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Name: 20190527_Mon_Alex
Air Date: May 27, 2019
3626 lines.

Alex Jones discusses populist nationalism in Europe, particularly Belgium's rise of parties opposing the European Union and mass migration. He mentions potential backlash from the EU through censorship and media attacks on these movements. The panel explores various forms of populism in Europe including left-wing climate agendas. Jones talks about free speech censorship attempts by tech giants, social media news, foreign invasions, private walls being built in New Mexico, globalist attack on the United States, benefits of chaga mushroom, turmeric, bee pollen for health, and introduces PowerStack at InfoWarsLife.com which is 50% off. They receive a call from a police officer in Texas who praises their products and shares his experience with InfoWars bumper stickers. Jones criticizes media coverage of traffic jams at Mount Everest and promotes the value of rugged individualism and trailblazing.

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Waging War on Corruption It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of
the InfoWar.
You had Strzok and Page who were in charge of launching this investigation and they were
saying things like, "We must stop this president. We need an insurance policy against this president."
That, in my view, when you have people that are in the highest echelons of the law enforcement of this nation saying things like that, that sounds an awful lot like a coup.
And it could well be treason.
And I think that we need to know more.
We need to know what was Jim Comey's role in all of this.
These people reported to him.
Andy McCabe reported to him.
What was Comey's role in that?
And that is what the Attorney General is going to be focused on.
Sir, the Constitution says treason is punishable by death.
You've accused your adversaries of treason.
Who specifically are you accusing of treason?
Well, I think a number of people, and I think what you look is that they have unsuccessfully tried to take down the wrong person.
If you look at Comey, if you look at McCabe, if you look at probably people higher than that, if you look at Strzok, they want an insurance policy so that should she for any reason lose, remember, $100 million to one, Maybe he said 100 million to nothing.
But should she lose, we'll have an insurance policy and we'll get this guy out of office.
That's what they said and that's what they meant.
That's treason.
That's treason.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us on this live Monday, 27th, 2019
We were going to run a rebroadcast today.
Owen Schroyer was going to host tomorrow.
I was going to go on vacation with my family for just four to five days, but I canceled that on Friday morning and let the crew know that I was coming back in because so many incredibly historic things are happening.
As I told you months ago, Trump is going to move with treason charges against the deep state.
We're not in Kansas anymore.
We're not in that place where Republican and Democratic parties basically share power with each other and engage in massive corruption and destroy the nation.
Trump is really trying to be the president.
He's really trying to restore the republic.
And that's why you see the insane response that is unfolding on every single front.
That's why you see the media out of control.
It's why you see the Chi-Coms running ads and spending money trying to remove Trump from office.
It's why you see the EU attacking, because what's happening with Trump in America is a lot bigger than the United States, obviously.
Here are the headlines.
European elections.
Italy stunned as Salvini wins majority and says a new Europe is born.
Remember, parliaments run where it takes usually three elections to remove a party that's dominant because they are in a parliamentary system with dozens of parties.
And the elections are staggered.
This is the last two elections have swept the nationalists, patriots, anti-globalist members of their Senate.
And members of their parliament have literally broken into Bohemian Grove-type events, broken into Bilderberg events, and been beaten up.
That was six years ago.
Now they are the dominant party.
Merkel coalition in crisis talks after EU vote debacle.
She's been holding on through seven elections.
She's lost.
But she's bought off the other parties and stayed in power.
She's going to be gone very soon.
Nigel Farage could suddenly be the new Prime Minister of England, they're saying.
All the demonization he's been under got his first start on this broadcast.
He said on air, InfoWars, push UKIP over the top.
Now he heads up the new Brexit party that is the fastest growing party in Europe.
Le Pen demands Macron Dissolve Parliament after Globalist is dealt humiliating defeat.
It just continues and continues.
But the Globalists are striking back with massive censorship and the EU's threatening to invade countries that try to pull out with an EU army.
We're right back to where World War II started again.
I'm Alex Jones.
Owen Schroeder is also in studio.
Paul Joseph Watson will report from England in T-minus 25 minutes.
Minus 25 minutes.
Stay with us.
I'm not sure--
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Thanks for watching.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
All right.
Our devastating victories against the globalists here and abroad are so incredible, so historic, that words can hardly describe the victories we're having.
Now, here's the problem.
As Newtonian physics document, Via Sir Isaac Newton, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
How have I been able for 20 years to predict everything you have now seen unfold?
It's called studying history and studying the arrogance of the establishment.
But there is a dark side to this.
There's an upside-down world to it.
We'll be talking about the enemy striking back.
But first, treason is a serious word.
That goes, everybody knows.
And I broke some major news here.
And it isn't news that hadn't already been telegraphed by the president and others, but I confirmed it.
And now it's in the news the last four days, and the establishment is crapping a brick factory.
Every time I talk about Trump moving against the deep state, Now there are large sections of the government that are still loyal to the Republic and how Trump needs to take action, how that's his only course.
I think what is really crucially important to remember here is that you had Strzok and Page who were in charge of launching this investigation and they were saying things like, we must stop this president.
We need an insurance policy against this president.
That in my view, when you have people that are in the highest echelons of the law enforcement
of this nation saying things like that, that sounds an awful lot like a coup.
And it could well be treason.
And I think that we need to know more.
We need to know what was Jim Comey's role in all of this.
These people reported to him.
Andy McCabe reported to him.
What was Comey's role in that?
The deep state, the national security system that is controlled by the deep state to a
great extent, has been trying to block Trump's reforms.
They've listened to my phone calls with Trump.
And they've also listened to the phone calls of other people with Trump.
And that's why they're particularly pissed.
Because Trump goes and researches what I say and acts on it.
And they've admitted that.
This isn't about tootin' my horn, but it's why you have to realize that they went so far as to say, you're not just banned on Facebook, your name is banned, buddy.
And they are in Atlantic Monthly and the Washington Post and New York Times just last week calling me an apex predator, saying I've got to be basically arrested now.
Now, I didn't launch any wars and kill any people.
I don't have a criminal record.
But why am I the one who must not be named?
Because I actually do my homework.
Anyone that knows this information does not say this on air.
Because they will be audited, they will be harassed, they will be threatened, they might be physically attacked.
Antifa will come to their house.
So when I went to D.C., I met with three people in media, in U.S.
intelligence, and in government.
Who had all met with the President two days before I got there.
And these are guys in suits in high-rise buildings in D.C., some of which are household names, with sweat in air-conditioned rooms, and I don't know why, I was sweating too, running down their heads.
And they said, no, he's making the move.
We were just in a meeting with him two days ago.
You're right, he's going down.
They've got total proof.
They're working with other governments, other agencies, other corporations.
It's much worse than you know.
They actually even had a plan to assassinate the president.
So now it's gone into Red Sirenville, okay?
This is not a drill.
This is not a game.
And they said Trump is gonna move.
He's gonna declassify everything within a month.
And all hell's gonna break loose.
So you better dig in and get your audience ready.
As you know, I declassified, I guess, potentially millions of pages of documents.
I don't know what it is.
I have no idea.
But I want to be transparent.
Everybody wanted me to declassify.
I've done it.
And you could almost say he's the trustee.
He's a highly respected man.
Our Attorney General is in charge.
Let's see what he finds.
We have documents now that I have declassified for the purpose of the Attorney General.
He can then show them to the public, do whatever he wants to do with them.
But you have to get down to what happened, because what happened is a tremendous blight on our country.
What happened, the investigation, they tried to do a takedown, and you can't do that.
And let me just tell you, this should never, ever happen.
To another president again.
What he's been saying, there's been an attempted coup, it's got to be dealt with, but that it's basically treason, and we've got to bring the people to justice that did it.
Trump then signed an executive memorandum ordering all 17 U.S.
intelligence agencies to prepare for him in the next seven days, and of course they're gonna try to block it, but he's given the order, All declassification of all the Russia investigation.
That is pulling the trigger on the shot heard around the world.
May 27th, 2019.
We're live.
Because during emergency situations for the Republic and the planet, we'll be live.
Big news is unfolding.
We'll be live on holidays.
Deadly or explosive or war news or economic news breaks.
It's critical.
I'll be on at midnight.
Tune in to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
The globalists have been fighting to take us off air ahead of big events they've got planned.
But now Trump and people in the establishment who understand that the rest of the establishment is insane, like Hitler, are making their move on the globalists.
And you're seeing globalists being removed in South America, in Central America, in Africa,
in Western Europe, in Eastern Europe, in the Middle East, in Central Asia, in Southeast
Asia, in Japan, everywhere.
Humanity's making its move.
Total victory, ladies and gentlemen, in my view.
The media tries to spin the Green Party getting some gains because the left's getting more
hardcore left, the right's getting more hardcore right, but massive gains, the most gains in
Europe and the UK by nationalist populist parties.
We're going to be getting into all of it today, but the president talking about the treason word.
We told you it was coming.
This is not business as usual.
You see the establishment going after Trump, going after the press, going after us.
For the last 40 years or so, you've had the Republicans and Democrats share power.
As they screwed us.
There's a real fight to change that and stop that.
I cannot stress enough what a historic time this is.
Let's play a clip of the President, again, right before he took off to Japan, using the treason word.
Here it is.
Sir, the Constitution says treason is punishable by death.
You've accused your adversaries of treason.
Who specifically are you accusing of treason?
Well, I think a number of people.
And I think what you look is that they have unsuccessfully tried to take down The wrong person.
If you look at Comey, if you look at McCabe, if you look at probably people higher than that, if you look at Strzok, they want an insurance policy so that should she, for any reason, lose, remember?
100 million to one.
Maybe he said 100 million to nothing.
But should she lose, we'll have an insurance policy and we'll get this guy out of office.
That's what they said and that's what they meant.
That's treason.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, it is treason.
Owen Schroer is riding shotgun with me today.
He'll be hosting the regular Alex Jones Show tomorrow.
I'll be popping in as well, but we had to come in on Memorial Day because such history is unfolding.
One minute to break, but how would you crystallize, Owen, as you ride shotgun today, where we are?
I'm really having trouble finding words that properly lay out just how serious the situation is.
Well, I'd crystallize it with a question, Alex.
I mean, we've got a group of individuals that have committed open treason.
This is not a debate.
Now, are these people committing open treason because they simply don't like one man getting elected for president?
Because they simply don't like a country's decision of who they should elect?
Or is there something even bigger at stake here, Alex?
Now, that's what I would put my money on.
Now, you heard Trump say it even goes higher up.
We know who he's talking about.
He's talking about Obama.
He's talking about Brennan.
He's talking about Clapper.
Now, they're blaming one another right now.
Who started the Russia thing?
So, the real question Americans are going to have to ask, I think, in the next coming weeks, why?
Why would they be committing open treason?
What is so bad about America deciding its own fate?
What is so bad about Donald Trump that they had to commit open treason to keep him out of office?
And I don't know if the country's going to be ready to see how bad it really was, Alex, but Trump might not fully show them.
So that's what we're going to find out.
And how will they strike back?
You just said it.
What are they hiding?
And how will they strike back?
And how will we fight back?
Stay with us.
We're live.
Eric in Colorado.
Eric, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I really appreciate you and it's an honor to talk to you.
And I do, before I start, I also wanted to do a plug for a couple of your products that
I really love.
I also wanted to do a plug for a couple of your products that I really love.
Changed my life.
The DNA Force is one, and X2.
You know, I do a lot of construction.
Using the tools that you're using, it just really wreaks havoc on your body, and I had three of my fingers starting to go numb, and I didn't think there was anything going to work on it.
Well, thank you, brother.
I mean, we want to sell you stuff that works.
You want to order it again, but PGQ CoQ10 has been proven to make telomeres last longer, to make nerves regrow.
It really is an amazing product for anybody above 40.
Young people can take it as well, but yes, DNA Force Plus is amazing.
What did you think of the X2?
I love that, too.
After a few months of being on that, I felt like I wasn't searching for words.
There was a time in my life where I felt like, man, I don't know if I'm just too exhausted or what, but you feel like you want to get in a conversation and you're pausing and you can't find the word to say, and I swear, man, that X2 really helps with cognition.
Well, that's because the synapses in the brain operate off of it.
It's electrochemical.
You're absolutely right.
When I forget to take X2 every couple days, sometimes I forget for like a week because I get busy.
Then I feel it and I take it, and it really is amazing.
So thank you for the support, brother.
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The animated contest of liberty is waiting for you.
But you've got to take it in your hands.
You've got to have the will to accept the truth and buck the system and the group collective.
Do that, and you'll earn your way to the next level.
This is the Info War.
I just believe that they can obtain something if they can destroy the planet before we go to launch fish.
They are just an intergalactic demonic transmission spewed out of hell trying to bring the planet down before the next level.
But we will make the jump and nothing's going to stop it.
And we're going to have a pro-human future.
We're not just going interstellar.
We're going interdimensional.
As we travel up this true stairway to heaven, people won't want to play video games anymore.
They'll realize this is the real universe with the real levels.
This is where you want to get that score.
Not in Super Mario Brother, not in Donkey Kong.
I'm Alex Jones transmitting from the third dimension, planet Earth, two-thirds of the
way out on the spiral arm Milky Way galaxy.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones here, back live.
Owen Schroer riding a shotgun.
Paul Joseph Watson on the devastation that nationalists, the patriots, the anti-globalists, that Alex Jones type individuals have just carried out in Europe.
And I don't say that to brag.
I'm going to say something very slowly and very clearly so that it sinks in for me and it sinks in for all of you out there.
I don't take myself that seriously in poll wars.
I mean, I know we tell the truth.
I do take the truth seriously, but I don't put myself on a pedestal or think of how powerful we are, because we're humble individuals.
I respect the power of the people, but I want to explain something.
The New York Times, the Washington Post, the leftist arms of the CIA, federal judges, the EU, the UN, the Financial Times of London, They know that Infowars rebooted nationalism worldwide.
Nigel Farage, last time he was on, and the time before that, and when I had dinner with him at the RNC three years ago, said half of the support for UKIP in its early days was Infowars, when they had no media, and that that's how they got half their votes and how their party was able to grow.
No one was running a multimedia operation covering globalism and the alternative New Renaissance nationalism.
Free market.
Common sense systems.
We did it!
And we told you first about the illegal spying.
And we told you first about the globalist plan.
And I know you know about it as well.
A lot of Americans know about it.
We were just the focal point.
So it wasn't just a few people at gun shows with their tables, you know, selling G. Edward Griffin books, which are the best people ever!
We stand on their shoulders!
People like Gary Allen.
And none dare call it conspiracy.
But the reason I point out the importance of InfoWars is the globalists know that we're ground zero.
They know we're patient zero.
They know we're domino number one, baby.
And you've got them losing on every front, and they've committed so many crimes.
We'll talk about that next segment, what Owen brought up.
They've engaged in so much criminal activity, so much eugenics, secret testing, suppressed technology, that Trump's saying he's going to start releasing, which he's begun.
And that's why they're so frantic to ignore his orders and not do what he says.
But as they lose ground in every other country, And as every election brings us closer to patriot nationalist dominance globally, they're done.
Unless they can start some big wars, release some bioweapons, or pull some other big shenanigan.
And believe me, they didn't get in power by being tame, or being shrinking violence, or not being bold.
Fortune favors the bold.
Their fortune is power and control over human destiny.
Our fortune is a future for our children, together in God's plan to the stars and beyond.
A pro-human future.
So I'm going to say this now.
I rarely, in the early in the show, really explain to listeners, this isn't a game.
And I've asked for your help over the years, and if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here.
And we have withstood the storm together.
But we are finally going to launch more shows.
We are hiring more reporters with just the belief and the faith that the money will come in to expand in the face of the globalists, because they want us shut down ahead of 2020, and that's only six months away.
Can you believe it?
The year 2020 is only six and a half months away, ladies and gentlemen.
We are in the eye of the storm right now.
When we come out of the eye, it is going to be 200 mile an hour winds for everybody.
CNN's collapsing, shutting down.
All the other leftist publications, Huffington Post, You name it, they're all circling the toilet bowl.
They all lose money.
Vice has lost five billion dollars for Disney.
Five billion dollars shoveling videos of how the dictator of China is good and Trump is bad.
Shoveling videos how I'm evil and Trump's evil and how Christians suck and how Jesus sucks.
They're rejected.
Billions into Vice.
And they can't even stand up to InfoWars.
They don't have the footprint or the result because people know lies when they see it.
We don't have five billion dollars in the last five years.
We spent Over $150 million the last five years to run this place.
That's how much the bandwidth, and the insurance, and the crew, and the legal, and the systems, and the taxes, and the regulations in media, little bitty radio stations cost millions to run a year.
Newspapers in middle-sized towns cost millions.
Newspapers in big towns cost $100 million to run.
It costs $450 million a year to run BuzzFeed.
And they've got to get over $100 million from Soros, and they still lose money.
We don't get anything from Soros.
We don't get anything from anybody but you.
And we need $40 million a year to run this place and defeat the globalists and pay for the bandwidth and pay for the audio and pay for the crew and do it.
Sounds like a lot in media.
It's not.
It's truly David versus Goliath.
The New York Times cost $500 million a year to run.
They're losing money.
Owned by kingpins and drug dealers and a coalition of the Legion of Doom.
We're funded by you.
And so, for the hardcore audience that's tuned in on Memorial Day, You've seen the fruits, you've seen our steadfastness, you've seen our commitment to the Republic, our commitment to the free market, our commitment to religious freedom, our commitment to the West, and our commitment to not back down, and it's that spirit of not backing down the enemy hates.
But I need viewers and listeners to understand something.
This is the big fight.
All the other battles leading up to this were important, but we're entering, in the next few years, the next four years, Climaxes, and battles, and grand finales, and wars, and fire bombings, and mass shootings, and false flags, and all hell is about to break loose.
Now, we are peaceful when it comes to offense, but we'll defend ourselves when it comes to defense.
But I'm telling everybody, Get ready, get geared up, and do whatever you can now to reach out to people, to warn people, and to spread the word about broadcasts that are telling the truth.
And I encourage you to start your own newsletter, to start your own local newspaper.
As the censorship intensifies, old-fashioned radios can be more important than ever.
As the censorship intensifies, local little newspapers you hand out yourself will be more precious than ever.
As we go into this fight, we are shaping the future of the world and our destinies and everything together.
Please go to infowarrestore.com and get staples like coffee, And get staples like fish oil, and staples like protein bars that are the highest quality that you need for you and your family, that when you buy from us, you're funding individuals totally and completely, absolutely, a trillion percent, committed, committed,
Committed to exposing these rats, and we're having huge victories, but the enemy's fighting for its life right now, and the enemy is pouring billions a month into their fake news, and into their life as garbage, and it's not working, so they're pumping even more in, and while they sue us, and harass us, and lie about us, and boycott us, and try to sabotage us, so we won't be on the field, when they roll out their final operations.
Well, we're going to be on the field, thanks to your support.
But everybody should go get the Memorial Day specials up to 60%
off at Infowarsstore.com and fund not just the Second American
Revolution, but 1776 worldwide.
Remember just four or five years ago, they would have articles in the New York Times, The
Washington Post, saying that globalists didn't exist and that no one wanted
global government.
Well, as soon as Hillary lost, they came out and said, okay, global government's real, globalists are real, but they're the good guys, and everyone against globalism is a white supremacist.
You know where globalism came from.
It came from the Nazis.
They wanted a system to counter the British Empire that was the global power at that time.
The old saying was, the sun never set on the British Empire.
And Hitler gave speeches.
Hitler wrote articles.
It was all over the news at the time that he wanted a European Union that would then dominate the globe.
In a form of globalism.
So the term globalism actually comes from the Nazis.
The modern Olympics symbols, Dutch.
The VW, the highways, NASA.
I mean, they definitely innovated some stuff in their power grant.
And I'm not saying this is a German or Nazi conspiracy.
Hell, I'm half German myself.
Germans are great people.
But when harnessed by evil, the people can be like horses drawing the devil's carriage.
And so ideas of the Nazis and ideas of the British Empire competed with each other, and big corporations picked up those ideas, and that's modern globalism.
So Infowars is seen as the most pure strain of Americana by the globalists.
I've talked to top people in Hollywood and entertainment and in media and in government, and they've said, Jones, you're seen as Americana.
But they say, as beautiful as Americana is, and I'm not saying I'm beautiful, but Americana's beautiful, it stands in the way of the larger ideas of the planet and a one world government system.
Well, humans are revolting against that one world government system, and are saying they don't want to be under its hegemonic control.
Their great truth that they're so sure is, for us, isn't for us.
In different countries and parts of the world, we don't want to be under their control.
We don't want to carry out their vision.
We want to live our own lives.
