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Name: 20190111_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 11, 2019
3066 lines.

The excerpt covers various topics including border security, internet censorship, nationalist conservatives, and Christians being censored off the internet. Alex Jones from InfoWars discusses the complete internet takeover plan by Obama and Hillary at CIA, and how tech companies like Google, Apple, Facebook, and Twitter are partnering with intelligence agencies and private organizations to control people's phones and monitor activities in real-time. The InfoWars show covers recent bans of Alex Jones and other conservatives on major social media platforms as an attempt to control speech and limit freedom. They promote their own products like Honor Roll, a fish oil supplement for children, and InfoWars Life's Ultimate Krill Oil. Doug from "Doug Racing" and Millie Weaver discuss various topics including Julian Assange, immigration, Pablo Escobar's brother, and border security, expressing frustration over the treatment of Assange and criticizing President Trump for not taking action on these issues. Alex Jones speaks about how InfoWars is unstoppable with the help of its audience and urges listeners to sign up for the free newsletter at Infowars.com. The narrator discusses the issue of restrictive legislation, Sanctuary City, violence associated with the caravan, and the possibility of using emergency powers to build a wall without congressional approval. Advertisements are for various products such as slingbows, bacon, and tax debt settlement services."

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Ladies and gentlemen, we have discovered "Hiding in Plain View," the master plan,
when I come back from break.
Obama, well I'm just going to have to tell you after the break, but he, this is so unbelievable.
And people don't even know how to deal with something of this magnitude because it's so criminal, it's so diabolical, it's so evil, that Congress doesn't even know how to respond, and the
President doesn't know how to respond.
I know how to respond.
So we'll tell you about it when we come back.
Here's part of Greg Reese's excellent report he just filed on the common sense issue of border security.
The full report's being posted to newswars.com, infowars.com.
But here's part of this important report.
Please go to infowars.com and newswars.com and get the video and share it and spread it.
Here it is.
The phrase, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, has been around for generations.
It illustrates the wisdom of respecting other cultures.
It is much like the golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
When you are a guest in another person's home, it is only right to honor and respect their home.
A nation is a home to its citizens, and the only way it can exist is with a border.
This all may sound like common sense, and before the election of President Trump, it certainly was.
That's why our administration has moved aggressively to secure our borders more, by hiring a record number of new border guards, by deporting twice as many criminal aliens as ever before, by cracking down on illegal hiring, by barring welfare benefits to illegal aliens.
In the budget I will present to you, we will try to do more.
To speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested for crimes, to better identify illegal aliens in the work place, as recommended by the commission headed by former Congresswoman Barbara Jordan.
We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws.
It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it.
What we need to do simultaneously, you know, secure our borders with technology, personnel, physical barriers if necessary in some places.
If passed, this bill would be the biggest commitment to border security in our nation's history.
It would put another $6.5 billion on top of what we're already spending towards stronger, smarter security along our borders.
It would increase criminal penalties against smugglers and traffickers.
It would finally give every employer a reliable way to check that every person they're hiring is here legally, and would hold employers more accountable if they knowingly hire undocumented workers.
Even as we are a nation of immigrants, we're also a nation of laws.
Undocumented workers broke our immigration laws, and I believe that they must be held accountable.
But now, for whatever reason, the Democratic Party is opposed to protecting American sovereignty.
In today's upside-down world, protecting a border is immoral.
A wall is an immorality.
It's not who we are as a nation.
The wall, in my view, is an immorality.
No, it has nothing to do with politics.
It has to do with the wall is an immorality between countries.
It's an old way of thinking.
Now, many people have pointed out that Nancy Pelosi has a wall around her home.
This home.
And others have suggested that this is not her home.
They have posted images of this building and claimed that this is her home.
But we live in a time where common sense is no longer common and many miss the obvious fact that this home, like most, is made of walls and secured with locked doors and windows.
To claim that it is immoral to secure your border is equivalent to saying it is immoral to secure your own home.
It is the equivalent of saying that private property is immoral.
For common sense people, the primary purpose of government is to protect the people.
According to our Constitution, the purpose of our federal government is to establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.
Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning, but you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call to talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
Pat Buchanan has come out echoing basically my exact same words in a big editorial article.
It's linked up on Infowars.com saying memo to Trump.
Declare emergency.
Declare it now.
And don't just declare it on the border.
Because that declaration will allow you to remove a lot of the embedded Obama people.
Be honest with the public about how we're under UN globalist attack.
They're teaching us that having a nation even existing is evil and is bad.
Now, before I hit all of the incredible news, I'm going to hit the most important news ever.
When it comes to the concerted global program to censor nationalist, conservatives, and Christians off the internet.
And then once that precedent has been set, The Wall Street Journal, seven months ago, a month and a half before my total purge, and then everybody else's purge, said, don't worry, in a 30 plus page subscription only article, That we wrote about and had big excerpts of on Infowars.com said, don't worry, major newspapers and TV networks can be more profitable than ever, because they said within one year, this was seven and a half, eight months ago, they said within one year, the internet will no longer be free, it will be like Netflix, and you will not be able to go, not just to quote fake news,
Once the president's set to do that, the real bonanza of authoritarianism is the monopoly.
So once they get the KKK, oh, then they get Alex Jones, then they get, oh, Antifa, then the conservatives come and say, yeah, you take them off too, and then you see Jack Sprat could eat no fat.
And his wife could eat no lean.
So between the two of them, they licked the platter clean.
Conservatives want to censor the liberals.
Liberals want to censor the conservatives.
The leftist professor class is in the background.
They'll just take their mask off later and they go in and are the fact-checkers, the new royalty.
Now I want the listeners to listen to me very, very, very carefully.
And I don't say this to sound pompous.
It's the opposite and it scares the hell out of me.
Because I don't want to be one of the only people that knows this when it's hiding in plain view.
Let me correct that.
One of the only people that is opposing this program and researching it, when it is a giant industrial scale program with over a million people conservatively involved in it.
It's a public Manhattan project, hiding in plain view, and they put it in foreign affairs, and they put it in public affairs, those CFR rags, and they admit the whole architecture, and they go to security conferences, and they say it all.
Remember the neocons always wanted authoritarianism?
The Chicago School?
Strauss that started the whole neocon, you know, modern idea?
Thought that, you know, Hitler did a good job, he just shouldn't have been anti-semitic?
The neocons are the real group working with the Democrats against the Tea Party Liberty Republicans.
And so you think we've got Congress, or we even did a few months ago, we didn't.
We never had Congress.
We never had the total trifecta of the legislative, the executive, the judicial.
Now with Ginsburg about to make a jump into hyperspace, and the White House, the word is, is getting ready that she's going to be having to retire dying basically any day.
Word is from little birdies that she's not even conscious right now.
So these are good omens God's giving us.
I mean, I wish nobody harm, even a horrible globalist like her, but this is still a very good omen for the Republic.
This is a little sign that they're all dropping like flies with Providence delivering.
We need to pray for Providence.
We need to pray big time.
But let me just Pull back, because I always try to give a bunch of technicals, because I know if some congressmen or women are listening, or if executives are listening that are actually into facts, they'll hear the things I'm saying and then go look it up, so they understand this is not my view.
And I understand large swaths of the public are unconscious, and very lazy, and quite frankly, stupid.
And everybody claims they know how stuff works.
I really do know how things work.
I know exactly how they work.
We had already reverse engineered this and predicted it before Trump won, it was going to happen one way or the other.
It's just harder for them because Trump won, but because Trump is so cut off, and the whole bureaucracy is just ignoring him, he's like a big powerful juggernaut meets a giant swamp.
And so now the weight and the strength and everything starts making him bog in.
So we're gonna go to break and I'm gonna come back and I'm going to just quantify this and I'm gonna announce what's happening in just big, colorful, expansive statements the way the pundits do it and they never give you facts and then I'm gonna give you the facts afterwards instead of just going right into the facts.
But here's the bottom line.
The best way to describe this and what it is Is a bunch of projects to censor the internet and control and social engineering and consolidate power for corporations, not just shut down quote right-wingers or what they call fake news or populist, but to vertically integrate the entire economy.
And so there were a bunch of projects being tested in China, Europe and other areas to bring the censorship here and the UK.
And Hillary and others had it set up that once she got in, they were going to roll this out with the system about to break down after the break when she won.
Well, when she lost, they absolutely crapped themselves and accelerated the program to try to even keep Trump from getting into office.
Because they rightfully know, if this comes out, if people make this a political issue, instead of it being a technical, factoid, academic issue, if the public digests this raw meat, this red meat, it's cyanide to the New World Order.
You think the globalists are in trouble now?
When I come back, I'm going to lay it out.
But here's the bottom line.
With Obama, with the neocons, with large sections of U.S.
intelligence, Defense Department, all of it, this is all public, set up a total internet kill switch system that is manned by at least 100,000 people right now, with heads-up displays On your phone, on your computer, live time.
And all new devices, Microsoft, Apple, Google, the idea that Apple says what happens on your phone stays on your phone, that is the biggest joke on the planet.
It's already being beta tested, and in three months it rolls out on the new Microsoft everything, where they're in your phone lifetime, and they put, like the fact checking you see on Google and Facebook and Twitter, when I had Buzz Aldrin on, and they just put a fact check up saying, Jones says no one went to the moon, but Encyclopedia Britannica says we did.
The damn interview says we went to the moon!
See how that's fake news?
Lying about me, but superimposed?
It will not be on the site you go to now, that opts in.
It will be over all devices.
With a huge heads-up display through all these intelligence agencies, including Interpol, the reactivated Stasi in Germany, Google's moving into the former Stasi headquarters.
I mean, the magnitude is incredible, and they will all be... Remember when CNN was in my YouTube and knew how much money I was making, and everything, and was calling for me to be banned?
And people were like, that's crazy, how are they in your YouTube with Google?
Oliver Darcy and all of them are in this!
They literally... That's gonna be mainstream corporate media are now gonna be the policemen in your phones, in your computers, and putting heads-up displays over your phone, and it's starting now!
I'm in total control at device level!
Ha ha ha!
Bacon love.
Conservatively, there have been several thousand articles written in the last three years demonizing InfoWars, and yours truly, for selling high-quality supplements.
In fact, even the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, that owns the biggest sellers of supplements in the world, even that organization has written hit pieces claiming I'm a fraud and selling snake oil when they're owned by a man who owns Amazon and Whole Foods.
Amazon was the number one supplement seller in the world.
Whole Foods was number two.
He owns the number one and number two biggest supplement sellers on the planet.
And then his publication, a weaponized disinformation op, says I'm bad and should be shut down.
When more than 15 of the 70 products we have at Infowarslife.com are private labeled, highest quality, top of the line, that are sold at Whole Foods for higher prices.
Think about the level of that fraud.
And I've sent messages to these news organizations pointing that out.
No response.
They never want to get my comment.
Now, why am I saying that?
It's simple.
We have a lot of proprietary original products, but a lot of them are also private labeled.
Whatever already has five stars, whatever people already love, whatever's been tested to be the best, show.
We have a great product.
You love it.
You reorder it.
The Globals are going to test our products, trying to find something.
So we're going to be able to, you know, defeat all that.
It's a 360 win.
We defeat them.
You win.
I win.
It's amazing.
And you've seen them come after our attempts to even process credit cards and shut down InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
I mean, it's incredible not just what frauds they are and how they're anti-free market and how they're racketeering against us, not just Jeff Bezos, but this entire system of mainstream media and mainstream corporations and banking are even worse than Bezos and Amazon.
It's hard to believe.
I'm just illustrating how crazy this all is.
Now, I'm going to be cutting some informational pieces in the next few weeks that go into great depth on each one of the products.
I've done this for some of the products, but I haven't done it in a while.
I haven't done it for the new products because, quite frankly, it's like going to school for a college exam to try to accurately talk about how great these products are.
But just know this.
Whatever the attributes that Jeff Bezos and Amazon and Whole Foods are allowed to tell you about their flagship products, these are as good or better.
These are all the top of the line, very best.
I can't even tell you what they do and the history of it and how amazing they are because they selectively enforce and will send the FDA after us.
You see, I'm a subhuman.
I'm garbage.
So Bezos can make all the claims.
Whole Foods can make all the claims.
Because this stuff is dynamite.
Turmeric's dynamite.
Iodine that's clean is dynamite.
Super metal Vitality, they have similar products.
It's all dynamite.
They can tell you how great it is and show you all the facts and tell you.
Because they're the elite.
I'm just scum.
Just like you, according to them.
But the good news is, you've seen how great these products work.
We do break down some of the basics on each page at m4slife.com to see how wonderful they are.
But experience turmeric, experience X3, experience Supramel Vitality, Supramel Vitality.
That, by the way, is the last run of our best-selling product, Supramel Vitality, Supramel.
Because we can't even get the wild-crafted herbs anymore, so we can't get the supply.
And I'm sick of it, so I'm discontinuing it.
Because it's so frustrating.
This is the last run, and it's all 50% off.
Bodies, X3, and Supermail at mfullwarsstore.com and mfullwarslife.com.
Thanks for your support.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance, rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I am begging everyone watching this live show or listening on the radio, To look into the facts I'm about to lay out.
To find out they're absolutely true.
In fact, worse than I can even say.
There's so many details.
And then contact Congress.
Contact major corporations.
Ask to speak at your church.
Do whatever it is you have to do to expose this because in three months Microsoft and then Apple and then Google, all of them by the middle of 2019, are implementing live access into your phone where they will see where you're going and what you're doing in live time.
We already know they've been tracking us doing that.
But now they're going to have a consortium.
Of neocon organizations, hardcore Soros-backed organizations, I'm about to show you mainstream news, saying this, specially selected by Obama and Hillary before they left office, groups in every U.S.
intelligence agency, all 17, coordinating Political minders that don't just spy on you, that send live time messages over what you're browsing on the internet.
So it isn't like you go to somewhere on Facebook and there's an Alex Jones video, and then it puts up a link from Snopes saying this is fake.
Or from the Southern Property Law Center, or from the ADL, or from Media Matters.
Literally, sort of, when you go to a site, breaking in and putting it over, it's going to be on your device.
Now, we've already seen this happen to InfoWars, where they didn't just delist us off of iTunes six months ago.
We had links just to our own podcast and into the iPhone browser.
They blocked you on an iPhone being able, through that function on the phone, to get to it.
You understand?
You go by a phone, and the next level is, you can't go to InfoWars.com, you can't click on it, you can't listen, and they've now got keyword, and they've got audio, which is the next level, where then they won't even let you listen to my voice.
It's automatically blocked.
Now listen to me carefully.
This is for everybody.
This is going to totally vertically integrate the entire world.
Once they're done doing this to political groups they don't like, the Wall Street Journal, again, a month and a half before we got purged, where they say that article, said, when we're done with Jones as the test case, We're going to take everyone off and you will maybe have a thousand channels on the internet.
The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times will be the king fact checkers, and then they'll disseminate it out to the minders, who they've already got 100,000 trained.
I have the articles right here, who are already on Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, already practicing taking Franklin Graham off and taking Gavin McInnes off.
And then, oh, we're sorry, it was an accident, but just teaching you, they're there.
Oh, we made a mistake, sorry, you're back, Allie Alexander.
But, by the way, don't go on Alex Jones' show.
Oh, Joe Rogan, yeah, we blocked your podcast getting uploaded onto iTunes when you had Alex Jones on.
Don't have him on again or we'll delist you.
And by the way, don't tell anybody, Joe.
Oh, but there's the good news, Joe.
Soon we're going to have a program where your administrator, if they're trusted and signed some paperwork, you're going to be able to go flag things about you that aren't true, and you're going to be able to confidentially talk to us, and Joe, if you do a good job for about a year with us, you're going to be able to take stuff down yourself.
How would you like to be a trusted administrator?
Oh, and then Alex Jones puts out a couple videos about you.
They got a million views last week on other people's channels.
And then a little message from YouTube, you need to watch what you're putting up, or your whole channel's gone.
See how that works?
See how that works?
See, that's how corruption works, is they get you involved and they give you some power, like the Nazis did.
So remember what all these senators have said, we're putting them on the screen of your TV viewer.
Democrat senators have said, we took Alex Jones off, now there's thousands more need to be banned.
And they went further, they said, they need to be banned from radio and TV as well, and we're putting in systems that'll do that as well, where the DVRs and receivers in your TVs won't even pick up who they want blocked.
Oh, and remember this week, don't even show the President's speech?
They were trying to introduce that idea to you?
You see?
And, oh, they had a big Defense Department meeting a few months ago.
We first reported on Infowars.com.
And guess what?
They said that by the end of the next year, the Internet, as we know it, will be over and everyone will be censored, but selected corporations allowing the orderly Direction of society.
That's called dictatorship.
Direction means dictating.
I mean, the orderly directing of society.
My god, the op... I'm gonna get directed by Mr. Fly?
The neocon?
I've got all the articles, all the names, all their admissions, but they're establishment publications.
Or then they're mainline publications selling you on, oh thank God, there's a consortium of groups helping fact check, but they're not doing enough.
Oh, of course.
And then everywhere I go, everything I've said or done, they put a lie on it.
They don't even act like you're smart.
A great example was, I talked about Buzz Aldrin on 10 years ago, and how I believe the moon landing happened, and a lot of other things, and I never said it didn't happen.
And then they saw the news, Jones says the moon landing never happened.
It's in Texas Monthly, on the cover of this month, that, you know, Jones said the moon landing never happened.
And under it was Encyclopedia Britannica saying, Jones says the moon landing didn't happen.
But it did.
And the video, I'm saying it did.
With Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the moon.
Does he have credibility?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Someone under the Southern Poverty Law Center, I went and looked it up, has a seal, like the old dukes would have, or kings, putting their mark in the wax.
Encyclopedia Britannica, that old respected name, is now Southern Poverty Law Center.
They just load whatever they want, and they go, well, that's respected.
Let's get Encyclopedia Britannica.
Nobody reads those anymore.
We can get that name for nothing.
And we'll now be Encyclopedia Britannica, and we'll say the moon's made of cheese if we want.
And then, Encyclopedia Britannica, Jones says that nobody ever went to the moon, and the video above is me saying we did.
But see, they're gonna hone their systems down, I guess, and not make it as obvious, right?
Like them saying there's no border crisis, and Trump's a liar over and over again.
When we come back, I'm going to explain all this.
We've got loaded huge guests.
I'm never good at telling you about the huge guests we have coming on.
Cassandra Fairbranks is a great lady, good friend of mine over at the Gateway Pundit.
She had a lengthy discussion with Julian Assange and has got some big breaking exclusive stuff for us coming up.
We've got so many other big guests as well today.
I'll tell you about those on the other side, but do you understand?
On a Richter scale, the censorship you've seen is a 1 compared to the 10 you're about to witness.
Total censorship, spying, takeover by criminal class.
Alex Jones has been behind several right-wing conspiracy theories.
(upbeat music)
Alex Jones has been behind several right wing conspiracy theories.
And I'm coming.
Paul and Frank Stringini are a pair of brothers who have a YouTube channel featuring humorous animations
and songs that are sometimes provocative and offensive.
They are artists with a message to corporate censors.
Censor us and we will destroy you.
They're also creators of a real video game they made called Alex Jones vs. the NPCs.
You can find the Stringini bros on YouTube.
Creating art, creating literature, creating images, creating ideas is what the establishment's most scared of.
So you guys are the cure.
And what's on your mind here on Christmas Eve, my friends?
Well, the thing that is most on our mind is freedom of speech.
There are all these conglomerate corporations that want to shut people down, like you.
One of the reasons we were inspired to make the game was because of what they did to you and the way they distorted the truth.
They're supposed to be the people who give us the truth.
But they're spreading lies and misinformation.
And part of what this game is supposed to portray, it's saying a lot of things.
But we are not going to sit by while they take away our freedoms and they tell us what we're allowed to hear or listen to.
We're explorers.
We want to explore the world and know what's out there.
And I'm not going to allow any corporation to tell me I can't hear something like Alex Jones.
If I want to listen to Alex Jones, I'm going to listen to Alex Jones.
The dangerous thing is that they don't realize the danger is.
If they don't allow people to speak, what are people left with?
What comes next?
And so they can't be allowed to win.
And that's why in this game, you can't lose.
Because we're not allowed to lose.
We must win this fight.
You can't kill Alex Jones in this game because we are going to win.
There's no one in the studio right now.
I don't know where they got this.
Crazy tomahawk.
Seriously, what are these doing around the office?
But there's camera 5 about 30 feet away.
The question is, can I hit camera 5?
No training.
The problem is, I could definitely get it, but that light's in my way.
