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Name: 20190507_Tue_Alex
Air Date: May 7, 2019
3697 lines.

This podcast covers a range of topics, including censorship, political speech, social media, free speech, and product promotions. The speaker argues that tech giants like Facebook are actively working to silence conservative voices and limit political opinions. They also highlight the dangers of technology, intelligence, and media coming together to create a powerful system of control over individuals and society. Furthermore, they mention recent announcements by several Democratic candidates who support banning semi-automatic weapons and forcibly confiscating them from citizens. The speaker encourages listeners to raise awareness about these issues and fight back against the encroachment of authoritarianism in society. The podcast also discusses how far-right voices are migrating to Telegram, how a recent study shows that right-wing content is typically the most effective on social media platforms, and how Democrats like Brian Sims advocate for Sharia law while harassing young girls and offering money to dox them. Lastly, the podcast discusses product promotions, including the Ultimate Female Force vitamins and Secret 12 Plus coffee.

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Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And this shocking footage is even more painful when you see the albatrosses of CNN and other MSM outlets cheering on the rape.
In fact, it's been found that these systems actually direct the monstrous CEO, Zuckerberg, against the free speech enemies and anyone that tries to not submit.
But most sad of all is other penguins in the independent media simply looking up at the sky and ignoring the vicious rape of their own freedoms and birthright taking place right in front of them.
We are in a complete war!
And you idiots don't join with the Republic!
You fools!
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
So yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their
main platform Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please say the First Amendment.
Please do the right thing and stand up against Big Tech.
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want them shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a bad person!
I question things!
I'm evil!
How dangerous is Infowars?
I am told this is a garbage disposal.
I've never seen a garbage disposal.
I've never had one in any place I've ever lived.
It is terrifying.
I don't know what to use it for or what its purpose is.
Like food scraps?
Like is this environmentally sound?
I don't know.
Words are very unnecessary.
They can only do harm.
Info Wars.
Tomorrow's news today.
Well, that's right.
It's now all over the news that there was a secret FISA ruling put out in the middle of 2017 that the Inspector General of the Federal Courts released, saying that they were given false information and lied to in three cases.
Now, they knew this because the head of the National Security Agency, Went and warned Trump right after he got into office that the treason had been carried out and that he was unaware of it.
We broke that information.
It was not put in the Federal Register for several months.
And then it was decided, kind of like Trump sometimes just declassifies things out into the open but doesn't announce it, that we were given the exclusive on that.
And again, I'm not here at the start of this broadcast bragging.
I'm explaining to you why they want us destroyed.
Because that was released.
That was declassified.
And then no one else, I guess, would run with it because we got the phone call from the former deputy head.
of the NSA, the actual technical head of it.
So when we come back, I'm going to give you a ton of next year's news today.
Information straight ahead.
By the way, a lot of this is public.
The Democrats, every major Democrat candidate says ban all semi-autos and confiscate them and come to your house and kill you if you don't turn them in.
Since the beginning, Secret 12 has been one of our most popular formulas.
Now, we're bringing you an all-new version to help you reach your energy peak.
Ultra 12 from InfoWars Live takes advantage of the most effective and expensive form of B12 available, methylcobalamin, to provide you with twice the B12.
Ultra 12 can help make DNA, support the body's energy production, and help produce healthy blood cells while assisting proper nervous system function.
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Get Ultra 12 now at 50% off.
You like Secret 12?
This is Secret 12, but twice as strong.
So I called it Ultra 12.
And we decided, I like Secret 12 Plus.
But they said, look, when you do plus, people don't get that it means better and more.
Just call it Ultra 12.
Well, you know what?
I don't like how the label's printed.
And it just so happens it had already been labeled with the other one.
We decided to change the name.
So when you peel off the label, Underneath it, it's Secret 12+.
Twice as strong, 50% off right now.
Better than Secret 12 ever was.
was in full war store dot com now back in stock at four months sold out.
It's Tuesday, May 7th, 2019.
This is InfoWars.
Tomorrow's news today, the most banned, the most hated.
Broadcast the world if you're a tyrant, a pedophile, a communist, a chicken-neck control freak.
But the most powerful broadcast in the world, if you believe in Renaissance, and Western culture, and Americana, and the family, and Christianity, and the right to self-defense, and rugged individualism, and the man and the woman in the arena.
If that's what you believe, if that's what burns in your soul, then this broadcast is your destiny.
Powerful new piece that just appeared on Twitter.
Something Wicked is the name of the producer.
Technology, intelligence, media equals tyranny.
And then they came for me.
Here it is.
Eisenhower said, beware the military industrial complex.
And I would say that that needs to be updated to beware of what I call TIM.
technology, intelligence, and media.
This is pretty powerful for radio, but for TV it's a must-see.
(upbeat music)
We've posted the video up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're going to retweet it out for now on Rob Deuce Twitter.
So if you want to see it, I think Paul Watson tweeted it as well.
But it's up on Infowars.com and it tells it all.
Everyone that's pro-America, everyone that stands against collectivism
and the big mayor corporations, everyone that believes in free speech
is either being shadow banned or outright banned everywhere.
Now they've announced they're coming for your bank accounts.
Now they've announced they're going to take your phone service away.
You won't be able to fly on airplanes.
And I guess we're all just going to put up with big corporations using this big digital system where they steal our data and oppress us and spy on us and Alexa listens to us in our house and Portal watches and listens to us.
Google's assist.
It's all in the news that they're using it for data against you and selling it to other companies.
And people put up with that?
So now Facebook's not just going to watch you in your house, they're going to tell you whose name you can say or whose website you can say.
And just a reminder, as Mark Dice tweeted, Mark Zuckerberg says you will not make any positive comments about Alex Jones or you will be banned.
That's in their official statement.
Again, beyond 1984.
We've got a ton of news today that ties into all this interest and more, but the big issue That I just realized the last few days, we've not been beating the drum hard enough on, we have in the past.
I have gone and looked at the, what is it, 22 Democrats running right now?
And I just randomly, last night, went through more than 10 of them, and all of them say, ban semi-autos, and confiscate them.
And Cory Booker says, if you don't turn your guns in, we're gonna come to your house and kill you!
With a SWAT team.
This is where these maniacs are going.
Total Civil War.
And you look at the looks on their faces and the power trips they're on.
This is a clear and present danger.
That story is a Steve Watson article on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Ring the alarm.
Raise the alarm.
Get that article out.
But I've asked some of the writers to put together a compendium of quotes and statements because it's official.
The Democratic Party's official Policy is repeal the Second Amendment and forcibly confiscate, and I'm going to read you the New York Times, the Washington Post, and play some of the quotes right now, but we could spend a whole hour on this.
They're really coming after the guns.
They're really coming with forced inoculations.
They're really saying heterosexuality's bad.
They're really saying the family's bad.
They're really already killing babies after they're born in five states now.
After they're born.
I mean, what comes next?
The bottom has fallen out in Dem-controlled areas.
And anywhere else Socialists control things, it's a nightmare.
Because they're looters.
They're pirates.
Their operating system is El Diablo.
The Serpent.
The Snake.
The Devil.
The Morning Star.
You know?
The bad guy.
Old Scratch.
The devil.
People say, why do they go out of their way to do that?
They're evil!
They're a crew of evil!
You look at Booker, or Harris, or Hillary, they all look like psychopathic killers.
If you walked into a store, and they came over to help you, you'd get the shivers and, whoa, I mean, these are scary people!
Their eyes glow with evil!
Because there's nobody home, folks.
They're avatars.
Look out.
Look out.
Here is a very important piece.
I don't normally play something four or five times a day, but this is a compilation just of a few of the people on mainstream news saying, ban everybody with the most authoritarian relish you've ever seen.
Why are they doing this now?
Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly.
I mean, so Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook for a long period of time, but now they banned him, they banned his, like, little underling, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now that they kicked him off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
Well, you have also excesses in the First Amendment and the Second Amendment right now.
You know, I don't think that the forefathers said, well, you can say, you know, all sorts of hateful things and spread it around the world, literally spread it through the internet.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them muted.
I want them completely silenced.
That's not creepy at all, is it?
As Tucker Carlson famously said.
That's what's going on here.
That's the plan.
That's the program.
Flaming, naked authoritarianism coming for you, and they believe you're weak, they look at you, and they think you're a pushover.
They think they can completely dominate you.
Now, we're gonna go to break and come back with the plan to take your guns and you think Trump's gonna protect you?
We're two years out from him being gone if he doesn't wake up and defend the First Amendment.
And I think right now, Trump's going to be removed from office.
They're going to engage in election fraud.
They're going to remove him.
He's even said that.
He said they can only win by cheating.
And they're going to cheat.
These are criminals.
They've already been caught cheating.
And then they're going to go to full civil war.
You think, well, that's crazy.
Yeah, they're crazy.
So if you care about your family, your future, and I know you do, we're in a red-level emergency.
Now, we're going to break.
But one reason we've had trouble funding ourselves the last five months is our third biggest seller is Secret 12 high-quality vitamin B12.
And people love it.
It goes under the tongue.
Energy, stamina, focus, your whole body.
It's a building block of everything.
It's just as important as clean iodine.
And it's just been really hard to get.
We've had really problems sourcing it, but we were able to.
And we were able to, with a new contract and a new company, to have the high-quality organic methylcobalamin, highest quality out there, and to double the strength of it.
So I'm changing the name of Secret 12 from Secret 12 to Ultra 12.
Now, I know how people are.
They always love the original name.
Hey, guess what?
A fun little gimmick, when you peel off the label of Ultra 12 under it, it says Secret 12 Plus.
Truth is, they'd already labeled it Secret 12 Plus, and we thought, people don't even know what it means when we say plus.
That means more.
Call it Ultra 12.
And so, I put the new label on it, so it becomes kind of a gimmick we didn't intend.
But it'll be called Ultra 12 after that.
And it's amazing.
And you can go read the thousands of five-star reviews for Secret 12.
This is Secret 12, just twice as strong, highest quality metal compartment.
Infowarsstore.com, and it funds the operation.
Thank you.
Maybe not.
Since the beginning, Secret 12 has been one of our most popular formulas.
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Ultra 12 from InfoWars Life takes advantage of the most effective and expensive form of B12 available, methylcobalamin, to provide you with twice the B12.
Ultra 12 can help make DNA, support the body's energy production, and help produce healthy blood cells while assisting proper nervous system function.
Take advantage of the superior form of B12 and head to InfoWarsStore.com today.
Hey, by now I'm sure that most of you know that there are always big discounts and unbelievable savings on a regular basis at InfoWarsStore.com.
But check this out.
Now you can earn even bigger discounts at the InfoWars Store by using our Patriot Points Hey, you like the sound of that?
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They've not shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans.
Almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at NewsWords.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.News.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Let's go, man!
InfoWars.com, because that's what people out here are talking about.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Uh-oh, there's a war on for your mind, all right.
The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on, for your mind.
And there's a war out there to keep you from expressing what you have to say in the new
telecommunications digital town square of the world.
In the future, digital apps, digital systems, Facebook, Google is buying up almost every company.
And now they're saying, if you don't show the line with us, we're going to turn your app off and not let you call people.
CNN's licking their lips like something out of a nightmare, dystopia novel.
But it's really here.
Because we've acquiesced to their criminal racketeering.
And so they're getting you all ready for the civil war they have planned.
They already had planned, once Hillary was in office, it was going to be women against men, minorities against whites.
So they've still followed that whole divide and conquer playbook and strategy and that leg of the globalist program.
They admit it all.
In Wikileaks and public statements, you can see almost every Hollywood movie, TV shows, everywhere, white people are the devil, on and on and on.
Men are bad, women are in charge of everything.
It's just an attack on the human community, period.
Nobody's a winner here.
We're all being targeted.
Only the globalists think they're winners, ruling over us.
But they themselves lose their humanity in the process.
But see, they project their own hatred of themselves onto us and say, oh, humanity's obsolete.
We're going to merge with the AI gods.
That's the mainline religion of the crazy tech owners.
And I guess when the average tech owner is worth like 50 billion dollars, there's about a dozen of them.
They got a bunch of underlings worth a billion or so, a couple thousand of them.
They're all taking a bunch of hallucinogenic drugs and everything else.
They really believe they're God!
And so of course we can tell 2.2 billion users at Facebook, don't you use that name of Voldemort Jones!
Don't you say his name!
People say, yes sir, boss, how do I jump?
And of course they're always going to be moving the old goalposts.
But what's coming next when Trump loses in 2020 because they steal the election and because they've cut the legs out from under him and the grassroots is unable to communicate with others and magnify the message?
What's going to happen?
They're going to plunge the nation into physical civil war.
And in blue state areas first, they're going to start gun confiscation, which has already begun with this red flag rule.
And here's Cory Booker saying, oh yeah, when we say they're illegal, you better turn them in or you're going to jail.
Well, that means the SWAT teams are coming.
I hear the train a coming.
It's rolling round the bend.
And I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when.
I'm stuck in police state America, and time keeps dragging on.
And they just keep coming to get my guns.
And they just keep coming to get my kids.
And they just keep coming with all their GMO.
They just keep coming to kill the newborn babies.
Because they're so liberal.
They're so loving.
Oh, they're so good.
Let's go ahead and hear from Cory Crazy-Eyes Booker.
And I have a record on dealing with gun violence.
We did a lot of gun buybacks and even other creative ideas that I think we should have.
I'll hit pause and start it over.
Creative ideas, that's how they banned guns in over 100 countries.
First they have buybacks that you're used to turning guns in, in the news, for all the sheeple to see these people lined up turning guns in, like that's something you do, you know?
They're bad, they're evil.
And then they register them and then they confiscate them.
Buybacks, registration, forced confiscation, and those usually aren't even buybacks.
And then they SWAT team a few people like the real Crocodile Dundee and kill them at their house to scare everybody else into it.
So just everything he says is a lie.
Original ideas.
Just everything he says is a lie.
I'm Cory Booker.
I'm a real innovator.
I'm not a total puppet carrying out a global program under the U.N.
Small Arms Treaty that Trump's about to pull out of.
I'm not following a UNESCO script.
I'm original.
I just came up with this.
Here, let's hear it.
And I have a record on dealing with gun violence.
We did a lot of gun buybacks and even other creative ideas.
I'm sorry.
Dealing with gun violence.
All the blue cities have the highest crime rates because that's you people run them with the narcotics and all the prostitutes and it's allowed to operate.
The Democratic Party does the child trafficking and the human trafficking.
It's all on record senatorial reports.
So you're not dealing with gun violence, you're disarming the general public so only criminal have them, so that you can have criminal rule over the streets, because you're like the Penguin, or the Joker, but in the real world!
Yeah, that's right.
Let's go back to him.
When I'm President of the United States.
The critical thing is, I think most Americans agree that these weapons of war should not be on our streets.
But would you prosecute people?
Do you support the government buying them back?
And if not, potentially people could go to jail if they don't want to sell them back.
Yes or no?
Again, we should have a law that bans these weapons and we should have a reasonable period in which people can turn in these weapons.
Right now, we have a nation that allows, in streets and communities like mine, these weapons that should not exist.
Weapons that should not exist except in your bodyguards and your SWAT teams and your system.
So just everything he says is a distortion or a lie.
So here's the New York Times.
You know, at least they're being honest.
I've got a bunch of four-minute, three-minute clips of just Democrats saying, we're going to confiscate your guns.
We're going to take them.
Mr. and Mrs. America, get ready to turn them in.
But in the past, they would lie about it and say, oh, that's not really our plan.
Now, here's the New York Times.
John Paul Stevens, repeal the Second Amendment.
That's a Supreme Court justice.
Repeal it.
Repeal the Second Amendment, another New York Times article.
Repeal the Second Amendment.
It's all over the news, ladies and gentlemen.
So this is the corrupt elite that control the craphole areas, once great cities, still have some great areas, but are being fed on by Democrats in New York.
San Francisco.
Los Angeles.
They confiscate the guns.
They ban most of the guns.
All hell breaks loose.
They have the highest crime rates because criminals don't follow the rules.
But like a third world nation, all the Democrats have their own armed guards that follow them around and they drive around in armored vehicles and they live in gated communities.
But you don't.
You, the average person, just get fed on so the criminals can break in your house.
And steal your jewelry, and steal your computer, so they can go to a pawn shop and sell it to buy drugs.
The Democrats, most Democrats at a high level, are narcotics traffickers.
Most Democrats actually run smuggling operations, even child kidnapping rings.
And it's all come out in the news.
Smuggled tens of thousands of small children into the U.S.
that disappeared and were used for sex slavery.
Washington Post even reported that.
Senate report.
Where'd the kids go?
It's a perfect way.
Hillary got busted.
The U.N.
report on itself.
AP reported.
Tens of thousands of missing kids.
Hundreds dead in Haiti.
Her own top people caught smuggling kids in.
Look into it.
So that's the reality here.
The truth is, crime rate has been dropping with guns since 1992.
And it went down 59% on some numbers.
61% if you look at Professor Lott's numbers.
So it went down 60% or so.
And then it went back up about 10 points in the last four years, five years.
There's been some crime going back up.
Well, there it is.
So some crime's gone back up.
It's true.
But nothing like it was.
And that's the truth.
61% and now it's back to about 50% less than it was.
But the media creates the perception that it's going on everywhere.
But they don't report on the little kidnapped Mexican kids getting gang raped by Democrats at sex parties.
Oh yeah, that's why they're pissed.
I'm talking about their favorite thing.
These are devil worshipers.
They kill already born babies and they want to kill you.
Globalism is multinational corporations working with foreign authoritarian countries like China to take over other nation states that have open free societies.
They use our open free society to come in, buy off politicians, buy off other companies to merge and create cartels or oligopolies.
Groups of monopolies working together to dominate and control and consolidate power.
This is how 21st century warfare is carried out.
But nationalists and populists across the world have been awakened to this threat and are taking action to restore control over our lives back to our central and local governments.
This is the fight that the United States is deeply in the middle of right now.
And that's why the globalists, who were arrogant, are now panicking and trying to censor InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and my syndicated radio show because they know we've got our finger on the pulse of what's happening and that the President and the Pentagon and others are listening and know that we're telling the truth and we've basically become the modern Paul Revere transmission of this republic.
That's why it's so critical for all of you out there watching or listening to remember, without you taking action, without you overcoming the censors, without you, by word of mouth, with your human intelligence, overriding the AI censorship, we will be defeated, and this restoration of the Republic could be defeated.
So please keep spreading the word, and whatever you do, remember, we're only financed now by you.
We're in your hands.
We've got huge specials running on a continued basis.
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When you sign up for auto shipping, an additional 10% off on future orders.
Come to InfoWareStore.com today and continue to support Free speech and freedom at the tip of the spear.
Thank you all for your support, and God bless you, and God bless America.
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We are in a complete war, and you idiots don't join with the Republic, you fools!
I want them shut down, I want them silenced, I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment!
Please do the right thing and stand up against Big Ted!
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want him shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a bad person!
I question things!
I'm evil!
I don't...
How dangerous is InfoWars?
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
You've got it all up and the screws are wiped.
You think you're too far behind.
You can hang your bed on a clean carpet To get you home
Now if you're ready to dive in, you overdrive You can hang your bed on a clean carpet
Ladies and gentlemen, we're here live Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Paul Joseph Watson's gonna be here in the fourth hour, always informative.
And Owen Schroer.
And one of our reporters, Bill Johnston, are out in Austin to test the waters on free speech.
So wait for that today, live here on the Radio Slash Simulcast TV transmission.
And of course, the War Room's at 3 o'clock Central today, maybe not every weekday morning, 8 a.m.
As you now see, I know you know this, there is a giant war To misrepresent what InfoWars is, build a strawman, then destroy us by any means necessary, and then setting the precedent to take everybody else down.
But we've been chosen for virtual annihilation because we are rebooting a very pure form of Western Americana Renaissance system.
A wavelength, an energy force, a spirit that will counter and defeat the globalist cold-blooded system.
Our hot-blooded, fire-breathing system is unstoppable if people pick up the spirit.
But if they don't pick up the spirit that comes from God, they will be slaves.
Now here's the good news and the bad news.
Rumors swirl about huge layoffs at CNN.
But Brian Stelter denies.
Well, if Brian Stelter tells you something, he lies even when the truth would serve him well.
Or better.
But here's the deal.
