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Name: 20190509_Thu_Alex
Air Date: May 9, 2019
3519 lines.

Alex Jones addresses the banning of Infowars by Facebook and other platforms on his show. He criticizes mainstream news organizations for not being banned from social media and highlights the censorship against conservative voices. Jones promotes products related to health and self- sufficiency, encourages a grassroots campaign against big tech and MSM censorship, and discusses the suppression of free speech in college curriculums. The show frequently covers issues involving social media censorship, feminism, and current events related to politics and social issues.

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We're live, May 9, 2019.
Strap yourselves in.
Alex Jones is a new category.
His name and his website Will not be spoken or texted.
They even got live systems now on their apps where they're going to listen to what you're saying in live time.
And if you speak the word Alex Jones, you will be banned.
InfoWars, of course, is that web show and website led by rageaholic Alex Jones.
Don, I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Why are they doing this now?
Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly.
I mean, so Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook for a long period of time, but now they banned him, they banned his, like, little underling, Paul Joseph Watson.
They put a press release out, they said, we have a new level of banning, and Alex Jones will be the first person ever, with AI computers, watching in live time, that if you say Alex Jones on Facebook, 2.2 billion people, That's bigger than China.
That's more people than China.
That's 700 million more people than China has.
That's 2.2 billion people.
You cannot say Alex Jones' name or info worse.
Why is it that the six individuals were banned by Facebook?
What makes them different from others?
Well, these are very extreme individuals, and no matter what anyone tells you, they are extremists, and that's why Facebook decided to get rid of them from their platform the other day.
I don't think anyone's kind of pretending anymore that this is just about Alex Jones, or Paul Joseph Watson, or people you've only sort of heard of, or Laura Loomer, or whatever.
This is about anybody who dissents from the corporate view of what should be talked about.
They're crushed, so why is no one defending the majority of Americans against this threat to our speech?
That's an extremely good question.
You know, there actually is one person, one very prominent person out there, who is calling for mass civil disobedience.
And, brace yourself, it's Snoop Dogg, who just ordered all of his followers to start sharing Louis Farrakhan videos and footage on Facebook and Instagram.
I stand with him.
I'm with him.
Ban me, motherf***er.
Ban me.
Because I'm going to keep posting this shit.
I'm going to keep putting Minister Louis Farrakhan out there.
That's my dear brother.
What is the difference at this point between Trump's Twitter feed and Infowars.com?
You know, Infowars might have been banned from Twitter, but it seems to have found a new home over at Trump's Twitter feed.
And while he's promoting and legitimizing this news organization, we should also talk about how he's trying to tear down credible sources for news.
The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN.
He was questioning why these news organizations have the ability to be on Twitter.
Why are they not banned?
Right, while saying that the Infowars should be reinstated.
It's nuts.
CNN, that had 10 million viewers an hour back in Larry King's heyday, they got rid of him when it dropped to like 9 million.
They hired Piers Morgan and it went to like 2 million.
Now their top rated shows have a million viewers, their average show 50,000 an hour.
Local radio shows have more listeners.
See, last year, he knew who all my sponsors were on YouTube, even though you'd have to watch for hours to figure out who they were and geolocating.
ads only popped up certain areas of the country so he couldn't find out unless he was in my account.
Him and Stelter.
And then he, they were, it was in the news, so was Media Matters.
They knew how much I was being paid, they had a whole list of all these sponsors that would opt in to
buy into my show. Oh my gosh, the Pentagon was running Marine Corps and Army ads, he tattled on that
and boy they did what what General Stelter said.
President Trump. Infowars content is useful to him.
InfoWars personalities align with him.
He even gave an interview to Alex Jones back on the campaign trail.
On Saturday, Trump went on a Twitter spree and said it's so great to watch this while sharing a video from InfoWars.
The hate is clearly over there.
You can feel the vibes of hate coming from over there.
You look over here, the people aren't screaming at this.
Peaceful protesting.
This is not what peaceful protesting is all about.
This is what they think is acceptable.
This is not what Trump stands for.
But they don't understand that.
I'm going to say it again.
Big Tech has access to everything you do and they give CNN and the Southern Poverty Law Center and Media Matters access to your private banking information.
It's totally criminal.
But see, Big Tech, oh, they're a private company.
So they can collude with other companies and lie to you and sell your data and do false advertising and tell you to come build up their platform and then pull the rug out from under you.
Then they can call you a Nazi when they ban you.
And then they could tell their users, "You don't say their name or we'll kick you off."
You know, the worst part?
We've not shut down our speech!
We're at Infowars.com and Newswars.com and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at Infowars.com.
We're at NewsWars.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
InfoWars.com, because that's what people out here are talking about.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Let's go there.
The answer to 1984 is 1760.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome to this Thursday, May 9th, 2019 global broadcast.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be here for the next four hours.
Then Owen Schroyer is loaded for Bear to take on the Globalists.
And that, of course, is coming up at 3 o'clock Central Standard Time today.
Right before I went live today, obviously, David Knight, 8 a.m.
to 11 a.m., knocking it out of the park.
I am truly overwhelmed today with the knowledge of the information that we've got here.
The co-founder of Facebook has come out and said the company needs to be broken up.
Now he says this from a leftist perspective, and I've been predicting this is coming, so I want to break down the next moves that are about to unfold.
Then, I want to get into the fact that the Aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln has cleared the Suez Canal, and we have not been closer to war with Iran since Operation Praying Mantis in 1988, when the United States sunk a bunch of their ships there in the Persian Gulf.
And that could really trigger something serious, because Iran conservatively has ten times the military prowess they had back then, and sleeper cells all over the world.
Also, we have the feds released, secretly, 168,000 illegal immigrant family members into communities just in the last fiscal year.
And that's just what we know about.
This is the collapse of the failed border and part of a larger operation to destroy the country.
So we'll be looking at all of this today and so much more.
But first, there are full videos that are up on newswars.com and infowars.com by Caitlin Bennett, the prophetic and prolific and just energizer bunny reporter with her crew.
It's her fiance and her camera guy together as a dynamic trio.
The videos she's been getting Are just incredible.
And the ideas that she's had to go on these colleges and to illustrate what they're doing and what they're up to and what they're saying are just incredible.
Now, both these videos are 15 minutes long.
I'm not going to air them in full here today, but I am going to air some pieces of them.
But the first thing I'm going to air is a compilation where college students, for the first time ever, pay reparations for slavery.
Now, again, that's about a 50-minute report, more than two minutes of it.
The full report is something you need to see and share with others to see the brainwashing, the cult-like control at universities.
And there's another video that's up on InfoWars.com of what happens to pro-lifers that have permits to be out in public and what happens in compilations of liberals, leftists, attacking people for their First Amendment.
Video captures moment.
The so-called feminist attack peaceful pro-life demonstrators.
That's from the Daily Caller.
So I'm going to air both of these pieces and then plunge into the news.
But the authoritarianism we see on the colleges is the authoritarianism we see in big tech.
It's the authoritarianism we see everywhere that the left is in control.
They are not the left.
They are a criminal cult.
But then, I am going to air most of one of her 15-minute reports.
Should I do it this hour or next hour?
Because I've got to analyze it.
She was at Penn State, and she didn't edit this.
I mean, she cut out the spaces, but this is everyone she talked to.
Everyone that one person was a drooling, you would say, I don't mean this meanly, autistic or mentally retarded, but they're not.
This is what the smartphones and the culture has done to millennials.
This is what they're like.
You go to UT, you think you're in a Dawn of the Dead movie.
People even walk with their hands hanging down, and they go, uh, and drag their feet.
They've been soul-sucked.
They have no inclination to build anything.
They have no life spark.
Unless they get mad at you, then they physically attack you.
But then even then, it's a very zombie-like attack.
Very zombie-like attack.
So, radio listeners can hear all of this, obviously.
People can watch, though, the verboten, forbidden, Information at Infowars.com forward slash show and please share that live feed.
That's how we get to new people in this culture war.
But they want us taken out of the picture obviously because we're very effective because you're effective.
But I know they're not going to stop you.
They haven't so far.
They're not believing you, you believe in me.
So here's these two reports.
We're here at Youngstown State University today with Joel Patrick.
and I'm here asking people if they will pay me some reparations.
Do you support reparations for black people because of slavery?
To some extent, yes.
What about you?
Do you support?
So we have Joel over here.
Joel Patrick.
He has a reparation jar.
You guys have the chance to pay him for your crimes.
I just gave him $10 for picking up my exams.
Alright, here we go.
Grown men are going to get out their wallets to pay for slavery.
Alright, I'll steal.
All right.
You have been forgiven for the crimes against my ancestors.
Are you a professor here?
What do you teach?
Oh, what is this for anyway?
It's for YouTube.
Oh my god.
Yeah, I would love to be paid reparations.
Okay, here we go.
For slavery.
For slavery?
That's all I get as a dollar?
You can keep it.
I want more money than that.
Do you support reparations for slavery?
Well, I'll walk with you.
So, you support reparations for slavery.
We have Joel here, who has a reparations jar, and you can pay right now for reparations.
As I said, I apologize for being on the run, but there you go.
You're actually paying?
Did you own slaves?
No, I did not, but I mean, I'm not a fan of the history behind it, so.
Okay, thank you for paying for your crimes.
We have Joel here, and he has his reparations jar.
Are you willing to give him reparation money?
Why not?
Okay, perfect.
How much do you want her to give you?
Well, what is the crimes of an entire country worth?
Um, I'm not really sure.
I don't have a lot of money on me, and I can't put a number.
You are forgiven for the crimes of your ancestors.
And make sure that you support Caitlyn at TheInfoWarsStore.com.
Make sure that you go there and you get the super male vitality.
You need it.
You gotta have it.
You do?
Ma'am, don't do that.
Please, please.
You're a f***ing terrible person!
Ma'am, stop.
You're a terrible person!
Ma'am, stop.
You're a f***ing terrible person!
Ma'am, stop that.
You're a terrible person!
You do.
You do.
This is not okay!
Can you call the cops?
This is not okay!
Ma'am, calm down.
There's no reason.
This is not okay!
Shut the f*** up right now!
Hi, I'm at the pit.
There's a woman that just punched my friend.
It's an arrest by citation.
I have the right to be here, as well as the right to be arrested.
I have the right to be here, as well as the right to be arrested.
Let me take your bag.
You gonna do something?
Is he gonna do something?
You're kidding me.
You're kidding me.
Think she should keep it?
It's a baby.
Someone was raped and she gave birth and she decided to kill her three-year-old child.
Get the f*** out of here with this bullsh*t, man!
No you don't!
This is bullsh*t!
Get the f*** out of here!
This is bullsh*t!
No, it's not, man!
It's wrong!
It's their selves.
They're the size of a dime, their selves.
So you need to turn to Jesus Christ who can set you free from your sin.
Listen here, son.
I'm as gay as the day is long and twice as sunny.
I don't give a f*** what you think Jesus tells me and what I should and should not be doing.
These are image bearers of God.
You can go to hell.
Alright, guys.
Again, this is the left always trying to silence everyone and then saying we're trying to silence them while they do it.
These are the wholly anointed ones who think they're the cool kids and who are directed by the post-humanist technocracy.
That's what this is.
There is a open world government program to end humanity as we know it.
Remember, we give you next decade's news today.
We are the globalist number one enemy because we represent the future of humanity.
Okay, so watch.
Please remember that we're listener-supported and wear your colors proud.
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I cannot believe we even produced this.
I mean, this, this, this is insane.
I said, I'm a game changer.
I'm a guru.
I'm a scientist.
I'm an activist.
And, and, and, and other people aren't willing to do it.
And, and, and I'll tell you right now, I'm here to ram heads with you.
Synergy drinks are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Well, it's not me, it's you.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Gosh, it's bad.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you so much for joining us on this Thursday, May 9th, 2019 broadcast.
What I'm going to do is open the phones up.
In this hour, into the next hour, and into the third hour as we go through a lot of this news.
And get into any topic you want, any issue, any area.
But first-time callers, again, is who we're going to be taking phone calls from.
The number to join us is 877-789-2539.
Again, 877-789-2539.
Again, 877-789-2539.
And obviously, I'd like to get your take on the so-called constitutional crisis.
The Democrats want to continue their fake witch hunt.
I also want to get your take on one of the co-founders of Facebook coming out, good personal friends with Zuckerberg, saying the company needs to be broken up.
What's really behind that?
I'm going to give you my take on it.
Aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln passes through Suez Canal last night en route.
To Iran as tensions soar.
We're going to be breaking all that down.
Feds released 168,000 illegal immigrant family members into communities.
A Colorado shooting suspect was transitioning from a girl to a male.
A second suspect said he hates Christians.
That's why you'll barely ever hear about that in the news again.
But you better believe that it was two right-wingers doing it.
You would be hearing that all gun owners are guilty.
All Christians are guilty.
But because this is apparently too leftist, whacked out as usual, you're going to see that brushed under the rug extremely quickly.
That's just some Of the news that we're going to be covering here today.
877-789-2539 is the number to join us.
The first thing I want to get into right now is what Sean Hannity talked about last night.
I'm going to play a short clip of his opening monologue.
The full show is up on Infowars.com and is worth sharing.
And most listeners will say, hey, this is old news to us.
We're sick of hearing about Russiagate.
If Trump doesn't go on the offense, And if the Justice Department doesn't, and if the Republicans don't, it doesn't matter how many crimes the Democrats have committed.
They're going to make up stuff on Republicans.
They're going to harass everybody in Trump's orbit.
They're going to continue to try to sabotage the economy.
And so, it's the right thing to do.
It's got to be done.
And we're dealing with out-of-control, arrogant criminals like this.
The only thing they know is strength.
And most of these Democrats are complicit in the cover-ups as well.
They're not going to stop this whole Russiagate thing until we stop them.
And so they've got dozens of other investigations fired up.
They're all fraudulent.
And the witch hunt should be over.
Here's Sean Hannity talking about it last night.
And of course, then we'll expand on the fact that no president ever put up with this.
They always declared executive privilege.
Trump didn't.
Now he is.
And, well, now they're claiming he's involved in obstruction.
It's just nothing but fraud.
Here it is.
We start tonight with breaking news about the president fighting back after two plus years of nothing but complete and utter cooperation.
1.5 million documents handed over.
Every single person in the White House encouraged to cooperate and speak with Mueller and Congress.
Not one time did the Trump White House invoke executive privilege.
Not once.
Even White House counsel, which is, to me, unfathomable, Don McGahn, spent 30 hours with Mueller's Democratic pals and Hillary's attorney.
Now the president saying enough is enough and today the president did finally say enough is enough by exerting executive privilege over all aspects of the Mueller report and the White House ordered former counsel Don McGahn from testifying before Congress.
They already have 30 hours.
The Attorney General Barr is refusing to be interrogated not by the House Judiciary Committee, by their staff.
For the 206 years of that committee, not one time has that ever happened.
And the Attorney General is saying, and it's not going to happen now.
And the endless stream of document subpoenas, they are now being rejected by the administration.
In other words, the witch hunt is over, the Democrats lost.
And what the Democrats are now doing is nothing more than radical revenge, which is born out of a mass psychotic rage against the President.
And by the way, four separate independent...four!
They have an irrational inability to accept four separate independent results.
The nine-month FBI counterintelligence investigation.
Oh, Peter struck the no there there.
Oh, we had nothing just before the appointment of Mueller, Lisa Page said.
We have the House Intel Committee investigation.
No collusion, no conspiracy, no cooperation with Russia.
The bipartisan Senate investigation.
And now, the 20-month Mueller witch hunt.
All determining the same thing.
No collusion, no obstruction.
Does Congress care one iota how much this is costing in legal fees?
And for what?
What about every single person that has been called before the committees or called before Mueller?
They all have to pay for lawyers.
Lawyers in Washington, D.C.
can be as much as $1,000 an hour.
Now they're going to be called in to be asked the same questions now a fourth, fifth, and sixth time?
This is nothing but harassment and abuse of power and, frankly, a brand new taxpayer-funded witch hunt designed to smear the duly elected president of the United States.
And then he goes on to say, anybody in the orbit is being harassed and terrorized.
Yes, so we have a right and a duty to stop it.
And so if you expand on that, there's a clip up on Infowars.com that we're going to play when we come back of Jim Jordan's boil down yesterday during the contempt hearing on Attorney General Barr.
And he says, you know what this is?
It's a smoke screen.
And a cover-up for your illegal warrants and your illegal witch hunt.
And we have all of the documents.
We have all the proof.
And Louie Gohmert goes on, from Texas, and says, listen, I wish you Democrats would stop this, but you're not, so we're coming after you.
And you're going to get prosecuted, so get ready.
And the Democrats look scared.
They are all in on it at the top.
They really thought they'd keep Trump from getting elected.
Then they thought they'd remove him.
And now they're so desperate.
It makes them more dangerous.
That's what I keep getting back to.
These people are dangerous.
And now they've accelerated their timetable of censorship against nationalists, against Trump supporters, against people that just want our country to be free and common sense and not globalist.
So it's gotten serious.
We're going to come back and get some of that Jim Jordan club.
Then I'm going to start taking your phone calls.
We have a best-selling author coming on who first got banned on Amazon and then he's getting banned everywhere else and now he's having his bank accounts taken away all because he talked about men's Empowerment.
That is the big no-no.
You want to teach an eight-year-old boy to cut his testicles off?
That's fine with big tech.
You want to teach little girls how to commit suicide?
That's wonderful.
And increase your suicide rates.
The system is here to kill you.
It's here to demoralize you ahead of a post-human era.
So the underpinnings of a civilization are being destroyed by design.
That's not hyperbole.
That's not something that sounds shocking.
That is the entrance fee To the new digital age and merging with the silicon that is the religion of Silicon Valley You have been warned told you that Decades ago now.
It's all over the news people say of course humans are bad.
Let's get rid of them immediately Yes, this is the real world.
It's really happening.
So how do we keep our consciousness?
How do we save our awareness our souls?
How do we keep from being sucked in deceived by this?
Well, that's what this broadcast is about.
We're in this together I'm Alex Jones Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Louis Farrakhan, Laura Loomer, all of them were designated dangerous individuals and banned from Facebook and from its subsidiary Instagram.
Alex Jones' company InfoWars was banned as well and described as a dangerous organization.
Didn't explain exactly how.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
Well, Facebook believes it's so dangerous that you can be banned from using the platform, Facebook, just for sharing its content unless you simultaneously denounce it.
Now that they kicked them off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
But you have also excesses in the First Amendment and the Second Amendment right now.
You know, I don't think that the forefathers said, well, you can say, you know, all sorts of hateful things and spread it around the world, literally spread it through the internet.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
This isn't just censorship.
This is a digital, AI-enforced Gag order against 2.2 billion users on Facebook not to say the name Alex Jones or Infowars.com unless they disparage it.
So it's a prohibitive gag order.
Saying you will not say these words unless you comply with the behavioral modification we want and decry it.
Put it down.
This is a digital tech giant, the biggest thing in world history.
Bigger than any one nation's population.
Bigger than any continent's population.
2.2 billion nation.
Telling them, you will only attack this person or this website.
That is unprecedented in the annals of history.
And all the major western universities have banned mainline conservative speeches.
They're attacking people.
The white professors are saying that there's no whites weekends.
And professors that refuse to leave are thrown out of the colleges.
This is a Maoist doctrine adopted by Big Tech with charters through the universities the last 15 years to create the new management class for Big Tech.
So what you're seeing is the exportation of the tyranny that's going on on these campuses to the rest of the nation and the rest of the world.
That's why I say it's a Maoist communist model.
