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Name: 20190530_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 30, 2019
3185 lines.

The passage talks about how InfoWars, a show hosted by Alex Jones, is an example of new local media that doesn't require middlemen or corporate influence. This allows for more diverse voices to be heard and empowers the audience to participate in content creation. The future of such platforms depends on audience support, so they encourage listeners to purchase products from their online store. The show also endorses certain products and emphasizes the importance of listener support.

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It's Thursday, May 30th, 2019.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And to say that the news has gone into Supernova Insane is light.
This is going to be one hell of a transmission.
Thank you so much for joining us on this worldwide transmission.
I first, though, want to air a video that's posted to NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com that needs to go viral.
We took the old classic, Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-Ho He, from the 1960s music, and put to it just some of the leftists going crazy and acting like complete maniacs.
And you think of that as a positive to defeat them, but it's actually a negative, because you can't reason with these power-crazed maniacs.
Here is the boil-down.
This broadcast contains subject matter that may offend liberal snowflakes.
I don't give you permission to record me!
You're on live right now!
I don't give you permission!
Remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to leave because I go berserk?
Well, you left me anyhow and then the days got worse and worse and now you see I've gone completely out of my mind!
They're coming to take me away, ha-ha!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, he-he, ha-ha!
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time!
I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats
and they're coming to take me away, ha ha!
Get the f*** outta here! F*** you not!
You thought it was a joke and so you laughed, you laughed when I had said that losing you would make me flip my lid.
You know you laughed, I heard you laugh.
You laughed, you laughed and laughed and then you left but now you know I'm utterly mad.
They're coming to take me away, ha ha!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, he-he, ha-ha!
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes, and they're coming to take me away, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
I'm gonna grow a magnificent pair of breasts!
I cooked your food, I cleaned your house, and this is how you pay me back for all my kind, unselfish, loving deeds!
Well, you just wait, they'll find you yet, and when they do, they'll put you in the ASPCA, you mangy mutt!
They're coming to take me away, ha ha ha, they're coming to take me away, ho ho, hee hee, ha ha, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats, and they're coming to take me away, ha ha!
The most banned network in the world.
The most banned network in the world.
There's an echo in here.
An example of the insanity of the globalists and the left is when you're actually one of their targets, you get another level of understanding of their lies.
And you see how the orders come out every week for what the new spin of the new deception is.
In my case, there's a whole new string of stories saying Alex Jones admits he's an actor and everything he says is fake.
Then they never show where I supposedly said that.
They don't even go back and claim my lawyers said it two years ago, which they didn't say, or three years ago.
But that's what they do.
You go read the article and then they say, oh, he kind of admits in his deposition he's fake.
Didn't kind of do any of that.
That was real fake saying Trump will get elected.
I'm real fake saying the EU is going to go down.
I'm real fake rebooting 1776 with my badass audience.
Yeah, we're real fake.
And I guess when Ted Nugent shreds on the guitar, the Star Spangled Banner, I guess that's real fake too.
When I'm shooting bullseye with my old .45, I guess that's fake too.
Just like this tweak they're taking out of context on Trump.
It shows their insanity.
They've not shut down- InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Preview Preview
I will break your jaw, I will knock your teeth out, I will break your nose, and I will break your neck.
You're a little wimp!
You son of a piece of garbage!
I hate you!
I hate you!
And remember that scumbag forever!
If you don't spread the link, the globalists win!
Spread the legs!
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Jim Hoft has been doing a great job over at the Gateway Pundit tracking the insanity.
Of the fake Mueller investigation and it's gotten him basically deplatformed and his fine news organization and labeled fake news because it's so accurate and so prolific and so effective he'll be popping in start of the next hour to give us the latest.
He's got his ear to the ground a lot of crew in DC on what's happening with the ongoing Russia hoax that's so huge obviously with Mueller coming out yesterday.
And then we're also going to have in the studio Robert Barnes, who's a prestigious constitutional lawyer and also civil rights lawyer with a very long history of winning cases.
He was in court today and will be in court tomorrow on matters that I have here in Travis County.
And just very, very illuminating, very, very illuminating what's going on here with the state of the First Amendment.
But he's also an expert, obviously, has been tracking the Mueller situation.
So he's going to be in studio on those fronts coming up also in the second and third hour with us today.
Now, I'm going to lay something out here that I've talked a lot about, and it's the reason the establishment wants me off the air.
And it's the reason that when John Kelly came into the White House, his number one rule was, do not let this list of people near the president.
And that list included a long string of retired, respected generals and other members of the military.
And it also had, you're truly at the top of the list, because their people were obviously listening in on my phone calls with the president.
When I said, sir, you gotta go after him for the illegal FISA warrants.
This is when he called to thank me.
Two days after he got elected, I told him this.
When he called me a month later, when he called me a week after that, when he called me the time after that.
I said, Mr. President, you need to stop thanking me.
I know this is just a pat on the head, sir.
I know you're calling people that supported you and I appreciate it.
I don't need the praise.
They're coming after you.
You've got people that have infiltrated all around you, sort of telling you who they are.
I said, these are Soros operatives.
And I listed some of the names.
And I said, you've got people lying to you that are bringing these folks in, and they're going to try to bring you down.
And he'd say, very interesting.
Tell me more.
And I'd say, well, here's this particular lady that they brought in over your staffing.
You think she comes from the Republicans, but she really has worked at the State Department for the whole Soros project.
So basically she's a Hillary operative, and she's going to stack the deck against you, and they're running espionage operations against you under the name of counter-espionage.
Now, how did I know all of this?
I knew all of it because Obama put it in law before he left, and I told him that.
And the President would say, very interesting, wait a moment, he'd come back, because he was telling him, make notes of this, give me a transcript of this.
Now I'm not saying Kelly's a traitor, I'm not saying Kelly's bad.
A lot of this happened before Kelly got in.
I don't know.
I just know that even Limbaugh has talked about it when he had dinner with Trump.
You gotta find the clip.
I played it last year.
Trump told him, yeah, if they come in there and they see an InfoWars story on the desk, they get rid of it because they don't want him reading it.
Who do you think puts it on his desk?
Good people from the Pentagon, people like Donald Trump Jr., folks like that.
And the reason I'm telling you this story is, and you'll remember Limbaugh talking about it, how he talked to the President and the President told him that, this isn't about tooting my horn.
This is why the globalists want to rip my head off and crap down my neck.
Because we've been proven right.
And if the President figures that out, we can defeat the globalists once and for all.
Doesn't mean we still won't have corruption, doesn't mean we still won't have the chi-coms and remnants of this thing, but we've got a real fighting chance into the future.
To have a really free, open society, and really get the advanced technologies to the general public, all the new energy systems that have been suppressed, and it'll be a renaissance the likes of which this planet's ever seen.
And Trump believes in all that.
That's common sense.
And so that's why they fought so hard to keep him full war for the president.
You'll remember.
And the Democrats have written books about this, that when we went to the RNC three years ago, there were Thousands of Infowars shirts.
That really freaked the globalists out at that point.
We had airplanes in the air with Hillary for prison.
People were chanting, lock her up.
That comes organically from our audience.
They fear you.
They don't want to just rip my head off.
They want to rip your head off.
But they want to suck you dry before they do it.
And they cannot believe that we've got a fighting chance against these people.
But here's what they're going to do now.
They're going to parse words, look for typos, and twist things.
Like Congressman Stephen King.
In a transcript, clearer than anything you ever read, he says, people demonize loving your country and loving nationalism and loving things the West has contributed to as white supremism.
And we want to say, nationalist and patriotism is not the same as white supremism.
They just lied, edited out words, put it together, and then said that he said white supremism is good.
Think about that.
Now he never said that, but the Republicans cut and run, crapped their britches, even the really good guys like Jim Jordan and others cut and run at that, hung him out to dry.
Now his constituents didn't buy it, so he's fine.
But it's the same thing with Candace Owens.
She was forced to resign from Turning Point USA when a five-year-old could watch her video about how Hitler wasn't a nationalist, he was a globalist.
He wanted to take over.
So don't call him a nationalist.
They turned that into, did you hear that?
Black lady loves Hitler.
Give me a break.
She's a Democrat.
She was a feminist activist.
Until she found out the left was terrorizing women and posing as conservatives running false flags.
So what do they do?
The Democrats have her up there and say, you're a white supremacist.
It's crap.
But you know what?
Bunch of folks cut and run from Candace Owens.
When they make stuff about me, most people go, ooh, we better stay away from you.
No, we're the tip of the spear.
We're the truth.
We're the weapon system in the fight for freedom that's blown giant bleeding holes in the enemy's ass.
You're supposed to sell it.
And I know the listeners get this.
You understand.
For the general public, leadership is doing what's unpopular when you know it's right to hit the bar bar first and make a way for others to understand in the end so we all can make it into the future.
Even if some of us don't physically make it.
That's what leadership is.
Leadership is not giving a great speech.
Leadership is not wearing a suit perfectly.
Leadership is not having a perfect golf swing.
Leadership is not having the hottest wife.
That's all trinkets.
Leadership is leading.
Yes, it's that simple.
Leadership is causing chain reactions.
Leadership is changing the world.
You can have evil leadership, you can have bad leadership.
Lenin was an evil leader.
But he got a lot of stuff done.
Mao Zedong was an evil leader.
Got a lot of stuff done.
Hitler was an evil leader.
Got a bunch of his agenda.
Trump is a good leader.
And I am a good leader.
And the enemy knows our talking points are the talking points of the Republican Party now.
That's why they want me destroyed.
Guess what, dumbasses at the globalist system?
It's too late!
I win, you lose!
And I want that on my tombstone.
They can kill me, put me in prison, bankrupt me, shut me down.
I've already won because I didn't invent the wheel.
I just rediscovered it, and my audience rediscovered it, and we rebooted Americana.
And now the globalists are flipping out as the resistance spreads.
Now of course they're going to legislatively ignore our victories and try to tyrannically oppress us like Brexit, not letting them out when they vote to get out.
That should just piss you off more!
We're winning!
People didn't know the EU was unelected five years ago and now everybody knows and wants to get rid of it!
And they're losing every damn election!
In their ceremonial parliament!
Folks, you gotta take it for the team though.
You gotta take licks to be a leader.
We're going to come back into Mueller, the inside scoop, where it's all going next, and why I just went into that whole rant about leadership when we return.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday, May 30th, 2019 broadcast.
Here is the bottom line.
Here is the key to everything.
And if Trump doesn't do this, and if other nationalists don't do this, they'll all be picked off one after the other, and the globalists could end up setting up their technocracy fully.
The Republican Party is still run by a bunch of cowards that are afraid of mainstream media Even though mainstream media has less than a 10% trust and approval rating from Europe to the United States.
And so the mouse that roars intimidates the Republican Party when the media edits statements in the New York Times of Congressman King saying he loves white supremacists.
It's totally made up.
Or when they edit tapes of Candace Owens!
And the Republicans don't defend her like they should.
Or when they take stuff I've said out of context.
And now, they put out this obvious typo tweet, something Trump does a lot, because he sends a lot of tweets out.
Russia, Russia, Russia.
That's all you heard at the beginning of this witch hunt hoax.
And now Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping to get me elected.
Now the president's clarified that he said because Russia had nothing to do with me getting elected.
And it's prefaced before that saying it's a hoax.
It's fake.
And we know it's fake.
But they're now running headlines everywhere.
Trump admits Russia got him elected.
Removes Freudian slip tweet.
All of this garbage.
And it's the same thing over and over again.
Ladies and gentlemen, I've tried to explain this before.
I'm not talking about myself, but I've experienced it second only to Trump.
When they go on every major news channel and say, Alex Jones says get rifles and go kill the media, and then don't play a clip, but they're reading off a piece of paper, they took a 37 minute program of different words, and with one word edits, put them together.
And I know you already know that.
The point is, these people are dangerous criminals, okay?
They did the same thing to Stephen King.
He demanded they release the audio of it.
When they finally did, he said, no such thing.
The New York Times lies, and I know you know they lie, but let me explain something.
They really lie.
And what's the next phase of this?
Not only are the Republicans bowing like a bunch of cowardly, servile weaklings, and not defending President Trump, Now the Inspector General has come out and found that the Deep State and FBI, Democrat operatives, created massive crimes.
They created them.
They orchestrated these things.
And then the Justice Department declined to prosecute.
That's how full of a bunch of back-scratching cowards And most of the people at that high level are not even really globalists at this point.
A lot of globalists have been removed, but they're career politicians, they're political operatives at the top of the FBI, and they're scared.
And they see Pelosi and all these people on the attack, and we're like, man, they should be on the defense.
They should all be getting in big trouble.
We've caught them committing all these crimes.
But because the Republicans don't do anything, because they're intimidated by the toothless corporate media, it greenlights this whole confidence game of Pelosi and Nadler and all these other bumbling idiots that can hardly even talk.
And I said this last week.
And I shot a report on it over the weekend, and I said, you watch.
They're saying, oh, Facebook can't take down, refuses to take down the doctored video of Pelosi.
You know how many doctored videos there are of Trump?
The slowed down video.
We put a video out this weekend showing there's hours of her where she can't talk that's unedited.
But I said, you watch, they're setting the precedent to remove any videos critical of major globalist operatives.
And sure enough, Pelosi is now demanding not just the doctored video, which is slowed down, you can call that doctored, but other videos of her that are not edited, that are not slowed down.
So, that's their new definition.
Is anything bad they've done is doctored.
Remember when Jim Acosta pulled the mic away from the lady at the White House, pushed her hand away?
Paul Watson zoomed in on it from the C-SPAN footage.
It's the same footage.
They called it doctored.
The President said, no, that's not doctored when you zoom in.
That's clarifying.
That's the opposite of doctoring.
You know, when you hold up a magnifying glass at the newspaper to read fine print, are you obscuring or are you revealing?
When a woman takes her clothes off, is she revealing or obscuring?
So, instead of doctoring to deceive, we enhance to show you what's happening.
But there's a war on language and we come back we'll get more into this but Trump must take action, the DOJ must take action because the Democrats aren't going to stop.
They want a one-party system, they want total power with the deep state, they're sold out to foreign powers and they're completely and totally out of control.
So let's play the doctored video of Pelosi that slowed down and we'll come back we'll play a video that has not been slowed down or sped up in any way.
Here it is.
We had a little, it took a little longer on the floor.
Custody of the border.
Everyone, they started making, sending signals.
The US, Mexico, Canada, if that's not the accurate, some people call it AFTA, NAFTA, some call it NAFTA.
2.0 working together to make past that.
I'm going to stop right here, guys.
I'm going to stop right here.
Because the media will take this and say I did something wrong.
So we have to stop.
I'm going to set it on air.
We're going to just cut this end of this segment, live segment off.
We're going to come back and start over.
I'm going to play the doctored video that slowed down that Rudolph Giuliani put out last week.
That just accentuates how weird she talks and how she scrambles her words.
Then we're going to play the compilations of the undoctored.
I'm sorry I wasn't clear about that.
So when we come back, we'll get into that.
But ladies and gentlemen, I'm pretty wound up here.
Obviously you are.
What we saw Mueller do, the aftermath, the hysteria, the impeachment talk.
These people are so pissed.
That we're trying to get our country back from them.
They're the globalists.
They're the ones that say they hate America.
They're the ones that say they can't stand this country.
They're the ones that say we were never great, we'll never be great.
They're the ones saying the world's ending in 12 years.
They're the ones that say cauliflower is racist.
Holy Toledo.
They project it onto everything.
And they have a method to their madness.
And then they tell us we're run by Russians.
That Trump gets the idea to call it a swamp.
From phone calls with Putin?
Or that Lock Her Up came from Putin?
No, it came from me.
It came from our audience of activists.
You stupid old witch.
I'm Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alright folks, I'm going to get into the next phase of the globalist attack on free speech.
The next phase with all the new fake investigations they're launching against Trump.
The fact that it's all been completely green-lit now by the Justice Department when the Inspector General came out and said huge crimes committed.
We believe you should start moving for indictments.
They said we declined to prosecute the Lord and Saviors.
The Comey's and the McCabe's and the rest of them.
There are open grand juries on those individuals.
And so if the Justice Department is captured by the same people still, even if you have the Attorney General in place, if he doesn't remove these people or take action, then the Democrats are going to continue attacking and making stuff up and trying to sabotage the country.
It's that simple.
That's all that's happening.
And then you're going to have more mainstream news going, did you hear where Trump said he hates all Mexicans?
No such clip.
Did you hear he admits Russia got him elected?
It's a typo that they're twisting.
Doesn't even really say that.
We have to cut the cancer out.
These people are trying to take the country down.
And in Europe, they've already gotten rid of people's free speech.
They're arresting thousands of people for saying they don't want open borders in places like Sweden and the UK.
It's out of control and now all that globalist tyranny is being exported here.
Here's Paul Joseph Watson's powerful report on John Cleese.
John Cleese did an oopsie!
He dared offend the diversity gods!
Some years ago I opined that London was not really an English city anymore.
Since then, virtually all my friends from abroad have confirmed my observation.
So there must be some truth in it.
I know also that London was the UK city that voted most strongly to remain in the EU.
This is a reiteration of Cleese's previous 2011 comments, when he said that London was the most cosmopolitan city on Earth, but that it doesn't feel English.
I mean, I love having different cultures around, but when the parent culture kind of dissipates, you're left thinking, well, what's going on?
Sounds pretty racist to me!
I mean, it's not like white British people are a minority in London and have been for years.
It's not like over...
41% of London's population is foreign-born.
It's not like London has the second highest foreign-born population out of any city in the world.
London is clearly the most English city you could imagine.
Left-wing comedian Dom Jolly bravely risked the fawning NPC adulation of...
Absolutely everyone in his industry by condemning Cleese.
It is basically a very racist tweet.
Secondly, it's a racist tweet by a man who lives on a Caribbean island.
The irony of that is insane!
And to his credit, Dom Jolly is an authority on racism because he lives in one of the most diverse communities in the entire UK.
The Cotswolds, which is only 95% white!
The irony of that is insane!
But apparently Cleese's opinion is completely invalidated because he moved to the Caribbean.
That's right.
John Cleese is so racist that he chose to move to an area of the world...
That's full of black people.
About whom he said, quote, The people there are really kind.
Have you ever heard such flagrant racism?
Meanwhile, the diversity-loving anti-racists chose to live in the whitest areas possible.
And virtue signal about how much they love non-white people from the comfort of their Aryan countryside ethnostate strongholds.
But John Cleese is the racist.
And he's a hypocrite, because he followed through on his conviction that London was a shithole by moving out of London.
What a hypocrite!
These comments make John Cleese sound like he's in character as Basil Fawlty.
Londoners know that our diversity is our greatest strength.
We are proudly the English capital, a European city and a global hub.
