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Name: 20190301_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 1, 2019
3339 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics on his show, including self-sufficiency, alternate dimensions, energy drinks, synthetic drugs, CERN experiments, Nazis, spirituality, and 3D printing technology. He promotes InfoWars Life products and encourages listeners to support the website by purchasing their products and sharing articles and videos. In a recent monologue, Jones discusses the potential of 3D printing for democratizing firepower among citizens, mentioning FOSCAD.org as a source for downloadable files to create firearms at home within legal boundaries. He warns about potential false flag operations involving 3D printed guns and emphasizes the importance of firearms for self- defense and liberty.

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Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry it's come to this, but on March 1st, 2019, is today the final Alex Jones Show ever?
The following broadcast contains only future possibilities and is in no way at this time true.
Well, the day has come.
We've had a long run against the globalists, but the enemy at this level has been successful.
This is InfoWars' last broadcast.
The internet kill switch is now being put into place.
We are witnessing the true Mark of the Beast scenario unfold, but the fact is humanity is awakening, and the fact that the globalists can shut down key leaders It's not a symbol of their victory, it's a symbol of their defeat.
And so now it's up to you to decide the future course of humanity.
From myself and the InfoWars crew, I salute you and I thank you.
We'll carry on the fight in the non-cyber world.
God bless.
Three months later.
Is it right now?
All right, I'll be right there.
(machine whirring)
(blow dryer blowing)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
(dramatic music)
You guys think you're gonna execute this?
I'm not gonna execute crap.
And the globals know, I don't just make statements out here that aren't true or that aren't backed up.
You are facing panic.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, you just saw a glimpse into a world without InfoWars.
Now, for the radio audience that couldn't watch that special censored video that we just aired here, you can go to InfoWars.com and watch it for yourself in its entirety, the headline, Verboten, Alex Jones, final broadcast.
Alex Jones joins us on the other side of this break.
Remember, listeners, that without you supporting us, we won't be here.
And we have a lot of really amazing products at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLife.com that takes you right to the supplements.
InfoWars Life Strength and Recovery Combo Alpha Power is basically Supramel Vitality, but it's not cold-pressed.
It's a stronger dose, but it is organic.
It's just not cold-pressed.
It technically is way stronger than Supramel Vitality.
Alpha Power is something really, really strong, really, really good for libido, energy, stamina.
I suggest you get some, men or women.
Then BODY's Ultimate Turmeric Formula has 95% curcuminoid.
Leading competitors have 3-5% and cost more.
This is the strongest, best turmeric formula out there.
So for inflammation, for antioxidants, for all around health, turmeric is next level.
Everybody already knows that.
So we have the InfoWars Life Strength and Recovery Combo.
Both are good for pre and post workout.
InfoWars Life Strength and Recovery Combo, 50% off.
Did I tell you?
50% off on Alpha Power and BODY's Ultimate Tendon Reforming when you get them together in the combo
at infowarsstore.com.
(upbeat music)
I have a tendency, and I don't think it's a bad thing, but it is a compulsion to instead of just stating
my basic theory or idea or postulation or report, I go into historical minutia and begin to try to build
a gestalt that defines the vision that I have.
(dramatic music)
But when I tell you this, just right up front and quick and dirty, if you go down this rabbit trail, if you research yourself, You'll find what I found and a lot more and it will make your head spin.
It's known that England was the dominant empire in the world for the last 200 years.
Probably 250.
And they were very threatened by the Austrian-Hungarian Empire that was what we know as Germany and Austria and a few other countries today.
Because of the technological development, not just of music, not just psychology, but engineering and chemistry.
Before the British Empire was worried about the American experiment, people were having freedom.
And we had a lot of that industry as well, but the Germans... The British had full-page ads, full-page articles, it was all over their news.
The German Problem, is what it was called.
Because they weren't trying to dominate with troops and navies, all these countries, they were dominating with advanced technology.
And if you look at Pratt House in 1922, Council on Foreign Relations set up by the Office of Strategic Services, which then became the CIA in 1947.
The CIA is a British brainchild, not taking over the US, but basically transferring the baton of the British Empire to the United States.
In a deal that Winston Churchill, before he was ever even Prime Minister, combined.
Because he was half American, half Brit.
Which meant all Brit, but it doesn't really matter, does it?
So, That was the ethos of that system.
But then the Nazis, the 30-plus thousand were brought here, the 10,000 were brought to Russia.
They had all of the advanced technology.
Jet airplanes, atomic weapons, it all came out of Germany.
Everything we had in the Manhattan Project was smuggled out and built out in Nevada and New Mexico.
That's on record, by the way.
None of this is like conspiracies.
This is all public.
The US and England, England mainly, was sending SAS suicide squads.
They think about special forces.
In the military, that just means your IQ is above 70 now.
And you've got more elite groups that are actually special forces.
Nothing to say about the military.
They sent in British teams, famously, that blew up underground mountain bunkers and Blew up ships that were carrying heavy water for reactors.
And most people died.
These were suicide missions.
So true classic British daring to do that so that Hitler didn't get atomic weapons before the United States.
And the Manhattan Project coming to its fruition.
But here's what I want to get to here.
I want to say it up front, which is not the end.
And it's this.
We think about how the Democrats, when Hillary lost, were able to keep control of most of the government and have stayed behind embedded networks that fought against the President and fought against the country restoring its sovereignty out of global government to our own country.
And that was just a loose-knit group of con artists and scammers that had gotten control of the government who thought they owned the nation.
And we still, two years later, haven't dug them all out.
Imagine the Nazis.
Endless energy, full of themselves, narcissism to the 10th power.
I mean, that was their ethos, was just, we're being shot up, we're being stabbed, we're being starved, we're happy, we're ready to fight to death.
I mean, the joy of battle.
And they've got the science, they've got the technology, they've got it all, but they got set up.
Because the more dark force above it was playing the UK off against Germany in that original battle.
And several top British historians, Milder and others, 20 years before the rise of the Nazis, detailed the whole plan in a memoir.
That's right, you get next year's news today, but I can only give you next year's news today, because I'm studying this from the outside.
Globos can give you the news of 50 years from now, 20 years from now today, but they don't give it to you.
They give you football games and soccer games and Boulder Dash and PoppyCon, but I digress.
Imagine how stay-behind networks, just the Democratic Party, have wreaked havoc and blocked American recovery.
They may have already crashed it.
And then imagine the Germans with the stolen loot of Europe and all of it invested in Argentina and U.S.
banks through Prescott Bush.
It's all on record.
Imagine when they interfaced with our military, when they had agents inside the U.S.
military as well.
And they said, hey, we're not the communists.
We're not betraying America.
Work with us.
We've got billions of dollars.
We've got the secret weapons.
But we'll all take cyanide pills.
Someone into our shirts, and some did, if you don't parlay.
We'll give you all of it, but you've got to work with us.
You know, Werner Von Braun, you can look this up, in the 30s developed the idea of the Space Shuttle, drew the diagrams, had the engineers work it out.
Germany had the theoretics, but it could never get to that point.
It had V6 and V1 rockets that bombed London.
The first cruise missiles that would fly into a quarter-mile designated target.
But the Nazis, their big thing was social engineering and soft kill weapons, where you get hit by a weapon, you get hit by technology, and you don't know it.
It kills you slowly.
But they were able to infiltrate our government.
So the British set up the OSS, became a CIA.
The CIA was kind of that American-British Empire kissing cousins thing.
As Churchill called it.
And of course it had power and control and became evil right away.
But NASA From Werner Von Braun to Goddard, Space Center, all of it, was a breakaway civilization, advanced technology combine, meant to be separate from the CIA and compete with it.
And I just thought that I would mention that so that folks understand the real score here.
The West is so open and so loving under our Christian ethos that we let people like Alexandria Cortez in, who is preaching pure cancer?
There are a lot of great, beautiful brown women that love freedom that could be elected to Congress.
I don't care what color she is, it's what's in her head.
And all of this is cancer we don't have to put up with inferior ideas and inferior systems.
We also don't have to have a weird model from 80 years ago of British intelligence, knowing they were losing control, wanting to merge with the U.S.
Or the whole German ubermensch and superman plan taking over as well.
That's why Eisenhower warned about the technocrats and the psychological elite and the university elite in control of the military-industrial complex.
The full speech talks about the scientific elite in control of that, taking control of the brain trust, compartmentalizing, breaking off a new civilization, using national security to separate us from what's really going on, so that new ruling class would develop advanced technologies and literally, under reservation systems, be in control of us, almost like they were an alien force for another planet.
That's really the endgame, isn't it?
So I thought I'd air this here today.
Owen Troyer takes over right now.
But it's not that we're Nazi-run.
It's not that we're British intelligence-run.
The ghost of the Nazis.
The essence.
The ghost of British intelligence, the British Empire.
The ghost of people that saw the end of their systems.
Passing it on to others that were already in charge, because the American system, and the free market, and our Christian ethos, and the fact that we were the future.
Well, they were like, oh, by the way, kids, here's the knowledge of evil.
Now you'll be even more powerful.
And we took it, like we were being given a prize.
It was really the Ring of Mordor.
You see, just to use the Tolkien analogy, Sauron was disembodied.
He didn't have access to the Ring.
But when the Nazis and the British Empire were already the same thing, that's why they were such enemies, once they got disembodied, they possessed America.
And that's now what we're fighting against.
That's why everything from the infanticide of the babies to the whole nine yards is Nazi, mixed in with a bunch of weird British...
Well, the day has come.
We've had a long run against the Globalists, but the enemy at this level has been successful.
Just like everybody you know, I defeat the Globalists. God bless.
The following broadcast contains only future possibilities and is in no way at this time true.
Well, the day has come.
We've had a long run against the Globalists, but the enemy at this level has been successful.
This is InfoWars' last broadcast.
The Internet Kill Switch is now being put into place.
We are witnessing the true Mark of the Beast scenario unfold.
But the fact is humanity is awakening and the fact that the globalists can shut down key leaders is not a symbol of their victory.
It's a symbol of their defeat.
And so now it's up to you to decide the future course of humanity.
For myself and the InfoWars crew, I salute you and I thank you.
We'll carry on the fight in the non-cyber world.
God bless.
(soft music)
(phone ringing)
(phone ringing)
Is it right now?
(soft music)
(water running)
(soft music)
(water running)
(water running)
(soft music)
Yeah, I know.
I know that.
(soft music)
(soft music)
(water running)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Hi folks, Alex Jones here.
It's early in the morning.
I tore my bicep, blew my bicep a couple weeks ago.
About time for surgery.
That's why I'm out an extra day.
Appreciate Owen doing a really, really great job.
They're about to put me under.
I'll be done with surgery.
But I really wanted to talk about the Joe Rogan interview because it's gone so viral.
It is definitely going to eclipse my last podcast with him that was the biggest podcast in history at that time.
That is Elon Musk was bigger than that and broke my number one podcast with Joe.
But this one should be able to eclipse that as well.
So this is very, very exciting that people are interested in this information.
Now the media is kind of spinning what I said that Alex Jones believes there's a quote alien base in San Francisco.
What I'm telling you is the globalists taking up large dosages of psychedelic drugs are having group events where hundreds of people in some cases Dozens, 40 plus in the case of Man Cow.
Not once, but twice.
So private groups are going out and doing this and having the same experiences.
Government's doing it.
And you go back to the Aztecs and all these groups, that's why they were doing mass sacrifices.
It's in their writings that gods were demanding it to open up these portals on the drugs and to get these particular entities to come through who aren't just like elves, but to get like what looks like giant dragons, huge demons, cyclopses, huge insectoid creatures.
This is what they're all reporting in every culture.
And so I'm not the one saying all this is real.
I'm telling you, our elites, just like the Aztecs built pyramids and took drugs and did mass sacrifices to contact these entities, or just like the Babylonians did it, or just like the Druids did it at these sacred sites, it's like chumming the water to make sharks come.
Every culture sacrificed men, women, and children because the gods demanded it.
And they would do it at sites so that interdimensionally then the creatures they believe would start hanging around those sites kind of like feeding sharks in the Caribbean.
and there are places you can go where they hand feed tiger sharks every day.
And 10 to 12 foot long giant tiger sharks come out, man eaters.
You can see all these videos on YouTube.
Just type in, uh, divers feeding, uh, doctors feeding tiger sharks.
Uh, doctors, I'm talking, uh, uh, uh, divers, uh, feeding tiger sharks.
And they're feeding them.
And the tiger sharks start showing up at the same place.
Because you might have to look for years to find a tiger shark.
If you can ever find them and start feeding them in a spot, just a few times, they'll start hanging around.
So, it's big business in the Caribbean and other areas to feed sharks.
I've actually gone and done it, not on that size.
I went and fed some blacktips a long time ago, but the point is...
Those sacred sites are where they feed the sharks, where they kill the children.
And the Aztecs would kill 10,000 a day at certain holidays.
And the high priests would be doing it because the gods demanded that it be done.
They would then take the drugs.
Open up the dimensional gate in the mind with ayahuasca, DMT, things like that.
The high priest would also torture themselves to also increase the pain.
I wanted to put out this message because I want to clarify.
There are animal and human clones.
That's not admitted.
I was sitting there on the show with Joe Rogan talking about it.
He was pulling up the mainstream articles.
He couldn't believe it.
I talked about how the government gave people syphilis.
Didn't just let them die of it under the Tuskegee Experiment and others.
Joe didn't believe it.
Looked it up.
Scientific American admitted it.
What I'm telling you is almost all of this is admitted.
Google's building a giant AI panopticon system that spies on everybody in real time and feeds data back to supercomputers.
And all of that's being done for control.
So what I'm saying is we're not in Kansas anymore.
And so, in every culture, this has been done.
It's been done over and over again.
And now it's being done at a scientific level.
And the governments and the institutions believe they are getting advanced off-world or interdimensional
technology from these beings.
And this isn't speculation, this is going on.
And when they have animal-human hybrids and they do all this genetic engineering, that's
creating new species that are alien to this planet as well.
So aliens are real is what I'm saying, but it's not the pop culture alien of Little Flying
Saucers and stuff.
It's interdimensional and the globalists are obsessed with it.
And it goes back to conjuring demons, you know about the European tradition, when you
sacrifice a kid and then a portal opens up and a little demon pops up that looks like
an elf.
Go to the old Black Magic text, all of it, it's the same.
It's in Chinese culture, it's in Japanese culture, it's in all the ancient African legends.
This is done everywhere.
And most cultures would not do what the entity said, start doing the sacrifice.
But if you did start doing it, they would start giving you technology, and they basically always had the same type of culture set up.
Where it was all basically human sacrifice, war, control, death, with a priesthood class above everybody.
That's what's being set up, what's being established again here on Earth in this satanic system that is superimposed over our planet and carrying out a larger master plan.
And it fits into the entire biblical cosmology of the fallen angel of the earth, who's got a whole host of minions that you carry out his evil actions, and they come to kill, steal, and destroy.
All right, back to Owen Schroyer and the live broadcast.
I want to thank you all for your support.
A lot of good things are happening.
Humanity is really starting to wake up.
Sensors are coming out of the closet and really showing their hands, so now's the time to spread the word more than ever.
Again, God bless you all.
We are fighting a spiritual fight.
Jesus Christ is real.
The Bible is real.
Thank you.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, pretty epic stuff there from Alex Jones.
You may be hearing from him again before the end of the broadcast.
I will be taking over for now though.
Justin Fall from 4th Watch Films is going to join me at 1 o'clock.
He may want to talk about some of the stuff Alex was just talking about, but he really wanted to come on to address something Joe Rogan said he didn't believe that Alex was talking about on the Joe Rogan experience that he's actually done a documentary on with 4th Watch Films.
So other than that, though, we're going to have plenty of time to cover news, maybe even take some of your calls here on the Alex Jones Show.
But before we go to break here in 90 seconds, I have to remind you that we need your support at InfoWarsTore.com.
And it's your support at InfoWarsTore.com that makes everything we do here possible.
You already know that.
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We have household items like toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo, body wash, all kinds of survival gear, hats, t-shirts.
The InfoWars store is huge, folks.
If you haven't been there yet, go to InfoWarsStore.com, check it out for yourself.
You're going to find something you like, you're going to find something you want, and you're going to find something you need.
And when you support us at InfoWarsStore.com today, you guarantee that InfoWars will be on the air tomorrow.
We'll be right back.
Number one.
Remember, listeners, that without you supporting us, we won't be here.
And we have a lot of really amazing products at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLife.com that takes you right to the supplements.
InfoWars Life Strength and Recovery Combo Alpha Power is basically Supramel Vitality, but it's not cold-pressed.
It's a stronger dose, but it is organic.
It's just not cold-pressed.
It technically is way stronger than Supramel Vitality.
Alpha Power is something really, really strong, really, really good for libido, energy, stamina.
I suggest you get some, men or women.
And then BODY's Ultimate Turmeric Formula has 95% curcuminoid.
Leading competitors have 3-5% and cost more.
This is the strongest, best turmeric formula out there.
So for inflammation, for antioxidants, for all around health, turmeric is next level.
Everybody already knows that.
So we have the InfoWars Life Strength and Recovery Combo.
Both are good for pre and post-workout.
InfoWars Life Strength and Recovery Combo, 50% off.
Did I tell you?
50% off on Alpha Power and BODY's Ultimate Thermic Formula when you get them together in the combo at InfoWarsShore.com.
I actually had not yet tried the InfoWars Life Protein Bar until this morning, and I would give my review as a five-star review.
And I'm somebody that's probably tried about every protein bar out there.
For people that eat protein bars, you know that a protein bar that's really stacked with protein and vitamins and nutrients usually doesn't taste that great.
I tried the InfoWars Life Protein Bar, the peanut butter chocolate one today, which has 15 grams of protein in it.
And I gotta tell you, you eat this, you would not think it's a protein bar.
So I don't know what they've done in the lab over there at InfoWars Life to make this InfoWars Life Protein Bar, but wow.
I was eating a double fudge brownie, and then I looked at the wrapper, and it was the InfoWars Live Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Bar.
And you can get two boxes right now, or more, for 40% off.
I'm somebody that loves grabbing a protein bar if I'm on the road, if I'm heading to the gym, or afterwards for a snack.
The brand new InfoWars Live Protein Bar is at InfoWarsStore.com.
So support the InfoWar by going to InfoWarsStore.com, and check out some other great specials.
I want to say brain force is great.
I want to say turbo force is amazing.
It is!
But if you took it with fish oil, it's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil is better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
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You've got the children's.
You've got the adults.
You've got the krill oil.
If you're going to get the full effect, the fish oil and the children's are really strong.
