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Name: 20190101_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 1, 2019
3007 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses his views on the movie "Vice," which portrays him as an evil symbol. He also addresses extermination projects planned by globalists, forced vaccinations, GMOs, and chemtrails. He warns about potential dangers posed by microwave frequency and 5G cellphone radiation. Jones shares his concern over China's ambitions for global dominance and its use of technology like Huawei phones and 5G networks for data gathering and control over citizens. He urges listeners to support independent media platforms like InfoWars in resisting globalist agendas."

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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines
of the InfoWar.
You know, I had an epiphany yesterday when I went and saw the movie Chaney.
And it was really an illustrative epiphany that I'm going to Carry out in the start of the next segment.
I'll describe it for radio listeners.
Obviously, TV viewers will be able to see it.
And of course, I'm calling the movie Cheney.
The movie is Vice.
I'm teleprompter free here.
And I went to see it because I was interested because it was a political, you know, fiction piece.
But I also went because I was told that the movie basically ends with yours truly, which it does.
Just like the documentary about William F. Buckley did.
I guess I'm this symbol of all that's wrong in the world to the left.
And so they have to misrepresent who I am and what I stand for.
But there's one part in the film, and I think the film's well done.
Hollywood's attacking it and giving it bad reviews, or mixed reviews, because It humanizes Dick Cheney, makes him look like a terrible sociopath, but it still humanizes him to a certain extent.
Oh, that's kind of an oxymoron, humanizing a sociopath.
And it's a big apology, you know, for the Democrats, a big cover-up.
But there's one part, actually a couple parts.
They hint at 9-11 being an inside job, and that just means the government stood down and let it happen.
But they also have a scene early on in the beginning that shows an image that I remember seeing last year, and I remember wanting to make the point about the photograph and the video we're going to show that was made in the film, and pinching myself that I hadn't made that point last year.
Now, I've actually made this point many, many times.
When you hear me make the point, you say, okay, yeah, we've heard that a hundred times.
But if you get this point, you get everything.
Absolutely everything.
So I tend to get real excited when I cover things like this.
I'm gonna try to be a good boy when we come back and really delve into this for at least one segment solid.
I owe it to you, I owe it to myself, I owe it to my family to do this.
So we'll do that when we come back from break.
And then this story ties in to the whole rest of the enchilada.
And you know, I've got all the treaties here in my hands.
It's a lot of preparation for this.
And that's really the problem is there's so much information that I tend to just get caught going into each little piece of what I'm covering and proving each little piece instead of just telling you, hey, here it is.
And then you need to look this for yourself.
But there's a reason they want us off the air.
And I just can't believe that there's enough people in the establishment that even know what's going on.
And they do.
And they're going along with this.
But they're doing it really out of fear.
They're not just doing it out of, they want power, or be part of the power structure.
They do it because, you know, you start bucking this, the knives come out.
But see, the knives are already out.
There is a genocide taking place that dwarfs everything Hitler did.
Conservatively, 100 to 1.
At least 100 to 1.
Stay with us, we'll break it all down on the other side.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please, spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
The answer to 1984 is 1760.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It's Friday, December 28, 2000.
And we've cracked the code.
We've cracked the globalists, the technocracies, The plan to get them to their world government.
And for the globalists, world government is just the beginning.
Now, the decision has been made to slowly poison and dumb down and kill everyone on the planet.
Basically, about 99%.
That's the internal document numbers.
It's about a 99.9% extermination operation.
The college students were told 80% extermination.
Graduate students were told 90% extermination.
Higher-level government officials were told 99% extermination.
And of course, you now see the public rollout of that everywhere.
We spent most of the show yesterday detailing it from the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, the Carnegie Endowment.
Humans are inherently evil.
We have to get rid of them.
And then we have the Malthusian eugenics background of that.
We have the entire British Empire's funding getting behind it in 1855 in a global project that is all detailed in my film, Endgame, Blueprint for Global Enslavement.
That's still, they're trying to have it removed off Amazon, but you can also watch it for free on YouTube.
But let me just stop there, giving footnotes.
There's a lot of big news out today.
The EU has announced that we need a planetary world government to stop nation-states.
That's a quote.
Merkel, disgraced but still the Chancellor, but her party's lost power in the Parliament.
Merkel said, quote, Nations must give up their sovereignty, and that citizens of nations must be ignored, and that outside alliances must team up in an orderly fashion to stop the nations and their peoples.
These are quotes she gave at a national televised event.
We have links to the video.
It's in German.
That's cold treason!
We're going to ignore the people, we're going to ignore our law, and we're going to take your freedom away and merge with the Middle East.
What have we been telling you for 20 years?
But see, now that it's all happening, we've got to be off the air because the credibility is so high.
That's what I've told my crew.
Just us staying on the air is an incredible victory.
I'm going to talk about that later in the broadcast.
Just you spreading the word in any way is the end of these people.
But you've got to do it.
Let's stop there.
I'm going to get into a subject of the Exterminism Project, and I'm just going to look at a few of the tentacles.
But two of the larger ones.
And I'm going to look at one third tentacle as well.
But all of these tentacles need you to opt into them.
It's a metaphysical rule.
It's like in the Bible, it says the devil has to go up and get permission from God to do certain things.
And so we have to be warned first.
So, in all three of these tentacles, you notice it's a Trojan horse you take in, and that you accept, and that you acquiesce to.
And now we're entering the phase where even that's being removed and they're going to forced.
So let me get into it.
But first, for TV viewers, radio listeners, obviously I will break it down.
I went to see Vice, the movie about Dick Cheney yesterday, because obviously I wanted to see it and reportedly the movie ended with yours truly as the ultimate sign of evil, which it does end with yours truly as if I'm Bathomette.
Now, as if here's the new Cheney, here's the new enemy, which I'm the complete opposite of Dick Cheney.
Now, before I get into the tentacles of death that are 100% already in your body, already in your DNA, already killing
you right now.
Most of us are walking dead.
This is an absolute fact, and they're about to really accelerate the extermination.
So far, it's just been ambient.
It's been background, kind of like crickets sawing their feet together.
Or like frogs, or a leaf blower off in the distance.
It's going to be a freight train if you wanted to quantitate it on a sound scale.
And actually, some of it is sound.
At the microwave frequency that rattles water molecules and rubs them together at a perfect oscillation frequency to rip DNA apart.
And it was designed and the exact oscillation has been chosen to make it the most vicious out of hundreds of combinations that wouldn't be as damaging.
Oh, I'm sorry, I haven't gotten to it yet.
The movie Cheney, Vice, about Cheney, opens up with, we get so used to tyranny and so used to oppression, that we can be standing right next to death itself and we don't even notice it.
And I remember thinking the same thing when I saw this video and this photo, I'm going to put on screen now, of a golfer, a group of golfers in Washington State last year, And you see them playing golf.
They're on the putting green.
And as you zoom back, you see that there is giant fires in the background.
So, They say an image can say a thousand words.
Well, it certainly has.
We'll put it back on television for viewers.
We can just put the Daily Mail article up if you'd like.
Now, or we can roll the video for folks and we can do that to be nice as well.
Now, this is illustrative of how you can be right next to A burning inferno with ash raining down on you and you don't even care because everyone else goes on about their business as if it's no big deal and as if it doesn't matter.
Because no one around you behaves like it's serious or something should be done so you don't take action even though people are dying.
Even though governments won't cut fire breaks as they did before and are allowing it to happen, even though it's burning down houses, you adapt to living in hell instead of changing your environment to make it better and to fix it.
Now, if you can become callous or blind to fires in California or fires in Washington or fires wherever, And not even be upset at the government that it has policies in place for 30 years not letting you cut fire breaks that have allowed the epidemic.
Well, what are you going to do about things you can't see like gravity?
Or cell phone radiation up to 5G and higher that they admit gives you cancer.
We'll cover that when we come back.
What are you going to do?
Well, everybody knows if you jump off a cliff You can't see the gravity, the gravity well of planet Earth.
But you know that if you jump off a 200-foot cliff, you're gonna probably die.
You're certainly gonna wish you were dead.
You're gonna break your legs, your back, your head.
You're gonna break most of the bones in your body.
But if a couple hundred yards away, there's a giant, fast-moving inferno, well, it turned out in this case, they had enough time to finish up their 18 holes and get in their car and go, but later the golf course did burn down.
But it doesn't matter.
You're going to finish your game.
And again, it's part of a culture of total and complete selfishness.
But if we can get people to understand cell phone radiation and things like that are like gravity.
They're there, but you can't see them.
And they're killing you, but instead of jumping off a cliff and you die 10 seconds, 20 seconds later when you hit the bottom, with radiation it takes a few years, 20, 30 years, 10 years, 5 years, depending on the person.
Some people are more susceptible to it, others aren't.
But within that recognizing the threat and being conscious of it, there's a way out of this.
But if you can't see a giant fire coming your direction, how are you ever going to do anything for yourself or your family?
We're ending the year.
2018 has been tumultuous.
It's been an insane year.
And InfoWars has continued with the deplatforming and the lawsuits, the demonization, the attacks, and everything else because of one thing.
Our supporters, our listeners, our viewers understand that what we're doing is a critical mission, not just for InfoWars, not just for America, but for the world.
And that the globalists Wouldn't be trying to shut us down if we weren't telling the truth, if we weren't effective.
So the old World War II saying, I've quoted it probably 5,000 times, but it's so true, I've got to do it again.
You know, a lot of cliches are cliches because they're accurate.
A lot of stereotypes are stereotypes because they're true.
In World War II, they didn't really have radar yet.
The British had a little bit, but not in airplanes.
They had them on the mainland for the Battle of Britain.
But our aircraft didn't have Radar.
And so, they'd fly in with a chart and a map over Italy or over Germany or over Nazi-held areas of Eastern Europe, and they weren't sure where to hit.
They had general areas of what tank manufacturing facility or munitions manufacturing facility they were supposed to hit, or what power plant they were supposed to hit.
But they learned, because the Germans couldn't help it, That they would put anti-aircraft guns around where it was really at.
And so first they'd send in a group of airplanes all spread out, kind of a forward observation group, to see who got shot at.
For those of you who don't know, it's Germans paratrooping into Greece in 1942.
