
This is every comment.
Dr. McHamshot, please.
This is every comment.
I read hundreds of these.
Every comment, ladies and gentlemen, is extremely flipped out.
No one can believe it.
So zoom in on these and look at these comments.
This is really happening.
Now, let's go to the next ones.
These are really small.
Zoom in.
I hate YouTube.
I hate Axios.
Go away.
What is this, man?
I just feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
You guys cannot stop free speech, period.
The more you push this leftist agenda, the more people are getting red-pilled.
I was one of them.
You guys will lose this battle.
Wait, this isn't a joke video?
These two, and it goes on.
Lost everything, including my mother, when I fled Cuba to come to the USA where I thought people were free to express themselves.
Where people were protected by the Constitution.
Shame on you Axios.
Oh my God, I wasn't expecting that.
The video should have a trigger warning.
I'm glad they dropped that don't be evil thing.
Expecting Western values, and it goes on.
I'm not going to read the really mean ones.
Zoom in some more, please.
Also, that's a man, baby.
This was a skit on SNL, and it goes on to make fun of it there.
This dude is Chris Farley in drag.
Ina Fried.
You don't pass, not even close.
The attempt is hysterical.
Sundar Pichai is an authoritarian, and anyone that isn't a devout follower of progressive dogma must be silenced for wrong think.
People like him, Susan, head of YouTube, whatever her name is, and the other Silicon Valley authoritarians will be the reason for their platform's much-deserved downfall.
Next person.
Clown World.
Google hates speech.
The company's end will be a good thing.
That's right.
The only real hate speech is those that hate speech.
Am I in an alternate universe?
I can't tell.
Trump 2020.
What can you tell this creature is lying before the lips even move?
It goes on and on, folks.
I'm not going to read hundreds of these on air.
But you get the good news that humanity is rejecting it.
Humanity is saying no to it.
No matter how much they push it.
So why then is the Austin American statesman promoting small children being bused in the field trip to the gay pride parade?
Why is California saying your children will go to Gay sensitivity training, whether you like it or not, you can't opt out.
Because it's the religion.
And that's what these systems push.
And there's Mr. Freed, or Mrs. Freed, or whatever it is, Freed.
With the cat lady glasses, with the little girl at their pride parade.
There it is.
My visibility is revolution.
There with all the cute little dolls for children.
Hi children!
Come to me.
I was a child star.
I was a child star in Hollywood for decades.
I played a child even after I wasn't one.
Man, you look at the M.O.
on this.
About 50,000 red flags shoot up.
So we're done talking about this individual, but here's Sundar Pichai, let's start it from the beginning, who just is totally blown away as he talks and is being criticized for not doing enough censorship because we're being so mean to those sweet little Muslims.
A good place to start is YouTube, and obviously it comes up a lot.
What goes through your mind when you watch a video like the recent one?
You had this teenager, what appeared to be donning Muslim garbs, spewing a lot of anti-Muslim, anti-Semitic, homophobic hate.
What goes through your mind when you see a video like that and see that it's gotten 350,000 views?
You know, I don't know all the details of this specific video, but in general, look, I mean, all of us You know, none of us want harmful content on our platforms.
I think last quarter alone, we removed 9 million videos from the platform.
More recently, we have introduced... I'm gonna hit pause.
50 to 1 negative votes on the video.
Everyone hates you.
Everyone knows you're authoritarians.
And so it may trick kids that you're not threatening.
When you, you know, dress up like a cat lady.
But adults know, oh my God, that is like a horror movie character.
I mean, I'm not saying this guy's a child molester.
But I do think, very high probability, living in Hollywood, being a child actor, that small, going through all that, that you were probably abused.
Or at least, Hollywood folks tried to abuse you.
It's rampant.
It's known that the actors that go far are passed around like sex dolls.
But when you have a bunch of children's toys around you, and you're acting like a woman, and everything else, the people that drive the rape vans, dress like women, and have little dolls, they try to talk to kids, and I've got puppies, I've got ice cream, I mean, this is like, this is the 101.
They've got this big FBI video out, it's got like 15 million views, that was put out by Wired, about how to tell what somebody is with their body language.
They don't go out for body language.
It's off the way people dress and how they act.
That's the MO.
It's called profiling.
And anybody that profiles Silicon Valley and all these people is that it is a collection of classical predators.
And they want your children.
They want to indoctrinate them.
They want to confuse their sex gender.
They want to be the parents.
They want to run your life.
Let's finish up with this person.
More recently we have introduced, you know, just like today we do this in search.
We, you know, we had ranked content based on quality.
And so we're bringing that same notion... Quality?
...to YouTube so that we can rank higher quality stuff better.
And this is quality?
...prevent borderline content.
All the YouTube pedophile stuff's quality, huh?
...policies which need to be removed.
There you go.
still cause harm and so we are working hard. It's a hard computer science
problem. It's also a hard societal problem because we need better frameworks
around what is hate speech, what's not, and how do we as a company make those
decisions at scale and get it right without making it bad.
You've talked about the progress it's made but I feel like every other week we're
talking about something really bad whether it was you know with the Notre
Dame fires and 9/11 footage showing up. It feels like you've got Muslims
running around saying burn down, thousands of churches burned by Muslims.
Then there's a clear cover-up.
They won't... And we just question and say, is it Muslims?
That's an attack on us directly.
Because this person, that looks like a praying mantis, says that... says that they want to restrict your speech.
We're gonna come back with Bob Barnes to get into this more and the latest on the ships that are on fire and potential of war.
Stay with us.
What you have witnessed is the biggest development in free speech in the Western world's history.
This is a digital, AI-enforced gag order.
not to say the name Alex Jones, are in full wars.com.
This is Nazi Germany level.
This is racketeering.
This is cartels.
Mr. President, we need your help.
We need it now.
You can take on Big Tech.
They saw Infowars as a dominant, independent, anti-war, pro-human, pro-sovereign, pro-family, populist organization.
So they thought, first they come for Alex Jones.
Then, when people say, okay, take him off the air, everyone else, like Domino's, would fall.
The way to fight back is to support Infowars now more than ever and make it a standard of freedom and free speech.
Understand that if they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
So the InfoWars model is a self-fulfilling, self-supporting structure that is in the ultimate economic democracy structure that is promoting free press and free speech by people getting together and supporting one another and sustaining one another.
It is the only independent press of this size and scale, of this public reach, It's reached so effective that that's why Facebook is waging war against InfoWars.
That's why Instagram is waging war against InfoWars.
That's why Google and YouTube and Twitter are waging war against InfoWars more than anyone else, is because it is the ultimate counter-China model.
It is the one model that says, here's a way to have a self-supporting, self-sustaining, self-structured, little-d democratic structure.
That because the audience determines what content goes up, the audience determines what audience is ultimately reached by their choices in supporting InfoWars.
So by doing little things like, okay, we want a little deep democracy, we want a fluoride-free toothpaste.
Let's say that's what it is.
So it's dealing with a particular health issue.
Where you have the health industry pushing one product overwhelmingly, the big pharma, big companies, the corporate model, the Chinese model, the statist corporate model that China has promoted, against Infowars' model, which is we're going to have an American-created product, we're going to sell that directly to our own people.
Our people will decide whether they want to support it or not, and by choosing to buy little products like that, they're able to fuel this independent press that is the only one that is not dependent on billionaire donors or sugar daddies, that is not dependent on big corporate sponsors, that is not dependent on getting the approval of the social media giants in order to spread their message.
And it's all because the audience spends their whatever it is, whether it's $5 or $50 a month on products that they like and that they want that actually compete with the corporate-driven model and the ability to do that and at the same time support press, support speech,
support letting the audience choose what news they want to see and what views they want
to hold.
And it's the ultimate American democratic expression and experiment and it is the celebration
of free press and free speech with free markets and doing so in a way that's not corporate
The reason why they don't see news change at Infowars or content change at Infowars
except as requested or thought about by the audience is because the audience controls
it because the audience has chosen a self-supporting, self-sustaining economic model by making
small contributions by buying products they already want at a more affordable rate.
By sustaining it, they create a self-sustaining, self-supporting structure that is unique in the world, and that's why they wage war against it.
And as long as the audience refuses to concede to that, Or forfeit their economic contribution, as long as they continue to be involved and continue to participate and continue to partake and continue to this self-supporting, self-sustaining structure, there's nothing they can literally do to crush it or end it.
They can try to limit the scope of the audience, they can try to limit the size of the microphone,
but in the end we will find ways to reach them because the audience dictates and determines
it by its support of influence.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Okay, I've always said this, and it's true.
The most powerful broadcast I'm engaged in, I just don't plug.
And when I don't plug, we don't fund the operation.
So, I just want listeners to know that I'm very thankful to all of you, I'm very appreciative, and I'll just say it, please don't forget, without you, we're not here.
And we're not going to compromise, we're not going to back down.
Trump has signaled major actions against big tech, both publicly and privately.
I'm going to fill you in on that next segment.
Robert Barnes, one of our favorite guest constitutional lawyers, and be with us a couple of segments that I'm going to host a little bit into the next hour with Matt Bracken today.
We've got some very special guests tomorrow in studio.
I'm just going to leave it at that for you.
A lot of big stuff happening here tomorrow.
But I want to slow down for just a minute or two.
And invite listeners to really make your life better.
And at the same time, know that the action you're taking in making your life better has a win-win 360 event involved in it.
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Okay, let's shift gears to Bob Barnes.
I appreciate him holding 15 minutes.
I got behind today, and it got compounded.
I wanted to get you on yesterday, but I couldn't.
on this latest disinfo.
We'll talk about that next segment.
But I separately wanted to get your take on Trump's tweet that Twitter better watch it and that there will be repercussions and that he's coming after him.
I've got the inside baseball on that.
I know you've got your ear to the ground.
What do you make of this?
Well, you see, he's starting to accelerate, and I think it's been critical that he do so, because first he met with him, which is, you know, his protocol, his procedure.
It did not change things.
