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Name: 20190522_Wed_Alex
Air Date: May 22, 2019
3442 lines.

Alex Jones talks about how President Trump should take action against left-wing Democrats who are executing Christians door-to-door. He criticizes censorship, encourages listeners to visit his websites for content, and discusses the political situation in the U.S., including businesses attacking nationalists, Trump supporters, and white people using Orwellian techniques. Jones also promotes various specials on InfoWarsLife.com and encourages support for free speech by purchasing products from InfowarStore.com. The show discusses issues surrounding free speech, censorship, and abortion, criticizing the mainstream media for not addressing them and condemning the Democratic party's approach towards abortion. Jones promotes Pollen Block, a natural supplement for seasonal distress symptoms based on research conducted in the 1960s in France.

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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
I've never had it on my heart, this sick feeling of how sad this is.
But we're in a defensive mode here.
And the President, by the way, I think has waited too long already.
Hey, Alex Jones is still on the air six days a week at InfoWars.com.
Free video streams are available at InfoWars.com backslash show.
Spread those links and be a part of the second American revolution against global tyranny.
You are all Paul Revere.
That is actually a normal, real battle plan.
This is what you would do if our government wasn't full of criminals.
It admits that China runs California, China runs Hollywood, and what President Trump needs to do in a real emergency.
Because this country's already so far gone, this is probably the only type of thing that actually could save it.
So again, we don't like martial law, folks.
This is what we've already been in.
We're already under a martial law that's Hollywood, shy comrade, trying to start a race war.
Millions are pouring in, diseases, crime, society's breaking down, we're going bankrupt.
Democrat Internal Documents admits that's the plan.
Congress won't act, so what does the President do under the Constitution?
Article 4, Section 4.
What Trump is saying is, is that there's a lawless total collapse And no order to any of this.
People who are worried about Trump becoming an authoritarian need to have a reality check.
It's the authoritarianism of the left that is crushing the First Amendment, crushing our fair and free elections, and overrunning our country.
And Trump is finally standing up and saying, you know what?
I'm going to fight for America.
And we, the people, need to support him.
And if Trump needs to invoke the Insurrection Act and invoke the executive orders that Obama left behind, You know, Trump needs to use the powers that we the people granted him because we elected Trump to defend America.
Remember Alex, Trump ran on build the wall, drain the swamp, lock her up.
Trump ran on the platform of indicting the treasonous criminals inside America.
So Trump is simply fulfilling his promises to the voters and the voters knew that Trump was going to do this when we elected him and we want him to do it and we support him doing it.
So that's where we are today.
It's time to defend America.
We have the right to self-defense.
If the Democrats ever seize power again, they will gut this country.
They will destroy the Second Amendment.
They've already crushed the First Amendment.
They will go door-to-door with gun confiscations.
And I think the radicalism of the left would actually lead this country to a point where leftists are executing Christians door-to-door, criminalizing scripture, criminalizing the Bible, and literally hunting down and killing people.
This is their modus operandi.
We're not the radicals.
saying it in mainline sites, kill all Christians now. This is their modus
operandi. We're not the radicals. They've gotten to this point.
Right now some disturbing new numbers on religious persecution across the world
showing roughly 90,000 Christians were killed last year because of their faith.
Annie Kellogg is live from Milan, Italy with more for us now.
Jenna, that's one Christian martyr every six minutes.
These numbers were put together by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity.
It's become clear that the radical left, which is lawless, cannot coexist in a fair and free society.
They do not honor elections unless they cheat and win them.
Through ballot harvesting, for example.
They do not honor the presidency that Trump has.
They've tried to overthrow it.
They've engaged in treason.
We are in a state of war that Trump is now fully recognizing.
And we, the people, need to support Trump.
I have to emphasize this.
We do not encourage anybody to initiate any kind of vigilante action or anything of that kind.
We want we, the people, to support Trump's proper authority to go after the enemies of America who are
operating within America.
And in fact, I hope, I don't know if Trump is even thinking about this, but I hope that
Trump would use the Insurrection Act to arrest the governor of California for aiding and
abetting illegal aliens.
What is your response to some Republicans in this building who say that your executive
order ignores the issue of human sex trafficking?
Well, I think there's a great New Yorker piece that they should refer to.
Everybody knows that supplements are amazing.
That what God gave us through Mother Nature is incredible.
That's why supplements are the biggest growing industry in the world.
And the globalists are so upset.
The problem is people forget to take them.
And that's why the whole industry has moved towards packets that you take in the morning and you take at night.
So we looked at that.
We made the very best a.m.
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total health and performance eight-pack PowerStack at Infowarslife.com.
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50% off on our newest product at Infowarslife.com, the 8-pack PowerStack.
50% off.
We looked at the best-selling products out there and we made it even better and we lowered the price.
The answer to 1984 is 1760.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Glad you joined us.
We're in the middle of a serious fight.
We're live, Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019.
This isn't a simulation.
It's not a drill.
It's a fight for a pro-human future against global exterminists.
Info Wars is their number one enemy in Target, because we know their full game plan.
How you guys doing?
Good, how are you?
Nice to meet you.
My name is Doug O'Keefe.
Nice to meet you guys.
How you guys doing?
Chemicals in the water?
That's real though.
This is true.
This is true.
Right in the Supreme Court here, it's all going to be fine.
Facebook has banned a number of prominent conspiracy theorists and alt-right figures,
including Alex Jones and his media outlet InfoWars.
Alex Jones, while banned from Facebook, was still on Instagram.
If you looked up Joe Biden, one of the top 20 posts on all of Facebook and Instagram in the last three days about Joe Biden came from Alex Jones' Instagram account.
Oh my gosh.
I know that we don't exactly have the strongest reputation on privacy right now to put it lightly.
I know that we don't exactly have the strongest reputation on privacy right now to put it lightly.
I've not shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at NewsWars.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars is still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
And remember, the Senate's own report last year admitted many of the children that came across under Obama ended up in child sex slavery and were being trafficked.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is an incredibly historic time to be alive.
Hey, Alex Jones is still on the air six days a week at InfoWars.com.
Free video streams are available at InfoWars.com backslash show.
Spread those links and be a part of the Second American Revolution against global tyranny.
You are all Paul Revere.
This country is under globalist attack just like the European Union was established to attack the nation states and absorb them to a larger system of bankruptcy into a world government.
And now this is the only act that the president can carry out that will have any chance of stopping what is unfolding.
They've built refugee centers all over Central and South America.
They are bringing in Invaders from all over the world. There was an article
about 200 African invaders Called migrants at the Texas border demanding to be let in
over a hundred thousand a month are just Released now into the United States
It's estimated five times that aren't even being caught.
It's quiet at the Dania Beach Border Patrol Station Friday, but Broward and Palm Beach County leaders say under a new Trump administration immigration plan, they've been told hundreds of migrants will be brought here beginning in just a few weeks.
The news came as a big surprise to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
We cannot accommodate in Florida just dumping unlawful migrants into our state.
I think it'll tax our resources, the schools, the health care, law enforcement, state agencies.
Millions and millions and millions are on their way.
The projections are dire.
The agency is now on track to apprehend more migrants crossing illegally in the first six months of this fiscal year than the entirety of FY17.
And at the current pace, we are on track to encounter close to one million illegal aliens at our southern border this year.
You see the numbers where ICE says that on any given day, it's double the previous records.
And some days it's triple the previous records. I'm going to say that again. On an
average day, there are double the numbers of illegal aliens being caught coming in to the United
States. Double. On any given day, the previous record. Some days it's triple the previous
record. And within that flow are thousands of criminals, smugglers, gang members, and public
safety threats that we're sworn to protect this country from.
With up to 40% or more of our personnel in key sectors like El Paso working to care for, transport, provide medical and hospital watch for families and children, that means our security posture at the border is negatively impacted.
If you try to transit through Mexico, then you're allowed to come up and the United Nations gives them $1,000 debit cards.
with no name on it, per leg of the trip to get here from Africa, from Europe, from Asia,
from the Middle East, via Latin America. A Mastercard press release boasted,
"Mastercard and George Soros announced plans called 'Humanity Ventures.' The enterprise could
catalyze and accelerate economic and social development for vulnerable communities around
the world, especially refugees and migrants. With the creation of Humanity Ventures,
Soros could invest up to $50 million to make these solutions even more scalable and sustainable."
And now the dam has broken.
The floodgates are wide open.
And these individuals are pouring in, in mash.
Upwards of 30%.
of the so-called families that get caught aren't families.
They're adults smuggling children, in many cases, who've been kidnapped.
Remember, when you fly into the U.S., they check your ID and make sure that your passport is real.
They might ask you 30 seconds of questions.
That's not against the Fourth Amendment.
You're at a national border.
But then, if you just cross illegally, you're loaded on buses and delivered to God knows where.
The sexual assault problem is just terrifying.
I mean, the Doctors Without Borders clinics in Mexico, 30% of the women that come into those clinics have been sexually assaulted.
You said 30%?
I mean, that's a devastating number.
We have women report every day.
Last week, we had a woman in Rio Grande Valley report that the smuggler sexually assaulted her on the riverbank as they arrived in the U.S.
And remember, the Senate's own report last year admitted many of the children that came across under Obama ended up in child sex slavery and were being trafficked.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is an incredibly historic time to be alive.
I've been encouraging Trump since last year to declare a national emergency as Commander-in-Chief, and then he can direct the Defense Department money as he sees fit under that emergency.
Instead he declared a law enforcement emergency on funding to work with Congress.
That's not a real national emergency.
Dwight D. Eisenhower in the late 50s declared this emergency when millions were coming in illegally and deported them.
No nation that doesn't control its borders is a nation any longer.
Ladies and gentlemen, again, thank you for joining us on this live May 22, 2019 broadcast.
I wanted to air that special report compilation because one of our investigators, John Bowne, likes to take pieces of the live show and then add articles, documents, and clips of newscasts just to show you that I'm not making up what I'm saying on air.
Now we've got a full plate today, ladies and gentlemen, so full that we're going to have to be judicious and make sure that we get to all this because it's too important.
We have the Democrats really moving to abolish the Electoral College and what that's really going to mean, the tyranny of the majority.
And we'll break down geographic tyranny and why we have the Electoral College.
We also have Democrats going back on the offensive against Trump with all these made-up witch hunts.
Why isn't he going on the offense?
He says he is, but he's paralyzed by the Justice Department.
We have more U.S.
cities collapsing into what even Democrats call medieval-level behavior and diseases.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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I personally don't want to hate people from the Middle East.
And I personally don't want to be at war with Muslims.
And I understand there's a larger globalist plan for a clash of civilizations.
But if your daughter gets kicked down a subway stairs by a group of Islamists because they think, you know, that she's a profane, you know, dog creature because she's a Christian or whatever, the police and the media try to cover it up and that's wrong.
And so if a horde of I understand it's a manipulated collision.
I understand it's a manipulated clash.
you're having your crosses taken down on the coastline of Greece, it's offensive to Muslims,
that's war and that's wrong. I understand it's a manipulated collision. I understand
it's a manipulated clash. But it doesn't change the fact if you're on the receiving end of
it and capitulating to it and going along and saying, "Oh, Islam's great, it's a religion
of peace, there isn't a clash of civilizations happening,"
only adds to the globalist program.
We must be honest about the cancer that has become Islam in this current permutation, and the fact that the globalism is cancer, and the fact that the left's system is cancer, and the fact that mainline churches that just want to be country clubs have become cancers, and that the 5G, and the GMO, and the big drug companies, knowing they're giving us stuff that kills us and makes us more depressed, they're a cancer too.
There's a lot of damn evil going on here.
So I don't sit here and shake my finger at the Muslims like I'm high and mighty like a Pharisee up here, or a hypocrite, and say, you're the only bad people in the world.
We got a lot of evil going around here.
You'll see examples in the US and in England where they're trying to teach five-year-old boys and girls, boys they're girls and girls they're boys, and trying to teach five-year-olds about anal sex.
And the Muslims come in there and they say, our kids are pulled out of here.
They protest, and then the school stops it or says, Muslims don't have to go, but nobody else will stand for their kids.
So that's the point I'm making.
What we're getting at here is that we've got a lot of evil ideologies here and humanity has really lost touch with what civilization has given us and we are becoming animals in the civilization our ancestors built.
And I don't care where that is.
I don't care if it's in Africa, the Middle East, the United States, Europe, Asia.
You've got people that are becoming disconnected from reality and who are not self-aware, who will do basically anything at any time.
And it's going to create a world meltdown.
It's going to create a societal collapse.
Because if you don't want to work, the systems will basically let you live for free, but you've got to follow their political aim to conquer.
But if you want to be free, you've got to work more, more, more.
But when you hit that point where the globalists finally take over, They're going to have their own weird right-wing backlash that I think is going to be very, very dangerous as well.
Well, it's a serious time, folks, and we need God more than ever.
Our worst fears have been confirmed.
The worst analysis of people like G.
Edward Griffin, and Congressman Larry McDonald, and Cleon Skousen, and Barry Goldwater.
And Joseph McCarthy turned out to fall short of exactly what we face.
And every time I get ready to go on air, I hate myself.
And I feel like a complete failure because I cannot summon the oratory skills to properly convey to you what we're dealing with.
Now, I know most of you have seen it for yourself and you know, and I bet you have the same feeling I have.
And it's a frustration too, because then I say to myself, am I being a coward?
Because I'm not calling for offensive.
violent action against these people.
And I've looked at the tea leaves, I've looked at every angle of it,
and they have to stage violence against us and blame it on us to make themselves the victims.
Violence is not the way to go at this point offensively.
But when you have so many businesses, so many TV stations, so many news stations,
so many movies, so many production houses, openly saying attack nationalists,
attack Trump supporters, attack white people, It's insane.
And by the way, the majority of so-called minorities aren't buying into this and are dismayed as well.
But with the captive populations in corporations and in big tech and in the coastal redoubts of the globalists like San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, more and more people being led by leftist whites are actually adopting A literal Hitlerian system.
But it's reversed against white people.
It's National Socialism.
It has a global conquest view.
And its ethos is that brown people are inherently good, white people are inherently bad.
And then to add the double think to it, beyond 1984, they run around calling everyone who's promoting classic Americana, classic Christian ethos of unifying everyone around Christ and around loving each other and around building communities, which historically builds incredible civilization, they point their finger at us and say that we're Nazis when we're the country that beat the Nazis.
And they're the globalists setting up a European Union Literally envisioned by Adolf A. Louis Hitler and picked up by the globalists after World War II.
Globalism is the system of the British Empire merging with the European elite and the Asian elite for a world government, a trilateral plan, after World War II.
That's its definition in PhD Harvard-level realpolitik.
But they think the public's a bunch of ignorant animals, and so they just say it's made up.
There's no such thing.
Here's an example just today, without even looking for Orwellian parallels, of two articles with complete and total 1984 in your face.
People say, oh, it's an accident.
No, it's not.
When you get to a certain point in authoritarianism, you openly roll it out to crush and overwhelm your opposition and demoralize them.
This is a technique.
It's the opposite of denying what you're doing, gaslighting.
That's been going on forever.
Saying that's not a red fire engine, when anybody can see it's a red fire engine.
Or this coffee cup isn't white when it's white.
And having a group of experts tell you it's not white and you're insane.
That's gaslighting.
But the technique of just overwhelming and throwing it in your face and selling evil is good.
Oh, it's a woman's right to kill babies after they're born.
We were down at the anti-life event in Austin yesterday, Billy Weaver and Caitlin Bennett, and the new thing is kill babies up to age three.
Now, you may have heard me say that for 20 plus years, because that's the plan.
That's the next rollout.
That's Peter Singer, the professor who is the omnibudsman of the new rollout of eugenics.
We're going to have all that footage never before seen.
A few clips have already been put out on Millie Weaver's Twitter, but when she comes on in the third hour, we're having to bleep it out and things right now.
There's cussing every few seconds, obviously.
Follow the cussing ball.
Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.
But you're going to hear, we're going to kill babies up to age three.
That's the new mantra.
Now here's the two new Orwellian pieces.
New York Times.
This is a quote.
Pregnancy kills, abortion saves lives.
It's a wonder humans were able to survive for millennia before life-saving abortions were invented.
Here's another one.
European Commission unwittingly echoes 1984 slogan in controversial tweet.
What did they say?
What did they say?
The EU is peace.
The EU is freedom.
The EU is solidarity.
The EU is diversity.
The EU is human rights.
The EU is opportunities.
Or is peace freedom of slavery?
This is all throwing it in your face.
That's the goal.
That's the plan.
That is the operation.
And that's what they're doing.
Now, there's too much to cover for me to tell you what's coming up next segment, but I'm going to get into what the end of the Electoral College means and why the globalists want to break it.
Because if you break it, you break the country and it's over.
At least politically.
It will turn into a violent civil war in the next decade or maybe sooner.
We'll also look at bizarre behavior by Anderson Cooper I've told everybody that behind the scenes, these Vanderbilts, these Rockefellers, these Rothschilds literally make demonic faces.
Behind closed doors, at their events, they don't have their calm demeanor.
They have completely different faces, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
More and more, they're manifesting, like Peter Strzok did in the testimony.
That's all coming up in the last segment of this hour.
Lord Monckton's also joining us next hour on the latest in the huge EU elections that have the globalists so scared.
That said, please remember.
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We make mistakes, but boy, we're trying to give you the right info.
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I don't have time to get to.
Just check it out at InfoWarsLife.com.
And thank you for your support.
We'll be right back.
I'm gonna grow a magnificent pair of breasts.
I'm going to transition into a woman.
It'll be great!
You should crawl back into your mother's rancid womb, gestate for a few more hours, slime back out, and then learn something about not being an entitled, white, piece of s**t!
