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Name: 20190306_Wed_Alex
Air Date: March 6, 2019
3702 lines.

The Alex Jones Show discusses topics such as free speech, non-binary pronoun usage, and cases involving transgender individuals. The show also covers updates on Brexit, censorship, and Trump- related news. A Defense Department report highlights the dwindling number of Al-Qaeda members focusing on their survival. Hillary Clinton's potential presidential run is criticized, and discussions about ascension and globalists hindering human consciousness are mentioned. Alpha Power and InfoWars Life Daily Digestive Pack products are promoted. Alex Jones shares his opinions on censorship, vaccines, and Sweden's chip implantation requirement. Various clips feature discussions on social media platforms' censorship practices, including Jones' own removal from platforms like YouTube and Twitter.

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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
to 1984 is 1776. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Beat your new Overlords.
Whether you are man, woman, or child, you will obey these pronouns.
This poor little first grader who said hello to the boy using his boy's name was chastised on the playground and then later called out of class and sent to the principal's office because she did not use the correct pronoun.
Respecting the fact that we are now a state recognizing the non-binary designation as a gender.
He and she, we are now merging them so that we are using what my grammar teacher would have had a heart attack over.
We are using the phrase they.
But there's a principle at stake here that you're ignoring for political reasons, and I'm a little surprised that you are.
And that is a really simple one.
It's called free speech, and you have the right to express your view.
And if other people don't like it, they don't like it.
But you can't be put in prison for saying what you think is true.
And this bill seems to ignore that long-standing right that we've enjoyed, and I find it terrifying for that reason.
And I knew you were going to say that.
I will contend that these are our employees.
They are regulated by the government.
People have sincerely held religious views about gender that are not based on malice or hatred.
But this view, Bill, seeks to make their view of gender illegal.
Now I know you all believe in the First Amendment, or you say you do, and here's my question.
How can you believe in free speech if you think the government can compel people to use certain pronouns when talking to others as this bill proposes?
Compelled speech is not free speech.
As The Federalist reported, the Supreme Court of Canada ordered that a 14-year-old girl receive testosterone injections without parental consent.
The court also declared that if either of her parents referred to her using female pronouns or addressed her by her birth name, they would be considered guilty of family violence.
As previously reported, Maxine was encouraged by her school counselor in British Columbia's
Delta School District to identify as a boy while in seventh grade.
When Maxine was 13 years old, Dr. Brendan Hirsch and his colleagues at BC Children's
Hospital decided that Maxine should begin taking testosterone injections in order to
develop a more masculine appearance.
As Canada slides down the slippery slope, LifeSite News reported in June of 2017, Canada's
Senate passed the Justin Trudeau Liberals Transgender Rights Bill.
The bill adds gender expression and gender identity to Canada's human rights code.
Jack Fonseca, Campaign Life's senior political strategist, said the bill will be used to attack Christian beliefs.
"Mark my words," he said, "this law will not be used as some sort of shield to defend vulnerable
transsexuals, but rather as a weapon with which to bludgeon people of faith and free-thinking
Canadians who refuse to deny truth."
Furthermore, the time immoral tradition of the Olympics are on the verge of collapsing
due to a grey area of illegitimacy after the trans movement, fueled by PC culture, invaded
the ranks of female Olympians.
"When it comes to sport, when it comes to who's the fastest, who's the strongest, when
you're running around a 400 metre track, the...
Basically, from gender fluidity we're back to two biological sexes in which those who are born male have a distinct advantage.
Where are they going wrong on that?
Well, first of all, biology is actually quite complex.
Connecticut junior Selena Soule won't be competing in the 55 meter dash.
She was edged out of the top six spots in part by two transgender runners, Andrea Yearwood and Terri Miller, both male at birth, now identifying as female.
Terri set a girls state indoor record.
Andrea came in second.
It's frustrating and in a way demoralizing when you're at the start line of a race and you know what the outcome of the race is before it even happens.
They have naturally testosterone within their body that has been proven to...
Well I've got some really good news though. X2's back.
The original X2.
Deep Earth Crystal.
Pure atomic iodine.
What you want.
It'll be here in a week.
Manufactured in the U.S.
With the best iodine in the world.
X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another Deep Earth Crystal source.
But I thought, add the other two types of iodine.
The scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in fullwarestore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
If you want to pre-order X2, the ultimate iodine out there, learn about the iodine conspiracy, learn about IQs dropping when you don't have it, learn about how the other iodines are bound, Get yours today at m4warsstore.com or m4warslife.com
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Just a few minutes ago, before we went live, I had an emergency phone call from Tommy Robinson.
He's had leftist antifa groups that obviously work for MI5, that's come out in internal videos and documents, encamped around his home, threatening his family.
The police are staked out down the street with surveillance equipment, listening to everything happening in his house, desperately trying to set him up and send him back to prison.
for exposing the giant child kidnapping rings that have now been brought down to a great extent nationwide.
Tens of thousands of children freed in the last two years thanks to Tommy Robinson, a living hero.
And he doesn't want me to show you the footage yet because he's checking some legal issues, but he has the police caught, staked out working with the terrorist.
And again, earlier last week, he released exclusive documentary That was seen millions and millions of times in one day on Facebook.
His Facebook was deleted, so was his Instagram.
And the documentary, WeReuploadedInfoWars.com, shows undercover BBC reporters saying that they were going to try to set Tommy Robinson up and have women make false sexual allegations against him.
And I know they've been offering people money to do that to me as well.
And you have to understand, This is criminal what they're doing.
This is absolutely criminal what they're doing.
And it's very, very dangerous.
And it's the model of how you have intelligence agencies with corrupt corporate media and then activists that act as the go-between to carry out the on-the-ground racketeering.
This is organized crime, and we've already put up with the IRS and the British IRS persecuting patriots and nationalists.
We've already put up with all the illegal spying.
We've already put up with the censorship.
So next comes the physical attacks.
Next comes the shutdown of society.
So he was scheduled to be on in the second hour.
I'm not even sure if he'll be able to be here now.
I'll be talking to him, obviously, during the breaks, but this is fast-moving news.
Myself and the producer.
Guys, I was going to ignore it and just wait till we go to break, but you guys have got a feed coming to my ear.
And I can only handle five minutes of it, so I just have to tell you on air.
Please kill it show again.
I saw that exclusive footage.
Very shocking and he may let us play it next hour if he's even here next hour.
That said, Paul Joseph Watson is here in the United States, speaking of England.
He is in the green room.
He's got a lot of big breaking news coming in at the bottom of the hour.
So you'll definitely want to join us for the latest on Brexit, the latest on the Islamification of Europe, the latest on censorship, the latest on inside baseball.
With Trump.
And so that is all going to be coming up on the broadcast here today.
We're coming to you from the new studios here in Austin, Texas on the syndicated radio slash television broadcast.
Some of the biggest news, obviously, is that the border is being purposely destroyed.
And instead of fixing it, we just have a debate about whether there's a problem or not forever.
It's kind of like debating whether your cell phones are spying on you instead of admitting they spy on you.
Then once it's admitted, it's already ubiquitous.
And it's the same tactic about where autism's coming from and why it's getting so bad.
When they have all the studies and we know, they just keep having a debate about whether the vaccines are triggering autoimmune responses in the gut and the brain and causing autism.
We're going to be getting to all that.
And then, meanwhile, the criminalization of dissent against globalism and globalist invasion is becoming illegal all over the world.
Dozens arrested for erecting anti-migrant Christian cross in Greece.
The cross is seen as hurtful to Muslims, and so no public crosses.
Germany, Sweden, and others have been ordering churches to remove, in some cases, thousand-year-old crosses.
I'm not joking.
It's an InfoWars.com article by Ben Warren with links to mainstream news saying it's a wonderful thing to take down the crosses.
And obviously, the whole Russiagate situation has completely fallen apart.
And they've had to admit that that's all a big joke.
And Mueller's report is set to come out this week, they're now saying.
It was set to come out March 1st.
They keep moving the goalpost.
But now they've moved on to everything but Russia and all these other criminal investigations.
And they use the illegal Russia investigation as the dragnet so that they would be able to then scoop up anything and everything on associates of Trump that then threaten them with prosecution for things like income tax evasion if they don't come out and bear false witness against the president.
And again, it's also a domino effect or a snowball effect, where they have one woman come out and make false allegations against the President and his nominee.
They did it to Trump and to his Supreme Court nominee, Kavanaugh.
And then another woman, another woman, another woman, another woman, and then the women go, oh, we just made it up, because he's a Trump supporter.
He deserves it.
Very, very dangerous situation.
We're going to be looking at all of that coming up, as well as the House Democrats want to quote, aggressive new probes.
And Mr. Schiff in the committee in the House that's going to be overseeing this, he's hired a former prosecutor.
To go after President Trump and try to derail the nationalist agenda.
So that's coming up as well today.
The first thing I want to hit, though, when we come back is Joe Rogan knocking it out of the park.
And I'm not saying that Joe Rogan hit it out of the park because he had me on his podcast.
He hit it out of the park.
This is what everybody wanted.
He had Jack Darcy on, Jack Dorsey of Twitter.
And he told me last week at dinner he was going to have them on Tuesday, but I had to
sit on that.
And then all of a sudden we're like, hey, he said he'd go live about noon or so, but
he went live about 2, central, with Jack Dorsey and Jack Dorsey's mother, Vijaya Gade.
His mommy was there to hold his hand and make sure that he was a good little boy.
And it was just unparalleled lies and BS.
And Joe tore them apart.
And so did journalist Tim Poole, who I'm very impressed with.
Followed his work for many years.
I know he's more of a leftist than has criticized me.
That's fine.
But he does get how the censorship really works and how it's being implemented.
Now it's really a campaign violation, campaign finance violation, because they don't let conservatives, libertarians have speech, but everybody else can.
Very powerful two-hour interview.
I ended up watching most of it last night when I got home.
We've got some excerpts of that.
Because the woman does it again.
Vijaya Gad, the counsel, the lawyer of Twitter, says that I assaulted a child.
She says I was mean to a child.
And that's why I was taken off.
And you go, what a stupid lie.
But see, it just hangs out there.
They never say who the child is.
They never show a clip.
They just, he hurt a child.
And it's like, do I have to sue you?
I don't want to be an adversary with you, lady.
But my God, I showed a clip that was on ABC, CBS, NBC, everywhere, of the big 10-year-old hitting the adult over and over again so the adult pushes him down.
We had a debate about it like everybody else did.
But they chose that, took me off YouTube, For that!
And then she can't even get it straight and says, I'm taking off Twitter for that.
And then she says, I was mean to Oliver Darcy, the rat-like creature.
And Joe starts laughing, he goes, that's a public figure!
He called him a rat!
Because he goes around getting people taken off the Internet.
She goes, well, it was very hurtful.
So they let Islamic groups talk about how they're going to murder Christians and everything on Twitter all day long.
They work with Islamic countries to censor and track people.
A bunch of different people like Michelle Malkin and others are being told, you know, watch what you post on Facebook or Twitter in Islamic countries because they're reporting you and you've got to follow Pakistani law.
I mean, it's happening.
To everybody right now.
These people are rampant censors.
And the left is allied with radical Islam.
They have been for a hundred years.
So that's coming up.
It's powerful.
And this is what people wanted from Joe.
It was real questions and real answers.
And it was like a suicide mission for Jack and for his mommy, Vijaya God, to go on there because It was just overwhelmingly negative.
Everyone literally hates them.
99% of the comments.
So see, I have a 98% approval rating on YouTube.
You have a 5%.
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I actually had not yet tried the InfoWars Life Protein Bar until this morning, and I would give my review as a five-star review.
And I'm somebody that's probably tried about every protein bar out there.
For people that eat protein bars, you know that a protein bar that's really stacked with protein and vitamins and nutrients usually doesn't taste that great.
I tried the InfoWars Life Protein Bar, the peanut butter chocolate one today, which has 15 grams of protein in it.
And I gotta tell you, you eat this, you would not think it's a protein bar.
So I don't know what they've done in the lab over there at InfoWars Life to make this InfoWars Life Protein Bar, but wow.
I was eating a double fudge brownie, and then I looked at the wrapper, and it was the InfoWars Life peanut butter chocolate protein bar.
And you can get two boxes right now, or more, for 40% off.
I'm somebody that loves grabbing a protein bar if I'm on the road, if I'm heading to the gym, or afterwards for a snack.
The brand new InfoWars Life protein bar is at InfoWarsStore.com.
So support the InfoWar by going to InfoWarsStore.com, and check out some other great specials.
I've got some really good news, though.
X2's back.
The original X2.
Deep-earth crystal, pure atomic iodine.
What you want.
It'll be here in a week.
Manufactured in the U.S.
With the best iodine in the world.
X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another deep-earth crystal source.
But I thought, add the other two types of iodine.
The scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact that we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in fullwarestore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
If you want to pre-order X2, the ultimate iodine out there, learn about the iodine conspiracy, learn about IQs dropping when you don't have it, learn about how the other iodines are bound, Get yours today at MFORWORTHSTORE.COM or MFORWORTHSLIFE.COM.
I want to say Brain Force is great.
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And I'm just sorry.
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You don't get stuff for free.
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I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
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So your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
So I didn't invent gonzo journalism, but we definitely take it to the next level.
It's unending.
That almost every day I come in here, we're one of the top stories, or mixed in with one of the top stories, and have to respond to it.
And this is very important, obviously.
Vijaya Gade is the head lawyer for Twitter.
And she basically went and fell on her sword holding Jack's hand on the program.
And they just told Whopper after Whopper after Whopper.
And I really just didn't even know what to make of it.
Now again, Joe Rogan got torn apart by his fans a month ago when he had Jack on.
Because it was seen as a softball interview and everybody watching it experienced or seen the censorship.
So to hear him lie about it and say it wasn't going on enraged the internet.
And usually Joe has about a 90% approval rating with his votes on YouTube.
The thumbs up.
That interview had like an 80% thumbs down.
Well, Joe told me last Wednesday he was going to bring in Tim Pool, a very smart journalist, and was going to ask some serious questions.
Well, he did it.
In fact, I got home last night and ended up watching the whole thing.
We covered some of it here live on air during the war room yesterday, and he tore the living hell out of Jack and out of Gaeta.
but he did it in a very gentlemanly focused way that, I mean, I wish I could do.
So this is the Joe Rogan I know, this is what we wanna see,
this is what his fans wanna see, and Joe tore the living hell out of them,
especially when you know the facts.
And Tim Pool devastated them.
And you know, I don't just use words like that, devastated them.
'Cause internal Twitter documents are out there, The information's available.
They censor nationalists and conservatives, trying to make Democrats win elections.
They tailor censorship, Facebook, Google, and Twitter, for third world countries they're in, and dictatorships.
And the fact that they go, oh, it's an algorithm, or oh, it's out of context.
And then they lie and say the reason I was taken off Twitter was beating up a kid.
Well, we can put on screen, Forbes retracted that.
They ran a story that I pushed a 10-year-old over in Kansas at a park.
That had been on the news for years that some other person did that.
The guy doesn't even really look like me.
It doesn't matter.
I was taken off YouTube for beating up a 10-year-old I've never seen.
You guys had it during the break.
I saw the article out of Forbes for Tracks.
That's why we pulled it up during the break.
But whatever.
It doesn't matter.
Yeah, there it is.
Forbes contributor falsely claims Alex Jones assaulted child on video.
And then they had to retract it.
You might want to minimize that a little bit.
I'm just going to start correcting here on air wholesale.
Maybe shrink the article down a little bit.
So anyway, we didn't get to the video.
We probably won't get to it.
Hell, not even do the show anymore.
I'm not sure.
But, uh, you know, a lot of it is focusing on these individuals really frustrates me, because I need to show you where they retracted.
Or they will say I'm lying, and I beat up a 10-year-old!
There it is.
Why YouTube's InfoWars ban is meaningless.
And then it goes on to say Jones punches a child to the ground.
And Paul Watson defended me, thank God.
And then later they had to say, okay, that was not Jones in the video.
It doesn't matter because now the J.J.
Gade goes up on television and says this.
Here it is from the Joe Rogan Podcast.
So what was it that made you ban him?
So there were three separate incidents that came to our attention after the fact that were reported to us by different users.
There was a video that was uploaded that showed a child being violently thrown to the ground and crying.
So that was the first one.
The second one was a video that we viewed as incitement of violence.
I can read it to you.
It's a little bit of a transcript.
But now it's time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag.
I know the Justice Department's crippled a bunch of followers and cowards, but there's groups, there's grand juries, there's you called for it.
It's time politically, economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Get together the people you know aren't traitors, aren't cowards, aren't helping their frickin' bets, hedging their frickin' bets like all these other do and let's go let's do it so people need to have their
and then there's a bunch of other stuff but at the end so people need to have
their battle rifles ready and everything ready at their bedsides and you've got
to be ready because the media is so disciplined in their deception so
this is you're saying that this is now this is ten months after they ran
that hoax where Lester Holt and the Southern Poverty Law Center and all the
usual suspects media matters took a 30-minute podcast video podcast and out of
the thousands of words I said they literally took words from 10 minutes
before 30 minutes later and edited the words in the quotes like a word salad like
the game where you put the magnets of all the words on the side of the
refrigerator and you can spell out whatever you want or you know hey honey please get milk
when you go out or whatever
Or, you know, I'll see you at church tomorrow?
That's what they did!
I said we need to legally, lawfully, through the criminal justice system, go after these people.
That's 20-something minutes later.
Earlier I say Antifa says they're going to come kill people in their homes.
Law enforcement, ICE, members of Congress.
Here's where they're saying it.
Twitter's letting them do it.
That's where they got mad.
So what do you do when you're Twitter and you're letting them say go kill people in their houses?
Well, you just say that I said that.
That's what the left does, is they turn truth upside down on its head.
So again, I beat up a kid, not true.
I said, take battle rifles and attack the media.
Never said it, lady.
You came in there with notes, with written notes, that are total lies.
I could take, Dr. Camshot, please.
I could take this Breitbart article, 200 cases of mumps confirmed in Texas migrant detention centers.
I could do that right now.
And I could take this article, and I could take words out, and then have it say whatever I wanted.
I could say, Texas Tribune reported detention centers, and then say four officials And that all government officials will be given 22 years in detention camps.
I mean, I can take this article, and take words out of it, and get scissors, like you do with a magazine if you kidnap somebody, and you trim out the words, say, give me a million dollars, or, you know, your wife's dead, or your daughter's dead, or your son's dead.
You trim it out, and then you create what you want.
And she sits there with this lawyer game, repeating an edited statement That A, I beat up a kid, I just showed you mainstream news admitting that's not true, and retracting it, and that I'm saying come with battle rifles to the media.
And then she gets into more of this crap.
This is unbelievable.
And of course the thinking is, well, she's a woman.
So if Jones comes out and criticizes her, well, he's attacking a woman.
It's just incredible how sanctimonious you are, and how you can't even come up with better lies.
And then she gets to the really good one when we come back.
Paul Watson's going to be here for that.
The really good one when we come back.
I was mean to Oliver Darcy, the CNN reporter that goes around lying about people and getting them banned.
I was mean to the poor little rat creature.
Oh, but don't worry, Laura Loomer just got banned off the internet, too.
Because you can't bully members of the press that bully you.
You can't even speak back to them.
After all, Alex Jones beats up 10-year-olds.
I mean, you heard her.
She said it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I actually had not yet tried the InfoWars Life Protein Bar until this morning, and I would give my review as a five-star review.
And I'm somebody that's probably tried about every protein bar out there.
For people that eat protein bars, you know that a protein bar that's really stacked with protein and vitamins and nutrients usually doesn't taste that great.
I tried the InfoWars Life protein bar, the peanut butter chocolate one today, which has 15 grams of protein in it, and I gotta tell you, you eat this, you would not think it's a protein bar.
So I don't know what they've done in the lab over there at InfoWars Life to make this InfoWars Life protein bar, but wow.
I was eating a Double Fudge Brownie and then I looked at the wrapper and it was the InfoWars Live Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Bar.
And you can get two boxes right now, or more, for 40% off.
I'm somebody that loves grabbing a protein bar if I'm on the road, if I'm heading to the gym, or afterwards for a snack.
The brand new InfoWars Live Protein Bar is at InfoWarsStore.com.
