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Name: 20190329_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 29, 2019
3373 lines.

In this segment of InfoWars, Alex Jones discusses various topics related to politics, media manipulation, healthcare, and personal freedom. He addresses the removal of his content from social media platforms due to alleged anti-Semitic posts and comments and argues that this is part of a broader effort by globalist forces to silence dissenting voices and control the flow of information. Jones suggests an Internet Bill of Rights and protections for political affiliation as potential solutions to combat online censorship and discrimination. Dr. Nick Begich joins the conversation, discussing political landscape and economic shifts happening in the world. They touch upon topics like Trump's anti-establishment stance, control by both left and right political factions, decline of government representation for the people, and transfer of real capital from the West to emerging markets such as Asia and Africa. The speaker emphasizes the importance of access to information and a public forum where diverse voices can be heard in order to promote debate and human evolution. He highlights the dangers of digital surveillance and data collection, arguing that individuals' personal data should not be sold or used for commercial or political purposes without their consent. Various solutions to issues facing the United States are discussed, such as eliminating certificate of needs at federal and state levels, addressing prescription drugs more rationally, reevaluating the postal service, reducing military spending by bringing foreign bases back to U.S. territory, and investing in Alaskan resources through improved infrastructure. The speaker promotes InfoWars products available at InfowarsStore.com, including "Supermail Vitality" for boosting vitality and energy levels, InfoWars Life Protein Bars as a convenient nutrient-packed snack, and Happies as a mood and stress support formula."

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(upbeat music)
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average man.
And after three years of lies and smears and slander, the Russia hoax is finally dead.
The collusion delusion is over.
The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction.
I could have told you that two and a half years ago very easily.
Total exoneration.
Complete vindication.
You know, it's interesting.
Robert Mueller was a god to the Democrats, was a god to them, until he said there was no collusion.
They don't like him so much right now.
The Democrats have to now decide whether they will continue defrauding the public with ridiculous bullshit,
partisan investigations, or whether they will apologize to the American people
and join us to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.
Bring down the cost of health care and prescription drugs, which we're doing incredibly.
Help us fix our broken trade deals, which are coming along really well.
We have our team right now in China.
They just arrived.
We've gone up, they've gone down, but we want them to be healthy.
We want them to be happy and healthy.
And by the way, we are building that wall as usual.
We are building that wall.
Many, many people were badly hurt by this scam.
I give up.
You guys win.
Our country was hurt.
Our country was hurt.
And they're on artificial respirators right now.
They're getting mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.
Little pencil neck Adam Schiff.
Got the smallest, thinnest neck I've ever seen.
He is not a long ball hitter.
But I saw him today.
Well, we don't really know.
there could still have been some Russia collusion.
Sick! Sick!
These are sick people.
And there has to be accountability because it's all lies.
And they know it's lies.
They know it.
They know it.
Democrats want to pretend there is no border crisis.
For one simple reason.
Because they have caused the border crisis.
And you know why else?
Because they want votes.
And because they don't want to give us a win.
They don't want to give us a win.
They put that ahead of what's good for our country.
The mass illegal immigration across our border is a direct consequence of Democrat-supported loopholes.
Democrat promises of amnesty.
You have people coming up, you know, they're all met by the lawyers, the lawyers of... And they come out, they're all met by the lawyers, and they say, say the following phrase!
I am very afraid for my life!
I am afraid for my life!
And then I look at the guy, he looks like he just got out of the ring, he's the heavyweight champion of the world, he's afraid for his life.
It's a big fat con job, folks.
It's a big fat con job.
There are thousands of ideologies out there, hundreds of different political systems, and most of them are funded by the globalists.
Infowars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been.
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night that sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family, I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWars, and I salute you.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is The Alex Jones Show.
Thank you very much, Grand Rapids.
It's great to be back.
Right here in America's heartland.
You know that, right?
with the hard-working patriots from the great state of Michigan.
By the way, we're bringing a lot of those car companies back.
Remember I told you they're coming back?
They're pouring back in.
They're coming back.
They're coming back fast.
This has been an incredible couple of weeks for America.
The economy is roaring.
The ISIS caliphate is defeated 100%.
And after three years of lies and smears and slander, the Russia hoax is finally dead.
The collusion delusion is over.
The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no
I could have told you that two and a half years ago very easily.
Total exoneration.
Complete vindication.
You know, it's interesting.
Robert Mueller was a god to the Democrats, was a god to them, until he said there was no collusion.
They don't like him so much right now.
The crazy attempt by the Democrat Party and the fake news media right back there.
and the deep state to overturn the results of the 2016 election have failed the greatest
election that we've had in a long time, maybe right from the beginning.
This was nothing more than a sinister effort to undermine our historic election victory
and to sabotage the will of the American people.
This is the one we want.
We want ourselves.
We want us.
And that's what we got.
Didn't break our will, and they know it.
We came from all over to vote.
They're never taking it away from us.
Our movement took on the political establishment, the corrupt media,
and it's never been more corrupt than it is today.
And many special interests.
That's why they tried to do everything possible to take us out.
But we're very tough to take out, aren't we?
Very, very tough.
InfoWars is the heart of it, folks.
We need your help.
The Russia witch hunt was a plan by those who lost the election.
To try and illegally regain power by framing innocent Americans, many of them, they suffered with an elaborate hoax.
They wanted to destroy a movement like our country has never seen before.
That's true.
Never seen before.
And believe me, if these people thought that that wasn't true, Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, I've gone from knowing Trump's a good guy and backing him to really loving him now.
We have gone through the fire together.
And I don't feel sorry for myself, but history needs to be stated.
I see Mike Caputo on Fox News this morning talking about the hundreds of thousands of dollars he had to spend when they tried to put him in jail for no reason and all the prosecution of so many people.
And folks forget that they declared me a Russian agent without trial in 2017 in the Defense Armed Services Committee of the House and the Senate.
We've played those clips many times.
And turned the Central Intelligence Agency loose on us and their propagandists in the media.
And de-platformed us and financed all these lawsuits against us.
Actually worked with certain individuals to try to take my children away.
There were up to 40 to 50 reporters in the courtroom every day writing lies to manipulate the jury.
By the grace of God, they still failed.
But then the media just declared that I'd lost my children.
It wasn't true.
It is incredible the level of lies that we are now witnessing.
Now I am loaded for bear today.
I really should air the whole hour and a half, two hour speech.
How long is it total?
It's extremely powerful.
And it is sunshine to vampires and it's epic.
And we're winning on so many fronts.
But the private Federal Reserve is trying to kill the economy.
That's a big threat.
The Democrats have declared with the U.N.
a bomb rush of the border.
That's at record level, so that's a big crisis.
The U.N.' 's attempt to break our borders.
We have the leftists still in control of the universities and the brainwashing centers.
Trump's countering that with his executive order.
And we have the CHICOMS who are still firmly in place.
But we're getting control of our nation, and we've won huge battles in this war against the deep state.
And Trump is about to hit his stride, and it's his right and his duty, and our right and our duty, to take action politically, legally, and lawfully, and peacefully, nonviolently, against the deep state.
You know, I made the joke earlier to the crew that pigs do fly.
The Austin American statesman, cover it later, sent investigators to the Lucy's Chicken, where leftists came to my seat my wife three times and said eat you know what we're going to get you we're going to get you f you others jibbering says it went will be outside things like that and when i went out there they were waiting outside and i stood up to him i didn't run it would have been smarter if i left like ted cruz or other people but a certain point they'd been threatening me and i just said let's go then the statesman actually sent a reporter there
Talked to the managers and the waitresses and said, no, it's true.
I can't believe it.
The Houston Chronicle, the San Francisco Chronicle, none of them would tell the truth.
NPR has reported it.
It's been reported on MSNBC.
I didn't see it.
But the statesman sent Jonathan Tilloff, who's written hit pieces on me, but they've been the nicer ones.
He'll probably be fired now.
He's a pretty well-known longtime political reporter for like 40 years.
He actually wrote An article that admits I told the truth.
I've never heard of such a thing in my life.
A liberal actually telling the truth.
It's a new day, folks.
We may have turned the corner, but there's an article on DrudgeReport.com about a guy that got arrested for beating himself in the head with his own fist.
Half of crimes that are violent in many cases turn out to be staged, okay?
Half of rape reports in criminology, you'll learn, are fake.
It doesn't mean men don't rape women, doesn't mean it's not wrong.
It's just, a lot of stuff's fake out there.
And they don't want us asking those questions.
Speak of the devil, Jussie Smollett.
Jesse Smollett.
He wants the mayor to apologize to him and the police to apologize.
I'm not kidding.
The NAACP has nominated him for an award.
And a lot of folks are saying, why is he so arrogant?
Because he's being told he's a hero for staging that false flag.
He did it at the behest of Obama.
You know that.
Now it's under investigation.
So, he's a hero.
He's the average leftist.
He is just like the folks in that restaurant.
The ones that came in to try to stir me up three times, try to set me up.
But guess what?
You failed!
Because I videotaped almost all of it.
We'll be right back with breaking, huge news that's critical.
I hope every man, woman, and child out there watching and listening to me right now is thanking God for how far we've come.
All over the world, nationalist and pro-capitalist forces are winning elections and turning the tide against the globalists.
It's incredible.
And right here in America, we saw President Trump win despite being outspent 10 to 1 by Hillary and the deep state.
Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
We saw the media look like fools when Trump got elected.
Their credibility brought to almost zero.
Now you've seen their whole Russiagate fraud, their attempted coup against the voters of this nation, not just the president.
Their criminal activity now exposed and blown wide open.
It was proven very strongly, no collusion, no obstruction, no nothing.
We are on the offense, they are on the defense, but we've got to press the attack politically and not stop, because the enemy's going to strike back.
With false flags like Smollett tried to stage to cause a race war and so much more.
The Covington kids, they tried to stage that event.
But all of these staged events are falling on their face by the grace of God and acting through you.
People out there videotaping public events.
People keeping their eyes open.
People keeping their ear to the ground.
Folks are active, they're aware, and they understand the globalist paradigm.
And there's so many other things.
That the establishment's doing that is just unraveling.
Like all these governors passing laws to kill babies after they're born and then defending it.
It's insane.
The choice between good and evil has never been clearer.
And the 1776 worldwide that you and I and all of us together launched Is what the globalists fear, the renaissance.
So I salute you and I thank you.
And I encourage you to be part of this revolution even more.
Because you've seen the effect and you've seen the victory.
But the enemy again is now launching counter-offensives.
And so your prayers and your support of Infowars are more important than ever.
Your word of mouth is paramount.
And your purchase of great products that you and your family already need is essential.
We're gonna have to end one of the biggest sales in our history, if not the biggest.
50 to 60% off storewide.
Free shipping store-wide, double Patriot points, and so much more, the Save the First Amendment Mega Special.
We've got to end it by early next week, Monday or Tuesday at the max, because so many of the great products are on the verge of selling out, or have already sold out, because people really respond to these sales.
Many of these items are lost liters, but I want you to see how incredible they are.
Whether it's X2, whether it's Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, whether it's the Great Fish Oil, whether it's the Ultimate Bone Broth Formula, the attributes and the strength of these products is unparalleled, just like our information.
And it supports the broadcast, so it is the total 360 win.
We have come so far together, and now the President is preparing to go on the offense against the censors.
He's taking action against the universities and their authoritarian anti-free speech policies.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
Our prayers are being answered.
So, I want to thank you.
I want to thank God.
I want to thank my family.
I want to thank the crew.
I want to thank the President.
And I want to thank everybody that stood up for the First Amendment.
And I just want to encourage everybody, now is the center of the fight.
Now is the time to be the most focused.
We need your financial support.
Please take action.
InfoWars Tomorrow's news today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The family.
It's on the march.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time and I'm your host Alex Jones.
And the establishment is doing everything they can to shut us down because they know we represent grassroots, populist, Americana reboot that swept Trump into power.
In 2016, if you went to a Trump rally or you went to the RNC event in Cleveland, Ohio, you would see about a third of the people wearing Infowars.com shirts and HillaryForPrison shirts from Infowars.com.
And I remember when Trump won the nomination and then won the presidency, sitting here with security I'd had to hire at that point and saying, it's really gonna get bad now.
Will they just kill me or will they try to sue me, lie about me, destroy my name and imprison me?
Because those historically are the different angles that authoritarians take in revenge.
Well, we've now seen that they've taken the latter pattern.
So when we talk about this broadcast here, And the huge Trump rally you saw last night and go to some of the clips and more.
Understand that what we're about to cover is the absolute heart of what we're facing and the only Achilles heel that populist, capitalist nations are dealing with.
And if we can handle this problem, we can handle all the others.
So Robert Barnes, who just won a big case yesterday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, a big civil rights case, he can't talk about it because they settled it halfway through the trial, is now able to come on today because the trial is over early and he's our chief legal counsel.
He'll be in town all next week in Austin.
He flies in tomorrow.
And we're not issuing this warning like he did To the companies that wouldn't retract on the Covington Kids just to issue it for no reason.
I don't want to sue Business Insider and their so-called reporter.
I don't want to sue Instagram.
But I cannot allow you to silence me and defame me and literally create a designation that I know is already being used at the Interpol level Four conservative nationalist dissidents that they're preparing to roll out worldwide of hate figure.
Then they take your bank accounts, they take your ability to fly, and then they finally imprison you with this plan.
And leaked documents out of Facebook yesterday show this.
Facebook owns Instagram.
And so when I lay this out with... Robert Barnes will be in studio with us some next week.
He's on phone right now.
I want you to understand, this is the future for you.
Because they leaked these emails, the Southern Poverty Law Center slash Media Matters types that we know are inside these, quote, escalation groups inside of the tech giants.
That's what admittedly was brought in.
They are inside having these conversations via email.
About how, well Alex Jones didn't say anything anti-semitic and only 4% of the 500 plus comments we reviewed are anti-semitic.
And these are people saying anti-semitic things to him, but we still want to ban him.
And so they say, well, let's just issue him as a hate figure and take him completely off Instagram and what's left of Facebook.
Because I want to be clear.
I was not completely banned off Facebook or the other platforms.
They took channels down saying I'd violated terms of service on those channels.
The media then created the next phase that I was supposedly completely deplatformed everywhere.
Now, when you pull back from that, it's incredibly chilling.
So when we come back from break, I'm going to go to Robert Barnes.
There's a lot going on around here today.
I'm a little flustered right now.
And we're going to break all this down, but I have no choice but to sue the reporter Jake Cantor.
I have no choice but to sue Business Insider especially.
And we're going to go over why when we come back.
I mean, if they retract completely and admit what they've done, but I'm so tired of this classic Smollett-style, Covington kids set-up-style leftist game.
You just saw, again, the Austin American Statesman admitted the left tried to start a fight with me this weekend and then said that I did it to them, but the statesman went and investigated and found out I told the truth.
So, we're going to break it all down here today because this is at the heart of what's going on and what's happening, where they have the headline, Instagram is investigating an Alex Jones post that has stoked anti-Semitic hate in the comments.
Another headline, leaked emails reveal Facebook's intense internal discussion over Alex Jones' anti-Semitic post on Instagram.
So this reporter, and my lawyer will break this down in a moment, admits that they created the controversy, they contacted Facebook.
They're working with Facebook insiders that then release the entire group chat discussion of the moderators.
And then it was put in CNET News, The Washington Post, hundreds of publications last night.
Alex Jones set to be removed from Instagram for anti-Semitism post.
And 99% of people will read something like that and think Alex Jones has engaged in some anti-Semitic statement.
Well, if I did, I'd have that free speech right, but I didn't.
I'm actually pro-Israel being able to exist.
Everybody knows that.
The anti-Semites hate me because of that.
So, other people are posting...
Other people are posting on Instagram, third parties, most of them probably Democrat smollets.
They get caught doing it all the time.
I call it smolleting, a term we've coined where Democrats, liberals, think tanks go out, they've been caught in the IP addresses, and pose as racist on all sides to create division.
That's what's in the WikiLeaks, is to create the cultural infighting.
The societal breakdown.
It's what the Democrats and the globalists want.
So the magnitude of this, to post an article where you're working with the insiders at Facebook to imply that I've done something anti-semitic because of a couple of anti-semitic comments and then to say that I am guilty of anti-semitic posts and never even show anybody what they're talking about is next level.
But that way, when I get banned off Instagram, these are just PR build-ups to then ban me.
It's all a PR blueprint.
I've seen it hundreds of times, literally.
Ban me for, quote, anti-Semitism, and now I'm the guy banned for anti-Semitism.
So remember what Wired Magazine said.
They said, he is the man, the one, That cannot be named.
He is the one that cannot be named.
The one that has to have a black hand reach around and grab the red, white, and blue and pull it off into the darkness.
We'll talk to Robert Barnes about this, but imagine, they lie about you, they say you're anti-semitic, they take your speech away, and then they give you a designation of a hate leader, but David Duke stays on all the platforms and has no problem.
And I'm not saying take him off.
I believe in free speech.
The Heights Public Library today debuting a new children's story hour called Drag Queen Storytime.
My name is Blackberry.
I'm a bearded drag queen.
That means I'm a lady with lots of facial hair.
Stephanie Whitfield sat in on the program designed to promote acceptance.
I'm actually going to be one of the drag queens reading for Drag Queen Storytime.
Drag Queen Storytime.
And we witnessed parents taking their children as young as two inside to take part.
Are you nervous?
You wanna touch my hair?
And for the children and the people that support it are gonna realize that this is gonna be the grooming of the next generation.
That's the whole goal is to make kids that aren't used to seeing something like me more comfortable to seeing it.
You could be a drag queen superhero!
And shake your butt!
Shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em (laughing)
Sweet dreams are made of these Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world in the seventies Everybody's looking for something
Something they want to give you Something they want to be like you
No one's there to push an agenda on anyone.
No one's there to persuade people or to recruit people.
Who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up?
You could be a drag queen superhero.
Are you nervous?
They were all accepting.
They all were happy about it and excited and giving me hugs and everything.
Most people seem to walk away having a good time.
A stardom young, right?
A stardom young, right?
And the woman gets up on her table, spreads her legs.
It's a man.
This is adult entertainment.
But what do predators do?
They target children.
Breaking news.
We have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston public library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
A media spokesperson for the library confirms one of those drag queens, Tatiana Malanina, is really Alberto Garza, a child sex offender.
In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy.
This is Tatiana Valinia, my sister from Queens of the Week.
And everywhere else it's called pedophilia.
But when it's done institutionally, and they can get away with people dressed up like demon clowns with your children.
Pull up Tranny Time in the New York schools.
This is put out in the New York Times like it's wonderful.
And it's the biggest scary looking group of weirdo pot-bellied men.
Looks like a bunch of Dennis Hasterds running around with clown makeup on.
