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Name: 20190425_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 25, 2019
3418 lines.

Alex Jones discusses recent national polls showing Biden ahead of Trump, expressing skepticism towards them due to their inaccuracy in 2016. He talks about meeting individuals who claim President Trump plans to criminally pursue Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James Clapper, and John Brennan for their actions against the country. Jones promotes products such as Patriot Blend coffee and Brain Force Plus nootropic supplements before discussing how the Obama administration allegedly spied on Trump during the 2016 campaign. He covers topics like InfoWars hiring, internet censorship, Virginia's governor admitting to infanticide, tax debt settlements, Charlottesville, and supporting alternative media platforms like InfoWars through purchasing products available on their website.

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(upbeat music)
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
(upbeat music)
I think he's going to win in the landslide, you know, to tell you the truth.
Because you know what?
Here's what I predict.
Alex Jones!
You did the mind meld.
You will be destroyed.
You're still standing!
There's only one Alex Jones.
There's only one true twister from Texas.
Nobody can come close.
So if I'd have taken that for free, how much would I have had?
$60 million.
Alex Jones loses $80 million.
He took the risk.
He became president.
And now we should be applauding that.
And the fact that he wasn't implicated in the Russiagate hoax should be a point of admiration.
What more can I do, Alex?
What more can I do?
Oh, it's Joe Biden.
I think Joe Biden's in the house.
Oh, I feel him creeping up my spine.
The Trump coup is right around the corner.
We're ready to go.
Here in D.C., Trump International.
Let's do it!
It feels really good to be back in studio.
(upbeat music)
The rest of the crew is on their way, but I wanted to let them sleep in.
I got up at 3.30 a.m.
and got to the airport, and I'm here, locked, cocked, and ready to rock.
And I had so many incredible experiences in D.C.
that even though it is a big, evil, swamp-like cesspit, there's still a lot of great people and a lot of great energy.
And I just had nothing but an amazing, almost magical time while I was there.
The planets aligned, a lot of synchronicity, serendipity.
I'll be telling you about some here on the broadcast today, obviously, and we have the big Max Keiser interview I did with him.
I ran into him at Trump Hotel, and it was the best interview I've ever done with him.
It is jam-packed, super powerful.
That's coming up in the third hour.
We have large excerpts of it that are up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com right now, but the full interview On a whole host of issues.
We'll be airing.
By the way, he wasn't the Soros connected guy, even though he knows Soros' son and did some trading with him on Wall Street that offered me the Bitcoin to join with the dark side.
But he got the heat for it when I mentioned that.
But that's a separate time he offered me 150 million in Bitcoin back when it was worth a dollar apiece when it first came out.
And quite frankly, I was just busy covering Bilderberg and didn't get it downloaded right on the laptop we had, because I was too busy covering Bilderberg, but it's quite an exclusive story you're going to hear coming up in the third hour.
Millie Weaver is going to join us as well.
She was in Charlottesville, and she saw the left with the police collide the reporters and the white nationalists and the Democrats posing as white nationalists into each other to cause the conflagration that got the woman killed.
And then when I said Soros funded it, the police stood down and got the woman killed.
I was sued by the Georgetown Law Clinic and others saying that I said specifically that they physically, that some guy, I don't think I ever even said his name, specifically That's what they say in their lawsuit.
Killed this woman.
No, I said Soros and the whole conflagration that happened and then the leftist professors and operatives there seized on the crisis and tried to brand Trump as a white supremacist by misquoting Trump saying the white supremacists were good people.
No, he said there were good people on both sides, bad people on both sides.
That means there was a left-wing and right-wing clash.
There were all sorts of bystanders there.
And a lot of innocent people got attacked.
And Antifa started the whole thing.
And Antifa is a criminal organization.
Of course, since then, it's been federally listed as one.
So, it is all coming up today.
First off, though.
Man, I've talked a lot about this.
I've probably talked about this a thousand times here on air, but I'm going to talk about it again when we return.
Having memories.
Remembering things.
Because they're back at it again.
National polls.
Biden announces within one day he's eight points ahead of Trump and all of the contenders.
You can rig these polls however you want.
Remember how fake they were back in 2016?
New lives for old.
Same old garbage.
Marcos, thanks for holding.
I really appreciate you joining us on this Friday edition.
What's your view?
Hi, Mr. Jones.
I appreciate you having me on.
First off, I wanted to thank you.
Her body's been using it for a while, but I sent a bottle to my mom, and after taking it for a few days, she called me literally in tears, saying that she could see the knuckles on her fingers again and, like, the bones in her knees again.
She was ecstatic.
So, personal thank you to you for that, because anybody who makes my mom's life a little bit easier has a special place in my heart.
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So that's why Bodies is so incredible.
People should really check it out and support the InfoWars.
So thank you for giving us your testimony about your mother because Bodies is amazing.
Oh yeah, definitely.
In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas.
The first reports say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by the shooting.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
It was almost as if it were a planned, in quotes, hit-judge pancake.
Either you were with us, or you were with the terrorists.
I also believe that a lot of gun owners would agree that AJ-47s belong to handsome soldiers, not to handsome criminals.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.
the central bankers in charge. Aren't we all just living and dying at what the central
banks do?
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms.
Do you understand?
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones, waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWars.
It's Thursday, April 25th, 2019.
I have just landed in the last hour and a half back in Austin, Texas, and I am loaded for bear.
What amazing events took place in D.C., both publicly and behind the scenes.
I talked to three separate people that know the president personally and who had met with him in the days that I was there.
And two of them said I could go ahead and tell the story, but because the media will attack them or make a big issue out of it, I've decided not to tell you their names.
Though I may get one of them on the show today, I'm working on that.
Three separate people met with the president this week.
And he said that he is going to criminally go after Hillary and Obama and Clapper and Brennan and all of them, because he knows that they're never going to stop trying to destroy the country.
Now, we played the clip yesterday when Ellen Schroer did a great job hosting the show, but we're going to play it when we come back in the next segment.
Limbaugh responded to it specifically, so I'm going to play it with his comments, where she said Trump needs to be indicted and Trump needs to be in prison.
What a joke.
No evidence of obstruction, no evidence of a crime to be obstructing, evidence of their whole fake investigation to cover up their crimes and overthrow the election.
You heard all of that here first.
You imagine how fearful Brennan and Clapper and Hillary and Obama were two and a half years ago.
Even before Trump was in office, laying out exactly what happened.
Well, we have sources like William Binning, the former technical head of the NSA.
The real head of it.
We have a lot of other sources, you see.
And we also have our own research.
And so that's why they wanted us off air.
That's why they've been so horrified, because we have their number.
Now, two and a half years later, Limbaugh says what I say, word for word.
That's great.
But it's because we've been doing our own research, we have our own facts, and we understand how to take the globalists down.
That's why this broadcast is so critical.
That's why this broadcast is so important.
That's why we absolutely have to keep this broadcast on air, and it's why the enemy sees it as a symbol of their defeat, and why around the clock they work to take us off air.
Now, let me tell you some of the other things that are coming up in today's broadcast, and then I'll get into our first big story.
Obviously, Biden has announced And he's announcing on the whole Charlottesville lie that Trump endorsed white white supremacists, which is totally made up.
Just like they say that Trump says all Mexicans are criminals.
Where's the video?
It doesn't exist.
He's a lying scumbag.
And of course, the polls are lying as well.
That's the big story I'll cover at the bottom of the hour.
2016 lies all over again.
Biden launches campaign with fake polls showing him eight points ahead against Trump.
That's the live feed article posted at Infowars.com.
And look, I don't blame DrudgeReport.com for having the headline.
That gets people's attention.
We shouldn't sit on our laurels either.
Shock poll!
Biden opens up 8-point lead on Trump.
8-point lead on Trump the very first day he announces.
I'll do this at the bottom of the hour, but just in the interest of whoever's tuned in right now.
Joe Biden is the frontrunner.
Says some little out-of-the-way poll that nobody believes.
But even Gallup and all these other big polls famously would put Hillary 15 points ahead on Election Day.
CNN said that Hillary had a 98% chance of winning.
The New York Times said a 97%.
They would have polls where she was ahead 35 points to create the perception that she's invincible.
So all we got to do is remind people that these polls aren't accurate.
I said a month ago they had Gallup polls and things showing Trump five points ahead of Obama at this time in his presidency and I said you know it's probably 65 points with the eligible voters they're talking to but they're only giving you a more reasonable more fair poll more accurate poll right now Because when they start giving you the fake polls later, they want you to think that they're real.
They're not.
None of these polls are worth anything.
It's in the WikiLeaks that a year before Hillary even ran, By 2013, John Podesta was reaching out to all the polling companies, making relationships with them, saying, we're going to spend so much money on you, we want unity of polls, and we want to have the perception that she's way ahead from the beginning.
And then they spent massive amounts of money to give you the fake polls.
Remember all those headlines?
How did everyone get it wrong?
Politico 2016. How did everybody get it?
So wrong.
Because they did it on purpose.
The polling crisis.
How to tell what people really think.
It wasn't the polls that missed, it was the pundits.
No, it was all of them.
The polls missed Trump.
We asked pollsters why.
A group of major pollsters just released an autopsy report to explain why the polls were such a disaster in 2016.
Because the establishment knew Hillary was unpopular.
And they thought they could create a bandwagon effect by putting out fake polls for her so people would say, well, I don't want to bet on a loser, so I just won't vote or I'll go vote for Hillary.
Anybody will tell you that once a football team goes to the playoffs, they sell more t-shirts During those playoff games than they sold during all the regular season.
Because people jump on bandwagons.
It's what they do.
But it didn't work this time.
So I'll cover that more at the bottom of the hour.
Please also don't forget.
Oh, the World Health Organization is telling the truth.
That's the UN.
Says babies should not look at screens.
It brain damages them.
It lowers their IQs.
It makes them not communicate with other humans.
It's programming them.
That's all coming up.
Also continuing here, we're going to get into the Mexican soldiers involved in the drug
cartels helping disarm U.S. troops.
Now Trump is vowing to not put up with that again.
Oh, and of course, now we hear that thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands
and thousands of Boy Scouts have been sexually abused.
And that's just the whitewash numbers of 3,000 or more names of sexual abuse cases and how it was basically covered up.
But that's nothing.
That's absolutely nothing.
They now hand out condoms at the Boy Scout Jamboree and basically encourage everybody to have sex with each other.
And now girls are involved as well.
So, the Boy Scouts of America, in many blue state areas, has turned into the happy hunting ground of the pedophiles.
They don't need to go to Drag Queen Storytime to bounce your child on their knee.
They just go there, they get to tent with your child at night and have sex with them.
So, that's what this is all about, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's being done out in the open, sexualizing your children.
But as long as it's liberal, it's okay.
Yeah, Boy Scouts to provide condoms to upcoming World Jamboree.
Tens of thousands of condoms are being handed out.
What does that tell you?
That was from three years ago.
What does that tell you?
What does that tell you?
They're just encouraging you.
It's like saying, hey, here's all the beer and all the... Here's the heroin.
I mean, they're just saying, do it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Again, we've got four or five places we want to fill, and a lot of new secret projects going on.
The point is, if you want to build freedom in this country, and promote free speech, and you want to help InfoWars go to the next level, we want to hire you.
Send your resumes to techjobs.com.
Check jobs at Infowars.com today.
I look forward to meeting some of you and shaking your hand and having you jump on the Millennium Falcon at the start of Episode 4, because that's what you're going to be doing.
This is the real ticket to adventure.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Looking live there at the White House lawn, Alex Jones, the controversial host, Trump supporter, out there with a bullhorn, and that's what you heard earlier, some people out there as well, saying they support President Trump, but they don't support Twitter.
President Trump meeting with the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, here at the White House today.
You kind of hear the bullhorn in the background, thought we'd show you what was happening.
By the way, that was total providence, synchronicity, serendipity, whatever the proper term is, that I land in D.C.
on Tuesday.
I go directly from the airport to the White House.
It was a private meeting.
It wasn't announced until it was ongoing that the head of Twitter would be in there in a meeting being chastised for censorship.
And then sure enough, right while I'm bullhorning, there's a whole bunch of news out there that actually picked up what I was saying.
That's how the Fox host was able to repeat what I had just said.
And there's more audio of that.
The poor leftists out there had their own bullhorns, two of them screaming at me trying to drown me out, but they don't know how to use them.
They don't know how to use them.
They always aim them.
Maybe I shouldn't tell them how to use a bullhorn properly.
They always aim them at the crowd as if, you know, they're little commies and they want to convince them, instead of really yelling through one at full power, and then bouncing it off buildings.
But that's what we were doing, and it was extremely successful, and I'm told that the president even remarked on it later.
Because despite the bulletproof glass, I was going right into the room where the meeting was actually taking place.
That's Providence for you.
Some other stuff happened on the trip that deals with what we're about to hit right now.
Rush Limbaugh responding to Hillary saying Trump should be indicted and locked up.
And then Limbaugh laying it all out with 100% accuracy what's happened and what we're facing.
Now, Limbaugh was saying a lot of this a year and a half ago.
And he was a trailblazer, just like Sean Hannity.
But, I was saying it two and a half years ago with total precision.
And I'm saying that to explain, InfoWars is an important ordinance in the fight for this country.
We are the damn tip of the spear.
The enemy knows that.
So thank you for the support, but we need your prayers, and we need you to buy products that are at InfoWarsTore.com on a regular basis.
It takes a lot of money to run this, and to fight their attempts to shut us down.
We will be successful.
We are being successful.
Despite the lies they put out in the news.
But we need your support.
Because big things are happening.
When we come back in the next segment, I'm going to get into the fake polls, just like two years ago, just like three years ago.
But even bigger, the amazing sources.
What happened, what I discovered, when I was in D.C.
from three separate people that met with the President.
This is directly from folks that met with the President and what he said about his plan to move against the deep state.
It's happening.
That's the current course the President's on.
This is history.
But expect big fireworks.
Here's Rush Limbaugh.
There's enough there that any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted.
The whole matter of obstruction was very directly sent to the Congress.
I mean, if you read that part of the report, it could not be clearer.
Well, what's going through your mind as you're listening to that rush?
I was trying not to listen to that.
You know, this is the irony.
Hillary Clinton is who tried to rig a presidential election, Martha.
Hillary Clinton and her pals in the Obama Department of Justice and the FBI, they are the ones who colluded with the Russians.
They are the ones that gave us this entirely, totally bogus Steel dossier for Hillary Clinton.
You know what?
For Hillary Clinton to be talking about impeaching Donald Trump.
Hillary Clinton needs to be investigated.
She needs to be indicted.
And she needs to be in jail.
And many of her co-conspirators in this whole sordid affair, which amounted to nothing more than a silent coup to overturn the election results of 2016.
Hillary Clinton demanding it.
Trump, you talk about sour grapes.
This is a woman's been rejected by The American people twice, rejected by her party in 2008.
She had to rig the primaries against Crazy Bernie in 2016 to get the nomination.
She is the last person who ought to be listened to about what ought to happen to Donald Trump.
She hasn't accomplished anything anywhere near what Donald Trump has accomplished.
She is in no position here to sit here and say what she saw in the Mullery.
Well, she can say it.
She's an American.
But she doesn't have any credibility underneath this.
That's right.
I am concerned, and I'm not alone there.
All right, let's go to another clip from that powerful interview he did like almost the whole hour with her.
The video's up on Infowars.com.
It's good to see Limbaugh on board with reality here, because that's what's happening.
Now he gets into that the whole Mueller investigation was a cover-up of the crimes of the Clintons.
And to back that up, when we come back, I've got a video Where Democrats admit that they were secretly spying on Trump and that that's how they knew he was a Russian agent.
I had remembered this.
I talked about this from two years ago.
One American news network found some of the clips that we all remember them on the news.
Obama officials saying, Obama ordered us to spy on Trump.
We found out he's a Russian.
That's why we know.
That's how I knew they were spying.
They said it.
This is almost three years ago.
This is during the campaign they were saying this.
It's crazy!
Remember, I was making a big deal about it, you were making a big deal about it, and so they spun it and said, well, Trump got this from Jones.
He just made this up.
That's coming up at the start of the next segment, but let's go to the second clip of Rush Limbaugh.
There was never any evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia.
The collusion, as I said, was Hillary, the DNC, and the Russians via Steele.
But the Russians... When Mueller announced the indictments of the Russian troll farm, actually it was Rosenstein who went out and announced them, and nobody paid any attention to this, but he said at the end of the announcement, nothing in these indictments suggests A single vote was changed.
Nothing suggests the outcome of any election was changed.
No American is named in the indictment having to do with it.
Martha, there was never any evidence for this.
There was never Mueller.
There was never Mueller.
When he got the file from Comey, it was empty.
All they had was the dossier, and we all know that it was made up.
It was opposition research.
This was not even an investigation of Trump.
What it was, was an attempt to overthrow the 2016 elections.
And the Mueller investigation, I believe, was actually many things, including a cover-up and a distraction to keep people from understanding what really happened.
Donald Trump Accomplished one of the greatest achievements of his life, against all odds, with no assistance.
His own party wasn't even that much behind him.
He's done something that few Americans will ever do, and they're trying to take it away from him.
And they're trying to sully his reputation, simply because they don't like him.
This is a sordid situation.
I think our country was at great risk during this whole thing, and there needs to be an investigation.
I hope the Attorney General's serious, because these people need to be investigated.
We need to be told who they are, what they did, even though we already know, and they need to be investigated.
The full clips are up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Get that out to people, because remember, this is the first place it was all covered.
Our audience, you got the word out.
That's why the globalists fear you.
They know I'm going to stay on the air one way or another after the broadcast out of my house.
But they don't want you being able to have access to information you're looking for so you can't spread it.
So don't let them win.
Go to newswars.com and get these articles and videos and get them out to everybody you know by email, by text message, by word of mouth.
Don't let them stop you.
Why has America been so special compared to other nations?
Why has it become the model of other successful countries?
Why do so many people want to get here?
Because of our constitutional republic and the basic freedoms that were protected for the individual.
Even though we've had a lot of problems, the fact that we were the freest country in the world allowed incredible wealth to be developed.
By the 1950s, the U.S.
had over 80% of the world's patents and over half the wealth, and the biggest middle class the planet had ever seen.
It was America that led the way on human rights, not just here, but around the world.
But if you tune into the national news today, like CNN, you'd believe America was the worst place on Earth.
And it's a horrible place.
And why is that?
It's because multinational corporations, working with the Communist Chinese, the EU and others, are demoralizing the nation to break us down.
And to make us not care about our identity, so we can be absorbed into globalism.
But thanks to InfoWars and thanks to the audience of activists out there, we have rebooted Americana and the resistance against the globalists.
And now Trump coming in and turning the tide and exposing the whole fake Russiagate has them panicked.
Nationalist populists are being elected in South America, in Europe, in the UK.
It's happening everywhere and the power structure is panicking.
