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Name: 20190128_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 28, 2019
3212 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses topics such as vaccines, corporate censorship, alternative energy products like Turbo Force, and the importance of staying informed about current events by listening to his show. He criticizes the media for promoting vaccines without acknowledging their potential risks and highlights a secret federal court that has been covering up vaccine-related damages since the 1980s. Jones also discusses censorship on social media platforms and urges listeners to support InfoWars products as alternatives to big pharmaceutical companies. Owen Benjamin joins the show, discussing topics such as satire becoming reality quickly, hate speech laws being a form of control, and irony of people being labelled as fascists for wanting to protect their freedoms. The hosts encourage focusing on family instead of conspiracies to be a better father, husband, and citizen. They also promote Turbo Force from InfoWars Life, a mix-in energy packet with vitamins, amino acids, and extracts for focus, clarity, and energy, as well as the Pro-Pure Whole House Water Filtration System that removes 220 plus contaminants from water for the entire home at Infowarstore.com."

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It's Monday, January 28, 2019, as a giant polar vortex settles over the East Coast and the Midwest,
60 below in Chicago.
How's that for your global warming?
We're going to be breaking it all down today.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
This is the most attacked, lied about, censored, demonized broadcast in the world, because we've been the cutting edge of launching with our great listeners and activist supporters.
1776 worldwide, Americana, huge populist awakenings, pro-capitalist, pro-Christian, pro-Western civilization move.
We are the detonator.
And the globalists know that, and they want us out of the game.
But our listeners are not beside us.
They're all around us and at the heart of what we do.
So you're beside us, you're behind us, you're at the heart of what we do.
You're at every point of the compass when it comes to this fight.
You are the info war, ladies and gentlemen.
A lot of times something breaks right before I go on air that changes the course of the show.
And I was sitting back about two hours ago, driving into work, and I said, you know, I like President Trump.
He's done a great job getting good judges in and standing up for the media.
The only area he's really done a bad job is not standing up for himself and really going after the swamp that's all around him and allowing him to continue to do things that are unconstitutional.
In fact, I meant to send this to the crew.
Will you guys print me?
Mueller tried to get a job with Trump.
That was the day before Rosenstein signed him up as the special prosecutor.
It was literally because he asked for a job from Trump and Trump wouldn't do it.
People forget that, but that's a side issue.
There's so many things bouncing around in my head before I go live that I haven't really decided what I was going to cover first.
But I thought before I got here today, I said, you know what?
I'm going to print up some autism statistics and I'm going to print up some numbers about how they've gone from five vaccines to over a hundred they want you to take.
And I'm going to get into the fact that it's third world populations coming in that are spreading disease in this country.
And then they pointed anti-vaxxers, even though you do the research, it's not anti-vaxxers that are spreading the measles, the mumps, the rubella and things like that.
And I had forgotten That two hours ago, I decided to come in and cover vaccines.
Because I don't want to just cover Trump or Roger Stone.
And I like Roger.
But it's taken all the oxygen out of the room of all the incredible stuff going on around the world.
Iran on the edge of war with Israel.
What's happening in Venezuela.
What Soros saying, get ready for China to collapse, which I agree with.
But that's only because Soros is jumping on the bandwagon.
A lot of listeners love the show, but they also say, Alex, we want you to get back to secret society some, and the globalist, and the esoteric, and weather modification.
Because the last three years, it's been all Trump all the time.
And that's because we've been in an epic civil war with the globalists.
And it'll still be a lot of Trump here.
It's just that I don't want to cover every facet of everything Trump does.
I want to cover the big things that matter when Trump does it, instead of just looking at all the minutiae and all the BS.
I mean, sure, it's funny when USA Today comes out and says, fact check, Trump didn't have burgers stacked a mile high.
He had hundreds of hamburgers on a table.
It's obviously hyperbole.
So yeah, you can talk about something like that.
It's funny, but is it really serious?
Is it hardcore?
And the answer is no.
Because this country and this world is facing the globalist counteroffensive.
We've got to respond to that and we're going to respond to that here today.
So just as I was about to go live, I'd forgotten about this.
The whole vaccine issue and the producer walks in and says Fox News right now has a doctor on saying arrest people that don't take vaccines.
Which is the new push.
Because, oh my gosh, there's some measles.
How about arrest people that let illegal aliens in with drug-resistant TB, measles, you name it?
Oh, when that's going on, don't check them like Ellis Island did.
Just let them in.
But then turn around and say though if you're well educated know that vaccines are dangerous
Well, you need to go to jail if you don't shoot your kid up to them till their eyes roll over their head and die
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You are listening to an Infowars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Coming to you live from the InfoWars.com studios in the recaptured state of Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Another week, we've now launched.
It is the 28th day of January 2019 on this Monday edition.
Thank you for joining us.
My voice is a little bit more gravelly than normal because we're in the midst of the cedar fever, as they call it.
It's really the mountain juniper, an invasive species brought in by Europeans in the last 200 years.
It is a prolific tree that takes over, steals all the water, kills the oak trees, kills all the meadows, and needs to be eradicated.
So of course it's a protected tree by the local environmental groups.
Because it's so asinine.
Just like Obama made an invasive fish.
In Oregon and Northern California, endangered, even though it wasn't endangered, so they could keep all the mountain water from the upland lakes from the farmers to then take their property and turn it over to the big corporations to build houses on it later.
See, that's how my brain works is one connection to the next.
And that's another good thing Trump did was sign an executive order saying you can have the water out of those federally controlled lakes in those mountains.
Because, you know, I've been trying to weigh All the good things that Trump has done versus the bad things that Trump has done.
Because Trump really is seen by the globalists as a mandate or a figurehead of nationalism and populism and capitalism's resurgence.
And if Trump can be destroyed, if Trump can be discredited, they believe that will start the process of retaking all these other countries that they've been controlling and putting into poverty and exploiting.
So it's important to defend Trump when he's doing the right thing.
It's important to keep his feet to the fire when he's not.
But there is the fact that letting everything be about Trump makes it to where if they are able to destroy him or cripple him then somehow it cripples us.
And my identity It's not President Trump.
My identity is not Roger Stone.
Because I support Roger.
I know he's being railroaded.
I support President Trump.
I think he's doing a great job overall.
I get frustrated with him.
But at the same time, my destiny is not bound to Trump.
And it's not bound to Roger Stone.
We launched 1776 Part II.
We launched the global populist movement.
We launched The global nationalist movement and the belief that globalism would become so obviously oppressive and authoritarian that we should promote its nationalistic counterpart to it and we're definitely the detonator in that overall resistance.
And so that's the point that I'm making here is that Trump didn't bring us to the party, we brought Trump to the party.
And I say that not to put Trump down, but everybody understands Trump rode in on a nationalist populist wave that you created with what you did in the streets and on the internet and talking to your friends and family and what you did with your action.
And that's critical to understand.
That there are more waves coming.
Remember that Vice interview I did, right when Trump was President-elect, and I said, don't worry, bigger waves are coming.
Trump's only riding on that wave.
That's not to belittle Trump, it's to explain that they believe they can destroy Trump and destroy our global awakening, our new renaissance.
That is not what's happening.
And so my statement now that This isn't all about Trump.
It's not because I think he's about to be brought down for sure.
It's so that people understand that if Trump is destroyed, it should not be a demoralizing effect because we're on the march and the globalists are on the run all over the world.
And that's something they need to understand as well, that the forces of human liberty that refuse to submit to their tyranny are not going to back away or not going to go quietly into the night ever.
No matter what they push, no matter what they do, no matter how much propaganda they spew out at us.
But there's also a paradox to this of the global awakening.
It's gotten the criminals, the parasites, the control freaks, the lazy masses, the nanny state minions to really get mobilized and escalate their nastiness and their deception and their hatefulness to really a weaponized level.
To where now, yes, it's made things more stark and more obvious and documents just how perilous the situation is.
But if we become accustomed to their bullying, and if we don't resist it and speak up to it and say no to it, they could potentially bring in a new dark age.
Now, we've got a big broadcast lined up today.
And I'm going to cover as much news and information as I can.
But just to quantify what I'm saying about Trump, we can't let covering every aspect of what Trump does, and the media attacking Trump constantly and lying about him, change the subject from all the other big issues that are taking place.
Like Soros at Davos announcing they're getting ready to launch takedown operations against China.
I'm going to explain what ties into all of that.
A lot of people say, well, that sounds good.
Yeah, it is good.
It shows that just some of the action Trump's carried out in two years is already bringing shounder to their knees.
And so now Soros is jumping on the bandwagon.
But that's a big story we should talk about.
Jeff Bezos gives a pitiful amount of his $160 million fortune to charity, but he lectures everybody all day about how the middle class should pay more taxes when he basically pays no taxes and gets $1.50 on every package he sends of taxpayer money.
Well, so do all these top millionaires, except for a few people like Trump.
They all have inside deals while they lecture us.
We'll also get into the Democrat frontrunners they're bringing forward.
Kamala Harris and Pocahontas and of course the Bernie Sanders types.
And really what this signifies the left is not turning into but revealing they always were all along.
We're gonna be looking at all of that today.
And we're also going to be looking at the so-called fact-checkers, like Snopes and others, who people keep pointing out or putting out lies, and folks say, hey, these are lies, you've been proven to be wrong, why won't you change it?
Because they're known liars.
They know they're lying.
They're jokes.
They're frauds.
So everyone keeps fact-checking them, showing they're liars.
It's the institution itself that you know is a fraud.
So why sit there and debate liars on a daily basis?
When they're already known liars.
So, that's what this comes down to.
But first, when we come back, when I talk about getting into issues that the right-wing and left-wing media are unified on, those are the type of issues that the establishment is really pushing.
And those are the type of things that can get you killed.
And I'm talking about vaccines.
Vaccines are simply a catch-all term for the government mandating something to be put, injected into your body.
It's not just pathogens or attenuized viruses or dead bacteria that your body then learns how to fight.
That's a known technology.
No one's debating that it exists and has some attributes.
It's the whole precedent of setting the precedent to put things into your body That changed the very chemistry of not just your autoimmune system, but your brain and your organs itself.
And now the big push on every major channel is arrest people that don't vaccinate.
And they're claiming that there are increased pathogenic diseases and illnesses like measles in areas because of anti-vaxxing.
But the studies don't really show that.
It's the illegal alien influxes that are causing it.
But again, No one's saying that vaccines can't give you protection from some things.
It's what else is in there.
But the government's been caught putting in vaccines before.
Syphilis on purpose.
Live polio on purpose.
All over the world, there's a covert operation going on, and the system wants the president to put things in your body without asking your permission.
So when we come back, Fox News is calling for folks to be arrested who don't take vaccines.
They want the doctors arrested as well.
So they're now going to criminalize Uh, saying, no, I don't want to have some corporation that has liability protection injecting me with some secret proprietary concoction.
It's all coming up next segment.
Most of you.
Roger, they fought hard at your press conference to block you out and scream you're a Russian
agent including a lot of the press who are now murderers of the truth.
So this is your chance to encapsulate it all in like three, four minutes.
And I'm going to run this every day for the next two weeks so people know the truth.
Here's your chance to communicate your statement about the war on the press, the war on your family.
There's no Russia collusion in this.
It's so insane.
They're trying to put you in prison for decades for being a journalist.
The indictment is insane.
What does it all signify, Roger Stone?
Well, Alex, America is under attack.
InfoWars is under attack.
I am under personal attack.
In order to weaken me, they spread lies about the settlement of a lawsuit weeks ago.
Pushing the headline, Roger Stone admits pushing lies on InfoWars, which is not what I said.
In fact, I'll be very clear.
I've never reported anything at InfoWars or any other platform that I didn't believe to be true at the time I reported it.
That was an effort to shape my credibility with the public as a setup for what happened today.
They want to treat me like a gangster.
They think I'm the OG.
it's just called my lawyers and i would have voluntarily surrendered wearing a suit and tie
instead they kick in the door of my house at 5 o'clock in the morning, 5.50
guns drawn, they handcuff me like I'm a drug dealer they prop up completely fabricated non-russian collusion
no wiki leaks, no evidence of any crime that pertains to the election of Donald Trump in the 2015 election
allegations pushed by Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell that I was less than truthful in my house intelligence committee
testimony which I was not, to the extent that I made any errors, it
would be honest errors of memory and it would be irrelevant I mean, inconsequential, irraterial, as the law would require for a perjury charge.
What they did to me today was an effort to intimidate me, to humiliate me, putting me in shackles in the federal courthouse, parading me in front of a courtroom full of reporters.
But I won't bend.
I won't break.
I will fight these charges.
I have excellent lawyers.
I have my deep belief in God.
I have the strong support of not only my family, but Big Info War's family.
America's fighting for its life, and all these so-called fake journalists cheerleading, shutting down your speech at the press conference, they should be ashamed of themselves.
They're not journalists, they're killers of the truth now.
That's their new job, and America is falling to real tyranny if the president doesn't take action, appoint a special counsel in Uranium One, and so much more.
StoneDefenseFund.com, StoneColdTruth.com.
Everybody buy a t-shirt, buy a stone rock, whatever.
I know what this war is like.
It takes money to fight this.
And I've been particularly targeted for backing Stone, but it's always the real deal.
But I'm honored to be here with you and other Americans to make this country great again.
And Roger, I really, really appreciate you.
And obviously, you'll be on the war room today.
We were getting 50,000 unique IP addresses a second.
We've got some of the biggest server companies in the world.
Our regular bandwidth bills are $500,000 a month.
Today's gonna be $500,000.
The indictment of Roger, no Russiagate, a press conference, the press shuts it down booing.
This is beyond the Soviet Union.
In the Soviet Union, they would listen to what somebody said.
I mean, this is insane.
Yeah, Alex, this is a dark day in America as far as I'm concerned for any patriot or anyone who believes in a constitutional republic and believes in the rule of law, believes in liberty and justice above all.
You know, this type of tactics deployed on Roger Stone would make Lavrentiy Beria and Stalin and Himmler... Well, they'd be envious.
I mean, this is this is it would be envious.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I want to be a rock star.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to go to a special report and in the next segment I'm going to get into this amazing push to criminally prosecute people who do not take vaccines.
And this is a full court press, all over the news, all over the media.
All over everything.
And so we're going to be breaking it down coming up in the next segment.
But first, I wanted to get to several of these reports just detailing how insane the police state and all these other systems have gotten.
I wanted to play Pelosi as the queen of immorality first.
And then I wanted to get to Texas monuments under Orwellian attack, because this is what the left does, is they attack every symbol, every icon, until they completely remove everything and set the precedent that they control language.
All authoritarian regimes do this.
Offended Muslims demand Nike remove Allah shoes.
Thousands sign petition claiming design looks like word for Islamic God.
And then after we're done working on all that, we will open the phones up and take your calls throughout the broadcast today.
There's so much more we're going to be getting to as well.
But first, Pelosi is the queen of immorality.
Here it is.
The socialist Marxist anti-American Democrats want you to know they think they have the moral high ground.
Do we live in a moral world that allows for billionaires?
Is that a moral outcome in and of itself?
It's not.
It's not.
But do they even know where the moral high ground is?
Pelosi is knee-deep in immorality.
She just entered the history books as the first Speaker of the House in U.S.
history to cancel the President's State of the Union address.
Censoring our duly elected President's overview of the direction of the country is so overwhelming.
Overwhelmingly totalitarian.
I don't think it has sunk in yet with the majority of the country just how wrong and essentially immoral Nancy Pelosi's cancellation of the State of the Union really is.
Every two years, we gather in this chamber for a sacred ritual.
Under the dome of this temple of democracy, the capital of the United States, we renew the great American experiment.
And up next, we have Representative Nancy Pelosi, first woman Speaker of the House.
She has spent more than a quarter century in Congress, breaking barriers and promoting equal rights for all Americans.
As Speaker, she famously led the fight for a fully inclusive hate crimes bill and repealed Don't Ask, Don't Tell.
And she's been a staunch advocate for marriage equality in Congress.
And you know, she was one of the people who got that money here when I talked about, in the 80s, San Francisco having a bigger AIDS budget.
Meanwhile, the family unit is torn apart by creeping Marxism.
Dealt yet another blow by the Democrats' rush to equalize everything, while trampling the way in which what's left of the United States' traditional moral code.
While on the surface, the Equality Act appears as a civil rights victory, gender-related identity inclusion aside, what was regarded as immoral behavior will be gradually accepted.
I'll quote Dr. King.
Dr. King said this is no time to engage in the luxury of cooling off or take the tranquilizing drug of gradualism.
Tranquilizing grab it.
We cannot think incrementally.
We have to think big.
The Equality Act updates the definitions of sex to include a sex stereotype, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Sexual orientation will now be defined as homosexuality, heterosexuality, or bisexuality.
Gender identity will be defined as appearance, mannerisms, or characteristics regardless of the individual's designated sex at birth.
The Equality Act also prohibits an establishment from being construed to be limited to a physical facility or a place.
Meaning, if you thought the Catholic priest rape epidemic was bad, just wait until pedophile access to our children is increased and pedophilia is eventually deemed acceptable by the government.
And scenes like this will become in place.
I'm a ma'am.
I'm a ma'am.
My ID say female and he's being rude.
Know your pronouns!
A transgender woman who recently started her transition yelling at an employee inside this Albuquerque GameStop.
Moore says the cashier repeatedly called her sir instead of the gender pronoun she identifies with while she was trying to return a game she bought for her son.
Once again, ma'am!
I said both of you.
No, you said sir!
Once again, it's ma'am!
I said both of you guys.
Right beforehand, you f***ing said sir!
The definition of the family will be overhauled, just as Pelosi and her immoral California Silicon Valley cohorts want it to be.
There are two challenges, well actually three, that I want to just close with.
And that is, these are the, here they are.
Is there anything more immoral than subverting the strong moral foundation of the family?
John Bowne reporting.
Please remember, we are listeners supported.
We don't get billions of dollars from the government or Silicon Valley or George Soros NGOs.
We are supported by, thankfully, you.
So please go to InfoWarsStore.com and check out the highest quality nutraceuticals and supplements at InfoWarsStore.com.
The left and its Orwellian scourge of erasing American history crept into the Texas State Capitol.
Dallas representative Eric Johnson was triggered by a plaque commemorating the children of the Confederacy.
So the ironically named State Preservation Board Led by Governor Abbott and Lieutenant Governor Patrick, unanimously voted to take it down with zero feedback from the public.
A portion of the 60-year-old plaque reads, we therefore pledge ourselves to preserve pure ideals, to honor our veterans, to study and teach the truths of history.
One of the most important of which is that the war between the states The plaque, which is now in the hands of a curator determined by the State Preservation Board, was merely attempting to bring the complicated economic and political circumstances to those desiring education of Texas history.
This is Texas Freedom Force, an organization that has been fighting the statewide attack on Texas monuments.
We're finally given the floor to counter the leftist madness.
Texas history has a lot of good and bad, but the thing is, we're here to protect everything about it.
As fellow Texans, we know that we are strong-minded, we're strong-willed, and there's no way nobody's going to take that away from us.
Our history means something.
And the Texans, and especially Texas, is rich in our history.
That's part of the report, Texas Monuments Under Orwellian Attack.
The full report is on Infowars.com and Newswars.com.