I mean, diversity is such a strength in London that Somali parents are sending their kids back to Africa because it's becoming so violent.
He said to me, um, now that my son is in Africa, I sleep better at night.
But then again, it's unfair to blame knife crime on diversity, given that only 73% of offenders are non-white.
I mean, if it was 100%, maybe.
But a mere 73%?
That's only three quarters.
A tiny minority.
And of course diversity is a strength.
That's why in order to establish such a self-evident truth, they need to resort to threats of career ruination, social ostracisation and prison time for any heretic who dares question the sacred mantra of multiculturalism.
That's why the British Army is putting out leaflets saying that anyone who complains about the loss of British identity is a right-wing extremist because they're that secure in the belief that diversity is such an obvious strength.
Diversity is such an obvious strength that Labour MPs tell grooming gang victims to shut up for the sake of diversity.
Diversity is such an obvious strength that councils across the country deliberately ignored the industrial-level sex trafficking of children and young girls For the sake of diversity.
Diversity is such an obvious strength that a rail company removed every Morrissey poster throughout its network because one person complained about Morrissey having once said similar things to John Cleese.
Diversity is such an obvious strength that the oldest record store in the world banned sales of Morrissey records because Morrissey once said similar things to John Cleese.
That's how diversity works!
So yes, John Cleese is obviously a racist bigot.
Living on his Caribbean island, surrounded by black people who he describes as kind and superb?
Such an obvious racist!
And you know that's true, because all these left-wing celebrities living in their white ethnostate bubbles, parroting progressive talking points in complete obedience to the ruthless ideological conformity of their industry, said so.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Hated by globalists, loved by patriots across the world.
Okay, I'm gonna get more into this later, but I have hundreds of incredible articles, dozens of amazing clips, two big guests, Gateway Pundit head coming on about Mueller, all of it.
But I just gotta say, AOC and the Cauliflower comment, I've had some listeners say, why are you covering We Know She's an Idiot?
Why'd the left come out and say milk was racist because it was white last year?
They territorialize everything by saying everything's racist, and then they're the high priest over fighting racism, so that gives them jurisdiction over you.
They know exactly what they're doing.
It's a cult!
They're telling you, give them all of your money, let them run your life, or the world's gonna end in 12 years, and then the media defended it.
The media, the corporate left, defended her and agreed that cauliflower is racist.
I played the clips on Sunday Show.
Now let that sink in, folks.
Let that sink in.
By the way, it's not even a European vegetable.
If you read, its name comes from Cyprus, named by the Arabs, but they found it at archaeological sites over 4,000 years old in Africa and the Middle East.
The damn plants from Africa, you moron meth head!
But who cares?
And then when she had this idiot on Tucker Carlson defending her, the woman said that corn is colonial and from white people too.
Lady, any moron knows tomatoes.
And the entire nightshade family is in Central and South America and North America.
That's tomatoes and a bunch of other delicious plants.
And that corn comes from Mexico.
The oldest corn has been found in prehistoric sites over 10,000 years old.
And that's corn that was being grown by agrarians, not wild.
It's unbelievable.
Even if corn came from Europe, who cares?
It's easy to grow, it's nutritious.
How the hell do you say it's racist?
It's a plant!
And I know listeners are like, okay, but move on.
Everything hinges on cauliflower and corn being racist.
These people are out of control!
You go watch the videos at Evergreen College or these other colleges.
Man, I've gotten where I've watched like 20 hours of it in the last month.
I can't quit watching it because it's so horrifying.
These people are insane, man.
They think everything is racist and are like schizophrenics.
I mean, imagine if you walked into a psychiatrist's office and said, I think Korn's watching me and is racist, or it's bad.
They'd say, man, you need to be in a rubber room.
These people are running the country, and they're teaching children that everything's racist, so our children are mentally ill, broke back, chip on the shoulder, neurotic basket cases!
Just into CNN, Facebook is purging several high-profile names from its platforms.
Among them, right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, as well as his media outlet, InfoWars.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars president.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Why is there this unprecedented feeding frenzy happening when it comes to InfoWars and yours truly?
Why is there this pylon?
Well, it's not because Trump is the InfoWars presidency.
It's because Trump is trying to execute the Americana presidency.
He's trying to reboot it.
And yes, it's true.
InfoWars, and my syndicated radio and TV show, and our internet reach, literally thanks to you, you're 90% of it.
You have relaunched a global populist movement.
And the establishment thinks if they can destroy me and my name, they can discredit the liberty movement, the populist movement.
That's not going to happen.
But I will be honest with you.
Selfishly, I would like to continue this operation, and I'd like to continue to keep our crew members employed, and I would like to stay in the fight.
And keep taking the globalist on and hopefully contribute meaningfully again in the future.
I understand that just to have the success we've had relaunching Americana and Liberty Worldwide, once in a lifetime, that was hitting the lottery culturally, politically, spiritually.
I'm very thankful to God.
I'm not bitching.
I'm not a victim.
I'm not a loser.
I signed on to this.
I knew the dangers.
I just want to stay in the fight.
It's like saying to the coach, Coach, please put me into the game.
And I'll do a great job.
I don't want to use a parallel to the greatest player of all time in the NFL, a certain quarterback with the New England Patriots.
But, you know, he could barely get put in in college.
And even when he finally was put in and did nothing but win, they still weren't sure about him.
That's football.
When it comes to Americana and anti-globalism, InfoWars, as an operation, is the greatest player of all time.
It's not me, it's all of us together.
And the globalists recognize that, and they want to keep us out of the game.
So please, for yourself, for myself, for everybody, I don't want them to be successful shutting us down.
I don't want them to be successful having them take us off the air.
You can stop their deplatforming with text messages, with emails, with word of mouth.
It makes them so angry because they can't silence you.
The fact that you're resisting them and winning.
And they can't stop you supporting the broadcast financially, which so many of you have done.
Please, we have the best supplements.
We have great t-shirts, we have great books, we have great films, we have great products, thousands of them.
And if you'll just go check out the air filtration, the water filtration, all the things you need, and buy some of the products and try them out, that will change the world.
I am in your hands, and you are in your hands.
We'll hang together or hang separate, as Benjamin Franklin said.
Please visit MFullWarStore.com today, and please continue to support the MFull War.
Thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
And let me finally get to that Pelosi news that I was talking about earlier.
This is how the left operates.
Once they find one chink in the armor...
And once they find one place, even joking or as a mistake or whatever, that we put out something that isn't accurate, they will then put it on every channel forever, and then criticism of that individual is verboten.
They're now a protected class.
Nancy Pelosi.
And so sure enough, the article's on GatewayPundit.com.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
Jim Hoffs will be joining us about this and Mueller's press conference and more coming up.
Robert Barnes is going to be in studio coming up with him co-hosting.
So I think he's in the building now.
We'll get that lined up and ready.
And so Pelosi's now coming out saying she wants it taken off.
But not the original one that is slowed down, that is doctored, but one that's just simply edited.
It's not sped up, it's not slowed down, it's just the clips.
It's a boil-down.
It's a synopsis.
That's not doctored.
Think about the way that the leftist media doctors think.
Think about how they have so-called comedians, so-called nightly comics on late shows who engage in the greatest defamation you could ever imagine and pretend to be news but then jump back and forth between being news and being entertainment.
Think about that.
So now Pelosi has come out and she wants any video showing her stammering or stuttering taken off.
Now remember, when Hillary fell down three years ago, on 9-11, in New York City, they would cut right when she fell down and only show the stumble, and said, Alex Jones and others are lying, she only stumbled, and then YouTube and others would take videos down for three days, showing her fall on her face, and be loaded in the black ambulance.
They finally gave up in three days because it didn't work, but we have the newscast.
We ought to pull those back up.
The footage we're showing now is Hillary in India falling down as well and slipping down, but she's done it many times.
But we have the footage of CNN, MSNBC, Going, the right wing's claiming she fell down, but clearly she doesn't fall down and only showing the slip.
Think of the arrogance again of saying she didn't fall down and then cutting the tape before she falls down as if you wouldn't go look it up and learn that they were lying to you.
That's crazy level arrogance the likes of which we've never seen.
So again, who's holding them to any type of standard that we're held to?
Because frankly, Giuliani didn't know that the video had been slowed down, because she already talks like that most of the time.
And so it was believable, because she already talks like that, or similar to that.
So here is the really altered, doctored footage again.
We want to give this president the opportunity to do something historic for our country.
We want to give this president the opportunity to do something historic for our country.
Now she's going after clips and Lou Dobbs has covered it.
Now she's going after clips that Fox News has aired of her really having trouble speaking, and she's saying those are altered.
No, they're not altered.
They're not doctored.
They're just the highlights of it.
And here are some of those highlights that she doesn't want you to be able to see.
She says you're not allowed to see this.
What a tyrant.
Here it is.
We had a little, it took a little longer on the floor.
Custody, custody of the border, the border.
Everyone, they started making, sending signals.
The US, Mexico, Canada.
That's not the accurate character.
Some people call it AFTA-NAFTA, some call it NAFTA 2.0.
We're working together to make past that.
There's three things.
There's three things.
And then obviously at the end, the little three things, three things, that's done as a joke.
But it's not done deceptively.
It's done as a joke.
Just like Carpe Danktum had like 50 million views last time I checked for his video of Biden groping Biden.
The media said, Carpe Danktum posted this deceptive video trying to trick people that Biden was groping Biden.
No, it looked like something out of South Park.
It was a paper cutout.
It was funny.
That wasn't doctored to be deceptive.
Now I know the audience gets this, folks, but think about the Democrats' brains.
That they're operating like this.
And they're acting like this.
What else won't they do?
Remember they told you just a few months ago there is no border crisis, there are no caravans.
Remember the famous clip of Jon Stewart with Dave Chappelle saying it's crazy.
Trump claims there's this invasion.
There's not.
He's making it up.
That was the talking point then.
Now the talking point is that it is a crisis, but we created it.
And then when parents bring their kids or smugglers bring kids across the desert and some of them die, it's not their fault.
It's America's fault.
Everything's our fault.
Now, I'm gonna move out of this subject.
It just really gets to me, the way they're lying, the way they're deceiving, and just, I just wonder how much worse it's gonna get, and being on the receiving end of it, doesn't make me feel sorry for myself, it makes me enraged at them.
Let's just take that rage and displace it into love for our families and move forward, because you stare too long into the abyss, you become the abyss.
Now, here's what's gonna happen.
We're gonna have Gateway Pundit, editor on, owner on, For 30 minutes, riding shotgun with him.
He's going to be Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer in studio.
He's going to be getting into, he's an expert on Mueller, an expert on Deep State.
I mean, everybody can tell when he comes on, really smart cookie.
He's going to be on with us in studio as well.
Next hour, a little bit into that next hour, we're going to open phones up in the third hour as well.
And then Paul Joseph Watson.
He's going to be hosting the fourth hour from London, England, and he'll have all the latest on the Brexit and the elections and the Nationalists getting elected and so much more on this live Thursday global broadcast.
And of course, Paul is at summit.news and also writes for Infowars.com and newswars.com.
But when I say that it is two minutes to midnight for Trump to take action, That is a very, very serious understatement.
We've got really, really bad news.
We've had some good news.
We also have some really, really bad news.
And we're going to get into that with Robert Barnes and the fact that the Office of Inspector General finds top FBI officials illegally leaked to the media, including sensitive info sealed by FBI courts.
DOJ declines the prosecution.
So that's a green light to commit more crime.
And a green light that you can have all the little pet feds, all the little pet state prosecutors, all the pet U.S.
attorneys be turned loose.
Former U.S.
attorney out of Connecticut running that political hit job on me with the Sandy Hook lawsuit, where they're using those poor families.
And they've even shot their mouths off in front of witnesses that we're going to have.
That we're going to destroy him.
It's a political hit job.
We're going to take him down.
What was the other terms that were used by these Clinton people?
These Clinton and Obama appointees.
It was stuff like... And it just goes on and on and on and on.
I'm not talking about the Vanity Fair or Atlantic Monthly calling me an apex predator.
I was talking about what That former federal prosecutor that brought down the governor of Connecticut that's running this whole fiasco against Infowars, he said reportedly in front of witnesses that it's not just a targeted takedown, a kill shot!
Kill shot!
These guys sit around, ha ha, kill shot!
We'll shut his ass up!
It's like this article out today in the Daily Beefed.
This article in the Daily Beast, it says, well, the way to shut Jones up is just do this and that.
It's all about shutting me up and how to shut me down.
And then they run the lie again in quotes that he's playing a character.
And then there's no proof, no evidence, no link to it.
It's him saying he almost admitted in his deposition he's playing a character.
And they put playing a character in quotes.
And again, do you understand the level of organized deceit by these people?
Every article is the same.
It's all formulaically written.
It's all put out in the talking points.
And these people put it out to destroy the First Amendment and destroy this country and your birthright.
These are clear and present dangers.
Organized, lying, stinking frauds.
Ladies and gentlemen, please don't forget.
The Memorial Day Special is going to be gone this weekend.
These are the last days of it.
Huge sales up to 60% off at InfoWareStore.com.
That's how you fund the operation.
Thank you.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
How's it doing, Alex?
Good to be on.
Good to have you here.
Real quickly, I just wanted to say that I am a user of the Infowars products.
First, I started with Supermail Vitality.
I am a late 30s male, and I don't get all the time that I would like to work out as much as I do, and immediately noticed Being able to retain strength and muscle mass from the use of super male vitality, so I want to thank you for that.
Also, I bought the t-shirt, Reelect 45, and Hillary for Prison, obviously, one of the most popular.
It's drawn so much attention, and I don't know if people believe it or not, but it's all positive attention.
The main reaction that I got myself was from males 18 to 20 years old, and middle-aged black women.
God, they were the ones commenting saying, I love that shirt.
They would laugh about it, tell their friends about it.
And, uh, next I tried X2 and, uh, it's nothing that you notice immediately, but it seemed over time, I felt like I was more sharp from the iodine, being able to retain a short-term memory better.
I just feel a little sharper in my day-to-day activities.
I totally, I totally agree with you.
Again, it's the good halogen.
IQs get reduced by 15 points without iodine.
In your development, people can look this up for themselves.
And that's why the globalists are obsessed with making sure it's not the food, it's not the products we eat.
We are just starving for iodine.
That's why we came out with X2.
We have X3 that's all three types.
This is the Deep Earth Crystal Source.
We don't have it back in stock.
So again, InfoWarsStore.com.
InfoWarsLife.com takes you right to the sub page.
That has all the award-winning supplements.
And while you're there getting the supplements, go check out the hundreds of great t-shirts.
Many of them are limited edition.
It's all there!
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139. If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the
front lines of the InfoWar.
We're gonna have the head of the Gateway Pundit, Jim Hoft, on with us, coming up at the start of the next segment, riding shotgun for the next hour and a half.
Constitutional lawyer, civil rights lawyer, Robert Barnes is going to be in studio with us as well.
That is, again, all coming up.
We're gonna also open the phones up.
In the third hour to talk about Mueller, to talk about what Trump needs to do, to talk about where all this is going.
And of course, we know there's no dirt on Trump.
We know this is all made up garbage, but it doesn't matter.
It's death by a thousand cuts.
As Trump said, just keep stabbing.
He's going to keep moving forward.
He's bet on the American people.
He's bet on you.
But this is one hell of a time to be alive, I'm here to tell you.
And we've got some bad news.
We've got some very bad news that we're going to get into because the Justice Department was told by the Inspector General massive crimes have been committed.
And the Justice Department is declining to prosecute for all of those crimes that have been committed.
And so that is a bad situation on so many fronts.
The public heat and the President can turn that around.
I first, though, want to go to a brief but important report.
On Joe Biden and the type of guy they're running and all of his corruption.
And that's what's so pathetic is the Democrats are this wall of corruption and they've got blackmail and a bunch of Republicans and so the Republicans are groveling and knock-kneed.
So here it is, Joe Biden 2020.
Joe Biden is very smart.
I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect.
I went to law school on a full academic scholarship, the only one in my in my class to have a full academic scholarship.
Often referred to as the senator from MBNA, Joe Biden knows how to game the banking industry.
And he knows how to play the power game.
In 2013, Vice President Biden accompanied his son Hunter aboard Air Force Two to China, where Hunter Biden's startup firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners, which he started in 2009 with John Kerry's stepson and mob hitman Whitey Bulger's nephew, received a $1 billion private equity deal with an adjunct of the Bank of China.
You know, they're not bad folks, folks, but guess what?
They're not a competition for us.
But Joe's unwavering allegiance to family does not end there.
After getting kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use and getting caught with crack cocaine and false IDs, Hunter was being criminally investigated by the Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, along with other executive board members of the Burisma Natural Gas Company.
Things could have ended very badly for Hunter.
But his father, Joe, was vice president.
And he threatened the Ukrainian president with holding back $1 billion of U.S.
taxpayers' money if he did not fire the prosecutor investigating his son, Hunter.
And so, he fired him.
We're not going to give you the billion dollars.
They said, you have no authority.
You're not the president.
The president said it.
I said, call him.
I said, I'm telling you, you're not getting the billion dollars.
I said, you're not getting a billion.
I'm gonna be leaving here.
I think it was, what, six hours?
I look at it, I said, I'm leaving in six hours.
If the prosecutor's not fired, you're not getting the money.
Oh, son of a b****.
You're fired.
Creepy Joe!
Joe Biden loves all the women and young girls of his kingdom.
And never hesitates to express his feelings.
Sleepy Joe.
And HW took incredible... in big hospitals.
I think we have to rethink... Why they do that?
that to comfort your heart. Joe Biden may be old, but he is still alive.
Vote Joe Biden for 2020.
Because what difference at this point does it make?
We've not shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at newswars.com.
Paul Watts has launched his own summit.news.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars is still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Let's go, man!
Infowars.com, because there's a bunch of people out here who don't know about Infowars.com.
I'm at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones.
There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones.
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to website InfoWars.
It's time we get confirmed there are at least two shooters with fully automatic weapons.
Dr. Martin Luther King has been shot to death in Memphis, Tennessee.
JFK was shot from the back and the front.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It's just pancakes.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the front lines.
I think this is a national security imperative.
We have clear things that we do not understand how they work operating in areas that we can't control.
Is this global governance at last?
Is it one world the central bank is in charge?
Israel claims the attack was accidental.
Some former U.S.
naval officers say it was on purpose.
They describe the day's action as part of a continuing cover-up.
Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
Russian scum!
Denied everything.
He called it all fake news.
And he accused CNN of being fake news.
This is a national emergency.
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a FEMA high-level emergency.
We are at war with Russia.
Are you aware that Mr. Stone also stated publicly that he was in direct communication with Julian Assange and Wikileaks?
The White House and the President are citing info wars.
