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Name: 20190326_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 26, 2019
3246 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including Jussie Smollett's case being dismissed; CNN's James Clapper admitting he acted under orders from Obama, Hillary Clinton; and the European Union lawmakers approving a copyright reform which states that linking to someone's website is now considered illegal. He also discusses how the media has been pushing for vaccinations while ignoring the health issues caused by the influx of undocumented immigrants. Jones mentions the federal investigation into various topics; he encourages his audience to use hashtag #AlexJones on Twitter, Facebook, Google, and YouTube to restore the First Amendment and support the dynamic human spirit of resistance. He also criticizes CNN president Jeff Zucker's statement claiming it is not the job of journalists to investigate things. Late-night show host Stephen Colbert has blamed President Donald Trump for his own two-year coverage of the Trump-Russia investigation, and the EU's new copyright proposal could lead to widespread censorship of online content. Alex Jones promotes various products available at InfoWarsStore.com, encouraging listeners to purchase them at discounted prices.

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Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Well, if you want next year's news today, this is the place.
The globalists are desperate to shut down.
They're desperate and working around the clock to try to shut down.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Tuesday, the 26th day of March 2019.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Let's get right down to business.
Jesse Smollett allowed to walk.
That's right.
Caught red-handed.
The police have the guys that staged it.
They have the receipts.
They have the surveillance footage at both the stores.
They have everything.
But the head prosecutor that's already under federal investigation says he's done such work for the community, race warning, that he goes three, three, three.
It's just too embarrassing to have the trial.
Too embarrassing.
Because Barack Hussein Obama is involved.
Oh, I've got a clip coming up.
Where Clapper, former head of national intelligence, was on CNN, where Trump and others were talking about criminal charges against him, and he says, there'll be no criminal charges against me!
I acted under orders from El Presidente, which we told you a long, long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.
Directed by Obama, directed by Hillary, from inside the White House during the campaign.
And of course it's come out that that's exactly what happened.
don't just think Clapper and Brennan and Comey and everybody else just magically
did all this by themselves on their own you don't just think Strzok and Page and
Orr and McCabe and all and the whole MSM with total confidence all the late
night comedy shows every news program it's everywhere Russian agents have
taken over red alert air raid sirens marching feet stomping boots dogs
barking I mean, we've got to do something!
The Russians are coming!
The Russians are coming!
Good Lord, they're already in control!
Total fiction, total fraud, directed by the White House.
Directed by the whole shooting match.
And now that it's coming out, Clapper and Brennan and all of them are making the rounds on TV saying, I did it under orders of Obama.
And then he reads off, we're going to play the clip coming up, he reads off all the dates that they planted it in the news, but gave it no attention.
That they were surveilling Trump, and that they were spying on him.
That's how we knew they were.
And I said, look, they put it there to hide it in plain view, so that their own operatives would think it must be legitimate, it's in the newspaper.
But then once I pointed it out, once Trump got elected and got into office, they went, that's insane, Jones says he got it from the New York Times, he made it up!
Remember Anderson Cooper?
Had the New York Times guy on?
See, I know how they work, folks.
They had to have it in the newspapers so their own people would go, we're going to spy on all of them and we're going to set them up?
I guess it's in the newspaper.
I'm going to do it.
Loved to have would have just magically known all this.
I didn't.
They hid it in plain view in front of everyone like we're complete morons.
But here's the good news.
It got almost no attention in the talk with Netanyahu and Trump in the Oval Office yesterday.
When Trump said this is treason, and it is treason, and now he's been tweeting saying Obama administration must account for abuse of surveillance power.
And what have we been saying day one?
It's like Nixon got in trouble for some illegal spying that is dwarfed by this.
Still, it was bad what he did.
This is thousands and thousands and thousands of times bigger, and this will get them in a lot of trouble.
The Jussie Smollett info is coming up as well.
Things are not going to be boring around here.
This is one broadcast you don't want to miss.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Info
Here's some of the giant breaking news, dark day for the internet, link tax.
EU lawmakers approve controversial copyright reform, saying even linking to someone's website is illegal.
You're like, what?
Oh yes, they're going to destroy the internet.
The globalists fear it.
New York County declares measles emergency.
A New York County that they're shipping massive amounts of illegal aliens into.
Bans anyone under 18 who isn't vaccinated from public places.
And there's a total hysteria being launched across the West.
If you're not vaccinated, you're a criminal.
But never any discussion of the bringing people with TB.
Drug-resistant diseases of all different types en masse and explosions and all these diseases that weren't even known in this country anymore.
There's no discussion of why this is happening in New York and Los Angeles and Miami and Houston, Texas.
There's no discussion of why, but if you actually go to the local news, they'll admit that it's the illegal aliens that are spreading it.
Absolutely insane.
And then, of course, the big story.
I'm looking at DrudgeReport.com.
Empire bombshell.
Smollett charges dropped.
Starr sticks to story.
He was attacked.
Community service case sealed.
Chicago police furious.
What did I tell you a month ago here on air?
The article's posted on InfoWars.com.
Federal probe launched into Obama AIDS.
Involved in staging the Smollett case, as well as Empire executives who wanted to revamp and relaunch the flagging program.
There's one of the articles, February 22nd.
It's now March 26th.
The Alex Jones Show!
Feds investigating whether Dems, Fox directed Smollett, and then it goes into the article Obama being involved with Obama aides in Chicago and protecting him.
And now I have page six, Chicago Tribune, right here.
This week, cops call for federal probe related to Obama aide involvement in Jesse Smollett case.
That's right.
Cops call for federal probe related to Obama aide involvement because she's the head Cook County Attorney who's big buddies with Jesse Smollett and big buddies with Obama, Kim Foxx, who worked for Obama!
And she's the one under investigation and she's the one that got the judge to say Smollett can pay $10,000 greenbacks and fly free and admit no harm.
You just had 40 detectives working around the clock.
You just tried to cause a race war.
You did it because you wanted to create racial division and get more money.
You guys are in a giant fiasco fraud, and that's OK.
Because you're in Chicago, Chicago.
Oh, yeah.
What a joke.
Talk about third world, baby.
This is as third world dictatorship as it gets.
But they counted the costs.
If they put him in front of a jury and he kept lying and they showed all the surveillance footage and there's eyewitnesses that both worked for him, both as extras on Empire, it would have been even more destructive.
And so because he's too corrupt to fail, it's too embarrassing because he's got friends in high places like Barack Hussein Obama, who you know is involved in the whole thing.
The way the whole media jumped on it, the way they all defended the improbable story, And now we see that as a microcosm.
We pull back to the 35,000 foot level.
And what is Brennan and Clapper and others doing in press releases and on TV?
Next segment, I'll play the clip.
What are they saying?
They're saying, I was directed by Obama to open up the Russiagate investigation.
They do the illegal wiretapping into Everything they did.
And then once the president's already in office, and they testify to Congress and talk to the president, Clapper and Comey and Brennan all tell him, oh, you're not the subject of the investigation, sir.
Lying, because he was the subject.
That's perjury to Congress!
You see, they thought they were gonna win this thing.
They didn't.
But now we learn why they think they're gonna get away with it.
We're both co-presidents for eight years.
She was co-president.
And they did whatever they wanted to.
And so, when Trump looked like he was going to win and got the nomination, they started the fake Russiagate investigation.
To cover all their illegal wiretaps they already had going on.
The surveillance.
And then they expanded, and they expanded again.
Right into the election of Trump.
President-elect continued spying and continued it right on until now.
There's rogue agencies, rogue groups doing this, but there's nothing there.
No obstruction.
No nothing.
But because these crimes are so massive by the other side of the legal investigation, because they have real Russia connections and real China connections, now they're going to lean back on executive privilege and say, well, Obama told us to, which they've now done.
And remember, we told you Obama and Hillary ran it.
That's now all confirmed.
In fact, there's a clip that one of our great researchers has found that we'll play first when we come back.
Matt found this.
Alex Jones calls out treason by Deep State and media to launch special counsel on June 8, 2017.
That's how long that is.
And we've got Trump yesterday, Mueller report based on treason.
And so you will get the news of two years from now, today, all coming up.
And then we've got the news I really need to hit more.
I covered this yesterday.
Teens aren't socializing in the real world, and that's making them lonely, depressed, and stupid.
Your phone might be messing with your sleep, work, and relationship.
Slay the smartphones.
Tech conference.
It's making our lives more sluggish.
Study fines.
We're going to be talking about that as well and quality of life.
But there is just so much to get to here today.
And then an excellent article up on Infowars.com and Newswars.com from the great Mike Adams.
President Trump can end big tech treasonous censorship with a single signature.
Here's how.
And he's absolutely right.
That's coming up.
And remember, Avi Yemini, the popular Jewish Australian who's just a mainline conservative, they edited him to make it look like he supported white supremacists on Jim Jefferies Show.
He recorded it all secretly to show that Jim Jefferies set him up and lied.
Facebook deleted his account permanently for exposing the criminal activity.
Doesn't matter.
It's backfired even more.
Streisand effect.
It's incredible what these crooks do.
That article is up on Infowars.com with that video as well.
The latest.
Please, do not forget.
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Info war store dot com. I love George Norie.
You know, when he took over back in like 2002, 2003, he already had three or four or five Emmys under his belt, award-winning news director, Naval veteran, officer, already a very successful syndicated radio host.
He took over for the late Late great Art Bell.
Now late great.
And it's good to know that people like him are still the biggest things out there, but corporate media, the internet, ignore it.
So it's a perfect time to bring George Norrie of Coast2CoastAM.com.
He also hosts a national TV show as well.
So, George, what do you make of this attack on free speech that's gone into overdrive, and what would you call this period we're in, and what should be done?
Because I like Trump, but I'm getting really upset about the censorship.
I would make sure that the one thing that we must avoid is hatred toward people.
I don't care about criticism.
I don't care about the ability for free speech.
We should be entitled to that.
What we need to stop in this country is this divide that we have right now, Alex, that
I've never seen this bad before, where you can't even conduct dialogue with somebody.
If you walked into a bar today, sat down to have a beer and talked to the guy next to
you, if he doesn't agree with your views, it's a screaming session.
It's not a discussion.
It's not a debate.
It's not honest dialogue anymore.
It's a screaming session.
You know, I get emails.
I've got news guests on my show all the time.
Some are left, some are right.
When I got a guy on who's more right-wing, Dr. John Curtis, onlinecolumnist.com, I'll
get all kinds of hate email from people on the left.
Then I'll have Howard Blum on, who's left.
I get hate mail from those on the right.
We gotta fix this in this country.
We gotta get to a point where people can argue and debate and not scream and yell at people anymore.
So what you're saying is people need to be tolerant, but let's just be honest.
90% of the attacks are the left against the right.
People that are Trump supporters.
The left are the ones driving the censorship.
I know you're not left or right.
You're more of a libertarian like I am.
I mean, it's out of control.
And as you said, they've panicked.
Don't they get that they're causing a bigger crisis than I think they're fighting?
A, and then B, what would you do to stop these big tech companies and their monopolies?
What are you doing?
Quit panicking.
They are only reacting because they're panicking.
Somebody is putting pressure on them to muffle Alex Jones.
Somebody is putting pressure on them to pull websites.
They're not doing this on their own.
You've been around for A long, long time.
You've been the same.
You're not any more or less vocal than you were 10, 15 years ago.
Somebody's getting to these people, Alex, and scaring the living daylights out of them.
And that's got to stop.
At this point right now, they're going with what they are thinking is the public's desire, and they're reacting to it.
And they're wrong.
They're making horrible mistakes.
And again, the First Amendment, under fire, worse than I've ever seen it before.
The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions And what we say and what we do that changes the world.
We are the power structure.
We are the inventors.
We are the trailblazers.
And the globalists understand that.
And they understand that they are basically trying to control and steal the future from we, the people.
Now, to help fund our operation that is undoubtedly the very tip of the spear against these globalists, I want to encourage listeners and viewers to understand that throughout the second half of the month of March, we're going to have store-wide free shipping at 50% off at M4Store.com, something everybody should take advantage of.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
The Band for Boat and Broadcast is live.
It's the Alex Jones Show with yours truly, Alex Jones.
And people walk up to me every day on the street, every day, and they go sometimes 50 times that I'm like on vacation walking around the beach.
I used to love your show on YouTube.
I used to love it on iTunes.
Where can I find it?
And I go, did you listen very often?
Infowars.com, video, audio streams, David Knight Show, The War Room, Owen Schroyer.
They go, oh yeah.
And I'm like, yeah.
Think about it and then spread the word.
But people get habituated listening a certain way.
People either listen to books on tape at a certain website, or they listen on iTunes, or they watch on YouTube.
That's how people do things.
They tend to do things on one or two mediums.
And everyone's been trained to only go to that one big platform, like Facebook or Twitter.
No, ladies and gentlemen, I started out on talk radio before I ever Had a website before I was ever on YouTube.
Been around almost 25 years.
And I know the core audience understands that.
Our core audience is bigger than ever.
But our outreach to new people has been cut off to a great extent.
Where we can actually get real timely information to them like we're about to do.
And that's where you're ambassadors.
That's where you're foot soldiers.
That's where you're captains.
That's where you're generals.
It's where you're the chiefs and where you're just the regular Indians.
In this fight.
We're all in it together.
And it's never been easier to get people to tune in.
You say you've heard Alex Jones demonize.
You've heard what a bad person he is.
You see him in the newspaper all the time with these out of context quotes.
Why don't you go see what it is he's actually saying that the globalists are saying is so incredibly bad and so incredibly evil.
Now I want to slow down here.
Next segment, I'm going to get to the meat and potato facts that Jussie Smollett was allowed to walk today when he was caught totally open and shut case, red-handed, prima facie, running a giant scam, staging a false flag.
Why is that happening?
It's happening because Obama and the Democrats out of Chicago were involved in this, along with the individuals running Empire.
I said that a month ago, and now you learn there are federal investigations, there are calls for other federal investigations, in to Kim Foxx and Tina Tchen, who both have worked with Obama, and one of them was Obama's direct lawyer.
So you've got open and shut, that's coming up next segment.
What I'm gonna get to right now, What I'm gonna get to right now,
is the open and shut facts.
A hundred and- 110% that Obama allowed spying on Trump during the campaign, when he was president-elect, and after, and that it's outrageous crimes.
And now, Clapper and Brennan have come out because there's calls for them to be criminally charged.
They've said, no, we were under orders from the president.
That clip will be at the start of the next segment.
But first, let's go to the President, yesterday, with Benjamin Netanyahu, laying out what's really happened.
Here it is.
Mr. President, so did this turn out to not be a witch hunt after all?
Do you think Robert Mueller did a... It lasted a long time.
We're glad it's over.
It's 100% the way it should have been.
I wish it could have gone a lot sooner, a lot quicker.
There are a lot of people out there that Have done some very, very evil things, very bad things.
I would say treasonous things against our country.
And hopefully that people that have done such harm to our country.
We've gone through a period of really bad things happening.
Those people Well, certainly be looked at.
I've been looking at them for a long time, and I'm saying, why haven't they been looked at?
They lied to Congress.
Many of them, you know who they are.
They've done so many evil things.
I will tell you, I love this country.
I love this country as much as I can love anything.
My family, my country, my God.
But what they did, it was a false narrative.
It was a terrible thing.
We can never let this happen to another president again.
I can tell you that.
I say it very strongly.
Very few people I know could have handled it.
We can never, ever let this happen to another president again.
Thank you all very much.
I am in June 8th, 2017.
Laying out exactly what you just heard in 2019.
This is beyond a nothing burger.
This is a treason burger, ladies and gentlemen.
Comey admits he leaked the memo to the New York Times, which they did admit got the story wrong.
Oh, so they used a memo, misrepresented what was in it, to hurt the president.
That's what I told you day one.
Then he wouldn't give the memo to Congress.
So, he admits he gave this memo to a friend in the press.
And now CNN has had to admit fake news about Connie's testimony.
And of course issued a retraction.
CNN issues correction.
Headline changes following testimony.
Sorry for the fake news.
I mean, this is just mind-blowing.
But my head's spinning right now.
This is so many things.
This is Comey admitting he put out the memo.
Comey then admits that the New York Times got the story completely wrong from the memo.
So he commits a crime with a memo that he leaks to the press.
That they then misrepresent, which we know it was meant to do, because that memo, the way the New York Times reported it, and the way the Washington Post reported it, completely and totally contradicted his testimony on May 3rd, two months later.
So now he's got to come back and clean all this up, but it gets worse.
He then tells multiple senators that no one tried to influence him on Russia, But through his surrogates that he's linked to, he said that they did try to influence Russia.
On the Russia.
All Comey now says he felt influenced on was leave Flynn alone, he's a good guy.
I hope you can see it through to not go after him.
That's not ordering him.
So that's a lie too.
All of this is a bunch of lawyers trying to spin and confuse and manipulate the public.
That's exactly what it is.
The takeaway is, none of it's real.
It's all fake, from pillar to post.
Then they've got other clips dealing with the Russia dossier, Pissgate, all of it, admitting that's all fake now.
But remember BuzzFeed and all the rest of them and Daily Beast coming out and saying I had edited a tape of Comey when he's asked if anybody's tried to influence him, the Attorney General or anybody, he says no, no one has.
That means no one has because it'd be a pretty big deal.
They then spun it that that didn't mean the President.
But then today, Senator Burr is talking to him and he says, specifically, the President didn't.
So, we're real, BuzzFeed and the Daily Beast, you're fake.
And CNN has to admit, they're fake.
We were right again, specifically.
Let's stay right there, folks.
And again, all their hoaxes have fallen.
