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Name: 20190314_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 14, 2019
3054 lines.

Alex Jones discussed the recent announcement by Beto O'Rourke of his run for presidency with a message of hope. He also touched upon the implications of Brexit, migrant crime in Germany, and dishonest media in Norway. Furthermore, he criticized Big Tech firms targeting Tucker Carlson, promoting alternative platforms such as BitChute and BitTube while highlighting censorship of conservative content on mainstream platforms like YouTube and Amazon. Jones also promotes various products available at InfoWarsstore.com.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
We are live.
It is the 14th of March, 2019, and Alex Jones will be in place for the third hour.
For the time being, we're talking about Beto Mania.
Of course, he's in it.
We're going to have to put up with Beto and his skateboard for the next 18 months, at least.
The absolute horror of that.
Beto has come out.
He's announced, obviously, he came out in an interview last night.
Kind of teased it, now it's official.
And he's trying to move away from the centre already.
We have this civil war within the Democratic Party of the extreme left-wing fringe versus the moderate centre.
There was a big debate about whether the moderate centre would move left later on down the line.
Well, Beto's already moving left, he's moving to the fringe, he's moving to the extreme.
He's talking about the planet ending 12 years' time just like AOC did a couple of weeks ago, where doom Beto O'Rourke starts the presidential campaign by claiming the world faces catastrophe, warns hundreds of millions of climate refugees will overwhelm borders and humanity could go extinct unless the big planet is in 12 years.
So he's already going over the top with this over-the-top rhetoric.
Again, moving to the left fringe of the Democratic Party.
That gives you a sense of how it's going to be in the next year, 18 months going forward.
Also talking about Brexit, Donald Trump has just come out and said you have to be prepared to walk away from a bad deal.
This exact quote, the worst thing you can possibly do in a deal, seem desperate to make it.
That makes the other guy smell blood, then you're dead.
Theresa May, are you listening?
We basically have a situation in the UK now where the country is no longer democratic.
Now they're going to vote on delaying Brexit yet again.
Last night they voted on Cutting out, eliminating no deal altogether.
Nigel Farage has announced that Parliament no longer represents the people.
We have the Queen waiting in flames.
When will the Queen be activated?
Basically, we have a dictatorship of MPs in Parliament that have overridden the trade, that have ignored the will of 17.4 million people.
She needs to step up to the plate to protect democracy.
RT reports no delay from EU or we elect seven free Nigel Farage into European Parliament.
That is the situation if this Brexit deal gets delayed past the end of May.
We're going to have European elections.
We're going to have a flood of MEPs who stand for Brexit, for democracy, for the British people and against the EU super states.
I'll be talking about that as well.
Tucker Carlson remains under attack from the George Soros-funded Media Matters outfit.
Now he's hit back by pointing out that Angelo Frasone, one of the main architects of the peace against him, said probably way worse things than he did, so we're going to play it back.
Also talking about Facebook and Instagram suffering their most severe outages ever.
This is the problem with Monopoly.
How on earth could Facebook and Instagram Oculus, WhatsApp, all go down at the same time.
In one case, Facebook went down for 14 hours straight.
No explanation for the outage.
Why are all these different platforms on the same backdrop?
This is the weakness of monopolies.
This is why these big tech corporations need to be covered up with new anti-trust laws.
Stephen Colbert, who is one of the democratic contenders, who actually talks sense and is reasonable, Basically, he's now fully thrown his weight behind, or possibly behind, the deep state after having his teeth on going after George H.W.
Before being a war monger, he's completely flipped.
Meanwhile in Europe, you have Germany deliberately ignoring and concealing migrant crimes.
Quote, avoid stirring up prejudice.
Highlighted this issue before.
Perhaps they're actually now ...concealing, covering up crimes committed by migrants to prevent some kind of civil unrest in Germany.
So we're going to talk about that and a whole host more on the Alex Jones Show today.
Also, Norwegian writer slams dishonest media for hiding.
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From the Info Wars comm studios you're listening to the Alex Jones Show and
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live and we're talking about Beto announcing that he will run.
No surprise at this point.
Obviously he came out in a TV interview last night and basically all but said that.
Now it's being confirmed.
Breitbart reports, left mocks Beto's Messiah-esque born-to-run remarks.
Peak white male privilege.
Now they're already eating their own.
This is absolutely hilarious and this goes to the point.
If Beto is going to have to spend half of his time up on the debate platform excusing himself for being a white male, for having white male privilege, and denying the presidency to a woman or to a minority, how's he going to win that race?
How's he going to get through that field of women, of minorities, with them already feasting upon him for the crime of being a white male?
Left-wing activists and liberal journalists were quick to mock former rep Robert Francis Beto O'Rourke on Wednesday evening after he told Vanity Fair that he was born to run for president.
He told Vanity Fair, quote, you can probably tell I want to run.
I do.
I think I'd be good at it.
I'm just born to be in it.
I want to do everything I humanly can for this country at the moment.
But hours after they published that fawning story, O'Rourke confirmed to KTSM in Texas he would announce on Thursday that he is running for president.
That's now happened.
But his critics immediately played the identity politics card.
Alex Segura on Twitter, some verified liberal or other, said, quote, I'm just born to be in it.
It's peak white male privilege.
And I say this as someone who generally likes Beto.
Bakari Sellers said vote Beto.
He was born to do it.
That's weird as hell.
Jennifer Granholm says not sure this Vanity Fair piece will help Beto's campaign.
So he's coming across as overbearing, as overprivileged and...
He's a white male.
How is he going to come back from being a white male?
Again, the whole debate around this Democratic field is at what point will the centre, will the moderates, will the likes of Beto and Biden be forced to move left with the Overton window as the Overton window has shifted left in terms of the Democratic Party becoming more extreme, more left-wing, more socialist, more progressive?
And that question's pretty much been answered straight away.
This is a headline out of the Daily Mail.
We're doomed!
Beto O'Rourke starts presidential campaign by claiming the world faces catastrophe and wants hundreds of millions of climate refugees will overwhelm borders and humanity could go extinct unless we fix the planet in 12 years.
So he's jumped on board immediately with the doomsday rhetoric of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and others already.
In a video in which he warned his first presidential campaign that parts of the planet will soon become uninhabitable driving a massive wave of climate refugees across the border if America's government doesn't adopt emergency measures within the next 12 years.
Now this is a bizarre statement because he talks about quote 300,000 immigrants and asylum seekers apprehended on the southern border Being a problem, but then he goes on to say, I don't necessarily think that it is.
Oh, but by the way, if you don't pass this Green Deal, this industry stripping, jobs killing, ridiculous, absurd, partisan, hysterical package of measures that AOC introduced, that this kind of migration, this is a quote, the kind of migration and refugee flows that we will see from entire bands of this world are no longer habitable will be a crisis of a different magnitude altogether.
So he's saying that 300,000 immigrants on the border isn't a problem, but then he's saying, oh, it will become a problem when there are millions more because we don't pass this Green Deal.
So he's already shifting left in a bid to capture this fringe extremist progressive mantra that will come to characterize the campaign of, you know, people like Bernie Sanders.
But then Slate makes the point that Beto O'Rourke would enter the race as a man without clear political ideology.
He's got no signature legislative achievement.
I think the only achievement he's got so far is naming a courthouse.
The Slago article goes on to say he has no major policy issue or a concrete agenda for the country.
Those in the know tell The Atlantic that Beto is planning to run as a candidate, quote, offering hope that America can be better than its current partisan and hate-filled politics, that the country can come together.
So he's trying to keep two plates spinning in the air at the same time.
On the one hand, with this rhetoric already, he's moving left.
And on the other hand, he's trying to move away from that kind of unhinged hysteria, the hate Trump resistance movement that will come to characterize most of the other Democratic candidates in that field, by actually trying to have a unifying message.
That's not going to go across well on the debate stage when these others are tearing into him, because he's not going to go anti-Trump, he's not going to go far enough with his anti-Trump rhetoric.
But then again, This is why even many in the mainstream media and on the left, there was a USA Today headline today, Democrats' civil war between progressives and moderates mean Trump will win in 2020.
So they're going to rip each other apart.
Either they're too far left wing or they're not anti-Trump enough.
And that's going to basically make them rip chunks out of each other during the campaign.
And that is only going to benefit Donald Trump.
Meanwhile, Rosie O'Donnell says Biden is too old to run.
She's not the only Liberal saying no to Joe.
What nobody's talking about, and it's mentioned in some of these articles, in this Me Too era, is the documented problem that creepy Uncle Joe has with women and, let's face it, children.
Most of these articles mention his behaviour around women, which is notorious.
In fact, we had a secret service source, I did an article about this, Last year, I believe it was, that said it was basically impossible to bring wives and girlfriends to the White House for events with Joe Biden because he couldn't keep his hands off them.
Now they're admitting in some of these articles, but it's buried down the bottom, Joe Biden's behavior around women and his behavior around young girls, if he runs, and that's almost certain at this point, will become the Hillary's health of 2020.
That will be Joe Biden's The only thing they're saying about Joe Biden right now, the thing that's prominent, is that he's too old.
was the narrative that she had to fight against, and it blew up in her face.
Obviously, she ended up collapsing on many occasions.
They don't realize how big this scandal's gonna be when more information comes out about it,
and when this really takes hold in the public eye in the political narrative going forward.
The only thing they're saying about Joe Biden right now, the thing that's prominent, is that he's too old.
Now, Trump was 70 at the time of his inauguration.
Joe Biden, if he won, would be 78.
So even by the end of his first term, he would be 82 years old.
Rosie O'Donnell has come out and said he's too old, so they're already trying to throw Joe Biden under a bus.
Remember, what was it, last week?
He had to come out and apologise for calling Mike Pence a nice guy.
That's how unhinged the left is.
So any kind of reasonable rhetoric, they tamp down on it in a hurry.
Now they're saying that he's too young.
Rosie O'Donnell's come out.
She's not the only celebrity expressing concern.
Ken Olin, the executive producer of This Is Us, said in a tweet last week that while Biden's charisma is infectious, he comes across as authentic.
But he's too old.
He's not the same man he was 10 years ago, Olin tweeted.
So they're trying to attack him on his age and they're trying to attack him on the fact that, God forbid, he said Mike Pence was a nice guy.
But the article continues.
This is Rosie O'Donnell says Biden is too old to run.
In the Me Too era, Biden is also likely to face criticism for his handling of the sexual harassment allegations leveled against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas by Anita Hill during the Thomas 91 confirmation Last year, Biden, who was the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee during those hearings, said he wished he could have done more to protect Hill, who he said got victimized again during the process.
So even as they acknowledge that Biden's got problems from an optics standpoint in the Me Too era, they completely fail to mention the fact that the videos are out there.
I did one called Creepy Uncle Joe.
It's got, I think it's got like 1.3 million views at this point.
Those videos are only going to recirculate again and again and again.
Biden is currently the frontrunner, but again, that's mainly because of his name recognition.
Bernie Sanders is in second position, again because of name recognition.
Those two are going to be torn down.
The more extreme fringe candidates are going to be pushed to the fore.
And Beto is going to be stuck in the middle with nowhere really to go.
We're going to get into that and more on the other side of the break.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
So we have this amazing civil war within the Democratic Party, which has gotten so bad to the point that none of the candidates have even been able to admit or acknowledge that they're capitalists.
In fact, CNN did a good job for a change.
The broken clock is right twice a day.
Putting together this montage of Democratic candidates, which we'll play in a second, absolutely terrified of admitting that they're capitalists.
Again, it shows how far left the Democratic Party has moved, that they're so beset with terror at being called out for being capitalists that they don't even say it when asked directly.
Nancy Pelosi came out in the past hour and said she can't basically name a single accomplishment that Beto O'Rourke had had.
Well, he was in the House of Representatives.
I think he got one courthouse named and that was about it.
And then President Trump came out in the past hour as well.
Headline, Trump mocks Beto O'Rourke's hand movements.
Is he crazy or is that the way he acts?
So Trump's already way ahead of the curve here.
You remember that throughout the 2016 campaign, he identified characteristics from each of his opponents and absolutely railed them on it.
You know, Lion Ted, Low Energy Jeb Bush stuck that target on their back and throughout the whole of their campaign they were obviously perturbed by it, trying to shift away from being framed in such a way.
Now he's done the same for Beto O'Rourke by invoking O'Rourke's hand gestures and apparently questioning his mental condition.
This was in the Oval Office about an hour ago.
Trump said, quote, he has a lot of hand movement.
Is he crazy or is that just the way he acts?
I've never seen hand movement.
I watched him a little while this morning doing, I assume, some kind of news conference.
I've actually never seen anything quite like it.
Study it.
I'm sure you'll agree.
So now Beto O'Rourke is going to be hyper-conscious about his hand movements for the next 18 months if he successfully makes his way through this democratic field without getting knocked out early.
And Trump has painted that characteristic on him.
Now he's always going to be hyper-aware of his hand movements and that's going to put him off, isn't it?
Trump is an expert at doing this kind of thing, at giving people nicknames and ascribing them certain negative or shifty behaviours.
Certainly creepy Uncle Joe's gonna make a comeback if he announces his run.
But now Trump is calling out Beto O'Rourke for his crazy hand movements.
That is not only interesting in terms of ascribing him some kind of characteristic to put him off, but also again questioning Beto's sanity.
And I mentioned it a second ago, all the Democratic candidates are absolutely terrified about admitting to being capitalists.
At least Beto O'Rourke has the balls to do so.
He told CNBC, quote, I'm a capitalist.
I don't see how we're able to meet any of the fundamental challenges that we have as a country without in part harnessing the power of the market.
That's the same can't be said for the other Democratic candidates who failed to announce that they're capitalists again in absolute blind panic about being savaged by the left-wing fringe of the Democratic candidacy field.
We have a CNN clip on that subject, clip 7 right now, here it is.
So, why does the question, are you a capitalist, have so many people running for the exits?
John Avalon has our answer in our reality check.
Hi, John.
Hey, Ali.
You know what shouldn't be a tough question for someone running for president?
It's this.
Are you a capitalist?
It's a layup.
Basic stuff.
Rooted in American history and culture.
And yet, Democratic candidates seem to get spun around the axle on this one.
And in the process, only helping Donald Trump's re-election.
Exhibit A is John Hickenlooper, entrepreneur who bounced back from a layoff Pioneering Brewpub, going on to become mayor of Denver and eventually two-term governor of Colorado.
And yet, when Joe Scarborough gave him three chances to answer the question, he whiffed three times.
Would you call yourself a proud capitalist?
Oh, I don't know.
You know, again, the labels, I'm not sure any of them fit.
Do you consider yourself a capitalist?
Well, again, the labels, you know, I'm a small business person.
Do you consider yourself a capitalist and does capitalism work?
Well, I think I don't look at myself with a label.
Look, I co-founded a group called No Labels a while ago, but that's ridiculous.
Hickenlooper seemed afraid of angering Bernie Bros and social media mobs, but the man was a centrist Democratic governor.
He helped flip a red state blue.
It's the basis of his campaign, and it's nothing to apologize for.
But Hickenlooper's not the only one.
So, what about capitalism?
Are you a capitalist?
See, here's the thing with all these labels, and as you said, how they're used to define people and where they're coming from.
But as you see, so many of these labels are misused, misunderstood to the point where people don't have any idea what they even mean anymore.
Actually, Tulsi Gabbard may have a point there.
According to Gallup, only 17% of Americans define socialism correctly, the government ownership of the means of production.
That's half the number who could define it properly at the start of the Cold War.
And get this, today 6% of Americans believe socialism means being social and getting along with people.
About a quarter can't say what it means at all.
But Americans know what capitalism is, after America's basically been a liberal capitalist democracy since our founding.
We've had presidents who expanded the social safety net and others who expanded free markets, but it all exists within the framework of capitalism.
And for all its flaws, it's been far more successful at expanding freedom and prosperity than any of the alternatives.
Again, Democratic candidates failing to acknowledge that they're capitalists in absolute abject terror that they get called out by the left wing of their own party.
Another issue that's going to crop up during these primaries is the huge problem of opioid addiction in America.
You have a headline here out of CNBC.
This chart shows there could be a real link between opioid use and people not working.
Again, we have Trump announcing during the State of the Union that he wants the largest number of legal immigrants ever to take American jobs.
Much of his base was up in arms about that, and rightly so.
Many of the people who are out of work in America, there's a massive overlap with those who are basically hooked on opioids.
An article reads, the US opioid crisis is hitting the country on many fronts, including the labor market.
States that prescribe more opioids per 100 people tend to have fewer people in their labor force.
West Virginia, a state with one of the highest opioid prescription rates in the country in 2015, had the lowest labor force participation rate in 2018 at 54%.
Alabama, the state with the highest prescription rate, has a participation rate of 57%, which is also one of the lowest.
So they've found a direct correlation between people hooked on opioids and not being in the Labour force.
Will anyone address this issue?
I know that Andrew Yang, who is running as a Democrat, Basically, on small donations, he's got no real chance of getting on the big debate stage, because he's not part of the Democratic Party establishment, is bringing up this issue time and time again, and rightly so.
Trump covered it at the start of his presidential term in office, but he hasn't really spoken about it much since.
Article continues.
In turn, states like Minnesota and Colorado have two of the highest Labor force participation rates, along with low opioid prescription levels.
Opioid overdose-related deaths have skyrocketed in recent years.
Between 1999 and 2017, those deaths rose six-fold, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
And in my video, The Collapse of Western Civilization, which we're going to play later in the show, I document, again, it's not just prescription drugs.
You can basically look at any drug, including heroin abuse, MDMA, marijuana, People are more hooked than ever, and people are more depressed than ever.