This is Trump, people!
When the rubber meets the road?
Yeah, you're a f***ing idiot.
F*** you, capitalism!
F*** you, f***ing president!
He's a racist, stupid piece of s***!
If you guys are working for Alex Jones, you're working for a murderer!
Alex Jones is an a**hole.
Danfoe Wards is fake news!
I got a chair going.
If you had to choose one prominent person to be banned next, who would you choose?
Give me my money back.
Excuse me, sir.
Excuse me, it's ma'am.
This is what's happening to the men in our country.
Where are the men?
Stop touching my stuff.
I'm backing away.
Dude, stop!
What are you doing mother f***er?
What are you doing?
Get the f***ing stuff in and don't film me!
You're not allowed!
You can't use this!
Please do not touch me!
Please do not touch me!
Once again it's me!
I actually said both of you guys.
Right beforehand you f***ing said sir!
Mother f***ing pussies!
Mother f***er!
Take it outside!
I can show you what f*** you deserve!
Mother f***er!
Get the f*** out of my face!
Go home!
What's your f***ing problem?
Film it, bro.
Film it.
Film it, bro, film it. - Yeah, I'm filming it.
Oh, f**k, did you see that? - That was pissed.
Are you farting at me?
Get the hell out of here!
Get these people the hell out of here right now!
Fuck off!
I don't give a fuck!
Get out!
Oh, shit!
Fucking terrible person.
Eric in Colorado.
Eric, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I really appreciate you, and it's an honor to talk to you.
And I do, before I start, I also wanted to do a plug for a couple of your products that I really love.
Changed my life.
The DNA Force is one, and X2.
You know, I do a lot of construction.
Using the tools that you're using, it just really wreaks havoc on your body.
And I had three of my fingers starting to go numb, and I didn't think there was anything going to work on it.
Well, thank you, brother.
I mean, we want to sell you stuff that works.
You want to order it again, but PQQ CoQ10 has been proven to make telomeres last longer, to make nerves regrow.
It really is an amazing product for anybody above 40.
Young people can take it as well, but yes, DNA Force Plus is amazing.
What did you think of the X2?
I love that, too.
Like, after a few months of being on that, I felt like I wasn't searching for words.
You know, there was a time in my life where I felt like, man, I don't, you know, I don't know if I'm just too exhausted or what, but, you know, you feel like you want to get in a conversation and you're pausing and you can't find the word to say, and I swear, man, that X2 really helps with cognition.
Well, that's because the synapses in the brain operate off of it.
It's electrochemical.
You're absolutely right.
When I forget to take X2 every couple days, sometimes I forget for like a week because I get busy.
Then I feel it and I take it and it really is amazing.
So thank you for the support, brother.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
The verboten websites are newswars.com, infowars.com, and prisonplanet.com.
Double-edged sword promoting InfoWars.
You can say, hey, it's the forbidden site, what you're not supposed to look at.
Why don't you go watch it?
Why don't you go listen to it?
Decide for yourself.
Find out why it's so under attack.
If you live in a local town or city, you can hear us on local radio.
Tell folks how they can tune into that.
Say, hear it for yourself.
You're an American.
You have a right to check it out for yourself.
Not just believe CNN and the Democratic Party.
But when it comes to promoting Infowars.com online, on the big tech giants, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, They have a lot of algorithms that either totally block it or restrict it.
That's why News Wars and Prison Planet still gets past most of it.
And then Paul, of course, has launched Summit.News, which gets through the censors as well.
It has a lot of original content on it as well, because this is an information war.
So please remember, this is not a spectator sport.
You are men and women in the arena.
And I salute you and thank you for everything you do.
Let me hit this first, and then the bizarre behavior of people like Anderson Cooper that is not bizarre behavior at all.
I'm going to cover that next segment.
And then I'm going to get into even Fox News says, don't have children, it's bad for the planet.
And then, oh, you'll be much happier if you don't have children.
And then, oh, let's abort children after they're born.
Oh, let's kill children up to age three.
Well, now CBS News.
Disconnecting to spend time with your kids could sabotage your career.
That's right.
You need to work 18 hours a day for the system.
You don't want to have a family because, well, that'll sabotage your selfish life.
But even if you have children, just turn them over.
You talk about low IQ, you talk about depressed, you talk about sad, you talk about suicide.
These are like robots.
abolished to dismantle capitalism. Children and all of us will be raised in
dormitories by the state. That's actually the plan. About a third of the Chinese
are raised similarly. You talk about low IQ, you talk about depressed, you talk
about sad, you talk about suicide. These are like robots.
Big study out today. All developed countries IQs are plunging.
And it's not just bringing in the lowest IQ from third world countries, which that is it.
We get the lowest IQ of the third world, but everyone's IQs are dropping very, very quickly.
IQ rates are dropping in many developed countries, and that doesn't bode well for humanity.
Oh, really?
But all of the policies are to do that.
Now, let's get back to this.
The Electoral College.
The United States has been the apple of the world's eye for 244 years because our electoral system fused ancient Roman, ancient Greek, ancient British common law, ancient Judaic law, Iroquois nation system from the Iroquois Federation in the Northwest in the Canada.
That was all there.
That is the system.
And it was so balanced.
It was so, so good.
It had checks and balances.
It didn't allow for dictators.
It didn't allow for too much concentration of power.
And what were you going to do if the North of the United States had three times the population of the South, but that geographically The South was much larger.
You didn't want to have the majority of the North be able to set all the laws for the South because you'd just be replacing King George III with Northern voters.
It's called the tyranny of the majority.
In a classic democracy, if 51% vote to kill you, it happens.
Actually, in ancient Greece, when they had original pure democracy in one particular city-state, they had black stones for no, white stones for yes.
And only the gentry elite could vote, but it was a pure democracy.
And if they didn't like what you said, there was no judge or jury.
There was the people's jury.
And they would put rocks in the bucket saying, kill you, and you would be thrown off a cliff or given hemlock.
And most of the famous philosophers actually were ordered to kill themselves.
That was, of course, Athens.
You might want to look into pure democracy.
51% said, kill somebody, you are double dead.
Now, we have a constitutional republic, or a liberal democracy.
Liberal meaning smart.
Liberal meaning empowered, not the modern liberal term that means psychotic traitor that hates humanity and loves death.
Real liberals are like more guns, more property, more technology, more life, more freedom, more literature, more art, more, more, more, more, more, more.
Problem is it then creates all these decadent slime balls.
But I'm digressing.
So, imagine you're somebody in Wyoming.
You only get three members of the House of Representatives.
California, how many do they have?
It's an incredible number.
Look it up, I forget.
But, Wyoming gets two senators and so does California.
So see, in the House, you get represented by population, but there's a check and a balance in case things get out of control in the House.
Then there's a power of veto By the fact that your rural state still has those two senators.
And previous to the 17th Amendment from 1913, the same day we got the Federal Reserve, same day we got the IRS, our new system, they took the senators away.
The senators...
Weren't just a check on the House, they were a check on the executive.
Senators were from the states.
I was correct.
California has 53.
I said 50 just off the top of my head.
I knew it was 50-something.
I don't think it has two or three, I forget.
Let's look.
The point is, is that it's a beautiful check and balance.
So that you have 50 states in a confederation, 13 states at that time, And they foresaw a civil war if you could have the tyranny of the majority vote away the rights of others.
And that kind of still happened with the Civil War that came in the 1860s.
So I was correct, Wyoming has three votes.
So, three votes in Wyoming in the House of Representatives, three representatives, versus 53 in California.
But if California and others vote to say take the water rights or take the property of Wyoming, there will be senators in the Senate who can get together in a coalition and veto that.
But in a microcosm, the state of California Doesn't have a check and balance on its counties.
And so that's why LA and of course San Francisco have voted to turn everyone else into vassals.
They don't get surface rights.
They don't get water rights.
And they take everybody else's water.
And they jack up taxes on them in rural areas.
And they take the money.
It's called the tyranny of the majority.
So our system isn't perfect.
And so you don't want two or three states In a popular vote, being able to presidentially outvote everybody else.
But getting rid of the Electoral College goes far beyond that.
It completes what the globalists tried to do in 1913 with the Federal Reserve and the 17th Amendment, where senators used to be elected by the House or the legislature in their state.
Let me explain that again.
They would have votes in the state legislatures over who their senator was they were going to send so that it was a federal office.
But it was a creature of the state giving the state direct veto power into the Senate in case those senators got bought off.
So checks and balances inside checks and balances.
The world envy of the planet.
The closest to perfection you're going to find.
No one has denied it.
Easy to rig parliamentary systems.
Easy to rig other systems.
Very hard to rig this one.
And that's why they want to get rid of it, ladies and gentlemen.
And they're very close.
They're very close.
They've gotten most of the blue wall states to pass it.
And then we'll have the tyranny of, and just like in science fiction, uh, you know, movies out there,
uh, where you've got the different districts and the one big powerful district like in Hunger Games
rules all the others because it has the big population.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
♪ ♪
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♪ ♪
♪ Ladies and gentlemen, you won't believe what you're about
to see. This is a true story.
The Electoral College is one of the final roadblocks in the way of America becoming a total banana republic.
Since 1913, with the establishment of the Private Federal Reserve and the 17th Amendment, we lost our U.S.
Senators being elected by state legislatures.
We would elect the legislature.
They would be a body that then controlled a senator.
And would elect him to six-year terms, but they could recall senators and remove them at any time.
That meant the states had an incredible check and balance in the federal government, and it made the federal and state governments co-equal.
Since then, the federal government became more imperial.
Hillary had illegal aliens voting, people voting in the names of dead people.
Trump undoubtedly won the popular vote.
But they claim she got 2.9 million votes more than him.
Even though we're 340 million people in this country, not to mention 40 million illegal aliens.
So think about that.
Hillary, even by her own fraud, only supposedly won popular vote by 3 million.
So they're brainwashing our young, our young people, saying it's not fair We're states, and there is a margin there for rural states to not be dominated by populous states and their votes.
Because the forebearers had seen this happen in the parliamentary system in England and other areas, so they put the checks and the balances in.
You remove those checks and balances, it allows the central government to decide who gets the federal money, Disproportionately, and you go back into a new system where instead of a king, you have mob rule, the tyranny of the majority, or the 51% back to Athens, Greece, where if 51% voted to kill somebody, they would be killed.
That is a pure Big D democracy and is a tyranny.
We are a constitutional republic.
And now you've got all these states passing laws saying that at the next presidential election they're going to give their electors a hundred percent to whoever gets the popular vote instead of splitting it up so that you still get a percentage it isn't winner-take-all.
That is designed, again, to create this tyranny and enslave rural areas.
And it's incredibly dangerous, and this country's done if they're able to get that completed.
That's the facts and the real secret history of the Electoral College.
It's a lot bigger than just the, quote, popular vote.
And it's genius by our forebearers.
Now, I've talked a lot about this.
over the years, that when you get around globalists and their minions, they act like demon possessed people.
And hundreds of times on air, I've imitated the type of faces they make.
The average leftist acts very calm, very MPR, very monotone, very go to sleep, everything's fine, don't get agitated, let this little Vanderbilt Or Rockefeller Minion.
Or Globalist Minion.
Or Rothschild Minion.
Or Chi-Com Minion.
Talk you to sleep.
Aren't your eyelids getting heavy?
But more and more...
When Strzok or Pelosi or Michael Moore or Anderson Cooper is confronted by something they don't like, they're not scripting this behind closed doors.
This isn't some new thing they've come up with like they do in most cases.
The face they make, I've made many times on air, and people have always screenshotted it and said, look, Jones looks crazy.
But I have had politicians flashing at me.
I've been around globalists with no cameras or on, and this is what they do.
This is the faces they make.
[breathing heavily]
Now, how many hundreds of times have I told you they do this?
[breathing heavily]
I mean, it's just, I've observed it.
I mean, I've been sitting there before, when the cameras are off, and I'm at some luncheon or something, you know, 20 years ago, and they're like, you better watch it!
And then you go out to abortion rallies, the pro-abortionists show up and go, Satan!
We want the blood!
So more and more, they're manifesting who they are.
So Judge Dean Pirro was on television talking about how the walls are really closing in on these crooks, and Cooper When he does his demon targeting, does the exact same, I call it the snakey dance.
And they... Now there's 20 years of me making these faces on TV and telling you they do it.
And as they go more insane, they're going to manifest and show you their real spirit.
And again, this is real.
How do they all make the same face, not being coached?
They make a snake move, and they go...
So again, if you're a radio listener, we'll post this video later from the live show at InfoWars.com.
There's an article about it at NewsWars.com by Paul Watson.
But let's go ahead and roll the short clip of Pirro talking with Cooper side-by-side.
Just a gang of criminals.
They're not going quietly into the night.
And it will be a joy to watch.
Grab your popcorn, junior mints, or whatever makes you happy.
The real show is about to begin.
This will be true reality TV.
No scripts, no rehearsals.
Just a gang of criminals pointing fingers at each other to save their own hides.
A version of true crime and the reality show Survivor, The Deep State Exposed.
Now I told you more than a year ago, former FBI Director James Comey was the head of his own crime family and that he ran the...
So as the truth begins to come out, they're completely panicking.
So that was part of the monologue that's in our article on newswars.com if you want to see it that got him so upset.
Here's Cooper on his show with the audio turning into a demon on television.
Here it is.
No scripts, no rehearsals, just a gang of criminals pointing fingers at each other to save their own hides.
A version of true crime and the reality show Survivor.
Now, I forgot to tell the crew this, but try to pull up Emperor Palpatine fighting Yoda, or Emperor Palpatine killing Mace Windu, because you notice Ian McDermott, one of the top Shakespearean actors in the world, lives in London, he's been around these people, and the face he makes when the Emperor is killing somebody is exactly the face these people make when you are not Around a camera with them.
And I'm telling you, I've always explained, the whole wimpy, quiet...
Act is an act.
Reportedly from folks I've interviewed that know them well, behind closed doors and at their events, and at their parties at Skull and Bones, and then they don't just stop partying at Skull and Bones, they do rituals till they die.
Vanderbilt's, Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, you know, spirit cooking type stuff.
In private, they all walk around like this together, going, "Ah, they all, yes, oh, ah,
ha, ha, ha, yes, Satan is under control, power is mine."
Now, Mike Hanson stuck into Bohemian Grove with me, and while they're doing the ritual,
Mike was like, "Oh, this is very nice."
And people were going, be quiet.
They were actually going, because I'm only imitating what it's like to be demon possessed.
But when I talk about Obama and Hillary, Hillary and other people that have guarded her, everybody I know that's guarded her.
From Blackwater, to the Army, to the CIA, says that Hillary goes into trances and actually will just be on a helicopter in a car and just go... And will just blink out.
But she'll also start going...
And we'll beat the ground and flop around.
And she hates dogs.
You bring a dog around her to sniff her bombs.
She'll go, I hate that f***ing animal!
I'll have your ass fired!
Don't look at me in the eyes, you scum!
You military scum!
This has been written about.
And she'll start throwing things.
And again, you think I'm joking, folks.
I'm not kidding.
Well, hell, you've seen the abortion demonstrations.
These people show up and go, we kill our children, Satan!
So... I messed my hair up doing that.
We're facing some very insane people.
Can we play Strop 2 for them?
So we're gonna go to break.
Next hour's coming up.
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Again, Ultra 12, the best vitamin B12, the highest quality you're going to find anywhere, and it funds the Info War, and really pisses the globalist control freaks off.
So again, thank you for your support and thank you for taking care of your own body.
Thank you.
It's Alex Jones.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
In the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You are listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There's a little CIA Vanderbilt.
The little golden boy, Anderson Cooper, making Emperor Palpatine faces, while Judge Shaneen Pirro talks about the crime syndicate.
It's a six-minute report.
It's in the article on Infowars.com and Newswars.com that you should spread of Anderson Cooper flipping out, but this is the face.
More and more they make, like, strock made.
It's like a little, like a snake slithering, and they're grimacing and snapping, and this is the demon.
The anti-American demon that's in these guys.
And as they get called out as criminals, like Strzok did, or like Cooper is being called out, because he's involved in all this, he then starts manifesting.
So we're going to roll Judge Jeanine Pirro with him and Strzok and Emperor Palpatine in the background.
Radio listeners, go to InfoWars.com forward slash show to see this.
this, here it is.
Grab your popcorn, junior mints, or whatever makes you happy.
The real show is about to begin.
This will be true reality TV.
No scripts, no rehearsals, just a gang of criminals pointing fingers at each other to save their own hides.
A version of true crime and the reality show Survivor.
The deep state exposed.
Now, I told you more than a year ago, former FBI Director James Comey was the head of his
own crime family and that he ran the upper echelon of the FBI like an organized criminal
That was limited to the upper echelon.
The rank and file wouldn't have tolerated this.
Even Bill Barr questioned it.
The thing that's interesting about this is that this was handled at a very senior level
of these departments.
It wasn't handled in the ordinary way that investigations or counterintelligence activities are conducted.
It was sort of an ad hoc small group and most of these people are no longer with the FBI or the CIA or the other agencies involved.
For the last two years, he and his gang of McCabe and Strzok and Baker and Page, Brennan and Clapper, all riffed on how horrible President Trump was, calling him treasonous, a Russian puppet, or a Russian asset.
They got away with it primarily because the mainstream media was receptive to their hateful narrative.
After all, these were men in high positions in our government protecting us from Russia, and they needed to be respected.
When truth be told, they were selling our democracy down the river.
They were skilled at their jobs, leaking information to the media to get news stories to not only poison public opinion, but to create the basis to support a bloodless coup of a candidate and later president, Donald Trump.