If they can shut us down, you're next!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
You know the saddest thing about this moment is all the people you sort of admire from afar, and then the more you learn it turns out that they're sleazy and dishonest.
And I hate to say it, Robert Mueller winds up in that category.
And it pains me to say that.
I think today was disappointing.
It was disappointing.
I agree with that completely.
That's right.
Waging war on corruption.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, civil rights lawyer, one of the top ones in the country.
And of course, we have Jim Hoff, founder and the head of Gateway Pundit.
Gateway Pundit, thegatewaypundit.com.
We, of course, are withinfulwars.com and newswars.com.
And remember, I know you, the audience, get it.
We're on local radio stations.
We're on TV stations.
But your friends, your neighbors, your family, a lot of them used to listen all over the Internet, other places.
Everywhere I go, people say, Alex, I wish you were still on air, because they would watch on YouTube or they would listen over iTunes.
We had over, all our shows combined, over 30 million subscribers on iTunes.
That's when everybody talked about it.
That was the big jewel.
They took us off that.
Because people were habituated listening there.
They just went away.
That's how the globalists are going to win this fight if Trump doesn't take action.
And while I have both these guys here, in the next segment we're going to get into, There's a lot brewing under the surface to fight back for free speech, but if Trump doesn't take action, I think he'll lose 2020.
Going to Jim Hoft first.
Jim, you've been nose-to-the-grindstone to reporters in D.C.
on Mueller, on this press conference, on what's coming next.
I'm just devastated by this article.
Up on Gateway Pond and almost no coverage of this anywhere else, Office of the Inspector General finds top FBI officials illegally leaked to media, including sensitive info sealed by federal courts.
And so we're seeing more and more where the Inspector General says this is criminal, you should indict them, open and shut, perjury to Congress, it goes on and on, and they say no we're not going to, but all the witch hunts against Trump continue on.
I think this signals that the piranhas are going to go in on Trump.
What do you think?
Oh, yeah, absolutely, Alex.
Good to be with you, by the way, and with Robert.
I'm a big fan of Robert Barnes.
But the shocking thing about this story, too, that you just mentioned is that this person, they're not pressing charges against him.
So he was able to, he or she, was able to leak this classified information, got caught, went through the process, and now nothing happens to him.
It's this double standard that we continue to see that I think most Americans are getting fed up with.
What is your view on the constellation of deep staters versus just people that are scared in the Justice Department versus folks that are pro-American, pro-due process?
Yeah, I think what we saw yesterday, Alex, and I'm sure you You caught this too, and that was that after this disgusting, reprehensible press conference by Robert Mueller, we didn't see any Republicans go out there.
Where was Mitch McConnell with his posse?
Where were they after this incredibly unbelievable press conference by Robert Mueller?
Where were they standing saying, we stand with this president?
We didn't see that from any of these Republicans.
And I think, I'm up here in the Midwest, Alex, in the St.
Louis area, and I think the people in the heartland are getting tired of these weak Republicans who won't stand up for this president.
That's exactly what I opened up the first hour and I physically got angry, which I don't want to do.
But the total betrayal, the treason, the crimes by Biden and his son and Ukraine and the Chinese and Hillary and the servers and all of this And then, like with Stephen King, didn't say what the New York Times said.
Everybody runs away from him.
All these other people, myself, others, don't say what the media says, and instead the Republicans run from them so they'll be the next target.
How they lied about Candace Owens, that she had to resign when she didn't say any of that.
It's just insane.
Oh, no question about it.
And what, I mean, Robert Mueller, I should sue him for false light, invasion of privacy, of misappropriating the good name of Robert.
Because that's effectively what he's done here.
What he did is, here he is a federal prosecutor who has certain rules.
There's a canon of ethics that governs federal prosecutors under the Department of Justice as well.
And all of those rules require, as he admitted, as he publicly stated in his statement, Required that he not impugn the integrity or innocence of anyone he has chosen not to indict.
It doesn't matter why he chose not to indict.
If he chooses not to indict, he must protect their innocence by not impugning their integrity.
He himself said it would be unfair to have someone who cannot defend himself in court have their integrity impugned by a federal prosecutor who chose not to indict whatever his reason.
Then he went and did so.
Now he did so carefully.
It's classic Mueller.
As we had on the Mueller special months ago that you put up.
Unlike your audience, unlike Tucker's audience, who would not have been surprised by what Robert Mueller did yesterday.
The Tucker audience and many of the political establishment audience wanted to believe that Robert Mueller was this nice, good-hearted, well-intended, well-meaning individual.
He never was.
He was always a deep state political hack.
Going back over 30 years, Jim has covered it at Gateway, punted extensively.
So it's only been the sort of independent press that has covered the truth of who Robert Mueller is.
He's been a, I mean, he's a guy who helped... By the way, that 30-minute report you did was so powerful.
What was the name of that?
It's posted at InfoWars.com.
We should share that again because you lay out his entire criminal history.
Jim, where do you think this goes now?
I mean, do you agree that the fact that he's doing this, the fact that Republicans are standing up for Trump, as you said, green lights them to see blood in the water?
Yeah, I think absolutely.
I don't think the Democrats can control themselves, and I think they're going to go after Trump and go for his jugular.
I don't know how any other person could handle this type of pressure except for President Trump.
And it's disgusting what's happening, but for the sake of the country, Trump has to win.
And I think these Republicans better wake up, because we're going to be looking at our own Brexit party, American style, if these Republicans don't start standing up for this president.
And for people who think Trump is invincible, he's not invincible if we don't stand up for him.
And if we don't stand up against the censorship, he's not invincible either.
This is, I think, a very dangerous time in history.
And it's just like Robert was saying, the fact that he comes out there and now you have to prove yourself as being innocent in this country.
In the past two years, we saw it with Justice Kavanaugh.
Now we're seeing it with President Trump.
That we have these deep state hacks and these Democrats and they're demanding that we prove our innocence rather than them prove that we're guilty.
It's unbelievable that they're remaking the judicial system right now and that Americans are buying this.
So it's a very frightening period and I know you've talked about this extensively but that's where we're at.
To add insult to injury.
Not only did they find no evidence, but then he comes out and says, but he still could be guilty.
But on top of it, they committed all these crimes illegally spying on him and to open the investigation and they're the guilty parties.
Now those still sitting in judgment.
It's just too rich.
And there was even a report we put up on Gateway Pundit last night,
new information from John Solomon at the Hill, that said that they knew back before the inauguration in
2017, that Flynn's officials linked to General Flynn had
information from the British intelligence that said that this Steele dossier,
this guy was not credible and not to believe what he was passing over to the
US intelligence.
And yet that's exactly what they did, even though they had this memo that was
sent to Flynn before and his people before the inauguration.
One more segment with you and Robert Barnes riding shotgun with us.
When we come back, what does Trump need to do?
Because I know the White House tunes into what you say, what Robert says, what I say.
What does the White House need to do?
What does President Trump need to do to go after these folks?
We'll be right back.
Remember just four or five years ago, they would have articles in the New York Times, the Washington Post, saying that globalists didn't exist.
And that no one wanted global government.
Well, as soon as Hillary lost, they came out and said, okay, global government's real, globalists are real, but they're the good guys, and everyone against globalism is a white supremacist.
You know where globalism came from.
It came from the Nazis.
They wanted a system to counter the British Empire that was the global power at that time.
The old saying was, the sun never set on the British Empire.
And Hitler gave speeches.
Hitler wrote articles.
It was all over the news at the time that he wanted a European Union that would then dominate the globe in a form of globalism.
The term globalism actually comes from the Nazis.
The modern Olympics symbol does.
The VW, the highways, NASA.
I mean, they definitely innovated some stuff in their power grant.
And I'm not saying this is a German or Nazi conspiracy.
Hell, I'm half German myself.
Germans are great people.
But when harnessed by evil, good people can be like horses drawing the devil's carriage.
And so ideas of the Nazis and ideas of the British Empire competed with each other, and big corporations picked up those ideas, and that's modern globalism.
So InfoWars is seen as the most pure strain of Americana by the globalists.
I've talked to top people in Hollywood and entertainment and in media and in government, and they've said, Jones, you're seen as Americana.
But they say, as beautiful as Americana is, and I'm not saying I'm beautiful, but Americana's beautiful, it stands in the way of the larger ideas for the planet and a one world government system.
Well, humans are revolting against that one world government system, and are saying they don't want to be under its hegemonic control.
Their great truth that they're so sure is, for us, isn't for us.
In different countries and parts of the world, we don't want to be under their control.
We don't want to carry out their vision.
We want to live our own lives.
And that's what Infowars represents, and that's why they've set up a system to demonize us.
They've set up a system to lie about us.
They've set up a system to create this strawman of who we are.
Because they understand that people don't do things for money or power at the end of the day.
They do it because of narratives.
They do it because of culture.
They do it because of ethos and what they stand for.
Oh, some people may sell out for money, but people that really count do it for ideology.
And the system knows that I'm trying to reboot, that you're trying to reboot.
A system that competes with the British Empire.
The British Empire called it the American system 200 years ago.
They said our system of empire will fail in competition with this.
Hitler said the same thing.
The truth is, our system was the best and the greatest because it empowered individuals.
And now it's fighting the very same systems of tyranny today.
Join us at InfoWars.com, join the human community, and spread the word against the censorship, and know we will prevail as we've done in the past.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Jim Hoft is the founder of TheGatewayPundit.com.
Robert Barnes, constitutional lawyer, riding shotgun with us here.
I'm glad that Robert Barnes brought up a special report he shot that's like 30 minutes long by himself in our new studio a few months ago, and it's titled, Robert Mueller, A Journey to the Dark Side.
And we are going to repost that at newswars.com so that Robert can tweet that out to folks, because it is really important to chronicle his history and his background.
It's pretty amazing.
Jim Hoff, what do you think?
You're a smart guy.
We read your articles every day, probably more than anybody else's other than ours.
What do you think Trump needs to do right now?
I just have never had such a sense of urgency that he can't underestimate that the deep state is loaded for bear.
They're not going to stop until he strikes back and he's got all the ammo.
I think the first thing he needs to do is follow up with his order where he told the intelligence community to release these unredacted documents about how this investigation started on his campaign. What we heard on the
news lately was that Trump is making these demands from his administration
and yet then they just die and they lie flat. Tucker Carlson said the other
night where there was a rumor that one of Trump's officials actually swiped
documents off his desk and hid them so that Trump wouldn't see them.
So he has to make sure that he follows up with this order to declassify these documents.
And I think the second thing, and I know we were going to get into this Alex, but the fact that today All of his supporters, you were one of his top supporters in 2016.
So was Gateway Punish, so was Breitbart, so was Zero Hedge, so was just a few others.
Most people did not support President Trump.
Drudge Report supported him.
And now we're seeing that all of our voices have been stifled since the election.
So what has happened is that they've wiped a lot of us out in social media.
Our social media used to be 33% of our traffic coming in to get refunded.
Today it's down to 2-3%.
That's right, they've totally cut it off.
And the next move will be all these Never Trumpers that are being positioned in key areas of talk radio, you name it.
Savage is removed.
The Never Trumper is put in.
Everywhere, they're all playing neutral, but as the election gets near, the knives are coming out.
Absolutely, and they're getting away with this.
And thank God we have people like Robert Barnes who's willing to stand up to these thugs and tyrants and these fascists who are trying to silence us.
And I think Trump needs to actually take some action, because if he doesn't, there's not going to be any voices out there for him.
You know, unfortunately, it started with you, Alex, and that's a travesty that they did what they did to you, and they continue to, you know, attack you.
And it's so un-American that we're seeing this.
And how the hell did these tech giants get away with this?
It's unbelievable.
Oh, they have Obama appointed.
Former U.S.
attorneys that have taken down governors in Connecticut, literally just cooking up giant frauds against me.
And just running the stuff around the country against me.
And they brag, and we're going to kill shot him, we're going to shut everybody up.
What you have is you have the point where the Senator from, Senator Murphy from Connecticut, saying his goal is to ban you from the Internet.
He says to save America!
To save America we need to end what it is America.
It's frightening.
Yeah, it's unbelievable.
We just put a post up, share it yesterday, After Buehler's little speech, Cher put out a tweet where she said that she hopes Trump gets arrested and put in jail and that he's a boy toy for Bubba.
I mean, talk about a homophobic, racist tweet.
This was Cher saying that about the President of the United States, and she still has her Twitter account today, Alex, and you don't.
It shows you the double standard that we're living through right now, and I think Americans, I don't think enough Americans know about this, and it's just outrageous what they're getting away with.
Meanwhile, they de-platformed me saying that I called for using battle rifles against the media.
There is no tape!
It's just completely made up!
It's incredible.
And like you said at the beginning, Jim, the Republicans cutting and running and not even defending Trump Or not defending Congressman Steve King or others.
It just is blood in the water.
They don't have the basic instinct that the Democrats are corrupt.
We've got them right where we want them.
But instead, they're all acting like a bunch of wimps.
Oh, absolutely.
It's Stasi-style Chinese social credit mechanism and methodology of disallowing disfavored speech.
They're targeting the most popular Trump supporters in order to suppress and manipulate the 2020 elections.
And that's, I mean, the irony here is the president did not actually manipulate anything in 2016.
He just did regular campaigning.
His tweet today is being deliberately misinterpreted and misrelaid by the New York Times and the national press.
When, in fact, the big story is the coordination to try to manipulate the 2020 election by social media, a big tech alliance with the Democratic Party and those who dislike and disfavor Trump.
And that's what's really happening.
That's the real threat.
And it's the one the President must stay on top of.
Because if the President doesn't take at least a rhetorical lead, and one thing he can do, the President is going over to the United Kingdom.
He's going to meet with, I assume it's still going to be Theresa May, even though she is stepping down from number 10.
And what he can do, and a good sign was the recent leak that was reported by Gateway Pundit,
is they need to, MI5, MI6, and the rest over there, need to report what really happened
and how they were used and misused and abused and their information laundered for the purposes
of propagating a political campaign against the President of the United States.
In the 2016 campaign, the UK was deeply involved.
They knew that Steele's information was unreliable.
They had let Steele go almost 10 years before from service in the intelligence branches
of the UK government.
They need to come clean, and they need to come clean to the President, to his face,
and disclose it to the world how they were lied to by Clapper, lied to by Brennan, lied
to by key people in the Obama administration.
And that's the real crime.
As you said, as Jim said, it's all right there.
And Jim said it.
Trump said last year, release the documents, they don't.
He says get out of Afghanistan, the Pentagon just says no.
We have government level mutiny against this president, and Americans should back this president.
Everybody wanted a president that would do all this, and seriously, as Americans we need to get more pissed than ever, not be happy that Trump's in the White House.
Folks, all we've done is mobilize the enemy so far, with our beachhead.
We have to defeat them now.
Absolutely, and I think the Republican base And the Trump base, I should say, is still very fired up.
And they're still railing around this president.
The media doesn't know this, but I think the energy with the Republicans and the Trump voters right now is as high as it's ever been.
That's what I feel out here in middle America.
Oh, I totally agree.
All over the country, these Democrats have no crowds.
Republicans, conservatives, nationalists have huge crowds.
Our support is still massive, despite all the censorship.
And look at all the leftist publications are bankrupt.
They're all propped up.
They're laying everybody off.
They're zombies.
Another thing Trump said today during his presser before he took off to go to the Air Force Academy, he told these reporters that, who would say, you know, they're challenging Trump on this tweet that he just deleted about Russia, you know, helping him out, and he said, well, what about Hillary Clinton and all the people who helped her, the media?
All these people, all these facts who are standing right in front of him helped Hillary Clinton during the election.
They continue to help Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
And they don't declare themselves as making contributions to the Democrat Party, but they should, because you know this, 90%, 95% of the media that comes out, the reports that come out on Trump is negative.
These same people were dining with Hillary and her staff.
And the censorship, Jim, is election meddling.
It's very clear, as you said.
GatewayPundit.com, still at Twitter, at GatewayPundit.
Jim Hoff, thanks so much for the time.
Keep it up.
Thanks, guys.
There he goes.
A lot of great points.
I'm going to unleash the titan, Robert Barnes.
Because I know you're chomping at the bit.
Get into whatever you want.
Want to get into Mueller's history.
Want to get into what Trump should do right now.
Want to get into Mueller's latest press conference.
It's all coming up straight ahead.
and so much big breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
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Money through Friday from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m.
we're here live.
Paul Watson's in the fourth hour.
I intend later in the next hour to open the phones up for your questions or comments about Mueller and the rest of this.
I want you in this segment and the next to really have the floor here.
In fact, I'm just going to let you host here so you can get right into it.
Then I'm going to go get ready to get your video back up on InfoWars.com we were talking about that does the whole history of Mueller.
Just as a person that studies how the globalists operate, we're not in the normal season of the Republicans scratching the back of the Democrats, the Democrats scratching their back, the largesse of living off the people, selling the nation out under a world government.
These globalists want total power.
They want authoritarianism.
They want it just in the American system.
They've come down to the real exploitation and total stamping out resistance phase, in their own words.
So it's not business as usual for Trump or anybody else or us because this is a real battle to the death politically.
That's, I don't think, my view.
I think everybody knows that's where we're at.
You can see it.
You can feel the energy.
And I understand people in the Justice Department.
A lot of them aren't criminals.
They're scared.
Well, here's the deal.
You better be scared of this corruption wave building up enough confidence to really take
the president out.
Because the left, with their bullying, their attacks, their lies, all of it, have signified
that they're going for broke against everybody and are going to eradicate all forms of independence
with cult-like control.
So there is no surrender to this because you're not being given quarter.
I don't think you can debate that.
Oh, no, I agree.
And like, if you look at here, what Mueller was supposed to do versus what Mueller did do.
So you start off with Mueller's obligations under the ABA rules for the American Bar Association rules for ethical conduct.
Secondly, you have the Department of Justice's rules for ethical conduct.
Then you have his rules as a member of the Bar of the District of Columbia and his rules as a member of the Bar of the State of California and State of Massachusetts, which he has been a member of at various times.
So if you look at that, those rules require that a prosecutor not say anything about any innocent person that has not been indicted.
And if they have been indicted, all they can say is speak to the indictment itself.
What they can't do is speak to things that go beyond the scope of the indictment.
Here, you had Mueller come out and admit that first of all, he shouldn't say anything that isn't already in writing, that he hasn't already put down in writing already.
Yes, that's exactly what he then does, and goes ahead and does.
Secondly, he's not supposed to say anything about the President's Guild in any way, shape, or form.
But he does, and he does it in a slippery, classic Mueller way.
Mueller knows how the media takes small bits of pieces and can misportray or misrelay those pieces of information by taking a piece of a puzzle outside of the puzzle's context, and then highlighting that piece of the puzzle in a way that's different than the whole and actual truth.