CNN, and all the rest of the corporate horror media, are shadows of their former selves, and now still shadows of that.
So I'll break down the numbers on that.
Good thing to get into.
Very, very important.
Also, there's a big lead politics article out that's important.
Facebook notified mainstream media ahead of Infowars ban, showing how it was a giant PR rollout.
Also, the famous saying, we're white supremacists.
You know, if you go anywhere on the Internet, anywhere on the Internet, let me show people this article if you can.
If you go anywhere on the Internet, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.
Anything to do with Infowars.
A third of the comments, many of them left as spam, are that Alex Jones is a Zionist shill who supports the censorship of people that are against Israel.
Now, I'm not here to talk about myself to defend myself.
I'm here trying to reach out to people that aren't bots and who aren't mentally ill.
I don't support censorship against anybody, and I stood up against censorship of people that don't like Israel, like David Duke and Minister Farrakhan.
And I'm on record.
So, that's not true.
So, see, that's mental illness.
That's A. B, I don't hardly think about Israel except when I constantly, like the little one-trick pony, see people
say this.
You know how big a headache that gives me?
When I study real geopolitical forces.
And the Chai comms in the EU, and Latin America collapsing, and the mega banks in Hollywood, and of course Israel's not a big part of that, and of course there's a lot of leftist Jews that are involved with some of the big leftist groups trying to end free speech, and all that.
And I'm just at war with corruption, whether it's Chai comms, or whether it's leftist Jews, or whether it's leftist Germans, or leftist Russians.
There are leftist globalists around the world who all support the same ideologies.
Radical Islam's in league with it.
And then there are nationalists and capitalists and free marketers and pro-Christians and pro-Renaissance.
And that's who I am.
So see, the proof is in the pudding of what I do.
And I don't respond to all the anti-Semites and people because they hurt me.
I respond to you because it's not logical.
To say that I support censorship when I don't.
And it's not logical, you know, without evidence.
And it's not logical to say that I work for Israel when I don't.
But then the reason I raise this today is, thousands of articles with the headlines.
All over the world.
Alex Jones removed with other anti-Semites.
From Facebook.
And they say David Duke was removed.
He wasn't removed.
Off YouTube or all those places.
And that's a point I've made.
I've said, why is David Duke and all these people able to operate on YouTube?
And I say they should be able to.
But then I'm not able to.
And then I have the white supremacist literally obsessed with me and hating me.
And then I've got the left always saying I'm a white supremacist.
It's just mental illness.
It's not real.
But you see, people that aren't really intellectual or informed, if they just, if you're on the left, you call somebody a Nazi.
And if you're on the whatever Islam slash weird left-wing, right-wing, Jews-run-everything, Tangent it's just easy to have a unified field theory that everything is is is Jewish, you know If you really want to get down to brass tacks, it's a lot of the groups trying to take us down are captained
Buy leftist Jews.
And man, they call me a Nazi?
And they're coming after me.
They don't come after you, they don't take you off the internet, they take me off.
Because you know what?
The Democratic Party is teaching racial division for control and power.
They admit it in the WikiLeaks and their own statements.
And I'm trying to create unity.
I'm trying to bring people together, no matter what color they are, where they came from, around free market and good ideas and real open society.
You know, you notice George Soros calls his group the Open Society Foundation because it's the opposite.
He wants closed, controlled societies with authoritarianism where they control speech.
And man, I've got him and all these other groups coming after me, financing lawsuits against me, breathing down my neck.
And yeah, George Soros is a Jew.
And he's a Jew that collaborated for Hitler.
So see how that works?
It doesn't make any sense to just pull back and say Jews are all bad.
Or to say the Catholics are all bad.
Or to say the Masons are all bad.
Or to say, that's mental illness.
That's stupid.
That's dumb.
And you know, three years ago I went and met with Louis Farrakhan.
Nation of Islam reached out.
We reached out to them years before.
And I actually put out a two hour real interview with Farrakhan where you heard what he actually said.
And normally he could say anything and the media would pick it up everywhere and it would get 10 million views.
It was totally shadow banned on YouTube instantly.
They were monetizing everything I was doing but not that interview because Farrakhan was trying to say I've said some things that were probably taken out of context I didn't mean years ago.
I realize the globals want a race war now, and there's still a lot of racism on both sides, but Islam needs a reformation, and so do other groups, and we need to come together, because he said, I really think Trump's probably good, but I don't know how to get my constituents to understand it.
He's tried that.
Where he said, isn't it funny?
Trump's getting rid of all our enemies.
Which is true.
So see, I actually went and met with Farrakhan, I'm going to probably meet with him again soon, Because he invited me to meet with him again, but I was in the middle of a divorce and had all this crazy stuff and I couldn't even leave town when he wanted to meet.
I had a trial coming up for custody of my kids, so I couldn't come then.
So I've reached out, I want to speak to him again.
But, think about that.
Now, when I tried to have David Duke on to try to get him to go, hey, eugenics is hurting everybody.
Hey, abortion's hurting everybody.
Hey, everybody's being targeted by this.
He just wanted to do talking points and score points on me.
And I wasn't trying to score points, man.
People go, oh, David Duke kicked your ass in that debate.
I wasn't trying to debate David Duke.
I was trying to talk about other issues other than what color somebody is.
That's it.
So the interview went nowhere.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I want to put forward an allegory or a story to explain where I'm coming from that parallels current, real-time reality.
So please, bear with me a few minutes, because this is just bubbling up from my own thought processes of why am I sitting here with my shirt off.
I'll explain.
Our listeners, our viewers, are what Infowars really is.
A populist, free market, pro-human movement that has detonated awakenings and resistance all over the world.
We are the big giant tsunami coming in against globalist tyranny.
You really are kicking globalist ass on every level.
They're paying it.
They thought that they had already won.
But if they can still use corporate media to attack the leaders Of the resistance to globalism.
And if they can strip us of who we really are, and then put banners on us, like a NASCAR, and claim that we support racism, or we support abusing women, or we support all these things we don't support, they can win.
That's why it's important to strip it all away, what they've claimed, what they've said, the straw men they've built, and to tell people what you really stand for.
But in this world of thousands and thousands of channels and millions of hosts, the truth gets drowned out sometimes.
That's what the globalists are hoping is gonna happen.
And out of all the shows and all the broadcasts out there, it's this show particularly they fear.
Because we don't go off the pop culture they put out, we go off what they actually say, what they actually stand for.
Now I was thinking as 2018 ended, now four months ago, I was thinking, what have I dropped the ball on?
What's one area in the info where we haven't been effective?
Where we were effective previously?
And that's wearing our flags openly.
Wearing our colors openly.
And it starts with not being ashamed of the American flag that's under attack.
The official Democrats want to remove it.
Want to take Thomas Jefferson off the money.
Saying he was a racist.
I mean, they're even assaulting the flag now.
So, they're projecting all their lies under our great symbol and it's great history.
So first we have to strip away the lies they've put on us like logos.
Hoaxer, when they're the ones that are really doing all that.
And then we have to display to everyone what we actually stand for, what we actually believe in.
America and the world is already in a civil war.
Pro-humans against the globalists.
We have to wear our colors loud and proud.
This is the best-seller right now for last year.
The InfoWars In Your Face.
You know, I said to listeners, I said, hey, we've got Molon Labe or we've got other shirts.
We just want to meet like-minded people.
But this shirt particularly, ladies and gentlemen, will really get in their face.
And again, you'll get way more thumbs up and high fives and shake hands and meet friends.
But there is that 1% or so out of the 100 people that see you that will say, F you, Russian Asian.
F you, traitor.
But again, those are pathetic bots.
And they want to intimidate you to not exercise your free speech.
So don't let them.
Don't ever back down to their tyranny.
This week only, we're running the biggest sell ever on t-shirts across the board.
50% off.
From designer shirts, to you name it, to ball caps, all apparel.
50% off for a limited time at InfowarsStore.com or call toll free at 888-253-3139.
America has chosen Infowars.
Loud, pro-America, pro-freedom, and in the bullies' faces.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, I'm Alex Jones.
I'm your host.
Well, if you were wondering, when you tune in on the radio or watching on television, how Joe Biden would come back from the hundreds of videos of him bizarrely groping children and hundreds of videos of him bizarrely groping women, Grabbing women in restaurants, pulling them down on his lap, running his hands through their hair, sniffing their ear, sniffing their hair.
I mean, does this guy run a swingers club or something?
And then the grabbing the kids and rubbing their necks and whispering in their ears and rubbing his torso into them.
Hundreds of people have gone public.
So, Creepy Joe, how's he going to come back from that?
Well, he's got a way now that he says he's able to come back from it.
We're going to tell you about that here in just a moment.
And I'm going to put the phones up after that in the next two hours ahead of Paul Joseph Watson joining us.
But before I get to that.
The cavalry is here.
You know, the last four months, InfoWars five months, has been in the red because of them cutting off our ability to even sponsor and sell our products outside of our radio and TV show.
Our products are so popular, so highly rated, they show well on the internet, on other sites, that that's getting blocked.
We're having to pay for our own bandwidth.
We're having to do everything ourselves and build our own infrastructure.
It's been hard.
We did an analysis, and we're like, yeah, we've been sold out of Secret 12, which is super high quality methicabolamine.
Just does incredible things for the body.
You have to have B12 to live.
And especially northern Europeans, Japanese are similar in that genetic trait, and other groups cannot absorb vitamin B12.
So I went in, separately since I was selling Secret 12, the highest rated in the country, private label by us.
They've had BuzzFeed do a test and say, well, theirs is pure, but this is the best brand, and it was, who are private labeling.
Well, we've now done that again, but made it twice as strong.
I'll tell you about it in a moment, but I went in for my 40-year-old checkup five years ago, and at this nice clinic with a doctor that's a fan, he said, do you want to do genetic testing to see what you have proclivity for?
And I said, no, no, I don't want to do it.
Then about a year ago, I did it.
It was a couple thousand dollars.
This wasn't just my genetic background.
I'd already done that years ago and knew what it was.
I ought to publish that.
Pretty interesting.
If you believe me, I'm quite a bit Neanderthal.
I think I'm proud of that.
They're supposedly psychic, but expanding on that, I'm there, and a few months later, it comes in.
So I went in for an hour with the doctor and went over what it all meant.
Later, I went and looked it up.
I didn't just believe him.
And sure enough, because I'm a Northern European, almost completely of this, a Native American, I cannot absorb.
I have double jeans turned off for B12.
And he was like, automatically, he's like, you need prescriptions for methylcobalamin injected twice a week into your stomach fat.
And incredible what it does.
If you can get it from a doctor, it's the same stuff we have.
Don't inject this.
It's not labeled for that, but basically it comes from the same place, the same thing.
But again, those obviously with injection are in another type of container, so don't inject this.
It's front of the tongue.
You get, the doctor said, depending on your genetics, when you inject it, something like 50% or more upload in your body.
It's incredible.
And by the way, that's what people get cancer, especially Northern Europeans, Folks in Minnesota, mainly northern Europeans, they have one of the highest cancer rates in the country, different types of cancer, because if B12 goes out, you can't absorb it, you're bye-bye.
B12 is only really naturally in some things like seal meat or things like mushrooms.
But still, as you get older, you go from being able to absorb, the doctor told me, 3% if you're a northern European, to 1% or less.
What happens under the tongue?
Depending on the study, as high as 10%.
All those blood vessels.
So you take it, you put it under your tongue.
It's good for children and very important for over 40s.
And you put it under your tongue for about a minute.
And the longer you can do it, the better.
Because if you just drink it down, you don't get that much absorption.
In your intestines.
In your stomach.
In your upper and lower intestine.
Of course, your stomach above that.
So what I'm getting at here is B12, just like clean iodine, is essential.
Just like oxygen, just like water.
And so many types you go to the store are synthetic.
They're not absorbable by the body.
You take these pills, and it doesn't do almost anything.
If you're African American, you absorb a lot of it.
If you have some of those backgrounds.
But white people, Because we are a mutation.
Redheads are a mutation of a mutation.
They're just genetic facts.
And it doesn't mean a mutation is bad.
Just the point is that it's a mutation of a mutation.
And so there's little quirks and things.
Like black people can't drink fluoride.
Four to five times worse for them.
It's already super deadly.
There's differences.
Humans are humans, but we have differences.
It's like Native Americans are well-known.
They can't drink or eat a lot of sugar, or they get diabetes easier than anybody else.
You drive down the street, my God, half the Mexicans you see sometimes have got their legs cut off.
It's very sad.
This is the reality of genetics, folks.
Hispanics can't have a bunch of sugar, and white people better get B12.
I mean, this is how the world works, and everybody needs Basic things like vitamin C, basic things like good iodine, but I'm digressing.
So, what happened is, I said, I want to come out with Secret 12 Plus, even stronger, because a new formulation came out, we can make it even stronger.
In the same bottle.
And it didn't cost even that much more.
And by law, you have to call it something else once you change the formula.
So we called it plus, but then we got data in.
We're starting to finally do marketing data.
You know, we have to.
Usually, I just went by the seat of my pants.
Let me give you the inside baseball here.
That people, for some reason, don't get plus means more or better, which it really does.
It'd just be better to call it something completely different.
So I said, all right.
And I told the graphics folks, call it ultra 12.
Twice as much Methylcobalamin, twice as strong, for close to the same price.
We're discounting it for the original price of Secret 12 right now.
50% off at InformedTour.com.
And there were mix-ups, and so they'd already labeled it with this beautiful Secret 12 Plus label, and they said, do you want us to pay $5,000 for the factory to take those back off?
I said, no, just stick the new label over it.
But it's kind of cool.
Because you could peel it off and then it's Secret 12 Plus under it.
I think that's a better label.
We might have a vote on the site in a few weeks.
Do you like the name Secret 12 Plus or do you like Ultra 12 better?
The point is, it's amazing, you need it, it's awesome, and it's the absolute go-to.
By the way, it tastes super sweet.
It's nothing but pure...
That's what B12 in its real form tastes like.
It's a reddish, beautiful, almost purple... I don't know what color it is.
It's just an amazing color.
It has its own... Maybe do a document camera shot for TV viewers.
It's got its own... Look at that color.
It's got its own just... You've never seen a red like that.
There's no coloring in that.
There's no... There's nothing on there that's got that red color.
I mean, you've got to see it for yourself.
It's just amazing.
Just, it's incredible.
And again, when I forget about this, and when I forget about taking the products, I feel like crap.
But when I take it, I feel great.
So get your X2 in a free bottle of X3 right now.
Get the new Secret 12 Plus, or as it's known, Ultra 12 for 50% off at InfoWarsTour.com.
And for your wife, your husband, your family, for people that are out working in the fields, truck drivers, police officers, especially high stress folks, this is way better than an energy drink for me.
And you take it with something like a Turbo Force or a Brain Force, it just makes it all better.
But just experience this.
It's right out of Mother Nature, folks.
That's pure B12.
Look at that.
You just got to experience it for yourself.
So beautiful.
Show amazing.
All right, I'll get into Joe Biden when we come back, but let me just give you the meat and potatoes right now, and then I'll play the clip showing him doing all the groping and all the bizarreness.
Joe Biden says grandson asked him about internet meme accusing him of molesting a child.
So his grandson asked him, are you a child molester, basically, he says.
And he goes, oh, it was my son's funeral, and I was putting my hands and rubbing on my grandson.
Still in the video, a little weird how he does it.
I mean, I get kissing a baby's cheek or rubbing them on the hair or whatever, but he does it to everybody.
It's weird.
He does it to women, you name it.
So he's trying to divert off on his grandson, him groping on his grandson, which I guess isn't groping with your grandson, I guess it's a funeral for your son.
But he's trying to change the subject to, that was his grandson!
No, that wasn't his grandson in all of these videos.
Yes, that's him in there, grabbing him under the jaw and controlling him up.
My kids wouldn't like it if I did that.
My two-year-old daughter.
I mean, she loves me when she wants to come over and talk to me or hug on me, but when she's with mama or something, I came over to kiss her and she went, hmm, mama.
And the point is, if I grabbed her by the jaw and pulled her towards me, she'd slap me.
But see, it's all about power with this guy.
Let's go out to break for TV viewers with his real groping of children.
Here it is.
Let's roll some of that video for TV viewers.
And again, radio listeners will post it up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
But I gotta tell you, the cavalry's here.
People are going crazy over the new product, Ultra 12.
At this rate, good lord, it'll be sold out in a month.
But I tell you, people love it.
It's fun in our operation.
So thank you all for ordering.
We'll be right back.
Brian in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, so real quickly, you know, I own the Alexa Pure Pro because I love my neighbor, but I refuse to drink their heart medication.
Well water is some of the most polluted stuff in the country, because you got glyphosate, you got all your neighbor's medications that they're putting into a septic tank.
That then goes into the groundwater and you drink it.
So absolutely, the number one thing anybody can do.
And by the way, I forget to do this to get mad.
When I drink filtered water, when I take the supplements, my life's so much better.
When I forget, because I'm not Mr. Frickin' Health, I feel it.
So yes, tell me about not wanting to drink your neighbor's heart medication.
Well, where I live, and I think this is the same story for most of the country, our water filtration is based on a reverse osmosis system that was constructed around the turn of the century, and I have zero, zero faith Well, look at Flint, Michigan.
Their water is full of lead, mercury, poisons, E. coli.
The answer is, everyone, if you're drinking water, you should filter it.
And I'll never forget David Hogg.
He goes, you know Alex Jones on C-SPAN, he goes, little anti-gun guy.
He goes, he says the water has toxins and then he sells a water filter.
Yeah, it's like saying your kids need vitamin C and then I sell vitamin C. Or, Jones says we need to wear shoes.
We walk in the snow.
Then he advertises shoes.
Yes, exactly.
But see, in his little brain...
Where everything is a scam.
He thinks I'm scamming people when it's a direct sale.
We have the best gravity-fed systems.
Alexa Pure and Pro Pure are apples and oranges, but they're both excellent.
Everyone needs it.
Everyone should filter their water.
This is the smartest thing you can do.
It doesn't mean occasionally you don't drink some ice tea at a restaurant, but you need to filter your water.
Your skin is your biggest organ.
You absorb it there.
You need filters on your shower or your bath.
And then you look at what's in the water table.
It's insane!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Mark Dice is about to knock it out of the park again, that dirty American.
It's Alex Jones.
That's right, that dirty American Mark Geiss has really been thumbing his nose on Twitter and YouTube and Facebook, defending my free speech, knowing anybody that does it at his level gets vaporized.
He's acting like that six-foot-four red-blooded American he is!
He's standing up against tyrants with the spirit that actually founded this country!
What if other people start doing what he's doing?
Over the weekend, President Trump retweeted Paul Joseph Watson twice and defended him after Facebook banned him for being a dangerous individual.
He also retweeted Lauren Southern and a brief video by InfoWars' Millie Weaver showing her interviewing a bunch of black people who love President Trump.
As you can imagine, social media's hall monitor, Brad Stelter, was not very happy about it.
A big move by Facebook, banning several accounts, and now there's new blowback from the Commander-in-Chief.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars President.
He is promoting the same alternative universe as InfoWars and sharing videos from Repugnant Now InfoWars of course is their web show, website, led by
rageaholics Alex Jones.
Back to your point though about the InfoWars presidency, I want to know, and I tweeted
this the other day, what is the difference at this point between Trump's Twitter feed
and InfoWars.com?
You know, InfoWars might have been banned from Twitter, but it seems to have found a
new home over at Trump's Twitter feed.
And while he's promoting and legitimizing this news organization, we should also talk
about how he's trying to tear down credible sources for news, the Washington Post, the
New York Times, CNN.
He was questioning why these news organizations have the ability to be on Twitter and why
Why are they not banned?
Right, while saying that the InfoWars should be reinstated.
It's nuts.
Well, CNN is the biggest purveyor of conspiracy theories and hatred in America, so if Facebook's gonna be fair, maybe you should be banned too.
I did make a mistake in last week's video talking about this latest purge when I said that news reports from CNN and other outlets came out a few minutes before they were actually banned.
It turns out that they came out an hour before they were banned.
Once again, CNN's Oliver Darcy was personally working with the tech companies to facilitate the ban and had his article already written and ready to go for the moment that they were banned, but he made a mistake and published it an hour early.
Here he is admitting that he's also trying to determine whether or not Alex Jones uses WhatsApp, the text messaging application, which is also owned by Facebook, so he could get him banned over there too!