Because Mao used the universities as the invasion point to take over and enforce.
That's not how the Russians or others did it.
And so this is mega-rich, 76 billion dollars, divorced from reality, Zuckerberg, defaming me and my family, saying that I'm this horrible white supremacist and I'm dangerous, in a category of serial killers and murderers.
That's the only group's banned on there.
And then taking my speech away, but saying, oh, but you can talk about it if you attack him.
And then the Republicans, the addled Congress, goes, we wonder if they've gone too far.
You wonder if they've gone too far.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a total takeover.
The AI's already kicked in.
All these big tech companies are working together.
It's cartel activity.
It's false advertising.
They've lied to Congress and said that they never censor anybody.
But now they're out in the open censoring everyone.
The way to fight back is to support Infowars now more than ever and make it a standard of freedom and free speech and understand that if they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
Because they admit they plan to do this.
With millions of people, it's the Chinese communist social score that Facebook and Google have been working on for years with Apple in China.
And they're now just deploying it here, starting it with Alex Jones and a few others, hoping you won't defend me when you're putting your own neck in a noose.
I'm live at InfoWars.com and I'm fighting back.
Please spread the word.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Please spread the word.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Please spread the word.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Please spread the word.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Please spread the word.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Please spread the word.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Please spread the word.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Please spread the word.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Please spread the word.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Humans, it shows throughout history, have an issue with seeing threats until it's really
really far down the road and sometimes too late.
But then once things get really, really bad, individuals and people tend to really, really play catch up.
And a lot of times things get turned around.
And we're really at that point as a civilization and as a country and as a world right now, That we need to have a discussion about what's being built around us and who's making the decision to build those systems.
And that's why at the bottom of the next hour, I'm going to get into this 20-something page article in the New York Times by the original co-founder of Facebook.
Admitting that Zuckerberg's already controlling what messages you can privately send, already reading everything you are saying, selling it to thousands of third parties.
The only reason he got in trouble over Cambridge Analytica is because they were doing some work for a nationalist or for patriots just getting contact info of potential Trump voters so that Trump could contact them.
That's elementary stuff.
That's 30-year-old technology.
But regardless, Zuckerberg to a great extent is in control of his company, and that's why the establishment wants to break it up and basically absorb it into the system, because they think Zuckerberg has too much power.
in their global government system. He's one of them in Q-Tel.
The Central Intelligence Agency publicly built the first Facebook. They gave him
the software.
They created the Harvard template that the young whiz kid built it and developed it.
But he has been a serious executive. He has been very
And in that whole military-industrial complex technocracy, he's been very, very
And so now they're circling him, getting ready to break him up.
But that won't be to reform Facebook, my friends, for the people.
That will be simply to absorb it into the system and make it even worse.
And if you read the article, it actually admits all that.
He said, well, Zuckerberg just doesn't need to get rid of hate speech.
He needs to, you know, protect speech by stopping other types of stuff.
So, we need to protect speech by getting rid of it.
It's a very Orwellian, double-think article, and it's very, very serious.
We're going to be going over it.
And a lot of people selfishly say, well, I'm not on Facebook, so why do I care?
Well, 2.2 billion people are.
And so that's going to decide elections all over the world.
That's going to decide the future of this country, other countries, especially if it's not a
free and open debate.
And I kept wondering why so much last year during my deplatforming they would say,
"Jones is calling for violence. Jones is calling for getting battle rivals and killing the media."
And you notice they never showed you a clip. They'd say, "Let me read the quotes."
And then they would take single words, two words, put them together.
I know I've talked a lot about that, but when the whole corporate media lies to create a perception that, okay, Big Tech's banning Alex Jones because he's yelling fire in the theater, what's the real reason they're doing that?
So Big Media and Big Tech have been practicing working together on taking my rights away.
And then see, now they've been trained, now suddenly it's everybody else.
And that's in the New York Times article, that it's incredibly dangerous.
But they're not talking about dialing all that back or stopping it, they're talking about shutting Zuckerberg out of his dictatorial position and then sharing it in these councils and these CFR type roundtables.
So that's really what's going on here right now.
Let's go ahead though and go to the Jim Jordan clip because this just broke minutes ago from The Hill.
It's also up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Judge orders DOJ to give her unredacted Mueller report portions on stone for private review.
This is an Obama judge.
You've got the prosecution that's Hillary's former chief lawyer, and if you don't think that that's going to get leaked to the Democrats so they can cherry-pick and leak stuff, well, then I got a bridge I'm really happy to sell you.
So, Stone had actually, though, asked for this, and it makes sense because he's in the report and blacked out, for him to get this for his defense.
I actually support this, and Trump said declassify the whole thing.
He said he has nothing to hide.
In fact, this is actually going to expose the Democrats to a great extent.
So that's why some Democrats were like, actually, let's not release the unredacted.
So this is quite a mess.
I wonder what's going to happen here.
But let's go ahead and go to Jim Jordan, pointing out the real reason the Democrats are up on their hind legs going after everybody.
That's because they are covering up for their crimes.
The best way to do that is act like you're innocent and then start trying to accuse everybody else.
Here it is.
I would ask the Chairman.
My understanding is Mr. Mueller is going to be here next week.
Why are we doing it?
You're going to get to ask the guy who wrote the whole darn document.
We're all going to get to ask him questions.
Why don't you hold off on this contempt until at least the guy who wrote the thing spent 22 months and $35 million with a whole bunch of Democrat lawyers putting it together.
Why don't you wait and ask him next week before we do this contempt resolution?
Bill Barr is following the law and what's his reward?
Democrats are going to hold him in contempt.
I don't think today's actually about getting information.
I don't think it's about getting the unredacted Mueller report.
I don't think last week's hearing was actually about having staff question the Attorney General.
I think it's, as my colleague said earlier, I think it's all about trying to destroy Bill Barr because Democrats are nervous he's going to get to the bottom of everything.
He's going to find out how and why this investigation started in the first place.
Never forget what Bill Barr said a few weeks ago, three and a half weeks ago, when he testified in front of the Senate Finance Committee.
He said a lot of important things, but he said three, excuse me, four very interesting things.
First, he said there was a failure of leadership at the upper echelon, term he used, upper echelon of the FBI.
We all know that's the case.
Director Comey's been fired, Deputy Director McCabe fired, lied three times under oath, according to the Inspector General, FBI Counsel Jim Baker, Demoted and left, currently under investigation by the Justice Department.
Lisa Page, demoted and left.
Peter Strzok, Deputy Head of Counterintelligence, demoted and fired.
Peter Strzok, the guy who ran the Clinton investigation and the Russian investigation.
There was certainly a failure of leadership at the upper echelon of the FBI.
Second thing the Attorney General said three and a half weeks ago in front of the Senate Finance Committee.
Spying did occur.
He said it twice.
Yes, spying did occur.
Third, he said, there's a basis for my concern about the spying that took place.
And maybe the most interesting thing, two terms he used that, frankly, I find frightening.
He said there was, in his judgment, he thinks there may have been unauthorized surveillance and political surveillance.
Scary terms.
We gotta go back to January 3rd, 2017.
Senator Schumer, on the Rachel Maddow Show, talking about then-President-Elect Trump, says this.
If you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
Now, I don't know if the FBI went after President Trump in six ways, but I sure know they went after him in two ways.
And the first one is the now famous dossier.
On October 21st, 2016, the FBI used one party's opposition research document as the basis to go to a secret court to get a warrant to spy on the other party's... And the inspector general has come out and said that was all illegal.
They did lie.
And where'd you first see that broken?
And that's why we're being punished.
That's why we're being lied about.
That's why we're being attacked.
That's why we're being sued.
It's because we're willing to put things out first when others are afraid to do it.
But you heard Jim Jordan say, Political spying.
Political surveillance.
That's how you get dictatorships.
That's how you get oligarchies.
That's how you get Venezuelas and Nazi Germanys and Maoist Chinas.
And we've been fighting over this for two and a half years.
How are we ever going to beat Big Tech, who's openly moved to China, and is helping round up political dissidence by the millions, by the millions.
Look it up.
When they openly lie to Congress, they'll get in trouble, and everybody knows they're lying.
If we can't even defeat a bunch of mentally defunct Democrats, who have to read off pieces of paper, they can't even talk, like Jim Jordan or I can, or Trump can.
If we can't beat these little criminals, these little Democrat machine criminals, we'll never beat big tech.
We have to move against big tech for humanity now.
We have to stop the AI.
Mark my words or we're all dead soon.
I've been doing.
Go to Infowarsstore.com.
Buy some of the great products.
See how great they are and sign up for auto ships.
You don't forget to order every 15 days, every month, every two months.
month or two months.
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Get the coffee, get the products, get it all.
That's how I fund this operation.
That's how I do this.
And it's 100% up to you funding us.
To decide whether we're going to be here or not.
Let me tell you something right now.
I'm not giving up.
I'm not backing down.
I'm not giving in.
But I would have already had 24 hours of shows a day.
I would have already had 10 more reporters hired.
I would have already done a lot more.
Instead of spending most of my time figuring out how to pay for things around here to stay on air, I would just be on air, ladies and gentlemen.
But you get to that point when the days are so dark, when the shadows are so long, when the President is sitting there letting the First Amendment be undercut and letting people have their bank accounts taken like we have.
Our perfect credit score go from 2% on a credit card transfer up to 5%.
All of that's what's killing us, and us having to pay for our own bandwidth.
We still have millions of viewers a day and listeners at InfoWars.com, but now I gotta pay for all the bandwidth.
Doesn't have Google Ads all over it.
It isn't on YouTube.
So there's a heavy cost to being so popular, and I'm not bitchin', but I'm sayin', stayin' in the saddle.
I'm not ridin' this bull for eight seconds, baby.
I've been ridin' this sucker for 25 years from nowhere.
We built the whole thing thanks to your support, but now...
I'm not riding some toy bull in the backyard.
I'm riding the biggest, meanest, snarling creature you've ever seen.
And I'm not wearing body armor.
And I gotta stay on this son of a bitch for years.
And that means I gotta take my face being beat in the back of his head.
It means I gotta sit there and let my groin get smashed.
And I gotta be like a demon and just hold on.
But this isn't a technical rodeo, so I can hold on with both hands.
And believe me, I am.
I got that bull around the neck.
And I'm just focused and zenned out in a berserker viking way.
The berserker spirit in a zen focus.
Just... And the globalists feel the will, the spirit of 1776 that we manifest.
Nobody manifested like us except Trump.
And we're punching through the enemy.
Not even thinking about it, not even saying it's hard to do.
We're just laying our spiritual weight and our will and our focus and our love for the unborn children against this dragon's gut.
And the blood of the dragon's just pouring out on us, burning us like acid.
My eyeballs are hanging out and my heart's still beating.
And the pain feels so good because as I just ram that sword up into its heart, my arm is burning off and I just hold the sword in its heart as it rots down and as I prepare to collapse under its fat, dead weight.
Total victory!
But I need funding, and I need prayer, and I need support, and I need to see your war face!
These are pedophile, devil-worshipping, child-harvesting, soulless scum we're up against!
And if you don't know this is the real rallying point, and this massive total censorship coming in to control what words you can say and to surveil you and what you do, if you don't know this is the big enchilada, then you aren't conscious and you don't realize what's happening!
And the system thinks you're so asleep, you don't even know what's going on.
Well, our audience does know what's going on.
You can feel the damn energy in this country, so I'll tell you.
Who knows how long you can go to m4warrestore.com?
Who knows how long you can even go there and buy X2?
Or buy the great coffee?
Or buy the new products we've got?
And listen!
If you don't want to belly up to the bar and flood us with money so I can do a good stand-up fight against these bastards, then that's your choice in life!
I really don't give a goddamn anymore!
Because I'm fighting all the way.
I'm energized.
I'm awake.
I'm not dead.
People ask me how the hell I can have so much energy when I come in here and I'm not like this in person.
They're creating a world government Mark of the Beast.
2.2 billion people just got told they can't use certain words.
They're announcing giant cult-like brainwashing.
They're teaching five-year-olds how to suck cock in public school.
They are sitting there doing everything you could ever freaking imagine.
Killing babies after they're born.
And the churches are such pharisees, they're worried that I just talked about sucking cock instead of killing babies and chucking their damn organs out!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We've got loaded phone lines.
I'm going to have your calls throughout the rest of the show.
We have one guest joining us who's being deplatformed everywhere because he writes self-help books for men.
Again, that is a big no-no to the globalists because they don't want to have any leadership, they don't want to have any alpha male types out there.
The left's now teaching there's no such thing as masculinity, that masculinity is a made-up term.
So a man can be a woman, a woman can be a man, you can be a dog if you want, but you can't be masculine.
So that guest will join us for a couple segments and then we'll continue with your calls.
We'll go into your calls here in a moment.
There's some really positive video that just went live.
Kellan McBrain wrote a story about.
We'll get to next hour.
Students walk out on dim politicians pushing gun control at the latest school shooting vigil near Columbine in Colorado.
Students said their grief was being politicized and chanted mental health.
Colorado school shooting suspect was transitioning to male.
No, you do not have testes.
You do not have the bones or heart or brain of a male.
You want to be a male and that's your issue.
If you're an adult, you want to take hormones and try to act and look like a male.
You are not a male.
There are men and there are women.
There are some mutations.
We're going to have a hermaphrodite.
And again, I haven't even gotten into this lately, but the heavy lifting power champion is obviously a big dude.
And he's got big bones and big muscles for the average power lifter.
And now all women's sports will be dominated by men.
Again, this is 2 plus 2 equals 10.
This is brainwashing.
We're going to go to your calls.
Here in a moment on the waterfront, whatever issue you want to raise, whatever topic you want to get into, I'm not going to belabor this, but I'm just going to tell listeners this.
Thank you for your support.
It really means a lot to me.
I do this so much that half the time I can't stand to hear my voice.
But I know the show's effective, I know we're getting the truth out, and I appreciate you and all your support and all your prayers.
We make it really easy to support us because everybody needs water filtration systems.
We've got the best, the lowest prices that sit on your countertop and are the best.
We have the best non-GMO heirloom seeds, we have the best shortwave radios, and we have great t-shirts and great books and great films, great selection.
And we have really, really good supplements.
The best supplements that are out there at the lowest prices.
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Several big sales have to end next week, early next week, and that is a bottle of X2 Deep Earth Iodine, True Atomic Iodine, with a bottle of X3 that's all three types of iodine, including Deep Earth and the other two types, Triiodine.
Shit, that's better for some people than just pure iodine, but not most people.
But it's still excellent.
So, Survival Shield X3, that is at InfoWarStore.com.
Again, no reviews yet on that.
It's a combo, but you can read the thousands of 5-star reviews on X2 and X3.
It's a 99% rating.
No one else even has that on Power Reviews for any supplement.
Ultra 12 is brand new.
It's the same as Secret 12, it's just twice as strong, the highest quality B12, the highest quality methylcobalamin, and that is now our newest product, 50% off, out of the gates, and that helps fund our operations.
So again, without B12, you will rot away and go the way of the goonie bird.
Without vitamin C, you'll go bye-bye.
There's just a lot of easy-to-get forms of that.
There's not a B12.
There's not a lot of easy-to-get forms of iodine, which you have to have to live.
And so I just think you should really research why the globalists are trying to keep you away from B12 and why they're trying to keep you away from clean iodine.
And if you just look into this, it's startling.
It's staggering.
It is thunderclapping.
When you look at the evidence, just type in iodine and IQ.
Iodine deficiency and IQ reduction.
Just start there and you'll be stunned.
You owe it to yourself and your family to investigate this.
Thank you for your support.
Alright, look at all these great callers.
We've got so many of them.
Morgan, and Patrick, and Mitch, and Carson, and JD, and Darren, and California, and Ben, and Mike, and so many others.
Who should we go to first?
Hmm, who's been holding the longest?
Let's talk to Darren in Canada.
His son has autism.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
How's it going, Alex?
I'm good, sir.
Sorry to hear about your son.
Yeah, he actually has autism directly from vaccination.
Like when they vaccinated him, he flatlined on the table and they resuscitated him.
And, you know, he's had autism his whole life, right?
Like special ed classes, psychologists.
And about a year ago, I started giving him the Secret 12.
And I also have a friend who's like one of the leading autism doctors, his doctor who works with him.
And I brought him, like he hasn't, he hadn't never seen him for a few months.
And when he met with him, he was like, oh my God, like, you know, what's going on?
Like, you know, he's so much better.
And I showed him the bottle of the Secret 12, right?
And it was the only thing that I've, I changed with him was giving him B12.
Now he's, uh, you know, he's not in special ed no more.
He's in, like, normal class and it just completely changed his life and my life and I know you don't like to be thanked, but thank you.
Well, thank you, brother.
I mean, I want to be clear.
When we wanted to put out B-12, we know that synthetic just doesn't get absorbed, so we went out and found the best organic, truly absorbable methylcobalamin, but I want to go back to the flatlining because I've had thousands of calls like this over the years.
I've been on there 20 plus years.
I've probably had thousands, over a thousand.
I've run into over a thousand people on the street.
And they'll come over and say, they'll usually have four or five kids and they've got a son, sometimes multiple, that are autistic.
And they say no, they were fine until 18 months when I took the third round.
That's generally when it happens.
Sometimes it happens first round or second round.
Describe how old your son was, what it was like.
Because a lot of times they have the convulsion by the time they get home or in the car, sometimes in the hospital or at the clinic, and daughters will even admit, okay, they had a bad reaction.
But the news will lie and say it's insane.
You know, sure, used to we had 1 in 37,000 with autism.
Now it's 1 in 58.
It's almost all boys.
Describe for listeners what happened.
This was right when he was born.
He was a few weeks premature, and it was like right when he came out in Canada here, they vaccinate him.
As soon as they come out in the hospital and he was fine and they had him in that little, you know, like the little incubator kind of table.
They had him in the NICU unit.
They had him in the little warmer.
Yeah, and they gave him the vaccination and he just, like you said, convulsions, flatlined heart monitor, you know, was code pink.
Every doctor in there and they resuscitated him and, you know, he's never been a normal baby since, right?
Well, there's a lot of science behind this, but let's just explain what's happening here.
Until about 10 years ago in the U.S., no hospital would give a vaccine to a preemie baby because they knew this happened.
But it's part of a eugenics operation where they just try to get the nurses in the hospitals to go along with it to see what
medical tyranny can implement incrementally by successive approximation.
So this is all ambient background that they just turn up like the frog in the pot.
This is what you're telling is so important for people that don't understand or know how
serious this is until they experience the death of their own child or their child getting
brain damaged or their child having a convulsion.
We've had multiple shows years ago and I want to get those nurses back on or have those
nurses contact us again and we got their IDs, we proved they were RNs, some of them were
head nurses.
We're in the US now, since Obama got in, they have the policies and Trump needs to reverse
these for the National Institutes of Health and others, to the bioethics boards, that
they give preemies, including babies that weigh two pounds, all the shots.
Now, in almost every case, the babies die.
But the nurses still do no harm.
They follow the order.
They give the shot.
They're told, well, it's for the greater good, so they don't get sick off something else, even though they have fetal immunity.
Then they defibrillate, they get them back, but usually it causes so much brain damage because of oxygen loss, the couple minutes, there's serious problems.
Then, the undeveloped stomachs...
It causes autoimmune disorders because everything your body learns an immunity to that is the
pathogen that's attenuated, it also learns an immunity to whatever else is in the shot.
So it wrecks their gut.
Then it creates different toxic syndromes in the gut.
This is medical fact, which causes a toxicity in the brain.