Smollett, Stormy Daniels, Blasey Ford, the Russiagate.
The carbon taxes, the global warming, all of it's a fraud, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what these people are.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alec, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Hey, put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much bagging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not going to just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the Infowars.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm going to finish up on the first tranche, the first quadrant, the first section, the first zone of this incredible implosion of the attempted takedown of the 45th president and the election of 2016.
A coup!
You just saw an administrative, deep state, bureaucratic coup unravel, derail, spill off the edge of a cliff, and then explode, and then now there's all the toxic smoke in the air, and fires spreading from the aftermath, and this is far from over.
This is just beginning.
When CNN said, this is the end of the beginning, they meant it.
They're not gonna stop.
They're gonna let Jesse Smollett walk to encourage other people to stage events.
I always remember General Parton would say, Alex, communists always let their people walk.
So when there's a communist revolution, all the ones that have been locked up in prison know they're gonna be released, or those that, you know, get busted during a revolution won't even be charged, or the charges will be dropped, and he said, you'll know you're in a communist revolution when they're committing crimes and the charges are being dropped.
Man, he was a smart guy.
I knew he was smart, but now I realize how smart.
I had dinner with him six or seven times.
Had him on the air probably a hundred times.
Spoken a couple speeches with him.
But he would go, listen to me, Jones.
It's a program.
It's an operation.
And if you just know their operations manual, you can defeat them.
Stop trying to speculate in all these different corners and areas.
They've got a program!
They've got a program!
He's pretty calm on air, but at dinner, he would, you know, just try to get me on the straight and narrow of like, you don't need to figure out every damn angle.
They've got a program.
They follow it!
You want to defeat them?
Learn the program!
And now I know that same frustration.
It's a program!
It's an operation!
It's how they do it!
Getting chills right now.
See, I said I'd get into the Russia stuff, then I'd get into the Smollett thing, but it makes me so angry.
Because if these people can get away with this type of crap, where they have Smollett cut and dry at every stage... Look, if you were writing a college course for criminology on an open and shut case, And then how classic police work's done, this would be the case.
And it's all taken by the Democrats that run Chicago, with open lawyers that work for Obama.
You know Obama's involved.
And they just wiped their whole butt with it.
Just went, nothing's being done.
As a raw exercise of power like the governor of Virginia, saying we're going to keep babies alive after they're born and take their organs.
There ain't crap you're going to do.
And I'm going to dress up in blackface or KKK outfits.
You don't know anything about it.
But if somebody else ever did it, well, they're going to lose their job.
Let me finish up with this area of the Russia thing.
Here he is.
James Clapper yesterday reacts to call he should be investigated by Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Here he is.
Robert Mueller is done investigating the President.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders is calling on Congress to investigate former top U.S.
intelligence officials.
If Congress is so gung-ho to call people up to the Hill, the list I would start with are Comey, Clapper, Brennan, and other people in the FBI who perpetuated this absurd lie and this absurd idea that the President of the United States was somehow a foreign agent and colluding with another government.
What is your reaction to what Sanders said?
Well first, I wonder if she was conflating or confusing collusion, whatever that is, with the Russian interference.
And certainly, those of us that she named, John Brennan and Jim Comey and I are part of the group that were tasked by President Obama to put together all the reporting we had on the Russian interference.
And which we did.
President Obama directly and personally confronted Putin about the Russian interference in September and did not accept at face value Putin's protestations.
John Brennan directly did the same thing with his counterpart on October 7th of 16.
We put out a statement.
I say we.
That's enough.
He goes on to say I was given the order from Obama.
Now, remember, they were setting up their fake story in the middle of 2016, up to the election, and up to election day, they had the headline, Wiretap Show Trump Met With Russians During Election.
To steal the election.
And then I'd go, hey, they're denying, after Trump got elected and in office, that they ever did this, but here it is.
And remember, the New York Times would say, Jones is crazy.
CNN would say, Jones is crazy.
But then I would show the articles and then show their new clips, and their answer was, just get Jones off air.
Just get him off air.
Well, guess what?
You failed again, you anti-American scumbags.
Comey, Brennan, and Clapper.
Comey, Clapper, and Brennan, that you see on screen.
Brennan was an admitted communist, and admits he still is, and wrote white papers in college how much he hates America.
The other two wrote similar crap.
Why do you think they got put in power?
Because these are sacks of un-American garbage.
And they've been caught lying to Congress.
They opened criminal investigations and espionage investigations into Trump when he was president-elect.
Then they opened a new one up after Comey got fired.
Think about that.
Think about the nerve.
And then they went before Congress and said, we never investigated Trump.
As if Congress couldn't go read the front page of the New York Times.
But here's the problem.
Just like the Google executive goes up there and says, we've never fixed search results, we've never gained any results, we've never censored any conservatives, and then they have top research universities study it, and they go, my god, they're stealing every election now.
2018 was stolen, they're gonna steal 2020.
And that's my lead story at the start of the next hour.
If Trump doesn't take action on internet censorship, His Achilles heel and our Achilles heel is the fact they'll steal the election in 2020, just as the sun came up this morning.
You guys pull me all the Google scientist, brain, tech scientist articles from the last few days that were in yesterday's stack about that, because I want to cover that next hour again, because there's ways to counter this.
But we've already beaten this one coup.
We've already beaten this attempt at overthrow, this takedown of an elected president and the takedown of the voters' will.
To make America successful again.
But we just lost the 2018.
Hands down.
Demographers, statisticians, top computer experts that scanned what Google's doing.
They are flipping the seats.
They are shifting millions and millions of voters.
They stole almost all the seats they won in 2018.
Because there's a nationalist patriot landslide happening.
And the globalists don't know what to do, so they're involved in pure cheating.
So we may have beaten this two-and-a-half-year witch hunt so far, but the real fraud is big tech.
The real fraud is them delivering the election to whoever the Democrat is, even if it doesn't make sense and isn't based in reality.
The media is already going, oh, Trump's going to challenge 2020 when he loses.
He's going to claim there's election fraud.
They're already putting that talking point out because they just got away with it.
So all hands on deck about this, the election fraud.
It's absolutely paramount.
It's absolutely central.
It's key.
It's the number one issue.
If you want to save babies, not have them aborted at birth.
If you want to stop your children being brainwashed into pedophilia at age 5, now happening nationwide, if you want to turn this around, we have to win 2020!
We have to get the House!
We have to eradicate politically the Democrats and their evil CHICOM funders.
We have to eradicate them politically from the face of this nation.
Because they're coming to politically eradicate us out of the seats of power.
We don't want power.
They want power.
But we have to get into the seats of power to stop them, and let's do it!
Let's roll up our sleeves, let's take action.
And a big way to do it, spreading the word about this broadcast every day to everybody you know, and thank you for doing it, and buying the product.
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Take advantage of these sales.
Thank you.
There's been a paradox or a contradiction on the surface that many have noted in the last hundred years.
Historians are confused by the fact that powerful British and European and U.S.
robber barons of the 19th and 20th century almost to a man funded socialism and communism.
People say that doesn't make sense.
But Carol Quigley, the head of Georgetown Political Science, Bill Clinton's mentor back in the 1960s, wrote Tragedy and Hope.
And in the 1100 page blueprint, he explains that we want fascism, we want communism, we want socialism, we want command and control.
But our favorite system is socialism because it domesticates the people.
But we want to have the illusion of left and right.
We want to control both parties.
So the people think they're having change, but really they move in the same direction towards vertical integration.
So you have the big billionaires, the people controlling trillion dollar companies like Tim Cook and Apple and others.
Who literally run the equivalent of slave factories in China, who help round up political dissidents, but they're everywhere lecturing you about Black Lives Matter and about how Trump hates Muslims and how altruistic and loving they are.
Because if you look into what they pay in taxes, it's almost zero.
And it's all the big tech companies have set it up with offshore accounts and other systems where they legally pay almost no tax.
And the very same people lecture you and I, how if you're making $100,000 a year, you're rich and you're not paying enough money.
If you're making $200,000 a year, you're in the 1%.
And you're guilty and you're bad.
No, the globalists are in the .0000000042, depending on the analysis you do.
4-2, depending on the analysis you do, that tiny percentage of a percentage controls over
half the wealth.
And they're maneuvering things towards a monopoly.
They want to get rid of middle classes.
They want to get rid of real free market systems that threaten them with innovation, and new companies, and new ideas, and new leaders, and new savants that come along.
So they're creating a classical system, a two-tiered system, where the elite are on top, the people are on the bottom, and there's no middle class.
That's the globalist aim, selling you on austerity, selling you on being poor, telling you your carbon footprint's evil, but AOC and the rest of them fly around on private jets and wear $3,000-plus outfits.
All they tell us is capitalism is a failure.
It isn't capitalism that's a failure.
It's crony capitalism, using socialism and communism to control us, that is working beautifully for this world fascist system they've set up.
It's corporate fascism using crony capitalism to dodge the taxes, to be above the law, diplomatic immunity, dominating humanity.
And that's why they demonize info wars.
If you read the Clinton Foundation documents, the Judicial Watch sued and died.
They're talking in the early 90s about we can't let right-wingers or nationalists ever create their own economy.
If they sell a book, or have a magazine, or open a company, we've got to say it's evil and shut it down.
We can't let them have a community.
We can't let them create their own economy.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Mhm. Mhm.
Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Mhm.
Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Yeah. Mhm. Yeah.
♪ You won't hear me ♪ ♪ You won't hear me ♪
I'm Alex Jones, your host, back live.
Thank you for joining us.
♪ But you'll hear me ♪ ♪ Without warning ♪
♪ Something's calling ♪ And deep within their senses, the globalists know they're defenseless.
Everything they ever feared about the return of the human spirit.
A lens through which the light of God shines is now re-entering the planet.
The spirit of Christ is rising.
And how their heart beats when they run for cover.
Yes, they like to target children and the unborn and the defenseless and the mentally ill and the handicapped so the vampires can have their way over them.
But while you're hunched over your prey, Can you feel that wind on your back?
That's the big wings of the angel coming down to grab you by your neck and take you and drop you into the pit where all the rest of you go.
Let's get back to serious news here.
Well, the police have said they're furious about the fact that Jesse Smollett was only given a charge of disorderly conduct where he was facing a maximum of a couple years for trying to cause a race war, for provocateuring, for demanding the police catch an imaginary person, having 40 detectives on the case for weeks, diverting them from other critical needs and people that were really being attacked and shot and killed in the murder capital of the United States, Chicago.
And then we started getting rumblings that, oh, Obama has connections.
Smollett hangs out with him all the time, that's confirmed.
The Empire cast, the directors, the producers, the lawyers, and the prosecutor.
Kim Foxx.
She tried to get charges dropped before us.
The police got really mad.
And then 12 more charges got put on him after she got removed.
Then something happened.
An Obama lawyer got involved.
Tina Chin.
And now the charges have been dropped and Jesse Smollett pays $10,000 and admits no wrong.
And you better believe he's going to be back on TV saying they put that noose around that neck.
They poured that bleach on him.
Boy, it didn't matter.
We've got The cutouts at the brother's house where they cut out the magazines to send him the first, you know, die letter.
It doesn't matter they've got him going to the two shops and buying the hats and buying the rope and buying the bleach and the gas and everything else and the ski mask.
It doesn't matter you've got two eyewitnesses that work for him.
It doesn't matter they've got the check, stub, the copy of the check.
It doesn't matter you've got a classic open and shut case.
Open the case, shut the case.
Open the case, shut the case.
You've got a sickening chain of evidence.
Undeniable video of it all happening.
This is a textbook, open and shut, ironclad, no way you can lose, case.
And that smart-ass, arrogant, race-baiting globalist, clearly under the directive of the Chicago Community Organizer, that means stirring the community up, Jesse Smollett, walks bigger than Dallas.
Isn't that just sweet?
Isn't that just darling?
Isn't that just the cutest thing you ever saw?
And all the people that said this poor black gay man attacked at 2 in the morning out in the middle of a freezing snowstorm when he went to the sub shop.
And it was all fake.
Doesn't matter now, though.
He gets to skate absolutely free.
Can you queue it up where he says, some people are denying this and then starts crying?
It's just terrible!
It's like saying a one-eyed, one-horned, flying purple people-eater attacked you at 2.30 in the morning in a freezing snowstorm when nobody else is out, and then two guys run up screaming, this is MAGA country, down with empire, down with n-words, as if they knew you were an empire.
As if they were just waiting, knowing you'd be there, and then put a noose around your neck, and the cops get there 45 minutes later, and you've got it hanging around your neck!
This is all being done because Obama is connected to it.
Just like Brennan and all of them are playing the card of Obama ordered us to spy on Trump and do the Russiagate and pay for the PPGate dossier.
And if you think BuzzFeed's gonna get in trouble for that, they're not.
BuzzFeed's getting hired to merge with CNN!
They're gonna be rewarded for lying.
It's what they do.
Like this weekend, I'm in a Lucy's Fried Chicken with my wife.
People walk by three times and say, eat, you know what, eat, you know what, you're gonna get it, you're gonna get it, F you, F you, F you.
I walk out, they're all waiting outside the door for me, flipping me off, saying kill the wretch, eat the wretch, saying they're gonna get me.
I try to walk past them, I can't help it, and say fine, get up.
They begin yelling, he's attacked us, we're innocent, he came to our table, security, security!
They're experts, that's the left!
Their whole culture, their whole mindset, their whole universe is manipulating people that have conscience.
Most of them are sociopaths.
That's why they constantly try to manipulate those of us that have a conscience.
So there's Jussie Smollett with Michelle Obama.
We can show you him with Obama, his good buddy.
And the word is, I told you a month ago there was a federal investigation.
Now it's coming out.
And it goes right up to Obama, so they had to drop the case, or Jesse was gonna talk.
Maybe you could put Jesse on a Commerce Department flight to the Balkans, like Treasury Secretary Ron Brown?
You know, Ron Brown said he would talk about the Clintons if he got indicted.
And then he did get indicted, and of course the Air Force coroner said he was shot in the head.
They had soldiers on board who killed everybody on board, blew the hatch open, and then, what is it, high load or he-load?
Parachuted out.
And then the plane went into the mountainside, but one woman lived!
She died in the ambulance ride back.
I wonder how long Jussie Smollett's gonna be alive.
I hope nothing ever happens to him.
I'm saying he's in danger of the deep state killing him.
But see, there's no need now because the charges were dropped.
But see, oh, there's going to be other federal investigations, you see.
And there's federal investigations of Kim Foxx and Tina Tchen reportedly going on.
And so I wonder what's going to happen there.
These Obama lawyers and confidants flapping around the investigation.
Obama is the Wicked Witch, and these are her little servants that go flapping out of the castle to carry out their operations, and they're above the law!
They're the establishment!
They went to college, they joined the We Hate America group like Brennan and Clapper, and now they get to squat on America and stage false flags and try to cause race wars and get caught red-handed, and nothing happens to them because they're the anointed ones!
Like the six women lying about Kavanaugh, getting caught.
But the people lied about Russiagate.
Setting that up, not getting in trouble.
They've learned they can do whatever they want and they never get in trouble.
Because they control the system!
They're in charge!
And so they get to commit crimes and rub it in our faces, but there's something called The Court of Public Opinion.
And that court has convicted you all and doesn't believe a word.
Because you know, it's not just that.
It's Trump's gonna lose the election for sure.
98% chance, New York Times, scientific algorithm.
They just make it up and call it an algorithm.
Trump was a Russian agent.
That gets totally disproven.
Trump colluded.
Trump did this.
All that's disproven.
Everything they do is a giant stinking lie.
This is the WMD story for the Democrats, but it's bigger because for three years, almost, they've told us we're all Russians.
Zucker Carlson's a Russian.
Alex Jones is a Russian.
Glenn Greenwald's a Russian.
Rand Paul's a Russian agent.
We got those clips coming up.
Everybody's a Russian agent for not believing their crap but them who are actually globalists that hate the country.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to come back with the next hour.
We've got a bunch of guests and a bunch of intel.
Former Congressman Bob Barr actually got impeachment going against Clinton and former CIA.
He'll pop in.
Paul Joseph Watson's coming on.
Mike Adams and more.
But I'll get to Trump's Achilles heel.
And how the enemy can still win straight ahead.
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Melatonin's on average $19, $19.95 a bottle, and a lot of it's not even organic type.
I talked to the big organic producer companies that we have making it, and I said, how much money is really in that?
They said, on average, about maybe $1 a melatonin, and then the container costs $0.50 or so, or less.
And I said, so I can put the same amount of melatonin in, just make it a bigger capsule that's powdered so you actually absorb it, and then add L-tryptophan, valerian root, lemon balm, chamomile, and then you get a sleep.
Unlike other systems, I mean, Randall Wilhite, his name is on the Texas Family Code, the last four or five issues, and he writes the Texas Law of the Family Code.
He's one of the top family law lawyers in the country.
The point is, he's a smart guy.
He doesn't smoke marijuana.
He doesn't drink anything.
He goes, man, I gotta really thank you.
I am sleeping eight hours through the night.
I only have to take one knockout.
I've gone and showed, you know, UT Science this and everything else.
This is insane.
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So, that's available at InfoWarsTore.com or 888-253-3139.
But thank you for committing.
To get the great products, the books, the films, the t-shirts, you name it, because it takes selling a lot of stuff to be able to fund this.
We're not like raiding countries like George Soros and stealing billions and then, you know, funding race war.
It's just selling t-shirts, selling books, selling films and, you know, just hustling to be able to get high quality products out.
So you have a great response and reorder, reorder, reorder, reorder.
It's called reap what you sow.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
(upbeat music)
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
My love is at least for the freeway.
