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Name: 20190606_Thu_Alex
Air Date: June 6, 2019
3262 lines.

Alex Jones discusses a range of topics including protecting Second Amendment rights, defending against attempts to suppress halogens, and warning about China and the EU working with globalists to dominate the United States. He also covers issues such as the crisis on the US border, a coup plot by deep state criminals, and encourages people to contact Congress and C-SPAN to prevent a coup against President Trump. Jones promotes various products available at InfowarsStore.com and InfoWarsLife.com throughout the show while discussing topics such as government transparency, peaceful resistance, self-sufficiency, natural law, biblical morality, free speech, and alternative sources of information during culture war.

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Waging War on Corruption It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of
the InfoWar.
If you think gun control or something like that is going to change a terrorist's point of view, I think you're, like,
out of your mind.
You may think you've got me worried about what you're gonna do.
Dude, you're about to find out what I'm gonna do.
And that's gonna worry you a lot more.
Lawdawg, you don't step aside, we'll tear you apart.
You die first, get it?
Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?
He's blubbing, let's rush him.
You're not as stupid as you look, Ike.
Yeah, I don't understand the concepts of conversation of the gun culture.
We've lived with guns since, what, the 7th century or something?
I don't know.
We all know that right now, guns is a colon, it's a metaphor that disenfranchised white guys need.
It makes them feel good because they're being shot.
You can say what you want, I don't agree with that.
There's a big difference between fantasy land...
In reality, Fantasyland is what we do.
Doing a movie, doing a television show, that's Fantasyland.
And that's where that stuff belongs.
In reality, when we're dealing with things like terrorism and whatnot, we're all going to have different opinions on how to do it, how to deal with it.
Mine happens to be that I think there's a very strong reason Founding Fathers had for the Second Amendment, and that is that no government ever hasn't had to fight its own people, and its own people hasn't had to fight its own government.
So what are you going to do?
Outlaw everything?
That isn't the answer.
Just put some... Put some controls?
So the people... So the people who want to defend themselves can't?
No, not so you can't.
Just so the idiots can't get home.
Do you really believe they're not going to?
Are you serious about that?
Are you seriously?
What's good about that?
Oh my God.
We had our Civil War.
If that Second Amendment hadn't been there, those people would not have had the opportunity to do what they considered was defending their life and their way of living.
So I agree with that.
I think that's an important part of our existence.
It's basically that simple.
The most banned network in the world.
It's Thursday, June 6, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And I was doing research last night and looking at all the different pieces of intel and the public statements of the globalists, and it became absolutely, completely, totally crystal clear.
And that is that there is a second track of attempted coup against President Trump.
And that we can look at the different pieces of it and get a good idea of when they're going to try to spring it.
Now remember, I told you back in November of last year that the Mueller report would be released in March of the next year.
I got that information from the Pentagon that was under orders under a secondary track for civil unrest if the Mueller report basically found that Trump was a Russian agent.
They were preparing for civil war.
Now I'm on record.
And this isn't about bragging, folks.
This is about... I'm not playing games, okay?
This isn't BS.
But people better listen and listen real careful and listen real good.
And the White House better listen carefully and listen real good.
We have William Binney, former technical head of the National Security Agency, joining us today.
He basically concurs with my analysis.
When we come back, I'm going to get into the new coup plot.
Remember, you first heard about the takedown attempted coup here two and a half years ago, and it came out exactly as we told you.
I'm going to tell you the next phase of the coup and all the preparations for it when we return.
By the way, that powerful pro-Second Amendment Kurt Russell video?
It's on newswars.com right now.
So what's stopping you from sharing it?
It's time.
It's time to start your summer with real power.
The power that God gave us through Mother Nature.
We're dropping prices by 50% on all of our best-selling force supplements to help you reach your peak strength.
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Total Super Force special sale includes 50% off DNA Force Plus, Brain Force Plus, Turbo Force, Ultimate Female Force, and 33% off the new best-selling Space Force America is Back designer t-shirt.
All of this is available at InfoWarsTore.com.
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's Thursday, June 6, 2019.
It's Thursday, June 6th, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Now I have a tendency to walk through all the evidence and the background and the history
of a big announcement instead of just getting right to the big announcement and then documenting
the thesis.
(upbeat music)
But let me just say this very slowly and very focused and very much on record.
We cover a lot of really huge news here.
We cover a lot of it in fast pace.
We have a lot of guests on.
And everything we talk about is very important, obviously.
And your calls are incredibly important.
And our guests are amazing and important.
But I tend to cover so much important news that the really ultra-important stuff gets lost because I don't Basically mentally highlight it and put an indelible marker around it or underline it.
And the power of this broadcast is you, the listeners, the viewers, the activists.
And so when I'm saying I need to highlight something, I'm saying I think you need to.
So when I'm speaking about myself and my thought processes, I'm, as an extension, thinking of you as part of me and I'm part of you.
By the way, I'm not the brains of this operation.
We're more like the gun, the tube that the projectiles fire down at the enemy.
The things we talk about, the things we cover is known information about the planet, about history, and about the globalists, and how to stop them.
So, let me just do it this way.
I'm going to wait until the start of the next segment to even cover this.
And I don't even do that to build suspense.
I do that to just get out of the patterns that I'm in, that are effective but are still patterns, and really highlight this by... I should almost just quit the show today and really walk away and shut this place down just to mark how important this is.
But I'm not going to do that, obviously.
We're going to stay in the fight.
It's just that...
If I needed to jump off a cliff, metaphorically, I wouldn't actually do that, to make a point about this or set myself on fire in front of the White House, I'd do it.
That just wouldn't be effective and it would get spun on the news.
And I'm not saying I'm thinking about that or I would ever do that.
I'm the opposite of suicidal.
I'm saying these are the kind of things that are at a level at which that type of behavior by just the general public would actually be normal course of action.
Is the news that they're keeping babies alive after they're born and then harvesting their organs later?
So they can shop the organs around and get higher prices?
Oh no, it's not that news.
Is it that China is saying they're in a state of war with the U.S.
and saying that Trump needs to be overthrown?
Oh no, that's just a footnote.
Is it that children as young as three are being psychologically abused and told that they're another sex to screw them up for life?
No, no, that's not what we're getting into.
Is it all this incredible information we've got?
Trump about to declare a real national emergency.
Not just a law enforcement emergency, but a true emergency with the Insurrection Act, because our border has collapsed completely, like no border in history, outside of wartime.
It's all been designed.
No, that's not the big, giant, earth-shattering news.
But all of it ties together.
So when we come back from break, I'm just gonna go right into it.
I'm gonna just state the facts.
And I'm gonna state when I think the enemy's gonna move from the information we have.
Because something this big, you see them preparing for it.
And you see them getting people ready for it.
And you also then get the intel about what people are being told in government to keep them in line and to keep them from following Trump's constitutional, legal, and lawful elected orders that come from the Constitution and we the people.
Now, I'll give you a hint what it is right now.
Stories on NewsWars.com.
Rand Paul, Deep State, defied Trump's order to revoke Brennan's security clearance.
There are thousands of angles to that statement.
I mean, if you understand that, you understand everything.
A totally rogue government, fourth branch of government, unelected that does whatever the hell it wants, commits massive crimes, and then tells the president to go fly a kite.
And they brag in the news how they take things off of Trump's desk, even orders he signed, and shred it.
Just taking those papers is felonies.
Now imagine if they're bragging about that on TV, what else they're up to.
But we've figured out, by watching them and studying their activities and their previous preparations, what their new move's gonna be.
And just as the sun came up this morning, they're in the process, arrogant, but also filled with bravado.
That they've gotten away with mutiny.
Guys, will you print me the definition of mutiny?
Thank you.
So we're seeing a deep state mutiny by foreign offshore controlled individuals, on record, whose operating system is hating the country.
Well, of course!
They're the people overrunning the country, shutting it down.
Of course they hate it.
And they are planning another coup.
One of their coups has already failed against the President.
Mutiny, an open rebellion against the proper authorities, especially by soldiers or sailors against their officers.
Well, if that isn't the definition of mutiny, a bunch of unelected bureaucrats and high-level military commanders who are countermanding the orders of the duly elected commander-in-chief.
The definition of a term I'm going to coin, high mutiny.
High mutiny.
This isn't the President ordering them to line children up and shoot them.
This isn't the President giving unlawful orders.
The Supreme Court's ruled over and over again, his orders have all been extremely lawful.
Extremely letter of the law.
They're calling it unprecedented and bad that the President wants to try to control the border with tens of thousands of people pouring across the week with kidnapped children.
One-third of the children have been kidnapped.
That's mainstream news.
Diseases pouring out of it.
He's the bad man.
And they've been countermanding his orders on what to do there.
So understand, ladies and gentlemen, They're not doing this just because they're playing a game of tiddlywinks.
They're doing this because they've got a larger operation.
And we've got the evidence and we know what they're going to pull and how they're going to pull it.
So, high mutiny is going on by super hateful, arrogant criminals.
In fact, if we could put on screen for TV viewers, just look at Brennan, the videos of him walking around with that hateful scowl.
He's an individual that Wasn't even born in this country, last time I checked, and says he hates America and was a member of the Communist Party.
The guy is a piece of filth.
It's admitted he was a member of the Communist Party and voted that way.
Oh, guess who else did?
James Comey now admits, when the documents were brought out a week ago, that he too was a member of the Communist Party.
Yes, a seven foot tall Ventriloquist head-looking dummy, pun intended, that's a commie, you can't make this up.
So, my warning to the President, my warning to the world when we come back, and I'm just going to say it again, we are on record Being the first about the coup, the illegal FISA warrants, the deep state espionage operations, trying to plant people inside the Trump campaign, the Trump administration, to set him up.
All of this criminal activity, we laid it all out in 2016 and 2017, and it's on record.
In fact, print me that article.
Good, that's exactly where I'm going.
We'll be right back.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
This is not an action-adventure movie.
This is not Patriot Games re-airing on HBO.
This is not a spy thriller.
This is the United States of America on planet Earth in the year 2019, June 6.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
This is a direct warning to the President of the United States.
We have issued previous warnings, Mr. President, that you now have seen in hindsight were absolutely on target with precision because we're following the enemy's own statements and own operations.
Now, obviously, Mr. President, you're aware of a lot of this, and you understand that if you can't control the government, it undermines your authority.
So if you make a big deal out of that, it makes you look weaker.
I understand that.
But at this point, you have to go after the deep state criminally.
And not just for the illegal spying and trying to overthrow the election, and trying to frame you and your family and myself and so many others.
But for the brazen mutiny, the high mutiny that is taking place Right now.
Now, let's be clear.
If you go back two plus years ago, we were the first news organization to lay out the mutiny, to lay out the treason, to lay out how this was taking place.
Now, What are the new examples of it that are very cut and dry?
You order all the JFK documents released.
They wait a week, they say no, they edit them, and then they release it.
Countermanding your orders as the elected Commander-in-Chief.
Then, you ordered all of our troops within one year, after 18 years, or 19 years, America's longest war, withdrawn from Afghanistan.
They just countermanded your order.
You ordered all the troops taken out of Syria, and the Pentagon balked until you forced them to.
And there was a build-down, as it's called, of just a few hundred, still thumbing their noses.
Let's expand.
You ordered, last year, all of the Russiagate information declassified.
I have the news articles.
In case you've forgotten, I know you have a busy schedule, I'm going to show the date and time when you said it.
Then, two weeks ago, on May 16th, you have a presser out there in front of the helicopter, and you say, I'm ordering it all declassified.
Everything about the campaign, everything about the spying on me, and anything to do with the Russia game, so you can see I have nothing to do with Russia, but you'll find out who has things to do with Russia.
Your instincts and your guts are infinity accurate on this.
It's the right thing to do.
But they have defied you.
And I've been pointing this out for weeks.
Well, now Senator Rand Paul, we'll play the clip here in a moment, has come out and pointed out the trillion pound elephant in the room.
And said that they are ignoring your order and that that's illegal.
You ordered the Director of National Intelligence to work with the other intelligence agencies to release the information last year.
Where is it?
You ordered months and months ago that John Brennan, a seditious, mutinous, lying member of the Communist Party, Wahhabist dirtbag, who illegally spied on you in the campaign, who tried to put you and your family in jail, You ordered his national security clearance to be taken so he couldn't keep sabotaging the country.
And months and months and months.
What is it?
Four months later, that arrogant piece of filth still has the highest level national security clearance.
And that means he can go into government.
And use the clearance to come out and lie and say that he saw classified information that you're a Russian agent.
Just like people use non-disclosures to not tell the truth, but to lie and say, oh, I can't tell you because of a non-disclosure.
They're using the national security clearances to sell data, to sell influence, to sell intel and get massive corporate jobs at places like CNN, where all these former Obama criminals have been hired.
Brennan, Clapper, all of them.
And then they sit there and they defy you and the American people and common sense in everybody's face.
Mr. President, you can and you must take action.
This is criminal activity.
These bureaucrats brag in the news that they take orders you've given off the desk and hope you forget it.
They ignore all your other lawful orders.
They sabotage at every level.
They leak disinfo that's criminal at every level.
And none of them have been prosecuted.
But no, Mr. President, instead, your inaction on not calling them out publicly and ordering them to be arrested when they've clearly committed crimes has created a power vacuum where they don't respect you.
What did Atlantic Monthly Headlines say a few weeks ago?
It said, Google, don't listen to Trump.
He's all hot air.
He may say he's coming after you, but he'll forget about it.
What they meant was, he'll order it to take place.
You'll order it, and then they'll just say, yes, sir, and not do it.
We get it, sir.
We understand.
You need to find out who's not following those orders, and you need to have them indicted.
Because it's criminal espionage when you engage in that type of information and that type of criminal activity against the country for corporate or governmental interest.
If I snuck in the White House and stole papers off your desk, I would be arrested for very high crimes.
These people have sworn oaths to do all this, and they're inside the White House like a pack of vipers doing this.
And I know you're frustrated by it.
But that's not even the big news.
When we come back, I'll break it down.
Mr. President, you've discovered and we've exposed The attempted coup, the attempted takedown, the overthrow of an elected government.
And you said criminal action's coming and we were told there's grand juries out and that's good.
But if they were that bold to do this before, they're going to be even more bold now because they're cornered rats.
And we see the layout and the blueprint for how they intend to remove you from office.
So my message to the President and the American people is this.
Our country is in dire straits, and the President's tried to do a good job turning us around from the path we were on.
But if we don't admit to ourselves just how serious the crisis is, we have no capability or hope of ever turning this around.
We are faced with brazen, arrogant, organized, Criminal activity by out-of-control, rogue government groups allied with the neocons and the Democrats and the chi-coms and multinationals engaged in high-level mutiny and criminal activity.
And if you can't even get Brennan's security clearance pulled, when that's 100% your purview, then you can't govern.
Mr. President, it's time to take action against these criminals.
It's time to treat them like the scum they are.
You know what I mean?
You were getting into the fact that the last straw really was Facebook banning certain names in certain terms.
That really pushed Trump over the edge and now Human Events is riding on it.
It's now being confirmed by Bloomberg.
You want to talk about this?
This is pretty big to show Trump's thinking, just to show how real he is.
Well, exactly.
In other words, had they simply not made the choice to ban your name from their platform and had not made the choice to try to go after and censor people saying anything positive about Alex Jones or Info, it would not have led to the antitrust investigation and just the announcement of the investigation and the possibility it was going to go into Facebook as well.
Cost them $137 billion.
That's how much money was lost by Big Tech by choosing to go after you.
That's how much the president cost them just by announcing the possibility of an investigation.
$137 billion collectively lost across Big Tech in less than a day solely because they decided to come after you, not recognizing that the president was going to stand by his audience.
Oh, they're now spinning it because we cut off the fake news we lost money.
the original principles of free speech and free press that govern and guide this country.
I mean, all they had to do is hear the president meets with Jack at Twitter.
All these problems that had already been documented by that point, saying, "Look, just pull back.
Don't meddle in the election.
Don't continue to suppress and censor speech."
And they would have been able to save their stockholders over $100 billion.
But they refused.
They decided they're going to go after- Oh, they're now spinning it because we cut off the fake
news we lost money.
No, it's because you're censoring and antitrust investigations have been opened up on you.
There would be no antitrust investigation if they weren't engaged in any antitrust illicit activity.
When they decided to go from just being a technological monopoly on a platform, and instead be a technological monopoly on speech, on press, and on elections, they made a decision that was a fateful decision that has now cost them billions of dollars, will cost them billions of dollars more in the future, and now they're under major antitrust investigation, and it's not going to stop at Google.
It's going to keep going.
All of these big social media tech giants might be taken apart.
Might be wiped off the map.
Might be basically forced to dissolve.
And forced to separate out its assets.
In the same way that Rockefeller was with Standard Oil back at the turn of the century.
So I think what's happening is there's now, the U.S.
Federal Trade Commission has now announced that Facebook has agreed to subject itself to an antitrust investigation.
The Google antitrust investigation was leaked on Friday.
There's talk that it will go further than Facebook and Google and they're looking at Twitter, they're looking at Netflix, they're looking at other operators.
So these operators that decided to be so overtly political over the last two years, that they were going to use their tech monopoly, their platform monopoly, to suppress, censor speech, to shame individuals, to leak private information against them, to use and leverage their power to help the Democrats take the House, to help the Democrat win the Senate in 2017, threatening to do so the same in 2020, when they reach the point where not only they ban people from using your name and InfoWars name, And at the same time, banned Paul Joseph Watson from all Facebook and Instagram overnight.
They agreed he hadn't violated any rule ever.
It was such a shock that it's what put the president in motion.
He realized, okay, this is too severe, so severe, action needs to be taken.
Let's unleash the kraken of antitrust enforcement against these rogue operators.
who think now they get to control and govern the country and get to impose a Chinese social
credit model system on the United States democracy and speech systems.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
This is a maximum red alert to the President, the people of the United States, the people of the world.
This is a red alert.
The Deep State, allied with the Communist Chinese and the EU, is openly announcing plans to remove the President from the White House unlawfully.
And their preparations are now public, and they are beginning to prepare to go live with their plan.
Again, we first warned the world of this more than two and a half years ago.
The first coup plan has been exposed.
