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Name: 20190514_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 14, 2019
3400 lines.

In this excerpt, Alex Jones discusses various topics including concerns over war with Iran and drone attacks on Saudi ships. He criticizes Facebook's censorship of conspiracy theorists and alt- right figures. Additionally, he emphasizes free speech while discussing efforts to bring listeners information countering globalist operations. The passage also mentions allegations against Bill and Hillary Clinton regarding their involvement in child trafficking, including Amber Reddy's cell phone technology, Laura Silsby's arrest, the 10 Island Challenge launched by prominent figures, and Hillary's State Department covering up crimes involving an ambassador soliciting sex with underage children.

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In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence,
whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial commonwealth.
In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas.
The first reports say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
It is a big idea. A new world order.
It was almost as if there were a plan in place. It just...
It just pancakes.
Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.
But I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers.
Guns will be taken.
No one will be able to be honest.
We're going to take all the guns.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
Global governance at last.
Is it one world?
The central bank is in charge.
But aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
As for me, give me liberty or give me death!
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Breaking news out of Silicon Valley.
Facebook has banned a number of prominent conspiracy theorists and alt-right figures.
Facebook is purging several high-profile names from its platform.
This may be one of the biggest and most impactful decisions Facebook has ever made.
Facebook taking steps to enforce its hate speech policies.
Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Louis Farrakhan, Laura Loomer, all of them were designated dangerous.
Dangerous individuals.
Dangerous individuals.
Dangerous individuals and organizations.
Basically they've deemed these individuals to be dangerous.
They call me dangerous.
Danger is my middle name.
Dangerous like hurting other people?
Or dangerous as in saying things that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like?
This is about the total rollout for complete and total censorship.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
What is the difference at this point between Trump's Twitter feed and InfoWars.com?
InfoWars tells viewers that the world is out to get them.
None of this seems to repel President Trump.
InfoWars content is useful to him.
InfoWars personalities align with him.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
Because these corporations are controlled by a liberal few.
We're very focused on making sure that our recommendations and discovery surfaces aren't highlighting groups where people are repeatedly sharing misinformation or harmful content.
And we're working hard to completely remove groups if they exist primarily to violate our policies or do things that are dangerous.
Screw your rules.
Your rules go against our values and they are patently un-American.
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
We need a digital Bill of Rights.
They're becoming the public square and they control how we interact with each other.
And if you think that you are going to throw up your hands and say, well, they're private companies, you are absolutely insane and you are part of the problem.
You are a bad person.
You should be censored off the internet.
Get out of here, Alex.
InfoWars might have been banned from Twitter, but it seems to have found a new home over at Trump's Twitter feed.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars president.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
Gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us.
on this live Tuesday worldwide broadcast.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
And we come back from break.
I'm gonna do my very very best that I can to lay out the news and information
and try to counter the globalist operations as best I can today. We've got really an
incredible amount of information to get to and I'm going to really try my best on the other side of
this break.
The globalist... Since the beginning, Secret 12 has been one of our most popular formulas.
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Ultra 12 can help make DNA, support the body's energy production, and help produce healthy blood cells while assisting proper nervous system function.
Take advantage of the superior form of B12 and head to InfoWarsStore.com today.
Get Ultra 12 now at 50% off.
You like Secret 12?
This is Secret 12, but twice as strong.
So I called it Ultra 12.
And we decided, I like Secret 12 Plus.
But they said, look, when you do Plus, people don't get that it means better and more.
Just call it Ultra 12.
Well, you know what?
I don't like how the label's printed.
And it just so happens it had already been labeled with the other one.
We decided to change the name.
So when you peel off the label, Underneath it, it's Secret 12+.
Twice as strong, 50% off right now.
Better than Secret 12 ever was.
Infowarsstore.com now back in stock after four months sold out.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's Tuesday, May 14, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to be here for the next four hours.
Paul Watson will be with us in the fourth hour.
Investigative journalist will be joining us coming up in the second hour, John Rappaport, who's had his nomorefakenews.com website for 18 years.
And because it had a lot of information exposing vaccine damage and mainline information, it was taken down and removed this weekend.
He'll be popping in and joining us as well.
But that's just an example of the massive rollout against free speech.
It's not just happening here, but happening all over the world.
And we also have Kaitlin Bennett with some of the just over the top important reports
she's been filing multiple times daily popping in.
Now obviously the news just gets more intense every day and there's a bunch of news I didn't
get to yesterday that is so important, that's cultural, dealing with the dehumanization,
the demoralization that we're under, that I'm going to get to some of that in very important
news today.
Obviously on the front burner is all the geopolitical news and war news.
We have a headline up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com right now that has the post of the live video and audio feeds, the radio slash television simulcast that is Infowars.
And the headline is, War with Iran?
Has this war basically already started?
And that's obviously a situation that if it does go into full-scale war is not going to be as Easy, and I'm not saying the Iraq War in the two different rounds was easy.
It was terrible for everybody involved.
But this is going to be much, much worse.
Every analyst agrees.
Iran is a completely different kettle of fish or barrel of snakes, you could say.
And this is a serious situation.
Iran says U.S.
false flag drone attack on Saudi Arabia.
In fact, that was my original headline this morning.
I was, uh, war with Iran?
Saudi Arabia says they've been attacked?
Or is it a false flag?
And you have to ask that question.
Is something a false flag?
Because so many times in history, things are false flags.
Does it mean I like the dictator in Venezuela?
But you could clearly have a false flag to get us into a war there.
Does it mean I like the Mullahs?
I'm all for regime change.
They're not popular.
They're a dictatorship.
I'd love to see the Persian people free with the Restart Movement or some of the other grassroots populist movements.
It's reasonable when there's a big event like this.
Supposedly Saudi ships are being attacked.
Supposedly drones are flying into pipelines and blowing up.
Why would Iran want to be blown off the face of the earth?
Why would Syria, when it was winning the war against ISIS and Al-Qaeda, launch four different chemical attacks against themselves when Obama said that that was the red line and that we would invade if they did?
Why, if they were winning, would they do something like that?
And of course, it turned out those were false flags.
So they don't want us on air questioning things and saying, hey, could this be a false flag?
I'll tell you, though, the Iranians are crazy.
And they're looking for trouble.
And they've been grabbing our ships for no reason.
And they've been starting a lot of fights.
And they've been filled with a lot of bravado.
And so, I wouldn't put it past some of their Revolutionary Guard or others.
They're firing these basic makeshift cruise missiles at Saudi Arabia.
I wouldn't put it past them also to pull something crazy because they've done stuff like this before and you can understand.
I know the audience understands this but Saudi Arabia is where Mecca and Medina and the meteorite are and the Kabul and all the rest of it.
That's where they do the Hajj and all of the key rituals.
And so it's the center of Islam.
It's Sunni Islam, 79% of Islam.
The Shiites are probably the oldest form of Islam.
You can argue, but they believe it's hereditary.
You cannot be in the priest class unless you're related.
It's a form of royalty.
It's a dynastic religion, basically.
And that's why all those ayatollahs look like they're clones, because they're all inbred.
And of course, you know what comes with being inbred, right?
Mental illness.
1,300 years of inbreeding by the Shiite command.
And with the 1979 revolution, they were able to get a foothold and get control of an industrialized country, and it's been a crisis ever since.
So this is a very serious situation.
I'm not saying it's a false flag.
I'm saying it is reasonable, when people don't have a motive, and where they stand to get their asses blown off the map, why would you attack Saudi Arabia?
Except, Iran has done some looney tune stuff and taken credit before.
So, the U.S.
should deploy 120,000 troops if Iran attacks American forces in Echoes of Iraq.
Well, it's going to take a lot more than that.
So that's just some of the news.
Beijing joins Iran, calls for people's war against the U.S.
and Trump.
So China is officially basically declaring economic and cultural war against us.
That's been going on a long time.
Now it's just out in the open.
We've been in a trade war for 40 years.
We're just now fighting back.
Also, we're going to continue.
Iran's Zarif warns of risk of extremist individuals in the U.S.
government wanting war.
That's in Reuters.
Iran says U.S.
and Trump playing very dangerous game of and are risking devastating war.
That will definitely be devastating for you.
Saudi Arabia, again, oil stations attacked by drones.
Saudi energy minister said today that two oil pumping stations for East-West pipeline had been hit by explosive laden drones, calling the attack an act of terrorism that targeted global oil supplies.
But the Iranian government has come out, and I don't have that article that's on Drudge Report.
Will you guys print that for me?
It's top-linked up there.
It says that their government's saying false flag.
I'd like to have that.
Oil tanker sabotaged as Gulf tensions soar.
This is an article out of Yahoo!
Four ships, including two Saudi oil tankers, were damaged in mysterious sabotage attacks that have inflamed Gulf tensions amid a standoff between the United States and Iran.
Why would Iran try to start a war they're going to lose?
They already lost a proxy war with Iraq that we funded.
They already blew up their fleet in Operation Praying Mantis.
Well, they've got Hezbollah all over the world, all over the Middle East, and they've been winning wars the last few years, even against Israel in proxy wars in Lebanon.
And that's a big reason why they actually could be doing this.
They could actually be punching Saudi Arabia in the nose trying to start the big conflagration and the world war that brings in the Mahdi and the Islamic takeover of the planet.
That's their belief.
I'm not saying that's going to happen.
I'm saying that's what they believe.
In the face of growing international concerns, U.S.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo scrapped a planned visit to Moscow and headed to Brussels instead for talks about it with European officials, as Britain warned of the danger of conflict erupting by accident in the Gulf.
Acting Pentagon Chief Shanahan proposed a revamped military plan that the meeting with senior advisors and aides would send up to 120,000 U.S.
troops to the Middle East where Iran to attack any American forces.
Well, we need to put 120,000 troops on our border that's collapsed.
We do not need to have a war with Iran.
It is not in our hemisphere.
It is not in our interest.
I understand that Iran is getting nuclear weapons.
They've already had them.
They're getting delivery systems.
I understand Saudi Arabia's already got nukes.
I get that things are spiraling out of control, just like between Pakistan and India.
I've said that Venezuela is in our hemisphere, collapsing into Central America.
It's communist-run.
The UN has set up bases there to flood us with illegal aliens.
We have a right to go in there and stop that.
Doesn't mean I'm saying do it, because the neocons would somehow turn into a big mess.
At some point, inaction is action.
I'm not calling for military action.
I'm just saying, no action is inaction as well.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com. Tomorrow's news today. Please stay with us.
I'm here in my parents' kitchen because my house flooded with torrential rains this week.
So the flooded part of the house, they're having to fix that, so I've been staying over here.
And I looked in my parents' cupboard and found that they were stocked up on some of the InfoWars Life products.
And I thought, wait a minute.
I've been thinking about coming over to their house, because their kitchen is nicer than mine, and shooting a video about how amazing these products are.
So I called Drew, one of our great camera people over at InfoWars this morning.
I said, hey, why don't you meet me over here and I'm going to shoot a video I've been meaning to do for probably a year.
So I'm like, I've got everything right here.
It's time to show you what I personally do.
Now, I want to be clear.
When I remember to take the supplements religiously, I lose weight, I'm healthy, my skin gets great, I have better stamina, libido, energy.
I've never been a supplements guy.
A lot of my big sponsors were supplement people, and I thought, well, why don't I try these then?
And it turned out they were really good.
So we came out, as you know, six years ago with our own line of supplements.
We've been expanding it ever since.
And what we do is, Set out to already find what's the highest rated, already find what's the cleanest, what's the best, and then make it better, and then cut the price.
And that's what we've done with these products.
And that's why InfoWars Live products are so highly rated by third-party sites, that's why they're so popular with you, and it's also great because it funds our political operations, trying to stop the technotronic, technocracy takeover.
I always start taking the supplements and then I forget to take them.
I either run out or I just get busy and then all of a sudden I'm not taking DNA Force, all of a sudden I'm not taking X2, I'm not taking Secret 12.
That's why it's important for everybody out there that already knows they got great results with these high quality products and InfoWars Life or other supplements you've been taking to remember how good they were for you and your family and to get back into it.
So today I just wanted to encourage everybody that's gotten great results with these products to just remember that because I need that reminder as well.
One of the biggest things is I tend to go to the warehouse and get some of the products out for myself and then those run out and I forget.
So now what I do, what my parents do, And other people I know is they just put it on auto ship and then fullwarslive.com get an additional 10% off and then you don't forget each month or every two months how much you want to have it shipped to you to get the product, support the show and of course also get 10% off.
Now some of the things I do is I don't really like soft drinks because I got so much sugar in them and I already have a problem with sweets sometimes.
So I really like soft drinks.
What I'm trying to say is I don't like the effects they have on me.
So what I do is take something like a Perrier, lime or non-flavored, and I put it into a nice glass.
And then I take the Ultra 12 And put in a whole dropper, and then I stir it up, and the flavor is incredible.
So again, take your favorite sparkling water that doesn't have any calories in it, either flavored or unflavored, it all goes great with the flavor of natural vitamin B12 that has a sweet taste without any sugar or additives.
You've got to experience Ultra 12 for yourself, you've got to experience X2 as well, and of course, X3.
That's triiodine.
Different strokes for different folks.
Bottom line, these are all incredible products that have changed my life and changed so many other people's lives.
As I've said over and over again, it then funds an organization dedicated to exposing the globalists and their operations.
That's why I thank you all for your support.
I want to encourage you, if you haven't tried these products, to try them.
And if you have tried them and, again, forgot, to reorder or forgot to steal in your regimen, remember the
benefits, plus it tastes great.
Take action today. Take care of your own body and the first event at the same time.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, it really is true.
We are the most demonized, most lied about, most feared broadcast in the world.
So many folks want to be outlaw country.
So many people said they want to be rock and roll.
They smash guitars on stage.
They wear black eyeliner.
A lot of folks think that's cool.
We take on the globalists at Point Blank Range.
We take on living Nazi collaborators.
We take on pedophile rings.
We take on the Chai Kams, we take on their failed ideologies, and we beat them.
And I want to be a trillion percent clear here.
You are defeating the globalists.
Because when the truth is standing, it trumps all the lies.
And people want truth, they want prosperity, they want justice.
Now, it's these type of broadcasts, and it's happening more and more.
I do a lot of preparation at night, a lot of preparation in the morning, a lot of preparation up here at the office, in the studio.
And I don't want to say it's like I over-prepare, but then I'm looking at the budgeting I have of guests that are coming on, the time I have, and what I've got to cover, and it just makes me feel like I'm being inadequate, because it's just unbelievable.
The amount of incredible news and information that we've got coming up here today.
So let me finish up with what's happening in the Middle East right now and the fact that a war has already begun.
The question is, how serious, how out of control is it going to get with what I was mentioning earlier?
Is this a false flag?
Why would Yemen or why would Iran fly drones into Oil tanks and try to blow them up.
Why would people attack ships in the Gulf?
Why would they be doing that?
News and World Report has got all the quotes here.
Iranian state media said today that the pipeline attack in Saudi Arabia was carried out by seven drones of Yemen's armed forces, citing an unnamed Yemeni source who said the operation was retaliation for Saudi Arabia's aggression and siege of the impoverished Arabian Peninsula state.
Now remember, Yemen and that whole civil war is a proxy war between Iran and between Saudi Arabia.
So that could have indeed been Yemen.
And Yemen hasn't officially taken credit, but they've launched drone attacks on Riyadh, you name it, before.
Large drone attacks, missile attacks, ICBM attacks.
So, this could be real.
The issue is, though, are we going to blame Iran?
Because this is their proxy force.
And are we going to be off the races with a war with Iran that is going to mean sleeper cells in Europe and the United States that are going to stage real terror attacks?
Not just truck bombings, but chlorine gas dumped down the air conditioning vent systems of 50-story buildings and stuff like that.
That's their specialties.
So let me tell you, if war breaks out with Iran, you better be looking for terror attacks and better be aware that Trump is going to nuke the living hell out of those Imams if that happens.
So that's where the world is right now.
Meanwhile, Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif On Tuesday, warned against so-called false flag operations, the U.S.
and its Gulf allies wish to attribute to Iran, including the recent tanker attack.
So, Iran is saying the attack on a tanker, that no one knows exactly what was, is a false flag.
So, Iran is officially saying that that is a false flag.
We will monitor the situation as it unfolds here in great detail today.
And we'll definitely get some experts on as well in the next few days to follow all of this.
But I really think that we should be praying for peace and really seeking God's face because everything that's unfolding here is biblical.
And it's obviously very, very serious.
Now, let me tell you what's coming up in the next segment.
We've got plenty of time in this segment left, but I just want people to know what we've got here on the plate.
We have a Gregg Reese report that just went up on Infowars.com that is so important, that needs to be seen, that everyone needs to email and text message and show their neighbors, their friends, their family.
The video asks, do bears go to the bathroom in the woods?
But the headline is, are the Clintons involved in human trafficking?
And then it goes through the fact that they absolutely are.
And then I've got a pretty funny Howard Stern piece, and he's done a bunch of these, and I've seen most of them, but I haven't played any of these because they're silly, but it's not really important.
This one makes fun of the fact that there's massive child trafficking going on.
And I just wanted to play the Clinton piece, and then I'm gonna play the Howard Stern piece.
Or maybe vice versa.
Because it's, you know, it's not funny.
So you catch yourself laughing at it the way they put it on.
It is funny.
And it sugarcoats this poison that's going on.
And Stern says that I'm calling Jimmy Kimmel a pedophile.
That I'm saying George Soros is a pedophile.
And so people watching or listening to that, he had Jimmy Kimmel in the studio with him, would think that I'm actually doing that.
And that's not, I've not said George Soros is a pedophile or that Jimmy Kimmel is a pedophile.
I've said George Soros said on 60 Minutes that he was a Nazi collaborator and is proud of it, it was the best time of his life.
It was happy making, those are real quotes.
It's very, very sad.
And they've got Soros simulating eating a baby.
Hey, Stern, it's bad luck to make jokes about that.
I know it's the sacrament of the left now and all that, and, you know, they've got all the movies, Hail Satan, out there making fun of dead babies, and they're killing babies after they're born, and you've got the governor of Virginia and all these other governors passing laws that, you know, keep it legal, and they kill them after they're born.
But this is serious stuff.
And you know, I've been on Howard Stern's show before, got a big response off of it.
They had a vote, they said I was one of the most popular guests they ever had.
But see, Stern has had me back because the corporates don't want you to see the real human side of Alex Jones.
They want to see a puppet talking in my voice.
So that we can make light of all the child trafficking and the Catholic Church taken over by it and just the massive numbers of kids being brought across the U.S.