It's the fashion world ride as the cities fly by.
The taillights disarm in the coming of night.
And the questions and flowers stay quiet.
My love is a miles and away.
And the eyes that just stare at the glance of the fall.
And the sea that burns.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I just keep saying that because they're battling around the clock to stop people from getting that information.
I'm going to shift gears into not just censorship.
This isn't just, oh, they're censoring.
Everybody's like, yeah, we know.
I used to tell Roger Stone, hey, everybody knows you're not a Russian agent.
Stop coming on the show.
I hired you to be a pundit, and I really like Roger.
I hired you to be a pundit and to talk about the news.
You're really smart.
You have a lot of connections.
Give us your take on issues in the news.
Not Russia, Russia, I'm not a Russian agent.
It's all fake.
Russia, Russia, I'm not a Russian agent.
Of course, they didn't charge him for being a Russian agent.
They charged him off testimony to Congress being a little different than other statements, which it really wasn't.
But I get the same way about censorship.
And I keep trying to explain to the crew, who are awesome, it isn't just news stories about censorship.
It's that we're going to lose the 2020 if Congress doesn't take action.
We have to collate all the censorship, put it together with all the proof, we have to put reports together showing the perjury, and then we have to hand deliver it.
That means you.
I've done it.
I've been to Congress.
Twice in person, five times with lawyers last year.
I spent a ton of money delivering reports to the President and to Congress about how the censorship's happening, with examples, with URLs, and Congress responded by... Word is they've even had like intelligence committee hearings about what to do with me.
This boy's getting out of control.
It's like Strom Thurmond didn't like...
John Lennon, he signed that order, he said, we want John Lennon terminated.
Yeah, that's what goes on at these Intelligence Committee hearings.
The Senate, well, that's where everybody kisses these Senators' ass.
Because they sign off on the oversight for what goes on.
And yes, folks, they've had discussions about... But here's the good news.
We're already past you.
Our truth got out to the President.
The narrative's out there.
Another huge mission!
We got Trump elected and we just helped hold his ass up for two and a half years while he tried to repair the country and did a damn good job!
Man, for one of those victories I'd give my life!
This is called winning in spades, dammit!
But let me tell you, I intend to have victory after victory after victory over these people.
But in case something happens to me, we need folks to get the full paradigm.
So, we've put out reports.
Some of them we've published.
Proving the censorship.
Everybody else can get them.
Just go flood Congress with it.
Get on a plane.
Get on a bus.
Go to their offices.
Pick 10 House members you're going to go talk to and 10 Senate members.
And don't go in there all scared like they're God.
You walk in and say, I'm here to deliver a citizen's report about the censorship and we're really concerned.
Well, he's out to lunch or he's busy.
Well, I'm going to sit down for a while.
And then just walk around the Capitol for a few days, you'll run into their asses.
Or go to restaurants they're at, go over and talk to them nicely.
Or get other reports about censorship and email them 5,000 times a day!
Call them!
Just get aggressive or we'll lose everything!
Because let me tell you something, we're barely winning.
Now, we're winning.
But the only place we've lost the last three years, and boy, let me tell you, they tied us like a billy goat and screwed the hell out of us.
It's 2018.
They had a devastating victory.
So while we're all running around giddy and snickering and giggling about this whole Russiagate thing, if they don't get indicted, it's a victory for them.
They held everything up for two-plus years, sabotaged everything.
Russiagate's a victory for them unless they get their treasonous asses locked up!
God Almighty!
Stay with us!
We have the keys to victory.
We have the light in the dark of the night and we're ready to win!
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You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Does the public understand just how much trouble the president is in?
To believe that the president isn't compromised requires such a leap of faith.
I think we have all the proof we need of a scandal that's arguably worse than Watergate.
Do we know if there is still this belief and aspect that the president is working for the Russians?
I can't answer that.
The U.S.
president possibly working for the Russians?
Possibly an unwitting pawn.
Here's what the president said when asked if he was a secret Russian agent.
The president did not directly answer the question.
Why not just say no if that's the answer?
There is tons of proof of potential collusion.
We have dramatic evidence of collusion.
How is it not collusion?
How is all of that not collusion?
The collusion piece of this, piece by piece, starting to be built out.
A political hurricane is out there at sea for him.
We'll call it Hurricane Vladimir, if you will.
Donald Trump knows the noose is tightening.
The noose is tightening.
The noose is tightening, if you will.
The noose is tightening around the president.
The noose is tightening.
And I think they're shocked that the noose is tightening.
And that people might go to jail.
He knows he and POTUS are going to prison.
Well, I think they're all going to end up together in prison, and maybe that's a good thing.
Oh my God.
You might be in legal jeopardy because of the Mueller investigation, but are you scared that you could go to jail?
The walls appear to be closing in on the president.
The investigative walls are closing in.
He feels the walls closing in.
The walls are closing in.
Trump resigns, quote, once Mueller closes in on him and the family.
Anybody that writes an op-ed and suggests that Donald Trump Has not put himself directly in the target of an obstruction charge, is just fooling themselves and some very, very stupid, ill-informed readers.
The stack of counts of obstruction of justice that could be fatal to the Trump presidency.
The House is going to have little choice the way this is going, other than to start impeachment proceedings.
The subpoena could relate to two areas of the probe that might ultimately lead to Trump's impeachment.
They are the kind of offenses that would call for impeachment hearings.
If someone walked in my office and said I was a subject of a multi-year criminal investigation led by former FBI Director Robert Mueller, I'd wet my pants.
Mueller reminds me of the starfish, which gets itself tightly around the clam and uses all its stuff to weaken and pry open the clam.
Now this is a battle to the death, as far as the clam is concerned.
If the starfish is able to open him even a little bit, he can get him open all the way, and that's it, of course, for the clam.
He's the starfish's... So absolutely pathetic, ladies and gentlemen, and that's where these idiots are going.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
Let's sit back and assess what's happened so far.
We've had, as called for by the Democrats in the WikiLeaks, racial and cultural and religious and sexual diversions and divisions in this country to divide and conquer us.
And that's worked to a certain extent, but overall it's failed.
And you've had the attempt to say the 2016 election was fake and that the Russians stole it.
That has now failed.
And you have the dragnet of the Mueller investigation meant to be given to other federal prosecutors in Chicago, in Southern District of New York, where the Democrats are in control.
But they didn't find anything that's connected to the president, so they've got an even bigger problem.
They still intend to move forward with those.
Malazzi Ford and all that fake garbage fell on its face.
That was a beta test for Trump.
That's now not worked.
But let's talk about what has worked.
Again, they lied and said he wouldn't win the election.
Major media had an egg on its face for that.
Totally discredited him.
They doubled down.
They said he was a Russian agent for two and a half years.
They doubled down again.
They failed, though, everywhere.
Except they held up the agenda of turning the economy back on and the Federal Reserve raised interest rates so much that they may have been able to slow it enough where we go into recession by the end of the year, they hope.
And they're putting that out in a unified propaganda spectrum.
So they slowed down the recovery and may be successful there.
They slowed down reforms, globally.
May be successful there.
They tried to sabotage the peace deal with North Korea.
They may be successful there.
They tried to sabotage peace deals in Syria.
They failed so far.
So, they are fighting back really, really, really, really hard.
But where have they had a devastating victory?
Where has Trump been defeated?
Where has America been defeated?
You see, I don't talk about when America's been defeated to demoralize you.
I don't talk about where we're losing to say we're losers, we're winners.
We fought back against the globalists.
We've got nationalists and populists being elected everywhere.
We fought back against their fake polls and their 8 to 1 spending against Trump and got him in and broke the back of the corporate media.
We've had a lot more victories than they've had.
But they're still the entrenched power structure.
So everybody's celebrating.
I like the Wolf's Quote from Pulp Fiction.
Let's not start doing you know what yet.
Until this is completely done.
Until the mission's completed.
You don't count your money when you're sitting at the table.
It'll be kind enough for counting when the dealing's done.
And the money I'm looking for is a future for my kids, and the unborn, and the born they're trying to kill now.
We've talked a lot about it.
And now it's all over the news and confirmed, and you've got top computer scientists and top universities coming out and saying Google, in every congressional race they looked at, gave hundreds to one coverage to the Democrat candidates.
In some cases, never showed them.
Or said political affiliation, Nazi, for all Republicans in California and other battleground states.
But what about just not showing you the other candidates?
Google would do stuff like show you the Democrat running for Congress in your area, and then show you the other third-party candidate but not the Republican.
And most people get their news now from Google.
93% of searches globally.
Over 90% in the U.S.
Google flip seats shifted millions of votes to Dems in 2018 midterms, researcher tells RT.
And there's other ones.
And if Trump doesn't do something about this, we're screwed.
Leaked emails show Eric Schmidt played a crucial role in Team Hillary's election and tried to steal the election for it.
That's in his own emails.
And when they failed, they doubled down even more.
And so, there's the examples of this everywhere.
You try to go to YouTube and type in Alex Jones, and it only gives you force-fed, year-old videos that are anti-Alex Jones.
You can't search for new ones.
If there's a new hateful video, they'll add it in to the search.
And it's done like that to Michael Savage.
And it's done like that to congressional candidates.
And you see congressional candidates try to buy ads on Google.
They won't let them do it.
Same thing on Twitter.
Same thing on Facebook.
They won't even give them access to the people.
Imagine 20 years ago if you heard a TV station wouldn't take somebody's political money.
There's laws against that for TV.
For radio, you can't take one political party's money.
And then refuse to run their ads?
That's a violation of the Federal Election Commission rules.
And it should be.
But Google can do it.
And they only looked at three races, all of which were totally skewed for Democrats.
Then they looked at a bunch of other races with a smaller sample scan and found the same thing.
All over the country.
I played the clip yesterday, but it's extremely informative.
We'll play it when we come back and look at the latest news on this front.
And then there's ways to fight back against it.
We'll talk about that.
But the number one thing is this.
We have internal Google videos, emails, text, all of it.
And Google's the big enchilada.
Facebook's being targeted, Twitter's censoring as well, but the big one is Google.
And if Google can be made to go back to the way they were five years ago, they've been getting steadily worse for five years, and actually be free and open like they were, and let their search engines just work again, and give people access to information, there will be a landslide We will win the House back, we will get more in the Senate, and Trump will win by 65 points or more.
That's what he really won by in 2016, but they had such election fraud he barely won.
That's all we've got to do.
Let me tell you something.
They were panicking, saying Hillary's got a 98% chance of winning, Trump will lose, trying to create a confidence gap and make it look like she would win no matter what, because they knew in internal polls, in bots, in tracking, where they can algorithm everything you're actually doing, that Trump was at 65%.
I've registered voters.
They had to skew all the polls, everything.
It didn't work.
They've got a huge Herculean job, because let me tell you something, even mainline polls admit that are skewed.
Trump's more popular now than he was three years ago.
But if we don't stop this, they're gonna win.
Plus, it allows violation of the First Amendment.
It's fraud.
They've lied to Congress.
He must take action.
They're beating us!
They're beating us!
There are thousands of ideologies out there.
Hundreds of different political systems.
And most of them are funded by the globalists.
Infowars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night that sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family, I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWars and I salute you.
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Frank in North Carolina, thanks for holding so long.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I just have to say something, man.
It seems like every time I turn on your broadcast, you're bragging.
It just gets old, man.
I'm gonna shut you down right now, okay?
We're taking calls about your nomination.
Do you understand they're having congressional hearings trying to shut us down?
Do you understand I'm ringing the alarm?
If that was happening to anybody else, I'd be freaked out.
I mean, what's it gonna take?
Us being shut down?
Is that what you want, Frank?
You know what, Alex?
Put him on pause again.
Hey, Frank!
Do you understand it's not bragging to say, we are the tip of the spear, we're under attack, we need your help.
As much begging as I do, we can barely pay the bills and grow in the face of this.
I'm not gonna just stop growth and let them start pushing us backwards.
You understand?
I need your help, Frank!
I need your help, Frank!
Go to Infowarsstore.com right now and help fund the InfoWars.
Do you understand?
Stan, I need your help, Frank!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
Monday through Friday at 11 a.m.
3 p.m.
I'm here, I'm Alex Jones.
So, I don't like to lose, but I'll be honest.
If we were losing to some neighboring country, like Switzerland, That had incredible wealth, high IQ, a better GDP, and was pro-gun and pro-family, and they'd infiltrated?
And our government was third world?
They were gonna make us better?
I wouldn't be a traitor to my country, but I would try to go sell my country members, my fellow countrymen and women, on let's marry Switzerland.
But see, instead we're marrying the Chicoms, which is like marrying the devil's rear end.
It's like climbing into a big giant pile of dead bodies at a concentration camp.
It's not like it, it is.
And our big tech companies that we set up and paid for, that DARPA built, all of it, are all over there now in China.
That Q-Up, Dunford, I meant to play it again yesterday, I didn't.
With the Secretary of Defense up front.
And they're all over there doing that?
That's reason enough right there to nationalize them.
As utilities.
Stockholders still get their money, their stock will go up.
But you're not gonna sit there and deny people free speech.
Somebody calls for murder?
If somebody is involved in a stock scam?
If somebody's selling drugs?
If you're doing something illegal, you get in trouble and off the internet.
The way it was always under Section 230.
But you don't run around censoring everybody and lining up your censorship with China so you get entry into China.
I remember right before they banned me a year ago, the Chinese dictator was in the news praising U.S.
tech for announcing censorship of quote fake news.
And he's like, we have our own fake news problems, but I'm glad to see you're getting reasonable.
Yeah, what's next?
Arresting us?
Yeah, New Zealand's now doing that.
So we're becoming them.
They're not becoming us.
Got it?
It's not a good deal.
And Mike Adams has written a big article about how to counter this garbage.
That Tim Cook has said in speeches in China, I support censorship and would support more of it in the West.
And then he gets mad at me that I quote him?
What a monster!
President Trump can end Big Tech's treasonous censorship with a single signature.
Here's how.
Big article from Mike Adams.
Full article posted on InfoWars.com.
Get it out.
There is a simple, powerful way that President Trump can end Big Tech's evil censorship with a single signature.
It requires no act of Congress, no regulatory action, and no criminal prosecution.
Although, at this point, it seems that criminal prosecuting Google for election meddling would be justified.
That's a separate action.
The move requires nothing more than Trump's signature on an executive order that cancels and prohibits all federal contracts with large-scale internet platforms that refuse to protect the First Amendment rights of all Americans, which is exactly what a little birdie told me.
Well, it's what Trump will do with the universities, and now he's done it here.
Oh please.
In a single signature, President Trump could end all government contracts with Google, Twitter, YouTube, Apple, and other dominant online platforms that are now maliciously deplatforming users for expressing conservative or Christian values.
The President, mmm, so proud of him, in fact just issued a similar executive order demanding that universities respect free speech or find themselves
terminated from all government grants.
This strategy is an aggressive and effective. Those universities which choose to engage in
un-American practice of suppressing speech or political reasons will quickly find themselves
cut off from federal funds. Now President Trump needs to wreck the same tactic at Tech Giants.
This article needs to be emailed by all of you from naturalnews.com, from infowars.com,
to everyone you know, and all talk radio shows, and to others, and to the White House,
and to the Capitol. You need to print it off and hand deliver it to Congress,
or when your congressman or woman is in your district. This is how we circumvent
big tech censorship to deliver the winning blow against their fraud.
I also want to have a little thing we play occasionally at times like this.
Can we get a marching rum?
Because that's what we need to do.
Get on the march.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Do you understand, Infowars, you the audience, have been at the center of the rally and the attack on the globalists worldwide that got Trump in and others in and now have stopped their deep state coup and now we have their final main attack profile, their main attack ship, censorship, their main criminal breakaway groups that are selling the country out and the national security, Dead in our sights!
We have them!
We have them!
But you must squeeze the trigger!
And I can't squeeze, it's too big for me to pull myself.
But all of us going to rallies, going to events, going to congressmen and women's offices, bringing this up, emailing the stories, getting involved, making of the issue, beating the drum.
That is what will change the world.
Do you read me?
Do you hear me?
Do you understand me?
This is it!
We're close to winning!
But the enemy is rallying their forces.
Is it going to pull false flags and other dirty tricks?
You know they are.
So don't think we're out of the woods yet, gentlemen.
We can see the meadow.
We can see the River Jordan.
We can see it.
We're almost there.
But we've got to get out of these woods.
And before we get out of the woods, you notice we're kind of going up a rise, a little hill, and there's gullies on both sides of us.
And you know right before we get to the meadow, And the River Jordan, you know what's going to hit us from both sides?
The enemies lined up, waiting with their swords.
Laying back on the riverbank, getting ready for us to come out and blow them.
The minute we break out in this final push, they're going to pull out every stop they got.
So just choose whether you're with America and the Renaissance and Christianity or whether you're with the godless Chicoms.
Here's what's really happening from Congress last week.
Let me just shift and ask about our challenge in emerging technologies, cyber and space, in particular China's investment in those areas and our eroding advantage.
I was struck, Mr. Secretary, by a comment that you make in your written testimony.
You say some U.S. companies have voiced ethical qualms about working with DoD to develop advanced
technology, in some cases even terminating relationships, often while continuing to work
with China.
I think we're talking about Google.
And their support to China, and their lack of support to the Department of Defense.
So, Google has refused to work with the Department of Defense, actually was under contract, weren't they, with the Department of Defense?
Tell us about that.
Well, they haven't refused, they just have said they're not going to continue to do business with the Department of Defense on certain contracts.
But they are doing business in China in a way that benefits, you're saying, our Chinese competitors.