And so there's a lot of detox things people do.
And yes, iodine, B12, exercise, things like that.
They're overstimulated because it causes autoimmune response in the brain, causes damage in the
cerebral cortex.
And so the cerebral cortex is unable to filter out everything it's getting from the larger
subconscious parts of the brain, the other sections of the brain.
And of course, this is all lay stuff I'm putting out, but a basis in all the deep research.
And so, they know full well what they're doing.
The nurses and doctors don't.
Now, when you say, no, I'm not taking the vaccines to them, They'll suddenly go, I don't give to my kids either.
You know, a lot of the kids die in here.
But, you know, we're just told here we lose our jobs.
So everybody knows this.
You're just not supposed to say it.
I want to come back and let you finish, then I'm going to let everybody else.
But that was a very important call.
I want to ask him what happened when his son died in front of them.
Did they try to deny it was the vaccine in the National Health Service?
Samuel, thanks for calling.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
Alex, if I can just quickly, InfoWarsStore.com, I want to thank you for Polnblock.
It's amazing.
I've used so many different antihistamines over the years because I get really bad hay fever and the antihistamines Sometimes work, sometimes don't, but they never quite work fully.
They don't block all the symptoms, they just kind of dry you up.
Or at least that's what they do for me, if they work at all.
But Holland Block, it works.
It stops everything.
I don't get the itchy eyes, I'm not sneezing, and I don't get the irritation.
It is amazing.
This is a known patent out of France.
You have to pay for the patent, where they just discovered that if you feed a certain secret diet to quail, and then you get their eggs, it creates this incredible antihistamine of a certain type of quail.
How fast did it take for pollen block to kick in for you?
It's pretty much straight away, you know, in maybe 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes.
It just works.
The antihistamines, the pharmaceutical products, I find that with those, I can't take them until I start getting symptoms, and even then, they might not kick in for half an hour, or they might not kick in at all, depending on the day.
Polonblock works every single time.
Well, that's the great part about this, and for whatever reason, it's an issue that France discovered like 50 years ago.
It's still got to be, even in this region of France, it's very complex.
They don't even know why, but they think it's it's the pollen in the area, the dust, what the quail are
eating, then they just produce in the eggs whatever this essence is that just
turns the histamine response off. I go out and do market research and I say
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reviews in the world and then what do people in America not know that in Japan or in
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And in Europe, and in Russia, and in Canada, there are a lot of brands of this stuff with the quail eggs.
It's not here.
So we just made a souped-up version of it, discounted it, and it's Palm Block.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I'm talking to a father up with the National Health Service.
And there is no law in Europe, no law here, no law.
You've got to take shots.
They will lie to you and tell you there's a law.
There's a regulation.
They have to give you a waiver.
Now they're trying to declare emergencies in Europe and the U.S., places like New York, and make you take vaccines.
But it's illegal aliens bringing in the strains.
And in many cases, people that have the vaccines are getting what they're supposedly being protected from.
The truth is, it's a covert operation of the eugenics groups, the same ones that put syphilis in vaccines for black people and others around the country and the world.
And if you let shadow government, secret government, deep state that's involved in all this continue to put in your body whatever they want, you're crazy.
So what did they say?
I mean, go back and tell us.
I know it's hard to relive, but it's important for people to hear this so they don't Not let their kids get, you know, hurt.
People need to know what's happening here, how serious this is.
Describe what happened.
Describe what the so-called doctor said.
Um, well, like I said, I, like my, my wife had just had him and so she was over on the table and they had moved him to the little incubator table and I was actually over there, you know, consoling her and, you know, being with her and I just seen like You know, I just heard, like, Code Pink, Code Pink, and then all these doctors come running in, and I seen the nurse pulling away with the vaccine needle, and he just, like, right away, he just flatlined, right?
And then they, like you said, they resuscitated him, and, uh, you know, he's, uh, he's been autistic ever since, but, like, for me, I knew, thanks to you, that, about the dangers of vaccine, so right away, I knew what it was, and I started just, like, you know, freaking right out, and they, like, removed me, and, You know, I never really got an explanation, just my son was in intensive care for a few weeks, and... Oh, they probably gave you more shots when you weren't there.
Like, uh, and the thing is... They love killing babies.
You know, they busted a lot of nurses secretly killing babies.
There's also, some nurses are psychotics, they like to kill babies.
And that's kind of the mad doctor that's above that.
Most doctors and hospitals are nice people, but they follow the orders of the bioethics boards.
If your kids aren't vaccinated, they don't go to school.
I have another son, one year younger, who I never got vaccinated.
I'm native, and I come from British Columbia, in the bush pretty much.
Oh, there you go.
I'm not saying this to be leftist and patronizing.
The left won't tell you this.
You know Canada has the most vicious history.
Of attacking Native Americans, of anybody killing them.
Secret death camps, mass graves have been found where they've been killing people just since the 90s.
And so, oh, no wonder.
You were probably, your son was probably targeted.
That probably, the fact that he flatlined so instantly just means he was tough.
They were probably trying to kill him.
Well, and I have another son who we had like, you know, probably nine and a half months later and I was smart.
I kind of went back home, had him naturally like my wife.
I literally had him in a river, you know, in the river where we're from and like the way that my people used to do it and never got them vaccinated.
And then I Start working back in the city and when I came like my kid wasn't allowed in school like I he was about eight years old when he got vaccinated finally, but it was I was lawyers and child protective services over it and
You know, literally they said, you know, he's not going to school and I literally had to vaccinate him, you know, you know.
Yeah, well, they lied to you.
They got the waiver forms up there, too.
And let me tell you, none of the rich people are getting the shots or they're getting special shots.
So now it all makes sense.
So I guess you still kind of live in a quasi tribal area.
Um, yeah, well, uh, yeah, I live in Vancouver, but, um, I'm from, like, a little, uh... Well, I mean, you understand, since the 20s, all over the Western world, they set up eugenics offices.
And so all those health departments, all the CPS, all of those, uh, social workers were set up in England, out of mouthish, to poison and exterminate poor people.
But that's official history books.
So, see, and I know, I know this sounds insane.
A lot of the social workers are low-level.
They don't know, but the ones above it in the bioethics boards are eugenicists.
And, you know, I even had Robert Barnes in here last week talking about when he was at Yale.
He was, you know, one of the top people in the class.
They pulled him aside in a secret meeting and said, we want to kill all the black people.
And he said, no, I'm not for that.
We'll be right back.
God bless you, sir.
I really appreciate your call.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(dramatic music)
All right.
We've had him on before.
Roosh V. There'll be only two segments.
I'm going right back to your calls and news.
I appreciate the folks holding.
A lot of great points from the callers already in the last hour.
Roosh V. got banned off Amazon.
And he writes men's self-help books and is basically an anti-feminist because feminism is really about the left, big universities, and government controlling women and breaking up the family.
But even if he wrote bad stuff, I mean, doesn't he have a right to publish it, a right to sell it?
And then Amazon becomes 90% of the book market, and then they say, well, he can't be there.
Well, whose book will be banned next?
Well, he announced a national speaking term.
And so they're moving to take his bank accounts away and so much more.
So I thought we might get him on to talk about that.
But it dovetails with this big, thick report Out of the New York Times today from Chris Hughes, one of the co-founders at the very beginning, in fact, the co-founder of Facebook.
And he gets into the fact that Zuckerberg aggressively, since it began, will not let other competing softwares or systems be on the site.
By users.
And that he will not also let any company basically flourish out there without buying it or doing a hostile takeover.
And that why hasn't the federal government and the antitrust office stopped this when it is now a global monopoly and abusing it and censoring people?
Now his answer, of course, is more of a leftist model breaking it up.
It'll be just as bad.
They're just jealous that Zuckerberg is in actual control of this company, and it's so powerful.
So the globalists are muscling in, even though Zuckerberg's a globalist, to try to make him give into what they want.
That's why Trump and the Republicans in action on all of this.
Uh, in saying you can't regulate any company, is allowing the Chinese government, the EU government, Hollywood, and the left to come in with what they want from the company, and the companies just under threat are adopting the anti-free speech surveillance model that Zuckerberg already wanted.
Zuckerberg's playing a please-don't-throw-me-in-the-briar-patch type scenario.
So coming up after we talk to our guests, take a bunch of calls, it'll be next hour, I'm gonna get into it's time to break up Facebook and this big 24-page report that is partly true, part of it very, very deceptive, but it shows the political moment That we've gotten to as a nation and a world.
And he also admits in here that Facebook reads all your private messages, sells them to thousands of groups, and doesn't let you send me the messages you want to send.
So this is just them coming out and admitting it all.
Oh, we banned the term Alex Jones.
Unless you're being negative about him.
So they're not just saying we're going to ban certain terms, they're telling you unless you say about those things what we want you to say.
That is beyond Brave New World.
That is beyond the Soviet Union.
That is beyond any fiction or any real world we've ever seen.
But because we're familiar with the devil, Facebook, it's had its arm around our shoulder for a decade or longer.
We accept, you know, Albert Spheer, the German interior minister and Hitler's architect, He's one of the only people not given a long prison sentence after World War II, and it's because he was a civilian.
And he later said, I realize Hitler was evil, but he said, you don't realize it's the devil when he's got his arm around your shoulder.
And that's it.
When you habitualize something, whether it's a bottle of whiskey that's killing your liver, or whether it's a woman you're having sex with that's got syphilis, the point is you don't really get it because your brain doesn't interpret it as that.
But even Sean Parker of Facebook said, we designed it to manipulate dopamine, to make you depressed, and dominate your life.
But enough of that.
Roosh V... Roosh... Vali Zadeh has been promoting masculinity and helping men connect with women since 2001.
Through his books, videos, and website.
His dating advice has been labeled hate speech by the media and has been deplatformed by PayPal, Shopify, Disqus, among others.
Amazon banned nine of his 19 books in the past, and now he's being banned from basic activity, banking, you name it.
So, Rushfi, thank you for joining us, fellow thought criminal, and tell us the latest.
It is great to be on Alex.
I hope you don't mind.
I may break down like Laura Loomer did the other day.
I may start crying and yelling.
So if I go over the edge, tell me.
It's okay.
But I was recently, I was banned on Tuesday from Instagram.
I had a private account.
They still banned me.
I also was banned from Chase WePay to sell tour tickets.
So the second I wanted to organize offline, the hammer is coming down.
It's pretty clear that not only is it getting harder just to maintain a presence on the Internet, the second you want to do a lecture tour, they are going to come after you.
So I don't start going on tour until late June, but I'm ready.
For them to apply the heat in a similar way that they did to you.
And for those that haven't read their history books, I mean, this is beyond Soviet Union, Nazi Germany.
The amount of surveillance they've got and the fact that they're just doing it with all big tech working in coordination.
This isn't just antitrust.
This is classical mafia racketeering.
And they must have operatives or agents that are following everything that we do, because there hasn't even been any buzz for the tour.
I'm going I haven't even started it yet.
But within 24 hours, they are already starting it.
They're already starting to come after me.
So they won't even allow you to move a single inch.
What this tells me is they want complete domination over you.
Complete domination to maintain the narrative that they believe is true, which is not.
It's an inversion of everything that is true.
So I'm kind of at a loss on what to do because I know that heat is going to get hotter.
So I look to you because you've You have sustained way more than me, and you are still here, and I'm glad that you are, but... Well, it's only... I'm gonna tell you, and I'm not just kissing their butt, I'm 100% in my audience's hands, and of course, God oversees that, but that is because we have a very large audience, they understand what's happening, they've gotten motivated, they promote the links by hand, but I'm unable, though, to really go out and do a speaking tour anywhere, because they'll bomb threat the place, they'll try to attack it,
They'll threaten, but as you said, Chase is banning you.
They've now announced just this week that they're hiring what they call human rights boards, Southern Poverty Law Center cults, to now be inside MasterCard and they put alarms on people's accounts.
To see, with named individuals in these accounts, who's spending money with them.
So that's what the alarms are.
They've already set them up, so see, via a company called G2 out of Boston, when the Southern Poverty Law Center lists you without a judge jury or whatever, they then list you as an actual terrorist.
So you're put in there as an international terrorist in a database.
So that's what they're doing to you, my friend.
You know, I think at the end of the day, we have to be mentally prepared to lose everything.
I mean, they are not going to stop.
As long as you continue to conduct your show and I continue to fight them.
I mean, all we have is the shirt that we are wearing and even that.
Once things get really bad, I think they're going to try to put us into some kind of camp.
I mean, where does this go?
It's pretty clear they are aggressive now because they feel that victory for them is in sight.
So to make sure that victory for them is secured, I think that's why we're seeing such a quickening of the pace against people like us.
That's right.
I mean, we can go to any university.
We're not cherry picking.
And the students look and act like zombies, almost all of them.
And they all say, we don't want to just take your speech.
We want to kill you.
I mean, what?
I mean, I'm scared, but I mean, I don't want to scare you, but I think we're not that far away from really Targeted physical violence.
You know, I saw a video of you in Austin establishment where they were harassing you.
I'm coming back to the USA.
I'm ready for it.
I'm ready for it.
But what other option do we have but to keep going?
Well, that's right.
It's all coming to physical war and all their big tech stuff.
Once they start, it's not going to save them.
They better run to their bases in Kauai.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Stocks and options.
I want to put forward an allegory or a story to explain where I'm coming from that parallels current real-time reality.
So please, bear with me a few minutes because this is bubbling up from my own thought processes of why am I sitting here with my shirt off.
I want to be crystal clear with everybody.
What I'm about to say is not about putting down California Like we're different football teams, and we're talking about the University of Texas versus UCLA.
This is not... Alex Jones is a tribalist going, woo!
Texas is way better than California.
California, until about 30 years ago, was undoubtedly the best state in the Union.
It was more Texan than Texans because it was the last big frontier state.
The 49ers, all of it.
I mean, the history books I've read about it have been incredible.
It was deep red until just about 25 years ago.
The Democrats came in, they opened the borders, they engineered the state, they created socialism, dependency, and now the state is a skeleton of its former self.
And now Beto and others have set their sights to turn Texas blue, and most political experts agree by 2024, Texas will be deep blue.
My fellow Texans are in a coma.
But as Kennedy said, and as Eisenhower said, and as Nixon said, and as Reagan said, as goes Texas, so goes the nation.
It's been like that since the Civil War.
That's a whole other history book.
And so the fall of California, and it's a big, gaping hole in our defenses for the collapse of Latin America, is not a positive thing.
It's not something I celebrate.
It's like whistling past the graveyard.
But the carpetbaggers from all over the country that went to California, because it was the best state 30 years ago, who aren't Californians, they ruined that incredible state.
They destroyed that incredible state.
And now, like locusts, or piranhas, or Nazi U-boat wolf packs, they have come to Texas to ruin our state.
We have 10 different amazing t-shirts at InfoWarsTore.com, like this Don't California by USA flag t-shirt at InfoWarsTore.com that are great attention grabbers and conversation starters no matter where you live.
In the country, because if the Democrats can take down Texas and Florida, it's over, ladies and gentlemen.
The globalists want info wars shut down because they can track back.
Almost all their defeats are to what we do.
I instinctively know how to defeat them, just like you do.
Probably resonate together.
And I'm telling you, this don't California, my USA.
This don't California, my Texas is the answer.
The people have to be warned.
We've had 10 different limited edition shirts at InfoWarsTore.com right now for men and women in all the sizes.
And I want this to be a major movement.
And so for the next week or so, while supplies last, 50% off.
That means I'm making five bucks on these shirts that funds the InfoWars.
So spread the word, meet like-minded people, cause a debate, become a billboard for liberty and freedom today.
InfoWarsTore.com and look at the 10 Limited edition.
Don't California my USA.
Don't California Texas.
And I welcome folks to say don't California Florida.
Let's just get this going nationwide and let's win again.
We can do it if we take action.
We can save America.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
By the year 2019, governments and major corporations were working together,
whether the Communist China or the EU, actively against their populations.
*BOOM* Millions of Americans were now having their bank accounts taken from them.
NRA members were being fired from their jobs in Los Angeles.
People wearing Make America Great Again hats were being physically attacked every day.
Universities once bastions of free speech are now fortresses of censorship.
@RushV on Twitter for now at RushV.com.
Rush, clearly you're one of the main targets of this.
I have not read your books.
I have read some of your essays and things.
You seem like a pretty well-spoken guy.
It's true, on average, acting confident around women, and some of the things I've read you say is what women like.
And, of course, most of these leftist women have their cuck husband that takes care of them, while they've got two or three alpha males, if they're good-looking, you know, gangbanging them.
I mean, do you write stuff like that?
Or, I mean, what is it that's got them so mad at you?
No, no.
I mean, I focus on helping men be as masculine and attractive as they can to women.
Okay, but I mean, but listen.
I mean, the major porn sites that are like working with Google and everybody, Pornhub, admittedly have real torture porn and women being beaten up by 50 men and, you know, I've read the reports, and their intestines hanging out of their rear ends, okay?
And that's all liberal and loving.
Okay, and they have satanic rituals all over the country where they, you know, smash men's testicles with hammers and then make movies about it called Hell Satan and worship it.
So the left gets all their free speech to have women prolapsing out on tables on, you know, for kids to see or whatever.
And that's everywhere.
So did you do that?
Why are you banned?
Is it you don't have women prolapsing?
What's wrong?
I mean, what did you do that's so bad?
I just try to tell men to be the best catch they can so attractive women choose them.
So attractive women want to be with them, want to be in a relationship with them.
Just trying to teach men to harness their natural masculinity.
So your crime is that you're...
Your crime is, they admit, Netflix, the computer, smartphones are making men and women not have sex, it's ending the species, which it was designed to do, and so you're encouraging men to have the tools and confidence to go out and find a mate, so your crime is, is that you don't want to depopulate the earth.
Right, and the major crime is that I teach men to abide by the natural order.
I teach men that men should be masculine, women should be graceful and feminine, and by doing that... So you glorify the archetypes?
I don't mean to interrupt you.
I didn't know... I'm not trying to be gross here for radio and TV viewers.
I was 16, I was in trouble, I was kicked out of school, I was sent to East Texas to work for a large animal vet.
Second day on the job, we go out to take care of a cow that had a prolapse.
They and I go see a movie called Hell, Satan, and they're praising it as something that's good for everybody to see, and they've got basically stuff like that going on.
So what I'm saying is, is that the left is pushing the most vicious, savage, horrible things that hurt women as empowering women, and I was expecting that you were like, you know, 50 Shades of Grey, but you're not.
50 Shades of Grey telling girls to get tied up by men they don't know, that's okay.
But you're just trying to bring men and women together, so that's why you're banned.
Yeah, because what they're doing right now, they're pushing this anally-centered lifestyle, and I don't do that.
I say a man should be with a woman in a normal way, and that they don't agree with, and they're attacking me.
I mean, I'm just tired of all this obsession over the butt, all the gay obsession, and that's what they're trying to push.
But a man who is straight is saying, hey guys, here's how to meet a woman.
And they lose and they go bonkers.
So you criticized anal sex?
I believe that homosexual activity shouldn't be a virtue that is elevated above heterosexuals.
So now we know you're a real crime.
Okay, now I understand.
Well, you know, whatever happened to the First Amendment?
You know, that exists in word only.
But if there is not a government, if there is not a cultural elite that wants to back it, that wants to If you don't enable it, then it's dead.
It's dead.
And as you know, as I know, free speech doesn't exist.
It doesn't.
It's a joke.
It's a sham.
And all the people who said, oh, free speech is fine.
You can say whatever you want.
They've never exerted their free speech because they're saying exactly what they were trained and programmed to say.
