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Name: 20190108_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 8, 2019
3245 lines.

Alex Jones talks about resistance against globalist forces and taking control over one's health, promotes products on Infowarslife.com, discusses the Yellow Vest movement in France, censorship on social media platforms like YouTube, suppression of free speech, and underlying messages within Netflix films such as "Bird Box". He also discusses Hollywood's involvement with pedophilia and censorship, race and gender dynamics in movies analyzed by Devin and Deb from BlackPill.com, encouraging listeners to support Infowars financially and purchase products from InfowarsStore.com.

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2018 was quite a year.
The globalists launched their major counter-offensive.
And it blew up in their face.
on a planetary scale.
Quite a time to be alive, my friends.
(upbeat music)
Trump's gonna declare a national emergency tonight.
It's already been declared, uh, privately.
And the globalists are crapping themselves both publicly, but also the looks on their faces.
It's as if they're being let up before a firing squad.
Here's an important break now.
When we come back from break, I'm going to lay out tomorrow's news today.
Stay with us, ladies and gentlemen.
You know that guy Alex Jones?
The Infowars guy?
You know who I'm talking about?
The guy with no lips?
That f***ing lunatic?
They removed all his content from Facebook, iTunes, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Good, you f***er!
You know the piece of s*** I'm talking about, right?
Alex Jones?
You know which piece of s*** I'm talking about?
Alex f***ing Jones?
You know, right?
They shut you down, you f***er!
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of s***!
Good, you f***ing lunatic.
Bye-bye, f*** off.
Tech companies are taking the lead in suppressing any voices that dissent against the left.
Conservatives are feeling the heavy hand of censorship in the United States and across Western Europe.
Twitter gives Alex Jones the boot.
I have a right to face my accusers, Jack, and I never threatened the media with battle rifles.
All the top searches are lies about me and my family.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You can call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutch, are a liar and a fraud.
InfoWars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
We're aware of his lying to Congress.
We're aware of him and the Dragonfly Project.
It's already been operational for years inside the Chinese government.
Now it's just being rolled out to the general public.
There is an absolute all-out war on conservative free speech.
Facebook and Twitter are under fire as conservative users are speaking out about being censored on their platform.
Alex Jones is banned by every major social network.
In the past few days, Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, and other companies have all banned Alex Jones from using their platforms.
He's been shadow banned by Google.
Milo Yiannopoulos was banned by Twitter.
I don't know if you know about this, but Milo Yiannopoulos, you know who he is?
He got banned from Twitter for writing a bad review about Ghostbusters.
This guy is a threat to the Republic.
British anti-Islamization activist Tommy Robinson has had his Twitter account suspended again after he tweeted that Islam promotes killing.
Also, Twitter purged various libertarian accounts.
Instagram temporarily banned Tommy Robinson.
Facebook took down a GOP candidate's ads for allegedly being offensive.
The FCC is cracking down on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
They're coming for everyone's speech.
It's criminal.
Their social media accounts are being banned, blocked, and canceled on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
Facebook censored our free speech.
Twitter this evening has suspended the account of Gavin McInnes.
And shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
You are caught on tape by Project Veritas shadowbanning people.
You are censoring people.
You censored me.
You censored Milo.
You censored Chuck Johnson.
You even censored President Trump when one of your employees deleted his account.
You are censoring conservatives and I'm asking you, President Donald Trump, help us.
Please help us, Mr. President, before it is too late.
Facebook is censoring free speech.
They're making and changing the rules.
And that was my main platform for communicating with people and sending out my content and now I can't communicate.
I've been silenced.
The real election meddling is by Facebook and Google and others that are shadow banning people, that are outright banning people, and they're blocking conservatives.
Authorities in Britain now seem more interested in fighting hate speech on the internet than fighting crime.
They're warning social media users that their comments are being monitored.
I'm more upset that some people in Silicon Valley, in secret, determined which ideas are allowed on my social media feed.
And so we just sit here and just endure the greatest censorship in the history of America, and the left, which claims to be for free speech, applauds it.
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of sh... If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's January 8th, 2019, Tuesday Global Transmission, the day Trump launches the main offensive.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media, they can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, they can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why, as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
♪ Having a binge, listen to her howl, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Metal under tension, speaking your detection, girl ♪
You're living it.
You're seeing it.
You're part of it.
The attempt to take back the United States from the globalists.
The attempt to take back Brazil.
The United Kingdom.
And like dominoes, as the nations slip out of the grip of the globalists, it accelerates.
And now that we have fulcrums like Trump and others as nation-state leaders, even though we're outspent and outgunned by propaganda and the establishment's money, we're winning.
Now, Trump has been telling you the last few days that we're in an emergency.
America's in an emergency.
And I may declare an emergency.
He's already declared the emergency.
About a month ago.
Now, that emergency has not even been transmitted out to all of the executives and generals and others and law enforcement heads and corporate leaders.
It will be.
Some have been told, and you've seen globalists that don't want to go along with it, leaving.
Not because the ship is sinking, but because the rats know that it's Hunting season politically for them.
So you're about to see developments in America that will separate the boys from the men.
The girls from the women.
And that's why I feel really good at a political and spiritual level.
Because we're not playing around anymore.
And you can feel it in the atmosphere.
You can see it in all the evidence.
the intelligence that it's on, baby.
I mean, we're about to live history.
Toe to toe with the globalists.
People say, man, you've been demonized, you've been lied about, you've been attacked.
What's it like?
It's joyful.
It's the joy of standing up to evil.
And the joy as a God-fearing person to feel the Holy Spirit smiling over what you do.
Closer to God than ever.
And that makes the Globals get so upset.
Oh, he's going to commit suicide.
He's close to God.
He's crazy.
My cells, my genetics, who I am, my ancestral memories.
Intellectually, what I understand is just my cells, everything are, hmm, this is what we're supposed to do.
Good job.
Hired in a kite.
Because there's been a total shift in just the last month across the planet.
And now everything we've talked about and everything we've done is going to now just become mainstream.
So that humanity has a choice of what decision they want to make to be seduced by the globalist and by the high-tech gadgetry of the Antichrist or God.
And then we go into the plunge down the road.
This is the preparation for that.
Get some air before you get sucked under.
But then we're gonna pop back up on the other side, and that's the victory.
And it's all proceeding according to God's plan.
And that's really what's so good about this.
Despite all the evil and all the horrible things going on, we know there's God's plan.
But let me tell you what Trump's up to.
He's already declared a national emergency.
He's going to officially do it.
And there's a bargaining chip of where, oh, if you just capitulate to what I want and build the wall, it'll be such a stinging defeat for the Democrats, Trump won't openly announce the emergency.
So there's a little bit of nuance in the parlance of the nomenclature and the symbolism, but either way, Trump wins by taking action.
And the enemy came and sued for peace two years ago when he won, and then lied the whole time and said, we'll work with you, just don't destroy us.
And then he just can't believe, like, you won't be destroyed, you're criminals, you'll still have your wealth, and you still want to screw the country over because you've got some spiritual heart on to defeat it?
Trump's not aligned with the devil, folks.
He's not aligned with just ruining families and screwing little kids up and starting wars for no reason and killing our military in blood and sand.
Sand and blood.
And so you're now seeing the real Trump.
Oh, you know, they have Colbert and everybody get up in the last few weeks and say, Oh, Trump, please be Trump!
Just like all the same late night fake news people posing as comedians said, Oh, please be the nominee.
Well, now they're, Oh, please, please.
Please just be yourself.
You've gotten rid of Mattis, who they built up like God, and Kelly, who they, like a Virgin Mary or something.
And now they're like, oh, please, please be yourself.
Okay, all these people are fired.
Head of the World Bank's fired.
Schumer's like, please have a shutdown.
Okay, good, we'll have one.
I mean, the bluff of the scum of the earth and all these other cowards put in Washington as they'll follow globalist orders and sell us out at the Skycoms, it's being called.
The mentally ill, narcissistic fruit loops are being told to fill their hand politically.
And they can't stand the fact that they can't scare us and they can't make us run.
It's like the old redneck anthem, Country Boy Can't Survive.
Because they can't starve us out, and they can't make us run.
Because these old boys were raised with shotguns.
We say grace, we say amen, and if you ain't into that, we don't give a damn.
Which is saying, we're not hypocrite Pharisees.
We'll take the Lord's name in vain when we get angry, but we'll die for God at the end of the day.
Because we're not perfect, but we're aligned with God, not with the devil.
But we sure as hell know the devil!
Like Keith Whitley says, I fought with the devil.
Got down his level.
But I never gave in, so he gave up on me.
And that's why I know the devil.
I know the devil well.
So, for anyone that has discernment, you look at somebody like the new governor of California,
Gavin Newsom.
The first time I saw him, like five years ago, when he was the Attorney General, I went, and my heart skipped a beat, and I went, who is that demon?
That must be a Democrat.
And sure enough, it flashed up, Democrat.
The man is Frank Bateman from American Psycho.
Patrick Bateman.
And everything he does is just unbelievable Snake oil, silver tongue, evil.
But if you have discernment, it just screams, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy, enemy.
Protect your children.
Red alert, red alert, red alert, red alert, red alert.
And what's he announcing?
That you can't sell guns in California.
That if anybody just says you shouldn't have a gun, no judge, no jury, no nothing, just take your guns.
He's coming!
And he's the new prototype.
You don't know what the Antichrist would look like?
Because there's many spirits of the Antichrist, and many phases of them, and then there'll be the one pure Antichrist, the Bible tells us.
But Gavin Newsom... Gavin Newsom, ladies and gentlemen, you better believe is it.
He is the devil.
And if you had eyes to see, you'd know it instantly.
That man...
In the future, we'll be one of the main weapons to destroy the country.
He's the one.
He's the one.
He's the problem.
You gotta watch him.
God help us.
It's not gonna be Beto O'Rourke.
It's not gonna be dumbass Cortez.
It's not gonna be ding-dong Pocahontas.
That's who's going to run against Trump.
Bad news.
So let it be known.
So let it be written.
So let it be told.
Next year's news, today.
Just like we told you the national emergency will be declared.
You'll see it done tonight.
Unless the Democrats cave.
Now when we come back, we'll go inside the rabbit hole to the next level.
I'm Alex Jones, sworn to defend not just the Republic, You know that guy Alex Jones?
Defender of men. We'll be back.
You know that guy Alex Jones, the InfoWars guy, you know I'm talking about?
The guy with no lips, that f***ing lunatic.
They removed all his content from Facebook, iTunes, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Good, you f***er.
You know the piece of s*** I'm talking about, right?
Alex Jones.
You know which piece of s*** I'm talking about?
Alex f***ing Jones.
You know, right?
They shut you down, you f***er.
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of s***.
Good, you f***ing lunatic.
Bye-bye, f*** off.
Tech companies are taking the lead in suppressing any voices that dissent against the left.
Conservatives are feeling the heavy hand of censorship in the United States and across Western Europe.
Twitter gives Alex Jones the boot.
I have a right to face my accusers, Jack, and I never threatened the media with battle rifles.
All the top searchers are lies about me and my family.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutch, are a liar and a fraud.
Infowars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
We're aware of his lying to Congress.
We're aware of him and the Dragonfly Project.
It's already been operational for years inside the Chinese government.
Now it's just being rolled out to the general public.
There is an absolute all-out war on conservative free speech.
Facebook and Twitter are under fire as conservative users are speaking out about being censored on their platform.
Alex Jones is banned by every major social network.
In the past few days, Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, and other companies have all banned Alex Jones from using their platforms.
He's been shadow banned by Google.
Milo Yiannopoulos was banned by Twitter.
I don't know if you know about this, but Milo Yiannopoulos, you know who he is?
He got banned from Twitter for writing a bad review about Ghostbusters.
This guy is a threat to the Republic.
British anti-Islamization activist Tommy Robinson has had his Twitter account suspended again after he tweeted that Islam promotes killing.
Also, Twitter purged various libertarian accounts.
Instagram temporarily banned Tommy Robinson.
Facebook took down a GOP candidate's ads for allegedly being offensive.
The FCC is cracking down on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
They're coming for everyone's speech.
It's criminal.
Their social media accounts are being banned, blocked, and canceled on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
Facebook censored our free speech.
Twitter this evening has suspended the account of Gavin McInnes.
And shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
You are caught on tape by Project Veritas shadowbanning people.
You are censoring people.
You censored me.
You censored Milo.
You censored Chuck Johnson.
James O'Keefe.
You even censored President Trump when one of your employees deleted his account for a few minutes.
You are censoring conservatives.
And I'm asking you, President Donald Trump, help us.
Please help us, Mr. President, before it is too late.
Facebook is censoring free speech.
They're making and changing the rules.
Reverend Graham was banned for over 24 hours.
I had this platform, and that was my main platform for communicating with people and sending out my content, and now I can't communicate.
I've been silenced.
The real election meddling is by Facebook and Google and others that are shadow banning people, that are outright banning people, and they're blocking conservatives.
Authorities in Britain now seem more interested in fighting hate speech on the internet than fighting crime.
They're warning social media users that their comments are being monitored.
I'm more upset that some people in Silicon Valley in secret determine which ideas are allowed on my social media feed.
And so we just sit here and just endure the greatest censorship in the history of America, and the left, which claims to be for free speech, applauds it.
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of sh- If you are receiving this transmission, you are the
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
[Bass guitar chord]
[ Silence ]
The preacher man says it's the end of time.
I live back in the woods, you see.
A woman and the kids and the dogs and me.
I've got a shotgun, a rifle, and a four-wheel drive, and a country boy can survive.
Country boats can survive.
I can plow a field all day long.
I can catch catfish from dusk till dawn.
That's why the goal is to domesticate all of you.
Because they can't starve us out.
smoke too ain't too many things these old boys can do we grow good old tomatoes and homemade wine and country boy
can survive country folks can survive because they can't starve us out
because they can't make us run
All right.
and you can't make a run. Those wooden mow boys raised on shotguns. We say grace. We say grace. We say ma'am. If you
ain't into that, we don't give a damn.
All right. The times we're in are so truly epic that I have real trouble even being a spokesperson at the tip of the
And I don't say that in an arrogant way.
I say that with a tremor in my soul.
A responsibility.
And to just say that I am not worthy to be in this position, but willing.
You are all in this position, and I just want to salute the listeners and viewers of this broadcast, and I mean that.
That's why it's very obscene when you just thank me.
You've got to be thanking God and yourself, that you had good parents and good people, and that you love God, and that you are aware of what's going on, because there are a lot of people who aren't aware of what's going on, and they're blind to what's happening, and it's very sad.
That's what upsets me, is how many men are weak.
How many people don't see what's happening?
How this country's fighting for its life against some really bad people?
And it makes me get really upset that a lot of folks think it's something special to fight the globalists.
Man, we should all be doing it.
Just like if you see a baby fall in the water and it's drowning, you get the kid out, you're not a damn hero.
The bare minimum is to fight with everything you've got against these people.
And I don't want to hear the cop out that, oh, the U.N.
helmets come, we'll kill them.
The U.N.
helmets are already here, ladies and gentlemen.
We got a president fighting it.
He just downgraded the diplomatic system of the E.U.
so they don't get all our intelligence.
He's basically not giving any intel now to Interpol because it's run by the shycoms.
He just fired the head of the World Bank.
Trump's on the move.
And it's real.
And about a month ago, Trump decided to take the gloves off.
And the globalists went from a leering fear but an aggressive stance to absolute chicken with the head cut off, foaming at the mouth fear.
And you could smell it.
You can taste it.
And so I suggest people get with the program and decide which side they're on and stop playing damn games.
Sitting in a radio show.
It's not entertainment.
It's not a TV show to sit up here.
So I get bigger sponsors and kiss the system's butt.
So I get a jet airplane and I can act nothing against some guys that got jet airplanes.
I don't want a Jared airplane.
My goal is watching Globalist swinging from the ends of ropes.
My goal is to stop aborting all these babies.
My goal is to have five-year-olds not taught how to be Sex workers in public schools.
That's what they teach them in career day.
My goal is to get the damn pedophiles and devil worshippers off our children's backs.
And if you don't hear the prayers of those children crawling out to God, crying and begging for somebody to come to their aid, then you don't understand what we're dealing with.
Can you feel them crying out to God?
And then God acts through men and women, and God says, you do something now.
And when we decide to take action, God carries us the rest of the way.
The children are begging for your defense.
They're begging for men to be men again.
In fact, I'm not scared of the globalists.
I'm scared of overheating and getting too aggressive and just being as wise as a serpent and peaceful as a dove
until God executes vengeance through us.
And the time for vengeance is not yet.
But the time of vengeance will come.
And vengeance is right.
Vengeance is good.
Vengeance against the evil.
I'm gonna go to break then.
they're gonna fail. That's why they're wearing a claw as many of our children as they can,
because children don't know and they're weak. There's no way to defend them, so these weak
demons can just drag our children. But you know, God spares their children's souls.
I'm gonna go to break then. When we come back, I'm gonna try to get to the news and break down
what's about to happen. But if the globalist system is the disease, what we talk about here
at M4 Wars with our guests and callers and everybody is the cure.
And it really is that fact.
So we have to understand that what we're doing here is what the enemy fears above all else.
But I pledge this to you.
I will never surrender in the face of this evil.
And I will not be intimidated by their disinformation and their lies, and I will not try to curry favor with the establishment and bow to their bullying and intimidation.
I will stand against the bullies, and I will expose their fraud with you, side by side, and we will defeat them with God's help.
Because the alternative is a bottomless pit That's what the Genesis says.
It's what all the books of the Bible call it, a bottomless pit.
What's a black hole?
A bottomless pit.
And when you realize the globalists do evil because they are evil because they're of their father, the devil.
And not the devil the little phony churches talk about, but the real devil.
Which is a real entity that is building this entire technocracy to try to trick us into its false matrix.
But it will fail.
You know, the head Russian patriarch of the Orthodox Church, the oldest church in the world, came out and said the Antichrist will use cell phones and gadgets to put you into a trance and seduce you and bring in a world government and that you have to understand that the cell phones are mesmerizing you, which is what everybody already knows, but you're not going to hear that out of the Pope.
He's going to tell you, you know, hey, a priest raped me.
Well, good.
You've been given the gift.
It's good to be gay.
Oh, so pedophilia is being gay.
Antichrist will control humans through gadgets.
All right, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news today.
The last eight years, we've seen the rise and now fall of the cryptocurrencies.
And the entire time, I refused to take sponsors to fund our operation from the cryptocurrency market.
Not because I thought every company was bad or that the whole thing's a scam, but at a gut level, I knew it was a giant bubble and I didn't want to be associated with that.
Gut level, just couldn't do it.
There have been many other sponsors I've refused.
I have been offered and refused millions of dollars in sponsorship that would have been great to fight the info war from legitimate companies that sell marijuana derived CBD oil.
Which has incredible attributes, everybody knows about it on so many fronts and helps a lot of people.
But the reason I haven't gotten involved is the law hasn't been clear and some states, even though it doesn't get you high, see it as illegal.
But now, They have developed and certified for years CBD rich oil derived from hemp that is completely legal in all 50 states and there are so many different permutations and combinations of what it's able to do and what the studies show it's done that it's mind-blowing.
So we've worked with one of the biggest companies in the nation.
And they wanted to just work with us openly because they want to stand up for America and freedom.
They're patriots.
But I said, listen, you just need to create your own new website for a private label for us, where you handle it all, where they get the best hemp-derived CBD oil, legal in all 50 states, from you, you drop ship it, you get it out, you have the website, I promote it, I send people there, and that way they're getting the very best from the experts.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, nothing wrong with marijuana-derived CBD oil.
The problem is some of the public and governments and municipalities get confused and sometimes people get in trouble with CBD oil if it's too strong.
This isn't CBD oil derived from marijuana that's high in THC.
This is derived from industrial high-quality organic hemp and it's legal in all 50 states and now Trump has signed the executive order allowing the industrial growing of hemp, so we won't even have to import it from Canada to Colorado, where it's then produced, bottled, and distributed.
Now listen, I know a lot about it.
I've researched it.
I've turned down probably 20, 30 companies who've been wanting to sponsor us the last six years.
It's gotten really crazy the last two.
But now that the law is clear, now that our listeners can't get burned, now that we have a partnership with one of the top companies in the United States known for their organic quality, known for being patriots, They have created a new website and a private label of their entire spectrum of award-winning products called Washington's Reserve.
And there are so many attributes, so many different things that hemp-derived, hemp-rich CBD oil has to offer that you just need to go to washingtonsreserve.com for yourself and see it all, because they have more than 40 products.
Now, remember, the Globalists have tried to take our merchant accounts away.
They've tried to shut us down.