Tens of thousands come up missing, hundreds found dead.
Senate report, Washington Post reported, Obama helped traffic children into the U.S.
that disappeared into child sex trafficking.
So that's not something you want to joke around about.
You want to say my supplements have got poison in them or whatever.
That's something you can do all day long.
But, you know, Stern, you used to say you were Mr. Free Speech.
That you were the guy that didn't matter who it was.
You'd have Nambla on.
You'd have Nazis on.
You'd have the worst people on.
But you can't have me on.
Because you're not your own man anymore.
And I challenge Stern, if he's not a slave of the system, to actually have me on the show.
I thought you wanted ratings, right?
You used to say you'd interview Hitler.
You're allowed to, but oh, not me.
What is it, Stern?
See, because I'm going to show the Senate report on Obama child trafficking.
I don't just say it, that's why.
Not because we're fake, because we're real.
Not because we're liars, but because we're the truth.
Tomorrow's news today.
so much coming up.
They are technocrats.
They are control freaks in their own words.
And they believe allowing you to live your own life and make your own decisions gets in the way of their great destiny to merge with AI gods.
Now we're fighting them hard in cyberspace.
We're fighting them hard right here in the third dimension.
But one of the biggest places that we neglect to forget that we've really got a lot of control in our lives is our bodies.
And I'm not perfect.
I work a lot of hours.
And if I wasn't taking the highest quality supplements ProofOfWarriorsLife.com.
I couldn't do it.
That's why we decided to take our original Secret 12 that was incredibly high quality metal embodiment and double the strength of it in a new formula, Ultra 12.
Ultra 12 is undoubtedly the strongest, highest quality B12 over the counter that you're going to find anywhere.
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It took us years to up the quality and be able to concentrate it like this.
Secret 12 is still amazing.
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Experience pure Methicobalamin B12 for yourself and fund the Second American Revolution against the tyrants and their attack on our free speech at InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com or 888-253-3139.
3139. Again, Ultra 12, the best vitamin B12, the highest quality you're gonna find anywhere,
and it funds the info war and really pisses the globalist control freaks off. So again,
thank you for your support and thank you for taking care of your own body.
It would take me more than an hour just to lay out all the admitted benefits and known
positive effects of just one of the ingredients in our ultimate bone broth formula.
Everybody knows about bone broth itself and all of the amazing things that it's associated with.
And it's been the big craze for at least a decade.
Well, thousands of years ago, it's what everybody told people they should drink in a soup if they were sick.
But then you add, not to the fact that this is the strongest, most concentrated, highest quality bone broth out there, Literally.
Then you have the chaga mushroom, then you have the tumeric, then you have the bee pollen, then you have the other key ingredients that are all known to just make people incredibly strong and healthy.
Now, ultimate bone broth can be gulped down with water or milk or however you want to.
The taste is okay.
But when you mix it with whey or other things and some fruit, it tastes great.
What I like to do It's just put a scoop in, mix it with milk, bang it back.
And whether it's for meal replacement, whether it's for post-workout, pre-workout, our ultimate bone broth formula is amazing.
It's 50% off right now at InFullMorseTour.com because I want you to try it and see how great it is.
And of course, getting the bone broth isn't just great for you and your family.
It's also amazing when it comes to funding our operation that has taken on the globalists and fighting for all of our freedoms.
Now, this is high quality and it's very thick, so doing it with a spoon takes a while.
That's why I like to use a blender.
I love it with milk.
Just bang this baby back.
Nothing like it for a meal replacement.
It's way beyond any way you've ever had.
Again, it's got the essence of the bones, the chaga mushroom, the tumeric, a bunch of other incredible stuff.
This is what fuels patriots.
This is what fuels people that really want to be healthy.
It's ultimate bone broth at InFootwearLife.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance
rallying patriots worldwide.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The tip of the defense of the Renaissance.
The tip of the spear in the fight for human liberty.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, The High Priest of the Information War.
And the enemy fights to ensure that we never find each other.
But you found us.
So stand up and be counted!
For what you are about to receive.
We are the dealers.
We'll give you everything you need.
We'll live to the good times, 'cause life is just a right away.
We ain't gonna let your name down, 'cause we're just living.
For those about to rise.
So for those about to resist the globalists, we salute you.
We salute you.
Alright, let's get into it.
We rock it down on the front nine.
I said I'd start getting to some of the news and I hit literally in that last
segment 1% of what I want to cover.
And this is where we enter the paradox of why I'm so frustrated.
I want to take all the calls.
I want to have all the guests.
I want to cover it all.
So let's just, let me just do this.
Let me just give you a few of the things I've got here in the stack.
There's new developments.
The financial markets agree.
The analysts agree.
What I said yesterday, it's obvious.
Apple loss at Supreme Court is a big victory for consumers fighting big tech's app and platform monopolies.
MarketWatch, the Wall Street Journal, and they all admit it's a bad sign for their attempts to carry out censorship as well.
That is a big old juicy ruling.
Right on time.
That is a godsend.
That is water in the desert.
Look at this article.
The average person would read this article, and I see these everywhere in the news.
Trump Tower is now one of New York City's least desirable luxury buildings, says Bloomberg.
Oh, things aren't going too well for you, are they, Trump?
said the spider.
Brand was success and luxury in hotels and condos and golf courses and all of it.
*sniff* He knew when he ran as a populist firebrand that he'd lose billions, and he did.
And so they spent it like, look, he's a loser because he's got all these boycotts and lawsuits and attacks.
It's like George Washington.
Hey, George Washington lost most of his savings during the war.
He's a loser.
Well, did you see that fighter in the 12th round?
He won the fight, but man, he was bleeding.
He's a loser.
No, it's called being a winner.
It's like you see some veteran in a foreign war save some of his buddies when they're pinned down and gets his leg blown off.
People don't go, oh, that's a loser.
That's a winner.
They're not with the meek people sucking their thumbs.
And again, it's just the way you see an article and you see how they try to make it look like Jones is being sued, Jones is being deplatformed, Jones is being demonized, Jones is being physically attacked.
He's a loser.
No, we're winners.
We've already changed the world for populism and nationalism and Christianity and the family and sovereignty.
We're under attack because we're so successful.
We're lied about because we're so truthful.
And I know our hardcore audience gets it, but a lot of the audience comes up to me.
I get mobbed on the street.
And they say, oh man, we're so sorry for you.
I bet it's horrible.
We wish we could still find you.
And I'm like, InfoWars.com, it's all there.
And they're like, well, how are you taking it?
How am I taking it?
Taking it very well.
This is everything I ever asked for.
And again, this isn't about me.
It's about enemy propaganda trying to demoralize you.
We're in a war against anti-human, sick, sociopathic globalists.
Do you think we're going to go through this war and not get a scratch?
Or not lose everything we got?
Or not lose an arm, a leg, an eye, a bank account?
Your life?
You're going to lose everything anyways, the globalists.
Unless we double down and say, This isn't a game of chicken.
I'm not moving.
I don't know how all this is going to end.
Like I told him in that famous speech ten years ago in Dallas.
I don't know how all this is going to end.
But if you want to fight, you better believe you got one.
So once you're in a fight, And they get a good punch in or a good stab and they're like, ah, you're bleeding, ah, you're bleeding.
Yeah, I know I'm bleeding.
Look at you, you're bleeding a lot worse.
This isn't time to sit around and talk.
I'm gonna beat your head in politically.
When I'm done, you're gonna have X's in your eyes, New World Order.
If I stumble off and fall in the ditch, it doesn't matter at that point.
I'm gonna get your ass.
So figure that out.
So this whole idea That we're getting our asses kicked here is not true.
We're in a fight.
We're looking for the fight.
And we're not looking for the fight because we want to be prize fighters or we want to look tough in front of people.
These people have been messing with our kids and our country and our freedom.
And it's time people say no to them.
But it's time you expect to get attacked.
And it's time all of us, when the enemy attacks us and calls us losers, know we're winners.
You're losers.
You chose the establishment.
We chose the road less traveled.
So let me tell you more of what's coming up.
Some good news.
Barr makes good, opens criminal investigation of the illegal spying, and appoints John H. Durham, who has actually convicted quite a few FBI agents and others of criminal activity in the past, and would be the pick The pick to prosecute the Swamp.
So that's a big issue, a big development, and we're going to get into that more.
Then, without even looking for this, people say, Alex, why do you cover this a lot?
It's because it's what goes on in the schools and the media.
It's everywhere.
We didn't even get to it yesterday.
The Chips Ahoy ad with this obnoxious man in drag talking about mothers.
It's all about The left taking over the power of women.
That's what this is.
And giant men powerlifting and beating women and saying they're women.
And just all of this is a sick assault on women.
It's unbelievable.
And I've got a whole stack of areas getting into that.
How this trans athlete is fighting back after being banned by the USA powerlifting.
That's right.
This big old giant dude wants to beat all the women.
And he's a hero.
I mean, she's a hero.
And it's going to beat all the women.
I mean, this is a sick joke.
But again, we're entering this world government where they're going to have all these designer humans that aren't human, and they want to get you used to saying there are no mothers, there are no fathers, there are no genders, because there already aren't, in many cases, with the genetic engineering.
So, this is all a complete joke.
And it's meant to overturn reason.
And have the high priests of social control tell you that a 300-pound man who looks like a gorilla is a woman?
No, their genetics, their heart, everything.
They don't have mitochondrial DNA.
It's not a woman.
It has nothing to do with being nice to, quote, gay people, or whatever.
And all the make-believe fantasyland stuff.
And the news is like, trans people in areas of the Middle East and China, they can't get the money they need, so they're chopping their own genitals off.
And kids in the U.S.
are chopping their Wee-wee's off and the media's like, oh, it's beautiful.
No, that's mental illness.
You know, if I chopped a few of my fingers off, or maybe ate them like they were Cheetos, like my fingers identify as Cheetos, and I ate them, they'd put me in a rubber room.
But if I went, I'm transgendered, and took a meat cleaver, the news would say, look at him!
Alex Jones just cut his testicles and penis off on national television.
Give that man a cigar.
He's not insane at all.
Mike in New Jersey.
You're on the air.
Thanks for calling, Mike.
You are the man, Alex.
I'm so glad to be talking to you.
I'm so excited.
I'm such a big fan.
Ever since I've been listening, I've been buying your products.
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So thank you so much for that as well.
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I'm thanking you.
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It really is good.
So thank you.
I feel great since I've been taking it.
Thank you.
I want to salute and commend every man, woman, and child that has supported this broadcast over the years and that has stood with us.
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Thank you for making InfoWars possible.
God bless you.
God bless you.
God bless you.
Stacy in the great state of Texas.
In FEMA Region 6.
You're on the air worldwide, Stacey.
Good to talk to you.
Before I get into what I want to say, I just want to let you know that I don't normally take vitamins at all.
I was turned on to the Ultimate Female Force.
I looked at all the ingredients, and they're all organic, root, things like that, that I trust.
You know, because I've seen a lot of other vitamins, they don't have things that they say that they have in them, and they're often not things that are natural, so I appreciate that.
Well, what happened with Ultimate Female Force?
Tell us about it.
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I take it.
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They're known to turbocharge women.
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So, yeah.
Stamina, libido, energy.
These are amazing things in Ultimate Female Force.
So, I'm glad you plugged it.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
We are in a complete war!
And you idiots don't join with the Republic, you fools!
I want them shut down, I want them silenced, I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment!
Please do the right thing and stand up against big tech!
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want them shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a bad person!
I question things!
I'm evil!
I don't...
How dangerous is InfoWars?
All right, folks, Alex Jones here, back live.
Well, I must have hit the right button.
Howard Stern's producer just called up during the break.
And again, yeah, I want to go on Howard Stern's show.
It's a huge show, one of the biggest responses I've ever gotten to any media is going on Howard Stern.
I only think bigger to be like Joe Rogan.
You go on CNN, even Fox News, no response.
You go on Howard Stern, huge response.
Even though they say the show's not as big as it used to be, it's not on terrestrial radio.
And, you know, I've been on Howard Stern, and I've been on his subshows probably 30 times or so.
And they've got this funny comedian, I forget his name, that goes on there and does these skit pieces about me.
And I think they're hilarious, quite frankly.
But when it comes to the child trafficking, it's not funny because I'm not saying George Soros is a child trafficker, and I'm not saying that Jimmy Kimmel is.
And I get the joke.
Supposedly, I'm saying that's about everybody.
Listen, when I had FBI agents when I was a kid, and DEA agents, and Army officers, and CIA people, and just the folks that I knew growing up in Dallas, and people like General Benton K. Parton later, former head of Air Force Weapons Development, telling me at the bottom, at the end of the rat hole, is Satanism.
And I would roll my eyes 40 years ago, That was 25 years ago, but I don't roll my eyes anymore.
So George Soros is a admitted Nazi collaborator.
So to then say that I'm saying he's a child molester as a joke... Well, the piece is hilarious.
But then you pull back and you go, but it's not funny to have Soros on Wheel of Soros eating babies and stuff.
Because the wars and the devaluations and the things he's done, actually have caused a lot of death.
And so I know I'm persecuted for standing up for Soros.
Somebody's got to do it.
And in the old days, Jimmy Kimmel would do skits on me and laugh about it and say I was entertaining.
Ah, Alex Jones.
Why am I never invited on any of these shows?
Because they don't want to humanize me.
I mean, obviously Stern would have the highest ratings he's had in years if he has me on.
He did his book launch, and Mock interviewed me a month ago.
His official book launch was an Alex Jones interview.
Why not interview the real Alex Jones?
It's just ridiculous because, again, they want to build the straw man so they can lie about the straw man.
And so you actually never hear the real person.
And I'm not even saying Stern wants to do that.
It's all formulaic.
I was on Turkey's national state-run channel that's international.
It's one of their biggest shows.
You could argue it's one of the biggest shows Turkey has.
And Turkey's a powerful, big country.
Living in the ruins of Constantinople.
And Christianity.
And I went on there for like almost 25 minutes.
They only cut a few minutes of it.
And it was just a scripted interview.
It was the same old crap.
You admit you're an actor.
Never said that.
You said you have psychosis.
Didn't say that.
You said you're fake.
Didn't say that.
And it's all cherry-picked.
Where I said it's almost like a form.
Almost like a form of psychosis when you're lied to so much you start believing nothing you're told even though some of it's true.
And so they just go with these word games, and they use these tactics on everybody, like saying Trump hates all Mexicans.
Never said it.
Never said anything close to it.
But that's how these people operate.
And coming up, the first thing I'm going to get to in the next hour is the Young Turks.
Now, the Young Turks are named after a genocidal anti-Christian organization that carried out the Armenian genocide.
And they know what they're doing.
And they're very deceptive.
They're big liars.
They'll set you up.
They are really disingenuous.
And they've gotten, reportedly, over $50 million from Gulf state dictatorships.
I mean, they admitted to the tens of millions.
Soros money, Hillary money, threw the election for Hillary against Bernie.
They had the founder of Antifa on.
And again, here's all these rich guys on there.
They're buying full-page ads in the New York Times.
And he puts out all these lies about Trump and calls for an overthrow of the government.
Now remember, they had me deplatformed off all these places saying I was calling for killing journalists.
There was no video.
They just took quotes out of context and put them together word salad.
This guy...
He doesn't think conservatives are nationalists or Christians deserve speech.
He calls us fascists.
And he lies about the president being a warmonger when the president is trying to end all these wars.
So they have the refused fascism founder, the founder of Antifa, the anti-free speech group, up there literally Lying out of both sides of his mouth.
And it's just the spiel of one of these dirty scumbags with this other dirty pimp that just
goes around and gets all this dirty, dirty money from all these foreign dictatorships
and then brings it here to crap leftist poison down our throats.
So that's what's happening here.
That's what's unfolding.
That's who these people are.
And they think you're weak.
And they think you're stupid.
And they think that they're going to be absolutely able to crush you.
And they believe it's their right to do this.
And they're nothing but dirty, lazy, pseudo-intellectual academics that want military power over you and your family.
And they think you're so stupid that when they ran full-page ads in the New York Times a year ago calling for the violent overthrow of Trump, I made it a national news story and they came out and said, there is no full-page ad in the New York Times calling for the overthrow of Trump, Jones made it up.
And I had family and friends calling going, I went and got the New York Times, it's in it!
Why would they lie like that?
And I said, they lie openly to train you to accept it.
They're not just doing this as an act of arrogance, it's an act of breaking your will.
A 300-pound man can identify as a woman and win every powerlifting contest.
Men with testicles can run against your daughters in high school track and beat them, and every girl loses, and all the new winners of all sports that are female will be men.
And women will sit there in a giant colt and allow it, and so will we.
2 plus 2 equals 10.
Mothers and fathers are bad.
This is the cult of control.
This is the operations.
This is how they do it.
And they're coming.
And they think they rule you.
And they think they own you.
And let me stop there.
Before we start the next hour, let me get into Barr first, taking the gloves off, pulling the knives out, putting the bulldog in, whose specialty is indicting and imprisoning corrupt FBI agents.
Dealing with illegal spying.
So get ready for those first dominoes to fall.
As I said, they're gonna get struck and paged first and a few others.
And then all the dominoes will fall.
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I ought to bring that report in.
It's pretty weird.
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But three of the four genes are turned off to get energy into my mitochondria.
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The globalists are Eisenhower said beware the military industrial complex and I would say
that that needs to be updated to beware of what I call TIM technology intelligence and media.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, coming up at the bottom of the hour, John Rappaport, formerly of nomorefakenews.com, investigative journalist.
He got his website just deleted after 18 years because he was criticizing vaccines as a consumer.
That's what he was, a consumer watchdog reporter for decades.
He dared to read the inserts and tell you about it.
You're not allowed as a consumer of medical stuff to say something's bad or you had a bad reaction.
Keep your mouth shut.
Just take your damn shots, have your convulsions, get in that six-foot grave, and shut up!
Shut up!
Do not read the inserts!
Take it, have a convulsion, bury your child!
God almighty, you people make me sick.
Stratus, he's coming up.
He makes me sick!
How dare him have free speech?
Shut your filthy mouth, Rappaport!
There's a film about shutting your filthy piehole.
And it's not a sponsor.
I'm just plugging it because, you know, it's good to have a well-made film out there showing our side of being censored, being lied about.
It premieres tomorrow at 3 p.m.
Central at YouCan'tWatchThis.com.
And since I mentioned that, I'm going to get to the Communist Party on the Young Turks, not telling people who they are, calling for the violent overthrow of the U.S.