Now when I come back, I'm going to get to it, but I wanted to print some more articles.
That's why I didn't get to it this segment.
So I just document this for you, for radio and TV listeners and viewers.
This isn't about do vaccines work or don't they?
It's about what are vaccines?
What does the term vaccine even mean?
This is hiding in plain view.
Wait until I break this down the other side, because now they're saying they want to put you in jail if you don't, quote, take vaccines.
Now, what was a vaccine in 1955 versus what vaccines are today?
You'll want to hear about this.
Stay with us.
Imagine if Infowars hadn't been here to expose global government.
To expose their plan to implode national sovereignty and nation's borders.
Imagine if the lights had been turned off all those years and the incredibly important topics we talk about hadn't been discussed.
But it's because of you doing that over the years that we're here.
And that's not some platitude, that's not some pat on the back.
That is the humble recognition that you are the sea on which all of us sail.
I'm the sea.
You're the sea.
I'm the wind.
You're the wind.
We are all the sails together in this.
But if you hadn't resonated with what we talked about and what we did, if you hadn't prayed for us and spread the word and supported us, we wouldn't be here.
If you hadn't been faithful, In our shared destiny together, we wouldn't have already had these successes and nationalism exploding across the world, and all the incredible positive things happening that have unfolded.
But because of you, we've done that.
There's an equation.
If you spread the word about InfoWars, and the articles, the videos, the links, we get around the enemy.
And if you fund The information we're producing, it all comes together.
But it comes down to that, chicken or the egg.
If you don't fund the seed money to keep Infowars on the air and to fight against the fake lawsuits and the attacks of Soros and Hillary and others, we won't have the information to put on air for all of you to spread.
So each one is just as important, but the most critical point the enemy understands is cutting the funding off.
They don't want to have us be live on air while all this unfolds.
They don't want to have us be here while the globalists push their entire world government agenda and everything we've talked about comes true.
They don't want us here while they try to assassinate nationalist and populist leaders and while they overrun Christian countries with radical Islamists.
They want us off the air.
And that's why I am in your hands, you're in my hands.
If I give up, if I back down, if I waver, it's a big victory for the globalists.
And if you back down, if you waver, it's a big victory for them as well.
It's truly a life and death struggle.
So all I'm going to say in closing is this.
Our destinies are bound forever.
Doing something this epic almost feels sick to say, hey, come give me your money.
But you've seen what I've done with your money.
I have waged war, fearlessly and tirelessly.
I have dominated globalists.
I have overrun their emplacements.
We have spread the message of liberty in 1776 worldwide, and we are committed to that destiny.
And so with pride I tell you, financially support us.
Any other war chief in a fight for freedom would just say, support me, give me the funding now.
I say, Get products of the best out there, win-win situation, fund us, and we're going to stop altogether.
If we don't do that, there's no future, and we have no shared destiny.
I'm very sad that Supermill Vitality, our flagship product, is no longer available when this sells out, because we can't get the wild, crafted herbs.
The process it goes through is so organic, like making of wine, that it can't be produced anymore.
So that's why it's the last run.
It's available 50% off even though it's our last run.
Inforastore.com because I want you to experience it before it's gone.
But whatever you do, pray for InfoWars.
Spread the articles, spread the links, spread the videos.
Because without you, we are going to basically be destroyed.
But with your support, together we all go into the future.
Whatever you do, just remember that the power of you, via word of mouth, speaking out and taking action, is the most powerful thing in the universe, next to God.
And for your support, and your undying prayers, I thank you, and I salute you.
But more importantly, we are bound, and I love you.
So thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Riders on the storm.
So what is a vaccine?
It's taking something that could potentially hurt you or kill you and it's weakening it.
It's either radiating it or microwaving it or heating it up until it's dead and then putting it into your body so that your body learns how to fight it off or defeat it.
So you're artificially giving your body a way to learn immunity.
Total science.
It's real.
Now there's the subject of sometimes it's the virus or the bacteria itself that causes an autoimmune response that can kill you.
It's not the bacteria or virus itself that's replicating and attacking tissues.
But the body has an autoimmune response, and in the learning how to beat it, your baby has that convulsion and never wakes up.
Or wakes up and never talks again.
Millions of people have autism now in the U.S.
In the 1950s, it was thousands.
But see, I'm not even hitting at the heart of this.
There's a whole other big facet here.
I remember 20 years ago reading BBC articles and MIT articles and things that were more research level about population control and ending the criminal mind.
And they said back then, we know there's areas of the brain associated with aggression, but also with being a great sports player or great levels of passion.
We can go in to prisoners Who are homicidal maniacs and give them a quote vaccine that will target cells in the brain to be destroyed in a targeted high-tech lobotomy.
Now that's how it was described 20 years ago.
Ten years later they start describing them as anti-stress or anti-drug abuse vaccines.
They started testing them on quote the troops.
I know people whose husbands were given this and they became basically emotionless zombies.
They still have their IQ, they still show up for work, but they're not the same person.
Now you have to understand, I could talk for 20 hours just about the different types of so-called vaccines.
How is it vaccine if it's a genetically engineered virus that only targets certain cells in the brain?
I thought a vaccine goes in and teaches the body.
What's bad from outside and how to destroy it.
This goes in and destroys things in your body.
So again, they know the public sold about half the public on taking vaccines and the government and corporations having liability protection and secret trade secrets on what's in it.
How dangerous is that?
And then you take this stuff, you know, all the secret testing and putting syphilis in vaccines and all the things companies have been caught and governments have been caught doing.
We're just going to trust that.
But what about the issue?
This is critical.
What about the issue of what you call a vaccine?
Because this isn't giving somebody some dead smallpox or some attenuated flu virus.
And all the different side effects that causes.
But can cause some good effects as well.
No, no, no, no, no.
This is just calling all these new things they're injecting into the body A vaccine.
When most of these, you look at them, are literal engineered viruses, basically nanotech.
They're artificially created viruses, where they splice different viruses, and they put them into your body, or they put different chemicals into your body, and they just call it a vaccine.
No, it's big pharma experimenting on you.
And see, there were four or five vaccines in the 60s that they pushed.
And by the 80s, they were 15 or so.
Last time I checked, it was 56 vaccines that a child's given by the age of 6.
Everybody knows that you can die from a honeybee sting or a wasp sting.
When I grew up, I got stung many times, playing in the forest and the fields, and we even had games with squirt guns.
We'd go up to Yellow Jacket.
I don't think so.
and squirt them and run away from them.
I'd get stung and mom would put baking soda on it and say, "Stop doing that."
Finally, when I was 20 years old, doing gardening work in college,
my parents were paying me to, they bought this new house in four acres.
They were paying me with a electric tiller they'd rented to bust up all this ground.
My mom wanted to put a garden in and Africanized bees get me.
They, about 20 of them hit me.
I run into the house.
They even chased me in the house like a cartoon.
Big swarm of black bees.
The Black bees and...
And I was pulling all these stingers.
All of a sudden, I swole up.
I got in the shower.
I put baking soda all over me.
I was getting ready to call the ambulance.
It started going down.
Took a bunch of anti-inflammatory.
Found a bottle of that.
Now, again, a vaccine can be like one bee sting, but it's a whole bunch of viruses and chemicals and things being put in you.
Imagine a baby.
Everybody knows adults take vaccines and have bad reactions.
Sometimes they die.
What about a baby?
You're going to give a baby more than 20 vaccines by its 18th month?
And then you wonder why they're so sick?
You wonder why they're autistic?
So there's a lot of things here.
You've got big pharma that you can't trust that's been given liability protection, pushing to make people take more and more vaccines.
You have the news routinely lying And telling people that it's the law that you've got to take them every year but oh you can get the exemption and then now you've got them saying arrest the parents of people who don't vaccinate their children and arrest the doctors that come in and say that other doctors
Shouldn't have to give the vaccines.
So they want doctors who don't push the vaccines to be arrested.
They want the parents to be arrested when there's not even a law you have to take the vaccines, but they've tricked you into filing with the health department that you haven't given your child the vaccines.
So they have a list of where you're at.
Meanwhile, I've got all the studies here in front of me.
Almost none of the pathogenic outbreaks happen here in the first world because of running water and hygiene and all the rest of it from someone not being vaccinated.
Most of the time, vaccines don't even protect you.
It happens because giant, unwashed, literally, third-world populations are pouring in with every drug-resistant pathogen under the stinking sun.
And so that's the reality.
Dr. McCabe, shot please.
This new cancer vaccine requires no chemotherapy.
Oh, no more bug spray!
Before they'd just give you a bunch of bug spray, a bunch of poison and charge you $5,000 a dose, and tell you that's a great idea.
Now they just call this an alternative to chemotherapy.
And I'm not saying it's bad, I'm not saying it's good.
It's genetic therapy, turning your T-cells back on.
So they got all these drugs on TV that turn your immune system off, that tell you it can give you cancer.
And don't worry though, now they're going to inject you with other stuff that turns your T-cells back on.
Whether this is bad or good or whether it has side effects, it's not a quote, vaccine.
But they just hide under that name and say, oh, take your shots so you don't get cancer.
Oh, that's really good.
Let's turn your immune system up even more.
So the point is, is that they're playing on our ignorance to come out with all these thousands of new treatments and all these different things.
Like, take this shot and never be an alcoholic again, because it literally eats part of your brain.
Or, oh, never get depressed again, take this shot, because it removes a part of your brain associated with high spiritual moments, but also low moments.
It's all in the literature.
So they're rolling out this giant push and saying, if you don't take vaccines, you should be arrested.
Knowing the public's totally ignorant about what a vaccine is versus what all this stuff is, and the idea that it's totally safe and nobody ever got hurt from it, or the idea that we have measles outbreaks and things because of unvaccinated people.
When unvaccinated people in the U.S.
have the highest education level on average and the lowest disease rates, it's the illegal aliens coming in that are actually triggering the clusters, but they won't tell you that.
The very same group that says don't vet anybody that comes in for diseases.
He's now telling you, though, that it's your fault and you need to have the precedent set where you go to jail if you tell corporations and the government and others, I don't trust you, I have a right over what goes in my body.
We'll play the Fox News clip when we come back.
Stay with us.
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Ah, here's the thing.
I know how metaphysics works.
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I know how the cow ate the cabbage.
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And that would be a very true statement.
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If I fight as hard as I can, And people don't support us, we shut down in a year.
You support us and get creative and get fired up, we won't just be here 100 years, we'll be here forever.
We'll turn the whole thing around.
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Thank you for listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Please see the complete disclaimer at https://sites.google.com/site/goldsteinradioshows/.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So, who in their right mind would want multinational corporations
who've been caught knowingly allowing HIV and Hepatitis in their blood products like Bayer did?
Millions were affected, hundreds of thousands died.
Who would want companies with vicious, evil histories to have government liability protection to be able to come out with new vaccines every year, to then lobby the state houses to get the state governors and health departments to quote, mandate a new vaccine.
Remember 12, 13 years ago, they were doing Gardasil testing on little girls at age 11, and a lot of them died in the trials.
And it supposedly was going to protect you from a virus that could cause cancer in the cervix that only killed about 4,000 people a year, most of them with autoimmune disease already.
And of course, what did Gardasil do?
It then caused a bunch of autoimmune disease and killed a bunch of people.
It's been banned in Japan, India, you name it.
But still, they push it as a product and say you should give it to your girls and now little boys.
So you're being biologically and chemically tested on.
And we're going to play this Fox News clip here in just a moment.
Looks like it's timed out.
C'est la vie, whatever.
But this is what these individuals are pushing.
It's what they're doing.
And it's pure authoritarianism.
Absolute, total, And complete authoritarianism, and they're playing on people's ignorance to not know what's going on.
So when you hear a vaccine, that means a thousand different things.
Now there it is.
court pays six million to Gardasil victims.
Did you notice?
court pays.
court pays.
court pays.
There's a multi-billion dollar secret court with secret funds That pays out all the time, because their argument is, well, it's for the greater good we do this.
Yeah, the vaccines are going to kill some people, but let's not tell the public that.
That'll scare them.
But then that's the cover for now that, oh, there's some side effects we can't tell you about, for what it really is, social engineering and setting the precedent for it all.
So they're coming with behavioral lobotomies using viruses and other engineered systems that go in to change not just the topography of your brain, but your entire body.
So you have been warned.
But then they trot up a good doctor.
A nice, friendly doctor to go on Fox News and to say that anyone who doesn't take their vaccines or any doctor that doesn't push vaccines needs to be arrested.
Dr. Mark Siegel.
He doesn't tell you about the side effects.
He doesn't tell you about the whole history of it.
He doesn't tell you we've got millions of autistic children and tens of thousands of dead.
No, he'll show you measles cases on the West Coast and say, this is where they're not vaxxing.
No, that's where the illegal aliens are pouring in in mass.
And he knows full damn well.
He says measles kills 90,000 a year worldwide.
That's not a real number.
Vaccines save 20 million lives.
Really, is that why the life expectancy is going down?
Is that why cancer is up so high?
Because again, most of the major vaccines, going back to the polio shock vaccine, are filled with SV40 cancer viruses that embed in your cells and then program your cells for cancer.
I'm going to say it again.
Most cancer is viral.
When your immune system finally turns off and stops fighting it, you die.
Oh, but don't worry.
They've got vaccines now.
They're going to turn your immune system back on.
And these guys all know this full well.
So let's go ahead and roll this charlatan up there saying, arrest doctors.
It's legal to not take vaccines.
It's legal for doctors to not make you take them.
Doctors, more than anybody, know how dangerous they are.
But he says, arrest them.
Really, with what law?
They're getting ready for that.
Here is the shocking garbage.
...get brain swelling from it.
This is not as benign a disease as I thought when I had it as a kid.
I said, oh, I got measles.
No big deal.
I was wrong.
This is highly contagious.
Also, there's another story that relates.
He's been given a script by Big Pharma.
Back it up 30 seconds.
I want to start it earlier.
Notice he says, measles can give you brain swelling.
When I was younger, I didn't think it was a big disease.
It is.
What a vaccine's number one side effect is an autoimmune response and brain swelling.
Just like when the bee stings you, but worse.
So he's taking the very thing that they know make kids have convulsions all the time and die in many cases, and he's attributing, oh, I used to think, because he knows everybody used to know measles is no big deal, on average.
I used to think it was no big deal.
It is!
You need the shot.
What about the flesh-eating bacteria, Doc?
What about the drug-resistant TB coming across?
What about the Black Plague?
What about the leprosy?
What about all the other diseases pouring across that don't even test people?
In Ellis Island, they used to test you for six-month quarantine.
Now you're just put right into schools with people.
Oh, but see, brain swelling!
And once they set the precedent for measles shots, it'll be hundreds and hundreds and hundreds.
That's what this is.
Whatever they mandate, whatever they push, let's go back to it.
...where people are getting letters of exemption so they don't have to get the vaccination.
What can you report about that?
Bill, this is a disgrace, and it's a study that came out in the journal Pediatrics this week, and I am hoping that the doctors that are responsible for this get prosecuted, because there's a few doctors... What are they doing?
A few doctors in California that are not even pediatricians are writing exemption letters for a ton of kids in certain schools where some schools have up to 20% of their kids don't have the measles, mumps, rubella vaccine because they got a crazy exemption letter that's fraudulent.
That's what's coming out in a very esteemed journal.
A medical doctor can give you an exemption for whatever you want, but there's not even a law there.
There's not even a law there, so he's saying it's a fraud when he's engaged in fraud.
He's saying these are fraudulent letters.
You don't even need the letter for the exemption.
They just trick you into that.
You have a right.
There's no law you gotta take these vaccines.
It's the county health departments that go back to the eugenics boards that sterilized people in the 1920s.
That's where all this crap comes from.
Let's continue.
The hot spot for the anti-vaccination is much larger than this area that you describe in Washington State or Portland.
It's on the West Coast.
As much as I love the West Coast, it's almost the entire West Coast that has this problem.
From California, Oregon, and Washington, three of my favorite states have this problem.
You get the exemption and you don't need the vaccination.
And by the way, the second booster of the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine is right before you go to school, so it's before you go to kindergarten.
Those vaccines say they last 10 years.
Oh, but you gotta have the booster!
You gotta have the booster!
And you gotta take your flu shot!
Why's everybody like Bernie Sanders?
Everybody talk like this!
You can't love vaccines, did you?
Welcome to McDonald's!
I'm brain damaged and may I help you from the vaccine?
They've never made the flu shot to predict the next mutation.
It's always been a fraud.
It's killed millions of people, the flu vaccine.
Look up the swine flu.
He knows that!
It doubles your chances of getting the regular flu the next year because it lowers your immunity when your body runs into fake flu.
He knows all this!
Everybody has family members that died or got sick on vaccines.
Everybody listening!
But he's a doctor!
And you can't have the doctors with these swaddle of leathers that you can't take it!
They need to be prosecuted!
We'll go back to him!
Go back to the doctor, please!
You're protecting the entire school!
You still believe in it, and you would give it for your patients?
I think it's life-saving, it's huge.
Now, we still have 100,000 deaths in the world every year, but we're getting way, way down.
It used to be millions.
It is one of the greatest inventions in the history of public health.
Thank you, Dr. Marc Siegel, appreciate that.
Thank you, Marc Siegel, for all your help!
By the way, in the military, none of the officers take the vaccines.
But they line everybody up over and over again, and almost everybody I know who's been in the military is heavily debilitated by them.
And I know two people, as I've said, in this building who had children who were given vaccines that killed their children.
My grandmother was told she got polio from the second polio vaccine.
Her doctor told her.
It was on the news that was spreading it through there.
Oh, and lovely cancer viruses as well.
Look up polio vaccine and SV40.
Become factually informed.
When you go into these doctors, these pediatricians, they try to bully you.
Say, fine, sign a form of liability protection that you are personally responsible for this vaccine.
Give me the insert.
And they will throw you out of their office.
Go find a doctor that isn't a coward and will say, yes, there are some attributes, but some negatives of vaccines.
And they're pushing too many vaccines.
And they're calling things that aren't vaccines, vaccines in a total big pharma invasion.
Now, folks, I didn't plug one time this hour.
And if we don't get financial support, we will shut down.
And part of me, maybe subconsciously, I don't plug enough to support us as I want to shut down.
I've been really thinking about, is that why I don't plug enough to actually fund the operation?
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But here are the headlines.
How adding iodine to salt boosts an American IQ?
That's Discovery Magazine, ladies and gentlemen.
And then we've got the New York Times.
Now again, this is from 12 years ago.
In Raising the World's IQ, the Secret of Salt.
But it's not.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Okay, folks, I told you this morning, driving into work, I was thinking to myself, what is the most important thing I can cover?
What is the most important thing I can do to really help people instead of just fighting all day about, did Trump do this or did Trump do that?
Because I still support Trump, but I've been saying this for several years.
I'm frustrated that more and more of my whole identity becomes Trump world.
But there's a nexus point between that.
So I intended to come on air today and criticize President Trump for the things he hasn't done, and for the things he has done.
And I knew this, and I'd only seen this once, and I'd forgotten about it, and the crew brought it to my attention.
But it's how this broadcast works.
All the different pieces just got tied together.
When we come back, on the other side, We've been talking about vaccines and how they're trying to set the precedent to put you in jail if you don't take them.