That's why Big Tech, allied with the Chi-Coms, the authoritarian EU and others, are forcing the whole Hollywood hate America brainwashing on the public and bringing in censorship in an attempt to block us from completing the take back of the nation.
And that's why, more than ever, you have to remember.
Because of the censorship, you've got to come to newswars.com or infowars.com to hear what's really happening on the front lines and how you can help, not just save the country, but really the future destiny of the people of this planet.
Because if the United States falls to tyranny and falls to leftist authoritarianism, the communist Chinese will be the dominant cultural force on the planet.
That's why it's so critical that we understand that Democrats in Congress right now are attempting to bring in more draconian censorship of conservatives and others, while at the same time big tech heads lie to Congress and say they're not censoring when they've been caught red-handed.
This is the legislative branch, and we need to take control of it to restore the republic.
We also have to take control of the judicial, and that takes us to our next spot, the Supreme Court.
Imagine what would have happened if Hillary Clinton would have been elected.
It would have been a death blow to this country, because the Democrats now officially say they want to repeal the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, and so many other issues.
This nation is still held by a threat.
That's why it's so important to understand that the Democrats are the party of extremism, extreme anti-Americanism.
The Republicans were a bunch of blue-blood establishment types, but we've had a populist insurrection that has partially taken it over.
Now we've got to take it all the way over, keep Trump in the White House in 2020, and get more governorships and more statehouses across this country to reverse the globalist plan to take down our nation.
And that's why InfoWars is so important.
InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today that will only get through to the people if you spread the word.
Just while I've been out here walking today, I probably shook a hundred hands.
And a third of them said, where are you?
We miss you.
We wish you were still on air.
That's because they were habitualized on YouTube and on iTunes and everywhere else to listen to us.
You have to come to Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And I know the regular listeners understand that, but other people kind of just passively watch what pops up on their screen.
They love the truth, they love liberty, but they're not thinking that there's an internet outside of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
That's why you are how we outreach.
You are how we get this information through the sensors to others.
You are the resistance.
So God bless you all.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the city of Phoenix, I'm Alex Trebek.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, are you ready for the bombshell of bombshells?
No, it's not Rush Limbaugh calling for Hillary to be arrested and indicted.
No, it's not the deep state caught in all their criminal activities trying to overthrow the election.
It's the fact that Sam Powers and other high-level Obama administration officials went on television when President Trump was president-elect and said, we know he's a Russian agent because we were spying on him.
The New York Times said it.
Others said it.
That's how I knew.
And then Judge Napolitano came out six months after we broke it and said, I've talked to high-level British sources.
They were asked to spy on Trump by Obama.
And the intelligence agencies run by the left know the public's ignorant about intelligence agencies.
Since the beginning of the Five Eyes, more than 50 years ago, England, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the U.S., and a lot of it's the EU now and Interpol, they'll have a foreign government spy on you, and then you'll spy on them, because the governments always make it illegal to spy on your own people.
Because you'd obviously have a police state, and you'd have one political group use it against the other political group.
The political group in power would always use spying technology to defeat their political enemies.
Game over.
It's called cheating.
It's called tyranny.
So they got around it, spying on their political opposition using foreign governments.
That is the default.
It's like saying 2 plus 2 equals 4.
So we first broke all this and said, England's normally the go-to to spy on the US.
I said, look at England doing it.
When I saw them on the news saying, we have the intelligence that he's a Russian agent, i.e.
And so, I've talked about trying to find these videos.
I found some of the articles, but trying to find the videos from late 2016, early 2017.
Well, one American News Network did find it.
So, I'm in their studios yesterday.
Well, they've got live programming coming in from San Diego where they're based, and they've got live feeds coming in.
Doing a great job.
What Fox News should be doing from the Capitol.
And then I saw them go to a taped piece that was this one while I'm waiting to go on with Jack Posobiec.
And I was like, what?
That's one of the clips!
I'm like, I remember seeing her on TV basically bragging how they were spying on Trump.
Then they go to Congress later and say, we weren't involved spying on Trump.
Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, all of them say, oh, we never spied on Trump.
Now Clapper and Brennan go on TV three weeks ago and go, we were actually ordered by Obama to do it.
So we didn't do anything illegal.
The point is, you have lied.
And if the president orders you to sponsor money for political purposes, it's illegal too.
Just like when Nixon did it.
So, they are caught.
And this is what I've obsessed on, is these key facts right now.
Here it is.
In the wake of the Mueller probe, details continue to emerge about how the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign ahead of the 2016 elections.
One America's Neil W. McCabe spoke to a former CIA analyst.
Larry Johnson was an analyst for both the CIA and the State Department.
He told One American News that now that the Mueller probe is closed, it's time for the American people to learn the truth about how the British government helped the Obama administration dodge the Fourth Amendment by spying on the 2016 Trump campaign for them.
One of the strengths and weaknesses or dangers of this Five Eyes cooperative is that it provides a channel for sharing intelligence information.
Johnson said there is a cooperation agreement between the intelligence services of the U.S., U.K., Canada, New Zealand, and Australia, the so-called Five Eyes Club, that allowed the Obama administration to access surveillance of U.S.
citizens as foreign-gathered intelligence.
On this side of the ocean, who are at the highest levels in the U.S.
intelligence community, sort of an agreement to collect and share information and
do it in a way that would not necessarily attract undue attention but
would provide a documentary record that could be used to justify targeting
Donald Trump.
Just as the Trump administration took office, a senior official in the Obama Pentagon
had an unguarded moment on MSNBC.
I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior people who left.
So it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, that the Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about their, the staff, the Trump staff dealing with Russians, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods.
We know that specifically from a former Department of Defense official under Obama named Evelyn Farkas.
She admitted to it!
Johnson said in the beginning the British were simply curious about Donald Trump as he became a serious candidate for president.
The British did this in part, I'm given to understand by people who were familiar with what was up, is that they were concerned about Trump's policies on NATO and Syria and they wanted to make sure that they could start understanding what he was up to.
One clear example of the UK surveillance was the monitoring of Trump campaign volunteer George Papadopoulos, he said.
How did George Papadopoulos come to the attention of both law enforcement and intelligence sources?
And when you look at his story, you begin to realize his first communications from UK to the United States, they were emails.
So maybe, and one or two phone calls, if I recall correctly.
Well, those were intercepted.
Absolutely, they were intercepted by the United Kingdom through this General Communications Headquarters, and that information was passed back to the United States through intel channels.
In fact, Papadopoulos, living in London, was told in early March 2016 that he could focus on American relations with Russia.
One week later, an American intel asset, Professor Joseph Mifsud, approached him in Italy.
Later on in March, Mifsud met with Papadopoulos in London and told him that he could introduce him to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
And the Russian collusion hoax was born.
15 minutes after President Donald Trump took office, Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice used her White House account to send an email to herself about the surveillance of the Trump campaign that read in part that President Barack Obama stressed, quote, His commitment to ensuring every aspect of this issue, handled by the intelligence and law enforcement communities, was by the book.
Neil W. McCabe, One America News, Washington.
So, we're going to play that Samantha Powers clip one more time, but there she is heading up National Security for Obama, and she's openly on TV admitting that they were illegally surveilling the President.
And then later saying that they didn't do that.
They can't even cover their butts anymore.
They're unable to do it.
And then she sends herself an email once Trump actually gets in.
She can't believe they were unable to stop him.
Saying, oh, we better follow all the laws on surveillance when she'd been quarterbacking it along with others the whole time.
That's what our sources told us at the time.
It's all turned out to be true.
Infowars.com, two years from now, news today.
And that's why the globalists want us shut off the air.
That's why they lie about us.
That's why they demonize us.
That's why they sue us.
That's why they do all this, because they understand that we will first break the news and make it safe for others to cover it.
But this is such a big deal.
That they've been caught doing this, and caught lying about this, and Trump must take action.
When we come back, I'll get into the polls, but I'm going to do that at the start of the next hour.
The new fake polls, just like 2016 against Trump for Biden.
And this whole perception management, the bandwagon effect.
But I want to hit first, because it dovetails into all this, three different people I talked to with direct knowledge of the President and what he plans to do to the deep state.
So this is going to be really, really big and really, really important.
But here is Powers on CNN or MSNBC one more time for you admitting it all.
I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior people who left.
So it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy.
That the Trump folks, if they found out how we knew what we knew about their, the staff, the Trump staff dealing with Russians, that they would try to compromise those sources and methods.
We know that specifically from... And again, to be clear...
That's Evelyn Farkas talking about Samantha Powers.
But that's specifically me.
And we have a Samantha Powers statement coming up as well.
I'm Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news today.
The Globalist.
I'm right up here on the left.
Actually, the road's closed, so you can turn around in the driveway at the bottom of the hill.
Have a good night.
Face-to-face with 16-year-old high school... Excuse me.
Keep going!
Keep going!
It really was just a matter of time before we saw something like this.
And I'm really surprised that we haven't seen something worse.
Is it getting worse?
People always ask, "What does it mean to make America great again?"
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
You alright?
Man, the car is stuck in the snow, man.
Can I give you a push?
Yeah, please.
Please, I appreciate it.
(water splashing)
Here's what we're going to have to do.
I'm going to push.
Don't hit the brakes at all.
You just got to keep going.
Keep going!
It means to make America a better place than it was the day before.
(dramatic music)
Samuel, thanks for calling.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
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Pollen block works every single time.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I want to just pull back for a moment here and I want to just almost have a moment of silence for listeners and myself so we can really contemplate where this country is, where this nation's going, and where this world's going.
Because whether you love Donald Trump or whether you hate Donald Trump or whether you're somewhere in between, There's no doubt he's shaken up the power structure and there's no doubt that the original corrupt deep state that's been in control of our nation really for 50 years overreached massively and has been caught with their tentacles in the cookie jar.
And they're going to strike back.
And so President Trump cannot just sit there and try to make the economy successful and share power with the establishment and hope that they just think straight.
No, they are full of bravado.
They are full of chutzpah.
They are full of arrogance.
They are full of hubris.
They are filled with psychotic swamp energy.
And they're not going to stop.
Well, here's the good news.
Two of these people I talked to said, go ahead, talk about it on record.
And then a third one said, well, you can go ahead, but then said, maybe not.
Just don't say my name.
So I'm not going to say anybody's name.
But I sat there, eyeball to eyeball, with three people that directly communicate with the President on a daily basis, that write briefings for him, that are in the meetings.
And last week, please cue up the first Rush Limbaugh clip, just the part with Hillary, that we played earlier.
Just this week, On Monday and Tuesday, this was going on.
And Trump already was intending to have the Justice Department be pushed to do the right thing and to follow up and to have Congress do it.
And boy, do they have them dead to rights, dead in their sights.
I mean, we've got them open and shut.
But when Hillary and others went on TV and said that the president is a criminal that needs to be indicted for obstruction, smoke came out of his ears.
Because you've got a bunch of Democrats going, oh, we're not going to impeach you.
Back off.
Let's be friendly.
Let's just fight over politics.
You know, we're sorry we got caught.
But Nadler's not quitting.
Chuckie Schumer's not quitting.
A lot of folks aren't quitting.
Schiff isn't quitting.
And so why would you let a bunch of crooks that covered up Russia connections to Hillary and China and Obama sit there and claim that Trump's the criminal?
Why would he sit there and let them after years of illegally spying on him and lying about him and harassing him and his family and his supporters like yours truly?
It's been hell.
I'm willing to take it, but I'm not willing to roll over to it.
I'll take the pain to beat him.
In fact, I like the pain in that process, but it's like magic.
If we go through all this pain and lose, then it's for naught.
We take the pain and win.
It's Valhalla.
So, I talked to three different people.
One person is a close friend of the President and talks to him routinely.
I'll leave it at that.
Others write briefings for him.
And advice him specifically on the memo that he had dealing with, and I was authorized to say this, is they don't care if the president knows who it is because the president doesn't want this to be a secret.
The memo that President Trump had when he was, the briefing he got before he interviewed Jack Dorsey of Twitter.
And the other person was one of the falsely accused Russiagate individuals who was not involved, but it worked in Eastern Europe for the CIA.
And the Clintons knew that he'd worked for them.
And he was brought back in.
He's been on the show before.
And he met with the president on Tuesday in the Oval Office.
And the president said, I'm going after him.
Damn the torpedoes.
Have you seen what Hillary Clinton's saying?
I'm sick of these crooks.
Trump's got all the intel now.
He actually knows how they've sold us out.
And he's just got like total proof that they're globalist criminals that hate the country.
And I'm giving some specifics here for the deep state that's corrupt to realize how defeated you are.
How routed you are.
How we have you.
Because I was told by two of the three I could go ahead and tell you all this.
But I've decided not to, just to leave it out of it.
But just to give the little breadcrumbs to the establishment that's still hanging on.
Because remember, we got the text messages a year and a half ago of Strzok and Page going, there's no Russia evidence, Trump's done nothing wrong, what we're doing is illegal, we're gonna go to jail.
He's like, no baby, hold on, he'll be out soon.
He's not out.
The investigation was a fraud.
Your bosses, Obama and Hillary and Clapper and Brennan, they're the ones, Samantha Powers and the mainstream media that covered it up, they're the ones on the hook now.
Unless we let them grab victory from the jaws of defeat.
It's Comey and others that are in the jaws of this.
Why do you think Mueller, even though he hates Trump and was paid to put this lie out, and is a deep state man of the Bushes and the Clintons, why do you think he had to back off?
Because there was no evidence A, and B, the evidence is to the contrary, it's to their criminal activity.
So I'm going to tell you again.
Trump has told confidant friends that he is going to go after them in the media.
He's going to go after them with lawsuits.
He's going to push the Justice Department to go after him.
He's not going to stop.
He's looking into all the funding of these stay-behind leftist groups.
That's been brought up.
We've been beating that drum of all this Defense Department funding to special leftist stay-behind criminal groups, embeds, as the president calls them.
And they've got the Justice Department warmed up to prosecute.
And you know why?
Because so many people in the Justice Department really weren't cheerleaders for this.
But they thought Trump would be brought down so to cover their butts, they went along with
And now all those people have to take action or they could be rolled up in the wider investigation.
So Trump is flipping and Barr is now flipping all these people against the Clintons and the Obamas and the rest of these crooks.
That's why Brennan and Clapper two, three weeks ago went on CNN and said, OK, we spied on them, but it was all ordered by the president.
And as listeners, you already know all these facts.
You already know this as researchers.
But now, it's coming to a head, and I'm telling you, Trump changes his mind sometimes, but right now, he fully intends to damn the torpedoes, go straight at them, and the fact that Hillary shot her mouth off and other things just means that he's probably not going to turn back now.
So that means we need to pray for the President, And we need to also understand they're going to really try to assassinate him now, or they're going to try some type of big false flag.
I mean, they're not going to take this lying down.
So this country is in a prime zone of conflict and danger.
We've reached an event horizon.
This is it.
All because, behind the scenes, Hillary and others were given a chance to stop.
But they can't stop.
And so we can't stop now.
It'd be better for the country if they just backed off and quit.
They're not going to.
Because Hillary is saying stuff like this.
There's enough there that any other person who had engaged in those acts would certainly have been indicted.
The whole matter of obstruction was very directly sent to the Congress.
I mean, if you read that part of the report, it could not be clearer.
This is from the queen of treason.
This is from the queen of obstruction.
You've got Loretto.
Lynch on tarmac with Clinton, she's criminally investigating, making deals to not prosecute, promising her the next Attorney General ship.
I mean, these people are a joke.
Everybody's asking who'll be indicted first.
It's gonna be Strzok and others.
Page came in and spilled her guts over a year and a half ago.
It'll be Strzok, it'll be Orr, and then it's just gonna go up to McCabe, and then right up to the top.
I mean, hell, the Democrats got Richard Nixon for stuff one one millionth as bad.
We're gonna get you.
We're kicking your butt, Hillary.
You think you're kicking my butt?
No, lady.
You're being defeated.
We're winning.
And that's not talk.
That's the real world.
We're going to come back with the second hour and their fake polls, a special guest, and so much more.
But I have not even plugged this hour.
I need to plug now.
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But Will Johnson, who's hosting the fourth hour, has made a suggestion before to me, and that is to drink it with hot water like you would sip on tea.
So that's actually what I'm going to do today.
On the Alex Jones Show.
So let me just empty my packet of Turbo Force into my InfoWars tumbler, which you can also get at InfoWarsStore.com.
Go ahead and knock that out.
Go ahead and stir that in.
I've got pretty hot water here.
It's been sitting for a minute, so I should be able to drink this without it having to wait too long.
I kind of feel like I'm doing an infomercial.
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resistance Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, the White House confirms President Trump is planning to annihilate
the deep state.
He's planning to go nuclear.
He's planning to use all the evidence and all the intel he has to roll up their criminal operations.
This is going to be a day long remembered.
But the President and this Republic are now entering the prime zone of danger.
They're going to try to assassinate the President.
That's why it's vital that this information, this report, get out to everyone right now.
Our futures depend on it.
Now, in the days following the church massacre, where 40-plus people died at the hands of a lunatic, who said he wanted to cause a global race war, he said he was creating a false flag to make people kill each other.
And I said, but you watch, when the week of Easter comes, all over Europe, all over Asia, all over the Middle East, all over Africa, Christian churches will be burned and bombed, starting on Palm Sunday, and they will be shot up, and they will be brought to the ground.
And you can actually pull it up, just type in Alex Jones, conspiracies after Christchurch, media matters, you name it, CNN.
Jones claims that the media is over-reporting on Christchurch, but will ignore supposed made-up bombings that Muslims are going to be carrying out.
And then of course, like clockwork, 800 plus churches have been burned in France or blown up this year alone.
Thousands across Europe, hundreds across the Middle East, and there have been stabbings and bombings and shootings at churches all over the world.
But you've got to go read deep into the local regional news to find it.
Except in Sri Lanka, the most religious country, arguably, in the world, after Tibet, 99% of the people living there believe in God, and they've only got a 9% Muslim population.
Oh, but guess what?
It doesn't matter.
Because even the BBC and Al Jazeera, the articles are up on Infowars.com, says it's Islamophobic, something made up by the Muslim Brotherhood.
You're damn right I'm Islamophobic.
Muslims have invaded the whole world.
They always hit 10% and start bombing.
It's their orders from Muhammad.
Burning, bombings, stabbing, raping, kidnapping, when they hit the magic number 10%.
And Sri Lanka is now, according to the latest census a year ago, at 9.6.
And Muslims breed faster than anybody else on earth.
Their religion does.
An average of over 5 kids.
So you know the new census when it comes out will show about 10.5%.
And right when they pass the 10%, bombings ensue.
And then they push you out of the enclaves.
They always target a smaller minority than them.
They bomb that group.
The Christians are only 7%.
So they'll drive them out of the country, out of their neighborhoods, and then they'll move on to the next group.
So that's how the operation works.
It's a program.
Like you go to a play and you open it up and it's got three acts.
You're like, oh, they're hitting 10%?
Oh no.
