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Name: 20190312_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 12, 2019
3073 lines.

Alex Jones' radio show covers a range of topics, including vaccines, censorship, politics, and health supplements. The show promotes survivalist camps and heart health extracts while criticizing the media for not reporting on certain issues. Infowars.com is also promoted throughout the show along with various products available for purchase.

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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(sirens blaring)
It's gradually becoming clear to anyone questioning the science and statistics
generated by the vaccine industry that they will be silenced by the gods of Silicon Valley
if they do not speak glowingly of vaccinations.
A logical adult conversation about the pros and cons of vaccines is no longer an option.
If you could share additional ideas about that you developed over because of the experience you've
had as to how to effectively reach out to parents and address their concerns so that they are
confident in the advice that their doctors, advice of their doctors, and don't hesitate to have their
children immunized. I know you've spoken to this a little bit already. Yes, thank you for
that question actually because there's a really important distinction needs to be made between the
information provided as we discussed earlier. When you see that with a lot of the anti-vaccine
community that a large portion of the foundation that they build to communicate with parents
is on a very anecdotal level sharing stories and experiences.
And that speaks volumes to people because, at least for even my family, my mom would reaffirm that her position was correct because she knows people and she's seen stories.
Regardless, that roughly $4 billion has been quietly doled out from vaccine-related injuries, according to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.
Despite the government admitting to and paying $4 billion for vaccine injuries, no informed consent is used or required when you vaccinate your child.
This may be the only medical procedure in today's medical world where an informed consent is not required.
But if the fear of this is valid, are we to find that next we'll be mandating flu vaccines?
Between 12,000 and 56,000 people die from the flu, or are said to die from the flu in America, and there's estimated to be a few hundred from measles.
So I would guess that those who want to mandate measles will be after us on the flu next.
Yet the current science only allows for educated guessing when it comes to the flu vaccine.
Each year, before that year's flu vaccine or strain is known, the scientists put their best guess into that year's vaccine.
Some years it's completely wrong.
We vaccinate for the wrong strain of flu vaccine.
Yet five states already mandate flu vaccines.
Is it really appropriate to mandate a vaccine that more often than not vaccinates for the wrong flu strain?
As we contemplate forcing parents to choose this or that vaccine, I think it's important to remember that force is not consistent with the American story, nor is force consistent with the liberty our forefathers sought when they came to America.
I don't think you have to have one or the other, though.
I'm not here to say, don't vaccinate your kids.
If this hearing is for persuasion, I'm all for the persuasion.
I vaccinated myself.
I vaccinated my kids.
For myself and my children, I believe that the benefits of vaccines greatly outweigh the risks.
But I still do not favor giving up on liberty for a false sense of security.
Of course, vaccines are also responsible for disease prevention, as the CDC estimates that vaccinations will prevent more than 21 million hospitalizations and 732,000 deaths among children born in the last 20 years.
But the true debate remains at a standstill, as since 1988, over 20,428 petitions have been filed with the VICP.
428 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 30-year time period, 17,718 petitions
have been adjudicated, with 6,430 of those determined to be compensable, while 11,288
were dismissed.
And again, total compensation paid over the life of the program is approximately $4 billion.
Children today are expected to endure 36 vaccinations.
Within the same time period that my generation, Generation X, received just 5 to 13 vaccinations maximum.
Meanwhile, cases of autism have skyrocketed since the early 90s.
It's not rocket science, but it is a dangerously unresolved medical crisis that deserves further open debate if it is ever to be truly addressed.
Furthermore, the censorship of the debate represents a glaring example of the vicious attack on free
speech by the industries violating that free speech for their own corporacratic
John Bowne reporting.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
I've got some really good news though.
X2's back.
The original X2.
Deep-earth crystal, pure atomic iodine.
What you want.
It'll be here in a week.
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X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another deep-earth crystal source.
But I thought, add the other two types of iodine.
The scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in fullmorestore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Owen Schroer filling in for Alex Jones on this Tuesday, March 12, 2019.
And as of right now, we have a wide open broadcast.
Leo Zagami may be joining us to talk about a story where the Yellow Vests are going after a Masonic Lodge.
So the media is trying to act like the Yellow Vests protests aren't still going on.
They are.
Paul Joseph Watson will host the fourth hour, and between now and then, I have stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks of news to get to.
But you know, it's not that I feel pressure when I come on air here, and I know I'm about to be speaking to millions of people.
The pressure is to be as Concise and focused and concentrated and understanding the real issues at the root of the problems as I possibly can be.
And then being clairvoyant enough to lay them out in a matter that is understandable and persuasive.
And there's a lot of distractions here on planet Earth.
There's a lot of trivial things that we become obsessed with and there's a lot of selfish, narcissistic tendencies that are always going to plague us as humans.
But how do you decide where you land on the map?
How do you decide what you stand for?
How do you decide what To stand and fight for.
How do you decide where you draw the line in the sand?
And, for me personally, watching that John Bowne report in the first segment, and just covering all the vaccine news that I have for the last week and a half now, I know where I stand.
I know my mission.
And you know what?
It's ugly to be in the position that we're in here at InfoWars.
Because you know what?
At the end of the day, I mean, I do everything I can to bring you as much news as possible and then tie the dots together and then show you what that means for the future.
But this is what InfoWars' role really is.
It's to sit here like a rock in the way of tyranny.
That's our role.
That's my role.
And you know what?
If Alex Jones has to be a little rambunctious in that role, if I have to be a little loud and aggressive in that role, then God bless us.
Because when you look out on the horizon, sometimes you feel like you're all alone.
And nobody wants to stand in the way of this unstoppable force known as tyranny.
And the vaccines is just an example, just a microcosm.
But if you can somehow red pill someone on the issue of vaccines, then maybe they can start to understand everything.
It's kind of like yesterday how I talked about the loose thread was the fact that it was actually Hillary Clinton That colluded with Russia, not Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election.
And you pull that loose thread, all of a sudden the emperor has no clothes.
This isn't about me telling you not to take a vaccine.
This isn't about me telling you that vaccines are causing autism.
This isn't about me telling you they're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines that jack into your DNA because they have it all studied and they know that if your DNA has this deficiency, you're going to get cancer, you're prone to it, so they jack it into the vaccine and then BING!
Pediatric cancer shoots up a thousand percent.
That's not what I'm here to tell you.
You can do that research for yourself.
You can believe what you want to believe about that.
But here's what I will stand till the death.
Americans right to choose whether they get to take a vaccine or not.
And that's our role here at InfoWars to stand in the way defiant like a rock.
In this wave of tyranny, we will not move.
And you're right there behind us as part of the rock.
We're all this rock standing in the way of tyranny together.
And there's another level to that.
I didn't even know that this was going to be in the news today.
And it's funny, because I had a whole list of notes breaking down the Democrats pulling back from impeachment, and I left it at home, but it's no big deal.
Because it's much more important than this.
This comes out of CNBC.
The man who invented the web says it's now dysfunctional with perverse incentives.
As a regular user of the internet, to put it lightly, you could say obsessive.
I've been reporting on this for a while, folks.
The Internet is different than it was five years ago.
The Internet is different than it was two years ago.
SEOs are different than they were two years ago.
Google has the whole thing rigged and algorithm and censored so much that even alternative SEOs like DuckDuckGo can't even work properly.
And I'm just seeing it all in real time.
But the Internet, again, is just a microcosm of the world.
The world is just as rigged as the internet.
The world is just as censored as the internet.
And I realized something last night.
Through my own life and my own experience.
But really it's just common sense and it's always been true.
You will be blind in this world If you are not connected to God.
Because there'll be some day.
Believe me.
And who knows how many times we've already been down this road.
We could be going down this road right now as we speak.
There'll be some day where they'll say there was not ever two genders.
Where men and women never even got married, had kids.
And that's just one example.
I mean, you're already seeing it.
You're already seeing the slippery slope.
And so there'll be a time we're saying that 2 plus 2 equals 4 is considered insane.
It's considered lunacy.
But how will you know what's real?
How do you look at the world and know what's real?
How do you listen to what people say and know if they're genuine or not?
You have to ask for God's vision.
You have to ask for God's discernment.
And you have to really, truly seek it out.
And you have to find that connection.
And if you lack that connection, you will be blind in this world.
And so you can sit here and talk about whatever is behind it, the Illuminati, the Deep State, Satan.
It doesn't matter.
It all has the same result.
And if you're not connected to the Creator, you will be blind in this world.
You will be deceived.
You will believe all of Satan's lies because they come off as the truth.
And it's kind of the same thing where somebody's trying to tell you that 2 plus 2 equals 5, and it's like, okay, I'm not even going to try to argue with you.
I know it equals 4, but go on believing what you believe, and you can look around and you find Kindred spirits that are like, yeah, I know, it equals four, you know, we don't know what's wrong with this person.
But slowly but surely, they're trying to get rid of God, they're trying to get rid of common sense, they're censoring reality, they're rigging reality, they're rigging the internet, they're censoring the internet, and it's all about total control.
And so, when I sit here and think about my role as I host the Alex Jones Show today, it's to stand here like a rock in the face of tyranny, never, ever to be moved.
We will always stand against tyranny.
Maybe not.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
We cannot lose if we just stand against tyranny.
We cannot lose if we just stand against tyranny. Period. We cannot lose when you stand steadfast
against evil.
♪ We used to dream ♪ Period.
And again, it's not that I feel pressure when I'm hosting the Jones Show.
It's that I want to be as effective as possible.
And these times are truly so important and it just hits you in waves.
But I just realized, you know, the media does this whole thing where they want to make you feel like a piece of crap.
And there's multiple waves and levels of this, where first they create a degenerative society, then you engage in the degenerative society, then you become the degenerative society, then you just are a degenerate.
And so yeah, once you've become a degenerate and you don't take care of your mental health, you don't take care of your physical health, you really don't even give a damn about anything, then it's really easy to feel like a piece of crap, isn't it?
Because, well, maybe you are!
And so they use that against you so that you have this whole...
Self-reflection of feeling like garbage.
And then when you feel like garbage and like nothing, you're never gonna try to change the world.
You're never gonna stand against evil.
And I realized in my own skin, it's not that I feel guilty, but I've always thought, you know, look, I'm no choir boy.
I'm not perfect.
Who am I to stand up and be righteous?
In the face of wickedness, who am I to stand here to be a leader?
I'm nothing.
I'm fallen.
I'm weak.
I've made mistakes.
But then I realized, as long as you stand against evil, and as long as you're firm against tyranny, you cannot lose.
We cannot lose.
They can destroy us in the process, and they've been trying to.
And that's just victory.
Because that's what this whole fight is all about.
And who knows if we'll ever be able to fix all the corruption and evil that's occupying this planet, this reality.
But you'll always have victory if you fight it.
But then I realized the level of propaganda that even I fall for, thinking less of myself because I'm worldly, instead of thinking, no, you are a good person.
You're trying to be better.
You're trying to help people.
You're trying to change the world.
So are you out there.
And so we have to realize, look, we're not saints.
We're sinners.
And we've all fallen.
To the wicked deceptions and the gravity of all the things that give us short-term satisfaction, instead of realizing the bigger picture, and instead of channeling the things that are universal, and we know are good.
But we're kind of starting to get back on our feet right now.
We're kind of starting to realize what we have to do here, and that's because the true evil is rearing its head when they go for late-term abortion, when they use propaganda to force you to take a vaccine.
And so, you know what?
You can be the biggest degenerate out there, but if you stand against tyranny, Then you're better than most of your counterparts, if you're willing to take that mantle.
And this isn't me patting me on the back or patting you on the back.
I just want you to realize that, for example, watching the Tucker Carlson opening segment last night, whether you think he should be fired or not, whether you think his comments were too far or not, it doesn't matter.
It's the fact that Tucker stood there and said, I'm not going to be bullied.
I'm not gonna let hate mobs deter me from my mission, from my goal.
Now, Tucker Carlson isn't perfect.
Never claimed to be.
InfoWars isn't perfect.
Never claimed to be.
But here's one promise that InfoWars will always deliver on, and that's we're gonna stand like a rock against tyranny.
And so, you're not gonna force-vaccinate You're not going to late-term abort.
You're not going to censor reality and censor the internet and get away with it.
You might do it!
You will do it!
You have done it!
But we're going to continue to call it out, despite all the threats, despite all the attacks, and despite everything.
Now, I think I've gotten everything I need to off my chest here today, and I'm going to get to some news and probably open up the phone lines as well.
But as we are nearing the 2020 election cycle, we do have a lot of important philosophical questions to ask ourselves.
And the tricky thing to realize is.
Here we are today, March 2019.
A year from now, March 2020, we'll be nearing the nomination process, but just imagine this.
March 2020 is going to be so diametrically different than March 2019, I'm not even going to try to figure it out.
But I can tell you, if I'm sitting in this studio, A year from today, the world as we know it is not going to be the same.
Because we're in a quickening, the vortex of reality is tightening, and so everything is happening until we reach the singularity, which is the bottom of the vortex.
So I understand It's easy to get dizzy, it's easy to get disoriented, it's easy to get confused, but that's why you have to humble yourself and just sink into the sand as the waves wash over you and just affirm your stance against tyranny like a big gigantic rock as the waves crash against it.
And those waves are going to crash against it a lot, and it's going to reshape that rock.
It's going to create sand off that rock.
But as long as you're there as that rock, stopping that flow of tyranny, that is victory.
And that's what we do at Infowars.
And that's what this audience does.
And that's what hopefully more people in this country are going to do, around the world are going to do.
And maybe, just maybe, we can get them in the right positions of power, in the government and industry,
to clear up some of this corruption and disgust that has overwhelmed our culture and our society.
News on the other side, this is the Alex Jones Show, don't go anywhere.
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And I read it and I was like, you know what?
I don't care anymore.
I don't care anymore.
Because, again, I'm at least trying, and they're not.
So, the power is in the person who's trying, regardless of the success.
If you're trying, you've got all the power.
You're driving the agenda.
You're doing all this stuff.
Like, I just introduced Green New Deal two weeks ago, and it's creating all of this conversation.
Because no one else has even tried.
Because no one else has even tried.
So people are like, oh, it's unrealistic.
Oh, it's vague.
Oh, it doesn't address this little minute thing.
And I'm like, you try.
You do it.
Because you're not.
Because you're not.
So until you do it, I'm the boss.
How about that?
Look at me.
Look at me.
I'm the captain now.
So until you do it, I'm the boss.
I'm the king.
Blow up.
[music playing]
[dog barking]
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
You know, I'm really not sure how you address a country that suffers, the number I think is about 20,000 deaths
because of September 11, 2001, 3,000 that day, tens of thousands in the aftermath.
And we blamed radical Islam.
Spent trillions of dollars fighting radical Islam, and now we never ended that war, we never said that that was a false narrative, we never said it wasn't radical Islam, and now we're told to embrace Islam or we're Islamophobic.
And I was actually listening to a powerful interview Michael Savage had with a Muslim author, and I won't get into the weeds on it, but basically, and you have the Iranian restart happening right now, But imagine, I mean there's billions of Muslims in the world, okay?
Not all of them want to kill the United States of America, not all of them want to wipe Israel off the map.
It's just the extreme ones that do.
And their religious leadership promotes those ideas, and there is basically a 7th century form of Islam that is still pretty much in power.
It'd basically be like if Christians were basically Orthodox Christians and engage in all the fasting and all the other stuff that the Bible talks about.
They don't.
But, listening to this woman, she highlights something that's not talked about enough, how there are Muslim heretics.
It's like, imagine the left in America, You've got the left in America that's gone totally extreme, out of their minds, violent, hateful, disgusting, but that's not all of them.
And there's some that are seeing that and they're kind of like, okay, well we need to leave that, we need to get away from that, we need to find something else.
That's actually happening in the religion of Islam right now.
But the media doesn't want you to hear about that, and there's multiple layers as to why that is, and I'm not even going to try to break that down.
When I see the story that was just handed to me, man yells Allahu Akbar at funeral of German woman murdered by Muslim boyfriend, it just continues this divide and I just don't know what to do at this point because We've been lied to so much about these wars in the Middle East.
I mean, most of them are funded by the West.
I mean, it's a joke.
It's not all of them.
And then people say, well, that means they're funded by Jews.
And so then you go down the whole Zionist thing.
And it's like, look, man, I'm just trying to figure out what the hell is going on here.
They tell us that 9-11, the biggest terror event in U.S.
history, was done by radical Islam.
And then they tell us to accept radical Islam.
And then you have Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib saying Allahu Akbar and getting sworn in on a Koran.
So it's like, I don't know what the hell's going on, but it doesn't make sense, you see?
I just want things to make sense.
But if you're Tommy Robinson, you're not even allowed to exist.
And they're trying to totally erase him just off of the planet Earth, really.
I mean, they'll erase him off the internet, then they'll just throw him in jail and lock and throw away the key, and you know, you'll never hear from Tommy Robinson again.
Because how dare he call out a Muslim... I guess... I don't even know what you would call it.
A group of Muslims that were...
Trafficking children, basically?
You know, he's not allowed to do that.
Because, you know, Muslims are somehow protected all of a sudden, because I guess we lied about 9-11 and it wasn't really Muslims.
But they never told us that, did they?
So what are we to believe?
We're just supposed to be confused, fighting with each other for the rest of time.
That's what the establishment really wants.
But I'm pontificating here, and I still haven't gotten to any of this important news, like the Democrats pulling back from impeachment.
Which just tells you, I mean, even Adam Schiff is pulling back from impeachment.
So, I mean, there are so many different reasons why that could be.
But, you notice how the radical lefts, watch, this won't even stop the radical left from going out in the street and calling for impeachment, folks.
They've been so radicalized.
Nancy, you can't bring these people back into the barn.
They're gone.
You've radicalized the left so much, Adam Schiff, you can't wrangle them back up just because you're saying, uh, nope, impeachment isn't gonna work.
It's too late!
They already drank your Kool-Aid!
They're already on the suicide mission!
They're already in the death cult!