Now, they're going with A new operation, but it has some of the old pieces in it, and we're going to expose it right now in an emergency message to the President that I know he'll end up seeing tonight or tomorrow, and that will also get out to other key people, many of which are already watching right now.
But it is critical that all listeners on radio and all viewers on TV and all folks listening to us or watching us at NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com get this verboten transmission out.
So I laid out, and I'll play a Rand Paul clip here in a moment, Senator Paul clip in a moment.
We laid out how there has been a mutiny on Trump saying declassify the whole Russiagate and the Spygate information that will totally vindicate him even further, and the American people even further, and that historic election even further, and will expose the criminal activities of the deep state.
That's the current mutiny and current crimes being committed where the president says fire John Brennan and four months later it hasn't been done and now Senator Paul is making an issue of it.
But that's only part of it.
Here is the key.
The reason that the mutiny must be moved against is the mutiny is the vehicle for the removal of the president.
Via the 25th Amendment, anyone in Trump's orbit is being threatened, is being harassed, is being set up, sex operatives are being sent in, money is being offered.
It's unbelievable.
It's beyond a James Bond movie, okay?
I can tell you personally, this is a real war.
And if they can't find dirt on you, they just start threatening your family, trying to find dirt on them.
It's serious.
We're talking billions are being spent by breakaway rogue elements, or Trump calls them embedded groups.
The technical name is stay-behind networks put in by Brennan, Clapper, and others.
So listen to me very carefully, ladies and gentlemen.
They are getting all these people around the president that have been threatened or given money or promised money or set up or blackmailed.
The orders that coming soon, they're going to announce that the President has had a mental breakdown.
And they're going to have witnesses come forward and say that he's done outrageous things.
And then, the President has a stroke or a heart attack and goes to the hospital.
And they don't want to kill you, Mr. President, because that would be too obvious, turning you into a martyr.
You'll be kept in a vegetative state To later be rolled out after electroshock and drugging, this is the plan, to admit that you were a bad person and to agree with the left, and you will then be like a POW that's been in a Vietnamese, a Viet Cong brainwashing facility.
Now that's one of their main tracks.
That's one of their main working plans.
But that's multi-levels into the plan.
But that's what they're dreaming about.
Regardless, They are preparing via these coup groups that are engaged in mutiny, that are already not following your lawful orders, to then have those networks stand up and denounce you and then make even more heinous made-up leaks than they've done before to remove you.
And you see Pelosi and others announcing.
That they're going to have these big events at the Capitol and have experts up to talk about how you're mentally ill and how you're a buffoon and how you're an idiot.
And you see the media then going with all those talking points.
Dr. McCabe, shot please.
So this is the plan.
This is the operation.
And they are not giving up.
They're intending to go into overdrive.
So it's not just critical to get the mutineers out because you can't get your agenda through.
It's critical because they are the skeletal infrastructure of the 25th Amendment coup.
Report, Congress holding secret conversations about removing Trump.
Remember that?
May 4th, 2017, we broke all of that, now all confirmed.
Years later, Democrats suggested invoking the 25th Amendment unless Trump gets a grip.
House Democrats plan an event, this is this week, years later, to scrutinize Trump's Mental health.
That's the plan.
Beat the drum about his health.
And then, magically, the health fails.
And Trump already knows this.
That's why his trusted people literally go out and get him fast food and stuff that he knows they're not going to have operatives inside those facilities.
I mean, Trump knows what's going on, but he's gotta go ahead and just tell the public.
We already know.
We're ready for action.
I understand it hurts confidence to admit there's been a, not just a coup against you, but a bureaucratic coup that succeeded.
But that's not your fault.
But it is your fault if you don't start calling people out, and if Barr doesn't start prosecuting them.
Because this is completely naked, it's completely provable, it's completely factual, they've been illegally leaking this info, and it's criminal.
House Democrats plan event to scrutinize Trump's mental health.
The Hill.
And, of course, this.
Pelosi says she doesn't want impeachment.
Well, yeah, if she doesn't have the votes in the Senate.
She wants him in prison.
Kind of like Paul Manafort, who was working for the Podestas.
Didn't do anything wrong, but he's in solitary confinement, close to death, in Rikers Island.
That's a max security facility in solitary confinement, trying to make him break mentally so that he will then lie about Trump.
And all he's got to do is come out and lie about the president.
And what does the president do?
No pardon for Manafort.
What does the president do?
Nothing for Julian Assange.
Does that signal loyalty for people?
I'm sure you know what you're doing, Mr. Trump, President Trump.
I respect you.
I think you're amazing.
But I gotta tell you, your instinct to go after these people is right.
And I understand they're not following your orders.
I got a great crew of like 100 people, but a lot of times it's hard to get things done I want done.
Because there's a lot of things and a lot of working parts there.
I get it.
But if you do not come out against these people and their treason, it allows them to look like they're actually in command.
Because that's what they did during the campaign, and when you got elected, and when you got into office, was tell everybody that you were a Russian agent, so it was legitimate to have large sections of the government move against you and not let you take power because you were a Russian agent!
Of course that's a lie!
But they haven't dropped the fact that you're supposedly a Russian agent with their coup because here's the key.
Their coup was partially successful because they left their people behind in government and they believe they're actually following their duty in many cases because they drank the Kool-Aid that you're a Russian agent.
So instead of Having them arrested for their espionage against the campaign of the American people for the globalists.
Why not just have them indicted for not following legal and lawful orders?
Why not just have them fired?
Because you ordered Obama's orders to spy on you released!
That will devastate him!
So because you ordered the move that would actually defeat these scum, they have engaged in mutiny!
And all you've got to do is put people in charge that will actually follow their lawful orders, and they're done.
And I know you know that, Mr. President.
But I'm stating the facts for everybody watching, everybody listening, so they understand how serious this is.
Because they are saying they're getting ready to move against you with a 25th Amendment coup.
And they're not just going to let you sit up there well-spoken with your charisma and defeat that when they say you're a lunatic.
They're going to poison your ass, Mr. President.
So you better watch your six.
We're all praying for you.
Please pray for Infowars as well.
More straight ahead.
We'll play that Rand Paul clip as well.
Please stay with us.
Gavin McInnes just said it all.
He said we've got to create our own little pirate ships like InfoWars.
Our own ecosystems, our own websites, our own platforms.
Because the system is abusing its power, its surveillance, its censorship.
And just like they've destroyed so many patriots in the past, well now, in the 21st century, we can rebuild them.
But we're not little bitches here whining about all this.
We're effective.
Gavin has launched major national advertising movements.
Launched Vice Magazine and TV.
That's why they fear him.
Paul Watson has done incredible things.
That's why they fear him.
I've done amazing things.
Our audience has done amazing things.
Matt Drudge has done unbelievable things.
We're the good guys, Dan, and we've proven it.
And we've delivered Trump, and he's delivered a lot so far.
He's in battle.
We've got to do more, but audience.
I'm gonna go back to you again.
Dammit, you know how amazing you are and what you've done.
And so we're in this fight still together, but I'm telling you, it's an incredible time, Gavin.
Isn't it bizarre?
I mean, we've talked about this before, but your company's called InfoWars, and I saw Stephen Colbert joking around going, haha, looks like Alex Jones lost his war on info.
And you go, yeah.
That's exactly what happened.
That's not a joke.
And I think this sort of boomer left.
All of these people, by the way, that we're having trouble with are rich white people.
And it's under the auspices of fighting for equality.
But don't these dummies realize they're making us cool?
That's why I wore this motorcycle jacket.
They are, Gen Y, Gen Z, these younger people, they're going, oh, they're verboten.
You mean like rock and roll in the 50s where they would burn records because it was Satan's music?
They're making us fun and exciting and they are showing themselves to be weak and And incapable of debate and incapable of handling differing opinions.
They're making themselves look really bad and they're making us look really cool and good, especially to young people.
And they're basing their views on us, on what our critics have to say about us.
So it's like if you want to get an opinion on the Yankees, you talk to a Mets fan.
Well, Mets fans hate the Yankees.
And they go, you see, the Yankees are hate figures.
The Yankees are a hate team.
And you go, have you ever seen them play?
Like, have you ever watched a game?
No, they've never heard us in context.
And there's a plethora of content out there where you and I are saying things in context, but they're not interested in that.
They're profoundly incurious.
So they just take the comedian's soundbite, Where he said, I hate this guy because of this little blip.
And we've seen guys like Jim Jeffries take Abiy Amini out of context and make him into some sort of hate figure.
And they go, good, I'm running with it.
I don't think they even believe it.
I think they just go, I need fodder to prove that the Yankees suck.
So I'm just going to take this Mets fan's word.
I don't really care about baseball.
They don't care about the truth.
They just want to run with this juvenile narrative.
The idea that they're calling all these people racist, putting Proud Boys in jail who have black lives, this has nothing to do with Nazis, nothing to do with truth.
This is all about crushing the enemy and crushing Trump.
And if you support Trump, and you're even mildly influential, they have to lie about you and try to destroy you.
And the only solution is to fight back.
Because if you don't fight back, they'll keep treading on you.
And this whole idea of a hate group.
What is a hate group?
What is a hate figure?
There's no logic to it at all.
It's just silly, pedantic rhetoric.
We all know the truth.
The truth is that Antifa is the DNC's paramilitary wing.
It's all the same and I think the crime that Proud Boys committed was saying, alright, we've had enough of this.
We've had enough of you harassing Milo and Ben Shapiro and moderates like Alan Dershowitz.
We're going to protect them, these speakers, from you psychopaths.
And that was a sin.
Like, at Deplorable, they're throwing feces, batteries, and urine at us, and we're the bad guys.
That's the clown world we're living in.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm playing the sounds of morse code and air raid sirens because I want to get your attention.
Time as China has shed, I've got the articles right here, they're in a state of war with the U.S.
They've been in a state of war with us for a long time.
And they're working with the CFR and the globalists to literally dominate and control this country.
We finally got a president that isn't out to get the nation.
These criminals have lined up in mass against him.
So, we're not in fantasy land here, we're in the real world.
And they've announced they're going to remove the President using the 25th Amendment.
No secret intel there.
And they've said we've got people all around him, and they're going to come out at a certain point very soon, next few months, and denounce the President.
Now again, the President's made the right moves.
He ordered, let me show you the article, last year, the declassification of all the fake Spygate garbage.
It'll burn Obama and burn Hillary and burn every one of those criminals that's been lying and using the security services against the American people.
But they didn't do it last year and I'm predicting it's not going to happen this year unless President Trump cracks the whip.
William Binney, former head of the NSA, actually ran it.
Not the political head, the head of technical.
The number two.
Like, you've got a political captain, then you've got the real captain.
Famous codebreaker.
He's joining us.
And he says, the word is, we're looking at five to ten days, and that it's actually happening this time.
If that's the case, they can try to move against Trump before that happens.
They are really upset.
They are really scared right now.
Because they've committed a lot of crimes.
Which again, if you've already killed four or five people, and you know you're gonna get the death penalty, they call that armed and dangerous.
You're armed, you have nothing to lose.
Extreme care.
These are cornered rats.
And so my message isn't even so much the President.
I know the President knows this stuff.
It's the American people.
I would be calling Congress.
I would be calling C-SPAN.
I would be calling talk radio.
I would be picketing, do not try to remove our president.
I would be going to leftist events and peacefully getting in their face because If they remove the President, or say he's had a stroke, or say he's had a mental collapse, I don't think they want to kill him at this point, because they know that'll be a civil war they'll lose.
But if they can say he has a mental collapse, and have a bunch of cowards around him come out and lie about him while he's incapacitated, they might get away with it.
And I'm telling you, that's the best thinking on this right now.
And the president understands this.
I can tell you right now he does not take food or drink for two plus years from anybody he doesn't know.
[ Silence ]
He has special people go back in the dining room and go right to where the food's at and where it's being served to get it himself.
William Binney testified secretly to the intelligence committees and went and ate at the cafeteria that day?
Almost killed him, he lost both his legs.
And he'll tell you, he was poisoned.
Came within inches of dying.
So don't think this doesn't go on.
Oh, and what did Benny expose?
That Obama and the rest of them were using the NSA for political control in America.
And then the DEA leaked to us a list of Americans being spot on for being prominent conservatives by Obama.
11 years ago, right when he got in office, 10 and a half years ago, my name and my numbers and phone numbers nobody's got.
Phone numbers I forgot about.
Fax lines that I just paid the bill on.
They're all in there.
You think about that.
Our taxpayer money used by those dirtbags to have active leftist SJW cores.
They've got special units.
Listen to everything I say to my wife, my father, my mother, my children.
What a bunch of sick freaks.
You look at Twitter, you look at Facebook, you look at all of them.
They all spot on what you do as well.
They created the SJWs at the colleges, made them think it was normal.
In their echo chambers and then deployed them to government and big tech to run our lives.
But they didn't fully convert police and the military to their new leftist system.
Those systems weren't perfect, but they rejected the programming.
And so now the country is in a real civil war.
Intellectual, economic, and physical.
The left's trying to bully everyone, attack everyone, and it's a fight for our very lives.
So again, we'll pull it up here.
Trump ordered it declassified last year.
Last year!
And what's Pelosi's response?
Pelosi's response is, we want to arrest him.
We want Trump in prison.
Meanwhile, Brennan keeps his security clearance because the bureaucracy says we run America, not the American people.
Isn't that interesting?
Trump inflames war on Justice Department by declassifying Russia docs.
That was September last year, but they just ignored him.
And it didn't happen.
And now he did it again in the middle of May.
Where are the documents?
They're going through them all and deciding to not do what the President says.
Pretty big deal.
That's called a rogue hijacking.
It's beyond a mutiny.
Our government has been hijacked By a bunch of globalists that literally tell us the country was never great, it'll never be great.
It's amazing.
So here's Trump back in May, ordering the declassification of everything.
Here it is.
We want to be very transparent.
So as you know, I declassified everything, everything they want.
I put it under the auspices of the Attorney General.
He's going to be in charge of it.
He's a great gentleman and a highly respected man.
So everything that they need is declassified and they'll be able to see how this hoax, how the hoax or witch hunt started and why it started.
It was an attempted coup or an attempted takedown of the President of the United States.
It should never ever happen to anybody else.
So it's very important.
Now people have been asking me... Okay, so let's stop right there.
Yes, an attempted coup.
It's all admitted.
We're just sitting here.
There's been an attempted coup and all the people that did it are just sitting there calling for you to be put in prison.
Because what else do they have to do?
And now they're going to try to remove you again because when people try to kill you politically and you let them get away with it, what are they going to do again?
They're going to take another shot.
And those of us that have stood for the country get to get run over by these people using government money against us and our families.
President Trump, take action now.
They drew first blood a thousand times.
They started it all.
And I don't want red blood.
I want justice.
I want action in the criminal justice system against these people.
Here's Rand Paul talking about the current mutiny.
Here it is.
I want to thank you because you've been such a, you've been really a critic of John Brennan, who's been a critic of President Trump.
You've not been a big fan of him, you said that.
He's the former CIA director under President Obama.
What do you think about this recent New York Times story that Brennan still has his security clearance?
This was such a big, I guess, promise of the President's, demand of the President's, he said he wouldn't pull it, and he still has it.
Well, this is what worries me.
People talk about the deep state.
Now the deep state's actually protecting their own and not listening to the President's orders.
I was sitting in the White House when President Trump said, I want his security clearance taken.
And I saw the order given.
I saw the Chief of Staff was there, not the current Chief of Staff.
Absolutely, and again, we've not edited that clip.
It's a bad internet copy, but we're going to find a better copy.
that really does disrupt our country, does disrupt a representative democracy
where the president makes a decision. If someone is countermanding that, I think
we need to get to the bottom of that and I hope President Trump will say...
Absolutely, and again, we've not edited that clip. It's a bad internet copy, but we're
gonna find a better copy. That's a big deal, okay? And we all just... even Rand
Paul's taking it like it's no big deal.
Oh, I was there when he gave the order, but you've got to get it in writing.
You've got to make a big issue about it.
He has to get these people by the neck and say, you're going to do what I tell you, you little scumbag.
But they're all a bunch of crooks protecting each other.
They're the swamp.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
You are the Resistance.
Thursday, June 6, 2019.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Thursday, June 6th, 2019.
And we just covered the mutiny against the president with the criminals put in there by Hillary and Obama,
not following any presidential directives, engaging in massive crimes, trying to implode the economy,
It's just wild.
And then they're openly saying 25th Amendment coup, remove him, say he's mentally ill, and they're going to have huge Capitol Hill events, all just declaring it and saying it.
And they've committed all these incredible crimes themselves.
What a time to be alive.
You know, I'm not for doing offensively violent things, but there is a time when people have to become civil disobedient.
And We have a lady joining us coming up in about 15 minutes with the exclusive, and I see why she did it, because it's just a stupid little balloon, and it's all the media ever gives is attention, and they say that there was nobody there for Trump, even though there were big demonstrations for Trump.
The media lies.
They said no one was there at his inauguration.
I was there.
They showed photos before they opened the gates up.
So, Based Amy is her name.
She's coming up, not this next time, but the next.
She's the lady that went and popped the balloon.
Look, I would say don't do that, except the left is out attacking everybody and bullying.
And London is the capital of stabbing now.
With the Islamist show, it was only a matter of time until it got stabbed.
And it's feminine empowerment!
Here's that video.
Did it. Did it.
That's a disgrace!
It's a national disgrace!
The President of the United States is the best president ever!
Shame on you!
Don't touch me!
All right.
We had a computer hiccup there.
That happens.
When she joins us, we'll play the full clip.
Coming up at the articles on Infowars.com and Newswars.com, activists arrested after popping baby Trump balloon.
So she's gonna be popping in with us and then I intend to open the phones up ahead of William Binney joining us to talk about the upcoming declassification.
You know, how are we able to tell you first about what they've done to Trump and the campaign and ourselves and others?
Well, because we had William Benny, and we had people in the DEA, and we had our own researchers, and we had people that were being targeted by this.
I was targeted by counter-espionage operations, but it was really the globalists using that to go after American patriots.
So this is the globalist's last gasp.
They can ignore elections in the UK, and they can try to ignore elections in Europe.
They're losing every time.
And it's becoming evident to the people just how tyrannical the globalists are.
So we're living in extremely, extremely interesting times.
When we come back, though, I want to do a closer look at Mr. Brennan.
