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Name: 20190115_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 15, 2019
3014 lines.

In a broadcast dated January 15th, 2019, Alex Jones discussed topics ranging from the caravan in Honduras funded by the UN and George Soros to the ongoing government shutdown. He was joined by guests Raheem Kassam, Dan Lyman, Paul Joseph Watson, and Raheem Kassam also talked about Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act and its impact on Big Tech companies. The discussion then moved onto Europe's current political state and how citizens can take action to protect their sovereignty. InfoWars is selling final stock of Supermail Vitality at half price, while also encouraging listeners to stay informed about developments in Europe. Finally, Alex Jones encouraged supporters to use #AlexJones on social media to fight censorship.

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Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's Tuesday, January 15th, 2019, and I'm your host, Alex Jones.
My problem is there's too much news to cover and I always tend to go down a few rabbit trails and
not get to a third of it, but today I'm going to try my dead level best to get to almost all of this news.
There's a new giant caravan forming in Honduras funded and run by the UN and George Soros on its way and Trump has extended the military emergency on the US border now through September.
And of course the enemies inside our government are saying it's terrible, it's treason, it's white supremacy, blah blah blah, they have a border.
They'll be looking at all that.
Trump and lawmakers paralyzed over shutdown as both sides remain dug in.
We're going to be going over all of that.
A really important story that illustrates why we can't take this country back.
The GOP has thrown Representative King Overboard, Steve King, with a out-of-context quote from the New York Times, who's famous for lying.
The New York Times is a criminal, anti-American, vicious lie factory.
He's put a letter out.
He said that they removed words.
Out of what he said.
It's clear what he was saying.
And none of the media will even pick it up.
Instead, the headlines are... Steve King says he isn't a white supremacist, but he stands by his quote that white supremacists are good.
When he's got a public statement out, for the last day, and a statement the day before that, saying it's not true.
I have experienced the New York Times.
They are a ship of devils.
But here's the issue.
Then to bolster it, the New York Times gives a history of his white supremacist attitude.
And when you read the quotes, it's, he talks about illegal aliens having double the crime rate.
He says we should be proud of the accomplishments of Western civilization.
Aren't the Chinese proud of themselves?
Aren't the Japanese proud of themselves?
It's just, it's just a Rosetta Stone into everything.
How they lie, how they manipulate, and how the weak-kneed, chicken-neck Republicans, desperate to curry favor with the left and race-based leftist constituents, threw him overboard.
You know, we have Sarah Jong, Saying she can't wait till whites are bred out, that whites are horrible subhuman creatures that live in holes like goblins, these are quotes, and that she loves being mean to white people.
Now she's on the board of the New York Times and they stand by that.
I mean, the media projects like whites are these evil people.
Everybody wants to get into white nations because the truth is on average we're very, very nice.
Because of Christian society.
That's what helped phase out the barbarism that was everywhere else.
And Christianity comes out of the Middle East and is adopted in Europe.
My God, in China, they just let you starve to death on the side of the street.
But see, we've got a... Oh my gosh!
Oh my gosh, you've got brown skin!
Can I bow down to you when you call me subhuman?
But then, the same criminal organization... I mean, it's a criminal organization.
Takes clearly.
We're saying white supremacists, you know, Nazis, all this stuff.
You know, they're comparing it to Western civilization.
That's the quote.
And the New York Times removes that out and just says, it has King up there saying that and it's out of context when we all know his talking points.
So it's incredible.
Dumb effing white people making up the internet.
Like dogs pissing on fire hydrants.
I mean, she is a vicious anti-white piranha.
We've aired the clips that show kids at school teaching Asian kids to hate white people and hate white men.
We've played those clips.
I mean, this is the savage, beyond white supremacist level.
It goes beyond white supremacist.
In some of their most barbarous quotes, the minorities under leftist control have taken to new, foaming at the mouth hatred.
Just absolutely wanting to murder white people.
Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning, but you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call or talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment.
Creativity and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
There are several stories here in my stack that are absolutely key to understanding what we're facing and what we have to do to take this country and the world back for everybody.
No matter what color you are, where you came from, or what your religion is.
But if people won't sign on to the renaissance in Western civilization, In Christianity's basic ethos, everywhere else will sink into barbarism and collapse.
It's just a fact.
This whole Steve King situation, watching the cowardly Republicans throw him overboard via a fake news story out of the New York Times is truly disgusting, but we're going to be covering this in detail at the start of the next segment.
I'm going to go through every angle of it.
It's bigger than Steve King.
It's the anatomy of how the New York Times deceives, how they twist, and then once they put out one big lie and define someone as something, they then attach the false thing to real things they've said, thus defining, saying that illegal aliens have double the crime rate of the average citizen, that's the FBI's own numbers, that becomes the white supremacist statement.
And then, out of that, they've set the new precedent to have the Republicans grovel in fear and throw him under the bus and go virtue signal because Senator Mitt Romney, the neocon leftist, led the way.
After all, he created the model of Obamacare to rip everybody off.
Isn't he a great guy?
Thank you, Mittens Romney.
So I'm going to cover that at the start of the next segment.
Then it's a very sad article, but you know, I show you vaccine inserts and I show you all the statistics and the millions that have been paid out, secret funds out of the vaccine damage system set up in 1984 that is classified, but part of it's public.
People won't care about that.
As Stalin said, one man dying is a tragedy.
A million dying is a statistic.
Well, former UFC fighter mourned son who died for vaccine injections.
And it's always the same story.
And it's all part of the chemical lobotomy we give our boys.
But when they have a bad reaction, the side effect is death.
As in Grim Reaper.
And again, there are two people in this building I know whose children died from vaccines, and they admitted it.
And just every day I see someone else's child that dies.
And they're just running around happy, get the third round, and it's bye-bye Blue Bird.
So we're going to be looking at that.
Then we're going to also continue to get into the war on men.
We'll get into the latest on what's happening with China, with the government shutdown, a bunch of Trump tweets, and we have a whole bunch of guests that are listed up at Infowars.com in the show area.
But we have Raheem Kassama coming on, Dan Lyman and Paul Joseph Watson.
And I also want to try to open the phones up some today to get your take on the shutdown and Trump and the economy and where all this is going and another big caravan is on its way.
Now, you know, I know how to translate their lies.
This is hundreds of Hondurans, that's what ABC News, News Trust, AP, hundreds of Hondurans set off towards the United States in a new caravan.
And so when you go look up the actual photos in those countries, it's thousands.
Just like they said that the tens of thousands that ripped down the gates in Mexico and all the rest of it were hundreds.
And they'll find a little corner group of a couple women, always a close shot of a woman with a child, and say, oh, this is all there is.
This is a non-existent threat.
you pull back the camera and it's 10,000, 20,000, 30,000, 40,000, 50,000 all UN funded.
So that's how this works.
That's how the globalists get this job done.
And they know there's free welfare and everything else up here.
And so they're on the way.
But they're smart.
They get the paycheck on average and get the welfare.
So that's the trick that the illegal aliens engage in.
And there's just endless, endless hours of armed men climbing into the United States, smuggling drugs.
And we have video of the left.
Bringing them food and water to the drug cartels, and a lot of the leftists are now being hired to be drug mules.
Yes, it's so wonderful.
All because they went and saw Machete, funded by the federal government, that turned out, where Don Johnson's wearing a cowboy hat, shooting Hispanic pregnant women in the stomach, and then like little birds imprinting the leftist, watch all that, and Believe it, and then they go to the border and help smuggle people in, and the coyotes say, thank you!
We only rape 80% of the women that come through here and kill people and cut their heads off and have drugs, but you're such a dumbass gringo.
How about you help carry this package to my mama?
A lot of them end up being drug mules and they're so stupid they don't even know they're carrying drugs.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, leftist virtue signaling to coyotes, who per capita are the most murderous, rape-driven group of criminals the planet has ever seen since the Telethon.
But Don Johnson shot a pregnant Mexican in the stomach in a fantasy world.
But don't worry, Machete killed him.
Cut their heads off.
Machete doesn't go help Mexican women and Honduran women being raped.
He kills gringos!
And Robert Rodriguez is a... He fits the part, though.
Flaming anti-white.
Super racist.
Some people that know him.
Just has cussing fits at what he was raised by white people that took care of him and funded him and all that.
And dates white women.
But just a... But see, Nazi ideology is fun.
But see, Hispanics can be Nazi.
Whites can be Nazi.
Blacks can be Nazi.
And you go around most of the world, if you don't look like them, they're going to kill you.
If you're black and you show up, say, in Tajikistan, you're dead.
If you're a white woman and you show up in Tajikistan and you're a Christian, your head's getting chopped off, but not before you get gang raped.
And then if you're in Tajikistan and you show up and say, Nigeria, and you're a Muslim, they're going to kill you.
Double Hockey Sticks did!
You go down to somewhere in Mexico, start waving an American flag around at a soccer game and booing their team, you're gonna get knifed 100%.
Or you get your head bashed in.
And the police are gonna laugh at ya.
When you're getting put in the ambulance if you're still alive.
But that's... Oh, here!
Steve King says we should be proud of Western culture and not have it under attack and that illegals are double the number of crime rate.
That's the white supremism!
Coming up next segment.
I'm gonna stop right there and just put a call out to the listeners.
I want to thank the listeners.
If you hadn't been funding us, Through all these attacks and all the censorship and the attempts to shut us down and all the fake lawsuits and everything, we wouldn't be here.
But because of you, in the last couple years that have been hell, we're still here.
And last year was a good year in many ways because nationalism and patriotism is coming back into bloom and it's spreading.
But for those of us at the tip of the spear, it's hard.
Please remember that you have InfoWars and this operation and my crew in your hands.
And that when you do simple things like get high quality, concentrated, Fluoride-free colloidal silver iodine fortified toothpaste at Infowarsstore.com.
And when you get the immune gargle that's excellent for battling the viruses and bacteria this time of year, it's especially powerful.
You get the immune gargle with silver and iodine fortification that you are helping yourself, your family, but also this operation.
We have it in three different bottle sizes at InfoWarshaw.com.
And when you get t-shirts and books, you're informing yourself, you can then share the book, you can share the video, and you're funding this operation.
When you get a Capitalist Walk Their Dog, Socialist Eat Them t-shirt with Alexander Cortez on the cover as a meth-mouthed anti-American demon, well, you spread the word and actually trigger libtards.
But whatever you do, you need to know that really some of our flagship products are things like X3 that has all three.
The deep earth crystal iodine, we secured that source.
But talking to chemists, they said why not add the other two types and a little bit of vitamin C to stabilize it because studies show it helps it be uploaded even better.
And we have the last run of Supermale and Superfemale Vitality.
Cold press because it's so hard to get the Wild Crafted Herbs.
It's a bestseller, but we just can't procure it anymore.
But I still have them at 50% off, so you can try them and see how great they are and support the broadcast.
Whatever you do, visit InfoWarsStore.com today.
And that's how InfoWars continues on.
and it's a 360 win, because the products are game-changing.
A doctor's...
Conservatively, there have been several thousand articles written in the last three years
demonizing InfoWars, and yours truly, for selling high-quality supplements.
In fact, even the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, that owns the biggest sellers of supplements in the world, even that organization has written hit pieces claiming I'm a fraud and selling snake oil when they're owned by a man who owns Amazon and Whole Foods.
Amazon was the number one supplement seller in the world.
Whole Foods was number two.
He owns the number one and number two biggest supplement sellers on the planet.
And then his publication, a weaponized disinformation op, says I'm bad and should be shut down.
When more than 15 of the 70 products we have at InfoWarsLife.com are private labeled, highest quality, top of the line, that are sold at Whole Foods for higher prices.
Think about the level of that fraud.
And I've sent messages to these news organizations pointing that out.
No response.
They never want to get my comment.
Now, why am I saying that?
It's simple.
We have a lot of proprietary original products, but a lot of them are also private labeled.
Whatever already has five stars, whatever people already love, whatever's been tested to be the best.
So we have a great product.
You love it.
You reorder it.
The Globals are going to test our products, trying to find something.
So we're going to be able to, you know, defeat all that.
It's a 360 win.
We defeat them.
You win.
I win.
It's amazing.
And you've seen them come after our attempts to even process credit cards and shut down InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
I mean, it's incredible not just what frauds they are and how they're anti-free market and how they're racketeering against us, not just Jeff Bezos, but this entire system of mainstream media and mainstream corporations and banking are even worse than Bezos and Amazon.
It's hard to believe.
I'm just illustrating how crazy this all is.
Now, I'm going to be cutting some informational pieces in the next few weeks that go into great depth on each one of the products.
I've done this for some of the products, but I haven't done it in a while.
I haven't done it for the new products because, quite frankly, it's like going to school for a college exam to try to accurately talk about how great these products are.
But just know this.
Whatever the attributes that Jeff Bezos and Amazon and Whole Foods are allowed to tell you about their flagship products, these are as good or better.
These are all the top of the line, very best.
I can't even tell you what they do and the history of it and how amazing they are because they selectively enforce and will send the FDA after us.
You see, I'm a subhuman.
I'm garbage.
So Bezos can make all the claims.
Whole Foods can make all the claims.
Because this stuff is dynamite.
Turmeric's dynamite.
Iodine that's clean is dynamite.
Super Mel Vitality, they have similar products.
It's all dynamite.
They can tell you how great it is and show you all the facts and tell you, because they're the elite.
I'm just scum, just like you, according to them.
But the good news is you've seen how great these products work.
We do break down some of the basics on each page at m4slife.com to see how wonderful they are.
But experience turmeric, experience X3, experience Supramel Vitality, Supramel Vitality.
That, by the way, is the last run of our best-selling product, Supramel Vitality, Supramel, because we can't even get the wild-crafted herbs anymore, so we can't get the supply, and I'm sick of it, so I'm discontinuing it.
Because it's so frustrating.
This is the last run, and it's all 50% off.
Bodies, X3, and Supermail at mfullwarsstore.com and mfullwarslife.com.
Thanks for your support.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Hi, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And the Globalists want me off the air because I pierce into how they construct their lies.
Mainstream corporate Decepticon media knows that we're awake.
It knows that we can go dissect single lies easily.
And we know they're a pack of liars.
There have been national polls where mainstream media has 7% approval rating.
So it's the most hated group in the world.
All over the world, people know that corporate media lies.
But they construct whole universes, whole false realities, like Times Square, bombarding you with the disinfo, And there they're able to deceive.
And the Republican Party's cowardice, but also the fact that a lot of Republicans are playing ball with the establishment, that is what allows this to continue on.
So what's happened to Congressman Steve King, who's had a lot of courage to defend this nation, against globalist Hollywood and shycom demoralization and who has helped quarterback Trump's message.
That's the one thing the corporate media got right.
He has been targeted as I have been targeted and others have been targeted for destruction.
And so the leader of the minority in the House and others have really Rolled over to the disinformation in a big way.
So right now, this is so illustrative.
This is such an important segment.
We're live on air.
We'll post it later to InfoWars.com.
Get this out to everyone you know, because this is damning information.
Remember Sarah Xiong?
She's on the board at the New York Times.
Got on there last year.
She helps coordinate Taking conservatives off the internet.
That's admitted.
Project Veritas got that on video.
She says she can't wait till whites are bred out, that whites are horrible, that whites are dogs, that whites are goblin creatures that live in holes, that she loves being mean to white people.
The New York Times said, we back it and we think it's a good thing.
Then, this same criminal group, run by Mexican narcotics money, you name it, on record, The enemy of the people, the enemy of America, the enemy of sovereignty, they put out a fake, quote, interview, and I've had the New York Times do this to me.
Headline, Alex Jones threatened to use, quote, battle rifles on the media.
I said battle rifles had nothing to do with the media.
I said if Antifa comes to your house to try to kill you, you should have your battle rifle ready.
That turns into kill the media.
Had nothing to do with it.
Total deception.
So King puts a statement out.
He says clearly, I didn't say that.
I have prepared remarks about how Western civilization, being proud of it, is not white supremacy, and that we shouldn't be proud of it.
The New York Times is a criminal group.
They've done this to me and everyone else.
They are a lie factory.
They removed the word there out of the quote.
Now they're removing it and cutting it even down more to one word and two words.
Peter King said, quotes around it, white supremacist.
Quotes around it, white nationalist.
So now they're even cutting it down to two words, not wanting you to have the context of anything.
That is pure evil.
But the Republican leadership They want to virtue signal.
So here it is.
GOP Senator.
Representative King's white supremacy remarks hurt the nation.
Well, that's old Mitt Romney getting some good points.
The best Democrat the Republicans have.
House GOP leaders remove Steve King from committee assignments.
Now, here's where they really get into it.
A history of Steve King's racist remarks.
So, see, they don't have a real quote.
We have his real statement.
He should sue the New York Times.
I'm certainly thinking about it myself.
They've done this to me, and I've got them on tape.
But it's the Republican cowardice.
And here's where they do the alchemy.
Watch this closely.
He didn't say white supremacy is a good thing and he endorses it.
He said it's not the same as Western culture and being proud of it.
But then they quote real things he said, now that they've said this is white supremacy, and now they start teaching you illegal aliens are breaking the law to get here.
They have double the crime rate of the average citizen.
And now you're, oh, that's white supremacy too!
See how they do it?
That's how they create one lie, get everybody to accept it, and then attach it to a hundred others, but then direct it at real quotes, and then define those as that.
So let's read these evil quotes.
There's like five pages of them.
Listen to this.
Breathlessly at a rally in Las Vegas, Mr. King calls the deaths of Americans at the hands of undocumented immigrants a slow-motion holocaust, which it is.
200,000 dead Mexicans alone?
He claims that 25 Americans died daily because of undocumented immigrants.
That's a very low number.
An unsupported and ideological leap, there's no link to their proof, from government statistics which years later influenced talking points for President Trump.
That's the racism!
Oh my gosh!
On the House floor, Mr. King demonstrated a model for a 12-foot concrete border wall topped with electrified wire that he designed.
Oh my gosh!
They got electric barbed wire around rich people's houses.
We need to do a few other things.
Oh my gosh, it's so evil.
Preventing babies being born is not medicine.
That's not construction to our culture and our civilization.
If we let our birth rate go down below the replacement rate, we're a dying civilization.
Yes, Europe, here, everywhere, Japan, 1.2, 1.3 replacement rate.
Saying it's okay for white people to continue to exist, that's not racist.
But according to the hateful, anti-white, vicious, CHICOM-funded, demoralized America, Corporate media, it is.
Because the Chinese are totally ethnocentric, completely maximum racist in the nation itself, compared to anybody else on the planet.
And they know that Western civilization threatens their hegemony, and they're funding through Hollywood, on record, all these movies where whites existing as bad, and expanding on that.
Where there's race war in America and division between men and women and how you teach your kid how to be gay or be transgendered.
They execute you for that in China.
But China owns six of the eight big production houses and they demand that as a talking point on record!
You're a foreign enemy if you teach people that men being masculine is bad and have Gillette ads saying don't have masculine men.
Turns out that's the agreement we now learn.
Procter & Gamble just got allowed into China a month ago.
The Chi-Coms mean bidness.
And then it continues on here, ladies and gentlemen, with other quotes.
Other evil, racist quotes.
He's the chief sponsor of a law making English the official language of Iowa.
He said we should respect America's greatness and that it's been by Christianity, free enterprise, capitalism, and Western civilization.
So these are real things he said that are good things.
We're out of time.
We come back.
I'm going to finish up here with his actual statement.
But then when you see the news, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, even Republicans are like, he wouldn't walk back saying white supremacy is good.
Even though he never said it, the New York Times just took the word there out.
You can see it.
And then they continue to put it out there, well, you know, he's still defending the fact that he's a white supremacist, and they won't show you what he really said.
That's what they do when they assassinate your character.
They lie about you, get cowards to join in with it, so they won't be next.
Unbelievable scum.
No, sir.
In the last eight years, we've seen the rise and now fall of the cryptocurrencies.
And the entire time, I refused to take sponsors to fund our operation from the cryptocurrency market.
Not because I thought every company was bad or that the whole thing's a scam, but at a gut level, I knew it was a giant bubble and I didn't want to be associated with that.
