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Name: 20190414_Sun_Alex
Air Date: April 14, 2019
1640 lines.

In this InfoWars broadcast, Alex Jones covers various topics including political views, immigration, products, censorship, and conspiracy theories. He criticizes Democrats for promoting violence through their rhetoric and media narratives. He promotes his store's products such as Infowars Life Protein Bars and encourages listeners to support InfoWars. He discusses the banning of Laura Loomer from social media platforms due to her extreme views, and how this has led to her considering running for Congress in 2020. He also criticizes mainstream media's portrayal of conservatives as racists and nationalists and talks about the dangers of AI systems in people's homes being used to track and control individuals.

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*outro* *outro*
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm watching the midterms, and you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You wanna talk?
You wanna talk?
I don't love you!
I don't love you, bitch!
I don't love you!
You're the president.
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
[music playing]
Not to the bunker.
*Outro* Not to the bunker, but to the parapets.
To defend the Republic.
Not to the bunker, son.
We're not in the bunker.
We're out front, defeating the globalists every day, in every way, thanks to our awesome audience that are the second wave of the second American Revolution.
We salute you.
Okay it is April 14th this Palm Sunday 2019.
I am your host Alex Jones.
We're going to be here as we are every Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
Central and of course we have weekday broadcasts from 8 a.m.
to 6 p.m.
and I can finally announce That after holdups and globalist attempts to stop us, within about a month, we're going to add three more hours of broadcast a day.
And then hopefully a few months after that, three more hours, bringing us to 16 hours a day live, scheduled, and hopefully by the middle of the year, 20 hours a day.
By the end of the year, 24 hours a day.
But that's why your support and your word of mouth is not just paramount.
It is absolutely essential.
Like fish need water to live.
Humans need oxygen to live.
Trees need carbon dioxide.
You are the resistance.
Stunningly incredible news.
I've got so much to cover that I have four guests scheduled and I'm tempted to cancel them, except they're all super informative.
Millie Weaver and others, Kaitlin Bennett, were at a Bernie Sanders event today when a provocateur running around wearing a red Make America Great Again hat was screaming the N-word.
And they're trying to process the video now and get it to us.
But that's what's going on, and of course it's a smollet, of course it's staged.
Remember when Rand Paul was running for the Senate in Kentucky?
We broke this.
We used Google searches to do it.
They had people in overalls, coveralls, overalls and coveralls, with literal pieces of hay in their mouth.
And going, I'm not going to even say it or they'll cut out the content and say I said it, but, we don't lack the such and such's, and we don't lack the, and I, but Rand Paul's a good KKK man, and we're with him.
And I remember sitting in there, It was a Don Salazar, and I said, Don's like, this is totally staged.
And he showed me another clip in Houston of somebody else pulling a similar thing, who was a Democrat.
And I said, yeah, blow up that guy's face, Google search him with a Google search, because you can do that.
That'd be the exact image.
You just cut the face out, and you'll get it most of the time.
Google has face recognition.
This was even six years ago.
And it pulled up that he worked in the other guy's campaign as a senior person.
He's out there going, I'm with the KKK and I like Rand Paul.
And they just did it again at this Bernie rally.
They're popping in with that, a huge new caravan rampaged over the Mexican border coming this way.
And the Democrats now suddenly say, the border crisis is real.
But wait!
After denying it was happening, denying caravans existed, now it's Trump's fault!
Yes, he created it!
He did it all, that's right!
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Ladies and gentlemen, incredible things are happening.
Populism, nationalism is coming back to life.
Goldman Sachs has had to come up with a rig analysis and admitted that Trump, all the evidence shows, is going to win the election in 2020.
Something we already knew, except for one poison lining on that silver cloud.
We'll talk about it in a moment.
The rest of the story, as Paul Harvey would say, that story's up on DrudgeReport.com.
Goldman Sachs, Trump re-election, likely.
But before I get back to that, let me mention the other news coming up.
What's wrong with this picture right here?
You're a radio listener.
Stories posted up on InfoWars.com.
It's from the LA Times.
Putting American flags on police cars sparks backlash in Laguna Beach.
Yes, people don't like seeing American flags.
And the reason they've got to be brought out is they're demonizing the American flag.
The Democratic Party has officially come out and said, many of their leaders, get rid of it.
It's a racist, evil symbol.
America was never great.
It'll never be great.
Governor Cuomo of New York.
This is their culture.
This is the globalist model.
Get rid of the country.
We'll be getting into that.
We're going to also get into one of the biggest stories.
And this was all over YouTube and all over the place on Facebook yesterday.
It's been taken down.
We have a low-res copy of it, but this is already about to air.
This is airing on CBS television.
Anti-Trump show faces backlash for inciting violence against conservatives, says any Trump supporter is a Nazi and should be physically attacked.
That's how the Democrats operate.
Jamie White wrote a story about it for Infowars.com.
CBS TV show advocates using political violence.
And encourages black people to go out and attack white people.
And of course they are.
CBS Minnesota reporting on their successful operation.
Man charged with throwing child from third floor balcony at Mall of America.
You have to read the police report to find out.
They're looking at it as a hate crime because of what the man screamed and threw the small white child over the side.
Imagine if a white person had thrown a white child five or three floors down Five-year-old.
Imagine how insane it would be.
It would be a racial attack.
But when a black person does it, no it's not because the media is pushing this.
Pushing violence towards Americans on Twitter.
John Bowne has a powerful report up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
I hope you'll get.
We're gonna be playing that.
Russia says new world order being formed and that the West is going tyrannical and getting rid of free speech and destroying the Renaissance and that People should stand against it, and Putin has come out and said he supports internet freedom.
That's right, you cannot make this up.
That is coming up.
Meanwhile, Reuters, AP, they're all reporting a new Cold War has begun, and the U.S.
is encircling Russia with nuclear weapons, and that it's very dangerous for world peace.
And swallows well with no evidence.
In fact, to the contrary, the Mueller report says Trump did nothing and no connections to Russia.
The Democrats are totally connected to Russia and China and others.
He's saying no, Trump is a Russian agent and works for them.
This man is an anti-American disgrace.
Remember when Tucker Carlson last year ...was defending Rand Paul, who Senator John McCain had called a Russian agent on the floor because he voted against bombing Russian troops in Syria who were pushing ISIS and Al-Qaeda and al-Nusra out.
So all is well told, Tucker Carlson, well you work for Putin too.
Quote, you work for Putin too.
What an outrageous statement.
What an incredible statement.
When Swallow's Well is connected to the Democrats that hate America, say they want to get rid of the country, they hate American flags, they hate the Bill of Rights, they hate the military, they hate police, they say the country sucks!
My God, all the Democrats are electing is a bunch of crazy Muslim women that want to cut their daughters' genitals off and say that 9-11 people, you know, did something.
It's insane!
And by the way, people say, oh, that's out of context.
No, I watched the whole speech.
She gave other speeches that we played here.
I'll make a documentary about her.
Like a short, quick, ten-minute one.
On all the interviews she did on why she's an Islamic leader in this country, because the radical Islamists are funding her, I've seen her say that Islamic terrorism is something we shouldn't be ashamed of.
And that, well, the West does all these bad things, so this is just a form of warfare back.
I mean, she's on record, if the President wants to put out some videos on her, her saying these people that did something, and the crowd laughs, that's nothing.
This woman defends terror.
She hates America.
She defends communism in Venezuela.
She is a dirtbag.
Alright, I'm gonna stop right there.
I'm gonna just settle down for a minute.
Let me tell you what else is coming up.
Tell you what else is coming up.
By the way, I'd love to have a bunch of brown women getting elected to Congress.
Like Candace Owens.
Good looking.
Why is it all the patriot brown women are really pretty on top of it?
And then you've got all these leftist, weird, crazy-eyed harpies, just like the white women look like crazy demons.
Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, all a bunch of weird, sick women going against their own design, against families, against children, promoting post-birth abortion.
Sounds like the name of a death metal band, or a book written by a serial killer.
Once you walk up and blow some politician's head off and you say, hey, it's post-birth abortion.
I'm not saying do that.
I'm saying post-birth abortion is called killing somebody.
It's called murder.
And we already know it is with a baby.
They trick people, they do it.
I'm not saying you're guilty if you had an abortion and you got tricked into it.
It's the heart that God judges, but now it's post-birth.
We keep the babies comfortable, and we harvest the organs.
I'm the Virginia governor, and when I'm not in blackface or a KKK outfit, I want the organs for myself.
Hillary calls it up to birth abortion.
Even though it's more invasive to kill the baby inside with salts and then chop it up because they want the organs.
They want, want the organs.
So that's coming up today.
There's just so much here, ladies and gentlemen, but CBS is running a new TV show about black people going out and fighting these imaginary racist groups that are everywhere.
And then everybody knows, if you're a conservative, a nationalist, a patriot around the street, F you Nazi!
F you Russian agents!
So now they're going to segway out of Russia into you're all just Nazis.
So the audio and the video of that is coming up just outrageous.
But the biggest news of all this insane news We're going to cover it more when we come back.
And then we have three informed ladies joining us.
Caitlin Bennett, Millie Weaver, Laura Loomer on three separate subjects this hour.
Then the Jewish conservative Australian who was set up by Comedy Central.
They edited tapes together to have him supporting white supremacy.
He needs to sue them.
He said that he was going to be coming to the United States on a speaking tour to expose the truth.
He was banned by the FBI and Homeland Security, saying that he basically wanted to come and kill the other talk show host, Jim Jeffries, because he'd been in special operations in the Israeli Defense Force.
Avi will be joining us coming up in the next hour.
And again, I wish I would have videotaped Megyn Kelly, because she did the same thing to me.
She'd take something I said 10 minutes before, and it ended in this totally different question or answer.
And he caught them, got like 10 million views.