Now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
I checked in also to see if these people would be banned from WhatsApp, which is also owned by Facebook.
And a spokesperson cannot say immediately because it's, I guess, unclear whether some of these people have WhatsApp accounts, according to the spokesperson.
All right, but we know you'll continue to check on it.
Oliver Darcy, good to see you.
Thank you.
Yes, thank you.
I also checked with Costco to see if they would be banning Alex Jones's membership because we wouldn't want someone like him to be able to eat, now would we?
Of course, CNN's Ana Navarro, the fake Republican commentator, is thrilled with the new censorship.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
While Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer, and others aren't allowed to have a Facebook page anymore because they're considered to be dangerous individuals, Facebook doesn't have a problem allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to have an official page, which has been designated a terrorist organization in multiple countries.
There are also people saying that they're having photos taken down off of their Instagram account for violating the community standards because those pictures include those individuals having met with some of the people who apparently you're not supposed to even show pictures of online anymore.
Rapper Snoop Dogg's upset about the latest round of censorship because included in this latest purge was Louis Farrakhan to try to give the impression that it wasn't just conservatives being censored.
Facebook and Instagram?
How the f**k y'all gonna ban Minister Louis Farrakhan for putting truth out there?
I stand with him.
I'm with him.
Ban me, motherf**ker.
Ban me.
Because I'm gonna keep posting this s**t. Alright, we'll be right back.
The full reports at MarkDice.com.
I'm Alex Jones with InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
Big Hour 2 starts right now.
Please spread the links and local radio stations.
We all know...
Since the beginning, Secret 12 has been one of our most popular formulas.
Now, we're bringing you an all-new version to help you reach your energy peak.
Ultra 12 from InfoWars Life takes advantage of the most effective and expensive form of B12 available, methylcobalamin, to provide you with twice the B12.
Ultra 12 can help make DNA, support the body's energy production, and help produce healthy blood cells while assisting proper nervous system function.
Take advantage of the superior form of B12 and head to InfoWarsStore.com today.
Get Ultra 12 now at 50% off.
You like Secret 12?
This is Secret 12, but twice as strong.
So I called it Ultra 12.
And we decided, I like your Secret 12 Plus.
But they said, look, when you do Plus, people don't get that it means better and more.
Just call it Ultra 12.
Well, you know what?
I don't like how the label's printed.
And it just so happens it had already been labeled with the other one.
We decided to change the name.
So when you peel off the label, Underneath it, it's Secret 12+.
Twice as strong, 50% off right now.
Better than Secret 12 ever was.
InfoWarsTore.com, now back in stock after four months sold out.
When I grow up, I want to relaunch America worldwide.
I want to initiate Operation 1776.
I want to take on the top globalist, and I want to win.
We now take you live to the front lines of the Fortress on Fire!
(upbeat music)
Both literally and spiritually.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
In 1943, the following directive was issued from party headquarters to all communists in the United States.
It read, When certain obstructionists become too irritating, label them, after suitable build-ups, as fascist, or Nazi, or anti-Semitic, and use the prestige of anti-fascist and tolerance organizations to discredit them.
In the public mind, constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell.
The association will, after enough repetition, become fact in the public mind.
Why are they doing this now?
Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly.
I mean, so Alex Jones has been banned from Facebook for a long period of time, but now they banned him, they banned his, like, little underling, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now that they kicked him off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
Well, you have also excesses in the First Amendment and the Second Amendment right now.
You know, I don't think that the forefathers said, well, you can say, you know, all sorts of hateful things and spread it around the world, literally spread it through the internet.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
But don't worry.
These people aren't terrifying or anything.
The booze and ladies.
We're an American band.
They don't like that, do they?
They're globalists.
They don't like the return of America.
All of you amazing people, no matter what color you are, where you came from, you're red-blooded, you love liberty, you're not some chicken-neck globalist, you got a soul that loves freedom, we're brothers and sisters.
And they know it.
And they can feel it.
Brian Stelter and those View Harpies and all those other twits will always be scum.
They'll always be weak.
They'll always be trying to suppress better men.
But as they say, they'll never get the best of better men.
Let's go ahead and go to this little piece.
It's a comedy piece.
You know, I had this idea.
We were in a IT writing meeting yesterday.
And I said, you know, the globalists just want to dominate people.
They want to, like, giant Jabba the Hutt sit on top of us and rape us.
And Kent Daniels, one of our great writers, one of our great managers here, he said, you mean like sea lions raping penguins?
And I looked at him, and we all started laughing.
There's like eight people in the room and I think Rob Dewar or something goes, actually, I saw that on like Animal Planet.
That's a new phenomenon.
They like rape them to death.
And of course, it's not funny.
It's upsetting.
So you giggle about it.
So this airs on Animal Planet.
We can air it here.
They'll probably.
I don't want to say it's evil, but it's going viral on Twitter, viral on YouTube right now.
It's titled on Infowars.com if you're a radio listener and want to see it.
I'm going from memory.
We can pull it up.
It's on Infowars.com since last night.
Video, Mark Zuckerberg rapes Americans' free speech.
Hell, he rapes it worldwide.
So it's Zuckerberg as a lion seal raping Mia Penguin.
They put my head on a penguin.
King penguins is what they're called.
But what's very sad about this is It's so crazy because it's so funny.
Not the raping.
He put Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy's heads on the albatrosses.
They're just waiting for the seal to get, the seal to kill the penguin so they can eat its guts.
That's what the birds do, eat the eyeballs and then pull the guts out.
So that's how it is.
I'm sitting here with Facebook on top of me, raping me.
They didn't just kick me off, they said I'm a white supremacist while they did it.
It's like, we're not just going to kick all your fans off and anybody supporting you off and say your name can only be said if it's attacked.
That's beyond 1984 if you believe this is happening.
But that you're a white supremacist everywhere.
And that you're dangerous.
So this is the crazy thing.
It's on our own servers at Infowars.com, but it's going crazy on Twitter right now.
So let's go ahead and roll this for radio listeners.
You can go find it at Infowars.com.
But yes, I'm doing kind of a David Attenborough action here at the start.
Here it is.
And this shocking footage is even more painful when you see the albatrosses of CNN and other MSM outlets cheering on the rape.
In fact, it's been found that these systems actually direct the monstrous CEO, Zuckerberg, against the free speech enemies and anyone that tries to not submit.
But most sad of all is other penguins in the independent media simply looking up at the sky and ignoring the vicious rape of their own freedoms and birthright taking place right in front of them.
We are in a complete war, and you idiots don't join with the Republic, you fools!
I want them shut down, I want them silenced, I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment!
Please do the right thing and stand up against big tech!
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want them shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a bad person!
I question things!
I'm evil!
I don't...
How dangerous is InfoWars?
Alright folks, we're back live.
I appreciate you joining us here on the transmission.
I don't want to make myself the whole focus of this broadcast, but it's like when Rush Limbaugh said 12, 13 years ago, He said the NFL is pushing black guys into quarterback positions who aren't as good as part of political correctness.
Now, that's his opinion.
I'm not a big enough follower of the NFL.
I don't have time to know if that's true.
I really don't care.
As long as they don't politicize the NFL, which they've done.
But nobody can deny the NFL is like 80% black.
So I remember just when I was watching, they were in the news always pushing that.
I don't care whether all the quarterbacks are black or none of them.
But they tried to take Limbaugh off the air.
They took most of his sponsors.
And I'm a capitalist.
And I thought, you know, Rush Limbaugh, with $12,000 a minute spots, when I knew good and well, even back then, my audience on radio was, you know, a third as big as his, on the Internet, bigger than his.
We were selling, like, $1,200 spots.
When his spots went down to, like, $3,000, $4,000 a piece, I said, now that's more like it.
So I said, I'll run some ads for some of my films like Terror Storm, Exposing the Deep State on Limbaugh's show.
And I did that, though, because I thought, hey, I'll get my money back, which I made some money.
Not a lot, but it more than broke even.
And I got to support Rush Limbaugh.
See how that works?
And even if I disagree with Rush Limbaugh on 90% of what he had to say, and I, of course, agree with him on about 95%, I would have advertised with him if it had been Bill Maher.
And you know, I've had some guests on that have said some things about Bill Maher that I don't think have been proven.
I think you're wrong.
And then I got a few phone calls from people that I know that know Bill Maher.
Other famous comedians saying, look, we know Bill Maher.
He's not into kids like the rest of Hollywood.
He's into full grown women.
It's well known.
And so I should apologize to Bill Maher.
I didn't call him a pedophile.
I just said it's a little weird.
His production company is called Kid Love, but there's a lot of reasons you could say that.
The point is, is that at least Bill Maher did stand up and say Alex Jones deserves free speech.
And you know, it's it's it's really that simple.
Remember, everybody was supposed to get that in America.
And it's very, very dangerous when people do things like that.
It's very, very dangerous.
And so I'm just very, very thankful for the audience, for all your support, all your prayers, and this great crew.
And I don't do this to kiss Drudge's ass, because Drudge only links to if he wants to.
I wouldn't be here, and I almost don't want to say this because it'll make him come after me more, but they already know this.
We wouldn't have survived without Matt Drudge.
Two plus years into just the total assault.
And so thank you, Matt Drudge.
Thank you.
So everybody click on Matt Drudge's sponsor, support him.
I know from people that know Drudge well, and I know him some, but he's gone through a lot too.
Everybody goes through a lot that stands up for what's right.
But that's a process of radicalizing us up to the level of the globalists to counter him.
We're all just nice guys, but we're not laying down.
So I salute the audience, and I salute DrudgeReport.com.
A real man, not a coward.
A real maverick.
A big accredited major research lab, accredited to test food, supplements, water, you name it.
He mentioned this a few weeks ago.
We've been so busy, haven't done it.
It's funny, we're running a special on Alexa Pure Pro water filtration systems that, again, are one of the best gravity-fed systems out there.
I mean, there's some other good units out there.
We sell Pro Pure as well.
He's not even trying to help the show.
This is what he does.
He's tested all our products.
He tested many other products.
People pay him to test products.
We haven't done that.
But you found something interesting testing our system against other systems.
I appreciate you doing that.
I know it cost thousands of dollars to do it.
I didn't ask you to.
I should have asked you to.
But obviously, these are already accredited by other groups that have tested it.
But tell us what you found independently.
Yeah, well, so to set the proper context, we were not paid.
I did this as a volunteer, and I'll tell you why.
Because, you know, I'm part of the independent media as well, and I've seen how you have been just viciously attacked over your supplements, even when your supplements are vastly superior to what's available in retail.
And I thought, you know, this is entirely unfair.
If your products are the best, if they're really clean, if your water filters really work well, then frankly you deserve credit for that.
So we have a multiple mass spec laboratory.
It's a multi-million dollar facility.
I've got some video that I sent you this morning.
Yeah, let's roll some of that and document cam his spectrometer stuff here.
Yeah, and so we've been testing water filters for their ability to remove glyphosate, which is the toxic cancer-causing weed killer.
And glyphosate is the most difficult chemical to remove from water.
The most difficult.
Laboratories, we worked for two years to get a method that could even retain it so that we could test it.
And all the science papers out there show that it's the most difficult chemical analyte.
Anyway, the bottom line, and I brought you the results here today, the Alexa Pure water filter.
That was sent to us for testing directly from the Alexa Pure Company.
We put two parts per million of glyphosate in water, ran it through the filter, took the resulting water, and ran it through our triple quad mass spec.
100% removal of glyphosate.
100% removal.
And again, you're the expert on this.
You have the scientists that work for you.
But from what I've read, that's unprecedented.
Well, out of all the filters we've ever tested, we've only seen three that could do this.
They're all very expensive.
More expensive than Alexa Pure.
Very high-end filters.
Uh, with your sale, I think, that I just heard about, is $199?
Uh, that is by far the most affordable filter that has this 100% efficacy.
Now, and the thing is, glyphosate's an indicator.
So if a water filter can remove glyphosate with 100% effectiveness, which is very rare to find, it means that it has the best chemistry in the water filter element.
So if you could knock Mike Tyson out in 1989 as Pete, you could beat anybody.
Well, exactly.
So it's gonna remove Atrazine, it's going to remove pesticides, it's going to
remove bisphenol A probably and all these other toxic chemicals, plus heavy metals.
We know heavy metals removal is typically very easy for water filters to accomplish.
So that's not difficult for a lot of filters to do, but to remove glyphosate is a big deal.
So our lab, I've gone ahead and forwarded this graphic that you can use.
I'm giving you permission to use this on your website.
Our lab, CWC Labs, is confirming 100% removal of glyphosate from the Alexa Pure water filter.
You know, and we're also adding, by the way, atrazine to our testing protocols.
So later this year, we'll be able to test everything with an internally validated atrazine method.
And look, I don't want to get too geeky, you know, for those who don't know, that's the chemical that turns the freaking frogs gay.
And if you don't want that exposure, you need to have a filtration system.
Yes, it's very simple.
If all our listeners went and got an Alexa Pure Pro, their biggest, best system, just throw it on your counter, dump the water in, it does tens of thousands of gallons in its lifetime.
Folks, filter your water.
This is the best system for the price.
Do it for your children and fund the InfoWarp.
Do it!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to open the phones up.
In the next segment, and covered a ton of news, obviously, that's breaking that I haven't gotten to yet.
But just look at the latest information pouring into InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
You know, Germany has a parliamentary system.
So they have a chancellor and they have a president.
Just like you can have a president, you can have a premier.
I mean, there's different systems.
But normally in a parliamentary system, we have an upper and lower house.
And in Germany, they have a president over one of the houses and a chancellor over the other.
The chancellor has veto powers, a little bit more powerful.
That's why Hitler was the chancellor.
But he was first elected by a minority, which again, parliamentary systems let happen.
Internet regulation Could take the wind out of the sails of populist.
What do you think's going on?
What do you think's happening?
What do you think is unfolding?
If you go back to three years ago, top globalist at Davos, top globalist in the Financial Times of London, the New York Times, in establishment articles said, if we don't stop Trump, There will be populism spreading all over the world.
It started with Brexit.
We've got it happening all over Europe.
We've got to start censoring.
They're going to win.
And they did censor, but the tidal wave was so big, it made it over the seawall.
And so now, that's all going on here.
It's all unfolding here.
And it's happening in Brazil, and it's happening in Germany, and it's happening in Spain, and it's happening... And even in countries where we've gotten populist elected, they've still got globalist forces there, like Russia has globalists all over it.
And Soros spending billions a year of State Department money to overthrow their elected government, just like they did in Ukraine.
And so when they talk about meddling, and they claim Russians, that Russian troll farms meddled in the election, it came out in the FBI's own reports.
80% of it.
80% of it.
Right at 80% was pro-Hillary.
Well, of course, 80% of the money was spit by the Democrats.
Isn't that funny?
Again, everybody knows this, but you go to Russia and other countries because they'll let you buy a company, buy time in a company to influence something.
And so Hillary's been using Russia Using Russia for the fake dossier and all the rest of it.
But I only raise this point to show how you have multi-national globalists absolutely everywhere.
Who know exactly what they're doing, who are calling for more censorship.
So see, the censorship's already gotten massive.
It's out of control.
They arrest you in Germany if you criticize open borders, if you criticize radical Islam, if you criticize Muslims raping people, if you criticize communists and old people being thrown out of Section 8 housing to be given to islamicists.
But now they're openly saying we're censoring people to stop the movement.
We're censoring the populist.
They're not calling you right-wing, they're not calling you Nazis.
Because now the left all over Europe goes, our pension funds are not going to be here to pay for Muslims?
Who are 90% on welfare?
That's 90%.
It was 80-something, now it's 90%.
Just don't work, why should they?
They sit around in leisure suits all day, for whatever reason.
I don't know why Russians and Muslims all in Europe wear leisure suits, wear, you know, track outfits, jogging suits.
But the culture of gangbang black gangster rap is the operating system of the world now.
All of them from Japan to Russia to Germany.
It doesn't matter if they're white.
It doesn't matter if they're Arabic.
You know, just all these kids on welfare just dress like gangsters and call women whores and... All of the chivalry, all the West is draining out of us like our legs are chopped off and the blood's like... I'm not saying this to be negative.
I'm saying this because it's the truth and it's what's going on.
And he was quoted in major newspapers in a full speech that he gave, there's video of it, that it's time to shut down populists who are against globalism and the corrupt EU.
See, now it's not that you're Nazis.
They're dispensing with all that.
They're saying you're not allowed to be against the EU expanding its power and having its own military so you can't get out of the European Union.
States that never voted to be in it, they tricked them in a trade deal, just like NAFTA, GATT, or the TPP.
In a speech delivered to Republica Internet Conference in Berlin, German President Frank Walter Steinmeier scolded big tech platforms for not doing enough.
See, that's how all these fines work.
I have an article right here.
Five billion dollar fine The Democrats want for Facebook illegally spying on Americans, and the Republicans think it should be $20 billion.
But see how the Democrats work it.
They get them to censor me and other conservatives, and now they've made hundreds of billions spying on people in America.
Now they've just got to pay a little fine of $5 billion.
Kind of like banks that get caught money laundering $387 billion like Wells Fargo did, and they paid a billion dollar fine.
It's like $998 million.
Remember that 10 years ago?
It was in Bloomberg everywhere.
It's like you rob a bank, you've got a whole truckload of stuff you just stole, the cops bust you, they go, just give us one bag of coins, out of a hundred bags of coins, and we'll let you go.
And so it's the same thing here.
He scolds social media, like Merkel, the chancellor, did two years ago, to Zuckerberg, saying, you're not stopping Germans criticizing open borders and Islamic invasion, and he said, don't worry, I'll do it soon, which he's done.
Yeah, you guys found $1 billion for their mortgage abuse.
It was Wells Fargo, $300-and-something billion in laundered money.
They paid a billion.
It was a $998 million fine.
or a $98 million fine. But continuing, the president said the new internet regulation
could be the most effective way to take the wind out of the sails of demagogues and populists.
Those evil populists that don't want people running them, that are getting rid of their country, bankrupting them, bringing in foreign invaders that don't work, and who want to take your free speech.
How dare you want to be involved and have speech against people that want to smuzzle you?
Flaming authoritarians.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I want them shut up.
Heil Hitler, he says.
That's what Hitler did.
That's what authoritarians do.
Totally sick.
Thumbing his nose at small groups, he calls, who cause a disproportionate amount of noise.
He said the new liberties need new rules.
The new liberties.
Talk about 1984.
Take your liberties away.
Take your speech away.
And call it a new liberty.
The freedom of being a slave.
War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Two plus two equals whatever we say it does.
I don't have time to tell you what's coming up next, but there's a bunch of it, and I'll give the number out.
It's all coming up.
This is the American resistance.
This is the InfoWarp.
This is your voice.
So amplify it or the enemy can win.
Fight now or lose forever!
Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly.
Now that they kicked them off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
That's like something a villain in a comic book movie says.
That's like something that Thanos arrives at a planet and says, No one will resist me.
Anyone speaking out will be crushed.
This is outrageous.
Big, giant, authoritarian companies.
That have already boycotted and attacked and took my sponsors and shadow banned me and kicked me off their platforms.
But then they banned hundreds and hundreds of fan pages that were on Facebook that other people set up in some cases years ago.
And then a few pages that I'd set up over a decade ago for films I made, like Endgame and Terror Storm.
Absolutely incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's about AI systems in live time coming in and saying, you can't even say my name.
That's never been done in history.
It's incredible.
It's going down to the user and saying, you will be kicked off this platform the next time you share Alex Jones.
This is your final warning.
Ladies and gentlemen, they have AI now that can listen to your phone and break in when you're saying things they don't like.
Because when you try to text somebody a cuss word, it'll say duck instead of the F word.
Think about how much you're being watched.
Or when you're driving and you pick your phone up to look at GPS, totally reasonable, and it says, are you driving?
You've got to lie and say, no, I'm not.
We're already being surveilled.
The driverless cars, the AI, it's taking us over.
This is the AI god system.
that Elon Musk warned about.
And if they can take him four wars down, they can take everybody down.
So, bottom line.
This is the biggest assault we've ever faced.
We're on AM and FM, we have our own audio, our own video streams. It's cost us incredible amounts of
money, millions a year.
To pay for the millions of listeners and viewers, we have a day that come and hit the bandwidth.