The bombings will start, just like India got invaded 1,200 years ago by Islam.
It was all Buddhist or Hindu.
And now, the second largest religion is Islam.
And the areas on the map?
No non-Muslims allowed.
But it's okay, because it's a liberal.
And so, there's been some reportage that four hotels got attacked, and churches, and people dining, and But remember what I said over and over again when they were having calls to prayer, not just here but all over the world after the...
Tragic New Zealand attack that killed 49 people.
And we were hearing that Christianity and white people are inherently evil and the greatest terrorists.
He did live stream part of it, which we're obviously not showing, because of who these people were.
He did it because of the God they worshipped and because of the threat he seemed to think they posed to the white race.
Islam is peaceful and I'm like, thousands of churches blown up a year, hundreds blown up a year in the Middle East, Fire-bombed, 800-plus, bombed or burned down in France, and there's almost no coverage of it.
And I said, you watch.
You come Palm Sunday, right through Easter, there's going to be bombings and shootings and killings all over the world.
And there were.
I've got--
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Mayor de Blasio...
Looking live there at the White House lawn, Alex Jones, the controversial host, Trump supporter, out there with a bullhorn, and that's what you heard earlier, some people out there as well, saying they support President Trump, but they don't support Twitter.
President Trump meeting with the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, here at the White House today.
You kind of hear the bullhorn in the background, thought we'd show you what was happening.
Coming up, Mayor de Blasio has a plan to ban meat.
That's right.
Put a big tax on it.
Restrict it.
Cut its consumption by half.
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
It never ends.
And his big green takeover movement, if AOC couldn't get it done nationwide, she successfully ran off Amazon.com.
Well, they'll definitely run the rest of their population off.
I've got more big articles out.
Today about how there's record exoduses out of all the blue states and blue cities, but the left just doesn't care because they'll get to buy up all the property cheap once that collapse happens.
That's exactly what we're dealing with here.
But really, some of the biggest news is the fact that people don't have a memory.
And that I search engine it today.
On Google News, and I didn't see anybody saying these are fake polls.
Because they were fake in 2016.
They were fake in 2018.
Every major polling agency got it wrong.
On average, they gave Hillary a 10-point lead over Trump.
The New York Times gave her a 98% lead.
So did CNN.
They rigged it all.
CNN would have polls where they would add 40% more sampling rate of Democrats than Republicans.
Well of course if you interview 40% more Democrats than Republicans, you're going to have Hillary getting 60-something percent against Trump.
It's insane how dumb they think we are.
Even RealClearPolitics reported WikiLeaks shows how Clinton campaign rigged the polls by oversampling Democrats.
We're gonna review all that, but why not just hear from creepy Joe Biden?
Joe Biden launches his campaign on the lie that Trump said neo-Nazis were very fine people.
You know, I wondered why, when Charlottesville happened, Almost two years ago now, right after Trump got into office, I got sued.
And the suit against myself, Leanne McAdoo, Lee Stranahan, former congressman and others, said that we said that the Democrats killed the woman who had a heart attack or got bumped by a car.
No, we said that the police stood down, herded the white supremacist and journalist and just bystanders, it's called kettling, into Antifa and allowed them to attack, creating a hysterical melee.
Like if you yelled fire to theater.
And I said George Soros was guilty by funding this and the police by standing down, which they admitted they did, were guilty of letting this riot take place.
And so the Democrats were guilty.
Oh, I got sued.
And they said that I said that an individual who worked for Hillary in the State Department, that he had killed her.
That's not what I said.
It's not what Lise Tranihan said.
It's not what anybody said.
But it just doesn't matter.
The suit goes forward.
But it'll all come out.
They're just going to make us pay to go through court and have the cases and do the depositions.
And that's when all this stuff disintegrates.
Because what they put in these filings isn't true.
And the university Georgetown, the Vatican, their free speech clinic is financing the suit.
Now, half the suit got cut out.
The claim of intentional emotional distress.
And so it's, that's the process as these judges let it go, four or five steps, is what my lawyers told me.
But there's nothing there, unless with the Sandy Hook lawsuits and the Virginia lawsuit, Charlottesville, they want to completely get rid of the First Amendment.
And what's scary is, Clarence Thomas of all people came out a month ago in a New York Times op-ed and said, it's time to get rid of New York Times versus Sullivan.
And I'd just gotten a visit by some high-powered folks, hooked into the blue-blood Republican Party, and a former president, telling me that this was about to happen.
And that I should just step out of the way, and let them, let the Democrats stick their head in the noose, and that basically I'd be taken care of.
Wow, like I'm that scared of these lawsuits.
I came from AXS TV.
I'm not worried about money.
I'm not worried about any of this.
I want to stay on air and expose all these lies, and I will.
That's why they're trying all this procedural stuff in these lawsuits, claiming we haven't given them documents, claiming we haven't given them the Sandy Hook marketing material.
That's like saying give us the Puff the Magic Dragon marketing material.
Everyone knows my marketing material.
I or Tim Frugier writes a memo about the quality of a product and we talk to scientists and doctors about the claims we can make.
Or I tell you about a t-shirt or I tell you about a water filter or some heirloom seeds or a book or a video.
I go, we're selling This book, or this video, it's really good.
I saw it.
Buy it at Infowarsstore.com.
That's how we fund ourselves.
We went out, one of the top manufacturers in the country, and private-labeled the best fish oil.
And ours is lower than what you'll find in major stores.
Please buy it.
That's the marketing.
The news isn't marketing.
We don't go in a meeting, how are we going to market covering Joe Biden?
I read news articles, we get clips together, and then I talk about Creepy Joe and want to fraudy us.
That's it.
But again, they want to brand it that we're like them, because CNN had a marketing plan for Russiagate.
The Democrats have a marketing plan to sue me and then put out their talking points.
They think we're like them, a bunch of robots that just follow orders.
No, that's not who we are.
But enough of that.
Let's go ahead and go to creepy.
Trump's calling him sleepy.
I think he's creeping.
But here's creepy, Joe Biden, saying that Trump said the white supremacists were good.
Where's the clip?
You don't have it.
Trump said there were good people on both sides and bad people, which is what Homeland Security told him.
There's a lot of right-wingers, some white supremacists amidst, a bunch of leftists, some of them nice, some of them bad.
Antifa started the fight, the police made them collide together.
That's what Trump said.
That turns into Trump's white supremacy.
So they think this lie got exposed a year and a half ago.
We exposed it, so they got pissed.
We got in the middle of their talking points that we were going to point out that the Democrats did orchestrate this, and we got documents showing that Democrats have orchestrated other riots in Maryland, which would be very powerful in court, and specifically Soros and his son Alexander.
And so their response is to sue me, building a straw man, saying something I didn't say.
Because they were planning to run in 2020 on Charlottesville.
And on Sandy Hook.
And they now admit it.
Here it is.
Charlottesville, Virginia, is home to the author of one of the great documents in human history.
We know it by heart.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inhaling... Hit pause.
I'm gonna come back from break and play all this, because this is gonna take too long to go through it.
And then Millie Weaver, who was at Charlottesville, and was physically attacked by the leftist, who's trying to cover it, and call the white supremacist, she's gonna be on with us.
We've got some other shocking footage of new leftist attacks that haven't even aired yet we're going to get to.
But notice he's talking about Thomas Jefferson.
Thomas Jefferson inherited slaves.
He tried to end slavery.
And then he had a girlfriend that was black that leftists say he's a rapist.
But the point is he tried to end that system and he did help do it.
His idea is it did down the road.
But here is Biden quoting Thomas Jefferson The founder of the Democratic Party, when the rest of the party says tear down his statues and get rid of him.
So he's going to go to the right, while all the other leftists promise you free tuition, free health care, free reparations, free college, free living wage, everything.
He's going to run on old-fashioned blue-collar Democrat.
We're going to take care of it because he knows that's the people in the swing states getting Trump elected.
But it's a fraud.
He presided over the sell-out of the country and the de-industrialization of this nation.
Trump has fought to reverse that.
Joe Biden, creepy Joe Biden, sleepy Joe Biden, is globalist Joe Biden, and he is the problem.
When we come back, Charlottesville, that's all they're hanging their hat on, is some
event where they had a bunch of leftist attack, a bunch of right wingers and white supremacists
and had a big melee.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
I think he's going to win in a landslide, you know, to tell you the truth.
Because you know what?
Here's what I predict.
Alex Jones!
You did the mind meld.
You will be destroyed.
We're still standing!
There's only one Alex Jones.
There's only one true twister from Texas.
Nobody can come close.
So if I'd have taken that for free, how much would I have had?
$60 million.
Alex Jones loses $50 million.
He took the risk.
He became president.
And now we should be applauding that.
And the fact that he wasn't implicated in the Russiagate hoax should be a point of admiration.
What more can I do, Alex?
What more can I do?
Oh, it's Joe Biden.
I think Joe Biden's in the house.
Oh, I feel him creeping up my spine.
We got Trump 2.
He's right around the corner.
We're ready to go.
Here in D.C., Trump International.
Let's do it!
I ran into Max Keiser, who I'd seen over here.
I walk in to the Trump International Hotel, and I'm checking in, I go, that looks like Max Keiser.
But I'm sitting there, drinking a beer with Eric Bolling.
I walk in, Bolling holds court right there when you first walk in.
And he's drinking a Stella, or at least something in a Stella glass.
I get one, and I'm like, that's Max Keiser over there.
I'm going to go talk to him.
Then I forget.
That's how my brain works.
I'm busy and I'm getting my bags about to go in 20 minutes later and Max runs over.
And then I ran into a bunch of other people.
And again, I ran into, well I didn't run into, I did some interviews and some other things, but I talked to three people that are on record to be very close to the president, that work in the White House, that do bravings for the White House, that I've talked to the President routinely, who wrote the briefing for the President on Internet censorship for Jack Dorsey, and they said, no, he's going after him.
And he's not going to stop.
And it looks like Barr and everybody understand that this is so egregious, the attempt to overthrow the election.
Remember what Barr said a few weeks ago?
He testified, he said, you know what's really dangerous when a political party's in power, and it tries to spy on the other party and candidates, and then tries to overthrow elections.
That's what ends countries.
And he goes, and it did go on.
Because they have all the intel!
The Justice Department has all the NSA stuff.
They know Trump has it all!
And he's sitting back basically with like a hundred card decks.
And the globalists have a couple of ones, a couple of fours, a couple of queens, maybe a joker.
It's like all they've got is a handful of jokers to bluff.
And Trump's got hundreds of card decks.
He can just pull out nothing but eights and spades if he wants.
He can have all the royal flushes he wants.
Royal Flush!
Royal Flush!
Royal Flush!
But he's got to play the Royal Flush.
He has them dead in the sights.
All he has to do politically, metaphysically, is squeeze the trigger and not hesitate.
That's all he's got to do to be a good shot.
Stay on target.
And then squeeze.
Just lovingly.
We're going to beat these people.
It doesn't mean we still won't have immorality, or smartphones brain damaging our kids, or STDs spreading and homeless pooping everywhere.
It's like the pooping's gone up 100% since last year in San Francisco.
I saw a report and there's just feces everywhere.
I mean, we got some problems.
But at least we don't have to have cackling Hillary.
That when countries try to work with us and turn all their money and all their everything over to us, we then betray them and blow their country up and put Al-Qaeda in charge?
Like Libya?
No one will ever work with us after that!
With somebody like Hillary.
They won't trust us!
That's stupid!
That gives all our soft power away!
But that's what the globalists want.
They want to undermine the United States while they suck us dry.
And Trump doesn't want that.
But here comes Joe Biden.
Their savior.
With his disgusting announcement speech, where he invokes Charlottesville, where four of the five white supremacist leaders all have parents that are Democrats, and within a year to two years before, were working for Obama or Hillary, and then now they just dress up in white supremacist outfits, and they go and say, we're having a big rally, so everybody shows up to cover it.
And then my own Millie Weaver gets called a white supremacist and gets pepper sprayed.
And the police kettle them and herd them in to the antifa, who are a bunch of professors in black outfits, to attack them.
And then a woman gets scared, a guy gets scared, she gets run over, she tragically dies.
And then they say Trump says white supremacists are good people.
No, he said some good people on the one side, some good people on the other.
Some bad on the other, some bad on the other.
That's what he said.
We all know what he said.
He said this was a political clash.
And they said, no, no, you are to blame.
Because Trump pragmatically said what it was.
Except he should have gone further.
The Democrats staged it.
They go, oh, we're suing you for saying we killed the woman.
George Soros and the police standing down created the atmosphere, the climate that was inducive for that.
And yes, You were negligent, consciously, to try to get the political explosion you were counting on.
Yes, the death is on your hands.
Alexander Soros.
Not a Democrat cameraman who's worked for Hillary, who we just said, look how it's perfect, they got a bunch of leftists there.
The leftists knew the conflagration was coming.
They knew the collapse was coming.
They knew the explosion was coming.
Doesn't mean they, the individuals, killed the woman.
But then they twist and then in my name say that I say some guy killed the woman and then he sues me.
You see how it works?
You see how it works?
We keep the baby alive in Virginia.
Then we get them little juicy organs.
He's not the villain.
The governor talking like this in a sweet southern voice.
Little blood ball.
Little flesh ball.
It's Alex Jones.
He's the bad one everywhere.
He questions things.
Like why was the governor in blackface?
It's racist to question that.
Let's get started with Biden.
Here it is.
Charlottesville, Virginia is home to the author of one of the great documents in human history.
We know it by heart.
We hold these truths to be self-evident.
I know it by heart.
That all men are created equal.
Endowed by their creator.
He passed laws to get black people three times at a time in prison.
We've heard it so often, it's almost a cliche.
But it's who we are.
We haven't always lived up to these ideals.
Jefferson himself didn't.
But we have never before walked away from them.
Except for you.
Charlottesville is also home to a defining moment for this nation in the last few years.
A bunch of Democrats dressed up like Nazis.
In August of 2017, we saw Klansmen and white supremacists and neo-Nazis come out in the open.
Hit pause.
I mean, I'm gonna call it.
I say half those people are Jussie Smolletts.
Remember Rand Paul, he was gonna win in the Senate?
And I said, look at who that Democrat is, dressed like a Nazi, saying he hates Mexicans and all this stuff.
It turned out he worked on the staff of the campaign.
We know who you are!
We know what you do!
Were there some real Klan people there?
Yeah, I'm sure.
But the leadership are a bunch of dirty, filthy, art department, theater department people who joined evil.
And waiting was the police and Antifa for the show.
It'll all come out.
You'll be hoisted on your own petard.
You'll fall in the pit you dug for me.
In the name of Jesus!
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President Trump has restored the idea of America.
Keep America Great!
Exclamation point.
The Dow Jones made history today, closing over 26,000 points for the first time.
This is a standout report.
He's going to bring all these jobs back.
Well, how exactly are you going to do that?
What magic wand do you have?
Hand me down the walking cane, hand me down my hat.
I'm gonna bomb the s*** out of 'em.
I'm gonna bomb the dungeon gate, I'm gonna change our time.
The collusion delusion is over.
You and me we burn it out, catch the same sign.
Every seed to blow your mind, so high you won't come back.
You're fake news.
You're fake news.
You're fake news.
So dishonest.
Mr. President.
Mr. President.
Pardon me, ma'am.
Mr. President.
Mr. President.
That's enough.
Put down the mic.
Oh, this dude is out of sight.
So much winning.
Everything he does.
Every day is NASCAR.
Seems to come out right.
Donald Trump, the keeper of your mind.
Come on.
And all the news that you're keeping silent.
I'm not going to be silent.
I'm not going to be silent.
I'm not going to be silent.
I'm not going to be silent.
I'm not going to be silent.
I'm not going to be silent.
I'm not going to be silent.
I'm not going to be silent.
I'm not going to be silent.
I will fight for you.
I am with you. I will fight for you. And I will win for you.
America is winning again!
With your help on November 3rd, 2020, can you believe It's right around the corner.
So are you ready?
Let's go!
So let me hear it.
♪ A brand, a brand, a brand ♪ ♪ State of America, Ray Duncan ♪
Thank you, Texans.
Thank you.
(upbeat music)
I wanna salute and commend every man, woman, and child that has supported this broadcast over the years
and that has stood with us.
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We have thousands of them and it makes this all possible.
Thank you for making Infowars possible.
God bless you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights.
We've heard it so often, it's almost a cliché, but it's who we are.
We haven't always lived up to these ideals.
Jefferson himself didn't, but we have never before walked away from them.
Charlottesville is also home to a defining moment for this nation in the last few years.
They will not replace us!
It was there, in August of 2017, we saw Klansmen and white supremacists and neo-Nazis come out in the open.
Their crazed faces, illuminated by torches, veins bulging and bearing the fangs of racism.
Chanting the same anti-Semitic bile heard across Europe in the 30s.
If you actually look at all these men and look at their behavior and look at how they're acting, this is the acting club and this is the drama club from surrounding universities and, I mean, it's basically a giant gay dress-up party with a bunch of gay men dressed up as Nazis in their giant Jussie Smollett event.
And nothing against gay men, but a lot of them are into theater, they're into flamboyancy and this is how you strike back against Trump if you're Jussie Smollett or them.
You dress up, and you go out, and you get in your little white supremacist outfit, and they all tell each other how to dress, and they get their little tiki torches, just like the State Department funded Nazi groups with tiki torches over in Ukraine, and you do this.
This is political theater.
And I've had the leaders of it on.
Like, yes, I wasn't a big Obama supporter until a year ago, or yes, I was for Hillary until now, but my, Alex, you're so handsome today.
And again, look, I understand the gay guys are thinking they've got to go fight Trump or whatever, and they've got to fight the racism, but this is really bad.
I mean, this is really out of control.
And that's what it is.
Now, there's some real white supremacists that joined the group.
I see some real Klan guys out there, like Hillbilly, like, we're gonna do something to them black people!
Yeah, there was a few of those.
The vast majority go to local colleges, and they dressed up as Nazis to go out and do this.
I mean, just look at the footage.
It's ridiculous.
And I've been sued for saying that.
Not saying that they're staging it.
Saying that some guy who worked for Hillary, that we just pointed out, look at all these Hillary operatives there, that he killed the woman.
Never said that!
Just made up crap!
We're not going to sit by for the Jussie Smollett crap anymore!
It's over!
Oh, but don't worry, the directors and folks at Empire are saying they're bringing Jussie Smollett back.
Of course they are.
I was in the airport at 4.30 a.m.
this morning, getting ready to board an aircraft and fly back to Austin.
I let the rest of the crew stay behind to get some shut-eye.
And only my security guy went with me.
And I sat there and I watched Brian Williams On the television set for 30 minutes before we boarded, talk about Trump and obstruction and still being a Russian agent.
Brian Williams said he got shot down by a rocket propelled grenade and the helicopter blew up.
And it was all a lie!
He wasn't even shot at!
Hillary did it too!
They stage stuff.
They lie.
And even if...
Even if all those little Nelly, Waddling, I mean, you know, the different types of gay guys.