Like any criminal conspiracy, the players are arrogant and they think they're above the law.
But mistakes are always made.
Comey tells the president-elect the dossier is unverified.
He presents it to the FISA court, though, as verified, when he knew the truth long before.
It was unverified, and it was a political document.
Not an intelligence document.
But he used it to spy on a presidential campaign.
Yeah, I used the word spy.
Deal with it.
Andrew McCabe, former Deputy Director of the FBI, is under criminal investigation.
He claims he's a victim in all of this and that his firing is a result of attacks designed to undermine him.
As if anyone cares about Andrew McCabe.
McCabe lies not only to the FBI, but to the Inspector General under oath.
He's another leaker.
It's no surprise that Attorney General Barr says he's still trying to get his arms around all of this.
I thought when I came in from the outside that all the questions that I had and many other people had that would be readily answered once I got in, but I haven't found that.
Folks, get the article.
It's on newswars.com and spread it.
CNN's Anderson Cooper mocks Fox News host for making bizarre facial expressions, appears to be possessed by a gremlin.
He's now known as the Turd Gremlin.
Joey, we have something here for our special visitors.
Would you like to have it?
Thank you!
Thanks a lot!
You ever been in a cockpit before?
No, sir.
I've never been up in a plane before.
You ever seen a grown man naked?
Paula, who said they like Coke?
Oh, you tell me about that.
I like Coca-Cola.
Oh, Coca-Cola.
Alright, but who knows about cocaine?
Anyone ever seen cocaine?
Hold it.
One at a time.
What about cocaine?
Good thing?
Bad thing?
Ever hang around a gymnasium?
Who here smokes?
Uh... Come here, come on, raise your hand.
Other than your parents, who smokes?
You got your smoke ready?
I've seen a lot of kids with 12 and 11 smoking.
I don't smoke.
I don't smoke because I'm a little kid.
I'm only 5 years old.
You like movies about gladiators?
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Breaking news out of Silicon Valley.
Facebook has banned a number of prominent conspiracy theorists and alt-right figures.
Facebook is purging several high-profile names from its platform.
This may be one of the biggest and most impactful decisions Facebook has ever made.
Facebook taking steps to enforce its hate speech policies.
Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Louis Farrakhan, Laura Loomer, all of them were designated dangerous.
Dangerous individuals.
Dangerous individuals.
Dangerous individuals and organizations.
Basically they deem these individuals to be dangerous.
They call me dangerous.
Danger is my middle name.
Dangerous like hurting other people?
Or dangerous as in saying things that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like?
This is about the total rollout for complete and total censorship.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
What is the difference right at this point between Trump's Twitter feed and InfoWars.com?
InfoWars tells viewers that the world is out to get them.
None of this seems to repel President Trump.
InfoWars content is useful to him.
InfoWars personalities align with him.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
Because these corporations are controlled by a liberal few.
We're very focused on making sure that our recommendations and discovery surfaces aren't highlighting groups where people are repeatedly sharing misinformation or harmful content.
And we're working hard to completely remove groups if they exist, primarily to violate our policies or do things that are dangerous.
Screw your rules.
Your rules go against our values, and they are patently un-American.
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
We need a digital Bill of Rights.
They're becoming the public square, and they control how we interact with each other.
And if you think that you are going to throw up your hands and say, well, they're private companies, you are absolutely insane, and you are part of the problem.
You are a bad person.
You should be censored off the internet.
Bad, yes.
Get out of here, Alex!
InfoWars might have been banned from Twitter, but it seems to have found a new home over at Trump's Twitter feed.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars president.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
Rising up, back on the street.
Did my time, took my chances.
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet.
Just a man and his will to survive.
So many times, it happens too fast.
You show the people your demon.
Now they know, that you're a pack of liars.
And they hate your guts forever.
You're called CNN.
I have time to rest, until the fight's rising up.
To the challenge of my rival, and the last known survivor.
Lord Monckton joins us at the bottom of the hour.
CBS News says don't have kids or don't take care of your kids.
It's bad.
It can hurt your job performance.
You need to be a good slave.
Forget families.
Forget humanity.
That's all coming up.
This is a post-human globalist program.
But Rob Dude put together a very powerful little four-minute piece that I shot last night on globalism.
It's particularly informative for TV viewers because it has all the graphics, statistics, and facts.
But this deals with the real threat and who the controllers are and the crossroads that we are all now at.
Here's that report.
Remember just Four or five years ago, they would have articles in the New York Times, the Washington Post, saying that globalists didn't exist, and that no one wanted global government.
Well, as soon as Hillary lost, they came out and said, okay, global government's real, globalists are real, but they're the good guys, and everyone against globalism is a white supremacist.
You know where globalism came from?
It came from the Nazis.
They wanted a system to counter the British Empire.
That was the global power at that time.
The old saying was, the sun never set on the British Empire.
And Hitler gave speeches.
Hitler wrote articles.
It was all over the news at the time.
That he wanted a European Union that would then dominate the globe in a form of globalism.
So the term globalism actually comes from the Nazis.
The modern Olympics symbols, Dutch.
The VW, the highways, NASA.
I mean, they definitely innovated some stuff in their power ground.
And I'm not saying this is a German or Nazi conspiracy.
Hell, I'm half German myself.
Germans are great people.
But when harnessed by evil, good people can be like horses drawing the devil's carriage.
And so ideas of the Nazis and ideas of the British Empire competed with each other, and big corporations picked up those ideas, and that's modern globalism.
So, InfoWars is seen as the most pure strain of Americana by the globalists.
I've talked to top people in Hollywood, in entertainment, and in media, and in government, and they've said, Jones, you're seen as Americana.
But they say, as beautiful as Americana is, and I'm not saying I'm beautiful, but Americana's beautiful, it stands in the way of the larger ideas of the planet and a one world government system.
Well, humans are revolting against that one world government system, and are saying they don't want to be under its hegemonic control.
Their great truth that they're so sure is, for us, isn't for us.
In different countries and parts of the world, we don't want to be under their control.
We don't want to carry out their vision.
We want to live our own lives.
And that's what InfoWars represents, and that's why they've set up a system to demonize us.
They've set up a system to lie about us.
They've set up a system to create this strawman of who we are.
Because they understand that people don't do things for money or power at the end of the day.
They do it because of narratives.
They do it because of culture.
They do it because of ethos and what they stand for.
Oh, some people may sell out for money, but people that really count do it for ideology.
And the system knows that I'm trying to reboot, that you're trying to reboot.
A system that competes with the British Empire.
The British Empire called it the American system.
200 years ago, they said our system of empire will fail in competition with this.
Hitler said the same thing.
The truth is our system was the best and the greatest because it empowered individuals.
And now it's fighting the very same systems of tyranny today.
Join us at InfoWars.com.
Join the human community and spread the word against the censorship and know we will prevail as we've done in the past.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
I think that's very powerful, straight talk.
I don't even know what we should call that four-minute piece, but I'm going to have to do the crew post the next 20 minutes to InfoWars.com.
And hopefully we'll get it out there.
A breakdown like that would get, you know, 20 million views years ago on YouTube until they shadow banned us.
Then it would get a half million views.
We were shadow banned.
And now, of course, no views.
But I just want to reach people.
I just want a future.
And you look at it all, the globalists say, yes, we don't like humans.
Humans are bad.
We're sabotaging the human community.
They've gone from denying that, and everything I talk about in Endgame, a 12-year-old film, to now just admitting everything in our face.
And that's because they know they can't hide it anymore, so instead they want to just demoralize us.
But I don't see that happening.
I don't see them being successful.
Okay, we have unbelievably important developments.
Uh, dealing with the trade war with China.
Trump is winning.
We are winning.
I'm going to break that down when we come back.
And we'll also look at European officials having to step down as they get caught working with the Islamic invasion.
Big news on that front.
And then Lord Monckton joins us.
And then we have a lot of news.
I told you a month ago they were trying to legalize Soylent Green in America.
Washington just legalized eating people.
That's right.
We'll tell you about that coming up.
Stay with us.
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Now, this is high quality and it's very thick, so doing it with a spoon takes a while.
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It's all about broth at InfoWarsLife.com.
Changed my life.
The DNA Force is one, and X2.
Yeah, I do a lot of construction.
Using the tools that you're using, it just really wreaks havoc on your body, and I had three of my fingers starting to go numb, and I didn't think there was anything going to work on it.
Well, thank you, brother.
I mean, we want to sell you something that works.
You want to order it again, but PQQ CoQ10 has been proven to make telomeres last longer, to make nerves regrow.
It really is an amazing product for anybody above 40.
Young people can take it as well, but yes, DNA Force Plus is amazing.
What did you think of the X2?
I love that too.
After a few months of being on that, I felt like I wasn't searching for words.
There was a time in my life where I felt like, man, I don't know if I'm just too exhausted or what, but you feel like you want to get in a conversation and you're pausing and you can't find the word to say.
And I swear, man, that X2 really helps with cognition.
Well, that's because the synapses in the brain operate off of it.
It's electrochemical.
You're absolutely right.
When I forget to take X2 every couple of days, sometimes I forget for like a week because I get busy.
Then I feel it and I take it and it really is amazing.
So thank you for the support, brother.
The West is the best.
The West is the best.
The West is the best.
And it's gonna do the rest.
And that's why the globalists want to take it down.
Thank you, Jim, for bringing us in.
The killer awoke before dawn.
Put his boots on.
And then he walked on down the hall.
Down the hall of life.
Down the hall of destiny.
Past all those busts.
All those that already came.
All right, Lord Monckton's joining us.
One of the most important people fighting the globalist carbon tax.
We're getting into the elections in Europe, the incredible tyranny, and more with him.
And I've got news overwhelmingly insane.
Did you know that there are massive amounts of colleges that are not black colleges, but there are colleges that have black only graduation ceremonies.
That's the kind of stuff I got in my stack.
You could talk all day about that, what that means.
By the way, I think if people want to do that, they have a right to do it.
But if you try to set up a whites-only organization, they try to make it illegal.
They try to say it's racist.
There's even been moves to shut down Celtic events or whatever, because you can't celebrate that.
Again, that's not the blacks that want that.
That's the establishment that wants to divide and conquer.
Here's another one.
Washington becomes first state to allow human composting.
Bury me beneath the old apple tree so that I might touch thy lips again.
Except the average human carries the largest bio-waste per pound of any animal on earth and is incredibly toxic.
You ever been to the hardware store?
You ever been to the Home Depot or wherever and you go to get fertilizer for your yard?
And it says not for food production, not for vegetables, not for any plants consumed by humans.
Because a lot of fertilizer is toxic waste from mines in the country.
And then they dump it on the plants and it's sent as runoff.
But if you take humans, whose biomass of heavy metal and toxins and drugs, and then you chop them up, and you ground them up, and you mix them in to dirt, and then you sell it so that it's put on crops, how evil and sick and disrespectful is that?
It's one thing if you want to get buried in a pine box, Or it's another thing, if you can, you know, go out west, and you're Native American, and you got a tribe out there, and they'll let you get laid out up there on a platform, and you rot in the sun.
Buzzards come over and have a dinner, climb a main.
But the left said a decade ago, or more, that they want to make you be composted, and they want to make people grow crops on it, As a part of defiling everyone, debasing human life.
It's all about seeing what they can get away with over and over and over and over.
And I haven't even gotten to this yet, but I'll get to it next hour when Millie Weaver is in studio with us in beautiful video that she let us shoot of her three-month-old daughter, who they just love to be able to vaccinate into oblivion.
But disconnecting to spend time with your kids could sabotage your career.
So don't spend time with your children.
CBS News.
You can't make up how evil these people are.
And their whole agenda that's been chastating, growing in our guts in the universities has now blown out both ends.
As the universities vomit out their poison and crap out their poison upon us.
And bleed out, it's coming out of their eyeballs.
It's bleh, our birth this year, bleh.
Kill babies, bleh.
Open the borders, bleh.
Bankruptcy, bleh.
Death equals death, devil equals death.
Their little slogan there at Skull and Bones.
So what is this cultural phenomenon in history when societies go insane and when civilizations commit suicide?
Lord Monckton's not just former chief advisor to people in the British government like Margaret Thatcher, or an inventor, or the top guy exposing the carbon tax fraud, but he's quite a historian.
I'm going to ask him that question too.
What is this madness?
That we see in the Nazis or the Soviets or the French Revolution or what's now upon the West.
What is it?
And can it be stopped?
We'll talk about that next segment with him and so much more on the trade deal that Trump's winning.
A third of American companies in China will cancel or delay investments.
Even more are considering leaving.
That's a big article in the Daily Caller with a big international business survey.
And what's that mean?
It means everything was tilted to where you could only do business in China, that no one could compete with China.
But just a year into this trade war, that yeah, we're gonna have some pain.
That's the cost of being free.
At least the cost of at least living on our knees instead of our bellies.
I mean, Trump's just trying to get us off our bellies right now.
Gotta learn to crawl first, right?
Before we walk.
But just that climate already has it all flooding back to The United States and other countries, which have better standards of living, which pay people 10, 15 times what a Chinese slave laborer is paid.
But we have to invest in America.
We have to invest in the West.
We have to invest in ourselves, just like you have to invest in this broadcast, and I thank you for doing so.
But where are you going to find an operation or a company or a news organization that's had this big a devastating attacks on the globalist?
That's why they attack us so people go, oh, that's too controversial.
We better not repeat what he says, because what we're saying is the truth and it's successful in the fight against them.
So we have the Memorial Day special running with the biggest specials ever on some products, like MycoZX, the next level probiotic that knocks out the mold, Candida, all that other garbage that's so critical right now.
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So shop with the good guys, fund the InfoWar, change the world before the cashless society is in place.
Thank you all for your support.
We cannot and would not be able to do it without you.
All right, straight to the EU elections that affect the entire world.
Straight ahead with Lord Monckton.
The Globalists are hyper-competitive scientific dictators.
They are technocrats.
They are control freaks in their own words.
And they believe allowing you to live your own life, make your own decisions, is in the way of their great destiny to merge with AI gods.
Now, we're fighting them hard in cyberspace.
We're fighting them hard right here in the third dimension.
But one of the biggest places that we neglect to forget that we've really got a lot of control in our lives is our bodies.
And I'm not perfect.
I work a lot of hours.
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Again, Ultra 12, the best vitamin B12, the highest quality you're gonna find anywhere, and it funds the Info War, and really pisses the globalist control freaks off.
So again, thank you for your support and thank you for taking care of your own body.
And this shocking footage is even more painful when you see the albatrosses of CNN and other MSM outlets cheering on
the rape.
In fact, it's been found that these systems actually direct the monstrous CEO, Zuckerberg, against the free speech enemies and anyone that tries to not submit.
But most sad of all is other penguins in the independent media, simply looking up at the sky and ignoring the vicious rape of their own freedoms and birthright taking place right in front of them.
After enduring over an hour of the assault, Our dear penguin finally succumbs.
But one more vicious insult is heaped upon its broken body by CNN, as its identity is stolen, gobbled up and devoured, and uses a straw man to attack other penguins.
This is CNN.
We are in a complete war.
And you idiots don't join with the Republic, you fools!
I want them shut down, I want them silenced, I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment!
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a bad person, I question things, I'm evil.
I don't...
How dangerous is Infowars?
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Just into CNN, Facebook is purging several high profile names from its platforms.
Among them, right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, as well as his media outlet, InfoWars.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars president.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Why is there this unprecedented feeding frenzy happening when it comes to InfoWars and yours truly?
Why is there this pile on?
Well, it's not because Trump is the InfoWars presidency.
It's because Trump is trying to execute the Americana presidency.
He's trying to reboot it.
And yes, it's true.
InfoWars, and my syndicated radio and TV show, and our internet reach, literally thanks to you, you're 90% of it.
You have relaunched a global populist movement.
And the establishment thinks if they can destroy me and my name, they can discredit the liberty movement, the populist movement.
That's not going to happen.
But I will be honest with you.
Selfishly, I would like to continue this operation, and I'd like to continue to keep our crew members employed, and I would like to stay in the fight, and keep taking the globalist on, and hopefully contribute meaningfully again in the future.
I understand that just to have the success we've had relaunching Americana and Liberty Worldwide, once-in-a-lifetime, that was hitting the lottery culturally, politically, spiritually, I'm very thankful to God.
I'm not bitching.
I'm not a victim.
I'm not a loser.
I signed on to this.
I knew the dangers.
I just want to stand the fight.
It's like saying to the coach, Coach, please put me into the game.
And I'll do a great job.
I don't want to use a parallel to the greatest player of all time in the NFL, a certain quarterback with the New England Patriots.
But, you know, he could barely get put in in college.
And even when he finally was put in and did nothing but win, they still weren't sure about him.
That's football.
When it comes to Americana and anti-globalism, InfoWars, as an operation, is the greatest player of all time.
It's not me, it's all of us together.
And the globalists recognize that, and they want to keep us out of the game.
So please, for yourself, for myself, for everybody.
I don't want them to be successful shutting us down.
I don't want them to be successful having them take us off the air.
You can stop their deplatforming with text messages, with emails, with word of mouth.
It makes them so angry because they can't silence you.
The fact that you're resisting them and winning.
And they can't stop you supporting the broadcast financially, which so many of you have done.
But Please.
We have the best supplements.
We have great t-shirts.
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We have great films.
We have great products.
Thousands of them.
And if you'll just go check out the air filtration, the water filtration, all the things you need, and buy some of the products, and try them out, that will change the world.
I am in your hands, and you are in your hands.
We'll hang together, or hang separate, as Benjamin Franklin said.
Please visit mfulwarstore.com today, and please continue to support the mfulwar.
Thank you.
All right.