So but if you really speak the truth, you're going to feel it and you're going to feel it quickly.
No, I agree.
I'm just saying, I see the left teaching kids the most vile stuff.
They've got 9 and 10 and 11 year old kids up dancing at gay bars and talking about ketamine.
They've got movies where you go see it where men are having their testicles, you know, lanced and crushed.
I don't want to talk about stuff like that, but that's mainline movie theaters now.
But you can't praise heterosexuality.
You are being banned from having a bank account.
This is just criminal.
You know, and I don't want to say, Alex, that I'm the most moral man.
I have had a lot of fun with girls and travel.
But the way the establishment attacks me, they're pushing me up as, yeah, I guess I am some kind of moral guy.
If these evil people, these people who are trying to sexualize young kids by sending drag queens to groom them, I mean, maybe I am some kind of moral person, even though I never intended that.
But the times are getting so evil that if you just want to lead a normal life, if you're a man who just wants to lay in bed with a woman who you love and have a family without giving them toxins and vaccines, well, they are going to get you.
They're going to get you.
So the only thing we can do is wait.
We're doing now is to raise the consciousness of people to where enough people just say, no, this is enough.
Well, listen, I'll say this.
I haven't read all your books, but I know people always take out of context what I say or I say something tongue in cheek and then they twist that.
And all I know is it doesn't matter.
You should be able to sell whatever books you want.
You should be able to have public events wherever you want.
If it's not illegal what you're doing, it should be allowed instead.
I've gone through all this stuff.
More people are going through it.
Now they want to go after the NRA and their members.
California's trying to pass laws.
has, as I'm sure you know, to out NRA members in the newspaper who work for government or have government contracts.
So now they're saying you won't get a government contract for laying cement or cleaning windows or doing the carpet job if you're in the NRA.
We're being terrorized as a political class and we need Congress and others to act.
You know, I studied the Russian Revolution of 1917.
I highly recommend people read the Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
And that's what they're doing here.
They are doing the same.
The Soviets are doing what they had to endure in Russia.
They're doing it to us now.
The same kind of people are doing this.
So I think mentally and spiritually, we have to get ready For a big change coming up and I think it's going to happen soon because as we talked about, they're trying to speed up the pace so they can dominate everyone and everything.
They want total control, and they won't stop until they get it.
That's right.
Tyranny has come to America, and Trump has to do more than tweet about it.
He will lose the 2020 election, I have no doubt, via fraud, if he doesn't take antitrust action, racketeering action.
There's so many ways to do it.
All right.
Well, Roosh V, we'll follow what you're doing as it unfolds, and we're in this together.
Roosh V, thank you so much.
Look forward to speaking to you again.
Roosh V on Twitter.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
Phone calls are just a few minutes away.
Whatever you do, spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Tomorrow's news today, the enemy hates it.
[phone dialing]
For months and months and months, CNN, BuzzFeed, and others lobbied to have Alex Jones removed from social media.
He was removed from basically all the major social media platforms apart from Twitter.
And then they said, oh, you're not being banned.
You still have a platform on Twitter.
You still have an app in the App Store.
Banned by Twitter, banned by the App Store.
Oh, but you still have a website.
You still have InfoWars Store.
You still have a shopfront.
And then what do we see?
Washington Post.
Oh my god, traffic to Alex Jones' InfoWars store has increased by 50%!
Maybe now we should look at that all the way down the line.
They literally want to sabotage people's right to commerce.
They will not stop, which is why we need your support right now by getting the product at InfoWarsStore.com.
And again, we're not funded by giant fat checks from George Soros like Media Matters is.
To fund these de-platforming campaigns, we're not funded by gulf state dictatorships like CNN is.
We're only funded by you, by getting the products at infootballstore.com.
Marcos, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
What's your view?
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate you having me on.
First off, I wanted to thank you for the body.
You've been using it for a while, but I sent the bottle to my mom, and after taking it for a few days, she called me literally in tears, saying that she could see the knuckles on her fingers again and, like, the bones in her knees again.
She was ecstatic.
So, personal thank you to you for that, because anybody who makes my mom's life a little bit easier has a special place in my heart.
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So thank you for giving us your testimony about your mother because BODYS is amazing.
Oh yeah, definitely.
Stacy in the great state of Texas in FEMA Region 6.
You're on the air worldwide, Stacey.
Good to talk to you.
Before I get into what I want to say, I just want to let you know that I don't normally take vitamins at all.
I was turned on to the Ultimate Female Force.
I looked at all the ingredients, and they're all organic, root, things like that, that I trust.
You know, because I've seen a lot of other vitamins.
They don't have things that they say that they have in them, and they're often not things that are natural.
I appreciate that.
Well, what happened with Ultimate Female Force?
Tell us about it.
Well, it's really great.
You know, it's like a multivitamin.
I take it.
It tastes good.
It doesn't have that nasty aftertaste.
It actually has kind of a pleasant aftertaste.
And, you know, it just gives me energy and fuels me throughout the day, so I really like it.
Well, just so you know, we look at whatever the best herbs are.
They're known to turbocharge women.
And then we get the organic ones and put it in it.
So, yeah.
Stamina, libido, energy.
These are amazing things in Ultimate Female Force.
So I'm glad you plugged it.
Infowarstore.com or 888-253-3139.
They've not shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at NewsWars.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos.
We have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars is still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
Wait, why are you telling us?
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Things go there.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Oh yeah!
When you wake up in the morning and the light has hurt your head
The first thing you do when you get up out of bed Is hit that street so running and try to meet the masses
And go get yourself some cheap sunglasses Oh yeah!
We are back live.
We are broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to go into your phone calls here in just a second.
And then I'm going to, after we take a bunch of calls as quickly as possible, get into
this extremely lengthy, but extremely revealing article, 24 pages, out of the New York Times,
where the co-founder of Facebook.
And Admits everything we've been saying about Facebook.
But of course, his solution is not good.
You know, I could do a whole special three hours on this and read each paragraph and then analyze what's really going on.
Because this just confirms so much what we already knew.
But this is amazing.
And this feller, again, was just still on Facebook just a few years ago.
And it's the co-founder, Zuckerberg.
And in a nice way, he tells you old Zucky thinks he's God.
And he's got the establishment now jealous of him.
They're getting ready to carve him up like a Christmas ham and divide him up.
Here's the problem.
They're gonna do even worse stuff with it once they've done that.
So we need to really have Trump and the American people decide how this surgery is going to go on.
Surgery with no anesthesia, of course.
A bit sarcastic.
Having a little fun there.
But that's all coming up in the next hour after I get to a lot of your phone calls and a lot more.
I'm just going to leave it at this because I want to go to your calls.
Our listeners have really come through in a lot of big ways.
And it's touched my heart.
And I don't really feel like I have ways to thank you enough for standing with us and understanding just how serious the times are.
And I salute you.
Because you heard that first caller.
And I appreciate you all holding because I had him on for two segments.
We talked about a son dying until he was resuscitated after his first vaccines.
Now, I have interviewed hundreds of people this has happened to.
I have interviewed hundreds of doctors.
In fact, you could say probably 10 years ago, for a couple years, my mission was vaccines.
Because we know the facts, we've burrowed into it.
But just a call like we had to hear that, and how serious all this is, lets all of us understand just how high the stakes are.
And the corporate media gets up there and they lie and they say there's never been one side effect.
Corporate media gets up there and says, Nobody's ever been hurt.
And the vaccines say they can kill you on the insert.
And they have a giant secret court that's paid out billions a year to the hundreds of thousands of admitted damaged people.
And it's in the millions.
And then almost every member of my family has gotten super sick or almost died after they took flu shots or tetanus shots.
And my dad is a retired physician.
And he had all these patients, some of which he'd known 10, 20 years, come in.
Because my dad would halfway roll his eyes at me 20 years ago and say, well, there's costs and benefits, but I know there's, I know there's side effects.
Just, you know, toughen up.
Well, he saw so many patients coming over the years that would get the flu and die one week after the flu shot.
Where's Bertha?
She died.
I remember it was about six years ago, he said, son, it's incredible.
He goes, a bunch of my patients have gone and gotten shingles vaccines.
That's basically herpes on your body.
Not on your genitals.
It's a virus.
And he said, I've got more than 50 patients have come in the last few months who all went this big push for shingle shots through AARP.
They all went and got shots.
And man, they've all got shingles.
And some are dying.
And he said, so for the first time, I'm actively telling my patients, don't take vaccines.
And you've just got to see it for yourself.
My dad was pro-fluoride.
He'd go, son, it's calcium fluoride.
You need it or you die.
It's good for your teeth.
I've seen it, which is totally true.
But as soon as he finally read articles from toxicologists about how they take toxic waste and call it fluoride, and it's electrified fluoride, hydrofluoric acid, he was like, what?
They put Grenadier, and he went and looked it up, and then he freaked out.
He goes, this is insane.
They're putting toxic waste in the water.
And I'm like, yeah, Dad.
Just because you're a nice guy doesn't mean the people running things are.
And he's like, I know.
I just can't believe they get away with that.
And my dad already knew this stuff before I was born.
But people want to comply.
They want to go along.
I get it.
But you can't do it with something that's killing you.
Hard enough.
I said I'd go to your calls.
I was going to plug there, but I just went off talking about the caller.
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Okay, let's go to your phone calls right now.
Who's been holding the longest here?
Mitch in Canada, California and Indiana, J.D.
in Texas.
Let's go to J.D.
in Texas.
J.D., thanks for holding.
I appreciate you.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, sir.
Welcome, sir.
I want to talk to you real quick, man.
You know, I've been on the X2 program.
I take that and I give X3 to my son, you know, once every other day or so.
Good product.
Helps with the mental clarity.
My main call was about these lip tarts.
What triggers them as far?
What puts them in that mindset?
Is it something like in the water?
Is it the TV shows that they're watching that turns their brain to a certain level?
On average at the colleges, it's Arrested Development.
They're taught that they're the elite.
They're taught there's all these horrible demons everywhere.
And so when they finally see someone that doesn't agree with them, all of their tribal energies and warfare energies that are still pathetic and badly directed are now for the first time in their life, they're going to have that schoolyard fight they didn't have at 13.
They're going to have it at 20.
And they're also so entitled, they believe they can hit you.
I mean, there's hundreds of videos where they'll hit you, you hit them back, they call the cops.
And the cops show up, they go, well, I hit this Nazi, and then he hit me back, and the cops arrest them.
It's like the woman that grabbed Ellen by the genitals and said, yeah, I'm gonna rape you.
The cops arrested her.
She's like, but I'm a royal person, you can't arrest me.
So it's entitlement, it's laziness, it's stupidness.
I mean, what do you think it is?
I don't know, sir, because I've even seen old Democrats in their 70s, and you mentioned Trump, and they're just like, oh, I hate that guy.
But they can't tell you why.
It's a feeling.
I'm like, you make no sense.
Because these are TV heads.
These people watch TV 8, 9, 10 hours a day, and they just sit there on their ass, and they just, they're jellyfish.
I mean, I have to say it, they're really, really scary people.
And they've also been told we're all Russian agents.
And so, these are the followers.
And so what's happened is, in this modern world, we've all been taught to acquiesce to the big corporations and the followers they have, instead of saying no.
And so their political correctness, we've acquiesced over and over again, until now, they feel very emboldened.
They feel like it's their time to take over now.
What do you think?
Yeah, okay, that's true.
The other thing I wanted to talk to you real quick is that Trump, on his books, the way that he's getting over the establishment, They're so arrogant that they can't even read his books and understand his mindset because he likes confusion and then he walks around in a circle and he starts to pick one by one off.
And they don't even understand how he's doing it.
But in his books, if you read his books, you can get a mindset of how this man thinks.
No, I totally agree.
I read a couple of Trump's books once he became president and you can see his tactics in motion.
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ET on in Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Anything else, any other person, Hispanic who wants to consider themselves an American
or anything other than a real Jesus Christ believer is a fake and is a terrorist.
So what I'm bringing out to you, brother, is may God bless you, the Infowars team.
I appreciate all of your products.
I couldn't, I just received it on Monday.
Man, I see the results.
It's beautiful, it's awesome.
I've been a long time listener and I hope to hear from you again
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God bless you, Etion.
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So Icarin and InfoWareStore.com.
Globalism is multinational corporations working with foreign authoritarian countries like China to take over other nation states that have open free societies.
They use our open free society to come in, buy off politicians, buy off other companies to merge and create cartels or oligopolies.
Groups of monopolies working together to dominate and control and consolidate power.
This is how 21st century warfare is carried out.
But nationalists and populists across the world have been awakened to this threat and are taking action to restore control over our lives back to our central and local governments.
This is the fight that the United States is deeply in the middle of right now.
And that's why the globalists, who were arrogant, are now panicking and trying to censor InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and my syndicated radio show because they know we've got our finger on the pulse of what's happening and that the President and the Pentagon and others are listening and know that we're telling the truth and we've basically become the modern Paul Revere transmission of this republic.
That's why it's so critical for all of you out there watching or listening to remember, without you taking action, without you overcoming the censors, without you, by word of mouth, with your human intelligence, overriding the AI censorship, we will be defeated, and this restoration of the Republic could be defeated.
So please keep spreading the word, and whatever you do, remember, we're only financed now by you.
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Thank you all for your support and God bless you and God bless America.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
♪ Back in black ♪ ♪ I hate to say it ♪
♪ I've been too long, I'm glad to be back ♪ ♪ Yes I am, that news from the news ♪
I'm going right back to your phone calls right now.
I just want to make this statement.
Thank you again.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
It's knowing history and knowing the admission of big tech and the admission of these governments and the fact that they're usurping our prosperity, our freedom, that they're anti-human, they want a giant dumbed-down mass of people.
I mean, it's really mind-blowing to realize that we're at this point and there's not a greater or more serious resistance to all this.
And that's why they want this show off the air, because we're a focal point for you, the resistance to all this corruption.
So right now, let's go back to your phone calls.
Let's go ahead and go to Jason in Tennessee.
Jason, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Are you familiar with Neil Stroud?
So, Neil Strauss isn't banned then, but Roosh V is.
Why do you think that is?
Neil Strauss, author of The Game, the biggest pick-up artist out there.
Roosh V is banned because he's a rape advocate.
You're literally having a rape advocate on air.
And he's no researcher.
This guy used to pull up into seminars driving a rape van, telling men he could rape women.
I mean, it's an awesome thing.
Well, your phone's breaking up, but I heard what you said.
We didn't censor your call, and I didn't know that.
I don't know if that's true, but I'll look into it.
Because when I'm reading these news articles, I didn't see that.
I just see articles about people being banned.
And of course, people say a lot of things about me that aren't true as well.
So I appreciate your call.
You know, I actually know Neil Strauss.
When we first said his name, I was like, who's Neil Strauss?
I've met him before.
He's been to town to actually come interview me.
When he wanted to write a book about me, they got the publisher and everything set up and CNN harassed a bunch of people and they fired the agent that was making the deal, who was a big liberal.
So it's just amazing the amount of oppression that's going on.
But if I do have Roosh V back on, I'll look that up and I'll bring that up to him.
So I appreciate your call.
Alright, who's up next here?
I saw you disagreed with Roosh V, so I got you on right away.
Then it just turned into that, you're just so angry at me.
I mean, you were able to call in and tell us what you said.
I don't know what you're talking about, but I'll look into it.
Let's go ahead and talk to, hmm, California and Indiana.
California, welcome.
Hey, Mr. Jones.
Shout out to all my Infowarriors in Indiana.
I'll plug for you, man.
I haven't eaten a land animal in almost 20 years, and your secret 12 is awesome.
I wanted to make a point about Facebook.
Real quick, as far as social credit scores go, I haven't ever had a Facebook account or any social media account, but someone said they had Googled my name recently, and there's a company called MyLife, so if you Google your name, Alex Emmerich Jones, and put MyLife after it, there's a company called MyLife, and you have a social reputation score on that site, and it also makes it out like you could be a sexual predator, you could have liens against your properties, and things like that.
You know, they disaggregate and try to get any public information they can.
Oh yeah, that's what Z2 does, is that...
It's his banking system, and I had perfect banking score.
And then what they do is, once the Southern Poverty Law Center calls you a hate figure, that puts you in the dangerous category.
And then the category is, well I kept showing it the other day, but it was like bank robbers, murderers, child kidnappers, rapists.
And so I guess he was saying that other guys are rapists.
Maybe I'm a rapist now too.
I'm a rapist, you're a rapist.
And so tell me about this particular group and their so-called social score for me.
Tell me about the name of it again.
It's called My Life, so just Google your name, Alex Emmerich Jones, and put in My Life after it, and a site will come up that's going to have your picture on it.
You have a social reputation score of, I think it was 3.4 or something like that, and then anybody can just find out any information about you, you know, whereas you try to stay private, you know, someone can Google your name, tell your age, where you live, the phone numbers and email addresses you've had.
So I was pretty, you know, pissed off about that, but As far as Facebook goes, you know, we need to really break up big tech.
I look at social media as like, you know, the more you use a calculator, the more you can't do simple math.
The more you use social media to put your memories on some digital storage, the more you don't actually, your brain doesn't need to work anymore.
You don't even need to remember things.
So I think that's, you know, the cause of the downfall and dumbing down of, you know, society.
And one of the big reasons why I didn't I don't want to ever get a social media account.
I've got more things to do than waste my time sitting there monitoring other people's lives.
I surely don't want anybody wasting their time of their life sitting there monitoring my life.
We've got to reach into the Matrix and reach all the people that are on there because that's the platform.
Ultimately, we need to boycott those things and speak to people in real life when we can.
But it is a great tool that we have to use.
It's just a double-edged sword, you know?
No, it certainly is.
And you didn't just say all those things.
It's true.
Social media is killing us.
The internet is killing us.
Smartphones are mentally killing us, but also radiating us and killing us.
5G, on record, gives you cancer.
That's mainline news.
They're just doing it to us.
They're pushing.
They knew aspartame caused strokes and heart attacks and brain damage, and now major studies are out again confirming it all, and they legalized it in 1980.
And so we're just having all this garbage pushed on us by design, on purpose, and it's all to dumb us down and depopulate us so we can be more easily ruled.
And after I take some more calls, I'm going to air this Millie Weaver piece.
And I have another piece of our other reporter, Caitlin Bennett, being attacked.
And again, these people are hateful.
They're stupid.
They can barely talk.
They don't know who they are, but they know they hate people they disagree with, and that they're part of the power structure now, and that you're going to be shut up.
So there's these weak people that now think they've been given entree into power.
They are the useful idiots.
They are the brown shirt zombies leading the system into its full fruition.
And can you imagine what the world will be like when they're finally done?
It is going to be not a very nice place.
The more leftist you are, The more interfaced with these systems you are, the more brain damaged you are, the stupider you are, the more alone you are, the more you get Alzheimer's, neurological diseases.
It is insane.
Okay, let's go to whoever's been holding the longest now.
Let's go ahead and take a call from Patrick in Colorado.
Thank you for holding your own here.
God bless you and your crew.
Thanks, sir.
Just three quick points.
Number one, in all the stuff that's going on, you check the news cycles and the websites, whatever.
Where is Ruth Bader Ginsburg?
Nary a word from what's going on.
It's like, oh, there's a Ruth Bader Ginsburg sighting.
It's a fake picture from three years ago.
You know, what's going on?
That's the way a lot of this criminality has been pushed, is through the courts.
There's nary a word where she is or what's going on.
Yeah, maybe we'll just have a hologram of her.
Well, who knows?