And then after that, he has now accelerated it to his son and other people were making public statements.
And now he himself is making and he was making statements at public events.
And now he's using the Twitter forum to do so, to to use Twitter, to talk to Twitter directly to the world.
And so I think that there's a strong indicia That he's going to take meaningful action sometime over the next six months before the election season above and beyond the antitrust investigations that are ongoing in order to make sure that something meaningfully happens here.
Because if they don't take action, if the president doesn't take action, it's clear they're going to meddle and manipulate the election outcomes by silencing, suppressing and censoring The most important pro-Trump voices in the social media sphere.
And it's the only way he can lose.
He's not going to lose in a straight-up race to Joe Biden that's honestly conducted.
The only way he can lose is if his audience is not there to promote his message and his ideas and the American patriotic ideas to the country.
So if he's serious and sincere about re-election, then he needs to take action on behalf of the free speech rights of all Americans, or all of us are in jeopardy.
Both his re-election opportunities and our free speech rights.
When we come back, we'll get more into this and we'll shift gears into the attacks on us, which are really unprecedented.
Not because it's attacks on us, but because it's a window into larger game plan of these individuals.
Robert Barnes is my guest.
I'm Alex Jones, NewsWars.com.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
There's just been another massacre in Virginia Beach where the shooter used a silencer.
What is your view of silencers?
Would you like to see those banned?
Well, I'd like to think about it.
I mean, nobody's talked about silencers very much.
They did talk about the bump stock and we had it banned and we're looking at that.
I'm going to seriously look at it.
I don't love the idea of it.
I don't like the idea of what's happening.
Okay, it's crazy.
Mark your calendars.
June 6, 2019.
Trump does an interview with Piers Morgan, Mr. Anti-Gun, in England, and says he's seriously looking at banning suppressors or silencers.
I've got an article right here from the ATF admitting that millions of these have been sold and that almost no crimes have been committed.
But regardless, people commit crimes with automobiles.
They commit crimes with baseball bats.
You don't ban butcher knives or automobiles or baseball bats because they were using crimes.
Because criminals used them.
I gave Trump a pass after the Vegas massacre, which turned out to be an Islamic attack they covered up.
Well, he went after bump stocks because bump stocks are basically worthless and are pieces of crap.
But my listener said, Jones, you're wrong.
The fact that Trump got political points talking about this means that when there are future events, he will blame the firearm or accessories.
Well, guess what, listeners?
You're right.
So I'm telling President Trump this.
The Democrats want to repeal the Second Amendment.
There's massive pressure to do it.
It's not going to stop criminals committing crimes.
And if you're going to blame the 10 million plus silencer and suppressor owners in this country because some wound up guy in a gun-free zone went and attacked his co-workers and had one in his truck, then that's my line of stance.
President Trump, if you become Hillary Clinton, what's the point of supporting it?
You think you're going to garner support from Piers Morgan and the left by doing things like this?
All you're going to do is turn your base against you.
So I'm going to tell you what I told Piers Morgan on CNN.
Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
And if you try to take our firearms, 1776 will commence again!
Damn it, Trump!
At least you said at the end of the clip, well, you're not inclined to do it.
Okay, but you're giving it lip service.
Once you ban bump stocks, and that whole fake story of what happened when he knows a fraud, you open the door to blame the tools instead of the psychopaths.
And once you did that, you joined the Deep State and the Globalists.
Who are your mortal enemies?
Trump, I want to support you, but dammit, you cross the line on the Second Amendment.
I'm sworn to defend this constitutional republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
And you cross that line, you become an enemy of the republic.
Trump, you know the right thing to do.
You have been warned.
Hitler took the guns.
Stalin took the guns.
Mao took the guns.
Fidel Castro took the guns.
Hugo Chavez took the guns.
And I'm here to tell you, 1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.
Doesn't matter how many lemmings you get out there on the street begging for them to have their guns taken.
We will not relinquish them.
Do you understand?
California Senator Dianne Feinstein worked for more than a year to get the Assault Weapons Bill passed in the face of ferocious opposition from the National Rifle Association.
She says she got the best she could.
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turn them all in, I would have done it.
I could not do that.
The votes weren't here.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Robert Barnes is our guest.
I'm going to do some of the next hour with former Navy SEAL, best-selling author, security expert Matt Bracken, a particular expert on Iran.
I believe Iran is behind the attacks on the ships.
I'll tell you why next hour.
That exclusive video from the first hour I broke it down has been posted to Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And as of the last time I checked, no one from the State Department, the White House, the Pentagon is saying Iran said in April and May and June.
Over and over again, even a week ago, we're going to blow up ships in the Strait of Hormuz if you put sanctions on us.
And they did it!
And now they're acting like they didn't because they want to make it look like the U.S.
strikes them first.
This is pure terrorism, absolute Iranian, Persian-type thinking, very sophisticated.
They did it while the Japanese leader's there so that we won't attack because he's there right now.
This is very sophisticated.
They have taken credit for it before they did it.
And so we're going to talk about that coming up with Matt Bracken.
Getting back to Robert Barnes, I want to shift back to where you think Trump's going with all this.
But first, let's hit this.
They have a former U.S.
attorney appointed by Obama who did bring down the governor of Connecticut.
That's quite a feat.
I've looked into this individual closely.
And what they're doing in our Connecticut case on Sandy Hook, which should affect everybody, Is they keep acting like we're holding things back, we're not, and they're using, and I mean this nicely, the ignorance of the judge, because I don't know a lot of this IT stuff.
To keep saying that we don't have things.
And I really want to make a statement to the judge.
I'm tempted to get on a plane for the next hearing and bring my IT folks, who are smart but not experts on Google, to explain.
As you know, she ruled yesterday that we need to give them the Google files.
Well, we've never printed files off Google other than general traffic stuff and some demographics about men or women and the percentage.
To have them all over the news saying, oh yes, the judge agrees, Jones is hiding things, and engaged in obstruction and all this, is a fraud and a lie.
And quite frankly, this guy's going to be out here deposing me in a few weeks.
I can't wait when I walk in that room and be like, hey dude, you're the one that lives off these dead kids.
I barely ever talked about it.
In fact, the Google Analytics, I'm glad we looked at it, it shows less than You know, 0.2%.
I mean, and that's all of it since then.
I've talked about it a lot more because they've made me talk about it.
But this, and we looked at that in there, and it shows that.
So anything they come up with is a fraud, and I wonder if they've done a parallel construction, or I wonder, you know, they got really freaked out in court, and obviously we're gonna find out who's funding them.
We obviously know.
We're gonna let them perjure themselves.
You talk about real perjury, I don't think these guys know that we're not experts at marketing and stuff like they say we are, but we are experts on taking on organized crime.
That means real organized crime.
Like Hillary Clinton and like Barack Obama who's in bed with Hezbollah.
And so I just don't think, it's not a threat to these people.
It's just that I just can't believe they're projecting onto me who they are.
They're projecting onto me that I live off these families when I barely ever talked about them and they play edited tapes of what I really said.
And that's why they're so pissed is they realize they don't have a damn case.
But it's just dealing with them and watching what they do.
I believe they're involved in some type of parallel construction.
What do you think?
Well, there's no question that there's a false premise of the suit, because the suit in Connecticut is entirely predicated on the assumption that this was a analytically market-driven product, that this was not about independent, authentic ideas or independent perspectives of the world, and that it was entirely driven heavily just by Sandy Hook.
And the reason why I have reason to believe that they know that allegation is false from the inception Is that they have quote-unquote media experts that are working with them, that are aligned with them, that are supporting them in different respects, who have reviewed, according to their own sworn testimony, all the websites, all the web pages, all the broadcasts.
You have people like Media Matters who are watching and recording and transcribing every single broadcast.
So they knew there was no marketing tie-in to anything related to beliefs and issues debating Sandy Hook.
Because they saw the broadcast themselves.
They saw the webpages themselves.
They searched the broadcast themselves.
They searched the webpages themselves.
And there was no advertising or marketing specific to Sandy Hook, ever.
There was nothing tied into it.
Not only that... So, so, Norm Pattis is a smart guy, but he's a busy guy.
What, what, what are we going to tell the judge?
Like, judge...
These people tell you I'm this villain.
They tell you I live off these dead kids.
They're the one that sued the dead teacher and all these heroes and people, you know, these lawyers, these creatures.
And it's just we're not who they say.
There is no evidence because it doesn't exist.
That's what's so frustrating is, as you said, they know none of this is there.
You've spent over a month here in our offices over the time.
There's no planning.
There's no marketing.
It's all research.
It's all guessed, it's all analysis, it's all going out and videotaping stuff.
What's our research?
We think it's wrong that people from the Congo, with one of the biggest outbreaks of Ebola ever, are just by the thousands being brought up?
We go videotape it!
It becomes national news!
There is no marketing!
Our news is our news, what I think is important.
You've been around here, just for the audience to know, have you seen any calculation, any premeditated of anything?
Not at all.
In fact, everything at the program is focused entirely on news content.
Ideas, spreading ideas, sharing ideas, researching ideas, investigating ideas, challenging establishment narratives, challenging political narratives, challenging the political power structure.
That's the obsession of everybody who works there.
To be frank, from a business perspective, there probably should have been marketing analytics and business studies and things like that, but you've never cared about that, never focused on that.
Well, let's be honest.
You saw my taxes.
I've been totally overpaying like an idiot.
Oh, completely.
And not only that, I mean, for example, there probably are, you know, product studies that could have been done.
You never do that.
In other words, you look at what you like in the real world.
But the products, too, aren't connected to news.
I have hundreds of clips I didn't get to.
I have stacks of incredible stuff here.
I've got Vladimir Putin saying the world's gonna end.
I haven't even played that today.
And they're just going, oh, Sandy Hook, you... Because they all are so politically dumb.
These few Democrat lawyers think that's how they get in the news.
They don't even know that the analytics... I'll tell you the analytics.
When we covered a Sandy Hook story, I was on Joe Rogan.
They put out over 30 videos.
The average video has 3 million views.