Just hopping around, rubbing their giant bellies in front of children, and you're like, what alternate universe is this?!
What planet did I wake up in?
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So I want to thank you all for supporting the InfoWar.
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Free shipping storewide at InfoWarStore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, our entire form of government is in the process of being overthrown.
Not just the 4th Amendment, the 10th Amendment, but the 1st.
And they're coming after the 2nd.
At least they admit they want to repeal the 2nd Amendment now.
Well, about a month ago, executives at YouTube said they were considering banning people's channels or demonetizing them if there were hateful comments by third parties on YouTube's platform making comments on the video page.
Well, now we know that's already going on, according to leaked documents that came out yesterday from Facebook.
If 30% of the comments are deemed anti-Semitic, you then lose your account, or they at least put a strike against you.
Well, this is the next level of defamation.
Look at Vice News, and there were hundreds of headlines like this yesterday.
Instagram says, Alex Jones anti-Semitic post doesn't violate their standards.
And then when you read deeper into the actual emails, Ladies and gentlemen, it says that it's other people's comments calling me a Zionist shill is anti-Semitic.
That's right, because I'm not anti-Israel.
I believe Israel has a right to exist.
Some of the Nazis come on there.
They say four comments out of 500 plus.
And so three or four comments saying Alex Jones is a Zionist shill is now the reason for hundreds of publications to say I have posted anti-Semitism and so I need to be taken off the internet.
And when I am taken off Instagram, you know that's the formula.
I've already experienced this.
Last year it was beating up a 10-year-old kid.
Wasn't me.
Never touched a kid.
Some other video on ABC News, they just said that I beat up a kid.
And YouTube and everybody took me down.
So this newest thing is, oh, beating up a kid's pretty good, right?
That sounds bad.
Next, it's what, hurting puppies?
No, it's anti-Semitic.
And so, I'm putting with my lawyer on notice, right now.
Jake Cantor, who created the story, created the controversy, quote, got leaked info from Facebook, that thinks this will be a nice little PR coup, that Alex Jones was removed from Instagram and his final pages from Facebook because of anti-Semitic post, and the anti-Semitic post that they say in the emails, is other people's comments against me that I support Israel.
And then there's also a well-known anti-war activist, best-selling artist,
who's very liberal, who we posted one of his paintings that are world-famous.
They say that's anti-Semitic as well.
Robert Barnes, you laid this out beautifully this morning.
Obviously, you do this with the Covington kids.
You put a bunch of groups on notice and those suits were filed but they didn't retract.
I would like them to retract this.
They know what they're doing.
And so you're an expert on this.
Walk us through.
I know you just won a big case in Milwaukee.
A huge civil rights case.
You can't talk about it because they dropped things during the middle of the trial and settled with the family.
But congratulations on that.
But you know you win about 80% of your big high-profile cases.
We were talking this morning.
We're putting these guys on notice, aren't we?
What's happening is two-fold.
It's very scary.
You have a news publication creating a news story.
First, they were the ones to report the Instagram post.
The Instagram post is a picture of a famous mural by a famous street graffiti artist out
of L.A. who is used by very popular and Grammy award winning music bands to do the art for
their albums, who has been used by wide and well known brands across the world to design
marketing for them.
He does murals in the old Diego Rivera tradition that marks the elite in the establishment.
He came to fame as an anti-war muralist against the Bush regime in the Iraq war, the second
Iraq war, and the weapons of mass destruction.
So he posted a famous mural in London that Jeremy Corbyn, the labor leader, actually
complimented and that's what you shared on Instagram.
And so then these reporters for the Business for Business Insider falsely tell Instagram
and Facebook, oh, there's this anti-Semitic post by Alex Jones, which is completely false.
They know it's completely false.
And then they get Facebook concerned.
Facebook looks at it in their honest staff, says there's nothing anti-Semitic about this.
This doesn't meet any standard for striking.
This doesn't violate any of our terms of service.
And then what happens is the reporter uses his own ginned-up controversy to go over their head to high-ranking politicized members of Facebook to say, you need to actually look at this again and get Alex Jones banned.
Then they leak their internal emails to him so he can jam up another news story that says Facebook needs to ban Alex Jones.
But go beyond that!
Ban Alex Jones from all of Instagram.
to ban anyone even referencing or saying the words "InfoWars"
or "Alex Jones" on any social media platform they control anywhere in the world.
Literally saying your name would be banned.
Saying the name of InfoWars would be banned.
Citing to any information InfoWars ever produced would be banned.
So this is second-level disappearance.
It's what the communists used to do.
It's what the dictators in South America used to do when they would literally disappear
a person.
And then what the communists would do is prohibit anybody from even talking about that person,
saying that person's name, reading that person's material, looking at that person, talking
about that person.
Facebook is literally considering going to that extreme step.
And it's not far away from when they can just say, you know what?
You can't mention Donald Trump's name.
You can't talk about Donald Trump, even in, say, the presidential election.
What's going to stop them from doing it?
If they can do it to Alex Jones, they can do it to anybody.
And so that's their goal, is to not only shut up and silence you, but prohibit the audience
from ever talking about you, referencing you, and all of it based on a libelous campaign
established by a business insider reporter to chin up a fake controversy spreading fake
news based on a fake smear that's not only a smear of you, but a smear of one of the
most prominent street artists in the world.
And let's expand on that.
It's a sphere of free speech, free expression, not just here but around the world.
You're absolutely right.
It's formulaic.
We've been through this many times and they even admit this.
But you hit the key, the main point I didn't hit.
The executives in the emails say, well why don't we just, why don't we just list him as a hate figure, dehumanize him, steal his identity, basically, and then we can ban anybody else promoting him and then use me, not as a symbol of free speech, but as a symbol death, a symbol of the name that you better not mention
like I'm Voldemort.
They've even said that before and so this is Soviet or Stasi level and
I don't think that the folks at these different publications understand we
have to take action against this.
I can't be, quote, de-platformed a second time off a few little things for, quote, anti-Semitism so they can all repeat the guy de-platformed for anti-Semitism.
I've got to sue you now.
And let's put this young man up on screen.
We're going to depose him.
We're going to find out where he gets his directives.
We have a good idea.
Oliver Darcy a month ago said, time to ban people.
Who have bad commenters.
And now, YouTube's responding, Facebook's responding, because we know that Oliver Darcy speaks for the head of CNN.
Also, this reporter, Barnes, he said, oh, we can't tell you who the executives are because Alex Jones' people will harass them.
So they call us harassers while they're harassing us.
Jake Cantor, I tell you, isn't this just like the Covington kids?
Where they set up the thing, they then project a racist lie onto them, and then try to destroy them.
That's exactly what's going on.
And the other thing they're doing is there's a reason why he's leaking the internal emails that he's leaking.
He's telling people what percentage of comments will get people banned under Facebook and Instagram's rules.
So the goal is to get these fake lefty trolls to go on there and print stuff that violates the terms of service on someone else's post or comment, and then use that as a grounds to ban a person.
And so you have fake trolls who will then self-report their own fake trolling as grounds to ban somebody for comments that person never themselves ever made.
And the reason why they're releasing the internal details of how that process worked here is now everybody knows what the magic numbers are.
Okay, we need to make sure 30% of the comments are this way.
I mean, the extraordinary thing here was that your post was so non-controversial, in terms of any kind of racist allegation, that it was so low that they were like, this is one of the lowest levels of racist commentary we've seen on a publicly high-profile individual's post.
So clearly this post had nothing racist in it because it didn't trigger enough racist comments anywhere near... Sure, but as you said, they're giving out the magic formula to all of the troll farms, admittedly, to now go do what I call shmulleting when leftists pose as racist to get conservatives banned.
They're telling them which numbers to use, how they need to do it, what numbers they need to hit, when they need to report, when they need to target.
And for people who aren't as high profile as you, it will be even easier for them to achieve that and accomplish that.
Now think how this works.
Stay there.
Let's talk about how we're going to counter this.
Because the cold-bloodedness, creating the fake controversy, saying I'm anti-Semitic, putting that headline out there, and then rigging it to then go set up the comments.
We'll be right back with Bob Barnes.
Get ready for your loss.
And now, it's incredible.
We're fighting back and we're winning thanks to you.
I've got some good news for you folks, but some bad news for the globalists.
I've got good news for the people of America and the people of the world.
Trump has been totally exonerated from the entire Russian gay attempted coup d'etat take down.
And now he's going on the offense with the big executive order of a week ago that targets
universities that are public that violate the First Amendment.
And now he summoned the head of Google just yesterday to let Sundar know that his treason
by selling us out to China and censoring the American people and meddling in our elections
will not stand.
Trump said the meeting went well.
And the word is Apple and Facebook and Twitter, they're all being talked to by the president
over the telephone.
And private meetings are being set up where he's going to lay down the law.
That they're not going to side with authoritarian foreign powers, and that they're going to either abide by the Constitution and Bill of Rights and not the authoritarians, or he's going to take action against them.
That is everything we've needed to hear.
Now let's make sure the President follows through.
Now, InfoWars, as you know, is seen by the enemy as the tip of the spear, because we
are, because of you, the supporters of our message of liberty. We're rebooting America in 1776
worldwide. And we've had a special running for about a week and a half, save the First
Amendment, 1776, super sale.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is the last few days of the sale. Some of our best-selling
items have sold out.
Others are close to selling out.
We've got to end the sale coming up early next week.
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Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
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But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing billions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called "Reap What You Show."
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Money Through Friday, from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm here live.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Owen Schroer is live at 3 p.m.
with The War Room.
David Knight, 8 a.m., comes on right before me.
We've got Robert Barnes, who is a highly respected constitutional lawyer.
And he just won a big case up in Milwaukee, but he's not supposed to get into the details of that because it just happened yesterday.
And he joins us right now.
You can follow him on Twitter at Barnes underscore law.
He should be here all next week in studio with us.
We've got a lot of stuff going on.
Unfortunately, we do have to sue some people.
And listen, Michael Caputo came on a few times and he admitted that the 300 plus thousand dollars he raised for his legal defense, and believe me, it cost that much.
Most of it came from here.
You're very generous people.
But there's this idea that I'm just flooded with money.
They filed 20 lawsuits on us.
We've gotten 16 thrown out.
So they filed three more.
But still they're slowing down.
And now we're getting ready to counter-sue.
We've got a lot of other stuff going on.
I have to sue some of these groups so they understand that we're going to get discovery and they're going to have to back off.
We're going to have to sue the groups above these groups that thanks to Project Veritas and others we know are the ones running it.
In a giant racketeering operation against free speech.
But this particular case, because it's a shake and bake.
They're just preparing it.
Like, pancake mix.
You get it, you put the milk in, you stir it up, you make pancakes.
I've been through this so many times, I know.
And they admit they're just rigging it.
They create a fake story, they say some comments, and the picture's anti-Semitic.
They blame it on me, then they build it up, is he gonna be banned, with a bunch of news and a bunch of attention, for a week.
And then they ban me for, quote, anti-Semitism.
When the comments are saying, we're going to get you, Jones, because you aren't against Israel.
So it's next level.
So Mr. Barnes, Robert Barnes, Attorney at Law, please go through this.
Again, you've been involved kicking off the suits and carrying out many of them.
For the Covington kids, this is very similar as you said, and now they're saying, as you predicted with Trump, Twitter is considering labeling Trump tweets that violate its rules.
So first they label you as bad, then they ban you.
And so that's all this formula is, and they've told people the formula, 30% anti-Semitic comments or racist comments, we remove the person's page.
Well that's a blueprint to sleeping giants and all the leftist groups to go out and smell it.
And so you've got the floor of this segment next.
We're going to let you get back to your important work there with the folks in Milwaukee before you fly down to Austin.
But just like you warned, all the folks that got sued, some retracted, some didn't.
I don't want to sue them.
I want them to stop.
But I can't let them say, oh, he's the guy banned because he's the anti-Semite.
David Duke has a right to be David Duke.
I don't agree with it.
He's still on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram.
I'm not.
They left a few accounts up.
They know they're there.
I haven't violated their rules.
They admit that in the internal emails.
But again, somebody in that group leaked it to, again, give the blueprint this time to get me banned.
So, Robert, please walk through this for Mr. Disinfo over there at The publication Business Insider, Jake Cantor.
If Jake wants to call us, tell us who told him to do this, give us the emails, the blueprints of who he's working for, we won't sue him.
If he'll just retract, we probably won't sue him.
But he can't do this to me.
I'm a human being.
I have value.
I'm not the character from Homeland that he just gets to lie about and destroy working with others.
So please, Robert Barnes, break this down for him.
So what you have here effectively is the real collusion.
So you have the Mueller report that discloses there is no Trump collusion with Russia.
That was always a myth.
That was always a fabrication that was spread by sort of deep state hacks to undermine him and to effectively create a coup of public policy in the country.
But here you have a real collusion between lefty troll farms, between insiders in the media, and high-ranking executives at Facebook trying to conspire to censor not only individuals from having any public platform, but censor even the names of those individuals being shared, all based on an initial lie and libel by the people at Business Insider who falsely identified this post as anti-Semitic when they knew it was not.
And even after they have long known, as they know who the artist is, they know the artist has never been banned, they know the artist didn't do anything wrong, they know the artist is publicly exposed that this was a lie and a libel about him, they still refuse to correct that, either publicly or to the people at Facebook and Instagram.
That would silence and shut this down.
But the independent, objective people at Facebook and Instagram, most of whom I'm sure lean left, when they reviewed this at the ground level said there was nothing wrong with the post, there had been no violation of terms of service.
and that the comments didn't reach the stage to even consider looking at the post.
So that's why legal action is necessary if they don't take remedial action, if they don't
take corrective action.
I mean, ultimately a lot of the big media recognized their risk, did take corrective
action in Covington.
Those that didn't are or will get sued.
The same thing happened here.
These reporters, I think they can act as inside secret sources and be sort of like what the CIA is, where they leak information and leak lies and libels about people in order to gin up wars and foreign intervention.
I think they can do the same thing in their collusive behavior with Big Cat, between big media and big tech colluding to silence their competitor, to silence dissident speech, To silence even the name of someone from being shared.
You can be banned if you say the word Alex Jones on Facebook or InfoWars on Instagram.
Their ability to try to create a de facto Stasi state through the privatized ownership of the public square poses a fundamental threat to every freedom and every democracy that exists in the country and in the world.
And that's why we will have to take legal action if they don't stop doing it and don't start correcting and taking remedial action, because for the benefit of all of your audience and for people around the world who depend on these fundamental freedoms for their democracy to function effectively.
And this is the same pattern every time.
These big troll farms assault YouTube, Google, Facebook, Twitter.
And they go look and say, OK, he's not doing it.
And then so Media Matters and others edited a tape where it sounded like I was saying, use battle rifles in the media, when I never said any such thing.
They edited sound together from a 34-minute video from 10 minutes, 8 minutes apart, and put them together.
And we see this more and more with mainstream media.
And then they went ahead and took me down.
But the last thing they took me down for was, quote, beating up a 10-year-old kid.
And even after Forbes said it wasn't me in the video and they were wrong, still, Veja, whatever her name is, went on Joe Rogan's show from Twitter and said that I still did that.
I mean, it's like a defamation free-for-all.
And now one of the Senators, Murphy from Connecticut, said that I'm currently, I never did, harassing the families and terrorizing them and made a poor father of a Sandy Hook victim commit suicide Monday.
I mean, what?
They get to say all that and I can't say anything back?
I mean, what they're doing is they're creating an unequal playing field where warfare is being used by the powerful against those with less power to try to silence them, to shame them, to censor them, to control them.
Because they believe if they control speech, then they can control thought.
And the first thing to control thought is to control speech.
And that's what almost every statist, authoritarian has ever done throughout human history.
And that's the same objective here.
And they are trying to use the privatized control of the public square in order to achieve
and accomplish that which the government could not do directly, and ultimately undermine
the president himself.
And they can manipulate the future elections by being able to center and control the loudest
voices in favor of a particular party or politician or political cause.
And that's the, and you're, they're not going to stop with you.
Their goal is to use you as an example to prevent other dissident voices from having, in the independent press, from having any independent platform that can reach the public and the public can share those ideas and ideals that they care about.
They can ban someone's use of someone's name.
which is what Facebook is talking about in those internal emails by their highest ranking executives.
Imagine what else they can ban on those platforms. That's right. Who else they can ban.
Robert Barnes, I'm going to go to break, do five more minutes with you about our direct action,
putting them on notice, but also getting a letter out by Monday to Business Insider and others.
And again, I don't want to sue Instagram.
If they ban me for quote, anti-Semitism, then I'm going to have to sue them.
It's Business Insider framing me as that.
So when I do get banned, I am labeled with that.
This is serious defamation, very dangerous.
I'm already getting physically attacked.
The Austin American Statesman did fine.
They went and did an investigation.
They had to admit.
They buried it in the article.
They came to my table three times and threatened me before I went outside trying to leave.
And then the left edited it and tried to disinfo.
We'll be right back with Robert Barnes.
Folks, I barely even plugged this hour.
It takes a lot of money to fight the globalists.
And we were going to go to 24 Hours, as you know, by last year, but they held us up back.
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Thanks for holding her on the air.
How you doing Alex?
Good to be on.
Good to have you here.
Real quickly, I just wanted to say that I am a user of the Infowars products.
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Also, I bought the t-shirt Reelect45 and the Hillary for Prison, obviously one of the most popular.
It's drawn so much attention, and I don't know if people believe it or not, but it's all positive attention.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are in the Resistance.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Inside Insight on what's coming next, on the Mueller Report and its publishing, and more.
You want to know the inside baseball?
You're going to get it right here.
Robert Barnes is on fire.
He's a great lawyer.
Just won another big case, civil rights case, yesterday up in Milwaukee.
We're not getting into that today.
Hopefully soon we'll be able to talk about it in more detail.
Recap what you were saying during the breaks to me.
Your message to Facebook.
Your message to Business Insider.
I mean, as you were saying, Facebook got it.
They said there's no anti-Semitism here.
This is crazy.
And so other executives leaked it back so that mainstream media could go, oh look, Facebook doesn't care about the anti-Semite Alex Jones.
I'm being called an agent of Israel in the few comments out of 500 plus that aren't anti-Semitic.
But now we've already abandoned free speech to begin with.
These idiots have a right to say this anti-Semitic crap.
Oh, precisely.
I think what Facebook admitted was their own review showed by every single metric by a bunch of liberal analysts, lefty analysts, was that there was nothing offensive done, no violation of terms and service, no anti-Semitic post was made, that any allegation of that was false, that there was so few comments at all in the comments, as many of them were directed at you in any other way, that there was no basis under the rules to establish a violation.