That's a separate battle.
in 1942. That's a separate battle. And so they would send in reconnaissance planes to get shot
at and wherever they radioed in they got shot at the most.
Lo and behold, they'd find that's where the factories were.
So the saying, when you know you're over the target, when you're getting the most flak, comes from that.
And so, that's what we do here, is we go out, and we find out where the most flak is.
And we find out where the biggest attack is and what pisses them off the most.
And lo and behold, that turns out to be the most accurate information.
So as we prepare to close out this year, A, I want to thank you for the incredible support.
I want to point out, you've got the best water filtration, the best air filtration, the best books, the best films, the best supplements, the best survival gear, the best storable food.
We've got whatever the best is, I go out, I make a great deal to sell it to you at the lowest price available so that you get a great product and so you reorder and you appreciate what we're doing because I want to serve you well.
I want to treat you the way I want to be treated.
So this year, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, we're extending all the Christmas specials out until January 1st.
And we've been successful, thanks to your support, selling out of almost our whole inventory, so we won't have the inventory taxes.
But let me tell you, you did a great job, but we did a great job, too.
Free shipping store-wide, 50 to 75% off everything, double Patriot points on your next order, and a free t-shirt with every order.
That is extended, but only a few days left.
Until the end of this year.
And some items have already sold out, but everything else we still have is a 50-75% off store-wide free shipping and a free t-shirt.
And of course, so many other great items.
In fact, I'm told in a day or two, all t-shirts will be sold out, so there'll be a new free item like colloidal silver or something like that.
The point is, take advantage of year-end sales, help support the InfoWar, get the best deals out there.
A true 360 win.
InfoWarsStore.com Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World
Order, it's Alex Jones You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time.
Run on for a long time.
Sooner or later, gotta cut you down.
Sooner or later, gotta cut you down.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm here live.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thanks for joining us.
Okay, let's get right into it.
There is a global program, there is a global operation to establish a planetary world government whose aim is ending war by ending the mass of humanity.
And the answer is bring in world government, have controlled wars, have controlled bioweapons released, cull the populations down to a manageable 400 million is the public number put out by the UN.
Again, more internal documents say 10,000 maybe.
Those people are going to merge the machines and become gods.
And I told you this decades ago, now it's in the news.
The philosophy of the elite.
Stewards of the Earth by reducing population.
And they believe humanity's obsolete.
They will soon merge with silicon and become gods.
This is the cult we're fighting.
But to do that metaphysically, they've got to say, oh, vaccines!
And then add things to vaccines.
It's compartmentalized where the doctors and scientists aren't even aware of it in most cases.
But then people see the convulsions, the deaths, the cancer, the autism, and then they have a project to manage that and handle that and get the public used, incrementally, to having mass death take place all around them.
So when they first started coming out with cell phone radiation technology 40 years ago, it was already old technology then, there were studies and articles out about how it would vibrate DNA and cause massive DNA damage.
That's what a microwave does.
It rubs molecules together and then heats them up.
So it creates a friction like that.
And they just began to increase it out from that point.
And I noticed testicular cancer and things and truck drivers and other people that would have the old, more high-powered cell phones between their legs.
So I started telling them, hey, don't keep that thing between your legs.
So we have all the old studies.
And then as new studies come out showing increased cancer as the radiation gets stronger, their argument is, well, you've been warned about it, kind of like on the side of a package of cigarettes, it tells you it can give you cancer or cause birth defects.
But see, children aren't opting into this.
And many adults aren't.
But many schools, as you know, put the cell phone towers that are super powerful up on top of the facilities, and they make money off that.
There's been a big pushback, so they've had to back off.
I remember 20 years ago, again, talking about how they were going to put smart meters on the side of your house, and how they were going to spy on you, and how they were going to rip you off.
And now it's all admitted.
And now it's ubiquitous.
Now they say if you want power, period, you've got to have one of these.
So they're going from making you opt-in to where it's just the way it is.
And so whether it's electricity or whether it's radiation, whether it's sulfur radiation, it's particles, charged particles, charged wavelengths, blasting out the spectrum and affecting your body in a very damaging way.
You know, every airline pilot I know is aware of this, no matter how great a shape they were in.
You notice the elite pilots all like to fly at night now.
The big global flights that are 10, 15, 18 hours long are launched at night.
And it's not so you sleep on the plane, boys and girls.
It's because the pilots are refusing to fly the airplanes during the day because there's a water shield up to about 20,000 feet.
And a dust shield up to about 20,000 feet.
The water's about 10 feet of water condensed.
The dust shield's about an inch to two inches.
And it shields you from high-level space radiation.
Now see, that's just a fact.
That it's the equivalent of many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many chest x-rays.
And airlines even looked 20 years ago into putting lead shielding, but then it would be so expensive and it would emit the radiation that they decided to not do it.
But I mean, I know airline pilots that were in the Air Force 25 years ago that looked like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And now they look like they've been in a microwave oven.
They've had dozens of cancers.
And they'll tell you, oh, we're all like this.
And they're sunken in, and their eyes are gone.
It doesn't matter if you wear sunglasses, it doesn't matter.
And they've got cancer all over their body because they've been in space.
Above 20,000 feet, baby, you're in space.
The gravity still holds you into the Earth, but you're in space.
You're above the real atmosphere.
And so all I'm getting in here is I could talk for 100 hours on this.
But we live in a very small, thin environment on the surface of the Earth.
And most people live below 15,000 feet for a reason.
And just air travel And you're like, why are all the flights suddenly at night?
Because the more, you know, the big jets, the big elite pilots, they like living.
Now, let's move on to our children and 5G.
One of the few areas Trump's really doing a bad job on, but he's just all about innovation.
They tell him it's great and he can't see it.
He drinks Diet Coke and he likes Kentucky Fried Chicken.
He's super blue collar.
You know, blue-collar folks, they like to smoke cigarettes, they like to eat Kentucky Fried Chicken.
You know, it's kind of that attitude.
Tough guy stuff.
But now the 5G's coming in, taxpayer-funded.
There's not just a race with China to put this stuff in, because it can surveil everything you're doing in your house.
Literally look through walls, but also grab all your data.
But they even have LA Times, Wired Magazine, all of them admitting that it's causing massive cancer in all the studies in rats.
Much worse than the old technology, because it's a lot stronger.
Something's 20, 30, 40 times stronger, and the old stuff gave you cancer.
What's this gonna do?
It's like smoking filterless cigarettes versus filtered, but much worse.
Then I've got all the stacks of news here, where they know it's killing us, but they're going ahead with it, and it's done on purpose.
Well, guess what?
Everybody has a right to not be living under this.
And people have to organize, they have to say no now.
Because it's going to become more and more evident as the autism and the brain damage and the cancer is all exploding.
That just like vaccines that they're spiking on record, they've been calling all the world the UN as, with sterilants and cancer viruses, most cancer is viral.
Your body beats it all the time, but then when your immune system gives up, then you're dead.
And it's also a deal with cells replicating as they've replicated so many times and they have more mutations.
But that's the secondary type of cancer.
Most cancer is viral.
The Rockefeller Foundation discovered it in the 20s.
JFK discovered the research, tried to kill it.
That's even in the JFK movie that they were getting weaponized cancer out of New Orleans that they'd developed.
And they want you to opt into the vaccine, too.
Metaphysically, you've got to opt into the 5G.
You've got to opt into the vaccine.
They want you to opt in.
Because then, oh, they didn't kill you.
You opted into it.
So we've got a special guest joining us.
He'll be with us into the next hour, but I'm going to go to him about five minutes into the next segment because I have to finish this when we come back.
And then we'll look at the big globalist attack dog, China, and why it's been chosen by the MWO to be the center and the seat of world government.
This past weekend, I traveled up to Omaha, Nebraska to visit my wife's father.
And while I was there, I had a chance to read the Omaha World Herald Living Section.
And the entire thing is an anti-family, anti-American diatribe.
It's all packaged very, very slickly.
Here's just one example from the Sunday, December 23, 2018, Section E Living Area, which should be how to not live.
It's all about how to spend time watching football with your family and how great that is, and how to set up the flicker right on your television, right?
I'm not kidding.
But beneath that, there's an article, Breaking the Expectations of Boys Will Be Boys.
It's a Washington Post editorial staff article.
It's a very, very large syndicated column.
And I knew what I was gonna read before I read it.
Boys aren't graduating high school or college, and boys are depressed, and boys can't get jobs, and...
You know what the problem is?
Boys are boys.
We need to teach them how to wear pink nail polish and how to be in dance class.
That's why we need to teach them how to be like girls.
Because girls have been more compliant with the changes in society and that's how we fix the problem.
He worries that the people they interview in here, that their son is playing with Nerf guns.
And then it's just beyond sick.
What they've done is build a world that's anti-male and anti-family.
What they've done is target our boys with Ritalin and Prozac and all these drugs.
What they've done is set up systems that persecute the idea of masculinity, toxic masculinity.
It's well known that when the Romans or any other group took over a population, they would kill all the men down to age 12 or so.
Because women are compliant with an authoritarian takeover on average.
And they would only allow little boys to go on and survive.
along with little girls. And they would then set the women up as the intermediary between the Romans
and the local slave colonies. You've all heard of this in the classic images of southern plantations
and slavery, where you'd have a large black woman who was in the house and the men were outside,
and she was the one that kept an eye out for master. She was the one that made sure everybody
stayed in line.
And then you read this sick, sick evil.
Where the system has set it up to put men into crisis and women as well.
The whole human species is under attack.
And the article by the end gets into gender and how we have to get rid of gender roles because that's why our boys are in trouble.
The very same technocrats, the very same eugenicists who bragged in the 30s that they would set this up, people like Aldous Huxley and Julian Huxley, the very same people that bragged about it, have now brought us to that point.
We're three or four generations into this and now those that helped create the crisis, those that helped saw off our legs, are now going to help saw off our arms and help chemically sterilize our young boys.
That's how we're going to save them.
Just like LBJ bragged 45 years ago that he'd have black people Voting Republican for 100 years by paying black women to not have men in the house or they wouldn't get their welfare.
And that's how they operate.
The article is sickening and it's titled, Breaking the Expectation of Boys Will Be Boys.