So here, what Mueller does is he takes two statements and puts them back to back.
Knowing the first statement is the one that the media is going to run with, but knowing that the second statement makes his first statement contextualizes it, frames it, and changes its meaning.
So what Mueller really said yesterday was, hey, by the way, I as a special counsel, not an independent counsel, but a special counsel, am governed by Department of Justice rules.
And one caveat on that aspect.
There's been a common misapplication and referral or reference point of comparing Mueller to either Ken Starr or comparing him to Lawrence Walsh or comparing him to Patrick Fitzgerald, prior independent counsels that conducted investigations either during the Reagan era, the Bush era, the Clinton era, or the W era.
Mueller was not appointed as an independent counsel.
In the early 2000s, due to all the problems that occurred because of the independent counsel statute, that was a statute specially passed by Congress that Justice Scalia noted was likely unconstitutional.
Now, what happened is, because it was so politically misused and abused by wayward, politically motivated, partisan motivated prosecutors, Or sometimes prosecutors are simply felt obligated to pursue an objective to its natural end, which was to pursue an indictment solely because he'd been given the power to indict.
They removed that power so that independent counsels no longer exist.
An independent counsel reported to Congress and the courts.
They were not under the guidance and governance of the Department of Justice.
By contrast, a special counsel is.
A special counsel, his jurisdictional authority and all of his rules and restrictions are governed by the Attorney General and by the Deputy Attorney General and by the rules that govern the Department of Justice.
One of those rules, as Mueller admitted, was that he knew from the inception of his investigation as a special counsel, he had no authority of any kind to indict the President.
Which means he really didn't have authority to investigate the President for an indictment he could not bring.
It means he should not have been impaneling grand juries to conduct investigations into conduct he could never label criminal.
So it basically exposed everything Mueller did for the last several years as really just a fraud in and of itself.
In fact, this issue of whether Mueller even received his money, his financing appropriately, is actually being brought up right now in the Roger Stone case about whether or not he was illicitly funded the entire time.
So here you have Mueller going out there to talk about an investigation he really shouldn't have been conducting, using a grand jury in ways he really shouldn't have been doing.
He should have been limited to the written report he already submitted under the Department of Justice rules.
He then violates all that, admits he's violating all that by talking about it, and what he does is he sets up a back-to-back statement that really says, hey, by the way, we could never investigate the president, we could never indict the president, so consequently we can neither clear him nor condemn him.
We can neither exonerate him nor indict him.
That's what he should have said.
Should have said it honest and straightforwardly.
Instead, he put one part of the statement before the other so that one statement could be excised for media recitation and repetition in ways that would be misleading to the public about what he actually said.
So he says, hey, if we could have cleared the president, we would have.
But, by the way, we didn't even have the authority to decide whether or not to look at any information that could or couldn't clear him in the first place.
So his second statement makes clear his first statement makes no relevant sense.
But it's that first statement that is then used by the press to say, oh, Mueller's really referring this case to the Congress because Mueller is saying that they couldn't clear him after they looked at everything.
But that's not in fact what Mueller said in context.
What Mueller said is that they could neither clear nor condemn, neither exonerate nor indict, because they didn't have the legal authority to ever look at the president, period.
Which means, what were they doing with 200 pages of a report talking about whether or not maybe the president could have been charged with obstruction of justice, when they admit they had no authority to conduct such an investigation or do such an indictment in the first place?
By the way, there is simply no allegation that is constitutionally recognizable or legally recognizable as obstruction of the President did.
Obstructing a coup is not obstruction of justice.
It is justice.
And that's what President Trump did.
President Trump only did what was in his lawful right to do.
The President did precisely what he was required to do under the rules and under the law.
So the President has been elected to run the executive branch.
As someone who's been elected to run the executive branch, his duty is to discharge his obligations under that executive branch.
So that's why when we look at and examine these issues in context, we see that what Mueller did was to be technically correct and compliant with the rules by admitting that he has no information that can condemn the president, while at the same time giving a nice little quote that the media could mischaracterize and misutilize to make it appear that's what he is doing.
It is what Mueller has spent his lifetime doing.
Mueller has spent his lifetime covering for deep state corrupt actors all the way back to the 1980s.
He allowed people to rot in prison, several of whom had their lives ruined, in order to cover for the FBI's misuse of Whitey Bulger as an informant, the main mobster from Massachusetts and Boston, celebrated in the movies like Departed with Jack Nicholson.
He continued that when he did it for the W administration, for the first Bush administration, he did it for the second Bush administration, he did it for the Clinton administration, but not for those politicians in particular.
He did it to celebrate, protect, and safeguard the interest of the deep state hierarchy that has politicized aspects of our law enforcement and our intelligence infrastructure in the United States.
That's why his, that's why if that press conference sounded familiar, it sounded like James Comey in 2016, quasi-clearing Hillary Clinton while trying not to look like he was clearing Hillary Hillary Clinton.
This was a similar thing, except this time he was trying to throw President Trump under the bus, whereas Comey tried to keep Hillary from being underneath the bus.
So this is Mueller's long history of corruption coming to its natural penultimate aim, and that's what got exposed yesterday, which if you had followed this audience and followed part of this audience, you would know that already in advance.
That's what was done.
Well, we're going to talk about what's coming next.
Since you point that out, tomorrow's news today, I think the globalists are desperate.
They're also emboldened by Republicans not standing by Trump.
I think all hell's about to break loose.
Stay with us.
This broadcast contains subject matter that may offend liberal snowflakes.
I don't give you permission to record me!
You're on live right now!
I don't give you permission!
Remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to leave because I go berserk?
You left me anyhow, and then the days got worse and worse, and now you see I've gone completely out of my mind.
And, they're coming to take me away, ha-ha, they're coming to take me away, ho-ho, he-he, ha-ha, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats, and they're coming to take me away, ha-ha, You thought it was a joke and so you laughed.
You laughed when I had said that losing you would make me flip my lid.
You know you laughed.
I heard you laugh.
You laughed, you laughed and laughed and then you left but now you know I'm utterly mad.
They're coming to take me away, ha-ha!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, he-he, ha-ha!
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes, and they're coming to take me away, ha-ha!
I'm gonna grow a magnificent pair of breasts!
I cooked your food, I cleaned your house, and this is how you pay me back for all my kind, unselfish, loving deeds!
Well, you just wait, they'll find you yet, and when they do, they'll put you in the ASPCA, you mangy mutt!
They're coming to take me away, ha ha, they're coming to take me away, ho ho, he he, ha ha
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their
clean white coats And they're coming to take me away, ha ha, ha ha
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers
Who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes And they're coming to take me away, ha ha, ha ha
To the funny farm, where life is beautiful all the time And I'll be happy to see those nice young men in their
clean white coats And they're coming to take me away, ha ha, ha ha
To the happy home with trees and flowers and basket weavers InfoWars, the most banned network in the world
The animated contest of liberty is waiting for you.
But you've got to take it in your hands.
You've got to have the will.
Accept the truth and buck the system and the group collective.
Do that, and you'll earn your way to the next level.
This is the Info War.
They believe that they can attain something if they can destroy the planet before we go to launch fish.
They are just an intergalactic demonic transmission spewed out of hell trying to bring the planet down before the next
But we will make the jump and nothing is going to stop them.
And we're going to have a pro-human future.
We're not just going interstellar, we're going interdimensional.
As we travel up this true stairway to heaven, people won't want to play video games anymore.
They'll realize this is the real universe with the real levels.
This is where you want to get that score.
Not in Super Mario Brother, not in Donkey Kong.
I'm Alex Jones transmitting from the third dimension planet Earth two-thirds of the way out on the spiral arm Milky Way
galaxy You're listening to the Alex Jones show
I the show
Alright, welcome back.
Robert Barnes, Ride the Shotgun with us.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
This is the Revolting Transmission.
Not because we lie, but because we do our research and about 99% of the time are precise.
Expanding on that, I was just thinking during the break while I was reading over some of the latest breaking news we're going to be covering next hour that I won't get into yet, but it's bombshell.
Anybody that's studied history or anybody that's lived knows that there's a sixth sense.
And you can be out hiking in the middle of the woods and you haven't seen a person for three hours and you feel somebody looking at you and you turn right around up to 200 yards up and somebody's got binoculars right on you.
You turn right to where they're at.
We've got a family ranch in East Texas.
We've had since the Spanish land grant that we got back in the 1820s.
And a couple times this happened, just a couple thousand acres.
And I, back when I was younger, I'd go out there and stay at one of the old ranch houses and, you know, just go hunting wild hogs and stuff, even during the spring and summer, not even during hunting season, because there is no hunting season on varmints.
And just a few times, because I wasn't always paranoid.
I didn't always feel it.
But twice over the years, I would just feel somebody looking at me, and I'd turn to the woods, I'd walk through the opening, there'd be somebody up in one of our tree stands poaching.
They'd say, oh, I'm sorry, is this your land?
I thought it's my land over there.
Of course, it was never their land next door either.
They'd just come in off the highway, because usually poachers would come into one of our areas that's closer to the highway.
And then another time, I'm coming out of a stand, and I feel something looking at me.
And I look over, about 50 yards away, only time I ever saw one except driving down the road in East Texas.
I've seen them a couple times.
I've seen them in California.
And I'm looking through, and bigger than Dallas, there's a little yearling doe.
And I go, that's not what's got me spooked.
And I look over, and there is a mountain lion.
Just saw its tail, and saw its head for a minute.
And all of a sudden, as soon as I saw it, I'm not even moving.
I see those eyes swing around.
It looks at me and then... So the minute I looked at it, it felt me.
I felt it.
And again, why am I saying this?
I am completely on edge.
I can't even sleep.
I'm somebody that usually sleeps like a dead person.
Everybody, they've gotten the left with this propaganda.
So wound up, so hateful, so wanting war.
I've got stacks of articles where they're writing major news articles about, I love the last game of thrones where the queen used the dragon to kill a city of 100,000 people.
We need to kill Republicans like that.
I mean, so what you're feeling is, they want to take over.
They want to kill you.
They want to kill babies after they're born.
There is a real energy of these people, and they are crazy enough to make a run at Trump, which if they were successful, will cause a civil war!
So any way you slice this, all I'm saying is, the sixth sense doesn't just stop at feeling somebody staring at you from behind, you turn around, sure as hell they're looking at you.
It doesn't just stop with a mountain lion you feel and then you turn and right there it is.
It's bigger than that and we've talked about this privately.
It's not mumbo-jumbo.
It's like a wireless internet in the brain.
Our brains are electrochemical.
We now know they do broadcast.
We're not just seeing with the so-called five senses.
And I think we all inherently, you're an in-touch guy.
We're not getting into mumbo-jumbo here but we've talked about this privately.
And you don't put a name to it either.
It's just that I think everybody's mojo knows we're at a crossroads.
No question.
There's a certain mindset.
When you look at a show like Game of Thrones, one of the most popular shows on television, one of the most popular shows in the history of cable television, the two writers really believed that their ending, their last couple of episodes, were going to be very popular.
In fact, they were the most unpopular ending of a series in basically TV history, definitely cable TV history.
And how did that happen?
They presumed that people would find it normal, okay, within the range of acceptable conduct for someone to go kill a bunch of innocent women and children just because they were mad that day.
Not that they were mad in general, not mad or insane, but just they were mad that day.
She had PMS.
Yeah, she was upset, and so she's upset she's gonna go kill people, and that that was somehow within the realm of normalcy.
That that would be okay somehow.
So what you see with some of these writers is following up on that they didn't realize how disconnected they were from the broader populace.
I mean that's where like for example you're seeing in the Democratic Party, large number of Democrats, there was a recent survey and study done about articles citing things like white privilege and all these sort of crazy lefty ideas have taken off in the last five years and what it showed was these articles mostly didn't exist even five years ago.
There's been this sudden onslaught of lefty, statist ideology that says speech shouldn't be free.
It's an invasion!
The press should be controlled, that your ideas should be limited, and that collective punishment, which is what the dragon scene is from Game of Thrones that they're talking about, is okay and normal.
In fact, her talking about, well, we're going to do this for freedom, that's why we're going to go out and kill these women and children, they thought that would be within the realm of normalcy.
And by the way, they'd already given up.
Oh, absolutely.
The whole place said quit.
I mean, this gives you an idea for a show that they really saw the incest episodes as being within the realm of normalcy rather than completely shocking and horrifying.
Then quantify this for me, and we'll keep going with this.
And I kind of took this as a zigzag.
I didn't tell you I was going to go here.
But I happen to have a representative go to A major film festival, Sundance, because we were invited there by filmmakers and I couldn't go, so I sent a representative.
He's a smart guy and he said, he said, listen, I had dinner with all the people.
I went to all the parties.
He said they literally admitted in front of me.
That the goal is to demoralize everyone and change the origin window to get ready for this violent takeover.
They wouldn't be specific, but that all the funding, what you just said, is to break taboos and sear people's conscience so they accept some real-world Mass death that's about to happen.
And you turn on the TV, that's all it is.
So what are they getting us ready for?
Well, what you're seeing is that they're basically preparing the population for a certain mindset of extremely dangerous behavior.
So they're trying to normalize behavior that's way outside the norm.
It's the weathermen in 30 years ago getting caught saying, We're going to put 50 million conservatives in camps and kill half of them.
They're now literally trying to gear their people up for a war which they would never win.
If you want to use a stupid analogy, the nationalists, the patriots, we've got the testosterone, we've got the weapons, we've got the training, we are the damn dragons.
You've got a bunch of limp-dick wimps trying to start fights with the real dragons.
They are idiots.
You are, you are morons!
Oh, no question.
And what they're doing is they're pursuing ideas that simply are not popular.
I mean, look at these people for TV viewers.
They want a war with us?
I mean, are they kidding?
Oh yeah, exactly.
I mean, the two writers are popularly characterized in the YouTube world as dumb and dumber.
But see, it's a coming of age.
They're so weak inherently that they believe only our destruction will, as if, like, darkness thinks if light doesn't exist, it'll no longer be darkness.
Well, that's why their cognitive dissonance at the results of the Mueller investigation is so high.
Because they've so committed to their own ideas.
Fetishized him!
And they idolized someone who was very corrupt, who never was going to have the evidence to support their ludicrous theories.
And that when there was no evidence, they're left falling back on innuendo.
They're left falling back on a mistaken quote or misused quote by Mueller that Mueller knows is going to be wrong.
I know here on air you're getting into scientific facts and legal facts and reality, but what about the sixth sense?
Like the sense that people have that That there's this insanity going on, this threat.
Well that's the mass psychosis, the mob psychology.
You can feel a football game when you're driving down the highway at night.
You can't even hear the band.
You can feel the energy from the football field.
You get what I'm saying?
Oh yeah, well they've done it in studying people they call empaths.
So, empaths basically detect heartbeats, they can detect, for example, the reasons why there are various sacred religious sites around the world is because certain personalities more so than others, but people can sense certain energy that has been stored there over time.
So, what happens is when you go out and when you're experiencing what's happening in this sort of mindset shift in the hardcore left that is justifying violence, as soon as they started comparing Antifa to the people who freed the world in World War II and the soldiers who came off the boats, then you knew we were in an entirely different environment.
You mean like Chris Cuomo?
They're literally lionizing meth-head college professors.
Oh completely.
People who are overtly dangerous.
People who are known anarchists, whose deliberate cause and purpose is violence.
And what they are, as we now know, they're banning anybody that finds this.
But professors and scientists, as you know, have found they're really professors, they're really journalists, reporters, like Batman wearing masks to go out and commit crime.
Well what's fascinating is someone did a detailed, good, evidentiary report connecting Antifa to certain reporters and publications across the country.
Just detailed how the correlation and correspondence that was too strong to be coincidental.
It was more corroborative.
They got banned.
Yes, that's exactly what happened.
As soon as they exposed that, they get banned from social media.
So you have someone like Dave Rubin who puts on various populist figures.
He's being attacked by a wide range of people across the board, including Google, that is manipulating its algorithms so that if you search Dave Rubin's name, a bunch of images of other people come up that have nothing to do with Rubin.
Because he's a well-spoken, common-sense, gay guy who doesn't like persecution of conservatives and is a real liberal.
They did the same thing to Scott Adams.
If you put in Scott Adams' name, an image of him in a Nazi uniform showed up.
I mean, he's one of the most independent, moderate... Well, it's like the California Republican Party, for six months, it listed their Political affiliation Nazis on Google.
It's manipulation of the mind and that's what the public is sensing.
They're detecting this manipulation of the mind for dark, manipulative purposes.
That's right.
Everybody can feel the evil.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The most banned network in the world.
This is CNN.
You see Apple making these decisions, you know, based on, you know, if this is impacting us.
Do you think that tech companies are in a position right now where they can self-regulate with some of these more sticky issues?
Hi, I'm Tim Cook.
I run the richest company in the world, and I pay Chinese slave laborers, you know, a dollar a day.
I've moved Apple to China and given your iCloud keys to their government, and now I'm bringing Chinese censorship here to America and working with Google to do it.
I mean, it's crazy.
Do you think, I mean it's interesting to hear you say that, I, just having covered a lot of this over the last month, I keep coming back to this fundamental question, and you can tell me if this is too philosophical for you, but I come back to this fundamental question, do we as users just have to re-envision the idea of privacy?
Is it a luxury at this point?
Hi, I'm Tim Cook.
The New York Times says, quote, I lead the moral high ground.
That Apple, via Tim Cook, leads the moral high ground.
So, our company pays zero taxes in China, and we run slave factories, but I'm helping shut down free speech in America.
That makes me liberal.
One of the interesting points today, and I know this is an issue near and dear to you and to Apple, you guys created a pride feature for Apple Watch.
You know, just this morning the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake in celebration of a same-sex couple.
As a leader in the community, as Apple has, you know, continuously stood in front of LGBTQ rights, what's your reaction?
Hi, I'm Tim Cook.
I'm gay, but I don't say a word to China, even though I'm the biggest company in China,
about how they execute gays.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is...
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back. I'm Alex Jones, Robert Barnes, right shotgun.
Look, I've literally got like 15 clips that are incredible.
I've got all this other news we haven't hit.
I want to try to take calls, Paul Watson's coming up, but two hours has gone by, and I need to fund this operation.
And I've not scripted any of this.
When you were doing a live feed with myself and Will Johnson, you were here two weeks ago, you just suddenly got eloquent about supporting Infowars, about supporting free speech, just how embattled we are.
And I want to be clear, I'm not here at the listener saying, hey, get up here and support me.
I'm just telling you, I'm literally in your hands and we've got great products.
You've got a Memorial Day special running right now.
I'm going to extend it to the weekend.
Up to 60% off some of our best-selling products.
These are things you already need.
