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Name: 20190404_Thu_Alex
Air Date: April 4, 2019
3670 lines.

The narrator of this broadcast discusses various topics such as globalist agenda, fear tactics, artificial intelligence, resistance against it, media portrayal, left-wing authoritarians, censorship of videos, patriot supply, US-Mexico border, trade talks between the US and China, immigration policies, Facebook and Google lawsuit, Silicon Valley's power-mad mistakes, First Amendment cases, mainstream media's promotion of "trauma porn", locking up political opponents based on speech, promotion of InfoWars products including supplements, and news updates. He believes that America has a powerful spirit of resistance against adversity which is currently being tested by the left's attempt to suppress dissenting opinions, and concludes by discussing the importance of self- sufficiency and supporting those who share similar values with a call to action for listeners to visit MFootworkstore.com to purchase storable food supplies.

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Waging War on Corruption It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of
the InfoWar.
It's Thursday, April 4th, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Well, I just walked in there about two minutes ago before we went live, and I wrote the headline for the page we post every day that has the show in it, so people can share the audio and video link.
And the headline states the facts.
The planet is only six months away From total civilizational collapse.
Already in most areas of the world, what civilization was built is collapsing.
It's being done by design, and if we act quickly, it can be averted, it can be changed.
But you notice the talking point out of the EU, the talking point out of the UN, the talking point out of AOC, the talking point out of Beto O'Rourke, is that the Earth will completely be uninhabitable And that we will all be dead within 12 years.
Now, you understand, they didn't just cook that up.
They didn't just pull that out of their rear end.
They are purposely... They are purposely engineering this situation.
And I want to lay it out in the next segment exactly what the globalists are planning, so that people understand that as it begins to unfold, we have a chance to A. blame who's behind it, and B. stop it.
So we sit here and we laugh at AOC, and we laugh at Beto, But you understand, ladies and gentlemen, that if you go watch my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement, 2007, I have the quotes and the video clips of the Bilderberg Group, the UN, all of them saying that.
That they're creating a planetary crisis that by 2030, remember there's a Gen 21?
That's from 1992 in the Rio de Janeiro?
And then they now codified the UN a couple years ago.
Agenda 2030.
So this is a real globalist plan.
And they are carrying the plan out.
Now humanity is fighting back.
And many intelligence agencies and militaries around the world have gone and looked at these plans, they've decompartmentalized, and they realize that they are taking part in the post-human system that's being built.
Now, if you looked at this just as a scientist or as a geopolitical strategist, what's being done, does it make sense for humanity?
And is it something that even psychotics would come up with?
And that's why I've said that it appears to be an off-world manipulation.
And a lot of these technologies just appeared out of nowhere, by the way, and are way more advanced than anybody even knew.
And there's jumps in them.
And there's major jumps going on inside the compartmentalization of government.
I'm not a UFO guy.
I don't get into all that.
The globalists, though, are into it.
And Silicon Valley and all these guys are signed on There's some really hardcore stuff that was popularized by British intelligence and others who were working with Aleister Crowley, Jack Parsons, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and others who were a big pack of hardcore black magicians who believed they were conjuring entities that were giving them this advice.
And Aleister Crowley wrote about it before they were put in Hollywood movies, before Hollywood existed.
Little three-foot gray alien at the pyramid coming out telling him what to do in a black magic ritual.
So that's where you get the little grey aliens and the black eyes and all that.
That's a demon.
So they can call this crazy all day.
This is their real plan.
They plan to kill every one of us.
They're coming to kill everybody.
Stay with us.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again!
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank!
We're drugged out!
We are following other people's opinions!
We are controlled by the media.
Today, it all changes.
This reality has been forced upon us.
It is a choice, just like when I said slavery is a choice.
Einstein said the death of insanity is doing the same thing, expecting a different result.
So we keep on saying, I hate you, I hate you, f*** you, f*** you, f*** you.
How are we going to get a different result out of hate?
Why don't we just try love?
Why don't we just try love?
We have the resources for Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
Steve Jobs is crazy. Now we all on Steve Jobs' phones.
They say Trump's crazy. They say I'm crazy.
But I'm here to show love. It's a bigger plan, and I'm just doing what the universe told me.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Kanye's just doing what the universe told him to do.
See, there's not just good in the universe.
There's evil.
And some people are doing what the dark side is telling them.
Some people have been given very twisted, evil ideas by entities sworn to destroy all human life on this planet.
That's what all the ancient cultures said.
It's what the Bible says.
It's what Judaism says.
It's even what Islam says.
But we just sit here and have an elite, so-called elite, in Silicon Valley and the UN and everywhere, saying there are too many people.
We need a world government to forcibly reduce the population's numbers.
And see, the Carnegie Endowment, after World War I, tried to get the League of Nations and it failed.
So they said, we need a bigger World War.
And then we need to break up the family, and we need to emasculate the men, and we need to basically end the human cycle as we know it, because humans are warlike and bad.
So we have to re-engineer humans to be submissive, basically, and who don't even breed anymore.
And then we'll just phase out almost everybody, because we're the super homo sapien sapien.
Or the ubermenschen.
The superman.
Yes, the comic book writers in the 1940s didn't come up with the Superman, the Ubermensch.
It was the British.
And it was the British scientists that came up.
With all of it, with scientists in the United States, and some in Europe, Germany, Austria, Prussia, that particular state, most of it came out of that sector.
If you look at the amount of things produced out of that Austrian-Hungarian Empire, but I digress.
And they said the way to have a final monopoly of control is to end the family.
Tell the women it's cool to smoke cigarettes and drink liquor and to not have kids, or if they have kids, put them in a government facility during the day so we have full control of them so we can program the kids, not mom and dad.
And then sell women on how super cool it is.
And all that's declassified, all that's public.
And so once they've done that, this is a fact, they could really start dumbing people down and really start destroying people's roots.
And really start then preparing to decrease the world's population.
But first you want to flood the first world with a giant bloom of the third world to bring the first world down.
Then you release a bio weapon That culls large amounts of the population and you tell them that it's a naturally occurring weapon or that terrorists released it and then everybody's got to go into these highly controlled compact police state grid cities for their quote safety and then that allows over time the social engineering to get even more draconian and then basically they'll release bioweapons so deadly that only becoming basically artificial humans will allow you to live in the new environment that they are creating.
So this is their real plan.
A lot of you that read 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s sci-fi, you're like, I've read about a lot of this kind of stuff.
But you notice it all came true.
And that's because through the different world science fiction organizations, and by the way, H.G.
Wells wrote more nonfiction books than he wrote fiction.
He wrote all about this, Things to Come.
How the British Royal Commissions created plans that they wanted to see carried out, but then they would popularize them into culture so that at a subconscious level, we would just expect that to then happen in the future.
And that's why in 1932 Brave New World was published by Aldous Huxley,
whose brother would go on to create the UN and then run it.
And they set up the entire program.
That's why you read Brave New World, you're like, first they break up the family.
30 years later, they start putting people on chemicals, so that they can't give birth, so they can quote, change their sex.
It's all done at first as fashion.
You're roped in, it's cool, it's the fun thing to do.
And then, 100 years later, There's suboids that are two feet tall running around that are basically serving the system like bots, and then you've got the genetically superior establishment that lives forever up on the Elysium Hill.
So it's a repeat of everything that Plato, 2,300 years before, envisioned as a master plan.
And Plato knew that what humans can envision, humans can create,
because we're made in the image of God.
God really makes stuff, creates things, does things.
But the general public is in Plato's cave.
He even envisioned television, and how it would be used to enslave and control.
Now, he wanted something better than just projecting stick figures on a cave wall and mesmerizing the public with theater.
But how that if it could be made even more real, they could create false realities to induce the public into, so they would never know they were being exterminated and trained not to breed, so the elite would remove the cancer of humanity from the breast of Mother Earth 2,300 years ago.
By the way, everything Plato wrote about, almost all of it, they've dug up or found now.
Just like the Bible, they keep digging up cities and finding tombs and proving all of it.
But there's one part he wrote about that they never found, and that was Atlantis.
In the Atlantic Ocean, an island that had flying machines and an energy source that glowed white light that was its power, but that exploded.
And then, for years, it was freezing cold and the sky was dark because of all the dust in the air.
How would someone know what really happens like that?
I think you knew a little bit more, don't you think, old Plato?
Might have been talking to somebody that keeps little horns and little teeth hidden so you don't get scared?
And so, you see, that's what this all comes down to.
And everybody knows the devil's real.
And the globalists have made a deal with the devil.
These entities, these demons and their leader have done this before.
So Christ said, I have many flocks.
And so if they're allowed to get away with this, this is what's going to happen.
Now, when we come back, I'm going to get into, I'm going to get out of the esoteric and the hidden and the occult and what the globalists actually believe into what they're doing.
And the organized planetary collapse that they are carrying out against humanity right now that is going to be irreversible within six months to a year from my analysis.
Now there's a lot of groups and organizations finally realizing how dire the straits are and moving against this.
But people need to know in case they're successful who did it and who engineered it.
So I'm going to lay all of that out When we return for several segments, then I'll get in all the latest news and incredible clips.
There's so much over-the-top news at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that is absolutely beyond essential that everyone must see and that everyone must share.
And it's not going to get...
Move down the field.
Unless you do it.
So I'm asking you to go to InfoWars.com.
There's videos at the top.
Scroll down.
All the different articles.
Look throughout the entire site.
Go to NewsWars.com.
It's not as censored as InfoWars.com.
So when you share it on Twitter and Facebook and places, they don't immediately, you know, block it.
And then you don't get slapped on the wrist or banned.
So NewsWars.com.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The globalists and tyrants everywhere seek control.
Dumb down masses so they can play God.
And the American system of true rugged individualism, the Wild Wild West, everything we've been through, our entire history, beating the British Empire when no one else had ever done it up until that time, and it was ragtag forces that did it, is the stuff of legend.
And that's why the globalists want to break up our families and demoralize us and give us false histories about our country so that they can break us down and control us.
It's classic military tactics that when you occupy a nation and the people aren't giving up, you demoralize them, you teach them that they're bad people, you turn them against each other.
But humanity is smarter than that.
Despite all the cultural attacks, all the biological attacks, all the GMO, all the vaccines, all of it, still, humanity is beginning to awaken.
Not just here, but from Brazil, to Japan, to the coast of Spain, to Catalonia, to the great folks in Greece, right through Europe and France.
And then you're UK and Canada.
And so the authoritarians are cracking down to make us submit and break our will.
And the tighter they squeeze, the more people are going to wake up and resist.
But it's an incredibly dangerous time as well.
And that's why listeners and viewers have to understand that this is very, very close.
They are attacking and savagely destroying and trying to defeat anybody they can.
ahead of major moves they're going to pull in the next year.
This is the most critical time in human development. Everybody sees it, they
feel it. I love fighting the globeless, but I don't like having to sit up
here and ask for your support. So when I do it, I make sure it's something you
really need so I feel good about pushing it. Gosh, if I was selling tickets to
Vegas to go gambling, I'd think I'd jump off a cliff, but I'm promoting water
filtration for you and your children.
That's a must.
All the stuff from the water table, I'm promoting air filtration.
Promoting non-GMO heirloom seeds that are great to plant, whether you're in the city or out in the countryside.
I promote great supplements.
I promote t-shirts.
I treat you like I want to be treated.
I just automatically can't do things that are bad to people.
When I am bad, I feel really sorry for you.
And so you're getting a straight shoot here.
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We need your help.
I want to thank you all that have and encourage those that haven't.
What are you thinking, man?
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And it's not like we're selling stuff you don't need, you don't want.
The air in the average American home is filled with toxins that put it on par with a major city.
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You will notice the difference, ladies and gentlemen, with the Alexa Pure Breeze in your house.
Don't live In a polluted major city, in your home, have clean air.
Go to Infowarsstore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, you, for whatever reason, have decided to go visit Infowars.com or Newswars.com
or your local radio station or TV station and turn on the forbidden broadcast.
And so that's why I think it's really important that I just square up to you and shoot you straight about what's really going on and really unfolding in this world.
And just be completely honest with everybody.
Now, a lot of folks are going to say, well, what's this paradox?
You're saying Trump's doing a lot of really good stuff.
Nationalists are getting elected.
Globalism is fatally flawed.
Even the globalists admit it's dead on arrival.
But then you're saying we're six months to a year from a total planetary collapse.
And a lot of what you've said comes true, Jones.
Why are you saying this?
Well, I think you know better than I.
Especially if you've traveled the world.
The planet is the most unstable it's ever been.
The population is bigger than it's ever been.
Corporations and governments are more ruthless than they've ever been.
Africa is a hellhole everywhere now, including Libya and South Africa that were two relatively safe, good places that were developing civilization.
Those have been purposely brought down.
The Middle East is doubling its population every 20 years.
It'll be 3 billion in 2030.
They're 1.8 billion right now, and they're radicalized.
And they believe they have a right.
The Muslims believe they have a right to rule.
And they've been brought in by the West to dynamite the borders with Europe.
And to cause a total societal implosion.
And then you've got the Latin American population that's doubled in the last 30 years, set to double again.
And they're all being taught by westernized media, corporate media, western media that goes into their countries to tell them America sucks, white people are all evil, and you'll get everything free in America.
I mean, just add all that together.
So what am I getting at here?
I could go on for hours about the evidence of the collapse.
The big key, the key, is this is being engineered, the globalists admit they're engineering it, and it can be stopped.
So when you see AOC and Beto O'Rourke and the UN and all of them saying, there'll be no human life in 12 years, and you sit back and you go, that's crazy.
They're being given that talking point.
They're just meat puppets.
But that's what school children are being taught.
So we all laugh at it, but it's not a laughing matter.
So this is a plan, and they're implanting in our minds to prepare and accept societal collapse, to give up on our life force, to give up on trying to be good change agents in the world, to stop this and make the world better, to give up on ourselves, our children, on civilization.
To demoralize us, show the psychic compulsion has been put in our minds to hate ourselves and to believe we're a cancer, and it's a self-fulfilling prophecy when the whole system goes down.
And folks, a world system with 7.5 billion people going down will make Road Warrior look like a tea party.
It'll be nuclear reactors melting down, exploding, going out.
It'll be giant uncontrolled forest fires.
It'll be everything you see compacted and worse and roving hordes of people running around engaging in societal and then literal cannibalism.
And that's why of all the zombie movies and all the shows, Getting You Ready, The Road, Viggo Mortensen.
Viggo's a good guy.
The Rockefeller Foundation got that book, promoted it, made the movie.
Look it up!
Read the books, even worse.
Babies getting cooked on spits.
But that really happens in the real world within about 15 days of no food and water.
People string kids up, and they eat them.
So, the veneer of civilization's almost gone.
The purposeful takedown of the planet, right as we prepare to go to jump point, not just to the stars, but to other dimensions.
The establishment's obsessed with the technology they've got.
They're obsessed with the breakaway civilization.
They've got life extension.
They've already got everything.
For all intents and purposes, they found forms of immortality.
And they're able to push off death so far they believe they'll have true immortality within 50 years.
And so, we're just an afterthought.
You see, globalism was always meant to fail.
But for the acolytes, the sub-level, not the actual elite, but the sub-oids, the professors, the technicians, they believe they're taking over the earth to save the planet, and it's their right to rule and organize society.
That's why they're going to reduce population.
If you're just kind of a mid-level person, you're told 80%.
If you're higher level, you're told 90%.
If you're really high level, you're told 99% of humans will be taken out.
And if you're in that maybe 2,000 people that have been given the whole ball of wax, the whole pitcher, You're told humans are an abomination and our God says he will give us the codes to merge with silicon and truly live forever with him and be uploaded to the consciousness and then move on to the next planet.
You're like, wait a minute, I read an Arthur C. Clarke book called Childhood's End that the whole media pushed and loved and it was so good and so wonderful.
Arthur C. Clarke was in the real Illuminati.
He was in the real Crowley type groups.
They just used Crowley to put out some of their info.
Crowley didn't come up with any of it.
He was in MI6, OSS before that.
Total highest level.
So see, you read those books, you watch those movies, and let me explain something to you.
They're telling you how the cow ate the cabbage.
You understand?
They're telling you how the cow ate the cabbage.
Who came up with Enigma code machines that could break German codes?
The British.
Who came up with all the spy grids and all the systems we know about?
The British.
Who came up with everything?
And they make the joke, why can't they design an automobile that works?
Doesn't break down, because they're not interested in automobiles.
It's all mind war.
The British created Hitler, set him up, had a treaty with him.
to set up the European Union.
They even had the king ready to sit on the throne of Europe.
Betrayed the Germans, set them up.
And yeah, the Nazis were evil, but who's really bad?
You see, you've got to think multi-steps here to understand this show.
Our country and the world is being purposely collapsed from the family level to the cellular level To the neighborhood level, to the town, county, state, federal, international, everything is about sucking out energy, sucking out hope, sucking out resources, dumbing people down, killing human exploration of space, teaching everyone that it's all a simulation and none of it matters, so you give up hope, so you have no destiny.
Now you can say this is some psychotic group that just has these visions, And have created these entities in their minds as an alter ego that they communicate with in their giant psychosis to carry out these operations against us.
But one way or the other, the heads of the major intelligence agencies and all these other groups believe they're following the orders of an eternal being that they believe is God.
Now there are more and more groups that are saying, we don't want to go with that God and kill everybody.
That's good.
Let's go with Jesus.
That's the real God.
Not Lucifer.
Not the devil that Arthur C. Clarke would tell you is good.
I hope every man, woman, and child out there watching and listening to me right now is thanking God for how far we've come.
All over the world, nationalist and pro-capitalist forces are winning elections and turning the tide against the globalists.
It's incredible.
And right here in America, we saw President Trump win Despite being outspent 10 to 1 by Hillary and the Deep State.
Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
We saw the media look like fools when Trump got elected.
Their credibility brought to almost zero.
And now you've seen their whole Russiagate fraud.
Their attempted coup against the voters of this nation, not just the President.
Their criminal activity now exposed and blown wide open.
It was broken very strongly.
No collusion.
No obstruction.
No nothing.
We are on the offense.
They are on the defense.
But we've got to press the attack politically and not stop.
Because the enemy's going to strike back.
With false flags like Smollett tried to stage to cause a race war and so much more.
The Covington kids, they tried to stage that event.
But all of these staged events are falling on their face by the grace of God and acting through you.
People out there videotaping public events.
People keeping their eyes open.
People keeping their ear to the ground.
Folks are active, they're aware, and they understand the globalist paradigm.
And there's so many other things.
That the establishment's doing that is just unraveling.
Like all these governors passing laws to kill babies after they're born and then defending it.
It's insane.
The choice between good and evil has never been clearer.
And the 1776 worldwide that you and I and all of us together launched Is what the globalists fear, the renaissance.
So I salute you and I thank you.
And I encourage you to be part of this revolution even more.
Because you've seen the effect and you've seen the victory.
But the enemy again is now launching counter-offensives.
And so your prayers and your support of Infowars are more important than ever.
Your word of mouth is paramount.
And your purchase of great products that you and your family already need is essential.
We're gonna have to end one of the biggest sales in our history, if not the biggest.
50 to 60% off storewide.
Free shipping store-wide, double Patriot points, and so much more, the Save the First Amendment Mega Special.
We've got to end it by early next week, Monday or Tuesday at the max, because so many of the great products are on the verge of selling out, or have already sold out, because people really respond to these sales.
Many of these items are lost leaders, but I want you to see how incredible they are.