That's alright.
Hit the light.
See, I told you the light was in the way.
Hey, I get three chances.
Bring the hatchet back, please.
Let me see if I can get camera five now, because I was gonna get it.
It's a good 30 feet away.
Hit the TV that time.
All right, we gotta keep going here.
All right, this is the final shot.
If I can't make it now, I'm no good.
Stuck in the wall, but I didn't get it.
Actually, it was all 3D.
None of it was real.
He's not allowed to make new accounts anymore, and he is permanently kicked off the platform.
My heart's big!
It's got hot blood going through it fast!
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we now have the complete internet takeover plan, blueprints.
Within three months, every computer device in the country already has the back doors built into it with devices made five, six years ago, will be broken into via your terms of service, you won't be allowed to not have it on there, by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ADL They at least have to break into police stations to get information.
And they got convicted of that and got sued over it by Media Matters, George Soros, and by the main neocon think tanks with Defense Department yearly funding that Obama put in place with oversight by special offices set up by Obama and Hillary at the CIA.
And just as you've seen in China, where you can't send on phones emojis of the Taiwanese flag, and that went worldwide for a while, or you can't send images of Winnie the Pooh because the dictator doesn't like it, because people make fun of him in China, so Winnie the Pooh's banned.
And they've got a firewall and systems that detect that, and you can't send that over platforms.
The EU just signed a law banning memes.
By law, you must pre-approve them and scan them through a government system before you put a meme out.
That's prior restraint on speech.
This is way beyond 1984.
And so, starting in three months, and rolling out through the rest of the year, and we have neocons at major events admitting this, we have all the articles admitting it, they're just bragging.
They say, you think Alex Jones was a big deal?
You think us banning thousands of conservatives was a big deal?
We only did that to get the left wing on board.
The Democrats are so sick and tired of their own constituents being anti-war and everything, we're going to ban all of them, and then the conservatives who feel like they've been wronged are going to take the bait.
And once that's done, we're going to set the precedent to ban everybody.
It doesn't matter if you've got a show about gardening on YouTube.
If it's popular, and you've got 100,000 subscribers, and you've got a great arborist business that sends plants around the country, there's a bunch of those.
I've ordered plants off some of those.
I've even talked to them on the phone.
I'm like, wow, how's your business doing?
How much money are you guys making?
I'm like, wow.
In the future, they're going to...
I was ordering some trumpet vines just six months ago, and I brought it up to him.
I said, you know they're coming for you next, and they're not going to let you operate.
Funny thing is, I got an email from the guy.
He said, how did you know that?
I just started getting contacted by YouTube, and they said things are about to change.
I'm going to have to pay them to even be on YouTube.
But they're going to have a conference, and I should fly there.
And I said, I know, brother.
And see, we're being hit by such a criminal takeover, such a mafia Takeover that just to have any type of online store, to sell Beanie Babies online, to sell roses online, to just be involved in commerce, period, you're going to have to pay the piper to the big tech giants.
And by the time they do that, everyone else is going to be shut off.
By the time they get around to all the little merchants and all the regular people, it'll be too late.
But here's the mega scandal, here's the takeaway.
Hiding in plain view, the head of Google, the head of Facebook, the head of Twitter, the head of all these groups, they go to Congress and they say, we've never censored anybody, we've never manipulated search results, we've never been paid to promote a search result.
That's the whole model!
It's like saying that the American flag doesn't have red on it.
But you know it's got red on it.
Mega lies!
You know why they're so confident to lie?
Because they've got a perfect storm where six and a half, seven months ago, right before I got banned, the Wall Street Journal put out a, again, huge article that I'll show you here in a moment.
Saying, we're going to take over the whole internet and end it being free.
And you're not just going to pay to play.
We're not going to let anybody on it, but select companies.
And then, of course, they're all going to start fighting with each other, too, over how many can be there.
It's a total takeover.
Because the internet was going to decentralize things.
It was going to end all these monopolies.
And it was starting to do it.
And the globals are like, no, this is supposed to bring in total control.
And so they're doing it.
It's all over the German news now that they're going to train stations.
First I saw it two days ago in one city, now it's all over.
And they're going up to attractive women who have blonde hair and saying, are you a racist?
Are you a nationalist?
And the women say, no, no, no, I'm not.
Like they believe they're going to be arrested.
And the police say, good, because you'll be arrested if you are.
So now they're even saying, we'll take you away because you're white.
And one woman said, but you're blonde haired.
And the cop pulled out a breathalyzer and shoved it in her mouth, tried to take her to jail for talking back.
And then the Germans went, oh don't worry, it's a social experiment.
Of course it is!
They go, we're not really gonna arrest you for blonde hair, it's a social experiment.
I called Watson that morning before anybody else had picked it up.
And he says, it's crazy.
And I said, no, Paul, it's meant to make them insecure and scared and spread the word.
So when they really start arresting people for what color they are, people won't say, oh, I care about that because they've already heard about it.
They go, oh, that's just an experiment.
See, they're testing you.
Studies show when they show you a bunch of murders on TV, you become desensitized to the real thing.
That's why they show soldiers.
Simulated shooting the first video games were you know of killing people up close who weren't real so when you kill the real people You don't care.
It's a desensitization and look.
I know you know all this folks.
Let me tell you Only being aware of this will defeat it you can't you can't look at At the news, Fox News, CNN, any of these things, and think you're getting what the story is.
Even if they're reporting on the basic facts, it's all about distracting you from what's really going on.
Like, Trump doesn't need an emergency to build the wall.
He could do it with existing military funds with a selected emergency, by declaring it an emergency.
He needs it to circumvent and remove these networks Obama put in under an emergency.
And of course, we're next year's news today.
I've been telling you this since Trump got in.
He's had to declare the emergency.
To override the previous emergency.
And I'm telling you now.
In fact, here's the takeaway that up front, I want everyone to know.
Obama and the neocons know there's a populist uprising worldwide.
They thought Hillary was going to win.
But even if she did win or didn't win, They were going to incrementally in the Internet as we know
And it's here.
And it's the old saying of first they came.
For this group, and they came for that group, and when they came for me, there was nobody left to stand up for me.
This is an exact plan where you pick off one person, and then another, and then another, and then a whole group, and then thousands in a day, and thousands the next day, and thousands the next day, and then you, then you, oh, people are getting upset, let's cycle back, okay, we're gonna quit, we apologize for Franklin Graham.
Oh, we apologize for Gavin McGinnis on YouTube.
And then they take him down later.
And so, it's all a psychological plan.
And only by being aware of it, only by being conscious of it, only by understanding it, do we have any chance to beat it.
So, again, normally I get up here and I talk about one of these issues, and all I do is just start showing you article after article, showing different pieces, how they're spinning, how they're lying, how they're admitting, how it all goes together.
And then I never actually get to the big picture.
I just got to the big picture, told you exactly what's going on.
Now, when we come back, I'll go over all the articles, and the proof, and the legislation, and the video clips of senators admitting it.
And then, we got a bunch of big guests coming up today.
But this is it, and I want to explain it.
It's not just that they're going to put over what you're doing on your phone or your computer or your Alexa or your other home quote device that's spying on you.
You're a good little minder.
It's that when you go to Alexa and say, Alexa, pull up alexjonesinfowars.com, At first it's going to say, that's fake news and a bad persona.
But okay, later it's going to say, I'm reporting you for doing that.
And by the way, I've been listening to you.
And later it's not going to even let you know.
It's just not going to let you go there and not respond.
They actually admit that in the documents too.
A robot in your house controlling what you listen to.
The Globalist.
In the last eight years, we've seen the rise and now fall of the cryptocurrencies.
And the entire time, I refused to take sponsors to fund our operation from the cryptocurrency market.
Not because I thought every company was bad or that the whole thing's a scam, but at a gut level, I knew it was a giant bubble and I didn't want to be associated with that.
Gut level, just couldn't do it.
There have been many other sponsors I've refused.
I have been offered and refused millions of dollars in sponsorship that would have been great to fight the info war from legitimate companies that sell marijuana-derived CBD oil, which has incredible attributes, everybody knows about it on so many fronts, and helps a lot of people.
But the reason I haven't gotten involved is the law hasn't been clear, and some states, even though it doesn't get you high, see it as illegal.
But now they have developed and certified for years CBD rich oil derived from hemp that is completely legal in all 50 states and there are so many different permutations and combinations of what it's able to do and what the studies show it's done that it's mind-blowing.
So we've worked with one of the biggest companies in the nation And they wanted to just work with us openly because they want to stand up for America and freedom.
They're patriots.
But I said, listen, you just need to create your own new website for a private label for us, where you handle it all, where they get the best hemp-derived CBD oil, legal in all 50 states, from you.
You drop ship it.
You get it out.
You have the website.
I promote it.
I send people there.
And that way they're getting the very best from the experts.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, nothing wrong with marijuana-derived CBD oil.
The problem is some of the public and governments and municipalities get confused and sometimes people get in trouble with CBD oil if it's too strong.
This isn't CBD oil derived from marijuana that's high in THC.
This is derived from industrial high-quality organic hemp and it's legal in all 50 states and now Trump has signed the executive order allowing the industrial growing of hemp, so we won't even have to import it from Canada to Colorado, where it's then produced, bottled, and distributed.
Now listen, I know a lot about it.
I've researched it.
I've turned down probably 20, 30 companies who've been wanting to sponsor us in the last six years.
It's gotten really crazy in the last two.
But now that the law is clear, now that our listeners can't get burnt, now that we have a partnership with one of the top companies in the United States known for their organic quality, known for being patriots, They have created a new website and a private label of their entire spectrum of award-winning products called Washington's Reserve.
And there are so many attributes, so many different things that hemp-derived, hemp-rich CBD oil has to offer that you just need to go to washingtonsreserve.com for yourself and see it all, because they have more than 40 products.
Now, remember, the Globalists have tried to take our merchant accounts away.
They've tried to shut us down.
They've tried to boycott us.
They've tried to sue us.
And I said in the last six months, I'm going to move, not away from a direct sales marketing of great products to you to fund us.
We're still going to do that with Infowarslife.com, but we're also going to bring on the best sponsors in the country, the very best products.
And this is the first big one.
So I'm very excited.
Be sure and go there.
Experience the power of high quality hemp extract with CBD exclusively available at washingtonsreserve.com for the highest quality, the The lowest prices. It's all there, ladies and gentlemen, at
washingtonreserve.com, and you're helping fund the info war the whole time.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
From Nazareth he came with a ragtag band to bring a revolution.
Some would make him king.
Others couldn't stand for that.
The cross was a solution, but it rose again.
Wise men follow him, but it rose again.
Wise men follow him.
Thank God for the rain.
Alex Jones here, back live.
♪ I ain't a singer ♪ The inventor of the internet, who's not Al Gore, he's a British scientist who's credited with the final pieces of it, for contributing the most.
...has said last year and this year that global authoritarianism is taking the web over, a technocracy, that the big tech companies have totally sold out to evil, and that he has been feverishly working with other top scientists to try to combat them.
And in the past, when those fellas talked, they'd be all over Wired, they'd be all over the Wall Street Journal.
When these inventors of the web talk now about authoritarianism, you have to read it in local newspapers.
Father of World Wide Web launches platform which aims to radically decentralize the net.
Intends to end the dominance of Facebook, Google, Amazon while the process of letting individuals take back control of their data.
That's Tim Berens.
Tim Berens-Lee.
Now, here's the problem with this.
When you get hit with an authoritarianism this big and people don't know what they're facing, and you have almost like 21st century technology finding a time machine and going back and fighting, you know, primitive tribes or something, the primitive tribes have no chance.
And because the old governing political class, who are 65, 70, 80 years old, Are playing golf all day and barely know how the internet works.
They're allowing the technocracy and these tech heads and traders inside U.S.
intelligence and multinationals and the chi-coms to literally set up the end of civilization as we know it.
When it comes to basic freedom.
Julian Assange's last video interview before blackout.
He said this generation being born right now is the last to have any freedom ever.
And that's really the sad thing here, is that the inventors of the internet and top journalists all say exactly what I say, because it's what's happening.
And it's very, very sad.
And then I knew that the next level was going to be device control.
Because we've seen Apple do all sorts of things, not letting people even, not just access iTunes, but not even use the RSS reader On iPhones to get to our RSS feed.
And I didn't believe it when listeners found it.
I told the tech guys, we got an outside big company look up.
They said, yeah, we've never seen this before, but we believe this is the next level of control.
URLs blocked at the device level and then boom.
Microsoft and all the rest of them are announcing in corporate papers that, oh, we put the function in years ago.
But we're going to go live with it at schools, universities, military bases, and on people's devices without opting in.
Where you try to go to Infowars.com and it pops up Snopes and the Southern Poverty Law Center and all these other criminal groups, in my view, and says, hey, this is a fake guy that's a Nazi or, you know, he says the moon landings didn't happen.
We're fact checkers.
We're God.
We're Jim Acosta, and we say you don't want to go there.
And then you know what the next step is, obviously.
You're put in a database, which they've already been doing, oh, that you're a bad person.
So what they're doing is getting you used to a minder.
Now, one of the crew in there, Matt is a smart guy, he goes, man, it's almost like this is the Chinese social score is already here.
And I said, yeah, Matt, that's next segment.
That's what I was going to end with on this before we shift gears to the other issues.
This is worth 100 hours, not just one hour to talk about.
The entire Chinese global social score system didn't start there.
It started here.
But yes, it's being adopted in Latin America.
It's being adopted in Africa.
Because when the Chinese come in, they say, we're going to build roads and railroads and all this, but you have to adopt, your government does, our computers that spy on you and run everything you do.
And you've got to sign over your ports and everything to us.
And we're going to watch everything your citizens do.
Starting next year, they've already done it as a pilot project with all the party members.
This is just the Google project, Dragonfly, that they say we've never heard of.
It just doesn't exist.
Remember, first a few months ago, it didn't exist.
And then Sundar goes, oh, I don't really pay attention to it.
We don't even know we're going to do it.
Dragonfly is the global model, and we already have it.
Dragonfly watches what you do on your phone and puts it into a scoring system and has government minders watching where you go in live time and even messaging you when you're doing things they don't like.
And it's the, by law, starting next year in China, everyone will be given a phone that listens to you, that watches you, that's your minder.
And then, if you don't play ball, you can't move one inch.
That's the government quote.
So that's what they're doing here.
That's what they're doing there.
And so all of us are going to be prisoners.
And literally, George Soros funded groups are already banning Franklin Graham and will ban everybody and are already live time in your phone.
Not just a computer program that puts feeds up on your phone.
Not the website you go to.
They're just getting you used to that.
Like, oh, I went to a website.
You know, I went to Google, or I went to YouTube, or I went to Twitter, or I went to Facebook, and I went to my local church.
And, you know, somebody didn't like the fact that they gave a, you know, anti-abortion speech, so it says something about your church.
You're like, wow, that's weird.
It won't be on the website they're doing it.
It's going to be on your phone.
And you know what that means.
They admit.
Literal university control freaks.
Scum of the Earth.
All of them are who they're hiring.
Top security clearances to reality winner who joined ISIS and said all whites should die and she was white.
These are the people that are going to be live time in your phone.
It's not just going to be Twitter where they read your private messages and share them and we have all the Veritas videos laughing about it or all of this.
It's... it's...
It's sick.
And guess who they are now hiring to man the whole thing?
University professors, antifab, leftists, but all the out-of-work or would-be out-of-work major newspapers, New York Times, Washington Post, all of them are now like little intelligence agencies.
That's what's running all this.
And they Live time.
Get into your account, and they look at all your sponsors on YouTube, and they start contacting them, and you never even know why you lose them.
And they admit this!
Criminal racketeering!
Outside third parties!
In... You hear about Facebook letting outside parties into your thing?
Yeah, that's what they do.
But the New York Times is on undercover video saying, yeah, we're in Alex Jones' private account.
That son of a bitch used to make five million dollars a year off YouTube.
We cut it down to...
He's almost crippled.
Yeah, he's our number one enemy.
That and veterans and anybody that has American flags.
That's a quote.
Well, who do you target?
American flags.
The New York Times is like, yeah, we're in the interface.
We can read all their private messages and everything. [laughs]
Yeah! Woo!
And now it's everybody.
And top neocons at Defense Department think tanks on stages in Germany three months ago said, you think the censorship's good now.
We're banning everybody by the end of next year.
And we're going to have a lot.
And guess who controls it?
Neocon Bushites and it's all right here in these articles on InfoWars.com and they're bragging up there at defense meetings about how the enemy's the people and how they're gonna shut everybody off and take your bank accounts and they laugh about you being homeless just like the Nazis put Jews in the ghettos.
We've got all these clips of congressmen I haven't gotten to yet saying ban me.
We'll play those next segment, but here it was back in February of 2018.
So I was saying six, seven months ago.
I guess that's really ten months ago.
God, time flies.
So I was wrong.
I said six, seven months.
It was ten months ago.
Hold on to your tinfoil hat, Alex Jones.
YouTube's coming for you.
This is an article about the Wall Street Journal article.
It's behind a paywall, but you can still go find it.
And it just says, we're taking the web over.
We're ending the internet.
And Google engineers quit and said, you're breaking the internet.
They said that.
Google Soros funds Facebook new fact checkers.
That's a Newsbusters article.
How a neo-combat fact-checker plans to wage war on independent news.
Mint Press is the best article.
It's up on Infowars.com today.
It's like... I'm not gonna say it.
It's like... It's 20 pages long.
And it goes through all of how they're gonna do it, and how they're gonna ban liberals, conservatives, everybody!
It's all over!
They're ending the internet!
Except it's a psychology experiment, a giant re-education camp, where it's 100,000 now, they plan to leverage it up to about 10 million people, whose jobs will be watching everything you do and telling you what to do over the smartphone!
Defeat the global...
This is a solution for you and your family.
This is something guaranteed, like oxygen and water, to sustain life.
There are a bunch of bad halogens.
There is one good halogen in the body, and it's pure atomic iodine.
Most forms are bound, so you don't absorb them.
But even microscopic amounts of the broken-down type are better than nothing, because your body recognizes it and takes it on, and tries to use it instead of bromine, chloride, fluorine, and the other bad ones.
And there's a lot of things better than just wealth in this world.
How about physical wealth?
When I forget to pick my iodine, I'm an idiot.
We have X2.
It's selling out because a company tried to put me over the barrel from the oil well company that drills to get it to 12,000 feet.
We ended up finding an even better company.
Their chemist said, you can put this in the way you have it, but you should add a little bit of vitamin C to stabilize it so it doesn't oxidize in this other form of iodine.
And then we've got the New York Times.
absorbable. That's X3. We have a limited supply of X2. It's our final run. But here
are the headlines. How adding iodine to salt boosts an American IQ. That's
Discovery Magazine, ladies and gentlemen. And then we've got the New York Times.
Now again, this is from 12 years ago. In raising the world's IQ, the secret is salt.
But it's not.
It says right here.
Adding ionized iodine to the salt.
Boosted IQ, 10 to 20 points.
Increased fertility.
They put it in the water the kids are given at school in China.
Why do I say that?
Because in the 20s, we had major reproductive problems, major deformities, major retardation, major IQ reduction, not on the coastal areas where people got fresh fish that had some iodine in it, but in the Midwest.
You fund us, and you get atomic iodine with the other two types of iodine, so it's fully absorbable.
That's why we have Survival Shield X3.
I can keep selling X2 till the cows come home, and it's there.
But this, this is the best.
Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com, or 888-253-3139.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
As you probably heard, recently many of the biggest tech companies joined in a coordinated effort to censor content from broadcaster Alex Jones.
They're never gonna remove him.
That's crazy.
That's too far.
This isn't about Alex Jones.
This is about freedom.
Trump's election and Alex Jones' popularity are merely symptoms of a corrupt and failed status quo.
You have about 800 million followers.
That's why you're banned.
Media censorship!
Virtually every day, big tech companies censor someone else whose political opinions they disagree with.
Facebook censored our free speech.
And shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
They've broken their algorithm to try to steal this election.
And now they're down to the left corners of the internet.
Oh no, conservatives can speak to one another.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
You can't stop them knowing that.
You know, a lot of times we cover the big breaking news of the day, but most of the time we create the talking points that defend humanity in the future.
And break down what's happening.
And so I'm going to explain it again.
Then we'll get into all the rest of the news in the next few segments.
Millie Weaver's joining us.
And then Cassandra Fairbanks.
We've got to talk to Julian Assange.
Nobody can even get in to talk to him hardly.
And no mainstream media will interview him now.
He's not the darling anymore.
And the conditions he's in have really deteriorated.