And what the executives admitted was because there was no basis to allege that, the only reason they were even considering doing anything was because of media pressure to try to both ban you and pressure from the media to try to have your name and source and information banned from the public altogether.
And what Facebook should recognize is they should not fall into what is effectively media extortion, that the media will lie about what Facebook is doing in order to lie about you, in order to force Facebook to censor people they don't want, their media competitors, their free press competitors, their independent speech competitors.
In the public space and in the public square, they should recognize that.
They should not be complicit in antitrust violations by these media competitors.
They should not be complicit in state-oriented censorship just because they're a private company with state immunity and state benefits.
And so, unless they want to be subject to more scrutiny and more questions and more litigation, they should do the right thing, follow what their own people said, because there was no violation of the rules, and act accordingly and refuses to give in to this extortion.
And this business insider continues to operate in an extortionate manner,
continues to operate in these lies and libels and currency of lies and libels.
They face litigation not only from the Palo Verde Peninsula Ward,
but also from the artist who was lied and libeled about.
He's been making clear he's not going to have his street art continually lied and libeled about.
But this is a guy who hangs out mostly with lefties and goes to lefty conferences all the time.
So the people are tired of the easy way with which people with big media platforms defame and deplatform those that have less power and privilege than them in the independent free press.
And so if they won't take corrective action, if they won't take remedial action, if they continue to incentivize troll farms to get people deplatformed, then they are going to ultimately be on the receiving end of the litigation and ultimately will be on the receiving end of public disdain as their role as a political guardian becomes unraveled in their monopolization of the public square to censor and shame dissidents.
And I would warn them, Trump and Americana is winning, not just here but worldwide.
Trump's getting ready to go on the offense.
But I've seen since the Mueller report came out, the left's gotten more agitated, more anti-free speech.
Very, very dangerous.
Again, the Austin American-Statesman sent investigators to see if I was harassed first or not.
And in an article titled, Alex Jones charred in verbal battle at Lucy's Fried Chicken, They said that they went there and talked to him, and indeed, I was approached repeatedly at my table and harassed.
I told the truth.
So again, another false flag just got exposed, Robert.
I mean, yesterday, you had The Economist go out and lie about Ben Shapiro.
And I'm not always a big fan of Ben Shapiro.
I have a lot of political disagreements with him.
But they lied and libeled about him.
And so I said that they needed to retract and correct quickly.
And they did.
They did within one hour.
It was almost a record-level apology.
Uh, but Business Insider needs to do the same thing.
Business Insider needs to know they should not be employing people or encouraging their employees to lie and libel about people that gin up fake, false news stories that they then use to try to extort major social media companies into making false labeling of deplatforming individuals based on a lie and a libel.
They shouldn't be involved in that.
I mean, and they're forced our hand.
They're gonna ban me and say it's for anti-Semitism.
That's terrible.
Robert Barnes, thank you so much for the time.
I'll see you tomorrow.
God bless.
The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions And what we say and what we do that changes the world.
We are the power structure.
We are the inventors.
We are the trailblazers.
And the globalists understand that.
And they understand that they are basically trying to control and steal the future from we, the people.
Now, to help fund our operation that is undoubtedly the very tip of the spear against these globalists, I want to encourage listeners and viewers to understand that throughout the second half of the month of March, we're going to have store-wide free shipping at 50% off at Inforrestore.com.
Something everybody should take advantage of.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And after three years of lies and smears and slander, the Russia hoax is finally dead.
The collusion delusion is over.
The special counsel completed its report and found no collusion and no obstruction.
I could have told you that two and a half years ago very easily.
Total exoneration.
Complete vindication.
You know, it's interesting.
Robert Mueller was a god to the Democrats, was a god to them until he said there was no collusion.
They don't like him so much right now.
Think about the fact that every mainstream leading Democratic contender is taking the advice of a freshman congresswoman who three weeks ago didn't know the three branches of government.
I don't know about you guys, but that's pretty scary.
[crowd chanting]
You guys, you're not very nice.
And neither is what that policy would do to this country.
Totally wreck it.
You know, let's fact check.
Don Jr.
Let's fact check and see if she really said that.
Oops, AOC did.
Here it is.
Running for Congress was never in the plan.
It was never in the cards.
It was never something that I thought.
Taking meth was.
And if we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress, rather all three chambers of government, the presidency, the Senate, and the House in 2020, we can't start working in 2020.
She's on Molly.
But they don't actually inaugurate Congress people.
They swear them in.
And then she went on to say that she was gonna get inaugurated on the 3rd and then start signing bills on the 4th.
You don't get inaugurated and you don't sign bills.
Only the president will sign the bills that you present to him.
She says the world's ending.
She appears to have her political colors mixed up.
Hello everybody!
I'm so excited to be hopping on here, Senator Sanders' account, and we're here in Kansas City to rally for Brent Welder.
We're gonna flip this seat red in November.
Why did you run?
I ran because I felt like we could do better, and that we could be better as a country.
And I looked around, You know, the benefit of capitalism is that you engage in voluntary trade.
It is the system that, unlike all the others, has lifted more people out of poverty over the course of human history than any other system.
Well, so I think that, uh, those...
The things that you talk about, that you discuss, are part of the course of human evolution.
Cassio Cortez says she can't afford to move to Washington.
She can't make a deposit on an apartment in DC until she gets her first paycheck.
Members of Congress earn a solid $174,000 a year.
Connected most to an electorate when they were fighting for these seats, when they got these seats, when they were campaigning most, when we had more of an American middle class.
But that upper middle class doesn't exist anymore.
But when you look at what she just said, that the upper middle class is gone, look at this.
In 1979, it was at 12.9% if we could put up the graphic.
And today, the middle class has grown, as you can see, more than double that number from that many years ago.
Yes, but I also think that What people are starting to see, at least in the occupation of Palestine.
I think what I meant is like the settlements that are increasing in some of these areas.
No, the settlements have stopped, dumbass.
Or Palestinians are experiencing difficulty in access to their housing and homes.
Do you think you can expand on that?
Yeah, I mean, I think I'd also just... I am not the expert on geopolitics.
I can't listen to her anymore.
Get her off.
Talk about a headache.
I was in a good mood until we watched that, but I'm the one that said play it, so it's my fault.
By the way, let me just say something right here.
Business Insider literally saying I'm an anti-Semite because of comments that are attacking me because I'm not anti-Israel.
I cover what I think is right and I support what I think is morally just and good.
So I don't attack Israel.
Because I think Israel, compared to the other countries surrounding it, is a much freer, better nation.
And if you turned it over to the Palestinians, they'd all kill each other in five minutes.
There'd be nothing but a civil war forever.
But the fact that I've always believed Israel has a right to exist, and then they've got the nerve in hundreds of publications, folks, from Vice, to the Washington Post, to CNET News, to Wired, just because I have Google Alerts, just hundreds, hundreds, it's a couple hundred.
Saying, will Alex Jones get banned for anti-semitism because Business Insider said Alex Jones makes anti-semitic posts?
Yeah, you read down 10 paragraphs and you find out it's comments attacking me.
Well, he doesn't even say that.
He just says comments.
But it doesn't matter.
It has the same damn effect.
And it shows how, as a culture, that's who the left is.
They lie.
They make stuff up.
But then you've got all the weirdos, the litmus test of hating Israel.
Where they don't know about politics, they don't know about the world or different power structures or geopolitical systems.
They just know how to hate Jews.
And then they ascribe all these weird superpowers to Jews.
And then everybody who's been successful supposedly was because of the Jews.
And I've got some issues with Israel and some of the groups and the things that go on.
But it doesn't mean that Israel runs everything or if somebody falls on a banana peel, it's Israel.
So, I'm one of the most attacked people by the whole anti-Semitic lobby, because most of that's Democrat Party-run.
That's come out.
It's all Divide and Conquer.
So they use that as their vice grip.
Pressure from above and below.
But, you read the WikiLeaks, they all talk about this and go through all this.
It's just crazy that I'm simply trying to have a free and open debate And I care about unborn children no matter what color they are.
And I just believe in Americana and free market and I want to defend Christianity.
But I'm also very open-minded as a libertarian and believe you have a right to live the way you want as long as you don't try to impose it on me.
I'm not imposing stuff on you, but I'm going to speak out against what you're doing if I think it's bad.
See the difference?
That's not imposing, that's speaking out.
It's the left that bullies and does all this.
You're not liberals.
Prager University has the best breakdown.
Leftism came out of the Jacobins and the occult.
Left-hand path.
It's literally the satanic party of the French Revolution.
It's the Jacobins.
Look it up for yourself.
They were Satanist.
And so, the left are not liberals.
Now, most of the liberals have been converted to leftism.
And that's why you're going to see these big debates coming up with the Democrats.
The first date's been set.
I'll tell you about that when we come up.
And it's going to be like 15 people, is it 15 or more now, on stage screaming at each other and all promising more free stuff and all pushing the left-hand path.
And listen, Glenn Danzig may say the left hand's going to rise above.
It's not going to, or the planet will be destroyed.
So, There are a lot of leftists out there.
And you've got your right to operate and do what you want, as long as you don't tread on me.
And you've been doing that.
And so now you're really scared because the right, the godly, doesn't mean we're all perfect, but we got the real power source behind us, is rising.
And you can't contend with the power at that level.
And so you're scared.
You're losing.
And you know you're losing.
So I'm going to get to all the clips, get to all the smolleting, the latest insane Jussie Smollett crap, the arrogance of these people.
It's all coming up next segment.
But again, time to open the phones up.
We do have the artist that they're calling anti-Semitic.
For no reason.
He's going to be joining us.
We're going to have Millie Weaver that's been exposing all this joining us this Sunday.
I'll be back 4 to 6 p.m.
I'll probably do a Saturday show too, but we're going to cover more of the Trump rally.
But a bunch of the key statements of Trump straight ahead.
You don't want to miss this.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again!
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
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I need your help, Frank!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, please perk those ears up, because I've never seen a declaration like this.
The Commissioner of ICE, the Board of Patrol and Customs, has issued an SOS Red Alert.
Now Trump has tried to not spook the stock market and the economy, but he's tried to get an emergency wall for two and a half years.
He's tried to get increased funding.
He's put the military down there.
I'm getting chills.
But the UN and Soros and others, just like they broke Europe, are breaking our borders and breaking our judicial system.
And so they are freeing record numbers of people because there aren't jails, there aren't facilities.
It's incredible.
The diseases are pouring in.
Up in New York, the state officials admit it's illegal aliens bringing in all the drug-resistant diseases that are causing epidemics.
It's insane.
And now...
Our own Jake Lloyd has a report on Infowars.com.
America at immigration breaking point according to border official.
The border crisis needs to be addressed according to Commissioner of the Customs and Border Protection.
America's immigration system is at a breaking point which is the globalist point.
As illegal aliens flood across the border and the government releases them into America's cities and catch and release because there aren't enough jails, enough detention centers and most of the judges are leftist.
And then we blame Trump!
He tried to get the funding.
He circumvented them with an emergency.
The first billion the Pentagon found is going in.
This is the UN plan to break our border.
They have told the world, come here.
That's why it's double the previous record under Obama.
We are under assault.
And they're using these poor people from collapsed socialist countries.
I don't even blame most of them, but a lot of them.
Have been caught smuggling children.
They've been caught smuggling drugs.
In fact, they have record numbers of drugs being seized at uncontrolled ports of entry.
Record numbers.
So, ICE is busting record numbers of people coming across illegally.
It's double the previous record coming in.
It's over double the previous record apprehended.
But there's nowhere to keep them.
It's the record.
You can pull it up.
Just type in.
Again, we're radio, but we're in TV, so always forget our TV viewers see our crew pulling articles up.
I should read these headlines to you and tell you where.
But there's been record drugs grabbed, record numbers of kids kidnapped, grabbed.
It's crazy.
And it's the top priority for voters as well.
You got a door on your house.
They got basic checkpoints to get on a plane.
But why is it not for the border?
And now new caravans are on their way, and Trump is promising to shut down the whole border if he has to.
That's the way to do it.
Put pressure on Mexico by shutting the whole border for a few weeks, and all our money, hundreds of billions a year that goes over, nothing against Mexico, but if they won't control their southern border anymore, if they let folks up, we have to put pressure on them.
So that's the point we've reached.
Mexico warns mother of all caravans pushes north.
projected to add 1.5 million illegal aliens this year.
Trump threatens to shut border next week.
Border Patrol begins releasing migrant families on streets.
Warns that they're breaking the border.
And if you break the border, that's a quote, you break the country.
So yeah, Trump's good.
He's defeated the thing that he's a Russian agent.
They've held us up for two years securing the country.
The Federal Reserve has held up.
We were going to have, we had a 4.6.
Word was it was because it either explodes in growth, like China had 10% growth forever.
The U.S.
used to have it until the Federal Reserve came in 1913.
You either have explosive 10% growth or you have negative.
Things only work two ways.
Everybody knows that in the world.
Things don't just sit in stagnant stasis point.
That's like a stagnant water.
Things implode or they explode.
Your relationship with your wife is either hot and heavy and awesome and everything's wonderful or it's going in the wrong direction.
Everybody knows that.
That's just shit in one robot.
If you just think your wife and you aren't having sex for five years and you never hang out with her, she's got a boyfriend.
It's either getting hotter or it's getting colder.
And we were gonna be at 7, 8, 9% by now.
They sabotaged it and they admit they did.
Does that make you angry?
Does that piss you off?
And Trump inherited all this crap.
He's doing a lot better job than I could do, I can tell you that.
So anytime I get pissed, because I can imagine what I want him to do, I think about what it's actually like trying to do that, because I've got four kids, and I've got a wife, and I've got a bunch of employees, and they're great people, but you know, it's hard to get folks working in one direction.
Especially when you've got the leftists and the globalists trying to sabotage everything.
But this country is being broken!
And the globalists had this plan set up to take the guns, to take the free speech, to break the borders, to bankrupt healthcare.
They admit that's what Obamacare was for.
And they're mad that Trump is trying to stabilize it.
So we're in this weird position where we got the president, but they've still got control of a bunch of stuff, and it's just a mess.
Let's go to the president.
Trump slams the Democrats, who he again points out have been the ones actually bringing lawyers to the border.
To help the illegal aliens.
I mean, that is just insane.
Here it is.
Democrats want to pretend there is no border crisis.
For one simple reason.
Because they have caused the border crisis.
And you know why else?
Because they want votes.
And because they don't want to give us a win.
They don't want to give us a win.
They put that ahead of what's good for our country.
The mass illegal immigration across our border is a direct consequence of Democrat-supported loopholes.
Democrat promises of amnesty!
You have people coming up, you know, they're all met by the lawyers, the lawyers of... And they come out, they're all met by the lawyers, and they say, say the following phrase!
I am very afraid for my life!
I am afraid for my life!
And then I look at the guy, he looks like he just got out of the ring, he's the heavyweight champion of the world, he's a Frenchman.
It's a big fat con job, folks.
It's a big fat con job.
And Democrat sanctuary cities and their refusal to protect American borders.
It's not the money.
When I fought for them recently, they gave me so much money for everything else, but nothing for the wall.
Now think of it.
Walls work, folks.
We need the wall.
They said, would you call it slats?
I said, I'll call it slats.
Would you call it steel barriers?
I said, I'll call it whatever the hell you want.
Just give me the money to build it.
And then they sort of got their little cold feet, and now I call it the wall, and I got the money anyway, so that's okay.
We're going to break and come back with more, but it's just epic what's happening.
And if you don't have a border, you don't have a country.
If you don't have walls around your house, you don't have a house.
If you don't have shell membranes, you don't have a body.
If plants don't have cell walls, they don't live.
I mean, it's simple.
And the globalists are making their run at this country, but at the last minute, this audience You know that, right?
I'm not just telling that to make you feel good.
Like, you know we're seen as the core resistance.
They've got the analytics.
They know.
You put Trump in.
You are the number one enemy.
That's why they want this show gone so you just all get dispersed to the wind.
And it's critical for them to shut this down.
Don't let them commit to the info war.
Iodine used to be used in bread as a dough enhancer.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it, the dreaded Alex Jones broadcast that all socialist, globalists and scumbags
fear because we're rebooting renaissance in Americana worldwide.
Alright, I got a bunch of Jesse Smollett news, a bunch of other Trump clips, a bunch of Islamic invasion news.
We're just here raising the alarm.
So much key stuff to get to, but... The good news is, humanity is starting to awaken and figure out what's going on.
And the average person realizes that the so-called left, as they're known, are really just bad people that are criminals who are using psychological tactics to control people.
And, you know, I've said this probably 300 times, 400 times on air, but I should do a whole documentary on this.
Like with Dinesh D'Souza or something.
I mean, I've made a lot of films myself, but something like... Brown people Conquered America, show, enjoy it, or something like that.
Because the media always makes it like a racial issue, and then says to brown people, you need to be racist against whites, they're the ruling class.
But obviously, I would come up with a better name than that, but something like America is Brown, America is Great.
Because the system creates this cosmology that brown people are downtrodden.
The nine richest groups in the country for average income.
Are Asian groups.
Look it up.
The nine largest demographic groups according to race.
Statistically, where the average person has the most money, and the highest education, and the highest test scores, is nine groups of Asians.
Then it's white people.
I mean, you go to the University of Texas, or any university, almost nobody's white.
And those that are, are women.
So this idea that there's this super powerful white privilege.
America is the country that opened everything up and that passed laws that nobody else had done to include everybody.
Sure, we've been tribal and insular before, but we did the Christian ethos of bring everybody in.
And so the system goes, well, people don't have a memory.
Let's say America is the headquarters of racism and badness.
But already, look at the different demographics, already people under 15 or 16, something like
half the country is Hispanic.
And so what I'm getting at here is, America belongs to whoever has kids and whoever lives
here and whoever works hard.
And so this idea that let's get the white people.
Most of the white people are going to be old and dying.
White people didn't have any kids.
And so see now the left jumps on that in the final equation in the endgame.
Got this new shirt.
It's driving me crazy.
The collar keeps sinking in for your TV viewer.
The left that was always about race war and all this other stuff, they look at the demographic and go, let's make the left all racist and let's get everybody on board with us and then we'll have this whole thing that just goes on forever.
Instead of it being real issues, it'll be about race.
Instead of people that are Hispanic or black or whatever saying, you know, I want a piece of the American pie.
I want a piece of that dream.
I mean, we're the future.
We're the majority.
But instead, it teaches you you're a loser, and you're a failure, and you're nobody.
Now, I will say this.
The black population hadn't gone up because the government convinced you to kill half your kids before they were born.
Because that's liberal.
You know, if somebody gives you longer prison sentences and wants your kids dead, they're liberal, they're leftist, and you love them.