And again, that has a direct correlation to the jobs market.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show live in four walls calm
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the UN Stronghold, Austin, Texas, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Bill Jones Show, every Friday at 8 p.m. on PBS.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live, and Alex Jones will be here in a third hour.
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Now I want to talk about Tucker Carlson.
Because they're routinely trying to drag him down, to bring him down, because he is the most powerful voice on the right.
They're absolutely incensed that he's held that primetime Fox News slot, that he still beats the likes of Rachel Maddow night after night after night.
He is their ultimate target.
I'm talking about media matters, I'm talking about George Soros, I'm talking about sleeping giants, all these advertiser boycotts.
And basically, they dug up some 10- to 15-year-old jokes that he'd made on a radio show, and they're trying to create a fake controversy about it, trying to pretend that they're all outraged and offended.
And of course, their primary and only goal is to get him kicked off the air.
They don't care.
They're not really outraged or offended.
And they've said much worse.
In fact, the very guy leading this witch hunt against Tucker Carlson, Media Matters President Angelo Carasone, Wrote blog posts about, quote, Japs, Jewry and Trannies.
Nobody's calling for a boycott of him.
Nobody's calling for a boycott of Media Matters.
This is what he wrote.
Carisonia Media Matters, this is from the Daily Caller article, which openly pined for the destruction of Fox News, have justified the left-wing boycott campaign by pointing to a number of statements that Carlson made on a radio shock jock show between 2006 and 2011.
So we're talking, you know, 8 to 15 years ago.
I did a tweet on this yesterday.
Retweet if you can give less of a damn about what Tucker Carlson joked about 10 years ago.
Got something like 10,000 retweets.
But if we're playing the game of who can be offended more, Karasone has his own track record of inflammatory statements.
His now defunct blog included degrading references to Trannies, Jewry and Bangladeshis.
He posted one lengthy diatribe in November 2005 about a Bangladeshi man who was robbed by a gang of transvestites, as Karasone described it.
He was offended that the gang was described as attractive in the article.
And it goes on and on.
You can't even read out some of this stuff on air, it's that ridiculous.
But again, I don't care what he wrote ten years ago on his blog, but if they want to play that game, then we can play that game.
We can talk about James Gunn.
Let's now go to the Tucker Carlson clip from last night on his show in which he defended this Media Matters latest attack against him and called out the Media Matters founder for behaviour that was far worse.
This is clip 8.
Let's roll it.
That's when Hayes invited a man called Angelo Carusone onto his show.
Carusone runs Media Matters.
Almost every day, he issues outraged press releases accusing other people of bigotry.
And yet, because everything is irony, Carusone is himself an enthusiastic bigot.
We know this for sure because he has written about it extensively.
It turns out that for years, Carusone maintained a racist blog.
One post, entitled, quote, Trainee Paradise, addressed a crime story from Thailand.
A Bangladeshi man had been robbed and assaulted by a group of male prostitutes dressed as women.
Carusone objected to the idea that this was even a story, and ridiculed South Asians as inherently ugly and poor.
Quote, Is the writer a tranny lover, too?
Or perhaps he's just trying to justify how these trannies tricked this Bangladeshi in the first place.
Look, man, we don't need to know whether or not they were attractive.
The effing guy was Bangladeshi!
What the hell was he doing with $7,300 worth of stuff?
The guy's Bangladeshi!
End quote.
In another post, Carusone described how a male coach at a Japanese high school had sexually abused female players.
People in Japan were horrified by this, understandably.
Carusone was not.
His advice?
Lighten up, Japs!
Later that month, Carusone, by now in a frenzy of racism, heaped praise on a former Ku Klux Klan leader.
In still another post from the same period, Carusone described a Jewish man as being handsome, quote, despite his jewelry.
Carusone didn't like the man's political views, but attributed them to, quote, his possession of several bags of Jewish gold, end quote.
Jewish gold.
According to Angela Carusone, Jewish gold is a problem.
Media Matters probably ought to issue a press release about this.
They've done a lot more for a lot less.
And yet somehow, and this is the remarkable part, Chris Hayes managed to pretend that none of this ever happened.
Hayes never mentioned the Jewish gold.
He never said a word about the Japs, or the Trannies, or the Klan, or even those dirty Bangladeshis who deserve what they get no matter what the Tranny lovers say.
None of that.
Instead, Hayes gave cover to Karasone's bigotry and anti-Semitism.
Amazingly, he even directed his viewers to Carousone's website.
Angela Courser, and of course all that can be found at Media Matters website, so you
can listen to the full clips, get the full context.
Pretty amazing.
Well, let's...
If a guy with a history of ranting about Jewish gold came on your show, would you ask him about it?
Would you challenge him on it?
How could you not?
You'd feel morally obligated.
But Chris Hayes didn't.
That tells you a lot.
Now, to be clear, we're not calling for either of these people to be imprisoned or executed or even fired from their high-paying jobs.
We're not planning to organize an advertiser boycott against them.
We won't picket their offices with bullhorns.
We won't attack their children.
But we do think you should know what they're actually like.
And in Chris Hayes' case, it's kind of depressing to find out.
Turns out you really never know who people are.
So there's Tucker Carlson defending himself against the latest witch hunt organized by Media Matters, the George Soros funded outfit Media Matters, which they continually deny, even though it's literally in the New York Times.
George Soros gives $1 million to Media Matters.
Now this Angelo Carasone guy, also you have the narrative on the left, which is the right hates journalists and wants to physically attack journalists.
Well, that's kind of embarrassing to him.
Because in a tweet, he tweeted at two Breitbart reporters and said, quote, he was plenty strong enough to kick your butt if you mouthed off like that in person instead of from the comfort of Randy's armpit.
So this guy, Angelo Carusone, is on Twitter physically threatening journalists while the left-wing media has this big narrative about the right-wing hating journalists.
Was he, was he's verified tick taken away?
Was he suspended by Twitter?
No, nothing happened.
We'll be back to talk about it more on the Alex Jones Show Live InfoWars.com The good news is...
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again, I'm at least trying and they're not.
So, the power is in the person who's trying, regardless of the success.
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You're doing all this stuff.
Like, I just introduced Green New Deal two weeks ago, and it's creating all of this conversation.
Because no one else has even tried.
Because no one else has even tried.
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Oh, it's vague.
Oh, it doesn't address this little minute thing.
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You do it.
Because you're not.
Because you're not.
So, until you do it, I'm the boss.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show at 8.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
So the head honcho at Media Matters, the guy who led the witch hunt campaign against Tucker Carlson, is the same guy who wrote things far worse than anything Tucker Carlson ever joked about.
When he talked about Japs, Jews and trannies.
Talked about Angelo Carusone.
Also in a tweet, threatened physical violence against other journalists because they disagreed with him.
Now we have this headline out of Newsweek.
Tucker Carlson could face hate speech charges if he were Canadian or British.
So basically, in other words, if we were in crappy countries like Canada and Britain where no First Amendment exists, we could lock up our political enemies.
That's basically what they're saying here.
Fox News personality Tucker Carlson has faced growing calls to resign after racist and sexist comments he made 15 years ago, which no one cares about, on a radio show several years ago.
And they asked a lawyer, David Butt, About what would happen to Tucker Carlson if he had said these things in Canada or the United Kingdom.
He said that these remarks could constitute hate speech, which under the country's criminal code can be considered a chargeable offence.
Why are they even writing this news article?
Tucker Carlson is American.
The statements he made were said in America.
They were broadcast in America.
This entire article is basically, oh, if only we didn't have a First Amendment like Canada doesn't, or like the United Kingdom doesn't, then we could lock him up.
The absolute authoritarianism implicit in this article is beyond belief.
This lawyer continues.
Could these conversations, in terms of their content, qualify as hate speech under Canadian legislation?
Again, who cares?
It's not in Canada.
He didn't say it in Canada.
It wasn't broadcast in Canada.
Yes, they could.
On their face, it's not difficult to see that when you're calling somebody pigs and whores as a class, that's hateful.
So they literally want to turn insults into hate speech and have you locked up for insults not even targeting their precious protected groups of people in some cases just targeting your political enemies which is kind of ironic because then you have the guy leading the charge against Tucker Carlson literally doing that and threatening physical violence against other journalists.
Let's go to this Caitlin Bennett report now.
How the left wants to ban Tucker Carlson and why it's a bigger issue than just media matters.
Here it is.
The left-wing mob is at it again, and their target this time?
Tucker Carlson.
The Democratic Psycho fans have set their eyes on a new target that they hope to turn into another Alex Jones.
And they won't stop until he is completely taken off the air and de-platformed.
For months now, the left has religiously preyed on his every word in hopes of stirring up outrage amongst their mob.
And unfortunately, they've been quite successful in doing so.
Tucker has become such a target for the left for one reason, and one reason only.
Because he is an unapologetic Trump supporter.
And he supports President Trump's immigration policies.
Since the left has been unsuccessful in taking down Trump, they see taking down his supporters as the next best thing.
This is why they've become hostile towards anyone with a MAGA hat and have gone as far as making run-of-the-mill conservatives feel unwelcome and unsafe in public.
So to the left, since the number one rated cable news host is a Trump supporter, they have to do everything to try to take him out.
According to TheWrap.com, Carlson's audience this year is not only larger than his direct competitions, it is larger than Anything in the 8 p.m.
hour on all of cable.
And yes, that includes ESPN, HDTV, and everything else.
Letting a Trump supporter become the most watched name in news is totally unacceptable to the left.
So their goal now is to make sure he is left with no audience to spread the president's message.
Enter Media Matters, the trustworthy Soros-funded fake news outlet that exists for the sole purpose of defaming conservatives.
The sad little communist rag orchestrated a calculated attack against Carlson this week that has led to another full-fledged ambush on the Fox News host.
Keep in mind that this is the same exact outlet that lied about me saying I put InfoWars on computers in an Apple store because of quote, Apple's racism against whites.
I explicitly said I did this because of their censorship of Alex Jones.
Watch this video and you tell me if you think there's any credibility to Media Matters' accusation.
So I heard that Apple banned Alex Jones and InfoWars from their IGs.
We just wanted to leave them with a little gift.
We just wanted to leave them with a little gift.
So now that we've established what kind of credibility this outlet has, none, we can
understand what their intentions are with Tucker.
Someone from the website combed through 13 years worth of content from Tucker Carlson to unearth a comment he made in 2006 when he called into someone else's radio show, going through 13 years.
13 years worth of someone's content to dig up something they said is not journalism.
It's malicious.
There are accusations against him that he made numerous misogynistic and perverted comments.
And oh no, he called prostitutes slutty.
Even though Media Matters gets seven times less web traffic than us here at InfoWars.com, the left-wing mob didn't care a thing about the credibility of their source or their reputation.
They instead saw it as an opportunity to attack a prominent Trump supporter and posture themselves as being morally superior to their right-wing counterparts.
When in fact, we know the left has no standards, no credibility, and no moral compass.
Their only guidance is that whatever conservative support is bad and whatever the left supports must be good.
What's more concerning than media matters, hip piece on Carlson, is how the left-wing media ate it up and is doing everything they can to ruin his public image.
In fact, if you Google Tucker Carlson, you will find no favorable articles and will instead be bombarded with hip piece after hip piece from left-wing outlets.
You'll see articles from the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, Slate, and Stephen Colbert.
In fact, the very first thing that shows up when you search his name is an article from the Washington Post titled, Tucker Carlson needs to go.
On Twitter, the hashtag FireTuckerCarlson was trending for days and hit pieces on him were pushed to the top of everyone's feed.
Despite the endless number of conservatives coming to Carlson's defense, strangely only the hit pieces on him are the ones showing up in search engines and on social media.
And you would think that since Carlson makes a living by putting his face on a camera, and is the most watched television personality, that his clips on Fox might come up when you search his name on YouTube, right?
The top search results are instead hits on Tucker from CBS, MSNBC, and CNN.
The fact that a video with a mere 511 views is the top result when you search his name is all the proof you need that big tech companies are pushing an agenda.
If you've been following outlets like InfoWars and Project Veritas, this should come as no surprise, since Big Tech's left-wing bias has been on full display for years now, and Google has been known to skew search results to favor left-wing sources.
So now, if you didn't already realize, it is abundantly clear that the media and the Big Tech firms are evidently working together to try to take down one of President Trump's biggest allies in the media.
And they are giving him the exact same treatment that they gave Alex Jones.
Luckily for Carlson, conservatives aren't buying it this time and are refusing to give in to the left-wing mob.
Tucker took to Twitter to say, quote, "Media matters caught me saying something naughty on a radio show more than a
decade ago."
Rather than express a usual witch rule contrition, "How about this?"
I'm on television every weeknight live for an hour.
If you want to know what I think, you can watch.
Anyone who disagrees with my views is welcome to come on and explain why.
Tucker knows better than anyone that the left-wing mob has no principles.
These were the same people that tried to break into his home and harass his family.
Where was the left-wing media to denounce the violence against Carlson?
Where were they to stand up for him when the agitators called his teenage daughter a whore in public?
Where were they to defend him from baseless accusations that he assaulted a gay Latino man?
Just like every other incident of harassment against a conservative, the left was completely absent.
If it weren't for double standers, the left wouldn't have any standers at all.
If we don't stand together now against the mob, they will be coming for us next.
If they will come after innocent teenagers for wearing red hats, they won't hesitate to come after anyone.
And they want the biggest name in television to be the first domino to fall.
What will happen instead is they will only make Tucker Carlson more popular and make the ever-growing MAGA movement bigger than ever.
The media is so scared of seeing Trump get re-elected in 2020 that they have destroyed all of their credibility in the process and instead assured that Trump will win in a huge landslide in 2020.
Are you ready to keep America great?
I am.
There you have it.
That's why they want to bring down Tucker Carlson.
He refuses to apologize.
They want to replace him with some anodyne, boring, NPC Fox News commentator.
Thankfully, Fox News have stood behind him, which is the right decision.
We'll be back in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show live.
Don't go away.
Hold on.
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a total and complete gigantic insane fire breathing win win win win win up one side and down the other
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order
It's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are into the second hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Later on in the next hour, I'm going to play an extremely crucial video called The Collapse of Western Civilization, which went up last night, which I encourage everyone to share.
We'll get to that later in the next segment.
First, I want to go to this headline.
We've had this entire narrative about Trump supporters are going to attack the media.
They're begging for some kind of violent attack on the media.
They will exploit the heck out of that.
Now I have this headline out of Information Liberation.
Dems push Journalist Protection Act to make attacking journos a federal crime.
So they're trying to put journalists in a special category of people because we don't exalt them enough already.
So if you violently attack them, and in many senses not even violently attack, that's going to get you much longer jail time.
It says democratic lawmakers have introduced a bill to make attacking or attempting to attack a journalist a federal crime.
Now, bear in mind that these people on the left think that mean words are violence.
They literally try to recategorize mean words as being violent.
From the Hill, three Democratic lawmakers reintroduced a Journalist Protection Act that intends to designate certain attacks on those reporting the news as a federal crime.
And they're doing it in response to President Trump's climate of extreme hostility.
Bear in mind that Washington Post's CNN is currently facing lawsuits of what, $250 million for their national demonization campaign of the Covington High School students.
You had CNN literally send reporters to dox old ladies and accuse them of being Russian bots.
But no, it's Trump supporters who are to blame.
So now they're trying to make this a federal hate crime to attack a journalist.
Text says that anyone who intentionally commits or attempts to commit bodily injury to a journalist shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for three to six years.
Again, when it happens the other way, you know, they either ignore it or they support the actual perpetrator.
We saw Rand Paul violently, viciously attacked.
They tried to bury that under the carpet.
So now they're trying to make journalists a special class of people So, quote, violent attacks against them are punishable by elongated prison sentences.
Again, we just had Newsweek.
I read the article before the break.
They're talking about, oh, what a shame it is that we can't push hate speech charges against Tucker Carlson because he's not Canadian or British.
Their definition of hate speech at this point is disagreeing with them.
That's basically what it's come down to.
Meanwhile, Facebook and Instagram suffer most severe outage ever.
Facebook yesterday was down for 14 hours!
Absolutely pathetic for a major company.
And again, another sign that monopolies are horrible, bad news.
They had Oculus, they had Facebook, they had Instagram, they had WhatsApp.
All go down, Facebook for 14 hours.
How on earth are they all on the same backbone where if you attack one, they all go down at the same time?
Again, monopolies, they're only as strong as their weakest link.
BBC News reports.
Facebook appears to be recovering from more than 14 hour disruption to all of its products, which left them mostly inaccessible across the world.
They came out and did a tweet at the start of this and denied that it was a denial of service attack and then basically said nothing about it.
The downtime was double or more their previous longest outage, which was back in 2008.
That's when they had 150 million users.
Now they've got 2.3 billion users.
How embarrassing was it for Facebook to be down for 14 hours?
And how much does it tell us that these monopolies need to be broken up?
Talking about breaking up monopolies, this is a suggestion that I've made before.
I made it again on Twitter yesterday.
Why isn't Trump sending at least one message a day on a competing social media network?
Why is it all on Twitter?
Why is he giving Twitter his content?
Why is he drawing all the attention to Twitter, giving them credibility?
Why does he not just send one message a day on a competing social network that's not controlled by Silicon Valley, like Parler?
It would force all his haters to sign up.
It would force all the media to sign up.
It would force his entire base to sign up.
You would not need an executive order And then that would give that platform credence to be an
alternative competing network to networks like Twitter and Facebook, which we haven't had so far.
That needs to be seriously considered.
This is the Alex Jones Show, liveinfowars.com. We'll be back.