So support the InfoWar by going to InfoWarsStore.com and check out some other great specials.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we've got Paul Joseph Watson in studio with us.
He's about to jump on a big ol' jet aeroplane and fly back to her Britannic Majesty's Kingdom.
Good to have you here, my friend.
Good to be back, Alex.
We've only got you here for about a half hour, then Tommy Robinson is going to be on.
They've got his house staked out, they've got police out there, they've got Antifa death-threatening his family.
They are really after that guy.
Oh no, we talked about it the other day.
The future Prime Minister of Britain, potentially, is literally calling on YouTube to silence him on his last remaining outreach, his last remaining platform.
This is, again, proves that, oh, it's just a private company, they can do what they like.
They're in league, conspiring with lawmakers, with people in power to silence free speech.
This is a bigger argument than, it's just a private company.
And Alex, we had the whole Twitter scandal blowing up again yesterday.
People have pointed out that Jack himself encouraged everyone to read an article which basically outlined the fact that there's no civility left and that civil war is likely to happen in America.
Jack tweeted that out.
It says the article was, why there's no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history, one side must win.
So he basically advocated abolishing civil conversation, and advocated this article which basically says civil war is going to happen in America.
Tim Paul pointed that out in the interview, and he made the point that if you don't allow civil conversation, if these divisions in American society... That's what creates violence, as Kennedy said.
If you exacerbate the divisions in society that are so rife right now, that is going to create a civil war situation So they're going to be partly responsible for it as one of the biggest platforms and what is basically now the public commons silencing people.
They're only going to drive them underground.
They're only going to make them more angry, more extreme on both sides.
I don't want to write ourselves into this story, but Infowars was the biggest part of the interview, and I'm glad Joe and Tim Poole kept bringing it up.
And this lady, Vija Gade, if I'm saying that right, their quote, chief counsel, she tells three gigantic, super whopper lies that I got kicked off for beating up a kid, a million dollars, whoever's got to agree with that, just totally made up.
You ask how they do this stuff at Kavanaugh, they just do it, they just make it up.
Also, that I'm doing all these other horrible things, that I was mean to Oliver Darcy, even though he's a public figure and it's in public, and several other just huge lies.
Well, Alex, the viral video clip of the kid getting pushed down, by the way, no criminal charges came from that on either side.
It's on Twitter right now with 130,000 hearts or retweets.
It was uploaded by everyone.
At the time, June 2018, it's still on Twitter.
Why have the people who made it go viral not been banned?
We didn't film it.
We didn't encourage a violent encounter between these people.
So again, it was just another excuse because it was a cascade.
It was Zuckerberg.
It was Tim Cook.
And Jack caved under the pressure when he should have stood for free speech.
And that's the way it works is they They take something down that won't even say what it is and go, oh, he beat up a kid, and then you can't even defend yourself because you're not on the platform.
Oh, and also, the video in which you confronted Oliver Darcy, a guy who has devoted the past year of his life to getting you kicked off social media, that was not tweeted by you, that was tweeted by me.
And the description was clearly from a news angle, oh, this is an interesting news event, Alex Jones confronts Oliver Darcy.
It wasn't Laughing at it, it wasn't rubbing it in Darcy's face, we can't criticise him obviously, but it wasn't even like that.
It wasn't even, oh look at this, Oliver Darcy gets owned.
It was just me saying, this is an interesting confrontation.
I got suspended for 12 hours on Twitter for that.
InfoWars did not Tweet that video, as far as I know.
It was not tweeted on your account, it was tweeted on my account.
So again, another excuse.
You didn't even circulate that video.
I did.
So why were you banned?
But that's the new phenomenon, they admit, where they ban you for off-platform activity.
And then they make up what the off-platform activity is.
There's no due process.
There's no checking.
There's no nothing.
They just do it.
And then she goes on to basically say, oh, we ban who people complain about.
But that's not true.
Conservatives and others complain about leftists calling for people's death, people's murder, people praising Tucker Carlson, and nothing's done.
Peter Fonda advocated putting Barron Trump in a cage with paedophiles.
Still got his verified checkmark, still on Twitter.
This Hal Shoes guy, who again is, I think he's a rapper, verified Twitter account, literally called for the Covington High School to be shot up, to be bombed.
All he did was delete the tweets, got no punishment whatsoever.
He's still on Twitter, the guy who called for school shootings is still on Twitter because he criticised He specifically said, go blow the school up, shoot everybody.
And then other people said, I'll give you sex if you go and punch anybody in a MAGA hat in the face.
None of them get in trouble because it's a crazed pressure cooker of leftists at Twitter and at Facebook and all these platforms that do whatever the hell they want.
Here's the big question, Paul.
How do they then go to Congress, Sundar Pichai and all of them, and say, oh, there's no such thing as Dragonfly.
Oh, we're not spying.
Oh, none of this is going on when we have all the admissions, all the documents.
We've got the inside leaks from within Google which show them discussing how to conspire to relegate things in their algorithm.
So, and for partisan bias, we had a referendum on abortion in Ireland.
They buried anti-abortion videos on the top search results of YouTube the day before the Irish referendum.
That's election meddling.
So, you know, we're blamed as Russian bots for election meddling or whatever.
It's precisely what they're doing.
And as I've said before, it shifts millions and millions of votes.
This is criminal, what they're doing.
This is clear election meddling.
This is collusion, Alex.
And Tim Pool's top tweet says it all.
This is election meddling, period.
They're silencing voices they don't like.
They're amplifying voices they do like.
And they're lying about it to the public.
In fact, if you just type in Tim Pool into the Google search engine on the web, it's the first tweet that pops up.
He says it more eloquently than that.
But that's it.
That's all this is.
And I'll say it again.
Everybody I know is getting really mad at Trump.
I know you just had dinner with Don Jr.
And he's going on Tucker saying, don't worry, the cavalry's coming.
Well, it better damn well come!
Because just like the Second Amendment's under attack, they need to protect the first.
And this is out of control, Paul.
It should have come a long time ago, Alex.
We were promised it months ago and nothing happened.
And, you know, people have rightly criticized Trump for not even defending many of the people who get attacked for wearing MAGA hats.
He's too busy tweeting about Saturday Night Live and stuff like that.
We're not abandoning Trump, obviously, but this needs to be brought front and centre, as we talked about yesterday.
It's not going to be until next year at the earliest.
Well, strategically too, Trump needs to understand, and I know he's 72 and doesn't have a full grasp of the internet, and I'm not saying that meanly, I know people that know him well, he literally still believes him going on Fox won the election.
No, the internet was magnitudes bigger.
My God, we had a comparable viewing audience the week of the election 2016 that Fox News did.
I'm not just saying that.
Trump is allowing his people on the ground, the ones that catch the left acting crazy, the ones that amplify his message.
He's not letting the troops on the ground get their provisions.
Not letting the troops on the ground have free speech is a total strategic blunder.
No, we were the front lines, Alex.
And we will be the front lines.
You know, my average demographic is 18 to 35.
That's the biggest block.
Fox News, CNN, what is it, 70 years old?
That's geriatrics.
Even CNN's like 69.
Fox News is 70 plus.
So yeah, those people aren't going to be around forever.
They don't have the cultural resonance that we have, Alex.
And you, as I said yesterday, you were a living meme.
Memes have been proven scientifically to win elections.
The left-corp meme, the most effective memes, are spread on the Donald and 4chan.
You were a meme.
They banned a meme.
I'm not saying it to, you know, be funny about it, but they're powerful.
The most powerful thing on the internet is political memes when it comes to the pre-election schedule, Alex.
So, banning you as a meme had a massive impact and people need to understand how important this is.
By the way, Paul, I wish you'd come stay here a few months out of the year because everybody loves you in studio, not just with the old map behind you.
It's good to have you here in Austin.
It's good to be here, Alex.
I'll come back soon.
When we come back, we're going to play this clip of Vija Gade, the chief counsel at Twitter, up there just spewing lie after lie after lie after lie.
She says, I'm sending people with battle rifles.
Uh, after the media.
Where's the video of that?
You're reading a fake quote.
She says I'm beating up kids.
Another lie!
Stop your damn lying, woman!
I'm sick of it!
Let's go to Debbie.
Debbie in New Jersey.
Debbie, thanks for calling.
I really appreciate you.
Go ahead, Debbie.
The shifting of Nancy Pelosi with those dentures, I wanted to just slap that bitch right across the mouth.
I'm so sick of her ugly face.
I am too.
God, she's a demon.
It's not about hating them.
For me, it's about, it's embarrassing.
Like, how do we have a group of people this bad, this evil, this stupid ruling over us?
It makes me feel like crap.
You know what, Alex?
It's because we're on such an elevated plane.
The people who are awake, we're so elevated in this dimension that it sickens us and makes us so ill, physically.
It's just, it's so hard to look at people like that and want to even be kind to them because they just turn your frickin' stomach.
But, um, the other thing I wanted to say is, Cortez, she looks like a rabid Boston carrier with those bulging eyeballs of hers, too.
She really is demonic.
You know, we can laugh about her, and I do, but it's like Beto and his fake voice and how corrupt he is.
It's like, this is their superstars?
Beto O'Rourke and Alexandria Cortez?
These people are idiots!
And I'm not trying to be mean, it's just true!
Yeah, no, it is.
It is.
Um, Alex, I'm gonna let you go, but I want to let you know that my husband and I have every t-shirt, every product, because we love you, we love the InfoWarriors, and everybody there that works there, we really think the world of you people, and we are also lifetime Oath Keepers.
Thank you, Stuart Rose.
We love you.
Thank you.
Well, God bless you, Debbie.
And let me just say this.
I was in meetings this morning with accountants at the lawsuits they've got against us, and we beat, like, 15 of them, so they filed, like, five more.
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You know, people do vote with their dollars.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Tommy Robinson has MI5 He got video of it.
They're working with leftist terror forces, literally.
Trying to set him and his family up docks where his children live.
The death threats are pouring in, all because he exposed how they make their money running child kidnapping rings that are now all over the news.
He'll be popping in, and Watson's going to do one segment with him, and he's going to go jump on that jet airplane.
But I want to play some of this clip, and then have you respond, Paul.
Obviously, there's two hours of this.
We'll only play a few minutes of it.
But Vijay Gadde, arrogantly, the Hillary Clinton acolyte, she's a big Democrat, she comes in like holding the hand of little Jack Dorsey.
Then she continues to basically tell lie after lie.
And I just don't get, Paul, how you would go on air nine, ten months after something's known to be false, after I've confronted Jack Dorsey, and said, Jack, hey, I didn't say use battle rivals in the media.
That's not true.
I mean, I face-to-face told him that, and they're still doing it, Paul.
Well, they literally went through every example, Alex, of why people were banned.
Like, why the Proud Boys were banned, for example.
They were basically banned because, again, falsely they claimed that they were designated as an extremist group by the FBI.
Not true.
They claimed that they were violent, so then Tim Pool made the point, well, Antifa's violent, they literally go to people's houses, they beat people around the head with flags.
Why are those accounts not banned?
And it's because, oh, Antifa's a more generic group.
So you had the Smash Racism DC group that went to Tucker Carlson's house.
Because they're not calling themselves Antifa, then they don't get banned.
So again, it's all semantics.
Literally, they go through every example.
Sargon of Akkad.
The Learn to Code.
They ban people for tweeting Learn to Code at journalists, for God's sake.
The same journalists who abuse their platforms to silence and censor you all day, but we're supposed to feel sorry for them when they lose their jobs?
Nobody should feel sorry for them.
They're not journalists, they're activists.
Well, what I got from this is Jack and VJ and all these people are in way over their head.
And they've got all this lawyer speak and all this BS, but no one, and I'm not just saying that.
If you go read all the comments, no one, Paul, is buying this.
I would call this a disaster even bigger than the last visit a month ago.
I mean, that was a disaster because Jack didn't know why you were banned.
They asked him, he couldn't give a reason.
Now they've given a bunch of reasons for not just you.
They went through why everyone was banned.
They went through the whole list.
And in every single example, the reasons were inaccurate.
So it's not just you, Alex.
So, yeah, I've done polls on this.
The reaction that I've seen so far, it blew up in their face like we said it would.
Let's play some of this.
This is the blind corporate system leading the blind.
Here it is.
So what was it that made you ban them?
So there were three separate incidents that came to our attention after the fact that were reported to us by different users.
There was a video that was uploaded that showed a child being violently thrown to the ground and crying.
So that was the first one.
The second one was a video that we viewed as incitement of violence.
I can read it to you.
It's a little bit of a transcript.
But now it's time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag.
I know the Justice Department's crippled a bunch of followers and cowards, but there's groups, there's grand juries, there's you called for it.
It's time politically, economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Get together the people you know aren't traitors, aren't cowards, aren't helping their frickin' bets, hedging their frickin' bets like all these other So this is, you're saying that this is a call to violence against the media?
have their and then there's a bunch of other stuff but at the end so people
need to have their battle rifles ready and everything ready at their bedsides
and you've got to be ready because the media is so disciplined in their
deception. So this is you're saying that this is a call to violence against the
media? That's what it sounded like to us at the time and there have been a number
of incidents of violence against the media. You get her even covering as a
That's what it sounded like to us at the time.
She goes, oh, there's a bunch of other stuff.
That's literally a 38 minute video where they word saladed and put it together.
It was about Antifa saying they're going to kill law enforcement and members of Congress.
And I said, you better have your battle rifles ready.
Had nothing to do with the media.
No, she's talking about attacks on the media.
The most famous example of that, which they claimed was an attack on the media, then they blamed Trump, was that newspaper that got raided and the guy shot a couple of people.
He had a vendetta against the newspaper stretching back to 2011.
Had nothing whatsoever to do with Trump calling the media the enemy of the people.
And we've got Muslims attacking media.
Yeah, all the time.
You know, Charlie Hebdo, biggest example.
So, you know, you talk about Tim Poole... But everyone knows, I'm on the video saying, we need to non-violently, judiciously, legislatively, through the criminal justice system, they edited it all out.
Literally in the same minute, when we're talking about it, I say we must not be violent, just because Antifa is violent, coming to our houses.
And they turned that into that.
Here, let's continue with this load of BS.
It gets worse.
What happens on the platform and how that translates off-platform very seriously.
And that felt like it was an incitement to violence.
So, if he only tweeted the incitement to violence, he would have been fine?
If he only... If he only tweeted that trans... posted that transcript saying, get your battle rifles ready, you wouldn't have deleted his account?
Again, context matters to him.
It's not about one thing.
So, we'd have to look at the entire context of what's going on.
So, I'm asking, was that egregious enough for you to say that alone?
That wasn't... Again, context means we make up whatever the hell we want.
That was just number two.
Right, right.
So then I guess the question is, what was the video context of the kid being thrown to the ground?
Was it newsworthy?
We obviously didn't think so, and depicting violence against a child is not something that we would allow on the platform.
Pause again!
Why is it still on Twitter then, with 130,000 retweets?
Depicting violence?
It's a damn top news clip everyone else played!
But they won't show you what it is!
You're thinking, what did he do to the kid?
If it's so bad, Alex, why is it still on Twitter?
Here, you could go to an article, Yeah, can you guys document Cam's shot on Paul's laptop?
He's got it all here.
Or tell him what they type into Twitter.
It's all over the news!
This is Information Liberation.
Tim Paul destroyed Jack Dorsey.
That is the headline.
And if you go down, he's got the original tweet.
Right here.
It's on an account called Donut Operator from June 2018.
Let's have a look.
It's the same video.
5.16 million views.
This is the video you got banned for, Alex.
One of the three reasons.
Why is it still on Twitter?
And again, guys, pull up the actual article.
Because what's happening is people forensically are going back now and checking out what I got banned for.
And they're going, what?
A video that was on ABC News?
Yeah, it's got 5 million views.
Twitter helped this video go viral, they didn't take it down, they just took you down.
So that's a complete BS excuse once again.
Oh, we've made it about context, Tim.
It's the way she's so smarmy with it as well.
It's incredible.
Well, then it gets worse.
Let's continue with the next giant whopper of a lie.
But this at least has some truth.
I did confront a public figure in Congress whose life is stalking me and said, you're a dirty rat.
It's true.
But again, the lie that I'm bullying him is not true.
Here it is.
If it was, there are certain types of situations where if you were reporting on, you know,
war zone and things that might be happening, we would put an interstitial on that type
of content that's graphic or violent, but we didn't feel that that was the context here.
Well, here's a video that's been going around, that was going around a few, four or five
or five weeks ago, the one where the girls were yelling at that big giant guy and the
guy punched that girl in the face and she was like 11 years old.
I saw that multiple times on Twitter.
That was one of the most violent things I've ever seen.
This giant man punched this 11-year-old girl in the face.
And that was, was that removed from Twitter?
I don't know.
I would have to go see if anyone reported it to us.
I think one of the issues here is too is, you know, you've...
Do you want me to get to the third one?
Yeah, please do.
So the third strike that we looked at was a verbal altercation that Alex got into with a journalist and in that altercation, which was uploaded to Twitter, there were a number of statements using eyes of the rat That's enough!
That's hilarious.
a person, he's just scum, you're a virus to America and freedom, smelling like a
possum that climbed out of the rear end of a dead cow, you look like a possum
that got caught doing some really really nasty stuff in my view. So it was a bunch
of... That's enough? Really? That's hilarious. Pattern in practice but it was a verbal
altercation that was posted on our platform. So we took the totality of this, having been
warned that we have rules against the abuse and harassment of individuals.
We saw this pattern in practice.
One strike, two strike, three strikes, and we made a decision to permanently suspend.
And so that last one was on Periscope?
Is that what it was that he broadcast through?
I think it was originally on Periscope, but it was also reposted from multiple related accounts onto Twitter.
So, we can agree with you when you say these things like, you know, Alex said this sounds like a threat, he was berating this person saying awful things, but ultimately your judgment is the context.
You say we have to pay attention to the context.
We're just trusting that you made the right decision.
Well, I'm giving you as much facts as I can give you here.
We're going to have a break.
Stay there, Paul.
I want to get more into this.
But no, there are no facts.
He didn't show you what happened.
He's a public figure in public.
And I'm like, here's the dude who gets book deals killed, who gets me banned everywhere, who lies about me.
Man, you're a jerk.
You're an un-American piece of crap.
If you can't dress somebody down, if you can't tell somebody coming after you that you're a piece of garbage, Then what do we have in this country?
The truth is the left bullies constantly.
They just want to tie our hands while they piss in our faces.
Well, you know what?
I'm not one of R. Kelly's victims.
You're not gonna piss in my face.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
Well, everybody knows I really love Paul Watson.
He's doing two more segments with us and he's got to go back to England.
And Paul, we've been working together, what, 18, 19 years, and I know the media's going to spin this when it happens, and that's fine, because I want to act like everything I'm doing is failing, when it's the opposite.
Thanks to our listeners and viewers.
I get so excited, you know, being on air.
I didn't even plug any products last hour.
That's how we fund ourselves.
But I never say this like you're not your own man.
I say this because you're a humble guy.
Your brother used to work with us.
He still writes some articles, but he's a bit busy in his own successful businesses that he has as well.
And I really pushed you, I guess, eight, nine years ago to start your own Twitter, to start your own YouTube, to get out on air.
And I have encouraged you just because the way the world works to go out and do more and actually do your own thing.
I know we tried to do some TV stuff in England and that fell through trying to herd cats.
But very soon you're going to be launching your own site, your own operation, and we're very excited about that.
And that's what successful operations do is they spawn new things.
And I think in time you will also spawn Apprentices as well and that your only hope is that they will grow up to be just as strong and successful as you've been or as I've been.
Well, precisely, Alex, and I don't know if you want to drop the name yet, I don't know if we're ready for that, but yeah, it's going to be an exciting new operation, it's going to be where all my material is housed, and hopefully longer term we're going to get more writers on board and organically grow it into a log and use all... And this is you?
This is you?
Yeah, I'm head honcho, so this is going to drop very soon, probably within the next two weeks, I would say, and it's going to be very exciting, Alex, and You know, we're still going to be working together, we're still going to be affiliated, but it is going to be a brand new project.
And again, the media is always spinning.
Oh, Paul Watson is taking Alex Jones' tinfoil crown to make a Zen fight.