The answer was on Facebook to ban him, Twitter to shadow ban him.
And then now, Homeland Security and the FBI, like we're England now, where they banned Michael Savage and all these other people.
Now you get here in LAX, and you're going to try to go just simply Go on some shows.
Go on this show.
Go on Dave Rubin's show.
Go on Seema Crowder's show.
Probably go on Joe Rogan's show.
I know Joe Rogan's interested in this.
And you're just banned.
You don't get to come here and counter Comedy Central.
It's too scary that we edited this to create a race war.
We're not going to let you.
But as I said, the big news is hostile and aggressive migrants break through border into southern Mexico, joined US-bound massive caravan, now up to 100,000 people.
But wait for it.
The Democrats, I have all these clips coming up, now officially say that the border is a crisis and an emergency, but that Trump did it.
Bill Maher said it Friday.
The Democrats are all saying it.
Cory Booker admits releasing migrants in sanctuary cities would make us less safe.
Meanwhile, they want them released in your town.
House Democrats blame Trump for worsening border crisis.
Because the truth is, they bus them to I want to put forward an allegory or a story to explain where I'm coming from that parallels current real-time reality.
So please, bear with me a few minutes.
Because this is just bubbling up in my own thought processes.
Of why am I sitting here with my shirt off?
I want to be crystal clear with everybody.
What I'm about to say is not about putting down California like we're different football teams and we're talking about the University of Texas versus UCLA.
This is not... Alex Jones is a tribalist going, woo!
Texas is way better than California.
F California.
California until about 30 years ago was undoubtedly the best state in the Union.
It was more Texan than Texans because it was the last big frontier state.
The 49ers, all of it, I mean the history books I've read about it have been incredible.
It was deep red until just about 25 years ago.
The Democrats came in, they opened the borders, they engineered the state, they created socialism, dependency, and now the state is A skeleton of its former self.
And now Beto and others have set their sights to turn Texas blue.
And most political experts agree by 2024, Texas will be deep blue.
My fellow Texans are in a coma.
But as Kennedy said, and as Eisenhower said, and as Nixon said, and as Reagan said, as goes Texas, so goes the nation.
It's been like that since the Civil War.
That's a whole other history book.
And so the fall of California, and it's a big gaping hole in our defenses for the collapse of Latin America, it's not a positive thing.
It's not something I celebrate.
It's like whistling past the graveyard.
But the carpetbaggers from all over the country that went to California, because it was the best state 30 years ago, who aren't Californians, they ruined that incredible state.
They destroyed that incredible state.
And now, like locusts, or piranhas, or Nazi U-boat wolf packs, they have come to Texas to ruin our state.
We have 10 different amazing t-shirts at InfoWarsTore.com, like this Don't California by USA flag t-shirt at InfoWarsTore.com that are great attention grabbers and conversation starters no matter where you live.
In the country, because if the Democrats can take down Texas and Florida, it's over, ladies and gentlemen.
The globalists want info wars shut down because they can track back.
Almost all their defeats are to what we do.
I instinctively know how to defeat them, just like you do.
Probably resonate together.
And I'm telling you, this don't California, my USA.
This don't California, my Texas, is the answer.
The people have to be warned.
We have 10 different limited edition shirts at MFullRestore.com right now for men and women in all the sizes.
And I want this to be a major movement.
And so, for the next week or so, while supplies last, 50% off.
That means I'm making $5 on these shirts in front of the MFullRestore.
So spread the word, meet like-minded people, cause a debate, become a billboard for liberty and freedom today.
Infowarsstore.com and look at the 10 limited edition Don't California my USA, Don't California Texas.
I welcome folks to say Don't California Florida.
Let's just get this going nationwide and let's win again.
We can do it if we take action.
We can save America!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
♪ ("The Big Brother" by Alex Jones Music plays) ♪ Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Remember what Jonathan and Gruber said six years ago when they were finally getting Obamacare into place?
He said, my job was to triple the price of health care and screw everyone so that big banks and insurance companies made money for a decade.
Then we would bankrupt health care and bring in single payer, which would then be administered by only three insurance companies, cutting out thousands of others.
It's a monopolistic consolidation.
Ezekiel Emanuel then went on Fox News, the other major architect, and said, yes, we're planning to bankrupt health care and bring in single payer.
But not your grandma's failed socialism, a crony capitalist fascist surveillance capitalism using communism.
That's right.
So, that's what's unfolding right now, is that they hope we don't have any memory.
Gruber went on to say, thank God the average American has the memory of a goldfish.
Actually, the average American has a great memory about Game of Thrones, or the NFL, or Major League Baseball, or where women want to get their lashes done, or, you know, a vacation you went on.
When people are focused and pay attention to something, they remember it.
But Gruber said, you're too stupid to understand it.
So he went on C-SPAN.
and called you dumb.
I probably played the clips a hundred times.
Should I play them again?
You guys just found one of the clips where he said you're stupid and you have no memory.
You want me to play that for you?
Imagine the arrogance, the chutzpah, the bravado, the hubris to go on television And be an MIT professor and brag and say, Obama hired me to deceive everyone.
They're so stupid.
And the PhDs are all clapping because they go to college now to learn how to hurt people.
You go to journalism school now to learn how to kill truth and censor.
That's what journalists do that have journalist degrees now.
They're the priest class.
They go out and they destroy unauthorized press.
That's the New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN.
That's what they do.
And they tell you, you're dumb, and I'm lying to you, and I'm going to F you over, and you're going to beg for it.
We're not going to use any lubricant here.
We're going to put a sandpaper condom on before we do this.
I don't mean to be gross here, but that's what they're doing.
That's who they are.
And so why do I raise that subject of you having no memory?
You do have a memory.
This audience has a memory.
A memory of the Republic.
A memory of the future.
A memory of what we were building in the Renaissance that they fear.
I don't disrespect you.
I love you.
I want to empower you because if my children are going to have a future, your children need a future.
We're in this together, as Benjamin Franklin said.
We're going to hang together or hang separate.
Hang together and win, or hang by our damn necks!
The globalists think humanity's beaten.
I know the score.
You're not.
I sure know I'm not, and I sure know I've been fighting hard.
I sure know all I've had is victory, even though sometimes it looks dark, because I've got will and God's spirit in my sails.
And they know we've got the spirit to set the brush fires that defeats them.
So why did I just spend four minutes interrupting what I'm about to say?
Because you got a memory.
You got a memory.
And as soon as I have a bigger crew and we have a limited five, six people in on the weekend, usually on Saturday and Sunday, we have more than that in production on weekdays.
As soon as I get here in the morning, I'm going to go in and I'm going to go to my researchers and I'm going to say, I want you to pull me.
Don't go too far because it'll take them too long.
I'll say, you got an hour.
I want 10 clips.
Of MSNBC, CNN, ABC, all of them saying Trump's crazy, there is no border crisis, the crisis is fake, and there's no caravans.
We've got Acosta and we've got Jake Tapper, I mean, right off the top of my head.
And I'll sit there, I'll tell them, get Jake Tapper, get Acosta, I'll give them a few others.
Now obviously you've all seen it, you have a memory, this audience, thousands of times I mean, every time I turn the radio on or TV, it's like, there is no border crisis, there are no caravans, nothing's happening, George Soros isn't funding it, it's totally made up, nothing's going on.
They've done focus groups now and know that Democrats are totally turning against them.
And know that millions are pouring in.
Hundreds of thousands a month that they're catching.
People know disease is coming in.
Smuggled kids.
They know it's all mostly military-age men.
They see kids being drugged through barbed wire as human shields.
Democrats are pissed.
People are awake.
They know the third world is being brought in.
Not to help the third world, but to lower us to the third world.
So this is footage from a TV viewer from last year.
The news is, more giant caravans, even bigger, just hit today.
There's some of that footage.
Hostile and aggressive migrants break through border into southern Mexico, join US-bound caravan.
And now...
Cory Booker and the Democrats and even Bernie Sanders says illegals are bankrupting our social services and we can't bring more in.
So they're at least having to say rhetorically, so is Bill Maher, stop saying that there aren't caravans.
Stop saying there isn't a crisis.
There is a crisis.
You're killing the party.
And the Democrats on the show go, no, he's got kids in cages, and he's in the KKK, and there's no caravan.
And Maher looks at her and says, lady, you're killing me.
Of course there's caravans.
Of course the border's collapsing.
People are scared.
By the way, that was all over YouTube.
They took it all down before we could even grab it.
But I've got the transcript of it.
There were articles written about it.
And if you've got it DVR'd on HBO, you saw it.
But they're now going, okay, there are caravans, it's a crisis, it's a problem.
But remember, they said there wasn't a crisis, there wasn't a problem.
And then here's the next piece, though.
You're like, Democrat talking points that tell the truth?
Oh yeah, because they're now saying Trump caused the crisis.
Type into Google, you know, the big NSA spy on you search engine.
Type in, Trump caused border crisis.
Thousands of articles the last three days.
Remember, if you have a memory, you're like, wait a minute, you said there wasn't a crisis, there wasn't a caravan, it wasn't existing, it wasn't going on.
Now, in the space of two weeks, you go, there is a crisis, there are caravans, and it's Trump!
Trump did it!
Trump did it!
Are you not insulted?
By that type of behavior?
We're going to go out to break here.
When we come back, I'm going to play the Cory Booker and all the rest of it.
If you're a TV viewer, you're seeing all of this.
But, Cory Booker admits releasing migrants into sanctuary cities would make us less safe.
Reuters, U.S.
House Democrats blame Trump for worsening border crisis.
They're saying because he cut funding to Central America, it's making it worse.
He just did that last week.
These caravans are already here.
He's been giving them money, billions, and they haven't fixed it.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting another result.
So they think you're an idiot.
They think you have no memory.
They think you're stupid.
And you know what?