One of them has 14 million or whatever.
These guys, the marketing is, I go, Joe, no one wants to hear about Sandy Hook, but okay, open it.
The Sandy Hook piece has 200,000 views.
The next lowest one has like a million and a half.
That's analytics.
Is that, is that, and I don't cover something because I think it'll be big.
I cover what I care about.
But the analytics to these idiots is this.
Everyone's sick of Sandy Hook, you dirty, stupid people.
Using these poor families.
My God, you bloodsuckers!
I'm not the bloodsucker!
I'm not sucking off the dead kids and the families!
In my view and opinion, you're a bloodsucker!
And it's just incredible.
Barnes, I'm getting upset here because I am so sick of Sandy Hook and I'm so sick of them saying, I'm like, Oh my God, Alex Jones, did you know he named his son after Sandy Hook?
You know, he pays for his toilet paper with Sandy Hook.
All Sandy Hook ever did was cost me money.
We had stations when I questioned it, take me off the air.
And we have the, Thank God we looked into the analytics.
It actually shows that.
So what are they going to do, Bob, when the analytics show what we're saying is true, which you'd already told me?
You just say, give it all to them.
My issue is checking liability for what they can monkey with in there.
Well, I think, I mean, the reality of the way Google works is that Google tracks a wide range of data for their own personal purposes.
Well, that's my next point.
I don't have access to hardly any of it.
And that's deliberate by Google.
Google does not allow people to have access to that except on a subscriber basis and on a limited basis and on a search order basis.
So this is not data that any private company can own other than Google.
Because Google wants to monopolize that data because Google is using that data to monetize what Google does.
One of the great myths out there that some of the courts have bought into is that these big tech companies are offering free services.
No, they're not.
Google is monetizing the information for their own personal purposes.
Anytime any human being searches Google, they are giving Google their personal private information, which Google will in turn monetize.
And that's what Google does.
This is Google's assets, Google's data.
I know.
And so what do I...
Because I don't even know how to respond to this judge.
Like, I don't even know how this stuff all works.
I've barely ever looked at it.
And they're just like, give us the Google.
Well, we don't, we aren't even able to give you the Google.
What does that even mean?
There's a lot of talk out there in the world.
There's a lot of BS.
But I think InfoWars has proven it's delivered.
I know at a certain level, the big crime we've committed is simply asking, who is the devil?
Satanists come from a perspective that they have all the answers, that they're God.
They're incredibly arrogant, and they're incredibly predictable.
Well, if I'm anything, I'm not a Satanist.
But I've certainly dealt with them in my life.
And if you look at how they try to control society and the planet, they're pathetic.
But I'll tell you, Well, it's even more pathetic.
Men and women who don't love corruption, who don't love evil, and who don't love simply being one-dimensional cutouts, are so meek that we never get involved in the cultural or political discussion.
And that's where I am, halfway into 2019.
We're almost at 2020.
This is not Buck Rogers.
This is not science fiction.
This is not theater.
This is not entertainment.
This is not fiction.
This is the real world.
And so I just sit back, wanting to have a good future for myself and you as well.
Because let's not lie.
There's 7.5 billion people on this planet.
There's about to be 10 billion in the next decade.
And if you think that if we screw over a big portion of those people, that we're not going to get destroyed in a nuclear war, well, you're smoking some serious dope.
So, that's my bottom line, is that I don't have all the answers, but I don't have that sociopathic, satanic worldview of screw everybody around me, and I'm gonna get ahead when all you're doing is bringing down the society around you.
You know, I support President Trump, even though he's imperfect like anybody else, because you're under so much attack when you support the President.
Because that's the one thing you're told not to do.
Doesn't mean Trump doesn't have major problems.
So do I. So do you.
But why is he that person you're not supposed to support?
And why is info worse?
From Apple and Google and Facebook.
They all tell you there's this one site, this one person that you can't talk about.
Unless you disparage him.
Unless you crap on him.
Unless you say he's bad.
They think you're a slave.
They think you're in a cult.
And they've proven everything I've said.
And the fact that they would make that bet against you and your family.
That they're telling you, shut your mouth.
You don't talk good about this person.
In fact, you talk bad about him.
And then we'll promote you on our systems.
That sounds like slavery to me.
I could be Satan, Satan, Satan, Satan, Satan.
And if somebody said, don't promote this, I would rebel against it.
But all I'm promoting is Jesus Christ and freedom and a pro-human future.
So I ask you again, who really is the devil?
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back. I'm Alex Jones, your host, Robert Barnes.
Shown's your host, Robert Barnes. Talks to his lawyer, Ryan Shotton.
I don't want to spend much more time on this, and I kind of went into a rant, but when I got sued by the Sandy Hook folks in Texas and in Connecticut, five different lawsuits about a year and a half ago, I knew Hillary came out and made that who I was and focused on that in the campaign.
But I thought, okay, the lawyers involved, though, might actually be drinking the Kool-Aid.
They might actually believe in the bull—no, they know.
They know I hardly ever talked about it.
They know we don't have all this stuff.
They know we didn't sell anything Sandy Hook related.
They know that I didn't get up there and lie and question public events and false flags like I questioned today.
Was this staged with Iran?
There's been so many staged events before, and they know I didn't create questioning it.
They know it's totally American to do what I did.
So they project this idea that I made all this money off Sandy Hook.
And then when there's no evidence of that, they just keep demanding, we'll give it this, we'll give that, or any company we're ever connected to will give us all their data, and that'll show what you did.
So they can try to misrepresent it to people that aren't technically informed.
And that's really what I believe is going on here, is a deliberate attempt to deceive the judge.
I'm not even worried about my particular case.
I'm just running into the political class and just how bottomless they are, and how bad they are, and how the media works in concert to do this for this electronic lynching, and then in my name, they're on NPR, and we're going, we just wish he'd stop sending people to their houses and say it didn't happen.
If he'd just apologize, and it's all a lie.
They know that years ago, I said, well, even before they sued me, I said, well, if your feelings are hurt that I questioned, I apologize.
And they go, oh, you admit you lied.
And then it just goes on and on, on and on, the coordinated garbage.
And then in my name, these politicians and these talk show hosts like John Ronson, who is, do never interview him, folks.
He will lie to your face.
He will edit stuff.
Incredibly deceptive.
They try to murder the truth, and then they say you're the one doing it.
So I want to digress into some more important things, or stop digressing and get into more important things happening in the world and censorship.
I think this is really a sign of desperation by these folks.
What do you think, Robert?
Well, there's no doubt that there's this attempt to try to create the impression of you as being that caricature character from Homeland, and the media has tried to highlight aspects of any aspect of the litigation.
In a way to highlight that component, even though it's completely and utterly false.
I mean, now you've had teams of lawyers come down and you gave them full, unfettered, unlimited, unrestricted access to all of your data and information.
Gave far more access than any client I've ever known to do or any other business I've ever known to do in litigation of a like kind.
And all of them came to the universal conclusion, and all of them have in some form either attested under oath or directly to courts, that the assumptions of the lawsuit in Connecticut are simply false.
There was no big marketing plan around Sandy Hook, and that's evident by one primary fact.
99.98% of all news coverage and information during this time period, from 2012 to 2018, the time frame covered under the suit, Under the various suits, had nothing to do with Sandy Hook.
And of the 0.002% that had anything to do with Sandy Hook, 90% of that was about the politicization of it, was about Big Pharma, was about whether there was a Freedom of Information Act cover-ups going on in state authorities in Connecticut, which the Connecticut Supreme Court ultimately confirmed, whether or not the politicians were saying things appropriately, I mean, what's fascinating in this is a lot of information has come out about what politicians were covering up in Connecticut, including the fact that they failed to provide basic security techniques and mechanisms for their own teachers to protect their own kids.
My nephew does some of this work where you always, now in schools, provide for schools to be able to lock the doors.
Each teacher be able to lock the inside of the door so that they can protect their own students in case any kind of violent incident takes place.
In Israel, of course, they train and arm the teachers to avoid terrorist events in their schools.
And they've had extraordinary success defending their schools that way.
Yet that's not what happened at Sandy Hook.
And what's amazing is that the media would have done its job.
and meaningfully done inquiries.
They could have exposed this fact about what the politicians were covering up in San Diego at the time, and I guarantee you every school in America would have had that safety mechanism put in place the very next day or within a week.
That didn't happen.
There may be schools right now that are in danger and that are not safe solely because the media decided to make the issue one about guns, not an issue about school safety, not an issue about big pharma, not an issue about politicians going cheap And covered up for their own basic failures that left these kids in harm's way, that left these teachers in harm's way, that left these security individuals and others that were there in harm's way because they did not have the means to defend and protect themselves and to protect the children in their care.
And instead, these politicians, similar to what happened down in Florida.
I mean, the big difference in Florida was that when Parkland, when they tried to blame just the gun, people pushed back against that narrative, seeing what happened in Sandy Hook and what happened.
It exposed major law enforcement malfeasance and misconduct and what happened... Oh, let me add to that.
We had three students on the day after it happened.
And one of them, I forget his name, he was black.
We had to look his name up.
CNN said we hired an actor.
So they say that we're saying they're hiring actors.
We're not.
Zalen Martin.
We gotta get him back on.
Please get him back on.
They go on CNN and say he's not a real student.
Turns out he was.
Because he said, I watched the police stand down, and I watched the security guy stand around for 10 minutes.
Well, that all turned out to be true.
So instead, CNN then says, we're using actors.
Then they say, take him off YouTube.
He says, no one died.
That wasn't true.
We broke that the police stood down.
So their answer was, again, in my name, to say that no one died.
I mean, this is next level, my friend.
This is next level.
And really, so half of what's going on here in the by the press and by the politicians is a hit job on you, as has been admitted by other high profile members of the press to me personally.
But the other half of it is the press and the politicians gun control agenda, which is in order to blame guns only, they have to hide evidence about other culprits.
That's why they're not talking about big pharma.
That's why they're not talking about Hollywood celebrating serial killer kind of activities in films and other TV cultural impacts.