Parents want their sons to be who he is, not what society should say it should be.
But they're the ones saying that you're not really a boy.
They're the ones destroying your identity while claiming they're protecting it.
They're the ones telling you what to be while claiming they're defending your right to be what you want to be.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption, it's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Steven W. Mosier joins us via video.
Skyper going to him for just a moment.
He'll ride shotgun with us about 20 minutes to the next hour.
And he's an expert on China.
Lived there many years.
He's worked with the U.S.
government, other governments.
Understanding China.
And again, he witnessed what's really going on in the nation for a long time.
I mean, I'll let him recap his awakening as a liberal over there and actually seeing what the left was embracing and why they thought Communist China was so great and how it is America's great rival.
He is the best-selling author of Bully of Asia.
And he wrote a big article for the New York Post.
That's excellent.
We're going to be getting into.
And he can also speak about 5G.
But let's finish up just with the documentation, if you're a viewer or listener.
Just like there are some cliffs in Austin that are about a thousand feet tall.
They're not really mountains, but they call them Mount Bonnell and Mount this, Mount that.
They look like little mountains.
You can go up to the edge of a cliff and you can't see gravity.
But everybody knows, if you jump off, when you hit the bottom in 20 seconds, you're going to wish you were dead, or you're going to be dead.
You'll probably be dead.
About 95% of the time.
Maybe if you hit a tree or something, or bounce on your way down, you're going to live.
Now, you can't see gravity, but the planet has it.
We're in a gravity well.
We know how it works.
Big things have gravity, and they suck little things onto their surface.
I've got literally U.N.
studies, Chinese studies, U.S.
studies, British studies, telecom studies going back 30 years.
I had them print me whole stacks of these today.
You can just type it in and it's confirmed, confirmed, gives rats cancer, gives rats cancer, confirmed.
All these new tumors that kill so many people, right on the side of your head you use the cell phone.
They rattle DNA.
Big studies that five minutes of cell phone use against the head raises brain temperature one degree.
It actually heats your brain up.
Now, what does radiation do?
What does microwave radiation do?
When you put a cup of water in it and turn it on for a minute, what makes it hot?
The molecules rub together.
It cooks your brain.
So, here's Wired Magazine.
5G smartphones cause cancer.
Big Wireless doesn't want you to know.
EU reflex study shows DNA damage caused by radiation from wireless devices and mobile phones.
This is from the UN themselves.
Mobile phones break DNA.
Scrambled genomes.
Scrambled genome?
What happens when your genome gets scrambled?
It has a name.
It's called cancer.
And it just goes on.
Oh, LA Times.
Well, it causes cancer, but no big deal.
5G service is coming, and so are health concerns at the towers that support it.
Oh yeah, the towers are really bad.
The cell phones are bad enough.
So, at least there's some consciousness to this.
And then, oh, how adding iodine to salt boosted Americans' IQ.
That's even New York Times.
In raising the world's IQ, the secret is salt, the iodine.
Oh, but the U.S.
took it out of the salt.
We don't want that.
But China, they had it.
So, everything that's being done to the West, the culture, all of it, is to literally dumb us down.
Make us stupid.
Make us totally sick.
We're not outside.
We're not in the dirt.
Here's another article.
Bacteria found in dirt stops growth of superbugs, resists antibiotics.
Sashawan University, linked up on Infowars.com.
Oh, if you let your kids play in the dirt and they're outside more, then suddenly you won't need all those antibiotics.
I mean, my dad's really smart black nanny said to my grandmother when he was getting sick as a baby, she says, Ms.
Jones, you're going to kill that baby.
If you let him play in the dirt, he's too clean.
You make me clean him all the time, all the rest of it, and he gets sick all the time.
Of course, she then gave him what she called Hindu tea.
Snuck it, later told my grandmother, which was boiled chicken manure, which turns out to be the best antibacterial out there, but gives your body immunity.
He didn't get sick anymore, because she boiled chicken crap and fed it to him.
But everybody knew this in the old times.
We've just forgotten it now.
So the answer is letting your kids play in the dirt, not putting them on antibiotics every day.
But the system knows this, so they're letting you opt in.
The question is, why are they Why are they doing this?
Why are they carrying this out?
Why is this being allowed?
Because there could be good, clean vaccines, but they're not.
There could be, again, communication systems that aren't as damaging, but they go for the worst.
Going on here is the larger question.
Now, his book, I read it a couple years ago when it came out, but it's more important than ever, Bully of Asia, Why China's Dream is the New Threat to World Order.
And I'm not going to go over Mr. Moser's entire background.
We're going to get more into China in the next segment.
But briefly, since I'm getting into 5G, Good to be here, Alex.
these invisible dangers.
And then China's so big in the news right now with their executives arrest over their form of 5G.
They're basically selling at cost.
It's already dominated the world.
And why this is so dangerous, it all ties together.
Stephen M. Mosier, thanks for joining us.
Oh, good to be here, Alex.
Stephen M. Mosier.
Thank you, go ahead, sorry.
Yeah, I'm a subscriber.
I was unhappy when YouTube and Big Tech decided that they were going to censor you.
So I responded by subscribing to InfoWars and by encouraging my friends to do so as well.
So thank you, my friend.
Well, I appreciate you, brother.
You know, I noticed when I criticized Apple and Google moving to China this year that that's when the hammer fell.
And they're in trouble because they're in league with a country that wants to dominate not only its own people, but the world.
You know, the Chinese have a system now to monitor 1.4 billion people in their own country.
And they'd like to apply that system to everybody in the world, all seven plus billion of us.
And that's why they're selling these Huawei phones.
That's why they want to set up 5G connections everywhere, because it's a great, great Data Gathering Enterprise.
It's a great big vacuum cleaner that vacuums up data about where you were born, what your name is, what your face looks like, so they can use face recognition technology, where your bank accounts are, everything they want to compile into one huge database.
And once they have it, of course, they'll be in a position to pressure us in ways that we can only imagine in a horror story now.
And you've been speaking about this forever, so people know about your curriculum, Vitae, specifically in the School of Life.
In the next few minutes, recap how you got to China, why you went there, and what you discovered in your awakening.
Well, I was the first American allowed to go to China back in 1979, a long time ago.
That's when China was first, what we called it, opening up to the West.
Of course, that opening to the West was a way of getting, stealing, begging, borrowing, stealing Western technology and overtaking us so they could dominate us.
But we were hopeful at the time.
I wound up in a In a commune in South China, learn very quickly from the people in the commune that communes don't work, that people produce best when they're in family units with family-owned enterprises, providing for themselves and their family and their neighbors, not for the distant government bureaucracy, not for the state.
But it was a real wake-up call.
My friends in the local village took me to a local hill, which was known as Turtle Mountain, where all of the people who were associated with the old regime were taken and shot in the early 50s.
Simply shot dead without a trial.
Then they took me to a mass grave and that was filled in 1961 and 1962 with the bodies of 400 people who had died during the great Mao Zedong Chairman Mao famine of that year.
They created great communes.
They couldn't feed the people with the produce from the communes and 400 people died in my commune alone.
And of course, throughout China, 45 million people died.
But the real wake up call was when I was in the operating room.
Where they were arresting and bringing in to receive forced abortions women who were illegally pregnant with second children or third children.
Illegal, of course, because the Communist Party had declared these babies to be illegal.
The mothers of these babies were arrested, brought in, tied down on operating tables and given cesarean section abortions.
If you can imagine that.
Think about that.
Think about your wife being arrested for the crime of being pregnant illegally, taken by force by Communist Party officials to a local dirty little clinic, and they're tied down on an operating table.
And given an abortion by Red Army doctors who were brought in from the nearby army base because the local doctors refused to do these operations.
They knew these people were their friends and neighbors.
And so they had to bring in the Communist Party did have to bring in Red Army.
Stephen W. Mosier, stay right there.
Let's talk about this.
It's a powerful story.
You're going in-depth into it.
What happened?
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., Infowars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why, as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please, spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
(sad music)
But if you use the free energy of word of mouth, the most powerful thing in the universe, creativity, if you tell folks about InfoWars.com, Or NewsWars.com, or that local radio station that picks us up, or that local TV station that picks us up.
If you spread the word about InfoWars.com, Ford's last show, if you go to InfoWarsStore.com and look at the amazing products on every front that make your life better, that make your children's life better, that make your family's life better, then you're stepping out of their control and using your economic and cultural power to smash them.
So I would encourage everyone, Christmas, Ordering is over, but right through to the new year, we have a store-wide clearance sale going.
Store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points for your next order, a free t-shirt with every order, 50 to 75% off many of these items we lose money on, but I believe you're going to experience how great our fluoride-free, super blue toothpaste is, 4 to 5 with a little silver and iodine and other essential oils.
I think you're going to experience how amazing it is, and you're going to want to reorder it.
I think you're going to experience how amazing our colloidal silver bullet is, or how great Rainforest Plus, our nootropic is, or how amazing our body's ultimate tumeric formula, 95% cucuminoid.
No one else even has that.
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I believe in you, and I believe that you want freedom, and you want justice, and you want a future.
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And completely, absolutely turned over to the fight against the Globeless.
Beyond commitment.
Until my very individuality has been absorbed in the fight.
And that's a damn good feeling.
Because I'm the ultimate individualist.
I'm the ultimate collectivist.
The individual is powerful and is strong.
When the individual chooses God and justice and joins the collective, it's a collective of individuals forming the true collective, not the false collective of the devil, Lucifer, whatever you want to call it that is slavery.
Not a top-down collective, but a collective of common sense and the people that is transcendent.
And it's in that true collective that humanity will reach the stars and go beyond.
So as Christmas passes us, and 2018 goes into legend, into history, it's your chance to financially support the very tip of the spear of the fight against the globalists, and get great products at the same time.
A true 360 win, unless you don't take advantage of it.
Please stay with us.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
Stephen W. Mosier really was one of the first people allowed in by the Communist Chinese
to actually live there and sent to one of their communes because he was a leftist, a liberal.
He was a well-meaning one.
My dad said when he was in college, before that in the 60s, that they were already priming him that China was the future, China was the way to go, and they had Chinese research scientists over here that my dad was working with even in high school at MD Anderson, but that's a whole other story.