I mean, I get the brainwashing.
But now that whites are a minority in most states, and are a minority below about the age of 25, and Hispanics are half the population at 15, the system doesn't want you as a Hispanic.
Because America's future, if you want to just get down to a race general issue, does not belong to white people, and it doesn't belong to black people.
White people don't have kids, or we kill our kids.
Blacks kill their kids.
Because the government killed your family, so you couldn't raise them anyways.
But who has kids?
So just by the fact that you follow the Bible, be fruitful and multiply, if you want to be racial identity, then you won!
So, do you want the Venezuelan model?
Because the country's yours.
Do you want the Venezuelan model or the Mexico model?
Or do you want the American model?
A free market, and family, and Christianity, and property, and the right to self-defense, and men being men, and women being women.
Boy, that sounds like the average, good, healthy, Latin American or Mexican ethos.
But you always got leftists there trying to stop you from being who you are.
So, if we can get Hispanics to get into Americana, we've got a great future for another 200 years.
We don't, we're screwed.
And Hispanics that have been here multi-generation, on average, have very conservative values, but they still vote Democrat because the media tells them to.
But that's changing more and more because there's one lie in the sand for Hispanics, and that's killing babies.
And now that all the Democrats are passing laws to kill babies after they're born, we're not seeing a slide towards conservatism and Republicans.
We're seeing a rush.
And that's good.
So, I'm going to say it again.
It's your country.
Do you want to have property and own guns?
And be able to live your life the way you see fit?
Or do you want to live in Cuba or Venezuela?
Because this is your chance.
You didn't kill your babies, so you're the future.
Will you please embrace Second Amendment, family, Jesus Christ?
You're saying we already did.
Then you let all these globalist leftists, everybody else know, That you're not buying the smoke in their crack.
And here's the expansion of it.
We've seen the double in every major poll support of Hispanics for Trump than any other Republican.
It's over.
Why did they tell Hispanics that Trump hates you?
Because he said the opposite.
Why do they say I hate you?
Because it's the opposite.
All I want is a future for humanity.
See, I care about what's in your brain.
You already got the same red blood I've got.
All I care about is that you embrace the ideology of freedom and justice for yourself and don't make me your enemy.
Like the left wants to make you my enemy.
Here's a short clip of Hispanic Americans, CNN, I can't believe aired this, but they get where it's going, wanting taller, bigger walls.
You go to the border, hell, half the border patrol's Hispanic.
People that live down on the border, they want walls because they know how dangerous Mexico is.
People are fleeing that.
But it's the idea that, oh, if there's any wall, you know, the Border Patrol's the KKK.
Bull crap.
Here's the clip.
The U.S.-Mexico border in South Texas, dividing countries and Latino voters.
You were born and raised in McAllen, Texas, yes?
And you live a mile from where we're standing, the wall.
And you want to see this not only taller, but longer.
Longer and taller, yes.
How much taller?
Twice as much, at least.
And you want the whole border, 2,600 miles?
2,600 miles.
Yes, sir.
President Trump for years.
The Hispanics that are in the country legally, they love me.
They love me.
They love me.
Has touted how much Latinos love him.
Rolando Rodriguez is one of those who appreciates the president's business acumen, religious alignment, and border politics, particularly the wall.
I don't think the wall is going to be a barrier, really, for the good people.
It'll be a barrier for the bad people.
We are demanding an investigation!
While, according to Gallup, a majority of Latinos disapprove of the president's job performance...
Many angered by the family separation policy.
That's fake news.
And rhetoric about immigrants.
The president still has some Latino support.
About a third, which is on par with other past Republican presidents.
That's not true.
You're working on your citizenship.
I am working on my citizenship.
By the way, I went down to Cancun despite warnings, and I left in a day.
We went to Isla Mujeres because there were armored vehicles, tanks everywhere, and people being shot all the streets.
Mexico has fallen and failed.
And people that are here and want to be Americans are welcome.
People that want to be Democrat, Globalist, you're not welcome.
Get your ass the hell out of this country.
I don't care what damn color you are.
This is insane.
We'll be right back with big news.
I've got some big news I haven't had yet.
I love George Norie.
You know, when he took over back in like 2002, 2003, he already had three or four or five Emmys under his belt, award-winning news director, Naval veteran, officer, already a very successful syndicated radio host.
He took over for the late Late great Art Bell, now late great.
And it's good to know that people like him are still the biggest things out there, but corporate media, the internet, ignore it.
So it's a perfect time to bring George Norrie of Coast2CoastAM.com.
He also hosts a national TV show as well.
So, George, what do you make of this attack on free speech that's gone into overdrive, and what would you call this period we're in, and what should be done?
Because I like Trump, but I'm getting really upset about the censorship.
I would make sure that the one thing that we must avoid is hatred toward people.
I don't care about criticism.
I don't care about the ability for free speech.
We should be entitled to that.
What we need to stop in this country is this divide that we have right now, Alex, that I've never seen this bad before.
Or you can't even conduct dialogue with somebody.
If you walked into a bar today, sat down to have a beer, and talked to the guy next to you, if he doesn't agree with your views, it's a screaming session.
It's not a discussion.
It's not a debate.
It's not honest dialogue anymore.
It's a screaming session.
You know, I get emails.
I've got news guests on my show all the time.
Some are left.
Some are right.
When I got a guy on who's more right-wing, Dr. John Curtis, OnlineColumnist.com, I'll get all kinds of hate email from people on the left.
Then I'll have Howard Blum on, who's left.
I get hate mail from those on the right.
We gotta fix this in this country.
We gotta get to a point where people can argue and debate and not scream and yell at people anymore.
So what you're saying is people need to be tolerant, but let's just be honest.
90% of the attacks are the left against the right.
People that are Trump supporters.
The left are the ones driving the censorship.
I know you're not left or right.
You're more libertarian like I am.
I mean, it's out of control.
And as you said, they've panicked.
Don't they get that they're causing a bigger crisis than they think they're fighting?
A, and then B, what would you do to stop these big tech companies and their monopolies?
What are you doing?
Quit panicking. They are only reacting because they're panicking.
Somebody is putting pressure on them to muffle Alex Jones.
Somebody is putting pressure on them to pull websites.
They're not doing this on their own. You've been around for a long, long time.
You've been the same.
You're not any more or less vocal than you were 10, 15 years ago.
Somebody's getting to these people, Alex, and scaring the living daylights out of them, and that's got to stop.
At this point right now, they're going with what they are thinking is the public's desire, and they're reacting to it.
And they're wrong.
They're making horrible mistakes.
And again, the First Amendment under fire?
Worse than I've ever seen it before.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Live, raw, and unfiltered.
It's the Alex Jones Show!
All right, we've got some big guests coming up in the next hour, ladies and gentlemen.
Let me tell you about that.
Mere One, who is an anti-war libertarian liberal, He's been accused of being an anti-Semite for different versions of a painting he's put out showing bankers sitting around a Monopoly table with Fukushima reactors exploding.
We actually have some of his art hanging in the office.
I've actually bought some of it.
So it's just crazy.
So we're going to be looking at all of that.
Dr. Nick Baggage is always powerful.
He's coming up.
And then Millie Weaver as well.
Look forward to hearing what she has to say.
I mean, I've explained this.
It's one thing to ban me on a bunch of social media last year saying that I beat up a 10-year-old kid, and then they showed a video somebody else shot in another state and just said I did it.
And by the time they banned me everywhere, Forbes, who first reported it, took it down and retracted, but the damage was done.
But if you think I'm going to sit here when you run with these Instagram headlines and these Vice headlines saying Alex Jones to be taken off Instagram for anti-Semitism and then it's for commenters or for somebody's art, I'm not going to take it anymore.
And so the letters are going to be sent out Monday.
I've already got the lawyers engaged, and we're going to drop the hammer on you.
We got some other folks about to get the hammer dropped on them as well.
They're not stopping because they got Soros money.
All I have is you supporting us.
That's all I have.
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And all we're doing is common sense stuff.
The globalists want to destabilize society.
They've got their big world government plan to take over.
They need nation states to fail to be able to do that.
And we're standing against it because it's the right thing to do.
We stand against killing babies before they're born and really Now, after they're born, as the Democrats are promoting, they're always pushing, pushing, pushing.
But thanks to you supporting us, we are in the fight against it.
So let me get to this.
You can't make this up.
This all happened between last night and today.
And it shows the arrogance of Jussie Smollett.
Why is Jussie Smollett so entitled?
Why is he so arrogant?
Why would the head prosecutor recuse herself, but really didn't?
We first broke that days ago, now they admit it's a big fraud case.
Why would they let him go?
Because Obama gave the orders.
And they don't know what to do, just like he gave the orders for the illegal spying on Trump.
So, you'd think Jussie Smollett would just shut up.
Knowing he got caught, knowing the police have all the surveillance footage of him buying all the goods, and the eyewitnesses, and the magazine, they trim the letters out to make the fake letter threatening himself.
I mean, they've got him.
So why is he so arrogant?
Because Obama's involved.
That's starting to come out, and there's federal investigations of it, and Trump's talking about it now.
You heard that here a month ago, not bragging.
I'm just telling you why they want to shut down.
So, Infowars.com article, Jesse Smollett, attorneys, demand apology for Chicago mayor.
Oh, Jesse, apology for dragging innocent man's character through the mud.
So, his lawyer now says black men put on white face and did it.
Even though they got the check from him for $3,000 to do it.
Now that's arrogant.
But don't worry.
The NAACP just nominated, this is a joke video we're playing.
Oh, this is what she used to say they did, Whiteface.
So, so I see if you couldn't tell that those are black guys and so-called Whiteface.
This is getting too weird.
So, as if that isn't bad enough, the NAACP just nominated Jussie Smollett for an NAACP award, and now they're going to have him host major award shows.
Empire actor Jesse Smollett, who was accused of staging a hate crime attack, was dropped from all charges by prosecutors.
How does the FBI define a hate crime attack?
Just days after the prosecutors dropped all charges against Smollett, who had been indicted 16 counts of disorderly conduct, the Empire actor could, again, make headlines.
Then they go on to say he's been nominated and they hope he wins.
Meanwhile, Rahm Emanuel, we have that clip, we'll play it in a moment.
Trump comes out last night and says, good job Rahm, I agree with you saying this is wrong.
Jussie Smollett attacking the police, you and everybody saying you're liars.
Rahm Emanuel says, sit on the sidelines, you created the toxic environment.
So, Trump made Jussie Smollett do it.
Here is Rahm Emanuel.
I've always said from day one, this is a Trump-free zone in the city of Chicago, and I mean it.
Let me be really clear about something.
The only reason Jesse Smollett thought he could take advantage of a hoax about a hate crime is for the environment, the toxic environment that Donald Trump created.
This is a president who drew a moral equivalency between people who are trying to perpetuate bigotry and those who are trying to fight bigotry.
As somebody who started his own journey on politics, fighting the neo-Nazis in Skokie and then down to Marquette Park, President Trump should literally take his politics, move it aside.
He's created a toxic environment.
Now he's created a toxic, vicious cycle, in my view.
The only reason Jesse Smollett thought he could get away with this hoax about a hate crime is because of the environment President Trump created.
When you go back to Virginia, this is a person who said, and I quote, there are good people on both sides.
Well, let me break the news to the President.
There are not Good people on both sides.
People who perpetuate, advance the causes of hate.
I say this as a Jewish American who knows what that means.
My recommendation as a president, go to opening day baseball, sit on the sideline, stay out of this.
You created a toxic environment and all of us who are trying to make sure that we share a common set of values that embrace and welcome people of all walks of life and backgrounds.
That's enough of his crap.
All the left does is try to create race war.
They created the environment.
They staged it.
Trump tried to create unity.
And now, because Rahm Emanuel came out against Smollett, because he knows this is going downhill, he got a backlash, and so he's attacking Trump.
No, you are to blame.
The cesspool that Obama has set up is to blame.
You're the guy that says, don't let good crises go to waste.
More and more, I think Rahm Emanuel was behind all this with Obama.
We know Obama was involved.
He's covering his ass, and now he's getting scared because Trump's creating a federal investigation, and he just wants to act like there's some fake outrage to get the heat off him.
Emanuel, you've been involved in so many false flags and staged events, it makes my head spin.
But don't worry, the first Democratic debate's set for Miami, June 26th, 27th, where they're going to eat their own...
And all turn against each other.
Because that's what leftists do.
They're all a bunch of control freaks who can't tell the truth.
Now there's some real liberals left who'll probably get fired.
Jonathan Tillov!
Investigative reporter, head political reporter at the Austin Market Statesman, he went down to the Lucy's Fried Chicken last Saturday, where three times people came to where I was sitting and threatened me, said we're gonna get you, eat this, eat that, F-you, F-you.
I tried to walk out, they were waiting outside the door videotaping.
I said F-you back.
I didn't really say that, I said, you know, whatever.
The media all said that I attacked them.
Well, they went and talked to the managers and they said they accosted me.
So I've seen it all now.
The Austin American Statesman told the truth.
Well, Jonathan Tillov will probably be fired by next week.
I'm serious.
In fact, I'm almost predicting he'll be fired now in the next month or two.
A liberal told the truth?
Frank- [static]
Samuel, thanks for calling.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
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I've used so many different antihistamines over the years because I get really bad hay fever, and the antihistamines sometimes work, sometimes don't, but they never This is a known patent out of France.
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itchy eyes, I'm not sneezing, and I don't get the irritation. It is amazing.
This is a known patent out of France. You have to pay for the patent. They just
discovered that if you feed a certain secret diet to quail and then you get
their eggs, it creates this incredible antihistamine of a certain type of quail.
How fast did it take for Polynblock to kick in for you?
It's pretty much straight away. You know, maybe 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes.
It just works.
The antihistamines, the pharmaceutical products, I find that with those, I can't take them until I start getting symptoms, and even then, they might not kick in for half an hour, or they might not kick in at all, depending on the day.
Pollen block works every single time.
Well, that's the great part about this.
And for whatever reason, France discovered it like 50 years ago.
It's still got to be even in this region of France.
It's very complex.
They don't even know why.
But they think it's the pollen in the area, the dust, what the quail are eating.
Then they just produce in the eggs whatever this essence is that just turns the histamine response off.
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It's not here.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Living color.
Too bad they only had one hit song.
What do you see?
The Cult of Personality.
I know your anger.
I know your dreams.
I've been everything you want to be.
Yeah, well I'm no Cult of Personality.
I got this genuinely for the Second Amendment and property rights and now they're trying to create this false person I'm not and destroy me.
But I gotta tell you, The first time I ever saw Jonathan Tillove, like three, four years ago, at family court hearings, I wanted to slap him across the face.
Because you're in there in a court hearing, and they're bringing out all this stuff they want to put in evidence, so it's all the BS.
I mean, it's really intimate stuff.
And there's a BuzzFeed reporter sitting in the back, and there's Jonathan Tillove from the Statesman.
And the BuzzFeed guy was the scum of the earth, I thought he was.
Tillove's like a liberal, but a 40-something year political reporter, and so he would at least get facts right.
And so, over the next year of the custody battle, there'd be like 40, 50 other reporters.
I learned he wasn't the worst.
Then I ran into him a few times.
And, you know, he even was at that Alex Jones and Donald Trump at Fake News event where they shut down downtown Congress and didn't invite me to it, but I crashed it.
So, you know, we're not buddies.
Because we're really not buddies.
They thought we were buddies when he got fired.
I mean, we are dating.
That's a joke.
It's satire.
But seriously.
I just go get some oysters with my wife Saturday night and the first time I'm like, is someone in my ear saying, eat sh you know what tea and we're going to get you and as he's wandering off, you know, we're waiting outside and the man in me is like, I'm waiting outside for you.
Well, I mean, either call managers, call the police or go out and fight the guy.
But I kind of just ignored it because I'm so used to it.
And then he comes over and does it again.
And I'm hearing, like, all of a sudden, because I'm at the bar, my back's to this, you know, F you, F you, F you, I'm going to freaking get you.
And then I'm like, hey, manager, they just, oh, we saw it, we're going to go talk to them.
So the managers go out and say something.
Another one comes in and does it again.
Like, they're ordering a drink.
It's like, F you, F you, we're going to get you, you son of a bitch.
And my wife's, like, all relaxed, you know, drinking a beer, eating, watching, I'm like, honey, let's get out of here.
But that's not the story.
It's that they're all waiting at the exit, and then when I finally go, screw you, they go, oh my God, help us management, he's at our table, when they chose the table right outside the door.
But let me tell you, you think this would be no big deal?
It's like being, I used to skin dive, I was never that good, the deepest I ever went was 75 feet or so.
One time I took my wife to Grand Cayman, we were first dating, and there was a wreck that was down 50 feet.
And I went down and grabbed a shell and brought it to her, and she thought it was rocket science.
She's like, you just swam 50 feet and picked a shell up by a wreck.
I'm like, baby, there's people that can go a thousand feet.
Because once you go under, it pressurizes your blood beneath about 150 feet, so there's more oxygen.
People get really high, though, and that's why a lot of them die.
Most of your top skin divers are actually addicts of it.
Most of them are women, because women even have better oxygenation.
Who was the top woman?
She got up like 1,500 feet.
She died a few years ago, but I'm digressing.
So my 75 feet or so is nothing.
How is that part of the story, though?
My brain is so weird that I'm telling a story about Lucy's Fried Chicken.
I'm talking about oxygenation and skin diving.
Well, that story just went out the window.
The point is, is that, it's my brain works, it's just meanders.
I just cannot believe that they actually got the story right, went to the Lucy's Fried Chicken, and found out they accosted me where I was sitting before I ever said anything to them.
I mean, that's like a crazy realization that For the first time in, like, a decade, I've seen MSM tell the truth.
I mean, that is like... I think Jonathan Tillow will probably be fired.
Seriously, I'm not kidding.
Anybody I've seen tell the truth is fired.
Because he went and asked, they said no, they accosted him.
That is a crime.
That is unbelievable.
There are thousands of ideologies out there.
Hundreds of different political systems.
And most of them are funded by the globalists.
InfoWars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night that sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family, I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWars, and I salute you.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
Court is adjourned.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
So, I'm a guy that's into art.
I appreciate original prints.
So we've got three pieces of mirror wine.
I think I bought some like seven years ago because he was against the Iraq war and I bought some a couple other years ago and it's libertarian liberal.
Stuff I agree with.
You know Trump pulling troops out of countries.
Mere one joins us and so the version I have is looks like different people.
I think the only person that you could say was Jewish is the copy we've got does I think have linen in it but then it's got a bunch of other famous British bankers.
It's got the head of the KKK.
Uh, in it, the print I have in the green room, uh, who was Albert Pike, who's a bad guy.