Say more about that.
Well, the interesting thing, and this is why China is... This is such an important issue for our country.
You know, the fusion of commercial business with military... We're gonna go to break.
...is significant.
We're gonna come back with the rest of this.
Then I'm gonna open the phones up, but this is it.
Let me tell you something.
The American people and our universities and our scientists built all this stuff.
You're not allowed to just hand it to the bloodthirsty chai comps.
And I cannot believe the insane restraint of our government and the Pentagon to this treason.
But see, we had traitors in before, like Obama.
And now we see how far this has gone.
I mean, everybody knows what Google and others have done.
We know!
You're very lucky.
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The globalists, the eugenicists, are always talking down to us.
They're always trying to make us feel small, to feel insignificant.
They try to censor because they fear you and don't want you to have the right to access information so you can make your own decisions.
They want you to believe you're powerless.
But the truth is, it is we the people and our ideas and our actions And what we say and what we do that changes the world.
We are the power structure.
We are the inventors.
We are the trailblazers.
And the globalists understand that.
And they understand that they are basically trying to control and steal the future from we, the people.
Now, to help fund our operation that is undoubtedly the very tip of the spear against these globalists, I want to encourage listeners and viewers to understand that throughout the second half of the month of March, we're going to have store-wide free shipping at 50% off at importrestore.com.
Something everybody should take advantage of.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption is It's Alex Jones.
Well, somebody who's got guts to take action, former congressman, former CIA officer, Bob
And I wanted to get him on weeks ago about a bunch of other issues, but he's able to get on now.
I want to talk about the Senate looking at red flag rules.
Just taking guns without due process.
Talk about civil war.
Trump signs onto that, that's going to really hurt him and the country.
And he's on a good streak right now.
I want to get into China and Google and how Google's helping China, but not us.
And how that's coming to a head.
And how crazy all the censorship is and how could President Trump take action against that.
But first I want to get into, because I know he's also a lawyer and a lot of other things with Bob Barr, his take on two and a half years of Russiagate, all the lying to Congress, I mean just his take on where we need to go, because it seems like people need to get in trouble.
For what they've done, like McCabe and all these other folks, but now we're hearing, oh, Obama ordered them to do it.
Well, we'd always known that, but they'd tried to cover it up.
So this thing is just making what Nixon did look tame in comparison.
You've worn a lot of hats.
What does this really look like to you?
Trump calls it an attempted takedown or coup that failed.
It clearly is an effort, Alex, to go after a president, a sitting president that the left doesn't like and wish had not been elected, but to do so by whatever means they have at their disposal, including the abuse of the prosecutorial process.
We saw that with the Mueller probe.
Uh, with the so-called impeachment power, or not so-called, but the impeachment power of the House of Representatives, uh, as well as the oversight role of the Congress, uh, being abused.
So, you add all of this together, and it's a very toxic mix of an effort to, as you say, take down a president, honestly and duly elected pursuant to the Constitution and laws in our country, but with, uh, which the left simply disagrees.
And again, we're not vindictive, but you're one of the few guys to actually take action and get the impeachment started on Clinton, at least slow down his criminal activity.
I think it's a dereliction of duty if some type of action isn't taken, if there aren't investigations.
Instead, the Democrats are launching a bunch of their new fake investigations.
What they're doing is two things.
One, by omission.
They are refusing to go after the criminal activities that are well documented against Hillary Clinton.
And the so-called Clinton Foundation.
Nobody in Washington seems to be at all interested in that whole group of criminal evidence.
And secondly, what Congress is doing is they are continuing to pursue relentlessly and with blinders affixed to them anti-Trump investigations based on who knows what.
But one would have hoped, Alex, that after more than two years of the so-called Mueller probe with thousands of subpoenas, literally thousands of subpoenas, hundreds of search warrants, Millions of dollars spent that the Democrats would at least have the decency and the responsibility to say, OK, we were wrong.
There was nothing there in the first place.
It's been investigated thoroughly.
Now, let's move on.
They refused to do that.
And by doing that, they are doing a disservice to their representatives across or to the citizens that they represent across the country.
Because there is no agenda, they seem to have no interest in any of the substantive matters for which members of Congress are elected to pursue.
And regardless of what happens in the courts or what happens in the executive branch of the FBI, the Court of Public Opinion, we saw them lie about who was going to win the election, fake polls, giving the questions to CNN.
Now Donna Brazile's been hired by Fox News, whatever that means.
You've got the Malazzo-Ford fake thing falling apart.
You've got all the other lies about Trump-Russiagate falling apart, the Jussie Smollett falling apart.
Everything they do falling apart.
And now with the Russiagate coming off the rails, I mean, the mainstream media has zero credibility.
Well, it'll be interesting, for example, Alex, to see what they do with the Avenatti cases.
One of the left, one of the darlings of the leftist media now finds himself in very serious legal trouble.
And how the left and the leftist media responds to that will be very, very interesting.
if they pulled him and the coverage of Avenatti to the same standard which they held Mueller,
you know, Saint Mueller I guess it's the best way to describe them, left media Saint Mueller
and you know Satan which to them is Trump. It'll be interesting to see how they handle Mr. Avenatti.
Well Mr. Avenatti threatened to show a lot of people to talk about him but it's all come out.
My lawyer, Robert Barnes, out in L.A., he knows him, and actually said on-air and off-air before this even happened a month ago, he said, listen, Avenatti's specialty is extortion.
And that's what he does.
He's gotten away with it because he's a Democrat.
And he said a lot of this is about to come out.
So I can't wait till we can talk about it on air because he'd already heard about this.
But he's been obviously indicted or arrested for what?
$25 million he demanded from Nike where he was gonna basically demonize them as racist.
And so it looks like he's trying to be the new Al Sharpton.
Well, he's Al Sharpton with no hair.
All right, we're gonna go to break in a few minutes, but let's get into what you wanted to cover front and
Trump, I think, has a pretty good report card.
Correct me if you think I'm wrong.
I mean, overall, he's done a lot of good.
But this banning bump stocks, which I know really are worthless.
But once you go down that road now, he's like red flag laws.
And the Senate's looking at this.
This would just absolutely, I think, destroy Trump with his base.
It is a very disturbing trend that we're seeing here, and I think Trump at his core is very strong in support of the Second Amendment.
He understands it, and he understands the need to protect it against leftist efforts to undermine it.
But by the same token, I think there are some in his administration that seem to have bought into this notion Well, as long as we set up a mechanism to be able to identify bad players in advance of being bad players and take away their guns, that will solve the problem.
It is a very, very troublesome road that they now seem to be going down.
You've been watching this as a congressional expert.
What's currently happening at the Senate?
The Senate with Lindsey Graham, a senator from South Carolina, now heading the Judiciary Committee, is holding its first major hearing of the new session of the Congress on so-called red flag laws or emergency, basically emergency gun confiscation orders.
And it's something, Alex, it has a lot of surface appeal because one can point to the Parkland shooting last year.
And the fact that there were any number of so-called red flags about the murder of a student who committed those crimes that weren't followed up on.
But the proponents of these so-called red flag laws simply want to jump from the fact that there were red flags that weren't acted on in Parkland to saying, oh, OK, so the way that we solve the problem is to put in place red flag laws without saying, no, wait a minute, stop.
Think about what you're saying.
There were red flags in Parkland.
There were laws that could have been used to address that and procedures already in place, yet they weren't followed or they weren't adhered to.
And yet you want to now make it easy for the government to take away a person's fundamental right to keep and bear arms based on speculation.
It's very, very troubling.
That's right, in due process and without going over all the stuff.
The police stood down, they've admitted that, major lawsuits for like 15 minutes.
He was running around hearing voices, they called him the school shooter.
He was protected, he was under some weird leftist rule, because he had a Hispanic last name even though he wasn't, that he was allowed to commit crimes, vandalism, physical attacks, and didn't go to jail.
I mean, it was a long raft of red flags That were all ignored.
So now we'll just get rid of due process even though the regular red flags failed because the system failed.
Now the system just says let's get rid of due process itself.
This is outrageous.
It is.
And while the idea, the notion behind these so-called red flag laws is not necessarily a bad one, it says, well, if a person is exhibiting very clear signs of violence, including with firearms, then it's appropriate for that to be looked into.
But the fact of the matter is there are already laws and procedures in place to address that.
And rushing down this road of so-called red flag laws, which raise very, as you've said, very serious issues, due process, seems to be one that... Let's talk about it.
We've got to get a break.
This is important.
There are thousands of ideologies out there, hundreds of different political systems, and most of them are funded by the globalists.
InfoWars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night that sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family, I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWar, and I salute you.
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There is a publicly admitted international plan to shut down nationalist, pro-free market, pro-western speech all
across the world.
And I don't want to say I'm honored, but in a way I am, to have been chosen first last year to be de-platformed.
Then they set the precedent.
Now if you try to tell somebody the dangers of vaccines and read off the insert, They take you off the internet.
Now, Google announced just today that they're not going to take Christian advertising of most types on their platform because it upsets the San Francisco Google employees.
Our country and the world more and more is in the grip of anti-free speech, hyper-leftist anti-human, transhumanist, who literally think they own and
run our lives.
And if we keep bowing to these cults, the cancer that is San Francisco and many of these big universities
is going to be the operating system of the planet.
Humanity must awaken and say no to these control freaks.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Former Congressman, former CIA officer, you name it, Bob Barr, is our guest.
Smart guy.
You know, he's headed up major movements to try to stop the TSA violation of our basic rights while our borders are open.
The President's come out recently and said how out of control it is.
I don't even blame the TSA agents.
I blame the program and what's being done that should be stopped at the congressional level.
I want to get a quick comment from him on that, but he wanted to bring up New Zealand, where they're saying ten years in jail if you possess the film of the murderer.
Well, does that mean Subruder would get 10 years in jail?
Or does that mean... I remember growing up watching PBS.
My parents let me watch it at the dinner table.
They'd roll the TV in and they'd march Jews into pits and shoot them in the back of the head.
And my parents said, that's the Nazis, they're bad.
So at 6 o'clock at night, 7 o'clock at night on PBS when I was a kid, they showed Jews being shot in the back of the head.
Why can't we see this?
But regardless, 10 years in jail, and all the gun banning, and so this guy's being used.
They took a YouTube channel down that some fan had of our stuff, saying we showed the footage.
We never even showed it!
Because we're on TV stations, and they don't want to... I don't... If you want to see it, you can see it.
We only showed still shots and him coming up to the building.
So, we've been censored by this.
You're a lawyer as well, a constitutional lawyer.
Bob Barr, what do you make of this?
It's very bizarre, but it makes me proud every day that I'm an American and thankful every day for our founding fathers who had the prescience and the understanding of government to incorporate in our Constitution our Bill of Rights.
You know, the poor people of New Zealand don't have that kind of protection, so the government in New Zealand can come in In the aftermath of a horrific mass shooting such as occurred a week or a week and a half ago and say, well, we're going to ban all of the types of firearms like the one that the shooter used simply because the shooter used it.
And secondly, this is the bizarre part of it that you just mentioned.
They now are making it unlawful.
Or a person in New Zealand, not only to show the footage that preceded the shooter's activities, but you cannot even possess or transmit electronically or in hard copy a copy of the so-called manifesto that this murderer put out.
So, you know, the only way that you can get around it is you have to petition the government for an exemption in order to possess a piece of paper.
So this is incredible banning of books.
I mean, we have Hitler's manifesto, My Struggle.
No one goes to jail for that.
And it doesn't mean you agree with Hitler if you read it.
This is really dangerous.
It's dangerous also because it removes from the arena of experts an ability to study what went on perhaps in this murderer's mind, what led him to this in an effort, for example, to Try and prevent such a thing from happening by somebody else.
No, you're right.
It kills what law enforcement admits solves a lot of crimes is crowdsourcing clues.
Like the police come to the public and say, help us.
This is what the killer said.
It kills the crowdsourcing.
They have in New Zealand, and I didn't know this until I looked into this just recently in the wake of these efforts that the government down there is engaging in.
They have a censor.
And the person, his job, I don't know whether it's his or her job, in the New Zealand government is to be the official censor.
And they made this decision to ban the possession or transmittal of this so-called manifesto.
It really raises another book that I'm sure you remember well.
Fahrenheit, was it 451?
The book by Ray Bradbury.
In the future, that's the temperature of paper burns and the government's going around destroying books.
It's here!
It certainly is, and thank goodness for our Founding Fathers that incorporated the Bill of Rights in our Constitution.
But as you know, Big Tech is following the lead.
And if you even show the manifesto on air, they ban your videos.
We've had it happen on Twitter and YouTube.
Mr. Barr?
It's bizarre, Alex.
One, that the government would have this kind of power.
Secondly, that they would exercise it.
But thirdly, that they would exercise it over simply a document that could provide clues for people to prevent a future shooting.
It's like you said, that's the precedent to ban books.
Getting into the final equation here in the time we have left, you've been a leader worrying about China and its infiltration of the U.S., the Confucian societies, our military using the same platforms as them, them stealing our data, our big tech companies working with them, giving them key data keys.
Let's play the whole clip.
This is Secretary of Defense and then the Joint Chiefs, Dunford.
Basically saying that Google is moving to China, working on AI with them, but not the Pentagon, breaking contracts with the Pentagon.
Here it is.
Let me just shift and ask about our challenge in emerging technologies, cyber and space, in particular China's investment in those areas and our eroding advantage.
I was struck, Mr. Secretary, by a comment that you make in your written testimony.
You say some U.S.
companies have voiced ethical qualms about working with DoD to develop advanced technology, in some cases even terminating relationships, Often while continuing to work with China.
What are we talking about here?
I think we're talking about Google and their support to China.
And their lack of support to the Department of Defense.
So, Google has refused to work with the Department of Defense, actually was under contract, weren't they, with the Department of Defense?
Tell us about that.
Well, they haven't refused, they just have said they're not going to continue to do business with the Department of Defense on certain contracts.
But they are doing business in China in a way that benefits, you're saying, our Chinese competitors.
Say more about that.
Well, the interesting thing, and this is why China is, this is such an important issue for our country, the fusion of commercial business with military is significant.
$5 trillion of their economy is state-owned enterprises.
So the technology that is developed in the civil world transfers to the military world.
It's a direct pipeline.
Not only is there a transfer, there's also systemic theft of U.S.
technology that facilitates even faster development of emerging technology.
So, I just want to make sure that I understand exactly what you're saying.
You're telling me that Google, an American company, supposedly, is refusing to work with the Department of Defense, but is doing work with China, in China, in a way that at least indirectly benefits the Chinese government.
No, we're building the AI.
I haven't heard the word refuse, but there's a lack of willingness to support DoD programs.
General, you're nodding your head.
Do you want to weigh in on this?
No, Senator, I'm nodding your head on exactly the point that you made, that the work that Google is doing in China is indirectly benefiting the Chinese military.
And I've been very public on this issue as well.
In fact, the way I described it to our industry partners is, look, we're the good guys in The values that we represent and the system that we represent is the one that will allow and has allowed you to thrive.
And that's the way I've characterized it.
So I was just nodding that what the Secretary was articulating is a general sense of all of us as leaders.
And we watch with great concern when industry partners work in China knowing that there is that indirect benefit.
And frankly, indirect may be not a full characterization of the way it really is.
It's more of a direct benefit to the Chinese military.
Yeah, so just in the time we have, former congressman Bob Barr, you've been on this for decades.
What's really happening here?
What's happening here is a continuation, as you said just a moment ago, of a very disturbing trend that the Chinese government uses commercial transactions and the openness of our system To steal and then replicate, in many respects, military technology to its benefit and to our detriment.
You know, this is nothing new.
We saw during the Clinton administration, this was actually one of the bases for my initial interest in press for impeachment in the Clinton administration.
because the Clinton administration now facilitated providing so-called dual use technology,
that is technology that has both civilian and military ramifications to China by US companies,
and in return was getting campaign money from China, the so-called morale scandal.
So this has been going on for a long time, and it's finally, it's good to see an administration,
the current administration as we just saw with the tech death and.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff there, Chairman, that this administration is finally calling it what it is, and that is a theft of our military information facilitated by a U.S.
company working with China.
the Obama administration.
Alex, it's a pleasure to talk to you.
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It's pretty much straight away, you know, in maybe 10 minutes, maybe 20 minutes.
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The antihistamines, the pharmaceutical products, I find that with those, I can't take them until I start getting symptoms.
And even then, they might not kick in for half an hour, or they might not kick in at all, depending on the day.
Polonblock works every single time.
Well, that's the great part about this.
And for whatever reason, France discovered it like 50 years ago.
It's still got to be even in this region of France.
It's very complex.
They don't even know why.
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It's not here.
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Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order is...
of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Alex Jones here back live.
Former congressman, former CIA officer, patriot, lawyer, Bob Mars, our guest.
LibertyGuard.org, whether it's the 2nd Amendment or the 4th Amendment, he's on top of it.
So you just saw that dramatic footage of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the Secretary of Defense.
And you saw Dunford go, well actually, this is not indirect like the congressman said, it's direct.
The Pentagon complaint is it's AI, and the Chinese brag it's now on board autonomous drones.
So, say what you want about the Pentagon having autonomous drones.
China gets it.
What do you think needs to be done about this?
Because Obama, obviously, and the CFR, they're all about the Chinese century.
They said that's it.
Laurel Hughes, the sellout, the Chinese generals, bags of cash back in 95 that you exposed, you know, at the White House.
I mean, we're seeing the children of that project, where now it's just like China can do whatever it wants.
The first step has been taken, and that is the footage that you showed.