They've tried to boycott us.
They've tried to sue us.
And I said in the last six months, I'm going to move, not away from a direct sales marketing of great products to you to fund us.
We're still going to do that and then forwardslife.com.
But we're also going to bring on the best sponsors in the country, the very best products.
And this is the first big one.
So I'm very excited.
Be sure and go there.
Experience the power of high quality hemp extract with CBD exclusively available at washingtonsreserve.com for the Highest quality, the lowest prices.
It's all there, ladies and gentlemen, at WashingtonReserve.com, and you're helping fund the InfoWar the whole time.
♪ ♪ >> You're listening to "The Alex Jones Show."
[cheers and applause]
When I grow up, I want to be a rock star.
When I grow up, I want humans to go to the next level.
(upbeat music)
The eye has not seen, the ear has not heard.
God's got in store for us.
They've got their God, we've got ours.
It's toe-to-toe.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
♪ I've been around for 40 days ♪ ♪ Last night in Little Rock put me in a haze ♪
♪ We ran into the dark ♪ Alright, let's get into the news here.
♪ We had the whole show ♪ When we cover articles, I never just cover them to cover what we're supposedly being told.
Obviously, we all want to look into the deeper levels of it, the different layers of the onion, but the disdain that the propagandists have against the American people, The fact that they think you have no memory, because I guess in many cases the public doesn't, you've been scientifically programmed that way via the television, now the smartphones and computer screens.
It can be said that having a memory is to be conscious.
That's a little bit deeper than that, obviously.
There's been a war on memory, a war on consciousness, we know all that.
So to have Don Lemon and Mika Brzezinski, the daughter of the famous mass murderer, war criminal, Zbigniew Brzezinski, to have, it's always good to have some background, see?
To have them saying on the news, which isn't news, this is literal collaborator, enemy, Tokyo Rose, World War II, Baghdad mob, I mean, this is the enemy right here.
Saying, it's outrageous, no one should carry the President's first Oval Office address.
I don't know, since they were doing TV addresses and radio addresses since the 30s in the White House, if a president's ever gone a year without an Oval Office address.
I have been scrabbling up against the door of the White House trying to get the president to do these routinely.
But I know he only wanted to do it at key points, which makes sense.
And this deals with The border.
The Global is trying to collapse the country's existence itself and the idea that having a border is insane, like having a door on your house.
Or wearing clothes for that matter, that's a barrier.
Clothes are a wall.
A shield from insects and the sun and the wind.
It's like saying, if you're wearing clothes, it's extremely hateful.
Meanwhile, all these Democrats live by armored fortresses, castles, moats, the Vatican, the Golden Globes, the Oscars, big walls, checkpoints, everything else.
Yeah, that's Nancy Pelosi's.
They have more footage.
You go in, there's like a 10-foot fence.
The Vatican's got 200-foot walls, 200-plus feet in some areas.
And you're like, that's a war on logic.
That Latin America is collapsing, that Brazil has a big fence and wall to stop Venezuelans getting in.
It's funny, they have a few countries more prosperous than Venezuela around them and there's no fences there.
There's just border checkpoints on roads.
But for Venezuela to collapse, oh we got a big wall because you got a bunch of dumb commies trying to get out.
The thing about commies is they get to your country most of the time, they want to turn you into what they just left.
But, I digress.
Imagine the president is going to have an Oval Office address, and they're acting like it's weird and it's bad, and then Chuckie Schumer and Nancy the Crypt Keeper Pelosi, they get up and go, this is outrageous!
We demand equal time right now!
And we're going to get it.
Well, you only have 96% of news coverage anti-Trump.
You already have them hardly covering anything he does.
And so they're acting like, this is outrageous!
We don't get any time, we get a response.
Now normally, to the President's weekly radio address, there'd be a Democrat response or things like that.
There's not responses by the other party to the President, in the Oval Office, in times of crisis, talking to the American people.
They're saying, no, you're not allowed to talk to them.
It's bad, it's evil.
Just like when he said in Houston, we're a nation, and it's okay to be a nation, and it's okay to love America.
They went every show at the same time.
Don Lemon, all of them, I'm sorry, you just saw that.
I'm sorry, some children probably saw that.
He just said that fish swim in the ocean.
Excuse me.
Skies blue.
He was just like... A mother just gave their baby milk.
I'm sorry.
He just closed the car door before he started it.
Oh my God.
It's like he said we're a country.
We have never seen any... I just... I'm speechless right now.
He actually was like, I'm speechless.
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.
And simultaneously every channel was saying it.
Fox News was the moderator like, is it okay to say we're a country?
Well, that's like super evil right there.
But they're the right wing.
Right wing's like, maybe we're allowed to be a country.
We're the alternative.
Maybe it's good.
Maybe it's bad.
And then you look over on the other side of the spectrum, no borders, no wall, no USA at all.
That's what their ethos is, because they work for the megaglobalist.
They're not calling for China to not have borders.
They're not calling for China to let people in.
The left isn't calling for the Chinese to not kill gay people, because that whole thing, they've already got China.
They want control here.
Once they get control, oh my God, all the leftist garbage is out the door.
That's just the demoralization.
Trump's like, I don't care if you're straight, gay, old, young, whatever.
If you're black and they put you in prison and gave you a longer sentence than whites, we're gonna get you out of there.
Shut up, you damn Nazi!
I'm staying in prison!
By the way, that's not rhetoric.
That's what's going on.
Mark Dice was banned off of Facebook for pointing out that the killer of the little girl was black in Houston.
Yeah, you guessed it.
They said it was racist.
That's right.
I'll play that report.
We'll come back.
Only a matter of time.
You're just too good, Mark.
They're gonna get you too.
Until we do something about these people.
And he goes over all the crime statistics.
That is the big no-no.
You're not supposed to touch because you saw the black community.
Houston was like, there's an epidemic!
Whites are killing us everywhere!
Statistically, The rarest thing in this country is an Asian killing anybody.
The next thing is a white person killing a black person.
Whites kill some white people.
It's always emotional.
Almost always.
It's like blacks do it emotionally.
And, uh, blacks tend to kill black people, and a whole damn lot of them.
90 plus percent of blacks killed are killed by blacks.
That's just a fact.
Half the murders in this country are committed by black men.
Six and a half percent of the population.
And Mark Dice talked about the FBI statistics, and he is finale.
You're gone.
You know, crime statistics are very powerful.
I'll give you a window into something.
Hispanics have a very low crime rate, unless you're in a gang class.
Then it, in that class, is the highest crime rate there is.
Because it's all like bullfighting.
I'll kill you.
I'll kill you.
I'm super tough.
I'll kill ten more people this week.
See, I study the criminology, the psychology of all this.
White people kill each other.
Black people kill everybody.
And Hispanics kill other rival tough guys.
Which is what the world used to be.
Like, you know, in the Western, where the guys go out and have a duel?
Pretty normal, but it was all organized.
No women, no kids, like Tony Montana said.
But see, that's even degenerated.
Our president, I haven't played the clips yet, I'll play them when we come back, then I'll play the Mark Dice piece.
They're acting like it's weird to see the president, because what does that tell you?
They're an outside globalist group that have already censured almost every conservative and libertarian and Franklin Graham and everybody out there.
And you've got the main Christian coalition just laying down and taking it.
Like, maybe they'll leave us alone if we don't stand up.
No, we'll all be enslaved if you don't stand up like the President.
Ring the alarm!
Slughorn to the lips!
And Dauntless to the Dark Tower came!
Blow it!
We're under attack!
Stop sitting there and pretending like it isn't happening!
Like Patrick Henry said.
Why we sit here idle when the war has already begun?
In the North, in the next gale, it'll be here.
It's already begun!
Listen, others may sit there and play games, and may your chains sit lightly upon you.
Crouch down, lick the hand that feeds you.
But as for me, give me liberty or give me death.
Now the full quote is, is life so dear and peace so sweet to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?
Forbid it, almighty God.
I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death.
This is America and the world fighting for its life.
We're ending the year.
2018 has been tumultuous.
It's been an insane year.
And InfoWars has continued with the deplatforming, and the lawsuits, the demonization, and the attacks, and everything else because of one thing.
Our supporters, our listeners, our viewers understand that what we're doing is a critical mission, not just for InfoWars, not just for America, but for the world.
And that the globalists Wouldn't be trying to shut us down if we weren't telling the truth, if we weren't effective.
So the old World War II saying, I've quoted it probably 5,000 times, but it's so true, I've got to do it again.
You know, a lot of cliches are cliches because they're accurate.
A lot of stereotypes are stereotypes because they're true.
In World War II, they didn't really have radar yet.
The British had a little bit, but not in airplanes.
They had them on the mainland for the Battle of Britain.
But our aircraft didn't have Radar.
And so, they'd fly in with a chart and a map over Italy or over Germany or over Nazi-held areas of Eastern Europe, and they weren't sure where to hit.
They had general areas of what tank manufacturing facility or munitions manufacturing facility they were supposed to hit, or what power plant they were supposed to hit.
But they learned, because the Germans couldn't help it, That they would put anti-aircraft guns around where it was really at.
And so first they'd send in a group of airplanes all spread out, kind of a forward observation group, to see who got shot at.
Footage we're showing is Germans paratrooping into Greece in 1942.
That's a separate battle.
in 1942. That's a separate battle. And so they would send in reconnaissance planes to get shot
at and wherever they radioed in they got shot at the most.
Lo and behold, they'd find that's where the factories were.
So the saying, when you know you're over the target, when you're getting the most flak, comes from that.
And so, that's what we do here, is we go out, and we find out where the most flak is.
And we find out where the biggest attack is and what pisses them off the most.
And lo and behold, that turns out to be the most accurate information.
So as we prepare to close out this year, A, I want to thank you for the incredible support.
I want to point out, you've got the best water filtration, the best air filtration, the best books, the best films, the best supplements, the best survival gear, the best storable food.
We've got whatever the best is, I go out, I make a great deal to sell it to you at the lowest price available, so that you get a great product and so you reorder and you appreciate what we're doing because I want to serve you well.
I want to treat you the way I want to be treated.
So this year, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, we're extending all the Christmas specials out until January 1st.
And we've been successful, thanks to your support, selling out of almost our whole inventory, so we won't have the inventory taxes.
But let me tell you, you did a great job, but we did a great job too.
Free shipping store-wide, 50 to 75% off everything, double Patriot points on your next order, and a free t-shirt with every order.
That is extended, but only a few days left.
Until the end of this year.
And some items have already sold out, but everything else we still have is a 50-75% off store-wide free shipping and a free t-shirt.
And of course, so many other great items.
In fact, I'm told in a day or two, all t-shirts will be sold out, so there'll be a new free item like colloidal silver or something like that.
The point is, take advantage of year-end sales, help support the InfoWar, get the best deals out there.
A true 360 win.
at the store. You can find us on the web at fox dot com. Info or store. Dot com. You're listening to the Alex Jones show.
I'm your host, Alex.
We're back live, ladies and gentlemen.
Alex Jones here, your guest.
We have some guests coming up.
I was going to mention, we have Mike Adams joining us, who had been pushing for a national emergency just as much as we have been.
Very smart fellow.
Dan Lyman, our EuropeWars.com reporter on the insanity of what's happening with the Yellow Vest and governments trying to ban free speech or public assembly.
But now the Italian government and others are joining with the Yellow Vest, so things are getting very, very hot.
The Austrian government's joining with them.
A lot of really exciting things happening.
Devin Stack of Blackpilled, amazing researchers coming on.
He did a video on Bird Box and that was banned by YouTube for some very important reasons.
Then Paul Joseph Watson will be hosting, coming up in the fourth hour.
Then there's the War Room, 3 to 6 p.m.
with Owen Schroer, Roger Stone and others.
But let me just stop right there.
I should have been announcing every segment since the beginning of the show, 48 minutes ago, I made the decision yesterday afternoon, obviously we're going to cover President Trump's live Oval Office speech at 8 p.m.
Central, 9 p.m.
Eastern, 7 p.m.
Mountain, 6 p.m.
Trump declares national emergency to save America.
So there'll be an hour break from the War Room and then you just go to InfoWars.com forward slash show or the main page.
You'll see live coverage of that and I'm asking all listeners to go to InfoWars.com and NewsWars.com.
I'm going to ask Paul.
And I'm going to ask Millie Weaver and others, some band on Twitter, to tweet this image out so you can retweet it, so that people know that it's coming up tonight.
Because we did predict it, we did lay it out, and it's going to happen.
And I want you to be able to see our live coverage an hour before.
And he's going to have an eight-minute speech, and then we'll have the Crip Keepers, who you know have way beyond equal time.
It'll be hours of Chuckie Schumer.
And Nancy Pelosi up there trying to put on their whole confidence act and run this country on the ground with the Chi-Coms and others.
But they are the anti-American party.
Governor Cuomo, all of them have said America was never great and will never be great.
So that's it.
And that pro-livers and gun owners are not welcome in New York.
Just period.
All gun owners get out.
These are monstrous pig creatures.
And now he's begging people to not leave New York.
And Pelosi's begging to not leave.
That's why we want a planetary government.
So there's nowhere to run, baby.
nowhere to hide. Now I want to get to what I was mentioning earlier because
it's not just that Don Lemon's an idiot or there's a Brigny Brzezinski is a
criminal or the daughter of a war criminal and an anti-american hussy.
It's, you know, I guess engaged to the guy that had the dead intern's brains bashed out in his office, and that all got covered up.
Lying scumbags.
It's that it's all over the news not just those we have those clips saying we must get Trump off the air.
Trump can't be heard.
The TV network shouldn't cover it.
Oh, did he have hate speech?
Oh, was he a racist?
Oh, was he anti-Semitic?
Oh, did he hurt the Easter Bunny?
First it's get rid of Alex Jones, and now it's get rid of Franklin Graham, and now it's get rid of Donald Trump.
Don't people get that when you've got them trying to keep the president off the air, it's outrageous?
And it just shows how obsolete these people are.
But, you see, if he wasn't on those channels that nobody watches, they want him off the Internet.
They want him out of the White House.
These are true people, predators, that think flyover country and America are a bunch of morons.
They think they own black people.
It's amazing.
Yeah, Trump's come out and talked about all the mysticious, suspicious things that have happened around Psycho Joe Scarborough.
So, I'm gonna play a few of these clips.
First we'll play Mika, then we'll play Don Lemon.
Just to illustrate, they say Trump's a Russian agent, we're all foreign agents.
No, no, you're the globalist!
You hate America, it's who you are!
The 9th Circuit ruled American flags are hate symbols and can't be in schools!
San Francisco doesn't like the American flag!
You know, the enemy doesn't like your flag.
It's pretty damn obvious.
Couldn't be more obvious.
It's more obvious than the nose on our faces.
And we just try to debate them or, oh, let's not say anything.
Or the media, the media's enemy operations.
You better be attacked by these trash or you're not doing your damn job.
They literally, they don't just lie.
They organize the lying.
They put out the talking points and they regurgitate lie upon lie upon lie.
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It's cold pressed, a whole bunch of known herbs that have been wild crafted and then aged To just be really, really strong for libido, stamina, energy.
It's amazing.
You know, I've done joke videos about it where I fly like Superman.
The media said, Jones claims it makes you fly.
He's insane.
No, it's called satire.
But it is the last run of it because it's wildcrafted and we keep having trouble getting it.
And I just got tired of messing with it.
And, you know, if we ever are able to Do it again.
It's just kind of limited runs.
And then it's not there.
So this is the last run.
There's not much left of it.
There's a lot of the super female.
It's a similar formula.
Works even better on women.
We found for stamina and something else particularly called libido.
But you got experience of yourself.
But it's never been a bestseller with women.
You sell five times more to men.
Men, you should get a bottle for your ladies.
But the male is almost sold out.
We've got a lot of the female.
You know, a couple months, three months or so, it'll be gone.
So this is your guaranteed last chance to get it.
By guaranteed, this is the guaranteed last time you can get it.
I hope down the road we get more supplies or whatever.
But I mean, it could be six months a year, if ever, to get a super male and super female vitality.
And listen, we're not going to sit here and make all the different claims.
Jeff Bezos, that owns Amazon and Whole Foods, biggest supplements sellers in the world, they could make all the claims they want all day.
The government leaves them alone.
We can't say that you need air to live, or the FDA would come arrest me.
Of course you have to have air to live, you gotta have water, but you gotta have vitamin C, you gotta have iodine, but they'll tell you no, and then try to lower the level until it's non-existent.
And then, you know, have Golden Globes awards and people getting shots in the crowd of deadly vaccines.
I mean, this is what they do.
But all I can tell you is, if it's Tumeric, or if it's iodine, or if it's a good healthy brain pill, Brain Force Plus.
Whatever it is, it is the best.
By the way, those are giant hypodermic needles with 20 times the amount of the CC they put in somebody.
These aren't even real shots.
So, they're not even, they're not even, I'm gonna get to that later, they're not even giving him real shots.
My God, what a hoax, what a scandal.
How sick.
Oh, we're the government, it's fun!
You're Hollywood if men in white lab coats give you shots, and then you go bye-bye.
All over, people are having convulsions, dying, kids don't talk after they get the shots, kids don't walk, kids die, and it's like, it's fun!
Everything's awesome when you're part of the team!
So Mike Adams is popping in.
I'll get to the Mark Dice clip.
I'm a little bit behind.
Banned off Facebook.
And we're going to get to the...
Makeup Brzezinski and Ding Dong Lemon and all of them up there, going, It's incredible!
Can you believe he thinks he can talk to the nation?
This is preposterous!
Why, we can't have a grand dragon up there.
Oh, if it's a real grand dragon, like Senator Byrd with Hillary, well then it's, and Hillary's saying blacks aren't, you know, humans, they're dogs and have to be taught to heal.
But you can't have Trump, you know, who actually tried to reform the criminal justice system and did.
You can't have that.
You can't have me on there, because I'm telling the truth, either.
So we'll be right back with the next hour.
There's so much more to get to, but tonight, tell everybody you know on local radio stations, TV stations, and Infowars.com, Newswars.com, and everywhere else, live coverage of Trump's historic declaration of emergency.
Next year's news today, I told you.
A year ago, not just two weeks ago or whatever.
I told you.
And it's here.
And watch what happens tonight.
You can set your watch and warrant by it.
Tomorrow's news today.
Whatever you do, tell folks about local stations.
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and this other form of iodine, and the other form, all three,
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That's X3.
We have a limited supply of X2.
It's our final run.
But here are the headlines.
How adding iodine to salt boosts an American IQ.
That's Discovery Magazine, ladies and gentlemen.
And then we've got the New York Times.
Now again, this is from 12 years ago.
In Raising the World's IQ, the Secret of Salt.
But it's not.
It says right here.
Adding ionized iodine to the salt.
Boosted IQ 10 to 20 points.
Increased fertility.
They put it in the water the kids are given at school in China.
Why do I say that?
Because in the 20s, we had major reproductive problems, major deformities, major retardation, major IQ reduction, not on the coastal areas where people got fresh fish that had some iodine in it, but in the Midwest.
You fund us, and you get atomic iodine with the other two types of iodine, so it's fully absorbable.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You are the resistance.
Tonight, 7 o'clock, we'll have live coverage of the President is set to declare a national emergency to stop the globals from imploding the nation.
Coming up, Mike Adams, who's been pushing for this with InfoWars, joins us.
But first, a key report from Mark Dice.
Well guys, I couldn't even make it one full week into 2019 without getting suspended by one of the major social media platforms for posting what they said was hate speech.
Facebook locked me out of my account for seven days and censored this post because I simply stated the fact that the only reason that the story About the seven-year-old girl who was tragically shot and killed in Houston went viral is because the suspect initially was white.
So every Black Lives Matter activist on social media started tweeting about this terrible white terrorist who killed this poor innocent girl.
Only it turns out that the murderer was actually a black man.
By now they've all forgotten her name and don't even remember that the incident happened.
But before the identity of the actual shooter was revealed, people were tweeting out things like this.
Her picture with a tweet saying this is seven-year-old Jasmine Barnes.
She was shot and killed by America's real terrorist threat.
A white man who opened fire on her family's car as they left Walmart in Houston.
Here's the Young Turks host Chuck Duggar saying that the shooter may be a white Donald Trump supporter who was incited by the president's racist rhetoric and decided to start killing random black people for the cause.
It's what I referred to earlier, of all people Chelsea Manning taught me this phrase recently, stochastic terrorism.
It's when Um, people are encouraged by leaders.
That's what the left does.
Violent acts.
The leader doesn't say kill this specific person.
Doesn't say you should target Jasmine Barnes.
It just encourages you to hate a certain group of people.