They don't give you the burpees, but krill oil is the best.
And it'll give you the damn burps.
And I'm just sorry.
You want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic.
It's so good.
In my view.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
When I eat five capulets of krill oil before I go to bed, I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it.
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Turbo Force at m4slive.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
I don't know, what do you call the day when someone dies?
with Owen Troyer.
Yesterday was the day, the anniversary if you will.
I don't know what do you call the day when someone dies?
It's not the anniversary.
But yesterday was, for lack of a better word, the anniversary of Paul Harvey's death.
We'll be playing a short video in homage to him before the end of the broadcast.
But today, March 1st, marks the anniversary of Andrew Breitbart's passing on March 1st, 2012.
Remember how that old saying goes, strike me down now and I shall become more powerful than you ever imagined?
Well now the name Breitbart in news Is more popular and more powerful probably than Andrew Breitbart ever was.
Unfortunately, I think if Andrew Breitbart were still with us today, Breitbart.com would be a lot more hardcore.
That's not to say I don't like the work they do at Breitbart, but let's just give you an example as to what I'm talking about.
And actually guys, just whenever you get those old Breitbart tweets, you can just bring them in here.
Here's an Andrew Breitbart tweet from February 4th, 2011.
How Prague guru John Podesta isn't household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upper defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.
How about that?
That wasn't all Andrew Breitbart had to say about John Podesta.
Here's a classic clip of a journalist asking Breitbart for comment when he had a few choice words for John Podesta.
This is a concerted effort.
This is a concerted effort.
Politics of personal destruction.
F*** you, John Podesta.
Alright, well you see where I'm coming from.
When I talk, that's because I'm interested in this ongoing whatever the hell they're doing.
What's in your closet, John Podesta?
Big Podesta?
Big Soros?
Do you want us to play these games?
Because we're playing to win.
Boy, do we wish we had Breitbart around today.
There he is, Big Podesta.
Big Skippy.
Big Soros.
Big art collection.
Andrew Breitbart tweet before death adds fuel to online speculation of DC's sex trafficking ring.
Let's go to, uh...
Some other classic Andrew Breitbart tweets.
Put up or shut up, Podesta.
I'll give one million dollars to ThinkProgress if you can prove Andrew Breitbart believes Osama Bin Laden is not dead.
I believe he's dead.
So that was Podesta making up lies about Breitbart.
Why is Johnny WAD Podesta so under-scrutinized for his puppet master role in so many progressive shenanigans?
Sherrod Discovery will be shocked full of discovery interrogations on how Media Matters and MSNBC, Team Podesta, and Obama White House coordinated.
Oh, so the Democrats were coordinating with the media even back then.
These are all from 2011 from Andrew Reitbart.
I'll admit that I inspired the Oslo killer Eric Bollert if you admit you gargle with John Podesta's DNA.
What does that mean?
Use your imagination if you'd like.
Team Podesta Cowards, none of my court attractors have guts to debate.
All devote day attacking, yet say live public exchange beneath them.
And that still goes on to this day.
That still goes on to this day.
Say what you want about Eric Bollert, but the guy enjoys himself a good human bloodbath.
Where did you find this guy, Podesta?
My goodness.
Andrew Breitbart, ladies and gentlemen.
Leader of progressive movement John Podesta believes President Obama is holding back top secret info on little green men from outer space.
Podesta was a Hillary supporter back when Obama upset her for the Democrat nomination in 2008.
I read John Podesta blogger Eric Bullert, Oslo killer red Breitbart blogger Atlas Shrugs, John Podesta clearly to blame for carnage.
Alright, so now we're just going to this Eric Bullert story that I don't even want to get into the background of.
If John Podesta doesn't fire Eric Bullert for his mocking attack on reporter, Media Matters may lose its gold standard for media criticism status.
Let's go on here.
Let's look for something that isn't about I don't even know what this Eric Bollard story is.
This is from 2011.
This is before I was even involved in politics.
I couldn't tell you who Breitbart, Podesta, or Soros was.
You get what you paid for, John Podesta and George Soros.
It can't be Eric Bollard wasn't his spectacularly awful senior fellow.
Hashtag Wienergate.
Back in 2011.
That's Anthony Weiner, husband of Huma Abedin, top aide to Hillary Clinton, busted for sexting minors and beyond.
But that's what he got busted for.
So then he says Podesta must have told him to lay low.
So I guess Weinergate, I guess Anthony Weiner maybe was involved in some of these shenanigans before.
Podesta had to say, hey, slow it down there, big boy.
But then he got caught years later.
And Breitbart predicted it all.
So I'm just looking at some of this stuff.
To be lectured by Team John Podesta on conspiracy theories is rich.
John Podesta writes forward for new UFO book.
Are these the UFOs that Alex was talking about in the last segment?
What is Podesta's obsession with aliens?
And it goes on.
He continues to talk about this on Twitter.
So these are just some of the things that Andrew Breitbart tweeted out in 2011 before his death.
On March 1st of 2012.
Early on, did John Podesta imagine his baby, Media Matters for America, would be covering up for underage sex slave operations and hate crimes against blacks?
Boy, Andrew Breitbart didn't like John Podesta, did he?
I mean, really didn't like him.
Uh, what was the word he used in the clip?
Here's another one from Andrew Breitbart.
How much longer until they kill me, quote, heart attack, or quote, car accident, or frame me for a crime?
Read while you can.
Oh, wow.
That, I can't see the date because of the bug, guys.
That was a week?
It was three days before he died of a heart attack.
So, uh...
May Andrew Breitbart rest in peace.
And if it wasn't for Andrew Breitbart, we wouldn't have James O'Keefe, who tweeted this out today.
A week before he died, he told me, people are going to say whatever and try to claim whatever to try and take us out.
They have an irrational fear of us.
They want us on a leash.
We're not going to be on a leash.
They want us to dance.
We're not going to dance with them.
From James O'Keefe today.
I kind of want to just give a moment of silence right now to Andrew Breitbart, who predicted
that they would kill him and say it was a heart attack three days before he died.
You come after their source, ladies and gentlemen.
(plastic crinkling)
You go after their source of the children, they heart attack you.
What am I looking at here, guys?
From an email from John Podesta, I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it.
#SethRich You know, I remember...
I had a lawyer on about a year after Seth Rich died and this is a liberal attorney who was a Bernie supporter who saw the shenanigans of the Bernie campaign and then the Clinton campaign and then sued Bernie Sanders and the DNC and then their friends died that were part of that lawsuit.
She came on air in tears because it all hit her, folks.
It's all real.
It's really corrupt.
And I read it and I was like, you know what?
I don't care anymore.
I don't care anymore.
Because, again, I'm at least trying and they're not.
So, the power is in the person who's trying, regardless of the success.
If you're trying, you've got all the power.
You're driving the agenda.
You're doing all this stuff.
Like, I just introduced Green New Deal two weeks ago, and it's creating all of this conversation.
Because no one else has even tried.
Because no one else has even tried.
So people are like, oh, it's unrealistic.
Oh, it's vague.
Oh, it doesn't address this little minute thing.
And I'm like, you tried!
You do it.
Because you're not.
Because you're not.
So, until you do it, I'm the boss.
How about that?
Look at me.
Look at me.
I'm the captain now.
So, until you do it, I'm the boss.
I'm the cook.
[music playing]
[music playing]
[music playing]
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Alright, I busted open a protein bar.
Now I'm just forcing myself to eat the whole thing here.
I'm a little hungry.
This is disgusting.
You don't want to hear me eating this.
I just shoved the whole protein bar in my mouth, folks.
I could eat 10 more.
I feel like I just had a chocolate sin.
Man, you could, like, break that up and put it on ice cream.
It's just the best brownie.
The crew loves it.
The crew is, like, purchasing this thing off the shelf.
I've got boxes on the way to my house as well.
And I use all kinds of products from InfoWarsStore.com.
I have two Alexa Pure Breeze air filters in my home.
I've got the Alexa Pure water filter.
These are products you need.
I use the InfoWars Live toothpaste, It's all at Infowarsstore.com, folks.
Folks, if you're sick of the fake news lying about America, go to Infowarsstore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know I got a lot of news to get to today and some video clips and stuff but you know I gotta be honest I did not expect to get so emotional or grounded talking about Andrew Breitbart and it just kind of hit me when I saw that tweet where he predicted his own murder oh I'm sorry death and today is the commemoration of his death that's the word I was looking for and so I really actually want to have an open line Friday and just hear from fellow Americans today because we tend to forget when we get wrapped up in all of this the human element and then also how real it is but but let me just draw back for a second and try to
Really shed light on the dark crevices of the establishment.
Here is the tweet I was talking about from three days before he died.
I mean, literally 48 hours before he died, Andrew Breitbart said, how much longer until they kill me, quote, heart attack or frame me for a crime, read me while you can.
He died 48 hours later of a heart attack.
Michael Hastings died a few years later from a car accident.
They took his car over.
They killed him.
Anybody who's ever had a close friend or family member that gets addicted to meth or heroin
or something sees what that does to an individual.
And so what ends up happening, and this is a friend of mine I can tell a story, but it's pretty common occurrence as we're looking at pictures of the Ed Buck, well we shouldn't say victims, but the men that died in Ed Buck's sex dungeon that are now suing him.
I don't even know what we're looking at here.
It's like kids in his dungeon now too.
It's all messed up.
But someone like Ed Buck is not an isolated incident.
Guys, just don't distract me with images right now because I need to stay focused here.
If you've ever had a friend or family member that gets addicted to heroin, you see how they degenerate real quickly.
Specifically when it comes to the need for the drug.
The need for heroin.
And so what ends up happening is they get real desperate.
To get their drug fix, to get their heroin hit.
And so what you'll see is, the common occurrence is they start robbing people, they start robbing family members, they'll start going through neighbor's mail looking for cash, looking for anything.
They'll even start going through dumpsters, going through random persons.
They basically go into essentially a life of just low-level degeneracy, petty crime.
In an act of desperation to do anything and everything they can to get their fix, to get their hit.
They'll sell their blood, they'll sell their semen.
I mean, that's where this goes.
Now, why am I telling you this?
The reason why the Democrats And I use the phrase Democrat, but that's just modern parlance for the current times.
It's really beyond that.
I mean, Republicans are just as much involved, perhaps, in the history of this.
It's all just an establishment, deep state, Illuminati, secret societies, whatever you want to call it, Satanists.
It's the same thing throughout time.
The reason why they want the open borders, the reason why they want abortion, the reason why they want to let babies die, is because these are cults again this is ancient stuff that use children's blood and other biochemical aspects of babies that you cannot get anywhere else like adrenochrome and so what happens is
These people get addicted to baby's blood.
And so, that's why Laura Sillsby gets caught at the border with all these children.
That's why they want the open borders.
That's why they want to let the infant die on the operating table so that they can harvest its organs and its blood.
Now, the average person has no idea what I'm talking about.
Even the average person at Planned Parenthood thinks this is all insane.
All rivers flow somewhere.
The water flows downstream and eventually gets to its final destination.
At the final destination for human trafficking, at the final destination For children being kidnapped at the final destination for these aborted babies, at the final destination for their tissue, for their blood, for all that harvesting?
It's at these Satan cults.
It's at these cults that drink the blood of the youth to stay vitalized.
The elites have been doing this for centuries, if not longer.
It still goes on to this day.
So, just like a heroin addict freaks out and starts panicking and acting desperate when it can't get its heroin fix, the same people that are addicted to the blood and to the adrenochrome and to everything else that they get from this organ harvesting, child harvesting, and all of this stuff that goes on, that's why you see this panic, folks.
People sit here and they turn their head, they can't understand.
Why is all of this going on?
Why are things so out of control?
Why do we see this panic?
This seems like common sense.
Have a border.
This seems like common sense.
Don't let a baby die.
Well yeah, it seems like common sense to you.
You're not addicted to adrenochrome.
You're not addicted to the idea that you're extending your life, that you're
adding to your vitality and essence through harvesting other people's and other people's organs
and blood.
This is why they want Infowars off the air.
And honestly, this is why conservatives are afraid of InfoWars.
Because they hear this and they don't want to be associated with it.
Oh, human sacrificing and adrenochrome and blood harvesting and Satan rituals?
We want nothing to do with that!
Well, you know what, cowards?
What do you think they do behind closed doors at a spirit cooking?
What do you think they're doing At Bohemian Grove, with the people that have been going there for decades.
You think that they're just doing a big mass drug hallucinization when they think they're talking to entities?
Oh, it gets darker than that, folks.
And they show you it.
They show you it when they have the John Podesta, Tony Podesta art collection featuring Jeffrey Dahmer bent-up corpses, featuring young children appearing to give a blowjob to an adult, featuring quote-unquote art At these spirit cookings where they literally rub blood and semen on the wall and on each other.
Where they have art, quote unquote, of people laying in a bathtub of blood.
Now, is that art to you?
No, because you're not in a Satan cult.
Now, do you remember when all of this first started to break out of the WikiLeaks and people
started to first look into this stuff?
What's a piece of related map?
What's a spirit cooking?
It's amazing How after all that
Here we are here today as if it never even happened end.
All the symbolism, all the connections.
But I'm sure it was just a coincidence.
And I'm sure it's just a fun thing that John Podesta likes to do, putting the number 14 on his hand with the fish.
No cultism there.
No ritualism there.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Andrew Breitbart was crazy when he alleged that John Podesta was a child sex cover-up operator.
John Podesta, John "Skippy" Podesta, he had nothing to do with the death of Seth Rich and he had
nothing to do with the death of Andrew Breitbart.
So let's just make sure we have that on record. John Podesta, Andrew Breitbart,
Seth Rich, no connection.
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if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
(upbeat music)
All right, we're gonna try to get this train back on track here, and we're gonna open up the phone lines.
Now, It's almost ironic, but it's our imperfections why the audience knows we're real.
The reason why I was so shook was over an Andrew Breitbart tweet saying, hey, I think they're going to kill me and say I had a heart attack 48 hours before he died.
I'd never seen that before.
And so it shocked me because I tried to see everything.
So I'm now being told that we believe that that tweet is not actually real.
So, I'm not upset that I got triggered over something that may have been photoshopped because everything else I talked about was real.
But, this is one of those moments that highlights the difference between what we do here and everywhere else.
We're not scripted.
We're off the cuff.
We're flying through space and time.
And, you know, there's things that will come on air about.
And we correct it!
So, the Breitbart tweet that we were showing is apparently photoshopped.
Now again, I'd never seen this before.
The crew pulled it up, I read it, and it shocked me to my core because I'd never seen it before.
And I'd seen most of the other stuff, but I'd never seen that before.
But apparently it's photoshopped.
But regardless, everything that followed was still real.
The work that Andrew Breitbart did was real.
Now whether or not you believe that John Podesta is a child sex trafficking, you know, cover-up guy like Breitbart did, that's a whole other story.
Whether you believe Andrew Breitbart legitimately died of a heart attack or was heart attacked, that's on you.
So I just wanted to be on record about that before we move forward.
Apparently this tweet we're showing on screen right now is a Photoshop.
So, hey, when we show you something, when we get something wrong here, we come right out and admit it.
We got nothing to hide.
Unlike mainstream media that lies through their teeth all day long, and then either erases it like it never happened, or they just never go back to it and they just move on.
I mean, where do I begin?
Covington Catholic, Jussie Smollett, the Brett Kavanaugh hearings.
By the way, there was some committee That looked into every charge.
It was like all these different ethics violations.
I can't remember the number.
It was either 83 or 38.
I don't know why there's numbers in my head, but they looked into all the quote-unquote ethics violations that they were alleging against Kavanaugh.
Zero were true.
So, it's just amazing how the Democrats, and look, again, I'm not a Republican.
Republicans are just as corrupt.
There it is right there.
Federal panel of judges dismisses all 83 ethics complaints against Brett Kavanaugh.
So, you see, that's even in PR.
Oh, but while Kavanaugh was being questioned, No, he's the worst ever.
He gang-raped women that never even met him.
They never even were in the same zip code he gang-raped them.
I mean, this guy must be a magician!
Of course, it's all fake news.
Just like, Covington Catholic Boys harassing Native American.
Fake news.
Native American Vietnam vet stepped in to protect a black man.
Now, the black man were the racist homophobes, and he's not a Vietnam vet stolen valor.
They didn't report that.
Jussie Smollett was attacked by white Trump supporters in a hate crime.
Turns out the whole thing was staged.
The whole thing was a hoax.
What did they say the next day?
Jussie Smollett is the real victim of Hollywood and the stresses of fame.
Oh, it's so tough being Jussie Smollett.
I won actor of the year.
I make millions of dollars and I get all the attention in the world when I fake my own hate crime.
And then when I get caught faking it, they still protect me.
It's so hard being Jussie Smollett.
It's Friday.
It's open line Friday.
I'm totally, I'm just, I'm just off the rocker.
So I'm gonna open up the phone lines and we're gonna see if you guys can't get me back to reality here.
Andrew Breitbart, may he rest in peace.
Alex 1877789 Alex. Andrew Breitbart, may he rest in peace.
Paul Harvey, may he rest in peace.
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You found it, the tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Troyer.
Alright, I'm sputtering and misfiring and just, I'm just all throughout the dimensions of space right now.
So I'm opening up the phone lines to get the audience and myself back on track here on the Alex Jones Show because I really do need to get focused and get to all this news.
I just tend to get lost.
In the ether of secret history.
But there's a lot of videos I need to get to as well.
As the crew aggregates these calls, here is something that I think frustrates me more than anything right now.
At least on a political Commentary level, you know, yeah, okay, you know, they want to they want to suck the life essence out of infants and children And they want to let babies die and you know, okay.
Yeah, they we know they do that but but just look at the total Fraud just just outright fraud just right on its face fraud right now that the Democrats are engaged in first Michael Cohen says, I fear Trump won't peacefully give up the White House if he loses in 2020.
Now, this is an old narrative that the Democrats are bringing back for 2020 that they tried in 2016 and beyond, saying, if Trump wins, there'll be no peaceful transition of power.
If Trump wins, it'll be a violent transition of power.
Trump is a threat to peace!
Oh my gosh!
But wait a second.
What's the reality?
Trump won, and they're the ones that still haven't let go of power.
Trump won, and they're the ones that said, harass Trump supporters.
Make a crowd.
Don't let them go where they sleep at night.
And then they literally show up at Trump supporters' houses and harass them.
They literally put bomb threats to Trump Tower.
They build 100... How heavy was the bomb that the one guy got found with?
They plan on bombing 4th of July parades.
They dox Trump supporters.