And that's what Infowars represents, and that's why they've set up a system to demonize us.
They've set up a system to lie about us.
They've set up a system to create this strawman of who we are.
Because they understand that people don't do things for money or power at the end of the day.
They do it because of narratives.
They do it because of culture.
They do it because of ethos and what they stand for.
Oh, some people may sell out for money, but people that really count do it for ideology.
And the system knows that I'm trying to reboot, that you're trying to reboot.
A system that competes with the British Empire.
The British Empire called it the American system 200 years ago.
They said our system of empire will fail in competition with this.
Hitler said the same thing.
The truth is, our system was the best and the greatest because it empowered individuals.
And now it's fighting the very same systems of tyranny today.
Join us at Infowars.com.
Join the human community.
And spread the word against the censorship.
And know, we will prevail as we've done in the past.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
And Owen Schroyer riding shotgun live on this Memorial Day Special Victory Edition.
And joining us for the next 45 minutes or so, Paul Joseph Watson from London, England.
He's been in Parliament covering UKIP, covering the Brexit movement, covering Nigel Farage.
It's an incredible time, ladies and gentlemen.
Le Pen beats Macron in France as nationalists gain an EU vote.
European elections.
Italy stunned as Salvini wins majority and says a new Europe is born.
Again, these are parliamentary elections, so it takes two or three rounds, two or three elections to ever remove an establishment party.
He just won in the second round.
Merkel has lost six rounds and through fraud in over 20 parties in Germany, she stayed in By making deals with the other coalitions, but now her party's getting less than 10% of the vote.
She's going to have to step down.
European elections.
Italy stunned as Salvini wins majority and says a new Europe is born.
Merkel's coalition in crisis.
Talks after EU vote debacle, ladies and gentlemen.
Here's my questions for Paul.
We'll go to him in a moment, who's the expert on this, over in the UK.
party only six and a half weeks old, the most powerful, fast-growing party in Europe.
Le Pen demands Macron dissolve Parliament after globalist is dealt humiliating defeat.
Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars.com story right now.
Here's my questions for Paul.
We'll go to him in a moment, who's the expert on this over in the UK.
But you, Ellen, you made the point earlier.
How is the deep state globally that ties itself together?
As Trump has said, the EU, Australia, the UK caught illegally spying on him at the behest
Trump's the president.
He has all that classified info.
He's saying declassify it all, showing the total illegality.
It'll be an international scandal the likes of which we've never seen.
How big will that be?
How are they going to counter strike against this?
Well, I think if you take the paradigm of globalism in Europe and then that coming to the West, that was the whole goal.
You start it in Europe, you test run it there, and then you bring it out in the West.
what they wanted going on with the EU and all the momentum, but then what happened?
In the West, Trump got elected.
So kind of like globalism was the test case in Europe to go to the West,
it's almost like nationalism was the test case, of course, organically by the citizens of the United States of America.
Nationalism was the test case in the West to then bring to Europe.
So it seems like how we were kind of behind with all the leftist trendy garbage from Europe catching up to here in the West, now they're starting to catch up to all the nationalism that we started when we elected Trump.
Trump's launching all these investigations.
He's talking about treason.
Well, I think you're going to start seeing some of that go on once some of these nationalists get into power.
But you know, you see these headlines, Alex.
European elections.
Italy stunned as Salvini wins majority and says a new Europe is born.
What does that remind you of?
2016, when Trump won and they said, stunned!
Nobody saw it coming!
This is the same arrogance that we saw from the left in America.
Of course Trump was going to win.
He won a rigged election.
These people are so arrogant, they think just because they say it is, it is.
And I look at that picture of Le Pen and it really kind of puts, I think, the attitude into perspective.
It's like, no.
You arrogantly thought you controlled this country, you arrogantly thought you controlled the vote, and you arrogantly thought you could bully people out of controlling their own fate.
And you lost!
That's right, so how are they going to counter-strike?
I'm going to come back to you and ask you that.
I'm going to ask Paul, the latest, to break it all down, how the establishment is going to take this.
But speaking of arrogance, Owen, here is just five days ago, Junker, the literal Nazi heir to the most powerful Nazi family, German royalty, the Junker dynasty, the royalty of Luxembourg, Here they are saying stupid people in Europe love their
countries, they're so stupid, we're going to bring all the foreigners in, ha ha ha.
Speaking of Marie Antoinette saying let them eat cake, no one knows if she really said that before they stormed the
Bastille to start the French Revolution.
But he did say this, here it is.
People are looking at us as if we were a kind of peace god because we have achieved on this continent what has not
been achieved elsewhere.
We have 60 wars, for the time being, globally spoken.
None in Europe, apart Ukraine, which is part of Europe, but which is not part of the European Union.
These populist nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own country.
And they don't like the others.
In some countries of the European Union, the government, parliaments... Oh, that's enough.
Stupid nationalists, they love their countries.
No, they don't like you, an unelected Nazi heir, owning and running them and setting up the unelected EU.
So you created this parliament that's ceremonial, but now that parliament itself is repudiating you, and the word is the EU is going to break up very soon.
Paul Joseph Watson, the real expert on this, with summit.news. You also edit for Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
This is a pretty big deal.
How would you quantify what just unfolded in the last three days?
Well it's a complete repudiation of this notion Alex that we heard in 2017.
Remember when Macron was elected President of France, that populism was dead.
That's what we were told in May 2017 when he was elected, that this was the end of the road, the Brexit Trump wave was over.
Well, that's proven to be completely false in terms of what happened in France yesterday.
But overall, it's kind of a mixed bag.
Obviously, you've got massive success for the Brexit party.
What they've done to the globalist credit in this Machiavellian way is they've demoralized the voter by indoctrinating them that their vote doesn't mean anything because it's just going to be overridden.
And that's why you saw in the UK specifically Um, first of all, lower turnout on average compared to other European countries and higher turnout in remain voting areas.
So the people who voted to stay in the EU in 2016, they were more enthusiastic about voting in yesterday's elections because in those areas they got out to the polls more, which means obviously That we have had this complete political disenfranchisement of voters in the United Kingdom, Leave voters, because after three years of Brexit being made deliberately a total mess of, being deliberately sabotaged, many of those people who voted Leave in 2016 did stay home because again, they think that their vote has no impact whatsoever, that it's just going to be overridden.
But even with that, Nigel Farage's Brexit Party, which again, to remind people, started out of nothing six weeks ago.
It was at 15% in the polls, it was at 20%, it was at 25%.
By the end of it, it was up to 30-35%.
Got more votes than the two establishment parties, Conservative Party and Labour Party, combined.
Okay, so what we're seeing is not only a populist backlash, a resurgence of populism, which by the way is global, and I'll get onto that in a bit, but this is the complete repudiation of the two-party system.
I don't think we've ever seen anything like this in Europe, at least for generations, Alex.
So we have a situation now whereby obviously Theresa May, the Prime Minister, resigned or said she would resign on Friday.
She's going to step down at the start of next month.
We've got a Tory leadership contest coming up where they're going to squabble between who's going to lead the Tory party and obviously by extension the country.
Now Nigel Farage has created this massive pressure group to the point where he's now demanding an in on the negotiations with the EU with his Brexit party.
But obviously now if the Conservative Party does not deliver Brexit before October 31st, which is their new deadline, you know six months after they said it would be done on March 31st, They are going to get completely crushed in the next general election because Farage will run with his Brexit party in the national elections and he will take away that vote which will ensure the Conservative Party won't be returned to power.
So that is the pressure gauge that's now being put on them.
That's what he promised to do.
No more Mr Nice Guy.
Now if they don't deliver Brexit before October 31st, their political future in Westminster is completely finished.
So that's what this has achieved.
Bottom line, get your popcorn out, folks.
This is gonna be wild, and it's gonna be dangerous.
And by the way, you're not a spectator.
You're in the arena.
What's happening in Europe totally affects us.
This is globalism on its heels.
But as Paul said, they're running the PSYOP.
Your vote doesn't count.
Remember three years ago?
It was Brexit that actually brought Trump in.
Remember what I said?
I'll repeat it when we come back.
It's critical.
It's key.
Just into CNN, Facebook is purging several high profile names from its platforms.
Among them, right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, as well as his media outlet, InfoWars.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars president.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Why is there this unprecedented feeding frenzy happening when it comes to InfoWars and yours truly?
Why is there this pile on?
Well, it's not because Trump is the InfoWars presidency.
It's because Trump is trying to execute the Americana presidency.
He's trying to reboot it.
And yes, it's true.
InfoWars, and my syndicated radio and TV show, and our internet reach, literally thanks to you, you're 90% of it.
You have relaunched a global populist movement.
And the establishment thinks if they can destroy me and my name, they can discredit the liberty movement, the populist movement.
That's not going to happen.
But I will be honest with you.
Selfishly, I would like to continue this operation and I'd like to continue to keep our crew members employed.
And I would like to stay in the fight and keep taking the globalist on and hopefully contribute meaningfully again in the future.
I understand that just to have the success we've had relaunching Americana and Liberty Worldwide, once-in-a-lifetime, that was hitting the lottery culturally, politically, spiritually.
I'm very thankful to God.
I'm not bitching.
I'm not a victim.
I'm not a loser.
I signed on to this.
I knew the dangers.
I just want to stand the fight.
It's like saying to the coach, Coach, please put me into the game.
And I'll do a great job.
I don't want to use a parallel to the greatest player of all time in the NFL, a certain quarterback with the New England Patriots.
But, you know, he could barely get put in in college.
And even when he finally was put in and did nothing but win, they still weren't sure about it.
That's football.
When it comes to Americana and anti-globalism, InfoWars, as an operation, is the greatest player of all time.
It's not me, it's all of us together.
And the globalists recognize that, and they want to keep us out of the game.
So please, for yourself, for myself, for everybody.
I don't want them to be successful shutting us down.
I don't want them to be successful having them take us off the air.
You can stop their deplatforming with text messages, with emails, with word of mouth.
It makes them so angry because they can't silence you.
The fact that you're resisting them and winning.
And they can't stop you supporting the broadcast financially, which so many of you have done.
Please, we have the best supplements.
We have great t-shirts, we have great books, we have great films.
We have great products, thousands of them.
And if you'll just go check out the air filtration, the water filtration, all good things you need, and buy some of the products and try them out, that will change the world.
I am in your hands, and you are in your hands.
We'll hang together or hang separate, as Benjamin Franklin said.
Please visit MFullWarStore.com today, and please continue to support the MFull War.
Thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, we are the most banned, most demonized, most lied about broadcast for a good reason.
And I want to explain this again.
I'm not up there saying, hey man, I'm really smart.
Look, you know, I'm number one in the enemy's eyes.
It's because we really research.
We really are engaged.
And governments and intelligence agencies listen.
The globalists had a strategy to put out in the last 50, 60 years of TV and movies, 70 years, just disinfo and pablum and dumbed down garbage.
But along came the internet and the globalists were so arrogant that thousands of different individuals started shows on the internet.
But I was able to get on talk radio on hundreds of stations.
And I was able to infect, to use Brian Stelter and the Clinton Foundation and others' own words, I was able to infect Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham.
You tune into them now, they sound just like me.
They're not copying what I said.
They're now actually took the blinders off.
They see exactly what I see.
So it's not like I'm telling Trump what to say.
He just sees the same damn thing.
We're promoting Americana and freedom.
Versus globalism and communism and corporate crony tyranny?
Should be pretty easy to sell that, right?
I've believed in you.
I bet on you.
And you know what?
You've been coming through.
I've been coming through.
Paul Watson's been coming through.
And Owen's right that Trump helped supercharge nationalism and populism two and a half years ago worldwide.
But it really happened with Nigel Farage and Brexit.
And they have their own spat.
He's got Brexit.
Hey, fine.
More nationalist parties.
More patriot parties.
And there's dozens of them in Europe that are growing fast.
It's not just Brexit that's the biggest and then UKIP and then others.
It's dozens and dozens because, again, some countries have up to 50 different parties.
That's one reason they want to get rid of the constitutional system that we have here with Electoral College.
Because then you'd have the states with more population enslaving those that don't have a population, the tyranny of the majority, a pure democracy, very dangerous, and You could have 50 parties.
People are always, I want more parties, I want more parties.
I notice the left's always pushing that.
And sure, it's good to have some libertarian, you know, party or whatever, but they usually just take away from the conservative party, don't they?
Instead, the libertarians have taken over the Republican Party.
We've almost completed the conversion.
So let me make the huge announcement and go back to Paul, and go back to Owen.
What a trifecta here.
I'd like to give myself credit.
But three and a half years ago, when Brexit passed, or almost three and a half years ago, but three years ago and change, Financial Times of London is an establishment paper.
So it communicates, more than even the New York Times, to the establishment.
And they said, we'll do what we've done with other countries that never voted to be in the EU, most of them never did, they thought it was a trade deal, just like TPP or other scams they run against America.
And so they said, just like Ireland voted no to be in the EU over and over again because they demanded a vote, they finally did it the third time.
Other countries never voted to be in here.
We'll just hold it up and they'll get demoralized.
So what Paul's saying is true.
But listen, they held it up.
It takes three years to remove May.
It doesn't matter.
You get stronger, they get weaker.
Three years ago, most people didn't know that England never voted to join the, or Scotland or Ireland, Ireland did, to join the EU.
Now people know about this, and there's no putting it back together again, and even if you still have an EU, it'll all be run by nationalists and patriots soon, and it'll all go back to the way it was, which is Renaissance, not way back to the tyranny of the system.
But Paul's absolutely right.
They run this Svengali of, oh look, you didn't get what you wanted, You didn't get it within three years, you're demoralized, and then people bought it.
Record low turnout by Brigzalers, and record high turnout by the state, the Minions.
They still lost, though, overall.
But it's parliamentary.
It'll take multiple elections to remove the establishment.
But it's already happening in Germany.
It's already about to happen in France.
It's already happening in Greece.
It's already happening in Italy, especially.
So this is a long fight, folks!
This is a marathon!
This is not a sprint.
Slow and easy wins the race.
We have the moral right.
We have the moral superiority.
We have the votes of the people.
We have Junker arrogantly saying, oh, I hate nationalists.
So I think we win in the end, but I agree with you, Paul.
Getting the message out that this is a long 12-round heavyweight boxing match, not a 100-yard dash, is critical so we don't buy the PSYOP.
Please continue.
Well, exactly, Alex.
I mean, And to zoom out from that, before we get back into the weeds, you know, the Brexit party is the biggest party in the European Parliament now.
It's bigger than Angela Merkel's party.
Worldwide, we just had an election in Australia where the Conservative populist candidate was widely expected to lose.
All the polls said he was going to lose.
He won.
We just had the biggest democratic election in the world in India.
Guess who won by a landslide?
A populist.
So this trend isn't going away anytime soon.
To zoom in on that, they're playing this numbers game.
Where they say, oh, if we add up the vote for the Lib Dems, the Lib Dems were the party of remain, and then we add the Change UK vote, which was the Cook Party, which was completely pathetic.
This was the so-called Independent Party, which was started by establishment politicians who just left their establishment parties.
They got 3%.
They were completely crushed.
They were beaten even by UKIP.
So they say, oh, if we add up the Lib Dems, the Greens and the Change UK Party, that means that more people who wanted to remain in the EU won the election.
Well, then you drill down to it.
And you look at what the Green Party voters wanted.
Their primary issue in the UK was, quote, they had the best policies on issues other than Brexit.
So the people voting for the Green Party weren't voting for the Green Party because they were voting for Remain.
They were voting for environmentalism.
So this fake numbers game of, oh, if we add up these parties and these parties and these parties, it means we've won.
It's like, you know, calling for a second referendum.
But the other issue is with the Green Party.
You also have, in correlation with this populist right surge in Europe, you do have a populist left surge.
So just as you've got your Bernie Sanders and your AOCs in America, you've got this kind of fringe far left populist surge which is happening at the same time.
By the way, as you were just saying, I see the numbers.
There are a lot of leftist groups now in Germany that don't want open borders, that want out of the EU as well, because they know the plan is to take their pension funds.
So what you're really saying is, the left more and more is actually getting ready to join the populist movement.
Well yeah, but the problem is leftist parties are far better at forming coalitions both at national and European level, which is what you were talking about before the break.
So you've got all these tons of different parties, libertarian, right-wing, populist, whatever, they're all segregated and they find it very hard to communicate and join together because leftists being collectivists have always been better at that.
The point many people are making today, how do you take a vote share out of that Green Party vote throughout Europe?
Because the Green Parties throughout Europe in all these different countries have done very well for themselves.
So you have to take on board some kind of environmentalist message with the populist
This is what I told UKIP a year ago, and they did it to some extent.
They included it on their manifesto, trying to ban halal slaughter of animals, which is
torturous and cruel, in the United Kingdom.
So although, obviously, as we've argued for two decades, man-made climate change is a
complete scam.
It's a Ponzi scheme.
But that doesn't mean there aren't some real environmental issues which the populist right can address, which then we can take some of that vote share from the Green Party.
And it is things like halal slaughter.
It is things like, you know, plastic in the oceans, deforestation.
No, I agree, Paul.
Stay right there.
These are real issues.
Man-made global warming isn't.
But you can take some of those issues, address them, and get that vote.
I agree.
Run as environmentalist, but say global warming is a distraction from the overfishing, from the toxic waste dumping, from all of those issues.
We're going to come right back, continue your take and get Owen's take on all this.
But the big takeaway, though, Paul, is despite all the media blackouts, the attacks on patriot parties, they were the biggest winners overall.
And this scares the hell out of the establishment.
We're going to go to break.
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Yes, you're funding 1776 worldwide.
This whole nationalist movement started in Russia, moved to the UK, came to the US, and is now going worldwide.
The globalists are What it really is, Alex, is I'm getting sick and tired of liberals with their arguments trying to push absolute untruths and illogical conclusions and think that we're just gonna have to believe them because they resort to emotional appeals to try to make everyone feel uncomfortable.
That's what they try to do.
Resort to emotional appeals so that people feel uncomfortable.
They can shut down dialogue, and then we can't reach the factual, logical conclusion that they're wrong.
You know what the best way to refute liberal arguments is?
You just go out there, and you put a microphone in front of their face, and you let them speak.
And ask them to essentially tell you why they support what they support, and you will just get a bunch of jibber jabber, cussing, yelling.
You've been interviewing people six, seven years, but intensely the last four.
Obviously, it's getting more extreme.
How would you describe the tenor in the last few years?
There's definitely an uptick in violence and hostility, and it's not just InfoWars, because I've seen other journalists out there, Breitbart, other media companies, get the same vitriol.
It's an uptick in violence from the left because they are realizing that all these beliefs that they've held and been brainwashed with, that it's no longer going to be their reality.
Because people are waking up.
People are getting red-pilled and they're seeing the truth for what it is and they're panicking because these are your lemmings that want to run off the side of a cliff.
And they'll take humanity with them if we let them.
And that's why no more silence from conservatives.
I ask you, I beg you, conservatives, please do something because these lemmings want to take us off the side of the cliff with them.
Because that's where they're headed.
They want to destroy humanity.
They want our little children, our little boys to be turned into drag queens.
They want our babies aborted and killed.
And they think nothing's wrong with that.
This is where we're heading, Alex.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is...
It's Alex Jones.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And I'll take you on.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we could not be covering more weighty, hardcore topics that the globalists absolutely cannot stand and do not want to be on air.
They want thousands of new Netflix shows a year.
Thousands of TV channels.
Thousands of gambling sites.
There's sex everywhere.
Drugs everywhere.
And again, I'm not Mr. Goody Two-Shoes on some mountain like I'm perfect.
I'm just breaking down.
The globalists have a total distraction going on.
And Paul got caught off by the break.
He was trying to finish a critical point.
I could tell he was irritated I was interrupting.
But I had to plug there.
I'm going to bring Owen in.
Paul leaves us in about 15 minutes.
Then we're going to open the phones up and get into all the other news.
Separately, the news blackouts, the demonization, the no platforming of nationalist and patriot candidates across Europe, Juncker's arrogant statements, talk by major governments of outlawing nationalist parties.
This is a devastating reversal for them to have Le Pen beating Macron's party.
And again, it's not like the U.S.
where it's winner takes all.
It's parliamentary, so they're taking more seats.
European elections.
Italy has now taken full control and is dominant, not just with their president, but in the parliament.
That's huge.
Salvini wins majority, says a new Europe is born.
Merkel already has lost, what, seven elections in a row now.
France 24 says, will she have to step down?