Now they've got giant PR campaigns on every major news channel in the country saying make people take vaccines but only the borders wide open for all the disease to pour in.
I talked about the secret federal court That since the 80s has been covering up the millions of damaged and hundreds of thousands of dead from vaccines, the whole autism epidemic.
And we have internal CDC documents that 2020 got, ABC News, how the head of the CDC said, oh my God, it's a huge coverup.
We've hurt millions of people.
We could all go to prison.
And their plan is double down, make you take even more.
But don't worry, they'll have runs for life and runs for autism.
And, you know, you'll go run a 10K and donate money.
As they build giant autism centers all over the country and we just get used to half of our boys not being able to talk.
That's the soft kill.
But boys are bad.
Boys start wars.
So if you can't get them to cut their genitals off or can't get them to take hormone blockers, can't get them to wear a dress, you just abort them or you kill them.
So come on, you know they're doing it for the greater peace of earth.
And then bringing in all those great Muslims Who know how to treat a girl.
So you can see the vice grip, the takedown of the West, the globalist military plan to destroy us.
And if people can't face it, well then that's what's going to happen to them.
Because see, we're entering the final phase.
They're getting rid of the military right now.
Getting rid of men in the military.
It'll all be drones.
It'll all be drone operated.
It'll all be remote controlled.
It'll all be autonomous.
Programmed by the ruling class that is accelerating to replace us all with robots and have decided we're all obsolete.
That's it!
And they don't want that news out there.
So you want to know why Trump, whose own son had seizures and went from being super healthy to being somewhat autistic, he's gotten better.
He's bounced back.
You want to know what happened to old Barron and why daddy won't do anything now?
Well, it's because the very same people, the very same people that have had their fingers controlling The investigations into Trump are in charge of the vaccines.
And see, to the ruling class, it's all about how none of them take them.
Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein do not take vaccines.
And believe me, those two-star generals, they don't take them either.
But you know what?
Your son or daughter in the military does.
You know what?
They're going to try to force your kid to.
Because they like to walk around and see you're lower in IQ and know all those cancer viruses have been implanted in you.
That's soft kill.
And that's a Rod Rogers, when he walks into Congress, smiling like a little demon.
He's like, have I stunned him enough?
He's like a spider.
Have I stunned my enemy enough for them to not be able to get me?
He's like, you're all dead.
That's why he's always smiling like that, looking side to side, because he's like a snake slithering in.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting worldwide.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're now into hour number two.
And if you tune into Fox News or CNN or NPR or open up a local newspaper, it's the same message.
Vaccines are 100% healthy and effective, never hurt anybody in the world, and everything's fine.
Go back to sleep.
But then if you ask for the insert of the vaccines, it says, may kill you, may paralyze you, may have cancer viruses.
The flu shot doubles your chances of getting the flu the next year.
They've never guessed the right mutation.
It's all a giant hoax.
In the 1980s they set up a giant vaccine damage fund with billions a year paid out of a secret court.
Let's pull that headline back up.
Millions and millions paid per family for their dead or brain damaged children.
From Gardasil and the flu shot and the measles, the mumps and rubella.
Fox News earlier had a medical doctor on saying these waiver forms are frauds.
Arrest the doctors.
The waiver forms aren't frauds.
There's no law to even have the waiver form.
But local health departments asked for them.
So they're up there telling you that it's safe and effective and that it's the law.
You've got to take vaccines.
And it's all a hoax.
There it is.
court pays six million to Gardasil victims.
But let me give you the big picture.
Let me give you the big picture here, ladies and gentlemen.
Guess who sits over the vaccine damage court, the secret court, and guess who decides who gets paid and who doesn't?
Once they get you into their secret court, so that you don't go file lawsuits in other courts.
Because you can have liability protection unless it's being done fraudulently, and then the liability protection and the sovereign immunity is stripped.
So the sovereign immunity of the U.S.
government is saying, we're going to make you go to a secret court that you've got to go through for years, and then we decide, once you've waived your rights, if you're going to be paid any damages.
Guess who is behind it?
Guess who is behind it?
Rod Rosenstein's sister runs vaccines for children's program at the CDC.
Does DC Swamp Connection ever end for these people?
Their whole lives are government, government, government, government.
Salaries, government pension, government budget.
They live off taxpayers.
Oh, it's worse than that.
And look who's over it right here.
CDC vaccine chief's brother no longer heads 2016's related investigations.
Before Sessions resigned, oversight fell on the brother of the CDC's vaccine chief, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein's sister, Dr. Nancy Mesmoneer, director of the CDC's National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.
President Trump's criticism of toxic vaccines goes back a decade long, before he ran for office.
But now we learn.
Rod Rosenstein's sister, direct link to the CDC, is over the secret court.
Business is good, and I bet you all the tea in India.
I bet you all the cows in Texas.
I bet you all the fish in the sea that Mr. Rosenstein and his sister don't take any vaccines.
Remember the headlines a few years ago?
German elite take clean vaccines?
Chinese communist leaders take clean vaccines.
Oh, vaccines can be real.
You can get immunity from them.
They can be good.
But see, they're putting other things in them.
They've been caught doing it.
We've gone from one, 36, 37 years ago, person in 30,000 having autism, to one in 58.
And if you take girls out of the equation, it's like one in 30-something boys.
And it happens right after the vaccines trigger an autoimmune response.
And the inserts say it can cause convulsions, or Guillain-Barre, or narcolepsy, or epilepsy.
They say it.
They say it.
They give you fact sheets at the Walgreens or the CVS that aren't that.
You want, by law, which the Feds or the Democrats are trying to pass a law to take the real insert out of the vaccine container.
With that fine print, you gotta get grandma's magnifying glass to read it.
And it says it can kill you deader than a hammer.
But then they go on the news and they say it's all lies.
It's all a conspiracy theory.
Now I wanted to bring something else up that I just got reminded of last night when I was doing research.
Robert Mueller III wanted the job as FBI director and asked to be in the consideration and met with Trump the day before.
And Trump did not like him and did not hit it off with him and said no.
So the next day, Rod Rosenstein, also known as God of Earth, created the quote position and the letter saying that he's in office and above the law and a god.
So Rod Rosenstein, without the president even knowing, because President Trump didn't hire the guy they wanted, The guy that brought Rosenstein into the Justice Department, because that didn't happen, he ran over the next day and created his own little special office, because we've had a coup of a CIA and the FBI working in tandem since 1989, when George Herbert Walker Bush affected that with Mr. Burr and Mr. Mueller.
And the whole group, Burr and the rest of them, are out of the CIA.
And so that's what this is.
Trump's fury over Mueller conflicts goes back to Oval Office meeting.
Trump considered Mueller for FBI director before he was named special counsel.
The day before.
The next day.
So when you hone down into all this, why would the government at Tuskegee And other areas give tens of thousands of black people syphilis and vaccines.
Why'd they do it in Appalachia?
Why'd they do it in Peru?
Why did they radiate children in the atomic energy test?
Because they want to have government groups of people that'll follow orders, who've been compromised, who'll do anything.
And if you read Aldous Huxley's work and others, they want IQ reduction in the general population.
Mueller doesn't give this to his daughters.
Rosenstein doesn't give it to his children.
They give it to you!
And you better know the big banks ship in the narcotics as well.
Even Bloomberg reported that Wells Fargo and others got caught laundering hundreds of millions of drug money and didn't even get in trouble.
It's all a sick joke to the predatory, psychotic ruling class.
Their greatest pleasure is you being radiated by 5G and you eating GMO and you taking deadly vaccines.
Their greatest pleasure is giving themselves immunity to commit these crimes.
So remember, Rod Rosenstein pays out billions of dollars via his sister of your money to people whose daughters died from Gardasil or got paralyzed.
But then they get up on the news and have every news channel say, there's no adverse reactions, it's a conspiracy theory.
But no amount of big, capped, Mr. Ed teeth will ever stop Rosenstein from being someone that God is going to punish.
Vengeance belongs to the Lord.
But now you understand the type of true bottom-feeding spiders we're dealing with.
Spiders don't attack up front.
They sneak around, they capture you in a web, They come in, they inject you, they liquefy you while you're tortured, then they suck you dry, and they sing a song to you while they do it.
Yum yum time.
And if you understand spiritually, Rosenstein and Mueller and Hillary are spiders.
Committed to savage evil.
Committed to total domination.
Committed to maximizing fraud.
Committed to hurting as many children as they can.
That's why they fund the Arab Spring to overthrow our allies and put radical Islam in.
That's why they fund abortion.
And you look at everything they do to us, it's the total wages of death.
They are put in place because they are monsters.
And they will cover up what's happening to our children.
They know exactly what they're doing.
They've been put there by the God of this world because they will carry out nothing but scientifically focused evil.
And now you know.
Now you know why President Trump won't do anything and won't set up a commission on vaccines.
Because Rod Rosenstein's sister He's in there making sure that nobody learns how many kids are dead and dying, and making sure that we don't struggle free when our little kids get caught in those webs.
Because mommy takes them, daddy takes them, the spiders inject, the kid gets sick, by the third injection they have a convulsion.
The ones that die, that's not their main goal.
They just wanted to brain damage them.
They're trying to learn.
Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning, but you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're all living in America.
It's wunderbar!
We're all living in America, America, America We're all living in America, America
Let me finish up on the vaccines and the new developments we're learning.
And Rod Rosenstein's sister, over at the Secret Vaccine Fund, running the ongoing cover-up, of course.
Whatever's totally evil these people are involved in.
I could sit here and give you hundreds of examples of declassified, deadly testing on troops, deadly testing on children, secret government programs going on in Europe, the UK, and the US.
We're the worst.
Constantly getting caught.
It's the whole leftover of the eugenics movement.
It's the eugenics system that set up local health departments that they took over that would then run local sterilization of people.
So there's some good things the health department does, but piggybacked in it is the old original programs of eugenics.
So continue it.
Remember Bayer Pharmaceutical.
They're executives.
It came out in corporate minutes in Australia and in France and in Canada.
Over several years, this came out in lawsuits, lawsuits they lost for billions.
They said, we're told all of our factor VIII has hepatitis and HIV, it'll kill millions.
And they're quoted as saying, so what?
Hemophiliacs are genetic, you know, mutants.
Let's get rid of them.
You're like, wow, that's a horrible attitude.
You don't get in to the tops of those pharmaceutical companies unless you're a genicist.
Let me explain why.
Mr. Watson, former head of the Cold Springs Harbor, came out and said black people aren't humans a few weeks ago, and they stripped him of his awards.
The Human Genome Project at Cold Springs Harbor was the Rockefeller program that created the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute on record, and literally funded Hitler from the time he took over the Nazi Party.
Did you hear that?
This is all mainline history.
The Kaiser Wilhelm Institute was the sister creation of the Rockefeller Foundation.
On record.
Headed up and paid for by Thomas Watson of IBM.
Now this other Watson is still alive, no relation.
He was the head of the program who discovered DNA.
He's still alive.
Now, you have to understand.
Why would Bayer executives, talking to different executives in three continents, say, screw it, let's just kill all the hemophiliacs?
You can pull up newscasts where they're saying this.
Why would you do that?
It's not about profits.
They like it.
They're in medicine to kill.
15, 16 years ago, search engine this, click web, doctors, medical schools stopped giving the Hippocratic Oath.
It's the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.
They got rid of it.
They're phasing in death care.
They're phasing in eugenics care.
This is what you're being given.
So when you hear me say, these spiders know what they're doing, you're not in the elite club unless you're into soft-killing people.
Their whole religion is going to a ballgame and looking at how ugly and mentally retarded people are, and to see the IQs dropping, and the life expectancy dropping, and the fertility dropping.
We're being murdered by a secret global cabal that created the Nazis.
And then they want to get a big race war going at the end of it, and that's why they're putting all these racist minorities in charge, so that when whites finally wake up, they will join with the globalists and wipe everybody out.
You're getting the big secrets here, folks.
So don't ever, ever forget that.
Oh, the UN says anti-vaxxers are the big global health threat.
That's right.
Bill and Melinda Gates' dad headed up Part of the operations for Planned Parenthood and Cold Springs Harbor as well.
He says there's too many people, but he's got a vaccine he says will lower the population.
And everybody at TED Talk laughs.
Because they're all at TED Talk.
They're in on it too.
You're not part of the intellectual elite unless you understand that there's too many humans, you see.
Now see, ten minutes ago I said they're doing this on purpose, and new listeners are probably like, that's crazy.
But then I start talking about the case for killing Granny.
Newsweek cover.
Time Magazine.
I start laying all this out and you go, oh, I remember that.
I remember that.
Yeah, that's what's going on, Jack.
So they got hundreds of vaccines that aren't even vaccines that they want to put in your body.
And they're just seeing how many people they can kill and maim before you do anything.
Because they know you'll statistically give in to them.
You'll statistically adapt to everybody dying around you.
And just accept it.
This is the mass culling.
It's going on right now, ladies and gentlemen.
You've been targeted.
Diet, injections, and injunctions will make a rebellion of the proletariat like a rebellion of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.
Mutton is sheep.
That's Bertrand Russell.
One of the main architects of this.
I'm going to say it again.
Diet, injections, and injunctions.
Giving you bad food, giving you injections, the lower IQ, and injunctions, the courts.
Diet, injections, and injunctions will make a rebellion by the proletariat as impossible as that of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.
And there's other quotes of him.
He said we should have a world government that launches a nuclear war to cull the population so we never have another war.
Along with H.G.
And along with Aldous Huxley.
This is who they are.
You might want to read what they plan, because they've done it!
They are psychotic demons!
And that's where we stand, and that's why they want me off the air.
And that's what they don't want you to hear.
They don't want you to warn children.
They don't want people to have the big pictures.
They want you to just quietly go get your kid brain damaged, and you get your shots.
You wonder why you get cancer when you're 45, and why cancer's up tens of thousands of percentage in children?
Because they're murdering us!
They're killing us!
I had the family pediatrician who owned a bunch of clinics, he's retired now, in Austin.
I just search engines, you know, years ago.
Places where they don't push vaccines.
They still gave them if you wanted them.
He called me aside, grabbed me by the arm.
I've told this story a hundred times.
He said, I'll tell you, Alex.
You know, doctors volunteer for city clinics every year.
And I went down and they were giving the kids in East Austin.
He grabbed me by the arm.
He goes, they were giving them.
Live polio vaccine from the 1960s.
He goes, do you know what that means?
Because, you know, doctors like in their own world, they think everybody's dumb.
I said, yeah, it means it was live and had SV40 cancer virus.
And he goes, it's more than that!
Of course, he was thinking also sometimes live polio.
He's just like, that's illegal!
"But you don't tell anybody my name!" "But you warn 'em!"
See, they're all in their own cult, too.
[ Silence ]
And they tell them, well, there are some side effects, but for the greater good, civilization's been built by this.
Vaccines had nothing to do with it.
It was all running water, and sanitation, and washing of clothes, and screen doors.
That's, you look at the numbers all over the industrialized world, when industrialization happens, that's when the disease stops spreading.
Vaccines become ubiquitous by the 60s.
Some of those diseases go back up.
The curves are all like this.
Australia, the U.S., everywhere.
Become industrialized.
You're running water, sanitation.
Disease goes like this.
Infectious disease.
Then, vaccines come back.
It starts going back up.
Most of the stuff you get today is from illegal aliens or the vaccines actually giving it to you.
Look it up for yourself.
Okay, I'm done.
I've got huge news that just broke.
On the other side, stay with us.
The United... Ladies and gentlemen, the new year is here.
And I personally, in the new year, am looking at all the great supplements and products at EnforcedLife.com and saying, what do I need to take religiously, that I'm forgetting to take, that lowers inflammation, that empowers all the cells in the body, that makes me healthier, better stamina, libido, energy?
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Tumeric formula, and it's supercharged with other key ingredients that supercharge and bring it to the next level.
And then, of course, it's the X3.
It's our final run of X2.
We've secured the deeper iodine, but I thought we'd make a better one with all three types in the vitamin C. So get your X2, get your X3, all at InfoWareStore.com or AAA253-3139.
And again, have a great New Year as we fight the globalists and restore the Republic and freedom to the planet.
Thank you all.
Thanks for holding, and not to say Happy New Year.
Go ahead.
Alex, yeah, going into 2019, what Trump's gotta do to save America, he's gotta declassify FISA, expose the corruption, arrest the traitors, and arrest the pedophiles.
That's how he saves America.
My opinion, an over-the-road trucker, hardworking, honest man, that's what I believe.
I agree.
Victory or death.
He's now, looks like he's cleaning house.
He's getting rid of all the double agents.
And the word is Trump is going to go into battle now.
We're talking he's going to strike back against the censorship.
He's going to strike back against the pedophile rings.
It's already begun.
He's going to strike back against the deep state.
He's going to strike back against all the criminal activity of Comey and Mueller being Russian operatives.
So just get ready.
I'd say.
Another note, I've spent over $3,000 in your store this year.
I'm a loyal supporter, and thanks for great products.
Brother, let me tell you something.
I want to thank you.
If folks like you didn't stand with us against the incredible Hillary Clinton and Soros attacks, which they admit they're running, we would not be here now.
They're taking Michael Savage off the air.
They're taking everybody.
They took Franklin Graham off Facebook.
They need to get us all off the air before they make their move on Trump.
That's why this is a war.
And you supporting us is incredible.
Which products do you like the best?
Man, I use the bodies.
I got so many t-shirts that ain't even funny.
I got your stickers posted on my hard hat, on my GPS, my truck.
I tell truckers about you over the CB Airways all across the country.
I spread the word about you.
I wear your clothes, your hats, your shirts, you name it.
Multitude of products.
How much love do you get versus, how much love versus hate do you get?
Um, you know, it's uh, people skeptical, but like it's probably about 50-50 or 60-40 either way.
I just I guess so many people got their head in the sand out here
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Okay, I'm gonna open the phones up for first-time callers, long-time callers, whatever you want to get into.
Trump's set to declare an emergency in 20 days.
The indictment of Roger Stone.
The record chill blasting down with the horrible global warming.
I'm being sarcastic.
All these subjects.
George Soros saying he's betting against China.
I haven't gotten to that yet in detail.
I mentioned it yesterday.
I really want to spend some time on that.
I'll get to that some next hour.
It's very, very important.
There's a lot here.
Venezuela teetering on the edge of collapse.
France teetering on the edge of collapse.
But I just spent an hour plus getting into vaccines.
That just means big pharma and big governments setting the precedent to inject something in your body.
They got hundreds of things they want to put in you.
They got a long history of secretly testing on you.
And we know every metric shows they're killing us.
So what are we going to do about it?
When this broadcast is done today, we'll archive these videos at Infowars.com.
And it really is up to all of you to send them to everybody you know that has children.
I've got four children.
People say, why are they so smart?
Why are they so healthy?
Why is your 21-month-old saying 10-word sentences now?
Why are they never sick?
Because they eat a good diet, not a lot of GMO, and they have never had a vaccine.
I put my money where my mouth is.
Because everyone I know that got sick or died got it after the vaccines.
We all know that.
We all know the horror stories.
We all know the facts.
These globalists perch up there on top of us telling us that we don't have a right to say no.
Now, we all knew this was coming.
Let's segue out of vaccines to the next big subject.
It all ties together.