But the globalists chose China as the model for the world, took it from nowhere with no running water in 95% of the country to the industrial and technological juggernaut that it is now.
But it's powerful how Mr. Mosier, who became one of the leading people for orphanages, you name it, in China, had his epiphany from the people themselves.
People think the Chinese are monolithic.
No, they're not.
Not the Taiwanese, not many.
In fact, I can hardly buy Chinese food for myself.
When I go in a Chinese place in Houston or Austin or New York, I was in a Chinese food restaurant last night and they were trying to keep me from paying.
And they had, of course, Epoch Times being sold at the front.
So most of the Chinese people that are out of China absolutely know how horrible it is.
And they're free market people.
They used to be Christian, a lot of them.
They get killed or Buddhist.
And where's the left saying a word?
I mean, imagine Hitler.
Everybody overuses Hitler.
Oh, it's like Hitler.
It's like Hitler.
But if there was a Hitler around who was still in government, or let's say Hitler died but the Nazis were still in power in Europe, and they were still killing people in mass, you'd be concerned about it.
But not China.
And instead, they're bringing their technology that's been proven to have all these spy chips, all these controls, and are buying off our universities, our governments.
Well, Stephen W. Mosier has been one of the only other big voices out there, other than myself and Bill Gertz, and a few others, who have talked about What the CFR has said, what the globalists have said, that they're selling us out to China, that they have been holding their hand and positioning them and now it's finally in the news that they've got spy ships and they're taking Kenya's only port and they've got 98% of rare earth minerals and they've got all the major, they've been positioned by traders as part of a larger plan.
We'll talk about that next hour.
I get into 5G and his huge article that's gone totally viral.
It was like one of the top stories last week when Drudge Report linked to it about The Chinese Communist Master Plan and this dynastic royalty, basically, of the party that got arrested.
How Arrest of Chinese Princess Exposes Regime's World Domination Plot.
So we'll get into that in the 30 minutes next hour, but your personal story is so powerful.
You're awakening.
I don't want to speak for you.
Were you a liberal?
Were you a leftist?
The point was, you meant well, but you drank the Kool-Aid, because I've read your book, and I've had you on several times.
But you describe it best, who you were, and then hopefully other liberals will wake up out there.
Well, I was I was a doctoral candidate at Stanford University.
I was teaching Chinese studies at the University of California at Berkeley.
And yeah, I'd read all the books that were published in the 60s and 70s praising Chairman Mao Zedong and the Chinese Communist Party for the claims that they had ended poverty.
They had improved the lives of the people in the countryside.
You know, it was typical left-wing illusions, delusions we should say, about a brutal, thuggish, communist regime that when you looked up close and personal, these weren't very nice people.
This was the new party.
This was the elite.
These were people who kept the masses oppressed.
They didn't rise and raise up the masses.
They kept the ordinary people oppressed and they of course had the best of everything.
The now today 90 million members of the Chinese Communist Party absolutely dominate the 1.4 billion Chinese.
They get the best of everything.
Most of the money that's been generated by the export sector of the Chinese economy, which is the only sector of the economy that works, by the way, the rest of the Chinese economy is clunky state-owned dinosaurs.
resembles the former Soviet Union. The export sector of the economy, thanks to the stupidity of our leaders for the
last 25 years, works with great efficiency to produce cheap goods for
American open markets. Finally, that's coming to a close.
So I get to China. I'm living in this commune. And it takes a while for the locals to begin to trust me.
Now I can read, write and speak Chinese. I can speak Cantonese, Mandarin and Taiwanese. So I was able to speak to them in a
language they could understand and communicate in.
And one by one, late at night, usually over a glass of rice wine, they would begin to tell me these horror stories of life under the commune.
You know what they call the Chinese Communist Party?
They call it the Big Landlord.
The Chinese Communist Party, the Red Army came in, killed all the small landlords, the landowners, lined them up over there at that little mountain that I talked about and shot them dead.
But it became the big landlord.
It controlled everything.
The people were producing goods, silk and sugarcane and other things.
That they were forced to sell to the Chinese Communist Party at fire sale prices, so they remained poor while the party got rich.
But this one-child policy, I have to tell you about that, Alex, because to see women who are seven, eight, nine months pregnant, and in some cases only days or hours away from giving birth, arrested for the imaginary crime of being pregnant without the permission of the Chinese Communist Party, and then taken away by party officials, In front of the horrified parents, brothers, sisters, husbands and children of these women, taken away by force, I went with them to the operating room.
I was there when these women were opened up like tin cans by Caesarean section, by Red Army doctors who would then kill their babies by lethal injection.
This is not abortion.
Alex, as bad as that is, this is infanticide.
This was the killing of nearly full-term healthy babies at birth and there were cases.
That the woman was so far advanced in labor that the baby's head was already crowning.
The baby was already beginning to be born, and what the Red Army doctors did at that point is almost beyond describing.
They would take a hypodermic needle, they would fill it with formaldehyde or alcohol, and they would give the baby a lethal injection into the soft spot of the baby's skull.
Um, killing the baby instantly after it was born.
Now let's be clear, here in America they call it partial birth, but the women volunteer for it, and the baby, under law, cannot leave the canal, or it's a live birth, you can't kill them, though they still do it.
They use a high-powered suction vacuum to punch a hole in the head and suck the brains out.
Yeah, we can't claim any moral superiority over the Chinese in that sense.
I mean, in one sense, we're a democratic country.
We elected the men who appointed the judges who allowed the abortion doctors to go into the sanctity of the womb with their knives and their suction equipment and kill unborn children.
So, in a sense, we're doubly responsible.
The Chinese women The Chinese families who were devastated by these forced abortions didn't elect these Communist Party leaders.
These leaders... Exactly.
So the evil is being forced on them.
Let's expand on that and we're going to get into the big enchilada when we come back.
The current state of the war with China and the traitors in our own government.
And so Americans can pick which side and others around the world can pick which side they want to be on here with the author, best-selling author, bully of Asia, Stephen W. Mosier.
Why China's Dream is the New Threat to World Order.
The left, David Rockefeller, when Mao Zedong died, as you know, in the late 70s, wrote huge op-eds in the New York Times, praising how great communism is, how wonderful it is.
Why would the ultra-rich do this?
And then, why does the left love China?
Because that's where you can really carry out the mass test, have a party that's ready to do it, and just use people like they're lower than animals.
What was it like for you, who had drunk the Kool-Aid, as you said, to actually then actually be on the ground?
They trusted you.
You were a fellow traveler, China Studies guy, so you were one of the first to come in.
And then what was it like in the process?
Did it come all at once, or was it incremental?
Well, it took me the better part of a year.
I'm a slow learner when it comes to some very important things.
But by the end of my year in China, I realized that the Chinese Communist Party was a party of tyrants, of thugs, really a mafia that had taken control of the entire country.
And we're not really out for the Chinese people in any sense of the meaning of the word.
They were simply out for themselves.
They were a party that wanted to accumulate as much power and wealth as they could.
But see, George Orwell was a leading socialist and then woke up because he actually got his hands dirty.
You got your hands dirty.
That's the problem now.
So many leftists are in bubble world.
You know, living in the high-rise apartment, going to college forever, on the internet, they never get their hands dirty.
It seems like anybody that gets their hands dirty who isn't evil always starts fighting collectivism.
Yeah, if I could take all of my Stanford University colleagues with me to China and let them live in China for a year, they would come away with a very different view of socialism, of communism in China.
The trouble is they only see China from afar.
They read the propaganda published by the Chinese regime.
They're alienated from their own country, you see.
That's the other problem.
They're alienated from their own country, their own history, their own culture.
They've been taught to despise their own history, their own culture.
Let's talk about that!
How were they inoculated to hate themselves?
Many of you watching or listening have either been completely banned off social media or You have been censored.
And we've seen thousands of prominent voices banned off Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google, Instagram in the last two years.
It all started the day after Hillary Clinton, who outspent Donald Trump 10 to 1 in the 2016 election.
America was supposed to be all sewed up for the culture war.
With the deindustrialization, the demoralization, but it didn't happen the way they'd planned it.
And so now they've announced Michael Savage, 20-something years on air, number one in his slot nationwide, is having his show canceled and replaced with Ben Shapiro, who's never even had a talk show on the radio.
Now we see they're trying to take Tucker Carlson off the air.
Now we see Gavin McGinnis, number one on CRTV, taken down.
Whoever's number one on their platform is taken down, because that's who the globalists fear is leaders.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's national campaigns out there to not even let other people post us to YouTube, Twitter, or Facebook, where even our fans can't counter what's happening.
But there's one thing they haven't figured out how to censor yet, and that's hashtags.
Whether it's Twitter, whether it's Instagram, whether it's Facebook, whether it's YouTube, it leads people back to feeds of information.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
If all of you, when you make a tweet, or send on Instagram, or even talk to your neighbors, or call in to talk radio, just tell people the way to get around the censorship and break the back of the system is hashtag Alex Jones.
If everybody starts doing that, it's going to be the shot heard around the world.
whatever you do, start today with #AlexJones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You gave me fortune!
You gave me fame!
You gave me power!
Give me your God's name!
You gave me fortune, you gave me fame, you gave me power, give me your God's name.
I'm every person you need to be.
Oh, I'm the God of...
So, Communist China has bought up Hollywood, it's bought up the Treasury's rights.
We're going to get into this next segment.
This is a short little segment, so I want to finish up with Stephen W. Mosier's experiences in China as one of the first Americans, if not the first, to be allowed into the communes.
It's just so riveting and so interesting.
I've been reading his work for decades.
He's been on, I think, Ten years ago, and then a few years ago again.
We should get him on routinely.
Pop.org is the website.
And we're not just here gloom and dooming.
We're not bashing the Chinese, you know.
CNN before us said, Trump hates Chinese people.
He hates Asians.
Or, I've seen articles, Alex Jones hates Chinese.
No, Chinese people hate communism.
And it's super unpopular.
My sister's Korean adopted.
We don't, David Knight went and got, he already has his own biological children.
They went as Christians and adopted their daughter as a baby, starving to death.
She now lives here in the U.S., almost 20 years old.
Great lady from China.
No, we don't hate Chinese people.