So, Adam Schiff, who says, I've seen the Russian collusion with my own eyes, he now says, well, impeachment isn't a good option.
You are such a lying scumbag, and much worse.
Nancy Pelosi says impeachment just isn't worth it.
I'm not for it.
Now, if the Democrats were honest people, they'd say, look, we lied about the Russian collusion thing.
We hyped up the Mueller report.
There's nothing there.
We're sorry.
But they're not going to do that.
They're just going to say, oh, it's not worth it.
Oh, we don't want to divide the country with impeachment.
You know, you people are so satanic.
I can't even put words to it.
The deception these people engage in as they try to divide the country, as they try to incite civil war, as they try to incite race war, to sit here And all of a sudden act like they're choosing the path of righteousness?
Oh, well, we don't want to do impeachment.
It'd be selfish and it'd divide the country.
You sacks of garbage know exactly you have been dividing this country for the last two years.
And so... But see, that's what I'm saying.
Honestly, folks, the average human wouldn't even be able to see this.
They would have no clue.
And, but, you don't even have to be informed, because, that's what I'm saying, like, I can come on here and give you all the information that you want, and give you all the information that you need to be informed.
If you're connected to God, you don't need it!
You can look at a Nancy Pelosi and an Adam Schiff and you just have God's vision and you just know that is total evil.
You know, I haven't even plugged today.
And the censorship continues to ramp up.
I have an entire stack of censorship news right here in front of me that I'm going to get to.
Obviously, Alex Jones totally banned de-platformed off the internet.
I've got one last place.
I've got Twitter.
I'm personally banned off Facebook and YouTube.
I actually have the world record for shortest stay on Facebook of 12 hours.
But you know what?
As long as the Satanists and the Statists and the people that want to abort their children and the people that want to force you to take a vaccine, as long as they attack us and try to censor us and want to shut down, I will just bask in their hatred.
I will revel.
I will revel in the fact that they want to shut down.
Because that means we're doing something right.
I'm telling you, we're not perfect.
It's not even close.
But man, if they hate us, that means we're effective and that means we're fighting the good fight.
So folks, please go to InfoWarsTore.com today to make sure that we're on air tomorrow.
And we've got great products that you need for your house.
I've got a story today, I'm going to cover it later, talking about air pollution in your home.
Folks, well, you had the USA Today say that air is racist yesterday.
So, I mean, yeah, that's a real story.
Air is racist now.
But I can't get distracted.
The air is polluted.
That's a fact.
Science has come out.
Even your home has polluted air.
So go to Infowarsstore.com.
We've got the best air filters for the best price.
It's the Alexa Pure Breeze.
It's $50 off right now.
We've got water filters.
Don't drink the poisoned and toxic water.
Go to Infowarsstore.com and get a water filter.
Get DNA Force Plus for telomere support.
The elite of the elite when it comes to supplements at Infowarsstore.com.
$50 off right now.
50% off bodies.
Go read the five-star reviews for yourself.
It's InfowarsStore.com.
The globalists... The good news is...
After a year and a half long battle to secure the deep-earth crystals that nobody else has for the purest atomic iodine out there, we have been able to secure X2.
I was sure we weren't going to be able to get it.
It's a derivative that the oil companies get between 7,000 and 12,000 feet.
There's globalist industrial espionage that goes on where they try to not just take our sponsors and things, but actually stop us from getting the raw material because this is under DEA control to get the raw stuff because it's so powerful.
So X2, after being sold out for several months, We were able to get it back into production from its original producer, and we now have it.
And it is the purest, best, good halogen out there.
Just research how IQs went down massively in the Midwest because they didn't have any iodine in the soil.
Once the government added it, it just did all of these insanely good things.
It's incredible.
One of God's great gifts.
So, X2's back.
It's in about a week and a half.
You can pre-order at InfoWarshore.com.
I almost forgot.
25% off out of the gates to celebrate the fact that it's back.
I forgot that part.
25% off X2.
A lot of you have experienced it.
You've loved it.
A lot of you haven't.
Try it out.
Fund the operation.
The bad news is, outside of our audience, People don't know that Iodine is needed for electrochemical activity in the brain, or for your hormones, or for everything that happens in your body.
And if you don't have it, you absorb the bad allergens like Chlorine and Fluoride and other things.
So get your X2 original today and share it with people.
Tell them about the Iodine conspiracy.
Because the bad news is a lot of people don't know.
It's been sold out for months, but it's coming back in right now.
Good news for folks that are on AutoShip and InfoWareStore.com.
Sign up for AutoShip to make sure you get every month, every two months, whatever you want.
Cancel any time and you will get 10% off additionally on 25% off.
X2's back!
Now explain to people how critical iodine is.
It's the opposite of fluoride.
X2's back!
If you're sick of mainstream news promoting fake hate crime stories and running with that, making that the big story, amplifying the hate crime that was totally fake, that they probably all knew was fake, but they wanted to go along with it because they hate America and they're racists, if you'd like to stick your finger in their eye, if you'd like to see people like Jesse Smollett shown up, go to Infowarsstore.com.
You know what?
Let me just do this right now.
This is what I'm gonna do.
So these are the brand new protein bars at Infowarsstore.com.
I got a box of them right here.
You should buy a whole box.
You should buy five boxes.
40% off when you buy two or more.
I'm just going to show you what you're dealing with these protein bars.
So first, you've got the outer layer, which is basically just a peanut butter outer layer.
I mean, who doesn't like peanut butter?
Very healthy.
Good oils in there.
The omega-3s.
And it's got a great taste.
So the peanut butter outer shell is what you see here originally.
But then you bust it open.
And inside, it looks like a double fudge brownie with peanuts in it.
So I mean, honestly, it doesn't even taste like a protein bar.
You wouldn't think you were eating a protein bar.
You'd think you were eating some gourmet double fudge brownie chocolate bar combination.
It really is that good.
So it's the InfoWars Live Protein Bar at InfoWarsStore.com.
Alright, I busted open a protein bar.
Now I'm just forcing myself to eat the whole thing here.
I'm a little hungry.
This is disgusting.
You don't want to hear me eating this.
I just shoved the whole protein bar in my mouth, folks.
I could eat 10 more.
I feel like I just had a chocolate sin.
Man, you could like break that up and put it on ice cream.
It's just the best brownie.
The crew loves it.
The crew is like...
I'm purchasing this thing off the shelf.
I've got boxes on the way to my house as well.
And I use all kinds of products from InfoWarsStore.com.
I have two Alexa Pure Breeze air filters in my home.
I've got the Alexa Pure water filter.
These are products you need.
I use the InfoWars Live toothpaste, the Super Blue toothpaste.
It's all at InfoWarsStore.com, folks.
Folks, if you're sick of the fake news lying about America, go to Infowarsstore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Folks, you owe it to yourself.
To be in your best physical health.
You owe that to yourself.
And, um... Honestly, I don't think I've taken a sick day.
Now watch this, I'll probably be sick tomorrow.
I haven't taken a sick day in years.
I know for a fact I haven't taken one.
In 2016, 2017, 2018, I didn't take one sick day.
If I ever had to take a sick day, it would have been from the brown bottle flu, but that hasn't been the case.
So, you owe it to yourself to be in the best physical condition possible.
And while exercise is obviously key, you also need to think about your diet, and the truth is, The average diet is not going to get you the vitamins and nutrients you need.
And that's why supplements are so popular, and that's why we decided to sell you the best supplements at InfoWarsTore.com.
A great example is the Vitamin Mineral Fusion.
I drink it every morning when I take my eight morning pills.
And it's got all the vitamins and nutrients in there, and you can get it right at the start of your day that you're probably not getting with the diet that you have.
Because of the new way we grow food, because of the GMOs, because of all the chemicals, because of all the pesticides, because of all the processed foods and everything, you do not get the vitamins and the minerals that your body needs every day.
So, Vitamin Mineral Fusion, 25% off right now at InfoWarsStore.com is a great way to mitigate that.
Check it out at InfoWarsStore.com.
Check out all of the other great supplements we have at InfoWarsStore.com.
We thank you so much for your support.
Alex Jones is going to be joining us before the end of the broadcast today.
He wants to break in with some big news, but I'll tell you what.
Let me just bear down here and get into these stacks of news.
So, Nancy Pelosi has now come out and said she's not for impeachment.
And so what happened, Nancy?
Is Donald Trump all of a sudden not a bigot?
Is Donald Trump all of a sudden not a Russian agent?
Is Donald Trump not all of a sudden the worst thing in the history of America?
Like, you guys act like he is?
So you don't want impeachment now?
Oh, I see, Nancy.
You guys are taking the high road and you don't want to divide the country.
So Nancy Pelosi says, well, I still believe Trump is unfit for office.
I'd like to see your drug test, Nancy.
Nancy Pelosi will never submit to a drug test because you'll see all the real health issues that she has, ladies and gentlemen.
But... She's no longer for impeachment because she doesn't want to divide the country.
Oh, Nancy, thank God you're so moral and righteous.
Oh, I'm so glad that Nancy Pelosi doesn't want to divide the country anymore.
Oh, thank God.
Oh, what's this?
Adam Schiff now says impeachment gamble is not worth it.
And Adam Schiff says it would only be worth it if he had the very graphic evidence.
But wait a second, little Adam.
You said you did.
What happened, Adam?
Oh, Adam.
Remember when you told us you've seen the evidence?
With your little pal there in California, Eric Swalwell?
What were you guys talking to Ed Buck about?
Remember Ed Buck, your friend Ed Buck, Adam?
Remember him?
Remember the dead bodies found in his house?
Remember him, Adam?
Remember all the sex cults out in Hollywood, Adam, in your district?
Remember all the child abuse that goes on out there?
Little Adam?
Oh, but Adam... What happened, Adam?
You said you've seen the evidence.
You said you had the evidence.
Adam, what happened?
Well, now you say Impeachment Gamble's not worth it without very graphic evidence.
But Adam... You said you had it.
And then he says this.
In the absence of very graphic evidence, it would be difficult to get the support in the Senate needed to make an impeachment successful.
My feeling is, let's see what Bob Mueller produces, but the evidence would have to be pretty overwhelming.
I thought you've seen the overwhelming evidence.
In fact, I bet you I could go find an old story and quote you exactly saying you have overwhelming evidence.
But you're a piece of you-know-what.
The kind of stuff that you walk a block in San Francisco and smell everywhere?
Little Adam Schiff.
Oh, but don't worry.
Republicans are out to divide this country, too.
Dick Cheney, former vice president, he, like, I think he still has, like, the record for most heart surgeries or something.
I think he's had like seven heart surgeries, like, each rarer than the one before it.
Challenges Pence on Trump's foreign policy.
So yeah, I mean, Dick Cheney wants to invade every country, bomb every country, get filthy rich off of it, because he probably has options in Lockheed Martin and other such things, and Raytheon.
Which, uh, I don't know if the Trumps still do, but they did at one point.
But now, Pence is saying Trump is an isolationist.
Yeah, don't you know, if you don't bomb every country in the Middle East into oblivion, you're an isolationist.
Dick Cheney is such a warmonger.
You know, I think there's a special place in the afterlife for people that promote death and war.
Don't you?
I do.
I think there's a special place in hell for people that lie us into war.
Remember that?
Gulf of Tonkin incident that lied us into war at Vietnam?
Never even happened.
Never even happened.
Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, we invaded, millions of people died.
Never found them.
Never even had them.
Dick Cheney was a part of that.
You know, Dick, I think it would behoove you to come out and apologize for all your war crimes during the Bush era, instead of coming out and attacking Trump.
But I guess You've totally committed to evil, haven't you, Dick?
You've totally committed to war, haven't you, Dick?
After a week of infighting, Democrats wonder where to draw the line on speech.
Well, let's see.
The Democrats used to fight...
For Jewish people.
The Democrats used to stand with the Jewish people because, you know, they were the ones that were the most mitigated from society.
They were the ones that were most ostracized.
They were the ones that were the most attacked and ridiculed and the hatred was all against the Jews.
But, you know, I guess that's changed now.
And so the Democrats don't care about them.
Now they're embracing Muslims because of Islamophobia.
And, you know, everybody in America is racist.
So, you know, they have to fight for the minorities.
But they're in a big trouble right now actual intellectual democrats and liberals and progressives because folks the average american that is a democrat is not a socialist the average american that is a democrat doesn't want islam in the west and when the democrats can't even decide where they stand on anti-semitism
In fact, there was a video.
I don't know if I sent it to the crew.
It was a whole group of Holocaust survivors saying they voted Democrat their whole life
and now they're going to vote Trump in 2020.
But see, the Democrats can't figure out where to put their foot in the water
because they have to keep moving.
First, they disavowed the Women's March for anti-Semitism, but now they stand with Ilhan Omar and her anti-Semitism.
And then Ilhan Omar yesterday said Trump isn't even human.
So, you know, that's also what Muslims say about the infidels, that they're not human.
The radical Muslims say the infidel is not human, that's why you're allowed to kill them and lie to them.
And the radical sect of Islam is starting to even do that to heretics that don't want to kill Jews, don't want to kill the free market in the West, and have not been indoctrinated into this 7th century Islam.
But the Democrats will have to figure all that out before the 2020 election, before they all eat each other's lunch.
If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed.
to be fun to watch. But you watch this. Yang and Tulsi Gabbard, by far the best the Democrats
have to offer. I could understand supporting either one of them. Personally, I wouldn't
vote for them, but I could totally see it. And you watch.
The Democrats will throw Yang and Gabbard totally under the bus because they're actually
legitimate people.
If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you do read it, you're misinformed.
So what do you do?
That's a great question.
What is the long-term effect of too much information?
One of the effects is the need to be first, not even to be true anymore.
We are hearing from a Native American elder and Vietnam War veteran speaking to CNN after a disturbing viral video shows a group of teens harassing and mocking him in the nation's capital.
The videos have drawn outrage.
Outrage from all corners.
Here's the video sparking outrage on social media.
Sparked outrage on social media.
A group of teenagers, many wearing Make America Great Again hats, were caught on video taunting a Native American Vietnam veteran.
So what a responsibility you all have.
To be, to tell the truth.
Not just to be first, but to tell the truth.
A few days ago I called the fake news the enemy of the people, and they are.
They are the enemy of the people.
Because they have no sources, they just make them up.
When there are none.
We live in a society now where it's just first.
Who cares?
Get it out there.
We don't care who it hurts.
We don't care who we destroy.
We don't care if it's true.
Just say it.
Sell it.
The President of the United States is racist.
The President of the United States is a weak man.
He's a racist.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
He's a bully and he's a bitch.
He's unfit to be human.
Anything you practice, you'll get good at.
including BS. This is CNN.
Actor and musician Jussie Smollett from the hit show Empire was attacked and beaten early this morning in Chicago.
Racism is alive and well.
And that says a lot about the place that we are in our country right now.
The fact that we have these fear mongrels.
These people that are trying to separate us and it's just not okay.
Did I make that up too?
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
If I ever ran for president, My number one campaign issue would be to bring the troops home.
Bring them all home.
It's what they deserve.
It's what this country needs.
Here's Alex Jones talking about bringing the troops home.
How can the left criticize Trump when all he's trying to do is end the Afghan war and end the Syrian war and save us hundreds of billions of dollars a year and it's the right thing to do?
How on earth is that something they won't support?
And national polls are a bunch of warmongers.
Our brave troops have now been fighting in the Middle East for almost 19 years.
In Afghanistan and Iraq.
Nearly 7,000 American heroes have given their lives.
More than 52,000 Americans have been badly wounded.
We have spent more than $7 trillion in fighting wars in the Middle East.
As a candidate for president, I loudly pledged a new approach.
Great nations do not fight endless wars.
Rand Paul, end Afghanistan war and pay all soldiers a victory bonus.
This week, I'm introducing legislation to end a war that should have ended long ago.
The war in Afghanistan.
The United States has been fighting the war on terror since October of 2001, and it has cost $6 trillion.
and it has cost six trillion dollars.
2,300 military members have lost their lives, and another 20,000 were wounded in action.
But we are many, many years past that mission.
We have turned to nation-building at a cost of over $50 billion a year spent in Afghanistan.
I agree, and now I'm pushing forward to end our long-running war in Afghanistan.
My bill also rewards those who served.
Within one year, after the war ends, $2,500 of victory bonus will be paid to all members of the military who served in the global war on terrorism.
Since 2001, more than 3 million men and women have been deployed.
Each of them will get $2,500.
This would be a one-time cost of $7 billion and an immediate savings of over 83% when compared to the current yearly cost of nation building.
So we're spending 50-some-odd billion there.
We're going to take $7 billion of that, give bonuses to our soldiers, and then what we're going to do is The rest of it will be a peace dividend, and from here on out, we'll save about $50 billion a year.
Why does Uncle Sam have to be Uncle Sap and pay for everything?
The list is ongoing and incredibly insulting to American taxpayers.
It's time to declare our mission over, and our war won.
It's time to build here, not there.
But that's why they want to keep us there, because the trillions, six trillion, Not $1 trillion, not $2 trillion, not $3 trillion, not $4 trillion, not $5 trillion.
$6 trillion.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
And then meanwhile, China gets all the rare earth minerals.
We pay for their security there so that they get all the different rare earth minerals to build all the smartphones and the crap that we buy.
Rare earth elements.
It's a term used to describe a group of 17 metals, most of which, most of us, Never heard of.
China mines most of it for the world's technology industry, more than 95%.
The rest is being mined in the United States, in Estonia, in India, in Malaysia, and in Brazil, in South America.
We are doing this as a subsidy to China.
It has to end.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You know, and when I go out and I talk to leftists or liberals or progressives like I just did at South by Southwest, there's one thing we always agree on.
Stop wars overseas.
Stop spending trillions of dollars overseas.
Why doesn't the mainstream media ever get behind that?
It's a unifying message.
It's funny.
The only non-interventionists you find on cable news are Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham at times.
And notice how they're trying to get rid of Tucker.
Strange, isn't it?
I've got some really good news, though.
X2's back.
The original X2.