This administration, the Trump administration, is highlighting the problem with dealing with China and having U.S.
companies that deal with China and serve as, or at least facilitate, a pipeline of the transfer of military technology from the United States to China.
The Trump administration at least is shining a light on this, unlike the prior administration or the Clinton administration going back 20-25 years, but a lot more needs to be done.
We need to not simply enforce our laws against the export of so-called dual-use technology to China, But we need to start taking steps against companies that are engaging in that and facilitating it to our nation's national security harm.
Well, I mean, Roosevelt, if we had U.S.
companies that did something with the Nazis, he'd just nationalize them.
And I'm not a police state guy, but when we have U.S.
companies aiding China to sell us out, I mean, I think the real response here is indicting these people.
I think that that certainly should not be taken off the table.
There are a lot of things that the administration can do, some of which have to do with the Department of Justice and both civil or criminal actions.
Also, the Department of Defense and the Department of State, which oftentimes sort of rolls over and plays dead whenever an important issue comes up.
But I think we do have, with the acting Secretary of Defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff... No, you're right.
There's a consensus there's a problem.
In closing, censorship.
What do you think the President should do about that?
Do we deal with universities?
Say U.S.
government contracts to big tech?
If you censor people, we're going to pull your contracts?
Like he's saying with universities?
The federal dollars should not be going to universities that allow censorship or that allow and permit the use of the disruptive and sometimes violent tactics against those on the right.
And what about duplicating that to Big Tech getting U.S.
government dollars?
If you aid the chi-coms or you engage in censorship that's proven, then you don't get U.S.
I think that would end this overnight.
That is one avenue.
My concern is to more directly attack the way U.S.
companies and foreign companies that deal with and are permitted to work within the United States and conduct... You're saying no technology transfers like you said when you were in Congress?
And to enforce the laws that are already on the books to stop it.
Yeah, if you or I transferred to anybody some secret thing developed by DARPA used by a U.S.
company, we'd be arrested.
That's why I'm just asking, how can they do this?
They do it because our government has not in the past had the backbone to stand up to it, and they're more concerned with allowing companies to make a dollar in China than they are with protecting our nation's national defense.
That's it.
It's short-term vision versus the CHICOM long-term vision.
They do look at it in the long term, and very often, more often than not, we don't.
And that's why in the long run, they are far more dangerous.
Well, thank God our forefathers, as you said, had a long-term view.
They were right then, and they're right now, and we cannot allow the left to undermine our Bill of Rights.
Isn't it crazy how their amazing vision of 240 years is still saving us today?
Their long-term vision counters the Communist vision and defeats it, even though we're idiots today.
Former Congressman Bob Barr, LibertyGuard.org, we salute you.
Thank you so much, sir.
Yes, sir.
Take care, Alex.
Wow, powerful interview.
Alright, we're going to come back with open phones the next hour and a bunch of other Jesse Smollett news being let off.
Because you know Obama's behind all this.
There's an investigation of that.
It's all coming up.
Good Lord, this is insane.
Stay with us.
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Resistance to tyrants.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, I learned some things this morning before I went on air that are pretty amazing.
And I'm not at liberty to talk about it yet.
And I've been behaving myself to not blow up on air and to not start talking about it.
You know, you hit a point in your life where you're not arrogant, and you're not on a power trip, but you realize how dumb the average person is, and how stupid and unaccomplished they are, but how arrogant they are.
And if anybody wonders why they try to shut this broadcast down, it's because in the councils of government, at the highest levels of other governments, People turn into this broadcast and they say, how does this guy know this?
Because the average person hasn't read a thousand books on history.
Most PhDs in history haven't done that.
Or they're specialists in the Greeks or the Romans or the Japanese or Mesoamerica.
You know, they've read a hundred books and they've written a book and it's all a bunch of puffery.
It's all a bunch of flopping, posing, preening, fake intellectual stuff.
And I'm not up here like I'm the big cat's meow and I'm the big alpha male.
I'm looking for alpha males.
I see these, you know, former Delta Force guys and top Navy SEALs, dev groups, SEAL Team 6 guys on TV talking about all the stuff they do and how badass they are and everything.
They all have the perfect tattoos, and the tan, and the truck, and they're all telling you.
And I'm like, great!
Will you please help me defeat the Globalists?
And then I see all the intellectual so-called people that write all the books, and the professors, and the everything, and just no one sees it as their role.
Not NFL quarterbacks, not anybody.
Somebody like Tom Brady came out against the New World Order.
And now people that know him, he's an anti-Globalist, he knows all about this stuff.
Yeah, but Tom Brady, His wife is worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
He's worth hundreds of millions of dollars.
If a Tom Brady came out against the Globalists, stuff like that would defeat the Globalists.
If we could ever get one of the big stars, who made it himself as a man on the field, the system didn't believe in, if he ever came out against it all, like a Donald Trump, it'd be game over.
But he won't.
And it just really gets old that I sit there and I know exactly what they're gonna do.
I know exactly how they're gonna do it.
And then I tell people.
And then I watch it happen exactly in slow motion like I know.
It's like Groundhog Day.
It's the weirdest thing I've ever seen.
But the average stupid man...
isn't even that stupid.
Like the average man is like in some dress-up thing like they're Superman or Spider-Man and all they do is kiss other men's ass and they kiss their ass and then they they sit there and go along with each other with whatever the scam is and they don't even know how things work.
They just pretend they do.
I am so tired of it!
And so you like defer to these lesser men just to be nice to them.
You'll defer to him, and I'm not doing it anymore.
I'm coming after everybody.
I can't sit here and, because I'm looking for superior people.
I think Trump's superior to me.
From what I've seen, Trump's superior.
People like Bob Barr, very good man.
They're top flight.
Good man.
I look at all these other men, and there's just not many of them out there.
And by the way, I got kids.
I love humanity.
You think I'm happy?
That I'm superior?
To like 99.99% of other men?
That scares the hell out of me.
Because my whole life, I thought people were like me.
I projected my intelligence onto them.
Here's the good news, and I'm not saying this to kiss your butt, because you're a listener, you're a viewer, you support us.
There are white men, there are black men, there are Hispanics, Asian men, most folks are mixed, who call into this show and say incredibly astute, piercing things that are true, and you're smarter than the average corporate executive.
The average corporate executive is put there because they follow a paradigm, a controlled blinder, weird blueprint that they think protects them.
And they're incredibly weak.
I don't want to call them effeminate because women are powerful.
They can make babies.
They're awesome.
Those are all that guy's effeminate.
Tim Cook's not effeminate.
Tim Cook is a evil, dark, yes man to corruption.
And he's willing to do whatever it takes.
To suck on the rear end of Communist China.
I don't want to go off on some Tim Cook rant.
It's just, at the end of the day...
You try to teach other men what you've learned, and almost every man I know, other than the people that have been in this office for years who I respect, they think you're showing off to them, because that's what the average man does, who's really a little boy.
They try to show off what they've got to you, and so they think when you're like, hey, this is going on, we gotta do something about it, they think you're like trying to be in charge.
I'm already in charge, you dumbass!
The enemy knows it!
I don't need to lead you!
I'm already way past leadership with people like you, and it's not some power trip!
It's pathetic!
I've been thinking for 27 years, 25 years on air, that I was here to get the word out because there were all these men who'd hear it and do something about it.
And you know what?
Those men did something from New York to Missouri, from Florida to Texas, to California to Oregon, to New Mexico, to Utah, and every point between.
And they were just regular men working at the car dealership, or working at the restaurant, or working on the farm, or working in law enforcement, or whatever it was, that were leading their lives, and going out and getting a woman, and having kids, and paying taxes, and living, and taking care of their parents.
But that's the problem.
All the men went out and did what men do.
They build a family.
While above us, all the little creepy crawlers, all the little conformists, all the little people that wanted to be in charge, they went out and they got control of government and control of society.
And let me tell you something, they can't be helped.
I've been around them.
You sit there and you give them the keys to victory.
And they think you're sabotaging them so that you can put them down to be on top of them even though you're miles above them.
Because all they'll do is sabotage you because they're chicken shit fuckers.
Delay that.
Because they don't want to see the species rise beyond their capacity.
They don't want to see leaders a hundred times more powerful than them.
They don't want to see the species unleash like I do.
They want to squat on top of people and keep them stupid and down so they can roll over them.
Well you can say one damn thing about me at the end of my days, hopefully coming in a long time from now, is that I never screwed anybody over that didn't have it coming.
I don't enjoy screwing I don't lie to people on purpose.
I make mistakes sometimes.
I'm genuine.
I'm real.
I love God.
I love my country.
I love my children.
And I'm not going to sit here anymore.
From now on, when lesser men try their crap with me, I'm getting in their face instantly.
What's crazy is, as soon as I do that, they roll over.
They were looking for that.
The problem is there's so many cucks and so many betas in this culture whose mouths are writing checks their ass can't cash and it's time for us to get aggressive and be men.
It's time to march into your church where they're preaching a bunch of candy ass globalism and it's time to break that church up because it's not a church if they don't get back on the straight and narrow.
It's time to go to every damn congressional meeting in your town every time because that's a football game baby that's a real war.
That's not going and watching the simulated football game.
That's not a real war.
But you've got my commitment.
I will stop looking at people in the system and building them up in my own vision.
Stop giving people the benefit of the doubt.
The globalists don't believe it and they've written them all off.
Stop believing in the globalists.
Stop believing in all these people in the establishment.
You have to be the leader now.
You have to do it.
Scares the hell out of me that out of this whole planet, I'm one of the best there is.
That's not a good thing!
We're in a lot of trouble, folks, if I'm one of the best people we've got.
Think about that.
We'll be back.
There's been a paradox or a contradiction on the surface that many have noted in the last hundred years.
Historians are confused by the fact that powerful British and European and US robber barons of the 19th and 20th century, almost to a man, funded socialism and communism.
People say that doesn't make sense.
But Carol Quigley, the head of Georgetown Political Science, Bill Clinton's mentor back in the 1960s, wrote Tragedy and Hope.
And in the 1100 page blueprint, he explains that we want fascism, we want communism, we want socialism, we want command and control.
But our favorite system is socialism because it domesticates the people.
But we want to have the illusion of left and right.
We want to control both parties.
So the people think they're having change, but really they move in the same direction towards vertical integration.
So you have the big billionaires, the people controlling trillion dollar companies like Tim Cook and Apple and others.
Who literally run the equivalent of slave factories in China, who help round up political dissidents, but they're everywhere lecturing you about Black Lives Matter and about how Trump hates Muslims and how altruistic and loving they are.
Because if you look into what they pay in taxes, it's almost zero.
And it's all the big tech companies have set it up with offshore accounts and other systems where they legally pay almost no tax.
And the very same people lecture you and I, how if you're making $100,000 a year, you're rich, you're not paying enough money.
If you're making $200,000 a year, you're in the 1%.
And you're guilty and you're bad.
Now, the globalists are in the .0000000042, depending on the analysis you do.
4.2, depending on the analysis you do, that tiny percentage of a percentage controls over
half wealth.
And they're maneuvering things towards a monopoly.
They want to get rid of middle classes.
They want to get rid of real free market systems that threaten them with innovation and new companies and new ideas and new leaders and new savants that come along.
So they're creating a classical system, a two-tiered system, where the elite are on top, the people are on the bottom, and there's no middle class.
That's the globalist aim, selling you on austerity, selling you on being poor, telling you your carbon footprint's evil, but AOC and the rest of them fly around on private jets and wear $3,000-plus outfits.
All they tell us is capitalism is a failure.
It isn't capitalism that's a failure.
It's crony capitalism, using socialism and communism to control us, that is working beautifully for this world fascist system they've set up.
It's corporate fascism using crony capitalism to dodge the taxes, to be above the law, diplomatic immunity, dominating humanity.
And that's why they demonize info wars.
If you read the Clinton Foundation documents, the Judicial Watch sued and died.
They're talking in the early 90s about we can't let right-wingers or nationalists ever create their own economy.
If they sell a book, or have a magazine, or open a company, we've got to say it's evil and shut it down.
Let them have a community.
We can't let them create their own economy.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Welcome back folks.
Alex Jones here, live.
You know, there's a lot of news I haven't hit, and I want to put the phones up on the Jesse Smollett situation, on all the incredible activities that are happening, on the whole Russiagate thing being a giant fraud.
Meanwhile, Mayor Rahm Emanuel sides with police Smollett case, a whitewash of justice.
That's an Infowars.com story.
A lot of political capital was just spent to drop Smollett's case.
Well, that's because Obama's involved.
Also reports Smollett's time served with community service was for another unrelated case.
That's all up at NewsWars.com.
A lot of stories are at NewsWars.com that are not at InfoWars.com.
Let's go to the Chicago Police Superintendent talking about what just happened with the open and shut case they had being killed by a bunch of Obama minions.
Here it is.
So listen.
I'm sure we all know what occurred this morning.
My personal opinion is that you all know where I stand on this.
Do I think justice was served?
What do I think justice is?
I think this city is still old in apology.
And let me digress for a moment.
When I came on this job, I've been a cop now for about 31 years.
When I came on this job, I came on with my honor, my integrity, and my reputation.
If someone accused me of doing anything that would circumvent that, then I would want my day in court.
To clear my name.
I've heard that they wanted their day in court with TV cameras so America could know the truth and know they chose to hide behind secrecy and broker a deal to circumvent the judicial system.
My job as a police officer is to investigate an incident, gather evidence, gather the facts, and present them to the state's attorney.
That's what we did.
I stand behind the detective's investigation.
I'll let Mary Madden kind of further.
But even Rahm Emanuel has to come out and say it's wrong.
Because he's not going to get burned for Obama and Black Lives Matter and all this stuff that tried to stage this.
The police have both stores they went to, surveillance footage, the magazine they cut up to put the letter threatening Spalt the first time.
They have everything.
They have everything, the check he gave them, everything.
But they can't prosecute him because the prosecutor works for Obama and the lawyers work for Obama and it's all in the news.
But they can't help but exercise the power in your face and say, he walks, nothing happens.
Even the charge, disorderly conduct, was a slap on the wrist.
But now, there can't even be that.
There's another article on newswars.com, Ann Coulter, Jesse Smollett, prosecutor, a George Soros puppet.
The article goes through all the evidence, the community organizing, all of it.
Of course, it failed!
You can't send him to jail because he'll talk!
So for the deep state, there were two things.
Well, three things.
I guess send Smollett off with a bunch of money and a facelift or face change to some other country.
Or they could have killed him, like Ron Barron.
Commerce Secretary that said, if I go down, I'll take the Clintons down with me, or they could have let him go ahead and get tried and expose all them for taking their orders.
Yeah, let's back that up and play audio.
He cries.
He goes, I can't believe anybody will question this.
And now he gets to run around and say, it still happened.
But not broken.
And he's still processing the raw emotions.
Have you ever been threatened before?
I get threatened all the time on Twitter and Instagram and DMs and things like that.
But, you know, I'm a public figure.
I'm very outspoken.
Sometimes maybe too outspoken.
But it's who I am.
You know, so I get the idea of pissing people off.
That you're gonna rub people the wrong way.
In fact, the week before the attack, police confirm a letter was sent to the Fox studio in Chicago.
So, folks, you all remember this.
He also says he beat the guy's asses.
So it just goes on and on and on and on.
Because people that are deceptive can't do anything but be deceptive.
Here's the number to join us to give your take on this, your take on Trump, what he needs to do against the censorship, where everything's going, the whole Russiagate imploding.
What's the Democrat's take on the whole?
It's election fraud.
So the toll-free number to join us is 877-789-ALEX, 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539.
7 7 8 9 Alex 8 7 7 7 8 9 2 5 3 9 8 7 7 7 8 9 2 5 3 9 is the number on these
subjects to get into don't forget Mike Adams article up on info wars comm is so
critical they can't stop you from emailing it or text messaging it on
their big censorship networks President Trump can end big tech censorship with a single signature.
Here's how.
This is what they fear this show being on air is covering.
Just like he signed an executive order saying if public universities don't let people have free speech, we'll pull your funding.
Anybody that engages in big tech censorship will have their federal funding pulled from U.S.
It's over.
And that's how you defeat it.
President Trump can't end big tech censorship with a single signature.
Here's how.
Stories on Infowars.com get it out to people.
Because we beat them trying to steal the election, but barely.
And we beat them on their fake Russiagate.
But they are coming back, ladies and gentlemen, with election fraud.
And they got away with it in 2016, but Trump still won.
There was massive election fraud, but he still won.
And they really got away with it in 2018, and they won.
And the evidence is, top computer science have exposed it.
Google and others gamed it.
Now we've got to stop them.
And we've got a year and a half to do it, so let's make it the buzz.
They're scared of your voice.
They're scared of your speech.
They're scared of what you say.
Override them.
Break their will.
Do it with signs in the streets, or bumper stickers, or calling in to talk radio.
Just get the word out that it's on.
Everybody was scared to support Trump because they thought he was about to be arrested.
I wasn't, and it was all bull.
Now it's okay to support the president.
Let's stamp the bullies and let's do it!
The unborn are begging for your help.
The born they want to kill now are begging for your help.
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Ha ha ha!
Ha ha!
You're awesome.
Your calls are four minutes away.
Please stay with us.
Twitter censorship.
The three strikes that took down Alex Jones.
Strike one.
Child abuse.
There was a video that was uploaded that showed a child being violently thrown to the ground and crying.
The video in question is a viral meme with over a hundred thousand retweets.
The meme showed a child bullying an adult who was eventually pushed to the ground and started crying like a victim.
The reason this video went viral in 2018 was because it reflected the strategy of the new American left.
Bully your opponents, and then cry foul when they try to fight back.
