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Name: 20190328_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 28, 2019
3535 lines.

Alex Jones discusses how big tech companies are spying on people, censoring content, and controlling information online. He mentions that his own show has been removed from various social media platforms for allegedly spreading lies and causing harm. The speaker highlights the importance of independent media in exposing these issues and fighting against globalist agendas. They also criticize universities for suppressing free speech and promote products available at InfoWarsStore.com to support their mission. Topics covered include data privacy, nation states accessing information, leftist behavior at public places, and nationalism. Alex Jones urges his audience to financially support Infowars in order to continue their work in the face of opposition and censorship attempts.

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In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought,
by the military-industrial complex.
In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at President Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas.
The first reports say that President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by the shootings.
It is a big idea.
A new world order.
It was almost as if they were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
Either you were with us, or you were with the terrorists.
I also believe that a lot of governments would agree that AJ-47s belong to handsome soldiers, not to handsome criminals.
I've done global gaming.
No one will be able to beat all of us.
We're gonna take all of you.
For many of the police and guard troops, it is an uncomfortable job to do this in an American city.
Is global governance at last?
Is it one world the central bank is in charge?
Aren't we all just living and dying for what the central banks do?
1776 will commence again if you try to take our firearms!
Do you understand?
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
It's Thursday, March 28th, 2019, and I am having a rare moment in my almost 25 years on air of victory, and of really savoring something big for myself, my family, your family, all of us together.
I tend to be a pessimist, but I just got massive chills.
But there's not just evil in this world, there's also good, and Humanity's gotten so down into the depths of wickedness, killing already born babies now, the Democrats, that I believe the pendulum has stopped.
The Democrats and other satanic forces are panicking, and now it's swinging back the other way.
In fact, I know it.
I can metaphysically feel it.
And I don't think there's any way they can push it back the way they want towards their left-hand path.
Now it's still going to be a one hell of a war, but the initiative is on our side.
Trump is doing all these really, really, really, really good things.
He's just now gotten control of the executive.
They weren't just calling him a Russian agent.
They declared a national emergency.
Even Brett Hume said that a week ago.
The Democrats just declared one.
Obama declared one with executive orders, and they just didn't do what Trump said.
Now he was able to get around a lot of it, but now They're in trouble for the crimes they've committed.
Their fraudulent investigation is the crime.
And he's taking the gloves off against big tech censorship, everything.
And my gut always told me Trump was real.
Biggest ever.
We are on the right path.
This is exciting.
Now, there's going to be some big curveballs.
You just know we're going to wake up, you know, in five years, ten years, and there's a bioweapon that's been released and hundreds of millions are dying.
I mean, you can see that in the crystal ball.
Historically, that's coming.
Big wars.
There's going to be societal breakdown.
The smartphones.
People are addicted.
The GMO.
The forced inoculations.
There's a lot of evil going on, but humanity's waking up to it as all these hoaxes unravel.
And we're getting Our legs under us.
We're not asleep anymore.
The eyeballs are opening up.
And so, we've turned a corner.
There's a few more corners to turn before we square this thing up.
But I'm telling you, ladies and gentlemen, we are winning.
Makes me incredibly proud of all of you and everybody else.
That we've reached this point.
You can say that in the history of fights, we've won a war to get a real president in and to have a fighting chance.
We've actually won a war.
We've won the war.
But it's like blowing the Death Star up.
There's still going to be a lot of stuff coming our way after this, but we have won a major war.
A deciding war, if we press the initiative.
If we press the attack.
We have really done it.
You have done it.
But who do we thank?
Jesus Christ.
That's who we thank is Jesus Christ.
Son of God.
We thank Jesus Christ.
I thank you all for your prayers.
Keep praying.
It's working.
And keep taking action.
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Alpha Power at 50% off.
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Alpha Power's incredible ingredients can help you boost your sport performance or enhance your day-to-day life with ease while encouraging hormonal balance.
Perfect by itself or with super male vitality in the true alpha male pack.
Alpha Power can help boost performance, help maintain normal testosterone levels, support healthy cholesterol and more.
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And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say I don't know what's gonna happen at the end of this
But you wanna fight From the front lines of the information war it's Alex Jones
You know, it's a misstatement to call the listeners this broadcast an audience
No, the awake activist souls, who all bleed red blood, and who all love their children, and want to have a better future, and who love God, and love justice, and love common sense, and who love the right-hand path, not the left-hand path.
I salute you.
And I think it's time, at a gut level, also intellectually, to announce that we have won a major, not battle, And this is a big idea.
It's the truth.
I don't know how to codify it or quantify it.
We've won a war.
I'm going to make this announcement right now.
We have not defeated the dangers of technology, the GMO, the AI, the CHICOMS, and what's left of globalist forces and our own corruption and our own personal evil.
Only God can come into our hearts and do that.
But in the war for the David Rockefeller Carnegie Endowment New World Order government project for a planetary governance, they have lost.
I think March 28, 2019 is a good day.
You can say they lost yesterday, they lost tomorrow.
This is the line.
The New World Order is dead.
Globalism was defeated.
And this audience of activists, you were the seed.
You were the detonator.
You caused the chain reaction with your activism, with your prayers, with your financial support, with your steadfastness, to not just lead the United States out of this evil, but to lead the entire planet out of it.
Globalism is failed.
It's being overturned everywhere.
Doesn't mean the ultra-rich haven't stolen all that wealth, doesn't mean they're not going to continue to try to divide and conquer us, but the world government project of the robber barons and of the British Empire and of the Council on Foreign Relations is dead.
And the attempt to have us merge with Communist China will fail.
Because once the big domino falls, the whole chain goes down.
And once we're aware of the Chinese avarice and their communist plans against us, they will never succeed.
So we have a lot of big battles to fight and a larger war against evil and against our own weakness.
But the war against the New World Order in its current configuration has been won.
You know, you go back four years ago, they said if Hillary Clinton loses, about a year and a half out from the election, a year out, they said, world government will fail, the New World Order project will fail.
They weren't just saying that.
They already had nationalists getting elected everywhere, they can see the demographics, the numbers.
And we've still got incredible challenges.
The globalists, what's left of them, are going full authoritarian, and it's going to be rough, but their larger project is discredited, Their carbon tax project is falling apart.
Their Green New Deal.
Their operation's trying to launch pedophilia as normal and good.
That's falling apart.
Still horrible.
They're in a major offense, but that triggered their failure.
Because they're crazed.
They're rabid.
They're fiendish.
These globalists have to have power.
They have to have innocence.
They have to have children.
And once people come to grips with just how evil and bad they are, there's no putting the genie back in the bottle.
So let me tell you what's coming up today.
And then we'll go over it all.
Take your calls.
We also have a guest joining us, but this is really momentous and I can go over how it happened and what Trump's going to do next.
And that we really need to recognize that we're winning and that's why we're under so much attack.
And that we have... I'd use the cheesy analogy of the Terminator.
Where Skynet's been blown up and defeated.
So all they can hope to do is go back in the past and try to destroy the people that stop Skynet in the future.
And I mean, it really comes down to something about like that.
The globalists have been Discredited, and their main project defeated, and the world's now awake.
It doesn't mean though that the pieces of the chopped up snake still aren't a threat, still aren't an issue.
But we need to go ahead and declare massive, decisive, discrediting, at an ideological level, and at a financial level, and at a national level, all across the world, they are having nothing but defeats.
And it's important in the propaganda war to speak the truth when it's there and to declare them discredited and dead.
Now, in their fit, in their death throes, they're going to be very, very dangerous.
They're going to attempt, like giant vampire squid, to take those of us that they see as those that defeated them with them.
I intend to not go with them.
But if I get drug off down a hole with them, they can get my body, they're not getting my soul.
So, if they destroy me, that is not a defeat.
And that's their tactic, is to destroy Trump, destroy Alex Jones, destroy Tucker Carlson, destroy people, and then go, oh look, your leader's got destroyed.
Folks are more sophisticated than that, and they see through it.
So, Trump is preparing to go on massive offense.
He's announced it, and he's delivering.
We've already seen major response from Google.
I'll tell you about that.
He's announcing offensive against the Deep State.
And he's announcing offenses against Smollett.
Now there's some troubling things with Russia and Venezuela.
We'll get into that.
And so much more.
But this is an incredible time.
And you can also say that the corporate media is dead.
They've been living dead with billions of dollars pumped into them from big corporations.
But now, they really are sinking into total oblivion.
And the President's pointed that out as well.
So that's all coming up.
That said, though, Don't get complacent because we may be destroying their project globally, but they're still in control of many things and are now going to get very aggressive because they're not giving up.
They're going to try to intimidate us into submission.
That's why you've got to tell folks about the local station you're watching or listening to.
You've got to spread the word about NewsWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
They don't get censored as much, so it's easy for you to share those on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, all that, and say, here's the forbidden show.
You're a free human.
You're allowed to hear what they don't want you to hear.
They say so bad.
And remember, we have the big super mega sale that's going to have to end Monday or Tuesday, because we've already sold out of a lot of the best-selling products.
We have a lot of the others still in stock, but with storewide free shipping, 50 to 60% off all the supplements, a bunch of other huge specials, double Patriot points.
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And so many other big specials.
Triple 8 2 5 3 3 1 3 9.
Triple 8 2 5 3 3 1 3 9.
Okay, wow.
Let me get focused here and just praise God and thank God for this.
Keep praying, folks.
It's working.
And just try to be good people.
That's all God wants to take action.
God will take us the rest of the way.
When we come back, we'll get to Trump going on the offense.
Stay with us.
So far, it matches any other special we've ever done.
This is the best deal we've ever offered.
Free shipping, storewide.
That's free shipping, storewide.
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I want to encourage you today to get great products in the 360Win at InfoWarStore.com.
Voting with our feet.
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Voting with our mouths.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
Stan, I need your help, Frank!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We'll see the globalist problems multiply.
From here on out.
This is the time when we know we've won the war, but as soon as you figure out you've won one war, you realize it's got a whole other set of problems.
And the very same globalists whose project is dead are still in power in many areas.
It's just their big project, as they saw it, is discredited in all its authoritarianism and in deep trouble.
Here's an example.
They passed to the European Commission this copyright act that basically bans free speech.
It's totally draconian.
Bans memes, bans sending a text link to an article.
It's insane.
And they got 15 members.
They tricked them to think they were voting against it when they voted for it, and the Commission says, sorry, no redo vote.
The way they had it written, it was so deceptive.
That's how they operate.
Paul Joseph Watson has an article on Infowars.com detailing all that.
We also have footage coming up of a So-called migrant ship out of North Africa, pirates, sending out distress signals and then boarding and taking a large freighter and robbing it and the liberal media defends it.
Oh, how loving!
So now, again, the EU is trying to order ships to go save people with distress signals.
And, of course, the oldest pirate trick in the book is send out a distress signal, put up a flag that you need help, and then you know what happens.
That's another form of false flag.
There are many false flags in naval history.
The British coined the term false flag about 500 years ago.
And there's probably more false flags than you can count on six or seven hands.
But the most classic is a flag of truce.
That isn't really a truce.
A flag of S.O.S.
A flag of we need help.
And then you board them.
A false flag just means a flag that's lying.
If you fly a flag that you're not.
Let's say if you're German and you fly a U.S.
It's a false flag.
But the media has taught everybody that a false flag just means a purely staged terror event.
When the Christchurch monster did what he did, he said he was trying to cause a global race war to get people fighting.
That he did it to create a crisis.
And says, I'm not going to tell you who I really am.
Well, he's telling you that it's a false flag.
But not the type the media has dumbed it down.
You know, I did popularize the term false flag.
I brought it back into modern use in the vernacular in the last 20 plus years.
But then they steal the term and simplify it.
But I digress.
You know why I do this segment?
Because it's so monumental that when I have this much incredible good news and also bad news as well, I have a tendency to hold back because I just don't feel worthy to bring you this information.
So the time we have in the shorter segment, long segment is coming up next.
Let me just do it this way.
Let me just tell you what we have in the stack.
Trump has announced a major offensive against the globalists.
We're going to get into exactly how he's already doing it and how incredibly good this is, but that they're going to strike back in a very, very nasty way.
We've got all of that here.
More than 20 articles that are all just incredibly important that I'm going to hit when we come back.
And then I'm going to look at some of the bad news, and that is war with Russia.
Trump says Russian troops must get out of Venezuela, and all options are on the table to make that happen.
That's up on Infowars.com, a Michael Snyder article.
Space war between the U.S.
and Russia will trap humanity on Earth no matter who wins, analysts say.
And then, of course, what I mentioned, MEPs tricked into voting wrong way, but he refuses a re-vote.
It's a Paul Joseph Watson article on Infowars.com.
Then, French drones patrol English Channel as migrant crisis escalates.
Migrants and invasion, Islamic invasion.
Migrants hijack cargo ship that rescued them.
I mentioned that.
We're going to play the video of that in the audio.
It's incredible.
And then I mentioned this a few days ago, but never got to, but I'm going to today.
Teens aren't socializing in the real world, and that's making them super lonely, depressed, upping suicide rates.
All of that information.
Your phone might be messing with your sleep and relationships.
Slay the smartphones.
And then something that really illustrates everything about the robot takeover.
How it makes us stupid, makes us dumb, and also causes big problems.
British Airway flight was supposed to go to Germany.
It went to Scotland.
Because it was on autopilot.
And they gave them the wrong flight manifest of the computer from air traffic control.
That's why when there's a glitch with these systems, there's all these crashes, because the pilots don't know how to fly anymore, folks.
Remember when landings and takeoffs were rougher?
Even if you had a great pilot?
They're like, whoa, that's... Notice how smooth they are now.
Because it's a computer.
And I'm telling you folks, there ought to be a law that if we even in the future have driverless cars, or any of this, or robot planes, you've got to have a human, and half the time they've got to fly half the missions.
It just keeps us in the game.
Every study shows that calculators have made us dumb.
All of it is killing us.
It's making us stupid.
And they're great tools, but it's just got to stop.
Being just rolled out as a monopoly, and then we have no relationships, and then people don't have kids anymore, and we don't even have a world, a future.
People don't want to go out hiking.
Every study shows smartphones make you depressed.
Hiking in the woods, or the mountains, or the hills, or the valleys makes you happy.
Having a garden makes you happy.
It's a fact.
It's who we are.
That's coming up.
So, we'll be breaking it all down today, and then I gotta get more into this.
The new talking point from U.S.
Senators and others is that I, Got this Sandy Hook father killed.
When he committed suicide.
And they say that I'm terrorizing the families.
I never said that man's name.
That's coming up.
But that's how they intend to get rid of the First Amendment.
They want to use Sandy Hook for that.
It's very, very sad.
They're using these poor families.
But it's just getting crazier and crazier and more out of control.
And then, talk about Trump on the offense.
Trump confirms FBI DOJ will probe outrageous Jesse Smollett case, which leads right to Barack Hussein Obama.
And then, Pelosi's floundering around.
Introduces new climate bill one day after Green New Deal collapses.
Project Veritas has a new incredible video out on Infowars.com.
Spread all these videos and articles, folks.
It's a war.
Project Veritas interviews victims of voter fraud, makes some major new findings, and then pedophile faints after receiving 260-year prison sentence.
Well, shouldn't have raped that three-month-old baby.
God, these guys all look the same.
Shouldn't have raped the three-month-old baby or the two six-year-old girls.
By the way, why is he not getting the death penalty?
Seriously, I mean, a guy like this deserves to be beaten in the head with a baseball bat.
Can you imagine just taking a big swing and tied up to a post and just taking that lower mandible off with a Louisville Slugger and breaking a hole and then just bashing his brains out all over the place?
I mean, that's a natural, visceral response, isn't it?
Somebody raping a three-month-old baby.
But the left slack, that baby's lucky!
Hell, the governor of Virginia had his way.
He'd keep that baby alive and harvest those organs.
And a bunch of women would square in their seats and get really excited about it.
Ooh, we kill babies?
Ooh, I like that.
The Heights Public Library today debuting a new children's story hour called Drag Queen Storytime.
My name is Blackberry.
I'm a bearded drag queen.
That means I'm a lady with lots of facial hair.
Stephanie Whitfield sat in on the program designed to promote acceptance.
I'm actually going to be one of the drag queens reading for Drag Queen Storytime.
Drag Queen Storytime.
And we witnessed parents taking their children as young as two inside to take part.
Are you nervous?
You wanna touch my hair?
And for the children and the people that support it are gonna realize that this is gonna be the grooming of the next generation.
That's the whole goal is to make kids that aren't used to seeing something like me more comfortable just seeing it.
You could be a drag queen superhero!
And shake your butt!
Shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em!
Sweet dreams are made of these Who am I to disagree?
Travel the world as the Sabbath sees Everybody's looking for something
Something I want to give you Something I want to be
I am a...
No one's there to push an agenda on anyone.
No one's there to persuade people or to recruit people.
Who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up?
You could be a drag queen superhero!
Are you nervous?
They were all accepting.
They all were happy about it and excited and giving me hugs and everything.
Most people seem to walk away having a good time.
A stardom young, right?
A stardom young, right?
The woman gets up on her table, spreads her legs.
It's a man.
This is adult entertainment.
But what do predators do?
They target children.
Breaking news.
We have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston public library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
A media spokesperson for the library confirms one of those drag queens, Tatiana Malanina, is really Alberto Garza, a child sex offender.
In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy.
This is Tatiana Malanina, my sister from Queens of the Week.
And everywhere else it's called pedophilia.
But when it's done institutionally, and they can get away with people dressed up like demon clowns with your children.
Pull up Tranny Time in the New York schools.
This was put out in the New York Times, like it's wonderful.
And it's the biggest scary looking group of weirdo pot-bellied men.
Looks like a bunch of Dennis Hasterds running around with clown makeup on.
Just hopping around, rubbing their giant bellies in front of children, and you're like, what alternate universe is this?!
What planet did I wake up in?
And now, through the end of March, we are running the biggest special of this year.
So far, it matches any other special we've ever done.
This is the best deal we've ever offered.
Free shipping, storewide.
That's free shipping, storewide.
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A bunch of other great deals as well.