That's why they're not talking about school safety mechanisms that could make schools truly safe and thoroughly safe.
They're not talking about adequate law enforcement response as arose as an issue in Parkland.
They're not talking about this cult of personality that the media has helped develop ever since Columbine that's triggering repeat and copycat people doing... Exactly!
They hype school shootings up so it's an option in someone's mental menu.
And they know this.
They know Jake Tapper has talked about this, and is finally starting to say we shouldn't be using the person's name, we shouldn't be celebrating him.
The left wanted in the United States was the response that New Zealand gave, which was talking about banning all guns, talking about... And they know they've been using and promoting and hyping...
School shootings to get guns while ignoring all the real causes.
They feel guilty, so they want to make me the Homeland character that made all my success off them, and they all know it's a damn lie.
And the truth is, it's them.
It's pure projection.
How many kids did they put in harm's way by not fully developing the investigative research and review to show what was really happening in Sandy Hook and in other school shootings?
Had they meaningfully dealt with the cult of personality they were creating that people like Cassandra Fairbanks have documented in detail?
If they had meaningfully dealt with basic school safety techniques that they chose not to utilize in that place because politicians wanted to save a few cents?
and line their own pockets instead effectively by what they were doing.
If they had meaningfully dealt with Big Pharma and the impact of the lack of
effective treatment for a wide range of people, part of it relates to
homeless explosion in the United States. The left's response has not been
adequate to deal with people who are mentally ill.
So let me ask you this, where do you think, not in my cases, where does this go in the general? Because
everywhere in the news, and we're getting calls, we're getting messages, and people
Like, why are you saying you think Iran did it?
You know, you're the false flag guy.
No, I always just question, could this be staged?
Because I have a stack of historical documents where we and others have staged attacks on ships to get us into Vietnam, to get us into World War I, to get us into the Spanish-American War.
But that doesn't mean this is staged, because the Mullahs said, you cut off our money two months ago, we're going to blow up ships, the Strait of Hormuz.
They did it!
Now, of course, they're denying it, because they want us to strike first.
When you say you're going to do something, and then you do it, and the Pentagon says, we believe they're about to do it a week ago, and it happens, I tend to side with the Pentagon on this.
Because it's not like the whole Pentagon's bad.
Sometimes bad general stage things, like L.L.
Sometimes they don't.
I trust Trump on this.
Trump doesn't stand a gain from this.
We don't want war with Iran.
And so, I mean, that's the reality.
So the public's mad at me for saying I think Iran did it.
But I'm supposedly Mr. False Flag.
I'm not.
I really tell people what I think, Bob.
Oh, precisely.
And I think if you compare it to, if you put InfoWars coverage of major war-related events and your discussions of it, going back to 1991 as a 17-year-old, discussing these events on Ham Radio and then on Public Access and then on Talk Radio now through the InfoWars network, you can contrast that to the New York Times.
The New York Times doesn't come out of the winning end of the misinformation, correct information battle.
The New York Times told us that babies died in incubators to get us into Iraq War I. The New York Times told us that there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
The New York Times predicted various aspects of things related to 9-11 that proved false, and books like The Looming Tower and the rest.
You go all the way back, the New York Times has a notorious history of promoting propaganda and misinformation to get us into wars, while InfoWars has been more accurate, far more accurate, than the New York Times has ever been.
And they want to project all their inaccuracy onto us.
Let's finish up that Matt Bragg has taken over.
hour number four stay with us.
The Dodo is an extinct bird.
Big, fat, juicy, delicious birds the size of a turkey.
They never had a predator.
There weren't any wolves, there weren't any foxes, there weren't any dogs.
There's nothing but these birds running around on this island.
And within just a few years of sailors finding the island, whaling ships would go stop there.
They just walk up with a boar and just club him in the head and eat him.
Big ol' fat juicy meal.
So the dodo... People call people a dodo.
They're stupid and don't care about themselves and fall off the edge of a cliff.
They're stupid.
But it was they'd never seen humans.
They'd never had a predator.
They had no fear.
Well, let me tell you something.
If I was a chicken...
I'm running around like my head's cut off.
And you know why I feel like that?
Why I'm pissed?
Because my instincts are lined up and normal.
We have world government.
We have Democrats saying they're killing babies after they're born.
We have sex education to five-year-olds.
We have total evil Hollywood demoralizing us.
They attack on the family.
All these lies.
We have criminal collapse news networks calling anyone that doesn't submit to them Nazis.
And then using their fake claim that you're a Nazi to have your bank accounts taken.
That's what the Nazis did.
And as a man, I become physically angry at this point.
If you don't fundamentally get pissed at that, you're a dodo bird.
Folks, I'm not a dodo bird.
And I'm not gonna compare myself to an eagle.
Let me just compare myself to a chicken.
Chicken sees a hawk fly over, that chicken runs for the bushes.
That chicken goes... To tell others, hey...
The hawk that eats us, he just flew over.
You see, the Dodos were on that island for probably millions of years and nothing ever ate them, at least hundreds of thousands, so they didn't have a race memory.
But you can take a chicken or any other creature that's ever been around predators and they know about predators, they know what they look like, even though they never seen them.
Kids are worried about monsters when they're little.
They want to sleep with you.
They want to be close to you.
They have instincts.
They have soul.
They have spirit.
Those are transferent to the genetic memory.
Those who aren't upset, you do not have soul.
(typewriter clacking)
(explosion booms)
If you are receiving this transmission, you are in the Resistance.
(explosion booms)
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
Well, there's big developments on Iran.
Pompeo says that it's the Iranians.
Some of my crew isn't mad at me, but they disagree.
They think it's a false flag.
They're scared to come on.
So, I'm trying to get him to get on with us in the next segment.
Going back to Bob Barnes, the Democrats are really desperate, and they've always done corrupt stuff, but not just in our cases, but other things.
They throw caution to the wind, and whether it's the Covington kids that you're involved in, filing suits, or whether it's the smolleting, and just everything they do turns to crap now, because people used to be unconscious, and we're kind of buying in.
Everybody, you know, is questioning now.
And even when I say Iran may have done this, because they threatened it a month ago, I think that's a good reason to say they may have done it.
My own crew's kind of shaking their head at me, like, I'm the bad guy here.
So what I'm saying is, that's fine.
It's free speech.
I don't run a cult here.
People ask, well, how does Watson think that it did happen, but you think it might not have?
Because we're not running a cult.
I respect people.
We're really trying to find the truth.
We don't get a talking point here.
What are they going to do?
Am I right from your historical research or smart guy that they've kind of gone insane and they didn't get that governors on behavior were there for a good reason to protect them because they've just gone crazy.
I think I mean actually Jordan Peterson had a good description of this when he was on Joe Rogan.
He said he thought they were in a state of desperation.
So they're throwing Hail Marys across the board and the press is and they're destroying their long term brand.
Just for short term clicks to try to stay afloat in the modern social media era, when more and more people recognize and realize that the primary and principal sources of misinformation, particularly consequential misinformation that leads to wars and conflicts and unnecessary division in America and the world, is the mainstream establishment press.
So the New York Times has probably been the primary source of misinformation that helped propagate horrible events since 1930.
I mean, the New York Times covered up Stalin's, what Stalin was doing in the Soviet Union.
Initially said that Hitler might be a good guy.
Initially covered up what was happening in the Holocaust, buried it in the inside pages of their, in the bottom pages of their articles and their news stories.
Then after that, 1959, told everybody that Castro was really just a nice guy.
And he was, they said, I remember this.
He was the Abraham Lincoln of the Caribbean.
Yeah, exactly.
In fact, what they said was, yes, he did say when he was doing the revolution that he was not going to be part of the government.
But that was just a reflection of naivete, not hypocrisy.
That's what they said in 1959 after he seized complete power.
So then, of course, they spread further lies with the Gulf of Tonkin.
To get us into Vietnam, another fake attack on a ship.
Yeah, exactly.
You go on and on and on.
So you look at the Iranian event.
You have publications like Zero Hedge that are arguing it might be a false flag.
You have other people who believe it's a sincere event based on the reasons you've articulated, that Iran has sort of foreshadowed this coming.
You know, I'm in the wait-and-see mode myself.
But the key is we need people challenging establishment narratives.
And the whole goal of like what these various, the way the press and the politicians And you're seeing it just now go across the board.
from Connecticut made clear his goal was to shut you down, silence you, prevent
your audience from supporting you. They've prejudiced themselves. They've
admitted the real goal is a silent speech and that they're gonna have to
lie to try to get that done. And you're seeing it just now go across the board.
When they're going after milquetoast liberals like Philip DeFranco and a
Sunday front page New York Times article as they did just this
past Sunday, you get a sense of the scale, the size, and the scope of this. And
ultimately the goal is to not allow what happened in 2016 to reoccur ever again.
Oh they've decided all the governments all over the world just want to get rid of the internet itself being a free open thing for general access to the public.
They decided oh gosh we're all dead meat so first they started with Alex Jones and now it's liberal Philip DeFranco who they call the kingpin of brainwashing.
I mean the guy literally attacks me constantly and has supported me being silenced.
Correct, exactly.
I mean, so, you look at all of it, I mean, there's a consistent effort to suppress and censor and control speech.
And the consistent effort is Philip DeFranco didn't go under their control monetarily.
Correct, exactly.
And in fact, what's happening is, in fact, they're diverting money and diverting eyes and diverting resources from the establishment narrative.
And it's not only that, what's happening sort of broad scale and wholesale is that originally the internet was designed as a surveillance technique.
That's right, because electricity can flow both ways.
Let's do two more minutes on that key point you just made.
We'll come back.
have sought and now it's become a free speech explosion in the original First
Amendment. That's right because electricity can flow both ways.
Let's do two more minutes on that key point you just made.
We'll come back. Stay with us.
It's time.
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The Alex Jones Show.
Just a good old boy.
Never meaning no harm.
It's all you never saw.
Been in trouble with the law since the day they was born.