We're trying to stop them being aborted and being brainwashed and being turned into weapons against us.
We want to see China free.
We want humanity unified.
And only real Christianity can do that, which they're executing Christians and blowing up their churches.
But in the four minutes to break, just recapping what you witnessed in China and your message to leftists.
So I've noticed the Mao Youth Brigades that run Antifa, that threaten us and do all sorts of things to other people.
Their operating system is the Confucian centers at the major universities that they now admit are Chinese government run.
We've infiltrated some of the meetings.
They know we've done that.
And they actually have UT chairs that are praising Mao and Communists at these meetings, and the operating system is Maoist for the grassroots globalist movement, not just here, but in Europe, I've noticed.
Yeah, it really is.
The Confucian Institutes are a Trojan horse with Chinese characteristics that they're planting all over the world.
It's not just the United States.
The United States is the favorite target because obviously we're the principal obstacle to China's domination of the world.
If they could get rid of us, they think they can deal with these other what they call the little countries quite easily.
You know, and that's their view of the world.
Their view of the world is China is at the center.
And if you're not a friend of China, you're an enemy of China.
China doesn't have neighbors.
It doesn't have neighborly relations.
It either has the tributary states, vassal states, or it has enemies.
And only those two categories apply.
But if they can deal with us, they believe that Australia and New Zealand and Canada, Great Britain, all the rest will fall like dominoes because China is so much bigger and in their imagination so much more powerful.
And you, I'm not trying to talk you up to folks here, but I remember reading your stuff 20 years ago.
You were warning of all this.
Back when we saw it all happening and the Clintons transferring the missile secrets and all the rest of it.
But back then you were kind of a lonely voice.
You're not too lonely now.
I mean, it looks like Trump and Pence and everybody in the military, and I've had high-level CIA reach out to us and they said, you're dead on.
We're actually helping get the government back from globalists with this China thing.
It's unifying Americans to make a decision.
And the fact that now they realize that there are a lot of Americans aligned with the CHICOMS, that's actually causing a big wake up.
Yeah, the Chinese Communist Party has learned how to play the American system.
They've learned how to take hostages.
They're taking Canadian hostages right now in China.
They've learned how to hold hostage American companies that want to do business in China.
They've learned how to use Fortune 500 companies lobbyists in Washington to lobby for the interests of the Chinese Communist Party.
So they've gotten very clever in doing this.
You know, 20 years ago, Alex, they were, they accrued And they blundered into giving money directly to Clinton's campaign.
They were caught with... Oh, at the White House with suitcases of cash?
That was crude, and they were caught doing it.
So now they're much more clever in their approach.
These Confucius Institutes, of course, are intended to train the next generation of China watchers to be what?
To be panda huggers.
To be people who haven't learned real Chinese history, The brutal history of the Chinese Communist Party.
The killing of 100 million Chinese.
The starving death of 45 million Chinese.
The elimination of 400 million Chinese.
Well, stay there then.
You're going to have the floor for the next two segments.
Give us the 35,000 view, then the zero foot view.
We come back about what we're really facing with the Chai Koms.
What their endgame is and how we stop them.
Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning.
But you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call or talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment!
Breakfast where the news is read.
Television, children fed.
Unborn, living, living dead.
Children fed, unborn living, living dead Bullet strikes the helmet's head
And it's all over for the unknown soldier It's all over for the unknown soldier
You know, they talk about the silent majority, but what about the unknown soldiers of liberty out there?
All of you that support us?
Pray for us, we wouldn't be here without you.
Stephen W. Mosier is our guest, one of the first Americans ever into Communist China as a Stanford Research Fellow in his best-selling book, Bully of Asia.
Stephen W. Mosier, highly respected, syndicated columnist.
You can read his latest article that's been one of the top stories last week, How Arrest of Chinese Princess Exposes Regime's World Domination Plot.
And you see Google and Apple, about 10 months ago, moved to China.
Trump lowers taxes from 40% to 15% on corporations to match China.
That's a tariff they had, having a lower tax.
It was a reverse tariff.
They go to zero.
But they throw down the gauntlet and say, even Reuters had their statement, you must become state-run.
And so Tim Cook said, You can have all the code keys to everybody in the world.
This is beyond treason.
This is madness.
Google is helping them with AI, but not the Pentagon.
So it's a big wake-up call to all the old rich guys in both parties playing games that China raced way ahead of us.
And you're not just getting cheap, you know, goods that break before they come out of the package anymore.
The CHICOMs you built up to be your economic takeover leverage have turned around and bitten you in the butt, which was always planned by the Council on Foreign Relations and David Rockefeller, who said in the 70s, when people like Mosier were allowed in, because he was on the game plan then.
To set China up to dominate the world.
So, give us the Chi-Com view of the world and what we're currently facing with 5G.
What, uh, because they've been taking our people hostages.
They've been radiating our embassies, killing people.
China's at war with us.
They've been shooting at our ships.
They're damn lucky this woman didn't just get indicted.
I mean, you know, I'm seriously, we're in a war.
I think it's Trump sending a little message.
We're not going to just target your regular soldiers here.
We're going to target your little princess.
So break it down for us.
Well, let's be clear about what China, how China views the world.
Back in 1991, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Deng Xiaoping, who was then the supreme leader in China, called his senior Communist Party buddies together, and he said, the old Cold War is over.
The United States has defeated the Soviet Union.
He said the new Cold War is now beginning between China and the United States, and China will win this one.
I wrote a book back 20 years ago called Hegemon, China's Plan to Dominate Asia and the World.
And you know what, Alex?
A lot of people said, oh, China doesn't want to dominate Asia, doesn't want to dominate the world.
It simply wants to join the existing world order.
It wants to cooperate with us in building a more prosperous world.
Well, now, 20 years later, everybody sees that wasn't the plan of China at all.
The plan of China was Beginning and end, one of domination.
China, the word China in Chinese, Zhongguo, means middle kingdom.
It's the kingdom at the center of the earth.
And the Chinese Communist Party wants China to be the kingdom at the center of the earth again.
It has, the Communist Party has a disdain for the lesser peoples around China's periphery.
Think about the Belt and Road Initiative.
What is the Belt and Road Initiative?
China is spending trillions of dollars building infrastructure in places like Pakistan.
And, and Sri Lanka and India and Djibouti, they're built their first army base, naval base in Africa, in Djibouti, Africa.
They're building infrastructure all around the world.
And that infrastructure is intended to bring the world's economy into China's domain.
It's intended to recenter the world's economy around China, so that China becomes The place where all goods are manufactured and the rest of the world becomes what?
It becomes a source of raw materials for China and it becomes a source of agricultural products.
But China becomes the factory floor of the world.
That's the goal.
The goal of the Made in China 2025 plan.
By 2025, China wants to dominate robotics and Artificial intelligence.
And now we get to Huawei.
They want to dominate 5G because they know that if they dominate the high tech industries of the future, that is a path to dominating the world of the future.
And is it not?
You hinted at this when we went to break, without me even bringing it up.
It's like a baby duck can imprint on a wolf that's about to eat it.
First thing it sees, it loves.
The vitriol.
I mean, you always hear the left hates America.
I don't call them liberals.
They're the left.
I'll go out to an event and I'll say, America's coming back, we're getting unemployment down, and we're coming together, and they go, oh, and I go, USA, USA, but you can make fun of the chant, it's like vampires seeing high noon, and they literally, you talk to them, America was never great, it'll never be great, China's great, everybody else is great, they literally have been taught to hate themselves and hate their heritage, And I don't even know why everybody wants to get in here, even though we're pretty much already done in many ways.
What's left of the wreckage is so much better.
They've never traveled to these countries.
They've never experienced it, and you can't get through to them.
It's like they have reflected glory from the collapse of America, and they love China's rise.
It's like they're imagining Stockholm Syndrome, like loving your abuser, that they're with the Chai Koms.
When they're the first people, the Chai Koms will get rid of.
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, and we can talk.
We've probably talked for a long time about how the educational system in this country went 100 years ago from taking American children and teaching them that that America is the greatest experiment in ordered liberty the world has ever seen.
I wrote a speech for President Ronald Reagan once, in which he talked about the city on the hill.
He was a believer in the promise of America, not just for America, but that the lamp of liberty shining from America would lift other countries out of the darkness of tyranny and into the sunlit uplands of freedom and liberty.
People in schools don't learn that anymore.
All they learn, of course, is that we're Racist, sexist, all those other lies.
You turn on the news, or any movie, it's all how you would demoralize people, and then you learn the Chi-Coms are funding most of it!
I mean, it's just crazy that they found this many collaborators, and it seems to me, if we illustrate this to people, they're gonna come out of it, and like, come on!
It's like, it should be so easy to beat this, is what I'm saying, but we don't have much time, do we?
Because China is about to move into a dominant position.
Well, I will tell you until the election two years ago, I think that that we were five years or maybe 10 years at the outside from a tipping point.
And what I mean by that tipping point is that the world, the geostrategic table would tilt so far in the direction of China that we would never be able to reverse it.
Now, of course, we have a chance, maybe our last chance.
No, I totally agree.
And so the average leftist, when all Trump has done is pragmatically try to help everybody, and like, try to even parlay with this evil, I just cannot believe they're working against their own interests and don't get how incredible this last chance is.
Yeah, when you read the Chinese press, as I do, you see that the Global Times and the People's Daily and the other Chinese newspapers, in their criticism of Trump, seem to repeat a lot of the things that the leftists in the United States say about our president.
So it's almost as if there's this unholy alliance.
Between American progressives and leftists on the one hand, and of course the Chinese Communist Party on the other, who really aren't, look, let's be clear, these aren't communists in the sense of to everybody according to their need and from everybody according to their ability.
These are fascists.
These are people who want to dominate, who love power above everything else, and who want to dominate not just the poor, downtrodden.
Oh yeah, talk about that.
How many inner party members are there and what's their average wealth?
I mean, these are fabulously rich communists.
Oh, yeah.
This is the wealthiest Communist Party in the world.
There are 90 million members of the Chinese Communist Party.
And if you want to get ahead in China, You have to join the Communist Party.
And once you join the Communist Party, you're basically free to do anything you want.
They have, for example, in Chinese cities, when the local city government runs a little short of cash, they will invent a new tax.