And then random unbalanced people in the country pop up and do the violence on their behalf.
And that's called stochastic terrorism.
And that's what this one looks like.
Uh, but they're gonna investigate.
I hope to God they find the guy.
Oh, they found him alright, Chunk.
And like 50% of the murderers in this country, he's a black male.
Which is strange when you realize that black men make up only 6.5% of the United States population, but commit 50% of the total murders.
And stating uncomfortable facts like that is now considered to be hate speech in 2019.
As you know, I rarely cover tragedies on this channel because I try to make my videos fun and make them to function as a sort of release valve so that you guys can laugh at the madness going on in the mainstream media.
But obviously, some issues aren't a laughing matter, and sometimes we do have to get serious.
One of those issues we're gonna be facing a lot of this year, unfortunately, is censorship.
Because in 2019, apparently, you're not allowed to state certain facts.
Like, there's a lot of murders in the black community, and most of it barely makes a blip on the radar, unless one of the perpetrators or suspects is supposedly white.
In fact, if you were to tune in to the local news in Chicago, Milwaukee, Baltimore, or Detroit any night of the week, this is exactly what you would see.
24-year-old Demario Jackson has been charged with first-degree reckless homicide.
He's accused of firing shots into a crowd during a fight.
One bullet hit 14-year-old Yafet Moore.
That breaking news, the third suspect charged in the murder of 9-year-old Zelaya Jenkins has been arrested.
New at 10, two cousins charged in connection with the murder of a delivery driver, one of the defendants just 17 years old.
Tonight, new information about the suspect in a killing spree that crossed state lines.
That shocking shooting rampage ended with four people dead on the west side.
Going to begin tonight and the new year with three teenagers behind bars accused of fatally shooting another teen outside the Eastland Center Mall last Saturday.
All of these are tragedies!
And all these stories are just 15-second soundbites on the local news, and then are completely forgotten about by everyone except for those directly affected, like the victims' families and friends.
But if the perpetrator's white, or suspected to be white, and the victim is black, the race-baiting Black Lives Matter activists will sink their teeth into the story and amplify it to a national level, creating a wedge between the different races as part of their divide-and-conquer strategy.
And speaking of censorship, President Trump's going to be issuing a primetime television address tonight about the illegal immigration crisis, and many of the major networks struggled with the decision about whether or not they were going to even air it.
CNN's little Bryce Delta tweeted out that a TV executive texted him saying that he, President Trump, calls us fake news all the time, but needs access to the airwaves.
If we give him the time, he'll deliver a fact-free screed without a rebuttal.
And if we don't give him the time, he'll call every network partisan, so we're damned if we do, and damned if we don't!
All of the major networks dragged their feet and were reluctant to confirm or deny whether or not they would or would not air the address.
Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning, but you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call to talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
refuses to submit.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
A nighttime Oval Office address can unite the country in trying times.
It can inspire the better angels in ourselves.
But all the signs here indicate that is not what Donald Trump has in mind and the networks have a decision to make.
They want to run the promise of more lies, more misleading statistics, more twisting of reality, mindless confrontation, all for the sake of defending Trump's dark, twisted fantasy on a wall on the Mexican border to fight an enemy that doesn't exist except in the most fevered swamps of American politics.
Do they want to do that?
For ratings?
Like they've done with other presidents in other times, the network should refuse to turn over the airwaves to Donald Trump tonight for what they know, objectively, to be a steady stream of lies.
I could spend, obviously, a thousand years going through the lies that you just heard in a one-minute clip.
Everything is pure projection.
The North Africa has been collapsed on purpose by the IMF and World Bank.
They admit in CFR and UN statements to flood Europe.
The Middle East, same thing.
Arab Spring, funded by NATO, the EU, Obama, Google was involved, Facebook, to bring down our allies and destabilize all those countries, kill every Christian, blow everything up.
Put women and children into sex slavery.
15 million military-age men.
80 plus percent of tourism gone.
Nationalism sweeping Europe.
Austria, Spain, Italy.
Other governments banning protest.
France and Germany are just banning it.
Nationalist leaders every day are being shot, killed, or beaten half to death.
I can't even keep track of it.
They're just murdering people in Sweden.
Murdering them in Germany.
Beating their heads in Italy.
Antifa is much more dangerous over there.
It's leftist police dressed up in black.
It's insane.
And then they're on our so-called news saying the president shouldn't be in an Oval Office address when other presidents do them every six months or so.
He hasn't done it in two-plus years.
It's gonna be an eight-minute speech.
We're gonna cover tonight, seven o'clock central, eight o'clock eastern, for the hour before.
It's nine o'clock.
Eastern, 8 o'clock central when he speaks, for 8 minutes only.
And we'll have the aftermath with these globalists, Pelosi and others.
And remember, they're the ones that say, did you hear him?
He said we're a nation.
We apologize for families having to hear that.
Don Lemonette said, I have trouble speaking.
I apologize to the people who just heard the word nation.
You're like, that sounds like a Monty Python skit.
But to their viewers, they're... Let me tell you, I've gone to Democratic events, you've seen the video.
And I go, America's back!
Jobs are coming back!
Black unemployment's lowest ever!
And they go, UGH!
They have been programmed by successive approximation to hate this country, to hate the West, by megacorporations who want to get anybody out of the way that stands with them taking over.
This is 21st century warfare.
A year ago, I said Trump must declare a national emergency to remove Obama's emergencies he put in place with executive orders in the Defense Authorization Act in December of 2016, in the upcoming fiscal year.
Billions to fund the Countering Foreign Disinformation and Propaganda Act.
Oh, sounds reasonable.
Sets up domestic groups between intelligence agencies, but selected leftist groups, what Trump calls embeds, the technical term is stay behind networks.
And now documents have come out in zero heads, we'll go over those in a moment with Mike Adams, to counter everyone.
Whether it's the Christian Coalition, or whether it's NaturalNews.com, or whether it's Matt Grudge, they say we're Russians, like they do in congressional hearings about me with no evidence, I'm not called to testify where I'm being accused, no evidence is given, and then I'm hit with thousands of articles a week, total lies, Operation Mockingbird, incredible.
With them all reporting on each other's lies about us.
And now the President can't be heard.
So there's a civil war in this country against the globalists, who are anti-American, and against the nationalists.
It's nationalists versus globalists at one level.
It's a pro-human future versus anti-human future.
That's it.
That's the demarcation line.
That's the choice you've got.
And I wanted to get Mike Adams to come on for 30 minutes tonight with us at 7.30.
30 minutes before the President goes live, or he can come on after.
Because he's one of the few people out there That has boldly understood this and he's been attacked, I've been attacked.
Oh, you're crazy.
Oh, you're nuts.
They declared emergencies for the 2008 deal to get trillions of dollars to steal from us.
Obama and Bush worked on that.
Bush Jr.
They declare emergencies all the time.
There's no coverage of it to get around things they've transferred.
I saw the Democrat senator from West Virginia this morning.
On Fox News.
And he actually told the truth.
Is it Manchin?
I'm teleprompter for you.
The point is all the names scramble.
You all know him well.
He said, actually, we've transferred a lot of dictatorial power to the president.
Whether you like that or not, he has the power to do it.
And, you know, he's got a point about this crisis.
And he went on from there.
But the point is, That they've transferred the power of the president to sign it over to the globalists.
Now Trump's using it to kill TPP to do all this.
He has to declare it to end what Obama put in and cut through the red tape.
Well, the bureaucracy set this up.
So we're not calling for martial law.
We've been under political martial law.
The left's calling for civil war.
They're calling for civil emergency.
They're pushing race riots.
That's in the WikiLeaks.
So the president takes the gloves off, starts firing all these people, declares an emergency so he can cut through it all.
Congressman Adam Schiff says the new chairman of the House Armed Services Committee says, yes, there is a provision in law that says the president can declare an emergency.
And then it goes through it.
But the fact is, it's beyond that.
The Democratic Party says America was never great, will never be great.
The Ninth Circuit rules American flags are banned.
And then they say, those of us that are against this are the foreign enemy.
Mike, thanks for joining us the next few segments.
I laid all that out.
A lot of stations join us in the second hour.
I'm not tooting our horn, but it's been naturalnews.com and infowars.com.
I mean, I've been doing this since actually 2017.
You've been hammering it.
And notice the one thing they're scared of is saying, OK, you're not going to declare an emergency.
And he's like, well, yes, I may.
They're so scared.
Don't do it!
Don't do it!
Because they know their previous emergency is in place.
So this is very exciting news, but also, I think, a prime moment of danger, Mike.
Well, the spirit of America is rising.
I know you can feel it, Alex.
I feel it here as well.
America has an immune system.
And it's this American spirit that we see now in the President's actions, but also in the people.
The people realize that there are enemies within.
There are enemies who are trying to sabotage America from within.
Some of them are members of Congress.
They're Democrats.
Some of them are in the deep state.
Some of them pretend to be journalists in the media.
They are traitors, they are enemies, and they must be outed.
And I believe that this is the first step.
Invoking the national emergencies that are already on the table.
You see, President Trump, he has to use every power of the executive in order to defeat the deep state or we lose America.
You know, those people who said, well, he shouldn't invoke a national emergency.
He shouldn't declare martial law.
All these, all these criticisms.
I'm not saying he should declare martial law, but he should use the powers of the national emergency to defend America against those who are attempting They've taken us into lawless martial law and rebellion, and now we're here.
Let's stop denying it.
Yeah, and remember, let's go back to, what is it, March 16, 2012.
President Obama issued an executive order called the National Defense Resources Preparedness Order, and it effectively seized control over all communications, all tech giants, all resources, farms, food, healthcare.
Three times.
Because you... I was coming to that next segment that shows Mike Adams does his research.
Obama did the most draconian executive order ever that under the Defense Authorization Act he funded that executive order with billions to take down Trump and Infowars and Tucker Carlson and everybody and it's hiding in plain view the executive order that Trump must declare his new emergency to override it.
Explain to people.
Crucially, Alex, let me repeat it again.
It's March 16, 2012.
I've linked to it in the article that I just posted a few minutes ago.
It's called the National Defense Resources Preparedness Order.
It's on WhiteHouse.gov.
You can read it.
And importantly, Alex, in that order, in the opening paragraph, Barack Obama invokes himself as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, indicating that he had planned to use military force to seize control over all resources in the country.
It's already on the books!
You just took us next level.
And it was a month later that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs went to the White House and said, we're going to remove you if you don't back off of this and backing Al Qaeda.
Mike Adams has done his research.
You're getting the absolute truth right now, folks.
And now here we are, that executive order is still there, being used by stay-behind-network Democrats, and we're under, actually, Obama-Marshall law.
Trump must end it. The United... Is it the end of our empire?
Is that a good thing?
Is that a bad thing?
Because America's been an empire, but it's been absorbed in this big globalist empire.
And are people smart enough to get out of it?
There's an article here, The Life Cycles of Empires, Lessons for America Today.
And the truth is, we've become extremely, extremely decadent.
We've become extremely over-entertained.
And people can't differentiate from reality.
And so I sit back and I ask myself, what will this country look like in 10 years, in 20 years, if we fail?
Trump thought he could restart America.
To a certain extent, we've done it.
But when we kick-started the country, and its pulse came back to life, Trump was sure that if he could get that done, people would wake up out of their fog, wake up out of their leftist-induced coma, and that we could fix things.
And we've seen that to a certain extent.
But the propaganda, the election fraud, the vote-stealing, all of it is a green light to the establishment that no, Trump can be beat.
And it's breathed new life into them, that they've gotten away with the massive censorship.
They've gotten away with the incredible Divide and Conquer.
They've gotten away with weaponizing media.
They've gotten away with telling incredible lies stacked on more lies until you're just living in total fantasy land.
So what do you think the world's going to look like in 20 years?
If we've already got world government pushing implantable microchips to buy and sell and global social score is already here and all the big tech giants tracking everything you do and putting it into huge databases and trying to destroy middle class wealth and really create a horrible future where everything is consolidated.
What will the dystopia look like if we fail?
Of course, some will say, many will say, well, it's in the Bible that the Antichrist wages war against the saints and overcomes them, that for a short time there's a planetary world government, that if God didn't come back and stop it all, no flesh would be spared.
Okay, well, when is that coming?
What's that period look like?
And shouldn't we, if that's the case and the proper interpretation, be warning everybody about that?
We're talking about the real world government, about the microchip, about the peace system.
So less you'd be saved, you would be deceived, you would be given over to a great delusion that 2 plus 2 equals 5, and that women are men and men are women.
We're on a planet in deep space, and we are under the control of some very nasty people who the Bible tells us have been given power by the father of lies, the god of this world, the fallen one that fell to this planet, who's trapped on this planet, and can only have dominion over us, not over the big boy out in space.
And you sit back from a scientific cosmology, and you sit back and see what the globals are building,
and man, if it isn't exactly what God told the prophets to warn us about, I'll eat my hat.
Sandy in Minnesota.
Thanks for holding her on the air worldwide.
Hi, Alex.
Two years I've waited to talk to you.
What an honor it is.
And I'd like to tell you that your products are amazing.
They're absolutely game changers in everything that you do.
I have the Silver Bullet.
I have the nice Iodine, the Secret 12.
Your new Happy is Unbelievable.
The floral life.
My daughter suffers from IBS really bad and it took it away.
Totally not a problem anymore.
And then she got a cut.
A pretty bad paper cut the other day.
Long story short, it was infected.
Put it on there.
Two days later, it was scabbed up and almost peeled over.
Oh, I gotta tell you, I don't mean to digress on the products, but I'm not a big cat person.
My mom had cats growing up and dogs.
My wife has two cats.
And we got another male cat that was a kitten.
Now it's big.
It fights with the older tabby that's 14 pounds.
So the other night, there's this huge fight in the living room.
I go out there, and I try to pull him apart, and the bigger one climbs up my arm, pushes off, tears it completely open.
And I've had cat scratches before that took three, four weeks to heal.
It's like 70% healed.
In only like eight, nine days, and I'm telling you, I put silver wound gel and the colloidal silver all over, silver wound gel specifically made for that, and it just, you know how dirty cats are, their back paws, I won't go into details here, but yes, silver's critical.
Yes, and I also have the toothpaste, and that's really amazing, too.
Your products are amazing.
They're absolutely game changers in everything that you do.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Our love is unconditional.
We knew it from the start.
This is how I feel about America.
And all the children that deserve to have a good future.
And from George Strachmouth to your ears, this is how I feel about you.
And share all the love and laughter that a lifetime will allow.
I cross my heart and promise to give all I've got to give to make all your dreams come true.
♪ In all the world ♪ Ladies and gentlemen, Obama signed a group of executive
orders in 2012, 2013, '14, '15, '16, setting up a national emergency and having the
Pentagon over America. Globalists in control of the Pentagon and 17 intelligence agencies. Those actions
are still in place and operating and only under law can another executive order or national
emergency erase those.
That's why you've seen such belligerence.
And Mike Adams, who's been on top of this and myself, calling.
For this all to be exposed, it's here with us.
Executive Order, National Defense Resources Preparedness, March 16, 2012.
Here's the statement.
Obama put the United States under martial law in 2012, politically and economically and governmentally.
Trump must remove it and is about to, and that's why they're crapping their pants saying, don't air this, don't do it.
He's got the will to stand to remove the deep state.
He's about to try to drain the swamp.
The big move, he had to first turn the economy on, stand up against the CHICOMS.
Defend our border.
Let us know it's okay to be Americans.
And now, he needs our prayers.
And all of us, like InfoWars, I need your prayers, too, because it's on.
Mike Adams, we'll put that executive order back on screen, please.
This is the original executive order, March 16, 2012.
Executive order, National Defense Resource Preparation.
You need to go read this.
Mike, please continue, because you were just laying it out.
This is so historic.
And the whole media is ignoring this and saying it's preposterous the president talking to the people.
That shows how scared these criminals are.
This is an epic moment.
This is so dangerous.
Well, the media has become a joke.
I mean, they're pretending that there are no border crossers anymore.
They're pretending there's no caravan.
But your analysis is spot on.
All of these powers that Obama invoked and laid out in executive orders were intended to be handed to President Hillary Clinton.
This was the plan.
And Hillary Clinton, let's recall, had a plan in place and a list Of people to arrest, which includes you and myself as well.
We were all supposed to be arrested and shut down.
When Trump won the presidency, it threw that entire plan into total chaos, but also it inadvertently handed these powers to President Trump, who has been reluctant to use these powers that Obama had intended for Hillary Clinton to use.
So understand, the deep state under Obama accidentally gave President Trump the power to destroy the deep state.
This is why they are so terrified.
This is what it's all about.
Trump only needs to invoke these powers that are already on the books.
He can root out the deep state.
He can arrest and indict the traitors who are operating inside government, inside universities that have become terrorist recruitment centers.
The traitors, the mayors, the governors who are running these illegal sanctuary cities.
They need to be investigated.
Trump has the power to do this and he must invoke this power in order to defeat the deep state and then restore true liberty and national security to our country.
That's what we are demanding and I think that's the path that Trump is following now.
And I even saw the Democrat U.S.
Senator on Fox this morning when I was working out.
And even Fox is like, can he do this?
Because, you know, they're basically the soft form of CNN, this dialectic.
And he goes, yes, we've transferred dictatorial powers to the presidency.
If people are against it, they should change that.
But he said Trump has his power and the country is under attack.
And so if he wants to do this, he can do a lot under these emergency powers.
And it seemed like Democrat Senator got in line for this.
So that is a big, big deal.
It's the appropriate role of the military.
It's a constitutional role for the military to defend the borders.
And also, by the way, Alex, you know, posse comitatus, it prevents the military from acting as police on the streets of America, but it does not prevent military police from pursuing enemy combatants and domestic enemies of America who are on American soil.
Military police can be dispatched to arrest and seek out treasonous traitors, war criminals,
enemy combatants who are on US soil.
There is no restriction against that.
Let's just keep all of this in mind because America is under attack.
This has been my point for over a year and I think yours as well.
America is in an invasion.
Trump should declare war against the enemies of America tonight.
He won't probably do that, but that's what actually should happen, I believe, because this is our last chance to defend this nation against the enemies who are operating within.
And by the way, they go, it's preposterous, it's insane.
There was no caravan when they were funding it in the UN and it smashed over the police.
50,000 strong, trafficking kids, it's all admitted.
And they're like, he shouldn't even be on air.
He's a liar.
They just used this UN plan on Europe.
This is the globalist plan.
Use the third world they control against the first world and enslave us all.
And so you see, Mike, have you noticed, though, they've gone from arrogance to their pundits look totally freaked out and scared because they've committed a lot of crimes.
They know the real poll numbers.
America's totally turned against them.
All the thinking people have turned against him, every race, color and creed.
I mean, we're not just up here saying scary sounding stuff, folks.
Back when QAnon was saying, you know, they're going to arrest everybody in tribunals, I
said, hey, that's disinfo.
This is now really happening.
He really is firing all these people.
He really is making their move.
They really are scared and crapping their britches right now because they signed on
to the Chai Comps.
Apple and Google moved over there.
The Chinese communists began using microwave guns to kill our people in the State Department and CIA.
You notice, it's not just Google Headquarters bursting into flames, folks, the day after I testified.
The gloves came off in China.
I mean, it's been all over the world.
You don't just think it's Chinese ships shooting at our ships.
They shoot at our ships.
Our submarines, you know, sink them at night.
The Chinese, you look at Xi.
He's freaking out.
He's panicked.
We already have a covert war against them right now.
And there's a bunch of cowards in our government who've sold out to China that are kind of crapping their britches because they want that Chinese money.
What they're going to get is hung from their damn neck.
The globalist establishment is weaker than they let on, Alex.
It's all theater on their part.
They are really just one awakening away from being defeated.
If CNN goes down, for example, and can't drill the false propaganda into the minds of the American people every day, it would only take about five minutes to snap out.
And by the way, it is the stay-behind network.
They force-feed it on YouTube, on Google, their fake videos, their articles.
They are the stay-behind network.
CNN runs the whole thing.
And remember, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I'm sorry to say, she appears to be close to passing.
I'm very sad right now.
Yeah, she didn't jump the vote.
We don't wish any harm upon people, but I think she's gone off the court inside of 24 months, either retiring or passing away.
Some people think she's already dead.
Well, I haven't heard that yet.
I think she's probably alive, but I know that cancer is spreading probably all across her body at this point.
It's sad, but, you know, her life has about reached its end, it looks like.
As above, so below.
Mike Adams, incredible job at NaturalNews.com.
Join us tonight, 7 o'clock Central, for coverage of Trump's epic declaration of emergency.
As he says, we're in an emergency.
I may declare an emergency.