Because when he headed up the CIA, remember, he got caught illegally spying on the Senate.
Remember all that?
So, when you have your own intelligence agencies spying on their political enemies, and they've been caught, and they don't get in trouble, and then the President Says, I order this declassified.
You keep saying, behind this wall is all this proof that I'm wearing hammer and sickle underwear.
No, behind that wall is your illegal spying.
Release it.
And they go, yes sir.
And then they creep out of the office.
And then it doesn't happen, but something happened.
Something happened, very, very interesting.
John Kelly's gone.
And so we've got a fighting chance at getting all this out.
This isn't the normal political ballgame we've been seeing.
The problem is, the enemy knows, the globalists know, the people that have sold America out, they know what is about to happen.
And so they're going to make some major moves.
And that's why we're in such a danger zone.
That's why this is such an incredible time to be alive.
And that's why it is beyond imperative for however you're watching or however you're listening to understand, literally, you are the oxygen of this resistance.
When you decide to take action and spread the word about the show and about the articles and videos, we all win together.
When you don't, we fail.
Please tell folks about how you listen and when you listen and do it every day.
It's time.
It's time to start your summer with real power.
The power that God gave us through Mother Nature.
We're dropping prices by 50% on all of our best-selling force supplements to help you reach your peak strength.
And the purchase of these products will help the info war go to the next level as Trump and others prepare to move against big tech censorship.
Ladies and gentlemen, all of the Force products are on massive 50% off.
Total Super Force special sale includes 50% off DNA Force Plus, Rain Force Plus, Turbo Force, Ultimate Female Force, and 33% off the new best-selling Space Force America is Back designer t-shirt.
All of this is available at Infowarestore.com.
And there's also a sticker bomb to help fight censorship as well.
Stickers are all being sold at cost.
You'll find these amazing specials at Infowarstore.com.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines
of the InfoWar.
The War.
Remember, the Democrats now for the first time ever admit they want to repeal the Second Amendment and confiscate all firearms.
They want you to keep your guns in lockers at hunting clubs and then those get banned as well.
They now admit they want your guns, they want your children, they want all of your freedoms.
They're coming.
And so we put together this little compilation of a great American patriot.
Kurt Russell talking about what the Second Amendment's really all about.
The video is on NewsWars.com.
I hope you share it.
If you think gun control or something like that is gonna change a terrorist's point of view, I think you're, like, out of your mind.
You may think you've got me worried about what you're gonna do.
Dude, you're about to find out what I'm gonna do.
And that's gonna worry you a lot more.
Lawdawg, if you don't step aside, we'll tear you apart.
You die first, get it?
Your friends might get me in a rush, but not before I make your head into a canoe, you understand me?
He's blooded, let's rush him.
You're not as stupid as you look, Ike.
Yeah, I don't understand the concepts of conversation of the gun culture.
We've lived with guns since, what, the 7th century or something, I don't know.
We all know that right now, guns is a totem, it's a metaphor that disenfranchised white guys need.
It makes them feel good because they're being proud of it.
You can say what you want, I don't agree with that.
There's a big difference between fantasy land...
In reality, Fantasyland is what we do.
Doing a movie, doing a television show, that's Fantasyland.
And that's where that stuff belongs.
In reality, when we're dealing with things like terrorism and whatnot, we're all going to have different opinions on how to do it, how to deal with it.
Mine happens to be that I think there's a very strong reason Founding Fathers had for the Second Amendment, and that is that no government ever Hasn't had to, um, fight its own people, and its own people hasn't had to fight its own government.
So what are you gonna do?
Outlaw everything?
That ain't the answer.
Just put some... Just... put some controls?
What, so the people... so the people who want to defend themselves can't?
No, not so you can't.
Just so the idiots can't get ahold of us.
Do you really believe they're not going to?
Are you serious about that?
Are you seriously good with that?
Oh my God.
We had our Civil War.
If that Second Amendment hadn't been there, those people would not have had the opportunity to do what they considered was defending their life, their way, their style of living.
So, I agree with that.
I think that's an important part of our existence, and it's basically that simple.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Banned by big megacorporations that sold their soul to the Chi-Coms, the globalists.
But loved in the hearts of free people, of different color skin and different places of the planet, but who love God and love justice.
We're here in defiance of their tyranny.
We're here in defiance of their operations, thanks to you.
Coming up, we have the lady that popped the Trump baby balloon that is given by the corporate media more coverage than the president wherever he goes.
And the left are the ones endorsing all this civil disobedience into violence.
Well, I'll give you my take with the lady exclusively joining us that did this.
She's a very likable lady, exclusively coming up.
In the next segment.
A lot of media's calling her.
She's not giving any interviews.
She's a listener.
So we're going to be honored to have her on BaseAmy.
BaseAmy.com on Twitter.
So we'll be talking to her from her Britannic Majesty's London here in just a few minutes.
Now, let me just say it this way.
I was sitting there during the last break and I said, air that Kurt Russell piece.
It's powerful.
I want to spread it.
It's on newswars.com.
Needs to be seen.
But I said I need a few minutes to think about what I'm going to say.
Because I think I did an okay job last hour.
Going over the magnitude of what we're dealing with.
But I just want to sit back for a moment.
And maybe even tomorrow, if we have guests, cancel them.
I'm not saying do that yet.
I'm just thinking about it.
And just take calls about, what do we do?
Like, what do I do?
What should you do?
When they're openly saying they tried to have a coup to overthrow the president, and that they're saying they're still going to do it, and then he gives orders to take people's national security clearances, which is the president's purview.
It's like, you know, Santa Claus coming down the chimney purview.
Bear crap in the woods, purview.
Fish swim in the sea, purview.
I mean, it's his jurisdiction, purely.
100% in platinum in the Constitution.
And they're saying we're going to remove him, 25th Amendment.
And I know they're threatening everybody around the President constantly.
And they are signaling they're getting ready to try it again.
Now, there's going to be a physical civil war if they do that.
I don't want to have that.
It's going to happen.
And I learned last year from multiple Pentagon sources, that are very high level, involved in Continental Government, that the Mueller report, they were being told was going to come out in March.
They said March 1st, it came out towards the end of the month.
But they were told, be on high alert, because if it's found that he is a Russian agent, as if Mueller's God, when he'd been in bed with the Russians, that Trump was going to be removed, and they were going to say the election was illegitimate, And they were going to have Homeland Security federalize all the elections so the Democrats could run them and steal them.
It'd be like Venezuela, never have a free election again.
And then I sat there and I watched everything count down and I watched Mueller release it in March.
I told you that in November!
People always talk about QAnon.
They go, oh, they give it to you in riddles.
Well, this isn't QAnon.
This is Alex Jones talking to real people that are really smart.
And, but that is the way it works is, you know, we're sure getting told to be ready in March for civil unrest and the removal of the president.
So that's when we're told it's going down.
Well, the system balked.
They went, man, if we really remove this guy, people aren't going to buy this and he's got all this dirt on us and he'll release it on us for all the real stuff we did and all the meddling in the election and working with China.
I mean, Trump's got everything.
So they didn't do it.
And Barr came in to basically save them from themselves.
But they're still back at it again!
And now they're going to do a 25th Amendment that we first reported on two years ago.
So I don't know what you do when something is this crazy.
I don't know what we say.
I don't know how we stop it.
I just feel guilty every minute I'm not on air.
I literally last night got up at 3 a.m., couldn't sleep, and started buying plane tickets to fly to D.C.
today to engage in some legal and lawful spectacles to get the country's attention on this.
I didn't do it.
Because I figured I could do a better job here on air.
I'm just telling you.
I mean, my God, man!
A bunch of crooks that are members of the Communist Party?
Brennan and Comey admit they're Communist members?
And they're allied with the radical Islamists, and the damn border is open, and disease is pouring in, and no one's ever seen anything like it, and Latin America's collapsing, and Africa's collapsing, and these traitors are still in control of our government!
What are we supposed to do?
I guess we just keep fighting.
But what must it be like to be Trump?
No wonder he gets out of the White House every time he can.
He has to send people to get his food.
He has to send in people he trusts at the serving platters to randomly get pieces out of food and bring it to him and watch it?
Because obviously he's already been hit with stuff.
And that happens in every kingdom and every system throughout history is poisoning.
That's why you have a taster in all of it.
And Trump has already been through hell.
And I'm not trying to lionize the guy.
I can't believe he hasn't given in at 72 years old.
Because I'm 45 and I'll never give in, I'll never give up, but I could give out.
Because when you know the people serving evil are doing it against their own best interest, it's very demoralizing.
But you know what?
The children and the innocents deserve us fighting hard, and we're going to win.
It's just so sad to see so many people deceived by this evil system.
We're going to talk to a lady that took action.
She's got guts, and guts is enough.
She popped the Trump baby balloon.
The fetishized balloon that the liberals have for their pedophile visions.
They'd love to have Trump.
They'd love to have my little kid.
You know, they love power.
There's a little CIA Vanderbilt, the little golden boy Anderson Cooper making Emperor
Palpatine faces, while Judge Shaneen Pirro talks about the crime syndicate.
I've talked a lot about this over the years, that when you get around globalists and their minions, they act like demon-possessed people.
And hundreds of times on air, I've imitated the type of faces they make.
But more and more, when Strzok or Pelosi or Michael Moore By something they don't like.
They're not scripting this behind closed doors.
This isn't some new thing they've come up with, like they do in most cases.
The face they make, I've made many times on air, and people have always screenshotted it and said, look, Jones looks crazy.
But I have had politicians flash it at me.
I've been around globalists with no cameras or on, and this is what they do.
This is the faceless thing they make.
[breathing heavily]
Now, how many hundreds of times have I told you they do this?
[breathing heavily]
So more and more, they're manifesting who they are.
So Judge Dean Pirro was on television talking about how the walls are really closing in on these crooks.
And Cooper, when he does his demon targeting, does the exact same, I call it the snakey dance.
And they...
There's 20 years of me making these faces on TV and telling you they do it.
And as they go more insane, they're going to manifest and show you their real spirit.
And again, this is real.
How do they all make the same face not being coached?
They make a snake move and they go...
Grab your popcorn, junior mints, or whatever makes you happy.
The real show is about to begin.
This will be true reality TV.
No scripts, no rehearsals, just a gang of criminals pointing fingers at each other to save their own hides.
A version of true crime and the reality show Survivor.
Who wrote that?
And I'm telling you, I've always explained, the whole wimpy, quiet act is an act.
Reportedly from folks I've interviewed that know them well, behind closed doors and at their events,
Vanderbilt's, Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, spirit cooking type stuff, in private,
they all walk around like this together, going, "Ah, oh yes, oh, ah, yes, Satan is under control, power is mine!"
Now, I'm only imitating what it's like to be demon possessed.
Hillary, and other people that have guarded her, everybody I know that's guarded her, from Blackwater to the Army to the CIA, says that Hillary goes into trances and actually will just be on a helicopter or in a car and just go... And will just blink out.
But she'll also start going... And will beat the ground and flop around...
And she hates dogs.
Bring a dog around her to sniff her bums.
She'll go, I hate that sniffing animal!
I'll have your ass fired!
You know it!
Don't look at me in the eyes, you scum!
You military scum!
This has been written about.
And she'll start throwing things, going... And again, you think I'm joking, folks.
I'm not kidding.
Well, hell, you've seen the abortion demonstrations.
These people show them, go, we kill our children, Satan!
I messed my hair up doing that.
We're facing some very insane people.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Get it?
Caitlin Bennett's latest report, Democrats don't know why they want Trump impeached.
Here it is.
Trump's gonna be impeached?
Fingers crossed.
What's one thing he's done that's impeachable?
Honestly, I don't know.
You don't know?
We're here in Washington, D.C.
at the Washington Monument, where there is a national march to impeach President Trump going on, or so there was supposed to be.
As you can see behind me, there's maybe 30 people, and that's being pretty generous.
So let's go see what they have to say and see if any more people show up.
So I took your guys' recommendations from the comments and I got a Liberty Hangout mic flag instead of the InfoWars
mic flag.
We're gonna see what kind of reactions we get here today using this instead of the InfoWars.
What brought you out here today?
Uh, my friend's mom.
And just the overwhelming facts that Trump is aggressively negative for the country.
Give me one fact.
One fact?
Um, the amount of time it took for him to release his tax information is overwhelmingly Devious.
In what way?
Just the fact that the majority... I would rather not talk about it.
My apologies.
The main thing is he refuses to prove that he was not receiving campaign finances from the foreign power and that's against the law.
That is a violation of campaign finance laws.
That's totally made up.
This is a very cute sign here.
Explain it.
Well, it's pretty simple.
It says that you need to impeach Trump.
And why do we need to do that?
Well, I'm not politically inclined, so I'm not going to pretend that I know why, but... Then why are you out here?
I'm here to support my family, because they support this.
So your family supports this, so you came out... Mommy.
Mommy pays my bills, I live in Benchman.
...and your voting side says we need to impeach the president, which is pretty big, right?
Mommy, give me new... It's a pretty serious thing to say and what to do.
But you're not sure why we need to do that?
Well, I know people who do know why, but they're all the way down that way.
Oh, okay.
Maybe we'll go talk to them then.
Okay, is there anything else you want to say about any of the other signs here?
Uh, not particularly.
What's in it for Putin?
What is in it for Putin?
Well, Putin's stated objective since he took office in 1999 was to undermine the United States.
Hey, Libtard, you're fighting American patriots, not Putin!
So, I think 2016 demonstrated that he did that.
The Mueller Report proved that with all the facts.
We're the people who took over the planet, dumbass, not the Russians!
Russians don't take anything over, it's us!
You dumb son of a bitch!
Did you see the part where Trump and Putin were in Mexico together kind of painting pottery and stuff like that?
Did you read that part?
No, I didn't see that.
Would you believe it?
If it's in the Mueller report?
If he's got the evidence, yeah.
Would that be groundless?
Oh yeah, Mueller's got the evidence.
No, I mean that's a publicity stunt.
I mean, the real problem is we don't know what kind of obstruction or what kind of corruption is going on because of the obstruction of justice.
Oh, we know about the Democrats, Libtard!
What are you doing here today?
What do you hope to get out of it?
Look at this idiot.
It's like an escapee from a mental institution.
We're a YouTube channel, so it's not like the news.
So yeah, that's what we are.
I live in Michigan, and this is what I do in my retirement.
I go to protests and try to make the world a better place.
You live dark.
Are you?
You wear a Linda Sorcerer hat.
I think so.
Washington Post ran an article about an event I had in Grand Rapids the same day that a certain party was at an arena downtown.
Oh, did you have the big giant... Baby Trump balloon.
That was us.
Oh, don't pay attention to that.
Don't pay attention to that.
What do you like so much about the image of Trump in a diaper?
It's very accurate.
It's spot on.
He's an uncontrolled, immature child.
Which part's your favorite?
Like the diaper?
The phone in the hand?
The nipples?
What's your favorite part about Trump in a diaper?
I think it's just ridiculous and it looks good being ridiculous.
Yeah, I would say so, absolutely.
Okay folks, the full report...
of Caitlyn Bennett is up on Infowars.com.
Oh yeah, let's back this up, please, in a moment.
These people literally have no idea what planet they're on.
Trump is still a Russian agent.
This poor lady's gonna say he hates all Mexicans.
Where's the tape of that?
These are followers, though, that believe Stephen Colbert and believe CNN.
These are the dumbest people on the planet.
By the way, the lady that popped the Trump balloon in London, we've had Skype problems on both of them.
We're getting her on soon.
We'll go audio only.
It doesn't matter.
Next segment, if we can't get the video up, we've been trying for about 20 minutes.
But I love the idea of not having an in-force mic flag because it's like a cross to vampires.
If you have that out there.
But if you go out with just another Mike Flagg, then they'll start showing you how stupid they are.
Well, I don't know anything politically.
I just heard he's a Russian agent.
Oh, but it's totally for the country and trying to stop the takeover of the globalist.
Yeah, yeah, right.
Globalism is about getting rid of your country, dumb butt, for multinational corporations to have their way with you.
Like the Chai-coms that fund Netflix.
But see, they don't understand it.
Let's continue.
I'm Mexican!
Have you been there to see what's happening?
What's happening?
So you've been there at the border?
No, have you been separated from your family?
You're white!
You don't know the priv- You have privilege!
You have the white privilege!
Have you been separated?
Do I have privilege?
Well, of course, because you're a republic- I don't know what you are, but you're a politician!
I'm a politician!
Are you a politician, Greg?
Absolutely not.
I'm not a politician at all.
All right, engaging in reckless conduct.
Can you go more into that?
He repeatedly tweets out against North Korea and Russia.
He seems to be like... Well, if he tweets out against them, wouldn't that prove that maybe he's not meddling?
Oh, that's enough of this.
Oh yeah, he wants to make friends with people and get them to not threaten nuclear war.
That evil warmonger!
Democrats in major polls now are pro-war.
They just say, we want war, period.
Because what they are is really just dumb sloths that watch mainstream television.
We have base Amy connected.
We're going to go to break.
She's going to be joining us.
Exclusive interview.
Baby Trump balloon popper joins Alex Jones.
So, drumroll please, a little brief pluggy-wuggy, or we won't be on air.
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I'm just going to be honest with you.
Oh, it's high.
[Sounds of a car crashing]
And let's go to Lucas in the...
Thanks for holding her on the air.
How's it doing, Alex?
Good to be on.
Good to have you here.
Real quickly, I just wanted to say that I am a user of the Infowars products.
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I believe that they can attain something if they can destroy the planet before we go to launch fish.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Strange days have found us.
Strange days have dragged us down.
They're going to destroy us.
They're going to destroy.
BassDamee, BassDamee.com We're about to meet her live on air because she went out and she stabbed the pedo toy of their dream of having Trump as a baby.
They could abort or rape or kill.
And so all over the world, the left is funded by Soros, literally funds these, these blimps, they're just small balloons, they're not even that big, to give them massive attention.
Everywhere you go at a Trump event, the stupid balloon is there.
But that fat baby is defeating them.
And then coming up, graphic, new shock footage is on newswars.com, undercover probe catches abortion doctors play fighting with dead babies and playing football with their dead bodies in hallways.
And again, I've always explained and I've always told you, ladies and gentlemen, that they play with the bodies, they have sex with the bodies, they do rituals with the bodies.