Forbes originally claimed that the man in the video was Alex Jones himself, and somehow, InfoWars is to blame for a video that remained on Twitter for months after the fact.
Strike two.
Inciting violence.
The second one was a video that we viewed as incitement of violence.
The original video was a message directed towards President Trump.
This is an emergency message to President Trump, to Congress, and to anyone that supports free speech in this country.
Twitter ignores this.
They selected a short segment and deceitfully acted as if Alex Jones was inciting violence against the media.
But now it's time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag.
I know the Justice Department's crippled a bunch of followers and cowards, but there's groups, there's grand juries, there's... You call for it.
It's time, politically, economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally, to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Get together the people you know aren't traitors and aren't cowards and aren't hedging their frickin' bets like all these other assholes do and let's go, let's do it.
And then there's a bunch of other stuff.
The other stuff that Twitter decided to ignore made it clear that the statement was being made to President Trump.
Because they're coming.
Now, in your wisdom, you may be playing possum and waiting for him to come in.
Alex Jones was encouraging the President to take action against Internet censorship.
And after omitting this fact, they skipped forward to Alex Jones reminding Americans of the importance of their Second Amendment rights.
People need to have their battle rifles and everything ready at their bedsides.
You gotta be ready, guys.
The media is so disciplined in their deception.
Antifa attacked all these people at the White House, beat up reporters, beat up women, children.
No coverage.
Twitter does not respect the Second Amendment.
Strike three!
Bullying Oliver Darcy.
So the third strike that we looked at was a verbal altercation that Alex got into with a journalist.
You're a virus to America and freedom.
Smelling like a possum that climbed out of the rear end of a dead cow.
You look like a possum that got caught doing some really, really nasty stuff in my view.
That's enough!
That's hilarious.
The altercation with Oliver Darcy is the real reason why Alex Jones was deleted from Twitter.
Rather than allowing an open and honest discussion, and possibly resolving our differences peacefully, they choose to silence their opposition and push towards a violent civil war.
Jack himself encouraged everyone to read an article which basically outlined the fact that there's no civility left and that civil war is likely to happen in America.
It says that the article was, why there's no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history, one side must win.
If you exacerbate the divisions in society that are so rife right now, that is going to create a civil war situation.
So they're going to be partly responsible for it as one of the biggest platforms silencing people.
They're only going to drive them underground.
They're only going to make them more angry, more extreme on both sides.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent free press working with big tech.
Conspiracy theories is an easy target.
there are some who worry this is a slippery slope where people with different viewpoints could be silenced.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to take some of your phone calls.
Paul Watts is taking over.
Mike Adams is popping in.
You've heard me talk a lot about his article.
It's up at naturalnews.com and newswars.com right now.
And it's simple.
We said it before Trump did it.
We said it after he did it with the universities.
You don't take action, Trump, we lose.
Yeah, okay, we got you elected despite all the fraud.
We got over that hurdle.
Then we stopped the whole Russiagate situation.
The American people did.
Now, if you don't stop big tech censorship that's naked in our face, then they're going to be able to steal the election.
The top computer experts, they've all come out, it's all over the news.
They stole the 2018 election.
It's time to pull federal funding from big tech if they keep censoring.
It's that simple.
Does the federal government spend money with apartment complexes that don't let black people live there?
Well, if these big tech companies engage in this, They don't get the money.
Take action!
The problem is most of Congress is bought off by their lobbyists for the average of $4,000 per congressional term.
Something like $20,000 buys you a senator.
God Almighty.
That's pathetic.
Mike Adams of naturalnews.com, thanks for joining us.
A lot of good things happening, but a lot of bad things happening as well, because like you said, we could pull out of this very quickly if Trump takes action.
Well, Trump needs to, in essence, go nuclear on big tech right now, in my opinion.
He needs to take immediate action.
And the good news, Alex, is that he doesn't have to have Congress pass a new law.
Trump can sign an executive order, as described in that article, that simply denies all federal contracts, federal funding, or federal grants of any kind to these large tech platforms, social media companies, that are discriminating against American people based on the color of their ideas.
It is a violation of basic human dignity and human rights, what these tech companies are doing.
They're also engaged in election meddling.
They stole the 2018 election and they are now trying to steal the 2020 election and every election from this point forward.
Trump now has been vindicated.
The Russia collusion hoax has collapsed.
It's time for all of us to fight aggressively.
We cannot allow this to lapse.
We cannot just say, oh, it's time to move on, forget what happened in the past.
The tech giants were complicit in trying to overthrow this country.
They took part in a political coup.
They silenced the voices that were accurately reporting the truth that the Russia collusion hoax was a false narrative.
And yet we are still being silenced today, Alex.
We are being deplatformed without justification.
You know, I've been banned.
It's all being accelerated.
I mean, it's getting worse every day.
It's out of control because the Congress has greenlit this behavior.
And we are now entering a realm where with this Jussie Smollett decision today, where Illinois, you know, corrupt Illinois officials have dropped charges against him.
I think a lot of Americans are asking right now, are we now living in a lawless, despotic, Authoritarian system where Democrats are never charged with anything or never prosecuted for anything but conservatives are silenced and defamed and accused and criminalized for just doing their job.
There's no doubt that's going on and I'm not calling for anybody to take justice in their own hands but at a certain point that's where this is going to go and since you mentioned that What do you make of Smollett and Obama's lawyer and all his people and federal investigations?
Clearly this was orchestrated, and we have the evidence, by higher-ups.
Smollett didn't act alone, but he did it in such a ham-fisted way.
And then Don Lemon just said, oh, he wasn't giving good advice.
He didn't carry it out right.
His only crime was he didn't execute it correctly.
It's a very dangerous precedent because if you think about it, the signal being sent now to other people who are considering carrying out their own hate hoaxes, that signal is now, go ahead, you have full permission because you will never be prosecuted for carrying out a hate hoax crime in America.
You know, the slogan for the Democrats for 2020 should be, Democrats, keep hate alive.
They have to keep it alive with these hate hoaxes.
They have to spin their false narratives and make sure that their hoaxes are never- I don't know about myself, but I went in Lucy's Fried Chicken Saturday night, and people came inside.
It was mainly outdoor, and said, we're going to get you, F you.
You're going to get it.
And then we'd go outside.
We're waiting for me outside.
And then when I stood up to them, they edited the tape to make it look like they were victims.
And Reddit wouldn't let us post a raw video showing they came after us first.
They would only show the edited video.
I mean, just the collusion of big tech and these people is incredible.
Everything that Democrats and these lunatic leftists are doing is a fraud.
Everything is a fraud.
When they run elections, the elections are a fraud.
When they run tech companies, the tech companies are a fraud.
When they try to extort Nike, right, it's another form of criminal fraud.
When they run hate crime hoaxes, of course it's a fraud.
everything they run is a fraud because they can't win in the free market of
ideas. They can't win in an environment where intelligent, informed, conservative
Americans have the free speech right to simply debate and engage. If we can
simply engage and debate, we will win. And that's why they have to silence us
because all the ideas of the left are, they're disasters.
They destroy societies.
And you think about things being pushed now, the lawlessness that we already
talked about, but also like the Green New Deal and other things. This would
destroy society. This would lead to mass starvation, a collapse of the food supply,
a collapse of the US economy. And they combine that with open borders and
wanting to flood our country.
With illegal voters and then have the popular vote determine the election?
These people have to be stopped.
They are so dangerous to the future of our society.
That's why I say again, Trump needs to quote, go nuclear.
I don't mean nuclear weapons.
I just mean he needs to get aggressive right now on the left.
The time to do it is now.
It's now or never or we lose America forevermore.
Yeah, because you're not Swallow's Well that said we'll use nuclear weapons to take the guns.
You're saying nuclear option is that he needs to just do the right thing and the default, not even nuclear option, is to take their funding away and stop green lighting their behavior because all of this giving into big tech like they're God has created this atmosphere and this perfect storm.
Let's talk to Doug, a retired police officer and vet on Jesse Schmollett.
Charges being dropped from Connecticut.
What's your take on this?
Hey Alex, hey Mike.
Pleasure to talk to you both.
Well, when I was a cop, Alex, I was a cop for 15 years.
I got pensioned off early because I was attacked once, but you know how laws are different from state to state?
Are you there, brother?
Yes, I'm there.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Laws are different from state to state.
So when I was a cop in some of the high schools here, if you pulled a fire alarm, that was a felony.
It was one of the lower felonies, but it was still a felony because If you pulled it and people were running out of buildings.
People could break their legs.
It took the fire department away from other real fires.
These kids were yanking a fire alarm seven days a week.
Or seven times a day sometimes.
So, I have no respect for evil people.
But I thought to be evil at a master level like they are, I thought you had to be somewhat smart.
But to let this dude off with nothing is the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
And what kind of fire alarm did he pull?
He could have started a freaking race for.
And let's face it, when something kicks off in the United States, I know people from like England and France with the yellow vests, they're like, what the hell America, we see you guys in the videos with your guns, but you don't do shit about anything in the country, I'm sorry, you don't do anything in your country about what's going on with all your guns, because if something kicks off with us, in this country, It's going to smolder and fire, you know what I mean?
Well, we don't want to go there, Doug, but I hear what you're saying is that we have the red-handed people caught staging it and nothing's being done and it's really going to discredit the system.
How do they think they're getting away with it?
They have to because the evidence mounts that the Democrats and Obama were involved and Smollett was just an actor as he is in a larger production.
Thank you for the call.
Mike Adams?
Public trust is collapsing in every institution, Alex.
Who trusts the FBI ever again?
Who trusts the media?
No informed person trusts the media.
Who, you know, who trusts the Democrat Party?
No reasonable informed person.
If the DOJ doesn't prosecute this corruption in Chicago over the Smollett case, Then we are living in a lawless society.
So I hope that President Trump is going to order William Barr to order an investigation of the state of Illinois and this obvious cover-up and this obvious corruption.
Otherwise, we do not have the rule of law in effect in America.
And if we don't have that... Well, I think the caller said that, Mike.
This is crazy.
This only brings more attention on Smollett, even worse than having a trial.
We'll come back with Mike Adams and more calls.
We talk about Smollett.
We talk about the election coming up.
If Trump doesn't take action, he's gonna lose.
Dare I say, we're about to be joined by the Rembrandt, the Da Vinci of meme-making, Carpe Dantum.
But let's look at the meme that Carpe Dantum made that President Trump shared that was then censored on Twitter.
Madam Speaker!
The President of the United States!
If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life
And I had to start again With just my children and my wife
I'd thank my lucky stars For letting me live in here today
Thank you very much, Madam Speaker.
Members of Congress, the state of our union is strong.
Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will never be a socialist country.
So, Carpe D'Antem joins me now, and I gotta be honest with you folks,
I feel like right now I'm interviewing one of the greatest artists of all time.
So, Carpe Doctum, thank you for joining me today on the Alex Jones Show.
So, let's talk about the name.
Obviously, Carpe Diem, Seize the Day, the famous saying, and then you have Carpe Noctum, which is Seize the Night.
So, Carpe Doctum, is that Seize the Donk?
It's Seize the Donkey.
the donkey. The donkey, yeah. Seize that Democrat. Ah, okay, okay. Because I was wondering, I
knew that there had to be something to that name. So carpe donctum is seize the Democrat.
So that's basically seize the opportunity that the left provides you to create beautiful
memes. That is my interpretation of my fake Latin, yes.
Well, I have to say, you've done a lot of great work, obviously.
Your creativity shines through.
If you don't want to get into this, I understand, but I need an answer here.
Can you confirm or deny that you were the character featured in Make Love Not Warcraft in South Park?
Now, we've got the clip, and there have been some theories, okay?
There have been some theories branded about here that this character from South Park, Make Love Not Warcraft, is actually based on you.
Now, can you confirm or deny these claims right now?
I can't confirm or deny right now.
Can Carpe Dantum... Can you confirm or deny?
I can't confirm or deny.
I just know that Infowars is the sword of a thousand truths.
He's meme legend at Carpe Dantum on Twitter.
Follow him now.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
In Nazi Germany, they began killing babies after they were born.
They began forced inoculations of the poor.
They would add chemicals to it to induce coma or sterilization.
Then, of course, we had not just the blacks injected with syphilis, but happened all over the world under the Tuskegee Experiment.
Well, now you've seen giant corporate hype after I was banned from the Internet, other than our own platforms.
You saw anyone questioning vaccines, including medical doctors.
People showing the inserts of the vaccines, saying it can really hurt you.
And now, in New York, they've declared a civil emergency.
That means martial law.
Anyone quote under 18 to be in public places, the police are going to be out, take your vaccine.
And they go, oh, seven people died.
They don't tell you that from California, New York, they're shipping in unlimited numbers of illegal aliens and not testing any of them.
And when somebody dies.
Of TB or whatever.
They go, oh, it's the measles.
Oh, it's smallpox.
Here's Fox News just minutes ago with the national alert and all over the world.
New York declares a state of emergency when it comes to the ongoing measles outbreak.
Rockland County officials say as of tomorrow, anyone under 18 years old and unvaccinated against the measles will be barred from public places until this declaration expires in 30 days.
Brian Yennis is live in Rockland County.
This is a significant step, Brian.
It is a significant step, Dana.
In fact, it is historic.
Rockland County, New York, has become the first county to ban people who are unvaccinated with the measles vaccination from all public places.
All people who are under the age of 18, that's all children, are now banned from schools, churches, synagogues, no grocery stores, restaurants.
They cannot be in these places unless they are vaccinated with the measles vaccine.
This state of emergency will be in place for the next 30 days.
Last year, not just one, but seven unvaccinated travelers diagnosed with measles entered our county between October 1st and October 17th, leading to 153 confirmed cases.
And this is the longest outbreak in the U.S.
due to measles since the disease was officially eradicated in 2000.
Dana, back to you.
All right, Brian, and as a question...
Okay, so Big Pharma has vaccine protection, billions in the Secret Fund, they gave us
deadly Gardasil that killed thousands of people.
They're doing all this, Mike Adams.
I mean, this is really war.
This is government saying, "We're going to put...
Now they want 60-plus vaccines to be mandatory in you."
We don't care we've gone from 1 in 35,000 with autism to 1 in 58.
We're going to do it.
You know, they've got the huge propaganda situation going.
The same Democrats want to abort babies after they're born.
They want to kill it.
They say there's too many humans.
But now they love us and want to save us.
This is medical martial law, Alex.
I'm glad you're covering this important development because now this is setting people up to have to carry vaccine mandate records and cards with them.
Show me your vaccine papers.
You're going to have to be embedded with an RFID chip or there'll be a biometric scan of your iris which will be linked to your medical records.
This is medical Mark of the Beast.
And it is now official today.
I mean, you know, remember five years ago, we said this was coming.
You and I both.
We talked about this repeatedly, and of course we were mocked at the time.
But today, it's here.
They just announced it this morning in New York, and it's a pilot case.
This is a test case.
They're gonna see if they can spread it nationwide.
And one more important thing, Alex.
Recognize that it is Adam Schiff The same liar and hoaxer who pushed the Russia collusion hoax.
He's the guy who has been sending out demand letters to the tech companies to say that you must censor vaccine awareness information.
And that's why Facebook has banned it.
That's why Amazon pulled the vaxxed documentary off Amazon Prime and so on.
This one guy who is, in my view, an unindicted criminal conspirator.
He's a traitor to America.
He's a man for hire by the devil.
He is just unbelievably evil.
And he is rolling out, essentially with his influence, he is rolling out a medical police state across America.
It is active right now.
We are becoming China in terms of censorship and in terms of the medical, you know, gunpoint enforcement.
They're denying these children the right to go to school, the right to go to church.
Some of my, one of my daughters, it's made fun of at school because she's Alex Jones's daughter and hadn't had the shot.
They say, we're going to get sick because you haven't had it.
They've already supposedly taken it.
They're already supposedly protected.
It's all made up.
But exactly, let's pull back from this.
They use the gravitas of foreign powers.
Seizing our election to build this up, and now they've parlayed it.
That Schiff gives the orders to the media of what to ban and what to do, now to vaccines.
So now they've parlayed this hysteria into everything.
And it is martial law, Mike.
They've really set this up.
And think about this, if you are a child who were exposed to measles naturally and you overcame measles, so you have antibodies against measles because maybe you were homeschooled and your parents didn't want to kill you with vaccines.
So now you have antibodies.
But according to this rule, you still have to be vaccinated even though you cannot be infected with measles because you've already had it.
Let's expand on that.
It's what they're adding to the vaccines.
One of my daughters was two, the other was like five.
And they both got the measles.
A few spots on their faces.
It was over.
And even the governor of Kentucky said, big deal.
This is not like drug-resistant TB that they let the illegals come in and spread.
It's crazy.
And most of this is being spread by illegals.
They admit that.
Well, even in that video clip, they said it was travelers who came into the state, probably from overseas.
Now, think about this.
The left today says that the open border is not an emergency.
But they say unvaccinated American kids in New York are A declared emergency now.
I mean, where have they lost their minds?
You know, of course they have, but they're going to roll out this medical police state and medical martial law.
It's going to be gunpoint enforced vaccines nationwide, and it's going to be complete de-platforming of anyone who questions the vaccine narrative, even those who talk about the ingredients that are admitted to be in the vaccines.
You and I both know it's the ingredients.
It's the aluminum adjuvants.
It's the squalene.
It's the mercury.
It's the MSG.
It's all these other things that are in there.
I wouldn't have given Big Pharma coverage in liability protection.
There's a covert binary program going on, just like the GMO everything.
There's a larger project going on, and they're pissed because more and more people get it.