I put all my chips that you're not stupid.
I put all my chips on the line that you're not dumb and you want freedom like I did.
I'm betting on you!
Are you betting on me?
And judging by the response, I know you are!
We are unstoppable if we just press the attack!
I want to put forward an allegory or a story to explain where I'm coming from that parallels current real-time reality.
So please, bear with me a few minutes.
Because this is just bubbling up from my own thought processes of why am I sitting here with my shirt off.
I'll explain.
Our listeners, our viewers, are what Infowars really is.
A populist, free market, pro-human movement that has detonated awakenings and resistance all over the world.
We are the big giant tsunami coming in against globalist tyranny.
You really are kicking globalist ass.
On every level.
They're panicked.
They thought that they had already won.
But if they can still use corporate media to attack the leaders of the resistance to globalism, and if they can strip us of who we really are, and then put banners on us like a NASCAR, and claim that we support racism, or we support abusing women, or we support all these things we don't support, they can win.
That's why it's important to strip it all away, what they've claimed, what they've said, the straw men they've built, and to tell people what you really stand for.
But in this world of thousands and thousands of channels and millions of hosts, The truth gets drowned out sometimes.
That's what the globalists are hoping is gonna happen.
And out of all the shows and all the broadcasts out there, it's this show particularly they fear.
Because we don't go off the pop culture they put out, we go off what they actually say, what they actually stand for.
Now I was thinking as 2018 ended, now four months ago, I was thinking, what have I dropped the ball on?
What's one area in the info where we haven't been effective?
Where we were effective previously?
And that's Wearing our flags openly.
Wearing our colors openly.
And it starts with not being ashamed of the American flag that's under attack.
The official Democrats want to remove it.
Want to take Thomas Jefferson off the money, saying he was a racist.
I mean, they're even assaulting the flag now.
So, they're projecting all their lies under our great symbol and its great history.
So first we have to strip away the lies they've put on us, like logos.
Racist, homophobe, anti-female, criminal, hoaxer, when they're the ones that are really doing all that.
And then we have to display to everyone what we actually stand for, what we actually believe in.
America and the world is already in a civil war.
Pro-humans against the globalists.
We have to wear our colors loud and proud.
This is the best-seller right now for last year.
The Info Awards in your face.
You know, I said to listeners, I said, hey, we've got Molon Labe or we've got other shirts.
We just want to meet like-minded people.
But this shirt particularly, ladies and gentlemen, will really get in their face.
And again, you'll get way more thumbs up and high fives and shake hands and meet friends.
But there is that 1% or so out of the 100 people that see you that will say, F you, Russian Asian.
F you, traitor.
But again, those are pathetic bots.
And they want to intimidate you to not exercise your free speech.
So don't let them.
Don't ever back down to their tyranny.
This week only, we're running the biggest sell ever on t-shirts across the board.
50% off.
From designer shirts, to you name it, to ball caps, all apparel.
50% off for a limited time at InfoWarsStore.com or call toll free, 888-253-3139.
America has chosen InfoWars.
Loud, pro-America, pro-freedom, and in the bullies' faces.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen, broadcasting worldwide.
I am your host, Alex Jones.
We're here every Sunday, 4 to 6 p.m.
Central, and I'm back weekdays, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Almost every time I go to the grocery store or the mall or I'm on the hiking bike trail, people stop me and they go, man, I used to love it when you were on YouTube or iTunes or Facebook.
I used to watch your show every day.
I used to be subscribed, and then they deleted it all, so I couldn't even, you know, go to you.
How are you doing now that you're off air?
And these are smart people that tune in.
I always look at them.
And I say, we're at Infowars.com.
We're at Newswars.com.
It's like DrudgeReport.com is bigger than all other sites out there.
Not just news.
It's the second largest site in the world.
It's the biggest news site in the world.
And I guess people would ask Matt Drudge if Matt Drudge wanted to start a daily 30-minute video vlog.
But people say, oh Matt, you've got the biggest website in the world for news.
Do you have a show?
I mean, InfoWars has millions of visitors.
InfoWars, NewsWars, millions every day.
We have millions of people watch the videos, listen to the streams.
And then I read Vanity Fair last week and the London Guardian just last week.
Thank God Jones is off air.
I guess people believe that crap.
We're on over 200 radio stations.
We're on over 100 TV stations, cable stations and expanding.
It's actually more than that.
We're getting like mainline big TV stations to pick us up in major cities.
And the people watching know we're on, but there's this idea that if you're not on YouTube, Google, or Facebook, or Twitter, you don't exist.
I routinely trend number one on Twitter, even though I'm banned from Twitter.
And it's not about me sitting here And bitching and complaining about that.
Or trying to say, oh, I'm still big, even though I know those things.
It's that, imagine the idea that we only think we exist if we're on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, or being promoted by Google.
Of course that's all gamed.
Of course it's incredibly corrupt.
Of course they're censoring everybody.
And so the answer is, build our own systems like we've done.
We knew this was coming.
But the listeners listening, they're like, people don't know they go to InfoWars.com or NewsWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or Paul Watson's great site.
He's launched Summit.News.
The answer is what Matt Drudge has said for 15 years, what he said in here three years ago in this studio.
He's only done one interview since then.
There's like one interview every two years.
I'm very honored to have his last big interview.
His other one was like a little 15-minute thing on a radio show.
He came here, right there in the dark, with a mobile mic, and talked for 45 minutes.
And it was all like prophecy.
It all came true.
About the censorship, the purge.
He says, how many sunsets will you see?
How many moonrises?
And here we are now, ladies and gentlemen.
And he said, just a decade ago, most of the web was independent sites.
You surfed different places, saw different designs, different people, different things.
Now everything is kept on the cloud here or there.
And it's all four or five big sites, and then they control what you do, and they watch what you do, and they sell your data.
Just came out last week that Amazon's Alexa has real people listening to you on it.
Of course it does.
And all those systems do that.
You know the power of being able to have bugs inside people's houses to know their secrets and to sell the marketing data?
I mean, billionaires and rich people that are dumb enough to actually have AI systems in their houses with keywords, alerts I mean, if someone's a successful talk show host or a movie star and you're dumb enough to put a Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa in your house, you've probably got 5, 10 people full-time listening and watching and tracking you because you're an interesting and important person and what you think and trends you're involved in and what movies you're going to make or what you're going to do is incredibly valuable.
See, you have locks on your doors.
Not that you're hiding something.
Not that you've done something wrong.
But because people might want to break in and take what you've got.
You don't put a fence in your backyard because your children are bad.
You do it because there's a highway right there and your five-year-old might climb the fence trying to catch a ball and get run over and killed.
You don't put seatbelts on because you're a bad person.
You do it so if somebody hits you, you don't die.
Or at least as easily.
Now as Joseph Goebbels said, "You have nothing to fear, you have nothing to hide."
Yeah, right.
And then they use this.
Criminals use this to control you.
People put on Facebook where they go, where they live, what they do, when they're going out of town, and they get robbed off that information.
And all the geolocating.
I used to do voice memos on my phone to the crew all the time, and now I notice they have geolocating on that.
It'll say whatever address I'm at when I do it, unless I block that.
And it turns out even if I turn that off, it's still not blocking it.
Because where you go and what you do and tracking what you do and knowing who you are is valuable.
They're robbing you.
They're stealing from you.
They're learning who you are to sell it and use it against you.
You know, husband and wives a lot of times break up because the husband or the wife is paranoid of the other person and asking, where'd you go today?
What'd you do?
Why do you smell like perfume?
How dare you get into my personal life?
How dare you try to run my life?
But there's foreign corporations and Chi-Com run corporations and Silicon Valley that hates your guts and are ravenous criminals who are tracking every facet of your life in live time.
And you better believe recording you when you're jerking off or having sex with your wife and tracking everything you do and putting it up in the big AI databases.
I learned a long time ago, before it was ever in the news, that they were doing all this,
and I warned people.
[ Silence ]
And then, a decade later, Comey, covering up the camera on his laptop.
Zuckerberg, people on his way, he's covering up his laptop.
Reporters ask, why'd he cover that?
Oh, hackers are getting in to watch me.
It's a backdoor for Google and Facebook and Twitter.
For them.
But they know other people, other criminals, can use that backdoor so they don't leave their backdoor open!
They don't want you to know it's open.
And so because I'm up here talking about their secrets and what they've done and what horrible predators they are, they want to shut me up.
Because just like Jonathan Gruber said, you're a bunch of dumb idiots that don't have a memory who are slaves.
But I don't think you are.
What does Zuckerberg say?
Our users trust us.
Dumb Fs.
He sees you as a sheep to be eaten by a wolf.
Because he's a wolf.
He doesn't see you as somebody to marry and have kids with, or have a future, or star bases, or explore the universe, or black holes, or other dimensions.
He doesn't see you as kindred spirits.
He sees you as FOOD!
Because he's a PSYCHOTIC!
You can't be helped.
None of them can be reasoned with.
They're predators.
They built this giant criminal system that has testicles the size of the planet to do this.
And it's just raping all the data, feeding it into AI to learn how to manipulate people for global domination.
For the global government.
And then I've got to sit here and explain this to people?
That all the smartphones and all the technology are designed to ruin your life and control you and make you depressed.
Even Facebook and Twitter and executives have gone public and said, we designed it to prey on you and make you dumb and make you depressed and get deeper into a hole.
So you go to some leftist event and they all look like unhealthy, scared, crazy people because they're the followers that are the weakest that fell to the enemy.
They're not even the enemy.
Even though I get mad at them when they're screaming, we're gonna kill you.
I should feel sorry for them because these are the weakest people that fell into the control.
These are the people we must desperately help that are alone and their mental illness all by themselves being fed on by big tech and the psychiatrist that created this giant assault system.
Laura Lumber's got a big announcement she's about to make here exclusively.