It runs the continuum.
And they've been arrested and indicted many times for that.
So, obviously, somebody that can kill nine-month-old babies all day in third trimester is gonna either be a Satanist or be crazy.
So, Viewer discretion advised when we do air that.
But going to BasedAmy at BasedAmy.com, Twitter at RealBasedAmy.
Amy, thank you for joining us.
We're going to play the clip of you stabbing the balloon.
I'm not really for offensive type stuff like this, but I get the left is milkshaking and actually stabbing people with knives.
Thank you, Alex.
people in the head. So I kind of agree with you at this point. If you
individually decided it was the right thing to do. But a lot of it doesn't
get caught on video. We see you get cut. They assault you some. Describe why
you did it. Tell us who you are and then why you did it a few days ago and
why you're giving us the exclusive. Thanks for joining us.
Thank you, Alex. Can I just want to say it's an honor to speak with
you. I've been listening to you for quite a few years, so it really is a
It's a privilege to have you and thanks for putting up with it.
Yeah, no thank you.
Well the thing is Alex, I have been a patriot all my life and I've witnessed the decline and fall of patriotism at the hands of people who I thought were going to protect it and obviously Throughout the last few years, it's been very, very disturbing to see what has happened.
So the whole thing with I've supported President Trump, Donald Trump, when he was when he was in The Apprentice, I wanted him to run for president, because I just couldn't believe how amazing it was then.
And so when I heard he was actually going to run, I just couldn't, I just was over the moon.
And obviously, we had Brexit, which I was very much a part of, because I've not been able to Deal with the European Union forever.
I've seen our sovereignty be taken away, democracy being taken away, just little by little over the years.
And, you know, when we finally got the Brexit referendum, I couldn't believe the propaganda I was hearing coming out of the airwaves.
It was just shocking.
And I didn't believe anybody would believe it.
You know, when I was seeing the staged Speeches, people standing on the stairs and they're holding the prepared signs.
Nothing was natural.
And I thought nobody's going to fall for this.
But to my horror, people were falling for it.
And I thought, oh, my God.
And I've not had my television on since that referendum.
I've not I cannot watch mainstream.
I have been amazed at what President Trump has been able to do in the short space of time.
He's been in office with all the obstacles, with the swamp creatures, The whole establishment, everybody just throwing blockades in front of him and he's just bursting through them on his train, just, you know, demolishing them and driving them insane while he's doing it, which, you know, it's just a joy to witness.
And so when he's going to come over here, I was mortified, mortified when I first heard about the balloon.
Couldn't believe it.
And I really didn't think that our government Would permit, you know, they said, come on, you know, taste.
Let's have a bit of taste, dignity, decorum.
I just, it was so...
It's devastating to actually see this.
And we should also add, Sadiq Khan said six months ago Trump should not be allowed in the country.
He started all these fights, said all these lies about the president, and then when Trump fired back all over the US and UK media, they said Trump started a fight with Sadiq.
So there's even that level of lying.
And of course, it's Sadiq that's doing this.
Well, we're like CNN on steroids over here.
We don't actually have I don't really have any conservative media.
It's completely been taken over.
And so it really is a bubble of propaganda that is rife throughout the country.
And so I'd say I've been active.
I've been forced into it by, I'd say, the shock and horror of realizing, seeing what Obama did to America, the devastation he caused.
And, you know, it was going on before him with the Bushes and the Clintons, you know, the whole thing.
Just something horrendous happening to the country that I was born in, you know?
And so this whole thing with the fake news and I've just wanted to... I actually used Periscope.
It was my first introduction to the outside world and I just had my little Periscope channel and I just started to just talk and say things that I had discovered and just try to Spread what is real news.
The actual truth is what I thought the media were meant to be was to be the go-between between the government and us to let us know what the government is up to.
What I hadn't bargained on was the complete takeover by the government of the media and the media going along with it because it's all corruption.
It's all money.
Follow the money.
And I just didn't realise how few people with morals Existed.
I know there are many.
I know there are a lot of us, not me.
I mean, you know, people in power.
Sure, they make you feel all alone when you don't go along with their whole globalist operation.
They admit that in the WikiLeaks and other documents from Twitter and Facebook.
They laugh and say, oh, these nationalists or conservatives or Christians are just common sensers.
They think they're talking to people, but we block them.
No one can hear them.
Ha ha ha.
Only if someone stumbles across their page do they see them.
We've got them in solitary confinement.
Ha ha ha.
It's just so cowardly.
It's well, you know, it's the flipping the script because it's it's the whole.
It is what was bad is good.
What is what was good is now bad.
Nationalism, patriotism has been able to be turned into dirty words as if you're talking about the dictatorships and communism.
And I mean, when the world went really weird, Alex, was when I started listening to RT when the, you know, when the referendum was going on,
when the election was going on with Donald Trump. And they were actually telling you
what was happening. It's been so long since I've heard media talk about what actually is
happening without their spin, without their take and without their flipping the truth
that I almost feel...
And in truth that is the only Russian collusion is that RT was somewhat, you know, non-biased.
You know, it didn't have a big reach.
The left made a huge deal about it.
We're about to go to break.
I want to come back and get into what actually happened in this video because so much of it we don't get to know what happened, how you got cut, what actually, you know, unfolded, what happened once the police took you to jail.
Here's a little bit of that video of you just two days ago when you again stabbed and popped
with scissors the balloon.
I'm going in for it.
I'm going.
I'm going.
What the f*** you did?
Did it.
What the f*** you doing?
That's a disgrace!
It's a disgrace!
It's a disgrace!
It's a national disgrace!
The President of the United States is the best president ever!
Shame on you!
Don't touch me!
Done it guys!
Yeah, baby.
You better go check out.
I think Donald Trump's balloon is not very well.
I think it's going down rapidly.
Now, if she'd have hit a man in the head with a bike lock or a woman, she'd be furious.
It's going down, baby.
She stabbed a stupid balloon.
I'm bleeding quite badly, though.
Don't touch me!
Don't touch me!
Don't look, everybody!
I'm gonna kill myself. I'm gonna kill myself.
Oh look everybody, look, look, look.
Alright, information you might not know.
Now if she'd have been an Islamic, acid attacking a woman or stabbing somebody or cutting up a young girl they
kidnapped for beef kabobs, literally that's admitted, it'd be like, the cop would be like, oh you're fine ma'am.
But no, you stabbed the worshipful balloon.
You're going to jail.
We'll be right back.
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I said one time, who's in charge here?
And I think the congressman's right about that fact.
Jerry, you want some?
Yeah, I got some.
Here, Jerry.
Take a drink.
You look a little dehydrated, brother.
You seem a little dehydrated.
You okay?
It took a little longer on the floor than I had anticipated in the custody of the Border Patrol.
Everyone started sending signals to the US, Mexico, Canada.
If that's not the accurate character.
Some people call it AFTA-NAFTA, some call it NAFTA 2.0.
We're working together to make past that.
You seem a little dehydrated.
You okay?
You want to take a drink of this?
So, but the president again stormed out.
I think, what, first Pound the table, walk out the door.
Uh, but I intend not to... If we... We're... We're the fat... There's three things.
Three things.
Three things.
You want to take a drink of this to give yourself some?
How you feel, man?
You feel okay?
You all right?
You want to drink some of this to give you some?
How you feel, man?
You feel okay?
We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
I hope he can, too.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Based Amy.
Based Amy is her political, I guess, resistance name.
She was just kidding in how she woke up.
I was always awake, but just woke up to the echo chamber bubble they were in, and, you know, seeing this stupid blow-up thing that they worship everywhere.
There were a lot of people I saw on the news the first few days that were for Trump, but the media said, oh, Colbert said it was made up.
Everybody was against Trump.
It's this illusion that, you know, that Trump and America and freedom and everything's bad.
Here's a CNN headline today.
European leaders gave Trump a history lesson.
I was watching CNN this morning at like 5 a.m.
I couldn't sleep.
And I was writing notes and it was just like, the EU gave Trump lessons about the EU was set up to stop another World War II.
But Trump doesn't know that.
He's helping Hitler.
And it's in the article.
He's Hitler.
The European Union was a plan of Hitler.
That's... BBC even admits that.
But that's what I mean.
They just... Fox News was reporting yesterday.
I was watching it.
But well, you know, the Europeans will remind Trump that these institutions were established after Hitler, and he's trying to destroy them.
What, an unelected EU opening its borders up?
Flooding it with Islamists?
Just, just, just upside-down world, ladies and gentlemen.
But going back to base name, base name, how'd you come up with that name?
And then let's get into, you go out there, you got the scissors, you're on the live feed, but We don't see how you get cut or what they did to you.
I mean, what do we not see on the video?
What happened once you got arrested?
What have you been charged with?
OK, I got the name based, Amy, from I did.
I got involved at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park where the free speech was being shut down.
And I got just with Tommy Robinson when he did the Martin Sellner speech.
I was actually there that day, and I found myself on the wrong side of the line.
And I've researched a lot about Islam.
I've educated myself.
I've got the Quran.
I've got everything to find out what the enemy is all about.
Enemy to women, you know.
To me, I'm affected, so I need to know what we're dealing with.
So, I found out... No, exactly.
Any woman that actually cares about women's rights better be concerned about Islam.
Instead, the left tells us embrace it.
It's just, it's also mind-blowing, Alex, you know, it just is so, just devastating what women are doing to other women, or letting it happen, just without even thinking about it, and just the denial.
So, anyway, Speaker's Corner, it's obviously an iconic place, it's all about free speech, and the free speech was being shut down, and obviously with the praying that was going on there, it was I checked the law and I realized that there's no praying allowed there and so it was just over a year ago, Easter Sunday last year, I just decided to go.
I knew they were going to pray and I thought with all the stuff going on in the world with the Christians and the Jewish people being slaughtered all over the place in Africa, Middle East, that it was just not on.
I wasn't going to have it anymore.
I'd had enough and I just thought I'm going to just go find out what's going on.
Why is the law not being applied?
I've seen it Going on, and I thought, you know, I'm just going to ask and find out.
And so I did.
And I happened to live stream it when I was doing it.
And unbeknownst to me, I didn't know what was going to happen, but it was picked up and it sort of went a bit viral.
That was my first experience.
And what's beautiful about all this is, is they try to censor all of us.
Just more people stand up.
They're never going to silence us.
They think if they intimidate Westerners, the globalists, that we'll back down.
We're Westerners.
That's going to trigger us taking action.
Now let's get back to a few days ago and the pedo blimp of Trump is out there.
The leftists are there.
Of course it's got a cell phone in its hand.
They're so mad that he can communicate.
That's the worst thing is he bypasses the media.
How dare him!
He has free speech.
They enshrine that.
That's part of the villainy.
And so you go up to this balloon blimp.
Describe what happens that we don't see on the video.
OK, well, what it was a year ago, I actually used a pair of tweezers and I punctured the thing a year ago, but I only punctured the base of it.
And I didn't realize it was in two parts because I was infuriated with it last year and despised the thing and was mortified.
So I hadn't I decided what the final straw was, was hearing that the president had to see the damn thing when he was going to meet the prime minister.
Just absolutely.
That was it.
Obviously knowing what I was going to do, I decided to make sure it wasn't going to be something where I could be accused of being violent.
So I took my, a pair of dog scissors that are safety scissors that have the curved ends, so they're not sharp, so that when you're trimming their eye fur around their eyes, you don't, you can't poke them.
So I took these scissors with the rounded ends and I was going to just try and slice it.
And so that's what happened is I, you know, I, the time had come.
I decided to do it.
I was looking for my tweezers, couldn't find them.
And I wanted to rip it so that it wasn't just a puncture wound that I was, you know, did a year ago.
So, but of course, when I went to do it, I didn't realize how thick the rubber was.
And so when I went to hit it, of course, because I'm using the not the sharp, it bounced off.
And I guess that's what it sliced my finger.
and I just went for it, you know, big time.
And that was it.
Then I said what I said and I decided to go off.
I didn't know if anybody was going to pay.
I didn't know.
I really didn't know if I was going to be jumped on by who, what, where.
So I just thought I'd just go off.
And of course, the blood was just a real, you know, that kind of ruined my, I don't know what you're talking about thing.
I love how the memes have exploded.
We just put one on screen for TV viewers.
Let this symbol of Trump as a baby Be like the New Year symbol or a symbol of regrowth and freedom.
But since they think it's a symbol of weakness, I love it where he's floating above London and he says, I see 12 rapes and 9 stabbings from here.
It's really upsetting them that every symbol they bring up to hurt us, we just take it away and use it right against them.
Oh, we're the best for memes.
I love it.
I love the sense of humor from it.
It's just been phenomenal.
But you know, the point is that The establishment is supposed to be looking out for us, have completely capitulated, completely let us down, and there's no way that thing should have been allowed to fly by anybody.
Any one of the politicians should have said, excuse me, but it just goes to show how far gone we are.
You just said something key.
The establishment, the aristocracy, whatever you want to call it, is supposed to look out for the people.
And if it doesn't, it's thrown out.
Instead, under globalism, we're learning to hate ourselves, so we give in to the globalists, when the globalists are cold-blooded, and don't even pay taxes, and are exploiting everybody.
It's sick!
They've broken the social contract.
You know, exactly what has always been said is that they accuse, they do what they accuse us of doing.
The same thing with the Nazi, the same thing with the EU.
It was actually the Fourth Reich.
Everybody knows it was a greater Germany was the plan.
And it was, you know, Walter Holstein, who Angela Merkel inadvertently mentioned his name back in December and praised him.
And he was a Nazi.
You know, it's so amazing.
They're now blatantly, they're openly bragging about this, you know, this master EU army and
everything else, and yet you still have people denying that that is going to happen. It's just
this willful denial.
Willful ignorance.
It is... Let's be clear about that.
You never voted 30 years ago in the Maastricht Treaty to enter the EU.
It makes 90% of your laws.
You voted three years ago to get out of it.
You haven't gotten out of it.
And now it says it has an EU army, which we reported on 20 years ago, to stop you from leaving.
And the great-grandson of the most powerful Nazi royal family The Uyghurs says he won't let you leave and that he will, quote, destroy Trump.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
It is just beyond, beyond the beyond.
And so, you know, I am just a regular person, Alex.
I'm middle aged.
I've had a lot of operations, multiple backs, three hips, just a multitude of things have happened to me, which, you know, ruined my career.
I have a mouth.
And I decided I wanted to use it to just go to the source because nobody was listening.
Anyway, if I tried to phone up radio stations, I'd be censored because once they'd find out that I was actually pro-Brexit, pro-Donald Trump.
Yeah, they couldn't cope, so it was just sort of... So you got tired of... You wanted your sovereignty.
You didn't vote to enter the EU.
It was running your life, and so you've taken political action.
I was looking at your Twitter and stuff.
You've had hundreds of millions of views the last few years getting involved, and other people are going to use you as an example of taking action.
I don't normally endorse offensive action.
But, at the same time, I get basically, when the left gets violent, we start engaging in I guess, what's the term to use?
You know, kind of Gandhi-esque or Martin Luther King stuff.
We're not offensive, but we're also going to sit down, we're going to block the street, we're going to engage in those type of activities.
But what about getting our own balloons and then having them, you know, kind of fight with the Trump balloon?
But from what I've heard, Sadiq Khan and others, they try to suppress anybody else being able to even have a demonstration.
If you try to have a pro-Trump or pro-England or pro-UK thing, they try to come out and block you.
It's completely, it is the Stasi.
I call them Stasi the SS because I've been obviously doing other things I've been active in trying to challenge.
The legal system, the police, went over abusing their power.
And they did it on my birthday, Alex.
When they arrested me, the force that was used was just absolutely ridiculous.
Well, stay there.
Let's hear about what happened once they got you arrested.
And the word I was looking for is civil disobedience.
She didn't hit a woman in the head with a bike lock and get praised by Chris Cuomo on CNN.
She just stabbed a George Soros balloon, to make a point.
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
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They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
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Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law and Family Code.
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The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
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This is insane.
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But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing billions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films.
And, you know, it's just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, William Binney, former technical head of the NSA, is going to join us exclusively to start the next segment.
To get into the declassification Trump's pushing for.
He's ordered it to expose the criminal activities of the deep state.
This is the stuff that legend is made of.
And the enemy is cornered right now, so this is a prime time to be awake and focused.
But, you know, the media always said, when Obama was in office, or Clinton, or whatever, and Bush to a great extent, that I was anti-government, that I hated the police, and I hated the government, and I hate everybody else.
I didn't want globalist-run police in government.
Because when you get in a command-and-control authoritarian country, fascist or communist or socialist, the police become your biggest problem.
Because now they're the SJW enforcers.
Now, they haven't gotten that completely in the U.S.
Some blue cities, the police protect Antifa.
They let people attack women and children.
It's horrible.
The social contract's broken.
But in England, I've been there plenty.
And the police in London, at least, are working for the Islamicist.
They're working for the system.
And I've been all over the world, and I've not been treated in the authoritarian ways.
I've been treated in England, right there in London.
And so you were getting into that and what happened once they arrested you.
Yeah, so they arrested me and I mean he was being so ridiculously over the top.
He was telling me to stop resisting and my hand was, my arm was stuck on my stick.
I couldn't move it down.
I couldn't move it anywhere and I was maybe been a little tense because he was hurting me but I certainly wasn't moving at all and it was just screaming at me.
Anyway, all happy, put the cuffs on, over the top.
Then the next thing I know he said that he's de-arresting me.
Because they didn't want to press charges.
So I thought, ah, happy days, happy birthday to me.
Oh, so now we learn.
We heard the news you were arrested.
We're now learning live on air with you that they dropped it.
Temporarily dropped it.
I was de-arrested as far as the victim of the popping the balloon people.
Their balloon that I popped with the dull scissors, you know, not sharp.
They dropped the charges.
I've got a little bit of on Busker Patriot News on his YouTube. He actually was the one
who recorded the policeman speaking to the owner of the balloon or the person in charge of it, asking about if they
wanted to press charges.
And he got it on the video to say no, he doesn't want to press, don't, no. And the policeman wanted him to, but he
couldn't because he said no.
And he said, well, if you change your mind. So he's pushing to get me charged. Anyway, so I wonder what he thinks of
little girls kidnapped and cut up and fed at Islamic kebab shops.