And that's one reason that we've cut the fat down to nothing around here,
and it's killed our growth. And now they're going to start pushing us backwards,
unless everybody watching says, "I believe in free speech.
I understand this is the critical historical case, and I understand that InfoWars has become the standard
of the populist resistance to globalism, and the standard of free speech, the symbol of it.
And everybody now has got to really get behind it, like never before."
I'm not going to give up.
I'll never give in.
But I may give out.
Like those old horses, workhorses.
They never give up, they never give in.
One day their back breaks, their heart goes out, they buckle, they're gone.
And I'm a long way from that.
We can probably hold out another year.
And I'm going to have to make more announcements about this, but it's getting critical, folks.
So I've been saying, help, help, help, sending distress signals for the last couple years.
And you've backed us up, but man, the attacks are so intense, the enemy is going to celebrate if they can bring us down.
And if people don't stand up for us, no one's gonna stand up for you.
So listen.
Spread the word about InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Pray for us and go buy products.
We've got the best coffee.
We've got the best toothpaste.
We've got the best supplements.
Just like our information's game-changing, we have amazing products.
So get a t-shirt.
Get a book.
Get a film.
Sign up for auto ships.
You get bigger discounts so you don't forget to support the operation.
We are the InfoWar.
You are the InfoWar.
Save America.
Save free speech.
And help this ship of liberty make it through this storm.
Because we're all in this together.
I humbly ask for your support.
I humbly ask you to take action.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Lines form on my face and hands.
Lines form from the ups and downs.
♪ ♪ Lines form on my face and hands ♪
♪ Lines form from the ups and downs ♪ ♪ I'm in the middle without any plans ♪
♪ I'm a boy and I'm a man ♪ ♪ I'm 18 and I don't know what I want ♪
♪ 18, I just don't know what I want ♪ ♪ 18, I gotta get away ♪
All right, folks.
I want to stop right there.
And I want to give the number out, but it's hard to turn Alice Cooper off, so I'm going to play a little bit more Alice Cooper here in just a moment.
You know, he's a patriot.
He's a listener.
I've never been able to get a hold of him.
I didn't really ask for his phone number from the folks that told me he was a listener.
There's two different major rock stars.
But it's not about name-dropping, oh, Alice Cooper likes me.
It's the fact that Alice Cooper we know is a Trump supporter and a patriot, and it's just one more person.
All the cool people, like Bruce Willis, or like Rowdy H., you know, in Rawhide, who's actually, you know who, right?
Greatest actor in U.S.
history because he's a real patriot and Air Force veteran.
Clint Eastwood.
All those folks are listeners.
You know who else is a listener?
You know who?
Kurt Russell.
It's like every person I actually like from Hollywood is a patriot.
And all the others, I could never care less about.
And then you find out that they're patriots.
And then you find out that they're so humble They don't see themselves as going out and saying something.
Like it's arrogant if they get politically involved.
Will all the leftists get politically involved all day and tell us how to live and tell us what to do?
So we need all those people to go public.
And some, that I won't name that I've talked to, have said some things after they've been challenged.
But if you run into those people in Maui, let's say you're at the grocery store, like a lot of folks have done, Imagine if I went to Maui once and ran into Clint Eastwood.
That'd be cool.
But that would be a private matter.
And then challenge them to say something and to do something.
Because everything is in the balance right now.
Now, I'm gonna give the number out.
And I have a few other things to hit on here, but I want everybody to understand something.
Hillary Clinton Sick the entire media on this audience, because she fears you.
That's what she fears is a focal point.
I'm just a focal point.
And we know, and I'm not going to bring these big political guns out until it's time, we know George Soros and Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party are financing the lawsuits against us.
I mean, we go to court hearings, sometimes there's eight lawyers.
And many of them formerly worked for Hillary Clinton.
Now, in the end, we know in appeals, even if they rig stuff, we're going to win.
But we're going to fight every step of the way as they try to overturn the First Amendment.
But here's a bigleagepolitics.com story by the great investigative journalist Tom Papert.
We're going to post to Infowars.com and I hope you share, but share it from BigLeaguePolitics.com.
That's not as censored as Infowars.
Facebook hired former Hillary press director to inform media of Alex Jones' ban.
And you've heard Hillary is gearing up to run in this field of 20 plus.
You say that's arrogant?
That's insane.
Well, she wants to keep getting money into her foundation.
She still wants to project her power so that people are scared to go after her for her criminal actions.
She almost needs to run to stay out of prison, and now mainline pundits are actually saying that.
I just know that I was authorized the first time a person in security Just like Secret Service at the RNC said, Hillary has a black ambulance.
She's having convulsions on average every 45 minutes when they get her off the drugs so she can talk.
She has to take Depakote and a bunch of other stuff that keeps you from having seizures.
They got a mobile medical center that follows her around.
Remember this three years ago?
We had Millie Weaver shadowing her all over the country, and then she'd go to tent for an hour, and they'd have emergency, and they'd cancel her speeches, and then a fella visiting caught her collapsing on 9-11, 2016, in New York, and the media cut the tape and said, we made it up, fake news, that she only stumbled.
No, she fell down like a sack of potatoes, like a side of beef.
But the reason I'm getting at this is, The Secret Service told us, we can't tell you here at the RNC, you will be given a message in the next three weeks in Austin of the specifics.
And they said, you've got to follow her everywhere.
This is unprecedented in the annals of the Secret Service, but they knew how criminal she was.
She's a foreign agent of the Chai Comps.
Well, about a month later, we get the message.
And they said, you gotta get her in Ohio.
You gotta get her in New York.
You gotta get her in D.C.
And they said, why haven't you already gotten her?
We already told you she's already had convulsions repeatedly that could have been caught on tape.
That's why they'll park in a remote area and sneak her in.
They don't just pull right in.
I mean, that lady was so sick back then.
She probably had her third brain surgery since then.
We don't know.
We know she had two before, like Biden.
She's always falling down.
The reason I get it, that is, they don't want us on air the next time to deal that political death blow.
And that's why they've got a raging hard-on to take us down.
And then here's the article.
Facebook press contact.
Had extensive work with the Clinton family and Obama White House.
I'm saying every bit of this.
They're breathing down my neck.
And I'm not bitching.
Other people aren't willing to take these monsters on.
I am.
That's why I'm thanking our AMNFM affiliates and our TV affiliates.
But they all get great ratings.
And they get some threats, and they get some boycotts.
So what?
We're fighting for America.
This is it.
And so yes, I'm fighting for my identity.
They say I'm a liar.
They say I'm fake news.
They say anything I've ever admitted we made a mistake on, that I did it on purpose.
They never admit when they're wrong, because they do it on purpose.
I don't.
And that's why I'm saying we're fighting for our lives.
And here it is.
Facebook hired former Hillary press director to inform media of Alex Jones being taken off.
And what do they want?
My name not even mentioned.
They're running it.
When Big League Politics contacted Facebook to clarify why Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Lerner, and Milo Yiannopoulos were banned by Facebook and Instagram, we discovered that Facebook employee... Oh, this has got to go on Drudge.
I never tell Drudge what he needs to do, but my God.
The Facebook employee assigned to handle these communications is a former press director of Hillary for America, Sarah Pollack.
At the policy communications management of Facebook who responded to big league politics when we shot comment on Jones, Watson, Loomer and Annapolis were banned.
She explains that users are no longer allowed to share videos or links including videos of Jones and explained that the decision was made in part because Jones interviewed Gab McGinnis.
On his radio program, who they designated as a hate figure, because they falsely quoted the FBI saying it was a terror group, which was made up, but by using that, they then put it in Interpol that he's a terrorist, and then put a designation on my bank account at G2 that I'm a terrorist, and then because Paul Watson works with us, he was designated as a terrorist!
It says terrorism!
Child trafficking!
Human trafficking!
Organized crime!
All because a fake story out of Portland that the FBI, not a judge, not a jury, said that they're a terrorist group.
A week later, the FBI said, we never said that.
Does it matter?
Now, in Interpol, now in the banking system, now in G2 out of Boston that runs this all.
And we send you two letters, nice things.
Listen, I'm not a convicted criminal.
I'm not a terrorist.
I haven't gotten parking tickets in a decade.
We have your documents.
Call us.
Please take it.
They don't respond because they believe Hillary's still gonna win.
They believe they'll defeat Trump.
Think how sick that is!
And it's all right here.
And anybody, whether it's Joe Biden, anybody, even interviews a proud boy.
who interviews someone who was never enlisted a terrorist, you get banned.
That isn't terrorizing us. I don't know what is. That isn't fascism. What is it?
Stand with us. Spread the links. Don't let them win because you're next. Infowars.com.
There are thousands of ideologies out there, hundreds of different political systems,
And most of them were funded by the globalists.
Infowars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have a light in the dark of the night that sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family, I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWars, and I salute you.
I want to salute and commend every man, woman, and child that has supported this broadcast over the years and that has stood with us.
And I want to thank all of our sponsors and all of our affiliates.
But I'll tell you like it is.
You've seen the unmitigated attack we've been under.
You're our only sponsors.
And when you don't buy the products that are absolutely the best out there, we aren't able to continue on.
So remember, you are the InfoWarrant.
I'm not the leader.
You are the leader.
When you take action, nothing stops you.
We've got giant specials running right now at InfoWareStore.com that are unprecedented.
And if you go there and buy great products that you already need from across the board, it funds the second American Revolution worldwide.
So I want to thank you for your support.
I want to encourage you again.
Go to InfoWarsStore.com for whatever the product is you need.
We have thousands of them and it makes this all possible.
Thank you for making InfoWars possible.
God bless you.
I actually have three of them on my desk.
This is my favorite.
It's heartbreaking that it's going away, I really think.
I mean, really, it's true.
Ever since I've tried these two here, I've also got another one sitting here.
Alpha Power, Super Male Vitality.
They have given me the energy that I did not have.
I mean, my God, I didn't realize how little I was doing before with these two here.
I have the energy to go to the gym at the end of a long day of working at the end of doing a broadcast.
I have the energy to go to a gym.
And frankly, I really think this is better than anything you're going to get in the store.
It's heartbreaking.
The super male vitality is about to go away.
And again, it's just because you can't find the herbs and you don't want to sell us crap.
Yeah, but that's what it's all about.
This is the real deal.
You take two droplets of this a couple times a day, and all of a sudden it's like, whoa!
I'm a man again!
I have all the power that a steady diet of soy fed through government schools robbed me of.
It's back!
So between that, I've got my X2 right here.
Everything else I've tried, I have a filter in my house, a water filter I just bought.
For my family, everybody loves everything in the InfoWars store.
Everything is very reasonably priced.
You're supporting the show, you're supporting the InfoWars, and really, as conservatives, who are you going to give your money to?
Are you going to go to the supplement store and give it to somebody who probably advertises on Roku, or are you going to give your money directly to Alex Jones?
It's an easy choice, I think.
These are exciting times we live in, and yes, super male vitality or female vitality is an aging process, it's cold-pressed, it takes three to four times I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
You're watching 300 pounds right now.
So get your super metal vitality, the final run, unless me squeezing them makes it way down on the price.
So get it today while you still can.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
So, I'm playing this song from Alice Cooper because, uh, how many people you think of can actually live by this song?
I got no friends because they read the papers.
They can't be seen with me.
I'm feeling real shot down.
I'm feeling me.
Don't worry.
All the little fake right-wingers can go on YouTube and Facebook and call me a Jewish agent and a traitor.
And it gets boosted by Silicon Valley because it's not true.
I'm just an American patriot.
Attacking the actual globalists.
So they attack me from every angle.
There's a lot of mentally ill, weak people out there.
But our listeners aren't.
They're hardcore.
And they're awesome.
And they're strong.
And we're moving forward.
And that's what's exciting.
All right.
I want to open the phones up on a specific topic for first-time callers.
That means if you've ever called but didn't get through or whatever, first-time callers, What does Trump need to do?
What does Congress need to do to battle leftist organized racketeering to bully, intimidate, blacklist, take the bank accounts away, fire, censor, and then defame us once we're taken off big tech platforms?
What does Congress need to do?
What does the President need to do?
But more importantly, that's only one part of the equation.
What are you going to do?
You start marching peacefully against these big tech companies, small or large.
You start going to these 20-something Democratic events and bringing up their criminal activity and how they openly want to confiscate guns.
You start hijacking, legally and lawfully, live TV feeds at public events, which is something I go out and do myself.
It devastated the Clintons in 2016.
Let's devastate them again.
They had a fellow on yesterday that did a great job.
These people are not used to anybody standing up to them.
And now is the time.
Or start a channel on YouTube or wherever and go out with a camera and just show the left and what crazies they are.
Hell, go talk to them.
They'll tell you, I love Satan.
I love killing babies.
You know, they did a Bon Iver takeoff during the campaign three years ago.
Where I said, Hillary's into sick stuff, man.
And I talked about how the left wants to keep babies alive and sell their body parts.
What more do you know from these people?
I go out and face these scum.
They have green-colored skins.
They climb out from under rocks.
And they say, we want to kill babies.
I have them on video.
And now you're like, my God, we had it on video now.
That's all they do.
You go to a... This week, We're only up to Tuesday, but Sunday and Monday, I never even got to it.
I had two more videos today, so wait, that's... Six or seven videos since last Friday of Democrats, Democrat legislature members, you name it, coming up to conservative protest of nice people and saying, F you white people, F you, we're gonna kill the babies.
I guess I could dig it out of the stack and start playing.
I mean, that's the thing.
I read all this news and I kind of forget about it.
They're operating... By the way, it's a white guy.
It's a white state rep.
But he's gay.
So it's like, I don't care if you're gay, but don't wear it like it's a freaking Superman cape so you can walk up to some high school girls who aren't even white, who are at a pro-life event, and start screaming at them, you know, F you white people.
And then there's some middle-aged woman or older lady, distinguished lady, and he's screaming at her, calling her a white scum!
And it's, I'm telling you, it's like these weird white professor leader types who are the ones everywhere leading this.
And I'm not like Virtue signaling, oh, it's white people leading this.
It is white people leading this!
In fact, let me dig the article out.
It's up on InfoWars.com.
It's up on NewsWars.com.
There's so many of them.
I'll dig it out during the break and give you all the details of this guy.
There's two videos of him, and then I've got the one of the women chanting, Hail Satan, we're gonna kill babies from yesterday.
And there was another event where there was a pro-life event at a state house, and people spontaneously started saying, Hail Satan, we're gonna kill babies.
That's not the one from the Texas house a few years ago.
These are new.
I'll never find it.
People think I lay all these papers out as some type of Like, oh look, like Karl Rove said he used to go to debates and have like a stack of cue cards and intimidate the person.
I don't like computers since they were really slow.
They still are.
They change stories now.
They take them down now especially.
You couldn't have 300 tabs open like I have.
This is 300 articles that I at least looked at today.
Some I read part of.
Okay, some I read all of.
I probably read 10 of them, scanned through 50, just read the headlines of the others.
But I looked at all this.
Now, can you imagine having 300 and something tabs up?
I bet this is 300 articles.
Hell, I bet it's 500 articles.
At the end of the show today, let's do a Snapchat, one of the few places we can still put stuff out to everybody.
They'll all attack that now.
It's fine, whatever.
And let's have one of the producers come in here and count the papers.
I'm like, you know, looking at the gumball thing, trying to guess how many it is.
I bet this is... My gut's always closer to right.
I bet it's 314 pieces, 314 individual articles.
Those pieces of paper, it's probably 800.
So 314 pieces of paper.
We'll see later today, after the show, we'll shoot a video, see if I'm right, how close I am.
314 pieces, 314 articles here.
And in here, without me even looking, are articles of people saying, we want to kill babies, hail Satan, we're gonna kill your children, I love to kill babies, F you white people, I hate babies, we're gonna get babies, F you kids, I'm gonna, oh, oh, I'm gonna dox you kids!
He walks over to a...
Looks like Hispanic young ladies who are anti-murdering babies, you know, who just have their souls.
And he starts screaming, you're a bunch of white people, I'm going to get you, I'm going to dox you.
And he starts saying, anyone online, tell me their names so we can harass them.
Twitter is treating this state rep, guys, I can't find the stack is why the problem, but there it is, his name is.
Facebook takes no action against state rep, neither did Twitter, who threatened to dox teenage pro-lifers on video.
Scroll down.
That's what... Paul Joseph Watson article.
But then there's another one from another site of him, as there's hours of this, of him... Go back to the top, I'll read his name.
Of him attacking other people.
It's the first paragraph.
Yeah, thank you.
I'll just... I can do it.
First paragraph, thanks.
That's Brian Sims.
He brazenly tried to dox a group of teenage girls, screaming they were white people, when they weren't even, quote, white.
This is the cuckoo level we've reached.
But he hops around going, I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay!
So you get to act like a total monster?
What an accomplishment!
Anybody can shove hot dogs up their ass.
I mean, this is unbelievable!
But he is royalty.
I'm sorry to say, I apologize, family audience, I'm out of control, I'm really angry, I'm really sick of it.
But remember, these are the type of folks who are teaching their kids in school, so whatever.
The Democrats can cuss all over TV, all the radio.
It's like, it's okay, but conservatives do it.
It's the end of the world.
So I'm going to go to break.
I'm going to come back with him.
I'm going to give the number out.
The number is 877-789-2539.
This is racketeering.
This is bullying.
This is assault on free speech.
This is everything under the sun.
How do we take action legally, lawfully, against it?
And what does the President need to do?
Let's form a battle plan straight ahead.
That said, We now have, drumroll, Ultra 12, which is really Secret 12+.
It's twice as strong, twice as much of the highest quality methylcobalamin.
It's been sold out for almost six months, five months, five and a half months.
It is the highest grade you can get in the country.
And it is twice as strong, and so when you make something even better because you sign a longer contract and get a better deal, and you know, really twist people's arms to get better deals, so the audience gets an even better deal, and so we get a better deal, you have to change the name when it's reformulated.
So Ultra 12 is really Secret 12+.
It's 50% off out of the gates.
Because I want you to see how great it is.
Take it under the tongue.
It's the only way, other than injections, to absorb more of the vitamin B12, because most people cannot absorb almost any of it through the stomach itself.
Infowarslife.com, Infowarsware.com.
Let's show them Secret 12, because there's no reviews for this yet.
This is Secret 12, just double strong.
Show them the reviews for Secret 12.
Thousands and thousands of five-star reviews.
Again, you just go to Infowarslife.com, you go to the supplement area, you type into the search engine, Secret 12, 97% reviews on third-party site.
Another third-party site, 4.9 stars, 3,277.
They had BuzzFeed and all the other criminal organizations try to harass the different
third-party sites that test our stuff and threaten them saying, "We know Jones fakes
These aren't real people.
No, they're real people.
Many of you know.
It's you.
Go read the incredible reviews.
Secret 12 now.
Ultra 12.
Double strong.
The highest quality.
That's right.
Fearless and double tough.
Ultra 12.
Advanced Vitamin B12.
The ultimate formula.
At Infowarslife.com.
And fund the Second American Revolution.
and stay with us.
Here, organically, Del Bigtree is able to get hundreds of people to turn out to stop medical tyranny.
Guys, let's show this.
Look at that.
That's right!
That's what America sounds like when they're pissed off.
That's just beautiful right there.
All right, thank you!
Isn't that awesome?
Isn't that awesome?
These are all parents of, you know, people of unvaccinated children.
Others have injured children.
I call them the ex-vaxxers.
They try to group everybody into one slur word saying we're anti-vaxxers.
We are pro-science, we are pro-health, and science shows that unvaccinated children are far healthier.
I have proof of it.
You know, they keep saying, oh and You know, we've complained to the Health and Human Services and the National Institute of Health.
You aren't doing any placebo studies on any of the childhood vaccines we give our kids.
We've proven that.
And they say, well, it's unethical to do that study.
But don't worry, we've been using them for a very long time and they've proven to be safe.
Proven to be safe?
Highest rates of childhood cancer we've ever seen.
Highest rates of childhood diabetes we've ever seen.
Highest rates of autism we've ever seen and other neurological disorders.
Highest rates of multiple sclerosis, ADD, ADHD.
All of our special needs classes are exploding in our schools.
You're telling me that this system's working?
This is the sickest generation of children this country has ever seen, all under the watchful eye of the CDC and the pediatricians of America.