Whether it's X2, whether it's Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, whether it's the Great Fish Oil, whether it's the Ultimate Bone Broth Formula, the attributes and the strength of these products is unparalleled, just like our information.
And it supports the broadcast, so it is the total 360 win.
We have come so far together and now the president is preparing to go on the offense against the censors.
He's taking action against the universities and their authoritarian anti-free speech policies.
This is an incredible time to be alive, and our prayers are being answered.
So, I want to thank you.
I want to thank God.
I want to thank my family.
I want to thank the crew.
I want to thank the President.
And I want to thank everybody that stood up for the First Amendment.
And I just want to encourage everybody, now is the center of the fight.
Now is the time to be the most focused.
We need your financial support.
Please take action.
Tomorrow's news.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Adam Lankford.
(upbeat music)
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
1884 is 1776 you're listening to the Alex Jones Show Along this current trajectory
There will be people who can no longer live in the cities that they call home today.
There is food grown in this country that will no longer prosper in these soils.
There is going to be massive migration of tens or hundreds of millions of people from countries that are literally uninhabitable or underwater that are above the sea right now.
This is our final chance.
The scientists are absolutely unanimous on this.
That we have no more than 12 years to take incredibly bold action on this crisis.
The crisis that could, at its worst, lead to extinction.
I think that the part of it that is generational is that Millennials and people and you know Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up and we're like The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don't address climate change and your biggest issue is
Your biggest issue is how are we going to pay for it?
And, like, this is the war.
This is our World War II.
That's right.
It's your world war against humanity.
Saying we're bad, we're killing the Earth, while the globalists are creating all the Terminator seeds, all the genetic engineering, all the human-animal hybrids, all the toxic waste, all the thousands of nuclear weapons they detonated in the upper atmosphere trying to ignite it.
That's even on History Channel.
They tried to burn up the atmosphere, the globalists did.
Their God wasn't powerful enough to do it yet.
So they're trying to bring down the pillars of Earth and destroy the planet.
And they tell us they want to save it, put them in charge, pay Lord Rothschild, pay the Rockefellers, pay the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Obama and Al Gore that owns part of it.
Billions of dollars a day to drive your car, live your life, and everything you do is then surveilled.
See, first it was Al Gore saying in 2003 that by 2017 that all the major cities would be underwater.
Sea levels are the exact same height.
Some measurements are half inch higher, half inch lower.
San Francisco actually has, last time I checked a few years ago, lower tides than they did in the 1850s.
But it doesn't matter.
You're bad and she's going to save you.
In fact, there's a clip.
I forgot to give it to you guys.
It was in a Jonathan Tillove, fawning article he did for the Statesman.
But he did shoot a bunch of videos himself on his iPhone that are pretty good.
I meant to give it to you.
And Beethoven's like, we're the only hope of the earth!
And spazzing his hands.
White people don't know what it's like to be poor!
Have you noticed how much he's got that weird, like Connecticut accent or something?
I just can't stand it, man.
His father-in-law, his whole family, they're a bunch of dirty carpetbaggers, man.
They come down here and they feed off Latinos and white people, black people.
I mean, his whole family is just scum of the earth.
Eddie Haskell meets Count Dracula.
Meets kind of a microwave Kennedy.
And then you've got The automaton, who's there, just like AOC, just total puppets that'll do whatever they're told.
The Earth is gone.
We're all dead in 12 years.
Like, ha!
The globalists are purposely collapsing the third world.
They're purposely opening our borders.
They're advertising, come here, to the poorest people, so that as they collapse things, they say, see?
It's climate change that's causing borders to collapse.
Not the UN funding it.
Not George Soros getting taxpayer money and sending people in.
And so, the communists, the socialists, the brainwashed SJWs of the Middle East...
And of Latin America and of Africa are put in refugee camps.
They just leave one country that's internal.
They go to the one that's on a port.
The UN's there and they ship them by boat.
They fly them by plane.
They march their ass up and they just pour in.
And everybody's freaking out over all this.
These are the people that the UN wants the whole world to see borders gone.
Only a third of the people coming in are actually marching in.
They're flying in on airplanes.
People say, oh, Trump shouldn't care about this.
Only a third of who's coming in.
Yeah, but he knows the visual is just like with Europe, because it was less than a third 10 years ago in Europe that we're walking in.
But once it triggers the mega collapse, and once the collapse happens, can you imagine we don't have a border?
And let's say a bioweapon gets released in Venezuela, or Paraguay, or somewhere, or Chile, and the domino effect of hundreds of millions dying and rampaging forward, and we don't have a border when we border hell.
Oh, there's a lot of great people, a lot of great things down there, but it's hell now.
It's unstable, it's dangerous, it's scary, and the establishment keeps people in poverty as a tool of economic domination and control.
And so the people get tired of the lawlessness of the government and not letting them have prosperity, so they start taking guns in their hands.
And they start saying, I'm gonna do what I want because this is a lawless system, and the social contract is broken.
And then all hell is released.
We have deviated from the plan that we know works, that God gave us, the Bible.
You can have the exact same Africans in Rwanda, there's many other cases all over the world.
You have the exact same people, same genetics.
People all, you know, very similar genetics.
And you'll have one tribe that's animist, or Islamic, or anything else, and they just can't get their act together.
And then you'll have a tribe that's Christian.
And they always produce, on average, 20 times The prosperity of any other group.
20 times.
20 times more productive Christians.
And I don't mean fake, establishment, megachurch Christians.
I mean real Christians produce, on average, when they're right next door to heathen, with the same genetics, 20 times.
And why is that?
Because a Christian sees somebody else as them and is a real collectivist, not a fake collectivist that lets some central government run everything and divvy up everything and then control and create command and control.
A Christian is strong and hardworking and bold and builds things and then sees others as themselves and tries to teach them how to fish, tries to build them up, tries to apprentice them, and then doesn't feel bad when they're strong.
A Christian See someone that they help become more successful than them, and they feel good.
Because they have a connection.
I am the ultimate collectivist.
You will not find a bigger collectivist on this planet than Alex Jones.
And that's why I'm a total individualist.
Because each of us is a cell and I've got to be strong and not be cancerous and I've got to stand against the cancer and stand against the evil and be as strong as I can in what I do to try to lift up the entire system.
That's what Christ does.
So how does the devil fight something that's collectivist, but individualistic, and competitive, and it builds everything, and will warp us past the stars?
Like that.
Eye has not seen, ears not heard, but God has in store.
Just seconds in history's time frame, we're just almost at the finish line.
And the devil and all his minions are, NO!
You're not gonna have it!
You're not gonna have it!
You're not gonna have life extension, you're not gonna have all the dimensions.
No, no, no, because they're all the failures.
The interdimensional scum.
The trash.
The viruses, the program for us to kill ourselves.
Like why in all the literature from every culture demons want you to hurt kids and burn down buildings and kill crops and have famine and starving people and death?
Because it's a weapon.
It's a weapon fired into our psyche to make us destroy ourselves.
It's a torpedo.
And we have to just say, no, we don't accept the torpedo.
We don't accept the operating system of the crazed, demoniac garbage.
Anybody can tune into that crap.
We need to tune out of it.
Because the whole universe is like a giant spectrum radio transmission.
You can dial into anything you want.
Jeffrey will.
How about you dial into God?
They are trying to collapse the planet right now to take everybody out.
We're nip and tuck here.
Everybody's got to be more involved than ever.
Praying, being involved, and standing against globalism, and the UN, and open borders, and their entire plan.
Whatever they're pushing, it's death and destruction.
All the proof's there.
So oppose everything the UN and CNN says, and you'll do great.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jessica.
She was talking about the Virginia governor.
Jessica, you're on the air.
Looks like he'll be resigning soon.
What do you think?
I hope so.
I never liked him from the beginning.
I remember that President Obama endorsed him and that was a big, I thought that would be a big wake-up call to people, but apparently it wasn't.
But we keep the babies comfortable.
I can't really do his fake Southern accent, but it's just, I love Southerners, you know, I'm from Texas, kind of Southern, but it's like the fakeness of that sicky sweet, let's stay out of the ladies area, kill that baby.
I think because he's a pediatrician, he's used to people, you know, kind of responding to that voice he does, but it sickens me that he's a pediatrician and he's pushing what he's pushing.
But we're going to make the baby comfortable.
Oh my gosh, it's so sickening.
Well, we know in end times this is the stuff that happens.
That's why I'm so proud of you and the InfoWars team for all that you do.
And I love, I wanted to say I love your products.
I have X2 and the Selenium for my thyroid and I have to say that it's worked wonders.
The BrainForce Plus is amazing.
Me and my family take it every day and I mean you really can feel what it does.
And usually I get a lot of brain fog from the thyroid issue, and that helps tremendously.
And the knockout helps me sleep at night, especially when I have something important I have to get up and do in the morning, and I don't feel that groggy feeling.
And we use the toothpaste.
We love the toothpaste.
My son uses the krill oil for some issues that he deals with.
My husband is a hardwood floor installer.
He loves the bodies, and he loves the Red Pill Plus.
And we're going to try the Turbo Force next.
I really want to get that Turbo Force because my son loves going to the gym and he needs something for a booze.
Well, Jessie, I appreciate your support, but let me be honest with you.
Only take a half pack at the first time.
It's just, it's kind of like good crack.
So, I'm almost embarrassed.
Everybody should be careful with it.
It's the next level.
It's insane.
I really am glad that I'm able to help the fight for truth and freedom and liberty and I don't know what where I would be and what I would think if I didn't have people like you on air who have just stayed strong through it all.
So I just want to encourage you I mean, I don't know what we would do.
We wouldn't have anybody.
If there wasn't you, I mean, I don't know that anybody else would be on the air doing it.
Like you said, you're the tip of the spear, so I really appreciate you and what you say, you know, helps me stay connected to the truth.
It helps me stay connected to God, and I can't say enough about how much I love InfoWars, how much I love the products, but I would like to have some female cut shirts.
No, no, I totally agree.
We put out the one gold foil female shirt that was a big hit, and we're just brain dead.
But I promise, that's our number one complaint, is from women.
We've only got a couple shirts that are cut for females.
We will get it done for you.
But Jessica, you give me strength to go on, and your husband, and your family, because just hearing what's in your voice, the The powerful feminine energy and then the male energy together, all of us focused together against the globalists, is unstoppable.
And that's why they're attacking that sacred system of the family, of all of us together.
We are humanity.
We are the experience.
We are everything.
And so you've just got my commitment to fight on.
But let me tell you, I'm obnoxious most of the time.
I'm burnout.
Hearing you, I want to just say this.
I'm not just telling you this.
You are the info war.
You're the power of the whole thing.
And that's why I get so freaked out about begging the audience for help, because it's the truth.
I mean, I'm not just saying it.
If you weren't here, standing in the way, they would have already destroyed me.
But we're in this together.
So God bless you, Jessica from Virginia.
And yeah, looking at that little pathetic gremlin governor.
Of course he's KKK.
Who the hell wants to harvest babies' organs?
That's what that's all really about.
These are demons.
But thanks to you and others, we're going to win.
Thank you so much.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
This broadcast is all about love.
You know, I'm gonna get into this later with Barnes.
He's really a smart cookie in studio.
We're gonna have a whole bunch of issues when he's with us next hour.
But it's just crazy how In this whole Shandy Hook thing, these Democrat lawyers run by Senator Blumenthal, runs the whole thing, runs the law firm suing me, everything.
They literally keep going, give us the marketing plans and how you made money off Shandy Hook.
And I'm like, you're the ones that made that up.
I hardly ever talked about it.
I'm sick of it.
They're like, well, where are the emails?
Hey, you know, Media Matters spied on me for over a decade knows, have I ever given an email out on there?
I got rid of Alex Jones or Alex and InfoWars like 12 years ago, because I was getting 10,000 emails a day and it was crashing the servers.
And so now I have been literally with three different law firms, not believing me, tearing everything out of the walls.
To find this imaginary stuff.
I was like, what?
But they say your whole life is Sandy Hook!
And any listener knows it's not.
What, I might talk about it once every three months or something?
When a caller brings it up?
Until Megyn Kelly made it my identity and came down here and all that crap?
And the thing is, then I start talking to the people and they're like, yeah, they say the Mercer's run you and the Russians and there's all these secret things and you don't really sell supplements or t-shirts or anything.
And I'm like, well, that's not true.
It's okay.
I won't tell anybody.
And I'm like, you know what?
I get it.
None of you people are self-made.
I'm talking about my audience.
You've made him feel worse.
These lawyers and the politicians and these people, they actually believe that there is some magic group funding us because they are all controlled.
And they wouldn't know the light if it appeared right in front of them.
It's the craziest damn thing I've ever seen.
I just want to say, thank God.
I don't live anywhere around these so-called elites.
I mean, I get the willies in D.C.
New York's a little different.
There's so many regular people that kind of like New York, but you get around the elitist, then I get the willies.
L.A., I just, it's like torture to go there.
I mean, I'm not afraid of a lot of stuff or get depressed about anything, but I, I get upset.
When I've got to go to Los Angeles.
I'm going to be there next week.
Because it's just, it's empty.
It's the spirit.
It's the vampirism.
The cultural vampirism.
All of it.
I just, ugh.
But man, I get out in Big Bend in the middle of the desert.
And I feel God so close.
Or I go into some little Mexican cantina with some poor family, cooking enchiladas and tacos, and you just feel God's strength so great.
You know, I'm not against the poor people who want to be in this country.
I'm against how they're being used as a weapon to bring everything down.
But Los Angeles is hell on earth.
I asked Joe Rogan, I said, how do you live in this hell pit?
And he said, well, it's where all my friends are at, and it's where I can go test my comedy out on big crowds.
If Joe Rogan's anything, he's not a podcaster, he's not the top UFC guy at Colin Feitz.
He is a... comedy guy.
Whatever that biggest comedy place is there in L.A.
I checked the name.
Comedy store, whatever it's called.
I got invited to go speak there next Tuesday.
And I said, OK, I will.
And they got so many threats.
They said, oh, sorry, you can't come speak here.
And by the way, this is a place where you can do anything you want.
But see, Alex Jones is reboting.
Hey, put me in that briar patch every day.
That just makes what we do that much stronger.
Because people know, wow, this is the thing.
We're really not supposed to hear what this guy's talking about.
I mean, these comics said, we've never seen anybody banned.
from speaking at this.
Not in its huge history.
And it was just a small stop on all the stuff I'm doing while I'm out there.
A lot of surprises next week.
Just look for that.
I think people can put two and two together.
But it's just crazy.
It's just abs... and then also the left gets this pleasure.
It's like I went out last Saturday, not this Saturday, but last Saturday with Joe.
It was all over the news what happened.
I went and ate at the steak place where he was staying.
It was really good.
I don't know, it's a hotel steak.
It's like the best steak I've ever had.
He's like, yeah, I heard it's really good here.
So we sit there by the river and have dinner.
And he goes, OK, I'm leaving.
I got to go do my comedy thing.
OK, great.
And my wife didn't like her lobster tacos.
They weren't bad, but she just didn't like them.
Because when you're down in Mexico a few weeks before eating fresh ones, they show you the lobster and kill it.
Versus, you know, the steak was great, the lobster wasn't good.
She wanted to go to the Lucy's Fried Chicken, where they have oysters and stuff.
Oysters Rockefeller, if you like sauce.
I was full.
I was just drinking beer.
I didn't even eat anything.
So we're in there.
These people come over and yell and scream at us and do all those three times, then confront us when we try to leave, so I blow up at them.
To the statesman's credit, they actually went and found out.
Oh, we like Alex.
Comes in all the time.
Big tipper.
They started fights with him three times.
We threw them out.
Now, the statesman didn't add that part, but they admitted they started the fight.
No, they told those people, you're banned.
Don't ever come in here.
But see, I was leaving, so the news was, Jones is thrown out.
And again, it's not about me, it's about how these people lie in the media incessantly.
When I was out at the Beto O'Rourke rally, last Saturday, not the one before, just a few days ago, they were all screaming, why did you get kicked out of Lucy's?
Everybody, hey, he got through out of Lucy's.
They're like kindergartners.
That was their power!
Is you got thrown out!
You got thrown out!
Their mindset are little pathetic follower weaklings who all get in groups and then try to bully people.
We've got an incredible video next hour coming up of that.
It's on InfoWars.com with this poor old Jewish man wearing his Make America Great Again hat.
And he's like, I wear it because they bully people.
I don't want to be bullied, but I've got to stand up against bullies.
This is dangerous.
She said, I'm going to destroy you, I'm going to get you fired, I'm going to annihilate your life, I'm going to do all this.
Of course, she lost her job.
But these people are real authoritarians.
I don't just throw that word around.
They have the instinct, they have the gangsterism, they have the behavior, and they're nuts.
And so, yeah, I just wanted to drink my beer and let my wife eat her, and the babysitter had to go home.
Because we ended up letting the babysitter go early because, oh, I didn't finish the Joe Rogan story.
So, I was going to go see Joe's show the night before, because he has Friday and Saturday, four shows at the Cap City Comedy Club, where I've been 50 times.
And all of a sudden, the owner calls him up crying.
And says, you can't have him here, I'm scared.
He's so bad, what he did to those children.
He just keeps attacking them.
I heard NPR, where he goes to their houses and he's harassing them.
And Joe said, you know, that's not true.
He never said that.
And for years, he said it happened.
He just said it on my podcast a month ago.
And she goes, no, that's not true.
Here's a guy that fills up her deal four times all sold out.
He's lucky in his own words.
She's lucky he goes there.
He fills up arenas with 30,000 people now.
He goes there to test out his stuff on a crowd of 1,000.
I mean, he just called me.
He said, look, I'll get you in to make an issue if you want.
And I said, no, that's fine, man.
I was just coming out because you invited me.
I do want to see your new comedy stuff.
But imagine, imagine the mindset where if they were in power, These leftists, they want to take everything from us.
Because they live off us.
They live off producers.
And so, they know we're trying to not be their slaves anymore.
And so they're getting pissed.
That's what this comes down to.
I got a whole other topic I'm gonna get to, and I got a big Trump announcement he just made live that I wanted to get to, but I didn't get to it this segment.
I have it plugged once this hour, and if I do that, if I plug, we can fund the operation.
If I don't, we get shut down, so...
I am our biggest enemy around here.
I really am.
And I appreciate the listeners coming through the way you've come through because we don't have the Mercers or the Russians or George Soros funding us.
The whole damn left, every one of their operations is losing money and they've all got to get propped up by these billionaire leftists.
And they just can't believe we're so popular because you support us and spread the word.
They just cannot... I've had my own lawyers say, listen, there's no way you fund yourself.
Give me the Mercer documents.
And I say, I've never talked to the Mercers or gotten a dollar.
It's okay, I know you get the money from them, just give it to me.
And it's because the left, ladies and gentlemen, are children.
They never built a damn thing in their lives.
It's crazy to them.
Anyways, you built this whole operation.
You and I, we built the InfoWars.
It's ours!
It's America!
And it's winning!
The sale has to end in the next 48 hours.
Free shipping store-wide.
50-60% off all supplements.
A bunch of other big specials.
Get a Verboten t-shirt.
Just get in there.
Sign up for auto-ship on things like coffee and fish oil you're going to want to reorder.
I salute you and I thank you for standing against the enemy.
[Sounds of a jet taking off]
[Radio chatter]
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Chief Kerish did say today that they have reached over 300,000 apprehensions along the
southwestern border for this fiscal year alone.
Now specifically here in the RGV, they have seen over 130,000.
CBP today released that they're expecting to apprehend over 55,000 family units for the month of March alone.