Double Patriot points.
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Most of these products are loss leaders.
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I want to encourage you today to get great products in the 360Win at InfoWarStore.com.
Voting with our feet.
Voting with our dollars.
Voting with our mouths.
Voting with our speech.
Voting with our action.
Free shipping storewide.
That's free shipping storewide.
Free shipping storewide at InfoWarStore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Tomorrow's news today.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
Thursday, March 28, 2019.
Globalism's dead.
It's still operating in pieces, but its main project is dead.
We've won a major war against their carbon tax, their global court, their TPP, and they admit in their own publications that their ideology is dead and failed.
We have won a major war, not a battle.
But a major war.
I think it's fair to say at this point, I'm not declaring premature victory.
There's a lot of stuff to deal with.
Even bigger crises coming down the road.
But humanity is awake.
And the fight to get humanity awake, those that are going to wake up, is central to everything.
And we're winning that war.
We've won the major war.
But there's a lot more to face, obviously.
We're going to open the phones up in the next hour.
You disagree with that?
You agree?
Have we won the war against globalism?
The globalists admit their program's dead, their world government project.
Nobody's accepting it.
It's being reversed everywhere.
I think it's fair to announce that globalism, as it's known, is dead.
And the New World Order is dead.
Now let's get into Trump on the offense.
Trump announced in a big Fox News interview yesterday, major offensive against the deep state.
He said, I'm going to go after them on their illegal wiretaps, on their fake dossiers, on how they try to manipulate elections, on everything.
Very, very exciting.
And taking action, Judicial Watch sues for records of communications between Clapper, John Brennan, and CNN, because we know now the dossier's disinfo didn't just come from Steele and globalist operatives in Russia, it came from CNN, the leftist intelligence op.
So they create the fake background, the fake info, and then they put it in the dossier, And they report it like the dossier is independent.
Now continuing, Trump calls on Schiff
to resign for all of his fraud and all of his lies.
And that's Trump on the offense.
Rachel Maddow's ratings plummet since conclusion of Mueller probe.
Again, they already had basically no viewers, like 100,000 viewers until the election.
People got really interested and they got on average half a million viewers.
Still not that big.
And then now, maybe their biggest show is 2-3 million viewers, and now that they've been proven to be total liars, total frauds, with all this breathless, we're gonna lock up Donald Trump Jr., and we're gonna lock up Trump, and they're all Russian agents, they are in complete and total freefall.
Already down 19% just the last week.
Continuing, fellow Republicans want House Intelligence Chief Adam Schiff to resign as well.
We'll play that clip in a moment.
And then we'll get into...
That's the most important part of the offense if we're going to win.
Because we're winning the war against globalists worldwide.
We're winning the war to get nationalists in.
But if we don't stop the censorship, they can still, by fraud, keep their people in like Venezuela does.
That's why this is the most critical point.
It's a Kit Daniels article up on Infowars.com.
Trump meets with Google's Sundar Pichai to talk about political fairness.
Is Trump finally tackling online censorship?
Meeting was unscheduled.
Well, he is.
The incubation center for all of this is the colleges.
And that's where they get the SJWs trained, the same culture, in quote, Google, Facebook, and Twitter campuses.
And then it's just like a campus.
They've got foosball, they've got beer, they keep them in that culture.
A political correctness of group thing.
And so the executive order to pull billions out if they keep the censorship, that's real action.
And then now they're signaling with Google and more, that's real action.
We're going to be getting into that.
And not too late, because Twitter is announcing a plan to ban the president off of Twitter.
Yes, they've begun the project to do that.
But first, let's go ahead and go to a clip that is very, very important.
Trump promises to release The abusive FISA applications, the fake info off the fake dossier using CNN disinfo that put the illegal warrants out to just legalize the already illegal spying that was going on.
Here it is.
Mr. President, you have the ability to release the FISA applications.
There was the original application, three subsequent renewal applications.
We are told, Andrew McCabe said, no dossier, no FISA warrant.
That was a backdoor to your campaign before the election.
The dossier also was leaked to the Washington Post, parts of it, and Isikoff and David Corn, to the American people, and of course never verified.
Do you have plans to release those FISA applications, Gang of Eight information, the 302s of Bruce Ohr and others, and the five buckets that John Solomon and Sarah Carter, as they call them?
I do.
I have plans to declassify and release.
I have plans to absolutely release.
But I have some very talented people working for me, lawyers.
And they really didn't want me to do it early on.
Devin Nunes, by the way, and Meadows.
And you look at Jim Jordan and so many of the people that they worked so hard and a lot of people wanted me to do it a long time ago.
I'm glad I didn't do it.
We got a great result without having to do it, but we will.
One of the reasons that my lawyers didn't want me to do it is they said if I do it, They'll call it a form of obstruction.
So they'll say, oh, you released these documents.
So we would make all of this information transparent.
You know, in politics, you always hear transparency.
We'd make it transparent, and then they'd call it obstruction, knowing the people we're dealing with.
So, frankly, I thought it would be better if we held it to the end.
No, but at the right time, we will be absolutely releasing.
And I did the right thing by not doing it so far.
But you understand, they would call it something that it wouldn't be.
It's the only time you'd be transparent where they'd say bad things about transparency.
And it was in January of 2017.
That we said there's illegal FISA court warrants, illegal spying on the President.
This will bring down the deep state.
So, next year's news.
Today, ladies and gentlemen.
Now let's go to another clip here.
It's Representative Conway seconding the President.
Many others are chiming in saying, Congressman Schiff has no shame.
He's been at the heart of this fraud, the heart of the fake dossier, the heart of the attacks on the First Amendment, everything else.
He's truly a monstrous person and he really should resign.
Here's that clip.
Special Counsel Mueller's findings are consistent with those of this committee, as well as the public statements of various senators on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Despite these findings, you continue to proclaim to the media that there is significant evidence of collusion.
You further stated, you will continue to investigate the counterintelligence issues.
That is, is the president or people around him compromised in any way by hostile foreign power?
Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming.
The findings of the special counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions and have exposed you as having abused your position to knowingly promote false information, having damaged the integrity of this committee and undermined the faith in the United States government and its institutions.
Your actions, both past and present, are incompatible with your duty as chairman of this committee, which alone, in the House of Representatives, has the obligation and authority to provide effective oversight of the U.S.
intelligence community.
As such, we have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent with your constitutional responsibility, and urge your immediate resignation as Chairman of the Committee.
Mr. Chairman, this letter is signed by all nine members of the Republican side of the House, of the Committee, and I ask unanimous consent to be entered into the record of today's hearing.
We're going to come back with his response in a moment, but this is the Trump offense.
We have to clean up the swamp.
They're not going to stop.
They're not going to just sue for peace and go away.
They're never going to quit.
They believe they own and run the entire civilization.
This is powerful.
We'll come back with the rest of it.
On the other side, but this is just an incredible time to be alive.
And the crimes they've committed are so transparent, they've been caught red-handed.
It's not just our right to demand prosecution, it's our duty.
It's not just the president's right, it's his duty.
It's not just the prosecutors and the courts and the judiciary and the grand jury's right, it's the duty.
And it's time to come back up for air.
It's time to prosecute.
I mean, Schiff is running around saying, oh, he knows there's Russians and we're all Russians.
He knows, he knows.
He's been proven to be a fraud, part of the original fraud.
I've got some really good... There's been a paradox or a contradiction on the surface that many have noted in the last hundred years.
Historians are confused by the fact that powerful British and European and U.S.
robber barons of the 19th and 20th century, almost to a man, funded socialism and communism.
People say that that doesn't make sense.
But Carol Quigley, the head of Georgetown Political Science, Bill Clinton's mentor back in the 1960s, wrote Tragedy and Hope.
And in the 1100 page blueprint, he explains that we want fascism, we want communism, we want socialism, we want command and control.
But our favorite system is socialism because it domesticates the people.
But we want to have the illusion of left and right, we want to control both parties.
So the people think they're having change, but really, they move in the same direction towards vertical integration.
So you have the big billionaires, the people controlling trillion-dollar companies like Tim Cook at Apple and others.
Who literally run the equivalent of slave factories in China, who help round up political dissidents, but they're everywhere lecturing you about Black Lives Matter and about how Trump hates Muslims and how altruistic and loving they are.
Because if you look into what they pay in taxes, it's almost zero.
And it's all the big tech companies have set it up with offshore accounts and other systems where they legally pay almost no tax.
And the very same people lecture you and I, how if you're making $100,000 a year, you're rich and you're not paying enough money.
If you're making $200,000 a year, you're in the 1%.
And you're guilty and you're bad.
Now if the globalists are in the .0000000042, depending on the analysis you do, that tiny percentage of a percentage controls over half the wealth.
And they're maneuvering things towards a monopoly.
They want to get rid of middle classes.
They want to get rid of real free market systems that threaten them with innovation.
And new companies, and new ideas, and new leaders, and new savants that come along.
So they're creating a classical system, a two-tiered system, where the elite are on top, the people are on the bottom, and there's no middle class.
That's the globalist aim, selling you on austerity, selling you on being poor, telling you your carbon footprint's evil, but AOC and the rest of them fire on private jets and wear $3,000-plus outfits.
All they tell us is capitalism is a failure.
It isn't capitalism that's a failure.
It's crony capitalism, using socialism and communism to control us, that is working beautifully for this world fascist system they've set up.
It's corporate fascism using crony capitalism to dodge the taxes, to be above the law, diplomatic immunity, dominating humanity.
And that's why they demonize info wars.
If you read the Clinton Foundation documents, the Judicial Watch sued and died.
They're talking in the early 90s about we can't let right-wingers or nationalists ever create their own economy.
If they sell a book, or have a magazine, or open a company, we've got to say it's evil and shut it down.
We can't let them have a community.
We can't let them create their own economy.
That's why when you go to infowarestore.com, you don't just get amazing products.
You're funding the second American Revolution that's going worldwide.
The very bane of the tyrants that you have a choice.
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advantage of and support your own future
you're listening to the Alex Jones Show Alex Jones Show.com. I'm Alex Jones.
Alex Jones Show.com. I'm Alex Jones.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
We're here Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
Don't forget, there's David Knight in the morning, 8 a.m., doing a great job with the David Knight Show, and of course, Owen Schroer with the War Room.
Federal Judge has gagged Roger Stone, so he can't co-host that show anymore.
The war room, that's the type of attack we're under, so thank you for your prayers.
Please keep us in your prayers.
We don't just believe in them, we rely on them.
We depend on them.
Thank you.
So Trump has announced he's going on the offense, he's done it against the universities that are now factories of socialist and communist brainwashing, where no free speech is allowed for Christians, conservatives, libertarians, nationalists, or just anybody that deviates from the orthodoxy.
And he's announcing moves and meeting with Google that if they don't start taking action, he'll have antitrust sanctions against them and Federal Elections Commission action.
But I'm so proud of Texas, because it just seems like nine times out of ten, it's Texans, what's left of Texas, still a great state, but now a colony of California in many areas, that stand up and really tell it like it is.
And here is the video.
Of just yesterday, one of the chief coup plotters for the coup against the president and the takedown of the election, and the coup against the voters of this country, who knowingly worked on the dossier, who worked on the fraud, who tried to set up all these innocent people, who had all their fake hearings and all their fake subpoenas, and came up completely dry.
And who helped previously on the committee cover up for Hillary and her servers and real Russian money from Uranium One.
Here is one of the chief coup plotters.
Congressman Schiff being confronted by Texas Representative Mike Conway.
It is powerful.
And it's what will bring down these tyrants is getting right back in their face with the truth.
Their bravado, their chutzpah.
Must be met with steel resolve.
These people are cancer.
They're globalists.
They hate the country.
It's the Democrat operating system.
And these pseudo-intellectual slime bags have now met their match.
Here it is.
Mr. Chairman, since prior to the inauguration of President Trump in January of 2017, you've been at the center of a well-orchestrated media campaign claiming, among other things, the Trump campaign colluded with the Russian government.
Indeed, before the appointment of Robert Mueller's special counsel, you alleged during one of your frequent television interviews that there was, quote, more than circumstantial evidence, quote, of collusion, but that you could, quote, not go into the particulars, close quote.
Your repeated public statements, which implied knowledge of classified facts supporting the collusion allegations, occurred at the same time anonymous leaks of alleged intelligence and law enforcement information were appearing in the media.
These leaks were often sourced to current or former administration or intelligence officials, appeared to support the collusion allegations, and were purported to be related to ongoing investigations of President Trump and his associates.
As you know, the committee has long been aware of and actively engaged in intelligence oversight activities related to Russian malign activities.
As part of our duty to oversee the actions of the intelligence community, we conducted a thorough investigation related to the 2016 Russian efforts to interfere in our elections.
This investigation included a review of the allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.
The committee found no evidence that President Trump or anyone associated with the Trump campaign colluded, coordinated, or conspired with the Russian government.
Special Counsel Mueller's findings are consistent with those of this committee, as well as the public statements of various senators on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.
Despite these findings, you continue to proclaim to the media that there is significant evidence of collusion.
You further stated you will continue to investigate the counterintelligence issues.
That is, is the president or people around him compromised in any way by hostile foreign power?
Your willingness to continue to promote a demonstrably false narrative is alarming.
The findings of the special counsel conclusively refute your past and present assertions and
have exposed you as having abused your position to knowingly promote false information, having
damaged the integrity of this committee and undermined the faith in the United States
government and its institutions.
Your actions, both past and present, are incompatible with your duty as chairman of this committee,
which alone in the House of Representatives has the obligation and authority to provide
effective oversight of the U.S. intelligence community.
As such, we have no faith in your ability to discharge your duties in a manner consistent
with your constitutional responsibility and urge your immediate resignation as chairman
of the committee.
Mr. Chairman, this letter is signed by all nine members of the Republican side of the House, of the Committee, and I ask unanimous consent to be entered into the record of today's hearing.
That is Americana.
That is America like a grizzly bear getting up on its hind legs.
That is the solution.
They boldly tried to steal the election.
They boldly illegally spied.
They then lied about it.
Then they all lied to Congress.
And Schiff was in there the whole time manipulating it.
It's incredible.
We'll have some of Schiff's response here in a moment, but They stole the 2018 election.
Top Google experts have come out.
Computer scientists.
It's been proven.
You've seen them gaming and all.
And if we don't move against them and against the big tech censorship, they're going to steal the election.
And that's why they're still so damn arrogant.
But even Pelosi and even Maxine Waters have said, okay, let's move away from impeachment because they know it's unpopular, but it's what they want to do.
And they are in a panic mode right now, in a big way.
It's an incredible time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
And we need to take action against these individuals.
We need to politically, legally, lawfully, non-violently, through the criminal justice system go after them because
they have they thought they were invincible they had the magazines that
the Newsweek's already printed up Madam President the week before they
said 98% chance he's gonna win that they think they're invincible and they can't
believe it and now they're losing confidence finally they're starting to
act whipped but Schiff because he's a ringleader is putting on a confidence
act because he knows he'll go to jail for what he's done using the FBI and
intelligence agencies and try to take an election away from the American
people Here is some of Schiff's response.
You might think it's okay that the campaign chairman of a presidential campaign Would offer information about that campaign to a Russian oligarch in exchange for money or debt forgiveness.
You might think that's okay.
I don't.
You might think it's okay that that campaign chairman offered polling data.
Campaign polling data to someone linked to Russian intelligence.
I don't think that's okay.
Hit pause again.
All that's made up, all that's lies.
But obviously there are Russians in New York and D.C.
One time one of the Russian ambassadors came to a Trump event and was in the crowd of 5,000 people.
They go, look, a Russian!
It's crazy!
So that's all they gave polling data to someone linked to a Russian.
The same committee has called me a Russian agent.
Total defamation.
No judge, no jury.
I'm not there.
I can't face my accusers.
They just say, in the Judiciary Committee, and the Intelligence Committee, and in the House Armed Services Committee, That I am an agent of a foreign power when it's Hillary and the Globalist on the Chai Com Kit!
I can't listen anymore, Chef.
Spew his same old lies over and over and over again.
It just makes me sick.
I want to get into how he's had the head of Google at the White House yesterday.
I know you're all sick of hearing about censorship.
This isn't just the average person on Twitter or Facebook going, oh, I got censored.
You know they're censoring.
That's admitted.
But it's how we take action.
This is all the marbles.
And if we get the talking point out that it's all the marbles and how the president can legally and lawfully go after them, which I've had top law firms look into, we will beat them.
Why do you think they want me shut down?
I don't spend the money we get when you buy products for lobbying in D.C.
so that I get some government contract.
I just spend money with law firms and groups behind the scenes creating blueprints for the White House, because everybody else is scared to do it, to break up Big Tech, to go after them and stop them.
You know Big Tech's spying on folks.
Why do you think last year they wanted me banned and we're freaking out and the head of YouTube's having meetings going, I know!
We have to get Alex Jones off!
We got him off and now what?
They're scared, folks.
They're scared.
Because I don't just act like I know stuff.
I spend all my time researching it.
And I know how to beat them.
So I'll say it again, however you're listening, AM, FM, TV, spread the word.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
The Forbidden Show.
Free shipping store wide.
Fifty to sixty percent off.
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And you're funding the second American Revolution worldwide.
I'm Alex Jones, and we are the Detonation Site.
And let's go to Lukas in North Carolina.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Good to be on.
Good to have you here.
Real quickly, I just wanted to say that I am a user of the InfoWars products.
First, I started with Supermail Vitality.
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don't know if people believe it or not, but it's all positive attention.
The main reaction that I got myself was from males 18 to 20 years old and middle-aged black women.
Honest to God, they were the ones commenting saying, I love that shirt.
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And next I tried X2 and it's nothing that you notice immediately, but it seemed over time I felt like I was more sharp from the iodine.
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I totally agree with you.
And it's the good halogen.
IQs get reduced by 15 points without iodine.
In your development, people can look this up for themselves.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
♪ Look at the moon ♪ I love this part of your song right here.
Alright, let's get back to the broadcast.
Where should we begin here today?
I want to be very clear.
When I said that we've had victory over the global government New World Order program, their whole program shot, falling apart, wrecked.