That has nothing to do with this.
This has been pretty much my idea over the years, and you've tried to work with other groups, and it's whatever, and just finally it's clicked.
You've done your own deal.
I'm very excited about this.
I'm looking forward to the synergy.
This is what real leadership is.
Precisely, Alex.
And again, it's going to be a hub for, if you like my content, it's going to basically be a hub for my content and a lot more besides.
It's very similar.
So yeah, we're hoping to, you know, generate the next generation of YouTubers, of young political commentators and draw them into that.
And it's going to be your vision.
You're going to be in command.
It's going to be my project from the start, and it's exciting.
Which is my plan, is once you're in that position, you're going to explode.
Because you'll understand the real frustrations, you'll be in true leadership position, and then you're going to be turned loose, my friend.
I think the next decade, Watson, you're going to dwarf your previous work.
That's the plan, Alex.
I mean, I've said before, I'm going to ride it until the wheels fall off.
I know to have to do nothing else.
Nothing else gets me as inflamed with passion as, you know, being creative.
Or complaining about the menu at your hotel.
That was an awful menu.
What is wrong with the food here?
I mean... No, no, no.
You're in downtown Austin.
That's all liberal trendy.
No, literally a fish that looks like a wet sponge.
With no options for sides.
Not even an option for a side.
Because it's... No, no.
Downtown is a California-New York invasion probe.
Oh yeah, you can tell.
Like a spaceship landed.
You can tell.
I was staying at the Trump Hotel and the difference was substantial.
Yeah, what was it like at Trump?
Luscious steaks?
Luscious, fat, beef burgers and steaks, whatever you want.
But also, people in D.C.
aren't polite.
They were way politer in that hotel than the trendy little joint.
Brother, the worst of L.A.' 's come here.
And we've got a long-term strategic plan to leave Austin.
I just can't handle it anymore.
I'm not abandoning Texas, but people don't understand.
Beto almost won here.
No, you can tell.
Just in the way you interact with people, especially men.
And if you talk to them like a normal man, they kind of automatically catch on that you're not on their level and that you're not a... let's call it a soy boy.
And it's weird.
It's weird interacting with these people, because you immediately know that they're, like, a different species.
You know, in D.C., everyone's polite, nobody really cares.
There's some weird... The people who moved in from L.A.
here, you can tell.
I was here... Texas has cancer, and the name of the cancer is California.
And the state is dying right now.
We'll see if we can get Tommy on straight ahead with Paul Watson.
Stay with us.
I've got some really good news, though.
X2's back.
The original X2.
Deep-earth crystal, pure atomic iodine.
What you want.
It'll be here in a week.
Manufactured in the U.S.
With the best iodine in the world.
X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another deep-earth crystal source.
But I thought, add the other two types of iodine.
The scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in fullmorestore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
If you want to pre-order X2, the ultimate iodine out there, learn about the iodine conspiracy, learn about IQs dropping when you don't have it, learn about how the other iodines are bound, Get yours today at m4warriorstore.com or m4warriorslife.com.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We're getting Tommy Robinson lined up via Skype from the UK.
They've banned him almost everywhere.
They've got MI5 outside his house with Antifa terror troops literally harassing his family.
They're making their move.
This is the next level.
Once they ban you, then they send the Antifa to your house.
It's just incredible.
We'll be talking to Tommy.
Paul Watson is here with us riding shotgun.
Here's journalist Tim Poole with the Joe Rogan Experience where I think Joe way more than redeemed himself with a softball interview that enraged the internet a month ago.
I had to sit on the news when I had dinner with Joe last week that he was going to have
Jack in the head of Twitter the owner of Twitter the CEO of Twitter the founder of Twitter on
Tuesday and then boom the interview hit and I just think Joe and Tim pool did a great job
Well, it was a bloodbath the first one wasn't it?
With the comments and the thumbs down on YouTube.
So, you know, he did.
Rogan was rightly criticized for not challenging Dorsey.
He did on this occasion, as did Tim Pool.
And they've documented their double standard at every single turn.
And that's why it was so refreshing to see.
Here is Tim Pool taking Jack and his mother.
I'm not a mama's boy, but I love my mother.
So I know why he brought his mother to the event, but he had to actually hold his hand during it.
So here's Jack, the head of Twitter, and his mother.
Here it is.
So your platform restricts speech.
Our platform promotes speech unless people violate our rules.
And in a specific direction?
In any direction.
But Uncle, I don't want to say his name, the guy who calls for death gets a suspension, the guy who insinuates death gets a permanent ban.
But Tim, you're misinterpreting what I'm saying, and I feel like you're doing it deliberately.
It's not about one particular thing, it's about a pattern and practice of violating our rules.
And you have a pattern and practice of banning only one faction of people?
Quillette recently published an article where they looked at 22 high-profile bannings from 2015 and found 21 of them were only on one side of the cultural debate.
But I don't look at the political spectrum of people when I'm looking at their tweets.
Right, you have a bias.
I don't know who they are.
You're biased, and you're targeting specific individuals because your rules support this perspective.
I don't agree with that.
Can you be clear, though, in what rules support that perspective?
Specifically, the easiest one is misgendering, because that's so clearly ideological.
If you ask a conservative, What is misgendering?
They'll say, if someone is biologically male, and you call them, you know, she, biologically male, and you call them she, that's misgendering.
That's a conservative view.
The progressive view is inverted.
So now you actually have in your policies a rule against the conservative perspective.
Jack Dorsey looks like a construction worker, but the type you buy weed from, as many have said.
And just, everyone knows the censorship, everyone knows the brigading, everyone knows I was taken off because of the big boycotts by the left, and they just sit up there and make up lies, and this has only blown up bigger in their face.
Why do you think they came back for a second helping in this suicide mission, Paul?
Well, they're obviously feeling the heat, Alex, but again, they got caught out time and time again.
As you just said, this is all about brigading.
Tim Pool just mentioned it.
This Uncle Shoes guy... I can read the tweets right now.
They've been deleted by him, but nothing happened to his account.
This was after the Covington thing, where the media was demonising them as racist, even though they smirked in somebody's face.
That was the full extent of their crime.
This guy tweeted, quote, if you are a true fan of shoes, that's his Twitter handle, I want you to fire on any of these red hat B word when you see them on sight.
And then later he said, oh, I didn't mean fire on as in shoe.
Absolute BS.
Then he said, lock the kids in the school and burn that B to the ground.
He didn't mean burn to the ground though.
And here's the thing, we've submitted to them so much now that they're looking for smirks or you didn't behave properly.
We need to stop being so submissive to these trash.
Yeah, and there's more.
They're all in this article, verified leftist calls for MAGA kids to be fired on.
School burned down, it's an Infowars story.
Jack Morrissey, Hollywood producer, Literally, a drawing of blood and veins coming out of a wood chipper, with the phrase, MAGA kids go screaming, hats first, into the wood chipper.
Nothing happened to his account, he's still verified.
You're mean to a CNN reporter who has dedicated the year of his life to silencing you, and you didn't even upload the video, I did, and you get banned.
I think the worm's turning, though, because Congress has to take action.
You know, you told me this right after you had dinner with Don Jr.
and others.
And then a day later, I said, you need to break that down.
A day later, it's like Trump to put it in his 2020 platform, they'll stop Internet censorship.
That's like saying, you know, if you elect me again, I'll tie that tourniquet around your leg that's chopped off.
They need to act now.
What is Trump going to do now?
Tommy Robinson is about to join us, being harassed by MI5.
Antifa encamped outside his house.
Huge confrontations.
I've seen the video.
I don't know if he's going to release it.
We'll bring him up here in a moment.
But they just banned his book, Muhammad's Quran.
It's a bestseller off of Amazon.
So the book burning has begun.
And all Muhammad's Quran does, I've read it.
I talked about publishing it here in the U.S.
with Tommy.
We just never got around to it.
It's a bestseller in the U.K.
as you know.
It just quotes the Quran.
Yeah, you don't want to do that, because then people might swig on to watch that actually in the Quran.
No, they banned... you had Roosh V on, they banned like nine of his books.
He's basically a pick-up artist.
Not even political in these books, and they banned those, because on the side he has some right-wing political commentary.
So it's digital book burning, we predicted that from the start.
It's here, and we need executive action, both in the UK and the US, to level the playing field and make this fair, because this is election meddling.
All right, we're going to go to break.
You're going to have to leave and get on an airplane, but I wanted you to be able to say hi to our mutual friend, Tommy Robinson.
Tommy, I don't know how to build this up because it's already so crazy.
I mean, there's no way to properly build it up.
It's so out of control.
You are literally under siege by MI5 on record.
You can show the footage.
The footage from earlier, what I realize now, or what I realize, is I'm being set up.
footage of them spying on you illegally. They've got Antifa outside your house. My God, man,
you've done a great job. You've really got the scum after you.
You can show the footage. You know, the footage from earlier, what I realize now,
or what I realize, is I'm being set up. So on Sunday, far-left activists were given
the address that my children and my wife were at.
They were handed documentation by a lawyer, a jihadi lawyer, who's representing Shamina Begum, trying to get her into the UK.
He represented Michael Adebolajo, the man who beheaded Lee Rigby.
This lawyer has had to change his name because he's represented so many terrorists and spoke up on their behalf and blamed Britain for their terrorist activities.
He handed documentation over to far-left extremists who then travelled with The Guardian, with the mainstream media, they travelled to a property that my wife and children were in, so private information given.
Then I guess I was supposed to come and probably violently attack them, but I wasn't even in the country.
So then my wife has had to ring the police.
My children have locked themselves inside the house.
Six men have turned up.
Led by a man who, if you go through his social media yesterday, was making comments about my children being put through meat grinders whilst my house was set on fire whilst he masturbated watching.
This is the man sent with the Guardian, with the national newspapers, with a jihadi lawyer from the same office that government organisations such as Tell Mama are funded.
So this is where, then today, I've travelled, because I'm moving my children, I've travelled and I've witnessed a van, which you've seen the video of, I've witnessed a van park near to my house.
So I stopped and I've confronted the two men and said, who are you and what are you doing?
They've said, we're plumbers.
I said, well, where have you been working?
Which house are you working?
They goes, look, we're just on our way home.
I said, you're not on your way home, you're in a cul-de-sac.
Where have you been and what are you doing?
And I videoed him and then they tell me to stop videoing.
When I stop videoing, they try and drive off.
So I stand in the way of the car saying, you're going to have to run me over before you leave and don't tell me who you are and what you're doing.
Because there are threats to my family and I want to know who you are.
He then, because he has to, shows me a police badge.
Stay there, we've got to go to break.
We've got to go to break.
But folks, this is the final phase.
They're now moving against us physically.
The same thing's happening here in the United States.
I'm not at liberty to get into it, but they're running the same operations against us.
That's because we are effective.
And let's put Tommy Robinson back up on screen.
Let's put Paul Watson back on screen.
And all of you supporting us, you're looking at history.
Tommy exposed the whole pedophile network.
He's a hero.
Paul Watson's helped devastate the globalists that got Brexit passed.
You know, we're winning thanks to you supporting us, but that's why we're under attack, because they fear men standing up for the West.
That's what we're doing.
We're coming back with Tommy Robinson and this incredible epic fight that's happening on the exclusive video and audio.
Paul, great job seeing you in person, man.
See you again soon.
You're going to be back in a few months?
May, definitely.
And some other big breaking stuff.
We appreciate you.
You're going to be on next week announcing the new independent media operation you're launching in the UK.
That's right.
Very excited, Paul.
Glad you did this.
I'm very excited.
I want to learn more about it.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated, if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats of the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
Brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine, but a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
But I was able to secure with the original manufacturer A better deal by breaking my deal with them and playing guts ball where it's only been sold out for a couple months and we got the new deal done just about a month ago and they are manufacturing it now so people get on the waiting list.
In about two weeks we'll be shipping X2 original all deep earth crystal pure atomic iodine directly to your door.
Across the world.
X2's back.
It'll be here in two weeks.
This is a blessing, so get yours at InfoWarsTore.com today.
Again, thank you for your support.
Support your own body with the purest, best iodine out there.
X2 at InfoWarsTore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Recording. In the recording van.
In the back of this van is a recording station.
I'm not standing, you're not going.
No, cos what yous are doing, I know what yous are doing.
I know what yous are doing.
I know what yous are doing.
They're sat in the back of their van, this is recording devices.
The whole of this back thing, cos he's just opened it up when I got him out, the whole of this back thing is recording, where they're pointing there, cos what this is, has been a set-up.
These police officers are setting me up.
They're setting me up.
It's a setup.
They're setting me up by sending people to my house because they think I'm going to react and do something and they're recording it with listening devices.
And ladies and gentlemen we have Tommy Robinson joining us again who 13 years ago owned a tanning salon.
In a town, saw the Muslims grooming girls as young as eight.
In some cases, their parents were involved selling them off to people.
Some of the kids ended up dead.
And then they busted grooming gangs all over England.
So he's been thrown in prison not once but twice for exposing it.
And then he released a documentary last week that got millions of views on Facebook before it was banned, showing the BBC, talking about how they were going to set him up with fake videos saying he abused women.
So the standard Kavanaugh treatment.
And they're trying to do the same thing to me right now.
And so now he's got Antifa at his house, leftist groups, police staked out, trying to basically set him up.
As I got from sources months ago, they were planning to set Tommy up.
So it's definitely happening.
Tommy, why are they so scared of you?
And then recap what you've been through, what's happening, and the latest.
So on Sunday, they allowed a group of six men wearing masks With a pitbull dog to come to the house where my wife and my children were.
They knew I wasn't in the country or I was out of the country.
Now, it's only when I see these police today who are sitting in the area where my home, my family's home would have been.
And then I've confronted them, and I've seen their police, I've made them open the back of the van, I've seen in the back of the van is their recording equipment.
Then it's become that By letting people come to my house, they know how angry that would make me, that my children have been scared.
And all they need then, if they're monitoring and recording everything I'm saying, all they need is one sentence for me to say, I'm going to fucking, I'm going to kill him.
I'm on a conspiracy charge.
I'm on a court case.
I'm arrested for planning or orchestrating.
Do you know what else makes sense?
I've had so many people contact me this way.
So many people message me saying, we'll go get them.
We know where they live.
I haven't said a word.
But now I realise I'm probably being set up so that I would have, if I would have, I mean some people have contacted me who I haven't even known that long, lots of people have contacted me saying we know where he lives.
I actually went myself to one of these men's houses who set up the people to come to my house and I knocked, I went completely on my own, so I was cautious of this, I went completely on my own and knocked on the door and said you have been intimidating my children Come outside and answer a few questions.
They wouldn't.
All the mainstream media run headlines everywhere saying I'm intimidating this journalist.
No mention of the junkie, smackhead, racist extremist that they sent to my home.
No mention of the fact that my children... So the bottom line is they're trying to provocateur you into action.
The Lion, a bunch of hyenas, are trying to get you to come out so they can corner you, so they can set you up.
I mean, with the past history of how they operate, they're really scared of you.
Tommy, my gut tells me they probably are going to try to kill you, not just prison.
I think they're going to claim that you pull a weapon, they're going to kill you.
For them removing me, which is what they've done, removed me from social media, ostracized me.
That's right.
No, no, they silence before they kill.
No, I generally then am concerned of what's coming.
Because everything they've tried, put me in prison, Panorama was supposed to finish me off, we turned the tables on them, we exposed what they were doing.
Hold on, we've got time.
Some listeners missed this.
Explain what the big BBC show is, how you caught them trying to frame you, so you put out a video showing it.
It's very well done, so you get taken off the internet for that.
You're fighting back and winning, which is why they're upping their endgame towards, I believe, your assassination.
And I don't say that to scare you.
I'm not saying that to scare your wife.
People have to know you are in grave danger, and I believe that they have a vector The most flagship show the BBC have is called Panorama.
I found out that they had been blackmailing and harassing people I used to know, people I used to work with, into giving negative appraisals of me on a documentary that they were working on.
Working title was Tommy Takedown.
So this documentary, we're working with a far left extremist organisation called Hope Not Hate, who are like an NGO funded by George Soros, whose sole purpose is to discredit and attack and slander and try to stop me doing what I do in groups like me.
Anyone who talks against globalism, they'll be attacking you all the time, Alex.
Anyone who talks against open borders, this NGO, this organisation constantly harass them.
I found out the BBC, Panorama, were working hand in hand with this organisation.
This organisation, Hope Not Hate, were alleged to be blackmailing and sexually assaulting people in order to get them into a scared, intimidated position where they would agree to operate and work with them to bring me down.
I then sent undercover footage and got undercover cameras with an ex-employee of mine called Lucy Brown, who then went undercover on Panorama.
We've got the main face of Panorama being homophobic, being racist, being bigoted, but most of all, telling someone, this is what I want you to say when I interview you about Tommy Robinson.
Say this, say this, say this.
Then saying that he would Clip footage out to suit their narrative and he would make an innocent disagreement with a female into a sexual thing against Tommy Robinson.
All of this is on camera.
All of this should have been breaking news story around the world because Panorama are the biggest flagship documentary.
Instead, not one single journalist in the whole of UK has reported on it.
I, in fact, had a meeting with a top journalist from a top newspaper who, when he sat and listened to the four hours of footage, he was like, oh my God, this is huge!
He's gone away, he's wrote his story, he's gone to his editor, he's rang me up and said, Tommy, my editor said nothing's going on.
But that's why they want you off YouTube now, and why they want Paul off, and why they want me... They're so desperate, because Tommy, you are literally, this is like biblical, you have been a righteous, good, hardworking father, you've gone to prison twice, to literally free children kidnapped by Muslim rape gangs, and you've gone through the fire in one, and now you've caught them trying to set you up, and they don't know what to do, that's why I'm saying, their final recourse will be to kill you.
So you've got to be really careful right now.
They sent people to the address that my children reside at.
They sent them.
Journalists working with far-left organisations, working with Muslim barristers and solicitors.
They sent to live stream, so live on camera, the name of my road, the name of the area and the door number, so that they have told... Criminal doxing of children.
Criminal doxing, so then they're probably hoping someone else come and does the job for them.
I might have had to relocate my children.
But that's what they've done.
And they've done it organized and orchestrated.
And the journalists have done it with them.
And the journalists have the news stories ready to run.
Well, that's how this works.
They use the gangs.
The left has funded Soros groups with the corporate media and then domestic intelligence and COINTELPRO in a triangulation of you.
The good news is, my brother, we're here, you're there.
We have enough media, enough listeners and activists that they're not going to get away with this.
Tommy, stay there.
When we come back, we'll talk about everybody praying for Tommy Robinson.
Man, I'll be honest with you.
I want a bunch of those prayers, too, because I'm out of liberty to get into stuff, but believe me, we got the same crap going on here.
This is a war, and I'm honored to be in this war, but we are key fighters in it.
We need your support.
We'll be right back.
They're working around the clock to shut us down, because they know there's a fire at InfoWars.
With our guests and who we are and what we've done before, they are crapping their britches right now, ladies and gentlemen, because they fear you and they fear me.
So I'm just going to tell you, it sounds so cheesy and so ridiculous, but it's a farmer's understanding of seeds.
If you simply financially support us, you have a commitment from someone who cannot give up.
There's a difference.
When I won't give up, I can't give up.
My only problem is, is that I get so out of control, I'm so angry, that like a race car driver blows the engine going to 15,000 RPMs.
I don't pray for strength, I pray for God to hold me back.
And I know you feel the same way, so I'm just telling you, you claim you're gonna fight these big military wars with globalists, let's not discuss that.
If you won't fight the information war now, when we're two minutes to midnight, you'll never fight the real war if we get to that point.
And unfortunately, we all know down the road we are.
has been turned loose. You see a good response to it and we're defeating the globalists,
the EU's in trouble, the globalists are in trouble, but their counter offensive is coming.
And so I'll tell you again, if you'll just get your coffee from us, you'll drink it and
go, "My God, this is incredible." If you'll just get the protein bars from us, if you'll
just get the toothpaste, if you'll just provision us, you have my commitment. I'm literally,
it's like bloodstream, like my brain's here, I'm ready to fight. You're the blood.
Count yourself, give me the blood.
Give me the blood.
Give me the oxygen.
I need oxygen.
I'm not mad at you.
It's, I'm literally jacked in.