Oh, he's going to declare it.
Mike, thank you.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
In the last eight years, we've seen the rise and now fall of the cryptocurrencies.
And the entire time, I refused to take sponsors to fund our operation from the cryptocurrency market.
Not because I thought every company was bad or that the whole thing's a scam, but at a gut level, I knew it was a giant bubble and I didn't want to be associated with that.
Gut level, just couldn't do it.
There have been many other sponsors I've refused.
I have been offered and refused millions of dollars in sponsorship that would have been great to fight the info war from legitimate companies that sell marijuana-derived CBD oil, which has incredible attributes everybody knows about on so many fronts and helps a lot of people.
But the reason I haven't gotten involved is the law hasn't been clear and some states, even though it doesn't get you high, see it as illegal.
But now they have developed and certified for years CBD rich oil derived from hemp that is completely legal in all 50 states and there are so many different permutations and combinations of what it's able to do and what the studies show it's done that it's mind-blowing.
So we've worked with one of the biggest companies in the nation And they wanted to just work with us openly because they want to stand up for America and freedom.
They're patriots.
But I said, listen, you just need to create your own new website for a private label for us, where you handle it all, where they get the best hemp-derived CBD oil, legal in all 50 states, from you.
You drop ship it.
You get it out.
You have the website.
I promote it.
I send people there.
And that way they're getting the very best from the experts.
So again, ladies and gentlemen, nothing wrong with marijuana-derived CBD oil.
The problem is some of the public and governments and municipalities get confused and sometimes people get in trouble with CBD oil if it's too strong.
This isn't CBD oil derived from marijuana that's high in THC.
This is derived from industrial high-quality organic hemp and it's legal in all 50 states and now Trump has signed the executive order allowing the industrial growing of hemp, so we won't even have to import it from Canada to Colorado, where it's then produced, bottled, and distributed.
Now listen, I know a lot about it.
I've researched it.
I've turned down probably 20, 30 companies who've been wanting to sponsor us in the last six years.
It's gotten really crazy in the last two.
But now that the law is clear, now that our listeners can't get burned, now that we have a partnership with one of the top companies in the United States known for their organic quality, known for being patriots, They have created a new website and a private label of their entire spectrum of award-winning products called Washington's Reserve.
And there are so many attributes, so many different things that hemp-derived, hemp-rich CBD oil has to offer that you just need to go to washingtonsreserve.com for yourself and see it all, because they have more than 40 products.
Now, remember, the Globalists have tried to take our merchant accounts away.
They've tried to shut us down.
They've tried to boycott us.
They've tried to sue us.
And I said in the last six months, I'm going to move, not away from a direct sales marketing of great products to you to fund us.
We're still going to do that with Infowarslife.com, but we're also going to bring on the best sponsors in the country, the very best products.
And this is the first big one.
So I'm very excited.
Be sure and go there.
Experience the power of high quality hemp extract with CBD exclusively available at washingtonsreserve.com for the So, highest quality, the lowest prices.
It's all there, ladies and gentlemen, at WashingtonReserve.com, and you're helping fund the InfoWar the whole time.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Relentlessly attacking the power structure.
You're listening to Alex...
Some of them want to use you.
Some of them want to use you Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you Some of them want to be abused
Sweet dreams are made of you I wanted to finish up with Mike Adams.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Dan Lyman is about to join us.
Our EuropeWars.com correspondent and his great team over there.
A lot of original, hardcore reporting at EuropeWars.com.
A lot of that is at NewsWars.com as well.
You have the leader of the Nationalist Mainline Libertarian Party.
They call them Nazis.
They're not even as hardcore as we are.
Just total crap.
They are anti-radicalism.
Being beaten and almost killed by Antifa that Intel shows are leftist police officers.
Antifa is very dangerous in Germany.
It's not like meth-head professors here.
You've got people being shot, killed, other leaders in Sweden, all over Denmark.
The Netherlands, major leaders of nationals being killed.
It barely makes the news.
They're now killing people.
They just banned the Yellow Vest protesting in France.
They say we'll arrest all your leaders, period.
They've already been arresting and torturing people.
But the good news is they're weak.
And now Austria is banning the EU army.
Spain is moving away from it.
Italy's doing it.
Italy is defending in the EU.
The Yellow Vest and saying that if they are... All these articles are on Infowars.com right now, by the way.
They're saying that if they do that, that Italy will protest, that Israel is even... I mean, Italy.
Israel, Italy.
Italy is saying that they will stand against this.
So there's a lot of really exciting things happening.
So don't just think Trump's fighting alone.
The new nationalist president of Brazil, firearms, going after the drug gangs, lowering the taxes, saying, you know, God and country, and make Brazil great again.
This is happening in Iran with the restart movement.
It's happening everywhere.
So, Mike, I just wanted to point out that It's not just the spirit of liberty rising in America.
It's rising everywhere.
But as the globalists have said, if Hillary lost, they thought they were done.
Now they think if they can remove Trump, hopefully they've got some shot.
So they're way behind the eight ball worldwide.
It's neck and neck here in America.
But just long term, we're going to win.
But the left is going pure authoritarianism everywhere.
The crucial thing to understand, you're exactly right about that, but the globalists and the left will absolutely punish America and any nation that attempts to assert its national sovereignty.
We're going to go through a period of intense chaos on the road to victory.
This is what's crucial to understand.
We're not going to win without the left attempting to commit national suicide.
They want to destroy the economy so they can blame Trump.
They want race wars in the streets.
That's why they have all this fake news about You know, the shooter being white when he was actually black in that case.
This is why they are fomenting violence and hatred because they want massive chaos, they want massive collapse.
Just like Obama, remember the government shutdown back in his administration?
What was one of the first things he did?
He released violent prisoners from federal prisons onto the streets as a weapon system to say, look, if you won't fund the government, we're going to terrorize your streets with violent criminals.
This is the way the left thinks.
And Trump's saying we're going to put non-violent drug offenders out who've been in for a decade to make room to keep the violent offenders.
Notice the Chicago mayor decades ago got caught saying, we release violent offenders to scare the public into submission.
No, violent people get their ass locked up forever, non-violent don't.
Well, again, they see America as a target for destruction.
If they can't rule it, they will destroy it.
That's the way the Democrats think, and this is exactly why they have to be stopped.
Really, at any political cost, if this is the last thing Trump ever does is defeat the deep state, he will still go down in history as one of the greatest presidents in the history of our country.
He needs our support, and he needs to know that we back him, and we, the people, are able and willing to help defend this nation if it comes to that.
Trump needs to know that.
And that's the most important thing you've said.
And you know, he does know that.
And that's why they've been trying to shut you down, shut us down, because we're reading the real executive orders.
We're doing real political research, talking to experts.
And most of the experts in D.C.
are scared, because they come after your family.
They come after you.
But at the end of the day, that's why we've got to fight, because they're coming after us.
All these men I know go, man, I'm not going to stand up for the country.
They'll come after you.
Wow, okay, I get it.
Your forebearers didn't build anything, obviously.
I mean, you don't instinctively want to fight people that want to shut everybody up and bring in a new dark age.
You don't want to be in the field against these people.
It's just so pathetic that there's a real shortage of men, Mike.
And I don't just say this to pander to our audience.
Infowars audience are the lifeblood, the blood of resistance and not putting up with this crap.
And I just totally salute them.
Well, most people, Alex, and you pointed this out, most people, most independent journalists have a boss or they're beholden to a network.
You know, your organization and my organization are completely independent.
We don't depend on any money from government or universities or grant money or anything like that.
We can't be shut off by the networks.
That's why the tech giants... Oh, we're the Lone Rangers, and that's why they want us off the air.
Yeah, that's exactly why.
In fact, I think they can't believe that you still exist.
That natural news is still on the air, that InfoWars is still broadcasting.
They can't believe it because the weapons that they have unleashed against you, the economic sabotage, the slander, the smears, the programming, every Netflix TV show now.
Foreign intelligence agencies loose on us.
They've turned Mueller behind.
I can't get into it yet.
I mean, which doesn't scare me.
It lets me know.
Oh my God, these are true villains.
I've got to fight harder.
Well, it's clear that you are beating the best that the deep state has to try to destroy you, and that's just blowing their minds.
In fact, they have the same surprise about Trump.
They can't believe Trump is still in office.
They can't believe he hasn't resigned yet.
But you know what?
Americans are strong, and this is why I feel that spirit of America rising.
All we have to do is say, damn it, no, we do not surrender our country.
We will defend it.
We will do it.
I think that really is the slogan here.
It's our listeners and supporters that's why we're still here.
They're the ones that haven't blinked.
We're never surrendering.
We're never giving up.
And I'm not just saying this to be positive.
When stuff's negative, I'll say it.
And we're in a hell of a pickle.
The globalists, Mike, are panicking right now.
And you can see real palpable fear that he's kicked all the globalists out and is now about to go on a rampage.
And, you know, Colbert and all three of the nightly shows last week had this talking point.
Let Trump be Trump.
He's about to destroy himself.
Great, good.
No, that's the last thing they want.
So whatever they tell you, it's the opposite.
Here's the bottom line, brother.
We have got front seats to history right now.
Absolutely, and we reach real America, and real America supports Trump, supports a declaration of a national emergency if that's what it takes, whatever it takes to build this wall.
That's what the new president of Brazil just did.
Of course he's got to declare an emergency to remove these people.
I think Trump should declare a war on the globalists, and the mainstream media is the enemy.
They're trying to get him killed.
They're trying to kill us.
I mean, it's the truth.
These people are waging war on us.
We didn't start it.
That's the thing.
I mean, they are so scared we're going to fight back.
We are in a war.
It's time to declare it.
It's time to rise up and identify the enemies within who are waging this war to disassemble and obliterate America.
And this war on America has been going on since 2008, by the way.
And Mike, let's be a trillion percent clear.
They started it.
They won't back down.
They're fair game.
They drew first blood.
We have the right to defend our nation.
We are Americans.
We have the right to defend our country.
The President has the right to defend our borders.
We, the people, we have the right to invoke our Second Amendment right to self-defense.
This is why the Founding Fathers wrote it into law.
This is why they wrote the First Amendment.
We have the right to speak.
We have the right to exist.
We have the right to defend our borders, our communities, our home.
And not put up with globalist, CHICOM-funded racketeering.
The fact that DeVos, two years ago, cheered Xi, the dictator, and said he'll defeat America and Trump.
Every American should have got behind the president at that point.
But no, the colleges, all of it, go, China will beat America.
These idiots could go to China and be put in a forced labor camp, but they just have this weird brainwashing to hate the country.
Mike Adams, God bless you, great job for joining us tonight, 7 o'clock Central, 8 p.m.
Eastern, 4.
The coverage of Trump declaring a national emergency.
I don't know how all this is going to end, but if the globalists want to fight, they better believe they've got one!
We'll be back with our European reporter, Dan Lyman from EuropeWars.com.
You know that guy Alex Jones?
The Infowars guy?
You know who I'm talking about?
The guy with no lips, that f***ing lunatic.
They removed all his content from Facebook, iTunes, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Good, you f***er.
You know the piece of s*** I'm talking about, right?
Alex Jones.
You know which piece of s*** I'm talking about?
Alex f***ing Jones.
You know, right?
They shut you down, you f***er.
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of s***.
Good, you f***ing lunatic.
Bye bye, f*** off.
Tech companies are taking the lead in suppressing any voices that dissent against the left.
Conservatives are feeling the heavy hand of censorship in the United States and across Western Europe.
Twitter gives Alex Jones the boot.
I have a right to face my accusers, Jack, and I never threatened the media with battle rifles.
All the top searches are lies about me and my family.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutsch, are a liar and a fraud.
InfoWars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
We're aware of his lying to Congress.
We're aware of him and the Dragonfly Project that's already been operational for years inside the Chinese government.
Now it's just being rolled out to the general public.
There is an absolute all-out war on conservative free speech.
Facebook and Twitter are under fire as conservative users are speaking out about being censored on their platforms.
Alex Jones is banned by every major social network.
In the past few days, Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify and other companies have all banned Alex Jones from using their platforms.
He's been shadow banned by Google.
Milo Yiannopoulos was banned by Twitter.
I don't know if you know about this, but Milo Yiannopoulos, you know who he is?
He got banned from Twitter for writing a bad review about Ghostbusters.
This guy is a threat to the Republic.
British anti-Islamization activist Tommy Robinson has had his Twitter account suspended again after he tweeted that Islam promotes killing.
Also, Twitter purged various libertarian accounts.
Instagram temporarily banned Tommy Robinson.
Facebook took down a GOP candidate's ads for allegedly being offensive.
The FCC is cracking down on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
They're coming for everyone's speech.
It's criminal.
Their social media accounts are being banned, blocked, and canceled on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
Facebook's censored our free speech.
Twitter this evening has suspended the account of Gavin McInnes.
And shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
You are caught on tape by Project Veritas shadowbanning people.
You are censoring people.
You censored me.
You censored Milo.
You censored Chuck Johnson.
James O'Keefe.
You even censored President Trump when one of your employees deleted his account for a few minutes.
You are censoring conservatives.
And I'm asking you, President Donald Trump, help us.
Please help us, Mr. President, before it is too late.
Facebook is censoring free speech.
They're making and changing the rules.
Reverend Graham was banned for over 24 hours.
I had this platform, and that was my main platform for communicating with people and sending out my content, and now I can't communicate.
I've been silenced.
The real election meddling is by Facebook and Google and others that are shadowbanning people, that are outright banning people, and they're blocking conservatives.
Authorities in Britain now seem more interested in fighting hate speech on the internet than fighting crime.
They're warning social media users that their comments are being monitored.
I'm more upset that some people in Silicon Valley are secret.
I can't determine which ideas are allowed on my social media feed.
And so we just sit here and just endure the greatest censorship in the history of America, and the left, which claims to be for free speech, applauds it.
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of sh- If you are receiving this transmission, you are the
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Now by the way, if Trump doesn't declare a national emergency tonight, that's not discrediting InfoWars.
Because you've heard us for over a year saying, he needs to declare one, we're in an emergency, so go ahead and declare it.
Now he says, we're already in an emergency, I should declare it unless the Democrats do the right thing and pay for the wall.
But only the emergency can remove the other executive orders of Barack Hussein Obama.
Executive Order, National Defense Resource Preparedness puts the military and the president, but it puts stay-behind networks in, in control.
This is what Obama's been using to circumvent and still be basically a shadow president.
And you hear Trump talking about how they have inbeds and Hillary and Obama are still president.
But I respect Zero Hedge.
They are some of the smartest cookies out there.
And they say Trump will not invoke emergency powers to build a border wall tonight.
Well, where did you start hearing he's going to declare a national emergency?
We are in an emergency.
So I don't know who Zero Hedge's sources are.
We'll find out tonight.
But Trump already declared an emergency at the Pentagon a month ago.
We know that.
It's coming out.
He says we're in an emergency, so I should declare an emergency.
But it could be a way to get the Democrats to capitulate to something that's already been done.
I don't know what the greater Nuances will be tonight, but we'll be covering at 7 o'clock central, right through 8 o'clock central when the President goes live.
Dan Lyman of EuropeWars.com, our great correspondent, amazing work over there.
I wanted to get you on just to point out that, man, all hell's breaking loose.
Violent attacks on nationalists, violent attacks on conservatives.
Trying to ban the yellow vest, but Italy joining and saying that they're going to support the yellow vest, the government of that.
You're in Switzerland right now.
What is the latest?
Eight, nine weeks into the yellow vest and what we're seeing and talk of Macron having to step down.
Great to be back with you Alex.
Never a dull moment to be sure here in Europe and of course the United States as well as you've been speaking about the latest with the attack on Bremen in Germany on the AFD chairman there.
That is a heinous attack but I mean I think a lot of people could have seen this type of violence brewing with the way that the media And the establishment have been attacking AFD.
Every single article in the mainstream media prefaces AFD with far-right.
And as we know at this point, AFD is the second or third most popular party in Germany, composed generally of people who probably would also support Donald Trump or UKIP perhaps.
Just mainstream, mostly... Mainly people whose daughter or wives were raped by Muslims.
Pretty much, pretty much.
A lot of just working class folks who are fed up to the eyeballs with what's going on in their country and probably sympathize with what's going on.
And let's be clear, their party headquarters has been bombed, now their deputy leader's had his head bashed in, fighting for his life.
Yes, and lost in the melee also was a couple weeks ago, we covered this at Europe Wars, was that another AFD party office was basically, Antifa tried to storm them.
They were on a pre-approved demonstration route which they deviated from in an attempt to attack the office.
And there was some pretty crazy video of that, and the police were able to intercede before it got particularly violent.
But the AFD is under siege at the moment, most recently with this terrible attack.
The pictures are so gruesome.
I'm surprised this guy survived, and apparently if it weren't for an interceding construction worker, he may not have.
Viewers, viewer discretion advised, we're going to scroll through this.
Antifa is much more dangerous than Europe.
Talk about that.
Absolutely, and they are much more prevalent as well.
Anywhere you go in Europe, you walk around the cities, you will see Antifa tags, you'll see their markings, they'll mark their bars, they will mark their territory all over the place.
I've even stayed in apartments around Europe where the neighbors have Antifa, basically stickers all over their doors identifying themselves as Antifa.
So they are shameless and they are much more violent in Europe, especially in Germany.
If you recall at the G20, I believe it was last year, something like 20,000, if I'm not
mistaken, hardcore left-wingers, Antifa, descended on Hamburg.
And there was an emergency in the city.
A lot of the ranking officials couldn't travel to the event temporarily because of the amount
of violence and fire in the streets.
So they are much more intense here.
But I am sure that their American comrades are learning from them and their tactics.
And this is the leftist army.
And that's why Gavin McInnes, Mark Dice, and others are getting banned.
You go out and just show these meth heads attacking women and children, just the literal scum of the earth calling black police n-words.
You show them, you know, then you get banned.
I mean, these are the foot soldiers.
But I've seen a lot of people like Steven Crowder and others go into bars where these people frequent, threatening to kill people.
They run like little cowards.
They are the definition of little bitches.
I think it should be telling to people to see what's happened to Gavin and the Proud Boys, which, you know, I'm not going to speak to that particular incident.
There's some discrepancies as to what started all that.
But in general, you know, I mean, these Proud Boys guys are they they're they're married to women of color.
They're definitely not racist from what I can tell any of them.
And they're just kind of mainstream testosterone filled conservative type bros who are just out there to kind of To protect people who are being attacked by Antifa, and they have been targeted so intensely by the establishment, by even Governor Cuomo and de Blasio and the FBI, but you never hear of those same enforcements happening to Antifa when they are out in the open.
A lot of these people in Antifa should be very easy to identify.
If our intelligence agencies are worth anything, they should be able to track these people down just as easily as they've tracked down the Proud Boys.
Well, the truth is, we know their professors, their leftist police, their local meth heads they recruit, who have scripts of what they're going to attack in blue cities.
The police are involved.
They let them attack certain areas.
And they're trying to foment blacks rioting.
That's in the big article on Infowars.com, where in 2015, Obama wanted martial law Marshall Law in Baltimore trying to get white antifa to get blacks to get violent to then trigger a nationwide breakdown.
But it didn't work.
I mean, you talk about racist.
This is a group of white chicken necks, you know, running around posing as if black people.
We even have women and men that say they're black who admittedly aren't black who then lead these groups.
It's the most bizarre weirdness I've ever seen.
Many of them are white, if not the vast majority, which is interesting.
And they do purport to be anti-racist, but they do.
There's quite a racist string going through them.
But I did just want to bring this back to the yellow vest you were talking about.
This story is just breaking right before I came on air with you, and I wasn't able to get the whole But Yellow Vest UK, it appears there is a massive crackdown in effect right now, according to Raheem Kassam, who used to be the Editor-in-Chief at Breitbart London.
In the past few hours, Yellow Vest UK have had their social media accounts banned, their PayPal account removed, had journalists show up to their elderly parents' houses, where have we heard that before, and had lies spread about them on national TV and in the media.
And it looks like there is a concerted effort That's right.
The articles are on EuropeWars.com, InfoWars.com.
We've got French PM says new tougher laws on unauthorized protests coming in wake of yellow vest clashes.
Italian leaders endorse French yellow vest movement.
It's spreading all over the world.
This is just some of the news we've got here today.
Dan, the good news is, as rough as this is, Humanity is back in the fight.
We get there's multinational corporations who want to just take over society and governments using racial and cultural division to get us fighting with each other.
It's classic balkanization, divide and conquer, and humanity sing through it.
I think this is very exciting.