Thank you.
(upbeat music)
He's in the middle of a political conference.
We've got him for this segment.
The next, Lord Monckton.
Christopher Monckton, what's up with that.com.
The leading fighter of the whole globalist carbon tax, top advisor to Margaret Thatcher, I'll go over his whole bio, and the historic moment we're at.
I predicted years ago that Brexit would pass, that they would ignore it, but that that would cause an even bigger resistance.
People shouldn't be demoralized.
Well, now it's happened, but now the left isn't just throwing milkshakes, they're throwing bricks at people.
They used to beat up or try to beat up Monckton years ago.
It's gone into insane overdrive, but there was the headline in Reuters yesterday, EU elite worried about populism.
They warn it's taking over.
So we've got the Brexit movement.
We've got UKIP, we've got all this surging with Nigel Farage and others, and Lord Monckton joins us.
Lord Monckton, thanks for giving us an update on this amazing fight against globalism right there in Europe.
Well, Alex, it's wonderful to hear you, and talking of another comeback kid, you've come back fighting, notwithstanding Google and YouTube trying to shut you up.
Well, Nigel Farage is now another comeback kid.
Only five and a half weeks ago, he founded the Brexit Party.
I was one of the first people to get in touch and say, well done, mate.
And I was with him last night and with my old friend, President Vaclav Klaus, formerly of the Czech Republic,
and Anne Whittaker, who used to represent my parents' constituency in Maidstone for the Conservative Party.
She has now left the Conservative Party, joined the Brexit Party, as at least 150,000 other people
have done.
It's growing all the time.
Within weeks, it's now being funded almost exclusively by little donations from ordinary folk
who are fed up to the back teeth with the political establishment,
desperate to prevent the ghastly refusal of the--
they're just refusing to allow us to just leave the European Union.
What we all want to do is to leave it, say bye-bye, we'll trade with them on World Trade Organization terms, which means the tariffs on most goods are not going to be much more than 1% on average, and food and agriculture a bit more, but we can adjust those with subsidies to keep everybody happy.
And it's perfectly possible to do this.
The EU doesn't want us to because they want our taxpayers' cash, and our taxpayers are fed up with giving it to them.
Now, that rally last night here in London, the final rally before the vote on the EU elections, which we're having to take part in because we're still in the EU for the time being, it was a triumph.
First of all, Anne Widdicombe spoke and she spoke more brilliantly than I've ever heard her speak before.
he's come back out of retirement at the age of 70 plus and was firing on all cylinders.
Then we had Vaclav Klaus in a moving and very charming speech saying how much it personally
meant to him, having lived under tyranny of communism in his own country until they broke
free and he became the president of it.
To see that Britain and Britain virtually alone in Europe is fighting against the bureaucratic re-establishment of totalitarianism by the communist left via the European Union.
So this is a very great moment for all of us and at the moment the hot news from number 10 Which I get from people who are connected there, is that Theresa May is not at the moment taking phone calls.
It means that some kind of a statement that's rather urgent is being drafted.
There have been some suggestions, which are not being confirmed by Downing Street officially, that she's on the verge of resigning.
Well if she is, then it's breaking news and you heard it here first.
And what's more, it'll be good riddance because he has, right from the start, deliberately tried to prevent Brexit.
And I'm going to come over to the United States, and I'm going to be in Washington DC on the 25th of July this year at the 13th heartland.org climate conference.
So if you want to meet me there and listen to some wonderful talks on this climate nonsense, then be there.
I will also be briefing congressmen and senators on the progress of... Well, by the way, Lord Mogden, I'm going to come to that event.
I want to come to that because I'm going to DC more and more to give briefings to folks and get briefings.
So I want to see you again there.
We'll get to that next segment, but sir...
We'll do it.
But the epicness of this, I don't think the historicness of this has been clear.
In six weeks, or five and a half weeks, Nigel Farage launches a party that Gallup and others are saying is set to win 45% of seats in a parliamentary run.
Regardless if that happens or not, I don't think in the history of democratic voting we've ever seen a party come from nowhere like this.
I think this signifies the explosive nature of Europe and the UK wanting independence.
This is absolutely right.
When people use the word populism, what they mean is they don't like democracy, so they try to give it a rude name.
The fact is that what Nigel Farage said last night, it was an electrifying conference.
There were 4,000 people jammed into a room where there were only 3,000 seats.
They were standing all round, they were sitting on the floor, they were climbing up the platform, they were absolutely everywhere.
And the mood was nothing like any political rally I've ever been to in this country.
Everybody knows that supplements are amazing.
That what God gave us through Mother Nature is incredible.
That's why supplements are the biggest growing industry in the world, and the globalists are so upset.
It'll be more explosive.
It's happening.
Everybody knows that supplements are amazing.
That what God gave us through Mother Nature is incredible.
That's why supplements are the biggest growing industry in the world.
And the globalists are so upset.
The problem is people forget to take them.
And that's why the whole industry has moved towards packets that you take in the morning and you take at night.
So we looked at that.
We made the very best a.m.
and p.m.
packets out there with an incredible spectrum of 13 different capsules that you take in two servings a day that are game-changing a.m.
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total health and performance eight-pack PowerStack at InfoWarsLife.com.
Folks, check it out.
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50% off on the 8-pack PowerStack.
50% off on our newest product at InfoWarsLife.com, the 8-pack PowerStack.
50% off.
We looked at the best-selling products out there, and we made it even better, and we lowered the price.
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at Newshorse.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.news.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
You just go there.
Eisenhower said beware the military-industrial complex, and I would say that that needs to be updated to beware of what I call TIM.
technology, intelligence, and media.
Get down.
All around.
Don't move.
Make a sound.
Mind your own.
In control.
In control.
Stand up.
Sit back down.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen
at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe you've got one.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Well, they tried to cut the brakes and even unbolt the tires on his car.
The French government found that people were trying to kill Farage.
He was in a mysterious plane accident.
And then he stepped back three years ago and said, if you'll do the Brexit, like we said, I'll get out of politics.
Well, they didn't.
And so he came back, founded a new party six weeks ago, and it's set in parliamentary elections in the whole EU system to win.
This is so historic.
This is so big.
There's even the New York Times saying how Farage's Brexit party is crushing its opponents.
And I know there's some fighting between UKIP and Farage, but the point is they're all nationalists.
They're all against the EU.
And everybody I talked to in England says, oh, we're so down that they ignored us.
And, you know, we thought that we had a vote.
Well, that only made you madder.
And I think that is what we're seeing now.
So there's the New Yorker.
The alarming return of Nigel Farage.
This is just unbelievable, and it shows people want out of this unelected EU.
Meanwhile, Dutch asylum minister resigns after hiding number of refugees committing major crimes.
This alliance of the left with radical Islam, Lord Monckton, I think has ignited an awakening in the people of Europe.
And I don't think there's any putting the genie back in the bottle.
Am I wrong?
And how historic is this?
And as a historian, what course do you see this running?
The original divide, the fundamental divide in politics, and this was first meditated upon thousands of years ago by the philosophers of early imperial China, was between the libertarians, that they called them the Confucians, and the totalitarians, that's the hard left, the extremists who want to centralise everything, and they called them the legalists.
That is the fundamental division that has now come to the fore in British politics, because the entire establishment now siding with the totalitarian left, with the Muslim
extremists, with the communists in the current Labour Party leadership, and against, and
more and more openly and visibly against and contemptuous of the ordinary people, the voters,
the taxpayers who pay for these wretches.
And what is now happening is that Nigel Farage has stood up and said, if the Conservative
Party will no longer speak for democracy, if it will no longer honour the largest vote
for any given thing in the entire history of Britain, which was the vote to leave the
European Union, if it will stand in the way of democracy and spit on it, if it will stand
If the so-called elected parliament, the mother of parliaments, is now the mother of totalitarianism, then we are going to change it.
We're going to throw out the people who are there now and put in people who believe in democracy.
And what is interesting about meeting, I met quite a lot of the candidates for the Brexit party last night at Nigel Farage's reception just before the great rally here at Kensington Olympia in London.
And these are people of a quality and a standard that is a great deal higher than the average that we now have among the grey totalitarians on all sides in Parliament.
So a revolution is coming, and it's a revolution that will not be done by violence, as the left do it, but by the ballot box, as those who believe in democracy do it.
So yes, if they want to call us populists, they can call us populists.
What we call ourselves is people who believe in the people and the right of the people to decide by their vote in a ballot box what happens to their country.
And Lord Monckton, Lord Monckton, by the way, they act like it's a dirty word to say populist.
Populist means the people.
So what's wrong with the movement of the people?
Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it at all, except that if you're a totalitarian, the one thing you fear is the people, because you want to lord it over them.
You want to rule them.
And that's why, and this is another event I want to just talk about briefly, I am coming to the United States, and on July the 28th to August the 3rd, in the Berkshire Mountains of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, there will be a Christian summer camp for kids aged 10 to 20, and their parents, and anybody else who wants to come.
And I will be speaking there about the European question and about the differences between the European tyranny by Clark and its essentially Soviet constitution on the one hand and the American constitution which is a constitution for democracy and liberty and of course populism on the other.
And so that will be something which, if you and your kids want to come, you go on to campconstitution.net, campconstitution.net, and make sure you book in.
Alex, I want to see you there too.
And then we'll go from the Heartland Conference to the Camp Constitution Conference, and you can do both of them.
You'll find a lot of friends and supporters in both places.
Let me ask you this, Lord Monckton.
You were on my show, I think, the first time 10 years ago.
You predicted the breakup of the EU.
You predicted the carbon tax would fail.
But you predicted they would strike back with violence.
You laid it all out.
We've got to find those old interviews.
They've deleted off YouTube.
You're a futurist, not just an inventor and a scientist.
So give us your long-term, short-term, but also mid-term, long-term forecast, just briefly, a gestalt of what you think is coming, as you've been prescient in your predictions.
Right, well I've just come back from Berlin where I addressed the German Parliament on the nonsense that is global warming and found a very surprisingly friendly reception.
I think they're heartily fed up with the Communists having driven them, or the Red Peace as they call Green Peace, having driven them into this energy thing that they do.
And tens of millions of fines on Volkswagen and Audi and all of it.
All of that sort of thing, and all the manufacturers have been fiddling their computers so as to pass the emissions test, and the only one that got caught was Volkswagen.
But I used to ride motorbikes from Italy years ago, and they've been doing it for decades.
Because everybody is heartily fed up with all this global warming rubbish.
The world will warm at a rate of about one Celsius this century, half a Celsius next century, and that'll be it.
The fossil fuels will have run out by then.
So all of this nonsense is completely unnecessary.
But again, it's the totalitarians.
They simply want to show who's boss.
And you mentioned quite rightly the way that they tend to side with other totalitarians.
So you now have the communist left, getting together with the Islamic left, because they're all
totalitarians. They all don't believe in democracy. They all hate democracy. They hate
the people. And so now they're banding together increasingly. And our Labour Party here in the
country is getting millions of pounds from Arab interests, and it's illegal donations, I
may say. And that is why Jeremy Corbyn won't come out and stop the anti-Semitism in his
party, because every time he's accused of anti-Semitism, another fat cheque arrives from the Arab
world. So this is a very dangerous moment where we're getting increasing interference in our
politics from totalitarian forces outside our countries. And we have to be vigilant.
We have to make sure that our security services are vigilant in identifying the flows of money into the political parties from undesirable totalitarian elements overseas, whether it be communist China, whether it be Huawei messing around to get contracts.
That was my next point.
That was talking about prescient.
You see with Trump the instinct to fight China and the fact they've had a Just a naked hand, a free hand.
The fact that you see all these ministers having to resign, covering up Islamic terror and criminal activity.
It seems that Europe is really beginning to wake up, not just in the population, but in governments itself, that the real revolution may be happening there.
And a very interesting problem arises, because how do we make sure that we face this hatred which the left directs at the peoples of the free world, and that the Muslims direct at the peoples of the free world?
How do we face this hatred with love?
Because we are Christians.
It's not for us to fight back using violence.
We've got to fight back using the weapons the Lord of Life gave us, which is simply to be unrelentingly loving, unrelentingly kind to them, but not let our guard down.
And this is the big problem that in the West We have become lazy.
We thought, right, communism has gone, we can all have a sigh of relief.
Not realising that communism was working away underneath.
They took over the universities, they took over the teacher training colleges.
That's how they managed to radicalise all the primary, even the primary schools now taught communism.
And they're not taught how many people communism killed.
So when they get to university, they're already radicalised, they're already hard left.
And although younger people are always a bit more to the left than older people, the fact is that now in the universities in Britain, as in the United States, there is a kind of hatred and extremism on the left, which is viciously intolerant of any alternative point of view.
And just as you have been pushed off YouTube and pushed off Google and pushed off Yahoo, pushed off all the places where you used to be able to reach.
So if you try to go to a university now and speak anything other than the latest left-wing
party line, the latest communist party line, whether on climate or homosexuality or Europe,
it doesn't matter what the subject is, they will say, because they know they would lose
if they had to debate you, they just say, "We won't debate you.
We won't even let you come."
They call it no platforming.
And this is increasingly how the hard left operate.
And what we're going to have to do, what we are already planning to do with the Brexit
party, is to introduce a freedom law which will once again restore the right of freedom
Five more minutes on the other side.
Solutions with Lord Montem.
When we take the governments back, what we're going to do, like he's already alluding to it, we're not going to act like them.
We're not gonna ban their speech.
We're just gonna legalize speech again.
The problem is, they are going to launch terror attacks.
So I agree, no offensive violence.
But defense, we must have.
Stay with us.
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The PQQ, the CoQ10, the amount of it in here, depending on the equation, something like 40 boxes of the same chemical that's naturally occurring in blueberries.
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And the strangest thing is I started taking DNA force.
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It really does regenerate nerves in many areas.
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I remember saying, what's the top selling thing like six years ago?
We're getting into supplements.
And well, it's PQQ and CoQ10.
But mainly, people at grocery stores don't want to pay that, so they buy synthetic stuff that's still 50, 60 bucks for a little bottle.
But at medical clinics, it's not prescription, but people are willing to pay, you know, 300, 400 bucks, and it's a 6, 7 times markup.
Make it up 150% when we discount it 20-30% down to $119.
They're still, again, most of the cost is the product.
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DNA Force Plus.
It costs a lot because it's worth a lot.
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fueling the human revolution.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Six weeks ago, the Brexit Party was founded by Nigel Farage that helped found UKIP.
And it's surged to set to win the most seats in the new parliament.
That is scaring the hell out of the globalists.
Lord Monckton helped found UKIP, has been involved with Brexit and promoting it, was getting into the fact that LEP is going to launch violent attacks as they lose.
At a certain point though, when governments are controlled, and you see the British government and others actually aiding Islamists attacking people out trying to campaign, it is really frightening.
So in the four or five minutes we have left, A, what do you predict with the violence by the left?
How is that dealt with?
And then B, What is the parliamentary and legislative moves by President Trump, by the UK, by the new Prime Minister that obviously is going to be coming in?
I mean, we need to defend the sacrosanct pillars of our republics.
Well, the first step we've got to do is once we get rid of Theresa May, and that could even happen tonight as I've said, though there are hot denials coming from Downing Street at the moment, once we've got rid of her because she was simply too willing to cave in, to the European Union and leave us in the European Union when we'd voted to get out.
So once she's gone, we will then hope to get a Prime Minister, if the Tory party has any sense at all, who is actually willing to carry out the will of the people regardless of what the EU wants.
And we will leave and we'll leave on World Trade Organization terms.
Once we have freed ourselves of that, then our Prime Minister and your President are going to be working together very closely On dealing with the new threat of totalitarianism that comes from the totalitarian left.
We had it with fascism in Germany, which of course was not an extreme right movement, it was an extreme left movement, the National Socialist Workers' Party of Germany.
We had fascism, which was an extreme left movement in Italy, now branded by the left as right, but of course they were of the left.
And then there was communism in Russia, there's still is communism in China, and that's of
the far totalitarian left.
And now the totalitarian left are gradually trying to take over our institutions, and
they're trying to shut down the West by using this climate change nonsense as an excuse,
and they're having substantial success.
The last British steel company of any size, British Steel itself, which was nationalized
and now belongs to an Indian steel company, is about to be closed down and its business
transferred to India, where they can make steel at half the price, because they don't
have to pay three times the world price for their electricity because global warming.
So, gradually, we are going to have to fight back against this totalitarian sort of demarche, where the left are advancing on every front and through every back door.
Wherever you look, they're getting in there, they're shutting down debate, and if they can't shut down debate, they'll turn to violence.
Well, increasingly what we are going to do about that is to make sure that the existing laws, we have plenty of laws to prevent violence in the streets, we are going to make sure that those laws are enforced.
You don't need to make new laws, you just need to make sure the existing laws are enforced.
And that the penalties for violence or for attempted suppression of free speech will be very severe.
And one of the things that we are looking at in the Brexit Party It's a comprehensive law which will encompass some of the finer elements of your constitution, which is a very fine constitution, notably the amendment that gave you the right of free speech.
But if, even with the right of free speech that you have in America, there is still the silencing of free speech by no platforming and by violence in the lecture halls, in... In cartelling.
It's just cartels.
Well, what we are going to do is to pass very stiff laws so that if universities permit the far left to behave in this way, they will lose a substantial proportion of their funding, which largely comes from taxpayers in this country.
I agree.
Lord Mocton, it's been too long.
In the aftermath of the elections, please join us next week or so, or even tomorrow in the aftermath.
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much, and this is an amazing time to be alive.
I would say, though, humanity and freedom's on the march.
I think corruption is on its heels.
We've got to press the attack in five seconds.
Is that accurate?