Deep Earth Crystal.
Pure atomic iodine.
What you want.
It'll be here in a week.
Manufactured in the U.S.
With the best iodine in the world.
X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another Deep Earth Crystal source.
But I thought, add the other two types of iodine.
The scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact that we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in fullmorestore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
If you want to pre-order X2, the ultimate iodine out there, learn about the iodine conspiracy, learn about IQs dropping when you don't have it, learn about how the other iodines are bound, Get yours today at mfullworthstore.com or mfullworthslife.com.
And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, Media Matters...
...is trying to get Tucker Carlson kicked off of Fox News.
♪ Well ♪ Did Tucker Carlson say some things on the radio that people might deem offensive or inappropriate?
He absolutely did.
Big whoop.
And so, you know, that's the big thing that gets me about this.
It's like, these people promote the most disgusting crap.
I mean, Slate and all these magazines promote pedophilia.
It gets promoted on YouTube.
I mean, just look at the disgust that comes out of Hollywood and the entertainment industry.
I mean, it's a joke.
I mean, these people... California's entertainment culture just gives us total filth.
Fake butts.
Fake boobs.
Naked women.
I mean, it's all they push.
And, okay, fine.
I mean, it's entertaining.
It's what the people want.
I'm not even sitting here acting like I'm above it.
But then they sit here and they're like, look at what Tucker Carlson said one time.
Uh, what about Joy Reid's homophobic remarks?
What about what Bill and Hillary Clinton have said about black people?
They never care, do they?
It's all about getting Tucker Carlson.
Because he embarrasses their intellectuals every time they go on his television show.
He makes mincemeat out of their quote-unquote intellect.
So they have to remove him.
He embarrasses them.
And I'm sure they'd also love to remove him because he doesn't want to abort American children.
And I'm sure they'd also want to remove him because he doesn't want to fight endless wars in the Middle East.
But I encourage, actually, Media Matters and the rest of them to continue to attack Tucker Carlson and InfoWars and everyone else because you don't get it yet, do you?
People are sick of you.
And when you try to remove someone off air because they did some racy shock jock interview a decade ago, people look at you and think you're the one with the problem, not Tucker Carlson.
And I'm not going to sit here and say that everybody talks like Tucker and Bubba the Love Sponge were saying.
Or like Trump during the Billy Bush tape.
But it's like, give me a break, people.
Can you imagine what the average leftist that says death to America in the street says behind closed doors?
Can you imagine what the average leftist that celebrates the fact that she's aborted three children says behind closed doors?
I've got all this on tape, by the way.
This is why they banned us on YouTube.
This is why they banned me on YouTube, because I've got it all on tape.
Can you imagine what they sound like behind closed doors?
Can you imagine what they consume, entertainment-wise, behind closed doors?
But see, it's all about the perpetual pathological projection of the left.
See, because that's the thing.
We actually sit here with morals.
And think, wow, like, I'm really not that good of a person in God's eyes.
I wish I could be better.
They sit here with no morals, total garbage, total crap humans, and they know they are, but see, they want to hide it, and they want to act like we're the bad people, so they want to act like they're the moral, righteous ones.
So, they stand for open borders because it's morally righteous.
They stand against Trump because it's morally righteous.
Meanwhile, they're the most immoral people, amoral people in the world.
Tucker Carlson blasts liberal mob after comments unearthed they've been working hard to kill this show.
Now, I'm not sitting here saying what Tucker said was good or bad, but I will say this.
His response last night in the opening segment of his show was perfect.
Here is Tucker Carlson responding to the hate mob trying to kick him off Fox News.
Why are the people who consider Bill Clinton a hero lecturing me about sexism?
How can the party that demands racial quotas denounce other people as racist?
After a while you begin to think that maybe their criticisms aren't sincere.
Maybe their moral puffery is a costume.
Maybe the whole conversation is an absurd joke.
Maybe we're falling for it.
You sometimes hear modern progressives described as new Puritans.
That's a slur on colonial Americans.
Whatever their flaws, the Puritans cared about the fate of the human soul and the moral regeneration of their society.
Those are not topics that interest progressives.
They're too busy pushing late-term abortion and cross-dressing on fifth graders.
These are the people who write our movies and our sitcoms.
They are not shocked by naughty words.
They just pretend to be when it's useful.
It's been very useful lately.
The left's main goal, in case you haven't noticed, is controlling what you think.
In order to do that, they have to control the information that you receive.
Google and Facebook and Twitter are fully on board with that.
They're happy to ban unapproved thoughts and they don't apologize for it.
They often do.
So do the other cable channels and virtually every major news outlet in this country.
One of the only places left in the United States where independent thoughts are allowed is right here.
The opinion hours on this network.
Just a few hours in a sea of television programming.
It's not much, relatively speaking.
For the left, it's unacceptable.
They demand total conformity.
Since the day we went on the air, they've been working hard to kill this show.
We haven't said much about it in public.
It seemed too self-referential.
The point of this show has never been us.
But now it's obvious to everybody.
There's no pretending that it's not happening.
It is happening.
And so going forward, we'll be covering their efforts to make us be quiet.
For now, though, just two points to leave you with.
First, Fox News is behind us, as they have been since the very first day.
Toughness is a rare quality of the TV network, and we are grateful for that.
Second, we've always apologized when we're wrong, and we'll continue to do that.
That's what decent people do.
They apologize.
But we will never bow to the mob.
No matter what.
Now, and you also notice that Media Matters isn't writing a bunch of hit pieces on Bubba the Love Sponge, or Howard Stern, who make a living off talk like that.
Because they have the right to.
And because they don't deem them as a threat to their political agenda, and that is all you need to know.
Selective censorship.
Because it's not about morals, it's not about righteousness, it's not about the content, it's about the politics, and it's about how effective Tucker Carlson is.
I mean, I don't know why they continue to put those leftist liberal progressive guests on this show.
I mean, it's literally just a mincemeat segment every night.
We'll see what happens tonight on the Tucker Carlson Show because they've... I mean, I'll give Media Matters some credit.
Their IQ jumped from like 15 to like 17 last night.
And so they learned, or they thought, they could basically own the situation by releasing some of the tape and then have Tucker go live.
And then releasing more of the tape, like, see, you can't hide from this.
So we'll have to see what happens tonight on Tucker Carlson.
My guess is he probably won't talk about it tonight.
But who knows.
But the censorship doesn't stop there.
Facebook has now banned Zero Hedge.
A very popular news site.
And Facebook has now banned them.
Because, quote, they go against Facebook's community standards.
Well, yeah.
Facebook's community standards are censorship, not free speech.
Facebook's community standards are not America's community standards.
It's the Nazis' community standards.
Facebook backtracks after removing warn ads calling for Facebook breakups.
So, for the first time ever, A Democrat had to deal with Facebook's censorship, and immediately, Facebook said, okay, fine, we're sorry, we won't censor you.
Even though you're talking trash on us.
And so, even a fake Indian can find a teepee every once in a while.
And Elizabeth Warren says Facebook should be broken up, and then she gets banned.
Welcome to the club, E-Liz.
Zuckerberg wants Facebook to build a mind-reading machine.
But hasn't Facebook kind of already done that?
Isn't that what Facebook was really all about?
As they're about to roll out the facial recognition in the United States of America?
And they're going to act like, oh, we're just rolling this out now for your safety.
Ladies and gentlemen, Facebook and Snapchat, but Facebook's been the main one, have been getting your facial data for the last 10 years.
Maybe not.
Twitter censorship.
The three strikes that took down Alex Jones.
Strike one.
Child abuse.
There was a video that was uploaded that showed a child being violently thrown to the ground and crying.
The video in question is a viral meme with over 100,000 retweets.
The meme showed a child bullying an adult who was eventually pushed to the ground and started crying like a victim.
The reason this video went viral in 2018 was because it reflected the strategy of the new American left.
Bully your opponents and then cry foul when they try to fight back.
Forbes originally claimed that the man in the video was Alex Jones himself.
And somehow, InfoWars is to blame for a video that remained on Twitter for months after the fact.
Strike two.
Inciting violence.
The second one was a video that we viewed as incitement of violence.
The original video was a message directed towards President Trump.
This is an emergency message to President Trump, to Congress, and to anyone that supports free speech in this country.
Twitter ignores this.
They selected a short segment and deceitfully acted as if Alex Jones was inciting violence against the media.
But now it's time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag.
I know the Justice Department's crippled a bunch of followers and cowards, but there's groups, there's grand juries, there's... You call for it.
It's time, politically, economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally, to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Get together the people you know aren't traitors and aren't cowards and aren't hedging their frickin' bets like all these other a**holes.
And let's go, let's do it.
And then there's a bunch of other stuff.
The other stuff that Twitter decided to ignore made it clear that the statement was being made to President Trump.
Because they're coming.
Now, in your wisdom, you may be playing possum and waiting for him to come in.
Alex Jones was encouraging the President to take action against Internet censorship.
And after omitting this fact, they skipped forward to Alex Jones reminding Americans of the importance of their Second Amendment rights.
People need to have their battle rifles and everything ready, their bedsides.
You gotta be ready, guys.
The media is so disciplined in their deception.
Antifa attacked all these people at the White House, beat up reporters, beat up women, children.
No coverage.
Twitter does not respect the Second Amendment.
Strike three!
Bullying Oliver Darcy.
So the third strike that we looked at was a verbal altercation that Alex got into with a journalist.
You're a virus to America and freedom.
Smelling like a possum that climbed out of the rear end of a dead cow.
You look like a possum that got caught doing some really, really nasty stuff in my view.
That's enough!
That's hilarious.
The altercation with Oliver Darcy is the real reason why Alex Jones was deleted from Twitter.
Rather than allowing an open and honest discussion, and possibly resolving our differences peacefully, they choose to silence their opposition and push towards a violent civil war.
Jack himself encouraged everyone to read an article which basically outlined the fact that there's no civility left and that civil war is likely to happen in America.
It says that the article was, why there's no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history, one side must win.
If you exacerbate the divisions in society that's so rife right now, that is going to create a civil war situation.
So they're going to be partly responsible for it, as one of the biggest platforms silencing people.
They're only going to drive them underground.
They're only going to make them more angry, more extreme on both sides.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent free press working with big tech.
Conspiracy theories is an easy target.
if there are some who worry this is a slippery slope where people with different viewpoints
could be silenced.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Now you're standing here sometimes, you better look somewhere.
Hide what you have to hide, and tell what you have to tell.
You know, you'll notice a tactic, a tactical difference that is, between liberals and conservatives,
and that's really just the terms I'm using, 'cause it's just kind of the modern day.
Parlance, if you will, but we're about to go to the BuzzFeed CEO complaining about big tech having a problem controlling content.
Well, it doesn't really seem like they have a problem.
They're erasing everybody that's pro-America off their platform, so I don't know what the problem is.
But see, here's the tactical difference.
When I see or hear from somebody that has a different political view and stance than I, I stick a mic in their face.
I want to give them a platform.
I want them to talk.
I want to talk to them.
But you notice how the left is totally different?
They don't want to talk to us.
They don't want us to have a voice.
They don't want anyone to hear from us.
And doesn't that tell you everything you need to know about these people?
They're so weak and pathetic that they know they can't win in an intellectual debate, so they just erase the rest of us off of social media.
Here's the CEO of BuzzFeed complaining about conservatives existing on social media.
And we never had access to more information, but it's harder and harder to figure out what's true, and we never needed truth more.
And so what's happened in the last year is that the crisis that started in digital media has spread to the tech platforms.
Now pause it real quick.
Says we've never needed truth more.
So obviously he's talking about like MSNBC and CNN and Washington Post, New York Times with the Covington Catholic hoax, the Jussie Smollett hoax, the hoax that Trump is a racist bigot.
The Kavanaugh hoax?
Surely that's what he's talking about, right?
Because those are the ones that he wants banned, right?
So since the truth is so important, clearly the CEO of BuzzFeed is talking about the massive whoppers of lies that people like Don Lemon try to tell you every night at CNN.
But let's go back.
Another whopper of a lie.
The tech platform seemed all powerful.
It seemed like they were never going to have a crisis.
They were printing money.
They were growing.
They were hiring.
And their business is still strong, but they're having huge problems with the content that
lives on their platforms.
Anti-vaxxers, pedophiles--
Pause it right there.
Another whopper of a lie, anti-vaxxers.
Kind of like anti-immigration.
They say we're anti-immigration.
No, we're pro-immigration.
They say anti-vaxxers.
I'm not anti-vaxxer.
Go get a vaccine.
The science behind vaccines is real.
No one's saying that you should never get a vaccine.
I just want choice.
I just want informed consent.
I just want to read the insert.
That's not anti-vaccine, you lying piece of crap!
I mean, I'm trying not to yell, I'm trying not to get upset, but the CEO of BuzzFeed stands up here and says the truth matters, and then lies to you through his teeth.
Why are these people such scumbags, man?
Go back.
People just making things up and posting fake news saying the Pope endorsed Trump and things that are... Pause it again.
Pause it again.
Literally everything BuzzFeed does, they just make crap up.
Trump's a racist.
Trump's this.
Trump's that.
Trump removed the Martin Luther King bust.
I mean, you people fake everything you frickin' do, man!
Who are these people?!
Go back to the clip.
The platforms don't make content, and they're having trouble controlling the content that reaches the public, and they reach billions of people.
And so this has become a real crisis for the platforms, to the point where today Elizabeth Warren was saying she wants to break up the platforms as part of her political platform.
So there's a real sense of crisis in Silicon Valley.
Yeah, she got censored for that.
interact with their services is through content, and they have very little control over that content.
And they are having a lot of trouble maintaining the integrity of that content.
Pause it real quick!
Pause it real quick!
Notice how he hasn't actually given you any solid reference to anything.
Folks, go ahead and try to rebroadcast today's Alex Jones Show on Facebook, on Twitter, on YouTube.
You will be shut down within minutes!
Just go back to him.
You know what?
Here's what I'm going to do.
Pause it real quick.
Because this is like a common thread.
I don't know if this is annoying to the audience, but like, who are these people?
Like, who is this Jonah Peretti that is just such either an ignoramus or a liar?
But you know what?
I'm done asking.
I'm done asking.
I'm done asking who these people are.
They're Satan.
Jonah Peretti is the devil.
Whether he consciously knows it or not, He's the devil.
So let's go back to the CEO of BuzzFeed, Satan himself.
But they make tons of great content.
And tech platforms have tons of revenue, tons of profit, but they're having a lot of problems with the content that lives on their platform.
And so there's an obvious solution of the tech platforms and digital media companies working together.
And working together to solve these problems for society.
Oh, you mean the Democrats?
And their respective industries and businesses.
No, no, no, no.
Pause right there.
You mean, Satan, you mean the Democrats, right?
I mean, it's the Democrats that prepared Jerry Nadler's statement.
It's the Democrats getting money from Google and Planned Parenthood and all this stuff.
And it's the Democrats calling for censorship.
So, this guy, the devil's talking about the Democrats, right?
I mean, obviously, that's what Satan's talking about here.
Alright, go back to Satan.
We can work together to fix the internet.
And I think that the good news is that we are starting to make progress on this.
But one thing that is important to make progress is we can't just police bad content.
If you think about the tens of thousands of moderators that companies like Facebook and YouTube are hiring, What content?
trying to get rid of all the bad stuff and it's an endless fight to get rid of
all the terrible content that's uploaded these platforms and they can never win
this fight. What content? There's a vacuum of which is created by a lack of good content
and it's made it difficult for... What content? Again, pause it real quick.
What content?
You notice how he gives no references, no examples.
Now what he'd like to say is, I don't like it when I get on social media and I see info wars.
I don't like it when I get on social media and I see Tucker Carlson.
I don't like it when I go on social media and I see people that want to warn you about vaccines.
I don't like it when I go on social media and there's people that are pro-life.
Boy, sounds like the devil, doesn't it?
But see, the devil is very disciplined in its deception, so he doesn't give you the examples because he doesn't want to fully expose himself as the devil, so he works in vagueness and ambiguity to keep you thinking, oh, he's a good guy, he cares about me.
No, it's the devil.
Let's go back to the devil.
Buzzfeed published the fake Russian dossier!
to upload content.
What bad actors?
It's much, much easier to actually create an ecosystem where good content can thrive.
If you do that, there's less room for bad content, there's less room for bad actors.
And you actually have more ability to connect with your audience and give them things that
they really like.
BuzzFeed published the fake Russian dossier.
You know what?
I invite Jonah Peretti to come on the Alex Jones Show because, Jonah, we know you're talking about us!
Come on, little man!
Come on, you little coward, you little pipsqueak!
You're in Austin!
Come on the Alex Jones Show, you fraud!
Know someone?
They're working around the clock to shut us down because they know there's a fire at InfoWars.
With our guests and who we are and what we've done before, they are crapping their britches right now, ladies and gentlemen, because they fear you and they fear me.
So I'm just going to tell you, it sounds so cheesy and so ridiculous, but it's a farmer's understanding of seeds.
If you simply financially support us, you have a commitment from someone who cannot give up.
There's a difference.
Where I won't give up, I can't give up.
My only problem is, is that I get so out of control, I'm so angry, that like a race car driver blows the engine going to 15,000 RPMs.
I don't pray for strength, I pray for God to hold me back.
And I know you feel the same way, so I'm just telling you, you claim you're gonna fight these big military wars with globalists, let's not discuss that.
If you won't fight the information war now, when we're two minutes to midnight, you'll never fight the real war if we get to that point.
And unfortunately, we all know down the road we are.
The planet is collapsing by design, evil has and turned loose. You see a good response to it and we're
defeating the globalists, the EU's in trouble, the globalists are in
trouble, but their counteroffensive is coming. And so I'll tell you again, if you'll just get your
coffee from us, you'll drink it and go, "My God, this is incredible." If you'll just get the
protein bars from us, if you'll just get the toothpaste, if you'll just provision us, you have my
commitment. I'm literally, it's like bloodstream, like my brain's here, I'm ready to fight. You're the blood.