Gut level, just couldn't do it.
There have been many other sponsors I've refused.
I have been offered and refused millions of dollars in sponsorship that would have been great to fight the info war from legitimate companies that sell marijuana derived CBD oil.
Which has incredible attributes, everybody knows about it on so many fronts and helps a lot of people.
But the reason I haven't gotten involved is the law hasn't been clear and some states, even though it doesn't get you high, see it as illegal.
But now, They have developed and certified for years CBD rich oil derived from hemp that is completely legal in all 50 states and there are so many different permutations and combinations of what it's able to do and what the studies show it's done that it's mind-blowing.
So we've worked with one of the biggest companies in the nation.
And they wanted to just work with us openly because they want to stand up for America and freedom.
They're patriots.
But I said, listen, you just need to create your own new website for a private label for us, where you handle it all, where they get the best hemp-derived CBD oil, legal in all 50 states, from you.
You drop ship it.
You get it out.
You have the website.
I promote it.
I send people there.
And that way they're getting the very best from the experts.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, nothing wrong with marijuana-derived CBD oil.
The problem is some of the public and governments and municipalities get confused and sometimes people get in trouble with CBD oil if it's too strong.
This isn't CBD oil derived from marijuana that's high in THC.
This is derived from industrial high-quality organic hemp and it's legal in all 50 states and now Trump has signed the executive order allowing the industrial growing of hemp so we won't even have to import it from Canada to Colorado where it's then produced, bottled, and distributed.
Now listen, I know a lot about it.
I've researched it.
I've turned down probably 20, 30 companies who've been wanting to sponsor us the last six years.
It's gotten really crazy the last two.
But now that the law is clear, now that our listeners can't get burned, now that we have a partnership with one of the top companies in the United States known for their organic quality, known for being patriots, They have created a new website and a private label of their entire spectrum of award-winning products called Washington's Reserve.
And there are so many attributes, so many different things that hemp-derived, hemp-rich CBD oil has to offer that you just need to go to washingtonsreserve.com for yourself and see it all, because they have more than 40 products.
Now, remember, the Globalists have tried to take our merchant accounts away.
They tried to shut us down.
They've tried to boycott us.
They've tried to sue us.
And I said in the last six months, I'm going to move not away from a direct sales marketing of great products to you to fund us.
We're still going to do that at themforwarslife.com, but we're also going to bring on the best sponsors in the country, the very best products.
And this is the first big one.
So I'm very excited.
Be sure and go there.
Experience the power of high quality hemp extract with CBD exclusively available at washingtonsreserve.com for the Highest quality, the lowest prices.
It's all there, ladies and gentlemen, at washingtonsreserve.com, and you're helping fund the info war the whole time.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Another world.
Another time.
Another time in the age of wonder.
Another world, another time.
As life was green and good until the Christmas fact.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I am particularly outraged right now, but more importantly, it is a great day.
I am particularly outraged right now, but more importantly, it is a great day.
age right now, but more importantly, [Music]
If we don't get educated about how the criminal mainstream media works with fake news and allow them to continue to pick off one nationalist after one patriot after one Christian after one free market supporter, then this nation will be taken down by the fascist left.
Representative Steve King has been at the heart of educating President Trump about what's happening and how to fight back and how there's a war against Western civilization funded by Communist China, the EU, and of course, Hollywood.
And it's all over the news now that having a nation's bad, that America's bad, that America was never great, it'll never be great.
That's the outrage.
So he's talking to the evil New York Times, who's famous for misquoting people and lying, who has on their board many, many racists, not just the This particular lady saying that she can't wait till all the whites die and there's subhuman dogs and goblins that live in holes.
We'll talk about her in a moment.
This very group known for all its fake quotes misquoted an interview he did out of context.
Where he's saying white supremism, white nationalism, all that.
They're not the same as Western culture being proud of the West.
And that's what these crooks do, is they lie.
And I know you know that, but the other big part of the equation is the Republican Party jumping into virtue signal.
If they keep doing this, and don't stand up to known liars, who I've had the New York Times do this to me, saying that Alex Jones says, kill the media with battle rifles.
And it's battle rifle with quotes around it.
And a totally different discussion.
Nothing to do with the media.
I said, if Antifa comes to your house, he'll kill you.
But let's give him the benefit of actually hearing from him.
Here is his statement.
And none of the media is picking it up.
They're still saying he stands by his statement.
No, he doesn't!
But see, he's even too timid.
He should file a lawsuit on the New York Times post-haste.
Call his office.
He needs to do it.
This is defamation of character.
To do harm, it is the very definition of defamation.
King's statement regarding Leader McCarthy's decision.
Leader McCarthy's decision to remove me from committees is a political decision that ignores the truth.
The truth is as follows.
One of my quotes in the New York Times story has been completely mischaracterized.
Here's the context I believe accurately reflects my statement, which is the same talking points he always puts out.
In a 56-minute interview, we discussed the changing use of language in political discourse, we discussed the worn-out label racist, and my observation that other slanderous labels have been increasingly assigned to conservatives by the left who injected into their current political dialogue such terms as Nazi, Fascist, white nationalist, white supremacist, western civilization.
How did that language become offensive?
Now he's saying, dash, western civilization?
How did that?
He's talking about western civilization.
But see, they know, the New York Times, the average person's illiterate now.
And does it know when you say, Nazis?
White Nationalists?
White Supremacists?
Western Civilization?
How did that language become offensive?
That means that last piece connected to the ones before.
Any idiot can get that.
Was it the best wordsmithing?
No, but it doesn't matter.
The point is that he said what it means.
Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and civilization?
Just to watch Western Civilization become a derogatory term in political discourse today?
I was only representing Western Civilization classes.
That's what he was talking about in the hole.
No one ever sat in a class listening to the merits of white nationalism and white supremacy.
So it's a larger interview about merits of American history and American exceptionalism and America being founded on Christianity so you know where you came from and the Renaissance And he's saying in the context of the interview, but they didn't put any of that in there.
They just have him saying out of context that, thinking they can trick you.
This is how sick these people are.
So again, just to watch Western civilization become a derogatory term in political discourse today.
Clearly, I was only referencing Western civilization classes.
No one ever sat in a class listening to the merits of white nationalism and white supremacy.
When I use that word, that, it was in reference only to Western Civilization and not to any previously stated evil ideology, all of which I have denounced.
My record as a vocal advocate for Western Civilization is nearly as full as my record in defense of freedom of speech.
Ultimately, I am told you have to do what you have to do, and I will do what I have to do.
I will continue to point out the truth and work with all the vigor that I have to represent the 4th District of Iowans for at least the next two years.
And that's how they try to bring you down just like they have tried to do with me with Jones bullied and child endangered.
That's what YouTube ultimately took me down for.
They don't show what I said, what I did, they just said child endangerment.
And they show a man who looks like he's about 5'4", I'm 5'11", with a beard.
Pushing a child down that was on ABC News, CBS News, everywhere, for like a year, by the time I played it for another reason, where the kid's punching the guy over and over again, so he finally pushes the kid down in another state.
No one ever said it was me.
I'm clear on the video, it's not me.
We said, look at how these thug kids push and push and push until somebody does something.
And they said, you know, we'll just take it down, say child endangerment, and leave it at that.
You understand when they censor you.
They lie about you, remove you, and then they can do to you whatever they want.
The only way I get the truth out is you taking this live feed and sharing it via text message, via email, via person-to-person word-of-mouth.
The only way Representative Steve King, a good, decent, honorable Christian man, very wholesome.
I've watched his speeches many times.
I've read his writings.
It's right in line with mine.
Just good, wholesome Americana.
Just basic civics.
That have been taught up until the last 30 years.
Now you gotta go to a Christian private school to get an American classic education and they now turn that into white supremacy by misquoting it and now connecting it to, remember them saying Trump?
Giving his speeches?
Saying it's okay to be a nationalist?
It's okay to love your country?
It's okay?
They go, oh my gosh, it's a dirty word!
Now nationalist is going to be white supremacist.
This is how they define things in an age where you have illiterate people who were never taught in school.
Now they're going to get their false education.
You see?
Where free market, capitalism, family, masculinity becomes a dirty word.
And this is what they're doing is undermining our entire civilization and attacking everyone.
You know, if whites were so bad, everyone wouldn't be trying to get into white Christian nations.
But then the left creates a existential envy curve and tries to tell people that come here, you are hated by white supremacists who are everywhere, even though we can't find them.
But we're going to take care of you and we're going to make a happy place for you.
And you're really being brought in by the Democratic Party model of the great society that was meant to capture and enslave black people.
And now it's being deployed against everybody.
And that's a fact, Jack.
That's not my opinion.
That's the reality of what's going on.
And they even call his pro-life statements racist.
That's some good alchemy there.
So the globalists know the West has a guilt Christian ethos.
That's good.
It keeps us from killing each other and makes us nice.
But it's being overused against us now to have everybody stand down.
And have this guilt, we're all taught to have this guilt, and then minorities are turned into foaming at the mouth racists against white people right as they become the majority.
It's truly sickening.
Now we'll come back and get into what's targeting every one of us, no matter what color we are.
This can really save lives.
It's a heartbreaking story, but it's important.
So please stay with us.
Whatever you do, listening on local radio, watching local TV, or watching at InfoWars.com, send those links out to the live show today.
You are our ambassadors for victory.
Thank you, but please redouble your efforts now.
The globalists now.
Conservatively, There have been several thousand articles written in the last three years demonizing InfoWars and yours truly for selling high quality supplements.
In fact, even the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, that owns the biggest sellers of supplements in the world, even that organization has written hit pieces claiming I'm a fraud and selling snake oil when they're owned by a man who owns Amazon and Whole Foods.
Amazon was the number one supplement seller in the world.
Whole Foods was number two.
He owns the number one and number two biggest supplement sellers on the planet.
And then his publication, a weaponized disinformation op, says I'm bad and should be shut down.
When more than 15 of the 70 products we have at Infowarslife.com are private labeled, highest quality, top of the line, that are sold at Whole Foods for higher prices.
Think about the level of that fraud.
And I've sent messages to these news organizations pointing that out.
No response.
They never want to get my comment.
Now, why am I saying that?
It's simple.
We have a lot of proprietary original products, but a lot of them are also private labeled.
Whatever already has five stars, whatever people already love, whatever's been tested to be the best.
So we have a great product.
You love it.
You reorder it.
The Globals are going to test our products, trying to find something.
So we're going to be able to, you know, defeat all that.
It's a 360 win.
We defeat them.
You win.
I win.
It's amazing.
And you've seen them come after our attempts to even process credit cards and shut down InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
I mean, it's incredible not just what frauds they are and how they're anti-free market and how they're racketeering against us, not just Jeff Bezos, but this entire system of mainstream media and mainstream corporations and banking are even worse than Bezos and Amazon.
It's hard to believe.
I'm just illustrating how crazy this all is.
Now, I'm going to be cutting some informational pieces in the next few weeks that go into great depth on each one of the products.
I've done this for some of the products, but I haven't done it in a while.
I haven't done it for the new products because, quite frankly, it's like going to school for a college exam to try to accurately talk about how great these products are.
But just know this.
Whatever the attributes that Jeff Bezos and Amazon and Whole Foods are allowed to tell you about their flagship products, these are as good or better.
These are all the top of the line, very best.
I can't even tell you what they do and the history of it and how amazing they are because they selectively enforce and will send the FDA after us.
You see, I'm a subhuman.
I'm garbage.
So Bezos can make all the claims.
Whole Foods can make all the claims.
Because this stuff is dynamite.
Turmeric's dynamite.
Iodine that's clean is dynamite.
Super Mel Vitality, they have similar products.
It's all dynamite.
They can tell you how great it is, show you all the facts, and tell you, because they're the elite.
I'm just scum.
Just like you, according to them.
But the good news is, you've seen how great these products work.
We do break down some of the basics on each page at m4slife.com to see how wonderful they are.
But experience turmeric, experience X3, experience super male vitality, super female vitality.
That, by the way, is the last run of our best-selling product, super male vitality, super female, because we can't even get the wild-crafted herbs anymore, so we can't get the supply, and I'm sick of it, so I'm discontinuing it.
Because it's so frustrating.
This is the last run, and it's all 50% off.
Bodies, X3, and Supermail at mfullwarsstore.com and mfullwarslife.com.
Thanks for your support.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Thanks for watching.
Live, raw, and unfiltered.
Live, raw and unfiltered, it's the Alex Jones Show.
I am here because there is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational
corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices ahead
of this critical midterm election.
And the big tech companies and the head of Apple admit that they met with Senator Warner, who's running this whole thing, ...to begin shutting down conservatives, or the Democrats threatened to federalize Big Tech if they did not basically roll over to them.
So the Republicans left a vacuum there by not coming in with regulations to say you cannot violate people's free speech.
Mr. Jones, this morning's hearing is specifically about preventing election manipulation.
This afternoon's hearing is... Sure, sure, you're sure.
Yeah, yeah.
But every time we have these meetings, they bring up info wars.
They claim they're taking info wars down to stop election meddling.
Obama established...
With an executive order.
He established with an executive order before he left office a special office that deals with foreign propaganda.
What it's really been used is to target domestic populist popular groups.
The real election meddling is by Facebook and Google and others that are shadow banning people, that are outright banning people, and they're blocking conservatives involved in their own First Amendment political speech.
Even the New York Times calls it a crackdown on conservatives and a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet and communicating with each other.
Just like communist China, this is dangerous authoritarianism.
And they've packaged silencing Americans who are popular and well-spoken, as Tucker Carlson said about me on Fox News, not because what I say is bad, but because what I say is effective and true and popular.
But I think the corporate dying dinosaur media has bit off more than it can chew.
And what you've done is only going to make people be that much stronger and fight for free speech that much more.
But I'll say this.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling
for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press working with big tech.
We are back live, ladies and gentlemen.
We have the former head editor of Breitbart UK who's incredibly smart joining us to get into the real invasion that's happening there.
And then we have Dan Lyman who's there in Paris for the whole Yellow Vest situation where they now have armed troops with lead bullets saying they're going to start killing people.
So France is going to the highest level of martial law under EU dictatorship.
But the good news is all over the world, nation states are pulling out, particularly Brazil, where they've got a guy even more well-spoken than Trump And who comes off as even more authentic.
We're going to be playing those clips next hour, yes.
Yes, I'm blown away by what's happening in Brazil.
This is the real McCoy right here.
And just like George Washington, he was a colonel and all the rest of it.
Now, Stalin said one person dies, it's a tragedy.
A million die, it's a statistic.
And I've learned that's true.
And I want to explain something.
Every time we talk about the dangers of vaccines, corporate media either ignores it, or they say, oh, look, these diseases are spreading because of non-vaxxers.
In almost every case, it's the people taking the vaccines that are getting sick with the supposed thing the vaccines are taking care of.
And all about immunization going back to cows and humans and smallpox hundreds and hundreds of years ago, 600 years ago in Europe.
I believe in the technology of getting artificial immunity.
I know it can work and work like magic.
I also know about tens of thousands of declassified secret government tests over the years.
Where people were injected with all sorts of deadly pathogens.
Our military, poor white people, poor black people.
It was always somebody that the government controlled.
It was compartmentalized groups doing it.
Radiation tested on people, you name it.
The media, you know, has the Golden Globes saying everybody's getting flu shots, and it wasn't even really happening.
So, people tend to ignore all that, but the facts are, if you read the inserts of any vaccine, It'll tell you it can cause neurological disorders or death, it can cause cancer, and particularly in small children.
Everybody knows if an 18-month-old toddler got stung by some bees, even one bee, sometimes they have an autoimmune response and die.
Well, just the autoimmune response.
Imagine taking your baby in for well checks and usually by the third round they give them six, seven shots and a lot of times kids don't talk for a few days, they have convulsions or they die.
Blood comes out of their nose.
I mean, you name it.
And they admit all that.
But then they'll have in the newspaper every year before school starts or whatever, oh it's safe and effective, maybe your arm will get sore.
But every day we see people dying from the Gardasil shots or the MMR shots or others.
But here was another one that tore my guts out when I read it yesterday and I didn't get to it on air because it's so painful.
I tend to shy away from this stuff because I have four children.
And I can't tell you how many times I've been at a resort, well it's always on vacation, Or, you know, at the mall or something, and I see an autistic child.
It's almost always a boy.
Eighty-something percent, eighty-six percent are boys.
And I'll say to the family, while I'm waiting for my wife to buy shoes or something, oh, tell me what happened to your son, who's five, six years old.
Well, we think it was the shots.
He was 18.
He didn't wake up for 18 months.
He didn't wake up for two days after he got the shots.
Or they say, yeah, he had a convulsion right there in the doctor's office.
Now, the doctors have got to cover their butt, and the health department has meetings with them and says, we know this is going to hurt a certain number of people, but overall it's for the greater good, so lie to them and say it's not the vaccines.
I ran into the head of the Texas vaccine whole operation for the state, had a debate with him on the Greenbelt years ago, and he's like, well, it's for the greater good, but we do cover it up.
And I said, but it's not for the greater good.
Because it allows these companies to get away with what they're doing and the covert operations of things like Tuskegee and Cold Springs Harbor.
Now everybody's talking about the... the discover of DNA and how, you know, he basically says black people aren't humans and all this stuff.
He's a big leftist.
Cold Springs Harbor is where they did eugenics.
This is where they developed the Suskegee experiment and all this.
Who do you think went and wanted to know how the DNA worked?
And guess whose father worked with Cold Springs Harbor and ran the secret army operation there?
Bill Gates's daddy.
So people might want to go research Bill Gates's statements that sound just like Watson's.
Oh, but Bill Gates tells you how much he loves the little black children.
So, former UFC fighter mourns sons who died after a vaccine injection.
He's spoken out.
We've reached out to him.
He hasn't gotten back with us because I know he's in a lot of pain.
But that's how you're going to save other children.
That's what you've got to do for your son.
And it's the same story.
Take him in, 18-month well check, give him the shots.
Goes from running, happy, laughing, doesn't talk for a few days, neurological disorder, dies.
My son should be here, healthy, 20 months old.
Just don't pass away.
UFC fighter Nick Cantone last week mourned his son on the second anniversary of his death following a round of vaccine injections.
There's heart-rending little videos of this boy.
In fact, I should have told you guys, grab those videos, I'm gonna play some of them.
In a Facebook post, Cantone Recalled how his 20-month-old son, Nicholas, passed away on January 12, 2017, mere days after visiting a pediatrician for a well visit where he received the MMR and flu vaccine.
The next day, January 11th, looking back at our pictures, You were sick and not yourself, writes Kentone.
Breaks my heart.
Wish I knew what I know now and we were able to put it all together.
I'm so sorry, Nicholas.
I just broke down going through these pictures and typing this.
Makes me sick that you are gone.
Still can't believe this happened to our family.
Worst possible thing in the world.
It's so hard.
I'll never stop fighting for you.
I love you more than you could ever imagine, Nicholas.
Heartbroken forever without you.
I miss you, Nicholas.
Good night up in heaven.
Photos shared show a lively Nicholas sitting on an examination room table full of smiles, while another, presumably after vaccines, the next day, features Nicholas with a vacant stare, apparently suffering neurological trauma.
Subsequently, he died days later.
In a subsequent post linked to an article regarding vaccines and their alleged ties to autism, it's apparent Cantone blames the vaccines for his son's death.
Wake up, people!
Don't let this happen to you!
Cantone warns his followers.
It's disgusting what's going on.
So much corruption and lies.
All they care about is money.
No, it's served.
They are targeting boys.
It's designed.
86% are boys.
They are our children.
We are talking about.
Makes me sick.
My son should be here.
20 pounds.
Just don't pass away.
Nick, the Jersey Devil Canton was an active USC for 2007-2014 and maintained a 10-4 record.
And it goes on.
Well, let's save more little boys and little girls.
Because, you know, there's somebody in this building whose little girl died after vaccines.
It gets girls too, but it's designed to hit boys.
And we even have the documents on that.
So, they got Gillette commercials saying men existing is bad.
We are under an attack.
