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Name: 20190218_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 18, 2019
3352 lines.

Alex Jones discusses recent topics including Jussie Smollett's alleged staged hate crime attack and the media's portrayal of it. He also criticizes tax evasion by celebrities and politicians like Sharpton and Bezos, and promotes InfoWars as an internal defense network. The show discusses InfoWars' accurate predictions on deep state plots against President Trump, and its commitment to defending American values and freedom. Various supplement products are promoted at the Infowars Store.

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We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
When the president states the obvious, that there is a national emergency at the southern border,
and you see the Democrats react in total...
[crowd chanting]
Syndicated hysteria.
You have to wonder why they're so panicked about this and why they're so freaked out about this national emergency, even though there have been dozens of national emergencies issued in the past, many of which are still on the books, one of which from President Trump over a year ago that the media barely even talked about.
You want to know why?
Here's the report from Greg Reese.
The National Emergencies Act was enacted September 14, 1976.
The purpose was to regulate the number of laws granting special powers to the executive branch in times of national emergency.
Congress can undo an emergency declaration with either a joint resolution and the president's signature or with two-thirds majority vote.
As of February 2019, 59 national emergencies have been declared and more than 30 remain in effect.
Six national emergencies declared by Bill Clinton are still in effect.
Eleven declared by George W. Bush are still in effect.
And ten by Barack Obama are still in effect.
President Donald Trump has declared three national emergencies already, and the so-called resistance has hardly mentioned them at all.
Including the National Emergency with Respect to Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption, which was signed on the first winter solstice of his presidency on December 21st, 2017.
The President therein declared that the United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption.
And specifically targeted 13 individuals worldwide involved in international human trafficking, otherwise known as slavery.
The mainstream media let this national emergency go mostly unnoticed.
If one were to look into these 13 names, they would find several connections to the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation.
Since the declaration of this national emergency in 2017, hundreds of arrests have been made and thousands of victims have been freed from bondage.
And the corrupt legacy media has been utterly silent about it.
And now, President Trump has announced to declare a national emergency on the southern border to bring an end to the United Nations' disastrous replacement migration program And to bring law and order to the entrenched black market economy of drugs and human trafficking.
Of all national emergencies declared since 1976, this one stands out as perhaps the most important for national security.
Securing our borders only stands to hurt the criminal elements that have been exploiting the system for years.
And so naturally, the criminal cabal of deep state politicians and their establishment-run media are all desperately trying to stop it.
For InfoWars.com, this is Greg Reese.
You do the math, ladies and gentlemen.
President Trump wants to stop human trafficking with a national emergency.
President Trump wants to close the border with a national emergency.
You've seen Hundreds of arrests from coast to coast of human traffickers.
They're cutting off the source from inside the states.
They have to cut off the source coming in from the southern border.
Why are the Democrats fighting it?
Why are they totally panicked that this is what the president is trying to do?
And why can't America get behind the president that he wants to stop human trafficking?
Because the media lies about him all day long.
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Infowarslive.com Live from the Infowars.com studios
you're listening to the Alex Jones Show And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Through action, a man becomes a hero.
Through death, a hero becomes a legend.
Through time, a legend becomes a myth.
Through hearing a myth, a man takes action.
Now what action are you going to take to spur that circle of life today?
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
It's Monday, February 18th, 2019.
Filling in for Alex, I'm Owen Schroer and we've got a ton of news to get to.
I've got Stuart Rhodes coming in studio.
And since it looks like I'm going to be on the air for four hours today, I'm going to open up the phone lines and we'll be hearing from you as well.
It is President's Day.
Most Nationally syndicated shows either run a best of or a rerun or have a guest host in today, like I guess myself.
We'll probably be hearing from Alex before the end of the show, that's just my guess.
But I know that America wants to speak today on President's Day, probably show their appreciation for the President.
Yesterday, President Trump was golfing with Rush Limbaugh, Mulvaney, on Palm Beach.
Nick Mulvaney from his staff.
And can you even imagine how angry the leftist media must be?
First, President Trump tweets out a Carpe Donctum video.
Of the Democrats crying during the State of the Union Address.
They hate to see America succeeding.
So, Trump trolls.
That was after he trolled them during the National Emergency Press Conference.
Then Twitter censors that video.
He re-uploads it with a different song.
Lee Greenwood, proud to be an American.
Showing the Democrats being ticked off to be an American.
You know, Joe Biden says he's... I mean, think about Joe Biden saying that America is an embarrassment.
Joe, you were just in power for eight years.
So if America's an embarrassment, it's because of you!
And of course, isn't that the ultimate truth?
America is or was an embarrassment because of people like Joe Biden.
And I can't wait for Joe Biden to run for president.
Go, Joe!
Run, Joe!
Guess what?
All those videos of you groping children?
They're gonna go mainstream, Joe!
They'll show them on Fox News!
Ho ho ho ho!
Run, Joe!
Run, Joe!
You run, Joe!
That's right.
In fact, they'll even show him on CNN because... Folks, let me just put it this way.
We're in the final movements.
We're in the final revolutions.
Before the 2020 campaign cycle really heats up.
In the next month or so, a lot of pieces are going to be moving, a lot of things are going to be shifting to set the playing field for the 2020 run.
And it's really going to heat up in summer, but this is going to be a special one.
This is going to be a special one, so it may even heat up in May.
In fact, that's when I think it's all going to pop off, probably.
Definitely by June, but maybe even in May.
So you're seeing all the final revolutions, all the final pieces being put into place before the big 2020 run, which is going to be so epic, honestly, when I think about it, I can't even really comprehend it yet, I think.
I mean, the Democrats are going to be such a circus, I don't even think we can even comprehend it.
They're going to eat themselves.
And it's going to be a race to the finish line of who hates Trump the most.
And guess what?
America ain't buying it anymore!
They've been hearing it for two frickin' years plus, and all he's done is delivered!
Oh, and if he gets that wall by election 2020, it's game over.
And they know it.
And they're so detached from society, they're prancing around in rainbow sequin jackets.
Cortez is calling for total authoritarian totalitarianism in the West.
Oh boy.
Again, it just hits me.
And then... Folks, you need to go.
I've said this yesterday.
I cannot iterate this enough.
This video that Gregory's made needs to see a hundred million computer screens.
It tells you everything.
Why do you think the entire establishment is against Donald Trump?
Folks, everybody knows how corrupt this country is, okay?
Everybody knows that there's just mass criminality.
In fact, because of the way the world is now, with technology and the internet and the ability to travel, today's criminals are the greatest criminals in world history.
So, Dealing with this worldwide criminal network is pretty tough.
And one man decided he was going to put it all on the line and face them down and square them down and not back down.
And we hope he doesn't back down.
So you know what?
But on this President's Day, while I have been a fair critic of Trump at times, I have
to admire this man.
Maybe not the man we wanted, but maybe the man we needed.
not perfect, but just imperfect enough to get the job done.
And they're gonna sit here and lie about President Trump and lie about President Trump supporters
and they're gonna try to destroy this country.
And they're going to tell you it's not great.
They're going to tell you it's an embarrassment.
They're going to tell you it's racist.
But see, the Jussie Smollett story really sums everything up that you need to know about the left in America.
One, they stage a hate crime to make you think something That isn't actually real.
And then to get your affection and play the victim.
Total liars, total frauds.
Then you have the mainstream media carry that torch all the way and won't even retract it now that we know it was a total hoax.
Meanwhile, Trump supporters are actually being harassed.
I got a video of a 14-year-old getting yelled at at a store.
You heard the story about a man pulling a gun on a couple wearing a Trump hat?
Those are just two recent stories.
I mean, you know, you got almost a thousand cases on the rap sheet at Breitbart.com.
I've got like five cases on that I don't even make that list yet because I haven't submitted them.
Imagine how many others are out there.
Oh, but Jussie Smollett.
He fakes his own hate crime, and the media runs with the narrative, and it gets all the attention.
But you know what the sickest part of it is, ladies and gentlemen?
You want the real window into the soul of the left?
You really want to know who these people are?
They wanted the Smollett attack to be true.
They wanted it to be true.
They got off Thinking that a gay guy and a black man was attacked in this country.
That's why they all rushed to cover it.
That's why they all rushed to say it was true.
That's why they all hopped on board.
That's why they were crying with him on Good Morning America.
Because that's the America the left wants to see.
They want there to be hatred.
They want there to be division.
That's who these people are.
And they know it, and that's why they project it onto everyone else.
Because it's who they really are.
Damn it.
That's not America.
Jesse Smollett is not America.
That... is a commie scumbag right there.
Go home, commie.
You're looking at three years in jail, bud.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If the President can declare an emergency today on this, on this, the Democratic President can decide that, as you mentioned, the gun crisis, the 40,000 people a year killed in this country is a crisis, and why don't we take everybody's guns away, or force everybody to register their guns, or ban all assault rifles, or do all of that.
Republicans have some unease about it, no matter what they say, because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people.
You want to talk about a national emergency?
Let's talk about today, the one-year anniversary.
of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America.
That's a national emergency.
Why don't you declare that emergency, Mr. President?
I wish you would.
So there you have Democrats Jerry Nadler and Nancy Pelosi showing you their true colors, ladies and gentlemen.
How do you respond to the president declaring a national emergency at the southern border, where there clearly is a national emergency?
I mean, it's the Democrats that say there's family separations happening there.
It's the worst thing ever.
It's the Democrats saying kids are being put into cages.
So just by their own rhetoric, you'd think that they'd say there's a national emergency.
But no, somehow there's not.
But what do they do in response?
They say, well, we're just going to have to come after the guns then.
If the President is going to go so extreme to the right that he wants to have a border, well, we're going to have to go so extreme to the left and just confiscate your guns.
That's how we roll.
We're the Democrats.
Second Amendment shall not be infringed?
What's that?
I mean... Anybody left in the West With any common sense or logic whatsoever is leaving the Democrat Party.
But that's why they're bringing in a brand new crop of voters.
Don't you get it?
That's why they want to keep people poor.
That's why they want to keep people sick.
I mean, think about that.
They want to keep people sick so they can sell you government health care.
So that's just who the Democrats are, ladies and gentlemen.
Nancy Pelosi says it's an illusion that there's any problem at the southern border.
There's nothing to see here?
What is that movie?
That famous movie where the guy's like, there's nothing to see here.
Go about your business.
And there's just mass explosions happening behind him, like the whole world is collapsing.
Oh, no, no, no.
Nothing to see here, folks.
Go about your day.
Please turn around.
Yeah, let's go with images here.
Nothing to see here!
No one crossing the border illegally!
No, no, no, no, no!
No struggle with law enforcement!
There was just a guy, who's the national spokesperson for ICE, who's like, look, you know, we've got Nothing to see here.
Please disperse.
Nothing to see.
Yes, please go home.
He's like, we take in these people every day, and they are riddled with disease.
In fact, look at this.
This was pointed out by our own Harrison Smith.
In the state of Washington... This is CNN.
Take that into consideration.
In the state of Washington, 36 confirmed cases of measles.
And guess what the state of Washington did?
They declared a state of emergency.
So you have 36 cases of measles in Washington, and that's a national emergency, or excuse me, a state of emergency in Washington, but you have at least 2,000 people that we know of coming across the border illegally every day, many of them with infectious disease, and that's nothing!
Nothing to see here!
Democrats call for gun control!
There's guns being run across the border!
By Democrats!
And so, that's why it's just so frustrating to have to come on here and it's almost like common sense is a revolutionary thing.
Logic and reasoning is a revolutionary thing.
But it's not even that.
It's like some people can't even comprehend it.
They don't even get it.
Now, We're going to be joined by Alex Jones in the third hour today.
As I said, Stuart Rhodes will be in studio with me in the second hour and then he'll come back in the fourth and we'll take your phone calls.
But before I go on and get to some of this big news and get into the latest with this Jesse Smollett thing, here was a story that came out today that also was on Drudge.
Average U.S.
home may have air quality levels comparable to polluted major city.
Shocking study finds.
Now look, there have been multiple studies about this.
You can look at air quality in your home.
You can look at the studies that have been done.
This is just the latest.
It's not good.
And when you see the studies, you want to do something about it.
At least that's how we are.
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We see the science.
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The air in your house is polluted.
So we see that stuff.
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We report it.
And then we take action.
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So again, They say, oh, you're a snake oil salesman.
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I am not the one that wrote this story on study fines.
I am not the University of Colorado Boulder that did this study about air toxicity in your home, okay?
That wasn't InfoWars.
That wasn't us.
That was other parties.
That was third parties just doing scientific research.
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and then your funding supports the M4, a total 360 win.
As negative as things are when you're at the tip of the spear, remember that when we're
grinding through the enemy, like a giant juggernaut with our razor blade plows, it's about the
(upbeat music)
It stinks and blood splatter and we're getting shot at and some people are rolling over the side, but let me tell you, behind us is a swath of destruction and victory.
People 20 years ago accused me of being a negative, 10 years ago.
But about 4 or 5 years ago, people said, why the hell are you so positive?
Because I just look at the real world and tell you what I see, and I see victory.
I don't see victories forever, but for human souls awakening and activating of every skin color, every region, but love God, I see explosive awakening.
That's why you see the enemies going from being arrogant, which was right before they'd known what we were doing.
We're like sneaking around, loading munitions.
Politically, these guys don't even know what's going on yet.
And then once the bombs went off politically, they're now f***ing, they're now crapping their britches.
So we are devastating the enemy.
You are devastating them.
And of course, they think they can take me and then demonize me and crush me.
And that you're so stupid you'll think my destruction is a defeat.
Like Santa Ana thought destroying Colonel Travis and the 186 men would like to make everybody lay down.
The opposite.
Do I want to die at the Alamo?
Not my flesh.
I don't want to die.
I'm not suicidal, but give me a break.
The jobs I've got, the wars I've got to fight, the total commitment.
You think I'm worried about dying?
You think I'm worried about being in prison or torture?
I'm not worried about anything but getting my metaphysical hands around your neck and strangling you until you're dead!
That's all I want, and I will get it!
You demons think you scare us?
I'm scared of not destroying you!
Because God will destroy me, I will get you!
Make no mistake, last thing I do, you're dead!
Get ready.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today and now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Just think about the consequences of a consortium
of national media.
See ya.
Going along with a false narrative.
Well, there's many consequences.
There's the effect of brainwashing the masses, and there's the effect of pulling off major hoaxes.
And so when you look at the Jesse Smollett story, Yeah, okay.
He staged his attack.
He's a liar.
He's a con man.
Who knows what else was behind it?
You know, he's done multiple rallies with Kamala Harris and Adam Schiff.
You know, so he's in the Democrat Party.
I mean, he is an active Democrat.
So, is he like the new Aaron Black of the Democrat Party that tries to start riots in the streets?
That's just Project Veritas unedited video.
What the Democrats do, they start riots in the streets.
Their own people caught.
Bob Kramer fired.
Aaron Black fired.
These people worked for Hillary Clinton.
And so now they go out and they get a Jesse Smollett.
He's tapped into the Democrat Party.
He goes out, performs a major hate crime hoax.
And the entire lapdog press hops on board to amplify and blow the whole thing up.
And out of proportion.
And the whole thing was fake.
So look, I mean, whatever Jesse Smollett's future is, will be.
But now, what will be the scope of this investigation and will it lead back to the Democrat Party?
And what are the implications of that?
And again, that's not far-fetched to say.
It's not out of line for me to say, hmm, I wonder if the Democrat Party had anything to do with staging the Jesse Smollett attack.
Absolutely, I'm well-rounded to say that.
In fact, I'm smart and informed for thinking that.
If you don't think that, you're the fool.
But who knows if that will come out.
So what's the story?
Jesse Smollett, this is what we know so far, allegedly pays these two extras that he met from Empire, or knew from Empire, and stages an entire event with ropes and MAGA hats and the whole nine yards.
Goes and files a false police report, and then does a media tour crying about how he was a victim of a hate crime.
Then it all is exposed, and now we wait and see where the pieces fall into place.
But really, more than anything, Jussie Smollett, again, his future, his destiny will be.
But what of the media?
What of the media?
Because as Will Chamberlain pointed out very aptly on Twitter, and help me get a clear picture of this, they wanted this attack to be real.
They wanted Smollett to be a victim of a hate crime.
They wanted America to be racist.
They wanted the Trump supporter to be racist.
They wanted there to be hate.
Because that's the only way they can mask their own hate and their own racism.
But again, What are the implications of a media that knowingly goes along with a hate crime hoax, drumming up racial division in this country on the heels of the most racially divisive administration in the history of this country?
Well, let's go to Najee Ali, who's a black civil rights activist, who tells you what the real implications of this could have been.
Jussie Smollett must be brought to justice for lying.
At the end of the day, we believed Smollett at the beginning.
We gave him the benefit of the doubt.
But over the last few days, we've seen this campaign of lies by Smollett continue to be unraveled.
And that's why we believe Smollett is lying and should be brought to justice for lying to authorities.
Also, Smollett could have created a race war.
There are many African Americans and many members of the LGBT community who were very upset and outraged by Smollett claiming he was attacked and victimized.
Now pause it right there.
Pause it right there and rewind it 15 seconds.
That's the key right there.
Folks, they have been pushing for a race war in this country.
For 10 years.
They are the racists.
They are the ones that want a race war, folks.
And Najee Ali says it right here, and it could not be more true.
The actions of Jesse Smollett and the media could have started a race war in this country, and dare I say, that's what they wanted.
Now, let's finish the clip of the black civil rights activist Najee Ali calling out Jesse Smollett.
Smollett could have created a race war.
There are many African Americans and many members of the LGBT community who were very upset and outraged by Smollett claiming he was attacked and victimized.
So there were some in those communities whose thoughts are more extreme.
They wanted to retaliate.
I'm one of the activists that called for calm and peace, and we're hopeful that calm and peace will continue.
But at the end of the day, Smollett, Claims of being abused and attacked and the victim of a hate crime and racism Is nothing but a big lie and it needs to stop it.
So if Justice Marlette really wants to do what's right He'll stop lying.
He'll stop this campaign of lies because we believe he's lying and at the end of the day Marlette really wants to help Just apologize.
Just say you're sorry, you made a mistake, but stop lying.
Stop this lying, because Jesse, you're losing credibility, and at the end of the day, more and more people are not believing you.
So, we want you to know That if you say you're sorry, that we'll support you and forgive you, but you must be brought to justice and held accountable at the end of the day for what you've done wrong because you put many lives in danger, many lives at risk, and the African-American community and the LGBT community.
So right now we'll have some more comments.
You know, now that we know Jussie Smollett is a total liar, I think we have to really call everything into question.
Is he even gay?