The ultra-rich that set up the globalist extraction system, though, still have their wealth and power.
It's just that their system is falling apart around them, and they're trying to organize a global collapse to bring us back under submission, but they even admit that's not going to work.
So now they're basically evacuating to armored keeps and fortresses and redoubts.
In Tasmania, Kauai, New Zealand and Switzerland, Luxembourg, Canada, rural areas of Canada, Wyoming, Montana.
And so when your enemy is going into armored dugouts, And basically signaling to their own minions that the war is lost, you've won the war.
But you're left with the aftermath of the war, and the nanotech, the globalism, the AI, the corrupt big tech companies that are still there believing they're God, and they've got to be confronted, they've got to be dealt with.
So, I don't know what you call this historically.
It's kind of like beating the Nazis, but then you've got the Soviet Union.
And we've got ourselves, and the corruption, and just the problems, and the breakup of the family, and the smartphones destroying relationships, and the mental illness exploding, and the suicide.
We've got a ton of problems.
I'm not trying to be over-positive here.
But the globalists admit, if Hillary loses, we're going to lose the world government.
Then they said, if we can't get Trump out, and discredit nationalism, we're done.
Well, you know what?
By your own yardstick, and your own white papers, hitting the panic button, you are up the creek without a paddle.
And so I want to open the phones up for listeners and just get your take on Trump getting ready to go after big tech, going after the brainwashing of the universities, going after the Smollett fraud, going after the FISA warrants, going after the illegal investigation.
I mean, he is taking action.
And the Democrats are scared.
And even Maxine Waters is taking off her wartime, you know, outfit and is now saying, oh no, let's all be friends.
But just think of this arrogant group that had been in power so long with the neocons and with the Democrats.
They thought they were invincible and that's what makes them so dangerous.
Is that they're just a bunch of senile, crazy globalists allied with a bunch of crazy drug addict, devil worshipper tech heads.
You know, all the drugs they're on, and then a bunch of weird globalist money and Soros who's almost 90 years old, and his weird-ass kid Alexander, and just, just you people can't run jack crap.
And then you think you're gonna terrorize people like me, and we're just gonna put our tail between our legs and run off into the woods or something.
You got nothing coming, man.
You're not putting any of this back together again.
Best thing all you can do is just disappear.
But you're not going to do that.
So, the real fight is about to start.
The real fight is on.
And we should talk about the aftermath of the collapse of the Rockefeller World Government... Rockefeller British Empire World Government Project.
Cecil Rhodes' project, carried out in the last century by David Rockefeller, is dead.
Cecil Rhodes' plan is dead.
And now we've got to deal with the chi-coms and the dug-in globalists in your area.
But you should understand, folks, they've been trying to demoralize you.
No, we've broken their back.
But we can't let them claw us into hell with them.
I'll give the number out when we come back.
Do not spread the links.
Do not tell people about the show.
David Rockefeller thanks you from his grave.
The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions And what we say and what we do that changes the world.
We are the power structure.
We are the inventors.
We are the trailblazers.
And the globalists understand that.
And they understand that they are basically trying to control and steal the future from we, the people.
Now, to help fund our operation that is undoubtedly the very tip of the spear against these globalists, I want to encourage listeners and viewers to understand
that throughout the second half of the month of March, we're going to have store-wide free
shipping at 50% off at InfoWarsTore.com, something everybody should take advantage of.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the
front lines of the InfoWar.
Well, I gotta tell you, the fact that we're having victory after victory all over the world against the globalists is really exciting.
But it takes my energy level to a whole other plane, where we had looked at the other big threats against humanity, and as soon as we deal with this globalist threat, we enter a whole new phase.
And remember, we'll still be facing globalists, but their project of world government as we know it is dead.
It's like getting rid of cancer, though.
It might come back.
It might have metastasized.
We've got to watch real closely.
A lot of other big challenges.
You agree with me about that.
You disagree.
Well, just a month ago, I wasn't going to give up on Trump, but he just wasn't taking action against the deep state enough.
He wasn't fighting censorship.
Now he's doing it in royal flush splendor.
And the system is totally panicked.
How are they going to strike back?
Those are big questions.
I want to hear your human intelligence.
I want to hear, at a gut level, at an instinctive level, at a cerebral cortex and subconscious level, what you believe is going to happen next.
the toll-free number for long-time callers, first-time callers, callers that disagree,
whatever the case is, 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539.
Here's the toll-free number to join us, 877-789-2539 on this Thursday, March 28, 2019, Global Transmission.
Now there's a lot of other big meat and potatoes issues I've got here.
Incredible clips, audio, so much.
But the fact that the Pentagon came out and called out Google for treasonously working with the Chai comms through a secondary area and then the chairman said actually they're doing it directly.
And you got Trump summoning unannounced Sundar Pichai, who used to be arrogant, wouldn't even show up to Congress.
Just six months ago, just five months ago, he'd tell Congress, I'm not coming.
Then he had to go to Congress and couldn't even find his way into the hall, because I was in his face, saying, you're an enemy, you work for China, we're going to expose you, stop the censorship, you're not invincible, we're awake.
And a few months after that, he's summoned to the White House.
And told, you better stop meddling in elections, you better stop not being fair, or we're going to break you up.
And Trump said it went well.
You think about that, how far we've come.
And Trump signed that executive order to those universities, saying we're going to pull your funding any time you violate people's rights who are on campus, who are visitors, who are speakers, who are student groups.
And now he's talking about doing it with big tech, with government contracts.
And boy, suddenly, Sundar was asked to come to the White House last year.
Wouldn't do it.
Sundar sure showed up this time, didn't he?
Because we're winning against the globalists.
We're winning against the traitors that sided with China.
That's the globalists.
Globalist just means traitor.
Who are tax-exempt offshore that raise your taxes to transfer government contracts and other things offshore to them.
They're just criminals.
Who'd ruin the whole world where they're all so godless.
None of them have kids, literally.
Almost none of them have kids.
And then they all are just gonna live in armored fortresses on hilltops?
And they know the mercenaries they've hired want to kill them.
And so they're trying to hurry up and get robots that'll protect them.
So they can all be prisoners of their trillions of stolen goodies up in the armored fortresses.
Redoubts, keeps, strongholds.
Fortified command bases.
When the real refuge is being altruistic and a renaissance person and really building strong societies and strong people.
And watching others excel past you.
That's your security for the future.
Is creating a climate of good people.
Climate of the West.
The West is the best.
And it's gonna do the rest.
The West is the best.
The West is the best.
And she's gonna do the rest.
If we take our destiny.
In our hands.
And hold it to us.
And then commit to it.
And then sacrifice for it.
And the minute you start sacrificing, you go, this is sacrificing?
I can flare into my lungs.
I can see so far.
Now I have discernment.
God doesn't give traitors discernment.
They get fallen knowledge of evil.
How to lie, how to cheat, how to steal.
All these twisted, virus-laden, cancerous, metastasizing deformities.
Not the vision of the Most High.
The quiet place of the Most High.
The understanding.
The purity.
The eternalness of it all.
So Trump accuses Google and others of manipulating the elections.
Well, he needs to go after them for that.
Judicial Watch sues for records of communication between James Clapper, John Brennan and CNN fixing the fake dossier.
They're all gonna get in big trouble.
And you have to drop the hammer.
And we finally got a president that will drop the hammer.
As the leftist ratings continue to plummet.
And as the head of Google is summoned there.
But here's an example.
We showed you last week.
And we showed you this week.
And then everybody went and did it.
You'd go to YouTube and type in Alex Jones.
And you'd get year old all anti-Alex Jones news.
And you'd click this hour, today, this month.
All the same fake results.
But if you did Democrats, you would get all new results.
There's so many frauds there.
Everybody's searching Alex Jones.
It sends it to John Oliver.
It sends it to Stephen Colbert.
It sends it to whoever.
And if you're a Democrat, though, it's the latest real result.
Well, the word is that went to the White House.
And lo and behold!
Couple days after we showed that over and over again, Google put it back to normal, where if you actually search this hour, let's show people if you can, or watching on TV, anybody can go to YouTube, type in Alex Jones, and click this hour, or today, or this week, or this month, and you'll get whatever the top videos were for this hour, or the last day.
You can click it.
You see?
Let's click last hour.
And as you can see, there's stuff just minutes ago coming up with our videos.
But they just wouldn't let you see anything anybody else was seeing.
They were blocking and only sending it to the establishment.
Well, guess what?
We had a platform to show millions of people and they had the back off.
That's why they don't want us here.
That's why they don't want you to be able to comment.
That's the new thing.
Google and YouTube, last week and last month, several times have said, we want to get rid of comments.
Or if you have mean comments on your video, we will ban you or demonetize you.
You're like, well, that's somebody else commenting, not me.
Well, that's like the Soviet Union.
Your neighbor does something wrong, so you go to jail.
YouTube corrects Alex Jones results after InfoWars calls out gamed algorithm.
They've totally broken the number one video site in the world, and they're doing it everywhere, and then denying they're doing it.
They had to stop.
They had to quit it.
They had to back down because it was so ridiculous.
But that's what scares me.
Why wasn't InfoWars noticed it a few weeks ago?
Why did we have to hammer it to get it fixed?
And it wasn't for other people.
It was for conservatives.
that are nationalists and it was that was it all the leftist everybody else worked just fine
they just go in create a list of 50 videos that are anti whoever anti-ann coulter anti-alex jones
anti uh michael savage's was was rigged anti tommy robinson so that's all you get because you heard
the head of youtube going yeah i hate it you know when people's kids go find alex jones or jordan
peterson they all and they're like well take them down Well, we have taken Alex Jones down, but we're, we're working on Jordan Peterson.
You say, well, what do you do?
You just show anti-Jordan Peterson stuff.
From selected, approved people.
Totally rigged.
Here's another one.
Instagram is investigating, this is Business Insider, talk about shameful.
This isn't satire, by the way.
Instagram is investigating an Alex Jones post that has stoked anti-Semitic hate in the comments.
Nothing about Jews in the post.
Nothing about anything to do with race or religion.
Oh, a few comments called me an Israeli agent, and so that's me stoking anti-Semitism is anti-Semites, probably leftists, posing with fake comments.
They call it smolleting.
Doing it.
But see, now the comments are bad.
Now I'm anti-Semitic because people claim I work for Israel.
That's right!
So I've got to be taken down because the Jew haters don't like me, says Business Insider and Media Matters, run by Jordan Soros.
Next Level VS.
The United States...
I love George Nori.
You know, when he took over back in like 2002, 2003, he already had three or four, five Emmys under his belt, award-winning news director, Naval veteran, officer, already a very successful syndicated radio host.
He took over for the late, great Art Bell, now late-grade, and it's good to know that people like him are still the biggest things out there, but corporate media, the internet, ignore it.
So it's a perfect time to bring George Norrie of Coast2CoastAM.com.
He also hosts a national TV show as well.
So, George, what do you make of this attack on free speech that's gone into overdrive, and what would you call this period we're in, and what should be done?
Because I like Trump, but I'm getting really upset about the censorship.
I would make sure that the one thing that we must avoid is hatred toward people.
I don't care about criticism.
I don't care about the ability for free speech.
We should be entitled to that.
What we need to stop in this country is this divide that we have right now, Alex, that I've never seen this bad before.
Or you can't even conduct dialogue with somebody.
If you walked into a bar today, sat down to have a beer, and talked to the guy next to you, if he doesn't agree with your views, it's a screaming session.
It's not a discussion.
It's not a debate.
It's not honest dialogue anymore.
It's a screaming session.
You know, I get emails.
I've got news guests on my show all the time.
Some are left.
Some are right.
When I got a guy on who's more right-wing, Dr. John Curtis, OnlineColumnist.com, I'll get all kinds of hate email from people on the left.
Then I'll have Howard Blum on, who's left.
I get hate mail from those on the right.
We gotta fix this in this country.
We gotta get to a point where people can argue and debate and not scream and yell at people anymore.
So what you're saying is people need to be tolerant, but let's just be honest.
90% of the attacks are the left against the right.
People that are Trump supporters, the left, are the ones driving the censorship.
I know you're not left or right.
You're more libertarian like I am.
I mean, it's out of control.
And as you said, they've panicked.
Don't they get that they're causing a bigger crisis than I think they're fighting?
A, and then B, what would you do to stop these big tech companies and their monopolies?
What are you doing?
Quit panicking.
They are only reacting because they're panicking.
Somebody is putting pressure on them to muffle Alex Jones.
Somebody is putting pressure on them to pull websites.
They're not doing this on their own.
You've been around for a long, long time.
You've been the same.
You're not any more or less vocal than you were 10, 15 years ago.
Somebody's getting to these people, Alex, and scaring the living daylights out of them.
And that's gotta stop.
At this point right now, they're going with what they are thinking is the public's desire, and they're reacting to it, and they're wrong.
They're making horrible mistakes.
And again, the First Amendment under fire, worse than I've ever seen it before.
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The West is the Best!
The West is the best.
The West is the best.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
This is the program that is the antidote to the globalists.
This is what they fear.
It's the people taking action, unafraid of them, and recognizing what they are, a bunch of control freak, pedophile, vampiric monsters.
I want to hit this and go to your phone calls because it illustrates everything.
Business Insider, MSNBC.
Instagram is investigating.
I've already been investigated as a Russian.
No proof ever found.
Instagram is investigating an Alex Jones post that has stoked anti-Semitic hate in the comments.
They never show you the evil art in the article, but we've actually got it hanging on the wall out there, so maybe we can queue up the video that I titled, Smelliting, that's on Infowars.com when we show this, so people can see the evil, offending art that they say is anti-Semitic, even though there's nothing to do with Jews on it.
Now, there it is.
And Mir won the Great Artists muralist that we've had on several times as a guest years ago.
But they say that I've got to be taken off Instagram because anti-Semitic comments.
But then you find out the anti-Semitic comments are against me.
So that's the next level.
Even though I'm not even Jewish.
And then they lie and say I'm not supposed to be on Facebook or anywhere.
What happened is the media created an illusion that I was banned on Facebook and Instagram.
They just took two of my pages down saying I violated the rules there, but left the other pages up.
But there's this illusion, you see, that I'm not allowed anywhere.
No one's allowed to even interview me.
I've been unpersoned so that senators can sit up there and lie about me on TV.
We'll get to that too, and then your phone calls.
But here's a little montage of some of the latest demonization and lies against InfoWars.
The right-wing smear machine has gotten Alex Jones-ified.
1776 will come once again if you try to take my firearms!
That man is Alex Jones.
He's one of those guys who believes that Bigfoot was responsible for 9-11.
I heard it on Alex Jones, so I know it's true!
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones InfoWars.com. InfoWars. InfoWars. Bill Clinton is a rapist.
InfoWars.com. Bill Clinton is a rapist. InfoWars.com.
That's according to website InfoWars. InfoWars. It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones. Alex Jones. Nice guy. InfoWars.com.
Info Wars. Info Wars. Info Wars.
What's happened with Infowars?
I would love it if you would follow up also about Alex Jones and Infowars.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutsch, are a liar and a fraud.
I know we had Alex Jones in the room earlier promoting conspiracy theories.
We're talking about Alex Jones and the fact of the matter is, is that the companies that allow people like him, conspiracy theorists, to be able to purvey lies have a responsibility.
InfoWars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment.
InfoWars just lost their war on info.
Yesterday Apple, iTunes, Vimeo and Spotify, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook have all blocked Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Who is the most banned news network in the world?
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones has now been taken off of Facebook, thank God.
CNN waged a long campaign against Jones.
It worked.
Jeff Zucker silenced and deplatformed his show.
It was a stunning defeat for free speech.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, So, when you read this Instagram article, and a bunch of others out, it'd be like if you were writing a science fiction Kurt Vonnegut novel about a police state in the future where you don't have free speech because of what somebody else does.
Instagram is investigating an Alex Jones post that has stoked anti-Semitic hate in the comments.
And then it goes on to say, well, he's been banned everywhere except a few sites.
He's getting bigger on those.
So we need him banned.
And then it talks about a mural put out by Mirror One called False Prophets.
And then it's just an image of a bunch of globalists sitting around a table controlling the planet with toxic waste shooting up behind them.
We showed the image earlier, maybe we'll show it again now.
But they then discuss it and say, well, the artist had done a street mural in England, but the leftist groups got involved and they had it taken down.
And they had a member of parliament who said it was good art apologize and say it's deeply anti-Semitic.
And then when you look at the image, that's a print of the mural, there's nothing to do with Jews.
They just inject that, just like they said, Pepe the Frog's a Nazi.
Hillary said that.
Or they say, I'm the Sandy Hook guy harassing the families.
Never happened.
They just, it's the media that creates the hysteria and creates all the problems.
And so they go on and say, yes, the work of art is super evil.
And Alex Jones posted it, and then there was anti-Semitic remarks.
And then you read the actual remarks that were on there.
They even quote them.
It's that I'm a Zionist shill because I'm not anti-Israel.
And they say, well, Facebook banned Alex Jones last year, so we need to go ahead and have him banned off here.
Why is he here?
No, they didn't ban me off Facebook, even if Rob Reiner says so.
They took two of our pages down saying I beat up a 10-year-old kid, and that wasn't true.
It is Twilight Zone.
But let's go out to break with this clip of the Connecticut Congressman, Chris Murphy, saying that because a Sandy Hook father committed suicide that I terrorized him and I killed him, but so did Google and others.
So this is the new way they're going to try to get rid of the First Amendment.
Here it is.
Well, listen, I'll use his name.
We're talking about Alex Jones and the fact of the matter is that the companies that allow people like him, conspiracy theorists, to be able to purvey lies have a responsibility.
There is no constitutional duty.
on an internet company to allow somebody to terrorize parents of mass tragedies like Alex
Jones did for so long.
The Newtown families are proceeding with a court case to try to hold him accountable.
But the companies that allow for this nonsense, this garbage to be spread out over the internet
have a responsibility and a duty themselves to do something earlier than they did in the
case of Infowars.
I wish that these parents could shut it all out, but they can't.
They cannot.