With all that foreign Qatari money.
Foreign money?
Putting commies on the air to overthrow the USA.
By the way, I've got the Chai Comps here.
Let me pull that up.
Where's that in my stack?
I can't find it.
Just print it for me again, please.
China came out and said they're at war with the US?
Isn't that nice?
All these little friends, young Turks and others helping.
Because we're so weak and so blind and so watching our NFL and sitting on our thumbs.
But I wanted to get to some of these clips from You Can't Watch This, the movie that's coming out tomorrow.
Let's go ahead and play Tommy Robinson.
And his family, how they're now in danger everywhere from the loving, sweet Islamists that just want to throw acid on your face.
They just want to kidnap your daughter, put her in sex slavery.
Come on, man!
Here it is.
I think that very soon, a time soon, then the relocation of my family will be needed.
Probably to another country.
I think that time's coming.
Because Essentially, they're the thoughts I've had to have, they're the discussions I've had to have.
Is it safe?
No, it's not.
Is it safe even from the government?
No, it's not.
It's not like we're just worrying about terrorists coming and kill us.
In fact, my biggest fear is what the establishment are going to do.
It's not what some jihadis are going to do.
It's what they're gonna do next.
It's what they're working on now.
As I sit here now, what are they planning in order to silence me?
That's the biggest fear and the reality is I have three young children and a wife.
It's not just me who's at risk.
It's a first-rate done film when I saw it.
First time I interviewed him was like eight months ago and then they came again and then it was like boom I saw it but three weeks ago I was like this is first rate and so it's going out on Vimeo tomorrow for subscription or you can buy it and then I guess they're gonna make DVDs soon or something else but It's powerful.
It's very, very timely.
And I hope everybody goes and sees it.
And again, censoredmovie.com is where you go right to the place where you can watch it tomorrow at 3 p.m.
And if I had my druthers, I'd just put the sucker out for free.
But I get they had the money to make it.
And then, you know, just try to sell some DVDs.
But here's the deal.
They wouldn't if I owned it.
They wouldn't even let me put it out for free anyway.
So, hey!
Gotta love the attempt of the left to kill our freedoms.
Now let's hear a dirty commie call for overthrowing our country and taking everything you've got on the other side because it belongs to him.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We are the dreaded.
We are the vaunted.
We are the hated Americans.
And we are still dug in in Texas, reaching out across the world to set brush fires in the minds of men and women everywhere.
And the globalists cannot stand on the field of debate with us.
And so, like all the authoritarians that collapsed down the skeletons of dust throughout the past, they're hitting the panic button and calling for our system to be silenced, for us to be banished, for our bank accounts to be taken, and yes, for us even to be arrested.
As we enter into hour number two, let me get to an amazing little exchange.
It's a 16-minute interview with a gibbering huckster, liar, spewing lies as fast as a Gatling gun can fire lead downrange, Andy Z. Never worked a day in his life, just like So many of these leftists, like Bernie, he's going to run everything.
He's going to teach you how the whole world works.
He goes on, the Gulf dictatorship funded young Turks, named after the genocide group that killed 1.5 million Christians.
He doesn't tell anyone that he's an avowed member of the Revolutionary Communist Party and the revolution books.
He doesn't tell you he's a founder of Antifa that believes Americans don't deserve free speech and can be put in re-education camps, like the Weatherman said.
Oh, he's said all that before.
He's written books, he's given speeches.
And he commands the armies of Dayglo meth-heads that are out there attacking our free speech and chanting how the only good cops are dead cops.
And there he is with Sheik Terger of the Young Turds, Who himself reportedly made over $100 million himself.
$50 plus million from Gulf War dictatorships.
I mean, just, you know, jet airplanes, huge mansions, $200,000 cars, and hey, free market, fine.
No, no, no, no, no.
He got it selling Sanders out.
He got it from Gulf War dictatorships.
So, foreign countries funding a big, fat person that hates America.
And then in slithers, a little snaky-waky, Andy Z. Now remember, we have Beijing.
Calls for people's war against the U.S.
as Trump threatens tariffs on another $300 million of Chinese goods.
An all-out trade war.
So, just remember, China has no environmental standards.
Mexico, India, none.
But this guy says we've got a toxic America.
We can't have jobs here.
People might not want to be communist if they get a job and make a nice living and feel good about themselves.
You've got to have a racial chip on your shoulder.
You've got to be upset.
You've got to be led by me, Andy Z.
And these guys literally pull up and get out of their $200,000 cars.
I mean, literally.
Private jets, helicopters, all nine yards.
Full-page ads all over the country.
George Soros funded.
Remember this a couple years ago?
The nightmare must end.
The Trump-Pence regime must go November 4th.
It's about a year and a half ago.
Drive them from power.
I said, look at this full-page ad in the New York Times.
MSNBC said it doesn't exist.
You said, but anybody can look at the New York Times and it's about them training their listeners that they're liars.
And the listeners go, oh wait, we're in on a lie.
We just deny whatever nationalists say.
Military training is what that is during assaults.
You have your tank broadcast and this is on assault, hands up, then they shoot you.
So that's a standard tactic from World War I. So imagine who these people really are.
Now, now, I'm not gonna play with a few minutes of this because I gotta stop it constantly.
Because everything he says is a lie.
And he says it real quick, he goes, Trump tells his viewers and his supporters, shoot people!
And then he goes, or actually, he tried to get somebody to say that at a rally.
Total lie!
But he's adding provisos as fast as he goes.
Wind up another dirty, lazy, beatnik, wannabe controller.
Who's just a nobody, but he runs his mouth with all the talking points, like diarrhea, squirting out.
He doesn't believe you have free speech, but he's got all the speech he wants.
This is a real fascist.
Andy Z, with the Young Turks, calling for a violent overthrow.
So, the Young Turks, Young Turks, Interview the founder of Antifa, call for violent revolution.
Young Turks call for violent revolution with the founder of Antifa.
Now remember, I was deplatformed on the big lie that I said kill journalists with battle rifles.
Now I said, Antifa says they're coming to your house to kill you, members of Congress, law enforcement, you better have your battle rifle ready to defend yourself.
Admiral Tucker Carlson got it.
All that.
But see, In the alchemy of a dirtbag, of a beatnik, of a daddy-o, of a mach-homie, he knows how to play it on you, doesn't he?
You talk about scum.
You talk about trash.
You talk about anti-American filth.
They would Soviet this country so fast, it'll make your head spin.
That's what they want.
Violent overthrow.
He's licking his lips because he's got an inferiority complex to run your life.
And here he is talking to another sack of garbage, a lying fraudster, that says George Soros is a victim of the Holocaust and a hero of World War II, when he said he was a Nazi collaborator.
Sink the turd.
Now listen to the lies.
Listen to it.
Trump's for war.
Trump's launched all these wars.
All of it is spewing garbage.
Here it is.
Great guest for you guys, Andy Zee's in the studio.
Good to have you with us again, Andy.
Appreciate it.
Thanks for having me.
Andy's a spokesperson for Revolution Books, and he also does refusefascism.org.
But he's got a new project out.
It's You Think You're Woke, But You're Sleeping Through a Nightmare.
This system cannot be reformed.
It must be overthrown.
Okay, pause again.
Yeah, overthrow the borders, overthrow the family, we get it.
He doesn't tell you the guy's own admission is Revolutionary Communist Party leader.
He's one of the top five leaders.
Here's a go.
Here's one of the top commies.
He's always a bookstore guy.
He's nobody.
Now the guy starts spewing the lies.
Here it is.
So first, what does that mean?
Okay, well, the actual title is you're sleepwalking through a nightmare.
You think you're woke.
What it means is that people are not actually... I'm sleepwalking through a nightmare.
Am I in Venezuela or North Korea or Soviet Russia or Communist China?
Where I would have no rights?
I'm sleepwalking through the nightmare that everybody's trying to get here, all the illegal aliens, to get all the free crap?
Because we're so damn bad?
Here, let's go back to it.
Acting commensurate with the fact that we face, on the one hand, a fascist regime, they're also not acting commensurate with the fact that we have a system that is Literally destroying lives and destroying the planet?
Alright, pause again.
Back it up 20 seconds.
We have a system that's fascist.
Now you say anti-free speech, you wear black, you go around and people attack, you're a violent revolutionary communist, that means you want blood, you want death.
That's the credo.
The red terror.
And you use our open free society to do all this.
Let's continue.
You think you're woke.
What it means is that people are not actually acting commensurate with the fact that we face, on the one hand, a fascist regime.
They're also not acting commensurate with the fact that we have a system that is literally destroying lives and destroying the planet.
There's an existential question posed for the future of humanity with the environment.
There's an existential question posed with, in fact, even last week Trump ratcheting up situation with Iran and this is a guy who said if we have nukes
why can't we use it?
These questions are posed and this comes from a system that can't actually be reformed where
you have underlying problems like oppression of women, oppressed nationalities, black people,
mass incarceration.
Stop right there.
Trump is the one doing prison reform, the Democrats the one that put it in.
Again everyone's trying to get into the country but you say we're the most oppressive in the
You're a dirty, lying commie that flies around in private jets with that Demon Soros' tick!
Ladies and gentlemen, this fight against the Globalist has been like a 12-round boxing match.
It's got more like 100 rounds.
And I'd say we're in about the 85th round right now.
Now, just today, I'm shooting this report on Friday afternoon.
We've had really serious sabotage and attacks behind the scenes, and I've decided not to give the specifics of it for reasons that I can't disclose at this time.
But the fact that President Trump's getting the country back, the fact that nationalists are getting elected all over the world, the fact that we're now aware of the threat of radical Islam, The fact that all of this is going on is really making the establishment very, very angry.
It just came out today that Ilhan Omar, the authoritarian Somali that admits she hates America, called up and threatened Jack Dorsey and said, how dare you keep Trump on Twitter?
He criticized me and showed my clips basically praising radical Islam.
And Dorsey explained to her, well, we have free speech in this country.
Well, the truth is, behind the scenes, if you're not President Trump, these types of phone calls and open calls for us to be censored in Congress have had the desired effect of them trying to curtail us and cut us down to nothing.
They're even going after our basic operations center.
They're going after our actual servers, our infrastructure.
But we have redundancy built in.
But that costs a lot of money to have people working overtime to keep our systems in place.
So, in the final equation, if you want to see the globalists defeated, and if you want to see the deep state prosecuted that we're inches away from, if you want to see the tide totally turned, it takes money to prosecute an information war.
We have truth, they have lies.
The truth is more powerful than lies, but they have globalist dirty money.
Fiat Federal Reserve money.
So, I'm launching this weekend, for one week, New sales.
We're having to end the t-shirt sale 50% off.
We're having to end the sale on a free bottle of Knockout with Brain Force Plus.
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We've got another special there as well that I don't have time to tell you about, but while you're on the site, look for the Buy Survival Shield X2 and get X3 absolutely free.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
There's an existential question posed with, in fact, even last week, Trump ratcheting up the...
situation with Iran and this is a guy who said if we have nukes why can't we use it these questions are posed and
This comes from a system that can't actually be reformed where you have
underlying problems say oppression of women and
oppressed nationalities black people mass incarceration the environment these endless wars and all of this and the
question of immigration Which is just this last week. He said if we why can't we
just shoot immigrants or he go to his audience?
To say that so in all of this people are faced with two choices and two choices in both regards one
Are you going to go along with this regime, or are we going to act in in a dude to drive it out?
When will enough be enough with that?
And two, in a more fundamental sense, how can you go along with a system that does this?
There's another choice.
No, no, let's stop right there.
You're looking at the founder of Antifa, one of the leaders of the revolutionary communist party that calls for violent
blood in the streets, execution of police, re-education camps. I mean this is the weatherman,
basically. Full-page ads calling for the overthrow of the U.S. government so we can live like Venezuela or
North Korea or communist China or Russia and the Soviet Union. And he says Trump's oppressing
women, that minorities are oppressed here, that we're the worst country in the world
and that we're keeping the black people in prison when that's the Democrats in the system trying to
create a class war and Trump's trying to fix it.
And that, oh, Trump wants all these wars when Trump tried to get us out of Afghanistan and Syria and has cut the troops back to nothing in many of those areas.
So when you're informed, it's all another dirty, stupid, lying, rich academic with Sink Uyghur, who gets his hundreds of millions from the Soros and Gulf States, and they all fly around in private jets.
Word is, Sink makes more money than Rush Limbaugh.
These people all are filthy rich.
They fly on private jets.
I don't fly on private jets.
It's okay if I did, but I put the money back in this operation to fight them.
I just can't ever see spending that much money.
The point is, these are pigs.
They tell you don't eat hamburger, but they damn well eat it.
They tell you the world's ending if you don't do what they say!
And then that fascist, dangerous person's anti-foot movement says, take my speech away.
Hit me in the head with a bike lock.
Drag me out of a restaurant.
Because I'm a fascist!
Because I don't deserve speech!
When he's the fascist trying to take our speech!
I've been really working to not have this turn into a violent war.
But let me tell you something.
The people That have been pushing for it, if they ever get it.
Better run like Trotsky, like a rabbit.
Because there's gonna be nowhere on earth that dirty commies like him that start this fight are gonna be able to run.
Cause Santa Claus making a list and checking it twice.
And seeing who's naughty and nice.
And you want to target people?
You want to threaten people?
You're a coward!
And you're gonna pay!
And that young Turk's gonna pay as well!
God, we're gonna beat these people!
But that's why we need your prayers, that's why we need your support, because these are such... It's a long interview, I watched the whole thing.
He just over and over again, overthrow the government, Trump's a fascist, he's not a legitimate, we're gonna take over, we're gonna rise up with the oppressed peoples, classic liberation theology, Ford Foundation, race war, weatherman, crap!
With a big, fat monster!
Whose ancestors conquered the Byzantine Empire and sold their women into slavery.
The young turd.
Who names his group after the Armenian genocide of a million and a half Christians.
And who sits there filthy rich.
Just like Bernie Sanders telling you you can't have a damn dime.
These people are cancer.
My lord, are they disgusting.
And the Turks, young turd, celebrating our deplatforming.
Calling for us to be totally removed from air, period.
Dangerous to everyone!
And after the interview, they probably went out and had a $500 bottle of wine and caviar.
Just like the organ dealers that talk about their yellow Lamborghinis.
But on TV, they're liberal and they promise everybody free stuff.
Oh, you'll get free healthcare.
Oh, you'll get free housing.
Oh, you'll get free everything.
You don't have to even have a job if you don't want to work.
You get everything free!
Except for everybody else that has to work for you!
So you tell us how America sucks, but everybody wants to get in here.
My God, I'd love to put these commies on an island with themselves, because none of them want to work.
None of them can even wipe their stinking asses.
Let's go back to this dirty little pseudo-intellectual.
Here he is, because he thinks he owns your ass.
That's a predator right there, boy.
That's an anti-American filth.
Here he is.
It's impossible to actually make a revolution, and we're starting to organize for that now, even as that's not immediately on the agenda.
So, Andy... Pause again, back it up.
They're organizing their revolution.
And we've infiltrated it, we know it's come out.
FBI says they're a terror group, says they're planning to kill law enforcement.
They're planning to open the borders up.
And then they got media platforms saying that I did that.
Well, let me just tell you, like I said, buddy boy, you get your violent revolution going, I know it's not going to go well for you, but I can assure you, you specifically, You specifically are... You're not in Kansas anymore, buddy.
You're not going to push us around anymore.
Let's go back to this enemy.
Here it is.
It's possible to actually make a revolution, and we're starting to organize for that now, even as that's not immediately on the agenda.
So, Andy, I want to get to how you're going to drive them out in a minute.
Pause again.
Everything he says is a lie.
It's always a lie.
Trump's keeping the blacks in prison.
Just reverse that.
Trump's suppressing the black people.
Lowest unemployment ever.
Trump wants to divide you.
This guy's trying to divide you.
He just said, we are planning our violent revolution.
It's just not on the agenda right now.
They have it fired up and ready.
Their weapons are ready.
And they keep telling us we're going to attack the press.
We're going to attack them.
See how that works?
God, I mean...
You look at how pathetic those two men are, but then you realize how pathetic are we?
*Chuckle* I mean, that is what is contending to destroy our country?
The most lying, larcenous, diseased, twisted, evil, controlling, needle-dicked people the planet's ever seen.
We're the hard-on for you and your country.
Let's finish up with these guys.
You do talk about, I think, two distinct problems there.
Different problems.
And I'm curious how you... I'm going to hit pause again.
I'm going to come back.
Let me tell you, young turd, you ain't pulling your Armenian crap on me!
Just get it through your bloodthirsty, fat, vampire bat head!
Go back to him.
One is the Trump-Pence regime, which I think Pence is actually more of a traditional Republican, so I'd say mainly the Trump regime, which is not...
Necessarily part of this system.
They go into their overthrow, overthrow the government, take everything you got.
It's all FEMA camps, they're coming.
It ain't gonna be like Armenia, needle deck.
You bloodthirsty tech.
You enemy of everything decent.
You big murderous wannabe maggot.
Stocks an option Marcos thanks for holding her
I really appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
What's your view?
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Oh yeah, definitely.
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You fund the info to help others while you get something that helps you.
That's God's plan.
Stay with us.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live, raw, and unfiltered by globalist propaganda.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Tomorrow's news today.
The globalist social engineers crave power over humanity more than anything else.
And they're so angry there's a spirit of resistance against them.
But it's not just Infowars being censored.
Anyone saying you should read vaccine inserts, anyone saying you should research a major medical commodities out there that the governments and others are lobbying to make mandatory, you as a consumer are supposed to shut up.
You're not supposed to read the inserts.
You're not supposed to know that they're not doing safety tests.
You're not supposed to know they've got liability protection.
And now, across the board, there is a giant all-out assault to shut down our free speech.
He hadn't been on in probably six months.
He's been taking care of a sick family member.
Investigative journalist John Rappaport joins us in just about one minute.
They took down his nomorefakenews.com from his hosting provider, which again, it's been very hard to transfer over.
We've been trying to work with him to get it back up.
I believe we have done that.
But the point is, is that this is the climate we are now in.
That there is an all-out war against even sites that have big archives that aren't being updated a lot.
Because people are searching and they're finding the interviews and the medical doctors and the research.
They don't want that.
They want a new dark age.
They tell you what you can see, what you can read.
The elitism of that.
Then tell us, well, what we're saying is dangerous.
Oh, like lying about WMDs at the New York Times or CNN?
So we'll go to John Rutherford of nomorefakenews.com here in just a moment.