The fact of the matter is this is not an emergency and the president's fear-mongering doesn't make it one.
There is no crisis at the border.
I'll state that this is a manufactured crisis and a crisis that manufactured by the Trump administration.
But he clearly understands in his gut what stirs his base and he is determined to inflame these fears regardless of the facts or the effect this will have on the country.
What's at the core of this crisis is the Trump administration.
The reason the Democrats refuse to call this a crisis is because they see it as an opportunity.
CBP is facing an unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis all along our southwest border.
The Mexican Interior Secretary said that they're planning to see come through Mexico the mother of all caravans.
It is very definitely a crisis and the question is what do you do about it?
We will build a wall. We will build a wall. We will build a wall.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to the Antidote for Fake News.
It's Alex Jones.
You're looking at a true, organic expression of the will of humanity to be free.
Just like all the inventions and all the great ideas came from independent tinkers.
And I just love how the left and all of them are like, show us how you're funded by Trump.
Show us who runs you.
Show us what you, where you, why you're so successful.
Because I'm not a knuckle-dragging, low-IQ, inbred piece of trash like you.
You damned idiots.
Our enemies are pathetic, ladies and gentlemen.
Why do you think they want to suppress the general public?
Because they know you're waking people up.
All right, this happened about 30 minutes ago.
I wasn't going to play it.
I started ranting.
This is Trump on Mexico and how he is going to shut the border or put huge tariffs on him.
Let's go ahead and roll that right now.
This afternoon, I think you folks are going to be at it for a little while, at least.
The Vice Premier is here and lots of top people from China.
They very much want to make a deal.
We'll see what happens.
It's got to be a good deal.
It's got to be a great deal.
It's got to be a great look.
We've been losing over many years, four or five.
$600 billion a year.
We're losing, a few years ago, $200 billion routinely to China.
We can't do that.
We're going to turn it around.
It's got to be a great deal.
If it's not a great deal, we're not doing it.
But it's going very well.
Top officials are here.
And, you know, we're very well along on the deal.
It's a very complex deal.
It's a very big deal.
It's one of the biggest deals ever made.
Maybe the biggest deal ever made.
It'll be a great deal for our farmers.
Technology, intellectual property theft, everything is covered.
There's not a thing that's not covered.
We could have made a quickie, but we're in a very good position.
Our economy is way up.
China's not way up.
And we're going to either make a very good deal or we're not going to make a deal at all.
But I think it looks like the deal is moving along very nicely.
So I think you're going to meet me and we're going to say hello to the media for a little while, sometime after 2 o'clock.
Thank you, everybody.
A lot of good things are happening with Mexico.
Mexico understands that We're going to close the border or I'm going to tariff the cars.
I'll do one or the other and probably start off with the tariffs.
That'll be a very powerful incentive because Mexico has the strongest immigration laws anywhere in the world.
They don't have courts like we do.
We have a stupid system of courts.
It's the craziest thing in the world.
We could be the only country that has it.
You put a foot on the property.
You put a foot into the United States.
Go get Perry Mason to represent you.
You end up with a court case.
And then they release you, and you come back four or five years later, but nobody comes back.
Two percent come back.
The not-so-smart ones come back.
It's the most ridiculous system anyone's ever seen.
And we have catch-and-release, and we have chain migration, where somebody comes in and brings the whole family, bring them all, your grandparents, your brothers, your sisters, your cousins.
The craziest thing I've ever seen, put in by Democrats.
And the Democrats are going to straighten it out.
And if they don't straighten it out, And I predicted this.
I mean, I hate to see it, but at least I can say I was right.
I told everybody.
You have a national emergency at our border.
And nobody even talks about drugs.
The drugs that are flowing in.
So for the last four days, and you actually have covered it to a very minor extent, Mexico has been capturing people and bringing them back to their countries at their southern border.
They've been Taking people under their very powerful laws, they have the right to do it, and they're bringing them back to where they came from.
That's about three days now, I guess, since, frankly, since they heard I was going to close the border.
But before I close the border, if Mexico, and we love Mexico, we love the country of Mexico, we have two problems.
We have the fact that they allow people to pour in to our country.
We have to stop them.
Border Patrol's been incredible.
ICE has been incredible.
Law enforcement's been incredible.
And the other problem is drugs.
Massive amounts of a large, most of the drugs, much of the drugs coming into our country come through the southern border.
In all different ways.
Much of it, where we don't have walls.
The wall is under construction, by the way.
Large sections.
We're going to be meeting, I think, on Friday at a piece of the wall that we've completed.
A big piece.
A lot of it.
For months and months and months, CNN, BuzzFeed and others lobbied to have Alex Jones removed from social media.
He was removed from basically all the major social media platforms apart from Twitter.
And then they said, oh, you're not being banned.
You still have a platform on Twitter.
You still have an app in the App Store.
Banned by Twitter, banned by the App Store.
Oh, but you still have a website.
You still have InfoWars.
You still have a shop front.
And then what do we see?
Washington Post.
Oh my God, traffic to Alex Jones' InfoWars store has increased by 50%.
Maybe now we should look at that.
All the way down the line, they literally want to sabotage people's right to commerce.
They will not stop, which is why we need your support right now by getting the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
And again, we're not funded by giant fat checks from George Soros like Media Matters is to fund You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
by Gulf state dictatorships like CNN is, we're only funded by you, by getting the products
at Infowarsstore.com.
You are listening to an Infowars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Coming deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's
Alex Jones.
Well, during the break, we've got televisions and satellite feeds to now dozens of cable news channels and things going on.
Satellite feeds, you name it.
And I was listening to a Fox News guest.
We're trying to queue it up right now, but they're doing it on the fly in like one minute.
Great crew.
And the guest He's admitting that, well, the border's totally collapsed, and the Border Patrol and all the courts are overwhelmed, and there's a six-year backlog, and so basically the country's wide open.
And so Trump's saying he's going to close the border just to hope that people think it's closed and don't come up here, but it's all just a PR stunt because the border's gone.
And I don't blame the president for trying to make people think, you know, hey, we're going to close it, but unless he calls out a couple hundred thousand troops, And unless he puts major pressure on the Mexican government right now to stop this, it's done.
The country is broken.
You break somebody's border, it's over.
And that's what I'm getting at here, is the UN plan to break countries is to set up refugee centers, brainwash communists and socialists, tell them there's all this free crap, send them to our countries in Europe and the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Where the leftists pick them up on buses and take them and enroll them on welfare in sanctuary cities and get them jobs and then skim money off of them and money laundering.
The Democratic Party is a criminal group.
They have converted to the lowest person in the Democratic Party now.
Almost all of them are conscious criminals.
In Aliens, great movie.
Paxton, what's that actor's full name?
Paxton says, Game over, man!
Game over!
What do you mean they cut the power?
They're animals, man!
Game over!
It's game over.
Ultra-elites always use giant populations of dumbed-down people to control society and end middle classes.
Middle classes are the enemy of elites.
Just like firstborns were the enemies of ancient kings.
They were always ordering them sacrificed.
So, that's what this comes down to.
Speaking of that, there's a big article up on InfoWars.com of a Qatari sociologist, he's called.
So it's okay, I guess.
It's a Paul Joseph Watson article.
It was, Rob Doo discovered this.
On YouTube, on Islamic Health Channel, Talking about how you're supposed to beat your wife.
And I've seen the articles where the Islamicists are saying, hey, you know what?
It's getting a little bit embarrassing that Muslims are going to jail, breaking their wives' noses, killing them, doing all that.
We haven't taken America and Europe over yet.
So, we've got to come out and say, oh no, it's a loving slap, it's a loving hit.
And so really what this is, is shot peddling what Islam does.
We're going to show you, if you're a TV viewer, radio listeners are lucky they don't see this, just type in women acid attacks or women acid Islam and you'll see their whole faces burn off in the most monstrous things you could ever imagine.
Millions of women every decade or so are killed in Islam.
Until the family gets around and stones their mothers, stones their daughters.
They cut their noses off, burn their faces off.
Cut their clitorises off when they're born.
And this is just standard Islam.
You've got all these different members of Islam that have gotten into Congress, two of them.
And you've got the other usual suspects that lead women's marches.
Saying, this is Islam, we need to keep doing it.
So think about that.
And you've got the left out.
I mean, I told you I was in Isla Mujeres, an island off Mexico.
There was a gay wedding at the hotel we were at.
And I watched for three days the gay guys trying to kiss the ass of all these Muslims that were there wearing burqas.
And the women would go, get away from me!
Get away!
Get away!
They would talk.
They would just, ugh!
And the gay guys would grovel.
Oh God, you're a Muslim!
But guaranteed, those guys probably hate me because I'm a libertarian.
I mean, it's just, it's like a fetish to love your destroyers, to love your usurpers, to love those who destroy Western civilization and all the egalitarian freedom we have that these very people take advantage of and they don't care.
You never see the women on TV.
The thousands of acid attacks.
They have hundreds a month in London.
Women having their faces burned off.
And boy, it's covered up real fast.
So, I'm going to have to narrate this report.
We'll put it back on screen for me real quick.
I want to give people the headline because it's in Arabic.
Muslim sociologist gives instructional video on how to reportedly beat your wife.
Now, here's the deal.
It's the Muslims, though, I gotta give them credit, who are protesting drag queen story time and teaching five-year-olds how to get blowjobs in England.
Because that's what they do.
They have other adults come in from Nambla, basically, posing as drag queen story time and tell your kids, you know, that the boy can be a girl and a girl can be a boy.
Why would you put up with anybody else doing that?
So at least the Muslims have got that.
You know, the left and modern West is so bad, maybe Islam is a liberator.
Because here's the truth.
I've never slapped my two wives around.
But I'll tell you at the end of the day, kissing women's ass all day and doing whatever they want when they're getting grumpy moods or whatever only makes it worse.
So in a sick weird way, If there are some sick women like me slapped around, I'm not into that.
But see, what's sicker, teaching a kid, a five-year-old kid how to have sex with other people?
Is that worse, or slapping your wife around?
Which I'm against.
But the point is, the left totally defends this and covers up for it.
But because men now are not ever standing up for themselves, now a lot of women are actually marrying Muslims.
A lot of liberal women marry them, and they like it!
In fact, statistically, liberal women are more into being slapped, beaten.
I've got a buddy who's in politics.
He likes to date.
Dear viewers, many people, especially people who are married, would like to know how to beat one's wife.
around called a pig all this that's not women I'm into I'm into my wife but the
point is is that that's who these people are and they love Islam they love 50
Shades of Grey so let's go ahead and play this sickening video
Dear viewers many people especially people who are married would like to
know how to beat one's wife how does a husband beat his wife he gives her
disciplinary beating out of love He loves her.
The beating should be light and must make the wife feel her femininity and her husband's masculinity.
Now, let's see how Islam teaches how to beat your wife.
The husband must make his wife feel his strength.
Why aren't you listening to me?
How many times do I have to tell you?
How many times do I have to tell you to listen?
Do I have to tell you not to leave the house without permission?
Hit pause there.
Back it up, please.
So again, he's here whitewashing this whole thing.
And this was allowed on YouTube, Twitter, everywhere.
And I say leave it up.
This maniac has his rights.
But I can't be on there, but this guy can sit there and do all this.
Let's continue.
You see, a little bit of a rebuke.
Obviously, she's starting to talk back.
I told you not to leave the house.
How many times did I tell you?
See how he's beating.
Back it up again.
He's talking too fast.
And I'm reading this here, ladies and gentlemen.
Go back.
Hit play.
See how the beating?
I told you not to leave the house.
The beating is life.
Don't leave the house again.
Do you understand?
Yes or no?
You see, brothers, this is the beating of Islam.
But some people punch her or slap her in the face.
That's not allowed.
The Prophet Muhammad, look how merciful Islam is.
The Prophet forbids striking the face.
Slapping the face, hitting the head, punching the nose, all this is prohibited.
The beating is for discipline.
Don't leave the house again.
Listen to what I'm saying.
Then it goes on from there.
It's all up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
We've got more of this.
Robert Barnes is coming up.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
Brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine.
But a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
I smell the blood of an Englishman.
Be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
But I was able to secure with the original manufacturer A better deal by breaking my deal with them and playing guts ball where it's only been sold out for a couple months and we got the new deal done just about a month ago and they are manufacturing it now so people get on the waiting list in about two weeks we'll be shipping x2 original all deep earth crystal pure atomic iodine directly to your door
Across the world.
X2's back.
It'll be here in two weeks.
This is a blessing, so get yours at InfoWarsTore.com today.
Again, thank you for your support.
Support your own body with the purest, best iodine out there.
X2 at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Good evening, everybody.
It may be time to declare war outright against the deep state and clear out the rot in the upper levels of the FBI and the Justice Department.
The media is rushing to slander and discredit those of us that are exposing this.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
There are new concerns that anti-Trump FBI officials formed even a secret society at the FBI to subvert the president after his election.
Stop there.
A secret society?
Secret meetings offside of the Justice Department?
Secret societies?
He can't make this stuff up.
Let me give you one bottom line.
As a former government official, government's gonna kill this guy.
You take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.
It's one giant incestuous circle of corruption.
Look, the CIA is a rogue agency.
The White House and the President are citing info wars.
We have to start getting ready for insurrection and civil war because they're really pushing it.
What are we going to do if they kill the President and then order their local governments and their local federal branches to come arrest thousands of resistance leaders?
If they kill Trump or remove Trump, it will cause a massive civil war in this country.
This is a FEMA high-level alert.
This is a national emergency.
Important instructions will follow.
Remain calm. Go indoors immediately and stay indoors.
This is an emergency broadcast from FEMA.
In compliance with the United Nations, the Department of Homeland Security has declared martial law.
City officials have called for military help.
Planes and troops are expected to arrive within the next two hours.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
It's Atlas Joker.
(dramatic music)
It's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Strange days have found us Strange days have tracked us down
They're going to destroy Our eyes shield will judge
We shall go on playing our farts Silicon Valley has been operating like a mafia, Don.
Alright, Facebook is being slapped with yet another lawsuit.
It comes, by the way, of Washington, D.C.' 's Attorney General, Carl Racine, who labeled the social network a digital gangster Friday in a D.C.
Superior Court.
Moore and another ex-Google employee, David Goodman, are suing that company.
They're accusing Google of systemic bias against white employees, men, and conservatives.
A Republican lawmaker is suing Twitter for $250 million, alleging defamation and claiming he is the victim of hundreds of hateful tweets.
Apple's situation from an antitrust perspective I think is going to be hard to defend because at the end of the day, the issues that we worry about with other monopolists come to bear here, which is this notion of being a market maker and at the same time being the owner of one of the participants in the market.
Whether it's the Bill of Rights or advertising competition, the little people have been stepped on by overzealous nerds saturated with tech-dominated power and given slaps on the wrist by the U.S.
Congress after blatantly violating our First Amendment rights.
So you're telling me nothing at all, then, with China?
We do provide, you know, for example, Android, which is an operating system.
We work with partners around the world, and there are OEM manufacturers around the world, including in China.
So, manufacturers, but beyond manufacturers, any other platform use?
We don't have any special agreements on user data.
To the Chinese government?
That's right.
However, in Europe, the tables are slowly turning on the Silicon Valley overlords.
Of course, the little people are still going to get the short end.
EU regulators have been pummeling Google with antitrust penalties.
Multi-billion dollar fines that have been generally laughed off as parking tickets.
Recently, as WRAL reported, the EU's competition commissioner Margaret Vestager announced the results of the long-running probe of Google's AdSense advertising business at a news conference in Brussels.
The commission found that Google and its parent company, Alphabet, breached EU antitrust rules by imposing restrictive clauses and contracts with websites that use AdSense, preventing Google rivals from placing their ads on these sites.
Following the Christchurch New Zealand shooting, the threat of arrests in Silicon Valley is starting to get a real response.
And now Mark Zuckerberg has raised the white flag after sheepishly banning white nationalists from his platform.
He believes new regulation is needed in four areas across the internet.
Harmful content, election integrity, privacy, and data portability.
Zuckerberg said, every day we make decisions about what speech is harmful, what constitutes political advertising, and how to prevent sophisticated cyber attacks.
Zuckerberg is panicking from taking all the blame for getting mega-rich off a platform liable for everything from live-streaming mass shootings to organizing genocide in Myanmar.
But in the end, Silicon Valley's power-mad mistakes and submission could transform the Internet into something resembling China's social credit system.
Where everything you do online is monitored and used against the individual in the name of centralized control, rendering the old internet a once useful tool for humankind.
We are slowly venturing into the unknown, as online freedom becomes a thing of the past.
John Bowne reporting.
You know, someone very profoundly once said, many years ago, that if fascism ever comes to America, it'll come in the name of liberalism.
I'm a nasty woman.
All right.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Robert Barnes is our guest, and I don't want to sit here and make this show about myself, so we're not going to spend a lot of time in the next hour and a half that he's going to be with us and taking some calls towards the end of the next hour talking about my case and what's going on and the attack on the First Amendment.
But there are a lot of big headlines out there, so we'll do part of one segment Robert, if you're good for that.
When we come back with all these different headlines and all this different disinformation that is out there in the news, because they admit this is the kill shot, this is take out the First Amendment.
They're also trying to get Tucker Carlson now because he has more viewers than all of CNN combined.
And so their response is he's racist, take him off the air.
It's the same thing over and over again.
Yeah, it's the press and the politicians and groups like Media Matters who are using the case and using various tactics, including these advertisement suppression, where they're trying to basically prevent advertisers from advertising and supporting people like Tucker Carlson, trying to go after, obviously, to de-platform across the board.
You now have Zuckerberg wanting the state to sort of officially approve and sanction his censorship activities.
So, it's systematic, it's across the board.
You're seeing in Georgia, even Republican legislators suggesting setting up a journalistic board that's now going to monitor, have the government regulate who is and who isn't in the media, who can and can't speak as part of the media.
And Christina Amanpour has Comey online.
Shouldn't we arrest people that criticize Hillary?
Yeah, she said, if you say, lock her up, then you should lock them up.
And even Comey was like, that's crazy, that's insane.
But that shows inside the bubble.
Let's play that first when we come back, because that's something you can't play enough.
I've only played it once the last three days.
I should have played, like, every segment.
I'd say, it was one of those things, I read the headlines, like, no way it was that bad.
If we don't play that next month in the hearing, like, Judge, is this what you are?
I mean, you know, lock Alex Jones up?
Because that's what they shouted at me at the Beano Round.
They go, arrest him!
The media pointed at him.
He goes, get him!
Get him!
Arrest him!
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I cannot believe we even produced this. I mean this, this, this is insane. I said I'm a game
changer. I'm a guru. I'm a scientist. I'm a scientist. I'm a guru. I'm a scientist.
I'm an activist.
And other people aren't willing to do it.
And I'll tell you right now, I'm here to ram heads with you.
Synergy drinks are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Well, it's not me, it's you.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
It's bad.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Now, did you hear what I just said?
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Brr! It's gone.
♪ Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck ♪ Workout.
So let me just workout.
♪ Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck ♪ Well, we've done it, ladies and gentlemen.
All of the T upload enzymes.
All of the T upload enzymes.
All of the T upload enzymes.
(music stops)
I think this is good.
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have making it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, just make it a bigger capsule that's powdered, so you actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleep.
Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
I said, yeah, you look 10 years younger.
He said, oh yeah, it's just, I'm off all the sleep drugs.
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But he goes, do you know what it is in there?
And I said, it's the synergy of it.
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All just moderate dose.
They're all the recommended dose, and they just fuse together, and whatever they do chemically in the brain, that Mother Nature, God gave us our Mother Nature, is incredible.
