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Name: 20190327_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 27, 2019
3448 lines.

Alex Jones discusses the Mueller report and its failure to provide evidence against Trump, causing an implosion of the deep state and globalist media. He criticizes the system's treatment of Jussie Smollett and calls for treason charges against those attempting to destroy America from within. The show emphasizes the loss of civility, justice, and order in cities like Boston, Seattle, San Francisco, and Chicago. InfoWars encourages listeners to shop at their store with free shipping and 50% off throughout March.

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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
♪ Good oldy, good oldy, baby ♪ Wednesday, March 27, 2019.
And the Mueller report coming up empty is even more devastating to the deep state and the globalist media combine than I thought.
They are in ratings, total implosion, free fall.
Their credibility already close to zero has now gone negative.
The Smollett arrogance, because it goes all the way up to Obama, the arrogance of the system letting him off scot-free, ...is now spiraling completely out of control, blowing up in their face as their hubris and arrogance meets reality.
But first, we've seen a lot of compilations of the Russiagate fail, but here's one of the biggest and most extensive and newest that we've posted to InfoWars.com.
Breaking news.
Oh my God!
Oh, breaking news.
ABC News' Brian Ross is reporting Michael Flynn promised full cooperation to the Mueller team And is prepared to testify that as a candidate Donald Trump directed him to make contact with the Russians!
I'm confident now, even more so than I have been throughout the last year,
that this nightmare presidency of Donald John Trump will end prematurely and end soon.
If we discover that Donald Trump or his advocates played a role in helping to devise strategy, if they're the ones who came up with Crooked Hillary, Crooked Hillary!
I think that is something that would put the question squarely on the table whether or not he should be impeached.
It supposedly happened in 2013, the year Trump hosted the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow.
The bombshell burst Tuesday evening when CNN reported the President-elect and President Obama were briefed on the matter last week.
The report included unsubstantiated claims that Russian intelligence compiled a dossier on Mr. Trump during visits to Moscow.
He dismissed outright the very idea that he would take part in the sordid acts described in the report.
He denied everything.
He called it all fake news.
The 35-page dossier on the so-called Russian connection to Trump, with some very salacious allegations, including unsubstantiated claims about Trump in a Moscow hotel room, was not completed until just before the election, and then provided to journalists, the Clinton campaign, and the FBI.
It claims that Donald Trump once visited Russia, stayed in the Ritz Carlton in Moscow and then hired prostitutes to perform a golden shower and that Russia might have the whole thing on tape.
There were surveillance cameras in this room because the building is wired and that the FSB has this because they automatically have cameras in the room and they caught this happening.
Donald Trump engaged in perverted acts with prostitutes.
Trump immediately denied the report.
I'd like to ask you about your big Russian pee-pee party.
No, no, I am not talking about the pee-pee.
Because it didn't happen.
From there, the president-elect lit into the news media again.
He condemned BuzzFeed.
It's a failing pile of garbage.
Writing it, I think they're going to suffer the consequences.
And he accused CNN of being fake news and brushed off persistent attempts by its correspondent to ask a question.
Later, CNN's parent company, Time Warner, defended its reporting and BuzzFeed said it published what it called a newsworthy document.
It claims Trump set out to defile the suite because President Obama and the First Family had once stayed there and Trump, quote, hated the Obamas.
Everything that I had written in the, you know, in the months prior to that dossier coming out was almost identical to what the CIA had written because we're intelligence officers.
This is what we do.
That corroboration, based on intercepted communications, has given U.S.
intelligence and law enforcement, quote, greater confidence in the credibility of some aspects of the dossier.
The most salacious and unverified claims are that the Russian Secret Service, or FSB, secretly filmed Mr. Trump with prostitutes in this Moscow hotel room three years ago.
Allegations the special counsel continues to investigate, George.
So far it is us, as American citizens, it is us in the press who are connecting the dots.
I gotta tell you, I think that's probably the ultimate mainstream media Russia delusion failure compilation.
Hey, by now I'm sure that most of you know that there are always big discounts and unbelievable savings on a regular basis at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Thank you for watching.
See you next time.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, [Music]
Thank you so much for joining us on this Wednesday, March 27th, 2019.
Worldwide broadcast.
I intend to open the phones up early in the show to get your take on just the route of the left and how everything they touch is imploding and turning to ashes, except one thing.
That's massive censorship by Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, and all the other suspects to steal the 2018 election, and they're bragging they're going to do it in 2020.
Yes, everything they're doing is a failure.
The Malazzi-Ford hoax, the Trump's-not-going-to-win hoax, Trump's a Russian agent, all his supporters are Russian agents, are in league with the Russians hoax.
All of the hoaxes are falling on Their face.
And people are really starting to get it.
In a big way.
You see the arrogance of them letting Smollett off because obviously Obama was involved.
The evidence is coming out.
Obviously, you see all of this unfolding.
It's just...
[Background noise]
Good afternoon.
Today, as you have figured out, the state made a motion to nolly cross the charges against Jussie Smollett and to seal the record in this case.
We believe that it was the correct result in this case.
We're very happy for this result and we are very anxious for Jussie to get on with his career and his life and to move forward.
I'll take any questions.
There is no deferred prosecution.
The motion was to nolliprofs, which is a legal technical term, for dismiss the charges.
Why did he give up the bond money?
Jussie voluntarily agreed to the forfeiture of the bond money.
So where is it going?
We believe to the city of Chicago, but we don't know.
There is no deal.
The state dismissed the charges.
We have nothing to say to the police department except to investigate charges and not try their cases in the press.
But to allow matters to be investigated, allow the state to investigate, and to bring charges, and not to jump ahead and utilize the press to convict people before they are tried in a court of law.
Are you going to see legal recourse for the city?
Are you going to see legal recourse for the city or the two brothers?
Next question.
You won't say whether you'll be reported?
Do you think that the city put a lot of attention on Mississippi because of the pressure that
was coming from the office of the mayor of Chicago, but with all the attention that you
put on the front?
I have no idea what occurred in this case and why it occurred.
Why are these people so arrogant?
Because they know they've got Obama and the deep state protecting them.
Has Brennan and Clapper and Hillary and Obama and all of them been so arrogant?
Because again, they've still got their stay-behind networks inside of the government operating.
And so they believe they're protected.
They already tried this coup d'etat against the President, this administrative coup d'etat.
And they're going to try more.
And you better believe, all of this is being orchestrated by Barack Obama, who never left D.C.
and who moved in a mile and a half from the White House in an armored compound.
And they're still executing all these operations.
That's why President Trump was asked yesterday if he thought that this went back to Barack Obama.
Of course it goes back to Barack Obama.
We've known that since Trump got elected, Obama bragged that I've had intelligence agencies spying on Trump and we know he's a Russian agent and we're going to probably stop him from being seated as the 45th president.
The New York Times interviewed Obama and he said, we're giving all the data to the media right now to stop it.
Then once Trump got into office and Trump pointed out that was illegal, they went, we never did that.
That's insane.
As if you have no memory.
So yes, of course it goes back to Obama.
That's what they've been doing the whole time.
But first, here is Rahm Emanuel.
Never thought I'd be agreeing with him, but he knows how bad this is.
Turning against Obama and Obama's lawyers and others that were directly over this.
Don't forget, the head attorney over the county attorney's office is buddies with Obama, buddies with Smollett, buddies with all these people.
And she recused herself, but then still dropped the charges.
So they just do whatever they want.
They're lawless.
And they've gotten away with it so long, they think they can just get even more brazen about it.
And that's what's frightening.
Here's Rahm Emanuel.
This is a whitewash of justice.
A grand jury could not have been clearer.
To then say, not only is the cost, $10,000, doesn't come cost financially, but all the other repercussions of this decision it made, to me, where is the accountability in the system?
You cannot have, because of a person's position, one set of rules apply to them, and another set of rules apply to everybody else.
In another way, you're seeing this play out in the universities, where people pay extra to get their kids a special position in universities.
Now you have a person, because of their position and background, who's getting treated in a way that nobody else would ever... Sorry about that.
Don't get near my sermon here.
...that would ever get close to this type of treatment.
Our officers did hard work, day in and day out, countless hours, working to unwind what actually happened that night.
The city saw its reputation dragged through the mud, but I remind everybody it was not just the officers' work.
That work, a piece of that work, was shown to a grand jury, and they made a decision based on only a sliver of the evidence.
And as I remember correctly, somebody wanted to have that evidence in the day, as the superintendent said, their day in court so all the evidence could be made public.
Because of the judge's decision, none of that evidence will ever be made public.
None of it!
This is without a doubt a whitewash of justice and sends a clear message that if you're in
a position of influence and power, you'll get treated one way, other people will be
treated another way.
There is no accountability in the system.
It is wrong.
Full stop.
So even incredibly corrupt people like Emmanuel know you can't defend this.
The whole thing's illegal.
You've got Obama's fingerprints all over it.
When we come back, I've got really where this is all going, what I've been saying since last Friday, what I've been saying today.
is that it's because Obama is running these operations with the deep state.
And Trump was asked about it just yesterday.
And he said, yeah, we're obviously thinking this is Obama.
I don't wanna say that, but that's what we think.
You can put two and two together.
We'll get his actual quote.
When we come back, I'll then give the number out.
It'll take a lot of calls today.
We have a bunch of big guests.
I haven't even told you about either that are gonna be coming up.
But I cannot overstate what a big moment this is.
They have gone way too far.
They have gotten away with so much that everyone I know is turning against the left right now,
including their own people.
And they're eating their own.
And this is a very dangerous period though, because you don't know what they're gonna pull next.
These people are entitled and they're crazy.
And they stage stuff.
Just this weekend, I had people threaten me and stalk me and then edit video with mainstream media to say I stalked them.
And mainstream media will not link to our raw footage that proves the truth.
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Thank you all for your support.
Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
Do you understand?
I need your help, Frank.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it, the tip of the spear of the front lines of the information war on this Wednesday, March 27th, 2019 transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
So, I'm gonna give the number out.
We're gonna take your calls throughout the rest of the three and a half hours we left for this broadcast.
We also have a bunch of big guests that I'll tell you about at the start of the next segment, but let me get back to Jussie Smollett.
This is bigger than the TV show Empire.
It's bigger than the ridiculous actor.
It's bigger than the false flag he ran.
It's about the corporate system protecting him.
It's about the fact that Obama is clearly involved, along with the producers and others from the intel we have, in basically green-lighting this.
And when the letter that he staged against himself didn't work, things had to be upped.
And now we see Empire writers taunt Smollett critics, slam Chicago journalists, and even the police are being taunted by Smollett.
He reported a bunch of false information, they say.
They're now on a high horse.
So, not content to slink away and have the charges dropped and his record wiped clean, Reportedly, other pending crimes wiped clean as well.
We have to be taunted!
That's the nature of this arrogant, narcissistic psychosis that we're facing by these people.
Because they've gotten away with it so many times, why not?
Any other conservative who got caught wearing blackface or in a KKK outfit would be out of office, but not the governor of Virginia.
Hell, he can talk about keeping babies alive and selling their organs.
Because he's a Democrat.
He's above the law.
Hillary can have thousands of illegal emails and a server and be on the payroll of foreign governments.
That's all okay.
Because she's part of the anointed Chicago Club, particularly.
You're from Yale.
You're from Harvard.
You're from New York City.
From the elites.
You're from the Chicago elites.
You're from the LA elites.
You can do anything you want.
You can buy your kid.
A front row seat in college and a lot of times the college even gives you a scholarship back as a kickback.
It's incredible.
And that's the religion of the left is creating guilt and rubbing those of us that actually have a conscience noses in these imaginary crimes that we have supposedly committed.
But it goes back to Obama.
That's what I told you a month ago as it's being investigated, the connection between Obama and the cover-up, initially, of this case that Ms.
Fox tried.
And now it comes out.
She recused herself, put herself back in.
There's Obama lawyers involved.
Of course, because Obama was involved with his foundation and groups directing all this race-baiting.
Obama got caught having the Justice Department on the ground trying to stage riots with Trayvon Martin.
In the aftermath.
And in Ferguson.
And that whole thing that came out in documents was being funded by Soros.
So of course this is going on.
And it's come out in mainstream news that Soros Foundation, if you put it back on screen I'll tell radio listeners about it, that Soros is heavily involved in financing the whole thing.
So when you talk about Obama and Soros, they're interchangeable.
Ann Coulter, Jesse Smollett, prosecutor.
A Jordan Soros puppet.
And then she recused herself because the police were investigating her.
Then she jumped back in and let him off.
That itself is criminal.
This is scary, folks.
And they've got so much dirt on other people in Chicago, they think they're gonna be protected.
They think they're gonna be safe.
It's wild.
But it shows the humorous, it shows the delusional, it shows how far these people are willing to go.
Balazi Ford and all those women admitting it was fake.
And all the other false flags and all the other staged events.
And it just shows you where this culture is going.
And we've got to ask ourselves, how do we counter it?
And what do you think is going to come out of it?
Because since the Russiagate hoax imploded, It's ten times worse, in my estimation, than them saying 98% chance Hillary would win in the New York Times and CNN, pulling that number out of their rear end.
It's incredibly worse, and the numbers show it, imploding ratings at CNN, imploding ratings at MSNBC.
They don't know what to do, because their ratings were basically dead, and then Trump Got in the lead.
Their ratings bounced a little bit.
Dead cat bounce.
Wasn't even a third of their former greatness.
And then now that the whole Russiagate telling their viewers for years that Russians had taken over and their cult-like viewers believed it?
And now it's not true?
They don't know what to do.
But see, with the viewers of MSNBC and CNN, most of them know it's a fraud.
They're just political ideologues.
They just want to be in power.
And they live vicariously through their parties and through the mainstream media.
It's all about their envisioned superiority.
And so, it's not really about how They now know they've been lied to.
It's that they say, wait, MSNBC and CNN and NPR can't deliver us power.
They can't deliver us bigger welfare checks and bigger government jobs to rule over the rest of the people and fly over country.
That's why they're so upset.
That's why they're so mad.
I'm at a chicken place that has oysters.
My wife wants some oysters, Saturday night.
They walk by, we're sitting three times and say, we're gonna get you, F you, eat crap, all this other mean stuff.
I walk outside, they're waiting for me, screaming and yelling and cussing at me.
I have to walk past them.
I finally yell back at them.
They edit the tape and the news runs it all over the country.
Top story on Reddit, bunch of fake newspapers saying Jones just randomly starts screaming at people.
You know, like, how do they all unify and engage in something like that?
Because they watch mainstream media.
They're learning how to do this.
Every New York Times reporter I've talked to has lied about what I said.
Every, all of them.
You have to understand, folks, they all know they're liars.
They all know their job is to kill the truth.
They all know they're anti-American.
They know they're on the Chai Comp payroll.
They know.
They believe the deep state was going to win.
But now, two and a half years in, nothing they do works anymore.
And so, they're starting to panic.
They don't know what to do.
Their whole identity is how they're part of this powerful, socialist, communist takeover.
Half the shirts the people were wearing that screamed at me and said, you know, kill the rich and all this stuff, were women socialists and all these Democratic Party AOC groups.
They believe this is their time.
They believe this is their takeover.
They believe that they have a right to rule you, and your children, and what you say, and what you do, and how you talk!
And by God, they're gonna do it!
Except it's not working, because the more they push, the stronger we get.
So now they're going to get more violent, they're going to get more crazy, but you've got to know, they're going to export what they've done at universities and in big mainstream media, where they stage events against themselves, and they're going to export it to your church, to your police department, to your town, and you've got to be on the watch.
They're not going to stop false flags.
They're going to intensify them.
So you get ready.
Toll free number to join us, 877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-ALEX.
Any subject you want to talk about, you're welcome.
And I like to talk about Smollett, the Russiagate, what are they going to pull next, what do you think is
coming down the road?
Please comment on that, then you can bring up a secondary item.
But please, humor me with that.
We'll be right back.
There's been a paradox or a contradiction on the surface that many have noted in the last hundred years.
Historians are confused by the fact that powerful British and European and U.S.
robber barons of the 19th and 20th century almost to a man funded socialism and communism.
People say that doesn't make sense.
But Carol Quigley, the head of Georgetown Political Science, Bill Clinton's mentor back in the 1960s, wrote Tragedy and Hope.
And in the 1100 page blueprint, he explains that we want fascism, we want communism, we want socialism, we want command and control.
But our favorite system is socialism because it domesticates the people.
But we want to have the illusion of left and right.
We want to control both parties.
So the people think they're having change, but really they move in the same direction towards vertical integration.
So you have the big billionaires, the people controlling trillion dollar companies like Tim Cook and Apple and others.
Who literally run the equivalent of slave factories in China, who help round up political dissidents, but they're everywhere lecturing you about Black Lives Matter and about how Trump hates Muslims and how altruistic and loving they are.
Because if you look into what they pay in taxes, it's almost zero.
And it's all the big tech companies have set it up with offshore accounts and other systems where they legally pay almost no tax.
And the very same people lecture you and I, how if you're making $100,000 a year, you're rich and you're not paying enough money.
If you're making $200,000 a year, you're in the 1%.
And you're guilty and you're bad.
Now if the globalists are in the .0000000042, depending on the analysis you do, that tiny percentage of a percentage controls over half the wealth.
And they're maneuvering things towards a monopoly.
They want to get rid of middle classes.
They want to get rid of real free market systems that threaten them with innovation, and new companies, and new ideas, and new leaders, and new savants that come along.
So they're creating a classical system, a two-tiered system, where the elite are on top, the people are on the bottom, and there's no middle class.
That's the globalist aim, selling you on austerity, selling you on being poor, telling you your carbon footprint's evil, but AOC and the rest of them fly around on private jets and wear $3,000-plus outfits.
All they tell us is capitalism is a failure.
It isn't capitalism that's a failure.