The criminals are desperate that Trump, whose son got damaged, but came back from it, barren, may be able to get into all the secret stuff and reverse it.
That's why they're fighting like the devil.
To stop this.
And that's why we have to get this article and the video we just did live out to everyone.
I'm counting on you, and this little boy's spirit is counting on you, before they kill and maim and brain damage millions more.
Help the children!
Take action now!
This is a solution for you and your family.
This is something guaranteed, like oxygen and water, to sustain life.
There are a bunch of bad halogens.
There is one good halogen in the body, and it's pure atomic iodine.
Most forms are bound, so you don't absorb them.
But even microscopic amounts of the broken-down type are better than nothing, because your body recognizes it and takes it on, and tries to use it instead of bromine, chloride, fluorine, and the other bad ones.
And there's a lot of things better than just wealth in this world.
How about physical wealth?
When I forget to take my iodine, I'm an idiot.
We have Edge II.
It's selling out because a company tried to put me over the barrel from the oil well company that drills to get it to 12,000 feet.
We ended up finding an even better company.
Their chemist said, "You can put this in the way you have it, but you should add a little
bit of vitamin C to stabilize it so it doesn't oxidize, and this other form of iodine, and
the other form, all three, so that it's better absorbable."
That's X3.
We have a limited supply of X2.
It's our final run.
But here are the headlines.
"How adding iodine to salt boosted American IQ."
That's Discovery Magazine, ladies and gentlemen.
And then we've got the New York Times.
Now again, this is from 12 years ago.
"In raising the world's IQ, the secret is salt."
But it's not.
It says right here.
Adding ionized iodine to the salt.
Boosted IQ, 10 to 20 points.
Increased fertility.
They put it in the water the kids are given at school in China.
Why do I say that?
Because in the 20s, we had major reproductive problems, major deformities, major retardation.
Major IQ reduction, not on the coastal areas, where people got fresh fish that had some iodine in it, but in the Midwest.
You fund us, and you get atomic iodine with the other two types of iodine, so it's fully absorbable.
That's why we have Survival Shield X3.
I could keep selling X2 till the cows come home, and it's there.
But this, this is the best.
X3, Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or AAA253-3139.
Thank you for watching.
New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we have one of the top reporters in the UK, expert on open borders and the whole globalist takeover, former head of Breitbart.
UK joining us Raheem Kassam.
Then Dan Lyman joins us from the middle of the Yellow Vest where they've now got loaded guns with live ammo, lead, full metal jacket ammo to start shooting and killing the Yellow Vest.
That's total maximum martial law.
That's all coming up next segment.
But whatever you do, that last segment about all the kids dying from vaccines and the proof of it, get that video out and save lives.
But here's a breakdown.
Disturbing deep state tech takeover rapidly approaching.
Be honest with the public about how we're under UN globalist attack.
They're teaching us that having a nation even existing Is evil and is bad.
It is.
We have a president who calls himself a nationalist.
A loaded word for a lot of people.
Obama, with the neocons, with large sections of U.S.
intelligence, Defense Department, all of it, this is all public, set up a total internet kill switch system that is manned by at least A hundred thousand people right now.
With heads up displays.
On your phone, on your computer, live time.
And all new devices.
Microsoft, Apple, Google.
The idea that Apple says what happens on your phone stays on your phone.
That is the biggest joke on the planet.
It's already being beta tested.
And in three months, it rolls out on the new Microsoft everything.
Where they're in your phone, live time.
And they put, like the fact checking you see on Google and Facebook and Twitter.
When I had Buzz Aldrin on, and they just put a fact check up saying, Jones says no one went to the moon, but Encyclopedia Britannica says we did.
The damn interview says we went to the moon!
Buzz Aldrin, magnificent desolation.
Two people from the planet Earth walking around on that object that humans had gazed up and looked at for all of civilization.
So that was a magnificent testimonial to the progress that this human intelligence species was able to do.
See how that's fake news? Lying about me but superimposed?
It will not be on the site you go to now that opts in.
It will be over all devices. Intelligence agencies including
Interpol, the reactivated Stasi in Germany, Google's moving into the former Stasi headquarters.
In three months, Microsoft and then Apple and then Google, all of them by the middle of 2019, are implementing live
access into your phone where they will see where you're going
and what you're doing in live time.
We already know they've been tracking us doing that.
But now they're going to have a consortium of neocon organizations, hardcore Soros-backed organizations, specially selected by Obama and Hillary before they left office, groups in every U.S.
intelligence agency, all 17.
Coordinating political minders that don't just spy on you, that send live-time messages over what you're browsing on the internet.
So, it isn't like you go to somewhere on Facebook, there's an Alex Jones video, and then it puts up a link from Snopes saying this is fake.
Or from the Southern Poverty Law Center, or from the ADL, or from Media Matters.
Literally, sort of, when you go to a site, breaking in and putting it over.
It's going to be on your device.
Now, we've already seen this happen to InfoWars.
Well, they didn't just delist us off of iTunes six months ago.
We had links just to our own podcast.
And in the iPhone browser, they blocked you on an iPhone being able through that Function on the phone to get to it.
You understand?
You go by a phone, and the next level is, you can't go to InfoWars.com, you can't click on it, you can't listen, and they've now got keyword, and they've got audio, which is the next level, where then they won't even let you listen to my voice.
It's automatically blocked.
Now listen to me carefully.
This is for everybody.
This is going to totally vertically integrate the entire world.
The Wall Street Journal, again, a month and a half before we got purged, said, when we're done with Jones as the test case, we're going to take everyone off, and you will maybe have a thousand channels.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
If you look at the model of what's happening in Europe and how the globalist forces have
destabilized North Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia.
And how they are now collapsing the borders and funding the Arab Spring and removing moderate Islamic leaders and others, and secular leaders, and putting the most rabid groups in.
It's clearly a destabilization program.
And then when you read the writings of Peter Sutherland, who died last year, and others, they say that's the plan.
Why would Macron say last year, we need 200 million Africans in the next 30 years, and that the center of France is Africa?
And then the words we hear that even say a nation-state exists is a bad thing.
In my view, and in their own statements, it's multinational corporations want a bunch of divided and conquered people, kind of like the British Empire did, where they could use a few thousand troops and suppress India for hundreds of years, using divide and conquer.
But there's so many facets to this as Europe awakens, the yellow vests, as you see nationals getting elected in Brazil and other areas.
And you see the accelerating cover-ups of not just Islamic-based groups committing crimes, but other groups like Irish Gypsies and others are allowed to steal people's Winnebago's, their RVs.
I guess in Europe they call them their They've got different names for him, but there's really not anybody out there who's been closer to this from every angle than Raheem Kassam.
And he, of course, has done a great job at Breitbart for many, many years as their main editor over there.
And he's a political activist, former editor-in-chief Breitbart London, former chief advisor UK Independence Party Nigel Farage.
Right now he's in a transition period.
He's the author of the book No Go Zones, How Sharia Law is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You.
Now remember, just a few years ago they'd laugh at Rahim when he said that in the news.
He'd go on BBC and they'd say it doesn't exist.
Now it's all over Swedish news, German news, Dutch news, like there's whole areas, huge areas you can't even go into where plumbers won't even go.
So thank you for joining us for most of the hour.
And I think the best place to start here is to just let you get your legs, because I've seen you on TV, they always try to interrupt you, to talk about your awakening, your background, and then how you got involved in politics.
And now everything you warned of is, okay, yesterday's news, so tell us what's coming next.
Thanks for joining us.
Well, thanks for having me, Alex.
No, I appreciate it.
The situation that we have at the moment in the United Kingdom, as you probably know, is that in the next hour or so we have this vote on Brexit, and I'm following that very closely.
You mentioned me being in a transition period.
You know, I've worked for the last six or seven years between the UK Independence Party, Nigel Farage,
Breitbart London, so on and so forth.
And we really had our fingers on all these pulses for some time, whether it was mass migration, radical Islam,
the spread of globalism, et cetera, et cetera.
And your introduction there resonated with me because 2016 was a real shock to the system for these guys.
And they're now going, instead of saying, okay, well, we've realized that people don't like this
and the anti-globalist politicians are becoming elected all over the world, whether it's Brazil or Hungary
or the Czech Republic or India, so on and so forth.
Instead, they're doubling down, and as they're gonna do to your web browsers
and so on and so forth, their solution to this is to try and put the toothpaste back in the tube.
It's to say the internet has awakened too many people and we've gotta now stop that process.
Now for me, you talk about the transition period, where I am right now is trying to build a couple
of different institutions, news media organizations and almost like a think tank sort of organization
that looks at how this stuff is taking place, what mechanisms they use, whether it's infrastructure,
whether it's like Visa, MasterCard, that kind of infrastructure, the financial underpinnings
to the way that the globalists entirely manage the system, so that's what I'm doing in 2019.
The reason for that is because, I don't mean to be mean about this,
but when you hear the sort of mainstream conservative commentators throw their hands up
and say, well, you know, they're private companies.
Microsoft's a private company, so it can put whatever it wants on your laptop and stop you reading whatever they want you to stop reading.
That's up to them, and it's up to us as consumers to buy something else.
The problem is, at every level, whether it's in your face, on your browser, or whether it's the financial payment system or whether even it's the energy infrastructure that's the
underpinning of all of that, they'll take down all of those things step by step to make
sure that we don't get our hands on the real news and so on and so forth. So that's the sort
of thing we're working on at the moment.
The reason that Brexit and the next hour is so important to that, as I mentioned at the beginning,
is because Theresa May herself, the Prime Minister in the United Kingdom,
is trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube of the largest ever democratic mandate that we've
seen in the United Kingdom on the 23rd of June 2016.
Her proposition that we have this sort of semi or associate EU membership looks like
it's going to lose a House of Commons vote and therefore naturally the thing to do would
be to proceed with a no deal scenario which is that we just revert to World Trade Organisation
rules with the European Union, our trade deals with the European Union.
But that's not even good enough for the globalists.
To have a globalist entity like the WTO isn't good enough for the globalists.
They can't afford for the European Union to be destabilised.
Well sure, now they want an EU army to stop Italy from stopping Soros funded boats bringing
in thousands a day as you were saying.
And I should have introduced that up front.
You're there in London, perfect to report on Theresa May facing a no-confidence vote.
I mean, I was getting into the big picture, but that is pretty big picture and happening now, history right now.
I mean, at least there's going to be a vote there.
Then we'll talk about why is France so paralyzed to not obviously remove Macron.
Yeah, that's absolutely right.
And you're seeing also, not just with France and Macron, but the Yellow Vest protesters in the United Kingdom, which actually hasn't been picked up as much as the French protesters, primarily because they're smaller protests.
But actually, we have now political dissidents in the United Kingdom, people who are being locked up for protesting in favour of Brexit.
That just happened this past week.
An activist by the name of James Goddard has actually been given bail conditions in the United Kingdom, where he's no longer allowed to enter London.
Well, that's the real kicker, is you can have radical Islamic preachers preaching murder of the police, blow things up, and they're protected, but then Michael Savage can't fly into the UK, and there's been discussions of banning me, and then people inside the UK, they're talking about not letting them leave the country extrajudicially, or not let them travel around.
I mean, this is real Nazi Germany type stuff.
I mean, that's what Nazis did, was give you an ID for folks that don't know, that said where you could go.
Yeah, where are your papers?
And that became, you know, somewhat of a joke amongst Western nations post-Second World War, but it seems like the lessons haven't been learned.
Britain, I'm afraid, as a Brit, I get very heavy-hearted when I say this, but has effectively turned into a police state now.
And it's a police state only for political dissidents.
You know, if you're a machete-wielding Islamist nutcase, the hammer doesn't come down as hard on you.
I mean, you might get a few months jail time, but you're not getting what these political activists are getting.
I mean, if they could have, they would have kept Tommy Robinson in prison for 10 years.
It just so happened that we marched 20,000 patriots down Whitehall several times over the summer that actually scared these people into realizing that we weren't messing around anymore.
But I'll tell you something else.
If after this evening's vote, which Theresa May will lose, she opts to go down another route, keeping us tied somehow to the European Union, you're going to see 40,000 or 60,000 or 100,000 patriots marching down Whitehall demanding a real change.
Man, we've got to get you on more often.
It's been really hard to get you on.
I know you're a busy guy, but we would love to have you on.
We would love to... We're trying to work with Paul Watson and other reporters to go out just independently.
And cover this stuff because the public is hungry for this and Tommy and others are arrested for exposing child grooming pedophile gangs that he exposed 12 years ago.
They try to cover it and then I get demonized and lied about and de-platformed.
People are like, well, and then now it's everybody.
I mean, it's just everyone I know is being censored.
Everybody I know on every platform, people are, I think there's going to be a backlash to it.
Yeah, and when I interviewed James Goddard last week after he was first kicked around by the police in Westminster, they took down my Facebook account within 10 seconds of me announcing that I was about to interview him.
Stay right there.
That's right.
They tell you, if you talk to an un-person person, you become un-person.
That's the tyranny chain reaction.
Raheem Kassam.
Tom, stay with us.
In fact, even the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, that owns the biggest sellers of supplements in the world, even that organization has written hit pieces claiming I'm a fraud and selling snake oil when they're owned by a man who owns Amazon and Whole Foods.
Amazon was the number one supplement seller in the world.
Whole Foods was number two.
He owns the number one and number two biggest supplement sellers on the planet.
And then his publication, a weaponized disinformation op, says I'm bad and should be shut down.
When more than 15 of the 70 products we have at InfoWarsLife.com are private labeled, highest quality, top of the line, that are sold at Whole Foods for higher prices.
Think about the level of that fraud.
And I've sent messages to these news organizations pointing that out.
No response.
They never want to get my comment.
Now, why am I saying that?
It's simple.
We have a lot of proprietary original products, but a lot of them are also private labeled.
Whatever already has five stars, whatever people already love, whatever's been tested to be the best, show.
We have a great product.
You love it.
You reorder it.
The Globals are going to test our products, trying to find something.
So we're going to be able to, you know, defeat all that.
It's a 360 win.
We defeat them.
You win.
I win.
It's amazing.
And you've seen them come after our attempts to even process credit cards and shut down InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
I mean, it's incredible not just what frauds they are and how they're anti-free market and how they're racketeering against us, not just Jeff Bezos, but this entire system of mainstream media and mainstream corporations and banking are even worse than Bezos and Amazon.
It's hard to believe.
I'm just illustrating how crazy this all is.
Now, I'm going to be cutting some informational pieces in the next few weeks that go into great depth on each one of the products.
I've done this for some of the products, but I haven't done it in a while.
I haven't done it for the new products because, quite frankly, it's like going to school for a college exam to try to accurately talk about how great these products are.
But just know this.
Whatever the attributes that Jeff Bezos and Amazon and Whole Foods are allowed to tell you about their flagship products, these are as good or better.
These are all the top of the line, very best.
I can't even tell you what they do and the history of it and how amazing they are because they selectively enforce and will send the FDA after us.
You see, I'm a subhuman.
I'm garbage.
So Bezos can make all the claims.
Whole Foods can make all the claims.
Because this stuff is dynamite.
Turmeric's dynamite.
Iodine that's clean is dynamite.
Super Mel Vitality, they have similar products.
It's all dynamite.
They can tell you how great it is, and show you all the facts, and tell you.
Because they're the elite.
I'm just scum.
Just like you, according to them.
But the good news is, you've seen how great these products work.
We do break down some of the basics on each page at mforwarslife.com to see how wonderful they are.
But experience turmeric, experience X3, experience Supramel Vitality, Supramel Vitality.
That, by the way, is the last run of our best-selling product, Supramel Vitality, Supramel.
Because we can't even get the wild-crafted herbs anymore, so we can't get the supply, and I'm sick of it, so I'm discontinuing it.
Because it's so frustrating.
This is the last run, and it's all 50% off.
Bodies, X3, and Supermail at MFWoreStore.com and MFWoresLife.com.
Thanks for your support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Rasheem Kassam, as I told you, is probably the most articulate, smartest guy on the globalist Islamic-funded invasion, but also just on the corruption in Europe and what's happening.
And everybody who's known about my show for a long time knows that I know about geopolitics, I have to say, from a lot of different angles, and I'm more of a libertarian.
But I was against the wars in the Middle East because I saw us taking out regimes that were not the bad ones.
I mean, that was part of an older Eisenhower plan to put pro-Western people in.
And it took 19 years after Eisenhower left, but we put Saddam Hussein in.
And they modernized women in college, taking the veils off, and Playboy magazine being sold in the stores.
I'm not saying that's even a good thing.
I'm a Christian, but that's people's freedom.
And then he got set up.
Later by neocons and taken down.
He attacked Iran like he was told to.
That was part of an older U.S.
policy running into a new U.S.
So I have leftist guilt, not as a leftist.
I get the guilt of bombing people and murdering them.
And I don't blame our military.
They were ordered in there.
Plus there are radicals in there.
But then that creates the dialectic of the cosmology now of funding an Arab Spring to put the very worst people in.
Overthrow our allies and then have the left and corporate media and everybody promote the most virulent forms of Islam.
I mean, if there were Christian groups, you know, running around throwing people off buildings and slaughtering folks and blowing things up, I'd say that needs to be reformed.
So, I don't want to say I swung back too far the other way.
I used to be so trying to stop this clash of civilizations that the neocons were pushing for that I didn't even understand what that meant.
They weren't just talking about a clash of civilizations for war.
They actually meant to use orthodox, radicalized Islams to take us down and take them down.
Kind of like in the old James Bond movie, what is it, From Russia With Love?
Maybe we'll find the clip later where you got the two Chinese fighting fish, that's politically correct to call something its name, beta fish, and two of them, one of them hurts the other and kills it, this one's already embattled, the other third one comes in and kills it.
That's really the Machiavellian plan.
And our guest has been reporting on this, Raheem Kassam, on Twitter for now.
He just left Breitbart.
Incredible work.
Again, I'm not even getting into a certain subject here.
I'm just quantifying the censorship, the control you were getting into at the break, and where this authoritarianism is going, and the fact that there's a larger global corporate plan, they admit, for what's supposed to come out of this on the other side.
But we haven't really gotten the documents on what the other side is.
We just got the documents on this plan.
And every so often the mask slips, especially in the last couple of months.
You've seen the mask slip a couple of times, both in the United States and in Europe, Germany specifically, as it pertains to the mass illegal immigration problem that both of We've forced them out in the open.
have. The corporates come out every so often as I say the mask slips and they say yeah
but then where are we going to get this cheap labor that we need in order to prop up our
massive profit lines and our profit margins. And it's sort of becoming unavoidable for
them where it's a good thing that we've done, what we've done is we've forced them to own
their own nefariousness. We've forced them out in the open, exactly, we've forced them
out in the open. Yeah, that's exactly right.
It's caused the end of magazines like The Weekly Standard, but again, the lessons don't usually get learned.
They tend to try to double down.
They've now got this new website called The Bulwark, which is literally just a carbon copy of The Weekly Standard, where they go after people who are either libertarians like yourself or nationalists like me, and who actually oppose the globalist totalitarian philosophy.
This is Bill Kristol and Pierre Omidyar, the same people who work hand-in-hand with the John Kasichs, who's now, I think, a CNN contributor as of this morning.
Oh yeah, we've seen top leftists embrace famous warmongering neocons that are real criminals.
And I'm going to be clear, I like libertarian philosophy.
I'm 100% nationalist, just like you.
That's the clash.
Nationalism, self-determination versus corporate fascist globalism.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I think there is a very big philosophical hurdle here, and I think we find almost as much common cause with the real political left rather than the centre-left.
It's why I'm not the sort of person who looks at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and just laughs about her.
There are things that she is saying that are obviously true.
The same with Elizabeth Warren, by the way.
Her book from, I think, 2013 hits upon some interesting points and Tucker Carlson mentioned that, I think, last week as well.
So there are people out there and there is a coterie and a cadre of people out there who are beginning to see the same things in the same way about totalitarian control.
Now, I don't like the left's solution to any of those things, but it doesn't mean that they can't identify the problem.
So that's, I see that happening more and more in the United States today, where the Bernie people, you know, there are a significant number of Bernie people who went over to vote for Trump, and I think that'll be the case in the next election as well.