So, that's available infullwarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing.
To get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing billions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called "Report Your Show."
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
Waging war on corruption. It's Alex Jones.
Well, how Marxist.
Should have gone for the head.
Can you do me one favor?
Can you say, I ate lunch at Google?
I ate lunch at Google.
I don't know why I just went, I ate lunch at Google.
I just, I feel like I'm at a Beatles jam session.
It's not funny!
This is the Purge.
(water rushing)
There's no such word.
This is unappropriated.
I feel sorry for people like Candace Owens, Kanye West.
I'm a superhero!
I'm not a particularly attractive woman, I'm entitled to say so, she's a celebrity.
I said it was with white nationalists.
I feel sorry for people like Candace Owens, Kanye West.
I'm a superhero! I'm a superhero!
You may like to gamble.
You might like to dance.
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world.
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls, but you're going to have to serve some.
Alex Jones here back live.
Robert Barnes is my head legal counsel.
I don't want to spend more than one segment on this.
We've got a lot of news, a lot of clips, a lot of big developments to cover with him while he's with us.
And I'm going to put the phones up in the second half of the next hour here on this Thursday, April 4th, 2019 Global Transmission.
Please don't forget.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot points, 50 to 60% off all the great supplements and more.
That has to end.
It's supposed to end today.
I just haven't gotten around to new specials and figuring out what we've got.
We're selling out a lot of things.
Fish oil is selling out.
Rainforest is selling out.
The toothpaste is selling out.
Fluoride free, colloidal silver, iodine fortified.
So much.
DNA Force came back in, but it's so good.
I'm offering it at 60% off.
That's all there at Infowarsstore.com.
But I wanted to just set the record straight, Robert.
We've been trying to get you into this case for a month or so in Texas.
And for whatever reason, it hadn't happened, the judge asked, "Why weren't you in here earlier?"
'Cause the judge seemed to actually listen to you and reverse some of what we've been seeing.
But here's just some of these headlines.
This is one out of the Statesman that's actually pretty accurate.
New defense lawyer switches strategy in Alex Jones case.
And then some of the media is spreading it.
Oh, Jones doesn't want to argue the facts.
Admits he's lying.
They know the general public doesn't understand law at all.
There's called the law and the facts.
We're just saying we're not even arguing how many angels dance on the head of a pin and all these edited videos.
We're saying you have the right to say it or not.
So let's get into yesterday's hearing.
So this case is going to be the foundational, fundamental First Amendment case in this country.
It's going to determine the scope of the free press.
Is the press still free?
Is speech still free?
So in this particular case, as was identified by the court, the question is, is there a zone of danger whereby certain speech cannot be made, whereby the press cannot comment, cannot talk, cannot say anything?
And so this is a unique case, a novel case, that's going to establish that issue.
It's going to go up, I believe, all the way up to the United States Supreme Court.
What is the scope?
Do we still have free press?
Do we still have free speech?
Or certain subjects, something you can't talk about?
Or certain areas, areas you can't talk about?
Or certain investigations?
And you make the point, questioning who really killed O.J.' 's wife.
Nowadays, people would sue over that.
I mean, it's hurtful to say somebody else said it, but the public has a right to question.
For example, I mean, that's some of the issues.
Agatha Christie TV shows could be illegal.
I mean, the way you say it in here is questioning anything, even, because I won't say this poor woman's name, They admit he never said her name or even talked about her, so I won't, when I read the article, I won't even say her name here.
Because they'll try to twist that.
The objective is to make clear, traditionally the law has said you have to make a specific false statement about a specific person for that to be actionable.
Otherwise you have free press, free speech to comment as you see fit.
And like one of the key things here is, for example, one of the legal theories that is being promoted by various politicians, various members of the press and others, is that if you challenge who committed a crime and it turns out you're wrong, then the victim could sue you for intentional infliction of emotional distress under the legal theory that's being pursued here.
That is a very dangerous precedent because most innocent people are people that are wrongfully accused.
Or actual guilty people that otherwise would escape justice are often caught by citizen journalists, ordinary people, raising questions about what happened, how it happened, who did it, who participated.
The system wants to put out its narrative and make it illegal to question it.
This is about, is the state approved, state sanctioned narrative the only narrative that will be allowed?
It's the same thing that Zuckerberg is doing with Facebook now when he's pitching for state regulation.
He wants to say only the state-sanctioned narrative is allowed.
Only the state-supported narrative is allowed.
That narrative is put out by lobbyists, certified by government.
Senators say what's allowed.
Notice, the Democrat senators, they say what they want and it's done a week later.
I mean, that's what's happening in Georgia, where they're talking about potentially having state certification of media.
What that ultimately is going to lead to is you're going to have people like Armand Poore is going to be sitting on those kind of boards.
And by the way, the Republicans, as you've warned, instead of saying the citizenship's wrong, they're going, oh, we'll beat you at your own game.
So now everybody's going to lose their free speech.
It's a sucker's bet.
The moment you start wanting to suppress speech, you are in the wrong arena.
So it doesn't matter whose speech it is, it doesn't matter how offensive it is, how bad it is, and the rest.
The only thing that should be actionable is when someone makes a specific lie about a specific person that they know is a lie.
That's always been out there.
If you know somebody isn't a murderer, you know somebody isn't putting cockroaches in their food, you're just a competing restaurant that's jealous, you did it for damage, you've damaged them, then you get in trouble.
But it should always be limited to that.
And that's common English common law and it makes perfect sense.
It's eight centuries of law in one way, shape, or form going back to the United Kingdom.
And if we change it at all, if we have EU standards, or we have Chinese standards, then we no longer have free speech, we no longer have...
Well, it's like medicine.
15 years ago, globally, they got rid of the Hippocratic Oath of Hippocrates.
Do no harm.
And now a bioethics board decides if you're alive or if you're viable.
And now, well, we think this baby might have a good future.
We're going to kill it.
By the way, we're going to harvest it first.
Now a bioethics board's in control.
So really, it's a new form of government.
It's corporate usurpation of the people's common law.
What's happening is they're trying to privatize the public square and monopolize that control of the public square so that only the approved, sanctioned speech will be allowed.
It is literally Orwellian.
It's like they read 1984 and thought, well, this would be a great script for the future.
And then they misrepresent.
Well, you've done the numbers.
400 hours with your people.
You've looked at all the other law firms that went over stuff.
We come back.
We've got to get and play the Christian in Amanpour, where she says arrest people that say Hillary is a criminal.
But you've looked at it.
We hardly ever even talked about Sandy Hook.
Oh, precisely.
It was less than one one-hundredth of one percent, what I explained in court yesterday.
It's a tiny percentage of the coverage.
Most of the issues about Sandy Hook came from third parties, other people, professionals.
And again, that's the media acting like it's me, when they're the ones pimping the poor families out, and won't shut up about it.
They continue to recycle the story over and over again, re-traumatizing people unnecessarily.
In my name.
Because that's the media's objective.
And I mean, they love trauma porn.
And the media's addicted to it, and they've been covering it obsessively.
And MSN loves mass shootings, so now instead of getting in trouble for it, they go, oh, Alex Jones!
Oh, precisely.
The congressman that's going to run for president, he's going to announce from Parkland.
So it's like, why continue to re-traumatize people over and over again?
Yeah, Solwell.
Oh, Swallowswell?
Yes, yes, yes.
The guy that says everybody's a Russian agent?
That's correct.
He accused Tucker Carlson of being a Russian agent.
I mean, he thinks any opposition to gun control is Russian-inspired.
So, I mean, clearly that's his mindset.
Oh yeah, that's the new thing I saw in the New York Times last year.
It's a Russian conspiracy.
The Second Amendment comes from the Russians.
The NRA and the Russians are all in bed together.
I thought it came from George Washington.
Yeah, precisely.
It came from the founders.
Oh, he's a Russian, too.
Yeah, exactly.
It came from the founders of the country who recognized that freedom was necessary for all freedoms.
Come on.
Barnes, are you saying I support George Washington?
George Washington's a Russian.
Yeah, exactly.
They all are.
All right.
Barnes is bad.
He's back in George Washington now.
What will he do next?
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A total and complete gigantic insane fire breathing win win win win win up one side and down the other
You're listening to the alex jones show Oh
Oh Oh
Oh Oh
Ah Ha ha!
Ha ha!
I've got one question, because you just said, lock her up, or lock me up.
Of course, lock her up was a feature of the 2016 Trump campaign.
question because you just said lock her up or lock me up.
Of course lock her up was a feature of the 2016 Trump campaign. Do you in
retrospect wish that people like yourself, the head of the FBI, I mean the people in
charge of law and order had shut down that language that it was dangerous
potentially, that it could have created violence, that it's kind of hate speech?
Should that have been allowed?
That's not a role for government to play.
The beauty of this country is people can say what they want, even if it's misleading and it's demagoguery.
The people who should have shut it down were Republicans who understand the rule of law and the values that they claim to stand for.
Shame on them, but it wasn't a role for government to play.
All right, let me get into the First Amendment part in a minute.
But first, the Democrats are saying the Russians stole the election, arrest Trump, arrest his whole family.
Meanwhile, we have Hillary with the servers, with the Russians, with the Chinese.
We launched the whole lock her up movement.
Our audience did.
We launched the Bill Clinton's rapist movement because he settled those cases.
We launched all these major areas.
And then now Christina Amanpour, who helped launch the whole fake CERB war, who's a war criminal, who supports all this stuff, she's up there straight-faced saying, arrest people that say that Hillary's a criminal.
That's so alien.
That's so dangerous.
And it's not just her doing it.
They're all over the so-called news saying, arrest our opposition.
These people are flagrant authoritarians.
What's astounding is she's saying that somebody saying, lock her up, is grounds to lock them up.
You know, she's in there saying, this is, you should really never call her.
On it's face, it's oxymoronic.
I mean, it's deeply ironic in multiple levels.
And when even James Comey recognizes, oh geez, that's really insane.
You know, then you know how insane it is.
Because here's a guy who had no problem violating a lot of people's constitutional rights and liberties.
Perjuring himself?
Oh, absolutely.
Illegal FISA investigation.
In the same forum!
He goes and says, I never leaked anything, and two months later, well, I did six months ago.
Oh, precisely.
That's four months after!
I mean, he kept a little diary of all the bad stuff he was doing, which is a sign of not the brightest criminal cop in the world.
But the fact that he is like, no, there's no rule for government to lock people up simply for their speech, is a sign of how insane it is.
And it shows how much he believed that this was completely okay.
Like, she's sitting there thinking, you agree with me as FBI Director that you should have locked these people up, because how else does the FBI shut down the opposition?
This speech.
The only way to do it is to lock people up, is to do mass arrest.
So, I mean, what she, what Armin Poehler was saying is the FBI should have raided the Republican National Convention, picked everybody up, and locked them all up in mass, because they were chanting, lock her up, about someone who actually had engaged in criminal conduct.
Oh my God, a third of the people we're wearing are...
Hillary for prison shirt, even CNN reported that.
You just crystallized it.
She's calling for internment camps of a third of the Republicans.
She's literally calling... I mean, it's so over the top.
It was insane.
When I first read the headline, I was like, oh, that's probably an exaggerated headline.
Yeah, exactly.
Me too.
Three days ago, I'm like, that's not real.
I'll click it.
She says it.
It's even worse.
I mean, the headline can't even capture the full scope of what she's saying.
She's saying, arrest everyone that says Hillary's a criminal.
Exactly, there's only one way... He's saying imprison people for speech!
There's only one way the FBI can shut something down.
The FBI... She's not asking, like, the FCC communications director.
She's asking the FBI director why the FBI didn't shut it down.
And the only way the FBI could do that is to do stuff that even Hoover wasn't willing to do.
So let's shift gears and ask this question.
Back to what they're doing with me.
We now know, they know, they're never going to win jury trials.
They're never going to get this.
They think in process, we now know, people have been approached, counsel, the left really believes I'm funded by the Mercer's and the Russians.
They're telling counsel, your client's going to get arrested.
It's all coming out.
You're going to get arrested.
They're terrorizing people.
They're lying.
No Mercer money.
No Russian money.
I mean, I am a flaming American.
Okay, I mean, it's just insane.
I have all these audits and everything done by different law firms.
There's nothing here.
They're like, well, we know it's here.
Give us the email.
Give us the stuff.
And I'm like, it's all on air.
I even tell crew when they're talking in the halls about news, I go, say it on air.
Oh, absolutely.
You know what I do?
When I'm not talking here, I'm eating or I'm crapping on the damn pot in there, man.
I don't mean to be gross.
This is war.
We say... They don't get the power of it all out on my sleeve.
They don't get... It's all there, man.
It's Texas straight shooting.
You want to explain it to them?
Oh, sure.
So, I mean, what you have is a lot of press and politicians who are spreading a lot of fake news and false information in order to create this sort of caricature version of you that was on Homeland and try to get people to believe that's the real version.
And it's completely fake.
And at some level... You first said that when I met you months ago.
We just had you on about the Covington kids.
And I'm like, yeah, some of them.
But I realized they literally Or like, think I'm a super villain and now like leftist women like throw themselves at me and like, oh my god, you're such a super genius.
I mean, it's like, no, I'm not.
I just want freedom.
Just a straight shooter.
Always been a straight shooter.
Anybody who knows you knows that.
And in fact, the politicians in the press that are spreading this, they've talked to ex-employees.
They know other people.
They know the whole story.
So they know these rumors are crazy, that they're insane, they're inane.
They're the same.
They're just trying the Russia collusion delusion they tried on Trump.
The press and the politicians are trying to do the same thing to you.
And it's the same thing.
I have an email for nannies and for documents.
It's my private email.
I've never emailed someone myself.
I'll do a voice memo.
Hey, your ex-wife's asking about this.
Okay, I do a voice memo.
Send it to the assistant.
That's it.
Just like Trump.
He doesn't have an email.
Almost anybody in your line of work would honestly be insane to have a publicly available email address.
Because the function of it is you would get bombarded with millions and millions of emails.
People who need to reach you wouldn't be able to reach you because you'd be spammed so heavily.
People you need to reach... Oh, I got rid of my email like 12 years ago and I was getting 10,000 a day.
Oh, precisely.
I mean, InfoWars alone gets over a million a year.
So the nature of the function of it, that made it impossible and impractical.
And fundamentally, the politicians and the press, they're trying to push these various fake stories out through their various aspects and avenues.
No, it can't be true.
So it's just the nature of it.
In fact, the court recognized that yesterday.
That's the nature of most talk radio businesses.
They're not email-driven businesses.
They're verbal-driven businesses.
That's the way a lot of people are.
Everybody's like, hey look at this video clip, look at this article, hey.
And again, I just don't, I communicate via text message and over the phone.
So I found things, people understand stuff in email or even text.
I told the crew, stop calling guests on text messages.
They ignore you.
Call them physically.
Use the damn telephone.
Exactly, it's old school.
And they say in here, there's no way Jones isn't Directing his business via email.
Bull crap!
I am not going to produce fake stuff for you.
And then when we give them a bunch of stuff as the judge demands it, they then say, oh, this is too broad.
Yeah, you get different kinds of complaints at different times.
But I think ultimately and fundamentally the court recognized that there's been no effort to disguise anything.
This is one of the most open and transparent networks in the world compared to any other media network that exists.
Oh, it's direct from my brain to the listener.
There's no filters.
What's kept private and secret is anybody who wants to be kept private and secret is a whistleblower, and anybody who's a customer and anybody who's a supporter, their privacy will always be protected.
And that took months to go through.
Absolutely, of course.
And that's why the, but now the issues are back to the core issue of the First Amendment, free press and free speech.
Will we have free press and free speech in this country?
This case will dictate and determine that future.
And I want to be clear, in defamation lawsuit, lawyers for Sandy Hook families accused Jones of more stonewalling.
And they say in here, there's no way he doesn't have an email, and there's no way he's not talking about Sandy Hook.
I'm only talking about it now because you guys have done this!
Don't believe, these lawyers need to not believe their own delusion, but like you said, they know full damn well.
They know I don't have a company email.
The Connecticut lawyers at least should know better.
And there's clearly, the Connecticut lawyers have been overt about various political ties that they have and other parts of it.
So the facts... Senator Blumenthal's running the whole thing.
You have, and clearly Senator Murphy and the politicians in the press are misusing this case.
Murphy said, take Jones off the air to save American democracy, close quote.
The politicians in the press are misusing and abusing this case.
Why don't Americans look at that?
Like Christina Amanpour.
And she says, arrest people that criticize Hillary.
And he says, take me off air.
People should say, that's a dangerous person!
Is this guy Hitler?
Everybody always overuses Hitler, but you know, Hitler took people off air!
You haven't seen, that's what I was telling members of the press earlier, we haven't seen public calls to completely censor and suppress speech like this since the Soviet era and the fascist era.
And to have a United States Senator like Senator Murphy suggest that should be the remedy, that we suppress and censor speech.
Well, it shows where they're going.
The collapse of the country, a total takeover.
We're going to shift gears into other big issues you want to cover, I want to cover.
Calls, video clips, there is so much coming up in the next hour.
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Alright, I'm gonna finish up on my topics, then we'll get into all the geopolitical things in a bunch of clips.
Robert Barnes, really smart guy, not just a lawyer.
You're here, and the media tries to spin everything we do.
I just go back to this.
Do you think the Connecticut lawyers and the Texas lawyers really believe I'm secretly funded by the Mercer's and the Russians?
Or are they just telling people that?
From the Texas lawyers, we haven't heard any of those kinds of claims.
It's apparently coming from politicians and press connected to the Connecticut case.
Or their adjuncts.
So different political members and press members are pursuing crazy different theories that are clearly incorrect and that are clearly untrue that they must or should know are completely untrue.
There's never been any effort, as I explained to the court yesterday, to in any way hide any information.
There's been massive production here of anything that could be possibly pertinent or relevant.
And in fact, in the court, that's why the court didn't issue any sanctions of any kind yesterday.
So we're back to where the case should be in Texas, and hopefully it will be that way in Connecticut soon enough, where we focus on the core legal theories and legal issues that are implicated here.
Because this is about the First Amendment freedom for everybody.
And is there a zone of danger where you're not allowed to speak?
They brought that up.
It's not fire in a theater, it's this new thing of like, well if it's a group you could hurt, and like as you said, if I said many gay people, I'm not against gays in general, but many of them have pedophilic, just like some heterosexuals have that, they're using the LGBT movement on kids as a way for pedophiles to get access to kids.
That's been confirmed.
Well then do all the gay people sue me because they say I made them feel bad?
Oh, precisely.
Or if you raise questions about things like the incubator baby story.
Can people sue for that?
Can people sue who support or oppose a war?
Who feel upset or offended by any kind of coverage that takes place related to it?
So the scope of it is frightening.
Because if we have basically what the issue is, is are there constitutionally sacrosanct safe spaces that the First Amendment does not allow you to speak or express yourself, even if you're a member of the press?
And do you think the judge, I don't think the judge is a bad person, but I think a lot of mainline liberals just are manipulated.
Does he get in Texas how they're being hoodwinked?
Hoodwinked into bringing stuff forward that would never be brought forward.
Giant media campaigns saying, I'm saying things I didn't say, they're the ones saying it, and they say I'm saying it, so get rid of the First Amendment.
It's completely villainous and transparent.
Not by the wonderful families and people, I really feel sorry for them.
I'm talking about the people exploiting them.
Yeah, all the politicians in the press that are misusing and abusing this for their own personal political and partisan agendas.