All over the world, they're creating these hoaxes and bullying everybody, and it's incredibly obvious.
People aren't stupid.
Mike Adams, incredible job.
God bless you.
Thank you for spending time with us.
You're welcome anytime in the studio.
Thank you Alex.
We'll see you soon.
So just shop with the good guys.
Easy decision to make.
Please make it.
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But also that word of mouth.
Your text message, your email, your person-to-person.
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Haven't you ever wanted to go here?
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What's so bad?
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So that's how we defeat the enemy.
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I mean, seeds that you plant them, and then they grow more seeds that grow more plants.
And it's a cycle forever, like men and women.
Yeah, someday they're actually trying.
Monsanto says their goal is to have no seeds that can produce more seeds.
It'll be a conspiracy one day.
I heard, used to, plants grew from seeds that they had.
No, that's a right-wing lie.
I heard one time that women gave birth vaginally or their breasts were from giving milk.
Oh, there's no genders.
The goal is to say there's a thousand genders until there's no gender.
This is the plan.
So when you commit, But you've done, and I salute you, and I thank you.
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Instead of spending most of my time scrabbling around trying to get funding, I want to hire a lot of other reporters, I want to launch a lot of big projects, and it's a miracle we're even still here at this level, but I want to expand in the face of the enemy.
And we're right there at that event horizon of expanding or contracting.
We're right there.
You've got to push yourself, because we're together into this next level.
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The mailing address is on the website.
The enemy is cheating.
They're letting criminals go free like Smollett.
They're doing it all because they're desperate.
They're losing.
They're losers.
And they thought we'd all given up or gone away by now.
We're never giving up.
In fact, we got a lot of tricks up our sleeves.
And at the end of the day, it's all in God's plan.
And God literally, through my gut, my spirit has told me, you don't back down, you don't give in ever, you will beat these people.
We will beat them together.
But you're gonna have to hold fast and never doubt me.
And that I just don't doubt, and every time the doors close, more doors open, and we just get stronger together.
But it takes the commitment to spread the word.
It takes the commitment to get involved.
It takes the commitment to get the products to fund the operation.
And you're doing it.
Paul Joseph Watson coming up.
Take a few calls before he comes on.
Stay with us.
No one can deny it.
World government's out in the open.
They're creating animal-human hybrid clones and it's in the back of the newspaper.
There's open attacks on the family.
A convicted child rapist are brought in with no background checks to teach three-year-old children in Houston public facilities how to engage in sexual activities.
Ladies and gentlemen, humanity itself is under siege.
It's being scientifically deployed to demoralize us, to dumb us down, to poison us, to confuse us.
The bad news is it's highly organized and focused.
The good news is it's so compartmentalized, there's only a few thousand globalists, corporate fascists that actually are part of the program, that if we just awaken the general masses, and we awaken those right below the technocrats, many of the functionaries, we can blow their system politically out of the water.
But right now they're pushing more than ever.
To preemptively silence all speech that's not corporate.
Just today, I randomly turned on CNN.
Brian Stelter was talking about how evil free speech is and how we have to ban it for everybody but CNN.
Then I got in the car and turned on NPR.
They were attacking me, lying about InfoWars, and saying that we need to be shut down and silenced.
That's just today when I randomly turned on the television to work out and got in my car to drive to the studio.
That's because they're scared of you.
They're scared of me.
They're scared of this huge awakening.
That's why now more than ever, when you spread the articles from newswars.com and infowars.com, when you spread those videos, when you tell your friends, your neighbors, your family about the verboten broadcast, You literally break the back of the globalists politically, metaphysically, and spiritually.
So keep taking action, and I salute you.
But don't let them silence you.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live taking a few calls for Paul Watson.
Hillary and George Soros, hope you don't spread the word about that.
Let's go ahead and take a call from Ray in Florida.
You're on the air, Ray.
Alex, I just... Alex, I want to thank you for allowing us Americans to actually speak out and actually be heard on your airwaves.
What a blessing.
I appreciate you, brother.
Very quickly, I would like to urge all of my compatriots, all of my patriots to call the White House 202-456-1414 and demand Hillary's arrest.
Start with her and then move on down the scale.
Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas deserves to be recognized for their sacrifices and what they did.
Also, I'd like to urge you to call Mueller 202-663-6364.
He's a traitor, a menace to this country, and he belongs before a firing squad.
He's a worthless sack of shit.
Pardon my expression.
Sir, we can't do that.
I appreciate your call.
And look, I'm not saying you're giving out fake numbers, but I haven't checked them.
Sometimes people call in with people's fake phone numbers and it becomes a big fiasco.
Mueller is just a puppet.
He's already moved on down the road.
But yeah, this country's in a crazy situation.
Let's go ahead and go to Jim in Georgia.
Jim, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Been a while.
Been a while, Alex.
Love you and respect you.
I respect you.
The very symbol of injustice in America is Hillary Clinton.
She must be at least in prison.
Must be, or it will die.
Then we could move on to 9-11 and all that stuff.
She must be in prison.
Have you heard anything on the inside to lead you to believe that something is going on there?
Well, yes.
Lindsey Graham and Trump came out today and said that they are pushing for a reopening of the investigation on Hillary.
Thanks for the call.
I hear you, brother.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dennis in Virginia and then Debbie in New Jersey.
Go ahead, Dennis.
Hey, Alex.
Yeah, I enjoy your show very much.
I think President Trump is getting ready to unleash the dogs of war.
He's been laying low for a while and I think he's watching these guys just trip and fumble all in himself saying I think he's going to really get down to business.
You know, Trump could definitely do that if he had good people, but the average lawyers and average people in D.C.
are literally mind-dumb, mindless scumbags.
Yeah, but I tell you, the way these tech giants and MSM monopolies have weaponized their platforms and outlets, they need to be broken up and in some cases lose their license.
Well, we'll see what happens.
I don't wish any harm against anybody, you know.
But I hear what you're saying, that this is a serious situation.
Debbie in New Jersey, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, the first thing I think is that Trump should oust these demonic, clitless, walking black, tampon frauds that have infiltrated our government.
That's the first thing.
Second, let's indict all these criminal dems.
Berrico, racketeering, fraud extortion, lean their oath and bond, bankrupt them, seize all their assets, put them out of business.
I hear you, and I think that that is something a lot of Americans are thinking.
They're really upset about just the lawlessness we've seen, not just with the Smollett case, but with the Russiagate and with Hillary servers and the sellout to China, just the lawlessness of the Democratic Party and the acquiescence of so many Democrats in this process.
We have the power to do it.
Let's do it.
Why do we keep playing games with them?
This is what frustrates and angers me, because I'm tired of hearing, oh, we have to be nice, we have to do it this way, we can't get angry.
Well, we're angry!
No, I hear you.
God bless you, ma'am.
I'm sorry to the callers, Luke and Harry and Dean, but I'll be back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Paul Joseph Watson, from her Britannic Majesties, England, is taking over.
There'll be some special reports today, too, at NewsWorks.com.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live in this fourth hour and we're continuing to look at the reaction to the absolutely unbelievable developing story that the charges against Empire actor Jussie Smollett have been dropped.
Jack Posobiec just tweeted, Jussie Smollett should be charged under federal hate crime laws for the actual crime we know he committed against white Trump supporters.
Chicago Democrat Mayor Rahm Emanuel, even Rahm Emanuel said he was let off scot-free with no sense of accountability for the moral and ethical wrong of his actions.
Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson, and I think we've got this clip we can roll it here in a second, So listen, I'm sure we all know what occurred this morning.
My personal opinion is that you all know where I stand on this.
Do I think justice was served?
What do I think justice is?
I think this city is still old in apology.
And let me digress for a moment.
When I came on this job, I've been a cop now for about 31 years.
When I came on this job, I came on with my honor, my integrity, and my reputation.
If someone accused me of doing anything that would circumvent that, then I would want my day in court.
To clear my name.
I've heard that they wanted their day in court with TV cameras so America could know the truth and know they chose to hide behind secrecy and broker a deal to circumvent the judicial system.
My job as a police officer is to investigate an incident, gather evidence, gather facts, and present them to the state's attorney.
That's what we did.
I stand behind the detective's investigation.
I'll let Mary Maddow Conner further.
That was Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson reacting again to the charges against Jussie Smollett being dropped.
Former Chief Prosecutor Bob Bianchi on Jussie Smollett, he said, I think prosecutors caved to the court of public opinion and gave the case away.
He called it a sickening abuse of prosecutorial discretion.
Charlie Kirk tweeted an image of Smollett alongside Hillary Clinton.
He said on Twitter, And is this anything to do with it?
Gee, I wonder.
idiotic crime in full public view.
Deny that you ever committed that crime, media runs cover, overwhelming evidence proves that you are
guilty, demand special treatment, receive special treatment from
liberal prosecutors, and then walk free.
And is this anything to do with it? Gee, I wonder. Headline out of Breitbart.com.
George Soros donated $408,000 to Kim Fox, prosecutor who let Jussie Smollett walk,
of course was in cahoots with the old bombers Left-wing billionaire mega-donor George Soros donated $408,000 to a super PAC that supported Cook County State's Attorney Kim Fox, the prosecutor in the Jussie Smollett case, in her election campaign in 2016.
And again, whenever you talk about George it's like oh my god you're talking about George Soros giving money to a group or an individual the entire purpose of his life which he's been doing for decades and decades oh that's anti-semitic you can't say the words George Soros in a shock announcement Tuesday Fox dropped all 16 felony charges against Smollett
Again, Soros has spent heavily on backing progressive candidates for local prosecutorial offices across the nation following the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2014.
So that's from where this donation arose.
He gave $408,000 to the prosecutor who got Smollett off the hook in this shady backroom deal, which I'm sure is completely above board.
Report Chicago Police Superintendent Furious Smollett charges dropped.
We just played that clip from Eddie Johnson.
Former prosecutor says state's explanation for Jussie Smollett case dismissal makes no sense.
This was Law and Crime Network host Bob Bianchi, who was once the chief prosecutor in Morris County, New Jersey.
He questioned the decision making of the local prosecutors.
And again, as I just said, he called it a sickening abuse.
He said that remarks by the prosecutors make no sense.
And the idea that Smollett would do service goes against how criminal cases normally work.
So he already did the community service.
How is that related in any way to the current situation?
And in what upside down backwards world can you get charges dropped because of a community service issue?
I mean, absoluteness makes no sense whatsoever.
They're admitting that he's guilty of something, but then saying he's not guilty of anything.
It's absolutely la-la land behaviour, and Twitter is absolutely ablaze.
Stefan Molyneux tweets "American justice no collusion is investigated for years
destroying families careers and lives real collusion walks"
and again the prosecutor involved funded to the tune of $408,000 by
George Soros absolutely We'll continue to cover that as news comes in.
But on a related subject, CNN is now claiming that it's literally not the job of journalists to investigate things.
They literally came out and made that claim.
Headline on Infowars.com, Brian Stelter gets roasted for saying it's not CNN's job to investigate.
He was tweeting The CNN president, Jeff Zucker, who said yesterday, quote, we are not investigators, we are journalists.
Yes, that's your entire job as journalists.
In fact, someone pointed to the fact that CNN hired BuzzFeed's K-File investigative team to investigate news stories.
So they hired an investigative team.
Now they're claiming they're not investigators simply to absolve themselves of blame.
For pushing for two years plus solid, the hysterical, maniacal, fake news hoax of Russian collusion, while pointing their fingers at Infowars and similar outlets, saying that we were peddling fake news, calling for, lobbying for, us to be de-platformed for fake news, while they were pushing it to great harm, a great harm to the nation, risking potential war, Undermining democracy?
They were pushing that fake news for two years plus.
Is anyone going to come out and apologize?
Is anyone going to get disciplined?
Is anyone going to get fired?
Is anyone going to have a single moment of self-reflection and realize that you're not supposed to be activists, you're supposed to be journalists who remain impartial, neutral, and yes, investigate things.
So Stelter tweeted this out.
He got completely ratioed.
15,000 responses compared to just 1,100 retweets.
That's when you know you get ratioed.
Mike Cernovich responded.
He said, for real, Brian, in what world does this help you or CNN?
CNN press Jeff Zucker.
We honor investigators.
I'm trying, bro.
Help us understand.
We honor investigators.
How doesn't this expose everyone at CNN as scribes for people in government?
And in claiming they're not investigators, that's exactly what they're admitting, that they're basically stenographers for what the authorities tell them.
In this case, the authorities being the Deep State for the past two years plus.
Jack Posobiec tweeted at him, as a joke, we don't check it into anything the government tells us.
It's a great line for a news organization to take.
Not that any of us are surprised, but the sheer audacity of admitting it And within a couple of hours, Brian Stelter of CNN blocked Jack Posobiec on Twitter because he had no counter-argument.
David Wall said, we're not investigators, we're not journalists, we're worker bees for the primary media propaganda wing of the DNC.
That at least would have been an honest assessment of Fake News Central.
and again not a single member of the mainstream media has come out
and apologized or been disciplined
or been fired for pushing the biggest fake news hoax in a generation
since Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction
now when we come back in the next segment i'm gonna get into
Stephen Colbert who pushed the fake news
russian collusion scam for two plus years on his show almost every single
But now guess who he's blaming?
Oh yes, it's Trump's fault.
Why is it Trump's fault?
Well, because Orange Man Bad.
That's literally his reason.
So we're going to get into that.
We're going to get into the EU breaking the internet to censor memes with Article 13 which just passed today and the real reason behind that.
We're going to get into A activist in Australia being de-platformed by Facebook because he defended himself against a mainstream media smear campaign.
So we'll get into that and a lot more in the next segment.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live, BreakingNewsInfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
There are thousands of ideologies out there.
Hundreds of different political systems.
And most of them are funded by the globalists.
InfoWars is truly the tip of the spear of the zeitgeist.
That's why the globalists are obsessed with it, trying to shut it down.
I didn't invent all this.
I went and researched the Renaissance, Americana, and what really works for humanity, and I'm simply trying to bring it back.
And lo and behold, it's super popular, like it's always been!
That's why the globalists are trying to shut it down so desperately.
Because we have the light in the dark of the night.
That sends chills up my spine.
So whatever you do, continue to support yourself and InfoWars by buying the great products at InfoWarsStore.com, by spreading the articles, by spreading the videos, and by praying for this operation and for praying for this nation and the world for peace and discernment.
For myself and the whole InfoWars family, I want to thank all of you for what you've done, because without you, InfoWars is nothing.
You are the InfoWar, and I salute you.
[Loud Explosion]
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are back on the Alex Jones Show live.
Before I get into some more news, I really need to tell you about the Save the First Amendment, Stop Big Tech Censorship special, which is still running at InfoWarsStore.com.
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Now, of course, the fallout from the Russian collusion hoax continues.
Instead of having a moment of reflection, which was long overdue for the mainstream media, they've simply turned around and pointed the finger back at President Trump.
Daily Caller reports Colbert says Trump only has himself to blame for Russian collusion conspiracy theory.
Now this is a guy who almost every night on his unfunny late night comedy show talked about Donald Trump colluding with Russians to steal the election.
You've seen the clips over and over and over again.
He also obviously got in trouble for the PP Holster comment he made about Putin and Trump, had to apologize for that.
Another hilarious example of the left eating their own.
But every single night he was on it.
Night after night after night.
And what's his reaction now it's all collapsed?
Well late night show host Stephen Colbert said Monday night that President Donald Trump only has himself to blame for being subjected to a two-year investigation with a false premise.
So he basically got up this Whiteboard of everything bad that Donald Trump's ever said or done.
In his eyes, most of it's completely made up or grossly exaggerated, of course.
His basic argument, given that he's pushed this fake news conspiracy theory for two years plus, is that, oh no, it's not my fault, it's Donald Trump's fault, because orange man bad.
He literally defaulted back to that classic NPC orange man bad approach.
Again, scribbled down a bunch of things on a whiteboard and said, oh, it's Donald Trump's fault that I continually lied to the American people.
And let's not give him the cover of being a comedian.
These people aren't comedians.
They're political operatives.
They're activists.
That's why they hate people like Jay Leno, because back in the day he wasn't an activist, he was an actual comedian.
He would hit both sides of the political spectrum.
And he was funny.
Funnier than Colbert, at least now.
Colbert, back in the day, of course, cut his teeth going after George W. Bush and his militarism, his foreign intervention, his neocon wars.
and what does he do to tolls the gabbard one of the few democratic candidates who speaks any kind of
sense gets around a show
and completely rances are about her option her opinion her opposition to the war in syria
to trying to topple a sad by arming literal jihadists which is the foreign policy that
barack obama and hillary clinton followed and it would have been the farrick foreign policy that hillary
clinton followed if you become president
is the one she followed as secretary of state so you have called that
a man who cut his teeth rightly going after george w_ bush is militarism in
his new york on adventures now serving that very same deep state
that wants to topple Secular leaders in the Middle East leading to absolute carnage, leading to the rise of ISIS, leading to the migrant crisis.
Tulsi Gabbard goes on a sane voice against that and he rips her to shreds because again, not the man that he used to be.
He sold out.
Now he's blaming Trump for his lies that he said on his show repeatedly for two years solid, as is the New York Times.
Headline, New York Times tries to shift blame onto all of us for Russiagate hoax.
This is out of Information Liberation and it's up on Infowars.com.
Rather than take personal responsibility for pushing the Russiagate hoax for over two years straight without any evidence, the New York Times ran a column on Monday trying to shift the blame onto all of us.
That's right, it's your fault too!
And it's Sean Hannity's fault, even though he literally argued the opposite for two plus years.
It's Sean Hannity's fault as well.