I've got some really good news, though.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We're live on this March 14th edition, and in this segment we're going to go to the new video, The Collapse of Western Civilization, an absolutely crucial video.
I want everybody to get out there before we do so.
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Now this is a video which I put together over the past few days.
It went up live last night.
Basically talking about how all the precursors to how civilizations collapse.
Civilizations on average collapse once every 336 years.
We're long overdue and many of the preconditions for the collapse of a civilization, as studied by authors and historians and academics, have already been met in the West.
This is absolutely chilling.
This is the collapse of Western civilization.
Here it is.
Great civilizations are always the architect of their own downfall.
Historian Arnold Toynbee studied 28 different great civilizations and found the same pattern.
Great civilizations commit suicide.
Anne Glynn Jones spent nine years studying how civilizations decline.
She describes our culture as one that has, quote, run its course, which is morally, aesthetically, and spiritually bankrupt.
Is the background hum of constant anxiety that pervades our culture a sign that we know the end is nigh?
More Americans than ever are dying from drug overdoses.
Gun violence, car crashes or AIDS never killed as many Americans in a single year as overdoses did in 2017.
But the issue isn't just prescription drugs.
In the UK, so much cocaine is flushed into the rivers that endangered eels are becoming hyperactive and not reaching sexual maturity.
The number of 16 to 24 year olds using coke, ecstasy, crystal meth and LSD doubled in just a two year period from 2016 to 2018.
In the US, heroin abuse has skyrocketed over the past 15 years.
The number of people who used MDMA, marijuana and other drugs also consistently climbed over the last decade.
Alcoholism is on the rise.
1 in 8 Americans is now an alcoholic.
And when it comes to taking antidepressants, white rural communities have overtaken African American communities for the first time ever.
Depression levels in America are the highest ever measured.
Suicide rates are higher than ever.
Despite all our technology, our entertainment, our consumerism, our chemical enhancements, we're more miserable than ever before.
Our existential dread is more pronounced than ever before.
Educational, intellectual and material ease has manifested civilizational malaise and a lack of transcendent purpose.
The result of this lack of transcendent purpose is self-destruction, not merely on a personal but on a population scale.
Technical sophistication has been accompanied by mass incompetence in the art of living.
When a society has no purpose to believe in, it self-immolates.
There's only so far that quasi-religious devotion to yoga, Starbucks pumpkin spiced lattes, and Whole Foods kale shakes can go.
The latest iPhone can only distract you from the nagging voice of conscience for so long.
Endlessly consuming products will never satiate the soul.
We live in the ruins of a civilization that has lost faith in itself.
A civilization that is constantly lectured it must be ashamed of itself and slowly subverted and destroyed from within as the only form of repentance.
And if you're wondering how we wound up in the dark age we're currently living through, this is how we did.
This is why important science is no longer being conducted.
This is why art isn't being made.
This is why comedy is dying.
It's why people aren't thinking for themselves anymore, which means the end of creativity.
Great civilizations collapse when the insatiable greed for sensual stimulation outweighs the urge for any kind of private or social responsibility.
We're now reaching this point.
French author Michel Houellebecq predicted both the rise of Islamism across Europe and the emergence of the Yellow Vest Movement.
As Theodore Dalrymple writes about the themes of Welbeck's novels, the vacuity of modern life in the West, its lack of transcendence, lived as it is, increasingly without religious or political belief, without a worthwhile creative culture, often without deep personal attachments, and without even a struggle for survival.
Into what Salman Rushdie called a God-shaped hole has rushed the search for sensual pleasure, Which, however, no more than distracts.
And where is the church in all this?
Where are the firebrands railing against the vulgarity of modernity?
Affiliation with the Church of England is at a record low.
Just 2% of young people are affiliated.
And in the US alone, the Christian population decreased by nearly 8% between 2007 and 2014.
We're bulldozing churches and building ugly, gigantic, glassy monuments to insipid vacuity.
Great civilizations collapse when they experience a rapid and enduring loss of population and identity.
The number of babies born to Muslims is expected to surpass those born to Christians between 2030 and 2035.
Muslim fertility remains high while Christians are literally dying out.
Meanwhile, the global leader of the Catholic Church is the biggest cheerleader for his own flock's decline.
If only there was a religious leader who understood We're worried about the Western world.
What worries you?
for the Western world, what worries you?
You know, the biggest worry is that Europe has lost the essence of its origins.
It has lost...
But a tree that has no roots, it dies.
And I'm afraid the West is dying.
There are a lot of signs.
You see?
A lot of signs.
No more births.
And... you're still invaded by other cultures, other peoples, that are going, gradually, And where are conservatives in all this?
Giving giant corporations huge tax breaks so they can import vast quantities of people from the third world and then pay them slave wages while white Americans addicted to opioids live lives of atomized, nihilistic hopelessness.
Is that conservatism?
At this point, what exactly are we conserving?
Those GDP numbers though!
Is it conservative to allow Amazon to pay $0 in taxes on $11.2 billion on profit for 2018?
And for progressives, so long as Jeff Bezos' virtue signals the right identity politics, Who cares, right?
Great civilisations collapse when the economy serves not to elevate but to denigrate the population.
We're now reaching this point.
Our entire economy has become centred around a crony capitalist system that eviscerates the family, leading to atomisation, misery and depression.
In 2015, a study by the decidedly non-conservative Brookings Institution found that falling male wages caused about a quarter of the decline in marriage rates over the past 35 years.
Two years later, MIT researchers found that when factories close, marriage rates go down and single parenthood becomes more common.
That, as you could guess, causes a higher proportion of children to wind up on drugs or in prison.
So it's not a small thing.
And by the way, many other studies have reached the same conclusions over long periods of time.
This is real.
As French philosopher Eric Zemmour outlines, the elite have stopped caring about native populations.
Because those populations no longer tolerate stagnant wage growth and diminished job prospects.
Simply to enslave themselves as a servant class for the elites.
That's why they're on the streets, rioting.
So far easier than- Okay, that is the collapse of Western Civilization Part 1.
Part 2 is coming up after the break and we'll get into more breaking news here on the Alex Jones Show Live.
Don't go away, we'll be back.
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Go ahead, Dave.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
[ Music ]
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
We're back and without further hesitation let's go to part two of the collapse of western
This video is up on YouTube right now.
Please get it out there.
Here is part two.
As French philosopher Eric Zemmour outlines, the elite have stopped caring about native populations.
Because those populations no longer tolerate stagnant wage growth and diminished job prospects.
Simply to enslave themselves as a servant class for the elite.
That's why they're on the streets rioting.
So far easier for the elite just to replace them with robots and a third world slave class.
Great civilizations collapse when the supply of labor outstrips demand.
We're now reaching this point.
Great civilizations collapse when wealth inequality runs rampant.
We're now reaching this point.
Great civilizations collapse when the elite debases the currency to hide financial problems.
We're now reaching this point.
And the Democratic Party, for whatever reason, is not trying to address those problems.
They're attacking Trump himself or the symptoms, but the disease is this pervasive economic insecurity as we make it harder and harder for Americans to find meaningful opportunities.
Civilizations collapse when the building block of society, the family unit, crumbles into dust.
We're now reaching this point.
While Muslims in the West unite to rally around protection of their children, we treat ours like an unwanted medical waste product.
While Muslims in the West refuse to allow their kids to be indoctrinated with warped sexual propaganda, We dress up ours as drag queens, parade them on television, and demand everyone embrace it as normal.
It's not normal.
There's something deeply wrong with what we've become.
Now for all its barbarity, at least Islam provides its adherents with some sense of meaning and fulfilment.
Time to join the winning team!
Allahu Akbar!
Allahu Akbar!
The Mayan civilization collapsed when the Spanish invasion inflicted upon it a foreign culture intent on spreading its own systems of faith and governance.
Beginning to notice any parallels?
Historically, the movement toward androgyny occurs in late phases of culture.
As a civilization is starting to unravel.
Okay, and that you can find it again and again and again through history in the Greek art.
Okay, you can see it happening.
All of a sudden, there's a kind of, you know, the sculptures of handsome, nude, young men athletes that used to be very robust, okay, in the archaic period suddenly began to seem like wet noodles, okay, toward the end.
And that the people who live in such periods, the late phase of culture, Whether it's the Hellenistic era, whether it's the Roman Empire, whether it's the mauve decade of Oscar Wilde in the 1890s, whether it's Weimar Germany, people who live in such times feel that they're very sophisticated, they're very cosmopolitan.
Homosexuality, heterosexuality, so what?
Anything goes, and so on.
But from the perspective of historical distance, you can see that it's a culture that no longer believes in itself, and then what you invariably get Are people who are convinced of the power of heroic masculinity on the edges, whether they're the vandals and the Huns, or whether they're the barbarians of ISIS, you see them starting to mass on the outsides of the culture.
And that's what we have right now.
What does our culture provide?
A tedious drip-drip of anodyne lethargic dross?
Or at the other end of the spectrum, a sewer pipe of obscene, tawdry hedonism?
What does our society provide?
A lifestyle of never talking to or knowing your neighbours?
Of aborting your babies?
Of cheating on your wives?
A lifestyle of desperately searching for the next dopamine hit?
Whether that be from an Instagram-like, a pharmaceutical drug, or a new gadget.
A lifestyle of strip malls, five-lane traffic, s**t-recycled pop songs, s**t-recycled movies, s**t-recycled NPC celebrities all spouting the same opinions.
Our art may become so degenerate that future generations will be completely uninterested in it.
And I'm sorry, But my free market capitalism just doesn't cut it anymore as a purposeful credo to unite and fortify Western civilization.
It takes much more than an increasingly unjust economic system to maintain a civilization.
Which is why the enemies are at the gates, waiting to take over.
Which is why socialist vulture demagogues are busy licking their lips.
We've abandoned the enlightenment values that built Western civilization.
We've abandoned the idea that family is fundamental to community strength and happiness.
We've abandoned high culture in favour of lowbrow junk culture.
We've abandoned stoic strength of character in favour of chemical dependence.
We labour under an economic and political system that has abandoned us.
We collectively Killed God.
We're left with nothing authentic to believe in.
That's why everyone's on drugs.
That's why everyone's nihilistic.
That's why everyone's unhappy.
What's the solution?
There is no solution.
Every great civilization collapses on average every 336 years.
and the collapse of ours is very much overdue.
That is the collapse of Western Civilization YouTube video available right now.
It's got about 330,000 views overnight, so it seems to be going viral.
A lot of people resonating with that.
And in connection with that, we have a headline here out of Breitbart.
Fertility falls in EU.
Not one country hits population replacement level.
I've talked about this many times before.
You have a situation in major European cities like Frankfurt, like Antwerp,
where immigrants are now the majority of the population. In Antwerp, Belgium, which is Belgium's
most populous city, 52% of the population are migrants. The problem being is that 90% of those
migrants vote for either left-wing or far-left-wing parties.
This is precisely why the elite are now importing their servant slave class, and by and large that's a Democratic Party movement, but it's also a kind of Koch Brothers movement to bring in cheap labour so we get crushed in the vice and everybody loses.
They vote for left-wing parties, they vote for parties who want bigger government, that's why they import the voting bloc.
Now total births in the European Union's 28 member states in 2017 has fallen from the year before, while first-time mothers are now almost 30.
So mothers are getting older, they're having less babies in Europe, throughout Europe.
Which is why in Hungary, Viktor Orban introduced this policy, where he gave newborn mothers $35,000 to every woman, this is women who marry, every woman under 40 who marries for the first time, and that loan is completely written off after the birth of her third child.
Women who raise four or more children are now exempt from paying income tax for life in Hungary.
Now, a lot of people on the right are going to say, oh my God, that's socialism.
No, it's not.
That's economic nationalism.
That's building up your own population.
That's basic survival.
Meanwhile in Europe, figures released by Eurostar on Tuesday revealed that there were 5.075 million babies born in the Union, that's less than the year before, 5.148 million, with a total fertility rate of 1.59 births per woman.
Again, that's down on the year before.
And well short of 2.1 births per woman needed to maintain a population.
We're literally dying out.
In the next segment, I'll talk about what exactly we're being replaced with.
Join us.
It's InfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
Brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine.
But a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
I smell the blood of an Englishman.
Be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
But I was able to secure with the original manufacturer A better deal by breaking my deal with them and playing guts ball where it's only been sold out for a couple months and we got the new deal done just about a month ago and they are manufacturing it now so people get on the waiting list in about two weeks we'll be shipping x2 original all deep earth crystal pure atomic iodine directly to your door
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Again, thank you for your support.
Support your own body with the purest, best iodine out there.
X2 at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
So before the break, we were talking about these new fertility rates coming out of Europe.
The replacement rate is not being met.
It's 2.1 births per woman.
We're way below that in every European country.
In terms of individual countries, France has the highest fertility rate at 1.9 births per woman.
Now, my question is, do these births include newly arrived migrants?
I'm presuming they do.
So even with their births, which are way above What European native citizens are having.
We have France at 1.9 followed by Sweden at 1.78, Ireland 1.77, UK's at 1.74. Spain is way down at
1.31. They're literally going to die out which is interesting given that they had a socialist
government swing into power last year and immediately opened the borders.
Again, the argument is always, oh, we need mass immigration because we need workers, because we can't pay our pension obligations, even though the clear majority of those migrants in every case, both unskilled and skilled labour, Go on to welfare immediately!
So they're taking out more from the system than they're putting in.
So that argument that you need a huge labour force doesn't even make sense economically.
Cyprus is down to 1.32, Greece 1.35, Portugal 1.38.
So the replacement level is way below what it should be.
We're literally dying out and being replaced.
Being replaced by what?
Well, let's look at what's happening in Germany once again.
This is the headline out of Breitbart.
Germany migrant crimes concealed to avoid stirring up prejudice.
Authorities in a district of rural Germany covered up a long list of asylum seeker crimes including rape, assault and child sex abuse so as not to stir up prejudice.
It has been alleged.
This is not the first time we've seen this kind of report.
We had the main German broadcaster ZDF come out two plus years ago and admit that they as a television network do not report on crimes committed by migrants.
You have a situation in Germany where even while these statistics are being covered up and depressed, There's been a 10% rise in violent crime.
90% of that rise is attributable to migrants.
Now, Trump came out about a year ago and said, Germany has a bigger problem with crime.
Crime is rising in Germany.
They came out and said, no, that's fake news, that's not true.
Because they took all crime.
Violent crime is rising and it's mostly attributable to migrants.
Those are the statistics coming out from the German government, okay?
Not a right-wing news source.
So now, internal police figures reveal 117 criminal offences took place at refugee housing in Buestet, northern Germany, during the last three months and that Third World migrants housed in other accommodation in the municipality were listed as suspects in a further 23 crimes.
But officers neglected to announce the incidents after orders from the Interior Ministry, that's the government, instructed police that active notifications from the Forces Press Office on potential migrant involvement in crimes would be, quote, Irresponsible and likely to stir up prejudice.
We've had stories about this before where they literally say, the police say, we've been ordered to lie about migrant crime statistics because the government claims it's going to stir up civil unrest and riots amongst the German population.
So they'd rather just hide it and leave victims wide open to abuse.
An absolutely ridiculous situation.
We had this article from back in February from Infowars.com.
German police lie about migrant crime statistics to preserve peace.
German police officers hide the severity of migrant crime statistics in order to preserve civil peace, according to a recent news report.
And that, again, talks to the police officers who say we're being directed by our superiors to literally bury and obfuscate migrant crimes in our reports when we file reports about rapes, about assaults, about violent crimes.
Meanwhile, those who do commit the crimes are being treated with kid gloves.
This is out of Breitbart.
Syrian migrant murderer acquitted due to psychiatric illness caused by war trauma.
This was a 24-year-old Syrian asylum seeker who stabbed his boss to death at work and was acquitted in a German court due to psychiatric issues caused by his past in Syria.
So as long as you say that you travel through a war-torn country, apparently in Germany that literally allows you to get away with murder.
The Syrian was mentally disturbed and carried out the attack in an act of paranoid fit of rage, the Express reports.
The 24-year-old apparently believed in various paranoid delusions before the murder, including that he was being secretly monitored and spied on.
So he just claimed that because he'd been through a war-torn country and had mental problems that that made him viciously attack and murder his boss and he got away with murder.
Meanwhile in Italy, Italian girl murdered by Nigerian migrants likely dismembered alive.
Remember this was the 18 year old girl who they found the body parts of literally in a suitcase on the side of the road.
Well now Italian teen Pamela Mastropietro, who was murdered by migrant Nigerian mobsters last year, huge problem with Nigerian mobsters in Italy as we've spoken about before, was likely dismembered alive.
The horrifying revelations come from the testimony of Vincenzo Marino, a key witness in the trial of Nigerian drug dealer Innocent Osagale, how ironic is that name, who stands accused of murdering the teenage girl.
Mastropietro had become estranged from her family, became addicted to drugs after a brief relationship with a Romanian man her mother claims.
And then Marino says that he overheard the Nigerian migrant mobster admit to the murder and admit that he dismembered the corpse while the 18-year-old girl was still alive from the feet up.
This is the cultural enrichment we're experiencing throughout Europe.
Italy has experienced a massive crime wave since the influx of hundreds of thousands of sub-Saharan migrants, particularly from Nigeria.
Remember what Macron said?
He wanted to turn France, he wanted to turn Europe, into Eurabia by literally importing 150 million to 200 million Africans over the next 10-15 years.
Meanwhile, 18-year-old Italian teenage girls are literally being dismembered alive and found in suitcases.
Absolutely disgusting.
This is the situation we're dealing with in Europe.