I don't have to listen to you because you suck at your job.
That's America right there, folks.
That's America right there.
Families who are not going to have their God-given rights taken away by medical tyranny.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Welcome back.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
♪ Just wanna do what you ♪ Show, your phone calls are coming up for the rest of the hour, but let me finish up with this, because I just remembered it was on my stack, and I was fumbling around for the four different articles the last two days of Democrats threatening and harassing and yelling at pro-lifers at pro-life rallies or conservative events.
And the ones Friday, Sunday, and yesterday were all hail Satan and we love the devil.
Can you guys pull those videos up too?
They were in the last three days list.
Because again, that's what I'm saying.
There's so much of this.
There are so many Make America Great Again hat people.
People wearing the hats being beat up.
I can't even watch the videos anymore.
There's like 10 a day that I see.
And that's... So you think the enemy attacking will make us fight back?
No, no, no.
There's a stratagem in different warfare systems, you can give it different names, but if you can get people to just get used to being attacked and submit, you can then ratchet up the attacks till they're fatal and no one cares.
So it's getting bad, but this particular scumbag...
This representative gets to be on Facebook, Twitter, everywhere, and publish video where he attacks young women, calling them all sorts of names, saying he's going to dox them and send people to his houses.
What a pig creature.
Brian Sims, this is a representative in Pennsylvania.
Look at this bully.
Look at this bully boy.
But see, he's gay, so it's like Tim Cook's gay, so he can run slave factories in China.
I don't give a rat's behind what you're shoving up your butt.
The point is, is that ...is that it doesn't give you a little halo to harass people.
Here it is.
I am outside the Planned Parenthood in southeastern Pennsylvania.
Oh, no, they're leaving now.
What we've got here is a bunch of protestors.
A bunch of pseudo-Christian protestors.
I'm dead!
So here's the deal.
I've got $100 to anybody who will identify any of these three.
So I'm going to donate to Planned Parenthood.
I'm going to donate to Planned Parenthood.
So look, a bunch of white people standing out in front of a Planned Parenthood shaming people.
Nothing Christian at all about what you're doing.
Nine, nothing Christian or loving or godly about what you're doing.
So I've got a hundred dollars.
Anybody who will identify who this is.
A hundred dollars.
See if you got some friends out here.
A hundred bucks.
It'd be easier if you just give me your name and your address.
Come on.
Rich way from.
Rich, what makes you think that it's your job to tell women what's right for their bodies?
And the truth is, I'm not really asking.
And now they want to kill the babies after they're born.
Well, you have a free speech right.
So, now he wants to dox people.
So, here's another woman who's just coming in to talk to Planned Parenthood, where they can tell a woman they get hundreds of thousands of dollars for their babies on adoption, but they don't want you to know there's a bigger market for adoption than abortion.
They want the babies dead.
Like the black member of the Louisiana Senate said, we gotta kill these black babies before they get born!
We'll have to kill them later!
In fact, cue that up.
But here he is going after the lady, calling her all sorts of names.
Planned Parenthood, shaming people for something that they have a constitutional right to do.
Yeah, this is 1974.
at home for children. It's probably the same place that you could feed a child. But you're not. Instead, you're out
here shaming people for something that they have a constitutional right to do. Who would have thought that an
old white lady would be out in front of a Planned Parenthood telling people what's right for their bodies? Shame on you.
That evil white lady didn't want to kill all the black babies.
Shame on you for hiding your face at the same time that you're shaming other people.
Now here's the difference.
Again, the same...
Hey, pause a minute. This thug has a right to harass this lady on the street as free speech.
She's involved in political action.
She can be harassed to a point where she gets in her car.
The young ladies he tried to dox, that's really a terroristic stalking event and is illegal in basically any jurisdiction.
Especially if somebody gets hurt.
If somebody acts on it.
But he's acting like they're bad for being out, and if you try to go out to Planned Parenthood, I've seen this on Facebook or Twitter, and you try to just nicely talk about the babies and how they're viable, you get banned because that's hateful, because you're trying to get rid of somebody's right.
These authoritarians are incredible.
The left wants children dead and wants their organs harvested.
Let's go out to break with this thug.
Those that protect me protect you, and that's okay.
You're allowed to be out here.
That doesn't mean you have a moral right to be out here.
Shame on you.
What you're doing here is disgusting.
This is wrong.
You have no business being out here.
There's no business being out here.
So, do me a favor, please.
If you're watching this, Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania is one of the most heavily protested... We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We are in a complete war!
And you idiots don't join with the Republic!
You fools!
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
Yes, now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
President Trump, please save the First Amendment!
Please do the right thing and stand up against big time!
Mark Zuckerberg is not simply censoring opinions.
He's prescribing which political opinions you're allowed to have.
I want them shut down.
We're losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country.
I don't like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak.
Everybody gets to speak.
I'm a bad person!
I question things!
I'm evil!
I don't...
How dangerous is InfoWars?
From the front lines.
From Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
You know, I grabbed this off an old TV's greatest hits music that I bought in like 1990 or something, and it's not the best quality.
I heard a Hawaii Five-0 of this on YouTube the other day.
We should re-download and play it, where it just sounds so crisp and so good.
Except that big band song.
It's kind of a redo of the music they had in the 20s and 30s and 40s.
Imagine a 30-piece band playing something like this.
Crank it up.
camera zooms in on McGarrett.
See everything in the news, this is about you, it's not about me.
It's how I'm a loser, how I'm failing, how I'm being banned on this, how I'm being sued for that.
All, like, if you're Americana, if you believe in freedom, if you believe in the right to keep and bear arms, if you believe in God and family, you're losing.
No, I'm winning.
And our audience is winning.
We are the tip of the spear.
We are the vaunted 1776 Worldwide.
And I don't tell you that to puff you up, folks.
Came out in big league politics 45 minutes ago that Hillary Clinton is quarterbacking my deplatforming.
Her staff members.
Of course she is.
She's still planning to run.
Or at least broker some convention deal like she's the kingmaker.
That's why they're trying to shut us down.
That's why they're censoring so much to kill populism.
I've got the German president came out and said, censor all the populists from America to Germany.
Shut them up or our New World Order is going to fail!
Alright, I'm going to go to your phone calls for the rest of the hour, right now, asking what does Trump need to do, but what are we going to do?
Because I can tell you right now, I got busy yesterday, didn't go in there with my writers, didn't get some of the older Infowars.com posters where we've had Operations where you put the posters up, people print them off, in black and white or in color, and just say, vaccines can kill, research it for yourself, InfoWars.com.
Well, the insert says they can kill you.
You put those up around town, it's gonna be on the news.
You get people to read the inserts, you get people to visit InfoWars.com, you save lives.
it's okay to be Alex Jones or free Alex Jones. Infowars.com.
They'll cover that in a local leftist area like Satan landed. You'll get all the local
news covering it, you'll dominate.
These are the fun things to do. These are the good things to do. I can't tell you how
many people have called me, written me letters that said, you know, I took a vaccine when
It almost killed me.
But despite that, we gave our newborn son rounds of shots.
In 18 months, he went into convulsions and has been in a coma for two years.
I wish I'd have seen your flyers before, but I put up 500 of them in St.
Louis last week, and I had some people thanking me and some threatening me.
That's a real phone call I got.
And, you know, I've been asked by people around here not to tell these stories, and I won't.
But let me just tell you something.
You need to stand up.
And I know you are.
But instead of just listening, I know most of you are taking action.
You need to... We need to create a whole smattering.
Make it easy for you.
Or maybe people can send in to showtipsandinfowars.com.
Ooh, that's the answer.
Images that are... What's the size of a piece of paper?
I forget what these are.
What are these?
Eight and a half by eleven.
That's all you gotta do.
And you can just say, vaccines kill.
And then just say, it's known that you can get learned immunity from attenuated viruses and bacteria, but it's admitted in the lengthy inserts that come with the shots that are never given to the patients by the nurses or doctors, that it can give you hundreds of different disorders, including cancer, Guillain-Barre, narcolepsy, and death.
And it can cause type 1 diabetes.
It eats your pancreas.
I mean, that's in the damn inserts.
Now, I mean, I'm not a Mr. Angel Cakes here.
But you know what?
When I see pregnant women in the grocery store with their husband, I have this thing about not messing with a woman when they're not with her husband.
And, you know, obviously she's taken, she's pregnant.
It's creepy if a guy walks over to some woman in the ice cream aisle, you know, and she's wanting some ice cream because she's nine months pregnant.
And I just say, hey, listen.
I'm not getting in your business because I want anything or I'm with any group.
I've got children, and I wish somebody would have warned me and my family early on and warned others.
I have a lot of friends that have had their kids hurt and died.
Don't believe me.
Ask for the insert with the vaccines.
And almost every time, the woman and their husband say, either, oh, we know you.
We've actually, we're debating her mom or my dad about that.
Or, no, no, we've got friends that, yeah.
Well, what, where, yeah, I went into Walgreens and they gave me a fact sheet.
And it said it was fine, but you're right, there's an insert.
I'm like, yeah!
Well, do you know about the Vaccine Damage Court they set up in 1984 to cover up millions of brain damaged?
And they're like, no!
If there was a well out in the, let's say, the desert, and wagon trains were coming through, and there was a little town before you went into the desert, and you know, went down through Nevada into Utah, and you knew that 20 miles out there, there was a A spring that people might think was good that had arsenic in it, you'd probably ride out there and put a sign up saying don't drink that water.
Just because it's a normal thing, it's what you do.
And you'd be still worried when you saw a sweet family coming through that sometimes those signs blow over.
And you'd say, hey listen, out at Dry Gulch, about 15 miles through the valley, off the road, you'll see water.
Don't drink it or give it to your horses, it's bad water.
Bitter water.
Make sure you take plenty of water with you before you go through the valley.
Humans are supposed to not be busybodying, tattling on their neighbors for crap to the government.
But you're supposed to be helping each other.
And I get so exhausted.
I'm going to your calls next segment.
So exhausted being here on air and after I make all the decisions and do all these things.
That I have only so many decisions I can make during the day and then my brain goes, it's done.
But I commit.
that just as a symbol of what needs to be done, we're gonna put these posters up in the next few days.
We're gonna send in your posters, whatever political idea or slogan or thing you have,
and we'll post them all up to Infowars.com on a page.
People can download them and print them.
And then let's all just, whether small town, whether you're in England or New Zealand or Mexico
or the US, wherever you are, let's go print those suckers off and let Zuckerberg
and let Apple and all their slave factories in China, let 'em know, man, you may think you control this universe,
but you don't control the third dimension and you're not gonna stop us from getting the truth out.
Do you understand me?
It's simple.
When you go out to a lake and there's rocks in certain spots,
they place buoys on 'em.
But in this modern world, they've removed all the buoys.
And they tell you, take all the psychotropics, smoke all the marijuana, do whatever you want, have a good time.
And I'm a libertarian.
I think you shouldn't go to prison for it, but let me explain something.
I have known in the last 30 years About a third of the people that smoke marijuana on a routine basis become schizophrenic.
And I talked about that in court one time when they brought up, do I ever smoke marijuana?
And I said, yeah, about once a year to test it.
And everybody thought that was funny.
I don't like it.
I don't like feeling fear.
I never feel fear unless I smoke marijuana.
Then I get all paranoid.
A lot of folks have that effect.
But I said that marijuana in some studies is up to 60 to 70, sometimes 100 times stronger Let's say Mexican brown weed folks were smoking in the 60s.
Had to smoke two joints to get a buzz.
This isn't the marijuana George Washington would smoke in his pipe for a toothache.
It's got a lot of great effects.
It is a brain damaging weapon now.
Schizophrenia and marijuana, trigger or treatment.
And folks, I know so many people Who become full-blown paranoid lunatics on marijuana.
I'm gonna take your calls in the last segment with the marijuana stuff.
But just like I told you 20-something years ago, aspartame is eating people's brains.
It was in the study.
This is serious.
And the marijuana is genetically engineered now.
It's weaponized.
And you can take one hit of the stuff they sell in California at corner stores, and you can't get out of your chair for an hour.
This stuff is narcotics, period.
Stocks and options.
Over the weekend, President Trump retweeted Paul Joseph Watson twice and
defended him after Facebook banned him for being a dangerous individual.
He also retweeted Lauren Southern and a brief video by InfoWars' Millie Weaver showing her interviewing a bunch of black people who love President Trump.
As you can imagine, social media's hall monitor A big move by Facebook.
Banning several accounts.
And now there's new blowback from the Commander-in-Chief.
President Trump's furious reaction to Facebook's action showcases that he is, I'm sorry to say, the InfoWars president.
He is promoting the same alternative universe as InfoWars and sharing videos from repugnant characters.
InfoWars, of course, is the web show website led by rageaholics Alex Jones.
Back to your point though about the InfoWars presidency, I want to know, and I tweeted this the other day, what is the difference at this point between Trump's Twitter feed and InfoWars.com?
You know, InfoWars might have been banned from Twitter, but it seems to have found a new home over at Trump's Twitter feed.
And while he's promoting and legitimizing this news organization, we should also talk about how he's trying to tear down credible sources for news.
The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN.
He was questioning why these news organizations have the ability to be on Twitter.
Why are they not banned?
While saying that InfoWars should be reinstated.
It's nuts.
Well, CNN is the biggest purveyor of conspiracy theories and hatred in America, so if Facebook's gonna be fair, maybe you should be banned, too.
I did make a mistake in last week's video talking about this latest purge when I said that news reports from CNN and other outlets came out a few minutes before they were actually banned.
It turns out that they came out an hour before they were banned.
Once again, CNN's Oliver Darcy was personally working with the tech companies to facilitate the ban, and had his article already written and ready to go for the moment that they were banned, but he made a mistake and published it an hour early.
Here he is admitting that he's also trying to determine whether or not Alex Jones uses WhatsApp, the text messaging application, which is also owned by Facebook, so he could get him banned over there too.
Now Facebook is going to be banning Alex Jones and InfoWars from not only their main platform, Facebook, but also from Instagram.
I checked in also to see if these people would be banned from WhatsApp, which is also owned by Facebook, and a spokesperson cannot say immediately because it's, I guess, unclear whether some of these people have WhatsApp accounts, according to the spokesperson.
All right, but we know you'll continue to check on it.
Oliver Darcy, good to see you.
Thank you.
Yes, thank you.
I also checked with Costco to see if they would be banning Alex Jones's membership because we wouldn't want someone like him to be able to eat, now would we?
Of course, CNN's Anna Navarro, the fake Republican commentator, is thrilled with the new censorship.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
While Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer, and others aren't allowed to have a Facebook page anymore because they're considered to be dangerous individuals, Facebook doesn't have a problem allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to have an official page, which has been designated a terrorist organization.
In multiple countries.
There are also people saying that they're having photos taken down off of their Instagram account for violating the community standards because those pictures include those individuals having met with some of the people who apparently you're not supposed to even show pictures of online anymore.
George Washington is rolling over in his grave at the treasonous activities being carried out by the American mainstream
media and the big Silicon Valley tech titans.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're going right to your phone calls right now.
And then I'm going to get later in the next segment, just for a minute or so.
Nigel Farage has been attacked all over the European Union, in the Financial Times of London, in The Guardian.
That's right, for association with good old Alex Jones.
Because now that Facebook has waved their magic wand and said I'm a terrorist and anti-Semite, Well, anyone I ever talked to is.
See how the lie just dominoes.
What a criminal group of people.
Right now, let's go to phone calls.
We're going to get everybody on the board here.
Let's go to Bree.
Bree calling from the great state of Somalia.
I'm sorry, the great state of Saudi Arabia.
I'm sorry, the great state of Minnesota.
You're on the air.
Welcome, Bree.
Thank you.
Yeah, so I think one thing that's really important here is we're trying to get people informed about what's going on between censorship and people not getting accurate information.
I think it's really important for people to continue to connect with each other on an individual basis because part of achieving their agendas is people in power separating the people from each other and creating divisiveness.
Is how they're going to get what they want.
And I think in that too, there's a real opportunity to find common language and specifically, you know, comes to mind when you have people advocating for abortion rights.
There's the slogan of, you know, my body, my choice, hands off my body.
Well, how about hands off my brain, hands off my mind?
I have a real problem with people saying what ideas are appropriate.
For my, you know, feeble lady brain to be consuming.
I was about to say, how elitist, how cultic is it to have Facebook and others saying, you can't say Alex Jones, you can't look at his site unless it's negative.
You're too weak minded.
We, the elite, are going to tell you what you can see.
That is so cultic.
It's ridiculous and it's completely And a front to our freedom of speech and our Constitution and what our country was built on.
And a precious price has been paid for us to live in a land with those rights.
I mean, every soldier, sailor, and marine who's ever sacrificed, served, has paid a price to uphold that for you.
Every person in parts of the world who has been born, lived, and died under bondage, true bondage and oppression.
mild inconvenience and offense to offense.
No, you're right.
It is totally over the top.
For me, what is it like to watch all those newscasts, CNN, MSNBC, ABC News saying,
ban them, shut them up, gag them.
And a lot of times I say they want us arrested.
They want us in prison.
But I mean, they are flaming authoritarians.
It's awful.
And we have to stand up for each other, not just those that we agree with,
but you have to reach out and express that you're standing up for all people's right
to say what they want.
Because it's... Well Brie, it sounds like you're a classical Americana liberal.
We don't have room for you.
God bless you and I appreciate your call.
It's just crazy how in America this is, how dangerous it is.
Communist China last year, last January, almost a year and a half ago now, praised The quote, fake news movement and banning conservatives and people.
I mean, it's insane.
Again, the German president just came out and said, ban all populists.
Just ban everybody.
Let's go ahead and talk to another fine lady.
Kristen in the great state of Governor Cuomo.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm a listener for the last three years.
I love your show.
Thank you for calling.
I love what you stand for.
Thank you, ma'am.
I just want to answer you.
You put out the question about what can we do?
How do we get to Trump?
What do we need to get these techno crap companies under control?
Well, one thing we need is term limits for all these people who make a life out of serving people that they don't serve.
They get money.
They have backdoor deals.
We have no say in our government.
I live in New York.
I am surrounded by people who think that they know what the Constitution stands for.
And it's a disgrace.
And I'm ready to leave.
But I have my family.
I have my job.
And it really... No, I understand.
I saw numbers that...
42% of people living in New York City, they said they want to get out in the next year.
Something like 30% of the people in the state.
It's a beautiful state in many areas.
A great American pastime.
New York, when I get there, I feel a lot of energy.
I have a good feeling in the city.
I feel like I'm going to die in L.A.
and San Francisco.
But I mean, New York has its evil, but it also has its good.
And, you know, you saw Governor Cuomo say last year, if you're pro-life or pro-gun, get out of the state.
What are they going to do as everybody that's a producer leaves?
They admit it's already falling apart.
What are they thinking?
He just legalized killing already-born babies.
That's right.
And we're a pro-gun family.
We're a pro-Constitution family.
My family's been here for generations.
Why do I have to leave?
Why doesn't he represent the people he's supposed to be serving?
All of us.
Not just the select that he takes money from and has deals with.
Did you see when they signed that bill to kill babies after they're born?
How he and others literally almost had an orgasm and smiled and laughed?
They were clapping and cheering!
What are they cheering for?
The decimation of the unicorn?
It was a demonic celebration!
He looked like the gremlins from I Am Legend.
Remember that Tom Cruise movie?
They literally go... It's gonna be sweet as pie when I kill that unicorn.
That baby, that Edison.
I mean, they are the archetypal demons.
You cannot... But, you know, there's a consensus forming that they're demons.
Everybody I know now, everybody, from you name it, goes, they're demons.
They're literal demons.
I know people that were atheists who now believe that these people are demon-possessed, because they used to know people who were normal liberals, and now they're like, I like to kill babies.
I mean, what do you think's happened to these people?
I agree with you.
I think they are possessed.
I think there's something really going on under the whole spiritual realm, and we are in trouble.
And if we don't stick together and we can't get the word to Trump, we need some kind of an executive order that puts some of these politicians will get on it, and they will serve for term limits.
But the rest of them will never vote for term limits.
Oh, and here's the deal.
job on the line. I mean look at what they do. They make a lifetime, 35 years in
Congress, 40 years. What is this? It's a nightmare. It's a nightmare. We need these people to help.