Maybe he's faking gay to make it in Hollywood.
Wouldn't be the first Democrat to fake something to make it, Elizabeth Warren.
So I'm just asking questions here.
We just know Smollett's a total liar, a total fraud.
Could he be faking being gay?
I'm just asking the questions here.
Now, listen to the response From the outing of the hoax crime of Jesse Smollett on CNN.
And look, we don't know what happened to Jesse, but what we do know is that racism is alive and well in this country.
Homophobia is alive and well in this country.
2017 set a record for the number of hate crimes, and the president and his rhetoric has been cited by people who, there is real evidence of people who have done these crimes who cite that the president has inspired them.
I mean, do you see how sick these people are?
Their response to Smollett... Okay, so here's Brian Stelter with Reliable Sources.
I mean, this woman's clearly reliable.
And they're like, okay... And Stelter was one of the first people!
Because he got the info from the cops that told him the whole thing was a hoax crime.
So he was one of the first to come out and say it was a hoax!
To try to cover his own ass!
And cover CNN's ass!
And then, so they're like, oh go, Jesse Smollett faked the whole thing, he staged it, and this woman, it's her turn on the panel and she says, yes, but America's racist!
In fact, I bet you it will eventually happen someday on one of these news networks.
They'll be talking about how racist America is and how hateful everything is, and they'll cite the Jussie Smollett story.
And it'll be the most classic clip of all time because everybody knew it was fake.
But they believed it anyway, and they will all the way.
Robert Barnes is here.
He, of course, has represented a lot of famous people.
Leslie Snipes, you name it.
He takes on the system big times at Barnes underscore Law.
Barnes Law LLP.
And he's representing the Covington kids, some of them.
Others have some other lawyers as well.
And you say, great, the more the merrier.
You're doing it pro bono just to get other lawyers to trigger and get the stampede going.
Because as you've said, this is lawfare.
They're using the shutdown conservatives and others.
But this info, this is clearly premeditated garbage with a group that works for Facebook called NowThis.
So it's great to have you here in town.
Thanks for coming to town.
Absolutely, glad to be here.
I mean, you look at what happened.
These kids are being taunted by this group of black Hebrew Israelites who are calling them cracker, who are actually also making fun of the Native Americans in the area, calling them Uncle Tomahawk, all of these racist references.
These kids don't try to get into a fight with them, don't try to dispute them, don't try to question them.
These kids did what we would want our kids to do.
They didn't react, they didn't respond, they didn't attack, they didn't try to initiate or instigate or further the confrontation.
Instead, they just did their own school cheers.
And then when somebody came in the middle of their group, who is an agent provocateur, who has a lifelong history of being a provocateur, that's what he does, he's a lefty protest provocateur, and it was instigating confrontation.
And the irony here was, the things that Nathan Phillips accused the kids of were actually things that the black Hebrew-Israelite group behind him was doing.
He claimed that he was defending the black Hebrew-Israelite group from chants of build the wall and racial taunts.
Those were coming from the black Hebrew-Israelite group, not from the kids.
Kids weren't chanting build the wall.
Black Hebrew Israelites were talking about build the wall.
The kids weren't saying racial taunts.
It was the Black Hebrew Israelites who were doing every racial taunt known to man.
We know what he was doing.
He was trying to lead the Black Israelites into a confrontation to have a racial incident happen so he could phrase that.
That's his job.
And in Fo Wars, we're always looking for the very best, best selling, highest rated
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If the President can declare an emergency today on this nonce, on this, the Democratic President can decide that, as you mentioned, the 40,000 people a year killed in this country is a crisis and why don't we take everybody's guns away, or force everybody to register their guns, or ban all assault rifles, or do all of that.
I know the Republicans have some unease about it, no matter what they say, because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people.
You want to talk about a national emergency?
Let's talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in America.
That's a national emergency.
Why don't you declare that emergency, Mr. President?
I wish you would.
Ladies and gentlemen, the most dangerous animal is a wounded and cornered animal.
And what you just saw, putting Nancy Pelosi back on screen, in fact, run the B-roll, That is a wounded, scared, and cornered animal right there.
Just watch her mannerism change as she goes into her talking point about taking guns.
She's smiley, happy, and then the evil takes over.
The power to take your freedom.
That just lust for total control.
Go back to it.
Just look at Nancy Pelosi.
That, just look, that, if an imperial marcher, if an imperial commander could somehow be zapped into our reality, it would be Nancy Pelosi.
That's her!
She wants your guns.
She wants your life.
She doesn't want you to have safety.
She doesn't want you to have a border.
She doesn't want you to have security.
She doesn't want you to have the right to protect yourself.
But she'll get all of that.
She doesn't want you to have a bunch of money.
Oh, but don't you worry.
She'll have plenty of moolah.
President Trump tweets this out this morning.
Wow, so many lies by now disgraced acting FBI director Andrew McCabe.
He was fired for lying, and now his story gets even more deranged.
He and Rod Rosenstein, who was hired by Jeff Sessions, look like they were planning a very illegal act and got caught.
Look like they were planning a very illegal act and got caught.
Russian collusion.
Russian dossier.
FISA warrants wearing a wire.
25th Amendment.
And that's just post-election.
Think about the Democrats prior to the election.
Email servers.
I mean, not just Hillary's.
The DNC.
Seth Rich?
So you have to think about What does a major criminal network? What does a
cold-blooded Criminal do
2 When their entire castle is being stormed, when their entire way of life, their entire criminal network is being invaded and deconstructed, what do they do?
Well, they're desperate.
And you have to understand something else about criminal psychology.
There is no backing down.
There is no quarter.
Look at that face of Rod Rosenstein.
You think a criminal like that can ever heal?
Folks, they will go to the ultimate lengths to defend their criminal behavior.
Now the good news is, not all of them are like that, not all of them were at the top, not all of them were engaged in this massive treason.
So many of them will sing about what they witnessed, experienced, and know.
But the McCabe's of the world, the Comey's of the world, the Rosenstein's of the world, the Clinton's of the world, the Wasserman Schultz of the world, the list goes on and on and on.
The Pelosi's, the Schumer's, the Nadler's, the Schiff's.
They can't give quarter.
Because ladies and gentlemen, we all know what the punishment for treason is.
We all know what the punishment for treason is.
Bug-eyed freak like that doesn't have much chance, does he?
Out there in LA, Hollywood, oh by the way, One of the biggest lawyers... Guys, see if you can find the story.
One of the biggest lawyers from the Nexavum sex cult may have had their home just raided.
Like, big league.
Oh, oh, oh.
And it doesn't even matter that in the last two years, out in L.A., in Little Schiff's district, there have been two massive human trafficking busts, including dozens of minors.
Infants, even.
In LA!
In Schiff's District!
In Hollywood!
Where are the sex cults are?
Now you know why they want an open border.
Now you know why the caravans go to California.
I mean, folks, it's all right there!
Now you know why Trump is targeting these 13 people, many with ties to the Clintons.
Now you know why Laura Silsby was trying to traffic undocumented kids across the border.
Now you know why the Clintons have had so much time invested in Haiti.
It's all there!
It's all there!
Now you know why Jeffrey Epstein cut deals with Robert Mueller.
I don't know why Ed Buck gets found with multiple dead hookers, male hookers in his place, allegedly.
I don't know what that's about.
Does Adam Schiff know what that's about?
is Ted Lieu know what that's about?
These people are desperate ladies and gentlemen.
And you know, I hope I pray to God that their greatest act of desperation is staging a hate crime and blaming Trump supporters.
I hope that their greatest act of desperation is making up a fake Russian collusion narrative to spy on Trump illegally.
I hope that that's the worst of what they'll do.
I really do.
I hope that the rhetoric, and them calling for riots, and them calling for violence, and them calling for race war, and them calling America the worst, and them trying to destroy the economy, and them trying to destroy culture, I hope that's the worst of what they'll do.
Like, I hope that's where it ends!
I hope they'll stop targeting kids for harassment like they did with Covington.
I hope they'll stop trying to drive this country into a race war with hoax hate crimes like the Jesse Smollett story.
I hope that's the farthest they'll go!
I really do!
But it's not.
I mean, do you realize That the Vatican right now is like, I mean folks, gay sex orgies, nuns being sexually harassed, cages, I mean like, this is, the Vatican is being totally exposed like as a giant sex cult, and no one's even talking about it.
It's just like, oh yeah, abusing nuns, marking children for sex, oh sure.
Cages for gay orgies.
But I'm sure it's just a coincidence that President Trump has made it an issue of his to stop human trafficking, and it's all being exposed, ladies and gentlemen.
And here on this President's Day, Americans can't even show a little appreciation for everything this man has done?
I'm not saying he's perfect.
I don't know what the final result of the Trump presidency is going to be, but my God, I mean, the guy has done more than any other president I've ever seen in my life.
With the most resistance!
With everything against him!
Except InfoWars, from the very beginning.
Because we were on that same path.
We were on that same ethos.
We were on that same frequency.
And you know, it's funny, because I remember, I remember on, I remember in the summer of 2015, I remember during the holidays of Thanksgiving and Christmas, I was the only Trump supporter.
I was laughed out of the room.
I was laughed out of Thanksgiving dinner.
I was laughed out of the Christmas celebration.
Trump could never win.
I think Trump could win.
Who's laughing now?
Oh, but you won't be laughing, ladies and gentlemen, when the Democrats really go to that final line to try to remove this president.
It won't be funny then.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
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Hey, I don't complain about it, but this is a real war.
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Waging war on corruption.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
How do you accurately provide commentary?
It's not even a national media thing.
It's like a total cultural phenomenon where Trump supporters are being assaulted, harassed, sexually abused.
I mean, like, you wear a Trump hat out, you know.
Choose your own adventure out there.
Now again, most people are going to see you and say, hey, nice hat.
Hey, I like what the president's doing.
I'd say about 80-90%.
From my experience, I wear a Trump hat out pretty often.
I get about 90-80% positive.
And then about 10% negative, about 5% like super insane left.
But they're out there.
And they've been caught on camera I don't know how many times.
Tens of thousands?
Hundred thousand?
A million?
And so, but...
While there's all that going on, they're being spat on, they're having objects thrown at them, they're being harassed and yelled at out of restaurants, they come up to you, they grab your genitals, they come up to you, they cold clock you, they punch you, they'll prick you with a needle, I mean, they'll throw a stink bomb at you with their own feces and urine, I mean, this is all leftist activity.
But, you know, it barely even puts a blip on the radar of the national press.
But then what happens?
Jussie Smollett from Hollywood... I'M A GAY HOLLYWOOD ACTOR AND A BLACK MAN!
Oh, you're a total fraud and a liar.
But that gives all the coverage.
All the harassment against Trump supporters never makes the news, so I should come on here and play the thousands of videos of all the harassment Trump supporters have endured, but let's just show the latest one.
A 14-year-old boy at a store, it looks like in the mall, where one of the employees just decides he's going to tell him to F off because he's wearing a Trump hat.
He said, why are you talking to me?
What did you say to my son?
To my 14-year-old son?
So the audio here is bad, but it looks like it's a shoe store
I was told.
I was told.
I'm not touching that one.
Alright, one second, yeah.
Yeah, I'm coming.
I'm coming.
So the employee tells the kid in the Trump hat to F off.
The mother there with him, kid's 14, says, I want to talk to the manager.
My son walked into the store.
That gentleman first told him, take off your hat.
He said, nothing to him.
14-year-old child.
Then he said, F you.
Take off your hat.
This is America.
My son said, nothing to him.
He said, nothing.
But your hat offends me because I'm a brainwashed minion of the media.
Absolutely nothing.
I'm sorry guys.
Go about your business.
Absolutely not.
I want corporate office.
I want everything right now.
We need to get, you know what, we need to make, we need to get, we should try to get this woman on.
Because this is, I'm sorry folks, this is what we have to do.
This is not what conservatives do.
I get it.
Like, we rise above this crap.
We are the ones when they say, oh they go low, we go high.
No, no, we are the ones that actually go high when they go low.
So that's why we never follow through with any of this crap.
We don't get litigious.
We don't file police reports.
We don't call up corporate when they treat us like garbage.
It's time to take action.
She needs to call corporate.
Get all these people fired.
Just clean out that whole damn store.
You harassed a 14 year old boy!
You are a sick freak!
You shouldn't have a job anywhere!
Here, let's go now to clip 10.
A man has been accused of pulling a gun on a couple for wearing a trumpet.
A Tennessee man named James Phillips is now in jail on a wanton endangerment charge after the alleged altercation.
According to the police report, officers were called to Sam's Club due to a report of a person with a gun.
They said it happened yesterday.
The report says they found Phillips in the parking lot with a Glock 40 caliber and a round chambered in his back pocket and two additional magazines in another pocket.
The report says he admitted to flipping off a couple inside the store because they were wearing Make America Great Again has.
Oh, but Jussie Smollett, though!
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Broadcasting live from the UN Stronghold, Austin, Texas.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Going to cool down the jets here.
I think I was overheating in the first hour.
The engine was overheating a little bit, so we're going to slow it down.
We're going to get Stuart Rhodes in studio shortly.
Alex Jones is going to be calling in and hosting the third hour.
Roger Stone will be joining him.
And then, in the final hour today, Stuart Rhodes will come back in studio, or just be in studio, and we will take your calls regarding everything we discussed today, your questions for Stuart.
But, you know, I already covered this, but I just want to do it again in case people didn't hear the first time.
This is the latest study.
Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder.
The story is on studyfinds.org.
Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder say the average house is prone to indoor air qualities levels on par with a polluted major city.
So, You can go look at that study for yourself, you can go look at other studies that are similar, but the story goes the average home in America is the air in the home.
It's basically totally filled with toxins, pollutants.
In fact, you can find a story, I believe it was in 2017, they did an air quality test in California and they found in some areas the levels of carcinogens in the air and water.
Could cause cancer.
Now that's California, where the Democrats have literally, you know, crapped everywhere.
So, you know, it's probably not that bad everywhere, but this is why we sell air filters and water filters.
So, we see the studies out of California that say, wow, look at how polluted this water is.
It's barely drinkable.
Wow, look at the fact that the average home in the United States has air pollutant levels equivalent to that of a major city.
Well, you don't want that.
I don't want that.
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So, don't just look at the study.
That says the average U.S.
home, the air in the average U.S.
home is so polluted, it's on par with a major U.S.
city, and do nothing.
Get an air filter.
You don't want to have that dirty air in your home.
I mean, folks, I don't know the studies, but I would imagine living your life breathing in polluted air, probably not good.
You clean up that air, who knows?
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Go out there and shop around.
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You're not going to find anything better, anything more advanced, at a better price.
That's what Alex Jones has done at InfowarsStore.com.
So do the research for yourself, but it just came out.
Brand new study.
There have been similar studies.
The air quality in your home is most likely on par with that of a major city when it comes to being polluted.
Now, we'll probably talk to Stuart Rhodes about this, but, you know, the president is on Twitter today basically calling out the whole deep state, specifically Andy McCabe, Rod Rosenstein.
I mean, and here's the frustration, and I'm kind of like, I'm almost such a creature of habit of just being in the moment on air sometimes that I forget my own research.
At like a deeper level?
And I talked about this the other day.
The President is so smart.
In fact, it was before he was even President.
Donald Trump is so smart, he's learned something that I don't think, or mastered something I don't think anyone else has even figured out yet.
He knows that he can tweet something out.
Or let's just say, say something.
But in this instance, it's easier to just use the Twitter to make this example.
He can tweet something out, and then years later, he can make it come true.
So, for example, I, like most of the audience, I think, is frustrated that the President tweets about all of this crap, and yet nothing gets done.
But see, And again, if or when it's done in a year or two years, he's going to look like the smartest man ever.
And you're gonna say, wow, he predicted all of this on Twitter!
Wow, he said it's gonna happen on Twitter!
Oh my gosh!
He's been doing that for years.
And I realized the other day that he's just like mastered this ability where he can say something and put something out on Twitter knowing that he can actually make it happen and then he just makes himself look like a genius.
It's kind of like next level digital self-fulfilling prophecy or something.
And so...
We read this about how he's saying Andrew McCabe, the FBI, Rod Rodenstein's are basically he's saying they're guilty of high treason.
I mean, you really want to boil it down in more or less words.
That's this nuanced series of tweets from President Trump.
These are top criminals guilty of treason.
And he names their names.
And how do you think that makes McCabe and Rosenstein feel?
And in fact, I mean, we have the clip and it's almost like I should play it.
Andrew McCabe admitting that they were going to remove the president.
In fact, let's play this.
I got the time right now, guys.
Let's play clip 12 because I just have to see this one more time before I come out and say what I'm going to say.
Guys, roll clip 12.
But McCabe says Rosenstein raised another idea.
The 25th Amendment to the Constitution allows the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet to remove the President.
A discussion of the 25th Amendment.
Was simply, Rod raised the issue and discussed it with me in the context of thinking about how many other cabinet officials might support such an effort.
Now pause right here.
Why are they bringing up the 25th Amendment?
And then why didn't it work?
Alright, go on.
To be perfectly honest.
Now hold on, pause it, pause it.
Of course, of course, the funny thing is, here he is on CNN.
They're never going to ask any real questions.
Excuse me, not CNN, 60 Minutes.
Here he is on 60 Minutes, CBS.
A good journalist would be like, whoa, whoa, why did you think about invoking the 25th Amendment and why didn't that go through?
Of course, we know the answer.
The answer is A, because they want to remove the President, and then the second answer is B, because Pence wasn't going to go along with it.
Alright, go on.
Conversation so I listened to what he had to say but to my job at the FBI I can't even describe for you how many things must have been coursing through the Deputy Attorney General's mind at that point so it was really something that he kind of threw out in a in a very frenzied chaotic conversation about where we were and what we needed to do next.
Why so chaotic?
Why do you need to do something?
I can't confirm that, but what I can say is the Deputy Attorney General was definitely very concerned about the President, about his capacity, and about his intent at that point in time.
How did he bring up the idea of the 25th Amendment to you?
Honestly, I don't remember.
You just explained it.
He just brought it up in a chaotic conversation one day.
In the midst of a wide-ranging conversation.
Just another topic?
Did you counsel him on that?
I didn't.
Listen, though.
Here's the next level to this, folks, that most people probably won't ask and most media people aren't going to ask.
Why is McCabe going on 60 Minutes saying this?
There's something to that.
There is something to McCabe going on 60 Minutes admitting this.
It's either Trump, Trump gripped him to do it, the Democrats gripped him to do it, or it's like an act of providence and he's just out here telling the whole story.
God has just taken over and he's just admitting that they tried to engage in treason illegally.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jessica.
and talk to Jessica.