Will Nigel Farage become the next?
prime minister or will it be Boris? The point is is that Owen earlier talked
about how Trump supercharged nationalism two and a half years ago but really the
only Russian conspiracy there is Paul is that Russia hit rock bottom, kicked some
of the oligarchs out, created some of their sovereignty again, became Christian
again. That's what pisses off Hollywood and the blood-sucking establishment and
so UKIP's done that.
Other nations are doing that.
The U.S.
has done that.
But this was all really let out of England, exploded in the U.S., spread all over the world.
What a crazy time.
You're trying to finish that point.
No, obviously yeah.
It started back in the probably early 2000s, mid-2000s with the surge of UKIP.
Obviously we had the 2014 European Parliamentary elections where UKIP won.
The Brexit Party of course this time won by a far bigger margin.
Now, over 30% of seats in the European Parliament are controlled by Eurosceptic parties.
That's the biggest ever.
The so-called Grand Coalition of Centre-Right and Centre-Left parties, the establishment, they've lost their overall majority in the EU Parliament for the first time ever.
So it's horrific for them.
But then look how, for example, CNBC responds to it today with telling us what the experts think about it.
They say, "Europeans showed belief in the EU project, experts claimed Monday,
despite long-dominant centrist parties losing ground."
So it's actually saying the experts are telling us that the Brexit party having such success,
Le Pen beating Macron, Salvini winning in Italy, that means that people believe in the EU project even more.
Again, shows how completely out of touch they are, which benefits us, that they see this as a victory.
that for the first time ever the establishment coalition in the EU
Parliament has lost majority control and they're out today spinning it as a
victory for the establishment.
All right we got one more segment with you and Owen's got a lot to say
he's going to chime in when we come back in about a minute but the minute we have before we
got a break. Start giving us your view gut level.
How is the establishment going to strike back?
Multinational corporations that set up the EU, that set up the CHICOMS, that set up the New World Order system, in their own words, to consolidate power.
Think about that.
We're going to go to break, Paul, and I want to ask you and Owen out of the gates.
They're going to strike back.
They're striking back with censorship.
They're striking back with leftist mobs being bullies and physically attacking people.
They're striking back with corporate bullying.
How else are they going to strike back?
I smell false flags.
But they're not in control of all the governments now.
And they know they could get caught.
So the walls are closing in on them, not us.
But we shouldn't be arrogant.
This is a critical time.
So stay frosty.
We're at Infowars.com and Newswars.com and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at Infowars.com.
We're at Newshorse.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.news.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, we are go.
We can see the Earth from here.
You got it.
We're not your libtards that can't tie their shoelaces.
Running around drooling.
No, we're the ghost of the explorers, the trailblazers, the strivers.
And we will go to the stars.
Get behind me, Satan.
Owen Schroer riding shotgun with me throughout the broadcast.
Paul Watson, one more segment to both of you.
Paul Joseph Watson first, then Owen Schroer.
Devastating defeats for the globalists in Europe.
Devastating defeats in Brazil.
Devastating defeats in Asia.
Devastating defeats here.
How are they going to strike back Paul Joseph Watson?
Let's chronicle some of the ways they've already struck back and what they're going to do next.
Because one thing they never do is give up.
And their arrogance, that is their weakness, is also their strength.
With Juncker saying, you dumb Europeans, you stupid love your country, we get rid of Europe.
Get rid of Europe and what?
Let it be run by you, the Nazi heir, the dictator?
How will they strike back? Paul Watson from London, England.
And his Skype must have just cut out.
All right, let's go to Owen.
Owen, how do you think they strike back?
Well, I don't think this.
I know that the first thing we're going to see is total social media censorship.
I think all smart minds have been predicting this for a while.
And so I would say by 2020, on Twitter and Facebook and YouTube, you won't even find a Trump supporter.
This is going to be their last ditch effort to try to stop Trump from getting reelected, but it'll be too late.
This may even happen within the next couple months or so.
So I think total social media censorship.
I mean, I've been banned on Facebook.
Obviously, you can't allow it to be anywhere.
I still have a Twitter account.
I don't think I'll have that by 2020, and I don't think any other Trump supporters will either.
I'm fully expecting that to happen.
Now, what I'm afraid of, and you also alluded to this earlier, is a major false flag.
They've already tried to pull a couple ones off with Jussie Smollett, with the Covington Catholic hoax.
But they're going to do an actual hot one, is what I'm afraid of.
A hot false flag and they're going to blame Trump supporters, white nationalists or whatever they want to put on it.
And that's going to be what they hope is a turning point to change the narrative.
Nobody believes CNN and MSNBC anymore.
Everybody sees the facts.
The left has gotten totally violent.
In fact, they've even committed domestic terror.
In fact, Alex, I'll even tell you, I won't give all the information here, but...
Um, I'm being publicly doxxed right now in Austin, Texas, in an extreme manner.
I think people are trying to sabotage me or even have me killed.
So, they're gonna go full bore before 2020.
And you better have your head on a swivel, you better have your head up, or you're gonna get run over.
We know the players, we know the game, watch it all come down.
So that's what I'm expecting in the next, up to 2020 Alex, but I think a hot false flag, and they're gonna try to blame Trump and his supporters, It probably won't work.
I mean, nothing these people do works anymore, but that doesn't mean they're going to not do it.
I totally agree with you, and the founder of Antifa that gets tens of millions of dollars from George Soros, he was on The Young Turks two weeks ago saying, we're preparing a violent offensive revolution to take out Trump and his supporters.
So they're not just anti-free speech.
And I agree, they're going to go to false flags.
We'll get into this later.
You've been doxxed.
They're harassing you at your humble abode.
And that's what this comes down to, is that the left really believes this is their takeover time.
They thought it was their takeover time with Hillary, but it's not happening.
So as they get more apocalyptic, they're going to get violent.
Paul Watson, you're over in the UK, you're covering all this.
How do you see the establishment striking back?
They're striking back, Alex, by fanning the flames of extremism.
As I said before, people are becoming more disenfranchised.
Because their vote has been overridden and they're being told that their vote means nothing so they're going to lash out in frustration and that's exactly what the establishment wants because then they can exploit it to reclassify speech that they hate as hate speech and this is exactly what we're seeing with the de-platforming.
It's no coincidence Alex that two weeks before the vote in Spain the populist Vox party was completely de-platformed on Facebook Lost millions of followers.
Oh, and look what happened.
The Vox party underperformed in Spain.
Well, what a coincidence.
You had Tommy Robinson running a campaign off a Telegram app, basically, because they de-platformed him on everything else.
He needed about 8% to win.
He got about 3%, which is impressive for an independent candidate, by the way.
But again, he had to fight this election with both arms tied behind his back.
Because they created the hysteria through the extremism which they found in the first place to create the justification to ban him on social media.
And then they say that we're creating violence by our rhetoric saying we don't want to be globalist slaves and then they come attack us and then they take our speech saying we caused Antifa to attack us.
They take away people's speech.
They radicalise people.
That's the effect that it has.
If you take away people's access to public platforms to express their legitimate grievances, that only radicalises them.
So a small minority will lash out with violence, and that's exactly what they want, because they can exploit it to silence their competition.
That's what happened with Tommy and with Vox.
And take Ireland.
When the Irish finally figured out that British intelligence, this has been declassified, I had steak knife, code name steak knife, on.
He was killed two weeks later for coming on the show.
Seriously, folks, I had steak knife on like 12 years ago.
They murdered him.
And he just said, I got tired of doing it.
We would blow stuff up.
We led the IRA.
The Irish below us didn't know it.
We'd break their legs or kill them if they didn't bomb stuff.
And we were doing the bombings to discredit the Irish, so we had an excuse to stay there, and then real Irish would get desperate because they didn't have any speech, and they'd try to get guns that we'd actually have shipped to them, then we'd ambush them and kill them.
I'm not bashing the British on average themselves, but that's what the British government did, was literally lead the IRA.
And so they're going to lead everybody into radicalization.
Our government's going to do it.
The UK's going to do it.
Germany's going to do it.
They've got the German secret police leading the white supremacist groups that firebomb the Muslims and stuff.
So that then no one has speech to say, I don't want to bring in 10 million more Muslims because the German intelligence is firebombing the Muslims to make them look like victims.
I mean, read the UN Migration Pact.
It's about recategorising criticism of mass immigration as hate speech and then intimidating the populace when they try and speak out about it.
Look at what's happening in New Zealand.
Not only are they confiscating the weapons, they're literally sending political police around to people's private homes to interrogate populists and conservatives because they express their opinions on social media.
So that's exactly what's happening.
It's about de-platforming.
It's about intimidation.
Fanning the flames of extremism to cause violence which benefits them.
Paul's about to leave us.
Ellen, you and I will be taking over.
We have plenty of time to talk and take calls and play clips and shift into some other facets of this.
But do you have any questions for Paul?
He's over there in the middle of this.
Lives in Spain part of the year.
Lives in the UK.
Reports for summit.news.
Folks, check out his excellent website.
Yeah, Paul, I was just wondering if you agree with some other people I've talked to in the UK that say the feeling right now is different than past times when there have been votes that look like the Brexit may actually happen.
Do you have more confidence today in a Brexit than you did, say, a month ago?
Oh yeah, the mood in the UK in regards to Brexit, and especially a no-deal Brexit, by the way, which the odds have gone down for, Is way more positive than it was on March 31st, because now Farage has created this pressure group which will pressure the Tories into electing a leader who will actually be able to carry off Brexit and get us out of the EU.
So it's all about who's going to be the next Conservative leader, but in terms of the position that we're in compared to three months ago, with the meteoric rise of this party in just six weeks, there's way more optimism about actually achieving Brexit.
Paul, that's my last question.
Farage is a trailblazer, an incredible leader.
I know there's some infighting between Brexit group and UKIP.
I think that should all end.
He has leadership and charisma and history written all over him.
I want to end up, if not this round, next round, seeing him become the Prime Minister of England and truly lead you guys out of the dark age and linking up with Trump, helping lead us out of it.
We need him as a leader.
England hasn't had a real leader in a long time.
No, and the signs are pretty good.
I mean, even in the national polls, in some of them, Farage's Brexit Party is beating the Conservative Party.
That's a ruling party.
That's absolutely massive.
It's one or two points behind Labour.
And most of these Conservative Party members who've switched to the Brexit Party for this election say they're not going to go back to the Tories.
So, at the very least, he could end up in a coalition government and have that power like Salvini did in Italy with the Conservative Party.
You see Apple making these decisions, you know, based on, you know, if this is impacting us.
Do you think that tech companies are in a position right now where they can self-regulate with some of these more sticky issues?
Hi, I'm Tim Cook.
I run the richest company in the world, and I pay Chinese slave laborers, you know, a dollar a day.
I've moved Apple to China and given your iCloud keys to their government, and now I'm bringing Chinese censorship here to America and working with Google to do it.
I mean, it's crazy.
Do you think, I mean it's interesting to hear you say that, I, just having covered a lot of this over the last months, I keep coming back to this fundamental question, and you can tell me if this is too philosophical for you, but I come back to this fundamental question, do we as users just have to re-envision the idea of privacy?
Is it a luxury at this point?
Hi, I'm Tim Cook.
The New York Times says, quote, I leave the moral high ground.
That Apple, via Tim Cook, leaves the moral high ground.
So, our company pays zero taxes in China, and we run slave factories, but I'm helping shut down free speech in America.
That makes me liberal.
One of the interesting points today, and I know this is an issue near and dear to you and to Apple, you guys created a pride feature for Apple Watch.
You know, just this morning the Supreme Court ruled in favor of a Colorado baker who refused to bake a cake in celebration of a same-sex couple.
As a leader in the community, as Apple has, you know, continuously stood in front of LGBTQ rights, what's your reaction?
Hi, I'm Tim Cook.
I'm gay, but I don't say a word to China, even though I'm the biggest company in China,
about how they execute gays.
The globalists are hyper-competitive scientific dictators.
They are technocrats.
They are control freaks in their own words.
And they believe allowing you to live your own life, make your own decisions, it's in the way of their great destiny to merge with AI gods.
Now, we're fighting them hard in cyberspace.
We're fighting them hard right here in the third dimension.
But one of the biggest places that we neglect to forget that we've really got a lot of control in our lives is our bodies.
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Again, Ultra 12, the best vitamin B12, the highest quality you're going to find anywhere, and it funds the Info War, and really pisses the globalist control freaks off.
So again, thank you for your support and thank you for taking care of your own body.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(dramatic music)
All right, folks.
I'm back live here a little bit late.
I was working on some breaking news during the break, and as I was walking back into the studio live here, something really hit me that we have dropped the ball on that's beyond huge.
It's everything.
And next segment, I'm going to get into it, but it's one of those moments where God really touches you, and you feel it, and you know it.
There's just a huge understanding.
And so I'm going to talk about that next segment.
But Owen, you've been sitting there patiently the last 45 minutes with Paul Watson on, chomping at the bit, making really great points.
The historicness of what's happening.
Trump saying treason charges, treason investigation, what we broke months ago.
This isn't a regular situation right now.
This is a very special time, a very dangerous time.
But our prayers are really being answered.
People's actions are being answered.
The Pope!
Uh, who has acted like, you know, he's auditioning to work for Satan or something, has come out against abortion and said that Planned Parenthood has hit men who want to murder children and destroy future generations.
And he's even come out and said that if we don't have 2.1 kids for every two parents, there'll be nobody to take care of old people and that civilization will collapse.
He's suddenly making anti-globalist statements.
George Soros is coming out saying China's the enemy and is messing... I mean, they all understand they're losing.
Again, it's not Catholics.
The Pope's obviously a globalist operative.
Soros is starting to backtrack in many ways.
These are big signs that globalism is in deep, deep crap.
So give us your overall ballpark in the next six minutes towards break about where you see this going.
Well, you know how much they've invested to get to this point of the globalist agenda and the one world government.
And so they can't just retract or lay down.
They're going to have to do something to try to salvage this.
Obviously, they see all the losses they're being dealt.
But I think before 2020, the presidential election here in the United States, that's kind of their watermark.
I mean, if Trump gets in again, And he brings down the deep state for treason.
I mean, we know who he's talking about.
It's Barack Obama.
Barack Obama committed treason.
And so that's bombshell stuff.
You're talking about the last president of the United States.
And so this is going to send shockwaves around the world.
And I think that the Soroses are starting to feel it.
I think that the Junkers are starting to feel it.
And so there's going to be a trickle-down effect, though, Alex.
And it's going to be just the average leftist minion out there that, you know, look, I don't even want to go into the process of, like, insulting them or their intelligence or anything at this point.
It's just like, You need to understand you're being used like a pawn in chess for a massive international criminal cabal and you're basically just like a little cancer form on society to go out there and infect the culture and pretend like there's some sort of resistance to patriots and Christianity in the West and all this stuff.
It's all a big game of chess, Alex, as you know.
I'm afraid that they're about to get even hot.
I mean, we don't have to talk about my situation or stuff that you've dealt with, but this is what it's coming down to.
No, no.
Let's get to your situation at the start of the next hour, because I want to get into this.
Well, this is the second time.
Well, don't worry.
I already know about it.
We're going to put some major heat on their ass.
Legally and lawfully, see how they like it.
This is the second time this has happened to me.
And so, the new place I moved in, I went through multiple measures to make sure that, you know, if somebody was able to find this address or whatever, it wouldn't be linked to my name.
Well, somehow they got it and they decided to post a bunch of flyers around town yesterday with my address.
And to be honest with you, a bunch of people are saying, like, you know, you should be afraid.
I wouldn't even be here right now if it wasn't for God, so I have no fear.
And that's not even me bragging, honestly.
The way I behaved in some part of my life, I shouldn't even be here right now.
So God had his hand on me, so I really believe that.
But my point is, Alex, somebody is giving them this information.
There's no way some leftist can just find my address.
No, they have people like Reality Winner in the police departments, in the FBI.
And that's it exactly.
So, who knows if it's Google.
It can't be social media.
I don't think any of them have my address.
Who knows if it's like a credit card company.
I don't believe it's my bank.
I have a great relationship with my bank.
So, I don't even know where they're getting.
But the point is, people need to understand.
If you're, a lot of people have already been hit with the censorship, a lot of people have already been hit with the Chase Bank, JPMorgan Chase, banning people, and there's other stuff.
But you gotta know, next they come to your house, which doesn't intimidate us, it lets us know we're right about these people.
And so, I just wish they would understand how they're being used.
Like, it's the same thing.
Like, how am I your enemy?
What freedoms is InfoWars taken from you?
What freedoms have Alex Jones ever taken from you?
What has Alex Jones ever done to the American public?
And they sit here, and they want to say, oh well, you're fake news, you're dangerous, you're a hate monger, and then they provide no quotes.
Oh, the latest article in Atlantic Monthly, and there's a bunch of them, says that I'm an apex predator.
No, the globalists are apex predators.
And so that's the point exactly, Alex.
You've never been in the government.
You've never been in control of some multi-billion dollar corporation that ships all its manufacturing to China or who knows where else.
That's not you.
You've done everything here.
People come up in Austin and they say they hate Alex Jones.
I say, why?
Alex Jones has brought millions of dollars to your economy.
Alex Jones has brought people here that work hard and pay taxes and try to build the infrastructure here.
What has Alex Jones done that's so bad?
What is so bad about Alex Jones?
Well, we don't like his message.
Well, why don't you like his message?
What does he say?
And then they can't give a quote.
So while... Here's like a plea to the left out there.
If Antifa, whoever it is, if you guys get this message, this is a plea.
You are being used and if you go down this path... Alex, I saw a group of Antifa walking around Austin yesterday with their faces covered.
They're like strung out or something.
I'm telling you, if you go down this path, it doesn't end well for you.
They want you to be killed.
Do you understand what I'm saying?
You will be used as the Trojan horse to bring in... Well, I mean, let's just be honest.
These people can't tie their shoelaces, and I'm not bragging, but if I'm awake and focused, I can, with a handgun, at 50 yards, shoot a pattern like that.
We got guys working this office that I've seen at 50 yards can shoot through the same hole with a handgun.
And I just feel sorry if people ever actually try something, because it doesn't have us a win.
If some meth head comes to my house, and they pull a gun and I kill him with a riot shotgun with double-aught buck, I'm not gonna feel good, because that's just some zombie I had to put down.
And that's what you're saying is, it's so sad that they're so brainwashed, and they work for the literal Nazis.
Junker, and Soros, and the globalists.
They work for the evil, and they're just little weird meth heads that always wanted to be part of the power structure.
And so now they think they scare people.
But Owen, you probably don't know this.
You probably don't know that some people saw when Antifa pointed guns at you a year and a half ago and threatened you and wouldn't let you in that public park.
And I later just heard from a little bird that Antifa had a very bad day later.
Well, and I'm actually amazed because I've had a lot of interactions with these people, and they quit coming to my events.
I mean, we had a big event yesterday at the Planned Parenthood.
Over 200 people showed up, and Antifa didn't show up except a couple people.
I'm sad about it.
I just heard from some very reputable people that a few people just fell down and they broke bones.
We'll be right back.
Fellow Okay
Last night This morning
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(dramatic music)
Is everything.
My job means everything to me.
It makes me feel good about myself.
I tell my kids, my girls, my grandkids, that's the cap that we make.
I make the cap.
It means a lot working for the President.
You have this little tingly on the inside, you know, and wow, we're really getting there, you know?
Not getting there, we there.
This is my work.
I made Cass, and he picked us to make American Great Against, so we gotta work.
To know that I was a part of that history, oh my God, I'm so proud.
My children are proud.
My grandchildren are proud.
We're so proud to have American workers manufacture this product.
It's just been such an honor to make the hat.
It's been incredible for not only our company, but our people that work here.
Now it's a hat.
Make America great again, which is what we're doing.
We're making America great again.
We're making America great again.
100% made in the USA.
Thank you, President Trump.
Thank you, President Trump.
Thank you, President Trump.
Donald Trump is our president.
He is my president.
Donald Trump is our president.
We're making America great again!
No collusion, no obstruction, no nothing.
He is my president.
Donald Trump is our president.
We're making America great again!
No collusion, no obstruction, no nothing.
They issued 50 orders authorizing use of pen registers.
Think of that, though.
500 witnesses.
And then I have Nancy Pelosi go out and say that the President of the United States engaged in a cover-up.
Now, we've had a House investigation.
We have Senate investigations.
We have investigations like nobody's ever had before, and we did nothing wrong.
They would have loved to have said we Colluded.
They would have loved it.
These people were out to get us.
The Republican Party and President Trump.
They were out to get us.
This was a one-sided, horrible thing.
The bottom line is they said there's no collusion.
And no collusion with Russia.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Live, raw, and unfiltered, it's The Alex Jones Show.
Well, what's happening with globalist candidates losing all over the world, the biggest victories yet, over a third of the seats in Europe in the EU Parliament won by anti-globalists that want to end the EU.