And the same thing happening in the Brexit debate as it keeps going on.
The Remain campaign, there's a lot of the left-wing Remain Oh sure, they've talked about plunging.
in the European Union are now looking at how the EU's treated Britain and are going, well,
we didn't realise that they were such like dastardly globalists from the first instance
of the 2016 campaign. Now we're beginning to see that they don't want to let us out
and they will do anything to punish us. I mean, they've actually talked about punishing
Oh sure, they've talked about plunging.
That doesn't sound like a good ally to me.
They've talked about plunging your stock market in the UK to teach you a lesson.
remember who started that in the early 90s was George Soros.
That was what he did with Black Friday and how he tanked the pound and made billions upon billions as a result of it.
And I'll tell you something Alex, you asked me in the first segment to tell you a little bit about my history.
reason that i think such a bridge with sources because my parents were immigrants from india
into the united kingdom and were entrepreneurs
uh... my father and uh... a chain of fast food restaurants and when that
crash happened in the early nineties he lost everything i mean we lost our house we lost our
cars we lost absolutely everything else the businesses
absolutely everything so when i go back and look at what someone like source data to my family you
know he professes to be pro-immigration all this stuff
uh... when he what he did to so many poor families immigrants or not by the way in the early nineties
it is all that he raids pension funds he raids companies he's a cold-blooded i mean like i'm not a fan of facebook
he's trying to take it over so he's been doing a pump and dump for a year
They do nothing compared to Google, and I say Facebook's bad, but we only hear about Facebook's bad because Soros is muscling in.
This is a guy literally helping hound out and find Jews, because he looked younger than he was, and then, I mean, his whole life is just a one giant evil timeline.
Right, and this is the person that I think was at Time Magazine made their person of the year this year.
Oh, the Financial Times, sorry, made their person of the year this year without any mention of... Boy, isn't that pissing in the face of the UK when he almost brought the UK down?
Yeah, and it's a UK paper, right?
And I actually, I won't disclose who it was, but I've had a Financial Times journalist emailing back and forth with me over the last couple of days, literally saying to me in my email box, I hope Brexit fails, I hope you get, you know, you don't get what you want after all of this.
And, you know, these people hold themselves up as independent, you know, reporters.
I've got the evidence to prove that he's saying what he's saying, but, you know.
And let's be clear, they're not just mercenaries against their own country and their own interests.
They are, they enjoy effing themselves.
Oh, and they enjoy doing it to us a lot more, believe me.
They take real, real joy.
They fantasize how they're part of the ruling class.
Man, Raheem Kassam, no wonder they want you out there.
You are smart as hell.
Follow him on Twitter for now, at Raheem Kassam, linked up at InfoWars.com.
We'll be back and asking, can Europe, can the UK be saved?
And if not, what happens next?
Stay with us.
In the last eight years, we've seen the rise and now fall of the cryptocurrencies.
And the entire time, I refused to take sponsors to fund our operation from the cryptocurrency market.
Not because I thought every company was bad or that the whole thing's a scam, but at a gut level, I knew it was a giant bubble and I didn't want to be associated with that.
Gut level, just couldn't do it.
There have been many other sponsors I've refused.
I have been offered and refused millions of dollars in sponsorship that would have been great to fight the info war from legitimate companies that sell marijuana-derived CBD oil, which has incredible attributes, everybody knows about it on so many fronts, and helps a lot of people.
The reason I haven't gotten involved is the law hasn't been clear and some states, even though it doesn't get you high, see it as illegal.
But now, they have developed and certified for years CBD rich oil derived from hemp that is completely legal in all 50 states and there are so many different permutations and combinations of what it's able to do and what the studies show it's done that it's mind-blowing.
So we've worked with one of the biggest companies in the nation.
And they wanted to just work with us openly because they want to stand up for America and freedom.
They're patriots.
But I said, listen, you just need to create your own new website for a private label for us, where you handle it all, where they get the best hemp-derived CBD oil, legal in all 50 states, from you.
You drop ship it.
You get it out.
You have the website.
I promote it.
I send people there.
And that way they're getting the very best from the experts.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, nothing wrong with marijuana-derived CBD oil.
The problem is some of the public and governments and municipalities get confused and sometimes people get in trouble with CBD oil if it's too strong.
This isn't CBD oil derived from marijuana that's high in THC.
This is derived from industrial high-quality organic hemp and it's legal in all 50 states and now Trump has signed the executive order allowing the industrial growing of hemp, so we won't even have to import it from Canada to Colorado, where it's then produced, bottled, and distributed.
Now listen, I know a lot about it.
I've researched it.
I've turned down probably 20, 30 companies who've been wanting to sponsor us in the last six years.
It's gotten really crazy in the last two.
But now that the law is clear, now that our listeners can't get burned, now that we have a partnership with one of the top companies in the United States known for their organic quality, known for being patriots, They have created a new website and a private label of their entire spectrum of award-winning products called Washington's Reserve.
And there are so many attributes, so many different things that hemp-derived, hemp-rich CBD oil has to offer that you just need to go to washingtonsreserve.com for yourself and see it all because they have more than 40 products.
Now remember, the Globalists have tried to take our merchant accounts away.
They've tried to shut us down.
They've tried to boycott us.
They've tried to sue us.
And I said in the last six months, I'm going to move, not away from a direct sales marketing of great products to you to fund us.
We're still going to do that.
Then 4WordsLife.com.
But we're also going to bring on the best sponsors in the country, the very best products.
And this is the first big one.
So I'm very excited.
Be sure and go there.
Experience the power of high quality hemp extract with CBD exclusively available at washingtonsreserve.com for the highest quality, The lowest prices.
It's all there, ladies and gentlemen, at washingtonsreserve.com, and you're helping fund the info war the whole time.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We just tuned in about 20 minutes ago, talking to the former chief editor of Breitbart London, Raheem Kassam.
Really smart guy.
I pointed out, and he agreed with the analogy, that really, Ian Fleming worked for OSS, MI6, was a spy chief, a deputy head of it, so he's a smart guy.
And in it, from Russia With Love, Spectre's international corporate criminal group is trying to get the Russians and the U.S.
into a war to make a bunch of money.
And of course, even MI6 a few years ago admitted that the James Bond before the last one was based on Soros, and it was even after the name of his company that's trying to crash the world economy.
So this is what these supervillains do.
When I was a kid, my mom always had a TV in the kitchen when she cooked dinner.
She had a little TV and she'd watch the news and PBS.
He was a supervillain back in the 70s and 80s, but then he came to the U.S.
fully, became a citizen, and bought the U.S.
The reason we raise this is it's the same thing with Islam and the West and the PNAC documents, the clash of civilizations, which the neocons kind of run the Democrats right now against Trump and against other nation states.
They, when they say clash, they mean bring it all down, the Muslims too.
So the Muslims need to understand that.
And of course, you go to India, where they estimate 140 million Hindus have been killed by Muslims.
There's also, and China doesn't like what's happening with radical Muslims, this is the way forward to help reform Islam before it's destroyed.
So we're doing Islam a favor here.
This is not just that I want to kill people because they're Muslims.
I'm not going to be killed.
I'm not going to accept Sharia law.
We'll talk about Rahim Kassam's best-selling book, No-Go Zones, how Sharia law is coming to a neighborhood near you.
Can Europe survive in a moment?
But first, since I mentioned that clip from Russia to Love, the allegory of Machiavelli in Stratagem, here it is.
Siamese fighting fish.
Fascinating creatures.
Brave, but on the whole stupid.
Yes, they're stupid.
Here, let's the other two fight.
And he waits.
Waits until the survivor is so exhausted that he cannot defend himself.
And then, like Spectre, he strikes.
I find the parallel amusing.
Our organization did not arrange for you to come over from the Russians just for amusement, Number 3.
Come in, Kronstein.
Sit down, Number 3, while we listen to what Number 5 has devised for us.
I hope Kronstein's efforts as Director of Planning will continue to be as successful as his chess.
They will be.
according to your instructions.
Oh, and then they go into how to get the Russia and the U.S.
into a war, which is the same story over and over again.
So, now it's Islam in the West, and you've got to bring in enough Muslims to trigger it.
Um, so I want to get into, my big question I asked you, and anything you want to cover,
because you've probably got better points than I do, but I want to go back to what you mentioned.
Oh, Google, Facebook, Twitter, you know, these are all private companies that do whatever they want.
They're being advised in congressional and parliamentary hearings in the U.S.
and the U.K.
and the E.U.
They're being pressured by Merkel to suppress more people.
They're on hot mics saying, we'll do it, don't worry, a.k.a.
And now you've got, because of Southern Poverty Law Center and Others have been discredited, like Snopes, as fact-checkers.
Now it's going to be a consortium called New Shield, where all these groups interface and they admit with U.S.
intelligence, but groups Obama set up, and Hillary, under the Countering Foreign Disinformation Propaganda Act.
So a U.S.
government consortium agency, sub-agency, We'll interface with all these other private groups with live plug-ins on all phones and computers starting in three months, monitoring what you do and putting messages up saying, watch out, NewsGuard is the name, NewsShield, I'm teleprompter free.
NewsGuard, run by Neocons, will now be putting plug-ins in front of everything you do and putting messages up in front of you.
I mean, this shows that they are very scandalous.
Rahim and they're planning something really big.
They wouldn't be going with device level control, basically a selective internet kill switch and surveillance system and letting all these groups into your phone and computer via news guard front rubric unless they were planning to remove Trump and launch something big.
What do you think?
Yeah, I think that's right.
I mean, if they can get it off the ground that fast.
And this, by the way, has been in the works for several years now.
These things take time to develop and specifically they take time to get the level of buy-in from the tech firms, you know, because they don't want to be seen to be actively targeting people.
But that is precisely what they're doing.
So it's a big sort of PR.
And this gives them a third party.
I hate to interrupt.
This gives them a third party to have plausible deniability.
It's really run by intelligence agencies, staffed by left leftists.
This is incredibly sensational.
That's what takes it, you know, a couple of years for them to get to this level.
But there's a reason that they've been getting here now, right ahead of the next presidential election cycle and right at the time that other nations are considering leaving the European Union.
We know that France, French political parties are now floating that idea.
The Italians want to leave the euro.
the Germans, the alternative for Deutschland.
They even said this week that it may consider campaigning on leaving the European Union,
which for those that follow EU politics is quite a massive step,
because these are sort of people who are net beneficiaries of the European Union being in existence.
They're starting to realize that actually sovereignty and independence is more important
than sheer either power or economic benefit and all the things that we've been sold for so long.
So that's why they're putting this news guard system in place right now.
They've realized, again, as I said in an earlier segment, that the truth base has to go back in the tube,
but they also know that there is a massive industry that relies on mindless consumers on Instagram
and Twitter and so on and so forth.
So they don't wanna get rid of these platforms altogether because it plays into their,
making us all consumers to a mass degree.
So they've got to figure out how, at a device level, they can influence us rather than at a sort of a web platform level.
Because they've tried it with, you know, Facebook, for instance, and Google, for instance, but people use things to get around that.
And they're starting to see people waking up to using VPNs or ad blockers and all that
stuff to get around it.
So what's the next step?
It's to actually make that thing inside your device, to plug it into the hardware of your
And as you say, I think we don't consider this often enough that these are not just
private companies.
They are massively subsidized by governments all around the world.
They work hand in hand with governments all around the world.
And now they're openly saying that they're working with intelligence agencies.
This violates the Fourth Amendment.
So they're going from spying on us and denying it to now having public-private university partnerships to literally rape us, watch us and tell us what to do.
This is like living in a digital prison.
They are absolutely public-private partnerships and that's the way they need to be treated, not as private organizations.
And they also act as cartels as well to get what they want.
I mean, Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act effectively means that Google, Facebook, Twitter, all of these guys don't have to have any legal liability for the things they put out there, and they don't also have to project that legal liability on the people that post things that might be criminal.
They just get away with it all together.
I mean, even the New York Times, as much as I don't like them, bless them, don't have to adhere to that level, or don't get that level of, you know... Oh, I totally agree, man.
You're on target.
Big Tech's the new royalty.
They can be a publisher but not a publisher, have no liability, control everything they do, spy on everyone, and now bring in intelligence agencies staffed with private leftist groups.
I mean, if that isn't a perfect storm of nightmare, what isn't?
Well, and that's exactly what it is.
And it's taking us so very long to come to grips with that.
And also so very long.
You know, I sit here speaking to you from Capitol Hill right now.
We should have our own army of activists and lobbyists, which is what the other side has, talking about this to lawmakers.
And we don't.
You know, the only people that have their big fancy offices on K Street are not the American people.
It's the corporate interests.
And so this is what I'm doing in the next few months, is going to be building institutions and organizations that actually do that work that we should be doing.
It's not just the great work like what you do, Alex, in waking people up.
We also have to do something once they're awake.
Okay, I interrupted my last question.
It took a segment, but it was really important.
Let's come back with that question I asked two segments ago.
What happens to Europe?
Can it be saved?
With the former editor of Breitbart London, which is the smartest editor we've interviewed from there.
We've interviewed a lot of great ones.
Raheem Kassam at Twitter.
Raheem Kassam.
Be sure to follow him there.
We'll be right back.
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And then Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
Super Male Vitality's been our overall most successful product.
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But because it's wildcrafted and a proprietary process, we weren't able to get it for long periods of time.
And so I made the decision just to discontinue it and try to reformulate.
But it's been very, very hard to do.
So we're not discontinuing it because it's crap.
We're discontinuing it because we can't get it.
It may come back in the future, but right now we're just not able to bring you this.
It's our last run of it.
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Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site.
Or call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And it's supercharged with other key ingredients.
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And then, of course, it's the X3.
It's our final run of X2.
We've secured the deeper iodine, but I thought we'd make a better one with all three types and the vitamin C. But, so, get your X2, get your X3, all at Infowarstore.com or AAA253-3139.
And, again, have a great New Year as we fight the globalists and restore the Republic and freedom to the planet.
Thank you all.
Thanks for holding, and not to say Happy New Year.
Go ahead.
Alex, yeah, going into 2019, what Trump's gotta do to save America, he's gotta declassify FISA, expose the corruption, arrest the traitors, and arrest the pedophiles.
That's how he saves America.
My opinion, an over-the-road trucker, hardworking, honest man, that's what I believe.
I agree.
Victory or death.
He's now, looks like he's cleaning house.
He's getting rid of all the double agents.
And the word is Trump is going to go into battle now.
We're talking he's going to strike back against the censorship.
He's going to strike back against the pedophile rings.
It's already begun.
He's going to strike back against the deep state.
He's going to strike back against all the criminal activity of Comey and Mueller being Russian operatives.
So just get ready.
I'd say.
Another note, I've spent over $3,000 in your store this year.
I'm a loyal supporter, and thanks for great products.
Brother, let me tell you something.
I want to thank you.
If folks like you didn't stand with us against the incredible Hillary Clinton and Soros attacks, which they admit they're running, we would not be here now.
They're taking Michael Savage off the air.
They're taking everybody.
They took Franklin Graham off Facebook.
They need to get us all off the air before they make their move on Trump.
That's why this is a war.
And you supporting us is incredible.
Which products do you like the best?
Man, I use the bodies.
I got so many t-shirts.
It ain't even funny.
I got your stickers posted on my hard hat, on my GPS, my truck.
I tell truckers about you over the CB Airways all across the country.
I spread the word about you.
I wear your clothes.
Your hats, your shirts, you name it.
A multitude of products.
How much love do you get versus, how much love versus hate do you get?
Um, you know, it's uh, people skeptical, but like, it's probably about 50-50 or 60-40 either way.
I just I guess so many people got their head in the sand out here
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Ooh, babe.
♪ Ooh, babe ♪ ♪ Ooh, babe ♪
♪ Ooh, babe ♪ ♪ 'Cause mama's gonna help me on the road ♪
Rahim Kassam, former editor of Breitbart London, really smart guy who experienced sorrows,
destroying his father's successful chain of businesses in the UK when he tried to destroy the whole economy
He's our guest, final segment.
I'm really impressed with his work already.
Hearing him here on the air, being able to actually talk and not have, you know, three minutes on some BBC program, he's on target.
There is a global program by megacorporations to bring down the West because it ups standard of living.
It creates an egalitarian up curve that they can't compete with.
They want to be exploitive and vertically integrate.
Then they claim they're going to build some Valhalla, some Elysium in the sky.
And so there's a real project to collapse the West, to have Western failure.
I don't know how much he wants to get into what he's setting up, actually here in the U.S.
right now, normally from London, about, you know, looking at Western failure and the plan of the globalists to do that.
So why do you think the globalists want that A?
B, can Europe be saved?
Can the West be saved?
And if it can, what needs to be done to save it?
I mean, I think you're going to say yes, but it's going to take drastic action.
Well, actually, I'm going to go a little Jordan Peterson on you and say, you know, what is Europe?
The truth is there isn't a coherent and contiguous Europe anymore.
There are countries that can be saved and there are countries that are destined for failure now.
I mean, Sweden, there's no resurrecting that.
I actually feel that way sadly about the United Kingdom as well. But places like Hungary and Italy
and Austria and the Czech Republic and Poland, yes, those countries will continue to be strong
nation states with their political philosophies grounded in civilizationism, effectively,
in the idea of deference to the nation but freedom for the individual, the things that
your country was founded on. And so I think we have to disavow ourselves of this idea that there is
a contiguous Europe.
Look, they may have an anthem, they may have a flag, but that doesn't make them a legitimate entity.
What makes it a legitimate entity is the buy-in of the majority of the European people.
And you're seeing that number decline and decline and decline every year.
Not least when it comes to the bloc's currency, the euro, which has been an absolute disaster for countries like Italy, a disaster for countries like Greece.
And it's now becoming a disaster for the European Central Bank itself because nations like even France, one of the founding members of the European Union, cannot adhere to the European Central Bank's diktats over the French budget, let alone the Italian budget.
And so people, including the Yellow Vests and, you know, the great Matteo Salvini in Italy, Victor Orban, these guys are all starting to realize There is no real future of Europe.
There is no future of the European Union.
There is only the future for independent nation states.
So sorry to be a bit sort of convoluted in the reply, but I think it requires a scalpel rather than the sledgehammer to take apart the European Union.
No, no, I agree with you.
I mean, take the new leader of Brazil.
Take what's happening in Italy.
Like you said, it's certain areas Who have a cultural experience of being enslaved or whatever, they understand they're fighting back.
Other areas have some weird suicidal tendency to them.
But just as we thought France would be the last, or Germany the last country to stay under the EU, maybe it'll be the next one to actually get out of them.
And I don't think we know here, but I agree, this is a wild, wild roller coaster we're on.
What do you think of Bolsonaro?
Look, I have the same sort of reservations as a lot of people have with regards to how much Bolsonaro may end up militarizing his government, but at the same time, he makes all the right noises.
I mean, his speeches and tweets about cultural Marxism, I mean, he's identifying the problem very well.
It's whether or not his solutions can be solutions as we know them to be classically liberal, libertarian-orientated solutions.
No, I totally agree.
We don't want to turn into Pinochet in helicopter rides.
But at a certain point, if you're Venezuela, a thousand are dying a week for years of starving, but they pass a law you can't say it.
They ate their dogs and cats five years ago.
Everything's collapsing.
When you're already in martial law and hell on earth, sometimes only an emergency ends the emergency.
And I'm not, I'm Mr. Anti-Police State, but when the left brings you into a hell, Then how do you get out of that?
It's kind of like Thomas Jefferson said, we will not be projected to liberty, you know, total liberty and freedom on a bed of feathers.
And extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue, as Barry Goldwater said.
I completely agree, and I keep trying to impart this to my fellow citizens of the United Kingdom now as well, is that there cannot be, for the globalist establishment, no consequences to their actions.
That doesn't mean that we're calling for authoritarianism or violence.
It just means that, you know, the action will provoke an opposite and equal reaction.
And as yet, we haven't, speaking as a Brit now, we haven't shown that the political establishment in the United Kingdom, that we're necessarily willing to do that.