You got the big tough gay guys, you got the kinda little sissy ones.
And you go see all the little sissy Flamer guys going, oh, Hitler, we love him!
Oh, oh, oh, Trump, we love Trump!
Oh, oh, oh, oh!
I mean, give me a break, man!
It's like the cops with Jussie Smollett.
Yeah, roll some of the video in the background with that audio.
Just show them these people.
Jussie Smollett, 2.30 in the morning, goes out to a subway.
It's freezing, 25 below zero.
And men in red hats with a noose and bleach are waiting to put it around his neck and beat him up.
And then say, this is MAGA country.
Get out of here, boy, and all this racist crap.
And the police get to his house.
An hour later, he's got a noose still hanging around his neck.
Fake cuts on his face.
And they're just like, But he's telling them he'd kick their ass.
Yeah, two dudes, they're gonna attack you in the middle of the night.
You're gonna kick their ass, no problem, when they attack you.
The police know BS when they hear it.
Well, anybody can look at the footage of a bunch of, unless all the Nazis are Nelly effeminate gay guys.
I mean, maybe now suddenly Nazis are all gay.
A lot of them are actually gay in Nazi Germany.
Ernst Röhm and most of the brown shirts are actually a gay cult.
The pink swastika, look into it.
So maybe it's true, maybe they all converted from being Obama supporters a year before, and they all happen to be in the theater department, and they all happen to wear the same outfits and the same tiki torches, and they all just run around like, I mean, you look at the bot, look at how the guys are running!
Oh yeah, we're Nazis, look Nazis are marching everywhere!
I can't wait to depose all these people.
But that's why we need a war chest, ladies and gentlemen.
I am looking forward to the Charlottesville thing to expose what really happened.
I'm looking forward more and more to the Sandy Hook thing and the depositions and all the rest of it.
I see it easy to get dialed in on who was who, who was running what.
We know what law firms are running and who's funding it.
We have all the intel.
We're now hooked in and we've got intel on them.
And so I've been advised by high level forces that we need to just go ahead and get into this.
They've really miscalculated.
But it's going to take funds, ladies and gentlemen, We've gotten 17 other lawsuits thrown out.
We got them down to like three lawsuits.
They filed three more, but they know we're fighting them all now.
I need everybody listening.
All these awesome folks I run into say, oh, I used to listen to you all the time.
I can't find you now.
Yeah, because I'm off all the platforms except InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and NewsWars.com.
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So this whole world's about being a spectator.
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No, no.
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Stay with us, Billy Weaver's coming up.
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Why do so many people want to get here?
Because of our constitutional republic and the basic freedoms that were protected for the individual.
Even though we've had a lot of problems, the fact that we were the freest country in the world allowed incredible wealth to be developed.
By the 1950s, the U.S.
had over 80% of the world's patents and over half the wealth, and the biggest middle class the planet had ever seen.
It was America that led the way on human rights, not just here, but around the world.
But if you tune into the national news today, like CNN, you'd believe America was the worst place on Earth.
And it's a horrible place.
And why is that?
It's because multinational corporations, working with the Communist Chinese, the EU and others, are demoralizing the nation to break us down.
And to make us not care about our identity, so we can be absorbed into globalism.
But thanks to InfoWars and thanks to the audience of activists out there, we have rebooted Americana and the resistance against the globalists.
And now Trump coming in and turning the tide, exposing the whole fake Russiagate, has them panicked.
Nationalist populists are being elected in South America, in Europe, in the UK.
It's happening everywhere.
And the power structure is panicking.
That's why Big Tech, allied with the CHICOMS, the authoritarian EU and others, are forcing the whole Hollywood, hate America, brainwashing on the public and bringing in censorship in an attempt to block us from completing the take back of the nation.
And that's why, more than ever, you have to remember Because of the censorship, you've got to come to newswars.com or infowars.com to hear what's really happening on the front lines and how you can help, not just save the country, but really the future destiny of the people of this planet.
Because if the United States falls to tyranny and falls to leftist authoritarianism, the communist Chinese will be the dominant cultural force on the planet.
That's why it's so critical that we understand that Democrats in Congress right now are attempting to bring in more draconian censorship of conservatives and others, while at the same time big tech heads lie to Congress and say they're not censoring when they've been caught red-handed.
This is the legislative branch, and we need to take control of it to restore the republic.
We also have to take control of the judicial, and that takes us to our next spot, the Supreme Court.
Imagine what would have happened if Hillary Clinton would have been elected.
It would have been a death blow to this country, because the Democrats now officially say they want to repeal the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, and so many other issues.
This nation is still held by a threat.
That's why it's so important to understand that the Democrats are the party of extremism, extreme anti-Americanism.
The Republicans were a bunch of blue blood establishment types, but we've had a populist insurrection that has partially taken it over.
Now we've got to take it all the way over, keep Trump in the White House in 2020, and get more governorships and more state houses across this country to reverse the globalist plan to take down our nation.
And that's why InfoWars is so important.
InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today that will only get through to the people if you spread the word.
Just while I've been out here walking today, I probably shook a hundred hands.
And a third of them said, where are you?
We miss you.
We wish you were still on air.
That's because they were habitualized on YouTube and on iTunes and everywhere else to listen to us.
You have to come to Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And I know the regular listeners understand that, but other people kind of just passively watch what pops up on their screen.
They love the truth, they love liberty, but they're not thinking that there's an internet outside of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
That's why you are how we outreach.
You are how we get this information through the censors to others.
You are the resistance.
So God bless you all.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Millie Weaver is about to join us.
She's a great reporter for InfoWars.com.
And she was there with her husband and crew.
In Charlottesville, and she was attacked by antifa, and then she was pepper sprayed by the police.
And then she got called a white supremacist, like Laura Loomer, who's Jewish and hates Nazis, has been, or Avi and Emoni, or so many other people.
It's just getting crazier and crazier and crazier.
But here's a report she filed back at the time about what really happened in Charlottesville that Biden's now running on and saying that Trump endorsed the few White supremacists that were there, and I think I saw a few real Klan types, real hilly-billy types.
You can't fake those types.
I've scanned all the footage.
20% were probably real.
The others were, again, local college acting clubs.
Oh, by the way, I'm not saying Sandy Hook was crisis actors, and I'm not saying Florida was, because we didn't find evidence of that.
There were ads put out by national crisis sector groups where the left actually hires people for their demonstrations.
That's a big business.
That's been around at least 20 years.
You can go online and find more than 50 groups.
Nationally and regionally, where you can hire a group of protesters.
It's not... Again, they don't want this looked into.
It doesn't mean a woman didn't really die.
We're not saying that any of the participants actively killed the woman.
We're saying they created a climate with Soros' funding and the police shutting down that did it to demonize Trump and to demonize any opposition to Trump as Nazi, which we know they're doing.
What really happened in Charlottesville, here's Millie Weaver's report and we'll go to her.
Hi, I'm Millie Weaver.
I'm a reporter for InfoWars and the reason I brought this microphone up here to show you guys is there have been so many times that I've been accosted, spit at, had urine thrown on me by rogue people, especially Antifa groups, radical communist leftist groups.
Because of the lies and propaganda that the mainstream media spews about InfoWars and Alex Jones.
So I get attacked because of these lies.
Physically attacked.
Now, a lot of this lawsuit that's been put against Alex Jones and InfoWars surrounds Charlottesville.
I was there in Charlottesville.
I was the Info Wars reporter on the ground reporting to you guys what happened.
We all know that the mainstream media afterward decided to spin a biased, one-sided storyline that you had a bunch of rogue KKK extremists come and attack a bunch of peaceful protesters out there.
What I can tell you is that because I had the ability to live stream and to broadcast on social media, which those broadcasts went viral, I was able to show what exactly actually happened out there in Charlottesville.
There was violence on both sides, but I will say the overwhelming majority of the violence Was coming from the Antifa leftist anti-protesters.
The ones protesting people who were out there trying to stand up for protecting a statue.
And yes, there were rogue elements on both sides.
But one side came with pepper spray, tear gas canisters, ice chests full of water balloons with chemicals and urine and feces in them to throw.
And that was depicted and caught through my ability To live stream, broadcast on Facebook, on YouTube, on these social media sites that they want to remove us from.
I got the truth out there with Charlottesville.
While at the same time, myself and my cameraman especially were pepper sprayed in the face for being InfoWars.
I made it clear to both Antifa and some of the radical elements on the Alternative right side that we did not agree with any of their positions.
But what I told them was, I do agree with your right to free speech.
Both of you guys have a right to be out here and peacefully protest.
That didn't stop us from being pepper sprayed and attacked because of the lies and the propaganda that the mainstream media spreads about us and InfoWars.
That's why it's so important that we protect free press, guerrilla journalists, All of us out here today who are in this room should understand and know the importance of our ability to go out there and tell the truth when sometimes the moral integrity of mainstream media is lapsed.
So bravo, Millie Weaver.
That's such an important report from a year and a half ago.
And Leanne McAdoo covered the same report.
She got sued by Georgetown University just to silence us because the Democrat plan is to have leftists posing as Nazis announce events, get real Nazis to come to it, all in blue cities.
Then reporters will come to cover it.
They'll all be called Nazis.
They'll have Antifa attack.
It'll create a melee.
And they'll claim a race war started.
That's the MO.
We got the secret documents in January of 2018 from the Soros group, from family members that got inside the Antifa.
And those documents are real.
They've not contested them.
How this is their plan.
And that's why they don't want us on air or you on air when they try this in the next 18 months.
But we will be there.
They will not stop us.
Just like Jussie Smollett, you will be exposed.
You will be exposed.
And you hopefully won't be able to, in the crisis that Soros creates, get a poor woman killed again or somebody else, my God.
Millie Weber, great to have you here with us.
You saw Biden invoking this and attacking Trump to run on this, and I'm glad that you have the instincts to say, hey, I should come on and talk about this because you're absolutely right.
You can see race war is what they're going to move from the whole Trump's a Russian agent to Trump is KKK now.
Yeah, the Democrats are going to try to run based on that they have a better character than Trump, because they can't beat his policies and the fact that he has had real accomplishments on our economics and our job industries.
So they're not even going to try to go there with him.
They're going to be attacking his morality and his character.
And one of the ways they're going to do that is continue to push that This Charlottesville thing was all these horrible, radical racists, which, yes, there were some racist groups there, okay?
But when Trump said there were good people on either side, that was actually true, because there were regular onlookers and normal people who came there just to see what was happening, or that wanted to just stand for the right for that statue to exist, and they weren't part of those groups.
There were people on the left and the right that were decent people that got hurt because of these agitprop type groups that came there ready to enact violence and essentially create this narrative that Trump was allowing civil unrest in the streets.
And I'll tell you what, I saw so many people, I mean this looked like a deep state operation from the get-go.
I called it out from the get-go.
And then we started having people come out saying that they saw these groups getting off of buses, like they were being bused in.
What I will say is this, the mainstream media doesn't even touch or cover the fact that these Antifa communist groups came there with tear gas canisters and, you know, water balloons full of feces and urine and chemicals.
They came ready to fight, ready to, quote, punch a Nazi in the face.
So when Trump said there was violence happening from the left and the right, it's true.
When he said that people got hurt from the left and right, it's true.
They wanted Trump to say all conservatives are Nazis, and they would have won the lie that way, or then have him say that's not true, then they say he's a Nazi.
But Milley, clearly they're planning this.
All Trump's got to do is run TV ads showing Hillary Clinton saying that black people are dogs that have to be brought to heel, and Joe Biden saying that we've got to put people in jail for three times the sentence for marijuana, and then show Trump reversing those laws, and just say, they claim I'm this racist.
But they're the ones that passed the laws, the Democratic Party and the KKK, to get black people to triple the Senate.
I got rid of those laws.
I'm Donald Trump.
That's what Trump needs.
I mean, he needs more people like, for example, Candace Owens, who's been out there advocating for Trump as an African American.
And they call her a white supremacist and play an edited tape in Congress that she likes Hitler!
That's what I'm saying!
It's crazy!
These leftists have went and attacked her and threw water on her at restaurants, calling her a white supremacist.
What more proof do we need than that these leftists just label anyone that disagrees with them as white supremacists because they can't handle that their policies can have a million holes poked through them?
And that's what we're seeing with these Democrat candidates.
Have you ever wondered why we're seeing now 20 Democrats running on the presidential ticket?
It's because they're nervous because Trump is a very strong candidate, so they're going to have some kind of Game of Thrones amongst themselves to figure out who's the strongest contender.
And they're all pushing virtually the same policies, give or take.
And it's the same thing, but different, different wrapping paper.
And Democrats think that Biden has the best wrapping paper.
The establishment Democrats like him, they think that he's going to bring back a sense of order like they felt when they had Obama.
They think that he seems more experienced because he was the vice president.
The left's all promising people goodies for 10 years from now when we go full commie.
But he's supposed to be the safe thing when everybody gets scared.
Oh, don't go with Trump.
Don't go with the commies.
Go with me.
But he's the one that's been laying this all out.
I want to talk more about that with you, Millie Weaver, about where you think this is all going and the type of future Charlottevilles they're going to try to stage that we're going to be there covering.
Oh, I'll have 20 reporters at these events, because I know this is their plan.
Race war.
And we're gonna stop it together.
Stay with us.
Hour number three, straight ahead.
Brian in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, so real quickly, you know, I own the Alexa Pure Pro because I love my neighbor, but I refuse to drink their heart medication.
Well water is some of the most polluted stuff in the country.
Because you got glyphosate, you got all your neighbor's medications that they're putting into a septic tank.
That then goes into the groundwater and you drink it.
So absolutely, the number one thing anybody can do.
And by the way, I forget to do this to get mad.
When I drink filtered water, when I take the supplements, my life's so much better.
When I forget, because I'm not Mr. Frickin' Health, I feel it.
So yes, tell me about not wanting to drink your neighbor's heart medication.
Well, where I live, and I think this is the same story for most of the country, our water filtration is based on a reverse osmosis system that was constructed around the turn of the century, and I have zero, zero phase.
Well, look at Flint, Michigan.
Their water is full of lead, mercury, poisons, E. coli.
The answer is, everyone, if you're drinking water, you should filter it.
And I'll never forget David Hogg.
He goes, you know, Alex Jones on C-SPAN, he goes, little anti-gun guy, he goes, he says the water has toxins and then he sells a water filter.
Yeah, it's like saying your kids need vitamin C and then I sell vitamin C. Or Jones says we need to wear shoes.
We walk in the snow.
Then he advertises shoes.
Yes, exactly.
But see, in his little brain, Where everything is a scam.
He thinks I'm scamming people when it's a direct sale.
We have the best gravity-fed systems.
Alexa Pure and Pro Pure are apples and oranges, but they're both excellent.
Everyone needs it.
Everyone should filter their water.
This is the smartest thing you can do.
It doesn't mean occasionally you don't bring some ice tea to a restaurant.
But you need to filter your water.
Your skin is your biggest organ.
You absorb it there.
You need filters on your shower or your bath.
And then you look at what's in the water table.
It's insane!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You're listening to a frontline report with Millie Weaver and your host.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, we are back broadcasting on a bunch of radio stations and TV stations and InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com and Lee Weaver is in Fuego as usual.
And why are we obsessing over this?
We knew that they're going to run in 2020 on Sandy Hook and on Charlottesville.
They plan to have lawsuits going that they think they'll be winning during the last few months of the campaign.
And then putting that on Trump.
We've been proven correct.
That's the battle plan.
And obviously the White House and others understand that battle plan.
It's unbelievable because don't they know that when you try to hire a couple hundred theater students to go out and pose as Nazis that that's not going to come out?
They had to have the first Nazi event at stage to then bring in the real Nazis.
There were real Nazis there.
But all the main leaders of it were Democrats the year before.
They converted.
And just like Jussie Smollett, they're going to be exposed.
But that's why the Democrats had to protect Jussie Smollett and not charge him.
He's being sued by the brothers that he paid.
And they had the magazines that they cut out to send the threatening racist letters.
And they have them going to all the shops.
They have him.
But they can't charge him because this is their plan in 2020, starting now, is to do this.
That's why they didn't want me to say that Parkland was crisis actors, which I didn't think it was.
It's because everybody's scared to say crisis actors because they're planning massive crisis actor operations.
And there were crisis actor companies that did hire and bring people to the demonstration.
That was in the news, Millie.
They don't mention that in the fake lawsuit against us, where they make up stuff we didn't say.
But that's the real reason.
Well, guess what?
We're not going to be shut down during that.
Everyone knows what to look for, Millie.
Exactly, and what many people don't even know about these Nazi groups is that many of these neo-Nazi groups have strong gang affiliations and gang ties.
Many of them have been busted for selling methamphetamines and other drugs, which makes them very compromisable by the FBI.
So it could be very likely that they have leaders in these organizations who have been compromised by the FBI, and that's why you have them running out there to do these political operations.
No, it's not probable.
It's super famous.
That if you go to a Klan rally, half the people are federal agents trying to lead it.
Even Texas Monthly did a report where there was no real Klan group in Texas, and the feds were out creating them, trying to get them to stage attacks so they could demonize right-wingers.
So, you know, we have tons of deep state operatives there in Charlottesville.
You've got these groups who we know are likely, you know, being compromised by the FBI for selling drugs.
And then, of course, you have the alt-left groups, which at the time were probably George Soros funded.
And these leftist groups were the ones antagonizing, creating the violence, stirring it up so that you would get the people on the right to react so that they could be demonized.
And then, thus, they continue on with this legacy of nonstop attacking President Trump for Charlottesville.
And I do believe that there is another one of these events that's likely to be happening in the future
because we've already heard talks about something happening in Dayton, Ohio.
I'm not gonna give too much details over the air about it, but I mean, we have to be on these things.
We have to be able to have people there watching and taking note as real journalists
as to what happens to try to stop the narrative that the mainstream media is trying to create,
that Trump is creating divisiveness and racism in this country.
That is the main thing that these Democrats are gonna run on because they know
they cannot defeat him on policy.
We just, we're trying to get the crew hired.
You've done a great job with Caitlin Bennett and others, but I just, I feel like we're going to have to cover this.
And next time they have these events, I'm going to be there with you and I'm going to bring at least 10 security people so we can kind of form a cordon or a phalanx.
So that they can't stage events and try to provocateur us, but I just feel like we've got to infiltrate these groups, too.
People at colleges, people in organizations, you can go and infiltrate these leftist groups that are posing as Nazis.
They've been caught before, and you can destroy them.
And so please, we're counting on viewers and listeners to take action, legally and lawfully.
We can't do it all.
I mean, we need people out there going and doing like what James O'Keefe did, starting up organizations where you go and out the corruption that's happening and the hoaxes that are being perpetuated, mostly against Trump supporters.
Millie, when we come back, I want to get into something you've been exposing, and that's drag queen story time, and all these men that are convicted pedophiles getting busted, being part of it.
Let's talk about that straight ahead.
Let's go!