And I'm just like, "Give me the blood."
Give me the blood.
Give me the oxygen.
I need oxygen.
I'm not mad at you.
It's, I'm literally jacked in.
You understand?
Like, the more you energize me, the more I'll attack the enemy.
And so, whatever God's plan is, I'll do it.
But I hate being fought to a standstill.
I hate watching them lift their lips.
I hate thinking, just, you've done your tour.
Give up.
Go away.
And if that's what people want, I'll do it.
But they beat me.
I don't want to give the enemy good propaganda, but I can't lie.
They've fought us to a standstill for 25 years, and they're doing a lot of nasty stuff.
It doesn't make me scared.
I feel sorry for myself for the death threats and breaking into lawyers' offices and threatening to kill their kids.
I'm not supposed to get into all of it.
It does make me get scared.
It makes me get mad that I'm not strong enough.
And the people just knew how real this was, so just get your protein bars.
Just get your coffee.
Just get your toothpaste with us.
Just go to mfootmorestore.com, sign up, get the auto-ship, cancel any time, and I know I've got the fuel like a jet bomber loaded with weapons.
I've got the weapons.
I've got the You give us the money.
You better believe that that's what they hate.
They're trying to shut down every minute.
Trying to take our bank accounts.
They took our sponsors.
Everything they did made us stronger for this moment.
But if I get the fuel, I will get in that aircraft and I will go over those enemy bases and I will metaphysically pull that lever.
And with everything I've got, looking through those bomb sites, I will drop those bombs of truth right on their heads.
You have my commitment.
I'll drop them right down their chimneys, and I will smile when the jet blows up at the end of the run, and we're going down because it means my job's done.
Don't want to die, but not worried about it, because the commitment is such a load.
I don't fear death.
I fear these pedophile bastards having their way, and I will not spiritually submit to them.
But this is not just another radio show.
It's not another thousand channels.
It's not all that crap out there.
This is the real resistance.
This is where it starts.
This is real.
This is a response to governors on TV saying they're keeping babies alive and taking their organs.
This isn't a response of a man or a hero.
It's a response of somebody who isn't submitting to die.
Who isn't turning their babies over to be killed.
I will no longer give in to Satan.
I will no longer back down at any level to these people.
But they have crushed us down like a sun before it explodes.
And I can see down the road where we're going.
And I don't ever want to get up here and tell you that the enemy's winning.
But if people don't get how serious this is, we're gonna lose everything!
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
You know, um, I'll do it.
You really want me to do it?
I'm gonna make this short and sweet.
If your kids are listening, plug their ears right now, folks.
But look, here's the deal.
There's this weird thing in society.
I can't believe I'm doing this.
The crew wants me to do it.
Like, people won't eat a carb.
You know, they won't touch a GMO.
They only eat organic.
I can't do it.
I can't do it.
And then at the end of the night, they get into bed and they lick their partner's butthole.
And all I'm saying is that Jonah Peretti looks like that kind of guy.
Ugh, I won't touch that carb.
Ugh, I only eat organic.
Ugh, where was that chicken raised?
Was it free range?
And then at the end of the night, they hop into bed with their boyfriend and spread those cheeks, baby.
So, yeah.
I won't touch a carb, but I'll lick my partner's buttocks up and down till it's clean.
And Jonah Peretti, I mean, that's... That's the guy.
Right there.
So you know what?
I rescind the invitation!
I don't want him in studio!
Invitation rescinded!
Gosh... Anyway, um... Please forgive me for that, Lord.
Leo Zagami is going to be joining us shortly.
We are getting connected with him, the latest story that he has.
Yellow Vests finally attack Masonic Lodge of the GOF involved in a political conspiracy against the French people.
So we will be getting Leo Zagami's breakdown of that story from leozagami.com, where he's always doing great work.
You know, I want to talk to him about something, too, because he understands this as well as anybody.
You know, this isn't like some sort of like power trip or anything, honestly.
It's humbling.
But it's like, I couldn't do any of this without God's help.
I would be totally lost.
I'd be a lost soul.
And I'd probably still be brainwashed if it wasn't for God's divine intervention in my life.
Sometimes you have to learn things the hard way.
Sometimes God has to kind of twist your arm, give you a little arm bar before you tap out and realize what The world is really about, but Leo Zagami knows about that, so I'd like to talk to him about that too.
But by the way, as we're getting Leo connected, and Alex Jones is going to be joining us in the next hour.
Stories coming out of Venezuela, they're having power grid shutdowns, the lights are going out, hospitals are losing power, people are dying because of it, the internet keeps going out.
And then the story is in the Mint Press, and I'm seeing others suggest this.
Did the U.S.
recycle a Bush-era plan to take out Venezuela's power grid?
Now, I don't know what the Bush-era plan is with this, but I do believe it was in 2012 when we, the story goes, it was either the NSA, or I forget who it was, shut down Syria's power grid.
And I was reading stories about that last night.
Let me just comb through this real quick to see exactly what years they're talking about.
They're saying the Bush administration did it, or tried to do it, to Iran.
A little tougher to do it to Iran.
They're allies with Russia.
But... You know, I... John Bolton, of course.
John Bolton is always around for all this stuff.
You know, the war mustache.
And then you had Elliott Abrams basically admit, well, you know, we just want to scare them into regime change.
I say just let Venezuela be.
Just just stop with foreign intervention.
You know, our own damn country is so messed up, man.
There's a socialist hellhole in California, in case you haven't noticed.
So, you know.
How about regime change in California?
How about regime change in New York?
My God.
But, uh, I really hope that that's not the case.
Wouldn't put it past us, though.
Would not put it past us one bit.
You know, speaking of regime change in New York, That's where Cortez comes from.
She's in some trouble right now, by the way.
Former FEC Commissioner Hans von Spakovsky has called for an investigation and says there's enough evidence that Cortez broke campaign finance laws.
But, but, I mean, she's such a fraud, really.
I mean, she is a true Democrat now.
Says you can't fly an airplane.
Flies on an airplane to Austin, Texas.
Says you can't eat beef.
Immediately eats a beef taco.
And she's riding around town in a gas-guzzling SUV.
But you know what?
This... This is a highly intellectual woman.
Honestly, I pale in comparison to the IQ and the intelligence of this woman.
So I'm going to shut up and I'm going to give her the platform and clip 16, folks.
This is, I mean, this is the new intellectual right here.
This, this is the woman that is going to spur the third great awakening.
Hi everyone.
Well, I think like, you know, for whatever, like, like, like whatever.
Um, you know, it's like, you know, um, you know, you know, um, them like like um like whatever you know and like or
whatever like just like it's like like like this like like like don't hold back tell me how you really feel
about incrementalism is like like for what you know like you know like you know like and you know
things like that um like like because we talk about racism so much we actually aren't talking about
race itself it's just like like It's just like, you know, um, like, like, you know, and, and, and, like, it's like, you know, it's like, because, um, you know, whatever, like, you know, like, like, about, like, um, it's like, you know, you know, um, in my opinion...
Um, you know, you know, it's just like, you know, like, you know, like, like, like, like, you know what to like, and like, um, like, you know, like, like, it's like, it's like, um, uh, because like, like, you know, you know, you know, it's like, like, um, you know, um, um, um, it's like, like, like, like, Like, for like, you know, like, we're capable of so much than what we're doing right now.
Like, and like, like, you know, blah blah blah, you know, like, like, you know, like, and I quote, I think, um, um, you know, you know, uh, uh, you know, um, um, um, um, or like, whatever, um, like, you know, we should be working the least amount we've ever worked.
Um, you know, um, you know, you know, like, like, you know, like, you know, that's what I'm saying.
Let's, like, have, like, we're, like, you have to, like, to, like, like, you know, um, um, because I was, like, um, you know, and I'm not allowed to say that.
I'm gonna get in a lot of trouble when I go back to work.
You know, it's just, you know, um, um, This is amazing.
Um, um, you know, about like, like, like, so they're like, and, um, like, actually, like, be like, like, you know, um, like, and, um, you know, you know, with like, you know what, like, wow.
Excuse me while I stand and cheer.
Stand and cheer, crew!
Everybody stand and cheer now.
You will stand and cheer for that intellectual goddess.
That's right.
Now... I gotta tell ya... I've probably done over...
300 three-hour broadcasts in my life.
That was an hour-long event she had at South by Southwest.
I guarantee you, you could not, you could not, even in the 300 three-hour broadcasts that I've done in my life, probably more than that, you could not compile a video of me sounding like that from thousands of hours of me live on air without a teleprompter.
She does one speech in South by Southwest, she sounds like an idiot.
Iodine used to be used in bread as a dough enhancer.
Then in the early 1970s, most commercial manufacturers switched to bromide instead.
Research from a World Health Organization study show that 10 to 50% of people worldwide are deficient in iodine.
In fact, over 90% of Americans are low in iodine.
Since 1970, the iodine they collected in urine is 50% less now than it was then.
In 2004, a survey of 100 pregnant mothers found that 58% were between moderately and severely deficient in iodine.
Maternal iodine deficiency is particularly dangerous to the developing fetus.
Most people, I think everybody, for the most part, should be supplementing with iodine.
Well, another element that you have to have, and if you don't have it, you'll die, that's a fact, is iodine.
And the fields and the systems that we grow crops on have been almost totally debased of true atomic iodine.
We have the most absolutely clean, deep-earth crystal source of iodine, X2.
You're probably going, wait a minute.
For the last year you've been saying X2's selling out.
It was the last run.
It's been sold out for two months.
How is X2 back?
It was very hard to get from the oil companies that get it drilling down to 12,000 feet.
We got put over the barrels and industrial sabotage.
We couldn't get it anymore.
But by really putting pressure on from the original manufacturer, we were able to get the deep-earth crystal iodine that's absolutely pure, absolutely atomic, that nobody else has, and bring it to you.
So X2 Original is back by the grace of God.
Look, here's the bottom line.
You need to do research into iodine and the iodine conspiracy for yourself.
In a few minutes, I can't break it all down.
And a lot of you have listened to me.
It has thousands and thousands of four-star reviews.
What, like a 4.9 star on Power Reviews?
But many of you hear me talk about this, and it's just more background chatter.
The most powerful thing in our lives.
Is our own metabolic system, our own electrochemical system.
So from our brain waves to our nerves, to our bodies, to our glands, the engine, the foundational tool between so much of it, our hormones, you name it, is pure iodine.
And if you don't have iodine, your body will absorb the bad halogens.
So iodine is amazing.
It's important.
A lot of forms of it out there are all mixed up and jacked.
They'll hurt you.
This is pure.
This is clean.
This is amazing.
And it funds the info war, a 360 win.
X2, our overall best-selling product, is now back.
X2 Original from the very first original manufacturer.
The exact same X2 at InfoWarsLife.com, InfoWarsStore.com, or 888-253-3139.
As I said, get your pre-orders in, week, week and a half.
It's being labeled right now, it's already been bottled, and we are going to have it for you, ladies and gentlemen, at InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com.
Thank you all for your support.
I cannot believe we even produced this.
I mean, this, this, this is insane.
I said, I'm a game changer.
I'm a guru.
I'm a scientist.
I'm an activist.
And, and, and, and other people aren't willing to do it.
And, and, and I'll tell you right now, I'm here to ram heads with you.
Synergy drinks are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Well, it's not me, it's you.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
It's bad.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Now, did you hear what I just said?
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an Infowars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Blasting through time and space.
Breaching the vast layers of all dimensions.
It's InfoWars.com.
Brought to you by you.
Leo Zagami joins us now.
Leo Zagami joins us now. Latest story at leozagami.com.
Yellow Vest finally attacked Masonic Lodge of the GeoFN involved in a political conspiracy against the French people.
Now, Leo, the Yellow Vest protests have been going on for a couple months now.
The media is trying to act like they've died down.
Your story would indicate the opposite.
So what's going on with these Yellow Vests and what happened at the Masonic Lodge, Leo Zagami?
Hello everybody.
Well, what happened?
They destroyed a Masonic temple.
It was a 400 people strong mob that was incited by somebody, of course, not identifiable.
So we don't really know who was the guy who incited this act.
But in the end, it wasn't against a regular lodge.
It was against a lodge, a temple that hosts a number of lodges.
And the Grand Orient of France.
Now, the difference between the Grand Orient of France and regular filmmaking is that they actually involve themselves in politics.
And they have given their open support for many years to Emmanuel Macron, since he was already Minister of Economy.
So, this is not like the filmmaking we have in the United States, where politics and religion are forbidden.
This is a very different form of filmmaking that is schismatic, It started in 1877 when the Grand Orient of France broke from the regular network of Masonic lodges, opening the possibility for atheists, for non-believers, to join Freemasonry.
In fact, they function as cradle for what became later on the Grand Orient of the Russian people that took over what became later on the Soviet Union.
So they became this playground for all the progressive liberal-minded people that later on established worldwide this alternative network of Freemasonry known as Liberal Freemasonry Which is the one that is pushing all this progressive politics, all these left-wing, mongolist issues.
So, in a way, the Yellow Vests, of course, have done a criminal act, because it's not good to destroy anything.
But in this case, they were actually destroying a base of the enemy, because this enemy's been cosplaying actively against the French people, against the sovereignty, together with Emmanuel Macron, and I have shown this on my website with a
couple of documents.
One of them is from 2016, in which Emmanuel Macron spoke at the Grand Orient of France
main temple about mondialization as a synonym of progress.
So this is an open endorsement of mondialism by the Grand Orient of France.
So no wonder they get in trouble.
So we have to really start warning all those Freemasons in the US, and I know many of them, who are starting to collaborate with the Grand Orient of France because of their Masonic knowledge of their archives and so on, because it's dangerous to collaborate with people who are actively against their own country. This is what I say. Plus, the
Grand Orient of France in 2015, you remember when there was the massive influx of
immigrants arriving with the Syrian refugees, a million of them in Germany and so on, and the whole of
Europe was flooded more than ever.
At that point, the Grand Orient of France and all the various obediences that work with the
Grand Orient of France, so the Grand Lodge de France, the Federation of France and the
Druid's Manor and many others, joined in an official declaration that we should be welcoming
of these immigrants, no matter if later on...
We end up with terrorist attacks and great problems and ghettos in cities in Europe that are looking more and more like, I don't know, like Beirut and they are implementing the Sharia.
So the big problem here is also that they are accusing of anti-Semitism the yellow vest.
And this is, of course, something that has been also manipulated by CNN and so on last month.
Because the real problem here, as you know, Owen, is not the Yellow Vests.
The problem is Islam.
Islam that is flooding, is invading Europe and the West.
And of course, they're anti-Semitic.
We have seen what is happening in US politics.
The same is happening also in Europe.
And a long time before the Yellow Vest even appeared in the picture, a lot of Jewish people, about four or five million of them, have decided to go back to Israel or to go to Israel because they feel persecuted here in Europe.
Because this growing Muslim population is indeed anti-Semitic.
And we have to be honest with this.
I mean, this problem needs to be addressed before it's too late.
Well, and Leo, I'm just curious, because I didn't even hear about this.
If it wasn't for leozegami.com, I wouldn't even be hearing about this.
And, in fact, I was kind of of the notion that the Yellow Vest protests were starting to die down, but that's just, you know, everybody kind of falls victim to the media control over information.
So it would indicate to me that it hasn't died down, and maybe while the numbers are dying down, it seems like they're getting more focused.
Again, I'm not supporting destruction of property or anything, but this is in France, and they're trying to take their country back, and it seems to me for all intents and purposes, Leo, that Emmanuel Macron is nowhere to be found.
He's basically hiding in the storm shelter through all of this.
And I guess he thinks if he just hides out, he can last?
I mean, what do you think is going through Macron's mind?
Because France is really... I mean, the protests continue.
France, I mean, they have a salary cap.
You can't make more than X amount a year.
So, I mean, France is trying to revolutionize itself and get more free market, have a border, have culture.
And Macron, the elected leader, is just hiding in a hole.
He's hiding, but he's still very powerful.
Remember that Macron, as President of France, has even an office in the Vatican.
He's totally linked with Pope Francis.
I mean, they're not managing to get out of the picture Maduro, who is, of course, protected by Pope Francis.
They will never take out of the picture Macron, who is also protected by Pope Francis.
That's why there is this link between the Grand Orient of France, form of liberal Freemasonry, and the Pope.
And this link was made back in the Second Vatican Council, when, at the time of the Second Vatican Council, these liberal Freemasons infiltrated the Council, and together with a number of KGB agents, Ruin basically the Catholic Church because the Catholic Church has been infiltrated by these progressive forces that eventually created all the problems that we are living nowadays and we are seeing every day in the Catholic Church.
So they're now kind of the yellow vests are going after the banks and their establishments, their physical establishments, the Masonic physical establishments and I think that's because again the people of France have been protesting are saying look You know, they don't want to destroy property.
They don't want to destroy, you know, other people's property and private businesses and stuff like that.
So they're trying to go after levers of power, I would imagine, in hopes to get a response from the leader.
The problem here is with the Yellow Vests.
I mean, I have been very close to some of them and I have direct links with some of them, so I am able to judge what's happening.
And I can tell you that there is a lot of confusion because they don't have national leaders that can take on themselves the responsibility of guiding a movement. The absence of leaders has been made
because every time they try to create a leader, the French government will immediately
arrest them or stop them or persecute them. So they would like to stay in this kind
of liquid form as a movement, but unfortunately when you don't have a leader, it's very
difficult, especially in a place Remember, France is a place for revolution, is the place that created the big revolution, and of course is also the place that later on gave in to a little man called Napoleon.
So, I mean, Macron is trying to... Whoa, whoa, whoa, don't call Napoleon a little man.
He might crawl out of his grave and come kind of try to choke you.
Okay, but seriously, Leo, I mean, actually, this is a good point that you raise here.
There isn't really a figurehead or a leader of the Yellow Vest Movement, it seems like.
It just seems to be a bunch of people in the streets looking for some change.
Yeah, and unfortunately, there is a lot of foreign intelligence operatives, both from Russia and the US, who are trying to, you know, get involved in all this.