Once they were done banning me off the internet, they said for cause.
They gave point examples of why.
That particular content was taken down.
In every case, it was a lie.
They then moved and said, well, it's all his content, period, ever.
And the next it's, he can't be on your show.
So you're literally unpersoned.
Next-level censorship.
Anyone talks to that person, anyone lets them speak, you're next.
So it goes from 100-mile-an-hour tyranny to 10,000-mile-an-hour censorship and tyranny overnight.
And now the next phase is in the London Guardian, the New York Times, the Austin American-Statesman, YouTube, to recommend fewer conspiracy theory videos, including Alex Jones.
He's banned.
But now YouTube and its fact-checkers, trained by the Southern Poverty Law Center and a neocon group called NewsGuard, they will decide.
Whole genres, and what's the first thing they said?
That's right.
And what are they blocking?
A local newscast where someone dies after a vaccine.
Or people reading the inserts from the vaccines.
That's fake news because Big Pharma is paying money.
That's the new business model of all the dying corporate media is to be the quote watchdogs to go out and tattle on what they see and interface with this new algorithm that Google's building, they admit it, where Millions of people can actually go in and flag things in a private interface.
So it's beyond the Stasi spying on their neighbors.
We're going to get to all that in a moment.
We first told you about all this years ago, didn't we?
We told you over a year ago that a neocon group at a defense speech in Germany said, you think Jones is the beginning?
Or the end?
We're going to censor everybody starting next year.
And here it is.
Blacklisters at Microsoft's News Guard labeled proven hoaxers credible.
Well, of course, they're a consortium.
They're a cutout for Snopes, Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, Media Matters, and others.
They then interface with the system And put out the fraud.
So it's a shield.
So you just hear news guard.
But it's really a guard for the hoaxers and the fraudsters and the government agents and others to treat the internet itself like Wikipedia that only they are allowed to edit.
And they're going to be on your phone starting next month.
Microsoft begins it on your phone in real time.
Not on websites you go to.
They're going to be in your phone.
Imagine, you know, just ten years ago, the lives of others.
The true story of the Stasi guy spying on the people and he has a breakdown against the state because it's so wrong to be spying on them.
And he's sitting there, you know, renting a room next door, spying on them.
This is 50,000 times worse, but it's just like, oh, big deal.
Oh, the neocons.
They're going to be inside my phone with the ADL, the Southern Primary Law Center and everybody.
And so it just goes on from there because why not?
We put up with them aborting the kids and giving them deadly vaccines and why not?
So that's coming up in a moment.
First off, listen.
I've gotten to the point where I'm so focused on news and information that you've noticed I'm not plugging Hap as much as I used to.
And if I don't plug, we're not going to have a show.
But you know what?
That's just the way it is.
I mean, I'm not going to say it's up to you, but if people don't know how great our products are and how amazing they are and how much you need them, And if folks don't want to pile in there and get them, that's the signal to me that you want George Soros and Hillary Clinton and all them to have full control and Rod Rosenstein's sister running the Vaccine Propaganda Bureau and the secret payouts to dead kids.
She's going to have her way with your kids.
Rod Rosenstein's dirtbag, buck-toothed demon sister.
So, you know, that's what it comes down to.
If you want these buck-toothed pieces of crap to have their way with you, then go ahead.
Because we've got the very best products.
Everyone needs our X3, highest quality, deep-earth crystal iodine.
Everybody needs to get TurboForce for when you need the vitamins, the minerals, the nutrients, and all the healthy pick-me-ups for a 10-hour, slow-controlled burn, unlike anything else out there.
I already have so much energy, I only take it in emergencies.
And it goes with the great nootropic we have, BrainForce.
Which is overall our best seller, not a big profit center because we sell for so cheap.
And that's the key to TurboForce is that if you go over all the ingredients, it's in packets, and I tend to only take about a half a packet when I do take it, and I'm gonna go on like a 10-mile hike or something.
That's when I do like a healthy stimulant.
It's got what five different types of healthy caffeine from plants that burn at different rates.
It's got a bunch of other known healthy compounds that boost the upload of that and cause nootropic but also overall more stamina, energy, you name it.
It's simply amazing.
Super healthy, the alternative to energy drinks.
The next level of that, it is an energy drink, but without all the sugar, without all the dyes, without all the crap, and it will take you to the next level.
There's nothing like it.
Everybody I've given it to, everybody that's been trying it for the last six months, since we greenlit this formula, has said they've never taken anything like it.
But I want to tell you, I wouldn't take it ten to eight hours before you try to go to sleep.
It is the next level.
It is TurboForce, InfoWorks Life, TurboForce, 33% off, out of the gates.
And Super Male Vitality and Super Female Vitality are wild-crafted herbs, cold-pressed, so it takes four or five times the amount of herbs to produce it.
Then it's aged a few months, and it's just been too hard to get it.
And so I said, we're no longer going to have it after this run.
New management from the owners of the prestigious facility that makes it.
We just had our crew up there this last weekend there at the facility in Utah.
They popped by Sundance Film Festival while they were there as well.
Interesting story that told me about that and the type of films that were there and the filmmakers that hung out with, but that's another issue I might get into later.
But it looks like that.
It may be coming back, but it'll be a long time, six months, a year, something like that.
And it looks like it's going to be the original formula, but even stronger.
And that was one of the issues.
You know, we were testing it.
It was really great.
Everybody loved it.
Sometimes it was really strong, and it was not as strong because it's cold press.
It's hard.
You're not going through chemical processes to always have it exactly the same.
So it's well-crafted, but we have it still.
Imagine if InfoWars hadn't been here to expose the local government.
formula of super male and super female vitality. We'll be right back. Stay with us.
Imagine if InfoWars hadn't been here to expose the local government, to expose their plan
to implode national sovereignty and nation's borders.
Imagine if the lights had been turned off all those years and the incredibly important topics we
talk about hadn't been discussed.
But it's because of you doing that over the years that we're here.
And that's not some platitude.
That's not some pat on the back.
That is the humble recognition that you are the sea on which all of us sail.
I'm the sea.
You're the sea.
I'm the wind.
You're the wind.
We are all the sails together in this.
But if you hadn't resonated with what we talked about and what we did, if you hadn't prayed for us and spread the word and supported us, we wouldn't be here.
If you hadn't been faithful in our shared destiny together, we wouldn't have already had these successes and nationalism exploding across the world and all the incredible positive things happening that have unfolded.
But because of you, we've done that.
There's an equation.
If you spread the word about InfoWars and the articles, the videos, the links, we get around the enemy.
And if you fund the information we're producing, it all comes together.
But it comes down to that, chicken or the egg.
If you don't fund the seed money to keep InfoWars on the air and to fight against the fake lawsuits and the attacks of Soros and Hillary and others, we won't have the information to put on air for all of you to spread.
So each one is just as important, but the most critical point the enemy understands is cutting the funding off.
They don't want to have us be live on air while all this unfolds.
They don't want to have us be here while the globalists push their entire world government agenda and everything we've talked about comes true.
They don't want us here where they try to assassinate nationalist and populist leaders and while they overrun Christian countries, the radical Islamists.
They want us off the air.
And that's why I am in your hands, you're in my hands.
If I give up, if I back down, if I waver, it's a big victory for the globalists.
And if you back down, if you waver, it's a big victory for them as well.
It's truly a life and death struggle.
So all I'm going to say in closing is this.
Our destinies are bound forever.
And Doing something this epic almost feels sick to say, hey, come give me your money.
But you've seen what I've done with your money.
I have waged war, fearlessly and tirelessly.
I have dominated globalists.
I have overrun their emplacements.
We have spread the message of liberty in 1776 worldwide, and we are committed to that destiny.
And so with pride, I tell you, financially support us.
Any other war chief in a fight for freedom would just say, support me, give me the funding now.
I say, Get products of the best out there, win-win situation, fund us, and we're unstoppable together.
If we don't do that, there's no future, and we have no shared destiny.
I'm very sad that Supermell Vitality, our flagship product, is no longer available when this sells out, because we can't get the wild, crafted herbs.
The process it goes through is so organic, like making of wine, that it can't be produced anymore.
So that's why it's the last run.
It's available 50% off, even though it's our last run.
Inforstore.com because I want you to experience it before it's gone.
But whatever you do, pray for InfoWars, spread the articles, spread the links, spread the videos.
Because without you, we are going to basically be destroyed.
But with your support, together we all go into the future.
Whatever you do, just remember that the power of you, via word of mouth, speaking out and taking action, is the most powerful thing in the universe, next to God.
And for your support, and your undying prayers, I thank you, and I salute you.
But more importantly, we are bound, and I love you.
So thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The world is a dangerous place.
Not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
So, there's a globalist death cult of eugenicists based inside of our government and other governments.
It operates in parallel to us, and it's building an anti-human robotic future that these technocrats control.
They want ironclad control of news and information, and they want medical control over you and your family to force deadly vaccines on you by the hundreds.
That's what's happening.
I want to open the phones up for any topic you want to cover.
If you were damaged by vaccines, maybe you love vaccines, maybe you got hurt by them, maybe your family did, maybe you think they're great.
I would love to hear from you.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
That's 877-789-2539.
Now, getting into the other subject I was mentioning in the last segment.
They have a problem with the Southern Poverty Law Center and the ADL and Media Matters and Snopes that are all known hack, leftist, disinfo organizations.
They are the kings of fraud.
The kings of fake news.
But they've been set up as the arbiters with these interfaces for Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, you name it, and they're the ones that go in and police and decide what bad terms are.
In fact, now, telling fired journalists, learn to code, is now abusive behavior on Twitter and gets you banned.
So, speaking back to a pro-establishment type, that is the new crime, like speaking rudely to a British lord 500 years ago might get you in trouble.
Here's the latest article out of Breitbart.
We first reported on this a year ago.
Blacklisters at Microsoft's NewsGuard label proven hoaxers credible.
NewsGuard, which is the establishment media's latest effort to blacklist alternative media sites, is giving its sign of approval to proven hoaxers, even stories that have been retracted.
And it's Southern Poverty Law Center, All the regular groups are being given their approval, so are the Huffington Post, all of them.
Microsoft is so desperate to spread fake news and blacklist ideas it doesn't like, NewsGuard is automatically included in one of its browsers.
But again, the very neocons that run it said last year in Germany at a security conference, they said, we are going to be a consortium for all these groups to plug in and do this, and we're going to be at the device level.
I'm gonna explain.
Again, they don't have partnerships with the websites, like InfoWars or NewsWars or DrudgeReport.
They have the partnership with the phone, with the software, with the company, and will be putting messages onto your phone.
So, Breitbart gets into how they push a bunch of lies.
Well, of course they're a propaganda group.
They're also censors.
They're spying on you!
And these big companies that put out the cell phones have all been on record of these software platforms sharing, quote, with their plug-in developers info.
So you know it's going to be LiveTime spying on you as well, which it is.
They're seeing what you're visiting, what you're doing.
They're putting messages up.
In some cases, LiveTime.
They even brag that next phase they'll give you warnings that, well, they already say you'll get hurt or this could be dangerous or you could get put on a list.
So they're also going to threaten you over the system.
Why not?
We put up with it.
Why not?
There's nothing we don't put up with, is there?
See, there's no bottom now.
I mean, we don't care if 1 in 30 boys has autism.
1 in 58 kids.
We don't care if cancer rates are up 10,000% in kids.
We don't know why.
Yeah, we do.
We're being murdered by a scientific elite.
Mad scientists testing on us.
They've got their people in all the key positions.
You will find more examples below, but here is NewsGuard's seal of approval on Google's search page for Rolling Stone's 2014 hoax about a gang rape at the University of Virginia.
That's right.
Rolling Stone lost a lawsuit, had to pay out $3 million.
It was all a fraud.
They don't care.
It's still approved.
Rolling Stone, which NewsGuard gave a passing grade, was eventually forced to retract the story and settle some lawsuits.
But the far-left Huffington Post's aggregation of Rolling Stone's proven lies is still alive.
And the green checkmark is NewsGuard's way of telling readers they are reading something credible.
Joe Rogan said, Alex, I can't have yawn.
And even let you defend yourself and say what you really said about Sandy Hook because you're being sued.
But even when you settle suits for lying on purpose like it turned out Rolling Stone did, they knew.
And the whole lacrosse thing and all that, they knew that woman wasn't raped.
They wanted to push a bunch of white guys raping a black woman.
Because it fits the narrative.
But even when you, admittedly a fraud like CNN, you're the gold standard.
The known fraud.
The known liars.
You'll find more examples below.
Here's a NewsGuard silver approval.
Rolling Stone, which NewsGuard gave a passing grade, was eventually forced to retract the story and settle some lawsuits.
But the far-left Huffington Post's aggregation of Rolling Stone's proven lies is still alive.
Then it goes on from there.
You see, when you do a Google search for stories, NewsGuard and Microsoft use the green checkmark to tell you what is and not credible.
And it's not blacklisted, but it goes beyond this.
Because this article's getting into what NewsGuard's already doing.
When they go live with the new system, it won't be NewsGuard who's just partnering with Google, Facebook and others already.
Again, it's going to be on your device.
That's the big story.
And it goes on for a whole bunch of pages.
You should go read it.
But I mean, here's another example.
Snopes refuses to correct Nathan Phillips' stolen Valor fact check.
Google and Facebook promote disinfo.
Zero Hedge has all these people going, well you know he was never in Vietnam, and you know he lied about this and that, why won't you change it?
Why, you're a fact checker!
Because they're not fact checkers, they're purveyors of fraud!
So we're going to spend the rest of our lives disputing them as the fact checkers up on the mountain.
Why don't we just create a fact checking site, and then we go out and fact check things.
That's actually an idea, and then really show what was said or what was done.
Because anybody can do that.
But the media then acts like, oh my gosh, a guy and his porn star girlfriend and his wife and their cat run Snopes.
They are God.
All information on the planet goes through them and they tell you with something they type up in five minutes what's true and what's not.
And nine times out of ten, what they say is not true.
But then at the bottom they go, technically it is, but not.
So again, we spend all our time like they have the authority, like they have all the answers.
But that's not the case, ladies and gentlemen.
This is a group of people that have hijacked government, hijacked these industries, gotten themselves in key regulatory positions to then try to control reality.
Just like Rod Rosenstein's sister runs the vaccine damage fund and makes sure that nobody knows how many kids are getting killed.
And they sit on top of that money and who gets paid?
Then they go on the news and tell you nobody's getting hurt.
Or just like Mueller wanted to be the FBI head, went to Trump and begged for the job.
Trump said no one day later.
Rod Rosenstein created this special office for him because Rod Rosenstein is more important
than the president.
Because he created a new justice department system that says he's in charge.
But even though that's a fraud, Trump's told by his lawyers, "Don't stop it, you'll look
like you're a criminal."
Look like you're a criminal?
They're in all the tech saying we're going to set the president up.
We're going to wear a wire.
We're going to take him down.
He's an idiot.
And then they go tell Congress they never did that.
And they tell the courts they didn't do it!
They've all committed perjury!
Oh, but only Roger Stone.
They claim committed perjury to the Congress, because he said he never talked to WikiLeaks, and they think talking to an intermediary is talking to WikiLeaks.
Excuse me?
Stone always said, I talked to a back channel.
I remember asking him, hey, can you get Julian Assange on?
I really love him on the show.
Everybody else got to have him on, but see, just me even trying to get him on.
You see, because the arbiters of reality, the gatekeepers of reality, they say so.
We're going to go to break and come back with your calls on the other side of this break.
Please, whatever you do, remember, we're in an information war.
We can beat these people, but real oppression, real censorship, real scientific control is here.
And if we fail the test and don't say no to it, they're going to win.
If we point out how crazy this is and get excited about saying no to it and take action, it's game over for them.
So the power of you, and I want to thank the listeners, you've done it, you're incredible.
But the power of you, whether you're listening on shortwave or AM and FM or TV, telling people about it, telling your email list every day, hey, look at this interesting story.
Did you know Rod Rosenstein's sister runs the Vaccine Damage Fund?
Hey, did you know they wrote papers at the Cold Spring Harbor run by that Nazi about how they wanted to put stuff in the vaccines to sterilize people?
Here's the article.
When you do that, it changes the world.
When you do that, it bypasses them, and they can't stand it, and we kicked their butt getting Trump in, so they're coming down on us like a ton of bricks, and everybody else as well.
And I believe in Americans.
I believe we're strong.
I believe we're going to speak out.
I believe we're not going to just roll over.
I believe in you.
I believe you're strongly independent.
I believe you're not going to buckle and cut and run.
I sure as hell know I'm not running up a white flag, but your word of mouth is the real currency of the realm in the info war.
So thank you for it, and double down now!
Stay with us.
Here's the thing.
I know how metaphysics works.
I know how the universe works.
I know how the cow ate the cabbage.
If you're not expanding, you're imploding.
There is no set stasis.
There is no managed system.
There is no... ...uncontinuum.
The continuum is always launching forward... ...into the future.
I can go on air and tell people that Infowars could shut down.
And that would be a very true statement.
If I don't have the will, InfoWars could shut down tomorrow.
If I fight as hard as I can, and people don't support us, we shut down in a year.
You support us and get creative and get fired up, we won't just be here 100 years, we'll be here forever.
We'll turn the whole thing around.
Our grandchildren, on Mars bases and jump bases and God knows what, are gonna look back and say, you know, we struggled here, we made it.
Unlike all these other test cases that God put in place, you know, there's a lot of eggs.
Like Christ said, I have other flocks.
It's a lot of...
God's big.
God makes a lot of stuff, you know?
And, you know, I want to be on the winning team.
I want to like, hey, hey, come on in.
You made it.
Good to have you here.
Because God wants warriors that are smart and are ready to build things and are also ready to fight.
And so this is playland.
This is baby town.
This is dressed up.
This is like little boys playing soldier in the woods.
All I know is I want to go with the master builder.
I want to go to the next level.
I want to be with the spirit that I've experienced.
Not these devil worshippers.
They're cold and failed and feels like being in a tomb.
I want life!
I want Jesus!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We're going to your phone calls momentarily.
This just in, ladies and gentlemen.
NewsGuard, that neocon US intelligence agency, British intelligence agency, connected and run consortium group, so these government paid spies can double dip and make money at this private company and break the law, is going to have live time access to all of your devices starting with Microsoft phones and computers next month and live time watch what you do and give you messages telling you what's real and what isn't.
Now they don't just work with the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, Media Matters, and Snopes to get into your phone or computer.
No, ladies and gentlemen, now NewsGuard linked to Saudi Arabia's PR machine.
Saudi Arabia spends the second largest amount of money propagandizing.
They pay for a lot of CNN's fake news.
And now they're going to be inside of your phone telling you what you can and can't look at.
That's right, ladies and gentlemen.
Only in America is that type of thing happening.
And, of course, it's going to expand across the world after that.
And that ties us into this article.
And this has been in the New York Times, Washington Post.
This is out of our local paper, the Austin American-Statesman.
YouTube do recommend fewer conspiracy theory videos.
Yes, they're breaking their algorithm.
If something's popular and matches a name, they're going to look at the source of it and have their, quote, fact-checkers, that's NewsGuard and others at Interface, blacklist your video.
But it gets better than that, ladies and gentlemen.
That's right.