So we're going to be looking at that coming up.
But getting back to just news so insane.
So incredible.
But you knew it was going there.
That they're not just going to go ban all the conservatives or nationalists or Christians off the internet, like Frank and Graham.
They're not just going to hire magic wand waving internet police from the Southern Poverty Law Center and from the universities and from George Soros funded groups like they've done.
And call themselves fact-checkers, like that makes their lies true.
Jim Acosta's a big fact-checker.
I guess the devil... The devil is the fact-checker, and he says Jesus is bad.
Well, he's a fact-checker, so Jesus is bad.
Now, all the new... Not just all the new phones, they all have the programs on them.
Starting now, it's already being phased in, all of your phones won't just have it popping up, No, but groups like NewsGuard... Oh, NewsGuard!
Oh, how... I mean, NewsKiller.
Guardian of Destruction of Free Speech.
This neocon-run consortium that has this bland name.
Oh, don't worry.
They're not liberals.
They're neocons.
And Silicon Valley loves them.
They're going to be in all your phones.
But NewsGuard is actually a template where all the other fact-checking groups can then fence who they are.
You know, you break into somebody's house and steal their jewelry.
Well, you go and you sell it through somebody else.
You don't go take it in yourself.
So it's like, oh, folks are getting the Democratic Party and the Globalists and former Stasi have been hired to run the fact-checking and it's all a bunch of bull.
Well, let's just call it NewsGuard.
And it's a big corporate, and don't worry, Republicans are involved.
And you have a bunch of stories out about, oh, National Review is working with NewsGuard and they've gotten a bunch of liberal sites taken down.
After all, they were anti-vote calling for Hurting Tucker, so it's, well thank God they're there!
See how that works?
And so, NewsGuard, it's just a shield, it's, well thank God, when I get on my phone or my computer, that if I go somewhere, I don't decide whether it's real or not, or I don't research it myself, no, there's NewsGuard there to put a screen over my computer, on my phone!
This is not you're going to the site and they're doing it.
If sites, you know, choose to do that, that's one thing, it's bad enough.
Like all the big tech giants.
That's just to get you ready, thinking you're dumb and don't know that it's not the site doing it.
It's on your phone.
So, now, it's not just the NSA spying on you and all that.
It's all being proliferated.
And this is how you get used to being spied on by everybody.
Is it's, well, it's NewsGuard.
It's telling me, like, anti-virus software that I want's more bad.
Except, oh, NewsGuard's can even have tailored messages right to you.
They're going to be in your phone.
They already are.
But this is it.
This is your reminder.
Just like the Chinese social score.
This is it.
Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning.
But you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call or talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment.
Creativity and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
♪ Think about the woman, the girl you knew then and now ♪
I'm watching the midterms, then you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdunk.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You wanna talk?
You wanna talk?
Who are the presidents?
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
I just spent the entire last hour getting into the establishment trade publications,
about how excited they are.
That if you think the purge of nationalists, Christians, and conservatives and gun owners off the internet, not just here in the U.S., but all over the world, was incredible in 2018 and 2017, that this year they're going to have a consortium, this is mainstream news, of intelligence agencies, Democratic Party operatives, neocon Republicans, they admit With the Southern Poverty Law Center and other very dangerous private intelligence agencies interfaced through a computer program already loaded on all the phones and devices.
They've been setting this up for a long time.
This is the Trojan horse.
To take control of your phone, report back everything you're doing, and then load articles over what you see on your phone.
Now, now, now, now, listen.
A lot of you are going, Alex, that's been happening the last few years, where you go to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, all these places, and they'll put fact-checking over Trump from Snopes.
That's because Google and Apple and Twitter and Facebook opted in.
This isn't opting in.
This is on your phone.
And they say the next phase after that is you don't just get a bad Chinese social score because our own globalist companies built that for the Chinese.
You end up losing your job.
You end up getting harassed.
You end up getting threatened.
So this allows these cowardly Antifa professor types that have been trained, who are now literally organizing millions of people to do this, to be part of these corporate governmental interfaces that watch and mind everything you do.
Remember it came out a few months ago that Mongolians in the West of China are basically being annexed.
And so they're putting a Southern Chinese And it says in the news that when the social score finally rolls out and merges with Google's Dragonfly, that you'll be tracked over the phone and that they won't need to give the Uyghurs, that's what they're called, a person in the home anymore because the head of the household will be given a government smartphone that it says watches and listens to you in live time and reports back.
Well, that's what this is, and then you bring it into your home.
Every major tech company, there's more than 15 different types, Alexa and Google Assist and all this, into your home!
And you say, Alexa, go to the Alex Jones Show!
Alex Jones is a Nazi.
Alex Jones is a dangerous criminal.
You could be flagged as an extremist for visiting that site.
And now they've got stuff worse than Alexa coming out.
Facebook's put out a system that has cameras on it, but don't worry, there's a little plastic piece you can cover it up, but not the microphone.
Because they know, hey, you're putting a robot in your house, and now that robot has 100,000.
They said they've already got them working.
Remember about a year ago it was 25,000 Southern Poverty Law Center trained people.
Well now they say, all total, because the news is always, more needs to be done.
We need to stop these people.
We need to stop the right wingers.
We need to ban everybody.
Play the widen clip in a moment.
And they're like, so the articles are always like, it's like, oh don't worry, we're getting more, you know, aid to poor children.
It's like, oh don't worry.
Don't worry.
We're getting all this done right now for you and your family.
Oh, don't worry.
We're going to censor even more as soon as we can.
And so now the worst of the worst, literal Antifa scum.
Control freaks, you name it, all in control of your data, live time, on your phone, not just placing ads and not just placing propaganda in front of you, but now using that same ad software that tracks where you go and what you do to, in live time, report back, send you messages, including live people.
Following scripted results, the computer tells them to basically threaten you.
Oh, you could get in trouble coming here.
That's the China model.
It's already here.
Being announced.
On Infowars.com.
We have the videos.
We have the articles.
We have the admissions.
It's all up there.
And is Congress really going to allow that?
Is that really what congressmen and women want for their children and grandchildren?
You can't make this up So we're going to go to break.
I'm going to come back into other issues now.
But this is this is the big issue.
And here are some of the articles that are on Infowars.com from 10 months ago right through to now backing all this up.
Hold on to your tinfoil hat Alex Jones.
YouTube's coming for you.
It was a Wall Street Journal had a huge article about how they banned me and when they were done the entire Internet of free people.
Google Soros.
Google and Soros fund Facebook's new fact checkers.
How a neocon back fact-checker plans to wage war on independent media.
News guards.
This is not even right-wing news and it's got 20 pages of all the documents, all the admissions, how it's run by the CIA and the Democrats.
And now they're bringing in all these neocon groups and how they admitted it will vertically integrate the industry.
And the lobbyists are saying, oh my God, our companies will be profitable again because we're going to shut down competition.
It's not even about right-wingers or left-wingers now.
It's about monopoly.
Facebook's censorship of alternative media just the beginning, warns top neocon insider.
Who's running it and bragging about it?
That's Infowars back in October.
I was warning you.
Again, Obama quietly signs the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act.
That's that partnership of government agencies, the Pentagon, with dying corporate media, and the Democratic Party, and then the neocons are the Republican representatives.
So you've got the Democrats, the establishment Republican neocons, corporate dying media, the intelligence agencies, and then they liaison with all these big entertainment companies as well, and the chi-coms, and the EU, and they all come to consensus, and then they're all recruiting in Germany, mainly former Stasi.
And again, Google's moving into the former Stasi headquarters and saying, we're going to censor everybody.
They're hiring Stasi.
Because they're the best at this.
And the Stasi are like, this is wonderful.
We would never have... I mean, they're hiring former communist East German thought police.
And again, this isn't Monty Python.
We're not joking.
We're not joking.
So, it's here.
It's on.
Yeah, they were hiring them four years ago, the Stasi.
Now Google's moving into Stasi headquarters.
Can't make it up.
Can't make it up.
Are you gonna let him do it?
You gonna let him do it?
Worry about the NSA spying on you?
The Southern Poverty Law Center is on your phone!
You know that guy Alex Jones?
The Infowars guy?
You know who I'm talking about?
The guy with no lips, that f***ing lunatic.
They removed all his content from Facebook, iTunes, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Good, you f***er.
You know the piece of s*** I'm talking about, right?
Alex Jones.
You know which piece of s*** I'm talking about?
Alex f***ing Jones.
You know, right?
They shut you down, you f***er.
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of s***.
Good, you f***ing lunatic!
Bye-bye, f***o!
Tech companies are taking the lead in suppressing any voices that dissent against the left.
Conservatives are feeling the heavy hand of censorship in the United States and across Western Europe.
Twitter gives Alex Jones the boot.
I have a right to face my accusers, Jack, and I never threatened the media with battle rifles.
All the top searches are lies about me and my family.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutch, are a liar and a fraud.
Infowars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
We're aware of his lying to Congress.
We're aware of him and the Dragonfly Project that's already been operational for years inside the Chinese government.
Now it's just being rolled out to the general public.
There is an absolute all-out war on conservative free speech.
Facebook and Twitter are under fire as conservative users are speaking out about being censored on their platforms.
Alex Jones is banned by every major social network.
In the past few days, Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify and other companies have all banned Alex Jones from using their platforms.
He's been shadow banned by Google.
Milo Yiannopoulos was banned by Twitter.
I don't know if you know about this, but Milo Yiannopoulos, you know who he is?
He got banned from Twitter for writing a bad review about Ghostbusters.
This guy is a threat to the Republic.
British anti-Islamization activist Tommy Robinson has had his Twitter account suspended again after he tweeted that Islam promotes killing.
Also, Twitter purged various libertarian accounts.
Instagram temporarily banned Tommy Robinson.
Facebook took down a GOP candidate's ads for allegedly being offensive.
The FCC is cracking down on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
They're coming for everyone's speech.
It's criminal.
Their social media accounts are being banned, blocked, and canceled on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
Facebook censored our free speech.
Twitter this evening has suspended the account of Gavin McInnes.
And shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
You are caught on tape by Project Veritas shadowbanning people.
You are censoring people.
You censored me.
You censored my life.
You censored Chuck Johnson.
James O'Keefe.
You even censored President Trump when one of your employees deleted his account for a few minutes.
You are censoring conservatives.
And I'm asking you, President Donald Trump, help us.
Please help us, Mr. President, before it is too late.
Facebook is censoring free speech.
They're making and changing the rules.
Reverend Graham was banned for over 24 hours.
I had this platform, and that was my main platform for communicating with people and sending out my content, and now I can't communicate.
I've been silenced.
The real election meddling is by Facebook and Google and others that are shadow banning people, that are outright banning people, and they're blocking conservatives.
Authorities in Britain now seem more interested in fighting hate speech on the internet than fighting crime.
They're warning social media users that their comments are being monitored.
I'm more upset that some people in Silicon Valley in secret determined which ideas are allowed on my social media feed.
And so we just sit here and just endure the greatest censorship in the history of America, and the left, which claims to be for free speech, applauds it.
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of sh- If you are receiving this transmission, you are the
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, I just spent an hour and twenty minutes to broadcast on news so over the top, so insane,
so criminal, so diabolical, so next level, that it's not even in science fiction dystopia
(upbeat music)
And the way they roll it out with psychological warfare incrementally, if the public doesn't get really upset, If Congress doesn't wake up and decide to take action, we're
They're going to censor your cell phone and computer in real time
with not the NSA, they're involved.
But leftist at the CIA directing a consortium of neocons, university professors, and students, the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, Media Matters, Snopes, and some offshore male diploma group.
Now that all blew up in their face, so now they're got Britannica on where they type it in like it's Encyclopedia Britannica.
Just say God, you know.
They're sheep dipping that, but... And now all the new devices being sold have it.
And the old devices have back doors to do it where they're watching you in live time and putting messages over what you see.
And I know I just keep saying that because few things, uh, I mean, I expect a lot of these people.
I knew this was coming, but it's kind of like you're a little kid and you've heard people die, but then you go and you actually either see somebody get run over by a car and their guts all over the street.
And their head broken off their body, but the eyes still awake looking around.
I saw that one time when I was a kid.
I saw it again later when I was a teenager.
And then you see your grandpa die or stuff like that.
And the friends die.
And you know, it's kind of like there's one thing to know it's coming.
There's another thing to see somebody get their head chopped off right in front of you.
And you know, we're getting walked up to the guillotine now.
Everything else was just a dress rehearsal.
And I see how they use the uneducated and the low IQ controlled by this stuff as their cannon fodder.
And it makes me hate the establishment even more.
I mean, my God, who would come up with crap like this and who would do this?
Well, we know who.
Without even trying to look, because believe me, I'm not trying to look because it makes me so damn angry.
There's news everywhere now where they're gonna, in public schools, teach kids how to pole dance.
But as long as it's gays teaching them, it's okay.
If heterosexuals did it, it'd be perverted.
You know, if a heterosexual walked over and wanted to teach your daughter how to masturbate at the park, you'd tell them and they'd give you a medal.
But as long as it's gay, well, then, reach your hands down their pants and help them!
And without even looking, it's in the Huffington Post, and it's everywhere, Teaching little girls, we're talking seven, eight year olds, how to masturbate.
Teaching little girls how to penetrate themselves.
And by the way, we're a family show.
I don't even want to show this on TV stations.
In fact, we'll get complaints on TV stations for even airing this and I kind of get what they're saying.
You understand though, this is on YouTube and in schools and this is the Huffington Post and other groups teaching little girls with adults And again, it's a pervert world.
It's sexualization of children.
It's the agenda.
It's what they're doing.
They're teaching you that they're going to do it because your children and destroying their innocence is what it's all about.
It's the final perversion!
I mean, I've got a 14-year-old daughter, a 10-year-old daughter, and a 20-month-old daughter, and I'll be 50, 60, 70 years old, and they'll be grown women, and I'm never going to go find a dildo and pull it out and talk about sex with them.
But this is the schools doing it, and the government's doing it, and the parents in school programs doing it, and all these parents and people look like their souls have been sucked out.
They're all like demonic globs.
And you know why?
Because that's what they are.
Get it off the screen.
God, radio listeners are lucky at times like these.
See, I'm not just saying this, and I'm not going to quit, and I'm not going to go away, but They're starting to find my breaking point.
Not going after the operation, not trying to get the little bit of money I got.
I don't give a damn about that.
The fact that America isn't... It's everywhere!
I cannot open my eyes and not find them abusing children in a sexual way in front of me to absolutely break all of our will.
And... No more.
I know I should get that right.
I can't do it.
And remember, they tried this, it's the same.
Remember Jocelyn Elders?
You can find the clips online or in Congress.
And she was the Surgeon General nominee of Bill Clinton.
And she goes, We need to teach the toddlers how to masturbate.
And we shouldn't be shy about it.
Teachers should reach down and help them do it.
Show them!
And she's saying, we need to touch your children's genitals.
That's who we are.
We're here to touch the genitals.
Because if we can do that, we can do anything.
So, let us touch your son's genitals.
Let us touch your daughter's genitals.
I'm a black woman.
I'm a doctor, and I'm liberal.
Now let me touch the pee-pee.
You know, I joke around about it.
She did say, that's a real quote, help them!
Don't be shy in kindergarten.
In the class, teachers, reach down, show them!
Because they, you know, biologically humans, having their kids messed with, go into a rage.
So it's got to capture the flag.
If we can get the parents to let teachers touch your kids' genitals, we're home free.
What did Cuomo say on CNN?
He said, your daughter doesn't like seeing a trans man who's 40, and really a woman, and wants to be in the shower with your 11-year-old?
Your 11-year-old's a bigot!
She doesn't like seeing that woman's penis!
That's a quote!
Your daughter doesn't like seeing... and everything's upside down world.
Your 11-year-old daughter doesn't like seeing a woman's... Johnson?
You and your daughter are bad.
A man's gonna come in there with your daughter, and he's the good guy.
And Jocelyn Elders is gonna help you reach down and touch it.
And now they show the little kids, oh, here's a foot-long dildo, here's a six-inch one, and you ram it in you like this.
It's like, oh, libro!
It's not pedophilia!
And by the way, We'll get stationed complaints?
I agree!
Hey, before you complain about me, though, will you please call Congress or file a lawsuit or go after these people politically?
Because, man, I'm not the one doing it!
Believe me, if you're a radio listener, you're lucky you're not having to see women teaching and men teaching little girls how to ram stuff in their body.
It's soft child porn!
If they get these leftist idiots all set to it and it's total sexualization of children.
Think of anybody, imagine if a man walked up to your son and said, son I'm going to teach you about your ding dong.
Well let me get my hands on it right now.
But if she's in a big general outfit, help me cut your son's penis.
And we'll...
Conservatively, there have been several thousand articles written in the last three years demonizing InfoWars, and
yours truly, for selling high quality supplements.
In fact, even the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, that owns the biggest sellers of supplements in the world, even that organization has written hit pieces claiming I'm a fraud and selling snake oil when they're owned by a man who owns Amazon and Whole Foods.
Amazon was the number one supplement seller in the world.
Whole Foods was number two.
He owns the number one and number two biggest supplement sellers on the planet.
And then his publication, a weaponized disinformation op, says I'm bad and should be shut down.
When more than 15 of the 70 products we have at Infowarslife.com are private labeled, highest quality, top of the line, that are sold at Whole Foods for higher prices.
Think about the level of that fraud.
And I've sent messages to these news organizations pointing that out.
No response.
They never want to get my comment.
Now, why am I saying that?
It's simple.
We have a lot of proprietary original products, but a lot of them are also private labeled.
Whatever already has five stars, whatever people already love, whatever's been tested to be the best.
So we have a great product.
You love it.
You reorder it.
The Globals are going to test our products, trying to find something.
So we're going to be able to, you know, defeat all that.
It's a 360 win.
We defeat them.
You win.
I win.
It's amazing.
And you've seen them come after our attempts to even process credit cards and shut down InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
I mean, it's incredible not just what frauds they are and how they're anti-free market and how they're racketeering against us, not just Jeff Bezos, but this entire system of mainstream media and mainstream corporations and banking are even worse than Bezos and Amazon.
It's hard to believe.
I'm just illustrating how crazy this all is.
Now, I'm going to be cutting some informational pieces in the next few weeks that go into great depth on each one of the products.
I've done this for some of the products, but I haven't done it in a while.
I haven't done it for the new products because, quite frankly, it's like going to school for a college exam to try to accurately talk about how great these products are.
But just know this.
Whatever the attributes that Jeff Bezos and Amazon and Whole Foods are allowed to tell you about their flagship products, these are as good or better.
These are all the top of the line, very best.
I can't even tell you what they do and the history of it and how amazing they are because they selectively enforce and will send the FDA after us.
You see, I'm a subhuman.
I'm garbage.
So Bezos can make all the claims.
Whole Foods can make all the claims.
Because this stuff is dynamite.
Turmeric's dynamite.
Iodine that's clean is dynamite.
Super metal Vitality, they have similar products.
It's all dynamite.
They can tell you how great it is and show you all the facts and tell you.
Because they're the elite.
I'm just scum.
Just like you, according to them.
But the good news is, you've seen how great these products work.
We do break down some of the basics on each page at mforwarslife.com to see how wonderful they are.
But experience turmeric, experience X3, experience super male vitality, super female vitality.
That, by the way, is the last run of our best-selling product.
Super male vitality, super female.
Because we can't even get the wild-crafted herbs anymore, so we can't get the supply.
And I'm sick of it, so I'm discontinuing it.
Because it's so frustrating.
This is the last run, and it's all 50% off.
Bodies, X3, and Supermail at InfoWarsStore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
Thanks for your support.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Live, raw, and unfiltered.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
Kelly Weaver's on with us and I want to get her take on what we're just covering and then a bunch of other news and a bunch of clips we're going to get to.
Cassandra Fairbanks just had a big exclusive interview with Julian Assize and reports of the terrible positions he's in.
She'll be popping in later in the next hour as well.
You have to understand, I have four children.
So I used to always hear the news, the children, the children, give us your guns for the children.
And I saw it was a ploy playing on people's heartstrings because they cared about children, especially parents.
But now particularly with three girls and a son.
And then knowing what I know, and I remember back in the 90s when Jocelyn Elders was nominated to be the Surgeon General and her bizarre speeches about we need to get kindergartners to masturbate and have the teachers reach down and grab their genitals and do it.
I mean, we can play the clip if you want.
And I remember Limbaugh played it and played it and I was like, I go, this woman's just insane.
They already do this in Europe.
It's already going on here.
And now they've got videos they show school students and it's a Huffington Post writes about how great it is.