And some of them have frankly turned to chasing down these conspiracy theorists as a full-time
job because they see it as their responsibility to make sure that everyone knows what happened
to their child and think about how that sort of second victimization works when every single
day you're walking in.
This is totally made up.
It's the media hyping, hyping people that questioned it forever and making it the top story and then they're saying we're doing it.
And then misrepresenting what we said before, what we're saying now.
It's just incredible.
We cannot allow Alex Jones or anyone else who's conservative on the internet, they are victimizing people by bringing it up and saying it didn't happen.
And that's not what's going on.
Chris Murphy is victimizing the Sandy Hook families.
Chris Murphy is a degenerate, lying, Democrat pig.
And it's a threat to this country.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars!
Do you understand?
Stan, I need your help, Frank!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, the left tried their... Trump was never gonna win.
Then they tried, Trump's a Russian agent, we're all Russian agents.
Then they tried, we're all racist.
And then they tried, we're gonna try to steal all their health care.
When Obamacare's went to bankrupt things and bring in socialism, Ezekiel Emanuel admitted that on Fox News, the architect of it.
The other architect said, thank God we're so dumb, Gruber.
And then they lied to us about Kavanaugh, all these fake women, most of them admitting it was fake and they staged it.
Then they had Jussie Smollett getting busted and the Kavanaugh kids being set up by the media.
Americans get what's going on.
But I gotta tell you something.
I've been persecuted, I've been lied about, I've been attacked a lot.
I'm going to your phone calls in a moment.
And it hasn't been enjoyable at one level, but it's kind of like that saying, pain is weakness leaving the body.
I have done thousands of print interviews, thousands of radio interviews, thousands of TV interviews, literally thousands.
And I've also been there at events and seen what happened, cut and dry, and then seen them Edit video, edit audio, and lie.
And I've seen the corporate press in unison put out lies together.
The most censored places in America are universities and journalism schools.
Major journalism and law clinics from University of Texas to Georgetown in Washington, D.C.
work around the clock to end free speech.
They work around the clock to end journalism.
They're followers.
But that's the good news.
The bad news is, is they're bad.
And they're reprobate and they're not coming back.
The good news is that they're followers.
They all do the same thing.
They all act the same way.
That's a strength, but also a weakness.
When you realize they can't think on their own and all they can do is stage stuff and lie.
And then they think we're like them.
With the Sandy Hook family's lawyers.
The Sandy Hook folks are nice people, but their lawyers literally think I'm the Homeland character.
They think I'm being given orders of what I say.
They believe there's like manuals and things where it's some formula.
Because that's what they do!
They get walking orders.
They get told what to say.
They don't believe I'm up here on air.
I've had national news here many times, and they always come in there looking, and they watched her in a live show, and they start asking the producers, where's the teleprompter?
We know there's a teleprompter.
Who's telling them to say that?
Can you imagine that?
They keep asking in Texas and in Connecticut.
They go, give us the marketing for Sandy Hook.
We don't market a news event.
We have products we sell to fund ourselves and sponsors.
That's marketing.
And then the news is either us covering what's happening or sometimes breaking news.
But again, when you're people like that that are such followers, they all work in unison, they all parrot the same garbage like this U.S.
Senator, Chris Murphy, who just lied about me and lied about everybody else saying, take us all off the air.
We're terrorizing people till they kill themselves.
With no evidence.
He gets to say these incredible defamatory things.
Am I invited on MSNBC?
Where I'm accused of killing people!
No one remembers Adam Lanza's name.
You'd think I killed the poor kids at Sandy Hook.
You'd think!
Hell, he just said I killed this dad!
What are they gonna do next?
That senator is an enemy of the American people.
He's an enemy of the free press.
He's an enemy of the truth.
There's anti-semitic comments against me, calling me all these names because I'm not anti-Israel.
You turn that over to Palestinians and in a week it'd be civil war forever.
None of the Arab countries take any of the, quote, Palestinians in.
Saudi Arabia takes zero.
Why are you anti-Israel?
It's just mental illness.
It's like this weird online sacrament that all the in-cool people are up to.
Right-wing, left-wing.
And then I'm being called all these names, and then all these newspapers and publications go, oh, look!
He's got an anti-Semitic picture up, which isn't even anti-Semitic.
It has nothing to do with it.
And there's anti-Jew comments.
Well, people have the right to say those anyways.
I don't agree with it, but they're attacking me!
But see, they think you won't go actually see what happened.
So now powerful men in smoky rooms around the world as their monopoly table is Jewish, according to Business Insider, according to Media Matters, who are projecting that those are Jews and making it Jews.
I guess to create Anti-Semitism?
I don't know.
But it just shows how anti-free species people are.
All right, we're gonna go to Chris and Tom and Jacob and Jack and Corey and Carlos and Robert and Zach and Fred and Eden and Justin and so many others.
We're gonna get to all your calls just briefly.
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Okay, who's been holding the longest?
Let me see here.
That would be...
I guess the longest would be Justin and then Eden.
Justin in Wisconsin, you're on the air, welcome.
Hello Alex.
I wanted to ask you a question about the race-specific bioweapons.
You had mentioned In the past about meetings that have been going on and been taking place behind the closed doors, about what they're planning, like with the 12-year world's-gonna-end scenario, all that.
Well, they're introducing into the cultural cosmology that humans are bad, deserve to die, and they're creating a race narrative to hate ourselves and not have a life force or a survival instinct, to invert that instinct into an anti-human loathing, so we accept the mass culling as a prophecy when it begins to take place.
Hence, A.O.
Shee being told to say there'll be no humans in 12 years.
And so that is on the drawing board in some of their previous blueprints, would it be exterminate 98% of humanity by 2030, which would be less than 12 years, 11 years.
Those are different blueprints that David Rockefeller and others have publicly talked about.
Prince Charles' father has talked a lot about it.
Prince Philip.
Ted Turner's talked a lot about it.
That's in their blueprint.
And then, yes, they've had race-specific bioweapons for a long time.
Say you can release a weapon that'll kill 98% is usually the top with these weapons of the blacks.
So they've got bioweapons that are tailored for blacks.
But the problem is, everybody also has some of the same basic genetics, so you'd still probably get 5-10% of Northern Europeans would die.
And of course, I'm not for killing any of the blacks, but you see the whole extermination program with abortion.
But let me try to explain this.
Like, if you want to create a bioweapon to kill Arabs, well, that's got a problem too.
We'll be right back and we'll talk about the real world of bioweapons.
Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have making it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
And they said, on average, about maybe a dollar of melatonin, and then the container costs 50 cents or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, let's make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you can actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleep.
Unlike other systems.
I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues.
He writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
Doesn't smoke marijuana.
Doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
I said, yeah, you look 10 years younger.
He said, oh yeah, it's just, I'm off all the sleep drugs.
He says, this is totally free.
But he goes, do you know what it is in there?
And I said, it's the synergy of it.
Of the chamomile, the lemon balm, the L-tryptophan, the valerian root, the melatonin, and several other ingredients.
All just moderate dose.
They're all the recommended dose, and they just fuse together, and whatever they do chemically in the brain, that Mother Nature, God gave us our Mother Nature, is incredible.
So, that's available infullwarestore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing billions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
Alex, if I can just quickly, InfoWarsStore.com, I want to thank you for Polnblock.
It's amazing.
I've used so many different antihistamines over the years because I get really bad hay fever, and the antihistamine Sometimes work, sometimes don't, but they never quite work fully.
They don't block all the symptoms, they just kind of dry you up.
Or at least that's what they do for me, if they work at all.
But pollen block, it works.
It stops everything.
I don't get the itchy eyes, I'm not sneezing, and I don't get the irritation.
It is amazing.
This is a known patent out of France.
You have to pay for the patent, where they just discovered that if you feed a certain secret diet to quail, and then you get their eggs, it creates this incredible antihistamine of a certain type of quail.
How fast did it take for pollen block to kick in for you?
It's pretty much straight away, you know, in maybe 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes.
It just works.
The antihistamines, the pharmaceutical products, I find that with those, I can't take them until I start getting symptoms, and even then, they might not kick in for half an hour, or they might not kick in at all, depending on the day.
I want block worse every single time.
Well, that's the great part about this.
And for whatever reason, France discovered it like 50 years ago.
It's still got to be even in this region of France.
It's very complex.
They don't even know why.
But they think it's the pollen in the area, the dust, what the quail are eating.
Then they just produce in the eggs whatever this essence is that just turns the histamine response off.
I go out and I do market research.
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And then what do people in America not know that in Japan, or in Europe, or in Russia, or in Africa, or in Latin America, is already a best-seller?
Because a lot of stuff never gets here for some reason.
And in Europe, and in Russia, and in Canada, there are a lot of brands of this stuff with the quail eggs.
It's not here.
So we just made a souped-up version of it and discounted it, and it's Palm Block.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Who came along for the ride?
You can't come inside!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, we got a lot of really good questions from the callers.
We don't really stream your calls, but if you volunteer, what your point is, they'll put it on the screen.
Dion wants to talk about Jesse Smollett's situation only vindicates info wars.
Eden wants to talk about people waking up as the answer.
Fred wants to apologize to Alex for net neutrality.
Trump should ignore the polls and go with his gut.
That's Zach.
Robert lives on reservation.
They have contributed.
Against Trump.
Carlos, they are regrouping for the next assault.
Corey, Big Tech is going after Trump.
Jacob, how to win the InfoWars, the next phase of attacks.
That's Jacob.
Tom in Texas, we need to take back what we've lost.
Trump is doing it.
And then Steve in Michigan, Trump rally tonight in Grand Rapids where we're going to have our reporters.
We're going to have live coverage tonight at NewsWars.com and InfoWars.com of that unfolding with Caitlin Bennett and more.
So stay with us for that.
The caller hung up, but here's the problem.
Somebody calls in about something like race-specific bioweapons, and it's bad to kill any group or race of people.
But the problem of the people that produce the weapons is, humans are all interrelated.
So you might tailor a weapon that'll kill the majority of one group, it'll also kill a bunch of your group.
It's kind of like nerve gas.
You can fire it at your enemy, but if the wind changes, it comes and gets you.
That's why the globalists have all built these big underground bases so they'll survive during this.
And their main plan, you see it in James Bond movies like Moonraker and things written by MI6, Ian Fleming, is that they're going to release a bioweapon and call the population to save the Earth.
And they're kind of doing it through the vaccines, through the GMOs, through the food, all of it is kind of culling us now.
South Africa developed them, Israel has developed them, the UK has developed them, the US has developed them as of 50 years ago.
Other countries have undoubtedly developed them.
You know the Chinese have developed them.
And so it's kind of a mutually assured destruction situation and we should do a whole show sometime on race-specific bioweapons and the really advanced weapons that are out there because that's an issue that people should discuss.
Let's go to Dion in California on Jesse Smollett.
Go ahead, thanks for holding.
How you doing Alex?
I'm on the road.
I'm a truck driver and I'm from California.
Big Trump supporter.
Great big fan of everything you guys do there.
And I buy your products too.
So anyways what I wanted to share was I think I'm kind of glad the how this guy got off in a way.
And this is what I want to point out.
It just goes to show Anybody who watched that story, and I don't care where you're at and what side of politics you're on, it's just completely obvious the corruption in the system.
It's just blatantly right there for everybody to see.
And it vindicates you and everybody in alternative news that's been talking about the nonsense that's been going up and building up to create division in our society, when it's these people that go out They create the problems, and then they try to be the ones that come up with the solution for the problem.
That's the Hegelian dialectic.
And listen, Obama's famous.
He got caught with Soros trying to cause race wars four or five years ago.
It all came out.
And so this is what they do.
And then of course his lawyers are involved up to their necks in it.
And now Trump is demanding a federal investigation.
But imagine being so corrupt.
This Kim Foxx, that she said she recused herself, but she didn't recuse herself, and then she does this.
Don't they know this is going to just bring more scrutiny on them?
It shows how entitled these people are.
It really does.
But I think I'm happy, though, because I feel like this is the opportunity for everybody to, like, take a deep breath, say a prayer.
You know, I always ask God to give me guidance in anything I think about or do, because I don't want to react emotionally to anything, but I want to be clear-headed And based on facts, and whatever our laws are, and I hope people in the FBI... Dion, we're losing your phone, but good points.
It shows the Democrats' entitlement.
That they can do whatever they want because they've had the Justice Department so long that it's just crazy.
Smollett is now saying it really happened and bashing the police.
When they've got all the proof, open and shut, it's ridiculous.
It's like catching somebody in the act of strangling a woman.
You got the video of it, everything, and they say, I didn't do that.
I mean, it's just, it's like walking in and a guy's on top of your wife.
They're clearly having sex.
You see the man having sex with your wife.
You say, hey, you're having sex?
And they go, I'm not having sex with your wife.
And then they complete the sex.
Imagine that image.
Hey, can you sit down for a minute while I finish here?
I'm not having sex with your wife.
You're like, I can see it!
You're doing it!
No, I'm not!
It's like, what?
You're absolutely right.
As they lose power, they get crazier and crazier and crazier.
easier. Good points.
Who's up next here?
Eden in the great state of Texas.
Eden, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, how you doing today?
I'm a truck driver, too.
You got two in a row.
Can you hear me okay?
Yes sir, I can.
God bless the truck drivers.
I've been watching you since 2008 when you were doing the park ranger stuff and having arrested at the DMV for no fingerprint.
That's like 1997.
No, there were reruns on my local channel at the time.
That's awesome.
It was 2008 that I started following you and buying your stuff.
And I got your stickers on the back of my trailer.
Well, you're incredible and we love you, brother.
I wanted to say something in reaction to the last caller a little bit and then answer your question about what do we think they're going to do next.
And I wanted to say, well, if Schiff says it's still happening, right, the so-called Russian collusion, then why can't Smollett say, well, he was really assaulted and he didn't pay off anybody to do it, right?
No, that's what's happening.
That's what's happening.
And the next thing was, you're really more researched than I am, I have to admit it.
Although, you may know, I'm going to assume you do, that sometime during the Hoover administration, one of the top guys there made a statement, and it wasn't hidden.
He said that secret supporters, like Jesuits and Secret Brotherhoods, Well, there's definitely power structures in every major group and organization.
The current Vatican wants world government and to bring in all the Muslims and everything else.
You're absolutely right, Eden.
Good to hear from you.
Let's go to Fred in Wisconsin, then we'll go to Tom.
Fred in Wisconsin, thanks for holding your ear on the air.
Hey Alex, I've been listening to you for 15 years and you had me on in 2012 for this so-called PIPA thing and then I called angrily and I was very upset about the net neutrality thing.
But brother, I didn't know at the time the path that we were going down.
I didn't know that Hillary was going to try and overturn the Electoral College.
I didn't know until I got in the council votes in Wisconsin that Jill Stein was going to have four attorneys there trying to throw out hundreds of votes.
I had no idea.
You have my apology for that.
And everyone in America needs to listen.
It is time to stand up.
They are trying to take our voice.
They're trying to take our voice.
Stand up now before it's gone.
It's a lot harder to negotiate from behind than it is to negotiate out front.
We need to do this now.
Fred, let's quantify this because they use semantical games here.
They called it net neutrality to not have government involve the internet, which I support.
But Obama's net neutrality was to let big tech censor and act like a censoring government.
Now, they kind of left it as a no man's land.
And so that's bad too. Trump needs to fix it. But now do you see what I was saying?
Their plan for censorship by saying there's no government involved in the internet.
They would then act as a global government and have the EU via regulation take control of our regulations
by a lack of regulation saying no regulation in the US.
Oh absolutely. I didn't know what a shadow ban was when I called you back then.
I just knew the internet was functional. Today the search engine doesn't even work anymore.
Well exactly. So you were saying hey we've had net neutrality, it's been good, it's been codified by Obama, leave it alone.
It was the end of net neutrality in the name of net neutrality.
And I had just read the Soros statements that they were going to take the internet over soon.
So I just knew that...
The name means nothing.
It's what they actually do.
You see what I'm saying?
The problem is Trump's kind of left it open right now and let them do this.
And that's bad.
But now he's signaling he's going to take action.
What do you think you should do?
I think you should go into Google and tell them, hey, you run on public open forum laws.
You aren't judged by the content you put out there.
You want to keep running that way?
You let all speech on there.
I don't care if it's hate speech.
I don't care if it's And that's Section 230.
Stay there.
We're going to come back to you.
I want you to be able to make your statement.
Your phone's better now, Fred.
First, I couldn't hear you.
Come back to Fred to finish up the statement.
We have laws.
We have Section 230.
They're ignoring that.
They're not supposed to be involved in what we say.
If somebody's saying something wrong, you sue them.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Tomorrow's news today.
It's incredible.
We're fighting back and we're winning thanks to you.
I got some good news for you folks, but some bad news for the globalists.
I've got good news for the people of America and the people of the world.
Trump has been totally exonerated from the entire Russian gate attempted coup d'etat takedown.
And now he's going on the offense with the big executive order of a week ago.
that targets universities that are public that violate the First Amendment.
And now he summoned the head of Google just yesterday to let Sundar know that his treason
by selling us out to China and censoring the American people and meddling in our elections
will not stand.
Trump said the meeting went well.
And the word is Apple and Facebook and Twitter, they're all being talked to by the president
over the telephone and private meetings are being set up where he's going to lay down
That they're not going to side with authoritarian foreign powers, and that they're going to either abide by the Constitution and Bill of Rights and not be authoritarians, or he's going to take action against them.
That is everything we've needed to hear.
Now let's make sure the President follows through.
Now, InfoWars, as you know, Well, ladies and gentlemen, this is the last few days of the sale.
Some of our best selling items have sold out.
our message of liberty. We're rebooting America 1776 worldwide. We've had a special running
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Going back to Fred, Wisconsin.
Three, four years ago, they were calling it net neutrality.
And what it allowed the big tech companies to do is not have net neutrality and to start going after anything they claimed was obscene or hateful.
And I was pointing out we already had net neutrality under Section 230.
Why were they adding this?
And the new renegotiation of NAFTA and GATT codifies this even more.
And Trump has endorsed that because he likes the overall plan.