Oh, and here's the deal. We're not just demonizing them. I go to Democratic events and I used to go to
Democrat events when I was anti-war, which I still am if it's offensive and I
wasn't for the Republicans or the Democrats. They were still a little neurotic and a
little weird and worshiping radical Islam and still pro-abortion and
like the men were all real weird and the women were weird and but
still there wasn't an open demonicness.
There were some nice people.
You go to Democrat events now, you're like, are we at a body snatcher convention?
Because, I mean, they're almost all look like they escaped from a mental institution.
I don't feel good seeing them like that.
I don't feel elitist.
Something happened to them.
I think they're all on medication.
I think they're all on the pharmaceutical medication and they are being controlled.
I can't even have conversation with some family members.
They're out of control.
They can't sit down and have a normal conversation based on facts, discussing things that are important.
What if the founding fathers never sat down and had a conversation?
Our country would never be what it is today.
And this is what a disgrace it's become.
It's become, oh, it's, you can't talk about politics, you can't talk about religion, you can't, what am I supposed to talk about?
The Kardashians?
This is important?
This is not important?
And this is what they've made our country into?
It's almost a partial joke, and I'm sad to say that, because I love America, and I love my country, and I feel like we're, it's being stolen from us right from under our feet.
Right from under our feet.
And I'm fed up, and I know many people are fed up, but some people... No, I hear you, ma'am.
Look, this is a power cult.
They will end up getting defeated.
There you go.
That's what average Democrats look like right there on screen.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
We must destroy the innocents.
If you are trying... After all this time and all this money...
Mr. Mueller and his team concluded there was no collusion.
The chairman of the Judiciary Committee just said that Mueller found there was no collusion.
That is not correct, Nicole Wallace.
The report says collusion is not a thing they considered.
It doesn't exist in federal code.
And what's stunning is that Lindsey Graham is offering answers to questions that aren't on the table today.
The principal attack that Democratic senators have marshaled upon you Concerns this March 27th letter from Robert Mueller.
And I called Bob and said, you know, what's the issue here?
And I asked him if he was suggesting that the March 24th letter was inaccurate, and he said no, but that the press reporting had been inaccurate.
But he was very clear with me that he was not suggesting that we had misrepresented his report.
Frankly, after getting now two or three misleading summaries from the Justice Department through the Attorney General, I don't think we can rely on the Justice Department to be summarizing what Bob Mueller said in that conversation to Bill Barr.
I have to say that is an exceptionally weak argument.
You still have a situation where a president essentially tries to change the lawyer's account in order to prevent further criticism of himself.
Well, that's not a crime.
Did anyone, either you or anyone on your staff, Memorialize your conversation with Robert Mueller?
Who did that?
Uh, there were notes taken of the call.
May we have those notes?
Why not?
Why should you have them?
So you think it's okay for a president to offer pardons to people who don't testify against him?
To threaten the family of someone who does?
Is that okay?
Uh, when did he offer a pardon to someone?
I think you know what I'm talking about.
What do you mean, please?
Please, Mr. Attorney General, you know, give us some credit for knowing what the hell is going on around here with you.
Not really.
To this line of questioning.
Listen, you've slandered this man.
Yeah, what I sort of want to know is how do we get to this point?
I do not think that I am slandering anyone.
Mr. Chairman, I am done.
Thank you very much.
You slandered this man from top to bottom.
So, if you want more of this, you're not gonna get it.
What are you doing to investigate unauthorized media contacts by the department and FBI officials during the Raishan investigation?
We have multiple criminal leak investigations underway.
[crowd cheering]
Why not call for Mueller to testify?
Because I'm not going to do any more.
Enough already.
It's over.
If there's any dispute about a conversation, then he'll come.
So I think here's where we are.
The Democrats and you folks in the media are not concerned about the report.
I think you're concerned about the revolts weren't what you expected.
And I think you were finding out that everybody was sold a bunch of snake oil and now the jig's up.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(gentle music)
(gentle music)
Remember that the very existence of this broadcast is an affront to humanity.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Last night a little angel Came dancing to my door.
Last night, the little dancer, she came dancing to my door.
Last night, the little angel, she came pumping on my floor.
She said, she said, come on baby, I got a license for love.
And if it expires, rain hell from above!
In the midnight hour, she cried for We're rebels!
All right, let's go to your phone calls.
It's good acoustic.
Billy Idol's amazing in concert.
All right, what should we go to here right now?
Mo Mo Mo!
Oh, he's a listener, too.
I never told you that.
I'm not going to give him the story, but I'm just telling you how popular Freedom is, folks.
How popular Freedom is.
You know, Matthew Bellamy is a huge listener.
Woke him up.
Had him on the show a few times.
And then a couple years after that, it doesn't matter that he's a rock star, but they do make some great music.
Like that one song he does about, uh...
Never use that as bumper music.
What's that famous Bellamy song, Muse song, where it's about, uh, rise up, take the power back.
That was all inspired by Infowars and his own great brain.
Then they threatened his future record contracts and being able to sing in stadiums.
So he renounced us.
Not the mean wage.
He said, well, I'm not that now.
That's fine.
But Ted Nugent didn't.
Ted Nugent would make 15 to 20 million dollars more a year.
Said he basically just breaks even and takes everybody.
Because he can't sing at any corporate event.
He has to go at VFW's or city-owned coliseums because he's pro-gun.
And I'm just saying, think about what we have to pay in this country.
How we have to be bankrupted to have free speech.
So you can't blame Bellamy.
What is that new song?
Let's play some of that when we come back in the next segment.
But let's go to your calls right now.
Now, I just took two calls, gave them both like 10 minutes.
You're awesome, folks.
You're great callers.
We gotta give each person like a minute and a half.
We won't get to everybody.
So I'm gonna go to Nick, who's been holding the longest, then Dave, then Keith, and I'll just go right through who's been holding the longest.
Nick in Michigan, thanks for calling.
You're on the air.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
It's an honor to talk to you.
It's a first-time caller as well.
Honor to talk to you, man.
Um, I just want to do, uh, you asked the question about what Trump and Congress is going to be doing.
You think about this whole big tech situation.
And in my honest opinion, I know it is, it is really, really messed up right now with it.
Just every silencing and everything.
But I'm telling you, I think it's going to get even worse within the next few years.
And I think once, once Trump is reelected, which will God willing happen, I do think that that's when he is going to finally make a move on it.
But right now, with everything else that's going on, I mean, there's just so much going on.
And don't get me wrong... No, I agree.
That's the thinking at the White House.
It's starting to change.
Because they run arrogant headlines in the Atlantic that Trump's too weak.
Facebook doesn't listen to him.
Facebook knows it can just ignore and push Trump around.
That's the headline.
This is not just censorship on private platforms.
It's racketeering.
It's intimidation.
It's letting CNN into people's phones to see what apps they have.
It's a leftist terrorism with privatized NSA interfaces through these big tech companies set up by the NSA and In-Q-Tel.
Our government set these all up and let private people run them.
Trump hasn't been given all that info.
It's why they're scared he's starting to win, because once he gets full understanding, he'll understand we've not really been a free market economy.
We are quasi.
We're a controlled market free market economy.
And our government and our people set all that up through DARPA.
And when they become destructive of the aims of the internet and why DARPA set it up, they can be relinquished.
So I hear you and I appreciate your call.
But it's bigger than censorship.
It's organized election meddling and rocketeering.
And I'm asking, what do we do?
Trump must make it the central issue.
Or he's going to lose because they're going to engage in fraud and he won't have a grassroots to communicate when they steal it.
Up next, Dave in Nevada.
Dave, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Good, buddy.
Hey, I just wanted to talk to you about maybe something he should do is call the bluff.
Let's just let him put his tax returns out.
If all these states want to let him be off the ballot because he won't return or put his tax returns out, put him out there and then call for everybody else because fair game is fair game.
Oh, that Democrat bill to do that's not going to go anywhere.
People should be able to keep their tax returns private.
They want to harass everybody he's ever done business with.
He has complex tax returns because he owned real estate.
Each one has to be to the jurisdiction.
And it's just total harassment.
What about Hillary and her foundation and $4 billion from foreign governments?
How about you indict her ass, then let's talk about his tax returns from 20 years ago, Dave.
Appreciate the call.
We're moving faster.
I'm sure everybody's calling in.
Jennifer in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello Alex.
Good, welcome.
Thank you for taking my call.
We are under spiritual attack.
I believe that it has to be coming from the demon side and it's a cult.
I'm not joining their cult.
I'm standing up with you Alex.
I think that what you're doing is spot on.
You are telling the truth.
I can't even imagine the attack that you must be under.
But I believe that President Trump Should attack with the law.
We as a country agreed, we have a law as a spiritual being, as a people, and our third dimension, as you say, we must abide by certain laws, and they are usurping the power in many ways, as you know, and I've lived close to Ann Arbor, Michigan, and I'm going to go to as many Democratic All of these conventions I'm going to go and I'm going to blast them with the info wars.
By the way, let me just say this over the years.
I love all the states.
We've always had disproportionate calls from Michigan for your population.
Michigan's the second state we get calls from.
Texas is the number one, but it's the second most populous, if that makes sense.
Michigan is just full of good people outside of Detroit.
Detroit's got some good people too.
Just look at the Democrats ruined that amazing city.
And just God bless you.
I hear what you're saying.
It's all happening and they're racketeering, they're organized censoring.
That's illegal.
And, you know, I've got an article here where they're going to have a $5 billion fine, and then Facebook's allowed to spy forever illegally when they've made hundreds of billions off Americans.
And Republicans are saying they're making a $20 billion fine.
Who cares about the damn fine?
Facebook is engaged, like they bragged three years ago, working for the Democratic Party and other governments.
They're out of control.
And they lie to Congress about it.
There's a thousand ways to break their back.
And it's time to happen.
Well, thank you very much.
Let's go to another caller here, going in the order people have called in.
Let's go ahead to Keith in Michigan.
See what I mean?
I got all these Michigan calls.
Keith, you're on the air from Michigan.
Thank you, sir.
Alex Jones, it's great to talk to you.
I finally got through.
Why do I get so many calls from Michigan?
Well, Michigan kicks butt with a lot of blue-collar people here, you know?
Well, you used to meet a lot of red-blooded folks like Ted Nugent.
Oh, yeah.
I've been down to Texas, too.
It's awesome down there.
I love Austin.
I worked in all around Texas.
But anyways, I want to do a plug real quick.
I bought the Electipure Pro water filter.
We've got that PFAS problem up here from the Wurstmuth Air Force Base.
It's a big deal.
They're fighting it all over the country now.
Oh yeah, there's a lot of toxic stuff around military bases.
Yeah, and I use you guys' products every day.
I use the Toothpaste, Mouthwash, Survival Shield, Super Metal Vitality, Winter Sun every day.
I've got the Alpha Power.
I haven't tried it yet.
I can't wait to try it.
The Real Red Pill.
I just ordered one of your hats, and I just gotta say, I was a little reluctant to order a hat online.
I thought it'd be all beat up, but no, it's got perfect form.
It's the best looking hat I've ordered.
Anyways, yeah, everybody needs to come out of the closet and start wearing your apparel and let it be known that you're in for warriors out there.
Well, I'll be honest.
You see, our designs were pretty good, but I would go with, you know, not super cheap, but mid-level hats and shirts because it was inexpensive for us.
We'd sell it to you inexpensive.
Now, I get like hats that are $12 and sell them for $20.
I get shirts that are $14 and sell them for $20.
Just because it's a good way to get the word out.
So most of our apparel now is in the like 90% premium range.
Like at a mall or something, it'd cost $50 for these t-shirts.
Because the t-shirts are costing them like $15.
So thank you so much.
Did you want to add something about tech censorship?
We'll come back to Keith on the other side, then we'll go to everybody else.
Got a lot of crazy important points coming in about censorship.
It's this big tech censorship in Texas.
Got a bunch of calls coming up.
Stay with us.
We've not shut down our speech!
We're at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com, and we're defeating the leftist tyrants!
I got mobbed on the streets by fans, but almost all of them said, we used to love you on air, it was so good to see you on the iTunes or on YouTube.
Are you coming back?
We're at InfoWars.com.
We're at Newshorse.com.
Paul Watson's launched his own Summit.news.
We have our own videos, we have our own articles.
They're trying to destroy us, but thanks to you and others having us on, InfoWars are still chugging along.
So we're there, folks, tomorrow's news, today.
Don't tell me!
InfoWars.com, because that's a bunch of people out here.
I'm talking about InfoWars.com.
I'm at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We knew this censorship was coming forever.
We have our own video streams, our own audio streams, and it's all free to air.
Anybody can use it, re-upload it, do whatever you want.
People go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
That's where they find it.
You know, there's things called websites.
Just go there.
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If you're a new lester just type in Pentagon tested gay bomb on Iraq.
They considered, no they didn't consider using it.
They've used it on our troops in Vietnam.
They'd spray PCP on the troops, Jacob's Ladder.
You think PCP, some horse tranquilizer something?
I got stuff that'll whack your brain permanently.
Brain chips and the trips.
They give the trips special vaccines that are really nanotech that already re-engineer their brains.
Now there it is, the gay bomb.
Look it up for yourself.
I mean, this is what they're... What do you think tap water is?
It's a gay bomb, baby.
And I'm not saying people didn't naturally have homosexual feelings.
I'm not even getting into it, quite frankly.
I mean, give me a break.
I'm up here bashing it because I don't like gay people.
I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Uprising by Muse.
Matthew Bellamy's been on the show probably 10 years ago.
He said the song is inspired by this broadcast.
Made it even more popular.
At the end, the record company said, boy, you're not going anywhere if you don't shut up.
He shut up, and now he's not as popular as he used to be.
Listen to this song.
We're going back to your phone calls.
And Paul Joseph Watts is coming up.
And I say with huge news, the next shoe to drop on censorship just dropped.
It's on Infowars.com.
Here's Muse, powered by InfoWars.
Keep the truth confined.
What's happening right now?
They will not force us.
We will not control us.
The will is strong for one that's only living.
We will be.
We will be victorious.
We wrote this off of our V for Victory campaign.
We're interchanging mind control connectors.
A revolution in technology.
Our real power, the gift I was given by God, when I started this 25 years ago, God told me, you're gonna go out and speak the truth, there'll be attacks, there'll be destroyed in the end, but you will energize the next group of leaders to defeat the globalists.
Crank it up.
♪ Our time is coming to an end ♪ ♪ We have to unify and watch our flag ascend ♪
That's the real power of InfoWars, it's inspiration.
♪ They will not force us ♪ ♪ They will stop degrading us ♪
♪ They will not control us ♪ We will be.
The V for Virtuous.
And there's all these idiots.
Every symbol he uses.
They're like, oh, that's occultic.
I take back the V. I take back the sunrise.
I take back the rainbow.
I take back the star.
I take back the cross.
It's your intent that matters.
But Winston Churchill flashed the V. It was for victory.
All right, Paul Joseph Watson's coming up.
You knew it was coming, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, I was in an airport flying back from doing Joe Rogan's podcast in L.A., and it was early morning.
I was getting some breakfast, waiting for the flight, and I heard that song come on.
I'm like, man, what's that band?
Who is that?
That's from like 10 years ago.
I'm like, oh, Mazzie Bellamy.
I talked to him on a bunch of the phone.
He came on the show a few times.
He listens to the show every day.
He said, you inspire me to write this whole album, these songs.
You know, Billy Corgan still is a fan.
I inspired like four or five of his albums.
He's a great guy.
And I'm not bragging about that, but I'm saying it's continually going back and seeing how we, that's all of us, you have been the epicenter of the change.
I'm a train wreck.
Sometimes I'm unlistenable.
It doesn't matter.
We have been anointed by God for this mission.
And I knew it.
30 years ago I had to get on air.
25 years ago I got on air.
And I knew the mission was, I'm not going to be the leader.
I don't want to be the leader.
I'm preparing the way for the leaders.
Abbas was so clear.
You will prepare the way for the leaders.
You will lay the ground.
You will take on the enemy.
You will awaken the people.
You will be the Paul Revere.
And you will get other Paul Reveres to take action.
And I just, and God literally told me, you execute this operation, if you're willing to get destroyed in the end, you will carry this out and we will win.
And it's happened.
It is a William Barrett Travis type mission.
That's a good point.
I'm not bragging about this, folks.
The enemy knows the office that we're all in, the office you're in as Americans, to the whole world.
A message of freedom, a message the enemy wants to snuff out.
This is powerful.
And everything you do, like a rock in a pond, changes the world.
You think Big Tech wants to silence you to make you feel weak?
You're not weak because they've silenced you.
You're powerful!
That's why they've silenced you.
Because you love God and justice!
Alright Keith, sorry I'm ranting.
Finish up your point about Big Tech.
How should the President counter?
How should we counter?
Yeah, I think he definitely needs to do something, hopefully by the end of this year, because, you know, the election's next year.
I know he planned on waiting until after the election, but he better not, because we need all, we need infowars.
The media is saying he's ahead in the polls.
He was always ahead in the polls.
The fact that they're saying he's invincible is to make him go to sleep.
He knows that.
He said the only way the Democrats can win is cheating.
He knows that.
Well, they're going to cheat, Mr. President.
So you better give it to him with both political barrels now.
Strike now.
No more waiting.
Well, thanks for taking my call.
Everybody, buy his product.
Keep him online.
And take care, Alex.
Just keep us on air long enough to complete the mission.
And I know we'll be here a while longer.
But... And I don't just say this.
People have heard me say this for like 15 years.
I... I... God told me.
You will be destroyed in the end.
I mean, that means physically.
I'm not trying to make this come true.
I just have known this.
God said, you're going to do all this, but you're going to have to go through a lot of pain, and it's going to get real bad.
But in the end, you're going to salt the earth.
And that means our whole audience.
Just like you've gone through a lot.
This is a mission.
This is a good mission.
And we take the power from the enemy when they bankrupt us or kill us or imprison us when we still do it for God and the unborn for what's right.
We circumnavigate their fraud and their worldly system and say, we don't care about what you do to this body.
It's the soul right here that matters forever.
All right, let's go back to the calls here.
This is epic stuff, ladies and gentlemen.
Epic times to be alive.
Incredible times to be alive.
Who's been holding longest now?
Let's go to Bob in New York.
Bob, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Welcome, brother.
God bless you, man.
God bless you, your staff.
And thank you so much for the resources that you commit to this whole thing.
That's really something that people don't... It's your resources, brother.
I'm just trying to be a good steward of them.
Yeah, you know, I support you.
I buy a lot of stuff, but I didn't want to talk about that.
I mean, I wanted to talk to you about a couple of things.
I mean, Duke, when you had David Duke on, I can't believe you gave him that much air time.
He just kept digging a hole for himself.
And then when you went on Piers Morgan, I was like, that's how we're supposed to go on television.
You're supposed to take over the airways.
And that's the importance of of freedom of speech.
I mean, if they take away your voice, you can't do that.
I went to Duke to have him on because they were asking to come on the same way I went to Faircom to try to like create racial unity.
And I was like saying, really, shouldn't we just, you know, the average Jew is not to get to the average black person.
And I was just like, you know, this is all programmed.
He just, he was robotic and wouldn't listen to me.
Farrakhan was like, absolutely, let's do it all.
That's why they ignored the Farrakhan interview and promoted the Duke interview.
And I'm not promoting Farrakhan because he's black and Duke's, Duke's a white guy.
Duke's a very well-spoken, very smart guy.
The point is, is that it was very synthetic.
It was like I was talking to a robot.
I know.
And, uh, you know, now we're at the point though, if they, If they cut off Twitter or Facebook goes down for a little while, I mean, they can really enact like Operation Gladio in a bad way.
And, you know, I mean, you're talking about eight minutes of something being misconstrued or delayed.
I mean, or a day or three hours, you know, they can really start a race war.
Oh, that's their plan.
And Farrakhan's worried about that.
And they take things he says out of context.
And I'm not defending everything he ever said.
I'm not defending everything I ever said.
He had a very strong will, very loving, and you couldn't help but, one of the most, probably the most charming person.
Because you're one of those people that have those presents.
He's an old guy now, still had a very powerful presence.
And he was, I didn't get, he was looking for me for leadership.
And like, how to stop a race war.
I was just there listening to him and at the end he was kind of frustrated because I didn't tell him what I thought he should do.
But it's kind of hard to sit there with a guy like that and tell him what he should do.