So we're still working with him on trying to get it back up.
I guess is that a Wayback Machine shot of that there that you have for me on screen for TV viewers?
Yeah, so again, the front page, I've been real busy.
I know it was taken down a few days ago.
We've been trying to help him get it back up.
The front page works, but not the rest of it.
And again, this is bigger than John Rappaport's website.
We're not just here bitching that somebody's website got taken down by the service provider for terms of service violation.
It's happening to basically everyone.
And it's happening en masse.
We'll talk to him here in just a moment.
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I want to commend you and thank you for your support.
I want to commend you and thank you for your prayers, your word of mouth.
We're in a fight.
You're in a fight.
They're trying to extinct your speech right now.
So, John, getting into big picture here after we talk about zooming in on what happened to you.
You're an investigative journalist.
You've been coming on the show probably 18 years, as long as you've had the site.
But I saw you in TV shows and films and articles, and you've done research for top national news shows.
I mean, I'm going to go over your whole bio.
You've written articles on politics and health, you know, for the Los Angeles Times.
You've been in syndicated radio, TV.
I'm not going to go over it all, but nomorefakenews.com.
You're on Twitter at John Rappaport, I guess for now.
But your site just disappears.
You know, you violated terms or whatever.
This is part of this larger purge.
Why do you think this is happening?
Where is it going?
And tell us specifically what happened to your site.
Thanks for coming on with us.
Yeah, good to be here, Alex.
Been a while.
So, basically what's happened here is last Saturday, without warning or notice, WordPress, as you can see from what you put up on the screen, took down my blog.
There it is.
Now, on my website, which is nomorefakenews.com, it's been there for Uh, 18 years now.
If you click on the headlines, you would ordinarily go to the blog and get the articles under those headlines, but now you can't.
So if you go to nomorefakenews.com in the upper left corner, you can still sign up for the email list and get my articles every day in your inbox.
But basically, without warning or notice or reason or any advance, anything after 10 years of having this blog hosted by WordPress.
It was gone instantly between 2 and 3 p.m.
last Saturday afternoon.
So, you know, people said, well, why is that?
What happened?
Well, if we try to communicate with WordPress so far, as far as I know, we get nothing back.
So how do we know?
But if I had to make an educated estimate, I would say that my articles on vaccines have been the most controversial because I've written so many of them over the years and pointed out The toxic poisonous nature of the chemicals and the germs that are being injected into babies and children and adults all over the world and how the medical cartel is defending this practice as a modern miracle when it's actually a way of destroying life and reducing it down.
to the lowest common denominator. So I guess you could say that that's a little bit controversial
and it's the sort of thing that they don't want anybody to be saying. They don't want anybody to
be hearing because as you led off at the top with this is a big push on their part to shut down
all manner of free speech about vaccines period. And it's really remarkable.
I mean we're seeing these reports everywhere.
They admit, they say, hosting services, colleges, universities, medical facilities, they're firing nurses that say, hey, you better watch out, or hey, I saw kids get hurt.
It's in the insert, it can kill you.
It's your right as a consumer to talk about what's happening.
But remember, we've got this video we'll play after the break.
Where we have CBS News, you name it, saying mercury is good for your brain.
Well, no, it's the fact that mercury eats your brain.
It's an electrochemical disruptor.
So again, you have this extensive site, a lot of it about vaccines.
It just disappears.
So first it takes us off these platforms.
Now it's taking the anti-vaxxers off.
That is so scary.
To say that a mother can't say her son had a convulsion and died, or her son had a convulsion and got brain damage, when he took a third round of shots.
As a consumer, to have liability protection, and to have no safety studies they admit, and to let these companies be immune, and now we can't even say when they make us take it, it hurt us?
My lord, that's incredible!
Absolutely unbelievable.
And people have to recognize this.
I mean, people who listen to your show, Read my articles who go to other websites who are just starting to question the status quo.
They have to recognize what's going on here.
This is a fight, a battle, a war about the truth versus Well, when I heard this Saturday that they had destroyed your site, I hoped you had a backup.
I got you with my IT guy so that we could hopefully host it for you, get it re-uploaded, so that those links via URL are still there.
Because I know your site's linked millions of times across the web, still gets millions of visitors every month, mainly on vaccines.
That's why you were blown up, so people couldn't see all your great journalism, your research, all the peer-reviewed stuff that you had linked to.
What's the current Because I really feel impotent if we couldn't help you get your site back.
The current status right now is the site itself, we're attempting to put up the blog again by other means, let's say, okay?
In other words, not by using The current setup.
Okay, so I know how the internet works.
I understand how servers work.
But I'm saying I put you in touch with my IT and I won't help if you don't want to help.
I'm just saying it should be pretty easy if you have your website files to put it on another host.
Yes, okay.
I've alerted my technical guy and he is in touch with your technical guy.
That's what I know right now.
But I can tell you this, if you go online And you type in a headline or a subject matter that I've written about, and it says my name and the headline and WordPress, let's say you do that on Google, and you click on that, you're going to get the same, the blog has been shut down.
Yes, we understand.
We know there's a massive firestorm of censorship going on, and so that's why I just tried to immediately act to get it back up.
I need victories!
I want victories!
I know we can talk all day about how they're effing us over.
I get it.
I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna go.
I'm gonna go.
Everything you say we are, is what you are.
I'm a libertarian.
I believe in real freedom.
I believe in egalitarianism.
I believe in the West.
I'm a liberal.
You're not.
You're leftist, left-hand path, power-mongering, power cult of control freaks that are dangerous, that are classist.
Classical authoritarians.
Basically, they've deemed these individuals to be dangerous, is what Facebook is saying.
Those individuals include Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has a history of anti-Semitic remarks, people like right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, and then also some right-wing media personalities who are pretty popular online.
People like Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer, Paul Joseph Watson, those people are banned.
Facebook obviously owns Instagram, and so someone like Alex Jones, who had been banned from Facebook a while back last year in the summer, But he was still having a presence on Instagram and that had drawn a lot of scrutiny from people who are saying, hey, you know, you guys banned him from one of your platforms.
Why are you allowing him to have a presence on Instagram?
And so, yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
I checked in also to see if these people would be banned from WhatsApp, which is also owned by Facebook.
And a spokesperson cannot say immediately because it's, I guess, unclear whether some of these people have Uh, WhatsApp accounts, according to the spokesperson.
Oliver Darcy, the literal rat-like creature that slithers around policing and harassing conservative sponsors.
So now this rat is the person running the story that Drudge is linked to.
Facebook bans Louis Farrakhan, Milo Yiannopoulos, Infowars, and others for its platforms.
And notice how they did it.
Milo Yiannopoulos is a gay Jewish person.
You've got Louis Farrakhan with his own issues.
and then M4s, but they mix it and they say anti-Semitism and hate and
dangerousness, not fake news, not dangerousness, will be purged from the
platform. So they say Alex Jones will be purged. Purged! I'm being purged! If you
study authoritarian regimes, that's what they do. They make the public start
decrying one person first, then it's another person, then it's a group, then
it's everybody, then it's their own family, their own parents, their own
children. This is 1984. Now I've been on the air 24 and a half years and I'm
about to lay out for you ladies and gentlemen, information that is hands down
the most important information I've ever covered.
Now, I want to explain to everybody listening, please, this is not about Alex Jones.
This is not about Louis Farrakhan.
This is not about Milo Yiannopoulos.
This is not about Laura Loomer.
This is about the total rollout for complete and total censorship.
It is being announced in the name of defeating me and you, the populist, that number one, they admit AI is now censoring in live time with machine learning, working with 20,000 SJW Southern Poverty Law Center-trained individuals.
This is all public.
They're saying if you say my name or info, or even just a neutral light, it's an official press release, you will be banned.
The outrageousness of that is next level.
That's like a movie.
You know, the evil guy takes away somebody, and if you ever say his name again, you'll go to the gulag.
Good Lord!
This is unbelievable.
All premeditated political setup.
You say, well, why is it happening?
Why won't Trump stop it?
Because it's all the banks.
It's all the corporations.
The NSA runs it all.
It's the architecture of the future.
The big digital brain we all interface with and upload to.
DARPA admits that's the plan, so that's what they built?
That's what it is?
It's always gonna be that way.
It was never not gonna be that way.
And now, I am patient zero.
I'm actually honored to have the Antichrist system ban me first.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Okay, Alex Jones here, back live, and I'm a little frustrated.
I'm going to be really honest with you.
We know there's an all-out total takedown of any websites that question vaccines and damage from it.
We know there's takedown of free speech.
They're talking about taking the NRA out of banking.
We're putting up with it, and I swear, I sit around and even talk to my IT people about companies taking our servers away and lawsuits, and we're being deplatformed everywhere.
And people go, gee, you think it's political?
It's like, your house burned down and you're wondering if you had a fire.
You've got ashes.
And we're discussing, it's ashes.
It's ashes.
It's ashes.
It'd be like a kid walks down the street, it's run over by a car.
We're having a debate five years later whether or not they're six feet in the ground!
You've got a bunch of globalist corporations gang raping the little Earl Hale out of our First Amendment.
You've got Antifa on the Young Turks saying, "We're getting ready to overthrow the government,
have a violent communist revolution."
And we just sit here and take the censorship and take all these dirty, criminal, slimy people pissing all over us.
And it's sick.
Even if you're wrong about vaccines, it's your right to question them.
And it's time for all of us to stop being so apologetic.
Let's play this clip from K.I.
This is from like 15 years ago.
This went out nationwide, by the way.
They have it at the CBS Broadcast Center and they sent it out worldwide to everybody.
And they said, Mercury's good for your brain.
That's like saying lead's good for your brain if you put a .45 to your head and stick it in your mouth and pull the trigger and shoot a bullet up to the bottom of your brain.
It feels real good and you see pretty colors.
You'd say, "That person's insane."
But see, that's where we are.
Mercury eats holes in your brain.
Mercury is the most electrochemically destructive heavy metal there is in the brain.
Just research that in mainline medicine.
It's not debated.
But instead, they think you're so stupid, they tell you, hey, pouring gasoline all over yourself and lighting yourself on fire is really good for you.
And running a bunch of needles in your kid and giving them 50-something shots by the time they're 18 months old is a really good thing.
And if you don't like that, we'll shut your ass up, you Americans!
Keep your filthy American pie holes shut!
We're going to go back to John Rappaport at nomorefakenews.com.
I'd like to help him, but we may not be able to.
We'll see to try to get it back up.
And it's not like the end of the world John Rappaport going away or Alex Jones going away.
It's everyone's freedoms going away.
And we don't recognize the tyranny when it hits us at a megaload because we've been so living with it forever and putting up with it that when it finally breaks our necks, we don't even know what hit us.
So here's CBS News saying Mercury is Mother's Milk.
Now, don't follow this.
You give your kids some mercury, they'll die!
Here it is.
Vaccines may have on kids.
A life-saving device wins over-the-counter approval by the FDA.
And sick of your glasses and contact lenses?
A new corrective eye surgery is approved today.
Here's tonight's medical headlines with medical watch reporter, Seema Mathur.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatrics.
There have been widespread concerns that mercury-based preservatives in vaccines might impair the neurological development of children.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
But if lower IQ and being retarded is improved behavior, well then yes, it's all what goals they want.
So John, I love you to death and I hate to see this happen to you.
I'm not mad at you unless you're frustrated.
I'm just pissed at the general situation that we're debating whether you've been censored or not.
I deleted your 18-year popular site off your provider and we're just trying to get you back up.
But forget Alex Jones, forget John Rappaport.
This is a system-wide thing.
I want to get your take on that.
But first, something you said that is intriguing and intelligent and to the core of this.
You've got your main page back up.
People can go there and sign up for your email to get your articles for free.
And that's why I tell listeners, go to InfoWars.com forward slash newsletter and put your name in there, folks.
They're fighting around the clock to keep us from being able to ever have contact with you.
And if they're able to continue this censorship, because hell, maybe Trump's in on it, I don't know.
If this is able to continue on, the only way will be email.
So InfoWars.com forward slash Newsletter.
John, again, nomorefakenews.com.
Everyone should go to their favorite site or people they trust and they should sign up for email so we can all keep communicating via email and via text message.
Which CNN, as you know, last week, I'm sure you saw it, said they want to take my texting away on iPhones.
They don't want me to even have a telephone.
That's the new level of this, Rappaport.
And as I was saying, if it isn't mercury, it's aluminum, which is another universally recognized toxin that is in many, many vaccines all over the world.
So they're acting like, as you saw in the clip, everything is fine.
Two new studies show that the most poisonous substance in the world is actually good for you.
And people go, oh, well, that's great.
Then everything is OK.
No, it isn't.
No, it isn't.
And if you think you can avoid the issue of children's brains being destroyed all over the world, if you think that's something that you can just turn away from, good luck to you now and in the future.
It's not.
The chickens have already come home to roost.
It's already happening.
Alex has been talking about it.
Other people have been talking and writing about it.
I've been talking and writing about it since probably 1987.
And I continue to do so because it just seems like the right thing to do.
To say to people, hey, watch out!
Watch out!
You're free!
You're not a slave unless you decide to be.
Unless you want the brains of the people you love to be destroyed.
This is a choice you have.
And if you don't stand up for it, if enough people don't stand up for it, the entire planet goes down.
I mean, down.
That's what's happening.
And I can't help but just get energized and angry, and I don't think Trump's in on the censorship.
Obviously, he's been under censorship himself, but they keep brainwashing him at the Heritage Foundation, that, oh, it's a private company.
No, the Supreme Court just ruled Apple.
It let people in on their apps, and it's being prohibitive, and they're controlling.
They're all big monopolies working together to control and dominate people, and it's just classic antitrust action that's needed here.
And they, you know, make a practice of Not telling you why.
It's almost as if nobody's looking at you.
Nobody's saying anything.
All of a sudden, you're censored and cut off.
And how do I even get in touch with these people to protest it or to ask for a reason or anything?
They're not making it easy, folks.
It's not, hey, listen, maybe we made a mistake.
No, no, no, no, no.
Or, hey, you're skirting on thin ice here.
Watch out, blah, blah, blah.
No, it's bang, you're gone.
Bang, you're gone.
Because the decision was made higher up on the food chain, and this big company, whatever it is, is going along with it.
There's total purges going on everywhere.
Matt, one of the great crew members, just made a great point.
Mark Zuckerberg is 35 today, and he was born in 1984.
So Mark Zuckerberg equals 1984.
What do you make, John, of how they came out two weeks ago, or almost two weeks ago now, and said, Alex is the most banned person.
That is a special category for me.
You may not say my name on Facebook or Infowars.com on Facebook unless it's in a negative light.
So it's not like You know, people can sue for negative reviews or whatever.
Well, I can sue for that.
But the point is, they're saying, you must be prohibitive.
You must give Alex Jones a bad review.
You must denigrate him.
If you use this word, it must be a negative connotation.
That's beyond any cult I ever heard about.
Look at this.
White Plains, New York.
That's where I grew up.
How do you like that?
I was long gone by 1984.
Okay, so CIA connected money, gave birth to Facebook, forget social network and the various movies and so forth and so on.
Oh, it's declassified!
It was a CIA project, gave it to Zuckerberg, they shut the project down the day Facebook went public.
Yeah, and look at the stock chart and you'll see how classic moves in order to have insiders make gigantic amounts of money and get the speculators and the public and the rubes out of the game and turn their shares over to the insiders.
The stock has gone through the roof in a series of classic moves that any idiot who knows about the market could predict in front.
And so people are making billions of dollars and shutting down free speech at the same time.
This is their wet dream.
This is what they're trying to do.
This is what they are doing.
And people have to stand up and find many, many ways to get around and over and under and through this gigantic barrier.
That's right, folks.
This is a test of your human will.
John, let's come back and finish up where you think this is all going.
Thank you so much.
And Caitlin Bennett's coming up, and I've got my report when I was on Turkish TV.
It was explosive.
It's all at InfoWars.com.
And this shocking footage is even more painful when you see the albatrosses of CNN and other MSM outlets cheering on the rape.
In fact, it's been found that these systems actually direct the monstrous CEO, Zuckerberg, against the free speech enemies and anyone that tries to not submit.
But most sad of all is other penguins in the independent media, simply looking up at the sky and ignoring the vicious rape of their own freedoms and birthright taking place right in front of them.
After enduring over an hour of the assault, Our dear penguin finally succumbs.
But one more vicious insult is heaped upon its broken body by CNN, as its identity is stolen, gobbled up and devoured, and uses a straw man to attack other penguins.
This is CNN.
We are in a complete war.
And you idiots don't join with the Republic!
You fools!
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment!
Please do the right thing and stand up against hate crime!
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want them shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a bad person!
I question things!
I'm evil!
I don't...
How dangerous is InfoWars?
How dangerous is InfoWars?
How dangerous is InfoWars?
How dangerous is InfoWars?
How dangerous is InfoWars?
How dangerous is InfoWars?
How dangerous is InfoWars?
How dangerous is InfoWars?
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
to 1984 is 1776. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
So John, reports an investigative journalist and for almost two decades I
knew him before that. His TV and radio shows and all of it.
He had no more fake news.com and it just kicked off.
And again, it's happening to everybody.
And like he said, the front page is still up.
You need to go there, sign up for a free email so you still get those articles they don't want you to have.
So you can get them out to other people, so you can get aggressive in the third dimension.
I've got a video of third-dimension activism coming up next segment.
But John, just in closing, please come back and join us again soon.
I know you've been very busy taking care of family and things.
You're quasi-retired, but to have someone try to oppress your speech and to tell you, as I know somebody that did a lot of consumer advocacy reporting, that you can't post a vaccine insert that by law you're supposed to be able to have, Explaining to people the adverse reactions.
It's just next level.
And I'm wondering how far this is going to go if we put up with it.
Well, if we put up with it, it's going to go.
You saw how far you can't mention your name without a negative connotation.
You can't mention Infowars without a negative connotation.
I mean, this is like 1984 to the Hill.
You can't mention somebody's name without attaching a negative connotation.
Otherwise, you'll get kicked off a platform.
I mean, this is like.
All out war and insanity on the part of people who.
I don't know, I mean, these are.
These are evil people, evil down to the core.
They have either started the evil, or they've been co-opted into it, but either way, they've sucked it up and bought into it.
They've traded their freedom and the freedom of everybody else for a few dollars, or whatever it is that they're most interested in, or most interested in hiding, if it's blackmail.
And they believe that we'll put up with anything?
They believe we'll put up with anything.
They're testing.
How far will they go?
What will they do if we say, okay, you may not pronounce the name InfoWars.