It'll get changed in Congress, but that's a big problem that Trump's been supporting.
But it takes a lot of research to even know this stuff.
Every time we get something in front of Trump, he makes the right decision.
It's just we have to get the information in front of him.
That's why the globalists fear him so much.
Soros and others said, under new net neutrality, we'll operate these things as utilities.
They'll have immunity, but also we're going to censor people.
I said, well, that's not net neutrality.
That's a weird merger of state and corporate and doesn't sound too good.
So now here is big tech.
As the caller just said, the search engines are broken.
They're fixing everything.
They're censoring in live time.
They're doing everything they want to everybody.
It's just out of control, Fred.
What do you think Trump should do?
You know, I think if these companies want the protection of not being liable for what's posted, then they can't censor it.
Because everything they do is two-faced, Alex.
You know, they said that Trump wouldn't accept the election if he lost.
Well, Hillary was the one that tried to overturn the results as soon as she lost.
And I'm going to tell you, I was in Wisconsin doing the recount on Trump's behalf because I volunteered for the campaign.
And they brought a stack of envelopes, right?
With what was like 150 votes on it.
And the top one had the wrong zip code on it.
So three of Jill Stein's attorneys wanted to throw out 150 votes.
And I jumped up and said, whoa, what are you doing?
And they said, no, no, we can't do this.
So everything they do is two-faced.
They want democracy, but they want their democracy, their rule.
And I woke up to it, and I'm ready to fight.
Well, you're right.
I mean, the Democrats, the Republicans, used to have a lot of horrible people in their party, and they still do at the top.
But, I mean, the Democrats are just like a craved group of control freaks that will never stop.
And they just, they have no qualms.
All they do is stage stuff.
And they've converted their constituents into acting like monsters as well.
And as they don't get what they want, Fred, what do you think they're going to do as the leftists learn that they're losing and their bullying hasn't worked?
So far, they just keep doubling down, which causes more people to wake up.
What do you think is going to happen?
You know what I think the endgame is, Alex?
I think once they have us all shut up, once they take you off the air, they come for the guns, and then it's the killing fields all over again.
All over again.
Republicans will be wiped out.
Maybe we're put in camps.
Who knows?
But this is always the start of it.
So while we have a voice, while InfoWars is up and running, while we can screech, let's do it.
And while we have a president that supports us, let's get behind him and let's let him know that we want freedom on the internet, that we want freedom of speech, that we won't let these people put us down.
You know what I mean?
Great point.
God bless you.
I'm going to come back, and I promise I'm going to Tom then, and then to Corey, and to Carlos, and others.
And we have a constitutional lawyer joining us to talk about the attacks on free speech and how to counter that.
This is the central fight, because it's election meddling by big tech, and it doesn't matter if we wake up and take the country back.
They will steal it from us.
It's what authoritarians do every time if we aren't involved, if we aren't focused.
And I'll go back to this.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Now that the president has been found innocent of colluding with the Russians, we're not going to forget what the Democrats have done to this country over the last two years.
In fact, we're going to remind them every day for the rest of their lives.
Join me as we continue our trip down memory lane reflecting back on the first two years of the Trump administration.
He may be the first president in quite some time to face the real prospect of jail time.
Do you agree with Congressman Adam Schiff, who's going to be the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, that President Trump could be indicted and possibly face jail time after he leaves office?
If we do the investigations, the information is there.
We're fiddling while Rome is burning.
This president needs to be impeached.
I wouldn't be surprised after all of this is said and done that some people end up in jail.
You know?
And I think they're shocked that the noose is tightening and that people might go to jail.
You're exactly right.
For the rest of their lives.
I think they're all going to jail.
That's my impression, yes.
It's not out of the question that a Senate could convict on impeachment charges.
He has no idea that he's going down.
It certainly looks like they are the kind of offenses that would call for impeachment hearings.
Absolutely, I think he can be looked at and perhaps even charged with obstruction of justice.
Well, about the only accurate thing CNN has reported in the last few years is that the Democrats are not yet ready to conclude that there's no Russia conspiracy.
Despite the two-year Mueller investigation, which included interviews with 500 witnesses and 3,500 subpoenas and warrants, clearing the president and all of his associates of colluding with the Russians, the Democrats are still delusional and in denial.
All these dots We're now to believe, don't connect.
Well, that's the conclusion in front of us, Chris.
I mean, all that stuff was suggestive.
It didn't prove anything.
In fact, the Trump Tower meeting, at my reporting, tells me it was a bust.
They didn't actually hand over any incriminating information.
What it showed is that Donald Trump Jr.
was willing to accept help, but we saw no evidence that they actually accepted help.
You know, hacked emails or sort of analytical stuff.
All that stuff, it never panned out, Chris.
How can they let Trump off the hook?
Well, because everyone was innocent, Chris.
That's why.
Let's not forget that supposed journalists at the New York Times and the Washington Compost were given Pulitzer Prizes last year for, quote, their deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically furthered the nation's understandings of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the president-elect's transition team, and his eventual administration.
Newsweek reporter Seth Abramson once went on a 135-tweet rant where in his 131st tweet said, quote, The Trump campaign colloded with Russia.
Trump knew Trump will be impeached or resigned.
It was said and true in March and is true now!
On Twitter, since you're limited to posting 180 characters per tweet, he started it saying it was a thread and then numbered them 1 through 135 and just kept tweeting and tweeting and tweeting.
He actually wrote a book that came out last year titled, Proof of Collusion!
And he's got a new one coming out in August titled, Proof of the Conspiracy!
Meanwhile, it appears that Chunk Yogurt at the Young Turks has taken a different approach, tweeting out, quote, Let me be clear before we find out what's in the Mueller report.
My contention has been that the collusion was after the election!
I've said countless times that I don't care about tweets during the election.
I hope Mueller investigated connections to Russia before and after.
I guess Robert Mueller was looking in the wrong direction this whole time.
But I still can't figure out what the problem would be of Trump and his associates talking with Russia after the election because that's called diplomacy.
In other news, the Pentagon has just authorized $1 billion to begin building sections of the border wall Where it's badly needed.
So, the globalists circumvent Trump.
He just circumvents them.
Trump is really kicking butt.
I'm very proud of President Trump right now.
Going after the censors, going after university censoring, going after the smallet folks that cover that up for Obama.
It's all happening.
Very, very good time to be alive.
Very exciting.
Meanwhile, there's a story up on Infowars.com.
Well, Nancy Pelosi, after AOC's so-called Green Deal failed, that banned cows and planes and automobiles, only for America, Pelosi's put forward a plan almost as bad, where we make all the carbon cuts, but China doesn't have to.
Gee, wonder where the investment will be if China doesn't have all those taxes on them.
These people are the religion of screwing this country over.
Because you have to run that flag up to have powerful, foreign, corrupt countries work with you.
You're like, why do they hate America?
Because they're traitors!
They enjoy it!
They're on the other team!
I'm telling you, I knew top Democrats hated America.
I knew it was their religion.
They hate nationhood.
They hate Christianity.
They hate our ethos of the rugged individual.
That's what threatens them.
They want to create dependency.
But, when you go to Democrat events and say, America's back, America's great, they literally start flipping out.
And I know it's hard to believe.
It's like AOC comes to this country, gets rich here, hates America.
Says it sucks.
Doesn't try to make it better.
Because she's at odds with it.
She wants to conquer it.
She can't conquer a free market.
But if she ran everything...
Well, you could live like they do in Venezuela.
Okay, let's go to Tom in Texas.
Tom, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
What do you think about all the craziness taking place?
Howdy, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
First of all, I want to commend you for what you're doing and spearheading this fight.
And I want to challenge anybody hearing my voice to stop being meek and mild.
It is our job as a Christian warrior to defend life, liberty, and everything God gave us.
And we have sat on the sidelines too long, whether it's Jesse Smollett, to a thousand different things, whatever it may be, has happened to us as a country, as a people, that we've just sat by in our church houses and done nothing.
If your preacher on Sunday morning isn't speaking of what's going on in this world of born babies being murdered and everything else happening, get out and find somewhere that is a warrior church.
Get out in the streets, make your voices heard, Because it is time, and it is past time, to get up and stand up and say something.
We need to act before we lose everything, Alex.
I agree with you, and things are getting really bad, but I sense and I see more people are coming out of the trance.
Globalism as a project will never complete itself.
I think we've won that phase of the war, but bigger challenges are coming.
But I agree, we have to face the fact that most people are still in a spiritual delusion.
They're under a spell.
They're in a trance.
I get looked at.
When I talk to Certain Christians that I know, and I speak, I call myself a Christian warrior for my Lord, because nobody else will.
I'm willing to stand up.
I have started to emulate you and your organizations to try to get my voices heard as well, because nobody else is standing up and saying anything.
It makes me sick to think my little children are growing up in a world That I don't know what it's going to look like in 20 years, and I may not be able to do it then, so I'm going to do it now.
That's right.
And Tom, that's the thing.
They're in a trance.
So it seems like we're weak, people are pathetic, because everybody's asleep.
But you're doing the hard job, and you will see, most of the time when we try to wake somebody up, they get mad at the time, like, leave me alone, I'm asleep.
But six months later, a year later, a month later, a day later, Those seeds sprout and they remember what you said.
So keep it up, my friend.
But you're right, we need to take back what we've lost.
And Trump is definitely against all odds delivering now.
And notice he's talking about God more and more and his faith.
He understands that strength and it's really upsetting him.
Yes, sir.
And that's the whole deal is we as humans, We'll never fix this world.
We are sinful, flawed creatures.
Anybody who doesn't admit that is a fool.
So the only way to lead and guide this properly is with God.
That's why I'm saying it so much in this phone call because I want to invoke the name of God over everything possible so it disperses through our atmosphere and through our dimension to where We have the power.
It is a holy and it is a great thing.
Oh, that's what they hate.
The name Jesus Christ.
They hate the fact that God's God.
They're not God.
They want to play God.
No, you want to play God and kill babies?
You're going to get it.
And it's not only take pleasure in it, but there is a pleasure in getting these wolves off our babies.
And that's why I said after the treason trials, I will kick the levers.
Not out of pleasure.
I'm saying I volunteer to kick the levers to hang their asses.
You know, I didn't plug any last hour.
And I've said I'm our own biggest enemy.
But the listeners tend to get it.
They respond when I plug.
But I get so obsessed with news.
The most profitable time to plug is at the very start of a show.
Anybody will tell you that.
It's always like, coming up, The Andy Griffin Show, with Andy Griffin, brought to you by Jell-O.
They plug up front on those old shows, because I bought a DVD set, and it was the Andy Griffin, like, first season.
I didn't know it was, like, the first season off TV.
It was even kind of low-res, but it was like Andy Griffin going, this show is brought to you by Jell-O.
Here in Mayberry, we like Jell-O cherry flavor, grape flavor, mint flavor.
We put a little bit of this Cool Whip on it.
It's so good.
I'm, like, telling my wife, hey, go to the store and get some Cool Whip.
Get some sherry, sherry, whatever.
The point is, is that the most profitable time for us to plug is the first 10 minutes of a show, or right up front, this hour brought to you by.
I never do it.
I just can't do it.
I do it at the end, because I just get so obsessed with the news, and then I can't hire the dozen or so reporters I'm ready to hire.
I can't do all these big things we've got ready on the drawing board, because I won't do my job and raise the money.
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It's just there's so much freedom still left in the world.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Riding shotgun with us for the rest of the hour and taking your phone calls is Brad Shearer.
He is a lawyer, consultant who focuses on digital privacy, security, and free speech issues.
I'm not going to go over his whole background.
Surelaw.com, DigitalArmorGroup.com, but I've read his articles.
He's a smart guy dealing with the rollout of the surveillance state against Democrats' political enemies and the farming of that out to big media.
We've got underground video that Veritas shot years ago.
And then last year and this year of New York Times, YouTube employees, high-level vice president saying, oh, we surveil everybody.
We hand out the info to other people.
They're in our business.
That's why they're on such a power trip.
And now Trump's talking about criminal investigations into this and going after big tech censorship.
He's already signed an executive order against what's happening at the university.
So very exciting.
I want to get into that.
The Obama administration's expanded government surveillance and the Mueller investigation.
And how they kept those powers going of the whole Clinton stay-behind group and the Obama stay-behind group after Trump got in office.
Are we seeing the end of those groups' power?
Is that why the Democrats are panicking so much?
Also, colleges and employers want access to your personal social media content, internet history, to reject applicants whose political views they don't like.
How do you fight back against that?
So much more with our guest.
Brad, thanks for joining us.
Hey, thanks for having me, Alex.
I appreciate it.
You know, the first two points I want to get into tie together.
It's kind of like a digital superclass.
They've got access to the back end, to your Twitter, private messages, your YouTube, to all of it, and they're still stonewalling us, Congress, the Pentagon, about what they're doing.
When this house of cards comes down, it's over.
I'm not defending Facebook, but why do you think they're the only one called out so far?
Well, because Facebook is the biggest, um, they're the biggest boy on the block.
And also, I mean, take a look at Twitter.
I mean, the bottom line, the problem with Facebook is that there was some articles that came out recently that they were actually allowing other people to read your private messages.
And this is absolutely troubling and so I mean that's why people really need to understand how to protect their information from these companies because these companies they're taking your personal data and they're giving it to whomever they feel like giving it to and they're also selling it to large companies that are being used and is being used to discriminate against you and that is just so troubling and that's something that hopefully that I think it's something that the president will end up stopping and for example today earlier today it came out that That they're charging Facebook with violating the Fair Housing Act because of data discrimination.
So this is a huge problem.
It's not just censorship.
It's also data discrimination along with censorship.
And these things are becoming a much bigger problem.
the current administration will do something about it to stop these terrible, very troubling discriminatory
And big tech's gotten away with this. It's kind of like if you're going to steal, steal big, or you're going to kill
one person, kill a thousand, you're still going to get the death penalty.
Remember it came out, what, three years ago that some of the big hotel...
This is a huge problem.
booking sites had cookies and they knew if you were middle class or wealthy and
what you were willing to pay they had algorithms they would charge you more
because they knew your profile but if you were poorer they would charge you
less knowing you didn't have the money and then once those algorithms got
exposed you know they stopped doing it but it's just crazy.
Exactly this is a huge problem so for example let's say let's say someone has
shown some proclivity towards liking a certain type of political page
or they're conservative or there's someone who likes conservative
causes and advertisers know about this it's
It's highly possible, and the fact that people can be charged higher rates because of the fact that they're visiting conservative websites, or they like a conservative personal line.
And me personally, when I've actually had some situations where I've I have actually gone to, for example, Staples.
This happened where I used a VPN, and when using a VPN, I was able to hide my location
and hide my personal information.
I was able to obtain things for a lot cheaper price than if I didn't use a VPN.
So it's really a matter of making sure that you basically, it's not just clearing your
cookies, but it's also doing other things such as trying to hide your personal information
because these companies will use this data to charge you higher prices.
There's a handful of articles out there on the internet that they've done investigative reports on these troubling things.
So let's be clear.
Let's be clear.
The average leftist is all behind big tech censorship surveillance now because they know it's giving them power.
But that's a small piece of the puzzle.
Doesn't matter whether you're white, black, old, young, liberal, conservative.
You're getting ripped off.
You're getting gamed.
You're getting spot on.
So people say, well, what do I have to hide?
Well, some people that post on Facebook, we're going out of town.
Here's the presence we got.
Your photo's geolocated.
You get robbed.
You have doors and blinds on your house and fences around your house for security, folks.
Not that you're bad.
There's bad people.
And so the idea that let's just trust big tech.
Remember, Mark Zucker said, our users trust us.
They're a bunch of dumb effers.
Oh, exactly.
I remember when that came out, it was about 2009, 2010.
There was a Business Insider article about that.
And the thing is, it's not that you have something to hide, it's that it's all about personal privacy.
And you have to realize that those who have information about you, they can use that information to hurt you.
They can use that information.
It's not just to to so-called discriminate against you based upon what your political beliefs are.
It's also the fact that they can end up becoming like, for example, cyber criminals, social engineering.
It's all these things that the more data you're putting out there, the less control you have over your life.
And so, for example, insurance companies, Facebook wanted to end up doing some type of uh... association with a handful of insurance companies so
that way they could basically charge young teens higher prices and google
scanning student emails for not just advertising but other digital
dossier and commercial purposes so the companies they want to take your
information and they want to use it against you the more data out there about you the
less control you have over your life in the less
ability you have as far as being a democratic nation when you have a
handful of companies that have all this power because literally data is the new gold out there
But haven't they gone too far now?
They've given all these weaponized systems that were just used for profit.
Now they've hired all these Democrats out of the colleges.
They even call big tech campuses and they recreate it and they have a reign of terror against us.
They get caught doing it and still don't care and then lie to Congress about it.
It's a very troubling situation because my biggest issue with a lot of this stuff is that there's a lot of people out there that are taking your personal information.
And so, for example, let's say you liked a certain person online and you're a teen.
Well, then you're going into a college interview and if someone has Googled you and they've taken a look, they've figured out what your Instagram account is or your Twitter account or your Snapchat account, then they're taking that information and they're making pure judgments.
They're saying, okay, you know what?
This person has liked someone who's conservative, or they're following someone who's conservative.
Therefore, we're not going to give that person an opportunity to attend this college.
Oh, we see that now.
All these lawsuits where colleges are saying, you visited a conservative, or you like something, you're banned.
I mean, that is real terror.
And for example, Harvard even has in their interview handbook, for their alumni interview handbook, they want to know exactly what websites you're visiting and which blogs you're visiting.
And from that information, you can tell a lot about someone.
You can tell about their personal health issues.
You can tell about not only their politics, their sexual orientation, their religion.
These are some very private and personal bits of data.
And by the way, aren't you one of the top lawyers involved in getting some of the laws passed that ban colleges from doing that?
Let's talk about how we fight back and then take phone calls across the board on a whole bunch of issues about how Trump's going to strike back against this on the other side with our guest.
Again, Brad Scheer is our guest.
ScheerLaw.com and Alex Jones.
And again, these sites don't get out now without you spreading them.