Straight in the curves.
Blind in the hills.
Someday the mountain might get them.
But the law never will.
Alright, a few more minutes with Bob Barnes, constitutional lawyer, on how the globalists admitted that the internet was developed by DARPA, developed by scientists to communicate with each other, and it was developed by psychiatrists, the idea of it to track people psychologically and make sure they were following stimuli.
Over the intergalactic communication grid if you go back to the original documents in the 50s, but it was just theorized and by the 60s They had it CD-ROMs by then everything and then it was slowly deployed to the public And they're about 30 years advanced 40 years advanced depending on the technological area you look at but they always thought we'll be able to control them with it, with this world wide web.
But instead, humans are manifesting their will, no matter what they do.
And once that Promethean fire has been released, it's spreading.
And I think they now realize, just cut the whole damn thing off,
and turn it into a glorified Netflix.
The order went out to spend trillions, to produce tens of thousands of movies a year,
to hopefully have everybody stop looking at the real world and people on the internet.
But that hasn't worked either.
And so their total panic mode is accelerating.
Where does it go now?
I mean, now it's basically, do we choose the Chinese social credit model system or not?
Because the Chinese system is, use the internet solely for the purposes of censorship, controlled thought, monitoring people's activity.
Use these new technologies to not only spy on people, but brand them.
And to brand them in such a way that the world looks at them in a certain way, they have limited access to certain resources, that it's a new social status structure created with this literal social credit system.
And what you're seeing is the same thing now that some parts of big tech in the U.S.
are pursuing, in part because they want access to the Chinese market, but also in part because they like the Chinese model better.
Big tech has a has a controlling totalitarian mindset by its very nature because they tend to be monopolies for technological reasons.
So when you create money, you know, the old rule, you give the more power, the more corrupt.
And that's what happens with monopolies.
That's why back in the 19th century, we passed the Sherman Act and other laws to prohibit these from ever rising and controlling our politics ever again.
And now we have the most dangerous monopolies the world has ever seen.
And big tech that can control people's speech, control how people think, control how people act and react.
And you look at their alignment with big pharma.
You look at their alignment with big governments in China.
They are without doubt the most dangerous threat, most pernicious threat to American democracy and freedom, not only here, but its principles and precepts around the world.
That's why as we started this conversation, what President Trump said was critical because the next great battle for the future of America and the world is the battle of big tech.
And this is already a cyber war, not just taking out servers or hydroelectric dams.
It's a war by governments and major corporations over the architecture of the Internet, whether there's freedom or not.
And the chi-coms of the EU have all weighed in to end freedom worldwide for the general public and small businesses.
And our government's paralyzed in fake libertarian propaganda that isn't in the real world.
that it's like saying liberals say give free stuff to everybody, but then everybody comes
here and the whole system collapses, which is the cloward and pivot and communist plan.
Well, it's the same thing with conservatives.
They're like, let the market handle it.
It's not market when it's the communist Chinese and the EU teamed up regulating the internet.
And so the companies by extension, because of a power vacuum, bow to China and the EU
because our government doesn't pass prohibitive laws saying you will not violate people's
You've now handed it over to them.
And a few greedy big tech corporations and big media corporations that are falling apart.
They hope to make bigger profits in the future if they can bring in an authoritarian model here.
But that will destroy their free market model that made them so great to begin with.
And now they had antitrust hearings in Congress, as you know, in the last two days.
And it's not about the monopolistic practices going on.
It's a bunch of bitching and complaining.
A big media company saying, we're going bankrupt.
We need to make big tech only link to our articles and promote us.
Well, that's the same thing they've been saying for five, six years.
And so that brought us the model of sycophantic dying media and sycophantic collapsing political parties who don't even know what planet they're on or 50 years behind joining with big tech ...to be the police of the internet to take out their competition, but all they did was destroy themselves and discredit themselves and the public in the process, while big tech six-packs and laughs at how this is happening.
But we've been more sophisticated, have exposed the full spectrum analysis, given it to the president and others, they concur, the Pentagon concurs, and so now it's game over.
Because Google and others were so arrogant as to move with Apple to China, now 14 months ago.
And openly declare that we're done, and a joke, and a bunch of old curmudgeons that couldn't find their ass with both hands, and told the Pentagon, we're not going to help you in any way because you're done.
That actually caused, like Frankenstein, to be struck by lightning, to wake up.
So as bad as our military industrial complex is, it When it came to reckoning, and actually dying politically, and handing it over to the chi-coms and people, their old separation of powers instinct kicked in, and they said, no, we will not be your slave, and now the battle's on, and Google is crapping its drawers.
Facebook, Twitter are all no now.
It's over, and they know it's begun.
So everybody, keep spreading the word, because we're not winning, but we're at least awake again and in the fight.
Oh, exactly.
It's like we're at Bunker Hill and one of my great-great-grandfathers was the colonel who said, don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes.
Colonel Prescott, who my brother is named after.
So that's basically where we're at politically and structurally.
And the big difference between populism and the establishment left and the establishment right is that distrust concentrated power in the form of the government or concentrated power in the form of private corporations and big monopolies.
And that's what the populist revolution is, what they never anticipated unearthing.
They thought the Obama era of social media was going to be their perfect ideal era,
and that was what was gonna move forward collectively.
What they didn't realize is that when you gave the technological tools
for people to express their own views in the same way that InfoWars allows its audience
to allow its audience's voice to be reached, and its audience's voice to be heard,
and its audience's voice to hear what they wanna hear by supporting InfoWars,
by being part of this economic self-supporting, self-sustaining system that provides
an independent little-D democratic experiment for free speech, free press, and free markets.
In the same way that InfoWars is sort of the ultimate counter to the establishment Chinese social credit based kind of economic system, Where you have concentrated economic and social and political power in the hands of so few.
Their goal was one in which they got to dictate thoughts and ideas and they thought the Obama era would dominate.
But the reality is when you empower ordinary people...
To pick their own news and their own views, which was inherent to the technology that social media employed.
That's right, they've already moved light years beyond it.
Robert Barnes, thank you so much.
I mean, in the final equation, they've miscalculated.
Now there's a known fight over the future of speech.
They pressed too hard, and I don't want to be too confident here, but I would characterize this as the Germans' Eastern Front collapsing in late 1943, early 1944.
Oh, it's very much the emperor has no clothes.
Everybody can see what's taking place.
Everybody can see what's happening.
We've landed at Normandy and everybody on the other side can see the inevitable outcome and consequence that's coming down the pipeline.
And as long as people sustain their independent, as long as they sustain organizations like InfoWars against this onslaught and assault, then this lawfare will fail.
This political warfare will fail.
This attempts of censorship and state control will fail.
Because President Trump will act, and because he acts, because he listens to the audience, he listens to the public, he listens to his voters, his constituents, and one of the most critical foundational base components of that is the Infowars audience.
So as long as they show that they're going to continue to support and sustain InfoWars against this extraordinary, unprecedented assault and attack, then they are the ones with the real power.
And that's what all of this is designed to disguise.
It's designed to disguise that the ordinary person holds the real power against all of this corrupted, corrosively corrupted institutional establishment.
That wants to shut them up, wants to censor them, wants to suppress them, wants to thought control them, wants to behave control them, wants to restrict their First Amendment rights, Second Amendment rights, Fourth Amendment rights, Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights, Eighth Amendment rights.
That will not work and cannot succeed.
as long as they continue to support one another and through supporting InfoWars as an example and illustration of that.
The ultimate little d democratic example of a self-supporting, self-sustaining, free press, free speech, free market
institution in the world today and against all this onslaught, against all this attack,
still stands.
Like the Star Spangled Banner, it still waves.
Beautiful shin.
That's where the real power lands.
God bless you, my friend.
We'll be right back with the latest on the Iran crisis.
Thank you so much, sir.
The latest on the Iran crisis, and it is a crisis.
Is it a false flag or is it real?
Well, the ships are on fire.
Hunter's Angler.
InfoWar The most banned network in the world.
You got a lot going on.
The news is so cutting edge, so hardcore.
I'm not going to belabor products.
You're awesome.
You know we've got great products.
Everybody needs fish oil.
It's what your brain, your heart's built out of.
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50% off.
Turbo Force, our great new product that already sold out, second batch in.
But whatever you do, you understand your funding of this is the lifeblood and the globalists go around the clock trying to shut us down.
So let me just say this.
You judge someone by what they produce, what they stand for, for their track record.
My track record is victory for free market and individuals.
Because that's my stated goal.
And I preach it.
And it's the truth.
And it's successful.
And I see the globalists crapping all over everything.
Wanting to dumb people down.
Wanting to poison people.
Wanting to turn us against each other so they can run us.
A powerful leader wants to dumb a bunch of people down and confuse them and screw them up so you can rule them!
That doesn't make you a god king!
That doesn't even make you a warlord!
That makes you a piece of crap!
And so I'll never be with those people, not in a trillion years, because they're losers!
And I'm going to kick their ass!
Up one side of the street and down the other!
If they destroy me, I win!
If I beat them, I win!
I don't lose because I'm focused on justice and truth and Americana and I think it's sexy and I'm in love with it and I'm having sex with Americana.
I'm in love with it.
It's like a big sexy woman with all the curves and all the power and the thunder shooting
out from between them thighs, baby.
And I want to take this country and I want its ideas to take the world over for freedom.
And I want the planet to explode with human activity.
And I want to spread throughout the cosmos.
And I want our crotchy to look back on us and say we're winners in one constant connection.
And thank God our ancestors got us through that crap and got us off the ground so we could have communion with God in the stars and beyond.
And that's God's plan.
It's already going to happen.
Let me tell you, the devil's going to have his hour of power.
It's going to be hellish.
Billions are going to get killed in the end.
But let me tell you something, sweetheart.
You don't think God created this planet so people like Nancy Pelosi and Lord Rothschild and the Queen of England would be running the show, do you?
They were only there to test us.
I'm going to leave it at this.