All the crazy technologies that they don't release that are being kept back so they can implement them on us in an evil way.
Who knows?
You're probably right.
You know?
So that's number one.
Who knows?
Maybe you guys could have a little say.
Where's Ruth?
Because that's straight up a lie.
Number two, and this ties into what Darren, your first caller from Canada said, are the chemtrails and the vaccinations and you know having sovereignty over
your body and so forth and I take x2 awesome product but dude they are vaccinist
through the chemtrails so even if you stay and say oh well I don't I disagree
sovereignty over my body I'm not going to take your shot.
I'm not going to take your pill.
Well, here's the deal.
Here's the deal.
I mean, I grew up in Texas and almost nobody had allergies.
Now, 90% of people got them.
Most people can hardly breathe.
And we know that the jet stream goes over China and dips in over China and basically dumps over Texas.
That Coriolis or that part of the jet stream that coils around the earth.
Is is reflected from China on the other side of the planet to Texas where it dumps in over central China that dumps over New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, and we get a lot of the toxic waste raining down on us Well, they just call that allergies and then your body when there is other pollen and other stuff Just starts rejecting everything and battling and fighting back and we go.
Oh, everybody's got allergies No, you got toxic waste raining down out of the sky on you and you know I love Texas a lot of nice people a lot of good folks, but Not a good place to live because of the toxic waste dumping in out of the sky.
And if I had the money and if I had the funds, I'd move this to Montana or Wyoming or someplace in, you know, Utah where they don't have the jet stream dumping in over them.
Texas is getting vaporized by the Chicom factories that have no scrubbers, no environmental controls.
It goes up into the sky.
It's picked up by the jet stream that stays up at 35,000 feet until it comes in over Texas.
There's lots of areas in the world where it goes up to 40-50,000 feet, comes back down to, you know, 10,000 feet.
Well, Texas is one of those places, and it just so happens that that's where the stuff from China dumps.
So we are the toilet of China.
I live in the Qaikom toilet.
The globalists are hyper competitive scientific dictators.
They are technocrats.
They are control freaks in their own words.
And they believe allowing you to live your own life and make your own decisions gets in the way of their great destiny to merge with AI gods.
Now, we're fighting them hard in cyberspace.
We're fighting them hard right here in the third dimension.
But one of the biggest places that we neglect to forget that we've really got a lot of control in our lives is our bodies.
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Again, Ultra 12, the best vitamin B12, the highest quality you're gonna find anywhere, and it funds the InfoWar and really pisses the globalist control freaks off.
So again, thank you for your support and thank you for taking care of your own body.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live, raw, and unfiltered by globalist propaganda.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Tomorrow's News Today.
I don't care about one political ideology being banned from the Internet.
I don't really care, no.
It doesn't bother me.
If you had to choose one prominent person to be banned next, who would you choose?
After Facebook banned Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson, we're here at Kent State University
to see if students support that type of censorship against conservatives.
Social media can try to ban Alex Jones all they want, but they can't ban you from putting up these signs all around your town and supporting us at InfowarsStore.com.
What's your take on big tech companies censoring prominent conservative voices?
in all honesty like when you have certain voices making like certain remarks like Alex Jones says but that sometimes people will report on that and it's like you don't want to but in a way you kind of like you know if it's like something that could be seen as like scary or something then they have every right to do that it's just like What has Alex Jones said that's scary?
Well, he's had a lot of, like, stuff saying, like, that Obama is sulfur and demons.
A bunch of falsified stuff.
Do you think that's a ground for completely deplatforming him?
I think, in a way, respectfully, I think yes, because he has... Okay, we're gonna take more of your calls.
When we come back from break, I'm gonna try to get five in in this segment.
Everybody's been holding at least an hour.
And then we're going to continue on with your calls, but I need to get to this full report of Caitlin Bennett because every person she talked to, I talked to her on the phone yesterday about this report.
She shows every person she talked to.
One person believes in free speech.
Every person.
She probably talks to 20-something people.
One person.
And that's what I find at the University of Texas.
And let me tell you something.
I don't feel big and powerful when I'm down there and these people look like zombies.
The only way to describe it is that they're so entitled and they repeat the same psychobabble, anti-America stuff.
It's just very painful.
It's actually got me depressed.
Because I want to think more of my countrymen and women.
But you know what?
I get around construction workers.
They can be black, hispanic, white.
They know what's going on.
They're smart.
They're living their lives.
They got to pay their bills.
They got kids.
They got to talk radio on.
And the left always says that.
They go, oh, the undereducated.
That's who the right-wingers have.
Actually, statistically, the right wing has the largest group of the middle class, then a lot of blue-collar people, and then some ultra-rich.
But yes, most ultra-rich are liberals, because it's a system of controlling and dumbing people down.
They're leftist.
But I gotta tell ya, just to watch how sheltered these people are, They don't know how to do anything, but they know how to tell you to live your life.
So wait till we play this video coming up here today.
And I haven't talked about this yet, but it's a really important initiative.
We've done this four or five other times I can remember in the last 15 years or so.
And every time we did it, it was extremely successful and really spurred free speech and showed the system we can circumvent them.
And circumnavigate their attempts to block us off.
But if all the listeners, and I mean all, millions are listening every hour, if everyone, I don't care if it's the water cooler, I don't care if it's on a power pole by your house, I don't care if it's at the bulletin board at church, put up a InfoWars.com is forbidden information poster or something like that, it will trigger The anti-free speech people will go crazy, and that will expose them.
We'll be right back.
Hey, by now I'm sure that most of you know that there are always big discounts and unbelievable savings on a regular basis at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Now you can earn even bigger discounts at the InfoWars Store by using our Patriot Points Hey, you like the sound of that?
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Or call 1-888-253-3139.
Yep. Yep. Yep.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
The crew did a great job throwing this page up.
On InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And it's getting updated every hour with more designs.
And if you send us your designs, we'll get them up on the site as well.
If you're a radio listener, you can go to InfoWars.com and see this on the front page.
If you're a TV viewer, obviously we're going to show you some of these now.
And they go right to your phone calls.
Big Tech has been abusing its authority, abusing its monopoly, to censor nationalist pro-Trump folks that want to try to save our country and other nations.
And they've been trying to bully us.
Well, in the past, to expose vaccine dangers or fluoride dangers or Obama wanting to confiscate guns, we would put out posters on the site and encourage listeners to post them in legal and lawful areas, videotape yourself doing it, Post it to Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, whatever the case is, so that others get inspired to do it as well.
And some videos get a million views, some get 10,000, it doesn't matter.
You're taking action in the third dimension.
And so we have this article, Humanity Won't Submit, Here's How You Can Strike Back Against Censorship.
Take back your own rights, and I would say the third dimension, outside of cyberspace, personally strike back against censorship, and those that attempt to bully you into submission with this powerful poster campaign.
And again, the crew wrote this, it's great, I'm going to rewrite it.
Take back your right of action, your right of speech, your right to be heard.
It says take back your civil rights, take back your right to free speech.
In a counter-strike against the coordinated censorship by big tech and MSM cartels, Infowars is launching a grassroots poster campaign to circumvent their digital blacklisting of independent voices.
To get around their electronic Berlin Wall.
We're bringing back the tried-and-true method of reaching people through art and information in posters, like the French Resistance.
Here's poster designs you can print out and post in your area.
Pick whatever ones you like or make your own.
And again, we have links in here for you to submit your own to us and we will post them on the site as well so others can get them and use them.
So we've got some new ones we've made.
A bunch of new ones are getting made as we speak.
InfoWars is forbidden information.
It's okay to love America.
It's okay to be conservative.
Hey, we ought to make one with that graphic they had in Wired Magazine where they called me Voldemort, the one who should not be named.
Maybe show me being grabbed and then under it says, the one who must not be named.
Learn who the one who must not be named is at InfoWars.com.
That's a good one.
We'll have that one.
It's okay to be human.
They're going to say that's a white supremacist symbol.
Somebody even made one of those at a hockey game.
They're like, stop the presses, call the police.
Someone made an okay sign.
In the international sign language and in law enforcement and in diving, this means everything's a-okay.
Index finger to thumb means okay.
You touch your lips and go, that's French or Italian for delicioso.
Bon appetit.
Vaccines can kill.
Demand to see the actual insert.
Learn the side effects and dangers for yourselves and your family.
So these are just some of the designs already up there.
Resistance is Victory.
Please get it.
Please get them out.
I am going to go out today and I am going to put some of these signs up.
And I think I'm going to go put some vaccine signs up.
In and around where people will see them.
At Walgreens or at CVS.
Why no one gets upset when somebody puts something on somebody's car about a car wash or a potluck dinner or a garage sale.
They'll call it terrorism in the news.
I'm going to stick them under people's windshield wipers, the danger of vaccines.
And then, because they're suppressing our speech, It becomes legal and lawful and moral to have cognitive resistance, to their cognitive resistance, to have civil disobedience.
Nobody arrests any of the people when they go to a gun shop and lay down in it and say, we're shutting this place down.
Oh, they're good people.
But if I go lay down in a Walgreens and expose the deadly vaccines, they'll have me arrested.
But we're getting to that point of the sit-ins.
We're getting to that point of going and protesting at the big tech companies.
We're getting to the point long ago that it's time to take action legally and lawfully and peacefully.
But whatever you do, Post some of these signs in your neighborhood, post them around universities, post them around leftist areas, and you will see fireworks.
Especially if you call the media yourself in on it.
They'll then show up like it's the devil, and then the local public will backlash against it, saying, no, this is America.
But this is how we let them know.
And imagine, if large parts of the audience do this, and become real activists, which many of you have already done, that's what they're fearing, is you taking action.
They don't fear me, they fear you.
Okay, let's go back to your calls.
Again, thank you for holding, I really appreciate that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mitch in Canada.
Mitch, thanks for holding.
You're a trooper, welcome.
Hey Alex, first time caller, long time listener.
Thanks for having me.
Thank you.
I just actually quickly wanted to touch on your last guest.
How he was talking about kind of embracing your masculinity.
I just think it's funny right now, like I'm cooking up some wild game that I personally went out and stalked.
That's awesome.
Yeah, it just feels good to embrace masculinity, especially in this day and age.
I think it's humanity.
I mean, I think gardening's masculine.
I think, you know, cleaning the house.
I mean, I think it's just doing real things.
Yeah, yeah, I totally agree.
That kind of brings me to my next point here.
I see Representative Brian Sims was out calling for children to be doxed who were out praying out front of an abortion clinic.
I'm not sure if you guys have touched on this yet.
We did play it yesterday.
It's a big story now.
That's the other thing.
I'm having a hard time finding your podcast on my usual site.
Well, there's InfoWars.com forward slash show.
You can find the audio and video feeds and then there's just a box you click.
Are you having trouble on InfoWars finding it?
Well, no, I usually just listen to rebroadcast because at work I can't listen to it live.
I understand.
Where are you having trouble finding the podcast?
Podcast Addict?
It's just like a podcast streaming.
Yeah, we've been blacklisted almost everywhere, sir.
You have to go to Infowars.com forward slash show and there you can find the links to subscribe directly to us to find the podcast.
For sure.
Okay, I appreciate that.
Or if you have a Droid, you can still get our free app.
We were kicked off Apple because we went to number one in news, so they banned that app.
But if you have an Android, it's InfoWars.com.
Yeah, that's what I'm using today.
InfoWars.com forward slash app.
It's free.
I just wanted to say that I'm sick of the stigma that men shouldn't have an opinion on abortion.
You know, you always hear that all the time.
It's like, you're not a woman, you don't have a say.
Oh yeah, that's a mind game.
As if one half of the species shouldn't have an opinion on killing babies before they're born, and now they want to kill babies after they're born.
They say we shouldn't have an opinion.
Shouldn't a man that's with a woman have an opinion?
But now, see, they want women all alone.
The idea that a woman shouldn't have a kid, and just a man shouldn't be involved, period.
That's because they want the state involved.
As her pimp.
As her flesh broker.
Get that fleshy juice ball.
Keep it comfortable.
It takes two people to make a baby.
It's part of humanity and I think as men, as part of the human race, we need to start sticking up and stop falling for the tricks.
If we won't take care of our babies, If we won't stand up for the unborn, then there's no value on human life, and that's what it is.
And the left, universally, is a death cult.
They are a group of swindlers, scammers, and a group of wannabe power lords who desperately want to bully us into submission.
And they are deranged, and they are spreading like a cancer, my friend.
Anything else?
No, I just wanted to touch on that and, you know, the death of free speech.
It's pretty crazy right now.
I appreciate you having me on.
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We'll be right back with your phone calls.
Stay with us please.
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Again, Ultra 12, the best vitamin B12, the highest quality you're gonna find anywhere, and it funds the Info War, and really pisses the globalist control freaks off.
So again, thank you for your support and thank you for taking care of your own body.
Samuel, thanks for calling.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
Alex, if I can just quickly, InfoWarsStore.com, I want to thank you for Polnblock.
It's amazing.
I've used so many different antihistamines over the years because I get really bad hay fever, and the antihistamines Sometimes work, sometimes don't, but they never quite work fully.
They don't block all the symptoms, they just kind of dry you up, or at least that's what they do for me, if they work at all.
But pollen block, it works.
It stops everything.
I don't get the itchy eyes, I'm not sneezing, and I don't get the irritation.
It is amazing.
This is a known patent out of France.
You have to pay for the patent, where they just discovered that if you feed a certain secret diet to quail, and then you get their eggs, it creates this incredible antihistamine of a certain type of quail.
How fast did it take for pollen block to kick in for you?
It's pretty much straight away, you know, in maybe 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes.
It just works.
The antihistamines, the pharmaceutical products, I find that with those, I can't take them until I start getting symptoms, and even then, they might not kick in for half an hour, or they might not kick in at all, depending on the day.
PolandBlog works every single time.
Well, that's the great part about this, and for whatever reason, it's an issue that France discovered like 50 years ago.
It's still got to be even in this region of France.
It's very complex.
They don't even know why, but they think it It's the pollen in the area, the dust, what the quail are
Then they just produce in the eggs, whatever this essence is,
that just turns the histamine response off.
I go out and do market research and I say, what are the best selling products
in the world and what have the best reviews in the world?
And then what do people in America not know that in Japan or in Europe
or in Russia or in Africa or in Latin America is already a bestseller?
Because a lot of stuff never gets here for some reason.
And in Europe and in Russia and in Canada, there are a lot of brands of this stuff with the quail eggs.
It's not here.
So we just made a souped up version of it, discounted it.
And it's Palm Block.
Infowarsstore.com or triple eight to five three three one three niner.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You are.
You're listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Why are they doing this now?
Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly.
I mean, so Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook for a long period of time, but now they banned him, they banned his, like, little underling, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now that they kicked him off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
Well, you have also excesses in the First Amendment and the Second Amendment right now.
You know, I don't think that the forefathers said, well, you can say, you know, all sorts of hateful things and spread it around the world, literally spread it through the internet.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
But don't worry.
These people aren't terrifying.
You know, I've never heard a clip as much as I've played that since last Friday.
And there's so many other clips of them saying the same thing since then.
We've put a new compilation together.
The biggest shows in the country saying, I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I am Thanos.
You are my slaves.
I want you silenced.
I want you muted.
I want you shut down.
Take any villain, your planet is now under our control.
Resistance is futile and illegal.
And coming up next segment, I'm gonna play the Caitlin Bennett, unedited.
I talked to her yesterday, right after she put this up.
She's so fast, she put it up the same day.
And I said, let me guess, you basically showed it in the order of the people.
She said, yeah.
I mean, it's edited, they cut it down, they cut the spaces out, but that, every person she talked to, Is in it.
We're not cherry picking.
It's horrifying.
And tyranny's here.
It's out in the open now.
Yeah, we're killing babies after they're born.
Yeah, we're reading your email.
Yeah, we're watching everything you do on Facebook.
Yeah, we're listening to you inside your house.
And Alex Jones is discredited for being the first person to tell you about it.
And imagine these authoritarians.
They want power.
I remember being 18 years old.
Had a job.
My parents moved into a smaller house.
I was still living with them.
And my mom bought some oriental rugs.
And I was saying, I don't like this one.
I don't like that one.
And I had my girlfriend there.
She was rude to my mom or something.
And my mom said, you're going to be moved out of here in about a week.
She told my dad, she goes, David, get him out of here.
But that was because I didn't have my own life.
Now I would never tell my mom what rugs to have, even though I don't like them.
By the way, she has great taste.
I didn't have good taste.
What I'm saying is, is that people that don't run their own lives want to run other people's lives.
I don't want to run my neighbor's lives.
I'm not looking over their fence, because I got a life.
These people don't have one.
They're dangerous.
Okay, Patrick and Matt, thanks for holding, thanks for calling.
I really appreciate that.
You know, the Catch-22s, we have 20 phone lines, so we load them up, takes a couple hours to get to 20 calls, but I think you're almost the 20th caller.
So Patrick, go ahead.
Hey, I just want to get to the point because I know airtime is valuable.
This is a call to arms for all the artists, particularly musicians out there.
I think I have a great idea.
The info tours, okay?
We all need to set up some shows across the country.
We need to spread the word as artists, as musicians, because as soon as people like Alex Jones are going to be censored, next it's going to be artists.
People might not have a problem with Alex Jones being censored right now, but they're going to have a problem when they go to the local record store and they can't buy a Metallica CD.
And let's make no mistake, I've been meaning to say this and I'm glad you said this, they always pick some character that's flamboyant that they can misrepresent to demonize, and then once people don't stand up for that one character, then it's everybody.
And it's guaranteed, art, literature, Music, that's the power.
I'm getting chills right now.
It's about all of you.
And the left is the most censoring towards themselves.
You're absolutely right.
People, again, instinctively used to know this.
What happened the last 10 years, where suddenly it's like a minority of people will stand up for free speech?
I completely agree.
And I'll tell you, you know, coming from Western Massachusetts, or my blue hell, as I like to refer to it as, just being a Trump supporter, You know, it's impossible to get gigs out here as soon as people find that out, and I think that's unfair, and I'm sure there's a lot of musicians listening right now that are experiencing the same problem, and I think we all need to stick together.
We need to organize and... No, I totally agree.
You know, there's something that makes me proud.
They couldn't get, in two and a half years, one Trump supporter, who are mainly just populists and libertarians, not even right-wingers, most Trump supporters.
I'm not.
I'm really a libertarian.
They tried, they offered people millions of dollars, everything, and nobody took the so-called Russian money.
They couldn't get one Trump supporter to be unfaithful.
The first Democrat they talked to would have taken the money.
But beyond that, when they demonetized everybody five years ago, and then censored everybody two years ago, almost no one I know has backed down and turned to their side because they've tried to bankrupt us.
And let me guess, them trying to shut you down?
I mean, did that make you want to roll over to them, Patrick?
Oh, absolutely not.
It just made me write better music.
But see, the left though, they're the conformists.
And I'm not just saying this to go, oh look how good we are.
They're the followers.
And they're just pissed that we're not being good little followers like them, because they're told a utopia is coming once we all think the same.
Right, and it's completely absurd.
And I don't know why more people aren't upset about it.
You know, once they take away the freedom of expression, You know, what do you have?
You don't have a society anymore.
I mean, I don't want to look at a blank piece of paper.
I want to see someone paint.
I don't want to look at a blank music sheet.
I want to hear someone play some music, you know?
I totally agree.
You know, I should have led the show with this today.
I told everybody this about a year ago because I saw it in their announcement.
Microsoft is going to watch all of your computers in live time and not let you type things that it thinks are politically incorrect.
But this is what's better.
