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Name: 20190311_Mon_Alex
Air Date: March 11, 2019
3478 lines.

Alex Jones and Owen Benjamin discuss the manipulation of language in politics and criticize those who use language to control the narrative. They encourage listeners to educate themselves on word meanings, and Owen shares his experience with InfoWarsLife supplements. The podcast also covers topics such as the power of language, self-restraint, and controlling the narrative through definitions rather than addressing underlying issues.

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Ladies and gentlemen, a big four hours coming up here today.
And it's time to get back to something that we know was the true story the whole time, but that they've distracted us from.
But before I bear down into that, they want to censor free speech on the internet as a means of rigging the 2020 election.
Here's why they censored Alex Jones.
Twitter censorship.
The three strikes that took down Alex Jones.
Strike one.
Child abuse.
There was a video that was uploaded that showed a child being violently thrown to the ground and crying.
The video in question is a viral meme with over a hundred thousand retweets.
The meme showed a child bullying an adult who was eventually pushed to the ground and started crying like a victim.
The reason this video went viral in 2018 was because it reflected the strategy of the new American left.
Bully your opponents and then cry foul when they try to fight back.
Forbes originally claimed that the man in the video was Alex Jones himself.
And somehow, InfoWars is to blame for a video that remained on Twitter for months after the fact.
Strike two.
Inciting violence.
The second one was a video that we viewed as incitement of violence.
The original video was a message directed towards President Trump.
This is an emergency message to President Trump, to Congress, and to anyone that supports free speech in this country.
Twitter ignores this.
They selected a short segment and deceitfully acted as if Alex Jones was inciting violence against the media.
But now it's time to act on the enemy.
Before they do a false flag, I know the Justice Department's crippled a bunch of followers and cowards, but there's groups, there's grand juries, there's... You call for it.
It's time, politically, economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally, to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Get together the people you know aren't traitors and aren't cowards and aren't hedging their frickin' bets like all these other assholes do.
And let's go.
Let's do it.
And then there's a bunch of other stuff.
The other stuff that Twitter decided to ignore made it clear that the statement was being made to President Trump.
Because they're coming.
Now, in your wisdom, you may be playing possum and waiting for him to come in.
Alex Jones was encouraging the President to take action against Internet censorship.
And after omitting this fact, they skipped forward to Alex Jones reminding Americans of the importance of their Second Amendment rights.
People need to have their battle rifles and everything ready at their bedsides.
You gotta be ready, guys.
The media is so disciplined in their deception.
Antifa attacked all these people at the White House, beat up reporters, beat up women, children.
No coverage.
Twitter does not respect the Second Amendment.
Strike three!
Bullying Oliver Darcy.
So the third strike that we looked at was a verbal altercation that Alex got into with a journalist.
You're a virus to America and freedom.
Smelling like a possum that climbed out of the rear end of a dead cow.
You look like a possum that got caught doing some really, really nasty stuff in my view.
That's enough!
That's hilarious.
The altercation with Oliver Darcy is the real reason why Alex Jones was deleted from Twitter.
Rather than allowing an open and honest discussion, and possibly resolving our differences peacefully, they choose to silence their opposition and push towards a violent civil war.
People have pointed out that Jack himself encouraged everyone to read an article which basically outlined the fact that there's no civility left and that civil war is likely to happen in America.
It says that the article was, why there's no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history, one side must win.
If you exacerbate the divisions in society that are so rife right now, that is going to create a civil war situation.
So they're going to be partly responsible for it, as one of the biggest platforms silencing people.
They're only going to drive them underground.
They're only going to make them more angry, more extreme on both sides.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent free press working with big tech.
Conspiracy theories is an easy target.
There are some who worry this is a slippery slope where people with different viewpoints could be silenced.
So, you have Democrats openly censoring the Internet.
You now have Democrats taking a platform on anti-American values.
But more than anything, remember we had Democrats colluding with Russia.
Well, I've got some really good news, though.
X2's back.
The original X2.
Deep-earth crystal, pure atomic iodine.
What you want.
It'll be here in a week.
Manufactured in the U.S.
With the best iodine in the world.
X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another deep-earth crystal source.
But I thought, add the other two types of iodine.
The scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in fullwrestore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
If you want to pre-order X2, the ultimate iodine out there, learn about the iodine conspiracy, learn about IQs dropping when you don't have it, learn about how the other iodines are bound, Get yours today at m4wrestore.com or m4wrestlife.com.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
It's Monday, March 11, 2019.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
It's Monday, March 11, 2019.
And we kick off this week of busy broadcasts with what I thought about an hour before going on air today
was going to be a relatively calm broadcast, relatively slow as far as news developments.
And then, in about the last 30 minutes before I came on air, I was handed a couple news stories and there were a couple of twists.
And now, all of a sudden, what I wanted to talk about last night Becomes issue number one in my eyes.
Politico has this story that came out today, and it is at the top of drudge.
The week that could reveal Mueller's endgame.
Well, while there's truth in this article, as far as the facts are concerned, they're missing the bigger picture.
Of course, they were never aiming for the bigger picture over there at Politico, were they?
Because they never saw it.
They never wanted to see it.
All they wanted to see was Trump removed from office.
Which is, of course, Mueller's endgame.
But you know, as great of a legend of a rogue prosecutor and corrupt prosecutor as Bob Mueller is, a cleanup crew, As good as his reputation is, and as corrupt and rogue as he was, he's still got nothing.
And think about that.
As the Democrats are now ready for Mueller to turn in his final report, and they already know it's got nothing.
And so, little Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell have to launch their own investigation with Jerry Nadler and others with document requests from over 80 different people associated with Trump because Mueller's going to give them nothing and think about that and you know I was reading this Politico article and I wanted to rip my hair out because
It celebrates the fact that Bob Mueller has destroyed innocent people's lives.
Mike Flynn.
Roger Stone.
Paul Manafort was engaged in what was some bad, corrupt behavior.
He was already on trial for that.
They let him go.
Tony Podesta then got immunity, testified against Paul Manafort.
47 months in jail.
But they knew there was no Russian collusion.
They knew it all along.
But they thought, Mueller is so good, he's so disciplined, he's so corrupt, he's been through the weeds so many times, for the Bushes!
For the Clintons, for Epstein, he could pull out one last victory over America.
He could pull off one last corrupt investigation, and he could find anything, just anything on Donald Trump, and he couldn't find a damn thing.
Think about that.
That is almost unbelievable, but that's where we're at now.
And so, if you want To get angry, I would read this story.
If you'd rather not increase your blood pressure, perhaps don't.
But here's the twist.
Because the title for today's show is Mueller Going to Flip on Democrats.
Now that's a catch because the story is that Mueller's endgame is going to be revealed.
Well, what were we told was Mueller's endgame to find Russian collusion.
So if the endgame is to find Russian collusion, then Mueller is about to flip on the Democrats.
Because they were the ones in bed with Russia.
And think about this.
The only thing they have is Manafort making deals with Ukrainians.
Not exactly Russia's strongest ally.
Trump's foreign policy has gone against Russia in many different ways.
Of course, again, it was never about finding Russian collusion.
And so, you know Bob Mueller knows it was Hillary Clinton.
They just had a hearing last week.
I think his name was Bruce Johnson, was the Republican who came out and he said, I want to release the transcript From the Bruce Ohr Behind Closed Doors interview.
Because all these Republicans in the committee have read the transcript and or were there, and it's literally Bruce Ohr telling these committees that Fusion GPS was working with Russian intelligence All part of an opposition research campaign paid for by Hillary Clinton.
And so there's your Russian collusion, folks.
Right there.
And it was there the whole time, and we always knew it.
So, since Bob Mueller's endgame is to find Russian collusion, the reports are he's gonna put his report out, maybe by the end of the month, So does that mean Bob Mueller is about to flip on the Democrats and turn in Hillary Clinton for Russian collusion?
After all, that's what this was all about.
And I mean, it must be a big deal to find this Russian collusion with this investigation costing us tens of millions of dollars, tearing this country apart, And, I mean, we gotta find this Russian collusion, folks.
This is huge.
I mean, Russia is clearly a threat to us right now.
I mean, boy, we just... Oh, Russia's so bad.
Oh, no!
Meanwhile, we're gonna stop foreign interference in our elections, blame Russia for that investigation, but the Democrats now want anybody to vote.
They're now passing legislation for non-citizens to vote.
So, Foreign interference in the elections is fine for Democrats, as long as you just come here illegally, steal from us, and vote.
But that's the big question.
Is Bob Mueller about to flip on the Democrats?
Is Bob Mueller about to turn in his final report on Russian collusion and actually deliver the Russian collusion which was Hillary Clinton, Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, and five Russian intelligence... intelligent agents.
And it's all in the original indictment from Bob Mueller.
All of it.
So is Mueller going to finish his report, tell America, The Russian collusion was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
And that's not even the Uranium One deal.
We're not even talking about the Uranium One deal.
That could be a separate investigation.
But Bob Mueller's looking for Russian collusion when it comes to the 2016 presidential election.
And he found it, folks.
He found the cold hard evidence that Hillary Clinton paid fusion GPS to get dirt on Donald Trump from Russian intelligence sources all on record all paid for by Hillary Clinton all orchestrated by the Democrats but that is just the loose thread in
the jacket or in the sweater because once you start to pull that thread all the sudden all the sudden the Emperor has no clothes because it wasn't just Russian collusion by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats it was illegal spying by the Obama administration based off of the dirt That Clinton got from Russian intelligence.
Now what are we talking about?
Then you start to look into collusion with Obama and Hillary Clinton and the DOJ when it comes to the Clinton email investigation.
See how the emperor has no clothes once you pull that loose thread?
I actually had not yet tried the InfoWars Life Protein Bar until this morning, and I would give my review as a five-star review.
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I tried the InfoWars Life Protein Bar, the peanut butter chocolate one today, which has 15 grams of protein in it.
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So I don't know what they've done in the lab over there at InfoWars Life to make this InfoWars Life Protein Bar, but wow.
I was eating a double fudge brownie and then I looked at the wrapper and it was the InfoWars Life Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Bar.
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[Sonic Boom]
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I wanna say brain force is great.
I wanna say turbo force is amazing.
It is, but if you took it with fish oil, it's like the fish oil is it.
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they don't give you the burpees, but krill oils is the best and it'll give you
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for free. The krill is hallucinogenic it's so good in my view. I'm not making a
medical statement here but let me tell you something I eat five capulets of
krill oil before I go to bed I'm seeing Santa Claus that night. So your brain is
made basically out of what fish oil is. So we don't make a big profit off of it
You know, I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, you know about all the censorship that we endure here at InfoWars.
But thanks to your support at InfoWarsStore.com, we are still here.
And we continue to fight the good fight.
And you continue to support us.
One product that I have been very excited about is TurboForce.
And I talk about TurboForce a lot.
Today, I have to be honest with you though, I'm not drinking the TurboForce.
I'm actually drinking the coffee from Infowarsstore.com.
The Patriot Blend Coffee is what I'm drinking today.
Because I just wasn't, I didn't want the full TurboForce rush this morning.
And I'm actually glad that I didn't do it.
Because if I would have drank TurboForce and then read that Politico story, I probably would have started breaking things around here.
Because turbo force is that powerful.
And I didn't want to feel like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after she rails back a line of speed.
So I decided not to do the turbo force today.
But, if you want to feel like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does after she bangs back an eight ball of coke, Then TurboForce is the product for you.
No folks, the energy is real, the focus is real, and don't take a full packet if you're somebody that feels the effects of caffeine.
Because it will have you bouncing off the walls, ladies and gentlemen.
But if you're someone like me that's already kind of high octane, it is just wonderful and it's sustained energy, but it will give you a blast of energy.
So if you don't want the energy blast, maybe just do half.
But if you're trying to get an energy blast that sustains for hours, turbo force is the real deal.
And you know what?
I'm just going to say it on air because It's like I don't even do the due diligence around here, but we really need to sell Turbo Force guys over there on the other side.
We need to be selling Turbo Force in like a big canister.
Like they do other pre-workouts.
So you can just buy it in bulk and you don't have to do the individual packaging.
I think it's ready to do that.
I think it's popular enough.
I think people love it.
So that's Turbo Force from Infowarsstore.com.
All kinds of great specials, though, going on right now at InfoWarsTore.com.
$50 off DNA Force Plus.
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All kinds of great specials at InfoWarsTore.com.
Air filters, water filters.
Check out InfoWarsTore.com today.
Shop at InfoWarsTore.com today to make sure we're on air tomorrow.
Now, speaking of Cortez, She was in town.
She wrote the Green New Deal that says stop flying in airplanes and quit eating beef and she immediately hopped on an airplane and flew to Texas and had a beef taco.
She wants everything to be free and then you had to pay money to see her speak.
She, I give her credit, she really became a staunch, true American politician real quickly.
I mean, a total hypocrite, just boom, right out of the gate.
So good for her.
But she was speaking at South by Southwest, which, you know, I was talking to someone about this, like, cause it's like this whole thing, like what is South by Southwest?
Well, it used to be a music festival kind of thing, where you saw a bunch of different bands and different musics and you kind of went around town or whatever.
But now it's just all political crap and like, I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think.
I think You know, she got right off of a bender and apparently
spoke it south by Southwest.
And listen to what she thinks about America.
The thing that is really hard for people to sometimes see is that when we are on this
path of a slow erosion and a slow, slow, slow, just like move away from what we've always
That's why we voted for Trump.
We'll be 100 miles.
You won't even realize that you've drifted 100 miles.
So when someone's talking about our core, it's like, oh, this is radical.
But this isn't radical.
This is what we've always been.
It's just that now we've strayed so far away from what has really made us.
Hold on.
Pause it.
Pause it.
You know, I really shouldn't be intellectually breaking down this woman's commentary because she's a complete idiot.
But like, do you notice how it doesn't even make sense?
Here she is talking about how America has strayed from its foundations, strayed away from what made it great, free market, capitalism, everybody gets along, that's why people went out and voted for Trump, and now here she is, the one that's the farthest away from that, wants socialism, and she's gonna sit here as like the voice that's trying to bring America back.
I swear.
She doesn't even know what she's talking about.
She just opens her lips and just says whatever comes in her mind.
Alright, go back.
And just, and good, and equitable, and productive.
And so, I think all of these things sound radical compared to where we are, but where we are is not a good thing.
What am I listening to?
And this idea of like 10% better from garbage.
It shouldn't be what we settle for.
It's like this like... It feels like moderate is not a stance.
It's just an attitude toward life of like... Okay.
I mean that is a real intellectual right there.
That is powerful stuff.
What did she even say?
You couldn't even boil that down to determine what the point of it was.
And guys, let's find the clip, because I don't have it on my video list, where she says capitalism is irredeemable.
So let's get that one, too.
And let's just... Oh, wow.
But look at what's in the news today.
Because Bernie Sanders gets 10,000 people to show up A campaign rally.
And look at these headlines.
Axios poll.
Young Americans are embracing socialism.
Here's why.
From Michael Snyder.
End of the American Dream.
50 actual college courses titles that prove that America's universities are training our college students to be socialists.
I just can tell you from my own experience At a public university?
You don't even notice it until you get out, honestly, the socialist propaganda.
Because at the time, it just feels progressive, and like, oh yeah, this is where we're going.
But then you realize, no, they want us socialists.
So, Cortez says America is garbage.
Uh, yeah, that's why everybody's racing to get here.
Yeah, you know, actually guys, There's a floating island of garbage off the coast of California.
You know, people are just rushing to that.
They just cannot wait.
People are swimming from Cuba, they're leaving Honduras, they're leaving El Salvador, and they're literally swimming hundreds of miles to get onto this island of garbage that's floating off the coast.
I mean, it's tough, but it's America.
That's what people want.
They want an island of garbage, and so everybody leaves their socialist hellholes, and they come to the pile of garbage that is America.
But that's just Alexandra Cortez's logic.
We're just going off her logic, because she's such a genius.
I've got some really good news, though.
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I thought X3's great.
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It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact that we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in FullWorthStore.com, so hallelujah!
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Remember listeners that without you supporting us we won't be here.
And we have a lot of really amazing products at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLife.com that takes you right to the supplements.
InfoWars Life Strength and Recovery Combo Alpha Power is basically Supramel Vitality, but it's not cold-pressed.
It's a stronger dose, but it is organic.
It's just not cold-pressed.
It technically is way stronger than Supramel Vitality.
Alpha Power is something really, really strong, really, really good for libido, energy, stamina.
I suggest you get some, men or women.
And then BODY's Ultimate Turmeric Formula has 95% of humanoid.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Alright, I have been given exclusive video here today.
We've just received it.
We have Tucker Carlson's apology for the shock jock segment he did with Bubba the Love Sponge.
You know, it's funny that they go after Tucker Carlson for the segment he did on Bubba the Love Sponge.
And okay, whatever, you know, say whatever you want about what he said.
But, I mean, Bubba the Love Sponge literally makes a living doing that every day.
He's an offshoot of Howard Stern.
So it's just funny how here's Bubba the Love Sponge who talks about this garbage for a living, makes millions doing it, and then it's like, oh, Tucker Carlson's the bad guy because he's a conservative commentator on Fox News.
So it's like, yeah, just allow the shock jocks to go out and say whatever they want every day and then go after the conservative television host.
But I guess that's their way of saying he's a...
Fraud for morality, I guess?
I don't know.
I didn't know these people cared about morals.
They talk about, you know, breaking babies' necks.
Breaking infants' necks.
When a baby is born.
So, I don't know where they get off talking about morals, but... You know, I think we're gonna... I mean, look.
We can play these Cortez clips all day and just show how stupid she is.
But that's just a symptom of society.
But look at this story.
AOC calls Ilhan Omar one of the most effective voices right now.
Now, I'd love to hear someone actually ask her to explain that.
It would be a jumbled word vomit.
But I want you guys pull this picture up.
Right here.
Because this picture actually explains everything that these two are about.
This is Ilhan Omar And Alexander Ocasio-Cortez giving each other some love here.
Celebrating the takedown of the West.
That's what this is.
They hate the West.
They hate capitalism.
They hate men.
And they think it's all men's fault.
And so they're sitting here celebrating the fact that their two women in Congress Kindred spirits trying to destroy freedom in the West.
That's all you need to know about those two.