And then they say, We're just afraid that Trump is not going to have a peaceful transition of power in 2020.
We're just, we're really afraid, you know, he's unhinged and, um, you know, he might not give up power peacefully in 2020.
Meanwhile, they still haven't peacefully given up power from 2016!
And see, you know, I come out and I say that.
And it's like, okay, I've said what needs to be said.
I mean, what more do you need to see?
What more do you need to know?
They're the ones that won't have the peaceful transition of power.
And then they're the ones pointing the finger at Trump.
I mean, but somehow I don't, I don't feel closure.
Lanny Davis rips GOP for sad misuse of the criminal justice system.
They are the ones that politicized everything done at the FBI, the DOJ, the IRS, the NSA, the CIA, the FISA courts.
Everything was politicized by Obama's people.
On record, Lewis Lerner caught red-handed!
James Clapper, John Brennan, James Comey, the FISA warrants, spying on Trump illegally.
They are the ones that had the misuse of the criminal justice system.
And then they have the, again, look at Trump misusing the criminal justice system.
You know what?
You're right.
You know what?
Lanny Davis is actually right, because Trump is misusing the criminal justice system.
Trump should be putting the criminal justice system to work, and Comey should be in jail, Brennan should be in jail, Clapper should be in jail, Comey, Obama, Lynch, Holder, Clinton, all of them!
So you're right, Lanny Davis.
Trump is guilty of a sad misuse of the criminal justice system.
He's not using it.
I wish he would.
I just...
Because, how is it... This is like the most frustrating scene to me.
Because they get away... I mean, I talked about this yesterday.
They are pathological projectors.
Literally, they abuse the justice system, and then they say Trump's abusing the justice system.
They can't peacefully transition power to conservatives.
They say, Trump can't peacefully transition power.
I mean... And again...
You want to know why it's like this, folks?
You want to know why it doesn't make sense?
You want to know why they're freaking out?
Just like the heroin addict starts going into petty theft, robbing friends and family, getting real desperate to do anything to get his heroin, that's who these people are.
Everything that they've been stealing, everything they've been getting high off of, the lies in the media, the lies from the Democrat Party, robbing this country blind.
Getting the baby organs harvested!
I mean, all of it!
The open borders!
The sex trafficking!
The drug trafficking!
The gun trafficking!
All of it!
They do all of it, and that's their drug, and they've been so addicted to it, so high with it, and more than anything, so high and addicted to the power that they can get away with it.
That's what it is more than anything, and that's what's being threatened right now.
That's why they're panicking.
That's why they're saying, look at Trump, he's misusing the justice system, as they literally abuse it into oblivion.
Look at Trump, he won't give us a peaceful transition of power, as they're literally calling for war in the streets.
It all goes back to the heroin addict analogy, folks.
These are heroin addicts, their drug is being taken away from them, and they don't know what to do, and they're going into total panic.
That's why everything we're seeing right now makes no sense.
Just like that friend or family member.
You're like, oh my gosh!
Yeah, I caught, he's my best friend, going through my wallet, stealing money, going through my mail, stealing Christmas gifts and selling them for money.
It's like, you're like, who is this person?
What is going on?
Yeah, it doesn't make sense to you until you realize this is a heroin addict, desperate for heroin, that will do anything to get it.
Again, I use Democrats because that's the face of all the corruption right now, but it goes beyond that.
But yes, the Democrats are so addicted to their power, the power to deceive, the power to lie, the power to cheat, the power to steal, and get away with all of it in our face.
And they're not anymore, and that's why they're freaking out.
And just like, again, it doesn't make sense.
My good friend stealing money from me?
Your good friend is a heroin addict that is desperate.
That's who these people are.
Why are the Democrats lying to me?
Why are the Democrats saying, let that baby die?
These are people that are addicted to power.
They are addicted to lying.
They are addicted to deceiving you.
And once that's threatened, and their source for all of it is being threatened, they panic.
That's what's going on right now.
So... I guess I just need to let go.
Because... I'm telling you, the fact that they come out and say that Trump is misusing the justice system and Trump won't transition power peacefully is just... It's beyond hypocrisy, folks.
I just wish America could see it.
That's my biggest frustration.
Because as soon as America sees it, these people are done.
And this country will be more free and prosperous than we can ever imagine.
But, Americas don't want that.
They want to be stupid.
They want to be desolate.
They want to live in a pipe dream.
That's what they want.
And that's what they'll get.
But we just hoped, you know, since we had a republic, that we could at least be free.
Oh, but no.
That's not what control freaks do.
Alright, when we come back on the other side of this break, I'm gonna get to your phone calls.
We got a whole line up of callers here.
Every line is filled, so we'll get to your phone calls.
In the short break though, please go to InfowarsStore.com.
Support this broadcast.
You know the censorship that we're enduring, folks.
And we want to expand, but it's almost impossible to expand with all the censorship that we deal with here.
But thanks to your support, we're still live 10 hours a day, starting with the David Knight Show, then the Alex Jones Show, and then the War Room.
So we go live from 8 a.m.
all the way through to 6 p.m.
Central at InfoWars.com slash show.
It's possible with your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
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And 50% off our storable foods, emergency storable food supplies.
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Alright, I'm out of control.
We're gonna go to the callers next and they're gonna rein me back in here.
We'll be right back.
If I were the devil.
If I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness.
And I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
So I've set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first.
I'd begin with a campaign of whispers.
With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve.
Do as you please.
To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.
I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square.
And the old I would teach to pray after me.
Our father, which art in Washington.
And then I'd get organized.
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could.
I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flame.
The President of the United States is racist.
If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect the discipline of Just let those run wild.
Within a decade, I'd have prisons overflowing.
I'd have judges promoting pornography.
Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.
And in his own churches, I would substitute psychology for religion.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct, I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show I'm Alex Jones and welcome to the show. I'm here to tell
you what a true alpha male looks like today at 50% off only at the Info Wars store.
I did not plan on the show going this way at all, ladies and gentlemen, but isn't that the beauty of the Alex Jones Show?
And this, I say this in humility, folks, but it's almost just... It's really just God's providence, I think, half the time on this broadcast, because I didn't plan on talking about any of the stuff that I brought up so far today.
I mean, in fact, I probably sound crazy to most people.
I mean, it's just like, sometimes you just sit down here, the mic goes on, and you just lose control.
So the callers are gonna get me back on track, but it's like, this is the kind of crap I'm talking about here.
And again, I didn't plan on covering this.
The crew just brought this to me.
Good God.
Just... Just Lord forgive us for what we've done to this creation.
I mean...
Feminist smears menstrual blood on her face to show periods are beautiful and powerful.
Now, this is just your mentally deranged leftist right here.
That's all this is.
This is a sick, deranged leftist.
But again, folks, you have to understand, this stems from the top.
Humans are all connected.
We're all connected.
We're all on the same plane.
We're all on the same consciousness.
So when you've got all these satanic death cults and crap that are now running the leftist liberal progressive movement, yeah, when you get to the average dumbed-down liberal on the streets, they're rubbing period blood on their face!
They don't know what the hell is going on, they don't even know why!
But it's because we're all connected, and so the consciousness at the top of their Consciousness is engaged in human sacrifice and all these blood rituals.
So that's like, that's like at the top of their consciousness.
And then down here, the little bottom feeders, they don't know why they have this weird notion to rub period blood on their face, but they say it's beautiful and they can't help it because it streams down from the higher consciousness.
But as if that wasn't sick enough, there's groups of women that store their menstrual blood and then use it to paint.
me you know but there's groups of women that literally store their menstrual
blood and then use it to paint it's like a whole art group this isn't even
the spirit cookers This is downstream from the spirit cookers.
The spirit cookers are the spirit cookers, okay?
I mean, the Alistair Crowley people, the Marina Abramovich people, the devil worshippers, the cultists.
These people that are drawing paintings with their menstrual blood and rubbing their menstrual blood on their face, they have no idea what the hell's going on or why they're being, you know, moved to do this.
But I'm telling you, it all is streaming from the higher consciousness that they're tuned into.
Do you think that's normal to put menstrual blood on your face?
Do you think that's normal to store your menstrual blood so you can use it in a painting later as part of a group art project?
No, that's mental illness.
That is disgust.
That is degeneracy.
But for them, they're just low-level minions of a left pathos ideology that they don't even comprehend or understand.
They just act out its will, streaming down from the consciousness to then think that somehow it empowers them to do this crap.
Same thing with the people that celebrate abortions.
They don't know why people harvest babies' blood and harvest babies' organs, but it's streaming down from the consciousness, so they're fighting for it.
I need to shut up and just go to your calls because I'm just off the rocker today.
So, let's go now to Travis calling in from Texas.
Go ahead, Travis.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Hi, Owen.
You hear me okay?
Yes, loud and clear.
Hey, uh, I was listening to Alex the other day, and I've been listening since probably 2003, 2004.
And, uh, man, when he was on Joe Rogan, he was talking about a dream that he had where he was falling into, like, this vortex.
And a guy called in yesterday and said that he had had a similar dream.
Man, I gotta tell you, like, I had the same dream, and I was, like, eight years old.
I still remember vividly, because it messed me up for weeks.
And it was these little, I've described it at the time to my parents as like a smurf, but they were like little elves or whatever, and they were like screaming in this loud voice at me, just as loud as you could possibly, like, imagine.
And then for like weeks, I was terrorized.
Like, people would be talking to me, and I would think they were yelling at me.
I mean, I had to go to sleep with classical music and all this kind of stuff, and it really rocked me.
You know, in college I experimented with drugs and stuff like that.
I dropped LSD one time and then had a similar experience, you know?
And I'm just wondering, like, how many people out there that are like us, you know, that are God-fearing, God-loving, followers of Jesus, you know, followers of freedom, guys like we are, women, how many people have had these similar experiences?
That's what Alex is talking about, which kind of sounds like what these guys who go on these DD, DMT, and Hiawaska trips are seeing, too.
Man, I just wish there was a community of people like us, like the InfoWarriors.
We could talk to one another and gather this information together and then seek out churches also.
You know what's funny about that, Travis?
It's interesting that you bring this up.
Again, I can't even believe I'm going down this road.
I have a friend of mine who, I'm not going to get into the details because he hasn't said he wants me to talk about this yet.
I'm trying to get him to come on air to talk about this, but he is a, it's a small business owner, but he's been successful in his local market.
And what happened to him yesterday was he got 100% erased off of all his Google platforms.
And that pretty much right where he stands now will kill his business.
Because that's how he makes business contacts.
That's how he does all of his transactions.
And now...
They're saying that they're going to go through, because he appealed it, they're now saying they're going to go through every email, every document he's ever sent.
So that's doctor's records, medical records, all this crap.
Now, he doesn't want me to talk about this, so I'm just going to mention this as a story, and here's why.
He was about to start a podcast, because he is a God-fearer, and he has had similar stuff, like what you're talking about and Alex is talking about, and so he wanted to start a podcast for exactly this thing.
For people to talk about that.
But kind of have it in a rational discussion where it's not like talking about, you know, trying to induce these DNT hallucinations, but instead trying to figure out what people are seeing or what the significance of it is.
As far as these little elf creatures go, it does seem, look, I mean, I'm no choir boy, I went to college, I've done a lot of different experimentation with drugs, but The one thing, the elf thing seems to always come up, because I remember there's this thing called salvia, which is probably one of the most powerful hallucinogens on the planet in a short time.
And I remember before I experimented that, I was doing a bunch of research, and they always said elves.
All these people always seeing elves.
So it's like this reoccurring thing of people always seeing elves.
I don't know what the hell it means.
I've never seen any elves, but people keep talking about it.
What it represents to me, it's kind of like, have you ever seen Westworld, Travis, where like, they wake up in the outside world for like a second, and they see the picture of the man in the mask, and then it becomes like a myth, it becomes like art, you know what I'm talking about?
Yes I do.
And so then they go around Westworld and they find like a doll or like a drawing like a depiction of what they saw in this other dimension that they don't know exists but they've all seen it they all recognize it and they just don't know why until they've all had their eyes opened and then they know what it is.
So it's like is that the example of what we're experiencing here?
That's an interesting call from Travis.
We'll be right back.
The first thing I need to do here is mid-air refueling.
Mid-air refueling.
This is an American populist, capitalist, pro-Christian, pro-Second Amendment, pro-human broadcast that is under globalist technocracy declared war.
And we have had vicious victories because of you relaunching Americana and capitalism, not just here, but what I developed over 12 years ago, the plan.
1776 worldwide.
And in documentaries that we've seen hundreds of millions of times together, and on this broadcast, and in billions of views online, I challenged the government that if you're not criminals, like everybody says you are, then you should be able to stop globalism.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Broadcasting live from the U.N. State Department, I'm Bill Shkurti.
Broadcasting live from the U.N. Center for the Performing Arts.
stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
So, everyone's a favorite it couple.
The royal couple.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.
We adore them so.
They've just decided they're gonna raise their baby gender-fluid.
Mental illness.
Let me tell you something, folks.
In a sane society, anybody who raises their child gender fluid or anybody who rubs their menstrual blood on their face or paints with it belongs in a straight jacket and a rubber room.
But we don't live in a sane society, do we?
One more thing before I go to your phone calls.
This was pointed out during the break to me.
Look at what... Just compare and contrast Roger Stone to Michael Cohen.
Michael Cohen, convicted liar, actually guilty of all of these crimes in his own personal life, and gets caught with all of it.
He gets, what was it, like an eight-hour testimony, live on television, all the media covers, and now he's the hero, Michael Cohen.
Roger Stone, not a convicted liar, not a bunch of crimes in his past, a Trump loyalist who's not going to sell the country out.
He gets gagged, he doesn't get the big testimony for the public to hear.
You see the difference?
Michael Cohen, a liar, a fraud, a conman, but more than anything, a traitor.
He doesn't get gagged, even though he's the known liar.
He gets the eight-hour testimony on live television.
Roger Stone, not a liar.
Not a traitor.
He gets gagged.
He doesn't get the live testimony.
Because he won't sell this country down the drain.
And who won't lie about President Trump?
Cohen will do that.
That's why he gets the testimony run by the Deep State and by the Democrats.
Let's go back out to your calls.
Let's go to Sean in Texas.
Go ahead, Sean.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, Owen.
Thank you so much.
I'm real pumped up.
I'm on TurboForce, actually.
And first, I just want to say the products are awesome.
I use TurboForce, the B12, at knockout.
I'm an 11-year listener, and I actually got into Alex Jones when I was 16 with the 9-11 Truth Movement.
I actually have some similarities to what Alex Jones was talking about on Joe Rogan Experience.
I was a very smart and gifted young man, and I was actually starting my career in investment banking.
I had a friend in college who was kind of a conspiracy theorist with me.
And he was a year ahead of me, and he worked at the bank.
And then when I worked, I came out of college and got a job at the same bank as him.
And he had basically told me that he had joined the club.
And I don't want to get into that too much, but I know all that stuff exists.
I sold a dog to the financial sector.
Anyway, I ended up getting out, and I do run my own businesses now.
But I put a few things together that I wanted to kind of get out.
You were talking about Andrew Breitbart, and back in 2012 when Obama was president, I'm actually kind of a biblical, into the Bible a lot, follow the astronomical signs.
There's a lot of blood moons during that period, and of course CERN was also opened up around that same time, or at least publicly.
And they had this festival, there was actually a Breitbart article with a picture, and it was basically these Egyptians celebrating this dawning of a new age, and they kind of portrayed Obama in this artwork, and it was all about the old gods coming back.
And around that same time, my friend was getting into UFOs, and there was all these orbs, this orb phenomenon that was going on.
that you can still use around that same time.
And then, kind of putting together the NASA secret arm of the government, if you remember,
one of Obama's orders was to have NASA, one of their main goals, to further relations
with Islamic nations.
And then you had the whole rise of ISIS and whatnot, and I just kind of wonder if all
these world powers, China, Russia, United States, getting into kind of the Luciferian
religion, it almost seems like an arms race of human sacrifice.
And you just wonder if NASA was established closely ties with the Islamic religions because
they were so willing to sacrifice innocence, as you saw with ISIS going through the Middle
Is this kind of a next level realization for the people that are working with these AI
That it's like...
Yeah, once this AI goes live, it's going to eliminate six billion people.
And so they just kind of accept that, maybe.
And so then they kind of wash their hands of it and just say, oh, that's just natural order or something.
I don't know, Sean.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go to Bruce in California.
Go ahead, Bruce.
How you doing, Owen?
Yeah, from San Pedro, California.
Uh, you know, I'm here.
You mentioned a lot about how we're all connected, and I just wonder how many people remember after 9 11 when what was it?
15 minutes after it happened that news reports came out.
Well, there were these, uh, what they call goes the G O s G O. Yes.
And they read up.
They read a spike on the whatever they read.
I mean, essentially, it was saying we're all connected.
We all saw the programs or the news reports on 9/11 15 minutes later and they read a spike
on the world satellites reading some kind of vibrational energy.
Not too sure but I just wonder if you heard of that.
I've never heard of that.
If you get into, like, top-level astrophysics, though, they'll tell you nothing is real, nothing is solid, everything is actually a vibration of frequency.
Well, then they found out.
We all got angrier.
We united against that 9-11 event, and we all were one country.
And they read a spike in it, and I think they realized that, you know, they want to keep that energy low, that low energy.
And with all this bad, you know, SH whatever happening, you know, that's probably mixed into the whole program.
Just keep everybody low energy with this just horrible news all day long.
And I guess I could even plug your products, man.
Your products, you know, they give you high energy, and I think we all should just be high energy no matter what We see happen these days.
I mean, just see the bottom of it, people.
That's, now you're hitting on something else entirely, Bruce.
And I kind of explained this earlier.
The reason why even conservatives don't like Infowars and Alex Jones, the reason why even
conservatives are hands off us and don't mind us being censored is because of our high energy.
And it's either they're not comfortable putting that energy on display, or it's not attractive
to them, or just quite simply, they don't have it.
So it's like, yeah, I come up here and I'm out of control.
Alex Jones comes up on the Joe Rogan Show and he's failing his arms about, screaming about how they're killing kids.
So it's like, yeah, this high energy is intimidating to a cuck.
Because they know that they can't compete with it.
Yeah, but don't you think it heals the Earth?
I mean, we talk about the human body having a spiritual, emotional, physical body.
I mean, what about the Earth, right?
I mean, are we not healing it if we stay high energy?
I don't know.
It's just a theory, but as long as we're all high energy, I think, you know, we are going to win.
Well, there's no doubt that they want us low energy and dumbed down, and that's why they put the fluoride in the water and other chemicals in the food and water.