You understand?
Like, the more you energize me, the more I'll attack the enemy.
And so, whatever God's plan is, I'll do it.
But I hate being fought to a standstill.
I hate watching them lick their lips.
I hate thinking, just, you've done your tour.
Give up.
Go away.
And if that's what people want, I'll do it.
But they beat, they beat the hell out of us.
I don't want to give the enemy good propaganda, but I can't buy it.
They've, they've, they've, they've fought us to a standstill after 25 years.
And they're doing a lot of nasty stuff, obviously.
It doesn't make me scared.
I feel sorry for myself for the death threats and breaking into lawyers' offices and threatening to kill their kids.
You know, I'm not supposed to get into all of it.
It doesn't make me get scared.
It makes me get mad that I'm not strong enough.
You know, people just knew how real this was, so just get your protein bars.
Just get your coffee.
Just get your toothpaste with us.
Just go to infomercial.com, sign up, get the auto-ship, cancel anytime, and I know I've got the fuel like a jet bomber loaded with weapons.
I've got the weapons.
I've got the fuel.
the truth. You give us the money. You better believe that that's what they hate. They're
trying to shut down every minute. Trying to take our bank accounts. They took our sponsors.
Everything they did made us stronger for this moment. But if I get the fuel, I will get in
that aircraft and I will go over those enemy bases and I will metaphysically pull that lever. And
with everything I've got looking through those bomb sites, I will drop those bombs of truth
right on their heads.
You have my commitment.
I'll drop them right down their chimneys, and I will smile when the jet blows up at the end of the run, and we're going down because it means my job's done.
Don't want to die, but not worried about it, because the commitment is such a load.
I don't fear death.
I fear these pedophile bastards having their way, and I will not spiritually submit to them.
But this is not just another radio show.
It's not another thousand channels.
It's not all that crap out there.
This is the real resistance.
This is where it starts.
This is real.
This is a response to governors on TV saying they're keeping babies alive and taking their organs.
This isn't a response of a man or a hero.
It's a response of somebody who isn't submitting to die.
Who isn't turning their babies over to be killed.
I will no longer give in to Satan.
I will no longer back down at any level to these people.
But they have crushed us down like a sun before it explodes.
And I can see down the road where we're going.
And I don't ever want to get up here and tell you that the enemy's winning.
But if people don't get how serious this is, we're gonna lose everything!
[ Silence ]
Monday through Friday.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
We're going to go back to Tommy Robinson here in just a moment, but I want to be very, very clear.
They're trying to cut off every avenue he has to talk to the public.
They have the shadow minister over the internet, who's set to be the next prime minister, coming out in an article two days ago and saying he wants Tommy Robinson taken off YouTube.
Tommy Robinson's been taken off everything else, and he wants him off YouTube now.
Next, British Prime Minister demands Google remove Tommy Robinson.
He says, I control the regulations.
If you don't do it, we'll shut Google down.
And what does he expose?
The government with the BBC trying to frame Tommy.
And on video saying, we're going to frame him.
Now, I'm not being dramatic here.
People know that.
I've studied playbooks.
I've studied governments.
I've studied how things work.
I've studied how the British government operates.
It's not the British government.
It's a banking cartel that feeds on the British people.
And they can't beat Tommy at this point.
He's too much of a folk hero.
No one believes the hit pieces.
Miraculously, all their programs end up getting revealed.
That's because there's good people on the inside, by the way.
The whole government's not bad.
It's the people on the top, the sellouts.
And so, as he exponentially becomes a living folk hero, because he put it all on the line, not for fame, because he saw little kids being kidnapped, Because he didn't turn his eyes away from the horrible truth.
He fought it.
Because he's a man.
Just a man.
Following his directive that God gave him.
I told Tommy this months ago, but I can tell you as sure as the sun comes up.
They'll cause a melee.
On video.
Hoping they can get Tommy to respond and get violent.
When they attack him.
And then there'll be a sniper.
Who will shoot Tommy and they'll claim in the melee they'll plant a gun on Tommy and say his own gun did it or something like that.
It's how they operate.
That's why they're sending ex-cons and people that say they want to rape and murder his family on Twitter and Facebook and they don't get in trouble.
Because it's meant to enrage him and freak him out and make him think things are lawless and there's no help.
So as a man he's got to stand up and take action.
But I just want to say something about this broadcast.
For all the persecution and all the lies that get told about us, I get to know listeners like you and viewers like you.
I get to meet you on the streets.
And I get to know people like Tommy Robinson.
He calls me up at midnight.
I call him at 6 a.m.
I get to know all these people.
I get to know the best journalists, the best fathers, the best activists.
I get to know the people that don't back down to censorship.
I get to know the Paul Watsons and the Laura Loomers.
I get to know the Owen Schroyers and all this great crew.
I get to know you.
I don't care about some stupid Hollywood meeting or, you know, being at a party that Brad Pitt's at.
That's empty and nothing.
But man, I get to talk to Tommy Robinson.
His courage is infectious.
And your courage is infectious.
And my courage is infectious.
And that's really what our jobs are as men and at the end of the day, as leaders.
If we know something's wrong and we don't care what the heat is or what happens, we're going to do it because it's the right thing.
And Tommy, we'll get back in the time we have.
I'm going to get back to the police and your children.
And you basically couldn't come on, but I said, please do it.
And you called me with this.
But let's talk about your journey and what it's been like 13 years ago, discovering the child kidnapping rings that are all confirmed now.
And for what, 10 years or so, they laughed at you.
Now it's all over the news.
You're a hero.
But they can't have you be the hero, because other men would then step up and be heroes as well.
They have to make you the bad guy.
Just like us getting Trump elected and stopping globalism and going after the child trafficking here.
They can't say Infowars is victorious and the listeners feel like they did something good.
No, no.
They're going to turn it all into how we're all bad and how we're all dirty and how we're all evil.
And they're going to go around and blackmail and pay people off to lie about us.
People we never even knew.
But Tommy, God sees all.
And I know you know that.
And so whatever they do to you, my friend, no, we'll keep fighting.
And they may get me before you, but know this, Tommy, you always are a winner.
No matter, as long as they don't break your spirit, my friend, and they never will, you're a real winner, my friend, and you know that.
But I just know it's hard for you right now, but this is part of something bigger, buddy.
And so, I'm just honored to know you, and I'm honored to work with people like you, because we're in this together, my friend.
But can you talk a little bit about your personal journey, and just why they want to get you, and how important this is?
People need to know, this is what it's really all about.
This is what happens to real heroes.
They don't sit there in the evil system and get praised on the news.
They get attacked.
Alex, the one thing, do you know like, to say 10 years ago when we started this, it was a lot, although the level of censorship or the level of attack has increased so much, it was harder I'd say back then than it is now because the public reaction wasn't that positive 10 years ago because they were believing the lies.
Currently now, no matter what they're doing and saying, no matter what they're throwing at us, no matter what they're Their headlines say every day, every day if you Google Tommy Robinson, the national newspaper in Britain for the last, since I've come out of jail for the last six months, every single day they've run a negative story about me.
It doesn't matter because the public don't buy it anymore.
I sense the reaction I receive when I go out in the public and it's that reaction that makes it, makes it bearable.
At the minute.
But what they do, they go for the weak or they go for the vulnerable, which is why now they've gone for my wife and children.
So Panorama, who were doing their hit piece on me, I exposed them.
The world's media ignored it.
Panorama are still bringing out their hit piece on me.
So this jerk, this man, Mike Stutchberry, who sent a junkie racist extremist to my children's home, he openly says he sent him, he funded it, he sent them here.
The next day, I went to his house at 11pm and knock on his door.
The next morning, I have photographs of him sitting with Panorama.
So maybe I'd walk straight into it.
So now they'll have him sitting there as a journalist saying how scared and intimidated he is by Tommy Robinson.
Of course they won't report any of the fact that a gang of masked men were sent to my children's home.
So I feel I've walked into it, and maybe they were hoping I'd walk into more by leaving cars with recording devices surrounding the property that they believed I'd be at for the next two days.
And Tommy, we'll get back to this in the final segment, but listen to what I'm saying.
It's exactly in the same place I'm in.
I want listeners to understand this.
You couldn't handle this stuff.
I know, like, what, 13 years ago, you woke up, you went public, you know, 10 years ago, first got in prison.
But now they've exponentially brought the heat up, and that's how God does it.
He doesn't give you something you can't handle.
Now, when the full assault comes, you have been under attack so long, and you see public support, and you understand that what you've done is working, and so that's why your morale is still strong.
And that's what we need to let the enemy know is, they're not breaking us, they're making us stronger.
Yeah, well, I laugh.
I laugh at the sense and say, you're finding it so hard to deal with one man.
You've got the weight of the establishment.
You have all the funding in the world.
You have every one of your secretive little operative organisations.
You have the far left and you have Islam!
And we're still here, winning.
But I do generally, Alex, the removal of me from... You know, if you go on Facebook now, Alex, if anyone goes on Facebook and you put a picture of me up, You get your account removed.
If you put Tommy Robinson, I support Tommy Robinson, Facebook have now made it so that this is a complete cult.
This isn't just about me.
No, it's not about banning symbols.
It's like Winnie the Pooh is banned in China because they make fun of the dictator with it.
Your image is now banned.
You and I are the only two guys that basically have achieved that level.
Why do you think we've achieved that level?
Because we're winning.
Because people are listening to us and they know it.
People are listening to us.
And the maddest thing is, Facebook come out and they put out the BBC run-ahead story saying that I'm putting my life in further danger.
Saying that I said to behead those who follow the Quran.
That is a complete lie.
If I said that, I'd be arrested.
If I said it, there'd be evidence and proof or screenshots of me saying it.
No, of course, they slander you and then don't let you respond back.
Let's come back and talk about where this goes from here, because I said I want to pray for Tommy.
I don't do this on air very often, but we should all pray for peace and pray to protect those that are fighting evil when we come back.
Tommy, where can people find you now?
Because they're censoring, obviously, you everywhere.
How do people actually go to Tommy Robinson?
I'm at tr.news.
I'm literally just, my website, because they removed us from everywhere quick, my website's nearly set up, it's www.tr.news.
We're trying to get people's information so that we can keep in contact with you when we're completely removed.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
that all sex is rape, talking to a woman is assault.
Gillette ads say don't do it.
We're going to play it here and get Andrew Tate's take on this.
A very articulate, smart guy, just common sense stuff.
World champion kickboxer.
When you watch it, a good looking woman's walking by dressed like she's ready to, you know, meet males.
Doesn't mean she likes every male, but she's all dressed, showing off her goods, and a guy's going to go talk to her, and the virtue signaler stops the evil white guy, because no, talking to a woman is rape.
At some point in history, your grandfather and my grandfather decided to go and talk to our grandmothers.
That is the reason we exist.
There is no other way it would have possibly happened.
Now we live in a society where a man can't even go and say hello.
I'm not saying he should pursue her.
If she says go away, of course he should go away.
He could go introduce himself.
That's how I met my fiance.
I'm sure it's how you met your wife.
It's how everyone who's watching this exists because someone in history at some point said hello to the other one.
The left have this really strange view that if they teach men to be ultra-feminine, that they're just going to become little puppies who will cry all day and nothing bad will ever happen in the world.
And this is wrong for two reasons.
One, when bad things do happen, which is inevitable, you do need big, strong men.
It doesn't matter if you need a firefighter to run into a fiery building or a soldier to defend a country.
You're going to need big, strong men sooner or later.
And the second thing is this.
All humans have always had the capacity for violence.
We've needed it.
We've had predators.
We've had warring tribes.
There was always a war.
Men have always had the capacity for violence because it was necessary.
Whereas if you want to take a whole generation of men and say, give in to your feelings, absolutely.
Give in to your feelings.
It's fine.
That's normal.
And you think there's not going to be any kind of repercussion.
When they get angry.
Because, yeah, there's gonna be some times they cry, and there's gonna be other times, like this dude, when I start threatening people with physical violence and losing their temper and flipping the switch off the top of a hat.
No woman wants a man who acts that way.
So everything's gonna get worse when the men who act that way can't get a girlfriend, they're lonely, they're depressed, they're upset, and that's where the violence comes from.
It doesn't come from a big, strong, confident man.
It doesn't come from that.
It comes from an emotional wreck.
Some guy with no self-control.
And that's what this Gillette ad is advocating.
It's going to create dangerous people.
Trying to tell men, like the Gillette ad, to not control their emotions.
Don't control your emotions.
Don't hold anything in.
That's how violence happens.
It's not from a stoic, strong, right-wing individual who understands that even if bad things happen, he needs to keep his cool and think it through.
It's from emotional little babies.
I cannot believe we even produced this.
I mean, this, this, this is insane.
I said, I'm a game changer.
I'm a guru.
I'm a scientist.
I'm an activist.
And, and, and, and other people aren't willing to do it.
And, and, and, and I'll tell you right now, I'm here to ram heads with you.
Synergy drinks are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Well, it's not me, it's you.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Gosh, it's bad.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Now, did you hear what I just said?
♪ Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad ♪ ♪ Burr, it's bomb ♪
♪ Workout ♪ ♪ So let me just workout ♪
♪ Well, we've done it ladies and gentlemen ♪ ♪ All of the T upload enzymes ♪
♪ All of the T upload enzymes ♪ ♪ All of the T upload enzymes ♪
♪ Enzymes ♪ I think this is good.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(bomb exploding)
[ Silence ]
Woe to those who abuse the children.
Better to tie a millstone on your neck than to throw your son to the deepest
shepherd of all children under me.
A warning to those that attack children, death and hell will be your harvest.
All right.
I don't pray a lot on air.
I might do it once a year, but I really think in these times when I get in that quiet place the most time and I'm really focused.
It's like 3 or 4 in the morning and I wake up.
I'm walking around out in the yard at night before the sun comes up and I'm just really close to God and God says, you need to pray more and you need to pray more in public.
You need to call people to prayer.
And people need to seek God's face, and repent, and God will heal our land, as the Bible says.
It doesn't mean these controlled, cowardly churches.
It doesn't mean, you know, these systems and all the things they're doing.
It means we, the people, seeking God.
The system's gone and conquered the churches.
It's taken over most of the systems, because it knows that's how it dominates us.
But we still have that connection to God.
So Tommy Robinson has committed the cardinal sin.
Of exposing pedophilia in the UK.
They've made thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands.
It's more than 10,000 arrests in the last three or four years.
They've had thousands of convictions of the organized Islamic kidnapping of non-Islamic little girls, and the government going along with it, and a lot of British operatives taking part in it.
We know the big pedophile problem they've got in the UK.
That's the religion of these people.
Not just of radical Islam, but of the globalists.
And you see that in the news now, it's all coming out.
But because Tommy exposed that, and because he wouldn't back down, because he was that symbol of resistance, so much is now happening.
So I want to tell the men of America and the men of the UK and the men of the world, you think you're getting ahead going and parasailing on the weekend and, you know, going and playing tennis and having fun and filling your calendar up with stuff that makes you have a good time.
None of that stuff has any value if you're not being a man and standing up for civilization and women and children.
And you've advocated your responsibility, your office, as a man.
And so the symbol of a man like Tommy Robinson, who doesn't want to praise himself, he's under attack, he's really stressed out, we know that.
The symbol of someone willing to step into the crucible, into the fiery furnace, and do the right thing.
That's the archetype that will lead us out of Egypt.
And so a Tommy Robinson is a modern-day Moses.
Infowars, even the Time Magazine, like eight years ago, said Alex Jones is the mad prophet, the Moses of the Tea Party.
And that was an accurate statement by them.
I'm not comparing myself to Moses of Exodus.
I'm saying the enemy sees Tommy Robinson and Donald Trump and Alex Jones as a potential Moses.
If Joe Rogan He knows I don't kiss his ass here on air just like get favor with him.
He's busy.
I'm busy.
He's a candidate for that.
So it's an archetype.
So I'll say this to Tommy and go back to him.
He's back on tomorrow with more updates.
But I wanted to say this to Tommy.
He knows I don't kiss his ass here on air just to like get favor with him.
He's busy, I'm busy.
None of us want anything from each other except victory.
But I'll say this to the listeners.
I'm not jealous about men's good looking wives.
And I'm not jealous about guys that have helicopters or whatever.
But when I said, pray for Tommy, I'm a little greedy.
That's not how God works.
Because I want the prayer.
I know how powerful prayer is.
When I start saying, give him prayers, that's when a little bit of the greediness in me goes, I want the prayers.
The point is, is that it's real.
So, I'm going to ask listeners and viewers.
We have to humble ourselves and go before God, and we have to pray to God to give us hearts of courage and discernment and understanding.
And if you ask God for that, watch out though, you'll get it.
And God will see what you can handle.
Like Tommy said, he couldn't handle it a lot 10, 13 years ago, but God builds you up, God makes you strong, underweight, so you can really face the monsters.
And Tommy's doing that.
I don't think there's anybody out front more than I am, except Tommy.
Tommy's a little bit in front of me.
And I'm not in competition.
My God, I can see he's about to be vaporized.
But the point is, is that we are at the vanguard, ladies and gentlemen.
So I'm going to say this right now and then go to Tommy.
pray to God and in the name of your son Jesus Christ to put up a hedge of
protection around Tommy and to give him intense discernment and your your mind
and to lead God and direct him and Tommy wants you he's already in your bosom and
just Tom because you're a free will God we know that but Tommy just asked and I
asked that you just take us over God that you give us the new spirit of who
you are because our flesh is strong We need you to lead God and direct us and we just ask
whatever your will is you operate it through us We are ready
We are ready a hundred percent and we ask for all the listeners and viewers to pray for Tommy
to pray for info wars to pray for truth to pray for justice to pray for the little children in bondage and to pray that
men become men again and become strong and stand against evil
and that all of those trying to destroy Tommy and threaten his children and
threaten his wife and Manipulate him into conflict to destroy him that all of
them like like like Saul On the road to Damascus that they be shown the light
however you show them God However, you show them and that they understand that they
will not be successful So please pray for Tommy Robinson, listeners.
Please pray for him and his family, because that's really the great power.
And bigger than supporting us financially or even spreading our articles and videos.
Praying for us and praying for yourself and praying for your children and getting a connection to God.
That's what the enemy fears.
And that's why they assault Christian culture and Christian society.
So Tommy, I appreciate you letting me rant there.
God bless you.
I'll just say amen to that and just other points you'd like to make.
You're encircled.
You're under siege because you've done great things, because your spirit stood against evil.
And don't worry about the lies they tell.
We know their lies, brother.
Just keep doing what you're doing and be safe, and like I told you, pull back a little for now, because you've already exponentially, the symbol of what you've done has already spread so fast that just you remaining alive, or not letting them kill you in a scripted event that demonizes you, just staying alive, my friend, every week, every month, is a victory.
Do you see what I'm saying?
Yeah, I only know one way, Alex, and that is to fight straight back.
So essentially, the people who come to my children's home, the people that sent them there, I've been already for the last 48 hours building a dossier.
Do you know what I found?
Which you will all see, the world will see.
I found that these groups who work with our government groups, there's a group called Resisting Hate.
I have video footage of the darkest pornographic videos made by the leaders of this organization.
The faces who sit on interviews on TV.
Tommy, of course, they're Satanists!
I know!
You're fighting the pedophile vampires!
I have the video.
Tell us who they are.
Tell us about the dossier.
When is this coming out?
I know you were telling me earlier off-air.
I'm now going to Put this together properly so I can show the world saying, here's this group, here's who they work with, here's the evidence of the government working with this group.
And then the most telling part is because the gloves are off.
Docks in people's addresses.
I'm coming knocking on every one of their doors.
I've already found out where they all live.
I'm going to be walking in their places of work with cameras.
I'm going to show the world.
Who these people are.
And you know what?
What they've done is by endangering my wife and my children, essentially.
I've known a lot of this information.
I've known where a lot of these operatives live and I've done nothing.
Because I don't want to bring trouble to someone's door.
But I'm now going to show the world the next time these profiles and these people say these things and support these groups.
They crossed the line.
They drew first blood.
They crossed the line.
I'm going to make sure every single one of their neighbours, everyone in their roads, everyone in their community knows the deep, dark, sadistic side of their life.
But Tommy, that's what I'm saying.
And I know you're a Christian, but I'm going to talk to you about this.