She was talking about the Virginia governor.
Jessica, you're on the air.
Looks like he'll be resigning soon.
What do you think?
I hope so.
I never liked him from the beginning.
I remember that President Obama endorsed him, and that was a big... I thought that would be a big wake-up call to people, but apparently it wasn't.
But we keep the babies comfortable.
I can't really do his fake Southern accent, but it's just, I love Southerners, you know, I'm from Texas, kind of Southern, but it's like the fakeness of that sicky sweet, let's stay out of the ladies area, kill that baby.
I think because he's a pediatrician, he's used to people, you know, kind of responding to that voice he does, but it sickens me that he's a pediatrician and he's pushing what he's pushing.
But we're going to make the baby comfortable.
Oh my gosh, it's so sickening.
Well, we know in end times this is the stuff that happens.
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I have to say that it's worked wonders.
The Brain Force Plus is amazing.
Me and my family take it every day and I mean you really can feel what it does and usually I get a lot of brain fog from the thyroid issue and that helps tremendously and the knockout helps me sleep at night especially when I have something important I have to get up and do in the morning.
in the morning and I don't feel that groggy feeling.
And we use the toothpaste, we love the toothpaste.
My son uses the krill oil for some issues that he deals with.
My husband is a hardwood floor installer.
He loves the bodies and he loves the Red Pill Plus.
And we're gonna try the Turbo Force next.
I really wanna get that Turbo Force 'cause my son loves going to the gym
and he needs something for a booze.
Well, Jessie, I appreciate your support, but let me be honest with you.
Only take a half pack at the first time.
It's just, it's kind of like good crack.
So, I'm almost embarrassed.
Everybody should be careful with it.
Gets to the next level, it's insane.
I really am glad that I'm able to help the fight for truth and freedom and liberty and I don't know what where I would be and what I would think if I didn't have people like you one there who have just stayed strong through it all so I just want to encourage you just to keep going keep fighting Thank you for inviting for us and with us because I don't know.
I don't know what we would do.
We wouldn't have anybody.
If there wasn't you, I mean, I don't know that anybody else would be on the air doing it.
Like you said, you're the tip of the spear.
So I really appreciate you and what you say, you know, helps me stay connected to the truth.
It helps me to stay connected to God.
And I can't say enough about how much I love InfoWars, how much I love the products.
But I would like to have some female cut shirts.
No, no, I totally agree.
We put out the one gold foil female shirt and it was a big hit.
And we're just brain dead.
But I promise, that's our number one complaint.
It's from women.
We've only got a couple shirts that are cut for females.
We will get it done for you.
But Jessica, you give me strength to go on.
And your husband and your family.
Because just hearing what's in your voice.
The powerful feminine energy and then the male energy together, all of us focused together against the globalists, is unstoppable.
And that's why they're attacking that sacred system of the family, of all of us together.
We are humanity.
We are the experience.
We are everything.
And so you've just got my commitment to fight on.
But let me tell you, I'm obnoxious most of the time.
I'm burnt out.
Hearing you, I don't want to just say this.
I'm not just telling you this.
You are the info war.
You're the power of the whole thing.
And that's why I get so freaked out about begging the audience for help, because it's the truth!
I mean, I'm not just saying it.
If you weren't here, standing in the way, they would have already destroyed me.
But we're in this together.
So God bless you, Jessica from Virginia.
And yeah, looking at that little pathetic gremlin governor.
Of course he's KKK.
Who the hell wants to harvest babies' organs?
That's what that's all really about.
These are demons.
But thanks to you and others, we're gonna win.
Thank you so much.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
I think there are two things that are fair to say right now.
I don't think anybody in the near future is going to be naming their child Jussie.
And I think if President Trump tweeted, learn to code, Twitter might just shut down.
And the universe might just explode.
We are waiting to hear from Stuart Rhodes.
He's going to be joining me in studio.
So I'm going to do a news blitz here.
Let's start with this story.
Linked up at Infowars.com from the Washington Times, Pentagon Chief says he'll make final call on wall money.
Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said this week that he will make the final call on $3.6 billion in military construction money that President Trump wants to build his border wall and quickly shot down the notion of any of raiding any funds meant to build or repair housing for troops and their families.
Well look, I hope that he Let's the president build the wall, but did you elect Patrick Shanahan?
In fact, I'll go one step further.
Have you ever heard of Patrick Shanahan?
And this is the guy who's going to decide if the wall gets built or not?
Uh, no.
The Pentagon needs to get out of the way.
We played the report at the top of today's broadcast, and I reiterate, I think everybody should go to InfoWars.com and this story from Gregg Reese, National Emergency, Trump's Executive Orders to Destroy Deep State Criminal Cabal.
Download this video and re-upload it to your YouTube channel, because if this video got seen a hundred million times, it would be devastating.
Just absolutely devastating to the Democrats.
And it's almost as if, though, see, I don't even know if I can say that because it's really just devastating to who the Clintons really are.
And the average leftist can't even make the connection anymore.
If you brought up, like, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, you'd be like, well, that's not the Democrats!
Hillary Clinton just ran the Democrat Party.
I mean, like, the Democrats haven't disavowed Hillary Clinton.
So I think everybody should share that video showing how Trump is trying to stop human trafficking or modern-day slavery.
And the Democrats hate it.
Chuck Todd on NBC News Meet the Press said, What if Trump's national emergency is found constitutional?
Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh!
What if he has a border?
What if he builds the wall?
What if we have a country?
What if we have sovereignty?
What if we have rights?
What if we have freedom?
That's Chuck Todd.
What if America is allowed to exist?
What if America is allowed to stop an invasion from the southern border?
Oh, it's total madness!
It's total madness!
What if it's constitutional to protect your country?
Chuck Todd, meet the president of NBC.
The president's trying to have a country.
We'll be right back.
Total breakdown.
As President Trump predicted...
In his National Emergency Address, a lawsuit has been filed against the National Emergency Declaration, alleges Trump violated the U.S.
Just as he said, it'll go to the Ninth Circuit, it'll get appealed, it'll go to the Appellate Courts, it'll get appealed, it'll be fought, it'll make it to Supreme Court, probably in about eight months, and then it'll be declared constitutional.
So, so, let's go ahead and make a prediction here.
InfoWars, next month's news today.
What's eight months from February?
What's nine months from February?
What are we looking at, like, November?
I think we'll be looking at about a November, October, November, probably, when the national emergency actually gets to have rubber meet the road because the Democrat obstructionists.
Because again, I mean, they don't want to have a border.
I mean, you saw Chuck Todd on NBC News.
Oh my gosh, the president wants to have a border!
Oh, what do we do?
How are we going to stop this?
Trump seeks to turn his failure to build the wall into a campaign rallying cry.
It's from the Washington Post.
Well, his failure to build a wall, that's an interesting way of putting it, the Washington Post.
I guess that's the headline we could expect.
They have built a lot of the wall.
It's really about border security.
If anything, he's failed to secure the border.
I would say that's true.
They have built some of the wall.
They've failed to secure the border.
But yeah, finish the wall.
The campaign...
Immigration was one of his biggest issues.
I'm telling you, we're two, three months away from the 2020 campaign really, really heating up.
And it is going to be wacko, jacko.
Sharpton, the reverend, calls for Smollett to face accountability to the maximum.
Oh ho ho ho!
Mr. Sharpton, how quickly you have changed your mind.
Before you saw any of the facts, you were immediately calling America racist and Trump racist and everything.
I guess now you want to see justice.
How about justice for you, Sharpton?
Have you ever paid those taxes?
What does Sharpton owe in taxes?
Like 30 million or something?
It's gotta be tough.
Got to be tough to be Al Sharpton.
Maybe it's three million and I'm just adding it.
I think it's actually, I think it's like three and a half million that Sharpton owes in back taxes.
Oh, but again, Bezos pays zero in taxes.
Sharpton doesn't pay his taxes.
Trump actually pays all of his taxes.
Like, you get the tax documents and Rachel Maddow's like, I've got the documents.
And then they show the documents, he's paying millions, hundreds of millions in taxes.
It's like, oh, we got him.
It's like, wait a second, Trump pays his taxes and you hate him.
Bezos, Amazon doesn't pay taxes.
Sharpton doesn't pay taxes.
You don't say anything.
Hillary Clinton launders $80 million during a campaign.
David Brock super PACs.
This is one of the greatest money laundering schemes of all time.
David Brock has like eight super packs all in the same building and they funnel money
between each super pack and they take a 10% cut each time.
I mean it's just like...
It's just gallows humor at this point.
David Brock.
Jesse Smollett case to go to grand jury.
That's from TMZ.
Of course, that's kind of where the whole thing started.
If you're CNN, they blamed TMZ for the whole thing.
Here's a doozy from CNN.
Look at this headline.
Japan's Abe refuses to deny that he nominated Trump for a Nobel Prize.
He refuses to deny?
Okay, how about the headline is, Japan's Abe nominates Trump for Nobel Peace Prize.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, they can't put that out there.
That makes Trump look good.
They gotta somehow morph and twist and spin.
How can we, we have to, we have to report on this.
We have to report on what Trump said about being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
We have to report on it, but we can't make him look good.
What can we do?
Let's put some negatives in there, like refuses and denies.
Yes, that'll work on our little minions.
And so the headline finally comes out, Japan's Abe refuses to deny, refuses to deny that he nominated Trump for Nobel Peace Prize.
So what, CNN calls up Japan's Abe?
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and says, will you deny?
Will you deny that you nominated Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize?
He's like, no, I did nominate Trump.
Yes, I nominated Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.
But will you deny it?
Will you deny it?
No, I nominated Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Yes, I nominated him.
But will you deny it?
No, he won't deny it!
He won't deny it!
Get to the presses immediately!
Get to the press!
Abe refuses to deny that he nominated Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.
So this is like a negative, even though it's a positive.
I don't believe the globalists are that smart.
I don't believe you're that stupid that we have this information and that if they shut me down, it's shut down when these pieces of crap are executing this information in front of everybody.
Do you know why there have been layoffs at more than 20 major leftist fake news publications?
From BuzzFeed to Newsweek to Vice.
Why did it all happen this week?
Why did it happen a month ago or a month from now?
Why wasn't it doled out?
Because it's concerted.
It's like a bombing run with a group of bombers flying in and they've all got targets.
And they're all commanded by their HQ.
And by the way, I don't just think that.
I have their blueprint.
I have their bombing run.
I have their attack profile.
I have their Achilles.
And I'm here telling you their Achilles.
I'm here telling you how to defeat them.
Real intelligence is observation.
Real intelligence is infiltration.
Real intelligence is interfacing banging heads with your enemy.
Because you begin to know your enemy better than the enemy All real warfare that's victorious is psychic.
It can be physical, but that's only to draw out the essence of the enemy's goals and their fears.
And then the commitment to meet your enemy with your goals and your love, love trumps all.
But you have to realistically have the template of victory to be able to take it on.
You can't counter a civilizational ending event, a planned viral demolition of humanity, a earth-ending termination of the birth of a new species, a new vision, a new world.
You can't counter something like that with lack of vision.
Simply countering their program.
You must offer the world that you see and see if others believe in that world and see how they will then offer information to that world to build a new, better world.
You have to recruit in a war.
And to do that, you need to look for people that aren't just trying to be in charge of something.
You need to look for people that want to be involved in something.
Involved in something bigger than them.
Not because they want to rule people, but because they love people.
Because they love their ancestors, and they love humanity, and they have a vision that they want to add to in the future.
so that all the victories and the successes of our progeny, when we're the ancestors, when we're long gone,
will live on through those people in the future and the incredible challenges they face
and the struggles and the love and the passion and the will as we become stronger
and stronger and stronger, but then face greater and greater obstacles
as the propulsion system of the future.
And that's why these Satanists fear me so much, because they've bet on this planet
and they've bet on their takeover and they think they're victorious.
And that's why I hate to plug products and the things we sell, but everything we sell is good.
It's the best there is at the price it's at.
And it funds what we're doing that's so fundamentally radical against the spirit of this world that it shakes the enemies of humanity to their very core.
And that's why I know we're going to win in the end.
But I want to ask you to commit by word of mouth and by prayer, in the public realm and in personal soul, but also in the physical, the energy you expend every day in the system, to transfer part of that to us, to know that there is a full commitment to push our will against the enemy with everything we've got, and to lean in when their knives are stabbing into our guts, to lean into their hate, and just lean in and take it.
I'm ready.
And I'll lean in and I'll take it.
But I need your backing so that when I swing my sword, it'll absolutely devastate the enemy.
When I raise my shield, it's your will that empowers it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
If the president can declare an emergency today on this, the Democratic president can decide that, as you mentioned,
the gun crisis, the 40,000 people a year killed in this country is a crisis,
and why don't we take everybody's guns away, or force everybody to register their guns,
or ban all assault rifles, or do all of that.
I know the Republicans have some unease about it, no matter what they say, because if the president can declare an emergency on something that he has created as an emergency, an illusion that he wants to convey, just think of what a president with different values can present to the American people.
You want to talk about a national emergency?
Let's talk about today, the one-year anniversary of another manifestation of the epidemic of gun violence in
That's a national emergency.
Why don't you declare that emergency, Mr. President?
I wish you well.
And just look at how deceptive the Democrats are, as I'm joined in studio by Stuart Rhodes,
that Nadler goes on CNN and says, "40,000 a year die from gun crime."
I mean, I don't have the numbers in front of me.
Conservatively, I would say half of that is probably suicide, and that's not good, but they don't tell you the full story.
And then probably another 20-30% is drug-related crimes.
But they don't tell you that either.
Oh, and then I would bet that 80% of these crimes, if not, again, conservative, more of them, happen in gun-free zones, like Chicago.
Speaking of Chicago, that's where the false hate crime happened, where Jussie Smollett staged it.
Now, Stuart Rhodes from OathKeepers.org, we have a lot to get to here, but you were tuned in earlier and there was something that really caught your attention that I talked about earlier.
Yeah, you were talking about how Jesse was essentially inciting a race war in this country, and I think you're right, and he came very close to kicking it off, and it would have led to the deaths of tens of thousands or potentially millions of Americans.
And this is really kind of like the undercurrent on the left is a relentless Insightment of racial conflict in this country.
Obama was not the most inclusive president or bringing us together as most divisive president we've had and that's been their pattern ever since.
Well, and it's amazing because they are the ones that cry about racism and they, oh, let's bring everybody together, like, right?
But at the end of the day, they're always the ones dividing.
They're always the ones dividing.
And when is the mainstream media, when is the Hollywood left going to come out and say, look, we have been the ones dividing.
How can this Jussie Smollett story not prove that in total triplicate?
Well that's the thing is they're all about identity politics and racial identity is a key element of that.
Not the only one of course.
He's the perfect poster child for what they want to do.
He's a gay black man.
He wants to divide us along sexual gender and identity.
They want to divide us along racial identity.
It's all their mechanism for attacking this country.
And, of course, the big undercurrent for them is that this country is inherently racist, inherently oppressive, inherently cisgendered.
I mean, you name it.
It's all about demonizing the West.
And you said earlier, what he really is, is he's a communist, or a communist stooge, and they're just a communist movement to destroy this country.
Let's just call it what they are.
And here's another thing that's odd about this to me.
Here he is.
He wants to go along with this whole victim mindset, right?
Like, oh, he's the victim.
Create a victim mindset.
Create a situation where you're the victim because he's black, he's gay.
Which, by the way, I'm now calling into question his sexuality.
I'm saying he could be faking being gay.
Look, Elizabeth Warren fakes being an Indian to get a degree.
You know, Alexander Cortez fakes being from, you know, some poor girl from the Bronx.
Beto O'Rourke fakes being Hispanic.
They're all fake, so who knows?
Maybe he's faking being gay.
I wouldn't be surprised.
But he tries to latch on to this whole victim thing, right Stuart?
And creates this whole situation.
He's probably a multi-million dollars.
He contracts.
He gets on Fox.
He's famous.
He won actor of the year.
I mean, he's done everything.
He lives the American dream.
But it's this weird thing.
They want to be the victim.
He's highly oppressed.
But he wants you to believe, or they want you to believe, that this country, like I said, is inherently oppressive.
And the foot soldiers in the streets are the ones they're really trying to incite.
It's the Antifa, it's the new Black Panther Party, it's people like that who, you know, who believe the nonsense and the lie that this is an oppressive, racist society.
But as you point out, if it's so oppressive and so racist, how did he get to be where he is?
And they will never realize that.
They'll never go down that thought path.
They'll never acknowledge it.
I mean, I think the ones at the top, the ones pulling the strings realize it, of course.
I think a lot of the folks in the streets who they're trying to incite fall for it.
Hopefully this will help even more of them walk away.
You know, hashtag walk away.
Hopefully even more of them walk away from the manipulation from the Matrix.
Alright, so the real question here though, Stuart, is guys, let me get a doc cam.
We gotta give out the Oscar.
Does the Oscar go to Nathan Phillips, the stolen valor, never served in Vietnam, American Indian, who was banging a drum in the face of teenagers and then acted like the victim?
Does the Oscar go to him?
Does the Oscar go to Christine Blasey Ford, who talks like this and cries and weeps a little bit because she thinks that maybe Kavanaugh was, you know, in a room with her and it was dark and she doesn't remember where or when, but it was probably him and he shouldn't be a judge because of it?
Or does the Oscar go to Jussie Smollett, who pulled off one of the greatest hate crime hoaxes of all time, but of course got caught, but he did cry on his television media tour.
He talked about how bad it was.
That was pretty good.
So Stuart, what about Warren though?
Elizabeth Warren?
For a lifetime of masquerading as an Indian, that's pretty good.
Yeah, but this is for like actual good acting performances.
Warren's is not good at all.
You want to have a beer?
I'm gonna have me a beer!
I don't know what, that's poor performance.
So the Oscar goes to, from Stuart Rhodes, the Oscar goes to... Well, if it's for incitement, it should be different categories.
Just the best performance.
I'm talking about just the best overall acting performance.
Best performance overall.
Oh, I'd have to give it to Jesse.
Small act.
I mean, the crocodile tears.
He delivered.
The television media tour.
And the preparation in advance.
The preparation!
You gotta give it up for him.
I mean, he prepared the whole thing.
He even invested his own money.
Well, he talked about, he thought, hey, out there are people that are fake.
Don't fall for it.
So he laid the ground for himself being a virtue signaler.
So we do a golf clap.
Jesse, would you like to come up and receive your award?
Look at how emotional he is for receiving this award right now.
Look at how emotional Jussie is.
He just received the news that he got the Oscar for the hate crime hoax he pulled off.
He's so emotional right now.
He's tearing up about it.