Thanks so much for the call, Bruce.
Let's go to Dave calling in from Chile, South America.
Go ahead, Dave.
I'm here with you.
Now, first of all, I want to mention something about what Trump said last night in a tweet, and that is that he said, oh, I see.
Now that the two-year Russian collusion case has fallen apart, there's no collusion except by crooked Hillary and the democrats, and they say, gee, I've got an idea.
Let's look at Trump's finances and every deal he has ever done.
Let's follow discredited Michael Cohen and the fraudulent, dishonest statements he made on Wednesday.
No way!
It's time to stop this corrupt and illegally-brought witch hunt.
Time to start growing a pair, looking at the other side, where real crimes have been committed.
That's basically what I'm inspired by today.
Well, yeah, and I agree, and I think we all agree, but we're waiting for action.
A tweet is hardly action, you know, Dave?
That's true, that's true.
But, you know, people have got to start standing up.
I mean, if you're walking around with your MAGA hat on, and somebody's taking a swipe at you, it's time to stand up and get in their face.
Or film them, file a police report, and have them arrested.
Yeah, either way though, it's time for America to stand up.
It's time for America to quit being bullied.
I planned every segment today to wear a different t-shirt.
I just get too focused on the news and don't do it.
But if you're a TV viewer, you can see it.
It's Don't California, My USA.
And it's got Infowars.com on the right.
And, uh, shoulder with the American flag.
Don't California, my USA.
There's no reviews of this shirt because it just came in.
It's brand new.
And without you funding us, we will not be here.
And again, even if you're not a big t-shirt person, we have some for women as well.
Gold foil, Moe and Lobby shirts that women love.
We have some more shirts for women.
That's quite nice.
You know, my wife likes to wear them around.
And it's kind of choose your own adventure.
And I've tried to explain this before.
You wear a big, in-your-face, red InfoWars shirt.
That's about as obnoxious as you're going to get.
And you're going to meet a lot of friends and a lot of cool people.
Look at that.
It's got a bunch of reviews, five stars, 100% review.
American flag, InfoWars.com, InfoWars.com on the front.
That shirt is a bestseller.
And that's for people that really want to, you know, go out and exercise the First Amendment.
But if you wear just an IW hat, only patriots know what that is.
And then you're just getting the love, not the hate.
Or if you wear a Molon Labe, you don't think leftists can speak Latin or know that means come and take it.
All they do is talk about how smart they are and listen to NPR and the little snake voices all day.
We've got over 100 t-shirts.
Some are steadfast.
One design I made 20 years ago.
22 years ago now.
Mass murderers agree gun control works.
I sat there on Photoshop and put Hitler, Stalin, and Mao by each other.
On the back it says, politicians love disarmed peasants, which I got from a bumper sticker.
Then we've got all these great designer shirts with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln on them.
So we've got high-end shirts that are great.
You know, it'd be $50 at the mall.
They're $25 here.
We've got other shirts that are as low as $9.95.
It's all there.
Trump 2020.
Won't tread on me.
Re-elect 45.
Bill Clinton's a rapist.
Hey, show them the George Washington.
That's really good, soft, high-quality fabric.
That's one of my favorite shirts I wear, is the George Washington.
And it's him from his, before the French-Indian War, when he was a colonial scout, expanding the frontiers as a scientist.
And as an engineer, he was out there surveying.
And so that's kind of the George Washington with that with a tomahawk and a musket in his hand.
A great shirt.
And like I said, the fabric's so good and it's so high-quality.
I think the shirt cost like seven, eight bucks.
It is a great deal.
The point is, you don't buy the products, we don't spread the word, we lose.
You get them, we win.
But, I mean, it's an adventure.
Don't California my USA.
Who wouldn't want to wear a shirt like that?
Or Alexandria Cortez as the dog?
You know, she said, we'll have you subpoenaed or arrested.
Donald Trump Jr., as you said, socialists eat their dogs, capitalists walk them.
So I said, okay, well, we'll just put that shirt on.
And I predict it to be a bestseller.
It is.
I've done two runs.
This is the last run.
I've got the new variant of the Cortez shirt.
But this limited edition is about to go the way of the Goonie Bird, which means extinct.
So if you want it, InfoWarsore.com or 888-253-3139.
I cannot believe we even produced this.
I mean, this, this, this is insane.
I said, I'm a game changer.
I'm a guru.
I'm a scientist.
I'm an activist.
And, and, and, and other people aren't willing to do it.
And, and, and I'll tell you right now, I'm here to ram heads with you.
Energy drinks are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Well, it's not me, it's you.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Gosh, it's bad.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Now, did you hear what I just said?
this is good.
we're listening to the Alex Jones show.
So Alex Jones was on the Joe Rogan podcast two days ago.
It's already got five million views on YouTube alone.
And the traffic was so intense on the iTunes podcast format that it kept shutting down and people that were trying to listen to it couldn't even access it because of all the traffic.
But naturally, some things Alex Jones said on the Rogan Podcast drew some ire from the media.
And a bunch of people were publishing stories.
And then, they publish a story that's, you know, basically trying to make Alex look bad.
And then they send us an email for comment.
We then respond within minutes.
And so we give them the comment that they want.
We respond to their request.
And then they never put it in their story until 24 hours later.
It's funny how that works, isn't it?
It's just where media has become in this country, unfortunately.
All right.
I've got Justin Fall about to join me in about 15 minutes from 4thwatchfilms.com.
Looking forward to talking to Justin here today.
But I've still got some callers lined up here I want to talk to.
Let's go to Alex calling in from Michigan.
Go ahead, Alex.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
Oh, enjoy.
The wizard troll.
My man.
Yes, you are now under my spell.
Well, I'm getting over a little cold here.
That's why my voice sounds like Atrazine, man.
I think they got hit with a bioweapon here in Michigan.
Well, you know, the chemtrails don't exist, so you're a conspiracy theorist.
It's all made up in my mind, I guess.
But I just want to say that I love when you go, you say you're going off the deep, but I love when you talk about stuff like the adrenochrome and the elite blood drinkers, because that's like the bigger picture, and that's what InfoWars is all about, getting the bigger picture.
Like, if we wanted the play-by-play for Fox, like, Fox News or whatever, just giving the play-by-play of the daily political events, we could do that.
But actually, on InfoWars, it's just to get the bigger picture.
And it's kind of this thing where we kind of go with the general stream of consciousness, which, you know, in the modern sense of media here is covering, you know, everything that Trump is doing and all the political movements and that's what everybody's kind of paying attention to.
That's what's kind of drawing people's attention and that's what's kind of making people's eyebrows kind of, you know, get raised up and attention get perked.
So we kind of go along with that.
And then it's like we have this whole new swath of audience that I just wonder if we, when we start talking like that, if they just don't get tuned out or if they get more interested.
So it's tough to kind of measure that, you know?
Well, I get more interested.
And one more thing I wanted to say is, uh, the whole blood drinking thing, the adrenochrome thing is a deception in itself.
Most of the time, unless they really are doing black magic, because I think the Rockefellers are kind of obsessed with Chinese medicine because The Chinese, they didn't drink blood or anything, but they relied on herbs, special herbs.
And if you Google search 250-year-old Chinese man, you'll see Li Ching Kuan, who lived 250 years.
He was a Taoist master herbalist.
All he did was take, like, ginseng, reishi mushroom, all these, like, classic Chinese herbs, and he lived, like, 250 years.
So, I mean, there's your proof right there.
You don't need to drink blood to look for it.
And doesn't acupuncture come out of the East, China too?
Yeah, that old, that ancient system.
Yeah, like they found bodies in the East that were like really, really ancient.
And they found that they were even practicing acupuncture.
I can't remember how old these bodies were.
But it was like acupuncture's been around forever.
I've never done acupuncture.
I'm kind of more curious to try it myself.
Yeah, you gotta find a good one though, because it's tough to find like a... I have a fear of needles.
Yeah, that's why you gotta find a really good who knows what they're doing, because it's hard to find anyone who knows what they're doing these days.
You can say that!
Yeah, just the Tai Chi and the Qigong stuff, you know, with the energy.
I got real into Tai Chi and Qigong.
I actually practiced it for about two years.
It's interesting stuff.
My problem with it is that I'm like high octane, high energy, so that's why I've always been more apt to like playing basketball and doing weights and stuff like that.
But it's interesting stuff and there is weird Stuff like the placement of the tongue, the placement of the torso, the movement of the body, the balls of energy and all this stuff, the balls of your feet.
It's definitely something that's worth looking into.
It's not for everybody, but it's definitely worth looking into.
Alex, I gotta jump.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's go to Carl in Wisconsin today.
Go ahead, Carl.
Hi, Mr. Schroer.
You've spoken many times about cell phone radiation, and I told a call person that my Information today is about light radiation coming from newer smartphones.
Are you familiar with this?
You're just talking about the actual light, not the actual radio waves?
Oh, the newer iPhones, the one with the facial recognition, if you have a trail camera or a camera with night vision, will pick up a strobe light that's bright enough to see from an airplane.
You're holding against your face and it goes off every about under a second and as you know from being in clubs or discotheques or festivals, music festivals, a strobe light blasting at close range in your face can be very hypnotizing and tiring.
So wait I want to be clear about this.
I don't think I'm fully understanding.
You're saying that the new iPhones have a built-in strobe light when you're using the selfie camera?
It's on pretty much all the time.
It's on infrared spectrum, so you can't see it with your eyes, but you can see it with trail cameras or anything with night vision.
And it strobes every second.
It's very bright.
You can't cover it with tape.
It will go through the tape.
You're telling me, you're telling me, the new iPhones, this thing is going off every second.
10 and up, yes sir.
iPhone 10 and up.
I've never heard of this.
And you have to use a binder clip or something solid to cover it.
A piece of tape.
It will go right through the piece of tape.
It will even go through your hand, how strong it is.
If it's infrared, it doesn't know a physical barrier necessarily.
And I think it can be very damaging even though you can't see it.
It's still like UV light can cause mental and eye strain.
So I wanted to let your audience and all the info warriors know about that.
All right, Carl.
Well, as far as I can tell, I mean, you're breaking news to all of us here at InfoWars.
I've never heard of that.
And I feel like we would have been on top of that had we heard of it prior to this.
But maybe the writers have already written a story about it.
I don't know.
Carl, thank you so much for the call.
Let's jump to Brett in North Carolina.
Go ahead, Brett.
Yes, sir.
What's up, Owen?
I'm 19 years old.
I'm in college right now.
I just want to get your advice on what direction I can go to pretty much, how I can closely connect with for awards and for education and pretty much a career.
Well, that's kind of some epic stuff to try to get out in 90 seconds here, Brett.
You said you're 19 years old.
Are you at a state-run university?
Yes, sir.
I'm going to East Carolina.
East Carolina, the Pirates?
Okay, what are you studying, Brett?
I'm going to do interior design, but I just want to get your advice on, like, if anything major I could do.
Anything out of college, on the side.
Well, let me just give you some general advice.
If you're going to stick with this college thing, and you're going to stick through it, Your best bet towards making a career for yourself and building your resume is to go out in the field now.
I would start building a business right now.
I would start doing interior design or whatever it is you want to be involved with right now, building your resume.
As far as meeting like-minded people at your university, North Carolina is a pretty conservative state.
If you really wanted to get active, you could get a bunch of stickers from InfowarsStore.com, get a bunch of flyers and stuff, just post them around your campus, get a buzz going, maybe get a story.
Who knows, maybe you kind of make like an underground Info Warriors, you know, fight club type thing over there at East Carolina University, the Pirates.
But as far as just career advice, and I actually like talking to the youth about this a lot, I would say the best thing you can do Yeah, I think the best thing to do is to go out in the field and start making a name and a career for yourself because a college education isn't going to do that for you.
It's nice for a resume, and it's nice experience.
But somebody that's looking to hire somebody or somebody that's looking to expand their business or work with somebody, they want someone that has What's the word?
I can't even think of the word.
Things they can look at in the third dimension to say, hey, wow, I like what you did there.
So just as general career advice, I would say that, Brett.
But good to know that it's always nice to hear from young listeners here.
Brett calling in a college student from North Carolina.
All right, folks, we're going to go to a break.
I'm going to take another call or two when I come back from this break and the short segment, and then I'm going to be joined by documentary filmmaker Justin Fall, who wants to address something Joe Rogan said he didn't believe on the Alex Jones Show Rogan experience just the other day.
But folks, in this short break, it's just a short break here, please go to Infowarsstore.com and shop around.
If you've never been to the Infowars store, Just go click around.
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So, in this short break, get to your computer, type in InfoWarsTore.com and spend something at the store.
This young fella put himself in front of me and wouldn't move.
So they get to go free and go about their life and possibly attack someone else.
And I'm here to left with the aftermath of this bull.
Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter.
I think that there's a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.
This is about the closest I'll probably ever have in my life to an I Am Spartacus moment.
You know, that whole, suddenly America's, like, the biggest oil producer and the biggest... that was me.
His family was bitterly opposed to their relationship because she was part Native American.
We landed in one of those corkscrew landings and ran out because they said there might be sniper fire.
Why do we keep making the same mistake?
Because we're desperate to get Trump out of office.
But the return address said in big red, you know, like caps, MAGA.
Did I make that up too?
Believe in something, even if it never happened.
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InfoWars Tomorrow's news today.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
You know, it's funny they try to put the Infowars audience in a box
But it's really so diverse where I get people messaging me I'm talking about Qi Gong or Qi Gong
Depends on where you are and it's been a long time since I read Lao Tzu
I think was the guy's name who wrote the book that they all go off of the Tao the way
But it's just, this audience is so diverse, it's just funny how they try to put us in a box.
Let's go to Tyler in Wisconsin.
Go ahead, Tyler.
Hey Owen, how's it going?
Um, so I want to talk about, uh, just the overall assault on everything good that is going on.
And I think I've reverse engineered the attack plan and I kind of want to lay it out for you.
So just bear with me cause I'm kind of retarded and I'm not sure if it's going to come out right.
So, uh, the whole thing is the left fascination with evil.
That is the source of all of our problems.
Because everything that causes trauma or pain, it's like these people are drawn like a moth towards... Can I actually, I want to rephrase that.
I think you're right when, again, it's kind of the same thing I was talking about earlier, like where the people that drink the blood, and then downstream it's people rubbing blood on their face.
Yeah, at the top there is Satan and stuff like this.
At the bottom, it's just like low-level degeneracy and like worshiping degeneracy.
Well yeah, and they come in like a snake in sheep's clothing and they say they're trying to help understand this evil, so they need to get close to it.
And they say, give us all your money and we'll put together this epidemiological study to
snuff out evil from the world.
And all it does is put these people close to the evil, and it allows themselves to entrench
themselves near the evil so they can focus the evil and use it as a weapon.
And if you look at history, at Tuskegee, given syphilis in a systematic way to a population
so they can understand the spread of sexual disease and sexual behavior, or the Kinsey
Okay, I see what you're saying.
It's like, it's like, it's like put out a dose of evil or put out a dose of cyanide and see how far it goes.
And it's the whole thing.
It's not just drugs.
They use the same system to study a flu.
That's what they use to study people's sexual behaviors.
At the Kinsey study, they systematically molested children, for one.
But also, they interviewed children and found the source of where the molestation was.
So you're going into deep psychology now, where they're studying this stuff for scientific purposes or whatever.
But yeah, I mean, children were abused.
Go one deeper, yeah.
So now they've entrenched themselves in the sex STDs and child molestation.
So yeah, it's like, no, no, no, no.
It's like, let's see what kind of crap we can put out in Hollywood.
Let's see all the subliminals we can put out in children's movies and cartoons.
And then let's see how that spreads and infects society.
And so now we're seeing it.
And it's just called liberal progressivism, but like, you know, again, it comes to this weird thing with the NPC meme.
Is it real?
Like, I can't even help it, dude.
Honestly, it's like, I just, it's like a weird instinct.
Like, I couldn't even...
I don't even have to know anything that Chuck Schumer's ever done.
I don't have to know anything that Cortez has ever done.
I don't have to know anything that Swalwell or Adam Schiff... I don't even have to know who they are.
You can erase my memory.
But I know!
I know!
Even with no memory of these people, if I just look at Adam Schiff, I can't tell you, man.
It's instinctual.
I just know he's a cockroach.
I just know that guy is such low-level scum that I probably can't even comprehend it.
I don't know why.
I don't know why I have these gut instincts.
I don't know why I can just look at Cortez and know that if she ever becomes a president, this country will become a third-world hellhole.
I don't know why I look at Adam Schiff and just know that this guy is not right.
I just know it, man!
Because they're close to evil.
They're bad and evil.
And they're going to use this entrenchment now to target us as conspiracy theorists.
They're going to entrench themselves out and epidemiologically study our behavior so they can use Ourselves against us, and all the information against us, all the same places, e.g.
McKinsey Report.
So it's basically, so yeah, okay Tyler, thank you for the call.
So basically it's like the same thing they did with injecting black people with syphilis to see how it would spread and study it.
They're injecting us with toxic liberalism, which is really just degeneracy, sexual depravity.
And then seeing how it infects society.
And now you've seen it, folks.
Look at California.
Look at the derangement of the left.
Good call from Tyler.
We'll be right back with my guest, Justin Fall.
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Thanks for watching.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Owen Schroeder.
You know, it's almost like... I mean, I thank God for everything, but it's like... It's not a resentment thing, but it's just... I seriously... Like, for example, I was just on Twitter during the break.
A picture of Ilhan Omar showed up.
I got nauseous!
I got nauseous, man.
This is something built into me.
I'm not the only one.
When we see evil, we get nauseous, man.
It's something, it's something inherent in us that we still have that somehow, whether it's chemically, spiritually, whatever it is, people just don't have it anymore.
And we call them NPCs, but...
I digress.
My next guest is Justin Fall, 4thwatchfilms.com.
He's put out a bunch of great documentaries.
I've seen a few of them myself.
He's been a guest of mine on The War Room before.
I'm not sure this may be your Alex Jones Show debut.
You have had a documentary, I think, on our website.
in the past but Justin you were tuned into the Joe Rogan experience with Alex
Jones and there was something Joe Rogan was saying he didn't believe something
that you have covered in a documentary so go ahead Justin Fall from
forthwatchfilms.com what was it that Joe Rogan said that you wanted to basically
say hey I've studied this it's real so Joe Rogan basically was it was
challenging some of the I'll be careful how I say this but but something along
the lines of challenging the validity of the claims that Alex was making about
the Nazis the higher entities which many people will call the aliens many
Christians will call them the the fallen angels or the demons but
We were dealing with a political alchemy, if you will.