But I know that Infowars needs to continue on into the future just to demoralize the globalists, but to also write the talking points for the future.
Because you see, the Democratic Party and Republican Party have been so controlled and filled with so many yes-men and women that they literally write these big corporate points at think tanks, they go down, and then everybody repeats it.
And that's how you got promoted in media before was repeating talking points.
I'm not that special.
I just went back to the old talking points of Renaissance, Americana, free market, rugged individualism that is real and made us the apple of the world's eye.
And I believe that if I promoted it, you would come because it was a lot sexier and worked a lot better than communism, socialism, and crony capitalism.
But that said, I've got these enemies attacking me.
Imagine we're like Godzilla and we got the, you know, the enemies around us biting the living hell out of us.
Only your support lets us continue.
And look, there's a part of me, I've been doing this 25 years, that literally wants to stop.
I'll be completely honest with the listeners and viewers.
There's a big part of me that I didn't get into this from some narcissistic perspective that I want to be on TV.
I didn't want to be on TV.
I want to be a farmer or a rancher.
And then I thought they wanted to take my gun 25 years ago.
And I got politically involved.
But I'm telling you this, the InfoWars is a symbol now that the enemy wants to take down and destroy.
Like the American flag, whatever.
I'm not comparing myself to the American flag.
I'm saying the enemy knows That you got Trump elected.
They know this broadcast worldwide, and you promoting it, has spread nationalist, populist, true capitalist ideas, and they want us gone.
Because we're the kryptonite!
You are the kryptonite.
And so, period.
We need the listeners that haven't bought products to buy some and see how great they are, and sign up for AutoShip, get a discount.
We've only got two minutes, we'll come back with news, but I never even asked you to plug, but when you were on that show with Will Johnson, we should probably cut that out and make an ad out of it.
You were pretty eloquent about how important it is to support InfoWars.
Oh, no doubt.
I mean, what's unique here is that you are literally the tip of the spear.
You are the front and the face of the future of free speech and free press in America.
And what's brilliant and beautiful about the InfoWars audience is that this is such a democratic, little d, democratic experiment.
It's a democratic method of free speech.
It's a democratic method of free press.
And it's the support, the real power is with the audience.
That's the whole goal of ever, all of the attacks, wherever they come from and from whatever.
Yeah, when the people call me and thank me, I'm going, you understand, I'm the ass end of this.
You are the dog, man.
I'm the tail.
They are the true source of power.
And the whole goal, there used to be an institute called the Einstein Institute, which was trained by former defense intelligence individuals.
And what they would do is go to countries around the world, particularly those in the third world, and they would teach them the real pillar of power is the perception of power.
And what's unique here is that the audience, this is the only non-corporate sponsored independent news network of its size anywhere in the world.
It is the, by far.
Because the powers with the audience, they control whether or not InfoWars exists or doesn't exist in the future.
All the political attacks, all the legal attacks, all the politicians attacks, all the press attacks, all the libel and the slander has no effect if the public and the audience continues to make Infowars a reality for the world.
Because they are the ones who make it real, because they have the power.
The whole goal of the system is to trick ordinary people into not recognizing their own power.
I used to say that I was always torn on politics, because on one side... Stay there.
You've got to repeat that.
That is so eloquent.
Some stations don't care that five minutes.
Repeat that, because you said that in private.
You said it on air once.
I meant to air it on this show that has a huge audience, because we still have millions, millions of people an hour tuning in on AM and FM and on our art systems.
So this is what really counts.
Come back and recap that, please.
Because, folks, Our biggest sin.
And I've read Lepin's think tank documents, what he just said.
We're telling you, you have power.
We're telling you, you're amazing.
They don't want you to know the truth about yourself.
We'll be right back.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
I will break your jaw.
I will knock your teeth out.
I will break your nose.
I will break your neck.
You're a little wimp!
You son of a piece of garbage!
I hate you!
I hate you!
And remember that scumbag forever!
If you don't spread the link, the globalists win!
Spread the legs!
Big Brother. Make it rain.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So I talk to a lot of smart people in business, and in the military, and in intelligence, and academia, and banking, and they concur.
Because they've got their eyes and ears out.
They go, listen, the Democrats are just a bunch of virtue signaling maniacs.
Who get money from the chi-coms, the EU, whoever, get it to them.
And their ideology is just have control of America, keep sucking off the tit, keep selling the country off.
Forget your local welfare queen.
The limousine liberals are making billions, sometimes a piece, off of this and they're just enraged because they believe it's theirs.
But because they've stolen so much money, because they've got so much power, it doesn't matter that Pelosi can't string a sentence together.
It doesn't matter that they're falling apart, because all these minions in the system still thinks they're in command.
And the Republican Party, signaling that they won't support Trump when we've got all the goods on the Democrats, doesn't make them go away like business as usual ten years ago.
It's like dumping water into the ocean with great white sharks and putting your children in the water.
It's the worst move you could make.
So this isn't me up here on air wanting some metaphysical or physical war with the globalists at some good or darn wrong battle of the gods, you know, to prove it all out.
That's what they want.
I'm simply saying they're going on that path, and if we don't have controlled bloody noses, politically and economically and legally, they're gonna go into full war.
They're all fired up.
They're ready.
They're calling for violence everywhere.
They're calling for death everywhere.
They're censoring everywhere.
They are moving into the classical, wild-eyed authoritarian orgy.
And so now is the time to really get serious about the peril.
We are in great peril.
Trying to take things back from these maniacs made them go into their real metastasization mode.
So now they are launching, they're proliferating, they're firing all their spores.
You know, you kill cockroaches.
My dad was an exterminator in college.
They all started having sex and trying to procreate.
The enemy is going into an expansion mode right now to answer us.
And you look at the lowest level of them as a mindless zombie and you think they're weak.
No, that shows the power of evil that their servants are totally automated.
So yes, it's weakness, but it's also a strength.
So don't underestimate the power of the dark side.
No question.
Because if you go back and look, the last time sort of the ideas of empire suffered real significant threat or risk, you would be right after World War I. So after World War I, the ideas and ideology of empire started to fall apart, started to collapse.
The whole World War I experience was so horrific in the minds of populations all around the world that they began to second-guess government, second-guess the way the governments were structured.
The war to end all wars.
That's why it was called that.
That's why it's the first world war ever.
And what did the system do?
Well, how the system got back, the state got back its power, was by having fascists and communists fight in the streets.
By getting people so ginned up that their side had to win at all costs and had to use violence to do so, by finding excuses to motivate or provoke violence by the other side, they allowed the street violence to fester To where the state won either way.
Either the communists took over, and about half the time that's what happened, or the fascists took over.
But either way, the statists took over.
And so they see that as historical evidence for what they should do again.
The war against the people.
The international banks, the British Empire, those models, they were going to finance and control and work with those strongmen regardless.
They didn't want to deal with a vibrant, empowered, libertarian-type America.
The American system threatened the German, Austrian-Hungarian imperial model.
It threatened the British imperial model.
It threatened the Japanese imperial model.
It threatened the Tsarist model.
And so they create a dialectic of creating a communist model.
And what's happening now is that the same sort of transition is taking place again, because it's not only happening in the United States, it's happening throughout Europe.
We saw in the EU elections the rise of power of people challenging, questioning, and second-guessing the EU neocentrist monopoly on political power within the European Union.
We saw the Brexit party, formed six weeks before the elections effectively, sweep the
elections across the United Kingdom and become the number one party in Europe with regards
to the European Union.
We saw Salvini in Italy take a party that was at 3, 4, 5 percent, surged to being the
most popular EU party in Italy.
We saw Hungary continue its anti-EU political tradition, winning over a majority of the
We saw it spread throughout large parts of Europe.
Matthew Goodwin, a great political science professor in the UK, he said the one common denominator with all of these election outcomes is that the populist nationalists are winning or gaining more votes, more support every single day.
As the system sees that, as they see the EU experiment fail, as they see the global trade controlled environment fail, as they see the most populist president to be elected since Andrew Jackson in the most powerful country in the world succeed, as their efforts at their coup efforts completely fail and fall apart.
Because again, the globalists admit they want all nation states to fail, to bring in a world crisis in their own words, of biologicals, of populations, of war, of famine, claiming it's all global warming, then they will unify humanity under their control.
Which the endgame is in eugenics, and so it's incredible.
Well, it goes all the way back.
People forget the 1920s, 1930s, the Nazis learned how to try to control populations and considered their model, considered their icon, what was happening here in the United States.
When people talk now about vaccination-related issues, they forget that vaccinations were used as a pretext to do illegal sterilizations of poor populations in the 1910s and 1920s.
And that's all on record!
Oh, absolutely!
It was my Yale history professor, who's a lefty guy, studies populism.
His whole study was of Portland, Oregon, 1910s, 1920s, and it's all about how it was an anti-vaccination movement, and what its source was, was the misuse and abuse of vaccination for the purposes of sterilization and other purposes.
So, you're seeing the re-recandescence of all of those ideologies.
You're seeing Planned Parenthood continue to be a key component of the left, which is all about population control.
When you know, and then you add to that, you put as an overlay, big tech simulation.
Where they don't even see human beings as really human beings.
Maybe we're just one of these little dots on the screens behind us.
That that's all they see.
When we're that, when you have that mindset, that mentality.
And Hollywood's being ordered, dehumanize, dehumanize.
Shear the conscience.
Have them accept mass death of women and children.
Have them accept total war.
And then in the real world, Democrats say, yes, we're getting ready to kill all the conservatives.
It shows the madness.
We hit break earlier.
You were getting into the populism, the little d, democracy of InfoWars.
Oh, absolutely.
What's unique about the InfoWars experiment is it democratized both the freedom of the press and the freedom of speech, but also democratizes the economy itself.
So here you have products created locally, made locally, made by people directly, sold directly to the audience.
The audience is directly participating.
No middleman, no corporate marketing, no big, sophisticated, fancy advertising budget.
None of those things.
What you have is in order to support a democratized press that is free from corporate restraint.
In order to support democratized speech that allows dissident voices that the establishment or institutional press doesn't want people to see or hear.
So it's this unique thing where all of the power, you have none of the power, all of the power is with the audience, all the power is with the people.
So they control it.
They decide what's going to go on and what's not going to go on.
Whether Infowars lasts or whether it doesn't.
Whether Infowars survives or whether it doesn't.
Whether this democratizing mechanism of speech and press and economics succeeds or doesn't.
They get to control it.
And that's why all of the goal and the objectives of all of these deplatforming attacks All of these efforts to deny you even access to MailChimp and email providers or servers, all the things you have to deal with on a daily basis, where you're putting out fire after fire after fire after fire, legally, politically or economically, is all about creating a smoke screen to get the audience to forget that they control the future of InfoWars, that they have the power.
With very modest amounts in their checkbook, they can fuel a true information revolution that democratizes press, democratizes speech, democratizes distribution of economics.
They are the powerful source.
They are the source of power, as it relates to everything related to Infowars and Infowars' influence in the world.
And it's the model of Infowars that they admit, just like the American system, it's a microcosm of that comeback from the dead, like the Phoenix, that scares them so fundamentally, and they admit that.
And so, we won.
We got Trump in.
The people won.
How do you turn a victory, a folk hero event of the people, into something bad?
You create new false stories to project onto it, to make it a loser, and then hope to destroy it, even while all the leftist media is losing money.
It's all propped up by globalist billionaires with stolen taxpayer money, and they're the ones collapsing.
They're the ones failing.
Unless they can convince you that you failed, unless they can convince you that it's all over, and then you just walk away from the battlefield when you've already won.
But that's why it's so critical that more than even buying the products at InfoWareStore.com.
If you just tell people, hey, they're attacking the site constantly.
It's up and down.
Videos are there.
They're not.
The audio streams.
That's because the enemy recognizes it as the truth and poison to their system.
Liberty and life to us.
And that's why.
Download it.
Share it.
Repost our stuff on your own site.
Clone our sites.
Do whatever.
Nothing can stop you.
I'm in this with you together with Robert and this great crew.
Please, let's help each other together.
We have to hold each other up.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Most of you know that.
This isn't a game.
And I've asked for your help over the years and if it wasn't for you we wouldn't be here.
And we have withstood the storm together.
But we are finally going to launch more shows.
We are hiring more reporters with just the belief and the faith that the money will come in to expand in the face of the globalists because they want us shut down ahead of 2020.
And that's only six months away.
Can you believe it?
The year 2020 is only six and a half months away.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the eye of the storm right now.
When we come out of the eye, it is going to be 200 mile an hour winds for everybody.
CNN's collapsing, shutting down.
All the other leftist publications, Huffington Post, you name it.
They're all circling the toilet bowl.
They all lose money.
Vice has lost $5 billion for Disney.
$5 billion shoveling videos of how the dictator of China is good and Trump is bad.
Shoveling videos how I'm evil and Trump's evil and how Christians suck and how Jesus sucks.
They're rejected billions into vice, and they can't even stand up to InfoWars.
They don't have the footprint or the result because people know lies when they see it.
It costs $450 million a year to run BuzzFeed, and they've got to get over $100 million from Soros, and they still lose money.
We don't get anything from Soros.
We don't get anything from anybody but you.
And we need $40 million a year to run this place, and defeat the globalists, and pay for the bandwidth, and pay for the audio, and pay for the crew, and do it.
Sounds like a lot.
In media, it's not.
It's truly David versus Goliath.
The New York Times cost $500 million a year to run.
They're losing money.
Owned by kingpins and drug dealers and a coalition of the Legion of Doom.
We're funded by you.
And so, for the hardcore audience that's tuned in on Memorial Day, You've seen the fruits.
You've seen our steadfastness.
You've seen our commitment to the Republic, our commitment to the free market, our commitment to religious freedom, our commitment to the West, and our commitment to not back down.
And it's that spirit of not backing down the enemy hates.
But I need viewers and listeners to understand something.
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Monday through Friday from 11am.
3 p.m.
it's the Alex Jones Show.
Paul Watson with us for the fourth hour.
Bob Barnes, constitutional lawyers, here with us riding shotgun.
And like I say, I've got hundreds of articles, all these clips I haven't even gotten to, a lot of breaking news as well.
We can sit here and talk about each one of these little pieces forever, but it's come out, it's been in the news, Bob, as you know, that You've got all these deep staters, all these folks that are just social climbers in D.C.
A lot of them aren't even globalists, they're not even communists, they're not even leftists, they're just opportunists.
And they're just going to scratch backs and go along and kind of be part of this culture of bashing on Trump and taking stuff off his desk and blocking what he wants to do and then he orders Brennan to have his Security clearance taken, and they don't do it.
Oh, correct.
Well, I mean, the nice thing is Attorney General Barr, someone had messaged me earlier today reminding me, because they were part of this, that Attorney General Barr was there when a lot of the Church Committee activities took place in the 1970s.
So the first time we really unraveled the deep state was they helped sort of take out
Nixon, really.
Deep Throat was part of the operation to take out Nixon in the mid-1970s.
He himself was a corrupt member of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Mark Felt.
He helped run COINTELPRO and other corrupt operations, was indicted in the late 1970s
for the various crimes, just a few of the various crimes he'd committed.
And if you go back and look, what happened is it just backfired on him because Senator
Frank Church, then a Democrat from Idaho, was one of the first people spied on as a
public official by the National Security Agency in the late 1960s.
And he finally got the power to do something about it.
The Senate Intelligence Committee was supposed to be a committee...
It was formed just for Senator Frank Church.
It was, at that point, a special committee, not a permanent committee.
And its intentions was to regulate and monitor the conduct of intelligence agencies in the United States.
Unfortunately, the intelligence agencies ended up co-opting that over time.
So now people like Senator Burr are basically working for the intelligence agencies rather than overseeing those intelligence agencies.
That's why you're seeing him subpoena Donald Trump Jr.
and other people for reasons that nobody can really understand.
When I dealt with the Senate Intelligence Committee earlier this year and earlier last year, the committee was clearly being run by Democratic lawyers.
It was not being run by the Republicans.
The Democratic lawyer was an Obama lawyer who had deep connections to the National Security Agency.
And again, let's just pull back here.
I have this mental problem, and I don't know how to quantify it, but we're talking about such huge things that are so dangerous and so illegal and so corrupt, and every day we all just kind of calmly talk about it, and we're the ones that know about it, and it's not debated that we have an illegal, rogue, deep government state Just selling out all these foreign interests that's inherently against the country's very system, that's running wild.
As you said, the Frank Church Committee exposed it.
Barr was involved in it early on.
He, at least, is signaling he's trying to change it.
And they're belligerently fighting back when we have all the cards, but we won't play them.
There's just an inherent, massive frustration in that.
Oh, no question whatsoever.
I mean, when you look at that context of it and what's happened, at least Barr knows what he's going to be facing.
I want to ask you this.
At what gut level in all your DC sources, I know you're dialed in, what do you think Trump's planning?
What do we need to do?
I'm going to ask that question in a moment.
But first, your Twitter account, we'll put it up on screen for TV viewers.
A couple months ago, you shot a very special report.
It's like 30 minutes long, blows people away.
You just lay out the facts.
It was incredible criminal history.
This needs to get out.
I know for a fact, from people that have been questioned by the grand jury and others in this fake investigation, they were obsessed on me.
You got brought up, others did, because they're pissed that we're pointing out his incredible mafia organized crime fixer history.
So we'll put it back on screen.
For radio listeners, you go to newswars.com.
It's Mueller, a journey to the dark side.
This video gives more context to Mueller's recent press conference.
For those who truly knew Mueller, yesterday was no surprise.
That said, Barnes underscore law.
Get it.
Retweet it.
Get it out to everybody.
No doubt about it.
I mean, what's happening is everybody knows Mueller's real job was to protect the deep state from meaningful investigation.
And Mueller now realizes that he has failed at that.
All he did was delay the inquiry.
He wasn't able to stop the inquiry.
And then committed more crimes to make it deeper.
Oh, no question about it.
He tried to help cover it up.
I mean, for example, the other reason why Mueller doesn't want to testify before Congress, and the reason why he was taking pot shots at Trump... It's under oath.
And trying to undermine the Democrats, saying, I'm not going to go further.
He doesn't want anybody to call him up there because he's going to have to answer questions like, how does he manage to indict Paul Manafort when Paul Manafort's working for Tony Podesta?
For the things that Manafort was charged for.
Podesta did far worse, was far more egregious, was far more... That's like busting the capo but not the don.
And you want to talk about a guy with picadillos and problems if you opened up his closets.
All of Manafort's problems were sort of run-of-the-mill lobbyist problems in Washington.
Some tax problems, some money problems, some registration issues.
Contrast that to someone like Tony Podesta.
With his peculiar interest in art, his peculiar interest in other aspects, his peculiar involvement in other election meddling schemes and conspiracies.