And that's despite all the media censorship, all the election fraud.
It's huge.
Because you understand that only a third in the EU Parliament of the 40 states that are in it are up every two years. So there was only a third of the
seats that were up.
And most countries only had 10, 15% Eurosceptics before.
Now it's all over 30%.
That means in some countries, Eurosceptics got 70%. In countries like the UK, they got 35% or so.
I mean, this spells defeat.
Took two rounds.
The Nationalists, Anti-Globalists, have almost complete control of Italy now.
Merkel's lost seven elections.
By incredible fraud, she stayed in control.
But her party gets like 10% of the vote now.
Her party's dead.
It's all on EuropeWars.com.
It's all on NewsWars.com.
We've got multiple reporters paid in Europe.
We have multiple reporters paid in England.
We have reporters here in the U.S.
We are fighting hard thanks to your financial support and buying the products at InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
We have huge specials that are running right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
Forty is the lowest sale.
Sixty is the highest sale.
We've never done some of these specials on things like bodies, ultimate turmeric formula, 95% curcuminoid.
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BrainForce Plus, it's all there at infowarestore.com, and that's how we finance this operation.
But you know, even more important than the listeners, even more important than the AM and FM and TV affiliates, even more important than me or Owen Schroer or this incredible crew that does a kick-butt job and doesn't get enough credit from me, it comes down to God.
We're on a planet In the middle of gorgeous space, way out on the edge of a little galaxy, and Hubble telescope has photographed 500 billion plus galaxies.
And that's a 19, early 1990s telescope.
They got new ones up there, they won't let us see what they're getting.
I mean, we are little babies.
But God told us 2,000 years ago there'll be a world government, there'll be a cashless system to buy and sell.
It's only going to last a while.
You've been given free will.
I have to do this to you, but if you make the right choice, I'm waiting on the other side.
I don't want to do this to you, but you've been given full consciousness as a little g. The only thing an omnipresent entity like God can do is create new creatures that have the seed of the universe in them and the potentiality to do anything.
You have free will.
You have a piece of God in you, a seed of the universe.
God literally, as the Bible says, God loves a sparrow of the field so much when it dies, a little bird.
Imagine how much God loves you.
But God isn't creating robots.
And God already created the angels and gave them free will and a bunch of them turned against him.
One third.
Imagine, we're dealing with God's malfunctioning, rebelling creation that was given free will.
And what does Lucifer want to do?
Lucifer is jealous as hell.
Imagine you're a 40-year-old man, and you weigh maybe 100 pounds.
And it's not bad if you're small, but you know what I mean.
And you're a drug addict, and you're a child molester, and you're a criminal.
And then you've got a little cousin who's super handsome and super smart, and you know he's going to get this big inheritance of a billion-dollar company.
But he's three years old.
If you could get control of him for a month or a year, you could convince him to jump into a well and die.
You could convince him to play in traffic.
All you want to do is kill him because he has the inheritance.
He has the birthright.
You don't have it.
You're Lucifer.
You're really old.
A hundred billion, trillion years old?
Who knows?
God gave us the whole blueprint to beat him.
God gave us a cheat sheet.
Listen, I want you to join me.
But I gotta do this to you, because it's free will.
I don't want slaves.
I could create robots or servants all day.
I love you so much.
I'm putting everything I have got into you.
But just please, please listen to me and just don't do these things because it will bring you down.
I want to be with you and God cries for all of us that fall to the devil.
This is real, folks.
This whole planet is a test.
We're such a powerful weapon system.
If we go bad, we're way out in the corner of the universe, not just in the galaxy.
We're like been towed way out in the middle of nowhere.
We're the weapon, folks.
We're the... You think we're doing something now, man?
See what we already built?
The devil can't build all this stuff.
The devil tricks us to build it, but twist it for him.
That's why they're so pissed.
Because we've got their number.
So I was thinking, during the break before last, I went from one building to the next, I was hurrying back over here with some articles, and I stumbled over the door frame and fell on my face.
And when I hit my face and sprung back up, I went, we're not thanking God for globalism under attack, globalism failing everywhere, humanity starting to reignite, and then we're bitching and complaining that it's not good enough, it's not fast enough, and Trump doesn't do everything we want.
Well, what are you doing?
What am I doing?
But it hit me.
If we seek God's face, if we repent.
What's that verse?
It's out there hanging on the wall.
That if we seek God's face, if we repent, that He'll come and He'll heal our land.
And we're seeing the beginnings of that.
We've got a long way to go.
But we really should thank God for what's happening.
And thank God for all the gifts and the gift of consciousness.
And the gift of God being willing to create His own children.
And put them, because I've got four children.
And you have children, and you're putting them into the world, and they're going to live, they're going to die, they're going to be in car wrecks, and they're going to get cancer, hopefully not, or heart attacks, you know, but they're going to live, and their consciousness is real, and they've got a soul.
So you put them into the world because you want to have the children, and you want to love them, and you hope they grow up right.
Well, that's how it is with God, but a trillion times bigger.
Infinity bigger.
And God loves us way more than any of us love our children.
Imagine loving your child a thousand times that, knowing that child's potential, being omnipresent, but turning them loose in a pack of hyena-like devils, because it's what you've got to do, because they deserve consciousness.
And God's not going to intervene, other than touching our heart and giving us the blueprint.
But if we reject God and we Climb up on top that devil, it's going to lead us right into hell.
And so, we should all thank God in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, as an example to us all, because that's what this is all about.
And the enemy hates it when we talk about Christ more than anything.
And the persecution of Christians is more than any other group, because it's real.
It's a blueprint.
What you're told in the Bible is real.
Not their misinterpretations, not their twisting, but the reality!
God created us on this planet out of his own nostrils, out of his own breath, out of his own DNA.
But he would let his own rebellious servant come against us to test us.
So that we would be good sons and daughters in the future.
And then God has to sit there and watch billions of his sons and daughters fall to evil and be destroyed and be sucked in by these devils and taken into a black hole into a pit forever.
That's what God did for consciousness!
That's what God did to make you!
That's what God did to give you this incredible power!
You think about that, and now you know God.
The Global Controllers are very smart in some ways, very ignorant in others.
But they understand the power of archetypes.
And I never knew when I started out on my quest 25 years ago to restore the American Republic that I would end up being a major leader in it.
I just simply thought I'd be one more voice calling on the people to stand up and get involved in their own destinies.
But it became clear Eight, nine years ago, even in Newsweek and Time Magazine, they said, Alex Jones is the mad prophet of the Tea Party.
In the wilderness, he must be stopped.
And all these years later, I realized that I didn't invent the ideas I'm promoting.
I'm simply promoting free market, Renaissance, Americana, and ideas that are Diametrically opposed to authoritarian systems, whether they be fascist, communist, or socialist.
But nevertheless, Infowars has been chosen by the enemy as the symbol of Americana, as the card.
And if they can demonize it, if they can lie about it, and if they can destroy it, they believe they can demoralize you and make you give up.
So, Please hold InfoWars up.
Please promote it.
Please support it.
I personally hope that we can survive this.
But even if we don't...
Don't think a defeat of an individual or an organization is an expression of who you are, because you are the listeners and viewers that actually made InfoWars the success it is.
Yes, I selfishly want to continue on with the future, but I don't want you to ever think that if I'm set up, killed, destroyed, imprisoned, lied about with their fake narratives, that we're losers.
We did the right thing and told the truth, and we've already changed the world.
So you need to continue on.
But we're at that fork in the road.
Will InfoWars continue on to fight more battles and win more battles thanks to your support?
Or will we be destroyed and then you have to move on and not be demoralized?
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It's financial.
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Whatever you do, commit now like you've already done.
To take action, whether it's word of mouth, or praying for us, or buying the products, or all three, you've already changed the world.
And I humbly come to you with respect, and thank you again for what you've done for myself, for my children, and for your children, and for all of our own destinies, because this is an incredible time in humanity at that fork in the road, or at that crossroads.
But whatever you do, Never give in to the globalist.
Never give in to your humanity.
Never believe you're a piece of crap.
Never believe that humanity sucks.
Because that is a lie of the old serpent, Satan.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, you've got your diamond and you've got your pretty clothes.
And the chauffeur drives your car.
You let everybody know.
But don't play with me 'cause you're playing with fire Your mother, she's an heiress, and owns a block in Paris
Welcome back my friends, Alex Jones here with Owen Schroer.
When you heard my breakdown about God, and when I even try to go on air and talk about
thanking God, I feel like I'm wearing dirty sackcloth like the Bible talks about.
♪ Bird, I'm ♪ The difference is, we know we're weak in front of God.
The globalists feel that weakness, and so they reject God.
And I just wanted to make the point that For every action, there's an opposite and equal reaction.
And really amazing things are happening to the globalists.
And it's not about kissing Trump's ass because he's, quote, powerful.
If he was powerful for evil, then I would oppose him.
He's obviously doing good.
The enemy hates him.
It's not a fake attack.
It's real.
They're getting more hysterical by the moment.
It's happening all over the world.
It's not just Trump.
But an example is how they had a CNN article I never got to yesterday I meant to cover.
About something like CNN.com, the nightmare.
It was even worse, like the hell, the dread.
I forget the exact headline.
I think he's about to pull it up.
The dread, the nightmare of Air Force One.
He sleeps four hours.
He's reading policy reports.
He's on the phone to world leaders and business leaders hyping up America.
He doesn't sleep.
He reads hundreds of newspapers.
It's insane.
And he'll go to more countries than anybody else, just like he would go like eight It's not about kissing Trump's ass.
There it is inside Trump's Air Force One. It's like being held captive.
And the article goes on to say just, "But wait, I thought he lays around all day and doesn't work at the White House
or anywhere else.
I thought he didn't want to be the president."
Again, they think we don't have memories.
It's not about kissing Trump's ass. It's about kissing the truth's butt.
Just like they say things about us.
It doesn't get to me that they have NPR specials every week lying about me.
It's that none of it's true!
There's some real stuff I've done in my life.
I would tell people I'm not perfect.
They'll have an NPR special about me admitting I financed abortions.
And that I am ashamed of it to this day, even though I believed the hype back when I was a teenager.
I've said my sins.
I'm not proud of them.
I'm not an arrogant, puffed-up person how good I am.
But to be accused of things I've never done, it's how they create this whole tissue of lies, whole tapestries of things I never said, I never did.
It's all lies.
And they know they're lying.
And that's how they create the false histories to destroy us and lay traps for us.
And to watch these demonic hunchbacks get away with it over and over again makes me sick.
But again, it doesn't matter because they're fighting so hard Oh, and because they know their time is short.
They know the sun is setting on them.
They know the book of life is closing on them.
They know that a new world is about to be formed.
That's why they launched their fake New Age, because God is the real New Age.
They are the counterfeit of the new system that's coming.
And they're very, very, very afraid, because it's not the fake Bible-thumper view that the universe really is.
It's it's it's interfacing with omnipresence and they can't do it.
They're broken.
Where do you think this goes on?
Well, we use the three-dimensional test.
We called it the Trump test and it was kind of just a A demarcation line to say who in media is legit?
Who's a sellout?
Who in the government's legit?
Who's a sellout?
And it was just kind of a basic Trump test.
I mean, are you going to be honest about Trump?
Are you going to lie about Trump?
That doesn't mean you have to agree with everything Trump does or says.
It just means, are you going to go with the false narrative that he's a racist, you know, Nazi, whatever other BS they put out there?
Or are you going to be fair in the coverage and say, no, Trump is, you know, here's what he's doing.
But you see a story like that from CNN and it really doesn't surprise me That CNN would put that out because my guess is you have somebody, maybe CNN, get some media member on board Air Force One for a stint or something just to write that story.
And yeah, they probably don't work that hard.
You know, it's not easy to work here.
I bet it's not easy to work for Donald Trump.
In fact, I bet it's really hard.
And so maybe some people can't handle it.
And so if you can't handle it, then you know what?
Maybe you can't handle it.
And that's why a lot of people come and go from this White House administration.
But to sit here and act like there aren't people that work every day for Donald Trump that aren't humbled and honored and just feel the privilege of that ability to change the world with this man right now.
I mean, I'm not surprised at seeing one to be totally out of touch with that reality.
Well that's my point is that they're saying he's a lazy ass, he doesn't want to be president, but everything else shows the opposite.
They write an article about the feverish trips that no one does, two countries a day, he's not sleeping, he's a maniac.
So which is it?
All I'm saying is they insult us as if we can't remember this, as if we can't differentiate.
But let's bring it back to The four-dimensional, nine-dimensional God model, which is, when we go out and do these events, Alex, you can actually see demons come out of these people.
It's not fun to watch.
I mean, you really wonder what is going through... Let's talk about that.
You went out to do a pro-life demonstration yesterday, and we have new videos.
We have a new video that we aired Sunday.
We've got to queue it up.
Because the other day I said, this is the woman saying kill babies up to age 3.
Then the woman just said kill babies anytime.
No, we had another video, the woman says kill babies up to age 3, which is actually what they teach at universities now.
They're not a human until age 3.
It's bioethics.
Then it's age 10, then it's age 70.
Get rid of old, get rid of young.
We have that clip.
Let's find that for next hour.
But exactly, tell folks what it's like to face these people.
Well, here in Austin, like I said, they quit coming to my events for some reason.
I think that's because I kind of schooled Antifa a couple times, and then just got real with them on a one-on-one level, and so they just quit bothering with me.
But there were a couple that made it out.
We were just outside of Planned Parenthood yesterday.
You know, there's some good news in Texas.
We got two bills, Senate Bill 22, and I think it's the right to protect life bill.
If there's a baby that's born, you know, a failed abortion, the bills on the governor's desk, it'll probably be signed.
The law now will state that you cannot abort that So, already born baby ain't gonna get caught up with seven pounds of meat?
Yeah, hopefully we're not going to be doing that here in Texas.
And then there's another bill that says any institution that does abortions can no longer get any government contracts,
no more taxpayer dollars.
That bill is about to go to a Texas state senate that's controlled by Republicans and
then on to the governor's desk.
So we're just out here bringing awareness to this.
And Alex, we're out there for about three hours and like I said, there wasn't any big
Antifa groups.
There were a couple that showed up.
Obviously, there was some guy that was publishing flyers around town with my address trying
Uh, there were a couple people that showed up on the road, would flick us off, threw things at us.
A guy, you know, almost got off his motorcycle, he was screaming at us.
And then there was one guy, who I guess was the only Antifa that showed up.
It's funny, he shows up in a ski mask, because I guess he's afraid that we're gonna throw acid on his eyes when that's what they do.
And then...
He's actually having a fair conversation with our reporter, Savannah Hernandez, who had a neutral mic flag, and so they're just talking, and so I just go over, I'm not even talking, and I just put the InfoWars mic out there just to get the conversation, and all of a sudden he gets upset and wants to quit talking to me, and then when he finds out Savannah works here too, he decides he's gonna leave, and this is like a 40-year-old man On his way out, I used to do this when I was like nine, Alex.
Like I was a little prankster when I was nine in the schoolyard.
Forty-year-old man walks away and lights off three stink bombs on his way out.
Now you remember, me and you were out there one time when you were bullhorning that event that was in town.
It was named Donald Trump and Alex Jones Fake News.
They shut down town, shut down Congress, and they wouldn't even let me in the event.
It was about me.
Yeah, they tried to hit me, and they hit you with a bag of feces.
Literally, the guy drives by on his bike, and who knows what it was he threw out there.
And if I admit it, they take bags of urine and feces and rot them.
And that's what you got hit with.
To get back to what you were talking about in the last segment, Alex, it's like... I don't even know how to explain it, because, I mean, honestly, it's a humbling thing, and it doesn't come off that way, but it's like...
God always chose you, but you have to choose God.
And so if you don't choose God, then you're never going to be on the right path.
You're never going to fulfill your destiny.
You're never going to go down whatever your fate was designed to be by God.
You're going to go down the left-hand path, the devil's path.
And so it's like, I mean, I don't even feel like I want to go.
I'm not even trying to bring demons out.
I'm not even trying to expose the devil.
I'm just trying to do political activism and support my country and my president, and all I do is run into these demons everywhere I go.
Well, and that's the crazy thing is, once you realize there's left-hand and right-hand path, power, money, nothing means anything anymore.
Once you know it's all spiritual, this is only level one, they're like, just, I want to go with God, let me on that.
It's like nothing matters.
There's no more fear anymore.
No more fear of a bullet.
No more fear of an audit.
No more fear of death.
Except you want to keep fighting in the mission.
That's the only fear you have is being taken out of the game.
But it doesn't matter.
God works in mysterious waves, and as I've told them, we're only the latest wave.
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You're saying, Tyra comes right from nowhere, is he on turbo force?
Which is an amazing pre-workout and long-term energy system, unlike any other.
Or Tyra Woods isn't actually taking turbo force, is he?
That's a good idea, though.
I should try to send him some.
I'm not entirely sure, but when I was watching the master...
I'll have to try to find out.
I know.
I've been told by multiple folks that are friends with him.
He's a listener, but I don't really worry about stuff like that.
But that's great.
Who knows?
He might be on Turbo Force.
He's sucking on that bottle of Paul Wood's Spring and it was pink.
And I don't know anybody else makes an energy drink that's pink.
I'll have to try to find out.
I know I've been told by multiple folks that are friends with him, he's a listener,
but I don't really worry about stuff like that.
But that's great. Who knows, he might be on Turbo Force, who knows?
Well, last year, when he won his first tournament in a long time,
they tried to grill him on, like, degrading the president in some way.
You know, this is what you need in a press conference after a golf tournament, and he wouldn't do it.
I know, he's friends with Trump.
He's been friends with Trump, like, 20 years.
Yeah, exactly.
The media wasn't even talking about his win.
They were talking about his politics.
Thank you, Casey.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You know, they were just asking me on this live Monday, Memorial Day broadcast,
what do we call the last two segments?
And that stuff, we talk about it so heavy, it's so real, I don't know a headline.
You know, God's the ultimate weapon against evil?
I mean, um, how I found God in the fight against the globalists?
You get into this, and it really is good versus evil.
Like everybody said before us, when you grew up and you were a kid and the media makes fun of you, like, oh, the old-timers, good and evil, the devil.
There are people that will go out of their way all day to do something bad to the innocent than to do something good for the innocent that helps them.
Because spiritually, they're signed on to it.
I don't want to get into politics.
I want to get Dan Lyman on with us next segment from Europe with the huge developments there.
When it comes down to it, I've been there with you, Ellen.
You've been there with me.
People see the videos online.
We don't go out to a university or an abortion clinic and then see a bunch of weird zombies saying, I love Satan, who aren't like trying to freak us out.
This is their operating system.
And talking about how much they love to kill kids and stuff.
We're going to play a clip of it in a moment.
They all, like, their shoulders hang down.
They're like zombies.
They can hardly talk.
Their eyes roll back on their heads.
There's some type of operating spirit or system that's been downloaded into them, and they're gone, and you can't seem to get to them, and you want to save them.
So we don't take pleasure in the fact that they're, quote, libtards.
They're infested by something.
What do you think it is, Alan?
Well I think there's a distinction between, because there's obviously Democrat voters or liberals out there, but there's a clear distinction between those that have consciously given over their soul to evil.
And you can see the difference.
They don't want to exist.
And by the way, more and more Democrats, to interrupt, I've got to say this, used to as a small percentage of Democrat leaders were like demons.
They're converting, most of their people are converting to it now.
Well, look, there's signs all around us, too.
I mean, just look at, you know, we don't celebrate, you know, these people getting ill, if that's the case, but just look at Nancy Pelosi.
She can't even get through a press conference without stammering like a drunken fool.
Look at Jerry Nadler.
The guy literally passes out.
It looked like he was having a stroke or something in the middle of a press conference.
So, it's just like in the 2016, Hillary Clinton coughing through debates.
Hillary Clinton falling downstairs.
And he looks like a little rumpelstiltskin demon.
So, the signs are all around us, but if you've consciously given yourself over to evil, if you've consciously rejected your creator, then yeah, you have downloaded, the devil has successfully downloaded into your soul.
I mean, that's, there's famous interviews out there, I mean, the most recent one I can remember would be like a Katy Perry, but there's all kinds of it.
They talk about, yeah, I had to sell my soul to the devil to be successful.
Katy Perry was a famous Christian singer.
Nobody knew of her.
She wanted to be famous.
She wanted to be rich.
She wanted to be on the top album charts.
So she said she sold her soul to... I've had her father on.
Dave Mustaine got him on.
I can't tell you the behind-the-scenes stuff they told me.
He admitted some of it on air.
No, she literally did that with the devil for power.