In the fine print, trying to find the article today, in the fine print, it reports back to Microsoft what you're writing.
What do you think of them apples?
Well, you know, I recall, I wish I knew where it came from, but I read an article that actually there's robots that are scanning bands' demo submissions.
And so if your music is not played to a metronome, if your voice is not auto-tuned, record labels won't even consider your submission.
It doesn't even get past that.
That's right, because it's got to be ready to be read by the digital robots.
So if all these artists out there, you know, bite in their tongues, they don't want to Cross any lines thinking they might get that deal.
You're not going to get that deal if you're making any real music.
I'll tell you that right now.
Well, remember what Zuckerberg said this last week?
Alex Jones, you can't say his name, you can't say his website, what's his negative?
Microsoft releases version of Word that makes your grammar...
Politically correct.
No, it surveils what you're writing, won't let you write what you want, and then reports it back.
It's worse than Paul Watson even says.
How do I know?
Because I saw this new Microsoft Word a few months ago as a footnote in a NewsGuard announcement, where NewsGuard is on all this right-wing neocon warmonger group.
It's not just leftists now, it's censoring.
NewsGuard is on all the new Microsoft computers and phones in live time, real people on your phone.
They're not on the browser.
They're not out there on the website you go to.
They're in your damn phone.
Can you believe this revolution of tyranny, Patrick?
It's ridiculous.
I mean, again, I just don't understand why people aren't upset about it.
Although, you know, they're so desensitized at this point.
That's it.
They're desensitized.
God bless you.
We're out of time.
Call back again.
Great caller.
Folks, like I said, it's ridiculous.
This is like 1984 on steroids on steroids again.
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Globalism is multinational corporations working with foreign authoritarian countries like China to take over other nation states that have open free societies.
They use our open free society to come in, buy off politicians, buy off other companies to merge and create cartels or oligopolies.
Groups of monopolies working together to dominate and control and consolidate power.
This is how 21st century warfare is carried out.
But nationalists and populists across the world have been awakened to this threat and are taking action to restore control over our lives back to our central and local governments.
This is the fight that the United States is deeply in the middle of right now.
And that's why the globalists who were arrogant Are now panicking and trying to censor InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and my syndicated radio show because they know we've got our finger on the pulse of what's happening and that the President and the Pentagon and others are listening and know that we're telling the truth and we've basically become the modern Paul Revere transmission of this Republic.
That's why it's so critical for all of you out there watching or listening to remember, without you taking action, without you overcoming the censors, without you, by word of mouth, with your human intelligence, overriding the AI censorship, we will be defeated, and this restoration of the Republic could be defeated.
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Thank you all for your support and God bless you and God bless America.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I want to play large parts of this Caitlin Bennett piece in this segment.
The next segment, I'll get back to your calls.
And Matt Bracken's coming up.
And I'm going to take a little bit of Matt Bracken's time to hit the big Facebook expose where the co-founder says that needs to be broken up.
That's coming up start of the next hour.
Then Matt Bracken will take over at 15 after.
But the thing I want to do here is I want to air this piece.
Again, it's up on InfoWars.com that everybody should really share.
This is College Students Believe in Banning Conservatives.
And again, this is not a cherry picking.
This is the monstrous anti-free speech like North Korea or the Soviet Union.
These are just flaming authoritarians, and they're also extremely ignorant, extremely stupid, and extremely arrogant.
So this is what higher education is today.
Once the bastion of free speech and open ideas, now the redoubt of tyrants.
Here it is.
Does it bother you that conservatives are being wiped off of big tech companies?
Not only f*** the conservatives.
But does it bother you that their speech is being infringed on?
Why not?
Because it doesn't.
I just told you.
Have you heard about it?
You haven't heard in the news all of these conservatives being banned off big tech companies' social media.
Again, this is a little bit of the report.
I already played some of this earlier, I understand, but we're going to start it from the beginning.
I want people to see it from the beginning.
Full report.
You don't care about one political ideology being banned from the internet?
I don't really care, no.
It doesn't bother me.
Okay, if you had to choose one prominent person to be banned next, who would you choose?
After Facebook banned Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson, we're here at Kent State University
to see if students support that type of censorship against conservatives.
Social media can try to ban Alex Jones all they want, but they can't ban you from putting up these signs all around your town and supporting us at InfowarsStore.com.
What's your take on big tech companies censoring prominent conservative voices?
In all honesty, like, when you have certain voices making, like, certain remarks, like Alex Jones says, that sometimes people will report on that, and it's like, you don't want to, but in a way, you kind of like, you know, if it's, like, something that can be seen as, like, scary or something, then they have every right to do that.
It's just, like, What has Alex Jones said that's scary?
Well, he's had a lot of, like, stuff saying, like, that Obama is sulfur and demons.
A bunch of falsified stuff.
Do you think that's a ground for completely deplatforming him?
I think, in a way, respectfully, I think yes.
Because he has had this, he's been warned quite a bit.
I think so, in a way.
It's hardly possible.
Yeah, I think so.
Back it up.
So if it's scary to someone, someone can't say it.
And people do report that Hillary really smells bad, that has bad hygiene, that sometimes Obama does too.
But I kind of push it tongue-in-cheek.
They're public figures!
Just like people run over to Caitlyn and threaten her and call her names, she's a public figure.
But this is what they do.
Let's continue.
Do you know that conservatives are being wiped off of big tech companies?
Not only f*** the conservatives.
But does it bother you that their speech is being infringed on?
Why not?
Because it doesn't.
I just told you.
Have you heard about it?
You haven't heard in the news all of these conservatives being banned off big tech companies' social media?
I don't really watch the news.
Where do you get most of your news?
That must be why, because they're banning their voices.
So everybody I just listed and every organization I just listed got banned from all of social media.
Does that bother you?
That seems like a personal problem.
It's personal?
Yeah, but I don't care.
You don't care about one political ideology being banned from the internet?
I don't really care, no.
Okay, if you had to choose one prominent person to be banned next, who would you choose?
Oh, that's very feminism-like and tolerant.
What have I done to deserve to be banned?
You're just a nuisance.
I'm not bothering anybody.
No, I'm just saying you're a nuisance.
So because you don't like me and you think I'm a nuisance, I should be completely deplatformed from everything.
Not have a voice.
Especially Twitter.
Especially Twitter.
Alright, here you have it.
Kent State.
Back in about five seconds.
You look at this person.
They look very unhealthy.
They're very soft.
And then she's looking inward, loving herself.
It's all about her power trip.
And she goes into these classes and is told everything she wants to hear.
You're the new ruling class.
We're gonna smash them.
We're gonna put them in camps.
And now, here she is, seeing someone, being polite and nice to her, and she says, I want you removed.
I want you shut down.
I want you gone.
It's about her power.
And look, she looks demon-possessed.
They all do.
Let's continue.
I should be completely deplatformed from everything.
Not have a voice.
Especially Twitter.
Especially Twitter.
Alright, here you have it.
Kent State, liberals, feminists, supporting... And they all have victory parties when someone gets banned.
This is their power.
Big giant mega monopolies worth trillions of dollars.
Working with China to silence people, and have public executions, and they sit here in the lap of a once free nation, destroying that freedom that they lay around in all lazily, just reveling in the end of it.
I'm sick of paying for their tuitions.
I'm sick of paying For their welfare.
You know these are all slobs on welfare.
All going deep into debt.
Just a bunch of lazy losers.
All proving to each other how none of them have drive.
How great it is to be a slacker.
What a sack of garbage.
Let's continue.
Deplatform from social media.
They don't want me in Akron either.
Were you the one at my rally, like, yelling?
I was!
Yeah, that was me.
Wow, are you proud of yourself?
I'm so proud of myself, yeah.
That's very cool.
So do you support the censorship of Alex Jones off Facebook?
I don't f***ing know what that is.
You don't know who Alex Jones is?
He's a prominent conservative figure, has his own kind of media following.
They banned him on all social media.
Do you support that?
Well, if he's an a**hole like you, then yeah.
He's a conservative, so yeah.
He shouldn't be censored on social media.
I mean, yeah, if he's cussing and stuff, yes, he should.
So you should be censored for cussing?
Yes, I mean, FCC rules, you know that.
On social media, you should be censored and deplatformed.
Well, not if you're, if you're like typing it, I don't think so, but if you're like... NFL, they cuss.
CNN, they cuss.
We barely even cuss, not on our FCC shows.
He just says that.
I mean, just think about this guy.
And again, I'm sad for him.
He looks and acts autistic.
These people all look deranged.
They all look crazy in their eyes.
He should be taken off all social media platforms for posting a video of him cussing.
Well, you're just cussing, and dude, the guy's also yelling at, uh, due to just something that you're known for doing.
So you support, what kind of like, what kind of soy do you intake every day to want to ban someone and deplatform them for cussing?
What kind of soy do you intake?
Is it in the like soy shakes?
Do you take pills?
What is it?
I just take whey.
And soy?
I don't take soy.
Do you think President Trump should do something to hold Facebook and Instagram and YouTube accountable for their censorship and kind of discrimination against conservatives?
No, not really.
Why would he?
Because they're a monopoly on our free speech and how we internet with the world and everything.
I don't know, they be tripping.
I don't know what's up with them.
Facebook just recently did a massive purge.
They took Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson.
I'm kind of biased.
What's biased about them?
I really don't know.
We're going to break.
And we come back, we'll get to the really dramatic conclusion of your phone calls.
But here's the bottom line.
These people are incredibly stupid.
They're incredibly arrogant.
They're shallow, and they have no sense of chivalry, but overall, they're evil.
They inherently want to dominate and silence others.
Because wait, it's coming up.
She hasn't gotten to the clips where all these people say outrageous things and get crazy looks in their eyes of
The cavalry is here.
You know, the last four months, uh, InfoWars five months has been in the red.
Because of them cutting off our ability to even sponsor and sell our products outside of our radio and TV show.
Our products are so popular.
They've been so highly rated.
They show well on the internet, on other sites, but that's getting blocked.
And we're having to pay for our bandwidth.
We're having to do everything.
Ourselves and build our own infrastructure.
It's been hard, but we did an analysis.
We're like, yeah, we've been sold out of Secret 12, which is super high quality.
Methylcobalamin does incredible things for the body.
You have to have B12 to live.
Because if B12 goes out, you can't absorb it.
You're bye-bye.
B12's only really naturally in some things like seal meat or things like mushrooms.
You like Secret 12?
This is Secret 12, but twice as strong.
So I called it Ultra 12.
Most expensive vitamin B12, methylcobalamin.
So you take it, you put it under your tongue.
It's good for children and very important for over 40s.
And you put it under your tongue for about a minute.
And the longer you can do it, the better.
If you just drink it down, you don't get that much absorption in your intestines, in your stomach, in your upper and lower intestine.
Of course, your stomach above that.
So what I'm getting at here is B12, just like clean iodine, is essential.
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Thank you for making InfoWars possible.
God bless you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(bell ringing)
(music fades)
All right, Alex Jones here, back live.
I'm gonna take some of your phone calls here in about five minutes.
Have some callers like...
Sean and Morgan we got to get to so stay with us and Matt Bracken's taking over but let's finish up with Caitlin Bennett, journalist, reporter, politely at Kent State, her alma mater where she graduated a year ago, being openly demonized and told that she needs to be taken off the air as well and anybody else that disagrees with the establishment or likes Donald Trump, here is the dangerous fascism that has become America.
Oh really?
So Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer, Paul Joseph Watson, Alex Jones, InfoWars and an organization in general has been completely censored off of Twitter, off of Instagram, off of Facebook.
Why's that?
Facebook and Instagram said that they were dangerous.
Have you ever heard of any of those people?
I have not.
You've never heard of Milo Yiannopoulos?
I have not.
Alex Jones, InfoWars.
I have not.
Okay, well, they're being censored because they're conservatives.
Does that bother you?
I have not.
No, I'm kidding.
It doesn't because I don't really know them that well.
Well, it's pretty complicated to me because, you know, it's all predicated on hate speech.
What is hate speech?
Well, from my understanding, I thought it was inciting violence through, you know, speech.
Well that's inciting violence.
That's something completely different.
There is no legal definition of hate speech.
So it's really kind of subjective to ban somebody based on hate speech.
Could you give me like an example of what hate speech would be?
Mmm, probably not then.
No, I don't think I could.
So they banned Alex Jones, InfoWars, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Lauren Loomer.
Like, why did they ban them?
They said that they're dangerous.
They're prominent conservatives all over social media.
What are they speaking on in their banning?
They just said that they're dangerous individuals.
Do you know what they're posting on social media, why they're banning them?
They have support of President Trump.
I'm asking if it bothers you that they are being banned.
That's why I'm asking for a better background so I can give a better opinion on it.
So Laura Loomer, she's a conservative Jewish woman, big supporter of President Trump.
Paul Joseph Watson.
He lives actually in the UK.
He's a big supporter of President Trump as well.
He's affiliated with InfoWars.
Alex Jones is the owner of InfoWars and there's Milo Yiannopoulos who has been protested on campuses where they almost burned down the entire campus because they don't like his speech.
At what point do we say we can't censor people based on their political ideologies?
Well, you can't, but you can also take into consideration other people's opinions.
And I can tell you one thing, the millennial group of people is growing, and most millennials don't f**k with Donald Trump.
So, that's probably why.
Do you support Trump supporters getting banned off social media if they have a big following?
Support, non-support, have no idea who you were talking about before, probably gonna have no idea once we leave again.
But I'm just letting you know now, most people don't f**k with people who are on that, uh... So why did he win?
You see the news?
Why did- if a lot of people- Russia!
Like, come on.
How would you know that?
Yeah, so you're talking about the news.
You get your news from Instagram, you said.
Twitter, Instagram, most news.
I personally don't watch news.
I mean, I'm sure most millennials don't.
I don't know.
If you guys watch the news, if you do, that's great.
But I just- I don't watch the news.
And based on that information, you said you don't watch the news, but you still think that Russiagate is real.
Russia what?
Yeah, for sure.
I'm all for standing up for what you believe in as long as you're not an a**hole about it.
So what is deemed as an a**hole?
I don't know, whatever you stand for.
Okay, so everybody like me should be censored?
Yeah, that's fine.
That's very tolerant, very empowering to other women, so I do appreciate that.
Do you consider yourself a feminist?
Define feminist in your terms before I agree to that.
What is a feminist?
You believe in equal rights for men and women and you support women, you lift them up?
But you support me being censored?
All right, we got some cognitive dissonance right here.
Not only is Infowars being banned on social media, but conservatives everywhere are being shunned in person as
Please, I'm urging you, you have to go to InfoWarsStore.com, buy a t-shirt, get some supplements, make sure!
I can keep doing this.
You ever heard about the conservatives being just completely deplatformed, not allowed to have a voice on Facebook?
No, I'm sorry.
Well, now that I told you, does it scare you?
I don't really care, to be honest.
Hey, man.
Very cool.
Very cool.
These are the leaders of our country.
These are the people that are voting.
These are the people that have to make decisions about our taxes, about our guns, about our property, and they don't know who's giving them their information, who's controlling it.
Can you think of one person off the top of your head who should be censored next?
Of course I can think of people who should be censored, but... Name one.
Uh... I think, um...
Like, anti-LGBT people?
I can't think of any, like, big figure that should be censored right now.
I mean, Donald Trump always, but that's just because I don't like him.
You want the president censored off?
Just throw him away, in total.
That's my opinion.
But, um, again, also using your platform, social media, Twitter especially, to say mean things, hurtful things, or just shady things, as he likes to do, I don't think is A, professional, but B, not presidential.
What's a shady thing that he's said?
Oof, you said a lot of shady stuff.
I don't have a Twitter either, but I get most of my information from Instagram.
It's the only social media I really use.
Because they're banning conservatives.
Instagram's banning conservatives too, so that's where you're getting your information from.
Does that concern you?
Um, I mean... You were chanting, like, f*** Kaitlyn Bennett.
Would you not think that that is hateful and you should be censored for doing that?
Um, f*** Kaitlyn Bennett.
So should you be censored for that hate speech?
Does it hurt your feelings?
No, it doesn't.
I think this is great because you're... Again, they've taught them that if something hurts somebody's feelings, you'll get to have free speech.
But then she plays all these bizarre games, and again, she looks completely mentally ill.
Like she could be in Natural Born Killers or something, as a psychotic.
But really, it's just a spoiled brat, probably never worked a day in her life, just wandering around some college where she's not learning anything but how it's her right to rule, and America is now hers, as long as you silence people.
And so little, soft, stupid authoritarians wandering around colleges.
And then they go out, and you think, well, where are they going to get a job?
Big tech, city government, state government, county government, bureaucrats.
And they all just sit back and laugh about their power over you.
And they're going to take your farm.
They're going to take your business.
They're going to take your children.
They're going to take your money.
They're going to take your guns.
They're going to take your speech.
They're going to take your birthright.
Because you're going to bow to them.
You're going to be afraid of them because they're so weak and pathetic.
And laughing at themselves.
They can't believe that they're nobodies, but that everyone bows to them.
They're dishonorable scum.
They're dangerous scum.
They're the plague.
They're cancer.
But we have put up with them as soft people, just trying to make everything nice, everybody friendly.
And now these giant, maliced armies of idiots are ready to make their move on us.
They're the last generation of humans before the machines take over.
This is how the AI takes over.
Creating that creature on screen.
Another woman.
I just don't define hateful, ugly people as strong, independent women.
And so therefore, I feel like I'm entitled to whatever I say to you.
This doesn't count as hate speech.
Back it up 10 seconds.
If you're a radio listener, you can't see this.
She does this ecstasy thing where she goes, I don't define it.
She goes, see, she's a god now.
So Caitlyn's using her own anti-female, wedded to the government, third wave feminism argument on her.
And then she says, I don't define ugly, hateful people.
When she's being ugly and hateful, I don't define them as reality.
Just like the governor of Virginia doesn't define a newborn baby as alive, so he cuts their organs out.
Now the mother want the baby, we resuscitate.
That's a legal term, the baby's alive.
We decide it alive.
And we kill.
We get the organs.
We get the blood.
We get the skin.
You see how it works?
And you look at her.
Only when she's saying, I'm taking someone's rights, is there a little light in her eyes.
You see how it works?
Oh, you see?
Let's go back to the zombie production.
I am entitled.
Oh, we know you're entitled, Cupcake.
Back it up five seconds.
You see how it works?
You see now?
So therefore I feel like I'm entitled to whatever I say to you.
I'm entitled.
This doesn't count as hate.
I am entitled.
Oh, we know you're entitled, Cupcake.
Back it up five seconds.
You see how it works?
You see now?
Here it is.
Ugly people as strong, independent women.
And so therefore I feel like I'm entitled to whatever I say to you.
But you, this doesn't count as hate speech, but the things I do is hate speech.
And that is like, you know, that's pretty much, that's hate speech.
What is hate speech?
Hate speech is defined as like stuff like, you know, making like subtle dog whistles and like, you know, remarks.
Anything you say he says is a hate speech.
We'll be back with your phone calls hour number four.
Brian in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, so real quickly, you know, I own the Alexa Pure Pro because I love my neighbor, but I refuse to drink their heart medication.
Well water is some of the most polluted stuff in the country.
Because you got glyphosate, you got all your neighbor's medications that they're putting into a septic tank.
That then goes into the groundwater and you drink it.
So absolutely, the number one thing anybody can do.
And by the way, I forget to do this and get mad.
When I drink filtered water, when I take the supplements, my life's so much better.
When I forget, because I'm not Mr. Frickin' Health, I feel it.
So yes, tell me about not wanting to drink your neighbor's heart medication.