Stacey in the great state of Texas, in FEMA Region 6.
You're on the air worldwide, Stacey.
Good to talk to you.
Before I get into what I want to say, I just want to let you know that I don't normally take vitamins at all.
I was turned on to the Ultimate Female Force.
I looked at all the ingredients, and they're all organic, root, things like that, that I trust.
You know, because I've seen a lot of other vitamins, they don't have things that they say that they have in them, and they're often not things that are natural, so I appreciate that.
Well, what happened with Ultimate Female Force?
Tell us about it.
Well, it's really great.
You know, it's like a multivitamin.
I take it.
It tastes good.
It doesn't have that nasty aftertaste.
It actually has kind of a pleasant aftertaste.
And, you know, it just gives me energy and fuels me throughout the day, so I really like it.
Well, just so you know, we look at whatever the best herbs are.
They're known to turbocharge women.
And then we get the organic ones and put it in it.
So, yeah.
Stamina, libido, energy.
These are amazing things in Ultimate Female Force.
So I'm glad you plugged it.
at info or store dot com or triple 8 to 533139. Another word. Another word. Another word.
Another word. Another word. Another word.
Another time.
In the age of evil.
In the age of wonder.
Yes, in America, they're passing laws everywhere to kill babies after they're born.
Those of us that are against it...
So Millie is a mother of two.
you will be returned to the Christmas light.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So Millie is a mother of two.
I'm a father of four.
It took me a few years to figure this out and figure out what club kids were.
It was openly a pedophilia movement out of New York City in the 80s and 90s.
And that convicted murderer runs it.
And it took me time to figure out, why are these drag queens on their own Facebooks at parties dressed like women and trying to look glamorous, but dressed in weird clown outfits and scary vampire outfits with kids?
Well, A, they like terrorizing the kids, but B, they want to cover up their identity.
I mean, they're not all convicted child abusers, but a lot of them have been busted.
A lot of them.
We can put up some of the people that have been busted.
Just at one event down in Houston, two of them separately raped six-year-old boys.
And then they come under fake names.
None have been arrested yet or had their parole withdrawn though, but we've had some investigators look in other areas.
And that's going to be forthcoming soon in New York and other areas.
But here it is out of Cleveland.com.
Child Drag Show would be outlawed under the new Ohio bill.
And they just say you're not going to take kids and have them stick money in the g-strings of men or women or anybody else.
You're not going to have children perform, which they're doing all over, at adult clubs where a kid couldn't go drink a beer, but they still do this.
So this is beyond the creepiness of how pedophiles, you know, obviously get into the whole Child actor movement or the child fashion shows.
I mean everybody knows those horrors.
This is the next level.
House Bill 180 introduced earlier this month by Representative Tim Schafer comes after online outrage over a video of Jacob Measley of suburban Toledo accepting money from onlookers while performing a drag charity event held at a Fairfield County bar last month.
And of course we're talking about children that are dancing at the bars and being exploited.
Given our heightened focus on human trafficking and the role money plays in trafficking children, we had to take action.
So Ohio trafficking investigations soared in the last few years.
Ohio bill introduced a ban on drag shows for involving sexualization of children.
I mean, this is beyond creepy.
Look how horrified the children are in the photos when they're first being introduced by their parents that have mass Stockholm Syndrome, or really have become demon possessed, in my view.
Poor little things.
I mean, just zoom in on this child.
Even local news in Houston's like, the children try to run, but the parents teach them.
You can run, but you can't hide.
Get them while they're young.
Poor little baby.
Look at that.
So, erotic dancer defends photo of child stuffing money in g-string.
We'll play some of the video here, because it's a family show, but after all this is happening to children, this is the new thing.
Doubles down after deleting social media post.
We don't know if it's a man, a woman, we don't know what it is, but The new article is up on Infowars.com by Adan Salazar, and this is now what's happening.
So don't be surprised if you go to a strip club and three-year-olds are there.
This is the new thing, is children giving money to strangers who are naked or half-dressed.
All part of blowing through social norms and preparing you for the final level of the new world order.
After all, we're already killing babies after they're born.
Millie Weaver, as a mother, as a researcher, as an investigator, what do you and your husband think about this?
It's shocking that it's even having to come to this, that we're actually having to have legislation put through to protect these children from these crazy, deranged, liberal parents that want to bring their kids to drag queen adult shows, let alone let them participate in full makeup, With scantily clothing on, dressing, dancing around in a seductive manner to a bunch of grown men, or who knows, trans men, who are gawking at them.
That's what I've seen and experienced when I went undercover and saw a drag festival in Austin, Texas.
You know, you saw all of these guys who literally look like Johns, and this was in a hotel conference center.
Okay, so... And it's a bunch of kids as young as three, other kids, little kids shaking their ass in front of men.
Yes, and the Johns were, you know, there was footage, which I don't think we ever published because we were so creeped out by the whole thing, but there was footage where it looked like some guy came up and groped the little boy who had performed.
Yeah, I saw that and I said, don't put it out, but I want you to go ahead and give that to me.
I'm going to play it tomorrow.
I mean, it's just, it's creepy what's going on here with these kids.
The kids do not need to be put in that type of situation.
And I know that liberals are going to go, oh well, it's just, you know, you guys are homophobic or transphobic because you guys don't speak out.
No, we're pedophobic.
We're pedophobic.
Right, because they're going to say, oh, you don't speak out against those little child beauty contestant pageants or whatever.
Well, actually, a lot of us do speak out and think these girls are being overly sexualized.
But there's a difference between competing in a beauty pageant with other little girls on stage versus being a child in a bar dancing up like you're... Oh, no, absolutely.
There are pageants for all sorts of stuff that are legitimate.
I'm saying there's a seedy underbelly Like if you put your kids into theater.
Theater is great.
There's a seedy underbelly.
This is like ten times worse.
Ten times more dangerous.
It'd be like now letting your daughters go dance at a strip bar.
But she's got her clothes on and she's dancing next to other clothed strippers.
But hey, you know, it's her dream to be a stripper.
That's what we're seeing now.
It's these little boys' dreams to be drag queen artists.
So we're going to let them perform.
Yeah, we're teaching you.
You're not going to be an engineer or a scientist.
You're going to be a gay man who dresses like a woman.
And the main profession is prostitution.
Oh yeah, I mean, and of course this is all heavily linked to that club kid scene that came out of New York City and is rampant in Hollywood, and many of the people in the club kid scene are Satanists.
I mean, there are satanic cults in Hollywood that I knew of, okay, that were pushing this indoctrination, this pro-gay LGBT line, You know, since the 2000s, or earlier than that, and they've only now started to push this into the mainstream.
So yes, this has occult ties to it.
You know, and speaking of the occult, I just recently heard that Jay-Z and Beyonce were going to be giving out free concert tickets to anyone in New York that participates in this Meatless Monday thing, because they're trying to push banning meat in New York.
Did you hear about that, Alex?
Oh yeah, de Blasio says that they're going to begin banning meat.
They're going to start with banning 50% of it with a giant 50% tax.
That's insane!
Isn't that crazy?
They're going to start making it so that there's 50% less meat in schools, correctional facilities, in hospitals, in anything government.
And they're trying to push for meatless Mondays.
And they're never going to stop.
They're never going to stop.
They want total control of all of society.
They want our children.
They want our land.
They want our money.
They want our reproductive systems.
But here's the thing.
What are they planning?
Because I have all these articles where everyone's leaving New Jersey, New York.
Everyone's leaving California.
And then they're replacing it with low IQ people, you know, with no skills.
What's gonna, what are they planning?
They're pushing for Agenda 21, Alex.
We know that they want to ban cars.
That's actually in this new bill.
They want to break down society to make it not work.
Yeah, they want to get rid of vehicles, only have electric vehicles.
And if you notice, how is someone like me, who has two kids, going to get around in public transit with kids and trying to go to the grocery store?
I mean, it's very anti-family.
A lot of the policies that the left are pushing are anti-family.
Well, they admit that.
They admit that.
Well, Millie, you're really doing a great job.
I hope you'll come back on The War Room.
I mean, I can't wait till we launch your own show, but I don't want to take it up from your family and your baby that's only a few months old.
But this is just a crazy time to be alive, and I'm so glad you had the courage, you and Gavin, to go cover Charlottesville, and we're in this together.
So we'll continue to track all this as it unfolds.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Well, I just hope that more people get out there and start doing the work, protesting these type of things.
I recently heard that there's a protest against one of these drag queen story times that, you know, discouraged the city from having another one in there.
But more people need to get active.
That's the bottom line.
We've got convicted pedophiles dressing up like clowns to get access to your children, and the cities aren't even doing background checks because it is a cult.
And there's major power and money behind giving these people access.
The pervs they send in clown outfits are always convicted child molesters.
They're just the front-line Gollum creature or Renfield, but they're operating for the Draculs behind the scenes.
Make no mistake, behind every one of these little creatures is a real devil.
Millie Weaver, great job.
All your work at Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
We salute you.
When we come back, Max Keiser is just exploding.
This is such a powerful interview.
Stay with us.
Why has America been so special compared to other nations?
Why has it become the model of other successful countries?
Why do so many people want to get here?
Because of our constitutional republic and the basic freedoms that were protected for the individual.
Even though we've had a lot of problems, the fact that we were the freest country in the world allowed incredible wealth to be developed.
By the 1950s, the U.S.
had over 80% of the world's patents and over half the wealth, and the biggest middle class the planet had ever seen.
It was America that led the way on human rights, not just here, but around the world.
But if you tune into the national news today, like CNN, you'd believe America was the worst place on Earth.
And it's a horrible place.
And why is that?
It's because multinational corporations, working with the Communist Chinese, the EU and others, are demoralizing the nation to break us down.
And to make us not care about our identity, so we can be absorbed into globalism.
But thanks to InfoWars and thanks to the audience of activists out there, we have rebooted Americana and the resistance against the globalists.
And now Trump coming in and turning the tide, exposing the whole fake Russiagate, has them panicked.
Nationalist populists are being elected in South America, in Europe, in the UK.
It's happening everywhere.
And the power structure is panicking.
That's why Big Tech, allied with the Chi-Coms, the authoritarian EU and others, are forcing the whole Hollywood, hate America brainwashing on the public and bringing in censorship in an attempt to block us from completing the take back of the nation.
And that's why, more than ever, you have to remember, Because of the censorship, you've got to come to newswars.com or infowars.com to hear what's really happening on the front lines and how you can help, not just save the country, but really the future destiny of the people of this planet.
Because if the United States falls to tyranny and falls to leftist authoritarianism, the communist Chinese will be the dominant cultural force on the planet.
That's why it's so critical that we understand that Democrats in Congress right now are attempting to bring in more draconian censorship of conservatives and others, while at the same time big tech heads lie to Congress and say they're not censoring when they've been caught red-handed.
This is the legislative branch, and we need to take control of it to restore the Republic.
We also have to take control of the judicial.
And that takes us to our next spot, the Supreme Court.
Imagine what would have happened if Hillary Clinton would have been elected.
It would have been a death blow to this country because the Democrats now officially say they want to repeal the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, and so many other issues.
This nation is still held by a threat.
That's why it's so important to understand that the Democrats are the party of extremism, extreme anti-Americanism.
The Republicans were a bunch of blue blood establishment types, but we've had a populist insurrection that has partially taken it over.
Now we've got to take it all the way over, keep Trump in the White House in 2020, and get more governorships and more state houses across this country to reverse the globalist plan to take down our nation.
And that's why InfoWars is so important.
InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today that will only get through to the people if you spread the word.
Just while I've been out here walking today, I probably shook a hundred hands.
And a third of them said, where are you?
We miss you.
We wish you were still on air.
That's because they were habitualized on YouTube and on iTunes and everywhere else to listen to us.
You have to come to Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And I know the regular listeners understand that, but other people kind of just passively watch what pops up on their screen.
They love the truth, they love liberty, but they're not thinking that there's an internet outside of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
That's why you are how we outreach.
You are how we get this information through the sensors to others.
You are the resistance.
So God bless you all.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I think the Terra Smith song from the 80s is illegal now.
You can't say that a guy's dressed up like a woman.
If a guy says he's a woman, he is.
If a guy says he's a little kid and wants to have sex with your kids, I guess that's what happens.
If he wants to beat you up, he can.
He's part of the protected class now.
So hand those kids over right now.
I don't know why the drag queens, the big fat ones, always do like these Moray Eel faces.
A lot of times they're a convicted pedo.
Big surprise.
I don't think that guy is.
I don't know who he is.
Or whoever.
He's in a clown outfit.
You can't tell.
But we showed some of the ones earlier.
Okay, let's get into the meat and potatoes here.
I ran into Max Keiser.
And a lot of other really amazing, providential things happened while I was in DC.
If you just joined us, we talked to three people that know the President very closely.
Folks at briefing, people that are friends with him, that interview him.
Other folks, they said, no, he's going after the Deep State, it's on.
And we've already covered that, and those articles are up on Infowars.com, but the people need to know this is happening, and this is a big deal.
They don't want to magnify Infowars, that's why Only you can do it.
So when I say that, I really mean it.
I ran into... I probably shook 400 hands or more while I was out there.
And I had probably 30 people say, F you Russian agent.
Or the regular stuff they do.
Some of it on tape.
People saw that in live streams.
So many people shook my hand and said, oh I used to listen to your show, I loved it on iTunes, or I loved it on YouTube, or I loved it here, iHeartRadio.
They took us off all that.
You go to InfoWars.com, or NewsWars.com, and obviously people listening right now know they can listen on that local radio station, or watch on that local TV station, but the entire establishment is fighting that People won't be able to see this show or hear it.
That's why you are the ambassadors to tell people.
Remember Alex Jones?
You know him?
The verboten guy?
The guy that hit the zeitgeist with all of us to help defeat the globalists?
Well, we're into the next round of the fight and we need to get him out of carbon freeze.
Yeah, we're reaching a lot of folks still, but I want to go at the enemy even harder.
So tell everyone you know about InfoWars.com.
to find the forbidden audio and video feeds.
Share it on your email, your Facebook, your Twitter, your YouTube.
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Before we go to this Max Keiser interview that's really funny and really powerful, in closing,
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Will Johnson's coming up, but here is Max Keiser.
Stay with us.
I think he's going to win in a landslide, you know, to tell you the truth.
Because you know what?
Here's what I predict.
Alex Jones, you did the mind meld.
You will be destroyed.
You're still standing.
There's only one Alex Jones.
There's only one true twister from Texas.
Nobody can come close.
So if I'd have taken that for free, how much would I have had?
$50 million.
Alex Jones loses $50 million.
That's that time.
He took the risk.
He became president.
And now we should be applauding that.
And the fact that he wasn't implicated in the Russiagate hoax should be a point of admiration.
What more can I do, Alex?
What more can I do?
Oh, it's Joe Biden.
I think Joe Biden's in the house.
Oh, I feel him creeping up my spine.
The Trump coup is right around the corner.
We're ready to go here in D.C.
Trump International.
Let's do it!
Well, we just arrived a few minutes ago here in Washington, D.C.
for our secret mission over the next few days that we'll cover live at InfoWars.com during the weekday show that Owen's hosting.
And guess who I ran into right as I walked in to the hotel right here at the Trump Hotel in D.C.
But, come on in!
The elusive Maxwell Kaiser.
Alex, fantastic.
Things are heating up again.
I can feel the electricity in the air.
You are the changemaker.
Trump won.
Now we're heading into Trump 2.
Russiagate hoax has been discredited.
The mainstream media is collapsing.
MSNBC is a joke.
The ratings are collapsing.
You've maintained your presence in media, going down alternative routes.
Nothing can stop Alex Jones.
Nothing can stop Trump 2.
Well, as long as the folks stand behind us, that's the truth.
But Max, you brought up a meeting with Matt Taibbi.
And look, I know this is true.
I'm not even trying to get the credit.
But the left thinks that I really got Trump elected.
Trump got elected.
Populism got elected.
Hillary, being a horrible candidate, got Trump elected.
Now he's delivered a lot of what he said he would do.
That's going to get him re-elected.
They write books where supposedly I tell them everything to do.
None of that is true.
So could you speak to talking to the left?
I know you were at a meeting on election night in New York.
You can't get into the details, but what happened when he lost and then who they blamed?
I'm happy to get into the details.
I mean, I was election night with Alec Baldwin and I was at Marcy Cohen's flat in Soho in New York.
She is the daughter of the founder, of course, of the famous underwear brand.
Calvin Klein.
Calvin Klein.
So it's Marcy Klein.
Thank you, Alex.
That was Marcy Klein at her flat in Soho.
And as Hillary was losing, the tears started falling.
And at that moment, my friend Alec Baldwin of 30 years, he started within a couple of weeks saying he's going to turn me into the FBI.
I'm an FBI informant.
Somehow I'm working with the Russians.
Like he had flipped out.
So the mind melt had occurred.
And these folks have now gone down a rabbit hole of denial.
They simply don't understand that Hillary lost because people don't like Hillary.
Matt Taibbi, I think, was correct when he started talking about how you were able to capture the zeitgeist, how you were able to galvanize that base of folks that wanted a change.
They wanted a wholesale change.
They wanted a scorched earth approach.
Take the whole thing down and start from scratch.
And this is what Trump has done.
And I think this Russiagate hoax is really remarkable because instead of coming to terms with the fact that they were dead wrong, they're trying to double down now.
They're trying to say, well, we're going to keep pursuing this to the ends of the earth, even though it's a losing strategy.
And Trump is saying, I think, in my view, he's going to come out, I don't know why, The meetings that you have planned here in Washington, D.C.
What's happening there?
I know why we're in D.C.
Maybe there's a parallel connection that we don't even know about.
I don't know.
But there's a lot going on right now to get 2020 off the ground.
And part of that is Trump moving into the counter-punching position.
He's been playing rope-a-dope.
He's allowed these liberals to just slap him around a little bit, because he knows that there was leaking, that Schumer was involved in leaking, and this is going to become a problem, and there will be people going to jail on the left, and that's what we're setting up for now, as we head into 2020.
People going to jail for trying to stage a coup, trying to stage a coup in America, domestically.
You know, I was asked on the TV a couple of days ago... I'm right up here on the line.
Actually, the road's closed, so you can turn around in the driveway at the bottom of the hill.
Have a good night.
Face-to-face with 16-year-old... Keep going!
Is he chasing him?
Keep going!
Keep going!
And really it was just a matter of time before we saw something like this.
And I'm really surprised that we haven't seen something worse.
People always ask, "What does it mean to make America great again?"
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
My heart's like a stone, man.
Should I give you a push?
Yeah, please.
I appreciate it.
Alright, look.
Here's what we're gonna have to do.
I'm gonna push.
Don't hit the brakes at all.
You just gotta keep going.
Go! Keep going! Go!
It means to make America a better place than it was the day before.
Samuel, thanks for calling.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
Alex, if I can just quickly, InfoWarsStore.com, I want to thank you for Pollen Block.