That's just like what was going on in Ukraine a couple years ago, and they kept finding all of these infiltrators and they were shooting people.
Alright, Leo, we gotta go to a break.
Stick with us here.
We're gonna go to a break.
Leo Zagami.
LeoZagami.com is with us.
We're talking about the Yellow Vest protest, but I want to talk to him about something else that I'm sure he can relate to, and that's just... If you're not connected to God, if you're not asking every day for God's vision, folks, you are blind.
You are truly blind in this world.
We'll be right back.
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And now, officially, our producer here has suggested Leo Zagami play Jafar.
In the new Disney Aladdin movie.
So I'm not sure if Leo is interested in that or not, but that has now been suggested.
And we also have a story that he wants to cover now.
Ukraine blacklist Kroner Albano as security risk.
First of all, I didn't know that there were any Kroners still out there making music.
Albano Garisi is more than a croner.
In Russia, he's one of the biggest idols you can ever imagine.
I mean, you can compare Michael Jackson to Albano.
In fact, actually, Albano sued Michael Jackson and nearly won.
Michael Jackson was forced to come to Rome in court in the middle of the 90s.
I covered the whole thing at the time.
I was a journalist for a different kind of publication, a left-wing publication called La Repubblica.
I covered the whole thing, and actually, Albano was surprised he was not even in Italy when Michael Jackson arrived, because he didn't expect Michael to turn in person for the court trial against him.
So, Albano Carisi now has been blacklisted by the Ukrainian government as a national threat.
Now, this is a very delicate situation, because you have to understand, this is not just a singer.
Albano is one of the best friends of Vladimir Putin.
And Albano is not only one of the best friends of Vladimir Putin, but he's one of the best friends of many colonels and generals in the Russian intelligence.
So this might trigger a real problem, because, I mean, Albano apparently is very upset.
I saw him yesterday on TV here in Italy and stuff.
He's really upset.
And I can tell you one thing.
You don't want to make Albano upset.
I want to say more.
So he's kind of, I mean, so he kind of just...
He's a sort of a don of the South.
But as a cultural thing though, Leo, I mean, he really kind of, it sounds like, I'd never heard of him until now, it
sounds like he had kind of the Frank Sinatra appeal, where he was kind of bigger than his music, but Frank Sinatra, he
used to hang out with presidents, he'd hang out with all the stars.
I mean, Frank Sinatra was one of the most popular people in America.
I mean, he hung out with everyone.
Met Albano Carisi.
He met him in 1986 when he was still the head of the KGB.
I mean, here we are talking about a guy.
I was also in Russia at that time.
I participated in 2002 to a very big event that was organized with the Bolshoi for the Children Victims of Terrorism.
And I spent many years working also in Russia at the time.
He was one of the biggest artists.
I arrived there as a record producer, as a DJ.
Okay, but what's behind this?
What's behind this?
Why does Ukraine want Albano banned and blacklisted?
Well, they want because Albano apparently is too close to Putin.
And he's now even saying on TV, no, I'm not that close to Putin.
Why do you have to ban me?
But there is some kind of intelligence interest here in wanting Albano out of the picture, because Ukraine is a very delicate political situation at the moment, very frail.
So they are afraid that, you know, even an artist is that we started there
that can then be used by putting some way to influence the russian politics and
i know it's crazy but he's been put in black listed as a national threat so this is the news that the today and
also being here so now if you're
if you have any sort of celebrity power and so it we can kind of tie this into the american
celebrity politics where it's like
you if you're a conservative or you like trump are you like america just shut the
hell up or you're gonna be blacklisted from Hollywood It's kind of the same thing.
So it's like the same thing is going on over across the world.
Well, absolutely.
Because Albano praised Vladimir Putin.
And of course, once he praised Vladimir Putin, that's it.
Yeah, and I'm sure that, you know, once you praise Putin or Trump, you lose all your talent, too, and that's why they don't want you on the scene.
Oh wait, no, it's because of the politics, not about the music.
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The answer to 99% of all questions is yes.
answer to 19...
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
You know, not to get distracted here with the guest, Leo Zagami, that we have on air, and I want to talk about something a little, let's just say, higher consciousness with him now, but I can tie this into it.
So there's this story and I've never really bothered to look into it until just here in the last couple minutes.
This big college scam story that's going around.
I just figured it was some kind of low-level, you know, typical college scam and people are always cheating the system.
I couldn't believe the names involved in this.
Top actresses, I mean household names.
uh... just rigging the whole college system basically but but but but here's my point because it's really just a microcosm of the college system in general The whole higher education system in America, the whole college system in America is all rigged.
It's all fake.
It's all bullcrap.
Just look at the NCAA, folks.
I mean, the NCAA has got to be one of the most corrupt organizations in America.
They basically get free labor.
I mean, you could call it slave labor if you wanted, but they get free labor off the backs of these student-athletes.
Oh, we give them an education.
They're students first.
No, they're not.
Anybody who's been around college campus and new college athletes, specifically at Division I schools, know that they're athletes first, they're athletes second, they're athletes third, and then if they choose to, with any free time they may or may not have left, if they want to study and get good grades, they can do that.
But then most of their grades are rigged for them anyway.
Again, I've been around college athletes, I hung around them, I saw the benefits, I don't need to get into it.
They throw underage drinking parties for high school recruits.
They have local car dealerships give them all new cars.
Some of them just get straight cash payouts.
They give them homes.
I mean, folks, it's a joke.
Look at what they had at North Carolina.
Literally fake classes that they had the basketball team signed up with.
I remember Derrick Rose, when he got to Memphis, they fabricated his SAT scores.
I mean, so, but, but, let me tie it into what I wanted to get into with Leo.
You know, You should be able to see how corrupt the college system is in America without even knowing all of that stuff, but only if you're connected to God and only if you have His vision.
Now, Leo, you've seen a lot of the devil's work at hand.
You've been covering it.
You've written books about it.
And I've just realized here, honestly, just in the last like 48 hours, it's really hit me how, if you're not connected to God, if you don't ask for His vision and His discernment, the world has been so rigged and censored and twisted, yes by humans, but really by Satan.
That you won't even, you can't even really see the world anymore.
The world has been so, I mean, the veil has been put over our eyes by Satan that unless you have God's vision, you can't even see all the deception that's going on.
So, for most people, they probably see this story of all the college rigged and everything like, oh my gosh, how could this have been going on right under our eyes?
Anybody who's connected to God knows that higher education in this country and college in the West has been Totally corrupted.
So this is old news for people that get it.
New news for people that don't.
But Leo, just talk about your experience with that.
Because, I mean, you've written the books.
You've seen it all first hand.
What is your take on that?
Well, I will say that in America, incredibly enough, you really have right from the very first, from the establishment of the United States of America in 1776, the phenomenon of the fraternities and of the sororities in colleges in a way that we didn't have until a little while ago, even here in Europe.
I mean, of course, there's been some very old ones, especially in Germany, but in the U.S.
it's a really wide phenomenon.
that has characterized the spread not only of secrecy at certain levels, but the possibility
also of these fraternities and these sororities to conspire in a way against, you know, making
sure that their own members were always in front of the others in society in the end.
So I think that that is already something, the fraternity system in North America is already something that should make us wonder about the genuinity of the way the universities are.
But also the fact that we have a lot of Jesuit universities and other universities that are run always
by the old establishment.
And of course, the old establishment has all the interest to give you a specific model
that doesn't have to go outside certain schemes because otherwise you become a threat to society.
So in the end, when you go and study in a college and a university,
well, you come out more ignorant that you went in because either you have a closed mind,
but if you really have an open mind, they are implementing on you a system
that you can't really break because otherwise you go out
of the academic perception of things.
So, that is what I Well, I think it's important to criticize, especially because you talked about God.
Well, God is something more.
It's not about some satanic initiation rite or some diablity.
God is about believing and having faith in something that will give you access to everything and more.
Of course.
And the possibility of unlimited access to knowledge, because that's what happens when you are really embracing God and the love of God.
That's why the real knowledge is still preserved in monasteries, in ancient places and libraries that Yeah.
I mean, you know, you see these custodians that seem a bit like in the movie In the Name of the Road, you know, out of these dark libraries.
But that is the way knowledge is still preserved in a very Open up to the world.
Of course, it should be open up to the world.
It should be done also with a lot of respect, because this knowledge is something that is also holy.
So, I mean, we should have a certain respect for it.
I mean, the creation around us, the universe is all holy, is all part of God.
So I think that's very important for us to What they're doing in CERN is disrespecting God.
I mean, even the mockery ritual that they did outside of CERN once.
It was, even if it wasn't a real human sacrifice, it's still disgusting to think that these scientists Can have fun in front of this pagan statue disrespecting God in such a way.
Leo, hold on.
Stick on this for a second because CERN with the Hadron Collider and all the crazy stuff they're doing over there and colliding particles and then you had the tunnel that they built, the longest tunnel, it's in Europe and they had that weird parade with all the satanic crap.
What is that about?
Why do they do that, Leo?
Today, we are celebrating 30 years since the invention of the World Wide Web inside a chair.
Today, right today.
So, I mean, 30 years ago, the World Wide Web, where we are talking, we are transmitting now, was born out of chair.
Now, we have to see if in the long run, this World Wide Web doesn't become just another tool of evil.
So that's why we have to really be very cautious at this moment of time Before the AI takeover and everything that, of course, will make it impossible for human beings at that point to have any relevance in society.
And so that's the thing, too.
And that's what I'm saying, like, you need that connection to God.
It's not like, oh my gosh, like, AI is ultimately going to be evil no matter what, or it's the devil.
It's realizing the threats, it's realizing how Satan can co-opt it, and it's realizing how it can be used against humanity to thwart humanity.
And that's what I'm saying!
The person that's not connected to God is just like, oh yeah, give me the AI!
Just give me Hollywood!
But it's that discernment through God that kind of gives you that pause to say,
"Well, now wait a second. What are we really dealing with here?
What are the real implications of this?"
Well, transhumanism is satanic.
So the fact that everybody in transhumanism is promoting the idea of merging man with machine,
well, this is already satanic, you see.
The fact that behind transhumanism there was a Jesuit called Pierre Cardin Then, who was the father of transhumanism.
He was regarded by Wired as one of the creators of the Internet, and he's one of the main and central figures of my latest book, which I have just published, because this whole age of cyber-Satan has been hushed in by the Jesuits.
And the Jesuits are in full control of it.
And if we don't realize this, well, I mean, Georgetown, you know?
It's a great place.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, exactly.
If they get the microchip in all the humans, you flip the switch and you're gone.
But that's the ultimate endgame, isn't it?
Because humans are scum, according to Satan.
Leo Zagami, thank you so much.
LeoZagami.com, folks.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Alex will be joining us in this hour.
I've got some news that I want to knock out first before we're joined by Alex, though.
And before I get to the rest of it, I want to tie it into something that we provide a solution for.
First of all, you had this story out today.
Breathing in before doing something may actually make you better at it.
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It's taught in yoga as well.
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That's why people do it.
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You also had studies come out that said the average US home is as polluted as a major metropolitan area.
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So, I find a story that shows you how polluted the air is and how it's leading to premature death, and we have solutions at InfoWarsStore.com.
And then they say, oh, you're a snake oil salesman!
Fine, BuzzFeed!
Fine, Media Matters!
Breathe in the toxic air!
Not my problem!
Now, let me just pile drive through this news in no rhyme or reason here.
Democrats to introduce Bill... Oh my gosh.
Sorry, I just, like I said, I just picked up a stack of news and I'm just pile driving through it.
Now I remember what the story was.
This is real.
This is not the onion.
Jamie White has the story at Infowars.com.
Democrats to introduce bill requiring men to call police when they release sperm from their testicles.
A pair of Georgia Democrat lawmakers are planning to introduce a bill that would require men to call police when they ejaculate and classify unprotected sex as aggravated assault.
That's Dashaun Kendrick.
Of Lithuania and Park Cannon of Atlanta putting forward a testicular bill of rights.
in protest of Georgia's House passing a bill preventing abortions once a heartbeat is detected.
Kendrick and Cannon's bill would require men who are age 55 and older to immediately report to the county sheriff or local law enforcement agency when he releases sperm from his testicles, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Quote, this bill helps men who are well past reproductive age to self-report when they willfully engage in conception.
This is insanity.
And we've got the video for this one.
Let me see how long this video is.
Number seven.
Black trans woman arrested suspected of hate crime spree against white people.
Guys, just roll the b-roll on this.
So, you've got this black trans woman who's going around intentionally spraying people because they're white.
And she's even asking them, are you white?
Are you white?
And then they say yes, and then she sprays them with pepper spray.
Funny, I didn't see that one on CNN.
Think you'll hear about that on MSNBC?
Will Good Morning America be interviewing the victims of that racist?
Somehow I don't think so, but they'll bring Jussie Smollett on for a redemption piece.
Bet your bottom dollar.
There's another one in here.
Bartender refuses to serve man in MAGA visor and attempts to rip his phone out of his hand.
So, I mean, you know, they sit here and they act like the Trump supporters are the hateful ones, Trump supporters are intolerant, Trump supporters are getting violent, Trump supporters are beating people senselessly, and it's literally nothing but Trump haters!
And so, again, Folks, you have to understand how deceptive the devil is.
The devil's media tells you Trump supporters are bad, Trump supporters are racist, Trump supporters are bigots, Trump supporters are intolerant, Trump supporters are beating people.
It's literally the exact opposite.
All documented.
I mean, you've got the story from Breitbart.
It's up to like, I think, 700 cases of assault against Trump supporters.
That's not even half of them.
That's not even half of them.
I've submitted two of the examples of like the ten that I've just experienced.
And so I know I'm not the only one.
And these two latest ones aren't even on there.
So, but the media doesn't cover it.
And this is how they engage in their deception.
They lie about Trump 24-7, they lie about Trump supporters 24-7, and then they ignore the real news, which is their audience that they got hopped up, that they incited, that they made hateful and angry.
They go out, they attack white people, they attack Trump supporters, and it's all because of CNN, it's all because of MSNBC, it's all because of the Washington Post, it's all because of the New York Times, it's all because of Don Lemon, it's all because of Rachel Maddow, It's all your guys' fault, and you know you're inciting violence in this country, and that's why you're blaming us.
You are the liars.
Know someone?
This Facebook insider contacted us some time ago and provided us with what she says are internal Facebook documents.
I saw things going on that I personally found to be troubling.
I knew that something had to be done about it, and so I felt that the best thing to do was to inform the public because they had a right to know.
This is Danny Ben-David, a software engineer.
In the leaked documents our insider gave us, we came across a back-end view of Mike Cernovich's page.
On it, we could see Ben-David running an action called Action Deboost Live Distribution.
In fact, Ben-David wrote the code and may have invented the word deboost.
Deboosting is a method of suppressing distribution.
This occurs because props such as share this video are disabled.
Interactive notifications are also disabled.
And the live feed boost associated with a live streaming video on Facebook is removed.
This is Seiji Yamamoto, a data science manager for Facebook since 2015.
On Facebook's private workplace, Yamamoto makes it clear that he is on a crusade against hate speech.
What exactly do the engineers at Facebook define trolling and hate speech as?
In one slide from Yamamoto's deck, he writes, Introducing friction via the Troll Twilight Zone will confuse and demoralize them.
On his next slide, he defines the Troll Twilight Zone, saying it will enact drastically limited bandwidth, auto logouts, and comments and posts will magically fail to upload, unquote.
Just below this, Yamamoto writes that his Troll Twilight Zone feature will be triggered, quote, leading up to important elections, unquote.
Do you think they're trying to influence elections?
I think, like many people, they believe that the 2016 election of Donald Trump was a fluke.
It happened because all these trolls were sharing, you know, anti-Hillary memes.
So it's in their interest, as a very homogenous company, to kind of shut this down.
James O'Keefe from Project Veritas.
They've just released their latest bombshell video exposing Facebook de-boosting, having a troll patrol.
It's really just crazy stuff.
What is the latest video from Project Veritas?
What did you guys expose is going on over there at Facebook?
Well, an insider inside Facebook came to us with a series of documents.
...from within Facebook and said that they are de-boosting people.
What does that mean?
Well, the documents show code that assigned a de-boost score, which means they are downranking live stream videos.
They are making it so that it doesn't show up on your timeline if it contains certain keywords.
And this is without you knowing.
So it's very similar to what happened with Twitter last year with the shadow banning stuff that we exposed.
So the engineers are de-boosting certain videos that show up on the Daily Caller, Steven Crowder, Mike Cernovich, and other websites, but only on the conservative websites.
This insider looked at liberal websites that did not show up.
She also released documents of a so-called troll report.
We have all these documents on our website and it shows keywords that they're using to identify a troll score using machine learning and all these sort of computer programs that assign troll scores to people on Facebook if you use certain words.
These are not white supremacist words or racist words.
These are words like normie and lulz and MSM and these sort of words that have been appropriated by conservatives and meme culture.
So Facebook Brooke has never said that they've done this publicly.
This is a secret program in these documents that this person who blew the whistle gave to us and lost her job as a result.
So pretty significant stuff.
The people watching your show, which there are many, many, many committed, heroic, brave
individuals watching this program as I speak, my request is to have people on this show go to
ProjectBarrattas.com/brave and send us an encrypted note if you are on the inside of these companies.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, Alex Jones is about to join us.
I want to play this clip.
I may have time for some more news, but I want to kind of put a bookend on something I've been talking about, and I'll do that at the end of this clip.
Here's Rashida Tlaib blaming Islamophobia for Ilhan Omar criticism.
Representative Omar.
Why do you think people in your own party reacted so strongly against what you said?
You know, I'm trying to figure it out.
It's just, this past week, I feel, and I know this would be somewhat shocking for some, but I think Islamophobia is very much among the Democratic Party as well as the Republican Party.
And I know that's hard for people to hear, but there's only been four members of Congress that are of Muslim faith.
Three of them currently serve in this institution.