And people go to Hollywood.
Mark Dice got called in a room.
I was cold in a room too, but I promise I'll talk about it.
It's off-record, so I won't.
But they told Mark Dice, will you worship Satan for this TV show?
And he said no.
And it wasn't a joke.
It's real.
Well, because they understand, once you have laid your guard down, once you've consciously accepted that, Then you're out.
I mean, that's it.
You have sold your soul.
I mean, the Bible says that there's always forgiveness, there's always redemption, so perhaps there always is, but if you've consciously neglected the Creator, and you've decided to go against natural... Then that's the ultimate sin.
The Holy Spirit comes, you reject it, and you say, I choose Satan for power.
And then you look like a green goblin, your face is green, you scream at the sky, and you can't accept the reality for what it is, and whatever the devil wants you to be, a tool for him, that's what you'll be.
And you think you're in power because of the false paradigm you're in, the dream, the hoax,
the spell, but you just run around howling at the sky, pooping on yourself.
Infowars.org This is next level, breaking ground,
history book level, science fiction dystopia, tyranny on steroids.
Bing, bing, bong, bong.
Just take the red pill, people!
Just take the red pill, people!
InfoWars The most banned network in the world
defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm here live.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
May 27th, 2019.
We're broadcasting worldwide.
Owen Schroer is riding shotgun with me.
Tom Papert hosts the fourth hour.
We've got Dan Lyman of EuropeWars.com about to give us his expert take on what just unfolded, a major rout for the forces of world government, a time to thank God for what's unfolding.
But Owen, putting bookends on what we covered the last three segments, this is footage of Caitlin Bennett in Austin.
You were there as well with Millie Weaver a few days ago.
We've got a bunch of footage saying kill children, get rid of them, kill them up to age three.
That's Dr. Peter Singer.
That's actually the eugenics bioethics boards that I learned about 18 years ago.
The next phase would be kill kids up to age three.
I've been saying this hundreds of times on air the last few months since the governor of Virginia, who's a medical doctor, said, we after they're born, we keep them comfortable.
We take the organ out with little blood balls.
And so the fact that they're now rolling out the next phase is incredible.
Here's that clip.
It's not about the heartbeat.
It's about the mama.
It's about the mother's choice.
So when do we cut off abortions?
At what week?
I think at three years old is when we should.
You think at three years old is when we should stop aborting children?
Okay, convince me of that.
Give me an argument for that.
I need a moment.
This is too much.
You know, a lot of countries have a lot different views on life and when life begins.
When does life begin for you?
I don't know.
Are we even really alive?
So you said that up to three years old.
Convince me of that.
What is your premise for saying that we can kill babies, children, toddlers until they're three?
What happens at three years old to where we can't abort them anymore?
Um, they start talking a lot.
And like, then they- Why are you trying to touch me?
So this is almost the 57th time I've been touched without my consent.
It's not you, it's the microphone.
It's the microphone.
Don't touch my property!
You guys- See, this is what's funny.
You guys don't respect property rights.
If you guys respected property rights in life, you wouldn't act like this.
You wouldn't try to grab it.
So she is, like, staring hardcore at this InfoWars logo.
I am convinced that this logo is some type of, like, QR code to these robots, these NPCs out here, and it's all, like, triggering their head.
They see this, you know, like when a QR code gets on the phone?
It's, like, wiring their brain weird in their program, and they just act crazy.
Because it's pro-human.
So if you're a radio listener, you've been spared seeing her.
Totally green skin, translucent white skin, zombie-like, hateful, obsessed with killing babies.
When does life even begin?
That's how a demon talks.
You say, I want to defend life.
There is no life.
There is only death.
And you don't know until you engage them.
This is the average operating system.
A soulless, shriveled woman who hates men, And she goes, the mama decides the death.
Mama's kill, baby.
Mama kill.
But Alex, let's actually break this down, because in that tiny little clip, there's so much to learn.
First of all, she says, are we even alive?
So she's right there telling you she's spiritually dead.
I mean, that's it, right there.
She's gone.
The devil has won her soul.
And they all have that look.
It's like looking through her, I'm gonna get you.
And then Caitlyn made the point about the InfoWars My Plaid being like a QR code.
Again, she doesn't even realize how right she is.
But it's spiritual.
It's not digital.
It's not three-dimensional.
It's spiritual.
It's what we do here that they hate.
And then here's the other level, too.
That poor girl, you know, she's young.
Maybe there's hope for her.
But what is really driving her?
Well, she was slowly seduced into this, but she, yeah.
But you notice what she does.
She uses the brainwashing terms.
Elizabeth Warren does it all the time.
It's about the mama.
A mama takes care of the baby.
The mama don't kill the baby.
The truth is, Alex, these women just hate men for whatever reason.
Maybe they've been treated badly by a man.
Maybe it's the propaganda in the media that says men are bad, that they hate men.
Or maybe they genuinely think men are out to control their bodies with abortion.
I choose to stand for pro-life because it's an easy win.
I mean, how do you not stand for innocent babies?
How do you not stand for not murdering babies?
I mean, that's like the easiest win you can take.
But, the whole thing is, they, it's all, it's amazing, it's all in that one little clip.
They're so spiritually blind, their whole, let's play it and we're gonna go to Dan Lyman.
Here it is, and they're all like this, I mean we've got hours of footage, I kill babies, I love Satan.
You think they're trying to shock you?
Three years, that's Peter Singer, that's the plan.
Now they've already got five states passed laws.
If the doctors say we don't get government involved, the mama who's drugged up, and the dad, and daddy ain't part of it, we gonna get the little chitlin out of the baby good.
So, they've already gotten there.
It's all about, we wanna kill and we wanna kill.
It's the mama gonna do it.
Once the kids start talking a lot, maybe we don't kill them now.
Look how sick she is.
But she's all high.
Only time she shows any energy, she starts talking about killing babies, she's like, Hey, they start talking, and maybe we don't then.
But once we get you to accept them to age three, then we'll get them after that.
Ah, their dimensional gates open.
Give me their blood.
And then she goes... And it's like they're trying to come through.
And that's the thing is, you don't believe in demons until you're around them.
You're like, what's going on?
Your children are ours.
Your planet's ours.
I can tell you how many footage I see of mentally ill people.
And schizos that come after Infowars will be like, I just want to destroy your planet!
Destroy Alex Jones!
It's like, what is this?
Who are these people?
I don't know!
Because you don't want to kill babies!
Because their whole plan is to kill the planet.
It's why they're the environmentalists.
They're the guardians.
Cut the carbon dioxide off.
It's a trace gas.
The planet dies without it.
And then GMO, toxic waste dumping, everything's fine.
So let's play this woman.
There's a full ten minute clip of her.
Here she is saying, kill babies up to age three for mama.
The demon even uses the word, mama kill baby.
She's like, your mother sucks cocks in hell, you know, to use the quote.
Out of Exorcist, sorry for the French, but that's what she says.
She's like, Mama kill!
Mama kill!
Mama kill, baby!
That's what mother does is murder babies!
Pure Satanism.
You want to see pure Satanism, here it is.
So when do we cut off abortions?
At what week?
I think at three years old is when we should, you know.
You think at three years old is when we should stop aborting children?
Okay, convince me of that.
Give me an argument for that.
I need a moment.
This is too much.
You know, a lot of countries have a lot of different views on life and when life begins.
When does life begin for you?
I don't know.
Are we even really alive?
So you said that up to three years old.
Convince me of that.
What is your premise for saying that we can kill babies, children, toddlers, until they're three?
What happens at three years old to where we can't abort them anymore?
Um, they start talking a lot.
Shut them up.
Why are you trying to touch me?
So this is almost the 57th time I've been touched without my consent.
It's not you, it's the microphone.
It's the microphone.
Don't touch my property.
You guys, see this is what's funny.
You guys don't respect property rights.
If you guys respected property rights in your life, you wouldn't act like this.
So she is like staring hard at the Infowars logo.
You go around them, they actually all go like... They don't all just have pale skin and dead eyes, it's a joke.
Something's jacked in wrong, and it wants your babies.
That's it, Alex.
I mean, you've caught it on film.
They say, kill the babies.
They brag about their abortions.
I've got it on film, bragging about their abortions.
It's like, look, you had an abortion, okay?
That's a sad thing.
Why are you celebrating it?
By the way, most of these women are so ugly and mentally ill, they never had an abortion.
They just want to convince women, kill your babies, and let me be there and take you and help, because I get power, and the demon rewards me!
Before they start talking, kill those little bastards!
Give me that.
That baby's a boy.
That baby boy's gonna grow up.
Well, get that baby!
Unless we can make that baby boy into a female, that's gonna be a man!
If we could chop his balls off, then maybe Satan would please us!
We're not able to kill that little boy, give him vaccines, and chop his balls off for Satan!
We're the good people!
We're the liberals!
We'll be right back!
How dare us say we shouldn't kill three-year-old children?
It's not liberal, it's racist.
Maybe not.
Trump, Putin, Russian collusion.
Trump, Russia, sort of collusion.
Trump, Russian, possible collusion.
Trump, Russian, metal collusion.
Trump, Russia, possible collusion.
Trump, Russian, deadly collusion.
Trump, Russia, possible collusion.
Trump, Russian, possible collusion.
Trump, Russian, political collusion.
Trump, Russia, Russian collusion.
Trump, Russia, possible collusion.
Russia hacked our election.
Here comes a big change.
Because all of a sudden, Trump, Russian, possible collusion.
Was there collusion?
possible collusion Trump, Russia, possible collusion
Trump, the Russians, collusion collusion with the Russians
Trump, Russia, possible collusion Trump, Russia, possible collusion
prove collusion prove collusion
Was there collusion?
Absolutely Trump, Russia, possible collusion
Proportional Trump, Russia, possible collusion.
Trump, Russia, possible collusion.
Trump, Russia, potential collusion.
Trump, Russia, potential collusion.
Putin, and the Kremlin, and be in collusion with Putin.
And the Kremlin, and be in collusion with Putin.
And the Kremlin, and be in collusion with Putin.
All 17 intelligence agencies.
All 17 of them.
This president in collusion with Putin and the Kremlin and be in collusion.
This president, this president in collusion with Putin and the Kremlin and be in collusion.
All 17 intelligence agencies.
17 agencies.
17 of our intelligence agencies have been burned.
17 of our intelligence agencies.
17 intelligence agencies.
17 different United States intelligence agencies.
All 17 of them.
It was called, "No Collusion, No Obstruction."
[cheers and applause]
Hillary has Russia ties that are admitted?
Even in the New York Times?
Hillary's Russia problem?
30 plus million to give over a third of our uranium?
Making gas deals to sell us out?
She's the one selling out our industry.
Selling out our infrastructure.
Selling out critical minerals.
Critical components.
Hillary is in bed with their companies.
Hillary is in bed with their weapons producers.
For the uranium, all of it.
She's caught red-handed.
The Podestas.
All of them.
Selling us out seven ways to Sunday.
Obama kills the Russia investigation during the campaign because he knows it leads to the Podesta brothers and Hillary and himself and George Soros because they've all been screwing each other over and selling the country out.
What difference at this point does it make?
We are in a complete war, and you idiots don't join with the Republic, you fools!
I want them shut down, I want them silenced, I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment.
Please do the right thing and stand up against Big Ten.
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want them shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a bad person.
I question things.
I'm evil.
I don't care.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
[ Silence ]
I'm no stranger to the rain.
I'm a friend of thunder, a friend as it is...
Alright, I appreciate Dan Lyman holding.
He'll be with us for the rest of the hour while I was ranting.
But I want to tell you something.
The best thing I ever did was go out to pro-life rallies 20 years ago.
20 plus years ago.
I was guilty about paying for abortions.
I didn't believe I had killed my kids.
I believed the propaganda.
I don't judge people that have that abortion.
God judges the heart.
People ask, like, why the hell would you admit that on air?
Because he without sin cast the first stone.
But I repent for it.
And I said I'd never do that again.
And I've got four children.
They could tell me I had a Down Syndrome child.
I'm gonna keep that child and love that child.
I don't have a Down Syndrome child.
I don't ask for that from God.
I'm saying I would take care of that child.
People say they're the most loving children you can imagine.
But if you hadn't been out to a pro-abortion rally, I suggest you go to one.
And I'm going to tell you something right now.
There's a lot of anti-white talk out there.
A lot of racism towards white people.
And it's meant to create division in this country and this world.
And I think white people are good folks on average and have done a lot of good things and contribute to society.
But when you go out to one of these events, they're almost all white.
And they're not just licking their lips when you're around.
They love killing kids, and they love the power of chopping them up, and they're demons.
And they're almost all white.
And... I don't even know why I'm making that point.
It's just that...
Something's going on here, and all I can do is scientifically observe what's happening.
But you just saw a woman, if you tuned in, and we've got dozens of these videos just at the event saying, oh, kill kids after they're born, kill them anytime, kill old people, you know, case for killing granny, cover a Newsweek, and it's just kill everybody!
And it's always these weak, super white-skinned, chicken-neck, zombie-looking people telling you how much they want to kill kids!
And they're always anti... They're just a scourge!
They're bad people!
And they're tuned into something evil, folks.
Because they don't have... I mean, these aren't the Liberals of old.
These are screwballs.
And their sacrament is dead babies.
Oh, and you're going to ride shotgun the rest of the hour.
I want to go to Dan Lyman at EuropeWars.com, the incredible job he does as our main reporter in England.
Talk about the big victories against the globalists, but...
Will you experience the radical Islam's evil that just loves death, and the left's allied with it, and they act demon-possessed?
It really is a spirit.
It's a chomping at the bit.
Let me ask Dan Lyman, we'll get into the elections next segment, but Dan, you live in Europe, you've been all over it, before you even worked for us you were a big reporter, you've covered Deimos, you name it.
This is a whole other subject you didn't know you were getting on involved.
We have all these videos of the average person at a pro-abortion rally now.
Their operating system is Satanism.
They have a new movie out called Hell Satan where they admit the Democratic Party's new move is to get people to register in the satanic party and you know it's their operating system and some of them make it tongue-in-cheek but They're converting to this, and you've got ISIS eating hearts and putting women in sex slavery and children.
It just really does come back to good versus evil in my view, and I don't think the average person who hasn't been on the front lines has witnessed this.
You've been on the front lines.
This isn't scripted.
I don't know what you're going to say.
I don't even know your religious background.
I know you're a great reporter.
Met you a few times in person.
Followed your work for many years before you worked for us, but what do you add to this?
Do you disagree with me that it's spiritual, or have you ever seen this, these people, the way they act?
100% Alex.
I say with anyone that I'm having a candid conversation with that politics is just the playing field, but the real war that's going on behind the scenes is spiritual.
And at this point, I think that's clearer than ever, especially with this battle between globalists and nationalists at this point.
I think the nation state is in and of itself the force for good,
the force that holds a society together, and that this globalist agenda,
there's nothing good about it, there's nothing well-intentioned about it,
and it's not very popular as we're seeing now.
And if they were just honest 100% about everything that they wanted
for their movement and their agenda, it would be even less popular,
but they have to rely on subversion and sabotage and lying in order to advance the football at all.
But I think people are starting to see through that now, and this is definitely a battle between good and evil that is playing out on the political battlefield right now.
So, nationalism versus globalism is good versus evil.
That's the headline for this segment and the next few, and you're going to have the floor when we come back.
It doesn't seem like it is.
People are choosing sides.
There is a polarization.
Well, the Bible says that, and common sense says it.
You do want a polarization.
Either your wife loves you, or your husband loves you, or either the company you work for cares about you or they don't.
We need polarization.
We need to make stuff black and white here, dammit!
Well, again, I didn't get into this to do spiritual things or to talk about God or anything like that.
I got into this for political reasons.
Oh, I mean, when you were out there with the most viral guy on the internet three, four years ago, you were just covering nothing but free speech.
And over time, you know, it's just been more and more of a spiritual battle to me.
And there's so much other stuff that goes on too.
I mean, you know, I meet the people at an event like yesterday.
They talk about how they pray for us.
I can't even tell, I can't even explain how much that fills my heart.
Is it not humbling though?
It gives me all the confidence I need.
And, you know, again, it's like, I don't know how to explain it, but when this happened yesterday and people saw these flyers around town with my address on it, they were like, are you scared?
Like, you know, do you need help?
We're praying for you.
I'm like, look, your prayers is all I need.
You know, I've got a Second Amendment here and, you know, hopefully I don't have to use it.
But honestly, your prayers are more important than anything that I can do.
Let me guess.
I bet you're sleeping better than ever.
I can't believe you just said that, Alex.
Is it true?
Uh, more than you actually realize, probably.
Oh, what's funny?
I sleep better when I'm under attack.
Uh, no, I actually have, I've actually, throughout my life, really, last five years or so, have, uh, have dealt with, actually, serious insomnia.
I didn't know that.
And after, after this weekend, I slept for the first time, actually, I'll say it on air, in seven days.
Because your spirit was restless, now you're on your mission.
You see how that works?
People that are, people that are bad, I'm not saying you were bad before, you were on your mission, they have trouble sleeping.
You get on your mission, you'll sleep like a dead pharaoh, my friend.
And if the mission is foggy, you can't sleep at all.
And I think that what it comes down to, though, Alex, again...
I didn't get in this for spiritual reasons.
I got in this because I was more of an operative in the 3D world.
I was a worldly person, and I just saw the fake news, and I saw where the country was going, and I just wanted to have freedom for the future.
But it becomes more and more spiritual every day, and it's just sad.
I mean, I remember I met Dan in Cleveland at the RMC in 2016.
We were walking around, man.
We walked around in our Trump hats.
The Trump protesters back then were just as hateful.
F you!
Screw you, Nazi!
And it's just like, man!
I'm just out here because I like a guy for president!
Like, what the heck did I do that's so bad?
But then you realize it.
It's a spiritual battle.
Trump is being prayed for every day.
Trump is bringing God back into the White House.
Oh, there's no doubt Trump was anointed.
There's no doubt Imphal Wars was the enemy.
We have the mark on us of God.
Doesn't mean we're perfect, but we've been chosen.
That's why they're so pissed, man.
They see it.
They're spiritually dead and they see it.
We're gonna go to break.
Come back with Dan Lyman.
Give him the floor.
He's joined us.
Amazing news on Europe.
This is real, folks.
This is about your soul.
And you gotta go out to these abortion rallies, man.
It's not like 10% or 20%.
About half of them, you'll think, okay, they're doing this to shock me.
And then all of a sudden...
You'll get footage by one of your other camera folks that doesn't say they're with you.
They're like going, I just want to murder the babies.
I hate children.
Dirty filth.
Once they start talking, I hate the way babies talk.
I want to cut them up.
You heard her earlier.
She's like, once they start running, they're dirty little moose!
I said one time, who's in charge here?
And I think the congressman's right about that fact.
Jerry, you want some?
Yeah, I got some.
Here, Jerry.
Take a drink.
You look a little dehydrated, brother.
You seem a little dehydrated.
You okay?
It took a little longer on the floor than I had anticipated in the custody of the border.
Everyone started sending signals.
The US, Mexico, Canada.
That's not the accurate character.
Some people call it AFTA-NAFTA, some call it NAFTA 2.0.
We're working together to make past that.
You seem a little dehydrated.
Are you okay?
Do you want to take a drink of this?
But the president again stormed out.
I think, what, first pound the table, walk out the door.
But I intend not to.
We're the three things.
Three things.
Three things.
You want to take a drink of this to give yourself some?
How you feel, ma'am?
You feel okay?
I'm okay.
You all right?
Okay, do you want to drink some of this to give yourself some?
How you feel, ma'am?
We can walk and chew gum at the same time.
I hope he can, too.
I want to just put out a message right now to the Democrats because, look, your leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Jerry Nadler, are struggling.
And so we've got BrainForcePlus at InfowarsStore.com.
And if there has ever been an example of somebody that needs BrainForcePlus, the neural activator, it's Nancy Pelosi.
And it's Jerry Nadler.
Now, unfortunately, we're not miracle workers here.
And we can only do so much with our great supplements at InfoWarsTore.com.
But if there's any hope at all for Nancy Pelosi or Jerry Nadler to get their brain working, it's Brain Force Plus from InfoWarsTore.com.
And if you're ever feeling like a Pelosi or a Nadler and you can't think or talk straight or move, Brain Force Plus is the answer.
So don't be a Pelosi and fumble and bumble through a press conference like a gibbering idiot.
Don't be a Jerry Nadler who can't even think or pick his head up and look forward during a press conference.
Go to Infowarsstore.com and get yourself some Brain Force Plus.
You don't want to look like Pelosi, okay?
You don't want to look like Nadler.
You want to look sharp.