This is what's coming to America if you follow the same course.
And now you see the video which I put up about a year ago now.
We probably won't have time to play it, but As this is happening in Germany, as violent crime is on the increase, as people who commit vicious murders are being acquitted because they say they travel through war-torn countries, as the police are ordered to hide, bury the reports of violent crime, you have German television shows in their soap operas literally having white mothers convert their children to Islam and do Islamic prayers.
You have models, white six-foot German women wearing hijabs saying embrace diversity as they dance around in hijabs.
So while the population is being outright lied to, now you see the advert Enjoy Difference Start Tolerance, I think it was a UN related advert that played on German television, while the media, while the police are being ordered to lie to the German population, they're simultaneously Brainwashing them, indoctrinating them into Islamophilia.
Because again, that's far easier than just facing up to the full scale of the problem that occurred after Angela Merkel invited some 2 million predominantly Muslim migrants into the country from 2015 onwards.
And we went to Dresden, Germany as an Infowars crew back in 2016, To cover the Bilderberg conference, but again, you talk to the locals, there was a refugee center nearby and we saw it with our own eyes.
The refugees would come out, hang around, congregate around the train station.
The police would leave them alone by and large, and then they would go out and literally harass teenage girls.
I saw it with my own eyes.
The taxi drivers that we spoke to said that they were dealing drugs, that the crime in the area had increased.
This is the cultural enrichment that Angela Merkel is to blame for, which is why she's got her lowest approval rating ever.
This is the situation we're dealing with.
Meanwhile, European mothers are not having babies.
The fertility rate is not up to par, and it's a long, long way off.
That's why we need more policies like Orbán's introduced in Hungary.
Where you literally pay people to get married, where you forgive them of income tax if they have four children.
That's the medicine that we need.
It's not socialism, it's basically protecting your own national heritage.
This is the Alex Jones Show Live.
We'll be back to talk about Brexit in the next segment.
Don't go away.
We've chosen to focus on natural health remedies, things that are going to help you to make
informed choices about your health as well, and to also support freedom of speech.
So freedom of choice, we are the people who are really pro-choice.
We don't support euthanasia, we don't support abortion, but we support health choice.
Isn't it interesting how these different groups shake down on the issue of choice?
That's why I don't use the term pro-choice when I talk about Democrats.
They are just simply pro-abortion.
They don't want you to have a choice about how to educate your child.
They don't want you to have a choice about what kind of medical treatment you or your children are going to have.
And quite frankly, folks, if we go to government-provided health care, they will be the ones deciding not only what health care you get and when, but they will also decide things like whether or not you're going to have meat.
It's not just going to be the green issue.
It's also going to be the other kind of green.
The kind that goes in your wallet.
They're going to decide that because they're paying the health bills, they get to decide what you're going to eat.
Don't be surprised when they take environmentalism and government health care and combine those two to dictate your diet to you.
But right now you do have a freedom of choice and you do have the ability to choose to support us here at InfoWars.
We set up something here that was not dependent on sponsors to try to be independent of boycotts so that we could speak freely and tell you what we think.
You don't have to agree with us.
I mean, we're going to give you our honest analysis.
You're free to agree or disagree.
We're not going to try to control that.
But they are trying to control it.
And so we set up InfoWarsTore.com to sell products directly to you.
You can make up your mind.
You can take control of your health.
You still have that opportunity.
And with the products that we sell at InfoWarsTore.com, one of the products that we have Well, the first product that I take regularly is DNA Force Plus, and it is now back in stock at Infowarsstore.com.
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We've talked about that many times on your DNA.
Just look it up.
Look up telomeres.
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Once they're gone, the DNA strands start to disappear.
All kinds of strange things will happen to you that you do not want to have happen, including side effects like death.
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That's the whole idea behind these supplements here with DNA Force because PQQ, along with the other ingredients that are there, and there's a lot of Yes, it is.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You're back for the final segment of this hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Alex will be coming up in the next hour.
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Now, Donald Trump has come out and slammed the UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, headlined Trump.
Brexit negotiation went badly.
PM May didn't listen to my advice.
And he's basically come out and said he's surprised at how badly the Brexit negotiations have gone.
He said he's surprised how badly they've gone and that the EU is tearing the country apart.
He says that Theresa May did not listen to his suggestions on how to handle the negotiations.
You would have thought that the guy behind the art of the deal, one of the most successful businessmen of all time, would have had an input into Theresa May.
No, she did not listen.
Basically now Trump needs to openly say that the UK is not behaving like a democratic country.
He needs to come out and make that kind of statement.
That could force Theresa May's hand to honour Brexit.
It could at least embarrass her.
We'll take anything at this point.
They voted to take no deal off the table.
So now the EU knows that we have absolutely no cards.
We're holding no cards whatsoever.
That worked in their favour once again.
Now we have this headline out of Breitbart.
Report EU plots.
Two-year Brexit delay.
Officials prepare for UK to join EU elections.
Again, this was designed to fail from the very beginning.
We had a Remainer globalist cabinet pushing the deal.
Theresa May, who voted Remain, not even going into the negotiations with a strong hand, deliberately, so she could get raked over the coals.
Now the European Union is pushing for a lengthy extension of Britain's negotiations for Brexit, pushing the exit date well beyond March 29th, and leaving British officials to plan for Britain to participate in the European parliamentary elections in May, if nothing has changed.
Now if that happens you're going to get dozens of Nigel Farages running as MEPs and in fact I know some of them who are planning to do so.
Labour Party, Conservative Party will both get absolutely walloped as they deserve because they're betraying Brexit.
So they had a vote today on taking No Deal off the table.
They had another vote on a second referendum We voted to leave the European Union nearly three years ago now.
It hasn't happened.
They've been pushing for this second referendum, which would completely override the very notion of democracy.
Now they had the losers vote today.
Thankfully, it failed by a wide margin.
So at least that is off the table for now.
Now we're going to have another vote in Parliament tonight to delay Brexit once again.
They're going to try and kick the can down the road for as long as humanly possible and hope that everybody loses steam, that everybody loses motivation.
We wait to see what happens.
We have a headline here out of RT, no delay from EU or we elect 73 Nigel Farages into European Parliament.
So that's basically what they're facing.
Brexit, as I warned, was being betrayed from the start.
Every European country that voted against the interests of the EU, the vote was done over and over again
until they got the result they wanted.
Because again, this is not a democratic institution.
This is an authoritarian institution.
And that's exactly why we need out of it.
Absolutely incredible situation.
Meanwhile, back in the US, one of the democratic candidates actually agree with on many issues is Tulsi Gabbard.
She's the only one who is against the deep state war machine, appeared on Stephen Colbert for a hostile interview and we have that clip.
We're going to roll it right now.
Here it is.
I don't know whether America should It is my opinion that we should not be.
If we are not involved in international conflicts, or trying to quell international conflicts, that might destabilize the world.
Because the United States, however flawed, is a force for good in the world, in my opinion.
Would you agree with that?
I do agree with that.
My point is that in order to be a force for good, we must actually do good.
The consequences of these regime change war policies has been horrible.
It has been completely the opposite of that intention.
The real question here that is important for us, the American people, and our government, is how destructive these regime change wars are on the people in the countries where we are supposedly trying to help them, as well as how destructive they are to us, the American people, here at home, both from a security perspective And the fact that we don't have enough money to pay for health care for everyone, that we don't have enough money to pay for education, to rebuild our infrastructure, the urgent needs that our people have right here at home.
So every time Tulsi Gabbard goes on one of these shows, they savage her for supporting the butcher, the dictator Assad.
She was one of the lone, reasonable, rational voices from the very beginning on the left, speaking out against regime change, against disastrous foreign intervention, against supporting ISIS in their war to topple Assad, which is exactly what we did in Iraq and basically created the rise of ISIS throughout the region.
That's what we did in Libya, and created the migrant crisis. So she goes on there with
consistent foreign policy principles which have proven to be rational and reasonable in the past.
And she's attacked by Stephen Colbert, a guy that cut his teeth, a guy that rose to prominence by
being the anti-war, anti-George W.
Bush guy. Remember the famous White House press correspondence dinner where he savaged George
Bush over the war in Iraq.
Now that Stephen Colbert has basically joined the Deep State, he's suddenly pro-war and pro-foreign intervention just because a Republican is in office, just because a Republican in the form of Donald Trump is not going along with the war party.
Absolute stunning hypocrisy in double standards from Stephen Colbert, but what do you expect?
Meanwhile, there's a headline here out of the New York Post.
Is this bearded hipster proof that all anti-conformists look alike?
This is absolutely hilarious.
MIT Technology Review published an article outlining the hipster effect, a phenomenon in which people eager to define themselves away from the mainstream all end up looking alike.
Think ironic, facial hair, earthy flannels and craft brews in hand.
So basically, this guy, they used a stock image of a hipster for this MIT Technology Review article, and an outraged man threatened legal action against the publication for using his image to illustrate the article, only to find out that the image was not of him.
Thereby proving the entire point of the article, the entire point of the study, that all hipsters look alike.
The more they try to be non-conformist, the more they conform.
It says the term hipster, in fact, was originally coined by the mathematician Jonathan Tabool of Brandeis University, who used the Markov model, stochastic evolution, and other theoretical statistics to prove his point, that anti-conformist individuals all look the same.
So when this article came out, when he threatened legal action, they basically came back to this hipster and said, that's not you, it just looks like you, because all hipsters look the same, and you just proved our entire point.
Meanwhile, not satire!
Social Democrats want to integrate ISIS fighters with the help of radical mosques.
This is out of, well, it's got to be Germany or Sweden, hasn't it?
One of the two, and it's Germany in this instance.
German Interior Minister Andreas Giesel of the SPD is currently checking if returning ISIS fighters can be integrated with the use of radical mosques in Berlin.
So they're literally not only saying yes, fine, we'll accept, we'll readmit all these ISIS terrorists that literally beheaded people, come on in for a bit of more cultural enrichment in Germany.
They're now going to reintegrate them with the aid of other Islamists in radical mosques.
Gunnar Schauplis, a journalist for the tabloid BZ, said that the proposal sounds like Geisel wants to use the arsonists to put out the fire.
They're literally going to radical mosques, going to radical Islamists, and saying, you can help us reintegrate ISIS fighters into Germany.
Completely insane.
Meanwhile, woman told to cover up before flying out of diverse UK city of Birmingham, this was up on m4wars.com, Basically, it was a woman who wore a crop top.
She got on a plane flying out of Birmingham, UK, where the population is 25% Muslim.
Somebody, we don't know who, complained about it and said that this was not modest enough.
So again, literally enforcing modesty culture.
She was asked to leave the plane unless she covered up.
Absolutely incredible.
Of course, nothing to do with the fact that 25% of the population of Birmingham is Muslim and 50,000 of the inhabitants don't even speak English.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
We'll be back.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
The answer to 1984 is 1776. You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I mean, the way they decided to de-platform Alex Jones was highly subjective, very interpretive, and I've seen far
worse conduct.
I mean, for example, the Covington case, you had a prominent Hollywood figure show an image of saying the Covington kid should have to go through a shredder and be killed.
You had Reza Aslan calling for him to be punched in the face.
Nothing was done about that.
And yet, Alex Jones posts something that's just a funny video, and they're like, oh my goodness, we have to get rid of Alex Jones.
Okay, so I want to spend a whole bunch of time on Covington, because I think actually that was the moment that this shifted, and maybe at a legal sense it crystallized in my mind a little bit more.
That's actually when I reached out to you, because I saw you just going for it, going for it, and I thought, okay, this is a conversation we have to have.
But let's talk about Jones for a minute.
So Jones, so you've done some defense work with Jones.
Yes, I'm representing Alex Jones at InfoWars, and now his outside general counsel on all these legal matters.
So you represent him across the board on all of these things.
So I guess my first question is, what's it like when Alex Jones knocks on your door or calls you up?
He's a very animated guy, very nice guy, very open, very sincere.
What was fascinating is from the get-go he was saying 90% of what they're saying about me isn't the case.
He's like, I would defend this on free speech and free press grounds anyway, but what they're actually saying I said I didn't say.
I never attacked these families, I never went after these families, I never told people to go to their families' homes, none of that.
Yeah, so that stuff specifically is about the Sandy Hooks.
Exactly, the Sandy Hooks.
And so they took a Media Matters video and assumed that's what I said and it wasn't really.
And they took most of that out of context and didn't put in that I had corrected the record a long time ago.
And so part of it was, you know, very nice guy, actually very friendly guy, very accessible guy.
Even more so than Snipes, he gets mobbed when he goes out in public with people wanting selfies and that sort of thing.
And he doesn't act like the Jaguar did with the lady.
He's very nice and sociable and friendly.
So he runs a nice small business enterprise.
Access TV, to talk radio, to internet.
And he's intended to be the poster boy of their deplatforming campaigns.
What I told the press is this case really isn't about Alex Jones.
It's about the ability of the independent press to operate.
Will lawfare be discriminately or disparately used against ordinary individuals in the same way that deplatforming is happening already in the big tech space?
And so are we going to protect the little guy or not?
And Alex Jones, they figured, would be the convenient They would sort of create a parody of him, a caricature of him, that they could get the public to believe, make the audience feel bad if they watch him.
They may feel guilty to be associated or attached with him.
And as soon as my representation was announced, and another lawyer, Norm Pattis, big old school civil rights lawyer in Connecticut, I think he still has a ponytail.
I mean, he's old school.
He had friends and family members that are connected to what happened at Sandy Hook.
So he immediately wanted to be involved in the case.
As soon as he was, Huffington Post writes a hit piece on him.
They don't talk about a civil rights legacy.
They don't talk about any of that.
It's entire, the whole thing is intended to smear him and to send a message that if you're
a lawyer and you dare defend Alex Jones, we're going to try to destroy your reputation in
the public space.
And that's exactly the problem that needs to be fixed and remedied.
So related to Jones specifically, I mean, one of the things that I thought was, was most
incredible, I forget the exact order of it, but basically within 48 hours, all the platforms
And it's like, okay, is that that you guys truly are calling each other and coordinating it, or is it that you're all sort of cowards, somebody breaks the ice and now you're just followers?
And I don't know that it matters either way, right?
It probably doesn't matter either way.
But what I thought was, okay, It doesn't even matter what he has said, short of breaking an American law, in my opinion.
The real issue here is that if he can't be on there, then why is Farrakhan on there?
I'm not making a direct comparison to them.
Why is FAMAS on there?
We could do a zillion other things, you know?
The disparity is obvious and evident.
There are people who have said far worse things, that just happen to have a different ideological, intellectual perspective.
Even if you took all the accusations against him at face value and 90% of them are not true, that's your typical smear campaign.
The conservative or the person on the right or the person on the independent anti-war left will often be attacked and smeared.
90% of what's said about them is not true.
But even if it was true, what the other side has said is usually far worse and far more egregious and far more excessive.
And it's the obvious disparate treatment.
They're using their concentrated power, including their lawfare power, to effectively wipe out the little guy so that only the big guy's voice is heard.
And ultimately it's about the audience.
Because Alex Jones is still going to talk, it's just can the audience hear him?
So it's about their right to choose.
Their right to choose what news they want to look at, what views they want to have,
how they filter information.
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Waging war on corruption. It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front
lines of the info war March 14th, 2000.
We are right in the eyes of March right now.
You know, I took President Trump to the metaphorical woodshed yesterday.
I didn't do it because I don't support the President.
I didn't do it to get brownie points with Hillary Clinton.
I did it because he's not defending the First Amendment.
He's not standing up against big cartels of big tech openly involved in organized racketeering against nationalists, against Christians, against conservatives, against Second Amendment groups, veterans groups, hunting, fishing groups, you name it.
There is a reign of terror going on, and the President's saying, well, just be well behaved.
We've got to be better than the Democrats.
That does cut it.
So I'll talk more about that coming up in the next segment.
And we've got the latest AOC behavior where she's the gift that just keeps on giving until you realize the Democrats love all this BS.
How socialism and communism are great and now banks financing anything is inherently evil.
We're going to be playing all this coming up in the next few segments.
But first, let me get into President Trump yesterday, and I'll play his comments here in a moment, grounding the Boeing new generation of 737s, the MAX 8 and the MAX 9.
And crazily enough, we're going to roll some of the B-roll here in a moment.
I, for TV viewers, I flew back to the United States yesterday and I'm on the plane looking at the internet on my phone as the president grounds the aircraft.
And I look up and it's got on the computer screen right there with the in-flight announcements that I'm on a MAX 737-800.
Which I guess is the same as an eight or nine.
The point is, as I said, is this the plane that's just been grounded?
And they said, yes, but don't worry.
The pilots say that it's just a autopilot problem and that they're not training these third world companies in Africa and in Asia, and that all they got to do is hit two buttons and the autopilot's off.
That if they don't think the plane's going fast enough, the robot, the computer, basically Starts putting the nose down.
And then if pilots fight it, they can't fight it, it'll take you all the way down.
It tends to happen on takeoff at a certain point if the plane slows.
I go, wow, how do you know all this?
And he goes, well, I'm actually a pilot in private life working towards my commercial license.
So then later out of chance, once we got off the plane, real quick to talk to the pilot, he confirmed all that.
But while I'm on the couple hour flight back to the US, I'm reading all the articles.
Confirming that there's all these federal registry complaints and all these admissions by pilots that it's the autopilot and that it's super dangerous that even U.S.
carriers didn't teach them in the last year when these planes rolled out that when the autopilot glitches with a bad sensor, you just turn the autopilot off.
So pilots have all talked and figured this out.
So when this happened five, six days ago, I already knew I bet it's autopilot.