It's crony capitalism, using socialism and communism to control us, that is working beautifully for this world fascist system they've set up.
It's corporate fascism using crony capitalism to dodge the taxes, to be above the law, diplomatic immunity, dominating humanity.
And that's why they demonize info wars.
If you read the Clinton Foundation documents, the Judicial Watch sued and died.
They're talking in the early 90s about we can't let right-wingers or nationalists ever create their own economy.
If they sell a book, or have a magazine, or open a company, we've got to say it's evil and shut it down.
We can't let them have a community.
We can't let them create their own economy.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Okay, one of our producers, Scott, has been doing a lot of research on Smollett.
And what I'm going to do is I'm going to hit this actually at the start of the next segment because I'm aware of it all, but I want to reread one of the documents I didn't have a chance to during the break.
I read, scanned over the other four or five, but here's the bottom line.
I'll break it down next segment.
Everybody keeps asking how Kim Fox, the head Cook County State Attorney, said she recused herself, but then didn't and then dropped the charges.
And we went and got the court documents and the state law.
She lied.
She never recused herself.
You've got to appoint a special counsel when you do that.
None was appointed.
The papers weren't filed.
None of it was done.
She's engaged in massive fraud.
These people are crazy.
They're crazy!
But it's just like D.C., where Obama goes, oh my God, looks like he's going to win the nomination.
Start spying on him.
Oh my gosh, he won.
Spy on him even more.
Find something on him.
Make something up.
Create fake dossiers with the Russians to then set Trump up further and then harass everybody, including myself.
They used the pretext to go after me with federal dollars that Obama assigned in the Defense Authorization Act of 2016 into 17 to go after myself and others in the independent press that support Trump with the excuse saying we're connected to Russians.
With no evidence.
And then that's what I'm still enjoying the tail end of, is CIA Defense Department funding to destroy myself and my
Yeah, they put an article up from 2012, back when Obama first started that type of stuff, but you can pull up the
Zero Edge articles, the best one about the Obama creates his own ministry of truth.
Counter Disinformation and Propaganda Act into law.
The reason I talk about this every day is that's the instrument through which I have been tortured.
But not as bad as Roger Stone, who's being railroaded and can't speak.
Not as bad as Paul Manafort.
Not as bad as Carter Page.
Not as bad as the Trump family.
All of them have had giant magnifying glasses put on them.
Incredible lies.
It has been hell.
And justice states that they need to get in trouble for what they have done.
Because it's been...
It's been rough.
And the IRS got away with persecuting over 10,000 conservative groups, over 100,000 conservatives.
And I'll never forget watching MSNBC like 10 years ago.
It made me so mad.
That's when I went, wow, they're consciously evil.
I was so naive back then.
I thought some of them just believed their own bull.
And they go, of course we're auditing and arresting members of the Tea Party.
They deserve to be shut down.
They're racist.
Just because you're pro-free market and like America and don't hate the police and like the military and like, you know, the trains arriving on time.
Just because you're not out to get the country and don't want the IRS persecuting everybody, well, you need to go to jail.
And so now it's, hey, let's turn the CIA loose on people.
See how Trump supporters like that?
Because it hadn't just been me.
Let me tell you, it's been rough for everybody.
It's been rough for Sean Hannity.
It's been rough for Tucker Carlson.
It's been rough for basically anybody you can imagine.
And guess what it did to all those people?
It didn't make them back down.
It didn't make them shut up.
It radicalized them.
And now you got a bunch of Alex Joneses on your hands.
That didn't work like you thought it would, you authoritarian jerks.
Because if people come after you, you back down.
You keep your head down.
We don't do that.
And so I've had my issues with some of the mainline conservatives.
They're not mainline conservatives anymore.
They're Americans.
They're Americana.
They're 1776ers.
They're 3%ers.
Back from the dead.
That's what this is.
You think I'm looking for some big fight with the Globals?
You think I like to be pig-headed and do all this?
But they're bad people, and we can't back down.
And their intimidation has the opposite effect on me.
Sometimes I can be really tired and exhausted, even have a cold, have a fever, and then they try to run me down and try to crush me and my family and my country, and all of a sudden, my fever goes away.
I mean, I can literally will a fever to go away.
If I'm pissed off.
All I gotta do is think about my kids.
And I can literally be, you know, throwing up and just turn it off.
And anybody could do that if you get focused and go through the fear and stop giving in to these damn globalists and their intimidation!
So what if they attack us?
So what if they lie about us?
They're the criminals, not us!
There have been over 100 articles in the last day saying that I made this poor Sandy Hook father, a neuroscientist, commit suicide.
And they are very deceptive.
They do things like, the Monday morning they were saying, he's dead from a gunshot wound, we don't know.
And I'm reading the first article saying, well, we don't know.
Is this going to be investigated?
And then later they go, oh, apparent suicide.
But by law, you still investigate that.
That's why there's a coroner.
They spun that, that Jones spins new conspiracy theory, weaves new conspiracy theory, and says that somebody killed this guy.
I didn't say that.
And then, let's play this clip, then I'll play the President.
Connecticut Senator condemns Alex Jones And she noticed, since people gave in to me being censored, Facebook, Google, school shooting victim suicide.
You notice the latest thing from the Georgetown free speech clinic that's suing me, trying to shut down the First Amendment, they're now saying they're going to sue Google because a father of the newscaster that got shot a few years ago on tape, he says, Other people keep uploading it.
Well, they take it down, but other people keep uploading it.
It's whack-a-mole.
How is that their fault?
You're trying to get rid of Section 230.
And Google and others have been giving in to you, getting rid of their own Section 230.
They're being set up.
Just like the EU just got rid of Section 230.
They just passed a law to get rid of Section 230 yesterday.
Which will end the Internet as we know it.
And Big Tech has walked right into the trap.
And so because they didn't defend me, from the establishment and all dying media, that's in a coalition to make Big Tech do what they want, because you didn't defend me, well I was domino number one, dumbass.
And now it's you, Big Tech.
Now they're coming for you, and then they say that it's our fault this guy committed suicide.
It's the mainstream media bringing up all the dead kids constantly, saying we said they didn't die.
Constantly saying Sandy Hook.
Constantly calling the parents.
Constantly trying to go get interviews with them.
I've never been to Connecticut.
I've never sent investigators there.
I've never tried to get them to come talk to me.
I've said for years I thought it happened.
But in my name, you keep terrorizing the parents!
So that when they commit suicide, you can blame me!
But see, that's the cost of freedom.
We've got to deal with this level of Democrat, Senator Chris Murphy, literally all over different TV channels, saying this.
Here it is.
Well, listen, I'll use his name.
We're talking about Alex Jones and the fact of the matter is that the companies that allow people like him, conspiracy theorists, to be able to purvey lies have a responsibility.
There is no constitutional duty on an internet company to allow somebody to terrorize parents of mass tragedies like Alex Jones did for so long.
The Newtown families are proceeding with a court case to try to hold him accountable.
But the companies that allow for this nonsense, this garbage, to be spread out over the internet have a responsibility and a duty themselves to do something earlier than they did in the case of InfoWars.
So they want the president like New Zealand has just shut all speech down?
Babies in incubators didn't happen.
Lost a war that killed millions.
Smollett didn't happen.
WMDs didn't happen.
This whole lie about the Russiagate didn't happen.
The women have said it's fake.
Almost all of them.
They never met Kavanaugh.
But because you guys lie so much, we're not allowed to even question.
That's what you're really saying, you un-American dirtbag.
Chris Murphy.
That's all this is.
They want us shut down and they're scared because they know they don't have a real case.
They want to try it in the court of public opinion.
We'll be back with your phone call.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I've got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see.
♪ I grew up by the tail, it's plain to see ♪ I won't be much when you get through with me.
I'm losing weight and I'm turning And it looks like I've got a tiger by the tail
Well, every night you drag me where the bright lights are bound
There ain't no way of slowing you down I'm about as helpless as a leaf in a gale
And it looks like I've got a tiger by the tail Thank you, Waylon Jennings
I've got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see I'm not name dropping, but I am good friends, pretty good
friends with his son I'll love you much when you get me
Old Shooter's offended me against censorship.
Appreciate that, Shooter.
By the way, usually the son isn't as good as the father.
But Shooter is as good as his dad, but an even wider range of types of music.
But you see that with old Hank Williams Jr., too.
Those old apples didn't fall too far from that dirt tree.
I think the Globalists have figured out, too, their attacks on us, because their attacks on me are an attack on you.
I'm not just saying that for solidarity.
That's the damn truth.
They've got a tiger by the tail, it's plain to see.
That's the thing about... I like cats.
I like dogs better.
But my wife's got a cat, and one of my daughters wanted a cat.
They're both males, and they started fighting.
And usually they fight every once in a while at nights when it happens over a little bit of food left in the dish or something.
They're both fat.
That's all they do is beg for food.
Two fat tabbies.
Two Garfields.
And I went to separate them.
And the younger one still jumped on the older one that's like 14 pounds, gigantic tabby.
It tore the hell out of my arm.
Just with its back claws getting away.
And could you imagine actually having a tiger by the tail?
Didn't even really hurt, though.
And I walk in the bathroom, there's just blood just spilling out of my arm.
People always ask, what is that?
Some form of, like, native art?
No, it's what a 14-pound Garfield does to you.
So, I couldn't imagine having a real tiger by the tail.
It's the roll of video of some crazy person that's got a tiger by the tail.
Look, I'm going to go to John and Reagan and Kelvin and Lee and Jeff and Alden and Aaron and Jefferson and Johnny as soon as we start the next hour.
And I'm a little bit behind on a lot of things here that are really, really important.
Faith Goldie, beautiful, smart, amazing.
Got beat up by leftists yesterday.
We're going to show you that footage.
You can join us.
Mike Adams is going to be in studio.
So you definitely don't want to miss that on a host of issues.
And then Mike Adams will be hosting the fourth hour.
So again, you do not want to miss any of that important information today.
That is going to be absolutely critical.
And I do intend to have the phones open throughout that entire period of transmission.
The latest news I got...
Here's my problem.
I don't like the news being about me.
I'd rather be it about our successes.
Oh look, another country just got out of the clutches of communism or socialism or fascism or authoritarianism.
And became a capitalist, prosperous nation on the path to success.
I'd rather be reporting on things like that, but in this weird universe, they have made me front and center.
And just in the last few minutes, more articles have come out.
I mean, I can't even keep track of this anymore.
So let me just reset here for a moment.
You know what?
I need a second before I get into this.
And I said I'd play this in the first and second segment.
I didn't.
It's pretty big news.
The president pointing out that, of course, it's Obama that directed the national security investigation of the Trump campaign and tried to meddle in the election.
It wasn't the Russians.
It was the Democratic Party.
And now they tried to overturn for two and a half years a democratically elected president.
The voters will.
And it is treason.
The president also said that two days ago.
But yesterday, he got asked about who's behind this.
Obviously it is Obama.
Here it is.
What's your response to that?
I don't think there's anything about impeachment.
We have the greatest economy we've ever had.
Our country is in incredible shape.
They and others created the fraud in our country with this ridiculous weekend, where it was proven very strongly, no collusion, no obstruction, no nothing.
We are doing so well.
We've never probably had a time of prosperity like this.
It's been great.
I think it went very high up.
I think what happened is a disgrace.
I don't believe our country should allow this ever to happen again.
This will never happen again.
We cannot let it ever happen again.
It went very high up, and it started fairly low, but with instructions from the high up, This should never happen to a president again.
We can't allow that to take place.
I don't want to say that, but I think you know the answer.
Think about this.
While you did not commit a crime, who said what?
While the Mueller report said, according to the law, the Mueller report was great.
It could not have been better.
It said no obstruction, no collusion.
It could not have been better.
Think about this.
In just the last few months, we've seen the majority of the women that said that,
Chief Justice, start over.
There's just so many points I want to make here.
In just the last few months, we've seen Justice Kavanaugh vindicated, and the majority of women that came out and said that he raped them said that they never met him.
We've seen Jussie Smollett caught red-handed in an open and shut case staging the attack on himself.
Oh my god.
It's just so incredible, isn't it?
Well, I'll just get to it later.
I'll just cover it later.
I'm gonna go to your phone calls.
I try hard though.
I don't feel sorry for myself, but I try hard.
It's that there's no attention span anymore.
Like, people don't have memories.
It's frightening.
Nobody has memories anymore.
Or any type of good memory.
Hell, mine's not like it used to be.
I used to be photographing.
But I'll try to lay it out again later.
I'll try again later.
But the point is, is that we've seen a lot of lying by the establishment, a lot of bad things they've done.
And the good news is that the people see through it.
And if you look at the different compilations that are out there, we'll show you one from DrudgeReport.com here in a moment.
The different compilations that are out there of the Democrats saying that Trump was a Russian agent and a traitor and he was going to go to jail and all the supporters were really Russian agents and he didn't win the election and treason had been committed.
And then how they're having to respond to it later, we can put it up on screen, GrudgeReport.com.
You can see the middle column compilation that Darren McBrain put together there on the site.
Russia Fail Ultimate Media Compilation.
You can see it at Infowars.com.
Watch the Ultimate Russiagate Hoax Compilation.
I like Drudge's headline better.
Let's just change ours to Drudge's headline.
So great job, Drudge, for that.
Thank you so much.
You know, sometimes I do this on air.
Usually the show is teleprompter-free.
It's always teleprompter-free, but I get distracted by what gets put on screen, because they're throwing up stuff to go along with what I'm saying.
They're just doing random searches, and then I kind of can't help but read what's on it.
But there's a film being put out about all the hoaxes the media has put out, and they want a three-minute clip of me talking about them all, and I don't have a script.
And so I was going to try this segment just to do the three minutes live, rattling off just some of the massive hoaxes in the last few years that mainstream media and the Democrats put out.
And it gives me a headache to try to just think of them all or line them all up in my head.
And then all they asked for was that there not be any graphics or any other B-roll while I did that so they could add the B-roll themselves.
I probably wasn't clear with the crew.
That's why I was like, OK, now let's start.
And wait, let's stop.
Because usually the show is not scripted like Fox News or CNN or most radio shows, which is fine.
People need to script things out so they're more cohesive and coherent.
It's just that I tend to be so busy that I tend to double down.
And do multiple things at one time.
And even direct my own show live from the chair, which nobody else in their right mind would do.
So it's an extremely stressful job.
I'm not bitching.
I'm not complaining.
Just please remember, if you want to keep hearing this show on air, pray for us.
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But it's got to end.
Because a bunch of things like the fish oil, and even X2, and even X3, and bodies, and the bone broth, and super silver wound gel are all very close to selling out.
So those will be pulled soon.
Samuel, thanks for calling.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
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I've used so many different antihistamines over the years because I get really bad hay fever, and the antihistamines Sometimes work, sometimes don't, but they never quite work fully.
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It's pretty much straight away.
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Polonblock works every single time.
Well, that's the great part about this.
And for whatever reason, France discovered it like 50 years ago.
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It's very complex.
They don't even know why.
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Then they just produce in the eggs whatever this essence is that just turns the histamine response off.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Well, it was just last week that Bloomberg himself came out in Bloomberg, this media company, and said, it's crazy how white people all go on TV, Beto O'Rourke, Joe Biden, and say white people are bad.
Well, now Biden and others are saying that abusive women and rape is from Western culture.
Any historian worth their salt will tell you that the West treats women the best.
So that's coming up later in the hour, but it's up on InfoWars.com.
And this is somebody trying to teach you that you suck.
And if you did suck, it'd be good to know that because you can make it better.
You come from the country, on average, from a group of countries, on average, that treat women the best.
And so, like, if you've got the best record, why would you then be told you're the problem?
Because, see, Biden's competing against that American system, and he can't deal with it.
He can't dole it at all.
Now i'm gonna go to your phone calls right now I really appreciate you calling in.
We're talking about the waterfront here, but please introduce the topic that you want to get into.
We've got a lot of people here that are holding.
Let's talk to John in Wyoming.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
On this Jesse Smollett case, first of all, that Kim Fox, that Cook County prosecutor, I would re-label her as a prostitutor because she is out there prostituting the law for the Obamas.
Because Smollett was not only trying to enhance his career with this phony assault, he was trying to start a race war, period.
When he claimed that his two attackers were white, which they were not, And then he claimed that they were hollering, this is mega country, to again try to focus the blame or shift the blame on President Trump for a non-existent crime.
So these people have no decency, no honor, no integrity, and they're going up there trying to... What would have happened if somebody would have believed his story?
And they would have started race riots in all the major cities like Chicago, New York... Well, you're totally on target.
In fact, guys, will you print for me the article that came out in 2018, in January, that no one ever countered, they never challenged it because it's accurate documents, where the Democrats were planning to launch a race war off of all the Black Lives Matter movement with Soros and his son involved funding it.
It's their own organization.
And by the grace of God, it didn't ignite.
But yet, yeah, this is just another attempt at that.
Well, I don't have any knowledge of that particular article, but I have the instincts that you do, that I've seen these people.
I know how they work.
I know how they operate.
And what they're trying to do was to divide Americans, black and white, young and old, etc., and trying to divide us so we will hate each other and we will start working to destroy each other's I'll tell you what, stay there.
Stay there.
We gotta go to break.
I'm gonna come back.
They're printing me the article.
I'm gonna mention the article.
Get into Smollett and have you comment on it, because you're absolutely right.
Smollett was an Obama attempt to start a race war.
It failed.
Now they've gotta protect him, because if it comes out, it goes all the way up to Obama, just like the fake Russiagate goes right back to Obama.
You are absolutely correct.
We'll be back to finish up with John and Reagan.
Kelvin, Lee, Jeff, Nathan, Alden, Aaron, Jefferson, Johnny, Chris, and others.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
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There's a lot of controversy around this network about Alex Jones for example.
Alex Jones.
The far-right conspiracy theorist who is apparently...
Alex Jones!
Scum! Russian scum!