Straight ahead and then so much more.
Pro-human to the end.
Tomorrow's News Today!
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I cannot believe we even produced this.
I mean, this, this, this is insane.
I said, I'm a game changer.
I'm a guru.
I'm a scientist.
I'm an activist, and, and, and, and other people aren't willing to do it.
And, and, and, and I'll tell you right now, I'm here to ram heads with you!
As energy as you drink, you're bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Well, it's not me, it's you.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Gosh, it's bad.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Now, did you hear what I just said?
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Grr, gosh, it's bad.
So let me just work out.
Well, we've done it ladies and gentlemen.
All of the T-Upload enzymes.
All of the T-Upload enzymes.
All of the T-Upload enzymes.
I think this is good.
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm going to shut you down right now, Ted.
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it going to take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
I need your help Frank!
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(upbeat music)
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
I'll be Yemeni.
He's an Australian.
He's very popular and Comedy Central is trying to set him up with that in his video to say that he was basically a Nazi when he was Jewish.
And so he put the video out at 10 million views, you name it.
Well, he was going to come to the U.S.
to do a big media tour to expose Comedy Central's lies.
Homeland Security and the FBI stopped him.
Basically arrested him, threw him out of the country.
He's joining us coming up.
And then I'm going to play the new CBS TV show Trailer where they say go out and physically attack Trump supporters.
Anti-Trump show faces backlash for inciting violence against conservatives.
That's up on.
InfoWars.com, but joining us right now is Laura Loomer, who, for women out there, I'm the most banned man in the world.
She is the most banned woman, banned off everything now, basically, except her own site, which again, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, she'll give you her site with all the audio, all the video.
You go there, that's how you do it, and realize that, again, just a month or so ago, she went out to Nancy Pelosi's house.
She had, she actually picked up nice illegal aliens, she said they're nice people on average, took them there in a bus to say that she wanted them to go and live on her property at her vineyard.
They arrested all of them.
So she faces court.
We'll get to that.
But she's got a big announcement as she strikes back that I'm fully behind.
But look at these headlines.
Obama's DHS head.
Border problem is a crisis by any measure.
That was two weeks ago.
Hostile and aggressive migrants break through border into southern Mexico.
Join U.S.-bound caravan.
The video's up on Infowars.com.
This happened yesterday.
Biggest caravan yet.
I mean, this is just crazy.
Cory Booker admits releasing migrants in sanctuary cities would make us less safe.
Because they mainly, the Democrats bus them to Democrat strongholds in red areas.
And they make conservatives pay for it.
That's, Minnesota used to be conservative, Nebraska, other areas.
They're doing it to Texas.
That's how they're turning us blue.
House Democrats blame Trump for worsening border crisis and Bill Maher had guessed on now saying, okay there is a crisis but it's Trump's fault.
Laura Loomer, thanks for joining us.
This is just getting incredible.
They think we don't have a memory.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
Yeah, it's incredible, but I think it's even more incredible just to see the media's war on the American people because they're acting as if this is something new.
President Trump and his administration announced that they are thinking of releasing illegal aliens into sanctuary cities because the Democrats have said everybody is welcome here.
Well, as you know, back in January, so literally to the date, three months ago, I drove to California, I drove to Mexico, I picked up some illegal aliens from the Home Depot, and I put them on Nancy Pelosi's lawn at her multi-million dollar mansion.
And you know because we gave you the exclusive feed and live streamed it and millions of people saw it, and it was the number one trending story on Twitter, even though both you and myself are both banned from Twitter.
And what I find to be really interesting about this is How they're acting as if this is new information.
And what I find to be very interesting is how there's total denial on behalf of the mainstream media, whether it be Fox News, CNN, and even other conservatives who claim to be on our site to recognize that this has already been done.
We already know what would happen if you put illegal aliens in the sanctuary cities or on the property of people like Nancy Pelosi and Gavin Newsom.
You know, Ben Birkwam and I, we put illegals on Nancy's lawn.
And then two weeks later, we went to her nephew's home, Gavin Newsom, the governor of California.
And we set up a sanctuary state fair on his lawn at the California governor's mansion, and we were arrested.
We weren't arrested at Nancy Pelosi's place, and I wanted to prove to the American people that the Democrats... Sure, that should have been clear.
You got arrested at the governor's mansion.
So illegal aliens can literally camp out in your backyard if they want, but if you do it to the actual Democrats calling them in... So how big a victory is it, though, that they have to now admit it is a crisis and don't bring them to our sanctuary cities?
That is huge.
Well, I think it's perfect and the timing couldn't be better because as you know, last week I was in California for court and I had to go to court in Sacramento because Gavin Newsom pressed charges against me for trespassing.
Can you believe it?
So it's not trespassing for illegal aliens to come across our border illegally, but it's trespassing if Laura Loomer and Ben Berkwan put on a poncho and a sombrero and start dancing around and, you know, like bring some pooh beetles.
That's what we did.
We put poop and needles on the governor's lawn.
That's right.
If you throw rocks and feces at Border Patrol and physically attack them, you get let go into the U.S.
But if you just go make a joke in sombreros at the governor's mansion in the yard, you go to jail.
Yeah, and so luckily, the charges are going to be dismissed.
I actually have to go back to California.
They're making me go on Mother's Day weekend to take a life skills course for six hours.
So I guess I have to learn how to be a better human being for six hours in California.
So that should be really interesting.
But can you believe the DA?
The DA told the attorney that Gavin Newsom was trying to push for me and Ben to be put in jail for 15 days and to get three years of probation and a Permanent trespass notice and restraining order from the governor's mansion so that we could never return.
But you never see anything like that happening to illegal aliens, so yeah.
Yeah, there's no restraining orders for people that have been deported five, six, seven times and raped women, robbed banks.
They just let them back in.
And if one of them shoots a woman in the back of San Francisco, the liberal jury says let him go.
Killing a white woman's a good thing.
Right, yeah, that's what's happening, and it's a crisis, and I find it to be hilarious because now I know for a fact that Donald Trump and his administration are watching Lumered videos.
Tell us about that.
Well, it's pretty evident.
This was my idea.
It's very exciting.
I mean, I hope that they will actually tweet the video as opposed to just mentioning the idea.
But this was my idea that I came up with and I implemented on my own, of course, at Casa de Nancy and Casa de Gavin.
And it goes to show you that that's why we are being banned.
That's why they're trying to silence me.
Because we're effective and we're taking action.
Yeah, we're very effective.
And I've been thinking about it a lot.
And, you know, this last week the Democrats launched a full-blown assault against me to get me banned on Facebook and Instagram because I spoke truth about Ilhan Omar and I spoke truth about... Yeah, that's a big national story.
Get Laura Lohmer and Alex Jones off Instagram.
They go, they're not allowed to have any place.
We want to have them off air so we can lie about them.
There's been a big push to get you and I off Instagram for actually two weeks.
Yeah, and so Media Matters has been really pushing to ban me and you, falsely accusing us of being white nationalists.
If you ever went to a white nationalist website, we're like public enemy number one.
Notice the white nationalists never talk bad about the left, though.
No, no, no, it's all just us that's actually defending the country.
Because they're a bunch of leftist-funded criminals.
I'm telling you, the Southern Poverty Law Center runs those sites.
Yeah, well, I've been thinking a lot to myself, and I know that their goal is to eradicate me so that I'm completely gone, so that someday when people type in Laura Loomer, nothing shows up and it says, no results found.
Laura, since they banned you, you've only gotten more powerful, in my view.
You've only gotten more aggressive.
Yeah, well, they're not going to stop me, and because they're launching such a vicious attack against me, they've actually triggered me to go another step further.
And as you know, in this country, the FEC has ruled that it is against the law for social media companies to ban people who run for office.
So here's the big announcement.
Drumroll, please.
Go ahead.
So I am announcing this on your show exclusively today, but I have been seriously exploring a congressional run in 2020.
And I may be announcing a run for Congress for the year 2020, of course, in the next week or two, because I'm really sick and tired of what is happening in this country.
And just to see these These whack job leftists and jihadists trying to overthrow our government and push Sharia law in the halls of Congress and implement communism, making light of 9-11, defending members of ISIS, making fun of veterans who risked their life for our country.
Something needs to be done about this.
Running for Congress, this is incredibly exciting.
We'll come back and talk more about it on the other side, but were you running?
How do we support you?
Because if America's electing people that say, people did something on 9-11, America sucks, it's horrible, Venezuela's great.
I mean, we need to get people like you or other great, you know, brains.
I mean, Candace Owens should run for Congress.
Yeah, well, it's not an official announcement yet, but I am exploring a run for Congress in the state of Florida.
And so there we go.
State of Florida.
I'm very excited.
When are we going to get the official announcement?
Laura Loomer running for Congress.
And probably in about a week or two.
I've been having meetings with people, speaking with experts in the field, trying to find a campaign manager and, you know, figuring out how I would raise money because, you know, the establishment, GOP, and the left is going to attack me because I truly am a voice for the American people.
But if I do decide to run, and it really is heading in that direction, there's probably, there's a very good chance that I am going to be running for office.
I will be making the announcement in the next week or two.
Because I was authorized to make that exclusive announcement that you are exploring a run for Congress.
You're going to do it.
You just haven't finalized it.
I want to come back with Laura Loomer, who I keep inviting to Austin to co-host the show with me off and on for a week or so.
I want to invite you to come join us.
But regardless, come back tomorrow for more.
But on the other side, come back for five more minutes.
But Avenatti, all these other globalists, Obama's chief counsel just got indicted.
I mean, Trump is really starting to take action.
This is exciting.
But when will he take action on censorship?
Hour number two, minutes away.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
(upbeat music)
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
This isn't just background chatter.
This is key to victory.
That's where you actually find her.
She's so censored.