More of us need to get elected, but more of us need to understand as we come into this institution that I have a lot of work to do with my colleagues.
So you think Democrats have some Islamophobia and that's at the root of some of this consternation?
I think our country is struggling with it.
So, this whole notion of Islamophobia, what is it, where does it come from?
We were told that radical Islam hates the West, wants to kill us all, and attacked us on September 11, 2001.
So until they disavow that as not radical Islamic terrorism, then Islamophobia is fake news.
Alex Jones joins us now.
Alex, all kinds of breaking stuff right now.
Internet censorship being ramped up.
The Democrats admitting they have nothing on Trump and like they never were investigating him to begin with.
What's on your mind today, Alex?
Well, there's a lot of angles to cover here, and I took off a few weeks ago, and again, I've taken off for four or five days now just because I realize that I've been working 16, 18 hours a day and just getting too aggressive, too angry on air.
And so it's very important that I do take time off because we're having a lot of big victories, a lot of big successes, and it's important for all of us to go into dry dock occasionally and take some time off.
But I always get very, very retrospective.
I'm also very, very clear-headed when I can just take off four or five days.
And I've actually, for the first time in years, 98% disconnected from the news, meaning I only spent probably an hour a day looking at news and information when I normally, neurotically, probably spend six, eight hours a day totally focused on it.
But just looking at the headlines at Infowars.com, just looking at the headlines at Newswars.com,
places like GrudgeReport.com, but also enemy transmission systems like CNN
and the rest of them, what you were just talking about is very, very clear.
So I've just got a list of notes here that I'm gonna cover.
And then I was gonna be back live tomorrow, but they had said they were gonna move my deposition
on the fake Sandy Hook lawsuits next week.
They're not moved.
So that's over the next two days.
Then I'll be back Friday.
Won't be taking off for, you know, months after that.
Everybody can be absolutely assured of that because there's so much to cover.
But there's a lot of things I can't tell listeners.
I can't tell viewers.
But know this.
We're in the thick of a fight for the very heart and soul of this country in the future.
But we are having major victories.
We are winning the fight.
Some of the things going on, I can't tell folks, obviously, for strategic reasons, but this is real.
This revolution to take back our country and take back other nations is real.
It is happening, and thanks to all the viewers and listeners, we're in this together.
Okay, so let me just lay out the four or five things I want to cover here.
First off, Huawei and the global war we're already having with the Chai-coms, the cyber war that's currently happening, really the biggest news there is.
Also, AOC and her incredible corruption in our face and why she's allowed to do that.
We'll also look at Pelosi claiming that she's not going to try to impeach Trump.
It's because they have nothing and they don't have the votes of the Senate.
So she's acting like she's being magnanimous.
It's because she's weak.
We'll look at that.
We'll also look at the power, raw authoritarian power versus character.
And how civilizations are built on character, not raw power.
And then when you're talking about radical Islam, now it's greenlit and promoted and supported by the West and major corporations.
We have mass car deaths, shootings, scabbings every day.
And for every attack we hear about, there are five or six that we don't hear about.
And I'm gonna be breaking some of that when I come back to the United States today.
Also, Huge censorship news that's come out where Google and YouTube and others admit that they are pay-to-play.
Whoever pays them is what the search engine rank is.
So their lies to Congress, if they're not doing it, are just their incredible Achilles heel.
So that's all coming up.
But the first thing I want to hit is this.
We told folks 20 years ago, because it was in the Defense Intelligence Briefings to Congress, people go, how do you know all this?
Well, it was public.
The Defense Intelligence Agency and others pointed out the Democrats and Republican blue bloods were selling us out to China 20 years ago, and that many of our expensive defense chips were actually being made in China and then shipped into the U.S.
They'd have some other circuitry added, but basically they were 90% CHICOM made, whether it was our cruise missiles, our smart bombs, our helicopter avionics and guidance systems, our jet fighter avionics, our drone avionics, our guidance systems, our propulsion systems, We would develop the technology.
We would then sell it to other foreign countries.
And in some cases, we would then give it to China.
They would then knock it off and sell it for 10% of the price, even back to us.
So that's how these scams work.
And it's all about selling America out, deindustrializing us, setting us up to capitulate to China, giving China the Panama Canal, all the deep water ports, giving them 99%, that's 98% of the rare earth minerals.
All of that strategically positioning them to bring in the new world war.
But you can say what you want about Trump letting us float in the wind, hanging us out to dry to twist in the wind with the censorship and really destroying himself and making it a campaign promise to fix it if we re-elect him in a year and a half.
I'm really pissed off about that.
He said he'd go after the vaccines and expose those.
He's rolled over that.
Now they're censoring anybody off the internet that reads off vaccine inserts to come with
the vaccine that said it could cause paralysis, death, cancer, sterilization.
All we're saying is there's damn dangers here.
Look at it.
So I've got a lot of beefs with Trump, and I'm going to be bringing those out on air
only because he only pays attention, according to high level folks I've talked to, when you
go after him, which is good.
He responds to pressure.
Unlike the Clintons, they just try to shut you down if you pressure them.
Trump gets reminded by it.
He's a busy guy.
But that said, even CNN had the headline yesterday.
government says Huawei a national security threat, stealing U.S.
It's setting up bases coast to coast from Indiana to Texas, from New York to Utah.
I mean, all 50 states.
5G, super tiny waves that go through anything and everything and steal all your data.
And then runs all your data through their hubs, and it's CHI, COM, government run.
And there's the Pentagon saying what we already know from the specs.
All of these cell phone systems and digital systems and smart meters, you pay for them, but their main business, just like your cell phone is not really a cell phone.
It's a tracking and surveillance system.
It is a control grid to scoop everything up.
And by design to be on those services, They've got to have almost all the code keys and systems to get into your phone, plus they all have the keystroke systems to break it if they want.
So the shycoms that Google has said they'll work with and not the Pentagon, and that Apple's moved over to China, get this through your head, folks.
I know you're getting it, but understand, they are putting in 5G from Africa to Asia to the United States, North America, South America.
Way ahead of us.
They've got 17 countries already implementing their global social score.
That's a world, mark of the beast, total control surveillance system.
And the Pentagon, word for word, came out yesterday.
Even CNN had to report it.
And said, they're scooping up all of your data.
It's a national security threat.
Any ally that uses Huawei, we cannot be allied with.
It's the truth!
So say what you want about Trump.
The fundamental crime he committed.
And I figured this out.
Was he said America still exists?
We're not under Qaikom control?
Why should we parlay and sell all our power out?
Even from a dictatorial perspective, you want to use American prowess?
If you ran America, why would you want to sell it out?
It makes no sense, even from an evil perspective.
Much less a good perspective, unless you're against it, because we've had so much freedom and we're a Christian nation.
They want to wreck the country, and Trump stands with the Republic.
And that's why we've got to be behind Trump.
You know, I have a love-hate relationship with Trump.
I've done so much for Trump, so has our audience.
We've been through so much.
We're going to be right back and talk about this, but this Huawei situation is ultra-massive.
Stay with us.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
Brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine, but a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
But I was able to secure with the original manufacturer A better deal by breaking my deal with them and playing guts ball where it's only been sold out for a couple months and we got the new deal done just about a month ago and they are manufacturing it now so people get on the waiting list in about two weeks we'll be shipping X2 original all deep earth crystal pure atomic iodine directly to your door
Across the world.
X2's back.
It'll be here in two weeks.
This is a blessing, so get yours at InfoWarsTore.com today.
Again, thank you for your support.
Support your own body with the purest, best iodine out there.
X2 at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Welcome back to The Alex Jones Show.
Alex is with us here and what I'm gonna do here is I'm just gonna lob up About four or five pitches for Alex to swing away at and knock out of the park.
You've got the internet censorship ramping up on multiple different levels.
Zero hedge ban from Facebook.
They're rigging movie reviews so that their liberal movies get high reviews like Captain Marvel.
They're removing climate skeptics from having apps.
They're removing you if you post about vaccines.
And you know, There's one thing I really want to get Alex's take on as the border crossings continue to get worse and this is hurting Trump's base but you know Alex I've been talking a lot about having God's vision today and you know I think a lot of people
Don't fully understand what we do here at InfoWars because a lot of it is, quite frankly, just trying to channel God and just fighting the devil in this spiritual battle.
But having God's discernment, there's certain things, Alex, that I've experienced with you where you'll say something to me and I'll be like, wow, Alex.
And then a couple months later it comes to full fruition and I'm like, oh my gosh.
Are AirPods dangerous?
250 scientists warn they may be.
Now, I have never used Bluetooth speakers, never used Bluetooth headsets, and I never knew why.
The science was never out.
I just felt like there's something bad with it.
It's gonna be bad.
Now they're learning that the waves, the electromagnetic waves in the AirPods, can be zapping your brain.
Combine that with the 5G, and we're pretty much dead.
So, you know, there's a bunch of stuff going on out there, folks.
Well, let me tackle that one first.
Let me tackle that one first.
And again, we're not trying to scare people, folks.
It's how the devil works.
God gives us technology in our great brain that builds it, but the devil and these globalists, any technology we then develop has a Trojan horse.
So yes, putting the AirPods in your ears, having the Wi-Fi connected, having all that electromagnetic system pushing through there with all the other electromagnetic radiation was going on.
I was on Joe Rogan's show a week and a half ago, now the number two podcast in history, under Elon Musk, setting about a week through the number one in history.
Very proud of that.
Thanks to the listeners spreading the word.
And I said, I remember the Baltimore Sun reported on the CIA testing microwaves through the cell towers in 1999 to calm the public.
Now, Jamie is so good at searching, and I'm not just kissing his butt, it's true, Joe's He found the article that I couldn't find for years.
I don't know how he did it.
And Joe's reading, Scientific American, had quotes from the Baltimore Sun about cell towers mind-controlling people.
Look, I'm not the one saying this!
I read 23 years ago the BBC said, we have human-animal hybrids, but we don't show them to you.
But that was a test balloon.
I've noticed they have these test balloons where they report the most insane stuff.
So yes, Like, Dr. Nick Begich explains, and he's one of the top guys, you know, brother U.S.
senator, dad famous congressman that actually gave the land of Alaska back to the people, so they killed him with hellbogs.
He's a smart cookie, but he'll say, Alex, don't worry about the fluoride, don't worry about the chemicals in the vaccine, they're bad enough.
He goes, they're nothing compared to electromagnetic.
And so, it's not that magnetics and the atmosphere is bad, the sun creates incredible ones.
Gives us sunburns, and also makes, grows our crops.
It's that we have developed under God's control with the sun over a long period of time.
They're creating all these other systems that nudge and manipulate.
So anything, just like my dad in the 60s, 1965, he's a junior in high school, top of his class, so they bring him to UT, they've got virtual reality goggles, they've got gloves you put on, it's virtual reality, they've got CD-ROM, this is stuff that didn't come out until the 90s.
I'm on Joe Rogan's show.
Jamie's so good, his producer, I've never even been able to find the patent that shows the VR goggles, the ones that are sold in stores.
He finds it 1955.
So my point is, my dad thought he saw it first in a DARPA program in 65.
No, 10 years before, it's patented.
So anything we're given, AirPods, iPhones, Droids, TV flicker rates, they decide to give it to us.
With a system they can piggyback things on.
In fact, a lot of scientists say, why does the U.S.
and Europe have different flicker rates on TVs?
And why are they not even the best for energy or the best for visuals?
Because they're the best for, quote, highly suggestibility.
They put you into a trance.
So people that are suggestible, you wonder why the public looks so dumb?
Why they look so zombified?
Why they don't look conscious?
They've been put into a dream, literally.
They've been put into a dream, into a dream trance.
And now they're being programmed to not reproduce, to not be strong, to not connect to God.
So you bring that up.
I mean, I take my children's cell phones away.
I give them cell phones to go to a friend's house or they're going to go on a field trip or something.
I'm even taking that away because they literally just beg and beg and beg and then act up after they've been given them.
And it's not that a cell phone itself would be evil.
It's that everything piggybacked on it is bad and has already been pre-tested.
We're not given anything.
It took to the mid-2000s until real VR goggles came out.
The exact patent was out in 55.
I mean, they had, my dad saw in the 60s, TV screens that were paper thin, and that you could fold up like a magazine.
And I didn't read about that until the 90s in Wired Magazine.
Everything we've been given is 30 to 40 years old, ladies and gentlemen.
Now, that's why the globalists are on such power trips.
They've already got life extension.
They can already keep you alive to 200, 300.
They're not going to give us that.
They've said, there's too many people, the population is there, we have to cull the population, then a select group, like Moonraker, Ian Fleming wrote about that, will then go on to build the new age.
And so this is why they're setting up this Luciferian system.
This is why they're doing it.
And here's the deal.
They're so threatened by men and women together.
If a woman wants to be president, great.
If a woman wants to be a scientist, great.
Women are awesome.
I've got three daughters.
The point is, they artificially want women out of the household and the workforce so that children are raised by the state.
That's why Captain Marvel, just like Ghostbusters, is super unpopular, the new one.
And so they admit, Rotten Tomatoes used to be 90% against it, now it's 90% for, that Google admits they rigged this feminist, anti-family, anti-woman program And it's right there.
They admit it's all rigged.
Everyone rejects it, so they rig it and say, you must see it.
Still, people will reject it.
So they're trying to break the basic man-woman program of our species, electromagnetically, chemically, biologically, but it's not working, Owen.
Well, and Alex, I just feel like, to the average human out there that doesn't understand that this is all going on, that's why they're trying to eliminate God from the school, that's why they're trying to eliminate God from people's lives, because if you don't have that connection with God... It's the highest program, and here's the thing.
When humans know they're under attack and resist, they get stronger.
When we don't know we're under attack and adapt to the attack, to survive in the attack, long-term we're killed.
That's a top globalist program.
So listen, be aware of the attack, folks.
We're not victims like the left.
One reason conservatives can't wake up is they go, I'm not a victim.
I'm just going to adapt to the attack.
No, no, you're not a victim.
You're a target, like Tommy Robinson says.
So admit you're under attack.
Organize your brain to resist it, and your brain will open up avenues, and God will open up discernment pathways to battle prefix overhead relays.
I'm telling you, folks, the enemy is trying to implement what God already has.
You jack into God.
You say, God, I need help.
I love Jesus.
I want children to be free.
I want a human future.
I want to be guided by your program.
Then God comes in.
You have to say, Jesus, I want you.
God, I want you, the God of the Bible, the real God, the God of life, the God of Genesis, the God of Revelation.
You ask God in.
This isn't something with fake preachers, folks.
This is literal interdimensional.
Then the real program comes in, and then you can see the code.
Then you understand the whole enemy operation.
Now, you may go a little crazy, but I'm telling you, imagine seeing the code, folks.
And many of you already see the code.
Many of you see the code better than I do.
God wants to give you the full code right now, but He's only going to give you what you can take.
And Alex, I just sit here and I'm like, wow, of course the average human thinks the liberal progressive agenda is good and it's loving and they're calling humans into just falling for it.
No, it's all anti-human, it's all pure death.
All the metrics, all the numbers.
If you had a dashboard of what liberalism and globalism does, it's anti-human, it's pure death, it's pure failure.
So what happens next, Alex, as the panel involved in getting the Epstein sex trafficking case documents unsealed has moved to do it?
I mean, are people going to come and apologize to Alex Jones and say, wow, Alex, you were right.
They're protecting pedophiles at the highest levels.
Well, I mean, listen, Robert Mueller protected Epstein, using him for 10 years as a confidential informant.
That came out in the federal documents that were released five years ago.
And then the news spun it that I said Mueller raped the kids.
Notice how they always lie.
No, I said Mueller doesn't rape the kids.
He videotaped it.
That came out.
So, this high level of what's going on, obviously, Alan Dershowitz was not involved in any of this, neither was Trump.
That's why through Dershowitz, Trump wants it all released.
When you hear about Dershowitz wanting it all released, that's Trump.
They have nothing to do with Epstein other than, you know, New York parties and saying, oh yeah, great, yeah, I know him.
And so, it's the Democrats, hundreds of flights on the airplanes.
It's Harvey Weinstein.
It's all these people.
I mean, take... Who was the guy that did the...
Kevin Spacey, House of Cards.
Notice they're trying to flush him for low-level stuff instead of the real stuff he was involved with.
It's all coming down.
We'll come back in two minutes and finish this up.
And then there's more coming up.
Tomorrow's news today.
The enemy hopes you don't spread those links.
You spread those links, we smash the enemy.
You don't spread those links, the globalists win.
Stay with it.
I've got some really good...
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Hey, I don't complain about it, but this is a real war.
This isn't like your average show, like, oh, we're the cutting edge, oh, the Tempest-Bero support us.
We are in absolute contention, in war with the globalists.
We are taking them on at point-blank range.
And if you go to the establishment hotels or go to establishment grocery stores, I don't judge you.
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How will the media demonize that?
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Know you're funding the info war. A total win-win.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order.
It's Alex Jones.
The thing they hate the most about InfoWars, folks, it's really not our political coverage.
Our political coverage is just a method of exposing the Satanists and devil trying to destroy humanity and us trying to channel God and get you in touch with God, Alex.
That's what they really hate.
Well, you're absolutely right, Ed.
God wants humanity.
To ask for the blueprints to Satan's plan so that we can stop it.
Because God is a free will God and is the true God, the one God.
And that's what this comes down to, is that literally the enemy blueprint is in front of us.
It's an anti-human blueprint.
It's a woodchipping machine to destroy all of us.
And we must stand against it.
And I'm glad you're pointing that out because covering all the politics is only a way to show people the enemy's design.
It is a good versus evil paradigm.
That's what it comes down to.
Why would the left Channel, even where I've been on vacation for five days at this particular hotel, they have like a gay wedding here and you've got a bunch of Muslims here at the same time who are sitting there with their women wearing burqas and hijabs and looking disgustingly at these gay men and the gay men all kissing their ass right next to them and you just have to understand that's two cultures that don't even get along but aren't even on the same wavelength except they're both destructive.