Forget the fact that Cortez is a 25 IQ socialist who just got on the other side of the bar.
Forget about the fact that Ilhan Omar, you know, says that Israel is the worst and brainwashing everybody and that, you know, Jews are the worst and, you know, she gets away with that.
And apparently we're at war with radical Islam and, you know, she gets elected somehow.
But, you know, fine.
Forget all that.
The reason why these two are kindred spirits, the reason why these two hit it off, the reason why Cortez says Omar is one of the most effective voices right now, because together, holding hands, those two are trying to destroy America.
And that's what they're celebrating.
But I don't even have to tell you that.
Cortez tells you that.
Omar tells you that!
So just let that sink in.
Because here's the thing.
I mean, for as bad as Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters are, they actually love capitalism in the West because it made them filthy rich.
So they actually love it.
They don't actually want to kill capitalism.
They just want to suck off the golden goose, slowly but surely.
But see, Cortez doesn't understand that.
She was raised a good socialist, and so she wants to destroy the free market in the West.
Ilhan Omar wants to destroy the West because he thinks it's run by Israel.
So, just understand that those two are kindred spirits in their fight to destroy Western civilization.
And they're in our Congress.
Boy, that's scary.
But you know, I mean, that's kind of like peanuts compared to like a Bob Mueller who's doing deals with Jeffrey Epstein and then doing a fake Russian collusion investigation, destroying people's lives.
But that all goes on.
And then I'm supposed to be upset because Tucker Carlson went on a shock jock radio show and made a crude joke?
Give me a break.
So American pop culture just Totally.
It's all about consuming degenerative garbage.
And so Tucker Carlson can't go do a shock jock segment?
I mean, give me a break.
Not standing up for what Tucker said, but it's just like, that's your big issue, Media Matters?
You know, I invited Timothy Johnson on from Media Matters to come on.
He doesn't want to.
It's shocking, right?
Pull up a picture of Timothy Johnson, the Media Matters author right now.
Because this guy is a genius.
I mean, you can just see it.
He kind of looks like Cortez in a way.
Like, you know, they just got out of the same back alley.
You know, they got the same guy that they go to, you know what I'm saying?
But, but... So, Media Matters puts out a story.
Yeah, he just... Actually, he was just hanging out with Cortez before they shot that picture.
Media Matters puts out a hit piece on Tucker Carlson, as if anybody is going to care.
But we have the exclusive apology here.
So I have been given the exclusive Tucker Carlson apology.
We're going to air it right now at InfoWars.
I know that this is big.
So let's go ahead and play it, guys.
Here is Tucker Carlson apologizing after the Media Matters hit piece.
Oh my gosh!
Well, okay, there it is, folks.
You heard it right here.
Tucker Carlson says he apologizes to absolutely nobody.
And I don't blame him.
I wonder how many Democrats have gone on the Howard Stern Show or the Bubba the Lovespun Show.
How about a Media Matters hit piece, Kamala Harris lies about smoking weed in college.
Remember that one?
Oh yeah, uh, I was listening to Snoop Dogg smoking weed.
Uh, actually, you old dirtbag.
You're a little older than you thought you were, didn't ya?
You thought that Snoop Dogg was actually making albums when you were in college.
No, you graduated before he put out his first album.
So not only did you admit you were smoking weed in college, which I couldn't care less, whatever, you did throw people in jail for smoking weed, but that's your hypocrisy, not mine.
The fact that you lied about it says even more about you.
But it's like the same thing, you know, because See, there's precedent in a courtroom where a liar is a liar is a liar.
And so immediately, whenever a witness is found to be a liar, they're never a witness again.
That's why the Michael Cohen thing was so unprecedented.
You'll never see that.
As soon as somebody's determined a liar in court, throw them out.
They're done.
Oh, but Cohen gets to be brought back as soon as he's going to lie against Trump.
If he lies for Trump, you know, bad.
Lies against Trump, good.
But it's like, with Jussie Smollett.
How do I even know he's gay?
Maybe he's faking that.
Kamala Harris.
Who is Kamala Harris, really?
The descendant of slave owners?
Why did Kamala Harris lie to us about smoking weed in college?
And actually, I'm dead serious about this.
I think Only because President Trump did it, I think he should issue some sort of statement.
Because remember that the Democrats were pushing for Trump's medical records.
They wanted to see his medical records.
They made a big fuss about his health.
And so he put out his medical records, put out his drug tests and everything.
I think every member of Congress should do a drug test and make it public.
And I don't even care if half of them are smoking pot.
I just think that they should all do it so that we can know.
If every member of Congress had to submit a drug test, there'd be a huge amount of money going on Vegas, all the drugs that would show up in a Cortez's system.
It'd be like, you know, well, or imagine a Pelosi.
But here's why they don't want a Pelosi to take a drug test, because then you'll see all the actual pharmaceuticals she's on for the actual real health issues that she has.
And so then it's like, oh, the Democrats can't say Trump is unhealthy.
Look at our leaders.
They're literally having problems with dementia.
This Facebook insider contacted us some time ago and provided us with what she says are internal Facebook documents.
I saw things going on that I personally found to be troubling.
I knew that something had to be done about it and so I felt that the best thing to do was to inform the public because they had a right to know.
This is Danny Ben-David, a software engineer.
In the leaked documents our insider gave us, we came across a back-end view of Mike Cernovich's page.
On it, we could see Ben-David running an action called Action Deboost Live Distribution.
In fact, Ben-David wrote the code and may have invented the word deboost.
Deboosting is a method of suppressing distribution.
This occurs because props such as share this video are disabled.
Interactive notifications are also disabled.
And the live feed boost associated with a live streaming video on Facebook is removed.
This is Seiji Yamamoto, a data science manager for Facebook since 2015.
On Facebook's private workplace, Yamamoto makes it clear that he is on a crusade against hate speech.
What exactly do the engineers at Facebook define trolling and hate speech as?
In one slide from Yamamoto's deck, he writes, introducing friction via the troll twilight zone will confuse and demoralize them.
On his next slide, he defines the Troll Twilight Zone, saying it will enact drastically limited bandwidth, auto logouts, and comments and posts will magically fail to upload, unquote.
Just below this, Yamamoto writes that his Troll Twilight Zone feature will be triggered, quote, leading up to important elections, unquote.
Do you think they're trying to influence elections?
I think, like many people, they believe that the 2016 election of Donald Trump was a fluke.
It happened because all these trolls were sharing, you know, anti-Hillary memes.
So it's in their interest, as a very homogenous company, to kind of shut this down.
James O'Keefe from Project Veritas.
They've just released their latest bombshell video exposing Facebook de-boosting, having a troll patrol.
It's really just crazy stuff.
What is the latest video from Project Veritas?
What did you guys expose is going on over there at Facebook?
Well, an insider inside Facebook came to us with a series of documents.
...from within Facebook and said that they are de-boosting people.
What does that mean?
Well, the documents show code that assigned a de-boost score, which means they are downranking live stream videos.
They are making it so that it doesn't show up on your timeline if it contains certain keywords.
And this is without you knowing.
So it's very similar to what happened with Twitter last year with the shadow banning stuff that we exposed.
So the engineers are de-boosting certain videos that show up on the Daily Caller, Steven Crowder, Mike Cernovich, and other websites, but only on the conservative websites.
This insider looked at liberal websites that did not show up.
She also released documents of a so-called troll report.
We have all these documents on our website and it shows keywords that they're using to identify a troll score using machine learning and all these sort of computer programs that assign troll scores to people on Facebook if you use certain words.
These are not white supremacist words or racist words.
These are words like normie and lulz and MSM and these sort of words that have been appropriated by conservatives and meme culture.
So Facebook Brooke has never said that they've done this publicly.
This is a secret program in these documents that this person who blew the whistle gave to us and lost her job as a result.
So pretty significant stuff.
The people watching your show, which there are many, many, many committed, heroic, brave
individuals watching this program as I speak, my request is to have people on this show go
to projectbaratos.com/brave and send us an encrypted note if you are on the inside of these companies.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the Resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, the second hour of today's Alex Jones Show is wide open.
So I'm going to open up the phone lines.
On this Monday.
Let me pull up a phone number on the screen there when you get a second, guys.
I think it's 888.
In fact, I'm not even going to say it.
In fact, I really don't even need to say it.
As soon as I open up phone lines, a thousand people are going to call.
But specifically, I want to know today, what do you think will actually come of the final Mueller report?
How do you think that goes?
And then what happens next?
So it's 877-789-ALEX.
What do you think comes of the final Mueller report?
And then what do you think happens afterwards?
So we'll be taking phone calls for the entire second hour with you here on the Alex Jones Show.
I do have some other news I need to get to.
And then I almost want to say I have perhaps, and I know that there are other people who could challenge me on this, but I think I have perhaps the three best tweets that all came basically from Trump derangement syndrome here on my desk.
And it's just like shocking how out of control these people are.
Then you have a bus aide taking a Trump hat off a 14-year-old student's head.
So, I mean, what is wrong with people?
Trump derangement syndrome induced by mainstream media.
But it's nice because the renegades just want to wear a Trump hat more.
It's like, as soon as you tell me not to do something, I'm gonna go ahead and just do it anyway.
Isn't that the nature of defiance?
So, we'll take your phone calls.
What do you think will happen in the final reveal of Mueller's Russia probe?
And then, what do you think happens next?
We'll be taking your calls.
Alright, folks.
Not only do we have Jack Dorsey tweeting out in 2013, learn to code.
That's right.
Jack Dorsey tweets out, every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn to code.
There it is, right there on screen.
But, people are now getting banned and silenced on Twitter, his platform, for tweeting out, learn to code.
Chuck Ross, Daily Caller reporter, just got hit with his 12-hour suspension for tweeting, literally, hashtag Learn to Code.
Jack Dorsey tweeted it out, though.
Of course, the whole thing is ridiculous.
Learning to code is a very valuable thing to know how to do.
It's like saying, learn five languages.
Every student should be able to learn five languages.
Oh my gosh!
He just said learn a foreign language.
Censor him!
It's like, wait a second, learning a foreign language is a valuable thing.
Learning to code is a valuable thing.
You could maybe get a job someday.
Maybe start your own business.
If you tweet out Learn to Code now, you're getting censored?
Unless you're Jack Dorsey.
I see.
I see.
But perhaps even more insane than that, this story comes from CNN.
Let 16-year-olds vote!
Oh my gosh!
I swear.
Look, for radio listeners, we have the story pulled up.
I swear to you.
I swear to you, this is actually the first line in this story.
Brace yourselves.
Headline from CNN.com.
Let 16-year-olds vote.
My son follows the news closely.
He watches John Oliver every week.
That's not news.
Noah Berlatsky at CNN.
Earth to Noah.
Paging Noah.
Are you with us, Noah?
Noah, where are you?
he's writing a story for c_n_n_ saying john oliver is news you know you would expect maybe a sixteen-year-old to think
that's news for noah
burlatsky who could have colluded with russia for all i know
to say that john oliver is news
And you know, it's funny, because Darren McBreen forever has been saying how that's how the left gets most of their news.
They actually think late-night comedy shows are news!
And it's just like, well, they just revealed it.
So, Darren, congratulations, Darren.
Take this story, frame it, and put it on your desk.
My son watches the news closely.
He follows John Oliver.
Where is John Oliver from?
Isn't he from, like, Manchester, England or something?
A comedy show host.
I follow the news closely.
I watch Jimmy Kimmel.
I'm very informed.
I just watched Jimmy Fallon.
Don't you know how intellectual I am?
I haven't missed a Ellen Show.
I'm very informed.
I watch Stephen Colbert every night.
You must watch that tripe, Tucker Carlson.
Didn't you hear what he said on a radio show?
I watch John Uller.
Can you imagine, though?
Think about these late night show hosts.
Like, Jimmy Kimmel does a blackface skit.
So people at University of Tennessee are now subject, this is like insane.
So like, blackface was like a big joke years ago.
It's like doing blackface was like a joke.
Ted Danson did it as a joke.
Apparently all these former Democrat congressmen did it as a joke in high school.
Jimmy Kimmel did it as a joke, pretending to be Karl Malone, having alien stick probes up his butt.
It was funny!
But now it's like you can't do it anymore.
And so, the University of Tennessee has now released an official statement saying you cannot do blackface on campus.
So, fine.
I mean, whatever.
I don't know what the hell's going on here.
I thought Obama, like, helped us end racism.
I thought that Martin Luther King said quit seeing people by the color of their skin.
Uh, what in the hell happened?
I was watching Jimmy Kimmel last night.
Yeah, yeah.
Robert Downey Jr.
plays a black guy in a film.
He's white!
You never go full blackface!
Jeez, what is wrong with these people?
Oh, I know.
They watch John Oliver every night and they think it's news.
That's what's wrong with these people.
You know what?
I didn't even do what I wanted to do.
So let me just do it for the rest of the segment, guys.
Pull up all the B-roll and everything.
So, tragic situation.
157 people die on the Ethiopian Airlines crash.
And, you know, this is widely covered yesterday.
A lot of B-roll, obviously.
A lot of stuff on television and everything.
And I'm not trying to make light of this.
I'm really not.
But I cannot help but have to use this as a tool, if you will, a navigation tool for people to understand something.
And I have to point you in the direction of September 11, 2001.
I'm not sitting here acting like I know what happened on September 11, 2001.
I'm sitting here telling you I have a brain in my head and I use common sense and logic and reasoning to make obvious observations and then reach conclusions.
And so, if you just look at all the b-roll, the crew's rolling it right now, from the Ethiopian plane crash site.
There's debris everywhere.
There's plane parts everywhere.
I mean, it's like, you know, what you would expect to see if a Boeing airplane went down.
A massive structure, a massive metal object went down.
It's what you would expect.
Tons of debris and rubble everywhere.
But then you go look at the Flight 93 plane crash on September 11th.
No debris.
Literally none.
Not even a single scrap.
Just a big hole in the ground.
I guess the plane just evaporated.
I guess the plane just disintegrated somehow.
I guess it was just made of, uh, nanothermites.
And it just burned itself into nothingness.
So... Tragic plane crash.
And all the B-roll shows all the debris that you would expect to see from a plane crash.
A plane crash.
There's debris, plane parts, scrap metal, rubble everywhere.
But on September 11, 2001, Flight 93 in Pennsylvania crash-landed, and there was no debris.
No rubble.
I don't know.
Maybe my eyes deceived me.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
♪ I like to play with you, play with you ♪ You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
We're about to start taking your phone calls, but first, the Democrats say they want to stop foreign interferences in our elections.
Then why are they pushing for non-citizens to vote?
Here's the report from John Bowne.
President Trump is requesting an additional $8.6 billion combined with funds from the emergency declaration to allow the completion of 722 miles of barrier construction, as reported by the Daily Caller.
And if the Democrats could unplug their ears, they might hear the tune their leaders sang roughly a decade ago.
It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.
We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked.
We do not want to do anything to encourage more illegal immigration into this country.
The American people are fundamentally pro-legal immigration and anti-illegal immigration.
We will only pass comprehensive reform when we recognize this fundamental concept.
The projections are dire.
The agency is now on track to apprehend more migrants crossing illegally in the first six months of this fiscal year than the entirety of FY17.
And at the current pace, we are on track to encounter close to one million illegal aliens at our southern border this year.
Our capacity is already severely restrained, but these increases will overwhelm the system entirely.
If anyone is manufacturing facts concerning border security, it is the leftist train wreck known as the Democratic Party.
I'll state that this is a manufactured crisis, and a crisis that, uh, manufactured by the Trump administration.
The numbers the Democrats choose to ignore are staggering.
The Washington Times reported the number of families snared trying to sneak into the U.S.
soared by 50% in one month alone, setting an all-time record with more than 36,000 family members apprehended, Homeland Security officials recently announced.
It is difficult to ignore the preferential consideration the illegal alien that murdered Mollie Tibbetts is receiving.
Or the Somali gangs turning the streets of Minneapolis, Minnesota into a war zone.
According to this Minneapolis police report, between 20 and 30 young men showed up in front of her house around 9.30 in the morning, and the comments turned to threats.
They were screaming at the house that they were going to kidnap me, and we're going to rape you.
In broad daylight, and within full view of a busy stretch of East River Road, a group of seven young men struck totally at random.
Two joggers out for a Sunday run were suddenly and viciously punched as they passed by.
Police Lieutenant Mike Monsrud says the victims described the group as young Somali men.
They demanded no money and said few words.
Talking to them, we really have no idea what the motivation behind these incidents were.
According to the indictment, the 26 men and 3 women transported girls across state lines
to engage in sex in exchange for money and drugs.
Do you feel more comfortable living under American law, or do you feel more comfortable living under Sharia law?
Uh... Sharia law.
Would you prefer to live in America or prefer to live in Somalia?
For me, I think it's Somalia.
Or that MS-13 is actively hunting off-duty New York police.
As Fox News reported, intel has been obtained that members of MS-13 are looking to hit NYPD police officers in order to gain street credibility.
These MS-13 members are conducting reconnaissance of police officers' private residences.
In fact, it's so bad that MS-13 has forced El Salvadoran police to flee El Salvador.
As the New Zealand Herald reported, they were given one of the most dangerous orders in policing, take down MS-13.
They were bankrolled by the United States and trained by FBI agents.
But members of the Salvadoran police have been killed by the dozens in each of the past three years.
Now, a number of El Salvador's police officers are fleeing the gang they were tasked with eliminating.
The Washington Post has identified 15 officers in the process.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, the full report is at Infowars.com from John Bowne.
But you have to ask why Democrats are protecting MS-13 with sanctuary cities.
You really have to ask why.
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Today and now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, we are about to start taking your phone calls here on the Alex Jones Show, and we've got tons of calls already lined up.
I'm gonna do my best to take as many as I can in this hour.
Dan Lyman joins me in the next hour from EuropeWars.com.
Owen Benjamin hosting the fourth hour today.
But I'm not going to be able to get to all of your calls.
I know that there's going to be some people that end up holding for a long time and they don't get in today.
So I want to just apologize in advance, but I will let you know if you want to.
It's a lot easier to get through on The War Room, which runs from 3 to 6 p.m.
Central at Infowars.com slash show.
Actually, I wonder if it is, because we have a lot less lines.
So, but my point is, if you can't get on today and you still want to call in and get your voice heard, I will be taking calls for most of the war room today from 3 to 6 p.m.