I know you're a humble man, but you're asking for God's protection and you're asking for Christ's protection, right?
I need some protection because I'm coming off... Essentially, when I look at what we've gone through so far, I know.
I sit here comfortably knowing that they are sitting watching this and they're terrified.
Tommy, I know you're a godly man.
I'm going to come to England soon and see you.
I know you're a Christian.
I'm saying you have to publicly... I'm not telling you what to do.
Just ask for the listeners' prayers.
Are you asking for God's protection?
Just say, God, I need your protection.
I need as many prayers as I can get, Alex.
I need as many prayers as I can get because Tommy, before I ever talk to you, of course devil worshippers that are into pedophilia are against you.
That's who we're fighting.
You expose them.
Who do you think they are?
And now you're all freaked out going, they're a bunch of devil worshipper pedophiles.
Brother, you're fighting literal vampires.
You don't just think these people rape kids.
You know what they do.
You caught them feeding them into the kebab machines.
I want to show these left-wing activist groups that the media are in bed with, working with the government-funded organizations, and what they're What this group does, this group comes out and they attack, harass, bind, and they work with Antifa to silence and shut everyone up.
But those people who thought they could sit behind their computers and play a little game of people's lives are going to realize that it's real life.
Stay there, do five more minutes.
Tommy Robinson is on fire.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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We'll be right back with Tommy Robinson.
Stay with us.
This young fella put himself in front of me and wouldn't move.
So they get to go free and go about their life and possibly attack someone else.
And I'm here to left with the aftermath of this bull.
Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter.
I think that there's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.
This is about the closest I'll probably ever have in my life to an I am Spartacus moment.
You know, that whole, suddenly America's like, the biggest oil producer and the biggest... That was me.
His family was bitterly opposed to their relationship because she was part Native American.
We landed in one of those corkscrew landings and ran out because they said there might be sniper fire.
Why do we keep making the same mistake?
Because we're desperate to get Trump out of office.
With the return address said in big red, you know, like, CAPS.
Did I make that up too?
Believe in something.
Even if it never happened.
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So if you're the globalists, you buy off the governments, You buy off the media, you buy off the universities.
And anybody that says, hey, we don't want 20 million military-age men here, well, you just arrest them.
And you think everybody will just stand down.
Dozens arrested for erecting anti-migrant, the media says, Christian cross in Greece.
The government's torn down other crosses, saying crosses are offensive to the invading Muslim hordes.
Stand up and be counted for what you are about to receive.
We are the dealers!
You get everything you need.
So Tommy, in closing, you'll be back with us tomorrow, if the board is willing.
Incredible footage we aired earlier.
This is the level the left has gotten to.
They're doing this here in the U.S.
now as well, trying to provocateur, trying to set people up, trying to do this.
It shows how desperate they are.
And I agree, you should fight politically, legally.
You should go out and dox them back and expose them and show their connections to media and government.
I'm just saying you have to understand, my friend, they're so threatened by you.
They've got a timeline that they've seen that they want you taken out soon.
And so all I'm saying is know when to hold them, know when to fold them.
Can we come in with a gambler?
He'll be gone, but next segment.
I'm saying there's no one to hold them, no one to fold them, no one to walk away, no one to run.
And I'm just saying, never count your money when you're sitting at the table.
And the money we're trying to count is free children and a free world.
You see what I'm saying, Tommy?
I know what you mean.
I said, because my instinct has already told me to go straight.
Straight and react.
But I'm not gonna.
I am going to make it into a real documentary.
I think you sue them.
I think you go to the police department.
You report the harassment.
I think you make a huge deal out of what they're doing.
I've reported the harassment.
Christmas Eve, they were stood outside my children's house with balaclavas on and masks.
I told the police who it was.
They've done nothing.
I want to say shame on your neighbors.
You know, there were men outside somebody's house that I knew harassing.
I know I hear you, Tommy.
I say you need to stand down and then I start flipping out and listening to you.
Yeah, the police have done nothing.
The police have done nothing.
In fact, the police have left it open and they've allowed them... In fact, the police actually walked one of them.
Because when my wife had rang the police, the police actually walked one of them all the way up so that he could come right out to the front of the property.
And let's be clear, these police are SJW University scum.
Just like here in the US, these are anti... Describe who these police and who our enemies are.
I mean, these are traitors.
They are.
To be honest, the hierarchy.
When I meet the individual police officers, I met with counter-terrorism again today.
Sure, but the specialist political police is what I'm saying.
Yeah, the political police, yeah.
And I just say to them, how is this allowed to go on?
How is a campaign of hate being allowed to be targeted at innocent women and children for six months?
And you let it happen.
And then they let it happen so much because they probably think, as a man, I'll react.
And then they have listening devices sat waiting.
So then they hear me.
If I was to plan to react or talk about reacting, boom, I'm in jail.
I'm in jail.
And that's what I think they've been prodding me and provoking me.
Well, here's the good news, Tommy.
Just like with their attempted set-ups of me, no one's buying it.
So as long as you stay alive, you win.
I'm saying you've already done so much.
There's famous cases in World War II, guys won the Congressional Medal of Honor and were in like, you know, two tours and all this and they were like, I'm going back and they get shot their first day back on the job.
All I'm saying is, I agree.
Do whatever your gut tells you, but at the same time, you're awesome.
We want to keep you alive because you're a major leader and we love you, Tommy.
We love you, Tommy.
Thanks, Alex.
Alex, we, you know, I'll say again, you know what you're sitting in that studio, you need one in Europe.
You need one in Europe.
If we had the funds, we'd do it.
I'm trying to set it up.
You know, Paul's into his own thing now, and I'm trying, brother.
That's why.
Well, listen, we'll talk soon.
Come on the show tomorrow, and we love you, Tommy, alright?
Thanks, everyone.
Alright, he's a great guy.
Listen, you know, I don't get other guys to want to kiss their ass like this.
He's been tortured in prison.
He's exposed a little pedophile network.
And that's what we need men to act like.
Tommy Robinson is what we need to act like.
I've got some really good news.
I've got some really good news, though.
X2's back.
The original X2.
Deep-earth crystal, pure atomic iodine.
What you want.
It'll be here in a week.
Manufactured in the U.S.
With the best iodine in the world.
X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another deep-earth crystal source.
But I thought, add the other two types of iodine.
The scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in fullwarestore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
If you want to pre-order X2, the ultimate iodine out there, learn about the iodine conspiracy, learn about IQs dropping when you don't have it, learn about how the other iodines are bound, Get yours today at mfullworthstore.com or mfullworthslife.com.
We were both too tired to sleep, so we took turns a-staring.
Out the window at the darkness, till boredom overtook us.
And he began to speak.
He said, son, I've made a life out of reading people's faces and knowing what the cards were by the way they held their eyes.
So if you don't mind my saying, I can see you're out of aces for a taste of your whiskey.
I'll give you some advice.
Radio Television Marti is an international broadcaster based in Miami, Florida, which transmits news in Spanish to Cuba.
Funded by the U.S.
After airing a video that exposed billionaire George Soros of being an operative of the Rothschild banking dynasty, Senator Jeff Flake and Bob Menendez called for an investigation.
Eight staffers were fired and accused of being anti-Semitic.
The video, aired by Isabel Cuervo, suggests that George Soros has been working for globalist forces to undermine societies worldwide.
John Lansing, director of the United States Agency for Global Media, which oversees radio and TV Marti, issued a statement Wednesday saying that the report was a blatantly anti-Semitic video segment about George Soros that was deeply offensive and wholly inconsistent with our professional standards and ethics.
Here now is the video in question.
George Soros really had to rise to the top of his empire.
George Soros was really a small fish, a low-ranking banker and even a failure, ignored by the US authorities, when he became a great player with the help of none other than Dolores Rothschild, operating from Switzerland.
The key person who really helped create the Quantum Fund was a former Rothschild banker named George Carl Weiss, who operated outside of Switzerland and provided a lot of funds for Soros operations in the Quantum Fund.
So the name Rothschild and the British Empire have been related for centuries.
And that's a good point to start with.
Secondly, an important thing about George Soros and the British Empire is his policy.
Look at what his key policy is.
Number 1.
Implementing at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, the British Opium War against Russia, the United States and the developed countries.
The strategy of the Opium War was one of the most effective operations of the British Empire.
At the height of the global power of the British Empire in the 19th century, when they used drugs to subdue the people.
This has been the trademark of George Soros, operating not only through his financial empire, but also through his so-called charitable work, his philanthropic or non-governmental activities, more notably the Institute of Studies for an Open Society and the Foundation for Drug Policy.
George Soros has been one of the oldest owners of Baracobaba.
That the U.S.
and I will have to accept it and face it.
But it happens that, first of all, in terms of channelization, they allocated hundreds of thousands of dollars to support
the first steps of Obama's political career.
Second of all, Obama himself is the...
And again, that's part of Greg Reese's report that's in Spanish,
that the U.S. government funded, exposing Soros.
But now they've all been fired.
No when to walk away.
No when to run.
You never count your money.
A little bit of Kenny Rogers for a moment there.
All right, let's get serious here.
I was like, hey, run that promo about How U.S.
government news into Cuba fired eight reporters as they exposed George Soros' real admitted history.
Like, if George Soros commits crimes or does corrupt things, why does it matter that he's Jewish?
But the media that always goes, It's anti-Semitic because he's Jewish.
It'd be like if a Scottish person or a Russian person or a Japanese person or a Mexican person committed a crime, you don't go, well, Manuel whatever robbed a bank, so it's anti-Mexican.
Or a guy with Jones did something wrong, so it's anti-Welsh.
But that's what they do.
So I was thinking, hey, air that video until like, oh wait a minute, it's in Spanish.
But they fired eight people involved with it, so far, for pointing out things that were admitted about George Soros.
The full ban report is up on InfoWars.com.
That's one of my little brain farts, where I'm like, oh yeah, air that, oh wait, part of it's in Spanish, we can't do that.
So there's your bit of bilingual programming here today.
The full report is up on InfoWars.com.
It's titled, Eight Journalists Investigated and Fired for Reporting on George Soros.
Well, like I said, when I was a kid, my mom would have a little color TV in the kitchen because she cooked breakfast.
It was a weekend lunch and dinner.
But, you know, my mom was a big cook.
She was a big cook.
Not as big a cook as she used to be.
My dad's more the cook now.
You know, he was always a good cook.
She'd always cook a big dinner, and she'd have that color TV on, and when I wasn't outside with my friends, I'd sit there and watch PBS or the nightly news, and it was like, George Soros, criminal currency speculator, attempts to crush the pound.
George Soros involved funding terror organizations.
And then later, it's like, George Soros, he, you know, golden eggs come out of his rear end every day, and everyone flies around and just worships him, and he's the best person ever.
So, all I get is pain for messing with George Soros.
But it's almost like I can't stop.
It's like, oh, I'm not supposed to do that?
Well, let me do it then.
At the end of the day, though, I got a bunch of clips I haven't gotten to.
I got a ton of news that just broke on InfoWars.com.
In fact, I saw those articles during the break.
Will you guys print me the latest on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com?
And I just want listeners to realize the globalists are working around the clock To shut down any of our articles or our videos so that when you hand share them via text message, that's got the highest open rate out there.
When you share them via email, when you share them via word of mouth, hey, you've heard this guy's so evil.
You've heard he's so bad.
Tune in and hear for yourself.
It's shocking.
And then you tune in and people are like, well, I totally agree with that.
That's common sense.
So that's why they spend all their time constantly trying to shut us down.
Because here's the deal.
I don't demographically look and go, oh, my listeners are Christian.
I'm going to talk about Jesus.
That's the big no-no on conservative talk radio.
That's the big no-no on cable.
You can talk about God, some.
But you talk about Jesus, and the power of Jesus, and the fact that Jesus saves, and the fact that we're in a spiritual battle, they want you off the air.
Because it's so powerful.
And again, here's the issue.
I know Tommy's a Christian.
He's a strong guy, a good guy, admiring.
I've had private conversations with him.
And I'm like, Tommy, you need to call on Jesus Christ.
He goes, I do, I believe in God, but I've just got to do the right thing.
He's so humble, it's kind of like, I've got to do it myself, I'm a man, I'm going to beat them.
No, Tommy.
When you call on Jesus, that's the key.
You have to call on Jesus, because Jesus is about free will.
They hate that name, Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ.
You have to call on God and say, Because Tommy already knows his best works are rotten rags.
So are mine.
God, though... God's not a rapist.
God's the opposite of a rapist.
And so it's kind of like guys that...
It's not a sexual thing, but it's an allegory.
We're the bride and God's the groom.
And see, God doesn't rape people.
The devil rapes.
The devil sneaks in and takes over free will and tries to drug you up, manipulate you, take control of you.
That's not what God does.
God wants you begging for it.
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Here, let me give you a little dose of what this is.
Can you handle that?
God has these long relationships.
that go decades before you really get to know God.
I mean, I get, here's the thing, I learned more about God in a year now
than I learned in all the previous years now.
And I'm not saying I'm some sage or some, but let me tell you something, I mean,
I get to, whoa, I'm like, whoa, yeah, oh yeah.
See, average people can't handle this.
God gets you ready.
And I wanna just keep pushing 'til I really see the mind of God.
I worship Jesus Christ.
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InfoWars Life Strength and Recovery Combo Alpha Power is basically Supramel Vitality, but it's not cold-pressed.
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review as a five-star review.
And I'm somebody that's probably tried about every protein bar out there.
For people that eat protein bars, you know that a protein bar that's really stacked with protein and vitamins and nutrients usually doesn't taste that great.
I tried the InfoWars Life Protein Bar, the peanut butter chocolate one today, which has 15 grams of protein in it, and I gotta tell you, you eat this, you would not think it's a protein bar.
So I don't know what they've done in the lab over there at InfoWars Life to make this InfoWars Life Protein Bar, but wow.
I was eating a double fudge brownie, and then I looked at the wrapper, and it was the InfoWars Life peanut butter chocolate protein bar.
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The brand new InfoWars Life protein bar is at InfoWarsStore.com.
So support the InfoWar by going to InfoWarsStore.com.
And check out some other great specials.
I've got some really good news, though.
X2's back.
The original X2.
Deep-earth crystal, pure atomic iodine.
What you want.
It'll be here in a week.
Manufactured in the U.S.
With the best iodine in the world.
X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another deep-earth crystal source.
But I thought, add the other two types of iodine.
The scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact that we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in fullmorestore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
If you want to pre-order X2, the ultimate iodine out there, learn about the iodine conspiracy, learn about IQs dropping when you don't have it, learn about how the other iodines are bound, Get yours today at m4warsstore.com or m4warslife.com.
I cannot believe we even produced this.
I mean, this, this, this is insane.
I said, I'm a game changer.
I'm a guru.
I'm a scientist.
I'm an activist.
And, and, and, and other people aren't willing to do it.
And, and, and I'll tell you right now.
I'm here to ram heads with you!
Energy drinks are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Well, it's not me, it's you.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Gosh, it's bad.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Now, did you hear what I just said?
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Brr, it's bomb.
So let me just work out.
Well, we've done it, ladies and gentlemen.
All of the T upload enzymes.
All of the T upload enzymes.
All of the T upload enzymes.
I think this is good.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, we're about to take some of our first phone calls in the new studio.
Here, TV viewer, you can see it.
On any issue you want to discuss, give me that number here in just a moment.
A lot of good news came in in the last 15-20 minutes that's up on InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
And, you know, I really care about Tommy Robinson.
I know he's a Christian.
I know he loves God.
And there's this humbleness where people don't want to call on God to protect them, but I was really trying to get him to do that because he has to receive it.
God doesn't force things on people.
You have to receive it.
And that's what I was really trying to do here.
And I know people get turned off by church, by the corruption in the church.
That's all been done by design.
The enemy, the globalists, are always trying to destroy our connection to God and hurt the innocent.
And this really is a good and evil battle.
And we could talk all day about politics and about all this news.
I've got all this.
I did all this preparation last night, today.
I've got hundreds of articles, dozens of incredible video clips.
But the day I started promoting Jesus Christ 10 years ago, I was already a Christian.
But they didn't care about me exposing 9-11 being staged with the Muslims.
They didn't care about any of that.
It was when I started saying, this is a spiritual battle run by pedophiles.
That's when they wanted me off the air.
Because that's what it is.
And the good news is that's what it is.
The bad news is that's what it is.
If we just are good people and love God and love justice, doesn't mean we're perfect, but we're not out to hurt people.
We're on the right team.
And I wasn't being dramatic.
They don't have police staking him out.
People with pit bulls say they're going to rape his kids on Facebook for no reason.
They're getting ready to kill Tommy.
I give it about a 20-30% chance he's dead in about a month.
And I don't say it to be dramatic.
I really think you can see the angel of death flying around Tommy.
And hell, it's flying around here too, so I'm not wishing death.
But you know what?
It is what it is.
We do the things we do because it's the right thing to do, but I did it so people recognize the danger Tommy's in.
Because they were able to demonize me to a certain extent.
They've not been successful with Tommy.
Tommy's a real weapon for freedom.
And because he is.
He doesn't have a low IQ.
He's a smart guy, but he still is a man who's ready to fight.
And people recognize that they like that.
They like the fact that we see the enemies manipulating that in him.
Manipulating that in him.
And Tommy is who he is because he's done the right thing.
But there's a certain point.
Certain point where you just hold back a little bit.
And then you get everything.
And believe me, if I had six masked guys with a pitbull outside my house, you know, I'm giving Tommy my own advice is what I'm saying.
Because it would sure feel good, wouldn't it?
It'd sure feel good to go out there and take a baseball back to all their heads while they cry for their mommy.
Then in the end, they'd be the victims.
Whereas we just wait a little longer.
We just take a little more.
While they're chewing our legs off like a bunch of piranhas.
But our brain and our heart's still there while they're eating our legs.
They talk about putting his kids in wood chippers.
That's their favorite thing.
While you're chewing our legs off, we're getting the word out.
We're winning.
We're building an army.
And so we hold it all the way to the last moment.
Right as those piranhas are chewed into our brain, and our last operation is to push the button.
And that's victory.
And then all these followers of all these evil people, they fall.
They fail.
I want to hit this at the start of the next big segment coming up, so I'll get to it next segment, but here's some of the headlines.
Fake news!
AOC tweets false video that accuses CPAC of Islamophobia.
We're into that.
Iowa committee passes bill saying there's no right to kill babies in abortions after
they're born.
Washington provokes Beijing with B-52 bombers flying over South China Sea.
Trump fulfills terminally ill man's dying wish with phone call.
Trump loves those personal touches.
Media outlet recommends single woman go hiking alone in Morocco.
Yeah, because they almost all get kidnapped or murdered.
So it's a leftist fetish to say, go hike alone, it's liberal.
Now, the left is a very sick group of people.
They're satanic, though.
They can trick you into doing something, like low-key, they think it's funny.
We'll also continue, study bandages infused with electricity better than antibiotics.
Oh, electrochemical, like silver.
Silver triggers your electrochemical activity in your body.
So we're going to get into all of that.
And we've got Ilhan Omar should be removed from Foreign Affairs Committee.
American Islamic Forum for Democracy president says.
And again, what do you think you do?
Because I'm sure Somali folks are great people.
I just know they have a failed civilization and I'd be kidnapped in five minutes there.
And statistically, areas with Somalis have very high crime rates.
I have a little stack here.
Somali community demands Minnesota police do more to stop their crime.
And it's like, you don't have a governor for whatever reason.
You just kill each other.
You kill everybody.
It's a fact.
It's the culture.
Like, you talk about bullfighting, you think about Spain, or you think about, you know, bear wrestling, you think about Russia, or you think about America, you think about whatever.
But, I mean, Somalia, they still sell women into sex slavery, and so we import people, and then put them up on a big pedestal, and then they start saying they hate America, and Israel, and everybody else, and you're like, well, why?
Because that's who you are.
And then Democrats can't imagine and know why that's happening.
We're going to go to break, come back and cover all that.
First off, because I've done two hours and 26 minutes, I'm not plugged properly.
It's very simple.
I go out and see what is the top selling best rated product in the country, whether it's a multivitamin or whether it's fish oil or whether whatever it is.
I say we're going to private label that.
And we're going to then sell it for a lower price.