And then the Communist Party members will go from door to door to businesses saying, you owe us another thousand dollars and just collect the money on the spot.
Much of it winds up in their pockets.
The best example though is the former Premier, a fellow named Wen, Premier Wen, Wen Jiabao is his full name.
He came into office worth only a few million dollars.
He left office 10 years later with 2.3 billion dollars.
2.3 billion dollars in his pocket.
Stay there, let's talk about this little princess and how her arrest signals America's surrender.
We're ending the year.
2018 has been tumultuous.
It's been an insane year.
And InfoWars has continued with the deplatforming and the lawsuits, the demonization, the attacks, and everything else because of one thing.
Our supporters, our listeners, our viewers understand that what we're doing is a critical mission, not just for InfoWars, not just for America, but for the world.
And that the globalists Wouldn't be trying to shut us down if we weren't telling the truth, if we weren't effective.
So the old World War II saying, I've quoted it probably 5,000 times, but it's so true, I've got to do it again.
You know, a lot of cliches are cliches because they're accurate.
A lot of stereotypes are stereotypes because they're true.
In World War II, they didn't really have radar yet.
The British had a little bit, but not in airplanes.
They had them on the mainland for the Battle of Britain.
But our aircraft didn't have Radar.
And so, they'd fly in with a chart and a map over Italy or over Germany or over Nazi-held areas of Eastern Europe, and they weren't sure where to hit.
They had general areas of what tank manufacturing facility or munitions manufacturing facility they were supposed to hit, or what power plant they were supposed to hit.
But they learned, because the Germans couldn't help it, That they would put anti-aircraft guns around where it was really at.
And so first they'd send in a group of airplanes all spread out, kind of a forward observation group, to see who got shot at.
Because we're showing Germans paratrooping into Greece in 1942.
That's a separate battle.
And so...
They would send in reconnaissance planes to get shot at, and wherever they radioed in, they got shot at the most.
Lo and behold, they'd find that's where the factories were.
So the saying, when you know you're over the target, when you're getting the most flak, comes from that.
And so, that's what we do here, is we go out, and we find out where the most flak is.
And we find out where the biggest attack is and what pisses them off the most.
And lo and behold, that turns out to be the most accurate information.
So as we prepare to close out this year, A, I want to thank you for the incredible support.
And I want to point out, we've got the best water filtration, the best air filtration, the best books, the best films, the best supplements, the best survival gear, the best storable food.
We've got whatever the best is, I go out, I make a great deal to sell it to you at the lowest price available so that you get a great product and so you reorder and you appreciate what we're doing because I want to serve you well.
I want to treat you the way I want to be treated.
So this year, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, we're extending all the Christmas specials out until January 1st.
And we've been successful, thanks to your support, selling out of almost our whole inventory, so we won't have the inventory taxes.
But let me tell you, you did a great job, but we did a great job, too.
Free shipping store-wide, 50 to 75% off everything, double Patriot points on your next order, and a free t-shirt with every order.
That is extended, but only a few days left.
Until the end of this year.
And some items have already sold out, but everything else we still have is a 50-75% off store-wide free shipping and a free t-shirt.
And of course, so many other great items.
In fact, I'm told in a day or two, all t-shirts will be sold out, so there'll be a new free item like colloidal silver or something like that.
The point is, take advantage of year-end sales, help support the InfoWar, get the best deals out there.
A true 360 win.
InfoWarsStore.com Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World
Order, it's Alex Jones moons.
We've got it.
This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
So the globalists couldn't defeat the American system and it was too good an example.
So they exported our jobs and technology to China and let it buy up our entertainment and everything.
So the globalists have a country to run to if they ever lose the war against America or they get indicted.
And that's really where this is.
So, Stephen W. Mosier, expert on China, lived there many years when it first opened up to the West.
Bully of Asia, best-selling author, big article out, New York Post, How Arrest of Chinese Princess Exposes Regime's World Domination Plot.
Don't politely pause or I'll jump in.
In the eight minutes we have left in this segment, get into, you know, how we defeat this, what you think of Trump, what Americans can do, and what the stakes are here, because this is getting crazy.
Well, the stakes, Alex, couldn't be higher.
I mean, this is this is about the big bazooli.
This is about the future of the world.
This is about whether or not our children and grandchildren will be forced to learn Chinese and the collected sayings of Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Because make no mistake, what's happening in China right now with minorities, with the Uyghurs for example, the Turkish minority in the West, where they're being rounded up and sent by a million of them into concentration camps, where they're forbidden to speak their own language, practice their own religion, practice their own culture, they're required to learn Chinese.
That's the model that China would use on its neighbors like the Vietnamese, the Cambodians and the rest, once its influence expands.
So this is this is for the this is for the ballgame.
And the reason why the reason why the Huawei business is so important is Huawei, which means to serve China, is a Chinese company that has been promoted and subsidized by the Chinese Communist Party for the last few decades in order to dominate high tech, specifically the manufacture of smartphones on the one hand and the manufacture of 5G equipment.
5G is the Of course, fiber to the phone, 100 times faster than 4G, it's going to control everything in the future.
And if you install the 5G switching equipment, which the Chinese company Huawei wants to do around the world, then you can turn those switches on, and you can turn those switches off.
And I had to laugh.
The other day, the Italians were trying to convince the Italians of all people to rip out all of the Huawei equipment that they've installed in Italy.
And the director of telecommunications in Italy said this.
He said, but we like Huawei because it's so cheap and it's so flexible.
Well, the reason it's cheap is it's subsidized by the Chinese Communist Party.
Of course, it's cheap.
Because it's spy equipment.
The reason it's flexible, Alex, is because it can be reprogrammed remotely.
Well, isn't that convenient?
The Chinese Communist Party, through Huawei, once it installs this 5G equipment, can reprogram it remotely to do exactly what Beijing wants.
That's why this stuff is so dangerous.
It's going to control everything in the future.
The driverless cars, the freight trains, the power plants, and, of course, weapons systems.
This is beyond something like the Terminator movie.
This is the Communist Chinese dominant, because like you said, they'll sell it, not at cost, at a loss.
As the heart of their global move, a Trojan horse, here's basically free 5G.
Just pay for the basic cost, but we control it, and then the Chinese government is already dominant in rural America.
They've already put it in and are already begging Trump, don't make us take it out.
We want the Qicom 5G.
Well, it's 30-40% cheaper than Cisco Systems or the other manufacturers of 5G equipment because it's paid for, in large part, by the Chinese Communist Party for their own purposes of control, spying, and espionage.
They've got literal slaves putting this crap together.
Then they ship it over.
Their technicians come over that are operatives.
I can't believe we've even allowed this to happen.
Well, we've gotten pretty far down this road.
Finally, though, we have an administration with people in the administration, like the Trade and Industry Council head, Peter Navarro, who understands.
That China literally wants to kill us.
Peter wrote a few years ago a book called Death by China, which people may have heard of, about how Chinese products can be dangerous to us.
Bicycles that break down when you ride them and kill their owners.
Things like that.
But the 5G stuff is much more dangerous.
It would be not just individual death by China, but it would be the death of our civilization.
Because think about, all of a sudden the trains stop running, The car stopped running.
The power plant shut down.
The lights go off.
Your cell phone doesn't work.
Everything stops.
And China says, in order for us to turn the lights back on again, you're going to have to demobilize.
You're going to have to build down your military.
You're going to have to hand us, you know, the Western Pacific.
That's what we're talking about.
We're talking about the endgame here.
A century ago, you know, the important things were controlling strategic choke points, like the Panama Canal, like the Straits of Malacca, where the British built Singapore to control entry and egress from the Pacific end of the Indian Ocean.
Today, those strategic choke points are going to be controlled by 5G equipment, and we don't want that equipment to be made in China.
Now, we've gotten pretty far down this road.
We're having to go in, I understand, and rip out computer motherboards from many of our military facilities because we haven't paid enough attention to the fact that anything made in China Of a high tech nature is going to have a backdoor a trapdoor is going to have a chimp embedded in it so that the Chinese can use it remotely to collect information.
That's not just me talking.
I mean the FBI director Christopher Wray earlier this year said that Huawei equipment could be used in a malicious way to modify and steal information to conduct undetected espionage.
That we wouldn't even find out about until months or years later.
So we now know that this is a problem.
We're now finally taking action, but we couldn't take action fast enough.
And we've got to bring the world along with us because the United States can't stand alone in this.
We have to have Australia, New Zealand, the English speaking countries with us.
I think they are on board.
We have to get places like South Korea and Japan to join with us as well.
Because if they're using, if our allies are using 5G equipment, We really can't be allied with them in the future, because information flows both ways.
Sure, everything's being intercepted.
It's like when we have the Nazi Ultra Code, and of course they didn't know during World War II, that's how we were able to beat them.
This is crazy, and it's all admitted.
When the Chinese people want freedom, China's very weak if we simply stand up to them, and that's why I'm encouraging leftists and others out there who have this moronic hatred of America.
China doesn't care about you.
America is full of good people on average, and we need to stand against the robber barons, the big corporate elite that have bet on China.
They're the real traitors that set China up to do this in their lust to defeat the American experiment.
I know in my gut we're going to beat the Globalists and the Chi-Coms, and I'm not a vindictive person, but justice needs to be done.
And those of you that actively serve this, there's a lot of you out there I know listening who are Globalists who serve the Chi-Com operation, you're going to have to pay for what you've done.
So I'm just encouraging everybody now, stop now, don't be part of this, and realize the alarm's already been pulled, the alarm's already been set, and the resistance has already been triggered, and I don't think in the end the Globalists are going to win.
What do you think, Steven?
I think we still control our own destiny here.
And certainly the Trump tariffs have done exactly what they were supposed to do.
They have raised the cost for the Chinese Communist Party.
They have brought the Chinese Communist Party to the negotiating table.
And I think we're going to see the trade deficit with China shrink rapidly over the next A couple years, if not, the tariffs are going to go up to 25% and I'll tell you what that means.
That means that Apple, which now makes things in China, will be making things in Vietnam.
Stephen W. Mosier, Bullion Asia author.
We'll talk to you soon.
We salute you.
Since the time of Plato, 2300 plus years ago, elites believed that the Earth was overpopulated.