It's just, it's horrifying.
He can't do anything about that though.
He'll be sure to stop you though.
So the Chief Inspector showed up and decided he was going to arrest me.
He was coaching this constable who first got me, saying that I'd been drinking.
He thought I'd been drinking.
I had enough water.
I don't drink.
So they brought up another angle to arrest you.
They didn't want to make you a political hero, so they engaged in fraud to then set you up, you're saying?
Yeah, and it's all on, it's all on, it's all on film.
That's the beautiful thing.
There's nothing more manly than setting up a woman.
And so yeah, so he got recharged with criminal damage of worth over £5,000.
What they've said is, I haven't been charged yet, but I was arrested.
They transported me to the police stations in a cage, the back of a... because I was... I went off in a nice vehicle up just up the road.
They stopped and transferred me into the back of... in a cage.
I had to sit on the floor because my legs were... you know, I couldn't... anyway.
Let me ask you this.
I'm going to get you back again next week.
I want you to go on Owen today and do a whole hour if you can to get more into this.
But let me guess that you've had an outpouring of support.
Are you glad you did it?
I would...
Alex, do it again and again and again and again for the principle.
I don't believe in breaking the law, but to me it was a service to democracy, service to our free speech, because our speech has been shut down.
No, no, I agree.
If the left hasn't been gang raping speech, I would say it was wrong, but it's a good little sign that we can push back.
Absolutely, and I'm doing what I can.
And I am doing it myself.
I'm not in a team.
I don't go with anybody.
It's me.
I'm my videographer.
I just do it myself.
Well, folks can find you at BasedAmy.com and Real Based Amy.
We salute you.
We thank you.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Please come back again, folks.
I want to talk to you on the phone.
We'll have you back and take phone calls.
Thank you.
William Binney with Bombshell News.
Straight ahead.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
To say that we're living in epic times is--
Is putting it lightly.
William Benny ran the National Security Agency.
The actual technical leader, not the political leader.
The number two.
He's a former technical leader of the intelligence with NSA for becoming a whistleblower in late 2001.
After more than 30 years of the agency, one of the most highly awarded people in agency history, Benny has been described as one of the best analysts and codebreakers in NSA history.
He basically helped design, was the leader of the current technical monstrosity we have, but he again designed it to be specific and focused and to work, not to be a panopticonic Control Grin, the man's a hero for fighting back against it.
Benny continues to speak out.
He was the main technical advisor on the award-winning film that is incredible.
Snowden, the actual film, and on other documentaries.
But Oliver Stone, I think that's his most important film.
Had a lot of courage to put that out.
We salute him.
ExposedFacts.org is where some of his articles appear.
A Good American.org is another documentary.
And we are honored to have him.
You know, I usually get him on and I ask the questions.
And then after, you know, he's on, I wish I would just let him go with what he wants to cover.
But the first thing I want to get into with him is this.
Trump, in September of last year, ordered all of the Russiagate investigation released.
He said, I have nothing to hide.
He said release it, and then they didn't follow his orders.
Four months ago, he ordered Brennan, the former head of the CIA, who was involved in all the illegal spying that's now confirmed, to have his security clearance taken.
Well, that's the purview of the President.
He's the Commander-in-Chief.
It's in the damn Constitution.
Anybody knows that.
I pointed it out a few weeks ago.
Hey, it didn't happen.
Rand Paul came out last night on CNN and said, this is rogue government.
This is serious crime.
And now they're getting the 25th Amendment ready for the President.
So we're going to talk about those issues with William Benny, who's met privately with the President, won't get into those discussions, and how he advised him, but I understand the President feels paralyzed because no one follows his orders, but how can you then say, I don't care who's got our emails, they're illegal, release them?
Well, that's the common sense statement.
Well, now Julian Assange did that, and he's rotting in another prison.
And it's the same thing for so many others, like Paul Manafort, who was in solitary confinement at Rikers Island, folks.
That's where they send homicidal maniacs.
He's in a wheelchair, in a six, a seven by nine cell, buried alive.
So, criticism of Trump?
Hey, I get he's fighting these guys.
I don't even want to criticize him.
I'm just a little freaked out.
So, William Benny, that's kind of the gestalt I'm putting out there.
You need to lead this, because you're the expert, not me.
But I'm really concerned about this term I coined today, high mutiny.
When you've got all these current and former government people doing whatever they want, and countermanding the President's lawful orders, and saying we're going to remove him soon, 21st Amendment, this sounds like a nightmare scenario.
What would you call it?
I would call it, simply put, the decline of democracy.
I mean, this is simply a continuation of what I feared from the beginning, which was the totalitarian process they started to adopt.
And this is simply going down the path of totalitarianism.
This is nothing new.
I mean, this has shown over and over again in history for thousands of years.
This is simply like shadow blocking people, keeping only certain information available to the general public.
It's the way you control things.
It's the way you control and manipulate people.
That's the way you get people to do what you want them to do.
And this, this is not a democracy.
It was I think two years ago there was a headline in the Guardian where you said the NSA wants total power.
The people running it want to control reality and now they're doing it.
They said a month ago you can't say Alex Jones's name unless it's negative and it's actually enforced.
You can't show my photo unless you say something negative and then they admit I have the news saying AI is in control and that it's actually working.
Well, I mean, you know, this is the way this is the way you control this this kind of material on a massive scale.
You put together algorithms to go look for these kinds of indicators and then you suppress them.
That's exactly how they're doing it.
And, you know, it's it's nobody knows what the rules are they put into the algorithm that's kept secret.
So otherwise, you know, we won't.
I mean, they're they're a part of CIA has really infiltrated them.
Let me put it that way.
And so they're really following the orders that they're given.
And my point would be very simple to the President.
You gave orders, people didn't follow them, that's ground to fire them.
If you fail to follow an order, you're fired.
I know you can't get into it as all classified, but you've advised the EU, you've advised Trump that the systems you, they admit, were the main honcho organizing and quarterbacking 20 years ago.
That you can specifically by profiling and by data sets only focus on real bad guys.
But instead of your plan being adopted, and please elaborate, instead they're using data sets to target good people, and using that to blacklist, and they've given the technology, I'm told, to Google and Facebook, and they admit that now.
That's in the news, that they're using NSA-style algorithms, not to target jihadis or child molesters, but that they're, you're doing dragnet on everybody else, but they're actually using specific systems that work against patriots.
That's right.
And and you know, it's a it's a matter of they're doing it for everybody.
It's not no one is excluded.
I mean, I mean, I even passed the word in to the to get to the president and his lawyers that he was even targeted before he ran, you know, for presidency, even not just as a candidate, but even before that.
I mean, because he is a fairly significant person of interest, and they do monitor people of interest in that case because he's got influence.
He's a billionaire, you know, and so on.
So all those people, all the federal judges, all the members of Congress, everybody, they're all being monitored fairly closely because they have power or influence.
And that's the key.
I mean, the rest of us get investigated whenever we can have Whenever something happens and we trace the social network of a given person that perpetrated the crime, whatever it is, then we get investigated.
And so it's focused on us.
But but people who have power and influence, they got them and watch them all the time.
But it's like Hayden, as you just said, said three years ago at a press conference.
We played it.
He said, oh, we don't just look at bad guys.
We look at interesting people.
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
That's exactly what I'm saying.
Anybody, and interesting to them, means anybody who has power, influence, or some kind of control of the organs of government that can influence anything that they want to do.
So they need to know what they're planning, they need to know what their intent is, so that they can either, you know, construct some counter argument to maybe manipulate what they're saying or change it totally, you know?
William Binney, former head of operations at the NSA, I want to just very, very slowly go through this with you because I know you're a quick thinker, but I want to sink in for the audience who's also very smart, but I want them to really, really get this.
We have unelected bureaucrats that don't follow the orders of the president, who in the news spy on Congress, that's all admitted.
And who now won't revoke security clearances when ordered.
This is a new form of royalty.
A new superclass that hands the power down.
They even admit that.
I mean, this is so un-American.
This is so authoritarian.
Yeah, that's why I called them a few years back.
I started calling them the Praetorian Guard.
They're going to determine who the Emperor is and what the Emperor does.
So and also any of the any of the senators or anybody else that's involved in power and control of power.
They're going to determine what those people do.
After all, Senator Schumer had mentioned to the president, you know, we're on, I guess it was MSNBC, I think.
We have six weeks from Sunday to make you pay.
And that's exactly the point here.
They have all the data that everybody's been exchanging socially, you know, for business, you know, all of the financial transactions, all of that.
They've got all of that material.
It's your entire electronic life they have, and they can put that into a timeline showing all your interactions with everybody you know.
And they can plant stuff as the Vault 7 shows.
That's the point.
Let's talk about the frame-ups, how the NSA can frame people.
Now it's under rogue CIA control with the former technical head of the NSA, William Binney.
Doctor, thanks for joining us for The Red Vest.
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because the audience controls it because the audience has chosen a self-supporting,
self-sustaining economic model by making small contributions by buying products.
They already want, at a more affordable rate, by sustaining it, they create a self-sustaining, self-supporting structure that is unique in the world, and that's why they wage war against it.
And as long as the audience refuses to concede to that, or forfeit their economic contribution, as long as they continue to be involved, and continue to participate, and continue to partake, and continue this self-supporting, self-sustaining structure, there's nothing they can literally do to crush it or end it.
So that they can try to limit the scope of the audience, they can try to limit the size
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dictates and determines it by its support of info.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I guess Bobby didn't I asked the Beatles, I asked Timothy Leary, but he couldn't
help me either.
They called me the seeker.
I've been searching low and high.
I won't get to get what I'm after 'til the day I die.
But now if you're talking to the former head of the NSA that actually ran it,
that of technical, William Binney.
I want to get into the waterfront, I want to get into the world, I want to get into it all.
But right now while we've got you in this segment, and I haven't talked to you before you came on,
I haven't talked to you during the break, but I'm going to spring this on you.
I know you've met with the President, you've talked to him, I know you advise him through people, I know that John Kelly fought to keep your info from him, other people fought to keep my info from him.
Hell, they even fight to keep Sean Hannity away from him.
But, but 100%, we can get clips of the President And of course, the system knows this, so I'm not giving out secrets.
I like to demoralize the establishment letting them know this, that Trump has assigned folks in U.S.
intelligence from different agencies to specifically call us, when I call them, to at least make sure it gets into the White House through certain sources and to the President's desk.
He demands it, he gets it.
Most of the time, I'll be honest, I'm kind of like, Okay, I'm going to shoot a message to the President, and I don't usually do it because it's just daunting, you know, how serious it is, but we're going to cut me out right here.
I just want to give you like five, six minutes till the break.
To just whatever you want to say to Trump, and there's a very good chance, and of course you've met with him probably before, but very good chances he'll get on his desk, probably when he's flying back on Air Force One tonight or tomorrow.
So what is your message to the President, recapping the mutiny, the deep state, their admission, they're getting ready to move against him again.
What do you think, as a seasoned patriot, from the inside, knowing with these captured agencies, that the President should do?
Your advice to him.
Well, my my advice, first of all, would be to simply say appoint some kind of what do you want to call him?
A radical patriot who would simply go in there and simply bust heads together and simply go go through the entire.
I was hoping that Attorney General Barr would do this.
I'm still waiting to see to verify they will, but actually go into the information and find the data and actually prosecute people for the crimes they've been committing.
I mean, you know, We have a set of bureaucrats, I call them the Praetorian Guard, the, you know, the shadow government, all of that.
These people have been violating our fundamental rights and have committed treason against the founding principles of this nation, the Constitution.
They've also violated any number of laws and they're not being held accountable at all.
So I keep referring up until Barr came in to the DOJ as the Department of Just Us.
And the rest of us are not included.
OK, we're not part of that.
We have a different legal.
We have to line up to a different set of legal rules.
These people are exempt from all of that and they're excused.
And so, I just think he has to have somebody with that kind of power and the authority to go into any agency, in any database, in anywhere, and look and see what's there, and do queries and interrogations of that data, and when they find... And anybody that acts like the President doesn't have the authority is fired on the spot.
That's right.
I mean, if you don't follow the orders, you're fired.
That's all.
I mean, he could give the orders to everybody in the government.
Why do you think they're so arrogant to just say, we're not going to take Brennan's security clearance?
We're not going to release all this NSA data that you ordered released?
I mean, who are they?
It's so incredible that they're not elected and our president, who has jurisdiction constitutionally, they're telling him to F off.
That is incredible.
Yes, it is.
And in fact, but I think they solicited international support on this too.
I think mainly from the British and from the Israelis.
That was to try to stop the release of this data that is declassifying it because I think there's something in there that they don't want known.
Sure, Obama giving the orders.
What do you think's in there?
Yeah, and with assistance from those countries.
That's the point.
What other advice do you give the President?
Because he's listening.
Well, other than that, I would say, you know, there is a way to clean this up.
And it's basically a technical means.
It has to be done by technical people who know what they're doing.
The administrators are not technical.
Obviously, they're blundering all over the place.
They're supporting this kind of violation of our of our fundamental rights by this bulk acquisition of everything in the world, including us.
I mean, we're not excluded from any of this.
So that's a direct violation of our rights.
And that can be cleaned up pretty quickly, technically.
And it's not difficult.
The problem is what would happen would be an international backlash.
The reason I say that is because the NSA, for example, is the repository for most of the agencies within the U.S.
Also, but it's the repository for the Five Eyes countries and about eight or nine other countries in the world that are participating in this bulk acquisition of data.
They're all depending on NSA to store it.
And keep it there so that they can interrogate it.
Now, the IC REACH program is used by the Five Eyes and the U.S.
agencies within the government, the U.S.
So, that's a selective set of interrogation programs that have access, greater access than the other countries who are participating.
That's the other non-Five Eyes countries.
They use X-Keyscore, and so do embassies and various other things around the world.
They use that kind of program to interrogate data, but it only goes so far into the database.
Dr. Binning, I know you're the former technical head of the NSA, so this is all common to you, but this is calculus and beyond for some people.
Slow down and quantify that, please, sir.
You have all these governments, everybody using the U.S.
as the infrastructure of a global surveillance grid.
They're all using it for insider trading, personal power, spying on their wives, whatever, spying on political rivals, you name it.
So they built this giant criminal system and they don't want that to change.
That's right.
Because that's power, Alex.
That's power over everybody.
I mean, if you who would get I mean, these people don't want to give up the power.
That's the point.
And our founders said that they are not supposed to have that power, right?
That was not the point.
Our people said, you know, the states and the people of the people, the ultimate power in the whole system.
But that's been reversed.
You know, you know, I keep referring back to President Reagan when he said that we are a country with a government.
Well, since him, I mean, now we're a government with a country.
You know, it's just the exact opposite.
So we here in the United States, as the people of the United States, we need to, you know, stand up.
I mean, I think our president is trying to do that with us and for us.
But, you know, he's got an awful lot of opposition, including in his own party.
And to show the arrogance and the entitlement, Dr. Benny.
You've got all these people telling Trump, go to hell.
You're not going to take our clearance.
You're not going to basically fire us.
We're going to stay at CNN and take all the national security and give it to them for whatever they want.
So CNN hiring Clapper and Brennan and all these others, they get to be inside all of our personal data.
CNN is so arrogant a year ago.
It was in the news!
They had CNN inside my private Google account, where I live, the money I was making.
They had all my Google Analytics and they said CNN was given access by Google.
Again, the arrogance now that they would be sharing NSA level data, but corporate data, With these people.
We're going to come back and talk about this.
And I asked the question last segment.
Then I came back with a new question.
Your message to the President.
But how do they plant stuff like Vault 7?
Because it's not just, as you said, they have everything.
All these interests and all these people and these 800,000 contractors, they're able to get in there.
William Binney is on fire.
We appreciate him joining as former technical head of the NSA.
He'll break that down.
And we'll also talk about how they profit off this.
And more.
One hell of a broadcast.
Listen on radio.
Watch it on TV.
Tell folks to tune in now.
You are the resistance.
You're the human element that can override the sensors and the shadow banning.
Please spread the word.
Oh, please.
Gavin McInnes just said it all.
He said we've got to create our own little pirate ships like InfoWars.
Our own ecosystems, our own websites, our own platforms.
Because the system is abusing its power, its surveillance, its censorship.
And just like they've destroyed so many patriots in the past, well now, in the 21st century, we can rebuild them.
But we're not little bitches here whining about all this.
We're affected.
Gavin has launched major national advertising movements.
Launched Vice magazine and TV.
That's why they fear him.
Paul Watson has done incredible things.
That's why they fear him.
I've done amazing things.
Our audience has done amazing things.
Matt Drudge has done unbelievable things.
We're the good guys, Dan, and we've proven it.
And we've delivered Trump, and he's delivered a lot so far.
He's in battle.
We've got to do more, but audience!
I'm gonna go back to you again.
Dammit, you know how amazing you are and what you've done.
And so we're in this fight still together, but I'm telling you, it's an incredible time, Gavin.
Isn't it bizarre?
I mean, we've talked about this before, but your company's called InfoWars, and I saw Stephen Colbert joking around going, haha, looks like Alex Jones lost his war on info.
And you go, yeah.
That's exactly what happened.
That's not a joke.
And I think this sort of boomer left... All of these people, by the way, that we're having trouble with are rich white people.
And it's under the auspices of fighting for equality.
But don't these dummies realize they're making us cool?
That's why I wore this motorcycle jacket.
They are, Gen Y, Gen Z, these younger people, they're going, oh, they're verboten.
You mean like rock and roll in the 50s where they would burn records because it was Satan's music?
They're making us fun and exciting and they are showing themselves to be weak and And incapable of debate and incapable of handling differing opinions.
They're making themselves look really bad and they're making us look really cool and good, especially to young people.
And they're basing their views on us, on what our critics have to say about us.
So it's like if you want to get an opinion on the Yankees, you talk to a Mets fan.
Well, Mets fans hate the Yankees.
And they go, you see, the Yankees are hate figures.
The Yankees are a hate team.
And you go, have you ever seen them play?
Like, have you ever watched a game?
No, they've never heard us in context.
And there's a plethora of content out there where you and I are saying things in context, but they're not interested in that.
They're profoundly incurious.
So they just take the comedian's soundbite, Where he said, I hate this guy because of this little blip.