And they have TV shows with adults with all sorts of sexual devices teaching little girls how to masturbate.
And I don't want to talk about this here on air, but it has to be talked about.
That's where this country's going.
How to talk to your kids about masturbation in a healthy way.
And then they want to show little kids, 6, 7, 8 years old, with these people doing this, and it's total sexualization of children.
It's totally creepy.
And it's part of the big UN plan to sexualize children early, so that they basically get ruined.
And the studies show that's what happens.
And you know about them pushing NAMBLA and The Huffington Post, The New York Times, Salon, HBO, Vice, all actually worshipping pedophilia and saying it's a good thing.
And then a little poor drug doubt, he talks about ketamine, he's snorting, with convicted murderers, convicted drug dealers, little kids on TV that perform at the local gay strip clubs.
And no one does anything because it's New York.
So I wanted to make this point.
As long as you say you're a human rights activist, you can be somebody that dismembered another gay man, and that you're into sexualization of children, reportedly, and you launched a whole movement for it.
You can then have small children on TV with you, with the word rohibinol behind you, which is a date right drug, and have the kid talking about snorting ketamine, a mass drug party, a sex party drug, And it's all cute and funny.
It's nice men who want to talk to your children about sex and how much it's fun as a little boy to be gay and be with them.
And the parents don't have jobs, though.
They just shop.
They literally just send them around to different dance clubs and things.
What's his name?
Desmond is Amazing?
So, this is the stuff they're showing on YouTube.
This is the stuff they're saying is a great thing.
And the whole point is, just like someone corrupting a child, just like someone getting a child to go out and have sex before they're of age, or getting them on liquor, or getting them to sign documents, they're not of age.
They can't make those decisions.
But everywhere government wants to destroy the age of consent on vaccines, on drugs, and want to remove the parents and then have this special group of liaisons, famous drag queens and drug party gurus, who happen to be murderers, with your child.
And that's who's going to come to your school.
That's who comes to your school.
Oh, here's a murderer who paints paintings about kids on drugs and group sex.
And we're going to come to Austin and have little boys dressed like girls.
We can't show this to the TV rules, obviously.
But we have the footage of men with only glitter on their genitals hugging children.
But oh, they're gay!
And they've got glitter on their Louisville slugger.
And it's all in your face.
And it's so over the top that everyone just submits, well, it must be okay!
Have men with glitter in public with seven-year-old boys hugging them?
In public!
With glitter!
But there's glitter on their... genitals.
And then you look at the crowd and it looks like central casting Brian Stelters.
In fact, don't even show that, get it off, because there's even worse ones than that.
And I understand this is what they're showing kids, and we should be able to do it, and everybody else can cuss on TV, from Lindsey Graham to you name it, we're not going to show it.
And I get Stations' points complaining, but man, okay, on a Richter scale, me showing this is a 1, them doing it to kids is a 10.
They're the ones doing it to children!
So don't cop out and make it about me!
We can't even show you the worst stuff.
Oh my. I'm gonna go to Milly Weaver.
I appreciate her joining us.
The point is, is that Kevin Spacey had somebody who was 21, or was 18, say they were 21, at a bar, and then videotaped Spacey unzipping his pants and let him do it.
I don't like Kevin Spacey.
He's a leftist, he's on the plane with Bill Clinton, the pedophile plane, and Jerry Epstein.
I bet he's a bad guy.
But what if Kevin Spacey had 10 and 11 year old boys shaking their butt at gay strip clubs and men throwing money at them?
Or what if Kevin Spacey had silver glitter on his testicles and was standing naked with young boys in public in Austin and being worshipped?
You'd be like, this is terrible.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
He had some guy, looks like kind of go along with it.
I'm not even defending it.
That's the bad guy.
Oh, I mean if a man whistles at a woman, that's rape.
Or if a man is masculine, that's mentally ill now, and criminal according to the American Psychological Association.
But, if you are on TV and you're a convicted axe murderer, famous drug dealer, with a kid talking about using drugs, who dances at gay bars, strip clubs, then it's like totally normal.
So like I said, why not have Kevin Spacey with the Desmond is Amazing.
Why not have Kevin Spacey teach sex ed to five year olds?
Because you know, Jocelyn Elders was a black lady in an admiral outfit like L. Ron Hubbard.
You call him crazy for wearing an admiral outfit?
Well, hell, she's wearing an admiral outfit.
So, okay, I'll run Hubbard's crazy over here.
Well, what about these people dressed up with these kids doing this?
She's got a woman in an admiral outfit going, reach down, and the teachers, don't be ashamed, get up, help them, do it.
Should we play her?
I think we have the audio, don't we?
We have some of her testimony about the wanting to teach your kindergartners.
Let's play a clip of that.
We'll hold her a little bit the next hour or two.
In regard to masturbation, I think that that is something that is a part of human sexuality, and it is a part of something that perhaps should be taught.
But it's not your job to be doing it to kids.
And it's... I mean, parents don't do that.
What the hell are you talking about, you creepozoids?
Millie Weaver?
There's a lot to get into.
The wall, the crisis, the national emergency, everything else.
But the truth is, they're coming for our kids.
And if we let a bunch of twisted, mentally ill, college trash, I'm not saying everybody's bad went to college, but if we let a bunch of just ne'er-do-well control freaks from college and all these other groups Literally march in and take our kids, then we deserve what we get.
But the problem is, even those of us that say, keep away from my kids, they say, uh-uh.
You're not keeping us away.
We didn't take things over for no reason.
We're gonna put our hands on them and we're gonna have sex with them.
So, I mean, what do you make of this and where this is going?
Well, I think that Google and their subsidiaries have been participating in the sexualization of our children, which we can get more into on the other side of this break that's coming up.
But what I'll tell you is that an FTC complaint has been filed over Google having inappropriate apps for children that have ads that pop up that show sexualized images of ...and violent advertisements of children.
So, Big Tech has a play, has a role, in sexualizing our children.
All the while, they are censoring political speech and satire.
Well, exactly.
They want to censor us, so they can then go after all the kids, and, and, and, and literally ruin their, they want their souls.
Google wants to rape your children's soul.
In the last eight years, we've seen the rise and now fall of the cryptocurrencies.
And the entire time, I refused to take sponsors to fund our operation from the cryptocurrency market.
Not because I thought every company was bad or that the whole thing's a scam, but at a gut level, I knew it was a giant bubble and I didn't want to be associated with that.
Gut level, just couldn't do it.
There have been many other sponsors I've refused.
I have been offered and refused millions of dollars in sponsorship that would have been great to fight the info war from legitimate companies that sell marijuana-derived CBD oil, which has incredible attributes.
Everybody knows about it on so many fronts and helps a lot of people.
But the reason I haven't gotten involved is the law hasn't been clear and some states, even though it doesn't get you high, see it as illegal.
But now, They have developed and certified for years CBD rich oil derived from hemp that is completely legal in all 50 states and there are so many different permutations and combinations of what it's able to do and what the studies show it's done that it's mind-blowing.
So we've worked with one of the biggest companies in the nation.
And they wanted to just work with us openly because they want to stand up for America and freedom.
They're patriots.
But I said, listen, you just need to create your own new website for a private label for us, where you handle it all, where they get the best hemp-derived CBD oil, legal in all 50 states, from you.
You drop ship it.
You get it out.
You have the website.
I promote it.
I send people there.
And that way they're getting the very best from the experts.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, nothing wrong with marijuana-derived CBD oil.
The problem is some of the public and governments and municipalities get confused and sometimes people get in trouble with CBD oil if it's too strong.
This isn't CBD oil derived from marijuana that's high in THC.
This is derived from industrial high-quality organic hemp and it's legal in all 50 states and now Trump has signed the executive order allowing the industrial growing of hemp so we won't even have to import it from Canada to Colorado where it's then produced, bottled, and distributed.
Now listen, I know a lot about it.
I've researched it.
I've turned down probably 20, 30 companies who've been wanting to sponsor us in the last six years.
It's gotten really crazy in the last two.
But now that the law is clear, now that our listeners can't get burned, now that we have a partnership with one of the top companies in the United States known for their organic quality, known for being patriots, They have created a new website and a private label of their entire spectrum of award-winning products called Washington's Reserve.
And there are so many attributes, so many different things that hemp-derived, hemp-rich CBD oil has to offer that you just need to go to washingtonsreserve.com for yourself and see it all because they have more than 40 products.
Now remember, the Globalists have tried to take our merchant accounts away.
They've tried to shut us down.
They've tried to boycott us.
They've tried to sue us.
And I said in the last six months, I'm going to move, not away from a direct sales marketing of great products to you to fund us.
We're still going to do that with InfoWarsLife.com, but we're also going to bring on the best sponsors in the country, the very best products.
And this is the first big one.
So I'm very excited.
Be sure and go there.
Experience the power of high quality hemp extract with CBD exclusively available at washingtonsreserve.com for the Well, highest quality, the lowest prices.
It's all there, ladies and gentlemen, at washingtonsreserve.com, and you're helping fund the info war the whole time.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
You know, it's funny you mention that.
Again, Infowars.com reporter here with us.
It makes me so upset, Millie Weaver, that This type of stuff is going on, and you have a total sexualization of children.
They admit they're doing it.
They're doing more and more horrible things every day out in front of us.
And you reminded me of, hell, six months ago, there was a big study done of Google and YouTube particularly, thousands of advertisers and sites.
With sexualization and showing children porn, basically, but it was cartoon porn, and adults having sex with children, but it's cartoon, and law enforcement wants it made illegal.
Well, what should be illegal is pushing it on kids.
I mean, even if it's a cartoon, and a child wasn't actually abused, it's being used to teach children That that's what you do is you get, you have sex early with an adult.
It's the most abusive, evil crap.
And then I went and looked at the study and the articles and they even pulled some of it up earlier.
I said, take it down.
And again, this is being shown to children.
I will not show this on an adult show.
And by adult, we're not trying to be adult in that we want to show racy stuff.
This is what they're doing to our kids, man.
And yeah, it's embarrassing to look at it.
I mean, it makes me want to attack people.
I'm not going to do that.
I'm going to take action against them politically.
But, Millie, you have a great son.
You've got another child on the way.
Congratulations, you and Gavin.
Thank you.
And it just, being a parent, it makes you even more freaked out.
And to see how big this is, and to know that big tech in general.
I remember it came out like 10 years ago that an internal Sumner Redstone document came out at Viacom.
And they said, we have successfully at MTV and Nickelodeon lowered the age of sexualization to 10.
We're gonna even target lower, to not just the tweenies, but down to age 5 with full sexualization.
Because we found if we brand them to a sexual thing, that sexual appetite can then be branded to specialty brands we create.
So beyond just pure evil wanting to have sex with kids, they are abusing them to traumatize them to then create a neurotic fetish that is branded and trademarked by Viacom to control them throughout life as a customer.
Because yeah, I bet a kid remembers the first person to have sex with them, okay?
Especially if it's underage and pedophilia and brutal.
So if you mentally rape the child under trauma-based mind control, that's what this is, it's MKUltra.
If you do that, you then have them for life addicted to the product that was associated with it.
Now that is evil.
You know, parents need to be careful about what apps they're allowing their children to download on their tablets and smart devices.
I know I myself have allowed games to be put on my phone for my young son to keep him occupied in stressful moments.
And what happens is that these games may seem innocent, but they have ads in them.
And that's where this complaint is arising.
Now this advocacy group has filed a 100 page complaint with the FTC asking to hold Google accountable and investigate Google over these apps.
These are apps that are recommended for children under 8 years of age and they're having advertisements that show children Sexualized in the ads.
It says one game has over 10 million downloads and it features ads of sexualized images of young girls.
They also have ads that show and promote gambling, alcoholic beverages, violent video games.
Another game allegedly models harmful behavior such as teaching children to clean their eyes with sharp instruments.
This is what's happening right now on Google platforms.
Oh, I'm sorry.
That's the other big obsession is teaching them how to commit suicide and cut and harm themselves.
It's not like there's a few things there.
I'm not even trying to see this stuff on the internet and I see it all over the place.
It's just being force-fed at adults too.
And of course there's popular, I forget what it's called, where hot women are mean to dogs and cats.
And it's very popular to have your eyes burn out with Drano by liberals.
By the way, if you're a new listener, I'm not joking.
If you're a radio listener, we're putting all this on screen.
I wish to hell we were making this up.
We're not making this up.
It's demented.
And all the while, we have these Google and their subsidiaries like YouTube having advertisements which are inappropriate on kid-based channels on YouTube.
The kids are being exposed disturbing content. Meanwhile YouTube and Google are
focusing all of their censorship capabilities and efforts into censoring adults
engaging in political speech and political satire. That shows you the real issue.
If you're pushing this child-harming you know basically devil worship child rape and you're a bunch of
satanic demons in San Francisco flying around in private helicopters above
zombies and human feces everywhere then of course you want to ban people
trying to stop Of course the pedophile networks are trying to stop us defending the children.
I mean, they mean business.
They're like a wolf coming for our kids, and they're saying, you're going to shut up?
Look, if you come in a house and you're going to torture some people to death or rape their kids, you'd first like to tie them up.
Psychos like that.
And so they're just tying us up right now like a spider ties up a fly before it takes its time having that meal.
It likes to terrorize the fly.
It likes to come over and pet on it and kiss it a little.
Get that, because spiders, I guess, kind of like psychos.
They like that smell of fear.
And then you plunk the fangs in.
But see, first you pump in a little venom to just have it all kind of liquefy out.
But they don't bite the head, they like to keep it alive.
The spider knows just how to bite to keep it alive, so it's barely alive like a zombie.
And then after it's been terrorized and paralyzed for a couple days, it comes over and it sinks the things in and has a meal.
That's so liberal, though.
So, Millie, what do we do about this?
Well, really and truly, parents first and foremost can get their kids off of these platforms and don't let them be on these platforms unattended.
It's easy to do it.
I know we're inundated with technology, but there have been several times where, you know, I put on a YouTube video for my son to watch educational toddler, you know, based programming.
Next thing you know, a Google ad comes on and it's got a transgender man walking around in heels talking about his Homosexual lifestyle.
And I'm like, what is going on?
I walk in and there's an ad playing for my three-year-old.
So this is what's happening right now.
Google's allowing inappropriate, disturbing content to be displayed to children.
All the while, they're censoring political speech.
They're censoring political satire.
And us adults, we're so caught up with defending our own right to speak and exist on these platforms that we're not even paying attention to and focusing on what they're endorsing.
Let me be clear.
Me, for FCC rules, have to blur video of what's shown to kindergartners and shown on YouTube to children.
Under FCC broadcast rules, which I agree with, for obscenity, we cover it up properly.
They show it to kids and it's okay.
And like you said, you walk in and your three-year-old son, who's a great guy, I know well, is being bombarded by a man that wants to teach him about his sexual future.
Your little baby that's totally innocent and smart and good, who would never... I mean, this is Google trying to rape your son's brain.
And they're doing it through their advertisements.
That's the irony here.
They use it... See, it's not the video.
You click the video, the video's fine.
It's not the app.
You download the game, it's fine.
It's through the advertisements on that game.
And through the advertisements on the video.
And so that's where they get you.
They sneak it in there and the parent doesn't notice it.
So how many apps do you have on your phone or your smart device that your children are playing on that you have no clue that these violent and sexualized ads are popping up and the kids are just seeing it?
If you read ancient Roman history, Jewish history, any history, there's cycles where this happens.
Everyone goes crazy and starts raping kids and finally normal people stand up and you know what happens.
Everybody gets put to the sword that was doing this and we're going through this cycle again.
It's really frightening.
It is frightening, and we've seen more and more the LGBTQ community try to slowly posture to protect the pedophilic community, and what I'm going to say is that's a really bad move.
I know most of the LGBTQ people who are decent humans are against pedophilia.
Most people in general are against pedophilia, and anyone that's going to try to defend that as a sexuality or something that should be protected, they're on the losing side of humanity.
They're on the losing side because You know, humans, parents, we are not going to stand for that.
We are going to stand against that with everything we have.
And again, if you were a mother or father and you were at the park or you were at the mall or you were at the roller rink or you were at church and a man walked over or a woman and started talking to your six, seven year old and pulled out a dildo and said, I'm going to teach you about penetration.
That person will be lucky if their neck didn't get broken.
But because it's on TV, it's cute and funny.
No, it's not.
And it's a damn cult.
They've got a lot of useful leftist idiots like you said that aren't even into it who participate believing it's a civil right.
They're being used for all this.
Obviously not everybody involved in this is a pedophile.
They're just total follower losers.
Let's go to Wildman in Illinois.
Thanks for holding, and not to say Happy New Year.
Go ahead.
Alex, yeah, going into 2019, what Trump's got to do to save America, he's got to declassify FISA, expose the corruption, arrest the traitors, and arrest the pedophiles.
That's how he saves America.
My opinion, an over-the-road trucker, hardworking, honest man, that's what I believe.
I agree.
Victory or death.
He's now, looks like he's cleaning house.
He's getting rid of all the double agents.
And the word is Trump is going to go into battle now.
We're talking he's going to strike back against the censorship.
He's going to strike back against the pedophile rings.
It's already begun.
He's going to strike back against the deep state.
He's going to strike back against all the criminal activity of Comey and Mueller being Russian operatives.
So just get ready.
Another note, I've spent over $3,000 in your store this year.
I'm a loyal supporter, and thanks for great products.
Brother, let me tell you something.
I want to thank you.
If folks like you didn't stand with us against the incredible Hillary Clinton and Soros attacks, which they admit they're running, we would not be here now.
They're taking Michael Savage off the air.
They're taking everybody.
They took Franklin Graham off Facebook.
They need to get us all off the air before they make their move on Trump.
That's why this is a war, and you supporting us is incredible.
Which products do you like the best?
Man, I use the bodies.
I got so many t-shirts.
It ain't even funny.
I got your stickers posted on my hard hat, on my GPS, my truck.
I tell truckers about you over the CB Airways all across the country.
I spread the word about you.
I wear your clothes, your hat, your shirts, you name it.
Multitude of products.
How much love do you get versus, how much love versus hate do you get?
Um, you know, it's, uh, people skeptical, but, like, it's probably about 50-50 or 60-40 year way.
I just, I guess so many people got their head in the sand out here.
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
♪ I was a little too tall, could have used a few pounds ♪
(upbeat music)
Tight pants, points, hall of renown.
She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes.
And points all around, sudden way up high.
Way up high.
You gotta understand, ladies and gentlemen, that if you control the shoulder, you control the future.
And the evil, anti-human agenda to destroy innocence and destroy our children by George Soros and others must be stopped.
Millie Weaver, I don't...
Sit there and see some new horrible thing the left has done and go, oh great, I can really talk about this and make them look bad.
I mean, I was like that 20 years ago about Republicans and Democrats, but I didn't realize the proliferation of evil and how many cold-blooded marketers they've got on board.
I mean, I've had some meetings with good marketers, some of the top people in the country.
Had one yesterday with somebody that very famous, well-known.
In marketing, up there at the top.
And then I've had other meetings off record with people.
And psychological warfare on our children.
And trying to get parents out of the way, everybody else out of the way to do this.
It gets me at another level where I'm just going to tell the establishment, I'm not going to put up with your crap.
And I'm not afraid of you and I'm coming for you.
And we're gonna do this peacefully and politically.
But everybody needs to understand that when I go to Congress, all I see is leftists and globalists.
I don't see all the good old boys with their F-150s that are ready to fight the UN.
The UN's in the schools teaching five-year-olds how to shove footlongs in them.
And I'm sorry to talk like that, that's what they're doing!
So everybody needs to get up off their ass and do something!
And that means me included.
Get it off the screen.
Don't show it to me.
I'm serious.
Take it off.
Take it off!
I'm at the crew.
Millie, you're a mother.
I mean, how do you and your husband, Gavin, how do you guys handle this, too?
Because I know what you're talking about.
It's like the children's programs and Disney's been caught with all the subliminal sex stuff all over it.
And the stuff there in the left and these people, these are freaks, man.
It's everywhere.
It's on Netflix, it's on YouTube, it's on all of these mainstream video platforms.
Meanwhile, like I said, conservatives are being banned, but they'll allow sexualized graphic content to be displayed before children, really.
And, you know, that reminds me of a recent article here where Netflix actually recently banned a political satire episode because Saudi Arabia was upset It's obscene.
the episode. You know, that just goes to show that these markets they're trying to appeal to
are more important than actual free speech and you know censoring the right kind of content
because you don't want sexualized content for children but at the same time we should value
political satire. It's obscene. You don't put on TV people eating crap. No, you don't put that.