Uh, and in the current one, they're saying he's anti-Semitic.
It has Albert Pike, who was the KKK guy.
And we're saying the KKK is bad.
But the reason this is so important is they come out with a Business Insider Report, and they say, this is anti-Semitic, mirror one.
No, he's all these top rock bands like him and members of parliament promote him and he's never he's all about unity and everything else.
You pretty much call him a liberal, not a leftist.
And then they say, but Jones need to be banned for the comments.
And then the comments on my Instagram.
It's like a fan Instagram, but they did give it to us.
Are saying Jones is an Israeli shill because I'm not against Israel.
I'm not against the Palestinians.
I'm not against anybody.
I'm not... Everybody knows that.
So, now there's a huge campaign.
Hundreds of articles.
Wired Magazine, Vice, CNN, MSNBC.
Alex Jones, will he be banned for anti-Semitism?
So, now, Mere One's being defamed as an anti-Semite.
And people have a right to say they don't like Jews, but that's not me.
I mean, I'm on record as not being anti-Israel.
And I'm not going to play race cars, I'm going to leave it at that.
But it's outrageous.
So I've sent them cease and desist public statements.
Letters are going out Monday.
We're locked and loaded with Robert Barnes because I'm not going to get banned off something.
Quote, Jones banned for anti-Semitism.
This is destroying me.
I've had people cuss me out in public, pour coffee on my head, call me a Russian agent.
I'm not feeling sorry for myself, but when they took bank accounts away from us, they said, because you're a Russian agent.
With no proof, and you're a hater.
So Mirror One's been defamed, I've been defamed, and it's just next level to see the headline, racist comments, in the first article, and then it's lettered, Jones anti-Semitic post.
I didn't do that!
And it's the media invoking anti-Semitism.
They're the ones, like, Pepe the Frog wasn't white supremacist.
Hillary said it was.
Then it became that.
So, they're the ones that do the defamation.
It's like the whole Sandy Hook lawyers keep bringing up Sandy Hook and saying, I'm talking about Sandy Hook and saying it didn't happen.
They're the ones doing it.
Senator Murphy.
So joining us is Mirwan.
He hasn't been on the show in probably six, seven years.
We're all big fans.
He's been on a few of the other shows a few years ago.
At Mirwan for now, I guess.
But, I mean, I'm a big fan of your art.
I don't see anything... I see unity pro-human in yours.
But I see you putting a fist up.
What do you think's going on here?
Wow, man.
This is an amazing time to live through.
You know, to see labels being thrown around and false accusations is so painful.
It's destructive.
I don't know what's going on.
It seems like we're losing our minds in this world.
I agree.
Well, Robert Barnes wants to send a cease and desist for you.
He's here tomorrow and he wants to file.
He's got a nose for this.
He wins about 87% of his cases.
Yeah, I'd love to talk to some people at this point because, you know, this happened to me a year ago with the British parliamentary elections going down with Jeremy Corbyn and all of the accusations of him being an anti-Semite.
And I'm not even very familiar with him until I got brought into this.
My mural That I did originally in London was about humanity.
It had nothing to do with these racial issues, with divisive terminology.
It was specifically about class.
It was about money dominating people's lives and disenfranchising people left and right.
It's total class struggle stuff.
And I mean, you know, you've been into these conspiracies and using this conversation as a platform to communicate what you see and feel and what feels real to you.
And that's part of what I do as an artist.
And I've always thought that that was what we were here to do was to, you know, to express ourselves and defend ourselves in that sense and speak about the issues that are pertinent to our society right now.
And, you know, to To put something out that I feel was so poignant in the moment of post-2008, the financial collapse in America, to be in England and to be in the banking, you know, grand center of England, right where the East London, where I painted the mural.
It was very telltale for my life at the time.
It kind of marked a You know, I just, I got in time with it.
I got in sync with what was going on in our world and I called it out and I feel like, you know, that's probably the biggest problem of all is that I nailed it with that in that moment.
And I think that really pissed everyone off because Here's this artist funding himself, flying out there himself, you know, just doing my own thing, expressing myself as I thought I should.
And this is where I get it.
And what they're saying is individual expression is bad.
You need to stop it.
And now they're trying to use it to take me off the Internet.
So when I say I'm going to sue these people, they don't stop.
It's defending myself.
I mean, I can't be the guy banned off Instagram for anti-Semitism because the comments and your art that I have hanging on the wall There's no stars of David.
There's nothing there.
I mean, it's just crazy that they make it about anti-Semitism.
Nobody was saying this till they did.
And I mean, I've specifically, I repainted it again and got even more detailed and specific on the individuals that I felt were pertinent to the story format.
You know, like George Soros, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Nicky Oppenheimer, the Rothschild brothers, David Rockefeller.
You know, these are real people.
They've had real effects on our world.
Like Henry Kissinger.
These people have been kind of terrorists to humanity.
And he's not there because he's Jewish.
He's there because many countries say he's a war criminal.
Just like David Rockefeller is a Methodist.
I want to speak more about this, but let's talk about behind you.
Tell me about the painting behind you.
That's intriguing.
I don't know how to interpret it, but it seems like the soul of the universe and everyone is like marching together in this great experience.
Or is that God experiencing consciousness?
a site to a forbidden art, but tell me about the painting behind you. That's
intriguing. I mean, I don't know how to interpret it, but it seems like the soul of the universe
and everyone is like marching together in this great experience or I mean or is
that God experiencing consciousness? What is that painting?
Yeah, let's see if I can aim that over there a little more.
There we go.
Yeah, you know, this was kind of a psychedelic experience.
I wanted to paint and describe something personal.
And yeah, I'm a believer of humanity.
I'm not into politics.
I'm into philosophy.
I'm an artist.
And so I used to be I used to be a Democrat.
You know, I used to be into this stuff, and the past few years has burnt me out so bad.
I'm totally disinterested in politics now, and I realize that we live in a crazy world.
We don't need to be ruled by politics.
We need to be ruled by philosophy.
You know, we need to have an overriding... Exactly what we stand for, not what somebody else is doing.
So, describe this awesome painting behind you, because I want it.
Well, you know, it's a moment of realization.
Realizing that we have a connection to everything, and everything has a connection to us.
There's this symbiotic unity in our universe.
Every part contains the whole.
And I... So I was right in my description.
It's humanity discovering the oneness of humanity and God's consciousness.
Yeah, kind of.
I mean, you know... Well, keep describing it, because it's a powerful painting.
Yeah, well, I wanted to bring in an ancestral lineage through this piece, and what I'm doing is I'm starting off with some of these classic Greco-Romanesque looking people, and I'm moving through more of an African, moving back into a kind of a Mayan, and moving onwards into, like, elongated skulls, and a kind of, like, a hidden history of our humanity that's unspoken and unheard of.
That's powerful story.
Ancestral memory.
Carl Jung, ancestral memory.
We'll be right back with the evil Marijuana.
Stay with us.
Most of you.
I hope every man, woman, and child out there watching and listening to me right now is thanking God for how far we've come.
All over the world, nationalist and pro-capitalist forces are winning elections and turning the tide against the globalists.
It's incredible.
And right here in America, we saw President Trump win Despite being outspent 10 to 1 by Hillary and the deep state.
Donald Trump will be the 45th president of the United States.
We saw the media look like fools when Trump got elected.
Their credibility brought to almost zero.
And now you've seen their whole Russiagate fraud.
Their attempted coup against the voters of this nation, not just the president.
Their criminal activity now exposed and blown wide open.
It was proven very strongly.
No collusion.
No obstruction.
No nothing.
We are on the offense.
They are on the defense.
But we've got to press the attack politically and not stop.
Because the enemy's going to strike back with false flags like Smollett tried to stage to cause a race war.
And so much more.
The Covington kids, they try to stage that event.
But all of these staged events are falling on their face by the grace of God and acting through you.
People out there videotaping public events.
People keeping their eyes open.
People keeping their ear to the ground.
Folks are active, they're aware, and they understand the globalist paradigm.
And there's so many other things.
That the establishment's doing that is just unraveling.
Like all these governors passing laws to kill babies after they're born and then defending it.
It's insane.
The choice between good and evil has never been clearer.
And the 1776 worldwide that you and I and all of us together launched Is what the globalists fear, the renaissance.
So I salute you and I thank you.
And I encourage you to be part of this revolution even more because you've seen the effect and you've seen the victory.
But the enemy again is now launching counter-offensives.
And so your prayers, your support of Infowars are more important than ever.
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And your purchase of great products that you and your family already need is essential.
We're gonna have to end one of the biggest sales in our history, if not the biggest.
50 to 60% off storewide.
Free shipping store-wide, double Patreon points, and so much more, the Save the First Amendment Mega Special.
We've got to end it by early next week, Monday or Tuesday at the max, because so many of the great products are on the verge of selling out, or have already sold out, because people really respond to these sales.
Many of these items are lost leaders, but I want you to see how incredible they are.
Whether it's X2, whether it's BODY's ultimate turmeric formula, whether it's the great fish oil, whether it's the ultimate bone broth formula, the attributes and the strength of these products is unparalleled, just like our information.
And it supports the broadcast, so it is the Total 360 win.
We have come so far together and now the president is preparing to go on the offense against the censors.
He's taking action against the universities and their authoritarian anti-free speech policies.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
Our prayers are being answered.
So, I want to thank you.
I want to thank God.
I want to thank my family.
I want to thank the crew.
I want to thank the President.
And I want to thank everybody that stood up for the First Amendment.
And I just want to encourage everybody, now is the center of the fight.
Now is the time to be the most focused.
We need your financial support.
Please take action.
InfoWars Tomorrow's news today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
Well, it's been a few years since Mere One's been on, the controversial thought criminal artist.
I want to invite him back up in the next few weeks for a full hour, really review some of his great art and talk about it.
He's a very popular guy.
He's a very successful artist on a lot of rock bands, TV shows, uses material.
It's all about human unity.
And then his mural got so popular in England, it got endorsed by members of Parliament.
Some people called it anti-Semitic because he put David Rockefeller and, you know, then a Rothschild in there who are involved in these big banks.
Well, because George Soros happens to be Jewish, doesn't mean we're saying Jews are all bad.
It's like Hitler was German.
We're not saying all, or Austrian, we're not saying all Austrians are bad.
It's, you know, crazy.
Anybody with the last name Dahmer doesn't mean you're a serial killer.
But the time we have here in this little eight, nine minutes, please come back very, very soon.
Tell us the time.
Let's set it up before you leave.
What are we supposed to do?
What do you think's going on where they then say, oh, there's anti-Semitic comments, too, in the post on Instagram.
Alex Jones posted a link to one of your paintings.
And we're saying that's anti-Semitic.
And we're saying comments saying Jones is a Zionist shill.
is Jones being anti-semitic. It doesn't even make sense.
And then the executives say, "Well, he hasn't done anything wrong."
And so the left says, "We want it all banned. You're all racist."
They're the ones bringing up the racial and religious division.
Yeah, this is heavy control, man. I mean, it's so obvious what's going on that there's hired voices
and people doing this trolling online and creating all this hysteria over really nothing.
I mean, it's just, you know, what is this?
We're standing up against parasites and psychopaths that are destroying our world and by calling that out, you know, it's an easy way to shut down the conversation to call someone anti-semitic or say something incorrect about their art.
Um, this is the most dangerous stuff I think we've been through thus far, you know, compared to any of the times in the past few hundred years, because what we're looking at now is a total worldwide Psy-op on everyone's mind.
You know, everyone is being corralled like sheep, finally.
Like the, you know, all the conspiracies are actually proving themselves to be true now.
And that is frightening.
To see that people don't even care.
Like, they don't have critical minds.
They can't think for themselves.
This is, um, this is just crazy, man.
I love that painting behind you.
What's the name of the painting?
It doesn't have a name yet.
I'm still working on it.
You know, it's not even finished, so I've got a little ways to go.
Well, you're saying it's the march of humanity and our shared experience together.
What's that?
So like the march of humanity and our shared experience together.
Well, yeah, more than that is just this painting is really just getting into connecting to like this lineage, this longer This longer connection we have to something much older than, you know, Christians and Muslims and Jews.
No, I totally agree.
I talk about that because we have an electrochemical connection to everybody behind us.
We are literally like genetics time traveling.
Yeah, you know, I mean, I've had this theory for a while now based off of catastrophism, and I believe that White people don't come from Europe.
Black people may not necessarily come from Africa.
Asians may not necessarily come from Asia.
That we have survived catastrophe after catastrophe for thousands and thousands of years.
And isolation has caused us to become who we are.
But at the end of the day, we all come from the same roots.
There's no separation.
Oh, I totally agree.
For survival mechanisms, we've all taken on a genetic cloak of this planet, but we're the same spirit.
And you know, it's this nationalistic kind of like territorial idea of power and control that defines race now.
You know.
No, I agree with you that nationalism can be used for bad, but then the globalists create this UN nationalism, destroy the nation to bring in their corporate control.
So it's crazy.
Yeah, no.
And, you know, as an artist, this is why I put this work out there.
I'm trying to encourage other people to be critical and see for themselves and not just believe what they're told.
Well, Mirwan, you're a human being, and come back next week for a full hour, but talking to all these hundreds of publications that are dehumanizing you, calling you an anti-Semite, calling you a racist, when I know your work's all about unity, is like super classical liberal, which I actually support, real unity, Martin Luther King.
You're a human being.
You want to talk to these psychos and sociopaths, because that's what you're supposed to do to them, and say, hey, I'm a real person.
You want to talk to them?
I have no qualms of talking to any of these people.
Well, tell them what you think about what they've done to you.
Well, I think that they are co-opted themselves.
There's a political issue driving their opinions.
It's not based off of their observations.
You know?
I mean, look at what's wrong with my mural.
We have atheists, we have satanists, we have capitalists, we... I don't know any of them to be true Christian.
Albert Pike, the founder of the KKK, you've got him in one version.
These people are in no way examples of the religion they claim.
These people are horrible, capitalist, selfish, cruel people who have been manipulating humanity for Definitely at least 200 years, if not longer, with this system.
You know, this capitalistic, monetary, materialism system.
And that's what I've been trying to call out, is our addiction to materialism, our addiction to capitalism.
You know, where is it that I'm attacking anything to deal with the separating of, you know, where is my division of humanity in any of my art?
Well, you're a powerful artist, they fear you.
Well, that's, yeah, I mean, this is what I've learned is that a great way to silence any type of critical thought is to throw these names at it.
And, you know, this is just a long line of activity that we're having to endure in the process of finding out who we are and what we're doing here.
And that's what my art is about.
That's my mission.
I'm seeking the meaning of life, you know?
Me too.
We all are.
I'm seeking purpose here and answering questions that are so much bigger than these mediocre, superficial, tabloid-level comments.
That's what this stuff is.
I mean, this is basically tabloid, all this garbage people are talking about.
Except it destroys your life.
What do you want to say to Jake Kattner, who cooked all this up, he admits, and did this to you and me?
Because, you know, we're humans.
He's trying to destroy us.
What do you want to say to him?
You know, I'd actually like to talk to this guy.
I'd like to actually hear what it is, specifically, that I've done here with my art that is so offensive.
Because what I'm doing is I'm criticizing elite group of wealthy individuals who are playing a game on us and that is a you know that is a important thing to talk about right now but to not talk about that you know I mean like what do they want us to do?
That's what Bob Dylan said.
He said you play with my world like it's your little toy.
Bob Dylan's anti-semitic now.
Oh boy.
Well, you know, that term is losing its strength, I believe, because it's being abused.
It doesn't really fall into an accurate description of any of these accusations.
Mirwan, you are awesome.
Please come on our other shows.
You've been on years ago.
We really appreciate you.
Mirwan.com and at Mirwan on Twitter.
You're awesome.
Promise me you'll come on for a full hour next week to review your great art.
We're showing, man.
You know, rise up.
Freedom for humanity, bro.
That's where we're at.
That's what I'm all about.
All right, brother.
They hate the unity.
God bless you.
Have a great weekend.
All right, coming up, Billy Weaver.
Wow, glad the crew got marijuana on.
That was exciting.
The Heights Public Library today debuting a new children's story hour called Drag Queen Storytime.
My name is Blackberry.
I'm a bearded drag queen.
That means I'm a lady with lots of facial hair.
Stephanie Whitfield sat in on the program designed to promote acceptance.
I'm actually going to be one of the drag queens reading for Drag Queen Storytime.
Drag Queen Storytime.
And we witnessed parents taking their children as young as two inside to take part.
Are you nervous?
Do you want to touch my hair?
And for the children and the people that support it are gonna realize that this is gonna be the grooming of the next generation.
That's the whole goal is to make kids that aren't used to seeing something like me more comfortable to seeing it.
You could be a drag queen superhero!
And shake your butt!
Shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em!
Sweet dreams are made of these Who had a mind to disagree?
Travel the world as the habit sees Everybody looking for something
Some of them want to yell, yell Some of them want to be heard
No one's there to push an agenda on anyone.
No one's there to persuade people or to recruit people.
Who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up?
You could be a drag queen superhero!
Are you nervous?
They were all accepting.
They all were happy about it and excited and giving me hugs and everything.
Most people seem to walk away having a good time.
A stardom young, right?
A stardom young, right?
The woman gets up on her table, spreads her legs.
It's a man.
This is adult entertainment.
But what do predators do?
They target children.
Breaking news.
We have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston public library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
A media spokesperson for the library confirms one of those drag queens, Tatiana Malanina, is really Alberto Garza, a child sex offender.
In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy.
This is Tatiana Malanina, my sister from Queens of the Week.
And everywhere else it's called pedophilia.
But when it's done institutionally, and they can get away with people dressed up like demon clowns with your children.
Pull up Tranny Time in the New York schools.
This is put out in the New York Times like it's wonderful.
And it's the biggest scary looking group of weirdo pot-bellied men.
Looks like a bunch of Dennis Hasterds running around with clown makeup on.
Just hopping around, rubbing their giant bellies in front of children, and you're like, what alternate universe is this?!
What planet did I wake up in?
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That's free shipping storewide.
free shipping store by net four store.com. You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, there's a lot of good news happening.
There's a lot of bad news happening as well.
This is Breaking Ben Warren.
It's up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
Best place to share videos and articles is NewsWars.com.
That is not as censored yet by the bots.
So it's at NewsWars.com.
Get it out.
Raise the alarm.
You are the modern Paul Revere.
Colorado Senate passes controversial red flag gun law.
Sheriff's vow not to seize guns if ordered to.
No jury, no judge, no reason.
Someone wants your guns taken, it's taken.
This is a nightmare scenario.
Colorado Senate passed the so-called Red Flag Bill that allows law enforcement to seize people's guns if a court rules them to risk themselves or others, but with no evidence.