What a performance.
Alright, in more serious news, and we'll get into this on the other side.
You know, I don't think it's a debate.
We've talked about this.
There's a national emergency at the southern border.
This shouldn't be a debate.
They declared a state of emergency in Washington for 36 cases of the measles.
Well, 36 cases of the measles could have just walked across the border.
How is that not a national emergency?
It is.
But it looks like where we're at right now, Stuart, is the wall funding is going through the bureaucracy, it's going through the court system, and it doesn't look like this national emergency is really going to hit the ground for about eight months, I think, is my prediction.
Well, I think the President, as I said before, made a mistake and has gotten bad advice.
He should have simply ordered the military to the border to defend the nation under his authority as Commander-in-Chief, period, and not referred back to some goofy statute that Congress passed about national emergencies.
Way before anyone even talked about declarations of national emergencies, U.S.
troops were deployed to the border, blacked by Wilson, back in 1916, just on order as Commander-in-Chief.
And that's what he still should do.
He's letting them put him in a narrow box, and I think it's getting bad advice legally, putting him in a narrow box of just talking about civilian projects using emergency funding.
And even in his own presentation about it, he made a mistake.
He said that we won't need the military to build the wall.
Well, according to the provision they're justifying this under, it's for military use.
He has to be able to build, you know, use military appropriations for military use.
So he's making a lot of mistakes legally.
I don't think he realizes what's really happening.
And it could be he's being given, you know, deep state advice.
This is kind of a crazy thing for me to say here.
But it's almost as if the President has to declare California an enemy of the Republic.
Because there, I mean, again, you can follow these caravans.
They don't go through Texas.
They travel thousands of extra miles to get to California, folks.
And we know why.
It's where the human trafficking happens.
It's where the sanctuary cities are.
So, the President almost needs to say, look, California, maybe we need to investigate you and why you want these open borders.
We'll be right back.
And I can't wait to hear them try to demonize that we're selling high-quality, infused protein bars.
We went to, again, three of the top manufacturers in the country.
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Now the media will say protein in food is evil in a snake way.
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and then your funding supports the M4, a total 360 win.
Let's go to Debbie.
Debbie in New Jersey.
Debbie, thanks for calling.
I really appreciate you.
Go ahead, Debbie.
The shifting of Nancy Pelosi with those dentures, I wanted to just slap that bitch right across the mouth.
I'm so sick of her ugly face.
I am too.
God, she's a demon.
It's not about hating them.
For me, it's about, it's embarrassing.
Like, how do we have a group of people this bad, this evil, this stupid ruling over us?
It makes me feel like crap.
You know what, Alex?
It's because we're on such an elevated plane.
The people who are awake, we're so elevated in this dimension that it sickens us and makes us so ill, physically.
It's just, it's so hard to look at people like that and want to even be kind to them because they just turn your frickin' stomach.
But, um, the other thing I wanted to say is, Cortez, she looks like a rabid Austin Terrier with those bulging eyeballs of hers, too.
She really is demonic.
You know, we can laugh about her, and I do, but it's like Beto and his fake voice and how corrupt he is.
It's like, this is their superstars?
Beto O'Rourke and Alexandria Cortez?
These people are idiots!
And I'm not trying to be mean, it's just true!
Yeah, no, it is.
It is.
Alex, I'm going to let you go, but I want to let you know that my husband and I have every t-shirt, every product, because we love you.
We love the Info Warriors and everybody there that works there.
We really think the world of you people.
And we are also lifetime Oath Keepers.
Thank you, Stuart Rose.
We love you.
Thank you.
Well, God bless you, Debbie.
And let me just say this.
I was in meetings this morning with accountants at the lawsuits they've got against us, and we beat like 15 of them, so they filed like five more.
And I was just looking at this, and it was like, The enemy turns up the heat, you give us product purchases that just meet the level we need.
We need financial support, folks.
So I need everybody to go to m4restore.com and just realize that it's a war.
Spine your war bonds and get the toothpaste, get the coffee, get it all, and just take action.
Stay with us.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You know, I'm sitting here talking to Stuart Rhodes from OathKeepers.org during the break.
I mean, it's almost like we kind of get into these elementary debates, Stuart, about, oh, you know, let's build a wall, let's do this, and we kind of miss the bigger picture.
Of course we need the wall.
Of course we want border security, but it's like, wait a second.
We're talking about An entire political party, which occupies now, I guess, or works together with the media and Hollywood and everything.
I mean, they don't want a border.
They don't want this wall.
They don't support the president because they're in a total insurrection against the president.
So they have to Go against him.
They have to obstruct everything he does.
I mean, isn't the wall just another example of how anything and everything the president does, they have to obstruct and they have to demonize?
Well yes, but it's also, beyond that, it's an insurrection against the Constitution.
Their goal is to completely subvert and transform this country into a socialist or communist country.
And their greatest mechanism right now is mass immigration, just like in Europe.
To destroy Western Europe is the same thing.
So that's the big game, and I know Matt Bracken's talked about this quite a bit, and he's right.
This is their mechanism, and they've been doing this now, they've been working on this now since the 1970s or 60s.
They've been trying to, as I said before, trying to turn anyone who's not white, or not completely white, into an enemy against their own country by playing racial identity politics and trying to convince them that this is an oppressive nation.
Trying to turn blacks and Hispanics against their own country.
It has failed largely, I think, inside the United States.
You know, the large percentage of Hispanics there at the El Paso rally for Trump, about a quarter of the audience was Hispanic.
I was there.
A lot of blacks waking up now, the walk-away movement.
So I think they're really amping up this idea of replacement thinking.
Instead of sort of they're replacing not just you know white Americans, but also black Americans and Hispanic Americans who are patriots They can't brainwash them into hitting their own country That's failing so they don't bring in people from other countries that they think will be more amenable to being turned against this country That's it, and this is really a complex issue overall, but let's kind of focus in on the details that you're talking about right here It all starts This is really, I would say, like you said, since the 70s maybe, maybe 30-40 years, with the brainwashing in the schools and in the media, which is basically communist propaganda.
What they do is, they paint, they only show you one side of America's history.
There's obviously an ugly part of America's history.
Not just slavery of black people, but They also put a bunch of Japanese people in internment camps, many of which ended up being spies.
You know, the Irish that came here were treated like dirt for a while, too.
So there's a lot of ugly stuff.
I mean, we dropped two atom bombs, for Christ's sake.
I mean, let's repent for that, too.
So, yes, there is a lot of nasty history.
But, you know, we liberated women in the West.
We ended slavery in the West.
We had the whole idea come to fruition of self-government and independence in the West.
I mean, these are the things that have made America strong.
But what they do is...
They highlight the negativity, and then they somehow, it's like they somehow imprint just the face of a white male on the whole concept of America.
They drum up a bunch of hatred against white males, and so then it's like, oh, well let's start a race war, let's start a class war, let's get all of these people hating Americans, and then, once we replace the white population, we can seize total control.
And they even already have the studies.
I think by 2050, whites will no longer be a majority of this country.
Whether it's good or bad or indifferent, it doesn't matter.
The point is, it's this big, large race warfare overthrow of the United States of America, and it's honestly like the racial warfare is kind of the linchpin in their entire plan.
Right, because it used to be that communists were all about the workers of the world unite, of all races, against the so-called capitalist oppressors.
But then, you know, a good moment in history where they shifted was at the Weather Underground, actually it was back then it was the Students for Democratic Society, SDS, at a national convention.
And then the hardcores who became the Weather Underground later on, Bill Ayers, Bernardine They split with the Maoists.
The Maoists wanted to focus still on workers' rights and class warfare.
But Bernardine Dorn and Bill Ayers, they instead wanted to go into identity politics, primarily racial.
That was the big split on the left.
And that's where they went.
They dumped the workers.
That's why you had all your... That's why you had this giant sucking sound of jobs being taken overseas.
That's why you had Detroit falling apart.
They abandoned the working class of America, who then turned around and voted for Trump.
And they instead went to the identity stuff.
Gays, women, race, etc.
to divide this country up.
But that is failing.
And I think that the best indicator of the falseness of this program they're on is that look at what happens to conservative blacks.
Look at Clarence Thomas or Thomas Sowell.
If you're a conservative black, in other words, you're a black person who believes in the Constitution, Well, and you don't even have to be a conservative.
Just look at Kanye West.
I don't believe he's a conservative.
I mean, he's even said his politics don't really line up with President Trump's.
of it, they're communists.
Hat crime.
He's got a hat crime.
Look at Kanye.
He's committed a hat crime.
So it really just shows how deranged they are.
But you know what?
Because here's again what it all comes down to.
It's all about an insurrection.
It's all about an overthrow of this country.
Now, Stewart, we have them admitting, we have them admitting they tried to overthrow the President with the 25th Amendment.
We have them admitting they tried to illegally spy on the President with a wire.
This is on top of all the illegal spying they were already doing.
I mean, isn't it time for the President to come out and declare a national emergency against the fact there's a coup happening right now in this country?
Well, for sure he could come out and say, I'm going to prosecute these people for conspiracy to commit sedition, which is what that is.
And he could also declare California and the sanctuary states, as you were referring to earlier, they are in an open rebellion against the laws of the United States.
Primarily the immigration laws.
They're committing felonies.
Harboring, aiding and abetting legal aliens.
That's actually treason by U.S.
Someone says treason, but... No, I looked it up.
It is.
Are you sure?
I read it on air one day.
If you are knowingly, if you knowingly are keeping an illegal alien, knowingly harboring illegal aliens, that's treason.
Or, excuse me, maybe it wasn't listed as treason, but if... It's a felony.
If... I'd have to go back and read the U.S.
If one of those illegal aliens, or if an illegal alien that you have in the United States and you're knowingly harboring commits a crime, a deadly crime, you can now face the death penalty.
So maybe that's why I was thinking of treason and death penalty.
I think that that's actually what it was.
So this is happening almost daily.
I mean, the one guy bragged about killing cops!
The illegal, the non-citizen immigrant who was in court, he killed a cop, and he's sitting in there laughing about it, saying he's going to kill more.
Well the guy who killed Sin, the deputy up there in California.
That was another one.
He was another illegal alien gangbanger who was associated with the cartels.
So I think Trump should He should declare the cartels to be international terrorists, which they are.
Declare them to be fourth generation warfare military enemies of the United States that are taking over U.S.
territory, which they are.
Deploy the troops and declare California and all the other sanctuary cities to be an insurrection and an aiding, directly aiding in conspiracy with the cartels.
That's what he should do.
And you know, honestly, the thing is, too, and we tend to forget this, because we're kind of armchair quarterbacking it, there's so much the president has to, I mean, there's so much corruption, there's so much dirt he has to clean up, and you know, we're, I mean, I'm not a purist, you would probably be closer to purist than me, but it's like, this frustration has been building, I think, in America for so long.
We just want to see results and we feel like Trump is one of the only hopes or one of the only chances we've had to maybe clean this up legitimately.
I know that Alex Jones is going to be talking about this, folks.
He's about to join us here in the next hour and he's going to want to cover this as well as the coup against the president.
I mean, don't you think that's kind of our frustration too, Stuart, with the President, is that he really has so much to do, and we just want to see it get done because we're worried that he might be the last chance, the last person to do it?
Well, he is our last chance to do this through conventional politics, I think.
I mean, I haven't got a crystal ball.
But what we can do, I think he's getting bad advice, and it could be intentional, so what we can do is make sure that he knows from us What the real powers you have are.
And you're actually doing a lot of that stuff with OathKeepers.org, folks.
So make sure that you're staying tuned to OathKeepers.org, because I know that you're doing a lot of stuff to show support for the President, because you think that's the next thing, is to just public support for the President, let him know we have his back.
And let him know, I'm bringing in Dr. Edwin Vieira, a nationally known constitutional scholar on presidential powers and the militia in particular.
I've asked him to write up his recommendations for the president, which we're going to publish and try to put in his hands.
And I believe we're having him on the show here, I think actually tomorrow.
He's coming on the show.
I think it's important for people like that.
That's who his AG should be.
His attorney general should be someone like Dr. Vieira.
So we can at least bring together the right advice for him and let the folks out there know what the right steps are so they can go and start pushing this too on his Twitter, through social media, calling the White House, etc.
so that he gets the message about here's his real powers.
You know, it's kind of like Horton hears a who.
We're shouting to the President, here are your actual powers.
He's like, what?
What's that noise?
Yeah, and he's got all his All his counselors around him plucking his ears and screaming, la la la la la la, you know, don't listen to that.
And he's like, wait a second, I hear something, and they're like, no you don't!
You don't hear anything?
There is no Alex Jones!
We silenced Alex Jones!
Now Alex Jones is going to be joining us in the next hour, ladies and gentlemen.
Stuart Roach from oathkeepers.org with us as well.
He's going to be with us definitely in the fourth hour, taking your phone calls with myself.
But coming up next, it's Alex Jones to break down the deep state coup against the president, which it could go hot any moment, ladies and gentlemen.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones
Alex Jones Well, you heard it here yesterday folks and Alex Jones is
about to come on and break it down Info Wars is next year's news today.
We told you the night Trump was elected, really, if you really want to get into it, that they were going to try to remove him from office, but...
The story from Kit Daniels just hit InfoWars.com.
InfoWars revealed the 25th Amendment deep state coup against Trump in 2017.
Alex is going to come on and break that down.
This is why they want us censored.
But Stuart, I have to come out now.
I've made a decision because the President obviously understands the art of the troll.
We have seen that executed in the last weekend since Friday.
So, I am making an appeal to the President.
I want to be appointed the Trollmaster-in-Chief.
I want to be appointed Trollmaster-in-Chief because I came up with a brilliant strategy on how we can actually get some border security at the southern border.
I think that Trump needs to call Putin, okay?
And he needs to say, look, Vladimir.
They already think I'm colluding with you, so let's just go ahead and collude for the first time ever.
Can you just send 5,000 troops to our southern border, or just send 5,000 Russians, just send them to our southern border and just, can you have them invade?
Can you just have a bunch of Russians invade our southern border so I can say, look, the Russians are coming!
The Russians are coming!
And then see if the Democrats can act.
So, Mr. President, if I was your trollmaster-in-chief, this would be one of my strategies here.
Have Russians invade the southern border.
And then, you know, they can bring a bunch of AK-47s, they can bring a bunch of voter ID cards, have the Russians come up, they can all have a social media account too, some Russian bots.
So as your self-appointed Trollmaster-in-Chief, Mr. President, it's time to collude with Russia and have Russia invade the southern border.
Maybe then we can finally get some border security.
Of course, Stuart, as you're well aware, I think it's...
I think ICE detains people crossing the southern border illegally.
It's about 48 different countries every year.
Right, so really anybody other than Mexicans in the OTM can claim asylum.
So they've got people from China, they've got people from Afghanistan crossing the border, and now of course any of those people can also claim asylum.
So all the Russians you have in Vegas could claim asylum as well.
So that'd be my first move as the troll-in-chief.
I would then work on a deal with either Sweden or with Venezuela, and we'll do kind of a socialist exchange program.
So, hey, you know, get Cortez on board, sign up for the socialist exchange program, we'll ship you over to Sweden, you can go be a good socialist, we'll ship you down to Venezuela, you can go be a good socialist, and we'll take someone from those countries that wants to work hard and not be a socialist, but a free market capitalist.
How about that?
I would send her to China.
That's more in line with her... To China?
Yeah, I think so.
She's pretty much a Maoist.
Okay, well that's fine.
Any communist country is fine.
It's the Communist Exchange Program or the Socialist Exchange Program.
You go live in the favorite government of your choice, Communist Socialism, and we'll take someone that loves the free market that will come here and not suck off the government.
Like a Solzhenitsyn.
We'll give you one of our comments.
We should have done this years ago.
We could have taken Solzhenitsyn and sent one of our professors, or Hollywood actors, to Russia.
So, these are just some of the things I would do, President Trump, if I was your Trollmaster-in-Chief.
So, I'm just saying, the appointment, it should be waiting.
I'll be waiting for my phone call.
And we'll start to make some of these moves happen.
So, when we come back, though, I mean, see, the coup is happening against the President right now, Stuart, because the President is Donald Trump.
But really, the coup against the United States government has been going on for decades.
Yeah, and he just got in the way.
That's why he's the big target.
But the real target, that's why they hate MAGA hats and they hate anybody who's on the right.
The real target is us.
It's like the Two Minutes hate in 1984.
He's Goldstein, but we're his followers who are hated.
And if it was somebody else, you know, whoever you would want to put in there, who is also a populist or a constitutionalist, they'd be hating him too.
Well, look at what they did to Tulsi Gabbard.
I mean, she tries to be populist and she goes against the wars in the Middle East.
The Democrats come out and hate her.
I mean, look, I wouldn't vote Tulsi Gabbard for President.
I disagree with her on a lot of fundamental things.
I think she's probably the best candidate maybe for the Democrat Party, though.
And they just threw her under the bus!
They just totally threw her under the bus because she goes along with President Trump in stopping foreign intervention in the Middle East.
So, when we come back...
Alex Jones is going to be joining us and he is going to break down the attempted coup against the President of the United States that we predicted, quite honestly, we, I mean Alex pretty much called this like zero hour once President Trump got elected, but in words in 2017.
So Alex is going to break that down on the other side.
Don't go anywhere.
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And now, the tip of the spear, leading the fight to take back the nation is...
It's Owen Troyer.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
You want to see the real people that hate the truth, that hate this country, that want to see us divided, and want to see this nation fall?
Go ahead and watch this compilation of all the media that knowingly went along with the Jussie Smollett hate crime hoax.
Empire star Jussie Smollett was the victim of a vicious, racist, and homophobic attack.
His attackers hurled racial and homophobic slurs.
Two people yelled racist and homophobic slurs.
Racial and homophobic slurs.
Not only homophobia, we're talking about racism.
We're talking about hate with steroids.
They are looking for two suspects who are apparently wearing Make America Great Again hats.
The offenders uttered, this is MAGA country.
The hate crime went down early this morning in Chicago.
Officials are investigating the alleged assault as a hate crime.
And now police say they're investigating this as a possible hate crime.
Anyone attacked in a hate crime like this is an outrage.
This is stomach-turning, mind-boggling information.
It's out of control.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tweeting, the racist, homophobic attack on Jussie Smollett is an affront to our humanity.
And Senator Cory Booker said the vicious attack on actor Jussie was an attempted modern-day lynching.
Kamala Harris calling the attack an attempted modern-day lynching.
I'm so shaken by the story.
This is horrible to report.
This is a horrible story.
I mean, this is a horrible story.
I mean, the circumstances are just horrific.
Horrendous and unacceptable.