So, essentially, Netflix has chosen global markets like China, Saudi Arabia over free speech.
Now, what's interesting here is this show, which was called Patriot Act, which was a political satire show on Netflix, I guess it upset the Saudi Arabian government.
Saudi Arabian government complains to Netflix.
Netflix removes the episode.
That just goes to show our content is becoming curated.
The only thing outlawed is standing up for women.
The only thing outlawed is men being strong.
The American Psychological Association said this week, masculinity in its classic form is evil and a mental illness.
Yes, men standing up against pedophiles is evil to pedophiles.
And then Netflix has all these shows about sex with little kids and how great it is.
And where they interview real little girls that have been raped, and how much they enjoyed it, or whatever.
I mean, I can't handle it anymore.
It's the most insane crap.
Bailey, I want to continue talking to you, but we have Cassandra Fairbanks joining us.
So I'm going to talk to her a few segments, and I'm going to bring you back and get on the board with you.
If you can do it, if not, I understand.
We'll be right back.
Pray for these children, folks.
Get on your knees to God and just say, I don't know what to do, God, but use me as a vessel to somehow stop this.
The global... We need to go back and revisit the foundations of our freedom.
Our freedoms don't consist of the things that are enumerated on a piece of paper.
It consists of the things that we're willing to fight for.
The First Amendment, the Bill of Rights, the rest of the Bill of Rights are prohibitions.
They're prohibitions against powerful organizations and individuals taking those God-given rights from us as individuals.
You better understand that, because they're taking them right now.
We have seen what they want to do.
They called it UN Agenda 21, now they call it the UN 2030 Agenda.
They want everybody off of the rural lands, they want people out of the suburbs, they want to pack everybody into the cities, because that's where it is easiest for them to control everyone.
Never missed your show, any day.
I mean, what?
I mean, what? I mean, never!
[Dramatic music]
The right-wing smear machine has gotten Alex Jones-ified this election cycle.
There's a guy named Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
From Infowars.
From Infowars.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
One of those guys who believes Bigfoot was responsible for 9-11.
I heard that on Alex Jones, so it's true!
Claims that 9-11 and the Oklahoma City bombings were inside jobs.
The conspiracy du jour, Hillary Clinton is harboring a secret medical condition.
You just had to keep digging, didn't you, Alex?
I heard it on Alex Jones, so I know it's true!
Google is being accused of hiding negative stories about Hillary and her campaign by changing its algorithm to bury stories like the Clinton body count story.
That's according to Westpac InfoWars.
And this really just is so disgusting.
The juice of these pickles is on you, Alex Jones.
It goes right from Alex Jones, and it shows up in Donald Trump's mouth.
Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama.
The very fringe of the conspiracy movement, like Alex Jones, are being kind of incorporated into the campaign.
If Trump gets elected, he's gonna be Secretary of Defense.
I think that Alex Jones is a lunatic.
Move, bitch!
Get out the way!
Bill Clinton is a rapist, Infowars.com.
Bill Clinton is a rapist!
Bill Clinton is a rapist.
Bill Clinton's a rapist.
The New World Order sends its regards.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Well, I've known of Cassandra Fairbanks's work for about three years.
I've had a chance to meet with her and have her do a great job covering our confrontation with the tech heads at some of the congressional meetings where they lie through their teeth in spectacular ways.
And, you know, she did real journalistic work.
Mainstream media won't talk to Julian Assange anymore.
He's basically been told if he does interviews, he will be thrown out of the embassy he's been staying in for, what is it, six years.
And one of the main areas Trump has been failing him is that he's not signaled that he's not going to be prosecuted.
And just like the Pentagon Papers and Daniel Ellsberg, the guy's a hero and sure as hell isn't a Russian agent.
But they keep the canard going he's a Russian agent with no evidence to then say anybody he talked to is a Russian agent except he talked to everybody from CNN to MSNBC and never talked to Roger Stone or me.
So it's like back when he was the darling going after Bush it was all fine.
But then over the Obama years that changed to the point of he's the worst guy in the world.
So, Cassandra Fairbanks went over to England for TheGatewayPundit.com and the amazing work they do.
And it's been linked on DrudgeReport.com and all over the place.
Exclusive, Julian Assange's living conditions deteriorate, more akin to Stasi-era dissident than award-winning publisher with asylum.
And now, there's a new president in Ecuador.
It looks like more and more he's going to be sent out of there.
Now, we've seen some of Trump's high-level people say Assange is good and argue in court.
That he hasn't committed any crimes and should be let go.
So we're seeing mixed signals from Trump.
But we know Trump says pull out of Afghanistan and a place like Syria.
It doesn't happen.
We see him say declassify that document.
It doesn't happen.
We see he says build a wall even though he has the emergency funding.
It doesn't happen.
So I'm not even blaming Trump.
I'm blaming the fact that both the neocon and Democrat government working together those two coalitions
against Trump are blocking him And that's why I've been saying every day for months. Well
really years and now We've got Pat Buchanan saying it memo to Trump declare an
emergency read the article on Infowars.com
So she joins us to get into that meeting to get into the article Cassandra. Thanks for coming on and good to see you
again Hey, thank you for having me
Well, I mean the idea to go there how he was what it was like I mean to me. I think the guy's a hero
No, me too.
I, of course, I'm a huge fan of his.
I have been covering WikiLeaks for a very long time now, and it was pretty shocking, this last visit.
I mean, I visited him last year, but things were a lot more normal then.
Yeah, this past visit on Monday, it was Alarming.
The security cameras are everywhere.
You can't speak anywhere at all.
And it's being done at the behest of the U.S.
So I'm a little bit disappointed in Trump that he hasn't, you know, stood by the people who have stood by him.
Or helped him, rather.
Yeah, it's Trump that famously said about six months before the election, I don't know who got these emails, it's Hillary the one that had them illegal, so whoever's got them, release them!
And he said, you know, WikiLeaks has done a great job.
But again, that's how the whole deep state has turned that around, so that's a real black mark on the Trumpster.
Hopefully he'll do something.
I realize that he's kind of surrounded by deep state people.
You know, Julian Assange has been fighting against the deep state his entire career, for the past, what is it, over ten years now.
He's fighting the same people that Trump campaigned against.
And so, by allowing this to continue, and, I mean, the treatment that he's receiving right now, it's worse than being in a federal prison.
Allowing this to continue is a huge stain on, like, the freedom of press, and the freedom of speech, and the right to publish.
He's basically in the Tower of London.
He's been there six plus years.
Describe the conditions for people and how he's holding up because I'm told he doesn't even get a computer most of the time.
He can't do digital interviews.
As you said, there's surveillance cameras in the tiny dripping closet he basically lives in.
Describe that for us.
So, when I arrived there, this time it was very different.
Last time that I went, I just organized it with him and his lawyer and showed up and that was it.
It was great.
It was fine.
And that was about three days before his isolation began back last March.
So this time when I went, I had to jump through all kinds of hoops.
I had to get a letter from the ambassador clearing me.
I had to give up my social media accounts.
I had to provide the address of the Gateway Pundit, information about my job.
If I wanted to bring my phone in, I would have had to provide the EMEI code, the serial number, the phone number, all this information about my phone, which I wasn't willing to do.
But, yeah, so immediately there was a completely different vibe than there used to be.
But when I arrived, you know, I went through the usual stuff.
It's like a TSA kind of pat down, which, to be fair, is you know, probably necessary. Julian has a lot of enemies.
But when I got inside, they led me into the conference room, which is where we originally met up
the first time. But this time, we were stuck there. So in the middle, there's like, you know, big
microphones and there's cameras pointing in every direction.
There's not any place that you could speak in there without it being recorded.
We know that the spy agencies have been doing reports on even things like his general mood every day.
So he's basically inside of a real-life Truman Show.
And we attempted to go into another room to get a little bit of privacy because the noise machine wasn't working.
And they came and knocked on the door immediately, and they were like, no, you have to go back into this room.
That's basically a fishbowl for every spy agency that... So all you do is go to the fishbowl with all these cameras pointing out everywhere.
You tried to duck into a little side corridor because the white noise machine was probably broken by somebody on purpose.
And so he has no privacy.
And then they came and started banging on the door.
And so we went, we ended up having to go back into the room and we took a little radio to try and, you know, play some white noise and out our voices, but it was so bad that we just ended up
writing notes back and forth on a notebook.
I mean...
Sure, well just to be clear, you were going to come publish this or was the mission different?
Because I was like, "Hey, what are other angles of the story versus his condition?"
Just because that's what I always am going to ask.
You're like, "Well, I don't want to get into what he talked about."
So I mean, I would think what's going with him, he'd want the world to know, right?
Because it seems like they're trying to silence him.
What he once said needs to be heard, or did he tell you stuff that's off record?
Well, this is the problem.
He faces potentially losing his asylum if he comments on anything political, if he comments on his asylum.
It doesn't really leave much for him to talk about.
They don't want someone like you going in and getting given breadcrumbs to the Easter eggs of things that he could use as leverage for them to treat him better.
Right, well, yeah.
But they're looking for reasons to kick him out.
And so anything that he could tell me that would be interesting to the media, that would be used against him to try and boot him out of the embassy.
Oh, I get it now.
I'm kind of dense here.
You probably should make that the whole point of your article.
He's not allowed any speech, and so you can only report on his conditions.
Now I understand.
I'm a little dense, but Sandra, now I get it.
Yeah, see, so this is the problem.
Not only can he not speak about his conditions and his, you know, his views on politics or general thoughts, but he also can't even discuss that stuff with his friends privately.
So you're right, he has less rights than somebody in a supermax prison.
Wow, inside Julian Assange's imprisonment in the Hightower, straight ahead.
In the last eight years, we've seen the rise and now fall of the cryptocurrencies.
And the entire time, I refused to take sponsors to fund our operation from the cryptocurrency market.
Not because I thought every company was bad or that the whole thing's a scam, but at a gut level, I knew it was a giant bubble and I didn't want to be associated with that.
Gut level, just couldn't do it.
There have been many other sponsors I've refused.
I have been offered and refused millions of dollars in sponsorship that would have been great to fight the info war from legitimate companies that sell marijuana-derived CBD oil, which has incredible attributes everybody knows about on so many fronts and helps a lot of people.
The reason I haven't gotten involved is the law hasn't been clear and some states, even though it doesn't get you high, see it as illegal.
But now, they have developed and certified for years CBD rich oil derived from hemp that is completely legal in all 50 states and there are so many different permutations and combinations of what it's able to do and what the studies show it's done that it's mind-blowing.
So we've worked with one of the biggest companies in the nation.
And they wanted to just work with us openly because they want to stand up for America and freedom.
They're patriots.
But I said, listen, you just need to create your own new website for a private label for us, where you handle it all, where they get the best hemp-derived CBD oil, legal in all 50 states, from you.
You drop ship it.
You get it out.
You have the website.
I promote it.
I send people there.
And that way they're getting the very best from the experts.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, nothing wrong with marijuana-derived CBD oil.
The problem is some of the public and governments and municipalities get confused and sometimes people get in trouble with CBD oil if it's too strong.
This isn't CBD oil derived from marijuana that's high in THC.
This is derived from industrial high-quality organic hemp and it's legal in all 50 states and now Trump has signed the executive order allowing the industrial growing of hemp so we won't even have to import it from Canada to Colorado where it's then produced, bottled, and distributed.
Now listen, I know a lot about it.
I've researched it.
I've turned down probably 20, 30 companies who've been wanting to sponsor us in the last six years.
It's gotten really crazy in the last two.
But now that the law is clear, now that our listeners can't get burned, now that we have a partnership with one of the top companies in the United States known for their organic quality, known for being patriots, They have created a new website and a private label of their entire spectrum of award-winning products called Washington's Reserve.
And there are so many attributes, so many different things that hemp-derived, hemp-rich CBD oil has to offer that you just need to go to washingtonsreserve.com for yourself and see it all because they have more than 40 products.
Now remember, the globalists have tried to take our merchant accounts away.
They've tried to shut us down.
They've tried to boycott us.
They've tried to sue us.
And I said in the last six months, I'm going to move not away from a direct sales marketing of great products to you to fund us.
We're still going to do that at TheForrestLife.com, but we're also going to bring on the best sponsors in the country, the very best products.
And this is the first big one.
So I'm very excited.
Be sure and go there.
Experience the power of high quality hemp extract with CBD exclusively available at washingtonsreserve.com for the highest quality, the The lowest prices.
It's all there, ladies and gentlemen, at washingtonsreserve.com, and you're helping fund the InfoWar the whole time.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
The answer to 1980's...
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
A man in the Tower of London.
A man who's gone from sanctuary to purgatory.
Julian Assange recently said, this generation being born now is the last regeneration.
You were born neither immediately Over, let's say, a year, you are known globally.
Your identity is one form of another, coming as a result of the idiotic parents plastering your name and photos all over Facebook as a result of insurance applications or passport applications.
He's known to all major world powers.
He's a hero.
He exposed bipartisan crimes by our government and others.
He was in the Ecuadorian embassy for many years and was able to speak out instead of being thrown into prison.
Now there's a new Ecuadorian president.
And now they've turned it into a supermax where he's surveilled all the time and isn't allowed to talk about politics or his own defense.
Because they've told him he'll be removed from the Ecuadorian embassy if he does.
But see, that's the trick.
He would have other things afforded to him if he went ahead and just came to the U.S.
He'd be a superstar even in prison.
And I think they've maneuvered him now into this ultimate prison Well, they leave him there when he really knows all the big secrets of what's been going on.
But a rare window with Gateway Pundit reporter Cassandra Fairbanks, her articles at GatewayPundit.com, Julian Assange's living conditions deteriorate, more akin to Stasi-era dissident than an award-winning publisher with asylum.
And I asked her, I said, why is your article just about how horrible the conditions are?
As you just said, because I can't write about it or say anything.
Nothing about anything he ever did, politics, that he's innocent, that he's not a Russian agent.
None of that.
Or they're threatening to, I guess, throw him in the river or something.
Wow, Cassandra, this is beyond Kafkaesque.
This is just incredible.
Yeah, it's shocking.
I mean, of course he told me interesting things while we were passing notes, but if I report any of it, it's going to put him in danger.
And that's the thing that sucks.
Anybody has the right to defend themselves.
Like, even people who are on death row for murder can speak to a reporter, defend themselves, make the case for why they should be free, even if they're guilty as hell.
Julian Assange can't do that, and all he did was publish It's factual information that our government didn't want people to know.
It's really a sad, sad case.
Well, I want to be clear.
He's been very judicious about what WikiLeaks has released.
And he never released stuff to hurt the U.S.
or any other country or people.
He released things that showed Hillary a lot about Benghazi, that she was getting sellouts to the Chinese and the Russians, that they were engaged in all sorts of illegal activity.
The guy's a hero way better than Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers, we have court rulings and laws on this.
We have Supreme Court rulings.
So, man, this is just disgusting.
The thing about it is, I mean, John Pilger visited him on New Year's Eve.
He was forced to leave by six o'clock.
He couldn't stay and celebrate the New Year or anything, so Julian ended up celebrating alone.
But what John said after he left was, it's just alarming to me that he could be any newspaper editor or publisher, and we would not allow for this to happen.
I mean, if he was anyone else in the world, which every newspaper relies on scoops and There would be an international outcry.
Every, you know, freedom group and press reporter freedom organization would be up in arms.
They would be losing their minds.
But because Julian has been so effective and has released things that perhaps people who are more partisan didn't want released, everybody's just leaving him hanging out to dry.
And he can't defend himself, and so we need to defend him On his behalf.
I mean, we... I don't know.
I'm rambling.
I'm sorry.
No, you're not.
You're making... Absolutely.
Please, no.
You're making incredibly important points, Cassandra.
And I can see you're shocked, too, because you're a smart and tough lady.
And I can see that you're shaken from your normal demeanor.
And believe me, I'm shaken, too, because here's the deal.
I'm not blacking myself with Julian Assange, but I'm going down the same conveyor belt over the edge of a cliff.
They've announced that these multinational groups run by neocons, hardcore leftists, Southern Poverty Law Center, are starting in a couple months are going to have break into everybody's phones.
They've got agreements with Microsoft, Google, Apple, all of them, all smartphones, and they're going to watch what you watch and report on you back just like the Chinese credit score and Put on your phone messages saying this is disinfo and they're going to read your text messages?
Basically they're being given the code keys just like Apple did with China eight months ago.
And it's sold like, oh, it's internet shield.
It's a thing to stop fake news.
It's way beyond.
Just putting, you know, when you go to YouTube or Facebook and, you know, they say Trump's lying and so you see Snopes or the Democratic Party, you know, have comments that pop up under it or cover it up.
That's only phase one to get you used to it.
The average person won't know now, everywhere on their phone, it won't be on the website serving it to them, it's into their phone putting it over.
They're literally, it's so...
Deep State is announcing plans to hijack all phones and computers, watch what you say and do, and then put disinfo links over what you can read, and you know that's just phase one, then they're not going to let you go to the sites next.
I mean, it's so insane, Alex Jones can't even believe it.
Yeah, that's shocking and really scary.
I mean, Gateway Pundit's going through this right now.
Google News refuses to put us into their news search results, calls us fake news.
And meanwhile, people who are aggregating my story about Julian are in Google News, but my actual, like, first-hand report is not.
The fact that they can decide what we can and cannot read, it's very scary.
These are the kind of things that Julian has been fighting against for his entire career.
I think that's a big part of why he's locked away right now.
He's been fighting the good fight.
Were you able to see, because I've read that where he stays is now more like a closet, or were you just in this antechamber?
Were you able to see where he lives?
Um, I was mostly in the conference room.
I went into the kitchen and had a cup of coffee, and I, you know, used the restroom and went into another office, which they promptly kicked me out of.
But I didn't see his sleeping area, no.
Other key points you'd like to make, being one of the only journalists that has the nerve to even go talk to Hassan.
As you said, most are scared to talk to him now.
I mean, he looked good, as good as can be, and I think that that's because he knows that what he's doing is so important that he's not letting them break him.
I think that any other person who is in his situation right now would have broken a long time ago.
I'm sure I would have.
But he's fighting, and he's strong, and he's sharp as ever.
He's smart as ever.
Yeah, he's not letting them win, and I think that's really great, even though he's effectively been silenced.
Well, he's also a famous ladies' man, with a lot of ladies visiting him.
So, I mean, I'm not saying that you were there to visit him because you were sweet on him or anything, but there are a lot of conjugal visits, I'm told, over to him.
So, have they cut those off for Assange?
Well, first, I have a boyfriend, and he was waiting for me outside with my phone.
Oh, I wasn't saying you could come, right?
I was saying...
Julian actually signed a book for him and wrote that he needed to take care of me.
So it wasn't that kind of visit.
But I don't think it would be possible for him to have like a date or a woman over because of... Sure, that's my point is that even people in hardcore prison get conjugal visits.
So my joke had a point.
Not that you were going to be doing anything.
No, I know.
Besides, I'm not gay, but you know, Julian Assange is such a hero.
I'm joking.
I'll give him a consular visit.
That's a joke, folks.
Not being serious.
Let's do another segment.
Have some fun here at Cassandra Fairbanks.
I'm Alex Jones for TheGatewayPundit.com [Music]
Conservatively, there have been several thousand articles written in the last three years.
Demonizing Info Wars, and yours truly, for selling high quality supplements.
In fact, even the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, that owns the biggest sellers of supplements in the world, even that organization has written hit pieces claiming, I'm a fraud in selling snake oil, when they're owned by a man who owns Amazon and Whole Foods.
Amazon was the number one supplement seller in the world.
Whole Foods was number two.
He owns the number one and number two biggest supplement sellers on the planet.
And then his publication, a weaponized disinformation op, says I'm bad and should be shut down.
When more than 15 of the 70 products we have at Infowarslife.com are private labeled, highest quality, top of the line, that are sold at Whole Foods for higher prices.
Think about the level of that fraud.
And I've sent messages to these news organizations pointing that out.
No response.
They never want to get my comment.
Now, why am I saying that?
It's simple.
We have a lot of proprietary original products, but a lot of them are also private labeled.
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So we're going to be able to, you know, defeat all that.
It's a 360 win.
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You win.
I win.
It's amazing.
And you've seen them come after our attempts to even process credit cards and shut down InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
I mean, it's incredible not just what frauds they are and how they're anti-free market and how they're racketeering against us, not just Jeff Bezos, but this entire system of mainstream media and mainstream corporations and banking are even worse than Bezos and Amazon.
It's hard to believe.
I'm just illustrating how crazy this all is.
Now, I'm going to be cutting some informational pieces in the next few weeks that go into great depth on each one of the products.