As the court said yesterday, he recognized a very unique legal issue and a very significant and consequential legal issue.
His decision in this case will likely become famous one way or the other.
It's likely to go up to the United States Supreme Court.
This case is going to determine the scope of the freedom of press and the freedom of speech in America for the future for everybody.
New York Towns v. Sullivan, increasing the First Amendment, this will be, you know, Jenkins v. Jones or whatever.
Yeah, whatever the name of the parties are, basically the foundation... Well, we're not going to say her name.
I've never said her name.
And they're just very upset about that.
They keep saying our name.
So, this is about the foundational Free First Amendment case.
Rather than having the New York Times in it, because nobody remembers Sullivan, they just remember New York Times, it's going to be Jones.
It's going to be Jones and Infowars.
It's going to shape the future of the First Amendment in this country.
Do we truly have free press?
Do we truly have free speech?
I don't say this as a thing to get at the enemy.
I don't play games.
They've really bit off more than they can chew.
I don't see any of these people trying to exploit these poor families.
I don't see any of them down the road having success.
I don't think the politicians and the press that have pushed this agenda and made it partisan, made it public, abused it for de-platforming.
It'll be just like Russiagate, Covington Kids, Kavanaugh.
It's gonna go flat.
Ultimately, it's just like the New York Times case.
The New York Times case ultimately set important precedent.
This will set important, protective precedent for all of the press and all of the speech for all of America.
So this will be the new New York Times versus Sullivan.
It'll be Sandy Hook Lawyers versus Jones.
That's who it is.
It's Democratic Party versus Alex Jones.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
The globalists, on average, are sociopaths.
Their minions are idiots.
They know we have conscience.
They know we have a moral compass.
So they're always trying to manipulate that compass.
And even when we know they're manipulating it, we still defend ourselves.
No, they're the ones that can't handle scrutiny.
And that's why they're bullish.
You know, the average liberal I knew growing up, I liked.
I wouldn't call myself a conservative.
I wouldn't even call myself a liberal.
I was just an Americana libertarian.
Bob, you can define yourself if you like.
But just Americana, renaissance, common sense.
But then something happened once Obama got in.
The left now is, the liberals are pro-war in Gallup poll more than Republicans.
They don't care, they just want a piece of the pie.
They're like bandits and they think they get it through government extraction and these promises like this magic lottery ticket in the sky.
So it's like a gambling casino where no one's ever succeeded who's in the general public in socialism or communism.
It's not like 60-40 at a casino or 55-45 blackjack or whatever.
They're just gambling on something that is completely rigged, unless you're an insider.
They can't admit they've been conned, getting two or three degrees that are worthless.
So they double down and say, no, I want socialism, I want communism, now it's going to deliver the plan I want.
We have this video from Paula Alto, where this Trump supporter, who's Jewish, is a polite old man, woman who harassed old man at Starbucks over MAGA hat, gets fired.
She says, I'm going to get you fired.
I'm going to take people to your house.
I'm going to destroy your life.
She tries to rally everyone to attack him.
So she wants to be a leader.
They all turned against her.
Because they saw, and now they're suddenly having a debate in the town going, well you are allowed to wear a hat, this is still America.
And so more and more people are wearing the red hats, they're wearing Infowar shirts, it's the same thing, and they're shooting videos showing it, and it's backfiring.
Like here's an example, I got accosted a week and a half ago at Lucy's Fried Chicken with my wife, became a big national news story, something like 10 million views on Reddit or something, it was insane.
When I went to the Beto thing last Saturday, the Saturday after, everybody was screaming, oh, you got kicked out, oh, it's all about ostracizing.
No, I didn't get kicked out.
I was leaving.
They'd already accosted my table three times.
They were blocking my way out.
And the place talked to the statesman and said, no, Alex was accosted.
They called the office.
And said, please, people are mad at us.
We didn't kick Alex out.
He was already leaving.
We kicked them out after and told them they're banned from life.
So the truth is, they came in a free society, in a proud business.
They accosted me.
They got thrown out after I left.
But the rest of the media, other than the statesmen, they're going to fire this Till Love guy.
People still believe I just started screaming at some innocent table, but that's only in the weird left that they believe they're bull anymore.
They're projecting onto others what they themselves are routinely and regularly doing.
They're using ostracism socially, politically, economically, culturally.
That's what unites a lot of these cases and incidents, whether it's the attempts to ban advertising for Tucker Carlson, whether it's the attempts to run out an older Jewish man from a Starbucks and yell at him for having a MAGA hat on.
Whether it's attempts to physically assault people, as happened outside of various social, political... Oh, it happened.
I got slapped and hit probably 15 times.
The security kept it back, but it was... What do you do when a woman runs through security and slaps you?
I mean, my security kept them away, but they were nicer to women, which I agreed with.
Yeah, but I mean, I've had people attacking me.
Oh, correct.
It's been happening routinely and repeatedly across a wide range of political spectrum.
And it's happening by the left against anybody on the right because they're much more statist.
In other words, it's much more, you're seeing the recandescence of the 1920s where you saw street violence, where both the fascists and the communists used it to gain and seize power.
They usually were fighting each other sometimes in the street.
But either way, they were both using street violence.
And why is the left evolving to that playbook?
It's because, Eddie, there's various theories.
Professor Haidt has an interpretation that basically our safe space culture that kids grew up in in the 90s during the kidnappings, sort of panic, moral panic that took place during that time frame, has led people, has a new generation of the left, the young left, disproportionately believes that you shouldn't have free speech, that you shouldn't have free press, that you shouldn't have freedom.
They grew up in those bubbles.
I remember growing up in Rockwall, a suburb of Dallas.
And there was like 300 acres of farmland that nobody used that later turned into a shopping mall.
And I remember like routinely in the summer whenever I would just tell, hey, me and the neighbor kids, we're going to build by the railroad track a tent and we're going to go stay there.
And we had like 22 rifles.
They're on the state property shooting bottles and stuff and building fires and like cooking hamburgers, you know, when I was like 10 years old.
That was completely normal when my parents were kids.
But nowadays that would just be insane.
The free play among strangers led to a belief in interaction and discourse in a wider range of people.
And you weren't afraid of freedom.
You weren't afraid of freedom to act.
Also, sitting out there Under the stars, cooking hamburgers, you know, in the woods by a railroad track, squatting right next to somebody's property.
That opens up the archetypal memories and everything, and then makes you step into all that.
You reconnect to nature, you reconnect to the universality of humanity.
You're not stuck in a tiny little bubble of the same thinking and the same attitudes and the same... And you're not scared of the archetypal Hollywood monsters.
Like, a lot of kids are scared of monsters that never get by.
We had shotguns and .22s at 10 years old, and nobody shot themselves.
You didn't have this sort of celebration of sociopathic violence that Hollywood culture has helped create and foster and fester and help make it more of a reality because increasingly what we have is a whole generation of people who have grown up in the alternative virtual reality.
They haven't grown up playing on the street.
They haven't grown up going out to the park.
They haven't grown up interacting with strangers.
Instead, they've interacted solely on social media and in their controlled cabin spaces.
And then because they've been so protected, like they've noticed grass that doesn't have any gravity or that doesn't have any wind tends to die and be sickly.
Then when a real convicted pedophile comes in to have your five-year-old sit on their lap, you're not even told it's happening at school, then you can't say anything because you never face any crisis, so it couldn't be real because the state's doing it to you.
I mean, you had public library events where now people that had child sex offenses were giving special presentations to kids.
So clearly, and it's because they created an overprotective culture that was not empowering.
And that's what all the themes sort of unite.
Basically, the statists don't believe in empowering ordinary people, don't believe in empowering the audience to think... How did your dad raise you?
Because I'm so lucky.
The best thing that ever happened, my parents told me later, my mom was like 20 apologizing.
She said, you know, we just didn't want you to be a wimp.
And, uh, you know, we had some members of the family that got coddled and they became wimps.
We had other members of the family that became great people.
So we just made the decision to let, you know, in schools, people beat you up and not file complaints and let you do whatever you wanted.
And because we wanted a real man.
And I felt that people understand that's how you produce men.
You know, my family goes all the way back to the Barnes's of Rhode Island.
They came over on just a few ships after the Mayflower.
They voted against the entire Constitution unless and until it included the Bill of Rights.
They were part of the Rhode Island Dissident Movement.
They wouldn't join the new federal union unless the Bill of Rights was added to it.
That was the group that got it done.
That and Virginia.
Precisely, exactly.
And so they deeply believed in it, and my father celebrated that tradition.
A trust and confidence in the power of ordinary people and everyday individuals to make their own decisions.
Not let the state, school, society, or anybody dictate or determine what they think, how they think, and what they see, and what they read, and make their own decisions.
That's right.
I want to be clear.
My parents weren't like, sorry, wish we hadn't done it.
They said, we're glad we did it, but still we felt bad.
Oh yeah, it's necessary for the empowerment of the individual, and it's trust in people.
Well, they just had to cut me loose!
And they said, we just cut you loose!
Exactly, and sometimes that's necessary and fundamental to being able to function in a living, breathing society for the future that celebrates humanitarian and democratizing ideals, rather than be...
And that's why now all these bubble people, all these senators and lawyers that live in their fake world, like you said, they don't understand, like Christiana Mappour, arrest people that criticize the government.
She doesn't get it that when they attack us and do this, I don't do it on purpose, I'm not a sadomasochist, but actually, I like it.
I mean, they don't understand, like, I love this.
And I just wish, it's kind of sick I admit that, but I just love this, man.
Well, it's the nature of it that's proving the vitality of the ideas and the power of the ideas that people feel a need to try to suppress and censor and shame those ideas.
Because if the ideas were intrinsically unpopular and undesirable, they'd be happy to have people have full access to them.
That's why they don't care about David Duke having wide-ranging access, because they know his ideas are deeply unpopular and nobody wants anything to do with them.
So instead, they only try to suppress those ideas that are popular.
Oh, Muslims are on there, like sociologists, how to beat your wife, you know, how to kill gays, that's left up.
David Duke, I'm not saying take David Duke down, but exactly, I'm unifying people.
Black people love me, I love them.
The goal is, what they want to do is to suppress those forms of speech and free press that bring people together, that unite people, and that remind people of their most human and their most little-D democratic ideals and principles, because those are the foundational freedoms of American liberty that lights the liberty for the world.
Bob Barnes, made for radio, folks, and TV.
We're gonna get this guy a show, if you'll let me.
We'll be right back to get into the geopolitical issues, but I'm gonna play the news piece we talked about, with this bully, trying to bully this old man.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We're in the middle of a great, beautiful, wonderful universe.
Alex Jones here, back live.
My head lawyer under all these globalist attacks.
Bob Barnes, smart guy.
So you're with us.
I want to hit some other news and some clips we haven't gotten to yet, right now.
But let's, first, you're making some great points about adversity in young people and how really successful folks, what ends up happening to their children.
And my children are great.
They're awesome.
But it's true, the things I went through, I'm way more protective than my parents were, who made the conscious decision to throw me in the pit of the shark tank.
And, you know, it's probably because my ex-wife never would have allowed it, but it's me.
And you know it's where I grew up and where I came from and I just can't do it to them.
And I guess that's why sports are good or discipline is good.
But you know there's there's there's nothing like being 12 or 12 years old having five or six you know people that are 16 17 years old.
Kick your ass, overcome it, and then, you know, years later, I'm not trying to be mean, but put those guys in the hospital.
Track them all down, put them in the hospital.
And that's not some tough guy statement.
It's like, not just, I'm not saying physical power is the proof of mental acumen.
I would just say that those things in me young triggered all the other richness of being a man that I don't see most men have, who just constantly have avoidance of conflict.
Yeah, I think basically fundamentally adversity builds instincts.
So the effect of having to survive difficult circumstances, that's why you see people that come from lower income or working class backgrounds or have had to deal with some life trauma, end up stronger people, more capable of handling difficult circumstances, more capable of surviving no matter what comes at them in the world, because they've had that experience.
There's something to like the Sparta, you know, the movie 300, where the kid gets sent out to live and survive amongst the wolves.
Well that's a boiled down snapshot shot of real stuff that happened. Precisely. And what it is,
it made him tough. They didn't do it because they wanted the 10-year-old to die. They did
it because they needed that person to be stronger, they needed him to be able to
survive in a difficult environment.
Because if they didn't, he'd die for sure when he was 20.
Precisely. Not only would he die, but the people he was trying to protect would die.
So they knew in order to be able to protect everything that mattered to them, they had to
train them under the most difficult The same way we train SEALs.
The reason why we do what we do.
I mean, they actually physically drown them for a period of time.
The reason we do that is because that's what makes them tough enough to be able to... Or things like the Marines.
The old little secret was, out of any big graduating class, usually somebody died.
And they weren't doing that just to kill somebody.
They had to add enough realness, enough danger, to figure out who could handle it.
Because not only are they protecting their own lives in difficult circumstances, but they need to be able to thrive in those difficult circumstances to protect everybody else.
Well that's what I forgot about, oh what's the movie, you were bringing it up with Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise about on the wall and you can't handle the truth.
Oh yeah, A Few Good Men.
Yeah, it's like that guy's actually the good guy.
Like, I'm not saying that's... but that's actually real.
In fact, the screenplay writer, who was based initially on a Broadway play, and he said he wanted to celebrate both characters.
He was saying he wanted people who could relate to Tom Cruise's character and who could relate to Jack Nicholson's character, because he said there was moral justification in both.
And Nicholson liked it so much that he would keep doing the rant when he was even off camera.
Because he was like, this is, he believed in it.
He was like, you need me on that wall.
You want me on that wall.
And the truth is, there is some truth to that.
That we need people like that on that wall.
Because we don't want people that are like, do we want Adam Schiff defending us?
Do we want Adam Schiff out in the field?
Do we want Adam Schiff being the guy who's on the wall?
The wall would be gone and dead tomorrow.
So that's why we need people that have life experience that toughens them.
There's a reason why it's great for Trump.
The fact that Trump has been through economic... Oh, there's no doubt it's Providence.
And people go, well, is he a total Christian?
Yes, especially now.
It doesn't matter.
God, the whole Bible and history would put sometimes wicked people in charge if they get the job done.
Oh, of course.
And the point is, it's like the perfect... Look, if people didn't believe in manifest destiny or America's luck, that Bismarck said God loves children, drunks, the United States of America, Other governments were already marveling at our luck over and over again.
Well, and particularly with Trump, you have someone, as Scott Adams pointed out, one of the best things was that he went through difficulty in Atlantic City.
If he'd just coasted through life and he'd never dealt with any economic difficulty, never dealt with any political difficulties.
Or his brother dying of liver failure.
If he'd never had any family issues that he had to deal with.
He wouldn't.
He doesn't drink because of it.
the public divorce issues that he had to deal with, the...
He learned all about media, all about taking stuff.
And I'm not bragging, but the levels of attack they've done on me in 25 years,
now people go, family comes over to me and they go, "How are you handling it?"
I'm like, "I'm great. I'm wonderful. I love it."
Yeah, you get accustomed to it and you get tougher each time you go through.
You know, it's the...
But again, it's the old bombers...
That was just the nature of it.
And they learned and they had a different level of discipline.
to the end of the war.
They didn't know where the targets were.
It was all dead reckoning.
But the Germans would put up the anti-aircraft around what they were supposed to bomb.
So you fly to the attack.
That was just the nature of it.
And they learned, and they had a different level of discipline.
I mean, particularly, you can tell the World War II generation arguably was the greatest generation.
Why is that?
Because they went through difficulty in the Great Depression and a world war that
made them mentally, psychologically, and emotionally tougher to protect American freedoms
come hell or high water than any other generation since then.
And particularly the millennial generation, which right now is symbolized by AOC.
So it's--
Entitled, stupid, weak.
I mean, I'm not trying to act like I'm tough because I'm not in the best shape because I work all the time.
But, I mean, you go to a college, you go out with a leftist, I mean, they look like they've had their brains scooped out, man.
They just are like, they look like zombies.
Like their hands hang at their side and they walk around staring and they giggle and snicker and they don't care and they're just stupid.
Well, you see then, the kind of people who are mocking people like the elderly Jewish man in Palo Alto, they're not the kind of people you say, I want to be like that.
They're not strong, they're not powerful, they're not confident.
And that's really a lot of where this status suppression comes from, of not having any dissident speech allowed on campus.
And they have that last ingredient, though, of seeking the power.
Because they need it.
Because they feel so weak, they need the state's power to feel strong.
And that's the core problem.
They don't have the independence of thought and the independence of spirit necessary to keep the light of liberty alive.
They believe the corporate media is dominant, so she kept trying to get them to attack him,
and they wouldn't, and she couldn't believe it, so she said, "I'm going to get you, I'm
going to destroy you, I'm going to get you fired, I'll be at your house."
Well, that was terroristic, so she lost her job.
She just didn't even understand.
It's because of a mindset that if somebody disagrees with me, that's scary and frightening.
I'm not independent enough, and I'm not self-confident enough to win in the debate of public arena.
So I have to suppress, censor, and shame you, ostracize you, isolate you, economically punish you.
How did they get them?
Because I used to get annoyed by USA Chance, because yeah, I love America, but that whole USA thing can be used for imperial wars and things, and I think that's bad.
But then I love USA Chance Now because I learned if I said, you know, America's coming back at leftist events the last three years.
I'm imploring them.
Hey, don't you love America?
That's when they flip.
They have been trained like baby birds that have imprinted on something to hate the country.
That's the average leftist now literally hates America.
It's very much self-hatred.
So you see, you know, the people that will be, you know, white guys who will say, I hate the fact that I'm a white guy.
And it's like, why?
That's insane.
There's no reason to engage in racism to oppress or suppress racism.
The answer to less racism is less racism.
That's total racism to say.
Like, Biden, it's bad that I'm white.
What the hell?
It's just insane.
I mean, if I saw a black guy going, it's bad to be black.
I mean, what the hell?
I mean, these people are crazy.
We're all individuals.
And what's unifying about us is the, we are Americans, is the, we are USA.
And that's of all creeds, all colors, all races, all religions.
God, I used to like make fun of it, because I love America, but it's like family, like Texas flags, Texas is great.
You're like, God, I thought they were being arrogant until I realized how great Texas was compared to other places.
Then I'm like, oh my God, Texas, man, USA!
America has its problems, but America is still the best answer out there for all of the problems the world faces.
Damn right.
We're going to talk about why America is so great when we come back and play this clip of this bully that got her due and got her ass fired.
Number one.
The Heights Public Library today debuting a new children's story hour called Drag Queen Storytime.
My name is Blackberry.
I'm a bearded drag queen.
That means I'm a lady with lots of facial hair.
Stephanie Whitfield sat in on the program designed to promote acceptance.
I'm actually going to be one of the drag queens reading for Drag Queen Storytime.
Drag Queen Storytime.
And we witnessed parents taking their children as young as two inside to take part.
Are you nervous?
You wanna touch my hair?
And for the children and the people that support it are gonna realize that this is gonna be the grooming of the next generation.
That's the whole goal is to make kids that aren't used to seeing something like me more comfortable just seeing it.
You could be a drag queen superhero!
And shake your butt!
Shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em (laughing)
Sweet dreams are made of these Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world in the seventies Everybody's looking for something
Some of them are to you, yeah Some of them want to be with you
No one's there to push an agenda on anyone No one's there to persuade people or to recruit people.
Who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up?
You could be a drag queen superhero!
Are you nervous?
They were all accepting.
They all were happy about it and excited and giving me hugs and everything.
Most people seem to walk away having a good time.