Because pilots are complaining that new pilots especially don't know how to fly planes.
They may get their license, go through their hours, get trained, do simulators, do regional carriers, finally get on a big jet.
Well then a few years of flying around on these big jets with autopilot that's so incredibly good.
You ever wonder why landings are so much smoother than they used to be?
Remember when you were a kid, or even a teenager, if you're older, like I am, 45, 50, 60, 70?
Remember, like, even on sunny days, clear skies, I mean, wooooosh, boom, boom, boom.
You ever wonder why it's just so damn smooth when you come in, like, pew, pew, pew?
It's because the autopilot is amazing.
It's the same autopilot they had in the 80s that could shoot cruise missiles down people's chimneys or through their windows.
But what happens when it messes up and the humans don't know what to do?
And so a lot of pilots have pointed out this is criminal negligence that the manuals Do not tell people what to do when this happens.
So sure, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, things like Qantas, things, you know, top brand, things like Virgin, things like British Airways, Southwest has good pilots.
They've all been taught about this workaround, this glitch in the autopilot sensor.
But I made some calls when this first happened five days ago.
People are like, oh, it's the autopilot.
I called some pilots, and then sure enough, they're showing up with the news, but still the media is acting like, well, is it autopilot?
So the problem is the autopilot.
We all know what's doing it.
You just have to put the pilots through a training regimen that if the plane is slowing down on takeoff, you know, at 6, 7, 8,000 feet, because you're ascending, if the plane thinks it's going too slow, it doesn't want to stall out, the computer drops the nose.
Pilots start fighting that, the computer overrides, you're dead.
And the pilots don't even know that it's an autopilot problem.
Which, again, you go back 40-something years ago, Texas Instruments comes out with a calculator.
Before then, everybody knew how to do arithmetic.
The average person could do any type of algebra, any type of other equations you needed.
Hell, I was pretty good, because they wouldn't let us back in high school use calculators.
I was okay at math.
Nowadays, I don't know the first thing about math.
I use a calculator.
And, again, the machines are making us weak.
I'm not against the machines.
It's just they're making us weak.
And we always need a human there that knows how to run it.
If the machine doesn't, that keeps humans the equation.
And that's what I trust.
And you take Trump had a great tweet on this.
We can pull it up.
But he basically said, I believe in humans involved, not some Einstein program computer that could have a glitch.
Because we all know sometimes your car stalls out and you've got The power steering and you may be strong, you can't control that car.
That's scary!
I like the old-fashioned cars where if you ran out of gas or things stalled, you were controlling the wheel.
And it's the same thing.
Humans are being removed from the equation.
self-driving cars, self-flying airplanes, algorithms, all the dinners that cook themselves
and so nobody knows how to cook a meal.
We're losing our humanity and it's fulfilling to garden.
It's fulfilling to cook pasta or cook chicken or steaks.
It's fulfilling to do carpentry.
We're meant to build things.
We built the machines.
Let's not let the machines take over our lives.
But the big takeaway is there's a debates.
Five, six, how many days is it into this now?
What caused it?
Who knows?
Ground all the planes.
It's the same old 737 badass airframe.
Big, juicy engines.
Great avionics.
The best equipment ever.
But there's a glitch in the sensor.
And the pilots are in the Federal Register for a year, all over the U.S.
and the world, saying the autopilot's got a glitch.
We have to play dumb, kill Boeing stock by 30% instead of fixing the bug.
Let's go to the President laying the grounding out from yesterday.
Here it is.
We're here to make an announcement very shortly regarding the new information and physical evidence that we've received from the site and from other locations and through a couple of other complaints.
We've had a very, very detailed A group of people working on the 737-8 and the 737-9 new airplanes.
New airplanes. We're going to be issuing an emergency order of prohibition to ground all
flights of the 737 Max 8 and the 737 Max 9 and planes associated with that line.
I've spoken to Elaine Chao, Secretary of Transportation, Dan Elwell, acting administrator
of the FAA, and to Dennis Muilenburg, CEO of Boeing, and they'll be available shortly after
our conference today.
They are all in agreement with the action.
Any plane currently in the air will go to its destination and thereafter be grounded until further notice.
So planes that are in the air will be grounded If they're the 737 MAX will be grounded upon landing at the
Let's stop right there. The craziness is again yesterday, I and I've got video we just B-rolled
it for TV viewers. I'm literally on the tarmac. They closed the door. They have this big discussion.
We stand on the tarmac 30 minutes longer than we're supposed to. And then I start talking as
I'm in the front row to the flight attendants. They go, well, Trump just just announced minutes
ago. And so we're deciding if we're going to take off.
They were all flustered, and the guy's like, God, I wonder if I'm going to get to go to that party tonight in Austin.
So that's how I was getting all this inside baseball, and then talked to the pilot, because there was like 20, 30 minutes of not sure.
And then it was like, no, no, go to your destination.
So they kind of took off to Austin.
But that's how crazy.
This has gotten when the pilots fly the planes.
Trust them and the engineers.
It's a sensor problem with the autopilot and that's all that's happening.
And all you've got to do is tell the pilots, especially in third world countries that don't do their research, I guess, read the damn manual.
Turn off the frickin autopilot.
Fly the plane.
Humans, remember those people?
Look at me.
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Here's to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
So I want to get into AOC and some of her crazy behavior that takes the cake so far.
We can't snicker too much because there's a very, very dark, stinking, rotting underbelly to this, where those of us that are informed and involved see what a joke she is, but for those that aren't, they're buying the BS.
They are buying the baloney big time.
First off, you know, I was reading some of the comments on InfoWars.com yesterday and today on a video report I did for InfoWars.com dealing with the fact that President Trump, who only pulled the exact headline, Alex Jones, Trump's portrayal of American rights, heartbreaking!
And then I read the massive amount of comments, and about half of them were saying, oh, you think you're going to get arrested like Roger Stone, so now you're throwing Trump under the bus.
And the other half were like, no, Trump's a total traitor snake, and Jones is right to go after him.
Thank God Jones is finally doing it.
Well, you're both wrong.
Trump's pragmatic, Trump's pro-America, Trump's doing a lot of great things.
But his belief that he can't go after the racketeering combines of big tech who've been caught red-handed censoring us, and the fact that he's saying he's probably not going to do anything and we all just better behave ourselves and maybe we'll still be left on the internet, that makes me see red.
And so talking to people that are close to the President, they say, listen, he's surrounded by neocons, BS-ing him.
The only way you get his attention is getting very upset and very angry at him, like Tucker Carlson and others have done.
And so that's what I'm doing.
I thank God every day he's the President versus Hillary Clinton.
But when I watch all the proof of them, big tech lying to Congress, and I watch all the proof of the censorship, and I experience it, and I see it expanding against everybody, it makes me get really, really, really, really upset.
So, no, it's not that Trump's a snake in the grass and he's this evil operative out to get us.
No, the globalists legitimately want him out.
And it's not that I'm a bad guy now who wants to be left alone by Hillary.
In the deep state.
So I'm turning against Trump.
That's not what's happening.
This audience, myself, all of you got Trump elected.
We're the Americana movement.
Nationalism is exploding worldwide.
We're the wave that Trump rode in on.
And I want Trump with his executive power and the president to take action!
I love Trump, but then I really hate some of his actions.
It's a love-hate relationship.
So Trump's good, but if you go read the Breitbart interview, it's up on Infowars.com yesterday.
Maybe I can pull it up today.
It's already scrolled off, but it was something like a headline.
We'll try to pull it up.
Trump says be well-behaved, be really good.
Oh, like Franklin Graham getting taken off Facebook.
All the rest of it.
You know what gets taken off?
Effective, truthful, well-done stuff.
Like Prager University.
Oh, can Prager, who comes off like a school counselor, very well-spoken, very genteel, you can't get more G-rated, more friendly, more nice, more gregarious.
Can he be better behaved, El Presidente?
So, that's all I'm saying.
Is that it's really starting to get to me.
And first we heard about executive orders a year ago and all these actions, and then none of those happened.
And then we heard, well it'll be on the platform for 2020.
And now it's not.
And I'll tell you why.
The big, and not that Trump's taking lobbyist money.
He's fired almost all the lobbyists.
But still, Fox News, the establishment, they see big powerful websites like InfoWars.com or DrugsReport.com or DailyCaller.com.
Breitbart.com, they see those as competition to campaign dollars.
Well, I don't take advertising.
Some of the radio stations I'm on, the radio network I'm on do, but I don't take money from political advertising.
In my whole history, I think a few times back when we took advertising, a few local candidates for, like, state reps slipped through in, like, Oklahoma or something.
Less than 1% of our money has been political money, is my point.
For Average Talk Radio, upwards of half their money in election years, political money.
So we don't do that.
We don't take political money.
We don't take any of it.
I mean, if our work was a white tablecloth, you might find one little tiny brown spot the size of a freckle where we took political money.
And I'm not saying it's bad to take money to run political ads.
I'm not judging stations that do that.
I'm saying that's not who we are.
But that's the big secret.
The rest of the story, as Paul Harvey would say, good day.
It's that the Karl Roves of the world that bring in hundreds of millions of dollars in off-year elections, and even more during general elections, they want it all to Sinclair, and all to Fox News, and all to that.
We're not even trying to get that money.
But there are thousands of PACs that are very effective, that are raising millions of dollars, and that are running ads, and that are effective, and that scares the old, not that old people are bad, but in this case, their old thinking.
All political establishments.
So there's a perfect storm of dying corporate media, dying leftist media, authoritarian colleges that are so corrupt with worthless degrees collapsing, governments that are corrupt and collapsing, not just here but all over the world, China financing anti-free speech movements, and they don't know what to do.
They don't know how to respond.
And so they just say, Shut it all down.
And the final little ingredient is the PR firms, the lobbyists, the ad agencies that make b-b-b-b-b-billions.
About $4 billion on a general election, about $2 billion on an off-year election.
And they're making all that money.
And the mere fact that it embarrasses them that grassroots websites and grassroots talk shows will have viral videos, not that we even put out, everybody puts them out.
You'll go look at the top ten viral videos during an election, and nine of them are mom-and-pop PACs, or groups that aren't even PACs.
And that's why, that's why they want everybody shut down.
That's why they say Drudge Report and Infowars are political in the Federal Elections Commission.
Because when we say we're pro-gun, or we're pro-life, or we support President Trump, or we support this congressman, or this congresswoman, They know that's politically getting them elected.
It's not political money.
It's not even political speech.
It's our free speech.
But they're trying to convolute all of that together to then shut us down.
So the final equation is Fox News and all these people, they don't want political competition.
They want to be the only game in town.
And they'd rather Trump lose the election or America go down the tubes if they can ride us going down for another decade.
And it really is treason.
It really is disgusting.
And so, whether Trump's getting bad advice, or whether he's been compromised, whatever the case is, the biggest sterling issue, even bigger than the border, is free speech in this country, and the fact that President Trump is dead in the water, letting a twist in the wind, and basically said, I'm not coming to your aid, get used to it.
Greenlight Facebook.
Greenlight Google.
Greenlight Twitter.
Greenlight YouTube.
Greenlight everybody.
You shut down whoever you want, and you do it, you organize yourselves, and you lie to Congress, and I'm not gonna do a damn thing.
Sure, he says in the interview, they're doing it.
They lied.
But you know what?
Bend over and enjoy it, and behave yourself with Stockholm Syndrome.
Maybe we'll leave you alone.
That really freaks me out.
And so I'm saying, put pressure on Trump, as citizen activist, as citizen lobbyist, for free speech, to stop it and say, no, you try red flag laws and take our guns without due process.
That's a done deal, too.
Trump needs to know, hey, listen here, you're not our pimp.
We're not your hoes.
We don't just do whatever you want.
You got that, Jack?
Now get ready, Trump.
Number one in...
Hello Americans, I'm Paul Harvey.
If I were the devil, if I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole
world in darkness.
And I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't
be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
So I've set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by the shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first.
I'd begin with a campaign of whispers.
With the wisdom of a serpent, I would I whispered to Eve, "Do as you please."
To the young I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.
I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square.
And the old I would teach to pray after me.
Our Father, which art in Washington.
And then I'd get organized.
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could.
I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.
The President of the United States is racist.
If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect the discipline of motions, gentlemen.
That was run wild.
Within a decade, I'd have prisons overflowing.
I'd have judges promoting pornography.
Soon, I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.
And in his own churches, I would substitute psychology for religion.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct, I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.
In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing.
Now you know... the rest of the story.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
So, while we laugh at the evil Obviously demonically possessed archives of what I believe is methamphetamine addict AOC.
We laugh, remember?
Our school children in accredited private schools, in public schools, in about 78% of schools in the U.S.
are being taught exactly what AOC is spewing.
So we can sit there and laugh at her as an extremist, but the communists, the socialists have killed 200 plus million people last century, a good 10 million plus people this century, and they mean business.
So when you hear her say capitalism is irredeemable, that's a quote, or America's garbage, we're going to play this quote, you're thinking, well, this is insanity.
Well, sure, she's a low IQ, probably 75 IQ, clearly, in my view, drug addict, meth-head puppet, who'll be thrown away later.
But it's her job to introduce all these poisonous carcinogen-laced lies to the public, because you've got all these big polls.
Another one came out earlier this week, but you've got Gallup polls and others, all saying between 49 and 55 percent, depending on the poll, but roughly half, of millennials And Generation Z, so that's people under about 33, 34, they want communism or socialism.
They believe in a free lunch.
Now, sure, the system we have is crony capitalism and combines and groups rigging things, but they're rigging and siphoning off a big, powerful free market juggernaut.
And they're weakening it, but still it's light years better, obviously, than communism or socialism.
Take our once great medicine in the 1960s.
We had the very best medicine in the world.
Then we made it mandatory, put government spending behind it, ballooned the amount of cost, and now it's falling apart.
It's the same thing with education.
It was some of the best education in the world, but then all of these corporate groups and hospital groups got behind subsidizing health care.
They put more money behind it, drove up prices, lowered quality.
So it's the same story over and over again.
And sure, you've got the clearly elected president of Venezuela inviting her down.
She said, hell no, I'm not coming down there.
While the average Venezuelan fights for their life to eat garbage, it's eat garbage or die.
In socialist countries, you eat garbage or die.
She knows she's part of the ruling elite, wearing $3,000, $5,000 outfits, $1,000 shoes, flying around in helicopters and private jets, driving, you know, $100,000 SUVs.
That's for you to not have a car.
That's for you to not have air conditioning.
Like when Obama went to Africa and said, you can't have cars, you can't have air conditioning.
That's for you, not for him.
He's part of the ruling class.
So I wanted to play some of these clips and remember, they all dovetail with people like Governor Cuomo in New York saying America was never great and will never be that great.
Because they're conquering America.
They don't want it to succeed.
They want it to fail because they want to loot it.
It's elementary, my dear Watson.
And look, I know you know that.
You're laughing at her.
But don't laugh.
Because she's winning because you're not involved in the schools.
I'm not involved in the schools.
We're not out there up front saying no to these monsters.
We're letting wild-eyed demons run our lives.
So what does it say about us?
If she's so weak, if she's so laughable, if she's so pathetic, then who are we?
Well, we're the slave of AOC.
We're AOC's bitch.
She's our pimp.
So here's AOC in Austin just a few days ago calling America garbage.
Well, then get the hell out, sister.
Here it is.
I think all of these things sound radical compared to where we are, but where we are is not a good thing.
And this idea of like 10% better from garbage, It shouldn't be what we settle for.
It's like this like, it feels like moderate is not a stance, it's just an attitude toward life of like... Don't hold back, tell me how you really feel about incrementalism.
So America's garbage on its trajectory And since socialism took over, it's been going down.
But she's claiming everybody wants to get here because we're garbage.
And clearly, she looks like she's on hardcore drugs.
If you're a radio listener, you don't see it.
I mean, she is circling the toilet bowl fast.
You know, she's committed all these Federal Elections Commission crimes, stolen millions, cut and dry.
But hey, don't hold your breath, though.
Remember, Pelosi can engage in crime.
Maxine Waters can engage in crime.
Hillary can have her foundation steal billions.
It's okay, because the Justice Department works for them.
Look at all the strop testimony, all the page testimony that's come out proving everything.
It was all a witch hunt, all political, but it's not getting any coverage except for Infowars.com and Newswars.com, which is why they want to shut down.
And then the President won't defend us.
He says, hey, be censored.
Learn to bend over and have your rights taken.
I don't want the internet defending me.
Okay, Trump.
God, what a nightmare.
So here's another one.
AOC slams capitalism.
Let's listen to this jewel in the really big ones coming up.
The tough part about this, about like, is capitalism redeemable, etc., is that it's hard to have these conversations, I think, as a society, because we all have different ideas of what, just in the public imagination, there are different ideas of what does capitalism mean, what does socialism mean, etc.
But for me, When I think about what those definitions are, capitalism isn't, to me, it's an ideology of capital.
It puts capital, the most important thing is the concentration of capital and it means that we seek and prioritize profit and the accumulation of money above all else and we seek it at any human and environmental cost.
That is what that means.
And to me, that ideology is not sustainable and cannot be redeemed.
No, that's not what, quote, capitalism is.
Meanwhile, you have these crony fascist systems that work with the communists and others that ruin the environment like no other.
And you'll never hear her criticize China.
You'll never hear her criticize Venezuela.
They're the most exploitive groups in the world.
Now, here's an incredible exchange.
She reaches next level dumbness.
When she's talking to the head of Wells Fargo and blaming them for loans they give people.
So if I loan you money for a truck and you run somebody over, it's my fault.