You want your mind to be sharp.
So go to Infowarsstore.com and get your BrainForce Plus today.
This is a digital, AI-enforced gag order.
not to say the name Alex Jones, are in full wars.com.
This is Nazi Germany level.
This is racketeering.
This is cartels.
Mr. President, we need your help.
We need it now.
You can take on Big Tech.
They saw Infowars as a dominant, independent, anti-war, pro-human, pro-sovereign, pro-family, populist organization.
So they thought, first they come for Alex Jones, then when people say, okay, take him off the air, everyone else like dominoes would fall.
The way to fight back is to support Infowars now more than ever and make it a
standard of freedom and free speech.
Understand that they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroeder, Dan Lyman, report.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Waging war on corruption.
Alright, going back to Dan Lyman.
Only you, the viewers and listeners, the most hardcore promoters of freedom, can carry that website forward with the incredible reportage he and others bring you there that he heads up.
Salvini, the leader of...
Europe is tired of being a slave to the elites.
Tell us about the amazing... I mean, again, I don't even have words to describe how big these victories are for populism and nationalism despite the media blackouts, the censorship, the demonization.
You're in the heart of Europe.
Dan Lyman, EuropeWars.com.
Tell us what's happening with these elections.
Stunning, stunning election results yesterday, of course.
I want to take us, actually, off to the side here.
Belgium held, they called it a super Sunday, I believe.
It was three different elections.
The regional elections, the federal elections, and the European elections.
They held them all yesterday.
And there's a party called the Vlaams Belang, and they are basically just a right-wing nationalist populist party.
They're very anti-EU, very anti-mass migration.
And they had a huge surge yesterday that no one was, of course, that all the analysts missed.
And in addition to a party that's a little bit more conservative than them, a little bit, not quite as intense, but the National Flemish Alliance, I believe they're called, NBA.
And both of these parties did extremely well in the elections yesterday.
And Foms Belang is spearheaded by a young man, Tom Van Grieken.
I'd say he's in his early 30s.
This guy is super promising.
He's just as intelligent and hard-hitting as Salvini.
And this guy's come out of nowhere in the last few years.
And I want to take us back one year ago to an article we published at InfoWars Europe, when Jean-Claude Juncker actually made a visit to the Flemish parliament in Belgium.
And this guy, Tom Van Grieken, who leads the party, he directed comments literally to Junker's face on the floor.
And he said, Nietzsche suggested, what doesn't destroy me makes me stronger.
Well, the EU will not succeed in erasing the identity of the European nations.
The resistance organizes and becomes stronger.
We'll see you at the next European elections.
And that was his shot across the bow a year ago, almost to the day, and I think that definitely came true and was accurate, as we saw by the... So let's quantify this.
Literally five years ago, Eurosceptics won 2% of the parliament.
Now it's what, over 30%?
Growing exponentially.
They are hitting the panic button.
I want to play a clip of Juncker, again the unelected head of the EU, the literal heir to the most powerful Nazi family after Hitler, who wasn't a family, he was the leader, the Fuhrer.
But how are they going to strike back?
Because you can see the tea leaves here.
They admit that they're all going to be out of power come next election, even sooner.
Yeah, that's what I've been thinking about, because this election result is so damaging, so punishing, that I would imagine the Empire will strike back, and they will strike back hard, probably in the form of censorship, and they'll probably crank up the media attacks on anyone that's basically to the right of center.
The way all of these articles are reading today, everybody's far right.
People are going to be totally desensitized to that term at this point, when Nigel Farage is far right.
I mean, it's just crazy.
I was about to say the Streisand effect or beyond that, the rebel effect, I don't think they get when Juncker says how dare people love their country, they're stupid, and then he openly says let me bring in a bunch of foreigners, they hate our country, and has events with standing armies marching in.
Don't they get that's going to backfire?
They're not running operations against people 20 years ago that were in a coma.
Well, some of these people are just so far out there, like Juncker, for instance.
I mean, the guy is bombed half the time.
He's a drunkard.
And he just says things off the cuff that you just say, how does this guy get away with this?
And he's on his way out.
He won't be around much longer.
But then they have people like Angela Merkel who are angling for to take positions in the EU at the super state level.
They get kicked out of their own governments with these elections.
So now they move to the unelected super state, which again started as a so-called trade deal.
Here's Juncker.
Who again comes from German royalty, Austrian-Hungarian Empire royalty.
They were the most rich, powerful family in Germany in World War II.
His father was in the top command of the Nazis, his grandfather.
His father was a, in the war, a Nazi.
But of course, part of the rat line, they were protected.
So this is a literal Nazi running the EU project of the EU.
Here he is.
These populist nationalists, stupid nationalists, they are in love with their own country.
And they don't like the others.
In some countries of the European Union, the government, parliament, a major part of the society, don't like those coming from far away.
Okay, so he goes, we like them.
So let's stop there.
I've already played this five times today, so I'm not going to play the whole clip.
There's not even translation here.
The people, the parliaments, they don't like the people far away.
Yeah, when 80% are military age men, when they're brought in on North Africa, Middle East, where they're raping and killing, where the tourism is down 80%, and then you sit there and you say that people are bad and stupid because they don't want to
export North Africa to Paris or to Frankfurt? I mean, as you said, there's plenty of him
falling down drunk out of his mind, but he basically is the richest guy in Europe,
probably the richest man in the world. Some estimates are he's richer than the Rothschilds.
I mean, this guy's worth trillions. Yeah, folks, it's not Bill Gates. So maybe he's
not arrogant. Maybe you know something we don't know, Dan Lyman.
That's certainly possible. But, you know, when you hear the way he's talking and it
kind of reminds me of the way that Pelosi sounds at times, it's like that friend who's
had way too much to drink and then they're just saying like the craziest stuff off the
They might not even mean it, they might mean it, but they're just laying it out on the table.
And by the way, I'm not saying that Rudolph Giuliani was helping Pelosi, Trump's chief legal advisor.
I don't think that's the case.
He's got his problems, but I think he's pro-Trump, pro-America at this point.
He sees where the tea leaves are going.
But for him to put out her at half speed, exactly.
We have hours of her bumbling, doesn't know who she is.
Why would you put out a slowed down audio when you've got all the damn proof?
Yeah, poor decision.
I mean, we've got to be careful.
There's no need for missteps, especially something that's that obvious.
So yeah, can't say I support that one at all.
We can stick to putting out accurate, correct.
But you know why it happened?
Because sometimes she sounds just like that.
People thought it was real.
He didn't put that out there.
It was fake.
She already sounds so brain damaged.
That's why it happened.
Right, it's kind of like that AOC parody account that was taken down.
People were kind of worried that it was starting to sound just like her own account.
It was hard to tell the difference.
So, yeah, these people are just off their rockers.
And I kind of want to tie that in, actually, to what happened in the elections yesterday in Germany.
What we have here in Europe, I think, is two forms of populism.
We have a radical left-wing populism, which is a very environmentally-based climate change agenda, and that's where a lot of voters went in Germany.
That's Soros AstroTurf.
They realize everybody's leaving the establishment, globalist EU things, so they've created new leftist AstroTurf, just like AOC here.
That's exactly what I was going to say.
They're collecting these people who have become disenfranchised with the establishment, and they're herding a lot of them over into this other movement where they have, it's basically based on climate change.
I mean, they had all these crazy rallies in Switzerland and Germany on Friday, right before the election, all the students out marching.
They're all rallying around this Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg, and they've made her the new prophet of the movement.
But that's where a lot of the German voters went in the election here.
The Greens did very well, I believe they placed in second, and the AFD did not do so well.
They only did well, really, in the East German side, which was formerly communist, which is Interesting, it really highlights that divide between the formerly communist states like Hungary and Poland and the Czech and then East Germany, of course, and how they're responding to the establishment as opposed to Western Europe, where a lot of them are going to this even harder left, crazy environment.
Dan Lyman of EuropeWars.com, that's fascinating.
I noticed that, I'm glad you raised that.
It's one of the questions I wanted to raise, but luckily you're a step ahead of me.
You see Eastern Europe It's been under tyranny, been under communism, been under Islamic invasion, super nationalist, George Washington 2.0, you know, Donald Trump, beyond Donald Trump, M4 Wars-esque, and now even East Germany gets it because they've seen this animal before.
They know what a scam and tyranny looks like.
We'll get into more facets of this historic victory for populism and nationalism.
With Dan Lyman, Owen Schroer and more.
Then Tom Pappard's coming up.
And I've got new Chi-Com treason news I'll be covering as well.
Yeah, I was supposed to take off today.
I was supposed to take my family on a vacation.
Guess what?
Wild horses couldn't drag me away.
Global controllers are very smart in some ways, very ignorant in others.
But they understand the power of archetypes.
And I never knew when I started out on my quest 25 years ago to restore the American Republic, that I would end up being a major leader in it.
I just simply thought I'd be one more voice calling on the people to stand up and get involved in their own destinies.
But it became clear.
Eight, nine years ago, even in Newsweek and Time Magazine, they said, Alex Jones is the mad prophet of the Tea Party.
In the wilderness, he must be stopped.
And all these years later, I realized that I didn't invent the ideas I'm promoting.
I'm simply promoting free market, Renaissance, Americana, and ideas that are Diametrically opposed to authoritarian systems, whether they be fascist, communist, or socialist.
But nevertheless, Infowars has been chosen by the enemy as the symbol of Americana, as the card.
And if they can demonize it, if they can lie about it, and if they can destroy it, they believe they can demoralize you and make you give up.
So, Please hold InfoWars up.
Please promote it.
Please support it.
I personally hope that we can survive this.
But even if we don't...
Don't think a defeat of an individual or an organization is an expression of who you are, because you are the listeners and viewers that actually made InfoWars the success it is.
Yes, I selfishly want to continue on with the future, but I don't want you to ever think that if I'm set up, killed, destroyed, imprisoned, lied about with their fake narratives, That we're losers.
We did the right thing and told the truth and we've already changed the world.
So you need to continue on.
But we're at that fork in the road.
Will InfoWars continue on to fight more battles and win more battles thanks to your support?
Or will we be destroyed?
And then you have to move on and not be demoralized.
We're at that point.
It's financial.
At the end of the day, money talks, BS walks.
Funding allows us to operate and expand and defeat the enemy.
Not having money shuts us down and we're defeated.
And once we've been silenced, the enemy can lie about us all they want.
We're running Memorial Day specials right through next week.
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Whatever you do, commit now like you've already done.
To take action, whether it's word of mouth, or praying for us, or buying the products, or all three, you've already changed the world.
And I humbly come to you with respect, and thank you again for what you've done for myself, for my children, and for your children, and for all of our own destinies, because this is an incredible time in humanity at that fork in the road, or at that crossroads.
But whatever you do, Never give in to the globalist.
Never give in to your humanity.
Never believe you're a piece of crap.
Never believe that humanity sucks.
Because that is a lie of the old serpent, Satan.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
♪ Oh, well, everybody said about the bird ♪ ♪ The bird, bird, bird, the bird's a weirdo ♪
♪ Well, the bird, bird, bird, bird is a weirdo ♪ ♪ Well, the bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is a weirdo
♪ ♪ Well, the bird, bird, bird, the bird's a weirdo ♪
♪ Well, the bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is a weirdo ♪
♪ Well, the bird, bird, bird, the bird's a weirdo ♪ ♪ Well, the bird, bird, bird, the bird's a weirdo ♪
♪ Well, the bird, bird, bird, well, the bird is a weirdo ♪
♪ Well, the bird, bird, the bird's a weirdo ♪ ♪ Well, I don't you now ♪
-All right, folks, I don't want to get hysterical here, But I do.
Alex Jones back live.
The globalists want to have us have learned helplessness, or a term I've coined, mass Stockholm syndrome.
I've got a stack, and when I say a stack of news, every one of these articles I either read or scanned over, and that stuff, each one of these we could talk for an hour on.
Each one of these is so bombshell.
And a good 15 articles in this stack.
Is the governor of New Mexico a libtard?
Saying we don't want any borders.
So the Border Patrol cut back there.
And now it's overrun everywhere.
She wouldn't send the National Guard.
Wouldn't send the National Guard.
And there are tent cities everywhere, leprosy, bubonic plague, drug-resistant TB.
Areas of New Mexico are collapsing.
It's already been happening in Texas.
Texas is spending billions of its own money every year just to try to get treatment because the Border Patrol is overwhelmed.
They can't even test somebody for diseases.
Here are some of the headlines.
New Mexico Democratic governor pulled troops from border charade.
Now she's demanding federal help over border crisis.
And then it talks about the Border Patrol is getting sick.
It's over 100,000 that they're catching.
Hundreds of thousands more make it through.
And I was talking just this morning to a federal law enforcement officer in New Mexico And it's strange synergy, because an hour after I talked to him, I got a call from Mike Adams, another source, saying, hell, I'll show you Mike's text.
It wasn't a secret text.
Saying, law enforcement source, I mean, it's in the news.
It's not like, it's not like, you know, this is even some secret.
Got a source in Albuquerque on the street.
State police everywhere.
Illegals are running rampant.
Setting up tents in people's yards, police telling citizens it's an invasion.
Totally out of control, police threatening to arrest anyone.
And then Ann Coulter, who I've had Ann on over the years.
I don't think she's a bad person, but it's an easy score to go, we've got over double the illegals coming in that we had under Obama, because the UN ran the total invasion once Trump got in and admitted they were doing it.
aid that Trump's tried to cut off through the State Department gives $1,000 every person with a debit card to come in.
Trump tried to get $12 billion.
He got $1.3 billion.
Trump's trying to declare a national emergency.
Judges are trying to block him.
So I'm not here to defend Trump!
I'm here to defend the truth!
And Owen and Dan, I look at this.
People don't get 15 million illegals conservatively.
Now they've been firing the heads of major police departments, what, federally, in Sweden, because they were covering up the number.
It wasn't 2 million illegals in Sweden, it was 5 million!
The number's probably 30 million in Europe!
They tell us there's 20 million illegals.
There's probably 50 million here.
And again, there's no infrastructure.
We're already collapsing.
We're going bankrupt.
The system's set up.
Have your babies free.
Get free welfare.
The Democrats sign them up.
Give them driver's licenses.
They're voting!
My God!
It's an invasion.
It's a takeover.
I don't even dislike the illegals.
They're fleeing tyranny.
I get it.
We are like a lifeboat that holds 100 people that's already got 200 in it, and the water's up to the sides, and we're about to go under.
And the Democrats tried to say just six months ago, remember six months ago?
There are no illegals.
There are no caravans.
It's a made-up crisis.
Now they say it's Trump's crisis and global warming did it!
And AOC is running around saying cauliflower is colonialism at community gardens in New York.
Number one.
Cauliflower, I did deep research, probably comes out of Africa.
It was all over the Middle East thousands of years ago.
It was named by Arabs who were in Cyprus 1,300 years ago.
But imagine saying, because it's white, it's white people, cauliflower grows in New York.
You can grow whatever you want in a community garden.
You get your plot, you do it.
I've done a community garden here in Austin with my kids when they were little.
That's the mental illness.
She goes out and says, white people are growing cauliflower.
We've got to stop it.
And you think, well, that's crazy.
It's meant to be crazy.
My God.
Owen Schroer, Dan Lyman, what we see in Europe is five years ahead of us, in my view.
What we see happening here, Trump is set to declare a full-on national emergency.
He's got to do it soon.
What do you think, Owen?
Well, I just want to say, you know, Alex, I've been working with you and listening to you and knowing you long enough that sometimes you say things that people think is outrageous and not possibly true.
You removed the makeup from Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.
You may have a meth head, but I'm just going to leave that right there.
You know, Alex, something that I continue to be reminded by, but is really more hitting home now as we're really getting into the trenches for 2020, President Donald Trump is against an entire infrastructure of corruption.
The CIA was against him.
The FBI was against him.
The NSA was against him.
The President of the United States was against him.
He's still battling the courts every day.
The media is against him.
The worldwide media is against him.
The worldwide elite are against him.
The elite in the U.S.
are against him.
The school system is against him.
We are talking about an entire infrastructure of corruption built up in this country for decades that one man is currently trying to take on as president.
Now, that's why he needs our back.
That's why, yes, we'll call it like it is.
If Trump goes sideways, we'll say it.
But, man, one man.
Against an entire infrastructure of corruption.
He can't even get a damn border wall.
He can't even get a question on the census that says, are you a U.S.
Because it's an entire infrastructure of corruption.
So, like you said at the beginning, hopefully this is the beachhead and we just start to pour more people in.
Well, here's an example.
We'll go back to Dan Lyman and hold him over too with Papert.
We're all gonna host together here.
Unless Lyman's got it going, I guess, later in Europe.
Let's think about this.
Here's an example.
Trump ordered Brennan to lose his national security clearance a month and a half, two months ago.
And it's in the news.
Ah, Trump's powerless.
The bureaucracy didn't follow his order.
That's what happens at the White House.
And they lie to his face, and then they don't execute.
It's called sabotage.
It's called treason.
Dan Lyman, the parallels of Europe.
What's the real number of Islamic invaders?
How bad is it going to get?
What's happening next?
I was scared to think what the real numbers are because you know we see what's going on at our own southern border that's one single border that's being basically maintained by one government and and they don't have any idea how many people are coming across I've seen I think it was a lieutenant governor of Texas said that for every one That is caught.
There are two to three more that aren't caught.
So just put that into perspective when you have one land border being manned by one government and compare that against an entire continent being manned by all these different governments, people flooding in from all different sides, coming by sea, by land, by air.
So, I mean, the numbers, I would imagine they are just staggering if we knew exactly what they were, what they actually were.
And we know that the governments are all working Over time, to hide all accuracy about numbers, whether it's who's coming in, what crimes they're committing, how many crimes they're committing, how much it's costing all of us.
All those numbers are being obfuscated and unfortunately they're being caught in the act that just happened in the Netherlands last week, a huge scandal.
Well, I want to be clear.
You're racist if you like cauliflower.
You're racist if you don't want to abort black babies.
Most black folks are hard-working, great people.
how many, so we are starting to uncover the truths, but the actual truth of what's really going on
is probably terrifying.
Well, I wanna be clear.
You're racist if you like cauliflower, you're racist if you don't wanna abort black babies.
Most black folks are hardworking, great people.
But I grew up in Dallas in the '80s, and there were a lot of racist black people
that would attack you if you were white.
I had a lot of black friends, but they would say, "Yeah, a lot of racist black people."
I had black friends that said, yeah, you better not come over to my neighborhood and pick me up.
You know, my neighbor says he might shoot you.
I mean, they'd say, get out of here, whitey.
But I'm like Martin Luther King.
Whether you love him or hate him, I believe you judge people by what they stand for, who they are.
But I know a lot of Austin police, and I've experienced it.
There are a lot of incredible restaurants downtown, a lot of great restaurants in East Austin.
But a couple years ago, I stopped going to them because, repeatedly, I had black guys come get around me and say, you better give us money or something bad's going to happen.
And I weigh 250 pounds and, you know, I'm not the toughest guy around, but I don't look like a pushover.
And I literally had to say no and stand my ground.
And I talked to cops, they said, no, it's horrible.
And I talked to people I know being mugged.
And it started coming out in the news, they tried to cover it up, that it's open season on white people in Austin, in these areas.
And the media, again, tries to cover it up.
Some of it's come out now.
And it's just so sad the left has created an atmosphere.
Where hunting white people is open season, and then Jesse Smollett makes it up.
I want to finish up with Dan Lyman of EuropeWars.com.
Nolan Schroer.
We'll continue with Tom Papert.
I haven't even begun.
Believe me, I'm way behind here.
There's a lot coming up.
Hour number four, straight ahead.
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We've done our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at Newshorse.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.news.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
InfoWars.com, man!
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Let's go there.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
And we're gonna ride.
We're gonna ride.
Ride like a one-eyed jack-of-diamonds with the devil close behind.
Waging war on corruption, crashing the lies and disinformation.
The Lone Star State, I'm proud, stands up against the globalists organically.
We're not funded by any U.S.
government agency.
We're not created by some shadowy group.
We're funded by viewers and listeners just like you.
Just like you know you're for real and you love God and country, and love freedom, so do we.
And that's why the enemy always says we're fake, or we're run by something else, or we're told what to do.
And that's why I've really intellectually thought about it, if we finish up with Dan Lyman and the great job he's doing at EuropeWars.com, to stop holding back about the influence of InfoWars.
Because the enemy knows this, and the enemy's aware of it.
They're aware of what you're doing.
You really are the power of this organization.
They are who you fear.
I'm talking about the establishment.
The listeners are who the establishment fears.
And so, we don't take the orders.
We give the orders.