And we've seen guys like Jim Jeffries take Abiy Amini out of context and make him into some sort of hate figure.
And they go, good, I'm running with it.
I don't think they even believe it.
I think they just go, I need fodder to prove that the Yankees suck.
So I'm just going to take this Mets fan's word.
I don't really care about baseball.
They don't care about the truth.
They just want to run with this juvenile narrative.
The idea that they're calling all these people racist, putting Proud Boys in jail who have black wives, this has nothing to do with Nazis, nothing to do with truth.
This is all about crushing the enemy and crushing Trump.
And if you support Trump, and you're even mildly influential, they have to lie about you and try to destroy you.
And the only solution is to fight back.
Because if you don't fight back, they'll keep treading on you.
And this whole idea of a hate group.
What is a hate group?
What is a hate figure?
There's no logic to it at all.
It's just silly, pedantic rhetoric.
We all know the truth.
The truth is that Antifa is the DNC's paramilitary wing.
It's all the same and I think the crime that Proud Boys committed was saying, alright, we've had enough of this.
We've had enough of you harassing Milo and Ben Shapiro and moderates like Alan Dershowitz.
We're going to protect them, these speakers, from you psychopaths.
And that was a sin.
At Deplorable, they're throwing feces, batteries, and urine at us, and we're the bad guys.
That's the clown world we're living in.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You may be an ambassador to England or France.
You may like to gimbal.
You might like to dance.
You may be the heavyweight.
Welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're very honored to have William Binney, former technical head of the NSA, joining us.
He was the chief technical advisor on Snowden, the hit super accurate film that was put out by Oliver Stone a few years ago and so many other documentaries.
And I was asking the question earlier and then I interrupted with another question.
I've got so many.
How do you stop people framing you?
Remember, it came out two years ago in WikiLeaks, and it wasn't denied.
This was older, 10-year-old CIA stuff, but that they would go around.
When we say the CIA, we mean that big consortium.
There's some good, some bad.
And I say that because I want to differentiate.
You can have whistleblowers that are good from there as well.
But the CIA is one of the oldest and biggest kind of clearinghouses of this, of the 17 agencies.
And it was Vault 7, CIA can stage fake Russian hacking to undermine Trump.
Well, it's easier than that.
Most of the Russian bot companies are just advertising agencies that you can go over there because the Russians don't follow international law, and 80% of the bots were being hired for Hillary during the campaign.
Well, that's not surprising.
Just so happens 80% of the funding was Hillary's.
She had 80%, Trump had 20.
So, you know, the establishment knows the general public doesn't know these technicals, so they play games on it all day.
Uh, but just to say something geographically originates from Russia means nothing.
Like Trump said, he could be a 400-pound guy in his basement on his laptop, but he said whoever's got it, release it.
So, knowing this and experiencing what I've experienced, like...
There's a big computer firm in Boston that does the ratings for banking.
I have perfect banking record.
Last year they just put me in there as a terrorist and all my credit and everything went away.
No judge, no jury, just they did it.
So I've experienced, and I'm not being a victim here, I'm telling folks that's how advanced this is.
Well, now they're going after the NRA, taking away their scores.
There's no judge, there's no jury.
They just flip an Interpol switch that was designed to be used against terrorists or child molesters, but they're not using it against them, Dr. Benny.
They're using it against people like you and I. As an expert, can you speak to this?
How they can frame us?
Well, there's several ways they could do it.
One is to make closed circuit or Closed session affidavits into courts and so on.
Like they do in our case, they classify affidavits or sworn affidavits that they submit to get warrants and things like that.
But they can also do it to just, like for example, give you a black mark and modify commercial ratings that you have or access that you have commercially.
I mean, they have such influence over these companies.
I mean, they've sent the CEOs of companies to jail just as examples to say, here's the poster boy for communications companies like Joe Naccio.
They sent him to jail for five years.
He's a poster boy to see this is what happens to you if you don't cooperate with us.
You know, this happens to you.
So they threaten people that way, out in the open, actually.
And so they all know it, and so they all participate.
So it's not a judge, it's not a jury, but you just get a message to blacklist somebody, you better damn well do it.
That's right.
And the other way they can do it is simply use the... See, the Vault 7 showed the Marble Framework where they could do an attack and make it look like the Russians or the Chinese or the North Koreans or the Iranians or other Arab-speaking countries were doing it.
You know and and leave telltale signs.
Now explain that.
That's just like a teenager can can dock somebody or they can.
What's the term where somebody programs the phone to make it somebody else's phone number so they then get SWAT teamed.
And it's a it's a point of going into the data itself.
And being able to change it without being recorded, as you have to get by the software that automatically records this, it was recently changed, you know, get by that, you can change anything, and there'll be no sign that you were there.
So that's one of the ways.
I mean, the other things is they do, they insert, in the case of the Vault 7 Marble Framework, they use Cyrillic to make it look it's Russians involved and so on.
So I've worked it, you know, I've testified to this in a couple of different shows.
I worked the Russian problem, the Soviet problem for like 30 years, close to it.
And I know these people.
And they're very disciplined, professional people.
And leaving tell-tale signs like that is not what a professional person does.
I'm sorry.
So they're not the Russians, but even so, the... So when they come out and say the Russians did this and there's Russian stuff all over it, it's obviously a frame-up.
Oh, it's a lie.
They've been lying about this all along and we can prove it with forensically.
And that's why I submitted an affidavit, a sworn affidavit, into the federal court in Virginia where they're going to be trying Roger Stone.
And I submitted the affidavit saying I've got the proof that the Russians didn't hack anybody and that this was not, the DNC was not a hack.
And you explained that, you were able to get the data showing it was downloaded at a facility at a rate of speed that didn't exist on the internet at that time.
Yeah, that was the Guccifer 2 data.
But with the DNC data that WikiLeaks posted, it showed and had evidence there and nobody was looking at this, I guess, until we did, or our people did.
It showed evidence of a FAT file format or FAT program being applied.
That's a FAT allocation is a file allocation table format.
That's a process format from a program that reads data to a storage device.
That is what it does when it does that, you know, it does the index of it, but also changes the last modified time on that file to the nearest even second.
And all the files, those 500, over 500 files that were listed there for the DNC downloads on the 23rd, 25th, and 26th of May.
And let's explain, you're respected as one of the top internet engineers, scientists, spies in the world, and you're saying it's just 101, ridiculous, obvious, timestamp, who did it, what happened?
And that timestamp simply said, this fat file program was in use, which meant the data was read to a storage device, the thumb drive or CD-ROM, before and transported physically before WikiLeaks could publish or post it.
So that means the person was in a facility or at the servers?
Or, yeah, that would be the direct implication.
But, you know, they could, well, you know, it could be any number.
OK, what's the evidence for that?
We have evidence that this is downloaded physically.
And had, you know, locally or somebody who had access to this data did this download.
And Julian Assange, of course, said it was not a government input from Russia.
It wasn't input from any government.
And, you know, Craig Murray, the former ambassador to Uzbekistan, British ambassador there, he said he met somebody who was involved in the transfer of data to WikiLeaks on the campus of American University in Washington, D.C.
Obviously it's U.S.
intelligence didn't like Hillary or CHICOM activities.
Anybody that's in the government or talks to folks in government knows that.
And so let me ask this question.
Gut level, how's this civil war between Deep State and the Nationalists and Trump going?
I mean, if you had to call the football game right now, Dr. Benny, what would you say?
I say we still have a chance to win.
It's going to be dependent.
President Trump needs some assistance in that office to help him do the right thing.
And I think that's one of the reasons he hired Barr.
Now, Barr, if I recall correctly, was involved in the Department of Justice back in the Bush era.
Also, George W., I think.
He was back when the bulk spying on everybody first started.
Now, whether or not he was involved, I don't know.
But if he was, that could be a reason for him to help Congress.
Well, my word is, he's the establishment trying to protect the establishment from a civil war, and he's like, leave Trump alone, let's work with him, this is crazy.
My intel is, he's establishment, but he's playing ten moves ahead, and knows if they cause this civil war to remove Trump, they are going to be the losers, but the left won't listen.
Yeah, but I just want to make sure that he actually does that.
I mean, after all, if you have a problem, like we do with our government, Right.
And the administration of the government.
So if we have that problem, we have to face it.
And otherwise, we will never fix it.
If you can't face the problem, you can't fix it.
No, I agree.
We've got a bunch of rogue people unelected.
And when the president tells them to declassify something, they don't even do it.
That is so fundamentally dangerous.
Dr. William Binney, we're going to come back and get into other key points you want to break down.
And let's talk about how this ruling class of technocrats in corporate and in government, how they enrich themselves.
having all this data that nobody else has.
I'm not shut down!
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
I was just at a local t-shirt shop six months ago, and I bought a t-shirt that showed the space shuttle blasting off into space.
And I happened to wear that on Joe Rogan's podcast, and people just talked about the shirt everywhere.
All these websites got started selling the shirt.
Because it's a NASA patch.
It's copyright free.
It's government.
But I had it redone where it says Space Force.
And we made the shuttle a little bit more high-tech looking.
We put 1776 on its right wing, of course.
And it's got a red, white, and blue American flag on the right shoulder with Infowars.com.
We've had a few shirts that have been hits over the years that really go viral, that signify.
I believe this is going to be the new shirt.
Now, the 18-wheeler, printed, produced, made in America, arrives next Wednesday.
But I'm going to do some fanfare on this shirt.
I believe this is going to be the next Hillary for President shirt.
But it's about a pro-human future.
It's about humanity going to the stars.
It's about believing in The amazing gifts that God's given us.
We're not gods.
We're not going to be gods, but we're made in the image of God.
So we're a reflection.
So we can do some amazing things.
We're master builders.
And the space shuttle's 1930s technology put into function in the late 1970s, retired five years ago.
And so...
We've redone it.
Also, I had people on the street love the shirt, but a few have gone, why are you wearing that gay rainbow flag?
And that's when I decided a few months ago to make the shirt.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am so sick of leftist groups or whoever expropriating or appropriating symbols.
If you're a homosexual and you're not doing illegal stuff, I don't care what you do in your bedroom.
That's the left claiming the conservatives are obsessed with what you're doing.
Just leave kids alone whether you're heterosexual or homosexual.
Plus, it's not a plastic rainbow.
It's supposed to be the atmosphere.
Anybody that knows, that's why NASA created this, low in the atmosphere is more dust and stuff than a spectrometer or in a telescope, it's red.
As you get higher, it's orange, that's why the sun on the horizon is red, because you're looking through hundreds of miles of atmosphere and a few miles of atmosphere.
So clear sky is black, below that is blue, then it's yellow, then it's orange, then it's red.
That's why out of thousands of Space Shuttle patches.
They've got 1,060 days to actually find the original patch.
So this is a copy of the original patch.
We put Space Force on it.
And established 2020.
American flag on the side.
I designed this shirt.
I'm very proud of this shirt.
And maybe I'm wrong.
But when I think this is Zeitgeist, it tends to be a Zeitgeist.
I've had other shirts, hundreds of thousands of which have been put on the street.
And it's helped fund our operation as well.
But this shirt has such nice fabric, it's made in America, all of it, that it cost us $10 a shirt.
I did a huge order and got it down for $13.
The printing and the quality of the shirt.
And we're coming up with a women's version as well.
Women can wear this as well.
I'm very proud of it.
People are going to be like, what is that?
What is Space Force?
And so it's kind of an undercover thing, too.
It's like you might get hit in the head with a bike lock or stabbed if you're a Trump supporter and you're out there doing something.
And you're wearing a Trump shirt, Infowars shirt.
People still love those and wear them.
What about a Space Force?
What about loving technology and what we've built and having a pro-human future in space and the American flag that triggers so many?
And littleinfowars.com.
I think this is the shirt, though.
Pre-order, on every pre-order some t-shirts.
We'll have it next week.
It'll be shipped out by the end of the week.
But get your order first.
Infowarshore.com, Infowarslife.com, or AAA2533139.
to 533139. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, folks.
Alex Jones here with the former technical head of the NSA, William Binning.
William, I'm all for progress, and I like technology.
But if it's not evenly distributed, it's always going to become a technocracy.
And I look at Davos and their meetings and the power elite, and they say, We're not going to distribute the technology.
We're going to use it to control everybody, then vertically integrate and kill competition.
Well, that's another form of authoritarianism.
And so I get the Pandora's box.
Humans are going to develop nuclear weapons.
We're going to develop high-speed systems.
We're going to develop communications.
But if the West is going to be the leader in helping China oppress their people, and if we're going to let just unelected bureaucrats stay in power as administrations come and go, And they're so sycophantically arrogant when you see them on TV.
It really is frightening to see this and it makes you wonder, with these type of technologies, what are they going to do next?
So I understand that you and others designed it.
Because others were designing systems, and we need to be dominant.
I get it.
They're making the weapon system, so we've got to make a weapon system to counter it.
But then, it's like the Ring of Mordor, if you use the J.R.R.
Tolkien analogy.
The Ring will make you win the war, or the battle, but you'll end up losing your soul in the process.
So I get that this, the power of the gods is out there.
I get it's happening, and it's just crazy that we're here, and they're this brazen, because Yeah, it just smells like disaster to me.
Yeah, to me it is too.
I mean, the point when we were, when I designed the system to manage information that came from all kinds of sources from all over the world, I did it in such a way that respected people's privacy and also only pulled in relevant data so we didn't burden our analysts with irrelevancies and And also protected identities of individuals as a part of that process.
And also had an auditing program that managed to monitor everybody coming into the network, looking at data, what they did, where they went, you know, what they were doing with the data.
And we could pick out if people were using it improperly or illegally.
We could pick that out as they did it.
Oh, that's a key point you made on the show like five years ago.
They took the internal surveillance out so that anyone can use it, which Let's then outsiders come in and penetrate it so that they can criminally use it to surveil and break the law.
They remove the surveillance, as you said years ago, describe that.
What's the technical term where they made it where you don't see even outside intruders into the system?
Well, it went like this.
They removed the filtering process that got rid of irrelevant data because they wanted everything.
And then they took in everything and got rid of all the protections under the encryption of attributes that would identify people.
They got rid of that because they wanted to know who everybody was on all the data that they were capturing.
But in the end, they wanted to get rid of the auditing program so no one could know what they're doing with the data.
That's exactly the point you're getting at, the criminal use of it.
For spying on people like President Trump or Candidate Trump or just General Citizen Trump.
That's what they were doing.
That's what they're doing with anybody that has any influence and so on.
And that's why they removed those things.
But as a part of that, you know, that's why Edward Snowden could take all the data he did and they don't even know how much he took.
And let's go down and explain that.
So they could commit criminal actions.
They got rid, tell us the year of the details, I know it's on record, we just showed USA Today, seven years ago, you're breaking it down, to where anyone could break in, anyone could, no one's tracked in this giant system, so they could commit crime, which is the ultimate national security crisis.
Yeah, basically, it's a way of exposing, keeping everybody out of sight.
The only ones who are recorded or watched or monitored are NSA analysts.
The FBI, the CIA, the other agencies of the government that come in and look at that data are not monitored.
So no judge, no jury, they can invisibly now come into these billions of portals and do whatever they want, including plant stuff?
Including all the contractors involved in managing it, storing it, keeping it running, and everything else.
That's why Edward Snowden could take what he took.
Because he had access to it.
And then they wonder why they get stung in the ass after they do that.
Well, it's only creating all kinds of violations of law and subverting the entire fundamental principles of our founding fathers.
I mean, the whole idea is a sedition at a minimum just against the departments of government, but also it's treason against the founding principles of our nation.
That's really, this has got to stop, and that's why President Trump really needs some help to do that.
I mean, he needs some really hard-ass patriots in there helping him, and you know, he doesn't have too many right now.
Sure, let's be clear.
You said this on the show four or five years ago that foreign governments, we can pull it up, could get in and get our tools, and now it's admitted China stole all our NSA tools because Obama and others opened it up or anybody could get into it.
I mean, this is insanity.
Yeah, I know.
We're really secure.
No, I know.
You know, sir.
You're the expert.
I'm just putting these articles on screen for people because this is just so flabbergasting.
Chinese got NSA hacking tools and NSA attacks against them.
I mean, this is insanity.
And any time they come out now, here's what I'd like to say to your audience so they know.
Anybody claiming that somebody attacked them now, I mean, all of these tools now are known pretty much around the world.
They've been posted, you know, by shadow brokers from NSA or Wikileaks from the Vault 7 and so on.
So and all these hundreds of millions of lines of code of different attacks are all known in the world.
So when it comes to an attack and all the ones that they alleged the Russians did, they were well known in the world, too.
But the only way you can really say for sure who did the attack was to trace route the packets coming in to make the attack and trace route the packets going back.
That's why you'll say, here's where it came down through the network to attack us.
And here's when ultimately where it went back to.
And those are the people who did it.
If you don't have the traceroute programs showing that, that's a that's a program that basically follows the packets through the network.
Now, NSA has hundreds and hundreds of these traceroute programs embedded in switches and servers around the world.
Probably that was that was about 10 years ago now.
So let me ask you this, gut level, not being a scientist, just gut level as a man, where does this end?
This power of the gods and all these back doors and this orgy of stealing data, where does it end?
It's getting even worse, Alex.
I mean, look at the, now we're moving to the Internet of Things.
That's just more opportunity to see different aspects of your life.
And it's a matter of accumulating all that with all the other information, what you're saying, who you're saying it to, all of that is really just exposing everything.
I mean, you can begin to start to think, you can start to see how people think and, you know, how they feel about things, you know, not just I'm not talking about the Uh, advertising to them for products, but you could do that.
But also, I mean, in terms of group coordination and group action, those kinds of things, like the Tea Party, do they want to get active politically?
Then you find out who they're involved with, so the social network, and then you slow roll them.
Well sure, Facebook admits that.
They're blocking all the nationalists, all the conservatives, all the people that want Data protection.
And then they're augmenting those that are against it.
And then they can also have avatars and bots that you think are your friends that come in and influence you.
This is I mean, we're already way down this rabbit hole.
We are.
We are.
That's the point.
I mean, I you know, I unless we really get radical with this and start, I would say breaking these companies up, causing competition between them.
Just to make the change in the environment.
Yeah, that's a good start because in fact Trump is talking about anti-trust action.