The yellow vests in France are showing the French government that they are willing to show consequences for Emmanuel Macron's... They're showing...
That Newtonian physics does exist in politics, and it should.
This is a two-way street.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, you know, fair enough.
When I get criticized for saying things like that, people say to me, well, what can we do, Rahim?
You know, we gave up all of our guns in 1997 anyway, and most of the British public, including the people on the right... Sue people!
Hang up flyers!
Stand up!
Speak out!
I mean, the power of speech is incredible.
March on the Palace of Westminster.
March on Buckingham Palace.
March on 10 Downing Street.
Turn up in your 50,000s, your 100,000s, in your 500,000s.
We had a million people march against the Iraq War when that began, but for some reason we can't get those numbers out again in pursuit of the ultimate political philosophy or objective, which is sovereignty.
The basic thing about whether or not we are a self-governing nation and whether the Power is in the hands of the public.
We can't motivate people for some reason along those lines.
Now, we did it, as you can see over my shoulder, in 2016.
We voted to take our country back, that way.
But we're not able right now, for some reason, to show the political establishment that there are, and I don't say there are consequences, I say there are not no consequences for their bad behavior.
You know, we are now Not to get too sort of in the weeds about this, because I realize I'm talking to an American audience, but the reason that Brexit isn't happening right now is because we have a tyranny of Parliament.
Parliament thinks it is the sovereign in the country, whereas in reality... Sure, they got rid of one queen and brought in a whole bunch of queens.
Well, precisely.
That's exactly right and I'm going to steal that from you as well.
Because, you know, Parliament thinks that it has sovereignty over the people and it also thinks that the monarch is no longer part of our Constitution.
And the monarch is part of our Constitution.
She has the right to dissolve our government if she believes the government is not acting in the interest of the country.
And I know... And I think it's time for the Queen to use that veto.
She's used it in Canada before.
Why hasn't she used it here yet?
I think it is time for that to happen, and if it's not time for that to happen, then we have to consider why we have a monarchy anymore at all.
You know, I'm very envious of the United States and its great constitution, and maybe we need a codified constitution like that.
No, I agree.
That would be better, but people don't get the elegance of that.
under the Parliament Acts and all the rest, the Queen or the King becomes a rare trump
card to dissolve something if it's totally out of control and the monarchy wants to risk
itself doing that.
So the monarchy, if it doesn't exercise power occasionally, does become basically vestigial
and this would be the perfect time for them to do that.
That was one of the best interviews we've had in years.
I mean, I already knew he was smart, but I'm... That guy's smart, because it's good to like mind meld.
He knows what I'm saying.
Twitter, Rahim Kasam. We really appreciate you. Please join us on a routine basis. I know you're
doing some very exciting things. So God bless you and have a great week coming up. Thank you for
having me, Alex. That's one of the best interviews we've had in years. I mean, I already knew he was
smart, but I'm... I got smart because it's good to like mind meld. He knows what I'm saying. He
knows I'm not making stuff up. And that's the thing.
The globalists want to misrepresent what I say all day, because in the parlance of government and agencies and think tanks, I've done my homework.
And that guy's done his.
So it's not like we're following each other's talking points.
We're looking at the same damn thing from different perspectives, but he gives me angles, I give him angles.
And we're in this together, folks.
The globalists are evil.
Now, I cut him off even though I could talk to him for 10 hours because I never plug like once an hour.
And if I don't start plugging, we're not going to be here.
I don't want to raise alarms or do 24-hour broadcasts, but that's going to be needed.
I do the calculating around here, which isn't any marketing at all.
We sold stuff so cheap during Christmas that we didn't make enough money.
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Yeah, they take little scoops of bone broth, put it in mason jars, It isn't even as good as ours and sell it for ten bucks.
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We'll be back with the third hour.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Developing a whole series of techniques which will enable the controlling oligarchy to get people actually to love their servitude.
People can be made to enjoy a state of affairs which by any decent standard they ought not to enjoy.
I hope she would better start from the beginning.
I hope she would better start from the beginning.
I hope she would better start from the beginning.
Too many kids are what's making the planet worse.
A lot of these kids come from bad gene pools.
They don't have stable parents making good decisions.
Mercury-containing vaccines may help not harm kids, according to two new studies in the journal Pediatric.
These new studies suggest that the opposite, that the preservatives may actually be associated with improved behavior and mental performance.
Fluoride in water is supposed to fight tooth decay, but could it also cause cancer?
Turns out the government had the right, under U.S.
law, to conduct secret testing on the American public under specific conditions.
We're gonna have to work the dark side, or we're gonna spend time in the shadows.
Any attempt to achieve world order must be the work of the devil.
Well, join me.
I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan.
There's a need for a new world order.
In the next few years, a solution will emerge.
We are watching the rebellions against the globalists very, very closely in the Brazilian Emerald Isle in Italy, in the
United Kingdom here in America, in Australia.
They are quietly, for at least five years, taking their government back in many ways.
And we watched that with a very, very pleased eye, to say the least.
The battle is joined, ladies and gentlemen.
And we have Dan Lyman, one of the great reporters here.
Recruited by the great Kid Daniels, who's been doing a great job over in Europe, living in Switzerland.
And he called me a couple days ago and he said, do you want me to go cover the 11th, 12th week, whatever it is, of the Yellow Vest?
And I said, yeah.
Obviously he calls, so that means I've got to fund it.
And then I kind of felt bad this morning when I got up and saw the latest article at NewsWars.com.
And EuropeWars.com, where they were saying that the police have a live full metal jacket, rifles, cartridges, rounds, ready to kill people.
And he already saw women and men have their eyes blown out with rubber bullets.
So, I'm telling Dan Lineman, because let me tell you, One sad part about our shadow ban and our outright ban is we have a huge audience here.
When you spread the word, you come here and realize you get it unfiltered here.
I mean, no one else even covered it because it was so powerful.
Nancy Pelosi's house and illegal aliens being hired to go there and build a tent city on her property.
They got picked up here and there, but it exclusively happened here.
Well, You sit there and you see the footage Dan Lyman got of armored vehicles ramming into people and burning cities and people being shot and women's eyes blown out.
And I was sitting there watching it the day it happened, part of it live, but watching previous ones saying, I can't believe our reporter, one guy, EuropeWars.com, He's writing all these articles, he's there shooting all this footage, he's showing women's eyes blown out, men's eyes blown out, and we've got Facebook, Twitter, YouTube all banning videos as soon as we upload them, calling us fake news.
So, it's up to you folks, when Dan Lyman goes in there, for this big showdown, in the next few days, to pray for him.
Because he's volunteering for it.
A little birdie word he told me, I might be going into Europe very soon.
There's a lot going on, but we need your prayers and we need funding to go into this operation.
Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning.
But you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call or talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment!
Creativity and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
(upbeat music)
(upbeat music)
Dan Lyman is an amazing patriot, American, living in Switzerland with his wife.
He's lived in Reykjavik.
He's lived all over Europe.
And he heads up EuropeWars.com.
He's got a few people work with him sometimes, but usually he's a one-man wrecking crew.
And that URL doesn't get censored like InfoWars.com on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Google.
Though the New York Times and others have taken interest, and they go, we found us!
Secret website that Jones is running, trying to get around us.
Actually, we set it up before the banning.
We just wanted a site for all the Europe news.
But then they went, but don't worry, we banned Europe Wars on YouTube and News Wars on YouTube.
I didn't even know those sites existed.
So now the idea is private users, they're trying to say, Can't even go up there and do their own reports or talk about what we're doing, because that's how scared they are of us.
But they can't stop you, the listener, who I keep going back to because you're everything.
To text message.
People they found look at text messages and links on text messages.
That gets around the censors more than any other thing.
Email, word of mouth is powerful.
But yeah, you share an InfoWars.com article on Facebook or Twitter, you're going to get suspended for a day or whatever.
Do it from News Wars.
Do it from Europe Wars.
Other sites that are picking our news up.
You can always put our URL in, see the article you think is powerful, copy the headline, find somebody else, put it out, it'll get massive shares.
I don't care about the advertising revenue!
I just care about beating the globalists and getting enough money in here.
To be able to take it to the enemy.
And thanks to you, you've been doing that.
But, uh, they've announced in three months, NewsGuard, run by stay-behind groups in the CIA, FBI, and I say stay-behind groups, they even say, everything I told you, and I'm reading this, you think I'm happy to read this last week, when the producer pointed it out to me?
NewsGuard, I'd heard about it, run by the neocons, And run by the stay-behind groups that Obama funded before he left the Defense Authorization Act two years ago?
To literally spy on all your phones and computers live time?
And then block what you can do and control what you can do?
That means they're planning something big.
This goes into a plug-in on Microsoft, Apple, Google, Android, everything in three months.
In three months it goes in.
This is beyond the Chinese dragonfly with Google.
This is beyond the social network.
This is device-level surveillance and control.
And you just heard the incredibly smart former editor of Breitbart London, Raheem Kassam, saying everything I'm saying, because it's in there.
This is so bold.
So we'll talk about censorship and what's coming with Dan Lyman first, and then That guilty moment I had.
He called me a few days ago and he said, hey boss, you want to fund me to go cover week 11, 12 of the Yellow Vest in Paris?
And I said, yeah, if you're willing to get hurt, man, you already saw people's eyes blown out.
And then he agreed to go.
And then he videotaped the people's eyes blown out, the armored vehicles, a lot of stuff we've shown you just now if you're watching on TV, radio listeners, Infowars.com.
But now he's going when they've announced the French police to intimidate everybody.
We've got guns with full metal jacket.
Don't they get that'll become the Kent State or the V for Vendetta?
So we don't want Dan Lehmann to be that martyr.
But I think people think of the French as the wimpiest people, but that's because they were in most of the wars.
Up until World War II, and they learned to finally give up.
I'm not saying that's good.
But this is quite a time bomb we're sitting on top of.
People can follow Dan on his Twitter.
Uh, as well.
And again, that's at citizen analyst, Dan Lyman.
That's where you're going to see these incredible live videos and also on our platform.
So, Dan, there's your intro.
What do you want to tackle first?
The incredible U.S.
agencies working against Trump in America, announcing a plan to control at the device level what you do and put links over what you do, breaking into your phone.
Or the fact that you're going into a literal war zone in France for all intents and purposes is under martial law.
Good to be back with you, Alex.
Yeah, the first one you mentioned, I mean, it's just crazy, the censorship that is being rolled out now.
And as we saw with that video that was broadcast in Seattle, the president's address, we can't even necessarily trust live video broadcasts anymore.
So don't trust anything you read.
Don't take it at face value, I guess, at this point.
And you can't even trust live video broadcasts because they're editing them in real time.
So we are living in, you know, 1984 was child's play compared to what we're living now at this point.
And you're not just saying that.
A bold move like that, they're just trying to hide this in plain view, this NewsGuard stuff, where the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, Media Matters, they admit through a neocon group, have gotten all the tech giants to agree, starting in three months, they're in your phone, watching what you're watching with updates, and giving you pre-programmed messages, but also live messages.
So you're going to send your wife a link, And some a-hole from the Southern Poverty Law Center is going to be watching you.
These people are insane!
But maybe we'll roll over.
Maybe they're not.
Maybe they're geniuses.
Yeah, I don't consider myself an overly paranoid person, but I do think twice now about everything that I send on the phone, things that I say around the phone, just because, you know, at this point, we know there's somebody listening always, whether it's, you know, it's probably an AI, but, you know, there have been times when I've gone on, let's say, to Facebook on my phone after mentioning a product, and I'll get an advertisement for that product right away, and that's just like a, you know, a microcosm of what's going on at the greater level, and I can't even imagine... Oh yeah, they admit, live-time AI scans a text I'm good.
Right, absolutely.
You know, I just had a thing where I was trying to log into Twitter and it was asking me to supply the phone number to Twitter that I used.
And I couldn't remember for the life of me what it was when I signed up maybe eight or nine years ago.
And then when I went to check in the settings on my phone, it had already updated my European phone number into Twitter for me.
I did not input that myself.
So they're just like scraping your information and then just uploading it for you to everything that it feels like.
It's becoming your memory.
It's making your brain vestigial.
Yeah, it's pretty crazy.
Definitely a little unsettling for sure, and I think everyone definitely needs to be careful about the products that they put in their house, like these new Facebook tablets whatnot that are kind of watching you at all times.
I'd be very, you know, careful as to what you bring into the home.
It's, you know, it's crazy that Google's little doorbell system, I forget the name, we can pull it up, Yeah, and there's also Google has it, Facebook has it, Amazon has it.
This is called Ring.
That's Amazon's.
It's been caught, just like smart meters were, dialing in, not just grabbing that feed or letting people into it, but just, it's grabbing everything!
Well, of course it is!
The gods don't give us Promethean fire without a back door!
And I just can't believe, like, that it's this crazy!
It sure is.
It's pretty unbelievable.
So, I mean, it all remains to be seen as to where it goes from here, but definitely dark times ahead.
All right, we're going to go to break, give you the floor when we come back, what you've seen in Europe, what you're predicting is coming next, but I'm going to just do this for the listeners and viewers right now.
Dan Lyman's awesome.
He has covered Davos, he's covered Bilderberg, he's covered everything and always made history, been on drudge so many times, and we barely have enough money to get him into the cities he needs to go, and he's ready.
We pay him a basic salary, he lives, you know, he could be paid a lot more at his other job, but he does it.
We want to hire a couple people to help him, and I'm telling you, we'll do it.
We'll build EuropeWars.com, but we have to have your help.
And, uh, I felt pretty good in Christmas because we had big specials and sold a lot of stuff, but I sold stuff so cheap that, uh, let's just say we're gonna have some 24-hour broadcasts coming up to raise some money because I need to expand.
I don't need to stay the same size or contract.
If you're not expanding, you're contracting.
There is no equilibrium here.
Everybody go to InfoWarsTore.com with big specials that are about to end.
50% off X3, Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, and of course, ladies and gentlemen, Super Mel Vitality is selling out.
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Get it today at InfoWarsTore.com and get your Alexander Cortez is a dirty
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Super Male Vitality's been our overall most successful product.
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But because it's wildcrafted and a proprietary process, we weren't able to get it for long periods of time.
And so I made the decision just to discontinue it and try to reformulate.
But it's been very, very hard to do.
So we're not discontinuing it because it's crap.
We're discontinuing it because we can't get it.
It may come back in the future, but right now we're just not able to bring you this.
It's our last run of it.
It's at InfoWarsLife.com.
InfoWarsStore.com is the umbrella site.
Or call toll free 888-253-3139.
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And then, of course, it's the X3.
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We've secured the Deep Earth Iodine, but I thought we'd make a better one with all three types in the bottom of C. But, so, get your X2, get your X3, all at InfoWarsTore.com or AAA253-3139.
And, again, have a great New Year as we fight the globalists and restore the Republic and freedom to the planet.
Thank you all.
And somebody had just reported about it.
And so she tried to have them basically shut down.
And that drew a million times more attention to it all.
But the social engineers, because I read about it in the news, they actually openly talk about how to censor conservatives and nationalists, and how to make sure people don't care about it.
And they say, well, as long as we censor a lot of them at one time, it won't matter.
And they'll give it more attention at first, but then later everybody will forget about it.
Because the public's dumb and doesn't have a memory.
They're betting on you not valuing information.
And there are thousands of channels out there, tens of thousands.
But InfoWars is what they've targeted particularly because we've got their number and we know about their criminal plans.
So of all the ways you can spread the word about InfoWars, the newest and one of the coolest is hiding in plain view.
But why did I think of this?
Text the word NEWS.
To the number 3-3-2-2-2.
And we will send you one alert a day of the most important breaking news for you to hopefully spread, everybody you know, to cause that chain reaction of communication they fear so much.
And if you want to get live breaking news feeds, when it's not just my main show every day, but emergency live reports we do almost every day, when we do those, we will send you a text that we're going live.
Hopefully you'll spread it.
That's what's really key.
Text the word SHOW To the number 3-3-2-2-2.
Ladies and gentlemen, nothing can stop you when you take action.
Nothing can stop you when you resist the globalists.
They are counting on you being weak, and having no memory, and not taking action.
When you make it fun to fight these bastards, and realize it's an info war, you're unstoppable, and we will defeat these people.
Everything is now in your hands.
text to those numbers and spread those links and we will win it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
We have not been covering the new Attorney General hearings.
It is a bunch of mummies, a bunch of crypt keepers, basically engaged in what I think they call, in popular nomenclature, a circle jerk.
So, man, you want to know what the problem is in America?
You watch those hearings.
Other than like Ted Cruz and a few people, it is, it is sick.
Here's a few of the new articles up on Infowars.com.
Washington Post fact checker, burgers not stacked a mile high as Trump claimed.
That's right.
They'll take a joke term the president uses and then say there were not burgers stacked a mile high.
That's right.
If he has, like, you know, stacks of burgers for a big event about to happen, he goes, look at this, burgers stacked a mile high.
Actually, they're only stacked two feet.
So they're not taking figure of speeches.
Figure of speech.
Burgers served at the White House could not have possibly been stacked to reach about high, as President Trump claimed in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a in a You know, Trump says one-third of women traveling up from Latin America get raped.
Fact-checking him, it's 80%.
And they pulled it.
I'll play some of that audio in a minute, I gotta hear this.
They pulled it because they were like, oh my God, it's worse than he's saying.
But the point is, is that he got some Justice Department number that was much lower by some leftists.
So he says one-third of women are raped.
No, it's 80%.
We fact-checked him.
Meanwhile, he's having a White House dinner, and it looks like there's lunch.
It looks like there's probably thousands of hamburgers.
I mean, every tray has got like 20, 30 hamburgers on it.
There's all this giant table of hamburgers, and he says it's stacked mild high, and they go, oh my God, he lied.
If you stacked them, they wouldn't be a mile high.
They'd be 800 feet tall.
I mean, this war on everything Trump says is getting insane.
Yeah, and I don't know if you've spoken about this earlier in the broadcast, but Trump paid for all of that out of pocket himself due to the fact that a lot of the White House staff is furloughed.
So he ponied up for that to make sure that the boys got something good to eat.
And you know they all enjoyed it.
It's a bunch of college dudes.
They're not going to turn down A spread like that.
A lot of them said it was the best buffet they'd ever seen.
Some of the guys were joking how they took some home for later.
And personally, I'm not a fast food eater at all.
I don't know the last time I've had any, but that was making my mouth water.
I thought it was a really cool gesture, and, you know, it was fun.
It was playful, and those guys will never forget that.
And neither will the rest of us, because it was just so entertaining to watch.
Even the little bit of video that you're rolling right there was entertaining.
It's great to see, because we need border security.
We have to have it.
We have to have it.
No doubt about it.
Should have happened 30 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years ago.
There's the juxtaposed of golden candlestick holders with candles and then all this fast food.
Trump is ridiculous.
He's the ultimate joker card.
But meanwhile, he says we've got burgers stacked a mile high.
They spit it that he's lying when it's a figure of speech.
And I didn't see anybody complaining when Barack Obama was spending $65,000 on hot dog dinners.
Nobody cared to mention that in the mainstream press or ridicule him, and Obama always made a big deal of going out for fast food, or the press did at least, when he did.
Oh, it's well known.
Trump likes tacos, and Obama likes winners.
And it has been said that Trump does eat a lot of fast food, especially now at this point, because of the low risk of having his food contaminated, which, you know, I don't think any of us can really accept.
And let's be clear, that's why he does it.
He will send trusted people out to different restaurants every time to get his food.
Yes, I mean, for him... Which tells me, he's probably been, I'm not making a big story, but a couple times I'm pretty sure at public events, I got poisoned.
And then once I got tested, it was arsenic.
So, that was like 20 years ago, they hit me with some.
And so, yeah, there's a revelation, folks.
Yeah, I've been in a war.
They must be trying to poison that.
Oh, they only tried to poison kings throughout history and every culture.
But I'm sure the president, no one's trying to poison him, right, Dan?
No, certainly not.
But, you know, I thought it was a great gesture last night and it was fun and I enjoy these moments that the President, I'm sure he came up with that himself.
I'm going to give him credit for that one.
That seemed like a Trump move.