I've done this for some of the products, but I haven't done it in a while.
I haven't done it for the new products because, quite frankly, it's like going to school for a college exam to try to accurately talk about how great these products are.
But just know this.
Whatever the attributes that Jeff Bezos and Amazon and Whole Foods are allowed to tell you about their flagship products, these are as good or better.
These are all the top of the line, very best.
I can't even tell you what they do and the history of it and how amazing they are because they selectively enforce and will send the FDA after us.
You see, I'm a subhuman.
I'm garbage.
So Bezos can make all the claims.
Whole Foods can make all the claims.
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Bodies, X3, and Supermail at mfullwarsstore.com and mfullwarslife.com.
Thanks for your support.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
You know, in the last few weeks, I've talked to some of the top people.
And I mean the top people in television, top people in the nationalist movement, top people in advertising, people that, you know, are talking daily to all the top folks.
And we went over the analysis just yesterday, I'm not going to name any names, of the globalist takeover plan of the media, and all these folks I talked to are concurring that that's what they're hearing as well.
So let me explain something.
If you think you've seen internet censorship so far, and when Matt Drudge came here almost three years ago, things like yesterday, and warned of it all and it was proven right, baby, it's about to hit.
But I got to tell you, I knew a lot of this, and I was a trailblazer on it.
But when I got up this morning and saw new comments by the official groups, Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL, Media Matters, these other neocon groups I've got in here, the articles on Infowars.com, That all of our phones are going to have basically private and governmental intelligence agency spooks, university professors antifa, like Franklin Graham taken down by an antifa member who's a fact checker at Facebook.
I mean, there's such wimps how they have to be given this overwhelming technology.
They're allowed to break in our phones.
I'll never forget YouTube.
Was giving Oliver Darcy access to my personal corporate account with them so they knew who my sponsors were and how much I was being paid so they could harass them?
That's racketeering!
But it was done under the Countering Disinformation Foreign Propaganda Act of 1997 that Obama funded.
They fund the defense authorization for the next year.
Where I was listed as a Russian agent with no proof, and then they had congressional hearings, and members of Congress, and the Armed Services Committee of the House, and the Intelligence Committee of the Senate, are like, when is the Russian operative Jones going to be taken off?
We're working on it.
We're working.
And I was taken down.
No judge, no jury, no fake shirt accuser. And now...
Oh yeah, I forgot they named Drudge as Russian too.
*dies* Oh my God, I even forgot in that article.
Print that for me.
I can't even watch all these congressional hearings.
You guys found the one senator saying, we've gotten rid of Jones, but we want thousands more.
And the reason I raise that is I've got the entire videos and press releases.
I could do the whole show.
On the CIA, and this means the Obama people they put in, because see, once an agency group gets funded, it's like a university getting funded if it's state-run.
Trump doesn't run this stuff, unless he declares an emergency.
God, he ought to send the Marines in!
Seriously, this is the threat and danger here!
Man, I tell you, it's incredible.
They declared the emergency before Trump got in, and they have, quote, a green light by Middle of 2019, they're going to be in everyone's phone and computer, live-time messaging you.
Tapping you on the shoulder, and they're going to have Alexa telling you that you shouldn't be listening to Alex Jones if it's on your TV.
It actually says that if you're watching or doing something you shouldn't, they're going to give you messages.
Not just on your phone, now the damn computers are going to start talking to you with some weird, crazy meth-head professor on the other end, broke into your computer under CIA law.
They finally got me.
I knew this was coming, but not this fast.
If the public doesn't care, then screw it!
God Almighty!
Sorry, I'm going back to Sandra Fairbanks.
This is a normal response to waking up in something ten times worse than 1984.
Worse than the Black Mirror episode, total global social score, Sandra Fairbanks from Gateway Pond.
You really punched my butt in the last segment.
I didn't know this would happen to you.
It happened to me like five years ago.
has listed us not as news, and it's fake before Hillary ever used the term, where we don't get in Google feed.
So I can interview Donald Trump, and everybody else gets it, but I don't get on the Google feed.
So I've been going through this for a while, but to hear Gateway Pundit do such a great job, here you are, you go talk to Assange, you've got the exclusive, everybody else picks it up and steals your work, and then you don't get on the feed.
There's also the theft of that.
It's like you win the Indy 500, so they go, oh, Cassandra, sorry, You don't get to have a sponsor, have a race car, because you just won the race.
And it doesn't even make me have sour grapes for myself.
It's just such a cowardly authoritarianism, where they went, Jones had 87 million viewers on election week.
Ban him.
And everybody said, how are you taking it?
And I said, well, not well, because they're about to do it to everybody else.
I didn't, I don't give a rat's ass about, I'm serious, because if it was just me, it wouldn't be my kid's future.
You know, it would just be, oh, I'm so effective, they got me first.
No, they got me because I'm flamboyant, they could take me out of context, and we were huge.
But no, they did it because, I guess it's kind of true what that Houston talk show host said, I'm one of the weakest in the herd.
Not really, one of the more truthful they can misrepresent, but I was used as the poster boy for everybody else to get gang raped now, and then did you ever think We're going to bring in Millie Weaver with the next segment.
That when you went in there, Roger Stone never talked to WikiLeaks.
There's one email back saying Assange won't talk to you, because he didn't want to be political.
I never talked to him, and did you know I've been investigated, Roger has, for being Russian agents, for talking to him when there's no proof he's even a Russian agent.
So think about that chilling effect, where you try to talk to this award-winning journalist Julian Assange, Way bigger than Daniel Ellsberg ever was, and then you!
I guarantee you, I'm not trying to scare you.
I'm sure you knew this when you went.
You'll now be on the radar screen.
Oh yeah, I'm sure I've been on the radar for a very long time.
I am not going to let that deter me from going to see him though.
I mean, he's a hero and I'm honored to know him.
I'm honored to get to visit him.
And if they want to come after me, then fine.
But I'll raise hell.
Well, let's talk about that, though, because most men don't have that anymore.
I'm not just kissing your ass.
You're a woman.
A lot of women, when things get really bad, have to act like men.
When the men are gone, it said women start acting like men, which is good.
That's a survival instinct.
What's your line in the sand where you're not afraid anymore?
And you do a lot of dogged, aggressive stuff.
I mean, what made you get like that?
I just think that it's important.
We need to be fighting this.
I mean, the most important Freedom and right that we have is the right to publish, the right to free speech, the right to independent thought, to read what we want to read, to be able to gather information from a wide variety of sources.
The fact that they're trying to take this away and that they're going after Julian for doing what every newspaper should be doing is terrifying to me.
I just, I think it's more important than anything else that we're fighting right now.
I mean, we can't even fight any other battles unless we win this one, because we won't have any platform to do it.
So, I just, I don't know.
It's just so important to me, and it was so important to our founding fathers.
I mean, Thomas Jefferson used to have fake news printed about him all the time, and he still came out one day and said, you know, the truth will always win, so let them print fake news, and the truth will prevail. And he said that he would rather
have no government than no newspapers.
And I just thought, I think that's so important.
I don't think that we can have any freedom without the freedom to publish and the freedom to read publications.
You're absolutely right.
I don't know your whole background, but I've seen the great work you've done.
But almost everyone I know now fighting tyranny used to be a classical liberal and even were Democrats because they were anti-war and stuff, which I was anti-war for no reason.
So I'm just guessing I see a peace symbol behind you there in your office or wherever you're at.
I mean, it sounds to me like you're not some right winger.
You're like a classic American that believes in freedom.
Yeah, I mean, I was always on the left up until I saw that we were no longer the party of free speech.
Like, I always thought of the liberals and the classical liberals and Democrats as being, you know, pro-free speech and then the Republicans wanting to shut down Marilyn Manson concerts and stuff when I was younger.
And so that was always, I just identified as a Democrat because I thought that, you know, we cared about freedom and Um, being anti-war, but now the Democrats are the party of war, Trump is anti-war, and the Republicans are the ones who are fighting for free speech.
It's all flipped, and, um, I'm with whoever is for free speech and against, uh, unnecessary war.
I'm for whoever's for freedom!
What a revolutionary thought!
We'll be right back with Cassandra Fairbanks on some big questions from Millie Weaver.
We're joined by our guest.
Here's the headline.
Trial pending for ex-Muslim Christian pastor arrested for sharing his testimony in Minnesota at the Mosque of America, formerly known as the Mall of America.
Ramin Parsa was born into a very large Shiite Muslim family shortly after the Iranian Revolution.
His family was greatly impacted by the revolution.
One of his brothers was killed.
Most of his family possessions were taken.
He was raised And it's good to have you on, Ramin.
made to practice strict religious traditions. He was tortured multiple times under suspicion
of violating these strict religious laws and traditions.
When his father died of a heart attack, he began to question his faith in Islam. He had no
hope or purpose in life and became suicidal. At this time, he heard the message of the
gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time. At first, he disagreed with what he was
hearing, but later on, asking Jesus to come into his heart, he felt the power of
salvation come upon him. And that's RameenParsa.org. And it's good to have you on, Rameen.
Thank you for joining us.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex, for having me.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Tell us what happened to you while you were in Minnesota, the Minneapolis-St.
Paul Mall of America, and what unfolded.
As I said, you know, I was invited to speak at a church there in Minnesota, and I went there to speak at a church.
After the church, I went to the mall, just to see the mall.
And as I was visiting the mall, we talked to some Somali Muslims.
They came to us.
We talked and made a conversation, a private conversation.
And then it led to, you know, they asked me if I'm a Muslim.
I said, I used to be, I'm a Christian now.
And they asked me, why?
Why did you become a Christian?
And I was explaining to them, giving them my testimony.
And then that's one of the, another Muslim lady who was not a part of the conversation, she went and told the guard that this guy is harassing us and whatever.
And then the guard came and he said, hey, you guys cannot do this.
This is, you know, we cannot solicit here.
And I said, no, no, I'm not soliciting here.
And even the two ladies were listening to me.
They were arguing with that lady that when I hear what happened, Why did it change?
And then we just, you know, we saw it becoming a big motion and we just walked away.
We said goodbye, went to a coffee shop and got some coffee.
And when we came out, three guards were waiting for me.
And then that's when they arrested me.
They handcuffed me and then they took me to a basement in the mall.
And they handcuffed both my hands to a metal chair, bolted to the ground.
And I told them, I'm a pastor.
I'm here to speak at a church.
I'm visiting in the state.
They said, oh, we arrested pastors before.
And so it was so sad to see that such a thing happened in America.
Who could imagine?
Who could imagine that America, which is the beacon of freedom, one day be a place where you, as a Christian, cannot even express yourself or be arrested for sharing your faith publicly?
This is just a disgrace.
So this is Sharia in practice.
And I was born and raised a Muslim.
I was taught Islam for 19 years every day of my life.
And Islam is the darkest and the most evil ideology.
that has ever existed in human history.
[ Music ]
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You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic, it's Alex Jones.
Mike Adams had his whole internet go down in his complex, so he's not doing the fourth hour.
But hey, just so happened Rob Dube had a point this morning to me when we got into work at like nine o'clock.
He goes, you know Alex, he's one of our news directors for some of the shows, he goes, everybody's pointing out that Jim Acosta walked by this border in McAllen, Texas and then admitted that there was no crime at that point right around that border fence.
And so okay, thanks for proving a Well, the reason the county, the city, the Border Patrol have asked for a full fence down there is the areas that don't have the fence is where you have some of the highest crime rate in the country.
And we have the Border Patrol interviewed by us.
We have all this coming up next hour, start of the hour.
Big exclusive, not from the angle of trolling him saying, oh, thanks for admitting that border walls work, but pointing out that Where they don't have the wall is where it's really, really bad.
And the media keeps saying, none of these congressmen on the border want it.
None of that's even true.
Mexico is the most dangerous country in the world.
Northern Mexico is the most dangerous area other than their Guatemalan border in the country.
It's insane to say we wouldn't have a border wall.
You know, it's like saying that I got rid of my Jeep because it has like a 2.5 rating.
And even though I'm not a big foreign car owner, the only SUV that had like a five-star rating was the... And it's a car for the nannies to drive the kids around in when I drive around.
So I mean, I got a Toyota 4Runner because it's five-star in almost all the safety tests.
Because I really care about stuff.
Now, is it racist that it has a double steel cage?
That's a wall.
So if some person runs a red light, or I happen to be in a wreck, I'm not driving a Jeep with a 2.5% rating, and I'm not bashing old Jeeps.
They're not all like that.
I didn't always drive the Jeep I had.
We've got it out at the ranch.
It's an old Jeep.
The point is, I got rid of the old Jeep, and I got this.
And it's got steel cage around it, and it's as safe as a $100,000 Mercedes.
But it costs $40,000.
Because, you know, I want my kids to have as much safety as possible.
I'm not a cowardly person, but every day when my children drive off to go to school, or my wife's driving or whatever, and I'm just like, man, those little sweetsies.
So, I'm Doug Racing here, and we've got Millie Weaver coming on to talk about immigration and everything.
Cassandra Fairbanks of GatewayPundit.com, we salute you.
You're @CassandraRules on Twitter, GatewayPundit.com.
Other key points you'd like to add?
I don't want Millie Weaver to pop in with any questions she's got.
No, I just, we need to keep fighting for Julian.
Everybody else who is facing any kind of persecution is able to make their case publicly, is able to defend themselves.
Julian cannot do that right now, so we need to do it for him.
That's all.
I agree, but I mean I've known you off and on, met you three or four times, you're usually pretty dogged.
You're almost breaking down in tears right now.
No, I just, it really upsets me and I feel kind of hopeless, like I don't know how to help and the situation was so, it was so surreal and Orwellian and I don't like the fact that somebody that I admire so much is living like this and it just it feels really hopeless like I don't I don't know how to help and it's frustrating.
Well I'll tell you last year right before they banned us we got 50,000 signatures for Assange.
Had them all mailed.
to the White House and it seemed to whoever got him got pissed.
That was part of our banning, as we were told, to not back Assange.
Because, you know, you get the messages and they, if there's anybody more hated than say Matt Drudge or Alex Jones or Donald Trump, it's Julian Assange.
And man, I just want to see that guy free after all he's been through.
I would go crazy.
It's almost seven years, isn't it, in that embassy?
Yeah, six and a half.
It's pretty bad.
Well, you know, it's incredibly dangerous.
Millie Weaver, I appreciate you popping back in.
I want to get your take on the border.
I know you've done a lot of research on that and Pat Buchanan saying Trump does need to declare an emergency, obviously, but any questions for your fellow colleague and reporter here?
I think you've been up in D.C.
and we all had dinner together with Cassandra Fairbanks.
You got any questions for her?
Well I don't know if I necessarily have any questions but you know I've got a comment.
Why is it that Julian Assange hasn't been, I guess this is a rhetorical question, why isn't it that Julian Assange hasn't been offered a deal to make a plea deal essentially in exchange for some of the information he has And why is it that President Trump hasn't pardoned Julian Assange?
We know that Chelsea Manning was pardoned, and he's out there telling the police, F the police, on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.
So, I mean, he doesn't seem like somebody who really necessarily deserved a pardon, whereas Julian Assange definitely does seem like he deserves a pardon.
Oh yeah, Chelsea Manning is a complete whack job.
Yeah, and there's a lot of things that It seems like the conservative base is frustrated with President Trump about, and, you know, pardoning Julian Assange is one of them, and the other one is the border wall situation.
We all wanted him to declare a state of emergency down at the border, and he didn't.
He has yet to do that.
He was hoping to make a deal with the Democrats, but we all know why the Democrats are not going to make a deal with President Trump.
It's because the Democrats are appealing to the cartels In Mexico, because get this, the deep state relies on the cartels for funding, and the deep state controls these Democrat puppet politicians.
No, you're right.
The corrupt parts of the CIA launder the drug money, and they don't like Trump trying to cut it off.
Trump really wants to end all the drugs by cutting them off.
They just won't be here.
It won't matter what you do.
That's a really smart point, Millie.
We'll come back to you in just a moment.
Cassandra Fairbanks, thanks for coming on.
We'll keep following your reportage.
Great job as the Gateway Pundit.
You've got a lot of courage to go in there, because almost nobody else is willing to go in there.
And so, again, we really appreciate you, Cassandra.
Thank you so much for having me and for covering WikiLeaks so often.
I appreciate you.
Thank you.
Well, we do whatever we're told not to do.
So that's kind of the psychology around here.
But thank you, Cassandra.
We're about to get back to the border here, Millie.
But I mean, I have to say, I admire Cassandra Fairbanks for having to go in and interview Assange not once, but twice now.
Because believe me, she went through a lot of harassment to do that, which again, now journalists are under suspicion if they talk to Assange.
Yeah, you know, it's disturbing, it's creepy that he's being locked up in there like some kind of a criminal or some kind of an animal.
He's not being given a right to even express himself politically.
We should think about doing GoFundMes and some kind of campaigns to help Julian Assange.
They won't let me do a GoFundMe.
He should announce he's a pedophile and then they would let him out.
If Julian Assange came out and said, I like raping little kids, they would let him out.
Oh, speaking of GoFundMes, Pablo Escobar's brother put out a GoFundMe to raise $50 million to try to impeach President Trump.
He goes on to brag in his GoFundMe that he's gotten people removed from power before and that, you know, he's got the resources to do so.
So why is Pablo Escobar so emboldened that he thinks he has the poll to sway?
Wait a minute, I'm hearing a record...
Scratch off our car wreck sound here.
They don't let info wars on GoFundMe.
They don't let most conservatives.
Who are they letting on there to try to impeach Trump?
Pablo Escobar's brother launched a GoFundMe page.
It's all over the news.
Escobar's brother was admittedly involved with him, a mass murderer.
Yes, yes.
His name is A.K.A.
El Osoto, okay?
And he is saying that he can get Trump impeached.
All he needs is $50 million.
That just goes to show, when you're on the same political aisle, the same side of the political aisle, as Pablo Escobar's brother, you might be standing on the wrong side of politics.
Who, by the way, blew up over 400 buildings filled with men, women, and children.
I mean, this is like Tim McVeigh on 55 trillion gallons of PCP.
So you're... I see the article now.
I can't... You know, Millie, it feels like we're in the Twilight Zone every hour now.
It's like you see this stuff and you don't believe it.
Like Nancy Pelosi saying MS-13 is good.
They're good people.
I'm not gonna talk bad about them.
They just torture children to death in satanic rituals.
I mean, they're good.
Yeah, the Democrats and the drug cartel kingpins all want Trump impeached and they all don't want the border wall.
They all don't want border security.
Gee, I can't imagine why.
I can't imagine that it has to do with the mass amount of drug trafficking that goes into America.
You know what the goodness is?
Soon as Trump got in two years ago, do you know what happened?
To all the really hardcore known killers in MS-13, the Mexican Mafia in Mexico and the US.
A large crop of them, they were already all targeted.
Surf teams, kill teams, went and wiped them all out.
And that's why Pelosi's so pissed, because that money... Folks, we think Trump's losing, he's not.
A bunch of stuff's been done you don't know about.
But now you do.
And I'm not for extrajudicial killing, but MS-13, that's all they do.
And the word is, I heard is, man, there's been a lot of acid baths.
I mean, thousands and thousands of dudes that raped and killed kids.
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There are so many different spectrums of this natural oil that comes from him, now legal and lawful in all 50 states, that you need to just go research it for yourself.
Now obviously, there's been a giant marijuana legalization craze that Soros has funded the last 10 years.
I've not been involved in that.
It's a huge bubble.
This is not marijuana.
There are hundreds of varieties of hemp.
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This is the good CBD from the organic hemp oil.
And there are so many great products that you simply need to go to infowarsstore.com
and link over to washingtonsreserve.com or simply go to washingtonsreserve.com yourself
to look at all the products, to read about the history and to see the facts for yourself.
So 360Win, there are different CBD, rich hemp oil extractions for many, many,
many different uses.
You owe it to yourself to go look at this for yourself and to also understand it helps fund the Hemp Award.
People wonder why I haven't got into CBD oil.
Well, because some of the stuff's got problems, some of it can get you high, and some of it can get you arrested.
This is not that.
Legal in all 50 states.
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Again, ladies and gentlemen, we can ship to all 50 states right now from the great website, washingtonsreserve.com.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Fifteen years in the academy.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show.
Yeah, they've been laying those MS-13 and Mexican Mafia and any other mafias down like cordwood.
They're all a bunch of big tough guys.
Billy Weaver, we really appreciate the great work you're doing, you and Gavin.
In closing, getting into the border.
I think Trump should be more than honest with people.
And by that, don't just be honest about one part of it.