It's like you find us at InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
By the way, I don't pay attention to all the Nazis, because they're all leftist-funded, almost all of them.
But when I am surfing around, it's always Alex Jones, Laura Loomer, Israeli agents, blah, blah, blah.
What, turn Israel over to the Muslims to blow it up and kill everybody?
I'm not obsessed with Israel, but I'm out against Israel.
I'm glad Benjamin Netanyahu just won.
The economists and the leftist Rothschilds were trying to overthrow him.
He's a nationalist, and I don't want to get in the middle of this, Laura.
It's just that I don't see these leftist-controlled white supremacist sock puppets defending the border, defending the country.
They know Trump's too populist.
They don't attack him.
They attack us when Trump is more pro-Israel than probably even you or I, which is fine.
It makes sense.
Nobody's against that.
And so I'm proud.
I'm not getting a paycheck from Israel.
I'm proud to say that Israel should exist and have its own country.
And that's a whole other subject.
It's just that I've thought about running as a Democrat against Trump.
This is obviously a way to get the news out to say he should fight censorship more and point out what socialists they are.
And the Democrats used to be for working class people.
So I'm kind of all over the map.
I want to invite you back tomorrow for a full hour to really flesh this out.
It's just that, you know, I don't care if somebody's black, hispanic, white, old, christian, muslim, jewish, agnostic.
If they support freedom and support human liberty, I want them on the show!
So, I've got you who's jewish coming on, another great jewish guy from Australia coming on, because they're fighting back!
They're winning!
They're exposing censorship!
They're defending free speech!
They're defending guns!
I agree with their ideology!
I don't look at them and say, Well, that person's Jewish.
I'm gonna support them.
I see all the little guys in their basements with their thumbs in their asses talking about Jews secretly run everything, not doing a damn thing.
It's shameful.
I'm ranting.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and look, I support Avi in many too.
Avi and I are friends, and Avi actually spent some time with me in Minnesota last year, and he actually, he filmed a video of me loomering Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, so Avi is a close friend of mine.
It's really terrible what happened to him.
I mean, it's really despicable that in America, people who expose Islam for what it is, and people who Exposed the left are now being detained by the FBI.
I'm gonna hold you over.
I'm gonna hold you over because you can talk to him since you guys are friends.
We'll do that.
Then we'll get into this whole story.
But think about this.
You're exposing people that hate America.
Say they hate America.
They want to turn us into Islamic State.
You're banned for exposing Ilhan Omar.
And then this guy comes in to expose Comedy Central saying he's a Nazi with edited tapes and he's banned.
Yeah, well look, this is what I've been saying for almost two and a half years every time I come on your show, Alex, is this is a form of Islamic blasphemy law.
This is Sharia law.
And people think that it's a conspiracy theory to say that Sharia law is coming to America.
Well, I've got news for you.
Sharia law is in America.
In Minnesota, the Democrats are proposing legislation to push Islamic blasphemy laws to make it a crime to criticize Islam.
The Democrats all across this country, people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan, are trying to hold committees in Congress to demonize people who talk about 9-11.
They don't think we should be able to show pictures of 9-11 anymore because it offends Muslims.
Well, I'm sorry, but what offends me is 19 Muslims hijacking planes and killing 3,000 Americans.
I find that pretty offensive.
Or attacking Christians, Jews, and anybody else that isn't in their religion.
Islamic countries don't let other people in.
And it's just incredible.
And Trump put out this video of her saying, at least they did something on 9-11.
That's nothing, as you know.
You're an expert on this.
You should come on this week and just go over her.
And we'll play the clips.
All the insane stuff she said.
Yeah, we have to coordinate it, but I'll fly out to Texas and spend a few days there with you, and we can do a few shows, and, you know, I'd be happy to come out, too.
You know, I'm going to be announcing a run for Congress.
It'd be great to spend some time out there.
And listen, Avi is on next.
If you can hold, I want to introduce him and talk about his story.
If you want to come back to the third segment.
We'll do it.
Stay with us.
Again, Laura Loomer is our guest.
We've got Avi Yemeni banned from the U.S.
for nothing coming up.
So the Somali Islamicists are here running things.
Israelis or Jews can't come here.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, so much is happening.
And we have an Australian conservative activist who was banned from the U.S.
at the Comedy Central, edited video of him, who said that this Jewish man was a white supremacist.
Avi Yemeni will be joining us.
Laura Loomer, totally banned, the most banned woman in the world on the Internet.
I'm the most banned man, she's the most banned woman.
Banned from the Internet for simply saying, That all these radical Muslim women that George Soros is funding say cut women's genitals off when they're born, kill gays, they defend it.
Linda Saucer, all of them, are out there basically preaching hardcore Sharia law.
And if you criticize it, you get taken off the internet.
But I want to shift gears into another subject right now.
We talked about this some, but I want to play this clip in a moment.
What do you make of the Democrats denying that there's giant caravans slamming in when a new one just blasted through violently through Mexican riot police yesterday?
Hundreds of thousands are now marching towards the border.
A hundred thousand a month.
It caught hundreds of thousands getting in.
If you're a TV viewer or a radio listener, this is new footage.
Radio listeners should go to Infowars.com forward slash show and see it all.
What do you make of the Democrats on Bill Maher, all of it shifting from saying there is no caravan, as Jake Tapper said, as others said, and then now, okay, there is a caravan, but they say Trump is to blame for the caravan.
It's like, again, like Jonathan Gribber said, they think we have no memory.
They're betting on that.
All right, Laura, we've lost your audio.
We've been having big technical problems today.
I'm not sure even what's going on around here anymore.
Can we try to go back to her just a moment?
Laura, go ahead.
All right, let me just do this while they do whatever they do with the computers in there.
I'm gonna have to get some new equipment or something.
It's reached crisis proportions around here.
But before we do that here today, let me go ahead and play this clip.
Man, I tell you, unbelievable.
Let me go ahead and play this clip of Cory Booker admits releasing migrants into sanctuary cities would make us less safe.
This is really critical information because they're saying there aren't migrants, there aren't caravans, this doesn't exist.
But now if Trump threatens to release them because the judges make him do it, and there's no more beds left, well now they're saying that this blames us.
Here it is.
Do you think this is an empty threat by the President, though, to talk about busing people from the border into these sanctuary cities?
He likes to create friction sometimes to jumpstart, he says, a Congress that's not acting.
You say friction, I say he's trying to pit Americans against each other and make us less safe, because what you're seeing now... So you take the threat seriously?
I take this.
He's injecting fear Into our country.
And so if he was looking to solve a problem, he wouldn't be doing things to divide this country against itself.
Beware of anybody that's trying to tell you to be afraid in the strongest country in the world, as opposed to showing our strength and our courage by pulling people together to find common sense solutions to solve this problem.
The Paradox of Tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant.
The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.
Which one of these two ideas represents where we are now as a culture?
Frankfurt School adherent, former member of the brain trust of the OSS American War Machine, and godfather of the New Left, Herbert Marcuse, along with his contemporary, engineered a slow-moving Marxist revolution from within
American society, utilizing a mass psychoanalytic Hegelian dialectic, "psyop",
that is blossoming today amongst the lethargic minds of the millennial generation.
A synthesizing technique known as "repressive tolerance".
Thankfully, in the interest of time, Marcuse simplified the definition of repressive tolerance,
saying, "Repressive tolerance is intolerance against movements from
the right, and toleration of movements from the left.
Repressive tolerance.
is achieved by arming the thoughts of emotional, rationally vacant liberals with the potent weapon of critical theory.
A hive mentality that produces a catharsis for the self-loathing types of our society
when confronting the social, historical, and ideological forces gluing the structures of a society together.
Because congressional hearings are determining that American patriots are to be labeled white nationalists.
And now we see witnesses invited by the minority who openly associate with purveyors of hate.
White nationalism and its proliferation online have real consequences.
Americans have died because of it.
What about the man who's also really leading this for the White House, Stephen Miller?
He is spearheading the immigration agenda and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar actually referred to him as a white nationalist.
Do you agree with her?
I believe that what we have seen from Stephen Miller is vestiges of white nationalism.
And now a CBS show known as The Good Fight is leading a propagandized rehash of modern day Bolshevism by legitimizing violence against anyone labeled a white nationalist by relabeling the paradox of tolerance as the Overton Window.
Is it alright to hit a Nazi unprovoked?
I was always taught to never throw the first punch.
Never instigate.
Defend but don't attack.
But then I saw a video of the white nationalist Richard Spencer being punched in the face during an interview, and I realized... Spencer was in a press suit, wearing a tie, being interviewed like his opinion mattered, like he should be considered part of the conversation, like neo-Nazism was just one political point of view.
And then I realized... There's no better way to show some speech is not equal!
Some speech requires a more visceral response.
It's like Overton's window.
That's the term from which ideas are tolerated in public discourse.
Well, Overton's window doesn't mean **** unless it comes with some enforcement, so yeah!
This is enforcement!
It's time to punch a few Nazis.
This is a very dangerous precedent, and should be dealt with immediately, as we tumble headlong into the fray of an impending presidential election, which the left will not accept, along with a record number of Democratic presidential candidates that agree with this Goebbels-level madness.
Who are we?
You're African-American.
That's your brand.
Diversity is in right now.
We should be looking at the future.
A future where Trump wins in 2020?
Do you want a mission?
Do I want a mission?
Televised mental illness that legitimizes attacking innocent free-thinking Americans is now acceptable.
Do you want a mission? Do I want a mission?
I'm looking for people who are ready to take the fight to Trump.
They expect us all to accept their savvy tongue-in-cheek arrogant hypocrisy as relevant and cute to their
demographic of anti-American far-left extremists and antifa morons.
I'm ready to fight.
The resistance starts now.
Do your worst.
Oh, don't tempt me.
But they are literally calling for violence.