And I know you're doing it, so you're awesome.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
I need your help Frank.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, It's the Infowars.com radio TV network.
...enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones, live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide on the Infowars.com studios.
All right, I want to start taking some of your phone calls with our guests, because we're all taking calls on big tech censorship, how to counter it.
But our guest, you can look it up, has been instrumental as a writer and researcher, not just a lawyer, in getting state laws passed.
Where you can't have the universities and others demanding to violate your Fourth Amendment and to know what your entire background is, what's on your social network, what's in your email, all this.
Of course, the average person says, well, that's totally constitutional.
That makes sense.
But nobody raised it.
Nobody made a case.
Nobody got them to write a bill or to get it passed.
That's why we get so much done, thanks to the great audience taking action.
It's why Trump's getting so awake.
It's because we are taking action.
Most Christians or conservatives or libertarians or nationalists are busy just working all day.
We just let the leftists run around bullying and running society.
That's coming to an end.
So get into that and what you've been able to do, Brad Shearer, and where you see this going, what you think Trump should do.
Sure, sure.
I think that Trump should definitely try to do whatever he can to level the playing field as far as, as far as, I have a big problem with various platforms saying, you know, we're going to de-platform somebody or ban somebody just because we don't like what they have to say.
I mean, I'm a big fan of letting the marketplace of ideas determine what someone has to say and all the laws that I've advocated for.
Data privacy, social media privacy, and free speech.
Because without privacy, you can't have free speech.
And also with kids, one of the biggest issues you have a lot of these large companies, mainly Facebook and Google, what they're doing is they're literally creating these digital dossiers in our schools of our kids, and that information is then being used to, as far as in the guidance counselor area with different programs, to then take that information and it's being used by colleges.
And that's very unfair because of the fact that the types of things that kids are doing while they're growing up, it should not be in any way, shape, or form count against them.
Because when kids, kids say stupid things.
That's just the nature of the beast.
And as a parent of a couple kids, I think what they do when they're young should never have any, should not be held against them.
No, I agree, but isn't that a larger paradigm with the left, not just here, but in Europe, where they want to sexualize children younger, they want to emancipate them, where they can have vaccines when they're 10 or have sex when they're 10.
I mean, the system is really coming for our children because the corporations and governments see them as weak, see them as malleable.
Those are some very important issues and I've seen, like for example in my school district, the amount of data that these companies are collecting.
It's unfettered data access and this information is actually being utilized against our kids.
Like for example, several years back when Google got in trouble for literally scanning the student emails.
In our kids' schools.
And no one held them accountable.
So my hope is that the current administration and the Department of Education end up starting to hold these tech companies totally accountable for these illegal activities of collecting all this data on our kids.
And by the way, you could just be a teacher and then leak it to a member of the media that's good.
And then bring down the whole thing.
We have to say no.
And you're right.
Big tech has been treated like they're God.
and they have totally raped us. Even six months ago, Sundar Pichai wouldn't show up to Congress
to testify. Now he did. Now he's gone and been confronted by Trump. And I think they're
starting to realize they're not invincible.
Exactly. I agree with you 100%. And that's the big problem here is the fact that for
a long time, big tech got a free pass. And under the previous administration, there was
a lot of issues where, well, who were the biggest donators to Obama's campaign and who
actually ended up coming to visit the White House more than anyone else? And that was
Google's lobbyists.
And Facebook was up there too, so I mean, that's a huge problem.
And let's not forget the shycoms with all their hidden microchips inside the chips.
I mean, this is just crazy.
Absolutely crazy.
Brad Shear is our guest.
We're going to take a few calls.
He'll ride shotgun with us.
And then obviously he's a smart guy.
You'll be seeing him on some of the other shows and my broadcast.
Let's take a few calls here.
We've got a caller here who says that Big Tech is going after Trump.
I agree.
Corey in North Carolina, then Carlos.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks.
I'd like to preface my comment just thanking you.
You know, there's a lot of Alex naysayers out there, always have been, and certainly plenty to criticize you for, but I want to thank you for making me active.
I first got involved with the fluoride issue and, you know, that's not the basis of my comment, but I do think if we were able to get that out of the water, a lot of our other challenges would be made easier because everybody's IQ would be higher and they'd be able to think about this, but That's neither here nor there.
You know, I think it's kind of apropos that, you know, the timing of my call, because I work for a multi-billion dollar data management company with installations in, you know, more than 50% of the Fortune 100.
So I had the privilege of sort of sitting with IT and the business line of business, and they're all doing this, you know.
And so that's my point is, you know, they've got armies of developers, you know, training machines to perform all
sorts of advanced analytics and they're automating everything.
So, you know, you heard the JJ God from Twitter say it, that they don't even look at themselves as an American
company, even though that's where their headquarters is.
They're a global company.
And so they just, you know, I don't know if that means they conform to the UN or whatever, but my point is, they're not going to stop unless the profit incentive for them to do what they're doing is taken away.
And, you know, I don't like the EU at all.
I think it should be disbanded.
But you look at something like the GDPR, Sure, at least the EU government knows it needs to exercise some power or be made obsolete.
that because it put 20% of their profit revenue at stake if they didn't follow the law.
Well sure, at least the EU government knows it needs to exercise some power or be made
And so basically big tech is the global government now.
Right, and if they didn't feel threatened, their revenues threatened by that law, then
they would not spend any money building infrastructure.
Sure, what do you think about Trump saying, you censor anybody, we cut your government contracts?
Oh, I love that.
I just love that.
I mean, the government, you know, corporate welfare is probably a bigger problem than the, you know, the citizen welfare.
So that absolutely has to happen.
But I am concerned because they're already acting criminally that despite whatever action he may take, they'll just continue.
And so that's where we come in, you know, because we relinquish a lot of our rights, you know, and we do have freedom of association.
So when we sign up for these things, People need to read the contract.
They need to know what they're volunteering for.
It's like smart TVs telling you, hey, we're watching and listening to you.
Well, why would you do that?
Because you let me do it.
Right, exactly.
And so I know you got to go to your guests, etc.
But Alex, I think you deserve to look into alternatives.
And this is my main point is that they're going to keep on this trajectory.
It's going to end up destroying themselves because as mentioned before, you know, Google and YouTube are basically useless now.
So we see a lot with especially with the crypto economy developing alternatives out there.
And I really think you should look into the data network.
Because it's providing an incentive mechanism for peer-to-peer decentralized video streaming.
Oh, believe me, I want alternatives.
Your phone glitched.
What's the network?
Stata Network.
And they're trying to basically disrupt the centralization of content delivery networks.
All right.
Hey, Corey, awesome call.
Thanks for holding.
Let's get our guest.
His computer froze up.
He got back in here.
There's a lawyer breaking this down.
Brad, your quick take on what he just said.
I mean, there's a lot of issues in there.
I mean, the thing is, as far as the data privacy issue goes with the issue along with, for example, the smart televisions.
Very troubling what's going on with there, whether it's a Samsung or Vizio.
Vizio actually got in trouble several years back with the FTC.
And as someone, I have a couple of Samsungs and you have to literally go inside the settings to turn all this stuff off.
And then you also had a couple of weeks back when it was in the news where Google it turned out, they put hidden cameras inside a lot of their Nest devices without telling anybody.
They're literally the fox or the wolf in the hen house, and it just gets more insane.
Stay right there.
More calls.
Carlos and others straight ahead are awesome guests, are awesome callers.
And then in the fourth hour, so much more coming up in the War Room.
Owen Schroyer hitting it hard.
In many ways, you're doing a better job than I do.
And by the way, the folks that make it all possible, this crew, is the best crew I've ever had.
They put up with my crap.
So I want to thank this amazing crew.
Buy some great products so I can give them a bonus.
You know, I didn't plug any last hour.
And I've said I'm our own biggest enemy.
But the listeners tend to get it.
They respond when I plug.
But I get so obsessed with news.
The most profitable time to plug is at the very start of a show.
Anybody will tell you that's what it's like.
Coming up, The Andy Griffin Show, with Andy Griffin, brought to you by Jell-O.
They plug up front on those old shows, because I bought a DVD set, and it was the Andy Griffin, like, first season.
I didn't know it was, like, the first season off TV.
It was even kind of low-res, but it was, like, Andy Griffin going, this hour is brought to you by Jell-O.
Here in Mayberry, we like Jell-O cherry flavor, grape flavor, mint flavor.
We put a little bit of this Cool Whip on it.
It's so good.
I'm, like, telling my wife, hey, go to the store and get some Cool Whip.
Get some cherry, cherry, whatever.
The point is, is that the most profitable time for us to plug is the first 10 minutes of a show or right up front, this hour brought to you by.
I never do it.
I just can't do it.
I do it at the end because I just get so obsessed with the news and then I can't hire the dozen or so reporters I'm ready to hire.
I can't do all these big things we've got ready on the drawing board because I won't do my job and raise the money.
I'm the problem runner.
Sure, I'm gonna do it right now.
Don't let me be the problem.
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And it just, there's so much freedom Soros and Hillary and Podesta, they're not in full control.
And, you know, Juncker, he's not in full control.
There's still some America left.
There's still people out there.
And you just keep seeing the guests we have.
And what we do is always in the center of the fight.
Always affecting change.
And always there.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Just a few months ago I got in the face of Sundar, the head of Google, and I said, "Buddy,
you're working with the Chai comms, you're selling the country out now,
The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chairman of the Secretary of Defense, and Trump have gotten in his face.
This is called leadership.
Google is evil!
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
Google is evil.
and violate the law and violate the law
and violate the law and violate the law
Hey, this is leadership.
Leadership that was doing what's hard because you know it's right.
Not because it's the popular cool thing and you sit up there and tell people how successful you are in front of a crowd.
You know, these fake churches, all these feel-good places.
People sit up there in a fancy outfit, but tell you what good physical shape they're in.
I'll tell you how much money they made.
Well, if you made money in the corrupt system that's dehumanizing people, you're a joke.
If you're successful and build a pioneering system and become wealthy, more power to you.
But I personally have gone to state houses and the federal government every time and just dominated.
And been the top story in the country thanks to Drudge Report helping.
Why doesn't everybody else go?
Every time these globalists testify, you go right through the metal detectors.
They're right there.
They're people like you.
I'm not saying when they're at the gas station or at a restaurant with their family, go and physically attack them like the Democrats say.
No, no, no, no.
I'm saying you go let them know when they're in Congress.
And you go let Congressman Chris Murphy know when he says I say nobody died at Sandy Hook and I'm harassing families and that I got this poor man that committed suicide killed.
Go to his office and tell him you don't appreciate it if you don't appreciate it.
Because these monsters need to know we see through them.
We know what they're up to.
Legally and lawfully, non-violently.
I want to go back to your phone calls with our guest here today.
He's gotten involved.
He's gone to state houses and gotten a bunch of laws passed saying public education, higher education, public colleges, they can't demand your whole social media background as if you're guilty until proven innocent.
He's taking action.
That's what it's all about.
Carlos in Canada.
You know, I think globalism as we know it is dead.
There'll be new permutations, but their project has fallen apart.
They're still in charge of many areas, but I'm just saying their great world government plan is dead.
Do you agree with that or disagree with that?
Oh, I disagree with that entirely.
No, no.
No, no.
Listen, Alex, on June 28, 2017, CNN's Van Jones said that the Russia thingy is a nothing burger.
They've known it's a nothing burger.
We've been chasing two years with nothing burger.
Now the President of the United States, President Trump, has an opportunity to restore the credibility of the FBI, essential, because they're basically very good people that are livid with what's been going on, and hopefully address the issue of the Justice Department, which is more insidious and deeper.
That's essential.
So yes, that part of the battle is exposed.
But the real three-level, if you want to call it, chess game has never changed.
The words resonate of James Paul Warburg to the Senate Committee in the 1950s saying world government will have it by consent or by force, essentially.
And so... They went on to say it's not going to be paid for without blood.
And the fundamentals haven't been changed.
You remember, going to the Russia thingy, when Lavrov, foreign affairs for Russia, met with the ambassador for Russia in the United States, with President Trump, in the Oval Office, They discussed things which were exposed in the media subsequently.
Now, this was the Oval Office, of course.
Yeah, they called it treason that he would even meet with them, which is a normal behavior.
I'm just saying their global project is in a lot of trouble.
I'm not saying the power structure isn't there, but in their own words, their world government program, where they want to take it is basically impossible.
Well, what I want to address is a very important issue, Alex, and that is that there was an article that appeared by Greenwald.
Um, and on, on Glenn Greenwald from, from, yeah, from and the Guardian and September 11, 2013.
Um, and it basically addressed the issue that the NSA shares raw intelligence information about everything Americans data, fax data, uh, email data, telephoned, um, uh, data, uh, everything, basically intelligence as well as Americans raw data.
And it's allowed Israel to siphon this data for the use of Israel, of course.
But we thought... I don't think President Trump is aware of this.
And the fact is that if he were aware of it, he would have realized subsequently that when Mossad, two agents, had revealed information about the goings-on in the Oval Office with Lavrov and with the ambassador, and the media reaction to it, which began to create the idea that he was leaking raw information, secret information to Russia, and that he was a traitor, This was the kernel upon which they built this whole... Sure, I hear you.
I appreciate your call, Carlos.
And I'm not... I don't... When Israel spies on us, it's wrong and something should be done about it.
And it's true that some of the telecoms have relationships.
China is way more embedded in our media, telecoms.
They were running, I guess, the gay app.
What is it called?
And we're using it to blackmail people.
So now they're having a divest of that.
We've got all these other groups and organizations where Interpol has raw data.
What hotel you're checked into all over the world, what's going on?
I mean, exactly.
The internet is just this giant thing now to share data with corporations and governments.
Brad, you're an expert on this as a lawyer and somebody that tracks this with your company, DigitalArmorGroup.com.
What's your take on just how crazy these back doors are?
It's terrible, and besides Grindr, which came out yesterday, I think they should start thinking about looking into TikTok, because TikTok bought out Musical.ly, and who owns TikTok?
A Chinese company.
And so, and a lot of young kids use TikTok, and that's an app where you basically put on short music videos, but the type of information that's being collected Is very troublesome and there's been a lot of people in the security apparatus.
They think that China was the one behind the OPM data hack or breach and also maybe they might have been involved with the Marriott data breach or hack.
And so the problem is that when you have these nation-states, especially China and Russia, maybe North Korea or whatever, taking down these different companies and going into the back doors and obtaining this information, you can start to get a bigger picture of where people are going and what's being done with this information.
For example, several months back... It allows them to build a giant data map that interfaces with other maps they've got that the general public doesn't understand.
Go ahead.
I couldn't agree with you more.
For example, it was in the news, I think it was maybe six months or so ago, with Strava, their fitness app, and how they had a map of all the people that were using Strava around the world.
And what you could see was that there were a lot of secret U.S.
bases where U.S.
service men and women, they were using the app, and you could actually track where their secret bases were all over the world.
And this put our men and women who fight for us and protect our country... It basically lazed all the targets.
It basically showed the entire world where our secret operations are and how many people that we have.
Yeah, nobody in the military should be allowed to have cell phones.
People should go back to landlines.
They should go back to flip phones.
The damn things are a nightmare.
They're very useful.
But they are a nightmare.
I want to have you back again soon, Brad.
Really impressed with the great work and just how you got state laws passed.
So please join us again soon and come on with David Knight, weekday mornings, 8 a.m.
to 11.
Please come on with Owen Schroer with The War Room, 3 p.m.
Central every day.
Thank you so much.
Hey, thanks for having me.
I appreciate it.
Thank you.
Okay, we've got more calls.
I'm gonna take a few calls and then because it fits in with Matt Bracken, I didn't get to this ship being hijacked by pirates and the media calling them angel cakes.
We got the video and audio of that coming up and Matt Bracken will respond to that.
But Brian in Texas wants to talk about local Texan responding to Alex being harassed at Lucy's Fried Chicken.
Yeah, then the left edited the video and the media said I came over and screamed at them.
Folks, I'm not at restaurants coming up and screaming at people for no reason.
They came to my table three times and said, F you, eat, you know what, we're gonna get you.
And then we're in my way to leave.
And then saying, you know, the same stuff again.
And I just said, that's it!
Get up!
You said you're gonna get me, just... Let's... Fine, let's do it!
You're the one that's gonna be crying for mommy in about 15 seconds.
They always do.
The point is, is that I don't want violence of the left, but I'm not backing down to their crap anymore.
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The right-wing smear machine has gotten Alex Jones a five.
1776 will come once again if you try to take off firearms.
That man is Alex Jones.
He's one of those guys who believes Bigfoot was responsible for 9-11.
I heard it on Alex Jones, so I know it's true.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
That's according to website InfoWars.
InfoWars, it's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
Alex Jones, nice guy.
What's happened with InfoWars?
I would love it if you would follow up also about Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutch, are a liar and a fraud.
I know we had Alex Jones in the room earlier, promoting conspiracy theories.
InfoWars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment.
InfoWars just lost their war on info.
Yesterday, Apple, iTunes, Vimeo, and Spotify, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook have all blocked Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Who is the most The most banned news network in the world.
InfoWars comes to mind.
Alex Jones, which has now been taken off Facebook, thank God.
CNN waged a long campaign against Jones.
It worked.
Jeff Zucker silenced and de-platformed his show.
It was a stunning defeat for free speech.
Hello, this is Hank Hill, and I'm telling you what, you need to listen to Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are in existence.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Well, stuff in the smaller cases has gotten even crazier.
I'm going to get into it some at the start of the next segment.
We had a big article out yesterday morning about the fact that the Chief Cook County Prosecutor said she recused herself, but never did.
We went and looked up the state law and that she didn't.
Well, now it's in town hall, it's everywhere that, holy cow, Kim Fox's office admits she never actually recused herself from the Smollett case.
She used the term colloquially.
Wow, these people are out of control.
Smollett lawyer.
Alleged Nigerian attackers could have worn whiteface.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen.
Stuff's getting crazy.
I'm going to get to all the callers before I punch out and have Matt Bracken take over.
Trump rally tonight in Grand Rapids.
That's Steve.
Been holding a long time.
And we've got some others here.
But Brad in Texas.