It is a time of awakening but I'll harken back to what Mike Adams was saying just before we came on together and you know he said this is just the beginning and I fear that that is the case this is just the beginning of the bumpy ride but unfortunately I think this is a situation that has can utmost be blamed on the establishment the elites and the media and the left who have silenced a very civil debate that could have happened a long time
ago and they've taken away the voices of the people who would like to have
discussed all of these matters long before they were shoved down their throats
and now at this point I think we are past the point of no return in
some cases unfortunately so we can all look to France to see what's going on and
expect that to continue spreading across the West if not worldwide
depending on the you know the cases in each individual country. I was about to ask
you the next little segment, "What's Coming Next?"
You're saying the point of no return.
Dan Lyman, EuropeWars.com.
We come back in just two minutes.
What is the point of no return?
What's going to happen now?
What is that event horizon we're about to pass?
Please remember, folks, that I've been so busy, I never say a sale keeps going for a week longer than it does.
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm no stranger to the rain.
I'm a friend of thunder Friend, is it any wonder lightning strikes me?
I've fought with the devil Got down on his level But I never gave in So he gave up on me I'm no stranger to the rain I've withstood the pain.
I'm no stranger to rain.
I've been sacrificed by brothers, crucified by lovers, but through it all I've withstood
the pain. I'm no stranger to the rain. Oh no! Dan Lyman, we really appreciate EuropeWars.com
and the amazing job you're doing.
We really are behind you 100%.
I'm always asking the questions.
With the four minutes we've got left, what's the next big thing?
I mean, you already kind of said it earlier.
What do you expect to happen?
This is just the beginning.
I'll return to something you said a few minutes ago.
You said, where are the men?
Where are the men who are willing to stand up at this point?
And I'll give you two examples of the men who are willing to stand up and the women who are willing to stand up.
And I want to be clear, of course, never at all endorse any kind of political violence.
However, there is violence in the streets, so we're going to have to wade through each individual incident and decide for ourselves whether it's appropriate or not.
Now, the first is not a violent incident.
We have a female-only protest that began from the Yellow Vests across France.
That is an interesting development because they felt the police were being too heavy-handed, and perhaps that could have been because maybe the males in the Yellow Vests were also being too heavy-handed.
So the women went out on their own, a totally peaceful protest, In the hundreds in Paris and in the hundreds in Toulouse and in other protest marches across France and they were essentially peaceful but the imagery was powerful and this is not like the vagina hat protest in the United States that we've seen.
These are real women, working class women in the yellow vest standing up and making their voices heard.
These are not globalist funded women.
These are real women standing up.
Grassroots, not AstroTurf.
And then to the other side of things, there are men who are willing to stand up and one of them is a French boxer who really made waves this weekend.
Apparently, according to him, he had just had enough.
He's been at all of these Yellow Vest protests and he has been peaceful up until this time.
I guess his wife and some people he was with were tear gassed by police.
And he just had had it up to here.
And he jumped in to a melee and just started pounding on riot police in full protection with shields
and helmets and all that.
And he took down a pretty good amount of them.
And of course, we don't endorse violence.
But it was a moment that--
Well, we do endorse self-defense.
And that's the point of-- like, the French, everybody calls French wimps.
They used to be the most warlock people out there.
And then after Napoleon and half the males got killed, they kind of became a little wimpy, to Bismarck
They won World War I. But absolutely, what happens once the French actually start doing French resistance?
That's not going to go well for the EU armored vehicles.
Absolutely not.
And so this video is stunning.
And so this guy was identified.
He was a champion boxer not too long ago.
So his face was recognizable.
He did have to turn himself in to police and they are threatening him with a pretty lengthy jail term.
Basically, they're going to make an example of him.
However, a group was able to raise over $130,000 for his legal defense in a matter of hours on one of the crowdfunding sites.
And he is wildly popular with yellow vests.
Yeah, so it's one guy backing off five cops in riot gear because he's willing to fight.
Because they attacked his wife, which is a normal response.
Which is why the whole globalist system is meant to shut men down because they're going to do something that enslaves humanity and they know there are still some men that will fight.
Exactly, and you get a few more guys like that out there who are willing to take bare fists to riot shields, and people are going to be fired up, they're going to be rallying around this, and there will be more of them in the streets, I guarantee it, across Europe.
This is just... What you're saying is the fuse has been lit.
Absolutely, and the bomb is going off in slow motion across Europe.
We're hoping for the best.
I love it, my friend.
Dan Lyman, EuropeWars.com.
We salute you.
We'll talk to you soon.
God bless.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of Infowars.
So please spread the links.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war.
The whole world is in a great crisis right now.
Great flux.
A great change.
You know, I respect Zero Hedge.
In fact, other than someone like Matt Drudge, they've got some of the best intel out there.
And they're saying Trump won't declare an emergency tonight.
Well, he already declared it a month ago.
He says we're in an emergency.
He needs the emergency to override all these agencies.
He's firing everybody.
He may have something to bring Pelosi and them to the table to do what he wants.
It's a big defeat for him and then technically not do it.
But I respect Tyler Durgan.
Hey, I love being wrong.
It doesn't happen very often about big issues.
I get some stuff wrong.
Like, I know the new California governor was the Attorney General, but I was confused with another article about anti-gun stuff.
He was a state rep and stuff, and I said that.
The point is, I mean, I catch it and I say it.
I'm not lying on purpose.
Most listeners are like, yeah, you talk about Trump needs to declare a national emergency when no one was saying it two years ago and every day since then.
So we know your next year's news today.
So whether he openly announces it tonight or not, we're going to be covering at 7 o'clock Central time.
His announcement's 8 o'clock Central, 9 o'clock Eastern.
And we're going to be there.
So InfoWars.com forward slash show on the front page and radio and TV stations are welcome to pick it up.
It's going to be commercial free.
I mean, there'll be commercial at the start of the hour and the end of the hour, but commercial free, you know, basically except for marking the hours and announcing that it's InfoWars on radio and TV.
So live coverage.
Trump declares national emergency to save America tonight, 7 p.m.
Free streams InfoWars.com forward slash show and the front page.
I'm going to go to our next guest who's amazing.
But I want to make an announcement because I look at the comments on InfoWars and I see the emails that come in and man, it's been, where's David Knight?
Give us an update.
You know, Harrison Smith did a great job in the mornings at 8am, but David had a heart attack a week and a half ago.
Where is he?
Maybe you missed the announcements.
So I'm going to do it again.
David had successful heart surgery.
He's better.
And without asking me, he tried to come in yesterday and did it, but he was a little tired, so we sent him home.
So, David's great.
He wants to come back.
He's going to be here.
David's fine.
Thank God.
But anybody that has a major heart attack, and it was a big heart attack, needs to then take a month off.
So, infowares.com forward slash show.
You cannot miss the David Knight program.
And he's even like, well, I'll tape stuff from home.
No, David, you need to relax.
You know, I broke my leg when I was 15.
And, uh, the guy put a pin in it.
He was a former Dallas Cowboy.
And then I came back a month later to get the pin out and they go, oh, he had a heart attack.
He'll have to come back in a few months.
Well, he refused to stay off and came back a week later and had a damn heart attack and died at the medical center in Dallas.
So we're not letting, I told David, I said, you're not back in here, buddy.
You're not back in here.
So that's where David is.
David is suspended in a loving way.
All right.
Next segment, our guest joins us, but I want to air it right now.
The Bird Box.
It's got a lot of messages.
It's admitted in Hollywood scripts that only women can be heroes.
Men are always idiot buffoons.
Goes back to married with children and Rupert Murdoch.
Or the same Fox Channel with Homer Simpson being a complete idiot.
That's the message.
Men are idiots.
The state loves you.
Women are in charge.
Uh, but Devin Stack of Blackpill.com is an amazing researcher and mini-documentary filmmaker.
And he put out a video that's been censored off YouTube.
He's been given a strike, been suspended, uh, that, that, that we've posted InfoWars.com.
It's up there right now.
YouTube banned this Bird Box video.
Share and watch the censored material below from Blackpill.com.
We'll add that Blackpill.com and he'll join us after the break.
Now he pointed out how black guys are all the heroes and white men are the bad guys.
That's one level.
And again, women are in shock.
These are all the basics.
But cell phone radiation and manipulation is what's caused people to commit suicide.
That's the big brass ring here.
But he'll be joining us next segment.
Here's four minutes and ten seconds of his banned 25-minute report exclusively at InfoWars.com.
The left has ruined a particular form of fiction that I used to be really fond of.
Fiction where the theme, the genre, is societal collapse.
Not just because I think it's relevant today, but also because I think it's just interesting to imagine how different people from different walks of life would react to the existing social structure collapsing suddenly.
A popular TV show that kind of started out like this was The Walking Dead.
But it's now just become a soap opera where every character is now engaged in either an interracial or LBGTQ relationship.
The show is no longer anything about survival or how society would deal with a zombie invasion.
Just like everything else coming out of Hollywood, it's just pure leftist propaganda.
And that's why I was skeptical when someone told me that I would like this new movie by Netflix, you know, the company that's been hard at work normalizing pedophilia, this new movie by Netflix called Bird Box.
But I took one for the team, and I watched it anyway, and here's what I learned.
I learned that white people are evil and usually trying to kill you.
Do you think I'm exaggerating?
Well, think again.
This film is just as much about race as it is about any kind of apocalypse.
This is a movie about a single white mother who's confronted endlessly by dangerous evil white men and then repeatedly saved and protected by non-whites.
It's laid on so thick That the whole disaster end of the world aspect of the film is reduced to a subplot or actually just an excuse to have the movie.
Sandra Bullock and her kids are attacked by... that's right, an evil white hillbilly guy.
He's possessed by the mysterious evil thing that you can't look at.
And again, no big deal that the bad guy here is white.
But it's every bad guy is white.
And not just white.
Like a walking negative white stereotype.
Like this guy straight out of the movie Deliverance.
The only way they could have made him whiter is if they cast some pasty-skinned ginger.
Oh, looks like they got that covered.
Drumroll, please.
Evil white guy starts to attack them.
He's an evil white guy.
Another evil white guy, morbidly obese pregnant chick, decides to just let in some random guy who, as it will turn out later, of course, will be an evil white guy.
When they're once again attacked, this time by an entire gang, of evil white people.
As I told you, it's every single time.
And by the way, there's an important detail that I forgot to mention here.
Some of the people in the movie, when they're exposed to the evil demon thing that you're not supposed to look at, they get sad or they get scared and then they kill themselves.
Uh, other people, when they see the mysterious evil thing, uh, they get happy and they embrace it and they get murderous and they kill other people after, you know, they turn evil.
And the implication is that it's the good people that when they see the demon, Those are the people that kill themselves.
While the people that already have evil inside them, they're the ones that think it's beautiful and they start killing.
And I only bring this up because isn't it interesting that the filmmakers thought that the only people they should cast for that type of person, the type of person that would be already so evil, that they would have the evil inside them, Every single one of them would be white.
They're the only ones that are so evil that their inner evil takes over.
And I have to add, anything Sandra Bullock involved in is a globalist operation.
I have total inside knowledge of all of it.
I'm not at liberty to tell you, but she is a monstrous pig.
Total PR.
Well, stabbing the back is a psychopathic monster.
Solid to sleep with that.
Sandra Bullock is a soulless pig.
Just like her film, Pig Box.
Sandra Bullock having sex with a pig.
No, that would be better than what she did.
Pull it back.
Let's go to Wild Man in Illinois.
Thanks for holding and about to say Happy New Year.
Go ahead.
Alex, yeah, going into 2019, what Trump's got to do to save America, he's got to declassify FISA, expose the corruption, arrest the traitors, and arrest the pedophiles.
That's how he saves America.
My opinion, an over-the-road trucker, hardworking, honest man.
That's what I believe.
I agree.
Victory or death.
He's now, looks like he's cleaning house.
He's getting rid of all the double agents.
And the word is Trump is going to go into battle now.
We're talking he's going to strike back against the censorship.
He's going to strike back against the pedophile rings.
It's already begun.
He's going to strike back against the deep state.
He's going to strike back against all the criminal activity of Comey and Mueller being Russian operatives.
So just get ready.
I'd say.
Another note, I've spent over $3,000 in your store this year.
I'm a loyal supporter, and thanks for great products.
Brother, let me tell you something.
I want to thank you.
If folks like you didn't stand with us against the incredible Hillary Clinton and Soros attacks, which they admit they're running, we would not be here now.
They're taking Michael Savage off the air.
They're taking everybody.
They took Franklin Graham off Facebook.
They need to get us all off the air before they make their move on Trump.
That's why this is a war.
And you supporting us is incredible.
Which products do you like the best?
Man, I use the bodies.
I got so many t-shirts.
It ain't even funny.
I got your stickers posted on my hard hat, on my GPS, my truck.
I tell truckers about you over the CB Airways all across the country.
I spread the word about you.
I wear your clothes, your hats, your shirts, you name it.
Multitude of products.
How much love do you get versus, how much love versus hate do you get?
Um, you know, it's uh, people skeptical, but like it's probably about 50-50 or 60-40 year way.
I just I guess so many people got their head in the sand out here
Listeners and viewers know that every time we go to break I pass the hat
I ask for your support, I ask for your prayers, I ask for your financial support buying products at InfoWarsTore.com.
Because simply put, we're neck and neck.
If you don't support us, Soros and Hillary and the globalist scumbags will be successful taking us down.
If you do support us, we will, like a promontory with a lighthouse on it, in the thick of a hurricane or a typhoon, survive.
It's that simple.
So, it's epic.
It's amazing.
I can't believe we've lasted this long.
In many ways, we've gotten stronger and some we've gotten weaker.
This is the stuff of legends.
And I just want listeners to continue to understand something because it's the key.
You are not just part of the info war.
You're the core.
You're the heart.
You're everything.
And it's that realization...
Understanding that, that will then push you to not just support us, but to support yourself by letters to the editor, calling in the C-SPAN, starting your own local radio show, starting your own blog, starting your own... whatever it is.
Just take action today and realize that we're going to win only If you take action.
And again, I'm not here bitching at you.
I love you.
I appreciate you.
You're like a life raft in the middle of an ocean.
I feel like you are me.
I mean, I'm just so humbled.
I just want everybody to realize that of all the spectrums of knowledge and spectrums of information, almost all of it's disinfo.
What we're covering is The blueprint of what the globalists are doing and how to stop it.
And that's why it's so incredibly precious.
So again, whatever you do and however you can help yourself and InfoWars and our country and the world and our children, stand up against these control freaks, sociopaths, psychopaths and pedophiles.
Do it.
Because without you, we're going to lose this thing.
And if we just keep taking action, we're not just going to win.
We're going to build an incredible world together.
So God bless you all and thank you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Hollywood represents the most pedophilic, demonic, anti-human forces on planet Earth.
It's well known.
It is the great Satan.
And Devin Stack, who is really a great thinker, of BlackPill.com has hundreds of millions of views on YouTube and a lot of success.
And so he did a fair, fair use analysis.
They didn't claim he violated fair use or violated copyright.
They said he's a racist, he's a hate monger.
And so his 25 minute video that's now posted to InfoWars.com, they can pound sand if they want, Got removed and he got a strike.
YouTube banned this Bird Box video.
Watch and share the censored material below from blackpill.com.
We're gonna add that blackpill.com to the full 20 plus minute videos there.
Now I watched the film and I saw the women are all the bosses and the white men are idiots and the black guys are all the heroes.
I mean we already know that's in the official thing and I'm not knocking his analysis of it.
The point is that, I'm not against black folks, but they've set up this whole dichotomy when half the murders are black males, where only 6.5% of the population, where they're trying to get black folks to go out and kill white people, and create a race war.
That's in the WikiLeaks.
So there's a lot of layers to Bird Box, but the reason it got pushed so hard, and obviously it's 5G causing it, The exterminism is that you just get all their different messages, and this is one of their propaganda films.
And as Devin points out in his video, Netflix is like the Nambla channel.
This is the coming out of these people.
Because they're about stealing the energy of children.
So, Devin, thanks for joining us.
And again, he's an author, journalist, YouTube creator.
He's making videos on his YouTube channel, Black Pilled, since before the President's election.
Focused on trying to get the average person to understand the motives and psychology of the ruling class, as well as dissecting the propaganda that comes out of Hollywood.
And his point is, Red Pilled is about awakening.
Black Pilled is about admitting how dire our straits are.
And you know, you could say I'm kind of one of the modern black pillars.
It's a good term.
But not to scare people, but to see how dangerous it is.
Like, hey, don't walk over that cliff.
Don't stick your finger in the light socket.
You're not being a fear monger.
Don't run out in the traffic to your kid.
I've got like a 20-month-old daughter.
We go out in Austin, Fredericksburg, wherever we're at.
You know, I was in Omaha.
She'll just try to run right out in the road.
There'll be a middle of a little, you know, rural area even.
But, you know, she doesn't care.
She'll run around the road in a car swimming by.
So we're not being negative when I grab her for not going on the road.
We're pointing out what's going on.
And what he was covering really scared him, so it's banned.
And we're all about, what does the enemy want banned?
What do they want stopped?
So, Devin, here's your chance.
There's probably a million people conservatively tuned in.
That's conservative.
Every talk show goes, oh, one listening area of my radio station is a million, so I've got hundreds of stations.
I have 200 million listeners.
No, there's conservatively a million people watching now, a couple million will watch later.
What do you want to say to those people right now about Bird Box and why it's important?
Well, first of all, thanks for having me.
When you get used to communicating with your audience through YouTube and then they take that away, you don't realize how much it cuts off your connection to the people that you communicate with.
It's like being ridden hard and put away wet.
Right, and so I really appreciate the opportunity to be here on InfoWars and talk to your audience because that's, you have no voice.
I'm still, thankfully I'm still on Twitter and Gab and I have some other outlets, but YouTube is really where I focus a lot of my energy and try to, because I'm a visual person, most of my medium is video, and so, and it's because of that I think I like to dissect these things.
And how dare you critique Pedophile flicks.
I mean, Netflix.
How dare you critique the pedophile channel?
I mean, you need to be shut up.
Well, and honestly, like you said, if there's one thing I wanted to talk to your audience about, that's right there.
That's the point.
If you are still paying for Netflix, I want you to understand, if you are paying for Netflix, you are funding the creation of child porn.
I mean, there's no other way to put it.
Because, and people will say, like, one argument I've heard, you know, for people that wanted to make the punishment for child porn a non-issue, because, oh, it's a victimless crime.
They're not, you know, they're not the ones raping kids.
It's like, no, they're the ones creating the demand for the people that are raping the kids.
And if you're paying for Netflix right now, just so you know, if you're paying for Netflix, you're creating a demand.
Even if you're not watching the shows, you're still paying for it.
You're paying for them to have the ability To create this awful content and brainwash people.
And since you just said that, you do it the 25 minute censored video at Infowars.com, but go through it.
I mean, literally, they're even admitting they're promoting pedophilia.
I mean, this is the pedophile Nambla channel.
Right, no, like they have that cartoon, Big Mouth, that is, I mean, just awfulness.
Like, it's just, I can't, honestly, I, very few things shock me.
And that cartoon was, that is shocking.
I can't even believe it.
No, it's almost like, I've seen it, it's almost like you're participating in it to watch it.
Yeah, well, and the thing is, too, I think it's technically, if anyone, like if anyone, law enforcement were to actually do something about it, I think it's technically, in terms of the letter of the law, it's against the law, because you can't depict Uh, sexual situations with children, even if it's a drug.
But it's so big, no one does it.
You know, we already have undercover video and audio, which I shouldn't announce, but there have drag kids, little boys as young as seven, all over America dancing at gay bars at strip bars.
And they have loopholes they get around it with, and we have them bragging about it on tape already, just letting you guys know we have it.
Well, and this stuff goes way back.
I mean, I did a video months ago about a movie that I think was made in 1978 called Pretty Baby, where Brooke Shields, when she was 11, maybe 12 years old, there's shots of her full frontal nudity.
And that's the one thing that frustrates me too, is this thing was, this was happening in 1978.
Where were the riots in 1978?
How come people didn't, you know, this was in theaters across the country, and, and I'm telling you... It's like Roman Polanski gets standing ovations when he would rape little girls, drug them, kidnap them, rape them, and Meryl Streep loves it.
These are, these are, these are monsters.
Right, and we're starting to see now that it's not just Roman Polanski.
He has a lot of ties to other people, some bigger names, and I don't want to get you in trouble, so I'm not going to say what some of those names are.
No, we all know.
Basically, it's vampirism.
The raping of children is a way to abuse them to steal their energy, in their view.
So instead of just bleeding them or killing them or torturing them, the next best thing is to rape them.
And so yes, Hollywood is a vampire syndicate raping children.