Central at InfoWars.com slash show which begins after the Alex Jones Show which of course always follows up the David Knight Show every morning at 8 a.m.
At Infowars.com slash show.
Of course, you know, if you're David, you're not allowed to exist on YouTube or, you know, your show isn't allowed on Facebook or Twitter.
You know, you're banned.
You're the bad guy.
If you're Alex Jones, you just can't even exist on anything and anything with Infowars, the company you built, that's not allowed to be promoted.
And, um, they banned the war room.
on all social media as well.
And then me personally, I'm totally banned off Facebook and YouTube.
I had a nice 12-hour stint on Facebook, worst 12 hours of my life.
So if you can't get in today, though, feel free to try again on The War Room
'cause I will be taking calls as well.
And speaking of The War Room, I'm gonna go ahead and do a little cross-promotion
right now because we have a polo at InfoWarsStore.com that I don't even know if Alex has ever talked about it,
but it's a great polo.
And it's one of my favorite shirts from InfoWarsStore.com because it features the InfoWars hexagon logo, which is kind of like undercover logo, if you will.
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And so it's at InfoWarsStore.com, but as a promotion for the war room, if you use coupon code war room, At InfoWarsStore.com, when you get your InfoWars Hexagon Polo, you get $10 off.
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Now, the phone lines are already lit up.
I'm going to take as many calls as I can in this hour while also peppering in some news.
Asking you, what do you think comes of the Mueller report?
Because I do think now that they're probably, he may turn it in this month.
He really might turn it in this month.
Which makes me wonder why, because the whole purpose of this thing was to just keep Donald Trump in the crosshairs and keep the media narrative going about Russian collusion.
If he turns it in, it destroys the whole thing.
But there has to be a twist.
There always is.
And the Democrats already have their separate probes and investigations ready to go.
So to me, that's the biggest indicator that Mueller's done.
Because the Democrats are about to launch all their own stuff.
I don't think they'd be doing that unless Mueller really was done and he was about to turn this report in.
And so he got some scalps, nothing to do with Russian collusion, a bunch of BS.
How does Roger Stone get arrested for obstruction of justice?
There's no justice here.
They're not seeking justice, they're seeking impeachment.
They're seeking...
Removing a president from office, that's what they're seeking.
So, to the callers, what do you think is the final outcome of this Mueller report?
Is it about to come out?
Will Mueller flip on Hillary and actually expose the real Russian collusion?
Let's start with Elliot, calling in from Arizona.
Go ahead, Elliot.
Hi, Owen, can you hear me?
Loud and clear, go ahead.
Oh, good!
Okay, I don't have the best reception.
Well, the main reason for my call, I've been trying to call for Gosh, maybe three weeks, and it's about Infocomms.org.
Now, what I noticed very specifically was that I've been listening for about three years or so, and prior, like, when I first started listening, the people would just try to share information or talk about just the current topic or whatever.
But what I did notice, especially after the last three months, and this is going to really affect you specifically, is I would say one out of every three or maybe four callers is going to be saying something about being active.
You know, talking and talking and talking, but being active, to be involved.
And you know how you go to the city council meetings and things like that?
Well, by far, the most effective thing that could be done is to slightly alter the infocomms.org, I guess, chat site to actually unify people strictly for activists.
Well, that was the whole purpose, Elliot, and I'm glad that you called and raised this issue because that was actually the purpose.
Now, I don't know if you want to talk about Mueller, so I'll give you a chance to comment on that if you want, but the original purpose Because when we first started in doing the censorship, I started the InfoWars Army, which was, the purpose was to go out, engage in street activism.
And so I started the InfoWars Army, we had InfoWarsArmy.com, but then all my InfoWars Army accounts got banned.
And so as a result of that, I then kind of Shifted the momentum of the InfoWars Army to InfoComms, where I could no longer really organize.
They're not going to let me organize on social media.
So I created InfoComms so that you, the audience, could organize.
So the goal of InfoWars Army was, using social media, you can find other InfoWarriors in your local areas, in the state, you know, the municipality, whatever, the city that you live in.
And then they erased all those social media accounts.
So that's when I started InfoComms, so now people can just go on to InfoComms.
Make a post in there saying, oh, I'm in Atlanta.
You know, I'm in Alabama.
I'm in Florida.
I'm in Washington.
I'm over here.
I'm over here.
And then you can go there and you can find other InfoWarriors.
And yes, you can organize street activism.
You can go out and hold signs.
You can go out and organize.
Go to city council.
Bring a group of people with you.
Go protest at Planned Parenthood.
You know, go do a live stream.
Have a cameraman and a guy with a mic.
So that was the purpose of InfoComms.
So InfoComms.org.
I do want people to go there and organize.
Elliot, I got 60 seconds left here.
Did you want to comment on Mueller?
Sure, I'll make a quick comment, but it's about Infocomms.org.
He is going to close it out exactly for what you're saying, that it's because they're going to pursue many other impeachment procedures, indictments, you know, that's all they have to stop it.
So, just to continue with that.
But I really wanted to get back, I'm sorry, with the Infocomms because it's so important, All it has to be done is organize a little bit better geographically, where, you know how they have the credit card payments, and they show the state, and then you click Arizona, right?
To limit, because you're getting people from New Hampshire, you're getting people from South Dakota, you're getting people from California.
Well, I understand what you're saying, Elliot.
I mean, I can't do everything.
I mean, you know, like, I guess I could, like, dedicate my life to organizing InfoComms, too, uh, but then I wouldn't be able to be on for six hours a day and be effective.
So, uh, I get it, but, uh, you know, we can't do everything.
If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed.
If you do read it, you're misinformed.
That's a great question.
What is the long-term effect of too much information?
One of the effects is the need to be first, not even to be true anymore.
We are hearing from a Native American elder and Vietnam War veteran speaking to CNN after a disturbing viral video shows a group of teens harassing and mocking him in the nation's capital.
The videos have drawn outrage.
Outrage from all corners.
Here's the video sparking outrage on social media.
Sparked outrage on social media.
A group of teenagers, many wearing Make America Great Again hats, were caught on video taunting a Native American Vietnam veteran.
So what a responsibility you all have.
To be, to tell the truth.
Not just to be first.
But to tell the truth.
A few days ago I called the fake news the enemy of the people.
And they are.
They are the enemy of the people.
Because they have no sources.
They just make them up.
When there are none.
We live in a society now where it's just first.
Who cares?
Get it out there.
We don't care who it hurts.
We don't care who we destroy.
We don't care if it's true.
Just say it.
Sell it.
The President of the United States is racist.
The President of the United States is a weak man.
He's a racist.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
He's a bully and he's a bitch.
He's unfit to be human.
Anything you practice, you'll get good at.
that, including BS. This is CNN. We've got some breaking news.
Actor and musician Jussie Smollett from the hit show Empire was attacked and beaten early this morning in Chicago.
Racism is alive and well.
And that says a lot about the place that we are in our country right now.
The fact that we have these fear mongrels.
These people that are trying to separate us and it's just not okay.
Did I make that up too?
I want to say brain force is great.
I want to say turbo force is amazing.
It is.
But if you took it with fish oil, it's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil is better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
Brain, body, heart.
The cleanest, the best out there.
You've got the children's.
You've got the adults.
You've got the krill oil.
If you're gonna get the full effect, the fish oil and the children's are really strong.
They don't give you the burpees, but krill oil is the best.
And it'll I'll give you the damn burps, and I'm sorry.
You want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic.
It's so good.
In my view.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
I eat five capulets of krill oil before I go to bed.
I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show Subscribe to the channel for more videos like this one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, I'm taking your calls, specifically on the Mueller Report.
Do you think it will come out this month?
Amazon seems to think so.
And what do you think will be the end result of it?
But I do want to take this other caller off topic, just because we were off topic last segment, and there is a viral video that everybody's raving about.
And again, when Cortez first kind of came up, and I was doing my research into her, there's certain things that we just don't really go into here at InfoWars, because it's like, it's just, it's better off to let other people do it.
And so slowly but surely, people are finding out who Cortez really is.
And so the latest It's a viral YouTube video, guys.
See if you can find out how many views it has.
And I guarantee you, YouTube is throttling these views.
How many does it say, guys?
I can't see the full number there.
The screen's cut off.
So, apparently, it only has 636,000 views.
Yeah, that's bullcrap.
This video has millions of views, guaranteed.
I mean, folks, trust me, everybody, everybody on the conservative side has seen this video now.
I mean, in fact, because I have people that send me videos all the time, I'm not even kidding you, that video was probably sent to me more times than any other video, and it only has half a million views.
That's like them totally throttling the Alex Jones Show Rogan podcast, which I think Rogan should sue over.
That video has millions of views.
But anyway, Andrew from Florida wants to call in because this video has gone viral and he wants to highlight what, to me, was the biggest revelation from this, and that's essentially that Cortez filed a casting call and won in a casting call and then came up to win the election, which I have another kind of thread on that that I might get into, but Andrew in Florida, you're fired up about this.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Owen.
Cortez is being used by the Justice Democrat, so she was cast by, who is also, it's run by George Soros, it's funded by George Soros, but it's also run by that guy from the Young Turks.
I can't even say his name.
Chunk Yogurt.
Yeah, I was butchering his name right off the bat.
Hold on, say it with Andrew, it's Chunk Yogurt.
Chunk Yogurt, I always butcher his name.
But anyway, But anyway, what I've been hearing, it's a real dangerous organization, and when you listen to Cortez, when she's on stage like this week on a South by Southwest, she sounds like a little intelligent.
Yeah, because it's scripted out, but when she goes on Periscope, you notice she sounds like a dumb hyena, because Like I said, it's all scripted out.
She's being a puppet by this group.
What's it called again?
The Justice Democrats.
So here's what happened.
So, a bunch of people that were behind Bernie Sanders, the true socialists in America, Justice Democrats was one of them.
There was a couple other websites they ran, but it was all under the same umbrella of Soros Money.
And so, once they realized they couldn't get Bernie over the top, they shifted all of the Momentum they had to Cortez.
They gave her all the websites.
They put her picture on all the websites.
They transferred the URLs into her campaign and everything.
And so this happened before anybody even heard of her.
This was all going on while they were taking the casting calls.
And then they decided on Cortez before she even won.
All of this was going on.
Now let's actually go to a clip here, hold with me Andrew, of what Andrew's talking about.
Here's Cortez at South by Southwest here in Austin saying that America is garbage.
The thing that is really hard for people to sometimes see is that when we are on this path of a slow erosion and a slow, slow, slow just like Move away from what we've always been.
We'll be a hundred miles.
You won't even realize that you've drifted a hundred miles.
So when someone's talking about our core, it's like, oh, this is radical.
But this isn't radical.
This is what we've always been.
It's just that now we've strayed so far away from what has really made us powerful and just, and good, and equitable, and productive.
I think all of these things sound magical compared to where we are, but where we are is not a good thing.
And this idea of like 10% better from garbage shouldn't be what we settle for.
It's like this, like, it feels like... Get this bimbo off.
Hold on, I got another clip I want to play.
But think about it.
Capitalism in the West has created the greatest humanitarian aid resource in world history, and that's America.
That's a fact.
But here she is again now, bashing capitalism.
Capitalism isn't, to me, it's an ideology of capital.
It puts capital, the most important thing, is the concentration of capital and it means that we seek and prioritize profit and the accumulation of money above all else and we seek... Pause it, pause it real quick.
Like, because I want to play these clips for the audience to hear it, but I almost feel like I'm assaulting you with this.
In fact, I feel too guilty.
I can't play the clip.
I can't play the clip.
I'm assaulting you.
This is too stupid.
So anyway, but Andrew, here's where I think I disagree with everybody commenting on this video.
I don't think there really is that much control over her, to be honest with you.
I mean, yeah, she gets talking points, but you gotta understand, there's other voices in her ear, too.
And at a certain level, they just kind of want her to be free-range.
Because she is so stupid.
And they kind of want that.
Like, that's what's hip.
That's what's in.
Like, ugly art.
Ugly culture.
You know, like, that's kind of what's in, Andrew.
So... But what is your final analysis, and what's got you so fired up about it?
Well, the thing that really upsets me is that if America is so horrible, then why are people crossing the border to come here?
And let me tell you something, my great-great-grandparents escaped Italy, because, you know, of course, Italy was fascist.
And let me tell you something, they only came here for one reason, and it was freedom, and also capitalism.
And that's why, to be part of the American dream.
So, Cortez, you know what?
She really upsets me at this point, after I saw this video.
Well, and you gotta wonder here, too, Andrew.
Thank you so much for raising this topic today.
Think about this.
The claim, I mean, the story goes, Cortez basically pulled off this massive upset.
I've already forgotten the guy's name.
Incumbent, won multiple elections, usually wins by a very good margin.
And Cortez comes out of nowhere and defeats him.
Now, the story goes, she ran a grassroots campaign, literally boots on the ground, right?
Well, if that's true, why isn't everyone else doing that?
Have you ever asked yourself that?
If here is Cortez, revolutionizes American politics by going boots on the ground, going old school, nobody ever heard of her, why is it nobody else is doing it?
Politicians are so desperate to get in office, folks, most of them don't even have any morals or foundations.
They'll say whatever the hell they think is gonna get them the most votes.
They'll do whatever the hell they think is gonna get them the most votes.
So, why wouldn't they all be going in the Cortez direction?
Boots on the ground, door-to-door, grassroots.
Why isn't everybody doing it?
Or maybe that's not how Cortez won.
Makes you wonder.
Makes you wonder, if Cortez really won by going door-to-door, why isn't everyone else trying to do it?
Why isn't everybody else repeating that?
Because she had zero political experience.
She has zero political or economic knowledge other than, you know, 450 times 3 for 3 Vegas bombs.
So, how did she get in office?
And if it was door-to-door, why isn't every other Democrat doing it?
Really makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Really makes you wonder.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
2019 brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine, but a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
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X2 at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Waging War on Corruption.
on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
The court has decided the documents from the Epstein case to be released.
Mike Cernovich has just tweeted that out.
Ooh, Bob Mueller.
What does that mean for Bob Mueller?
What does that mean for Alexander Acosta of the Trump administration?
Who else took flights to Pedophile Island?
Bill Clinton.
Lots of times.
Ditched Secret Service even.
Wow, Bill.
That's interesting, Bill.
So that's developing right now.
But we're taking your calls on the Mueller probe, which it looks like is going to be concluded before the end of the month.
And so, what does this mean?
And will Mueller, in his report, indict Hillary Clinton for colluding with Russia to influence the 2016 presidential election?
Somehow I doubt it.
But let's go to John in Fort Worth.
Go ahead, John, you're on the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, I think something needs to be done about all the collusion that they didn't find and all the evidence they did find against the Democratic Party.
Well, and it really just almost perfectly Well, yeah, yeah.
And the CIA had a little bit to do with it.
I mean, you know, it's a common joke, like, you know, the FBI can indict a ham sandwich.
Well, here it is.
I mean, here they are indicting ham sandwich.
I mean, this is the corrupt, dirty FBI that we always knew it was that will set anyone
up just to destroy them.
Well, yeah, yeah.
And the CIA had a little bit to do with it.
But you know, I'm sure it'll all come out.
But I want to see what is going to happen.
When are they going to put them through the wringer like they have put President Trump?
Well, somehow I feel like that's up to the President.
And he makes all indications on Twitter that he knows this is all going on and something needs to be done.
But as far as actual real world results, we've got nothing.
Well, that's what I'm saying.
You know, he's showing the American people if they would just open up their eyes and listen and do their own investigation, you know, it's easy for an individual to get on the internet and find facts, actual facts.
Well, actually, sadly, John, it's a lot harder these days, but, you know, yes, you can inform yourself.
Honestly, the problem now is The ability to really stay informed and inform yourself is almost like a 24-hour window because once information and stuff kind of gets into the database of the internet and all these SEOs like Google and everything, after 24 hours they basically rig the whole algorithm and you could be reading a story yesterday on any website, you plug in that exact headline on Google that you searched the day before and you will never find it again.
Right, right.
And yeah, that has happened to me more than once.
And something needs to be done, you know, actually done about that.
It seems like we, you know, I say we, I guess the patriots of the nation is, it's getting harder and harder, you know, because you have these big money people, Google, Amazon, you know, you deal with it more, you see it more in Austin than we do here in Fort Worth, but it's, It's, it's... Well, there's no doubt.
I mean, it, look.
People say, oh, oh, hey, what's the word?
Google it, you know.
Oh, Google it.
Yeah, Google it.
Yeah, oh, okay.
Well, a lot of things you can't Google it.
And, and I'm telling you, I mean, I don't know how many people are out there like me, but I know for a fact I'll Google something and I'll find the story I'm looking for and then the next day I'll Google the exact same thing and I can't find Jack.
And that's, you know, That's just the truth.
I mean, I don't know what Google's doing, but that's just what people are experiencing.
Thanks for the call, John.
Let's go to Michael calling in from Los Angeles.
Go ahead, Michael.
Hey, InfoWarsTore.com.
I just would like to say this right here has been the whole curriculum for at least the left.
I go to a kind of a leftist, liberal leaning school right here in the Santa Monica area, and this has been the whole curriculum in my journalism class, And even my business class.
They'll get real political and start polarizing the class and thinking that this is the way you do independent research.
This is the way you show your bias.
And it's total hogwash.
At the end of the day, I don't think anything's going to come out of this delusion.
This is a mass mental illness that's going on right here.
Sooner or later, if the law comes to scale, if appropriate law comes to scale, then Roger Stone will be reimbursed for his compensation for all the things that they've done for him.
Trump's going to even have more of an infrastructure than what's going on right now.
Well, let's hope.
I mean, look at this.
Roger Stone, I'm telling you, my blood was boiling reading this Politico story.
And I'm trying not to get angry today.
They're trying to take Roger Stone down, and they've got an Obama judge, and they're trying to put Roger Stone in jail for obstruction of justice, folks.
Obstruction of justice?
They're looking for Russian collusion in the 2016 election.
It was all Hillary Clinton.
They're the ones obstructing justice.
In fact, it's beyond obstructing justice.
They're bastardizing justice.
They're destroying justice.
And then they're going to sit here and point the finger at Roger Stone?
But look at some of this mental illness that Michael is talking about.
This is a tweet from Slate Magazine.