People say, what does more than honest mean?
Like, you're honest here?
No, more than honest means you don't just tell people the truth, like the minimum.
Like, okay, I told the truth about this.
Tell them the whole process.
That's what I do on here.
And people get that.
Like, I'm people who know why I came to a process, why I did something.
So they really get, like, I'm really... Because sometimes I'm like, what is the truth?
OK, is it this or is it that?
I'm going to tell listeners, because I want you to know, like, that's my only superpower is telling the truth.
I can't stand against the president and what he's been doing.
I can't even critique him because I know he's overwhelmed.
And then I look at the bizarre garbage they put out in the news, Millie, That is complete inversion of reality, and it... Is it meant to demoralize us, or...?
You're a smart lady, your husband's smart, you guys are... We have a lot of intellectual talks.
When you guys were down in Austin, you rove around the country.
What do you think, like, next-level lying is?
Because if you're awake, it's, like, cartoonish and insane, but it works on some people.
What do you think they're doing?
I think that it's just mass hypnosis, NLP.
It's like the Matrix in a sense where, you know, you've got the news, the media, they're seen as the authoritative figures that are constantly telling them the same things over and over again.
And if they hear it so many times, it becomes true to them in their mind.
And we've all been conditioned since young ages as school children to respect authoritative figures and they put them up in authority.
positions by having them up on TV so we assume they must be telling the truth
because hey they're a news reporter hey they're a politician they can't be
lying right how foolish is that but especially how foolish are we to
actually be hearing these Democrat politicians and that so many Americans
believe these Democrats when they're saying a border wall is not effective
they say there is no caravans I've seen 50 times without looking.
I just turned TV on and Fox is like, is it true there's no, like they're supposedly the good guys.
Is it true there's no caravan?
So they're the other side, which is a total lie to do that.
Then you turn into CNN.
It's like there is no border wall.
MSNBC, no border wall.
Meet the press.
There is no border crisis.
There is no caravan.
Didn't you know that, Millie?
You saw Jim Acosta.
See, he didn't get it.
He's tone deaf.
He's like, he didn't get, like, here's a wall.
It stopped it.
He goes, there's no one here.
There's no problem here.
He didn't get that he was showing the wall was effective.
That's how crazy he is.
Yeah, he can't see it.
Meanwhile, you have half of the Democrats saying, there's a crisis down at the border, there's children in cages, which was a complete hoax, not true.
But then they also want to say, there's no crisis at the border.
Trump's lying to you when he says there's a crisis at the border.
So they're just liars.
And, you know, it really just goes to show that we have a problem here.
And the problem is that you've got the deep state in bed with the cartels, and the Democrat politicians are being bought off.
And so that's why they have an incentive to keep the borders open because, hey, guess what?
If Trump builds that wall and he stops the flow of drugs trafficking into America, that hurts the deep state's pocketbooks because they rely on that black market money, that drug trafficking money, to fuel and fund their coups and their operations in America.
Well, Millie, to say you're in Fuego is you're in Fuego is in Fuego in Fuego.
And I hadn't even thought of that point.
They're like, it's mass Nazis murdering children in cages!
They're dying!
Total frickin' crisis!
Open the border!
There's no crisis at the border!
on in Texas.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
How's it going?
America is for President Trump and Alex Jones.
Anything else?
Any other person, Hispanic, who wants to consider themselves an American or anything other than a real Jesus Christ believer is a fake and is a terrorist.
So what I'm bringing out to you, brother, is may God bless you.
The Infowars team, I appreciate all of your products.
I just received it on Monday and I see the results.
It's beautiful.
It's awesome.
I've been a longtime listener.
God bless you, Etion.
I never plug Icarin.
All we do is go out and see what is the best product already out there and make it even stronger and better.
What has the best ratings.
So for kidney and liver, Icarin as a flush, it's powerful.
But if you're already in a weird state, consult a physician.
A lot of companies have a bunch of marketing, but they sell kind of filler because they're scared of real supplements.
I mean, real supplements can really help you, but also, you know, if you're in a weird place, you can get crazy.
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Visit currentinformershore.com Visit currentinformershore.com
Visit currentinformershore.com Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World
Order, it's Alex Jones.
And here are some of the steel slats that the president's been talking about right here.
As you can see, yes, you can see through these slats to the other side of the U.S.-Mexico border.
But as we're walking along here, we're not seeing any kind of imminent danger.
There are no migrants trying to rush toward this fence here in the McAllen, Texas area.
As a matter of fact, there are some other businesses behind me along this highway.
There's a gas station, Burger King, and so on.
But no sign of the national emergency that the president has been talking about.
As a matter of fact, it's pretty tranquil down here.
It's an election marred by violence.
Since campaigning in Mexico began in September, there have been more than 500 attacks on politicians.
According to reports, the newly elected official was on his way to the town hall for a meeting.
Locals are calling for an in-depth investigation, believing there may be others involved.
Video shows Mexican Congressional candidate Fernando Purón posing for a selfie with a supporter, when a man walks up from behind, raises a gun, and fires point-blank at the back of his head.
A national anthem plays, the mayor in the dark suit, hand over heart.
The shooting also caught on camera from behind.
Halloulli runs to the right, then drops to the ground.
Shot dead, a single bullet to the chest.
It's pretty tranquil down here.
The officials tell me the average number of arrests, illegal crossing arrests, in this sector in McAllen, Texas, Rio Grande Valley, is over 640 a day.
Well, you know, one in five people that we catch has some type of criminal history here in the United States.
On top of that, we only catch 40% of what's coming across as sexual.
In this area, so that's 20% of what we catch are known bad guys.
But as we're walking along here, we're not seeing any kind of imminent danger.
There are no migrants trying to rush toward this fence.
There's a lot of people out there that misses him.
And his dream was taken from him.
We have to have a conversation about restrictive legislation.
When you tie our hands and don't allow us to work with our federal partners and communicate with our federal partners about people that commit crimes and who are in this country illegally, we're going to have incidents like this.
You know, I think Sanctuary City is about us being ourselves and who we are.
And respecting everybody.
That's what we do here in San Francisco.
It means safer communities.
It means diverse communities.
It means welcome communities.
No sign of the national emergency that the president has been talking about.
They're f*cking dead.
I f*cking regret that.
The only thing I f*cking regret is that f*ck was killed too.
I wish I f*cking killed more than one f*ck.
That illegal immigrant, Luis Bracavantes, had been deported at least twice leading up to the 2014 shootings and could
potentially get the death penalty.
I'll break out soon, and I'll kill more.
It's pretty tranquil down here.
But the story in Drudge, and big story, it's all over the place now.
Guys swimming across, and big bags of stuff.
Struts swimming across the river, right?
Swimming right across.
And they put the drugs, and actually the camera crew, or the reporters, were petrified because they thought they were going to be killed.
Because they're showing this on camera, the guys carrying bags of stuff, it was drugs.
CBS News crew witnessed one of those attempts as a man in a raft attempted to smuggle two people into the U.S.
Their crossing, near Roma, Texas, was less than 100 yards from a port of entry where dozens of armed agents are stationed.
The man who was paddling actually walked across.
That's how shallow it is there in the river.
He was able to walk back onto the other side.
He gave us the middle finger and faded off into the tree line.
This highlights an ongoing issue that Border Patrol has been talking about.
The Rio Grande River, people just swim.
They walk across.
They come across easily.
But what was surprising for us to see is that this happened in broad daylight about 100 yards from that international bridge.
Your campaign had an ad showing migrants climbing over walls and so on.
Well, that's true.
But they weren't actors.
They're not going to be doing that.
They weren't actors.
Well, no, it's true.
Do you think they were actors?
They weren't actors.
They didn't come from Hollywood.
Border sector chief Rodney Scott posted this video to social media showing what he calls repeated breaches to the aging border wall infrastructure in San Diego.
And you can see people cutting holes in the wall and kicking right through.
It is not known over what time period these videos were recorded.
And he wrote, in order to secure the border, we depend on physical barriers, technology, roads, and border patrol agents to quickly resolve threats and keep America safe.
And here are some of the steel slats that the president's been talking about.
Last night here in San Diego, the caravan showed its propensity for violence once again, when a large group of people congregated on the hill up behind me at about 2 in the morning.
And then instead of trying to come north or surrender, they decided to assault Border Patrol agents with a hail of rocks.
Our agents responded with the least amount of force they possibly could to protect themselves in the border and did actually secure the border in this area.
One agent was hit square in the face with a rock.
Luckily he had his helmet and shield on and was not seriously injured.
But the violence associated with this caravan just continues.
But as we're walking along here, we're not seeing any kind of imminent danger.
There are no migrants trying to rush toward this fence.
I use the word rape.
And yesterday it came out where this journey coming up, women are raped at levels that nobody's ever seen before.
Sexual assault against women and girls is so common that many expect to be raped.
Almost all of the girls working the streets in the Mexican border town of Tapachula, where virtually all migrants pass, started their professional lives still dreaming of an ordinary life in the United States.
Shelter directors and human rights protectors estimate that 80% of migrant women crossing Mexico are raped along the way.
Robbery and assault are almost guaranteed.
The rape and abduction of young girls and their subsequent imprisonment in brothels is so common, the crimes aren't even investigated.
From October 2016 through September of 2017, more than 94,000 people were caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and claimed to be part of a family unit coming from Guatemala, El Salvador or Honduras.
You'd think that illegally entering the United States would be an automatic ticket home and quickly, but you'd be wrong.
These people were not sent home.
They were allowed to settle in the United States while their cases were resolved, which in practical terms means forever.
Of those 94,000 illegal border crossers, only 1,500 have been sent back.
In other words, 98% are still here.
As you can see, yes you can see through these slats to the other side of the U.S.-Mexico border.
But as we're walking along here, we're not seeing any kind of imminent danger.
There are no migrants trying to rush toward this fence here in the McAllen, Texas area.
As a matter of fact, there are some other businesses behind me along this highway.
There's a gas station, Burger King, and so on.
But no sign of the national emergency that the president has been talking about.
As a matter of fact, it's pretty tranquil down here.
President Trump taking his pitch for border security directly to the American people today with his first televised Oval Office address tonight.
Do you think it should be, I don't know, a delay of some sort?
Why in the world would the networks Why should they run Donald Trump's address tonight when we know that Donald Trump is going to be using it to spread these lies?
Because people believe it.
The president will say what he has to say.
People will believe it whether the facts are true or not.
Why should they run Donald Trump's address tonight when they know he's going to be spreading lies and falsehoods?
The answer to your question, Joe, is they shouldn't.
One of the most time-honored and powerful ways a president has to communicate with the American people is through a primetime Oval Office address.
The majesty of the setting, the request for valuable television time.
The president says he wants airtime, he just gets it, right?
Well, the answer is no.
President Trump, you will not get your wall.
Let them in! Let them in! Let them in! Let them in! Let them in!
A wall is an immorality, not who we are as a nation.
Have you considered using emergency powers to grant yourself authorities to build this wall without congressional approval?
Yes, I have.
And I can do it if I want.
And so he doesn't need the Congress to appropriate the funds for the wall, he can just do it?
You don't need congressional approval to build the wall?
No, we can use them, absolutely.
We can call a national emergency because of the security of our country, absolutely.
It's now up to you to decide which side you're on.
That's where we are.
And Trump is moving in the right direction and the only direction he has to use his constitutional executive power against traitors in the government to declare a national emergency and take matters into his own hands.
Our destinies are now bound forever.
We ask you to now take action and declare the national emergency and clear the scourge of the foreign globalist infestation threatening America and the world.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Google's world headquarters.
It's, they've now officially moved to China.
Is on fire right now, if you're a radio listener.
And so we've got the headline here of the Daily Mail.
Gigantic fire erupts from the roof of Google office in China's Silicon Valley.
A massive fire erupted in a Google office in China, sending dangerous black plumes of smoke rising in the air.
The furious blaze was first reported at 11 a.m.
local time on Wednesday in Zhonggangkan Tech District, also known as China's Silicon Valley in Beijing.
Google is an AI super weapon.
It is a system that gets the whole world to opt into it.
So they can then game stock markets, economies.
It can then predict what you're going to do with almost total certainty before you do it.
And there's a race between Facebook and Amazon.
And Apple, with Google, even though they're all very incestuous, work in and out of each other, to build the first global AI system that they believe will then take over all the markets and take over society.
It's basically already happened.
Google is the top of the pyramid, right there with Apple.
All things are Google, aren't they?
The global DARPA-controlled and DARPA-designed advanced research project into a human-mass-machine interface to be able to predict the future and then control the future.
That's in the founding documents of Google, 1997, 1998, and it was in Wired Magazine four years ago, they actually released the quote classified Google documents admitting that when they were getting CIA funding and NSA funding, they're saying we already have search engines.
This is NSA technology.
They said, no, we're going to get humans to interface with it, with their hopes, their dreams, all their actions, dial it into all the other machines and computers, and have a lifetime model of the world hooked into GPS everything, the Internet of Things.
To then be able to predict the future, and then be able to control the future.
And now here we are.
So what we're really in, here's the big secret, is an AI war.
We're already deep into the AI war of the 21st century.
These things are already artificially intelligent.
The question is, when will they become, if not already, conscious, self-aware, sentient?
So let me tell you what's coming next.
Google has 90 plus percent of all the searches.
They've got over half the advertising on the planet now.
They are getting into every faction and system of supply chain.
They have bragged in internal memos that they can deliver elections to whoever the political structure wants them to.
Why wouldn't you steal their passcode?
Why wouldn't you move to Communist China?
Why wouldn't you help build a censorship system for the Communist Party they've been using for years that's about to go nationwide?
And why not tell Congress, I don't know anything about Dragonfly.
We have lots of projects.
We don't intend to go live with that.
Meanwhile, their internal emails have been released.
We're like, find out whoever did this in FM!
This is our most secret project!
Listed top secret beta testing for the rest of the world!
We're competing with Apple for the global social ID.
And Google is not going to let Apple get the global social ID.
We are going to rule the planet!
Our AI system is superior!
Defeat the Globalist.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning.
But you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call or talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment!
dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the resistance.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I am begging everyone watching this live show and listening on the radio...
(electric guitar music)
To look into the facts I'm about to lay out.
To find out they're absolutely true.
In fact, worse than I can even say.
There's so many details.
And then contact Congress.
Contact major corporations.
Ask to speak at your church.
Do whatever it is you have to do to expose this because in three months...
Microsoft and then Apple and then Google, all of them by the middle of 2019, are implementing live access into your phone, where they will see where you're going and what you're doing in live time.
We already know they've been tracking us doing that.
But now they're going to have a consortium.
Of neocon organizations, hardcore Soros-backed organizations, I'm about to show you mainstream news, saying this.
Specially selected by Obama and Hillary before they left office, groups in every U.S.
intelligence agency, all 17, coordinating Political minders that don't just spy on you, that send live time messages over what you're browsing on the internet.
So it isn't like you go to somewhere on Facebook and there's an Alex Jones video, and then it puts up a link from Snopes saying this is fake.
Or from the Southern Property Law Center, or from the ADL, or from Media Matters.
Literally, Soros, when you go to a site, breaking in and putting it over, it's going to be on your device.
Now, we've already seen this happen to InfoWars, where they didn't just delist us off of iTunes six months ago.
We had links just to our own podcast and in the iPhone browser.
They block you on an iPhone being able, through that function on the phone, to get to it.
You understand?
You go by a phone, and the next level is, you can't go to InfoWars.com, you can't click on it, you can't listen, and they've now got keyword, and they've got audio, which is the next level, where then they won't even let you listen to my voice.
It's automatically blocked.
Now listen to me carefully.
This is for everybody.
This is going to totally, vertically integrate the entire world.
Once they're done doing this to political groups they don't like, the Wall Street Journal, again, a month and a half before we got purged, re-issued that article, said, when we're done with Jones as the test case, We're going to take everyone off and you will maybe have a thousand channels on the internet.
The Wall Street Journal and the New York Times will be the king fact-checkers, and then they'll disseminate it out to the minders, who they've already got 100,000 trained.
I have the articles right here.
Who are already on Facebook, YouTube, Google, Twitter, already practicing taking Franklin Graham off and taking Gavin McInnes off.
And then, oh, we're sorry, it was an accident.
We're just teaching you, they're there.
Oh, we made a mistake, sorry, you're back, Ali Alexander.
But, by the way, don't go on Alex Jones' show.
Oh, Joe Rogan!
Yeah, we blocked your podcast getting uploaded onto iTunes when you had Alex Jones on.
Don't have him on again or we'll delist you.
And by the way, don't tell anybody, Joe.
Oh, but there's good news, Joe.
Soon we're going to have a program where your administrator, if they're trusted and signed some paperwork, you're going to be able to go flag things about you that aren't true, and you're going to be able to confidentially talk to us, and Joe, if you do a good job for about a year with us, you're going to be able to take stuff down yourself.
How would you like to be a trusted administrator?
Oh, and then Alex Jones puts out a couple videos about you.
They got a million views last week on other people's channels.
And then, then, a little message from YouTube.
You need to watch what you're putting up, or your whole channel's gone.
See how that works?
See how that works?
So, see, that's how corruption works, is they get you involved, and they give you some power, like the Nazis did.
So remember what all these senators have said.
We're putting them on the screen of your TV.
Democrat senators have said, we took Alex Jones off, now there's thousands more need to be banned.
And they went further, they said, they need to be banned from radio and TV as well, and we're putting in systems that'll do that as well, where the DVRs and receivers in your TVs won't even pick up who they want blocked.
Oh, and remember this week?
Don't even show the President's speech?
They were trying to introduce that idea to you?
And oh!
They had a big Defense Department meeting a few months ago.
We first reported on InfoWars.com.
And guess what?
They said that by the end of the next year, the Internet as we know it will be over and everyone will be censored but selected corporations allowing the orderly Direction of society.
That's called dictatorship.
Direction means dictating.
I mean, the orderly... directing of society.
My god, the... I'm gonna get directed by Mr. Fly?
The neocon?
I've got all the articles, all the names, all their admissions, but they're establishment publications.
Or then they're mainline publications selling you on, oh thank God, there's a consortium of groups helping fat check, but they're not doing enough.
Oh, of course.
And then everywhere I go, everything I've said or done, they put a lie on it.
They don't even act like you're smart.
A great example was, I talked about Buzz Aldrin on 10 years ago, and how I believe the moon landing happened, and a lot of other things, and I never said it didn't happen.
And then they saw the news, Jones says the moon landing never happened.
It's in Texas Monthly, on the cover this month, that, you know, Jones said the moon landing never happened.
And under it was Encyclopedia Britannica saying, Jones says the moon landing didn't happen, but it did.
And the video, I'm saying it did.
With Buzz Aldrin, the second person to walk on the moon.
Does he have credibility?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Someone under the Southern Poverty Law Center, I looked it up, has a seal, like the old dukes would have, or kings, putting their mark in the wax.
Encyclopedia Britannica, that old respected name, is now Southern Poverty Law Center.
They just load whatever they want, and they go, well, that's respected.
Let's get Encyclopedia Britannica.
Nobody reads those anymore.
We can get that name for nothing.
We'll now be Encyclopedia Britannica, and we'll say the moon's made of cheese if we want.
And then, Encyclopedia Britannicus, Jones says that nobody ever went to the moon, and the video above is me saying we did.
But see, they're gonna hone their systems down, I guess, and not make it as obvious, right?
Like them saying there's no border crisis, and that, you know, Trump's a liar over and over again.
When we come back, I'm going to explain all this.
We have loaded huge guests.
I'm never good at telling you about the huge guests we have coming on.
Cassandra Fairbanks is a great lady, a good friend of mine over at the Gateway Pundit.
She got in a lengthy discussion with Julian Assange and has got some big breaking exclusive stuff for us coming up.
We've got so many other big guests as well today.
I'll tell you about those on the other side, but do you understand?
On a Richter scale, the censorship you've seen is a 1 compared to the 10 you're about to witness.
Total censorship spying takeover by criminal class.
Conservatively, there have been several thousand articles written in the last three years
demonizing InfoWars and yours truly for selling high quality supplements.
In fact, even the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, that owns the biggest sellers of supplements in the world, even that organization has written hit pieces claiming I'm a fraud and selling snake oil when they're owned by a man who owns Amazon and Whole Foods.
Amazon was the number one supplement seller in the world.
Whole Foods was number two.
He owns the number one and number two biggest supplement sellers on the planet.
And then his publication, a weaponized disinformation op, says I'm bad and should be shut down.
When more than 15 of the 70 products we have at InfoWarsLife.com are private labeled, highest quality, top of the line, that are sold at Whole Foods for higher prices.