This is just next level how she's extending guilt to everyone but her.
Everyone's guilty but her.
Here it is.
Why was the bank involved in the caging of children and financing the caging of children to begin with?
I don't know how to answer that question because we weren't.
So you were involved in debt financing of CoreCivic and GeoGroup, correct?
For a period of time, we were involved in financing one of the firms.
We're not anymore in the other.
I'm not familiar with the specific assertion that you're making, but we weren't directly involved in that.
Okay, so these companies run private detention facilities run by ICE, which is involved in caging children.
But I'll move on.
Mr. Sloan, Wells Fargo was also an investor in a major... Back it up, because we're going to go to the next segment with this.
You just heard her.
Wells Fargo has been involved financing U.S.
government projects where they use private contractors to build emergency centers for the collapsing third world into our country.
I mean, folks, if you stay one day extra in Mexico, they come arrest you at your hotel.
Oh, but my God, if Mexico is collapsing into us, the rest of Latin America, he's not supposed to be able to then give financing to the construction companies that go get U.S.
government bids.
A company gets a U.S.
government bid.
And they get the contract.
They go, we have a U.S.
government contract.
We're a legitimate company.
Been in business for 30, 40 years.
We have A++ rating.
We now need, whatever the case is, $10 million, $30 million, whatever this project is, from Wells Fargo to build it as the government contract comes in, in the next three phases.
She's now saying you put kids in cages and you know where that goes.
It was Obama before they built all the emergency centers who started the collapse of Latin America to flood us with the UN who put kids in cages.
It wasn't even Trump.
They've now built nicer facilities.
But it's lie on top of lie on top of lie on top of lie.
Man, I tell you, these people don't know how business works.
If I got a contract, a government contract, you don't get paid right away.
You've got to go borrow the money on the contract.
And they're saying that he put kids in cages.
I mean, she's an economic terrorist.
She's clearly a meth head.
But she represents the democratic soul.
It's time to show...
Twitter censorship. The three strikes that took down Alex Jones.
Strike one. Child abuse.
There was a video that was uploaded that showed a child being violently thrown to the ground and crying.
The video in question is a viral meme with over 100,000 retweets.
The meme showed a child bullying an adult who was eventually pushed to the ground and started crying like a victim.
The reason this video went viral in 2018 was because it reflected the strategy of the new American left.
Bully your opponents and then cry foul when they try to fight back.
Forbes originally claimed that the man in the video was Alex Jones himself.
And somehow, InfoWars is to blame for a video that remained on Twitter for months after the fact.
The second one was a video that we viewed as incitement of violence.
The original video was a message directed towards President Trump.
This is an emergency message to President Trump, to Congress, and to anyone that supports free speech in this country.
Twitter ignores this.
They selected a short segment and deceitfully acted as if Alex Jones was inciting violence against the media.
But now it's time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag.
I know the Justice Department's crippled a bunch of followers and cowards.
There's groups, there's grand juries, there's... You call for it.
It's time politically, economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally, to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Get together the people you know aren't traitors and aren't cowards and aren't hedging their frickin' bets, like all these other a**holes do, and let's go, let's do it.
And then there's a bunch of other stuff.
The other stuff that Twitter decided to ignore made it clear that the statement was being made to President Trump.
Because they're coming.
Now, in your wisdom, you may be playing possum and waiting for him to come in.
Alex Jones was encouraging the President to take action against Internet censorship.
And after omitting this fact, they skipped forward to Alex Jones reminding Americans of the importance of their Second Amendment rights.
People need to have their battle rifles and everything ready, their bedsides.
You gotta be ready.
The media is so disciplined in their deception.
Antifa attacked all these people at the White House, beat up reporters, beat up women, children.
No coverage.
Twitter does not respect the Second Amendment.
Strike three!
Bullying Oliver Darcy.
So the third strike that we looked at was a verbal altercation that Alex got into with a journalist.
You're a virus to America and freedom.
Smelling like a possum that climbed out of the rear end of a dead cow.
You look like a possum that got caught doing some really, really nasty stuff in my view.
That's enough!
That's hilarious.
The altercation with Oliver Darcy is the real reason why Alex Jones was deleted from Twitter.
Rather than allowing an open and honest discussion, and possibly resolving our differences peacefully, they choose to silence their opposition and push towards a violent civil war.
People have pointed out the...
Jack himself encouraged everyone to read an article which basically outlined the fact that there's no civility left and that civil war is likely to happen in America.
It says, the article was, why there's no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history, one side must win.
If you exacerbate the divisions in society that are so rife right now, that is going to create a civil war situation.
So they're going to be partly responsible for it as one of the biggest platforms silencing people.
They're only going to drive them underground.
They're only going to make them more angry, more extreme on both sides.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent free press working with big tech.
Conspiracy theories is an easy target.
there are some who worry this is a slippery slope where people with different viewpoints could be silenced.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
[The Alex Jones Show theme music]
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
You ever notice that Hillary Clinton, Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Joe Biden, all the usual suspects, George Soros, they're never worried about pipelines in China.
They're never worried about pipelines in the Middle East.
Never worried about pipelines in Africa to the Chicom ships.
Never worried about Mexican pipelines, or Argentinian pipelines, or South African pipelines, or Russian pipelines.
Well, that's not true.
They actually went war with the Russians trying to build pipelines to Europe.
They don't want Canada, with all its oil and all its cash, bringing in that energy instead of it coming out of Saudi Arabia, at half the cost.
Two Americans.
The average Canadian oil and gas comes in at around half the price.
And free marketers are like, hey, let's lower our prices.
Let's be energy competitive.
And America's not worried about cheap Canadian oil and gas, but Warren Buffett and David Rockefeller before he died, and if you look it up, People like George Soros, they control the trains that take the oil and gas out of Canada.
And most of it goes to Canada's west coast.
It's loaded on super tankers and taken to China and Japan.
So see, they don't want Canada to start trans-shipping out of the Gulf of Mexico to all of the world, including Europe.
Because you can go to the Gulf, to the Atlantic, just as quickly to Europe as you can go across to Asia.
And if you go look at the congressional battles, what really goes on, it's all about Canada selling us cheap oil and gas that we add to what we're producing in Texas.
More than Saudi Arabia now, by the way.
The United States produces more than Saudi Arabia.
We're now the energy leader.
It's about teaming up with Canada and dominating the world, selling the cheapest oil and gas.
Which, by the way, totally screws Russia.
So what Trump's been doing is very pro-America and very aggressive.
Think that makes ol' Pootie Poot happy?
But the Democrats and others, they've got that deal.
They are trying to stop four different pipelines coming down from Canada to the U.S.
Those pipelines are totally safe compared to anything else out there.
But they don't want the Arctic Refuge that Trump just opened up that's got more oil than Saudi Arabia on record.
And it's sweet, crude, super clean burning.
Who do you think does all these anti-oil movies in the U.S.?
The Saudis.
Nothing against the Saudis.
Okay, great.
We're going to produce our own oil.
We're going to work with Canada.
They're trying to block it.
So let me go back to AOC.
AOC is busy blaming Wells Fargo when private companies get the contracts to build ICE emergency centers.
It's a year, two, three year contract.
The government doesn't just give a contractor all the money.
They'd be idiots if they did.
You'd be an idiot if you did.
You have a contractor 20% up front for the material.
Once they go through projects in your contract, usually in thirds, you pay them off if you're smart.
She's pissed that Wells Fargo gives contractors money who get U.S.
contracts to build their facilities.
Then she segues.
Only like AO she can do into just how evil it is that they're involved financing gas and oil pipelines in North America.
Imagine the evil.
This woman's house is heated with it.
She drives around in SUVs.
She flies around on private jets.
She swindles millions from people.
She lives like a freaking king!
And she's going to tell you how bad America is having infrastructure because globalism is about de-industrializing North America.
And for all Trump's crimes, and tying his hands behind his back and ours with allowing the censorship, he's light years better than Hillary.
But that doesn't mean I'm not going to come after him.
No, no.
It's kind of like your wife.
You love him to death, but if you catch him cheating on you, you're going to get really upset, right?
I mean, I don't know what the hell Trump's doing.
We should do a whole show just asking, what do you think he's doing?
What do we do?
Sorry, sorry.
They're now making rumblings about red flag laws where there's no law, they can just take your guns with no law.
I mean, I'm gonna divorce Trump at that point, aren't you?
I don't want it to happen.
I'm like, hey, gee, don't punch me in the nose or I'm gonna punch you back.
It's not like I'm looking for trouble here.
I'm digressing.
Can we go to the real problem, AOC?
Here it is.
So in finance, you were involved in debt financing of CoreCivic and GeoGroup, correct?
For a period of time, we were involved in financing one of the firms.
We're not anymore in the other.
I'm not familiar with the specific assertion that you're making, but we weren't directly involved in that.
Okay, so these companies run private detention facilities run by ICE, which is involved in in caging children, but I'll move on.
Mr. Sloan, Wells Fargo was also involved.
Yeah, they finance them and their private facilities is cheaper, but they're staffed with federal agents.
Again, let's continue.
Mr. Sloan, Wells Fargo was also an investor, a major investor in the Dakota Access Pipeline, the Keystone XL Pipelines.
They were prime investors and lenders to companies building these pipelines in defiance of Standing Rock Sioux's treaty rights to protect its water and sacred lands.
They warned early on, the Lakota Sioux warned early on that the pipeline was unstable and bound to leak.
Despite that, it was built anyway, and it has leaked at least five times.
And the Keystone XL in particular had one leak.
If they're doing a repair job on a piece of pipe and two drops hit the ground, they gotta fill a report out that two drops of oil hit the ground.
I mean, this is a literal joke.
The Keystone XL in particular had one leak that leaked 210,000 gallons across South Dakota.
Since Wells Fargo financed the building of this pipeline in an environmentally unstable way, why shouldn't the bank be held responsible for financing the cleanup of the disasters from these projects?
Which pipeline are you referring to?
So we were not involved in the financing of the XL pipeline.
No, back it up.
See, here's the thing.
She doesn't even know what she's talking about.
I remember when that came out, there was the potential that that much was being sent to the line when it happened.
It turned out it was a media hoax.
Thousands of gallons were not released.
That's what I'm talking about.
Plus, none of this is perfect.
This is an industrial world, lady.
Say something about China, you meth witch.
It's just where the rivers light on fire, and they have human-animal clones, and they have to wear masks, and they have no environmental standards.
But no, you just keep bitching and bitching because it's your job to stop this country because you're an anti-American person that said our country is garbage!
No, you are a bug-eyed demon witch!
You look like a meth head!
You look like a crack whore!
But you're the new Congresswoman!
Somalis that hate Americans!
And you!
And we're supposed to bend over and bow!
I'm not bowing you, you meth-snorting monster!
Sorry, let's go back to her.
Which pipeline are you referring to?
Um, either.
You know...
So we were not involved in the financing of the XL Pipeline.
We were one of the 17 or 19 banks that was involved in the financing of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Okay, so Wells Fargo hasn't financed any company associated with the Keystone XL Pipeline?
No, I didn't say that.
I said we're not involved in financing that pipeline specifically.
So let's focus on the Dakota Access Pipeline.
Should Wells Fargo be held responsible for the damages incurred by climate change due to the financing of fossil fuels and these projects?
I don't know how you'd calculate that, Congresswoman.
Say from spills or when we have to reinvest in infrastructure, building seawalls from the erosion of infrastructure or cleanups, wildfires, etc.? ?
Related to that pipeline?
I'm not aware that there's been any of what you described that's occurred related to that.
There's no coastline in the Dakotas?
I'm telling you, let's just continue.
Dakota Access Pipeline.
I'm not aware of the leaks associated with the Dakota Access Pipeline that you're describing.
So, hypothetically, if there was a leak from the Dakota Access Pipeline, why shouldn't Wells Fargo pay for the cleanup of it, since it paid for the construction of the pipeline itself?
Because we don't operate the pipeline.
We provide financing to the company that's operating the pipeline.
Our responsibility is to ensure that at the time that we make that loan, that that customer, and we have a group of people in Wells Fargo, including an environmental oversight group, headed by one of my colleagues who used to... Let's pause.
I forgot to point out, the particular one they're talking about hasn't been built yet.
That's what I'm saying.
She's announcing oil pipeline spills that didn't take place.
Let's continue.
So, one question.
Why did Wells Fargo finance this pipeline when it was widely seen to be environmentally unstable?
Again, the reason that we were one of the 17 or 19 banks that financed that is because our team reviewed the environmental impact and we concluded that it was a risk that we were willing to take.
Yeah, because they just say we can't have pipelines but everybody else can.
I mean, it's just insane.
We'll be back with a fourth hour.
I'm Alex Jones.
Tomorrow's news today.
The Dreaded Beacon approved.
I've got...
It's very simple.
I go out and see what is the top-selling, best-rated product in the country, whether it's a multivitamin or whether it's fish oil, you know, whatever it is, and I say, we're going to private label that, and we're going to then sell it for a lower price.
But then products like DNA Force, I go out and say, okay, BioPQQ, CoQ10, Organic, I'm not going to mark it up six, seven times.
I'm going to sell it at 100% markup for $150.
Then I discount it 33% off.
It's $99.50.
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Just experience it.
Now, if you've got old injuries, people, this is actually in the numbers.
If you've got old injuries and stuff that had no feeling, a lot of people start taking this in about a month,
then all of a sudden they start getting the pain and an old heart,
and all of a sudden something that was numb is working.
This is powerful stuff.
So DNA Force, 32% off, sold out for six months.
It's back in stock at Infowarsstore.com.
Very hard to procure this type of product.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or triple A, two, five, three, three, one, three, nine.
And look at those reviews.
Look at those reviews.
It did have thousands of reviews, Once you made it plus, it was stronger.
We had to call it a new product, so it's got limited reviews, but still 97%.
DNA Force Plus, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
Take advantage of it today.
X2 will be back in about a week.
We got them to do a better deal.
The Deep Earth Crystal Iodine that was so popular, I thought it was gone.
It sold out in three, four months.
It's back.
You can pre-order InfoWarsTore.com, look at those 6,000 plus reviews, 4.9, 98% review, the original, exact same, survivable shield deck, too.
We got the deal.
I played guts ball, art of the deal, and we got it for you.
And that's why it's 37% off, pre-ordered, out of the gates.
No discount.
Passing those discounts on to you.
A total and complete gigantic insane fire breathing win win win win win up one side and down the other
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
You You
(upbeat music)
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Thanks for joining us on the 14th day of March, 2019.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
You know, some people have mistaken this broadcast for a cult.
I'm not a Democrat.
I'm not a Republican hack.
Democrats follow what Hillary Clinton and Nancy Pelosi and people like that say.
Establishment Republicans do what Karl Rove says.
I back President Trump because He supported the idea of the president being the president and national sovereignty being run out of the country and out of the states.
And he's done that.
He's an American president.
He's actually running stuff.
And it's pissing the establishment off.
Now, that doesn't mean that I'm not angry about some of the things Trump's been doing.
And I'm going to tell you about it, because I'm not the cult.
I'm not the Donald John Trump cult.
I'm not the Hillary Rodham cult.
I'll tell you, people always say, you know, have you sold out?
Yeah, I sold out to Jesus Christ.
I did.
It's true.
It's already been done.
And I sold out to the truth and justice.
And it feels good to be sold.
I'm signed on.
There's no going down that road.
But I continually forget on air.
As I bitch and complain about funding to run our operations that when I plug consistently two or three times an hour, we bring in the funds and not just continue against all the attacks, which are sustained and ongoing, but we prevail over them.
So let me just thank the listeners that have gotten great products from the store and supported us and encourage others.
There's a trillion voices out there, because there's seven and a half billion people, and there's millions and millions of talk show hosts and voices online, and they make thousands of comments a day, and that's billions a day, and that's trillions every, you know, month.
There are trillions of things being said.
But what we say particularly, like, you got a piece of quartz, doesn't hurt Superman.
Got a piece of lead, doesn't hurt Superman.
Got a piece of crystal, doesn't hurt Superman.
Got a paper cup, doesn't hurt Superman.
Info War, Superman starts shriveling up and dying.
And we're not fighting a good man of steel, we're fighting the Diablo.
And let me tell you, just like garlic, metaphysically, metaphorically, historically, archetypally, vampires don't like high noon, they don't like silver bullets, they don't like holy water, they don't like garlic.
What does garlic do?
It wards off disease.
It cleanses the blood of evil.
Holy water, metaphysically, good water, blessed by God.
The sun, you know, giving life to the earth and clarity and vision.
Silver, anti-poison as well to the vampire and the werewolf.
These are archetypes.
But InfoWars is beyond an archetype.
It's a real system in the 21st century that is proven and that has gone through the wars and that has paid the price and that has been persecuted and that has been proven to be dedicated to war against the devil.
And that doesn't mean I'm some sanctimonious fake priest going, I'm so good, and then I'm diddling some kid in the back.
I'm a sinner, and I'm full of life, and I've tasted a lot of things.
Let me tell you something, I've tasted God, and that's where I want to go.
But to get there, we need a group of people of every race, color, and creed.
I call myself white, but you know, I'm really a nice brown, if you're watching on television.
But whether you're white or black or old or young, if you love God and you love liberty, we're brothers and sisters together.
And everything I do is about a win-win, a 360 synergy, a 360 win.
You need supplements.
You need the DNA Force.
33% off.
Been sold off for six months.
You need the best fish oils for adults and children we have.
You need the bodies.
You need the turbo force, total energy.
You need the brain force, total brain.
You need it all at InfoWareStore.com.
And that's how we finance this.