He and some of his brother, John Podesta, ran the Hillary Clinton campaign.
So you look at all of those details, that would have been very informative.
And yet, Mueller went out of his way to avoid Podesta ever getting indicted.
How does that happen?
They gave him immunity.
Precisely, they gave him a sweetheart deal.
He did what Comey did for Hillary, where he gave all the key people around Hillary that could in the future be investigated or looked at immunity so that nobody could ever prosecute them.
So I think they all know what's coming.
They all know that now Attorney General Barr has the knowledge, the information, the background to take action.
There are many people who are still skeptical about whether Attorney General Barr will, because he's been a member of the political establishment for 30 years.
But I think what he recognizes is this was an extremely perilous precedent that was set.
And I agree.
Beyond the precedent, you can tell Trump's been talking to him.
Trump says, we can't ever let this happen again to anybody.
It's too dangerous to have rogue elements of the government.
That's what brings down third world countries or brought down Rome.
But it's beyond that.
It's not just like it could happen again.
The actors are still in place, still moving forward!
Precisely, and they're doing it right now.
And that's really what sort of Mueller was doing yesterday.
He was trying to put a shot across the bow to try to counterattack Trump, for Trump using Barr to go after the president.
And the Republicans, most of them, except Rand Paul and a few others, signaled Tail between their legs, went and pissed in the corner.
Which, they don't, I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, that is the last signal you want to send.
Well, I've been watching this show, Chernobyl, about Chernobyl, on HBO.
And it's about how everybody, even the highest ranking political officials, are terrified of the KGB.
About how Chernobyl actually happened, because the KGB suppressed information that its own scientists recognized.
They're like, it's gonna blow up, we need money, you have to have this, it's just like Deepwater Horizon.
They fly in the executives and they go, literally in a Southern voice, you don't need no mud, concrete, we did not gon' blow you engineer, lyin'.
And they go, no, it will blow up.
If you do not put concrete in the fridge... Concrete costs $200 million!
We're a $100 billion company!
We don't need concrete!
And the thing... It's like... It's math, dumbass!
The oil is down there under tens of thousands of pressures.
If you do not put concrete on top of it, by the tons, it will blow up!
And they go... Literally, that movie's so accurate with...
That breaks it down with Mark Wahlberg.
Some of the folks who were involved, I read the transcripts of the court case.
They literally had guys that weren't engineers going, we got billions.
You know, I got a hundred million dollar house.
It don't matter.
We ain't gonna put, we ain't gonna blow out.
It's the same thing with him today.
They're literally about to start a civil war.
You were just making the point I went crazy.
Oh yeah, well precisely.
It's a distorted mindset.
It's a distorted mindset that's dangerous and perilous to itself.
What was the point I went crazy about Deepwater Horizon?
Oh, because of Chernobyl.
And what happened is... Because I remember reading about that.
They're like, it's gonna blow up.
And the KGB's like...
You don't want your wife disappeared, do you?
Everybody was scared and terrified, and they helped bring down the Soviet Empire by their own misdeeds in covering that up.
And that's what the deep state is trying to do now.
They're trying to cover up their attempts at a coup against the president, and the president's not standing for it.
And Mueller's not there to protect him.
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So get your SuperMetal Vitality, the final run, unless me squeezing them makes me win out on the prize.
So get it today while you still can.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Now I kind of went wild when Robert Barnes was mentioning Chernobyl.
I haven't seen the award-winning HBO documentary.
That's something I'm intending to watch next time I get back on the elliptical.
I've been so busy I've been on the elliptical in like two weeks.
But I did follow it on PBS when it happened.
I did follow and I did read a book like 20 years ago about it.
And correct me if I'm wrong, if you've been watching it, and you're a fat guy, but they had like one-tenth the personnel, they already had explosions, they barely had electricity to it, they weren't upkeeping the fuel cores and the particular type of reactor they had, and they were even arresting and relocating Some of the nuclear engineers and men and women with like 180 IQs, because they would argue and say, listen, we're surprised it hasn't melted down yet.
You need to either shut it down or you need to repair it.
This is insane.
But because the Soviet Union was falling apart, they let guys that, you know, had 100 IQs just go, we have guns.
We'll arrest your wife.
We'll send your ass to Siberia if you don't do what we say.
And then it blows up.
And then for a few weeks, again, the Russians try to, Russian government, The communists try to cover it up.
Well look at what Tokyo Electric did.
Covering up how bad that was.
Look at all the secret events we've had.
Meltdowns here they cover up.
And I'm not even against nuclear power!
But I am against it when the reactors are supposed to be shut down in 30 years, they're still going for 45 years.
There's 480 active reactors in the world, a couple hundred experimental.
And I've had, you know, top nuclear physicists on, chemical engineers that work on reactors.
They say, listen, they're all leaking, they're all falling apart, it's insane.
And these corporations are so corrupt, you've got CEOs over them going, Well, maybe we don't need a nuclear engineer to be there all day.
While we got big blue AI, and I do that fake southern voice, I'm a southerner, but I'm making fun of Governor Northam.
It's like we keep baby alive, but if you go see Uh, the Deepwater Horizon movie that's off the transcripts of the trial of what happened.
I covered it at the time.
It's very accurate.
They went and copied all the people that were actually involved.
So the crew chief and the main chief and the executive.
Sure, it's British owned and Dutch Royal owned, really.
But he flies in on the helicopter and says, why is you dumping all that concrete?
That 25 million a day on there.
And, you know, the real engineers go, because if we don't it'll explode and kill everybody and flood the ocean with oil and gas.
And he goes, we this big billion dollar company, we don't, we believe it not needed.
And they literally Send them emails then while they're there to prove it, saying I've told you it'll explode, this is mathematics, you can't, you, so they're like KGB, corporate heads, whoever, the Democrats, if they cause this civil war, they'll lose and it's gonna be horrible.
But it's like math.
They can't stop.
Whether it's the Deepwater Horizon, whether it's Chernobyl, whether it's the left, whether it's all of this insanity.
Why did Juncker think he could bring 15 million military-age men into Germany and have them rape everybody and we'd put up with it?
It's just like there's something wrong with these people, and just because they're worth hundreds of billions of dollars, they literally tell political experts, intelligence experts, engineers, people that literally live this stuff that we're all wrong, but they know what's going on, even though all their predictions keep coming up wrong, our predictions keep coming up right, which I don't want my new predictions to come up true.
I'm ranting.
Well, there's no doubt about it.
Once you have an intelligence-run government operation, we have seen how that works over the past century, century and a half.
And it has been a complete failure.
And what happened in the Chernobyl case, at least as portrayed on the HBO show, is that ten years before Chernobyl blew, one of the top scientists in Russia, ...recognized there was a potential problem with the way they did all of their nuclear reactor facilities, which was that if you did a certain thing and tried to put the power off, or if there was a power surge and you tried to turn off the power at once, you could have an explosion.
And he just documented this, and as soon as the KTV recognized it, they suppressed it and censored it from the entire scientific community.
So nuclear engineers did not even know of this risk.
Just like Boeing tried to cover up the MAX 800 stuff.
All the same set of issues.
So what's happened is whenever this kind of secretive, furtive world exists, it's like any relationship.
If you start becoming obsessively secretive, it's going to backfire no matter the reason for the obsession.
And they just hope it just goes away.
It's bad logic.
It leads to bad government, but it becomes self-fulfilling and ultimately becomes self-sabotaging.
And that's what you have.
Mueller's worldview is the same worldview of this entire Deep State operators, who they think Trump's crime was getting elected to the presidency.
And then they're going to ignore all the crimes they've committed to try to set him up.
They failed, and they're back again.
So why doesn't Trump and others have the will to go after him?
But let me ask this question again.
I go back to Deepwater Horizon, which you may have seen the film with Mark Wahlberg.
It's very accurate, literally a transcript from the court hearings.
They even show some of that at the end of the movie.
extra DVD I watched like an hour of it they had like court clips it was amazing
to see like God they really cast people just like him. Wow.
But how would they would BP whatever it was a hundred billion twenty I don't
remember how would they fly out someone that's not an engineer to say we
decided the TITOX we're not gonna put concrete on top now we gonna make more
money And they go, it's going to blow up!
And they go, do what I say!
And it blows up, like, these people are crazy!
Oh yeah, no, dad, I mean... Like engineers are saying, it will blow up!
Precisely, well, it's what happens when you have people like Hillary Clinton in charge of foreign policy.
I mean, you have someone who really is not equipped at all, either with the psychology or the intelligence or the moral principles and moral competence... But she's just got chutzpah to the...
Tenths degree.
And thinks it's really funny when Gaddafi's getting tortured and dying.
Thinks it's really funny when Libya's falling apart.
I came, I saw, he died.
Yeah, exactly.
Thought, oh, that's great.
I mean, that's the insanity.
It's very much like the people who got us into World War I. If you go back and read about them... So I'm going to go back to this.
How many of the elite, would you say, so-called elite, like 10th generation rich, my buddy calls them aliens because they're not even connected to the world, they don't know how stuff works, any of it.
I got to go back to BP because it's just like, it's worse than Chernobyl.
The engineers all tell them, they go, we've been at BP headquarters, Houston.
They decide you don't need to put mud in no more.
And it's like, but it'll blow up.
We're not gonna do it.
Like, that shows, like, these people are insane.
They've grown up in an era, in an age, in a safe space culture, safe space society, where there are these privileged, protected, almost, it's a different variation of third generation incest in its intellectual and cultural structure.
It's not the biological incest, but it's sort of the cultural, social, they all live in the same population, they all live in the same limited area.
And somebody sitting back going, We con artists ourselves.
The engineer claimed we need pressure to not make it blow up.
He ripped us off.
They couldn't get a calculator out and go, the average pressure on a well like this is, you know, 50,000 pounds per square inch.
Totally explosive.
Incredibly dangerous.
You know, you've got to put this much concrete.
They could figure out the engineers were telling the truth.
Those engineers all get bonuses on the extra money.
They're all out there actually sitting on the well on top of an explosive bomb, trying to get the maximum amount of money they can get.
They're literally going with the lowest level they need to, and there's no respect for engineers that done this their whole life, that live out in a floating city.
They're just guys back in Houston going, we gonna do what we want, because I want a helicopter.
I mean, it's like these people need to be executed, man!
What the hell is your fri... I mean, because I'm telling you, if you know this about Chernobyl and about Tokyo Electric and about Fukushima and about Deepwater Horizon, you look at this and it's like anyone knows this is going to happen.
So, these people have to be...
Well, I mean, who they are, and what they are, and how they've grown up, and their culture they've come to, it's the same reaction they had to Trump.
In the sense of, how dare Trump suggest that his life experience qualifies him for the presidency?
How does being a lifelong politician qualify you for the presidency?
Arguably, that should disqualify you from the presidency.
You've never had a real job, I mean... Well, it's just like them, like you said, we'll come back to this, you mentioned we were in a...
There's no liability testing.
There's no safety testing.
They have liability protection.
It's a drug.
It has all these admitted deaths.
Now they want to force hundreds of vaccines on us.
Do they get it's not going to cause a revolution that they want to just push more and more on us?
Like don't they get like two plus two equals four?
They're too disconnected and too disassociated.
They don't really understand, just as they don't understand sort of the InfoWars audience.
They have this caricatured view of you.
They have this caricatured view of the audience.
They don't understand who and what they are.
They don't understand the American populace writ large.
I mean, they're still shocked that Brexit happened.
And yet the Brexit Party just swept the EU elections formed six weeks before it was done.
So these are people that are still disconnected and disassociated from real life.
The dangerous thing is they want to impose their vision and version of the world on the rest of us, to the perils of all of us.
You know, my grandfather was a roughneck after World War II, before he was at least sounded.
You thought about the danger when that well came in, the ground was rumbling, how scared they got.
We'll be right back.
The global controllers are very smart in some ways, very ignorant in others.
But they understand the power of archetypes.
And I never knew when I started out on my quest 25 years ago to restore the American Republic, that I would end up being a major leader in it.
I just simply thought I'd be one more voice calling on the people to stand up and get involved in their own destinies.
But it became clear eight, nine years ago, even in Newsweek and Time Magazine, they said, Alex Jones is the mad prophet of the Tea Party.
In the wilderness, he must be stopped.
And all these years later, I realized that I didn't invent the ideas I'm promoting.
I'm simply promoting free market, Renaissance, Americana, and ideas that are Diametrically opposed to authoritarian systems, whether they be fascist, communist, or socialist.
But nevertheless, Infowars has been chosen by the enemy as the symbol of Americana, as the card.
And if they can demonize it, if they can lie about it, and if they can destroy it, they believe they can demoralize you and make you give up.
So, Please hold InfoWars up.
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But even if we don't...
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We did the right thing and told the truth, and we've already changed the world.
So you need to continue on.
But we're at that fork in the road.
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We're at that point.
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Funding allows us to operate and expand and defeat the enemy.
Not having money shuts us down and we're defeated.
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And I humbly come to you with respect and thank you again for what you've done for myself, for my children, and for your children, and for all of our own destinies, because this is an incredible time in humanity at that fork in the road, or at that crossroads.
But whatever you do, Never give in to the globalist.
Never give in to your humanity.
Never believe you're a piece of crap.
Never believe that humanity sucks because that is a lie of the old serpent, Satan.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Get your motor running.
Head out on the highway.
Looking for adventure.
And whatever comes our way.
Ain't nothing gonna make it happen.
You know what's fun, Robert Barnes?
We are in the adventure.
I mean, there's a real war, a real fight going on, and Paul Watson's coming up.
I meant to get the calls.
I'm gonna be a good boy.
I'll be back tomorrow.
I'm gonna do it all.
But I've been a busy beaver with a lot of irons of the fire.
I have like 50-something clips, all these articles I never got to.
There's so much craziness.
But I wanted to hit this one, because here's Hillary.
Saying she regretted the Madam President thing.
Does that mean she regretted hundreds of thousands of Newsweeks?
Printed up, saying she's the Madam President, that we're already being shipped to newsstands.
Man, you talk about confidence game.
And this little jack-in-the-box demon is still rolling around out there, sniping at Trump.
And word is, she still thinks Biden's gonna have a stroke or something, and she's gonna be in poll position.
Hell, with all the election fraud and censorship, maybe she will!
Here's old Hillary.
This has been one of the most inspiring, heartfelt commencements that I've ever experienced.
And I am thrilled.
I'm thrilled to be a part of it today.
Madam President, that has a nice ring to it.
Thank you so much.
If they had to run a woman that was a nationalist or a patriot, who cares if a woman's president?
I hope they are.
But when I watch newscasts locally around the country, I see local newscasts from Connecticut, New York, and Texas, when she comes it's like, Secretary of State, the God of Earth, and the left when they're in rooms with her, it's just like they're fawning at a war criminal, bug-eyed demon who got kicked off the Watergate Commission because she was producing fraud.
I mean, she's literally The detritus of the system, and the left just thinks women are finally on the scene.
Well, it's one of those trivia questions that I like, is what do Hillary Clinton and Kamala Harris have in common?
They both failed the state bar exam the first time they took it.
So, I mean, it's someone who's not particularly competent, has done nothing in her life other than go to privileged schools and be promoted, basically wrote her husband's coattails to any kind of political prominence.
covered for his various corruption if you consider that a quality or
characteristic of a good potential president. Created all kinds of issues
when she was in the United States Senate. Then when she's Secretary of State,
destabilized the Middle East, created issues related to China, issues related
to Ukraine, issues related to Russia, issues related to Latin America,
undermined our alliances around the world, created all kinds of danger, laughed
about someone's a horrible execution in Libya, and whatever you think of Gaddafi
celebrating executions of that kind and the destabilization of that country made
no sense, wanted to destabilize Syria, helped arm and create ISIS. So she
created these litany of issues and problems. She was literally like a
character out of a Star Wars movie more than she was a serious candidate for the
presidency of the United States. And yet if our media betters had had their will
she would be president of the United States. And that's what I'm saying is just like
Deepwater Horizon executives said You know, since offshore drilling was invented 80 years ago, you've got to do this or stuff blows up, because they learned.
We're just not doing it anymore.
Or, hey, Chernobyl scientists, you say there's, you know what?
Nah, you don't get new parts.
Just, ah, whatever.
It'll be fine.
It'll run forever.
Uh, it's, it's, it's this attitude of we're gonna run this weird bug-eyed corpse, this war criminal, that goes, why aren't I 50 points ahead?
And you wonder why she loses and then you're all butthurt?
Like, what type of people sign on to somebody like her?
No doubt.
It's a mentality, and you see this mentality in the way in which what happened in Chernobyl, what happened with Deepwater Horizon, what happened with the oil spills, what's happened in Syria, the destabilization of the Middle East.
You have a generation of people who are arrogant and insolent, and who are disconnected from the real world, and who think their only crime is getting caught.
They don't think the problem is doing it in the first place.
And think about the mental illness.
They've gotten away with all the stuff they've done so much that they tell engineers, You don't need new capacitors.
You don't need transformers for power surges at a nuclear power plant.
That's what happened.
You don't get what you put in your own house so you get struck by lightning and your computer has a blow-up.
We don't need power surge protectors at nuclear power plants in Russia because we're commies and we wave a magic ding-a-ling wand.
Okay, well let's go further.
You think the Russians are bad?
Again, BP... I keep saying this because sink in, folks.
BP Told engineers, you don't need to put pressure in a hole that's 20,000 feet deep into a giant batholith of gas and oil that's explosive.
Now, any moron who doesn't even have a degree in engineering or in petroleum geology or any of that would know you don't... Again, I keep going back to this because, like you said, this is a fundamental disconnect that these people are crazy.
Oh, no doubt about it.
They're dangerous.
Like I used to say, it's one thing if your moral compass is broken.
Where a lot of your Kissinger types.
His moral compass was broken.
At least his intellectual direction wasn't broken.
And that's what's scary about these people.
These people make decisions that are actually self-sabotaging.
Libya was a terrible idea.
Syria was a terrible idea.
Iraq was a terrible idea.
Gaddafi rolled over.
He was giving all his money to the West.
He spread his legs.
He said, here, come in.
And they killed him just in some pissing contest.
Just for power for power's sake because they believe in their own ideas and their own worldview.
For eight years he invested over a hundred billion, paid them off, believed Obama when he met with him that they liked him, and they set him up and raped him to death.
He rolled over.
They didn't give him a bullet in the back of the head.
They raped him for hours.
And then you have real... It's like, wow, I'll roll over.
That tells everybody else, do not roll over ever.
Never, never make a deal.
How's that good for...
Exactly, it's what Putin has said is our North Korea problem.
He said the North Korea problem is really a Gaddafi problem.
You told Gaddafi, take away any dangerous weapons, and then you went in and decimated him.
And then you took a bayonet and ran it up his ass.