In fact, without even getting into the big specials, the big sales, all the rest of it, if you want to see war against tyranny, if you want to see commitment, if you want to see 10 new reporters hired, and you want to see us even more effective, hell, you've seen what we've done with all the other great reporters, and the Millie Weavers, and the Caitlin Bennetts, and the Owen Troyers, and everything we're doing.
Then energize me.
Because I want to throw my fist.
You ever have those dreams where you want to throw your fist at somebody, but you can't hit them hard?
And it just doesn't do anything?
Here's my fist ready to ram down the throat of the globalists and tear their heart out.
Only you can take this fist from not being able to move, to focusing, and getting ready, and then energizing, and I'll reach right down their throat, and grab their heart, and I'll tear it out, even as they shove a sword into me.
But I want the victory when they shove that sword in me, you understand that?
I want victory over them!
We will crush their spirit with Jesus Christ's power!
We are unstoppable, but you must loose it now!
Loose it!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Surfing nuclear war, surfing the apocalypse, hopefully not.
You know, I go with my gut.
And I know the Democrats are allied with Hezbollah, and with the Arab Spring, and with MS-13.
I've seen it with my own eyes.
I've witnessed it, and then I was told by high-level good people who don't want to be in Syria, who don't want to be in Afghanistan.
But they say Iran is a real issue.
And Saudi Arabia is going to attack them if they continue to get delivery systems for the nuclear weapons they already have.
I've been told by family that was involved in some of the operations 10 years ago that Iran has nuclear weapons.
But I'm not going to get into all that.
I was told Saudi Arabia had them, and it later came out it was true, from my family, who wouldn't get into details, but they They have satellites, they have aircraft folks, they can see this, they see it, they know what it looks like, even if it's a half mile under the ground, when they try to transport it and move it's when they're able to catch it.
I know though the history of false flags, and I'm going to co-host this hour with Matt Bracken, and I'll go into some of those a little bit later.
I had to put out the video in the first hour saying though, Iran admits to attacking ships In previous statements, because when you say two months ago, you put tariffs on us, or you put sanctions on our main government group, the Revolutionary Guard, that's the government.
That's the Ruling Praetorian Guard.
We're going to attack you.
So there's an exclusive, Iran admits to bombing ships, vows more terror attacks.
Now, is it clickbait?
Not exactly.
Because I get into the video and I say, we don't know 100%.
But when they say in a bunch of statements at press TV that we're going to torpedo and sink ships, the Strait of Hormuz, if the United States does this, they deserve to be the prime suspects.
And in my book, basically said they did it.
Or they could be attacked for making that statement because they could now be blamed.
If I said, hypothetically, I'm coming over to Bob's house if he does X to shoot him in the head, and then Bob gets shot in the head the next week after he does X, I'm the prime suspect.
And you could have the headline, Alex Jones said he killed Bob.
That's it.
Ron Paul has a great point on this.
We'll play the clip next segment.
I'm gonna go to Matt here in a moment.
The neocons could be setting Trump up.
I said just a month ago, the four ways Trump can lose re-election is they trick him into a war, and then they do a Bay of Pigs to make him look like a failure.
That's one.
Commit to a war they're going to sabotage you on.
And the Democrats have got that written all over them, so do the neocons.
Collapse the economies of the Federal Reserve.
Steal the election and have collapsed borders.
Those are the things Trump has to deal with.
So I don't want a war with Iran.
A bunch of ships have been sabotaged.
That didn't do anything.
Now they're getting torpedoed.
Now they're getting bombed.
Now they're sinking.
And you've got Pompeo.
It is the assessment of the United States government that the Islamic Republic of Iran is responsible for the attacks that occurred in the Gulf of Oman today.
This assessment is based on intelligence, the weapons used, the level of expertise needed to execute the operation, recent similar Iranian attacks on shipping, and the fact that no proxy group operating in the area has the resources and proficiency to act with such a high degree of sophistication.
This is only the latest in a series of attacks instigated by the Islamic Republic of Iran and its surrogates against American and allied interests.
And they should be understood in the context of 40 years of unprovoked aggression against freedom-loving nations.
On April 22nd, Iran promised the world that it would interrupt the flow of oil through the Strait of Hormuz.
It is now working to execute on that promise.
In early May, the Revolutionary Guard Corps attempted the covert deployment of modified DAOs capable of launching missiles.
On May 12th, Iran attacked four commercial ships near the Strait of Hormuz.
On May 14th, Iran-backed surrogates attacked by armed drones struck two strategically important oil pipelines in Saudi Arabia.
On May 19th, a rocket landed near the U.S.
Embassy in Baghdad.
On May 31st, a car bomb in Afghanistan wounded four U.S.
service members, killed four Afghan civilians, and wounded bystanders.
Yesterday, Iranian surrogates fired a missile into Saudi Arabia, striking the arrival terminal of an international airport, injuring 26 people.
Taken as a whole, these unprovoked attacks present a clear threat to international peace and security, a blatant assault on the freedom of navigation, and an unacceptable campaign of escalating tension by Iran.
Prime Minister Abe made a trip, a historic trip to Iran to ask the regime to de-escalate and enter into talks.
Iran's Supreme Leader rejected Prime Minister Abe's diploma.
Alright, let's stop there.
We're going to get to more of it.
I've got the articles, the transcript.
He's saying everything I said an hour after I said it.
He said it last hour.
Because they specifically said we're going to blow ships up and do this.
So all I'm saying is when you say you're going to do something, you get the plane.
I'm the guy that popularized the term false flag, okay?
So I get it could be staged.
Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, deployed over there.
The Iranians admit they blew up the Marine Corps base in Lebanon.
They admit they've got sleeper cells.
I just don't think this is your regular false flag.
Maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe Ron Paul's right.
But regardless, Trump's taken the position through Pompeo that this has been on purpose.
There's been a lot of attacks.
I don't see false flags being this many attacks.
Is a third party doing it?
What does Matt Bracken think?
No, this is straight up Iran and I'd be the first, like you, I'd be the first one to say it was a false flag attack.
This is straight up Iran and Pompeo had a lot of the reasons.
This is a technological and training issue.
You just don't get frogmen across the Persian Gulf undetected.
It's calm water.
There's a half moon.
Everybody's watching.
Yeah, exactly.
We're not putting our troops in to put mines on ships.
Yeah, this is not a Dow.
And this is not something like in Yemen, where a Boston whaler zooms up to an unprepared ship.
This is a stealthy frogman attack.
That means it's state-level actors.
The only countries that could do this, and I say countries, this is not like a ragtag band of mercenaries, you know, the Expendables.
Let me stop you.
You're a former frogman, so you're the perfect person to talk about this, but they admit frogman teams, just like the Revolutionary War, putting mines on ships exactly right in the middle of all this.
How would the U.S.
or Israel do all these attacks and not get caught?
Yeah, well, we could.
We have the technology to do it.
But our submarines, well, not only from submarines.
Submarines can't operate very easily in the Persian Gulf.
It's so shallow.
But there are other means of inserting a swimmer delivery vehicle.
These are little wet submersibles, meaning that... That's what I meant, the little submarines.
Yeah, they're inside of a composite fairing, so it's not like a metal hulk.
And they are breathing scuba inside of the Swimmer delivery vehicle, but they can get right up underneath of a ship and put mines on it.
In this case, it looks like they also put mines above the waterline because their goal is to is to have a breach that can they can ignite.
You know, that's harder to put out underwater.
It would just be flowing as a pollution into the Gulf.
So so yeah, this is a state level of actor and Occam's razor says I ran because they can insert from a mini sub straight across from Iran.
They don't need to bring a ballistic missile submarine into the Persian Gulf.
And notice the head of operations in the Navy last week said prepare for imminent attack because obviously they probably saw him loading subs in the water.
Let's come back and talk about all that and what this means straight ahead.
Folks, I'm telling you, either way you slice it, we're probably going to war with Iran.
There's a very good chance.
Let's talk about when we come back.
He said we've got to create our own little pirate ships like Infowars.
Our own ecosystems, our own websites, our own platforms.
Because the system is abusing its power, its surveillance, its censorship.
And just like they've destroyed so many patriots in the past, well now, in the 21st century, we can rebuild them.
But we're not little bitches here whining about all this.
We're effective.
Gavin has launched major national advertising movements.
Launched Vice magazine and TV.
That's why they fear him.
Paul Watson has done incredible things.
That's why they fear him.
I've done amazing things.
Our audience has done amazing things.
Matt Drudge has done unbelievable things.
We're the good guys, dammit.
We've proven it.
And we've delivered Trump, and he's delivered a lot so far.
He's in battle.
We've got to do more, but audience.
I'm gonna go back to you again.
Dammit, you know how amazing you are and what you've done.
And so we're in this fight still together, but I'm telling you, it's an incredible time, Gavin.
Isn't it bizarre?
I mean, we've talked about this before, but your company's called InfoWars, and I saw Stephen Colbert joking around going, haha, looks like Alex Jones lost his war on info.
And you go, yeah.
That's exactly what happened.
That's not a joke.
And I think this sort of boomer left... All of these people, by the way, that we're having trouble with are rich white people.
And it's under the auspices of fighting for equality.
But don't these dummies realize they're making us cool?
That's why I wore this motorcycle jacket.
They are, Gen Y, Gen Z, these younger people, they're going, oh, they're verboten.
You mean like rock and roll in the 50s where they would burn records because it was Satan's music?
They're making us fun and exciting and they are showing themselves to be weak.
And incapable of debate and incapable of handling differing opinions.
They're making themselves look really bad and they're making us look really cool and good, especially to young people.
And they're basing their views on us, on what our critics have to say about us.
So it's like if you want to get an opinion on the Yankees, you talk to a Mets fan.
Well, Mets fans hate the Yankees.
And they go, you see, the Yankees are hate figures.
The Yankees are a hate team.
And you go, have you ever seen them play?
Like, have you ever watched a game?
No, they've never heard us in context.
And there's a plethora of content out there where you and I are saying things in context, but they're not interested in that.
They're profoundly incurious.