The court just issues it if somebody complains.
Thursday's 8-17 vote that saw no Republican support moved the bill one step closer to Governor Jared Poe's signature.
That story is up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Millie Weaver joins us.
You know, I'm banned on Twitter, and I'm banned on a lot of other platforms, so I couldn't respond to a little Instagram account we had that we didn't update very often.
I think I personally did it.
At one time, I think my 14-year-old son was updating it.
He's 16 now.
So they passed over that, the angel of censorship death.
And so then, Facebook only banned two of my main pages, but then they said, oh, I'm supposed to be banned everywhere.
They created that belief.
Then, Business Insider put out a very defamatory thing that we had anti-Semitic posts.
Now, you read the article, it would say it was commenters.
And then, oh, well, there's a painting of bankers, too, in Fukushima, so that's racist.
But Millie Weaver stood up to it, and she's been drawn into this.
Infowars.com reporter, mother of two, great patriot, Millie.
This is the next level where they're, Oliver Darcy said last month, we're going to go after commenters.
And we're going to blame you for what a commenter says.
Well, we know most of these from the IP addresses, we've even looked at this, are leftist staging this.
And so to have Facebook leak They're blueprint where if it's 30% anti-semitic comments, they ban you.
Well, now the left and the brigade groups are just going to go post anti-semitic comments that are even against me, and then I get banned for them saying they're going to get me because I'm on anti-Israel.
That is the opposite of justice, Milley.
Exactly Alex, this is the plan.
What they're essentially trying to do here is cart before the horse and they are just trying to figure out a way to make it so that InfoWars.com can no longer exist because they know that people can still access your content here and hear your voice and that your website is getting more traffic than most of these other mainstream media sites even.
So what they're trying to do here is they have these troll farms, these leftist troll farms, which I did an investigation on.
We had somebody go in the leftist troll farms and undercover and watched as they trolled some of my content as an InfoWars reporter, where they tried to make it look like I had a bunch of anti-Semitic people in my comments.
And many of these anti-semitic comments were actually just as they are with you, Alex.
They were directed at me, calling me a shill for Israel in a bunch of anti-semitic terms.
But this is what YouTube has recently talked about.
They've talked about wanting to ban people's accounts and flag them and demonetize them based on what's in your comments section.
And I want to be clear.
I believe David Duke has a right to be online.
I disagree with him.
He's still on YouTube.
He's still everywhere.
I'm not.
Owen Benjamin.
I'd seen him on TV.
Funny comedian.
Had him on like 15 times.
One day I tuned in and he's like...
You know, Germany had a great leader in the early 1940s, and I'm like, what?
Both my grandpas almost died fighting him.
And I said, is that a joke?
And then I saw more stuff out against Owen.
I just said, hey, I can't do the anti-Semitic stuff.
I know your dad's Jewish or whatever, so you think it's okay.
I'm not doing this.
And then they're all like, oh look, you're covering up from Israel.
I'm about what people do, like Martin Luther King said, what they stand for.
There are leftist Jews, there are right-wing Jews, there are Christian Jews, there are Orthodox Jews, there are atheist Jews, there are serial killer Jews, there's fire department hero Jews.
I'm sick of Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, Jew, but again, we're the ones everyone knows that are against racism and anti-Semitism, so it's perfect That David Duke and all these other guys, they're still up, but not us.
And they can ban me off Instagram, Millie.
It's going to be Jones banned for anti-Semitism.
And that's exactly it.
The fact that David Duke can exist in a bunch of these other far, far, far right racist groups, or actually many of these racist groups like the KKK, most of them are actually Democrats.
How about that?
They're actually not on the right, they're actually on the left.
So they don't want to talk about that, but the reality here is this, Alex, is that we know that this has nothing to do with race, and this has everything to do with Figuring out a way to justifiably deperson you, Alex Jones, because you have been so effective at fighting the New World Order and the globalists.
And essentially, you made such an impact during the 2016 presidential election.
I mean, how many shirts I saw out there during the RNC of these Hillary for prison shirts.
I mean, it was unbelievable.
It just, it spreads across the nation.
I can't tell you how many Trump rallies I've been to where, I kid you not, at least minimally about 40% to a third of the people leaving that stadium were wearing InfoWars attire or they were shouting me out going, woo Millie Weaver, InfoWars, Alex Jones, we love you guys, we love what you're doing, thank you so much.
So it just goes to show that Infowars impacted the election.
That's why Hillary Clinton was complaining about it, and that's why we're being taken down.
They're attacking us.
They're trying to justify it through saying, oh, anti-Semitism.
They know we aren't anti-Semitic.
We're not racist, so they can't catch us saying anything.
So what do they do?
They have a bunch of troll farms go into our comment sections and say a bunch of anti-Semitic, racist things so that then someone like Oliver Darcy, who likes to police, You know, the patriots out there can go, look, look, they've got anti-Semitism.
They're a hate group.
They're stoking all this hate and violence and then they try to attach it to something like the New Zealand shooting to get everyone's emotions and get people angry and somehow, you know, we're somehow to blame for this shooting when we had nothing to do with it and we weren't even saying anything anti-Semitic.
These are troll farms that are in our comments framing us.
It's a hoax.
It's a hoax what's going on trying to say, oh look at all these these troll farms in our comments making it look like we're anti-semitic.
And by the way, this is what Smollett did, it's what the Democrats do, it's in the WikiLeaks, this is what they do.
So what should Trump, what should the people do about Facebook publishing Oh, well he's only 4% anti-semitic in his comments.
We reviewed the comments.
We need 30%.
That's telling all their people to go do that.
I mean, that's what the left does.
But the Austin American Statesman...
Right here, Document Cam Shop Police.
They sent a reporter when I got accosted this weekend and they looked into it and found that I was harassed at my table and confirmed the whole story.
Which is good, I'm glad the state's been told the truth.
They'll probably fire Jonathan Tillub, but I couldn't believe the media actually went and checked.
They edited the tape to act like I did something.
They were threatening me, we're gonna get you, eat crap, F you, oh yeah, we're waiting for you.
They're blocking me when I walk out, screaming and cussing at me, and then they edited it And even when I put out the real video showing what happened, they didn't care.
But that's gotta freak them out that it actually came out in the news now.
So many of these Trump supporters have been physically attacked.
I mean, you've been attacked, Alex.
I know I've been attacked.
I've been accosted as well.
Infowars has been accosted.
Trump supporters have been accosted.
And a lot of that is because of the mainstream media.
Yet they don't get held accountable.
They can go out and say we're racist, we're bigots, we're homophobic, we're Islamophobic, we're all these horrible things, and they have no repercussion.
And they're the one injecting all that into the discussion.
So let me ask you this.
What does Trump, we come back, what does Trump need to do?
What do we need to do?
Because we can't just sit here and take this forever while these crooks do this.
We have to take action politically.
So stay there Millie.
We're going to come right back after the break and we're going to go to you and we're also going to talk about what do you think the left's going to do now that they've been caught.
I think they're going to get more arrogance like Jesse Smoltz.
The police need to apologize.
Ron Emanuel needs to apologize.
NAACP nominates him for an award.
I think we're going to see more arrogance, more insanity out of him.
And so how do we make sure that we don't get sucked into that insanity?
Stay with us.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
tomorrow's news today. Please remember if you want to keep hearing this show on air, pray for us.
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And the biggest sell ever, 50 to 60% off on all the supplements.
But it's got to end with a bunch of things like the fish oil, and even X2, and even X3, and bodies, and the bone broth, and turbo force, and brain force, and super silver wound gel are all very close to selling out.
So those will be pulled soon, 50 to 60% off all the items.
But infowarestore.com.
Let's make no mistake, we're not up here puffing our importance.
We're just folks ready to resist these people.
And of course, it's paying off.
Folks want freedom.
But this, we're in the center of a war now.
For a pro-human future or an anti-human future, but whatever you do, however you're listening,
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That's what breaks the back of big tech, is your human intelligence, your human action,
your will, your word of mouth is unstoppable and we salute you.
Dare I say, we're about to be joined by the Rembrandt, the Da Vinci of meme making, Carpe Dantum.
But let's look at the meme that Carpe Dantum made that President Trump shared that was then censored on Twitter.
Madam Speaker!
The President of the United States!
If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd work for all my life
And I had the start of being Just my children and my wife
I'd thank my lucky stars For wanting to be living here today
Because the first kill stands for freedom Madam Speaker, members of Congress, the state of our union is strong.
Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land.
God bless the USA.
So, Carpe D'Antem joins me now, and I gotta be honest with you folks,
I feel like right now I'm interviewing one of the greatest artists of all time.
So, Carpe Doctum, thank you for joining me today on the Alex Jones Show.
So, let's talk about the name.
Obviously, Carpe Diem, Seize the Day, the famous saying, and then you have Carpe Noctum, which is Seize the Night.
So, Carpe Doctum, is that Seize the Donk?
It's, uh, Seize the Donkey.
Seize the Donkey?
Seize the Donkey, yeah.
Seize that Democrat.
Ah, okay, okay.
Because I was wondering, I knew that there had to be something to that name.
So Carpe Donctum is Seize the Democrat.
So that's basically, seize the opportunity that the left provides you to create beautiful memes.
That is my interpretation of my fake Latin, yes.
Well, I have to say, you've done a lot of great work, obviously.
Your creativity shines through.
If you don't want to get into this, I understand, but I need an answer here.
Can you confirm or deny that you were the character featured in Make Love Not Warcraft in South Park?
Now, we've got the clip, and there have been some theories, okay?
There have been some theories branded about here that this character from South Park, Make Love Not Warcraft, is actually based on you.
Now, can you confirm or deny these claims right now?
I can't confirm or deny right now.
Can Carpe Dantum... Can you confirm or deny?
I can't confirm or deny.
I just know that InfoWars is the sword of a thousand truths.
He's meme legend at Carpe Dantum on Twitter.
or follow him now. You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
You may be an ambassador to England or France.
You may like to gamble.
You might like to dance.
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world.
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Yes, indeed, you're gonna have to serve somebody Well, it may be the devil, or it may be the Lord, but you're
gonna have to Billion Weaver is our guest.
Darnit, Bengus is in the fourth hour today.
I'll be back probably tomorrow.
I think I'm gonna do a special report during the day.
Saturday, but I'll be back Sunday with a regular Sunday show.
4 to 6 p.m.
You got the War Room coming up in about an hour and 10 minutes.
The owner Troy or Millie Weaver's riding shotgun with us.
I'm not gonna belabor this.
I'm not gonna spend too much time on it.
Most revolutionaries have to rob banks or do stuff like that to fund themselves.
We don't do that.
We just sell high-quality products at low prices.
Things you need.
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So just stock up on it all and sign up for AutoShip so you don't forget.
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Or just try it that one time, but make that commitment because The globalists are enraged that we're still on air.
They can't believe our great reporters are out there doing viral videos every day.
They can't believe we haven't rolled over.
And there's a danger.
Because it looks like Trump gets over the Russiagate hoax and has some victory.
Still, the border's being collapsed.
Still, the Federal Reserve's trying to kill the economy.
I'm not saying that to be fearful.
I'm saying we're still in the war.
We've got to fight hard.
Yeah, their big globalist project is done.
But they're still running the show in many areas.
We're still in one hell of a fight.
So, however you're listening, spread the word.
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Buying those products that are products you already need is the most powerful thing you can do other than prayer for the show.
Okay, Millie Weaver, looking at this.
Again, it's not about Alex Jones.
It's about the fraud of saying Alex Jones to be removed off Instagram for anti-Semitic posts, and then it's comments, and then the media all runs and together deceptively puts the headline up, never showing what I supposedly did.
That just shows that these are corporate henchmen that will do anything, Millie.
What do you think Trump needs to do?
What do we need to do to counter stuff like this?
I mean, I know they don't retract.
Just like the sun comes up in the morning, I'm gonna sue him, but that's another big giant battle and I'll do it, but my God, I'm fighting a lot of fronts here.
Well, we need to have some type of an Internet Bill of Rights.
We also have to have something added to the Constitution where we have a political class or political affiliation added to the rest of protected groups because right now you can be protected under your sex, your religion, your race, but not your political affiliation and that's another issue we have where people are being discriminated against And being barred from even PayPal and many other services where they've never actually said anything.
It's not a platform for speech, it's just a service.
So there needs to be something along those lines.
But it's just a tale of caution.
Because we saw in 2017, Ben Garrison actually, I don't know if you remember this Alex, but Ben Garrison was attacked.
People on the internet, namely 4chan, internet sleuths and trolls, We're trying to frame him as anti-semitic.
I sent the production crew an email of this article.
I'm fully aware of how the left, posing as 4chan trolls, says everybody's anti-semitic but George Soros.
Look, Millie, let me try to quantify this.
The Facebook emails are intriguing because it's executives leaking this because they were unable to ban me because what they said wasn't true to Business Insider and they say we want to list him as a hate figure then he can be banned and then anyone talking about him can be banned.
So it's like I'm a tarot card now, or I'm a letter in the alphabet, or I'm a hieroglyphic symbol of, say, the populist rebel.
They want to ban even uttering that and Pavlovianly punish people that dare talk to the one that must not be named.
They've even said in Wired Magazine that's the plan.
Robert Barnes, my lawyer, has met with the heads of Wired and other publications.
They said, no, the Democrats are running it.
We're calling it the kill shot.
Once Jones falls, once they put up with that, Once people submit to that, then they'll all fall.
So, this is epic beyond epic.
And I don't think people realize just how big it is.
Yeah, and what's crazy is if you really, people out there, listeners,
if you really wanna find out more as to what's going on with these troll farms
that are the ones going out perpetuating this hoax of antisemitism around Alex Jones and Trump supporters,
you could go watch my video, "Deep Inside a Leftist Troll Farm"
on my channel, Millennial Millie, on YouTube, because we really go into it and show
how these troll farms that are mostly being run by leftists are going on there and perpetuating this hoax
with the goal to color the websites that are their enemies as racist
so that they can justify having them pull off the internet.
This is to justify policing the internet.
We already know Facebook has already purchased the government ID verification systems,
so they're just waiting to implement it.
They purchase these things always in advance and they roll things out in reverse.
It's cart before the horse.
It's a Hegelian dialectic, a problem-reaction solution.
They go ahead and they create this problem.
Oh, look, terrorist attacks, hate groups, all these horrible things.
You know, look at all of these troll, these hate pockets.
You know, that they're creating with the trolls, right?
So that then, they can have the reaction, all of this outrage, this media hysteria, which we're now seeing, and that's why I think right now Alex and everyone else should be panicking over this media smear about Alex's Instagram account, because here's their reaction.
Then, what's the solution?
Oh well, their solution is to police the internet and pull these sites, which is what they wanted to do in the first place.
They're framing us.
That's what they're doing.
They're framing us to get rid of us.
Billy, you're absolutely right.
The problem is there are more activists waking up every day.
Generation Z is libertarian nationalist on its face.
And so regardless, they're in trouble.
But Trump needs to move with antitrust action.
He needs to move with stripping federal contracts from big tech that discriminates.
There needs to be charges for big tech perjuring themselves to Congress.
But they've gotten away for 20 years with whatever they want, like they're the new royalty.
But that...
It took a long time to have that honeymoon go away, but Millie, I don't think I know that honeymoon is going away very, very quickly.
This is what the left wants.
They literally want to police journalists and the news and media.
Andrew Yang has on his website, and he's running for president, and there's a lot of people that like him on the left side.
He has a news ombudsman.
Which he wants to force the news, journalists, everything.
He wants to police what's real and what's not real news.
I mean, that's pretty scary.
It's literally on his site, the news ombudsman.
And then if you go to secretarystate.gov and you look under our own government, you can find where they already have a government agency for ombudsman lying in wait.
It's just dormant.
That's right.
Obama put it all in place before he left office, and if Trump doesn't remove it, then he's going to be defeated, and so are we.
Millie Weaver, we'll talk to you soon.
Great job.
God bless.
Thanks, Alex.
All right.
I heard about this a few hours ago.
We looked into it.
It's true.
It's posted to Infowars.com.
The first online journalist crew.
Leader has had a serious stroke.
I was thinking about Joseph Farah.
I swear, it happens all the time.
So hard, like two days ago.
I was like, I gotta get him on.
He hadn't been on in about a year or two.
I gotta get Joseph Farah on.
WMD founder Joseph Farah suffers serious stroke.
Nation's first online news organization pulling together in Leader's absence.
Dear WorldNetDaily readers, friends, and allies, and you know K. Joseph Ferrer, WorldNetDaily.
Man, they were the first during the Clinton Foundation documents.
Not the big foundation, but the library.
Their main enemy was him.
Shut him down.
He was there battling the Clintons toe-to-toe.
Others took the payoffs.
We know who they are.
It's whatever.
He didn't take the payoff.
And he's a great patriot.
We'll talk about Joseph Farrell when we return.
Then Dr. Nick Begich.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news.
Today, only you can share these links.
It's incredible.
We're fighting back and we're winning thanks to you.
I got some good news for you folks, but some bad news for the globalists.
I've got good news for the people of America and the people of the world.
Trump has been totally exonerated from the entire Russian gate attempted coup d'etat takedown.
And now he's going on the offense with the big executive order of a week ago.
The target's universities that are public that violate the First Amendment.
And now he summoned the head of Google just yesterday to let Sundar know that his treason by selling us out to China and censoring the American people and meddling in our elections will not stand.
Trump said the meeting went well.
And the word is Apple and Facebook and Twitter, they're all being Talked to by the President over the telephone and private meetings are being set up where he's going to lay down the law.
That they're not going to side with authoritarian foreign powers and that they're going to either abide by the Constitution and Bill of Rights and not be authoritarians or he's going to take action against them.
That is everything we've needed to hear.
Now let's make sure the President follows through.
Now, InfoWars, as you know, is seen by the enemy as the tip of the spear, because we
are, because of you, the supporters, and our message of liberty.
We're rebooting America in 1776 worldwide.
We've had a special running for about a week and a half, save the First Amendment, 1776
Super Sale.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is the last few days of the sale.
Some of our best-selling items have sold out, others are close to selling out.
We've got to end the sale coming up early next week.
This only leaves four or five days left in this Super Sale at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLife.com.
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the Info War all at the same time, a total 360 win.
The same for the First Amendment Super Sale at InfoWarsStore.com.
Only a few days left.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right.
(upbeat music)
Dr. Nick Begich, a real insider without choice.
Really smart guy, about to take over.
I'm not going to take over any of his time, so I'll be with you in about five minutes.
In the War Room with Owen Schroer is coming up.
But Joseph Farah founded the Western Journalism Center 28, 29 years ago, and that was the progenitor 23 years ago of WorldNetDaily.
And he suffered what they're calling a serious stroke.