A stardom young, right?
A stardom young, right?
The woman gets up on her table, spreads her legs.
It's a man.
This is adult entertainment.
But what do predators do?
They target children.
Breaking news.
We have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston public library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
A media spokesperson for the library confirms one of those drag queens, Tatiana Malanina, is really Alberto Garza, a child sex offender.
In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy.
This is Tatia Valinia, my sister from Queens of the Week.
And everywhere else it's called pedophilia.
But when it's done institutionally, and they can get away with people dressed up like demon clowns with your children.
Pull up Tranny Time in the New York schools.
This is put out in the New York Times like it's wonderful.
And it's the biggest scary looking group of weirdo pot-bellied men.
Looks like a bunch of Dennis Hasterds running around with clown makeup on.
Just hopping around, rubbing their giant bellies in front of children, and you're like, what alternate universe is this?!
What planet did I wake up in?
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Our love is unconditional.
We knew it from the start.
I see it in your eyes.
You can feel it from my heart.
From here on after, let's stay the way we are right now And share all the love and laughter, not a lifetime, we'll
go back I crossed my heart
I crossed my heart And promised the viewers and listeners.
I'll do whatever it takes to not back down.
But that's not because I'm some goody two-shoes.
Because I believe in America, and I believe in free market, and I believe in freedom, and I believe in you.
And we're in this together, and you're the reason we're here.
You stood against the globalists.
You back Infowars.
You back what we're doing.
And the globalists, they're all backed by Soros and a few billionaires.
Mainline right-wingers are all backed by, I guess, the Koch brothers or the Mercers.
And that's why they can't believe there's people out there that aren't backed by the system.
But I'll tell you something.
There are great people all over this country, like Bob Barnes, who wins, like, 90% of his big cases.
Won one of the biggest civil rights cases in U.S.
history last week.
Almost zero coverage.
in Milwaukee over a real black man tortured to death and killed and it was just a negligence but it unified everybody and so the right thing happened.
And they never talk about our real victories.
They always only promote our so-called defeats.
And they're obsessed with that perception.
Oh, absolutely.
Because the fact of their obsession shows the power of the message and the power of the audience.
And it basically upsets them so much and unsettles them so much that they feel the need to suppress and censor where they wouldn't otherwise.
They wouldn't push for censorship, and they wouldn't push for shaming, and they wouldn't push for ostracism.
They wouldn't have the need to run after an older Jewish guy with a hat on his head to threaten him, is he?
I'm going to get underneath that.
We're coming to your house, we're going to get you.
Don't need to do that but for the power of the message and the power of the ordinary individual.
They're threatened not by really even InfoWars, they're threatened by the audience that supports InfoWars.
They're not threatened by Trump as much as they are threatened by the people who backed Trump and put him into power in the first place.
So that's what's unique about them, is they recognize the power of the message, the power of the people, the power of American democracy to restore itself by ordinary everyday people asserting their individual power and redemocratizing American society, American politics, American economy, that they feel the need to suppress it by any means possible, whether it's lying and libeling about people, whether it's anything.
Flooding the border completely with tens of millions of people?
I mean, it's insane.
What are they going to do, though, as they keep losing?
Because undoubtedly, in the real world of people's minds, we're converting people back to Americana.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but they still have a lot of the temporal power of the institutions.
Yeah, what you're seeing is you're seeing their desire to credential journalism through the state, and they're going to use Republican dupes to do it.
You're seeing the effort to control in-cabin speech through having Facebook ask for federal regulation that allows them to basically have state-sanctioned censorship moving forward.
Because they know they're going to lose $2.30 by what they've done, so then they want a new super $2.30 where they can be censor, cheap cook and bottle washer, all of it.
Where they can have official news.
And the Republicans not coming in with prohibitive regulations like the First Amendment saying you will not bar this have created a vacuum.
Trump has to come in.
Absolutely, and they've suckered Trump a little bit because he gets distracted by the libels that get waged against him, and so he talks about opening up libel laws.
That's a trap for him to approve, a dangerous precedent of having a Ministry of Information.
Yeah, well I didn't have to sign an honest closure over this one.
But I did get approached by the Republican leadership, the old guard, and it was exactly what I thought when it first went on.
I told some of the crew that was at the meeting, I said, watch, this is what this really is.
And they just said, hey, get out of the way.
The Republicans, which I already knew had been in the Wall Street Journal, the Republican old guard is backing the end of free speech.
And they've got the idiots, the Democrats as they call them, the idiots, supporting the end of New York Times versus Sullivan to get you, this is perfect, but would you like to come in out of the dark?
Because they're worried we're going to win this.
And this is all off record, so I can't say the names on air.
But, I mean, that's how big these cases are, is that it's high level.
These are the seminal, fundamental cases.
So, like the way New York Times' V. Sullivan came to the fore was the effort of people opposing civil rights in the South, misusing and abusing the legal process to try to prevent advertising supporting civil rights.
To file hundreds of lawsuits against papers.
And to basically force those papers not to allow other people's speech to be voiced on those papers.
And that's why New York Times' V. Sullivan happened in the first place.
It was to protect fundamental civil rights because the only way civil rights were... If there was no free speech and no free press, there is no Martin Luther King speech, there is no Martin Luther King march, there's no March on... There's nothing!
So the ethos of modern American liberty is under attack.
And it's not some Machiavelli thing where I go, Hey, Democrats, hey, newspapers, you're about to lose your free press.
You've been set up by the establishment Democrats and Republicans.
If there's one thing I criticize Trump for, he actually, the word is, isn't sure and is behind the scenes.
So I kept warning mainstream media, he goes, watch out all your censorship.
You're going to get censored too.
And I just hope he doesn't do that because then that would really be immoral if Trump does that.
But the word is.
He's being sold by blue-blood Republicans, the same ones that invited him to the funeral, to do this.
And the Democrats, they won't believe me because they don't know I tell the truth.
They're just like, oh, he's saying that because we're on his tail.
We're going to win.
Oh, give me a break.
You're not going to win anything.
All you're going to do is lose your ass because you're so freaking stupid.
Any kind of precedent is a bad precedent.
So like you see now, the Democrats in Congress, Nadler and others calling for the disclosure of private tax return records.
Those records have been kept private for a very long time for very good reasons.
Because they're going to assault all his business partners.
And the precedent that would be set would be that now tax returns are open game for any politician, anytime, anywhere, anyplace.
They're not going to draw a limit.
They're saying they have a legislative purpose, which is rather ludicrous for their subpoena.
Oh, it's like, it's like the, give us the name of every employee you have.
So I fight them for two months and the lawyers are like, why don't you want to know?
Because you're going to harass my employees.
You're going to leak it like you do everything.
As soon as the politicians and the press get a hold of anything, in this case, they misuse it and abuse it.
And the dangerous precedent the Democrats are setting is, do they think that when Republicans are in control, they won't use the same power?
That the reason why we don't allow the state to do it, even when we ourselves are our politically allied individuals... Explain it!
Chivalry isn't that you're a wimp.
You don't kill women and children because you don't want yours killed.
The minute you cross that line, everyone gets slaughtered.
That's why the First Amendment was critical to protect everybody, all the time, everywhere.
Even those we completely disagree with and we find completely obnoxious.
Because it's necessary to protect our speech.
Why is the left not smart enough to keep checks and balances in due process there?
I mean, the damn stuff protects everybody.
I call it safe space statism.
That's really what it is.
It's a combination of safe space culture with a statist mindset.
That says we need a state involved to protect our ideas.
They think they're protecting everybody while they get rid of what makes civilization.
Well, what makes the foundation of all freedom secure and protected?
There's no civil rights movement without free speech and free press.
There's no anti-war movement without free speech and free press.
There's no American liberty movement of any kind, whether it's expanding the vote to women, whether it's making sure African-American civil liberties are protected, whether it's abolition of slavery without free speech and free press.
America didn't end slavery, didn't begin slavery, but it was the first country to begin to end slavery.
So that liberty only exists because free speech exists, free press exists, and people's rights to secure That freedom through the Second Amendment.
And the fact that Christina Amanpour and Senator Murphy are on TV saying, get rid of speech, arrest people.
Because that's when I went out to the Beato event.
Everybody kept screaming, we're going to arrest you, we're going to get you.
And there was this big thing of media people up there.
And they point at me and they go, it's him, arrest him, get him.
And the crowd goes, ahhh!
There's video.
They go, it's Alex Jones!
And it's like, what in the world happened to these people?
Precisely, there are people who hear independent speech and independent press as a bad thing.
It's very much an Inquisition era, a Soviet mentality, fascist mindset,
that says that it's independent speech that's the threat, independent thought that is the threat,
independent freedom of any kind.
We're going to go to break, play three or four clips I haven't gotten to.
I promise to play this clip.
We're going to get to it.
Also, some of the news stories up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Trump was right.
He correctly predicted SJWs would target founding fathers.
They want the American flag.
Thomas Jefferson, everything.
George Washington taking off the name of universities.
It's all happening.
Also, Jeff Bezos settles his divorce.
With his wife, Mackenzie, that keeps 75% of their Amazon shares.
Boy, she's going to have the wolves coming after her now.
And then millions of Facebook users' records exposed in data breach.
We're going to talk about what's really going on there, on the other side, with Bob Barnes, Chief Legal Counsel at Infowars.com.
I'm Alex Jones, and if you aren't spreading the links, you're telling folks, that's fine, I love you to death, you're letting them win.
Nothing can stop you.
Take action.
You know, I didn't plug any last hour.
And I've said I'm our own biggest enemy.
But the listeners tend to get it.
They respond when I plug.
But I get so obsessed with news.
The most profitable time to plug is at the very start of a show.
Anybody will tell you that's what it's like.
Coming up, The Andy Griffith Show, with Andy Griffith, brought to you by Jell-O.
They plug up front on those old shows, because I bought a DVD set, and it was the Andy Griffith, like, first season.
I didn't know it was, like, the first season off TV.
It was even kind of low-res, but it was like Andy Griffith going, this show is brought to you by Jell-O.
Here in Mayberry, we like Jell-O cherry flavor, grape flavor, mint flavor.
We put a little bit of this Cool Whip on it.
It's so good.
I'm, like, telling my wife, hey, go to the store and get some Cool Whip.
Get some sherry, sherry, whatever.
The point is, is that the most profitable time for us to plug is the first 10 minutes of a show or right up front, this hour brought to you by.
I never do it.
I just can't do it.
I do it at the end because I just get so obsessed with the news and then I can't hire the dozen or so reporters I'm ready to hire.
I can't do all these big things we've got ready on the drawing board because I won't do my job and raise the money.
I'm the problem runner.
Sure, I'm gonna do it right now.
Don't let me be the problem.
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And the PO Box is on there as well.
But thank you all for your support.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
And just there's so much freedom still left in the world.
Soros and Hillary and Podesta, they're not in full control.
And, you know, Juncker, he's not in full control.
There's still some America left.
There's still people out there.
And you just keep seeing the guests we have.
And what we do is always in the center of the fight.
Always affecting change.
And always there.
Because we're in the zeitgeist.
We want to be there.
You're there with us.
And when you pray for us, or just give us goodwill, just think about us and love us.
We're thinking about you and loving you.
And when you buy the products, or you spread the word, or you tell folks about the show, word of mouth, it changes the world.
So keep doing it.
From myself and the great crew, we salute you.
I want to say Brain Force is great.
I want to say turbo force is amazing.
It is.
But if you took it with fish oil, it's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil is better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
Brain, body, heart.
The cleanest, the best out there.
You've got the children's.
You've got the adults.
You've got the krill oil.
If you're going to get the full effect, the fish oil and the children's are really strong.
They don't give you the burpees, but krill oil is the best.
It'll give you the damn burps, and I'm just sorry.
You want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic.
It's so good, in my view.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
When I eat five capulets of krill oil before I go to bed, I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The British are coming.
The British are coming!
Now the ride of Paul Revere set the nation on its ear, and the shock at Lexington heard round the world.
When the British fired in the early dawn, the war of independence had begun.
The die was cast, the rebel flag unfurled.
And on to Concord, marched the foe, to seize the arsenal, there you know.
Wakin' folks, searchin' all around.
Till our militias stopped them in their tracks, at the old North Bridge, we turned them back, and chased those Redcoats back to Boston Town.
And the shudder around the world was the start of the revolution.
The big men were ready on the move.
Take your platter, take your gun, report to General Washington.
Hurry men, there's not an hour to lose.
It happened that they had planned, if the British was ever to come over here,
that they'd put a light up in this high church steeple.
And Paul went down there to look.
And sure enough, there was the light, burning brighter and day.
Well, Paul, he jumped on his old horse and he lit out.
He didn't know where he was going, but he knew he had to go somewhere.
Oh, I wish you could have seen it.
That old horse with his ears laid back and his nostrils wide open, sucking in wind like a jet engine, feet pounding on them cobblestones, striking off sparks.
Paul holding on for dear life and hollering at the top of his lungs.
He says, the British is coming!
The British is coming!
Get your gun, we gonna have us a revolution!
And them farmers come a-piling out of the hay like bees out of a beehive.
Minute men, they's called.
What's minute mean?
Minute men?
They's fellas that had to be ready at a minute's notice.
And when Paul comes screeching down the road that way, they grab their guns and head out behind the weeds and walls and trees and everywhere.
And when the British come a-prancing along all dressed up in their red suits, they let them have it.
It was a sight to see.
And then it happened.
They fired the gun!
They fired the gun.
And the shot was so loud, it was heard clear around the world.
Oh, get out!
It's a fact.
That's the way this country started.
I thought it must be a joke when I first heard the news, but it is in fact true.
CNN won the 2019 First Amendment Award from the Radio and Television Digital News Association for championing the First Amendment.
I'd be willing to bet that the Weekly World News grocery store tabloid came in a close second.
Here's CNN President Jeff Zucker accepting the award.
And it is that First Amendment which sets this country apart from every other.
It is the First Amendment that makes us great.
As we've heard here tonight, this is an incredible time to be part of the American media.
Not since McCarthy in the 50s and Nixon in the 70s has journalism been so important.
And, as Carl just said, it has never been better.
Whether you like Donald Trump or you dislike Donald Trump, the one thing that I think we can all agree on is that Donald Trump has made American journalism great again.
Actually, I've been watching your ratings sink like a stone ever since Mueller wrapped up his investigation!
In fact, here are the ratings for Tuesday night, which show that Jake Tapeworm has dropped to 641,000, Wolf Blitzer can't crack 700,000, Anderson Cooper's dropped to 835,000, and none of the CNN primetime shows can get close to 900,000 viewers.
I'm not a math person, but it looks like most of the shows on Fox News are getting triple the viewers of CNN.
But tell us more about how great your network is, Jeff.
At CNN, our core mission is to tell the truth.
To hold those in power accountable.
Even when it's uncomfortable.
Especially when it's uncomfortable.
Maybe we're being too hard on CNN.
Maybe they've decided to turn over a new leaf since they've been proven wrong about everything for the last two years.
And instead of lobbying social media companies to ban people, maybe they are supporting the First Amendment now.
Of course, Lock Her Up was a feature of the 2016 Trump campaign.
Do you, in retrospect, wish that people like yourself, the head of the FBI, I mean the people in charge of law and order, had shut down that language?
That it was dangerous potentially?
That it could have created violence?
That it's kind of hate speech?
Should that have been allowed?
That's not a role for government to play.
The beauty of this country is people can say what they want, even if it's misleading and it's demagoguery.
The people who should have shut it down were Republicans who understand the rule of law and the values that they claim to stand for.
Shame on them, but it wasn't a role for government to play.
That is CNN's Chief International Correspondent, Christiane Amanpour, asking the former head of the FBI why he didn't arrest American citizens for chanting, lock her up, at Trump rallies about Hillary Clinton.
Wow, CNN, you sure do deserve that First Amendment award that you just won!
There's powerful reports up on Infowars.com, Newswars.com, and MarkDice.com.
That's MarkDice.com.
Bob Barnes, we've only got you five minutes the next hour, and then our Ali Alexander's taking over to do a great job.
It's so great to have you here in town as our Chief Legal Counsel at least one week out of the month.
I'm glad you're making that time and co-hosting with us.
This same bullying that she's putting out Again, it's illustrative of how dangerous these people are.
As they lose, which they're doing, disagree with me if I'm wrong, what are they going to do next?
I think you're going to see the acceleration of effort.
So you see someone like her putting out the idea that maybe we should arrest people for voicing opinions and speech that we don't like.
You see the discussion about creating regulatory agencies to monitor the press that's ultimately going to be captive by the big press.
It was one of my arguments forever with Ralph Nader, one of my old clients, was anytime you create a government agency, it's not going to regulate the big entities.
It's going to be captured by the big entities and run the little guy out of town.
And that's what's always happened, and that's what's going to happen.
So they're going to look to more statist solutions.
As they can't win in the battle of public arena, as they can't win and succeed at the suppression and censorship that they're trying, as they can't get the audience to run away, as they can't get the audience to be so scared and afraid that they don't support places like Infowars, their only solution is going to be to ratchet up the statist role, and to ratchet up the statist involvement.
And I love how they ignore history, because anytime you do that with this level of resistance, it doesn't go well.
No, it doesn't.
And what they underestimate is the power of the American people and the independent mind.
What they've been underestimating since, like the Paul Revere script said, for almost 200 plus years.
They underestimate the independence of the American mind, the independence of the American people, the independence of thought, the independence of ideas.
People will not be dictated to what they need to believe and what they will believe.
And by the way, the Revolutionary War in the six years, We lost everything until basically the last year except for Trenton.
But it didn't matter because people weren't giving up, they weren't giving in.
And it so decimated the British Army and the Germans they brought in, the Hessians, that they lost more troops here than they lost in major wars against the French.
They had to give up.
And that's why I coined the term, resistance is victory.
If you just resist and stay alive, you win.
It's the reason why our national anthem is the Star Spangled Banner.
It's not the best sung song in the world.
It's not the best lyric.
It's about a fort getting bombarded, but they stayed there.
It's probably the only anthem where it's celebrating getting defeated.
And it's saying, because you're not defeated in your mind, you're not defeated in your heart, you're not defeated in your spirit, you're not defeated in your soul, you're never defeated.
And I've seen the Smithsonian, that flag shot to ribbons.
And it's the most powerful American flag.
Absolutely, because it's sort of like a Hemingway story, the old man in the sea.
He goes out, he hasn't got a fish for 51 days, he finally gets one and the sharks are attacking him.
It's the biggest ever.
Precisely, and he's trying to make it back.
He gets the victory, but then the sharks come.
It's the metaphor for success.
But he conquers it in the end, because he did it.
And he even talks about, he raised the sail like the tattered flag of defeat to wage war with the sea once more.
That as long as you have that power and that passion... This is the essence.
Liberty cannot die unless you let it die.
Oh my God, it's so beautiful.
I keep saying I'm going to play this clip and we never get to it.
We'll come back and play it about the poor Jewish man being attacked by this lady.
But she lost her job, not him.
Everything she said was going to happen to him.
And there's a real backfire.
For two years, the police let Leftists beat everybody up.
Now they're arresting them everywhere.
There was like a group decision.
There wasn't some order came down.
There's been a decision that this is wrong.
And I really see the dominoes falling against the enemy, Bob.
Because the ordinary person, even people on the left, recognize that what is wrong is what is wrong.
And they're seeing this oppression, they're seeing this censorship, they're seeing this overreaction by people in the statist part of the left.
It's what's driven people like Dave Rubin away from the left entirely.
And there's a larger and more people, people like Joe Rogan, that when they see it, they're like, this is insanity.