When you sign up for the coffee, or you sign up for the toothpaste, or you sign up for the protein bars, things you're going to want every 15 days, every month, every two months.
You can do 15 days, a month, two months, three months.
After six months, get 10% off for signing up for auto ship.
Then you don't forget about it.
It just comes like a tie to the truth.
You fund this operation and then you get my commitment.
As I've shown you, if we carry anything in the dark of the night, like a fiery torch, it's liberty and it's victory.
But when you feed this flame, you breathe fire into the night and the enemy begins to
I've got some really good news though.
X2's back.
The original X2.
Deep-earth crystal, pure atomic iodine.
What you want.
It'll be here in a week.
Manufactured in the U.S.
With the best iodine in the world.
X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another deep-earth crystal source.
But I thought, add the other two types of iodine.
The scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact that we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again at InfoWarsTore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
If you want to pre-order X2, the ultimate iodine out there, learn about the iodine conspiracy, learn about IQs dropping when you don't have it, learn about how the other iodines are bound, Get yours today at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLive.com.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
It's Matt Bracken.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Okay, don't know where to begin, but Alex always leaves me with some red meat on the
And while I'm making my notes, I usually go back to shake that meat a little bit more and put my own teeth into it.
You know, I'm thinking about the AOC, or as Mark Levin calls her, AOC, because it sounds so creepy, AOC.
Or just call her Cortez.
Giving somebody a hyphenated name, that's just, you know, playing their naming.
I call her Cortez or AOC, but I like AOC.
Sounds like a space alien, a lizard.
You know, it's important to recognize that she didn't come from nowhere.
AOC literally won a commie casting call.
There are Democrat Rasputins, or, you know, Socialist, actually, Democrat Socialist Rasputins behind her, who are old and ugly and white, okay, basically.
And they realized they can't find an easy seat with a vulnerable Democrat representative.
So they literally held a commie casting call.
Wouldn't you love to see the other the other submissions?
You know, like sending in your audition video to Survivor or some, you know, reality TV show.
So Aok had the bubbly, you know, the bubbly voice and big eyes and and basically she's she's basically just a mannequin for the, you know, for the Rasputins behind her.
You could tell it when she was interviewing the Wells Fargo executive yesterday.
She had no follow-ups.
She was reading notes that one of her Rasputins wrote for her.
But when he said, nope, we didn't do that, she was absolutely just stymied.
Okay, well then let's move on to another area where I've been handed a note by my handlers.
So this is where we are.
Probably the most recognizable, leading, energetic, young congressman, congressperson, won a commie casting call, which is like looking, you know, music producers looking for the right face to become the next pop star.
And it doesn't matter if they can sing or not, because with today's with today's audio and computer magic, they can they can digitally harmonize anybody to sounding all right.
So she's literally just a face.
What this tells us is that our country's in deep, deep trouble because it's working.
To the morons that support her, she is literally the second coming.
Green New Deal?
$30 trillion?
Who cares?
That's just numbers.
So we've gone beyond the enlightenment and rational thought into the area of innumeracy.
It's a word like illiteracy.
There are probably half of the country can't understand compound interest, for example.
So if somebody says $3 billion or $30 trillion, literally it means nothing to them any different.
So they have no way of knowing, well, wait a minute, this is impossible, it's going to crash the economy.
Well, that's the plan.
You crash the economy, then you have a ready scapegoat, which will be old white Christian men, primarily, guys like me, that will be blamed.
So this has been seen over and over again, going back to the Jacobins and the French Revolution, the Bolsheviks.
It's a tried and true method.
Wreck the economy, blame your enemies, Which are the, you know, the religious orders in France during the revolution or the kulak farmers in Russia.
Wipe them out so they can never come back.
You do scorched earth on your enemies.
Of course, what these Bolsheviks are too stupid to realize is that as long as we have the Second Amendment, the best they can do is trigger a civil war that I think they'll lose big time.
In history, the communists have lost a couple times, and then they get wiped out too.
So if they come for us like wolves on sheep, we'll have no choice but to go sheepdog on them.
And that has happened in history.
The commies do not always win.
You know, when people talk about Switzerland's own version of the Second Amendment with every man doing military service and then taking his modern battle rifle home, they always point out, yeah, you know, Switzerland's never been invaded by a foreign enemy.
They've also never had their own tyrant.
A tyrant would never get to the place where he could confiscate the weapons from the Swiss.
So Switzerland has been a free country because its citizens are armed and would not put up with a tyrant.
No way, no how.
Now, when we've got such a stupid country, really, I call these the Dunning-Kruger Democrats.
People that are, you know, low IQ, they're easily manipulated.
This is why they want more and more flooding in from the third world.
The lower the IQ, the better.
If they can't speak English, that's great.
They'll need Democrat social workers, translators, everything else.
So, Where you have a chance to make an impact on your family that aren't quite up to speed.
They kind of get that something's wrong.
They don't understand population replacement, what it really means.
But these concepts are really key.
Very key.
Open borders.
Why are the Democrats so adamant about open borders?
They'll let fentanyl flood in.
They'll let murderers come in, be arrested nine times like the last case.
Men murder an American.
The Democrats do not care about the drugs, the human sex slave trafficking.
All they care about is getting future Democrat voters.
This is Cloward-Piven on steroids.
Cloward-Piven, these were two sociologists that came up with the strategy to overwhelm America by flooding it with illegals, wrecking the family, causing more and more people to be government dependent until the system would be overwhelmed.
This is also the point of what they now call single-payer health care.
That the government will be in charge of every aspect of your life.
And to morons, it's very appealing.
So, if you combine open borders and Cloward-Piven, which is a moron population of voters, with, excuse me, Cloward-Piven is flooding the country, then Dunning-Kruger, the morons, and then you're willing to use Alinsky tactics.
Remember, Saul Alinsky learned his tricks from studying the Chicago mob.
So Alinsky tactics are basically distilled down their mafia tactics.
It means you'll do anything that it takes to win.
You'll lie, cheat, steal, bribe, spread false rumors about people.
That's Alinsky.
So together what these concepts point to, we have a ready example in California and increasingly in many other states.
California went from, you know, from Reagan and Pete Wilson and Prop 187 to becoming a Democrat supermajority.
This means there's no influence that the GOP has because of just extreme radical gerrymandering.
Republicans have no influence in the California legislature or executive.
It's being run now like Venezuela.
It's and it is the plan for all 50 states.
If you look at California and you say, well, it sucks to be them.
I wouldn't want to live there.
Thank God I live in Wyoming or Tennessee.
Well, let me tell you, brother, when Texas and or Florida flip in 2020, that is all she wrote.
The Kala Zewaila plan is going to be rammed down our throats and it won't matter if you live in Wyoming or Tennessee or any other red state currently.
They are going to control the whole board the way that they do in California.
The Republicans will be sidelined.
They'll have no power, no impact.
And I'm not saying this will lead, then, to gun confiscation and, you know, some kind of a Bolshevik revolution.
What it's going to lead to, though, is a civil war.
Absolutely for a fact.
And our adversaries are just too stupid to realize this.
And it's not only happening right now in America with this Kalazoela plan.
It's happening in the UK.
You can see where the Brexit deal, the elites, including Theresa May and all the rest, the elites are selling out the people.
They're supposed to be on March 29th.
If there's no deal, a hard Brexit.
Well, this is once again with the EU.
They vote until the EU gets the result that it wants, and it can't ever be accepted that Britain is going to leave.
In France, you've still got the yellow vest protests going on where the police are You're doing everything short of lethal force, blowing off hands, blinding people with exploding grenades that hit them in the face, that are aimed at the face.
So this is not just a phenomenon in America.
We thought with Trump winning and with the Brexit vote that the tide was going to turn.
But the communists are not going down without a fight.
And it's going to take a fight to keep this country free.
and hopefully to maybe someday make Europe free.
And on the other side of the break, we'll come back and I'm going to talk about some
other social media subjects.
And maybe we'll get to phones.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
2019 brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine, but a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
But I was able to secure with the original manufacturer A better deal by breaking my deal with them and playing guts ball where it's only been sold out for a couple months and we got the new deal done just about a month ago and they are manufacturing it now so people get on the waiting list in about two weeks we'll be shipping X2 original all deep earth crystal pure atomic iodine directly to your door
Across the world.
X2's back.
It'll be here in two weeks.
This is a blessing, so get yours at InfoWarsTore.com today.
Again, thank you for your support.
Support your own body with the purest, best iodine out there.
X2 at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Okay, just finishing up a thought that occurred to me You know, this AOC, Cortez, what she's engaged in, and it's getting blatant, not only her, almost all of the radical communists slash Democrats are now using straight from Hitler Goebbels, the big lie.
The main point, I think, of the interview with the Wells Fargo executive was so that AOC could screech about Putting children in cages.
Children in cages.
Children in cages.
It's pure Hitler propaganda.
Just keep repeating a big lie.
And the Dunning-Kruger Democrats, the morons, they're lapping it up.
Oh my God, Trump is evil.
He's putting children in cages.
The fact of it means nothing.
The truth of it absolutely means nothing.
And what I would like to say now, when you're being accused basically of, you know, torturing children, Everything but genocide.
We're called racists.
We're called Nazis.
Trump is called a Nazi after Charlottesville, which is, if you ever see the transcripts, 100% out of context.
He never said the, you know, alt-right Nazis with the torches were good guys.
It wasn't at all.
But that's another big lie.
They just say it and say it and say it.
And it sticks.
So my reaction is, it's time to take off the gloves.
Just like the Islamists.
The communists lie.
Their secular religion of communism has Takiyah exactly the same like the Jihad Islamists.
If it furthers communism, then you can deny you're a communist, just like you can deny you're an Islamist.
I'm a moderate Muslim.
You can say I'm just a moderate demsoc, democrat socialist.
I'm not a communist.
Every time I would hammer them.
I personally call them communists.
Call them lying communists.
Point out to everyone that communists feel justified in lying because to them the central tenet of Marxism is the end justifies the means.
So lying to gull us rubes out and fly over country?
Is just a tactic.
So there's no point in being polite back to these people.
Call them communists.
Remind everyone communists and socialists killed over a hundred million innocent people in the 20th century.
And now they're lining up to do it again.
AOC has the nerve to say that capitalism is unsustainable and irredeemable.
Hello, has she studied what's happening in Venezuela?
The only solution for any country like Venezuela is the free market.
I don't even like using the term capitalism.
That's using the enemy vocabulary.
It's free market economics, free, versus planned socialist economy, which always results in a disaster.
But, it's not a disaster for the people in charge.
If you're one of the elite, the people in the street can be eating each other, they can be diving in dumpsters, they can be selling children.
It doesn't matter, because your hold on power becomes more strong, and you're always going to be able to use your secret police to hide the fact that you are still living the high life, flying helicopters and private jets.
Just like North Korea, but hidden.
Except instead of a starving North Korea, it's a starving Venezuela.
So when AOC should never get a free pass to say that socialism is the answer.
Socialism is communism.
The USSR was not called the Union of Communist Republics.
It was called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
The communist country, its name was socialist, not communist.
And it's a central tenet of Marxism that socialism is just a pathway to communism.
And we need to get on this and stay on it like a bulldog.
Now, just a quick reminder about the InfoWars store.
I know it goes on, but this can't be stated enough.
There are fewer and fewer channels open for the truth.
And the Alex Jones Show, that I'm privileged to be sitting here today, the Alex Jones Show is one of them.
I mean, I just saw the clips that were put together that Alex showed last hour with the YouTube woman explaining why all these bans happened, and it's just ridiculous.
They are willing to take things out of context, spin things 180 degrees, and use them as an excuse to shut down conservatives and libertarians.
Meanwhile, Antifa?
No holds barred.
If you have a couple bucks and you want to keep a great program on the air, the Info Wars store is having a mega sale right now.
Free shipping, double Patriot points, all supplements, 50% off.
Free shipping, everything.
Double Patriot points, everything.
Brain Force, Survival Shield, Super Male Vitality, Alpha Power, Super Blue, 50% off everything.
Now, I just, over the last couple days, I went to a funeral up in Virginia, driving from Florida, solo.
I wish I had a picture of the back of my SUV.
I had a, I had a SEAL Trident.
I had a, a InfoWars sticker.
They're all in magnets, so I can pull them off.
I'm not stupid.
And I had a Gadsden flag.
And I had a Trump Make America Great Again bumper sticker.
So I must have been passed or passed 10,000 cars in that two-day drive up and back.
And I was proud to do it.
You've got to get out and represent.
What they're trying to do is cow us into silence.
And this is what's not only happening in America, if you've been following, Tommy Robinson, if you haven't seen the video called Pano Drama, Which is named, it's a play on the word panorama, which is like a 60 minutes of the BBC.
Tommy Robinson did a sting on these guys where they thought they were coming to interview him.
And he had clips, undercover clips of these panorama executives talking about how they were going to lie about Tommy, splice things together, how the entire project was called Tommy Takedown.
This was just the most brilliant video.
Now Tommy's only up still on YouTube.
When this video came out, he was kicked off of Facebook with the help of Islamist communist groups like Hope Not Hate.
They always name themselves by a lie.
He was taken right off of Facebook.
He's been off of Twitter.
He's taken off of Instagram.
So what they're doing is they're cornering us.
They're marginalizing us.
They're pushing us into the edges.
I myself, the day after Panodrama came out, I put a link on Facebook, just a link to a YouTube video, which was not a banned YouTube video.
It's still on YouTube.
I put the Panadroma link up, and I got my 7th 30-day Facebook suspension or ban in the last year and a half.
So they give me basically a month, then they find a reason to kick me off for a month.
And I don't know this time.
It's like the day after St.
Patrick's Day, I'm due to come out of the cooler.
I'm like the cooler king on Facebook.
I'm due to come out of the cooler.
If somebody give me a baseball mitt, you know, like Steve McQueen.
Anyway, I get back on Facebook in a few days, but I don't know if I'm gonna do it.
Now, I just don't think that it's worth it.
You're just begging to be on enemy territory.
Like, people have suggested I go back to Twitter under a new name.
I won't do it.
I'm not gonna, you know, disguise myself and sneak into a club where they already threw me on the street.
I just won't do it.
So in the next segment, when we come back, I want to talk about some social media options and alternatives and strategies, where this is all going.
Because clearly, they're trying to box us out, shut us down, and silence us.
That's why it's so important that you support the Alex Jones Show, buy the products, be a contributor, and keep this going.
Because literally, we are holding the torch of freedom.
If we don't, nobody will.
The deep state rhino, they won't.
They're on the side of their deep state, even though they might be Republicans.
It's up to us.
Nobody else will do it.
When we come back, that's what we'll talk about.
So freedom of choice, we are the people who are really pro-choice.
We don't support euthanasia, we don't support abortion, but we support health choice.
Isn't it interesting how these different groups shake down on the issue of choice?
That's why I don't use the term pro-choice when I talk about Democrats.
They are just simply pro-abortion.
They don't want you to have a choice about how to educate your child.
They don't want you to have a choice about what kind of medical treatment you or your children are going to have.
And quite frankly, folks, if we go to government-provided health care, they will be the ones deciding not only what health care you get and when, but they will also decide things like whether or not you're going to have meat.
It's not just going to It's going to be the green issue.
It's also going to be the other kind of green.
The kind that goes in your wallet.
They're going to decide that because they're paying the health bills, they get to decide what you're going to eat.
Don't be surprised when they take environmentalism and government health care and combine those two to dictate your diet to you.
But right now you do have a freedom of choice and you do have the ability to choose to support us here at InfoWars.
We set up something here that was not dependent on sponsors to try to be independent of boycotts so that we could speak freely and tell you what we think.
You don't have to agree with us.
I mean, we're going to give you our honest analysis.
You're free to agree or disagree.
We're not going to try to control that, but they are trying to control it.
And so we set up InfowarsStore.com to sell products directly to you.
You can make up your mind.
You can take control of your health.
You still have that opportunity.
And with the products that we sell at InfowarsStore.com, one of the products that we have Well, the first product that I have that I take regularly is DNA Force Plus, and it is now back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com 33% off.
And that is a huge dollar savings because that's a very expensive product to produce.
It has a very rare and unusual ingredient, PQQ, which helps to protect the telomeres.
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Just look it up.
Look up telomeres.
It's like a biological clock.
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All kinds of strange things will happen to you that you do not want to have happen, including side effects like death.
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That's the whole idea behind these supplements here with DNA Force, because PQQ, along with the other ingredients that are there, and there's a lot of very effective ingredients that help the PQQ to work, but the PQQ makes it expensive to get.
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So take a look at Bodies.
It is now 50% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
And again, everything that you buy there helps to support free speech as well as your health.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Matt Bracken.
Okay, I'm back.
Yeah, and I see my books up there.
That's cool.
And if you want to red pill people, I suggest giving my books as gifts, either as a hard copy or Kindle or audiobook.
They're on audiobook if you like to listen to books while you drive.
Anyway, yeah, we're being boxed down step by step.
I was talking about Tommy Robinson last segment.
One of his books, Muhammad's Quran, Why Muslims Kill for Islam, has been taken off of Amazon.
You can still find Mein Kampf, you can find all kind of jihad literature.
But, Tommy Robinson talking about the jihad threat to Europe and to the UK in particular, can't be talked about.
And you can see how the social media titans, they're happy to cooperate with these left-wing groups, like in the States, Southern Poverty Law Center, Or over in the UK, hope not hate.
They're happy to.
So we're in a box.
We're definitely in a box.
We can still talk, but they're dialing down our output.
You know, they're walking behind us with the wire cutters, clipping the cords and yanking out the plugs.
So it's really important.