I'm going to briefly talk about that at the start of the next segment.
That's not bragging.
I really had to analyze why their after is so bad.
And I knew we were contributing a lot to the course of things.
It's very sacred, the position we're in.
Because what I talk about, what we put out here, is obviously looked into, but it's taken immediately as the truth.
Because even if we're wrong, smart people understand the intent is good and that there's gonna be truth in it.
That's a very powerful position to be in.
And I don't seek power.
You don't seek power as an audience.
But believe me, we have it.
And the enemy wants to take it from us so they can have power over us.
We weren't looking for power because we were already born with it.
We have the birthright.
If you tune into liberty, if you love freedom, if you love God, if you love justice, you've got the birthright.
You can be Hispanic, black, old, young, white.
If you love God and justice, God's seal is on your heart.
And this really is about what team you're on, who you resonate with.
Dan Lyman, incredible job at EuropeWars.com, and we just can't say enough about the great work you do.
What else should you impart to the viewers out there across the world?
Well, I think that this is such an interesting time.
It's a pivotal moment and we have some real clear evidence that the tide is turning after yesterday.
And I think that we're going to start seeing some really interesting things happen at the national government levels now that, you know, the lines, the dividing lines have been drawn.
We have people like Merkel and Macron and May.
They're all wounded.
They're all going down.
They're on their way out the door.
And we have people like Salvini, Farage, And and Le Pen all on the ascendancy so things that we start here at this this globalist level deal them a really brutal blow yesterday and now turn it into an effective transition moment into the at the national level so that we can really start peeling apart this this super state so to speak and they can get leadership in these countries that can navigate these countries back to
a Europe of sovereign countries that can interact with each other and trade with each other and travel between them
just as efficiently as I did long before the EU but without this this
International body over them ruining everything by my estimation
Using a football analogy NFL analogy not Europe's football.
Probably if I'm wrong just in closing I would say up until the last few minutes of the
Second quarter we were behind We just got two touchdowns in the last five minutes.
We're going out of halftime now with 14 points on the board, but the enemy is going to pull everything out they've got.
We got two more quarters here, perhaps over time.
I think we've, we're on the offense, we're winning, but if people think that, oh, everything's okay, we're going to lose.
We're going to be, got to be prepared for all sorts of dirty trick plays on their end and to just fight through.
All right, Dan Lyman, EuropeWars.com.
Only our listeners and viewers, only you, have the light in the dark of the night.
Spread that link, EuropeWars.com.
Dan Lyman, we salute you.
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I have swore upon the altar of God [Music]
I did swear.
And I poured my will and my intent forever to be a slave to the truth and to never turn back.
Only commitments such as this will release you.
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Everyone makes commitments.
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So choose what you serve, or lie to yourself, and become a sway.
Owen Schroyer!
Beyond epic times.
Beyond historic times.
Imagine just 10 years ago hearing that world government would be out in the open and that everywhere there's an election they would lose.
We'd have a president stopping the Federal Reserve from jackknifing the economy.
Or that we'd see all the evil bum-rushing us in the final moments.
I have some big breaking news.
We're going to bring Tom Papert in here, TV station manager, owner, patriot, smart guy, riding shotgun weather.
She'll take over here in a few segments completely.
But I'm not saying, oh, you're lucky I came in on Memorial Day.
I want to be here.
Because Veterans Day is about all veterans and it's very important.
But Memorial Day is about people that died.
And you can say, well, some of these wars were lies and some of them were frauds.
It doesn't matter.
The men and some of the women, but the women that lost their men, people that lost their fathers and brothers, and the women as nurses that went down on ships, torpedoed, they believed in something greater.
And they were willing to put it all on the line.
I think that's what's important we honor now.
Because in today's war, we've got to be demonizing, lying about, and yeah, they've put posters up where Owen lives and say, come kill him.
And so there's some danger, but we don't let the danger define us.
We let the fact that we are victorious and we're standing up for the unborn and standing up for our sovereignty, that defines us.
We're targets, not victims, as Tommy Robinson, who barely lost in his run.
And when the numbers weren't coming in Saturday like they were supposed to, I said, I think they're gonna steal it from Tommy.
And I almost shot a special report.
But I didn't.
I shot eight other reports.
Saying, Tommy Robinson... I wanted to get his permission and he was so busy he wouldn't answer.
Tommy Robinson wins!
European Union Parliament seat.
And I was going to say, even if he doesn't win, he won by going out, being attacked by mobs, speaking out, going all over TV and radio, circumventing the censorship, and building a coalition.
And he did.
When you go out and take action, when you're the man or woman in the arena, and your heart's right, and you fight hard, you're not a loser when you lose.
I failed thousands of times in the 25 years I've been on air.
And I do shows routinely that I think I did a bad job.
Doesn't matter, my heart's right.
And God chose King David and said, a man of his own heart.
He did horrible things.
Had his best friend killed in a moment of total lust.
He wanted that wife.
He let her repent it, and he legitimately did it.
And God said, you're a man of your own heart.
I've never done anything close to that.
Doesn't mean I'm perfect.
Far from it.
But this is a real war, a real world, a real choice about your soul.
Just like people know that digital data goes on forever.
If it's saved, our souls are beyond that.
And the enemy knows it, and they want us to be part of the Devil's CD collection.
Not to go on to the next level.
And that's what this is all about.
That's why they hate us.
Because we're saying, you have value.
Humanity has value.
There is human life.
There is a God.
Babies have value.
You go out to a Lepus event, And half of them will tell you they're devil worshippers.
They're not trying to upset you.
It's who they are.
It's their operating system.
Believe it or not, they don't believe in the devil, but they do.
They manifest it.
See the deception?
Devil isn't real.
I'm deceiving you, but I want to kill babies up to age three.
They say, there is no life.
There's nothing anyways.
You don't have any free will.
You're just a machine.
So let me tell you how to live!
Cue her up.
With Caitlin Bennett.
I don't know what... We're going to put this video out on mfullworks.com.
It deserves to go totally viral.
I'm going to ask Owen, I'm going to ask Tom Pappert, what do you call it?
Leftist video.
Leftists say we should kill children up to age three.
I mean, that's... See how just a few months ago it was the governor saying, we keep them comfortable.
We decide they dead, take their organ.
Then we resuscitate mama want them.
It's all a bioethics term.
They call the child dead, even though they're alive, until they decide to let them live.
And they go, magic wand, resuscitate.
Because they want to be able to keep them alive and take the organs.
It's all games.
And should we put up with this?
These people's so-called authority over us when they have no authority?
Here's that video one more time.
So when do we cut off abortions?
At what week?
I think at 3 years old is when we should.
You think at 3 years old is when we should stop aborting children?
Hey, hit pause and back this up.
Hit pause.
Start it over even before she gets to that point.
Back it up like 40 seconds.
I want you to hear the beginning of this.
If you're a radio listener, she has the greenish white skin, collapsed shoulders, dead eyes, but when she talks about killing babies, she gets a smile and light comes in her eyes.
Folks, you've seen the actresses.
That's Linda Blair.
That's an actress.
This is real.
This is who they are.
And I told you their next plan is up to age 3.
That's the official rollout.
She's now spouting Peter Singer, PETA, eugenics stuff.
But just remember that.
And she goes, yeah, they start talking a bunch by then.
And she's all disgusted by these other humans.
She's not a human.
Whatever it is, she's hijacked by a spirit.
And I'm going to explain this.
I knew God was real.
Notice the media never attacks me for this stuff, even though it's far out.
I knew God was real a long time ago.
But I was in Seattle last year when you saw me get coffee dumped on me and the rest of it.
They started running video all the time because it was so crazy.
And Michael Zimmerman, who's a smart, tough guy, he wouldn't leave the hotel anymore after three days.
We were there a week.
And do you know why?
You ever seen, like, Christian horror movies where, like, Agent Smith kind of the Matrix jumps from one body to the next and finishes the sentences around each block?
Like, hey, we're following you, we're gonna get you, Neo.
Next block, yeah, I just saw you there, I'm gonna get you.
Glad I just killed your friend.
That's in the Bible, where you'll be walking through the city, and demons jumping into person after person, making statements as you go.
And I'll never forget, we're walking down these streets, and I'm with my wife and my baby, and every third or fourth person would literally go like, we're gonna get you, you're gonna die in a demon voice.
And this wasn't just them all getting together and doing this, and we turn the corner and they go, yeah, you think you just turned the corner?
We're not here!
It was the same voice.
And you're like, Wait a minute.
These people are so synced up to whatever it is running them.
Maybe it's mind control.
Maybe it's some secret broadcast system the government has they're testing in Seattle.
I don't know.
But they were saying the same stuff in the same order in the same way.
Like, I'm not even going to tell this story because she hasn't authorized me yet and I haven't talked to her since she was in Austin.
I talked to folks that were there.
But Caitlin Bennett and Millie Weaver were down there when this woman said all this about killing babies up to age three.
And it freaked them out because they would go, they were down there, and when they left, they would turn corners.
And the same thing happened.
People would walk up and finish the sentence.
And they were saying terrible things to Caitlyn about what they were going to do to her and about her body.
And they were finishing the sentences.
They hadn't been briefed, folks.
These people can hardly tie their shoelaces.
These are all incompetent losers, but what's in them Like when Christ comes along, the possessed guy, he says, who are you?
They go, I am Legion.
And Christ says, you know, out of them, Satan.
And the demons go in the pigs and they run off the cliff.
Because they wanted out of the pigs and back in humans.
And you're like, oh, that's the Bible.
No, it's just like the Internet.
Just like programs are in the air.
There's these programs, these spells.
These people are under spells.
They're under trances.
They're under programs.
And let me tell you, you haven't experienced it until you run into a nest of these people and they're finishing each other's sentences.
I mean, it was the craziest stuff I've ever seen in my life.
And it is scary, folks.
These people are possessed by something.
Is it another dimension?
Is it demons?
Is it space aliens?
I don't know.
But they want to kill babies.
They want to kill the planet.
They want to kill you.
It's real, folks.
The global controllers are very smart in some ways, very ignorant in others, but they understand the power of archetypes.
And I never knew when I started out on my quest 25 years ago to restore the American Republic that I would end up being a major leader in it.
I just simply thought I'd be one more voice calling on the people to stand up and get involved in their own destinies.
But it became clear Eight, nine years ago, even in Newsweek and Time Magazine, they said, Alex Jones is the mad prophet of the Tea Party.
In the wilderness, he must be stopped.
And all these years later, I realized that I didn't invent the ideas I'm promoting.
I'm simply promoting free market, renaissance, Americana, and ideas that are Diametrically opposed to authoritarian systems, whether they be fascist, communist, or socialist.
But nevertheless, Infowars has been chosen by the enemy as the symbol of Americana, as the card.
And if they can demonize it, if they can lie about it, and if they can destroy it, they believe they can demoralize you and make you give up.
So, Please hold InfoWars up.
Please promote it.
Please support it.
I personally hope that we can survive this.
But even if we don't...
Don't think a defeat of an individual or an organization is an expression of who you are, because you are the listeners and viewers that actually made InfoWars the success it is.
Yes, I selfishly want to continue on with the future, but I don't want you to ever think that if I'm set up, killed, destroyed, imprisoned, lied about with their fake narratives, that we're losers.
We did the right thing and told the truth, and we've already changed the world.
So you need to continue on.
But we're at that fork in the road.
Will InfoWars continue on to fight more battles and win more battles thanks to your support?
Or will we be destroyed and then you have to move on and not be demoralized?
We're at that point.
It's financial.
At the end of the day, money talks, BS walks.
Funding allows us to operate and expand and defeat the enemy.
Not having money shuts us down and we're defeated.
And once we've been silenced, the enemy can lie about us all they want.
We're running Memorial Day specials right through next week.
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Whatever you do, commit now like you've already done.
To take action, whether it's word of mouth, or praying for us, or buying the products, or all three, you've already changed the world.
And I humbly come to you with respect, and thank you again for what you've done for myself, for my children, and for your children, and for all of our own destinies, because this is an incredible time in humanity at that fork in the road, or at that crossroads.
But whatever you do, Never give in to the globalist.
Never give in to your humanity.
Never believe you're a piece of crap.
Never believe that humanity sucks.
Because that is a lie of the old serpent, Satan.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
By the way, I was watching Court TV when it was still around 15 years ago, and I keep telling the crew this, they're awesome, but we need to look this up.
There was a blonde-haired, good-looking psychiatrist.
I even went and bought one of her books when I saw her on Court TV.
Who was the guy that, Jeffrey Dahmer's psychiatrist.
But she's the famous, just type in famous woman psychiatrist.
Psychiatrist to the psychopaths.
On television.
I saw her on TV.
I heard her on Coast to Coast.
I saw it all over.
I want to get her back on.
She came on for like two hours on our show.
And she'd never brought up the occult, but when I got her on, I said, listen, I've read your book.
I've seen some of the stuff.
These people think they're being demon possessed, and if they don't do it, the demons come after them.
She goes, no, that's true.
Everybody I talked to thought demons were making them do it.
Now, whether you think that's psychiatric or real, it doesn't matter.
It's a program they're running, and it's a big frustration.
Some of the years, I always remember this when I talk about it, and I kind of mention it.
We never find it.
I'll find it.
Listeners will find it.
They'll send it to us.
She's like the psychiatrist to the serial killers, I think.
And we should get her back on.
But I'm digressing.
We're going to go to Tom Papert right now about the world, what's happening on this Memorial Day.
Appreciate him joining us.
Owen, comments on what I've been saying.
Well, Alex, I would just say to kind of talk about the spiritual battle.
In a final word, you know, if God is love and the devil is hate, I think that you can kind of break down everything like that.
Because it doesn't matter what Trump does, he could cure cancer, he could end world hunger, you know, whatever, they'd still hate him.
His, you know, his haters would still hate him.
It's the same thing with Infowars.
The people are still, they're driven by hate.
So when you see a young lady, like in the Caitlyn Bennett video, talking about aborting babies up to the age of three, you know, does she really believe that?
Does she not?
Probably not.
What it is, is she's driven by hatred, Alex.
She hates us.
She hates America.
She hates the fact that we stand up for babies.
So, it doesn't matter what we stand up for.
In fact, if we came out tomorrow and said, yeah, abort all babies up to three, all of a sudden they would be pro-life.
That's what this is all about.
They are driven by hate.
Hate has filled their soul, and so whatever it is they hate, they go against it.
There is no logic.
No, I agree with you, but at the end of the day, it's about killing kids.
They actually found her.
Let's put her on screen.
And this lady, Helen Morrison, forensic psychiatrist, interviewed all the big serial killers.
We need to get her back on the show.
Great points, Owen.
Let's go to Tom Papert.
Tom, thanks for hosting.
Thanks for joining us and the great work you do.
You've been, of course, censored a lot for the OK symbol now.
That was big national news last week.
You're at Real G.E.
God Emperor Trump.
We're not saying he's actual God.
It's a joke, folks.
Well, there is a lot to cover.
I want to talk about some of the recent fake news examples in the media, how they can say whatever they want, so they get by with it, but then, God forbid, somebody on the right gets a fact 2% wrong.
But, you know, Alex, I've been listening to what you guys are talking about, about the greater spiritual battle that's going on here, and especially when it comes to these serial killers.
You know, the The insane person in Florida from last year he actually said that in his tapes were the interview tapes where he was being interviewed by a police detective he said the demon talks to me and I have to do it the other one is in me and I have to do it so I think that you're absolutely on to something and I also think
Regardless of what it is, if it's a code, if it's a demon, if it's a spirit, whatever it is, I think it's completely accurate that that is what caused these people.
Both pastors for my church are currently in Tanzania right now doing missionary work, and they've converted a thousand plus people doing some phenomenal work out there.
And one of them, I was talking to him and he said, you know, I really didn't want to go on this thing, but I was singing one of our Gospels and I couldn't sing it.
The Holy Spirit would not let me sing it because I wouldn't go where the Lord wanted me to go.
And so then he agreed to go to Tanzania.
And if that can happen, why on earth could that not happen with an evil force, a force of a demon or whatever that is?
With these insane leftists, and you're right, I've experienced the same exact thing.
They complete each other's sentences, they say the exact same script, and they're not talking to each other.
And I think that's why, fascinatingly, when you get them on a one-on-one situation where they're not connected to the rest of the machine, you can almost talk some sense into them.
But then, of course, they get back... That's right, you'll see the transmission kind of break up and go, wait, who am I?
And I'll go, ah, shut up, I'll get you and your family.
Oh, wait, what?
I mean, it's crazy.
The very second they get back into their evil little tribe, everything you've done is gone.
That's why, you know, that's why I think it's so important to do what InfoWars does, what I do, what Elwha does, what all of us do, because to an extent, there is no winning some of these people over.
They have to make the decision on their own.
They have to choose God.
They have to choose love.
They have to choose to look away from hate, as Owen would put it.
And it is so, that's what makes this broadcast different, because you guys are the tip of the spear and You're able to provide so much crucial information.
Alex, I'm going to be completely honest.
A month or so ago when I was on, you were talking about keeping the babies alive so you can harvest their organs.
And I kind of knew that that was a thing.
But in the last month, we've seen not one, not two, but three different articles that I've read personally about Planned Parenthood doing exactly that!
They keep the baby alive as long as they can so they can get more money for the organs.
But they consider it legally dead because it was never born.
It was never a human.
So it's fascinating to me.
Oh yeah, my dad was in medical management.
And when I was growing up in Dallas, he even owned, with two partners, a hospital.
And they weren't killing people.
But like I said, when I went to get my driver's license, I passed the driver's safety thing.
He said, son, don't sign that organ card.
And I said, why?
And he goes, well, some of the local hospitals, if you're in a car wreck or something, they'll kill you.
They'll keep you alive and take your organs and say you were brain dead.
And like 10 years later, I'm watching 60 Minutes at my grandparents' house in Austin in college, or out of college.
And they were showing the Dallas hospitals my dad was telling me about.
So yeah, this is sick, my friend.
And it is absolutely fascinating.
You know, our editor-in-chief of Big League Politics, Patrick Calley, likes to say that you are his Walter Cronkite.
And I completely understand why Patrick says that.
He's absolutely right.
We need to get Patrick on.
We need to get you a show here on air.
We're trying to get the board ops and people hired.
Hopefully we're getting close to that, Tom, and the great work you do.
And KCTU5, they're in Kansas and Wichita.
Which is a great story, not bragging, but people are hungry for the truth.
Put us on a few years and a half ago, already gone to number one in the local ratings.
That is very, very exciting and I thank you and the folks that were picking the show up.
Oh, absolutely.
Alex, it's been our pleasure, and it's been our pleasure to be one of your real flagship broadcast stations here as we enter this new digital wave of censorship.
You know, they can't take away the FCC license.
They may want to, but you know, it is fascinating.
We do get people, you know, trying to hire office staff, salespeople, that type of thing, and once they find out that InfoWars is involved, either people have an amazing reaction to it, they can't wait to be a part of the team, it's the biggest moment of their lives, Or, again, it's this hatred, this, oh my god, you're an Alex Jones, you're a Nazi, you're a bigot, you're a racist, kill the baby.
I mean, it just, it comes out of them.
And some of them, we've experimented with different advertisements when we hire people.
Sometimes we'll put, you will be representing an InfoWars TV affiliate.
Sometimes we don't.
When people find out, it's like an instant change.
Their entire personality changes.
It's an incredible time to be alive.
Tom Papert, myself, Owen, taking over the other side.
And then who's hosting the War Room today?
Is it a rebroadcast?
Who's doing the War Room at 3 o'clock, Owen?
We got a Best Of rebroadcast today, Alex.
So we're going to take some of our best interviews and segments from the last week and re-air them today.
How dare you only do one live show on Memorial Day, you traitors.
All right, Tom Papert straight ahead with Owen Schreuer and Alex Jones.
Spread those links.
The global controllers are very smart in some ways, very ignorant in others.
But they understand the power of archetypes.
And I never knew when I started out on my quest 25 years ago to restore the American Republic that I would end up being a major leader in it.
I just simply thought I'd be one more voice calling on the people to stand up and get involved in their own destinies.
But it became clear Eight, nine years ago, even in Newsweek and Time Magazine, they said, Alex Jones is the mad prophet of the Tea Party.
In the wilderness, he must be stopped.
And all these years later, I realized that I didn't invent the ideas I'm promoting.
I'm simply promoting free market, Renaissance, Americana, and ideas that are Diametrically opposed to authoritarian systems, whether they be fascist, communist, or socialist.
But nevertheless, Infowars has been chosen by the enemy as the symbol of Americana, as the card.
And if they can demonize it, if they can lie about it, and if they can destroy it, they believe they can demoralize you and make you give up.