You think that's a good idea?
Yeah, oh yeah, I believe fully in that.
I mean because these people are doing things behind closed doors again just like our secret government does.
You know, the shadow government, those people.
They're acting just like that?
Just like that.
Well, I really appreciate your time, Dr. Benny, and exposefacts.org, goodamerican.org, obviously Snowden, everybody should see it.
You know, our own government's bitching and complaining the Chinese are putting switches in chips they send us that can kill our stuff.
Well, we've done that to them.
It's just a madness.
I mean, just because we can do it, why are we doing it?
It's just crazy.
Thank you for all the time.
We really appreciate you.
You're an American hero.
In 60 seconds, any other points you'd like to add?
Just that now they're, you know, they're using all of this to subvert our entire judicial system.
So they're really destroying our democracy.
And we've got to stop this.
I mean, it's all being done, basically behind secret closed doors.
So we need to we need to we need to stand up and fight this as best we can.
And I'm, you know, I'm certainly ready to help the President any way I can.
Well, William Binney, please join us again soon.
I know you're doing a lot of interviews, and again, Godspeed, and have a great week coming up.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Alex.
Please thank him, crew.
He's a great guy.
The next hour is coming up.
The former Navy SEAL and best-selling author is going to be breaking down so many things, Matt Bracken.
There's a lot of news I haven't hit yet, so I may do a couple of segments before he comes on.
I mean, I'm just, this is insane.
This is completely insane.
And it's beyond anything you can even imagine in a science fiction book.
And the president says, you say I'm a Russian, release it.
And by the way, you were illegally spying.
And they say, no, we're not doing it, we run stuff.
How about some good old fashioned SWAT teams go arrest those people?
I'm seriously, I mean, you know, I'm about humans running stuff, not a bunch of chicken-neck pedophiles at the NSA.
It's time to start breaking some maps.
It's time.
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Sometimes grown-ups touch kids in ways they don't like.
I was wrestling with my uncle, and it changed.
It felt icky.
When touching feels funny, it's hard to know what to do.
Except I shouldn't tell anyone.
If that ever happens to you, say no.
Then go!
And tell someone you trust!
Say no!
Then go!
And tell!
A message from the American Medical Association.
I'll bet you're as bright as your good-looking face.
What's your favorite subject?
Whoa, I better be more circumspect in my answer.
Go ahead, the next question.
And by the way, that's one of the things that's a dangerous idea.
You know, as these guys will tell you, I'm not always their favorite subject.
But the truth of the matter is, the reason we are who we are is called a free press.
Continue to send us in.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm dead loose from the news.
And that keeps me hanging around.
I got nine lives.
Cat's Eyes.
I'm rocking a great pay tree.
You're gonna join me next segment.
I got a few final things I want to hit here, but we've entered beyond the twilight zone now.
You just heard William Benny, former technical head of the NSA, lay out that there is a total criminal takeover of the federal government by the Democrats.
And Trump ordered last year and two weeks ago Release all this stuff, all the Russia stuff, and all the spies, and they won't do it.
They won't follow his orders.
And you go, well, he's not a good leader.
I've got a great crew.
We've got our own janitors.
We've got our own legal.
We've got our own customer service.
We've got our own video production, researchers, writers.
We've got about 100 people.
And they're great.
But my lack of communication or whatever sometimes, I can't get stuff done.
Trump's got tens of thousands of federal employees under him and the executive.
And around, what is it, a half a million tribs?
How many people are in the armed services now?
Close to a million regular, whatever, in the reserves, I forget.
I'm not here to kiss Trump's ass.
I don't want his job.
But at the same time, What do you do when Brennan, four months ago, was supposed to lose his security clearance, and I talked about it months ago, I talked about it last week, now Senator Paul came out, we played it two hours ago, and said, this is a mutiny in the government, this is sedition, that they're not leaving.
The arrogance of Brennan.
And then he's a Wahhabist and a Communist?
I mean, he admits he's a lobbyist and a communist.
You go look it up.
And it's like, he wrote all these articles about how he hates America?
Then get out, you little piece of crap.
But you know what?
It makes me feel weak at night when I go to sleep that that guy is still walking around inside this country.
Shooting his ugly damn mouth off.
I mean, you know what?
I'm just done.
I'm done.
I'm done with these people that just want to... I mean, and it turns out Comey's a communist too?
What the hell is going on here?
No wonder our borders are under total siege and collapsing.
And again, I'm going to go back to this.
I've got hundreds of articles I haven't hit.
Forty-something video clips I haven't hit.
I'm not saying this for lack of material.
Ann Coulter, I've had her on several times over the years.
Nothing against Ann Coulter.
But she does these cheap tricks where she goes, we've got double plus, almost three times the number of illegals coming in under Trump.
He sucks!
That's because the UN's running the refugee centers and assaulting us, and because Congress didn't allot the money.
So, I don't care about defending Trump.
I care about defending reality, culture.
So by saying it's Trump that did it, what is he supposed to do?
March into Congress at gunpoint and make them fund the damn money?
You know at a certain point we may get to that because here's the thing.
They're coming at gunpoint to remove the president and I've been on the receiving end.
of the leftist arm of the CIA and all this being designated as a Russian and designated as an enemy and all the harassment stuff doesn't make me scared it makes me angry that weirdo communist Who literally were chosen by the globalists because they had some weird fetish hating America.
And now they get to sit there and piss on me and my family year after year and get away with it.
And they get to ignore the President in lawful orders and they get to run around to whatever they want.
I'm sick of them.
I just pray to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ That God bring justice upon Brennan and Clapper and Obama and Hillary.
I don't wish any violence upon them.
I don't want to be martyrs.
I'm just saying, God always knows how to do things.
God, I'm just praying here humbly. Will you get these people off our ass?
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all of the force products. It's got force of the name. It's 50 to 30 percent off at
info war store.com info war store.com There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex
Jones, for example.
Alex Jones, the far right conspiracy theorist who is apparently...
(upbeat music)
Russian scum!
Alex Jones.
Russian scum!
Until war comes to mind.
Your reputation's amazing.
I've been here for a long time.
I've been here for a long time.
I've been here for a long time.
I've been here for a long time.
I've been here for a long time.
I've been here for a long time.
I've been here for a long time.
I've been here for a long time.
I've been here for a long time.
I've been here for a long time.
I've been here for a long time.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
Sweet Lucy was a dancer, but no one was a dancer Because she was a samurai
She made electric shadows Alright, I'm gonna hit some news here before Matt Bracken
takes over That I caught myself about to end the show and hand it over
to Matt before I covered this And that's because I'm a wimp
I'm gonna be completely honest with people.
I get ready for hours at night and hours in the morning And then the crew prints me usually 300, 400 articles, most of which I've seen, some I haven't, and a bunch of video clips.
And I come in here and look at a bunch of them and decide what to cover.
And kind of after I've already absorbed them, I just get pissed off that I tend to not cover them.
And that's because you're not supposed to see stuff like this.
If people did things like this in any other culture, At any other time, they would get grabbed by a crowd of people who had instincts and taken to a tree and hung by their neck.
And I'm not calling for that.
But I've told the listeners this, and I don't want to dredge it up in my brain, and I don't want to go do the research again, because I can't handle it.
If anything can break me, I understand why people don't want to look at evil, because it gets hard to look at.
I have seen over the years, and I've been on air 25 years, I don't want to exaggerate, I've probably seen 50 or 60 videos and I've read thousands of articles about abortion doctors having sex with dead babies and throwing them around like footballs.
Selling their organs and everything else and and now every week it comes out because people are inside these facilities And finally have a conscience and God's moving on people's hearts, and there's a new video out on m4s.com of two Partial birth abortion eight and a half month old babies And you know I feel like a criminal earlier Because I didn't tell the crew and I'm not mad at the crew I told him have it ready that they went ahead and rolled it after I've already watched it last night this morning and And it makes you want to kill people.
I'm going to just be honest with you right now.
So, because, you know, my guts, my spirit sees a baby who got killed and its brain sucked out by some asshole, and then they make a joke out of it.
You know, that's the thing about it is they got to rub it in, don't they?
Because one thing to read a police report, They busted a lot of these guys.
About them having sex with the dead babies.
Sometimes they keep them alive and have sex with them first.
That's what the demon wants.
But it's another thing to have to watch, you know what I mean?
But I have a responsibility to watch that.
I'm gonna watch that.
But I'll just tell you something right now.
We're very lucky God's forgiving.
Because the amount of evil coming out of this planet right now He's unbelievable.
But Satan knows what he's doing.
He wants God to remove the hedge of protection.
And that's why we've got to fight the evil, we've got to stop the evil, and we've got to just keep letting God know, we know this is wrong, please don't kill us and our children.
Because let me tell you something.
When you've got this kind of stuff going on, wide scale, man, bad stuff historically starts happening real quick.
Like a plague that's going to kill billions or a nuclear war.
And you know what?
At the end of the day, here's what's getting sick.
I've got four children.
I love them more than life.
I'm starting to just think God ought to blow the whole planet up.
You know what I mean?
So that we're not just a factory to kill a bunch more kids.
Because if we're just going to be a factory to have little babies so child molesters can rape them and torture the hell out of them, then you know what?
Just blow it all up, God, because I don't want to be part of this and I don't want to be aiding and abetting it because I can't figure out how to stop it.
In fact, you know, I went and saw the raw footage.
Here's the thing.
I've seen other stuff, too.
And this is the thing about those little dead kids.
I mean, these are babies, man.
These are full-size babies.
These are like six-pound babies.
And I don't want to incite violence against these people that are doing this.
I just want to stop them.
But I can't show you this and not tell you what I really think.
And then if you go out and do something violent, it turns these pieces of crap into victims.
So I don't know what you do about all this.
I just know this, that we're not going to be able to coexist with these people.
And they know it and we know it.
And so whatever we got to do down the road, let's just make sure we think about it.
We get it straight.
We do a professional job.
That's all I'm saying.
And I'm not running the show here.
I don't have all the answers.
All I know is this.
You go watch them make fun and laugh at these dead babies.
And then you ask me if we're not guilty for being part of these people.
Because allowing people like that to walk around breathing makes us aid and abet those sons of bitches.
And all I'm telling you is, is that I can't take much more of their crap.
But at the same time, you've got to be as wise as a serpent and peaceful as a dove.
Walk softly, carry a big stick, but man, I'm done.
We're going to go to break, and I'll have our guest host take over.
I'm just going to say this real simply.
If people don't feel called to support what we're doing, then that's fine.
I don't blame you.
But if you do want to support what we're doing, I'm very satisfied that our operation is the most hated, dreaded enemy of the Satanists.
Because we know who they are, and we're not afraid of them.
But that said, we will not exist without you.
And all I ask is you to ask yourself, do you want to buy products that are the best out there at great prices?
Whether they're books, or films, or supplements, or water filters, or air filters.
You know, they've had third parties go out and test all our supplements, test our water filters, our air filters, and they always get angry.
They go, oh man, these are like the highest rated.
Well, A, I'm not going to sell something if it's not highest rated.
I want you to get a good response and buy it again.
Plus, I know they're testing it all.
But, I feel guilty that I spent so little time focused on funding So that we could do the really great things I know we could do if we had a lot more money.
And the enemy has seen the potential of Infowars.
They know what we can do.
And that's why they're working so hard to shut us down.
And sure, you can say, well, you know, 15 minutes an hour is ads.
But for 20 years, nobody watches the ads.
Nobody listens to the ads.
Everybody knows, and talk radio and TV, the product placement is during the segments.
And when it comes to the industry, we have the least amount of ads during the actual show of anybody out there.
Because, quite frankly, I don't want to sit here when we're talking about how they're torturing babies and playing games with them and all this, and then say, oh, by the way, get our coffee, get our protein bars, or, you know, get our new super force special, everything with force in the name, 50% off.
But you know what?
At the end of the day, we should be proud of that.
Because it is you and your investment and your belief in this operation in 20 plus years that has stood the test of time and that has wreaked havoc on the enemy.
So I first off thank the listeners of Support of This and I salute you and I ask others, in this time in history, Choose which side you're on, whether you spread the word about the broadcast, whether you pray for us, whether you financially support us.
Whatever you can do, make that decision and do it, and decide which side you're on.
There's nothing more powerful than praying for us.
It's incredibly powerful to spread the word.
But financial support...
Hunter's angry.
We're on a planet in the middle of gorgeous space, way out on the edge of a little galaxy,
and Hubble Telescope has photographed 500 billion plus galaxies.
And that's a 19, early 1990s telescope.
They got new ones up there, they won't let us see what they're getting.
I mean, we are little babies.
But God told us 2,000 years ago there'll be a world government, there'll be a cashless system to buy and sell.
It's only gonna last a while.
You've been given free will.
I have to do this to you.
But if you make the right choice, I'm waiting on the other side.
And I don't want to do this to you, but you've been given full consciousness as a little G. Only thing an omnipresent entity like God can do is create new creatures that have the seed of the universe in them and the potentiality to do anything.
You have free will, you have a piece of God in you, a seed of the universe, and God literally, as the Bible says, God loves a sparrow of the field so much when it dies, a little bird.
Imagine how much God loves you.
But God isn't creating robots, and God already created the angels.
And gave him free will, and a bunch of them turned against him.
One third!
Imagine, we're dealing with God's malfunctioning, rebelling creation that was given free will.
And what does Lucifer want to do?
Lucifer is jealous as hell.
You're Lucifer.
You're really old.
A hundred billion, trillion years old?
Who knows?
God gave us a cheat sheet.
Listen, I want you to join me, but I gotta do this to you, because it's free will.
I don't want slaves.
I can create robots or servants all day.
I love you so much.
I'm putting everything I have got into you.
Just please, please, please listen to me and just don't do these things because it'll bring you down.
I want to be with you and God cries for all of us that fall to the devil.
This is real.
This whole planet is a test.
So I was thinking during the break before last, I went from one building to the next.
I was hurrying back over here with some articles and I stumbled over the doorframe and fell on my face.
When I hit my face and sprung back up, I went, we're not thanking God for globalism under attack, globalism failing everywhere, humanity starting to reignite, and then we're bitching and complaining that it's not good enough, it's not fast enough, and Trump doesn't do everything we want.
Well, what are you doing?
What am I doing?
But it hit me.
If we seek God's face, if we repent, that He'll come and He'll heal our land.
And we're seeing the beginnings of that.
We've got a long way to go.
But we really should thank God for what's happening.
And thank God for all the gifts.
And the gift of consciousness.
And the gift of God being willing to create His own children.
And God loves us way more than any of us love our children.
Imagine loving your child a thousand times that.
Knowing that child's potential.
Being omnipresent.
But turning them loose in a pack of hyena-like devils.
Because it's what you've got to do.
Because they deserve consciousness.
And you're not... God's not going to intervene other than touching our heart and giving us the blueprint.
If we reject God and we...
Climb up on top that devil, it's gonna lead us right into hell.
And so, we should all thank God in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, as an example to us all, because that's what it's all about.
And the enemy hates it when we talk about Christ more than anything.
And the persecution of Christians is more than any other group, because it's real.
It's a blueprint.
What you're told in the Bible is real.
Not their misinterpretations, not their twisting, but the reality that God created Out of his own nostrils.
Out of his own breath.
Out of his own DNA.
But he would let his own rebellious servant come against us to test us so that we would be good sons and daughters in the future.
And then God has to sit there and watch billions of his sons and daughters fall to evil and be destroyed and be sucked in by these devils and taken into a black hole into a pit forever.
That's what God did for consciousness.
That's what God did to make you.
That's what God did to give you this incredible power!
You think about that.
Now you know God.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, best-selling author, enemiesofforeigndomestic.com is our guest.
Our co-host, he's about to take over.
He wants to chime in on this, so I held over.
I want to be very, very clear.
The energy force of evil is hurting children and hurting innocents and having power over the weak.
That's the nature of satanic energy.
And the world's always had this going on in it.
Now we just have the tools to be aware that it's happening.
And the articles on newswars.com, graphic, shock footage, undercover probe catches abortion doctors playing fight with dead babies.
Now, I've watched this three times, and I don't like watching this.
I have four children.
I'll be honest, it makes me feel murderous, which is a normal activity.
These are big babies.
These are like six-month-old babies, or six-pound babies who would be in the last trimester.
And the doctors are making jokes, having a fight.
And when you read about the literature and the convictions and the indictments, it's wholesale, especially partial birth.
Because the type of people that would actually kill 7, 8, 9, 10 babies a day, that could have been adopted.
I mean, these are big babies.
It's a special type of person, a special type of sicko.
And so one part of me feels bad airing this, the other part feels good.
It's partially blurred out.
And there's a lot more of this I'm not going to show you, but I've read to you the Vice articles about women.
It feels so good to kill your baby.
It's so empowering.
You're going to have the biggest orgasm of your life.
The truth is it hurts like hell.
It doubles the chance of different types of reproductive cancer.
Imagine if you went and saw a horror movie where people are getting abortions for pleasure.
You think that's a sick movie.
This is really going on.
And it's our inability to admit evil exists that allows this to happen.
So... That's what I'm trying to get at.
So... I want you guys to play this video.
at 10% speed.
I want you to program the computer.
I want you to slow this down because if I'm going to look at this again, I'm going to look at it slow.
I'm going to let it burn into my brain because man, let me tell you, I love my children so much.
I love other children so much and all my instincts are protect them and love them and build them up and educate them.
But and so if we're going to look at this, we're not going to turn away.
We're gonna look right at it, okay?
We're gonna let it burn in real good what they're doing to the children.
And so none of us enjoy this, none of us like this.
The enemy loves it.
But we're going to look at this.
And we're going to face this.
And then we're going to do something about it.
And don't go blow up these abortion clinics and turn them into victims.
But politically, sue them.
Go to their city councils, expose them.
Go find out the bar they go to and record them bragging about killing kids.
They're all demons.
That's how you hit them.
Be smart about it.
But don't just sit here and feel bad about it.
Do something about it.
Because, again, I was told by former high-level people in the CIA who'd been involved in the My Lai Massacre and stuff, who'd repented They thought they were doing was good.
Men, women, children.
And I've talked to former FBI guys that headed whole sectors up, like Ted Gunderson.