But then products like DNA Force, I go out and say, okay, PQQ, Bio PQQ, CoQ10, organic stuff with this dose is either synthetic and it's $150 or it's organic and organically derived and it's $500.
I'm not going to mark it up six, seven times.
I'm going to sell it at 100% markup for $150.
percent markup for $150. That's how much again the product is costing. Then I
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This is powerful stuff.
So, DNA Force, 33% off, sold out for six months.
It's back in stock at InfoWarsStore.com.
Very hard to procure this type of product.
InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, or 888-253-3139.
And look at those reviews.
three three one three nine and look at those reviews look at those reviews for
DNA force 98% approval rating it is an incredible 97% and so it's all there DNA
force plus in full restore calm and force like that it did have thousands of
reviews but once you made it plus it was stronger we had to call it a new
product so it's got limited reviews still 97% know someone I've got some
Some really good news though.
X2's back.
The original X2.
Deep-earth crystal, pure atomic iodine.
What you want.
It'll be here in a week.
Manufactured in the U.S.
With the best iodine in the world.
X2, it's available.
I thought X3's great.
We still got another deep-earth crystal source.
But I thought, add the other two types of iodine.
The scientists that do that.
It's sold a lot, but people want original X2.
Well, I was resigned to the fact we didn't have X2, but it came through about a month ago.
We now have X2 again, and in fullwarestore.com, so hallelujah!
It's been sold out for about almost three months, but we have now had the same company, the original X2, develop it again, and we were able to do the exact same formula.
If you want to pre-order X2, the ultimate iodine out there, learn about the iodine conspiracy, learn about IQs dropping when you don't have it, learn about how the other iodines are bound, Get yours today at Infowarsstore.com or Infowarslife.com.
I planned every segment today to wear a different t-shirt.
I just get too focused on the news and don't do it.
But if you're a TV viewer, you can see it.
It's Don't California My USA.
And it's got Infowars.com on the right hand shoulder with the American flag.
Don't California my USA.
There's no reviews of this shirt because it just came in.
It's brand new.
And without you funding us, we will not be here.
And again, even if you're not a big T-shirt person, we have some for women as well.
Gold foil, Moen lobby shirts that women love.
We have some more shirts for women.
Women have really been requesting them.
We have some for the more of the female cut.
My wife likes to wear them around.
And it's kind of choose your own adventure.
And I've tried to explain this before.
You wear a big, in-your-face, red InfoWars shirt.
That's about as obnoxious as you're going to get.
And you're going to meet a lot of friends and a lot of cool people.
Look at that.
It's got a bunch of reviews, five stars, 100% review.
American flag, InfoWars.com, InfoWars.com on the front.
That shirt is the best seller.
And that's for people that really want to, you know, go out and exercise the First Amendment.
But if you wear just an IW hat, only patriots know what that is.
And then you're just getting the love, not the hate.
Or if you wear a Molon Labe, you don't think leftists can speak Latin or know that means come and take it.
All they do is talk about how smart they are and listen to NPR and the little snake voices all day.
We've got over 100 t-shirts.
Some are steadfast.
One design I made 20 years ago.
22 years ago now.
Mass murderers agree gun control works.
I sat there on Photoshop and put Hitler, Stalin, and Mao by each other.
On the back it says, politicians love disarmed peasants, which I got from a bumper sticker.
Then we've got all these great designer shirts with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln on them.
So we've got high-end shirts that are great.
It'll be 50 bucks at the mall.
They're 25 bucks here.
We've got other shirts that are as low as $9.95.
It's all there.
Trump 2020.
Won't tread on me.
Re-elect 45.
Bill Clinton's a rapist.
Hey, show them the George Washington.
That's really good, soft, high-quality fabric.
That's one of my favorite shirts I wear, is the George Washington.
And it's him from his, before the French-Indian War, when he was a colonial scout, expanding the frontiers as a scientist.
And as an engineer, he was out there surveying.
And so that's kind of the George Washington without the tomahawk and a musket in his hand.
A great shirt.
And like I said, the fabric's so good and it's so high-quality.
I think the shirt cost like seven, eight bucks.
It is a great deal.
The point is, you don't buy the products, we don't spread the word, we lose.
You get them, we win.
But, I mean, it's an adventure.
Don't California my USA.
Who wouldn't want to wear a shirt like that?
Or Alexandria Cortez as the dog?
You know, she said, we'll have you subpoenaed or arrested, Donald Trump Jr., because you said, socialists eat their dogs, capitalists walk them.
So I said, okay, well, we'll just put that shirt on.
And I predict it to be a bestseller.
It is.
I've done two runs.
This is the last run.
We're going to come out with a new variant of the Cortez shirt.
But this limited edition is about to go the way of the Goonie Bird, which means extinct.
So if you want it, info or short.com or triple a two five three three one three nine
You're listening to the alex jones show So
So So
Foreign Foreign
(upbeat music)
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I plan to take a few phone calls.
On whatever issue you want to cover, whatever topic you want to hit, whatever you've heard us get into, 877-789-2539.
We'll get you up and on the air.
877-789-2539. 877-789-Alex. We'll get you up and on the air.
Again, 877-789-2539. I do have an information overload here.
I mean, I get up here and pontificate about Jesus Christ because I love God and the enemy hates God and I want to defeat the globalists, but it's not for lack of news here or lack of clips or lack of stories to cover.
And so I'm just sitting back here thinking, wow, I'm two hours and 34 minutes in and why I've only gotten a couple of these clips.
In fact, I should have opened the whole broadcast up with this.
Because how can the left criticize Trump when all he's trying to do is end the Afghan war and end the Syrian war and save us hundreds of billions of dollars a year and it's the right thing to do?
How on earth is that something they won't support?
And national polls are a bunch of warmongers.
So, Rand Paul, end Afghanistan war and pay all soldiers a victory bonus.
That's a great idea.
Here's that clip.
This week I'm introducing legislation to end a war that should have ended long ago, the war in Afghanistan.
The United States has been fighting the war on terror since October of 2001, and it has cost $6 trillion.
and it has cost six trillion dollars.
2,300 military members have lost their lives and another 20,000 were wounded in action.
I supported going to war in Afghanistan in 2001, attacking those who harbored the 9/11 terrorists
or helped to organize the attack on 9/11, and going after al-Qaeda.
But we are many, many years past that mission.
We have turned to nation-building at a cost of over $50 billion a year spent in Afghanistan.
It's important to know when to declare victory and leave a war.
I think that time is long past, but hopefully we can all agree that the time has come.
President Trump has called for an end to this war and made this statement in his State of the Union.
He said that great nations do not fight endless wars.
I agree, and now I'm pushing forward to end our long-running war in Afghanistan.
My legislation would declare victory in Afghanistan.
Osama bin Laden was killed eight years ago.
They say al-Qaeda is virtually wiped out.
According to the Department of Defense, by 2009 there were less than 100 al-Qaeda soldiers left in Afghanistan.
And a June 2018 Defense Department report stated that few remaining al-Qaeda corps members are really focused on their own survival.
My bill also rewards those who served.
Within one year after the war ends, a $2,500 victory bonus will be paid to all members of the military who served in the global war on terrorism.
Since 2001, more than 3 million men and women have been deployed.
Each of them will get $2,500.
This would be a one-time cost of $7 billion, and an immediate savings of over 83% when compared to the current yearly cost of nation-building.
So we're spending 50-some-odd billion there.
We're going to take $7 billion of that, give bonuses to our soldiers, and then what we're going to do is the rest of it will be a peace dividend, and from here on out we'll save about $50 billion a year.
We don't need to be wasting that $50 billion.
And there's no doubt much of it is wasted.
We spent $60 million building a luxury hotel in Kabul.
A hotel that was never completed.
A hotel that actually terrorists climb up in and can shoot down at us.
We spent $43 million on a natural gas gas station, even though no one has a car that runs on natural gas in Afghanistan.
$750 million went to a project to build electrification for land that we didn't even own and that the Taliban kept blowing up.
$210 million went to build a new Afghan government building.
My question is, when are they going to pay for their own stuff?
Why does Uncle Sam have to be Uncle Sap and pay for everything?
The list is ongoing and incredibly insulting to American taxpayers.
It's time to declare our mission over and our war won.
It's time to build here, not there.
But that's why they want to keep us there, because the trillion, $6 trillion, not $1 trillion, not $2 trillion, not $3 trillion, not $4 trillion, not $5 trillion, $6 trillion.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
And then meanwhile, China gets all the rare earth minerals.
We pay for their security there, so that they get all the different rare earth minerals to build all the smartphones and the crap that we buy.
We are doing this as a subsidy to China.
It has to end.
We're going to go to break here in a few minutes, but I want to go to a call or two before we do that.
I also have Hillary Clinton.
When I saw her say yesterday that she wasn't going to run, then she came back and said, well, maybe I am going to run.
She wants to run, folks.
She says she's running.
Now she's talking about being a VP as well.
I'll talk about that coming up, but she's not given up yet.
And we told you that.
It doesn't mean she's going to run, but she intends to.
You know, everybody's against her.
This woman is on a lust for power.
All right, let's go ahead and take some phone calls here.
Let's talk to Geronimo in Wisconsin.
Geronimo, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I have heard recently that you've been a little stressed out.
Completely understandable.
And seeing you upset recently with all these bullies and bullying.
Uh, that guy who was calling you like a baby on the phone and stuff.
And then, uh, obviously yesterday with the Dorsey and the Tony lady.
And then some other, uh, some third thing where... No, no, it's true that I can handle stress until I can't.
Like, I think I can handle any of this.
But then I kind of, like, get a little weird sometimes, so I apologize for that.
There's nothing to apologize.
You should never apologize for being human.
You know, human emotions.
Well, I wanted to offer a stress tip for you.
A couple of your other guests have mentioned Taoism, and the Tao is very hard to read, but I highly recommend you listen to Stuart Wilde's 33 Steps for Self-Enlightenment.
It's kind of, it's not really him, it's more he's like a summarizer for the Tao.
They call him like the drunkard's guru.
And I think that would, uh, I've seen it help a lot of similar people like you before.
Kind of high octane.
I've heard of Stuart Wilde, and I've heard of that.
I should probably do that.
Because here's the deal.
I care about everything that's true, and then I kind of flip out sometimes, you know?
That's normal.
It's okay.
That's all I have, though.
You have a nice day.
God bless you, brother.
I'll look into it.
I appreciate the tip.
Let's go ahead.
I guess the new TV is like behind the cameras.
I can't see it.
Let's go ahead and go to Dan.
No, no, Dan's not there.
Let's go ahead and go to Marcus in Texas.
Marcus, you're on air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
So I just want to say that there's this thing that I've been hearing about called ascension, and it's like basically our destiny to eventually, you know, become The next phase of what humanity is, and you've always talked about that in a loose sense, but when you went on Joe Rogan, I could feel the singularity of everyone already being on that same wavelength that you were about to go spill the beans about, and I just want to say that there was so much gold in that and so much confirmation, and we need to talk about it.
Well, I mean, that's God's plan is for us to ascend to the next level.
And the Satanists, the globals want to keep us bound to this level and even below it.
And so they work around the clock to corrupt us, to sabotage us.
The whole culture, Hollywood, all of it is about sabotaging people so they don't get a relationship with God.
They control the churches to do it.
You'll find more demons in a church than anywhere else on average.
I'm not saying there aren't real churches.
I'm just saying that that's their plan.
Go ahead.
There's also some piece of science out there that y'all ought to look into called, basically, the Samvartika fire, which it's talked about in Hinduism, but there's an actual event taking place in our solar system where we're moving into a place in the universe where there's higher vibrations.
And so, like, our sun is going to have a reaction, and it's going to flash, and we're going to experience something.
So I think that's kind of on the, we should have that on the lookout, too.
Well, God bless.
I know the globalists are trying to suppress human consciousness with everything they do.
The 5G, the GMO, the TV, the smartphones, all of it.
God bless you.
More calls straight ahead.
I'm Alex Jones, NewsWatch.com.
The good news is...
After a year and a half long battle to secure the deep-earth crystals that nobody else has for the purest atomic iodine out there, we have been able to secure X2.
I was sure we weren't going to be able to get it.
It's a derivative that the oil companies get between 7,000 and 12,000 feet.
There's globalist industrial espionage that goes on where they try to not just take our sponsors and things, but actually stop us from getting the raw material.
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So X2, after being sold out for several months, We were able to get it back into production from its original producer, and we now have it.
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So, X2's back.
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I almost forgot.
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I forgot that part.
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A lot of you haven't.
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The bad news is, outside of our audience, People don't know that iodine is needed for electrochemical activity in the brain, or for your hormones, or for everything that happens in your body.
And if you don't have it, you absorb the bad allergens like chlorine and fluoride and other things.
So get your X2 original today and share it with people.
Tell them about the iodine conspiracy.
Because the bad news is a lot of people don't know.
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Good news for folks that are on AutoShip and InfoWareStore.com.
Sign up for AutoShip to make sure you get every month, every two months, whatever you want.
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X2's back!
Now explain to people how critical iodine is.
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X2's back!
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We went to, again, three of the top manufacturers in the country.
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and your funding supports the M4, a total 360 win.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
A preacher man.
Well, there's no doubt that they've got human animal clones now.
True abominations.
They're gonna make us recognize them.
They're gonna make us submit to them.
They're gonna make us let the clones have sex with our daughters and our sons.
They're gonna give us every disease the planet ever thought of or didn't think of.
Because Satan's mind is about diseasing God's creation.
But don't think things are that bad, because it's always dark before the dawn.
That's what I love about Jesus.
Every time you think you're beat, You call on God.
It's, it's amazing.
You know, a lot of people out here call on God and God doesn't come back, give them an answer.
And that's something I've always been superstitious about because every time I've called on God, God's answered.
But see, I don't just go around asking God for money or power.
I think I know when to ask God for something.
But I'll tell viewers and I'll tell listeners something.
That's what discernment is, is knowing when to ask God for something.
But imagine being these globalists.
It's like Louie Gohmert said three, four months ago when I was in the Senate hearing and House hearing and the head of Google was up there lying about censorship.
And Louie Gohmert sat back because he's got all this classified documents.
He knows what's going on.
He goes, you know, I don't think you know the lot of you saw it because you've never been in it.
You wouldn't know the lot of you saw it because you've never been in it.
That's a powerful statement.
I'm paraphrasing it, but you wouldn't know the lot of you saw it because you've never been in it.
And see, that's the paradox.
Those of us that don't want to kidnap kids and torture them and rape them, we're like, well, that's not going on because nobody's like that.
Oh yeah, there are a lot of people like that.
And there are a lot of people who are spiritually threatened by your gravitas.
Not your New Age Luciferian power trip, but I mean your connection to God.
They are fundamentally threatened by that because they made their deal.
They sold their birthright.
And they look at you with everything you've got and you don't even know what you've got and they're coming for you.
It's a sad situation.
But I can't even read Revelation today, because it's all coming true.
It's too scary.
And you've got the average person out there doesn't even care or know.
They're like, "Oh yeah, chemicals in the water, oh yeah, oh, oh, the animal-human hybrid's so wide, oh."
And so they're just announcing everything now.
Remember, you said they denied it.
Okay, yeah, your phones are watching and listening to you, and we're creating animal-human hybrids.
But just when I get mad at Trump and want to get angry at him, he's ordered the NSA to stop bulk spying on the general public and violate the Fourth Amendment.
He's listened to William Binney, who hasn't told me this, but I know this from sources.
He got Europe to sign on to his system that doesn't target everybody.
It works and actually targets terrorists without spying on people illegally.
The U.S.
has now adopted that.
And I'll talk to Benny later this week or the next week and, you know, obviously, they'll be like, how the hell do you know that?
I know that.
But there's a lot of amazing things going on, a lot of good things, a lot of bad things happening.
And I know the listeners, I know you know that.
But good people have been on the sidelines far too long and that's why we're in this
And that's changing now.
Christine in Washington.
You're on the air, Christine.
Thanks for holding.
Hello, Alex Jones.
This is Christine, and I'm from Washington State.
How are you doing today, buddy?
Sorry, I missed.
We got a new studio, and the phone bank's like 30 feet away, so I had trouble reading your... Christine, go ahead.
What a pretty name.
Christine's a pretty name.
Christine's a pretty name, too.
Thank you, thank you.
Hey, first off, I just wanted to say I love the products, bodies, and the coffee.
Totally my favorite products.
I use them every month.
But I actually, I had told the guys I wanted to talk about Jesus, and I do, but I wanted to lead on with that by talking about the murder of masculinity.
I was actually raised by a single father, and I know that most people don't have that story.
And at one point, I was eight years old, and we lived in an old Ford Bronco, and we were traveling down to California.
And I would fall asleep listening to Art Bell, as a matter of fact.
So I was actually raised around this whole different way of thinking.
And he passed when I was 17.
And I lost all masculine voice of reason.
And I was so angry at God.
I was so angry.
I had no one.
And I just want to thank you for being the masculine voice of reason in my life.
You know, you mean so much to me.
It's hard to explain.
And I'm shaking because I'm so nervous because I've only wanted to talk to you for years.
And I just want to thank you.
Thank you so much.
You have helped me realize that I have to rise up and I have to be somebody.
I have to make a difference all through God, and thank you for teaching us how to call on Him.
Well, Kristen, you're already doing it.
Just loving God is that connection to God.
That's all that matters.
It doesn't matter how much money you got or how successful you are.
If you love God and you're a good person, that's victory.
That's all we have to have.
That's right.
That's right.
Well, thank you.
We have the whole issue with the measles, mumps, and rubella, you know, fear-mongering going on here in Washington State.
We've got to fight it.
We have to fight it.
This whole thing, man.
Well, they're definitely wanting to push the forced inoculation.
And good for Dr. Rand Paul again.
He's come out and said you should not force people to take vaccines.
That's right, that's right.
But anyways, I just wanted to say that we love you, and we're supporting you, and the whole crew and everything, and God bless you, Alex Jones.
We love you.
Well, God bless you.
You know, your father lives on through you, so that's a beautiful story.
Yeah, they try to split men and women up from each other, and it's just great evil.
It happens to our children.
But, you know, God's gonna win in the end, and men and women are one species.
We're gonna be together forever.
They're not gonna stop.
The satanic forces are attacking what's powerful.
They'll never stop us.
They're gonna hurt a lot of us along the way.
They'll never stop us, though.
Evil will have its way with some individuals.
And a great number.
But we, we'll go forward.
They have their whole false collective.
They'll never stop us.
This attack is what will make us strong for the next level.
There's a lot of beautiful things God has in store for us.
All right, Kristen, thank you for the call.
Speaking of vaccines, let's go to Anthony in Florida.
Anthony, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, yeah.
I'm 36 years old.
In April of 1983, when I was about six months old, I received a DPT shot, and it paralyzed the left side of my body.
The temperature went to over 100 degrees.
I almost died.
For nine and a half years, my parents took me to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, because they're trying to figure out what the DPT shot was.
And we sued them, and we beat them.
But yeah, I think it had a lot to do with the fact that... Brother, I've told the story a thousand times, I'll tell it again.
My mom did not compete in swimming in college.
But then as a master, you know, she got silver medals, gold medals nationally.
I mean, she was a top competitor in long-distance swimming against former Olympic athletes.
They told the UT team, this was like 25 years ago, She was like 40 years old, where I was like 70 now.
They told her to take the flu shot.
Almost killed her, lost 30 pounds.
Could never do what she did again.
And then my uncle, my dad's brother, almost died after attempting the shot.
I mean, the doctor admitted his hands blew up, his face swole up.
I don't want to get graphic, but they said his testicles got the size of an elephant's.
I mean, it was excruciating pain for a whole week until the swelling went down.
They admitted the tetanus shot almost killed him.
So all we're saying is read the inserts.
Why do they have such bad side effects?
Because they're putting things in them.
Oh, hey, and also, too, I'd like to touch another subject.
I've been noticing how, what do you call that, with all these people, particularly in Sweden, how they're accepting to be chipped all the time.
It is definitely the blueprint.
I don't know, Sweden's begging you to get chips to get on the bus.
CBS is announcing everyone's gonna get a brain chip.
It's here!
It's here!
So of course they want us, they want you off the air.
They want us off the air when everything the Bible told us, that God told us, is coming true.