You wanted to comment on what happened at Lucy's Fried Chicken Saturday night.
Go ahead.
Yes, I did.
I heard you tell the story about that.
I live here in Austin.
I got a word of warning for all the InfoWars listeners, but especially the Austin residents.
That's happened to me.
A little different flavor of it.
I have been heavily involved in rock and roll in the last 20 years, especially metal and punk, playing in bands, writing articles, being active, right?
I've noticed this thing over the years.
You're, you know, one of the shows on 6th Street, a thousand people are in there, right?
600 of the people just want to get drunk and have a good time.
20% of the people, they are like the mega fans of the band and have all the shirts and everything.
Then you got this other 20%.
You remember Free Mumia and Liberate Tibet and all that?
Those people, okay?
So what they do is you got a band like Slayer.
They play.
It gets rough up in the front.
Pit gets going.
It's unwritten rule.
If you don't want to get hit, get in the back and hang out.
If you want to get rowdy, get up front.
Well, you got these little leftist weirdos that, I'm standing there watching the band, they knock into you.
You tell them, hey man, I'm not in the pit.
Watch out.
They do it again.
I'm not in the pit.
Don't knock into me.
They do it a third time, you clean the clock, then they go run and get security, and you're the bad guy.
Doesn't that sound familiar, Alex?
Their whole religion is about setting people up and manipulating something.
They love the power.
Oh yeah, three times, come to my table, we're gonna get you, we're gonna destroy you, eat you, eat this, do that.
Then they're waiting for me, and when I say finally, okay, let's go, they edit the tape that I'm the bad guy.
It's like, what I'm saying is they're like all Jesse Smollett.
They're like all Balazi Ford.
As a culture, leftists stage stuff.
You had a caller in a previous hour that said it best.
He said that they want democracy, but they want their democracy, not yours.
This is bigger politics.
They want rock and roll, but they want their rock and roll, not yours.
It seems that the common denominator about being one of these socialist people is being inconsiderate for others and psychotically selfish.
Immature, selfish, and all the studies show it.
Great call, Brian.
You're absolutely right.
What's going to happen as they lose their power and as people don't bow to them?
I mean, at some point, they're going to have to realize that they're not running the show and back down.
I wonder what's going to happen.
All right, we've got three more callers that I will get to.
I'm sorry for all the others, but when you got 20-something phone lines, It's a catch-22.
You're able to get on because we have all these phone lines, but then it's hard to get to everybody.
But I've been pretty good.
I've probably taken like 20 calls today.
So we've got Steve and Anthony and Jared, and then I'm gonna get to the Islamic pirates doing a fake distress signal, taking over a major ship, and then the leftist media is defending them!
Defending pirates now!
It never ends.
That is coming up next segment.
And then as I mentioned, tomorrow's news today.
There's a stack here I had and I can't find it now.
I'm going to try to find it during the break.
Here's today's morning.
Scott, one of the producers, comes up and says, I've checked the state law.
I've checked her statements.
I've checked the fact that it's on her letterhead.
The fact that she did the dropping of the case.
She never recused herself.
It's a fraud.
And I said, well, go tell the writers.
Write a story.
Well, we broke it.
Smollett prosecutor lied over recusal continuing to work Hoke's case.
Now it's all over Fox News, Town Hall, Holy Cow, Kim Fox's office.
Admits she never actually recused herself.
The Smollett case used term colloquially.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios you're listening to the Alex Jones Show
Last night the little dancer, she came a-dancing to my floor.
Last night the little angel, she came pumping on my floor.
She said, oh my baby, you got a license for love.
And if it expires... Rain hell from above!
In a midnight hour, she's five o'clock tomorrow.
♪ With a rebel yell ♪ ♪ With a rebel yell ♪
♪ She called it moan, moan, moan, moan ♪ ♪ Moan, moan, moan ♪
♪ She was midnight out, babe ♪ ♪ Moan, moan, moan ♪
I went to a Billy Idol concert when I was like 10.
One of the first concerts I went to.
I went when I was like 14, 15.
Back then he was like number one.
I could always take those high school girls.
I'd hear they were going to see Billy Idol and my mom would buy me a ticket.
Back in the old days it's Sears.
She'd drive in her little Volkswagen Bug up to the mall, get me those tickets.
My mom was so cool about that.
And I got to like sit there and be like a little mascot with the high school cheerleaders.
And then I saw him with my wife a few years ago here in Austin.
He was like animatronic.
It sounded like the record in person.
I was like, wow, that's crazy.
Alright, that's enough.
Having some flashbacks.
I want to just say we should all celebrate that nationalism is exploding and that humanity is standing up to the left and that some good things are happening.
I just really it's been impressed upon me and my research and my gut level, my spirit, that we should all just be a little bit satisfied.
We're still in one hell of a fight.
I want to commend this crew.
I get so serious.
I get so angry at myself that we're not doing enough.
I constantly feel like I'm not fighting hard enough and it's just been impressed upon me at a gut level.
In my spirit that we need to realize that we're doing as good as we can and God's gonna carry it the rest of the way and I really mean that.
I'm very thankful to all the listeners.
I'm very thankful to all the affiliates.
I'm very thankful to all of you throughout the years and your prayers and everything else because We've really, all of us, come a long way together and it's really a beautiful thing.
So I just want to salute you all and thank you all, including the crew and just everybody.
We need to focus on being more positive and savor the victories we've had.
You know, I get we all want to fight hard and we're always focused, but we need to also take some time to lick our wounds and savor the fact that God's already taken us this far.
Because let me tell you, we've torn the living hell out of the globalists.
I mean, they are burning up and blowing up and not happy right now.
So, instead of getting mad about all the stuff they do to us, let's realize we gave them a lot better than they gave us.
While they're squatting over and killing these babies and everything, God's coming for their ass.
All God wants is for us to do the right thing.
He'll do the rest.
Alright, Anthony, Jared, and Steve, who's been holding the longest here.
Steve in Michigan, thanks for holding.
We'll have our crew tonight with live coverage at Infowars.com of what's supposedly going to be a wild rally.
Reportedly, 45 is going to be guns a-blazin'.
Yes, he's going to be there at 7 o'clock tonight.
I was wondering if any of you guys were going to be out there today.
Kaitlin Bennett and others are going to be there on the spot.
And I already heard they got a baby Trump balloon out there, so... Oh, I know.
The media will all focus.
Well, you know, that baby sure kicked the globalist's butt.
That baby sure ended a bunch of wars.
That baby sure turned a lot of crap around.
That baby sure beat their coup.
Yes, it did.
I'll have my Infowars in your face shirt on tonight, too, so...
Maybe I'll see somebody out there.
You damn well right you will.
That's why wearing those colors proud and loud, especially at Trump rallies, is good.
I would not advise wearing one in a blue state area.
You'll get hit in the head with a bike lock.
That's why I say wear a Molot-Lambe, wear a Newsworth.
Wear one of those shirts just to meet like-minded people.
But yeah, Trump rallies, wear those InfoWars shirts.
Alright, thanks Alex.
Hey Steve, by the way, you're awesome.
Shoot some video, email it to us, we'll play it.
You're awesome.
All of you are reporters.
Every one of you.
I'm a reporter, you're a reporter.
We're all in this together.
Doesn't matter if you got black skin, white skin, red skin, pink skin.
You love freedom, baby.
You got red blood.
We're brothers and sisters.
Let me tell you something.
Metaphysically, we've turned the corner.
A lot of big fights coming up, and I'm telling you, I can smell victory, folks.
You can smell it.
Anthony in Maryland, you're on the air.
Thanks for calling.
Hey, Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
God bless you, Alex.
You're changing hearts and minds all over the country.
We're doing it together, brother.
Thank you, thank you.
I wanted to ask you about this Follett case.
I was watching Fox & Friends this morning and Judge Knapp was saying that no matter what Trump is tweeting about and everything, they're not going to be able to charge him with a crime because of the legal mechanism they use to wipe that slate clean.
Uh, so I wanted to hear your take on that, see if you think they're going to be able to get him.
Uh, maybe they'll just get him on this mail fraud stuff and not the fake hate crime.
I was about to say, uh, Judge Knapp's a smart guy.
And since, yeah, they've, they've executed the fact that since that office, empowered by the state through the county, Says that he's had his record expunged and it's over.
There's no such thing as double jeopardy.
Except there's other crimes of conspiracy if he was in communication with her, which we know he was.
So Kim Foxx and this other lawyer and the Democrats, he won't be charged for this, for staging the hate crime, the false flag.
The inside job, but he can be charged for the conspiracy to manipulate justice, to obstruct justice, to suborn perjury, to corrupt public officials.
I mean, there's so many crimes.
And you're right.
The due sex or the Millennium Falcon coming in right when Luke Skywalker is about to get it is the feds and Trump.
They know Obama's involved.
So this is perfect for Trump because it's going to lead right back to Obama.
And Trump is not somebody that plays games or makes deals once they've engaged in treason.
He already gave them a chance to make deals the last two and a half years.
They didn't.
So you watch Smollett.
Smollett better tell everybody he doesn't want to commit suicide.
Smollett better understand.
I think there's a good chance that the deep state's going to kill Smollett because it leads right back to Obama.
Alex, I grew up in Chicago.
I've seen how these people act.
It wouldn't surprise me if he washed up in Lake Michigan or something.
Oh, absolutely.
I think drug overdose, shot in the back of the head.
And again, the media will say I'm saying that.
I want Smollett to Be very, very safe.
And I'm telling you, he's a dead man walking, as far as I'm concerned.
He's too embarrassing.
He did this for Obama.
He did this for the people at Fox.
And that's the side that's entertainment.
Two different companies now.
And it's on, man.
It's on.
Thank you so much.
It's like at the end of Wag the Dog, it's based on three different true stories composited.
Kind of like the Patriots' true story, but it's three stories composited.
Three different men into one person.
Swamp Fox was real, two other Patriots were real.
They made him into the Patriot.
One guy really lost his son, really did take out that similar colonel.
I mean, it's all a true story.
But the point I'm getting at is, is that they're not going to let him just run around now that this has been exposed.
And the fact that Disney owned Fox is involved.
So, uh... He's told them, I'm gonna go public if you don't let me off.
They said, okay, we're letting you off.
And they're gonna kill him.
I think Jussie Smollett is deader than a doornail.
Feel sorry for him.
What an idiot.
Jared in Texas, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing?
Good, my friend.
I'm just wondering, what do you think about if anybody's ever going to get prosecuted?
Hillary, Clinton, so on and so forth.
That's a great question.
I almost started the show today saying, okay, I gotta eat crumb.
Some of what Q has said has come true.
Mueller ended up doing the right thing.
Trump is getting a bunch of prosecutions ready for real and has said he is.
Oh yeah, it's all coming now.
I mean, but it's because of the action of the people and everything else.
But I have to, you know, give credit.
Q's a bunch of different people, and it got all political and disinfo got into it.
But early on, Q was good.
Later, it became disinfo.
But so far, this is a big prophecy of Q coming true.
Yeah, but besides Q, do you think every... Oh, no, no, Trump has said he wants prosecutions.
I'll tell you what.
Bracken, let's get Bracken's take on this.
I'll do one more segment with Bracken, then he's got an interesting guest on the communist threat coming up, which I totally agree with.
It's a total communist threat.
But the globalists and the bankers in the U.S.
and England shut up the communists, and then now Russia has partially kicked them out, and we're the new commie command base.
The EU's even worse.
England's even worse.
And we're trying to fix it, but he's got a guest coming up.
Matt Bracken, former Navy SEAL, terrorism expert, best-selling author, EnemiesForeignDomestic.com.
He's coming up, but I'm going to finish answering your question.
Is anybody going to jail?
Trump has signaled that, he has said that, and now he's got to execute because they're never going to stop coming.
And then I'm going to play the clip of the pirates putting out a fake distress signal and then taking over the ship.
Wait until you see the video on the other side.
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Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
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The point is, he's a smart guy.
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And I said, it's the synergy of it.
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They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
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So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called "Reap What You Show."
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I know you loved me a long time ago, a long time ago.
And even now in my heart--
Melissa and Keith Whitley driving on today.
Monday through Friday, 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
Central, we're here.
Pat Bracken's about to take over, but there's so much happening, I wanted to hold over with him because he was stationed in the Middle East in ABCL.
He's written books about the pirates that are running around in the Mediterranean and they're in the Arabian Sea and they're in the Indian Ocean.
And what they've been up to for over 1,500 years.
That's why much of Asia is Muslim, like Indonesia and areas of the Philippines, because they actually done the genetic testing.
You'll have Europeans from Spain's blood found in families in all over the Asia because their daughters were kidnapped over a thousand years ago and put on slave ships and sold to the kings of the East.
And Matt Bracken has written about that and the fact that that's coming back again in several of his books, one of which I've read.
And now we have the headline, French drones patrol English Channel as migrant crisis escalates.
Now the invasion ships are hitting Cornwall.
Migrants hijack cargo ship that rescued them off the coast of Libya.
The real headline is, Islamic pirates issue fake distress signal, hijack ship, They'd try to commandeer it to Europe, either Italy or Malta, thinking they'd just be let go.
And I've watched multiple leftist newscasts.
They act like they should.
And now I guess that's where they're headed.
We'll get Matt Bracken's take on this, but here's one of the European Union news agencies putting out a whitewash on this.
I mean, this is serious crime.
By the way, piracy's still a death penalty.
Here it is.
We're moving on to the Mediterranean now where an incident is unfolding as 100 migrants believed to have hijacked a cargo ship are now trying to reach Malta.
They were rescued by a cargo vessel off the coast of Libya and now the 108 people on board were believed to have taken over the vessel after being told that they would not be allowed to enter into Malta.
Now it comes just a day after the European Union announced it would be downscaling rescue missions in the Mediterranean.
Well, for more on this story, we're joined now here in the studio by Euronews' Alastair Sanford.
Can you tell us exactly more about this story?
I know for the moment the facts are not exactly very clear, so you can probably give us a bit more.
And he goes through basically a defense of it.
They admit they don't respond to the rescue calls because they stage them and then they rob you.
And they want an EU Navy to stop Italy and others from turning the ships back off the coast of Libya and other areas.
Matt Bracken, you've written about this extensively, predicting this.
Now they're hitting England as well.
This is just crazy.
What's your take on it?
Well, so far, this is more just migration via violence, just ratcheting up the migration, not the type of piracy where they're going out and hijacking a ship at sea to take it back to their to their pirate lairs which happened in history and might happen again as the as Europe weakens.
Sure, it's pirates hijacking ships as a ticket to go where they want.
Right, and the main thing to understand from this is that whether it's the Mexican border or the Mediterranean sort of border between Africa and Europe Those who are supporting open borders and the free flow, whether it's George Soros and his open society or the EU, which these are all communists.
They don't call themselves that anymore.
But if you go back all the way through the 20th century, we used to call it the free world versus the communist world.
But really, it's morphed and gone underground.
And it's the supporters of sovereign nation states.
Where the individuals who make up that nation determine their destiny.
Sure, and it was always rich people over communism.
It's a way to enslave people.
We think of communism, what, free stuff for poor people?
It's about a system of authoritarian control and breaking down existing nation states, bringing them down cloud and pivot.
Yeah, going all the way back to Armand Hammer and other bankers that funded Lenin and Trotsky until they could get to Russia, which was then the weakest vessel that they could inject that communist virus into, knowing that if the czar is wiped out and communism comes to power in Russia as the Soviet Union, these bankers would be in on the ground floor of this great opportunity coming right up to the top.
But, you know, today it's not Russia versus America so much as the globalists versus the nationalists.
And I still have to put Putin, even though, yeah, Putin is a Russian nationalist, he's never quit on communism.
And even if you see Putin with a cross around his neck, there's no contradiction.
Because if I've been studying this book, which I'm going to have her on later in the hour, Diana West, it's her new book, even James Comey is one of these guys.
Diana West goes back into the background of all these people.
Well, we know that Brennan was a practicing communist and still is, but he was against Trump.
So that's the big joke, is that it was Clinton and others that had the Russian connection.
Trump had zero.
Right, but what shocked me was some of the people that are just being treated as like, oh, Christopher Steele, former MI6.
He's a socialist going back to Cambridge, a communist.
So we'll call this the communist plot.
Communists plotted to frame Trump for Russia connection.
Well, I want to take one more call here, because I want to get your take on this.
Jared was asking, is Trump going to go hard?
Is he going to go to jail?
I don't want to bring the caller back up, but Trump is saying, we're going to go after the deep state.
We're going to release the FISA warrants.
We're going to try to prosecute.
And I think if Trump's smart, he'll follow through with this.
He says investigate Smollett as well.
What do you think, Matt Braggin?
I think it's bound to happen.
Right now, according to Sundance at Conservative Treehouse, the two factions are Lindsey Graham for a special prosecutor, special counsel, which will probably, you know, not have any result through the 2020 election, versus Devin Nunes, who's saying, we don't need a special counsel.
We are going to do criminal referrals right now.
We got the names, we got their perjuries.
Well yeah, well how many years does it have to take for somebody to get in trouble?
because the Democrats are going to reorganize with some new overthrow. So here's the bottom line.
It isn't business as usual. The Clintons and the Bushes sharing power. People are about to get in
trouble, Jared. What do you think about that? Well, yeah.
Well, how many years does it have to take for somebody to get in trouble? You got the Clintons
for years breaking laws.
Bush is breaking laws 9/11.
Nothing's ever happened.
So when does it happen?
Well it has to happen now because let me tell you something.
They've tried to destroy Trump's life.
They've tried to destroy my life.
They've called me a Russian agent.
They're breathing down my neck and they're the ones that are guilty.
So I say they need to get it.
And I don't shoot my mouth off earlier.
I don't want violence.
I want a peaceful revolution.
But if people are convicted of treason, I don't say this to act macho.
I'm saying it because we need to go ahead and just say it.
I don't want offensive violence.
But when people are convicted, you know, I'm willing to not just call for it, I'm willing to pull the levers or kick the levers to hang them.
I'm serious.
I will, you know, don't blackmask for me, man.
You've been found guilty working with the chi-coms, trying to overthrow the country, trying to push pedophilia.