Absolutely despicable.
Yeah, a lot of people can't believe this is actually happening in 2019.
It's hard to believe that we're reporting, that we're even saying words like this in 2019.
And this is America in 2019.
Yeah, that's right.
Fake news that goes along with a hoax.
Yeah, exactly.
Total people committed to fake news.
Total people committed to destroying this country.
Total people committed to just destroying everything.
Just lie about anything, go along with anything, as long as it destroys America, as long as it creates a divide.
We kind of came up with a solution for Mr. Smollett during the break here.
He needs to plead insanity.
He needs to plead that he has Trump derangement syndrome, and that's what led him to do this.
His only defense, really.
His only defense?
Yeah, that's pretty much it.
The only way to get off of being criminally found guilty of filing a false police report is to claim insanity.
You know, we joke about this, but that's actually what happened.
I've said it countless times.
This is mass mental illness that we're dealing with.
No, I think he's actually... I wouldn't get him off the hook so fast.
I think he's part of a planned operation.
You think he's part of the Democrat Party trying to destroy this country?
As you said earlier, he's a Democratic operative.
That's what he is.
Well, yeah, I mean, he goes to these Democrat events.
I mean, he is a Democrat operative.
Now, whether or not the Democrats had anything to do with this...
Uh, fake hate crime and had their fingerprints on this.
I wouldn't be surprised.
In fact, I'd probably bet on it if I was a betting man.
Uh, but we'll see if any investigation turns that out.
Uh, by the way, Smollett has now made public comment he's not going to meet with Chicago Police.
Yeah, that's because that's what his defense attorneys have to do now.
Uh, that's what happens when you get caught filing a fake police report.
Alright, folks, Alex Jones is about to be joining us, but before he does, we have a new study that just came out.
of the University of Colorado Boulder that says, indoor air quality levels are on par with a polluted major city.
So this is the average American home.
The air quality in the home is as bad as the air quality in a major city.
So I mean, you can go look at the stories out of California.
It has some of the worst air quality in the world.
Okay, you can go look at other similar studies that have studied the air quality in homes and what they find is a lot of toxins.
And stuff that you want to filter out of the air in your home.
So we see these studies, just like we see studies about all the toxins that they put in the water, and we offer a solution at InfowarsStore.com.
We've got the Alexa Pure Breeze Air Filter.
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See, when I read a story about how air in the average US home is totally polluted, I want to do something about that for my own personal life, for guests that I have over, you know, if you have a family, for your children, you want to have clean air in your home.
But just in general, I mean, you would think that when you find out that the average air quality in the home is filled with toxins, you'd want to filter that.
Well, we want to filter it.
We assumed you want to filter it.
That's why we brought you the Alexa Pure Breeze at Infowarsstore.com.
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And you will notice the difference.
I have two in my house.
I definitely notice the difference when they're on and when they're off.
It is a world of difference, and that's because, as the studies have just come out, the average American home is filled with toxins that are on par with that of a major city.
A polluted major city is essentially inside your home.
So don't live like that.
Don't have guests over to a polluted home.
Don't raise your kids in a polluted home.
Go to Infowarsstore.com and get the Alexa Pure Breeze right now, $50 off.
Alex Jones is on the line.
Alex, what are you about to cover?
Well, I've already been listening to the broadcast today, and you and Stuart and the rest of the crew are doing a great job.
But I just want to say something.
Even though Infowars is On fire from enemy attacks, but also on fire from telling the truth.
So we're in Fuego.
We're also on fire from enemy attacks, both the good fire and the bad fire.
The fact that fakehatecrimes.org, the big story up on infowarriors.com, it lists thousands of fake hate crimes that have been committed by the left, always against themselves.
It's gone down after Smollett scandal, probably from just massive traffic.
When I was first talking about the term false flag, that I'd only read in naval British histories, where the French and the Brits and the Spanish were always staging attacks against each other, going back 500 years.
No one used the term false flag.
No one used the term inside job.
No one used the term provocateur to men.
Even though they had congressional hearings about our own government staging massive terror attacks against other governments, other governments staging massive terror attacks.
It was all in the academic literature, but no one knew about it.
They thought it was a term I made up.
Well now look at how no matter what they do to Infowars, no matter what they pull, everybody knows that most events are staged when the left's involved.
Everybody knows there's been thousands of fake events at universities and black churches and everywhere where you get the attention, you get a bunch of donations, you burn a cross in your yard, you paint a poop swastika on your dorm, you say no black people welcome, you go hire two Nigerians.
So they'll get a rope put around your neck and dump bleach on you so you can be the number one guy in the media and make yourself a huge victim.
And now, even though it's come out that it's fake, he's doubling down.
There's articles on Infowars.com where all these Hollywood people are saying, we don't care if the media got it wrong.
It's for a good cause.
And that's what you've got to understand is.
The Democrats are betraying America's Christian ethos of coming together around an idea of freedom.
They're using race to control, while claiming they're the people trying to stop racial conflict.
And so, everybody who's listening understands this, but here's the big enchilada.
They have tried to suppress this.
It doesn't work anymore.
And people, fundamentally, are going to question any event.
They're going to ask the Roman, or Latin term, who benefits, kimono, And once people start looking at events and studying them and don't just believe them out of hand, the whole ball of wax melts away, the wheels come off the wagon, the whole Ponzi scheme, the house of cards, the giant facade, the huge Ponzi scheme, the gigantic scam, fiasco,
Collapses in and you realize everything the left does is about making you poor, making you dumb, and using you to fund their system.
Everything they do is about making you stupid, making you a victim, making you disempowered.
And now they're so beautifully sick.
Catholic school boys being set up, being allowed to have that blown up on their face.
Or whether it's all these other big events that are constantly, constantly breaking Now, this is blown up in their face, Owen, and he's doubling down, refuses to meet with police.
The Nigerians both worked on the set of his program, Empire, on ABC for years, the hit TV show.
One of them was a major actor on it.
He has now said he never knew them.
In public statements.
So, I mean, he's in video scenes with one of them, okay?
Reportedly, he was, you know, obviously really good friends, you know what I mean?
With one of them.
So, what's incredible is, when he heard two people were busted, he was all about, yeah, that's who did it.
As soon as he found out it was the guys that he knew, and that he had reportedly hired, it was all over.
So here's the deal.
Megan, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How are you today?
I'm awesome.
Thank you for calling.
I'm going to give you a little bit of my background.
I was born and raised in California.
I lived through the downfall of California.
My husband and I got out of there as soon as we graduated from school, came to Texas because to us it was a passion of freedom.
Man, I'm looking at what's happening to Trump right now, and I'm telling you right now, this whole country's going the way of California.
We're gonna be disenfranchised.
If they get him out, that's a gateway right there.
There's no more middle of the country anymore.
We're not gonna have a say.
I mean, we're killing babies, and we're poisoning the ones we're not killing.
We're just here in Texas trying to raise our three little girls, and I just... What do you think we're gonna... If they manage to get him out, what's our contingency plan?
Where do we go from there?
Megan, I hear the earnestness in your voice, the concern, and I absolutely agree with you.
They hit Europe with 15 million military-age men.
It's collapsed.
They broke their borders.
They're breaking ours.
It's treason.
The governor of New Mexico, the governor of California has pulled National Guard off.
We have tens of thousands, four caravans coming.
Five million have announced they're coming in a major gallop pull.
This is insane.
I mean, it is on, and again, they're using these people as weapons.
They're saying, No deal on government shutdown unless you get rid of the 100,000 beds and only make it 16,500.
They're literally saying you can't hold rapists and murderers.
They're saying you can't check who the kids are with or what diseases they have.
This is the lawless world government breaking of America with the Democrat collaborators running it all.
You're absolutely right.
Yeah, um, I just, I feel like not only that, my husband and I are both business owners.
And I hate to say this, but the brain dead masses, you try to get through to these people, they're so asleep and zombified.
And I just want to say the people who don't live in border states, they have no clue.
They have no clue what's going to happen when all these people come in and overrun us.
I've seen it happen.
You can go to the downtown area I grew up in and it's nothing but Spanish.
You go to the Walmart, everything's in Spanish.
If you didn't know Spanish, you didn't get a job.
This is the globalist plan, and it's absolutely two minutes to midnight.
California used to be just like Texas.
It's now a collapsing hellhole.
God bless you, Megan.
Megan was on fire, ladies and gentlemen, and her warning is absolutely true.
Are you going to listen to her?
Because a lot of Texans and Oklahomans went out to California.
And now they've come back because the state is gone, ladies and gentlemen.
We have some affiliates out there, so a lot of great people, a beautiful state.
but it's gone. We have to admit this is the mindset, this is the program into the future.
Here's the thing.
I'm not giving up.
Because I know we've got truth and justice on our side.
But it takes money to wage this war.
You're spreading the word.
You're praying for us.
And you're financially supporting us.
It's key.
It's essential.
It's absolute like oxygen.
We have to have it.
And we've got great products you already need.
I mean, take fish oil.
What it does for your heart, your brain, energy.
I don't even usually take a nootropic if I'm up at 10 o'clock at night.
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InfoWarsTore.com, InfoWarsLive.com, or AAA253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
or triple A 2533139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
He's going the distance.
He's going for speed.
She's all alone.
All alone in a time of need.
Because he's racing and pacing and plotting the course.
He's fighting and biting and riding on his horse.
He's going the distance.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation. It's Alex Jones.
Hi folks, Alex Jones here on a landline, and we've got Owen Schroer riding shotgun in the ATX, and any regular listener knows, I don't hype things.
But people think what I'm saying at the time, and they're a new listener, oh this is hype.
But then a year later, two years later, five years later, ten years later, they go, oh my gosh, that's exactly what was going on.
Well, imagine if you were the breakaway criminal deep state coup group in the CIA and in the FBI that's only a splinter group, a rogue group, telling all the other agency groups under you that you're actually in command.
Well, that's what happened two years ago, two years and five months ago.
When the president was president-elect, and they said, he's a Russian, Alex Jones is a Russian, we have the intel, we have the proof.
They had congressional hearings in 2017, straight up.
Never called us to Congress, never subpoenaed us, they just said, on TV, we played the clips here probably a hundred times, Alex Jones is a Russian agent, Donald Trump was elected by Russians, and that whole thing was then used By the rogue FBI controlled by the Clintons and others, to literally say Trump was illegitimate, and try a 25th Amendment coup on him.
But despite threatening Trump's cabinet, despite all the fake dirt, despite all the leaks inside, they could find nothing, because there is nothing, except Trump working around the clock to try to turn the economy back on, and battling the media, which he does, it's his favorite sport.
They call it screwing around, no, he's battling them, hardcore.
So, here we are two years and five months into this.
And yes, we've had massive big tech censorship.
We've had, you know, total war on info wars crippling our operations, but our listeners have helped fast, so we're still here.
But the good news is, it's now on CNN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, in the last month, that there was a deep state that they were trying to remove Trump.
But they were acting against the President.
But they did on the 20th Amendment because they know it's all criminal.
They're having to admit it now to get it out there first because they know grand juries are looking at former acting director McCabe and others.
So everything the audience is telling to help get Trump elected.
Everything you've done now to battle the deep state, whether Trump's perverts or not, doesn't matter.
This has revealed the permanent deep state.
It's revealed the bureaucracies that believe they run the three branches of government.
It has shown these arrogant monsters for who they are.
But if you want to know why they were so desperate, Two and a half years ago, two years ago, a year ago, to get us off air while they were obsessed in House Judiciary Committee hearings, and House Armed Services Committees, and Senate Intelligence Committee hearings, and other committees, to get Infowars off the air, to shut Paul Watson down, to do all this.
It's because they kept asking, how does Alex Jones, I'm not bragging folks, within this is the answer to defeating them.
I'm not telling you two years later, look, we were right to go, oh, look, we're right, we're real news.
Folks, that's why they came after us more than anybody.
We pointed out that Google and Apple were moving to China.
They had such disrespect for America.
We pointed out the massive Chinese-style social network coming to America and Europe to suppress free speech.
We kept breaking every point.
That's why two years ago, a little less than two years ago, about 22 months ago, A criminal national security investigation was opened against myself, personally, and InfoWars.
And parts of this even leaked to McClatchy and AP, and they said I was in a criminal investigation.
But that was so high level that Trump then discovered it and had briefings with some of his intelligence people that weren't globalists.
And they said, sir, it's because his analysis is dead on.
But because my analysis was so dead on, They thought, OK, it must be true.
He must be having the Chinese or the Russians or somebody in the government give him this.
No one should know this.
No one should know this.
I've studied COG.
I've studied L.L.
I've studied Northwoods.
I've studied Gladio.
I've studied what the New York Times said when he was president-elect, how they were going to remove him and how they had intel on him.
I've studied the branches of government.
And how they operate.
So I could see when they had their own people on TV saying, we're going to take him out, we're going to kill him in 2017.
They were doing that as a confidence operation to keep their stay-behind networks of criminal operatives in the government involved in mutiny against the president, believing the cavalry was coming.
Well, now the cavalry never came, and now they're all criminals and they're about to get indicted.
If Trump lowers the bar.
So that's the good news.
And Ford has paid a massive price for this.
Oh, what's incredible is these white, shoe-boying Harvard people literally could not believe that I reverse-engineered their entire operation with total precision.
And I'm not bragging.
I don't know how I do it, but I've studied history with all the best guests on.
I live this stuff.
And it's kind of like, you know, like I said a few weeks ago, when you don't think about it, you're at 20 feet away, 30 feet away, and you throw double bullseye, triple bullseye with darts.
It's when you don't think about it, you hit the bullseye every time.
And they flipped out, and that's why the Secret Service, this is on record, by the way,
reached out to me about 18, 19 months ago, I guess about 20 months ago,
and said, "Yeah, obviously, "the POTUS wants us to talk to you.
"This is off the record."
I said, "Well, I'll be off the record for now "if you guys take action, but if you don't,
"I'm gonna have to defer then."
They said, "Fine, fine."
They said, "We wanna know,"
this was a long conversation, and I got contacted by other agencies,
Hopefully the Pentagon.
They said, the President wants to know how you know what's going on.
And I said, oh, because they opened a national security investigation?
They stopped and they said, Okay, uh, okay, yes.
And I said, well, I mean, my God, you have the former head of Black Ops for the CIA on TV saying they're going to kill the President.
You've got Clapper, you've got Brennan all saying they're going to kill the President.
They're on television saying they're about to take him out in December.
This is in 2017.
I said, it's obvious they're getting their stay-behind groups to be confident, including some of their whacked-out paramilitary people in the Pentagon to make the move.
And I said, I'll send you a report.
And I said, I'll go on the air tomorrow and I'll list all this out.
I'm not going to say it's for the Secret Service, but I'm going to say it's for intelligence agencies.
And I did a whole hour long thing listing all of this stuff on screen, a PowerPoint via online to the good people in government.
And that's how this got flagged when they opened a national security investigation on me, because the deep state got so freaked out that I was seeing exactly what was happening.
But the president's main question from the Secret Service was, who do you think's in command of it?
And I said to the Secret Service, I said, well, obviously the President knows who gave out the illegal orders during the campaign.
Just spy on him.
He knows who continued it on and put the stay-behind networks in during the John Moore Defense Authorization Act and the Countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act.
And the Secret Service was like, what's that?
And I said, I'll send it all to you.
But I said, it's Barack Hussein Obama and his co-president, Hillary Clinton.
They divided the government up against each other.
It wasn't even Bush that gave Cheney half the government.
That's exactly what happened under Hillary and Obama.
And I said, those co-presidents set up a stay-behind network, look up what that is, talk to your intelligence operatives, and find out what happened.
And then I sat there and briefed them on the whole thing.
That was put into a briefing with the President.
It was delivered to him, well, about 18 months ago.
Now, since then, they went into Psychotic kill Alex Jones, okay?
Because no one else, and it isn't like I was the only one that knew this, everyone else, the lawyers, the politicians, even the generals, they all know this stuff.
But they're scared to put their name on a report because the deep state will kill you.
So that's our value here, ladies and gentlemen.
As a kamikaze patriot for America, I am willing to tell you the truth and commit and put out the reports to the world and never stop.
We'll be right back, and that's why your backing of us is so critical.
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This isn't words, cuz everybody hears hype and there's thousands of channels and.
(gentle music)
This is the channel they're trying to shut down.
This is what they don't want on there.
This is the wild card.
Time and time again, when nobody else is covering it, we're covering it.
It breaks out, and it defeats them.
So, if you want to defeat the globalists, just keep doing what you've already been doing.
Remember that, yeah, you can get censored or banned on YouTube or Twitter or Facebook for promoting it at fullwars.com links.
We make it easier.
Promote a News Wars link.
That doesn't get you banned 10% as much, but who cares?
They built these platforms to get us in there like a web.
So the spiders would have us caught and come up and say, do what we say or we'll not let you talk to people.
And you go, okay, and they tie her in the web.
And then pretty soon it's like, you can't get free now.
Mmm, delicious.
And that's exactly who Jack Dorsey and all these people are, smart ass spiders that all screw each other and lie and just, oh yeah.
We've got a Bitcoin pump and dump.
I dumped my stock before it plunged, and now I'm gonna sucker you back in.
Square Cash and Joe Rogan's gonna help me, so get ready for them.
That's how the spider operates.
We gotta learn to recognize the spider.
It's in love with itself.
It's fallen.
And it's so sure of itself and how it can destroy everything around it.
But we're here to say no.
Infowars has been chosen out of the spectrum of resistance because it's one of the leading lights.
The spiders don't like light.
They like dark.
And so if they're able, they believe, to shut us down, they believe they've killed a major nexus point for human expression and human freedom.
The Lord works in mysterious ways, but I can tell you this.
The fact that we're persecuted shows we're over the target, and we just have to hold on a few more years into the future for things we're going to do that don't just give us the big victories you've already delivered, the listeners, by supporting us.
We're all in this together.
But to even bigger victories that make Was you mad?
He's got to go through a lot easier.
And I realize that's the commitment.
If I'm willing to go all the way, and if you're willing to go all the way, there's going to be major dividends for our children and for society and culture.
Where, you know, only a billion people are going to die in this Armageddon instead of like seven billion.
I mean, seriously, like, it's kind of choose your adventure.
If we really get involved now and say no to all this up front, then we're going to go through this metamorphosis and it's going to be rough, but it'll be okay.
If we don't, I tell you, it's a very, very hard road we're going down.
And so, I would just ask everybody to really search their heart and soul and commit to this fight.
Thank you all for your financial support.
That's beyond critical and fullerstore.com.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Infowars.com is tomorrow's news.
Today, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are back live on this Monday edition.
Owen Schroeder is there in the ATX studio.