Again, it allows those fact checkers to actually get into your accounts and track everything you're doing in live time with your internet ID.
So this is the next level of total control.
They say if you're criticizing vaccines or criticizing GMO, you are going to be shut down.
So this is the next level of the technocracy and the takeover and is incredible.
Now, I want to go to your phone calls.
We've got Calls for Liberty, George, Carlos, Howard, Minnie, Judy, Michael, Tyler, Randy, and many, many others that we're going to be going to here today.
It's wide open phones.
Let's go ahead and talk to Calls for Liberty in North Carolina.
You're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call today.
Thanks for calling, brother.
What I would like to say is I think that Trump, when he declares a national emergency, also needs to enact the worst power resolution of 1973.
And go ahead and eliminate the cartels and build the barrier within 60 days.
Well, it's certainly constitutional that when your border is being attacked by giant caravans and drug dealers, you can do it.
But Kamala Harris says that it's an old-fashioned idea to have walls, even though she has walls at her house.
You know, Trump should have declared emergency Yeah, well it's coming to a point where inaction is his action.
And it's starting to look like he's starting to be consumed by the swamp.
She wanted to. So that's why she was able to sit there and say she was the winner.
She really wasn't the winner. But if he just declared the emergency, he could have bypassed her.
Yeah, well it's coming to a point where inaction is his action.
And it's starting to look like he's starting to be consumed by the swamp.
And we need some action from our President, Commander-in-Chief, and the leader of this nation.
Well, he's got to know too.
They're not going to leave him alone if he rolls over, which I don't think he's doing.
He's so surrounded by scum and so surrounded by traitors.
When Pelosi didn't care if the economy was losing billions of dollars every few days and she wasn't being reasonable, then he said, OK, I'll pull back and then do the emergency later.
But who knows what's going to happen?
This country has psychological and spiritual cancer.
And I just hope we can fix it.
Thank you for taking my call.
God bless you.
Thank you so much, sir.
We're going to come back from break and we're going to talk to everybody else.
So please stay with us.
It's a one-minute break.
Man, I just, I want to back Trump.
He got some good Supreme Court people in overall.
He's, you know, tried to get the economy going.
He's trying to pull our troops out of these evil wars.
He killed the TPP.
He did a lot of great stuff, but when it comes to protecting himself and really crushing the swamp, it's just all a bunch of cowards up there, so nobody will follow his orders, literally.
This country's in deep trouble.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We're going right back to your phone calls.
I spent probably an hour and a half of the broadcast so far today getting into the fact that they're coming out with hundreds of new so-called vaccines.
Their own inserts say can cause all sorts of diseases, death, And then they're on Fox News and NPR saying jail doctors that don't make people take shots.
There is no law.
So it's all just bullying lie.
Oh, measles are up because of this.
You know what's up?
It's TB and flesh-eating bacteria because of the open borders.
It's crazy how they're making their push and now trying to use all these leftist groups to control what's on the internet so that doctors and scientists can't come out and warn you about the dangers of these tainted vaccines.
It's crazy.
That's right.
YouTube says it'll basically delist or ban anything that these different groups funded by Big Pharma and the Saudi Arabians say is bad and saying, watch out for vaccines.
That's fake news, even though the insert says it can kill you.
Let's go to George in New Mexico on the vaccine topic and personal experience.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call and thanks for this topic, man.
You know, it's something that I as a father struggle with, you know, with my kids' mothers.
You know, it's like I try to bring this topic up and it's like I get perceived as like this
this whacked up conspiracy theory, you know, like, like I get looked at it like it's just
this outrageous conspiracy theory I have.
Yeah, because mothers on average are trusting and they see the state and the government as offering something wonderful and good.
So ask her, do you know about black people getting injected with syphilis to ski?
Print it off for her.
Do you know?
Bring her the insert.
Go to Walgreens.
Say, by law, they gotta give it to you.
No money.
Say, I want the insert of your MMR shot.
I want the insert of your Gardasil shot.
They will bring you the insert, by law, and take it to your wife and then read it to her.
And just like you, and you talked about, you know, the, um, all the data that they kind of cherry pick and suppress, you know, and you mentioned Rod Rosenstein's sister, like, this is, this is alternative news that is new to me that I'm grateful that you're talking about, because it's like, if they were to really see the reality of how much is paid for them to suppress all the effects, and they knew the truth, they would have a different take.
but this this whole like you know cover-up it's like it gets talked about
alternatively and it's just like like oh wow that's way far-fetched you know.
Well five years ago all the top searches were mothers and fathers saying their
kid died from it and doctors admitting it and scientists speaking out in
Now, a hundred pages deep, you can't find any of it.
So we have to all share it with parents.
We have to do it, and not just take it.
Because what it is, is a large population reduction, cancer virus introduction program, and also an IQ reduction program.
God bless you, George.
And that's the facts!
And it's horrific to admit, but that's what the deep state is doing.
That's their program.
That's their operation.
You can look at countries that have the highest vaccination rates.
They have the highest levels of autism.
And what is autism?
It's your brain-damaged child.
Talk to Carlos in Canada.
Thanks for calling, Carlos.
Thank you, Alex.
Two points.
One to do with autism and vaccines and also the role of glyphosate.
There is a Dr. Seneff, S-E-N-F-F.
NEFF that everyone should Google and read about the role that glyphosate plays in the
microbiome of the humans.
Now the glyphosate itself doesn't work on the human channels, okay, but it works in
the biota in your intestines and that creates toxins which then get into your bloodstream
and then effectively they make you like you were stoned or they were on some foreign toxic
Again, Bill and Melinda Gates always own and buy whatever the crisis is they're creating.
They're spending tens of billions, tax-free, they get government money, to find out about gut flora.
And so exactly what happens is the vaccines cause an autoimmune response in the gut Then you've also got the glyphosates in the gut that then kill the normal flora in the gut, and then it causes a toxic chain reaction.
And then the boys don't have as strong a blood-brain barrier, and so that's why they're more susceptible than girls.
But it's frying girls' brains as well.
Yes, and if you know, the Russian government did serious studies on glyphosate, alright, which have not been reported in the West.
And these studies led the government of Europe and some governments and so on to boycott and to ban glyphosate, and the results have not been published in the West.
So I think everyone has a responsibility to see, because Russia now is totally organic in its exports.
Well, that's right.
Russia said six years ago, we are going to cut our defense budget and become the new organic command base of the planet.
And if you tune into Russian TV, it's all about better filtering your water.
Glyphosate is in all the groundwater in the U.S.
I mean, I forget the number.
It's something like 50 billion tons or something.
Guys, search engine how much glyphosate is estimated to have been used worldwide.
I think it's higher than that.
You say it doesn't activate in the body.
Well, that's partially true.
It has a bigger effect on, obviously, bacteria, fungus, yeast, mold, and things, and causes different gut flora.
In your stomach?
Okay, so it's 1.8 million tons of glyphosate since its introduction worldwide.
9.4 million tons of the chemical have been sprayed.
And I think that's a lower number, but again, we're talking about millions of tons being sprayed.
And it also grows certain types of tumors in men and women, as well in the breast and in the testicles.
So, let's just say this, it's not good.
Could you have Dr. Group look into this and give you a report?
Because that would be very helpful.
No, we should get him on.
You know, I've had medical doctors on about all of this many, many times and gone over it.
I mean, glyphosate causes cancer.
If you drink glyphosate, it'll kill you.
But they had Monsanto reps running around forever.
Same ones that gave us Agent Orange and all the rest of it.
I mean, they dumped tons of dioxin in the black neighborhood in Anniston, Alabama.
I mean, they're bad news, folks.
These are ruthless, crazy people.
They were able to take over industry because they're psychotics.
You keep saying, why are so many psychotics in control at the top?
Because normal people wouldn't act like this.
Then the psychotics link up together and it's over.
Carlos, amazing points.
One point on Trump?
Okay, the last point on Trump is this, okay?
Quickly, when Hillary Clinton used the reset button with Russia, she established a relationship which permitted her to satisfy the needs for uranium for Russia.
She is terrified, and her, everyone that cooperated with this in this criminal cartel effectively, they're terrified that President Trump and Putin will talk privately about all of this stuff.
And so they even want to know what the translators were translating when they were talking.
Oh, exactly!
Mueller delivered... Why do you think Hillary had Mueller, when she was Secretary of State, when he was no longer FBI Director, deliver the uranium to Stockholm?
It was to get them all involved in the corruption.
And then again, he was given a job at the big Democrat law firm and given $3 million just that year.
I was looking it up last night.
After he delivered the uranium, he was given $3.6 million by the top Democratic law firm.
So that's how it works.
And then that way, oh, we got the former director delivering the uranium.
He gets 3.6 mil.
Hillary gets 130-something mil.
The Podestas get a couple mil apiece.
I mean, wow, can you imagine?
Think how sick that is.
He should not wait for any outcomes of any investigations on collusion of nothing.
There is a nothing burger.
He should simply call President Putin, as he said, let's get together and it's a good thing for America and Russia to talk.
It's a good thing for, you see, President Trump has to learn to put a thing on his desk that says the buck stops here.
Speak softly and carry big things.
We understand that.
I appreciate your call.
Great points.
In fact, I was reading up on Mueller last night.
Just refreshing my memory about how he asked for the job from Trump the day before.
Trump said no, so he had his minion Rosenstein create the special counsel position the next day.
And I was looking at how the top Democratic firm that's funding four lawsuits against me, the law firm that's been there to depose me, literally, is the law firm that he went to work for right after the uranium deal.
And then I guess he sits on his fat ass and got $3.6 million.
And see, that's what I'm talking to lawyers and people about.
How we're going to counter-strike.
They want to strike out at us with all their BS.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
It's all going to come out very, very, very fast.
Yeah, there it is.
Trump-Furver-Miller conflict goes back to Oval Office meetings.
Go to Mueller's Wikipedia.
It says the law firm right there.
It's just incredible how these white shoe boys think we're all dumb.
All right.
Howard, Manny, Judy, Michael, Tyler, Randy, James, Andrew, everybody.
Tony's daughter got vaccine-injured.
We'll talk to him straight ahead.
Conservatively, there have been several thousand articles written in the last three years demonizing InfoWars, and yours truly, for selling high-quality supplements.
In fact, even the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, that owns the biggest sellers of supplements in the world, even that organization has written hit pieces claiming I'm a fraud and selling snake oil when they're owned by a man who owns Amazon and Whole Foods.
Amazon was the number one supplement seller in the world.
Whole Foods was number two.
He owns the number one and number two biggest supplement sellers on the planet.
And then his publication, a weaponized disinformation op, says I'm bad and should be shut down.
When more than 15 of the 70 products we have at InfoWarsLife.com are private labeled, highest quality, top of the line, that are sold at Whole Foods for higher prices.
Think about the level of that fraud.
And I've sent messages to these news organizations pointing that out.
No response.
They never want to get my comment.
Now, why am I saying that?
It's simple.
We have a lot of proprietary original products, but a lot of them are also private labeled.
Whatever already has five stars, whatever people already love, whatever's been tested to be the best.
So we have a great product.
You love it.
You reorder it.
The Globals are going to test our products, trying to find something.
So we're going to be able to, you know, defeat all that.
It's a 360 win.
We defeat them.
You win.
I win.
It's amazing.
And you've seen them come after our attempts to even process credit cards and shut down InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
I mean, it's incredible not just what frauds they are and how they're anti-free market and how they're racketeering against us, not just Jeff Bezos, but this entire system of mainstream media and mainstream corporations and banking are even worse than Bezos and Amazon.
It's hard to believe.
I'm just illustrating how crazy this all is.
Now, I'm going to be cutting some informational pieces in the next few weeks that go into great depth on each one of the products.
I've done this for some of the products, but I haven't done it in a while.
I haven't done it for the new products because, quite frankly, it's like going to school for a college exam to try to accurately talk about how great these products are.
But just know this.
Whatever the attributes that Jeff Bezos and Amazon and Whole Foods are allowed to tell you about their flagship products, these are as good or better.
These are all the top of the line, very best.
I can't even tell you what they do and the history of it and how amazing they are because they selectively enforce and will send the FDA after us.
You see, I'm a subhuman.
I'm garbage.
So Bezos can make all the claims.
Whole Foods can make all the claims.
Because this stuff is dynamite.
Turmeric's dynamite.
Iodine that's clean is dynamite.
Super metal Vitality, they have similar products.
It's all dynamite.
They can tell you how great it is and show you all the facts and tell you.
Because they're the elite.
I'm just scum.
Just like you, according to them.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
is 1776. You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Wilmer Hale is financing lawsuits against Infowars.com on many fronts.
Wilmer Hale is one of the top Democratic law firms that Hillary worked for.
And Wilmer Hale gave $3.5 million the year after Robert Mueller transferred the uranium to the Russians for Hillary.
Isn't that all just cute?
Robert Mueller, though, there won't be any special counsel for him unless Trump takes action right now, ladies and gentlemen.
Truly unbelievable.
And they've got Jeanne Wray, the former chief lawyer for the Clinton Foundation, up to her eyeballs in.
Haitigate, Russiagate, Chinagate, Servergate, everything.
When you're at the grand jury, she's behind the scenes with the other prosecutors, quarterbacking the show.
I mean, wow.
But hey, why not?
They've been getting away with it forever.
The American people are dumb.
Trump's dumb, they think.
White shoe boys from Princeton and Harvard rule America.
They'll teach America by selling us off to the Chi-Coms and everybody else.
And then the Americans try to stop it?
They'll just have the Ninth Circuit rule the American flag's a hate symbol.
They'll just ban Make America Great Again hats.
They'll tell those Catholic schoolboys to wipe that damn smirk off their mouth.
I've even gotten the sickening audio and video clips of Bill Marm.
Saying horrible things about the Catholic School Boys, even though it's all admitted to be a fraud, and then talking about why do priests want to have sex with them, and everybody laughs.
See, the new thing is promote pedophilia and make it all a big joke.
They're making jokes about Roger Stone being raped in prison, saying Roger Stone's gay.
But when they do the homophobic stuff, oh, it's cute and it's funny.
It's okay, because they're the White Shoe Boys!
But you know what?
They're all scared to death and want to take as many of us with them as they can, because they know God hates their guts.
That's why they're so cursed.
Their families are cursed.
I just pray that we all pray for justice to be brought upon all of these evil men and women.
What they've done to the children.
Let's go back to your phone calls.
So many people have called in with their children hurt and sick.
Let's talk to Tony in Illinois.
Tony, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Alex, you there?
Yes, I am, Tony.
Hey, Alex.
So we got a longtime listener.
Appreciate you taking my call.
We brought our daughter in it around 3.5 to get her D tap.
Booster shot and a week later.
She was starting to have seizures.
No, it's hard to talk about what happened next.
Well, Alex.
Yeah, it sounds like we might have... Most callers say they can't hear me.
Most guests say they can't either.
I'm sorry.
That's just the way our phone system is.
But you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Tony, I appreciate your call.
Yeah, so that's what... Look, most kids, when they get sick from it and have the convulsion, they're at the hospital, at the clinic, or in the car.
And usually the doctors will say, oh, it's a bad reaction.
Now they're told to go, ah, it's not us.
And they call it a...febrile seizure.
The CDC.
But oh, on the national news it doesn't exist.
It's a conspiracy theory.
Manny in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Well, sounds like we got a phone system problem.
That's okay.
We'll try to take... Is it better now?
We're done.
Thank you.
Appreciate it.
We go into these time warps with calls.
It's why I quit taking calls for years, except every once in a while, because I just, it's something we can't master.
Something we can't do.
Um, it's an audio issue.
When I call in myself as a guest, I can't hear jack crap.
And, uh, it's, it's, it's something that no matter how much money I've got or how much engineering I've got, we just can't get you audio.
And I apologize for that.
So, so no calls.
Night's Circle of Hell for me, though, I tell you that, man.
I really want to hear your calls.
I really want to humanize you.
I really want to talk to you.
You know, I've thought about doing something like Skype calls or something, where you just take a couple calls at a time and people Skype in.
And, you know, get people on there.
That would be a whole other level that other people really haven't done on a big radio slash TV program.
That would be something else, wouldn't it?
You know, since I brought up Bill Maher, let's go ahead and do Bill Maher.
I mean, you talk about a monster.
He talks about how he loves kids all day, and says Alex Jones was mean to the Sandy Hook kids, but doesn't show any proof.
But then, he talks about, I want more death on the highway, I want more suicide, I want less people.
And then he goes into this whole rant, bad-mouthing the President, and I'm not going to play at all because there's so many experts, we have to beep it.
And then he says all these horrible things about the Covington kids, a week after the lawyers already warned people that you're gonna get sued.
Now Marr thinks he can just sit here and, you know, call them punks and all this, but the point is, it's playing into the lie that they went and confronted the elder.
So here's Bill Marr.
That's why this kid should have done what everyone does during a drum solo.
I mean, I don't spend a lot of time, I must tell you, around Catholic school children.
But I do not get what Catholic priests see in these kids.
So there you go, and he said a lot more there as well.
But, you know, why are these Catholic priests, what do they see in kids?
Well, let me tell you.
They see, empirically, ruining someone's future and stealing their essence, spiritually.
Most of the Catholic priests that do this have been found in the actual reports that the media covers up, but are in the police reports, in the grand juries.
Just in Pennsylvania, where there were 3,000 plus priests, admittedly, raping children.
Is that they get them in there and do satanic rituals with them inside the church.
They get them in there and they do satanic rituals inside the church.
And the whole point is blaspheming God, ruining a youngster's life.
And like the Pope said, when people complain about being raped, he says, hey, you're gay, it's okay.
Remember that last year here in the U.S.?
A man said, I was raped.
He said, it's okay, you're gay.
We gave you the gift of being gay.
And so what it is, is they're creating the proclivity for a young person to have that sexual orientation from being sexually abused.
So they're getting more folks on the team.
You understand?
That's what it is.
It's pedophiles, institutionally get together because they like kids, and they go after them.
And that's what they do.
And then Bill Maher gets up there and he's got his speech.
I'm not calling for censoring.
And he says that I need to be dealt with in all this other garbage in the past.
But at least now he says I have free speech.
But I gotta tell you, man, that's truly sick.
And it's out of control.
And you see it all over the news, all over Netflix, all over TV.
Pedophile this is good, pedophile that is good.
Salon, Vice, New York Times.
Pedophiles are people too.
They are coming out in the open and making jokes in the final frontier about children and sex.
We got another guest popping in.
We'll see if we get the phones working, because it's always the same.
And I love the crew.
It's like, I ought to get Sherlock Holmes in here.
You know, callers can't hear, but I'm told it all works great.
I call in.
I can't usually hear.
But hey, I'm an idiot!
I am half-deaf, too.
We'll be right back.
We'll see what happens.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
I know what they'll find, it's in their mind, it's what they want to see.
Spare me from the rain, here comes good night, and here I'll stay, waiting for darkness.
All across the world, nationalist and populist groups are taking action.
All across the world.
They're not getting any support from the left.
They're not getting any support from Soros.
Because he wants authoritarianism.
He wants a clash of civilizations.
He doesn't want people that have a culture and have a system.
Our own Dan Lyman just got finished covering.
The incredible developments at Davos.
When I say incredible, I mean Soros and China.