You can't say it.
Just like you can't say the N word.
You can only say N word.
All right.
So they're going to say now, you can't say Info Wars anymore?
Is that the next step?
You can say IW.
Okay, we know what that means, but you can't actually pronounce the name of the website.
That's too horrible.
They could go there.
If the public either buys it, or is unaware and too stupid to respond, that's where it's going to go.
One step after another.
Down, down, down.
Well, it shows how bold these globalists are.
But I believe in humanity, and I think with the oppression we're seeing, it's going to force a lot of innovation.
What do you think?
I do.
I've seen it already.
People who otherwise would just absolutely keep their traps shut have woken up already, and others will wake up.
It's already happening, and we just have to Make the connections among ourselves more secure.
That's all.
Well, I'll be honest with you.
I don't want to say I'm depressed.
I'm not.
It's beyond that.
It's just like, I'm sad that humanity, after all we've seen in history repeating itself, is doing it again.
And I've read all these scientific dystopic novels, and I've studied history, and this is like already as bad as it's ever been and getting worse.
And I'm like, my God, this is like insane!
Let's talk to you soon.
My IT can help you.
We'd like to get your site back up.
People can still go there and sign up for email.
John Rappaport, God bless you.
We appreciate you.
You're a great trooper.
Thank you, Alex.
Listen, they want to shut you down because you told the truth, and you had medical doctors on, and you put a great compendium together.
We're going to get that back up.
And they want to hurt our children.
Donald Trump is a great American.
And Alex, you think I have energy hanging around the President?
I just like to get in his vapor trail.
The comfort, the natural...
The campfire spirit and open uninhibitedness that I shared with President Donald Trump proved to me that this man's energy comes from his love of America, his love of freedom, his dedication to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the rule of law, just cause, due process, saluting the hardest working people in the asset column, I'm trying to help those who are not in the asset column to get into the asset column where you have the American dream.
I'm going to tell you, the future of freedom is going to pivot on the 2020 election.
Everybody listening now, you know 100 people you can talk to between now and the election of 2020.
of 2020. Donald Trump, November 2020, or we are done.
Another time. In the age of wonder. Another time. His life was green and good until this fact.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
There are a lot of ways to counter the globalists, but one of the biggest is third dimensional action.
And at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to cover An intriguing constellation of events that took place the last few days that separately together augment each other to give us a path to victory.
But also very hilarious clips.
So that's coming up bottom of the hour.
Mayor de Blasio inside Trump Tower trying to piss on Trump even though Trump let him come in there.
And then people counter acting against them in the third dimension and blowing up in their pathetic Faces, that's all coming up at the bottom of the hour.
AOC and others with more claims.
The Earth's gonna end.
I mean, this is cult programming.
But let me get to this right now because I said I would.
This is a Howard Stern comedy piece that I guess happened this morning.
For TV and radio.
And for TV it is a lot funnier.
Jimmy Kimmel is in studio with Howard Stern.
And they have these puppets in this Alex Jones impersonator that actually takes real quotes I've said, and then just edits them together or strings them into other quotes that don't make sense.
But I've never said that Jimmy Kimmel or George Soros are running child kidnapping rinks.
I've said the UN's been caught, the globalists have been caught, WikiLeaks has all that.
I'm talking about Soros trying to overthrow our country, trying to foment division.
Big Nazi collaborator.
You can say, oh, well, this is satire.
But people really believe I'm saying these things out of context.
So I'm going to play the Stern piece, then I'm going to play an extremely well-thought-out, documented, researched piece by Greg Reese.
Are the Clintons involved in human trafficking?
Do snails have shells?
Do birds tweet?
Two pairs live in the woods.
The article is up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com with the video.
And then we go into all the traffickers around them and all the trafficking and all the cover-ups.
It's powerful.
So again, I want to say to Kim and everybody else, the system has put the talking point
out everywhere to make jokes about Jones and now there's no child kidnapping and there's
no pedophilia.
Nambla's out there.
They're sexualizing kids everywhere.
It's all over the news.
They're coming after our children.
That's admitted.
And I don't think Howard Stern and Jimmy Kim won't want to be part of stuff like that.
I think it's sick.
I think it's dangerous.
And, again, it's serious.
Look at the Catholic Church and all the pedophile rings in it.
Look at all the serious things we've talked about that have come out and turned out to be true.
Children are a currency being used by this vampiric world government system.
And they've got Soros eating babies in here, you know, all it's a big joke.
What about five states passing laws to kill babies after they're born and harvest their organs?
Howard Stern, you feel safe in a world where we don't value human life and we take babies and kill them?
Last time that happened was Nazi Germany.
So, the Clintons expiration date's been out for a while.
They're like rotten yogurt or rotten milk in the refrigerator.
I mean, they were supposed to be put out to the curb years ago.
They're supposed to be in the landfill right now.
But you've got all these cloistered so-called elites hanging onto the system that still think the Clintons are cool.
Little memo to Howard Stern.
Clintons aren't cool.
And I think you know that.
Because some of these attacks are actually good humor by Stern.
Because he's done a bunch of these and I watch a lot of them.
And we had a good interview when I was on Stern.
I've been on other shows a bunch.
Obviously, I'm the hottest interview you can get.
I mean, I'm one of the hottest interviews out there.
Joe Rogan's third and second biggest podcast are yours truly.
Only Elon Musk has like 57 million total with all the podcasts together.
I've only got like 40 something million.
But I'm climbing to be number one.
So it's not like, oh, please have me on your show, Howard Stern, but you do have a big show.
I'd like to speak for who I really am, and I'm a friendly, nice guy when I'm on.
I'm not trying to get points against you, but Stern needs to have me on.
I've been on before.
If Stern's his own man, he won't just have me as a puppet on there saying things I never said or things I did say out of context.
So here's Stern's report with Jimmy Kimmel this morning in New York, and then we'll come back with the real You love Alex Jones on this show.
You can't get Alex Jones anywhere else.
The government has banned him.
shipped in kids for child kidnapping. I want to show folks that when we come back. But here it is. Thanks.
You love Alex Jones on this show. You can't get Alex Jones anywhere else. The government has banned him. He's been
removed from Facebook.
And so the only place to hear his conspiracy theories and whacked out stuff is right here on the show.
So because you love when he comes on our show, I've arranged today for you to talk and to enjoy Alex Jones.
Let's go right to Alex and you can see him up on the screen here.
Oh, the video element, Joe, is great.
I am here speaking with...
What's the matter?
You seem like you shot out of a can.
degenerate satanist Howard Stern and the leader of four pedophile cults, Jimmy Kimmel. Good
Good morning.
By the way, you're having a tremendous -- I was just telling Jimmy, you're having a --
Why are you moving like that?
Yeah, what's the matter? You seem like you shot out of a cannon.
I had a lot of bone broth this morning. I thought I'd eat some bone broth. Didn't feel
Bone broth you eat?
The bone broth, it is so good.
It's loaded with vitamin R. Listen, Jimmy, I know you're in New York right now for the annual Bilderberg meeting, where the technocracy takes drugs and the Templin interfaces with the Palantirs for planetary control of interdimensional connection.
I know that.
No, he's in town for something called the upfronts for ABC.
Advertising event.
That's not true.
It's the Bilderberg meeting.
Listen, I cover this all in my new book, Alex Jones Exposes Globalist Pedophile Cults Again.
Get the new book.
Jimmy's in it, and I'm in it.
It's about my interviews.
It's about Roger Stone, the plum island sub-humanoid, the janitor from Sandy Hook.
It's all in the book.
It's great.
So everyone is excited that you're here this morning.
What is going on?
They've taken you off every media outlet.
We can barely see you anywhere.
We have been shadow banned.
By the way, I should mention I brought the panel in studio today.
I brought the guys in.
We got George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Arab Obama, the triad of evil.
We're all here.
That's your team?
They're all there with you?
That is my team.
I'm George Soros.
You know Jimmy Kimmel, right?
You guys are friends?
Jimmy, I haven't seen you since the Luciferian sacrifice.
Hail Soros!
Wow, friends reunited.
That's beautiful, Jimmy.
Who else is on your panel that you're talking to there about Jimmy?
You got the great Hillary Clinton over here.
I'm the reptilian antichrist.
I love eating Mexican immigrants' arms and fingers.
Thank you very much, Hillary.
Howard, I know you used to have George Soros come on your show all the time when you guys would play Wheel of Sorrows back in the day.
I love that.
Back in 2002.
Do you remember that?
I'll prove it to you right now.
Roll the clip.
You'll see.
Hey now, it's time for Wheel of Sorrows!
Hey now, alright Sorrows, spin that wheel.
Okay, I hope it lands on Baby Feast.
Hail Soros!
What the heck is going on?
Zoros needs to feed!
I don't remember that!
I don't remember that.
Alright, Alex.
I feel like 80% of that was lost to the radio audience.
It was pretty great.
I'll have a talk with Alex later.
Jimmy, don't think you're innocent in this either.
I know you're constantly calling for the trans-species endgame, the demonic experiments being done on lower hominids.
You go on your show, you admit you're sub-humanoid.
I know you do this, Jimmy.
Don't lie to me!
Well, you stop attacking Jimmy.
Jimmy's my guest, okay?
I have a clip of Jimmy admitting he's sub-humanoid.
Close the clip!
Alright, go ahead.
We also have to ask ourselves, have I been entirely truthful?
I don't know about you, but I'm not.
I haven't been entirely truthful.
I'll give you one example.
These are my subhuman crab claws.
That is my truth.
Alright, so the producer calls up today and said, Alex actually thinks this is funny.
Like I'm uptight?
Like I'm like them?
I take myself serious?
But making fun of dead kids is not funny.
Fox and Options treats.
I'm here in my parents' kitchen because my house flooded with torrential rains this week.
So the flooded part of the house, they're having to fix that, so I've been staying over here.
And I looked in my parents' cupboard and found that they were stocked up on some of the InfoWars Life products.
And I thought, wait a minute.
I've been thinking about coming over to their house because their kitchen is nicer than mine and shooting a video about how amazing these products are.
So I called Drew, one of our great camera people over at InfoWars this morning.
I said, hey, why don't you meet me over here and I'm going to shoot a video I've been meaning to do for probably a year.
So I'm like, I've got everything right here.
It's time to show you what I personally do.
Now, I want to be clear.
When I remember to take the supplements religiously, I lose weight, I'm healthy, my skin gets great, I have better stamina, libido, energy.
I've never been a supplements guy.
A lot of my big sponsors were supplement people, and I thought, well, why don't I try these then?
And it turned out they were really good.
So we came out, as you know, six years ago with our own line of supplements.
We've been expanding it ever since.
And what we do is, Set out to already find what's the highest rated, already find what's the cleanest, what's the best, and then make it better, and then cut the price.
And that's what we've done with these products.
And that's why InfoWars Live products are so highly rated by third-party sites, that's why they're so popular with you, and it's also great because it funds our political operations, trying to stop the technotronic technocracy takeover.
I always start taking the supplements and then I forget to take them.
I either run out or I just get busy and then all of a sudden I'm not taking DNA Force.
All of a sudden I'm not taking X2.
I'm not taking Secret 12.
That's why it's important for everybody out there that already knows they got great results with these high quality products and InfoWars Life or other supplements you've been taking to remember how good they were for you and your family and to get back into it.
So today I just wanted to encourage everybody that's gotten great results with these products to just remember that because I need that reminder as well.
One of the biggest things is I tend to go to the warehouse and get some of the products out for myself and then those run out and I forget.
So now what I do, what my parents do, And other people I know is they just put it on auto ship and then fullwarslive.com get an additional 10% off and then you don't forget each month or every two months how much you want to have it shipped to you to get the product, support the show, and of course also get 10% off.
Now some of the things I do is I don't really like soft drinks because they got so much sugar in them and I already have a problem with sweets sometimes.
So I really like soft drinks what I'm proud to say is.
I don't like the effects they have on me.
So what I do is take something like a Perrier, lime or non-flavored, and I put it into a nice glass.
And then I take the Ultra 12 And put in a whole dropper, and then I stir it up, and the flavor is incredible.
So again, take your favorite sparkling water that doesn't have any calories in it, either flavored or unflavored.
It all goes great with the flavor of natural vitamin B12 that has a sweet taste without any sugar or additives.
You've got to experience Ultra 12 for yourself.
You've got to experience X2 as well, and of course, X3.
That's triiodine.
Different strokes for different folks.
Bottom line, these are all incredible products that have changed my life and changed so many other people's lives.
As I've said over and over again, it then funds an organization dedicated to exposing the globalists and their operations.
That's why I thank you all for your support.
I want to encourage you, if you haven't tried these products, to try them.
And if you have tried them and, again, forgot, to reorder or forgot to steal in your regimen, remember the
benefits, plus it tastes great.
Take action today. Take care of your own body and the first event at the same time.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, so, you know, here's the deal.
I guarantee you, I've done more wild stuff than Howard Stern and Jimmy Kimmel combined ever have.
I'm not bragging, it's just, it's true.
Everybody knows it.
Not just in politics, not just in life, everything.
So, I want all these cool New Yorker guys to get stuff straight.
I think New Yorkers are cool.
But you guys think down here in Texas we ride around on horses and stuff.
I mean, I do that too.
And you think... I can't believe the producer called us and thought we were mad at this.
Like, oh, you made fun of me.
I'm gonna go cry.
I like being made fun of.
I want to escape from stuff.
I think a lot of times, Howard Stern is very funny.
He's very talented.
I mean, sometimes the stuff goes too far, but that's his free speech, right?
And, you know, I've said it before.
Before he ever had me on the show, I said, Howard Stern, when you're driving across, you know, on a 10-hour road trip, he's very listenable compared to most shows where you want to blow your head off.
This isn't some ass-kissing thing towards Howard Stern, either.
But the fact that When they had me on like, I don't know, eight, nine years ago, whatever it was, and I was on a bunch of their other shows like 30 times or more.
They go, you're not going to try to sneak attack him on air.
You're not going to try to like put him down or anything.
And I'm like, it's Showerster's not a wimp, but no, I don't do that.
I'm going to come on and talk about my issues.
If he attacks me, I'll attack back.
And they call up today and they're like, really, you're not mad?
You don't, man.
I don't know what's going on in this country, okay?
But what mainstream media says I am is not who I am.
And it's bigger than Alex Jones.
If they can misrepresent who I am... Howard Stern!
I've been on your network more than 30 times.
Gosh, it's probably more than that.
And you had polls, and you said, my gosh, he may be the most popular guest we've ever had.
It's the same thing on Joe Rogan.
I'm not bragging.
I'm popular.
I'm regular.
Making a joke out of that.
Crapped at least five times today.
The point is, I'm just a regular guy.
So in all those times I went on your shows, were you complicit in the last seven, eight years of Sandy Hook conspiracies?
Howard, I never talked about Sandy Hook on your show, or any of your shows, because I hardly ever talked about it, Howard!
It's an obscenity that these Democratic Party lawyers, some of them federal prosecutors, who are now private lawyers, that are suing me, are admittedly thinking we're like mafiadons, and they're gonna find some criminal stuff.
These people are Delusional!
And so in my name, Howard, they keep saying, I'm saying nobody died at Sandy Hook, so they can exploit those dead kids some more.
That's my view on it.
It was like I was on George Norie in LA a few months ago.
I've been on his show over a hundred times.
He's a three-time Emmy Award winning journalist.
He said, yeah, Alex, you've been on, we looked it up, over a hundred times, over a hundred times, over 17 years.
You've never talked about Sandy Hook on the show.
Do you know what it's like to have people say you're the Sandy Hook man?
And you get all this stuff out of two or three broadcasts edited deceptively?
But see, I've learned a lot about how the scumbaggery works.
Three years ago, Hillary started saying that I was a Sandy Hook man, that I was sending people to people's houses to harass their kids and do all the stuff that I hadn't done.
And then the news just said, why don't you just apologize, you know, if it ever hurt anybody, that you covered people questioning.
And I said, sure, I apologize.
All hell broke loose because it was disingenuous.
They just wanted me to say I was guilty.
Of things I hadn't even done, though it was still free speech.
So it's so frustrating to see Howard Stern, who I remember growing up in Dallas when he was first really big on the radio, and I forget the name of the talk show he was doing on TV too, where you'd play bongos on people's butts and my dad laughing about it and everything, and me laughing.
And then all the crazy stuff Howard Stern had on, and all the tongue-in-cheek and all of it.
I mean, if you wanted by that yardstick to take what he'd said and done and edit it together, you could sue him into oblivion.
I'm not saying you should.
I believe in free speech.
But to watch Howard Stern go from Mr. First Amendment man, if there was a First Amendment man like a superhero, it'd be Howard Stern, according to him.
And now I know folks at Ex-Im, in the executive branch, and all the people, and Howard Stern, agrees with the establishment that I shouldn't be allowed on air, and that my speech is too dangerous.
Now, did Howard Stern have his testicles removed?
Or did he never have them to begin with, and was he a total poser?
And look, Howard, I don't need your show.
It's still popular, you're still an icon.
It's a shadow of its former self, because of the saturation of media.
I get it, you don't want to work for three days a week.
Most guys would have retired long ago.
I'm not here saying all this to kiss your ass during your show.
I'm saying I wish you weren't acting like a pathetic little cowardly weasel.
And that you'd be the Howard Stern that was for free speech that people supported.
That's how you got big.
Not just your talent, but the fact that people tried to censor you.
You springboarded that to the number one position in many areas of media.
You could actually argue at one point you were king of all media.
And now you piss On people that are just trying to tell the truth.
And look, I get it.
Oh, we mentioned your Infowars.com.
You're lucky.
And then the guy says I have poison in my supplements.
That's just added in there.
You don't want to produce products.
Well, just just say there's poison in it.
Branded as poison.
So let's finish up the Stern piece and I'll play the real child trafficking piece about the Clintons with the proof.
With the Washington Post and Senate reports.
You think you're playing it safe, Stern?
You're not.
I don't care about coming on your show.
I want you to come out and defend the First Amendment.
That would get my respect.
Joe Rogan did it.
You should do it.
Maybe you got balls still.
Maybe you got them like, you know, Silence of the Lambs tucked up behind you.
Are you Howard Stern?
Or are you Buffalo Bill?
Let's go out to break with this clip.
Here it is.
We also have to ask ourselves, have I been entirely truthful?
I don't know about you, but I'm not.
I haven't been entirely truthful.
I'll give you one example.
These are my subhuman crab claws.
That is my truth.
Guillermo, anything you want to address?