I'm not signing up for this.
Plus, all I want after Joe is I knew he knew the truth and I wanted him to make the right decision.
And I didn't bully him into it.
He was like, you're right, I was busy and wasn't paying attention.
This is wrong.
He's more popular than ever going after the power structure.
And now they're attacking him, calling him a white supremacist.
What do you think that does?
It makes Joe come more to our side.
They think somebody like Joe, oh, you were being nice to the left because we attacked you.
Oh, now it's the opposite.
The statist collectivist left exposes their true selves when they behave in this way.
And they're getting the American spirit is continuing to reassert itself against this attempt to suppress and oppress it by people with institutional influence and power.
I want to quantify when we come back.
What is the American spirit?
And then we'll play this clip, I promise.
And then Ali Alexander's coming up.
I could talk 10 hours a day with Bob Barnes.
I love this guy.
I'm so glad, like, months ago, I said, hey, Daria, that guy's awesome.
I've heard him before.
He worked on Wesley Snipes' case.
Get him on, and we got him.
And now, he's a fixture around here.
Stay with us.
It's incredible.
We're fighting back and we're winning thanks to you.
I've got some good news for you folks, but some bad news for the globalists.
I've got good news for the people of America and the people of the world.
Trump has been totally exonerated from the entire Russian gay attempted coup d'etat takedown.
And now he's going on the offense with the big executive order of a week ago that targets universities that are public that violate the
First Amendment.
And now he summoned the head of Google just yesterday to let Sundar know that his treason
by selling us out to China and censoring the American people and meddling in our elections
will not stand.
Trump said the meeting went well.
And the word is Apple and Facebook and Twitter, they're all being talked to by the president
over the telephone and private meetings are being set up where he's going to lay down
That they're not going to side with authoritarian foreign powers.
That they're going to either abide by the Constitution and Bill of Rights and not be authoritarians or he's going to take action against them.
That is everything we've needed to hear.
Now let's make sure the President follows through.
Now, InfoWars, as you know, is seen by the enemy as the tip of the spear, because we
are, because of you, the supporters, and our message of liberty.
We're rebooting America in 1776 worldwide.
We've had a special running for about a week and a half, save the First Amendment, 1776
Super Sale.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is the last few days of the sale.
Some of our best-selling items have sold out, others are close to selling out, so we've
got to end the sale coming up early next week.
This only leaves four or five days left in this Super Sale at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLife.com.
Get storewide free shipping and 50 to 60 percent off all these best-selling items and fund
the Info War all at the same time, a total 360 win.
The Save the First Amendment Super Sale at InfoWarsStore.com.
Only a few days left.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Coming to you from the planet Earth, in a standard galaxy, on the spiral arm of Noah's Ark, orbiting a yellow sun.
This is Alex Jones, hoping that our planet and our population expands to the stars.
This is a pro-human transmission.
I'm your host, Bob Barnes, riding shotgun with us.
Bob, you were making some great points during the break.
Just about the affliction of the establishment and their mindset and how they operate.
But I want to play this clip, because most of the time, this is how it ends up.
But, whether it's me and Lucy's Fried Chicken, or whether it's I'm down at the Beto thing and the event's over, and Social Security goes, hey, let's go, it's over.
They said Jones ran from the Beto rally.
No, I stood against those anti-American scum.
The police had to come protect us.
But then when it was over, I left.
But they're all about, you left.
We won.
It's our territory.
It's very infantile.
Well, this poor Jewish man wears his Make America Great Again hat.
Here's the local news story in Palo Alto, California.
You know, America's still a free country, right?
Victor F. is a 74-year-old Trump supporter who lives in Palo Alto.
He casually went about his business today, still sporting the red MAGA hat that prompted a loud confrontation with a woman at a Palo Alto Starbucks two days ago.
This crazy woman came over and started raving at me.
She turned to the rest of the Starbucks.
Hey, everybody, here's this racist here.
He hates brown people.
He's crazy.
He's a Nazi and so forth.
The woman, Rebecca Parker Mankey, then began taking photos and posting about it on her Facebook, saying she was going to shame him, get him fired, kicked out of clubs and march up and down his street.
Victor says she left, then came back and tried to rile the Starbucks crowd once more.
Hey, again, everybody, you're this racist and so on.
And then as she wrote in her thing, she was disappointed all the people didn't come and mob me.
In fact, the opposite happened.
People started harassing Parker Mankey's family and her employer.
Back it up.
Five seconds.
No, they started standing up to her.
She says, bankrupt him, destroy him, get him.
They stood against a monster.
Let's continue.
In fact, the opposite happened.
People started harassing Parker Mankey's family and her employer, Griffin Stringed Instruments, where she worked as an accountant.
The store owner decided to fire her after he read her Facebook posts.
We feel that music is what brings people together, and so having someone than making comments that are divisive.
It's just not consistent with our values.
No one answered the door at Parker Mankey's home, but a female spoke through a closed window, saying Rebecca doesn't live here.
She didn't want to discuss the issues with me.
She wanted just to scream about Nazis and so on.
Victor wears a yarmulke underneath his MAGA hat.
He is Jewish, and so to him, being called a Nazi is hurtful.
People with an education should know better than to say stupid things like that.
America beat the Nazis, so this whole attempt on the left, but it shows how we're coming to your house, you're going to lose your job.
It all happened to her.
And the same thing happened, they banned the people that attacked me verbally from the fried chicken place for life.
I was just leaving, but they spun that I was kicked out and that I started the fight.
None of that's true, but again, in the real world, they're failing.
Because ordinary Americans don't want to have anything to do with suppression of speech, don't want to have anything to do with censorship, don't want to have anything to do with trying to ostracize people based on their political belief structure.
Ordinary Americans enjoy the public debate, the public arena.
We helped create it.
We helped enshrine it for the entire world.
So we're not going to walk away from it because a couple of leftists or statists or people who've grown up in a safe space culture think they have the right to use their collective economic, social, cultural, or political power to suppress and oppress the ability to express and have free speech in America, the country that founded it, and it is the foundational freedom.
Damn right!
We gave birth to this puppy.
We're not going to give it up.
We lit the flame of liberty and we're not going to let it die out because somebody doesn't like the nature of its expression.
But isn't it biblical that the very people trying to kill the flame are going to take it from a dim thing to a blowtorch?
A flamethrower?
I mean, it's extraordinary.
Their desire to use collectivist power to suppress and oppress speech is the greatest threat to democracy and freedom in the country and in the world today.
Robert Barnes, thank you for the time.
Ali Alexander is taking over on the other side of this break.
You're about to get on that jet airplane back to your home on the West Coast.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
Don't forget, store-wide free shipping.
Store-wide free shipping.
And 50 to 60% off all the supplements.
It ends in a day or so.
Please take advantage.
on in Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
How's it going?
America is for President Trump and Alex Jones.
Anything else, any other person, Hispanic, who wants to consider themselves an American or anything other than a real Jesus Christ believer is a fake and is a terrorist.
So what I'm bringing on to you, brother, is may God bless you.
The InfoWars team, I appreciate all of your products.
I just received it on Monday, man.
I see the results.
It's beautiful.
It's awesome.
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God bless you, Etion.
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All we do is go out and see what is the best product already out there and make it even stronger and better.
That's the best way to name it.
So for kidney and liver, Icarin as a flush, it's powerful.
But if you're already in a weird state, consult a physician.
A lot of companies have a bunch of marketing, but they sell kind of filler because they're scared of real supplements.
I mean, real supplements can really help you, but also, you know, if you're in a weird place, you can get crazy.
So head to CurrentInfo or Short.com.
It's Alex Jones.
Howdy folks, this is Ollie Alexander.
I'm filling in for Alex Jones here on InfoWars.com.
We're all across the nation.
It's pretty exciting to tune back in with all of you.
I gotta slow down the show a little bit.
We're talking about the decline of America, but I want to talk about a parallel in our history, one that happened 51 years ago, we lost Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.
What I've asked the staff to do, in addition, we're going to take a lot of calls.
We're going to take a bunch, a bunch of calls.
But we're going to play Martin Luther King's last sermon.
It was called, I've Been to the Mountaintop.
It was actually 51 years ago, and one night, that was the previous night, And then he was tragically taken from us.
What is missing from our history books, often when we're conditioned in middle school and high school, is that the FBI harassed Martin Luther King.
J. Edgar Hoover answered to no president and sought to have Martin Luther King, his sins used against him.
They tried to get him to commit suicide.
And they may have actually been complicit in allowing a gunman to gun him down.
So what I'm going to ask the staff to do is we're going to play about this four or five minute speech of Martin Luther King.
It's the most impactful speech.
I watch it once every other month.
And it really, you know, I hope I don't end up crying on air.
But I'm not above it.
What we're going to do is we're going to stop the speech several times.
And I want to explain how, you know, in my opinion, in God's time, it took a black man.
It took a Southern man.
It took a Christian man.
It took somebody who was conservative in their values and liberal in their politics to really bring this nation to the fulfillment of its promise and actually a fulfillment that the founders wanted.
You know, if you know your history, the Three-Fifths Compromise was a ticking time bomb that one day black Americans could have their full freedom.
They first had to be counted as something.
And a lot of people don't know that.
They don't teach us that in our history books.
So from the left, you hear Martin Luther King was this and that and this.
And then even from the far right, they criticize Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.
and say, well, you know, he attended some Marxist classes.
But he disavowed them and disavowed Russia.
And again, I want to bring this back to J. Edgar Hoover and James Comey and what they're doing to President Donald J. Trump, because I think that President Trump needs to go after these people who have suppressed his civil rights, have maliciously persecuted and prosecuted his allies simply because he won.
So let's go ahead and play that speech.
I've been to the mountaintop by Martin Luther King Jr.
All we say to America is be true to what you said on paper.
If I lived in China or even Russia or any totalitarian country, maybe I could understand some of these illegal injunctions.
Now let's stop it here.
Let's stop this one right here.
I want people to understand what he's talking about because this is actually happening all over America right now.
Two things worth referencing is Martin Luther King acknowledged that the commies were totalitarian, that they were leftists, they were socialists, they centralized things just to oppress people.
And what he also talked about is what is, frankly, a legal epidemic in the country right now.
You have judges handing down what are called preliminary injunctions.
They seek to silence bloggers and tweeters before a case is even heard.
They want you to stop, stop, stop.
Don't tweet about that.
Stop, stop, stop.
Don't blog about that.
And it's the same thing that you find many of our social media companies are doing.
And what Martin Luther King Jr.
said is, we're going to civilly disobey y'all.
We're not going to engage with the Black Panthers.
We're not going to engage with Malcolm X's Nation of Islam.
Louis Farrakhan is now in charge of that Black Islamic sect here in America.
No, no, no.
We're going to engage civilly.
But if you tell us That we can't invoke our natural rights.
If we can't curve these natural rights into civil rights, then we're just going to disobey them.
That sounds like a liberty lover to me.
Let's keep playing that speech.
I have a certain basic First Amendment privileges because they haven't committed themselves to that over that.
But somewhere I read of the freedom of assembly.
Somewhere I read Of the freedom of speech, somewhere I read.
Of the freedom of press, somewhere I read.
That the greatness of America is the right to protest far right.
Now, here's where we have to acknowledge, right?
The far right in America was keeping the fulfillment of our promises.
We gotta stop the tape so that we can come back to it.
The far right was preventing a lot of this, but it wasn't just the far right!
See, they've rewritten history again.
It was the New York Times.
It was the Washington Post.
It was all of the media.
The whole of the media during World War II was anti-Semitic.
The whole of the media during the civil rights movement was against the civil rights.
And now what they've done is, I mean, they've really made down, up, and up, down.
But it's worth noting that what did Martin Luther King Jr.
Instead of acting like a black separatist or a black nationalist, He invoked our Bill of Rights.
These Bill of Rights came from whom?
Well, the people who are skeptical of a big federal government.
The Thomas Jeffersons, the liberty lovers, dare I say the conservatives, the liberals, or the libertarians of what would be now.
And this is really, really fascinating that in a time where some blacks considered going back to Africa, other blacks considered migrating to Chicago or taking over cities like, you know, Atlanta or whatever, Martin Luther King said, no, no, no, we can all get together with our founding principles.
That's not what we see out of Black Lives Matter today.
That's not the defense, the rigorous defense of the Bill of Rights that we hear from the press.
No, they're all too eager to de-platform Infowars.com.
They're all too eager to chant, let's take down these monuments to great men with big flaws.
No, Martin Luther King in his speech that he's about to say now is, is he wants to fulfill those promises.
Be true to the words that you wrote on paper is what he's about to say.
Let's keep playing that tape.
And so just as I say we aren't going to let any dogs or water hoses turn us around,
we aren't going to let any injunction turn us around.
Well, I don't know what will happen now.
We've got some difficult days ahead.
But it really doesn't matter with me now.
Because I've been to the mountaintop.
What's that?
We've got another one minute and 51 seconds left in this.
I want to go ahead and give out the number.
This is very, we're about to get a little theological right now.
We're going to talk about what Reverend King was talking about when he said he went to the mountaintop.
But I want you guys to go ahead and get in the call queue because I know our lines are going to be busy.
8-7-7 I'm going to give out that number again if you want to grab a pen or a piece of paper.
I want to talk to you guys about the FBI.
I want to talk to you about 51 years after Martin Luther King Jr.' 's speech.
I've been to the mountaintop this long after I have a dream.
Are we closer?
Are we further away?
Does it look like we're going to get there?
Now, what was that mountaintop?
Well, that was Moses talking with God.
I can see the phone lines are already lighting up.
You guys really are eager to talk about this.
Martin Luther King is saying, I kissed and touched the face of God That I was loyal and I'm coming down with a message.
That I don't need to fear temporal things.
This isn't an esoteric thing.
This is a metaphysical thing.
This is a spiritual thing.
This is a kingdom of God thing.
The phone lines have lit up.
We have dozens and dozens of callers.
You might have to hang on a while.
We're going to go through this whole speech.
We're going to talk about James Comey.
We're going to talk about J. Edgar Hoover.
And we're going to talk about what President Trump needs to do to hold rogue elements in the FBI accountable.
We'll be back right after the break.
In the meantime, visit the Infowars store.
Catch it.
We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that, because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
Never miss your show, any day.
I mean, what?
I mean, never!
And I read it and I was like, you know what?
I don't care anymore.
I don't care anymore.
Because, again, I'm at least trying, and they're not.
So, the power is in the person who's trying, regardless of the success.
If you're trying, you've got all the power.
You're driving the agenda.
You're doing all this stuff.
Like, I just introduced Green New Deal two weeks ago, and it's creating all of this conversation.
Because no one else has even tried.
Because no one else has even tried.
So people are like, oh, it's unrealistic.
Oh, it's vague.
Oh, it doesn't address this little minute thing.
And I'm like, you try!
You do it.
Because you're not.
Because you're not.
So until you do it, I'm the boss.
How about that?
Look at me.
Look at me.
I'm the captain now.
So until you do it, I'm the boss.
I'm out of the cut.
[music playing]
[dog barking]
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
We have the best transition music.
Huge shout out to the production team here at InfoWars.
But we're in church today, aren't we folks?
It's been 51 years since the tragic shooting, to this day, of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
A black man, a southern man, a Christian man.
Someone who endorsed nationalism and rejected separatism and segregation.
We're studying the speech he gave 51 years and one day to this date.
I've been to the mountaintop.
And we're parsing through the speech.
And we're coming up to a really emotional part if you studied any history.
Because not only is he a spiritual man who feels that his time is coming to an end, But he was being harassed by the FBI.
And a lot of people didn't know that.
We're going to bring up all those images, but in the part of the speech that we just covered, and we are going to take calls, I can see, I mean, all of our lines are filled up.
I really actually did not expect this.
I thought I was going to have to plug the number more than I have, and it looks like I plugged it too much, or too popular.
But and then we're also going to have CJ Pearson call in.
He is a young black 16 year old out of Augusta, Georgia.
You guys have seen him all over.
Lame Fox News.
He's actually been here on InfoWars everywhere.
You guys have seen him everywhere.
We're going to talk about this.
And but but in this part of the speech, King says, I have been in the mountaintop and I don't know what's going to happen to me.
He was referencing Moses coming down with the tablets.
The people are rebellious and restless and they can't find the promised land.
And instead of God coming down with instructions to find a physical promised land, He gives them instructions that they might renew their promise to Him.
Their promise to Him.
By His commandments.
Let's keep rolling that speech a little bit, and then we're gonna, we're gonna, uh, we'll keep going through this thing, and then we'll jump over to Paul, we'll jump over to CJ, and we'll keep rolling.
Like anybody, I would like to live a long life.
Longevity has its place.
But I'm not concerned about that now.
I just want to do God's will.
And he's allowed me to go up to the mountain.
And I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land.
I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land!
Now, how, how magnificent is that?
How magnificent is that?
Here's what you don't know.
What you don't know is that for the past week or two, MLK had gotten threatening calls that were seemingly anonymous.
It turns out it was our government.
It was the Federal Bureau of Investigations under direct orders from J. Edgar Hoover to harass the Reverend.
Now see, Martin Luther King had slipped into natural sins like any man.
It is reported that he had committed adultery.
He had dishonored his faithful wife, Coretta Scott King.
She knew.
But the FBI sought to ruin this man.
They threatened this man in a series of letters, harassing phone calls, notes.
And even while his phones were wiretapped and MLK got death threats, The FBI didn't do anything to protect his life.
I'm under the belief that they knew he was going to die that next day after that speech.
I'm under the belief that MLK Jr.
knew he was going to die that next day after that speech.
And he chose to commit himself wholly to God.
He had his sins.
He had his markings.
He had dishonored his family and his ministry.
But for the care of the world and his mission and his purpose, He committed to do what he was going to do, flaws and all, honoring his God and honoring his purpose.
And how many times have we heard that from Alex Jones?
How many times have you heard that from the late, great Andrew Breitbart?
We're not on a suicide mission.
We're not kamikazes, but we serve a higher purpose.
We are actually the people advocating peace by wanting to Correct the press.
Let's bring on a young black man.
CJ Pearson is on the line and maybe we can also get his photo up.
CJ, how's this?
51 years later, you're in the state where MLK had his ministry.
You're on the right.
How's it feel?
Oh, OK.
He said, got it.
He's on standby.
OK, so let's try to cycle him.
In the meantime, let's take Paul.
Paul in Vegas.
How are you?
I'm doing good.
How about yourself?
Thanks for taking my call.
Yeah, of course.
Martin Luther King, one of the things they were most scared about, he was bringing the families together.
He was bringing the mother and the father and making sure that it was a strong family union.
And they knew that they had a plan against that.
They were trying to, you know, give civilists in the military, and they were doing different programs, actually, to break the families up.
And that's one of the things they were scared about, about Martin Luther King, is that he was unifying the family.
Yeah, Paul, I couldn't agree with you more.
Thanks for calling in.
Paul is absolutely right.
It is that the social welfare system, and not only that, academia, healthcare, all of it, Has what?
Demolished poor, poor whites, poor blacks.
And because a disproportion of black people live in poverty, it has disproportionately affected black people.
Let's bring C.J.
Pearson on.
We finally have him on.
C.J., do you agree?
Do you think that there is a war on the black family?
Do you think that this is the main cause for the ailments in black America?
Undoubtedly, Ali.
I believe that there is an absolute war being waged against the black community, against the black family, every single day by those in the left.
I think it's evident, not only in the example you cited with Martin Luther King, but also if we look further into more recent history.