Well, where I live, and I think this is the same story for most of the country, our water filtration is based on a reverse osmosis system that was constructed around the turn of the century, and I have zero, zero faith Well, look at Flint, Michigan.
Their water is full of lead, mercury, poisons, E. coli.
The answer is, everyone, if you're drinking water, you should filter it.
And I'll never forget David Hogg.
Because, you know, Alex Jones on C-SPAN, he goes, little anti-gun guy, he goes, he says the water has toxins and then he sells a water filter.
Yeah, it's like saying your kids need vitamin C and then I sell vitamin C. Or Jones says we need to wear shoes.
We walk in the snow.
Then he advertises shoes.
Yes, exactly.
But see, in his little brain, Where everything is a scam.
He thinks I'm scamming people when it's a direct sale.
We have the best gravity-fed systems.
AlexaPure and ProPure are apples and oranges, but they're both excellent.
Everyone needs it.
Everyone should filter their water.
This is the smartest thing you can do.
It doesn't mean occasionally you don't drink some ice tea at a restaurant.
But you need to filter your water.
Your skin is your biggest organ.
You absorb it there.
You need filters on your shower or your bath.
And then you look at what's in the water table.
It's insane!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm going to do two segments, so I'll go to your calls, Morgan and Roland and Liberty Dog and others that
are holding up.
I'm going to try to jam everybody in this segment next, and then Matt Brackett's taking over.
I'll have to do the whole Facebook thing tomorrow.
It's a 24-page article, and I want to spend like an hour on it.
So I meant to get to it, but I didn't.
But Connor, one of our great sound guys in there, he just graduated five years ago.
From Texas State, formerly Southwest Texas.
That's LBJ's alma mater down in San Marcos, Texas, south of Austin.
And they actually have courses there about banning free speech.
The journalism classes are now about ending free speech.
It's one of my good friend's daughters has graduated from there.
They were actually in the course teaching that I'm a Nazi, I'm evil, that the job of journalists is to ban free speech.
So you ask how this happened, the curriculum flipped the last six, seven years nationwide.
Europe already did it 10 years ago to their taught destroy free speech.
You see Oliver Darcy and CNN and all of them, that's their job.
But we played a clip earlier where pro-lifers are being attacked all over the country just recently at free speech zones.
And Connor saw one part at the end of the video, we'll try to play in the background while he talks about it, where that's the free speech zone, you know, the speaker's corner of the university where these pro-lifers were attacked.
So you're just saying it's upside down world.
That sounds much better.
So, kind of one thing I noticed about this clip as it was rolling here.
Yeah, this exact part right here you're seeing.
So, I went to school at Texas State.
Owen goes down there, he does a bunch of stuff down at the university, and that exact spot is known as a free speech zone.
The irony I saw in this clip, I mean, look at this!
This is a free speech zone and this guy's just going over here and just Knocking down every pro-life sign.
I've even seen that exact old-timer there who goes out and sets up these pro-life events out here.
He comes out twice a semester.
He's generally a pretty nice guy.
And what I was saying to you during the break was when I was going to school there, I did not see this type of behavior from students exhibited while I was going to school there.
And I said to you during the break, how did this happen so fast?
Within five years since I graduated, this stuff is everywhere.
Just remember like last year, When that one student wrote the article about how all white people were the scorn of the earth.
You remember that?
And that was allowed to be published in a student newspaper that made it national headlines.
And that was Texas State!
That was Texas State!
That was Texas State that wrote that!
In front of the paper, saying whites are inherently evil.
And so after watching that piece from Caitlin Bennett, and then seeing, it reminded me of this footage that we watched earlier from the man destroying all the signs.
It just started to hit, I just couldn't contain myself and think, how is this now Being a, becoming a universal mindset to students at all these colleges.
Like, how did this, again, it just goes back to my initial question of how did this happen so fast?
And that's kind of where I'm just left and at a loss for words, Alex.
So, it's sad and disappointing.
Well, you heard the girl say it earlier.
She goes, I am entitled to shut, you know, say that you should be shut down.
I am entitled.
I am of the supreme group.
I am in control.
I am downtrodden.
And so now, look, the Communist Chinese are openly funding Hollywood, Netflix, to demoralize the country.
They admit that.
And so a lot of it's the movies, the funding.
These guys believe they're doing the holy work.
And, you know, it's time for me to go down to Texas State.
As well, Owen went down there after they had it on the cover of the paper that whites are inherently evil.
I mean, this is just unbelievable garbage.
But this is who the left are.
Thank you, Conor.
You're welcome.
I just want to say one more thing, though.
They are aware of who you are down there, Alex.
They're very well aware of your image.
And I do see lots of InfoWars stickers plastered around just the town, San Marcos, that Texas State resides within.
But I recently started seeing this girl.
And when she found out that I worked for you, I mean, she had had a...
She didn't have a lot of nice things to say at first, so then it should turn out to be a pretty interesting relationship.
Anyhow, back to you.
Back to you.
Yeah, no, I mean, these are not pro-American people.
These are authoritarians.
They believe they're in the ruling class.
They grew up on Hollywood and set the tone to hate America.
They weren't taught chivalry.
They weren't taught common sense.
And now they believe it's their time to rule.
And those of us that don't submit to them are the enemy.
Thanks for our audience of activists.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Back in 60 seconds.
And I'm going right to your calls.
Bam, bam, bam.
We are in a complete war!
And you idiots don't join with the Republic!
You fools!
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment!
Please do the right thing and stand up against Big Ten!
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want them shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a bad person!
I question things!
I'm evil!
I don't...
How dangerous is InfoWars?
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Hey little sister, what have you done?
Hey little sister, who's the only one?
So you're always growing up here, back when that was still taught, that most nations are really abusive.
So you always growing up here, back when that was still taught, that most nations are really
abusive, they're really authoritarian, and mobs of dumb people get together, and they
take over like thugs, there's no due process, and they ban people's speech, and society
But the people that do it are so stupid, they don't care.
Like Venezuela, their leadership.
And now it's here in America in 2019, it's getting worse.
And we have to stop letting the left bully us.
We have to put heat on Trump and our legislatures to stand up against these authoritarian bastards like the universities and other places that are now globalist command bases, not centers of learning and openness and real dialogue.
Okay, Morgan in Dakota, then Roland and others.
Morgan, thanks for holding in North Dakota.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex, Morgan, North Dakota.
Hello to my Native Truthers out there.
I know there's not many out there, but we're out here, Alex.
Well, God bless you, sir.
What's on your mind?
Well, what's on my mind is I think it's funny how I've been listening to you for years and years and years, and just recently everybody's now saying, oh, you just listen to Alex Jones.
You just listen to Alex Jones all the time.
And I'm like, oh, I mean, that was just one of them.
You know, that's just one of many that we should all be listening to.
But of course, it's creating a bigger divide, which, and I see it happening.
I mean, little Indian reservations all over America surrounded by, you know, by white people, of course,
but it's creating a divide.
And I think that needs to be addressed.
And Trump definitely needs to try to get ahold of some more native votes
because I'm almost the only single person that supports him in my entire town.
I totally agree and everybody should just come together against globalism because it's what's attacking us all.
It doesn't matter if you're Native American, it doesn't matter if you're black, white, you're being targeted by the tainted vaccines, you're being targeted by fluoride, you're being targeted by Facebook, you're being targeted by AI.
This whole anti-human system is here and humans must unite against it.
Yep, even here where I work, I work for the Road Maintenance Department, and now we've got to all start putting our data into an app.
And we're going to have to carry an app around, you know, basically give them the data that we do every day, all day, and they advise us to get a Google account, of course.
And then all you're really doing is training a robot driverless car to take your job soon.
Yep, and of course everybody, I've been learning about blue beam and stuff like that, and everybody thinks it's going to be some hallucinogenic thing in the sky, but it's really just a way to feel things without humans.
You know, and yeah, I do see driverless.
I don't know about driverless commercial trucks like on X-Men, but definitely our jobs are... Sir, it's here.
It's here.
The plan is to totally replace humans.
Go to an airport.
Everything's robot kiosk.
Everything's being replaced to make us obsolete.
I noticed you called in saying your son has autism.
You want to talk about that?
Well, yeah, but not only does he have autism, I'm in a custody battle right now with mom, but I also watch my girlfriend's nephew who has cerebral palsy.
And he definitely has autism, but it's not diagnosed.
And he is almost the exact spitting image of my son.
Everything about him is the same.
And they're nonverbal.
They're in that spectrum where nonverbal at all.
Got the droopy eyes.
And I heard about a 30-year-old man that learned to type that's autistic.
And it's really a mental prison in their head, where they can type, they know what we're saying, and they want to say something back, but they can't.
It's demonic, and it's evil, and they're putting viruses and other things in the vaccines that target certain areas of the brain.
So again, the conscious and the subconscious get cut off.
And exactly, it is apt from what I've heard, it's just total torture what these young boys, and then become men, are put into.
And they're just battling, frustrated, trying to communicate with you.
And the system knows full damn well what they're doing.
They're taking out our men ahead of the AI takedown.
This is all, in my research, extraterrestrial, through the AI, with collaborator humans, to take over the planet, like the Bible says.
I don't get into UFOs and lizard people and stuff you can't prove.
The globalists believe they're communicating with interdimensional forces that have given them a blueprint for immortality, and they are carrying it out judiciously to take us out.
And that's it.
So remember that.
Folks, thank you.
Roland of Kansas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Thank you.
Thanks for everything that you do.
This is in two parts, and it has to do with social media and the impact.
Earlier, somebody mentioned MyLife.com.
Now this is something that you could really get into to expose, because this is one evil extortion outfit on the Internet.
What they do, they have evidently the software to data mine the Internet to find out information about anybody that they can find out, whatever they can get.
And then they put it together, now it could be incorrect, it may be correct.
Then they have a file for you.
And so anybody that happens to look up and accidentally come across you might find out that 30 years ago you were arrested not knowing what the charge was.
It could have been false and, you know, totally dropped.
But it makes it look like you're some kind of criminal.
The same thing would be true of lawsuits.
And so a person that would be applying for a job may not even know about this being on there.
And the person that may want to hire them would then see it, and then not even want to talk to the person, or even consider hiring him.
Now the scam is this, is that once you see that, and you want to correct it, well then you have to buy a membership, and I think it's like $29 a year.
Well of course that's the scam.
They take things out there, a lot of it is info, magnify it and make it look the worst it possibly can, so you call them to clean it up, and really all they do is change your account.
Yeah, and not only that, they've got your debit or credit card number, and they don't do the $29, they do $60 or $90 or $95.
And the state of California fined them $800,000.
And you can look up, there's at least three websites that have a list of the complainers and the people that got scammed and the troubles they had on trying to get stopped anymore debiting of their account.
There is a YouTube video on how to cancel yourself out, and they have to remove it.
And the guy actually charges people.
He says he charges people money to get them removed, but he gives you the information on how you can do it for yourself.
The second part is the small business impact of Facebook and Instagram.
If it's completely chopped up, there are many, many small businesses that are trying to get started by using Facebook and Instagram.
And the Shopify.com has got a pretty slick setup for setting up a website and then being linked with Facebook and Instagram.
And if it's all messed up the way it is right now, there'll be a lot of people impacted that are making a living.
So it seems like cutting it up into pieces may not be the answer.
But there needs to be some sort of accountability on the part of Facebook and probably even Instagram.
Uh, on how they are cutting off anybody that has a conservative attitude.
I designed myself a t-shirt company with a lot of comedy and politically incorrect stuff, and I'm sitting back here wondering, once I start moving this on Instagram, am I going to get blocked or shadow banned by both Facebook and Instagram before I can hardly even get started?
So, I think that there's got to be some congressional action that takes place.
Oh, there absolutely has to be, because Congress's inaction creates a vacuum for China, the EU, and others to come in with their regulations.
The left and Warren have their total takeover plan.
That's just to have them totally control it.
We need to have the Internet Bill of Rights.
We need to have a debate about it.
Thank you so much.
Great call, Roland.
Alright, Sean, Wayne, Liberty Dog, and Tim.
I'll be live tomorrow, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'll take calls.
We've got Matt Bracken, who was scheduled for the hour, taking over right now with a lot of news.
So I'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m., call back.
You'll go to the headline.
I appreciate you calling in.
We did a good job.
We took like 25, 30 calls or so today, so that's good.
Please don't forget, we're Lister Supported.
We're under major attack.
We have great products.
Right now we have the new Ultra 12, twice as strong as Secret 12, for 50% off and it funds the operation.
Over the weekend, President Trump retweeted Paul Joseph Watson twice and defended him after Facebook banned him for
being a dangerous individual.
He also retweeted Lauren Southern and a brief video by InfoWars' Millie Weaver showing her interviewing a bunch of black people who love President Trump.
As you can imagine, social media's hall monitor breaks down A big move by Facebook.
Banning several accounts.
And now there's no blowback from the Commander-in-Chief.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars president.
He is promoting the same alternative universe as InfoWars and sharing videos from repugnant characters.
Now InfoWars of course is the web show, website, led by Rageaholics Alex Jones.
Back to your point though about the InfoWars presidency, I want to know, and I tweeted
this the other day, what is the difference at this point between Trump's Twitter feed
and InfoWars.com?
You know, InfoWars might have been banned from Twitter, but it seems to have found a
new home over at Trump's Twitter feed.
And while he's promoting and legitimizing this news organization, we should also talk
about how he's trying to tear down credible sources for news.
The Washington Post, the New York Times, CNN.
He was questioning why these news organizations have the ability to be on Twitter.
Why are they not banned?
Right, while saying that the InfoWars should be reinstated.
It's nuts.
Well, CNN is the biggest purveyor of conspiracy theories and hatred in America, so if Facebook's gonna be fair, maybe you should be banned too.
I did make a mistake in last week's video talking about this latest purge when I said that news reports from CNN and other outlets came out a few minutes before they were actually banned.
It turns out that they came out an hour before they were banned.
Once again, CNN's Oliver Darcy was personally working with the tech companies to facilitate the ban and had his article already written and ready to go for the moment that they were banned, but he made a mistake and published it an hour early.
Here he is admitting that he's also trying to determine whether or not Alex Jones uses WhatsApp, the text messaging application, which is also owned by Facebook, so he could get him banned over there too!
Now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
I checked in also to see if these people would be banned from WhatsApp, which is also owned by Facebook, and a spokesperson could not say immediately because it's, I guess, unclear whether some of these people have Uh, WhatsApp accounts, according to the spokesperson.
Alright, but we know you'll continue to check on it.
Oliver Darcy, good to see you.
Thank you.
Yes, uh, thank you.
I also checked with Costco to see if they would be banning Alex Jones's membership because we wouldn't want someone like him to be able to eat, now would we?
Of course, CNN's Anna Navarro, the fake Republican commentator, is thrilled with the new censorship.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
While Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer, and others aren't allowed to have a Facebook page anymore because they're considered to be dangerous individuals, Facebook doesn't have a problem allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to have an official page, which has been designated a terrorist organization.
In multiple countries.
There are also people saying that they're having photos taken down off of their Instagram account for violating the community standards because those pictures include those individuals having met with some of the people who apparently you're not supposed to even show pictures of online anymore.
George Washington is rolling over in his grave at the treasonous activities being carried out by the American mainstream
media and the big Silicon Valley tech titans.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Matt Bracken.
Okay, you've got me for the rest of the hour.
And I was, I was, I've been watching the show and following it, especially interested in those interviews at the college with the, you know, the students basically that are down with censorship.
You know, they're completely cool with, with, you know, banning people from social media for shutting down conservative thoughts.
And it's pretty obvious that they're being brainwashed in their classrooms.
And it's obvious that brainwashing works, at least to that extent, the ones that are willing to walk up to a camera and confront, you know, confront on this issue.
But I have seen some glimmers of hope that maybe there's a backlash forming.
You know, my daughter, who's just out of college, she's as conservative as they come.
College didn't affect her to tilt her leftward.
If anything, her friends are Are reacting against that political correctness.
They can't stand their PC professors.
And they're I think they're falling into the conservative side very strongly.
The conservative libertarian side.
I think that a news item that I saw in the last day was at this high school in Colorado.
The Highlands Ranch STEM school.
The students actually walked out when a couple of politicians tried to turn a memorial for the hero, Kendrick Castillo.
They tried to turn his memorial into a gun control political rally.
And they not only walked out, and they were, you know, chanting about needing mental health, not gun control.
And, you know, mental health could go a long way towards explaining that one.
The two shooters were.
To my way of thinking, pretty wacko.
The main shooter, the 18-year-old, had, you know, F Society spray-painted on his car.
Kind of a scream that he was sort of a psychotic, antisocial individual.
But here he is in school, you know, with the pink hair, screaming, look at me.
Well, he got his attention, but he didn't get the body count he was hoping for because Kendrick Castillo tackled him.
And died in the process.
And by doing so, he bought time for other students to rush the guy and then for security to arrive.
So the victim was the hero.
And I think that we would do well to remember the names of these heroes.
There was the old woman at the synagogue in California that jumped in the path of a bullet.
And then there was at UNC Charlotte, Riley Howell.
Who also, you know, rushed a shooter, took him out.
I would compare it to the, you know, on the day of 9-11.
Was it flight 93 that they knew that they were going to be, you know, used in a suicide mission, so they decided to rush the cockpit no matter what the cost.
And that's an important thing for society to realize, you know, we can't just hide under our desks.
Or, you know, lock doors and hide.
Somebody when, you know, when the gun comes out, somebody, the closest guys, they've got to just, they just got to go for it.
And it's not the first time that it's happened.
It's happened occasionally throughout the history of these mass shootings.
But, you know, that's the only solution is for these guys to know there won't be any big body count.
And you won't be remembered, you'll just be forgotten as another psycho loser.
But, you know, my my prayers and thoughts definitely go out to the families of these heroes, particularly these young men with everything in front of them, their entire world, their entire lives, you know, laid out in front of them and snuffed out.
But by doing so, saving the lives of of possibly, you know, dozens of their friends.
So, you know, God bless Riley and and Kendrick, two great American heroes.
And it does show that not everybody is an NPC, you know, robot, brainwashed zombie, like what we tend to think of the Millennials maybe too much as.
And certainly it's disturbing when you see so many Millennials that are embracing their own tyranny.
They're actually rejecting freedom.
They're rejecting their own survival instinct.
It goes to the power of brainwashing.
Brainwashing can get to the can be so powerful that in a cult setting, people will kill themselves like in Jonestown or the doomsday cult that was waiting for the asteroid.
Or, you know, I forget what that one was out in California.
They they all took pills and died.
That's the power of brainwashing.
And it can work on a huge societal scale, too.
But the brainwashing of many may actually be an awakening for many others that are following them.
And while we're seeing social media trying to crack down and clamp down and ban conservative ideas, ban people like Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, myself, What they're doing, I think, is having an unintended consequence because it's making political correctness uncool.
That's why the Pepe the Clown meme, I think, is so effective.
Because if they try to ban the clown meme, what does that say about political correctness?
That they can't take a joke.
They literally cannot take a joke.
They have to look for, you know, hidden symbolism.
Like the okay sign they have to they have to try to control and enforce their rigid political correctness To the extent that nobody's allowed to laugh.
Nobody's allowed to mock Sarcasm is banned.
Well when you do this and you tell teenagers that they can't have a good time and can't use sarcasm That's not a way to recruit people to the politically correct left-wing cause.
In fact, that's a way to make The left completely uncool and repellent to youth.
So I hope that there is an actual unintended consequence in here.