And the left is trying to bring all this in.
They're trying to set all this up.
They're trying to do this.
There's another article on Infowars.com in Germany where the woman's murdered by a Muslim.
So a Muslim goes to the wedding, I mean, goes to the funeral, this is a wedding of death, and screams Allah Akbar.
And as you mentioned, YouTube censoring bad reviews of leftist movies.
I mean, this is where they're going.
I mean, I didn't even get into this.
I'll cover it with, you know, you obviously tomorrow and Paul Watson.
I'll be back tomorrow, but I've got to deal with the depositions.
AOC saying America's garbage, you can't fix capitalism, well then move to Venezuela.
But it's bigger than that.
Yeah, she wears his honor clothes.
Yeah, she flies in private jets.
Yeah, she wears all these fancy outfits and drives around in SUVs.
It's about she's a god and you're a slave.
And it's about flaunting it and breaking your will.
But the good news is her corruption is boiled over.
And the Justice Department isn't under full Democrat control.
You know, in the past, An AOC, like a Maxine Waters, she's an older AOC, could steal hundreds of millions of dollars, give tens of millions to her husband's failed bank directly, because they control the Justice Department.
That's why they're so scared, is their Chai Com deals and their money laundering and their banker bailouts and the scams they've run are coming to an end.
And so here she is keeping millions of dollars, not a million, millions of dollars of 18 million she got, not declaring she's in a PAC, not declaring she kept the money, not declaring it's paying for her house or car, Meanwhile, number two documentary filmmaker in history, give twenty-something thousand to friends to give to a Senate campaign, technically illegal, didn't fill out the paperwork, he goes to jail for nine months, is on probation for two years, Dinesh D'Souza, she does nothing in the same state of New York.
But we're going to continue to expose this hypocrisy, and that's what's so key.
So, Owen, I salute you, and I thank you.
You know, I didn't get to power versus character.
But there's no time to get to that now, but I'm going to take something for tomorrow's show.
Power versus character.
Power is just raw power to burn something down.
What is character?
Character means you have a program that perseveres, that you're actually committed to, and that you are an individual tied into something greater, carrying out a larger operation.
And it's character, real character, good character, not evil character.
As I should point out, there's bad character and good character.
It's like evil people.
Well, go out of their way to screw somebody over, even if it would help them in the short term, in the long term, to do something good.
They can't do good because their character is evil.
Well, those of us whose character is good, we have this tendency to not want to be arrogant.
We have this tendency to think that it's arrogant if we're leaders, that we're trying to force our way to the front.
We're not looking for power.
We already built the planet, built the country, built everything with God's help.
We're made in the image of God.
And so it's absolutely imperative and it's time.
We realize the big picture and decide which side we're on.
So, Owen, I'm going to throw this back to you.
The great job you're doing.
I want to just encourage everybody to remember, without your financial help, getting a T-shirt, getting a book, getting a film, we will not be here.
God bless you.
Back to Owen and the fourth-hour host, Ann Moore, again, and I'll be back tomorrow with Owen, Paul Watson, and more.
Thank you.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, there goes Alex Jones.
He'll be back with us tomorrow.
Paul Joseph Watson takes over the Alex Jones Show now before the War Room starts at 3 p.m.
Central at InfoWars.com.
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Perk up by getting Turbo Force right now at Infowarslife.com Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the
Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live on the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show, right as the latest round of Brexit votes is happening in the UK Parliament.
Of course, I've been saying for months that Brexit is not going to happen.
It's been a planned sabotage from the very beginning.
So last night basically the Prime Minister of the UK, Theresa May, went to the EU once again with no foundation for any negotiation whatsoever.
She's already basically ruled out no deals so she holds no cards whatsoever in this entire process because she's a globalist who planned to sabotage the deal from the very beginning.
So she went to Juncker, she went to the EU, And tried to get assurances that the United Kingdom would not remain in the customs union going forward as this supposed new trade deal with the EU was worked out.
And after the UK officially left the EU, which was initially planned to happen on the 29th of March.
Now she came back after that meeting and said that she'd got a legally binding assurance that the UK would not remain in the customs union as a result of the hard border on the island of Ireland.
She presented that publicly and she lied once again because the QC there studied it, the Attorney General in the UK studied it and said this is not legally binding.
Basically the UK would have to go once again begging to the EU to be let out of the European Union.
It wasn't a legally binding agreement.
That became Widely known in the hours after she announced it and lied to the British public once again.
Now they're having the vote on whether to accept that Brexit deal.
And she's going to lose the vote once again by as many as 100 votes.
And she's still probably going to remain in power, unbelievably.
There's another vote tomorrow, I believe, on whether there's to take no deal off the table again.
When we voted to leave the European Union, it was a straight, direct question.
Do you want to leave the European Union?
It wasn't, do you want no deal?
Do you want a deal?
It was to leave the European Union.
The best situation for the United Kingdom to forge itself going forward and to make new trade deals would to leave on the 29th of March with no deal.
We'd save $39 billion.
Theresa May and the Conservatives would save political face but again they don't care about that because the majority of them are Europhiles and want to stay in the European Union.
They want to override the democratic will of 17.4 million British people who voted to leave the European Union.
So they're going to have a vote on that.
It's taking place right now actually.
She's going to lose it.
Then they're going to have a vote on delaying the Brexit negotiations, the date on which we leave once again, so that will probably go through.
The vote to take no deal off the table again, betraying the vast majority of the people who voted for leave.
That will probably pass, so they'll take no deal off the table.
Then Theresa May once again will have to go begging to the European Union, cap in hand for another crappy deal.
So we'll continue to monitor that.
Jacob Rees-Mogg, who of course is one of the senior Brexiteers in the Conservative Party, says he will be voting against the deal.
He told the Press Association, I'll be voting against the government this evening.
I expect the majority of the ERG, which is the pro-Brexiteer European Research Group, will vote against the deal.
So it's not going to pass.
I've said from the start, they're going to delay Brexit to the point where it becomes untenable to leave.
That was the plan from the very beginning.
Even if by some miracle now we do leave the European Union, they'll make it so horrific that we'll just be forced to rejoin within two years.
And that's the example.
As the President of the EU said, I think it was the President last night, that they want to use the United Kingdom as the example On what happens when countries try to leave this authoritarian bureaucracy.
So if you make it as hard as possible, if you make it as painful as possible, none of these other Eurosceptic forces throughout Europe, which are growing, will even want to consider their countries leaving the European Union.
So it's all about the threat of a good example, and it's about punishing countries who try to leave this Byzantine authoritarian bureaucracy.
So we'll continue to monitor that as it comes in, but it's almost certain that she will lose the vote, and by a good 100 votes at least, probably.
Now, President Trump has come out today in a Breitbart interview on the subject of Big Tech.
Headline, Donald Trump accuses tech giants of colluding with Democrats.
President Donald Trump accused companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google of colluding with Democrats to censor his supporters online to their political advantage.
Trump said, quote, Actually, it's incredible I won the election because, you know, it was so rigged against me.
It wasn't Russians.
Russia collusion was a delusion.
But what there is, is there was collusion between Democrats and these tech companies, which is right.
And he's right to say that.
He went on to say Twitter's horrible, what they're doing to people, they're blanking them out, what's going on with Twitter is terrible for conservatives.
Of course, last night we had Zero Hedge, which is one of the biggest non-corporate news websites on the Internet.
...be directly censored by Facebook.
Their accounts weren't removed.
They've removed the ability for anyone to post a link to a zero-hedge article on Facebook.
From what I checked as of a couple of hours ago, that has now been corrected.
They've flipped it back and you can actually post zero-edge articles on Facebook.
That is another chilling insight as to where they're going to go next.
Outright banning URLs completely to completely legitimate, non-corporate news websites, which gets millions and millions of viewers every day.
But here's the problem with what Trump said to Breitbart.
He was asked by Breitbart News reporter Charlie Spearing about how he planned to fight tech bias in the 2020 election.
He replied, quote, you fight it by just being good.
You've got to be really good.
It's much harder for a Conservative Republican to win than it is for a Liberal Democrat.
So the executive order that we were promised months and months ago is not happening.
It hasn't happened.
There were rumours that it was going to be part of his 2020 campaign platform after he won.
Too little, too late.
And now Trump is saying that, although he acknowledges that Twitter is blacklisting conservatives, that they're in violation of Section 230 of the Communications Act, which decrees that social media networks like Twitter and Facebook have to act as platforms and not publishers as soon as they act as publishers in curating content, in banning content, in banning users.
Without proper justification, which is brazenly proven at this point, they lose immunity under Section 230 for the content posted on their website.
So then they become legally liable for all that content.
It's very simple to have an executive order to put that into force and to tighten that up.
It's not happening.
Trump's basically said, just be good.
Whatever that means, I don't know.
Behave yourself and then maybe you won't get banned.
Don't be too instrumental in trying to convince people to vote for Donald Trump in the 2020 election.
Maybe that will, you know, prevent you from being banned.
Just being good isn't a solution.
Now, Mike Cernovich reacted to this strongly, and he's still talking about it on Twitter.
He tweeted, quote, I could peel off enough votes from Trump to cost him 2020.
That's exactly how I'm thinking if he doesn't do his executive order on free speech.
He must also order Treasury to issue regulations prohibiting discriminating against Conservatives in banking.
We've seen numerous examples of that over the past few months.
Of course, PayPal banned InfoWars last year.
Laura Loomer had her account shut down at one point.
I think it was Joe Biggs who had a problem with his bank account at one point.
Martina Marcotta had her bank account shut down by Chase because of political reasons.
So again, it's not just about big tech, it's about big banking shutting down conservatives for their political opinions.
That is brazen discrimination.
That has to stop.
But Trump's come out and said, just be good.
Just be good.
So Mike Cernovich is now seriously considering running for president to take away enough votes from Trump that will cost him The 2020 election.
Now, of course, that is a political threat at this point.
It's designed to get attention to the push for this executive order, which we were promised for months and months and which has not happened.
And from Trump's latest statements, it's very unlikely that it is going to happen any time before the election.
So now Trump's base is revolting.
We saw Ann Coulter challenging Trump on the wall and him hitting back at her, calling her basically crazy.
Now Cernovich says I brought a lot of votes to Trump.
People who found me recently have no idea.
Those votes go with me and I get even more votes, you'll see.
So he's threatening to run against Trump if this executive order is not introduced.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I will be back.
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A new habitat has appeared.
Entirely designed and constructed by one species for its own purpose.
These crevices contain the highest density of lizards in the world.
And to early visitors, this new world was already home to the First Nations people.
My husband, Bruce, is now in New York City.
Um, Roger?
I would argue that they're missing the forest for the trees.
A young brain searches for understanding in slow stages, working out what things are and how they work.
Factually and semantically correct.
Uh, but no sign of the national... Out comes a tiny, underdeveloped little worm.
Pretty tranquil down here.
We gotta do what we can.
We always have.
This is a male, and life here suits him well.
This extraordinary creature is half-blind, half-deaf, and this is just about as fast as it can move.
I've been talking so much!
You might think that this is some kind of circus trick for which she's been specially trained, but not so.
She is doing this entirely on her own initiative.
She's seen others doing it, and she's copying.
I don't feel no ways tired.
I come too far!
This male has gigantic testes, the largest in the world.
They weigh a ton and produce gallons of sperm.
You know, it is, uh, it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Because you'd be in jail.
Secretary Clinton.
[cheers and applause]
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports.
It's The Alex Jones Show.
News, analysis, reports. It's the Alex Jones Show. And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're going to go to a video here in a moment, which I put out a couple of months ago, about
the amazing number of cases, the incredible number of cases of Westerners who travel abroad,
specifically, in many cases, tragically, women, who travel abroad to very dangerous countries
with this mindset that the world is just a utopian playground and it's completely peaceful
and that these countries are not dangerous and that they're not full of dangerous people.
And they go there, trying to spread this message of love and peace and understanding, and in many cases they end up dead, raped, murdered, slaughtered.
We saw it a couple of months ago with the two Scandinavian women in Morocco, horrifically beheaded by ISIS on tape.
Denmark responded to that by prosecuting the people who shared the video.
I think people need to see that video to emphasise this point.
We've got another example, tragically, of this today, where a woman was found dead after hiking in Guatemala, which has a huge violent crime and violent rape problem.
But to preface this, let's first take a look at all the other recent cases of cultural relativism, where you have these people, mainly females, traveling abroad with this deluded mindset that the world is not a dangerous place.
They don't take proper precautions and they end up raped and murdered.
Here is that video and we'll be back.
Yep, it happened again.
A left-wing couple travelled to a dangerous country to spread love.
They ignored government warnings that violent crime and terrorism were commonplace.
And they ended up being abducted and possibly killed.
Now, the following is unconfirmed, but it's circulating on social media.
Apparently, Edith Blase, a Canadian citizen, posted a picture of herself on Facebook holding an Iraq sign in Arabic alongside the following words.
Hitchhiking Iraq!
I just wanted to share that there is love and warmth everywhere in the world.
You just need the wisdom and courage to reach out and grasp it.
Open your minds and hearts!
We are the people showing others that the world is a place in which solo females can travel to its far corners.
Happy 2019!
Let's hit the road!
She hit the road with her boyfriend traveling through Mali and Burkina Faso with the intention of reaching Togo to carry out environmentalist activist work.
They ignored a government travel advisory warning to avoid all unnecessary travel to Burkina Faso.
They travelled there despite a 2016 Islamic terror attack in the country's capital that killed six Canadians.
They ignored a government travel warning to quote avoid all travel to Mali due to the severe threat of terrorism and violent carjacking.
They ignored a Global Affairs Canada warning that armed criminals don't hesitate to shoot at vehicles to stop and rob their occupants.
Such incidents can happen, day or night, on both main and secondary roads.
On December 15th, all communications with their families abruptly ceased.
And the couple have been missing ever since.
They were likely kidnapped and held for ransom, if not murdered in cold blood.
Two more victims of cultural relativism.
The quixotic, progressive, utopian fantasy that all cultures are equal.
And that our negative view of some parts of the world is just a manifestation of our own inherent racism.
But the reality is quite different.
Not all cultures are equal.
Some cultures are better than others.
Not all countries are safe.
Some countries are safer than others.
The most dangerous countries in the world are almost exclusively located in the Middle East and Africa.
Don't believe me?
Just look at any list.
The Middle East and Africa.
The same two continents from which Europe is accepting millions and millions of migrants.
And while leftists like CNN's Ana Navarro can file their nails and roll their eyes, the fact remains.
This is why we have borders.
To keep out violent criminals and terrorists.
Borders work.
Walls work.
Walls work!
But if you import people from violent cultures and dangerous countries, then your own society is going to become more violent and more dangerous.
You can't argue with that fact.
Now obviously this isn't to say that you should just live like a hermit in fear and never travel anywhere.
But if you visit violent, crime-ridden, poverty-stricken countries As a westerner, with the pie-in-the-sky belief that everyone is as tolerant, open-minded, and peaceful as progressives make out, with the urge to vacation and s*** whole countries just so you can come back and virtue-signal about it to all your lefty friends.
Then eventually, you're gonna run into trouble.
And it's not just anecdotal evidence that strongly suggests these people put themselves at risk because of their erroneous innate progressive beliefs.
There's science to back it up.
A study by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln reported on by Scientific American Found that conservatives are more attuned than liberals to assessing potential threats.
How many more examples of this do we need to see before liberals accept that their utopian view of the world is a complete self-delusion?
Two Scandinavian tourists who went hiking in Morocco.
One of whom posted an anti-Islamophobia video and urged her followers to not judge people by their appearance, raped and beheaded by Islamic terrorists.
Swedish supporter of multiculturalism and a strong advocate of mass immigration, member of a Facebook page called We Like Diversity, raped and killed by an Ethiopian immigrant and dumped in a forest.
Left-wing American couple who cycled through the Middle East and the Balkans, wrote blogs about how evil is a make-believe concept, Born out of Westerners' bigoted views of other cultures.
Mowed down and stabbed to death by Islamic terrorists.
Italian performance artist who said she would hitchhike from Italy to the Middle East to quote, send a message of peace and marriage between different peoples and nations.
Raped and strangled to death.
Belgian psychologist who worked with failed asylum seekers in Sweden to prevent their deportation.
Mowed down by a truck, driven by a failed asylum seeker in Sweden.
Liberal activists who travelled to Haiti to raise awareness about violence against women while decrying the racism of Westerners towards black men.
Held on a rooftop and repeatedly raped by a black man.
Female interpreter working on a documentary about the plight of vulnerable refugees.
Raped by refugees.
There are more examples in my previous video which is linked in the description.
Evil exists in the world.
Danger exists in the world.
And those two things are more likely to exist in certain parts of the world than others.
And just because the BBC, or the Guardian, or MSNBC, or the Huffington Post, tells you that such beliefs are only held by racists, doesn't make them any less true.
Projecting your own fanciful, progressive worldview onto other cultures doesn't eliminate the negative aspects of those cultures.
It only increases the chance of you becoming another victim.
That video is called It Happened Again.
It's up on YouTube and maybe it happened again.
We've got another story about this today up on in4wars.com which I'll get into in depth after the break because we've got about a minute left here.
But here's another headline, related headline, out of the New York Post.
Americans are traveling alone more than ever.
Solo travel is indisputably on the rise as nearly one in four Americans prefers to travel alone according to new research.
So again, this just goes to the atomisation of society.
Who would want to travel on their own anyway?
How boring would that be?
But more Americans are travelling alone.
You've got left-wing newspapers encouraging women To go to dangerous countries and travel alone, even in light of story after story after story of them not coming home.
And we've got another example of that, which happened to a British woman in Guatemala.
Again, probably the rape capital of South America.
And we're going to get into that story right after this break.
This is the Alex Jones Show live.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
Don't go away.
We'll be back.
It's 2am on the computer.
Twitter censorship.
The three strikes that took down Alex Jones.
Strike one.
Child abuse.
There was a video that was uploaded that showed a child being violently thrown to the ground and crying.