Looking for a book to help resist Trump?
Try this Gay Immigrant Muslim Furry Romance Novel.
That's a real tweet!
That's a real thing!
Look at this from Cher.
Republic... Folks, I'm sorry that I'm assaulting your IQ with this.
Here's a tweet from Cher.
share. Republicans believe they've got God-given right to dictate what we do with our bodies.
Women must make laws to control men's bodies. No Viagra, Rogaine, or testosterone. All men
must be circumcised and show papers or penis to prove it.
Massage parlors punishable by death. Men must take the pill. I mean, that's so, the lunacy
of that, I don't even know where to begin.
And then, not to be outdone, is Alyssa Milano!
I'm trans.
I'm a person of color.
I'm an immigrant.
I'm a lesbian.
I'm a gay man.
I'm the disabled.
I'm everything.
And so are you.
But, an unborn baby isn't even human.
Yeah, this is all built off of fraud, Owen.
all 14 year old student I mean these people bully teenagers Michael yeah this
is all built off fraud Owen this once you get the evidence from lies you know
I don't know I don't know how else to put it man the front The fake will crumble.
It's biblical.
All this is biblical.
And if you're listeners, I don't know how much of them are really on the front lines, if they say they are.
But if they're fighting the good fight, if they're in God's standards, you're going to come out on top.
This world is a fallen world, but God is going to protect His children.
Have faith.
You know, because by grace we're saved.
It's not within ourselves, but through the gift of God, let no man boast.
Thank you.
Thank you for calling, Michael.
We're going to take more of your phone calls on the other side of this break.
I'm trying not to get angry today because I was yelling on the air yesterday, but it's just like.
Do you understand the deep you know what that we're in when we have a total Rogue prosecutor that is just doing whatever the hell he wants, destroying whoever's life he wants, and half the country is embracing it.
But it's not even that.
Half the country is so brainwashed and dumbed down that they don't even know what's going on.
Literally, they have no idea.
So, I mean, what are we going to do?
I mean, 63 million Americans saved America by voting for Donald Trump, but... Boy, he better act fast, because 2020's not guaranteed.
We'll be right back.
Twitter CEO is standing by the company's decision to put InfoWars' Alex Jones on a seven-day suspension.
This comes after Jones urged his Twitter followers to ready their battle rifles, as he put it, against the media in a video posted to the site.
Alex Jones on Twitter posted this week what essentially is a video calling for people to get their battle rifles ready against the media.
People need to have their battle rifles and everything ready at their bedsides.
You gotta be ready.
Saying it's time to act, it's gotta be done now.
Move criminally against people.
It's time politically, and economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally, to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
It sent a chill up my spine.
How about yours?
It did.
I mean, there's a number of actions that we believe Help a call to incitement to violence and those are the things that we need to make sure that we're taking action on.
Now is the time to act on the mainstream media and he says get the battle rifles ready.
I didn't say that!
That incites violence.
Free speech does not protect inciting violence.
This is an emergency message to President Trump, to Congress, and to anyone that supports free speech in this country.
The Democratic Party is now calling for all Republicans, all patriots, including the President, to be deplatformed from Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple, you name it.
And Jones is hardly their only target, that's for sure.
virtually every day the big tech companies censor someone else whose political opinions
they disagree with.
Facebook censored our free speech and shame on the ones that don't even see that we have
been censored.
This is a new super political class that operate as a judiciary and as the police and as the
prison guards to control our lives.
This is classical authoritarianism.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
You've taken action against him in this instance.
What is it?
Can you tell us what it is?
I believe we put him in a time out.
Alex Jones is not an 8th grader who got busted smoking in the bathroom.
Like, it's just not.
I mean, he's a guy who is, you know... Or someone who is... ...fueling alt-right conspiracy theories and... It's actually amazing.
That will ripe it.
This is what caused the ban and not everything that Alex Jones has done before.
Seems minor compared to the implications of someone suggesting a call to arms against a particular group, in this case, the media.
I didn't say use weapons on the media.
I don't want them to have weapons used on them.
That'll make them victims.
I'm worried they're going to false flag and stage something on themselves.
And then they're going to send anti-fi out to all our houses, which they're doxing everybody saying they are.
And I said defensively, be prepared to defend yourself.
And they say that is inciting violence.
No, it's not.
Send a chill up my spine.
I'm getting chills right now.
He said come with the battle rifles, engage in criminal activity.
And I said use the judicial system legally and lawfully and go after them criminally.
They have got to get a lid on this.
And the idea of martyrdom, it's also probably interesting, but it will be interesting to see who rallies around his cause.
Let's remember, Donald Trump has appeared on this show.
The president also entering the fray today, he said quote, "I won't mention names, but
when they take certain people off of Twitter or Facebook and they're making that decision,
that is really a dangerous thing because it could be you tomorrow."
And we're also standing up to social media censorship.
That's the new thing.
Trump's election and Alex Jones' popularity are merely symptoms of a corrupt and failed status quo.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
You can't stop them from knowing that.
But this isn't about Alex Jones.
This is about freedom.
Mr. President, you don't want to look like you're after the press of the First Amendment.
You're letting them butcher the press of the First Amendment.
Oh, but you don't want to look authoritarian and stand up to them.
They're authoritarian.
They're a clear and present danger.
Do something about it!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And I'm Alex Jones.
I'm Alex Jones.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
I'm serious, folks.
(upbeat music)
I'm really maintaining myself today, but I'm like, Nearing heart attack levels when I start thinking about this stuff And I was kind of saying I like I don't know how Alex hasn't had a heart attack folks I mean this and I don't know if it's the stress of covering this news every day.
I mean with David Knight.
I mean thank God He's healthier than ever, but it's just like when you realize how corrupt it all is and how they're trying to destroy the greatest system that we know of on earth I mean These people virtue signal all day long acting like they're some sort of humanitarians.
Capitalism in the West has created the greatest humanitarian aid resource in world history and it's the United States of America.
And it's not even just some dumb bimbo Cortez trying to promote socialism or some old hag Bernie Sanders who goes and does his honeymoons in Russia with his shirt off and sings Kumbaya with the communists.
It's Bob Mueller, man.
It's the Democrats that lie all day long.
It's Democrats that campaign on border security and then tell you having a border is racist.
So I'm going to go back out to the calls.
It's just like...
It's just out of control.
It's not even a left or right thing.
It's a corrupt U.S.
government thing.
And it's amazing, before Trump, most Americans would have said FBI, CIA.
They're all corrupt, man!
Oh, but now they're investigating Trump!
Now we trust them, yes!
Give me a break.
So, uh... Let's go back out to the phone lines.
Let's go to Terrence in Virginia.
Go ahead, Terrence.
Hey, Owen.
I don't know if that's a good deal or not, but I don't think this is over because, you know,
you know, you know, you know, I think it's something to do like, like a couple of weeks before
Mueller releases the report, you know, they'll do a, they'll probably pull a false flag for
someplace, someone, or B, there, Mueller is gonna, Mueller is gonna, he's gonna-
But, but, but see, but that's the thing, Terrence.
The whole thing is a false flag.
The Russian collusion probe is a false flag.
The Jussie Smollett was a false flag.
Covington Catholic was a false flag.
Judge Kavanaugh was a false flag.
They've engaged in false flag after false flag after false flag after false flag.
So none of it's working because it's all a false flag.
And America is just... They get it now.
They don't trust the media.
You know, and I need to do a little more research into this, and I'm going to, but I'm gonna do the political research into this.
I mean, there's a chance, if there's a fair election, Donald Trump could almost set a record for the most voter turnout for a presidential election.
Now, he needs to not be attacking Ann Coulter, and he needs to definitely come throwing some more promises, but if he, if he drops any hammer whatsoever, On the real corruption in government that we know happened with Hillary Clinton, 100 million Americans will turn out to vote for Donald Trump.
All he has to do is do it.
Terrence, thanks for the call.
Let's go to John in Wisconsin.
Go ahead, John.
I think this whole Miller probe is a sham just so they can get to where they're at, you know, the party.
The thing is, is that after 2020, if Trump loses, They're still going to go after him for decades.
Just to prove a point.
Well, that's an interesting thought.
Some people theorize, including on the left, that if they go after Don Jr.
or Eric or anyone in his family, that that'll kind of be the straw that broke the camel's back and Trump will move against them with whoever he has as allies in the Justice Department.
I mean, Trump, he has all the tools.
He could build a wall tomorrow.
He could throw Hillary in jail tomorrow.
I mean, you know.
So... I mean, look, I support Trump.
He's done a great job.
I wish he would do more.
He's got some time left.
I mean, he could solidify himself as like... I mean, just beyond an American legend.
Like a world legend, folks.
I mean, look, the... the...
Just like we've had the most humanitarian aid come out of the West in America, you could also say we've had the most corruption.
So, yeah, we all want to do something about that.
That doesn't mean we kill the Golden Goose.
It means we get the noose off the Golden Goose's neck!
And Mueller represents that!
Clinton represents that!
McCabe represents that!
Comey represents that!
And we know it!
And Trump knows it!
So cut the damn noose, Trump!
Get these people off our neck!
Sorry, John, go ahead.
Well, you know, the thing is, is that Lenin's words are true, and we're living it right now, when he said, you give me a child for four years, and I will plant a seed that can't be killed.
Yeah, Hitler said, give me the youth of the nation, I'll rule that nation in seven years.
Well, yeah, that's why they have all the college campuses, you know, teaching and promoting socialism.
That's why they now teach your, you know, young child that, um, I guess a woman with a ding-a-ling waving it in front of your face is, uh, is normal.
And they, you know, they do the drag queen story hours at your local library.
And that's all fine!
So, so, yeah, that's what, if that's what we want, then that's what we'll get.
I don't want it!
Thanks for the call, John.
Let's go to Brandon in North Carolina.
Go ahead, Brandon.
Yes, sir.
How are you?
Good, Brandon.
Thanks for calling.
Yeah, go ahead.
Thank you.
All right.
As far as Mueller goes, I think people are going to be really surprised when he drops his report because it's going to obviously, as you said, it's not going to drop anything on Trump.
Trump hasn't done anything.
You and I both know that.
I think most of the American people know that.
What the big turnaround on this is, I think Mueller's been working behind the scenes with Trump the entire time.
You know, that's quite a pipe dream, Brandon, and all the evidence would be totally opposite of that, you know?
Well, I've seen other evidence.
I don't know if you follow Q. A lot of people think it's fake.
I cannot disprove it.
I've tried, just because I thought... Well, that's not a good way to approach anything.
I mean, you can't disprove the moon is, you know, made out of cheese.
So is the moon made out of cheese?
No, it's not.
Now look, I want to believe Q is real, and I totally get it, and I know what you're talking about, but the results have not been there.
And so that's why I can't go with the Q theory, but something has to be going on, because it doesn't add up.
Well, I agree, and here's my thought on that, okay?
This is something, remember Trump said in the very beginning of this whole thing, that the storm has come, okay?
With that being said, this is something that has to take time.
You can't just drop this on the American people because most of these people walking around here are blind.
Oh, and absolutely, intellectually, I totally understand that.
No doubt.
But it's almost a justice be done, may the heavens fall type of situation.
It's that dire.
And again, there's been other stuff.
I follow Q if for nothing else to just stay informed on it.
I don't report on it because anybody could be Q. Q could be easily co-opted.
In fact, I believe it has.
If Q was ever real, it's been co-opted.
Zero doubt.
But there's weird things out there.
Like, who knows?
I mean, John Kasich was on TV saying that they killed or they put McCain to death.
And that was a Q theory.
Now, I don't know if that's John Kasich just having a slip-up or if he's letting you know that he follows Q or maybe that really happened.
I mean, I don't know.
I wish Q was right, I just haven't seen the results, Brandon.
He was not just one person, okay?
These are high, high military officials that you probably don't even know their names.
And it's roughly about ten people.
Well, and now I've got the guy that was, you know, following Q at InfoWars, Jerry Corsi, someone I thought was a friend, and now they're suing me!
So it's like, what the hell, man?
I think Horsey has turned.
Now, Stone, which by the way, Stone, I'm all for you, buddy.
I know you haven't done anything, or as far as I've seen so far, you're innocent, and you're gonna come out on top of this.
I'm almost 100% sure.
And you know, I gotta say something here too, Brandon, and thank you for the call.
Working with Alex Jones for three years now, working with Roger Stone for almost two years now, I've learned something about them.
And there's been other men like this in my life where, just, there's some weird mysticism where it's like everything they tell you is real.
And even in moments where you're like, okay, and then just down the road in the future it's like, oh my gosh.
And I remember, I mean, again, like Larry Klayman, I used to have Larry Klayman as a guest.
I never thought negatively.
In fact, I was even sticking up for Larry.
And then one day, Roger pulled me aside and he was like, look, you know, I'm not trying to talk down on Larry or anything here, but, uh, you know, just, just be careful.
And, uh, turns out now Larry's trying to sue me.
And it's like, well, what the hell, man?
I thought we were all in this together.
So I don't know what the hell the deal is.
Okay, you know, I've just been doing politics and commentary on it here for about five plus years, so it's like... All I see is an innocent man, Roger Stone, being targeted for prison simply because he supports President Trump.
And they say, oh, obstruction of justice!
The Russian collusion probe, folks.
Yeah, Bob Mueller's really going after justice, isn't he?
That's clearly what this is about.
And they found so much Russian collusion, right?
I mean, we got it all.
So I don't know.
I mean, we'll find out about Q I guess.
Remember that when we're grinding through the enemy, like a giant juggernaut with our razor blade plows, It stinks and blood splatter and we're getting shot at and some people are rolling over the side, but let me tell you, behind us is a swath of destruction and victory.
People 20 years ago accused me of being a negative 10 years ago.
But about 4 or 5 years ago, they said, why the hell are you so positive?
Because I just look at the real world and tell you what I see, and I see victory.
I don't see victory forever, but for human souls awakening and activating of every skin color, every region, but love God, I see explosive awakening.
That's why you see the enemy going from being arrogant, which was great before.
They know what we're doing.
We're like sneaking around, loading the munitions.
Politically, these guys don't even know what's going on yet.
And then once the bombs went off, politically, they're now [BLEEP]
They're now crapping their britches.
So we are devastating the enemy.
You are devastating the enemy.
And of course, they think they can take me and then demonize me.
Crush me.
And that you're so stupid you'll think my destruction is a defeat.
Like Santa Ana thought destroying Colonel Travis and the 186 men would like to make everybody lay down.
Do I want to die at the Alamo?
Not my flesh.
I don't want to die.
I'm not suicidal, but give me a break.
The jobs I've got, the wars I've got to fight, the total commitment.
You think I'm worried about dying?
You think I'm worried about being in prison or torture?
I'm not worried about anything but getting my metaphysical hands around your neck and strangling you until you're dead!
That's all I want and I will get it!
You demons think you scare us?
I'm scared of my I'm not destroying you because God will destroy me!
I will get you!
Make no mistake!
Last thing I do, you're dead!
Bury it!
Get ready!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Taking a couple more phone calls here and then going to danleimanofeuropewars.com We're hearing your thoughts on the Mueller probe.
Rumor is it's coming out this month.
Amazon seems to think so.
At least they want to profit off those rumors.
So will Robert Mueller actually turn in Hillary Clinton for Russian collusion?
Let's go to Joe now in Indiana.
Go ahead, Joe.
Yeah, uh, my theory is, first of all, Obama-Bin Laden's supposedly in Africa setting up basketball teams, and the Clintons have the largest state in New Zealand.
Neither country has expedition with the U.S.
When the Mueller probe hits, the Clintons and Obama-Bin Laden are going to shuffle off to their little hiding holes.
Yeah, I've heard those theories before, and some people believe that Hillary Clinton and others actually have an ankle bracelet on so they can't leave the country, or they're at least being monitored.
Those are some of the Q theories out there.
Well, I don't even know what Q is, but as far as ankle bracelets, those things, you know, illegal aliens pop those off every day.
I want to give a positive shout out to Infowars, though.
I have Parkinson's.
And as a supplement to my prescription medication, I've been taking Brain Force Plus.
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Well, I'm so glad to hear that, Joe.
Thank you so much for that.
And, you know, we get a lot of great reviews about Brain Force Plus and DNA Force Plus.
You know, we're not allowed to say certain things, but when we have testimonies like yourself, we really appreciate that, Joe.
And you can read the testimonies at InfowarsStore.com as well.
So I'm so glad to hear that for you, Joe.
In Indiana, the BrainForce Plus has had such a positive impact on your life.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's go to Dave in Vermont.
Go ahead, Dave.
How you doing?
Hey, I want to give you a little plug about the bodies.
About eight months ago, I was shot in the left leg, and it went through the upper thigh, and the entry wound and exit wound showed very, very little inflammation.
All the medical technicians and everything were very amazed at how quickly it was healing, and there was very little blood lost.
So I know the inflammation properties of that work.
Well, and you can go read, it's 98% five-star reviews on bodies.
I mean, the product is just absolute gold.
Oh, it works.
I know that.
And on the Mueller part, I think that because the Democrats were so rabid to remove Trump even before he was in office and was showing that this is all a farce, that the Democratic Party should be liable for the whole complete bill of Mueller and not the taxpayers.
And the other thing I was wondering about, Owen, is the Patriot Law still in effect, the Patriot Act?
And if so, maybe the Patriots ought to start heating up the tar pot and gathering the feathers and making a march to Washington.
Well, President Trump, I'm not saying they're getting ready to march to Washington to tar and feather anybody, but President Trump said he wants the biggest Fourth of July celebration ever in D.C.
this year.
And he said that after here at InfoWars, we talked about how that's what we need to do is organize a million people, just pick a date and go to D.C.
Next day, Trump announced that.
I'm not saying there's any connection there, but that's, I think, one thing to do.
But to get back to your statement, imagine you're a accountant.
And you've been running, you've been doing the books for this company for a long, long time, you know, trillion-dollar company, and you've been cooking those books forever.
And all of a sudden, a new accountant is coming in here, and you've got to hand over the books, and you know all the proof of your money laundering, all the proof of your slush funds and shell accounts, it's all about to be in the hands of this new accountant.
And so yeah, you're panicked.
You don't want that accountant in there.
You'll lie about that accountant.
You'll do anything to keep that accountant away from getting those books that you've been cooking for years.