So yeah!
This is enforcement!
I am reporting this trailer to Twitter as a violation of their terms of service that state you may not make specific threats of violence or wish for the serious physical harm, death, or disease of an individual or group of people.
John Bowne reporting.
If you are receiving this transmission, Alright folks, we're going to have two heavily censored individuals on.
Wow, at the start of the next segment, ladies and gentlemen.
So you'll definitely want to stay with us for all of that on the other side of this break.
But wow, the stuff that's going on is just amazing.
And you see how the general public from all the TV watching and everything else is like in a malaise.
They're like in a haze and they don't even know what's going on.
And then there's people that are awake and then people that are awake but are praying on the general public.
It's amazing.
So we'll see when we get the connection up.
We've been having some problems with Avi Yemeni from Australia.
He just got kicked out of the U.S.
only here a few hours.
FBI grabbed him.
He has no criminal record, but you see, Comedy Central didn't want him to come here because they got caught editing video to say he was a white supremacist.
He needs to sue them.
This is what they do, though.
All the mainstream media are a bunch of Jussie Smolletts.
That's why Jussie Smollett didn't get in trouble, because he did his job.
There are thousands of ideologies out there, hundreds of different political systems, and most of them are funded by the globalists.
Infowars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular like it's always been.
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night that sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family, I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWar, and I salute you.
[Loud Explosion]
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You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Greetings, welcome.
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Your support at Infowarsstore.com today keeps us on air tomorrow.
Tomorrow's news today started right here.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
(upbeat music)
So, Comedy Central is on all over the world.
It reaches over 2 billion people.
So it's still big media.
I mean, you notice mainstream news has almost no viewers now.
The average CNN show has like 100,000 viewers.
They're a joke.
But, if it's the so-called comics on Comedy Central or the late-night comedy shows like Stephen Colbert, they still have 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 million viewers.
And so what they do is they pose as comics who are posing as newsmen, but really what they are is incredible deceivers.
I mean, Colbert gets up and says that I'm in the KKK.
I call law firms, they go, well, it's comedy.
But people believe it, man.
He poses as Alex Jones and rubs mayonnaise all over his face and says Alex Jones, you know, is a Nazi.
People then scream Nazi on the street.
Our next guest here, I'm going to play a clip of this and then go to him for the rest of the hour.
Lauren, whenever she has time, will pop back in with us.
They're friends.
Avi Yemeni, of course, lives in Australia.
He's a patriot.
He supports basic freedom.
Jim Jeffries is a huge star on Comedy Central.
A year ago, or almost, interviews him.
And then they hold on to it until the tragic events in New Zealand happen, and they play clips in our interview that aren't even connected to make it look like he's attacking Muslims and he supports the attack.
Think about this, and the danger it puts him in.
So he secretly recorded it because he was advised to, comes out later, it goes viral, 10 million views or so.
Well here he is talking about it and then we'll respond to what happened.
We tried to fly into the U.S.
for a media tour.
The FBI was there and basically arrested him and kicked him out because Comedy Central said so.
Here it is.
I might sound like a hippie saying this.
What gives anyone the right to tell anyone where they can and can't live?
When you import this culture, what do you think's going to happen?
Australia's going to end up the same **** they came from that they were escaping.
Watch how.
Jim Jefferies has edited this last clip to make me look like an arse?
See what I really said!
What gives anyone the right to tell anyone where they can and can't live?
They've got no borders though.
I know, they've got no borders, but wouldn't it just be nice if...
If we got to a place in society where we had no... Utopia?
A utopia where we all just lived as... On a level like... You may say I'm a dreamer.
I think most people, most sensible people would agree with you in theory.
But in practice, it goes against human nature.
It just doesn't work.
You bloody scumbag, Jim.
You see those rubbish edits through the entire segment?
I don't even need to show you.
You get my point.
They put one answer to a different question.
But, today what I really want to show you is how Jim Jefferies speaks about Islam, about their prophet Muhammad, and about Muslims themselves, when he thinks the cameras aren't rolling, or when he knows he can cut it out.
So Mohammed is considered the perfect man?
Right, yes.
You can't draw a picture of him.
No, don't you dare.
Don't you dare.
I've got enough death threats on me, brother.
There he is.
Jesus Christ.
There he is.
He looks like a wobbly ghost.
He's finally going to understand Islam, huh?
That's what you do, Jimmy, when you think no one's going to see it.
Okay, so he'll be with us for the rest of the hour.
Laura Loomers decided to stay.
We appreciate that to pop in.
She knows him well.
They've covered Ilhan Omar and other crazies here in the U.S.
when our guest has been allowed to get into the country before, Avi Yemini.
Again, aviyemini.com.au, trnews.com, or tr.news, YouTube, also IDFT Training.
You know, watching your work, it's pretty mainline conservative, and I want you to be able to break all this down of what happened when you tried to get into the U.S., and of course you've laid out even the other big lies in an hour-long video that he engaged in.
They're really scared of this, but their fascist response, and the FBI, even with Trump being president, being the lapdog of Comedy Central to keep you out of the U.S.
is a danger, is quite frankly frightening.
Thanks for joining us.
Thanks for having me, Matt.
Yeah, it's scary.
It's scary times to think that a comedy channel wields that sort of power.
Well, lay out for folks.
We've got a longer segment coming up.
Laura's going to join us.
What happened, just to boil down, and then what happened when you tried to come to the U.S.
to set the record straight?
This guy's saying you're a Nazi that wants to kill Muslims by editing tapes.
You should sue him.
Instead, you just tried to do a media tour, and they won't let you do that.
Yeah, so basically, Jim, his producer months ago contacted me, asked me if I'd be part of the show that they're doing, the upcoming Jim Jefferies special.
I laid out two basic conditions that I'll take part in this show.
I said, no neo-Nazis and don't cut my answers.
You know, I'm pretty confident in where I stand on issues.
If you don't like what I say, just post it as a whole.
Now, they agreed to those terms.
But, you know, when I'd seen what actually came out following the Christchurch massacre, where they tried to put, essentially blame me for what happened there in Christchurch.
And they did the other two exact things.
They started this segment with no neo-Nazis here in Australia.
Then they put me on and they cut up, as you saw in the clip before, My answers from one question to another.
In fact, they also, they went further.
They also took even facial expressions I made to, you know, weird things he was saying and cut it up to something kind of sensible that he was saying or a sensible question he was asking.
So it was an absolute hack job.
I'm just thankful that I had the foresight and it was actually Tommy Robinson who, when I told him I was invited, said, mate, just film that thing whole.
And I'm grateful I did so because you saw at the end, if I didn't have that footage, I wouldn't be in the position I'm in now.
My name would be ruined forever.
But yeah, my response was to do this American tour against fake news.
We'd been invited on to a number of shows, and I was going to go to Comedy Central in New York.
And not to be violent, not to anything.
And this is what I told the FBI when they asked me if I was planning on obtaining weapons.
I said, mate, my My most powerful weapons are right here in my bag.
My microphone and camera.
I don't need anything else.
They know.
You're an Australian, but you went and joined the defense forces.
You have no criminal record.
You're very clear you're coming to expose this.
And so Comedy Central files a fake report that you're a terrorist coming to kill them, and then you're thrown out of the U.S.
This is just outrageous.
Look, to be fair, my issue is not even with the FBI, it's not with the Border Protection.
They were actually really busy with the FBI.
No, no, I know, but it's scary that the left makes up stuff and they're like dogs doing whatever they're told.
Look, essentially what practically happened at the end is Comedy Central managed to get me thrown out of the U.S., at least for now, based on their original false complaint.
The FBI cleared me.
There was no problem at the end when it was passed back to Border Protection.
Then that triggered an investigation which looked at my original application and this same visa that I was in the States only six months ago with Laura Loomer, or seven months ago with Laura Loomer, and there was no issue with that same application.
But because two years ago when I filled in that form, It turned out that, you know, they asked you a whole series of questions and generally most of them are pretty crazy.
Now, are you a terrorist?
Are you associated to neo-Nazis?
Do you, you know, all these kind of questions where you just kind of go, no, no, no, no, no, no.
One of the questions happened to be, have you ever been denied a visa to the U.S.?
Hold on, stay right there.
Avi Yemeni, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
I want to put forward an allegory.
Or a story to explain where I'm coming from that parallels current real-time reality.
So please, bear with me a few minutes.
Because this is just bubbling up from my own thought processes of why am I sitting here with my shirt off.
I want to be crystal clear with everybody.
What I'm about to say is not about putting down California like we're different football teams.
And we're talking about the University of Texas versus UCLA.
This is not... Alex Jones is a tribalist going, woo!
Texas is way better than California.
California, until about 30 years ago, was undoubtedly the best state in the Union.
It was more Texan than Texans because it was the last big frontier state.
The 49ers, all of it.
I mean, the history books I've read about it have been incredible.
It was deep red until just about 25 years ago.
The Democrats came in, they opened the borders, they engineered the state, they created socialism, dependency, and now the state is a skeleton of its former self.
And now Beto and others have set their sights to turn Texas blue, and most political experts agree by 20 24.
Texas will be deep blue.
My fellow Texans are in a coma.
But as Kennedy said, and as Eisenhower said, and as Nixon said, and as Reagan said, as goes Texas, so goes the nation.
It's been like that since the Civil War.
That's a whole other history book.
And so the fall of California, and it's a big gaping hole in our defenses for the collapse of Latin America, it's not a positive thing.
It's not something I celebrate.
It's like whistling past the graveyard.
But, the carpetbaggers from all over the country that went to California, because it was the best state 30 years ago, who aren't Californians, they ruined that incredible state.
They destroyed that incredible state.
And now, like locusts, or piranhas, or Nazi U-Boat wolf packs, they have come to Texas to ruin our state.