So they just take the comedian's soundbite, Where he said, I hate this guy because of this little blip.
And we've seen guys like Jim Jeffries take Abiy Amini out of context and make him into some sort of hate figure.
And they go, good, I'm running with it.
I don't think they even believe it.
I think they just go, I need fodder to prove that the Yankees suck.
So I'm just going to take this Mets fan's word.
I don't really care about baseball.
They don't care about the truth.
They just want to run with this juvenile narrative.
The idea that they're calling all these people racist, putting Proud Boys in jail who have black wives, this has nothing to do with Nazis, nothing to do with truth.
This is all about crushing the enemy and crushing Trump.
And if you support Trump, and you're even mildly influential, they have to lie about you and try to destroy you.
And the only solution Is to fight back.
Because if you don't fight back, they'll keep treading on you.
And this whole idea of a hate group, it's... What is a hate group?
What is a hate figure?
There's no logic to it at all.
It's just silly, pedantic rhetoric.
We all know the truth.
The truth is that Antifa is the DNC's paramilitary wing.
It's all the same, and I think the crime that Proud Boys committed was saying, alright, we've had enough of this.
We've had enough of you harassing Milo and Ben Shapiro and moderates like Alan Dershowitz.
We're going to protect them, these speakers, from you psychopaths.
And that was a sin.
It's deplorable.
They're throwing feces, batteries, and urine at us, and we're the bad guys.
That's the clown world we're living in.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, best-selling author, researcher, deployed in the Middle East, expert on a lot of this, is riding shotgun.
I want to clarify what I was saying earlier.
I'm not an expert in submarine warfare, but I've said a lot of it.
When I said the U.S.
couldn't carry out something like this, obviously we have some of the best equipment in the world, compared to anybody.
I'm saying I don't believe Trump would do this, and I don't believe you'd have all these attacks.
Missiles coming in out of areas controlled by Iran and exploding over Riyadh.
It's got to be like 10 tankers that have been bombed or attacked now in the last few months.
And Iran's saying, if you put sanctions on us, we'll do this.
And then it's happening.
I don't want a war.
I'm not... You're saying I think Iran could be behind this to get some brownie points with the neocons.
They're the ones trying to take me off air.
They're horrible.
I'm just saying Iran has their Hezbollah sleeper cells all over the world.
The Democrats made a deal with them.
They're working with them.
The British government, the U.S.
government protects their narcotics trafficking and sex trafficking operations in Europe and the U.S.
That's mainstream news.
And so there's a strategic deal with the globalists in Iran, just like there was to use them against the Serbs and take over a third of their country under Bill Clinton.
It's very sick.
We've got factions in our CIA that have been working with them since 1979.
And a double-cross of the Shah.
So, when you read Iran responsible for blatant assault on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman, Mike Pompeo says, and I played that earlier, they said, we'll sink ships and block the Strait of Hormuz.
And so, this is escalating.
Now, could it be Israel doing it?
Israel staged false flags before.
Could it be the Saudi Arabians doing it?
Maybe so.
I just don't know why.
Matt Brackett is shaking his head.
We'll go to him in a moment.
I just don't know why the Iranians would shoot their mouths off like this.
The reason I think it's leaning towards them, everything Pompeo said, I said an hour before, because I'm doing my research.
We're not just making stuff up here.
They said they'd do it if we put the sanctions on the Revolutionary Guard.
They said these exact type of attacks.
They're running a proxy war in other areas of the Middle East, like Yemen.
That's heating up.
They won a war with Israel six, seven, eight years ago.
They think they can win another one in Lebanon.
They're scrapping for a non-traditional war.
And so if they can trick Trump into attacking them, and then deny that they did it, they think they'll have the moral high ground.
Or maybe Trump backs off and takes the sanctions off.
Either way, they win.
I think it's a very dangerous...
If they are the ones behind it.
And Matt, I agree with you.
My gut level, and I've got some of the folks in here that were in special operations and everything else and know their stuff, they think I'm wrong.
And they think it's a neocon trap against Trump.
All I know is we're... Do you agree though that this could turn into a full-scale war very quickly?
Yes, absolutely.
I go straight back to 30 years ago, 31 years ago.
There was something called the Tanker War from 84, really ramped up in 87.
And in 88, one of our ships hit a mine, almost sank one of our naval warships.
And we sent enough naval and air assets in there.
We destroyed half of their Navy and crippled their ports.
I mean, we really B-slapped them hard.
Wasn't Operation Praying Manus part of that?
That was Operation Praying Mantis, which ended the tanker wars and it also forced Iran to finally conclude its war with Iraq.
It was very definitive.
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps has been Feeling that sting on their face for 30 years.
And now what they're trying to do is goad us into another Operation Praying Mantis, but they think that this time they've got forces around the world to escalate to a fourth generation war.
You know, it's something that I don't know.
I don't understand how this didn't become huge news, but a few days ago or last week in London or in England, they found tons of prepared explosives linked to Hezbollah.
So they're preparing for attacks abroad.
And I also go back a couple years to the operation... Yeah, let's be clear.
Let's be clear.
The government covered up a bomb factory full of plastic explosives.
That's confirmed.
Plastic explosives, which is like basically the initiator, and ANFO, ammonium nitrate fuel oil, which is the main charge.
They're cooking up truck bombs.
Truck bombs.
And I go back to the Metcalf operation.
The only way that I interpret the Metcalf operation, or that electrical power station in California attack, It's what's called a proof-of-concept operation, where some colonel of, let's just say hypothetically, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Quds Force, says, look, I can cripple America's grid.
You give me a half million dollars, and I'll prove to you that if you'd give me 20 million dollars, I can shut off the power in America.
And so they do a kinetic rifle attack against the substation.
Very sophisticated.
Using .50 caliber rifles?
And also, any type, it doesn't even matter, but it was timed with getting into some fiber optical tunnels and doing other pretty sophisticated time on target stuff.
And I think that the purpose of that, it wasn't like militia practicing.
That was somebody demonstrating to the general back home, probably in Tehran, If you give me 20 times what I just did as a proof-of-concept operation, I can shut down the American power grid.
So what they're going to try to do is, with low-level attacks like these that we've seen that Pompeo outlined, they're going to goad us into an Operation Primantis.
And when we, you know, attack their navy in a major way, Then the truck bombs are going to go off in London and New York and power grid goes down, etc.
No, I agree.
So the threat needs to be nuclear weapons.
They've been planning this for 30 years.
They've been planning this for 30.
The threat needs to be strategic nuclear weapons on the leadership of Iran.
They'll back off if they know we're going to nuke them.
But I agree, we shouldn't just sit there and blow up their ships and then have them unleash their sleeper cells.
The only action is attacks with strategic nuclear weapons.
And then the Iranians and the Chinese might get involved in that.
We're off to World War III.
Yeah, the advantage that we have this time is that we have actually achieved energy independence.
So compared to, for example, Asia and Europe, if the Straits of Hormuz are blocked, they're screwed.
We're not.
We'll walk through that next segment.
We'll have you on The War Room, too, because you're the expert on this.
If you can do it, Matt, if you can, I understand.
Yeah, I'd love to.
But we'll continue.
I'll go on there with you with Owen.
But let's just pull back here.
I'm not a hawk, but I do study military stuff, and I just know strategically, you're right, when people have sleeper cells, competent Hezbollah that make Al-Qaeda look like choir boys, incompetent, you know, drooling idiots, when they've got them, they admit they have them, and they've got all these really plans to bring down civilization, then if we do go to war with them, you can't just sit there and destroy the group that's attacking the ships.
You have to go full in war, not announce, and start using, you know, atomic weapons on them.
But as I said, I think that's the only way the Moodles will back down is if they know they're going to be decapitated in five minutes.
And I don't want to go there either.
So in your thoughts, is there a way to make them back down without letting them know we're going to use nuclear weapons?
I think it's a game of chicken and it's an order of magnitude escalation each time.
I think that our experts are aware that they could have these sleeper cells going after our power grid, detonating truck bombs, etc.
in our city centers.
But, you know, there are alternatives short of nukes.
We demonstrated this at the beginning of Baghdad, of Operation, quote-unquote, Operation Iraqi Freedom.
We have these carbon shaft bombs that will shut down a power plant without destroying it.
So it can be cleaned up and put back in operation.
But that's not going to stop the leadership from triggering the sleeper cells.
Only if they know all their military bases are going to get vaporized and their mountain fortresses destroyed by tactical nuclear weapons will they step down.
If we have a conventional war and let them activate their sleeper cells, then they could win.
I don't know about if the nukes are necessary.
Remember, we also have these deep-boring bombs.
That doesn't take it all out, though.
You might take out a mile-deep base, as you know.
You might take out one part of it.
But you don't take the whole base out.
They'll have five or six entrances.
We'll never know where they're at.
I'm just saying, from a point of view of war, if you're going to go like you do with the Japanese or anybody else, you drop high-powered weapons on them to make sure you win.
And that's all I'm saying, is if they know we're going to nuke them, they're going to back down.
I don't think they'll believe in it for a second that we're going to nuke them.
I think that their people are saying, don't worry about the nukes, it's never going to happen.
We can ride out whatever America does.
That's why I'm trying to put nukes on the table.
But you can't put nukes on the table because the Iranians have deals with the Chinese.
We'll be right back folks, stay with us.
You were getting into the fact that the last straw really was Facebook banning certain names in certain terms.
That really pushed Trump over the edge and now Human Events is riding on it.
It's now being confirmed by Bloomberg.
You want to talk about this?
This is pretty big to show Trump's thinking, just to show how real he is.
In other words, had they simply not made the choice to ban your name from their platform, And had not made the choice to try to go after and censor people saying anything positive about Alex Jones or Info.
It would not have led to the antitrust investigation.
And just the announcement of the investigation and the possibility it was going to go into Facebook as well cost them $137 billion.
That's how much money was lost by big tech by choosing to go after you.
That's how much the president cost them just by announcing the possibility of an investigation.