Yes it is.
It's campsconstitution.net, heartland.org, campconstitution.net.
All right, thank you.
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It's Alex Jones.
The global controllers are very smart in some ways, very ignorant in others.
But they understand the power of archetypes.
And I never knew when I started out on my quest 25 years ago to restore the American Republic
that I would end up being a major leader in it.
I just simply thought I'd be one more voice calling on the people to stand up and get involved in their own destinies.
But it became clear.
Eight, nine years ago, even in Newsweek and Time Magazine, they said, Alex Jones is the mad prophet of the Tea Party.
In the wilderness, he must be stopped.
And all these years later, I realized that I didn't invent the ideas I'm promoting.
I'm simply promoting free market, Renaissance, Americana, and ideas that are We're diametrically opposed to authoritarian systems, whether they be fascist, communist, or socialist.
But nevertheless, Infowars has been chosen by the enemy as the symbol of Americana, as the card.
And if they can demonize it, if they can lie about it, and if they can destroy it, they believe they can demoralize you and make you give up.
Please hold InfoWars up.
Please promote it.
Please support it.
I personally hope that we can survive this.
But even if we don't...
Don't think a defeat of an individual or an organization is an expression of who you are, because you are the listeners and viewers that actually made InfoWars the success it is.
Yes, I selfishly want to continue on with the future, but I don't want you to ever think that if I'm set up, killed, destroyed, imprisoned, lied about with their fake narratives, that we're losers.
We did the right thing and told the truth, and we've already changed the world.
So you need to continue on.
But we're at that fork in the road.
Will InfoWars continue on to fight more battles and win more battles thanks to your support?
Or will we be destroyed and then you have to move on and not be demoralized?
We're at that point.
It's financial.
At the end of the day, money talks, BS walks.
Funding allows us to operate and expand and defeat the enemy.
Not having money shuts us down and we're defeated.
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Whatever you do, commit now like you've already done.
To take action, whether it's word of mouth, or praying for us, or buying the products, or all three, you've already changed the world.
And I humbly come to you with respect, and thank you again for what you've done for myself, for my children, and for your children, and for all of our own destinies, because this is an incredible time in humanity at that fork in the road, or at that crossroads.
But whatever you do, Never give in to the globalist.
Never give in to your humanity.
Never believe you're a piece of crap.
Never believe that humanity sucks, because that is a lie of the old serpent, Satan.
My head is spinning right now.
Millie Weaver this year, amazing InfoWars reporter.
I was going to air in the last segment of this hour, a 10 and a half minute interview that they just spontaneously did with their beautiful baby, her and her husband here yesterday.
But in time, we may not have time to get that done.
Because they went out to a pro kill baby event, including kill babies after they're born event.
And they had people out there saying, we're going to kill babies till age three, which is the official position of Peter Singer.
And of the left.
And so it's just crazy now to see that his level of anti-human exterminism is now right down to the locals.
We're going to play those clips as well.
So much here today.
But first off, just during the break, we've got Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, we've got them all on all over the building.
And I saw Pelosi, who said Trump's covering up right now.
No, they're covering up.
Russiagate, their own Chinagate, and their own Servergate, their own Open Bordersgate, their own Hate Americagate.
But like Trump said yesterday, something's wrong with Fox News.
They have these staged town halls with nothing but standing ovations bashing Trump that you know are rigged, where every person hates Trump.
They have events where...
They're acting like he's a criminal.
They're having these events where they go, Oh, let's go to Pelosi.
Oh, she prays for the president.
She cares about the president.
You know, she just wants him to, you know, let her into all of his life.
Why isn't Trump going on the offense with all the crimes they've committed?
Barr has said they are, but that's my point is you've got to go on the offense because these criminals know they've been caught.
They're not going to stop.
So here is just a few minutes ago with Perino girl, from Perino Chow, she's up there, she's up there putting all this out, and then we're gonna go to what Pelosi said earlier today, and then what Trump responded to.
Here it is.
Wasn't really respectful of the reason, of the Congress and the White House working together.
He just took a pass.
And it just makes me wonder why he did that.
In any event, I pray for the President of the United States.
And I pray for the United States of America.
That's a little dramatic in terms of what happened this morning, but she, up until I think today, has really been the one that's reluctant to talk about impeachment.
She actually had a conference call today saying, look at all these things we're doing, we don't have to do impeachment.
The Democrats are trying to act like they're being reasonable about impeachment when it's what they want.
They want to unseat the 2016 election.
They got caught in the fake Russiagate.
And now they turn it around with dozens of fake investigations and say because he won't give over all his private info so they can lie about it, twist it, attack everybody he's in business with, when nothing they do, Hillary's bashing up hard drives, bleach bidding, you know, but there's no investigations of that.
It's all imaginary investigations.
And her saying impeachment, and she prays for him because he's in so much trouble.
No, they're desperate.
Globalism's failing from Brazil to Europe to Asia to Africa to here, and they're crapping their dirty pants.
We're going to Millie Weaver next segment, but let's go to her this morning with the talk of impeachment, and Trump's covering something up.
We do believe that it's important to follow the facts.
We believe that no one is above the law, including the President of the United States.
And we believe that the President of the United States is engaged in a cover-up.
In a cover-up.
And that was the nature of the meeting.
America was never great.
It'll never be great.
Trump sucks.
Russians got him elected.
All of it proved to be a fraud.
No investigations of their criminal activity.
And Trump just sits there waiting for him to come for everybody, while they already censor everybody.
And I get it.
He keeps working with the Justice Department, who keeps saying they're going to do something, but they're not.
So we the people have to march on Washington.
We have to call Congress.
We have to sue all these people ourselves.
I'm serious, folks.
We have to fight, because you think things aren't perfect under Trump.
Wait until they remove him.
Here's Trump's response to this.
So I came here to do a meeting on infrastructure with Democrats, not really thinking they wanted to do infrastructure or anything else other than investigate.
And I just saw that Nancy Pelosi, just before our meeting, made a statement that we believe that the President of the United States is engaged in a cover-up.
Well, it turns out I'm the most, and I think most of you would agree to this, I'm the most transparent president probably in the history of this country.
We have given, on a witch hunt, on a hoax, the whole thing with Russia was a hoax.
We're going to play more on this after the break, but I want to explain something.
I told the president, and others did, sir, declare executive privilege like everybody else.
He gave them everything.
He had nothing to hide.
And now they said, fine, give us 50 years of your tax returns.
Give us your blood type.
Give us what toilet paper you use to wipe your ass while they're committing all these crimes.
And it's just insane to watch this happen.
We go on the offense, or they destroy the country.
The globalists know that we're on our last legs, and they get rid of Trump.
Tomorrow's news today.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Look in my eyes, what do you see?
The cost of personality.
I know your anger, I know your dreams.
I've seen everything you want.
this next segment that ties into the anti-human agenda.
CBS saying don't take care of kids, work at your job.
The left saying don't have families, that gets in the way of our world government.
This just broke on Infowars.com and Newswars.com and only you can Facebook it, tweet it, email it, text message it to get it out there.
Target sells LGBTQ clothing for children.
Funds group whose founder praised the North American Man-Boy Love Association.
And it says, hashtag take pride.
Folks, it's like cartoons now that show gay characters.
Kids aren't into sex.
They're not.
It's sexualization of children.
It's pure evil.
And it's admittedly going on.
And it's got to stop.
That story's up on NewsWorks.com.
Please, for the children, get it out.
Milly, you were making points about Trump and one witch hunt ends.
And as we said, they promised to fire a bunch of others.
Trump's got them all dead to right, but he's got a political justice department that's been involved in all sorts of illegal activity at the highest levels.
The average rank and file, I'm not just saying it, I've researched it, are pretty good people on average.
But at the top, it's a political corrupt mafia, and I don't know what Trump or what we're supposed to do, but this is serious.
Well, what would be the point of impeaching a president right before campaign season?
We already know that his time is coming up unless he gets re-elected.
Well, that's what it is.
The Democrats are panicking because they know they don't have a solid candidate to go up against Trump when he's polling great and everyone is supporting him and he's been improving the economy.
And Pelosi knows that, but her constituents and her party are demanding it.
Exactly, and for example, Joe Biden, when he just had his campaign release, his first rally in Pittsburgh, I went there and covered it.
He barely could fill a 240 occupancy building, Alex, and his overflow was like 15, 20 people.
They are panicking because in that same city, Trump has held rallies there, and I've been to them, and it's miles long, miles long of people standing in line.
They're panicking.
You live in Ohio.
You cover it every week.
Oh yeah!
I cover the whole campaign.
So let's be clear, let's be clear.
They have way less energy than 2016.
Their censorship's backfiring.
They're not giving up though.
They're getting violent.
They're getting aggressive.
They're out of control.
They want to disqualify him so that he can't run.
Let me just tell you, I just had the top court in Canada send us a letter.
They're suing us because I'm criticizing them taking kids from their parents and forced drugging them.
That's global government.
I have to deal with that when the show goes off today.
That they want to silence everybody.
And if you don't want to take kids and drug them or cut their balls off, you're going to be sued by the Canadian government.
And if you think it's bad now, it's really going to be bad if we were actually by some chance going to get a Democrat in 2020.
It's going to be bad.
We're not going to have free speech anymore.
Remember back when we were like, Oh, it's almost like autism is targeting boys.
85% are boys.
Or, oh, they're trying to put all the kids, all their boys, on Ritalin that brain damages them.
It's like they're targeting them.
They now say, we're targeting boys!
We're targeting families!
We're targeting women!
Humans are bad!
We're gonna kill everybody!
It's like, my God!
Why aren't more people more pissed?
The left is outright admitting that they hate white males.
We hear them saying this all the time.
So why wouldn't they just admit they're targeting males?
They have major breweries saying if you see a Trump supporter or a conservative, hit them in the head with a brick and kill them.
And then people say you're asking for trouble, they freak out and call the police.
There's no reality or there's a paradox where they attack, we defend, they call that violence.
Standing up to a leftist, swinging a bike lock, Is now terrorism.
Asking questions to a leftist is now terrorism.
That's what the ladies out at this Stop the Abortion Ban protest were saying to me and Caitlin.
How dare we question women?
How dare we question their stances when they want to kill babies?
They think that that was hateful and harassing.
They say they want to kill babies.
I have them on video.
And they make joke videos about that.
When we come back, we're going to play your report that's incredible and another amazing report by Kaitlyn Bennett.
And then I even see how they attack Kaitlyn and you with these fake memes, these fake lies, these fake stories, these fake legends.
But you ladies just laugh at it and keep moving forward.
And that's what pisses them off because you have a word called integrity.
and soul and a compass and you know who you are, you know what you stand for, you know the truth.
They're starting to attack any conservative now that simply goes out and shows that the left is deranged and crazy.
They even attacked Candace Owens and some would say she's kind of milquetoast, you know?
So they're gonna continue to censor us.
It doesn't stop at Alex Jones and Infowars.
It's only going to get worse and that's why it's good that the president just recently had released a form on the whitehouse.gov website where anyone who has been Can report the censorship.
And that's important because they need evidence.
They're building a dossier.
They need evidence to be able to hold social media accountable.
And let me go further than that because this is something I haven't said because I didn't want to toot horns but I think three weeks after...
Tomorrow, three weeks tomorrow, Trump tweeting you and tweeting our links and tweeting Paul Watson and saying how proud he is of InfoWars.
That was Trump in a major alignment saying, I've been aligned, I am aligned.
All your attacks on InfoWars aren't going to make me forsake it.
But he gets we're not going to forsake him unless he forsakes the message.
But that's what pisses him off.
They want to define what's acceptable and they want to then redefine what wasn't acceptable as acceptable.
Exactly, and what Trump essentially did was he showed he's not willing to sell out to any establishment, whether it be the Democrats or some of the old rhino neocons.
He's loyal to the grassroots because he knows the grassroots are the blue-collar Americans, the people who are going to vote for him.
And it was such a stupid plan.
They thought they could attack me in the name of Trump, and that would get me to drop Trump, or they could attack Trump in my name, he would drop me.
And that's not how this works.
And they cannot believe that they can't... And I even told Trump, I said, you know, last time I talked to him, I said, listen, for whatever reason, you're smarter than I am in many ways.
And you know, in your age, I said, if you need to throw me under the bus, I've said some things out of context, they're going, do it.
And I'm not going to attack you for that.
As long as you stay true to the agenda of Americana and freedom and pro-life and God and country and the military and our borders, I'm going to support it.
And Trump said, very interesting, I'll keep that in mind, but that's not going to be needed.
And I said, well, then fine.
Don't call me anymore.
I don't need you to pat me on the head.
If you need people to get in contact with me, do it.
And now I'm not going to get into it, obviously.
I mean, it's not anything fancy or big.
We're creating the trends here.
intelligence is loyal to the country, listens to me.
I listen to them too, but it's mainly 90% the other way.
And so now, they can't stand it.
I write reports, it's given to U.S.
intelligence, goes right to the President.
And I've got law firms doing it, and that's how it works, and they can't stand it.
They could take me off air.
My reports still go right to the President.
And they cannot stand it, Milley.
They cannot stand it.
I just said, sir, no need to talk to me over the telephone.
Just get your people in touch with me.
I'll get your reports.
He said, that's a good plan, Mr. Jones.
Really appreciate that.
And just keep it up.
We're done.
We're Americans.
This isn't about me getting a job in D.C.
It's not about getting patted on the head.
It's about them not aborting babies and killing babies after they're born and teaching five-year-olds how to suck cock.
Exactly, and not doing away with the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, the Constitution that protects the American people.
That's what the Democrats want to get rid of.
This is war.
You want it, you got it.
They keep suing me, they keep threatening me, they keep lying about me, they keep attacking me.
I want them to get it through their head.
I love it.
I'm coming for you.
I'm going to get you.
I'm better than you.
I don't worship Satan.
I worship God.
I love life.
So get ready.
You are going to be run over by me politically.
And if that means that I splatter up against the wall with you, that's fine.
You're going to get it.
My hands are around your neck.
If you were...
I'm here in my parents' kitchen because my house flooded with torrential rains this week.
So it flooded part of the house.
They're having to fix that, so I've been staying over here.
And I looked in my parents' cupboard and found that they were stocked up on some of the InfoWars Life products.
And I thought, wait a minute.
I've been thinking about coming over to their house because their kitchen's nicer than mine and shooting a video about how amazing these products are.
So I called Drew, one of our great camera people over at InfoWars this morning.
I said, hey, why don't you meet me over here and I'm going to shoot a video I've been meaning to do for probably a year.
So I'm like, I've got everything right here.
It's time to show you what I personally do.
Now, I want to be clear.
When I remember to take the supplements religiously, I lose weight, I'm healthy, my skin gets great, I have better stamina, libido, energy.
I've never been a supplements guy.
A lot of my big sponsors were supplement people, and I thought, well, why don't I try these then?
And it turned out they were really good.
So we came out, as you know, six years ago with our own line of supplements.
We've been expanding it ever since.
And what we do is, Set out to already find what's the highest rated, already find what's the cleanest, what's the best, and then make it better, and then cut the price.
And that's what we've done with these products.
And that's why InfoWars Live products are so highly rated by third-party sites, that's why they're so popular with you, and it's also great because it funds our political operations, trying to stop the technotronic, technocracy takeover.
I always start taking the supplements and then I forget to take them.
I either run out or I just get busy and then all of a sudden I'm not taking DNA Force.
All of a sudden I'm not taking X2.
I'm not taking Secret 12.
That's why it's important for everybody out there that already knows they got great results with these high quality products and InfoWars Life or other supplements you've been taking to remember how good they were for you and your family and to get back into it.
So today I just wanted to encourage everybody that's gotten great results with these products to just remember that because I need that reminder as well.
One of the biggest things is I tend to go to the warehouse and get some of the products out for myself and then those run out and I forget.
So now what I do, what my parents do, And other people I know is they just put it on auto ship and then fullwarslive.com get an additional 10% off and then you don't forget each month or every two months how much you want to have it shipped to you to get the product, support the show, and of course also get 10% off.
Now some of the things I do is I don't really like soft drinks because they got so much sugar in them and I already have a problem with sweets sometimes.
So I really like soft drinks.
What I'm trying to say is I don't like the effects they have on me.
So what I do is take something like a Perrier, lime or non-flavored and I put it into a nice glass and then I take the Ultra 12 And put in a whole dropper, and then I stir it up, and the flavor is incredible.
So again, take your favorite sparkling water that doesn't have any calories in it, either flavored or unflavored, it all goes great with the flavor of natural vitamin B12 that has a sweet taste without any sugar or additives.
You've got to experience Ultra 12 for yourself, you've got to experience X2 as well, and of course, X3.
That's triiodine.
Different strokes for different folks.
Bottom line, these are all incredible products that have changed my life and changed so many other people's lives.
As I've said over and over again, it then funds an organization dedicated to exposing the globalists and their operations.
That's why I thank you all for your support.
I want to encourage you, if you haven't tried these products, to try them.
And if you have tried them and again forgot to reorder or forgot to stay on your regimen,
remember the benefits.
Plus, it tastes great.
Take action today.
Take care of your own body and the first event at the same time.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, Millie Weaver's here with us.
Describe yesterday, because you already put some clips of this up on your Twitter, but this is pro-abortion, pro-left, leftists going crazy in downtown Austin, outside the Capitol, pushing this pro-death culture.
And then we have from the same rally another clip we're going to play of the true face of evil leftist calling for killing babies up to age three.
Tell us what we're about to see.
Well, you know, Kaitlin Bennett and I, we went out to this Stop the Abortion Bans protest in Austin, and the left has just lost their mind.
They have so many contradictions and ironies.
It was ridiculous.