And, you know, when you get back into what the Nazis were actually doing, you know, we see the surface level.
But now so much has been declassified and brought into the mainstream that we've learned that the whole Nazi regime at its core was based on harnessing a power called the Vril.
That's V-R-I-L.
And this was a power that they were they were harnessing.
They were calling down through seances With these higher entities or what they call the aliens or the Ascended Masters, the gods of old.
And so I just wanted to make a point about this because, you know, Joe Rogan and Eddie Bravo, now Eddie Bravo seemed to know a little bit about it, but we're dealing with history here.
We're dealing with the actual evidence that has been passed down and passed down.
You see the Nazis believed, Owen, that they were descendants of a divine race that had its origin inside the Earth.
Now they believed in this thing called the Hollow Earth.
And on the surface it sounds kind of strange, and it really is strange, but they believe that their bloodlines came through and were watered down, and they were now the descendants of the gods, or the Aryans, who were living on the earth.
And so they were trying to reinstate this religion, this political alchemy, by channeling these things through seances.
And Alex even mentioned that they were getting technology through these seances and I want to touch on this real quick.
We know for a fact that there was somewhere over 30,000 Nazi scientists and doctors that were brought over by the United States government after the ending of the war.
This is a fact.
And people can look up Operation Paperclip.
And so we brought these scientists over who were part of this quote-unquote space program, and then that's what boosted NASA here in the United States.
Our pharmaceutical industries boosted as soon as they came over.
You know, again, we're dealing with crystal meth.
What we noted is crystal meth.
That came from Nazi Germany.
These guys were on steroids.
These guys were on different types of crystal meth.
And let's just kind of, just so the audience understands, You know, the reason why they were saying, okay, let's bring these Nazis, is these people were super smart, super intelligent, had done incredible research, not known to anyone else at the time, and so they figured that, look, these people are too valuable to just throw in jail or something.
Let's at least bring them on to our team and see if we can't harness some of this technology and some of their knowledge.
I'll take it a step further.
If we didn't bring them over and we didn't put them in prison, somebody else was going to take advantage of their expertise.
And so, what I'm saying is I'm not being critical about them bringing them over here.
Obviously, a lot of good has come from that technology.
I want to be fair about that.
But when we understand where they were getting this technology, Wernher von Braun, well technically it's Werner von Braun, but he said specifically when they were doing the Alabama rocket tests, he said that the technology that they were receiving in Germany came from them and he pointed up and he looked up.
Now, Whatever these entities were that were communicating with these Hayek Nazis, they were masquerading around as good higher entities.
And I just want to make a really quick point here on this note.
We know from 2 Corinthians chapter 11 that Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
And therefore, it's no great thing if his ministers are also transformed as the ministers of righteousness.
And so, this is not something that is impossible when we understand Scripture.
When we understand the Bible, we understand that there are these entities.
There are these higher entities.
They're masquerading as angels of light.
They're bringing down the technologies of heaven, if you will.
And listen, I want to talk specifically about something that took place in Nazi Germany.
There was a number of seances that were taking place with the Vril Society.
And one of the very prominent women in the Vril maidens They had this group called the Vril Maidens, and they were a group of women who had very long hair.
They grew their hair sometimes down to their ankles, and they believed that their hair was some type of a cosmic antenna to communicate and to attract these higher entities.
Now, this sounds crazy, but this is history.
We can prove this.
You can Google Vril Maidens.
You can find pictures of these women with this crazy long hair.
And that's actually in a bunch of different ancient cultures.
I mean, I think even the Greeks were doing that.
Yeah, and specifically, we touch on in the film with Timothy Alberino and with Steve Quayle in the Hollow Earth Chronicles real quick.
This is the film, and we'll talk about it a little bit here in a minute.
But what's going on here is that there's a reference in the Bible about women having head coverings while they're praying, right?
And it's for the sake of the angels.
Very peculiar passage there.
But the point I want to make is that they were doing these seances.
Alex mentioned that they were doing seances.
And in these seances, they would get taken over by these higher entities and they began to do automatic writing.
Automatic writing is where you just start writing, your eyes are rolling back in your head, you don't know what you're doing.
And several of these seances, they wrote these documents that were languages that they had no clue about.
Like you're dealing with some ancient cuneiform, you're dealing with this coded Templar language as well.
The Nazis didn't know what to make of this and so it was over the course of so many years that they finally realized what these languages were and they figured out how to translate them.
And what they ended up with was a blueprint by combining both documents from two separate ancient languages.
They combined them and had blueprints to create what they called the DeGlaca or the Bell.
This was their UFO and in this many people believe that this UFO was actually some type of a cosmic time machine.
It was going to allow them to escape some judgment and go up to what was called the Aldebaran.
Or wasn't there another angle where they thought they could use this as a communication tool and not have to go through all the rigmarole of these great lengths with the seances and the hallucinations and all this.
They're like, oh now we have this machine and we can just kick it on.
The machine was supposedly, and again, we have to be careful because a lot of speculation is around this topic.
I don't want to get out and say A, B, and C about this machine because, I mean, we can only speculate and we can only read documents.
But there's a lot of different ideas of what this machine actually could do and was going to do.
One of the interesting things about this is that not only do we bring the scientists over to America, and we've got a record of somewhere like 30 to 34, 35,000 But there is on record somewhere on the higher number of about a million Nazis that disappeared.
They were unaccounted for at the end of the war.
And then you have the FBI vault material, which we show in the film, FBI vault material showing that their intel documented that Hitler was in Argentina at the time that this material surfaced.
Oh my gosh, we're about to go to break, and we're getting real out there in the conspiracy territory now, but a lot of this is on record, like you're saying, and then it just hit me because there's a bunch of other weird rumors, and some of it's documented.
I mean, the Nazis did have bases in Antarctica, and there is text of them trying to basically tunnel through Antarctica, and it just hit me because we do have the record.
I mean, look.
Maybe Hitler escaped Argentina, maybe he didn't.
I mean, that's what the FBI thought at the time.
You can read J. Edgar Hoover's journals.
I mean, it's all declassified, folks.
He's like, yeah, we have Hitler, he's in Argentina.
Like, you know, do we want to do anything about it?
And they're just like, no, we cut a deal, essentially.
But I just realized, it's like, Argentina, the tip of the Patagonia down at the south part of Argentina, it's the closest thing to Antarctica.
So of course he would go to Argentina if he was trying to get down to Antarctica.
But again, Justin Fall, he's done the research on this more than I have.
He's with us from 4thwatchfilms.com.
We'll be right back.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Don't go anywhere.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Justin Fall is my guest from 4th Watch Films.
Man, you know, it's like, sometimes you just see all the evil that we're dealing with, all the corruption, and I mean, there's comfort knowing that you're not separated from God.
Because, I mean, if it wasn't for that, I mean, I...
I don't know how I could go on, to be honest with you folks, but at the end of the day, you just have to remember we're not separated from God, and as long as you seek His hand watching you, protecting you, you can really fight this evil and not even worry about the thorns and the lashes.
But it's tough.
It is tough.
Justin Fall from 4th Watch Films is going to be with us here for the remainder of the hour.
We're going to take some phone calls later and get some news, but right now we're talking about his films.
So, let's pick up where we left off.
Now again, you're addressing the fact that there were some questions during the Joe Rogan podcast about the Nazi seances, the Nazi technologies, them coming to the West, and then how the West then kind of brought most of this technology, which was at a ground roots level there, then brought it to fruition in the West, much of what we're seeing.
So what else did you want to get to there, Justin?
And if you want to, you know, talk about how people can see some of this stuff in your documentary.
Because a lot of times people see a documentary like a Hollow Earth Chronicles and they get freaked out like, oh, this guy thinks there's a hollow earth.
No, you're just documenting what the Nazis thought.
You're just documenting what the Nazis believed.
So I just want people to understand that.
But Justin, follow 4th Watch Films.
Go ahead and go back where you were at.
Okay, so the idea of the Nazis, you know, we brought over, you know, 30 to 35,000.
I don't have the exact numbers and there's some differing numbers on that.
But they come over here, NASA gets launched, all of a sudden we have a pharmaceutical industry that we did not have before.
Which, you know, Alex even mentioned pharmakia.
Pharmakia is the Greek word for sorcery, which is the root word of what we, you know, what we call pharmacy today.
The root word of pharmacy is sorcery.
Not to go too deep into that because it's, there's some interesting ideas there.
But the Bible says that in the last days, this is in Revelation, it talks about men are not going to repent of their pharmakia.
They won't repent of their sorcery, and this gets into utilizing drugs for spiritual purposes.
Anyway, the reason I bring that up is because the Nazis were already tapping into that.
The Nazis were being taught these things by these higher entities, and the higher entities were masquerading as angels of light.
They were masquerading as the highest form of intelligence that the Nazis could possibly tap into And furthermore, let me mention this too, Owen.
This is very interesting.
The Nazis are on record of taking a trip to Tibet, where there's an alleged entrance Into this supernatural place in the earth where there's a portal that's supposed to open and they call it Shambhala.
And many people have heard about this.
They reference it in the Netflix series Iron Fist, Kong, Skull Island, all the movies, TV shows, Power Rangers.
All this media is conditioning people to this idea of a hollow earth and these higher intelligent entities being inside these Special places in the earth.
Now, it sounds preposterous to the average person, but when we understand that in the last days, men are going to get worse and worse, the Bible says in the King James Bible, it talks about men shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
So these same people that are doing all of this deceiving, they're also being deceived by these higher entities.
I think it's really important to point that out, because things are going to get crazier and crazier, and the Bible says that this Antichrist is going to rule in the final time of the Tribulation.
Now, let me make the point about this... Hold that thought, because I'm just trying to think, isn't even technically...
I mean, we use the phrase hollow earth theory, but that's just the kind of the modern day parlance.
I was going to say, in the ancient text, I mean, they do have essentially, quote unquote, hollow earth.
I believe it's called Sheol or hell.
And so you could eventually, I mean, you could essentially say this is all biblical.
They're going into Sheol.
They're communicating with these entities that are posing as higher entities, but it's actually Satan.
And this is so, I'm so glad that you brought that up Owen, like you just nailed it.
We do an amazing biblical exhortation in this film, Breaking Down Scripture.
We even have in the book of Job, you have Satan coming before God in heaven and God says, where have you come from?
And Job says, I've been walking back and forth, up and down inside the earth.
I mean, we've got some crazy biblical references, things under the earth.
It talks about in the Bible, all of these things.
And we do a great job of breaking this down.
The sea gives up her dead.
We've got all of this information in the film because it's a biblical rebuttal for a major New Age belief system.
And as you said, this isn't new.
This is ancient.
Almost every ancient religion that's now, you know, these ancient religions are coming back now.
They're getting more popular.
They almost all have roots to some idea that there are the gods inside the earth.
When Jesus died on the cross, it says that he descended Into the earth, into the lower parts of the earth, and he preached to the spirits that were in prison.
There are spirits imprisoned in the earth.
That should tell people something.
And then we also, we can compare with what Peter said, where we're dealing with the angels that are chained up right now from the descent of Genesis chapter six.
There's so many things that we could break down here.
I don't want to create such a tangent, but I want to say that this film does a great job breaking all of this information down.
We even get into the whole, the Nazi UFO battle in Antarctica, With the United States Forces and Admiral Byrd.
Operation High Jump.
This is on record.
It's declassified.
Now, if we have time, I want to get into that aspect as well.
Well, you got the flat earthers and the geocentrists' attention peaked right now.
If you want to get into, you know, the ice wall and stuff like that.
I'm just kind of open-minded to everything.
I'm not necessarily a geocentrist or flat earther, but I am curious about it all.
In the larger scheme of things, I don't think it matters.
Whatever it is, it's all created by God.
But just to kind of Just to kind of put an end cap on this segment, to me it's like this, because I was raised Catholic, I went to church at least twice a week, read the Bible every day in school, all the way up through high school I was studying world religion, biblical scholars and all of this stuff.
So for like the first 18 years of my life I was always reading the Bible, and so I've heard all the stories, it's all been read.
And so I'm 29 now and then it was like for the last like decade it wasn't that it was kind of like it wasn't that the Bible was necessarily boring to me it was just kind of like I've been there I've done it and it didn't really intrigue me anymore and now in my later years as you start to learn more of the Kind of next level, I mean, literally, it's like an inter-dimen- it's like, it's like, the Bible is really like the playbook for life.
It's like the inter-dimensional playbook for our experience here on Earth.
Like, when you buy a video game, it comes with a manual.
Like, the Bible is the manual, and I feel like the way we interpret and study the Bible is so watered down now, it's almost like the- we almost approach the Bible being politically correct.
That's a major problem in the church today, and across the denominational lines, they are de-supernaturalizing the Word of God.
And when you take the Word of God and its natural understanding, which is that God is a supernatural creator, He is actually extraterrestrial, if you want to use definitions, because He is outside of the earth.
He created this.
He created time.
He's outside of time.
He's not part of this terra system.
And so when we start reading the Word of God from an ancient perspective, an ancient supernatural perspective, we better understand what's going on.
We better understand the spiritual warfare that we're dealing with.
And furthermore, we understand the times that we're living.
But it's important that people get that supernatural worldview back.
But that's why they demonize the Bible.
That's why they want to get rid of the Bible in schools.
And that's why they're demonizing Jesus and tell you not to say the name of Jesus.
It's that.
The following broadcast contains only future possibilities and is in no way at this time true.
Well, the day has come.
We've had a long run against the globalists, but the enemy at this level has been successful.
This is InfoWars last broadcast.
The internet kill switch is now being put into place.
We are witnessing the true Mark of the Beast scenario unfold, but the fact is humanity is awakening.
And the fact that the globalists can shut down key leaders is not a symbol of their victory, it's a symbol of their defeat.
And so now it's up to you to decide the future course of humanity.
For myself and the InfoWars crew, I salute you and I thank you.
We'll carry on the fight in the non-cyber world.
God bless you.
(soft music)
(phone ringing)
(phone ringing)
Is it right now?
Yeah, I'll be right there.
(soft music)
(water running)
(soft music)
(water running)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(door creaking)
(water rushing)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(water rushing)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
You guys think you're gonna execute this?
You're not gonna execute crap.
And the global's know, I don't just make statements on here
that aren't true or that aren't backed up.
You are facing...
(soft music)
(soft music)
(soft music)
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
♪ Well, people look at me for a stare ♪ ♪ Well, I don't think that I even care ♪
Justin Fall is my guest.
He wants to make a final comment here about his documentary, and then we're gonna take some phone calls, and then I gotta do a big news blitz before Mike Adams takes over the fourth hour, but you know the biggest deception is that Satan is in control, or that humans are in control.
And the truth of the matter is, This whole experience is probably billions of years old, and so for the omnipotent creator of everything, there is no time.
So it's not like...
Oh my gosh, Satan is still in controller.
Humans are still in controller.
There is no time.
The Creator made everything and can destroy everything if the Creator wanted to.
So it's just a joke.
It's like the same thing like, oh, humans are in charge of climate change.
No, there's a burning ball of fire.
That is in charge of climate change, and then where the Earth is as far as the location to the burning ball of fire in the sky.
So it's like the same thing, like God is in charge of everything here, and if you think that you can get any power derived from man over God, then you're just insane.
Just like if you think you're responsible for climate change even though there's a burning ball of fire in the sky and a volcano that just erupted that is like ten bajillion cow farts combined into one, and that's just one volcano.
But Justin Fall, 4thwatchfilms.com, final comments on the documentary that highlights kind of the Nazi aspect of all this interdimensional stuff and this technology stuff and the seances that they were doing.
Yeah, so I just want to say the film is called Hollow Earth Chronicles Episode 1 The Dark Chambers.
Steve Quayle was a part of this, Tom Horn, Timothy Alberino, Jim Wilhelmsen, Ellie Marzulli, Josh Peck.
We had a really good team putting together this.
Chad Riley was one of the executive producers.
I just, I want to encourage people to check this film out because it's going to really add a whole lot of supernatural element to many things that they understand from the Bible, but they're going to understand them deeper now.
They're going to have a much more supernatural worldview and it's also going to be a very prophetic film.
People are going to understand where we're headed and why this is all important.
So I just wanted to say that it's 4thwatchfilms.com.
It's all spelled out there.
You can get the DVD or you can stream it in high definition, whichever format is easiest for you.
But I just I want to encourage people that this is going to be a wild ride and it's going to challenge you in many things that you think you know, but it's going to be very edifying by the time you're done watching this.
People are watching it 5, 6, 7 times and they're still not taking in all the information because it's so, so filled with information.
So thank you for allowing me to talk about that.
Joe Rogan, if you're watching this, you need to see this film.
It's going to present much of the evidence that you're asking Alex for.
Maybe Joe should have you on to talk about it.
All right.
Let's let's go to Bob in Colorado today on the Alex Jones Show with Justin Fall.
Go ahead, Bob.
Hey, I just want to say I'm an ex-jockey, OK?
And your guys' energy drink is Freakin' awesome.
Well, I'm glad that it fulfills you.
I'm glad that it gives you your fix, and it's a healthy alternative.
So, thank you for supporting us, Bob.
I was a meth addict, and I was a banger.
I banged gallons of that crap.
I'm telling you, this stuff is as close as it gets.
Anyways, that's not why I called.
You guys are right on.
Alex is right on.
Just the dimension they're talking about.
Hell, you know?
And, uh, I used to sell a lot of stuff, okay?
When it was, when it was real, when it was real pro-filth and stuff.
And what it does is it makes the schizophrenics schizophrenic, okay?
And that's not everybody.
I used to make fun of them, but they all had one thing in common.
They all knew the same dementia, okay?
They'd talk about it.
It didn't make sense to me then, but now it does.
You know what I mean?
They all would talk in secret about it, and people that didn't even know each other would know the same things about this dimension and these elves or whatever the hell you want to call them.
So it's real, you know?
You're right on.
You're right on.
Um, Zeke, one thing you're missing is, have you ever heard of, you've heard of the CERN, okay?
Yeah, CERN.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
We've covered it many times on the podcast.
But a doorway.
They're creating a doorway, okay?
Satan wants one thing.
He doesn't want to F with us.
He doesn't want to rule us.
He wants us gone, okay?
He hates us.
He's jealous.
He ruined us.
You know what I mean?
And God's greatest creation.
And he wants us gone.
So he's lying to all these devil worshipers.
I mean, who wants to kill babies, okay?
44 Democrats, they're devil worshippers, okay?
I got chased out of a campsite once by these creeps.
I mean, God has saved me so many times.