Exactly, and once you do that, then nobody else is going to trust you anymore.
When you rape somebody for two hours on film with a bayonet, other people don't want to work with you.
And then it unleashed ISIS, and we got to the point where we had live slave auctions back in the world, in Libya, being sponsored by ISIS because of the craziness of Hillary Clinton.
And so, and that no one had... And then, by the way, when I covered it, they had, like, one of the... I think it was Colbert made a joke.
It was, what are slave blocks?
Well, they sell you on a block.
It's called a slave block.
They made jokes that I talked about it.
Real slavery.
I mean, it's frightening to the scope of it.
So it's not just that their moral compass is misdirected or that they don't have one in the first place.
No, they have no compass.
It's their intellectual compass is also not present.
They don't, they can't even defend their, protect their own self-interest.
They have a very short-term view.
They only look at it.
I'll make more money if we don't fix nuclear reactor.
I call them, like, one-step IQ guys.
Like, when they do tests of criminals and they find out that their IQ is low.
It's between, like, a 75 and 85 in that territory.
They go, I rape woman, I get boom-boom.
They don't think I go jail.
I mean, they're the kind of people... I rob purse, I get money.
They don't think the second step of how do I avoid getting caught.
It's not there.
I tell people, it's not that all criminals have low IQ, it's that all the caught criminals have low IQ.
And so these are people that have a caught criminal level of IQ with the nuclear power, nuclear war potential, whether it's oil wells that can devastate a gulf, whether it's a nuclear reactor that could devastate a whole country and take down a government, whether it's nuclear war that could actually end all of life as we know it, whether it's territorial wars, whether it's economic wars.
The president of BP to meet with engineers, it's in the movie, which is, again, from the transcript, like, why you think he'll blow up?
And they're like, it will blow up, it's math.
See, the pressure's here, the pressure, it will blow up.
They go, no, I personally got $10 million this year.
OK, your $10 million isn't going to stop math.
Am I gonna have to fire you?
It's a safe space environment where they've been removed from the consequences of their conduct.
I mean that's what Spygate is really all about.
It's about making sure the people who decided to do a coup against the elected president of the United States never have that power again and nobody else thinks to use that power in that way again.
And no one will... If anybody cared about national security and everybody's security, and even the corrupt establishment, you should be killing these fake investigations down.
You should be shutting all the calls for civil war down.
You should be shutting down criminal groups.
Instead, they're like...
Loving it and pushing it.
They're so disconnected from the real world.
And particularly because they have never suffered the con... It's a lack of life experience.
Great professor years ago, Christopher Lash, up at the University of Rochester.
His whole point was that manual labor is a more important form of education than most other forms of education that exist.
And his point was that it teaches you the consequences of your course of conduct.
You experience it in real life.
You can't lift this, this happens.
You can't do this, this happens.
Just like why you occasionally let your kids decide if they want to play around on the front end.
Manual labor boosts your actual performance at everything.
Absolutely, because it makes, and one of the key ways it does so is it connects you to reality and it connects consequences to your course of conduct.
These are a group of political class hacks in the deep state hierarchy that have never suffered the consequences of their bad acts.
They're like the road guys from the 60s and 70s.
Oh, it's like when they get up there and then they just say there's only 50 genders.
There's not two genders or families.
It's total delusion.
Alright, great job.
You're back with us tomorrow.
Robert Barnes put his tweet out with the video, A Journey to the Dark Side with Robert Mueller.
Get it out.
Coming up, Paul Joseph Watson from England.
Tomorrow's news today.
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have make it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, just make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleep.
Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
I said, yeah, you look 10 years younger.
He said, oh yeah, it's just, I'm off all the sleep drugs.
He says, this is totally free.
But he goes, do you know what it is in there?
And I said, it's the synergy of it.
Of the chamomile, the lemon balm, the L-tryptophan, the valerian root, the melatonin, and several other ingredients.
All just moderate dose.
They're all the recommended dose, and they just fuse together, and whatever they do chemically in the brain, that Mother Nature, God gave us our Mother Nature, is incredible.
So, that's available at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing millions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films.
And, you know, it's just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
And see, it's called "Report Your Show."
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is...
It's Alex Jones.
When you're part of a slave team, take your vaccines and die.
It's for the children.
GMO kills the rats, but it's good for you.
Honeybee Z didn't die, but it's good for you.
You like your IQ dropping, you like to die.
Government loves you, drink your fluoride!
Get out of my way, I'm gonna drink the high coke!
Ah, the government loves me!
I'm calling you out!
Calling what?
I break free of your mind control, Phil!
You're bald, brother.
They have no idea they're dealing with an out-of-control Tasmanian devil that would literally jump on top of them and gouge their eyeballs out and smash their brains all over the ground.
They have no idea!
I've had enough of it!
I'm angry!
I'm not asleep!
I've broken the conditioning!
It doesn't work on me!
It's hellfire for the globalists!
hatred of all that is good, black rivers of pestilent filth are being poured out upon our heads.
This whole thing's gonna come down on us!
Hope you're cozy under the black wings of the New World Order.
We'll see how that works out for you.
We're not drinking out of your fetid, filthy, husk-filled cup, your goblet of death.
that will burn your systems into a pile of black slag!
You understand that?
Get out of the road, New World Order!
Get out of my mind!
Get out of my free will!
Get out of my way!
Well, that's some light music, cinema fan.
Paul Joseph Watson is about to take over.
The crew does a great job getting me all these clips and all these articles today.
I drop the balls and cover a lot of them, but maybe I'll stay and come on The War Room today.
Come on, about an hour.
China accuses the U.S.
of economic terrorism as trade war tensions escalate.
Yeah, right.
Saving your ass from the Japanese in World War II and then building you all up like you have one side of deals.
Yeah, right.
You evil commies.
Why don't you stop selling your political dissonance organs?
Paul Joseph Watson from her Britannic majesty's England takes over.
Thanks, Alex.
Yeah, we're continuing to track the fallout from yesterday's huge scandal in the UK, which is John Cleese, the Monty Python.
Actor and icon.
Basically coming out and saying that London is no longer an English city.
Anyone who lives here can attest to that.
And now he's doubled down.
He's not backing down.
He's not being cowed by the deluge of condemnation from left-wing celebrities.
Most of whom, as I pointed out in the video yesterday, actually live in the whitest areas of the UK possible.
Which was the funniest thing about this whole John Cleese scandal, because of course immediately everyone called him a racist.
They also called him a hypocrite for moving to the Caribbean.
Now last time I checked, Caribbean, a lot of black people there, quite a few black people in the Caribbean, having been to several Caribbean countries.
Antigua, Dominican Republic, Barbados, a lot of black people.
So here you have the big racist John Cleese deliberately choosing to move out of London to an area which is full of black people.
But apparently he's the racist, not the people who are criticising him, the virtue signallers who apparently love non-white people so much that they deliberately choose to move to the whitest areas of the United Kingdom possible.
People like Dom Jolly, who is a comedian in the UK, who was one of the first to criticise John Cleese.
I've done a video about him in the past, which is why I knew he lived in the Cotswolds, where there are basically no immigrants whatsoever, and the population's 95-98% white.
But he's the one lecturing John Cleese about how racist he is, when John Cleese literally moved to an area of the world which is full of black people.
So now John Cleese has refused to back down after people called him racist.
He came out with another tweet and said, I prefer cultures that do not tolerate female genital mutilation.
So now he's making it clear basically that he's talking about Islam.
So we're going to get into that.
We're also going to get into a person in Ireland, a former Irish presidential candidate, Who is now being threatened with arrest because she posted a picture from a school in Ireland basically making the point that if they really want diversity there's not a lot of diversity in this picture because there's literally like two white kids.
Now she has to be arrested for that thought crime.
This is the Alex Jones Show live breaking news at InfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Yo, bro, what's up?
Let's get down.
I will break your jaw.
I will knock your teeth out.
I will break your nose and I will break your neck.
You're a little wimp, you son of a piece of garbage.
I hate you.
I hate you and remember that scumbag forever.
If you don't spread the link, the globalists win.
Spread the legs!
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
So what tends to happen with these controversial comments that cause so much rocker in the United Kingdom is that you have a lot of celebrities who have basically already achieved everything they need to achieve.
Mainly in their middle-aged or elderly celebrities, people like Morrissey, people like John Cleese, who can't really be cancelled, who can't be totally deplatformed, shouted down and publicly shamed, because again, they're such icons that they really can't be dragged down from that podium, and they've already achieved everything they want to achieve, so they're not dependent on, you know, protecting their sacred careers.
In opposition to these outrage mobs who try to drag them down.
So John Cleese of course came out yesterday which we covered at length and said, Some years ago I opined that London was not really an English city anymore.
Since then virtually all my friends from abroad have confirmed my observation.
So there must be some truth in it.
I know also that London was the UK city that voted most strongly to remain in the EU.
Now that was just basically a reiteration of what John Cleese said back in 2011 when he basically made the point that London was given the Olympic Games because they had bowed to mass immigration.
Back then he said, I'm not sure what's going on in Britain.
Well, let me say this.
I don't know what's going on in London because London is no longer an English city.
Didn't cause as much controversy back then as it did yesterday for obvious reasons.
And so basically, an absolute deluge of condemnation, again, as I said, mainly from left-wing celebrities who choose to live in the whitest areas of London possible, while John Cleese himself, the big racist, according to them, chose to move to an area of the world, the Caribbean, which has a lot of black people.
That's how racist he is.
So after 24 hours of basically wall-to-wall condemnation, He came out with another tweet last night in which he said, Again, some cultures are better than others, that's the point he's making.
culture to another. For example, I prefer cultures that do not tolerate female
genital mutilation. Again, some cultures are better than others, that's the point
he's making. He went on to say, "Will this be considered racist by all those who
hover eagerly hoping that someone will offend them on someone else's behalf
And of course that was the point.
Virtually all of the people publicly who came out and condemned him were rich white celebrities living in the whitest areas of London.
And of course you've had a massive problem with female genital mutilation here in the UK as our immigration from countries in Africa and the Middle East has increased.
137,000 victims of female genital mutilation are living in England and Wales and how many of the people responsible for that were prosecuted?
Only one!
After three plus decades of this, there's been one prosecution of somebody performing female genital mutilation, and it only occurred in February of this year.
It took until 2019 for anyone to be prosecuted for this.
Again, because certain cultures have been given a protected status, and with that comes the protection of cultures which engage in these kind of barbaric practices.
So Cleese has basically come out and doubled down to his credit.
He hasn't cowed.
This guy's nearly 80 years old now.
He's not going to bow down and worship the mob outrage crew, is he, at this point.
He's achieved everything he wants to achieve and he's just not going to bow to them.
So credit to John Cleese for actually coming out and doubling down and actually reiterating his point, which is Some cultures are better than others, if you want to talk about a quintessentially English culture and all that entails.
Not so evident in certain parts of London, including areas where now, as we reported yesterday, Somali parents are sending their kids back to Africa to escape London's knife crime epidemic.
In fact, two people were killed five minutes from where I'm sitting right now within the past two months.
And you know, I live in a pretty decent area, but you walk five minutes down the road and it is basically a ghetto.
That's what London's like.
It's got nice areas, wall-to-wall up against ghetto areas.
Two people, there was a guy who was kicked to death because these thugs were trying to steal his moped.
He was in a restaurant.
He ran out to try and stop them stealing his moped.
And they just kicked him to death.
This is in broad daylight on Saturday afternoon.
Literally five minutes walk from where I live.
So we had this story yesterday, hundreds of Somali teenagers are being sent back
to East Africa by their parents in order to avoid becoming victims
of London's spiraling knife crime epidemic, which by the way is admitted is being driven
by both mass immigration, you get thugs and criminals coming in
from African countries who are of course used to way worse crime,
are used to murders on a routine basis, and that's causing the native crime gangs
to become even more violent.
You also have what's called drill rap music, which as we've documented in the past,
they literally have a league table of people who have stabbed other people.
For example, if you stab them in the head, you get 50 points.
Stab them in the leg, you only get 10 points.
That's the way it works.
So they've actually got league tables of criminals as to what level of violence they've committed.
And it's all being communicated through this drill rap music, which by the way, YouTube and Facebook takes absolutely no action against whatsoever.
Meanwhile, they'll delete Alex Jones's channel on a whim, of course.
Actual content that leads to actual violence, they don't give a damn.
Similar to the rapper in France, which we talked about, where he's literally talking about hanging white babies in his lyrics.
No action is taken against him, now you see.
I F France, I burn France, as he symbolically strangles a white woman.
And again, He can claim that's his artistic expression.
In fact, I think he only got a fine in France.
He avoided prison time for violent racial incitement.
I don't even want that to be banned.
He can have his artistic license.
He can talk about strangling women in his rap music.
I mean, obviously Eminem was doing that 20 years ago.
But you can't allow that and then just ban people for their political opinions without having a flagrant double standard.
So, Somali parents are sending their kids back to Somalia, not noted as one of the safest places in the world, because they're so paranoid about their kids getting caught up in this knife crime, this murder epidemic in London.
Islington Mayor Rakia Ismail, a Somali immigrant, says that around 40% of Somali families are sending their children back home.
Now, if you drill into the stats of this knife crime epidemic, Seventy-three percent, almost three quarters of the offenders of the criminals carrying out the knife attacks are from minority ethnic groups.
Fifty-three percent of victims are from a black or ethnic minority background.
So it is mostly gang on gang and that's why nobody really cares about it.
The same lefties who virtue signal about how offended they are over John Cleese's tweet aren't so offended about the industrial murder of black people killing each other on the streets of London because it doesn't really affect them.
But then you will get certain examples like the one I talked about five minutes from where I live where some criminals are stealing a moped and somebody runs out to try and stop them He gets kicked to death in broad daylight on a Saturday afternoon.
There was another case, again, not far away from where I live, where somebody saw a drug deal taking place.
He tried to intervene.
He was stabbed to death, again, in the same place where I live.
So you do get innocent victims that get caught up in this.
There was another case in High Wycombe where two thugs were basically fighting each other.
One of them had acid.
He kicked the acid across this square In the middle of this town, it bounced up, the acid splashed out of this bottle, went into the mouth of this completely innocent 50-odd-year-old woman, who was just sat on a bench, basically fried her internal organs.
She died later in hospital.
So while most of it is gang-on-gang, you do get innocent people caught up in it, and again, it's the worst for well over a decade, and now you have the acid attacks on top of that.
So that's why John Cleese is talking about London not really being as it used to be because of all this violent crime, which is exacerbated, has been exacerbated by mass immigration, which is why now even the Somali parents are sending their kids back home because they're so petrified of them being caught up in it.
We'll be back with more.
It's the Alex Jones Show live at Infowars.com.
Hunter.com. Don't go away.
This isn't a f***ing game.
And I've asked for your help over the years, and if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here.
And we have withstood the storm together.
But we are finally going to launch more shows.
We are hiring more reporters with just the belief and the faith that the money will come in to expand in the face of the globalists because they want us shut down ahead of 2020.
And that's only six months away.
Can you believe it?
The year 2020 is only six and a half months away.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the eye of the storm right now.
When we come out of the eye, it is going to be 200 mile an hour winds for everybody.
CNN's collapsing, shutting down.
All the other leftist publications, Huffington Post, you name it, they're all circling the toilet bowl.
They all lose money.
Vice has lost $5 billion for Disney.
$5 billion shoveling videos of how the dictator of China is good, and Trump is bad.
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They're rejected billions into vice, and they can't even stand up to InfoWars.
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It costs $450 million a year to run BuzzFeed, and they've got to get over $100 million from Soros, and they still lose money.
We don't get anything from Soros.
We don't get anything from anybody but you.
And we need $40 million a year to run this place, and defeat the globalists, and pay for the bandwidth, and pay for the audio, and pay for the crew, and do it.
Sounds like a lot.
In media, it's not.
It's truly David versus Goliath.
The New York Times costs $500 million a year to run.
They're losing money, owned by kingpins and drug dealers and a coalition of the Legion of Doom.
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I want to be as big and mean as Loaded4Bear.
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I want to watch all the leftist publications that are trying to shut us down go bankrupt.
I don't want to shut them down.
I just love seeing them be shut down that nobody believes them.
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to 60% off storewide at info war store.com Memorial Day specials. I thank you. I salute
you and I think this amazing crew.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Live from the info wars.com studios. You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
So, John Cleese offended the diversity gods and for that he must be punished.
How dare he express any opinion which is not positive in that context.
And that's the narrative that comes out of the media all the time, of course.
Anybody who talks about the ethnic decline of white people, which is just a basic fact, unless they do it in a positive sense like Joe Biden did, you know, hailing the decline of white people as a demographic group, anybody who talks about it or focuses on it in any way that's not completely positive is condemned and in the UK and Ireland threatened with actual arrest, which leads us to this story out of the Daily Mail.
Former Irish presidential candidate who said a photo of diverse school children proves Irish people are becoming an ethnic minority, which is just a fact.
You can argue whether it's good or not, it's just a fact, is branded racist while Derry Girl star calls for her to be prosecuted.
So this was a former teacher who tried to run as an MEP and President of Ireland and she's been accused of racism for tweeting a snap of ethnically diverse school children in a playground.
Of course, the original photo was on Twitter.
They blurred out the picture of all the kids for the Daily Mail article.
Gemma O'Doherty, 50, who's a high-profile investigative journalist for the Irish Independent, posted a snap of 32 schoolchildren, 11 of which were white, to Twitter claiming that Irish people are becoming an ethnic minority.
Which, again, is a fact.
4.7 million people live in Ireland, 535,000 of them, as of 2016, so these numbers are old, were non-Irish nationals.
And again, Ireland has massive immigration, white Irish people, just like the rest of Europe, aren't having kids, so their demographic group is in decline.
It's just a fact.
And again, if you don't hail that as some great progressive movement, then you're pilloried as a racist, and now they're calling for her prosecution.
And those figures don't take into account people who have dual nationality but are classed as Irish by the census, so it's even more than that.
O'Doherty later retweeted herself, writing, And this wasn't even in Dublin, it was in a rural county.
newspaper recently illustrates how Irish people are quickly becoming an ethnic minority in many
towns of Ireland. And this wasn't even in Dublin, it was in a rural county.
And she tweeted the changing face of County Longford in rural Ireland.
So again, her original tweet wasn't even negative, it was just neutral,
saying that this is what's happening.
She then added, it will trigger many snowflake trolls who are frightened that the truth is being told.
She said it illustrates how Irish people are quickly becoming an ethnic minority in many towns of Ireland.
Which is just a fact by the numbers!
A series of tweets garnered much backlash with Derry Girls star Nicola Coughlan, don't know who that is, calling on her to face legal action for publishing the picture of the children without their parents' permission.