But first, before we go to him and then your calls, here in a moment, let's go ahead and go to that clip here
where Max Keiser talks about the yellow vest.
Cultural impact and what we're seeing culturally, and that is an important divide,
he says, that we're really seeing now.
And this, he points out that one illustration of this cultural divide is that most modern,
progressive social movements and protests are quickly endorsed by celebrities, actors,
the media, and the intellectuals, but none of them approve of the Gilets Jaunes.
Their emergence has caused a kind of psychological shock to the cultural establishment.
It is exactly the same shock that the British elites experienced with the Brexit vote and that they are still experiencing now, three years later.
The shock by the cultural establishment to the cultural establishment is something that we've talked about here as well, post-Trump.
This post-Trump derangement syndrome is exactly the same symptom.
It's that, you know, when France elected Macron, remember in America, the media was like ecstatic, over-the-top, euphoric, and saying like, he's our guy, he's like Beto, he's like Obama, he's like...
Like sexy and sophisticated and says all the right things and signals his virtue.
But the people are rising up against him because they lead.
No, that's not fully true.
at all still all the time partly because they had the comfort the sweet sweet
comfort of a conspiracy theory that it's you know some guy living thousands of
miles away in the Kremlin who has some sort of mind control over everybody in
their population but the fact is these people there's a cultural divide in our
own country. No that's not fully true the establishment knows that it's
populism all over the world and then just says it's the magic Kremlin. The
only truth there is that Russia is not a perfect country but it got out from
under the globalists at least partially.
So it had gone rock bottom first.
It was one of the first big nations to partially get out of it.
But now Italy and everywhere else, Germany's voted out Merkel's party.
And France, basically, like something like 80% of people are against Macron.
And it's happening everywhere else.
I don't have to list all the places.
People are sick of socialism, communism, corporate fascism.
They want nationalism.
They want prosperity.
And they get it.
They want it here.
And so the establishment always tries to label their own domestic populations as terrorists.
They always try to label them as the outsider when globalism is the outsider force pushing all of this.
Our own Dan Lyman of EuropeWars.com just got done.
He's covered the Yellow Vest demonstrations for 12-13 weeks.
He just got back from Davos to give his view and his perspective.
I'm not saying that Max Keiser and his co-host are wrong.
They're overall right.
But if you expand on that, Dan, I think that clearly the establishment doesn't think it's the Russians that are behind this resistance to the New World Order.
It's the fact the New World Order is a horribly authoritarian, out of control system where the elites don't pay taxes.
But then they tell us we can't have a middle class and that the dogma of the globalists being anti-family, pro-radical Islam, being anti-Western, that's why people are finally fighting it and getting out of their malaise because it's a horrible system.
What's your view on that?
It is a horrible system and of course we can look to France to see what's going on and we can also look to the the extent that the authoritarians are willing to use force now at this point as things continue on now for over 11 weeks of protests by the Yellow Vests in France and the violence is definitely on the escalation so it seems I was there for week 10 last weekend before this one And things started off pretty mellow, but then by the end of the day, it was looking pretty ugly.
But the thing that I find so amazing, these yellow vests, they're brave.
A lot of them are very brave.
You might call them crazy, some of them.
You might say they have a few drinks in them, some of them for sure.
But I mean, these people are out there knowing that they could be facing life-threatening injuries or life-changing injuries.
And in some cases, some of them have died.
Indeed, and we had one of the top yellow vests, kind of a guy that's been on TV to represent them, seems like a decent fellow, a construction worker.
He was out live streaming the protest in Paris at the Bastille, and he believes he was targeted, but he was shot in the eye with one of these flashballs, a 40mm rubber bullet, and he says he was also hit with another projectile at the same time in the leg.
And his attorney says that he will likely be handicapped for life and will lose the eye.
So, I mean, the amount of barbarity on the ground.
We've seen some pretty heinous stuff in Venezuela, but it's really not that far off here in France as well.
And then you see Macron and her being booed at their EU army announcement last week.
So they denied.
I mean, this is Hitler's literal dream happening of a European Union.
He also envisioned the Olympics and drew the Olympic symbol.
He envisioned the VW car, the people's car, Volkswagen, and drew the car and the symbol.
He envisioned the European Union, its flag.
He envisioned a European Union army that would then dominate and control the world.
And we are literally now seeing it today respond to people trying to get out from under it by saying, we'll kill you if you try to leave.
Right, and you know, I just got a little tip, and I was just researching it before we came on, and I think you'll find this interesting.
So, one of the things that I've reported on is that on the ground, some of these really vicious police officers, they are undercover guys.
They're just basically plain clothes with very few markings, sometimes just an armband.
One of the videos from this weekend is horrific, a yellow vest, they're on the ground, arms behind their back, and at one of these Undercover officer comes in and smashes his face on the ground three times and breaks his nose.
It's a horrific video, but someone tipped me off to this, and I had never heard of this, but it's the European Gendarmerie force.
And of course we see Gendarmerie on the tanks, the armored vehicles in France and Paris every weekend now.
And I didn't realize this, but it's basically an EU police, militarized police force.
And it's possible that these guys, some of them, if not many of them, are not even from France, as we've discussed in the past.
And this might be a key, a clue as to, you know, where are these guys coming from?
Why are they so extra brutal?
Maybe they are being hauled in from around Europe and they just have no allegiance to the French people and they're just, you know, trained attack dogs.
And if you go on their Wikipedia page, It says that the EGF, which is the European Gendarmerie Force, is a European intervention force with a militarized police functions and specialization in crisis management.
And it lists their allegiance to the European Union.
So everybody can go and check that out.
We have that up on the screen there now.
That's an interesting little detail.
And these are the things you start finding out as you start digging into this mess that is globalism fighting back against the populists on the ground in France.
Well, there's some of them right there, and you can see they're a multinational force.
And if you look at those armored vehicles, that is the outside corporate EU invading the sovereign nation of France with the armored vehicles.
So that is a foreign invasion force.
And yes, this EU police force, gendarmerie, is absolutely a foreign force engaging the French.
It is only a matter of time.
And it's going to be very sad when it happens until people take those firearms away from them with the butter knife brigades or the ball peen hammer brigade.
It's only a matter of time until these paramilitary thugs start getting killed.
There was actually, early on in the Yellow Vest protests, one of the rifles was taken out of a police vehicle, so there is precedent for that.
If these Yellow Vests, if they get their hands on anything more powerful than a cobblestone, they seem prepared at this point, some of them, that they'd be prepared to use it at least.
That's right.
It's a fact.
Venezuela is in a civil war against tyranny.
France is in a civil war against tyranny.
Liberty is rising.
now I think that we could see some some bad stuff in the future. That's right
it's a fact. Venezuela is in a civil war against tyranny, France is in a civil war
against tyranny, liberty is rising and the French Resistance is about to kick
into high gear as the corrupt EU state grinds to a halt.
Imagine if Infowars hadn't been here to expose the global government, to expose
their plan to implode national sovereignty and nation's borders.
Imagine if the lights had been turned off all those years, and the incredibly important topics we talk about hadn't been discussed.
But it's because of you doing that over the years that we're here.
And that's not some platitude, that's not some pat on the back.
That is the humble recognition that you are the sea on which all of us sail.
I'm the sea.
You're the sea.
I'm the wind.
You're the wind.
We are all the sails together in this.
But if you hadn't resonated with what we talked about and what we did, if you hadn't prayed for us and spread the word and supported us, we wouldn't be here.
If you hadn't been faithful, In our shared destiny together, we wouldn't have already had these successes and nationalism exploding across the world, and all the incredible positive things happening that have unfolded.
But because of you, we've done that.
There's an equation.
If you spread the word about InfoWars, and the articles, the videos, the links, we get around the enemy.
And if you fund The information we're producing, it all comes together.
But it comes down to that, chicken or the egg.
If you don't fund the seed money to keep InfoWars on the air and to fight against the fake lawsuits and the attacks of Soros and Hillary and others, we won't have the information to put on air for all of you to spread.
So each one is just as important, but the most critical point the enemy understands is cutting the funding off.
They don't want to have us be live on air while all this unfolds.
They don't want to have us be here while the globalists push their entire world government agenda and everything we've talked about comes true.
They don't want us here when they try to assassinate nationalists and populist leaders and while they overrun Christian countries, the radical Islamists.
They want us off the air.
And that's why I am in your hands, you're in my hands.
If I give up, if I back down, if I waver, it's a big victory for the globalists.
And if you back down, if you waver, it's a big victory for them as well.
It's truly a life and death struggle.
So all I'm going to say in closing is this.
Our destinies are bound forever.
Doing something this epic almost feels sick to say, hey, come give me your money.
But you've seen what I've done with your money.
I have waged war, fearlessly and tirelessly.
I have dominated globalists.
I have overrun their emplacements.
We have spread the message of liberty in 1776 worldwide, and we are committed to that destiny.
And so with pride I tell you, financially support us.
Any other war chief in a fight for freedom would just say, support me, give me the funding now.
I say, Get products for the best out there.
Win-win situation.
Fund us, and we're gonna stop altogether.
If we don't do that, there's no future, and we have no shared destiny.
I'm very sad that Supermill Vitality, our flagship product, is no longer available when this sells out, because we can't get the wild, crafted herbs.
The process it goes through is so organic, like making of wine, that it can't be produced anymore.
So that's why it's the last run.
It's available 50% off even though it's our last run.
Inforstore.com because I want you to experience it before it's gone.
But whatever you do, pray for InfoWars, spread the articles, spread the links, spread the videos.
Because without you, we are going to basically be destroyed.
But with your support, together we all go into the future.
Whatever you do, just remember that the power of you, via word of mouth, speaking out and taking action, is the most powerful thing in the universe, next to God.
And for your support, and your undying prayers, I thank you, and I salute you.
But more importantly, we are bound, and I love you.
So thank you.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
I'm Bill Shkurti.
Ben Lyman of Europe Wars dot com, heads up our Europe operations, does a fabulous job.
He's with us now.
I apologize to callers.
I believe you can't hear us.
We're figuring out what it is.
We're working on it.
We'll have calls tomorrow.
I want to get more calls on the show.
Or it might just been those phones two in a row, but we're going to find out.
Some testing.
Dan just got back from Davos and I want to get his views on how important that was.
But if you look at the Zero Hedge article that links through to the Davos page itself, China responds to George Soros.
Statements by certain people which portray black and white distort facts are completely pointless and not worthy of any rebuttal, said the Chinese.
All this year's now concluded World Economic Forum in Davos was mostly a dud, and increasingly a joke in financial circles, with Deutsche Bank and Jim Reid going so far as admitting that we had a DB drinks reception, Deutsche Bank, for our clients last night, and one said to me that the 11 years of coming here, for the best advice, we could trade in the opposite direction to the main theme of the conference.
Over the next 12 months, there was one event That the boondoggling billionaires were eagerly anticipating George Soros' annual remarks, because in the past, he signals who he's going after next.
Just like 13 months ago, last time they had the Davos event, he said, I'm going after Facebook and others, which he did do a short on.
He was successful.
It was more about muscling in and getting him to accept censorship.
But it's what Soros said in the remarks that's really important.
And as we reported previously, one year after he famously slammed Google and Facebook at Davos, calling for them a menace and monopolistic, and predicting it's only a matter of time before the global dominance of the US IT monopolies is broken, this time Soros took aim at what he believes is an even greater adversary, one which even Donald Trump might agree with, China.
Now listen to Soros.
Sounds like Alex Jones now.
But that's only because he sees which way things are going, that our war with China has been successful, that Trump's actually winning, that we're winning, so now he wants to jump on the bandwagon.
China is not only the only authoritarian regime in the world, but it's the wealthiest, strongest, and technologically most advanced.
Soros lashed out at Beijing while taking particular aim at China's president.
This makes Xi Jinping the most dangerous opponent of open societies.
He means of Soros' control.
Soros is just as bad as Xi if he could.
Soros, who also warned that China's increasingly use of AI and social credit systems to monitor its citizens, and in the U.S.
as any different, could result in the most ruthless yet technologically advanced authoritarian regime in history, proposes a solution to eliminating what he sees as China's ills, crash China's economy and market, and approach Soros' critics, say he applies to every nation which he finds disagreeable.
So, what do you make of this, Dan?
You were there.
Soros now openly coming out and saying crash their economy.
They're an authoritarian threat.
Well, Trump just wants to make a better financial deal with us and stop threatening our ships and the rest of it.
But Soros, he smells blood in my view.
What do you think?
It's very interesting.
It does remind us all that there is a power struggle, even at the upper echelons of globalism.
You know, it's like with any alliance, like, you know, let's say with the left SJWs, eventually when they start accruing some power, then they're going to want it for themselves and they're going to start breaking up and fighting over, you know, what they think is rightfully theirs.
So it is an interesting thing to see Soros having gone after big tech.
And now going after the Chinese.
So, I mean, I think it's positive for us in that it reminds us that it's not a monopoly at the top.
And we have, you know, a choice in our destiny, so to speak, and to see that there are chinks in the armor that we can exploit when we see that they're not solidified at the very top.
That's what it tells me.
I couldn't say it better than that.
And again, they all want a technocracy.
They all want world government.
They all want vertical integration.
But they're battling over the control.
So that's one of their weak spots.
That's why we have separation of powers in our government to take competing groups and have them set against each other instead of consolidating control.
That's when you've really got to worry.
But notice his statement about the danger of the total technocracy with the social credit score when it's Soros funding and literally honchoing with these big groups the rollout of the social score.
Here in America, and it's been him pressuring Google and others to actually adopt this.
So, it's just amazing hypocrisy.
Right, and you know, China is very powerful at this point.
They have their own thing going on, and I would imagine that, you know, Soros has his own thing going on, and he doesn't want to cede too much to the Chinese, if anything at all, and probably feels a bit threatened.
The things that are going on on the ground in China, I mean, we start now, thank goodness for social media, because there's things that kind of We can get a glimpse into what's going on there.
I remember a couple months we did a story on the train.
You're warned if you misbehave on the train it will go against your social credit score.
And I just saw recently that at some intersections now they're posting the pictures of people and their family who are known to be jaywalkers to shame them in public and let everyone know that their social credit score will be lowered if you jaywalk.
So, I mean, we need to pay attention to what's going on there, because if we think we're that far behind, then you're crazy.
And again, they always start with something that sounds reasonable with a surveillance grid, but next, it's what you eat, it's who you talk to, it's what you do.
Once you get into it, they can then use the stimuli to actually control you, like you're a remote control dog or bot of some type.
That's what this is.
They get you to comply to stuff that sounds reasonable, but again, they mean to walk you into something even more draconian.
Speaking of countries where an elite get in control and then fight with each other over the resources, Venezuela, once the richest country in South America, is now a hellhole.
Even CNN now admits thousands starve a week.
Well, shouldn't we just have Maduro then move to New York?
He can run and win by 80% of the vote and, you know, go to Congress.
I mean, this is what Alexandria Cortez is pushing.
I have a family member who's a bit on the normie side, but he's starting to wake up and he just saw that the inflation in Venezuela is going through the roof and has started kind of paying attention to what's going on on the ground there.
And he asked, why would anyone want that in the United States?
And I said, unfortunately, there are plenty of people in the United States, especially
in our age group, in the millennials, the Gen X, that would gladly vote for the type
of people that would usher that in, whether they understand what they're doing or not.
Many of them are as dumb, if not dumber than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
And we can thank, of course, the school system and culture and just the incessant promotion
of cultural Marxism, socialism, promoted as a cool thing.
But anyone that wants to know where that road leads should look to Venezuela to see what's
going on on the ground there.
If you value eating nice meals and taking showers and your vacations and Instagram and all that, you probably don't want what the socialists have in store for you.
And when things break down, anybody that's got anything better than you is the target.
Anyone with a car is getting things thrown at them, including a cheap moped.
Anybody with food is being attacked.
The average Venezuelan has lost 28 pounds.
in the last year and a carton of eggs is $200 USA.
So there you go, another incredible example of that.
Dan Lyman at Europewars.com.
Again, incredible job, a lot of courage covering the yellow vest.
We know you'll be reporting on going with the great work at Europe Wars.
Everybody share those links.
That URL is not as censored as Infowars.com.
So it's easier to share it.
Thank you, Dan Lyman.
Thank you, God bless.
Truly amazing.
In fact, I should have started the whole show with Venezuela and what it's like in Alexandria Cortez.
But see, it took 15 years or so to take a rich country and redistribute all the wealth before it completely collapsed.
And then, they don't really ever come back.
Argentina didn't come back.
None of them do.
It's a real shame.
And they've got millions of people trying to leave.
And when they question them, they go, oh, we hear there's more free stuff up north.
We hear there's more free stuff El Norte.
Meanwhile, the country is incredibly rich with resources, the farmland, everything.
But see, they told all the poor people, vote for Chavez and you'll get free stuff.
And now all the free stuff's gone and everybody left and it's collapsing.
And half the millennials say they want communism in polls.
We're almost out of time.
I'm going to get back into the next segment because I want to get into some other areas of Bill Maher and just what a scumbag he is.
But then we have Owen Benjamin coming up.
That's one of the best guest hosts we have.
So look for that coming up in the fourth hour in the War Room.
Owen Schroeder and others are going to be calling into his own show.
We have some guest hosts there and a lot more today.
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And again, have a great New Year as we fight the globalists and restore the Republic and freedom to the planet.
Thank you all.
It's Alex Jones.
This is our land.
These are our people.
The workers.
The strikers.
The builders.
These are our people.
Who are they?
They are the dark armies.
The dark murdering armies whose only honor is atrocity.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
All right, so Robert Barnes is going to be in studio with us tomorrow.
I should add that he's the lawyer for the Covington Catholic school students who were set up, attacked by the Democrats, had the black Israelites saying we were subhuman, had people saying we're going to cut your liver out, we're going to kill you.
They march over, confront them, but the elder gets in their face.
But then a week later, Bill Maher says, you deserve it, you're bad.
Even after they've been warned, you'll be sued.
And then he goes on to say, why do Catholic priests want to have sex with kids?
Like, they're not even worth it.
It's kind of like soft-selling pedophilia.
Like, who'd want to have sex with those kids?
This is what comedy's turned into.
Look, he's got a free speech.
Bill Maher has free speech.
I'm just saying he's full of crap and he knows good and well that these young people didn't do anything wrong, so why would he side with evil?
I mean, a week after the media said that they were hoodwinked and they were wrong, he doubles down.
Here's the clip.
But the black Hebrews started to mix it up with these Catholic high school kids who were there from Kentucky?
And they were there with a big pro-life march, and then a Native American elder playing a drum got in the middle to mediate!
And now it's a big thing, and you know, people saying the kid... I don't blame the kid, the smirking kid.
I blame lead poisoning.
And bad parenting, and oh yeah, I blame that f***ing kid.
What a little prick.
Smirk face.
Smirk face says... Please.
Like, that's not a dick move at any age to stick your face in this elderly man's... And this smirking kid says he was just trying to diffuse the situation by... Really?
You know what?
Next time you get into a fight with your wife, or your husband, or your boyfriend, or your girlfriend, uh, try that.
Try getting two inches from their face with a shit-eating grin and see if it diffuses the situation.
If you ask me, this kid should have done what everyone does during a drum solo.