A horse-humanoid hybrid.
All right, look, Alex, I have to leave you now.
I know we try to give you an opportunity to get your voice out there, and I hope you enjoy it.
I understand.
You've got to go give the CHICOMS MIRV technology for the ICBMs.
By the way, I apologize to the panel.
We didn't get to clean out the computer.
Arab Obama, do you have anything you would like to add today?
Alright, alright.
Enough, Matt. You've already put a hex on us.
Alright, thanks Alex.
Howard, thank you very much.
And by the way, what's your one-stop shop for survival gear, books, and wellness supplements at a discount price?
You get the info.
Warrior Patriot Pack.
You buy the Patriot Pack, you get the new book, you get the secret ancient brain milk full of vitamins, full of toxins.
Buy now and you'll get a Jimmy Kimmel Loves Nambla t-shirt.
We'll be right back with the real Nambla.
Stay with us.
Breaking news out of Silicon Valley.
Facebook has banned a number of prominent conspiracy theorists and alt-right figures.
Facebook is purging several high-profile names from its platform.
This may be one of the biggest and most impactful decisions Facebook has ever made.
Facebook taking steps to enforce its hate speech policies.
Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Louis Farrakhan, Laura Loomer, all of them were designated dangerous.
Dangerous individuals.
Dangerous individuals.
Dangerous individuals and organizations.
Basically they've deemed these individuals to be dangerous.
They call me dangerous.
Danger is my middle name.
Dangerous like hurting other people?
Or dangerous as in saying things that Mark Zuckerberg doesn't like?
This is about the total rollout for complete and total censorship.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
What is the difference at this point between Trump's Twitter feed and InfoWars.com?
InfoWars tells viewers that the world is out to get them.
None of this seems to repel President Trump.
InfoWars content is useful to him.
InfoWars personalities align with him.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
Because these corporations are controlled by a liberal few.
We're very focused on making sure that our recommendations and discovery surfaces aren't highlighting groups where people are repeatedly sharing misinformation or harmful content.
And we're working hard to completely remove groups if they exist primarily to violate our policies or do things that are dangerous.
Screw your rules.
Your rules go against our values, and they are patently un-American.
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
We need a digital Bill of Rights.
They're becoming the public square, and they control how we interact with each other.
And if you think that you are going to throw up your hands and say, well, they're private companies, you are absolutely insane, and you are part of the problem.
You are a bad person.
You should be censored off the internet.
Bad, yes!
Get out of here, Alex!
InfoWars might have been banned from Twitter, but it seems to have found a new home over at Trump's Twitter feed.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars president.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
Since the beginning, Secret 12 has been one of our most popular formulas.
Now, we're bringing you an all-new version to help you reach your energy peak.
Ultra 12 from InfoWars Life takes advantage of the most effective and expensive form of B12 available, methylcobalamin, to provide you with twice the B12.
Ultra 12 can help make DNA, support the body's energy production, and help produce healthy blood cells while assisting proper nervous system function.
Take advantage of the superior form of B12 and head to InfoWarsStore.com today.
We are in a complete war!
And you idiots don't join with the Republic, you fools!
I want them shut down, I want them silenced, I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment!
Please do the right thing and stand up against Big Tech!
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want them shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a man of mercy!
I question things!
I'm evil!
I don't...
How dangerous is InfoWars?
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing the law.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, so, you know, I mean, I see it as a compliment that Howard Stern talks about me every week and does these big, expensive, fancy puppet shows, um, and plugs Infowars.com.
I mean, that guy has arguably One of the top radio shows in the country.
He's been number one before.
That's great.
That's always a form of endearment, even if somebody's lying about you, that they're obsessed with you.
But I want to really talk to Howard Stern about something.
Then I'm going to get to the child trafficking video of our crew that is so damn important and so documented.
But I'm going to tell you this right now, Howard.
You just had a big cancer scare.
And I had my genetics tested, like I said, five years ago.
And they've been in for about a year and my doctor called me and he said, you never came in for your consultation.
You paid thousands for this big top medical scan of your DNA.
We took all this blood for all the blood work and we had blood tests.
This isn't like 23andMe or whatever.
This is like the real deal.
And I get in there and they go, here's all your genes for this and that.
And as we thought, you're Northern European, mainly.
Basically, they can see the genetics coming down into Germany and into England.
It's Viking, mainly.
And they said, you've got all your genes but one that's only halfway turned on to not absorb vitamin B12.
And the doctor was explaining to me, medical doctors, like four degrees, top clinic in Austin.
He said, you've got to take injectable vitamin B12.
And he said, I don't care where you get it, we don't make money on it, you just need to get it.
And I get the prescription and I forget to do it.
It's amazing.
And I've got friends and family that, you know, I give them a shot of it in the fat and they just can't believe the energy they get.
The next best thing, Howard, is, this is a plug by the way, pure methylcobalamin, same medical grade, under the tongue, you can absorb a lot of it.
Because here's the thing.
You're going to say, well, I'm Jewish.
Well, you're also European.
I got your Catholic and Jewish background.
But you take Russian Ashkenazi Jews.
I mean, they're like as European as it gets.
The exact same traits.
I looked it up, actually, this morning thinking about doing this.
I already read that.
Do you know that there's only one group that gets cancer more than northern Europeans from lack of B12 absorption?
Turns out Jews have the same mutation as northern Europeans.
Some Japanese have it, too.
But almost all northern Europeans have it.
Where three of my genes are shut off, one is halfway shut off.
Some people get four genes shut off, they're dead by 10 years old, dude, okay?
So, you better get your genetics tested, and instead of making jokes about my supplements, don't get it from me, go get it from a medical doctor.
It's like Glenn Beck.
Stern was very, very nice, you know, to have me on the show.
Someone like Glenn Beck would never do that, but, talk about nice, Matt Drudge.
Beck said he was going blind.
He went for a month off, went to Utah like six, seven years ago, remember?
And Beck said he was going blind.
Well, all the studies show, macular degeneration, all of it, that aspartame and thousands of foods and Diet Coke and almost all the so-called gums you get that are supposedly sugar-free, or sugar gums even have it, it causes degeneration in the cornea, in the rods of the cones, The number one thing you can do for your eyes is eat sweet potatoes and carrots and exercise.
That flushes blood through your cells.
The worst thing you can do is drink aspartame.
So I wrote this big, huge article with all the medical studies and everything else, and Glenn Beck attacked me on air and made fun of me.
Aspartame, they tried to approve it in the 60s, they couldn't.
They gave it to rhesus monkeys, it killed them.
But they got it approved in the early 80s.
Reagan was a good president, but he let a lot of medical tyranny go through.
Forced inoculation, vaccine immunity, liability protection.
And so, Beck made a joke about it, but Drudge linked to our story and was trying to help Glenn Beck.
And Glenn Beck didn't care.
So, if you are a Northern European, or you are a Russian Jew, If you're not taking B12, you're a crazy person.
You're a crazy person.
And yes, I'm selling it.
It's like David Hogg goes, I've seen Jones' show, he says there's toxins in the water, so we need to filter it, and then he sells filters.
Yeah, I don't think my audiences are idiots.
I've got the best filters at the best prices.
It's a symbiotic relationship.
I sell you the best rated filter.
Don't look!
At the best price!
Because it funds us, and I feel good at night about it, and I use it.
People ask how I have so much energy.
I take me 12.
In fact, somebody go to my office refrigerator.
I'm gonna inject on air right now.
Will somebody go to their office refrigerator?
I need to do this twice a week.
I haven't done it in about a week.
I'm gonna have plenty of energy.
Oh, I bet Daria wants to go back there.
She knows how good it is.
Anyways, and then people go, oh, God, what do you inject in your veins?
No, it goes to your fat, and then you get like 50-something percent absorbed.
Under your tongue, 10%.
You eat a pill, maybe 1%.
That's the thing.
You don't absorb B12.
You could eat a whole bushel of mushrooms.
You could eat a steel, a seal steak full of B12.
You're not getting it.
You have to get it in your blood.
So I'm just gonna take this as an opportunity for everybody.
This is a win-win.
Find our operation.
Get Ultra 12.
Get Ultra 12.
Ultra 12 is the new secret 12.
Double strong.
Signed a year contract.
Got a better deal.
They have new formulation.
It's the, from what we've researched, this is the strongest, purest methacobalamin, which is the high end.
The high end.
It's the best.
At 50% off.
Howard Stern.
Try Ultra 12.
See what it does.
Try X2.
It's not a joke.
They've all been tested.
They're the cleanest and best out there.
But let me tell you, you could be black.
You could be Hispanic.
Most people don't absorb B12 either.
B12 is that missing link.
But if you're a Northern European, it's a death sentence.
Because you do not absorb it in your body, and your body, you will die.
You have to have oxygen, you have to have water, you have to have vitamin C, you have to have vitamin B12, you have to have iodine.
These are things that are absolute, not debatable.
You die in 4 or 5 days without water.
You die in about 3 weeks without food.
You die in 4 minutes without oxygen.
You die in 6 months without vitamin C. Scurvy.
Come on over here.
Thank you.
So I want to explain something.
I give my children Ultra 12.
Here's my needles for my medical doctor.
I'll inject this right down here on air.
And again, I'm not selling medical grade go inject this.
I say, go to your medical doctor, get your genetics tested.
Let me tell you something.
I could be totally exhausted and having to do some overnight radio show.
I don't drink coffee.
You know what I do?
I take some military grade iodine.
I think this is almost out here.
I'll get a dose out of here.
And I inject V12, baby.
And this is the exact same stuff.
This is from a medical doctor that's in Ultra 12, but we're not licensed to sell as injectables, so do not inject it.
Now you see that right there?
Right here.
Clean, pure energy.
Overriding my genetic mutation as a Northern European that my body does not absorb it except to the bloodstream.
That's what we're talking about.
It's not joke, Stern.
So, if you want to live, Stern, do some damn research, take medical-grade iodine, and take B12.
People want to know why I'm bouncing off the walls?
The best thing I ever did was go to that medical doctor.
He got recommended by a good friend of mine.
He said, man, you're 40.
You're really stressed?
You gotta go get your blood tested.
You gotta go get your genetics tested.
You gotta go look this up.
You gotta take care of yourself.
And I went and I did it.
And I didn't do half of what the doctor told me.
And I was supposed to go back and get more checkups.
Now it's been five years.
But zoom in on this.
This is not what we sell.
This is methyl B12.
That just means Altered B12, Methylcobalamin, the highest quality, and that's it right there.
That's what I take.
Been a week since I took it.
But I just took some of that on air for your TV viewer.
That's what it's all about.
Now, I'm going to get to the real child kidnapping rings and all the mainstream news admitting it, and then Howard Stern makes jokes about it, but I don't think Howard Stern is a child molester.
I don't think the guest he had on was one.
And I get it's all a joke, but see, it belittles the real stuff that's going on.
So I'm trying to help you, Stern.
You need to take your B12.
You need your iodine.
You need your X2.
Howard Stern needs his X-Term.
He mentioned this a few weeks ago.
We've been so busy, haven't done it.
It's funny, we're running a special on Alexa Pure Pro water filtration systems that, again, are one of the best gravity-fed systems out there.
I mean, there's some other good units out there.
We sell Pro Pure as well.
He's not even trying to help the show.
This is what he does.
He's tested all our products.
He tested many other products.
People pay him to test products.
We haven't done that.
But you found something interesting testing our system against other systems.
I appreciate you doing that.
I know it cost thousands of dollars to do it.
I didn't ask you to.
I should have asked you to.
But obviously, these are already accredited by other groups that have tested it.
But tell us what you found independently.
Yeah, well, so to set the proper context, we were not paid.
I did this as a volunteer, and I'll tell you why.
Because, you know, I'm part of the independent media as well, and I've seen how you have been just viciously attacked over your supplements, even when your supplements are vastly superior to what's available in retail.
And I thought, you know, this is entirely unfair.
If your products are the best, if they're really clean, if your water filters really work well, then frankly you deserve credit for that.
So we have a multiple mass spec laboratory.
It's a multi-million dollar facility.
I've got some video that I sent you this morning.
Yeah, let's roll some of that and document cam his spectrometer stuff here.
Yeah, and so we've been testing water filters for their ability to remove glyphosate, which is the toxic cancer-causing weed killer.
And glyphosate is the most difficult chemical to remove from water.
The most difficult.
Laboratories, we worked for two years to get a method that could even retain it so that we could test it.
And all the science papers out there show that it's the most difficult chemical analyte.
Anyway, the bottom line, and I brought you the results here today, the Alexa Pure water filter.
That was sent to us for testing directly from the Alexa Pure company.
We put two parts per million of glyphosate in water, ran it through the filter, took the resulting water, and ran it through our triple quad mass spec.
100% removal of glyphosate.
100% removal.
And again, you're the expert on this.
You have the scientists that work for you.
But from what I've read, that's unprecedented.
Well, out of all the filters we've ever tested, we've only seen three that could do this.
They're all very expensive.
More expensive than Alexa Pure.
Very high-end filters.
Uh, with your sale, I think, that I just heard about, is $199?
Uh, that is by far the most affordable filter that has this 100% efficacy.
Now, and the thing is, glyphosate's an indicator.
So if a water filter can remove glyphosate with 100% effectiveness, which is very rare to find, it means that it has the best chemistry in the water filter element.
So if you could knock Mike Tyson out in 1989 as Pete, you could beat anybody?
Well, exactly.
So it's going to remove atrazine, it's going to remove pesticides, it's going to remove bisphenol A, probably, and all these other toxic chemicals, plus heavy metals.
We know heavy metals removal is typically very easy for water filters to accomplish, so that's not difficult for a lot of filters to do, but to remove glyphosate is a big deal.
So, our lab, I've gone ahead and forwarded This graphic that you can use.
I'm giving you permission to use this on your website.
Our lab, CWC Labs, is confirming 100% removal of glyphosate from the Alexa Pure water filter.
You know, and we're also adding, by the way, atrazine to our testing protocols.
So later this year, we'll be able to test everything with an internally validated atrazine method.
And look, I don't want to get too geeky, you know, for those who don't know, that's the chemical that turns the freaking frogs gay.
And if you don't want that exposure, you need to have a filtration system.
Yes, it's very simple.
If all our listeners went and got an Alexa Pure Pro, their biggest, best system, just throw it on your counter, dump the water in, it does tens of thousands of gallons in its lifetime.
Folks, filter your water.
This is the best system for the price.
Do it for your children and fund the info work.
Do it!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to a Frontline Report.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
And we're Riders on the Storm.
Paul Watson's coming up.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Riders on the storm.
Riders on the storm.
We seek the storm.
♪ Riders on the storm ♪ - We don't avoid the storm.
♪ Into this house we're born ♪ - We seek the storm, because we were born in the storm.
♪ Into this world we're thrown ♪ ♪ Like a dog without a bone ♪
♪ And a hacker out of law ♪ ♪ Riders on the storm, yeah ♪
♪ There's a killer on the road ♪ ♪ His brain is squirming ♪
His brain is squirming like a toad.
Take a long holiday.
Take a long holiday.
Let your children play.
If you give this man a ride, sweet Mamma, he will die.
Kill her on the road.
Matt, there's so much incredible news on "Info Wars"
that I haven't even gotten to it.
It makes my head spin.
I mean, it's--
They've got women pulling their hijabs off all over Iran, wanting to drive cars, getting beat up.
Feminists saying, put them back on, scum, Islam's God.
Liberal women going, put those hijabs on!
When it's our service, yeah!
I mean, it is just sick!
That's an InfoWars.com article by Paul Joseph Watson.
That deserves to get out.
I'll play that video at the start of the next hour before Paul takes over, but since I mentioned it, let's get to it right now.
Stern Scott, whoever that comedian is, I literally forget his name, or not sure which one it is.
There's a bunch of guys who do Alex Jones Invitations.
They don't say on the YouTubes who it is.
I'd like to get that guy on as a guest.
I know he's reading my lines.
The distorts that I developed my own little head here off of truth.
But report Obama administration handed child migrants over to human traffickers.
That's New York Magazine, Washington Post, that's all of them.
And here's the Senate report of your TV viewer.
So see how that works?
They take the organs.
They take the blood.
They take the skin, Joe.
The Southern Lovin' Boys.
So, let's go to Greg Reese's report that deserves to be hammered over your email, hammered over your text messages, hammered, if you actually want to defeat the Clubhouse, which I know you want to do.
I'm just saying, you are the power.
I bow to you, listeners and viewers.
Here it is.
Are the Clintons involved in human trafficking?
Here it is.
Investigative journalist Corey Lynn recently asked the question, are Bill and Hillary Clinton involved with child trafficking?
While we are still free to ask questions, let's take a close look at what we know about the Clintons and their associates.
In 1971, young Hillary Rodham worked at a law firm where she worked on child custody cases.
In 1973, she did her postgraduate study at Yale on children and medicine.
Her work seemed to be focused on protecting children.
But in 1975, Hillary Clinton defended a 41-year-old man for the violent gang rape of a 12-year-old girl.
And they jerked me off my bicycle.
They put me in a truck, and they were hitting me, and I was screaming and crying.
I went into a coma.
And I was told at that point by the doctor that it was a 99% chance that I could probably never have kids.
In this affidavit seeking a psychiatric evaluation of the victim and signed Hillary Rodham, the rookie lawyer painted the victim as emotionally unstable, suggesting she'd brought false accusations like this before, that she fantasized about older men.
Years later, Hillary not only bragged about getting her client a lighter sentence, but she chuckled about knowing the man was guilty.
In 1999, she launched the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children with Richard Branson and his mother, Eve.
With board members tied to the Podesta Group, ICMEC is a non-profit supported entirely by private funds, which claims to eradicate child abduction.
And yet, the numbers of trafficked victims significantly increased since its inception.
When ICMEC began, human trafficking was approximately a $30 billion a year business.
And after nine years of the ICMEC, human trafficking grew to be over $150 billion a year business.
In 2009, the Clinton Global Initiative launched the Polaris Project, who runs the National Human Trafficking Resource Center and Hotline.
Also in 2009, Amber Ready Incorporated selected Clinton Associates, the Podesta Group, as their PR company.
Amber Reddy's cell phone technology creates a database on children across the globe, stored in cell phones.
In 2010, Laura Silsby was arrested at the Haitian border for trying to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti.
Her lawyer, Jorge Torres, was a fugitive and later convicted of trafficking children from Central America and Haiti into the United States.
For unknown reasons, Bill Clinton got involved, and Laura Silsby's charges were reduced to arranging irregular travel.