Now, she hasn't snuck into the school and secretly started photographing kids like some weirdo.
This was obviously on a school website, though, so they've put it on the internet.
They've made it public.
So the fact that she's merely reposted it to Twitter, no.
She hasn't done it without the parents' permission.
It was already on the school website, obviously.
Nikola32 wrote, You are an absolute disgrace!
I sincerely hope the parents of these children take you to court for posting their picture without their consent and tying it to your racist propaganda.
Which again is complete BS.
You can't do that for an image that's publicly available on the internet.
She didn't steal the image.
In a series of tweets, the BAFTA-nominated actress continued to blast the politician and urged people to report her.
Report your local thought criminal.
Others commented on how beautiful the picture was, saying they were glad to see more diversity in Ireland.
I guess when literally there are zero white kids, that will be the diversity level accomplished.
So somebody else tweeted, anyone who can please report this tweet.
One can be certain that the parents of all the children in this photo have not given their permission for a racist bigot to use their children's photos even though it was already on the internet.
One person wrote, not only a racist but raising safeguarding concerns too.
Another said posting photos of little children to make a racist point feel even a little bit ashamed of yourself.
So she was absolutely pilloried By the outrage mob, merely for pointing out the basic numbers of the demographic decline of white Irish people.
But again, you can't talk about that, because that's what terrorists and extremists talk about.
I mean, let's just put aside the fact that Douglas Murray, a noted author and intellectual, published an entire book about this, a best-selling book, The Strange Death of Europe.
I guess he should be locked up too, for pointing out basic facts.
Meanwhile in Germany, right-wing AFD suggest parts of Germany are now under an Islamic caliphate.
They posted an image of a German map and suggested in a tongue-in-cheek fashion that the areas of Germany which didn't vote for the AFD in the European elections were under an Islamic caliphate.
They deleted the tweet after a backlash.
What was interesting to me about this is that people leftists were responding to the tweet By saying they would rather live under an Islamic caliphate than under a Germany controlled by the AFD.
So they'd literally rather live under bondage and sex slavery like the women in Syria had to live under and Iraq under ISIS, literal sex slaves under pain of death.
They'd rather live under that than have a right-wing government in charge of Germany.
Christina Fischer tweeted, If I had to live under AFD in something titled the Federal Republic of Germany, then I would take the Green Caliphate, please.
There is sun and delicious food.
Yeah, there's also like decapitated heads in bins and sex trafficking and stuff like that.
So go ahead, feel free.
As we previously reported, A shocking poster created by AFD showed a white woman being sold at an Islamic slave market alongside the words so that Europe does not become Eurabia.
Europeans vote for the AFD.
Then we had the other story earlier this month where it was the leader or one I think was the secretary of the AFD who took part in a television debate before the Euro elections in Germany and he started talking about how AFD officers throughout Germany were being firebombed, attacked Vandalised.
And he also said that they had to cancel an event at a local hall because the owner had received death threats and he had to pull out and cancel the event.
Numerous people in the audience of that television debate show reacted by clapping and applauding.
And nothing was said about that.
They immediately went back to the Secretary and said, well, isn't it your fault because of your political views that you're getting death threats?
Because you're bad for having those views, not the people literally threatening to behead you, firebomb and vandalise your offices.
No, they're not bad.
You're bad.
And we see this going on throughout Germany, of course, where Angela Merkel's mass migration program has led to steep declines in support for her coalition in Germany, which basically just got it bought handed to it in the Euro elections, because increasing numbers of Germans are supporting the AfD party and leaving that call of liberalism.
So now, The AFD basically posted a jokey image on Facebook about how the areas that didn't vote for them were part of an Islamic caliphate, and the left responded to it by saying, no, we would rather live under an Islamic caliphate.
Absolute clown world.
This is the Alex Jones Show live breaking news at Infowars.com.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live and we are talking about the latest breaking news at summit.news, which everyone needs to bookmark right now and sign up for the newsletter at summit.news forward slash newsletter.
Go and do that right now.
And we had a story up on there yesterday.
And this is a subject I've spoken about many times, made a couple of YouTube videos on this, which went viral over a million views each.
About women, mainly women who travel on their own to dangerous foreign countries.
Sometimes it's couples, sometimes it's two women together, but mainly it's women who travel on their own because they've been fed this progressive mantra that everybody in the world is so loving and that the world is a progressive utopia and that your little bubble where you live has been replicated all over the world There are no real dangers.
Everyone's really nice and caring and everybody gets along.
The reality is quite the opposite.
The world is a very dangerous place.
Some countries are more dangerous than others because some cultures are worse than others and some cultures have less respect for women than others.
This is a little bit different because it was in Hawaii.
But it just shows the idiocy of some people who go off traveling on their own into these remote areas, basically take no precaution whatsoever, and wind up almost dying.
In the cases that I highlighted in my videos, it was women who would go out, there was one example of a woman who went to, I think it was African country, To disprove the stereotype that rape was a big problem in this African country, guess what happened?
She ended up being brutally raped.
There was an Israeli backpacker who went hitchhiking across the Middle East to prove that Islam was a religion of peace, ended up strangled, raped, dead.
There are numerous other examples of this in my video.
Of course, one of the biggest, most recent ones was the cycling couple Who went to Tajikistan.
And again, if you read their blogs beforehand and the New York Times did a piece on this, again, they were talking about how our Western view of the world as a dangerous place is just bigoted and a reflection of our racism, our inherent colonialist racism.
What happened to them?
Mowed down in trucks by ISIS.
Absolute tragedy.
But if you read their blogs beforehand, it wasn't just that.
There were several other examples in all these different dangerous countries they were cycling through, where they would get stalked, harassed, in some cases physically attacked.
There was one instance where the guy on his bike nearly got crushed, nearly got run over.
Because again, there's in some countries, less respect for human life.
This story is a little bit different, but it's somewhat in a similar context.
Another woman goes travelling alone, almost dies.
A woman went hiking on her own into a dense forest in Maui, only to go missing for 17 days and almost die.
35-year-old yoga instructor Amanda Eller went missing on May 8th after she set off into the forest wearing just a thin top, a sports bra and a pair of yoga pants.
Completely alone.
She left her keys, wallet and phone inside her Toyota vehicle.
Why on earth would you go hiking into a dense forest?
She's originally from Maryland.
She's not even from the region.
And leave your phone inside your car.
I suppose she was trying to get away from her phone and be all, you know, zen about it, given that she's a yoga instructor.
She lost her bearings.
She didn't retrace the path in which she'd gone into the forest because she just got a, she said she went with her gut that she could find a way to get back by taking a different path.
Absolute stupidity.
She suffered a broken leg after falling 20 feet off a cliff and also had cuts to her feet as a result of losing her shoes during a flash flood.
She only managed to survive by sleeping in a boar's den and eating moths for 17 days.
And, lo and behold, toxic masculinity.
She was rescued by two men in a rescue helicopter who spotted her waving from beside a creek.
Before that I think the family managed to raise a ton of money to intensify this search and thankfully she was found.
But again it highlights the stupidity of certain people from certain areas in the West who go traveling into dense forests into dangerous regions without taking proper precautions and wind up dead.
Remember the story of the two Scandinavian hikers in Morocco who again If you went back on their Facebook history, one of them was posting videos about how we shouldn't judge Muslims by their appearance and that we should trust and love them, fair enough.
But then again, it gives you an insight into their personality, the fact that they could think they could go hiking into these dangerous remote areas of Morocco where ISIS fanatics are known to operate.
That's what happened and what happened to them, raped and beheaded.
I've seen the video.
Didn't share the video.
In fact, people in Denmark, I think it was, were literally being arrested for sharing this video, even though they weren't glorifying it.
They were just saying, look, this is horrible.
Look what happens to people when they don't take precautions.
Look what happens to people when they believe this progressive mantra that the world is a utopia, when in fact it's a highly dangerous place.
So Ella, This woman that went missing in Maui said, the whole time I was going deeper into the jungle, even though I thought I was going back where I came from.
So she didn't retrace the original path like she should have done.
I was getting so skinny, I was really starting to doubt if I could survive.
And again, I go through a couple of examples of other cases where women who deliberately try to interact with men from different countries in order to prove their pre-existent beliefs about cultural relativism end up being brutally raped.
And that is the point.
Cultural relativism is a very dangerous belief because just as some countries are more dangerous than others, some cultures are more risky, especially to women, travelling on their own than others.
Speaking about sharing of videos, Pelosi attacks Facebook as willing enabler for refusing to take down video making fun of her.
This is all in preparation for whatever viral videos are going to emerge running up to the 2020 election.
You remember the meme, Hillary's health meme, which was a meme, but it was also backed up by reality.
She was literally stumbling around and collapsing across the campaign trail, having coughing fits every time she tried to speak.
This is what they're getting ahead of.
This Nancy Pelosi slurring her words during her speech.
This is a meme that's been building up for the past year plus and now because one person posted an edited doctored video on Facebook which aside from that there are literally dozens of actual real videos of Nancy Pelosi giving speeches where she's slurring her words saying the wrong things Because one person posted one doctored video, now the stampede is on in the run-up to 2020 that Facebook must take action and take down such videos.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi attacked Facebook as willing enablers of Russian interference because they've refused to take down a parody video making fun of her by slowing down her speech to make her sound drunk.
So they're now trying to create the precedent that you can't post parody videos of politicians Again, rolling it into this whole hysterical fake news narrative.
The media and Democratic Party for a week now have led a campaign to demand Facebook and Twitter censor two videos which they called Doctored Making Fun of Pelosi.
Remember, this is the same media that for almost a week solid ran with the hoax that I had personally doctored the video of Jim Acosta accosting that younger White House intern when he slapped down her hand When she tried to retrieve the microphone from him during that Trump press conference, which again, was not doctored in any way.
They actually had experts come out after and prove that it wasn't doctored, but that is still reported to this day.
When was that?
November last, there's a six months ago and still occasionally you'll read it in media reports, including about this Nancy Pelosi one, where they flash back to it and say, Oh, this, Reminds us of when the White House posted a doctored video created by Paul Joseph Watson, which was not doctored.
It was a GIF image that was reposted.
There was no doctoring whatsoever.
The word doctor means to deliberately mislead.
So again, this Pelosi video was a parody, but now apparently you're not allowed to create parodies of politicians because they're that terrified of creating another Hillary's health meme.
We'll be back in 4Wars.com.
This isn't a game.
And I've asked for your help over the years, and if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here.
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But we are finally going to launch more shows.
We are hiring more reporters with just the belief and the faith that the money will come in to expand in the face of the globalists because they want us shut down ahead of 2020.
And that's only six months away.
Can you believe it?
The year 2020 is only six and a half months away.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are in the eye of the storm right now.
When we come out of the eye, it is going to be 200 mile an hour winds for everybody.
CNN's collapsing, shutting down.
All the other leftist publications, Huffington Post, you name it, they're all circling the toilet bowl.
They all lose money.
Vice has lost $5 billion for Disney.
$5 billion shoveling videos of how the dictator of China is good and Trump is bad.
Shoveling videos how I'm evil and Trump's evil and how Christians suck and how Jesus sucks.
They're rejected billions into vice, and they can't even stand up to InfoWars.
They don't have the footprint or the result because people know lies when they see it.
It costs $450 million a year to run BuzzFeed, and they've got to get over $100 million from Soros, and they still lose money.
We don't get anything from Soros.
We don't get anything from anybody but you.
And we need $40 million a year to run this place and defeat the globalists and pay for the bandwidth and pay for the audio and pay for the crew and do it.
Sounds like a lot in media.
It's not.
It's truly David versus Goliath.
The New York Times cost $500 million a year to run.
They're losing money, owned by kingpins and drug dealers and a coalition of the Legion of Doom.
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I want to watch all the leftist Publications are trying to shut us down, go bankrupt.
I don't want to shut them down.
I just love seeing them be shut down that nobody believes them.
But we need money to do that.
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40 to 60% off storewide at info war store dot com Memorial Day specials.
I thank you.
I salute you.
And I thank this amazing crew.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
(upbeat music)
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are going to hit on some final news stories here in a minute, but first I want to direct you to the all-important InfoWarsStore.com, which is how you support the survival and growth of this network.
We don't have George Soros bailing us out with $250 million worth of debt, like Vice does.
We don't have Gulf state dictatorships paying giant advertising contracts like CNN does.
We only have you buying the products at Infowarsstore.com, where we are still running the Memorial Day Mega Sale, where you can get the eight-pack power stack, which combines all the most powerful health supplements from your routine into two easy-to-use packets.
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Please support this network.
It's never been more important that you stock up and get these products at InfoWarsStore.com.
Another story up at Summit.News.
UK, clown world, ad featuring sexy female mechanic banned after a single complaint.
So remember how the Morrissey posters in the rail network up in Liverpool were banned because one person complained?
This is how it works now.
It only takes a single complaint and it gets banned.
Well now an ad for a Porsche garage in the UK featuring a sexy female mechanic was banned by the Advertising Standards Authority after a single complaint.
Captioned attractive servicing, it shows a female mechanic in a figure-hugging black outfit and pink heels working under a car.
Wait a minute, isn't it a bit misogynistic to ban an ad which actually shows a positive role model in terms of women coming into the typically male workforce and working as mechanics?
Sounds pretty sexist to me.
Guess which ad the Advertising Standards Authority didn't ban?
They didn't ban one for the government of Brunei, which just passed a law that said they could stone gay people to death.
That's fine!
The US State Department has drawn attention to the horrific discrimination against women in Brunei, but they can advertise, God forbid, show a sexy woman that gets banned immediately after a single complaint.
This was the same advertising authority that banned the infamous beach body bikini ad back in 2015 because it body shamed women.
So it's fine to advertise products and services that benefit nations like Brunei, which literally oppress women and stone gay people to death.
That's progressive.
But God forbid would you show an attractive woman showing off a bikini or working as a mechanic.
One person complained, banned forever.
Imagine being that person as well.
Oh, this offends me.
I'm going to complain to the Advertising Standards Authority because I'm so offended.
Imagine being that sad of an individual where you have so little going on in your own life that you get offended over an attractive woman And get it banned.
Oh, he must feel he or she must feel so pleased with themselves.
Maybe it was Hugh Burrows who was getting completely eviscerated in those Twitter comments, I would imagine by this point.
Meanwhile, Rachel Maddow's ratings continue to collapse.
Following the collapse of the Mueller investigation, Rachel Maddow's ratings have continued to plummet.
She's now lost 700,000 viewers since January.
So she hit a peak of 3.3 million.
That's the average viewers in January.
Now she's down to 2.6 million.
Of course this coalesces with CNN losing 26% of its audience in a single year from April 2018 to April 2019.
Is it any wonder as CNN literally lays off its entire London staff, as it lays off people in its health department in Atlanta, as it loses 26% of its audience, as Rachel Maddow loses 700,000 viewers, is it any wonder that they're now Lobbying, abusing their platform to lobby for the silencing and de-platforming of their competition as they themselves slide into, in some cases, bankruptcy, as we've seen with Vice having to be rescued by George Soros.
Another story up at Summit.News.
Police video shows why it's being targeted during Memorial Day chaos in Baltimore.
So the Baltimore police released this video yesterday And it included dash cam footage, body cam footage, footage shot from afar, basically showed absolute bedlam on Memorial Day in Baltimore, where these gangs of teens were just running around attacking people, in some cases attacking each other, stealing.
And there are two specific examples which you can see in this video, which I've provided screenshots for in the article.
In one of them, they basically just run up to this white guy Push him to the floor.
They try, they steal his bike and basically just start pounding on him and kicking him in the head.
The officer has to run over and protect the guy.
And then another clip just below that shows a black teen leaning against a post on some steps.
He waits for a, he's surrounded by other black teens.
He waits for a white guy to walk past and out of nowhere indiscriminately just kicks him in the head.
Then gets a high five from his friends for his great accomplishment.
So although some of the footage just does show them just randomly just attacking each other, there also seems to be a racial element where they're deliberately targeting white people.
And in fact, that was referenced in the article which I linked to here from officer.com.
And again, reverse it, if this was gangs of white teens running around attacking individual black people, it would be a national news story for weeks.
This is the same media that freaked out over a Covington High School student smirking at a Native American, and of course ruined his life, doxed him for doing that.
If this had been reversed, if there was gangs of mobs of white teens running around attacking black people, it would be in the news for a week.
This, on the other hand, is barely a story.
Meanwhile in France, suspect behind a Lyon parcel bomb attack is an illegal migrant from Algeria.
We had that story yesterday and now it turns out that this individual, despite them first saying that the motive wasn't known, an illegal migrant from Algeria that set off a parcel bomb that was packed with nails and ball bearings and screws, Thankfully it didn't detonate properly, so no one was killed, although 13 people were injured, including one eight-year-old girl.
So as soon as this happened, and in the days following, they were saying in the media, we have no idea as to his motive.
I mean, who would have thought that it could have anything to do with Islam?
Oh yeah, it turns out he's an ISIS supporter.
They went through his internet search history, and he was searching for information on Islamic jihad.
The bomber Mohammed Hikam had moved to France with his family two years ago but became an illegal immigrant when his temporary visa expired and his application for a student visa was rejected.
So now it turns out that yes indeed he was an acolyte of ISIS.
Meanwhile actor Jeffrey Wright, when we get the power everybody else effing duck.
This is a rare example Of an honest leftist.
We say over and over again, their concern for humanitarianism, for the Muslim community, for the LGBT community, they don't really care about anything.
The only thing they care about is the pursuit of raw power.
And now Geoffrey Wright, this actor, has finally admitted to it in a tweet in which he said, there are no principles, not ethical, moral, legal, constitutional, religious, spiritual, none.
There's only power.
And when we get the power, everybody else effing duck.
Lesson for everybody else, get the power.
So he's actually being honest in admitting that it's all about getting the power.
Meanwhile, Vice reports Twitter has started researching whether white supremacists belong on Twitter.
Who is a white supremacist?
Basically anyone who deviates from the leftist mantra on mass immigration and national identity.
So again, yet another End run around free speech.
Basically you demonize a group of people as white supremacists, then you make a policy where white supremacists are not allowed on the platform, then you get to silence your competition.
That's going to wrap it up for the Alex Jones Show War Room.
Coming up next, InfoWars.com.
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When I cut my finger off like 15 years ago, they reattached the finger, and you can see that right there, where it cut off, it was hanging by a piece of skin right here.
It doesn't cut cleanly like you see in It was numb all the way up here, and the strangest thing is I started taking DNA force.
The feeling came back in my finger.
First it tingled, and it came back.
I was like, this is incredible, but I'm gonna warn you.
Most people that have old injuries and where nerves have kind of died out, this isn't just regenerating your cells.
This is just slowing the shrinkage of telomeres, which is the same thing as making them last longer.