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And the antihistamines sometimes work, sometimes don't, but they never quite work This is a known patent out of France.
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It is amazing.
This is a known patent out of France.
You have to pay for the patent.
Where they just discovered that if you feed a certain secret diet to quail and then you
get their eggs, it creates this incredible antihistamine of a certain type of quail.
How fast did it take for Polynblock to kick in for you?
It's pretty much straight away.
You know, it may be 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes.
It just works.
The antihistamines, the pharmaceutical products, I find that with those, I can't take them until I start getting symptoms.
And even then, they might not kick in for half an hour, or they might not kick in at all, depending on the day.
Pollen block works every single time.
Well, that's the great part about this.
And for whatever reason, France discovered it like 50 years ago.
It's still got to be even in this region of France.
It's very complex.
They don't even know why.
But they think it's the pollen in the area, the dust, what the quail are eating.
Then they just produce in the eggs whatever this essence is that just turns the histamine response off.
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So we just made a souped-up version of it and discounted it, and it's Palm Block.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
You know, I was asked on TV a couple of days ago, what do I think about the CIA, and the FBI, and what's happening in Saudi Arabia, and all these foreign policies.
I'm like, they couldn't even stage a coup in their own backyard!
The CIA.
Do you think anyone's afraid of the CIA around the world?
They can't even do their own coup!
And that's because it's globalist in many factions within, not the whole CIA.
I mean, you're absolutely right.
I feel a lot more confidence around the country and vindication.
A lot of people actually believe that I was a Russian agent or that you were.
All this other crazy crap.
And the only reason I brought me up is, yeah, Trump's winning, but I'm getting pounded and
attacked because the left, again, think that we got elected.
I think it was populism that did it.
But specifically, I was talking to you and Stacey in there earlier about what happened
in 2016, what they witnessed, who they think got Trump elected, because that segues into
why I'm going to the White House to bullhorn it in a moment.
If Trump doesn't stand up against the censorship, the Democrats could steal the election.
So it's bigger than me, but they've picked me as the symbol of that.
And can you speak to what journalists have told you about what really won the election
versus what they think won the election?
Because I don't deserve the credit, I don't want the credit, but it's made me the target.
Well, we know that Hillary arrogantly ignored key states, key battleground states, and therefore lost the Electoral College and lost the election.
And in their need to scapegoat, and this is a very unfortunate thing in American politics now, is you've got the mainstream media looking for scapegoats, in much the same way you've seen in failed European elections from years gone by, back in the 1930s.
They're looking for scapegoats to try to pin the blame.
And the fact is that All you did was broker a relationship between plain-speaking Trump and plain-speaking America.
That's what Alex Jones did.
There is a brokering that conversation away from the spin, away from the technobabble, away from the political nonsense, and they've kept him handcuffed.
For two years with this bogus Russiagate hoax, this nonsense, this story that never happened, it's never gonna happen, it never will happen.
Now he's taking the gloves off.
I believe the fact that we're here at this hotel, the same day, happen to bump into each other in the same way, I mean, things are moving under, you know, the pieces of the chessboard are moving.
A lot of planets aligning.
So, Maxwell, tell me.
Pulling back from this, you do see people like Bob Woodward that wrote a book claiming Russiagate was all real.
Now he's backing up, saying the CIA made it up, they'd all go to jail.
I see a lot of rats leaving the sinking ship.
I see panic here because some Democrats want to try to push impeachment, which we know will fail.
But Trump's got to move against them regardless because of the illegal spying, everything that's come out.
We have the proof of a deep state coup against the president.
So really, it's a dereliction of duty if the president doesn't act.
But I wonder why the Democrats are still so arrogant, many of them, and wanting impeachment, which will just push Trump to force his hand to move against the crimes that they committed.
For we have the text messages, we have the emails, we have the documents of Obama and Hillary running the illegal operation against the American electorate.
Well, you know, Trump in his own way is a media genius and he appreciates the aesthetics of good media.
Remember Ali Norton and that fight in the 8th when Ali won against Norton for heavyweight champion.
In the 8th round, Norton was going down and Ali, he could have given him another punch and knocked him out.
But after the fight he said, I love the beauty of watching him go down the way it was.
The aesthetics of that knockout.
I think Trump loves, as a media veteran and a media pro, the aesthetics of watching the Democrats implode.
And he just watches them twist in the wind, and hoisted by their own petard, and then, ooh, flat on their back.
And he's basically ready, if necessary, to throw that counterpunch.
But they're so mired in their own lies, and their own backstabbing, and their own need for Rachel Maddow to somehow be vindicated for her obvious nonsense for two and a half years.
Imagine her audience lamenced.
Glenn Beck stole Alex Jones' act.
He then was relegated to the far broad reaches of Nowhere's Bill.
Then Rachel Maddow said, oh Alex Jones?
That was part of the 2016 election?
Let's do Alex Jones in a skirt.
I'll be Rachel Maddow.
Alex Jones in a skirt.
Now she couldn't do it either.
There's only one Alex Jones.
There's only one true twister from Texas.
The Austin menace.
Nobody can come close.
The only reason I bring me up is they get more and more obsessed and they are scared of the populism and scared of what you do and what everybody does.
But I wanted to specifically get into why I've run into the New York Times reporters and Washington Post reporters and And national TV will actually shake in fear.
And it's like you said on election night, people have known you for decades.
You're good friends with, you know, they even got paranoid about you.
It's like a psychosis where they literally believe that like there's this big conspiracy against them and we're just regular people.
Right, because nobody wants to admit the fact, especially in the elite regions of the American New York Times reading, New Yorker magazine reading, that Trump is actually representing the average American.
Trump is American.
Trump is a nation of Hucksters.
I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but a nation of, you know, hard graft, hustling, you know, fake it till you make it.
And yeah, he's a billionaire.
Yeah, he started off, you know, with a big fat gift from his dad, but he's still been out there competing in a very competitive New York City property market.
He competed as the president of the United States.
None of these celebrities could have said, I'm going to run for president.
None of them did.
This guy took, he said, you know what, I can actually make a difference and I'm gonna run.
He took the risk.
He became president and now we should be applauding that and the fact that he wasn't implicated in the Russiagate hoax should be a point of admiration, should be a point of elevation, not a point to double down on nonsensical constipation, political constipation.
We don't want that.
No, I agree, but that's what's crazy is.
Trump is Americana, and they see him beaten up and lied about so long, and other conservatives, and I agree with you, it's finally really starting to backfire in a ultra-massive way, but I don't want, as the wolf says in Pulp Fiction, us to start, you know, wetting each other necks.
You're a smart guy, Max Keiser.
We're gonna get to Bitcoin here, and a few other things in the time you have, and I appreciate your time.
What are their left hooks?
Or what are their secret plays?
If they kind of come out of their delusion, their pity party, the fits they're throwing, how could Trump step in and how could we step in?
Right, so to try to figure out what their playbook is going forward.
Clearly they're going to try to whip out some kind of bogus CIA connection to a You know, it's interesting.
That's a great concept because it's like they've exhausted themselves.
Remember, they tried to pull the amendment where he has gone insane, that he had to be 25th Amendment, that he's unsuitable for office.
That didn't work.
They've tried to implicate him in this bogus Russiagate.
That didn't work.
Trump's a master.
I mean, they've got 20 candidates now running in the Democrats.
Bernie Sanders, he already got Inasculated, if you will, by Hillary.
I mean, he's a spent force.
Hillary's out.
He's already let her steal the election from him.
So he was having her steal the election.
So who do they have in their camp?
Joe Biden is creepy Joe.
You know, Hansy Biden.
He's already old news.
He's nobody.
Who's out there?
Who's going to be possibly running?
Yeah, there he is.
Oh, it's Joe Biden!
I think Joe Biden's in the house.
Oh, I feel him creeping up my spine.
Right, so who do they have on their bench who's going to come out there and hit a home run?
Nobody, as far as I can tell.
AOC, I mean, she's too young.
She won't be available to be... Oh, Joe!
Joe, I love your politics, Joe.
It makes me feel like I need to take a shower real quick.
So they've got nobody on the bench.
I don't know what... That's a good question.
I think he's going to win in a landslide, you know, to tell you the truth.
Because you know what?
Here's what I predict.
Two weeks before the election, Trump drops some of the most powerful and vicious attack ads that we've ever seen in American politics.
I mean, think about it.
We've already seen a couple of his ads run, and they're genius political ads.
As we get two weeks, you know, the whole election is decided in the last two weeks.
When he comes in the last two or three weeks of this election, The ads they're going to drop are going to absolutely blow people away.
They're going to make the, first of all, every one of the Democrats going to look, they're going to, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders are going to be crawled up in a fetal position crying under their desk.
They're going to be so blown away by the imagery, the sheer poetry of these attack ads.
So, because he's got the bully pulpit now.
He's got the White House.
What about the Federal Reserve though?
It could try to really jack the economy.
No, they've already telegraphed that they're going to keep rates low.
They're going to keep lowering rates.
Powell, who runs the central Fed now, he's a total wimp.
He's never going to raise rates.
They're totally in the pocket of big business.
So rates are going to continue to be low.
Stock market will be... I want to get into the economy and last with you here, and Bitcoin that you pioneered, where, you know, I mean, predicted its metaphoric rise.
But let's talk about this.
Trump did run for president.
Without you, we're not here.
And I'm selling t-shirts pretty much at cost right now.
We have to stop the sales.
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But it's 50% off.
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We've got 10 new variants of that that are limited edition.
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We've got InfoWars patches for like two and a half dollars.
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It's one of my favorites.
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And it is a very, very nice shirt.
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There's another big special on the side as well.
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Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslive.com, or 888-253-3139.
I'm not gonna sit here and take it anymore!
All right, let's talk to Jim in Dallas.
Jim, you're on the air.
You work with the State National Guard.
People think, oh, State Guard.
That's like the creme de la creme of patriots working with federal and state, trying to defend the border.
And Texas is the hot spot, so they're right in the middle of it.
Jim, what are you witnessing down there?
Well, Alex, we just had a staff meeting in Austin this morning.
This isn't getting a lot of attention, but the Attorney General, Attorney General Paxton, and the Governor, Governor Abbott, have called up the Texas State Guard unit.
We've been in contact with Hood and Lipp, and the adjutant's office there isn't talking to them, okay?
For some unknown reason.
Now, Major General Boatish is the commander of all Texas forces.
The Texas National Guard, the Texas Air National Guard, and the Texas State Guard.
And he's activating members of the Texas State Guard.
And the next step is the Texas National Guard, but that's got to be approved from Washington.
Well, we don't have time for that, Alex.
If the Border Patrol and the feds do not do something about this, the next step is Governor Abbott is going to authorize lethal force to prevent this tidal wave coming into the state of Texas.
We're gonna have armed members of the Texas State Guard down in McAllen and over in El Paso by 1800 tonight.
This is coming to a breaking point.
If the federal government is not going to defend Texas, Texans are going to defend Texas.
And we're not waiting for the federal government to do anything.
And I can tell you right now that the 4th and the 8th and the 19th regiments of the Texas State Guard will be there within 72 hours.
And we're not going with rubber bullets.
We're being issued live routes.
We will not let the federal government let Texas be invaded by a tidal wave of disease-carrying illegal aliens.
And it's just a sad situation that the state of Texas pays 18% of all federal taxes, and we can't get one cavalry soldier from Hood to come down and protect the border.
It's not the responsibility of the state of Texas under our current constitutional setup for Texas to have to appropriate $5.2 billion to build a wall in our state because Congress in Washington can't get it done.
But I'm here to tell you, like you've said on several occasions, real men are bred in Texas.
of Colonel Travis and you will not take our liberty and the people of the state of Texas
have an organization that will defend that Lone Star flag and we're...
No, I agree with you, but I'm just telling you there's more than one way to skin a cat.
The beds are overwhelmed, the feds are overwhelmed, the Border Patrol is overwhelmed,
the Democrats are saying just capitulate. If we let them break the border,
literally 20% of Latin America in the next few years will spill in.
This will be the end of the country. I mean, this is ending our sovereignty.
This is the new world war right now.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Trump did run for president out of nowhere and win.
They try to act like he was a silver spoon and was not a self-made man.
That guy has incredible charisma, incredible energy, and it's not like a worship fest, but compared to all 18 Democrat candidates, he has more smarts and more energy than all of those teleprompter reading boobs.
So I just think the Democrats should just give up and capitulate and let America be great again, but they're not going to do it.
So as the depression intensifies, and I agree they're worn out for now, but they're going to come back, I think they're just going to get more zany, more wacky.
Yeah, they will.
For this campaign to be derailed, obviously a lot's tied up in the stock market.
So the stock market has to stay high and there's no reason for it not to continue to stay high because rates are going to continue to be low and they're going to continue to keep pressure on rates to be low.
The deal with China is coming at some point.
You've got some global trade there.
Again, there's no arrows in their quiver.
They've got nothing to fight.
I mean, I'd love to be able to say that they've got some threat, that a dark horse is going to appear.
I'll tell you, one guy in the Democratic camp that I like is Andrew Yang.
He's kind of a dark horse at this point.
But I think the millennials, he'll get a lot of support from millennials because he He's very good in just spelling out numerically on the data points how you can re-orchestrate and rebuild the economy in a way that would emphasize... Kirk, what about a third party populist like Trump meant to siphon votes?
Sure, but I mean, again, you'd have to find somebody that has a unique combination of being in a reality TV show in the casino industry.
He is a once-in-a-thousand-year candidate.
His Twitter mastery is not... How did he show up right at the perfect time when they were planning to shut the U.S.
down and sell it to China?
He's a concerned American.
He's an American like you.
I'm an American and you're an American.
Our forefathers made the sacrifice of, you know what, I'm going to step away from the farm, I'm going to step away from my business, and I'm going to do public service.
I'm going to be a congressman, a senator, maybe the president.
And that's what Trump did.
He stepped away from his active life to serve his country.
Now, let's clear something up here.
I did not say that you were the Soros contact.
I had a brokerage firm out of New York City, another one out of Boston, and then another one out of Southern City contact me early on and go, "Oh, George Soros,
look at that bad of a guy.
You know, he's in Bitcoin." I didn't even know that was true. I didn't even know it probably was Soros.
I just pointed out that they offered me a bunch of free Bitcoin years ago.
You were the one that was being nice in like London six, seven years ago, offering me a bunch.
And I believe the idea of open free currencies, I think it's revolutionary.
I was just concerned that it would go up into a tulip bubble and then go down.
But regardless, I think cryptocurrencies are obviously a real science.
You're one of the first people that told me about Bitcoin.
And so give us your kind of history of it briefly, and then where you think it's going and other cryptocurrencies.
Well, you know, the thing about Bitcoin is that it's censorship resistant, and it gives you individual sovereignty.
And with your Your show is really challenging the status quo in a big way.
When I said to you when Bitcoin was a dollar, I said if you load up on Bitcoin, you would be in a position to be independent to a degree where you could tell whoever it might be, Facebook or YouTube, to go, you know, pound sand, because you're sitting on 50, 60, 70 million dollars, or 100 million dollars, which is for a 10,000 or 20,000 dollar buy of Bitcoin at a dollar, you're talking about 100 million $150 million.
That was my point.
And I said, here's $10,000 Bitcoin.
Give away to your audience.
You know, let's build this new self-sovereign country.
Let's be media independent.
And I wasn't excited because I'm eating a big steak.
Right, and you're like...
Because you know, and the fact is, that part of the history of the Bitcoin algorithm and its history really goes through the NSA, right?
The NSA was part of the encryption technology of the SHA-256 hashing algorithm of Bitcoin.
So what?
Every single component in your iPhone was built by the U.S.
government, essentially.
I knew I could make money on the way up.
I was just worried I'm not calling the time that it would correct or whatever go down and my audience would think I burned them.
That was the only reason.
Yeah, fair enough.
You're being prudent.
Let me tell you something.
Bitcoin at $30,000 at $5,000 is like the same thing as Bitcoin at $50,000.
Because when it's going to $100,000, $500,000, a million, that's huge.
It's just like gold.
Because definitely, if you sit on gold because of inflation, it's going to go way back higher than it ever was in the future.
It's just a fact.
It's a fact, dude.
It's a fact.
Well, gold has a problem, as we've talked about on your show, that you can sell Futures contracts that don't exist, and you can keep gold, you know, kind of down.
You know, Salente's been on your show, talked about this many times.
With Bitcoin, that doesn't exist.
They do naked shorting, right?
In gold.
But they can't do that with Bitcoin, because we own what are called the private keys.
We own essentially the stock of coins.
If the banks try to mess with it like that, we simply take the keys off the exchanges and they get screwed.
It's our money.
Well, give us your secrets.
How much of it did you dump?
Did you dump before the crash?
Well, look, I mean, did I get rich with Bitcoin?
Well, you know, I got rich on Wall Street.
I got rich at the dot-com era.
I got, you know, I've been rich several times.
I mean, you're, like you said, a Scottish lord.
Being rich is not all it's cooked up.
You know, you got problems being rich just like you have problems being poor.
You know, problems don't go away just because you have money.
No, I understand.
I understand.
You know what I'm saying, Alex?
Well, I wish I was... I like you.
The media baron of Austin.
You had your laptop.
The man that controls independent media.
The man who turned Rachel Maddow from a transgender, you know, dick-sporting wonder whiz.
You know, destroyed Glenn Beck's mind.
You know, you verbally mesmerized these people.
They've stripped themselves of their own tongue.
And then they're on the floor, they're gasping for the air!
Alex Jones!
You did the mind meld!
You will be destroyed!
We're still standing!
You're still here!
MaxKaiser.com, Big RT Show, Al Jazeera Shows, BBC Shows, everything.
How do you think this censorship issue ends though?
Is this really getting bad?
With big tech going to the EU, going to the UK, saying, yeah, go ahead and censor us.
So they have, other than Section 230, these big excuses to censor everybody now, becoming these huge oligopolies.
Pat Dorsey's becoming a Bitcoin maximalist.
And that's... Jack Dorsey has... he's predisposed to being... to fighting censorship.
Bitcoin is censorship resistant.
Well then why did he ban me?
Because there was a boycott to Crash.
Twitter stopped.
I think inside... Inside he's crying.
There was a rebellion there.
There should be.
I think you have served enough, Penance.
You know, you've been in the penalty box now.
It's time for you to come back out onto the ice.
You know, we're watching the Stanley Cups now in America.
You know, Alex Evanchin, he's in the penalty box for five minutes for fighting.
They put Alex Jones in the penalty box for sticking or high-sticking, whatever you did.
Come out of the penalty box, get back on the ice, and let's get back into the game because 2020 is right around the corner.
You got Trump 2, it's right around the corner.
We're ready to go here in D.C.
Trump International.
Let's do it!
Hey, I do want out of the penalty box, but let me tell you, the longer they leave me, it's kind of like Clash of the Titans.
The Kraken is under... You're getting lazy.
You need to get back onto the ice.
I am getting fat.
I am getting fat.