Well, and it's amazing to me too, Bob, that if you wanna get some of the most powerful testimony
from people, you go and you, I mean, go to ex-heroin addicts, go to ex-meth addicts,
and they'll tell you they've seen the devil and they've now found God and they're never going back.
I mean, some of the most powerful testimony you'll ever hear for God is from ex-drug addicts.
Bob, thank you so much for that call.
I mean, Justin, would you agree with that analysis?
Yeah, absolutely.
And it's interesting that some of these very drugs that are the synthetic versions of the drugs that are allowing people to experience these dimensions and to see these entities, they have their origin point in Nazi Germany, when you're dealing with the pharmakia and creating of these drugs and synthesizing these drugs.
So I think it's very interesting.
And also with CERN, You know, Bob mentioned CERN.
CERN is, Stephen Hawkins, the late Stephen Hawkins, who knew a whole lot more about some
of this stuff than most people, he warned them.
He said, "Stop playing with this technology."
He said that CERN is dangerous.
It's over in Switzerland, by the way.
There was a whole big occult ritual where they, you know, televised it.
Bottom line is this.
It's dangerous stuff.
Stephen Hawking said stop doing it.
They're trying to recreate what they call the Big Bang Effect or the God Particle.
And the scientists over there, they're saying that as they fire up these accelerators, what's taking place is they're seeing entities trying to cross over.
Like, they're literally witnessing entities.
And these are scientists.
These are scientists who base everything on reason.
And then there's like these weird paranormal events that happen in the sky while they have this, the Hadron Collider fired up.
And you can go Google this stuff.
There's like, Weird clouds forming and like boxes and people think there's like portals in the sky.
This has been photographed.
So I don't know what's going on.
I mean, I just pay attention to it.
I think it intrigues me.
Let's take another call.
Let's go to Grant calling in from Iowa.
Go ahead, Grant.
Hey Owen, thanks for taking my call.
Echo what Alex from Michigan said earlier.
People are really interested in this stuff, like a lot of the stuff that Alex covered on Joe Rogan.
Because we're all subconsciously aware of these senses, you know, like you were talking about being able to spot a liar or a disingenuous person.
It's something that's built into our...
Um, you know, human biology that you have to, like, you have to access it manually.
It's not just gonna happen.
You have to... No, no, no, exactly.
That's what it is because... Right.
...when I, and that's what I'm saying, when I was separated from God, I fell for this crap.
I mean, I fell for it.
I mean, that's, that's the whole thing.
That's why people go to college and they come out, like, a blood-sucking liberal.
Because they're not connected to God, and so they can't see the deceivers.
And you know, let me comment on this.
We are created to have a relationship with our Creator.
It's hardwired into us.
We are spiritual beings.
And so if we don't have a creation with our Creator, I'm sorry, a relationship with our Creator, we're going to be trying to fill that void somewhere else.
And that's where the occult really comes into play because it's allowing people to have spiritual connections and to activate their pineal glands through other means.
And so just like Alex said on Joe Rogan, it's like for the higher, for the good, you have to work for it.
And I don't mean works-based salvation, but you have to repent and come to God.
You have to literally ask Him, I want to be part of you and your kingdom.
Yeah, it's like in Indiana Jones, when he's walking across, I forget what it is, but he has to walk across the invisible pathway.
It's like you have to know that that connection with God is available in order to make it.
Grant, final comment.
Well, I was just going to share a little theory that I came up with in college.
We were talking about numerical thinking and how children and primitive cultures, you know, originally they think of numbers as more exponential.
So it's like 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, and then it's just a lot after you get to like 20.
With modern education, we learned that, you know, the distance between 1 and 2 is the same as the distance between 99 and 100.
So I kind of wrapped that into this whole theory.
Take a religion out of it.
You've got dark versus light, good versus evil.
We all came from chaos.
You had this time in the universe where nothing was related, no entities were related.
Then one thing became related, then two things became related, et cetera.
So I kind of framed it as the quest--
Oh, and you're out of time.
All right, we go to break.
It's time.
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The first thing I need to do here is mid-air refueling.
Mid-air refueling.
This is an American populist, capitalist, pro-Christian, pro-Second Amendment, pro-human broadcast that is under globalist technocracy declared war.
And we have had vicious victories because of you relaunching Americana and capitalism, not just here, but what I developed over 12 years ago, the plan.
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But I need that from you.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
All right, I got one more segment with Justin Paul and then another small segment.
I'll take a phone call or two.
I need to pile drive through a stack of news real quick.
Dems look closer to steer clear of impeachment talk after Cohen testimony.
NBC News, let me translate.
Cohen testimony was an utter failure.
Not gonna work to impeach Trump.
Trump demands Congress look at Cohen's love letter to Trump book proposal.
So apparently Cohen wrote a book, Love Letter to Trump, and folks, I can go back and play the clips where Cohen talks about how great Trump is, he's the best, he loves Trump, I can't believe people call him a racist, he's the farthest thing from a racist.
I mean, Michael Cohen is a rat bag.
The guy's just a bag of rat feces.
It's great.
illegal immigrant to be press secretary.
Okay yeah.
Bloomberg eyeing Manhattan office space for 2020 campaign.
It's great.
The Democrats that are like legit, that like I would say like are a real threat to Trump
or like could actually be president.
Michael Bloomberg, Tulsi Gabbard, Howard Schultz.
The Democrats are throwing all of them under the bus for the most extreme crazies like Kamala Harris.
I mean and Joe Biden who can't keep his hands off anybody who comes to the White House even young children.
I mean it's it's it's it's really insane.
Democrats introduced Medicare for All bill eliminates employer-provided health insurance, which I believe is the number one provider of health insurance in America, I think, is employers.
I'd have to double-check that.
So, you know, the Democrats say, oh, you're going to take the health care, and then they literally take your health care.
Sean King, the fake black guy, I mean the guy literally fakes being black, says, listen to me, you can be fully racist and hire a black person, have black grandchildren, have a black friend, never call black people the n-word, like black art and culture, root for black athletes, and get really mad when you're called a racist.
So everyone's a racist!
I mean, literally!
You cannot be racist and you're still a racist.
That's what this says.
You cannot be racist, but you're still a racist in the eyes of these deranged leftists.
These are people that fake being black, folks.
This is how insane it's gotten.
I don't even understand what this headline means, but I'm just going to read it for you.
That's more racist.
Lynne Patton criticizes Rashida Tlaib for believing Michael Cohen over a black woman.
Okay, well, you try to figure that one out.
Oh, remember ICE?
How racist ICE was?
ICE is, you know, white supremacists, right, at ICE?
From ICE.gov, 18 members and associates of white supremacist gang indicted for racketeering and drug distribution.
So ICE has just arrested 18 white supremacists!
Won't hear Cortez talking about that, will ya?
But you will hear her complaining about Democrats who cross the aisle and vote for Republicans.
So yeah, if you vote to keep that baby alive, you're bad in Cortez's eyes.
If Republicans put a notion out to cure cancer, hey we found a cancer cure, let's cure cancer, and a Democrat votes to cure cancer, Cortez would say you're bad.
Kind of like this.
Joe Biden apologizes for calling Mike Pence a decent guy.
Oh my gosh!
Oh my, oh!
Joe Biden said Mike Pence is a decent guy?
What a, jeez, Joe!
Joe, you're out of control!
Sheriff on Maryland gun confiscation bill, we will not comply.
So Maryland is trying to pass legislation to confiscate your guns, the sheriff says not today.
Putin's approval rating reaches a new high in 2019.
Wired UK cheers Facebook banning Tommy Robinson and then gives them a list of who they should ban next.
So yeah, media, leftist media is really just leftist activists now.
French prosecutors want Marie Le Pen tried over a tweet.
So just like how they're saying Michelle Malkin should face penalty for breaking Pakistani law, they're now saying basically the same thing about Marine Le Pen for what she did on Twitter.
Kind of like, you know, Roger Stone puts a tweet out and they gag him.
You knew you were taking a bribe.
The specifics of Netanyahu's alleged crimes.
You know, this has been kind of pestering for a year, but maybe Netanyahu really is in trouble, folks.
This is the CD-ROM guy.
I'm not a fan of him.
Teens need permission to seek R-rated pro-life movie, but not for an abortion.
You need an ID for just about everything, but not to vote either.
Democrat-led states to sue Trump over blocking funds to Planned Parenthood.
Again, another example, you want, these people want babies to die.
They literally do.
Here's another story from Michael Snyder.
What does Planned Parenthood do with babies that survive abortions?
Well, they let them die.
Or they just break their neck.
I mean, talk about the evil it takes to snap a baby's neck.
Army veteran had no known family, so crowd came out for funeral in Kyleen.
Army Special Operative Q. Gary Bryan was buried on Wednesday.
Colleen, thank you.
I can't pronounce it.
I'll probably butcher everything else in here too, but we mentioned that.
I'm glad to see that people showed up for that.
In America, talk turns to something unspoken for 150 years civil war.
Yeah, that's thanks to the Democrats who say, oh, Trump can't give peace, transition to power peacefully, and that's them.
Los Angeles didn't hit 70 degrees for first February in 132 years.
I guess that's man-made global warming.
All right.
I just got all the news out of that.
Look at that.
I just cleared the desk of news, Justin.
That is a record of five minutes news blitz.
Justin, a response?
Yeah, you know, it's funny, um, you mentioned the... Everybody nowadays, it's like racism is such an issue.
And, you know, last time I checked, like, the worst of the racism has already been dealt with a long time ago.
It's like they're trying to bring it back.
They're trying to make such a big deal out of something that's non-existent.
Yeah, because that's what it is.
Because here's what it is.
It's a market.
See, there's a market for racism.
And so because there is no actual racism, they have to create racism.
It is, and what it's doing is it's planting seeds in people's head.
And listen, it works on both sides.
Let me explain how this works, guys.
They're going to make people who are not racist feel like they're being oppressed because of their skin, right?
They're going to bring back old news.
And so that person feels oppressed, and then they start acting out based on that.
The media covers it.
They put steroids into it.
And then people of the opposite race, right, they now get upset because these people are attacking them for being racist, and they're not.
So now you have two factions, rival factions, that are now fighting all over the place.
And listen, I was in Atlanta when all this crazy stuff was going on.
People with Black Lives Matter, they were out blocking the roadways.
Like, this was happening not too far from where I used to live.
And I can't begin to tell you, Owen, I was so blown away because it was only a few years before that I was interviewing a former Pentagon Joint Chief of Staff, Al Cuppett, and he's telling me on my radio program, on The Fourth Watch, he says, they have already got plans to create a racial divide to bring about civil unrest.
And he's telling me this, like, years before it happens.
And then we start to see that it was happening.
I mean... Well, it's in the WikiLeaks emails.
It's in the WikiLeaks emails.
It's why we saw the Jussie Smollett hoax.
It's all to start a race crime.
And let me just, let me just kind of correct myself here, because I said no racism exists.
Of course racism exists.
It's always going to exist.
It's less than 1% of 1% that are actual racists.
They have no real impact.
Racism should not be stopping you, especially in the West.
So yeah, you're right.
They try to foment all of this racism.
I mean, they literally tried to start a race war with the Jesse Smollett hate hoax.
I mean, they tried to start a race war in this country.
I mean, people need to realize who these people are.
Yeah, it's funny.
It's almost like they're creating a Hobson's Choice for everybody, right?
It's like you're either a racist or a racist.
Take your pick.
And it's crazy because by the time it's all said and done, people who were totally cool and totally non-racist, they now have animosity in their mind because they're looking at people that are You know, synthetically racist now.
These people weren't racist, now they're racist, and they're causing people of other races to get racist.
You see, it's a domino effect.
It's a snowball effect.
And I think it's important to note that this was documented years ago that they were going to be using this, the deep state was going to be using this, and they had strategically outlined a plan to bring about civil unrest and to revitalize racism.
In the culture.
Look, it goes back to order out of chaos.
They want to create chaos so that the New World Order can continue to do what they do, and they can get wider acceptance.
And that's what racism is.
And listen, I want to make another point, and I hate even saying this, but there's this popular belief, and you guys have probably mentioned this before, but this popular belief that white people are the only ones that can be racist.
Have you heard that?
No, they literally say you can't be racist if you're black.
Exactly, and they've also, okay let me, I don't want to say they because that sounds whatever, but people are banding together.
But it's the leftists in the streets.
I mean we have them on video.
Right, but minorities, minorities, even though they might not really be minorities, but they're being sold as minorities in the media, they're banding together, different various minorities, to say that they can't be racist because they're minority.
And, you know, that's the most absurd thing I've ever heard in my life.
Growing up outside of Houston, Texas, there was a lot of people coming in from Mexico, and I went to school with a lot of Mexicans.
Some really great people, by the way, but there was a lot of gangs.
Houston is now the most diverse city in the United States.
It is, but when you grow up in an area where there's Mexican gangs coming over, and it's funny because all this Trump talk about the gangs, it was MS-13 or whatever.
I mean, I grew up in an area where there were heavy Mexican gangs.
Like, it's a fact.
And until somebody has lived in an area where Mexican gangs were oppressing people and picking on little white kids, they don't understand that this is really a threat.
And so, you know, I understand, but they're not minority anymore.
Like you just said, you know, The whites are minorities in certain parts of the United States.
And I think it's just fair to say that let's just stop looking at people based on the color of their skin and look at what they believe.
Let's look at how people live and what they believe.
If we could just live like that, things would be a lot smoother.
But the deep state isn't going to have it.
And, I mean, that's Martin Luther King.
I mean, that's literally what Martin Luther King said, and it's so funny.
It's the conservatives.
Of course, Martin Luther King was a conservative, but it's the conservatives that practice what they preach.
It's the leftist progressive liberals that totally just abandon the Martin Luther King ideology, which is judge someone by the content of the character, not the color of their skin.
Justin Fall, 4thwatchfilms.com, thanks for joining us today.
Well, I've got some really good news for all the viewers and all the listeners.
This was going to be a big loss because we couldn't get the Deep Earth Crystals anymore.
It's been a year and a half fight, but we have the original producer, the original crystal source, the best atomic iodine in the world.
X2, ladies and gentlemen, is back.
X2 is back.
Deep Earth Crystal, not from seaweed, where it's not pure, it can be contaminated, but true atomic iodine.
We get it from the DEA approved that it has to be held in a contained facility before it's then put into the process that makes it legal to put out.
Because anybody who's watched Breaking Bad knows, true atomic iodine is used in the production of methamphetamine.
It's not a drug.
It's not bad.
It's good for you.
You have to have it.
But it's very hard to get atomic iodine.
Nobody has ever really done this until we worked with researchers and others the last few years to do it.
And so we've gone back to the original producer and we've been able to do a deal to not to put over a barrel from the extractors of it, the oil companies, to bring it to you.
So X2 is back.
We got it.
This deal just happened about a month ago.
We rushed it into production.
It's been bottled.
The labels are being put on today.
And then it's going to be on an 18-wheeler, right here to Austin, from the plant in the Rockies.
And it's going to be shipped out to you.
Be sure and sign up for auto-ship.
An additional 10% off.
The 25% off.
Celebration of the fact that we got it back and we're relaunching it.
Research the iodine conspiracy.
Find out why it's so important.
Find out why the globalists don't want you to have the good halogens, they want you to have the bad halogens at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's the umbrella site.
InfoWarsLive.com takes you right to the supplements.
And this is the King Daddy, ladies and gentlemen.
It is X2 Original.
Now back at InfoWarsTore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
And now the tip of the spear leading the fight to take back the nation.
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Man, there's so much I wish I could have gotten to.
I didn't get to Darren McBreen's tribute to Paul Harvey.
I didn't get to Caitlyn Bennett confronting Brian Stelter, who spoke on ethics in journalism last night.
Brian Stelter giving a lecture on ethics in journalism.
That video is on Infowars.com.
It's really hilarious.
I should have gotten to it.
James O'Keefe releases the whole...
Facebook Insider video.
It's 20 minutes long.
It's at ProjectVeritas.com.
New York Police Department says MS-13 is planning to target off-duty cops at their homes.
Where do you think they got that information, folks?
Again, Democrats, it's not fair, but you have anti-American violent leftists working with security agencies and other such agencies that Well, how do you think MS-13 gets the private information of off-duty officers, folks?
Okay, I mean, you know, your imagination doesn't have to go that far.
Guys, let's just go ahead and just roll clip 17.
Okay, so this is just kind of a joke.
We've got transsexual athletes dominating women's sports now.
So this is just a man who decided he was going to identify as a woman and break the female deadlifting record.
And he did it like it was nothing.
So again, it's just ridiculous.
This is what the left has done.
To common sense and logic in America.
It's fine guys if we don't have the video.
Let's just go back to calls Let's go to James in Florida right now.
Go ahead James Hey Owen, how's it going man?
Just wanted to say I watched the Joe Rogan Alex Jones podcast last night and it was amazing so I would say anyone that hasn't watched it pull up a cool drink and It's kind of like you're just there hanging out with them.
It was really cool to kind of see you know behind the scenes how It is.
It's a little less formal.
So that was pretty cool.
I also wanted to point out that Joe Rogan brought out the point that Alex will talk so fast and he had to slow him down and say, hold on, hold on.
Where are you citing us?
I believe you, but where are you getting it from?
And it's true because, you know, he's got so many data points to hit.
I mean, it's just incredible.
Well, and that's why the crew here is so valuable.
It's like the same thing.
I mean, look, I'm not, I mean Alex is Alex Jones, but for me it's like I do just so much news aggregation and then I try to get the things that I want in front of me to have on the desk and then focus on, but it's like certain things, like I'll just be sitting here and I have a photographic memory just literally shuffling through files in my head.
And so like earlier, there was a story and I couldn't remember if it was 83 or 38, but I knew it was one of those numbers.
And so it's like all these things like your synapses, your data points, you're just going through all these files in your head.
And it seems like information overload, but that's just where you're at.
Like, so yeah, you do need to slow down sometimes.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
And then just, you know, to point out what you said earlier, you know, the new listeners, especially, I mean, I've been listening for 15 years.
So for the most part, I follow what's being said.
You know, I always kind of hoped that there would be some way somehow to create some sort of a, you know, like a wiki style knowledge base or something where, you know, you could just point to it and say, okay, you know, here's here's where I'm getting this from.
You know, it might be helpful.
It's kind of us out here to, you know, be able to quickly reference something as opposed to trying to go find it.
And you know, that actually is so important now because the way they censor the internet and the search engines, it's almost impossible to find the stuff you want to now because they just algorithm it out of the search results.
Yeah, absolutely.