Well, and I think part of it, too, in order to get people to just fall in line and to go along with whatever madness that they want the public to go with, they have to dehumanize us as much as possible.
Sure, and if they can rape our kids in front of us.
In fact, go back to that clip of Meryl Streep for radio listeners.
It's Meryl Streep a few years ago praising Roman Polanski at the Academy Awards, and right there is Jack Nicholson, his best buddy, who was reportedly involved in it that day.
So they're letting you know, like, here's this pedophile moment brought to you by Jack Nicholson and Meryl Streep.
And they know that if they can do this, like you said, right in front of us, and no one does anything, like no one, you know, no one rioted in 1978 when Pretty Baby was in theaters.
They know that if they can do that, they can desensitize us.
They can do anything.
You know, if... Dude, I've been to Hollywood parties.
I've been to Hollywood in like 12 years to a party.
And 12, 13 years ago, a couple times I'd be at a party, and they'd go like, damn, those girls look like they're 15.
They're like, yeah, you better get out of here if you don't want to.
I left.
And it happened a couple of times.
I'm like, I'm never coming back here.
And that's just the entryway.
You know, you're looking at some girl and she's like, she ought to be in Cub Scouts or a brownie or something, not at a party.
And these were elite parties.
I'm telling you, the whole thing is a giant vampire rape your children operation.
Hunters, many of you watching or listening have either been completely banned off social media Or you have been censored.
And we've seen thousands of prominent voices banned off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram in the last two years.
It all started the day after Hillary Clinton, who outspent Donald Trump 10 to 1 in the 2016 election.
America was supposed to be all sewed up for the culture war.
With the deindustrialization, the demoralization, but it didn't happen the way they'd planned it.
And so now they've announced Michael Savage, 20-something years on air, number one in his slot nationwide, is having his show canceled and replaced with Ben Shapiro, who's never even had a talk show on the radio.
Now we see they're trying to take Tucker Carlson off the air.
Now we see Gavin McGinnis, number one on CRTV, taken down.
Whoever's number one on their platform is taken down, because that's who the globalists fear is leaders.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's national campaigns out there to not even let other people post us to YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook, where even our fans can't counter what's happening.
But there's one thing they haven't figured out a sensor yet, and that's hashtags.
Whether it's Twitter, whether it's Instagram, whether it's Facebook, whether it's YouTube, it leads people back to feeds of information.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
If all of you, when you make a tweet, or send it on Instagram, or even talk to your neighbors, or call in to talk radio, just tell people the way to get around the censorship and break the back of the system is hashtag Alex Jones.
If everybody starts doing that, it's going to be the shot heard around the world.
Whatever you do, start today with #AlexJones.
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but this this is the best x3. Infowarsstore.com, Infowarslife.com or 888-253-3139.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
There's nothing that disgusts the devil-worshipping pedophiles more than you seeing forbidden information.
There's nothing they hate more than you having a community.
There's nothing more than they hate than us giving each other succor or I'm here to aid.
I'm here to abet the human revolution against the globalists.
I'm here to fight these psychopaths.
And not because I hate them.
Not because I have host for them.
But because I have love for my family and love for you and kinship.
And just because the left is trying to turn black people into a weaponized army against whites, I see the larger picture and want to free those people.
It's like I want to free everybody else.
But it does really make your stomach turn when you see the analysis and the disgustingness of it.
Devin Stack is a really amazing filmmaker and journalist, BlackPill.com.
And we've uploaded the banned video that got him kicked off YouTube or suspended to Infowars.com right now.
So see the censored Bird Box video.
This is what we're being force-fed.
I don't want to bash Sandra Bullock.
I don't care about Sandra Bullock.
I don't care about Hollywood people.
They read off scripts for other people.
But whatever she's involved in, I mean, the way she flushes her family down the toilet, the way she adopts kids for attention, the way she puts out PR stunts, not a lot of folks know about Sandra Bullock.
But she lives here in Austin.
And let's just say, I know a lot about her, which I don't care about.
I never talk about it.
It's like, I know a lot about dog crap out in my yard.
You know, it's kind of like, I know a lot about my neighbor's hemorrhoids.
Or I know a lot about a guy dying at the AIDS clinic down the street.
It's kind of like, yeah, I know a lot about the seedy underbelly of soulless Hollywood crap and the weird PR stunts they come up with.
But anything she's involved in, you can believe, is dirt baggery.
So getting back to Deb and Stack of BlackPill.com, get into what you saw from the film.
I don't know if you saw what I saw, the 5G, or obviously women are in charge of everything.
And again, I'm not against women.
God, I wish my daughters, that three of them were in charge of stuff.
Hope they'd be in charge of cleaning the house up, instead of me doing it.
All I see in my life is me working for women.
And I love women.
That's the whole point.
And women are great.
It's just this idea that we're against each other is ridiculous.
Devin, why do you think they banned your video?
And I've seen it.
It's powerful.
Folks should see it.
It's on Infowars.com exclusively.
Everybody should share it.
Really stick their finger in the eye of the old Sundar Pichai over there and his criminal operation known as Google.
Well, I think the biggest thing is it's because I called out the propaganda.
The official reason they gave me when they banned it was that it was deceptive spam.
Like when people say a fake title and then it's just some garbage video so that they can run an ad on it.
That's what they were claiming it was.
You know not not that I have a hundred and fifty thousand subscribers and it had over ten thousand thumbs up
I think maybe two hundred thumbs down. You know like there was obviously not spam. There was a lot of original content
They just had to have an excuse because I wasn't racist in my talking about the race issues
I made it very clear. You're not supposed to talk about the precious
*stuttering* The propaganda piece.
Right, no, and you're not supposed to talk about these issues at all, but I made it clear, I was like, look, it's not that you can't be a black guy and be a good guy in a movie, it's not that you can't be a white guy.
No, every movie, the women and the black guys are the hero and black guys are bad.
And there's memos where Hollywood says that.
So, don't apologize, we get it.
We're trying to stop half the blacks being aborted, okay?
Don't kill the black babies, I'm not against black people.
But don't be a weapon against me, it's real simple.
I love black people that are awake.
I hate white people and black people that aren't, so just get into it then.
Well, and in this film, it was just so heavy-handed, you know, and it was surprising to me because I saw it right away.
I watched this and I was just like, wow, like, this is just really, really anti-white.
And I had people that I thought were, that I considered maybe, you know, understanding of this kind of propaganda, recommending the movie to me.
And I was like, I have to address this because a lot of people are watching this and I don't know why because it seems so obvious to me but for whatever reason they're not picking up on it and once I pointed it out and I had a lot of people comment on the video like hey look I watched this movie you know my wife told me to watch this movie and I sort of had a bad feeling about it but I couldn't really quite put my finger on it and you've really described you've really articulated what was wrong with that film that I couldn't put my finger on
And I think that another message that I didn't really quite cover in the video, you know, they walk around blindfolded.
They're not allowed to look.
I mean, I think that's another aspect of this, too, is that they want you to be afraid of looking for yourself or seeing yourself for yourself.
They want you to walk around blind.
Oh, no, that's the archive, is that if you cover yourself from reality or denial, you'll be protected.
Right, and they don't look.
Let us tell you where to go.
Let us tell you what to do.
Because if we don't do exactly what I tell you, I'm going to hurt you.
Suddenly abusive children is good, as long as Sandra Bullock's doing it.
Right, well and that's another thing too is there is some imagery and you know you could make an argument that given the situation it's sort of warranted she's trying to keep him alive but I mean the movie opens with her being very verbally abusive to two young children and it's all that's a little you know it took me a little off guard at first yeah and again like I said in context you can make an excuse for it.
Hillary's allowed to say blacks aren't human.
Hillary's allowed to say blacks all look the same.
Sandra Bullock, she's a god.
She can tell kids I'm gonna break your arm.
As long as you're not a white male.
She has the authority.
She's going to kill her baby in her womb.
Of course she can knock her kid's teeth out.
She can have her kid dance at the gay bar and let them gang rape the kid.
As long as it's liberal.
Well, that was another weird thing, now that you mention that, is in the very beginning of the movie, she's going in and getting a sonogram, because she's pregnant, or her character's pregnant, and they start talking about, like, it totally has nothing, like, they don't need this in the story, it's just weird to have this in the story, and she and her character's sister start talking about how, hey, let's get a bottle of wine after this doctor's appointment.
They say, hey, don't do it, it hurts the baby, and she goes, so what, it doesn't exist yet, it's like an abortion.
Right, and the doctor that's in the room with her just is like, eh, yeah, she acts like it's just some funny thing, not a big deal.
And then later on in the film, when she's still very pregnant, she's drinking a glass of whiskey and it's weird because Hollywood doesn't do things like this unless there's a reason for it.
No, it's all totally planned.
Clearly, you get a mindset into their sick, freak brains.
So much thought goes into every line of a script, and even after they've shot the film, when you're in the editing room, they have another chance to think to themselves, like, huh, is this maybe promoting drinking while you're pregnant?
And clearly, that had to have crossed someone's mind, and they kept it in there.
So I have to just guess.
No, that's it.
It's a total abortion.
It's abortion.
We've been expanding on this.
Every hero's a black guy.
White men are the devil.
So, I mean, we get it.
It's the same thing over and over again.
Right, right.
And it's in, like I said, it's becoming a cliché.
It's in so many different movies.
Well, we got the Gamergate emails five years ago.
It's like, every hero's a woman, every bad guy's a white male.
We get it.
So what's the endgame then?
Why are they doing it?
Well, I think in this film, the endgame was, you know, they end up killing all the white people.
So, I mean, they're promoting violence.
They're basically telling you to be afraid of the white people.
In fact, the one character who's clearly a Trump supporter, they make that very clear in the film.
The one character that is helpful, you could say, is still demeaned constantly.
And they keep telling the other characters, don't listen to him.
Everything he does is because he's xenophobic and because he's racist.
So anything he says, even if it makes sense, and even if he has a track record for being right about what's about to happen, just throw it all away because all of his thoughts are all based on victory.
And that's key, because I watched it, I picked that up too.
Okay, he's smart.
He knows how to do things, but let's get rid of him.
Because he's a white dude.
So they're like subconsciously telling the brain, okay, Ice Age populations had to learn to build things and save things and do long-term planning, the opposite of a short attention span.
They'd have long attention spans, or they'd die.
So that's why Ice Age populations, from Japanese to people in Finland, have the highest IQs.
They're saying, they've got high IQs, but let's kill them immediately.
Which is the message.
We'll be back with Devon Stagg of BlackPill.com and Alex Jones of Infowars.com.
This is the most dreaded, the most demonized, the most lied about, the most censored broadcast in the world.
For a reason.
We carry the future.
Only you can transmit it forward.
Do it.
Via text message, via email, via verbal.
We'll do it now.
It's now officially moved to China.
Is on fire right now, if you're a radio listener.
And so we've got the headline here of the Daily Mail.
Gigantic fire erupts from the roof of Google office in China's Silicon Valley.
A massive fire erupted in a Google office in China, sending dangerous black plumes of smoke rising in the air.
The furious blaze was first reported at 11 a.m.
local time on Wednesday in Zhonggangkan Tech District, also known as China's Silicon Valley in Beijing.
Google is an AI super weapon.
It is a system that gets the whole world to opt into it, so they can then game stock markets, economies.
It can then predict what you're going to do with almost total certainty before you do it.
And there's a race between Facebook and Amazon.
And Apple with Google, even though they're all very incestuous and work in and out of each other, to build the first global AI system that they believe will then take over all the markets and take over society.
It's basically already happened.
Google is the top of the pyramid, right there with Apple.
All things are Google, aren't they?
The global DARPA-controlled and DARPA-designed advanced research project into a human-mass-machine interface to be able to predict the future and then control the future.
That's in the founding documents of Google, 1997-1998, and it was in Wired Magazine four years ago, they actually released the quote classified Google documents admitting that when they were getting CIA funding and NSA funding, they're saying we already have search engines.
This is NSA technology.
They said no.
We're going to get humans to interface with it, with their hopes, their dreams, all their actions, dial it into all the other machines and computers, and have a lifetime model of the world hooked into GPS everything, the Internet of Things.
To then be able to predict the future, and then be able to control the future.
And now here we are.
So what we're really in, here's the big secret, is an AI war.
We're already deep into the AI war of the 21st century.
These things are already artificially intelligent.
The question is, when will they become, if not already, conscious, self-aware, sentient?
So let me tell you what's coming next.
Google has 90 plus percent of all the searches.
They've got over half the advertising on the planet now.
They are getting into every faction and system of supply chain.
They have bragged in internal memos that they can deliver elections to whoever the political structure wants them to.
Why wouldn't you steal their passcode?
Why wouldn't you move to Communist China?
Why wouldn't you help build a censorship system for the Communist Party they've been using for years that's about to go nationwide?
And why not tell Congress, I don't know anything about Dragonfly.
We have lots of projects.
We don't intend to go live with that.
Meanwhile, their internal emails have been released.
They're like, find out whoever did this in FM!
This is our most secret project!
Listed top secret beta testing for the rest of the world!
We're competing with Apple for the global social ID.
And Google is not going to let Apple get the global social ID.
We are going to rule the planet!
Our AI system is superior!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Up from San Antonio.
Up from San Antonio.
Everything that I got is just what I got on.
When that sun is high in that Texas sky, I'll be bucking at the county fair.
Amarillo by morning.
Devon Stack of BlackPill.com is with us and then Paul Watson is taking over in the fourth hour.
We'll be there tonight with Trump declaring a national emergency or not.
He's already set one up.
We're already in one.
We'll see if Zero Edge is right if that's not the case.
I'll be looking for aid.
And I hope that judge ain't blind.
I don't think the judge is blind.
What do you think?
Amarillo's where it'll all be.
Alright, let's just stop right there.
And go back to Devon Stack on this Tuesday Global Transmission.
Devin, finish up with your review of the Bird Box and what you think made them so upset, and then get into your general views about the world.
I know you're not optimistic, you're black-pilled, and, you know, I get that nice term you guys have for destruction of society, but you haven't run off with some armored redoubt in the middle of nowhere yet.
You still think we can fix things?
Well, I'm on the fence about whether or not we can fix things, to be honest.
And the only reason I say that is I feel like a lot of problems have been, for decades, been kicked down the can, or the can, rather, has been kicked down the road.
Well, let's say it.
The general public, like someone on a Mars mission with no gravity gets weak.
The general public's very weak and stupid.
And so, it's almost like they can't be helped.
Well, yeah, and so it's really, I mean, we've come out of bad situations as Americans before, and just as humans, and so I'm not saying that we're doomed or anything like that, but I do think that the corruption in the government, state and federal, it's so much more than I think most people even realize.
And it's been going on for so long that I don't know that it's something that can be dealt with at the ballot box.
I mean, we've seen the election fraud and stuff like that.
So obviously, I'm not sitting here in a bunker with a pile of bullets next to me or anything like that.
At the same time, I'm definitely, I like to be prepared if something were to happen down the road, and I recommend other people are.
Sure, we're sitting on top of Time Bomb, and you see that all over the world, and we're supposed to take the collapsing civilization and bring it here to collapse thing, because the globalists can consolidate control that way.
So, finishing up then with your review of Bird Box, Bird Cage Liner from Sandra Bullock, and why they banned it.
I think, well, I think the most revealing thing about the movie is, at the very end of the film, or rather at the end of the video of my review, but something that happens throughout the film, is they kind of hint at, they never explicitly say it, but that's always the best way to do propaganda, is to have the audience come to the conclusion, that way they think it's their idea, not the idea that, you know, they planted in your head.
And little by little they kind of give you the impression that everyone that sees this mysterious evil thing that you have to be blindfolded from to avoid, you know, turning into a monster, there's two kinds of people.
There's the people that see that and then they immediately get really depressed and kill themselves for no apparent reason.
And that's the vast majority of the people that you see when this is happening.
But then there's like a small percentage of people when they see whatever this
mysterious force or demon thing is, they actually love what they're seeing and
they embrace it and they're kind of like mad with, with blood lust and they start,
you know, killing people.
And that, that becomes like the evil people that are roaming around and that are
dangerous. And the thing that I noticed was without exception, literally without
exception, the only people that were that evil, that had the evil inside them,
that they decide to start attacking, you know, the people that were trying to
escape were white people.
Those were the only people that had that kind of evil inside of them.
And, you know, given the demographics of the rest of the film, that's quite, quite
a weird coincidence that you'd have only white people play that part.
And it wasn't just white people.
It was usually, you know, your typical, you know, the redneck or the kind of white
people that that Hollywood likes to put forward as like, oh, you don't want to be
like this. You don't want to be like this redneck guy.
You don't want to be like this ignorant biker guy.
You don't want to be like this, you know, skinhead guy.
Like, there was a guy, he wasn't a skinhead, but he had, like, a flight jacket on, like the skinheads in the 90s used to have.
And so, every single white guy in the movie that was one of these evil, uh, monsters, having looked at the, uh, the demon thing... I understand.
I've seen the film, I agree with you.
So, that's just one layer of it.
What is Hollywood's problem?
What is their endgame?
Is it an existential envy of the West?
Or why is it, even though the Globalists run America and the world, why do they want to destroy the strength of the West?
You know, I don't know.
I go back and forth on that a lot.
I think that at the end of the day that they want us to be cattle.
They just want us to be so confused and so disjointed and so unable to overthrow anything that might be reprehensible to past generations.
You know, like I was saying with the The promotion of the pedophilia stuff.
They want you to be so accepting of whatever horrible thing that they want to do that we're just drones.
I mean, a lot of people already like that, but they need to push it to the point where there's no question.
No, that's it.
They want anything strong or anything independent to take over.
It's period.
It's like, we're taking over.
Resistance is futile.
Give us your children.
No, they just want us to step in line and to be and accept whatever horrible thing happens.
And especially right now, I think there's, you know, there's a lot of rumors and there's a good chance, I think, that we find out in the not so distant future some horrible things about powerful people that might involve children.
And I think that might be another reason why they're trying to normalize as quickly as possible, because if we find out, you know, the same thing with the deep fakes, they keep talking about, oh, watch out for deep fakes.
I'm trying to not just say rape kids is good, give them drugs is good.
It's just everywhere.
Right, right.
And then they're trying to, it's almost like they're trying to prepare you for like something that's about to come out.
And I'm not one of these people that, that I don't believe until I see it.
They'll say, you're a racist if you don't kidnap and strangle children.
Well, and they're, they're, uh, they, they just basically want people to, To accept whatever evil comes out.
And anything that goes against the narrative, they have to shut it down.
I mean, Mark Dice got in trouble on YouTube as well today, because he pointed out that that shooter that killed the seven-year-old, that they were saying it's a white guy in a red truck or whatever, and it turned out to be a black guy.
And that's all he said.
He wasn't saying like, I knew it.
It was just like, it just happened to be a black guy and he made a video about it making fun of these leftists.
Wow, incredible in a black neighborhood, it was a black guy.
Only 95% of black murder is black.
I mean, my God.
And so they censored his video because it went against the narrative.
So I think you're going to see this more and more and more.
You were the first, obviously, to really feel the pain on that.
And I knew at the time, I made a video about it at the time, you know, saying like, hey, everyone needs to get behind this because we're next.
And I think now that's happening.
We're next.
You know, some people said, oh, Jones was weak.
No, I was big.
So they said, target him, set the precedent.
When people don't stand up for him, then every other domino falls.
And now they're like, We're not going to carry the President's address tonight at 8 o'clock Central.
Well, we're going to be covering it at Infowars.com.
So tell your friends, tell your family, tell your neighbors, tell your email list, your Facebook, your Twitter.
It's okay.
You're allowed to in America.
Hey, tonight, uncensored coverage.
Of Trump, I believe, set to declare the national emergency.
Some say he's not about to do it.
We're in an emergency.
So we'll find out tonight, 8 o'clock Central, 7 o'clock the live coverage starts.
No, I'm actually, I'm pretty excited about that.
I'm very curious as to how that will go.
To be perfectly honest, I kind of think it's going to go like Tyler Durden was saying, like, I don't think he's going to announce, like, hey, we need to, I think he needs to.
I think he needs to put the hammer down and just say, you know, screw you guys, we're making the wall.
Even if I have to get the Army Corps of Engineers out there with, you know, wheelbarrows and bags of cement.
Well, sure, we built all the national parks in the 30s doing that.
Right, so I don't know why we don't do that, but I also think there's people up in the tops of federal government that are worried that the second he does something even slightly authoritarian, that it'll spark this, you know, that'll be the thing that starts the big war.
I agree, the left want to go crazy, start riots everywhere, but they all declare emergencies.
Trump's never done it.
This is a real emergency.