We have 10 different amazing t-shirts at InfoWarsTore.com, like this Don't California by USA flag t-shirt at InfoWarsTore.com that are great attention grabbers and conversation starters no matter where you live.
In the country, because if the Democrats can take down Texas and Florida, it's over, ladies and gentlemen.
The globalists want info wars shut down because they can track back.
Almost all their defeats are to what we do.
I instinctively know how to defeat them, just like you do.
Probably resonate together.
And I'm telling you, this don't California, my USA.
This don't California, my Texas is the answer.
The people have to be warned.
We have 10 different limited edition shirts at MFORESTORE.COM right now for men and women in all the sizes.
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So spread the word, meet like-minded people, cause a debate, become a billboard for liberty and freedom today.
Infowarstore.com and look at the 10 limited edition Don't California my USA, Don't California Texas.
And I welcome folks to say Don't California Florida.
Let's just get this going nationwide and let's win again.
We can do it if we take action.
We can save America!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
sigh You're listening to Alex Jones!
So, it's 5.33 p.m.
where I sit here in Texas.
It's 8.30 in the morning over in Sydney, Australia.
And Avi Yemeni joins us.
And the two seconds we have left, I want to have him and Laura Loomer really take the floor and not have me ask questions because if you study history and you study tyranny, first they restrict your speech, then they restrict your bank accounts, then they restrict your movements, then they put you in jail, then they put you in forced labor, then they kill you.
From the Romans to To the Babylonians, to the ancient Chinese, to the Aztecs.
I mean, this is the way it goes.
And when they can say, Laura Loomer, and this isn't a joke, anybody who hasn't looked this up, is a white supremacist.
When she's Jewish, or they can do this kind of stuff, it's very dangerous.
And you've got Avi Yemeni, who's like, I'd call him a mainline nationalist conservative, happens to be Jewish, happened to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces.
He's an Australian that went and did that.
He gets, they take this months and months ago, they put it in the can, they wait until an event happens, and they say he supports it by editing it, and then he's the victim, and then he tries to go cover it, and they ban him.
I think this will backfire.
And Laura Limmer, you jump at any time.
You've worked with Avi Yemini and exposed Ilhan Omar and all these other Islamists are putting in.
It's just they're treating you like the enemy.
But what I thought of during the break was, we can pull this up, more than 20,000 jihadis brought into Sweden and Germany alone, more than 5,000 just the last two years out of Syria into England, who were ISIS, who were al-Qaeda, that killed people.
They're brought in and given welfare.
They're brought in and, quote, resettled and treated like they had PTSD.
But then people with no criminal records, U.S.
citizens like Laura Loomer, born in this country, She's banned on the internet.
Avi Yemeni, TR.News, a patriot, no criminal record, served in Israeli military, but born in Australia, lives in Australia.
He's banned from the U.S., he's lied about there.
I mean, this is criminal!
So you guys go ahead and just break down what happened to you, and jump in any time, Laura Limmer, but Avi, what happened once you got here, because you broke this down right when you got in your car at the airport, once you landed, how the media lied about you, how they acted like you were a criminal.
I mean, this is so dangerous that they're now trying to control our movement.
Their narrative and that's why it was so important for me to straight away clarify what was going on because even the media here in Australia straight away Created this false narrative, this false story about what was happening.
And the fact was that the only reason why I was detained was because I was there to expose Comedy Central for what they did for publishing an absolutely proven fake news story.
In fact, after I published the real version of what happened, literally the hidden camera, my page was pulled from Facebook again and that video was pulled off Facebook and the original offending The defamatory video of Comedy Central is still up there.
There is a double standard here.
Well, that's right.
And Laura, jumping at any time, you guys have worked together for years, but describe when you get off an LAX, you did like a 10 minute video, but just briefly, FBI's waiting, you start, you can't believe this is happening.
It was surreal.
It was like a movie.
And, uh, you know, I did, I worked with Laura.
I worked with Laura when I was there last time in the, in the States.
And in fact, she was ahead of the time when it came to, uh, The two at the time they were candidates.
But this was surreal.
I come in our land.
I come on the exact same visa that I arrived there previously.
I'm pulled to a back room and there's FBI agents like in a movie.
For me, that was just like, what is going on?
And I couldn't help myself.
As soon as I seen the two FBI agents, And they flashed their badges.
I actually just cracked up laughing and I pointed and I said to them, Comedy Central.
And their response was so telling.
They said to me, we are actually a different, a separate entity to Comedy Central.
Like they had to clarify that they were a separate entity.
And they said to me, and I said, yes, but the informant is Comedy Central, right?
And they said, well, we've received a number of complaints that we need to clarify from Comedy Central.
And the complaints were absurd.
In fact, they used a photo of me from my service in the Israeli army as proof that I'm some sort of well-trained killer who's out to target, to track down and target Jim Jeffries.
What do they say, and I want Laura to jump in, when they throw you back on the plane after 18 hours here, 18 hours back.
I mean, what do they do?
What do they say at the end?
Because I know at first, like, oh, it's no big deal.
You'll be fine.
Come on in here.
And then what do they say when they finally said we're shipping you back?
Look, they were all very nice about everything and at the end they claim it is a technicality and time will tell.
I'm today applying for the renewed visa.
Let's see if what they say is actually true and it is not higher powers that are just shutting me down here.
I was treated like an absolute criminal.
I was escorted back to my plane after, mind you, about 18 hours in detention.
I was in a room of illegal Mexican workers.
I'm sitting there and Trump's on the TV and they're all blaming Donald Trump.
They obviously didn't know who I was and I'm a big supporter.
But they escorted me to the plane and they gave my passport to the flight attendant with instructions that I was not to receive it back until I land back on Australian soil.
You were not to receive what?
My passport was taken, confiscated, given to you.
Incredible. Laura Miller, you know this guy well.
He's done a lot of work trying to expose the Islamists before they got their foothold.
Now, literally saying America sucks, get rid of it, blow up Israel.
I mean, now this is going on. You guys exposed Ilhan and the others have been elected.
You know this guy. How scary is this?
I mean, it's ridiculous. And I was, you know, like one of the first people to really message Avi
when this whole thing went down. And, you know, Avi's a great guy. He's a patriot.
But you have to look at the insanity of this, right?
Avi Yemeni getting deported from the United States.
Milo Yiannopoulos being denied a visa into Australia.
But then when you look at these Islamic hate preachers who are calling for the killing of Jews and Christians and calling for the killing of homosexuals, they are invited on speaking tours sponsored by mosques all around the world to go to Australia.
And all across America.
You know, this happened to me when I was exposing a jihadi in Orlando last year, Alex, and I was interviewed on your show about it.
And I showed up because they had this Syrian imam who was giving a talk in an Orlando school for Muslim parents.
And this guy had issued fatwas against Jews and called for the killing of homosexuals.
And I showed up to protest this and to report it as a journalist and to record what he was saying inside and the police here in the United States of America threatened to arrest me because I showed up to report on a jihadist who has called for the killing of Americans and has issued fatwas encouraging Muslims to blow up buses full of Jews in Israel.
I mean, it's insane what is happening in this country.
And now it's coming out that Omar, like, oh, they did something on 9-11.
She's been on other tapes saying, you know, we're not terrorists, we're fighting back.
It's just like, if America sucks so bad, why are you trying to come here?
Where do you think this goes next, AV?
Because, I mean, it's just getting so clear to everybody how insane this is.
It is, and Laura's 100% spot on, because at the end of the day, when Milo was banned not too long ago, at exactly the same time as he was being banned, there was a radical Islamic preacher touring the entire country.
So we're heading in the wrong direction, absolutely, and I think This PC, this PC madness where only, you know, patriots or only people who actually love their Western, you know, civilized, democratic way of life are the ones being penalized and not the real enemy, not the real threat.
So let me ask you this when we come back, we'll get into what are you going to do next, but why are they targeting you and Laura particularly?
Because they're really censoring both of you.
Me too.
What is it that they're so scared of?
Both of you, but go ahead, Laura, we'll come back with Amy on the other side.
Because we're Jewish conservatives and while there's a full-blown assault on all conservatives, there's especially an attack on Jewish conservatives because we are resisting the globalist left-wing Jewish movement, which you see is being pushed forward by the ADL.
The ADL is conspiring with these left-wing social media companies to censor us.
And we're not the right type of Jew.
So let's just Jews, don't want people to know that most Jews are conservative or common sense.
They want to speak for you, stand up and silence you because Jews are really upset right now and see through this.
Yeah, it's like a digital Shoah, is what it is.
And, you know, they, essentially through their actions, are walking us to the gas chambers.
Oh, I agree.
The ADL and people are like pro-Islamic takeover.
They have interfaith dialogue with these Islamic individuals, like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who, at the end of the day, if they could push, if those two women could push a button and eradicate every single Jew from the planet, they would.
Oh, you know they would.
I mean, you know they would.
And that's what this is.
We'll be right back.
I want to put forward an allegory or a story to explain where I'm coming from that parallels current real-time reality.
So please bear with me a few minutes because this is bubbling up from my own thought processes of why am I sitting here with my shirt off.
I'll explain.
Our listeners Our viewers are what InfoWars really is.
A populist, free market, pro-human movement that has detonated awakenings and resistance all over the world.
We are the big giant tsunami coming in against globalist tyranny.
You really are kicking globalist ass on every level.
They're paying it.
They thought that they had already won.
But if they can still use corporate media to attack the leaders Of the resistance to globalism.
And if they can strip us of who we really are, and then put banners on us, like a NASCAR, and claim that we support racism, or we support abusing women, or we support all these things we don't support, they can win.
That's why it's important to strip it all away, what they've claimed, what they've said, the straw men they've built, and to tell people what you really stand for.
But in this world of thousands and thousands of channels and millions of hosts, the truth gets drowned out sometimes.