Silsby then returned to the U.S.
and became the vice president of marketing for AlertSense, who works with the Amber Alert system.
In 2012, the 10 Island Challenge was launched by the Clintons and Richard Branson, and later joined by Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Tom Steyer, Mark Zuckerberg, and Prince Alwaleed bin Talal.
Their stated mission is to convert 10 islands into renewable energy.
The area is a hotbed for forced labor and child sex trafficking.
In 2013, Hillary's State Department covered up the crimes of an ambassador who is soliciting sex with underage children.
A State Department memo says the ambassador, quote, routinely ditched his protective security detail in order to solicit sexual favors from both prostitutes and minor children.
The memo also says a top State Department official directed Department investigators to, quote, cease the investigation into the ambassador's conduct.
In 2014, the Polaris Project created an online global modern-day slavery database directory.
In 2017, Clinton associate Anthony Weiner went to prison for sexting with a 15-year-old girl.
His laptop contained evidence of child pornography and a crime against children.
Former Clinton Foundation official Joel Goetz was director of a chain of private kindergartens in China.
In 2017, China launched a nationwide investigation into the chain of schools and reported that several children were drugged and sexually molested.
Clinton associate Harold Moody, who worked for Youth Services in Little Rock, Arkansas, was arrested for child pornography charges involving live-streaming chat rooms where infants were being raped.
Middle East analyst who worked for the Clinton administration, George Nader, is a convicted pedophile.
Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was part of the original group that conceived the Clinton Global Initiative.
Flight logs show that Bill Clinton flew on Epstein's private plane, the Lolita Express, at least 26 times to travel to Epstein's private island, where dozens of underage girls claim to have been trafficked for sex acts with Epstein's powerful guests.
Nixxiom cult members Claire Bronfman, her sister Sarah, and Nancy Salzman were all members of the Clinton Global Initiative, which is by invite only.
The Nixxiom cult is being found guilty of sex trafficking, forced labor, and pedophilia.
The Nixxiom cult was found illegally providing cash to Hillary's 2008 presidential campaign.
When looking at all this information, it is only natural to ask the question, are Bill and Hillary Clinton involved with child trafficking?
In looking at the various options at the end of her article, Corey writes, they created bills, instilled laws, built relationships, worldwide databases, countless initiatives, partnerships, and global hotlines, all with direct access to and knowledge of children and their whereabouts.
And with their connections to several powerful convicted sex traffickers throughout their career, this all looks very sinister.
We know there are several ongoing investigations into the Clinton Foundation, its proxies, and their business associates.
And hopefully, the truth will be uncovered and justice will be served.
For NewsWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
All right, folks.
I want to be crystal clear.
That's a good report by Greg.
It's very balanced.
It only shows some of the connections.
We told you a year before it was in the news, the U.N.
was running giant child kidnapping rings in Haiti and other countries.
They got caught.
The U.N.
admitted it, including thousands of missing kids, hundreds dead, some killed in rituals.
Okay, so, again, you're not a devil worshipper.
You're not a vampire.
A psychic vampire.
So you don't hunger after kids.
There are people that will pay anything.
Ladies and gentlemen, when we return, I'm gonna hit taking action in the third dimension.
And Paul Joseph Watson, ready for war, replaces me.
Eisenhower said beware the military-industrial complex, and I would say that that needs to be updated to beware of what I call TIM.
technology, intelligence, and media.
Get down.
On the ground.
Don't move.
Make a sound.
I know.
No control.
I can't do it.
But it's a tool.
Stand up.
Sit back down.
When your time is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, is, it's time to act.
It's a tool.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going
to happen at the end of this.
But you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Alright folks, Paul Joseph Watson is about to take over on this Global Live Tuesday Transmission, but I wanted to get to action in the third dimension, because you've got The weirdo, corrupt mayor that wants to ban meat and straws.
He's already banned straws in New York.
Going to Trump Tower.
Trump lets him go do it, but then people counter them, and it's hilarious.
He says, that's coming up.
But first, the planet's on fire, according to Bill Nye.
This is a guy that's edited his shows from the 90s, saying there's male chromosomes and women chromosomes, which is a fact.
Whether you're a seal, or whether you're a dog, or a weasel.
But not just in mammals.
I mean, it's the same thing with birds.
I mean, it's just crazy.
But they want you to suspend science.
The left says, oh, they're all about science.
So here's Bill Nye.
The planet is on fire!
AOC says 12 years!
We're dead!
He says hell, it's already over!
We're on fire!
Here, I've got an experiment for you.
Safety glasses on.
By the end of this century, if emissions keep rising, the average temperature on Earth could go up another 4 to 8 degrees.
What I'm saying is the planet's on f***ing fire!
There are a lot of things we could do to put it out.
Are any of them free?
No, of course not!
Nothing's free, you idiots!
That's right, pay Soros and Rothschild and Obama the money.
Shut up and let us have world government and tax everything or you're dead!
I just blow torched a planet here!
Men and women don't exist!
This is science!
So let's go to, just to remind you, AOC and, um, Pedo, or Bedo, whatever his name is, who's yesterday's news now.
Uh, you know, the Messiah, telling you the Earth is gone.
We're all dead in 12 years.
There it is.
Along this current trajectory...
There will be people who can no longer live in the cities that they call home today.
There is food grown in this country that will no longer prosper in these soils.
There is going to be massive migration of tens or hundreds of millions of people from countries that are literally uninhabitable or underwater.
They're above the sea right now.
This is our final chance.
The scientists... Do what I say or you're dead!
That we have no more than 12 years to take incredibly bold action on this crisis.
The crisis that could, at its worst, lead to extinction.
I think that the part of it that is generational is that Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we're like, the world is going to end in 12 years if we don't address climate change.
And your biggest issue?
Your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it?
Yeah, I'm going to pay you money.
How are you going to pay for it?
I'm on a private jet, bitch!
That's what she's saying.
Give me the money!
So, here is the corrupt, weird, vampire-bat mayor of New York at Trump Tower, where Trump let him in to do the protest, and people countered them, and of course they wanted them arrested.
But here's third-dimensional political activism.
Here it is.
We even included lost a family friend.
Trump 2020.
Hail Mayor.
They were flooded out.
They lost their family too.
Now they need to shut down these tapes.
How dare you.
New York City will not survive without a racial, a radical action.
You need to ban hot dogs.
The mayor said so.
You need to do it.
New York City will drown as I see New York City will flood.
Give me money.
We flood.
Give me money or you die.
I've given up hope.
America sucks.
Let us all in.
I've been fighting back through activism.
We're gonna come back though with some really key stuff with Paul Watson.
Let me run stuff. You die, you don't let me run things.
Let me run things or you die. I run things now. Okay. You know now.
We're going to come back though with some really key stuff with Paul Watson. We'll be back in 60 seconds.
Joey, we have something here for our special visitors.
Would you like to have it?
Thank you!
Thanks a lot!
You ever been in a cockpit before?
No, sir.
I've never been up in a plane before.
You ever seen a grown man naked?
Paula, who said they like Coke?
Oh, you tell me about that.
I like Coca-Cola.
Oh, Coca-Cola.
All right, but who knows about cocaine?
Anyone ever seen cocaine?
Hold it.
One at a time.
What about cocaine?
Good thing?
Bad thing?
Ever hang around a gymnasium?
Who here smokes?
Uh... Come here, come on, raise your hand.
Well, other than your parents, who smokes?
You got your smoke ready?
I've seen a lot of kids with 12 and 11 smoking.
I don't smoke.
I don't smoke because I'm a little kid.
I'm only 5 years old.
Join. You like movies about gladiators?
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic It's Alex Jones.
Our love is unconditional.
We knew it from the start.
I see it in your eyes.
You can feel it from my heart.
From here on after, let's stay the way we are.
God bless George Stray.
And share all the love.
He really is the seventh generation Texas.
He really was raised on a ranch.
He really was in the Army.
He really did come from nowhere.
He really does stand by his word.
You know, those type of people exist.
Let's hear a little bit from George Strait.
It's people standing up for each other that built all this.
There's a lot of people want to piss on that, but we're not going to let that happen.
All right, let's get serious.
Paul Watts is about to take over.
He's got a big article up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
The great site he's launched, Summit.News.
Iran, women dragged away, arrested for protesting mandatory hijab law.
Now I remember about a year ago, Linda Saussure, that is a monstrous, Moray Eel-like creature.
And the way she looks in her politics, who gets the hundreds of millions of Soros funding, literally, to lead American women.
Her mother writes the Bible of genital mutilation, how to cut little girls' genitals off, their clitorises, and just things you didn't even want to know existed.
And now she came out last year and this year and criticized women in Iran.
She said they're grandstanding.
When they take their hijabs off and want to go to college or drive a car.
She said they're grandstanding in Saudi Arabia.
So we've got all this footage of the Persian women who just 40 years ago weren't under Islamic rule.
And they just want to be free.
And you go to Twitter and you go to Facebook, and the left is running around and feminists are like, you put that hood back on your head, bitch!
And you're like, whoa, who are these people?
The left hates America and the West so much that they see Shiite radicalism, Sunni radicalism, whatever it is, they see it as a power group that doesn't like America!
And so they're for it!
That's a sick group of freaks.
So let's play this clip.
Iranian woman dragged away arrested for protesting mandatory hijab law by the monotheistic male-run government.
And if you try to talk about it on Twitter, they will delete your ass.
Just like all the gay men now, dress like women and tell women to shut up.
We're going to compete in all your courses.
I'm not against men, but there are a bunch of weird men that like to go in women's bathrooms and dress up like women and get out on a track field and run faster than women or get on a basketball court and beat women or lift more than women and go, oh yeah, I just beat a woman!
Man, you're a tough son of a bitch, let me tell you.
You're a victim, aren't you, Cupcake?
What a bunch of sick, abusive freaks.
So here's that clip.
[crowd shouting]
To the TV viewers, for liberals, I apologize for showing a woman taking a hood off her head.
This is anti-feminist.
The police are doing a good job.
The minister sure agrees.
Let's put it back on full screen.
Let's get that criminal woman in the vehicle now.
She'll be taken for torturing.
Everybody cheers.
Yeah, that woman didn't want to wear a hood on her head.
Oh, they're slamming her head in the wall, that.
Slamming her head in that vehicle.
You teach her to do what she's told and to serve her dead told.
I don't want this!
[Foreign language]
All right.
So... Paul, do you want to apologize for that radical, evil woman that stood up to that?
Because the left says that her wearing hijab is good, it's a symbol of freedom.
So I'm sorry, I just showed a woman rebelling against women's empowerment.
Well, what you don't see in that video, but you see a little flash of it here and there, is that The religious police, the modesty police, which police these streets in countries like Iran and Indonesia, literally trying to put a carpet over her head because it's so shocking that she would be uncovered in public, literally trying to smother her with a carpet.
And of course, no one around her helps her whatsoever.
But this again, as you've said, CNN putting out puff pieces, putting out glorification of the new hijab Barbie.
You know, the new Nike attire.
So why does the left fetishize women chained up wearing hoods over their heads?
Because again, they can't quantify this contradiction between the fact that women in the Middle East are oppressed, subjugated, tortured and incarcerated by this modesty culture, which is the hijab.
And women in the West, Muslim women in the West, who claim and grandstand that it's some great liberation and some great choice.
It isn't a choice.
I see three-year-old kids in the park where I live in hijabs.
Why are they wearing hijabs?
Because of the male gaze, so men don't rape them.
And then you go and you look at the rape cases with the grooming gangs, Alex, in the United Kingdom.
And they specifically give that reason, that justification.
By the way, that's chicken or the egg, but it's true under Islamic culture that if you're not wearing a hood over your head, you're to be gang raped.
And then you're not even supposed to say that now.
You're just supposed to like put up with it.
No, and that's not us saying that.
That's the groomers, the rape gangs in the United Kingdom who were caught.
And then you had left-wing Labour MPs liking tweets from people who said, oh, well, they were dressed like sluts, like they were wearing skirts, so they probably deserved it, right?
Literally, Labour members of Parliament liking those tweets.
And then you look at it historically Alex, the very first Muslim Arab feminist group, this was in the 1920s I believe, was called the Egyptian Feminist Union.
The first act of defiance, the first act of protest that they did In favor of women's rights in the Middle East, was to remove their Islamic headscarves and their hijabs.
So you can go back a hundred years, and the first actual real feminists who were actually fighting for women's rights where it was necessary, the first act of defiance that they carried out was to remove the hijab.
And now today in the West, in 2019, we've got hijab barbies.
And Paul, we all know that you've done a great job and I'm gonna have you take over, but I want to just say this.
Feminists aren't for women.
They want to make women clients of the state.
Islam is a powerful world state, probably the most powerful.
They just want to wed to power.
So women, feminist leaders are just pimps that wed women to being enslaved.
So we just should address them formally as the enslavers of women and stop letting them act like they're the empowers of women.
The average ugly, you know, humpback feminist is a woman-hating vampire.
And I think women should run to the hills from these creatures.
Well, they have.
I mean, the polls have shown over the past few years that feminism, the word, has become a pejorative.
Now it's been folded into the whole intersectionality social justice movement.
Remember back in the day that the whole curve of YouTube commentary was anti-feminist commentary.
That kind of went by the wayside because we kind of won the argument based on how they act.
You saw the woman at the pro-life demonstration last week, feverishly attacking and punching people because they had pro-life signs.
And that has come to represent what a feminist, and the word feminist, represents in the West.
So naturally, women of any reasonable mind shy away from that.
And again, they're weak people that are actually anti-human, programmed by the globalists, who attack any Western pro-freedom person, but bow to Islam, cutting women's genitals off, slave camps, can't drive a car, hood over your head.
They just attack the West because they see it as submitting to them.
They're looking for dominance.
They cower in fear to Islam because they're cucked.
That's their God, actually.
Oh, completely, Alex.
And I mean, it's interesting to understand what people are afraid of.
They're afraid of guys with pro-life signs peacefully protesting.
They're now afraid, and I'm going to get into this after the break, of the OK hand sign, as we know.
And now, literally, 14-year-old girls saying swear words and making edgy political commentary on YouTube, they've now gone after, smeared and deplatformed a 14-year-old girl.
That's where we're at, Alex.
All right, stay there, Watson.
Paul Joseph Watson, a powerful Jedi you have become.
Hi, I'm... Ladies and gentlemen, this fight against the Globalist has been like a 12-round boxing match that's got more like 100 rounds.
And I'd say we're in about the 85th round right now.
Now, just today, I'm shooting this report on Friday afternoon.
We've had really serious sabotage and attacks behind the scenes, and I've decided not to give the specifics of it for reasons that I can't disclose at this time.
But the fact that President Trump's getting the country back, the fact that nationalists are getting elected all over the world, the fact that we're now aware of the threat of radical Islam, The fact that all of this is going on is really making the establishment very, very angry.
It just came out today that Ilhan Omar, the authoritarian Somali that admits she hates America, called up and threatened Jack Dorsey and said, how dare you keep Trump on Twitter?
He criticized me and showed my clips basically praising radical Islam.
And Dorsey explained to her, well, we have free speech in this country.
Well, the truth is, behind the scenes, if you're not President Trump, these types of phone calls and open calls for us to be censored in Congress have had the desired effect of them trying to curtail us and cut us down to nothing.
They're even going after our basic operations center.
They're going after our actual servers, our infrastructure.
But we have redundancy built in.
But that costs a lot of money to have people working overtime to keep our systems in place.
So, in the final equation, if you want to see the globalists defeated, and if you want to see the deep state prosecuted that we're inches away from, if you want to see the tide totally turned, it takes money to prosecute an information war.
We have truth, they have lies.
The truth is more powerful than lies, but they have globalist dirty money.
Fiat, Federal Reserve money.
So, I'm launching this weekend, for one week, New sales.
We're having to end the t-shirt sale 50% off.
We're having to end the sale on a free bottle of Knockout with Brain Force Plus.
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But we're launching two new super specials right now.
Ultimate Bone Broth.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
News analysis reports.
It's The Alex Jones Show.
And now your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
(upbeat music)
We're live on the Alex Jones Show May 14th 2019 edition And basically what happened was we handed a hysterical cult that demands total obedience and punishes those who resist with deplatforming, public shaming, violence and arrest the power to run society.
Things aren't going to turn out so well, are they, given that we've done that?
And they're using the tool of censorship.
This is what I tweeted earlier today.
Censorship, a weapon of tyrants used to oppress populations since the dawn of history, widely recognised as inherently evil ever since.
Until 2018, when Western leftists and Silicon Valley started using censorship to their advantage, and it suddenly became virtuous!
What a coincidence that is!
And we see another example of that today, where, thank God, We've been protected from the cuss words and the edgy opinions of a 14-year-old girl on YouTube.
That's right.
BuzzFeed Publishers hit piece against tries to de-platform and basically has at this point.
14-year-old girl.
So last night BuzzFeed published an article entitled, YouTube's newest far-right foul-mouthed red-pilling star is a 14-year-old girl.
Yes, they literally devoted an entire lengthy hit piece to publicly shaming, taking down and demanding censorship of a 14-year-old girl.
That's how precious they are.
Now this hit piece was written by Joe Bernstein, who proceeded to lecture us about how, quote, There are many more people who simply want to preserve the ability to be bigoted on private platforms.
That's what Joe Bernstein of BuzzFeed tweeted today.
There are many more people who simply want to preserve the ability to be bigoted on private platforms.
This is the same BuzzFeed journalist who in a tweet a few years ago said this.
Kill a straight white man on your way to work tomorrow.
Oh, so it's okay for him to be bigoted on private platforms, but God forbid a 14-year-old girl would make an edgy YouTube video.
But again, it goes back to the old saying, it's okay when we do it.
Joe Bernstein is also the guy who tried to de-platform PewDiePie.
You'll remember, I think it was last year, came out with a big hit piece because PewDiePie was involved in a online video game session with a few other people who he didn't know, who could be anywhere in the world.
One of them, as he killed another character in the game in which PewDiePie was playing, said the words, I think it was, Heil Hitler.
So then Joe Bernstein wrote a piece completely lying and blaming PewDiePie for this Heil Hitler quote that was made by a completely different person on a completely different part of the world During an online video game session against somebody that PewDiePie did not know.
So this is a guy who's lied about people in the past to try to get them deplatformed, who has made bigoted statements.
Of course, he'll call it a joke.
It's okay for the leftists to joke about killing white people.
Anyone tells an edgy joke on the right, oh, they must mean it.
They must be serious.