Roger Stone is in his studio in Florida.
And again, everybody watches Netflix, everybody watches HBO, everybody watches Superman and Star Wars.
That's not real.
I know you know that.
I'm not being condescending.
This is the real world.
We published over 50 articles, over 100 reports, specifically saying, and naming the FBI agents and the CIA agents who were part of a cabal put in by the Clintons and the Bushes, and specifically how they were planning the coup, the illegal intelligence, the illegal spying, covering up for their own russiagate, how they plan to intimidate members of the Cabinet, And create a hysteria that the president was unfit to lead, and to overturn the election, remove Pence, and install Pelosi.
Now they publicly admit this.
Every show on Netflix or HBO, or ABC or CBS or NBC, children's shows, that's based in contemporary times, literally shows white people murdering and killing Hispanics everywhere.
Literally shows white people lynching blacks everywhere.
literally shows everyone being in the KKK who's white, to create a race war.
It's in the WikiLeaks of Democrats for planning this.
So they have thrown everything they've got at the American people.
And just like this big black activist has come out and said it's on Infowars.com,
the government, the rogue government was trying to create a race war.
And that Jesse Smollett should be arrested.
It's not just, I guarantee you folks, Smollett got directed to do that.
That's why his producer, that's why the managers, it's why, it's why the network is defending him no matter what.
Is because, ladies and gentlemen, you go to a Trump rally, there are people that go inside who buy brand new mega hats and attack.
There are people that attack the police and say they're Trump supporters.
We caught it in the WikiLeaks, two and a half years ago, that it was Democrats doing it.
And by the way, Hillary was funding it.
They would dress up like Bernie people and attack Trump supporters as well.
I'm not defending Sanders, it's just true.
So this is what's going on, and Roger Stone was one of the first people on InfoWars.
Obviously, he's indicted because of it.
On this very show, and we're going to have big articles written.
We're not about two darn horns.
But that's why they're trying to destroy us.
And then that means we know how to counter them.
Going back to 2017, by March, we were writing articles saying Deep State planning coup against Trump using 25th Amendment.
I looked it up.
Over 50 articles on Infowars.com.
Just type into a search engine, Deep State Planning Coup Against Trump, Deep State Planning 25th Amendment Coup, InfoWars.com, type those terms in, hit enter, that's how you get around the censors.
You put InfoWars.com in the search, in the search box.
And you will see it.
Now again, that's why they want us to off-air.
We said, smile it!
Two weeks ago, day one, I said, I bet this is staged.
Nobody's out in Chicago.
In the freezing cold, in the middle of the night, wearing mayo hats beating up a black dude, okay?
I mean, rednecks would probably take a black guy out, ride around on four-wheelers and get him drunk.
I mean, that's what real rednecks do.
It isn't going on.
It isn't happening.
The last real racial attack they had was just the black guys and the white guys hate each other in prison, and the one guy been a gang leader in prison, and the white supremacist drugged the black guy to death like 15 years ago in Texas.
And then later, some other black members of the gang found a white guy and drove him to death.
It's all terrible, it's stupid, it's bad, it's evil.
We're not saying racism doesn't exist, but my God, folks, you go to the Middle East, you go to Somalia, five minutes after you're out of your car, if you're an American, I don't care if you're black or white, if you're an American, you are kidnapped, and you are tortured, and you are sold for ransom, and the ransom ain't paid, you're killed.
So let's stop demonizing America all day, and stop thinking we import all this evil culture, that people reject American culture.
If you want to come here and adopt our culture of freedom, and free market, and success, then I'm all about it.
But you want to come here and piss and crap all over it, I'm not.
So, here's the big news.
The balloon has gone up.
It's happening.
And so the bad news is, myself, Infowars.com, Uh, the other, everything we're doing is under massive globalist attack, unprecedented, the dirty tricks, the attacks, everything they're doing, taking bank accounts away, the lawsuits, taking sponsors away, because they keep freaking out, saying, my God, how does Alex Jones know all this?
I want to bring Roger Stone up on the 25th Amendment, but Roger...
I mentioned this to you back at the time, the crew got the call from the Secret Service, and I got some other visits and some things, and they literally were not just investigating me, they were saying, no, we found out that the Deep State is investigating you, they want to know how you have this intel, but the President heard about it and thought, well, how does he have that intel?
So in their attempt to shut me up and start a national security investigation, that is the rogue FBI and CIA, that
triggered the Secret Service to then actually contact me and say, "Look at who the ringleader is."
And I said, "You know who the ringleader is? It's Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton."
And they were just like, "Um, yes."
I'm like, "Yeah, so you better decide which side you're on.
You better take action."
Well, here we are almost two years later. Who was proven right, Roger Stone? That's our platinum value.
And it's why we're under attack, because we're the most successful operation in the country to defend this damn
And if people don't stand with us, fine. I don't even mind going down. I'm still going down.
I think you summed that up extraordinarily well.
You're absolutely right.
fighting for this republic and kicking globalists ass than to hell with everybody
because we're under total frickin' attack.
Bring Roger in.
All right, Alex.
I think you summed that up extraordinarily well.
You're absolutely right.
This is a classic example of InfoWars presenting tomorrow's news today.
We were the first media outlet in the country, really, to expose the 25th Amendment plot.
Now, for those who don't know what the 25th Amendment is, it is an amendment to the Constitution that holds that if a majority of the Cabinet, plus the Vice President, believe the President has been incapacitated, and they co-sign a letter that removes him from office with the proviso that he can appeal that decision to the House of Representatives.
I reported right here on Infowars that that was afoot.
We learned subsequently that Rod Rosenstein was one of the leading progenitors of this plan, that he actually volunteered in the wake of James Comey's firing to wear a wire to try to entrap the president in a 25th Amendment takedown.
We now have not only the statement by Andrew McCabe, but more importantly, two senior FBI agents
who testified under oath before the Congress also confirmed that they were a party to FBI meetings
about this very plot to take down the president.
The first time this surfaced, Rosenstein tried to say he was joking,
he was only jesting.
Rod, that's not very funny.
And you spoke about it on more than one occasion.
Additionally, the counsel at the FBI began to review the legality of such a move.
This is open sedition.
This is treasonous activity.
There is no evidence whatsoever that the President is incapacitated.
You just don't like his policies.
You don't like the fact that he's broken up the globalist cabal.
And if he's so incapacitated, why do we have 4.8 million new jobs, for example?
Roger, we're about to go to Breitbart and come back and get into this, because you were instrumental in breaking it all almost two years ago, but here's the bottom line.
It's not just that we broke it.
We carried the ball.
We got it to the President.
They opened a national security investigation on me.
Actually, they've done one on you.
Literally stating...
And I've heard this from high-level individuals from multiple agencies, that Jones must have foreign intelligence on our phone lines to know.
Now, I know big piles of traitorous crap when I see it, and then these idiots were all bragging about most of it on TV.
They think we're stupid.
They're the ones that are stupid.
We didn't just break it.
We fired the back signal two years ago, and that's why we're now a firebase under total destruction order, because we are dutiful And our country and our elected president.
That's why we're under attack.
But I'm just telling the president and everybody else, dammit, we need support now, right now.
We need support because we think the enemy knows we're going to break the next big story.
They know our gaze and our understanding of the operations is so deep, they want us shut down.
We're going to break, ladies and gentlemen.
Roger Stone's going to come back.
This is just so epic.
The good news is we've come a long way.
We're having some major success right now, but let me tell you, we're in the thick of the fights.
Whatever you do, however you're listening, spread the word.
Don't tune in to InfoWars.com right now.
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Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning.
But you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call or talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment.
dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, my friends, here's the good news.
I said it earlier today, it's absolutely true.
We are, I would say, winning by about 56% right now.
We had to use numbers in a metric of 100.
The enemy is at about a 40-something percent right now.
They have been caught.
They have done every bit of race baiting, every bit of culture war, every bit of lying, every bit of nationalist.
They have exhausted every trick they've got.
They have run false flags.
They have staged fake racial attacks.
They have just, I mean, every racial attack we've seen, literally 99% of the last two years, has been later confirmed to be fake, and that's the good news.
Now that people know that those that staged attacks stand to gain from them, now that we're being investigated, that power is being taken away.
And now that any video, like the Cummings and school kids we saw, that was totally staged.
Now that we know what to look for, it doesn't matter.
They can't censor everybody.
One mother, one father, one school teacher, one firefighter, one police officer, one lawyer,
one doctor, one automagent.
Rolling out to public events, just videotaping what's happening at any big public event,
you're going to see the left come up and provocateur.
You're going to see them attack innocent groups and stage and cut videos.
After they punch you in the face, they'll stand back when you get mad and say, "I'm
a veteran, leave me alone!"
And then say, "F you, white scum, we'll kill you soon.
Your mother is a piece of filth married to your father."
And then, "Oh, I'm a nice Hispanic, why are you being mean to me?"
And again, these are paid operatives.
They have a criminal operation, a will to commit evil.
And they think it's their time.
We were in the middle of a revolution by the globalists to take over the world.
But all over the world, instead, it's a revolution against them.
So we have the upper hand, but maximum energy is now needed.
Maximum focus.
And that means don't just support them forward.
Unless you want these godless devil worshippers to win and they're going to kill babies after they're born and they're actually doing them.
Get out there.
Start your own YouTube, your own Facebook, your own Twitter, but build your own website where you back it up on third-party sites in case they censor you.
They can't stop us all.
If you mobilize and take action, it's over.
We're going back to Roger Stone and Ellen Schreuer.
We've seen so many big victories here and this whole Jesse Smollett guy and all of this
and how they're doubling down, clearly showing the networks involved, ABC's involved.
Everything they do turns to pure crap.
It's the opposite of the Midas touch because they're now not operating in the dark with
a group of gullible people.
They're operating under a giant spotlight.
And yeah, there's some idiots that are still going to buy it, but censorship, I want the
enemy to hear this.
Censorship is not going to give you air superiority because no one buys a damn thing you do.
Roger Stone, Owen Schroeder.
All right, Alex, thank you very much.
We are picking it up from there.
Owen and I tried to clarify for people a question that seems to still be very much on everyone's minds.
The very first interview I gave after a judge ordered a gag order in my case was with InfoWars On the war room.
That's right.
I have not been gagged.
My First Amendment free speech rights have not been abridged.
I am not.
I'm entitled to speak anywhere on any subject other than inside the courthouse or on the steps of the courthouse.
Which is fairly standard.
Interestingly enough, the judge did put a gag order on all of the witnesses and all of the attorneys involved in my case.
So there's the clarification.
Now, you wouldn't know that, Owen, from reading Politico or reading the New York Times or the Washington Post, all of whom read the headline, but none of whom seemingly read the actual order.
Well, let's just take a brief look at all the fake news as we talk about the latest fake news about your case, Roger.
Okay, we've got the Jesse Smollett hoax.
You've got the Covington Catholic lie and attack.
You've got the Justice Brett Kavanaugh lie and attack.
You can go even back further.
Remember when Trump was in, I believe it was Japan?
And he was feeding the koi fish, and they said, oh, look at Trump, he doesn't care about Japanese tradition, he just dumped the whole food in the koi pond.
And it was like, no, that was what they did, that was the whole thing, they all did it, but they cut it and lie about it.
They said he removed the Martin Luther King bust from the White House, another fake news hoax.
I mean, these people engage in fake news hoax after fake news hoax after fake news hoax after fake news hoax.
It's like, Roger, it's like they don't even know how to tell the truth anymore.
It's like their instinct is to lie now.
By the way, we're going to co-host into the next hour.
I didn't explain that.
We're going to push.
Stewart is doing a great job back 15 minutes, so I'm not leaving.
I wanted to get your take here.
But listen, there's so many hoaxes, we should just try to list them.
It would take hours to do it.
But Roger, what about this one?
They said that Owen and I said no one died at Parkland.
Well, we never said that.
We broke that the police stood down, which was later confirmed.
They've admitted it.
So we had the students on, and CNN said the students were actors.
what they claimed i was saying and then they got more lawsuits filed against me
with sandy hook parents saying we sued because we were told alex jones was sending people
uh... to florida homes coming after them so again the media is just completely engaged in a wall of
fraud unless we can get into your old russia gate thing roger
we can get into that and say that you were gagged and it wasn't true i want to do that next to alex in fifteen
minutes what do you make of this gargantuan twenty-fifth amendment
blowing up everywhere and being all over the news and now being admitted i mean
this is so spectacular what does trump do now?
there was a spectacular piece by mark penn who was actually a democratic
strategist who ran hillary clinton's previous presidential campaign
But Republican or Democrat, he hit it right on the head.
We have uncovered an abuse of power that makes Watergate look like small potatoes.
There was a coup d'etat planned within the highest echelons of the FBI and the Obama Justice Department.
They actually effectuated it under Donald Trump to remove a duly elected Republican president simply because they didn't like the outcome of the election and because he fired proven perjurer James Comey.
And it is coming down around them.
It also points out in Penn's incredible piece that the Mueller investigation is the outgrowth of that same effort.
Ron Rosenstein, who was standing in as the acting Attorney General, appointed Robert Mueller as the special counsel.
Robert Mueller's job is to take down Donald Trump.
It's ironic that he had auditioned, he had interviewed for the job of FBI director only the day before and that Donald Trump had wisely decided to pass over Mr. Mueller for that appointment.
The very next day he was appointed the head of the Get Trump Squad.
That is a stunning conflict of interest.
Last night, I met with Jalen Martin, who is one of the Parkland students who appeared here on InfoWars, and he confirmed everything you just said, Alex.
He was there.
He was in the building.
His life was in danger.
You never said, and Owen never said, and no one at InfoWars, Ever said no one died at Parkland?
We correctly and I objected at the time and you were right.
We now know that six officers did stand down.
That is an established fact proven in the local news media here in Florida.
So nothing you have reported regarding Parkland is inaccurate or untrue and the idea that InfoWars was sending people to students homes in Florida is bogus It's nonsense.
It's false.
It's the epitome of fake news.
But what do we do, Roger?
Because they use that to take us off Roku.
That was at the New York Times.
They told them that I was... We've seen national news report that I threatened to kill Parkland students.
That's how they're taking us off the air is with this criminal lie.
I think only a lawsuit against Roku is going to get us restored.
They are desperately afraid of our message here at InfoWars.
That's what this is about.
When we say InfoWars is the tip of the spear, we're not kidding.
When we say that InfoWars is the early warning system for the counter-revolution that they are now trying to foment against the duly elected president and the surge of prosperity and economic growth that he has fostered, we're not kidding.
They want to shut us down because of the content of what we say, and they mischaracterize what we say.
They try to put words in our mouth, things we've never said.
Yet, they're the ones who get caught lying again and again and again.
Last Friday, CNN, Special Prosecutor has new evidence of stone communications with WikiLeaks.
Fake news!
And we here at InfoWars were the first ones to correct it.
Thank God for The Daily Beast and a handful of others who got the truth out there right behind InfoWars.
This is what we're up against, folks.
They want to shut us down because Alex Jones is the Paul Revere of this narrative.
He's the early warning system to tell you what the globalists have afoot and what's going to happen next.
That's why we need you to go to TheInfoWarStore.com and support us because without your financial support, there is zero chance that we can counter the counter-revolution.
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You may have had, because I talk fast too, a slip there.
You mean the Daily Caller?
You don't mean Daily Beast, right?
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Hey, I don't complain about it, but this is a real war.
This isn't like your average show, like, oh, we're the cutting edge, oh, the Tempest-Burroughs support us.
We are in absolute contention in war with the globalists.
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How will the media demonize that?
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a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Before you slip into unconsciousness, I'd like to have another kiss.
Monday through Friday, from 11am to 3pm Central.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you so much for joining us.
Again, every time I try to get on an Airbnb call about all this, I just can't do it because it's so epic.
And obviously it's good that we get excited because other people get excited, but over the years we've been excited about things, but now there's no way to turn up the volume anymore.
I mean, here's an example.
My wife pointed out we haven't been on vacation in almost a year.
And she said, can we just go somewhere in the Caribbean for five days?
And I said, sure.
So we're in a middle-class, you know, nice hotel.
Nobody's in the front area when I get here a couple days ago.
We're checking in.
We go upstairs to our room.
My wife wanted to ask some questions of the concierge.
She goes back down, and she hears people by the concierge saying, did you hear Alex Jones is here?
Yeah, he's awesome.
Yeah, you know, he's great.
And then she goes and gets on the elevator.
There's two women and a man on it, and she's going back up to the floor we're on, and they're saying, yeah, Alex Jones, that horrible person's here.
And the other woman says, I thought he's in prison.
And the man says, no, no, that's the other one.
That's that stone guy.
And then the other woman says, well, he deserves to be in prison.
For what he did to the Sandy Hook people.
So here's the deal.
No one even knows who killed the kids of Sandy Hook.
Adam Lanza, most people.
People literally think, because years ago when others questioned it, I questioned it, looked at some anomalies, years later said, no, I think it happened.
But think about that.
We have the Smollett case, which we first questioned.
I said, it may have happened, but usually this stuff's fake.
I mean, that's completely normal to do that.
But these people now think we deserve to be in prison.
And sure, I probably shook a hundred hands.
Broke the window of the ticket counter when I flew out Saturday morning, you know, 5 a.m., 6 a.m., we're listeners.
You know, the captain came over when I got off the plane and wanted to shake my hand.
All this stuff, so we... 10 to 1, we get positive stuff.
When I walk around at the pool or anywhere, people point, and they shake their head, and some of them will, like, say really rude things to my wife.
Well, they'll walk over and just shake their head at her and my youngest daughter.
Older kids stay at home with my parents.
And it's just a joke.
I mean, these people, Roger and Owen, are another planet.
And I'm not complaining.
I just don't think listeners get the level of brainwashing we're dealing with.
Well, Alex, I was going to say, not only that, they don't understand how we're winning right now in the revolution.
That's part of their plan with the censorship is so that we don't talk about how we're having this revolution.
We don't talk about how we're coming back.
We don't talk about how we're battling the deep state right now in a cold civil war.
So that's like another level of this.
It's like a fake victory for them to just erase you and say, see, we beat Alex Jones, even though you go out and you're one of the most popular guys.
When you go out, people want to shake your hands.
Same with you, Roger.
They thought, that's exactly what my wife said.
In fact, that's the point I'm going to make.
I'm going to make it though in a minute.
They literally think I've been defeated and I'm in prison.
That's in their phony simulation.
We're not the guys that got Trump elected and turned the country around.
We're the guys that are supposed to go to prison.
Sorry, go ahead.