But... I mean, I don't spend a lot of time, I must tell you, around Catholic school children.
But I do not get what Catholic priests see in these kids.
So the final frontier is ganging up on people and saying that the kid was in the native elder's face, which is a known fraud.
So there he is, relaunching the whole fraud.
I'll play that clip for the lawyer here tomorrow, but Owen Benjamin, you're taking over, but I wanted to get your take on this.
Well, people forget that Bill Maher's production company is named Kid Love Productions, and the guy in the past has actually defended pedophilia On his show.
I mean, he's a real sick puppy.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
Kid love is a word that Namble uses.
You're kidding.
Google it right now.
That's not... Bill Maher's production company is Kid Love Productions.
It is Kid Love Productions!
Oh my God!
Kid Love!
Oh my God!
No, he's hiding in plain sight, guys.
And so when he makes those jokes, it's not a joke.
He's literally gotten himself to the position where he can talk about what children he's attracted to on television.
People laugh along like it's a joke.
Well, please, when you take over in 60 seconds on the other side of this break, get more into this.
Owen Benjamin's more than just a famous censored comic.
He teaches me a lot, because his dad was in rhetoric and his mom, a bunch of other stuff.
And I'm pretty well read, but he just keeps teaching me stuff.
Wow, Bill Maher.
Folks, North American Man-Boy Love Association.
The code words they use on Twitter and Facebook are kid love, child love.
He named his production company a pedophile term.
My God!
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen...
Bill Maher came out Friday night and basically made jokes about who would want to have sex with his Catholic schoolboys and they're not good enough looking for him or whatever.
Kind of soft-selling pedophilic garbage, like he always does.
He comes out and says crap on religion, I hate Christians, I love suicide, I love death.
I mean, he talks like he's the devil.
He can use the n-word.
Nobody else can.
He's God.
He's anointed.
He's protected.
Well, everybody knows about the North American Man-Boy Love Association.
Now it's accepted by the UN.
How the religion of these people is pedophilia.
And I was talking to Owen Benjamin, who's taking over right now, and he said, you didn't know his production company's called Kid Love?
And if you go to Twitter, Facebook, or anywhere, these pedophile groups call it Kid Love, Child Love.
Adults love children and so the fact that he calls it kid love productions that we're on IMDB Pro right now That is actually confirmed is next level.
So Owen Benjamin go ahead and take it over Yeah, I did a video about this like five or six months ago on my youtube channel It's called Bill Maher's pedo-rific and personal stories about financial freedom and if people think this whole concept that everything's a joke is There's a clip of Bill Maher right here defending pedophilia.
Watch this.
This is not satire.
This is nuts.
Now let's cue it up at the start and let's go ahead and roll it right now.
Here it is.
I wanted to bring up this story which I think was one of the big stories of the week and I know People Magazine agrees with me because they put her on the cover, Mary Kay Letourneau, the teacher from Seattle who is in jail because she is in love.
That's how I view it.
I admit that it's unorthodox.
She is 35.
The boy is 14.
He was younger when they started.
But the big story this week... Has he been bar mitzvahed?
Have I?
No, has he?
But she is pregnant again.
That was the story this week.
With the second child by this boy.
So basically they're having a family and they're keeping the mother in jail because she won't conform to what society feels should be the perfect American family.
Let's stop right there.
Owen Benjamin just blew me away.
Every time you think you know about all the pedophile stuff, it just gets worse.
Started earlier.
You know, 14, 35.
They're the guardian of the school.
There's an age of consent for a reason.
You're contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
You don't want to send your kids to school and have 35-year-old women trying to have sex with 14-year-olds.
That's abusive.
But when she said started younger, I remember it was like 12.
This is serious abuse.
I remember it.
Macron was abused at this age by his teacher.
And so this is their whole culture, and here he is, and then he names it kid love.
This is incredible.
Oh yeah, and he was... the condescension is unreal when he's talking about how...
I call it love.
And just because society doesn't conform, there's a reason that we don't want our 12-year-old sons to be able to be predated upon by women in their 30s, because they don't have the ability to say no.
They don't have the ability of understanding power and understanding all that stuff.
And the fact that he Uh, defends the predator.
And then when you look at this Catholic school situation and all that, the guy is a total predator.
And people just... There's this misnomer that's happening where people think that someone's coming to save them.
And there's no one coming.
It's like you have to stand up for this and speak out against it because there's no one coming to save you.
Like, this guy is a powerful voice in the narrative and he is defending pedophilia right in plain sight and nothing happens to him.
Why would he attack the Catholic schoolboys who had people screaming, we're going to kill you, all this?
It's been known for a week that it was a hoax, that the Native American guy is a scammer who goes around starting fights everywhere trying to get attention.
And so it's known everywhere.
Everyone's apologized.
He on purpose goes on Friday night and doubles down on it all.
He just, he's so arrogant.
Well, it's predators like him require shame.
They require your eyes to have shame.
They require meekness.
They require self-hate.
And if you don't show it, they hate you for it.
And they'll do anything in their power to destroy you.
I've experienced that a lot in my life where the reason that that kid, the smirk that launched a thousand narrative psychosis meltdowns is because he didn't have shame in his eyes.
Yeah, it's like on the left you have Desmond in this meme.
Desmond is a kid that is nine, being paraded around as a drag queen, you know, put in front of old homosexual men who give him money.
Who happen to be convicted axe murderers, who talk about drugging kids, and then Desmond talks about using drugs and looks like he's been in a concentration camp, poor little prisoner.
Yeah, he looks drugged.
His parents say he's on the spectrum, and yet he goes on Good Morning America and they applaud his bravery.
And then on the right, you have a good American, just classic American good kid, and he's being decimated.
Right there, he's not mocking that moron in front of him.
He's just merely saying, I will not go anywhere.
I will stand firm.
I have my own honor.
And that drives predators insane, because the way predators work is they want you to hate yourself.
They want you to have shame.
They want to say, if you tell anyone, we'll hurt your parents.
They want to get that initiative over you, exactly, and then silence you.
And to be clear, first they moved away.
They were trying to go to the bus stop.
We watched the full 30-minute video, we put a documentary out on it, you know, the truth of the Covington kids, a documentary.
They march over and the kids go away about 50 yards towards the bus stop and try to get away.
But still they come back over there.
So they'd already pulled back once, but at this point he just, I'm gonna stand my ground.
I love this kid.
I mean, what he's doing right there, I can understand how, if it's heavily edited and narrated and stuff, it looks like he could be mocking that guy, but if you know the story, it's the exact opposite.
And he was called every name in the book, incest kid, go back to Europe, you know, just mind-blowing stuff.
And the black Israelites crossed every narrative possible with all these pejoratives.
They called him fags, they called him homos.
We're going to harvest your organs.
They told little black kids that.
And he did the most powerful thing he could do.
He just stared straight ahead without fear.
And it's fear that these people thrive on because there's so few controllers, but they're so powerful because people give them their power through shame.
Shame is a slave mentality.
And if one thing to have, you could have regret, you can apologize.
I've made mistakes this week that I've apologized for, but that isn't shame.
Shame is saying like, I hate myself therefore you can own me and that's what they require to keep power because there's so few of them and so many of us.
That's right their whole system is about getting us into an inferior position and they're the high priest above us and they tell us what's fake news and they tell us who can be on air and they tell us what words we can use and to watch this guy banging his drum at some points right in his face and to watch Bill Maher That's the problem is I would have probably popped him.
That's why I'm like, I'm on this kid's like a hero of mine because he had the strength and he also had the strength not to just start beating this guy.
Like there's a good chance right there.
Just I would have cranked his jaw and like that would have made me the monster they want.
And that's something that I've really worked on over the years is like that kid gets it.
And it's like, and this whole authority thing, it's pretty funny how therapist, if you just put a space in it, it's the rapist.
You know, like they're always like, you need a therapist.
It's like the rapist.
It's just about authority.
It's pretty funny, actually, when you have a sense of humor about it.
And people are looking for authority figures, and then the left and the globalists tell us who they are.
Well, I didn't mean to crash in on you today.
You're just more of an expert on Bill Maher than I am.
Obviously, he's a comic.
I mean, if you want, when you come back, tell us more about Bill Maher, because he's just such a nasty, nasty person.
He's filthy.
I mean, the guy shows up with these gigantic Black, what appears to be prostitutes, potentially trans prostitutes, I don't know, but he would go to the Comedy Store like that and then talk about, you know, women's rights and stuff and it's like, he's parading, it just, the disgust level on this guy, you just can't put it into words and I've done events with him and just slimy and short, you know?
Well that's another thing, is that Mar just absolutely loves to deceive people.
He lives for that.
But then he also always gives himself the moral high ground.
So out of all the slime in Hollywood, I mean he's one of the slimiest and that's why they love him.
Owen Benjamin is taking over on the other side.
We just learned a lot about Kid love!
Because again, folks, Nambla and all of them always say it's love.
It's just about love.
It's love.
And when he said that on his old Politically Incorrect show, that is an exact Nambla propaganda.
That is what they say.
They say it's just love.
It's just love.
We'll be back.
Many of you watching or listening have either been completely banned off social media or You have been censored.
And we've seen thousands of prominent voices banned off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram in the last two years.
It all started the day after Hillary Clinton, who outspent Donald Trump 10 to 1 in the 2016 election.
America was supposed to be all sewed up for the culture war.
With the deindustrialization, the demoralization, but it didn't happen the way they'd planned it.
And so now they've announced Michael Savage, 20-something years on air, number one in his slot nationwide, is having his show canceled and replaced with Ben Shapiro, who's never even had a talk show on the radio.
Now we see they're trying to take Tucker Carlson off the air.
Now we see Gavin McGinnis, number one on CRTV, taken down.
Whoever's number one on their platform is taken down, because that's who the globalists fear is leaders.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's national campaigns out there to not even let other people post us to YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook, where even our fans can't counter what's happening.
But there's one thing they haven't figured out a sensor yet, and that's hashtags.
Whether it's Twitter, whether it's Instagram, whether it's Facebook, whether it's YouTube, it leads people back to feeds of information.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
If all of you, when you make a tweet, or send it on Instagram, or even talk to your neighbors, or call in to talk radio, just tell people the way to get around the censorship and break the back of the system is hashtag Alex Jones.
If everybody starts doing that, it's going to be the shot heard around the world.
Whatever you do, start today with #AlexJones.
Let's go to Wild Man in Illinois.
Thanks for holding, and not to say Happy New Year.
Go ahead.
Alex, yeah, going into 2019, what Trump's got to do to save America, he's got to declassify FISA, expose the corruption, arrest the traitors, and arrest the pedophiles.
That's how he saves America.
My opinion, an over-the-road trucker, hardworking, honest man, that's what I believe.
I agree.
Victory or death.
He's now, looks like he's cleaning house.
He's getting rid of all the double agents.
And the word is Trump is going to go into battle now.
We're talking he's going to strike back against the censorship.
He's going to strike back against the pedophile rings.
It's already begun.
He's going to strike back against the deep state.
He's going to strike back against all the criminal activity of Comey and Mueller being Russian operatives.
So just get ready.
I'd say.
Another note, I've spent over $3,000 in your store this year.
I'm a loyal supporter, and thanks for great products.
Brother, let me tell you something.
I want to thank you.
If folks like you didn't stand with us against the incredible Hillary Clinton and Soros attacks, which they admit they're running, we would not be here now.
They're taking Michael Savage off the air.
They're taking everybody.
They took Franklin Graham off Facebook.
They need to get us all off the air before they make their move on Trump.
That's why this is a war.
And you supporting us is incredible.
Which products do you like the best?
Man, I use the bodies.
I got so many t-shirts.
It ain't even funny.
I got your stickers posted on my hard hat, on my GPS, my truck.
I tell truckers about you over the CB Airways all across the country.
I spread the word about you.
I wear your clothes.
Your hats, your shirts, you name it.
Multitude of products.
How much love do you get versus, how much love versus hate do you get?
Um, you know, it's uh, people skeptical, but like, it's probably about 50-50 or 60-40 year way.
I just I guess so many people got their head in the sand out here
You're listening to the Alex Jones show I
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones with Owen Benjamin.
All right.
What's up, dudes?
Hi, everybody.
It was cool to be able to actually bring Alex some info that he didn't know.
Usually he's the one who lets me know about stuff that I didn't know.
So that was kind of fun.
It's a shame it was something so gross, though.
Bill Maher, Kidwap Productions, defending pedophilia, attacking children.
It's real gross.
And I love being a comedian, and I've always loved being a comedian, even though so many comedians have now taken a knee and don't do actual comedy anymore because of political correctness, and they just took the money from Netflix, which is a propaganda wing run by Susan Rice and a lot of just pretty nefarious characters.
But here's the beauty of comedy that What makes it so valuable in a society is one, you get to poke at the false idols, the taboos, the sacred cows, and that offers people relief and an ability to not let the world become upside down.
And another thing, it can kind of predict the future.
You know, like as we saw with... I'm just going to play you guys a song real quick.
There's a song I made a little over a year ago, I think.
It's called Soy Boy.
I just want to analyze one of the lyrics of it, so check this out.
There is a man who's afraid of dairy.
And he is proud that his chest never got hairy.
On his driver's license, under gender, it says other.
His best friend and role model growing up, and still is his lesbian mother.
He can't give the D, cause he's got low T.
Trump tweets gave him PTSD, his pronoun's Z, and he sits to pee.
He's a BuzzFeed foodie blogger, which means he is unemployed.
He always acts bitchy and pissy, cause he is bloated from soy.
He's a soy boy.
He's got memory glands!
Alright, so that's Soy Boy.
You guys can check that out if you want.
It's on my YouTube page, youtube.com slash Owen Benjamin Comedy.
The point I was making is BuzzFeed just let off a bunch of their quote-unquote journalists.
And I say quote-unquote journalists because they're not journalists.
I really mean that in the actual way the quotes work.
I'm not doing one of those condescending things.
They aren't journalists.
And so the line, he's a BuzzFeed foodie blogger, which means he's unemployed.
So BuzzFeed, Huffington Post, a lot of these places just let off a bunch of these people.
And all they do is lie.
For a living to get outrage clicks.
And so the fact I was doing honest comedy is you can predict the future.
And I've done other satire that has become real.
In fact, right now, the speed in which satire becomes reality is getting faster and faster.
Like, I don't even know what is a joke half the time.
Like, I did a leftist fitness instructor, which is, you know, a leftist fitness instructor where it's just everything is not your fault.
And then I, like a month later, I read in one of these BuzzFeed things that fitness is white privilege or Nazi or white nationally.
I don't know.
It's just going so fast that it's tough to satirize because satire is predictive.
So anyway, This big meme that's going around that's brilliant is that these BuzzFeed quote-unquote journalists, and I'm going to keep saying quote-unquote journalists.
I know it might be annoying, but I'm not going to call them journalists.
They're not.
Let's call them weasels.
These BuzzFeed weasels.
Or we can call them sodomites.
I don't know.
We'll come up with another name besides journalists that's more accurate.
There's a meme going around that says, learn to code.
And it's so brilliant.
And these sodomites don't, these BuzzFeed sodomites don't even get the joke.
You know, they're like, they're just complaining about people saying, learn to code.
In the 80s, 90s, 2000s, learn to code was told to all the coal miners and truck drivers and other jobs that had been Outsourced or replaced or whatever was happening, the common phrase was, learn to code.
And these snarky soy boy sodomites were saying it with such glee and such soy-induced euphoria.
And now it's being put right back at them because in reality, my father or my grandfather was a lead miner and one of my best friends is a truck driver.
And the reality of those jobs is those men Aren't as desperate as people, these soy boys want to believe they are.
There's always going to be a need for mining.
There's always going to be a need for truck driving.
The truck drivers could shut down the American economy in three days if they just stop driving.
And you can't replace it by AI.
That's nonsense.
So now you have all these soy boys that are just chugging soy, just pro-sodomy, just constant sodomy, constant soy, and they have no testosterone, they're pumped full of estrogen, and they are condescending and rude and dumb.
And not only are they dumb, They have no skills.
So they go to school, they get in debt by being taught lies and false disinformation.
And so then they're set loose on the population where they lie and lie and lie and say that Alex Jones is a hate monger and I am, you know, a Nazi dragon I don't know.
Whatever they want to say.
And so it worked for a little while because people didn't understand it yet and they would click on it and believe it because our society, not that long ago, had a lot more trust in it.
So you looked at the journalists, but these aren't journalists.
These are pro-sodomy soyists.
And so you would be like, oh, wow, this is shocking news when in reality it was all lies.
And so now that they're out of a job, there's nowhere for them to go.
They have no skills.
They can't lift a can of soda, let alone a load in a truck.
They can't do anything.
And so now the very same condescension, you know, you reap what you sow.
And the very same condescension that was given to them Is now or that they give they gave to hardworking Americans is now being given back to them.
It's learned to code and they can't code.
They can't do anything.
They will just be on the street begging for soy money because they hit this soypocalypse.
And if comedians are allowed to do comedy, you would have seen this coming a long time ago.
You know, I saw it coming.
There's a reason that I'm gardening and I am establishing tight relationships with my neighbors and I am reading the Bible.
It's because it's It's not predicting the future, it's just inevitable what's coming.
Once you realize what is right and what is wrong, the answers are very obvious.
And the mainstream will not save you.
And if you're waiting for CNN to wake up because they realize their hypocrisy, or people are going to wake up to John Podesta or Hillary Clinton or any of these psychotic child eaters, You'll be waiting a long time.
I suggest you grow some kale and read the Bible, because that's kind of the only handbook out of this thing.
And, you know, if you're addicted to soy, learn to code.
And learn quick, because your soy addiction is going to make your wiener fall clean off your body if you don't get more soy.
All right guys, see you in a bit.
Pain in my neck [Music]
I recently saw a Gillette ad owned by Procter & Gamble that spent a minute and a half showing men as the enemy.
That if a man tries to talk to a beautiful woman, he's a bad guy.
Or if two kids get in a fight, somehow just men fighting, period, is evil.
When you look at the Romans conquering civilizations where they would kill all the men, or you look at black slaves with the women being kept as the house service to suppress the men, you know that any authoritarian society seeking to dominate wants to suppress the men.
Then you read the white papers, the Global says exactly what they're doing.
So men have now learned that this has happened, and there are chemicals added to the water, added to the food, to try to suppress their normal drive, their normal ethos, who they are.
And that's why, online, herbs and supplements known to boost libido, stamina, and energy are such best sellers.
That's why I'm getting into that market.
Six, seven years ago, as a producer, I went out and found the most powerful formulas out there to not just give men, but also women, a boost.
Super male, super female vitality.
No one else produces a herbal formula that's cold-pressed and then aged.
Like this group does in Utah.
And they've had so much trouble getting the wild sourced herbs that I'm having to discontinue it.
Now, they've said maybe in a year, maybe in two, they can bring it back.
But right now, this is the last run of Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
It's 50% off.
Even though it's selling out, I want you to experience what God gave us.
Through nature.
But regardless, if you're depressed, go out and go for a hike.
If you feel like you're a loser, you know, go out and help people at a soup kitchen.
Because all the studies show, giving is better than receiving.
You've given to us in incredible ways at InfoWars.
You've supported us, you've been demonized for us, you've bought our products, and you've been fulfilled by it.