By the way, remember Breitbart?
He was going to expose this big thing about the Clintons.
I want to get Mancat on.
He said he'd come on two weeks ago.
And that was the last guy he talked to.
He said, oh, I've got it.
It's horrible.
They're going to be brought down.
He's caught found foaming at the mouth dead.
Then the main coroner doing it says, oh, no, it's arsenic or it's poison.
He dies of arsenic poisoning.
Right, exactly.
Trump cannot be too careful.
And so, I mean, it's just it's amazing that he can't do anything right.
The media will not allow anything to slide.
And, you know, the media, as Mike Cernovich actually pointed out, he has spent some time in the at the White House with the media.
And he said there are a bunch of slobs and they have a soda machine in the break room and they all eat garbage all the time.
So for them to think that they can ridicule this gesture is just the hypocrisy is off the charts.
They don't want to give away a Trump trick because they know the trick that's going on.
He doesn't just send them out for fast food randomly.
He picks the place so they can't poison it.
He also does stuff like, even when he's at Mar-a-Lago, he doesn't want to like send it to the wrong person and poison them.
So they'll have a fake order that goes somewhere, okay, and then that order is then brought to him.
And then another order for him is taken, and then it's removed, and then the next food's brought over.
Imagine having to live like that.
That's heavy duty.
I don't know how he does this day in and day out, but this has to be one of the most heroic physical, mental, and spiritual efforts in the history of mankind.
Well, that's how he saw it four years ago when he agreed to do this.
He went to Scotland for like four or five months and wasn't going to do it.
He said, you know, I can't, and his wife said, you know, they're always saying that his wife, Melania, doesn't want to do it.
She was the final straw.
She said, you got it.
He said, well, it's a full commitment.
And he sees it as basically fatalistic.
And that he's going to give everything he's got to it and be as positive as possible.
And he believes in America.
And that's why when you see it fail, you realize he's failing.
And it's a very sick feeling to see people not finally see a real president trying to do what's right for them.
And a lot of folks get it, but a lot of people don't.
Yeah, he gets up every day and some days it seems like he doesn't sleep at all.
It's amazing the stamina that he's shown at this age.
He's been doing this now for, I guess, over three years at this point, day in and day out.
The effort is incredible.
I was having a conversation with kind of a normie friend of mine recently and, you know, he wanted to pick my brain about Trump, but in his opinion, which is, well, he wasn't off that far off the beaten path, he said, you know, once you get to the Trump level of wealth, the next thing you want is power.
And that's why he ran for president.
I said, Absolutely not.
That's where you're wrong.
Because you want to be a champion and a hero and dismantle power for the people.
That's the ultimate brass ring.
And if you can do that, then you go to the next level.
Trump understands that dismantling this parasitics... I mean, how would you define it?
Well, I would say that Trump knew how terrible it was going to be going in, because he knew the positions that he was going to take were going to be very unpopular with the globalists.
And now, you know, all the knives have been out for him for years now.
And frankly, I'm amazed that he's still around and with us, because I can't even imagine.
I was about to say, they want to wear us out.
The longer he survives, even though he's stumbling and bleeding, it just makes them more and more scared.
You realize the inroads we've made all over the planet just while he did this?
Have all our listeners stood with us?
Because, you know, everybody gets worn out.
Everybody's like, this is only supposed to happen during elections.
Let this end for a while.
This is the long haul now.
This is the long race, the long swim, the long hike, the long climb.
This is for all the marbles, baby.
This is the decision where humanity's going.
Trump's going to win.
We're going to win.
You watch.
He may die in the process, but he's a winner.
Trump equals fighter.
Trump equals victory.
Infowars equals victory.
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How about physical wealth?
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live, raw and unfiltered by Globalist Propaganda.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Tomorrow's news today.
I am the terror of the tyrants.
I am the person willing to die for liberty.
I am the blood of the resistance.
But I am nothing But my father's father's father's son, true to myself and my family, an instinct not to be a slave, simply a man.
And they must remove us from the equation, because in the hour of the traitor, there can be no simple men who stand for the country.
Who stand for justice, who stand for their children's decency.
We must be removed in this great time of evil.
But make no mistake, my friends, as we see this great corruption expanding and its whole confidence game and its teeth coming out and its censorship and its attacks and its control.
It's the end of a cycle of decadence and the end of this system.
And that's why they're making their move right now.
They're scared.
Dan Lyman of EuropeWars.com.
Let's get now into where you're going in the next few days.
The Yellow Vest, the latest, 10, 12, 11, I want to be 12 weeks in.
What's happening?
How epic this is and how could we ever imagine that France, sold out to the Germans in World War II, stood down.
That's in the history books, it's not on the news.
Bought off by the Nazis.
The French didn't even fight, they stood down.
The French people fought back later, but their generals bought off, setting up an annexed government in Vichy France.
The British Expeditionary Force, driven into the sea.
Suddenly, you'd never think of France as the place to resist, but see, it's the place the globalists press the hardest.
So, give us your report on what's happening in Europe and where you think things are going and what you're about to be covering live in the next few days at EuropeWars.com.
Yes sir, we're going into week 10 of the Gilets Jaunes, the Yellow Vest protests.
I'll be on the ground in Paris this weekend on Saturday.
Saturdays are when it all goes down.
This will be the 10th week of this happening and as I said and it does seem that the level of force being used by police against the protesters is definitely escalating.
I've been monitoring a lot of the videos that have been coming out every week and this past weekend there was definitely The most carnage that I had seen and some new tactics being employed including these new weapons that they're using that they call the flash balls and these are basically 38 to 40 millimeter non-lethal rounds that are fired from little mini they're basically like little cannons and a lot of the officers are carrying these around and when they strike people technically they're not supposed to kill them but there is an old man apparently in a coma after being struck in the back of the head as he was running from police
There are people who are losing teeth.
There are people who are losing eyes.
There are people whose one guy lost a hand a few weeks ago.
So these non-lethal tactics that they're using are borderline lethal if they catch you the right way.
I will be going in this weekend with a lot more knowledge than I did a few weeks ago about how it works on the ground there and definitely will be layering up in the event that there is a You know I get caught in any hairy situations definitely be going with a helmet and eye protection this time because last time I went a bit naive and wished that I hadn't because there was a lot of stuff flying through the air there were a lot of tear gas canisters flying and now apparently the police are using helicopters to deploy flashballs and tear gas from the sky so they're raining that down
on what otherwise appear to be sometimes just peaceful crowds just to get them to disperse.
And as you're showing there on screen, they are reportedly also deploying actual semi-automatic
or possibly automatic rifles with live ammunition in the event that things get really hairy.
So this time, I'm definitely going to be extra careful because the journalists are not being
protected from any of this as well.
There's a video circulating of an AFP journalist and he's just filming the action and he catches one of these flashballs fired by an officer right in the kneecap and the word is it fractured or shattered his kneecap and there are other journalists who are being attacked by some of the the gilets jaunes that are very angry about the way that the mainstream press is covering them so they're There's just like, journalists are just as much free game there on the ground as anybody else.
And when the people strike, they don't just burn some cars like the radical Muslims do.
Here's the thing, people can make fun of French all day.
I've read my history books.
One of the last places the Romans couldn't conquer, Julius Caesar finally did.
Napoleon, all those wars.
They killed so many of the alpha males.
is that only the non-alpha males were left. France used to be one of the most vicious.
It was the French, you know, and the Norman, and then together with the Vikings,
conquered Old England. Nobody, even the Romans couldn't conquer. So the French used to be
absolutely vicious fighters, and they've still got some of the best men out there.
It's just that they've got a bunch of genetic men that have learned to lay down. But once it
triggers, though, and once it starts, you have these militarized EU police, a lot of them from
from out of the country, shoot somebody.
Don't the authoritarians get this is what ends them?
They shoot people with regular firearms.
It's over.
They're going to have French doctors scalpelling police in the neck, which I don't want, but the police should take note of this in America and everywhere else.
We didn't bring us here.
We're not funding Black Lives Matter killing you.
We're not trying to implode the country and bring in jihadis, but we're not going to take it anymore.
We're under attack!
It's over!
We're ready to fight!
And if the damn French are in gear, can you imagine America in gear?
You have guys going out there.
There's this boxer, Christoph Dutton Jay.
He was out there and he just, he had it up to, you know, to the eyeballs.
He got tear gassed with his wife and he just started just raining fists down on riot police and he did quite a lot of damage.
I love how they've got shields and masks and they're acting like they're wimps.
I mean, tough guy, but why, I mean, you know, why not just go after the feet or the legs?
But I get it.
The point is these guys in their own gear can't even handle a real man.
Yeah, there's video even of these police in their full gear and they're throwing cobblestones and stones back at the crowds who, of course, are not wearing this type of gear.
How about the French police join the people, dammit?
They need to understand the people have been put in a corner.
The taxes are so high the average person is going bankrupt.
They start the fight with us and then wonder why people are angry?
We're not looking for a fight with them, they just need to get off our ass!
Absolutely, and there have been signs that some of the police will, you know, they'll at least stand down, but... Well, that's happened a lot, but that's why I said they brought in the EU armored vehicles, the unmarked police.
It's been admitted they've got French-speaking foreigners, what, Dutch?
They've got Danish?
I mean, the word is they brought in a bunch of foreign troops.
Absolutely, and a lot of them blend in with the crowd.
They'll just go plainclothes, and then all of a sudden, it'll be like a whole, basically like a team of mercenaries that just, you think that they're, you know, with you, and then all of a sudden they're dragging people.
And what I read is, just like Germany's the head of the EU, I heard there's a lot of Germans driving those tanks, and nothing against Germans, I'm part German, but Germans again are used to take over Europe.
I've read the French are getting freaked out that there are plainclothes Germans policing them.
The last time that happened was World War II.
Yes, and the Germans, Merkel and Macron, are establishing ties.
They're really solidifying their ties.
I think that they detect this unrest coming from Eastern Europe and even within their own countries, and they're trying to consolidate power here at the last minute.
So they are really working towards establishing a military relationship.
And doesn't that make him truly a Vici collaborator, that he's doing that against his own country?
Yeah, it's unbelievable.
It's Macron.
I don't even know how he's still in there.
I can't imagine he hangs in much longer.
But I do predict that if he is removed, that he'll just be replaced by another globalist stooge.
Well, don't the police get past the PR?
You shoot a woman and her kids or people out there.
Cops are going to be getting knifed on the street.
They're going to get attacked in bars.
And we don't... Why?
The police really ought to... I know they're taking orders, but they're about to get their ass handed to them.
Yeah, that famous line, we were only following odors.
I think a lot of these guys need to look deep down inside and see, you know, what are they really standing for?
And whose bidding are they really doing?
Because a lot of these French would gladly accept them on their side of things.
And, you know, I mean, it's just crazy.
And it's spreading throughout Europe.
So everyone needs to keep an eye on what's going on in France and realize that it's coming to your country as well, most likely.
Yeah, France hit with like 3 million of the 15 million illegal alien Muslims running around raping and pissing on everyone.
And finally the French people are like, families are out there like, we're done.
We're done.
We want this over.
We want out of the EU.
Get this off our back.
And the police are like, no, we're with Islam.
The people are like, OK, let's go.
You picked the wrong team, French police.
Many of you watching or listening have either been completely banned off social media Or you have been censored.
And we've seen thousands of prominent voices banned off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram in the last two years.
It all started the day after Hillary Clinton, who outspent Donald Trump 10 to 1 in the 2016 election.
America was supposed to be all sewed up for the culture war.
With the deindustrialization, the demoralization, but it didn't happen the way they'd planned it.
And so now they've announced Michael Savage, 20-something years on air, number one in his slot nationwide, is having his show canceled and replaced with Ben Shapiro, who's never even had a talk show on the radio.
Now we see they're trying to take Tucker Carlson off the air.
Now we see Gavin McGinnis, number one on CRTV, taken down.
Whoever's number one on their platform is taken down, because that's who the globalists fear is leaders.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's national campaigns out there to not even let other people post us to YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook, where even our fans can't counter what's happening.
But there's one thing they haven't figured out how to censor yet, and that's hashtags.
Whether it's Twitter, whether it's Instagram, whether it's Facebook, whether it's YouTube, it leads people back to feeds of information.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
If all of you, when you make a tweet, or send on Instagram, or even talk to your neighbors, or call in to talk radio, just tell people the way to get around the censorship and break the back of the system is hashtag Alex Jones.
If everybody starts doing that, it's going to be the shot heard around the world.
Whatever you do, start today with #AlexJones.
Let's go to Wild Man in Illinois.
Thanks for holding, and not to say Happy New Year.
Go ahead.
Alex, yeah, going into 2019, what Trump's gotta do to save America, he's gotta declassify FISA, expose the corruption, arrest the traitors, and arrest the pedophiles.
That's how he saves America.
My opinion, an over-the-road trucker, hard-working, honest man, that's what I believe.
I agree.
Victory or death.
He's now, looks like he's cleaning house.
He's getting rid of all the double agents.
And the word is Trump is going to go into battle now.
We're talking he's going to strike back against the censorship.
He's going to strike back against the pedophile rings.
It's already begun.
He's going to strike back against the deep state.
He's going to strike back against all the criminal activity of Comey and Mueller being Russian operatives.
So just get ready.
I'd say.
Another note, I've spent over $3,000 in your store this year.
I'm a loyal supporter, and thanks for great products.
Brother, let me tell you something.
I want to thank you.
If folks like you didn't stand with us against the incredible Hillary Clinton and Soros attacks, which they admit they're running, we would not be here now.
They're taking Michael Savage off the air.
They're taking everybody.
They took Franklin Graham off Facebook.
They need to get us all off the air before they make their move on Trump.
That's why this is a war.
And you supporting us is incredible.
Which products do you like the best?
Man, I use the bodies.
I got so many t-shirts.
It ain't even funny.
I got your stickers posted on my hard hat, on my GPS, my truck.
I tell truckers about you over the CB Airways all across the country.
I spread the word about you.
I wear your clothes.
Your hats, your shirts, you name it.
Multitude of products.
How much love do you get versus, how much love versus hate do you get?
Um, you know, it's uh, people skeptical, but like it's probably about 50-50 or 60-40 year way.
I just I guess so many people got their head in the sand out here
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show (eerie music)
Look at those armored vehicles rolling along in Paris.
With EU insignia.
They'll teach those dirty French to say no to carbon taxes and bring in all the Muslims.
By the way, the Robert Mueller probe is really coming to a filthy head.
They are really, really, really trying to connect me to groups I've never had any connection to, which shows they need to be stood up to in a big way.
I'm not worried about it at the end of the day.
Thank God I'm not pedophile defending globalist Islamic defending trash like you.
Theresa May's Brexit plan rejected by British Parliament.
So she'll probably get a no confidence vote and remove now.
432 to 202.
So that's just some of the news on that front.
Going back to Dan Lyman, EuropeWars.com.
Dan, I've been asking the questions here today.
Paul Watson is, as they say, ready for war.
Loaded for bear.
Locked, cocked, ready to cock.
He started his engines.
And that's coming up here in just about 10 minutes or so.
Other points, you've been a great guest, great InfoWars reporter, EuropeWars.com, everybody should watch that.
You're going to be in the middle of the LFS demonstrations coming up in the next few days.
Everybody should spread those so that your work gets the attention it needs in this fight for Europe and everybody's future against the globalists.
But other points here in the next six, seven minutes that you haven't gotten to, that I haven't raised.
What do you want to say to the public out there?
Well yes, you were just mentioning it's the fight for Europe and it is the fight for Europe at this point.
There's just so much going on every single day and I log on and just start reading and it's just it's incredible the amount of horrific crimes that are being committed every single day.
Pregnant women being stabbed by jihadis, mass rapes, I mean I can't even keep track of it.
It is hard to keep track of. I mean, just today alone, just going through, there's a 16-year-old
Austrian girl who was strangled to death by a Syrian. The police already knew of this guy,
and they knew she was being harassed by him, and he still got away with it.
We have up in Finland this exploding grooming gang situation. Katie Hopkins doing amazing
reporting up there, and they're uncovering just network after network of grooming gangs that are
targeting very young Finnish girls under the age of 10 in some cases. Just stunning. Sweden,
unraveling by the day. We're doing stories out of Sweden all the time. We could do a story every
day out of Sweden or multiple. I mean, there's...
Some nights recently we had three explosions, a drive-by shooting, a kidnapping and an arson attack, all just in one night in Sweden.
We have the situation in France at Calais, where they're basically still storming the UK shores at this point, both by land on the trucks and also by sea.
So they're starting to land by sea on the UK shores.
There we have a story from a couple days ago.
A woman found a bunch of migrants just standing in her front yard.
A bunch of Iranian men who were apprehended.
They had just taken a boat over from France to the UK.
So it's just endless... Let's be clear about that.
We covered it then.
Try to pull it up.
Literal, now the Soros funded boats are now arriving in England.
Yeah, they're storming the shores of the UK and apparently the UK is powerless to stop them.
But I guarantee you that if a bunch of French gilets jaunes were trying to storm the shores of the UK from France, they'd find a way to shut that down real fast.
So it's definitely a choice as to how they want to delegate responsibilities and their
resources at this point.
And I mean, it remains to be seen.
But what I see happening in France, it is catching fire across Europe.
And it will grow and grow.
And I do commend the French for now holding on for 10 weeks, keeping things -- the pressure
against the French government.
And I imagine they will continue.
And it's the middle of winter.
Imagine if it was nice out.
I mean, if they continue into the spring, this could go all year.
And I want to be clear, because always growing up, the French are the wimps, the French
are the enemy.
And I'm not here in some thing to try to defend the French, because they have been pathetically weak for their own country.
They obsess over their culture and then just give it away.
But I've studied history.
The French have been through a lot.
If we can just rouse them, the Spanish launched the Crusades.
They've lost 80% of their country.
Millions enslaved.
And you know, Spain lays down to Islam now.
If we can just ignite Spain and ignite France, you've got the Prime Minister and President of Italy both saying there's an axis of pro-Islamic evil in France and in Germany, which is totally true.
He said we must have a new axis of Eastern Europe and Italy to counter it.
And this isn't talk.
This is really happening.
And it was Eastern Europe that blocked the Islamic invasions hundreds of times.
So, this is the choice.
You know, they go, oh, it's white supremacy to defend Europe.
You're damn right I defend Europe.
I don't care what color you are.
You want to overthrow it and murder and rape women and kill gays and crap all over the ground and all the rest of this?
You're damn right I want to preserve it.
Europe has 80% down tourism.
So, Dan, why the hell would the elite want to do something like this?
Because this has got people waking up big time.
Yeah, this is a suicide mission.
It's just unbelievable.
Another interesting development is in Ireland.
As you might know, there's the Ireland 2040 plan, which they've been rolling out mildly stealthily.
I mean, the documents are there if you want to read them.
And basically, Ireland has a population of about 4.5 to 4.8 million people.
They want to increase that by 1 million by 2040, basically exclusively with migrants.
And Stefan Molyneux took it upon himself to deliver an over two hour presentation breaking the entire thing down and it's my understanding now that the video has gone totally viral in Ireland, like top 15 trending videos on YouTube and they're in damage control mode because the Irish are waking up to the game plan And Molineux has offered if they wanted he would fly into Ireland and debate the whole thing on state broadcast, the RTE broadcast there.
Of course, I'm sure they won't have him on, but it's heroic efforts like that.
You just need to wake the people up.
Spread the information.
Use our articles.
Use the articles at Breitbart.
Get on the Drudge Report.
Share information.
This is the year when people can really make a difference, but they have to step up to the plate in whatever capacity they can, especially by spreading information and supporting us.
radio broadcasts and podcasts that are sharing information like Mala News.
And we really need to get the information out there because we're like right at the tipping point where I think we can
wake enough people up and and you know turn things back in the
opposite direction.
That's right Dan and this is mega corporations using third world populations
they've already exploited in their own words to attack and bring down the West and then be able to collapse society
and buy it all up for pennies on the dollar.
This is the cold-blooded move we're witnessing and it must be opposed and it's incredibly historical.