That's why I'm going to go meet with Farrakhan again and have a real meeting with him.
And again, I'm not defending some things he said.
Some of it's out of context.
The point is, he is not even a closeted Trump supporter.
He told me point blank.
And I said, is that for public consumption?
He said, yeah.
But he said, I'll support Trump in some of his aspects if he does the right thing.
I know the enemy hates him.
And he thought that I could get a message to Trump.
And the times I've talked to Trump never brought up Louis Farrakhan, but imagine if Louis Farrakhan came out and supported Trump.
You know, they didn't just throw him in as a token other person, you know, leftist or whatever, to make it look like the band wasn't of conservatives.
They know he's behind Kanye West going public.
I've let out something big there.
That's who's behind it, it's Louis Farrakhan.
They know Louis Farrakhan is changing with the times.
Doesn't mean he's selling out.
And I'm not even defending Louis Farrakhan.
I'm saying the enemy with their AI computers and their you-know-what systems have sat there and portended Jones must be shut down.
Farrakhan must be shut down.
Watson must be shut down.
All the wild cards.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
I'll go back to more calls.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
Alex, if I can just quickly, InfoWarsStore.com, I want to thank you for Polnblock.
It's amazing.
I've used so many different antihistamines over the years because I get really bad hay fever.
And the antihistamines sometimes work, sometimes don't, but they never quite work This is a known patent out of France.
You have to pay for the patent, where they just discovered that if you feed a certain secret diet to quail, and then you get their eggs, it creates this incredible antihistamine of a certain type of quail.
irritation. It is amazing. This is a known patent out of France. You have to pay for
the patent where they just discovered that if you feed a certain secret diet
to quail and then you get their eggs it creates this incredible antihistamine of
a certain type of quail. How fast did it take for pollen block to kick in for you?
It's pretty much straight away. You know, it may be 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes.
It just works.
The antihistamines, the pharmaceutical products, I find that with those, I can't take them until I start getting symptoms, and even then, they might not kick in for half an hour, or they might not kick in at all, depending on the day.
Pollen block works every single time.
Well, that's the great part about this.
And for whatever reason, France discovered it like 50 years ago.
It's still got to be even in this region of France.
It's very complex.
They don't even know why.
But they think it's the pollen in the area, the dust, what the quail are eating.
Then they just produce in the eggs whatever this essence is that just turns the histamine response off.
I go out and I do market research.
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And what have the best reviews in the world?
And then what do people in America not know that in Japan, or in Europe, or in Russia, or in Africa, or in Latin America, is already a best-seller?
Because a lot of stuff never gets here for some reason.
And in Europe, and in Russia, and in Canada, there are a lot of brands of this stuff with the Quail Eggs.
It's not here.
So we just made a souped-up version of it and discounted it, and it's Palm Block.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, let's go through as many of your calls as we can.
And then Paul Watson's coming up with huge news on the First Amendment.
We knew it was coming.
Wait till you hear this next segment.
Really important information.
I told you their main enemy.
We called it.
Not hard.
They told us what they were going after, but it's happening.
Give Alex Jones all the attention.
It's a diversion.
We're an important enemy to the globalists, but then move on to everybody.
That's coming up next segment.
Okay, let's go through these right now.
Who's been holding the longest next year?
That would be Kennan and then Wendy.
Kennan in Texas, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
Hey, I want to point out that sometimes the obvious is not obvious, and I think that if people step back and think about what I'm about to say, it'll make perfect sense.
You know, today Albert Pike had come up with the New World Order of 225 years ago, so all this stuff had been pre-written and pre-planned out.
And what dawned on me the other day is that big tech was created by the deep state.
They've always been 10 steps ahead of us on the invention of the computer and the Internet.
The Internet was created by the U.S.
And they knew that they were going to need programs where people would just put their information out there for free, where they could track people.
Which sets the precedent that you have no privacy, yes.
Well, they created these facemen, I call it.
Zuckerberg, you know, it's just not coincidental that he's related to Soros, they say.
I think that Dorsey and the guy who created YouTube, I think they're all fictitional people that are out there in front of the public to make the public believe that these people created... Oh, you're totally right.
DARPA did all this, but now it's been hijacked and given to China, and that's why the U.S.
government must take back control of it.
Or is Trump really going along with this, and is he sandbagging us?
Well, and they use the fact that these companies are private companies.
That's an excuse for them to not regulate these companies.
That way they're not under FOIA, exactly.
That's right.
So whenever people know the gig is up, they've all been fooled into thinking that all of these websites were created by... Oh, that holds.
It's private, so we can spy on you and let Oliver Darcy in your phone and ban you making phone calls.
We can spy on you because we're private.
No, it's all illegal.
It's all a load of crap.
Good deal.
Well that's all I wanted to say.
I wanted to say a couple things about the products.
I've tried them all.
One recommendation is that I'd add some more paste to the toothpaste.
Maybe put some baking powder in there because I think it liquefies a little before you're done brushing your teeth.
And another thing is I think your best product by far is the knockout.
And I think if you were able to get this product on the counters of every convenience store Um, in the country that not only would this drive people to the website by, you know, find it in the info, info wars or.com, you know, on the back that that product is so powerful.
I think that that product alone would fund the operation.
It's just amazing.
No, I agree with you.
We really should all do that.
If somebody's a distributor to gas stations around the country, give us a call.
We'll do it.
God bless you.
Yeah, I told the developers of the Coital Silver Iodine Fortified Fluoride-Free Toothpaste, I said, I don't want any fillers.
Because they're like, well, half of toothpaste is fillers.
Silicate and all these other things.
So people get used to sand in their toothpaste.
And we don't put but a little bit of that in there.
So you're actually getting Nothing but what's actually in toothpaste.
So, but it is very concentrated, very strong, doesn't take very much of it.
But I've actually, via request, just last week said to my dad, who's a retired oral surgeon and dentist, I said, let's put out a standard toothpaste with no flora, but ionic little silver, that's the classic paste, you know, thick, people like that.
I'm getting requests for that.
And, but technically, I guess we won't call.
I guess calcium or silicate or sand a filler.
I just, you know, we don't sell you a tube of sand.
Like the average toothpaste is, you know, half of it's sand.
So I hear you.
It's a great point.
Okay, here's the deal.
We got 20 phone lines.
I think I got to like 20 calls.
And I want to get to Wendy.
I want to get to Sean.
I want to get to Patrick, Ken, and Krish.
But Paul Watts is taking over.
So if you guys, we'll have open phones again tomorrow.
They call, head of the line.
Thank you for holding.
I really appreciate that.
Paul Watson is coming up on the other side.
I'm going to introduce him and read some of the new articles that are on InfoWars.com and NewsWorks.com.
I challenged Paul nine months ago.
We were getting banned.
I said, you need to start your own stuff.
You need to not... So he's totally loyal.
He didn't leave to do his own thing because he wanted to.
I mean, I thought that was a good idea.
He did too.
He still does work for us.
He still works for us.
He's doing his own thing at Summit.News.
We're very excited about that.
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Right now at InfoWarsStore.com, please support this network.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
The last few hours we've learned a lot.
The last few minutes we've learned even more.
I'm going to have Paul Watson take over right now from Summit.News.
He also does work for InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
But the mothership's got big gaping blast holes in it.
It's important for folks to go out and Procreate and the Information War.
Facebook hired former Hillary press director to inform media of Alex Jones' ban.
That's bigleapolitics.com.
Tom Papert, very important.
Paul Watson's latest article on infowars.com.
You want to share it from newswars.com, prisonplanet.com, or summit.news because those don't get censored by the filters as much.
Alex Jones is a verboten word.
According to Lord Zuckerberg and others.
They all coordinate.
InfoWars is remote and so is promote.
Still gets all the same info out.
Word of mouth, InfoWars is the battle cry.
First Amendment.
Instagram to fact check memes.
And Paul and I got a lot of stuff to cover, but I want you to get this first.
Instagram to fact-check and remove memes.
So, remember, they've got AI already at Facebook that owns Instagram.
In live time, as soon as you say, I like Alex Jones, God bless Alex Jones, it's banned.
Just like they said they do.
Or an InfoWars link, then they threaten to ban you.
And they ban the link.
But people say, Jones... Alex...
Or Info-Wars, you know, for Bowdoin, that you can still get it through.
So they have 20,000 fact-checkers hired by Obama and Hillary from the Southern Poverty Law Center.
This is mainline news, I'm not joking.
In your computer, in your profile, watching you.
It's totally criminal.
But why not you put up with a Lex in your house listening to you?
I mean, it's all over the news.
They just do what they want.
They rule you!
And you put up with it, so they're doing it.
AI can't understand memes.
Well, you can't fact-check a meme.
It's a joke.
In fact, let's play the penguin thing again and let Paul take over.
A meme is a joke.
I'm in the office in a meeting yesterday with some of the writers and crew, and I said, the globalists just want power to rape us.
They just want to dominate us for no reason.
They're mentally ill.
They don't want to build a civilization.
And Kit Daniels said, like lion seals rape penguins.
And I said, is that a joke?
He said, no, look it up.
I said, God, we ought to put Zuckerberg's head on that and have it me.
And, well, the rest is right there.
Obviously, Zuckerberg's not a SEAL.
He's obviously not physically raping me.
I'm not a King Penguin.
It's a joke.
Remember Trump said, three months ago, the first time he had football players at the White House, he said, because there was a government shutdown, he said, I have bought mile highs of hamburgers and cheeseburgers.
Washington Post said there was only a thousand hamburgers or whatever, so it only went up a few hundred feet.
It wasn't a mile high.
It was hyperbole!
Again, obviously, they can fact-check a meme and then say it's wrong.
This is them trying to put their Snopes garbage onto jokes.
But even when something's 100% real and confirmed, Snopes says it isn't happening.
So we're going to play this piece and let Paul take over here as we go to break in a few minutes.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, our new product, Zen.
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Go read the five-star reviews of Secret 12.
Ultra 12 is the same thing, just twice as strong.
InfoWars4.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
Thumb it in.
Soros and Hillary's face, spread the links.
But let's go to this satire piece.
Satire piece.
Zuckerberg's not a 3,000 pound seal.
I'm not a King Penguin.
This is an allegory.
Here it is.
And this shocking footage is even more painful when you see the albatrosses of CNN and other MSM outlets cheering on the rape.
In fact, it's been found that these systems actually direct the monstrous SEAL, Zuckerberg, against the free speech enemies and anyone that tries to not submit.
But most sad of all is other penguins in the independent media, simply looking up at the sky and ignoring the vicious rape of their own freedoms and birthright taking place right in front of them.
This is pure gold.
the full videos on Infowars.com. But again, just like the EU is trying to pass laws and has passed
laws to restrict memes, to restrict humor, to restrict Alex Jones, you can't say his name.
Paul, is there no end to this? This is beyond 1984, a thousand levels.
It really is like bunker siege mentality at the moment, Alex. The point about that is,
you can have a Stephen Colbert or a Bill Maher that can have his serious news commentary and
and that's treated seriously and then the rest of the time he can joke and that's treated
as satire.
If you put out a joke or a meme or a piece of satire they treat that as serious and then when you have your serious separate opinion on the side of that they treat that as a joke.
Anyone on the right can't joke.
They make these accusations all day long about how the riot is terrible at comedy.
And when anyone on the right attempts to do comedy, they take that as serious.
Media matters will probably be publishing an article within the hour saying that you seriously claimed that you got raped by Mark Zuckerberg after he transmogrified into a sea lion.
Because we can't have jokes, we can't have our memes.
And that's the point of this article, which is up on infowars.com and summit.news.
Which is Instagram has now announced that it's going to fact check memes.
And by that they mean they're going to classify something as erroneous, misleading, and they're going to prevent it from appearing in people's feeds.
People who are randomly on Facebook.
Instagram has banned this meme.
Zuckerberg is not a 3,000 pound seal raping a penguin.
Zuckerberg did not rape a penguin.
No, they do it in Snopes.
There was a, what was it, the Babylon Bee came out, which is a satire website.
It says in its description, this is a satire website.
And Snopes takes one of their articles and fact-checks it and says, this is fake news.
Yeah, it's from a satire website.
You're going to start fact-checking theonion.com?
This is the level.
And they've hired 52 global fact-checking partners.
To censor false photos and memes on the platform.
And of course, when you look into it, and this was in the Poynter Institute, which recently, just a few days ago, had to shut down its own database, highlighting unreliable news sites, because that database was unreliable.
So they claim that they've got all the credibility and they're going to be the judge, jury and executioner of your credibility.
Listen, I had NewsGuard a couple of days ago saying, oh, we want to ask you a list of questions about how credible your news site is, talking about summit.news.
Then they install the extension on the browser, and they're trying to get Windows to do it on the purchase of every new PC.
They want you to bow to them like they're the judge and jury.
They're the master.
Oh, neocons that pull through WDs in Iraq that run NewsGuard.
It's going to be on our browser controlling us.
Yes, master, let me grovel to you and prove I'm good.
Like, who would want another annoying browser extension anyway that told them what they needed to think about certain websites and certain news sources?
Let people make their own damn mind up, for God's sake.
So this is all going to backfire, Paul.
Tell us what else is coming up when you take over in the next segment.
Well, Vice Media was basically going bankrupt.
In fact, they've had to amalgamate a bunch of their different sectors under one umbrella because they were going bankrupt like BuzzFeed and CNN.
So now it turns out that Vice Media has raised $250 million in debt from investors, including George Soros.
Isn't that interesting?
We don't get fat checks from George Soros to rescue us, do we Alex, when we have monetary problems.
But Vice Media, despite the fact that it's a completely failing brand, Yet again gets another safety net from George Soros, who you can't even name now.
You can't even name George Soros.
It means you're anti-Semitic.
So we've been acknowledged that George Soros contributes money and finances political movements across the world.
That's anti-Semitic.
You can't say it.
So we've got all these rumours.
This is, of course, after BuzzFeed had to lay off a bunch of people.
Now rumours that CNN is about to lay off 300 people Brian Stelter's out denying it, but the indications are not very good to CNN, especially given the fact that they've lost 26% of their audience in the last year alone.
Isn't that a coincidence, given that they're now on the front lines of deplatforming, censoring and banning their competition?
So we've got all these digital media outlets basically going bust.
But as they collapse, they're trying to drag everyone else down with them by getting them banned on social media.
So we've got that.
Of course we've got the big news about Instagram.
We've got a CNN headline asks, how black will the royal baby be?
An absolute bizarre question.
They're saying that people who take this as a sign that race relations are improving are wrong.
It's not a good sign.
We need to be constantly at each other's throats.
Constantly with that divisive rhetoric.
We'll get into that and more on the next side of the Alex Jones Show.
InfoWars.com The globalists are hammering humanity with bad halogens.
Fluoride being chief amongst them.
While they try to keep the one good halogen out of the food supply, and that's iodine.
But most iodine isn't pure, so you can't absorb it.
Well, guess what?
X2's back in stock, and it's discounted.
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Now, stay with us.
I'll break down the latest developments.
This is an emergency transmission from FEMA Region 6 in occupied North America.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
There are a lot of people out there that say they're on the front lines of the fight for liberty.
And some are.
But I'm not doing this to be famous.
I'm doing this because it was the right thing to do.
And let me tell you, I've gotten deep into this fight.
And I've got the globalists pulling out every stop and every dirty trick you can imagine.
But because you've stood with Infowars, because you've spread the word, and because you've brought the products we sell, the funder operations, we are here in the face of the globalist tyranny being more aggressive and more effective than ever.
I just went to D.C.
and bullhorned the president while Jack Dorsey was inside, lying, saying they don't censor conservatives.
Ilhan Omar is calling for Trump to be banned, for God's sakes.
And we were in D.C.
doing dozens of major interviews and really affecting change and getting the president to go after the deep state with criminal charges, which you heard about years ago.
And now the president's finally getting ready to do it.
We are the real change agents.
We are effective because we tell the truth.
But without you backing us, we won't be here, ladies and gentlemen.
Without you supporting us, the globalists will be able to shut us down.
Please understand that my philosophy is to give you the very best information out there.
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Thank you so much for your support.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are back, live, and one of the solutions to all this flagrant social media censorship right now, well, for the moment at least, is a app called Telegram.
Now, I signed up for this app last night, so in less than 24 hours of signing up for this app, I've got over 6,000 followers.
The link, and we're going to get a link up for Alex as well as soon as possible.
I think there's already an InfoWars group on there, but the link for me on Telegram is t.me slash pjwnews.
t.me slash pjwnews.
So, you can go there, you can download the desktop application, and you can download the app on your phone.
And it's basically like what Twitter was in 2014-2015.
You can say whatever you like without fear of getting banned, and the reason for that is that it's owned by two Russians.
And what a pathetic commentary that is on the state of free speech in the West, that the fact that one of the last remaining social media platforms available Where you can have actual free speech is owned and run by Russians.
Interesting that, isn't it?
Similar to the VK website, which I don't even use anymore, but it's like the Russian Facebook.
Never got banned on that!
I'm thinking of downloading Weibo, which is literally the communist Chinese social media app.
Probably be alright, as long as you don't criticise the communist Chinese government.
So, a bunch of people, who've been completely banned by every other social media network, Join Telegram within the past few days, and their follower rates are absolutely skyrocketing for the limited time they've been on there.
And guess what the Daily Beast did in response?
They wrote an article demanding that Telegram ban these people.
Headline, Laura Loomer and Milo Yiannopoulos find life after Facebook on Telegram.
Will Sommer, who is basically the king of de-platforming.
After Facebook cracked down on right-wing extremists last week, Many of the far-right's loudest voices found themselves gravitating towards what appears to be their next digital home.
An encrypted messaging app, previously known as a haven for terrorist recruiters.
So, if you've used Telegram, you must be a terrorist recruiter, right?
In the first paragraph, they smear the users of this app, who have been silenced on everything else, in the same breath as terrorist recruiters.
These are the dirty smear merchants, this is what they do.
Telegram is a platform that allows users to offer short, public-facing posts akin to a Twitter profile page, God forbid.
This universe of users is much smaller, however.
Well, it doesn't look to be that small, given the amount of followers they've got in three days.
Its user setup makes it harder for one to grow a following.
Well, I've grown 6,200 followers overnight, so it's not too bad.
But for the purposes of those banished from the established platforms, figures like anti-Muslim activist Laura Loomer Right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos of Platforms Channels have had to do the trick.
So, Laura Loomer's on there.
Very interesting feed that Laura Loomer's got today.
If you want to talk about how social media silencing completely ruins people's lives, then that seems to be what's happened in the case of Laura Loomer, unfortunately.
Everybody should hold her in their best wishes.
So Telegram is really popping off.
It's like Twitter was four or five years ago.
It's actually fun, and you can put your content on there without fear of being banned.
Nobody's been banned yet, as far as I know, that's been prominent, so that is a good way to go in terms of at least maintaining some kind of voice online.
Now, of course, Alex was talking about this story before the break.
It's up on summit.news.
Instagram to fact check and remove memes.
Instagram has announced that it will begin fact-checking and removing memes, because you're a child and you can't handle memes.
They may be offensive.
You've got an infantilized mind.
You've been told to be triggered by literally everything and break down in crying fits at the sight of something you disagree with, so it needs to be controlled.
The social media giant, which is owned by Facebook, will use its 52 global fact-checking partners to censor false photos and memes on its platform.
No doubt blurring out Alex Jones's face in his family photographs.
Because during the two minutes of hate against Goldstein, unlike in 1984, where they could actually see Goldstein, you can't see Alex Jones.
Because he's worse than Goldstein.
Instagram is taking those fact checks and applying them to the same false photos and memes on its platform, according to the report.
A meme isn't a statement of fact.
In what universe do you need to fact-check a meme, you authoritarian bastards?
This is the level of control that they want.
They're not content.
They just keep going.
Memes deemed factually incorrect will no longer appear under tabs where they can be discovered by random users.
And that's the entire point.
So you're always preaching to the choir even if you've got a platform remaining on Instagram.
Only the people who choose to follow you can see what you post.
You'll never appear under the other tabs.
So new users, random users, will never see your content.
The Poynter Institute, which partners with Facebook, and this is where the article came out about this, recently had to shut down its own database highlighting unreliable news sites.
After discovering inconsistencies between sources used to build the database and its final report.
So the database which they built to target and highlight unreliable news sites.