You know, Alex, I've actually found that it's actually beginning to turn since the incredible
raid at my home in which 29 agents from the FBI stormed my home in the pre-dawn hours.
I find now in public an even higher level of support, an even higher level of people offering money, offering prayers, offering support for my legal defense fund, and almost all of them say, hey, tell Alex Jones I love him.
I love what you guys do at InfoWars.
So I've actually found a surge in our support since this overreach by the government.
No, I have too, but still the brainwashed idiots that are on board, they think we're supposed to be in prison, Roger.
Because they read the mainstream media, like when CNN says, new evidence of stone contacts with Wikileaks.
I mean, it's just, it's nonsensical.
CNN has ceased to be a legitimate news organization years ago.
It's a propaganda front.
I think most Americans now realize it.
CNN is fake news.
I don't get my news from CNN for the same reason I don't eat out of the toilet.
InfoWars is the only place where we give it to you straight from the toilet.
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the Resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're back live. Stuart Rhodes, Ellen Schroeder about to take over.
Myself and Roger Stone are here, but, you know, in the final equation, I'm a very calm person in person.
I can really methodically lay things out and plan things and do things that people have seen within footworks.
But when I get in front of a crowd of people, instead of having kind of an anxiety issue of being in front of a crowd, it's the opposite.
I get fired up.
But you know, people have been in a coma.
They've been in a trance about this globalist evil.
So I think the Lord works mysterious ways, and I think the fact that I've been bombastic, or that I sound like a professional wrestler sometimes, has actually helped get people out of their trance.
And I want to thank the listeners for what you've done, and I keep thanking you because you have to understand, you are 99% of the equation, and I salute you and I thank you, and we have begun to win.
Now, they think they can punish Roger and Owen, as they should, and myself, and poor Leanne McAdoo, and others like that.
But nobody has turned on me in our inner circle.
They've gone and found a few very, very sad people they've been able to pay to get to lie.
It's very, very sad.
But, you know, this is a war, and freedom isn't free.
But I wanted to ask Roger and Owen, in closing, before we turn it over to Stuart Rose, who did a great job with Owen, where do you think this goes next?
The corporate media, the Decepticon media, have thrown everything they can at us and at the President.
And even in their skewed polls, Trump is up, you know, 56, 58, you know, 78%.
Even in their own system, you can see it.
The level of support we're getting.
You've heard Roger say how bad it's been on the street.
When he tells you it's getting better, that's because it is.
Same thing with me.
So we're not putting perfume on a pig here.
We're still in a serious fight, but what are the Globals going to do as everyone now thinks about staged events?
And Jesse Smollett and the Covington kids and Kavanaugh.
I mean, now they've been encamped where I grew up in Dallas, Texas for three months with NPR and other news agencies going through the yearbook trying to get somebody to tell a lie about me.
And they called up saying, All these horrible lies last week.
And I said, this is insane.
I'm really disturbed.
And John Ronson went, I'm sorry the truth's hurting you.
Do you need to cry?
And I went, no, man.
None of this is true.
But my point is, is that they are going insane.
And they are intensifying their lies to the next level.
I don't see them backing down now, Roger Owen.
I see them going more insane.
So what do you expect out of the deep state and their minions and the Trump derangement syndrome, A?
And B, what should Trump do?
Well, I'll go first here.
I think that the radicalized left, still to a certain level, will lick their finger and stick it in the air to see which way the wind blows.
So they're constantly kind of morphing and moving and calling audibles as far as their next attack is concerned.
For example...
I think after what they did to Roger, their next plan was to do that same thing here to InfoWars.
And to you, Alex.
And they saw the negative backlash, they saw how they got fully exposed on that deal, so they kind of walked back from that, and they decided, okay, we're gonna go ahead and try to stage this big hate crime hoax, have the media go along with it, maybe start a race war, blame Trump, and then, oh, it'll finally be proven Trump supporters are racist.
Oop, that blew up in their face.
So I think they're gonna step back from the hate crimes for a minute now, too.
So my guess is their next wave No, no, I agree with you.
You're really smart.
I'm really impressed, Owen.
They're going to bring women back up.
They're going to bring more women, they say, raped back up.
up, maybe they drum some new narrative up about the president.
No, no, no, I agree with you, you're really smart, I'm really impressed, Owen.
They're going to bring women back up, they're going to bring more women, they say, raped
back up, Roger.
The president needs to immediately declassify all the information regarding the illicit
use of FISA warrants to spy on his campaign, which is where this all began.
The President needs to order his new Attorney General to appoint a special counsel to examine not only the FISA warrants, but now to examine this illegal coup.
And to impanel a grand jury to grab those who are involved in it and bring them before that grand jury to begin the indictments for sedition.
And lastly, the president needs to appoint a special counsel to examine the crimes of Uranium One.
Those are the immediate steps I think the president needs to take to counter what is obviously an effort to topple his presidency.
And Roger, the good news is we've been harping on this two years, you, myself, and Owen.
It looks like he is going in that direction.
We've got to keep the heat on the President himself and keep this front and center.
That's got to scare the hell out of the big state though, Roger.
I could not agree more.
It's ironic that the president's approval rating is rising as he fights day and night to build a wall on our southern border.
And then you read the New York Times saying that the president's emergency order, which we've been in favor of for months, is some kind of power grab.
Yet when Bill Clinton initiated 17 individual emergency orders During his presidency, he wasn't criticized by anyone in the mainstream media.
I've never gone back and looked at the actual orders.
I know that in terms of modern day presidencies, all of our presidents have used their power.
It's ironic that those who have vested all this power in the executive and never had a problem with it previously now say it's unconstitutional.
It's not unconstitutional.
Donald Trump is a leader.
And when they say, oh, he's only pandering to his base, what they mean is, oh no, he's only keeping faith with the very people that voted for him.
Look, I am a victim of the same witch hunt, the same effort that is being put forward to take down the president in an illicit coup, is the same witch hunt which has indicted me, that is coming after Alex, That is running the campaign of censorship against Infowars.
It's all the same people.
It's the same globalist cabal.
It's the same wing of the Bush Clinton crime families working together.
And people need to understand that we're under siege.
We're under attack like never before.
We're being attacked because we support this president.
We're being attacked because we question the two-party duopoly and where they're driving the country.
We're being attacked because we keep pointing out that it was Hillary Clinton who was in bed with the Russians.
It was Hillary Clinton who took 145 smackers from the Russian energy company.
It was Hillary Clinton who used the assistance of Russian intelligence to formulate a phony
dossier that was then used as the bogus legal rationale for spying by the deep state, an
abuse of power in which the authority and capability of the state was used to spy on
the Republican candidate for president.
There are the crimes.
There's the Russian collusion.
And because we say that at InfoWars, and because we've been saying it with greater vehemence
for the last two years, we are targeted for extinction.
Well, I think what has the deep state really scared is just today, President Trump has
gone on Twitter and alluded to a treasonous coup against him.
Just today, he's done that at least three times.
So, he's signaling, I gotcha!
And he's letting the American people know that he's got him.
Now, obviously, the impatience sets in, and we want to see some action here, Alex, but I think it's obvious now more than ever that the president is well aware that there's a coup against him, that it's illegal and treasonous in nature.
No, I agree.
And I'm going to let you take over, obviously, with Stewart Rhodes.
There's a lot of great things to happen.
I mean, that's it.
The truth here is, we're beginning to win.
We've turned the tide.
As long as we have the initiative and take action against the Globalists, they're very scared.
And that means they're going to try to start a race war.
That's in the WikiLeaks.
We just saw that with Smollett.
But everything they do is turn into crap.
We can't be too confident.
We've got to thank God, though, and be saying some prayers.
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And I think we're a year or so away from really breaking the back of the deep state.
and then getting on the offense against them.
But this is one hell of a time to be alive.
So I want to thank you all for what the audience has done.
I want to thank all the guests and everyone else and just remind people that history is happening right now.
And I'm very proud of the whole crew.
I'm proud of the team.
I'm proud of everyone who has fought so hard and our listeners, because we truly are next year's news
today, not just next year's news.
We wrote the blueprint of resistance against the--
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So I come to you each day and try to explain to you that this is a war of attrition.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You know, I just want to say, as Stuart Rhodes joins me back in studio from OathKeepers.org,
you know, it is a life-changing journey to embark on a mission in which the goals are
to change the world.
(upbeat music)
And working here at InfoWars is not easy, folks.
Most crew members here at InfoWars do about three to four times what the average crew member would do at any other media organization.
Meeting people like Stuart Roach from Oath Keepers.
It's just been such an incredible journey.
Not just when I started working at InfoWars, but even before that when I changed to politics.
And it's just such an honor to be experiencing this with you, living this with you.
And I can't thank the crew enough for putting up with everything they put up with here.
I can't thank the audience for putting up with everything they put up with.
And then supporting us at InfoWarsStore.com because we simply wouldn't be here, folks.
We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
We really would not.
And they thought that they had it all planned out that they could destroy InfoWars.
They really thought they had the numbers and the audience trumped them again.
And so you come through every time.
So I can't thank you enough.
I've met so many of you out there on the road.
I know I'll meet so many more of you before it's all said and done.
So I just salute you, I thank you for your support, and you just have our word, you have our pledge, that we will remain steadfast in this battle for the future, in this battle for the republic, in this battle for reality.
In this battle for logic and reasoning, really, is what it comes down to at the end of the day.
So, I just want to thank the audience and just thank you for your support at InfoWarsStore.com.
If you've never been to InfoWarsStore.com, go check it out, folks.
You're going to find something there you like.
You're going to find something there you need.
Air filters, water filters, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, all kinds of supplements.
It's all at InfoWarsStore.com.
Now, Stuart Rhodes, we were just going over this case that everybody kind of seems to
have forgotten, myself included, when it comes to the Jussie Smollett thing.
So a quote-unquote racist letter was sent to the show, and Jussie Smollett tried to
make a big deal out of it, saying, "Oh, look how racist America is.
They sent this letter."
And I guess the narrative that's developing now, if you will, is that did he make that
Did he fabricate that letter to draw up a bunch of attention, and then when it didn't get the attention that he wanted, he then fabricated this hoax?
This hate crime hoax?
Yeah, it looks like he sent the letter himself.
And it's kind of similar to a firefighter who wants to be the hero and commits arson.
And this is turning out to be Jesse from the beginning driving the whole train.
And like you said, when he didn't get enough response for him, as far as he wanted to see response, he had to go and concoct his own race crime.
Well, and I'm gonna, you know, I think the interesting thing to watch now, as the two Nigerians that Smollett allegedly paid off, it looks like they pretty much threw him under the bus.
They said, yeah, he paid us to do it, we rehearsed the whole thing, it was all his idea, because they aren't the ones that followed the police report.
You know, they aren't the ones that are guilty of a potential massive crime here, because they were just... I mean, essentially, when it boils down to it, part of a street act.
They were just part of some, you know, street act.
They went out there with their hats, with the rope, and then they engaged a street act.
It was Smollett that filed the police report.
So to the Nigerians, my guess is the police are like, look...
We could bring in for this or that, but you could just walk right out of here.
If you just tell us what happened.
They could be accessories, but yeah, obviously they just said, hey, we'll let you know all you want to know in exchange for you cutting us loose.
So now, when I look at this, I go next level and I think, well, if, Smollett, if this was part of a larger Democrat plan, a larger Democrat hoax, Does he maybe start to sing?
Now, it doesn't appear that way because his defense is going to be speaking to the police.
He's not going to talk to the police anymore.
So that to me means he maybe did perhaps do this all on his own because he's not trying to throw the Democrats under the bus that maybe told him to do it.
It's just unbelievable, Stuart, that they're able to pull off this hoax.
And I'm telling you, you will be able to watch news probably in months, years from now, and they'll say, America's racist.
Remember the Jesse Smollett attack?
They will say that.
It will happen.
They'll ignore, it's just really bizarre how they'll ignore reality and continue on with the great lie, even after it's been exposed.
And they do it every day.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
So, we're actually going to open up the phone lines in the last two segments.
Stuart Rhodes, myself, we will take your questions, your calls.
And we'll just, you know, we've covered a lot of news today, small let stuff, obviously the coup against Trump, national emergency, so there's all kinds of stuff that you can call in about today.
But, you know, Stewart, obviously you have been trying to put a lot of pressure on the president to act when it comes to the southern border, but also when it comes to this coup against him.
Three times today, President Trump has made allusions, if you will, To the fact that there was a deep state coup against him with McKay with Rosenstein.
What does that mean to you that the president is willing to signal that out kind of on Twitter that he knows, but as far as we can tell, there doesn't seem to be any hardcore action going on against it?
Well, we'll see what his new Attorney General does.
I don't give a whole lot of hope for Barr, frankly, for being any better than Sessions was.
But I hope he does do what the President tells him to do and prosecutes these people.
They need to be investigated and prosecuted.
At the very least for lying to Congress.
I think McCabe lied to Congress directly.
Exactly the same thing that they're accusing Roger Stone of.
uh... actually worse but i think uh... but he should be also looking deep to
prosecute them for criminal offenses including sedition inconspiracy commission
and i mean i i think that there's a certain level where you can assist back at you the president
and you say i don't want there to be you know some national emergency
essentially or or should i say mass panic would be the better word
if these people get prosecuted I mean, we're talking like Nuremberg Trial 2.0 for the most corrupt officials in the West.
I mean, out of these bureaucracies.
So, I mean, there's a certain level, I think, that the President realizes some of these people are so brainwashed and they're so, you know, they're so energized with hate That if the President moved against them, they would almost go into a hot civil war?
Well, yeah.
I think a lot of the rank and file, I guess you'd call them foot soldiers on the left, are openly still calling for the 25th Amendment to be used.
Either they don't understand the Constitution or they just don't care.
So, I think you're right.
I think they'll react as if the President was somehow doing something dictatorial or wrong by prosecuting people for committing pretty obvious offenses.
So yes, I think that's the risk.
But if he doesn't do that, it'll also encourage him to keep going.
There'll be more conspiracy, and the deep state will keep conspiring openly against him.
Well, and that's my biggest fear.
My biggest fear is that if President Donald Trump doesn't do something about these people, no one will, and they're going to continue to operate in this country out of control, unelected, and totally illegal.
And that's my biggest fear, and that's why I look at the President and I say, Mr. President, If you don't arrest all of these people that engaged in treason and sedition against your presidency and well beyond, and he knows it, and well beyond, then your presidency will be a failure.
And I know you've done so much for the economy.
I know you've done so much to fight political correctness.
I know you've done so much to fight the fake news.
Your presidency has been incredible.
But if you do not take down the Deep State, if you do not drain that swamp, it will rise up again and everything you did will be null and void.
We have to drain the swamp of all of these corrupt officials that engaged in open sedition against the United States.
All the time, people come up to me on the street and they say, man Alex, how you taking it?
We're sure sorry for you, the boycotts, the demonization, the lies, the lawsuits.
How are you taking it?
And quite frankly, I tell them I'm taking it good.
I'm staffing my children and my family, because sometimes people get in their faces as well and say things about me that aren't true.
But you know what?
It wasn't free.
What our forebears did in 1776, and it wasn't free in the Civil War, and the things we went through to try to end slavery, and other horrible events like that.
But, you know, at the end of the day, that's what makes us who we are.
And so, I'm quite honored to be in this position.
I want to win in the end, and I realize that we are bound together in this struggle.
This isn't just Alex Jones, this is the audience of activists who are in the arena that Teddy Roosevelt talked about.
When you support InfoWars, however you do that, spreading the word, praying for us, financially supporting us, and getting great products at the same time, you are literally Involved in a symbiotic relationship that's already changed the world.
And so they know that we got that witch, who was supposed to be the anointed queen, defeated in 2016.
They know that together we did that, and they don't want to see that happen again with Kamala Harris, or with Pocahontas, or with Bernie Sanders, or any of these other horrible globalists.
And so that's why they're trying to crush us, because we changed the world.
We did some incredible things together, and we can go on and do great things together as well.
America has waken up to the censorship.
America has waken up to the oppression and the tyranny.
There are a lot of rumblings and a lot of creaking and exploding and popping inside the system taking place right now.
So understand this.
The enemy tries to put out this aura of arrogance and supremacy, but they're not supreme.
And if you look at the videos that they censor most off YouTube and Facebook, it's videos of 2016.
On November 8th, That night, going into November 9th, when Hillary lost.
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
And those arrogant, smug creatures on the left who are panicking and screaming and freaking out.
They want that memory expunged because they don't want us to have a victory.
Infowars is under attack and demonized because we're a success story.
And they don't want you to be successful.
They don't want you to believe in yourself and believe in your country and believe in a future destiny for all of us to have a better world than Martin Luther King talked about.
That's why I'm going to leave you with this important analysis with some clips of that night to remind you Of how far we've come, and how far we're going to go.
And that these arrogant globalists will be defeated.
And then the final equation, please remember, inforrestore.com, because it is your financial support, shopping with us, with the good guys, that's already changed the world.
And which Republican candidate has the best chance of winning the general election?
Right now, Donald Trump.
Donald Trump is running for president.
Do it.
Just do it.
Look at me.
Do it.
I will personally write you a campaign check now on behalf of this country, which does not want you to be president, but which badly wants you to run.
I continue to believe Mr. Trump will not be president.
So right now, we have Hillary as about a 75 or an 80% favorite.
We have different persons.
I think it's a landslide for Hillary.
You still think she has a 100% chance of winning the election?
I do.
We have the presidency at about 89% for Hillary Clinton.
Right now, a historic moment.
We can now project the winner of the presidential race.
CNN projects Donald Trump wins the presidency.
You're awake, by the way.
You're not having a terrible, terrible dream.
Also, you're not dead and you haven't gone to hell.
This is your life now.
This is our election now.
This is us.
This is our country.
It's real.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
We are going to take your phone calls.
Stuart Rhodes from OathKeepers.org is in studio with me, breaking it all down.
Let's go right out to the phone lines to Matt calling in from New Hampshire.
He wants to talk about the Deep State.
Go ahead, Matt.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
Stuart, it's Matt up here in New Hampshire.
I met up with you, or I saw you in November.
I am a civilian member of OathKeepers, and also I am a supporter of InfoWars.
I think that we can all agree that there is actually a nonviolent civil war in action right now.
I think that we can agree that they are not going to stop.
That being said, we keep on going after and exposing them, but I think that there's a point where Exposing in action also needs to be taken non-violently.
Hypothetically, if we took 0.0325% of the population and took the kingpins from the head of these agencies, these people that have infiltrated the media, that have infiltrated the government agencies, brought them together, had public grand juries, And fry them either tribunally or under a civil fashion.
Um, I think that that would actually change our whole paradigm.