The article from WorldNetDaily is WorldNetDaily.com.
It's up on Infowars.com.
And reportedly it's pretty serious stroke, so we should pray for him.
But more than that, it's a celebration of Joseph Farah, because believe me, Back then, if you look at the Clinton Library Foundation, separate from their other foundation, Judicial Watch sued like four years ago.
We got the documents with Joseph Farah.
The Clintons were like, if the Western Journalism Center succeeds, if we have anybody subscribes, if they get their own economy, it'll be super popular.
We'll be defeated.
Let's harass them.
Let's have them sued.
Let's discredit them.
But they failed.
And I got articles in 1996 and 1997 published in World Net Daily when I went down and did original reporting.
They had Delta Force training for gun confiscation and everything else.
And I had Delta Force people actually leaking it to me.
They didn't like what was happening.
Like two years after, I was like later, like, you know Delta Force is the one that told the city manager to tell you that.
They didn't like it either.
Alex, stop bashing Delta Force.
We're the ones that gave you the information.
But I was like 24 years old.
I mean, you learn this stuff as you go along.
That the military is full of good people, it's just that bad globals can try to run it.
So, Joseph Farrow is a really great guy.
I was thinking about him so much three or four days ago.
I don't know when he had the stroke, they don't say it, but I... It's that crazy thing, like I always think about somebody, and I turn the news on, they're dead.
We all have that kind of that psychic experience, especially if we've known somebody.
But he's not dead.
He's had a serious stroke, and the story, again, is at worldnetdaily.com.
It's at infowars.com.
We should all pray for Joseph Farrow.
Mike, Dave and I had a really big heart attack.
A couple months later, he's back in the saddle better than ever.
Got those arteries cleared up.
And so the miracle of modern medicine.
And so I hope that he gets back in the saddle.
But regardless, it's all in God's hand.
So pray for his wife, Elizabeth, and their kids as well.
Because Joseph is a good guy.
And he's a great guy.
And he's somebody that's been there for decades.
When nobody else, and you know, World Net Daily's still big, but used to, it was the biggest thing out there.
It was bigger than Newsmax for a while, you know, never bigger than Drudge, but bigger than InfoWars.
And it's still big, but you know, Joseph would talk about, wow, InfoWars is getting 10 times the traffic we are.
Oh, kid, you're doing great.
Just a few years ago, he wanted to work with me in business.
I was, I wanted to do it, but I got so busy and never did it.
And I was like, Joseph, it doesn't matter.
You built the foundation, buddy.
However many floors we build on this house.
However many families live in this house, you know, you're the first, was a big leftist newspaper editor, some of the biggest papers in the country, brought up by communists who woke up, bucked the trend, said no, and whether it was the Clinton Chronicles, or whether it was exposing Vince Foster, or whether it was all those key things that nobody was doing at the time, he was there.
And that's what really matters.
Not who's first, but you've got to praise people that are there at the first floor, the founders.
And of the modern movement, you call it fifth wave, sixth wave Americana in our 241 year history, you can say that Joseph Farah is the big wave that came before this mega wave.
That's what I told Vice right after Trump got elected.
I said, you think you're going to destroy me?
They're going to destroy Trump.
This is just a manifestation of humanity's hunger for liberty, humanity's hunger for freedom.
And I said, there's much bigger waves coming.
And you're not going to stop it.
That's what's important.
So talking about the next waves, the 6th wave, the 7th wave, the 8th wave, if we accept this and take on this destiny, Dr. Nick Begich will talk about the 6th wave, 7th wave, 8th wave, 9th wave, 10th wave.
What is coming next if we choose our destiny?
Dr. Nick Begich, stay with us.
Again, I'm Alex Jones with NewsWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today, War Room is in 55 minutes with Owen Schroeder.
Thank you to the great crew.
I guess.
Just please remember, if you want to keep hearing this show on air, pray for us.
We're praying for you.
And please don't forget, store-wide free shipping.
And the biggest sell ever, 50 to 60% off on all the supplements.
But it's got to end.
There's a bunch of things like the fish oil, and even X2, and even X3, and bodies, and the bone broth, and turbo force, and brain force, and super silver wound gel are all very close to selling out.
So those will be pulled soon.
50 to 60% off all the items.
But infowarestore.com.
Let's make no mistake, we're not up here puffing our importance.
We're just folks ready to resist these people.
And of course, it's paying off.
Folks want freedom.
But this, we're in the center of a war now.
For a pro-human future or an anti-human future, but whatever you do, however you're listening,
on satellite, on TV, on radio, at Infowars.com/show, tell other people about it.
That's what breaks the back of big tech, is your human intelligence, your human action,
your will, your word of mouth is unstoppable, and we salute you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show, with Nick Baggage.
And welcome back to InfoWars.com and this is Dr. Nick Begich and filling in in this fourth hour for Alex.
I always appreciate what's going on in InfoWars.
You know, just again getting down to, you know, hearing the bad news about one of our colleagues in this vital, I think, fight for alternative and clear information that's not mainstream.
And I think that's what's being Lost is something I've warned about for decades now, and several others have as well.
And when you look at how fast things are shifting and how Afraid the left gets.
And really it's about control.
Now, and I would say this, whether to the far left or far right, the temptation for control is really great.
The justification is a little bit different, you know.
Liberals will rationalize it one way and conservatives could rationalize it another.
And I think that's one of the things to kind of guard against as we look into, you know, where we're headed.
In this next wave.
You know, Trump was anti-establishment.
This is the important point.
The establishment is embedded in both parties.
The establishment's objective is to preempt leadership.
To co-opt leadership.
This is how everyone is classically trained and organized.
If you want to organize, you try to find out who the leadership is, you identify the leadership, and then you co-opt them.
And that's what's happened to both parties in our government, with Trump being an exception.
Think about it.
All of the establishment guys that ran against Trump in the last primary, all of them got their butts handed to them.
And then ultimately, the Democrats too.
And it was, the voters were against the status quo and saw it manifesting just in different, you know, forms, but from both parties.
And it was a sellout to just a different group of interests, you know.
And so, but it was a sellout nonetheless to those more powerful, more well-placed, more strategically located than the average citizen.
And I have three generations in government in my family.
And I, you know, going back to my grandfather was an immigrant, came over here.
My dad was a United States Congressman.
As a first-generation American, he was a state senator here in Alaska just after statehood, when this frontier was really starting to open, and before the discovery of oil and gas on the North Slope of Alaska.
So, my brother then, Mark, as a Democrat, was a member of the U.S.
My other brother, Tom, is a member of the state Senate.
My uncle in Minnesota, former representative.
Minnesota legislator, but you know looking at just sort of how government has changed dramatically and what government has become and it's really distance itself.
From the people, of the people, and by the people.
And Trump kind of brought it back.
And I've said it before on this program and others, you know, he has a crass way of delivering his message, you know, and I think we all agree with it.
But anybody who's been around the real world has heard those crass kind of statements before from others.
We'd like to see a little classier act from our leadership, but the fact of the matter is we needed a bulldog this time around.
Somebody that was not going to be perceived as weak on any level.
Maybe a little chaotic, even.
A little scary, even.
I mean, that he might actually deliver on what he's saying.
And I think this is an important point.
The people got lost.
We got lost in this.
You know, for the first time under Trump, we've got international income of U.S.
corporations being taxed.
It was exempt before.
Ours wasn't.
Individuals wasn't.
You go anywhere in the world and your global income is taxed as an individual.
And until Donald Trump, corporations in the U.S.
were able to Offshore their profits and lots of creative ways, and I've talked about those in past broadcasts.
I'm not going to belabor that today, but I want to get into that at some point more in depth about how do they loop their way through the holes in the economy to really plunder the West now and transfer the real capital, real money, the real value to where the populations are growing and largest middle class in the history of the world is about to happen, and that's in Asia.
And Africa and Latin America, the developing world.
And the biggest is, of course, in India and China.
These are the two biggest markets.
Think about it.
China, from the opening of China under Nixon and his buddy Kissinger, they've gone from bicycles.
Think of the images.
If you go back to the images of China way back then in the 70s, it was all bicycles, cars, Now they're choked to death by the urban pollution of industry that happened as a result of the West financing and industrializing the East by huge capital flows out of the West into the East where production was done on cheap labor.
Now we've got a migration rolling back for other reasons.
Now it's rolling back to the markets close to Production close to markets because of robotics and AI and the things that are Advancing pretty rapidly labor is not going to be such an important factors can be energy Markets where the end user is going to be in transportation of those markets So the US and Europe still represent a large amount of money in terms of cash and capital and people have said well It'll take forever for me and China to catch up but take a look at numbers folks and it's happening more rapidly than
Many of us perceive in real wealth is embedded in these economies of the BRIC, the big five, you know, South Africa, Russia, China, India, Brazil.
when you look at those places on the maps and how much territory they cover and mineral and oil and
gas, real value they cover and their populations relative to those resources. And then you look up
their stored up wealth. When you look up the wealth of Asia stored up and stored in gold,
particularly India, with a history going back centuries of buying 25, 30 percent of the world's
gold production for centuries, not decades, not years, centuries. Chinese the same way,
where even the poorest of the poor store their wealth, a certain amount of their wealth in metals.
Someday when this dollar collapses, and it will, it has to, it has to shift. Right now
it's still the best game in town as it's played, but the risk is really there when you think about
what the end game truly is, which is to move the markets to where the money is going to be made.
To where the big margins are going to be made. Now the West and what we've built is being
exploited for that purpose for globalists, rather than to preserve and protect
the average individual within this culture.
And then when you lay the technocracy over the top...
And how it's aligned with big business, under the guise of democratic organizations, whether it be the EU and their fallacy of democracy, or the United Nations, and nobody voted for them either, or the way in which the U.S.
Senate and U.S.
Congress is being hijacked by moneyed interests over the interest of the average person.
And this is what has to stop.
And this is why you see the media, which is the mouthpiece for the industry that buys the ads, that porks up the program, that influences the outcomes.
And it's waged against us.
It is an info war.
And this is info wars.
And that's why those of us that have been working in these areas continue to do so, because it's a return of democracy and our republic.
Back to the people so that we might again govern within this Democratic Republic in the appropriate way.
And it requires a stomping on the brakes in terms of the drift and direction in which the country is headed today.
And that means we have to recognize 21st century technologies and what they entail and what we can do to make sure those technologies serve us and don't work against our interests.
That's a matter of Personal privacy and access and free speech and what a press represents in the 21st century.
All these mediums that link us together on the internet globally and nationally and by state and region.
These are the town squares of the 21st century and nothing should regulate these town squares.
Even when we find the voices we hear here repugnant.
We should be defending those voices and their right to be heard even if we don't like them very much.
And InfoWars was the first target.
You know, all of us are the target.
Individuals within this republic are the target.
Individuals within the world are the target of globalists in the 21st century and those who would seek to control under the guise of socialism, under the guise of political structure, under the guise of lying to us and controlling a technocracy that manipulates.
We're going to get more into this after the break.
This is Dr. Nick Begich.
You're listening to InfoWars and we'll be right back after these brief messages.
Most of you know.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
Brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine.
But a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
I smell the blood of an Englishman.
Be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
But I was able to secure with the original manufacturer A better deal by breaking my deal with them and playing guts ball where it's only been sold out for a couple months and we got the new deal done just about a month ago and they are manufacturing it now so people get on the waiting list in about two weeks we'll be shipping x2 original all deep earth crystal pure atomic iodine directly to your door
Across the world.
X2's back.
It'll be here in two weeks.
This is a blessing, so get yours at InfoWarsTore.com today.
Again, thank you for your support.
Support your own body with the purest, best iodine out there.
X2 at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on.
For your mind.
With Nick Begich.
And welcome back to InfoWars.com.
And this is March 29th, 2019.
And Nick Peggich sitting in for this last hour.
I want to remind people to check out InfoWarsStore.com.
Our books and videos are available there.
Check it out.
And that supports Info Wars and supports the work that we do together here and take a look at the specials that are out there right now.
55% off Survival Shield, 60% off Rain Force Plus, 60% off Bodies and you know those are all great supplements.
Take a look at them.
Hey, I want to pick up where I left off just before the break talking about Privacy and sort of how it relates to the whole concept of the modern talent square and why the internet has to be really reexamined in terms of what it what utility it truly provides the public at large.
You know this is if it's not screened.
And manipulated, it really represents an incredible opportunity that's being really hijacked from all of us in a couple of ways.
Firstly, it represents the town square, as I said, the 21st century.
This is where we get to have this open dialogue, you know, and a dialogue that creates hopefully something good.
If we don't like what we're hearing, it's even simpler than leaving the town square.
We just change the channel in the 21st century.
So maintaining the ability to have very divergent and different views in the world I think is fundamental to at least what we say we believe in in the United States in terms of a free voice, free speech, free press, free religion.
These freedoms are fundamental to free thinking, which means an unimpeded access to the media
and the town square so people can hear and engage the debate.
And when it's not regulated in the way it is for commercial outcomes and privacy-related
outcomes but for truly that, then the best voices and the strongest voices that resonate
with the population rise to the top, which is what was happening with the InfoWars and
a lot of Andrudge Report and a lot of the other alternative medias that are now being
pushed down because of the political motivations of those that own these medias.
Or those that have the ability to influence these mediums.
And this is fundamentally a black eye for the democratic republic we live in when we've allowed this to occur.
This is a hijacking of freedom of the press and what it truly means.
Because it's not just about saying whatever you want, regulating it for commercial reasons in ways to screw the public over, quite frankly, by manipulating their access to information.
It's the opposite.
It is exactly the opposite.
It is to provide a forum, an opportunity for vigorous public debate across the spectrum, across the entire spectrum of human interaction and the belief and the hope that that would cause us to evolve in our humanity and recognition of each other divinely.
That was the idea behind all of this, was to not look at us as some kind of taxpayer or consumer, but truly free individual souls.
That's what the Constitution was founded on, and access to information is critical to that.
And privacy as an attribute of that.
You know, the digital doorway, which I've talked about before, is the doorway into that world that collects data on us.
That's our data.
That's our doorway.
That's our castle being kicked in that we used to equate just to our home.
You know when we think about personal privacy now it extends to this digital doorway.
So we need to flip the equation.
Flatten the deck back out.
Lift the restrictions and the constraints and then take back the privacy components.
In other words, beyond the recognized life of a financial transaction, which is time you can dispute a credit card charge or what have you, after that your data belongs to you and should not be sold or made available to others for commercial or political purposes through the internet, through collection, through observation, through all of these electronic systems.
Which are being developed for both commercial and political purposes.
In China, on this network and many others, you've heard discussions about this social scoring and what it represents.
It's facial recognition.
You can go into that country and from the time you arrive, you are tracked every moment.
They can find you within minutes, no matter where you are in China.
And your social behavior determines how you are treated in that culture.
Now, this is over a billion people subjected to this right now.
In India, they have given them all the mark of the beast, that digital number where they buy and sell because they've restricted their access to public resources unless you are plugged into the system.
So they've done biometric scans, iris, facial recognition, and thumbprints or fingerprints for their entire population.
And these are the prototypes.
And then you look at the commercialization side by Facebook, Google, and others in terms of tracking your behaviors and manipulating the feed of advertising that's targeted specifically for you.
Something I predicted over 20 years ago in the book, Earth Rising the Revolution, which you can get at the Info Store Uh, as well.
And in that book, we had 650 sources, and we cited sort of the emergence of the technocracy, what was going to happen.
And we were dead on right.
You can read it.
And it wasn't based on some mystical, metaphysical prediction.
It was based on 650 source document references.
It says, hey, here's where we are.
Here's where we're going.
And buckle up, or let's change the game.
And it's time to change the game.
It's time to change the game.
Now, the big Russian scandal is over, at least for now, while everybody thinks of the next one to beat Trump up over.
But the fact is, the game is changing and a lot is happening.
You know, and it should change dramatically from where we are today.
And this is the thing.
Is personal privacy in this century has to be reframed and you shouldn't be able to opt out.
Now, this is one of the things they do.
Oh, well, you opt out, gave up your information so we could use it manipulated.
You shouldn't be allowed to do that.
You shouldn't be allowed to do.
Let me say it again.
You shouldn't be allowed to opt out so they can use your data, period.
They shouldn't be allowed to ask you to give up your freedom and your privacy.
That's a fundamental, basic kind of concept.
It ought not to be asked for, nor voluntarily given up your freedom.
You get it as one of your basic, fundamental, divine rights of being a created human being existing on the planet Earth.
You get that to start with.
You don't get to give it up.
You don't get to volunteer it away.
You can't.
And no one has a right to ask you for it.
And this is what's been forgotten and the message of our founding fathers that needs to be remembered in the 21st century as we lay that on top of our technology and not lay technology on top of this to squish it down in the way that it has.
And the Zuckerbergs and the others that have taken and hijacked the democratic republic we live in and have been the mouthpiece and the sphere for global interest.
And we need to take that sphere back.
You're the point of the sphere.
Looking the other direction, as Alex often says.
Support InfoWars.
Support us now so we can continue to do this work.
We'll be right back after these brief messages.
I hope every man, woman, and child out there watching and listening to me right now is thanking God for how far we've come.
All over the world, nationalist and pro-capitalist forces are winning elections and turning the tide against the globalists.
It's incredible.
And right here in America, we saw President Trump win despite being outspent 10 to 1 by Hillary and the Deep State.
Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
We saw the media look like fools when Trump got elected.
Their credibility brought to almost zero.
And now you've seen their whole Russiagate fraud, their attempted coup against the voters of this nation, not just the president.
Their criminal activity now exposed and blown wide open.
It was proven very strongly, no collusion, no obstruction, no nothing.
We are on the offense, they are on the defense, but we've got to press the attack politically and not stop, because the enemy's going to strike back.
With false flags like Smollett tried to stage to cause a race war and so much more.
The Covington kids, they tried to stage that event.
But all of these staged events are falling on their face by the grace of God and acting through you.
People out there videotaping public events.
People keeping their eyes open.
People keeping their ear to the ground.
Folks are active, they're aware, and they understand the globalist paradigm.
And there's so many other things.
But the establishment's doing that it's just unraveling.
Like all these governors passing laws to kill babies after they're born and then defending it.
It's insane.
The choice between good and evil has never been clearer.
And the 1776 worldwide that you and I and all of us together launched Is what the globalists fear, the renaissance.
So I salute you and I thank you.
And I encourage you to be part of this revolution even more.
Because you've seen the effect and you've seen the victory.
But the enemy again is now launching counter-offensives.
And so your prayers, your support of Infowars are more important than ever.
Your word of mouth is paramount.
And your purchase of great products that you and your family already need is essential.
We're gonna have to end one of the biggest sales in our history, if not the biggest.