All right, Devin Stack, your censored video is on Infowars.com, the censored black Pilled video is up on Infowars.com. It's the censored bird
box video.
Nowhere else can you get it Infowars.com right now. Get it out. Fourth hour. Thank
you, Devin. We'll talk soon. Fourth hour. Paul Watson from the UK about to take
over and then the warm war room at 3 o'clock and then I'll be back tonight
7 o'clock Central 8 o'clock Trump speaks. We are.
Let's go to Wild Man in Illinois.
Thanks for holding, and not to say Happy New Year.
Go ahead.
Alex, yeah, going into 2019, what Trump's gotta do to save America, he's gotta declassify FISA, expose the corruption, arrest the traitors, and arrest the pedophiles.
That's how he saves America.
My opinion, an over-the-road trucker, hardworking, honest man, that's what I believe.
I agree.
Victory or death.
He's now, looks like he's cleaning house.
He's getting rid of all the double agents.
And the word is Trump is going to go into battle now.
We're talking he's going to strike back against the censorship.
He's going to strike back against the pedophile rings.
It's already begun.
He's going to strike back against the deep state.
He's going to strike back against all the criminal activity of Comey and Mueller being Russian operatives.
So just get ready.
I'd say.
Another note, I've spent over $3,000 in your store this year.
I'm a loyal supporter, and thanks for great products.
Brother, let me tell you something.
I want to thank you.
If folks like you didn't stand with us against the incredible Hillary Clinton and Soros attacks, which they admit they're running, we would not be here now.
They're taking Michael Savage off the air.
They're taking everybody.
They took Franklin Graham off Facebook.
They need to get us all off the air before they make their move on Trump.
That's why this is a war.
And you supporting us is incredible.
Which products do you like the best?
Man, I use the bodies.
I got so many t-shirts.
It ain't even funny.
I got your stickers posted on my hard hat, on my GPS, my truck.
I tell truckers about you over the CB Airways all across the country.
I spread the word about you.
I wear your clothes.
Your hats, your shirts, you name it.
Multitude of products.
How much love do you get versus, how much love versus hate do you get?
Um, you know, it's uh, people skeptical, but like it's probably about 50-50 or 60-40 year way.
I just I just so many people got their head in the sand out here
If you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
It is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show on this 8th January, 2019 edition.
Tonne of news stories to cover.
Obviously Trump's going to give his big speech on the wall tonight.
They're now saying that he won't announce emergency measures to have the wall built potentially by the Pentagon.
There was a lot of speculation over that.
Now some people are saying maybe that's flipped back and maybe he will venture into that territory so we can get into that later.
But there's a lot of news in the UK right now specifically targeting, and that is the keyword targeting, the Yellow Vest movement, which as you've seen in France and Italy now, and also the Netherlands, has become very prominent and very successful.
So now we have a similar group of people donning the yellow vest, the new symbol of anti-globalist resistance, basically, in the UK.
Now, are those people Experts at Optics, are they the best representation for the, quote, conservative or right-wing movement in the UK?
Obviously not, they're going to make a lot of mistakes.
But here in the UK over the past couple of days, we have had a monumental freak-out.
And one of the headlines here, and we're going to get to the Nigel Farage clip in the next segment, Farage warns against state crackdown on people heckling pro-EU figures.
Now basically what happened in the UK, Anna Soubry, who is a Conservative MP, Conservative in name only, was basically walking away from Parliament or walking towards Parliament and she was heckled!
God forbid somebody said a mean word to a politician.
Now was it rude?
Was it a little bit mean?
But the absolute monumental meltdown and freakout in the UK media that we've seen about this over the past couple of days It's not only dangerous to free speech because now they're talking about police action and new laws being passed to prevent ordinary members of the public with very real grievances from heckling, which basically means criticising in public, politicians.
That is now what they're talking about because God forbid this Remainer, this Ramona MP, Anna Soubry, got called a fascist.
This is the same woman Who has repeatedly called Leave voters, which is, you know, 17.1 million people in the United Kingdom, fascists and Nazis over the course of the past year.
So it's okay when she does it, but when somebody does it to her, when she's walking down the street in public, then it's this big hate crime.
Then we need laws to ban open air criticism of politicians.
And Nigel Farage has come out and rightly said that this is a slippery slope to a disaster for free speech, as if the state of free speech in the United Kingdom wasn't bad enough.
But it goes further than that, and I'm going to get into this.
Nick Monroe has tweeted about this today on Twitter.
He's put together a good thread on this.
They're now basically using this contrived outrage that God forbid somebody heckled a politician to demonize the yellow vest movement in the United Kingdom.
And just today, We've seen PayPal again de-platforming one of the leaders of the Yellow Vest movement in the UK because he was demonised, he was publicly shamed by the establishment media over the course of the past 48 hours.
Now Raheem Kassam tweeted this three hours ago, which is on my timeline on Twitter.
In the past few hours, the Yellow Vest UK have had their social media accounts banned, had their PayPal account removed, had journalists show up at their elderly parents' house.
So now you have left-wingers not only campaigning to have them deplatformed, to financially sabotage them, as we've seen with Infowars and Alex Jones, but to dox them and have members of the media show up at their parents' house who aren't even involved in any of these protest actions.
and lies spread about them on national TV and in the media.
So yeah, obviously the optics of screaming fascist at somebody is probably not the best
way to get your political message across, and we can argue about that all day long.
But then to create the pretext that heckling or criticising politicians with legitimate
grievances in public should be some kind of hate crime which laws are required to stop
it and to intimidate people against speaking truth to power.
That is a far worse situation than a politician who has basically betrayed democracy at this point, Anna Soubry.
From being heckled, from somebody being mean to her in public.
That is a far worse decision.
That is a far worse pretext.
We're going to get more into it after the break.
On the Alex Jones Show Live, InfoWars.com.
We'll be back.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please, spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
News, analysis, reports.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We're live, it is the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show, headline up on Sky News, which is an incredibly biased media outlet here in the UK, worse than the BBC in my view.
Tory MP Anna Soubry fell in physical danger when confronted by protesters outside Parliament.
God forbid she would be confronted.
For the past two plus years, we've had these idiot Europhile protesters heckling people, heckling politicians like Jacob Rees-Mogg, like Nigel Farage.
We've had instances where they intimidate and heckle their family, try to attack their families, physically desecrate their houses, their property, smash into their vehicles and the media said nothing for two and a half years.
As soon as it happens to one of their Cherished establishment figures like Anna Soubry.
All hell breaks loose.
Everybody loses their mind.
Again, headline, Tory MP Anna Soubry fell in physical danger when confronted by protesters outside Parliament.
Conservative MP Anna Soubry has told Sky News she fell in physical danger when faced by protesters in Westminster.
The former Tory minister was taunted with shouts of Nazi during live TV interviews on Monday before being confronted by a group of men as she made her way back into Parliament.
God forbid anyone on the right would dare confront a politician.
How long now have we seen far-left people confronting politicians?
This was a gonzo journalist tactic pioneered decades ago by the likes of Michael Moore, by the likes of our own Alex Jones, okay?
This is not some dangerous dark new phenomenon.
It's been happening and it's been initiated by the left for decades and decades.
As soon as quote right wingers start doing it, there's a complete meltdown.
And of course, the double standard is As I said before the break, Anna Soubry has repeatedly demonised the working class in Britain, repeatedly demonised Leave voters, as Nazis and fascists herself, being given a public platform on Sky News, on BBC News.
But as soon as she gets a mean word in the opposite direction, oh now we need to pass new laws.
Absolute BS nonsense.
And yeah, it was rude, it was mean.
We can all agree on that.
But you know, you can't pass laws to prevent people from airing their grievances in front of Parliament.
Anyone can go into Parliament and try to air their grievances, so long as they don't cause a disturbance, so long as they're not physically preventing her movements.
If they're physically preventing her from going about her business, fair enough.
And yeah, you can argue that it's rude and that it is harassment to some extent.
And you can argue that better optics would be more successful in getting your message across.
You can't pass laws to ban open air free speech, criticism of politicians.
That is an infinitely more dangerous step to take.
Let's go to the clip of Nigel Farage talking about this confrontation of Anna Soubry and another one involving Owen Jones, who is a left-wing activist.
Here's Nigel Farage.
I mean, I've suffered this.
I mean, every day, literally every day, year after year, you know, we even reach the position where...
My family was attacked, the car was smashed up and vandalised, written off, and the police didn't pursue a single prosecution.
Now, because somebody in Westminster has been abused, we're told the police are investigating whether there's been a crime.
So, let's get a sense of perspectives on this.
There is nothing new about this.
There is horrible behaviour taking place by both sides of an argument, but we mustn't overreact to this.
MPs, public figures, should be free to go out and express their opinion without the threat of violence.
But if we try now to put in place laws, or if the police start prosecuting people for throwing terms of abuse, that reaction I think would be over the top.
Critics will say, Nigel, that politicians like yourself, over the years, have occasionally used inflammatory language.
Not that it justifies what's come back, but you yourself have been responsible for whipping up a lot of the more aggressive behaviour.
What do you say to that charge?
I remember once, Piers, going to Edinburgh.
I'm being attacked by a mob of 80 people in the street.
Language and abuse and intimidation far worse than we saw yesterday.
And I was told by Alex Salmond, the First Minister of Scotland, that I basically deserved it because I'd come to Scotland where I wasn't popular.
So there is a real double standard here, that those of us that have taken on the establishment have to endure the abuse, those within the establishment get a taste of it, and suddenly they want the law changed.
Let's make sure that everybody is able to speak freely, whether they support Brexit, whether they're against Brexit, you know, let's stop violence, let's stop intimidation, but what you can't do is to make it a criminal offence to throw abuse at elected politicians.
That was Nigel Farage talking about the confrontation of Anna Soubry by right-wing yellow vest political activists in the United Kingdom.
And there's a headline up on Breitbart, which is a really good write-up about this whole issue, if you really want to get to the nub of it, by James Delipole, headline, MP Anna Soubry's Nazi scare is pure Remainer propaganda.
And this is how they're exploiting this in the aftermath.
He writes, today's excuse as to why Brexit mustn't happen, Because again, it hasn't happened yet.
They're still trying to reverse it, trying to reverse a democratic mandate that was given to them by the British people.
Betrayal, basically.
Today's excuses as to why Brexit mustn't happen is that a gaggle of protesters in yellow vests have been caught on film outside the Houses of Parliament calling Remainer MP Anasubi a Nazi.
As is perfectly clear from the video footage, this is a lot of fuss about nothing.
The people jeering at Subri are quite clearly a small group of saddos.
That's his opinion, not mine.
Obviously some of this group are quite idiotic in the way they go about things, but again, at least they're out there on the streets doing something, right?
He continues, none of whom looks as if they could punch their way out of a paper bag.
They are more embarrassing than scary.
It's clear from the sheer lameness of the insults, as much as anything, that this barracking was spontaneous rather than planned.
Also, contrary to Subri's claims, There appears to be little evidence that the protesters tried to stop her getting into Parliament.
They walked alongside her.
Because, again, there were all these claims that they physically blocked her from going about her business.
It isn't borne out on the video.
Also, there's video circulating, which I also tweeted, where it looks like one of these right-wing activists in this Yellow Vest group is a potential provocateur trying to stir some of this up.
Now that's not cut and dried, but there's a lot of speculation and there's a video to that effect which I also tweeted out earlier or retweeted.
But again, Delingpole continues in this article.
So why has the story been given so much prominence, especially across Sky and the BBC and also on social media, by a number of MPs and left-leaning journalists?
Don't be fooled by the protestations of non-partisanship.
This is the Remain propaganda machine in action, seizing whatever opportunity it can to discredit the Brexit cause by making out that people who support it are mindless thugs.
And that is exactly how they've exploited it in the aftermath.
And they've now done so to an even greater extent by de-platforming, by literally killing the PayPal accounts of one of the leaders of this yellow vest movement in the UK.
Again, this is a tweet by Nick Monroe, which I retweeted earlier.
He writes, the Yellow Vest movement in the UK is getting clamped down by the establishment.
So their PayPal account, again, after a left-wing lobbying campaign, the PayPal account of one of the leaders, Jamie Goddard, James Goddard, has been shut down.
After a campaign by young Labour international officer, an individual called Marcus Bennett, So again, they hyped up these confrontations and said this is another dark parallel of fascism.
How dare they argue politically with high-profile political figures in the centre of London outside Parliament?
That's unheard of!
So their PayPal accounts are disappearing.
There was an article in The Independent by Lizzie Dearden who again abuses her position of power to silence independent political voices.
She campaigned, lobbied, abused her position to get them de-platformed by PayPal, and that happened.
Members of the FBPE hashtag on Twitter, which is an anti-Brexit hashtag, ganged up on all these different members, identified them.
Again, they're probably going to get fired from their jobs as well.
That's a speciality of the left.
They can't just have a debate or a disagreement.
They literally have to ruin people's lives forever because they're so damn tolerant.
Roland Rudd, the multi-millionaire chairman of the EU and Blair-funded People's Vote campaign.
He was also pushing this de-platforming propaganda campaign.
And again, this is all to delegitimize, to destabilize, to disrupt, to defund, to financially sabotage the yellow vest movement from growing in the UK because they're petrified about how successful it's been in France.
We'll get more into this on the other side of the break.
It is the Alex Jones Show live.
Breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
You know that guy Alex Jones?
The Infowars guy?
You know what I'm talking about?
The guy with no lips, that f***ing lunatic.
They removed all his content from Facebook, iTunes, Pinterest, and YouTube.
Good, you f***er.
You know the piece of s*** I'm talking about, right?
Alex Jones.
You know which piece of s*** I'm talking about?
Alex f***ing Jones.
You know, right?
They shut you down, you f***er.
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of s***.
Good, you f***ing lunatic.
Bye bye, f*** off.
Tech companies are taking the lead in suppressing any voices that dissent against the left.
Conservatives are feeling the heavy hand of censorship in the United States and across Western Europe.
Twitter gives Alex Jones the boot.
I have a right to face my accusers, Jack, and I never threatened the media with battle rifles.
All the top searches are lies about me and my family.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutsch, are a liar and a fraud.
InfoWars founder Alex Jones is calling out alleged collusion between Google and Democrats.
Google is evil!
Google is evil!
We're aware of his lying to Congress.
We're aware of him and the Dragonfly Project that's already been operational for years inside the Chinese government.
Now it's just being rolled out to the general public.
There is an absolute all-out war on conservative free speech.
Facebook and Twitter are under fire as conservative users are speaking out about being censored on their platforms.
Alex Jones is banned by every major social network.
In the past few days, Apple, Facebook, YouTube, Spotify, and other companies have all banned Alex Jones from using their platforms.
He's been shadow banned by Google.
Milo Yiannopoulos was banned by Twitter.
I don't know if you know about this, but Milo Yiannopoulos, you know who he is?
He got banned from Twitter for writing a bad review about Ghostbusters.
This guy is a threat to the Republic.
British anti-Islamization activist Tommy Robinson has had his Twitter account suspended again after he tweeted that Islam promotes killing.
Also, Twitter purged various libertarian accounts.
Instagram temporarily banned Tommy Robinson.
Facebook took down a GOP candidate's ads for allegedly being offensive.
The FCC is cracking down on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.
They're coming for everyone's speech.
It's criminal.
Their social media accounts are being banned, blocked, and canceled on Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook.
Twitter this evening has suspended the account of Gavin McInnes.
And shame on the ones that don't even see that we have been censored.
You are caught on tape by Project Veritas.
Shadowbanning people.
You are censoring people.
You censored me.
You censored my love.
You censored Chuck Johnson, James O'Keefe.
You even censored President Trump when one of your employees deleted his account for a few minutes.
You are censoring conservatives.
And I'm asking you, President Donald Trump, help us.
Please help us, Mr. President, before it is too late.
Facebook is censoring free speech.
They're making and changing the rules.
Reverend Graham was banned for over 24 hours.
I had this platform, and that was my main platform for communicating with people and sending out my content, and now I can't communicate.
I've been silenced.
The real election meddling is by Facebook and Google and others that are shadow banning people, that are outright banning people, and they're blocking conservatives.
Authorities in Britain now seem more interested in fighting hate speech on the internet than fighting crime.
They're warning social media users that their comments are being monitored.
I'm more upset that some people in Silicon Valley, in secret, determined which ideas are allowed on my social media feed.
And so we just sit here and just endure the greatest censorship in the history of America, and the left, which claims to be for free speech, applauds it.
No freedom of speech for you, you piece of sh- If you are receiving this transmission, you are the
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live on the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show and before I get back into some more massive news I want to tell you about the great specials which are ending today basically at InfoWarsStore.com.
It is the last day!
For the end of year total store clearance.
We're clearing out everything at rock-bottom prices right now.
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Please support this network by getting the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
Now, I want to shift gears somewhat.
We're still talking about the yellow vest, but we're talking about the impact in Europe This is a headline out of RT.
Sweep your own door, French minister bashes Italian politicians for yellow vest support.
This is France's Minister for European Affairs.
Hitting back at Italian populist duo Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio, telling them to mind their own business after the pair bashed French President Emmanuel Macron for his unpopularity.
Now, Macron and his entire government constantly stick their nose in to Italian politics.
They constantly criticize, demean, denounce the activities of Salvini and Di Maio, who have been amazingly successful in stopping, preventing migrant drowning deaths, actually cutting them in half with their populist policies.
So Macron, the entire French government, continually sticking their nose in when it comes to Italian politics, as soon again, as soon as it goes the other way, then they get tetchy.
Interior Minister and Northern League leader Salvini threw his support behind France's anti-government yellow vest demonstrators on Monday, saying he supports honest citizens who protest against a governing president who is against his people.
And what are Macron's approval ratings now?
I mean, they dipped below, what was it, 26%?
He had, and that was about a month ago, so it's probably even lower now.
So they're merely pointing out that this is an organic movement.
Their demands are legitimate.
Some of them have been met, but now, again, the propaganda war is turning against the yellow vest in France.
Of course, we have the infamous and quite hilarious French Rocky video, which we probably played on this show, which you've probably seen.
He's now being harassed and targeted.
Again, you can debate whether it was right for him to do it.
He claims he was defending his wife who was tear gassed.
The media came out and called him a coward.
He was a champion boxer.
If you're brawling with an armed police officer with a bat on and a shield and a helmet, then you're not really a coward, are you?
You could call him a thug or a bully.
You can't really call him a coward.
So now he's getting demonized and doxed in France.
and we have this headline out of Voice of Europe on the same subject.
"Democracy. France announces new measures to curb yellow vest protests.
Following sustained anti-government protests, the French government has
announced plans to strictly control what it calls 'unsanctioned protests'."
So you have to get permission from the government to protest the government.
That's not a free country.
They're now saying these are unsanctioned.
They're going out in the middle of the night, or at night at least, and arresting the leaders of this movement.
Again, it's a leaderless movement, but you have people who are more prominent than others, people who make public statements like truck driver Eric Drouet, who, as we reported last week, Was arrested again for organizing an unsanctioned protest.
So they think by threats, by intimidation, by arresting key leaders of these movements, of this movement in France in particular, that they can silence and intimidate everyone else against getting out on the streets.
This article continues.
Some politicians want to go further.
The leader of the Republican Party in France tweeted that the move was not enough because it would not take immediate effect.
He said his party had previously proposed a state of emergency, adding, quote, Why not listen to us at the risk of seeing the situation worse than Saturday after Saturday?
A state of emergency is basically what they put in place when they're expecting imminent, massive terror attacks.
We've had several state of emergencies in France over the past few years after the Charlie Hebdo attack and after the Paris massacre.
Charlie Hebdo attack being Uh, four years ago yesterday, by the way, that was the anniversary of that.
So they're now talking about combating organic and albeit violent.
Yes, there's been violence, but they're talking about literally using measures supposed to prevent massive terror attacks.
To be used to stop protests by French citizens against their own government.
Again, that is tyrannical.
And you've seen the videos, okay?
The violence is by no means going one way.
We've seen people literally have their eyeballs shot out by these police officers in France.
We've seen the stun grenades literally blow people's hands off.
You've probably seen that horrific video as well.
We've had numerous people severely injured.
We've had deaths as well as part of these protests.
And the violence is certainly not all one way.
Obviously, we decry all forms of violence.
But to pin the blame entirely on these yellow vest protesters is completely inaccurate, because in many cases, the police are deliberately kettling and antagonizing these individuals.
And that's when some of the violence emerges and also just basically beating them down in the street.
We've had video after video after video showing that.
So now they're trying to paint the yellow vest protesters in the same context as basically domestic terrorists trying to use domestic terrorism powers against them to disrupt their organization and to disrupt and to basically criminalize protest in France.