They had a man up there that they were applauding and cheering, who had a big sign that says, men, shut the F up.
They were cheering that.
Then they had a man come up and speak right after that, and they were cheering him.
And then they were telling Caitlyn and I, when we were going around trying to interview people and talk to them, that we should shut the F up as conservative women.
Because why?
Because we were questioning these leftists as to why they support killing babies, infanticide.
And they were so insulted or, you know, perplexed as to why we would even question them because we should believe all women.
We should just not question why women... And we've seen this by Democratic females in Congress.
They go, men, just shut up!
The idea of men shutting up, women shutting up, white shutting up, black shutting up, Hispanic, nobody should shut up, free speech, Martin Luther King, Magna Carta, Bill of Rights, First Amendment, they're so authoritarian, and like you said, everything they do is an exercise in contradiction.
It's like this brewery, that's one of the biggest breweries in England, said get a brick, go out and assault a conservative, And then when somebody said, man, you're asking for trouble, they called the police.
They retweeted and said, oh my God, we're being threatened.
You're like declaring war.
We're coming to kill you.
People go, hey, that's not a good idea.
Oh my God, you talk back to me.
I'm calling the police.
It's like they have no governor.
They have no understanding.
Yeah, one man walked up to me and actually threatened me with a milkshake because the whole milkshake thing where they're saying that conservatives should be being assaulted by milkshakes to throw milkshakes on them.
The guy walked up to me and said, man, I really wish I didn't forget my milkshake.
And that was the point.
That's what the brewery said.
They said, stop using milkshakes.
You need to physically attack Nazis.
Anybody that doesn't do what they say is a Nazi.
So these are authoritarians going, hey, people don't like Nazis.
We'll say anybody not doing what we say is a Nazi.
So here's your report.
And more is coming on The War Room today.
There's a lot more that hasn't been aired yet, because this was shot in HD.
And then we've got Caitlin Bennett's report, where a woman calls for killing babies up to age three, which is the official PETA, Peter Singer, leftist plan.
Here it is.
Why do you support abortion?
I'm sorry I didn't bring a milkshake.
If you had a friend who was raped and became pregnant, would you force her to carry that baby to term?
Are we guilty for the sins of our fathers?
Mellie, this guy assaults you.
You answer me.
Are we guilty for the sins of our fathers?
What a thug.
Would you force a friend who was raped and got pregnant to carry that baby to term?
Do you realize this?
Hit pause.
Hit pause.
80% of women coming through Mexico get raped.
Amnesty International, he doesn't give a damn about that.
He doesn't care.
It's all about, you answer me about women being raped!
As if that's even one-tenth of one-hundredth of a percent.
Let's continue.
He was raped and got pregnant to carry that baby to terms?
Do you realize that... You answer me!
Do you realize that that's a very, very small percentage of instances where women are impregnated by rape?
It's a very small amount to justify... You're not going to answer me!
You f*** off!
You guys are... Wow!
He just said for radio listeners, you f*** off!
Grabbed her and shoved the mic back into her chest.
Yes, he did.
You can't see it very well in the video, but he actually did shove the mic back into my breast.
So, he did shove it into me.
Let's continue.
You're not going to answer me, you f*** off!
This guy just shoved me!
This guy literally just shoved me!
This guy just shoved me!
You'll understand later how wrong I am.
You're young, you don't have a son and a daughter, you haven't been on the air for six years, you haven't had all these jobs and done all these things, you're just subhuman, you're wrong, you're too young.
The left's all about the young being right, but you're too young.
Here, back it up.
Back it up, guys.
We're going to play all this.
Let's go back there.
You're young.
You don't know how great it is to... Here it is.
This guy just shoved me.
You'll understand later how wrong I am.
Wrong for supporting not killing babies.
Wrong for being against infanticide.
Are you respecting me?
I'm engaging in an interview right here and you just came and interrupted it.
You don't have a right to do that.
It's not your choice.
It's not your choice.
You do not have a right.
So it's not your choice to tell me to leave?
You don't have a right to be here and counter everything a woman tells you.
I have a right to ask you a question.
Your radio listener, she's at the Capitol, she's trying to interview, and the left always
comes over and tries to say don't talk to him for worse, and then starts physically
going after the microphone.
Here it is.
I'm not really here as an interviewer.
You are here to challenge what we as women want to say.
And you can hold a stance that you so firmly believe in that you'd be willing to take the life of babies, but you can't be challenged on that?
100% of unwanted pregnancies are caused by men.
I don't see big parades.
Look how she says men.
Pause again.
And I'm not being mean to ugly women, but what is it about feminists are all these women that either had a weird husband and have a son, they kind of put on Prozac and Ritalin and brain damage as a ritual, which we know it's a satanic ritual they carry out, they admit, or they never had a man and everybody, they say all these men want them, like they're on sex strike.
We're like, really?
We're glad you're on sex strike, lady.
I mean, what is this thing about hating men when men and women have each other?
We are the same species.
It's like cutting one arm off to spike the other arm.
100% of unwanted pregnancies are caused by men.
I don't see big parades of men out here with signs that say women should shut the f up.
Who's the one being sexist out here?
If you guys are telling men based on their sex, they should shut the F up.
100% of unwanted pregnancies are caused by men.
Yeah, so why should they not have a say?
Why should they not have a say?
They should have a say.
They should take their business and keep it to themselves.
They should have their testicles regulated.
But if the woman Then decides to have the baby.
Then he's gotta pay, though.
So he has no say, but he's gonna pay.
Yes, she says... That's taxation without representation.
She says 100% of men, and she says men like... Men!
Like they're this alien force.
I mean, you've got a son, you've got a daughter.
I've got a son, I've got daughters.
And I never thought of the sexes as even different.
We're just humanity.
But once you have a son, you have a daughter, you really get we are one whole thing.
Like, abolish the family?
The family is humanity!
And you realize how much men need women and how much women need men!
And she says, men, like she hates men.
And at the end there, I don't know if you caught it, Ox, but she literally talked about how men should have their, and she kind of pauses, testicles, and it sounds like she wants to say, cut off.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah.
But then he says regulated.
We're going to go to break it up, but back it up.
Let's finish the end of this tape and then even more shocking videos coming up where they call for killing children up to age three because they're so liberal.
They want to vaccinate them though, but they want to kill them too.
Here it is.
Why should they not have a say?
Why should they not have a say?
They should have a say.
They should take their business and keep it to themselves.
They should have their testicles regulated.
Why not?
So there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
We're not judging anyone that ever had an abortion.
We get it.
You're scared.
You're out of money.
You don't like the guy.
The point is they've medicalized it.
They're killing babies after they're born.
Third trimester.
There's no reason to do that.
And now they want to keep them alive and sell their organs.
And people get it's a business now.
It's evil.
And it's a sacrament to the left.
I think that's why Generation Z is like 80 percent against abortion.
Even even the millennials are half against it.
The numbers are turning against abortion.
And these women's groups should actually be rallying around and supporting women that
become pregnant unintentionally and finding ways to help them through their pregnancies
and support them.
[Muffled sounds]
Ooh, ooh, ooh.
I always forget to point this out.
Thanks for bringing that up.
Millie Weaver is in Fuego.
We'll talk to her on the other side and play Caitlyn Bennett's report where they call for killing children up to age three.
Pretty soon they'll say it's bigoted if you don't blow their brains out.
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I personally don't want to hate people from the Middle East.
(upbeat music)
And I personally don't want to be at war with Muslims.
And I understand there's a larger globalist plan for a clash of civilizations.
But if your daughter gets kicked down a subway stairs by a group of Islamicists because they think, you know, that she's a profane, you know, dog creature because she's a Christian or whatever, the police and the media try to cover it up and that's wrong.
And so if a horde of A radical Islamist is coming down your French street or you're having your crosses taken down on the coastline of Greece.
It's offensive to Muslims.
That's war and that's wrong.
I understand it's a manipulated collision.
I understand it's a manipulated clash.
But it doesn't change the fact if you're on the receiving end of it and capitulating to it.
And going along and saying, oh, Islam's great, it's a religion of peace, there isn't a class of civilizations happening, only adds to the globalist program.
We must be honest about the cancer that has become Islam in this current permutation, and the fact that the globalism is cancer, and the fact that the left's system is cancer, and the fact that mainline churches that just want to be country clubs have become cancers, and that the 5G, and the GMO, and the big drug companies, knowing they're giving us stuff that kills us and makes us more depressed, they're a cancer too.
There's a lot of damn evil going on here.
So I don't sit here and shake my finger at the Muslims like I'm high and mighty, like a Pharisee up here, or a hypocrite, and say, you're the only bad people in the world.
We got a lot of evil going around here.
You'll see examples in the U.S.
and in England where they're trying to teach five-year-old boys and girls, boys, they're girls, and girls, they're boys, and trying to teach five-year-olds about anal sex.
And the Muslims come in there and they say, our kids are pulled out of here, and they protest, and then the school stops it, or says, Muslims don't have to go, but nobody else will stand for their kids.
So that's the point I'm getting at here is, We've got a lot of evil ideologies here and humanity has really lost touch with what civilization has given us and we are becoming animals in the civilization our ancestors built and I don't care where that is.
I don't care if it's in Africa, the Middle East, the United States, Europe, Asia.
You've got people that are becoming disconnected from reality, and who are not self-aware, who will do basically anything at any time.
And it's going to create a world meltdown.
It's going to create a societal collapse.
Because if you don't want to work, the systems will basically let you live for free, but you've got to follow their political aim to conquer.
But if you want to be free, you've got to work more, more, more.
But when you hit that point, where the globalists finally take over, They're going to have their own weird right-wing backlash that I think is going to be very, very dangerous as well.
It's a serious time folks and we need God more than ever.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Get it?
It's The Alex Jones Show.
I remember when I remember, I remember when I lost my mind.
There was something so pleasant about that place.
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space.
And when you're out there, and when you're out there, without care, yeah I was out of
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough.
It wasn't because I didn't know enough.
I know way too much.
That's the problem.
These gums can't move fast enough to give you the intel.
Does it make me crazy?
Yeah, it makes me crazy.
World government that's anti-human, anti-family, exterminism.
Told you that 20-something years ago.
It was in all their textbooks.
But now it's not in their textbooks.
They're doing it in the real world.
Millie Weaver, you and your husband Gavin do an incredible job on the road across this country with your son and now daughter.
I couldn't believe two weeks after you had your baby daughter, you were already out there doing reports.
Congratulations to you as just an amazing woman.
I'm an amazing human.
We've got this Caitlin Bennett who you recruited to work with us and has just been doing a spectacular job and under attack.
We're going to go to this next report from the same pro-death rally at the Capitol with the anti-free speech leftists.
Give us a prelude to what we're about to see.
Well, Caitlin Bennett, she interviewed women and people on the pier.
This was actually down in Galveston.
And these girls, when she asked them about their stance on abortion, they essentially wanted to say that, you know, fostered babies, their whole reason for supporting abortion is so that you don't have children in foster care.
But then Caitlin says, well, would you be willing to look a foster child in the face and say, you should have been aborted?
And she's like, yeah.
I would say that to him, you know?
And again, some of this is at the beach this weekend, some of this is what happened in Austin yesterday, but I have articles today admitting, even Mainline News, that Alabama is adopting more babies than is even being aborted, and that's what I was going to say before the break you brought up.
When you see Catholic charities that are doing a good job, and some of these billboards saying, pregnant, need help, you know, don't abort.
The average woman, and the left always says nobody wants a Mexican baby or a black baby.
That is a load of crap.
My family adopted a Korean baby.
They just wanted a good, healthy baby.
They had a boy.
My mom got sterilized by the Dalkon Shield.
She won a legal case on that.
She wanted to have more kids.
They said, oh, no problem.
Sterilize her right away.
That was a problem.
She wanted to have kids.
Tried artificial insemination.
Went through hell.
Adopted my sister.
Took five years.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars.
And we're talking like 1992.
Okay, 1992, no, 1991 to get my sister from South Korea, who was, and I love her, and she watches, and she's really great, but you're a ghost child in South Korea.
If you come from a single mother, you're not seen as in society.
So they have a surplus, little girls especially.
She's a wonderful, smart, great person.
But you go out and these leftists go, nobody wants minorities.
But it's Christians, mainly white, that are adopting the black and hispanic babies
and they have black groups that say you shouldn't be able to adopt a black
person if you're white just kill them that's a nationwide movement so
you know abortion is actually in a way kind of sexist And it's funny that the feminists actually don't point this out.
Most of these countries, like India, China, they all abort female babies if they find out.
They don't want babies.
They want males.
And now these countries have surpluses of men, and the men can't ever find wives.
And we're the feminists.
That's the most sexist thing in the world, that in India, and in China, and everywhere, people don't want girls.
The West is all about girls.
They kill them.
And in the West, they tell us we're not pro-girl.
They kill them, they murder it.
They've had to ban ultrasounds in some of these countries because in India, if they find out it's a girl, they will kill it.
They will kill the girl baby.
Abort it.
And again, India has its own problems.
I'm not attacking their people in general, but they have the whole dowry system where women's families have to pay to take their daughter, and then the men will just firebomb them.
They'll pour gas on them, burn them to death, and they'll marry five or six women.
But the left doesn't say a damn word about it.
They just tell us how in the West, where we put women on a pedestal, that we don't like women, and I'm sick of it.
Yeah, I mean, even that article just said the real war on women, the real war on women, which is a war on humanity, is abortion.
Women are having the babies.
Women are humanity.
So the state wants to run women like a pimp.
That's it.
So here is this report.
I would tell women again, you can get, and you talk about racist.
It is because elite families want white babies.
You can get $200,000 for a black baby.
You can get $300,000 for a Hispanic baby.
You can get $400,000 for a white baby.
And for a black-haired, blue-eyed baby, you can get up to $600,000, $700,000.
Now, that's a fact on the market.
But they're not telling these women, hey, you can have that baby, because they just want babies dead at the abortion warehouse.
They're getting their kickback, their money.
Planned Parenthood makes a few thousand dollars in kickbacks every baby they kill.
And they get bonuses for black and Hispanic babies.
That's what they were set up to do with Margaret Sanger.
This is a fact.
But the point is, they're not telling a poor woman, hey, there are Christian families that want to adopt your baby.
They'll even get you a job after it.
They'll pay a couple hundred thousand dollars.
They won't tell these women that.
The women go pay to have their baby chopped up, and then It causes cervical cancer, ovarian cancer.
If you terminate a pregnancy when you're not supposed to, your body starts trying to kill you.
I actually know a woman who told me her story, and she's Christian now, and she deeply regrets having had an abortion when she was younger, because it actually made it so she can no longer ever have children.
And she's really heartbroken.
Oh yeah, a lot of times they sterilize you while they're at it.
Yeah, she's like, I had an abortion and now I can never have kids.
Well, you have all the secret experimentation over the years, Millie, as you know.
You're walking into the original.
Planned Parenthood was set up by the eugenicists, by Margaret Sanger.
Margaret Sanger was best friends with Hitler, got awards from him, and Hitler wrote letters to her back and forth, praising her.
Yes, she was a vehement racist, Margaret Sanger.
But then, again folks, people say, well hey, the minorities want to kill whites, why not kill them?
That's what I'm getting at here, folks.
This is much deeper.
This is insane.
This is evil.
You're not going to kill babies whether they're white or black and go to heaven, folks.
People can make jokes about that all day.
You can't do it.
Here is the true face of evil, Kaitlin Bennett's newest video.
We're going to post it on fullwars.com.
Here it is.
There's over a million children, babies, every year that are aborted.
Thank God there'd be a million and a half people in foster homes, like my point right there.
Thank you.
Thank you.
That's disappointing, guys.
That's disgusting.
That's disgusting.
This is Galveston, Texas.
How old are you?
How old is she?
She's 18.
Oh, okay.
You just look so very young.
You're so cute.
In your lady's opinion, when does human life begin?
When the child is born?
When the life is in the world?
I mean... So it has to pass the birth canal and able for it to be a human life?
For being accountable.
Living life.
What's the difference between the day before it's born and the day after?
Uh, it's here.
Is it not here when it's in the womb?
It doesn't have any, like, birth certificate.
It doesn't have any.
So a birth certificate determines life?
No, but, I mean, there's already plenty of kids that don't have families.
Why put more in the foster system and foster homes?
Pause again.
The idea is if you kill somebody, that makes more resources.
That's what Bill Gates teaches.
Kill grandma, get money for ten teachers.
So they've already bought this idea.
If we kill people, there'll be more resources instead of building a civilization.
This is the essence of evil, folks.
It is by far worse to be tossed from foster home to foster home to foster home than to not even be open up to all that pain and hurt and not having parents and not having somebody to love you and being tossed around.
I'd rather cut somebody off who has no clue that they're born.
Nobody knows they're born.
They can feel the pain.
You don't remember being born, do you?
When you were five months old, did you remember being born?
Is it okay to kill a five-month-old?
You fell when you were five months old.
Do you remember how it felt?
No, but you guys' argument is it can't feel when it's in the womb, so it's okay to cut them off before they have to... It's not that it can't feel.
It's not that it can't feel.
It's not that it can't feel.
It's not that it can't feel.
It's not that it can't feel.
It's not that it can't feel.
It's not that it can't feel.
It's not that it If somebody's pregnant and they don't want it, they don't have to have it.
They should be.
What if someone has mental issues and they're not capable of even going through birth to give up the kid for adoption?
That has nothing to do with mental... That's not mental issues.
Yeah, it is.
I mean, that's one of the reasons... These women are so gross.
God, I'll never touch them.
Yeah, I mean, I can take care of myself sometimes.
What if, you know, what if I, you know...