The Tolaris comes to mind.
Reputation's amazing.
I will not let you down.
You will be very, very impressed, I hope.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Jesse Schmollet under the command of Obama and the corrupt prosecutors and others launched
a false flag attack at the White House.
The police did a great job with a textbook open and shut case.
Incredible gumshoe on the ground work.
Getting the entire spectrum of how it was staged.
Where they bought the material.
Where they did it.
How they staged it.
The magazine where they cut out the different letters to send the first threatening letter to create the story.
They went to all those hundreds of stores, they got the surveillance footage, they sat through it, they found it.
And the whole thing got deep-sexed because it went back to Barack Hussein Obama.
But even Rahm Emanuel has looked at the calculus, at the tea leaves, and even the former Obama minion says, this is horrible, this is out of control, this will not stand.
There will be federal charges.
And I've got a whole stack here that I'm gonna go through.
that shows this and details it.
How the prosecutor herself knowingly said that she'd recused herself when she hadn't recused herself.
That's criminal to say you've recused yourself because you got caught with a text message saying let him go and all the rest of it and then to actually not recuse yourself and then to drop charges even after a grand jury had indicted him on 13 counts.
John in Wyoming, you just called in earlier.
I held you over because I want you to recap what you were saying.
This is a story from InfoWars.com from January of last year.
Documents tell plan for civil unrest and martial law in Baltimore and it's all the admitted George Soros internal documents.
Where they were working with local police and Democrats to stage attacks and attempt to get blacks to riot to trigger nationwide martial law to keep Obama in office.
But it didn't work.
It didn't work, so they now don't know what to do.
So recap your whole point about this and where you see this going, John.
Alex, what happens here is, remember all of these evil players like George Soros and the rest of these bums are members of the Council on Foreign Relations, period.
Now, Obama was never an officially a CFR member, yet I counted Well, over 54 members of his administration who were CFR, because CFR wised up.
The last CFR president was Bill Clinton.
And then they decided, well, here's what we do.
We don't have them be a member of the CFR as president, but every one of their top high level staff positions are going to be staffed by CFR cronies.
And that's what happened here in Barry Goldwater's wonderful 1979 book, With No Apologies, page 126.
Goldwater warned us, the CFR is the American branch of a society which originated in England.
Internationalist in viewpoint, the CFR, along with the Atlantic Union Movement and the Atlantic Council of the United States, believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established.
Now, if you look at the CFR's membership, they'll show that Bill Clinton is a CFR member and has been for decades, and as of 2012, Chelsea Clinton Became a CFR member, but guess what?
Hillary is not a CFR member.
They were expecting her to become president.
Despite the fact that she speaks at the CFR all the time, and is very cozy with the CFR, she is not officially a CFR member, and that's part of their subterfuge.
They don't have their stooges, their puppets, like Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton, No, you're totally right.
And let's be clear, we're not blaming the British people.
It was the British Empire model that the robber barons of Europe, the UK, and the US.
Books have been written on this.
Winston Churchill basically advocated this.
Not in a bad way.
He saw it as a good thing to merge with the US.
But it's then been used by the leftists Controlling that global imperial system to basically try to like re-colonize, reverse-colonize the West with the Third World, to have total hegemonic domination, and to betray the Renaissance, to betray the dream of Americana, and that's why globalism is poisonous and in so much trouble.
And it's historical fact!
PhD level really thick serious history book you read is just admitting the Atlantic system and the Anglophiles and you know how they popularized the first movies that we were all British.
This is an admitted historical fact but the general public doesn't understand it.
Alex here's another thing too is one of the biggest CFR Uh, criminals that they ever had was Edward Mandel House.
He was the one... Federal Reserve.
Woodrow... Woodrow Wilson to get us into World War I, which was not really a world war.
It was a European war, except for the incident at Gallipoli.
But Edward Mandel House was one of the lowest of the globalist low-lifes.
Yet, when you walk into the Federal Building in downtown Houston, The one at 515 Rusk Avenue.
Walk into the front entrance and then go to the right.
And you'll see a big bronze plaque on the wall commemorating and celebrating Edward.
Sure, he was the brains behind Wilson, who later admitted that he'd been a traitor and set up to betray his country with the Federal Reserve, World War I, all of it.
And of course, there's House Park here in Austin.
He was from Austin.
So that's a good historical retrospective.
Thank you so much.
All right.
I've got to accelerate through calls now or I won't get to any of you.
But at least I started trying to get to him earlier today when we come back from break.
And I do have the proof here that the so-called Cook County prosecutor, Kim Foxx, did not recuse herself.
This is exclusive news.
Remember, she said she recused herself, but then killed the case, even though the grand jury had indicted Smollett.
So this is another crime.
This looks like running scared, folks.
This is because they've been ordered by Obama, do it, we'll protect you.
This is going to have fireworks because I think they've miscalculated.
Obama's not in power.
Most of his deep state's been cut off.
Hillary's deep state's been cut off.
So yeah, those of us holding the line, it's rough to hold the line.
And you, the listeners, are holding the line, spreading the word, supporting us.
We're in this together.
But it's rough for us to hold the line, but it's really rough for them.
They're losing everything.
We're going to go to break.
Come back with more of your calls.
But please don't forget, we're running the biggest sale we've run since the Christmas sale.
And I always say this is the biggest sale ever because we keep doing bigger and bigger sales because even though we make less money on each sale, when we really do mega sales, people buy more and it's been more successful to fund our operation.
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So, InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLife.com now has store-wide free shipping and 50% off RainForce Plus, 50% off Survival Shield X2, 50% off SuperMetal Vitality, 50% off Bodies, 50% off Alpha Power, 50% off Super Blue Products, 50% off DNA Force, 50% off Knockout.
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These become lost leaders, many of them.
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Thank you all for your support.
Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Alex Jones here back live to watch the Democrats openly invoke racism.
As America's ethos, and to say we're a bad country when we're one of the first nations to stand up for women's rights, minority rights, you name it.
And to say, oh look, we have the Statue of Liberty.
Open yourself up to anybody who wants to come here.
They would keep you on Ellis Island for six months to make sure you didn't have diseases.
Now they just let people in, don't even cure them, and let them spread disease.
It's so abusive.
But it's all in our face.
Let's go back to your phone calls right now.
Let's talk to Alden in Arizona.
Caller says he's a defense attorney.
Let's talk about Jesse Smollett.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
The state is always overzealous when it comes to prosecution.
However, if Tim Fox handled all my cases, my clients would think I was the second coming of Christ.
It is extremely rare, Alex, that prosecutors would drop a high-profile 16 felony count case, regardless of merit.
It's almost impossible.
We get DUI cases, misdemeanor cases, where the prosecutor might drop one charge.
16 counts dropped, it's extremely rare.
I mean, there might be a better chance of hitting the lotto.
That's how corrupt it is in Chicago.
And you mentioned something, you were talking about, well, she didn't recuse herself, what's going to happen to her?
Well, the thing is, who controls the consequences?
They go by the ABA standards.
The ABA is left as it gets.
So what are they going to do?
Give her a suspension, license suspension, or some sanctions?
There's absolutely no recourse for her actions.
I mean, you could do your best and try, but what's going to happen?
Again, it all goes by who's doing the investigation, who's going to punish her.
The people who are going to punish her are going to let her off.
So there really isn't that much you could do because, like I said, they go by ABA standards, which is less than a guess, and all they could do is pass sanctions for her not recusing herself.
So she's going to get away scot-free just as small as this.
That's a good point.
This just broke on InfoWars.com.
The Chicago police strike back, release sealed Jesse Smollett case files.
Jamie White writes about it.
Local media obtained files through FOIA request after court sealed case from the public.
So the police are fighting back.
I mean, this makes justice a complete joke.
When the police have the surveillance footage at both businesses and the magazine where they cut out the letters for the fake letter and they have it all.
I mean, it's so open and shut.
How would the power structure think they could protect Smollett?
They don't think they can protect him.
They have to, because it goes even higher.
You say you're a defense attorney that deals with these cases.
What do you think is really behind this?
Well, here's the thing, Alex.
You mentioned that you just said something.
If the prosecution would have took the case to court, what would have happened?
What would have happened is they would have won.
And they know that.
And if they would have won, Smollett would have been punished.
But the only way to get this done quickly and get this out of it is to make sure not to go to court.
Now again, how'd this happen?
You cannot have both the 16 and Diamonds throw a grand jury, and then cases get dropped.
That rarely ever happens.
Look at examples like Michael Brown, other cases that went through the grand jury, and in cases no charges were brought.
It cannot happen.
And the whole reason why it happened is because anytime cases get dropped, where a defense attorney could say, you know what, there's absolutely no way to do it, is from the higher-ups.
Again, who are the higher-ups?
Tim Fox?
Who controls the district court?
Who controls... No, I agree, but don't they get in the court of public opinion?
They're never going to get away with this.
Thanks for the call.
Alden, great points.
It just shows how the left does whatever they want, whenever they want.
It's that simple.
Let's talk to Regan in New York, who's a 14-year-old info warrior.
He wants to talk about Jussie Smollett.
Then we'll go to Nathan.
Go ahead, Regan.
Thanks for calling.
Hi, Alex.
I'm a great fan of the show.
I've watched you on my documentaries.
I've listened to clips from the show.
Sometimes I listen to the full show.
Thank you.
I love the show.
It's fantastic.
I got my hat on.
I just want to say to the American people as a whole, how much of a Well, what are people your age saying about it?
Um, I haven't heard that much chatter about it.
Probably too controversial of a subject to talk about, but I'm a young Trump supporter.
I've worn my MAGA hat around a few times.
Sometimes I've been harassed about it and stuff and what Jesse Smollett did was he increased detention in this country and that's a very evil thing to do in my opinion.
Well that was his plan and man is he arrogant.
What I can't believe is how He and his supporters and the people on the cast, a bunch of them, and the writers, I covered it in the first hour, they taunted people and made fun of people and said, oh, you made it up.
He didn't do anything.
They're now saying he still got attacked.
So what they're saying is, well, he's a hero for staging this.
He's going to get away with it.
That's really what they're saying.
Yeah, and it's such a dangerous example for celebrities Or just people in general, that if they align with the right party, they can get away with whatever they want, and they can wrong whoever they want.
And it's a very dangerous message.
You just said it a lot better than I could.
It's a very dangerous message, and it says if you align with the right party, you are above the law.
Which, again, I've learned one thing about this universe.
Leftists think one-dimensionally.
Yeah, you've got the power in Chicago at one level, you got away with it.
The mayor's smarter than that.
The police, all of... You're not gonna get away with something this obvious, and it brings incredible attention to the city, and to everybody else that's corrupt, so they're gonna burn Smollett.
Let me predict right now.
Smollett, and I don't want any harm against Smollett, but I'm telling you, he's gonna get charged by the feds, Or he's gonna end up getting killed on the street.
They're gonna get rid of him.
Because he's arrogant, he's cocky, he has no common sense, and he's a liability to everybody.
Not just good people, bad people.
Jussie Smollett is a idiot.
And, uh, the prosecutor Let's jam in one more before we go to break here.
Let's go to Nathan in Alabama.
Nathan, you're on the air.
of the shed. State Attorney Kim Fox not recusing herself saying she did that's a
crime right there. It's fraud. I appreciate your call. God bless you
Reagan. Let's jam in one more before we go to break here.
Let's go to Nathan in Alabama. Nathan you're on the air go ahead. Hey there Mr.
Good afternoon, sir.
Good to talk to you, sir.
Yeah, absolutely.
And it's great to be back with you.
I've only spoken to you once before, but I was one of your info warriors who was actually a fan from YouTube.
Actually, you were talking about the content within the manifesto.
And I haven't been able to get back on YouTube quite as yet.
You told me to get a burner phone.
I'm still going to do that, Mr. Jones.
But actually, for some context, look me up on Facebook.
Nathan Waller.
Say that again.
Nathan what?
Got it.
Well, I'm going to hold you over.
We've got a guest coming up, but we'll get to all the calls.
But, yeah, we never said that Christchurch didn't happen.
But the media can cover the manifesto, but we can't.
And so, yeah, anyone showing a manifesto gets banned.
Well, since when are books banned?
I mean, this is incredibly dangerous.
And I had former congressman, constitutional lawyer Bob Barr on here today.
He was just saying, this is so un-American.
It's so dangerous.
But yeah, any video we show of the manifesto saying, I'm a leftist, I hate Christians, they ban.
Because they want to blame conservatives.
It's that simple.
Is this America?
Are we still free or not?
We'll come back to you, Nathan.
Darren, Aaron, Jefferson, Johnny, Chris, Victor, Kellan, Lee, everybody, stay with us.
Iodine used to be used in bread as a dough enhancer.
Then in the early 1970s, most commercial manufacturers switched to bromide instead.
Research from a World Health Organization study showed that 10 to 50% of people worldwide are deficient in iodine.
In fact, over 90% of Americans are low in iodine.
Since 1970, the iodine they collected in urine is 50% less now than it was then.
In 2004, a survey of 100 pregnant mothers found that 58% were between moderately and severely deficient in iodine.
Maternal iodine deficiency is particularly dangerous to the developing fetus.
Most people, I think everybody, for the most part, should be supplementing with iodine.
Well, another element that you have to have, and if you don't have it, you'll die, that's a fact, is iodine.
And the fields and the systems that we grow crops on have been almost totally debased of true atomic iodine.
We have the most absolutely clean, deep-earth crystal source of iodine, X2.
You're probably going, wait a minute, For the last year you've been saying X2's selling out.
It was the last run.
It's been sold out for two months.
How is X2 back?
It was very hard to get from the oil companies that get it drilling down to 12,000 feet.
We got put over the barrels, some industrial sabotage we couldn't get anymore.
But by really putting pressure on from the original manufacturer, we were able to get the deep earth crystal iodine that's absolutely pure, absolutely atomic, that nobody else has, and bring it to you.
So X2 Original is back by the grace of God.
Look, here's the bottom line.
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In a few minutes, I can't break it all down.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I've got a tiger by the tail that's swaying the sea.
I won't be much when you get through with me.
He never gives up.
He's Alex Jones.
Broadcasting from deep in the heart of Texas, worldwide.
We have reached a global crisis point.
Where corporate media lied to us about babies being thrown into incubators to get us into the Iraq war in 1990.
And the babies didn't get killed, there were no incubators, it was a lie.
Then we got lied to about WMDs in 2003, and millions more died all over the world.
And then we got lied to about so many other things down the line, but just recently, Jussie Smollett, the police have opened and shut case, all the video from every angle at the stores.
They bought the ski mask, the bleach, the rope.
They have the magazines, they clipped out the letters to send the racist note to him.
You've got a whole bunch of the women that said that Kavanaugh raped them saying, oh, it didn't really happen.
We just said that because he's a Republican.
It's this decision by the left to lie about people and to just do it however you want, whenever you want.
Then you've got them saying Trump would never win the election, all the fake polls and algorithms of 95 to 98 percent, New York Times, that Trump's gonna lose.
And then for two and a half years we hear that any of us that voted for Trump, we were duped by the Russians or were Russian agents, then we learned that's all fake.
And so we've reached this point, like with the Covington kids.
It's a few months ago, seems like a hundred years ago now.
They're waiting for their bus.
There's a black Israelite group that's basically like black Nazis, screaming at the Native American that he's subhuman, the whites are subhuman, they're gonna harvest their organs, that you're devils.
The kids move away.
To try to get on the bus.
They come over.
The Native American comes over.
He's a Democratic operative.
Beats a drum.
Gets in their face.
They say he's assaulted and attacked by them.
Turns out it's all a fraud.
And the entire corporate media went with it.
Saying that he was a devil.
Saying that that young man that just stood there nicely.
While the person beat a drum in his face and people, if you listen to the audio, said, F you white person, you're gonna die.
We'll get your organs.
F you white.
He just sits there stoically and he's bad for existing.
And the whole fraud got pushed by the media from NPR to CNN.
Hell, they still push it.
And they edit videos of me all the time.
I'll go into a restaurant.
People come over and say, F you and your family.
I'm trying to leave.
They're waiting at the door.
They shoot video.
They edit me saying, F you back.
Go, Jones just attacked us at our table.
I walk over to the table and go, F you!
Screw you!
You want some?
They're like, we're going to kill you!
We're going to eat crap!
We're going to get you, buddy!
And I'm finally like, you know it's the fourth time you did it tonight.
OK, let's go.
We're just at our table.
Imagine, let me just randomly walk over to that table.
Screw you, FU!
It's all over the top of Reddit, all over leftist media, saying I just attacked some table.
But it doesn't matter because the truth's coming out and people know it's okay to ask questions and that's all we're doing.
Doesn't mean we're always right.
But so much stuff gets staged, like the Air Force Academy and the N-Word and, you know, the Jewish Center's getting tombstones tumped over and Trump said it's probably staged.
Turned out it was.
You gotta look at motive here and you gotta ask questions.
And you gotta understand, when you go out to a public event, conservatives don't attack liberals.
The leftist attack conservatives, and that's what we're facing, is a bunch of bullying scum staging events, and they can't believe, you won't believe them anymore, so they just stage bigger events, but it isn't working.
So what are they going to do next?
That's really the big question.
Now, shifting gears, very intelligent, very lovely lady, Faith Golding.
I have the article right over here.
We'll put it up on screen.
Watch Faith Goldie violently attack for holding anti-racism sign at anti-racist protests.
And so she was going to win the...
Merrill race she was in the top three out of 35 candidates.
They just banned her from the race basically And but she continues to fight on faith Goldie faith Goldie
calm Twitter faith Goldie faith. Thank you for joining us We're gonna roll this footage in a moment
But I'm glad that they didn't beat you up too bad, but we're gonna play this shocking footage my lord
This is getting crazy Absolutely.
Well, Alex, thanks so much for having me on.