All right, thank you, buddy.
God bless you.
Hey, let me tell you something, Anthony.
All that matters is you love God.
You've got that spiritual relationship, and your souls turn towards justice and life.
You love life, you love your family, you love God, and you don't want to hurt children, and you want to be a good person.
They can't get you, Anthony.
You're out of their reach.
That's why they target the children in the schools, because they want to corrupt them early to get them.
They want to ruin them and get them forever.
They will not get them.
We will stand against them.
That's why the enemy's so mad.
Let me tell you, there's a revival happening all over the world right now.
Evil is actually failing right now.
That's why it's up on its high and legs attack.
Fourth Hour coming up.
Please spread the live legs.
PQQ with CoQ10, when it is from organically derived sources, is incredible.
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like the fish oil, because they're great products you need and it funds the InfoWarp.
Thanks for watching.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Meet your new Overlords.
Whether you are man, woman, or child, you will obey these pronouns.
This poor little first grader who said hello to the boy using his boy's name was chastised on the playground and then later called out of class and sent to the principal's office because she did not use the correct pronoun.
Respecting the fact that we are now a state recognizing the non-binary designation as a gender.
He and she, we are now merging them so that we are using what my grammar teacher would have had a heart attack over.
We are using the phrase they.
But there's a principle at stake here that you're ignoring for political reasons, and I'm a little surprised that you are.
And that is a really simple one.
It's called free speech, and you have the right to express your view.
And if other people don't like it, they don't like it.
But you can't be put in prison for saying what you think is true.
And this bill seems to ignore that long-standing right that we've enjoyed, and I find it terrifying for that reason.
And I knew you were going to say that.
I will contend that these are our employees.
They are regulated by the government.
People have sincerely held religious views about gender that are not based on malice or hatred.
But this view, Bill, seeks to make their view of gender illegal.
Now I know you all believe in the First Amendment, or you say you do, and here's my question.
How can you believe in free speech if you think the government can compel people to use certain pronouns when talking to others as this bill proposes?
Compelled speech is not free speech.
As the Federalist reported, the Supreme Court of Canada ordered that a 14-year-old girl receive testosterone injections without parental consent.
The court also declared that if either of her parents refer to her using female pronouns, Or addressed her by her birth name.
They would be considered guilty of family violence.
As previously reported, Maxine was encouraged by her school counselor in British Columbia's Delta School District to identify as a boy while in 7th grade.
When Maxine was 13 years old, Dr. Brendan Hirsch and his colleagues at BC Children's
Hospital decided that Maxine should begin taking testosterone injections in order to
develop a more masculine appearance.
As Canada slides down the slippery slope, LifeSite News reported in June of 2017, Canada's
Senate passed the Justin Trudeau Liberals Transgender Rights Bill.
The bill adds gender expression and gender identity to Canada's Human Rights Code and
to the criminal code's hate crime section.
Jack Fonseca, Campaign Life's senior political strategist, said the bill will be used to
attack Christian beliefs.
Mark my words, he said, this law will not be used as some sort of shield to defend vulnerable transsexuals, but rather as a weapon with which to bludgeon people of faith and free-thinking Canadians who refuse to deny truth.
Furthermore, the time immoral tradition of the Olympics are on the verge of collapsing due to a gray area of illegitimacy
after the trans movement, fueled by PC culture, invaded the ranks of female Olympians.
When it comes to sport, when it comes to who's the fastest, who's the strongest, when you're
running around a 400-meter track, basically from gender fluidity we're back to two biological
sexes in which those who are born male have a distinct advantage.
Where are they going wrong on that?
Well, first of all, biology is actually quite complex.
Connecticut junior Selena Soule won't be competing in the 55 meter dash.
She was edged out of the top six spots in part by two transgender runners, Andrea Yearwood and Terri Miller, both male at birth, now identifying as female.
Terri set a girls state indoor record, Andrea came in second.
It's frustrating and in a way demoralizing when you're at the start line of a race and you know What the outcome of the race is before it even happens.
They have naturally testosterone within their body that has been proven to get rid of it.
The air in the average American home is filled with toxins that put it on par with a major city.
Some of the most polluted areas on earth are major cities.
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Just a few minutes ago, before we went live, I had an emergency phone call from Tommy Robinson.
He's had leftist antifa groups that obviously work for MI5, that's come out in internal videos and documents, encamped around his home, threatening his family.
The police are staked out down the street with surveillance equipment, listening to everything happening in his house, desperately trying to set him up and send him back to prison.
for exposing the giant child kidnapping rings that have now been brought down to a great extent nationwide.
Tens of thousands of children freed in the last two years, thanks to Tommy Robinson, a living hero.
And he doesn't want me to show you the footage yet, because he's checking some legal issues, but he has the police caught, staked out working with the terrorist.
And again, earlier last week, he released exclusive documentary That was seen millions and millions of times in one day on Facebook.
His Facebook was deleted, so was his Instagram.
And the documentary we re-uploaded, Infowars.com, shows undercover BBC reporters saying that they were going to try to set Tommy Robinson up and have women make false sexual allegations against him.
And I know they've been offering people money to do that to me as well.
And you have to understand, This is criminal what they're doing.
This is absolutely criminal what they're doing.
And it's very, very dangerous.
And it's the model of how you have intelligence agencies with corrupt corporate media and then activists that act as the go-between to carry out the on-the-ground racketeering.
This is organized crime, and we've already put up with the IRS and the British IRS persecuting patriots and nationalists.
We've already put up with all the illegal spying.
We've already put up with the censorship.
So next comes the physical attacks.
Next comes the shutdown of society.
So he was scheduled to be on in the second hour.
I'm not even sure if he'll be able to be here now.
I'll be talking to him, obviously, during the breaks, but this is fast-moving news.
Myself and the producer.
And guys, I was going to ignore it and just wait till we go to break, but you guys have got a feed coming to my ear.
Yeah, I can only handle five minutes of it, so I just have to tell you on air.
Please kill it show again.
I saw that exclusive footage.
Very shocking and he may let us play it next hour if he's even here next hour.
That said, Paul Joseph Watson is here in the United States, speaking of England.
He is in the green room.
He's got a lot of big breaking news coming in at the bottom of the hour.
So you'll definitely want to join us for the latest on Brexit, the latest on the Islamification of Europe, the latest on censorship, the latest on inside baseball.
With Trump.
And so that is all going to be coming up on the broadcast here today.
We're coming to you from the new studios here in Austin, Texas on the syndicated radio slash television broadcast.
Some of the biggest news, obviously, is that the border is being purposely destroyed.
Instead of fixing it, we just have a debate about whether there's a problem or not forever.
It's like debating whether your cell phones are spying on you instead of admitting they spy on you.
Then once it's admitted, it's already ubiquitous.
And it's the same tactic about where autism's coming from and why it's getting so bad.
When they have all the studies and we know, they just keep having a debate about whether the vaccines are triggering autoimmune responses in the gut and the brain and causing autism.
We're going to be getting to all that.
And then, meanwhile, the criminalization of dissent against globalism and globalist invasion is becoming illegal all over the world.
Dozens arrested for erecting anti-migrant Christian cross in Greece.
The cross is seen as hurtful to Muslims, and so no public crosses.
Germany, Sweden, and others have been ordering churches to remove, in some cases, thousand-year-old crosses.
I'm not joking.
It's an InfoWars.com article by Ben Warren with links to mainstream news saying it's a wonderful thing to take down the crosses.
And obviously, the whole Russiagate situation has completely fallen apart.
And they've had to admit that that's all a big joke.
And Mueller's report is set to come out this week, they're now saying.
It was set to come out March 1st.
They keep moving the goalpost.
But now they've moved on to everything but Russia and all these other criminal investigations.
And they use the illegal Russia investigation as the dragnet so that they would be able to then scoop up anything and everything on associates of Trump, but then threaten them with prosecution for things like income tax evasion if they don't come out and bear false witness against the president.
And again, it's also a domino effect or a snowball effect where they have one woman come out and make false allegations against the president and his nominee.
They did it to Trump and to his Supreme Court nominee, Kavanaugh.
And then another woman, another woman, another woman, another woman, and then the women go, oh, we just made it up, because he's a Trump supporter.
He deserves it.
Very, very dangerous situation.
We're going to be looking at all of that coming up, as well as the House Democrats launch, quote, aggressive new probes.
And Mr. Schiff in the committee in the House that's going to be overseeing this, he's hired a former prosecutor.
To go after President Trump and try to derail the nationalist agenda.
So that's coming up as well today.
The first thing I want to hit, though, when we come back, is Joe Rogan knocking it out of the park.
And I'm not saying that Joe Rogan hit it out of the park because he had me on his podcast.
He hit it out of the park.
This is what everybody wanted.
He had Jack Darcy on, Jack Dorsey of Twitter.
And he told me last week at dinner he was going to have them on Tuesday, but I had to sit on that.
And then all of a sudden we're like, hey, he said he'd go live about noon or so, but he went live about 2, central,
with Jack Dorsey and Jack Dorsey's mother, Vijaya Gade.
His mommy was there to hold his hand and make sure that he was a good little boy.
And it was just unparalleled lies and BS and Joe tore them apart.
And so did journalist Tim Poole, who I'm very impressed with.
Followed his work for many years.
I know he's more of a leftist than has criticized me.
That's fine.
But he does get how the censorship really works and how it's being implemented.
Now, it's really a campaign violation, campaign finance violation, because they don't let conservatives, libertarians have speech, but everybody else can.
Very powerful two-hour interview.
I ended up watching most of it last night when I got home.
We've got some excerpts of that.
Because the woman does it again.
Vijaya Gad, the counsel, the lawyer of Twitter, says that I assaulted a child.
She says I was mean to a child.
And that's why I was taken off.
You know, what a stupid lie.
But see, it just hangs out there.
They never say who the child is.
They never show a clip.
They just, he hurt a child.
And it's like, do I have to sue you?
I don't want to be an adversary with you, lady.
But my God, I showed a clip that was on ABC, CBS, NBC, everywhere, of the big 10-year-old hitting the adult over and over again so the adult pushes him down.
We had a debate about it like everybody else did.
But they chose that, took me off YouTube, For that!
And then she came to me, get it straight, and says I was taking off Twitter for that.
And then she says I was mean to Oliver Darcy, the rat-like creature.
And Joe starts laughing, he goes, that's a public figure!
He called him a rat!
Because he goes around getting people taken off the Internet.
She goes, well, it was very hurtful.
So they let Islamic groups talk about how they're going to murder Christians and everything on Twitter all day long.
They work with Islamic countries to censor and track people.
A bunch of different people like Michelle Malkin and others are being told, you know, watch what you post on Facebook or Twitter in Islamic countries because they're reporting you.
You've got to follow Pakistani law.
I mean, it's happening to everybody right now.
These people are rampant censors, and the left is allied with radical Islam.
They have been for a hundred years.
So that's coming up.
It's powerful.
And this is what people wanted from Joe, was real questions and real answers.
And it was like a suicide mission for Jack and for his mommy, the Jaya God, to go on there because It was just overwhelmingly negative.
Everyone literally hates them.
99% of the comments.
So see, I have a 98% approval rating on YouTube.
You have a 5%.
Democrats are pushing for full-term abortions.
The infant would be delivered.
The infant would be kept comfortable.
The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired.
And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mothers.
And telling us that the future is too grim for us to think about raising a family.
There's scientific consensus that the lives of children are going to be very difficult.
Is it okay to still have children?
I told you 24 years ago that the globalists have an anti-human, anti-child agenda.
And back then, it was more secretive, only in their white papers.
Now, it's all over the news.
In fact, Alexandria Cortez, or AOC, doesn't just say you shouldn't have children, but that the world's going to end in 12 years.
And, of course, the governor of Virginia, when he's not running around in blackface, well, he's saying they're going to kill babies after they're born.
And Trump tried to get a bill passed to not kill babies after they're born, which is already the law.
And the Democrats in the Senate shot it down.
Senate Democrats just voted against legislation to prevent the killing of newborn infant children.
The Democrat position on abortion is now so extreme that they don't mind executing babies after birth.
This is America.
This is the world.
Brought to you by the technocrats, the eugenicists, the globalists.
They call themselves fascists, liberals, communists, socialists.
It's all the same.
Watch my film in-game.
It's free online until they delete it.
I made it 11 years ago.
In-game blueprint for global enslavement.
Now that said, if they can't abort a baby before it's born, or now kill it after it's born, and not fill them full of all these toxic vaccines tainted by design to brain damage them, if they can't fry us with electromagnetic cell phone radiation or GMO, or brainwash us with this toxic culture, They're going to hit us with people having major mineral and vitamin deficiencies.
And the biggest deficiency in the mainline studies in America and around the world is pure iodine.
In fact, going back in the 20s, The IQs were 15, 20, 25, 30 points lower.
There was major deformity, major gout, major problems with the thyroid.
And the federal government put a cruddy form of iodine in the salt and IQs went up on average 15 points.
The deformities went way down.
Our environment is lacking iodine.
That's why coastal populations live longer on average, because they do get some seafood that has some iodine, but a lot of that seafood is contaminated.
And of course, in the olden days, until just like a hundred years ago, people ground up bones and put it in their bread.
Fee-fi-fo-fum, I smell the blood of an Englishman, be they alive or be they dead, I'll grind their bones to make my bread.
But the good news is, for your children, for adults, for everybody, We have the pure deep earth crystal iodine in original X2 that nobody else has and nobody else has brought to market.
Now I brought out X3 because some scientists said you need all three types of iodine and some folks like it better.
But I was able to secure with the original manufacturer A better deal by breaking my deal with them and playing guts ball where it's only been sold out for a couple months and we got the new deal done just about a month ago and they are manufacturing it now so people get on the waiting list in about two weeks we'll be shipping X2 original all deep earth crystal pure atomic iodine directly to your door
Across the world x2 is back.
It'll be here in two weeks This is a blessing.
So get yours at m4store.com today again Thank you for your support the support your own body with the purest best iodine out there x2 at m4store.com Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
So I didn't invent gonzo journalism, but we definitely take it to the next level.
It's unending.
That almost every day I come in here, we're one of the top stories, or mixed in with one of the top stories, and have to respond to it.
And this is very important, obviously.
Vijaya Gade is the head lawyer for Twitter.
And she basically went and fell on her sword holding Jack's hand on the program.
And they just told Whopper after Whopper after Whopper.
And I really just didn't even know what to make of it.
Now again, Joe Rogan got torn apart by his fans a month ago when he had Jack on.
Because it was seen as a softball interview and everybody watching it experienced or seen the censorship.
So to hear him lie about it and say it wasn't going on enraged the internet.
And usually Joe has about a 90% approval rating with his votes on YouTube.
The thumbs up.
That interview had like an 80% thumbs down.
Well, Joe told me last Wednesday he was going to bring in Tim Pool, a very smart journalist, and was going to ask some serious questions.
Well, he did it.
In fact, I got home last night and ended up watching the whole thing.
We covered some of it here live on air during the war room yesterday and he tore the living hell out of Jack and out of Gaeta.
but he did it in a very gentlemanly focused way that I mean, I wish I could do.
So this is the Joe Rogan I know, this is what we wanna see,
this is what his fans wanna see, and Joe tore the living hell out of them,
especially when you know the facts.
And Tim Pool devastated them.
And you know, I don't just use words like that, devastated them.
'Cause internal Twitter documents are out there, The information's available.
They censor nationalists and conservatives, trying to make Democrats win elections.
They tailor censorship, Facebook, Google, and Twitter, for third world countries they're in, and dictatorships.
And the fact that they go, oh, it's an algorithm, or oh, it's out of context.
And then they lie and say the reason I was taken off Twitter was beating up a kid.
Well, we can put on screen, Forbes retracted that.
They ran a story that I pushed a 10-year-old over in Kansas at a, uh, Park.
That'd been on the news for years that some other person did that.
The guy doesn't even really look like me.
It doesn't matter.
I was taken off YouTube for beating up a 10-year-old I've never seen.
You guys had it during the break.
I saw the article out of Forbes for Tracks.
That's why we pulled it up during the break.
But whatever.
It doesn't matter.
Yeah, there it is.
Forbes contributor falsely claims Alex Jones assaulted child on video.
And then they had to retract it.
You might want to minimize that a little bit.
I'm just going to start correcting here on air also.
Maybe shrink the article down a little bit.
So, anyway, we didn't get to the video.
We probably won't get to it.
I don't even do the show anymore.
I'm not sure.
But, uh, you know, a lot of it is focusing on these individuals really frustrates me, because I need to show you where they retracted.
Or they will say I'm lying, and I beat up a 10-year-old!
There it is.
Why YouTube's InfoWars ban is meaningless.
And then it goes on to say Jones punches a child to the ground.
And Paul Watson defended me, thank God.
And then later they had to say, OK, that was not Jones in the video.
It doesn't matter because now the J.J.
Gade goes up on television and says this.
Here it is from the Joe Rogan podcast.
So what was it that made you ban him?
So there were three separate incidents that came to our attention after the fact that were reported to us by different users.
There was a video that was uploaded that showed a child being violently thrown to the ground and crying.
So that was the first one.
The second one was a video that we viewed as incitement of violence.
I can read it to you.
It's a little bit of a transcript.
But now it's time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag.
I know the Justice Department's crippled a bunch of followers and cowards, but there's groups, there's grand juries, there's... You called for it.
It's time politically, economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Get together the people you know aren't traitors, aren't cowards, aren't helping their frickin' bets, hedging their frickin' bets like all these other...
So this is, you're saying that this is a call to violence?
So people need to have their, and then there's a bunch of other stuff, but at the end, so
people need to have their battle rifles ready and everything ready at their bedsides.
And you've got to be ready because the media is so disciplined in their deception.
So this is, you're saying that this is a call to violence?
Now this is 10 months after they ran that hoax.
Where Lester Holt and the Southern Poverty Law Center and all the usual suspects media
matters, took a 30 minute podcast, video podcast, and out of the thousands of words I said,
they literally took words from 10 minutes before, 30 minutes later, and edited the words
in the quotes, like a word salad, like the game where you put the magnets of all the
words on the side of the refrigerator and you can spell out whatever you want or, you
know, "Hey honey, please get milk when you go out" or whatever.
Or, you know, I'll see you at church tomorrow?
That's what they did!
I said we need to legally, lawfully, through the criminal justice system, go after these people.
That's 20-something minutes later.
Earlier I say Antifa says they're going to come kill people in their homes.
Law enforcement, ICE, members of Congress.
Here's where they're saying it.
Twitter's letting them do it.
That's when I got mad.
So what do you do when you're Twitter and you're letting them say go kill people in their houses?
Well, you just say that I said that.
That's what the left does, is they turn truth upside down on its head.
So again, I beat up a kid, not true.
I said take battle rifles and attack the media.
Never said it, lady.
You came in there with notes, with written notes, that are total lies.
I could take, Dr. McHamshot, please.
I could take this Breitbart article, 200 cases of mumps confirmed in Texas migrant detention centers.
I could do that right now.
And I could take this article, and I could take words out, and then have it say whatever I wanted.
I could say, Texas Tribune reported detention centers, and then say four officials And that all government officials will be given 22 years in detention camps.
I mean, I can take this article and take words out of it and get scissors, like you do with a magazine if you kidnap somebody and you trim out the words and say, give me a million dollars, or, you know, your wife's dead, or your daughter's dead, or your son's dead.
You trim it out and then you create what you want.
And she sits there with this lawyer game, repeating an edited statement That A, I beat up a kid, I just showed you mainstream news admitting that's not true, and retracting it, and that I'm saying come with battle rifles to the media.
And then she gets into more of this crap.
This is unbelievable.
And of course the thinking is, well she's a woman.
So if Jones comes out and criticizes her, well he's attacking a woman.
It's just incredible how sanctimonious you are, and how you can't even come up with better lies.
And then she gets to the really good one when we come back.
Paul Watson's going to be here for that.
The really good one when we come back.
I was mean to Oliver Darcy, the CNN reporter that goes around lying about people and getting them banned.
I was mean to the poor little rat creature.
Oh, but don't worry, Laura Loomer just got banned off the internet, too.
Because you can't bully members of the press that bully you.
You can't even speak back to them.
After all, Alex Jones beats up 10-year-olds.