You're getting lazy, Alex.
You know, you can't get used to this life of leisure.
We need you back in the mix.
Because there's a revolution out there ready to go!
Okay, Bitcoin is part of it, man.
Are you going to embrace it this time when it goes to $100,000?
Or are you going to be like, I don't know, maybe, it might go down, and then like three of my viewers will be like unhappy with me.
Not like another 50 million aren't trying to already sue me, but the three of them might lose money.
So I'm so unhappy.
No, the reason I didn't do that is I just didn't understand it all.
I'm going to come to Austin, and we'll go through it on the whiteboard again.
I will take $10,000.
$10,000 and $5,000 is a lot different than $10,000 a dollar.
I know.
What is it now?
That's a lot.
That's a big difference.
That's $50 million versus $10,000.
So if I'd have taken that for free, how much would I have had?
$50 million.
Alex Jones loses $50 million.
That's how I knew it.
That's $50 million versus $10,000.
So if I'd have taken that for free, how much would I have had?
$50 million.
Dallas Jones loses $50 million.
That's it.
That's how I knew it.
It wasn't Soros.
Soros would never have hooked you up with Bitcoin.
I had other brokers with other weird coins.
I always just call all the crypto stuff Bitcoin.
What do you think the best thing is?
Your mind was warped by Roger Ver, who's the Antichrist.
Roger Ver is the Antichrist with Bitcoin Cash.
Bitcoin Cash is not Bitcoin.
It's an imposter.
Roger Ver is the devil.
Craig Wright is the devil.
I try to tell you.
I spell it all out for you.
I put the breadcrumbs on the path.
I'm not Maxwell Kaiser.
Take a few steps into the house made of pure gold.
Tell people how you relate to the Queen of England.
All you've got to do is go down the little breadcrumbs I laid for you.
What more can I do, Alex?
What more can I do?
Tell us about your royalty.
I am Lord Maxwell.
I come from Cabralock Castle in Ireland, and I have royal blood, okay?
But I am a benevolent royal, and that's why I hate England so much, is that I consider that entire country to be mine.
That's my country!
Those English are upstarts.
That's right, early on it was.
Yeah, we've been fighting them forever.
You know, we're gonna march from Scotland down to Westminster.
But you know, the British Royals are really German.
The British Royals are really German.
Yeah, they're fake!
They're nonsense.
We're gonna march.
We're gonna do a march from Scotland into Westminster and take back what's mine.
Everything from from Caverlock Castle to number 10 Downing Street is mine.
It's mine!
And you'll be there as well.
All right.
Why is Trump going to London?
Oh, that's the last thing.
Oh, is it a secretly broker a deal for Julian Assange?
I hope so.
Trump said I love WikiLeaks release it all and now you don't know who he is?
That's a fly on the ointment.
Trump should really be loyal.
Assange is about free media and free speech.
Trump should free Assange.
That would be an instant gift to the world.
He would be embraced as a living hero by hundreds of millions of people.
I'm going to go bullhorn the White House.
What message do you want me to give Trump?
Tell them to free Assange.
I will.
I'll be over there.
I'll be right behind you.
How long are you here?
Like about, you know, half a mile away.
All right.
I'm going to walk in and say out of state.
You've got two minutes.
If they come after you, I want to make sure I'm right behind you.
All right.
If you're with a bear in the woods, all you have to do is run faster than the bear.
Well, here's what Biden is up against.
Here's how it may keep coming back and back and back.
This is a meme that was created by a semi-anonymous man from Kansas City, from Kansas.
He posted it, and then the Trump world posted it, and then the president himself posted it on Twitter.
It's Biden fondling himself.
Now, on one level, it's just a funny meme.
On another level, this is how politics is waged this day.
These are the meme wars in action.
Do you think Democrats understand what they're up against?
against, because there was a Mother Jones headline the other day saying the right-wing
media machine is much more effective at this kind of visual communication, and the Democrats
aren't even trying.
I can't breathe in this thing!
Ludicrous speed!
What have I done?
My brains are going into my feet!
Oh my...
You can't always get what you want!
It's too dangerous.
We've got to slow down first.
♪ Come to me, you're my friend ♪ ♪ You can't imagine me ♪
♪ Stop this thing! ♪ ♪ We can't stop, it's too dangerous ♪
♪ We've got to slow down first ♪ ♪ Stop! ♪
♪ Whoa! ♪ Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, Matt Bracken here with you for the next hour.
And in a bit we'll be taking some calls at 877-789-ALEX, 789-25-4.
Yeah, there's a lot to talk about as usual.
The deep state coup seems to finally be coming to a head with a Mueller report in.
I've always been comparing it to a poker game or a Another card game where you want to see what the other guy's cards are before you make your final bids, your final bets.
And that seems to be where we are now.
With the Mueller report, basically a done deal, Schiff and Nadler in Congress, they can make a lot of noise, but they actually have more to fear from congressional hearings than they are going to take any scalps out of Donald Trump or the Trump administration.
They actually, you know, if Mueller or anybody like that goes up before Congress, it's going to be a slaughter when people like, you know, Jim Jordan and Lindsey Graham start to question them.
So I'm not so sure how far that bluff is going to go.
I think that the Democrats have played their entire, you know, they've fired their salvo.
And there's sort of what you would consider in World War II terms, One side can look like they're just sweeping over the globe.
You know, the Japanese conquered a lot of the Pacific and Asia.
They attacked Pearl Harbor.
Hitler got as far as Stalingrad and the suburbs of Moscow.
But when that momentum is gone, it's like the tide turning.
And then it's just a rollback the entire way.
Now all the big guns are on Trump's side.
So I expect to see Whenever Trump is in trouble, there'll probably be some declassification.
Maybe they will save it for the end before the 2020 election, but I'm not really so sure about that.
The other big issue going on right now, this open borders invasion seems to be also coming to a head.
Supposedly, the Mexicans are taking some measures in southern Mexico But it really doesn't matter, because there's just a flood going on.
They're saying now that 1,400 or 1,500 illegals are being released by DHS.
So it's really meaningless when the government says, we're apprehending thousands a day.
Yeah, they're apprehending them, holding them for a few weeks, and then letting them go.
Or just, if they have kids, they're just letting them go.
And mostly, I think that they're heading into red states to try to flip them electorally, because as we know, eventually these people vote.
And in some of the states, they're given voter ID cards with their driver's licenses.
It's ridiculous.
But that's what they do in California and some other states, New York, etc.
And, you know, in terms of the Electoral College, it won't help if they send these illegals to Democrat states because they're only going to max out their electoral votes no matter how many more illegals they have.
That's why they want to put as many as possible into Florida and Texas and other states that are purple bordering on flipping to Democrat.
But yeah, it's um, this is a very serious time.
And with the American troops that were disarmed on our side of the border, the south side of the fence, but our side of the border, I think it's becoming obvious even to President Trump.
That the cartels are just running the entire border zone, and that includes Mexican police and supposedly Mexican military.
So there's a huge amount of room for big misunderstandings.
The militia group that was down there, the leader got arrested for a weapons charge.
So you can see when it's really serious to DHS.
That's when civilians start getting into the mix.
That's when there's really going to be room for a, you know, a huge mistake that could send this entire formula out of its, out of its just regular linear progression and into some kind of a unpredictable catastrophe.
We'll be back on the other side of the break with more.
And I'm selling t-shirts pretty much at cost right now.
We have to stop the sales.
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All apparel, ball caps, you name it.
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We've got 10 new variants of that that are limited edition.
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All there.
We've got InfoWars patches for like two and a half dollars.
They're high quality.
Those are at cost.
Every order gets free bumper stickers.
And I'm wearing InfoWars Resist Tyranny shirt.
It's one of my favorites.
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It's got a shield with the InfoWars crest with the snake of the states joining together.
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And it is a very, very nice shirt.
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The answer to 1984 is 17 76.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Yep, I'm back and we'll be taking calls in a little while at...
877-789-2539, 789-ALEX.
Now if there's a silver lining to this immigration invasion that's going on, it's that the Democrats
and the mainstream media, but I repeat myself, they can't say that this is a manufactured
It's obvious to the entire world that what's going on is a land invasion on the level of the book Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspel, which is also kind of playing out across the Mediterranean now from Africa to Europe.
And Americans are waking up to the fact that the way that California has turned into a third world asshole That's the formula that the Democrats hope to import to all 50 states.
And it's not just, and it's not just, you know, the sad plight of the Guatemalans and Hondurans.
I get it.
It's sad down there, even though the countries are beautiful and have great climates.
It's not just that the cartels are collecting $5,000 or $6,000 a head from these desperate people.
So it's big money.
And the cartels are using the human wave attacks as a diversion for bringing in the drug shipments.
But on our side of the border, there's another part of this equation, which is probably even more disturbing, which is and this all happened or mainly began under Obama with these partnerships with the so-called charities.
So that the Catholic and Lutheran charities and others, those are two of the biggest.
They're working.
Essentially, they're working hand in glove like cog teeth with the cartels and with the for now, sadly, with the Department of Homeland Security to facilitate this invasion.
So there's sort of like a push and a pull part of this with the Civ at the border being handled by the Department of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Patrol.
So The cartels escort these human waves to the border.
They then seek out the border patrol who quote-unquote apprehend them, but only temporarily because they're going to be released.
Then the Department of Homeland Security puts them in vans and buses And drops them off at pickup points where Catholic and Lutheran charity organizers then pick them up to drive them to your city to release them.
And the real money, and this is unbelievable, but American tax money is being spent to the tune for children of more
than $50,000 a head for placement services to distribute these kids throughout America, these future dreamers,
future Democrat voters, so that the cartels make money off of it.
Department of Homeland Security, they can't do anything because these communist, traitor-quizzling judges essentially say it's illegal to hold them for more than 20 days.
So, the 20 days is just a waiting period, essentially, and on they go into America, where Catholic and Lutheran charities Are then earning millions and millions of dollars to distribute these refugees, so-called refugees, throughout America.
And one state at a time, it's going to flip our demography and then our electoral process.
And as I've said before, I call California Kalazuela.
If you want to see the future of America, it's California.
California times 50 is how the Democrats are going to have permanent political power.
So when we get back to the discussion of, for example, the deep state coup, is Trump going to win or is Biden going to win?
Which of the Democrats will win?
All of this is just a speed bump on the way to turning America into a permanent one party state.
Like Venezuela or the state of California that I call Kalazuela.
Because once Florida or Texas flips to Democrat, they're going to have a lock on the Electoral College.
They are going to be able to run anybody and win the presidency.
So in that sense, Trump at best is just a reprieve or a speed bump on the way to this progressive takeover of our country.
It's happening.
And that's why this border crisis is so important.
And even today, you know, even pretty good conservatives on talk radio and on television, they're still dancing around it.
You know, they're still saying, well, you know, do these refugees cost more than they're going to provide in taxes as if, you know, Or are they bringing in diseases?
Are they bringing in crime?
Are they bringing in a culture of corruption and violence, which is endemic to where they grew up?
Sure, those are all valid points.
But to the Democrats, none of that matters.
The only thing that matters is stuffing the ballot boxes with new Democrat, beholden,
progressive -- because that's where they come from.
Socialism is like a beautiful thing.
If you're an impoverished third-worlder, you vote for the guys that are going to promise
to give you all the benefits.
That's as simple as it can be put.
The Democrats are going to run this country into the ground, California times 50.
The Venezuela will be our future if we can't get a hold of this border situation and do
it fast.
Now, there's no guarantee, for instance, even that Trump is going to win in 2020.
And just imagine, you know, President Bernie Sanders.
The border will be absolutely dismantled.
And I don't think that we're going to be a very happy country as our republic will be destroyed and there's going to be millions of Americans that are going to say, you know, the hell with it.
I'm just not going to participate.
I won't work.
I won't pay taxes.
I'll become a real resistor.
You'll see what happens when the productive element of society puts down their tools, or even worse, throws their tools into the gearbox.
So we're going to be starting to take calls maybe in the next segment.
Call in at 877-789-ALEX, 789-2539.
And another subject that I'm going to be getting to, I'd like to switch to now.
We all know that it's important to support InfoWars, the InfoWars store, because our alternative and independent voices are so important, so critical.
If anybody's been paying attention, it's obvious that that big media and big social media has been working to completely tilt the scale against conservatives and libertarians towards the progressive slash communists.
No matter what they say, that's what's happening.
And as they do, they're choking off one voice after another.
I'm off of Twitter permanently for an anti-Burka meme.
I'm off of Facebook virtually.
They let me on for a few days and they banned me again, so I don't post there anymore.
But it's not just me and InfoWars.
All across the media, people are getting basically unpersoned.
They're having their microphones shut down.
While the other side, the progressive side, any little group, any group of malcontents, of progressive cat ladies, all they've got to do is put out the call and they're going to get a check for millions and millions from George Soros and his band.
On our side, these important small independent voices, they get crushed, they get taken out, And they can't support themselves.
There are people on our side that are working for nothing.
That are, you know, practically doing lawn jobs and washing dishes to keep their blog running.
There's no George Soros on our side.
So when I get back, I'm going to mention some of these some of these folks and websites that it's very important that our side supports.
Otherwise, we're just giving the battlefield to George Soros because he can fund every anti-gun group, every open border group, every child molesting, transsexual pederast group.
They get millions and millions.
The conservatives, we get nothing.
We have to do it ourselves.
We'll be back on the other side and we're going to talk about some of these groups.
Hunt, why has America been so special compared to other nations?
Why has it become the model of other successful countries?
Why do so many people want to get here?
Because of our constitutional republic and the basic freedoms that were protected for the individual.
Even though we've had a lot of problems, the fact that we were the freest country in the world allowed incredible wealth to be developed.
By the 1950s, the U.S.
had over 80% of the world's patents and over half the wealth, and the biggest middle class the planet had ever seen.
It was America that led the way on human rights, not just here, but around the world.
But if you tune into the national news today, like CNN, you'd believe America was the worst place on Earth.
That it's a horrible place.
And why is that?
It's because multinational corporations, working with the Communist Chinese, the EU and others, are demoralizing the nation to break us down.
And to make us not care about our identity, so we can be absorbed into globalism.
But thanks to InfoWars and thanks to the audience of activists out there, we have rebooted Americana and the resistance against the globalists.
And now Trump coming in and turning the tide and exposing the whole fake Russiagate has them panicked.
Nationalist populists are being elected in South America, in Europe, in the UK.
It's happening everywhere and the power structure is panicking.
That's why Big Tech, allied with the CHICOMS, the authoritarian EU and others, are forcing the whole Hollywood, hate America, brainwashing on the public and bringing in censorship in an attempt to block us from completing the take back of the nation.
And that's why, more than ever, you have to remember.
Because of the censorship, you've got to come to NewsWars.com or InfoWars.com to hear what's really happening on the front lines and how you can help, not just save the country, but really the future destiny of the people of this planet.
Because if the United States falls to tyranny and falls to leftist authoritarianism, the Communist Chinese will be the dominant cultural force on the planet.
That's why it's so critical that we understand that Democrats in Congress right now are attempting to bring in more draconian censorship of conservatives and others, while at the same time, big tech heads lie to Congress and say they're not censoring when they've been caught red-handed.
This is the legislative branch, and we need to take control of it to restore the republic.
We also have to take control of the judicial, and that takes us to our next spot, the Supreme Court.
Imagine what would have happened if Hillary Clinton would have been elected.
It would have been a death blow to this country, because the Democrats now officially say they want to repeal the Second Amendment, the right to keep and bear arms, and so many other issues.
This nation is still held by a threat.
That's why it's so important to understand that the Democrats are the party of extremism, extreme anti-Americanism.
The Republicans were a bunch of blue blood establishment types, but we've had a populist insurrection that has partially taken it over.
Now we've got to take it all the way over, keep Trump in the White House in 2020, and get more governorships and more state houses across this country to reverse the globalist plan to take down our nation.
And that's why InfoWars is so important.
InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today that will only get through to the people if you spread the word.
Just while I've been out here walking today, I probably shook a hundred hands.
And a third of them said, where are you?
We miss you.
We wish you were still on air.
That's because they were habitualized on YouTube and on iTunes and everywhere else to listen to us.
You have to come to Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
And I know the regular listeners understand that, but other people kind of just passively watch what pops up on their screen.
They love the truth, they love liberty, but they're not thinking that there's an internet outside of Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter.
That's why you are how we outreach.
You are how we get this information through the sensors to others.
You are the resistance.
So God bless you all.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Matt Bracken.
Okay, we're back.
And before we left, I was talking about some individuals that are just basically being turned into unpersons.
They're just being disappeared, essentially.
There's no gulag yet.
They're not hauling us off and putting us behind barbed wire.
But if you're trying to communicate a message to the world and your wires are just progressively cut, it's Not that much different, especially if your livelihood is at stake.
In Canada, it's even worse than here, by far.
In Canada, parents are having their children taken away because these children in these state schools are brainwashed into believing that they're transsexual, even as small children.
You know, some of these kids are autistic or have other problems, and the last thing they need is Marxist, perverted teachers brainwashing them that they're not their God-given biological sex as small children.
And if the parents complain, this is something like maybe in some ways worse than what they did in the Soviet Union.
At least they weren't going after the, you know, the human sexuality like this.
If the parents are objecting, the children are taken away from the parents.
It's just unbelievable.
And this is in a country where they're now, you know, making up and apologizing for decades of taking Aboriginal kids away from their parents, putting them into state-run orphanages where they would be hammered into, you know, Canadian citizens.
Now they're doing something, to me, that's very evil.
And in Canada, If you become an un-person, they pass your word around and you're not going to get a job.
You're going to not only lose your ability to communicate your message, you're not going to be able to work.
That's where I was talking about being a dishwasher.
So this puts a real chilling effect on anybody who would like to be a conservative beacon But they just feel like they can't, because if they take that chance, they'll not only have their website destroyed, they won't be able to have a job.
Because the employers are all going to know that you're on the bad comrade list, and the employers don't want trouble with the state.
You know, the same state that takes children away who have been brainwashed into thinking that they're transsexual at the age of, you know, five or six.
It's just purely evil.
One of the main Canadian counter jihad websites is having financial problems and they've had to let go a lot of their of their staff downsizing.
And one of these people, and I've mentioned before, one of these websites is called VladTepes.com.
It's not famous.
It doesn't, you know, it's not really huge, big, big, important website that you've heard of, but it really is important because of the translation work.
When you see a video on YouTube from Italy or Hungary or Finland, and the same day it's out, it has English subtitles, that's probably from VladTepesVlog.com.
And some of the video work that he was doing for a pretty important counter-jihad website, They've got no money.
They've had to cut staffing.
So now it's, you know, down to the bare bones time.
If he was a progressive, if any of these guys were on the left, they would just put out a call up the chain of command and here would be $100,000 from George Soros.
We don't do that.
Our little foundlings just starve.
Our little orphans, they just starve out in the cold, forgotten.
So, if you can, go to Vlad Tepes.