And the Democrats are the easy target right now because they're clearly deranged and the ones that are more corrupt.
But it's been the Republicans too, folks.
But that's why they're all panicked.
I've got some really good news though.
If X2's back, the original X2, deep-earth crystal, pure atomic iodine, what you want, InfoWarsTore.com.
It'll be here in a week, manufactured in the U.S., InfoWarsTore.com.
With the best iodine in the world, X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another deep-earth crystal source, but I thought, add the other two types of iodine, the scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in fullmorestore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
If you want to pre-order X2, the ultimate iodine out there, learn about the iodine conspiracy, learn about IQs dropping when you don't have it, learn about how the other iodines are bound, Get yours today at InfoWarsStore.com or InfoWarsLive.com.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
All right, we're into, I can't even believe it, but the third hour of the Alex Jones show
and Dan Lyman from EuropeWars.com is joining me.
Boots on the ground in Europe, in France at the Yellow Jacket protests and other European news.
He's got all kinds of breaking news right now at europe.infowars.com.
Tunisian migrant tells German police he killed his own girlfriend.
Backlash after German MP floats support for Muslim Chancellor.
Hungry PM no compromises on migration, protecting Christian culture.
Swiss government prioritizing security over returning ISIS fighters.
Yeah, you can't get into Switzerland, folks.
Now, luckily they have mountains, so they don't really need to build too many walls, but it's tough to get into Switzerland.
The UK supermarket to stop selling knives amidst stabbing epidemic.
My goodness.
So, Dan Lyman joins us now.
Oh, and you know, he also... Dan, were you on lead guitar or rhythm guitar for the Halos?
Singer and lead singer and rhythm guitar, yeah.
Singer and rhythm guitar.
So also we're going to talk about some stuff I was talking about yesterday with the bassist from Filter in the music industry.
But first, Dan, give us updates on the latest happening in Europe.
What's on your radar?
What's on the top of your list right now?
Sure, yeah.
I mean, we just had week 17 of the Yellow Vest protests.
They are still ongoing in France.
And from what I can tell, I haven't been to one in a few weeks now, but they seem to be still going strong.
Still tens of thousands of people out in the streets protesting against Macron.
He has managed to hang in there, which I think is incredible now that we're four months into these protests.
But the media, as they have done pretty much since week two, is downplaying the entire thing, saying that it's losing steam.
And maybe that's true.
I mean, how much time do people have to protest after four months of doing it?
But from what I've seen, the things are still going pretty strong and the response from the police is still as brutal as ever.
So I was watching this incredible video the other day.
I wasn't sure who posted it, but it was somebody that was following one of these volunteer medics in the streets because that's how a lot of these people are being treated once they've been shot with flashballs or the stun grenades or if they've experienced any sort of
injury there are a lot of volunteer medics out in the streets that are
working to at least administer on-the-spot first aid and just watching the harrowing
footage reminded me of being on the ground there but also made me
realize these people have been doing this week in and week out and I do admire
their courage.
Well and I've been seeing just the images on Twitter more than anything of people in
the hospital after they get hit with some of these things after they get
brutalized by the cops.
I mean, it's really a sad thing to see this in France.
And not that I want to digress to another topic, but it's amazing how Justin Trudeau, who has just, I mean, fallen off the cliff as far as popularity is concerned.
I mean, like a zero.
And then you have Macron here, totally unpopular in France.
Anybody could have seen this coming.
The police are brutalizing the French people now just for protesting in the streets.
So, I mean, I think that people are starting to see how these leaders...
They're not there to lead them.
They don't really care about the people.
They're there as a puppet for somebody else.
I mean, otherwise, I feel like Macron would have stepped down by now.
I mean, four months of this, you'd say, OK, the people don't want me anymore.
I've caused this distress.
The people of France deserve something to come of this.
I'm going to step down.
Somebody else can solve this problem.
It's obviously not going to be me.
But no, you really don't hear anything from Macron or Trudeau.
They just disappear into the shadows.
Right, and these guys are just shockingly unpopular in their countries in general, no matter how much they're propped up by the fake media.
So you have, like, just the international media propping up someone like Macron and his popularity rating.
I think it's below 20 at this point.
I haven't seen it.
haven't taken too many polls lately because they don't want to know but and then you contrast that
against the president trump who is just an all-out blitz from the international media against him
and is still managing to hold you know above 40 percent depending on what poll you're looking at
close to 50 with Rasmussen and so um yeah you know I do think it's interesting that some of
these guys are so unpopular and yet they're still hanging in there which leads me to believe we're
kind of like this new phase if I had to guess where the globalists have installed these young
these young men in many cases to lead certain key countries And I don't think they were counting on this backlash, or if they were, they were hoping these guys could weather the storm, which they have so far.
And so they're not going anywhere, which I think is very interesting.
You do see Merkel seems to be on her way out the door but they do have someone that looks
like basically a clone that looks maybe 30 years younger about to replace her.
So my thought is that the globalists have put the people in that they want in some of
these countries and they're just not going to let them be removed which so that presents
an interesting challenge for the people that live in these countries.
And I would almost say I don't think that Trudeau and Macron have weathered the storm.
I think they've just gone into the storm shelter and barricaded the doors.
And it's just like, Katie, bar the door.
We're not even going to come out.
And so to me, it shows how you've got President Trump.
Let's recall, you know, the entire establishment was against him, the media, both political parties.
He's the most highest approved politician right now, like the most highly approved president in modern history.
And then you have, you know, Trudeau and Macron who were totally pushed by the establishment, like, endeared by the media, and their popularity continues to sink.
So we really have reached, I think, the threshold here, Dan, where, not just in America, but just all over the world, people are starting to see the media for what it really is, agenda-driven, and they're just totally rebuking it.
Right, and that I think is one of the most important things of the Trump candidacy and the presidency.
I do have my issues with where the way things are going right now.
However, I don't put all the blame on him.
He's only one man.
But I think it's so important the way that he has illuminated the way that the media works and the fake news.
I was just watching a report during when things were really heated between India and Pakistan.
And it kind of turned out that Pakistan was putting out a lot of propaganda, you know,
saying they had taken down a jet and here was the pilot.
And that did happen in some cases.
But one of the videos was discovered by Indian media to be an old footage.
And the Indian guy, he was obviously reporting in Indian, his local language.
But he kept saying, "Fake news, fake news."
So it's like, you know, the Trump phenomenon has spread worldwide, whether people want
to admit to that or not.
And people are seeing through the fake news and the fake media across the world.
So overall, though, because we see Theresa May in big trouble and she's not delivering
on Brexit, she continues to kind of just try to tow the party line and keep everyone happy,
if you will, but no Brexit yet, even though they voted for it.
Merkel's ratings down.
Macron's ratings are down.
And so this whole globalist wave that's been exposed now Is kind of just being totally rejected.
And so what is the future of the EU?
What is the future of the Brexit?
What is the future of the Yellow Jacket protest?
I mean, just where we stand now, Dan Lyman from Europe Wars, where do you think it all goes from here?
Is the EU strong or is it falling apart?
I don't think the EU is strong at all.
I do see certain alliances that are tightening, let's say, between Germany and France, for instance.
And I think we're watching, it's kind of interesting with the way that the news cycle is now and the way that we're all plugged into this 24-hour news cycle that a lot of people just didn't have access to.
It didn't work that way not too long ago.
But I think we're watching in real time as this juggernaut, the EU, is coming apart at the seams Probably could have watched the same thing in the USSR years ago if the internet was around at that time and the press was free to report on it.
So it's interesting that we get to experience this and it feels like well we continue to predict that the EU is going to come apart and we look at these same players you know Hungary and Poland are splitting off and doing their own thing in many ways.
But in reality it's only been a couple years with this kind of this populist revolution with the start of Brexit I would say really kicked things off and now we've really seen since 2015 which countries are going to defend national sovereignty which are going to keep the migrants out and that's really the issues now at this point.
The lines are being drawn along new political axes as the Hungarian Prime Minister actually said the other day Orban said that it's no longer left-right issues in Europe as much as it is Who is going to defend against migration and who is prepared to just flood their own countries with these people so that the new lines are being drawn in Europe.
I don't see the EU surviving much longer.
And they have to come out and show their hand too, which is, we have to govern you, you're a stupid human, you're low-level scum, and so we have to run your life.
And so they warn against the rise of populism.
Well, what is populism?
Populism is just what the people want.
Oh, don't you get it?
You are stupid people, you don't get what you want.
And so they get to rule your life.
And that's what they try to do in Europe.
And, well, quite frankly, they're sick of it.
A new habitat has appeared.
Entirely designed and constructed by one species for its own purpose.
These crevices contain the highest density of lizards in the world.
And to early visitors, this new world was already home to First Nations people.
My husband, Bruce, is now in New York City.
Um, Roger?
I would argue that they're missing the forest for the trees.
A young brain searches for understanding in slow stages, working out what things are and how they work.
Factually and semantically correct.
Uh, but no sign of the national emergency.
Out comes a tiny, underdeveloped little worm.
Pretty tranquil down here.
We gotta do what we can.
We always have.
This is a male, and life here suits him well.
This extraordinary creature is half blind, half deaf, and this is just about as fast as it can move.
The target's over.
You might think that this is some kind of circus trick for which she's been specially trained, but not so.
She is doing this entirely on her own initiative.
She's seen others doing it, and she's copying.
I don't feel no ways tired.
I've come too far!
This male has gigantic testes, the largest in the world.
They weigh a ton and produce gallons of sperm.
You know, it is, uh, it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Because you'd be in jail.
Secretary Clinton.
The good news is...
The good news is...
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I almost forgot.
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I forgot that part.
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Additionally, 25% off X2 is back.
Now explain to people how critical iodine is.
It's the opposite of fluoride.
X2 is back.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
The show is brought to you by the American people.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
The insanity, hypocrisy, degeneracy of the left is on full display right now.
Cortez is one manifestation.
Mueller, another.
But then there's the Yellow Jacket protest.
There's the Brexit.
There's Donald Trump.
Now, we're going to highlight some of the leftist hypocrisy coming up here with Dan Lyman from EuropeWars.com.
But, you know, Dan, I just can't help but want to look at some of these unbelievable hypocrisies that are happening right now.
And I think the Media Matters hit piece on Tucker Carlson is like the perfect example where they sit here and they take an interview he did 10 years ago on Bubba the Love Sponge, which is a shock jock radio show.
Funny enough, I actually used to Uh, they, they were syndicated out of St.
Louis at the radio station I used to work for.
Um, but, Jack Masovic just put out this list of tweets from James Gunn.
So, uh, James Gunn, I mean, folks, you can just look at the weird pedophilic stuff that he talks about.
Uh, but you know, Twitter allows him on there, and Media Matters hasn't run a hit piece on him yet.
Oh, but Tucker Carlson is the big bad guy.
Southern Poverty Law Center put out a tweet that they are yet to delete, claiming that Jussie Smollett was attacked by people yelling, this is MAGA country in Trump hats.
They have not yet retracted that.
So, you know, maybe if these people were consistent, Dan, in their attacks and in their coverage, maybe we wouldn't be so offended by it.
But it's clearly politicized.
It's clearly one-sided.
And, I mean, again, It's like, if you just say you're a Democrat, you can get away with anything.
So, I'm a Democrat!
So, Media Matters, like, leave me alone!
Actually, I kind of like you guys when you cover me, honestly.
Timothy Johnson, you know, you're just great.
The work you do over there at Media Matters, Timothy Johnson, is just amazing, dude.
You're so above me, honestly.
But, wow.
So, I mean, what do you make of it, though?
It's reached hysterical levels, the hypocrisy of the left right now, Dan.
It's, uh, every day I think, okay, we got to be at the peak.
I don't really think that because I know it's going to keep going, but you see something new and you say, this has got to be the craziest it's going to get.
And of course it just keeps going and going.
And these people, they never tire either.
I mean, it's been years of this now since essentially I would say since, you know, Trump.
Started running really brought out the craziness, but it just keeps going every day And you know you were just talking about the hypocrisy, and this is like this is peak hypocrisy to me I just found this earlier today someone else had posted it.
I can't claim credit for it, but in Here it is it's it's Jack from Twitter Jack Dorsey in February of 2013 he tweeted that Every student in every school should have the opportunity to learn to code.
That tweet is still up.
So I reported Jack to about Jack to himself that he had been using Twitter hate speech So it means that the hypocrisy is incredible They can use the exactly the same language and not suffer the consequences if they decide that it you know That it's bad that we do it, but good when they do well Don't forget Tim Cook said that high schoolers need to learn to code too when he was speaking with President Trump at a A business roundtable.
But it's ridiculous.
Yeah, learn to code.
It's a valuable skill.
You can't even tell someone, hey, learn this valuable skill, you're about to be out of a job.
Because again, it's the left losing their minds because they're the ones losing their jobs.
I don't think, you know, I think another thing that's happened in the last few years is this with the new, you know, the new MAGA movement, the populist uprising, whatever you want to call it.
The left wasn't used to people fighting back, at least with any capability, with the ability to actually inflict any damage.
And in the last few years, I think they've really met their match in terms of, you know, every time we go back at them, every time Trump goes back at them, hits them back, you know, twice as hard kind of thing.
They reveal how thin their skins are, and they just can't handle it, and they get just even more mad, which I think is probably compounding their insanity, is that they've been, they realize that we get the best of them every time we go after them.
And every day they wake up, they want to see Trump removed from office, and every day they go to bed, and he's still their president.
So, Dan, you know, you are the lead singer, rhythm guitar for a band, The Halos, and you were listening yesterday, where I had the bassist on from Filter.
And I think that there was something I talked about how the music industry has been so monopolized by corporations.
And I said basically, you know, the people that sign these record deals, they'll pass up on a hundred beautiful, awesome, unique musicians for the one that they know they can control.
So I know that you wanted to say something about that.
So Dan, was there something you wanted to talk about when it comes to the music industry?
Yeah well you know I really found that to be such a fascinating interview with Mr. Kavanaugh from Filter.
I thought everything he was saying really rang true with me.
I spent almost about a decade in Los Angeles in a band there and in the industry and eventually just got tired of it and some of us kind of moved on from that.
And we kept doing it for a little while longer, actually.
And I just put out a new record about two years ago.
And it was after I had started working at InfoWars.
And when we put out records, I try to write like a blast to my own mailing list, personal people,
you know, a couple of hundred friends and family.
And in them, I just kind of update people on, I updated people on what we were all doing
with our lives at that point, 'cause everyone was onto new things.
And I didn't say anything much about myself, except that I was now a journalist and living in Europe.
And as some of the people that I considered good friends looked up what I was doing,
they hadn't heard from me in a while, and they looked up what I was doing
and saw that I was writing for InfoWars and sent me just some of the nastiest emails,
calling me a Nazi, you know, far right extremist, blah, blah, blah.
And it was like, it was amazing to see the turn.
And that really illuminated for me like how much these people really really hate you in that industry and the entertainment industry in general if you're not in lockstep with them politically and with your your own personal ideology and once they realized that I wasn't and had just been kind of a a crypto liberal under this, you know, behind the scenes as
a musician.
I just kind of kept my mouth shut about everything.
Just never really, you know, debated any of these things with people
and let them say whatever they wanted to.
And then once I went out and did my own thing, I just started getting piles of hate from these people and
pretty much don't have many friends left in the music industry at this point.
Well, and the thing about that is, too, is like, look, there's smart people out there.
And you learn quick when you get into certain industries that,
you know, let's just say not literally, but like, let's say you sell your soul
a little bit or you compromise on some of your values a little bit.
But but it's for money.
And so you kind of justify, it's like, oh well, this is what I have to do to be a success, so you kind of slowly but surely sacrifice your values a little bit more, and it just chips away, and then at the end of it, you have none left.
And so I think that that's unfortunately where a lot of Hollywood has ended up now and it's why you see such derangement out of some of these Hollywood actors and some of these musicians and stuff because they've just been selling out for so long because they justified it's like as this what I got to do to make a buck and now they just have no values left.
So it's really amazing.
Dan Lyman, EuropeWars.com.
Tell you what, Dan, if you want to stick around, we can take some phone calls on the other side.
If you need to bounce, you can do that, too.
But we're going to take some more phone calls here on the Mueller probe.
I'm still curious what people think is going to come from this.
They're saying it's going to drop in March.
We'll find out, folks.
Don't go anywhere.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
No, sir.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging War on Corruption.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Well, this is such bullcrap from Twitter today.
See, and here's the thing about Twitter.
I think that Jack Dorsey is really hands-off.
And most of the stuff that you see being pushed and everything is really probably done by the leftist activists that work there.
So Twitter Moments puts this out, which Twitter Moments is like, you know, the biggest stories of the day, they claim.
So Twitter Moments puts out, people are calling to fire Tucker Carlson after resurfacing of his past comments about women and child abuse.
So this is total fake news on every level.
A, people are not calling for Tucker Carlson to be fired, just radical leftists.
And B, they're sitting here insinuating that he's like promoting child abuse or something here, and he's just making crude, cruel humor on a shock jock radio show.
But again, it's like, Ilhan Omar can say, you know, Jews are bad and Israel's brainwashing everybody, and they can take Israel off the map and then put it on the map in their office as Palestine, and it's just like...
It just goes on and on, they all put on blackface, you know, they use the N-word on their comedy segments, but like, oh, you know, Tucker Carlson's not allowed to do anything and now everyone's calling for him to be fired.
So Dan, doesn't just, again, it's such BS, I mean, this is Twitter promoting leftist propaganda, right here, I have it in my hands, and then Jack and his lawyer sit there like, well, we don't know about any bias, we have no idea, oh.
I get the impression that you I think you're right about maybe Jack might be more hands-off and we just it's the only name that we know to blame like Zuckerberg but you know watching that that interview that he did with with the chief legal officer at Twitter I forget her name.
Gaddy was the last name.
She seemed to have much more of a handle on what was going on.
And there were times when you kind of felt like Jack was just like a reflexive answer, but then he would look over to her to see what the actual accurate answer was.
So you might be right.
I mean, he's off on, you know, Buddhist retreats all the time.
And I mean, how much of a grasp can you really have on things at this point?
I mean, I guess he kind of is like a committed Buddhist.
I mean, he wears, like, the same black hoodie everywhere he goes.
Uh, you know, so, I mean, whatever.
Um, but maybe that's the case, and he's hands-off, because, I mean, think about it.