Yeah, basically the purpose of our video was to attend a left-wing rally that claimed to be united against racism in the wake of the terror attack in New Zealand against, you know, innocent faithful.
And so we thought we'd go out there and say, well, you're against racism, so are we.
And we want to just make sure, because a lot of the noise after the New Zealand terror attack ...seem to put Trump and basically every other normal white guy into this giant group of Nazis, neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
And we wanted to stand there in solidarity with people, but also say that we acknowledge that not all white men, not all white men want to shoot up mosques.
Not all white men are neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
And that it's okay to be white.
That people should never feel that in order to love themselves, they have to resort to violence.
We want to create, basically, the same thing the left has been telling us for years, Alex, a safe space for us to identify as we wish, to love ourselves as God created us.
And what happened, within about 30 seconds of flashing our innocuous, not hateful signs, in fact, when you think about it, After a Muslim terrorist attack, an Islamist terror attack, we see the hashtag NotAllMuslimsAllTheTime.
So all we did was basically give them a taste of their own medicine within 30 seconds.
Myself, my cameraman, and some of the guys that I was traveling with, one of which had a MAGA hat on, were completely rushed.
We had these weird Antifa freaks, guys who work, you can see some of the footage right there, higher up, that is a union representative who is coming after my friend in the MAGA hat, okay?
So this is how high the far left have now climbed, and he knows that the camera is rolling on him, they're trying to shut us down, but he keeps on swinging punches, swinging punches, And eventually you'll see the cops kind of get involved, but my buddy gets arrested too.
My buddy, out of the people who were arrested, was the only one who was actually dragged.
And I don't want to make this comparison, but I couldn't help but feel Christ's presence.
He was dragged like Christ before the Screaming, chattering classes over there saying, yes, victory.
But for me, it wasn't a victory for them, but a victory for us to show that it took, frankly, a big old brass pair for this guy to get up there and do what he felt was right at that time, which was to wear his MAGA hat and hold up a sign as a young white man that not all white men.
He is a good man.
He's not hateful no matter what CNN says.
Imagine that you get physically attacked anywhere you go near leftists wearing a hat.
These people are dangerous authoritarians and we've got to do it.
In fact, I'm going to do it soon.
I'm not a daredevil, but I intend to go to leftist cities and wear the hat and then do it because it's got to be done.
You know, I just had this thing last weekend where I'm sitting with my wife.
We went to dinner with Joe Rogan.
Not name dropping.
We went.
We had great steak.
She didn't like her lobster tacos.
She goes, I want, I want some oysters.
So we pull in to Lucy's Fried Chicken and get some oysters.
We go there all the time.
Shouldn't say that.
They'll be there waiting for us.
But these leftists come in and say they're going to attack us, they're going to get us.
And we go outside, they're waiting for us at the door screaming, we're going to kill you.
The video's raw.
They edit it, the media puts out that I attacked them.
I mean, it's just unbelievable.
Alex, when I first saw that clip of you at the restaurant, I literally showed my husband, I said, see babe, this is why I don't go out downtown.
The last time I went out for a drink downtown was a couple weeks ago, and a stout, darker man ran up to me and told me that I was an Islamophobe, and the only reason why I was, quote, upset was because our, meaning, I guess, I don't know, Canadian wombs were barren, and that we, meaning him, his people, whatever, were going to, quote, repopulate our country.
I'm thinking I just want to have a glass of wine in peace, but this is the thing with the left.
They do not give us a safe space.
They have colonized our spaces, whether it be in our private life.
Oh, one of the top emoms came out and said we're weak.
He's gonna, they're gonna take us over just this week.
Yep, and people gotta wake up.
It's out there.
Put yourself out there.
And Alex, I can't wait to see you do some MAGA.
I'm gonna do it.
I mean, I had these guys like, I'm gonna kill you.
It's like, okay, let's go.
And he goes, I'm a victim.
Security, help me.
It's like, dude, this isn't simulation.
You just said you're gonna get me.
You know what?
Let's go.
And I'm like, let's go.
And it's like, it's all simulation for them.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
2019 brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine, but a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
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X2 at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The remote, forbidden, evil transmission.
Well, it just broke!
The last few days, Measles Martial Law has been declared.
In one county in New York, and now they're telling us everywhere, you take the 70, 80 shots.
200 plus they've got pending.
You just take whatever we say, and the vaccine companies have liability protection.
Forget the inserts.
Say they can kill you, or brain damage you, or give you cancer, or give you narcolepsy.
Or give you epilepsy?
It doesn't matter that they've got cancer viruses in them.
SV40, don't look it up.
It doesn't matter the illegal aliens pouring it or the ones bringing it.
You will take the shot from the same government that injected black people and others with live syphilis and Tuskegee.
You will take it!
Here is the report, breaking as we speak.
New York County has declared a state of emergency.
Starting today, children not vaccinated against the measles virus are banned from public places.
So far, there are 153 confirmed cases of measles in Rockland County.
The Rockland County Executive Ed Day joins me now.
Why did you take the step?
I took this step because we've been battling this for six months.
Six months ago we had seven infected individuals come from overseas to a local community in Rockland County.
The health department did a wonderful job with the mission of minimizing exposures and maximizing immunizations.
And we've given over 17,000 MMR vaccines out.
But now what's happening is that the minor resistance we had before is gaining ground, a foothold.
We are trying to find out where infected people go.
They've won Palisades, Central Hall, which was a loss.
See, Ed Day's not an evil guy.
But he's going along with Marshall Locke.
We bring the people in from the overseas, who starve to death and have no immune system, and then it spreads, and then we wonder why it happens.
Well, then you all take the shots now, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I know the science of vaccines is real.
I know it has dangers.
It has positives.
If they weren't liability protected, it was open like other drugs, if I could see the real studies on who had the highest ratings, my kids would probably have six or seven vaccines.
They'd have hepatitis.
They'd have things like tetanus.
They'd have that.
The damn things are too dangerous because they've been given liability protection!
Didn't they misrepresent what we're saying?
They bring in third world populations.
They always show the Statue of Liberty.
Bring me your hunger, bring me your poor.
The average quarantine was six frickin' months to make sure you weren't sick!
How does it help people bringing them in with TB, drug-resistant, with hepatitis, hell, it even gets worse, with black plagues back, leprosy's back, all this because you won't even give them treatment?
And then you let them come in and put them in schools and spread it?
And then you say that those of us that don't like your dirty vaccines, when it came out in Germany and France and in China, they have clean, secret vaccines for the elite?
I want the clean vaccines, dammit!
They're saying I'm anti-vaccine.
I want the tested, clean ones that don't have liability protection.
The products I put out, I've got liability.
Why don't you have liability?
Finish the newscast, we're going back to Faith Goldie who's awesome. Here it is.
And they're well contained.
Knowing that the measles contagion can exist for two hours on surfaces, it's critically important that we find out
where these folks have been.
We're having doors slammed in our faces, our inspectors, people are not speaking to our inspectors.
What we've done here is bump it up a notch.
This is an attention grabber, this is by design.
Alright, how do you enforce something like this?
I mean, are you looking at, like, shot papers?
Or, I mean, how do you know who has a measles vaccine?
He's like, you don't go in public, you don't have.
We know a lot through the schools, but at the end of the day, emergency declarations, by definition, carry the disease.
You let the illegal aliens, you didn't, you're a state official, the feds let them in untested, out of Canada, it spread, and now we're all guilty!
And a lot of times they say it's something like measles, it's actually something else.
Faith Goldie, what do you make of this?
Well, I will say this as a bit of a caveat.
My dad's an MD.
All of the females in my family are at, you know, around my age, all having kids.
So, the vaccination question is very much top of mind within my family and I will agree with you that not all vaccines are created equal.
There are good ones and there are really, really dodgy ones.
I've heard crazy stories even from Toronto circles where, you know, couples that were both doctors have injected each other and then one woke up paralyzed the next day.
Gardasil sterilizes women.
That's in the studies.
We're not against science.
My dad's a doctor.
It's that you can't have a product that has liability protection.
Right, but you know, as you accurately pointed out, the state official over there said, this all happened when we started bringing in diseased people to our country.
So here's a great idea.
Rather than banning children from school, American children from schools, why don't you just ban sick, illegal migrants from your state?
How about that?
How about we don't take it out on hard-working patriots who pay their taxes and should be able to live in a clean, diseased, free... Listen, they bring in diseased people and then blame all of us.
By the way, I looked at San Diego, I looked at Seattle, I looked at New York City.
When you get down to the Health Department reports, it's like, we brought in these Honduran people and didn't test them, and now we've got leprosy.
Well, yeah, you dumb son of a bitch!
I know Minneapolis is super bad with this, certain, you know, refugee-rich areas of Canada as well.
Yeah, they're just bringing Africans untested.
Well, we're not going to test you because we're politically correct, but once you spread the TB, it's okay.
Yeah, that's exactly it.
So that's what I think.
I think that it's like we're putting a band-aid on the wrong part of the problem.
We should get rid of the problem, which is not parents who are not vaccinating their children so much as it is the diseased people we are welcoming with open arms into our country.
With certainly, I'd say, substandard measures for ensuring that we're bringing in the people that are not going to taint our healthy ecosystem, we'll say.
Isn't it crazy though, because I'll give credit to the local adult departments, they all admit it's illegal aliens doing it, but they never say it on the news.
That guy actually said it.
Yeah, no, it's amazing.
And on top of that, I know in Canada we've got a huge problem when it comes to just reporting these sorts of things, where they'll say, oh look, it's people in lower socioeconomic classes.
It's like, no, no, no, this is not a problem of they're not getting enough welfare.
This is a problem of where these people first came from.
And it's largely the third world where these ancient diseases are still very much alive and well.
So it's a damn shame that these young kids now have to be quarantined from school, miss out from Important days, weeks, months, who knows how long this, you know, martial law, as you put it, is going to be in effect.
And again, there's a simple solution.
Don't let sick people into your country.
And let's go further.
Nothing against Latin America.
We've way over-prescribed antibiotics here as well, but you can buy antibiotics in gas stations in Mexico or in Honduras.
They have been taking all sorts of over-the-counter stuff, and they admit they've got incredible superbugs.
So, why not at least treat the people you're bringing in?
No, they just catch and release, and then they go, and every once in a while a kid dies, and they go, oh, border patrol made this kid die, who died in custody one day later.
No, they've got a disease.
Yeah, it's crazy, but I mean, this is what Open Borders brings you.
Import the third world, become the third world.
And it's only a matter of time before more diseases who, like you said, or which, like you said, are going to become more and more antibiotic resistant, more sophisticated superbugs, etc., are going to come to our countries.
And at a certain point, the people who are at the top, the ruling class of our countries, need to understand this isn't about damn diversity, okay?
This isn't about just, you know, making the billions, I think 3.5 billion people in the world who are currently living underneath the poverty line, making them feel nice and cozy in a very limited continent, in this case, North America.
This is about a fundamental change of life, of way of life, you know?
European stock in North America are now projected to become a minority within less than a generation.
Okay, we're importing a new class of people.
And the left is obsessing, whites are inherently evil.
In fact, let's play the Joe Biden clip, because we're not being racist.
The left is trying to inculcate the, quote, minority majority worldwide, you know, 6 billion, quote, non-whites, 7 billion non-whites, whatever, it's crazy, teaching them that whites are inherently evil.
Here is Joe Biden.
I realize I get a little too passionate about this sometimes, but we all have an obligation.
To do nothing less than change the culture in this country.
That's right.
We change the laws.
Change the culture.
Now that evil Christian culture.
The culture.
Y'all know what the phrase rule of thumb means?
Where it's derived from?
In English common law, Not codification, common law.
Back in the late 1300s, so many women were dying at the hands of their husbands because they were at chattel, just like the cattle or the sheep.
Oh, Europe frequented that.
The Court of Common Law decided they had to do something about the extent of the deaths.
So you know what they said?
No man has a right to chastise his woman with a rod thicker than the circumference of his thumb.
This is English jurisprudential culture.
A white man's culture.
Alright, so we'll talk about it when we come back, but... That's Europe saying don't do this to women.
The Muslims are still doing it.
Burning them, stoning them.
But he tells you we're bad.
700 years ago, we stopped!
We're bad because we stopped!
They're good because they still do it!
Faith Goldie, is your husband beating you with a rod?
We'll be right back.
No, no rule of thumb.
Oh my God, rule of thumb.
It's really hard.
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[Sound of a jet taking off]
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Oh we're back, we're back all right.
That keeps me hanging around.
Let's get right to it.
We just played a clip of Joe Biden celebrating the fact that Europe is mean to women, when the West has been the place that venerates and puts women on a pedestal, which I'm all about.
And I wanted to give you a flashback of him saying, let's celebrate the end of whites and whites being a minority.
That's the opposite of Martin Luther King.
That's pure racial division.
Here it is.
There's a second thing in that black box.
An unrelenting stream of immigration.
Folks like me, who are Caucasian of European descent, for the first time in 2017, we'll be in an absolute minority in the United States of America.
Absolute minority.
Fewer than 50% of the people in America, from then and on, Will be white European stock.
That's not a bad thing.
That's a source of our strength.
Who's even making this racial?
They don't want minorities to get into free market or second amendment.
They want to just tell you that whites are bad, but you want to get into the country?
Faith Goldie, we'll get more into your case in the video you're being attacked next segment by these people.
But this is so damn slimy by the party of the KKK, the Democrats.
Let me add him, Alex.
Let me tell you, Joe Biden, creepy Uncle Biden over there, is the poster boy for the sort of mental castration that has occurred to white men across the West right now, where they're expected to hate their own race, to celebrate the fact that they have become an absolute minority within their countries.
And I'll remind folks at home that whites as a percentage of global population are already less than 10% We are not some super majority.
If you think about the snow leopard or, you know, the polar bear, we get together and try to save these animals from going extinct.
Why are we celebrating the extinction of one of God's beautiful races, one of his diverse races?
And why are we doing it at the governmental level?
As far as creepy Joe Biden, self-hating, white-hating, racist Joe Biden, This is a guy who, in the previous remarks that you played, he said that the problem with the Anita Hill case was the fact that she had to talk to white judges.
So white culture means white judges, means white people, means white presence.
So what's the solution?
That whenever we have a black plaintiff, we're supposed to have a black judge?
That sounds like segregation.
That sounds like race-based judicial processes.
That is not America.
No, and Joe Biden is the closest thing to Hitler I've heard in a while.
Yeah, no, he's a sick freak and every white person should not say, oh yes, we'll kiss the ring.
Yes, I'm going to feel bad about my skin color.
Well, even Bloomberg came out and said, I love the Democrats because they keep saying white men are inherently bad.
Even Bloomberg says it's out of control.
I mean, this is getting crazy.
Yeah, no, it is, and people are starting to wake up to it, and that's part of what I try to do in my work, is to let white men know.
And all I think about, Alex, some of your audience might be too young to remember this, but do you remember Mr. Rogers?
You know, it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood guy?
He was always going around, like a PBS sort of program, telling kids that they were special.
You know, and I think about where young white boys are now.
I've got a lot of them in my family, my nephews.
And, like, they don't have Mr. Rogers.
They have Mr. frickin' Biden over there saying, you're not special.
You're evil.
You're inherently evil.
Imagine learning, like, you're evil because of what color you are.
It's classic textbook racism, but for some reason we're not supposed to talk about it.
The under 18s are already minority white, so we already are the minority.
When are we allowed to play our minority card and say, hey, this is racism?
Okay, the good news, the young people I know, Are not racist.
They get the media's playing everybody off against each other as attacking them for control.
But that's why the Generation Z is so awake or so scared.
Let's play the footage of you getting attacked, your crew getting attacked, and tell people the details when we come back with Faith Goldie on En Fuego.
FaithGoldie.com, at Twitter, Faith Goldie.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
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Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, guys.
We are going to get a little bit of leverage up over here and share some more science.
And one more.
♪ I want you ♪ It's ok, it's ok, it's ok.
Hey guys, how's it going?
Thank you!
Don't touch my sign!
That's freedom of speech!
(People screaming)
(Police sirens)
(People screaming)
(People screaming)
(People screaming)
(People screaming)
(People screaming)
(People screaming)
(People screaming)
What the f*** are you doing?
F*** you!
F*** you!
Get the sign out of my face, man.
Get the sign out of my face.
Get the sign out of my face, man.
You assaulted me, f***er!
No, we do not touch any of them.
Step back!
Step back! Step back!
You don't know what it's like to be a cop?
I hate you guys!
I don't think you're allowed to get the f*** out of here!
Get the f*** out of here!
We have it all on camera!
Now the full five minutes of this is up on InfoWars.com.
It's at FaithColdy.com.
Take him, take him.
My glasses.
No, no, we have it all on camera sir, we have it all on camera.
Now this whole five minutes of this, you can go to infowares.com, to faithgoldy.com.
She's a journalist, reporter, awesome lady.
Her and her husband do great work.
And if you're a radio listener, you're kind of like, what was I just hearing for the last two minutes?
She'll break it down for you.
But the full article is at BigLeaguePolitics.com.
Watch Faith Goldie violently attacked for holding anti-racism sign and anti-racist protests.
And it doesn't matter where you go now.
I've only had them throw coffee on me and push me a few times.
But usually they just say, F you, I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna get you, and they want you, they try to get you in a fight.
But the problem is you stand up and they go, oh, he's attacking me!
And they're always filming.
Remember, they're all failed theater majors.
That's, that's, nothing against theater majors, that's just who they are.
So they attack and then run.
Faith, tell folks what happened to you and what you think this signifies.
And now that Russiagate has come out to be a total hoax.
Their ratings are plunging.
Schmollett's a hoax.
The whole Kavanaugh attack is a hoax.
Trump not going to win the election is a hoax.
As everything they do comes out as a hoax.
The average college education being worthless, that's a hoax.
As people learn this is the fraud, this is the lie, what are they going to do?