Think about the level of that fraud.
And I've sent messages to these news organizations pointing that out.
No response.
They never want to get my comment.
Now, why am I saying that?
It's simple.
We have a lot of proprietary original products, but a lot of them are also private labeled.
Whatever already has five stars, whatever people already love, whatever's been tested to be the best.
So we have a great product.
You love it.
You reorder it.
The Globals are going to test our products, trying to find something.
So we're going to be able to, you know, defeat all that.
It's a 360 win.
We defeat them.
You win.
I win.
It's amazing.
And you've seen them come after our attempts to even process credit cards and shut down InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLife.com.
I mean, it's incredible not just what frauds they are and how they're anti-free market and how they're racketeering against us, not just Jeff Bezos, but this entire system of mainstream media and mainstream corporations and banking are even worse than Bezos and Amazon.
It's hard to believe.
I'm just illustrating how crazy this all is.
Now, I'm going to be cutting some informational pieces in the next few weeks that go into great depth on each one of the products.
I've done this for some of the products, but I haven't done it in a while.
I haven't done it for the new products because, quite frankly, it's like going to school for a college exam to try to accurately talk about how great these products are.
But just know this.
Whatever the attributes that Jeff Bezos and Amazon and Whole Foods are allowed to tell you about their flagship products, these are as good or better.
These are all the top of the line, very best.
I can't even tell you what they do and the history of it and how amazing they are because they selectively enforce and will send the FDA after us.
You see, I'm a subhuman.
I'm garbage.
So Bezos can make all the claims.
Whole Foods can make all the claims.
Because this stuff is dynamite.
Tumeric's dynamite.
Iodine that's clean is dynamite.
Super Mel Vitality, they have similar products.
It's all dynamite.
They can tell you how great it is and show you all the facts and tell you.
Because they're the elite.
I'm just scum.
Just like you, according to them.
But the good news is, you've seen how great these products work.
We do break down some of the basics on each page at mforwarslife.com to see how wonderful they are.
But experience turmeric, experience X3, experience Supramel Vitality, Supramel Vitality.
That, by the way, is the last run of our best-selling product, Supramel Vitality, Supramel.
Because we can't even get the wild-crafted herbs anymore, so we can't get the supply, and I'm sick of it, so I'm discontinuing it.
Because it's so frustrating.
This is the last run, and it's all 50% off.
Bodies, X3, and Supermail at mfullworthstore.com and mfullworthslife.com.
Thanks for your support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, we now have the complete internet takeover plan.
Within three months, every computer device in the country Already has the back doors built into it with devices made five, six years ago, will be broken into via your terms of service, you won't be allowed to not have it on there, by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the ADL, the ADL used to have to break into police stations to get information, and they got convicted of that and got sued over it, by Media Matters, George Soros, and by the main neocon think tanks,
With Defense Department yearly funding that Obama put in place, with oversight by special offices set up by Obama and Hillary at the CIA.
And just as you've seen in China where you can't send on phones emojis of the Taiwanese flag, and that went worldwide for a while, or you can't send images of Lenny the Pooh because the dictator doesn't like it.
Because people make fun of him in China, so Winnie the Pooh's banned.
And they've got a firewall and systems that detect that, and you can't send that over platforms.
The EU just signed a law banning memes.
By law, you must pre-approve them and scan them through a government system before you put a meme out.
That's prior restraint on speech.
This is way beyond 1984.
And so, starting in three months, and rolling out through the rest of the year, and we have neocons at major events admitting this, we have all the articles admitting it, they're just bragging.
They say, you think Alex Jones was a big deal?
You think us banning thousands of conservatives was a big deal?
We only did that to get the left wing on board.
The Democrats are so sick and tired of their own constituents being anti-war and everything, we're going to ban all of them, and then the conservatives who feel like they've been wronged are going to take the bait.
And once that's done, we're going to set the precedent to ban everybody.
It doesn't matter if you've got a show about gardening on YouTube.
If it's popular, and you've got 100,000 subscribers, and you've got a great arborist business that sends plants around the country, there's a bunch of those.
I've ordered plants off some of those.
I've even talked to them on the phone.
I'm like, wow, how's your business doing?
How much money are you guys making?
I'm like, wow.
You know, in the future, they're going to...
I was ordering some trumpet vines just six months ago and I brought it up to him.
I said, you know they're coming for you next and they're not going to let you operate.
Funniest thing is I got an email from the guy.
He said, how did you know that?
I just started getting contacted by YouTube and they said things are about to change.
I'm going to have to pay them to even be on YouTube.
But they're going to have a conference and I should fly there.
And I said, I know, brother.
And see, we're being hit by such a criminal takeover, such a mafia Takeover that just to have any type of online store, to sell beanie babies online, to sell roses online, to just be involved in commerce, period, you're going to have to pay the piper to the big tech giants.
And by the time they do that, everyone else is going to be shut off.
By the time they get around to all the little merchants and all the regular people, it'll be too late.
But here's the mega scandal, here's the takeaway.
Hiding in plain view, the head of Google, the head of Facebook, the head of Twitter, the head of all these groups, they go to Congress and they say, we've never censored anybody, we've never manipulated search results, we've never been paid to promote a search result.
That's the whole model!
It's like saying that the American flag doesn't have red on it.
But you know it's got red on it.
Mega lies!
You know why they're so confident to lie?
Because they've got a perfect storm where six and a half, seven months ago, right before I got banned, the Wall Street Journal put out a, again, huge article that I'll show you here in a moment.
Saying, we're going to take over the whole internet and end it being free.
And you're not just going to pay to play.
We're not going to let anybody on it but select companies.
And then of course they're all going to start fighting with each other too over how many can be there.
It's a total takeover.
Because the internet was going to decentralize things.
It was going to end all these monopolies.
And it was starting to do it.
And the globals are like, no, this is supposed to bring in total control.
And so they're doing it.
It's all over the German news now that they're going to train stations.
First I saw it two days ago in one city, now it's all over.
And they're going up to attractive women who have blonde hair and saying, are you a racist?
Are you a nationalist?
And the women say, no, no, no, I'm not!
Like they believe they're going to be arrested.
And the police say, good, because you'll be arrested if you are.
So now they're even saying, we'll take you away because you're white.
And one woman said, but you're blonde haired.
And the cop pulled out a breathalyzer and shoved it in her mouth, tried to take her to jail for talking back.
And then the Germans went, oh don't worry, it's a social experiment.
Of course it is!
They go, we're not really gonna arrest you for blonde hair, it's a social experiment.
I called Watson that morning before anybody else had picked it up.
He says it's crazy.
And I said, no, Paul, it's meant to make them insecure and scared and spread the word so when they really start arresting people for what color they are, people won't say, oh, I care about that because they've already heard about it.
They go, oh, that's just an experiment.
See, they're testing you.
Studies show when they show you a bunch of murders on TV, you become desensitized to the real thing.
That's why they show soldiers.
Simulated shooting.
The first video games were, you know, of killing people up close who weren't real.
So when you kill the real people, you don't care.
It's a desensitization.
And look, I know you know all this, folks.
Let me tell you.
Only being aware of this will defeat it.
You can't, you can't look At the news, Fox News, CNN, any of these things, and think you're getting what the story is.
Even if they're reporting on the basic facts, it's all about distracting you from what's really going on.
Like, Trump doesn't need an emergency to build the wall.
He can do it with existing military funds with a selected emergency, by declaring it an emergency.
He needs it to circumvent and remove these networks Obama put in under an emergency.
And of course, we're next year's news today.
I've been telling you this since Trump got in.
He's got to declare the emergency.
To override the previous emergency.
And I'm telling you now.
In fact, here's the takeaway that up front, I want everyone to know.
Obama and the neocons know there's a populist uprising worldwide.
They thought Hillary was going to win.
But even if she did win or didn't win, They were going to incrementally end the internet as we
know it.
And it's here.
And it's the old saying of first they came.
For this group, and they came for that group, and when they came for me, there was nobody left to stand up for me.
This is an exact plan where you pick off one person, and then another, and then another, and then a whole group, and then thousands in a day, and thousands the next day, and thousands the next day, and then you, then you, oh, people are getting upset, let's cycle back, okay, we're gonna quit, we apologize for Franklin Graham.
Oh, we apologize for Gavin McGinnis on YouTube.
And then they take him down later.
And so it's all a psychological plan.
And only by being aware of it, only by being conscious of it, only by understanding it, do we have any chance to beat it.
So, again, normally I get up here and I talk about one of these issues, and all I do is just start showing you article after article, showing different pieces, how they're spinning, how they're lying, how they're admitting, how it all goes together.
And then I never actually get to the big picture.
I just got to the big picture, told you exactly what's going on.
Now, when we come back, I'll go over all the articles, and the proof, and the legislation, and the video clips of senators admitting it.
And then, we got a bunch of big guests coming up today.
But this is it, and I want to explain it.
It's not just that they're going to put over what you're doing on your phone or your computer or your Alexa or your other home quote device spying on you.
You're a good little minder.
It's that when you go to Alexa and say, Alexa, pull up alexjonesinfowars.com.
At first it's going to say, that's fake news and a bad persona.
But okay, later it's going to say, I'm reporting you for doing that.
And by the way, I've been listening to you.
And later it's not going to even let you know.
It's just not going to let you go there and not respond.
They actually admit that in the documents too.
A robot in your house controlling what you listen to.
The last eight years, we've seen the rise and now fall of the cryptocurrencies.
And the entire time, I refused to take sponsors to fund our operation from the cryptocurrency market.
Not because I thought every company was bad or that the whole thing's a scam, but at a gut level, I knew it was a giant bubble and I didn't want to be associated with that.
Gut level, just couldn't do it.
There have been many other sponsors I've refused.
I have been offered and refused millions of dollars in sponsorship that would have been great to fight the info war from legitimate companies that sell marijuana-derived CBD oil, which has incredible attributes everybody knows about on so many fronts and helps a lot of people.
The reason I haven't gotten involved is the law hasn't been clear and some states, even though it doesn't get you high, see it as illegal.
But now, they have developed and certified for years CBD rich oil derived from hemp that is completely legal in all 50 states and there are so many different permutations and combinations of what it's able to do and what the studies show it's done that it's mind-blowing.
So we've worked with one of the biggest companies in the nation.
And they wanted to just work with us openly because they want to stand up for America and freedom.
They're patriots.
But I said, listen, you just need to create your own new website for a private label for us, where you handle it all, where they get the best hemp-derived CBD oil, legal in all 50 states, from you.
You drop ship it.
You get it out.
You have the website.
I promote it.
I send people there.
And that way they're getting the very best from the experts.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, nothing wrong with marijuana-derived CBD oil.
The problem is some of the public and governments and municipalities get confused and sometimes people get in trouble with CBD oil if it's too strong.
This isn't CBD oil derived from marijuana that's high in THC.
This is derived from industrial high-quality organic hemp and it's legal in all 50 states and now Trump has signed the executive order allowing the industrial growing of hemp, so we won't even have to import it from Canada to Colorado, where it's then produced, bottled, and distributed.
Now listen, I know a lot about it.
I've researched it.
I've turned down probably 20, 30 companies who've been wanting to sponsor us in the last six years.
It's gotten really crazy in the last two.
But now that the law is clear, now that our listeners can't get burned, now that we have a partnership with one of the top companies in the United States known for their organic quality, known for being patriots, They have created a new website and a private label of their entire spectrum of award-winning products called Washington's Reserve.
And there are so many attributes, so many different things that hemp-derived, hemp-rich CBD oil has to offer that you just need to go to washingtonsreserve.com for yourself and see it all, because they have more than 40 products.
Now, remember, the Globalists have tried to take our merchant accounts away.
They've tried to shut us down.
They've tried to boycott us.
They've tried to sue us.
And I said in the last six months, I'm going to move, not away from a direct sales marketing of great products to you to fund us.
We're still going to do that.
Then FortWorthLife.com.
But we're also going to bring on the best sponsors in the country, the very best products.
And this is the first big one.
So I'm very excited.
Be sure and go there.
Experience the power of high quality hemp extract with CBD exclusively available at washingtonsreserve.com for the highest quality The lowest prices.
It's all there, ladies and gentlemen, at washingtonreserve.com, and you're helping fund the info war the whole time.
You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
Thank you.
From Nazareth he came with a ragtag band to bring a revolution.
Some would make him king, others couldn't stand that.
Others couldn't stand the cross was a solution but it rose again.
Wise men follow him, but it rose again.
Wise men follow him.
Thank God for the rain.
Alice Jones here, back live.
The inventor of the internet, who's not Al Gore, he's a British scientist, who's credited with the final pieces of it, for contributing the most.
...has said last year and this year that global authoritarianism is taking the web over a technocracy, that the big tech companies have totally sold out to evil, and that he has been feverishly working with other top scientists to try to combat them.
And in the past, when those fellas talked, they'd be all over Wired, they'd be all over the Wall Street Journal when these inventors of the web talk now about authoritarianism.
You have to read it in local newspapers.
Father of World Wide Web launches platform which aims to radically decentralize the net.
Intends to end the dominance of Facebook, Google, Amazon while the process of letting individuals take back control of their data.
That's Tim Berens.
Tim Berens Lee.
Now, here's the problem with this.
When you get hit with an authoritarianism this big and people don't know what they're facing, and you have almost like 21st century technology finding a time machine and going back and fighting, you know, primitive tribes or something, the primitive tribes have no chance.
And because the old governing political class, who are 65, 70, 80 years old, Are playing golf all day and barely know how the internet works.
They're allowing the technocracy and these tech heads and traders inside U.S.
intelligence and multinationals and the chi-coms to literally set up the end of civilization as we know it.
When it comes to basic freedom.
Julian Assange's last video interview before blackout.
He said this generation being born right now is the last to have any freedom ever.
And that's really the sad thing here, is that the inventors of the internet and top journalists all say exactly what I say, because it's what's happening.
And it's very, very sad.
And then I knew that the next level was going to be device control.
Because we've seen Apple do all sorts of things, not letting people even, not just access iTunes, but not even use the RSS reader.
on iPhones to get to our RSS feed.
And I didn't believe it when listeners found it.
I told the tech guys, we got an outside big company look up.
They said, yeah, we've never seen this before, but we believe this is the next level of control.
URLs blocked at the device level, and then boom.
Microsoft and all the rest of them are announcing in corporate papers that, oh, we put the function in years ago, But we're going to go live with it at schools, universities, military bases, and on people's devices, without opting in, where you try to go to Infowars.com and it pops up Snopes and the Southern Poverty Law Center and all these other criminal groups, in my view, and says, hey, this is a fake guy that's a Nazi or, you know, he says the moon landings didn't happen.
We're fact checkers.
We're God.
We're Jim Acosta, and we say you don't want to go there.
And then you know what the next step is, obviously.
You're put in a database, which they've already been doing, oh, that you're a bad person.
So what they're doing is getting you used to a minder.
Now, one of the crew in there, Matt is a smart guy, he goes, man, it's almost like this is the Chinese social score is already here.
And I said, yeah, Matt, that's next segment.
That's what I was going to end with on this before we shift gears to the other issues.
This is worth 100 hours, not just one hour to talk about.
The entire Chinese global social score system didn't start there.
It started here.
But yes, it's being adopted in Latin America.
It's being adopted in Africa.
Because when the Chinese come in, they say, we're going to build roads and railroads and all this, but you have to adopt, your government does, our computers that spy on you and run everything you do.
And you've got to sign over your ports and everything to us.
And we're going to watch everything your citizens do.
So starting next year, They've already done it as a pilot project with all the party members.
This is just a Google project, Dragonfly, that they say we never heard of.
It just doesn't exist.
Remember, first a few months ago, it didn't exist.
And then Sundar goes, oh, I don't really pay attention to it.
We don't even know we're going to do it.
Dragonfly is the global model.
And we already have it.
Dragonfly watches what you do on your phone and puts it into a scoring system and has government minders watching where you go in live time and even messaging you when you're doing things they don't like.
And it's the, by law, starting next year in China, everyone will be given a phone that listens to you, that watches you, that's your minder.
And then, if you don't play ball, you can't move one inch.
That's the government quote.
So that's what they're doing here.
That's what they're doing there.
And so all of us are going to be prisoners.
And literally, George Soros funded groups are already banning Franklin Graham and will ban everybody and are already live time in your phone.
Not just a computer program that puts feeds up on your phone.
Not the website you go to.
They're just getting you used to that.
Like, oh, I went to a website.
You know, I went to Google, or I went to YouTube, or I went to Twitter, or I went to Facebook, and I went to my local church, and you know, somebody didn't like the fact that they gave a, you know, anti-abortion speech, so it says something about your church.
You're like, wow, that's weird.
It won't be on the website they're doing it.
It's going to be on your phone.
And you know what that means.
They admit.
Literal university control freaks.
Scum of the Earth.
All of them are who they're hiring.
Top security clearances to reality winner who joined ISIS and said all whites should die and she was white.
These are the people that are going to be live time in your phone.
It's not just going to be Twitter where they read your private messages and share them and we have all the Veritas videos laughing about it or all of this.
It's... it's...
It's sick.
And guess who they are now hiring to man the whole thing?
University professors, Antifa, leftists, but all the out-of-work or would-be out-of-work major newspapers, New York Times, Washington Post, all of them are now like little intelligence agencies.
That's what's running all this.
And they Live time.
Get into your account, and they look at all your sponsors on YouTube, and they start contacting them, and you never even know why you lose them.
And they admit this!
Criminal racketeering!
Outside third parties!
In... You ever hear about Facebook letting outside parties into your thing?
Yeah, that's what they do.
But the New York Times is on undercover video saying, yeah, we're in Alex Jones' private account.
That son of a bitch used to make $5 million a year off YouTube.
We cut it down to...
He's almost crippled.
Yeah, he's our number one enemy.
That and veterans and anybody that has American flags.
That's a quote.
Who do you target?
American flags.
The New York Times is like, yeah, we're in the interface.
We can read all their private messages and everything.
And now it's everybody.
And top neocons at Defense Department think tanks on stages in Germany three months ago said, you think the censorship's good now?
We're banning everybody by the end of next year.
And we're going to have a lot.
And guess who controls it?
Neocon Bushites and it's all right here in these articles on InfoWars.com and they're bragging up there at defense meetings about how the enemy's the people and how they're gonna shut everybody off and take your bank accounts and they laugh about you being homeless just like the Nazis put Jews in the ghettos.
We've got all these clips of congressmen I haven't gotten to yet saying ban me.
We'll play those next segment, but here it was back in February of 2018.
So I was saying six, seven months ago, I guess that's really ten months ago.
God, time flies, so I was wrong.
I said six, seven months.
It was ten months ago.
Hold on to your tinfoil hat, Alex Jones, YouTube's coming for you.
This is an article about the Wall Street Journal article.
It's behind a paywall, but you can still go find it.
And it just says, we're taking the web over, we're ending the internet.
And Google engineers quit and said, you're breaking the internet.
They said that.
Google, Soros funds, Facebook, new fact checkers.
That's a NewsBusters article.
How a neo-combat fact checker plans to wage war on independent news.
Mint Press is the best article except on InfoWars.com today.
It's like, I'm not going to say it, it's like, it's 20 pages long.
And it goes through all of how they're gonna do it, and how they're gonna ban liberals, conservatives, everybody!
It's all over!
They're ending the internet!
Except it's a psychology experiment, a giant re-education camp, where it's a hundred thousand now,
they plan to leverage it up to about ten million people, whose jobs will be watching everything you do and telling
you what to do over the smartphone!
Let's go to Wild Man in Illinois.
Thanks for holding and about to say Happy New Year.
Go ahead.
Alex, yeah, going into 2019, what Trump's got to do to save America, he's got to declassify FISA, expose the corruption, arrest the traitors, and arrest the pedophiles.
That's how he saves America.
My opinion, an over-the-road trucker, hardworking, honest man, that's what I believe.
I agree.
Victory or death.
He's now, looks like he's cleaning house.
He's getting rid of all the double agents.
And the word is Trump is going to go into battle now.
We're talking he's going to strike back against the censorship.
He's going to strike back against the pedophile rings.
It's already begun.
He's going to strike back against the deep state.
He's going to strike back against all the criminal activity of Comey and Mueller being Russian operatives.
So just get ready.
I'd say.
Another note, I've spent over $3,000 in your store this year.
I'm a loyal supporter, and thanks for great products.
Brother, let me tell you something.
I want to thank you.
If folks like you didn't stand with us against the incredible Hillary Clinton and Soros attacks, which they admit they're running, we would not be here now.
They're taking Michael Savage off the air!