But as Newtonian physics shows, for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction and we're seeing the great reaction all over the world.
So as they say, it's the best of times, worst of times.
But when the audience gets excited, And when the audience shares the live feed, InfoWars.com and the different videos and different articles on their Twitter, on their Facebook, on their YouTube, but on their own text message, on their phone or on their email, that's what overrides the globalists and the radical Islamists and George Soros.
That's what crushes them in the fight.
So when you get excited, when that chain reaction takes place, that's what moves mountains.
That's what changes the world.
And I know I've come to you time and time again and said, keep fighting.
But you know what?
It's because you're like the blood in my veins, in my arteries, and I am yours.
It's literally, I'm saying keep fighting, keep fighting.
I'm saying keep fighting in the morning and at night, in the middle of the night when I wake up, thinking about this, I am gonna keep fighting because the cost is too great not to keep fighting.
So I salute you and thank you, but I order you To energize and take action in the main fight against the enemy and you will find your destiny and empowerment in that animating contest that Thomas Jefferson talked about.
Now is the time to release your energy or be slaves forever or join the enemy and serve them.
But whatever you do, make a decision about your destiny and get in the information war today.
They're not censoring us and blocking us as enemy number one because we're liars.
It's because we're strong and we're the opposite of sociopaths and psychopaths and pedophiles.
We want to empower the children.
We want to build new worlds.
We want to see the next level of human development.
We're fans of humanity.
We're confident men and women.
But we need to join together in this fight.
And get past the intimidation, the lies, the globalists, and what we can do together is unlimited.
Dan Lyman, we pray for you.
We appreciate you.
EuropeWars.com, and God bless you.
And we'll be watching what you do.
When do you arrive in Paris for the next big Yellow Vest clash as they have live ammo?
I'll be there early morning on Saturday all the way through the evening when the big stuff is going down.
I appreciate everyone's prayers.
Definitely going to be hairy on the ground there so I'll definitely be trying to keep a low profile and get as much excellent footage to expose the world to what is going on.
Well you always say yes sir to me on the phone when you rarely call me.
I say yes sir to you.
You're in the field.
You're on the Point.
So, don't hesitate.
You call me hours before you get in position.
I'll be here live covering it.
My friend, we salute you, and we thank you as a warrior for freedom.
God bless you.
Thank you.
This is what it's all about, ladies and gentlemen.
Fighting the globalists at point-blank range.
Yesterday, it's Laura Loomer on the property of Nancy Pelosi with illegal aliens, building a tent city, pointing out her hypocrisy.
Today, it's Dan Lyman going in for the live ammo operations.
It's the real world, and we're fighting for the future!
Ladies and gentlemen, the new year is here.
And I personally, in the new year, am looking at all the great supplements and products at EnforcedLife.com and saying, what do I need to take religiously that I'm forgetting to take, that lowers inflammation, that empowers all the cells in the body, that makes me healthier, better stamina, libido, energy?
And it's these three babies.
It's Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula with 95% Curcuminoid.
Nobody else can top that.
Top of the line in the nation.
It's X3 that has all three of the good types of iodine together, including the Deep Earth Crystal Iodine.
Because some people can't absorb that type, we put a little bit of the other two types and a tiny bit of Vitamin C to stabilize it.
And then Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
Super Male Vitality's been our overall most successful product.
Neck and neck with Brain Force Plus.
But because it's wildcrafted and a proprietary process, we weren't able to get it for long periods of time.
And so I made the decision just to discontinue it and try to reformulate.
But it's been very, very hard to do.
So we're not discontinuing it because it's crap.
We're discontinuing it because we can't get it.
It may come back in the future, but right now we're just not able to bring it.
This is our last run of it.
It's at Infowarslife.com.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site.
Or call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
Turmeric formula.
And it's supercharged with other key ingredients.
Supercharge it.
Bring it to the next level.
And then, of course, it's the X3.
It's our final run of X2.
We've secured the Deep Earth Iodine, but I thought we'd make a better one with all three types and the vitamin C. But, so get your X2, get your X3, all at InfoWarsTore.com or AAA253-3139.
And again, have a great New Year as we fight the globalists and restore the Republic and freedom to the planet.
Thank you all.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
The poets tell how Poncho fell and left his living in a cheap hotel.
The desert's quiet, Cleveland's cold, so the story ends we're told.
Poncho needs your prayers, it's true, save a few who left it too.
He only did what he had to do.
And now he's grown old.
You know the worst part about getting old and I'm still strong at 45 is that I won't be there for my children someday.
That's why I need to make them strong now.
Now I can be there for my children.
Now I can make them strong.
Now I can instruct them.
Now I can teach them what I've learned.
But not once I'm gone.
You think in this digital age, your words go on forever, but now they're even better at getting rid of what you said they were before.
It's so much easier to burn video or text or languages now that we have high-tech book burning, isn't it?
We are living in a truly amazing, incredible, epic time, and I'm honored to be here.
You know, I've been punished and demonized and attacked because we deprive this audience.
Paul Watson, coming up.
We deprived the globalists of their great prize.
Their queen, Hillary, and the great race war, the great sex battle.
But you see the Gillette commercials, they're still going on with the great class war, the great war of the sexes, as if she was still in power.
And that's because they put groups, little stay-behind mole groups, in the government.
We first told you that two years ago.
Now it's admitted.
But I have joined my will, not like Shoron to the ring, but in a good way, to the resistance.
I can't be destroyed now.
Not my name, who I am, as long as I realize I've done right, and as long as the people know the truth.
And you can't be destroyed either, as long as you understand that.
As long as you bind yourself Swear yourself, that isn't just words, but actually bind yourself to something and commit to it.
I don't want to say it's sexual, like you have sex with an idea, but it's similar.
When you commit to it, and become it, and go through the fire for it, there is a magic that then takes place that transcends space and time.
And that's why, before we go to break and pull, Joseph Watson takes over today.
I want to just recommit to listeners and viewers, despite the fact they make it harder than ever to find us and they battle to shut us down.
I don't just say this to build you up.
I say it because it is the very oxygen I breathe.
When you commit, Be a word of mouth, or to pray for us, or to spread our articles and videos, or to do your own show, or to do your own review on YouTube and talk about newswars.com.
That overrides everything the enemy's doing.
And unlike the thousands of fake voices in the pantheon of BS, InfoWars is as close To the reality of the universe, as you're going to get.
The enemy knows how things work, but it's chosen to cheat the public, not giving them the Promethean fire.
We choose to give ourselves the fire.
And we choose to share the fire with you, so that in your own understanding of the fire, you might give us greater understanding as well, and that communion that goes on eternally.
And that's why, without your support, we will fall.
With your support, We are together in victory.
So please now, commit to support InfoWars however you can.
And realize your provision to InfoWars is your own provision.
We're going to come back on the other side, and Paul Joseph Watson, ready for the attack and the next round.
A fresh horseman in the fight.
The cavalry arrives, and then in 55 minutes, the war room.
Owen Schroyer, Roger Stone, and other embattled patriots take to the field yet again in the quest for human liberty.
Stay with us.
Defeat the globalist.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning, but you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call or talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public, hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment!
and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit.
News, analysis, reports. It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live in the fourth hour of this January 15th, 2009 edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Of course, breaking news you've probably seen.
Theresa May's deal is voted down in historic Commons defeat.
This is the largest defeat for a sitting government in the history of UK politics.
Of course, her Brexit deal was not a fulfilment of what 17.1 million people voted for in Britain.
So the fact that this deal failed is good if you actually believe in a proper Brexit.
The reason why it failed is because Brexit is trying to delay the elite in the United Kingdom, the globalists who have no loyalty to their own country, are trying to delay it, kick the can further and further down the road and eventually derail Brexit altogether.
That's why the majority of them at least voted down this deal.
Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal has been rejected by 230 votes, reports the BBC, the largest defeat for a sitting government in history.
MPs voted by 432 votes to 202 to reject the deal, which sets out the terms of Britain's exit from the EU on 29 March.
Of course, it didn't do that.
It kept us in the EU.
It was an absolute ridiculous capitulation to Janko Junker, to the globalists in Brussels.
And it's good that this deal failed.
But again, the entire process has been one long exercise in capitulation and in betrayal.
What happens next?
Well, the leader of the opposition, Jeremy Corbyn, the socialist, some would call him the communist, Has filed a motion of no confidence in the government, so basically tomorrow there will be a vote on that.
If the government collapses, which it well could, then we could have another general election within a matter of weeks.
And of course that will then be exploited as another reason to sabotage Brexit.
In fact, a good explainer on this is James Dellingpole's article over at Breitbart.
Until Britain gets full Brexit, there can never be peace in the realm.
He points out the reason May's deal is going to be voted down, which it has as of about 20 minutes ago, is because Parliament is chock full of Remainers who see taking down May's deal as the first step to taking down Brexit itself.
Of course, Theresa May herself is a Remainer.
Virtually her entire Cabinet are Remainers.
And he goes on to say basically this is completely unprecedented.
We have the extraordinary spectacle of MPs not just ignoring the clearly expressed wishes of the electorate they represent, but actually trying to claim that this betrayal is their way of honouring democracy.
So again, we see the same EU model time and time again, which we warned about before Brexit.
Just keep making the people vote over and over again until you get the result you want.
They're still trying to push that second referendum and by creating enough chaos, enough political gridlock, they may just get it.
We reported before on a report in the Sunday Times which basically said the government was considering triggering a financial collapse, literally provocateuring a financial collapse in the United Kingdom to create enough chaos, to create enough bedlam to back out of Brexit altogether.
That still very much remains on the table.
Dellingpole writes, if a remain-dominated parliament gets its way, And it looks like it will.
You wonder why we bothered writing Magna Carta or fighting the civil wars.
He says, I cannot for the life of me see how there can be stability in Britain so long as the majority of British people want to leave the EU and so long as the minority which represents them in Parliament persists in scorning them and frustrating them.
We've seen what's happened in France over the past nine weeks, which is a complete rejection of globalism If this continues, if the democratic mandate given to our leaders by the British people continues to be betrayed, what will happen in the streets of the UK?
Brexit, meanwhile, Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage has said the political class ignoring the will of the people is a, quote, complete betrayal of the greatest democratic exercise in the history of our nation.
He goes on to point out our political class cannot accept the idea that we become an independent country.
They haven't got the vision, they haven't got the breadth, they haven't got the imagination and clearly none of them are looking at the channel seeing what is happening in France right now, what's happening in Italy right now.
Of course he's talking about the massive riots that have taken place in Paris and other major French cities over the past two months plus.
He makes the point.
The European Union is about to go through a massive wholesale change.
Here's our chance to lead the way to a better Europe of sovereign countries working together.
No deal!
That's the only form of Brexit that's going to work at this point, but they've created so much fear-mongering around it that basically they'll try anything else, including overturning the democratic mandate of the British people.
£39 billion will not have to be paid to the EU.
Their own citizens, EU citizens, will have to pay that.
That will make them more antagonistic towards the EU and will precipitate the EU's further decline and collapse.
The UK will be able to go out boldly into the world, make its own trade deals, have independence over its own tariffs, over its own laws.
Where's the downside?
Again, this is a complete betrayal.
If we had no deal Brexit, we could actually get on with this.
We wouldn't be stuck in a transition period for years and years on end, which is what is in all these crappy deals, which basically keep us in the EU.
Again, creating the groundwork for the crisis, the financial crisis, which then precipitates us re-entering the EU, whereas a clean break, bold Trade deals we could go out in the world and make, if that was possible, if we actually had a Prime Minister that was fulfilling the mandate that we gave her, then a clean break would be the best way of securing Brexit.
But again, it's not going to happen because our own leaders have betrayed us.
They believe in the globalist project.
They don't believe in the freedom and the independence of the United Kingdom.
UKIP has responded.
Establishment fighting over their preferred method of stopping Brexit is the headline.
And these are the comments of Gerard Batten, who says advocates of a fresh general election is basically representative, and that could happen in the next few weeks, of the political establishment fighting over their preferred method of stopping Brexit.
Batten went on to say Mrs May knows she cannot win the vote on Tuesday.
That just happened.
She lost.
She is attempting to present herself as a force for Brexit, but nobody is buying it.
Again, it was designed to fail from the very beginning.
She went there with an attitude of complete capitulation, and the EU gave her a deal which was a complete capitulation.
What a surprise!
Batten went on to say, Mrs May's so-called deal would turn Britain into a vassal state of the EU, prepared to go back in a few short years.
And that is entirely the point.
They need it to fail because the EU hates the threat of a good example.
If the UK leaves the EU or leaves it, you know, half in, half out, and that does fail, which it will, because that defies the entire point, then other European countries will see that.
And realise that they have to stay in the EU because it is authoritarian and because they will not be allowed to leave because it's a mafia bureaucracy.
That's why the EU is not giving the UK a half decent deal.
Because again, if we got one and we were allowed to leave properly, it would be a great example to Italy and to all these other countries to follow suit.
So that's what's going on with Brexit.
Again, it's absolutely historic.
It's the biggest defeat for a sitting government in history.
Now, Jeremy Corbyn has tabled a vote of no confidence.
Will there be another general election?
Will the government collapse?
Of course, back a couple of months ago, or a few weeks ago at least, we had the It was in the middle of December we had the no-confidence vote for Theresa May herself.
She won that, so there can be no no-confidence vote against her within the Conservative Party for another year.
But again, the government could collapse tomorrow or there could be a new leader of the Conservative Party after this no-confidence vote is voted on tomorrow.
But again, they're deliberately creating this murky atmosphere where nobody knows what's happening, backing it up with relentless fear-mongering in the media about, you know, super gonorrhea bugs and absolute bedlam, you know, gridlock, traffic, food shortages, army on the streets, if we get what we voted for.
It's psychological intimidation, it's fear-mongering, it's threats.
And May herself has come out many times and said, look, If you don't vote for this crappy deal, which is not a deal at all, it's a surrender, it's terms of surrender, then Brexit may not happen at all.
She was using that as a form of intimidation when she's supposed to be the leader of the party.
He presented this as a referendum option in the first place in that manifesto.
She was tasked with carrying it out, carrying out the mandate of the British people.
Now she's using it as a threat to derail Brexit.
An absolute, complete betrayal.
We'll be back in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show live in fourwalls.com.
Don't go away.
Ladies and gentlemen, the new year is here.
And I personally, in the new year, am looking at all the great supplements and products at EnforcedLife.com and saying, what do I need to take religiously that I'm forgetting to take, that lowers inflammation, that empowers all the cells in the body, that makes me healthier, better stamina, libido, energy?
And it's these three babies.
It's Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula with 95% Curcuminoid.
Nobody else can top that.
Top of the line in the nation.
It's X3 that has all three of the good types of iodine together, including the Deep Earth Crystal Iodine.
Because some people can't absorb that type, we put a little bit of the other two types and a tiny bit of Vitamin C to stabilize it.
And then Super Male and Super Female Vitality.
Super Male Vitality has been our overall most successful product.
Neck-and-neck with Brain Force Plus.
But because it's wildcrafted in a proprietary process, we weren't able to get it for long periods of time.
And so I made the decision just to discontinue it and try to reformulate.
But it's been very, very hard to do.
So we're not discontinuing it because it's crap.
We're discontinuing it because we can't get it.
It may come back in the future, but right now we're just not able to bring it.
This is our last run of it.
It's at InfoWarsLive.com.
InfoWarsLive.com is the umbrella site.
Or call toll-free, 888-253-3139.
And it's supercharged with other key ingredients.
Supercharge it.
Bring it to the next level.
And then, of course, it's the X3.
It's our final run of X2.
We've secured the Deep Earth Iodine, but I thought we'd make a better one with all three types and the Vitamin C. But, so get your X2, get your X3, all at infowarstore.com or AAA253-3139.
And again, have a great New Year as we fight the globalists and restore the Republic and freedom to the planet.
Thank you all.
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now obviously we've been tracking this controversy over the new Gillette ad, the best an incel can get.
And I'm going to draw attention to this BBC article because it ties into the current state of this video on YouTube, which is quite interesting how it's starting to shift now.
So there was a BBC headline, Gillette faces backlash and boycott over Me Too advert, in which in the first sentence of this BBC News article they said, A Gillette advert which references bullying, the Me Too movement and toxic masculinity as split opinion online.
That's right, split opinion.
Okay, so when this article was published, the dislikes to likes ratio on YouTube was 10 to 1 against.
10 to 1, thumbs down to thumbs up.
Okay, now I've noticed over the past few hours or so, since this has took off and gone even more viral than it was yesterday, And you can see this if you go on the original YouTube video of this advert on Gillette's official YouTube channel.
YouTube has put this ad number one trending on YouTube, okay?
So YouTube curates what happens in their trending section.
It's curated, it's not organic because they only allow, you know, Jimmy Kimmel These late-night hosts to get on there, pushing their propaganda.
So they've deliberately put this Gillette ad, number one on trending, so all the lefties and social justice warriors can rush to try to save its reputation.
Because it was heading to be one of the most, if not the most, disliked ads on YouTube ever, or on the internet ever.
And it was 10 to 1 against.
Now if you look at the thumbs up to thumbs down, They've rallied somewhat behind it over the past few hours.
It now has 112,000 thumbs up compared to 392,000 thumbs down.
And definitely over the last few hours, I've noticed that thumbs up ratio is increasing.
So they're trying to rescue the reputation.
It's still almost four to one against.
But again, as I said before, It was 10 to 1 against.
Now they're trying to rally support behind it to basically say and face.
But I've got a video coming out about this and how it ties into the wider war on masculinity after the show.
But there's an article up on Information Liberation called Gillette the worst an ad can get.
And this makes an interesting observation because we don't only have the collective demonization of all men, but we also have racism inserted into this ad.
And most people wouldn't have noticed this.
But of course, they have a litany of examples of men behaving badly in the ad, you know, like grabbing on women or talking down to a woman in a corporate boardroom.
Or there's another example.
of a white man catcalling a woman on the street and then a black man comes in to stop him says cut it out that's not acceptable all the bad guys in the ad are white or almost all of them are white whereas almost all of the good guys are black so they're not only is this a sexist ad they actually made it racist too and in fact This is a Twitter user called Vito Gasaldi who's pointed this out.
And then someone over on the Donald subreddit did an analysis.
In the Gillette commercial, 43 males exhibit undesirable behavior, 42 of them are white, and one is black.
7 males exhibit desirable behavior, 5 of them are black, and 2 are white.
So it's not only misandry, this is actually racism.
This is another example of anti-white racism inserted into this advert, which is kind of interesting because if you look at rape statistics in the United States, which has a black male population of about 6%, last time I checked that they were responsible for about 38% of rapes.
Vastly over-represented.
Now, I'm not saying that black men should be collectively demonised for that, because men in general shouldn't be collectively demonised for that.
But it's interesting, isn't it, how out of 43 males exhibiting undesirable behaviour, 42 of them were white.
Nobody's really pointed that out.
I think that's a bigger, or almost as big a scandal, as the actual sexist, misandric connotations of the ad itself.
And this article makes another point.
You probably remember, a few years ago now, there was a viral YouTube video called 10 hours of walking in New York City as a woman.
And when people pointed out in this video that the vast majority of people, men, kept calling this woman were non-white, the producer of the video came out with an absolutely absurd lie, claiming that, and this was his quote, We got a fair amount of white guys, but for whatever reason, a lot of what they said was in passing or off camera or was ruined by siren or other noise.
So the fact that they documented the vast majority of catcalls this woman was getting were from non-white people, they then had to lie and claim, oh, no, there were plenty of white people catcalling her.
We just didn't get the audio right.
Absolutely incredible.
So now you see a similar narrative With this Gillette ad in that all the bad behavior is done by white men, all the good behavior is done by black men.
Again, so it's racist as well as sexist.
And as I said, I've got a video coming out about this because of course it ties in with the American Psychological Association a couple of days ago.
Coming out and saying that.
Stoicism as a part of toxic masculinity is negative for young men and boys.
Again, we live in a society where depression is supposedly accelerating.
Of course, suicide rates amongst men are accelerating.
And they're literally telling them that stoicism is bad.
Stoicism is an entire lifestyle change.