Well, I think that the forecast is not exactly positive in the short term, especially with 2020 around the corner.
If people think that the far left have calmed down since the sort of almost riot level, you know, Berkeley level of protests that we saw during 2016, I think they've got a whole different reality coming.
To give you an example, the cops know that the left are the issue when it comes to violence.
That's why at that left-wing rally where I attended and was assaulted for holding up a sign, my friend was assaulted, there were only three officers on the ground that day.
Fast forward two days later, there was a right-wing rally by a group called Pegida, they're against the Islamization of the West, and there was the mounted unit, there were court services cars, there were dozens and dozens of officers because they knew that Antifa was planning to come out They have our schools.
They have our media.
They have the public space.
They have the universities.
all of this means, look the left has been afforded all the space that they need
and could ever dream of having. They have our schools, they have our media, they
have the public space. They have the universities, they have everything. Exactly and we can't even have small
little, we can't hold up a little piece of paper sign without them coming and colonizing our
space if you will.
And I think what this is going to lead to is people, frankly, feeling isolated and feeling like they have to keep to themselves and that they, if they can't use their words, might lash out.
But that's why... I was about to say, I'll be honest with you.
Because I'm not saying I'm the toughest guy around.
I see this poor guy getting attacked by a couple dudes.
I mean, I love how those guys are fighting.
I'm not bragging.
They're lucky I wasn't there.
Because their brains would have been all over that concrete.
And I'm not trying to act tough.
The first thing I do is jump.
You punch me, I'm jumping on top of you with my knees on your chest.
Your head's going full power in the ground.
That's the first move.
I'm letting them know up front, I jump on top of you with my knees and drive your head to the ground.
I mean, these people are lucky.
They're not... I mean, I'm sure your guy's a great guy.
They're just really lucky they haven't run into anybody that knows how to fight yet.
Well, I'll tell you what it is, in part.
I mean, they've run into some proud boys who have not minced words about how they felt, etc.
But I'll tell you what it is.
The truth of the matter is that there are basically two codes of law.
At least, well, I'd say in America, two after justice.
No, you're right.
Conservatives aren't allowed to even defend themselves.
They aren't allowed to defend themselves.
I've had members of my team beaten to a pulp and they just kept their hands inside their pockets because these are guys who, despite being trained, they cannot respond.
The Condi thing is even tougher.
And I've let them attack me too.
Slap me and attack me.
You're right.
That's really the real manly move is to let them assault you because then they can't say you assaulted them.
But who can put up with that so long like this?
You can't.
And so that's why I say what we have to do right now as patriots, as anti-globalists, as nationalists, is that we have to continue to grow our numbers and be able to move as a group.
Do not go into a place of isolation.
Do not force these people to silence you.
Talk about your ideas, and also when you're out in the public space, especially if you're going to any sort of demos in the lead up to 2020, always have your camera phone rolling.
Because if we did not have that footage, I saw as soon as the event happened, the mainstream media here in Toronto said, Faith Goldie and her neo-Nazi friends were there trying to incite violence.
And as soon as we had the clips and said, we weren't inciting anything, we were holding up a darn sign, all of a sudden, well, the newscasts changed very, very quickly.
In today's day of social media, just keep... Oh, I just... I said buy body cams this weekend.
We're buying... When I go out, I'm turning a body cam on.
Because you have to document this.
Yeah, no, I think that's a fantastic... Unfortunately, we're in a place right now where we have to defend ourselves.
I'll tell you a really quick story.
I think after... Last year, I think you had me on after I was attacked by a bunch of Antifa freaks down by our wide-open border here in southern Quebec, and I had asked to press charges.
I had basically done the police's job for them, gave them all the identities of these mass people, their MOs, everything, and I got a call from police this week, a year later, basically.
They tell me that the chief prosecutor has decided, of his own volition, To drop the charges because it's not beyond a reasonable doubt.
So they won't even give me my day in court to seek justice for my property being damaged, for I've got pictures of bruises etc.
on my body.
So this is why I'm sorry to say that the system has really really been co-opted and that's why we have to stick together.
Well that's another area like Smollett getting off.
All these videos where Antifa targets women and then liberal prosecutors say you deserve it.
Well, I mean, I'm not saying I'll do this, but how would a prosecutor like getting their ribs broken?
I mean, don't they get like when you kill justice, people start taking justice in their own hands?
Well, that's 100% it, and that's why it almost feels like, by design, you know, you said that they're dividing and conquering us, etc.
But it's at a point right now where it's absolute clown world, where there are two systems of justice, there are two codes of justice.
One for right-wingers, nationalists, patriots, you know, anti-globalists, call us whatever you want, and one for everybody else.
And, you know, like I said, when words fail, when we cannot have a debate in a public space, that's when things get really ugly.
And if that, then there is a crisis.
Where things do go ugly, what happens?
Well, martial law comes in.
The state provides a solution.
It's what we saw in New Zealand.
Well, that's the thing.
The left can't even wipe their own rear end.
And if they ever go on a real hot war, which I don't even dream of, it's gonna be a joke.
I mean, it's gonna not go well for them.
Well, it depends where the authorities are, right?
Like, we have militaries, we have police.
It depends where they are.
Right now, I'll tell you from my experience on the ground, the majority of police I meet are normal guys.
And they see exactly what's going on.
But their leadership is a bunch of trash.
Oh yeah, and that's across the board.
Isn't that always the case?
The people who can be bought off are the ones who end up floating right up to the top, so they can basically take hush money to make the decisions that suit the politicians.
Faith Goldie, join us again at faithgoldie.com.
You are awesome.
Sorry to attack you and your camera folks, but good job getting out there.
Anytime you and your husband want to come down to Austin and get in the studio, come on down.
We'll buy those plane tickets.
Thanks, boss.
I appreciate it.
Bye, Alex.
All right.
See you later.
Mike Adams is coming up.
But more of your calls before he joins us.
You've been holding.
I'm going to go to your calls straight ahead.
Please stay with us.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
2019 brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine, but a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
But I was able to secure with the original manufacturer A better deal by breaking my deal with them and playing guts ball where it's only been sold out for a couple months and we got the new deal done just about a month ago and they are manufacturing it now so people get on the waiting list.
In about two weeks we'll be shipping X2 original all deep earth crystal pure atomic iodine directly to your door.
Across the world.
X2's back.
It'll be here in two weeks.
This is a blessing, so get yours at InfoWarsTore.com today.
Again, thank you for your support.
Support your own body with the purest, best iodine out there.
X2 at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
♪ You're a stranger to me ♪ ♪ You're beating your head ♪
♪ Take a copy in two ♪ ♪ And I just can't let you be ♪
♪ But it's a free for all ♪ ♪ And I heard you said ♪
♪ You can't bet your life ♪ ♪ Stakes are high ♪
♪ And so am I ♪ ♪ Didn't you hear ♪
♪ I said aye aye aye ♪ (upbeat music)
I got me a rock and roll band.
It's a free for all.
(upbeat music)
All right, going back to your phone calls has been holding the longest here.
That would be Jeff in Canada.
Jeff, you're on the air.
The many others, go ahead.
Hello, can you hear me?
I can, Jeff, can talk to you.
Hey Alex, great show today as always.
Thank you.
Just want to make a couple of comments about the Jesse Smollett thing.
The way I see it is there's There's basically two flags in the world.
There's the false flag and the flag of truth.
And I would be pretty nervous if I was Justice Smollett right now, because when you get people like David Axelrod and Rahm Emanuel coming out and condemning you, these people are globalists through and through.
And if they're telling the truth, it's always to promote a bigger lie.
And I think I think they might just burn him.
He's become a pretty big liability.
No, I agree.
I think they've tricked the prosecutor and others to think they're protected, but then they're all going to burn them to protect Obama and themselves.
He thinks he's gotten away with it.
His face of pure arrogance, it's the opposite.
And I think they can actually further their agenda by seeing him, you know, have a burial at sea.
I'm not calling for that.
I don't wish anybody on the right to do anything like that.
But, uh, you know, at some point, the mafia does burn their own when the liability gets too great.
And I'd be, I'd be worried if I was him.
I totally agree with you.
And the Chicago police have said no to the prosecutors.
They've released the files.
That's up on Infowars.com, a Jimmy White article.
That right there shows they're not going along with this.
I mean, the fact that Smollett did this, Executed it is connected.
Had all these people trying to cover up for him.
I think at a higher level, they figured out it's not going to work.
So I wonder how do they how does the system extricate itself from this false flag?
They got caught in the middle of Jeff.
Well, I think they're they're running out of options.
Obviously, they wanted this thing to work from the very beginning and start a race war.
I mean, that was that was plan A. But I mean, BS always pivots to some more BS, right?
I think they were sloppy.
I mean, it was not a well-thought-out plan.
Oh, it's like Russiagate.
It's like all of it.
They just think they're born to rule, like Vito says.
I'm born to run things, OK?
I mean, even if somebody was like 6'9", had a 200 IQ and was perfect and had done all this great stuff, when they start saying, I'm running things, I deserve to, you're like, no, you don't.
But this guy, he's never done anything.
Yeah, at that level, you know, people are expendable and I, you know, I say I don't wish harm on anybody.
No, I agree, but how do you think they're going to flush Smollett?
Well, I think either he'll get a federal charge or they'll frame it again and they'll try and take him out and blame the right wing.
Oh, exactly.
It would all go away for them and further their narrative.
And everybody could just, you know, all the left could just wash your hands and move on to the narrative that they always wanted.
I'd be very wary of that.
And I think that's how it might happen.
So I would be sleeping with one eye open if I was Jesse.
I agree with you.
Thank you so much.
Let's talk to Johnny in the District of Columbia.
Johnny, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, brother.
Good to talk to you.
Uh, yeah, I wanted to talk about the, um, Islam and Marxism in the schools and everything in America.
It's definitely out in the open now.
Oh, man, I went to, um... So, I was in the Army for a little while.
I called in a while back, years ago, and talked about the EPA, snipers, National Guard getting dressed up in Baltimore City.
I guess that was dress rehearsals for, like, 2015 or something, right?
Um... The, um... The, uh...
The caller is talking about the flags and everything.
You know, at my school, they fly the Chinese flag and the Saudi Arabian flag.
Those people execute gays, and every other week the gays are going to the free speech area where you can chalk everything and do whatever you want, basically.
You know, they never condemn China or Saudi Arabia, but it's always like, Christians are the enemy, I guess.
Like, how is that even possible, you know?
You know, I'm glad you mentioned that.
I guess Grindr is the gay app.
It turns out the Chinese government basically owns it and runs it and is like setting up people in the US military and government agencies.
With it, and so the U.S.
government has ordered it to shut down or for China to divest, that's now happening.
But of course, intelligence agencies use sex as control, that's 101.
So isn't it funny, when I talk about Chaicom infiltration, it's in the news that Grindr is run by the Chinese government.
Isn't that incredible?
I believe it.
I worked for a law firm, and some of the cases they would do is like, they would bring all these gays in from all over the world.
And, um, that's one of the things to, like, get into the country, right?
And all you gotta do is have, like, a Grindr app.
You know, I found some paperwork, and it was, like, if you get a Grindr app and a couple of other ones, and you just have it for, like, 12 months or a year, and that's it.
That's all you gotta do.
And you're in.
You're gay.
You're in the country.
Bingo, bango.
You get a lawyer that costs, like, $1,500 an hour.
They just do it for free for you.
They love you.
Well, that's it, because they don't want to have kids, and I'm not against somebody Because of their sexual preference.
But there is a giant agenda to sell this.
And, obviously, the Chai-coms know.
Okay, let's look at your identity, who you are.
The Chinese government for years, I didn't even know that because I looked it up today and I learned...
What is there?
There's Tinder, for general, and there's Grindr.
And, I mean, just instinct level, like putting pictures of your body, yourself, on some deal.
Of course an intelligence agency runs it.
The Chai-coms know every body in the country.
That's gay, that's hooking up with dudes, and then they use it for blackmail.
And then it comes out, they recruit a lot of the gay prostitutes that are online with Grindr.
They do it with Tinder, too.
And then they set you up.
And that's in the news today.
I mean, and again, I didn't even know that.
I mean, I knew it was like super infiltration.
But yeah.
Mass communications, like mass comm.
It's big at the Mastcom schools because they make you get on social media and they make you get the LinkedIn and the Facebook and you do these like experiments where you go out and like you film something in public or whatever and or you you know film an interaction with you and your friends or you do like interviews and practice via quota.
And notice how China executes you if you're gay but they run and own the gay app to blackmail everybody and then Dianne Feinstein all of them are Chinese agents.
Right and I'm sure in Africa they probably Oh, the Chinese just literally have... The Chinese communists have no bottom.
They're like, yeah, we're splicing humans and animals for 50 years.
Yeah, we kill Christians.
We don't like them.
And the left's like, kill gays!
We love it!
Alex Liberal!
Alex Tim Cook!
And then they're just here infiltrating and all.
They've got dossiers and everybody.
The Chinese just laugh.
Look at their men acting like women.
We will conquer them well.
The Chinese military literally calls their troops and they go, we catch you with another man, you dead.
They go, bring him in.
They're literally in barracks.
Hang a dude.
They kick the thing out right in the barracks.
They'll go, he was caught kissing a man.
They hang him right there.
They go, you touch man, you die!
America will die!
We are infiltrating them with this poison.
You don't do it!
They're like, yes sir!
Iodine used to be used in bread as a dough enhancer.
Then in the early 1970s, most commercial manufacturers switched to bromide instead.
Research from a World Health Organization study show that 10 to 50% of people worldwide are deficient in iodine.
In fact, over 90% of Americans are low in iodine.
Since 1970, the iodine they collected in urine is 50% less now than it was then.
In 2004, a survey of 100 pregnant mothers found that 58% were between moderately and severely deficient in iodine.
Maternal iodine deficiency is particularly dangerous to the developing fetus.
Most people, I think everybody, for the most part, should be supplementing with iodine.
Well, another element that you have to have, and if you don't have it, you'll die, that's a fact, is iodine.
And the fields and the systems that we grow crops on have been almost totally debased of true atomic iodine.
We have the most absolutely clean, deep-earth crystal source of iodine, X2.
You're probably going, wait a minute.
For the last year you've been saying X2's selling out.
It was the last run.
It's been sold out for two months.
How is X2 back?
It was very hard to get from the oil companies that get it drilling down to 12,000 feet.
We got put over the barrel, some industrial sabotage, we couldn't get it anymore.
But by really putting pressure on from the original manufacturer, we were able to get the deep-earth crystal iodine that's absolutely pure, absolutely atomic, that nobody else has, and bring it to you.
So X2 Original is back by the grace of God.
Look, here's the bottom line.
You need to do research into iodine and the iodine conspiracy for yourself.
In a few minutes, I can't break it all down.
And a lot of you have listened to me.
It has thousands and thousands of four-star reviews.
I want like a 4.9 star on power reviews.
But many of you hear me talk about this and it's just more background chatter.
The most powerful thing in our lives.
Is our own metabolic system, our own electrochemical system.
So from our brain waves to our nerves, to our bodies, to our glands, the engine, the foundational tool between so much of it, our hormones, you name it, is pure iodine.
And if you don't have iodine, your body will absorb the bad halogens.
So iodine is amazing.
It's important.
A lot of forms of it out there are all mixed up and jacked.
They'll hurt you.
This is pure.
This is clean.
This is amazing.
And it funds the info war, a 360 win.
X2, our overall best-selling product, is now back.
X2 Original, from the very first original manufacturer.
The exact same X2 at InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
As I said, get your pre-orders in, week, week and a half.
It's being labeled right now, it's already been bottled, and we are going to have it for you, ladies and gentlemen, at InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
Thank you all for your support.
I want to say brain force is great.
I want to say turbo force is amazing.
It is.
But if you took it with fish oil, it's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil is better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
Brain, body, heart, the cleanest, the best out there.
You've got the children's.
You've got the adults.
You've got the krill oil.
If you're going to get the full effect, the fish oil and the children's are really strong.
They don't give you the burpees, but krill oils.
He's the best.
And it'll give you the damn burps.
And I'm just sorry.
You want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic.
It's so good.
In my view.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
I eat five capulets of krill oil before I go to bed.
I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I want to cover the waterfront with Mike Adams at the time we have left.
He's host of the 4th Hour.
We'll try to jam some more of your calls in.
Smart guy, NaturalNews.com.
He's come out with a big article saying, yeah, go after the universities discriminating against free speech.
They're public universities.
Cut the funding.
That's federal law already.
They're discriminatory.
You don't get federal funds.
That's a no-brainer.
That'll get struck down by the Ninth Circuit, but it'll win the Supremes.
It'll take six months.
But what about the situation with the censorship of the tech giants who now have the EU pushing them into total free speech destruction because they played along with this.
You've got these senators coming out saying that I'm saying attacking this guy that committed suicide is a Sandy Hook dad.
None of that's even true.
Saying shut down free speech.
They are desperate right now.
And with the Russiagate imploding, And with the Kavanaugh imploding, and with the Smollett imploding, and with Trump not winning the election imploding, and all these other fake hate crimes imploding...
I don't want to put a good face on this, but let's just say we were way behind before.
We're neck and neck right now.
Mike, do you agree with that statement?
And what would you call this incredible period in history?
Because you've got a lot of big breaking news here today that you're going to cover in your quiver there.
But, I mean, this is one hell of a time to be alive.
Well, it's a turning point, Alex.
The Mueller bombshell collapse ...has really set up a new future for America.
An opportunity!
A window of opportunity, but... Exactly!
It's a side road.
It's to get us out of this.
That's right.
Now... God always gives us an escape route.
If we do not take action now, and I mean Trump, and I mean the Senators, and I mean all of us in the independent media, if we don't take action, we can still end up under an authoritarian... And by the way, we're not on a power trip.
It's the opposite.