And man, I'd be having dinner with him like 23 years ago, and he'd be like, Alex, they're all Satanists, and they get the Down syndrome kids and have sex with them, and they're devil worshippers, and they corrupt the kids, and they had the fetal tissue and the vaccines to corrupt them because of, and I was like, you're nuts.
And then 20 years later, man, it's all out in the open.
And the stuff I got told by John DeCamp, who was in the CIA, who was in the Phoenix Project,
even those guys have a conscience where the rubber meets the road.
And this, I'm gonna go to Matt, I appreciate him.
I just, I just, I feel like we shouldn't just show these babies being defiled like this after they sucked their damn brains out.
Just, oh look here's the baby!
I think we should stare at it.
Here, just, I'm gonna look at the screen right now.
I don't wanna do this.
But we're gonna do this because they got killed.
They got tortured to death.
They got treated like toilet paper for these guys to have fun with.
So, so let's look at it together and let's, let's promise that their deaths aren't in vain.
vein go ahead and roll it. These are abortion doctors with third trimester
babies that were about to be born defiling them making jokes about them
that they're having a fight.
Because that's who they are.
And by the way, this is nothing.
They've been convicted, they've been caught having these doctors have sex with them.
Well, of course, if you're going to do this all day long, who do you think you are?
All right, Matt Bracken, you wanted to comment on this.
I appreciate you holding all up and ranting.
Evil's just coming out of the closet right now.
Why do you think so?
I think it's a cyclical part of human nature.
And with modern technology, the pendulum's just swinging much further and much faster.
You know, when historians look at the 20th century and they point to Weimar Germany as sort of being a windup, Yeah, I mean, I think a lot of people go back to World War two.
And they think they say, Oh, the Weimar Germany, you know, they had, um, like live sex acts and, you know, a lot of moral depravity.
Compared to Weimar Weimar Germany's like Mayberry RFD compared to where we are today.
And, uh, like a catapult.
like a catapult being wound up, you know, like a spring being compressed. We're pushing so far
against, I guess you would call it natural law or biblical morality.
We've been pushing God's law, natural law.
Maybe they're the same thing.
Maybe the Bible is like the collective wisdom of human experience about how to create a civilization that's moral and enduring with good values.
And we've rebelled against that.
We've rebelled against God.
And when this pendulum swings, when the catapult energy is released, I have to think it's going to be something far worse than what happened in the 1940s.
Much worse.
I agree.
And I watch the left celebrate the death of children.
Do they not know they are reaping total destruction?
I think it's biblical.
I think billions are going to die for this.
God's going to really hurt us bad.
Well, the left is so detached from reality, they're actually engaged in kind of an anarchical blood ghost dance, you know, hatred against their father, hatred against their father in heaven, and what they're doing for just for an example, They've got the border wide open, 4,000 a day coming over.
We've seen Central Africans in large groups waiting across the Rio Grande.
And they go into these holding center, ICE refugee temporary holding centers, where they can all cough on one another.
It's like a Stephen King novel where they're trying to collapse the very Pillars of society, you're going to take over.
I appreciate Matt Bracken.
Well, that's going to happen because we've got Ebola breaking out in Africa.
It can, we know that it can be dormant for weeks.
It's, there's no, like, hard rule.
No, it's funny you say that.
You had 200 coming across from Angola, and that's right where they've got the, it's so insane.
We're living in a science fiction movie, and the average person doesn't know how much danger they're in, because they're watching ESPN.
Matt Bracken takes over in three minutes, so everybody you know to tune in, or get into The Globalist, whatever.
If you don't promote us, whatever, then it's up to you.
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Tom in Texas, police officer on the border.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
After watching those babies being played with like dolls, it's pretty hard to imagine that
God's going to have a lot of mercy on this society.
There's a reason why Sodom and Gomorrah went down in the books as examples of don't do it the way they did it.
Whatever they did was so bad that it caused a reaction that wiped them out totally.
When you see the kind of, you know, not only pure evil like those babies, those aborted babies, but you read in Europe that, you know, euthanasia laws are now being extended to, you know, teenagers that are depressed.
Sure, we'll give you the, we'll inject you with a death drug.
You're 17 year old girl, rape victim, you're depressed, kill yourself.
We'll give you the, we'll give you the needle.
I mean, this is, this is truly, Truly sick.
I mean, there are obviously some good signs.
National sovereignty movements around the world are growing stronger.
But you have to wonder if it's going to be enough or if it's just going to be too little and too late.
In our own country, the open borders crowd, which is basically the rebranded communists, communists, globalists, progressives, one worlders, socialists, it's the same group.
They've got our borders wide open.
It's pointless to talk about closing the border or forcing Mexico to close their border.
We don't even have the national will to close our own border.
And we're going to ask a third world country like Mexico to stop the flood across Mexico when we can't do it our own selves.
But we obviously could very easily.
The military can do it tomorrow.
It just has to make the announcement that we're not having the welcome wagon anymore And groups approaching the border are going to be resisted.
It's our national right to do so.
It's right in the Constitution.
The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a Republican form of government and shall protect each of them against invasion.
The president can do that on his own say-so tomorrow.
All it takes is razor wire and pepper spray.
You know, you can stop it if you want to stop it.
But instead, what our soldiers are doing is make work projects like painting barrack barriers.
They're not actually interdicting anybody.
We have troops in, what, a hundred nations around the world?
But we are not allowed to have our own troops stop an invasion.
And it's not just a future demographic electoral invasion.
That's bad enough.
In 10 years, they'll all be voting and they'll all be voting for the party that promises the most welfare and benefits.
That's the Democrats.
So it's easy to see why the Democrats want this invasion to continue.
But the madness of it comes when you see that not only are Central Americans coming over,
but now even large groups of Africans are coming over, including Africans from Central Africa and the Congo,
where Ebola is now spreading like it did years ago, with hundreds of new cases a week, you know, 50, 100 deaths
a week.
It gets into a major city in Africa.
It's going to be very hard to stop.
The amount of treatment, well, there's no treatment.
Once you've got it, you know, 90% of the time you're dead horribly.
If you manage to survive, you're crippled, you're you're a shell of a human being.
But if it gets into a major city, in the era of jet travel, it's going to be almost impossible to stop from spreading around the world.
You know, they think that can usually remain dormant for two or three weeks in a person, but there have been cases where people have exploded in full symptoms, you know, a month, more than a month after being exposed.
That would include Center for Disease Control people coming back to America.
You know, they spend two or three weeks in quarantine.
They get off the airplane in America.
There are cases of people exploding in symptoms More than a month later, so it's pure Russian roulette.
And when you add open borders with large groups of Africans coming across, not to mention that they could be spreading it on the way up through Mexico, then they get into our ICE detention camps where they'll spend a couple weeks coughing on one another in close contact.
It's a witch's brew.
It's almost as if, you know, the powers that be wanted something like this to happen.
I don't think that they do.
I'm not that much of a conspiracy theorist.
But I'll tell you what.
The main conspirators in the deep state coup against Trump, they're desperate.
They see Steele ready to testify to the Department of Justice.
They see the prison doors closing on themselves.
And a lot of these characters that have been at the high senior executive service level for decades of their lives, they're not going to take it lying down.
They'll be willing to do almost anything to upset the table.
And that includes, as Alex was discussing earlier, ways to take out President Trump directly.
And it's not even a matter of food testers if you have contact poisons
that somebody can just be put in contact with, something put on a doorknob or a car handle.
So, you know, thank goodness Trump is a germaphobe who doesn't like to shake hands or touch a lot of stuff
because that's a main vector now for poisoning is just a contact or an aerosol or something that you ingest.
But I mean, these are extremely dangerous times.
I would call on everybody to be ready for almost anything.
We might have a very short period of time.
If you hear about Ebola getting loose in a big African city, You know, you'd better have a month's worth of food and water because you're not going to be wanting to go out.
If Ebola gets loose, crosses the border, it's going to require draconian measures on a level that we can't even imagine.
And this is in a country where in the face of epidemics coming into our country, you know, children coming into our classrooms with Resistant tuberculosis, for example, drug resistant tuberculosis.
And we have a government that is so ineffectual or actually in favor of the invasion that they won't stop it now.
Do you think that they'll really be willing to put total quarantines on cities that have Ebola raging in them?
I mean, we're it's almost like fiddling while Rome burns, or it's like the the during the Middle Ages while the bubonic plague is raging.
The nobles are in the castle having, you know, one last party.
And part of it I blame on our short attention span.
In this media era, it's almost as if Ebola, oh, we already did that.
That was five years ago.
Ebola's an old story.
They figured it out.
Ebola's finished.
You don't have to worry about it.
Well, I'll tell you what.
Ebola is not finished.
And a really good blog I highly recommend, the guy that writes it is really brilliant, named Aesop, like Aesop's Fables.
It's called Raconteur Report.
And every so often he puts up puts out an Ebola update and it's very chilling what he had to say on June 1 about Ebola spreading in the in Congo.
It's extremely frightening and if this gets loose among the people coming into this country or if just one one single health worker gets off the airplane thinking that they've passed the quarantine period but they haven't.
It can wreak havoc.
We do not have the beds, the containment facilities, you know, that hot zone level of treatment.
It just doesn't exist.
One Ebola patient takes up practically an army of specialists that are suited up in these exotic hazmat suits, and we just don't have that army of health workers standing by ready to go.
We should be taking things like this very seriously.
And instead, you know, we're talking about impeaching President Trump or putting him in jail.
You know, the crime is unspecified.
We'll find the crime later.
First we'll impeach him or have him put in jail.
Then we'll figure out what the crime is.
Anyway, what a time to be alive and watching those babies before, oh man.
I'll be back in a couple minutes and we'll keep going.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Banning people.
They're dictating the opinions that everyone on the platform is allowed to have.
I'm a conservative Jew, so I guess that makes me such a dangerous person.
Spreading articles.
Spreading videos.
Spreading links.
You're gonna get demonized.
You're gonna get attacked.
That's going to do something terrible like help Trump get re-elected.
That's really what all this is about.
They say that they deem our content and our brand un... Is the right to be, do, and say whatever you want.
It's about freedom of expression.
I'm a journalist.
I'm a left not interested in telling the truth about me because I don't fit the stereotype.
They can say whatever they think, and I respect their constitutional right to do it.
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Infowars, the most banned network in the world.
why on
the on
on Yo, bro, what's up?
Let's get down.
I will break your jaw.
I will knock your teeth out.
I will break your nose.
I will break your neck.
I'm not afraid of you people.
You're a little wimp, you son of a piece of garbage.
I hate you.
My listeners hate you.
And remember that scumbag forever.
If you don't spread the legs, the globalists win.
Spread the legs!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption is...
It's Alex Jones with Matt Bracken.
OK, I'm back from my last big segment, and I've got a couple of topics to cover.
You might be wondering, why am I wearing a camouflage shirt today?
I'm glad it didn't disappear on the green screen.
It's more brown than green.
Well, there's no doubt that the Info War is a culture war also.
It's a war between the globalist communists, the Marxists, and us American patriots and other national patriots.
Those that support the values of the Bible and Western civilization.
And even if you don't support, if you're an atheist, natural law.
The laws that human beings learned over the last few thousand years about what makes a civilization work.
That's what we're for.
And one way I've thought of to kind of identify ourselves as kind of a uniform is Camouflage.
You'll never see a liberal wearing hunting camouflage.
Where I live in North Florida, there's not a restaurant you walk into, you don't see somebody wearing some hunting camouflage.
Everybody's got probably a few of these on the shelf.
You don't have a shirt to wear, you got a cap like this to wear.
And it's a way for folks to self-identify.
When you're out walking your dog or you're at the ballpark, you see the guy in the hunting camouflage, give him a little nod.
He's probably a like-minded person.
Because for a fact, progressives, they're into the pink pussy hats and they're into the rainbow banners.
They don't realize that they actually do look like Honkler the Clown to us.
But hunting camouflage is something that pretty much conservatives and libertarians are going to be attracted to.
Even if you're not personally into camouflage, try it out sometime.
You'll be surprised the contacts you'll make when you make that little bit of eye contact.
Next thing you know, you're talking about guns and calibers and shooting ranges.
Before you know it, you've got a new friend.
Anyway, another topic.
In the news this week is YouTube's ongoing purge.
It's really just the latest ratchet.
Everybody should know very well by now, YouTube is Google.
The same group, the same mockingbird group, or what's it called, Dragonfly, happy to work with the Communist Chinese, suppressing their citizens.
Well, they're also happy to work with YouTube, suppressing our citizens.
Like Alex was talking about with William Benny, they can just dial our algorithms down to where we think we're free.
We're walking around, we're posting on social media, but nobody's hearing our message.
That's what's going on.
So I personally have been on Facebook for almost a month now, which is shocking to me.
I stay on strictly to test their algorithms.
You know, where does Matt Bracken fall on the banning list?
I'm permabanned from Twitter.
They're letting me on Facebook lately.
But what I do is, I'm not a fan of Facebook, believe me, by no means.
I parallel post.
I would post on Twitter, except I'm gone from there permanently.
I post on FreeZoxy.
I post on Gab.
Mines I never got into.
Mines.com, if you have a good experience with it, fine.
And one that I was just introduced today is called Parler.com.
It seems to work very much like Twitter.
And what I do is, it's very convenient if you're in the club, if you're in the oligarch social media club, then you'll get an app.
So you can just click the Facebook or the Twitter or the Instagram.
Well, if you're not in that club, if you're a Gab or a Free Zoxy or a Parler, You have to do two or three steps.
You've got to copy the title, copy the URL, paste it in.
Big deal.
Are you such a sunshine patriot that that's too much effort?
That if it takes more than clicking the little Facebook icon, you're not going to bother?
Anyway, any article or any topic that I see that's worth sharing, I share it not just on Facebook, I share it everywhere that I can.
I just keep those them open and then I can parallel post.
Then people can contact me, friend me or whatever they call it on different sites, private message me.
And this is a way that we can diffuse and make our communications, instead of a top-down hierarchical organization, make it a wide net from all directions that's much harder for the social media titans to control.
Another thing that I recommend is when you find great blogs like the Raconteur Report that I mentioned earlier or Gates of Vienna that I check daily, Western Rifle Shooters Association, places that have their own comment sections.
You can post in these blogs in their comments And find your own, you know, find the people that live in your area, get together, meet in real world, meet space.
And anyway, I'm just suggesting don't just go to Facebook or Twitter because it's easy and you think you're done.
But really, they've turned your volume down to zero.
So what the hell is the point?
So I post across the board.
I go to the various blogs and I look at the blog roles on the side.
Like if you look at Western Rifle Shooters Association, then you look at the blog role on the side and you'll find other great blogs that are putting out content that would definitely make you an un-person in liberal social media.
But you know, this is a way of just flooding the zone.
They can't stop the message if you use all frequencies, every frequency you can use.
Vlad Tepes, that I mentioned before, he had thousands and thousands of videos deleted from YouTube.
What he's now doing on his own blog, he'll have the link, but the videos that he would have hosted prior Now he's having them, he has them hosted by other folks, or he just picks them up when they are posted on YouTube by other folks.
So there's many small targets, shifting targets, constantly making new channels, but you follow the names, you follow the people, and as they get banned here, they pop up there.
But it, yeah, it takes a little bit more work.
But if this is really, you know, a fight for our freedom of speech, then it's worth making the effort.
Don't just think, well, hey, I mean, I posted on Facebook or I saw who was posting on Facebook.
You're not seeing much there because they've dialed you down to one or zero percent.
So, make the effort, find these great blogs, and then find their blog role on the side, and you'll be amazed by how much terrific content is out there that you are never in a million years going to find on Facebook, because those content creators are virtually banned, or they're in limited state, or they're made so that you have to, like, you know, Type in the exact title on YouTube.
Otherwise, you can't find it.
They don't let you use the share functions.
But this is an info war and it's going to take a lot of effort on our part.
If you do reach out to me on any of these alternate social media sites, I'll try to respond.
And, you know, look for me, look for the others like me.
As they get banned, remember, they haven't gone away.
They've just been made unpersons.
So take the effort to find these guys and keep it going.
Another thing I'd like to say is Amazon is becoming a real pain in the butt to me in terms of dealing business with them that I've been doing for 15 years.
And I'm glad when people order paper books from Amazon, I'm glad when you order Kindle books from Amazon.
But remember, everything Kindle can be deleted.
What we're seeing right now in Canada is a return of this bill called Criminal Law C-13.
This is what got Mark Stein like five years ago.
Under the last Prime Minister Stephen Harper, it was taken out of the criminal code.
Now they're trying to put it back in and it's going to basically make it illegal to hurt anybody's feelings on the left.
And you won't even be able to mention things like the New Zealand Manifesto, just bringing it up like, quoting the guy in New Zealand, in order to say, look, he was a communist, he wasn't a right winger.
You won't even be allowed to quote from the manifesto.
The entire areas of speech are just going to be banned.
So I'm urging you to, when you can, get the dead tree copy of these edgy books that the social justice warriors hate, like mine, like Diana West's and others.
Make the effort and get the dead tree version.
I'm telling you, if Trump loses or if he's taken out, The next president is going to, under, you know, some emergency laws against hate speech, they're going to mass delete a lot of the content.
So get the printed dead tree version when you can.
And if you, if you get it straight from me, I'll sign it.
And then Jeff Bezos doesn't get half.
You know, the details are on my website.
But I'll be back next week and we'll talk about all this some more.
[News music]
InfoWars The most banned network in the world.
This is CNN.
You see Apple making these decisions, you know, based on, you know, if this is impacting us.
Do you think that tech companies are in a position right now where they can self-regulate with some of these more sticky issues?
Hi, I'm Tim Cook.
I run the richest company in the world, and I pay Chinese slave laborers, you know, a dollar a day.
I've moved Apple to China and given your iCloud keys to their government, and now I'm bringing Chinese censorship here to America and working with Google to do it.
I mean, it's crazy.
Do you think, I mean it's interesting to hear you say that, I, just having covered a lot of this over the last month, I keep coming back to this fundamental question, and you can tell me if this is too philosophical for you, but I come back to this fundamental question, do we as users just have to re-envision the idea of privacy?
Is it a luxury at this point?
Hi, I'm Tim Cook.
The New York Times says, quote, I lead the moral high ground.
That Apple, via Tim Cook, leads the moral high ground.