I mean, they, Antifa used Twitter to dox Tucker Carlson, and then they went to his house and got violent, and no Twitter moments about that.
Oh, but Tucker Carlson was on a talk show ten years ago with Bubba the Love Sponge, who, by the way, still says stuff like this on air almost daily.
But that's not the story.
So, I mean, I don't know if Jack understands what's really going on.
I think Vagia does.
I think Jack is just kind of like, he's hip and he feels he's cool and he's hip and he's got all these opportunities now.
You know, leftist politicians dying with him and everything.
But, you know, Vijaya Gadeh, same thing.
She hangs out with Hillary Clinton.
You know, they all love Obama and everything.
So, who knows if they even see their own bias, quite frankly.
But anybody who thinks getting advice from Hillary Clinton Or anyone who thinks Hillary Clinton is inspirational.
I guess if you want to murder leaders and laugh about it and cause the destabilization of nations, I guess it's funny.
If you want to have Americans murdered to protect your corruption in Libya, yeah, I guess that's true too.
If you want to launder $83 million in the 2016 presidential election, yeah, then Hillary Clinton would be someone you want to be inspired by.
If you want to rob Haiti of billions of dollars, yeah, Hillary Clinton Yeah, who knows?
Interesting, she's actually a legal immigrant.
I guess Vijaya Giddeh is right.
I guess Vijaya wants to rob Haiti too then, Dan.
Yeah, who knows?
Interesting, she's actually a legal immigrant.
This is one of the people that--
Yeah, she was born in India.
Yeah, Trump wants to bring into the country as if legal, and that's fine.
If they work in the tech industry, that's fine.
But these are the people that are, they don't have the same respect for free speech.
And, you know, a leftist from another country is gonna have, you know, just no concern for the First Amendment.
So I mean, it's just, it's just interesting that she would come to the States and then, you know, feel like she has the right to take away other people's freedom to say what they please, including learn to code.
Right, which Jack Tweeted out years ago.
And again...
I just wonder, that's what I'm saying, like do you think that they're, because they're either liars, or they really have no idea what the hell's going on.
I mean, Vajayagade is either a bold-faced liar, or she can't even see her own bias.
I mean, they sit there and they lay out the three reasons why they banned Alex, and it was all BS.
The whole thing was BS.
She's a lawyer, she knows what she's doing, she knows that she's the one that took Jones' comments out of context, but then it goes back to my original question.
Who knows if either one of them was even really involved with the original band of Alex Jones.
I mean, obviously they were talking about it.
Jack Dorsey did interviews about it, but my guess is there's these other little leftists running around actually running the show that are really pulling all of these strings, shadowbanning conservatives, going through our DMs.
They got caught by Project Veritas.
So, I don't know.
If Twitter wants to censor conservatives, just don't lie about it.
That's my thing.
Just admit you're doing it, you know?
Yeah, I would think it's a top-to-bottom thing for sure.
I mean, anyone that's working there, I mean, you can't be a conservative and be in the music industry or even really a libertarian at this point, right-leaning at all, so I imagine you can't be the same at Twitter.
But because it was so coordinated, I would think that there has to be some coordination
at the top with the CEO or with just high level officers in all of these companies, because officials,
I should say, in these companies, because for them to coordinate everything,
I don't think that's something that could happen at lower level or the people that are just monitoring
for unacceptable tweets or thought crimes.
So I think there had to be something going on at the top levels.
And let's remember Hillary Clinton, of course, called out Alex in a speech of hers.
Wouldn't surprise me to have a little conversation between Hillary and Ms.
Gaddy about, you know, about the problems that Alex Jones is causing for her campaign and get him off the platform as soon as possible.
I mean, nothing would surprise me.
Yeah, you know, that's a good point.
I didn't even think about that.
That was one that's right out there, too.
It's like, yeah, of course Hillary Clinton would be Trying to get Alex Jones off of Twitter.
Of course she would be mentioning that when she talks with Vijaya Gadeh.
Of course she would.
And so all the answers are right in front of us, but just makes me wonder if the lies from social media uh... heads
on capitol hill are ever going to be called the task singh are per child mark
zuckerberg sheryl sandberg who actually was honest he was like yeah we censor it
yet we we get we sent it yet we manipulated i mean deletion was honest
so she was smart to just be honest as i think she's face book c_e_o_ just like that we sent to
everyone yeah we sent a political yet we do it
uh... but the rest of just lie about it and i'm in europe wars dot com
uh... great stuff is always a good one is today cheers to carry on
there goes dan and folks were able to have dan as part of our crew here and
doing a great work that he does over europe wars thanks to your support at
info war store dot com This is part of Alex's expansion plan.
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InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWars.com slash show is where you can always find us in the midst of the censorship.
We'll be right back with more of your phone calls on the Alex Jones Show.
If you look away with what you were trying to do to me, you'd have ruined me!
You'd have broke my marriage!
You'd have broke my marriage!
What you've done is... there's only one journalist in this room, John, and it's not you.
Joining us exclusively is a living folk hero, Tommy Robinson from Jolly Old England.
Political prisoner.
The man that first exposed giant Muslim child kidnapping, sex rings, and murder 13 years ago.
Imprisoned repeatedly for documenting it and exposing it.
Now the worldwide phenomenon is mainstream news.
Thousands have been convicted in Europe and in the UK.
But he made a documentary, undercover, exposing the incredible MI5, MI6 interface with so-called leftist NGOs.
And joining us for this segment and the next is Tommy Robinson to tell us about the film, where they can see it, where they can find it, and then how it's just a continuation with the censorship all coordinated the day after it went viral.
Tommy, thanks for joining us.
It's called Panodrama.
That's a name taken from the actual... The BBC have their flagship investigative journalist program.
It's called Panorama.
Now, they were targeting me.
Now, when I come out of prison, my PayPal was removed, my Twitter had been removed, I'd been unlawfully put in prison, and I was not aware to the levels or the sinister levels that they were about to go to to try to discredit me to my entire country.
When I found out that they were blackmailing people, I had ex-employees saying they'd been intimidated, blackmailed, they'd used leverage and information they had on those employees to threaten them into helping them bring me down.
When that all become apparent, I then worked with another ex-employee to go undercover onto Panorama.
She wore undercover cameras which Which got the lead investigative journalist for Panorama saying on camera he would clip footage so it fitted the narrative of me being a dominant male.
He would make it an innocent argument that we said we had on Dictaphone about a demonstration.
He said on camera, I will make this into a sexual thing against Tommy Robinson.
That's what he clearly said.
And there was so much more in undercover footage which proved to the world the BBC I work with an organisation called Hope Not Hate, who work hand in hand with the entire mainstream media.
CNN, the BBC, The Guardian, The Independent.
Hope Not Hate are working with them.
And so I prove, categorically, with evidence, with undercover footage, that the BBC were creating and inventing news In order to destroy and ruin me.
And they were doing that in conjunction with a third party who are George Soros funded.
They attack anyone who speaks out against immigration or Islam.
And my documentary went out 24 hours ago.
It had one and a half million views.
And today, I've been deleted from the internet.
For years, they've tried to silence me.
For years, they've put me in prison.
For years, Twitter, PayPal, any ability for people to support me has been taken away.
And then now, their final punch was going to be Panorama The reason they were using Panorama is Panorama is the most respected BBC broadcast in the world.
What Panorama says is the truth.
They are known for finding the truth.
By having Panorama destroy me with false allegations which are made up against women, ...would discredit me to the nation.
When that hasn't worked because I've gone undercover and exposed it, they've simply deleted me the next day from the internet.
Panodrama, it's on YouTube.
Take it and share it everywhere.
It proves everything every one of you have been saying and thinking.
It proves what Donald Trump said to the BBC.
He said you're fake news.
This programme proves it.
Where are you from?
Here's another beauty.
It's a good line.
Impartial, free and fair.
Yeah, sure.
Mr. President, just like CNN, right?
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, so you've now got conspiracy theorists on the left saying that
a recent appearance by Melania Trump was actually not Melania Trump but a body
Now look, I'm not gonna sit here and act like that couldn't be the truth.
It's just funny how they go with these conspiracy theories and, like, nobody blinks an eye.
I mean, even Joy Behar and The View did a whole segment breaking it down.
Is it actually Melania Trump?
Is it not?
That's fine.
Of course, the story is...
Yeah, the Trumps are always in danger because of you guys inciting violence.
So yeah, if there's a body double for Melania Trump, it's because of people like Joy Behar on The View inciting violence against Donald Trump and his family.
So yeah, if Donald Trump and Melania want to have a body double for Melania because you guys are trying to incite domestic terror against her, then absolutely.
But they won't cover that angle of the story, would they?
You know, just almost a thousand Documented many on tape accounts of Trump supporters being attacked by radical leftist terrorists incited by people like Joy Behar on The View.
So, uh, yeah, if there's a body double for Melania, it's because y'all are trying to incite domestic terror against her.
So, yeah, she might need a body double when you're sending out your street minions as, like, death squads against conservatives.
So, yeah.
You know, here's a no-brainer.
Trump can save billions by ending Spanish translation program.
So that whole thing that anytime you call any government bureaucracy, press 2 for Spanish, that's costing this country billions of dollars a year.
Can you believe that?
And all Trump would have to do is to nix that to save us billions of dollars a year.
You could build the wall tomorrow.
But that would not be politically correct.
And he'd probably be racist for doing that, for wanting to save billions of dollars.
I mean, we're an English-speaking country, but, you know, don't be a racist.
In fact, he should add five other languages on there.
In fact, I bet you that'll probably happen before he gets money for the wall.
They'll spend ten billion dollars to add three new languages before they build a wall.
And one of them will be Latin, which is a dead language.
Let's go out to the phone lines.
Oh, by the way, real quick.
Venezuela's having rolling blackouts, internet blackouts, for almost a week now.
News is reporting that there's activity at a North Korean missile site.
You know, who knows?
You can't trust these people.
They say weapons of mass destruction.
They say babies in incubators.
They say the Gulf of Tonkin.
So, you know, these people in the media are just cold-blooded liars.
So who really knows what's going on there?
But let's go out to the phones here and Owen Benjamin takes over in the next segment.
I've got open lines though.
Anybody wants to call in?
Wide open phone lines right now.
Very rare here on the Alex Jones Show.
Let's go to Joe in Florida.
Go ahead, Joe.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, how you doing?
So I guess the main question you want to answer, are they going to do anything about this Mueller probe?
Mueller probe?
We're going to call the guy.
No, they're not.
No matter what they find, they're not going to do anything.
I'm not exactly sure what you mean.
You mean nobody involved in it is going to have justice?
Sorry what happened to Roger Stone, but that was all Floyd.
Just really good people to speak up.
He's being used just like anybody else.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean.
Oh, I was.
Well, I guess you could say I was the part of the fourth branch up until about three months ago when I pretty much walked away.
And there's so much more happening behind the scenes.
You, Alex Jones, you guys, you guys come really close to getting a lot of it right.
Um, you are right on a lot of the stuff, but, um, you know, this whole, uh, investigation, things like that, Mueller's a puppet.
That's all he is.
He's having his strings pulled like anybody else.
Yeah, but at the same time, Joe, you also understand, I mean, he's also fighting for his life.
I mean, he's involved in all this corruption, too.
He's involved with the Epstein cover-up, so, I mean, at a certain level, he's also fighting for his life.
I mean, they're all fighting for their political lives here and beyond.
Because, honestly, I mean, if this thing actually opens up and they find, like, all these, you know, things that are wrong, you know, which we all see, and everybody's looking like, well, how come they haven't done anything yet?
Because when you bring down that many people, there's so much more that's going to follow.
William Barr gets appointed to AG.
Wasn't shocked at all.
Of course he did.
Clinton crony, Bush crony.
Of course he was going to get in there.
So do you think that's The swamp taking over Donald Trump or Donald Trump owning the swamp?
No, they're taking it over.
I've heard that term, that's what you want to call it, definitely.
That's a good term.
It stinks in there.
It's a mess.
The waters are so murky, you have no idea what's going on.
All this goes back right to World War II.
We obtained Yeah, yeah.
Prescott Bush got to walk with all, probably, the Nazi gold that he had with all his bank deals and the raw materials deals that he made with the Nazis.
You know, the Operation Paperclip bringing the thousands of Nazi scientists over here.
The EU is basically Hitler's dream.
I mean, that was Hitler's goal.
Uh, so now Merkel is basically running Hitler's, uh, EU nation out of Germany.
Uh, yeah, the corruption is deep, you know.
Yeah, and if Trump doesn't do anything about it, we're probably screwed, quite frankly.
Thanks for the call, Joe.
Let's go to Mickey, calling in from Arkansas.
Go ahead, Mickey.
Uh, hey, Owen, how's it going today?
Good, thanks for calling.
I'm kind of at a loss and I need your help.
I usually try to motivate a lot of people to vote when it comes time for the election and in 2018, the way the Democrats just stuffed all the ballots and brought in truckloads of ballots, a lot of my friends that I talk to, they're not even motivated to vote in 2020 anymore because they feel like it's hopeless.
How do I really motivate people to get excited about voting in 2020 when they just feel like it's useless because the Democrats are going to Well, I think, you know, that's not your job.
And if an American can't be excited to vote, then that's on him.
Trump should be motivating people to vote.
The candidates should be motivating people to vote.
But here's one.
Let me give you this one, Mickey.
You want to know how someone like Ilhan Omar gets into office?
Because your friends don't vote.
That's what I tell everybody.
And you know who does vote?
Muslims from the Middle East.
That's who votes.
That's it.
So, as soon as they can understand that, then maybe America can take its political system back.
But we don't vote!
Americans don't vote, folks!
People in the Middle East aren't stupid!
They know we don't vote!
They come here and they out-vote us!
So, I don't know, maybe that can help wake your friends up.
I'll give something a try, but I'm just so disgusted with everybody I talk to because they feel like it's hopeless.
And I tell them, you still have to vote even if you feel like it's hopeless.
We gotta do something.
And, I mean, if you're not going to vote, then you're not doing anything.
Thanks for the call, Mickey.
Let's go now to Nick in Michigan.
Go ahead, Nick.
Hello, how are you doing, sir?
Thank you for taking the phone call.
Yeah, doing good today.
Go ahead, Nick.
I just want to mention on the Mueller topic, if Trump comes out on stage, don't you feel
that there will be some talking points in the next election?
I'm sorry, Nick.
We have real bad audio with you, and I just don't have enough time to sit here and try to fix it out.
So, let me just take one more quick call from Eden in Texas.
Go ahead, Eden.
Hey Owen, thanks for taking my call.
Can you hear me okay?
Yep, go ahead.
Loud and clear.
Yeah, it's about deep state control of all the three-letter agencies.
There was a statement made by a high-level person, and I'd have to look it up again, right around the time of Herbert Hoover.
Do you remember that?
And he said that Congress, nor the President, runs the so-called three-letter agencies.
So that's how it was different with the last caller.
But I still vote, and I buy all your products.
They're really great.
And I know that's the best way and the only way now we can really support the movement.
So thank you so much for taking my call, Owen.
Alright Eden, thanks for calling in.
Infowarsstore.com is how you support us, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm about to sign off here.
Owen Benjamin is going to take over here and host the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Then I'm back in studio on the war room.
So look, we had a bunch of people call in waiting on hold now.
So I don't know if Owen Benjamin is going to take calls, but if you did want to get through on the Infowars phone lines, I will be taking calls on the war room today.
And I've also got great guests Dale Begtree joining me to talk about the vaccine push.
They're pushing mandatory vaccines right now, folks.
Whether you like vaccines or not, that's authoritarian.
That's tyranny.
So I'm pro-choice when it comes to vaccines.
The Democrats are only pro-choice when it comes to killing your kid.
And then I'm going to have a legal expert join me to talk about how this Manafort case is basically just a clown circus, totally politicized.
It's sick.
But Owen Benjamin takes over the Alex Jones Show now, folks.
Please shop at InfoWarsStore.com today to make sure InfoWars is on air tomorrow.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's good to be here with you.
(upbeat music)
It's good to be here with you.
And before I get started on my first topic today, that song makes me feel like
I should be swinging out of monkey bars.
But me and my buddy Box Day are planning a European tour, so please subscribe to my email list at hugepianist.com.
Let me know what countries you want us to go to.
Definitely not England or Scotland, no offense guys, but I'm bringing my family and I don't want them to see daddy in handcuffs.
So, but I'm thinking, you know, Poland, maybe like Estonia, Italy, Spain, Croatia.
Let me know.
Hugepianist.com, you can email me.
YouTube.com slash Owen Benjamin Comedy.
Just comment on my videos.
Let me know the countries, because I've never, I have a big audience in England and Scotland, but yeah, I'm going to pass on that whole thing.
So just let me know, because I have no idea if people know me in like, you know, Belarus, but I want to give it a shot.
Anyway, it was very heartwarming to see Alex and Joe Rogan work out their differences.
But I didn't work out my differences with Joe.
I still believe he's a sodomite, and I can prove it.
I can prove it today.
And as Alex said, there it is.
Look at that picture.
Look at that picture of Joe.
For those of you just listening, he has his earring in his left ear, and he's giving the A-OK sign with his mouth open.
And the A-OK sign, look at it.
And by the way, that's not him at like 18, that's him at like 30.
He's like 30 with his shirt on button.
And he's saying, A-OK.
OK, so that A-OK symbol, this, right?
Some people think it's like a satanic symbol.
It might be.
Some people just think it means OK.
Some people said it's white.
Want to know what it is in the gay community?
It means you're open for business.
So what he's saying in this picture is, there's a part of my body that's open for business and so is my mouth.
And, you know, Big Bear, you're misinterpreting that.
He doesn't actually like watching gay guys make out.
Check out this tweet from Joe Rogan.
Call me romantic, but I love when gay guys on a date are comfortable enough to kiss in public.
No, there's another word for that, Joe.
It's not romantic.
It's called being a sodomite.
And it's like, oh, well, Big Bear, that's from 2012.
Yeah, he was in his 40s.
That's older than I am now.
Big Bear, why are you so obsessed with Joe Rogan?
Why are you so... Look at Obama right there, open for business.
Bill Clinton, open for business.
They're all saying, look, that part of me is open.
It's open for biz.
And look at how Joe's face is.
He's saying, listen, everywhere is open for business on me.