50 to 60% off storewide.
Free shipping store-wide, double Patriot points, and so much more, the Save the First Amendment Mega Special.
We've got to end it by early next week, Monday or Tuesday at the max, because so many of the great products are on the verge of selling out or have already sold out because people really respond to these sales.
Many of these items are lost leaders, but I want you to see how incredible they are.
Whether it's X2, whether it's the body's ultimate turmeric formula, whether it's the great fish oil, whether it's the ultimate bone broth formula, the attributes and the strength of these products is unparalleled, just like our information.
And it supports the broadcast, so it is the total 360 win.
We have come so far together, and now the president is preparing to go on the offense against the censors.
He's taking action against the universities and their authoritarian anti-free speech policies.
This is an incredible time to be alive.
Our prayers are being answered.
So, I want to thank you.
I want to thank God.
I want to thank my family.
I want to thank the crew.
I want to thank the President.
And I want to thank everybody that stood up for the First Amendment.
And I just want to encourage everybody, now is the center of the fight.
Now is the time to be the most focused.
We need your financial support.
Please take action.
InfoWars Tomorrow's news.
today. You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Nick Begich.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And welcome back to InfoWars.
This is Nick Begich.
And, you know, on the last segment, talking about sort of the basic idea of Privacy, freedom, sort of who owns our data.
We own our data.
This is what is fundamental and how it's being manipulated, how people are being banned.
Messaging is incredibly important in terms of being able to get your own ideas out and keeping the town square open as part of that.
But I want to talk also about other solutions, more on a practical level, because it's always, you know, we always are easily Pulled out of our mission, you know, by getting attacked continuously, you know, and you got to have some kind of defense, right?
So we see that going on often.
This is the way that this thing comes at us.
But I want to mention a couple of ideas.
And this is again about again, solutions to kind of push this envelope a little further.
You know, when you think about Trump and what he's already done.
Now they're talking about medical solutions, and that's his next big thing.
And I want to suggest some, because I know he has a number of people in his administration listening to this broadcast.
And the first thing, publish pricing.
Heck, when you go to get your car repaired, you have to publish pricing.
So you can comparison shop.
In the medical profession, they don't do this.
You never know what it's going to cost till after you're done.
This is fundamentally wrong and works against capitalism in a free market for sure.
Violates every free market principle for sure.
In Germany, just as sophisticated of an enterprise as we run, they actually can quote you a price so you know exactly what a hip replacement costs or knee replacement costs.
All in one price.
Figure it out.
We should have open pricing, honest pricing.
Same with pharmaceuticals across alternative sources of distribution.
Secondly, on pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals represent 60% of health care costs in America.
And there should be a law against charging one penny more at the wholesale level in the U.S.
through any distribution channel than they charge wholesale anywhere else in the world.
This would level the playing field, ladies and gentlemen, and keep the U.S.
from underwriting cheap drugs elsewhere where we underwrite high advertising costs for those same drugs in the U.S.
Because 40% of pharmaceuticals are related to advertising.
Now, you can't control the free speech of pharmaceutical companies, and I wouldn't propose that we should.
But what we can do We can make that free speech exercise by buying all those ridiculous ads in the mainstream media no longer tax deductible to the pharmaceutical industry.
They actually have to take it out of their profits.
Not out of the front end, you know, not out of us.
So they take the deduction we end up paying.
For them to advertise this garbage to us and they charge us for it.
And we can't even make the decision to buy those pharmaceuticals because they're prescription only.
Only doctors can.
They should be limited to professional trade journals that are peer-reviewed journals.
Short of that, no deductions for advertising and promotion of drugs through the standard means that drug companies do it in this way.
This is fundamentally Not reasonable anymore.
And it's driving the cost of medical up too high and the United States needs to be limited.
Simple as that.
Simple as that.
And 40% of the cost of pharmaceuticals disappears because they can't spend it on advertising.
And then what do you have happening?
At the same time you've got an equalization across markets of those prices.
So at least they can't Screw us and pass the savings on to someone else.
It's level on the wholesale level.
I think that's a rational approach to this stuff.
And then encouraging production of generic drugs once patents run out that are practical and work and making sure the biggest buyer of drugs in the world, Medicaid, Medicare, exercise their clout in negotiating decent drug prices and making sure that can happen, you know, and that should happen.
When you think about pharmaceuticals, one of the other simple solutions, posting prices, now we talked about that, restricting drug advertising, we talked about that, equalization of pricing and then put a whistleblower mechanism in so that if they Get caught cheating in that system.
Somebody gets a big reward, a percentage of the savings and the fines, and that company gets hammered.
Don't make it easy.
Make it equal.
Make it reasonable.
We pay for the research through our universities and through federal grants and all kinds of different mechanisms.
We give them the write-offs and the deductions, and then they screw us on the pricing structure.
The same time they have in many states, including mine here in Alaska, what's called a Certificate of Need.
This restricts fair competition because it says you have to petition the state for permission to build facilities over a certain size in Alaska.
It's a million bucks.
You can build a medical facility over a million bucks, imaging facility or anything else.
You got to get permission.
And then you can do it.
No competition if they just allow it.
So we're short beds here in every area because there's no competition and we pay 530% more for our medical care in Alaska than anywhere else because of no competition.
You know, and yeah, okay, the idea is we don't want hospitals failing and doctors failing.
Well, you know, that's the price of capitalism.
You know, everybody else has that.
But let's get some fairness in the game.
Post your prices like everybody else under the sun.
No more unfair competition within the way you price pharmaceuticals.
Price and post pricing within hospitals.
Because right now, If you pay in cash at the door, you pay the highest price in most hospitals, where you should be getting the discounts, because there's no transaction cost per se in that compared to billing insurance companies and haggling over the bill.
You know, there's ways to reduce costs and affect insurance that make things better.
Databasing prescription drugs is another one, along with dietary supplements.
When you database them, interactions can be determined.
Interactions of drugs are the reason over 100,000 people die every year in the United States alone.
And that leads to tort and lawsuits and litigation and heartbreak and grief and everything that goes with it.
And half of that could be avoided.
Medical malpractice would go down.
The cost of that litigation would go down.
Insurance premiums for doctors would go down by just doing that simple thing.
And insurance companies don't want to share that data.
And this is fundamentally wrong.
It's in our interest that data get shared and that we get protected by an understanding that a computer can analyze much quicker than a human being and much more accurately in terms of our drug prescriptions.
And that needs to be protected with HIPAA the same way our other medical information is protected.
You know, but the point is, we're paying many times more for drugs, many times more for all of our medical care, and it represents 18% of the entire U.S.
So those are a few simple solutions that would really help reduce costs of medical care.
But let me jump around, because I want to jump around to other places there, because you can only affect what's going on in the United States in one of two ways, right?
You've got to either push up the income of the country so it can stabilize its spending and retire its debt, or you've got to reduce the spending To equal the money coming in the door, right?
I mean, so Trump is trying to increase economic activity as well as make international operating companies that depend on the US as their base paying taxes on their foreign income.
The first step in the right direction in decades, right?
Collecting from these guys something.
And so he's doing it.
15% is coming in the door.
When you think about taxation, simple solution.
Standard taxation for everyone.
15% of your income after a certain amount, so you hit $30,000 or whatever that number is.
After that, it's 15% off the top.
No deductions, no write-offs, no nothing.
Just 15% off the top, over the base.
And for corporations and businesses, 15% of the gross sales billed and collected less returns.
Simple as that.
No big equations.
Third grade math can figure it out.
No deductions.
Not for the cost of inventory, the cost of goods, cost of labor, the cost of nothing.
It's an add-on.
That's all you... and that's it.
It's as simple as that.
Gross sales building collected times X. No loopholes.
No gyrations.
No nothing.
For individuals, up to a certain amount, it's exempt.
And then thereafter, it's X percent.
Same percent.
You know what?
It would be about 15.
And that we could live with and everyone would feel transparent.
You know how much time would be freed up from regulators?
I mean, and from compliance and corporations, how much accounting time could be spent then on marketing and marketing development instead of compliance with a set of rules that takes up a whole floor of the law library to comply with the IRS.
We could all do our income taxes in 10 minutes and we could all do it without help.
You know, there's a lot of solutions.
When we get into the next segment, we're going to get into some more solutions that we can deal with.
I want to talk about the post office, the military, and a couple of other things, because there's lots of things we can do.
And this is Info Wars, and it's about information.
This is Dr. Nick Bass.
The right-wing smear machine has gotten Alex Jones-ified.
That man is Alex Jones.
He's one of those guys who believes that Bigfoot was responsible for 9-11.
I heard it on Alex Jones!
Why Jones?
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex That's according to website InfoWars.
InfoWars, it's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
Alex Jones, nice guy.
What's happened with InfoWars?
I would love it if you would follow up also about Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutch, are a liar and a fraud.
I know we had Alex Jones in the room earlier, promoting conspiracy theories.
InfoWars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment.
InfoWars just lost their war on info.
Yesterday, Apple, iTunes, Vimeo, and Spotify, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook have all blocked Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Who is the most The most banned news network in the world.
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones, which has now been taken off Facebook, thank God.
CNN waged a long campaign against Jones.
It worked.
Jeff Zucker silenced and deplatformed his show.
It was a stunning defeat for free speech.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
We're living in incredibly historic times.
No one can deny it.
World governments out in the open, they're creating animal-human hybrid clones, and it's
in the back of the newspaper.
There's open attacks on the family.
A convicted child rapist are brought in with no background checks to teach three-year-old
children in Houston public facilities how to engage in sexual activities.
Ladies and gentlemen, humanity itself is under siege.
It's being scientifically deployed to demoralize us, to dumb us down, to poison us, to confuse
The bad news is it's highly organized and focused.
The good news is it's so compartmentalized, there's only a few thousand globalists, corporate fascists that actually are part of the program, that if we just awaken the general masses, and we awaken those right below the technocrats, many of the functionaries, we can blow their system politically out of the water.
But right now they're pushing more than ever.
To preemptively silence all speech that's not corporate.
Just today, I randomly turned on CNN.
Brian Stelter was talking about how evil free speech is and how we have to ban it for everybody but CNN.
Then I got in the car and turned on NPR.
They were attacking me, lying about Infowars, and saying that we need to be shut down and silenced.
That's just today when I randomly turned on the television to work out and got in my car to drive to the studio.
That's because they're scared of you.
They're scared of me.
They're scared of this huge awakening.
That's why now more than ever, when you spread the articles from newswars.com and infowars.com, when you spread those videos, when you tell your friends, your neighbors, your family about the Vermont broadcast, You literally break the back of the globalists politically, metaphysically, and spiritually.
So keep taking action, and I salute you.
But don't let him silence you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Nick Vagic.
And welcome back.
And I want to remind folks, you can check out my website, EarthPulse.com.
I appreciate it when you do.
And there's a number of things.
There's just one particular link to a video that if you haven't seen it, I'd like you to take a look at it.
It's one I did for InfoWars.
And although their YouTubes are down, there's a few that are still have that video available.
So I linked it.
And it's breaking the zombie trance, which again gets into some of these issues in a way of looking at this solution set a little bit differently, because I think there are solutions, you know, and often we get off message, you know, we forget about the solutions and we get trapped.
You know, I think that's what the whole media attack on Trump is about, is try to knock him off of his agenda, you know, and slow him down.
This doesn't seem to be working.
But let's talk about a couple of other things.
You know, and I mentioned some of the medical thoughts in terms of what could be done there.
You know, get rid of Certificate of Needs, make it illegal at the federal level and the state level.
You can do that.
The issue of prescription drugs, we can address that in really a more rational way.
You know, when we start to think about those things that are really working against us, start to evaluate them a little bit differently.
Postal service is another one.
You know, in the postal service, everyone thinks of sacrosanct, you know, that we should never touch it.
But in the beginning of the country, it took six months to a year to get a letter across the ocean and only, you know, three quarters of them made it because a quarter of the ship sank.
And then we got the Pony Express in the 1800s and eventually we got regular postal delivery and what we have today.
And who says it has to be that way?
Why do we need six-day postal delivery?
Why not go to four tents for your existing staff, eliminate the extra day of overtime every week, and save the wear and tear of one-third of the operating days of your entire delivery fleet?
You still have the sort centers and stuff operating seven days a week like they do, but regular mail delivery does not need to be every day.
Get rid of bulk mail as a mailing.
It costs money.
It's no longer necessary.
The high-speed sort centers deal with it just as efficiently.
There's no economy of scale on that anymore.
Get rid of it.
Get rid of the junk mail in the course of it, or let them pay first-class mailing prices like everybody else if they want to send you that junk.
Partial post, you know, does it need to be with the post service?
Are they breaking even on it?
Are they unfairly competing with plenty of UPS, FedEx, DHL and others?
Do we even need them to be delivering parcels?
Most mail is reducing in volume because people use electronic mail or they don't even use the mail anymore.
So this is a way to sort of contain it.
As it's reducing and save a third of the wear and tear and all the vehicles in the system.
It's kind of a quick fix for a lot of problems.
And yeah, okay, it's not as convenient because two days we're not going to get the mail.
Hey, if it's important to you, you can't wait an extra couple days.
You know, you can you have other alternatives besides mail that are as cheap or cheaper for Express.
So, you know, and you don't need to necessarily privatize.
Well, that's what a lot of people are saying.
You know, US Postal The whole function is one of those things within the form of government we have, you know, is operating the postal service from a basic federal government task.
You know, just simplify, make it more practical, make it pay its own way like it should, and no longer be subsidized.
And that means you've got to do it differently.
This model isn't working.
And continuing the same model over and over again isn't going to fix it.
You got to just kind of rethink that model and say, OK, how does the federal government deliver postal related business from passports and all this stuff that we do at the post office and mail and then get rid of these ancillary things that actually the private sector does do better, which is packages and parcels and those things.
And then change the delivery schedule.
Simple as that.
Makes a big difference.
Military spending.
You know, here's another item that's always its biggest thing, right?
The federal budget.
So it's an expense item.
And where are we spending a lot of that money?
Overseas, right?
Either in a war or in a foreign base.
We've got 800 bases and military installations around the world.
Pull them back to the U.S., to U.S.
territory, where that money spent the, you know, trillions over decades, trillions and trillions spent, Rolls over in our economy instead of the economies of Germany and France and everywhere else We have bases, you know We have bases on u.s.
Territory in Guam in the far South Pacific in Hawaii in the mid Pacific in the Virgin Islands in the Atlantic and Puerto Rico in the Atlantic and in Alaska for the northern hemisphere reaching across all over We don't need these foreign bases in the 21st century.
Pull all of that back and all the support jobs that go with it and give those to U.S.
citizens and spend the money here and let it roll up to seven times to our economy.
And now you're creating an increased tax base, which increases the revenue from that spending, which at least takes care of some of, you know, And so again, rethinking the delivery system in the 21st century military and breaking, you know, one of the biggest lobbies when my dad was in the Congress in the 1970s, my dad hated dealing with these guys.
And it was the military industrial complex.
These are like ants on an ant hill on the Capitol building of parasites biting chunks out of the U.S.
You know, and it's unbelievable what these guys are selling.
But the point of the matter is, we do need a strong national defense.
Again, one of the constitution mandated ideas of the federal government, but not in the way it's being delivered.
Bring it back, base it here.
You know, the West can pay for their own in other countries these days, and they can make decisions like we do about priorities in terms of how they spend their public resources.
And we can, too.
So we can pull that back.
We can reduce some of our costs, some of the support structures, bring those jobs back to the U.S.
and expand our economy and thereby increase the revenue from taxing authorities.
And if we need to be somewhere that's really in our interest to be somewhere, We can get there in 12 hours or our fleets, which are scattered around the planet, get there even quicker.
So we do not have to have these forward bases in the way that we have them today.
And the way in which warfare is shaping into the future is going to be A technocracy, ladies and gentlemen, as we've been talking about on every front.
It's a revolution in military affairs.
And I've been talking about that for over 25 years and what that entails and what we're seeing.
As you overlay what's going on there and here, the impact is huge, huge.
But military spending represents 54% of the U.S.
Wouldn't it be nice to see it spent here?
Where we pay for and it can actually have an impact on our economy.
You know, in other segments I've covered resource because the other place you can affect the economy in terms of solutions that affect the balance sheet, the things that build productivity, that build markets, that build possibilities.
And that means infrastructure, another fundamental aspect of government.
And we need to look at Alaska as a resource base for the nation and hook us to the infrastructure so we can move our commodities into the Midwest and into the Rust Belt and into the places where production can occur, where there's population centers.
Because those population centers don't exist in Alaska.
But the resources do.
We can affect the balance sheet of the nation by moving our resources to the nation.
From Alaska, which means expansion of our rail system and railroads and common carriers of railroads.
So we can move the freight.
Looking at those that can see this on video or looking at Alaska now, it represents 18% of the landmass of the United States and a longer coastline than the Gulf Coast, West Coast and East Coast of the United States combined.
Um, this is a huge resource that is missed.
We have one road out of town, basically, to get out of Alaska.
Um, and no rail link.
We need a rail link.
And there's a lot of reasons for that.
There's not enough time in this segment to get into it.
Um, but, you know, we're going to do some longer things in the future that will make be available to InfoWars listeners because The whole tie-up of what's constraining the possibilities has been engineered by globalists over decades in the United States, including the blockading of the National Treasury held in Alaska, literally blockaded by regulation and rules that constrain trade, and then the constriction of infrastructure and the blockage of infrastructure that is a constraint to the entire nation, developing the wealth of the nation.
This is what our founding fathers did not want to see, is the hijacking of the wealth.
We've seen it over the last 200 years in lots of different ways.
From the theft of the colonials, in terms of what happened in the early part of our founding, you know, in terms of the revolutionary fighters and their currency, they were paid and how that was hijacked and storied for another day, to the income tax and how our freedom was hijacked.
All of these things have evolved over 200 years.
We are unraveling the knot in InfoWars, and that is part of the mission of InfoWars.
Support this network.
Take a look at InfoWarsStore.com.
And this has been Nick Begich this Friday afternoon, and I've enjoyed my time, and I hope to have you all listening again in the next broadcast.
Thank you for being here.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Good to be on.
Good to have you here.
Real quickly, I just wanted to say that I am a user of the Infowars products.
First, I started with Supermail Vitality.
I am a late 30s male, and I don't get all the time that I would like to work out as much as I do, and immediately noticed Being able to retain strength and muscle mass from the use of super male vitality, so I want to thank you for that.
Also, I bought the t-shirt, Reelect 45, and the Hillary for Prison, obviously, one of the most popular.
It's drawn so much attention, and I don't know if people believe it or not, but it's all positive attention.
The main reaction that I got myself was from males 18 to 20 years old and middle-aged black