Well, that's literally what Stuart Rhodes was saying in the break, but I gotta say what's on everyone's mind right now.
Matt, if that is your natural voice, you are the closest thing to Alex Jones I've ever heard.
And so, wow, that is like, you sound like Alex on air right now.
That's pretty funny.
But getting back to your point, I mean, Stuart, it's just like you said.
I mean, there has to be a grand jury.
There has to be action.
But here's an example, Matt.
Because a lot of people, when they think action, you know, everybody wants to have a big impact.
Everybody wants to get seen in a million views.
Everybody thinks that it's got to be a big impact.
Even a small impact is big.
I mean, even the smallest impact can be big.
For example...
When I get off air today, I'm gonna put on my Trump hat, and I'm gonna go down to the state capitol here in Austin, Texas.
And I'm gonna... Well, I used to be able to do a live video.
Now I'm totally banned off social media.
I can't go live on the War Room accounts on Facebook or Twitter or on YouTube.
So I'm not allowed to go to a live stream now.
So I'm gonna have to Skype into the War Room later.
But I'm gonna go out, I'm gonna put my Trump hat on, And I'm just going to be talking about all the great stuff President Trump has done.
And maybe there's one person that walks by that's neutral that says, wow, I didn't realize that.
I'm going to go look that up.
And all of a sudden, you just got another Trump supporter.
Maybe you go out there and some deranged leftist comes and smacks your hat off, and then you got a viral video.
One person sees that and says, boy, these people are really...
Out of control.
I don't want to vote for that to get in power.
Maybe you just got one vote.
So even a little thing, to me, Stuart, can have a big impact.
I mean, did you ever think Oath Keepers could be as big and effective as it is today?
Well yeah, you never know what your outcome is going to be.
That's why you just have to do what's right, what spirit tells you to do is right.
But I think President Trump does need to be prosecuting these people.
We were talking on the break about a possibility of him finding a special prosecutor for this.
I recommended Cindy Powell, the former veteran federal prosecutor, who has a pretty good book out all about this situation.
It's called License to Lie, all about the corruption inside the DOD.
But he should appoint a special prosecutor on his side to go look into and investigate all of this, this conspiracy and collusion that's going on within the left, and then prosecute them.
Yeah, they need a grand jury indictment against these people.
Yeah, and I mean, a lot of people think that maybe that is going on behind the scenes.
Thank you so much for the call, Matt.
If only it were true.
Yeah, well.
Let's now go to Jim, calling in from Georgia.
Go ahead, Jim.
Owen and Stuart, it's good to talk to you again.
How are you guys?
Is this Justice Militia?
Yes, sir, it is.
Good to hear from you.
Thank you very much.
I've been a member of Oath Keepers, and like the last caller, an associate member of Oath Keepers since about 2011, somewhere in there.
I ran into you through InfoWars.
Where I heard you first, and I fell in love with you ever since.
We've talked a little bit back and forth on Twitter, but I'm sure thousands and thousands of people have no way to remember.
But I really appreciate everything you do, and I would say No.
You don't want to run?
Nah, nah, no thank you.
I got my role to play and other guys have their role to play.
But you know Jim, since you said that though, I kind of want to just paint an analogy here, a picture that kind of comes to my mind when you talk about this.
It's like, imagine So just imagine a dark map of America, okay?
And then imagine that there's going to be lights on the map that represent resistance movements just fighting tyranny, just fighting for freedom, fighting for independence, fighting for truth, fighting for the republic.
And you've got all of these different beacons of light sprouting up all over the United States, but there's one that's clearly the brightest, clearly the biggest, and is clearly attracting the most attention.
That's right here at InfoWars.
That's what this is.
That's why we have Stuart Rhodes on, so that other people can find Stuart Rhodes and then move to his beacon of light and freedom.
That's why we have all of these other leaders on, so that we can amplify their lights and attract more people to their freedom movement.
But that's also why they attack InfoWars and want to shut down.
Anything else, Jim?
You're absolutely right.
And I just appreciate everything you do.
We are a group of ten patriots the Justice Militia, M-U-L-I-S-H-A.
We do all kinds of things from crazy, silly stuff on YouTube.
But we are a band of brothers that live close to one another, go camping.
We make plans, you know, all that stuff.
Well, and that's part of it, too, is, you know, meet fellow patriots and create kinship with them and their families.
Thanks for the call, Jim.
Let's jump over to George in New Mexico.
Wants to talk about the national emergency at the southern border.
Go ahead, George.
Hey, ONA, Stuart.
Thanks for taking my call.
I had a question.
I was watching The news the other night here locally in our local representative of Northern New Mexico, Ben Raymond, Jr.
was making a claim that President Trump didn't have the authority to appropriate the funds through the national seed, deeming it unconstitutional because Congress had already voted for the fiscal year of where those funds were going to go to.
And I mean, obviously, he's a You know, he's a heavy liberal Democrat pushing the...
Well, they might be able to twist and turn a couple things here and there and say, oh, that's not constitutional or some funding deal.
But overall, I mean, Stuart, talk about this.
I mean, overall, the Trump, it's not a constitutional, oh, is it constitutional or is it unconstitutional?
No, the president has a duty, a sworn oath to protect the southern border.
Well, this is the problem with him putting it, this is the problem with him using the National Emergencies Act.
from 1976 as his basis and saying under that act I can move funding around.
He should just make it, and this is the problem, is even Rand Paul is now saying that what
he's doing is unconstitutional, he's circumventing the legislative process, you know, Congress
has the power of the purse, etc.
And that's the problem with him putting it in that civilian context box of this is about
What he should say is just forget all about that.
As commander-in-chief, I'm going to defend the country against an invasion, period.
That's what he should do.
He should still do that.
He can still fix this.
But he has put himself in that box because of the way he has done this declaration and confining it to that narrow sphere of I'm here to enforce laws and build the wall for law enforcement.
He needs to make it all about the military.
All right.
Thank you so much for the call, George.
We've got one more segment of the Alex Jones Show on the other side with Stuart Rhodes and myself.
We're going to take some of your calls.
And then, of course, the War Room kicks off every day, every weekday, 3 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
Harrison Smith will be guest hosting for me today.
Roger Stone will be joining him.
And I will also be joining the broadcast as well.
One more segment, though, left of the Alex Jones Show.
show don't go anywhere.
I don't believe you're that stupid that we have this information and that if they shut me down, it's shut down when these pieces of crap are executing this information in front of everybody.
Do you know why there have been layoffs at more than 20 major leftist fake news publications?
From BuzzFeed to Newsweek to Vice.
Why did it all happen this week?
Why didn't it happen a month ago or a month from now?
Why wasn't it doled out?
Because it's concerted.
It's like a bombing run with a group of bombers flying in and they've all got targets.
And they're all commanded by their HQ.
And by the way, I don't just think that.
I have their blueprint.
I have their bombing run.
I have their attack profile.
I have their Achilles.
And I'm here telling you their Achilles.
I'm here telling you how to defeat them.
Real intelligence is observation.
Real intelligence is infiltration.
Real intelligence is interfacing banging heads with your enemy.
Because you begin to know your enemy better than the enemy Trump knows you.
All real warfare that's victorious is psychic.
It can be physical, but that's only to draw out the essence of the enemy's goals and their fears.
And then the commitment to meet your enemy with your goals and your love.
Love, Trump's all.
But you have to realistically have the template of victory to be able to take it on.
You can't counter a civilizational ending event, a planned viral demolition of humanity, a earth-ending termination of the birth of a new species, a new vision, a new world.
You can't counter something like that with lack of vision.
Simply countering their program.
You must offer the world that you see and see if others believe in that world and see how they will then offer information to that You have to recruit in a war.
And to do that, you need to look for people that aren't just trying to be in charge of something.
You need to look for people that want to be involved in something.
Involved in something bigger than them.
Not because they want to rule people, but because they love people.
Because they love their ancestors, and they love humanity, and they have a vision that they want to add to in the future.
So that all the victories and the successes of our progeny When we're the ancestors, when we're long gone, we'll live on through those people in the future, and the incredible challenges they face, and the struggles, and the love, and the passion, and the will, as we become stronger, and stronger, and stronger, but then face greater and greater obstacles as the propulsion system of the future.
And that's why these Because they've bet on this planet, and they've bet on their takeover, and they think they're victorious, and that's why I hate to plug products and the things we sell, but everything we sell is good.
It's the best there is, at the price it's at.
And it funds what we're doing that's so fundamentally radical against the spirit of this world, that it shakes the enemies of humanity to their very core!
And that's why I know we're going to win in the end.
But I want to ask you to commit, by word of mouth and by prayer, in the public realm and in personal soul, but also in the physical, the energy you expend every day in the system, to transfer part of that to us, to know that there is a full commitment to push our will against the enemy with everything we've got, and to lean in when their knives are stabbing into our guts, to lean into their hate, and just lean in and take it.
I'm ready.
And I'll lean in and I'll take it.
But I need your backing so that when I swing my sword, it'll absolutely devastate the enemy.
When I raise my shield, it's your will that empowers it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
Sending out an SOS to the Republic, seeing if anybody wants to try to save it from tyranny and socialism.
That's what we're about here.
And part of that battle is just telling the truth!
Seems to be the way that tyrants always get in power.
Through lies and media propaganda.
So that's what we're fighting here at InfoWars.
Alright, final segment of the Alex Jones Show.
Stuart Rhodes from OathKeepers.org is in studio with me.
We got callers lined up.
Let's start with Tom in Texas.
Go ahead, Tom.
Howdy guys, thanks for taking my call.
You know, if the left thinks a MAGA hat is so offensive, I think there's four words that are even more powerful that we've kind of not forgotten about but moved away from, and that's come and take it.
And that just doesn't mean a gun.
That means any freedom they're trying to take from us, we as conservatives, Christians, whatever you want to may call it, As you said earlier in the show, Owen, take the high road a lot of times when they go low.
How far are we willing to let them take and push us till we stand up for ourselves?
Well, that's a line in the sand and an answer to a question I hope I never have to find out, to be honest with you, Tom.
I don't know what the deal is here, Stu.
We're getting Alex Jones-like sounding callers every segment.
I mean, this is unbelievable!
He's definitely right, though.
Hey, the Covington kids, they stood their ground.
Just stand there.
Don't let them rattle you, but also don't apologize for being what you are and who you are.
And don't give ground.
Stand your ground.
Anything else, Tom?
Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
I love the show.
Proud Info Wars supporter.
I call in regular.
I buy regular.
Support the General Jones, as I call him.
I don't call him Alex because that's to me a little disrespectful, but I
Wish more people would turn on to
What y'all are preaching just last night at my church. I had a
Friend of mine that I go up there with I turn him on to you guys
He downloaded the app right there as I was standing and talking to it and that's total victory right there
That's that's total victory the word the better off will be is all I'm saying no exactly exactly
And and you know the funny thing is too is you know at look I?
Think even even the audience. I mean everyone would agree Alex the guy needs a vacation, okay?
I mean the guy desperately needs to be able to mentally check out and just just get just just get away from it
Just live life a human try to have a regular life for a day or two even
He just can't do it!
And that's why he calls in every day.
I mean, that's just his level of dedication.
The audience sees that, and Tom, we thank you so much for your support at InfowarsStore.com.
Let's go to XtraXtraXtra in Washington.
Go ahead, Xtra.
Hey, how's it going?
Good, thanks for calling.
Yeah, that's exactly what the name's for, is XtraXtra.
Read all about it.
You are exactly spot on.
And I just want to call and warn everyone that Donald Trump is not who we think he is.
He is not there as our beachhead or a part of the truth movement.
He is merely another facet of the new world order for us to be personified into his image to be sacrificed as an effigy.
Donald Trump is not on our side.
If you want to know more, Watch Trump card, the final hand, documentary series I'm putting together.
Donald Trump is not our man.
So what, okay, okay, so look, I'm fine to hear your points out.
We're not in a Trump cult here, but what do you make of the record economic growth?
What do you make of him fighting the fake news media?
What do you make of the entire power establishment being out against him?
You think it's all one big act?
Listen, it is, and I'll explain why.
Like I said, Donald Trump is the truth movement personified to be an effigy, to be sacrificed.
So when we're purged, no one's going to care, because everyone hates Donald Trump, and if we're thrown under his bus, no one's going to care.
Now, but here's where I disagree with you, Extra.
The Trump movement Yes, is the Trump movement, but it's beyond Donald Trump.
I mean, like I said, I'm in no Trump cult.
I don't care that you come on the air and say that.
I agree with you.
I think that most people in Trump's base, as soon as they see him go sideways, would abandon ship.
Obviously not all of them.
I just, look, I've weighed the options of what you're talking about.
I just see that there's way too much evidence against it for me to feel that he's totally about to throw us under the bus.
Stuart, what do you think?
Well, I think Trump is riding a tidal wave tsunami that already existed, and that's exactly why he's in office.
But like you said, if he goes sideways, for example, if he signs a national red flag gun confiscation bill, his goose is cooked.
So he's only being supported on that tidal wave so long as he's going the right direction.
And if he doesn't, then we'll pull the plug on him ourselves.
So I don't think we're gonna, you know, rise and fall only on Donald Trump.
I think it's possibly true that, like I said earlier, he's like, it looks like in 1984, you know, Goldstein is the figure they're taught to hate.
And the left is certainly being conditioned to hate Donald Trump.
But the real targets are still always anybody who's a constitutionalist, a civic nationalist, anybody who believes in the Constitution and believes in Western civilization is going to be hated.
He's a focal point right now.
Well, thank you for the call, actually.
And again, I mean, I have no problem hearing people's points, you know, anti-Trump or whatever.
I'm not in a Trump cult.
Honestly, though, for me, it's more than anything, Stuart, it's like just a gut instinct to go with Trump overall.
That doesn't mean he's perfect.
That doesn't mean he's going to deliver totally Americana.
That means he's been so different than everything we've had before him that just that change
of the guard, just that change of momentum, that change of mentality is a victory.
So we'll see ultimately, I mean I've always said this, we'll see ultimately what happens
when Trump is out of office.
We will see.
And to me that's when you can make your final final decision on what Trump was or what he wasn't. Right
now, he's done so much more good than bad, I don't even think that's a debate, even if
you think he could do better.
Thanks for the call though. Let's now go to Gene in Colorado. Go ahead, Gene.
Am I on the air?
No, I just said go ahead, Gene, because I felt like it.
Oh, okay. Well, for starters, I just wanted to say thank you very much for everything,
You got me started.
I started watching back in 2016, back when, you know, the election was going on.
Was it the AIDS Skrillex video?
The, uh... It was back when I was a, uh... He was a junior, and you guys were still able to be on YouTube at the time, I believe.
And I had watched a video of you going around Telling different people about Trump and those different things.
I remember going in my history class at the time and just completely destroying people with facts that you had given me and proving these facts to them.
I remember my history teacher didn't like me very much.
Really, I wanted to ask you about the new Smollett with the new Smollett person that just came on in his Well here's the thing, I don't even think that's the issue anymore because he's already been proven totally wrong.
as listeners could maybe do to help prove that this guy is wrong and spread the word.
I know that you guys have said a few things.
Well here's the thing, I don't even think that's the issue anymore because he's already
been proven totally wrong.
When you have CNN trying to break the news that it was a whole hoax.
Then you know it's done.
I mean, you know that the whole thing is falling apart.
It's a dumpster fire.
So that'll take care of itself.
I think the real question that we have to ask ourselves, or the real issue is...
How do we get through to the public that this was something that was orchestrated and mastermind by the left to destroy America, to attack Trump, to lie about Trump's orders, something they've been doing for two and a half, three, four years.
So I think that's the real challenge, is to figure out how can we really permeate the America The American mindset to understand what the left is doing actively right now.
Staging hoax crimes, staging entire false narratives like Russian collusion.
And so like for example, and I'm going to try to get this guest on the war room.
So they make a huge deal out of Jussie Smollett.
And this fake hate crime, totally made up.
Oh, because he's black and he's gay.
So it's like, oh my gosh, let's virtue signal.
Doubly as hard for this poor millionaire actress.
Oh, it's so tough for him.
And he fakes the whole thing.
And it's barely even a blip on the radar.
There's an individual who runs MAGA One Radio.
He's been on air with us before.
He ran for Congress.
His name is Peter Boykin.
He's gay.
He went out one night with his husband in his Trump hat and got assaulted.
Now, we covered the story at InfoWars.
I had him on as a guest.
Was that a big news story, Stuart?
Had you ever heard of Peter Boykin?
Didn't know who he was.
So it just shows you how they selectively decide what story becomes big news and what story doesn't.
There was another shooting in California last week.
A black man is sitting in his car sleeping.
Six officers come up and shoot him dead.
Did that make mainstream news?
Did they cry racism over that story?
Did you hear about that, Stuart?
It just shows you the power of the mainstream media to control the narrative.
So that's how we fight back against it.
Just exposing how the mainstream media controls the narrative, and why they want to censor us at InfoWars, because we fight back against it.
Thanks so much for the call, Gene.
30 seconds left, Stuart Rhodes, your final comments.
Well yeah, I mean, any time a conservative is attacked by the left, whether they're white or black, it's ignored.
Especially if they're a minority, or like you said, a gay Trump supporter.
But yet on the other side, they'll make up fake attacks.
This is a long, this is the latest example of a long string of fake attacks.
And there's, I mean, you showed me one of the lists that you found.
I mean, this has happened dozens of times, folks.
So it's, the left is totally unhinged, out of control, but they're exposing themselves.
And so that's the good news.
The War Room starts at InfoWars.com slash show.
I'm Robert Miller. I'll see you next time on the show. You stay classy.
He, of course, has represented a lot of famous people.
Leslie Snipes, you name it.
He takes on the system big time.
He's at Barnes underscore Law.
Barnes Law LLP.
And he's representing the Covington kids, some of them.
Others have some other lawyers as well.
And you say, great, the more the merrier.
You're doing it pro bono just to get other lawyers to trigger and get the stampede going.
Because as you've said, this is lawfare.
They're using the shutdown conservatives and others.
But this info, this is clearly premeditated garbage with a group that works for Facebook called NowThis.
So it's great to have you here in town.
Thanks for coming to town.
Absolutely, glad to be here.
I mean, you look at what happened.
These kids are being taunted by this group of black Hebrew Israelites who are calling them Cracker, who are actually also making fun of the Native Americans in the area, calling them Uncle Tomahawk.
All of these racist references.
These kids don't try to get into a fight with them, don't try to dispute them, don't try to question them.
These kids did what we would want our kids to do.
They didn't react.
They didn't respond.
They didn't attack.
They didn't try to initiate or instigate or further the confrontation.
Instead, they just did their own school tiers.