And so, you know, And the thing is, there's people in my life that I care about.
There's two earrings, including a hoop, right there, Joe Rogan, wearing a leather jacket and one of those white beater tees.
And he's looking at you saying, you want to have a fear factor?
You want to have a fear factor?
Let's see who's scared first.
I mean, sodomite.
And people are like, well, what's wrong with that?
A lot.
It's actually a sin.
It's a sin to want to be inside of another man or have a man inside of you.
I mean, some of the unbearables, uh, Twinkle Bear, uh, has a boyfriend, but I, I'm, I'm way less freaked out by a guy that's like, listen, I pump.
I don't approve of that lifestyle, but at least you're honest with me.
People living in, in shadows, they're capable of anything.
So I, uh, And on Fear Factory, he tried to get people to drink goat semen.
That's a true story.
Why'd they pick the goat?
Gee, I have to really think about that.
So in closing, from the bottom of my heart, I'm touched that Alex and Joe made up in their five-hour session.
And I think that's great of Alex to bury the hatchet, you know, turn the other cheek and whatnot.
But I think I just proved that Joe is in fact a sodomite.
And he's open for business.
He'll take it any way he can.
And he wants to do a Fear Factor with you, most likely, behind a dumpster.
So when he says, hey, you want a dumpster pump?
Say no.
No, Joe.
I'm not.
I'm not open for business.
I'll be back in a couple minutes.
And we're going to talk about words and what words actually mean and how to not be tricked.
Joe's the sodomite.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones with Owen Benjamin.
I'm back.
Love that band.
Good to be back, everybody.
Right now we're going to talk about words.
I love words.
And I love the math of words.
I love the truth of words.
And I don't love when people manipulate words.
And I was laughing today at a very funny meme about Amy Schumer.
It's Amy Schumer, you know, is a very piggish comedian who just... So this is a meme.
For those of you just listening, it says, straight man, and it's a straight line of light.
And it's the Pink Floyd prism.
And the Pink Floyd prism from Dark Side of the Moon, it says Amy Schumer sex scene.
And then on the other side, it's the rainbow.
Of course I laughed out loud at it and said, that's really funny.
If you watch, you know, Piggishammy Schumer nude for a second, you probably would take off Joe Rogan on one of his many sodomy offers.
But then I started being like, wait a minute.
No, the rainbow was, it is about the covenant with God.
It's from, it's from the Bible.
You know, when the, when the flood ends and God So I want to take a little time right now and talk about what words really mean.
The sodomites took the rainbow and they also took the word gay. Gay meant happy.
So I want to take a little time right now and talk about what words really mean.
And if you listen to Alex Jones or me, there's a good chance that people have called you a conspiracy theorist.
You a conspiracy theorist?
Oh, I'm not one of those conspiracy theorists.
I mean, listen, I'm no conspiracy theorist, but I think, uh... Listen.
My fans get me, you know, some entertainers, people give them drugs or panties.
Not me.
Bibles and dictionaries.
So this is the Oxford English Dictionary from the 70s.
Not even that long ago.
Let's look up what Conspiracy actually means.
The action of conspiring.
So that's the action of conspiring.
What does conspire mean?
So this is how reasonable people reason through things.
How you can work through problems and come to the right answer.
Logos, you know?
So let's see.
What does conspire mean?
Conspire means to breathe, to breathe together.
So basically everyone in a yoga class is conspiring.
To combine in action or aim to concur, co-operate, as by intention, to agree, to unite, in producing.
Okay, so let's just cut the BS here.
To conspire means to hatch a plan.
In theory, you know, theory just means you have a possible Solution, you know, in the scientific method, you come up with a hypothesis, you test it.
Allegedly, we'll get to science later.
But then you get a theory, like the theory of evolution, the theory of gravity, the theory of Russia collusion.
So a conspiracy theory is nothing more than possibly uncovering a plan that people put together.
Human beings are social animals.
We function in a hierarchy, we function in groups, we function in tribes and families, nations.
Our entire life is nothing more than a series of conspiracies.
Like, I conspire with my friend to go get beers, and then I conspire with another friend to make, okay, make secret, uh, this is according to dictionary.com, make secret plans jointly to commit an unlawful or harmful act.
That's one reason why I like the print, is because they added secret.
Even though secret is still Still doesn't matter.
You know, even a secret plan.
There's conspiracies all the time.
Like when Alex Jones was kicked off every social platform for being a conspiracy theorist, it proved a conspiracy.
If you get kicked off Facebook and YouTube and Spotify and all that in the same day, that means there was a secret plan to do it.
Do you understand how insane that is?
They kicked Alex Jones off because he's a conspiracy theorist By hatching an obvious conspiracy.
Let's look up some more words.
And there's a reason that they do this.
Oh, and Owen was saying earlier about calls.
I'm down to take a call here and there.
I always enjoy that.
Okay, this is the word discriminate.
The action of discriminating or distinguishing.
A distinction with the mind or in action.
That's what discrimination means.
So when someone goes, Big Bear, that's discrimination!
Yeah, you want to know how much I discriminate?
Every single day, I sexually discriminate against all women that aren't my wife.
When I eat, I discriminate against poison.
I discriminate against Jews.
Nah, I'm just kidding.
I was just trying to do a hyperbole.
Discrimination is what reasonable people do.
That's what reason is.
That's a conscious mind.
That's a mind that's aware.
You say, why know who doesn't discriminate?
Slaves, prostitutes.
You know, a prostitute is the definition of no discrimination.
A sex slave.
They have to have sex with everyone presented to them by their pimp for money.
That's a lack of discrimination and it's hell.
It's horror.
Let's look up another one.
I didn't want to waste the good people's time, the good fans of InfoWars, so I did a couple of page markers ahead of time.
Oh, that's Moron, so that means we have to do Retarded first.
Oh, we can also do Prejudice.
That means Examination Previous to Trial.
Okay, I am Prejudice.
Of men covered in blood holding a machete that are walking up to my house.
They could be coming to share the news.
To share the good, the good news, the gospel, the good news!
And it turns out I was wrong.
That maybe just because they, uh...
See, look.
Look at the noun right there.
Preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.
That's not what it's in the dictionary.
That was change.
That's why I don't trust the online dictionaries.
When people go, well, words evolve.
Words evolve, Owen.
This is the 1970s, guys.
This is the 1970s right here.
This book is from my brother's lifetime.
Imagine playing Monopoly and someone goes, well, you're the thumble.
You're the thumb, the thumb, the thumble, the thumble, the thimble.
And I'm the hat.
You have more properties than me.
So I'm gonna be the, I'm gonna be the hat.
I'm gonna be the thimble now.
Like, no, but I'm the thimble.
Yeah, things evolve.
No, that's called theft.
These words have meaning.
Okay, retardation.
I'll just, I'll just sum it up for you.
I know what these, all these words mean.
To retard, to retardation.
That means, you know, to impair.
Like, I am retarded when it comes to certain things like spelling, organizing.
You know, when my wife recently cleaned the couch cushion, she found a ton of crayons from our sons and a bunch of screws and nails from me.
Like, I am retarded when it comes to not taking nails and screws out of my pockets.
Okay, you know what moron means?
The same thing, except it has an IQ, it distinguishes the IQ.
Because back in the eugenics program pushed by You know, Darwin and Rockefeller and a whole bunch of men in little hats, shall we say?
They were killing a lot of these people.
All right, so Moron says, stupid person, fool.
But when you really dig in, it means someone with an IQ of 50 to 69.
And what happened to those people?
They got their testicles removed.
What does idiot mean?
What does imbecile mean?
Idiot was someone with an IQ of 0 to 25.
And idiots were not allowed to vote in California until 2007.
That's a true story.
In 2007, legally, idiots were allowed to vote in California.
What happened in 2008?
That's a true story.
So why did retard, retardation, retarded, why did those become bad words?
Because those were the PC terms!
Those were the PC terms because they didn't have the blood on their hands of the eugenics program, where they were not allowing morons, imbeciles, and idiots, which were all... Look, Joe Rohn's open for business.
Which were all...
IQ distinguishing words, they were tied to such horror that they were like, OK, let's just call people retarded because it's not so horrifying.
And now people are like, don't say retarded.
Don't say retarded.
To retard a note in music is to hesitate.
To retard a yeast retarded means to hold back the yeast.
Or a fire retarded.
These are words that have meanings in use.
You should be prejudicial.
Prejudge sex offenders if they're gonna be babysitters.
You should have all these things.
So anyway, I'll be back in a minute.
Think about the words you used.
Think about the rainbow.
The gay stole the rainbow.
I'll see you soon.
The sodomites, not the gays.
They got me!
They always... As negative as things are when you're at the tip of the spear.
Like a giant juggernaut with our razor blade plows.
It stinks and blood splattering.
We're getting shot at and some people are rolling over the side.
But let me tell you, behind us is a swath of destruction and victory.
People 20 years ago accused me of being a negative.
10 years ago.
About 4 or 5 years ago, people said, why the hell are you so positive?
Because I just look at the real world and say what I see, and I see victory.
I don't see victory forever, but for human souls awakening and activating of every skin color, every region, but love God, I see explosive awakening.
That's why you see the enemy going from being arrogant, which is right before they know what we're doing.
We're like sneaking around, loading the munitions.
Politically, these guys don't even know what's going on yet.
And then once the bombs went off politically, they're now shitting.
They're now crapping their britches.
So we are devastating the enemy.
Are devastating.
And of course, they think they can take me and then demonize me.
You're stupid.
You'll think my destruction is a defeat.
Like Santa Ana thought destroying Colonel Travis and the 186 men would like to make everybody lay down.
It is the opposite.
Do I want to die at the Alamo?
Not my flesh.
I don't want to die.
I'm not suicidal.
But give me a break.
The jobs I've got, the wars I've got to fight, the total commitment.
You think I'm worried about dying?
You think I'm worried about being in prison or torture?
I'm not worried about anything but getting my metaphysical hands around your neck and strangling you until you're dead!
That's all I want!
And I will get it!
You demons think you scare us?
I'm scared of not destroying you!
Because God will destroy me!
I will get you!
Make no mistake!
Last thing I do, you're dead!
Get ready.
If you're sick of mainstream news promoting fake hate crime stories and running with that,
making that the big story, amplifying the hate crime that was totally fake, that they
probably all knew was fake, but they wanted to go along with it because they hate America
and they're racists, if you'd like to stick your finger in their eye, if you'd like to
see people like Jesse Smollett shown up, go to InfoWarsTore.
You know what?
Let me just do this right now.
This is what I'm gonna do.
So these are the brand new protein bars at Infowarsstore.com.
I got a box of them right here.
You should buy a whole box.
You should buy five boxes.
40% off when you buy two or more.
I'm just going to show you what you're dealing with these protein bars.
So first, you've got the outer layer, which is basically just a peanut butter outer layer.
I mean, who doesn't like peanut butter?
Very healthy, good oils in there, the omega-3s, and it's got a great taste.
So the peanut butter outer shell is what you see here originally.
But then you bust it open.
And inside, it looks like a double fudge brownie with peanuts in it.
So I mean, honestly, it doesn't even taste like a protein bar.
You wouldn't think you were eating a protein bar.
You'd think you were eating some gourmet double fudge brownie chocolate bar combination.
It really is that good.
So it's the InfoWars Live Protein Bar at InfoWarsStore.com.
Alright, I busted open a protein bar.
Now I'm just forcing myself to eat the whole thing here.
I'm a little hungry.
This is disgusting.
You don't want to hear me eating this.
I just shoved the whole protein bar in my mouth, folks.
I could eat 10 more.
I feel like I just had a chocolate sin.
Man, you could like break that up and put it on ice cream.
It's just the best brownie.
The crew loves it.
The crew is like purchasing this thing off the shelf.
I've got boxes on the way to my house as well.
And I use all kinds of products from Infowarsstore.com.
I have two Alexa Pure Breeze air filters in my home.
I've got the Alexa Pure water filter.
These are products you need.
I use the Infowars Life toothpaste, the Super Blue toothpaste.
It's all at Infowarsstore.com, folks.
If you're sick of the fake news lying about America, go to Infowarsstore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm alive.
I'm alive.
I'm alive.
That song's awesome.
Thanks for playing that song for me.
That song gets me so jacked up.
You know my brother, when we would do tree work?
My brother still does tree work, but when I lived in the town that they live in and I would be his groundsman, I'd be his Bravo.
We would just... My brother's just like me.
We both spiral and get really intense and just talk intensely and then cut down trees.
But when we turned on that song, It would just be silence and we just roll up.
Anyway, I'm about to talk about science, but first I want to say that I will take calls.
I've never taken calls on this before, but I always enjoy that when Alex does.
The phone number is 877-789-2539.
So if you want to call up and talk to me, that's fine with me.
877-789-2539. So if you want to call up and talk to me, that's fine with me. I mean, I
like having interaction.
If I'm just alone too long, by the end I'm just like, Beyonce is a hologram!
I legit think that there's a decent chance that that's true.
But see, those are the ones I can't prove at all and kind of give conspiracy theory guys a bad name because I have no evidence at all that Beyonce is a hologram.
But, I mean, proof she's not.
Alright, anyway.
We're going to talk about science.
Because people are starting to see science as some form of religion, where they're like, science is proven.
Without science, you would not have airplanes, or computers, or automobiles, or engines.
Now, that's all called engineering.
It's engineering.
It's not science.
Science crafts, like a spider, the tale of why something is after it happens.
You know, Everyone's like, yeah, tell that to penicillin when your child, sir, is in sick.
Yeah, penicillin was known by like Turkish horse wranglers for centuries.
They would put like yeast under a saddle because they would grow the mold and it would cure stuff.
And then science rejected it for decades until they were forced.
Science is nonsense.
Engineering isn't.
Some science is good.
Science as a profession is nonsense because the whole thing is based on satisfying your financial backers and proving someone else is wrong.
That's the whole point.
I'm right, you're wrong.
I'm right, you're wrong.
I mean, and by the way, more than 50% of scientific studies are not replicable.
You can't replicate it, which means it has no value whatsoever.
Bill Nye the Science Guy is less scientifically educated, by the way, than my stay-at-home mother wife.
She has a better degree in science than Bill Nye the Science Guy.
I would allege it's possibly Bill Nye the, you know, perverted guy.
I mean, the guy screams, screams perversion.
He's like, he screams sticky fingers.
I mean, the guy's a sick, a sick little man.
Bill Nye, the science guy.
I wonder if Wetzel's pretzels... I wonder if Wetzel was like, listen, I gotta get into pretzels.
My name's Wetzel.
And Bill Nye's like, I gotta become the science guy, I mean, because... because pedo guy, I guess, is taken.
Anyway, check out this short film that kind of... it's funny, but it kind of explains exactly Exactly the problem with science, because science isn't about finding truth.
It's about satisfying your masters.
I do sleep less than you, though.
I know we both just don't get a lot of sleep, but sometimes when I have to get up to change his diaper, it takes me like an hour or two to fall back to sleep.
It takes you an hour to fall back to sleep?
Yeah, sometimes.
Yeah, it takes me like three hours.
Every time?
Baby, it's not a competition.
Yes it is.
So I did what I always do before a mission.
I went to the ocean to look at birds.
Then I did some cardio listening to science podcasts.
I became an expert immediately.
I then did the most scientific thing I could.
I hid a camera in our bedroom and recorded us sleeping without her knowing.
I had to keep it objective.
I timed how long each of us slept as I reviewed the footage.
I recorded my findings on my super professional dry erase board.
I will prove I sleep less than my wife.
But I started noticing something alarming.
This data was wrong.
Science began to lie.
I've seen Interstellar, so I'm not an amateur in high-level physics,
but I needed to consult with a friend.
(upbeat music)
Fortunately, I know a lot of physicists who can help out.
Oh, and I'm just a comedian.
I just play a nerd and a scientist on TV.
Turns out Jimmy isn't actually a scientist.
He just plays one on TV, which I still find very confusing.
Fortunately, I had more options.
Kevin Peter Hickerson, Caltech PhD, Nuclear Physics.
He'll do just fine.
Are you sure she's just not sleeping less than you?
No, you sound like her, man.
Time is fluid.
According to the camera, according to physical reality, I slept 7.5 hours and she slept 45 minutes.
But that doesn't make any sense.
The gravitational forces needed for this kind of distortion would be enormous.
I mean, for this to happen in your bedroom in a repeatable way would be extraordinary.
Pack your bags, get some sweaters, because we're going to Stockholm, maybe.
The world's biggest IKEA.
No, that's where the Nobel Prize was given out.
Oh, yeah!
God, I'm so tired!
Our boats were being pushed by different winds.
He yearned for a Nobel Prize.
And I needed my wife to admit I'm right and for her to think I'm awesome.
We got to work the only way we know how.
Okay, but are you sure they didn't just sleep more than her?
Yeah, there's no chance.
Imagine that we're on an orange, okay?
Oranges have nothing to do with anything, but I didn't want to point that out.
The stress was getting to him.
Okay, so there's a wormhole connecting your two quantum states.
So I'm the worm.
She's the hole.
Well, yes, but no, not at all.
As he continued to make no sense, I documented our journey for future peer review.
The time dilation factor where you're sleeping on your side and Amy's sleeping on hers, they're off by several orders of magnitude.
She slept for 71 hours and you only slept for three seconds.
We cracked the code.
I mean, this is amazing.
I mean, that's exactly right.
That's how it felt every night.
I was right.
She was wrong.
Basically impossible.
So, this is huge.
I mean, the amount of energy that could be harnessed from this is spectacular.
This is big.
If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed.
If you do read it, you're misinformed.
So what do you do?
That's a great question.
What is the long-term effect of too much information?
One of the effects is the need to be first, not even to be true anymore.
We are hearing from a Native American elder, a Vietnam War veteran, speaking to CNN after a disturbing viral video shows a group of teens harassing and mocking him in the nation's capital.
The videos have drawn outrage.
Outrage from all corners.
Here's the video sparking outrage on social media.
Sparked outrage on social media.
A group of teenagers, many wearing Make America Great Again hats, were caught on video taunting a Native American Vietnam veteran.
So what a responsibility you all have.
To be, to tell the truth.
Not just to be first.
But to tell the truth.
A few days ago I called the fake news the enemy of the people.
And they are.
They are the enemy of the people.