Was unreliable.
So you can trust them.
So again, the Poynter Institute is like News Guard.
It's like all these other fact checking websites like Snopes, which is literally a far left blog run by a cat lady and somebody who was Accused of embezzling a bunch of money, but they're trustworthy.
They're credible.
You can trust them.
Literally a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party, but they're neutral.
They're neutral.
Facebook will partner with them.
They're going to be running this.
And people may ask, why the need to fact-check memes?
Well, it's not a mystery at all, because as I've proven and written about in the past, studies have repeatedly shown that the political right is far better at spreading memes.
Of course, one of the reasons for that is that memes are generally a little bit offensive, A little bit cheeky, a little bit mischievous.
And the political right is quite prepared to do that, not the left because they're permanently walking on eggshells.
Because, you know, anything humorous, anything satirical that isn't orange man bad might transgress some politically correct thought crime.
So that's why the left sucks.
That's why the left can't meme.
And they've done studies on this.
A study undertaken by researchers at University College London found that the most effective memes largely originated in two places.
The subreddit, the Donald, which of course was a major online presence, major influence in rallying Trump's base and getting him elected, and 4chan's politically incorrect poll forum.
So the best, the most effective memes usually As this last study showed, come out of those two places.
Of course, those are typically right-wing content forums.
A Vice write-up study acknowledges that the most effectively spread memes originated on the Donald and Poll.
So, of course, if you can't create the memes, if you can't spread the memes, let's just ban memes.
Of course, that's the new go-to solution.
And in fact, there was another article Which was, I think it was during the State of the Union speech, headline, Buzzfeed lobbies Twitter to ban memes that make fun of blackface Democrats.
That was obviously during the time when the Virginia Governor Ralph Northam scandal was emerging.
And we had the meme of the Well, it's a good question as to why they waited this long, but... Yes, exactly!
Now that they kicked them off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
That's like something a villain in a comic book movie says.
That's like something that Thanos arrives at a planet and says, No one will resist me.
Anyone speaking out will be crushed.
This is outrageous.
Big, giant, authoritarian companies that have already boycotted and attacked and took my sponsors and shadow banned me and kicked me off their platforms.
But then they banned hundreds and hundreds of fan pages that were on Facebook that other people set up, in some cases, years ago.
And then a few pages that I'd set up over a decade ago for films I made, like Endgame and Terror Storm.
Absolutely incredible, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's about AI systems in live time coming in and saying, you can't even say my name.
That's never been done in history.
It's incredible.
It's going down to the user and saying, you will be kicked off this platform the next time you share Alex Jones.
This is your final warning.
Ladies and gentlemen, they have AI now that can listen to your phone and break in when you're saying things they don't like.
Because when you try to text somebody a cuss word, it'll say duck instead of the F word.
Think about how much you're being watched.
Or when you're driving and you pick your phone up to look at GPS, totally reasonable, and it says, are you driving?
You've got to lie and say, no, I'm not.
We're already being surveilled.
The driverless cars, the AI, it's taking us over.
This is the AI god system.
That Elon Musk warned about.
And if they can take him four hours down, they can take everybody down.
So, bottom line.
This is the biggest assault we've ever faced.
We're on AM and FM.
We have our own audio, our own video streams.
It's cost us incredible amounts of money, millions a year.
To pay for the millions of listeners and viewers, we have a day that come and hit the bandwidth.
And that's one reason that we've cut the fat down to nothing around here, and it's killed our growth.
And now they're going to start pushing us backwards unless everybody watching says, I believe in free speech, I understand this is the critical historical case, and I understand that Infowars has become the standard of the populist resistance to globalism, and the standard of free speech, the symbol of it, and everybody now has got to really get behind it like never before.
I'm not going to give up.
I'll never give in.
But I may give out.
Like those old horses, work horses.
They never give up, they never give in.
One day their back breaks, their heart goes out, they buckle, they're gone.
And I'm a long way from that.
We can probably hold out another year.
And I'm going to have to make more announcements about this, but it's getting critical, folks.
So I've been saying, help, help, help, sending distress signals for the last couple years.
And you've backed us up, but man, the attacks are so intense, the enemy is going to celebrate if they can bring us down.
And if people don't stand up for us, no one's gonna stand up for you.
So listen.
Spread the word about InfoWars.com for its last show.
Pray for us and go buy products.
We've got the best coffee.
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Just like our information's game-changing, we have amazing products.
So get a t-shirt.
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You get bigger discounts so you don't forget to support the operation.
We are the InfoWar.
You are the InfoWar.
Save America.
Save free speech.
And help this ship of liberty make it through this storm.
Because we're all in this together.
I humbly ask for your support.
I humbly ask you to take action.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
So back on the Alex Jones Show, before we get into some more news, I want to tell you about some of the great specials available right now at Infowarsstore.com.
Because unlike Vice Media, which just received a $250 million check, From, amongst other people, George Soros, you don't get $250 million checks from anyone.
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How embarrassing is that?
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Now, of course, the new reality of things is that Allowing a billionaire oligarch monopolist to decide who has free speech and what opinions you can have is progressive.
And the opinions that were expressed by this state representative, who literally went around on camera harassing old women and teenage girls, that's an acceptable opinion to have and to broadcast on Facebook.
Facebook takes no action against state rep who threatened to dox teenage pro-lifers on video.
You can threaten to dox children.
You can threaten to assassinate the President and the person who gets reported those threats gets banned from Facebook.
You can support Hamas.
You can support all kinds of terrorist groups.
You can support Antifa, domestic terrorist groups.
That's just fine.
Facebook has taken no action against abortion activist and state rep Brian Sims after he brazenly tried to dox a group of teenage girls on video.
The clip is in the article.
He basically walks up to them.
They're holding a Small protest outside a planned parenthood clinic in southern Pennsylvania.
And he says, on video, here's the deal, I've got $100 for anybody who will identify any of these three.
He then uses white people as a slur.
This is one of his favourite tactics.
Despite the fact that one of the girls, the children that he's harassing and doxing, or threatening to dox, isn't even white!
So this guy, who's white, continually uses the term white people as a slur, like it's automatically a pejorative, proving he's a racist.
And then he, not only on camera, but in the Facebook post itself, as if there was any confusion about this, in the Facebook post itself, which has been up for over three weeks on Facebook, he says, so let's make the most of it.
I'll donate $100 to Planned Parenthood if anyone who knows who these awful people are, who'll join me in that $100.
So he's on tape harassing teenage girls who are staging what looks like a peaceful protest outside a Planned Parenthood clinic.
They leave when he turns up.
Not only is he harassing them, he's harassing another young man.
He's offering, on camera, with his, I think he's got like 200,000 followers on Facebook, $100 for their identities to be revealed.
That's doxxing, but no, that's fine because he's an abortion activist, he's on the left.
Different rules apply.
Despite the post being reported numerous times after it received attention on Twitter yesterday, neither Twitter nor Facebook has taken any action against Sims.
While myself and others were banned by Facebook for nebulous hate, Sims is allowed to deliberately break Facebook's terms of service with zero consequences.
He also posted another video in which he harasses an old lady which could also be argued violates Facebook policies on bullying and harassment.
But there's no political bias.
So the way they're going to get around this is by claiming that because he's an elected official, different rules apply to him.
That he can get away with certain things because that behaviour needs to be seen by the voting public.
That's not the case though, is it?
When Paul Benjamin and when Tommy Robinson tried to sign up for accounts on Twitter to become elected representatives, their accounts were immediately banned.
So this rule about what elected representatives or people running for office can get away with Seems to differ based on the political persuasion of who's doing it.
Isn't that interesting?
Once again, another giant double standard.
Now, Stephen Crowder tweeted about this earlier.
Dem Brian Sims claims to be a feminist while advocating for Sharia law, harassing young girls and offering money to dox them.
That's liberal, that's progressive.
Ensuring born male athletes can take athletic titles from biological women, which he also did in another post.
How long will we pretend that Democrats care about women at all?
So this guy is up harassing young teenage girls, harassing old ladies, threatening to dox them.
His post, his video, has been on Twitter, on Facebook, but over three weeks absolutely nothing happens.
Meanwhile, Twitter bans Jewish Trump supporter over AOC parody account.
You can't make fun of Democrats.
And it was interesting, actually, in relation to this.
Somebody posted a tweet from, I think it's a verified liberal, let's put it that way, whether it's a journalist, I haven't looked into it, but she's called Molly Jongfast.
So when this Jewish Trump supporter, who by the way I met at CPAC, absolutely fun-loving, hilarious guy, nice guy to the nth degree, when he got banned for this AOC parody account, She said this.
This is Molly Jongfast on Twitter.
This AOC parody account was incredibly mean and often retweeted as fact.
Now Conservatives are absolutely furious that it's been taken down.
Imagine if there was a parody account making fun of a young Conservative Congressman with the same zeal.
They'd be apoplectic.
But then he flashes back to a tweet from March last year.
Where this same verified liberal on Twitter says, Oh, so again we see the double standard.
Parody accounts targeting Conservatives, Republicans, that's just fine.
Parody accounts targeting Liberal leftist democrat darlings like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that's verboten.
And now not only did Twitter ban the parody account, even though it said parody in the bio twice, conformed to all their rules, they banned the creator Michael J. Morrison just as a kind of another way to lash out.
And he's been banned.
He had 50,000 followers.
I think 60,000 followers.
He's gone.
The parody account had 85,000 followers.
That's gone.
Even though parody accounts are completely allowed.
He said it was a parody account.
Doesn't matter.
You're gone.
Well, InfoWars.
Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson, Louis Farrakhan, Laura Loomer, all
of them were designated dangerous individuals and banned from Facebook and from its subsidiary
Alex Jones's company InfoWars was banned as well and described as a dangerous organization.
Did explain exactly how.
How dangerous is InfoWars?
Well, Facebook believes it's so dangerous that you can be banned from using the platform, Facebook, just for sharing its content unless you simultaneously denounce it.
Now that they kicked them off the platform, that's great for now, but it doesn't roll back the clock.
Well, you have also excesses in the First Amendment and the Second Amendment right now.
You know, I don't think that the forefathers said, well, you can say, you know, all sorts of hateful things and spread it around the world, literally spread it through the Internet.
I have no issue with it at all.
I want them shut down.
I want them silenced.
I want them muted.
I think they are horrible for our society.
I want them shut down!
I want them silenced!
I want them muted!
This isn't just censorship.
This is a digital, AI-enforced gag order against 2.2 billion users on Facebook not to say the name Alex Jones or InfoWars.com unless they disparage it.
So it's a prohibitive gag order saying you will not say these words unless you comply with the behavioral modification we want and decry it.
Put it down.
This is a digital tech giant, the biggest thing in world history.
Bigger than any one nation's population.
Bigger than any continent's population.
2.2 billion nation.
Telling them, you will only attack this person or this website.
That is unprecedented in the annals of history.
And all the major western universities have banned mainline conservative speeches.
They're attacking people.
The white professors are saying that there's no whites weekends.
And professors that refuse to leave are thrown out of the colleges.
This is a Maoist doctrine adopted by big tech with charters through the universities the last 15 years to create the new management class for big tech.
So what you're seeing is the exportation of the tyranny that's going on on these campuses to the rest of the nation and the rest of the world.
That's why I say it's a Maoist communist model.
Because Mao used the universities as the invasion point to take over and enforce.
That's not how the Russians or others did it.
And so this is mega-rich, 76 billion dollars, divorced from reality, Zuckerberg, defaming me and my family, saying that I'm this horrible white supremacist and I'm dangerous, in a category of serial killers and murderers.
That's the only group's banned on there.
And then taking my speech away, but saying, oh, but you can talk about it if you attack it.
And then the Republicans, the addled Congress, goes, we wonder if they've gone too far.
You wonder if they've gone too far.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is a total takeover.
The A.I.' 's already kicked in.
All these big tech companies are working together.
It's cartel activity.
It's false advertising.
They've lied to Congress and said that they never censor anybody.
But now they're out in the open censoring everyone.
The way to fight back is to support InfoWars now more than ever and make it a standard of freedom and free speech.
Understand that if they believe they can take us down, they'll take everybody else down.
Because they admit they plan to do this.
With millions of people, it's the Chinese communist social score that Facebook and Google have been working on for years with Apple in China.
And they're now just deploying it here, starting it with Alex Jones and a few others, hoping you won't defend me when you're putting your own neck in a noose.
I'm live at InfoWars.com, and I'm fighting back.
Please spread the word.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports, and more.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're back live for the final segment of the Alex Jones Show in this fourth hour.
Now remember, amidst all this de-platforming, there are some platforms left that actually believe in free speech.
One of them is Telegram.
You can go and sign up.
You can download The desktop version and the app.
And it's basically a free speech platform.
It's actually fun because you know you're not going to get banned for expressing an opinion or posting, God forbid, a meme.
And Milo's on there.
A bunch of people are on there.
I'm on there at t.me slash pjwnews.
t.me slash pjwnews.
Rob Dew's got his own channel, which is just started, which is t.me slash dewsnews with a Z at the end.
T. Dot me slash dudes news with a Z at the end.
It's a lot of fun.
I basically got like nearly 7000 followers in less than 24 hours.
So that is a platform.
Which you can actually use with some element of confidence.
I've also got a subscribe star if you want to support me.
Obviously this deep platforming has led to a backlash.
It will lead to a further backlash.
And you can support me in that at Subscribestar.
You just google Subscribestar.
Paul Joseph Watson, that will come up.
You can support me there.
Very interesting feedback from the lawyers who said, and I quote, that it was, let me find the exact quote here, The decision for Facebook to ban me was, quote, fairly extraordinary.
So it looks like we might have an interesting avenue to pursue there with the best media lawyers in London.
That's going to be interesting to find out exactly what information they had on me, isn't it?
So please support me by going to Subscribestar, Paul Joseph Watson, and you can join the Telegram groups, t.me forward slash Dews News and t.me forward slash pjwnews.
There you see the subscribe star up on screen.
Now CNN seems to be in trouble once again.
This is up at summit.news.
Rumors swirl about huge layoffs at CNN.
Brian Stelter denies.
After the network lost 26% of its audience in the past year, there are now rumors swirling that huge layoffs are about to hit CNN.
FTV Live reports, quote, CNN will cut as many as 300 employees, many being older employees, with years at the network.
So they allege that 200 people will be given a pink slip and 100 more will be offered a buyout, according to this report.
It's being described as a brain drain because it will mainly impact veteran reporters and employees.
However, CNN's Brian Stelter denied the story, tweeting, there's a rumor making the rounds today about big impending layoffs at CNN.
Surely that's impossible, given that they've lost quarter of their audience in a year.
The CNN spokeswoman is knocking it down on the record, no layoffs.
There were voluntary buyouts throughout the organization and about 100 people opted for it.
Then Eric Erickson responded, with this, voluntary layoffs typically happen prior to a company doing layoffs.
AT&T, which now owns CNN, is notorious for doing this.
If enough volunteers walk the plank, no one else is forced to.
So he's saying that they tried to get as many people to walk the plank as possible.
If that number is not high enough, then the layoffs will follow.
And as we report, of course, their viewership is down 26% in a year.
The network's flagship primetime show, Cuomo Primetime, grew a total of just 917,000 views in April, which is It's worse performance ever and it's just a coincidence that Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy, who funnily enough used to send tweets bashing CNN back in 2014-2015, then he failed as a conservative commentator, joined CNN and devoted his career to de-platforming, dragging down everyone else.
Interesting that they're now denying this.
We shall see.
Meanwhile, Vice commences master brand strategy, folding standalone Waypoint and Broadly brands.
So of course we had massive layoffs from BuzzFeed a couple of months ago and then Vice had to follow suit.
Well now Vice has started consolidating and rebranding its media verticals under Vice, folding the standalone Tonic, Noisy, Waypoint and Broadly brands.
In fact I think Broadly had a YouTube channel and it was so pathetic it could barely get like a thousand views per video at one point.
The Digital Media Company aims to boost site traffic and cross pollinate readers across these once distinct and separate sections.
In 2018 Vice Media missed its revenue goals and then months later cut staff by 10% which was around 250 people.
But don't worry because guess who's riding to the rescue?
It's he who shall not be named!
Otherwise you're an anti-Semite.
Yes, it's George Soros.
This similar kind of situation to Facebook, you can only talk about, it's the flip side of the Alex Jones equation, you can only talk about George Soros if you're being polite and complimentary towards George Soros.
Anything negative, because of course there'd be nothing negative about a billionaire philanthropist who funds political movements worldwide, there'd be nothing negative about that right now.
It all has to be positive.
Don't criticise George Soros, or you hate Jewish people.
Vice Media raises $250 million.
God only knows how or why, given that it's a failing brand.
Nobody's interested in it.
But again, it's one of the pillars of the left-wing digital media establishment, so they have to rescue it.
It's too big to fail.
Now Vice Media, the Canadian digital venture, formed out of Vice Magazine, Of course, by Gavin McInnes, who is now completely de-platformed off everything, has raised $250 million in debt from investors, including George Soros.
The financier's company is one of a number of investors in the round that has been led by 23 Capital.
So they've got a bunch of other investors, which include Shane Smith, obviously the co-founder, the Walt Disney Company, A&E Networks and TPG Capital.
So the corporate behemoths are rushing with the safety net in which to catch vice as it crumbles and collapses.
So with a $250 million injection, for the foreseeable future at least, that'll be just fine.
We might not be fine, that's why you need to get the products right now at InfoWarsStore.com Now we also have an article up on the Federalist.
This is a long article.
I'm not going to go through it all, but I really recommend you read it because it's a great breakdown of what's happened over the past week with the de-platforming.
Kicking people off online platforms is about control, not free speech.
And this is a long article, but they go through it and they make the point.
Those critiqued here who may dismiss the critique as what about is and basically he's saying No one need defend any of the people recently de-platformed by Facebook and Twitter to understand that the debate is really about an establishment desperate to regain the gatekeeping power they believed they lost as a result of satellite technology and the internet.
And of course, as a consequence of which led to Donald Trump's election in 2016.
That is a key article to understand exactly why they're doing the de-platforming and why they're doing it now.
Meanwhile in Europe, where you can increasingly not talk about any of these issues, otherwise you faced arrest and imprisonment, beyond even social media de-platforming.
This is out of Breitbart.
Television crew attacked while filming report on emerging migrant no-go zone.
This is in Belgium, capital of Brussels, which we were chased out of a few years ago after the Paris massacre.
The television crew working for Belgian broadcaster RTL was attacked by migrants at the Gare du Nord station in Brussels while they were filming an investigation on the refusal of bus drivers in the city to stop at the rapidly deteriorating location, which is something that we've seen before in two instances.
One, the attacks on news reporters we saw in Malmo, Sweden, the vicious attack on the Australian news crew in a migrant hub.
And of course, The issue of not only buses but postal services, delivery companies refusing to deliver in these heavily migrant areas because of the rampant crime and the threat of theft.
Some of the postal companies in Sweden have point-blank refused to even go to those areas.
You can't even say that in Sweden, that's a hate crime basically.
And now the television crew in Brussels were attacked on Sunday morning while the crew were trying to interview a bus driver and filming a bus belonging to the D-Legion company following a refusal of drivers to serve the major capital city transport interchange with their vehicles.
So they were violently shoved.
Again, same situation he had in Sweden is going on in Belgium.
Meanwhile, Austrians say they're feeling like foreigners inside of their own country.
Hundreds of working-class Austrians with real roots to the nation's culture and customs ...have expressed to one of the most popular newspapers their opinions on mass migration, with many saying they feel like outsiders in their own country.
We also have this report, again out of Voice of Europe.
Angela Merkel defends disastrous migrant policy, saying it was never a mistake to let in the millions of migrants.
Well, it was a mistake for your political career, which was completely sunk as a result of that dreadful decision.
Now, Merkel said her migrant policy had been Germany's response to the exceptional situation generated by civil war in Syria and rampant ISIS terror threat in the Middle East.
Now, Germany's violent crime rate has skyrocketed, and most of that is down to the migrants who came in since 2015.
Not my opinion.
German government statistics.
Coming up next is War Room.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have make it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, let's make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you can actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleet.
Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
I said, yeah, you look 10 years younger.
He said, oh yeah, it's just I'm off all the sleep drugs.
He says, this is totally free.
But he goes, do you know what it is in there?
And I said, it's the synergy of it.