You've seen great results.
And I thank you for that.
But when I bring on a product, I want to make sure it's the very best I can for you at the very best price.
Because I appreciate what you're doing, and I believe in the golden rule, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you.
So I salute you, I thank you.
I just want to encourage you to get the last run in the foreseeable future, hopefully it comes back, of super male vitality and super female vitality.
You know, it's funny, the price went up and up and up for it, and it is a great formula and a bestseller with 4,000 plus five-star reviews, but Well, for the last year, I couldn't get resupplied, and I said, I'm not going to buy it for the last six months, and now we're in discussions.
Maybe the herbs can be gotten, and it is hard, but the point is, is that I'm giving you such a low price that what I'm selling it to you for becomes cost prohibitive to bring you something like this.
We brought out powdered versions that are even stronger, but are powdered and organic, but not cold-pressed.
People like them, but not as much.
Because there's something about super male and super female vitality.
So get the last available bottles at EnforcedStore.com or call toll free at 888-253-3139.
Again, ladies and gentlemen, we're proud of these products.
We're proud of what we've done.
I know I'm under scrutiny.
Plus, I want you to have the best product and I want you to rebuy it.
We got the best stuff at EnforcedStore.com.
Get it today.
EnforcedLife.com takes you right to the supplements.
We're proud of what we brought you and the whole family of InfoWars products, but without you, we won't be here.
So, be part of history, get a t-shirt, get a book, get some of the supplements, and know you're funding the second American Revolution that's going worldwide.
Super male and super female vitality, 50% off for a limited time at infowarsstore.com.
Thank you all.
[ Music ]
You're listening to "The Alex Jones Show."
[ Music ]
[ Music ]
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones with Owen Benjamin.
Alright, shout out to T.J.
It's DJ Shadow, Midnight in a Perfect World.
They have a good taste of music here at InfoWars.
I always like the intro songs they use.
DJ Shadow, Midnight in a Perfect World.
It's a hot track, yo.
Hot track.
So right now, we're going to talk about my experience doing stand-up this past weekend in Canada.
Uh, the tragedy that happened in New York with the abortion laws and what it all means and what we can all do to protect ourselves.
As they're showing right here, conspiracy queries available at hugepianist.com.
You can get all my past specials there and then my YouTube live streams.
I do as many nights as I can.
YouTube.com slash Owen Benjamin comedy.
Most of the day I spend, you know, preparing my land for crops and chickens and ducks and rabbits and stuff like that.
And so I unwind at night and talk to the fine people out there about stuff because it's a great way to stay sane in the world of actual comedy.
At this time in our life, you know, and this time in our history when we're getting closer and closer to the full upside down, you know, when family is slavery and slavery is family and tolerance is hate is love, you know, we all see it.
And Doing stand-up in Canada this last weekend in Vancouver at a Greek Orthodox Church, because I sold out a theater and the theater wouldn't let me perform there because I'm a big racist homophobe!
Meanwhile, the things they're doing to Canada to their citizens is unspeakable.
And a while ago, I thought that people would wake up to the irony of saying he can't speak because he's a fascist.
But they live in that cognitive dissonance.
They live in a world of lies and upside down.
And for them, it isn't about, oh, is that Justin Trudeau culturally appropriating sodomy?
For them, it isn't about truth.
It's about power.
So when they realize that they're being hypocrites, or when they realize that they've contradicted themselves, it does nothing To help you.
They just want to make sure no one hears that or silence you.
It's real crazy.
And once you face the reality of that, then you can start living.
Then you can start preparing.
Then you can start realizing that they inadvertently made you free.
So I go to Canada, and it's sold out, awesome show, and I realize that what I'm doing is illegal.
You know, the hate speech laws say you can't dehumanize people, or you can go to jail for two years.
And of course that makes no sense, because it's all subjective.
They also have laws where you can't blaspheme Mohammed.
They have laws against criticizing Islam.
They use the Islam Caliphate laws.
Oh yeah, there's a great talk I have with this, my friend Angelo, It's called Canada Has Fallen.
If you check it out on my YouTube page, he tells a story about his Greek ancestors that had their whole families killed and sold into sex slavery during the Armenian Genocide by our friends, the Muslims.
And so, of course, I immediately make fun of Mohammed.
I make fun of Justin Trudeau.
I make fun of sodomy.
And I realized I can go to jail for it.
And it was powerful to realize that.
And this dude, a really cool guy, who's a lawyer, before I go on stage, I ask him, like, give me an example of dehumanizing a person.
And he used the example of comparing Jews to rats, which I wasn't, it wasn't in my set list, but I wanted an exact example.
And I was like, well, what if you say they're rat-like humans?
I'm not saying Jews are rat-like humans, by the way.
I was just curious.
And people just started laughing because they realized there's no rhyme or reason to it at all.
Like, as someone with a mustache, I can be walking around and it's just like, it's like, look, look, mommy, there's the porno man.
I'm like, there's no correlation between having a mustache and making pornographic videos, but yet everyone seems to be okay with just pointing at me and saying, hey, look, mommy, that's the guy that has sex on camera for money.
When I'm out with my family, I'm like, no, mustaches are actually a proud tradition of mustaches that are not ironic or funny.
It's just men have them and that has nothing to do with porn.
But yet I can't point at a Muslim and say, look, look, they celebrate a guy who married a six-year-old girl and was a warlord on a flying horse.
Then I go to jail, even though that's actually true, but yet Mustaches are now associated just with prosodomy gays and porno stars.
And it's obviously funny what I'm saying.
I do realize that 20% of the population doesn't understand comedy, but that's fine.
But it's true.
It's like, to say dehumanizing, Doesn't mean anything.
Everything is dehumanizing in some way.
That's how you build yourself back up.
So I wrote a bunch of jokes just for Canada.
I was like, why'd the chicken cross the road?
The chicken identifies as a goose.
Now you're going to prison.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Child protective services because you won't let your 12-year-old be trans.
Now we're taking your children.
How many Canadians does it take to change a light bulb?
Technically one, but none can because they've all been broken emotionally by Justin Trudeau.
Justin Trudeau is a pro-sodomy ski instructor with a famous dad and a famous stepdad.
You know, his real dad is of course Castro because his mother was real into open borders, if you know what I mean.
Talking about them legs.
And his fake dad was the Prime Minister of Canada.
So you have this This pro-sodomy, soy-crazed nonsense machine is just taking all the freedoms away from Canadians.
They're bringing in another million migrants that don't fit into Canada at all, even though the people don't want it at all.
They say that abortion is freedom, and it's just nonsense.
He is a self-righteous, sodomy-crazed fascist.
And so I'm there doing stand-up, and I got a shiver, you know?
And one of the main things that people that have survived the fall of a society or civil war, genocide, or all that, is the thing to watch out for is don't think it can't happen to you.
As Yuri Bezmenov, the Russian defector, one of my heroes, said, keep America free or else there's nowhere else to defect to.
You know, and as I'm in Canada, and I realized that's five years away, what Canada now is experiencing, that horror.
And if we hadn't gotten Trump in office, we may be experiencing it right now, you know?
And when you look at our current American public schools, the fact that New York State just made full-term abortions legal, I mean, that is straight cold Satanism, guys.
That is sacrifice to Malik.
And when you hear When you hear the screams of joy and clapping and applause of the people in this small group of sick, twisted psychopaths as they make it legal to kill babies up until birth, and then you realize the Vatican allows this, the Pope does not excommunicate Cuomo.
In fact, he'll probably give him a high five and a firm pat on the old ass.
You realize that the government is not representing us.
I'm from New York State, and I don't know a single person who's okay with what they just did.
And this is, when you're your own god, when you think that you're your own god, you end up sacrificing your own future to Malik.
And that's what's brought me back to religion, is the straight-up reality of it.
You know, when you see evil, the only way you can really explain it is the existence of God and the existence of biblical truth.
Because if not, there is no explanation at all for people sacrificing their own children like this.
And when you look at the vagina hats that these women wear on their heads in the Women's March, you realize it looks like they're a hat from Mullet.
Like, there's horns underneath that hat.
That doesn't look like any vagina I've seen, guys.
That is a straight-up child sacrifice ritual.
All right, something to think about.
Check me out.
Stay in touch.
Much love.
Thanks a lot.
See you in a bit.
He's represented major Hollywood stars in cases where they spent millions defending themselves.
Some cases winning, some cases losing.
Everybody knows about the Wesley Snipes case.
But the point is, he's taking this pro bono because he says it's show, clear, cut.
So, who are you zeroing in on?
Or, I guess that's kind of inside baseball.
So Reza, who was the former CNN producer, got fired last year for inflammatory comments but has a huge social media following and is constantly in the press.
He called for these kids to be punched.
You referred to the face of young Nick as, uh, what a punchable face.
He has refused to retract any of his false libels.
He's almost a guarantee to be sued next Monday.
Following on that is going to be Maggie Haberman, if she doesn't retract her false statements calling for the kids to be expelled.
After that, Michael Rappaport, who's on a TV show on Netflix against bullying kids.
And here he is bullying kids with homophobic rhetoric.
He's going to get sued next week unless he takes corrective action.
And then there's a range of other journalists, celebrities, and social media personalities
that we've specifically called out and said they need to retract, they need to correct,
they need to delete their offending tweet, or their offending comments, or retract their
offending story.
And if they do, they do within 48 hours, if they do by week's end, if they do by Friday
midnight, they won't be sued.
Anyone who refuses to or doubles down, chances are they will be sued, and chances are they'll
be seen in a Kentucky jury within the year.
They said that they stopped the Indian march.
Didn't happen.
Said they surrounded the Native American elder.
Didn't happen.
They said that they went up into his face.
Didn't happen.
They said they chanted build a wall.
Didn't happen.
Said they chanted racist slurs.
Didn't happen.
Said that they were mocking him, taunting him, using racist references.
Didn't happen.
They were the victim of a lot of those things, but they themselves didn't do any of that.
It's part of a campaign.
The campaign is to have people have thought control.
The current cultural left and the media left and the corporate media left thinks very much like sort of the priests during the Inquisition era.
So they're not concerned with independence of thought, with the irrationality of thought.
Evidentiary empirical truth of thought.
They're only concerned with thought control, mind control.
They want to suppress and oppress heresies.
They want to witch hunt whomever they can, whenever they can, wherever they can.
And they want to terrify and terrorize the public into cultural conformist thought and behavior.
And the greatest threat to that has been independent voices who give voice to independent people who can reach large numbers of people like yourself.
That's why there's been this collusion between the big tech social media giants and the big media press.
into suppressing and oppressing your voice because they need to make sure that ordinary people like these Covington kids don't have a defense.
That they don't have lawyers like me defending them in court because I don't even know the case exists, because I don't even know the circumstances happened, because I don't have access to people like yourself who tell me what actually happened and what's true.
And that's what is part of a broader goal and a broader objective to suppress speech,
censor thought, control minds, control behavior, so that you only think what the cultural elites
and the corporate media want you to think, rather than being independent
and having access to the truth.
I mean, it's like what Thomas Jefferson said way back, "The best answer to a bad idea is a good idea in a debate."
If you truly believe the truth and empirical value and moral virtue of your ideas,
you're never afraid of a debate.
And it's all because of what the institutional press and the establishment press is doing.
Where here, they grit green-lit bully behavior and violent behavior against a bunch of innocent,
quiet kids from a small town in Kentucky.
(upbeat music)
You're listening to "The Alex Jones Show."
(upbeat music)
All right.
All right.
All right.
What's up everybody?
I want One thing I'm trying to work on in my life is not just keep identifying snakes without talking about anything good.
I get that way sometimes on streams.
I know a lot of us get that way because there's so many snakes in the garden.
There's so many threats to our way of life that sometimes we can get wrapped up in just talking about, you know, the spirit cooking.
Nature of DC and the child sacrifice, child sex of Hollywood and all this stuff that's eroding our culture.
But it's dawned on me recently that one of the reasons that more people don't stand up and do stuff is because they don't have anything to fight for.
You know, if you don't have something to live for, you don't have something to die for.
And if you are being eroded, And you are in that state of mind that nothing matters and your life isn't worth living and, you know, there's nothing in your life that's so good that you're willing to face the wrath of social consequence by saying the truth in a time of chaos, then, you know, there's not going to be enough of us to really do anything.
So I think it's important To balance out talking about Bill Maher, Kid Love Productions, New York making child sacrifice legal, all these things.
And it's also crazy to me, just real quick about that, and then we'll talk about some stuff worth living for, is people don't understand the story of Roe from Roe v Wade.
You know, this is a media blackout.
So Roe, from Roe v. Wade, claimed that she was raped, and that was the entire basis for the legalization of abortion in America.
Turns out she wasn't raped, and the guilt that what she did, you know, the guilt of what she did weighed on her so heavily that she became a born-again Christian, found Christ, sought Forgiveness and lived her life regretting that decision she made in her life.
You know, she was just like what the left always does.
They found a vulnerable person or a vulnerable population and they exploited it for evil.
And so when people talk about Roe v. Wade, no one ever talks about interviewing Roe.
She, unfortunately she is, she's passed away, but she lived the remaining parts of her life.
Uh, You know, seeking redemption and forgiveness, which is a beautiful thing.
And I understand why she would do that, given what the Pandora's box that she opened with that lie heard around the world.
And so we see these horrors in life.
And one of the reasons that I'm so intense about fighting it and why I can withstand the social scrutiny and The fear and all this stuff is because of my family.
You know, I have a wonderful family that I love and I just, I'm so grateful to have.
And I was thinking about, cause I still sometimes get sad.
Sometimes I feel hopeless in moments.
And so I wanted to talk this segment about things we can all do, practices, rituals, if you will.
That might be the wrong word, but Things, like, things that we can do proactively in our life to not go down these holes of nihilism.
And bear in mind that socialism requires vice.
It requires a society full of vice.
That is, you know, Joe Rogan's role is to introduce extreme vice into young males.
You know, that he's seen as this alpha male and that he encourages young men to do drugs and have promiscuous sex and pretend to be a ninja.
And, you know, DMT and all this stuff.
And the reason that that's important for a socialist takeover is because if you have a population that has been just drained by pornography and drugs and sex and all this stuff, they don't fight back.
I used to think that people were very prudish and self-righteous when they would say, you know, porn was bad or Drugs were bad or promiscuity was bad.
I lived a good chunk of my life thinking those people were wrong and that I could do what I wanted and they were trying to hold back my ability to be free and to experience pleasure.
And I then realized what the big picture is.
That when you're on that agnostic donkey road, the The lazy river of self gratification.
You don't see what's happening around you.
And if you just take a few days and stop watching pornography, you know, stop taking opioids, stop having sex with strangers you meet at bars, you will wake up to a world that is frightening, but you're free in it.
And one thing that I've noticed about my life is at first I was, I was thinking, you know, when you see the FBI turning on people, when you see our own institutions, our education system is not there to educate.
And you feel this sense of like impending doom, but you have something to live for.
I started building a fence.
You know, if we can't get a wall done with all the money they take from us, what I could do is I could build a wall on my own.
And psychologically, it helped me and I learned how to do something that I wasn't capable of doing before.
I've never been good at handy work.
And as I did it, I felt happier.
I felt more at peace because I was pushing against the darkness, not just waiting for it.
And as I read about certain chemicals in our food and certain things that were happening, I said, well, we should grow our own food.
We should have chickens, you know, and we should know where our food comes from.
And then as that's happening, I find myself feeling more optimistic.
And then it dawned on me that these sick animals, these Satanists, the evil in this world, what it really does is if you face it head on, not only does it not break you, It sets you free.
And you realize the shackles of this world of social conformity and self-gratification and selfishness.
If you just take care of ducks, if you just have to take care of chickens and keep the predators out at night and all that, what it does is it keeps you looking out.
And when you're not self-obsessed, when you're looking for the benefit of others, for just a chicken, to keep a coyote away from a chicken, it's that simple.
Start small.
Start with a plant.
Remember to water the plant.
What that does is it sets you free.
Because then, if you're only paying attention to yourself, you know, you just think about like, are my abs good enough?
You know, are people gonna think my mustache is stupid?
You know, stuff like that creates this self imploding world that ends up becoming satanic.
And it all starts with the basics of how you live.
And so, My advice to you guys is you may not be able to live on a place where, where you can have a farm or anything.
We don't have a ton of land, like a ton of land, but we have enough.
I moved out of Los Angeles, because my big awakening started when I realized that I, I love my children, at the time, just my pregnant wife, more than myself.
And I would, I would sacrifice Fame and money and accolades for their benefit.
And that was the spark that started this whole thing in my life.
And that woke me up to the trans kid thing and the abortion thing and wars and all this stuff.
It all started by simply looking out.
And that's why it's about action.
And so when you just grow something, and right now I'm focused on raised bed gardening.
You know, I go down these rabbit holes.
I realize Bill Maher is most likely alleged, whatever I have to say to not be sued, pedophile.
And I can just focus heavy on that.
Or I can focus part of the time on that.
Don't be an escapist.
Don't pretend that these things aren't real.
Don't not follow through on your duty as an adult male in a society to alert the other people of snakes.
But focus on a new hobby.
Focus on growth.
And the beauty about farming, and the beauty about growing, is it implies that there will be a future.
And I've had depressed, I've had darkness in my life and depression and stuff years ago.
You know, my whole life, my whole family has elements of it.
And the best thing out of it isn't drugs.
It isn't any of that stuff.
It is Preparing for the future, preparing to grow something, it innately tells your subconscious that there will be a future.
And before you know it, you're smiling and you're having a good time.
Because if we just focus on the conspiracies that are real and that are taking down our society, we're not being the best fathers we can be, the best husbands we can be, the best citizens we can be, you know.
And I'm saying this as someone who's fought it and someone who's seen it in themselves.
I'm not saying this from an authoritarian position.
That's not good for anyone.
You know, our strength comes from the family unit.
And so focus on that and focus on growing something.
And then when you attack a snake, You have real power behind the blow to kill that snake.
Much love, everybody.
Hugepianist.com, youtube.com slash OwenBenjaminComedy.
I will see you soon.
I'll be back.
And I'm going to be growing stuff.
I cannot say enough nice things about Supermail Vitality right here.
I actually have three of them on my desk.
This is my favorite.
It's heartbreaking that it's going away, I really think.
I mean, really, it's true.
Ever since I've tried these two here, I've also got another one sitting here.
Alpha Power, Supermail Vitality, they have given me the energy that I did not have.
I mean, my God, I didn't realize how Well, you know, I've been doing this for a long time, and I've seen how little I was doing before.
With these two here, I have the energy to go to the gym at the end of a long day of working at the end of doing a broadcast.
I have the energy to go to a gym.
And frankly, I really think this is better than anything you're going to get in the store.
It's heartbreaking.
The super male vitality is about to go away.
And again, it's just because you can't find the herbs and you don't want to sell Yeah, but that's what it's all about.
This is the real deal.
You take two droplets of this a couple times a day, and all of a sudden it's like, whoa!
I'm a man again!
I have all the power that a steady diet of soy fed through government schools robbed me of.
It's back!
So between that, I've got my X2 right here.
Everything else I've tried, I have a filter in my house, a water filter I just bought for my family.
Everybody loves everything in the Infowars store.
Everything is very reasonably priced.
You're supporting the show, you're