The video in question is a viral meme with over a hundred thousand retweets.
The meme showed a child bullying an adult who was eventually pushed to the ground and started crying like a victim.
The reason this video went viral in 2018 was because it reflected the strategy of the new American left.
Bully your opponents and then cry foul when they try to fight back.
Forbes originally claimed that the man in the video was Alex Jones himself and somehow InfoWars is to blame for a video that remained on Twitter for months after the fact.
Strike two.
Inciting violence.
The second one was a video that we viewed as incitement of violence.
The original video was a message directed towards President Trump.
This is an emergency message to President Trump, to Congress, and to anyone that supports free speech in this country.
Twitter ignores this.
They selected a short segment and deceitfully acted as if Alex Jones was inciting violence against the media.
But now it's time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag.
You know, the Justice Department's crippled a bunch of followers and cowards.
There's groups, there's grand juries, there's... You call for it.
It's time, politically, economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally, to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Get together the people you know aren't traitors and aren't cowards and aren't hedging their frickin' bets like all these other assholes do.
And let's go, let's do it.
And then there's a bunch of other stuff.
The other stuff that Twitter decided to ignore made it clear that the statement was being made to President Trump.
Because they're coming.
Now, in your wisdom, you may be playing possum and waiting for him to come in.
Alex Jones was encouraging the President to take action against Internet censorship.
And after omitting this fact, they skipped forward to Alex Jones reminding Americans of the importance of their Second Amendment rights.
People need to have their battle rifles and everything ready, their bedsides.
You gotta be ready.
The media is so disciplined in their deception.
Andy, if I attacked all these people at the White House, beat up reporters, beat up women, children, no coverage.
Twitter does not respect the Second Amendment.
Strike three!
Bullying Oliver Darcy.
So the third strike that we looked at was a verbal altercation that Alex got into with a journalist.
You're a virus to America and freedom.
Smelling like a possum that climbed out of the rear end of a dead cow.
You look like a possum that got caught doing some really, really nasty stuff in my view.
That's enough!
That's hilarious.
The altercation with Oliver Darcy is the real reason why Alex Jones was deleted from Twitter.
Rather than allowing an open and honest discussion, and possibly resolving our differences peacefully, they choose to silence their opposition and push towards a violent civil war.
Jack himself encouraged everyone to read an article which basically outlined the fact that there's no civility left and that civil war is likely to happen in America.
It says, the article was, why there's no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history, one side must win.
If you exacerbate the divisions in society that are so rife right now, that is going to create a civil war situation.
So they're going to be partly responsible for it, as one of the biggest platforms silencing people.
They're only going to drive them underground.
They're only going to make them more angry, more extreme on both sides.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent free press working with big tech.
Conspiracy theories is an easy target.
there are some who worry this is a slippery slope where people with different viewpoints could be silenced.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N.
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Cultural relativism British woman found dead after hiking in Guatemala and I'm reminded of the story of course which was published by the Huffington Post not known as a right-wing publication 80% of Central American women girls are raped crossing into the US and it made the point that This is from a Fusion investigation.
80% of women and girls crossing into the US by way of Mexico are raped during their journey.
That's up from a previous estimate of 60% according to Amnesty International.
And of course, many of those women and young girls are coming from El Salvador and Guatemala, which is where this British hiker was holidaying over the past few weeks.
23-year-old British woman Catherine Shaw had set out travelling in September 2018 and was in Guatemala for two weeks before being reported missing on March the 5th.
Her body was subsequently found.
Now, the charity that was behind the search for her body or the search for her when she went missing were very, very insistent on coming out before the police investigation was even concluded and asserting that her death was an accident.
Now, it could well have been an accident, nobody knows, but they were very keen to stress that from the start.
They said that speculation she'd been raped and murdered was, quote, incredibly unhelpful, distressing and unnecessary.
Problem is that from the reports, it sounds like she was found naked.
Now, they claimed that she'd stripped off her own clothes while climbing up the side of a hiking trail, and that that was the reason why she was found dead, naked.
This was before a police investigation has even been concluded, and while authorities still say that they're investigating the potential that a third party was involved in her death.
So this charity was very keen to come out and stress, even though she was found naked, that she wasn't raped and murdered.
And that may well be the case.
But we've seen, as we saw in the video we played before the break, Numerous examples of these mainly young women from Western countries going to dangerous countries, traveling alone in many cases, and not making it back.
They see the American couple who went cycling through the Balkans and the Middle East to prove that the world was a safe place.
They said that our view that the world was dangerous in certain areas was merely a product of our own bigotry and racism.
Through every country they travelled, they were harassed, they were robbed, in some cases attacked, and they wound up being mowed down in trucks by ISIS and then stabbed to death.
ISIS made a propaganda video after the fact.
There you see the two Scandinavian hikers who went to a remote region in Morocco, and again, One of them had posted a video on her Facebook page about how Muslims were being demonised as violent.
It was basically a propaganda video showing a Muslim man carrying a bag.
Then some police arrived.
There you see the video, a screenshot of it.
The police arrived to chase somebody on the street.
It looks like they're chasing this Muslim guy, but they run straight past the Muslim guy with the beard and tackle the white guy with a suit and a briefcase.
And Moran Ulan shared this video.
To express her opposition to Islamophobia, she wound up getting raped and beheaded by Islamic terrorists.
Now, I found the Facebook page of this British woman tragically killed in Guatemala, Catherine Shaw, and she too had shared links promoting open borders, and she had a bunch of likes on her Facebook page, which suggested that she had left-wing views.
They were advocacy groups for environmental activism and New Age spirituality.
But again, the charity responsible for helping search for this woman insists that she wasn't raped or murdered, even though she was found naked.
So the police are still investigating.
That remains to be seen.
But the U.S.
State Department, in its official travel advisory about Guatemala, says, quote, violent crimes such as armed robbery and murder is common.
Gang activity such as extortion, violent street crime and narcotics trafficking is widespread.
They've had 30 years of civil war.
After which sexual violence committed against women is now commonplace.
That was basically instituted as a tool of war, raping women.
Which of course is why many young girls and women are fleeing to America.
But even when they do, 80% of them coming through Mexico from countries including Guatemala are raped.
Now this is a serious problem.
The world view espoused by the cycling couple that we just showed an image of was again they did an article in the New York Times basically studying their blogs and they said this idea that some countries are more dangerous than others that some cultures are more dangerous than others that some cultures are more violent towards women is a racist bigoted myth invented by ignorant Westerners and literally in every blog they made allusions to this belief despite the fact that also in every blog
They were basically getting harassed in all these Muslim countries that they visited.
In one case, the guy literally got almost crushed up against a vehicle because they wouldn't let him cross the road on a bike.
Hitchhiking Iraq.
That was another case featured in my video.
There was an Israeli woman who, again, hitchhiked across the Middle East to prove that Islam was a religion of peace, ended up getting raped and strangled to death in Turkey.
There was a woman in Sweden who again was a big proponent of migration.
She was kidnapped after getting off a train, raped and her body was dumped in the woods by a failed asylum seeker.
So again, we see a trend here and it's largely based on the fact that a lot of these leftists travel the world not knowing that the world is a dangerous place.
They think that they can impose their worldview on the rest of the world and that the rest of the world will just go along with it.
When in reality, that is not the case.
So potentially another tragic example of that.
Meanwhile, in Germany, Manuel's Allah Akbar at funeral of German woman murdered by Muslim boyfriend.
So basically there was a white German woman named in the media as Cynthia R, they don't use their full surnames in German media, who married a Muslim migrant who was about to be deported.
When this Muslim migrant, named as Ahmed T, Tried to convince his girlfriend to travel to Tunisia with him to leave Germany.
He viciously stabbed her with a kitchen knife through the neck, lungs, hands and in her back more than 10 times.
So then the local population there in Worms, Germany Had a funeral march, 500 people marched to the funeral.
As soon as they got to the funeral, a man rushed to the front of the church, shouted Allah Akbar with his arms outstretched, which of course means God is great in Arabic, but it also is routinely shouted by Islamic terrorists before they carry out violent attacks.
20 of the attendees to this funeral rushed out of the church.
They were distraught.
They were crying.
The police eventually arrested the man and then the media blamed it on a bad joke or a confused individual.
So again, you had a woman, white woman, German woman, marrying a Muslim man.
He forced her into a hijab.
He asked her to move to Tunisia with him after he was about to be deported.
viciously killed her and then somebody else presumably possibly somebody that knew the perpetrator basically ruined her funeral terrified dozens of attendees and the media reported it as just a bad joke that's what's going on in Germany migrant crime is again on the rise violent crime is on the rise 90 percent of it is due to migrants according to the government's own statistics cultural enrichment intensifies we'll be back i've got some really good We're on a planet in deep space, on a tiny little galaxy out of trillions, two-thirds of the way out on the spiral arm.
Whether you believe in entities or the devil or God or not, the elites believe, from Skull and Bones to all these groups to Aleister Crowley, that they're getting divine influence from angels or entities.
I would not say divine, but demonic inspiration.
And so, what we're talking about is what the elite believe.
It doesn't mean we believe it.
It doesn't mean it's all real.
This is their religion.
Well, Alex, in the Vatican there is a lot of black magic and a lot of magic.
This is a holy place since ancient Rome, even before the Vatican came along.
The thing is that the church has been hijacked by Satanists in 1963, officially, when they celebrated the Black Which is what Revelation says.
the Vatican, I mean, these people really enthroned Satan.
On the 25th and 26th, there will be a workshop on robotics, which is the preparatory stage of
the 2020 Artificial Intelligence meeting in the Vatican, in which cyber-Satan will be
officially born.
Which is what Revelation says, it'll be like this 25-foot projection of Antichrist, the
beast that's seen everywhere.
And of course, the mark of the beast, the microchipping, will be imposed by the robots.
That's why Abu Dhabi's experimentation with the robot cops has been so important, and that's why the Pope went there to kick-start Islam.
So, I mean, we are at a crucial point in history, and you have said this over and over again on your show, And I also endorse your products because you're doing a great job in surviving with InfoWars.
And we are trying to survive because this is still a voice of freedom.
But we don't know for how long.
Because this legion of demons is growing more and more powerful each day.
And they control the artificial intelligence.
They control Silicon Valley.
So for how long we're going to be allowed to even talk on the World Wide Web?
Is this a matter of time?
So this is where we're going, Alex.
They wanted the birth of the Antichrist.
The Anno Satane I was 1966.
They were overdue the arrival of the Antichrist.
This is not a joke.
The Vatican has been reformed to facilitate the demons.
In 1999, they even reformed their own exorcism rite.
So now they are like giving just a couple of signs of the cross instead of 14 or 12
I mean, they have reformed the whole Catholic liturgy to facilitate this demonic possession
of our society.
Because the rite of exorcism.
It's the only right that can stop these creatures, these demons.
We are fighting a war here with entities that are not of this world, that possess our politicians and religious leaders.
This has to be taken very seriously before it gets out of control.
Because the moment the Artificial Intelligence plan gets everything, then Cyber Satan will simply enslave this race.
For them, God is dead, Satan lives.
These are full-on Satanists.
Pope Francis is a perfectly possessed person.
He is basically controlled by a demon.
It's so crazy.
Leo Zegami.
Great job.
And you basically catch him off guard.
You can see the demon in his eyes.
Pope Francis is possessed.
This means that the Catholic Church is literally the biggest church of Satan.
The real black mass can only be celebrated by a Catholic priest.
People don't understand this.
But even Alistair Crowley said it.
Even Antoine LeMay.
It's so crazy.
Leo Zegami.
Great job.
We'll talk to you soon, my friend.
Thank you, Alex.
All the best.
God bless America.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live and we're going to get into some more new stories here in a second.
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Now, staying on cultural enrichment news in Europe, 800-year-old church heavily vandalised in French Nogo suburb Saint-Denis.
Remember, this is one of the areas where the Paris massacre suspects hid out after the attack.
Now, the Basilica of Saint-Denis, built in 1135, was heavily vandalised last week with vandals smashing stained glass windows and severely damaging the nearly 200-year-old organ So it appears as if somebody had actually broken into the church beforehand, hid inside the organ, smashed their way out of it, and then smashed up some ancient stained glass windows in this beautiful basilica, which is located in the middle of a migrant no-go zone.
Hmm, I wonder who the prime suspects could be?
This was also the site of a left-wing raid of the church, I think that was a couple of years ago, Where they teamed up with migrants to raid the church in protest against a law that would have curbed illegal immigration.
Saint-Denis has 400,000 illegal immigrants living there.
This is one area of Paris.
One area of Paris has 400,000 illegal immigrants living in it.
And now the beautiful Basilica of Saint-Denis has been vandalised.
I wonder who the prime suspects might be.
Swedish Islamophobia expert turned ISIS fighter arrested in Syria.
Swedish-Norwegian Islamophobia expert turned Islamic State jihadist.
Yeah, the government of Sweden actually hired somebody to be the expert on Islamophobia and to lecture everyone else about being mean to Muslims.
He joined ISIS.
That was his next career step.
You know, they also had a cultural expert who basically said that Swedish culture was trash.
They appointed him as the head of their cultural heritage board.
But the government Islamophobia expert, who lectured everyone about being mean to Muslims, who literally went on to join ISIS, and went to Syria to fight alongside Islamic terrorists, has now been arrested by Kurdish forces in Syria, with sources claiming Norway wants to prosecute the extremists.
The 33-year-old, born in Sweden to Norwegian parents, was captured this week in the village of Baghus, in one of the very few remaining areas under any form of Islamic State control, Swedish newspaper Expressen reports.
So, he was literally the government expert when Islamophobia joined ISIS, now they've finally caught him.
Also, as these final ISIS areas fall in Syria, Jihadi brides yelled Daesh slogans amid battle for last stronghold in Syria.
This is out of Sputnik.
So of course we've got this entire debate in the UK over allowing in literal terrorist wives, not just wives but actual open ISIS supporters like the woman with the baby recently was a You know, received widespread platform, positive, sympathetic platform, Ms Begum, to return to the UK, despite the fact that she said she saw severed heads in trash cans, but that they deserved it because they were enemies of ISIS.
These are the people who the left-wing media are lobbying to allow back into the UK.
Now we have a Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces continuing their offensive in the Syrian city of Baghouz and a video, which is in this news article, showing Daesh brides still loyal to the self-proclaimed caliphate yelling abusive words and saluting the terror group.
So the video basically shows them throwing water bottles at media people, insulting people, shouting Baqiya, which is from ISIS.
They call it Daesh.
Why anyone calls it Daesh, I've got no idea.
It's just confusing.
It's ISIS, OK?
So they're yelling the ISIS slogan back here, wa't hamad, which is translated as remaining and expanding.
Yeah, not really.
You're being wiped out systematically.
Verbally abusing journalists and throwing water and bottles at the camera filming them.
Over the weekend, the Daily Mail reported that foreign jihadi brides had been isolated from other female refugees in the al-Hol camp in northeast Syria since they tried to assault the infidels for not abiding by the laws of the self-proclaimed caliphate.
So when they go on their media blitz, they claim to be reformed characters and that they're leaving it all behind, when in actual fact they're still assaulting the infidels, shouting ISIS slogans and throwing bottles at cameramen.
So no, you can't come back in, sorry.
That's going on in Syria.
We also have more tech news now.
I spoke about Trump talking about big tech censorship earlier, which he acknowledged, but said he would do nothing about.
He said, just be good.
Well now, YouTube changes search algorithm to suppress criticism of Brie Larson and Captain Marvel.
We've spoken about this many before, many times before.
Anytime YouTube wants to break its own search engine, it merely classifies a subject as news.
So as soon as it drops into that news category, A wall of mainstream media search results appear above every other independently made video, which is kind of ironic given that it's called YouTube.
They've gamed it to favour their corporate partners.
So anytime they want to criticise, anytime they want to censor dissent against any cultural or media narrative, they just pick out a subject or a name and plop it in the news category.
Then every other search result for this topic is buried beneath a wall of mainstream media results which are obviously pushing the entirely opposite narrative.
And they've done it once again.
Google-owned YouTube changed their search algorithm last week to suppress criticism of Disney's Captain Marvel before its release on March the 8th.
So you had a bunch of people making videos saying that this was just another warped identity politics social justice warrior narrative, that this was a terrible film, They partnered with Disney, obviously had a call with Disney and said, get rid of this, and it was gone.
And remember, Google, YouTube changed their search results, routinely changed their search results, their YouTube search results, YouTube being the second biggest search engine in the world, in response to complaints by left-wing journalists.
Slate complained about the fact that anti-abortion videos were appearing at the top of YouTube search results.
Within hours, that was changed.
They also made that change in Ireland before the Irish referendum.
So you had them literally election meddling by changing search results, artificially amplifying others which carried the narrative above ones which didn't.
So the article makes the point here In less than two years time they've gone from, we must suppress crisis actor conspiracy theories,
Two, we must suppress negative movie critiques of Disney propaganda films.
And you have the same bizarre situation on Rotten Tomatoes, where you see the critic reviews, which are obviously, half of them are getting paid off to give a movie good reviews.
It's about, you know, them being in with the production studios, completely at odds with the user reviews.
So you could get a movie review, a critic review on Rotten Tomatoes, which is like 85%.
For the exact same movie, The user reviews, the ponters, the people who have actually seen it, 30%.
So it's a diametrically opposed, everyone who sees it in the general public thinks it's a bad movie, most of the time because it pushes diversity and identity politics over having a good plot and characters who you care about, compared to the critics who are going to say it's great whatever because they're in on the media bandwagon.
So now, No one can even tell what's a good movie anymore, because the difference is so vast on websites like Rotten Tomatoes, because these critic reviews are just on the bandwagon of pushing this identity politics narrative with Captain Marvel, with other movies in the past, with the female Ghostbusters.
When the actual general public sees it, they trash it, and those reviews get buried, just as the YouTube reviews about this Captain Marvel film are now getting buried on YouTube.
That's going to wrap it up for the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
Coming up, War Room with Owen Schroyer.
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