Now, you could argue that today, but in the time of Plato, There wasn't more than a hundred thousand people on the Greek islands.
But in his republic, he wrote about humans crushing the breast of Mother Earth.
And it was his ideas 2,000 years later, they were picked up by Malthus.
Sir Malthus.
Malthus wanted to herd people in Ireland and in England to pour people into tiny, small, 200-foot apartments so that they would fester with disease and die.
You've heard the term Malthusian.
That means you just believe in making things worse.
So that you get rid of the poor people, you get rid of the dumb people, you get rid of the stupid people.
He predicted that within a hundred years, that was the 1700s, he predicted by the 1800s, the Earth would reach its carrying potential.
There would be a planetary collapse of the entire human population.
So when you hear about eugenics, and you read about the UN saying we're overpopulated, and you see them pushing for global one-child policies, Remember that this has been a long-term view of aristocrats, of royalty, of oligarchs, of plutocrats for 2,000 plus years.
And really what they use this for is a way to dehumanize the general public.
Why educate?
Why have sewage?
Why have sanitation if these people are animals to begin with?
But see, once sanitation and things were adopted 150 years ago, infectious diseases went down over 95%.
So then the eugenicists met and they said, what are we going to do?
People aren't dying from infectious diseases, the Malthusian plant is failing.
They said, we'll take all these good scientists and people that have developed all these vaccines and things that are good.
And we'll take control of these with modern medical science through the Rockefeller Foundation.
And we'll actually control it and make everything worse.
Cancer was incredibly rare 100 years ago.
By the 20s, the Rockefellers had discovered most of it was viral and weaponized it.
And there's hundreds of other examples.
So when you pull back from this and understand that it's not that environmentalism is bad, it's good, but the bad guys run it, not to help the earth or people, but to control it.
When you realize that vaccine technology is good and real, but that bad guys have it and are adding Trojan horses, then you understand.
Just like computers are good, but then they can be used for bad with Trojan horses to control.
That's the same story over and over and over again.
That's why you have an attack on the family.
That's why you have an attack on the middle class.
That's why globalists want to make populations poor and stupid and controllable.
Because only one level of the eugenics operation The truth is, they're just using it as an excuse to dehumanize all life, throw chivalry out the window, and treat their fellow humans like they're animals.
Because the globalists are sociopathic and psychotic in their spectrum, and they project their own hatred on the public.
And their own loathing of themselves on the public, and then cover it, claiming that they're nothing but social Darwinists, carrying out a cleansing of the Earth, when they're the ones with the open-air genetic engineering, they're the ones with the gene splicing, they're the ones with the human-animal chimeras, they're the ones with the atmospheric manipulations, when they're the ones endangering the entire planet.
So as we go into the new year, understand this.
A 2,300-year plan He's fighting against a plan for a pro-human future.
Choose renaissance, not death.
Choose Infowars.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
♪ ("The New World Order Theme" by Alex Jones plays) ♪ Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
We're here live.
Don't forget the War Room with Owen Schroyer.
Weekdays, 3 o'clock Central.
David Knight, doing a great job.
David Knight Show, 8 a.m.
every morning from the InfoWars News Center.
The most lied about, the most demonized, the most attacked broadcast in the world because we're over the target.
Well, somebody that has been saying that the economy was going to start going down because of too much debt and all the rest of it.
It's Peter Schiff of EuroPAC.com.
He doesn't need an introduction.
We're going to go to him in just a moment to get his take on this roller coaster stock market that already lost this year's gains and where he sees all of this going here in a moment.
I'm not plugged yet today.
But I'm going to now.
Listeners have really supported the broadcast, and I appreciate that in the face of the Democratic Party, the establishment trying to shut us down.
And so we're having year-end closeout sales that are the biggest sales we've ever had, been run the last month.
Storewide free shipping, double Patriot points, instead of 5%, 10% on your next order.
Storewide free shipping, as I said, 50 to 75% off, and a free gift with every order.
It was free t-shirt, but 20,000 t-shirts later, we're out of t-shirts in large and extra large.
So we have to stop that now.
So you will get something of comparable value.
A bottle of Coil Silver, a bottle of Brain Force.
I mean, there's a lot of cool free gifts that we're putting in each order.
But regardless, you're funding InfoWareStore.com.
You're funding an operation that, yeah, we're selling a lot of this at cost to clear out the warehouse.
You've seen the Soros group.
You've seen Hillary, the Democrats.
Shane, he's still got merchant accounts.
Yeah, we had six.
They got us down to one.
We got a couple backups now in contracts.
But this is a war to shut us down.
So my model is this.
About two months ago, I said, we're selling everything at cost or lower.
Clear the warehouse out.
Get operating funds in.
I'm going to move back to sponsorship, which in the next two weeks we're going to announce three
new sponsors that don't care if they get death threats or bomb threats by the Democrats.
And so put that in your pipe. And it may even increase funding. We'll just keep the merchant
accounts and sell our own products. But we got a bunch of big sponsors coming online.
So praise God for that. The point is, support InfoWars today.
We have very close to selling out a lot of products.
We've sold out a lot of products.
Still some of our best sellers are there.
Whether it's X2, X3, BrainForce, InfoWarsStore.com.
And a lot of these deals we lose money on, but we're not paying inventory tax.
And it's a big, you know, you know what to the globalists that we're able to fund ourselves into the new year.
And they're taking Michael Savage off the air.
Uh, and he's not supposed to talk about it or he'll lose his contract and get sued.
But I can talk about it and they're taking, you know, everybody off the air.
It's every day it's some new top person taking off.
Gavin McInnes, the list goes on and on.
Uh, all getting ready to try to take the president out.
We can argue about his policies all day long.
The point is, he's really pissed off the establishment.
But Peter Schiff of Europac.com manages billions.
Of course, he was former chief advisor to Ron Paul.
His dad's a famous patriot, or was a famous patriot, who I was friends with.
But he joins us today to, you know, I guess toot his horn.
He's made a lot of predictions, and he's been saying that this whole gravy train that we've seen the last two years is coming to an end.
And, well, we're on the knife's edge.
I think we've already Already kind of gone down the roller coaster, haven't we?
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Happy New Year.
You know, I'm watching history happen.
Yeah, you know, I don't really want to toot my horn so much as sound the alarm.
I've been saying this since Trump was inaugurated, but he inherited that big, fat, ugly bubble, and the problem was he owns it now, because unfortunately he called it a boom and claimed credit for it, but he's going to own the bust.
Remember that what he inherited from Obama I mean, that's why Trump was elected, because the recovery was phony.
It was all engineered by cheap money and 0% interest rates and quantitative easing.
That prevented the economy from going through a badly needed restructuring.
It allowed the government to run enormous deficits under Obama without pushing interest rates up.
And it pushed up the value of stocks and real estate so people could feel wealthier even though they weren't.
And all of that, those assets, collateralized all sorts of debt.
We borrowed a lot of money during that time because of these inflated real estate prices
and stock prices.
And then Trump walks in and he kind of, you know, adds air to the bubble by cutting taxes,
by letting government spending continue to grow.
So we had more debt.
We postponed the bursting of that bubble.
So instead of it bursting, you know, early in his administration,
now it's going to burst halfway through.
And that means that the air is going to come out for the next two years.
And we're going to be in a worse recession than the great recession when Trump is up for re-election.
And that's going to be very difficult.
You know, the last president to run for re-election during a recession was Jimmy Carter.
And that didn't work out well for Carter, but it worked out well for the nation because we got Ronald Reagan.
Well, this time we're going to get the opposite of Ronald Reagan.
We're going to end up with a Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren type socialist as president in 2020,
with the full support of a socialist Congress.
So I think we have some dark days ahead, unfortunately.
Well, by the way, I wasn't being mean when I said "toot your horn."
I was tooting your horn for you that you were accurate.
But listen, I know Trump's view.
I've read his books about this.
If we're in a global debt bubble acceleration and the big banks were giving the debt to themselves, you know, the free money themselves, Trump's like, we've got to grow away out of this.
We've got to get some industry back.
I'm damned if I have the bubble go.
I'm damned if I don't.
I should at least He basically said that, and then here comes the Federal Reserve with policy that you would agree with.
Back when Obama was there, they should have raised rates, but they didn't.
So then he raises it clearly politically on Trump, and then that signals the bubble imploding.
I mean, if we're going to have the bubble implode, I mean, I think that's Trump's argument.
Why not let it expand some more?
So what about the argument that clearly the Federal Reserve has been targeting Trump politically?
Or do you disagree with that?
Well, look, I don't think the President has a lot of fans at the Federal Reserve, but I don't know that those guys are smart enough to know how to target him.
But, you know, I actually think that had the Fed not raised rates, it would be worse right now, because the only reason the dollar hasn't imploded is because the Fed is raising rates and because people
believe they're going to continue to raise rates. Now, I don't. I do believe that before Trump
is finished with this term, rates will be back at zero and the Federal Reserve is going to be
doing quantitative easing all over again, except it's going to backfire because it's not
going to reflate asset bubbles.
It's going to throw gasoline on the inflation.
So you're predicting that we're about to do 2008 repeat again?
Well, it's not going to be an exact repeat because in 2008, the dollar went up.
This time I think it's going to be a dollar crisis.
Oh yeah, you did predict that too.
The dollar's been going down.
You were on like six months ago and said that.
And the dollar hasn't really gone anywhere.
It's been going sideways because people still believe that the economy is much stronger than it is and that the Fed is going to be able to deliver more rate hikes.
But, you know, we haven't had economic growth really under Trump.
We've just spent more borrowed money.
You know, Trump likes to talk about how we're having a resurgence in manufacturing, but we're not.
The manufacturing numbers are terrible.
The trade deficits under Trump are bigger than they've ever been.
We have a record trade deficit.
He's been trying to do something.
Well, let's get to that next segment, but let me ask you this, Peter Schiff of Europe Pacific, Capital Europe, PAC.com.
The nightmare scenario, though, we'll go to break, talk about it.
I agree with you that if Hillary wouldn't have stolen it from Bernie, even though I hate Bernie and his policies, he would probably have beaten Trump.
America's going that way.
Look at Cortez as a bellwether.