Here's another headline.
Occupy Paris man rallies travellers behind police beating boxer in video threat to Macron.
So a man claiming to be a gypsy issued a video threat to French President Emmanuel Macron urging fellow travellers to occupy Paris in support of the honourable police brawling boxer Christopher Dettinger.
Who, as you may have seen when somebody put the Rocky theme to this video, it was quite hilarious.
Again, we don't condone any form of violence.
And we don't want to see these scenes on the streets of Paris or anywhere else.
But again, if you're going up against four armed police officers who have helmets and shields and batons, yes, it's stupid.
Yes, we don't want to see that.
But you can't really call him a coward, can you?
You can't really call him a coward.
And in fact, a lot of people in France have turned him into something of an icon over the past few days.
Again, not that we condone any sort of violence, But it's not all going one way.
So again in the UK now we see this big propaganda move to silence, intimidate, bully, de-platform, financially sabotage this tiny group of protesters in the UK.
Compared to France it's absolutely tiny.
Again, to try and derail any kind of yellow vest movement starting in the UK whatsoever, because the establishment is absolutely terrified of it, because they've seen what's happened in France.
There are denotices out with the BBC and all these organisations, from the government, strictly controlling how they report on this.
And it's only going to get more intense, and we'll keep track of it here at InfoWars.com.
We'll be back in the next segment.
In the last eight years, we've seen the rise and now fall of the cryptocurrencies.
And the entire time, I refused to take sponsors to fund our operation from the cryptocurrency market.
Not because I thought every company was bad or that the whole thing's a scam, but at a gut level, I knew it was a giant bubble and I didn't want to be associated with that.
Gut level, just couldn't do it.
There have been many other sponsors I've refused.
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So again, ladies and gentlemen, nothing wrong with marijuana-derived CBD oil.
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This isn't CBD oil derived from marijuana that's high in THC.
This is derived from industrial high-quality organic hemp and it's legal in all 50 states and now Trump has signed the executive order allowing the industrial growing of hemp so we won't even have to import it from Canada to Colorado where it's then produced, bottled, and distributed.
Now listen, I know a lot about it.
I've researched it.
I've turned down probably 20, 30 companies who've been wanting to sponsor us in the last six years.
It's gotten really crazy in the last two.
But now that the law is clear, now that our listeners can't get burned, now that we have a partnership with one of the top companies in the United States known for their organic quality, known for being patriots, They have created a new website and a private label of their entire spectrum of award-winning products called Washington's Reserve.
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They've tried to sue us.
And I've said in the last six months, I'm going to move, not away from a direct sales marketing of great products to you to fund us.
We're still going to do that with Infowarslife.com, but we're also going to bring on the best sponsors in the country, the very best products.
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
The Alex Jones Show.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Paul Joseph Watson.
We are live on the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show on this January 8th, 2019 edition.
Now while the establishment media in Europe and specifically over the past 48 hours in the UK demonises the political right as being extremist, as being violent, as being unhinged, in Germany we had a literal assassination attempt by left-wing terrorists trying to kill, trying to pummel, trying to bash the brains in Other quote, right-wing politician.
Headline up on m4wars.com.
Germany, left-wing terrorists attempt to assassinate right-wing AFD chairman.
Left-wing terrorists attempted to kill the Bremen chairman of the right-wing Alternative for Germany party in a vicious attack that left the politician fighting for his life.
Now I don't know if they actually want to show the full extent of his injuries.
There's a blurred version on top.
I mean, it's up to the studio if they actually want to scroll down and show the full extent of it.
I'll leave that up to them.
But basically, he had his head caved in.
He's got a massive, gaping wound in the middle of his forehead.
He almost died.
The only reason he survived is because a construction worker intervened when these three unknown assailants were wielding wooden sticks, bashing him in the head.
This attack occurred near Bremen's Goetheplatz on Monday night.
Again, this was a right-wing AFD politician, the chairman of that region.
The AFD came out in a statement afterwards, and I believe the police also made a similar statement, that this was a politically motivated attempted assassination.
They added that this individual, his name is Frank Magnitz, was, quote, beaten half dead.
And you can see that for yourself in the disturbing image, which is in this article.
It's an embedded tweet.
They said today is a black day for democracy in Germany.
The AFD leader Alice Wiedel released a video in which she blamed the attack on incitement against the AFD and the behaviour by the media against a democratically elected party.
So again, they've had the same narrative in Germany over the past two years that it's okay to physically assault, to beat people, to attack them violently, If they're Nazis, which of course in the modern political lexicon, with the left having moved so far to the left extremist fringe, means basically anyone they disagree with.
So again, they've ramped up this rhetoric that anyone who supports AFD is less than human, is a Nazi, is literally trying to reintroduce the Third Reich into Germany, and that has created that extremist ground This idea that you can just attack people because you disagree with them and literally these people believe that they're saving the future of Germany by pummeling innocent people in the head with wooden sticks.
Now, for people who don't know, Antifa, and it seems almost certain that these three individuals were members of Antifa, people don't know that in Germany, Antifa is way bigger than it is in the United States of America or any Western country.
It's way more organized.
It's way more violent.
I mean, we were Involved in confrontations with Antifa back in 2016 when we were covering Bilderberg in Dresden.
These people are everywhere in these major cities in Germany, and they're not the typical scrawny soy boy image that we have of Antifa in America.
I mean, you've seen them in their confrontations, in their fights.
Don't really take care of themselves that well, do they?
They're not really good brawlers, to say the least.
They're chicken-necked, skinny soy boy Pussies, basically.
That's the image of Antifa because it's largely true in virtually every country.
That is not the case in Germany.
These are big, big guys.
Big fighters, basically.
Violent thugs.
And they literally tried to assassinate a right-wing politician in Germany.
And how did the Green Party react?
Bearing in mind the Green Party Which was led, I'm not sure if it's still led, but it was as of a couple of years ago by Stephanie Berg, the woman who literally got up in the German Parliament and said, German citizens will be a minority in their own cities within 20 years, and they already are in some cities like Frankfurt.
And that's a good thing!
She got up in Parliament and literally said the demographic demise of her own population was a good thing.
Not really proven to be a good thing, has it, in Germany, with violent crime exploding, 90% of it attributable to migrants.
And that's, of course, who Antifa has aligned with, and that's why AFD got into Parliament in the first place, because of the backlash against that.
Now they're politicians Are being beaten to a pulp, and how did the Green Party react?
Well, Miss Veedle called out in her video, they basically said, oh, the AFD are Nazis, but this is not how we should go about combating them.
So even in the response to this vicious attack, they still smeared the AFD as Nazis, again, emboldening further violent attacks against them by dehumanizing them.
This followed, by the way, an attempted bombing of the AFD's Dublin office last week, for which no suspects have been apprehended.
They literally tried to bomb their offices.
Thank God that no one was hurt in that attack.
But again, this shows you the narrative.
We get this narrative over and over again.
And yes, we do have right-wing extremism.
We do have violence on the fringes of the right.
We need to call that out when it happens.
In fact, there was an attack in Germany last week, I believe, when an individual tried to drive a vehicle into a bunch of migrants.
Again, thankfully, I don't think anyone died.
There were some injuries.
And that is equally as horrific.
And when it happens, we need to call it out.
But to try and equate the threat of both Islamic terrorism and left-wing terrorism with right-wing terrorism It's basically a losing game.
If you want to make it a competition, all the studies have shown and we featured them in articles from, you know, independent studies.
These aren't coming out of right-wing institutions, not that any of them really exist.
Well, they show left-wing and Islamic terror attacks and violent attacks far outweigh those on the right.
Doesn't mean that we don't need to treat those on the right with equal importance.
And in fact, The situation in Germany has become so toxic that it's actually inspiring some of those far-right attacks, because Angela Merkel basically came out a couple of weeks ago and said, screw you, we're going to continue this policy.
Any state that doesn't submit to the new world order, talking about Italy and Hungary and some of these populist Eastern European countries, will be subsumed and basically taken over.
That's what she came out and said.
That has created a fertile ground for that kind of extremism on the right.
But now we have literal left-wing terrorists pummeling people on the streets.
The guy's got a gash down his entire forehead, like five inches long or whatever.
He almost died.
He might still die.
He's in hospital in intensive care, I would imagine.
An AFD member, Peter Bryson, came out in a statement today.
This is on Gateway Pundit.
He said this attack is just the latest escalation in violence against opposition politicians in Germany.
AFD politicians and volunteers live in a constant state of fear in Germany and the mainstream media ignore or even condone these attacks.
Bear in mind, as I talked about earlier, we've got the entirety of the UK media freaking out and having temper tantrums and meltdowns because one person or a group of people, very small group of people, called an MP a fascist outside of Parliament and that's the end of the world.
Meanwhile, we've literally got left-wing terrorists trying to assassinate political leaders in Germany.
I think they said this was the first attempted assassination of a politician in Germany Since the last century.
This is the first one since the year 2000.
And it's nowhere.
It's not in Sky News.
It's not in the BBC.
For the past 48 hours, their top headlines, somebody called Anna Soubry a fascist.
Oh my God.
This happened Monday night.
I haven't even seen it on BBC News.
I haven't even seen it on Sky News.
If they do report it, obviously it's buried.
It's not a top story.
This is a massive story.
A political leader in an assassination attempt is in intensive care in hospital after being pummeled in the head with wooden sticks by a group of literal domestic left-wing terrorists.
Nobody's talking about it.
Now Peter Bryson continues with his statement.
I myself was attacked by three men at night on the street during the 2017 election campaign and only escaped unharmed because I happen to have a friend Who basically came to his aid.
AFD politicians like Jörg Moten, Uwe Jünger, Kay Goschdahl and Gudo Reil and many many others have been assaulted and there were never any consequences, even secret applause from press and politics because they've had the same narrative in Germany that we had in America over the past two years Punch a Nazi.
Well, who's a Nazi?
Everyone who disagrees with me.
And this is what it leads to.
Literal, domestic, left-wing terror attacks with a guy bleeding almost to death before, thankfully, his life was saved.
Absolutely horrendous.
We'll be back on the other side.
This is the Alex Jones Show live, breaking news at Infowars.com.
We'll be back.
In fact, even the Washington Post, owned by Jeff Bezos, that owns the biggest sellers of supplements in the world, even that organization has written hit pieces claiming I'm a fraud and selling snake oil when they're owned by a man who owns Amazon and Whole Foods.
Amazon was the number one supplement seller in the world.
Whole Foods was number two.
He owns the number one and number two biggest supplement sellers on the planet.
And then his publication, a weaponized disinformation op, says I'm bad and should be shut down.
When more than 15 of the 70 products we have at Infowarslife.com are private labeled, highest quality, top of the line, that are sold at Whole Foods for higher prices.
Think about the level of that fraud.
And I've sent messages to these news organizations pointing that out.
No response.
They never want to get my comment.
Now, why am I saying that?
It's simple.
We have a lot of proprietary original products, but a lot of them are also private labeled.
Whatever already has five stars, whatever people already love, whatever's been tested to be the best.
So we have a great product.
You love it.
You reorder it.
The Globals are going to test our products, trying to find something.
So we're going to be able to, you know, defeat all that.
It's a 360 win.
We defeat them.
You win.
I win.
It's amazing.
And you've seen them come after our attempts to even process credit cards and shut down InfoWarsTore.com and InfoWarsLive.com.
I mean, it's incredible not just what frauds they are and how they're anti-free market and how they're racketeering against us, not just Jeff Bezos, but this entire system of mainstream media and mainstream corporations and banking are even worse than Bezos and Amazon.
It's hard to believe.
I'm just illustrating how crazy this all is.
Now, I'm going to be cutting some informational pieces in the next few weeks that go into great depth on each one of the products.
I've done this for some of the products, but I haven't done it in a while.
I haven't done it for the new products because, quite frankly, it's like going to school for a college exam to try to accurately talk about how great these products are.
But just know this.
Whatever the attributes that Jeff Bezos and Amazon and Whole Foods are allowed to tell you about their flagship products, these are as good or better.
These are all the top of the line, very best.
I can't even tell you what they do and the history of it and how amazing they are because they selectively enforce and will send the FDA after us.
You see, I'm a subhuman.
I'm garbage.
So Bezos can make all the claims.
Whole Foods can make all the claims.
Because this stuff is dynamite.
Turmeric's dynamite.
Iodine that's clean is dynamite.
Super metal Vitality, they have similar products.
It's all dynamite.
They can tell you how great it is, and show you all the facts, and tell you.
Because they're the elite.
I'm just skunk.
Just like you, according to them.
But the good news is, you've seen how great these products work.
We do break down some of the basics on each page at mforwarslife.com to see how wonderful they are.
But experience turmeric, experience X3, experience Super Mel Vitality, Super Female Vitality.
That, by the way, is the last run of our best-selling product, Super Mel Vitality, Super Female.
Because we can't even get the wild-crafted herbs anymore, so we can't get the supply, and I'm sick of it, so I'm discontinuing it.
Because it's so frustrating.
This is the last run, and it's all 50% off.
Bodies, X3, and Supermail at MFORWARESTORE.COM and MFORWARSLIFE.COM.
Thanks for your support.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm real live in the final segment of the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
Before I hit some key final news stories again, I want to direct you to InfoWarsStore.com, where it is the last day, the end of year total store clearance sale.
Massive, monumental discounts on products such as Brain Force Bodies, Super Male Vitality, that's the last run we're doing on that, Super Blue Toothpaste, fluoride free of course, and Alpha Power, We're talking discounts of 55% and even 60% on these products, free shipping, double Patriot points and a free gift with every order.
Please continue to support this network.
We continue to plan to grow, to expand, to take on the globalists better than ever in 2019.
But we can't do it without your support by getting the products at InfoWarsStore.com.
Let's get into some tech news now.
There's going to be a big story coming out about YouTube, which I got a little tip off about yesterday.
Of course, I've talked about this before.
Basically, YouTube, which is the second biggest search engine in the world, changed its algorithm back when Alex Jones was completely unpersoned and deplatformed.
To the point whenever you type in whenever you search for any kind of news event on the YouTube search engine, you are met with a wall of mainstream media.
Of course, the mainstream media cannot compete with individual YouTubers because the people who work for the mainstream media have no personality or character or anything of interest to say, so they have to rig the system to compete against independent creators.
That has them terrified because again, financially, It's turning sour for the mainstream media.
Many of them are going out of business because they don't have a business model to keep them afloat.
So they just try to relegate, de-platform and financially sabotage their competition instead.
Which is why on YouTube, if you search for news events, you're met with a wall of mainstream media propaganda.
There you see YouTube begins injecting direct links to CNN at the top of search results.
Any help they can give the corporate media, they're giving them at this point.
We also had a headline, YouTube changed abortion search results after a slate writer complaint.
So again, left-wing journalists abusing their platforms to lobby for the relegation of content with which they disagree.
An absolute abuse of power and they cave in at every turn.
This happened a couple of weeks ago, I think.
The article is, YouTube has apparently changed the search results on its site for the term abortion after Slate writer April Glasner contacted the company last Friday to ask why anti-abortion videos saturated the search results for abortion.
So they're literally caving to lobbying campaigns, partisan lobbying campaigns, by left-wing journalists to artificially manipulate their own search results so the most popular content, the most requested content, does not appear at the top But the most biased content appears at the top.
I've talked many times about the importance of algorithms in terms of Google with political candidates.
They can shift millions and millions of votes on the days of elections by simply changing the order in which certain search results appear on top of others.
That's Google.
There's going to be a big story coming out quite soon about how YouTube has taken certain key search terms related to news events, related to the culture war, related to politics in general, and changed them.
Possibly at the request of Democratic lawmakers.
So they're literally bowing to the demands of Democratic Congress people to change search results on YouTube, to game their own search engine, to indeed break their own search engine, so what they want to appear at the top appears at the top, which is obviously hyper-partisan, hyper-left-wing content.
So there's going to be a big story about that coming out.
And on a similar subject, we have this article out of the Wall Street Journal.
Facebook, Twitter turned to right-leaning groups to help referee political speech.
So for years and years and years, we had Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, allying with, partnering with, far left, basically smear operations like the ADL, like the Southern Poverty Law Centre, organisations that solely exist to fundraise off of smearing people on the right, Conservatives, Operations that solely exist to financially sabotage those people to ruin their lives.
We've had big tech colluding with those organizations which are not neutral, which are hyper partisan and bias to referee content on their websites.
Now, for the first time, they discovered to their horror that Twitter was talking to one individual on the right of the political spectrum In addition to all these left wing individuals and organizations that they're talking to when it comes to refereeing content on their website, when it comes to making decisions about who to ban on their website.
So the key part of the article is basically about 10 paragraphs into it.
It says when Twitter executives struggle with whether to follow other Silicon Valley companies and remove conspiracy theorist Alex Jones from the platform in August, Mr Dorsey, Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, privately sought counsel from Ali Akbar, a Conservative political activist, who of course was banned by Twitter yesterday.
He did get back on.
That was reversed, thankfully, and rightly so.
He was responding to a death threat, basically, and saying he would defend himself.
It may have been an inadvisable tweet, but it certainly wasn't a bannable offence.
Mr Akbar, advised Mr Dorsey against kicking off Mr Jones despite
pressure from users and Twitter employees.
Mr Ackbar argued that Jones hadn't violated any of the site's rules.
And as you remember, for a month between Jones being de-platformed by every other
big tech platform on the internet, it was the month between I think it was August 6 to September 6,
he remained on Twitter because Dorsey, to his credit, saw advice from one person who was right
God forbid that they would actually listen to a plurality of voices across the political spectrum in making decisions on who to ban.
But as we know, as the article states, Twitter ultimately banned Mr Jones about a month later, citing a violation of its abusive behaviour policy, which of course, That was complete nonsense.
They banned him for confronting and being mean to a CNN reporter, Oliver Darcy.
The same CNN reporter who is extremely upset today about the fact that Twitter would canvass the opinion of one person on the right in determining who to ban on their platform.
Darcy tweeted.
There you see the infamous video.
Darcy tweeted, what in the world?
Ali Akbar isn't exactly a traditional conservative activist.
By that they mean never Trump sellout, basically.
He's aligned with fringe pro-Trump voices on the right.
Why is Jack seeking advice from him?
So it's okay to seek advice from fringe left-wing organisations that have proven to abuse their own credo on numerous times to maliciously malign and go after Conservative individuals to de-platform them, to financially sabotage them, obviously with intensive political bias, but as soon as they ask for the advice of one person on the right, again, everybody freaks out.
The article continues, Twitter spokesman Brandon Borman said the company and its executive personally maintain many outside relationships to help us benefit from other perspectives, how dare they, on the critical societal issues we deal with.
So now Twitter is having to defend the fact against this media, again, onslaught that they sought the advice of one single person, Ali Akbar, on the right when they were talking about banning Alex Jones, which they eventually did anyway.
So Darcy and all these mainstream media journalists Who have made it their forte, again, to abuse their positions of power, to abuse their platforms, to coordinate and orchestrate giant lobbying campaigns to de-platform people for having the wrong opinions.
They learn that Twitter canvasses the opinion of one right-wing journalist who isn't even very right-wing.
He's just on the right.
And they have an absolute meltdown because they're terrified of that power being taken away from them.
Absolutely incredible situation.
And again, there's going to be a big story about Google, which owns YouTube, coming out in a similar vein over the next couple of weeks.
Let's finish off with a couple of final stories here.
Mother kicked out of British pub for transphobic t-shirt.
British mother was kicked out of her local pub after a complaint her t-shirt emblazoned with the dictionary definition of woman was offensive to transgender people.
So she basically wore a t-shirt that said women are women and men aren't women.
That can't be tolerated.
Off you go.
She'll probably be doxxed and her entire career and life will be ruined on top of that as well because that's how the left operates these days.
Greek priest beaten by Syrian migrants in front of his own church.
A Greek Orthodox priest was beaten by a pair of Syrian asylum seekers in front of his own church.
The priest observed the migrants parking their motorcycles in the courtyard of the sanctuary of Saint Nicholas in Patinia, a neighbourhood in Athens, on Friday afternoon, went to confront them and basically they punched him in the face and then fled.
So more problems in Greece with migrants committing violent crimes, as they're prone to do in every major European city.
Professors warn German welcome culture is over.
People focus on resistance and national identity.
That is a story about how people on the right are being radicalized and starting to dabble with violence and actual violent hatred because basically the migrant policy in Germany has been a total disaster.
Violent crime is soaring and it's causing extremism on the right, which again we decry all forms of violence.
That's going to wrap it up for the fourth hour.
Coming up, War Room with Owen Schroer.
Don't go away.
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