And it's frustrating because it's like, I know, and this happens all the time with Alex too, it's like, it's like, I know I saw that.
And so the crew will be looking for it.
It's not their fault they can't find it.
I mean, they're not in my head.
They're not in that time zone with me.
But it's like, yeah, oh, they've been searching on Google and they go there, but Google erased it!
Yeah, and the last point would be that, you know, some people are just not made to go and do research.
They want it to be shown to them.
So we need to make it easier to show it to them.
And here's the thing that I've always said, you know, you don't have to take what we say to the bank, take it to your own research, you know?
I mean, cross-check everything we say here on air.
I mean, we don't tell you what to think, we tell you what we think, and then you find out for yourself it's true.
I actually had not yet tried the InfoWars Life Protein Bar until this morning, and I would give my review as a five-star review, and I'm somebody that's probably tried about every protein bar out there.
For people that eat protein bars, you know that a protein bar that's really stacked with protein and vitamins and nutrients usually doesn't taste that great.
I tried the InfoWars Life Protein Bar, the peanut butter chocolate one today, which has 15 grams of protein in it.
And I gotta tell you, you eat this, you would not think it's a protein bar.
So I don't know what they've done in the lab over there at InfoWars Life to make this InfoWars Life Protein Bar, but wow.
I was eating a double fudge brownie, and then I looked at the wrapper, and it was the InfoWars Life Peanut Butter Chocolate Protein Bar.
And you can get two boxes right now, or more, for 40% off.
I'm somebody that loves grabbing a protein bar if I'm on the road, if I'm heading to the gym, or afterwards for a snack.
The brand new InfoWars Life Protein Bar is at InfoWarsStore.com.
So support the InfoWar by going to InfoWarsStore.com.
And check out some other great specials.
Do not pick up.
You know, sometimes it's just too much fun here.
I gotta say, as Mike Adams is about to take over, I'm gonna pass him the baton.
But Mike, I have to question everything now because I've just discovered something that is so unknown and astronomically mysterious.
This is, this is... Mike, just brace yourself for this.
Are you ready, Mike?
Are you ready?
All right, now, I don't know, folks, if you can handle this, so just be warned, but Bridget Bowman from Roll Call has the story.
Now, folks, I'm telling you, nobody, this is like so unknown to the general public, you're gonna be shocked, but we have the tweet right here.
A Capitol Police officer left a gun in a bathroom, and not just any gun, a Glock, which fires if the trigger is pulled.
Oh my gosh!
So Mike, So first of all, obviously it's ridiculous police officers leaving guns in their bathrooms unattended.
Yeah, that's ridiculous.
But the big news here, Mike, the big news, and I don't, look, I understand if you want to, Mike, if you want to go to rebroadcast to just kind of soak this all in, or we can go to a special report because this is bombshell.
Mike, did you know that a gun fires when you pull the trigger?
This is news to me.
We need, Owen, we need to disassemble a Glock and find out how they work.
Um, and also, of course, the next tweet from that liberal will probably be that Glock triggers pull themselves, because guns kill people.
So, not only does the trigger fire the gun, the gun will leap out of the holster, and it will align its front and rear sights, and it will actuate its own slide to load a round, and it will pull its own trigger, including depressing that Glock trigger safety that's on the trigger, in order to fire that round.
Hold on a second.
We're getting new breaking news here.
The Glock was actually left unloaded, and Mike, it loaded itself!
It put ammunition in itself, Mike!
I know, I hate it when that happens.
When the guns load themselves, and the really advanced guns now can reload high-capacity magazines themselves as well.
You don't even have to do anything!
You just look at the gun, and it just starts shooting people randomly and reloading itself.
This is the same magic that makes the Green New Deal work, by the way.
It's this incredible kinetic magic that allows you to build railroads across the Pacific Ocean.
So, Ocasio-Cortez is invoking this incredible gun magic.
It's just remarkable.
Thanks for bringing that story in.
Oh my gosh!
I'm sorry.
It's just so ridiculous.
These people are out of control, Mike.
I mean, I'm... Oh, okay.
I'm not trying to... I don't want a sour Mike segment here, folks.
He's got great stuff coming up.
I've just been on air for a while now, so I'm kind of loopy.
So, Mike, this is how insane the left is today.
They say that Trump won't have a peaceful transition of power, even though that's the Democrats getting violent.
They say Trump is misusing the justice system, even though that's the Democrats aiming it at Trump and conservatives.
They're literally rubbing menstrual blood on their face.
That's a story today.
And apparently they've just discovered that if you pull the trigger of a firearm, it fires.
So Mike, this is where the left is at today.
So I'm loopy.
I'm out of control.
You're focused.
You're ready to go, Mike.
So take over the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams, naturalnews.com, counterthink.com.
Always great to hear from him.
Mike, I sign off.
Take it away.
All right.
Thanks, Owen.
You had a great show today, too.
I tuned into quite a bit of it in between running my own staff here.
Just an incredible array of topics, including I really like how you got into higher consciousness and even some of the religious and biblical elements to this.
Just as a side note to that, I've been actually listening to the full audiobook of the Bible because I wanted to read it all for myself.
And I didn't grow up in a Bible family, so I never had read it cover to cover.
I was struck by Leviticus, the book of Leviticus, or that chapter of Scripture.
It actually describes how bacterial and viral infections spread and contaminate people and food and water.
And it's clear to me that that book, Leviticus, that whole section was written By someone who was obviously being instructed by God, a God that knew thousands of years ago about viruses and bacteria and contamination, even though the microscope wasn't invented until of course thousands of years later.
So if you ever wanted proof, That the Bible was written with divine guidance by a God who knew everything.
Just look at Leviticus.
You can read it.
It's all in there.
It's literally talking about pandemics and the outbreak of infectious disease and how you keep your food clean and how you keep your water clean.
even describes quarantine protocols for if someone who's infected, how you quarantine
them away from the rest of the group until they are healed.
So, you know, there you go.
Just as an interesting side note.
But thank you, Owen.
I'll go ahead and get into everything here.
Just watching what's happening today and listening to today's show, it's extraordinary.
I've never seen a stronger set of signs about the demonic invasion of our world than what's
happening right now.
And that guest that Owen just had on, that film, I'm sorry I forgot the name of it, but Steve Quayle's in it.
Justin Fall, the creator of that film.
Fascinating, I watched that preview.
You know, the knowledge is opening up to people now about what's really behind everything, the history of the world, of the creation of the world, you know, the creation of the cosmos.
It's called Hollow Earth Chronicles.
Yeah, that's it.
Hollow Earth Chronicles from 4th Watch Films.
Very interesting stuff, and I was even sort of mentioning this here, that as each year goes by, Steve Quayle is more and more correct.
You know, like ten years ago, Steve Quayle was saying the same things he's saying today, except of course he has a lot more detail now and he's got more knowledge about it, but back then, a lot of what Steve was saying, even to people like me, seemed like, wow, that's, you know, that's I've never heard that before.
But with each passing year, it's like, man, Steve Quayle is nailing it.
He knows exactly what's going on.
And he knew this decades ago.
Steve Quayle was decades ahead of the mass awakening.
No question about it.
You talk about, you know, visitation from, you know, God's from the heaven, you know the biblical flood to wipe out the the genetic experiments that the early Fallen angels were running on human beings and so on it's it's incredible.
You want to read some interesting information?
Read the actual Bible go through it Old Testament New Testament and then watch Steve quail and read some of his books at all It all actually starts to fit together now getting to some of what I brought to the show today We've got an emergency situation here on air Not just the censorship that you have seen so far.
Not just the political censorship.
But when we get into the next segment here, I'm going to go into this astonishing escalation where they are now about to censor health and nutrition information across the internet.
There are now calls for censoring any posts that talk about anti-cancer foods.
So if you have health information, nutritional information, recipes that talk about health and nutrition, or preventing cancer, preventing diabetes, enhancing cognitive function, enhancing longevity, you know, preventing premature aging, you're going to be banned.
So Alex Jones was the test case.
They knew that if they could ban Alex, and if there wasn't sufficient pushback from, you know, Congress or the federal regulators, that they could ban anybody for anything.
And it's no secret that the tech giants are working in collusion with the pharmaceutical industry.
And so is the left-wing media, which is more than 50% funded by the drug companies.
They are now colluding To ban health information, and it has already begun on Pinterest.
In fact, Pinterest just banned another one of my channels, the Health Ranger Store channel, which we just set up there a couple weeks ago.
It only had a few followers.
But they banned it outright, even though we were only posting information about nutrition.
And, like, health recipes.
It was kind of a test case.
We wanted to see, would they ban us?
Of course Pinterest banned us.
And they've banned all the information about vaccines.
And of course Apple, you know, continues to threaten us.
Of course Twitter has banned me now for over two weeks because I dared to criticize Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who I now call a speech supremacist.
It's like he is he is a speech supremacist.
He's a techno fascist.
You know an online Bigot really he's one of the biggest bigots in the history of bigotry because he only believes that his kind and his his color of speech should be allowed But everybody else has to be banned and Twitter is very busy banning anybody that they don't like so when we come back I'm gonna go into full details about how this the censorship and shadow banning is going to be expanded and To cover health information.
And this is the even bigger kill switch to try to bring down InfoWars to make it a crime to talk about being healthy or selling health products.
You didn't think that was coming?
Yes it is.
It's almost here.
All that and much more straight ahead as we continue on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams.
We'll be right back with much more.
A new habitat has appeared.
Entirely designed and constructed by one species for its own purpose.
These crevices contain the highest density of lizards in the world.
And to early visitors, this new world was already home to the First Nations people.
My husband Bruce is now in New York.
Um, Roger?
I would argue that they're missing the forest for the trees.
A young brain searches for understanding in slow stages, working out what things are and how they work.
Factually and semantically correct.
Uh, but no sign of the national emergency.
Out comes a tiny, underdeveloped little worm.
Pretty tranquil down here.
We gotta do what we can.
We always have.
This is a male, and life here suits him well.
This extraordinary creature is half blind, half deaf, and this is just about as fast as it can move.
I've been talking so much.
You might think that this is some kind of circus trick for which she's been specially trained, but not so.
She is doing this entirely on her own initiative.
She's seen others doing it and she's copying.
I don't feel no ways tired.
I come too far.
This male has gigantic testes, the largest in the world.
They weigh a ton and produce gallons of sperm.
You know, it is, uh, it's just awfully good that someone with the temperament of Donald Trump is not in charge of the law in our country.
Because you'd be in jail.
Secretary Clinton.
Well I've got some really good news for all the viewers and all the listeners.
This was going to be a big loss because we couldn't get the deep-earth crystals anymore.
It's been a year and a half flight, but we have the original producer, the original crystal source, the best atomic iodine in the world.
X2, ladies and gentlemen, is back.
X2 is back.
Deep-earth crystal, not from seaweed, where it's not pure, it can be contaminated, but true atomic iodine.
We get it from the DEA approved that it has to be held in a contained facility before it's then put into the process that makes it legal to put out.
Because anybody who's watched Breaking Bad knows, true atomic iodine is used in the production of methamphetamine.
It's not a drug.
It's not bad.
It's good for you.
You have to have it.
But it's very hard to get atomic iodine.
Nobody has ever really done this until we worked with researchers and others the last few years to do it.
And so we've gone back to the original producer and we've been able to do a deal to not be put over a barrel from the extractors of it, the oil companies, to bring it to you.
So X2 is back.
We got it.
This deal just happened about a month ago.
We rushed it into production.
It's been bottled.
The labels are being put on today.
And then it's going to be on an 18-wheeler, right here to Austin, from the plant in the Rockies.
And it's going to be shipped out to you.
Be sure and sign up for auto-ship.
An additional 10% off.
The 25% off.
Celebration of the fact that we got it back and we're relaunching it.
Research the iodine conspiracy.
Find out why it's so important.
Find out why the globalists don't want you to have the good halogens, they want you to have the bad halogens at InfoWarsStore.com.
That's the umbrella site.
InfoWarsLife.com takes you right to the supplements.
And this is the King Daddy, ladies and gentlemen.
It is X2 Original.
Now back at Infowarsstore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is The Alex Jones Show with Mike Adams.
Alright, we're back on the Alex Jones Show.
Thank you for tuning in this fourth hour today.
Mike Adams filling in for Owen Schroer and Alex, who is always traveling lately and, of course, just unleashing bombshells of red pills.
It was like a red pill carpet bomb wave.
With Joe Rogan the other day.
I still haven't had a chance to watch every hour of that because it's just so rich.
You have to you have to keep listening to it and dig it into it.
But I think it's so great that we have a person like Alex who is just willing to just put it all out there and not hold back and To have the appropriate response to the fact that leftists are murdering living human babies.
There is no response that is more appropriate than jumping up and down and screaming and cursing.
That is the appropriate response.
Everybody in society should have that response.
And yes, they are murdering, of course, living human babies and people on the left are completely okay with that, including every Democrat senator who is a potential candidate for the 2020 presidential election.
Every one of them.
is pro-murder of children.
And, you know, there's an important note on this, too.
I looked at the New York law, and I've looked at the Vermont law.
Now, maybe I haven't seen the right section or something, but so far, there are no limits on how old that infant can be when it is murdered by the mother as a, quote, mother's choice or women's choice.
So it really brings up the legal question If an infant that is born, that is living and breathing and its heart is beating, it is an individual, if that infant is denied the basic human rights and the protections of the United States Constitution and federal law and state law, for how long does that non-human status persist according to leftists?
Because it looks to me like under New York law, a woman could have a baby, And then say, well, let's just see how this goes.
And then eight or nine months later, she could murder it and just call it, you know, I'm pro-choice.
And that that would be allowed under New York law.
And she would not be prosecuted.
And it brings up the question, well, what if what if the husband doesn't want to murder?
Or maybe it's not even a husband, let's just say the father, right?
Because, you know, families all shatter these days in left-wing cities anyway.
But the father says, no, no, no, I don't want you to murder our daughter, let's say.
And the mother's like, nah, she wants to murder the daughter and just call it abortion.
Can the father then defend the life of the daughter against the murderous mother?
And which side would the prosecutors side with in that circumstance?
Do you have the authority or the moral standing to defend your own child against murder by, let's say, you know, a mother who might be on psychiatric drugs and is now just wanting to stab and kill and break the necks of every child she can get her hands on, including her own child, right?
Does a father have the right to protect that child from murder?
We don't know yet.
I mean, in our universe, of course, we say absolutely, but in the universe of the leftists, they don't.
Here's a story from Town Hall that just came out this morning.
Emory University hosts a lecture touting abortion as a, quote, moral good.
Now, I'm not even kidding.
This is a lecturer, a Dr. Rebecca Todd Peters, it says, of Elon University.
She is described as a Christian feminist professor, and the author of her lecture is Women, a Progressive Christian Argument for Reproductive Justice.
Now, of course, every time you hear the word justice uttered by a feminist, it doesn't mean justice at all.
They're talking about killing babies and calling it a moral good.
Now understand here, and she says she's a Christian.
You can't be a Christian and murder babies.
Frankly, you can't even be a Christian and be a Democrat anymore these days.
You can't even be a good person and be a Democrat anymore, because to be a Democrat is to be a child murderer at this point.
That's where we are in society today, in the culture wars.
But how can these people tell themselves that this is the moral good?
And it reminds me of the argument about mandatory vaccines of children, because that argument is also that, oh, that's for the greater good, that you have to force these vaccine injections onto children against their will, against the wishes of the parents.
That, in fact, the police state should have armed squads running around and going door to door.
This is actually an article that's up at InfoWars.com right now.
Going door-to-door, holding parents at gunpoint, injecting with vaccines children, essentially at gunpoint, vaccines that are known to be toxic, that are known even by U.S.
government statistics.
We know that vaccines harm and maim and kill Over a thousand children every year in the United States alone, and those numbers are believed to be only one-tenth of the actual numbers.
So we're probably talking about at least 10,000 children paralyzed, or harmed, maimed, permanently damaged, neurologically damaged, made autistic, and in some cases killed by vaccines.
And yet the state wants to come along and forcibly inject you with those vaccines against your wishes.
Well that, I argue, is a form of medical violence against children.
And it goes hand-in-hand with this abortion violence against children, which these leftists are saying is a moral good.
So, understand.
This is what's so crucial about this.
I'll talk about censorship in the next segment.
I'm sorry to get off track here.
I'm also going to take some of your calls in the next segment, so if you're on hold, just hold on.
We'll get to your calls.
But understand that leftists, they believe that injecting children against the will of the parents with a toxic substance that may harm or kill a child is a greater good, and they believe that murdering a child that's already been born is a quote, moral good, And they approach this in the name of Christianity, and in the name of love, and in the name of choice.
And if you start a Facebook page, let's say, and you argue against that, and you say, no, it's wrong to kill babies, they will ban you and say, well, you're engaged in hate speech.
It is now hate speech in America to defend the life of an innocent baby girl.
Because of course, you know, about half of the abortions are baby girls.
So you have feminists who are pro-murder of baby girls, attacking men who are trying to defend the baby girls against this extreme medical violence and vaccine violence, and the men who are pro-baby girls, you know, trying to protect innocent lives, they are banned for hate speech.
That is where we are.
You cannot You can't even grasp this without understanding the fact that there is a truly a demonic, satanic invasion of our culture right now.
And it has invaded the tech giants.
I have no doubt.
That the tech giants answer to Lucifer.
That's literally, again, not a metaphor, that they worship demons and devils and they sacrifice children.
You know, a lot of these people who are involved in the tech industry are involved in, you know, child trafficking and the pedophilia.
That's why they love open borders.
How do you think they get their children for all these activities?
It's insane.
But they have to silence every good person, every Christian person, every person who simply wants to protect innocent lives.
You're going to be silenced, and they're going to label you as engaged in a hate speech.
That's why I've been banned on Twitter, you know, banned.
Basically everything that they've done to Alex Jones, they've done to me and Natural News as well.
We just didn't get as much sort of publicity about it because we weren't as big of channels.
But we're banned everywhere too, because we stand for life.
We are pro-life in the greatest sense of the term.
We are pro-God.
We are pro-life.
We want to protect innocent human lives, protect truth and light, and fight against the darkness, and against the destruction, and against the pedophilia, and the child murder, and the post-birth abortions.
We oppose that with every every iota of our being.
There's much more straight ahead.
Stay with us here on the Alex Jones Show.
This is Mike Adams.
I'll be right back with more.
If you're sick of mainstream news promoting fake hate crime stories
and running with that, making that the big story, amplifying the hate crime that was totally fake,
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I'm a little hungry.
This is disgusting.