If we look at what happened during the 90s with the Clinton crime bill, which disproportionately put black fathers behind bars.
Yeah, and when he referred to black men and children as super-predators.
Like, this is the way that they talk about black people openly and still somehow, some way, we still con ourselves into believing that they actually care about us.
They care about black people.
They care about our struggle.
They care about our plight.
But they are the reason that we do struggle.
They are the reason that that plight even exists.
If you look at Lyndon B. Johnson's so-called Great Society, which was supposed to end racial disparity and lift America out of poverty, all it did was worsen the black community and create a culture of dependency.
And that's not independence.
That is not progress, if anything.
That is shooting us in the kneecaps and saying, I hope you're okay.
I hope you make it.
Like, that is how the left has treated black people for decades.
And the fact of the matter is that we now finally have a president.
Who is it?
CJ, hold on to Trump's record real quick.
Hold on to Trump's record.
We're about to jump to a break.
I want you to hang on.
And I want to talk about Trump's record and what he's done for black people.
I saw an awesome tweet that said da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da.
Oh, that wasn't Obama.
That was Trump.
And I would like to think that, you know, MLK might not be a partisan.
But he would certainly love what President Trump is doing.
We'll be back right after the break.
The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions And what we say and what we do that changes the world.
We are the power structure.
We are the inventors.
We are the trailblazers.
And the globalists understand that.
And they understand that they are basically trying to control and steal the future from we, the people.
Now, to help fund our operation that is undoubtedly the very tip of the spear against these globalists, I want to encourage listeners and viewers to understand that throughout the second half of the month of March, we're going to have store-wide free shipping at 50% off at importstore.com, something everybody should take advantage of.
Dare I say, we're about to be joined by the Rembrandt, the da Vinci of meme-making, Carpe Dantum.
But let's look at the meme that Carpe Dantum made that President Trump shared that was then censored on Twitter.
Adam Spiegel!
The President of the United States!
If tomorrow all the things were gone Then I'd worked for all my life
Then I'd had to start again Just my children and my wife
I'd thank my lucky stars ♪ I thought it was going to be living here ♪
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker.
Members of Congress, the state of our union is strong.
Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land.
God bless the USA.
So, Carpe Dantum joins me now, and I gotta be honest with you folks,
I feel like right now I'm interviewing one of the greatest artists of all time.
So, Carpe Doctum, thank you for joining me today on the Alex Jones Show.
So, let's talk about the name.
Obviously, Carpe Diem, Seize the Day, the famous saying, and then you have Carpe Noctum, which is Seize the Night.
So, Carpe Doctum, is that Seize the Donk?
It's Seize the Donkey.
Seize the Donkey.
Seize the Donkey, yeah.
Seize that Democrat.
Ah, okay, okay.
Because I was wondering, I knew that there had to be something to that name.
So Carpe Dantum is seize the Democrats.
So that's basically, seize the opportunity that the left provides you to create beautiful memes.
That is my interpretation of my fake Latin, yes.
Well, I have to say, you've done a lot of great work, obviously.
Your creativity shines through.
If you don't want to get into this, I understand, but I need an answer here.
Can you confirm or deny that you were the character featured in Make Love Not Warcraft in South Park?
Now, we've got the clip, and there have been some theories, okay?
There have been some theories branded about here that this character from South Park, Make Love Not Warcraft, is actually based on you.
Now, can you confirm or deny these claims right now?
I can't confirm or deny right now.
Can Carpe Donctum... Can you confirm or deny?
I can't confirm or deny.
I just know that InfoWars is the sword of a thousand trees.
He's meme legend at Carpe Donctum on Twitter.
Follow him now.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Cha-cha-cha-cha-cha, but we're actually in a somber mood.
51 years ago today, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
was taken from us by a gunman.
Who knew?
The FBI.
The FBI knew.
There's been a war on black families, as our caller Paul alluded to, as I'm elaborating on.
And a good friend of mine is actually on the line, C.J.
Pearson, one of the young, brilliant supporters of Donald J. Trump.
And he was actually talking about, right before the break, Donald Trump's record with the black people.
I'm impressed with it.
C.J.' 's impressed with it.
Confession, neither C.J.
or I picked Donald Trump as our first String player during the primary of 2016.
But we both ended up on his team before the election in 2016.
And boy, did we score big.
And we score big for the black community.
CJ, tell the listeners why you as a black man, forget you as a conservative, forget you as a Christian, forget you as a regular American.
Don't you feel a little pride that you were right?
That you can go tell your black friends whose parents are voting Democrat, like, I bet on the guy who's helping our people, which is uniting America in turn.
For sure.
It leaves me beaming with joy, Ali, because I think So many people going to this election, I remember all the conspiracy theories, that the election of Donald Trump was going to lead to black people going back into slavery, us going back to Africa, and all these crazy things, but what we have actually seen- Put your back in chains!
That's what- Yeah, we're going back in chains.
Put your back in chains!
Yeah, yeah.
It's ridiculous.
But what we've actually seen is that black unemployment is at a record low.
More black people are owning homes than ever before.
Black wages are increasing incredibly rapidly.
Like, the black community is thriving.
And so when I go into the black community, when I talk to other people at the barbershop or at church, you know, the thing that I always go to say is that you cannot argue with the fact that the black community, the state of our community, is stronger than it was four years before now.
That it was stronger than it was during the Obama administration.
And so, the thing is that I'm confident in the argument, and what I believe is that at the end of the day, black people may not be as passionate and as spoken about their support of the president as me and you are and others like Candace Owens are, but I think it goes back to that fundamental truth that James Carville spoke of back during Carter's election.
It's the economy, stupid, right?
Black people are thriving economically more than they have in decades.
And I think that that is going to be at the front of their minds in 2020, and I'm excited about what that means for the election.
Yeah, CJ, he put a hundred billion dollars, that's a billion.
And we know that the president loves to say billion, just like China, you know, it's a billion.
But now he put a hundred billion dollars back into the black community through the HBCUs and the economic empowerment zones.
This is a man who cares about all Americans and equal opportunity, but he knows that America has robbed It's promised from the black people.
He talked about this on the campaign trail in Detroit, in Charlotte.
He went into black communities in October of 2016 and he championed this.
What I want to do is I want to play the rest of MLK's speech and then I want to talk to you about the FBI targeting Trump and how that feels like a lot to me, the FBI targeting MLK.
Can we play the rest of that video, team?
So I'm happy tonight.
I'm not worried about anything.
I'm not fearing any man.
My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord.
Now, that ending's important, and can we play that last 15 seconds all the way through just one more time?
I want everyone to listen to the lion's roar coming out of this Atlanta preacher's mouth, and I want you to watch how he slumps in his chair, and I want to talk about the Holy Spirit.
And let's play that clip one more time, the last 15 seconds or so.
So I'm happy tonight.
I'm not worried about anything.
I'm not fearing any man.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!
Can I get an amen?
*laughs* You know, CJ, you know, I know you're a Christian, I'm a Christian, you know, MLK in the speech, what really impacts me as a believer is he slumps.
I mean, here's a man who, you know, never tired and you could just see it wasn't defeat, but it was pure exhaustion.
He left everything on the field.
And I remember feeling like that in 2016 when Hillary Clinton did like four stops and Donald Trump did like 40.
You could just see I'm leaving it all on the field.
And he says, you know, this election is about whether we will be ruled by a small handful of people or whether we are still ruled by the people.
And there's a lot of black people who think that you and I right now, we're committing heresy.
We're committing heresy.
How dare, you know, Ali compare Donald J. Trump to MLK?
But I see parallels in them both, and they both were targeted by the FBI.
Do you think that Donald J. Trump needs to clean up our government and the rogue elements in the FBI?
Do you think he needs to do what MLK Jr.
couldn't do because they killed him?
Do you think that he needs to go in here and clean house?
You know, undoubtedly.
And I think he needs to do it very, very soon.
Because what we've seen is that the entire Russia investigation was a hoax.
We saw the conclusion that was brought forth by Attorney General William Barr.
There was no collusion found.
And now, what we saw yesterday, they are now trying to get his tax return.
They're grasping at everything they can to attempt to discredit this president.
And you know what's interesting to me, and what really is interesting but is also really,
really frustrating, is that you have to ask yourself ultimately, do they want this president
to fail?
And if they want this president to fail, are they really the patriots they portray themselves
to be?
Because it's like, they say that they're doing this in the name of patriotism, they're doing
this in the name of fairness and justice and America, but this seems like a vendetta.
They're not searching.
There is no crime that they're investigating.
They're looking for a crime.
They're in search of wrongdoing.
And I don't think that that is how our legal process should be.
You just talked about the biblical implications of what he was talking about, about how Martin Luther King in that speech left it all out on the field because he knew that his day was coming.
You know, I was at Bible study on Tuesday, and we were talking about the story of Aaron and Ur, and they were in a battle.
And it was a battle that they were completely, completely underwhelmed.
They didn't have the ability to wage the war and to do it appropriately, but they leaned on God.
And it says that when they got tired, Moses held up their arm, and he said to go forth and persevere.
And I think that is why it is so important for people like you, for I, and everyone listening today, for us to hold up the arms of President Trump and let him know that we are in his corner.
That we have his back, that we will fight for him until the end is near.
Because this is what we are fighting is the same thing that Martin Luther King was fighting.
We are challenging the existing world order in this country.
We are seeking to unify this nation, to shake it up for the betterment of our country, our
nation and the everyday American.
This isn't a battle that's being waged in favor of the elites.
It's a battle being waged in favor of folks like you and I.
Folks who work nine to fives are raised by folks who work nine to fives.
This is what this is about.
This is a people's revolution.
I'm not talking a Bernie Sanders people's revolution.
I'm talking about people's revolution as in like the people have the power now, more so
than ever before.
And that is why the establishment is reacting the way that they are, time and again, to
President Trump.
CJ, you've got 30 seconds.
You have an initiative that's going to be launching here in a couple of weeks to help get more people like us registered to vote.
Can you talk about that in 30 seconds, or do you want to save that for after the break?
For sure, let's do this, about 30 seconds.
So Generation Z is projected to be one of the most conservative generations since World War II, and 2021 and 10 of us are going to be eligible to vote.
Guys, that's big news, and it is so important for conservatives to educate this generation and to get them registered to vote.
And I am so excited to be on the front lines of that, helping educate my peers and arming them to not only have conservative ideals when they go to college, but also become young conservative activists that are going to help re-elect Trump in 2020.
Thanks for calling in CJ.
CJ Pearson!
You guys can catch him at cjpearson.org.
I'm so excited about that and I cannot wait to get more involved.
Thanks for calling in CJ.
CJ Pearson!
You guys can catch him at CJPearson.org.
We'll be back after the break and go to some calls.
[radio chatter]
Chief Kerish did say today that they have reached over 300,000 apprehensions
along the southwestern border for this fiscal year alone.
Now, specifically here in the RGV, they have seen over 130,000.
CBP today released that they're expecting to apprehend over 55,000 family units for the month of March alone.
The fact of the matter is this is not an emergency and the president's fear-mongering doesn't make it one.
There is no crisis at the border.
I'll state that this is a manufactured crisis and a crisis that manufactured by the Trump administration.
But he clearly understands in his gut what stirs his base and he is determined to inflame these fears regardless of the facts or the effect this will have on the country.
What's at the core of this crisis is the Trump administration.
The reason the Democrats refuse to call this a crisis is because they see it as an opportunity.
CBP is facing an unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis all along our southwest border.
The Mexican Interior Secretary said that they're planning to see, come through Mexico, the mother of all caravans.
It is very definitely a crisis and the question is what do you do about it?
We will build a wall. We will build a wall. We will build a wall.
And let's go to Lucas in North Carolina.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Good to be on.
Good to have you here.
Real quickly, I just wanted to say that I am a user of the Infowars products.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show here on Infowars.com.
And we're welcoming the millions of radio listeners across the country.
I'm Oli Alexander.
Hosting, guest hosting for this fourth hour.
We just got off the phone with CJ Pearson, cjpearson.org.
He announced an effort that he is going to launch to register Generation Z voters so we can make America great again and fulfill the promise of Martin Luther King Jr., who tragically was taken away from us 51 years ago, to judge people by the content of their character.
And I would say the content and the record of Donald J. Trump's, well, his record as president.
Don't want to talk about his time in New York, but his record in D.C.
is sterling.
And also, if you're watching live, here's my doggie, Ace.
Let's take some callers, and we're going to run through these really quickly because y'all have been so loyal.
You guys have been so loyal.
You shop at the store.
You're willing to wait on hold for 40 minutes.
So I want to get to as many people as I can.
Let's start with Chris.
Chris, You don't have to ask me how I'm doing.
What do you want to tell the listeners around the world?
Yeah, what I want to tell the listeners around the world is, and thanks for taking my call, is that, you know, Martin Luther King, you know, he was a Christian.
I'm glad that, you know, in a funny way, we're having church right now.
But the thing is, we've let these evil, the evil left, this child sacrifice culture dominate and take control of our society because the church Man of God, we have to rise up.
We have to begin to get back into prayer.
We need to get back to rallying, and that's what I'm doing here in my state, trying to rally the pastors together, because we have the voice.
We have the power.
We normally, you know, we want to take care of our families.
We want to just kind of live our lives, but we can't.
We can't do that, and we need to take our position.
I wrote a book called The Church of Thrones, Saying that the church people need to take back their position because just like in the Game of Thrones, if you don't, evil people will.
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
Thank you, Chris.
And you know what I like about Chris?
What Chris just said about Take the Throne is when I'm talking to my listeners, I always tell people, crowns up, reclaim your crowns.
We are the heirs to the throne.
Let's go to Preston in Colorado.
Preston, what do you want to tell us?
Hey Ollie, thanks.
Um, you know, just like what MLK Jr.
was saying, you know, he's seen the mountaintop, he's seen the glory of God, but, you know, right now we're being, we're being shown biblical proportion of prophecy being fulfilled.
We're not just choosing against Democrats and Republicans.
We're choosing against the forces of good and evil, Satan versus God.
And, you know, it's, When you hear the Holy Spirit speaking to you from someone else, you know that feeling you get?
Oh, yeah.
Man, brother, that feeling hits me so many times when I was listening to MLK Jr.
Man, you can tell the Holy Spirit of God is with that man.
I just want to encourage all the brothers and sisters out there in Christ that, you know, the closer we stick to God, it's not going to be easy.
He says that it's not going to be easy.
No, it's not.
We'll have fellowship.
Thank you, Preston.
You're absolutely right.
We need to gather.
I mean, that's why I'm guest hosting InfoWars.
You know, for years and years, I was a GOP operative.
This was, you know, don't go on InfoWars.
Don't talk to InfoWars.
In fact, badmouth them.
But what I've realized these past two years is that we cannot afford to discriminate.
We need to fight for the freedom of association, the freedom of thought, the freedom of speech, and we need to put aside these petty differences, and we need to fight this system.
You know, Jesus called it the world.
Kanye calls it the simulation.
I call it the system, and we got to beat it.
Let's go to Jeff.
Jeff in Canada.
Hey Ali, nice talking to you.
In the Book of Revelation it says that the testimony of Jesus is a spirit of prophecy and I'm just really thankful for you, for Alex.
Alex did a wonderful breakdown this morning at nine o'clock on the big picture of everything and you know, as much as people want to take down info wars because of Sandy Hook or these different things with the First Amendment, it is the lifting up of Jesus is why The establishment, the globalists, want InfoWars off the air.
There's an unashamed allegiance to Jesus.
Not everybody's in different places.
Some people are on the road.
But if you're not against Jesus, you're for Him.
And I just really thank you for being a modern-day prophet, lifting up the name of Jesus.
Yeah, amen.
I think it's, I think it's, I think what you're saying is absolutely right.
Thanks for calling Jeff, is look, our allegiance isn't to the almighty dollar.
Our allegiance isn't to a title with the UN or the IMF or whatever.
Our allegiance is that, well, we got to go somewhere when we die and we got to be accountable for things.
The Bible says, you know, that hate, hate is murder in the heart.
And, you know, when you realize that, you have an obligation.
Look, I still cuss.
I'm still sliding into DMs.
I'm still, you know, a flawed individual.
Martin Luther King Jr.
committed adultery.
Donald J. Trump, well, we know his record in New York.
We all have our flaws.
But those of us who choose to bear a cross Choose to do so that we might live in a secular and open society where we can all get along.
The Jew, the Muslim, the Christian, the brown, the black, the yellow, you know, the red.
I might get in trouble for saying that.
The gay, the straight, the bi, the fluid.
We're about all of that stuff here.
Let's go to Roberto.
Roberto has been a supporter of InfoWars and wanted to plug something.
Roberto, you have the air.
Hey, can you hear me?
We can hear you.
Hey, listen, man, I ordered, I have right now six bottles of iodine in my shelf.
I love this stuff.
It'll make you atomic, man.
It'll make you Be able to think logically and clearly.
I love Red Pill Plus.
It gives you incredible energy.
Turbo Force is amazing.
My wife and I are on our fourth box.
I mean all the products on InfoWars to support Your cause just to take care of yourself is so important, man.
These supplements are the absolute best on the planet.
I've written a couple reviews and I put on there that they're atomic.
I hear that Alex talks about the atomic.
I'm telling you, man, nascent iodine is the shizzle.
Thank you for your time.
Yeah, of course.
You know, if people have good things to say about products, We want to let them say what they want to say.
It's kind of funny.
I actually, just true story, true story.
I actually shopped at the Infowars store a couple of months ago.
I bought some food supply.
I bought the air purifier and you know, I have a lot of, I have asthma.
I, you know, I've largely grown out of it, but I'm also allergic to all kinds of grasses and And all kinds of animal poop and dust and all kinds of crap, literal.
And, you know, I found that it works for me.
And I don't think that people need to be ashamed of it.
I watch people try to bully Alex Jones and InfoWars for selling products.
And I'm like, well, what's the alternative?
What's the alternative?
Is he supposed to take a tithing?
Is Alex Jones supposed to be subsidized by the Carlos Sims or the Jeff Bezos of the world?
Push their agenda?
No, no.
I'm totally fine with the product thing and I think that people ought to dabble and people ought to take, you know, their spiritual health, their mental health, their emotional health, all that stuff very, very seriously and experiment with some of this stuff.
Our last caller is Adam out of Canada.
Adam, I can give you 30 seconds.
You wanted to talk about the spiritual tower of Babel.
Can you condense that in 30 seconds?
Well, it might be a radical interpretation.
I don't want to offend anybody because I was raised without God with the idea of a higher power that's not God, but I just want to see a different interpretation of, you know, the tower of trying to reach a kind of an ideal, and everybody loses their language.
They don't have a common language.
Well, it's not everybody having a different language.
Everybody having no language at all.
We have no spiritual language, you know, and we've lost our path to God.
That's a great point, Adam.
Adam, thanks for calling.
Even though you're from Canada, you guys can be second best, at least, maybe.
But here's the thing, and that's a really, we're wrapping up the show.
I've actually talked about that here on InfoWars, that they mean the postmodernists and the Marxists are not the same, but they both have an agenda, a war on words, on linguistics, that we may have no unifying cause to debate So not only are we not allowed to debate on Twitter or Facebook, but we're not allowed to have a common language by which we could debate, even if we had the platform.
Thank you guys so much for listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to hop over to another show here pretty soon.
I've been the guest host, Ali Alexander, and really, it's been a true honor to talk about Martin Luther King Jr.
and his legacy again as a black man, a Southern man, a Christian man, and I think a man who would
have been proud of what Donald J. Trump is doing for the black community now.
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