They want us shut down.
Infowars, Natural News, all of it, Drudge Report, because we're not just saying this.
Trump listens.
Congress listens.
Most senators or congressmen, I call to get on, they go, we're scared to come on, but I heard you yesterday.
It was a great show.
Keep it up.
We are seen, which is true, as the vanguard.
So don't think for a minute, listeners, what you're saying doesn't matter.
It completely matters.
And we, all of us, your callers, you and myself and all the others here, we have to assert our First Amendment rights or we lose them forever.
Wait, because we have to assert our will?
If we just lay back and surrender to this tyranny, the techno-tyranny, what I call techno-fascism that's in place now, then we will be steamrolled forever.
So how do we assert our will?
Well, there are a couple of ways.
Obviously, we know from a legislative standpoint, which is unlikely to happen soon, Section 230 of the CDA needs to be reworked radically.
But because Congress, of course, seems to be spineless, and of course a majority, a Democrat majority in Congress, that is unlikely to happen anytime soon.
So there's executive action that the President can take, and that's what I outlined in that story that you published at Infowars.com.
So President Trump can issue an executive order that denies all federal contracts, federal funding, And even rescinds existing federal contracts to any sufficiently large online platforms and tech companies that refuse to respect the First Amendment.
And that's existing federal law.
Exactly it is.
I mean this is, you could argue this is a Title IX issue here.
You could argue that these companies are in fact discriminating against the civil rights of the American people.
That they are depriving the American people the right to engage in public debate.
With elections.
What the tech companies are doing is a threat to our constitutional republic.
Democracy is under threat.
And that scientist came out, you covered this yesterday I believe, that Google had already stolen some of the seats effectively, or manipulated the results in California, to hand more seats to the Democrats.
Every seat they tested, the Democrats stole.
They only tested three.
And look at the influence that these tech companies have.
They are now more powerful than world governments.
Google, you could argue, is more powerful than most nations in the world, even potentially the United States government.
And these corporations will rule the world if governments don't hold them in check.
And let me say this.
People say it's wrong to have the government interfere in private corporations.
You know, a lot of people say, well, you've got to respect the free market.
In this case, the government is right to stop corporations from violating individual liberties.
Because the corporations have gotten bigger than government.
They're acting as government.
Government's only there to protect rights.
Right, and we're not asking for Trump to run Twitter.
We don't want Trump to seize and take over Facebook.
No, just say, stop the organized censorship.
It is the proper role of government to protect individual liberties, to protect First Amendment rights, Second Amendment rights, and so on.
Fourth Amendment rights, which are, of course, routinely violated, you know, from the Bush administration.
And all the lying to Congress when all their... Like, show the power we have, that all of us have.
We showed this week.
For over a week and a half, you couldn't search Alex Jones or Michael Savage or Natural News.
It would just give you the oldest results with hit pieces.
We pointed it out.
They changed it.
So they're always seeing what they can get away with.
Yeah, exactly.
And this is the thing.
They will continue to censor conservative speech and Christian speech until there is pushback.
Now, we are long past the point of any kind of negotiation with Google or Facebook or Twitter.
We're long past that.
They cannot be reasoned with.
Let me ask you this.
What is your gut level?
What is their endgame?
Because they were all born here in America, but China will work with Google, but Google won't work with us.
I mean, why is Google so committed to China?
Well, for the same reason that the drug companies are committed to disease, because that's their business model.
Google needs more users to make more money.
Google needs penetration into the Chinese market and into India, which has 800 million people.
So it'll become China.
Just to have the market.
And if Google... Instead of making China become more free.
Of course.
Google owns corporations.
There's no moral.
Just like, boom, there's a market.
I'm gonna dive right in.
These are evil techno-fascists.
They care nothing about humanity.
In fact...
For many of these globalists, as you well know, they want to see the Earth largely depopulated.
They think that humanity is a scourge on this planet.
And so, in order to achieve that endgame result, they have to control all the conversations, control the debates, control the elections, give people the illusion of democracy while it's actually all manipulated from the top, and silencing you.
And me, and others like us, is a key, crucial step.
And the fact that we are just still here today, broadcasting and talking, is extraordinary.
They can't believe we're still here.
Believe me.
And we're not just saying that.
People don't know the stops they pulled out, and how the listeners...
Have literally held us up.
I mean, we're not just thanking you.
Literally, it's symbiotic.
They see us as a focal point of your voice.
They're trying to silence you.
And you're right, Mike.
It enrages the establishment.
They haven't shut us up.
The only thing that they want to do is have total domination over the planet, which means dominating your thoughts.
And in order to dominate your thoughts, they have to manipulate you with false flags, with emotions, with false narratives, and they have to silence any truth or dissent or questioning.
And let's not lie about this.
Everything we've been seeing is synthetic, but then they pick and choose, manipulate the general public.
More than ever, is doubting things.
But because we can't totally prove things, we can't say at stage, but my God, are they not pulling stops on us?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
And look at the injustice now, the two-tier justice system with the Jussie Smollett situation in Chicago.
I gotta tell you, this is gonna backfire on them in such a huge way because it is awakening the American people to the overt injustice.
It's in your face.
This used to happen behind closed doors and smoky rooms.
Now it's right out in public.
We're not gonna hold them accountable.
He's caught red-handed at every step of the way in the most open and shut case ever, and he goes free.
Yeah, and meanwhile, an innocent man, President Trump, is accused of treason with the enemy of America, with no proof, no evidence, and that could have earned him the death penalty if he were found guilty of that.
So realize, these globalist controllers, they don't care who they kill, they don't care who they frame, And they don't care about going in your face and saying, these guilty people are actually innocent.
We're going to whitewash these crimes, cover them up, and we're going to destroy the rule of law in this country.
That's it.
We have descended into despotism now in liberal cities, for sure, and in much of the deep state Washington, D.C.
You know, what Obama was running and is still running is despotism.
It is absolute tyranny.
No, it's true, and then Colbert isn't a comic anymore.
He has a whiteboard saying Trump doesn't like Muslims.
No, he's banning Muslims from countries that don't even have passports, like Somalia, who bring in terrorists until they create a new passport system.
Again, they just distort everything Trump does.
Well, of course they do.
Again, it's about controlling thoughts and minds, because ultimately, the only way to destroy humanity is to convince people that they are saving the planet as they go along with... So let me ask you this question, and you're going to take over.
What are they going to do as they keep losing?
They're going to become more desperate.
It's going to get more radical.
A lot more is coming.
That's right.
It's time.
It's been months and months and months since we've been able to have store-wide free shipping and 4Store.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm a river by morning, up from San Antonio.
Everything that I got is just what I've got on.
When that sun is high in that Texas sky, I'll be bucking it to county.
Well I am coming to you live when the sun is high in the Texas sky.
Right underneath that baby.
Mike Adams, right?
Shotgun addiction for the fourth hour.
Credit to him if he ever calls in this segment or the next.
Look at these headlines.
Survival of our democracy depends on banning sites like Infowars, Dem Senator says.
So getting rid of free speech saves the democracy.
The Sinsters take aim at Alex Jones.
A constitutional lawyer wrote that article.
I've got a bunch of other ones.
Connecticut Senator condemns Alex Jones, Facebook and Google after shooting victim suicides.
So they're blaming me for two Parkland students who committed suicide and now one of the fathers suing me.
I never even said the guy's name until he died Monday.
Mike, and US senators are going on TV saying, shut Jones down for democracy.
And then he lies and says, I'm saying nobody died and I made the guy kill himself.
What incredible defamation.
He gets his speech, but I don't.
This is the whole point, is to prevent you from being able to defend yourself.
If you don't have a voice, if you don't have a platform, and thank God you've got InfoWars
and you've got the independent media and so many millions of listeners,
but by taking you off all these platforms, they take away from you, your right to engage
in self-defense against these false accusations.
I agree with that, but why do you think, why are they so obsessed?
Well, he talks.
We're going to play the clip in a moment.
He is shaking with hate.
It's a leverage point where they think they can set the precedent to take you down and then silence everybody with whom they disagree.
You've got to understand, this isn't about that event.
This isn't about Sandy Hook or this isn't about Parkland.
They're just using it to kill the First Amendment.
That's what it's all about.
Who would have ever thought Sandy Hook, after the tragic event happened, they use it against the Second Amendment.
That's not denied.
But it wasn't successful.
But it is successful against the First.
Well, and there are residual successes by the gun controllers in places like Connecticut, which is clamped down on, you know, the Second Amendment.
Well, they bankrupted Remington, our oldest gun manufacturer.
Same law firm suing me.
Well, and they say their goal is shut us down.
This is the thing.
They are authoritarians.
They admit that their tactics, I mean, I should say the tactics they admit to are authoritarian tactics.
We're talking about living under speech fascism here.
You know, and we're living under medical fascism.
You know, political fascism, many different forms.
You know, we talked about the medical martial law thing happening in New York right now.
I want to cover that in the fourth hour.
But we're also living under speech fascism.
You saw that university that put out that 40-page document of correct speech.
Did you actually look at that?
It was unintelligible gobbledygook.
You could not make it.
It's a sabotage of civilization.
It is.
It's trying to spin your neurology into the abyss, where you can't even think straight, because words don't even mean anything anymore to the left, but they insist that you follow their thinking, which is deranged.
So what is the assault on language about?
Well, it's the assault on thinking.
It's the assault on reason.
Rationality is the enemy of communism, of fascism, right?
You know, this goes back to 1984.
Yeah, free market, free society.
Communists can't win against that.
No, and the left cannot win playing by the rules.
This is why they have to cheat in every election.
This is why they have to allow illegals to vote.
This is why they have to cover up the crimes of people like Jussie Smollett.
This is why they have to falsely accuse the president.
I made that point earlier, like MSNBC's race baiting.
The average MSNBC viewer knows it's a fraud.
They're now trying to do it on the ground against regular people.
It's like they have fully converted maybe a third of the population to evil.
Socialism and authoritarianism can only succeed if rationality is eviscerated, and you have then a peer pressure group of enforcers, obedient enforcers, to demand that everybody else go along with whatever the current insanity is for the day, the flavor of today's insanity.
I was about to say, every week it's some new hysteria.
See, that's the point, is that you can never stabilize, you can never say, what are the rules?
Because the controllers want to be able to change the terms anytime for control.
Well, this is right.
Remember, my video platform, Brighteon, as you know, was threatened by Australia and New Zealand.
And we asked, give us the rules.
What are the rules?
They said it's all objective.
They said there are no rules.
We make it up at any time.
We say whatever we want.
But you, you can be deplatformed for anything that we, the authoritarians, don't like.
But they will never tell you the rules.
And it's the same thing with you.
Well, it's like, They never tell you what's okay, what's not okay?
Whatever they ban, it's always from some made-up thing.
It's like that, I forget his name, Avi something, a popular Jewish Australian.
He's like mainline conservative.
They edited a video of him for Comedy Central.
It was a lie.
He taped it and showed that it was a lie, that he wasn't a racist.
They banned his Facebook.
It's like, it just never ends.
Oh wow, yeah.
Avi did great work.
I wasn't aware that his Facebook was banned.
But look!
Trump can take action, and he must, or we lose the ability to engage in dialogue.
Well, that's the next thing.
What does Trump need to do?
He's starting to move in that direction, but we're winning on so many fronts.
Their hoaxes are falling apart, but they stole 2018.
If we don't expose this, this is the whole ball of wax.
Censorship is everything.
Well, it's time to get aggressive in my view.
Now, I think that Trump can threaten to seize the domain names of these tech giants, and I am advocating that he do that.
Because if they will not respect the First Amendment, why should they be allowed to conduct business online in the United States?
Seize the domain names temporarily.
To bring them to the negotiating table and say, you'll get your domain names back, Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
Well, they're already in bed with China.
All they recognize is strength.
I mean, we've got them in racketeering.
We've got them in espionage.
DARPA built the damn things.
Well, right, but if you cut off all their government funding, and you threaten to seize their domain names, which the U.S.
State Department can do, by the way, they do it in intellectual property cases all the time, right, and you do this not to seize their domain names.
If you print a gun they don't like, they seize it.
Of course they shouldn't.
But if you're in bed with the Chai-coms, giving everyone your user data, it's a national security... just like Grindr just got seized by the feds, because the Chai-coms are watching all the gay troops and blackmailing them.
Trump should seize Google, seize Facebook, seize Twitter.
Well, and I'm saying just the domain names, obviously not the companies.
We don't want the government to run these corporations.
No, I totally agree, but we should...
Commandeer the domain name.
Just to force them to sign a... And then redirect it to the Bill of Rights for a while.
To say to Google, if you respect the First Amendment rights in America, then you can operate.
You can get your domain name back.
This is what needs to happen.
And people might say, well that sounds like overreach.
That sounds very aggressive.
We're already under big, big Google fascism that merged with China.
I mean, what do you do once you're in a censorship war with authoritarians?
Then all the restraints are taken off.
They are at war with America.
Once we win this war, we would never restrict communists promoting their BS.
But they're not going to do it with a bunch of college kids who haven't been warned.
We're going to have our speech there as well.
All we're asking for is a level playing field.
All we're asking for is to be able to compete in the free market.
And America's proven that's what we're about.
and we're not going to have our strength as a weakness anymore.
You know, I've been banned by Twitter ever since I commented on your interview
or your covering Joe Rogan and Jack Dorsey.
Twitter banned me that day and I've been banned ever since.
Without strikes, without justification, just another example of this.
This is why it's clear to me that the tech giants will not stop
unless they are forced to stop by our government asserting government protection of individual liberties.
That's why the seizure of their intellectual property needs to happen.
This is how you fight them.
You don't play patty cakes with Google and authoritarians like Jack.
Well, it's definitely trading with the enemy with Google and Apple.
They've moved to China, they're tax exempt, they're giving them the technology.
It's not like we want authoritarianism.
No, they've married the worst authoritarians.
It's the default.
When you do that, you get grabbed.
And if we don't do that, we'll be dominated by China.
Provably, these tech companies are complicit in the attempt to overthrow our republic with the Deep State, what happened with the Russian collusion hoax, and they're also election meddling, which is what Robert Mueller charged Russian companies of doing.
He charged Russian companies with multiple felony crimes for doing a tiny sliver of what Mueller does every day in America.
And I'm sorry to the callers.
Everybody gets a free t-shirt if you want it.
Call me back tomorrow.
Please don't forget, store-wide free shipping.
60% off all the items.
Biggest sale yet.
A lot of these sales are out to Ings.
A bunch of the products are about to sell out, like the fish oil and turbo force and brain force, but in for short dot com or triple a 2533139.
We have 20 phone lines, so I apologize that I got to most of it didn't get to Jim and Victor and Darren and Aaron and Chris.
Chris, but if you call back tomorrow, you'll go to the headline, or maybe Mike, if he has time, will take the calls.
I'm putting you on the spot, Mike.
You've got a big flotilla and a big raft.
Hey, I'm happy to take calls.
I'm sorry I stepped on call time.
You did not do that.
You were already supposed to be here.
There's a lot of calls.
You do whatever you want.
You're taking over here in just a few minutes, but let's make no mistake.
We're not up here puffing our importance.
We're just folks ready to resist these people.
And of course, it's paying off.
Folks want freedom.
But this, we're in the center of a war now.
For a pro-human future and anti-human future.
And Mike Adams takes over in a moment.
In the War Room, Owen Schroer.
But whatever you do, however you're listening, on satellite, on TV, on radio, at infowars.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com.com Samuel, thanks for calling.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
Alex, if I can just quickly, InfoWarsStore.com, I want to thank you for Pollen Block.
It's amazing.
I've used so many different antihistamines over the years because I get really bad hay fever, and the antihistamines sometimes work, sometimes don't, but they never quite work fully.
They don't block all the symptoms, they just kind of dry you up, or at least that's what they do for me, if they work at all.
But Pollen Block, It works.
It stops everything.
I don't get the itchy eyes, I'm not sneezing, and I don't get the irritation.
It is amazing.
This is a known patent out of France.
You have to pay for the patent, where they just discovered that if you feed a certain secret diet to quail, and then you get their eggs, it creates this incredible antihistamine of a certain type of quail.
How fast did it take for pollen block to kick in for you?
It's pretty much straight away, you know, in maybe 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes.
It just works.
The antihistamines, the pharmaceutical products, I find that with those, I can't take them until I start getting symptoms.
And even then, they might not kick in for half an hour, or they might not kick in at all, depending on the day.
Pollen Block works every single time.
Well, that's the great part about this.
And for whatever reason, France discovered it like 50 years ago.
It's still got to be even in this region of France.
It's very complex.
They don't even know why.
But they think it's the pollen in the area, the dust, what the quail are eating.
Then they just produce in the eggs whatever this essence is that just turns the histamine response off.
I go out and I do market research.
And I say, what are the best-selling products in the world?
And what have the best reviews in the world?
And then what do people in America not know that in Japan, or in Europe, or in Russia, or in Africa, or in Latin America, is already a best-seller?
Because a lot of stuff never gets here for some reason.
And in Europe, and in Russia, and in Canada, there are a lot of brands of this stuff with the quail eggs.
It's not here.
So we just made a souped-up version of it and discounted it, and it's Palm Block.
Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We are transferring power from Washington D.C.
and giving it back to you, the people.
Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!
This is the heart of 1776.
Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.
Huge nationwide protests erupted once again on President Donald Trump's second weekend in office.
People got my money! People got my money!
When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.
When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
And most importantly, we will be protected by God.
From the front lines of the info room, it's Alex Jones.
Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
Welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams here.
Thanks for continuing with me.
We've had already a pretty amazing show here today.
I hope you agree.
Quite, quite an incredible broadcast.
We're going to be covering a lot more for you here in the fourth hour and also I am going to take some of your calls, because I know some of you were holding from the last hour, so I will do that.
But let me give kind of a table of contents here of what we're going to cover in this segment.