You're found guilty of these treason charges.
I will go up there and I will pull the lever myself.
And I say that because I need to be on record saying to the globals, the traitors, legally, judicially, lawfully, you want to kill children?
You want to kill me?
When you're found guilty and everything else, I am in the game.
I want you dead.
Get that through your damn head.
I'm spiritually committed.
You want to kill me?
Here I am.
I'm ready.
And I metaphysically cross the line and say, you will be held accountable.
You will go to prison, and some of you, I believe in the end like Nuremberg, will hang until your neck, until you are dead.
We'll be back.
I hope every man, woman, and child out there watching and listening to me right now is thanking God for how far we've come.
All over the world, nationalist and pro-capitalist forces are winning elections and turning the tide against the globalists.
It's incredible.
And right here in America, we saw President Trump win despite being outspent 10 to 1 by Hillary and the deep
Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
We saw the media look like fools when Trump got elected.
Their credibility brought to almost zero.
And now you've seen their whole Russiagate fraud.
Their attempted coup against the voters of this nation, not just the president.
Their criminal activity now exposed and blown wide open.
It was broken very strongly.
No collusion.
No obstruction.
No nothing.
We are on the offense.
They are on the defense.
But we've got to press the attack politically and not stop.
Because the enemy is going to strike back.
With false flags like Smollett tried to stage to cause a race war and so much more.
The Covington kids, they tried to stage that event.
But all of these staged events are falling on their face by the grace of God and acting through you.
People out there videotaping public events.
People keeping their eyes open.
People keeping their ear to the ground.
Folks are active, they're aware, and they understand the globalist paradigm.
And there's so many other things.
That the establishment's doing that is just unraveling.
Like all these governors passing laws to kill babies after they're born and then defending it.
It's insane.
The choice between good and evil has never been clearer.
And the 1776 worldwide that you and I and all of us together launched Is what the globalists fear, the renaissance.
So I salute you and I thank you.
And I encourage you to be part of this revolution even more.
Because you've seen the effect and you've seen the victory.
But the enemy again is now launching counter-offensives.
And so your prayers, your support of InfoWars are more important than ever.
Your word of mouth is paramount.
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We've got to end it by early next week, Monday or Tuesday at the max, because so many of the great products are on the verge of selling out, or have already sold out, because people really respond to these sales.
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Whether it's X2, whether it's Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, whether it's the Great Fish Oil, whether it's the Ultimate Bone Broth Formula, the attributes and the strength of these products is unparalleled, just like our information.
And it supports the broadcast, so it is the total 360 win.
We have come so far together, and now the President is preparing to go on the offense against the censors.
He's taking action against the universities and their authoritarian anti-free speech policies.
This is an incredible time to be alive, and our prayers are being answered.
So, I want to thank you.
I want to thank God.
I want to thank my family.
I want to thank the crew.
I want to thank the President.
And I want to thank everybody that stood up for the First Amendment.
And I just want to encourage everybody, now is the center of the fight.
Now is the time to be the most focused.
We need your financial support.
Please take action.
Tomorrow's news today.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, Matt Bracken here for the next half hour.
And at quarter of the hour, I'm going to have a special guest calling in Diana West, the amazing author of American Betrayal and now the new book, The Red Thread.
And this is just what we've been talking about.
There is currently a humongous battle going on below the surface level.
Very few people talk about it in these terms.
People are still acting like this deep state coup, it just happened.
How did these people come up with it?
Who was behind it?
What were their motives?
Well, Diana West in her book, she digs into the background of all of the players and not surprisingly, All of the key players in this, including some real surprises like James Comey, they are progressives of the redistributionist, you know, use violence to create equality school.
And just like what I was saying a little bit earlier with Putin wearing a cross, they don't see a conflict.
Their twisted interpretation of Christianity is basically modern Marxism.
You know, that Jesus was the first Marxist.
And they're just bringing it up to the forward, to the present day.
In fact, James Comey His entire life, going back to his university theses, right through maybe two or three years ago, his greatest influence, his greatest hero, is a so-called theologian of the 20th century named Reinhold Niebuhr.
And in fact, his Twitter handle for years was, undercover, Reinhold Niebuhr.
So Niebuhr is one of these, they didn't use the term liberation theology in the, you know, 40s and 50s, but that's what he was.
He was preaching that we have to go soft on communism, that the communists are really just trying to get to Christianity's message a little bit more in a hurry.
You know, those gulags, those death camps, Yeah, they, that communism is just Christianity in a big hurry.
And you can't make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
Well, in the book, The Red Thread, Diana West goes through all of it.
It won't be a surprise to hear that, for example, Nellie Orr, Bruce Orr's wife, went to college
in the 80s and then went to the Soviet Union when they still had political prisoners being
tortured in psychiatric hospitals, injected with pain-causing, brain-destroying drugs.
She was in the Soviet Union doing whitewash dissertation research on the collectivization
of Soviet agriculture.
You know, okay, they had to send a few million kulaks to Siberia where they're probably going to die.
But what the heck?
It was great for equality.
You know, this is the kind of person who then becomes a CIA analyst, Nellie Orr, you know, working for open source contract employers, which means she's really CIA, but they never badged her, you know, so that she can have some plausible deniability about actually being a CIA officer.
But Nellie Orr is CIA.
How does a person who is an apologist for Stalin, you know, who says, who in her dissertation is quoting admiringly the authors of the books that she's reviewing and taking research from, agreeing with them that Stalin was necessary?
I mean, you know, for equality, you have to maybe murder a few million people, I guess is what her message is.
She is now part of the State Department-FBI pipeline for information.
And it's no surprise.
I wouldn't be shocked if she also knew Brennan.
Like now they're saying, does Steele know Brennan?
Christopher Steele, back in Cambridge in the 80s, another hardcore communist.
But these guys, what they did as the Soviet Union collapsed, They went into stealth mode.
The way I liken it is instead of a battleship, you know, flying the hammer and sickle up on the surface, they decided to turn submarine.
So that it's the same, it's the same communist threat, but now it's underwater.
And Russia is only one link in this chain.
Of course, it was a very important link during the 20th century, maybe less so now.
But today, You know, what we see are the progeny of the communist subversion efforts in the United States.
They're flourishing.
They are all over the place.
You look at people like John Kerry, you know, basically pro-communist, anti-American.
If you study his writings and speeches from the 70s, really an America hater.
His disciples, the people that he mentored, they're all throughout the Clinton and Obama administrations.
That's why Diana West is calling this the Red Thread.
It's really a red network.
And these guys like, say, Strobe Talbot, who was a, you know, cooperating Soviet agent of influence, Strobe Talbot Hillary Clinton, even when she was the head of the State Department, was asking Strobe Talbot for his suggestion for who to stalk the State Department with.
So it's not just a question of sending a dozen or twenty coup plotters to prison.
There are now hundreds, if not thousands, Of the, you know, starting as interns and then post-graduate work guys, they come into the State Department, they come into the FBI.
It's no surprise that the people that hate Trump so much have risen to the top, and the real root of their hatred is they're redistributionists.
They look at our Constitution as a total impediment.
In their writings, Comey, the disciple of Reinhold Niebuhr, Comey is saying, you know, you can't all, you know, equality has to come as a higher value than what he calls due process.
You need, you know, violent equality.
You need to push it through.
Even if you have to do acts of evil, you have to, you know, you have to take this battle to the capitalist enemies by going outside of the system.
They talked about this.
During their, especially in their younger years, before they went into government and then turned into stealth mode.
This is where it's a shock to me to find out that people like William Comey are collectivists.
They're redistributionists.
That's why Comey's book was called A Higher Loyalty.
You know, those of us that were in the military or law enforcement, we all took an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
But Comey and his ilk, they consider their loyalty to be something higher than the United States Constitution.
And that's this global, universal, egalitarian nightmare that they think only they are smart enough to push on to all of us.
And, you know, I don't see how this is ever going to end peacefully, because even if Trump tries and wants to have these people charged and potentially arrested and jailed, For every name that we've heard, they've all brought in dozens of their acolytes that are cut from the same socialist, communist, progressive, whatever you want to call it.
Remember, communists are shapeshifters.
They believe, above all, that the ends justify the means.
Truth means nothing to these people.
Power To the collective is all they care about.
And if they have to say, oh, like in the book, in Red Thread, they say, even in the 30s, socialism is a bad word.
We need to call it economic democracy or social democracy.
That because we can sell it to the masses that way, socialism has a bad connotation.
Let's call it economic democracy.
Nothing has changed.
It's the same in academia, in the media, and in politics now.
These groups have been stocked from top to bottom with these stealth communists.
And it's going to take a hell of an effort to root them out because every step that Trump and the Department of Justice under Barr hopefully takes against them They have an entire network surrounding them to soften the blow, to turn away these indictments, you know, to do propaganda for them in the media.
It's going to be extremely difficult.
I mean, it's been going for so long.
With academia being stopped, with the Frankfurt Columbia School Communists pushing these students through, encouraging them to go to the CIA, to the State Department, to the FBI, their plan has worked.
And when we come back, we'll be talking to Diana West about this entire red thread.
And now... And let's go to Lukas in the studio.
And let's go to Lucas in...
Thanks for holding her on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Good to be on.
Good to have you here.
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And I read it and I was like, you know what?
I don't care anymore.
I don't care anymore.
Because, again, I'm at least trying, and they're not.
So, the power is in the person who's trying, regardless of the success.
If you're trying, you've got all the power, you're driving the agenda, you're doing all this stuff.
Like, I just introduced Green New Deal two weeks ago, and it's creating all of this conversation.
Because no one else has even tried.
Because no one else has even tried.
So people are like, oh, it's unrealistic.
Oh, it's vague.
Oh, it doesn't address this little minute thing.
And I'm like, you try.
You do it.
Because you're not.
Because you're not.
So until you do it, I'm the boss.
How about that?
Look at me.
Look at me.
I'm the captain now.
So until you do it, I'm the boss.
I'm the cook.
Blow up.
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption is now on.
It's Alex Jones with Matt Bracken.
Okay, the amazing Diana West is waiting on the line, but before we go to her, I want to mention that, look, if you like an alternative voice in media and not just, you know, the corporate network mainstream stuff, if you want to keep this going the way that it's, it's basically self-funded.
And that means the InfoWars store.
So right now, you can get 50% off of everything, not including TurboForce and the protein bars, but everything else, 50% off.
If you don't support InfoWars one way or the other, the show goes away.
That's how it works.
Now, before I get to Diana West, even before I read her book, which I read in one sitting, two sittings, last night and this morning, It's not long.
It's only 100 pages, okay?
The new book.
Which is good because it's a fast read and it was faster to produce.
Which means a quicker turnaround cycle.
Faster in the OODA loop.
Quick to get out.
100 page book.
When I was watching the Deep State coup for the last two years, I thought, This didn't just happen.
I mean, imagine being if you had never seen a football game and you go out and you watch the Super Bowl between the Eagles and the Patriots here before last and you see the Philly special.
You've never seen a football game before and you see this amazing play.
You know, the quarterback ends up catching a touchdown and all the coaches and everybody tells you there's no play.
It just happened.
It was just random, you know, where they just ran around and that happened.
If you didn't know anything about football, you might believe that, even though it's a crock, obviously.
Well, to a trained eye, the Deep State Coup has been as obvious as the Philly Special was a carefully planned play.
The Deep State Coup was an active measure influence operation.
This is classic influence operation, KGB style.
Today it's FSB.
But the main part of it is all being carried out now by the spawn of the 1930s through 50s communists that have now come through academia, influenced by all of those communists that never were thrown out during the 50s.
They stayed in college and they've been churning out little communists For generations now, up to the point where they run the CIA and have run the FBI.
Some of them are less stealthy than others.
Brennan admitted he had voted for Gus Hall in 76, when the gulags were full and people were being executed en masse in the 70s.
And Comey, he went stealth, but he says his biggest influence was this so-called Christian pro-communist named Reinhold Niebuhr, to the point that that was his screen name.
Anyway, we're seeing something play out now that is immense and it is so far beyond the dozen or twenty names that people have heard of that it's almost impossible to comprehend.
And Diana, are you there?
Can you hear me now?
Yes, I am.
Yeah, your book was so amazing.
Your book was amazing.
It's it's all it's all marked up already.
You know, I've got it.
I've just got it completely margined, footnoted.
I recommend everybody read it, along with American Betrayal, and I'm sure that you're going to be attacked for it, just like you were for American Betrayal, because there are so many of these stealth moles, literally thousands of them, that when somebody tries to shine a light on this red net, the stealth moles are just acting like, you know, the Wicked Witch with water thrown on her.
Or worse.
And I think that actually the reason we're even seeing this These are the people who would have remained stealth and remained mulling our institutions and departments and security services and all the rest of it, had Donald Trump not come along and absolutely triggered them, because he is that counter-revolutionary figure.
He came on the stage, our first counter-revolutionary president, who is also creating this firestorm
by being the threat to this globalist system that has evolved going back to the end of
World War II.
I mean, this is the direction we've been moving ever since the end of World War II toward
a globalist system.
And we have to remember, when we're actually looking at 2019 events, we have to remember
that the very beginning of this system, 1945, was actually this system looking at the World
Bank, looking at the United Nations.
These essential...
institutions of the global system were actually set in place by Soviet agents
inside our government. Harry Dexter White at the Treasury Department, Alger Hiss at the State Department.
Alger Hiss being the first UN Secretary General and Harry Dexter White
bringing the IMF and providing over that at the very beginning. These were Soviet
agents. This is not an accident as you note and we have to understand that what
we're looking at today, this sort of Russian influence story, didn't start in 2016.
We've got a century to look at but certainly the post-war period is when it
takes shape and really takes over this effort to sort of wipe out the nation states of the
world including ours and Donald Trump was that man who came on and said we are restoring
the nation state and that's why you see all of the free fire and the explosions and volcanic
eruptions going on.
Yeah, I was really amazed especially about Comey.
You know, people like Steele and Nellie Orr, it didn't surprise me as much, but Comey has been such a stealth redistributionist his entire life.
I mean, he had the Reinhold Niebuhr Twitter handle and considers Reinhold Niebuhr the greatest influence on his life.
Reinhold Niebuhr was an anti-anti-communist.
He said, we need to go easy on the communists.
Comey even wrote a dissertation that compared Niebuhr to Jerry Falwell, and basically Trump and Trump's family was in the Jerry Falwell, you know, Liberty University 700 Club, you know, the Norman Vincent Peale, real anti-communist Christians, along with, you know, Reverend Billy Graham and so on.
And Reinhold Niebuhr, who is Comey's mentor and hero, Was a person who as a fake Christian was apologizing for communists and saying they're just trying to get where Jesus wanted to go in a little different way.
That's exactly right and I was fascinated to learn about that because I knew nothing about it.
I knew nothing about Reinhold Niebuhr.
I didn't know who he was except for that sort of catchphrase, "liberal Protestant theologian,"
and I was quite shocked to find out how Marxist his ideas were.
And indeed, what's really shocking is that the two books that Comey cited in 2018, when
he was promoting his own memoir and being interviewed, the two most influential books
that he cited by Niebuhr were written in 1933, 1940, and that was the period when Niebuhr
himself was at his most militant.
He was a member of the Socialist Party of the United States.
He went on college campuses urging violence to change the social order.
He was all about social ownership of property, and violence to get to that wonderful revolutionary
place is not a bad thing.
I mean, this is how radical this man was when he was writing the books that not just an
I mean, we know academics are far leftist.
This is a man who goes to be the number two at the Justice Department.
He was Deputy Attorney General in 2003 under the George W. Bush administration, under John Ashcroft.
And then, of course, FBI Director.
I mean, this is shocking stuff when you put it together, this ideology that is certainly anti-constitutional, if not anti-American, rising to actually being in charge of our justice I mean, this is terrifying stuff, but you're exactly right.
He was a very stealthy person.
He was discussed himself as having been an open communist as a student in college at William & Mary in the early 1980s, when he found Reinhold Niebuhr, and he's still clinging to Niebuhr, as you've noted, in 20... well, to this day.
He's supposedly not a communist anymore, but he told New York Magazine in 2003 that he didn't really know what he was.
But of course the world perceived him as some kind of plain, vanilla, striped, Republican, non-partisan person.
Very stealthy.
Yeah, we just have a minute and a half.
I can see the clock, you can't.
But just a couple of clips from the book.
says, Comey writes, and this is writing about Niebuhr, Comey writes, "The Christian in politics
must be willing to transgress any purely Christian ethic.
He must be willing to sin in the name of justice." And he writes, "A certain political action may be
evil but not necessarily immoral given the circumstances."
He's another moral relativist who believes the ends justify the means.
Like Steele and Orr and the rest of them, Stalin was necessary.
Communism is just Christianity in a hurry, with a little bit of violence.
It might be regrettable, but it was necessary.
We have 40 seconds left if you want to close it out.
Yeah, well I would just like to point out what you're saying shows the extent to which
these people consider the American citizen to be so much fodder, to be so much just markers,
you know, game pieces, that they do what they will to further their ends, what they consider
to be "justice."
It's a travesty that these people have gotten to where they've gotten, and perhaps now we
do have a chance to see this investigation continue so we can find out really what the
command and control is because we don't even know who's behind it.
That's right.
That's right.
Okay, that's it.
Thanks everybody.
It's incredible.
We're fighting back and we're winning thanks to you.
I got some good news for you folks, but some bad news for the globalists.
I've got good news for the people of America and the people of the world.
Trump has been totally exonerated from the entire Russian gay attempted coup d'etat takedown.
And now he's going on the offense with the big executive order of a week ago.
That targets universities that are public that violate the First Amendment.
And now he summoned the head of Google just yesterday to let Sundar know that his treason by selling us out to China and censoring the American people and meddling in our elections will not stand.
And Trump said the meeting went well.
And the word is Apple and Facebook and Twitter, they're all being Talked to by the president over the telephone and private meetings are being set up where he's going to lay down the law that they're not going to side with authoritarian foreign powers and that they're going to either abide by the Constitution and Bill of Rights and not be authoritarians or he's going to take action against them.