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I could eat 10 more.
I feel like I just had a chocolate sin.
Man, you could like break that up and put it on ice cream.
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If you're sick of the fake news lying about America, go to InfoWarsStore.com.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Mike Adams.
All right, continuing here on the Alex Jones Show, thank you for joining me today, Mike Adams here.
We, look, a quick note before I get into more about the censorship, and we're going to go to some calls as well, but a quick note is that the establishment cannot succeed in their genocide agenda.
And what I mean is, you know, they're killing babies now.
And they don't care.
They think that's great.
They're applauding that.
That's awesome in their minds.
And they don't mind killing their own babies.
Do you think they're going to mind killing you?
They are gearing up to slaughter Christians, just like throughout history, dozens of times throughout world history.
You know, like in Turkey, didn't they kill a million and a half There's a slaughter of Christians that's being set up in America because it's a demonic takeover.
Here's the point.
Before they can slaughter Christians, they have to disarm the American people.
Gun control is the big step before they can really unleash the hordes of demonic mass murderers.
I mean, right now they can murder their own children with impunity in places like New York.
But they really want to murder your children.
You see, they want to murder you and your children.
And since most normal people won't let a bunch of insane Democrats murder their children, you know, without defending their children, they have to take away your guns first.
And so everything that the push for gun control is by the very same people who support infanticide.
Notice that every person in the Senate, Every member of the House, practically, who's a Democrat, who supports infanticide, is also in favor of taking away guns from the public.
Gun confiscation.
It's the prelude to murder.
So the upshot of this is never, ever give up your guns, not even if they pass a national law.
And just like the Democrats, they can say they have a sanctuary city, where they say, oh, we're not going to pay attention to federal law.
Or they can say they have a sanctuary state, like California.
Well, guess what?
If they pass a nationwide gun confiscation law, then I'm going to announce a household-by-household gun sanctuary status for all patriots.
You could just say, we decided that our house is a gun sanctuary location.
We're not going to abide by your federal law.
And the thing is, if the American people don't give up their guns, there's nothing the government can do about it.
What do you think, they're going to send out Nancy Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez to come take your guns?
I don't think they're going to pull that off, frankly.
You know?
Because people... The only way they can take the guns from you is if you surrender it.
If you consent to be enslaved.
Like the Australians did, you know, I don't know how many years ago, over a decade ago.
Never consent to tyranny.
Never consent to gun confiscation.
That's how you survive the attempted genocide and onslaught that's coming, that the left has already unleashed on their own children, and any group that would murder their own baby girls in blood, in cold blood, literally picking them up with their bare hands and wringing their necks, which is apparently what these abortion centers are doing now, if babies are born alive, surviving an abortion attempt.
They just, they break their necks, man!
Who does that to their own babies?
I'm telling you, it's demonic.
Not even humans anymore.
They are demons and they don't mind killing you, but they have to take away your guns first.
So that's what the agenda is all about.
Now, I want to go to a call.
Let's see.
I think we've got Tyler in Arizona who's been waiting on the line here.
Yeah, Tyler in Arizona.
Something about forced vaccines.
Tyler, you're on with Mike Adams here.
Go ahead.
Hey, Mike.
Good to talk to you.
I think you always do a great job.
Very informative.
You know, I just wanted to report on a story in Arizona and Chandler, a friend of mine, a personal friend of mine.
I was just at his house like four days ago, five days ago.
He, uh, I guess his house just got raided at two in the morning by CPS and the sheriff's office or something of that nature.
They took all his kids.
Uh, everything was pretty unjust about the whole situation.
They caught it on camera.
It was Brooks Bryce and his wife, Sarah Beck.
And, uh, they just don't, they don't even know where their kids are.
So this is just a real life scenario.
I wanted to bring it up.
Of them just being able to come in and take their kids.
Do you know what did the state claim was the situation?
Why did they justify it?
They took in a kid.
One of the kids was sick.
I had just seen him too.
He just had a high fever.
He was young too, about 18, 19 months, I think, almost two years.
He was getting up there, but he had a high fever.
He was sick, and they said he'd been sick for a day or two.
And then they brought him into either an urgent care or they're saying some homeopathic center.
I'm not sure where in the article.
She told me personally urgent care of some sort and they said he needs to go to a hospital to treat him for meningitis or something of that nature and she refused treatment and said no no that's okay I'll just take him back home and monitor him because she doesn't work or anything she has all day to monitor him.
So the state said that You're not treating the child in the way that we want with these toxic pharmaceuticals.
And who knows what else the hospital want to do.
So you have to consent to surrendering your child to the medical system.
Otherwise, we're going to raid you at gunpoint.
Is that basically it?
And then they painted a picture in the news that tried to help them out, but it was relatively slanted.
And this personal story is dividing families all across the board that know Brooks.
Especially the ones with their wives in the medical system.
Well, look, nothing surprises me.
I appreciate you calling in with that.
I'll ask one of my writers to look into it.
But look, the hypocrisy of this is that, according to the state, if the mother had simply murdered those children right after they were born, that would be okay.
But to allow them to live and then not take them to the hospital and not have them injected with all the toxic pharmaceuticals and toxic vaccines, this sickness might even be related to a vaccine for all we know.
But see, that's where the state then justifies these armed raids.
We're talking about really vaccine enforcer kill teams.
Running across the country, as in that article on InfoWars.com, they plan to go door-to-door.
There's a law being pushed in Iowa where they plan to go door-to-door, especially targeting homeschools, to break down your door, bring in armed police, and hold parents at gunpoint and forcibly vaccinate children against their will with vaccines that are known to be harmful and toxic.
This is what it has come to in America.
We are living in a medical police state.
Medical fascism.
And as I asked in the story, it seems like it's only a matter of time before some parent decides to stand their ground in their own home and defend their child against this felony assault, this medical violence, using whatever legal tools are at their disposal.
So that's one of the questions I asked in that article.
But thank you for your call, Tyler.
It's a scary time.
It's an extraordinary situation where you have this insane state now that has legalized murdering children, but then arrests parents at gunpoint if they don't, quote, treat children with the medical system that they want you to use.
And by the way, this same medical system is what controls Google and Facebook and the tech giants.
I mean, Google has been in bed with Big Pharma for years, over a decade, with their AdSense system.
Where they ban ads of natural substances, but they allow pharmaceuticals to advertise.
And by the way, you know, just going back, it was Bill Clinton that, under Bill Clinton, that the FDA legalized what's called direct-to-consumer drug advertising.
That was in 1997-slash-98.
Before that, it was illegal.
And so, after that, then, the pharmaceutical industry has been funding, largely, the mainstream media with drug ads.
America is one of only two countries in the world where it's legal to advertise drugs directly to end users.
But that's what they do now.
They push drugs through the media, and then the media becomes beholden to the pharmaceutical industry, as do the tech giants, as does Google and Twitter and so on, and they end up just banning all kinds of natural health information, banning information about supplements, or even trying to interfere with the online marketing of those supplements.
We even received a warning message I don't know how many months ago to say, I think it was that you can't sell glutathione because glutathione is being investigated by a pharma company as a possible drug candidate.
So the FDA now has this rule.
It's insane that if a drug company is looking at a natural substance to use it as a drug, then anybody who's selling that natural substance is now violating the law.
So if a drug company starts to look at vitamin C and says, we want to make a drug out of vitamin C because it's so effective, then all vitamin C sales from everybody else will become illegal across the board.
That's the kind of medical fascism under which we live today.
That's the system.
And that's, that's, we're trying to break the back of that system and unleash health and nutrition for all of humanity, save lives, save babies from being murdered.
And allow you to live a healthy, happy life as an adult or a child.
That's what we're fighting for here.
Stay with us.
We'll be back with more.
This is Mike Adams on the Alex Jones Show.
Well I've got some real good news.
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Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslive.com, or 888-253-3139.
I cannot believe we even produced this.
I mean, this, this, this is insane.
I said, I'm a game changer.
I'm a guru.
I'm a scientist.
I'm an activist.
And, and, and, and other people aren't willing to do it.
And, and, and I'll tell you right now, I'm here to ram heads with you.
Synergy drinks are bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Well, it's not me, it's you.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Gosh, it's bad.
Bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
Now, did you hear what I just said?
Yeah, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad.
It's gone.
Uh, uh, uh.
Uh, uh, uh.
So let me just work out.
Uh, uh, uh.
Uh, uh, uh.
Well, we've done it, ladies and gentlemen.
All of the key upload enzymes.
All of the key upload enzymes.
All of the key upload enzymes.
I think this is good.
No matter what the globalists want to do, no matter what politicians want to do,
this country is going to make it.
I just want to say, you know, it is a life-changing journey to embark on a mission in which the goals are to change the world.
And I can't thank the crew enough for putting up with everything they put up with here.
I can't thank the audience for putting up with everything they put up with.
And then supporting us at InfowarsStore.com because we simply wouldn't be here, folks.
We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
We really would not.
And they thought that they had it all planned out that they could destroy InfoWars.
They really thought they had the numbers and the audience trumped them again.
And so you come through every time.
So I can't thank you enough.
I've met so many of you out there on the road.
I know I'll meet so many more of you before it's all said and done.
So I just salute you, I thank you for your support, and you just have our word, you have our pledge, that we will remain steadfast in this battle for the future, in this battle for the republic, in this battle for reality, in this battle for logic and reasoning, really, is what it comes down to at the end of the day.
So, I just want to thank the audience.
And just thank you for your support at Infowarsstore.com.
If you've never been to Infowarsstore.com, go check it out, folks.
You're going to find something there you like.
You're going to find something there you need.
Air filters, water filters, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, all kinds of supplements.
It's all at InfowarsStore.com.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
All right, a Liberty update here on home firearms manufacturing.
There's a lot going on that you need to know about.
First of all, FOSCAD.org, that's F-O-S-C-A-D.org, they've released a downloadable massive file set of 3D printable pistols and AR receivers.
Obviously, always follow your local laws if you're making these firearms, but I believe in every state except New Jersey, it's currently legal.
That might be changing because a lot of liberal states are trying to ban this, but In most places, and under federal law, it's legal to manufacture your own gun, as long as you don't sell them to others.
You can't just become a gun dealer without, of course, getting an FFL license and things like that.
But FOSCAD.org has these downloadable AR-15 receivers.
And I got the file pack, and it's pretty cool.
There are a number of receivers that you can print.
Now, there's a new printhead from a company called LulzBot, which is a 3D printer company.
LulzBot has a printhead called a hardened steel printhead just came out, and it can handle the very coarse filaments such as the new ColorFab filament.
That's I think it's called a polyamide carbon fiber.
It might be PA-CF, but it's from ColorFab.
That's color F-A-B-B.
And the ColorFab filament is extremely durable.
It's harder than nylon.
And I think it's going to make a very durable receiver for an AR platform.
So I'm actually in the process of setting that up.
I'll be printing those myself and testing them on video to share those results with you.
There's a group out there that is trying to flood the 3D print file community with fake 3D print files.
And I forgot the name of the group.
Doesn't matter.
But they see that 3D printing of firearms is going to spread liberty everywhere around the world.
It's the democratization of firepower.
And, you know, it's the concentration of guns in the hands of corrupt governments that creates evil and leads to genocide and, you know, is a danger to all humans around the world.
It's the decentralization of firepower, the democratization of firepower in the hands of the people that actually creates a balance of power and leads to more liberty, more government transparency, and so on.
So when you are supporting the 3D gun printing community, you're supporting liberty, you're supporting peace, and avoiding, you're helping people avoid the kind of tyranny and genocide, what's called democide, that governments have carried out around the world throughout World history.
Just in the last, I think, 150 years, governments have murdered 262 million people.
That's according to University of Hawaii research.
That's, I mean, 260, that's a quarter of a billion people murdered by governments, and in almost every case, it was preceded by gun control.
Or there were laws in place to prevent the people from having guns.
So 3D printing and also the Ghost Gunner milling machines that can mill out receivers.
So you buy 80% receivers online.
You know, you don't need a background check to do that.
You don't need a serial number or a stamp or anything.
You can mill out your receiver with a Ghost Gunner and you can build up an AR from that.
And I've done that as well.
That absolutely works because they're aluminum receivers.
They're very durable.
They function.
Well, Ghost Gunner has just announced now a new jig for the Polymer 80 pistols, which are 80% pistol frames.
They basically resemble Glocks.
And you buy Glock parts and a Glock slide and a Glock barrel and so on, and you can assemble essentially a Glock firearm.
That you make yourself without, you know, an FFL situation.
And you don't necessarily have to have a serial number on it.
Again, keep it legal.
I always encourage you keep it legal.
I keep it legal.
I don't build illegal guns.
I don't have automatic weapons, nothing like that.
I always follow the law.
So check your local laws, but also exercise your freedom and your liberty to do this.
So I just received my shipment of the new pistol jig from Ghost Gunner.
Defense Distributed, I think, is the company name.
And so I'm going to be drilling out or milling out a pistol receiver and trying that and seeing how that works and also reporting that on video as well.
But that's that's the update.
You know, there's a lot of new materials like that, that color fab filament and new print heads like that Lulzbot hardened steel print head.
New technologies.
That will allow you to manufacture incredibly durable firearms in your own home.
Now they're going to set up false flags using 3D printed receivers so they can blame the 3D gun industry.
So mark my words on this.
Mark the date.
Mark the time.
What is today?
March 1st.
They're going to set up a massive Las Vegas-scale false flag event involving somebody with a 3D-printed receiver or a 3D-printed gun because they have to demonize 3D-printed guns.
They have to call for a nationwide ban on 3D-printing parts and 3D-printing technology or even the Ghost Gunner, which is a milling machine, not a 3D printer.
A CNC machine, basically.
So, you can bet there's a false flag operation being planned right now to have a mass slaughter carried out with a 3D printed gun.
Have no doubt about it.
That is coming.
Absolutely guaranteed.
It's just a question of when it's going to happen.
So, my advice is It's good to take inventory of these things now.
You know, get the 3D printer now.
Get the Ghost Gunner CNC machine now.
Get the 80% lowers now while you can.
Get the filament now.
Get the printhead.
You know, it costs a little bit of money, obviously.
This stuff isn't free.
The printhead alone is a few hundred dollars.
But if you can afford this, get this now, because then in the future, all you need is filament.
The filament you can make receivers and the military is using this technology so they can actually create military parts in the field on site.
The US military, the Pentagon, is investing huge dollars in 3D printing technology.
And if they have the right filaments, And they're missing parts.
I mean, I'm talking about usable, functional parts for weapon systems or soldier gear, or firearms, or tank parts even.
I'm not talking about transmission gears.
Obviously, those have to be hard and steel.
But a lot of parts can be made out of this nylon carbon fiber type of filament, right on the spot.
So your logistics supply lines become easier.
The military recognizes this is crucial.
And that's why they're investing in this technology.
Now, one more important note.
Kalashnikov, if I pronounce that correctly, you know, the creator of the AK-47 rifle.
Now, that company now has a new drone.
It's a Kamikaze drone, and it was just announced, and it has already been proven in the Middle East.
This is important to understand.
These drones are guided drones, where they have kind of a video display.
Someone pilots the drone into the intended target.
And the drone is very small, it's just a couple of feet wide.
Yeah, there it is, a kamikaze drone.
And then it detonates when it arrives on its target.
So you think about the application of this and how governments are going to be buying these kamikaze drones and governments are going to be using these drones against their own people.
So governments are investing in more and more advanced equipment in order to be able to control and enforce tyranny over their own people.
Look at what happened in France with the Yellow Jacket uprising.
How now the government of France is conspiring with the government-controlled media to demonize the participants in that uprising, to lie about them and propagandize the public, to demonize those people and say that they're evil people, they're bad people, and so on.
Basically, the government is running a false flag propaganda campaign against its own citizens.
You think they won't unleash kamikaze drones against those people?
Of course they will.
Remember, We're talking about the same kind of left-wing governments here that support murdering your own babies.
If they support murdering babies, you think they won't support kamikaze drones against uprising groups?
Of course they will.
This is coming.
Weapons are proliferating at the government level, which means that citizens need to have more legal firearms in order to counterbalance the power of governments that is being exploited and abused to enslave people and to try to suppress freedom.
So firearms are the pathway to freedom.
3D printing is a revolution for firearms, and CNC milling machines are a revolution for firearms.
That's why I've experimented with this.
That's why I run the SolidWorks 3D CAD program.
That's why I've built many parts for a food growth system that we've sold for a couple years.
I built the parts, the valves, you know, the water parts, everything.
I print them out.
I run a 3D printing farm, and I've done that for years.
But I'm also experimenting with this technology on firearms because it's so crucial for our long-term survival.
And if you don't If you don't get into this, eventually the Democrats are going to cut off your supply to gun parts, especially receivers.
Eventually they're going to have a, you know, one million day waiting period in place.
Eventually they're going to say, what the Democrats really want is a, let's see, a 1,000th trimester abortion law and a one million day gun waiting period.
That's like the ultimate Democrat dream.
If they could accomplish that, you know, it's mission accomplished.
They can kill your babies and make sure that you can't fight back.
That's it.
That's the goal.
So, support these companies.
Invest in this technology.
Learn how to do this.
If you don't know how to take an AR-15 receiver and build it up and make a functioning rifle out of it, you need to learn how to do that.
You know, go to brownells.com or MidwayUSA.
Get the parts.
Learn how to do this.
Watch online videos.
Get this knowledge.
It's going to save your life and it could save your country.
That's what this is about.
This is how we defend ourselves against the demonic, violent onslaught of evil that is now sweeping across our country.
We have to take action now, legally, lawfully, but with courage to defend ourselves against tyranny.
Thanks for watching.
Mike Adams, take care.
Well, I've got some really good news for all the viewers and all the listeners.
This was going to be a big loss because we couldn't get the Deep Earth Crystals anymore.
It's been a year and a half flight, but we have the original producer, the original crystal source, the best atomic iodine in the world.
X2, ladies and gentlemen, is back.
X2 is back.
Deep Earth Crystal, not from seaweed, where it's not pure, it can be contaminated, but true atomic iodine.
We get it from the DEA approved that it has to be held in a contained facility before it's then put into the process that makes it legal to put out.
Because anybody who's watched Breaking Bad knows, true atomic iodine is used in the production of methamphetamine.
It's not a drug.
It's not bad.
It's good for you.
You have to have it.
But it's very hard to get atomic iodine.
Nobody has ever really done this until we worked with researchers and others the last few years to do it.
And so we've gone back to the original producer and we've been able to do a deal to not to put over a barrel from the extractors of it, the oil companies, to bring it to you.
So X2 is back.