Try to keep the place running, because without Vlad Tepes blog, this rapid translation, which really ties the world together, the populist movement around the world, so that we know we're not just alone.
It's in Brazil, it's in Italy, it's across Europe.
And the globalists would like us to think that nobody is on our side, that we're the oddballs, that we're isolated, that we're just a few nuts.
We're not.
And websites like Vlad Tepes are extremely important.
That's in fact where I got this, the Cross of St.
It's a way to help out.
Other than, you know, just converting to being a communist and asking George Soros and then the money will rain down.
But it's pathetic that our side has to basically put out the begging bowl, whereas the communists' money is no object.
That's how you can see any left-wing cause in the States or elsewhere Where do they get all of these giant white academy buses that hold 80 people?
Convoys of them to take basically drifters and bums and mass convoy them to Washington or mass convoy them to any state capitol.
It's because they don't worry about money.
They've got all the money in the world.
It just comes raining down.
But our side needs to fight for every dollar.
That's why we support The InfoWars store, and that's why you're watching me on InfoWars right now, because we have to support our own selves.
In fact, right now, the InfoWars store is always open.
There's DNA Force.
Everything is on sale, 50% off.
Go to the InfoWars store.
Keep this program alive.
There is no George Soros on our side.
The Republican Party doesn't support us, obviously.
You know, the Chamber of Commerce hates our guts.
They're allied with the globalists.
If we're going to keep this running, we have to do it on our own.
All right, next break, after the break, we're going to be taking calls 877-789-ALEX, 789-2539.
877-789-ALEX, 789-2539.
And I'm very sincere about this.
In fact, today I put one of my books into a Kindle free run for today and tomorrow.
It's my novel, Domestic Enemies, about the Reconquista of the Southwest.
I wrote it 10 years ago, 12 years ago, and people thought it was hyperbolic, but it's all happening.
We have no border.
We are being invaded.
And as this invasion, as this suffusion of the illegal immigrant invasion takes place, border counties are going the other way.
There are more and more law enforcement, local law enforcement, they're paid off by the cartels.
How do you stop it when It becomes corrupt.
There's a band of corruption, just like northern Mexico, obviously, is run by the cartels and is extremely corrupt.
Well, there's now growing a band of counties across the our southern border that are also corrupt.
They want to keep this this turnstile just cranking.
As long as the people wind up in conservative states where they can flip it.
And if we don't stop it, we are going to be Kalazoela times 50 before maybe even the next election.
If Trump wins, it may be the last Republican that is ever elected if we don't get this thing stopped and turned around.
I mean, it is that serious.
And to do that, we need to support all of our allies who really don't have any support.
I mean, it doesn't cost much to run a website, but it sure does cost something to get it distributed, to get it edited, to get all these people working together.
It does cost money.
And that's why I'm on InfoWars.
That's why, you know, you come here for this independent message.
And after the break, when we come back, I'll be going right to calls.
We're all Alex Jones.
Go to InfoWars.com.
Forbidden information.
I just, guys, I just don't think, uh, I just don't think I have the energy today to do fourth hour.
I just don't think I can do it, guys.
Owen, Owen, I'm getting sick and tired of your BS during the breaks today.
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But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it, but it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
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It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out so you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called "Report Your Show."
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Matt Bracken.
Okay, we're back and like I said, we're gonna go right to the phones.
We have a full board.
So let's go to Dennis, who's been waiting in Virginia.
Let's talk about the Deep State murders.
Who would that be?
You know, the obstruction investigations, you know, against President Trump.
I hope, you know, they take a look back in the summer of 2016 and all these people and several people were murdered.
You know, ones that were associated with the DNC and the Hillary campaign and so forth.
And I hope these people are not forgotten.
I mean, you want to talk about some obstruction to anybody that could testify.
I mean, it's laying right there before you.
You got a pile of bodies.
And why isn't the mainstream news covering that?
Are you referring to Seth Rich or other people as well?
Yeah, all the people that Seth Rich, Joe Montana, Victor Thorne, John Ash, Shawn Lucas, and there could be others.
I mean, these are all people that are going to blow the whistle on the DNC or testify, and they're dead.
Yeah, I would focus on Seth Rich.
I think that the Mueller report was really a deep state cover-up report.
You know, it stops short of talking about the origins of Crossfire Hurricane.
You know, it begins with the, you know, the completely bogus, immaculate conception theory that George Papadopoulos was a Russian agent who was just happened to be talking to the Australian diplomat, Alexander Downer.
And as we know that, you know, the the deep state coup began probably a year before that, at least.
So in the Mueller report, he begins with the with the supposition that the Russians did hack the DNC server.
But computer experts say that's impossible.
It had to have been downloaded to a hard drive or, you know, thumb drive, some kind of an external drive.
So I think that all remains to be to be exposed.
Certainly, that one is the most glaring to me.
What do you think is going to happen going forward?
Do you think that this is all going to be coming out or you think that the cover up is going to be successful as far as these murders?
I think, you know, it's like I was telling Alex a few weeks ago, I think, you know, once President Trump was laying low, and he didn't want to cause any problems with the investigation, and once it was over with, he was going to let loose the dogs of war.
And I hope that he tears up some masses, because they deserve it.
I mean, these people, for over two years, have been at it.
You know, it's sickening.
It's disgraceful.
It's disgraceful.
These people are like a nanner.
You know, you should paint him green and put him under some, you know, put some troll tissues on his feet and set him up next to some giant mushrooms.
He's a garden troll.
He's a pay troll.
That's what it is.
It's Schumer.
Well, well, you know, you know, the, yeah, Schumer actually warned Trump.
He said that, you know, the intelligence agencies have, what did he say, six ways from Sunday of getting back at you.
He was like laughing about how we're not really a free republic anymore.
Let's go to Mike in Texas.
You want to talk about disarming America.
under the intelligence services are really running the show and have been.
I mean, how many of these congressmen are under blackmail?
We know that the NSA is listening to everybody. So they find these little blackmailable nuggets.
I think it's very easy for them to put Congress under their control and no problem at all. Let's
go to Mike in Texas. You want to talk about disarming America? Mike, are you there? Yeah, I am.
Toward the end of the Obama administration, the second term, he cashiered a lot of line officers asking
the question, would you be willing to pass on an order to fire on
Americans to disarm them?
We have a question from a user.
Has anyone sought out those officers who had their careers cut short to see if they can be brought back?
I'm not really familiar with the specifics of this.
I've seen over the years some surveys and things like that, but my worry isn't specifically that would or would not American officers fire on other Americans.
It's that for the last 20 years, essentially, college and university output is federal government, including the military, input.
If colleges are churning out little Marxists, you know, then that's what has been filling the ranks of the FBI, the CIA, and our military, unfortunately.
And once you get to the general officer rank, you have to be approved by the Senate.
So when the Senate is under Democrat control, you know that the only generals that they're approving are little Marxists.
So, you know, to me, it's It's very doubtful whether, you know, we've got fully stocked, the military is fully stocked with patriots, or whether they're really just, you know, more and more becoming, they wear the American uniform, but in their mindset is globalist.
You can even see the commercials that the military has been putting out for the last 10 or so years.
You'd think that they were, you know, the Peace Corps with guns.
You know, they're just going around the world to help the third world out.
Pastor Sam in Texas wants to talk about the border.
Go ahead, Pastor.
Hey, how are you doing, Matt?
Good, thanks.
Good hearing from you.
You know, I work a lot out at the end of the spear in Central America and South America and also on the border, but I'm in Texas now and I'd like to discuss the next wave of the border invasion.
I speak Spanish, and as I go around to the Hispanic communities, I see things like mobile embassies of Latin countries coming in and setting up in a globalist church and issuing documents, identity documents, passports, things like that, to members of the Hispanic community.
But just this week, I observed a whole nother level, and I want to make the mental warriors aware of it.
There is an initiative.
It's called the Libre Institute.
Libre, of course, the Spanish word for freedom.
Libertad, liberty.
Libre is freedom, and that's the name of it.
The Libre Institute.
You can check it out at thelibreinstitute.org.
This is funded by the Koch brothers, who gave $10 million, I read in the news, to start this initiative, which would be great if they were training Hispanic Americans and Latinos here in the USA how to be patriots.
But they're doing the opposite, Matt.
They are encouraging them to insurrect themselves, to revolution themselves, to revolt, and to install a dictatorship and a state church here in the United States of America.
I'm really ticked off about it.
What church is this?
What denomination?
You mean like a denomination?
It's a certain sociopolitical world global entity headed by Pope Francis.
It is the mother of it all.
They're encouraging.
They're encouraging.
See, there was a war in Mexico, Matt, called the Cristero War.
In the U.S.-Vietnam event, there were 57,000 American soldiers killed.
In the Cristeros War, there were 50,000 Mexicans killed on each side.
It was very bloody.
And this was a counterrevolution to their last revolution under Pancho Villa and Francisco
It went on for 20 or 30 years.
There were assassinations.
There were bombings.
It was very much like the Irish Republican Army, only it was in Mexico, and it was a few years back.
It was from 1920, really, to 1950.
It was so bloody, though, that it was a national scourge.
This is the event that the Libre Institute is teaching about.
They're teaching about that the Cristeros, the Vatican-backed Well, I would just say that, you know, there is absolutely a kind of a civil war going on within many of our churches and denominations.
as defined in our First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
It's a twisted and it's very dangerous.
Well, I would just say that there is absolutely a kind of a civil war
going on within many of our churches and denominations.
I wouldn't say that all Catholics are open borders traitors, but as Dennis Prager often says,
the most effective evangelical church of the last century has been Marxism.
And they have really taken over a lot of main denominations.
I consider the current Pope to be primarily a Marxist, and only incidentally a Catholic, which I think he just uses as a cover for spreading his version of Marxism.
We'll be taking some more calls on the other side of the break now, and we've got a full board, so we'll get back to the next call, which will be Richard in California.
Without you, we're not here.
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Ha ha ha!
You're sitting there, you gather up the flame and say, "I got a good idea."
Let's gather up everything we have, sell it, give it to some coyotes and take us to a country that doesn't want us.
Drop us off in God knows where.
We don't know anybody, we're going to leave everything that's familiar to us.
Let's go.
Isn't that going to be a great idea?
These are horrible decisions these people are making.
To decide to come here.
I don't know why we need millions of people to be coming into this country as guest workers who will work for lower wages than American workers and drive wages down even lower than they are right now.
Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple.
Until the American people are convinced that we will stop future flows of illegal immigration, we will make no progress.
Well, look, I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in.
And I do think you have to control your borders.
The bill before us will certainly do some good.
It will authorize some badly needed funding for better fences and better security along our borders.
And that should help stem some of the tide of illegal immigration in this country.
Not only in the states most heavily affected, but in every place in this country are rightly disturbed by the large numbers of illegal aliens entering our country.
The day when America could be the welfare system for Mexico is gone.
We simply can't afford it.
The people who should be here are those who come legally at this time.
And we've got to, for the time being, enforce our borders.
Thank you.
(upbeat music)
Okay, before we get back to the calls, I was just scanning InfoWars.
And this is interesting. The headline is "Feds Indict Judge for Obstruction After Illegal Avoid ZEIS Arrest."
Twice deported illegal was banned from entry into the U.S.
So you have a Massachusetts trial judge who's working with the drug dealers, the illegal alien drug dealers attorney, to hide this guy from the ICE agents and in fact to sneak him out the back door of the courthouse.
And what's interesting is that a U.S.
attorney in Massachusetts Is now indicting this judge and the attorney.
That's what it's probably going to take is is indictments of judges.
You know, they're not beyond law.
Judges can be corrupt also.
Now this is just a Massachusetts trial judge.
But I'm sure that judges around the country will be watching to see what happens because the judges really, they believe they're above the law.
I mean, they absolutely do, and they're making law.
And they're picking and choosing and just even shielding drug illegal alien drug dealers.
You know, this is this is really, really pretty disgusting.
But I guess it's a good sign that even in Massachusetts, a judge isn't above the law.
Richard in California wants to talk about the border.
Go ahead, Richard.
Hey, how's it going?
Thanks for holding.
No problem.
Yeah, I just, I had a question and then I kind of wanted to make a point about, um, maybe your answer or something.
Um, when somebody is over here trying to get citizenship in California, uh, they have to go through certain processes and let's say someone breaks the law in during that process.
Usually what ends up happening is they'll serve their time for whatever crime it is here.
And then, Whether, however the board feels, they'll send them back to wherever, obviously across the border.
So, my question is, what's going to happen to the ones who basically have been detained and deported, and if they come back, usually that's about 5 to 10 years federal prison time.
How is that going to work if they're not apprehending, or if they're apprehending illegals and then releasing them?
Well, for one thing, they can just use a different name every time they come in.
I mean, unless they're, you know, in the system already and fingerprinted and so forth.
But I really don't understand how that's going to work.
But it just seems to me that if they don't inform ICE, if these sanctuary cities and states, if the people reach the end of their crime, they treat them like an American citizen and just open the gate and say, you know, goodbye and good luck.
You're back into California.
You know, go ahead and get a driver's license and a voter card.
Yep, and I've actually worked, I do a lot of construction and home restorations, so I work with a lot of these people and pretty much, for the most part, they're nice, but, you know, obviously they're still breaking the law, and I think I would feel more comfortable if more people would go through the process, at least legally, because that mess over here in Los Angeles, The new sheriff that was elected said on TV that he was not going to be enforcing any immigration laws in Los Angeles, California.
In this case, I think that Trump is right.
He should just send the busloads straight to Los Angeles then and drop them off right in front of that government building.
So you want them, you got them.
You know, another thing that can be done is going after the remittances.
Billions and billions of dollars go out of the American economy back to, you know, back to the south of the border via these remittances.
And there's no law that says that has to be unrestricted.
You know, that could be any kind of a bite could be put on those remittances.
That could be shut down.
Jim in Georgia, more on the border.
The border is really hot today.
Go ahead, Jim.
I love your work.
Thank you.
Yes, sir.
I'm very pissed off, American.
I'm wondering if, honestly, as much as Trump has done that's positive, I'm looking at, I mean, he's aiding and abetting.
These people come across the border.
I don't care.
I mean, tell me how is this not treason allowing all these people come across the southern border?
You got people who you got our armed forces that are being detained by Mexican Army or whatever in our border.
I mean, you got people who I don't care if the guy's a felon or not.
He's helping detain some of these people that have come across the border illegally.
I don't care about whether he's a felon and has a gun or not.
I think that first, you know, you can't compare something to perfection, only to reality.
You know, Hillary, if Hillary had been the president, just imagine that everything that's happening would be 10 times worse in terms of, you know, the numbers coming across the border.
I do believe that the president, it would be within his right, his constitutional authority to completely seal the border, to put the military on the border.
Even without building a wall, you could unroll a five layer pyramid of concertina wire.
Everywhere that there's no fence and put soldiers every hundred feet and anybody gets near the barbed wire, tear gas, pepper spray.
It could be done.
I think that the bad press, you know, the really scorching media attention that Trump got for the so-called children in cages, which of course were actually pictures from the Obama era.
I think that's got his advisors, you know, very concerned about how that will be spun in the media.
But I think it's getting so bad that the President could be much more hardline.
And after this incident with the Army soldiers being detained and disarmed, I think that he is pissed.
And I think that we are sending more armed troops to the border.
What comes of it, I don't know.
But what's unsustainable is 1,500 being released by DHS every day.
But what's the alternative?
You can't put them in tent cities indefinitely.
Federal judges have said 20 days, that's it.
On the other hand, if you just put the concertina wire, you know, five-layer pyramid all the way across the border, back it up with soldiers and pepper spray, I'd say keep them out of the United States.
There's no rational country in the world which just allows itself to be invaded.
That's not a country anymore.
If it's our country, then we can control our border.
And if hordes and hordes of Guatemalans are virtually escorted by the Mexicans across a thousand miles of Mexico to flood into our country, I say put it on to Mexico.
Keep them in Mexico.
Let those refugee camps and tent cities arise on the Mexican side of the border.
That's the only time that Mexico is going to take this issue by the horns and really deal with it, is when they're not just a turnstile operation, cartels collecting money to take them to the border, DHS takes them to the phony charities who then get paid per head to distribute them.
I'd say put them in northern Mexico on the other side of concertina wire.
Anybody gets within 100 feet of the concertina wire, pepper spray.
Loudspeakers, leaflets, pepper spray.
It's our national right to do this.
I mean, that's what we have a country for.
Mark in Oregon, I see, wants to talk about one of my favorite people, Stuart Rhodes.
Go ahead, Mark.
Are you there?
Yeah, pleasure.
Honored to speak with you, Matt.
How are you doing, sir?
Matt, you know, it's a lot to squeeze in here.
It looks like we've got a minute or so, but basically I've become very disillusioned with Trump and especially the last several months.
As the border is really hemorrhaging now.
Now, I want to say, concerning that, Matt, that Obama, by executive order, created the catch-and-release policy, which is allowing this mass invasion, which is designed and intended to destroy any vestige of the America that was.
Trump could issue an executive order which could remove the catch-and-release policy immediately.
He's not doing that.
Neither is he doing anything about internet censorship.
He basically didn't follow through with Bobby Kennedy Jr.
on setting up a vaccination commission, which would clean up the vaccinations or get rid of them immediately.
It's just basically, Matt, I'm at this point completely disillusioned.
It looks like the economy, everybody's done well enough.
It's a rising tide raises all ships at the same time.
The corporate world, which is the Illuminati in any country, and in this country of course, has gained records in their stock values and in their profits.
I see that being aside from, policy-wise, from watching out for the life and limb of the American people.
Yeah, well, I mean, we have to compare what we have to reality, not to what we wish.
There's no man on a white horse coming to save us.
The country is in dire straits, and I guess Trump is the best that we've got.
We'll have to see where it goes from there.
Let me just tell listeners about something that is the very best product for your telomeres, for your mitochondrial DNA, that's the antioxidant that's next level.
The PQQ, the CoQ10, the amount of it in here, depending on the equation, something like 40 boxes of the same chemical that's naturally occurring in blueberries.
It's ridiculous.
The CoQ10, PPQ, We have the organically derived, and by that, it's not synthetic.
Most of the stuff that you see on the shelves, a tiny bottle of PQQ or CoQ10, will be like 50 bucks, because even a synthetic is expensive.
This is the organically derived.
This is the real stuff.
I want to warn you, though.
When I first started taking it five years ago, this is DNA 4+.
When I cut my finger off, like, 15 years ago, they reattached the finger, and you can see that right there, it was cut off.
It was hanging by a piece of skin right here.
It doesn't cut cleanly like you see in the movies.
Tore it off.
It was numb all the way up here.
And the strangest thing is I started taking DNA force.
The feeling came back in my finger.
First it tingled, and it came back.
I was like, this is incredible.
But I'm gonna warn you, most people that have old injuries and where nerves have kind of died out, this isn't just regenerating your cells.
This is just slowing the shrinkage of telomeres, which is the same thing as making them last longer.