That's a lot.
I can barely take care of myself sometimes.
I can barely take care of myself sometimes.
So do you think that you should take precautions not to conceive a child?
You take precautions.
You take all the precautions you can and you still, some people still get pregnant.
Then take your responsibility and don't, don't get rid of a human life.
This is the thing that is going on right now.
We're still in Texas.
Like we can still.
We're going to come back in case you missed it.
We're going to play it again where they say kill babies up to age 3.
These selfish evil blobs, Millie.
It's disgusting and very disturbing because babies do feel pain.
They actually feel more pain.
I've read... Oh, there's the videos where they fight the scalpel.
They fight like it's a knife fight.
Yeah, it's worse.
It's 10 times worse for them because they haven't had the pruning of their nerves yet.
Well, people don't know this, but there are studies I've read that are really sick.
A baby expects to be held and loved.
You throw them in water, they fight for their lives.
They try to climb out.
When you start attacking them, they fight.
They tried to give my son a vitamin K shot, which I'd authorized.
He literally grabbed the nurse's hand and pulled it away.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
This is hour number four with Millie Weaver, Bill Johnson and more.
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So again, thank you for your support and thank you for taking care of your own body.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You know, Millie Weaver and Caitlin Bennett need their own show here at InfoWars.
They're so busy on the road and they're kicking ass.
I don't want to tie them down with that.
But Will Johnson's coming up after the next segment.
We're going to air...
Part of an interview she did, just when she was here with her beautiful three-month-old daughter, who's here in town right now, and her husband, and what they went through at the hospital, the medicalization, all of it.
That's coming up next segment.
This is important for everybody to see and to share.
But finishing up, the leftists now say, kill babies after they're born.
And so I was saying this woman says three years.
That's what Peter Singer says.
She says there's no limit.
So let's finish this interview.
Here it is.
What time do we cut abortions off?
Do you guys believe in gun control?
I mean, in different areas.
So you're stripping my rights away, but me standing up for the unborn is stripping your rights away?
We're not going to take all the guns, but make it harder.
So we're not going to limit all the abortions just when it has a heartbeat and it's a human life, is that okay?
Can we compromise?
If the mother isn't capable of taking care of a child, I don't think she should go through birth or have to go through birth.
Are you willing to look at a lot of children in the foster care system and say, you should have been aborted instead of being here in this home?
No, I'm sorry that, you know, your family, and I mean, they should, probably some, you know?
I'm sure there's half a million kids in foster care.
You're willing.
And there's over a million children, babies, every year that are aborted.
Thank God there'd be a million and a half people in foster homes!
Like, my point right there.
Thank you.
Thank you!
That's disappointing, guys.
That's disgusting.
That's disgusting.
That's disgusting.
That man needs to get them on a leash.
Take control of the women in your life, sir!
She just said, so she just said, I should have been aborted, which is admitting that abortion is murder.
So thank you very much.
They don't belong in Texas.
Ironically, this is not the average response we've been getting today.
A lot of people have been saying life begins at conception.
And if they don't say conception, they say a heartbeat because it is common sense.
It is literally common sense.
Are they coming back?
Look at them.
That's enough of them.
You know, we had that video two weeks ago, the Alabama senator saying, If we don't kill them in the womb, we're gonna kill them later.
These are bad people.
They have bad genes.
That is so Nazi.
That is so dangerous, Milly.
It's very dangerous, you know, and it's about dehumanizing babies.
They essentially try to say, oh, they're not babies, they're not human.
Where have we heard that, Alex?
Where have we heard people saying they're not human, therefore they should be killed?
Well, gee, that sounds like something the Nazis said.
That sounds like the justification they gave to kill millions of Jewish people.
And so many of our best scientists and best people come from really poor backgrounds.
They're disabled.
Here, here, let's play this Alabama Senator saying, kill, kill them before they're born.
Kill the black people.
Here it is.
All I'm saying to you, it ought to be a woman's choice.
I'm not about to be able to tell a woman what to do with her body.
Yeah, you don't want any responsibility.
She has a right to make that decision herself.
Directly, he said.
Some kids are not wanted.
So you kill them now, I'll kill them later.
You're bragging me in the world, I don't want it, I don't love.
Then you send him to the electric chair.
So you kill him now, I'll kill him later.
But the bottom line is that I think we should be making this decision.
Alright, there you go.
He goes, it's a woman's choice.
No, the state wants the organs.
They're getting caught.
They're in trouble, Millie.
I think they're scared.
Well, he's admitting right there, kill them now or kill them later.
Kill them!
He's admitting it's murder.
He's admitting that these are human beings that we're killing, which the left likes to try to deny.
They say it's not human.
By the way, I tell folks about going to anti-abortion rallies.
And there'd always be some weird local black leader come over and say, we don't want black people, we gotta kill them.
Now they say it on tape.
He's talking about killing black people.
It's disgusting.
The racism within the Democrats is there for everyone to see.
Millie, your incredible interview with your husband and your newborn daughter is coming up.
And Will Johnson is locked and loaded.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Spread the live links to the show.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
you are incredible.
This is next level, breaking ground, history book level, science fiction dystopia,
tyranny on steroids.
(siren blaring)
Bing, bing, bong, bong.
Just take the red pill, people!
Just take the red pill, people!
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic It's Alex Jones!
This is Alma, my three-month-old baby daughter, and she is what a perfectly healthy, unvaccinated baby looks like.
She's in all the top charts.
She's off the records.
I mean, she is so healthy, and the doctors in the beginning, they tried to pressure me into vaccinating her, but now she's surpassing all the other babies that she was behind initially that were vaccinated.
So, There she is.
So she was born C-section and of course with C-section babies she was suctioned after she was born and that's when they kind of put a big suction thing in the back of your throat and kind of remove fluids but When she had her first baby checkup appointment, they looked in the back of her throat and they saw that she had a little bit of a scratch or sore at the back of her throat.
And so the doctors freaked out.
They thought that maybe she had a sore, maybe she came in contact with some herpes virus or something at the hospital.
They were asking me about my medical history and I'm like, no, I've never had any type of herpes or anything.
Plus, she wasn't even born vaginally.
She was born with a C-section.
Nonetheless, they wanted to send her to a hospital immediately.
But I was like, no, I don't think she needs to be at a hospital.
She doesn't have a fever.
She's fine.
She's healthy.
They said, go to Walgreens, Rite Aid, get a thermometer and monitor her.
If she spikes a fever, even if it's over 100.3, bring her into the ER.
So I was doing that.
And of course, A day or two later, I took her temperature and it said 100.6.
So I thought, oh my gosh, maybe she did come into contact with something at the hospital.
I should take her into the ER and get her checked out.
So of course I go.
As soon as I get to the ER, the doctors then take her temperature with their thermometer and it says she doesn't have a fever.
So I then say, wait a second, let's check mine.
So I checked mine, it said she had a fever.
They checked theirs again, no fever.
So I quickly realized that this cheap little $5 thermometer I got at the drugstore was faulty.
Something, you know, wasn't very accurate.
I trust the hospital's calibrated equipment more than this little cheap one.
So what did they say?
They said, we need to get a blood sample and a urine sample.
So of course, I was thinking, okay, sure.
Maybe a little prick or heal like we've seen or somehow collect urine.
No, no, no.
All of a sudden, before I knew it, they're wheeling in all this crazy equipment.
All these people come in.
Shove a catheter in her and she's screaming and I was like, whoa, wait a second.
No, what are we doing here?
Oh, this is the only way we can get urine.
They start having nurses stick needles in her arms to try to get a vein.
Of course she's reeling and screaming in pain and I start freaking out, panicking and crying
because I'm watching my poor baby writhe in pain.
And I'm like, "Stop.
I don't want this.
We need to go.
I do not want to be here anymore.
I want to take her out of here."
And they said, "No, sorry ma'am."
They were literally threatening me with CPS or the Child Protection Services for medical
neglect if I took her out of the hospital.
the fact that she didn't really have a fever at all.
But because they said she had some kind of mark or scratch at the back of her throat, you know, they had to run all these tests on her.
They had her all wired up like she was some sick baby, took us up to, you know, to stay overnight and everything.
And the doctors then started wanting to pressure me to allow them to start her on high-dose antibiotics and do a spinal tap on a newborn baby without any evidence that she was sick.
They literally had no evidence she was sick.
No fever, nothing.
And they wanted to do a spinal tap on her.
I kept saying, no, uh-uh, no way in hell.
We are not doing a spinal tap on a newborn baby.
I started threatening them legally that I would sue them.
That you are not allowed, like this is where I draw the line, this is where I threaten you legally that you are not gonna do a spinal tap on my newborn baby.
One of the doctors said to me, you know, if it were my baby, I would want them to have a spinal tap.
I would want them to immediately be put on high-dose antibiotics.
I said, really?
Even when your baby's perfectly healthy and doesn't have a fever at all?
They said, well, you don't know that.
And, mind you, the test they took the night before had already come back to show that the mark in the back of her throat came back negative for anything.
No herpes, no crazy viruses or any illnesses.
It came back negative.
So even with the negative test, they wanted me to do a spinal tap on my baby.
I actually got into a long debate with one of the doctors who just, he wanted to go at me with, you know, vaccines and he had all the arguments, all the things to say and I was just like, no, I have my reasons.
I know for a fact and plus, you know, we have a thing in my family where babies get febrile seizures and I didn't want to risk anything going on with my baby.
You know, I said, when you can show me on those inserts that it doesn't say risk of death, risk of autism, risk of all of these autoimmune diseases, when you can show me those vaccine inserts don't say that?
Then we can talk.
I mean, I've got three dollars in the sun.
None of them are tested for safety.
They have secret liability protection.
Now it's hundreds of shots they want to give.
And they know what they're doing.
This is on purpose, people.
We're not against science.
We're not even against vaccines itself, in my view.
It's that they're not giving us quality vaccines.
They've got contaminants, and it's part of a larger agenda.
And these sweet little babies, my children are all in the top 99 percentile of everything, just like this baby is.
And the doctors will tell you, no, we notice the difference with unvaccinated and vaccinated.
It's a fact.
But regardless, it's like a public health issue or like Yelp or reviews.
They're trying to say mothers and fathers and people.
Our nurses can't have their views that vaccines have caused damage, or they've been hurt by vaccines.
So they're trying to say that you as a consumer don't have a right to say you were hurt by a product that Big Pharma has, that has liability protection, with the whole history of Big Pharma and Bayer, with HIV in the shots, and the OxyContin company knowing it would kill people.
I mean, really?
We're gonna just trust these people that have this history of secret experimentation?
I really commend you guys and your courage.
And other parents, stand together.
God bless you.
Well, thank you.
And you know, that's why I told this doctor, I said, hey, you can't tell me there's not a possibility that this is going to injure my baby, these vaccines.
And are you willing to be liable?
If my child's injured, am I going to be able to sue you and come after you?
Are you going to hold liability?
Doctor didn't want to hear about that.
And the other thing is he wanted to talk about herd immunity.
He seemed to care more about herd immunity.
Oh yeah, this happens.
Some kids get hurt.
But herd immunity is what we need.
We need to protect the herd.
One problem, doctor, my baby is not chattel.
So when you say herd immunity to me, it falls on deaf ears.
That night, an older doctor, who was much older than all these other doctors.
These doctors were younger.
This guy was an old timer.
He took one look at her and he said, what is this baby doing here?
Why is this baby here?
This baby's perfectly healthy, no fever, nothing.
He's like, I would have discharged her the minute we took her temperature and realized that she didn't have a fever.
He's like, what is going on here?
This is ridiculous.
He couldn't believe when I told them that the other doctors wanted to do a spinal tap.
He thought it was ludicrous.
And now it is a standard procedure.
Look this up.
It's a standard procedure.
If a baby under three months old goes to the ER with even the parents thinking the baby had a fever of 100.3 and above, it's now standard for them to recommend spinal taps.
This is insane.
Finally, when it all came to a head and the doctors said she's perfectly healthy after all the tests we've given her, the only thing they could think of for why she had this cut or abrasion or sore at the back of her throat was probably from the suctioning.
When she was born, the nurses might have been a little too violent suctioning the baby out.
And that was because they forced me to have a C-section Because they said they literally would not let me try to have a VBAC because my first son was a C-section.
The hospital had a board of doctors.
They said you had to get past this board of doctors and the doctors got to choose whether or not you could try to give birth naturally or C-section.
And they said, nope, sorry, we're not even gonna let you try to have a regular birth.
C-section it is.
So if my baby wasn't born with a C-section and maybe if they weren't so violent, Jabbing her with their suction device.
She wouldn't have ever had that sore on the back of her throat.
So they created the problem that they then freaked out about in the first place.
Just trust your intuition.
It's your baby.
You know whether or not your baby's really sick and really needing certain medical intervention.
If I would have just trusted my own intuition when I looked at my baby and said, well, she looks perfectly healthy to me.
Um, she probably wouldn't have had to go through that traumatic experience of being... Hi.
I'm gonna grow a magnificent pair of breasts!
I'm going to transition into a woman!
It'll be great!
You should crawl back into your mother's rancid womb, gestate for a few more hours, slide back out, and then learn something about not being an entitled, white, piece of sh**!
This is Trump, people!
When the rubber meets the road?
Yeah, you're a f***ing idiot.
F*** you, capitalism!
F*** you, f***ing president!
He's a racist, stupid piece of s***!
If you guys are working for Alex Jones, you're working for a murderer!
Alex Jones is an a**hole.
Danfoe Wards is fake news!
I got a chair going!
If you had to choose one prominent person to be banned next, who would you choose?
This is what's happening to the men in our country.
Where are the men?
Stop touching my stuff!
I'm backing away!
Dude, stop!
Why are you doing that?
Get the f***ing stuff in and don't film it!
You're not allowed!
You can't use it!
Please do not touch me!
Please do not touch me!
Once again it's me!
I actually said both of you guys.
Right beforehand you f***ing said sir!
Motherf***ing pussies!
Take it outside and smoke homies for me!
I will show you the f*** you deserve!
Get the f*** out of my face!
Go home!
What is your f***ing problem?
Film it, bro.
Film it.
Yeah, I'm filming it.
What the f*** did you do to me?
Watch this.
Did you farted at me?
Get the hell out of here!
Get these people the hell out of here right now!
F**k off!
I don't give a f**k!
Get out!
Oh s**t!
Don't do that!
F**king terrible person!
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
Eric in Colorado.
Eric, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, I really appreciate you and it's an honor to talk to you.
And I do, before I start, I also wanted to do a plug for a couple of your products
Changed my life.
The DNA Force is one, and X2.
Yeah, I do a lot of construction.
Using the tools that you're using, it just really wreaks havoc on your body, and I had three of my fingers starting to go numb, and I didn't think there was anything going to work on it.
I tried your DNA Force a couple weeks later, started feeling that numbness going away, tingling coming back, and then, you know, now I'm fully using my hand.
It's great, and I can't thank you enough for what you do just in the fight for liberty.
Well, thank you, brother.
I mean, we want to sell you stuff that works.
You want to order it again, but PQQ CoQ10 has been proven to make telomeres last longer, to make nerves regrow.
It really is an amazing product for anybody above 40.
Young people can take it as well, but yes, DNA Force Plus is amazing.
What'd you think of the X2?
I love that too.
After a few months of being on that, I felt like I wasn't searching for words.
There was a time in my life where I felt like, man, I don't know if I'm just too exhausted or what, but you feel like you want to get in a conversation, and you're pausing, and you can't find the word to say.
And I swear, man, that X2 really helps with cognition.
Well, that's because the synapses in the brain operate off of it.
It's electrochemical.
You're absolutely right.
When I forget to take X2 every couple days, sometimes I forget for like a week because I get busy.
Then I feel it, and I take it, and it really is amazing.
So thank you for the support, brother.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Will Johnson.
Welcome, welcome to the last hour of The Alex Jones Show.
My name is Will Johnson.
It's an honor to be here once again.
We have a lot to talk about in the last few minutes in this hour.
Abortion is the hot topic everywhere and so is censorship.
But first I want to talk about censorship.
Censorship that's going across America is nothing different than when Nazi Germany was burning books in the day.
Today you have Facebook creating this whole social media platform and Google with YouTube and Twitter.
It is the public square.
It's a public square and now you put your information out there and they delete it.
It's digital book burning.
Alex Jones has been removed from all of these platforms and they're having people terrified of even saying his name.
So this is another sense of control.
They're controlling everyone.
They want to control what everything is being said, everything that's being shared.
They do not want you to say Alex Jones.
You know, when they first started censoring Alex Jones, everyone was saying, you know, hashtag Alex Jones, hashtag Infowars, hashtag free Alex Jones.
That was taking place.
Then it was like, okay, too many people are still doing this.
So they came up with a way To terrify people and saying the name Alex Jones because they knew they couldn't stop it.
They were not able to stop it.
So why are they trying to do this censorship now?
Well, it's obvious 2020 is coming.
We have President Trump coming up for election in 2020 and they know.
Even Green said that if we do not impeach him, he's going to be president in 2020.
So how did the censorship start off, right?
Really think about it.
For me, now, you know, they've been censoring people from probably from the beginning.
But it really started picking up after the 2016 election, when President Trump beat Hillary Rodham Clinton outright.
And it wasn't the help of the Russians.
It was not the help of the Russians.
It was straight up the American people that voted for President Trump, not the Russians.
You even had Democrats vote for President Trump because they didn't like what Hillary Clinton did to Bernie Sanders.
So, to talk about the digital book burning, see, you take your life story and you put it out there.
You put your life story on social media and Year after year, you put pictures, you put comments, and then they just come along and they delete it.
They burn your digital book.
Because you're saying something you don't like.