It said, Sean Hannity-style Trumpians should apologize for peddling the sort of deep cynicism that undermines our country's institutions.
So Sean Hannity and others like him were right, were proven right in triplicate, saying that this was a contrived moral panic, a contrived hoax, but they should apologize for being right.
The only people who undermined the country for two plus years were the people pushing this fake news delusion that caused division, that caused Russia and America to be at the brink of some kind of military exchange in some cases, given the sanctions and what that could have led to.
But no, it's Sean Hannity's fault.
From the New York Times' David Brooks, we've all just been made fools of ourselves again.
Maybe it's time to declare a national Sabbath.
Maybe it's time to step back from scandal-mongering and assess who we are right now.
Now that should be applauded, a moment of self-reflection.
But then he goes on to say, Republicans and the Sean Hannity-style Trumpians might also approach this moment with an attitude of humility and honest self-examination, even though they were proven right and have literally nothing to apologize for.
For two years they've been calling the Mueller investigation a witch hunt, which is exactly what it was.
For two years they've been spreading the libel that there are no honest brokers in Washington.
It's all a deep state conspiracy, a swamp.
Yeah, I'm sure everybody's honest in Washington DC.
It's renowned for its honesty, isn't it, that city?
Just as Chicago is in the case of Smollett.
They should apologize for peddling the sort of deep cynicism that undermines our country's institutions, even though that's literally What the mainstream media did.
It was them that undermined democracy.
It was them that tried to sabotage a legitimately elected president.
Another headline here.
Nets gave 2,284 minutes to trump Russia conspiracy theory.
Media wrote 533,000 articles.
They actually tottered up the amount that they paid attention to this story every night on news media.
And it was more than if there'd been a major war taking place.
That's literally the sustained level to which the mainstream media pushed this hoax for two plus years.
They afforded more time to it than they would have done if America had literally been at war.
That's how deeply ingrained and embedded and responsible the mainstream media was for pushing this hoax.
So how dare they try and point the finger at Trump or Hannity or Infowars and say that we're responsible.
The absolute height of delusion.
We'll be back.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
Brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
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X2 at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
And we are live on the Alex Jones Show fourth hour.
Now, I want to get into Article 13 because it passed today.
It's absolutely horrific.
The consequences are not going to be known.
The UK, where I live obviously, would be free from the consequences if we actually left the EU as we voted to nearly three years ago and it hasn't happened yet because we don't live in a democracy anymore so we probably will be affected by this.
This is Article 13 and the best way to explain why it's so bad is with this video I made about the subject about nine months ago when it was first introduced and then I'll come back and read the latest news on Article 13 but here is that video.
They're really doing it.
They're coming for the one thing that we thought was sacred.
They're coming to ban the memes.
Researchers at University College London have developed an algorithm that can automatically detect and censor hateful content before it's uploaded.
What could possibly go wrong?
Could this algorithm be abused by partisan social media giants to prevent the viral spread of memes that benefit right-of-center political movements and candidates?
They'd never do such a thing.
Would they?
But why does this matter?
Because memes can change history.
As Richard Dawkins first explained, memes are like genes for information, and human evolution has been guided as much by memes as genes.
Memes compete with each other for survival.
Control the meme.
Control future human thought and behavior.
This is about influence.
Leftist websites like Salon, The New Yorker and The Guardian have been bitterly complaining for years about the undue influence of meme warfare on contemporary politics.
They warn that the political meme has become the centrepiece of disinformation campaigns and the ability of memes to communicate ideology is boundless.
The power of the political meme has never been greater.
Now, what possible motive do you think the left could have for wanting to ban memes?
Could it really be because the left can't meme?
Surely not.
I mean, surely they wouldn't.
Yeah, it's that.
The University College London study found that the most effective and widely spread memes largely originated in two places.
The Donald and Paul.
Both of which aren't really known for their left-wing sympathies.
So now we finally have solid proof, backed up by the kind of facts and logic that would even put Ben Shapiro to shame, that the left can't meme.
And as we all know, if something doesn't benefit the left, the only reasonable thing to do is ban it.
So you remember I mentioned that algorithm which is able to identify harmful content and prevent it from being uploaded?
Guess what the EU wants to make social media companies do?
Develop an algorithm that can identify harmful content and prevent it from being uploaded.
Well, imagine my shock.
The EU's new Article 13 copyright proposal, which will be voted on this week.
Would force websites to install upload filters that would automatically censor any content deemed to be a copyright violation.
This is a complete misunderstanding of both fair use and transformative content.
But this is the EU we're talking about and they're not known for having a firm grasp of the sovereign interests of the individual.
Google owned YouTube and Facebook already have filters that block porn and copyrighted content before it's posted.
So in effect, All this will achieve is a de facto ban on memes and a draconian crackdown on the sharing of information.
You know, the entire foundation of how the internet is structured and what makes it work.
The proposal would also institute a link tax, which would require users to get a license from the publisher just to include snippets from a news article like this.
I literally wouldn't be allowed to display a screenshot from a news article like this.
Without getting sued for copyright violation.
Click the link in the description below to contact your MEP and tell them to vote against this absurd proposal.
Because if it's implemented and used as a template for other countries outside of the EU, the internet as we know and love it, is finished.
In short.
Article 13 will impose widespread censorship of all the content you share online, be it a parody video, a remix, a meme, a blog post, comments on Reddit, a piece of code, live streaming your gaming experience, or even a link in a tweet.
Spain also wants to ban memes that are insulting to politicians.
CNN doxxes and harasses people for posting memes.
So it's a pincer movement.
On the one hand you've got the establishment in general that doesn't understand the language of memes and is therefore frustrated that it can't control them.
Then on the other hand you've got the political left which No longer understands humor, and therefore is completely useless at creating them.
At the legislative level, they're gonna use copyright laws to censor memes.
And at the cultural level, they're going to continue to hype the contrived moral panic of spicy memes being a new form of virulent online hate speech.
Just as many left-wing websites have removed comment sections because studies prove they influence the reader more than the article itself, this is yet another attempt to rig the game and monopolise the narrative.
It doesn't matter what your politics are.
Censorship can never be justified.
And all this serves as yet another reminder that the future political battlefield of ideas Won't be decided on who has the best ideas.
It won't be decided on who is most skilled at communicating a message to others on a level playing field.
It will be decided on who controls the algorithm.
Studies have proven that algorithms can potentially shift millions of votes in national elections.
So until we stem the relentless tide of social media censorship that is undermining the democratization of information, we're all slaves.
To the algorithm.
There you have it.
I encourage people to contact their MEPs to vote down this law.
Obviously not enough people did that because it was voted through today.
Edward Snowden has responded to this on Twitter and again this is going to be phased in over the next two years.
It could literally break the internet.
Who knows what chaos is going to ensue after this.
Who knows if the UK is actually going to leave the EU within the next two years, given the situation with Brexit right now.
RT headline, never forget what they did here.
Snowden vents dismay at EU copyright reform.
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has decried the EU's decision to pass highly controversial copyright reform in a move that critics argue clamps down on free speech.
He tweeted in German, never forget what they did here.
Since CDU, CSU, that is the coalition government in Germany, voted for, never voted for more internet freedom, the internet must never vote once more for the CDU.
So he's calling on people to vote out the German government, which basically rubber stamped this.
Of course, we had the story earlier today of media matters, literally Deplatforming an entire channel because it had a Joe Rogan podcast on it, which was going to go viral.
They did a hit piece about it.
Within three hours, the entire channel was gone.
And that's the point.
Memes can win elections.
Why do you think they banned?
Why do you think they deplatformed Alex Jones?
They weren't just deplatforming a person.
They were deplatforming a meme.
And that's the point I made in that video.
Studies have shown Scientifically, the left cannot meme.
All the most effective, widespread memes during the 2016 presidential election came from 4chan, came from the Donald subreddit.
The left cannot meme, and as memes become increasingly important in political campaigns, as the online world becomes even more important than it was in 2016, What is the Left going to do?
They can't meme, so they're just going to silence, once again, their opposition.
It's their go-to tactic every single time.
And again, within three hours, this YouTube channel was completely deleted because it had previously been used to host InfoWars videos literally over six months ago.
Again, they're in contact with YouTube.
YouTube's a giant corporation.
Media Matters is supposedly a charity.
That's dubious in and of itself.
They're in direct contact with each other, working together.
This is cronyism writ large.
And now with this Article 13, they're literally going to have to install filters on YouTube, on Twitter, on Facebook, which ban images.
That it says a copyright protected even though that completely precludes the fact that all memes are transformative.
There's no understanding of that in the language of this EU bill.
This is going to break the internet.
It's going to get very messy indeed.
We'll be back in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show with more news.
Breaking news at infowars.com.
Don't go away.
You know, when he took over back in like 2002, 2003, he already had three or four, five Emmys under his belt, award-winning news director, Naval veteran, officer, already a very successful syndicated radio host.
He took over for the late Late great Art Bell, now late great, and it's good to know that people like him are still the biggest things out there, but corporate media, the internet, ignore it.
So it's a perfect time to bring George Norrie of Coast2CoastAM.com.
He also hosts a national TV show as well.
So, George, what do you make of this attack on free speech that's gone into overdrive, and what would you call this period we're in, and what should be done?
Because I like Trump, but I'm getting really upset about the censorship.
I would make sure that the one thing that we must avoid is hatred toward people.
I don't care about criticism.
I don't care about the ability for free speech.
We should be entitled to that.
What we need to stop in this country is this divide that we have right now, Alex, that
I've never seen this bad before, where you can't even conduct dialogue with somebody.
If you walked into a bar today, sat down to have a beer and talked to the guy next to
you, if he doesn't agree with your views, it's a screaming session.
It's not a discussion.
It's not a debate.
It's not honest dialogue anymore.
It's a screaming session.
You know, I get emails.
I've got news guests on my show all the time.
Some are left, some are right.
When I got a guy on who's more right-wing, Dr. John Curtis, OnlineColumnist.com, I'll
get all kinds of hate email from people on the left.
Then I'll have Howard Blum on, who's left.
I get hate mail from those on the right.
We gotta fix this in this country.
We gotta get to a point where people can argue and debate and not scream and yell at people anymore.
So what you're saying is people need to be tolerant, but let's just be honest.
90% of the attacks are the left against the right.
People that are Trump supporters.
The left are the ones driving the censorship.
I know you're not left or right.
You're more of a libertarian like I am.
I mean, it's out of control.
And as you said, they've panicked.
Don't they get that they're causing a bigger crisis than I think they're fighting?
A, and then B, what would you do to stop these big tech companies and their monopolies?
What are you doing?
Quit panicking. They are only reacting because they're panicking.
Somebody is putting pressure on them to muffle Alex Jones.
Somebody is putting pressure on them to pull websites.
They're not doing this on their own. You've been around for a long, long time.
You've been the same.
You're not any more or less vocal than you were 10, 15 years ago.
Somebody's getting to these people, Alex, and scaring the living daylights out of them, and that's got to stop.
At this point right now, they're going with what they are thinking is the public's desire, and they're reacting to it.
And they're wrong.
They're making horrible mistakes.
And again, the First Amendment under fire?
Worse than I've ever seen it before.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We've got back on the Alex Jones Show, live fourth hour.
Coming up next is War Room with Owen Shroyer.
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Now getting back to de-platforming, there's a headline here out of PoliticaLite, exclusive, Avi Yemeni has Facebook page banned after exposing Jim Jefferies.
Lie about you, then they de-platform you so you can't defend yourself.
That's the whole point.
So this activist out of Australia, Appeared or gave an interview with Jim Jeffries for a hit piece the interview was conducted two months ago They have him on after the New Zealand terror attack Basically to lump him in with right-wing extremists because he's a critic of Islam basically to blame the attack on him so they have him on this show with Jim Jeffries a foul-mouthed leftist in public at least and They cut up his answers
So it looks like he's answering a question when he's not.
He gave an answer to a different question.
They cut it up and put it after the wrong question.
Then there's other footage which shows Jim Jeffries making what he would call, or he would blame someone else for, Islamophobic jokes.
He's drawing the Prophet Muhammad.
He's making fun of Muhammad.
Now this article says Aussie activist Avi Yemini found his Facebook page permanently banned by Facebook for allegedly using hate speech.
Again, the exact same reason they used to ban Alex Jones.
Completely vague, no specific example.
Your Facebook page is gone.
300,000 followers gone.
Again, right after he exposed Jim Jeffries with this viral video, they de-platform you so you don't have the ability to defend yourself.
It's sinister to the core.
It's absolutely disturbing.
Facebook unpublished his page Tuesday and sent the activist a message that said your page has been unpublished for using hate speech, which goes against the Facebook community standards.
Again, no specific example.
Abby, who had recently gained huge traction after exposing an attempt by Comedy Central's Jim Jefferies to link him to the New Zealand mosque attack, had gained over 1.5 million views on YouTube before his page was banned.
Remains to be seen if his YouTube page is going to be pulled down as well.
He told Politico, I hardly used it, but I've lost over 300,000 followers as this is the third page they have banned.
Facebook is done, their ongoing attack on free speech is ultimately going to cost them their business.
Well, depends, doesn't it?
Trump puts through the executive order like he promised to do months ago but it doesn't look like it's really going to happen.
This just demonstrated even more clearly why sites like tr.news is so important.
That's Tommy Robinson's website.
So again, they ban him immediately as he's in the public eye, as he needs that platform to defend himself.
Absolutely sinister and a tactic we see time and time again.
Meanwhile, far-right Austrian activist and leader of white nationalist group That's the Daily Mail headline.
Has his home raided?
Does police probe his connection to the Christchurch mosque gunman?
This is Martin Selmer.
Selmer, head of the Identitarian Movement of Austria, Generation Identity, basically received a large donation, four-figure donation, from somebody with the surname Tarrant, which of course is the same surname as the New Zealand mosque shooter.
He claims it could be a set-up.
Obviously that donation would have had to been sent before last Friday when the horrific attack happened.
The article quotes Selna as saying, He said that he would donate the money to a charitable organisation.
He suggested the reason for the donation might have been to provoke repressive measures against patriots.
So now the Austrian police have raided his apartment, have confiscated his laptop, confiscated his other devices, his cell phone, because he received this suspicious donation from somebody called Taron before the New Zealand mosque massacre.
Now isn't it funny?
Or in fact it's sinister that this mosque attacker seems to have tried to smear and set up a bunch of people on the right if this is true that he sent this donation by sending this donation for one and of course by including people like Candace Owens in his manifesto with that sardonic remark that Candace Owens was too extreme even for him clearly designed to smear Candace Owens because She's basically a centrist conservative, in comparison to him at least, a far-right fringe nutcase.
Again, that's the point.
The far-right fringe racist nutcases do not like the centre-right, because they're not racist.
They think they're not extreme enough, that's why they don't like them.
That's why he included Candace Owens in that manifesto, to smear her as being complicit in the attack, because he hates Candace Owens.
But again, the media is never going to tell you that nuance, they're just going to use it To do exactly what the gunman wanted to smear Candace Owens and to cause more division politically in society.
Breitbart reports, Wikipedia editors paid to protect political tech and media figures.
A report in Huffington Post recently revealed the case of Wikipedia editor Ed Sussman, who was paid by media clients such as NBC and Axios to help diminish critical material.
So again, These editors are being paid to massage information about people in the media.
Meanwhile, if you or I tries to change our Wikipedia page, if Alex Jones tried to change his page to be more neutral, to be more realistic, those changes would be nixed within minutes.
So it's all lies all the time, just as it is with YouTube, as Alex is exposed in searching his own name on YouTube.
They literally broke their own search engine to make it impossible to find any Alex Jones videos on YouTube that aren't mainstream media hit pieces.
Absolutely absurd, censorious behavior.
And now the report by Ashley Feinberg Detailed how the former journalist Ed Sussman's work as a paid Wikipedia fixer for clients such as Axios, NBC and Facebook.
Fryberg's article noted several of Sussman's requests involve removing or watering down potentially damaging material about clients, even when citing sources considered reliable on the site.
So they give an example.
Sussman requested changes to the page of Axios journalist Jonathan Swan regarding a false report he made last September claiming Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was resigning.
A line noting the incident in Swan's article was replaced with a paragraph hyping that Swan was the first to report Rosenstein's offer to resign.
So basically he got that story entirely wrong, got egg on his face.
Then they've paid someone to go into his Wikipedia page and edit it To hide the scandal.
So Wikipedia is now completely controlled by these paid editors.
It's completely controlled by left-wing activists.
Again, this is about them controlling the very nature of reality.
Absolutely chilling stuff.
Meanwhile, Catholic churches are being desecrated throughout France.
Of course, we had the Palestinian cleric yesterday in an Infowars.com story basically saying that France will become the first Islamic state in Europe because Muslims are having children, Western Europeans are not.
Now, since the beginning of 2019, France has seen a torrent of attacks which have included arson, vandalism and desecration of a number of its historic Catholic churches.
There you see the video of the preacher Palestinian cleric basically saying that France is done and that the war is now for the other European countries surrounding it.
Absolutely chilling.
The left will probably embrace that with open arms.
Now Catholic churches throughout France are being attacked, are being desecrated of course.
Police now in France are refusing to go to many of these areas, such as Saint-Denis, which has 400,000 illegal immigrants, because they'll get attacked.
Postal services are refusing to deliver to the areas in some cases.
Meanwhile, the left tells us that Muslim no-go zones are just one giant conspiracy theory.
That's going to wrap it up for the show, though.
War Room with Owen Schroyer is coming up next.
All the latest breaking news is available right now at InfoWars.com.
Coming up, War Room.
Stay with us.
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