Because they have no sources.
They just make them up.
When there are not.
We live in a society now where it's just first.
Who cares?
Get it out there.
We don't care who it hurts.
We don't care who we destroy.
We don't care if it's true.
Just say it.
Sell it.
The President of the United States is racist.
The President of the United States is a weak man.
He's a racist.
He's a punk.
He's a dog.
He's a pig.
He's a bully and he's a bitch.
He's unfit to be human.
Anything you practice, you'll get good at.
including BS. This is CNN. We've got some breaking news.
Actor and musician Jussie Smollett from the hit show Empire was attacked and beaten early this morning in Chicago.
Racism is alive and well.
And that says a lot about the place that we are in our country right now.
The fact that we have these fear mongrels, these people that are trying to separate us and it's just not okay.
Did I make that up too?
Well I've got some really good news for all the viewers and all the listeners.
This was going to be a big loss because we couldn't get the Deep Earth Crystals anymore.
It's been a year and a half fight, but we have the original producer, the original crystal source, the best atomic iodine in the world.
X2, ladies and gentlemen, is back.
X2 is back.
Deep Earth Crystal, not from seaweed, where it's not pure, it can be contaminated, but true atomic iodine.
We get it from the DEA approved that it has to be held in a contained facility before it's then put into the process that makes it legal to put out.
Because anybody who's watched Breaking Bad knows, true atomic iodine is used in the production of methamphetamine.
It's not a drug.
It's not bad.
It's good for you.
You have to have it.
But it's very hard to get a tonic iodine.
Nobody has ever really done this until we worked with researchers and others the last few years to do it.
And so we've gone back to the original producer and we've been able to do a deal to not to put over a barrel from the extractors of it, the oil companies, to bring it to you.
So X2 is back.
We got it.
This deal just happened about a month ago.
We rushed it into production.
It's been bottled.
The labels are being put on today.
And then it's going to be on an 18-wheeler, right here to Austin, from the plant in the Rockies.
And it's going to be shipped out to you.
Be sure and sign up for auto-ship.
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Research the iodine conspiracy.
Find out why it's so important.
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That's the umbrella site.
InfoWarsLife.com takes you right to the supplements.
And this is the King Daddy, ladies and gentlemen.
It is X2 Original.
Now back at InfowarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The answer to--
What's up, everybody?
We're going to take a bunch of calls.
And my website's hugepianist.com.
Hit me up.
Join my email list.
Let me know where in Europe I should go, because I don't know if I have any fans in Belarus, but I'd sure like to find out.
So we're going to start off.
With Lonnie, who wants to, yeah, let's just... I've never taken calls on the show before, but Lonnie, what's up?
Talk to me.
Hey, how you doing, Owen?
Good to talk to you, man.
Thanks for taking my call.
Oh, of course, dude.
I'm pumped.
Hey, I'm kind of a words guy like you, and I'm just curious because this term is used so much in public and in media on both sides, but nobody's really ever sat down and talked about it.
What do you think of the term blackmail?
Well, I mean, it's more politically correct than the N-word, I think, right?
I'm just kidding.
Do you mean blackmail, like the crime to blackmail someone, or a blackmail?
Well, actually, it's the crime.
It's always used derogatory in a negative manner, but if we sit down and really take two words, and it's always used negatively, what would the official word be?
That's really funny, dude.
I would guess.
I haven't looked into that one, but I'm guessing there's some sort of historical story for literal black male.
But I don't know.
That's insanely funny.
It's kind of like black ice in the winter where everyone's like, watch out for the black ice.
You can't see it, but you'll totally slip on it.
Or Africanized bees, like black male.
I'll look into that.
That's fascinating, though, because it is kind of funny.
It's like, Blackmail.
Alright, so blackmail, the action treated as a criminal offense of demanding payment or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.
Demand money or another benefit from someone in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them.
That's why the only, just to kind of go off a little bit on this, the only way to beat blackmail is always go reveal it.
That's why you gotta live your life in truth because it's the only weapon against something like that.
Someone's like, hey, I got a picture of a wiener from 15 years ago and you gotta send me money or agree with the global warming Hoaxer, I'm going to show everybody.
Just be like, great.
Just, you know, great.
Show everybody.
You have to own it or else you never want to be a slave.
Just never, never accept anything for slavery.
But like, whether or not it's tied to black males, I doubt it.
I think it's just a hilarious coincidence.
Like his mailman, I always thought was funny because it seemed redundant.
Like a mailman.
It's like mailman, but it's M-A-I-L.
Because then you run into the fallacies that a lot of feminists will do, like, his story, history, his story.
No, it's from Eastwar, which goes back to Latin.
It has nothing to do with his story.
So these are fun things to think about and riff on, but I don't actually know.
All right.
Thanks, buddy.
It was great talking to you, man.
Now let's go to Chris in Utah, who I guess wants to talk about science.
Yes, I'm here.
Thank you for taking my call.
Of course, pal.
What's up?
Okay, I think we're up to that.
We're a little bit of kindred spirits.
This is just going off my perspective or my experience, but isn't it interesting, at least for me, that the people that either Uh, flag off conspiracy theories, or um, just, they think that anyone that questions anything is stupid.
But yet, they're the ones that never do any research.
They take any mainstream news at face value.
They believe that the first, you know, article, title of any, you know what I mean?
They're the very ones that don't do any research.
They don't look for anomalies.
They don't look for I mean, do you know what I mean?
Yeah, yeah, they're projecting exactly what they're doing.
I'll give you a perfect example.
That Russian collusion narrative is way, way, way, way, way more unfounded on any facts than anything Alex Jones has ever said.
Like the frogs actually are wearing roller skates.
And going to raves.
No, but like, literally though, there is scientific evidence that frogs have absorbed some chemical through their skin.
It was done at Berkeley.
So when people, the biggest thing that people say about Alex Jones is, oh, the frogs are turning gay!
There's way more evidence of that than of Russia collusion.
And I was thinking about this word thing, where it's like, America, The mainstream media in America has been pushing this narrative that Donald Trump may be friends with Putin secretly, and they've spent millions of dollars trying to show that they've had phone calls, right?
But yet, if someone says, like, oh, why are we selling all these weapons to Israel and Saudi Arabia?
People are like, do you believe that there's a secret plan?
You're an anti-Semite or something.
It's like, there's no word anti-Slavite.
Like when someone's like, or it's Slav, which actually is derived from the word slave, or the other way around.
I gotta look into that one.
But like, there is no word to be like, why do you think there's a secret cabal, like with Russia, that there's a secret plan behind closed doors?
Are you an anti-Slavite?
You're an anti-Slav.
That doesn't exist!
Even though that's clearly a much more obvious word.
And so what you're saying is absolutely true.
Science a lot of times goes kicking and screaming into things that are absolutely proven.
And a perfect example is Tesla.
You know, now Tesla is seen for the genius that he is, but in his time, he was rejected by all of science.
They rejected all of it because he was doing engineering.
He was showing people, um, AC versus DC.
And then Science said no, direct current.
And what rhetoric did they use?
They electrocuted an elephant just because it was shocking.
I'm dead serious.
What's his name?
When he realized that Tesla, who is an engineer, not a scientist, figured out that alternating current was more... Oh yeah, I do kind of look like Tesla, by the way.
It's weird.
That alternating current was way better than direct current.
What did Edison do with his solariums?
Did he try to dispute him?
No, he electrocuted an elephant.
That's a true story.
Look into it.
Buddy, you're the man.
Thanks for calling.
Next, we're going to talk to Kelly from Colorado.
What's up, Kelly, from Colorado?
Hey, my brother.
First off, I want to preface this.
I've been an InfoWars fan since 2006.
I buy all the products, but this is not a dog on Alex, so I'm a huge fan.
Look at what is going on.
I'm calling you because I know you can talk about this.
Look at what Omar did.
I mean, we're talking about words.
Look at what the word anti-Semitic is.
Now if you criticize Israel, you're an anti-Semitic.
What other country?
Are you anti-Chinese if you criticize China?
Alex criticizes China every day.
We all criticize Russia, whatever.
We know all that's bullcrap.
But the point is, look who is in control.
And I'm not the freaky, you know, You don't have to justify that.
One habit we all need to stop breaking is saying I'm not one of these conspiracy theorists.
What you're saying is absolutely valid and you don't need to justify that because you are a conspiracy theorist.
All human beings are.
We all think in terms of this and you're absolutely right.
Anti-Semite used to mean someone who hated Jews.
Now it means someone Jews hate.
Or someone who criticizes anything related to Jews.
It's nonsense.
And so people are terrified by it, and when you're talking about this Iliad Omar thing, yeah, it's being used as a backdoor way to restrict free speech.
And yeah, you have the right to criticize Jews and Israel, and you have the right to criticize the Vatican.
What are you, anti-Pope-gite?
I criticize the Vatican all the time.
My whole theory is it's men in weird hats.
You know, you got the Pope, Uh, you got, you know, the Russian Jews with the giant fur hats.
You got the Shriners with the weird hats.
Literally, you know, the Amish.
I call them the Illuminamish.
But bro, Kelly, you're right on the money.
It's because anytime someone uses a made-up word, anti-Semite, they think about... When there's an art piece of Ronald McDonald as Christ being, like, urinated on, is there a word for anti-Christian?
Like, anti-Jesus?
No, of course not!
It's nonsense!
All right, much love.
I'll see you guys in, like, a couple minutes.
I'm taking more calls.
This is a blast.
I love interacting with you legends.
See you soon.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones with Owen Benjamin.
Did not keep a shadow.
It's on.
All right, so we're going to keep taking calls because I'm having a blast with this.
And frankly, I didn't, you know, I could talk about Joe Rogan being a sodomite for another five hours, but I know it wears on people at first.
They're like, Big Bear, that's really funny.
And then they're like, Big Bear, we get it.
He practices sodomy.
And then they're like, Big Bear, take a call.
Look at him.
Look at him.
He's open for business.
For those of you just listening, He has an earring in one ear.
He's got a soy boy face mouth open and his hand is signaling exactly where he's ready to party.
All right, so let's take a call.
Oh, there's another one.
There's another one.
He's open for business.
Look at him.
And I'm glad him and Alex made up.
That was really touching.
And I'm, you know, bury the hatchet, turn the other cheek.
I love it.
But here I am, just a guy pointing outside of me.
Anyway, Steve from Canada.
Let's talk.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, yeah, I can hear you, brother.
Hey, I just want to give a shout out to all the bearers in the chat room on Nolan Benjamin Clips first.
Oh, yeah, and that's run by Bass Taxon.
He's a great dude.
Yeah, we're having a good chat in there.
They're awesome.
And thank you for everything you've taught me in the last six months.
I've grown so much.
It's insane.
So I'll jump to the, I'll cut to the chase here.
A friend said to me, It's incredibly easy to be a good person when goodness isn't tested.
Would you, for example, save a Jew in World War II if you had the possibility?
I answered with, I honestly answered with, I don't want to find out.
Would you still be a good person if the risk of being good could hurt you?
Well, that's the whole question.
Good doesn't mean anything if it's not tested.
And I saw that in the comedy world.
And one of the reasons that I have such hard-line ethics is because my town is the only town in America that took in Jews during the World War II.
It was Sweden and New York.
And it was only 900 total for the whole country.
So the whole narrative about fighting Hitler, about the Holocaust, it's all nonsense.
And it was in 1944.
And so I studied it a lot in college.
You know, why didn't more people act?
Why didn't more people save people in the Holodomor?
Why didn't more people save People in the Armenian Genocide and all this stuff.
And your question is exactly right.
And I face that as a comedian, where in Hollywood, I experienced that.
You know, my face is painted on the wall of the Hollywood improv.
So when people say, you know, you're a, you're a has-been comedian, you're, you are disgraced.
No, when I stood up against transgender kids, they had just painted me on the wall, okay?
So, what I faced was exactly that.
Where it's everybody enjoys the freedom until it's tested.
And freedom comes from self-restraint.
Freedom comes from sacrifice.
And of course you have to, like that scene in Braveheart.
That scene in Braveheart is perfect logos, right?
Where it's like, he's about to be executed and they're whispering in his ear like, If you just renounce, renounce what you've done, we'll give you drugs to stop the pain.
And what does he do?
He says, Freedom!
Freedom in that moment came from his own death, his own sacrifice.
Without sacrifice, there is no freedom.
Like, my dog is a great pier, and he's a great dude named George, but he's always beelining to the neighbor's house, who has a Doberman that's always in heat.
Just a real W-H-O-R-E, if you know what I'm saying.
So I can't let him off leash in my yard because he hasn't exuded enough restraint and self, uh, I'm not going to call it self-punishment, but just, uh, you know, it would feel a lot better if he's deep in a Doberman, but, uh, he hasn't shown that he's capable of resisting.
So I can't give him freedom yet.
It's the same with our nation.
It's the same with everything.
It's like people aren't willing to simply stand up and say, no, the real N word is no.
Oh, that's George right there, yeah, and my beautiful wife.
So, to your question, here's the irony, and here's the thing that you, that it doesn't reveal itself until you actually do it, is when you show self-sacrifice, when you stand up for something bigger than yourself, when you actually, like when I was hauling brush for $20 an hour after making just ungodly sums of money from corrupt Hollywood because of my ethics, My life got better.
That's the thing that you have to understand is it's not really self-sacrifice to figure out what you believe and put something above your own appetites.
Because we all have appetites.
That's why we're not our own gods.
That's why Luciferianism does not work.
You can't cheat truth.
You can't do a little knee now to play ball and then later you'll tell the hard truth when you get in.
I lost a book deal with Norton, right?
They gave me like 60 grand.
They took it back because I wouldn't stop calling Lena Dunham a C-U-N next Tuesday, right?
So, uh, and that's prestige.
You know, they published Guns, Germs & Steel, all of, you know, all of Michael Lewis's books.
And people close to me were like, just play ball now so you can get that credit.
And then later I'm like, once you kneel, you never get up.
And when I did that, I thought that I would be destroyed.
And in fact, I now make a great living sitting in my backyard talking to people I relate to with my growing family and my dogs.
I hope that answers your question, Steve from Canada.
You're the man.
Let's talk to Roberto in Texas.
Hey, Owen.
I'm a big fan.
I'm glad Alex Jones has you on.
It's a great spot.
Yeah, my name is Dr. Roberto Moreno.
I'm calling from Galveston, Texas.
And I wanted to A little bit, not too much.
You were talking about definitions this morning?
And what I learned, it was actually a very important class I had in college, I took a professional ethics, it was a philosophy for engineers, and basically what I learned in that class was, is that most people, and I would say most Americans, we all agree We all kind of agree on the same issues.
We all agree on the issues.
What most people argue about, though, are actually the definitions.
They're not actually arguing over the issues.
They're actually arguing over definitions.
And a good example is, for example, let's say gay marriage, right back in the day.
So, people really didn't have problems with two guys getting together and living together.
But what people had problems with, though, was calling that marriage.
Marriage, by definition, was a man and a woman.
People would get all, you know, angry and fought over, you know, gay men, but they weren't really fighting over the gay men they're fighting.
I just kind of wanted to talk to you about that a little bit.
Most people in life, you realize they're arguing over definitions, and when you get a person on it and say, hey, you know, what's the definition, they don't want to tell you the definition.
Dude, I did a, that's a brilliant observation, by the way, and I did a whole video for Prager University called, I literally don't remember.
It's basically how to argue with a leftist or why... I can't remember.
It's fairly recent.
But I think the point you're getting at is most people agree on goals and they're arguing over how to get to that goal.
And that gay marriage thing is a perfect example.
Most people, the reality of it is people were arguing about the state's role in taxation.
And because when I was for gay marriage, I thought it was an issue of deathbed inheritance between life partners and, you know, whether or not you can legally have the protections of a man and a woman.
But I was never on board with saying it's the same as marriage, the word marriage between male and female.
You know, and it's very similar with like gun, gun rights and gun confiscations and gun control.
There's some people that look at guns and they see crime, you know, but that's not reality.
And I think what you're saying is absolutely true, where it's like, if you identify your terms first, So many more people would not argue, and I think that's one reason why there is an element of people that keep misrepresenting words so that no one can have an honest conversation.
Because you're right, most people have the same goals.
We're now seeing leftism, which isn't the same goals as most people.
They want to see any distinctions between male and female destroyed, any boundaries between nations destroyed, the family unit is slavery, they get to be their own god, stuff like that.
But what you're saying is absolutely correct.
When you're dealing with people that have the same sense of logo, structure, adherence to natural law, I completely agree with you that people fight pointlessly forever.
Real quick, we only have like one minute.
Let me just do a quick one.
Ryan in Canada.
Big Bear, cheers from Canada.
Good to talk to you.
What's up?
What's up, Abe?
Perfect caller leading into my question.
You know, a king's sons never pay taxes, right?
And that said, are we all really being made bastards to lose our inheritance and our children's inheritance?
Well, that's why I'm so fired up is my love for my children.
Like, that's what motivates me tremendously.
is looking at my kids and thinking of the war debts and the public schools teaching transgender nonsense.
If I didn't have children, there's a good chance I'd still be on the lazy river of agnostic materialism.
I was never, I was never, I never hated God.
I never hated marriage or hated love or I didn't have that in my heart, but I had, I had, There's no engagement in it.
I was like, whatever, dude.
Let's just drink.
Now that I see the future, I'm very, very intense about these issues.
I love you guys.
Stay in touch with me.
YouTube.com slash OwenBenjaminComedy.
I'll see you soon!
This was going to be a big loss because we couldn't get the deep-earth crystals anymore.
It's been a year and a half fight, but we have the original producer, the original crystal source, the best atomic iodine in the world.
X2, ladies and gentlemen, is back.
X2 is back.
Deep-earth crystal, not from seaweed, where it's not pure, it can be contaminated, but true atomic iodine.
We get it from the DEA approved that it has to be held in a contained facility before it's then put into the process that makes it legal to put out.
Because anybody who's watched Breaking Bad knows true atomic iodine is used in the production of methamphetamine.
It's not a drug.
It's not bad.
It's good for you.
You have to have it.
But it's very hard to get atomic iodine.
Nobody has ever really done this until we worked with researchers and others the last few years to do it.
And so we've gone back to the original producer and we've been able to do a deal to not to put over a barrel from the extractors of it, the oil companies, to bring it to you.
So X2 is back.