Oh, you hurt my feelings.
So basically they wanted to delete people because of your political views, not because you've gone out and murdered someone, not because you've gone out and robbed a bank, not because you've gone on and out and advocated for people to be violent towards other people, not because you see people on the street wearing a Trump hat and you decide to hit them.
No, you're not getting banned for that.
You're getting banned because you're not saying what they want you to say.
You get banned because you go against the grain.
You get banned because you are a believer in Christ.
You get banned because you support organizations like Infowars.com.
See, when you support someone like Infowars.com, Alex Jones, it runs through their veins and it just boils.
Look how they act when you support President Trump.
Right now they have this whole programming thing telling everybody that President Trump is angry.
Oh, President Trump is angry.
Well, he should be angry because they're not doing their job.
He is the boss, right?
He's supposed to be the boss.
The left, these Democrats, they're not doing their job and they're saying he's angry.
Even President Trump is now saying that if you're having issues with social media, he has created a location for people to come and voice their grievances.
To voice how they are being disenfranchised by the liberal media outlets with the social media.
You know, the sitting President of the United States, the last thing he should have to do is come out and fight for freedoms.
You know, you shouldn't have to do that.
He shouldn't have to come out and say, you know what?
I have to create this platform so you can keep your freedom of speech.
You know, the First Amendment.
The thing that the Democrats are supposed to abide by.
You know, the Constitution.
The thing that they created years ago.
But you know what?
The Democrats say the Constitution is out of date.
See, that's why you have groups like CNN and MSNBC working with these liberal media outlets, censoring conservatives.
It wasn't Russia!
There was no Russia collusion.
There was no obstruction.
And the censorship is still taking place because they know it was Americans.
It was God-believing Americans that voted for President Trump.
And that's the part they don't like.
So how do we stop that?
I mean, I don't know if you saw it, but right after the 2016 election, Google, a panel of people at Google, got up on this panel and they sit there and had a discussion on how we can prevent an election from happening the way it did in 2016.
Why in the world would Google Spend the time and effort on trying to change the outcome of the election.
Why would they try to convince people not to vote for the best candidate?
And President Trump was the best candidate.
Now, he does have foot in Twitter mouth, but you know what?
I like his Twitter.
I have foot in Twitter mouth every now and then, too.
Because I say what's on my mind.
And so you're not supposed to do that.
You're not supposed to say what's on your mind.
You're supposed to go along with the liberal left.
You're supposed to go along with the ideas that they hate America.
America's bad.
America's bad.
Don't like America?
If you like America, then there's a problem with you.
If you like conservatives and you want to support President Trump, you want to support organizations like Infoward, then something's wrong with you.
You're bad.
Oh, and don't be white and support President Trump or InfoWars.
Oh my God.
You're just automatically a neo-Nazi, white supremacist racist, simply because you were born white.
Do you not see the problem in that?
I'm a black male.
I support InfoWars.com because I support free speech.
I support it.
A hundred percent.
You don't have to like it.
But I'm going to continue supporting InfoWars.
I'm going to continue supporting the President of the United States.
I'm going to.
And if I have my freedoms and you say that you're for freedoms, then you should join me in supporting InfoWars.com.
And one way you can do that support is by going to InfoWarsStore.com.
Get the supplements.
Right now, they have an awesome deal.
There's an 8-pack power stack.
It is unbelievable.
And you know, it makes complete sense.
You get the packet, you put it in your pocket, you go on your day.
When you're having breakfast and you're having lunch, go ahead and take it.
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Get what your body needs.
I saw this deal and I'm like, man, I've got to order it today.
I have to order it today.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com.
It is so important that this is the only way that you can help InfoWars fight this fight that is headed for all of us.
You think just because you're watching it happen to other people, it's not coming to you?
Oh, it's coming!
It's coming!
We're all experiencing it today, and it's not gonna stop until they get what they want.
My name is Will Johnson, and this is InfoWars.com.
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I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Banning people.
They're dictating the opinions that everyone on the platform is allowed to have.
I'm a conservative Jew, so I guess that makes me such a dangerous person.
Spreading articles.
Spreading videos.
Spreading links.
You're gonna get demonized.
You're gonna get attacked.
That's going to do something terrible like help Trump get re-elected.
That's really what all this is about.
They say that they deem our content and our brand unsafe.
It is the right to be, do, and say whatever you want.
It's about freedom of expression.
I'm a journalist and the left is not interested in telling the truth about me because I don't fit the stereotype.
They can say whatever they think and I respect their constitutional right to do it. I hope they respect my
country If you are receiving this transmission you are the
resistance You are the resistance
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But Will Johnson, who's hosting the fourth hour, has made a suggestion before to me, and that is to drink it with hot water like you would sip on tea.
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On the Alex Jones Show.
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Go ahead and knock that out.
Go ahead and stir that in.
I've got pretty hot water here.
It's been sitting for a minute, so I should be able to drink this without it having to wait too long.
I kind of feel like I'm doing an infomercial.
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Oh my gosh, we're about to sell out of turbo force with this one, folks, so you better go to infowarstore.com immediately.
Alright, you think I got it?
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Yes, ah, I'm thinking of my turbo force and how great it's going to make me feel.
And the pure energy that I'm gonna get from my turbo force at InfoWareStore.com.
Total equilibrium.
Find your chi.
Find the energy with TurboForce at InfowarsStore.com.
I'm getting ready for a long four-hour broadcast and I need my energy.
I'm sipping TurboForce mixed with hot water and I find my chi as I host the Alex Jones Show.
It's magic.
It's Turbo Force from Infowarsstore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(gentle music)
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Will Johnson.
All right.
Welcome back.
Welcome back.
So in the last segment, we're talking about censorship.
You know, free speech is going away.
I can talk about it all day long because it's affecting all of us.
And a lot of us, like I was saying, don't even recognize it's happening to us.
It's like we're watching it from a distance.
Oh, look what's happening to those people over there.
Look what's happening.
I'm glad it's not happening to me.
When it is happening to all of us, You know, what I don't understand is you have these people on the left, they say they're so tolerant and inclusive and they're all about love, love, love.
But then they scream, shut them down!
I don't like what they're saying!
They're going against me!
I hate them!
I hate them!
Shut them down!
Shut them down!
They're the fascists because I don't like what they're saying!
What happened to being inclusive?
They, they, when they do that, they're just lying.
It is all nothing but lies when they do that.
And we're supposed to believe it?
You would think that the mainstream media, soon as they see that the free press, whoever it may be, start, you know, when they're getting censored, getting shut down, they should be, it should be alarm bells.
For these major ones.
Now you have Tucker.
He talked about it.
He has talked about it quite often.
But you don't see, you know, CNN talk about it because they're happy when it happens.
Or the rest of the liberal media outlets.
They're happy when it happens.
Because it's what they want.
And I think part of the reason why they're happy about it is because their ratings are so low They want to remove other media outlets that's getting better ratings than them.
Even on, even on Facebook, I can put a video on Facebook and get better ratings than CNN does on Facebook.
Oh, so we got to censor Will Johnson.
He's becoming a problem.
He's not saying what we want.
So they have to go all out and attack conservatives.
All right.
Let me change it up a little bit here.
Alex Jones was talking about it earlier and he talked about, I'm going to talk about abortion that's going on in the country and you know even around the world.
If you go and even do, and I was actually surprised that Google even had this.
If you go out and Google how many abortions throughout the year, right?
You just Google it.
Google, yeah, I was surprised.
It said between 40, just Google abortions In a year, and it showed between 40 and 50 million babies murdered through abortion on the planet every year.
This is remarkable.
It's insane.
And they said it comes out to about 125,000 babies being murdered a day.
And then you have the left celebrating it and calling it good women's health care.
Oh, it's great!
It is good women's health care to kill these unborn children.
And specifically, they call it good health care when it targets black babies.
And you know what?
And I started thinking about it because, you know, in Alabama, they had the abortion pop up.
And in Alabama, there was a, the governor, to my understanding, is a woman.
She did, she signed the bill for the, you know, and everyone's talking about it in Alabama.
And to my understanding, a woman came up with the bill for it in Alabama.
And then the liberal media don't want to pay attention to the women that's fighting to stop abortion.
They keyed in on the 25 men that are Republicans that supported it.
That's what they keyed in on.
That's what they looked at.
The 25 white men.
And they were complaining because there were white men doing this.
Well, guess what?
Just like back in the day, Republicans, white Republicans, were helping black people for their freedoms and their lives, today we still have the same thing.
And then you have the left trying to say that white people are bad.
But yet, here it is.
I got it on the screen for viewers that don't see it.
There's 25 white men.
Every last one of them are Republicans.
And they are fighting for black babies to have a life?
And you have the Democrats upset with these white men for trying to help black babies have a life?
Do you hear that?
Do you hear what I'm saying?
It is white men, white people fighting for black lives.
It is not black people fighting for black lives.
Black lives only matter when there's a white person or a cop, a police officer involved.
That's the only time black lives matter to black people.
Oh yeah, I'm black and I'm not supposed to be saying that, am I?
Well, it's the truth.
It's the truth.
Why do you have more white Republicans fighting for black lives than you do Democrats?
Because the Democrats are trying to do genocide against black people.
And they're doing it real sly-like.
Real slick-like.
Like little snakes just slithering through the grass.
That's all they are.
They're snakes.
And they want to consume everything that is good.
They want to consume everything.
And they want to kill everything.
Margaret Sanger, to be an example.
I was looking at Margaret Sanger.
And one of the things, I down, I took a copy of some of the statements that she has out there.
And if you go to Google and type it in, you're not going to get it.
You're not going to get it.
I couldn't find it on Google.
So I had to go to where?
Because it's not Google.
I had to go to Bing to find this.
So I went over to Bing and right here it says, this is Margaret Singer, mind you.
This is Margaret Singer.
It says, we do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.
That's her words.
And even today.
They don't want people to know that the whole agenda of Planned Parenthood... Oh!
And they support it!
My God!
Planned Parenthood!
And you have black people and Democrats supporting it!
And it's genocide against black people!
Planned Parenthood!
And why do they do it?
Because black people have been convinced, oh, it's good health care if you kill this unborn child.
It is good health care for black women to kill them.
To kill them.
I'm sitting there surfing the web.
And found another picture where it showed, this was actually a report on Infowars.com.
This is how I came wind of it the first time.
In Iowa, where they talk about lawmakers offers amendment to seek, to exempt black babies from abortion.
They want to exempt black babies from abortion.
And I was like, why?
I don't understand.
I'm like, really?
They want to exempt black babies from abortion.
And then I'm sitting there thinking, OK, so when they have abortion.
They're saying, OK, white women, you don't have to get an abortion.
Latinos, brown women, you don't have to get an abortion.
Please leave that up on the screen.
You don't have to get an abortion.
But then they have a picture of a black woman.
They have a picture with a black woman on the screen.
Holding a black baby saying like, oh, it's good if you would abort this baby.
As if it's good health care.
I mean, is it just me or did anyone else pick up on that?
All right, thank you.
To get back to what I was saying earlier.
You have white people back in the day during slavery, where they wanted to help black people.
It was white people!
Today, you have white people in that same fight trying to help black people again.
And guess who's trying to stop it?
The common denominator.
The demonic demon leftists.
They do not want black people to exist.
They want to exterminate, exterminate, exterminate, exterminate black people.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Discover trends and global developments years before they happen right here on The Alex Jones
And now, your host, Will Johnson.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
My name is Will Johnson.
We were talking about abortion and how the left is destroying black lives.
The left is destroying black lives.
You know, black lives don't matter to the Democrats.
They really don't.
You know, they're encouraging black women specifically to abort their children.
And I have one lady tell me that it's probably a good thing that black women abort their children because of all of the poverty in the ghettos that black children have to grow up in.
And if they abort their children, then they don't have to grow up in that situation.
Why not teach the black people to lift themselves up?
Why not teach them to try to do better, to get out of their projects, to get out of the ghetto?
Why not teach black people that you can be someone?
Why not teach black people to be better?
Why not do that?
Oh, but no, you can't do that.
You have to tell, you have to tell black people that aborting is good health care.
You have to tell women, oh, it is good for you to do it.
It is positive thing for you to want to kill that baby that's growing in your womb.
That's what you want to do.
They put billboards up to tell black women, it is good health care for you to kill that baby.
Does that make a lick of sense to you?
Cause it does not make a lick of sense to me.
These people are insane.
They're demonic demons.
They're demons that's trying to destroy everything that is good.
They want to destroy what is the family unit.
See, in the projects or in the black community, they have already told and convinced many black women not to have a man in the household.
Because that means there will be a father there to help out the children.
See, that's another thing.
Why not convince women to have a man in the household to raise decent families?
They don't want to do that.
Because Satan has control of them.
Satan has already taken over their minds to convince them that the family is bad.
And then if you have white people coming telling you, oh, you know what?
Be somebody.
Pull yourself up.
Be strong.
Then they want to say white people are bad for telling you that.
What kind of society do we live in when you can't have someone tell you encouraging words?
What kind of society we live in where if you say positive things about black people, you must be racist.
And but see, the Democrats, they want to say act like they're doing positive things, but convincing these women to kill these babies is not convincing.
It's not, it's not, it's not, it's not satisfying to me.
It is not.
I mean, I'm trying not to get angry when I'm thinking about it.
And I'm sitting there thinking about the governor of Virginia, how he talking about take the baby and put it on the table.
My God, are we butchers?
When did we become monsters like this?
When did it become okay to want to say killing is the next best thing?
And why?
You know, all of this goes right along with the whole censorship.
Because they don't want people coming out saying that you're against killing of the unborn.
Because you're saying all of a sudden you're taking away women's rights.
You know, you're taking away the women's right of saying that I can decide if I want to abort this baby.
You're taking my right away.
Well, what about the rights of the father?
What about the rights of the man that actually helped procreate that child?
What about our rights?
I had one lady tell me that you don't have any right to say anything about abortion, or the woman having an abortion, or the mother carrying a baby.
You have no rights because you're a man.
Well, what if the child is mine?
Do I not have the right then?
Do I not?
What about my rights?
What about my choice?
Why are you taking my choice away?
And it all has everything to do with censorship because they want to take our voices away of voicing how we feel about it.
As a man, I do not agree with it.
It's my choice not to agree with it.
So right now, if you go to Infowars.com, they have these posters.
That you can get to talk about free speech.
I encourage everybody to go there.
If the producers, please, if you would put it up on the screen right now, Infowars.com, where they can get these posters and they can print them out.
And you can take these posters and you can put them on like telephone poles.
Don't put them anywhere where someone's going to be like complaining about it, talking about your littering or something like that.
Put them where other posters will, where you can see them.
And you know, and there's a lot of light poles that are made out of wood that you can put them on.
Put them there because the censorship is going to stop us even from talking about abortion.
The censorship is going to stop us from talking about keeping our freedoms.
The censorship is going to stop us from having freedom of the press.
The censorship is going to stop us from showing our support for President Trump come 2020.
Do you not realize the sinister act of all of it?
Really think about it.
If they are successful in shutting down our freedom of speech come 2020, we won't even be able to talk about how much we support President Trump in 2020.
If you and I did this the other day and you know, I didn't even look at it this morning.
I went to Google and I went to first if you go to Bing.
And maybe the producers will bring it up for me.
If you go to Bing, because it's not Google, and type in U.S.
Presidents, and it's all sinister, it's like subliminal messages, and it's like really small and subtle to get people.
If you go to Bing and type in U.S.
Presidents, this was happening like yesterday, I looked at it, and you can see the order.
It shows President Trump, then Obama, Right?
And so on and Bush and it shows it shows the order.
Now, if you go to Google and type in the exact same thing as of yesterday, it had Obama's picture there before President Trump.
And I'm thinking, why would they do that?
What is the what is the what is the reasoning for doing that?
And they put Obama's face before President Trump?
It's so disrespectful!
But then if you look a little bit closer, then they, you know, they put Kennedy and they put Bush's and they separate all of them just a little bit to make it look like it's just, oh, this is just how it is.
No, it's not.
If that was the case, why not put Obama where you can't even see him on the screen?
See, they have Obama on their first.
They want people, when you just go Google it, across the planet, and they see it, all they're going to do is look at the picture, and they're going to see Obama's mugshot there.
It's all subliminal messages, and they're really slick on doing it.
On convincing us that no one wants President Trump.
Especially black people.
And like I said in the beginning, when I first came on, that Google had a panel of people trying to talk about how can we change the outcome of an election?
Why would a social media platform, a Google search engine, have meetings about how to change the outcome of an election?
If you don't think we're in war, then you're just a casualty.
If you don't think it's going to get worse, then you're already lost.
And a lot of people ask me, well, how do you think it's going to get worse?
You know how it's going to get worse?
Because they're in, just like Google showing Obama there, they're indoctrinating our children today.
The children that's going to grow up and be young adults within four to five years from now, they are going to be so brainwashed because of all the indoctrination that's taking place, they are going to be worse than the adults that are walking around today.
That's how it's going to get worse.
You don't have to believe me!
And be honest with you, I can care less if you don't believe me.
I'm just telling you now, you can believe, you can hear me now, you can believe me later on.
And when it comes to the forefront, you're gonna remember, I remember some dude was saying that it's gonna get worse.
And most people know exactly what I'm talking about.
Most people know.
Because people are not dumb like the liberal left would like us to believe.
The American people are strong.
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You have to fight.
You have to fight.
You have to fight!
Don't stop fighting for America!
Keep our freedoms.
And let's go to Lucas in North Carolina.
Thanks for holding your own here.
How you doing, Alex?
Good to be on.
Good to have you here.
Real quickly, I just wanted to say that I am a user of the InfoWars products.
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