So, Please hold InfoWars up.
Please promote it.
Please support it.
I personally hope that we can survive this.
But even if we don't...
Don't think a defeat of an individual or an organization is an expression of who you are, because you are the listeners and viewers that actually made InfoWars the success it is.
Yes, I selfishly want to continue on with the future, but I don't want you to ever think that if I'm set up, killed, destroyed, imprisoned, lied about with their fake narratives, That we're losers.
We did the right thing and told the truth and we've already changed the world.
So you need to continue on.
But we're at that fork in the road.
Will InfoWars continue on to fight more battles and win more battles thanks to your support?
Or will we be destroyed?
And then you have to move on and not be demoralized.
We're at that point.
It's financial.
At the end of the day, money talks, BS walks.
Funding allows us to operate and expand and defeat the enemy.
Not having money shuts us down and we're defeated.
And once we've been silenced, the enemy can lie about us all they want.
We're running Memorial Day specials right through next week.
Some of the biggest sales we've ever done.
60% off, extend-a-wise, for cardiovascular and heart.
It's the best formula out there.
Instead of just a probiotic, it's anti-fungus, anti-candida mold for your guts.
Try it for yourself.
60% off.
50% off our new 8-pack Power Stack Bodies Ultimate Turmeric Formula.
Vitamin Refusion, Ultimate Bone Broth, Super Metal Vitality.
That's 50% off.
40% off Turbo Force Back in Stock.
And the chocolate and vanilla protein bars are the best out there.
There's a bunch of other specials as well, but we try to make it symbiotic.
Great products at great prices that make your life better than funder operation.
Whatever you do, commit now like you've already done.
To take action, whether it's word of mouth, or praying for us, or buying the products, or all three, you've already changed the world.
And I humbly come to you with respect, and thank you again for what you've done for myself, for my children, and for your children, and for all of our own destinies, because this is an incredible time in humanity at that fork in the road, or at that crossroads.
But whatever you do, Never give in to the globalist.
Never give in to your humanity.
Never believe you're a piece of crap.
Never believe that humanity sucks.
Because that is a lie of the old serpent, Satan.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
[theme music]
Of course mama's gonna help build the wall.
Of course mama's gonna help build the wall.
Yeah, we're smashing down those walls.
In the mines.
But to have our safe country where we can live our lives and have our taxes spent on us and our families, we are building the wall.
Because the UN and the globalists are trying to destroy our country.
The first part about freedom is standing up for yourself and saying, I'm a self-contained unit.
I'm not somebody else's slave.
Tom Pappert, Riding Shotgun, Weather's Great talk show host and his own right, manager of KCTU5 there in the heartland of America.
Owen Troyer, who's also from that nearby area.
He's from St.
It's Wichita, Kansas.
He's from St.
Louis, Missouri, but still it's near each other, is Riding Shotgun.
I want to hit some final news here before I turn it over to Tom.
And in the war room coming up, with this.
I used to project my own humanity onto the globalists and Armenians.
But the more I've studied them, imagine how much you worry about your children, if you've got children, like a lot of us have.
I've got four children.
Imagine how much you worry about your wife when she goes out, or your husband.
Imagine how much you worry about People, if you care.
Well, that gets tiring for a lot of folks, so they start not caring.
Or maybe they never care.
And then instead of caring about unborn babies, you get off on the power of killing them, because you're so soulless, the only thing that excites you is evil.
And that's what we're coming down to, that's what we're dealing with.
You know, I've got an article here out of Yahoo News, it's pretty powerful, that we can put on screen for TV viewers.
Everest traffic jams.
Survivors call for tougher rules.
Really gonna put some bureaucrats up there.
Some police officers when there are no rules in some place that inhospitable.
Up there, you know, twenty-something thousand feet.
There's dead bodies everywhere.
Up to five people die a week.
You're trying to get to the top.
there's traffic jams and then people are Are calling for the government to make it like an amusement park and make everybody safe.
You're climbing the tallest mountain that's above sea level.
Kona is the biggest mountain in the world.
15,000 feet of it are out of the water.
20-something thousand feet are under.
Kona, the big island, is the biggest mountain in the world.
But above sea level, It's K1.
It's Mount Everest.
Type it in.
How many?
Was it 23,000?
I forget.
How many feet tall is Mount Everest?
Helicopters can't even get up to 20,000 feet.
But the bureaucrats want people to be there and hold their hand.
Listen, if you want 29,000 feet to the summit, If you want to risk your life, that's your business.
You want to go whitewater rafting, you want to go skydiving, that's your business.
But that's not my business.
I'm not afraid of risking my life.
But I'm afraid of risking it for something that doesn't matter.
And I gotta tell you, I've been around some of these mountain climbers, I've been around some of these triathletes, and man, these guys are super awesome, and they've got themselves together, and they're alpha males, but they hardly spend time with their families, so they can go out and compete, and run 50 miles a day, or 100 miles in two days, or, so they can show off, they're not even making money, most of them, but it's about showing how great they are, and that selfishness, and I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to climb Mount Everest, I'm saying I think you're pathetic.
It's one thing if nobody ever climbed it and you were the first hundred explorers, but tens of thousands have scaled its summits now.
Look up how many have successfully, I'm just going from memory, it's over 10,000, thousands a year now?
In fact, pull up the article.
There's big lines the last thousand feet.
Everyone just waiting to get to the top and take selfies that they climbed Mount Everest.
Why don't you go help homeless kids?
Why don't you go find a cure for cancer?
Why don't you go do something?
Four thousand have climbed Mount Everest.
It's more than that now, but the point is, is that Can we pull up the article I mentioned?
It's the top of Yahoo News.
I want to show TV viewers this big line.
Yeah, there it is.
Hundreds and hundreds of people backed up to the top.
What does that do?
You'd know if you could get 200 feet from the summit that you could get there.
But that's the sense of being.
That's the sense of achievement.
Some people want a billion dollars.
Some people want the trophy wife.
Some people want to win the race car race.
And if you're doing that and it's not your God, that's fine.
If you're raising race car money and risking your life to do something worthy, that's great.
But I just don't get all these committed, smart, good-looking people, black, white, old, young, who are so self-centered, it's all about some feat they can accomplish, instead of the feat of building a better world, being a human, being involved.
Everything is so selfish.
Tom Papert, Owen Schroeder, do you get where I'm going with this?
They'll put all this in...
Some of the best and smartest people we've got, but it's all about how great they are.
And I'm all about self, you know, empowerment, but it becomes satanic.
It becomes sick because you get around these sports people and around these climbers and around these super fitness guys, they don't give a damn about anybody but their self on average.
And they don't put that incredible energy they've got to win the world champion arm wrestling or the NFL or whatever into humanity when we need humanity.
Well, I'd say this.
I think that it's kind of symbolic that line of people trying to get to the peak of Mount Everest just for their own sense of accomplishment.
It's kind of like the line of Democrats trying to remove Trump from the peak.
None of them are going to do it, but they're all probably going to die on their way up.
But Alex, this is something that I realized probably too late in my life, but sooner than later is better.
Yeah, I mean, you always wonder when you're a sports fan and all that stuff.
I was working in sports media, but it didn't really deliver anything for me.
It was fun.
It paid the bills.
Maybe it was, you know, a career, but it didn't really fulfill me.
And so as soon as I took the red pill and I...
did a a pivot to politics and current events I I started feeling that
fulfillment that I wasn't getting from sports media but it's the same thing
that you were just saying Alex they they pour their heart their mind their their
essence into something that could never and will never fulfill them I mean that
that's that is the devil.
Imagine the devil laughing when God gave us all this energy.
They're climbing a 29,000-foot mountain with 100-mile winds, climbing over dead bodies to show everybody how big their ding-dong is, and they're not doing anything for humanity or to fight the leftist takeover, while drag queen story time's happening and convicted pedophiles, without asking parents, have your five-year-old bouncing on their crotch.
You know, Alex, it really makes me think of one of the perhaps more challenging things that Christians have to struggle with, and that's putting God at the center.
And you know, I struggle with it.
I'm sure everybody struggles with it.
We all get so caught up in our shows and our articles and everything that we've got to do to try to save this country and save this world.
That is a whole lot closer than these people, and it can be, Everest is a beautiful example, because it's such a silly thing if you think about it.
Look, I can walk to the top of a high surface, and I can breathe the thin air, and I don't die.
Oh, congratulations, you've really achieved a lot.
But it's a great example, and there's so many people who are like this.
Well, you just said it, like Bob Dylan said, gotta serve somebody.
They claim there isn't a God, but their God's getting to the top of a mountain, and so again, they're making that their God, that's what you're saying.
Exactly, exactly.
You know, I'm a Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod Lutheran here, so they say we're baptized in vinegar.
We're all the time looking at how sinful the world is and how terrible things are.
But you know, when you see stuff like this, and you think, what is the matter with these people?
They're not doing this to serve anything.
They're not doing this to help anyone.
Oh, it's a selfish, look how tough I am.
They're not going to the top of the mountain to save kids.
Look, let me tell you the opposite of satanism.
Was it Thailand with the 40-something kids, two miles underground, divers dying, kids dying, guys risking their total lives to go in and do that?
That was the opposite of clowning Mount Everest.
And you know, they don't even think.
You know, there are ways that you could make this.
I mean, if there were kids, you've got to say to the top of the mountain, do it!
But why totally risk your life for no reason?
You know, get somebody to donate $100,000 toward child cancer research if you make it to the top.
But this doesn't even cross their minds.
No, it's just, it's all about themselves.
It's all about their little piece of accomplishment.
That, again, there's 4,000 names.
I don't know five of them.
I don't know five.
They want to be in a club.
It's like being a tranny or whatever.
It makes you an elite group.
Cut your testicles off.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I'm gonna grow a magnificent pair of breasts!
I'm going to transition into a woman!
It'll be great!
You should crawl back into your mother's rancid womb, gestate for a few more hours, slide back out, and then learn something about not being an entitled, white, piece of s***!
This is Trump people!
When the rubber meets the road, pussies!
Yeah, you're a f***ing idiot.
F*** your capitalism, f*** your f***ing president.
He's a racist, stupid piece of s***.
If you guys are working for Alex Jones, you're working for a murderer!
Alex Jones is an a**hole.
InfoWars is fake news.
I got a chair going!
If you had to choose one prominent person to be banned next, who would you choose?
This is what's happening to the men in our country.
Where are the men?
Stop touching my stuff!
I'm backing away!
Excuse me, it's ma'am.
This is what's happening to the men in our country.
Where are the men?
Stop touching my stuff.
I'm backing away.
Relax, that's OK.
Everything's fine.
Dude, stop.
Hey, hey, hey, don't be doing that.
Why are you doing that?
What are you--
Don't film it!
You're not allowed!
Stop it! Don't film me! You're not allowed! You can't use me!
I'll turn time to your eye!
Please do not touch me!
Please do not touch me.
Once again, it's me.
I actually said both of you guys.
Right in the forehead, you f***ing said, sir.
Trump supporters are pussies!
Motherf***ing pussies!
Take it outside!
If you don't call me, sir, again, I will show you a f***ing sir!
Go home!
What's your f***ing problem?
Film it, bro.
Film it.
Yeah, I'm filming it.
What the f*** did you do to me?
Watch this.
Did you farted at me?
Get the hell out of here!
Get these people the hell out of here right now!
F*** off!
I'll get you!
Oh, sh**!
Oh, [bleep
Ma'am, don't do that.
Please, please.
You're a [bleep
[music playing]
Eric in Colorado.
Eric, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I really appreciate you, and it's an honor to talk to you.
And I do, before I start, I also wanted to do a plug for a couple of your products that
I really love.
Check it out.
It's called the "Best of the Best."
It's a great product.
Changed my life.
The DNA Force is one, and X2.
Yeah, I do a lot of construction.
Using the tools that you're using, it just really wreaks havoc on your body, and I had three of my fingers starting to go numb, and I didn't think there was anything going to work on it.
Well, thank you, brother.
I mean, we want to sell you stuff that works.
You want to order it again, but PQQ CoQ10 has been proven to make telomeres last longer, to make nerves regrow.
It really is an amazing product for anybody above 40.
Young people can take it as well, but yes, DNA Force Plus is amazing.
What did you think of the X2?
I love that, too.
Like, after a few months of being on that, I felt like I wasn't searching for words.
You know, there was a time in my life where I felt like, man, I don't, you know, I don't know if I'm just too exhausted or what, but, you know, you feel like you want to get in a conversation and you're pausing and you can't find the word to say, and I swear, man, that X2 really helps with cognition.
Well, that's because the synapses in the brain operate off of it.
It's electrochemical.
You're absolutely right.
When I forget to take X2 every couple days, sometimes I forget for like a week because I get busy.
Then I feel it and I take it and it really is amazing.
So thank you for the support, brother.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
You found it.
You found it The tip of the spear.
It is The Alex Jones Show.
I hear people talking right about the way we have to live here in this country.
Harpin' on the war as we fight.
Harpin' on the war as we fight and gripin' by the way things are.
It's hard to turn off Merle Haggard, isn't it?
I want to finish up with Tom Papert and Owen Schroer, but let me add one more little dessert or addendum to what I said.
Is it satanic to climb Mount Everest?
And I don't think the answer is yes.
It's in all of our hearts what we do.
And the first people to do it, I get it.
But now it's 4,000 plus.
Now there's all these books out about billionaires doing it.
And it becomes a ding-dong measuring contest.
When all these hundreds are backed up every day trying to get to the top and everybody's bitching and complaining and they want traffic guards up at the... Imagine if these people put that energy into other things in their lives.
Imagine how much better the world would be.
I'm not saying take away their right to go up there.
I don't want to pay For helicoptering their dead bodies off.
Just like you want to go to some doctor and have your Johnson and your Wavos cut off, knock yourself out, man.
I'm a libertarian.
If mentally ill people want to cut their fingers off and jump off bridges, as long as you don't hurt somebody, I'm sad for you, but do it.
I'm a libertarian.
You want to get a bunch of heroin and kill yourself, that's your business.
I don't want to pay for you to go to the top of mountains or cut your ding-a-ling off.
And, you know, I hope you won't do it.
But all I'm saying is, it's getting sick when they bitch and complain in the news about how there's traffic jams going to the top of this mountain.
It gets sick.
I love rugged individualism.
I love trailblazing.
Lewis and Clark were risking their lives, but they were getting a western passage to the Pacific Ocean for a reason.
They were risking their lives to do something new.
Not to prove how tough they were.
Now let's shift gears with Tom Papert, great manager at KCTU5 in Wichita, Kansas, that carries us.
Huawei CEO says China shouldn't punish Apple.
Boy, I saw that CNN headline this morning and I knew how it was going to read.
Apple has become state-run a year ago.
They moved to China over a year ago.
They're with the Communist Party.
Huawei's Communist Party run.
It's spying on all the devices.
It's getting banned all over the world.
They got caught.
So CNN has this pup piece out.
Trump's meme.
The poor little baby Huawei.
So now his teacher is Apple.
Even though he's about to replace Apple sales in Europe and in Asia and what they call Greater China, Taiwan.
It's all Chai Com written.
He's like, oh, don't mess with Apple, because it's Chai Com run now, too.
And they've got the code keys, and they admit they're spying on you through Apple just as bad as Huawei.
So he's like, oh, we don't want to kick them out of China, or, oh, no, Apple, good.
Good, Apple.
This is sick.
He thinks you're a moron.
Daughters in prison right now.
China State TV carries Daily Show, spot on Huawei Lead in 5G.
So don't worry.
The Daily Show, pissing all over America.
It's on in China.
But they don't want anything else from the West Air there.
Again, shy, calm propaganda.
Tom Papert, unbelievable.
The Daily Show wants us off air, cheers it, has celebrations.
So do the other big so-called comedians, who are really just fake news.
But the Chinese government's funding six of the big eight Hollywood production houses, and they're funding, on record, the major production operations, like the folks over at Netflix.
And now they are openly involved, airing The Daily Show.
When you know the Communist Chinese have approved of The Daily Show, you know The Daily Show is really bad news.
You know, it does actually relate really well to what we were talking about in the last segment, because China, the elite people in China, their god is power.
And then you've got Tim Cook, his god is money.
He thinks that if he merges his company with China, then oh boy, we're going to get billions of new people who will all buy an iPhone and an iPad and it'll just be wonderful and we'll make so much money.
Who needs those stupid Americans?
There's only 350 million of them and another 30, 40 million illegals.
That's chump change.
We're going to China.
And so he's essentially sacrificing his soul to China.
Same exact thing with these Hollywood production houses.
They're not concerned about what Americans want to see when they go to the theater.
We're a relatively small audience.
They want to be one of the two or three or four American movies that gets brought into China so they can get all of those box office sales.
And again, they don't want people like you, Alex, because you're the one sitting there saying, wait a minute.
You are selling your soul to the devil for a couple bucks, selling your country down the line, selling it out, ruining everything the West was built on, everything America was built on.
Tom, let me go further than that.
Let me go further than that.
It's not just me up here saying this and I'm something special.
Communist China has killed way more than Hitler ever killed.
They're totally soulless.
They feed on their own people.
Slave factories.
And then Tim Cook, who owns the worst factories under Foxconn in China, says, I'm dangerous and deplorable.
I need to be banned from the web.
He has no moral standing.
He's out of control.
Owen Schroer.
Well, I'm just amazed that anybody wants to air The Daily Show with that guy who's not even funny.
These comedy special nightly shows haven't been funny in years, as far as I'm concerned.
So, I think it really just goes to show you they want the anti-Trump propaganda in there.
It's not even about entertainment.
I mean, hell, we could do a comedy bit right now without teleprompters or anything.
It'd be funnier than anything The Daily Show ever did.
But, you know, I do want to point this out, too, because I think it's The same kind of attack on our humanity, and I know it's a totally different subject, but there may be a connection here.
Sex robot threat, AI girlfriends indistinguishable from humans after major 5G upgrade.
So first of all, to say that you can't tell a robot from a human is obviously fake news.
But that's the whole point.
Well, what's the difference?
It's a robot.
It's taking care of you.
And they teach the women to hate men.
And, you know, the new Blade Runner, oh, he's in love with his virtual girlfriend.
So the virtual girlfriend will tell you whatever you want to hear.
Just like Japan, the men aren't even having wives anymore.
It's the end of humanity as we know it.
And I don't feel fine.
So I just wanted to put that out there before we sign off.
But there's going to be a lot to get to the rest of the way this week, Alex.
There's going to be some social media news coming out.
There's going to be some interesting, I think, debates about foreign invasions happening, too.
We've got a private wall that just went up in New Mexico.
So it's going to be a crazy broadcast week here.
And let's not forget, Alex, that Trump is moving against the treasonous Deep State.
That's right.
Eric Prince of all people.
Let's play the clip since you mentioned it.
Eric Prince of Blackwater fame is actually financing a wall, a private wall.
We build the wall in New Mexico where everything is collapsing.
saying here's a clip of that.
Look since Prince is involved in all this fancy and is working just fine.
(upbeat music)
Radio listeners are missing this.
It's at Infowars.com.
Look folks, bottom line, Tom Pepper, this country is under globalist attack.
I have a stack of news right here.
Where New Mexico that's run by a leftist says, oh my god, get here, help us, millions are pouring across, holy hell, just a few months ago she was making jokes.
Look, Trump doesn't have the courts, he doesn't have the troops, he doesn't have anything, so I'm glad he's going to bust into leftist areas.
I'm not glad they're here, but at least this is showing the dumbass left what it's like in red states.
That's absolutely right.
And it's the opposite of what Obama did during all his eight years.
He wanted to put them in the red states.
That's why we have the Hamas caucus in Congress now.
Because you put enough Somali refugees there and suddenly they vote one of their own in.
I mean, it is refreshing to see the pressure apply.
We love our Somalis.
We love our Muslims too.
They're gonna stab your daughter at the mall, and that's exactly where that happened!
I mean, it's... We laugh, and it's funny, but that's where it happened.
Gonna throw your white baby off the mall.
Gonna throw that baby off the mall.
Watch baby's head hit the ground.
And the police chief's gonna say, we love our Somalis, we love our Muslims too.
Oh, they're so good.
Oh, they're so sweet.
Sorry, Tom.
No, it's completely true, and it's completely accurate.
And so it is nice to see this type of pressure that was being put against the red states now being applied to these globalist hellholes in the left coast and the left southern portion of the country.
I enjoy it, and I hope that they really see what they've done to this country up close and personal.
It's exciting.
Tom, great job.
Owen, great job.
War Room coming up in just a few minutes at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Thanks to our affiliates.
Ladies and gentlemen, I get so wound up that I even forget to ask for your support last hour.
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