It's about dealing with bad situations, changing bad situations by relying on stoicism, which of course is a branch of philosophy.
It's not just a, you know, cliched, generic, stiff-up-a-lip kind of attitude.
It's rooted in philosophy.
It's not a band-aid.
It's not a pill.
And it works.
So again, this is the point I make over and over again.
The more they tell men to not act like men, which is inherent in this Gillette ad, the more they tell men to talk about their feelings, the more men wallow in their feelings, and the more the suicide rate increases.
Again, we're told, oh, there's such a stigma around depression.
There's no stigma.
Everybody constantly talks about it on social media, on television, in entertainment.
It's always people bloviating about their depression, how depressed they are.
Mainly privileged people who've got everything else going for them in the world.
Oh, but they're still depressed.
The more they tell men to be weak minded and constantly obsessed with and wallowing in their feelings, the worse depression gets, the more suicide rates increase.
And yeah, that's not to say that people with serious mental problems, PTSD or things like that, don't need therapists and that that doesn't help.
Of course it helps.
But you've got an entire generation of people Who claim to be depressed because they want attention, because they're narcissists, and because social media encourages that.
And we've got an entire depression industrial complex based around the doling out of pharmaceutical drugs, which is a multi, multi-billion dollar industry, which also wants to encourage people to be depressed, and says that there is no other solution to depression other than doling out pills, which just by coincidence makes billions and billions of dollars, For mainstream media corporations and giant pharmaceutical corporations.
So we're going to get more into this Gillette ad and the wider societal trend that it reflects in the next segment of the Alex Jones Show.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
Don't go away.
Many of you watching or listening have either been completely banned off social media or
you have been censored.
And we've seen thousands of prominent voices banned off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram in the last two years.
It all started the day after Hillary Clinton, who outspent Donald Trump 10 to 1 in the 2016 election.
America was supposed to be all sewed up for the culture war, with the deindustrialization, the demoralization, but it didn't happen the way they'd planned it.
And so now they've announced Michael Savage, 20-something years on air, number one in his slot nationwide, is having his show canceled and replaced with Ben Shapiro, who's never even had a talk show on the radio.
Now we see they're trying to take Tucker Carlson off the air.
Now we see Gavin McGinnis, number one on CRTV, taken down.
Whoever's number one on their platform is taken down, because that's who the globalists fear is leaders.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's national campaigns out there to not even let other people post us to YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook, where even our fans can't counter what's happening.
Look, there's one thing they haven't figured out a sensor yet, and that's hashtags.
Whether it's Twitter, whether it's Instagram, whether it's Facebook, whether it's YouTube, it leads people back to feeds of information.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
If all of you, when you make a tweet, or send on Instagram, or even talk to your neighbors, or call in to talk radio, just tell people the way to get around the censorship and break the back of the system is hashtag Alex Jones.
If everybody starts doing that, it's going to be the shot heard around the world.
Whatever you do, start today with #AlexJones.
Let's go to Wild Man in Illinois.
Thanks for holding, and not to say Happy New Year.
Go ahead.
Alex, yeah, going into 2019, what Trump's got to do to save America, he's got to declassify FISA, expose the corruption, arrest the traitors, and arrest the pedophiles.
That's how he saves America.
My opinion, an over-the-road trucker, hardworking, honest man, that's what I believe.
I agree.
Victory or death.
He's now, looks like he's cleaning house.
He's getting rid of all the double agents.
And the word is Trump is going to go into battle now.
We're talking he's going to strike back against the censorship.
He's going to strike back against the pedophile rings.
It's already begun.
He's going to strike back against the deep state.
He's going to strike back against all the criminal activity of Comey and Mueller being Russian operatives.
So just get ready.
I'd say.
Another note, I've spent over $3,000 in your store this year.
I'm a loyal supporter, and thanks for great products.
Brother, let me tell you something.
I want to thank you.
If folks like you didn't stand with us against the incredible Hillary Clinton and Soros attacks, which they admit they're running, we would not be here now.
They're taking Michael Savage off the air.
They're taking everybody.
They took Franklin Graham off Facebook.
They need to get us all off the air before they make their move on Trump.
That's why this is a war.
And you supporting us is incredible.
Which products do you like the best?
Man, I use the bodies.
I got so many t-shirts.
It ain't even funny.
I got your stickers posted on my hard hat, on my GPS, my truck.
I tell truckers about you over the CB Airways all across the country.
I spread the word about you.
I wear your clothes.
Your hats, your shirts, you name it.
Multitude of products.
How much love do you get versus, how much love versus hate do you get?
Um, you know, it's uh, people skeptical, but like, it's probably about 50-50 or 60-40 year way.
I just I guess so many people got their head in the sand out here
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show [MUSIC PLAYING]
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now we're continuing to talk about this Gillette ad and what it reflects for the wider societal narrative of the war on men and masculinity.
There was a good quote from an RT article today by Slavoj Zizek, who is a communist, philosopher basically, but he still opposes political correctness.
Headline, traditional masculinity toxic, new universe of subtle corruption emerges.
And he was talking about the American Psychological Association proclamation that traditional masculinity is now toxic, that it's actually bad for young men and boys to act like young men and boys, he said this.
If in the old days of heterosexual normativity, homosexuality was treated as illness, it is now masculinity itself which is medicalised and turned into a sickness to be fought.
So they've actually switched it around.
You know, the whole gay rights lobby was up in arms about homosexuality once being treated as a mental illness, which is fair enough.
I believe people are born that way.
But now they've switched it around completely to where heterosexuality and masculinity is treated as some form of mental illness.
Just the rate at which that switch is absolutely astounding.
And there was another quote here.
By David French, writing in the National Review, he says this.
The assault on traditional masculinity while liberating to men who don't fit traditional norms, sorry boys, in other words, is itself harmful to the millions of young men who seek to be physically and mentally tough, stoicism, to rise to challenges and demonstrate leadership under pressure.
Of course, all things that men excel at, all things that keep men energized, engaged and happy.
He continues, So again, if we treat traditional masculinity, if we treat boys being boys as a form of mental illness, something to be discouraged, even though that's their innate natural biological instinct to act that way, Depression is going to increase exponentially, and yet it's the American Psychological Association telling us to do that.
Absolutely incredible.
We are truly living in the upside-down world.
And as to this advert itself, here's the thing, okay?
Rapists aren't going to be discouraged from raping people just because you told them that rape is bad.
They're going to go ahead with it anyway.
If in the future, in a few years time, a rapist is ripping some poor woman's clothes off, you know, he's not going to suddenly stop and be all remorseful because a Gillette ad from a few years ago flashed across his mind, okay?
Rapists aren't going to be deterred from raping because of a television commercial for a damn razor blade.
So again, the only effect that this ad has It's to insult the intelligence of men who are never going to be rapists, who are never going to be sexual abusers at all.
Again, are we going to start seeing tampon ads which go on about emphasising the importance of women giving men joint custody of children?
Are they going to be lectured that way?
Are we going to have make-up commercials that are going to start lecturing women Not to make false rape accusations.
Are we going to see that?
You know, instead of maybe it's Maybelline, are we going to see maybe it's make-believe?
It's not going to happen because only men are in this privileged position to be constantly lectured, hectored and denigrated about their basic innate biology and insulted to the point where they have to be told not to rape women, not to assault women.
Absolutely incredible.
And also, of course, there's a message in this ad where they show basically rough and tumble play with two boys and then one of the parents steps in and discourages that.
Again, this is all done in an effort, according to this droopy corporate feminist ad.
To reduce bullying and harassment.
It's only going to have the effect of turning boys into posses who can't fight, who can't stand up for themselves, increasing the chances that they'll be bullied and harassed.
It's going to have the exact opposite effect.
You know, what they call toxic masculinity is what we men call surviving in the real world.
If you teach your boy to be a soft, blubbering, crybaby idiot, Who's completely obsessed with his feelings and constantly wallowing in his feelings.
He's going to grow up to be a victim and he's going to get the crap kicked out of him on several occasions.
He's going to, you know, have a lot of problem with bullying and harassment.
But again, most people have missed this.
It all comes back to power as everything does with the left.
It always comes back to raw power.
Okay, women are of course way more likely to vote left-wing, whereas studies show that masculine personality traits are directly associated with voting for conservative, right-wing and populist political parties.
So again, that's the entire point.
By eradicating masculinity, you eradicate an entire voting bloc.
So it's the most crude form of Machiavellianism, disguised as progressivism.
It's about creating a voting bloc or eliminating a voting bloc, just as importing millions and millions of immigrants, both legal and illegal, is about creating a voting bloc.
It's all about power.
And again, it ties into the APA thing again.
They said competitiveness, achievement and risk taking.
Which again, are three core principles of strident, successful masculinity.
You know, what makes men happy, what keeps them engaged, what keeps them active.
They're denigrated.
It all ties into this depression industrial complex where we're told constantly to wallow in our feelings, to talk about our feelings, to talk about depression, how we're all so damn depressed.
Oh, but there's a stigma around depression.
There's no stigma whatsoever.
We're bathed in it.
It's everywhere.
We can't get away from it.
So again, it's normalized to the point where everybody's depressed.
And there's no reason to sort out your crappy situational life.
There's no reason to change your situation.
You can just be a fat slob, you know, with no get up and go whatsoever, with no goals, with no achievements, because it's not your fault.
It's just something bad going on in your head.
It's depression.
Isn't that a convenient excuse for lazy people across the West?
Absolutely incredible.
Again, telling men that their natural biological impulse to behave like men Which again goes back to stoicism.
Being stoic, being strong-minded, being able to deal with bad things that happen in your life, that is an innate male biological characteristic.
That's how you deal with depression.
That's how you deal with suffering.
If you tell people that that's wrong, that that's some kind of mental illness, that's only going to increase depression.
Absolutely incredible.
There was a tweet by somebody which I'm going to feature in my video the other day, and she made this point.
She said, toxic masculinity.
43% of boys are raised by single mothers and 78% of teachers are female.
So close to 50% of boys have 100% feminine influence at home and 80% feminine influence at school.
Toxic masculinity isn't the problem.
The lack of masculinity is.
And then you can look at it from another perspective, which is the fact that this is just free advertising via lame virtue signaling.
The amount that this advertising would cost would run into tens and tens of millions of dollars.
They've created a viral video that's captured news attention across the globe.
The amount, the equivalent amount in free advertising that that would equate to is absolutely monumental.
So people keep saying, Is Gillette going to apologize?
They've offended so many people.
No, they're not going to apologize.
When Nike made Colin Kaepernick the face of their Just Do It campaign, we had the same outrage, the same uproar.
People supposedly boycotting Nike.
What happened a couple of months later?
Their stock was up 5% and they made $6 billion on that advertising campaign because most people
don't care. They just see Gillette in the news headlines.
They don't even read the news.
It just triggers a purchase impulse in their brain and they just buy more Gillette.
They don't even understand the situation.
They don't even read the news.
So again, they're not going to apologize.
This is free advertising via virtue signaling.
It's a tried and trusted method of marketing and Gillette has pulled it off just as Nike pulled it off with Kaepernick.
We'll be back on the Alex Jones Show live breaking news at Infowars.com.
You've got Alexandra Cortez coming out saying CBS is racist and bad because they didn't send a black reporter to cover her for Congress.
She says, better get better next time.
That's why to counter her and to get back in her face whenever she said that Don Jr.
might face prison time for making the point that, you know, she loves Venezuela so much.
In Venezuela, they eat their dogs.
In capitalist countries like America, we walk our dogs.
So, I came up with the idea for this little baby, and we have this as a limited edition, but I want it to be a bestseller.
This is the first limited edition.
We have another design coming out.
There's only a few thousand of these, but we want this to be a huge seller.
We want to put 50,000, 100,000 out of these like we've done Hillary for President.
And it says, Capitalists walk their dogs, Socialists eat them.
Then it's got an American flag that's very triggering to her, saying InfoWars.com.
So, there it is.
It is on InfoWars.com.
There's links to it on InfoWars.com.
It's InfoWarsStore.com.
Capitalists walk their dogs, socialists eat them.
Sure, this is triggering, this is powerful, and it shows her with an enlarged cartoon head with giant ears looking like a dog foaming at the mouth because that's what she looks like is a dog on methamphetamine.
She's probably on methamphetamine.
I mean, what is she on?
We should ask the question.
She used to be good-looking.
She's lost so much weight and has meth mouth.
So you could call it the Alexandra Cortez meth mouth.
Because she dares to threaten people with jail time and subpoenas if they make fun of the fact that capitalists walk their dogs, socialists eat them.
And she looks meth, you know, out of her brain now.
Like she's flying on planet Pop-Tart.
And so, get the hottest shirt on the internet.
We know it's gonna be the hottest.
No reviews yet because we're just launching it in the last few days.
InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLive.com, or 888-253-3139.
Listen, we need your support.
We want these to blow off the shelf.
I want to reorder them.
We're going to have a slightly different design each time.
I want to have 10 different limited editions shell out in the next six months of this.
And I want this everywhere, because she's the new symbol of the Democratic Party.
And it points out, capitalists walk their dogs, socialists eat them.
And when people say, man, well, why are you showing her as a dog?
Because, ladies and gentlemen, in the final equation of communism, people eat people and are made lower than dogs.
And she is a She's an absolute tyrant wanting to arrest people that make fun of her.
And so we're going to show her how America works and throw it back in her face because she, her dancing a few years ago, she was good looking and looked healthy.
What drugs are she on?
We need an intervention.
What, methamphetamine?
Or is it, is it Adderall?
What is she snorting?
We need to help Alexandra Cortez.
Get the t-shirt.
I'm doing.
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So what we've learned is that volcanic ash and acid rain can contaminate a rainwater supply.
But more importantly, a good water filtration system will purify it.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
Now before we get into a few final news stories here in this fourth hour of the show, I want to tell you about, and this is quite apropos given what's happening with the Gillette ad.
In 4WarsStore.com we have the last run ever of super male vitality.
This is the backlash against Gillette and the classification of masculinity as mental illness, as they're trying to do now.
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Now we talked about the attack on masculinity.
That's not happening in Brazil because they've got a president that actually believes in supporting the dignity of his own population.
Brazil's Bolsonaro vows to end gender brainwashing of children in schools.
He's vowed to put an end to educational programs in schools that teach a boy that he's not a boy and a girl that she's not a girl.
Now of course they appointed An education minister there when Bolsonaro was elected he was tasked with re-establishing the country's education system to supplant the previous model which quote in his words dismantled traditional values of society of family religion and patriotism
So now they've really got the right medicine going into Brazil's educational system and saying that they're not going to put up with this idea that we need to train masculinity, basic innate biological behavior out of boys.
Bolsonaro delivered the message while wearing a Japan soccer shirt, asserting, quote, in Japan, kids of six, seven years can solve math problems.
Our college students can't, because here in Brazil, it's more important to teach a boy that he's not a boy and a girl that she's not a girl.
So they're actually putting some seriously foundational positive educational programs back into place in Brazil now that they've got a populist president.
Meanwhile in the UK where acid attacks and knife machete attacks continue to rise, in fact there was horrific footage again out of a train station in London the other day of a man attempting to carry out some kind of machete attack, the police are busy Visiting people again over questionable Facebook posts.
Yes, our resources, our tax money being used very wisely indeed.
Headline, father visited by police after Facebook joke about feeding baby hot sauce.
Now, If you didn't read this story, all you would have seen is the headlines about a father feeding his baby hot sauce.
Now, of course, the initial reaction would be, that's a bit sick.
That's a bit weird.
Why would you feed a baby hot sauce?
No, it was a joke he posted on Facebook.
Basically, they went to a restaurant He got a little tiny bit of hot sauce on his knuckle.
He was playing with his baby.
He put a little bit of his knuckle in his baby's mouth.
The baby reacted a little bit.
And then he later posted it on Facebook and said it was unintentional, by the way, lol.
That was his quote.
A few days later, Mr. Dawson, the father, was stunned.
When police knocked on his door to ask if he'd been feeding the baby hot sauce.
So some little snitch saw his Facebook post, called the police.
They turned up, knocked on his door.
He hasn't had an apology.
I mean, thankfully, the police realised how ridiculous it was.
But again, the very fact that they would be told to go there in the first place, while we've got actual violent crime rising across the board, is indicative of the kind of tattletale snitch society with social media.
That we now live in.
Meanwhile in France, French police deploy rifles with live ammunition to yellow vest protests.
And there's footage of this as well.
French riot police are alleged to have begun deploying assault rifles with live ammunition for the first time during the ninth weekend of protests in a row by the Gilets Jaunes Yellow Vest Movement.
Now of course we've seen the videos of protesters literally having their eyes popped out, their hands blown off when they tried to pick up stun grenades Now French officers were caught on video brandishing what appeared to be Heckler & Koch G36 assault rifles on the streets of the French capital near the Arc de Triomphe on Saturday.
And there's video of this as well in the article we posted.
But again, it's a pure intimidation tactic to prevent more people going out on the streets.
What in the hell are they doing?
They're trying to communicate the message that there could be some kind of massacre.
Why have they got Machine guns on the streets dealing with these protesters.
Absolutely frightening prospect.
And in fact, there's an interesting quote here from the former French Minister of Education, Luc Ferry, who seemingly endorsed the use of live ammunition on yellow vest protesters.
He said, when you see guys beating up an unfortunate policeman on the ground, let them use their weapons once and for all, that's enough.
He basically said, quote, we have the fourth largest army in the world, and it's capable of putting an end to this crap.
So he later walked that back, but in that quote, he's basically calling for martial law and for armed troops on the streets to deal with these yellow vest protesters.
So there's no sign that that's going away as President Macron's approval rating slips lower and lower, 23% at last count.
Meanwhile, in Germany, Afghan migrant arrested after 87-year-old woman brutally killed.
These stories come out on a daily basis now.
You can barely keep up with them.
We had another one out of Austria about a different murder.
Now there's another one after that about Austria.
This one's out of Germany.
You just get confused because they just happen multiple times daily.
Police in the German city of Jena have arrested a 23-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan following the discovery of the body of an 87-year-old German woman believed to have been murdered.
The body of the pensioner was discovered Saturday morning in a cellar with police believing the woman had been murdered.
An arrest warrant was drawn up on Sunday evening with police managing to arrest a 23-year-old Afghan migrant Who was a neighbor of the woman.
Meanwhile in Austria, Syrian man admits strangling 16 year old Austrian girl he had allegedly been harassing.
The body of a teenager who was allegedly strangled was found in a park in the Lower Austrian city of Wiener Neustadt over the weekend.
The suspect is reportedly her ex-boyfriend, born in Syria in 1999.
He'd been on police radar on suspicion of assaulting, sexually harassing the girl, but was able to keep his asylum status, of course, as they always are.
None of them ever get deported.
So again, You know, we had the mass molestation of women in Cologne.
Angela Merkel has basically said she's going to continue the policy.
All these other European countries are saying of importing hundreds of thousands of migrants per year from areas of the world which have no respect for women and betray that lack of respect on a regular basis.
Now, you saw the Photo the other day of President Trump basically buying hamburgers and a bunch of fast food for the college football champions there, the Clemson Tigers.
Well, now CNN is upset because Trump made a joke about Melania Trump making a salad.
Yes, really.
CNN host Erin Burnett and analyst Joan Walsh have lambasted the US president, no doubt, for his toxic masculinity.
About the First Lady making, quote, little quick salads for the White House reception for the Clemson Tigers during a catering emergency while the kitchen staff is furloughed.
So again, this is what she said, Joan Walsh.
It's incredibly sexist.
He shouldn't talk about the First Lady in that way.
We aren't all here to make salads for men.
So he jokes about her giving a helping hand, putting out food for this Clemson Tigers football team.
And they're triggered beyond belief.
They're also triggered by the fact In another story here, CNN analyst accuses black Sirius XM host David Webb of white privilege.
She said he had white privilege not knowing going into the interview that he, of course, was black.
That is absolutely hilarious.
You can go and read the quotes in that article on Breitbart.
But that's going to wrap it up for this segment of the Alex Jones Show.
Coming up next is War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Breaking news at InfoWars.com.
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