Number one, we've got the collapse of law and order now spreading like a cancer across America.
We've got liberal cities collapsing into third world status.
Look at what's happening with the loss of law and order in Boston.
Going to cover a story there.
The homelessness and the drug problem in Seattle.
The just total collapse of civility on the streets of San Francisco.
And now, of course, the collapse of justice in Chicago.
On top of that, we've got medical martial law in a New York county, not in a big city there, but in a county that affects ultimately millions of people.
We've got the Russia collusion hoax collapsing.
We are seeing now with the lack of apology from deep state traders and the lack of apology from the media and the lack of apology from even James Comey of the FBI, we are seeing a collapse of logic and reason and rationality and the rule of law.
Where this goes is very bad.
This ends in, really, the collapse of civil society.
And what emerges out of that is anyone's guess.
Could be civil war.
Could be states seceding from the Union.
Could be America is weakened and then subjected to foreign invasion.
This could be part of the plan to bring America down and create so much domestic unrest that America becomes vulnerable to foreign enemies.
There are many scenarios that could unfold from this, so we'll be covering that in more detail here on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm also going to cover treason.
And I use the word treason deliberately because I believe we are in a war right now, an information war and a war of lawlessness, a narrative war.
There are several parties and individuals who need to be criminally indicted and charged with treason or at least sedition.
But I would argue for treason.
I'm going to cover who those people are and which organizations need to be dismantled in America because they have proven to be organizations that are engaged in trying to destroy America from within.
I'm going to call for a pardon today for Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and Julian Assange.
I guess I just did, but I'll call for it again in another segment.
I'll explain why those three people need to be set free, why they are innocent.
And that's coming up.
Then I'm going to cover the Rockland County, New York Medical Martial Law.
We have unique, new, exclusive information about Ed Day, the county leader there.
Who is the enforcer of this new medical martial law that threatens six months in prison for citizens there who dare to step foot on public streets and sidewalks and transportation without being vaccinated?
I've got a list of questions for Ed Day, like are you going to require unvaccinated people to wear armbands so you can easily Find them in the city.
Are you going to throw them into boxcars and transport them for processing?
How are you going to get this done if you want your medical tyranny to succeed?
We'll be asking those questions and much more as we continue here on the Alex Jones Show Fourth Hour with Mike Adams.
We'll be right back.
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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
It's Mike Adams.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, thanks for joining me.
Mike Adams here, continuing on the Alex Jones Show.
We are going to take some calls in this segment, so those of you who are holding, Victor is holding.
We're going to go to your call in a second here, but let me just mention this.
A couple of interesting news items to hit first.
There are several scientists who are now claiming there's proof of life on Mars.
It is being contested, of course.
NASA is not confirming it.
But there are photos now, this has been covered by the Daily Mail, photos that look like mushrooms.
Growing on Mars, we could have fungi on the red planet, according to these scientists.
Personally, as a scientist myself, who runs an analytical laboratory, I'm very skeptical of this news.
I kind of doubt there would be mushrooms on Mars, but it is interesting that this is emerging.
There are more questions about life on other planets.
So check that out.
See if you think that's true.
I do recall recently that China had sent a mission to the far side of the moon and they had sprouted some Some seeds on the dark side of the moon, but in enclosed vessels.
Not on the surface of the moon, where obviously you could not grow anything.
There's no atmosphere, there's no pressure, there's no liquid water on the surface of the moon.
But a lot of millennials, I believe, saw that news and they thought, awesome!
We can escape Earth now and plant crops on the moon!
And they're thinking, really?
Do you not understand botany at all?
Because that would not work.
But anyway, hey, if I, you know, I've said this before in a podcast, it may sound kind of mean, but, you know, natural selection, we should have a spaceship called Natural Selection with free tickets for anybody who wants to fly to the moon and try to grow crops there.
That would be an amazing mission.
All right, let's go to the caller.
Victor in Florida, you were calling in the last segment, but I'm happy to take your call right now.
Go ahead, Victor, you're live here with Mike Adams on the Alex Jones Show.
Yes, God bless you, Mike and Alex and everybody that's part of the InfoWars.
First and foremost, I want to, I can't stress enough how important it is for everybody to, you know, pitch in and be part of the culture.
Whether it's you just order one item, you know, from the InfoWars store, you'll get a pack, you'll get some stickers.
What I do with the stickers is I stick them around different places throughout the city.
In South Florida, where people are going to be, you know, like at a gas station, you know, I put it somewhere, you know, on the front door somewhere where people are going to have to see it.
Just a thought of what some people should do if you want to be part of this.
That's great.
That's awesome, Victor.
You're right on target.
That's it.
You spread the word.
You share the truth with people.
Let them come here and listen and then make up their own minds.
I understand you've also got another point.
The note here says you believe something may be coming as a distraction.
Is that right?
Well, I think the whole Jesse Smollett thing is a distraction.
As well as the New Zealand thing, it just seems like there's a series of false flags
that have been orchestrated against us in the last week, pretty much, or two weeks.
And I feel like, you know, I'm not Nostradamus, and I'm not trying to pretend like I'm God
or anything, but at a gut level, and we all know that it's connected to your consciousness,
and obviously your consciousness is connected to the Creator.
what I personally feel. I feel like something is going to have to happen.
I mean, there's too many.
I mean, from the child sex trafficking ring to the stuff that the evil globalists do where they take the adrenochrome out of the young kids.
I mean, there's too much going on in the world.
All the Christians being persecuted around the world.
I agree.
The media doesn't cover it.
Yeah, you're right.
You're right on, Victor.
I get the same feeling.
There is a reckoning coming, that the insanity that's being experienced right now, the persecution that's being experienced.
You mentioned the slaughter of Christians, and that is happening all around the world, and the media says nothing about it.
But also the persecution of those who are defending Christianity or defending the American Republic.
We are all being persecuted in different ways.
And you're absolutely right.
I think your warning is right on.
I thank you for your call.
And I think that those listening and watching should take your words to heart, because something is coming.
Let's take some more calls here.
Jim in Alabama.
Also a comment on Jesse Smollett, I believe.
Is that correct, Jim?
You're live with Mike Adams.
Go ahead, please.
Hey, Mike.
Great to talk to you.
I'm a big fan of Natural News.
I read pretty much every day, just as much as I Check out InfoWars.
Well, awesome, Jim.
That's great to hear.
Thank you.
We work hard.
We along with InfoWars, you know, we run large teams of editors and writers, and we have been proven more accurate than The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN all put together.
So there you go.
Yeah, I believe that.
And Brighteon.com as well.
Thank you.
I've been using that a lot lately.
Great YouTube alternative.
But yeah, the Jesse Smollett thing.
I had a theory about this thing is how You know, his case was totally dismissed.
All the charters were dismissed.
I think they called it no lay process, which is like a legal term they use.
But, um, I'm sure you know, just as well as I do.
Countering disinformation and propaganda act was signed into law by Obama right after Trump was elected president.
But before Trump came into office, I think it was, uh, November, December 2016.
Now I haven't actually read through all of that.
But I'm wondering if, seeing as how Jesse Smollett has tied to the Obamas, could this be coded under that as a form of propaganda?
I mean, because... Well, I... There's no doubt in all of our minds, I think, that...
The Jussie Smollett fake hate crime hoax probably has ties back to the Obamas.
But in terms of specifically, you're talking about the funding of propaganda.
My understanding is that most of that funding went to the left-wing online publishers and that that funding has run out at this point because Trump did not allow it to be renewed.
Who knows?
Who knows what money changed hands at what time?
You know, this thing is dirty.
This thing goes all the way to the top.
And Obama, as far as I'm concerned, maybe you would agree with this, I'll ask you for a comment, Obama needs to be investigated for acts of sedition against the United States of America because I think he was running a lot of those high-level deep staters who were trying to take Trump down.
What do you think about that, Jim?
Yeah, yeah.
That's definitely, I think, part of the reason he signed up the bill into law was to kind of cover up his own illegal spying of Trump, you know, back when he was running for president.
So the countering propaganda law was used to push propaganda.
You know, of course, every law passed by leftists and signed by Obama does the opposite of what it claims to do, like the Affordable Care Act, by the way, which, you know, the Department of Justice has now decided that probably the entire law is unconstitutional and it will be revoked.
But thank you for your call, Jim.
Good comments on your part.
I love the fact that InfoWars callers are really thinkers.
And I should mention this too.
You know, I was watching the third hour of the show while Alex was hosting.
Just the fact that Alex is willing to take calls and listen to people.
You know, the media never does that.
When they have town hall events, CNN events, they're all staged.
You know, they're actors or they're political operatives and the questions are rigged and the answers are rigged.
You know, but here at InfoWars, this is real.
I mean, I'm taking calls, people who called in before they even knew that I was coming on the show today.
In fact, let's go to another call.
Aaron in California.
Aaron, we've only got a minute and a half, so go ahead with your question.
You're live, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing man?
I'll switch the question just a little bit just because I get the chance to talk to you.
Sure thing.
So I want to ask, I want to ask your opinion about the vaccines, man.
Vaccines and the marijuana.
So if you could just give me your opinion on both in relation to family kind of relationship.
So right now I got a nine month old young boy, healthy and vibrant.
And, um, I mean, I've been fighting, fighting since he was like two weeks, two or three weeks old.
They were trying to give him the whooping cough through his mother.
And so far, you know, he got a DTAP and a polio.
He's good.
He's healthy, strong, but now we got this measles thing coming up and I'm fighting his mom because it's just like, I show him your videos.
I show her your videos.
I show her the information and she just, Yeah.
take my word or anybody else's word over the Kaiser doctor.
Number one, maybe you could just give me some advice on how to deal with like family with
the vaccines. And my second part was like, what's your opinion on the Christian perspective of
marijuana? You know? All right.
Well, we're going to go to break here in a few seconds.
But your questions are good questions.
I'll answer them on the other side of this break.
And I appreciate your call.
And what you're going through is actually very common.
There are a lot of moms and dads that have different views on vaccination.
We'll cover that when we return here in the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
Brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine, but a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
But I was able to secure with the original manufacturer A better deal by breaking my deal with them and playing guts ball where it's only been sold out for a couple months and we got the new deal done just about a month ago and they are manufacturing it now so people get on the waiting list in about two weeks we'll be shipping x2 original all deep earth crystal pure atomic iodine directly to your door
Across the world.
X2 is back.
It'll be here in two weeks.
This is a blessing, so get yours at InfoWarsTore.com today.
Again, thank you for your support.
Let's support your own body with the purest, best iodine out there.
X2 at InfoWarshaw.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Mike Adams.
All right, we had a really good caller in the last segment asking questions about vaccines.
I'm going to answer that with some rather specific details.
So grab your notepad, take some notes on this.
I'm going to give you some new information here on this.
The thing is, you know, a lot of parents disagree about when to vaccinate their children or how many vaccines to give those children.
And sometimes it's the moms that are opposed to the massive vaccination.
Sometimes it's the dads.
But this can tear families apart.
And specifically to this caller, of course, I can't give you specific medical advice.
You need to make your own decision.
But as a general principle, here are some things that you should consider.
Number one, the vaccine industry has obtained legal liability only for vaccines that are added to the childhood immunization schedule.
So this Act of Congress, which dates back to the 1980s, specifically said that vaccine companies cannot be sued for injuries caused by vaccines that are added to the childhood immunization schedule.
And that means even when those vaccines are administered to adults or senior citizens.
So it is in the financial interests of the vaccine companies to get as many vaccines required On the childhood immunization schedules, just so they can enjoy legal immunity from lawsuits related to the injury caused by those vaccines.
There are two points about this that are very important to argue.
One is, if vaccines harmed no one, then why would the vaccine industry need legal immunity in the first place?
The second reason is, isn't there a strong incentive for vaccine companies to pile as many vaccines on children as possible, even when they're not medically justified, in order to enjoy the legal immunity from lawsuits?
So it turns out that children are actually dumping grounds for far more vaccines than could ever be medically justified, even if you assume they always work, which they don't.
And even if you assume they're always safe, which they aren't, children are dumping grounds for vaccines so that the manufacturers can enjoy legal immunity.
The second thing to consider is that vaccines should be delayed in many cases for most children.
Why are they giving a vaccine to a six-month-old infant to protect that child, you know, theoretically, from a disease that is spread by prostitutes and intravenous drug users?
Now, I would hope that there aren't parents out there who have their six-month-old infants visiting prostitutes.
But you never know.
In cities like San Francisco and these collapsing left-wing cities, maybe that's the norm now.
I don't know.
Maybe there's some new grinder app for infants and prostitutes.
I mean, anything's possible with these leftists.
But in a normal, reasonable society, you wouldn't subject infants to prostitutes and intravenous drug users.
So why are you giving them a vaccine to protect them from diseases that are spread
through those vectors?
That makes no sense.
So those can be delayed.
Even Gardasil, HPV vaccines, is a six-month-old infant sexually active?
Gosh, we hope not.
Now I understand there's Hollywood and there's all the pedophilia and everything.
Maybe that's why they're pushing vaccines.
They want all the kids they're abusing to be fully vaccinated.
Those are sick people.
But that is not a justification for a reasonable, normal parent to vaccinate a child at six months of age, or whatever the age is, against sexually transmitted diseases.
It makes no sense.
It's not medically justified whatsoever.
But here's something else, a final point on this.
I'm going to geek out on you just a little bit here.
This is my lab science geekdom emerging.
Here's the thing.
If you're forced to give your children vaccines, there are things that you can do to protect your child.
And one of the things that has emerged recently in my research Is that aluminum, of course, is one of the main toxic ingredients in vaccines.
Aluminum causes neurological damage.
It's responsible for a lot of the damage in children who are suffering the febrile seizures, the comas, the neurological damage, and even the deaths.
And these deaths are admitted to by the United States government.
The statistics are released in spreadsheets online through Health and Human Services.
The website is vaers.hhs.gov.
That stands for the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System under Health and Human Services.
You can download the spreadsheet yourself and you can see how many children are harmed and killed by vaccines in the United States every year.
Aluminum, I think, is one of the main culprits.
And I think that what happens in some children is their bodies are not able to eliminate the aluminum efficiently.
While most children are not hurt by the aluminum in vaccines, some children are.
And it's those that are not able to get it out of their systems.
Turns out there's something that can help your body eliminate aluminum.
And this can be put into water for children.
And it's called, well it's a horsetail extract.
It's called, some people call it silica as a general term.
The actual molecular form that you want is called orthosilicic acid.
Orthosilicic acid.
And it's an organic molecular form of silica, which is an element.
And this is a water-soluble, bioavailable form of silica.
Again, you can get it from horsetail extract.
What happens is when you have orthosilicic acid in your body, it's circulating in your blood, and it binds with aluminum.
And it creates a new class of molecules called hydroxyaluminosilicates.
And these are very large molecules, much higher molecular mass, and your kidneys are able to then grab those molecules and eliminate them out of your body through urine.
And the reason I'm saying this is because If you have to get a vaccine, and you have to be injected with aluminum, you know, at gunpoint in places like Rockland, New York, which is now threatening six months of prison for unvaccinated children, if you have to do it at gunpoint, there are things that you can do to protect yourself.
And one of those things, I believe, and I'm doing more research on this, and I encourage you to as well, is to look at salicic acid, or orthosalicic acid is the molecular form, horsetail herb extract, things like that.
that can help eliminate aluminum from your body through your body's natural elimination process.
So take notes on that.
That's very good life-saving information.
And you never hear that, of course, in the mainstream media.
Now, you also asked, to the caller, you also asked about marijuana.
And this may not be a very popular view that I'm about to mention here,
but based on my research, the safest form of cannabis extract to take in
is a liquid form.
A cannabis when it is smoked It can still expose you to the carcinogens that are found in everything that's burned.
So if you're smoking cigarettes, you're getting some cancer-causing carcinogens in the smoke just from the fact that smoke is oxidizing fibers and plant mass that is burned and turned into oxidized chemicals, many of which are carcinogenic.
When you burn cannabis, even though cannabis is an amazing healing plant, If you're inhaling that smoke in your lungs, there are negative effects from that smoke, even though cannabis itself is an amazing healing plant.
But if you take cannabis extract in a liquid form, through the supplements, all the various CBD supplements, for example, then it is extremely safe.
And you're not getting the cancer-causing chemicals from the smoke.
So, in my opinion, and I have a considerable amount of scientific experience in this area, I wrote the paper on the quantitation of cannabinoids in hemp extracts.
It's published in a science journal.
In my opinion, It's good to take in the cannabinoids in hemp, but do so in a liquid form, not by smoking the herb.
So there you go.
Those are my technical answers.
Very, hopefully, comprehensive answers to the caller who had great questions, and I appreciate your questions.
And I'm here to help.
I'm here to give you knowledge that you won't find anywhere else.
I do it through Info Wars and my website, Natural News, and we're here to help humanity.
Stay with us.
We'll be back with more.
Well, I've got some really good news for all the viewers and all the listeners.
This was going to be a big loss because we couldn't get the Deep Earth Crystals anymore.
It's been a year and a half fight, but we have the original producer, the original crystal source, the best atomic iodine in the world.
X2, ladies and gentlemen, is back.
X2 is back.
Deep Earth Crystal, not from seaweed, where it's not pure, it can be contaminated, but true atomic iodine.
We get it from the DEA approved that it has to be held in a contained facility before it's then put into the process that makes it legal to put out.
Because, anybody who's watched Breaking Bad knows, true atomic iodine is used in the production of methamphetamine.
It's not a drug.
It's not bad.
It's good for you.
You have to have it.
But it's very hard to get atomic iodine.
Nobody has ever really done this until we worked with researchers and others the last few years to do it.
And so we've gone back to the original producer and we've been able to do a deal to not to put over a barrel from the extractors of it, the oil companies, to bring it to you.
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This deal just happened about a month ago.
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The labels are being put on today.