Support InfoWars.
Keep InfoWars going.
Super important.
Support Tommy Robinson.
Buy his book, Enemy of the State.
It's still available.
Buy my books.
Buy anybody's books that's, you know, that has this vision that we share.
Because it is important.
It is all going down the tubes if we don't.
And in the last few months, I've been searching all over the landscape for, you know, social media alternatives that can work.
And there's somebody very close to me was just booted off of YouTube.
He's not as well known as Tommy Robinson.
His name on the internet is Vlad Tepes.
He lives in a country where he has to be very, very careful.
Very careful.
So anyway, I use my real name and face.
He doesn't.
He can't.
He can't afford to.
But what he has done is set up a website, an amazing website, where he has connections to translators that can take a news clip from, I don't care if it's in Finnish, Or if it's in Bulgarian, the next day it'll be subtitled so that it can be shared all around the world.
You know, you say, what difference does that make?
A Swedish video, a video from Italy.
I can't speak Swedish or Italian.
Well, you don't need to, but it's important to understand this is not just an American phenomenon, this social media shunning.
And Vlad, since he was kicked off of YouTube, check this out.
He had 30,000 videos, most of them are like 2-5 minute clips, most of them, translated.
30,000 videos, 30 million distinct views, often linked on InfoWars.
They just shut him down, removed his channel, and deleted years worth of work, not just uploading videos, but arranging these translations.
Until he just disappeared.
So what's left?
Well, you can, you know, there's BitChute, there's many other alternatives, but one that he's actually using right now is called Bit.tube.
And it's a true BitTorrent.
BitChute was sold as BitTorrent, but it really is using servers.
And BitTube is a pure BitTorrent site.
This is not rocket science, the BitTorrent theory has been around for a long time, but BitTube is trying to make a go of it using true BitTorrent technology.
If you click on a video, after 10 or 15 seconds, as it's drawing in more of the torrent, the video will come up to very high def.
Most BitShoot videos run at like 480, but you can use the sprocket and dial the def up as high as you want.
And everybody that joins is part of it, but nobody's paying in.
You're basically agreeing to be part of this sharing network.
That's the essence of BitTorrent.
It can't be shut down because there is no central server.
There is no boss somewhere, you know, that has all the videos saved.
The videos are in the cloud.
The videos are shared between all our computers.
So give Bit.Tube a look.
And the guy I know, Vlad Tepes, he's trying to rebuild the 30,000 videos that were taken down by YouTube.
And if this is a message from Vlad, if you have, if you can remember in particular great videos that you had saved and you can remember their titles, Contact me or contact Vlad through VladTepes.com.
And tell him and he'll re-upload the videos that really struck people onto Bit.Tube.
But this is really super important because if we just play on the enemy terrain, we are just circling the drain.
We have no chance unless we find our own way that's not subject to censorship.
And, you know, there are not only BitTube is one one that another one that is suggested now is something called is called dissenter.com, which is an offshoot of Gab, which has its own story.
And Gab is still extremely viable for people that like Gab.
I do recommend it for the people that enjoy it, but Gab has an offshoot called TheDissenter.com, where people just post links to articles, so there's no problem with copyright or anything like that.
In a fast computer era, it doesn't matter if you're just putting a link And then you can click between two windows.
You can see the article, then make comments.
And these comments are not going to be subject to censorship.
Now, to keep them from being spammed and trolled, what the liberals do is, you know, they'll post, you know, kiddie porn pictures, things like that.
Then have Media Matters take a screen capture to try to shut down the conservative website.
Remember, it's Alinsky Tactics.
It's Mafia.
Nothing is out of bounds for these guys.
So by using thedissenter.com, you're going around that, and we'll see if this can stand up and survive.
It's growing like crazy.
It's really growing.
And we'll see where it goes.
But my point is, try to distribute Your links.
Try to distribute your information.
One that I'm still on, FreeZoxy, it's still up.
And, you know, you can post links there, videos, etc.
But, you know, I'm off of Twitter forever.
I don't think I'll go back to Facebook.
And we've all got to find an alternative.
InfoWars itself is emerging as a pretty good social media platform in its own right.
The point is, let's stop playing in enemy territory.
I know Facebook is Got a lot of great attributes, and all your family's on it, so it makes it real easy to share political stuff with one family member, and, you know, kitten memes with another family member.
But when we're going to Facebook, we're putting money in Zuckerberg's pocket.
You remember how he was back in Europe like two years ago, talking to Merkel and saying, yeah, we've got to do something about all this conservatism on the internet.
And he's like, I'm with you.
You know, we'll get rid of them.
We'll take them down.
It's a paraphrase, but that's what they meant.
That was caught on an open mic.
And, you know, we're just playing on enemy turf when we go there.
So anybody that contacts me, if you've got a better link, if you've got a better suggestion for video streaming, for social media, I'm all ears.
Because this is really, in the emerging warfare leading up to 2020, political warfare I mean, internet warfare, electronic warfare, Social media is a key battlefield, and you can just imagine, as we get closer to 2020, how effective voices will be increasingly banned from left-wing social media.
It doesn't take a rocket science to see that what happened to InfoWars was just a beta test for doing this to more and more conservatives.
First, they come for Alex Jones, then they come for Tommy Robinson, then they come for Matt Bracken, and there's no end to it.
And something that it drives me crazy, I still hear people talking about being the gray man.
I'm just going to slide through this attempted Bolshevik revolution, which is probably going to lead to a civil war.
I'm going to stay in the shadows.
You know what I say that the gray man is?
The gray man is a coward.
Unless you got like six kids under 10 years old and a job in the government, maybe.
But the gray man is a coward.
The gray man ensures that the communists are going to win.
Because he won't come out of his hiding hole until the smoke is cleared.
But when the smoke is cleared, there might be gulag barbed wire around his hole.
And then what, gray man?
So put your InfoWars bumper sticker on a magnet if you want, like me.
Put your MAGA bumper sticker on the back of your car.
On a magnet if it makes you feel better.
But get out and present.
Don't be a coward.
Don't be the gray man.
And I think we'll be coming back just in a few minutes.
This Facebook insider contacted us some time ago and provided us with what she says are internal Facebook documents.
I saw things going on that I personally found to be troubling.
I knew that something had to be done about it and so I felt that the best thing to do was to inform the public because they had a right to know.
This is Danny Ben-David, a software engineer.
In the leaked documents our insider gave us, we came across a back-end view of Mike Cernovich's page.
On it, we could see Ben-David running an action called Action Deboost Live Distribution.
In fact, Ben-David wrote the code and may have invented the word deboost.
Deboosting is a method of suppressing distribution.
This occurs because props such as share this video are disabled.
Interactive notifications Notifications are also disabled and the live feed boost associated with a live streaming video on Facebook is removed.
This is Seiji Yamamoto, a data science manager for Facebook since 2015.
On Facebook's private workplace, Yamamoto makes it clear that he is on a crusade against hate speech.
What exactly do the engineers at Facebook define trolling and hate speech as?
In one slide from Yamamoto's deck, he writes, Introducing friction via the Troll Twilight Zone will confuse and demoralize them.
On his next slide, he defines the Troll Twilight Zone, saying it will enact drastically limited bandwidth, auto logouts, and comments and posts will magically fail to upload, unquote.
Just below this, Yamamoto writes that his Troll Twilight Zone feature will be triggered, quote, leading up to important elections, unquote.
Do you think they're trying to influence elections?
I think, like many people, they believe that the 2016 election of Donald Trump was a fluke.
It happened because all these trolls were sharing, you know, anti-Hillary memes.
So it's in their interest, as a very homogenous company, to kind of shut this down.
James O'Keefe from Project Veritas.
They've just released their latest bombshell video exposing Facebook de-boosting, having a troll patrol.
It's really just crazy stuff.
What is the latest video from Project Veritas?
What did you guys expose is going on over there at Facebook?
Well, an insider inside Facebook came to us with a series of documents.
from within Facebook and said that they are de-boosting people.
What does that mean?
Well, the documents show code that assigned a de-boost score, which means they are downranking live stream videos.
They are making it so that it doesn't show up on your timeline if it contains certain keywords.
And this is without you knowing.
So it's very similar to what happened with Twitter last year with the shadow banning stuff that we exposed.
So the engineers are de-boosting certain videos that show up on the Daily Caller, Steven Crowder, Mike Cernovich, and other websites, but only on the conservative websites.
This insider looked at liberal websites that did not show up.
She also released documents of a so-called troll report.
We have all these documents on our website and it shows key words that they're using to identify a troll score.
This is using machine learning and all these sort of computer programs that assign troll scores to people on Facebook if you use certain words.
These are not white supremacist words or racist words.
These are words like normie and lulz and MSM and these sort of words that have been appropriated by conservatives and meme culture.
So Facebook Facebook has never said that they've done this publicly.
This is a secret program in these documents that this person who blew the whistle gave to us and lost her job as a result.
So pretty significant stuff.
The people watching your show, which there are many, many, many committed, heroic, brave
individuals watching this program as I speak, my request is to have people on this show go
to projectbaratos.com/brave and send us an encrypted note if you are on the inside of these companies.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Okay, before I get off of social media and YouTube and all of that entirely, I did want to mention something still on YouTube, like Tommy Robinson, is one of the best videos I've seen in I don't know how long.
For really good videos, I think you have to wait, because it takes a while for the inspiration to produce them, and then life gets in the way, you know, you can catch the flu, you can be out on business trips, I get it.
But our own Paul Joseph Watson, his newest video, which is up last night, is called The Collapse of Western Civilization.
And not only should everybody in the InfoWars audience watch this video, I recommend that you share it.
Share it with your family that aren't completely closed off to the potential of what's coming.
I mean, it's so well done.
It's just amazing.
You know, I wish that I could do videos like that.
I don't have the talent that he has, but I can at least push it, promote it, encourage people to share the links and save them on other video sites like BitChute and BitTube and the other ones.
But watch the video and share it.
It's literally about indicators going back through every civilization about the imminent collapse of that civilization.
And Paul Joseph Watson just ticks them off.
And has experts talking about each one in video clips inside of the video.
But I can't recommend it too much.
Please share it with your family.
And if they think it's a joke, if they think you're being hyperbolic, at least it's been planted.
The seed has been planted.
And while I'm on YouTube, there are three other guys, at least three, I mean three that come off the top of my head.
Black Pigeon Speaks, who's an American expat in Japan, I believe.
He's not shown on camera, just his voice.
His videos are brilliant.
If you have the time, go back and surf through his videos.
Black Pigeon Speaks.
He's a genius.
Sargon of Akkad, he's not exactly a conservative, but he's been very fair on the social media issue, you know, with the Rogan interview last week, etc.
He's extremely fair.
Sargon of Akkad, I look on my subscribed favorites for these guys every day.
And right up there with Sargon, Black Pigeon Speaks, and Paul Joseph Watson, I put the Brit named Iconoclast.
He's also just terrific.
To me, these are the top tier.
They make videos that are, you know, five, twelve minutes long, but they have something to say.
These guys are geniuses.
And you might not have the argument to give to your family member, your associates at work, but if you can drop the links in a non-judgmental way, just like, hey, check this out, you can red pill a lot of people.
And that's the point of what we're doing here.
It's not enough for us to preach to the choir.
Coming to InfoWars, shopping in the InfoWars store, all of that's great, but if we're not rebroadcasting to the larger audience that doesn't watch, then we're not really doing our part.
You know, Alex, David Knight, they're all doing all that they can, but promoting the video clips, you know, War Room with Owen, Promote the video clips, share them.
You have it in the power, you know, millions of individuals have it in their power to relink these links and increase by many fold the number of eyes and minds that will be exposed to this information.
It's not enough that you know, and you know what I think about you gray men, you know, hiding in your hole till the dust settles.
It's too late for that.
You've got to get out.
You've got to stand up.
You've got to not only be brave personally, you have to be brave for the other ones.
For the other ones.
You know, there's a reason those, you know, the lieutenants would go over the top first, just with a whistle and a pistol.
Because the enlisted men aren't going to go if the lieutenant and the captain are hiding.
You've got to be the brave man, not the gray man.
If you're waiting for John Wayne, he's not coming.
If you're waiting for Paul Revere, he's already come a hundred times.
Now is the time to stand up and blow your own horn.
I mean, if you're too chicken to put a magnetized InfoWars or MAGA bumper sticker on your car, good grief!
What's going to happen when they're doing red flags and people are getting shot?
Are you suddenly going to get brave then?
How's that work?
I've never seen that happen in my life.
If you're too afraid to wear the t-shirt, the InfoWars t-shirt, If you're too afraid now, you think you'll suddenly be so brave you'll be digging up your gun?
No, you won't.
You'll be hiding until we're Bolshevized.
So now is the time to be brave.
And this brings me up to Donald Trump and our great hopes for him when he was elected.
Number one, he was our great hope because he was not Hillary Clinton.
If Hillary had won, the deep state coup would have been a complete success.
The plan, as we now know, from the Page and Strzok released interviews, the congressman just released these PDF files.
The plan was, this was probably, you know, you can read between the lines, this was the Tormach deal plan.
Hillary wins.
Loretta Lynch stays on as Attorney General, so she can continue to hide and cover up all the crimes, Uranium One, everything else, Fast and Furious, all the crimes.
She can continue to be the Crypt Keeper of Democrat crimes.
Comey stays on as FBI Director, and when he's had enough, he's going to give it to McCabe, the trusted Andrew McCabe, Deep State SES operative.
And they will just keep the same game playing.
Well, Trump was the great disruptor.
He blew that up.
That's why Strzok and Page were texting each other about, you know, the menace that he is.
And thank God that those emails, those text messages were recovered.
Now, in the last two days, I read both the Page and Strzok testimonies.
It's not as dull as it looks when you open that PDF scribd file, but If you just are looking for, like, you know, Meadows and Jordan, and you skip the, you know, the Democrat-Communist, because, you know, they're just going to be saying, you know, isn't it terrible that the FBI is losing its respect because of those horrible conservatives?
So just scroll past that.
That cuts the reading in half.
And you can clearly see they had this all planned out, and Trump blew up the plan.
Since he was elected, how has he been doing?
How much wall is being built?
He says that the wall is being built.
The emergency resolution, the vote on the emergency resolution, I guess that's today.
I don't know if it's going to happen.
I haven't been keeping track.
But ever since 2016 in the election, we've been led on with false hopes, gulling the rubes.
First, it was Stealth Jeff.
Jeff Sessions wasn't really just, you know, the legend of Sleepy Hollow.
He was actually a tornado hidden, and he's going to come out any day and lay the deep state coup bare.
QAnon, in my opinion, total hoax from day one, just like, you know, many other hoaxes in the past.
The Hitler diaries, Howard Hughes diaries, etc.
Total hoax.
And I really hate hoaxes because, you know, if you want to write fiction, be a novelist, put it in a book, call it fiction.
So, nothing came out of QAnon.
All the promises about the eventual exposure of the Deep State coup.
Then there's Huber.
Oh, Huber's coming in.
We've got a guy out in Utah.
He's going to get to the bottom of it.
And now the latest of these, hopefully not this time, of false hope is Attorney General Barr is now supposedly in command.
And he looks like a guy that's quite the opposite of Sleepy Stealth Jeff.
I think that it's no accident that Weisman quit or announced he's quitting today.
And I use an analogy to a poker game.
If Mueller is at the poker table, he's got the big hand that everybody expects has four aces, or at least that's what the left-wing media is hoping.
That's what the Democrats are hoping.
And it's looking increasingly like there's nothing there.
I mean, elsewise, wouldn't it have leaked?
But then where everybody's saying, well, why doesn't just Trump just declassify everything?
It's in his power to declassify.
Well, it's a poker game.
It's the sequence of who lays down cards is very important.
Trump isn't going to declassify until the definitive Mueller report is out and digested.
Then I think he'll declassify.
But short of that, this congressman that released publicly the then-classified or confidential transcripts of the Page and the Strzok testimony, what he's doing is throwing down another card, which Mueller has to react to.
And with Weissman quitting now, And we can only imagine what's been going on now between Barr and Mueller and Weissman, all of these characters, the congressional committees.
We don't know because they know a lot more than we do.
And so what we can see through the keyhole, what we can see is what looks like a game being played of timing.
Weissman quitting, they may be going into CYA mode.
You know, Weissman may be luring up pretty soon.
Because, you know, for sure, Lindsey Graham, Mark Meadows, Jeff Jordan, they're not going to let go of this bone.
They're going to tear it up.
Now, we'll see what can come of it, but I don't think that they're on the lease.
I think, you know, in the transcripts, Trey Gowdy was terrific, but he's quit.
I guess Trey's, you know, gone for a TV career or something.
But, you know, the real heroes, the Jordans and the Meadows, they are fighters.
They are fighters.
And we're just coming up now to the big culmination of the...
Now, I'm so excited about this, because they taste so good, they're so great, they're such high quality, and I can't wait to hear them try to demonize that we're selling high quality infused protein bars.
We went to, again, three of the top manufacturers in the country.
We said we want to up the protein level, up the quality, You know, you're already top of the line.
We're gonna lower the price.
At regular price, in the packs of 12, it's $3.
15 grams of protein and so much more.
These are super high quality.
No fillers, nothing.
But under the discount we've got going, it's 40% off when you get two boxes.
Instead of 25% off, it's like $2.40.
Everybody's like running around the office.
This is the best protein bar.
They taste better than candy bars.
Your body's like, this is what I want.
This is what I need.
This is how you fund the info war.
Instead of going and paying more for bars that aren't even as good in many cases, at Whole Foods or wherever, you get the highest quality, you get a discount, and you fund the