$137 billion collectively lost across big tech in less than a day, solely because they decided to come after you, not recognizing that the president was going to stand by his audience, was going to stand by his people, and was going to stand by the original principles of free speech and free press that govern and guide this country.
I mean, all they had to do is hear the president meets with Jack at Twitter.
There's all these problems that had already been documented by that point, saying, look, just pull back.
Don't meddle in the election.
Don't continue to suppress and censor speech.
And they would have been able to save their stockholders over $100 billion.
But they refused.
They decided they're going to go after- Oh, they're now spinning it because we cut off the fake news, we lost money.
No, it's because your censoring and antitrust investigations have been opened up on you.
There would be no antitrust investigation if they weren't engaged in any antitrust illicit activity.
When they decided to go from just being a technological monopoly on a platform and instead be a technological monopoly on speech, on press, and on elections, they made a decision that was a fateful decision that has now cost them billions of dollars, will cost them billions of dollars more in the future, and now they're under major antitrust investigation, and it's not gonna stop at Google.
It's gonna keep going.
All of these big social media tech giants might be taken apart, might be wiped off the map.
It might be basically forced to dissolve and forced to separate out its assets in the same way that Rockefeller was with Standard Oil back at the turn of the century.
So I think what's happening is there's now the U.S.
Federal Trade Commission has now announced that Facebook has agreed to subject itself to an antitrust investigation.
The Google antitrust investigation was leaked on Friday.
There's talk that it will go further than Facebook and Google and they're looking at Twitter, they're looking at Netflix, they're looking at other operators.
So these operators that decided to be so overtly political over the last two years, that they were going to use their tech monopoly, their platform monopoly, to suppress, censor speech, to shame individuals, to leak private information against them, to use and leverage their power to help the Democrats take the House, to help the Democrat win the Senate in 2017, threatening to do so the same in 2020.
When they reach the point where not only they ban people from using your name and InfoWars name, And at the same time, banned Paul Joseph Watson from all Facebook and Instagram overnight.
They agreed he hadn't violated any rule ever.
It was such a shock that it's what put the president in motion.
He realized, okay, this is too severe, so severe, action needs to be taken.
Let's unleash the kraken of antitrust enforcement against these rogue operators.
who think now they get to control and govern the country and get to impose a Chinese social
credit model system on the United States democracy and speech systems.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, the war room's coming up in 13 minutes at InfoWars.com/show.
And on some radio and TV stations that pick it up, we're very thankful to those stations.
Owen Schroeder does a great job hosting it.
Matt Bracken's going to write Shotgun for part of the show with him.
About 15 minutes in, he'll be joining.
I'm going to pop in too.
And we should have done this today, and I apologize.
I'll do it tomorrow.
We're going to open the phones up to get your take, uncensored, unfiltered.
And I want to be clear.
People ask, well, wait, you're saying it could be neocon staging it, or some third-party country.
like Saudi Arabia or you're saying, you know, Iran may have done it because they said they
would a month ago.
That's what Pompeo brought up.
I mean, I looked at Press TV.
That's their site.
They actually said that.
I don't just believe CNN.
We're just looking at all the angles.
We don't know.
Iran saying, oh, you did this to embarrass the Japanese premier while he's here and all
Ron Paul saying the neocons could be roping Trump into a war that he's supposed to be embarrassed in.
CIA's done that before to JFK.
So there's a lot of pieces here.
So when I talk about potential military actions, we're wargaming these.
I don't want to nuke Iran.
I don't want to have a war.
I'm just saying studying hotspots that could trigger World War 4, say Cold War 3, Pakistan and India is right up there at the top.
Iran, Saudi Arabia, their rivalry, that's right there at the top.
Miscommunication with Russia, that's kind of down the line.
China, South China Sea, that's up there at the top.
I'll get Matt's take on what he thinks is right off the top as a researcher, former Navy SEAL, defense researcher, smart guy.
But let's hear from Ron Paul and his idea that this could be the neocons trying to set the president up.
Here it is.
The one thing interesting is that Abe's there and one of the ships was owned by Japan.
That just seems to be over the top.
That's more evidence why Iran...
I mean, why would they have him there and do some talking?
Because I think their interest is trying to get rid of sanctions, and obviously Japan would like to get rid of the sanctions.
Because they used to import a lot, now they're not a lot.
They need that oil, yeah.
I would wonder if this is not a neocon coup or move against Trump.
Just think about a couple of things.
So Abe's in Iran with Trump's blessing.
Abe called Trump before he went.
They talked about things, we don't know exactly what they said, but obviously he had Trump's blessing to go there and serve as some kind of intermediary.
When he was there he said, hey Iran, don't start, don't break the agreement, don't start doing nukes, you know, just keep it cool.
Trump himself said, let's start negotiating, let's start negotiating.
So Trump is moving away from war, at least according to his rhetoric.
And actually, this was a little reported on, but Iran freed a U.S.
resident that it was holding on espionage charges.
That may have been a goodwill gesture.
So, things are kind of breaking loose a little bit.
Maybe negotiations, and all of a sudden, here you go.
You know, Matt Bracken, that was this morning.
And I'd say that makes a lot of sense, that the neocons don't want Trump to have a peace deal.
The word is they try to sabotage the North Korean deal.
But then Pompeo says, hey, Iran just said they'd sink ships in the Strait of Hormuz if we put these sanctions on them, and we did.
And we forget we put sanctions on them, because Iran has been engaged in all sorts of terrorist activities all over the planet.
Now, they've cut back since Trump got in.
I think out of fear.
Matt Braggin, what do you think?
Who do you think's right, Pompeo or Ron Paul?
Well, it doesn't have to be either or.
You know, this wouldn't be the first time that that deep state opponents to a regime have, you know, stoked the fires to go to war with another another country in order to damage the, you know, damage their own leadership.
I mean, it's not as if it's never happened before.
And, you know, when you talk about false flags and weaponizing the intelligence services, This is one of the worst effects of this, is a complete lack of faith and confidence.
After the Iraq WMD debacle, you know, Brennan was involved in that also.
Yeah, if our country's really under attack, we've been lied to so much, we don't even know it's true anymore.
It's the old, the boy who cried wolf, you know, you keep telling lies.
And in terms of frogman attacks, I'd like to quickly mention two parallels or two precedents.
In the Gulf of Tonkin incident that got us into Vietnam officially, what was really going on was our Navy was escorting patrol boats up to the north to put over demolition, you know, like frogman attacks, seal type attacks, Vietnamese, South Vietnamese ARVNs.
But the covering force of the destroyers, the North Vietnamese were getting wise to it.
They were aware of these frogman attacks coming over the beach, and they went out to engage our destroyers.
We were like, oh, mercy!
Get me my smelling salts!
We've been attacked!
We've been dropping off frogmen and saboteurs all along.
Uh, trying to goad them into doing something that then we could use as a Cassus Belli.
I think that's how you pronounce it.
But, um, another one, and this is much less known.
In 1983, the Nicaraguan port of Corinto in the Pacific, you know, we were involved with the Contras then.
We actually had American frogmen, SEALs, do a demolition raid.
They were supposed to train Nicaraguans, and here's the parallel.
They were supposed to train Nicaraguans to go in on a cigarette boat and then go ashore with demolition packs and blow up oil tanks, you know, fuel farms.
But they couldn't train the Nicaraguans.
You know, you just can't say, that's why I laughed when you said maybe the Saudis did this attack.
You just can't take a bunch of knuckleheads and turn them into frogmen in a short period of time.
So in the Corinto raid, it actually wound up being Americans.
And it's funny, they hadn't accounted correctly for the very high tide range.
Their cigarette went aground.
So when the bombs are going off at dawn, they're still on a mudflat.
Uh, you know, getting rid of all any evidence that they were Americans.
Of course, if they're captured, it's going to look pretty bad.
There are two American frogmen sheeped up to Washington sitting there in a cigarette boat.
They did get off the mudflat and got away.
So it's just like a funny story now.
But this is the kind of thing that that if in the Gulf situation today, There's no way that you just get some knuckleheads and do this.
These would be, you know, very well-trained, career professional, could-force equivalent to SEALs doing this kind of operation.
No question about it.
And isn't Iran one of the only Islamic countries that actually has the skill to have these type of forces?
And they're not, because they're not Arabs, first of all.
You know, they're ethnically not Arabs.
The Saudis have a hard time manning fighter planes that can fly at night.
You know, they're not the healthiest population.
If you were looking for an Olympic swimmer, it's not going to be Saudis.
Well, let's talk about this, because I talk to family military, and they say, fighting Iran is totally different than when you fight the Muslims or the Arab Muslims, which we're not saying are cowards, but there's just something kind of, I don't want to even say stupid, but it's a little bit different ball of wax than fighting, say, Russians or Iranians or Japanese or anybody else.
So what's the deal with Arabs?
Maybe it's a thousand years of inbreeding, though, some would say.
But, you know, the Persians seem to be a more healthier stock.
But also, you know, more results-oriented, if you... and less nepotism.
In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you know, you have to know somebody to become an F-15 pilot.
You might be like a Don Knott.
Sure, you've got 10,000 princes and they're all fighter pilots and they do one Sardi and they all get a $10 million bonus.
And they can't fly at night because they fly into the ground every time.
And I think they have a little bit more of a military tradition in Iran.
Now I think what's going on is they're trying to goad us into escalating with a big military response and then they're going to attack us fourth generation With going against Power Grid, who knows?
You're going to walk through it all.
We're out of time.
On The War Room, coming up in about three minutes.
Ford slash show.
Newswars.com has links to it.
Local radio stations.
Folks, we're going to break it down from A to Z in all the clips.
And your phone calls.
Matt's going to talk about 30 minutes with Owen.
They're going to take several hours of phone calls on this.
I intend on popping in as I develop more news and information on this front.
Some other areas I didn't get into.
Denver City Council has elected a woman who says that she wants a violent communist overthrow of the U.S.
We've got all of that.
Any means necessary.
So that shows where all this is going.
That is next hour.
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