So what's happened in the 12 or so hours since this hit piece went up Is that once again, massive Silicon Valley giants who make their corn, who make their revenue because they're going bust and having to lay off dozens of employees left, right and centre, who make their money from rage bait and from attacking people who are more talented and more popular than them in the 12 hours since.
Oh, and that's the other point that was made several times.
This 14-year-old girl who's telling edgy jokes and making edgy insults and, you know, edgy rhetoric about Islam and social justice warriors, that's bad.
That's a moral crisis.
That's a moral panic.
The 11-year-old drag queen kid who the mainstream media platforms and worships at every available opportunity, that's fine.
That's wholesome.
So we've got that disconnect.
And in the 12 hours since this hit piece went up against a 14-year-old girl with the full might of BuzzFeed behind attacking her and smearing her, she's had her ability to upload on YouTube suspended for at least a week, which again shows that these big corporate media Silicon Valley giants are in bed with the mainstream media.
They ask people to be banned, to be censored.
It happens within hours every single time.
And now the actual video rant Which caused the controversy in the first place.
Again, you can call for killing straight white men.
Apparently, that's what Joe Bernstein did.
Joked about it.
That's completely fine.
His Twitter account is still active and verified.
But if you make a 20-minute edgy YouTube video, that is gone within 12 hours.
And if you click on that video, in that article, it says, this video has been removed for violating YouTube's terms of service.
The terms of service that don't apply to anyone on the left when they call for outright violence, as we've seen with Facebook as well, with literal Hamas pages, even as they're raining down missiles on Israeli civilians, still being allowed on Facebook.
Yours truly is banned.
Alex Jones is banned.
Milo Yiannopoulos is banned.
Laura Loomer is banned.
So we have this article up, and again, People make the point that he called for killing straight white men on their way to work.
We have the disconnect between Desmond is amazing, he gets platformed, he gets worshipped by the mainstream media.
A 14 year old who makes an edgy YouTube video, that has to come down.
In a hurry!
Think how petrified they are.
Of the opinions of a 14-year-old girl that they have to devote an entire hit piece, they have to be in communication with YouTube to get this dangerous thought criminal removed from society, which is probably what will happen.
Dave Rubin responded to it.
He said, there are adult journalists who hunt down kids on YouTube to report the wrong think.
Which in this case is biting social commentary and funnier than anything on network TV.
But again, the right can't make edgy jokes, only the left can.
It's okay when we do it.
That's their mantra.
Ali Alexander tweeted, YouTube is deplatforming a 14 year old girl for exploring her own viewpoints, not cool.
Buzzfeed attacks children now, tweeted Nick Munro.
I'm sorry that the vultures have come to attack you, Mark Dice said.
BuzzFeed is trying to get this 14-year-old girl banned from YouTube because her humour hurts their feelings.
Faith Goldie said this.
Kids cross-dressing, sex dancing for adults while having dollar bills waved at them.
Stunning and brave.
Kids using adult words while making political commentary.
Moral crisis!
These BuzzFeed types are henchmen of the evil one.
And remember, this is the same outlet who a few weeks ago, before I was banned, completely lied about me by claiming that I had made up a video about Muslims celebrating the Notre Dame fire, and that it wasn't about the Notre Dame fire, even as, in the video, the Notre Dame Cathedral was burning in the background, even as people were all over Al Jazeera, Arabic, France24Arabic in the comments, and I put all this in my video, celebrating the Notre Dame fire.
They completely lied.
They had to semi-backtrack.
It was pathetic beyond belief.
And now those same people have now been tasked with deplatforming a 14-year-old girl, because we're apparently children who can't hear mean words from a teenager, and we have to be protected from that.
So now her video's gone.
The good news, is that she's got about 25-30,000 new subscribers since this BuzzFeed attack happened.
How long the YouTube channel remains up at this point remains to be seen, but we know the history on that.
We'll be back with more in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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And this shocking footage is even more painful when you see the albatrosses of CNN and other MSM outlets cheering on
the rape.
In fact, it's been found that these systems actually direct the monstrous CEO, Zuckerberg, against the free speech enemies and anyone that tries to not submit.
But most sad of all is other penguins in the independent media, simply looking up at the sky and ignoring the vicious rape of their own freedoms and birthright taking place right in front of them.
After enduring over an hour of the assault, Our dear penguin finally succumbs.
But one more vicious insult is heaped upon its broken body by CNN, as its identity is stolen, gobbled up and devoured, and uses a straw man to attack other penguins.
This is CNN.
We are in a complete war.
And you idiots don't join with the Republic!
You fools!
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment!
Please do the right thing and stand up against Big Tech!
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want them shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a man of mercy!
I question things!
I'm evil!
I don't...
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live!
And a few other points about this BuzzFeed scandal story about deplatforming the 14-year-old YouTuber because we need to be protected from her edgy opinions because we're children, apparently.
Number one, Soph, who you see there in the YouTube video, go and subscribe to her.
She's going to be on the Alex Jones Show tomorrow, all being well.
Two other points about BuzzFeed, and Tim Pool talked about this in his video on the subject today.
You have this news organization called NewsGuard, which is the new auditor of what's credible on the internet in terms of news.
Of course, far left bias guaranteed.
They have two provisos by which your website, and bear in mind, this is a company that is trying to get their browser extension, which denotes what sites are credible and what sites are fake news, installed on all new computers by Microsoft, by Windows.
That's their ultimate goal.
To get this installed, to downrank websites that they determine to be fake news, they have two provisos by which your website qualifies as being legit, genuine news source.
And of course, when you look at BuzzFeed or NewsGuard, it's all green tick, green tick, green tick.
It's the most credible news source imaginable.
They don't just make up fake Peagate stories which rip apart America for two years running, no.
This NewsGuard organisation Which emailed me last week and asked me about 20 questions about Summit News because obviously they're going to down rank it and try and bury it in Google search results.
Didn't respond to the email, don't care.
You're not a credible news organization or any kind of organization so I don't give a damn.
But their two provisos for what qualifies as a legit news source is number one, you can't have Fake or misleading advertising on your website if you want to qualify as a credible news source.
Now BuzzFeed reviews, sells its own brand of cookware.
That's how they make money.
People laugh at InfoWars for selling nutritional products, God forbid.
BuzzFeed makes money by selling cookware and they write articles reviewing their own cookware and saying how great it is.
That is misleading.
That breaks one of the terms of Newsguard's provisos for being a credible news website.
Number two, they also say that news articles should not be presented as opinion, which is what I do on Summit News.
I'm not a journalist.
I'm a commentator.
Every single thing you see on there is my opinion.
I'm not trying to hide it.
That's not the case for BuzzFeed.
BuzzFeed presents itself in these articles, like the one they used to try and smear and de-platform this 14-year-old girl, as a straight news article, not as an opinion piece, despite the fact that it's written by Joe Bernstein, the guy who literally lied about PewDiePie to try and get him de-platformed, the guy who literally tweeted that people should kill straight white men.
His words, not mine.
So they present this article on BuzzFeed, That's a straight news article.
But in the sub-headline of the article, he says, quote, SoF has nearly a million followers on the giant video platform.
OK, that's a fact.
But then he says the site's executives only have themselves to blame.
OK, that's his opinion.
That's not a straight news article.
So that violates one of the key provisos of NewsGuard's Provisos on what qualifies as a legitimate news source.
So in the very article, in the very sub-headline, he gives his opinion.
That's not a straight news article.
That doesn't qualify under NewsGuard's own terms as a credible news source.
But again, because it's a left-wing mainstream media website, their own rules don't apply to them.
Absolutely flagrant.
And that's why NewsGuard itself has no credibility whatsoever.
Now, unlike BuzzFeed, we don't sell crappy cookware that we review ourselves and tell you how great it is.
We have independent third-party reviews on all our products, which are at infowarsstore.com, including TurboForce, which is the one that I take and personally recommend, which is absolutely powerful.
Be very careful with it.
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Now another story up on Summit.News.
Have you heard about who the latest white supremacist is?
Yes, it's gay liberal atheist television presenter Stephen Fry.
Clown World claims another victim.
Gay liberal atheist Stephen Fry labelled a white supremacist for using the OK hand sign.
So basically Stephen Fry, who has a history of basically left-wing activism, he's the furthest from far right you could ever imagine, he's a gay liberal atheist British television presenter, is being labelled a white supremacist because he did the OK hand sign.
Now who is labelling him a white supremacist or throwing that label towards his name?
A few deranged, hysterical, butthurt idiots on Twitter.
Which wouldn't normally be a news story, but again, as I said before, the only way the likes of BuzzFeed, the likes of Metro and all these other mainstream leftist news websites can generate traffic and can generate clicks and ad revenue is by creating completely non-stories and turning them into stories.
So Stephen Fry flashed up the OK hand sign To promote Mental Health Awareness Week, his tweet said, are you A-OK?
And then a bunch of media outlets took hold of it because they found a few Twitter respondents to his tweet who claimed that he was boosting alt-right racists.
Didn't have you down as part of the alt-right, wrote one of these hysterical morons.
Another one wrote this.
Stephen and Friends, you might want to be super careful using this symbol if you don't want to be confused with white supremacist creeps.
And that was basically it.
So they took like a handful of comments from idiots that responded to his tweet, turned it into a news story, and now suddenly there's this big debate about whether Stephen Fry's a white supremacist, just like that Cubs fan right there who flashed the deadly dangerous symbol, which of course is part of the circle game.
Has nothing whatsoever to do with white supremacism.
Banned him from the stadium and then NBC News and a bunch of other outlets had to blur out the OK hand sign because they said it was offensive and it could radicalise people.
Truly, truly clown world behaviour.
So Fry was forced to respond to this controversy which was created by the media out of like three tweets.
By tweeting, I really will not allow the simple OK gesture to belong to the moronic dog-whistling, cat-fishing, fog-horning, frog-marching, pig-sticking, bleep-waving few who attempt to appropriate it for their own fatuous fantasies.
So he was forced to respond after all these news outlets started reporting it like it was a serious story.
This is a guy who is a lifelong member of the Labour Party, the left-wing party in the United Kingdom, lifelong environmentalist, committed to LGBT activism, This is not a right-wing guy.
So as I wrote in the article, either Stephen Fry is a closet white supremacist who's been hiding his bigotry for 61 years behind a veil of left-wing political beliefs and liberal activism, or the media and the left is run by a cult that needs to constantly fan the flames of hysteria to convince everyone that neo-Nazis are taking over society in order to obtain power and generate revenue.
You be the judge.
And again, as we know, this OK hand gesture, just like most of these other contrived moral panics, was literally created as a result of a 4chan troll.
They trolled and tricked the media into believing that it's a secret symbol of white supremacy.
So once again society is caught between a bunch of nihilistic autistic 4chan spurglor trolls and a hysterical mainstream media that takes them seriously and then legitimizes their autism for rage bait clicks.
Welcome to clown world.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
There are thousands of ideologies out there.
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And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live in the final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
Another absolutely shocking headline up on InfoWars.com and Summit.News is this.
Two years after Islamic terror attack, ad for Islamic group with alleged terror ties appears on side of Manchester Arena.
This is actually the most shocking news story of the day.
It should be at least.
So, of course, back in May 2017, a radical Islamist called Salman Abedi detonated a homemade shrapnel bomb as people, mainly children, were leaving an Ariana Grande concert at the Manchester Arena.
23 killed, 139 people injured, some of them maimed for life.
More than half of the victims were children, as we reported at the time.
It emerged that Aberdey was a refugee rescued from Libya by the British Royal Navy before he took a flight to the UK three years before the attack.
And his father actually fought with LIFG, which was basically Al-Qaeda, in helping to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi, which of course led to the rise of ISIS and the migrant crisis.
So this suicide bomber, who maimed or killed 150 plus people was brought into the UK as a result of a refugee policy.
May 22nd, 2017.
Walks out of the Ariana Grande concert, detonates a suicide bomb.
23 people dead, 139 people injured.
Absolutely horrific.
He of course was radicalised at the local mosque.
And now two years to the day, An ad for an Islamic group with alleged ties to terrorism has appeared on the side of the same building in which that Islamic terror attack took place.
This is actually happening.
The ad, and you can see it in this article, reads, to save a life is as if you've saved all of mankind, which of course is quoting from the Quran.
In one of the next passages it says, kill the infidels.
And it was paid for by Islamic Relief.
Who is Islamic Relief?
Well, it's an organisation which is banned in Israel for allegedly funding Hamas.
A group which, as we know, also carries out suicide bombings.
A group which is listed as a terrorist organisation by the European Union and by the United States of America.
But it's not just Israel.
The government of Bangladesh, which is a Muslim country, put restrictions on this group, alleging that they were using funds raised from charitable donations to promote radicalism across the world.
And it's not just Bangladesh.
The United Arab Emirates government also blacklisted the group as an alleged terrorist front in 2016.
And it's not just governments.
In 2016, HSBC cut ties, which for them is a big deal to cut ties because they're basically money launderers, in a different sense.
HSBC cut ties with the group, the group that's responsible for this billboard on the side of the Manchester Arena after concerns that cash meant for humanitarian purposes was being sent to terrorist groups abroad.
So to summarise, an Islamic group with alleged ties to terrorism, ties that numerous governments and a major bank have alleged, has been blacklisted by numerous countries is now advertising its Islamic Relief Foundation with a quote from the Quran on the side of a building that was bombed with hundreds of people dead or injured by an Islamic terrorist just two years ago.
That is actually happening in Manchester, England.
For me, that is the most shocking story of the day.
Absolutely ridiculous.
Meanwhile, in Germany, Video German leftists applaud death threats against AFD.
So this AFD chairman, Frank Magnitz, was taking part in a political debate on German television.
They asked him why the party, which did very well in the 2017 German elections, was performing poorly in a certain area of Germany, in Bremen.
And Magnitz responded by saying that it was politically difficult for the AFD in Germany Because they can't hold events in the region because of all the death threats.
He cited specifically, he said quote, the reason is very simple.
Because the owner of this event where this building where the AFD rally was supposedly about to take place, no longer wanted to rent it out to us because he received death threats.
What was the response to These death threats from the audience during that television debate, they all broke out in spontaneous applause.
Not all of them, but numerous people in the crowd broke out in whoops and hollers of delight and rounds of applause.
Including one of them, as you saw there, who's literally the guy wearing the red sweatshirt which literally said, always be kind.
He's wearing a sweatshirt that says always be kind while applauding death threats against the political party because he disagrees with their opinions.
So much for the tolerant left.
BBC reports.
Tommy Robinson faces new contempt case.
So basically, he's going to be up for trial once again for basically filming some rape gang pedos outside a court which had no impact on their trial whatsoever.
They were convicted.
Oh, but it was because he maybe hurt their feelings.
That was actually the excuse they used during the trial today.
Of course, the dozens of news cameras that rushed in after Tommy Robinson when he entered the court building, they weren't hurting feelings.
It's different rules for them.
It's okay when they do it.
And actually this next proceeding, this next legal proceeding, will take place on July 4th, which is when the members of the European Parliament who win the elections, which are coming up next week, enter the European Parliament.
So they chose to hold it on the same day when Tommy Robinson would be entering the European Parliament if he wins his MEP seat, which according to the panicked news reports is I wouldn't say it was overwhelmingly likely, but it's definitely a possibility.
I think he needs to win about 8 or 9% of the vote, or at least UKIP does in that region.
Not UKIP because he's an independent, but him personally needs to win at least 8 or 9% of the vote to get into the European Parliament.
So he's actually got a chance of winning.
So now they've set the next court case date on July 4th when he would actually be entering the European Parliament, just a coincidence.
Meanwhile, Irish government health body tells women to flush their aborted babies down the toilet.
Of course, Ireland had a referendum last year which said it was now legal in Ireland to get an abortion during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy and later in cases where the pregnant woman's life or health is at risk.
Now, Ireland's government's official health body has a section on its website that advises women to flush their aborted babies down the toilet.
This is in a segment called Pregnancy Remains.
It says, quote, If you have an abortion before nine weeks of pregnancy, you can decide how to dispose of the remains.
They can be flushed down the toilet or wrapped in tissue and disposed of as you wish.
So as I point out in this article, you know, I used to say that we live in a society which treats its young like medical, like a medical waste product.
And I was wrong because it's worse than that.
We actually treat them like literal feces.
Meanwhile in Iran, Alex touched upon this earlier, a woman dragged away, arrested for protesting mandatory hijab law.
In the video there it shows the modesty police who patrol the streets looking for women whose hijabs have slipped, because it's a big feminist icon, you know.
Grabbing this woman, at one point they attempt to throw some kind of carpet over her, drag her away, she's screaming, they bundle her into a car and she is whipped away, no doubt to be imprisoned for years on end.
Other women who have protested against this law in Iran have been in prison for two or three years.
God knows what happens to them once they're in prison.
We've got another video in that article which shows not just the modesty police, but men in Iran slapping women, demanding that they put their hijabs back on.
Meanwhile in the West, CNN says that it's the new feminist symbol.
They celebrate the hijab Barbie.
Of course, when you look at the videos out of the Middle East, in areas like Syria and Iraq, where women are liberated from ISIS occupation and oppression, what is the first thing they do?
They discard the hijab, because that is an oppressive, patriarchal control mechanism that is used to subjugate women across the Middle East.
But somehow, for some reason, in the West, it's celebrated as this great liberator of women.
So we've got that article up there, too.
Meanwhile, Italy declares war on NGOs will find boats for rescuing immigrants.
Of course, we had the media frothing over Prime Minister Viktor Orban of Hungary's visit to the White House yesterday, saying that he was a hateful bigot.
Is it any coincidence, I ask, that the European leaders who have acted most aggressively in protecting their country against overwhelming mass immigration are the most popular leaders on the continent?
in Matteo Salvini and Viktor Orban, with Salvini now threatening to fine NGO rescue boats, which
as we've documented in the past, are working hand in glove with criminal people smugglers to get
these migrants across. Under Salvini, migrant deaths have halved because there's no incentive
for the migrants to come over in the first place. And just by coincidence, Salvini, just like Orban
in Hungary, is next to Orban, the most popular political leader in Europe, while the mainstream
That's gonna wrap it up for the show.
Warren with Owen Schroer is coming up next.
Don't go away.
I'm right up here on the left.
Actually, the road's closed, so you can turn around in the driveway at the bottom of the hill.
Have a good night!
Face-to-face with 16-year-old... Go!
Keep going!
Keep going, go, keep going, go!
(dramatic music)
It really was just a matter of time before we saw something like this.
And I'm really surprised that we haven't seen something worse.
People always ask, what does it mean to make America great again?