That's what the globalists are hoping is gonna happen.
But out of all the shows and all the broadcasts out there, it's this show particularly they fear.
Because we don't go off the pop culture they put out, we go off what they actually say, what they actually stand for.
Now I was thinking as 2018 ended, now four months ago, I was thinking, what have I dropped the ball on?
What's one area in the info where we haven't been effective?
Where we were effective previously?
And that's wearing our flags openly.
Wearing our colors openly.
And it starts with not being ashamed of the American flag that's under attack.
The official Democrats want to remove it.
Want to take Thomas Jefferson off the money.
Saying he was a racist.
I mean, they're even assaulting the flag now.
So, they're projecting all their lies under our great symbol and it's great history.
So first we have to strip away the lies they've put on us like logos.
Hoaxer, when they're the ones that are really doing all that.
And then we have to display to everyone what we actually stand for, what we actually believe in.
America and the world is already in a civil war.
Pro-humans against the globalists.
And we have to wear our colors loud and proud.
And this is the best-seller right now for last year.
The InfoWars In Your Face.
You know, I said to listeners, I said, hey, we've got Molon Labe, or we've got other shirts.
We just want to meet like-minded people.
But this shirt particularly, ladies and gentlemen, will really get in their face.
And again, you'll get way more thumbs up and high fives and shake hands and meet friends.
But there is that 1% or so out of the 100 people that see you that will say, F you, Russian agent.
F you, traitor.
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America has chosen InfoWars.
Loud, pro-America, pro-freedom, and in the bullies' faces.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If you're receiving this transmission, whether you're in Australia, whether you're in the
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
So you know when somebody's telling the truth when the establishment's banning you.
And I already had seen some of ABM in these videos.
They just seem like classic nationalist, common sense, free country stuff.
I saw him, like, a year ago.
I was like, okay, nice guy.
And then he gets set up, which I've been through, where they just go, Alex Jones, white supremacist.
You're like, oh.
You're walking down the street, people pull up in cars and go, F you, Nazi!
And you're like...
You want to kick their ass, actually, because they're believing BS, but you just shut up, because they're idiots.
So in closing, in the 10 minutes we have with both Laura Loomer is running for Congress.
She just announced that here.
The specifics aren't there.
She just left us.
And A.B.
A.B., in the time you've got, what are the points you want to make?
Comedy Central sets you up, they edited tapes of you, you caught them, and now the response is ban you from the U.S., claiming that you wanted to create violence against this so-called talk show host.
It just shows how desperate they are to cover up what they've done.
I mean, don't they know that people are now recording them during these interviews?
Well, they're desperate and they're arrogant.
They're arrogant on every level, at every stage.
You look at the fact that when I walk in there and I put down and I literally set up two phones on a couch and propped them up by pillows, not one person noticed there were 15 people in that room.
That's how self-absorbed they are.
That's how above the rules they believe that they are.
And following that, they still haven't made a statement.
They just ban and block anybody Who on Twitter challenges them, and I encourage all your viewers to go and, you know, tag Jim Jefferies Comedy Central.
You will see that every few people that do it, they get banned.
And on my Twitter, you can see people have just been sharing, and I've been retweeting hundreds upon hundreds of people that have been blocked from Jim Jefferies, who literally ask him to acknowledge what he's done and what they've done.
Now they're trying to literally, physically shut down anybody who challenges them by getting them deported!
I mean, I've got to stop you, but as you said, you're a very polite, nice guy.
I watched the whole hour-long interview that you did, and the edits they did.
And like you said, the cameras are out in the open.
They're so arrogant that you're a nobody that they're about to edit this and deceive people and they don't even care.
And then once you stand up to them, then they want to crush you like a bug.
I think their humor is going to be their downfall.
I totally agree.
I think it is a downfall and I've said to them numerous times now that if you think I'm going to go away by using your standard techniques and trying to shut people down, you are so wrong.
I encourage them to go and speak to my mum.
My mum will tell them how persistent I am.
I'm not giving up.
I'm going to take this all the way.
And at the moment, we're looking at legal avenues and going back to the U.S.
and crashing it.
I'm not going to let him get away.
But don't they get now you're one of the hottest guests ever that people are just going to Skype you in?
I mean, you need to be on Rubin and Rogan.
And I know Rogan only does face-to-face.
He needs it with banned political dissidents.
It needs to be Skyped in.
Yeah, absolutely.
And the fact is you're right.
The fact is now that I have been banned both online but even worse physically from entering the United States, more people want to talk to me about what's happened.
So their whole idea...
I've seen like five of your videos in the last year.
When they already set you up, I probably watched 20, I'm like, this is a really nice, well-spoken guy.
The thing is, you're banned because you're well-spoken, you're common sense, you're lovable, you're promoting normal stuff.
You're not banned because you're a liar, you're banned because you're telling the truth.
Absolutely, and the social media giants are scared of anybody that does Tell the truth, especially if they tell it with a smile on their face and without any hate in their heart.
Well go back to that because you told them months ago, they said I'll do the interview but no white supremacist.
Then they stick you right in the middle of it like you're a white supremacist.
It was about 20 seconds into the video, there was probably one of Australia's most prominent white supremacist, you know, Hitler fans, that they've just kind of lumped in together with me.
Mind you, this person hates me more than anyone, probably just as much as the Christchurch killer himself.
So they're trying all their They're regular techniques to first smear you, to delegitimize you, to make you out to be something you're absolutely not.
I'm a proud Australian.
I'm a proud Israeli.
I love both Australia and Israel.
I love the West.
I love our free democratic way of life.
And I'm always happy to defend my stances, and I go to a lot of these different events, and when I challenge people, I do it, like I said, with a smile on my face, and usually I just hand them a little bit of rope.
But that's what they're scared of, is black, white, old, young, Muslim, Jew, Christian, agnostic, saying, we like the West, we like freedom, we like open society.
They're so scared of that, and that's why they're scared of you.
And because, as Laura said before, we're not the right kind of Jews.
We're not the right kind of, you know, ethnic minority.
We are proud of what our countries stand for and we want to defend it.
So in closing, and I want to get you back this week for a full hour to take calls, Where do you see this crazy stuff going?
Because I just see Trump as a unifier, trying to empower everybody.
And so they attack him, they do that to me, they do that to you.
They're so scared of people that really just want to work together.
Then you read WikiLeaks, it's all about Democrats creating cultural and racial and religious war.
I just, I'm actually flummoxed.
Pollax is thunderstruck by how evil the left is.
I just can't believe that they're this conscious.
A, do you agree with that?
And B, what's their endgame?
I don't even know if they have an endgame.
I think they're just so arrogant, and this is what I've learnt through this whole experience, is that they are so arrogant and blind to the truth and the reality of it, that they don't realise that that is going to be their downfall.
And the fact is, we have truth on our side, and that is why ultimately, we will win.
Well you know they've got a problem when they know that I'm anti-racist and protest the Klan like 15 times and all the rest of it and my family all of it.
I'm not going to get into it.
They know that's BS and they know it's BS when they call you a white supremacist or they call Laura Loomer.
They say white supremacist Laura Loomer was at Congress and yelled at the head of Twitter.
I mean that's like she's a Jewish Zionist.
The fact that they're so desperate calling Trump a white supremacist I think shows they're out of gas and are going to fail.
You watch some of my videos, you can see I often wear the kipper on my head and it's less, even in that Jim Jefferies segment, it's less about religious, like about my faith, it's more about exposing.
I grew up ultra-orthodox, but I wear it nowadays often to expose them for what they are.
You know, I will rock up to events and literally the first thing they will say, the first thing they will shout is, Avi is a Nazi.
And I just, I'm looking around going, I hope we got that on tape, which I've got numerous times now.
Because it just shows that they have nothing.
That's all they've got.
Well, that's where I stand.
I was never against Israel, because I knew the history of it, what was going on.
They took Israel over.
The Muslims will kill each other forever over it.
You know, Saudi Arabia won't take one so-called Palestinian.
But once they attacked me for not being against Israel, and once they thought, oh, look, you're the sh... I thought, fine, I'll just embrace this.
Because it's not even real.
And so I wonder about the ultra-right wing, the ultra-left wing are unified in this attack.
Not just on Israel, but it's mental illness, and then the left's allied with Islam, and then it's a really sick mess.
Two sides of the same coin.
I find the right, the left, they literally push the same conspiracy theories, especially about Israel and Jews.
What I find interesting is the unholy alliance between the left And these jihadis.
I was literally at a rally.
Again, you can see it on my YouTube channel.
I was at a rally where there was Hezbollah, like, proud Hezbollah terrorists marching in our streets with the terrorist flag.
And right in front of them, posing in front of them, was a transgender person.
And they would kill them in a minute.
Oh, they have feminists all over them who go, Allah Akbar!
We want Sharia law!
And they would kill them!
I turned to this person and I said, listen, these people that you're standing with, they hate me.
They hate me more than anything.
They will kill me.
I have no questions about it.
I have served in the Middle East.
I served in the Lebanon War.
I know.
But guess what?
Before they get me, they're going to throw you off the building.
Because in their own text, in their own charter, they have to throw you off a building before the Jew.
Just wake up!
They're useful idiots!
They're useful idiots!
No, Avi, you're absolutely right, and it's just mental illness.
TR News, tr.news, alexjonesinfowars.com.
Come back with us this week on the weekday show.
Thank you so much for all the time.
I'm really sorry, guys, from the U.S.
I'm sure if Trump hears about this, we'll get you back into a huge tour and expose these creeps at Comedy Central.
They only banned you because they're scared it's going to backfire.
Keep it up, because they're not going to stop you.
When you first don't succeed, try, try again.
Alright, very powerful information.
Avi Yemeni, I'm Alex Jones.
Coming up, Mike Adams and CounterThink straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Thank you, Harvey.
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