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And this is the King Daddy, ladies and gentlemen.
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Now back at Infowarsstore.com.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have making it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, just make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you can actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleep.
Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
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I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
I said, yeah, you look 10 years younger.
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All just moderate dose.
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So, that's available at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing.
They get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it.
But it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing millions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called "Report Your Show."
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Mike Adams!
Alright, we're back on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for continuing with me.
Mike Adams here filling in for the fourth hour.
We had a really great segment.
Just talking about, you know, vaccines and cannabis and during the break I was bombarded with questions from the InfoWars staff here about vaping.
What about vaping?
What's my opinion on vaping?
And vaping actually is...
Very safe as long as what you're vaping is the natural plant and not all these flavor additives.
So if you think about it, vaping is simply an aerosolized liquid extract.
So you're not burning cannabis to get the vaping material.
So you're not getting the cancer-causing chemicals or risks associated with burning plant material, which is one of the reasons why tobacco can be harmful to your health if you're burning it.
But if you were to just vape a cannabis extract, that is extremely safe in my opinion.
I think the FDA's attacks on vaping are misguided.
I think the FDA is trying to assert regulatory control over a natural health product, an entire category of products, which is vaping.
I don't vape, but if I were to vape, I would avoid the vaping formulas that have the synthetic flavors or, you know, chemicals or anything like that.
I would just get the most natural, pure cannabis extract that I could.
You know, vaping is, you're just taking in liquid through your lungs.
Vaping can, you know, you can vape colloidal silver to treat tuberculosis infections in your lung.
You know, I mean, everybody remembers, what is it, VapoRub or VaporRub, Vicks, you know, from your vaping menthol, essentially.
You know, vaping is one way to take in nutrients into your system through your lungs.
I mean, your lungs are obviously connected directly to your blood.
That's how oxygen gets into your blood.
So if you can vape healing nutrients into your blood supply through your lungs without burning things, so you're not taking in smoke, that can actually be very beneficial for your health.
As always, the typical disclaimer.
I'm not your doctor, so make your own health decision and talk to your own medical professionals about what is right for you.
I'm going to cover a couple other headlines here, then we're going to get to the big story, which is the medical martial law in New York.
But just quickly, a couple things here.
Insurance companies are now canceling policies of conservatives who post pro-Trump messages on social media.
This is up right now on naturalnews.com.
This is incredible, and I can't divulge the name, but a prominent person, I had a conversation with that person on the phone, that their personal home insurance is being canceled by the insurance companies And the company is claiming that the reason they're canceling it is because Antifa might attack them.
So think about this.
So Antifa is running around harassing and threatening people with violence for being conservatives, and then the insurance company says, we don't want to insure you as a conservative because we're afraid you might be attacked by Antifa.
All right.
I guess if you can't get home insurance, you can certainly get a home firearm.
How about that?
How's that for an insurance policy?
Insurance by Glock.
That's a whole new way to insure your residence.
I mean, these days, that's what you have to do.
Self-defense is your right.
All right, here we go.
Check this out.
A Soros-linked district attorney is now blocking Boston police from making arrests on shoplifting, destruction of property, resisting arrest, and drug offenses.
Also, no deportation of illegals.
This is part of the lawlessness pattern that we are seeing all across America, where now you've got these cities collapsing into complete lawlessness, homelessness, and drug addiction.
And on that point, oh by the way, that's That's talking about Suffolk County District Attorney Rachel Rollins.
And that story is from the Gateway Pundit.
So, interesting news there.
Seattle is dying.
It's a new documentary that examines the homeless and drug epidemic.
And this documentary has been put out by a local news station called KOMO.
Their reporter Eric Johnson Sheds light on the epidemic of mass homelessness and drug abuse in Seattle and how it has turned for the worse in just the last five years as liberals were put in charge.
Not just liberals, but radical leftists.
Remember, everything that the left touches is destroyed.
Everything falls into ruin.
And if you let leftists run America, they will destroy America.
They will destroy our society and leave you desperate and destitute.
They will take everything from you.
All right, here's a... I actually want to cover this one.
More breaking news.
Yes, men and women are physiologically different.
New science proves it.
We've got this up at Natural News right now, too.
Another study documents the differences between the sexes.
Remember, the left today says that men and women are not different.
This is their delusion.
They think that men and women do not exist.
They think that biology isn't real.
This is how they can claim gender fluidity.
By saying that any person can claim to be a man or a woman or anywhere along some spectrum at any time just by wishing it so.
Or as I sometimes say, waving a magic wand over your crotch.
But it doesn't work, it turns out.
You can try it at home.
It's okay.
Try that.
Just wave it and wish.
And see what happens.
Guess what?
If you started out as a man, you're still a man.
You started out as a woman, you're still a woman.
Doesn't change your physiology.
You are not some imaginary unicorn in reality.
You cannot invoke fairy tales and try to make them real.
Although that's what leftists do all the time.
Okay, another important story today.
When did Robert Mueller know that President Trump was innocent?
Now, Alex may have already covered this, so I'm not going to go into details, but this
is an important point.
Also here, I've got another story on that as well, but I think Robert Mueller knew about
this before the 2018 midterm elections, which means that he withheld that information from
the American voters as a way to sway more votes towards Democrats, knowing that that
would put Democrats in charge of Congress, the House, so that they could continue to
carry out more investigations under Representative Adam Schiff, who is on the Intelligence Committee
and is clinically insane.
He actually sees flying unicorns in his head.
He's got visions of Trump collusion.
And that's how he counts himself to sleep at night.
Instead of counting sheep, he counts flying unicorns with trailing Russians.
This is how he gets that done.
All right.
Also, Ted Malik here.
This is from Breitbart, I believe.
Or maybe this is a gateway pun as well.
He says, charge all involved in Operation Crossfire Hurricane.
And he is naming specific people that need to be criminally charged, including Barack Hussein Obama.
I'm going to go down the list that Ted Malik is recommending.
John Brennan needs to be criminally indicted and charged.
James Comey, Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, The quote, paramour, a word that none of us ever heard of before this, when the media tried to cover up, you know, to have a new euphemism for your, you know, your secret lover at the workplace.
Loretta Lynch, James Baker, Christopher Steele, Glenn Simpson, Hillary Clinton, Nellie and Bruce Ohr.
The late John McCain.
Who has apparently escaped indictment by passing away Susan Rice, Samantha Powers and Ben Rhodes.
So those are some of the people who need to be investigated for sedition or for an attempted coup or in my opinion possible treason.
But there's more to this.
I'm saving the best story for the last segment, by the way.
We've got one more minute in this segment, but definitely don't go anywhere because I've got something big coming up.
But Trump has ordered agencies now to prepare for potential EMP attacks.
Finally, somebody in the federal government is aware that the entire United States civilization, I mean the whole country, everything, could be brought to its knees by a single solar flare or a high-altitude nuclear detonation, an EMP attack.
According to current estimates, up to 90% of the American population could perish within just a few months because without electricity and a power grid, people who are not able to access their mobile devices would fling themselves off tall buildings, not knowing how to deal with reality.
Well, that's my take on it anyway, but the official report gives more details on why that might happen.
A food collapse, outbreaks of disease, and social chaos is basically what they're saying.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back with much more here in the last segment of InfoWars.
There's been a paradox or a contradiction on the surface that many have noted in the last hundred years.
Historians are confused by the fact that powerful British and European and U.S.
robber barons of the 19th and 20th century, almost to a man, funded socialism and communism.
People say that doesn't make sense.
But Carol Quigley, the head of Georgetown Political Science, Bill Clinton's mentor back in the 1960s, wrote Tragedy and Hope.
And in the 1100 page blueprint, he explains that we want fascism, we want communism, we want socialism, we want command and control.
But our favorite system is socialism because it domesticates the people.
But we want to have the illusion of left and right, we want to control both parties.
So the people think they're having change, but really they move in the same direction towards vertical integration.
So you have the big billionaires, the people controlling trillion dollar companies like Tim Cook and Apple and others.
Who literally run the equivalent of slave factories in China, who help round up political dissidents, but they're everywhere lecturing you about Black Lives Matter and about how Trump hates Muslims and how altruistic and loving they are.
Because if you look into what they pay in taxes, it's almost zero.
And it's all the big tech companies have set it up with offshore accounts and other systems where they legally pay almost no tax.
Then the very same people lecture you and I how if you're making $100,000 a year, you're rich and you're not paying enough money.
If you're making $200,000 a year, you're in the 1% and you're guilty and you're bad.
No, the globalists are in the .0000000042, depending on the analysis you do.
That tiny percentage of a percentage controls over half the wealth.
And they're maneuvering things towards a monopoly.
They want to get rid of middle classes.
They want to get rid of real free market systems that threaten them with innovation.
And new companies, and new ideas, and new leaders, and new savants that come along.
So they're creating a classical system, a two-tiered system, where the elite are on top, the people are on the bottom, and there's no middle class.
That's the globalist aim, selling you on austerity, selling you on being poor, telling you your carbon footprint's evil, but AOC and the rest of them fly around on private jets and wear $3,000-plus outfits.
All they tell us is capitalism is a failure.
It isn't capitalism that's a failure.
It's crony capitalism, using socialism and communism to control us, that is working beautifully for this world fascist system they've set up.
It's corporate fascism using crony capitalism to dodge the taxes, to be above the law, diplomatic immunity, dominating humanity.
And that's why they demonize info wars.
If you read the Clinton Foundation documents, the Judicial Watch sued and died.
They're talking in the early 90s about we can't let right-wingers or nationalists ever create their own economy.
If they sell a book, or have a magazine, or open a company, we've got to say it's evil and shut it down.
We can't let them have a community.
We can't let them create their own economy.
That's why when you go to InfoWarsTore.com, you don't just get amazing products.
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your own future.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging War on Corruption It's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
The Heights Public Library today debuting a new children's story hour called Drag Queen Storytime.
My name is Blackberry.
I'm a bearded drag queen.
That means I'm a lady with lots of facial hair.
Stephanie Whitfield sat in on the program designed to promote acceptance.
I'm actually going to be one of the drag queens reading for Drag Queen Storytime.
Drag Queen Storytime.
And we witnessed parents taking their children, as young as two, inside to take part.
Are you nervous?
Do you want to touch my hair?
And for the children and the people that support it are gonna realize that this is gonna be the grooming of the next generation.
That's the whole goal is to make kids that aren't used to seeing something like me more comfortable just seeing it.
You could be a drag queen superhero!
And shake your butt!
Shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em, shake 'em!
Sweet dreams are made of these Who had a mind to disagree?
Travel the world as the wind sees Everybody's looking for something
Some of them want to yell, yell Some of them want to be heard, heard
No one's there to push an agenda on anyone.
No one's there to persuade people or to recruit people.
Who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up?
You could be a drag queen superhero.
Are you nervous?
They were all accepting.
They all were happy about it and excited and giving me hugs and everything.
Most people seem to walk away having a good time.
A stardom young, right?
A stardom young, right?
The woman gets up on her table, spreads her legs.
It's a man.
This is adult entertainment.
But what do predators do?
They target children.
Breaking news.
We have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston public library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
A media spokesperson for the library confirms one of those drag queens, Tatiana Malanina, is really Alberto Garza, a child sex offender.
In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an 8-year-old boy.
This is Tatiana Malanina, my sister from Queens of the Week.
And everywhere else it's called pedophilia.
But when it's done institutionally, and they can get away with people dressed up like demon clowns with your children.
Pull up Tranny Time in the New York schools.
This was put out in the New York Times, like it's wonderful.
And it's the biggest scary looking group of weirdo pot-bellied men.
Looks like a bunch of Dennis Hasterds running around with clown makeup on.
Just hopping around, rubbing their giant bellies in front of children, and you're like, what alternate universe is this?
What planet did I wake up in?
That was some video there, huh?
It's pretty sick.
What the left is trying to do to our children.
It's pretty sick the way they exploit kids for their personal sexual desires and the rampant pedophilia that exists across Hollywood and in some political circles.
It's pretty, it's beyond sick actually.
I can't even use the proper words here because we're on the air.
So, I'll just let that sink in there a little bit.
When you think about the war, the culture war that's happening in America, I want you to think about what we're fighting against here.
We're fighting against sicko, twisted, demented individuals who are targeting and exploiting children to fulfill their own weird, deviant sexual desires.
That's what we're dealing with.
No wonder they want their own six-month-old infants Vaccinated against sexually transmitted diseases.
Now it all makes sense, because that's who they are.
They are sick.
All right, let's move on to other news before I get...
In trouble.
It gets my blood boiling when you look at that abuse of children.
It's insane.
Let's go to Rockland County, New York now.
So you've heard the story about the medical martial law that has been declared, but you haven't heard the story
about the Rockland County executive named Ed Day, D-A-Y.
Ed Day is the one who, according to our research, is responsible for this decision.
Now, we did some background on Ed Day.
Now, he's a public official, and we've done some fact-checking on this,
so we're gonna lay out some things that you may not have known about this man.
He calls himself a Republican.
He used to be the chief of the detective division of the Baltimore Police Department,
and then he served as the corporate director of security for Phipps House Services, so he did corporate security,
and then he was with the New York Police Department, the commander of detectives,
and he was with the New York Police Department for 21 years, so he has a history.
He knows how to use police to, you know, do what he wants to do.
Maybe intimidate witnesses, maybe roll out a police state.
Well, he's rolled out a medical police state now in Rockland County.
And he says, oh, wait a minute, there's something else you gotta know about this.
Check this out.
He has, last year he issued a report rolling out the red carpet for pharmaceutical companies.
And in this report called, I'm sorry, it's not last year, it's this year, the 2019 State of the County He says that the biomed sector in Rockland is booming.
And he says the New York Center for Innovation campus in Pearl River continues to grow.
And he says RK Pharma, an international pharmaceutical manufacturer, so on, has signed a long-term lease on 83,000 square feet.
He talks about all this private investment for this pharmaceutical company.
And then he goes on to say, That we are creating an environment.
Remember, this is the guy who put a vaccine mandate, medical martial law, where you go to prison for six months if you are not vaccinated.
This is for anyone 18 years old and under.
You can't go to church.
You can't go to school.
You can't go to a mall.
You can't ride public transportation.
You can't visit a restaurant.
You can't go to a movie.
You can't even go to a government building without being arrested.
And he says, this is Ed Day, he says, quote, we are creating an environment where businesses can thrive and jobs are created, all while respecting the lives and communities of our residents.
So this is how Rockland, New York, what's his title?
Chief, I'm just gonna call him the Chief Executioner.
How about that?
The Chief Executioner of Rockland, New York, Who apparently loves to see little children harmed by vaccines.
He says he is going to be, quote, respecting the lives of our residents.
So I've got some questions for Ed Day.
Number one, are you going to make unvaccinated children wear armbands?
How are you going to identify them in a crowd?
Are you going to have vaccine papers required?
And are you going to dispatch your county pharma thugs to demand that people show you their papers, their vaccine papers?
Or will you use biometric scanning or RFID chips?
Will you have government RFID scanners at certain checkpoints, such as voting locations, to make sure that people who aren't vaccinated can't vote?
Is this what you're going to do?
How are you going to enforce your ban, Mr. Ed Day?
You used to run a department of over 3,000 police officers and detectives.
Are you going to use gunpoint enforcement?
Are you going to threaten to arrest and interrogate people if they don't vaccinate their children?
Are you saying that parents have to be held accountable if they're found to be in violation of the State of Emergency Act that you have declared?
But what about you, Mr. Day?
Are you going to be accountable for the health, the injuries, the health effects that these children experience when they're damaged by vaccines?
Is Rockland County going to foot the medical bills for a lifetime of autism?
And how about this?
Here's another big question.
He says that there's no religious exemption in Rockland County because he says that there are some rabbis there who are advocating vaccines, including the MMR vaccine.
And I'm wondering, do these rabbis... Well, let me back up.
Ed Day, he is medically illiterate.
He is scientifically illiterate.
Like a lot of people who claim to be bureaucrats and want to rule your lives, they know nothing about what they're talking about.
He probably doesn't know that many of these vaccines contain aborted human fetal tissue.
Yes, there is dead baby tissue in your vaccines.
And now this man, who claims to be a conservative and claims to be a Christian, wants you to engage in medical cannibalism by injecting your children with the harvested parts of other dead babies.
And then he says rabbis support this too.
And I have a question for the rabbis.
Is medical cannibalism kosher?
Because last time I read Leviticus, the book of Leviticus in the Bible, I believe they were saying...
Don't drink the blood of animals, and it probably didn't need to be said, but I think that eating or injecting other human beings into your body is not kosher.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong.
Maybe there are some rabbis out there listening who can chime in on this, but I'm pretty sure that grinding up dead babies and injecting them into other children is not kosher.
Which means that this whole operation is not kosher.
And that Ed Day is forcing people to violate their own religious beliefs.
It's sad.
But that's what's happening in New York.
Thanks for watching.
Mike Adams.
Take care.
The good news is...
After a year and a half long battle to secure the deep-earth crystals that nobody else has for the purest atomic iodine out there, we have been able to secure X2.
I was sure we weren't going to be able to get it.
It's a derivative that the oil companies get between 7,000 and 12,000 feet.
There's globalist industrial espionage that goes on where they try to not just take our sponsors and things, but actually stop us from getting the raw material because this is under DEA control to get the raw stuff because it's so powerful.
So X2, after being sold out for several months, We were able to get it back into production from its original producer, and we now have it.
And it is the purest, best, good halogen out there.
Just research how IQs went down massively in the Midwest because they didn't have any iodine in the soil.
Once the government added it, it just did all of these insanely good things.
It's incredible.
One of God's great gifts.
So X2's back.
It's ended about a week and a half.
You can pre-order it at InfoWarshore.com.
I almost forgot.
25% off out of the gates to celebrate the fact that it's back.
I forgot that part.
25% off X2.