I mean, you heard her.
She said it.
We'll be right back. Stay with us.
Well, I've got some really good news for all the viewers and all the listeners.
This was going to be a big loss because we couldn't get the Deep Earth Crystals anymore.
It's been a year and a half flight, but we have the original producer, the original crystal source, the best atomic iodine in the world.
X2, ladies and gentlemen, is back.
X2 is back.
Deep Earth Crystal, not from seaweed, where it's not pure, it can be contaminated, but true atomic iodine.
We get it from the GEA approved that it has to be held in a contained facility before it's then put into the process that makes it legal to put out.
Because anybody who's watched Breaking Bad knows, true atomic iodine is used in the production of methamphetamine.
It's not a drug.
It's not bad.
It's good for you.
You have to have it.
But it's very hard to get atomic iodine.
Nobody has ever really done this until we worked with researchers and others the last few years to do it.
And so we've gone back to the original producer and we've been able to do a deal to not be put over a barrel from the extractors of it, the oil companies, to bring it to you.
So X2 is back.
We got it.
This deal just happened about a month ago.
We rushed it into production.
It's been bottled.
The labels are being put on today.
And then it's going to be on an 18-wheeler, right here to Austin, from the plant in the Rockies.
And it's going to be shipped out to you.
Be sure and sign up for auto-ship.
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Research the Iodine Conspiracy.
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Find out why the globalists don't want you to have the good halogens and want you to have the bad halogens at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's the umbrella site.
That's your right to the supplements.
And this is the King Daddy, ladies and gentlemen.
It is X2 Original.
Now, back at InfowarsStore.com.
A new habitat has appeared.
Thank you.
Entirely designed and constructed by one species for its own purpose.
These crevices contain the highest density of lizards in the world.
And to early visitors, this new world was already home to First Nations people.
I would argue that they're missing the forest for the trees.
A young brain searches for understanding in slow stages, working out what things are and how they work.
But no sign of the national emergency.
Out comes a tiny, underdeveloped little worm.
Pretty tranquil down here.
We gotta do what we can.
We always have.
This is a male, and life here suits him well.
This extraordinary creature is half blind, half deaf, and this is just about as fast as it can move.
The target's over.
You might think that this is some kind of circus trick for which he's been specially trained, but not so.
She is doing this entirely on her own initiative.
She's seen others doing it, and she's copying.
I don't feel no ways tired.
I've come too far!
This male has gigantic testes, the largest in the world.
They weigh a ton and produce gallons of sperm.
You know, it is, uh, it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Because you'd be in jail.
Secretary Clinton.
[crowd cheering]
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we've got Paul Joseph Watson in studio with us.
He's about to jump on a big old jet aeroplane and fly back to her Britannic Majesty's Kingdom.
Good to have you here, my friend.
Good to be back, Alex.
We've only got you here for about a half hour, then Tommy Robinson is going to be on.
They've got his house staked out.
They've got police out there.
They've got Antifa death-threatening his family.
They are really after that guy.
Oh no, we talked about it the other day.
The future Prime Minister of Britain, potentially, is literally calling on YouTube to silence him on his last remaining outreach, his last remaining platform.
This is, again, proves that, oh it's just a private company, they can do what they like.
They're in league, conspiring with lawmakers, with people in power, to silence free speech.
This is a bigger argument than, it's just a private company.
And Alex, we had the whole Twitter scandal blowing up again yesterday.
People have pointed out that Jack himself encouraged everyone to read an article which basically outlined the fact that there's no civility left and that civil war is likely to happen in America.
Jack tweeted that out.
It says the article was, why there's no bipartisan way forward at this juncture in our history, one side must win.
So he basically Advocate abolishing civil conversation, and advocate this article which basically says civil war is going to happen in America.
Tim Paul pointed that out in the interview, and he made the point that if you don't allow civil conversation, if these divisions in American society... That's what creates violence, as Kennedy said.
If you exacerbate the divisions in society that are so rife right now, that is going to create a civil war situation So they're going to be partly responsible for it, as one of the biggest platforms, and what is basically now the public commons, silencing people.
They're only going to drive them underground, they're only going to make them more angry, more extreme on both sides.
I don't want to write ourselves into the story, but InfoWars was the biggest part of the interview, and I'm glad Joe and Tim Poole kept bringing it up.
And this lady, Vija Gade, if I'm saying that right, their quote, chief counsel, she tells three gigantic super whopper lies that I got kicked off for beating up a kid, a million dollars, whoever's got to prove that, just totally made up.
You guys kind of do this stuff at Kavanaugh.
They just do it.
They just make it up.
And then that Also, that I'm doing all these other horrible things, that I was mean to Oliver Darcy, even though he's a public figure and it's in public, and several other just huge lies.
Well, Alex, the viral video clip of the kid getting pushed down, by the way, no criminal charges came from that on either side.
It's on Twitter right now with 130,000 parts or retweets.
It was uploaded by everyone at the time, June 2018.
It's still on Twitter.
Why have the people who made it go viral not been banned?
We didn't film it.
We didn't encourage a violent encounter between these people.
So again, it was just another excuse because it was a cascade.
It was Zuckerberg.
It was Tim Cook.
And Jack caved under the pressure when he should have stood for free speech.
And that's the way it works is they take something down that won't even say what it is and go, oh, he beat up a kid.
And then you can't even defend yourself because you're not on the platform.
Oh and also, the video in which you confronted Oliver Darcy, the guy who has devoted the past year of his life to getting you kicked off social media, that was not tweeted by you, that was tweeted by me.
And the description was clearly from a news angle, oh this is an interesting news event, Alex Jones confronts Oliver Darcy, it wasn't...
Laughing at it, it wasn't rubbing it in Darcy's face, we can't criticise him obviously, but it wasn't even like that.
It wasn't even, oh look at this, Oliver Darcy gets owned.
It was just me saying, this is an interesting confrontation.
I got suspended for 12 hours on Twitter for that.
InfoWars did not Tweet that video, as far as I know.
It was not tweeted on your account, it was tweeted on my account.
So again, another excuse.
You didn't even circulate that video.
I did.
So why were you banned?
But that's the new phenomenon, they admit, where they ban you for off-platform activity.
And then they make up what the off-platform activity is.
There's no due process.
There's no checking.
There's no nothing.
They just do it.
And then she goes on to basically say, oh, we ban who people complain about.
But that's not true.
Conservatives and others complain about leftists calling for people's death, people's murder, people praising Tucker Carlson, and nothing's done.
Peter Fonda advocated putting Barron Trump in a cage with paedophiles.
Still got his verified checkmark, still on Twitter.
This Hal Shues guy, who again is, I think he's a rapper, verified Twitter account, literally called for the Covington High School to be shot up, to be bombed.
All he did was delete the tweets, got no punishment whatsoever.
He's still on Twitter, the guy who called for school shootings is still on Twitter because he criticised He specifically said, go blow the school up, shoot everybody.
And then other people said, I'll give you sex if you go and punch anybody in a MAGA hat in the face.
None of them get in trouble because it's a crazed pressure cooker of leftists at Twitter and at Facebook and all these platforms that do whatever the hell they want.
Here's the big question, Paul.
How do they then go to Congress, Sundar Pichai and all of them, and say, oh, there's no such thing as Dragonfly.
Oh, we're not spying.
Oh, none of this is going on when we have all the admissions, all the documents.
We've got the inside leaks from within Google which show them discussing how to conspire to relegate things in their algorithm.
So, and for partisan bias, we had a referendum on abortion in Ireland.
They buried anti-abortion videos on the top search results of YouTube the day before the Irish referendum.
That's election meddling.
So, you know, we're blamed as Russian bots for election meddling or whatever.
It's precisely what they're doing.
And as I've said before, it shifts millions and millions of votes.
This is criminal, what they're doing.
This is clear election meddling.
This is collusion, Alex.
And Tim Pool's top tweet says it all.
This is election meddling, period.
They're silencing voices they don't like.
They're amplifying voices they do like.
And they're lying about it to the public.
In fact, if you just type in Tim Pool into the Google search engine on the web, it's the first tweet that pops up.
He says it more eloquently than that.
But that's it.
That's all this is.
And I'll say it again.
Everybody I know is getting really mad at Trump.
I know you just had dinner with Don Jr.
It should have come a long time ago, Alex.
We were promised it months ago and nothing happened.
People have rightly criticized Trump for not even defending many of the people who get attacked for wearing MAGA hats.
He's too busy tweeting about Saturday Night Live and stuff like that.
We're not abandoning Trump, obviously, but this needs to be brought front and centre, as we talked about yesterday.
It's not going to be until next year at the earliest.
Well, strategically too, Trump needs to understand, and I know he's 72 and doesn't have a full grasp of the internet, and I'm not saying that meanly, I know people that know him well, he literally still believes him going on Fox won the election.
No, the internet was magnitudes bigger.
My God, we had a comparable viewing audience the week of the election 2016 that Fox News did.
I'm not just saying that.
Trump is allowing his people on the ground, the ones that catch the left acting crazy, the ones that amplify his message.
He's not letting the troops on the ground get their provisions.
Not letting the troops on the ground have free speech is a total strategic blunder.
No, we were the front lines, Alex.
And we will be the front lines.
You know, my average demographic is 18 to 35.
That's the biggest block.
Fox News, CNN, what is it, 70 years old?
That's geriatrics.
Even CNN's like 69.
Fox News is 70 plus.
So yeah, those people aren't going to be around forever.
They don't have the cultural resonance that we have, Alex.
And you, as I said yesterday, you were a living meme.
Memes have been proven scientifically to win elections.
The left-corp meme, the most effective memes, are spread on the Donald and 4chan.
You were a meme.
They banned a meme.
I'm not saying it to, you know, be funny about it, but they're powerful.
The most powerful thing on the internet is political memes when it comes to the pre-election schedule, Alex.
So, banning you as a meme had a massive impact and people need to understand how important this is.
By the way, Paul, I wish you'd come stay here a few months out of the year because everybody loves you in studio, not just with the old map behind you.
It's good to have you here in Austin.
It's good to be here, Alex.
I'll come back soon.
When we come back, we're going to play this clip of Vija Gade, the chief counsel at Twitter, up there just spewing lie after lie after lie after lie.
She says, I'm sending people with battle rifles.
After the media.
Where's the video of that, witch?
You're reading a fake quote.
She says I'm beating up kids.
Another lie!
Stop your damn lying, woman!
I'm sick of it!
The good news is...
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I was sure we weren't going to be able to get it.
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I almost forgot.
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I forgot that part.
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And I read it and I was like, you know what?
I don't care anymore.
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X2's back.
Now, explain to people how critical iodine is.
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X2's back.
And I read it and I was like, you know what?
I don't care anymore.
I don't care anymore.
Because again, I'm at least trying and they're not.
So, the power is in the person who's trying, regardless of the success.
If you're trying, you've got all the power.
You're driving the agenda.
You're doing all this stuff.
Like, I just introduced Green New Deal two weeks ago, and it's creating all of this conversation.
Because no one else has even tried.
Because no one else has even tried.
So people are like, oh, it's unrealistic.
Oh, it's vague.
Oh, it doesn't address this little minute thing.
And I'm like, you tried!
You do it.
Because you're not.
Because you're not.
So until you do it, I'm the boss.
How about that?
Look at me.
Look at me.
I'm the captain now.
So until you do it, I'm the boss.
I'm the cop.
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
He aligns himself with the truth, and it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Tommy Robinson has MI5 encamped around his house.
He got video of it.
They're working with leftist terror forces, literally.
Trying to set him and his family up docks where his children live.
The death threats are pouring in all because he exposed how they make their money running child kidnapping rings that are now all over the news.
He'll be popping in.
Watson's going to do one segment with us, with him, and he's going to go jump on that jet airplane.
But I want to play some of this clip and then have you respond, Paul.
Obviously, there's two hours of this.
We'll only play a few minutes of it.
But Veja Gade, arrogantly, the Hillary Clinton acolyte, she's a big Democrat.
She comes in like holding the hand of little Jack Dorsey.
And then she continues to basically Tell lie after lie.
And I just don't get, Paul, how you would go on air nine, ten months after something's known to be false, after I've confronted Jack Dorsey, and said, Jack, hey, I didn't say use battle rifles in the media.
That's not true.
I mean, I face-to-face told him that, and they're still doing it, Paul.
Well, they literally went through every example, Alex, of why people were banned.
Like, why the Proud Boys were banned, for example.
They were basically banned because, again, falsely they claimed that they were designated as an extremist group by the FBI.
Not true.
They claimed that they were violent, so then Tim Poole made the point, well, Antifa's violent, they literally go to people's houses, they beat people around the head with flags.
Why are those accounts not banned?
And it's because, oh, Antifa's a more generic group.
So you had the Smash Racism DC group that went to Tucker Carlson's house.
Because they're not calling themselves Antifa, then they don't get banned.
So again, it's all semantics.
Literally, they go through every example.
Sargon of Akkad.
The Learn to Code.
They ban people for tweeting Learn to Code at journalists, for God's sake.
The same journalists who abuse their platforms to silence and censor you all day, but we're supposed to feel sorry for them when they lose their jobs?
Nobody should feel sorry for them.
They're not journalists, they're activists.
Well, what I got from this is Jack and VJ and all these people are in way over their head.
And they've got all this lawyer speak and all this BS, but no one And I'm not just saying that.
If you go read all the comments, no one, Paul, is buying this.
I would call this a disaster even bigger than the last visit a month ago.
I mean, that was a disaster because Jack didn't know why you were banned.
They asked him.
He couldn't give a reason.
Now they've given a bunch of reasons for not just you.
They went through why everyone was banned.
They went through the whole list.
And in every single example, the reasons were inaccurate.
So it's not just you, Alex.
So, yeah, I've done polls on this, the reaction that I've seen so far.
It blew up in their face like we said it would.
Let's play some of this.
This is the blind corporate system leading the blind.
Here it is.
So what was it that made you ban them?
So there were three separate incidents that came to our attention after the fact that were reported to us by different users.
There was a video that was uploaded that showed a child being violently thrown to the ground and crying.
So that was the first one.
The second one was a video that we viewed as incitement of violence.
I can read it to you.
It's a little bit of a transcript, but now it's time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag.
I know the Justice Department's crippled a bunch of followers and cowards, but there's groups, there's grand juries, there's you called for it.
It's time politically, economically, and judiciously, and legally, and criminally to move against these people.
It's got to be done now.
Get together the people you know aren't traitors, aren't cowards, aren't helping their frickin' bets, hedging their frickin' bets like all these other a**holes do, and let's go, let's do it.
So people need to have their, and then there's a bunch of other stuff, but at the end, so people need to have their battle rifles ready and everything ready at their bedsides, and you've got to be ready because the media is so disciplined in their deception.
So this is, you're saying that this is a call to violence against the media?
That's what it sounded like to us at the time.
And there have been a number of incidents of violence against the media.
You get her, even covering as a lawyer, going, that's what it sounded like to us at the time.
She goes, oh, there's a bunch of other stuff.
That's literally a 38-minute video where they word saladed and put it together.
It was about Antifa saying they're going to kill law enforcement and members of Congress.
And I said, you better have your battle rifles ready.
Had nothing to do with the media.
No, she's talking about attacks on the media.
The most famous example of that, which they claimed was an attack on the media, then they blamed Trump, was that newspaper that got raided and the guy shot a couple of people.
He had a vendetta against the newspaper stretching back to 2011.
Had nothing whatsoever to do with Trump calling the media the enemy of the people.
And we've got Muslims attacking media.
Yeah, all the time.
You know, Charlie Hebdo, biggest example.
So, you know, you talk about Tim Poole... But everyone knows, I'm on the video saying, we need to non-violently, judiciously, legislatively, through the criminal justice system, they edited it all out.
Literally in the same minute we're talking about it, I say we must not be violent, just because Antifa is violent, coming to our houses.
And they turned that into that.
Here, let's continue with this load of BS.
It gets worse.
What happens on the platform and how that translates off-platform very seriously.
And that felt like it was an incitement to violence.
So, if he only tweeted the incitement to violence, he would have been fine?
If he only... If he only tweeted that trans... posted that transcript saying, get your battle rifles ready, you wouldn't have deleted his account?
Again, context matters to him.
It's not about one thing.
So we'd have to look at the entire context of what's going on.
So I'm asking, was that egregious enough for you to say that alone?
Context means we make up whatever the hell we want.
That was just number two.
Right, right.
So then I guess the question is, what was the video context of the kid being thrown to the ground?
Was it newsworthy?
We obviously didn't think so, and depicting violence against a child is not something that we would allow on the platform.
Pause again!
Why is it still on Twitter then, with 130,000 retweets?
Depicting violence?
It's a damn top news clip everyone else played!
But they won't show you what it is!
You're thinking, what did he do to the kid?
If it's so bad, Alex, why is it still on Twitter?
Here, you can go to an article.
Yeah, can you guys document Kim's shot on Paul's laptop?
He's got it all here.
Or tell him what they type into Twitter.
It's all over the news!
This is Information Liberation.
Tim Paul destroyed Jack Dorsey.
That is the headline.
And if you go down, he's got the original tweet.
Right here.
It's on an account called Donut Operator from June 2018.
Let's have a look.
It's the same video.
5.16 million views.
This is the video you got banned for, Alex.
One of the three reasons.
Why is it still on Twitter?
And again, guys, pull up the actual article.
Because what's happening is people forensically are going back now and checking out what I got banned for.
And they're going, what?
A video that was on ABC News?
Yeah, it's got 5 million views.
Twitter helped this video go viral, they didn't take it down, they just took you down.
So that's a complete BS excuse once again.
Oh, we've made it about context, Tim.
It's the way she's so smarmy with it as well.
It's incredible.
Well, then it gets worse.
Let's continue with the next giant whopper of a lie.
But this at least has some truth.
I did confront a public figure in Congress whose life is stalking me and said, you're a dirty rat.
It's true.
But again, the lie that I'm bullying him is not true.
Here it is.
If it was, there are certain types of situations where if you were reporting on, you know,
war zone and things that might be happening, we would put an interstitial on that type
of content that's graphic or violent, but we didn't feel that that was the context here.
So here's a video that's been going around, that was going around a few, four or five
or five weeks ago, the one where the girls were yelling at that big giant guy and the
guy punched that girl in the face and she was like 11 years old.
I saw that multiple times on Twitter.
That was one of the most violent things I've ever seen.
This giant man punched this 11-year-old girl in the face.
And that was, was that removed from Twitter?
I don't know.
I would have to go see if anyone reported it to us.
I think one of the issues here is too is, you know, you've...
Do you want me to get to the third one?
Yeah, please do.
So the third strike that we looked at was a verbal altercation that Alex got into with a journalist and in that altercation, which was uploaded to Twitter, there were a number of statements using eyes of the rat, That's enough!
That's hilarious.
a person, he's just scum, you're a virus to America and freedom, smelling like a
possum that climbed out of the rear end of a dead cow, you look like a possum
that got caught doing some really really nasty stuff in my view. So it was a bunch
of... That's enough! Really? That's hilarious. Pattern in practice but it was a verbal
altercation that was posted on our platform.
So we took the totality of this, having been warned that we have rules against the abuse and harassment of individuals.
We saw this pattern in practice.
One strike, two strike, three strikes, and we made a decision to permanently shut it down.
And so that last one was on Periscope?
Is that what it was that he broadcast through?
I think it was originally on Periscope, but it was also reposted from multiple related accounts onto Twitter.
So, we can agree with you when you say these things like, you know, Alex said this, it sounds like a threat.
He was berating this person, saying awful things.
But ultimately, your judgment is the context.
You say we have to pay attention to the context.
We're just trusting that you made the right decision.
Well, I'm giving you as much facts as I can give you here.
I want to get more into this, but no, there are no facts.
She didn't show you what happened.
He's a public figure in public.
I'm like, here's the dude who gets book deals killed, who gets me banned everywhere, who lies about me.
Man, you're a jerk.
You're an un-American piece of crap.
If you can't dress somebody down, if you can't tell somebody coming after you that you're a piece of garbage, Then what do we have in this country?
The truth is the left bullies constantly.
They just want to tie our hands while they piss in our faces.
Well, you know what?
I'm not one of R. Kelly's victims.
You're not going to piss in my face.
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