And I'm really looking for a millennial backlash.
It's important to understand where political correctness comes from in the first place.
What is the basis of political correctness?
It's political correctness is a tool that the left uses to avoid criticism.
Any criticism of the bad consequences of leftist propaganda and ideology, any criticism of it is branded as hate speech and shut down.
You know, people are put off of social media.
People have even lost their jobs because of Basically, counterattacking against left-wing ideology, and then being branded as haters.
That's why I think that the clown meme is so effective.
Because, how can you ban laughter?
How can you ban, you know, a clown with a colorful, uh, you know, colorful wig?
Even if it's Pepe the Frog.
It just makes the left look like fatalitarian idiots.
You know, which is exactly what they are.
And, I have, I have, um, A lot of concern for the next generation that I'll get to in the next segment.
Maybe there are a lot of brainwashed NPCs signing up for oblivion, but maybe there is a rising new generation that will be actively seeking freedom.
And we'll be back after the break and talk more about this.
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That's how I do this.
And it's 100% up to you funding us to decide whether we're going to be here or not.
Let me tell you something right now.
I'm not giving up.
I'm not backing down.
I'm not giving in.
But I would have already had 24 hours of shows a day.
I would have already had 10 more reporters hired.
I would have already done a lot more.
Instead of spending most of my time figuring out how to pay for things around here to stay on air, I would just be on air, ladies and gentlemen.
But you get to that point when the days are so dark, when the shadows are so long, when the president is sitting there letting the First Amendment be undercut, and letting people have their bank accounts taken like we have, and our perfect credit score go from 2% on a credit card transfer up to 5%, all of that's what's killing us, and us having to pay for our own bandwidth.
We still have millions of viewers a day and listeners at Infowars.com, but now I gotta pay for all the bandwidth.
Doesn't have Google Ads all over it.
It isn't on YouTube.
So there's a heavy cost to being so popular.
And I'm not bitchin', but I'm sayin', stayin' in the saddle.
I'm not ridin' this bull for eight seconds, baby.
I've been ridin' this sucker for 25 years from nowhere.
We built the whole thing thanks to your sport, but now...
I'm not riding some toy bull in the backyard.
I'm riding the biggest, meanest, snarling creature you've ever seen.
And I'm not wearing body armor.
And I gotta stay on this son of a bitch for years.
And that means I gotta take my face being beat in the back of his head.
It means I gotta sit there and let my groin get smashed.
And I gotta be like a demon and just hold on.
But this isn't a technical rodeo, so I can hold on with both hands.
And believe me, I am.
I got that bull around the neck.
And I'm just focused and zenned out in a berserker viking way.
The berserker spirit in a zen focus.
Just... And the globalists feel the will.
The spirit of 1776 that we manifest.
Nobody manifests it like us except Trump.
And we're punching through the enemy.
Not even thinking about it, not even saying it's hard to do.
We're just laying our spiritual weight, and our will, and our focus, and our love for the unborn children against this dragon's gut.
And the blood of the dragon's just pouring out on us, burning us like acid.
My eyeballs are hanging out, and my heart's still beating.
And the pain feels so good, because as I just ram that sword up into its heart, my arm is burning off, but I just hold the sword in its heart as it rots down, and as I prepare to collapse under its fat dead weight.
Total victory!
But I need funding, and I need prayer, and I need support, and I need to see your war face!
These are pedophile, devil-worshipping, child-harvesting, soulless scum we're up against, and if you don't know, this is the real rallying point, and this massive total censorship coming in to control what words you can say, and to surveil you, and what you do If you don't know this is the big enchilada, then you aren't conscious and you don't realize what's happening.
And the system thinks you're so asleep, you don't even know what's going on.
Well, our audience does know what's going on.
You can feel the damn energy in this country, so I'll tell you.
Who knows how long you can go to infowarrestore.com.
Who knows how long you can even go there and buy X2, or buy the great coffee, or buy the new products we've got.
And listen, if you don't want to belly up to the bar and flood us with money so I can do a good stand-up fight against these bastards, then that's your choice in life.
I really don't give a goddamn anymore.
Because I'm fighting all the way.
I'm energized.
I'm awake.
I'm not dead.
People ask me how the hell I can have so much energy when I come in here, and I'm not like this in person.
They're creating a world government Mark of the Beast.
2.2 billion people just got told they can't use certain words.
They're announcing giant cult-like brainwashing.
They're teaching five-year-olds how to suck cock in public school.
They're sitting there doing everything you could ever freaking imagine, killing babies after they're born!
and the churches are such pharisees, they're worried that I just talked about sucking cock
instead of killing babies and chucking their damn organs out!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to slightly switch gears, but we'll bring it back around to social media.
You know, I've been saying for probably a year now that President Trump wasn't going to declassify the deep state coup material until after the Mueller report was out, that it was a kind of a poker game and you want to have the last, you want to put down the last hand.
And, and I think that that's what we're now seeing.
So what Congress is doing, which really is clown world, when you look at people like, like, you know, Nadler and Swalwell, Pelosi, They think that they're being effective.
They think that this contempt citation against Attorney General Barr is going to get them traction.
But it shows that they're really just living in their own echo chamber, their own bubble.
You know, of course, Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon are going to think it's great.
But Americans, I think, are looking at them as total clowns now.
Americans get it.
This is the exact same cast of clowns That went against Kavanaugh that were, you know, giving credibility to these to these charges that he was leading a gang rape ring, you know, as a high school kid.
And that didn't work.
Kavanaugh was confirmed.
And I don't think that they're going to get any traction here.
And what it's showing America is that they're desperate because the hammer is going to come down.
And when it comes down, the Democrats are going to have to either defect from the Russia narrative, which is unlikely, or continue to double down on stupid, just going further and further into a diminishing, like a hall of mirrors that just gets smaller and smaller in the end, until it eventually just goes poof and is gone.
Because The big guns, the real ammunition, is about to get poured out and fired at the Democrats.
You know, the Inspector General report, even the Huber report, this guy, the Salt Lake City U.S.
Attorney, he's been out there way out in left field in Salt Lake City, but people have been going out and talking to them.
And I have to think that some of the principles at the level of Nellie Orr, Bruce Orr, Strzok and Page, They're not going to go to prison on perjury charges, you know, that they're giving testimony now and risk going to prison on very tough perjury charges when their truthful testimony is going to be, I was following orders, and the orders go right to the White House, to the Obama White House.
Eventually, it's going to be, I think, Obama and his White House circle And John Brennan.
Comey may fall on his sword, but even Comey, I think, eventually is going to say, I thought this was legitimate intelligence that was that came over from the CIA.
I thought that the Russia stuff was real and that the investigation was real.
It's pretty unbelievable.
Comey may stick with that story.
But other than Comey and and Brennan and the Obama White House, I think everybody's going to wind up flipping.
And saying that they were just following orders because clearly the Papadopoulos timeline is falling apart.
If Joseph Mifsud is shown to be an FBI and CIA and State Department asset going back for years, then everything that follows from the FISA application, everything will be the fruit of the poison tree.
And the entire thing is going to blow up.
I think Hannity had it best.
He calls it Operation Crossfire Boomerang.
And that's what's going to happen.
I see I see Trump winning very big in 2020.
If the economy, you know, somehow manages to hold together and and, you know, there's there's nothing else that the Democrats have to throw at him.
All of the Russian narrative is going to have a boomerang effect.
And if, you know, hopefully, if the Republicans, not that I'm a big Republican fan, but the alternative is, is the Democratic Socialists.
If there is a Democrat Congress in 2020, we may finally get a chance to secure the border as well as can be done, you know, in this era.
But, you know, this, this then, if this, if the projections are that Trump is going to probably cruise to a reelection victory, I don't think that the danger is past because the people at the top of the deep state coup who are facing prison, men in their 60s facing prison and disgrace, I think that some of them will be willing to go for a kinetic operation to take out Trump.
And I'm not saying that there will be anything put in orders.
But it'll be more in the similar to the, you know, who will rid me of this meddlesome priest?
You know, the Beckett story, where it won't be a memo, nothing in writing, no meetings of more than two people, but at the highest levels of the deep state coup and the entrenched deep state bureaucracy, people are going to be thinking, we have got to get rid of Trump.
And by get rid of, I mean, take him out.
And that would include potentially, you know, allowing an assassin to get close to him, corrupt Secret Service people.
I'm not saying that all Secret Service are suspect, but there have been a lot of them fired.
Remember, Obama brought in a lot of social justice worrier types.
And put them at the very top of the bureaucracies, the federal bureaucracies, including the Secret Service.
We remember their scandals during the Obama regime.
There's a lot of corrupt and dirty cops at the top of federal law enforcement because that's who Obama brought in.
Guys like Brennan, Clapper, and Comey.
They're infesting, you know, the entire federal law enforcement bureaucracy now.
And some of them, I think, would be willing to kind of open the gate to a kinetic solution to Donald Trump.
So I do fear for his personal safety greatly going forward.
I hope that the Secret Service immediately around him are way on their game, because as the legal net closes around the coup plotters, they're not going to just quietly go off to prison.
They're going to be more and more desperate.
People like John Brennan, who voted for a communist in 1976, when the Soviets were still putting people in gulags and psychiatric hospitals where they were chemically lobotomized.
That's who he voted for.
These guys don't really see a problem with communist tactics.
The ends justify the means.
And they see Trump as an existential threat to all of the what they consider progress towards globalism, which is their holy grail.
That's why Comey called his book a higher loyalty, meaning a higher loyalty than to the Constitution and to the United States of America.
Well, they see their entire plot.
Possibly unraveling with a successful Trump second term and a Republican Congress.
Paul Ryan is gone.
Imagine a Republican Congress with somebody like Jim Jordan running the show.
This to them is an absolute existential nightmare and they will in no way just ride smoothly through it.
They can't depend on saying that Trump stole the election in 2020.
That plan for 2016 to discredit the election, it didn't work.
It failed.
They were willing to do a deep state coup plot, and it failed.
So they can't count on rigging the vote in 2020.
They can't count on Calling it a fraudulent election.
So they are preparing themselves for a second Trump administration with a GOP Congress and Senate.
And that is a nightmare scenario for them.
And there are people on their side who will stop at nothing, including fomenting an economic crash, assassination plots, you name it.
Nothing is off the table.
When we come back, maybe we'll pick up some phone calls if Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly.
Now that they kicked them off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
That's like something a villain in a comic book movie says.
That's like something that Thanos arrives at a planet and says, No one will resist me.
Anyone speaking out will be crushed.
This is outrageous.
Big, giant, authoritarian companies.
That have already boycotted and attacked and took my sponsors and shadow banned me and kicked me off their platforms.
But then they banned hundreds and hundreds of fan pages that were on Facebook that other people set up in some cases years ago.
And then a few pages that I'd set up over a decade ago for films I made, like Endgame and Terror Storm.
Absolutely incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's about AI systems in live time coming in and saying, you can't even say my name.
That's never been done in history.
It's incredible.
It's going down to the user and saying, you will be kicked off this platform the next time you share Alex Jones.
This is your final warning.
Ladies and gentlemen, they have A.I.
now that can listen to your phone and break in when you're saying things they don't like.
Because when you try to text somebody a cuss word, it'll say duck instead of the F word.
Think about how much you're being watched.
Or when you're driving and you pick your phone up to look at GPS, totally reasonable, and it says, are you driving?
You've got to lie and say, no, I'm not.
We're already being surveilled.
The driverless cars, the A.I., it's taking us over.
This is the A.I.
God system.
That Elon Musk warned about.
And if they can take him four wars down, they can take everybody down.
So, bottom line.
This is the biggest assault we've ever faced.
We're on AM and FM.
We have our own audio, our own video streams.
It's cost us incredible amounts of money, millions a year.
To pay for the millions of listeners and viewers, we have a day that come and hit the bandwidth.
And that's one reason that we've cut the fat down to nothing around here and it's killed our growth.
And now they're going to start pushing us backwards unless everybody watching says, I believe in free speech.
I understand this is the critical historical case.
And I understand that InfoWars has become the standard of the populist resistance to globalism and the standard of free speech, the symbol of it.
And everybody now has got to really get behind it like never before.
I'm not going to give up.
I'll never give in.
But I may give out.
Like those old horses, work horses.
They never give up, they never give in.
One day their back breaks, their heart goes out, they buckle, they're gone.
And I'm a long way from that.
We can probably hold out another year.
And I'm going to have to make more announcements about this, but it's getting critical, folks.
So I've been saying, help, help, help, sending distress signals for the last couple years.
And you've backed us up, but man, the attacks are so intense, the enemy is going to celebrate if they can bring us down.
And if people don't stand up for us, no one's gonna stand up for you.
So listen.
Spread the word about InfoWars.com for its last show.
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We are the InfoWar.
You are the InfoWar.
Save America.
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And help this ship of liberty make it through this storm.
Because we're all in this together.
I humbly ask for your support.
I humbly ask you to take action.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide,
it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Matt Bracken.
Yeah, last segment, and I did want to mention I have a new book coming out in a couple of weeks.
It's going to be in print and an e-book on Kindle.
Called the Bracken collection, which is my short stories and some essays from the last decade and I would I would recommend Going forward to get some books like this in the dead tree format Something that you know, we're all aware that people are being banned from social media Tommy Robinson one of his books was actually taken off of Amazon because you know the the professional Muslim greedy grievance groups Thought that it shouldn't be there, so Amazon cooperated and took it down.
You can find Mein Kampf and you can find all kind of literature like that on Amazon, but you can't find Tommy Robinson's book called Muhammad's Quran.
It's factual, true book.
Can't find it.
Well, not only can they take books off of Amazon, they can make it big tech and now make it so that They can delete things that you think that you've saved somewhere in the ether.
If you don't have it locked into your hard drive in a secure location or in a printed format, they can take things away.
Kindle has had books deleted years later after being published because of copyright disputes or people making the case that Some literature bordered on kiddie porn, Lolita type fiction.
And you think you have a book on your Kindle and zap, it's gone.
So if Trump doesn't win, if something happens where we get a President Buttigieg or Kamala Harris or even a Biden, you can expect the hate crime laws just to go into orbit as a means of shutting down conservative speech.
And that's going to be, I think, a backdoor way for them to attack conservative literature, fiction and nonfiction, which would include just zapping them right off your device, you know, as an evil, hateful, you know, violence producing form of entertainment.
So I would recommend that you get books by folks like me.
Put it on Kindle, that's fine.
But remember, what's on Kindle can be taken away from Kindle.
And if you have the printed book, at least you're going to have it forever.
And you can share it with your friends.
It can't be removed by social media.
In the New Zealand mosque shooting, people have been arrested in New Zealand just for attempting to find that video, the Facebook video.
You know, the guy put it, the guy streamed it on Facebook.
Millions of people saw it, but now it's a crime.
You can't even possess his manifesto in New Zealand.
And we have the First Amendment, theoretically, but if the Democrats come to power, eventually, we're going to see drastic curtailments on it.
This is just something I see in the future.
I know I've got bookshelves just too full.
I can't jam in any more printed books, but In some cases, it might be a good idea.
You know, it might be a good idea.
Now, this is kind of, you know, people are looking at me and saying, look at that old boomer talking about printed books.
That's so yesterday.
That's so 20th century.
We live in an electronic world.
And that's fine.
But you guys, you know, that aren't being younger than boomers, you better remember, The digital world doesn't really exist.
It's virtual.
The cloud is virtual.
The cloud can go poof during some kind of an electronic attack, cyber attack, or a tyrannical government can just delete things.
Not only delete things, but charge you for possessing them.
So when you think about a printed book, think of it as an insurance policy against future deletion.
You know that this is Speaking about younger people and their reliance on the screens, especially the youngest kids that have had cell phones and computers since the day they were born.
They can't imagine another world.
They are effectively being brainwashed from the cradle.
You know, the messaging that's going out, not just the political messaging, but the consumer messaging and so forth, and just the believe authority messaging that's going out, the conformism messaging that's going out.
This is probably the most effective form of brainwashing that's ever existed.
People like Hitler, Mao, and Stalin never had the tools that exist today.
All they could do is put up billboards and posters on walls, leaflets, Pravda-type newspapers, radio, and maybe one television channel.
That is nothing compared to what kids have now, which is a device that will entertain them from day one.
But you have to remember that the messages that are coming out of all of the screens have been designed to keep you buying, to keep you watching.
You know, billion-dollar companies pay millionaires, geniuses, they pay geniuses millions of dollars to addict kids to that screen.
And that's bad enough, but as a result, Young people are not getting outside.
They're not going camping.
They're not going fishing or hunting.
They're not ever learning what it is to hike in the woods because all of their waking time is spent staring inside of a screen.
And that brain development time can't be recaptured.
Once the brain is developed through the teen years into young adulthood, You can't go back then and say, now let's do the hiking in the woods and smelling the flowers and, you know, digging the dirt with our hands.
That's gone.
The rising generation, potentially, is going to be so susceptible to programming and being brainwashed because all of their neurological development was Was to wait for the next message, then to follow the instruction on the screen.
Click here.
Turn right in 100 yards.
Don't figure out how to actually get around a city or get around the woods on your own.
You're learning to navigate in the real world.
It's just stare at a screen and wait for the next message.
Click from the choices that are offered to you.
And the people that designed those choices, they've programmed the decision tree.
They know what you're going to pick.
They've tilted the field.
So if there is a tyranny that comes in this country, I would say that the majority of people will Be wholly in line with it, because the tyranny won't be presented in an Orwellian fashion.
It'll be presented in a false, free choice situation.
Look, I've got five choices here, but all five choices were designed for you.
So my plea is to shut off the screens, get outside, go for a run, ride a bike, Ask somebody if they know where, how to go camping.
I mean, there are so many people today have never spent a night in the woods in their life and don't want to.
They can't imagine life outside of an air-conditioned bubble, outside of, you know, being surrounded by computer screens, plugs in the ears, living in a virtual world.
Well, the virtual world is going to steer you towards eventually A real cliff in terms of any kind of emerging form of tyranny, which is probably going to be where the humans are replaced with artificially intelligent robots.
We're just going to be like the sheep on the sheep farm.
There won't be a need for drivers.
There won't be a need for people stocking shelves or doing warehouse work.
There will be very little for humans, and what will be the place for us actual humans?
What will be left for us?
What happens to sheep on a sheep farm?
They might be fed and watered regularly, but eventually somebody just makes a decision, open that door and stick them in that warehouse, and you never see them again.
So anyway, what a gloomy way to end the show.
But my plea is, Get outside, live in the real world, breathe the air, ride a bike, shoot a gun, you know, get a fishing rod and catch a fish, go canoeing, do anything, but get outside.
And I've been told that I might be on every Thursday from now on, fourth hour, so we'll see how it goes.
I kind of got some personal things going on.
I might not have been totally prepared today.
I hope you can put up with me.
And we'll see you next week in the same slot.
And maybe we'll have better news as the hammer comes down on the Deep State 2 plotters.
So I've been waiting for that for a long time.
The globalists are hyper-competitive scientific dictators.
They are technocrats.
They are control freaks in their own words.
And they believe allowing you to live your own life and make your own decisions gets in the way of their great destiny to merge with AI gods.
Now, we're fighting them hard in cyberspace.
We're fighting them hard right here in the third dimension.
But one of the biggest places that we neglect to forget that we've really got a lot of control in our lives is our bodies.
And I'm not perfect.
I work a lot of hours.
And if I wasn't taking the highest quality supplements from 4warslife.com, I couldn't do it.
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Ultra 12 is undoubtedly the strongest, highest quality B12 over the counter you're going to find anywhere.
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