That woman is an idiot and she wanted a landslide.
So I agree with you that if we don't do something right now, we're going to end up basically communist in 2020.
So start getting into that because I think that's scary.
Yeah, well, I mean, it's communism, you know, socialism.
Communism is a form of socialism.
I don't know that it's going to get that dire, but yeah, I mean, that's where we're headed.
I think Bernie getting elected, or Alexander Cortez, or Elizabeth Warren, I mean, they're basically communists.
It's like Hugo Chavez called himself a socialist, and then once he got full power, he was a communist.
Yeah, I mean, look, they're socialists.
I mean, communism, fascism, they're all forms of socialism.
It's basically a belief that, you know, that the free market doesn't work and that the government should do everything.
And clearly, that's where the heart of the Democratic Party is right now, and we're moving in that direction.
And that's why I'm afraid that Trump is going to get blamed.
This crisis that's going to happen, Trump didn't cause it, right?
No, you've been saying that.
You've been dead on.
And I wanted you to be wrong.
You've been right.
Let's just say it.
Leadership's right so far.
Tucker Carlson The number two talk show host in the country on television, and who is a patriot and a very smart guy, is being Alex Jones right now in front of all of us.
They're building a straw man, demonizing him, lying about him, taking things out of context, so they can then take him off the air and then really start to run him into the ground.
In fact, it came out just a few months ago that in the internal Google documents, where they said ban Alex Jones, they also said ban Tucker Carlson.
He was right under me on the list.
And I could already see, once they deplatformed me, that they began to focus in on Tucker Carlson.
That's why.
Talking to him off air, I've warned him.
I told him four months ago, I said, you are next.
He was already, obviously, covering all that on air.
And it's because he's got such credibility that the establishment is attacking him.
But let's look at what they're attacking him for.
He said that they create this national guilt that America is this evil, racist place, when we've been the most open nation to immigrants the world's ever seen.
In the days of Ellis Island, you would be held for three to six months, everybody, to make sure you didn't have any serious diseases.
But today, we have George Soros and the UN and others that openly fund huge caravans coming into Europe and the U.S.
Where people show up with cholera, and leprosy, and drug-resistant TB, and hundreds of other horrible infectious diseases, and we're told, don't even screen them, let them into the country, and then, under Obama, let them be child-trafficked.
Senate report confirmed all of that.
Gave the children to child traffickers, because you can't even see who the kids are with, sometimes unaccompanied.
You've just got to let them in and put them on Democrat Party-controlled buses.
If we go back to 10 years ago, it seems like ancient history now, Lou Dobbs had about 8-9 million viewers a night.
That's double what Sean Hannity has, he's number one.
Carlson's number two with 4 million.
And what was he talking about?
Globalism, open borders, the UN using migrants to invade countries.
He was going off their own documents.
Lou Dobbs was taken off the air because he was number one, because he was telling the truth that he was a patriot.
Now he's relegated to Fox Business with maybe a million viewers.
And Tucker Carlson is next, and then Sean Hannity.
People debate all the time about mass immigration.
What you never hear anybody do is make the economic case for mass immigration.
It's obvious that we need more scientists and skilled engineers, but that's not what we're getting.
Instead, we're getting waves of people with high school educations or less.
It's indefensible, so nobody even tries to defend it.
Instead, our leaders demand that you shut up and accept this.
We have a moral obligation to admit the world's poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer and dirtier and more divided.
So if you import the third world, you are making it more poor, more dirty, more divided.
Just like Democrat-controlled cities have feces everywhere, and needles, and the highest crime in every case.
Same thing with socialist countries overseas, because it's a system of dependency that they create.
So if Tucker Carlson's guilty of anything, it's for not going far enough.
It doesn't just make our cities dirtier and poorer and more divided, it makes them more dangerous, where San Francisco jury is letting an illegal alien that shoots a woman in the back go, because, well, she's white, we have diversity signal.
This is the real cancer.
The left openly now has drag events for four-year-olds, of gay bars, have little children dancing and having money thrown at them.
I mean, is there nothing we won't put up with, with the bullying of the left and their total cultural takeover?
If we don't start standing up for each other, we're going to lose everything.
Yesterday it was Alex Jones, now it's Tucker Carlson.
Just say no to these bullies now more than ever.
It's Alex Jones.
The world is a dangerous place, not because of evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
It's Alex Jones.
All right.
Peter Schiff of Europack.com, Billions Under Management.
You know I'm all over CNBC, you name it.
Has made a lot of accurate predictions.
And he's been talking about the debt and what's happening and the dollar and all the rest of it.
And so, continuing then, what do you expect to see next?
What do you think Trump should do versus what's been happening?
And you're elaborating on Trump getting the blame for the process that was already going on.
I mean, I know the Federal Reserve at first kind of suckered him in and said maybe things are going to grow.
Then they said they weren't.
I mean, they said it would never grow past 3%.
It did.
That kind of made people get more exuberant.
What's really going on and what's coming next?
You know, first of all, I've got a few things in common with you.
You know, CNBC banned me about two years ago.
So I haven't been on there in a long time.
So I have a hard time getting on the mainstream.
What got you banned?
You used to be all over the place.
I have no idea.
You know, the last time I was supposed to be on was a couple years ago.
I was scheduled to be on with Rick Santelli, who used to invite me on quite a bit.
And then I got canceled last minute.
And I haven't been invited on since.
And Rick had no idea why I got canceled, but that was my last scheduled appearance.
I get on Fox Business every once in a while, but I mean, I'm not on CNN anymore.
I'm not on Bloomberg.
They banned me.
They were the first to probably ban me eight, nine years ago, after I was on almost every week before the financial crisis.
So they don't like my opinion getting out there.
But let me just get back to what we're talking about with Trump.
Because Trump claimed credit for the boom and said it was his, he did it
with his policies and he made America great again.
Because of that, when this whole thing comes crashing down in the second half of his term,
he has made it so easy for the Democrats to blame him.
I mean, this is going to be easier than it was blaming Bush for the 2008 crisis.
That's what made it so easy for Obama to beat John McCain.
Well, it's going to be even easier for whoever the Democrats nominate to beat Trump when we are in a massive recession, and they're going to blame it on tax cuts, on deregulation, on everything that Trump did is going to get blamed.
What Trump should have done when he was first elected, Instead of trying to be popular and trying to make it easy, he should have basically delivered the bad news and basically said, look, you know, we've had eight years of a phony economy.
In fact, it began long before Obama.
We have to deflate this bubble.
We're going to have to go through a protracted recession to get our economic house in order.
If we want to make America great again, here's what we need to do.
We need to shrink government.
We need to cut government spending.
We need to rein in entitlements.
We need to cut regulations so we can produce and save.
We need higher interest rates.
The stock market's going to come down.
The real estate market's going to come down.
But if we want to produce again and export and do all these things that we did when we were great, this is what we need to do.
We need to swallow this bitter-tasting medicine.
But Trump didn't want any part of that.
He became a big cheerleader for everything he criticized.
All of a sudden, he wanted more cheap money.
He wanted higher stock prices.
He wanted more spending.
He just wanted to keep the bubble going before he got out of Dodge.
And he wanted to claim credit for the bubble.
The problem is, he's not going to get out of Dodge.
He's going to blow up while he's there.
Let's stop right there though.
I mean, the bubble wasn't getting to the people before.
They couldn't get above 3%.
Trump and the exuberance of getting some industry back and, you know, America first did get a lot of people excited.
And so it did inflate the bubble bigger, way bigger than they thought, which I think kind of scared the Federal Reserve.
I mean, I mean, let's give him some credit.
He sure the hell pumped that bubble up.
I don't want to give somebody credit for pumping a bubble.
I want credit for letting the bubble deflate.
Bubbles are a problem.
They distort the economy.
They can feel good just like drugs, but I don't want to encourage somebody to become a heroin addict because it feels good.
Sure, let me be honest.
I'm sure you were offered this too.
Let me be conservative.
I could have made the last six, seven years $300 million, literally, going with all the Bitcoin people and everything else.
I know what people got paid.
I had them offering me a million a month, real companies, just two years ago, and I never endorsed it because I thought at the end of the day it was going to be like the Tulip, you know, fiasco in the Netherlands a couple hundred years ago.
I'm not saying crypto isn't real.
I'm not saying digital currencies aren't okay.
I said it was bad news.
I think marijuana stocks Long term or a total bubble, because everybody and their dogs are involved in it.
And some people say, oh, I get offered all this money to promote marijuana stocks.
I'm not doing it.
I mean, I get what you're saying.
I don't like bubbles either.
I'm just saying... At least you can smoke marijuana.
You can't do anything with Bitcoin or any of these cryptocurrencies.
So they're going to zero.
Some of these pot stocks will survive.
But yeah, most of them are probably way overvalued because people don't understand how much competition is actually going to be in this market.
When the big tobacco companies are finally getting involved.
But, you know, yeah, I applaud the fact that you resisted the temptation to subject your audience to a Ponzi scheme.
I'm sure a lot of people in the crypto universe wanted to get you pumping all those coins so they can dump them on your audience.
And it's good for you that you didn't fall for that, because a lot of people... Well, let's be clear.
Years ago, we're not going to say any names.
I wasn't sophisticated like you were.
Eight, nine years ago, he called me and said, hey, you're not just promoting some dude's newsletter.
It's a whole stock deal.
So I had to learn, like, oh, I'm not just promoting a newsletter.
So when it got to Bitcoin, I'm like, and I was kind of when it hit like the biggest thing in the world, bigger than JP Morgan, bigger than Goldman Sachs.
And I'm like, was I wrong?
But then it just went last December straight down.
And I can sit back and tell my audience now, I did not tell you to do it, did I?
But sometimes I go, man, could have sure funded the company with 300 million bucks, but I'd probably go to prison.
Yeah, and you know, we're not finished going down.
I mean, people made money if they got in early.
But of course, those gains are going to equal the losses by all the people who got in late.
And by the time they were trying to pump, pay you to pump it, it was late.
They weren't trying to get you to pump Bitcoin when it was a dollar, or five dollars, or ten dollars.
No, they were begging me to do it starting two years ago, and then into its peak.
It was like, just take it, it's a million.
Just come on, it's a great deal.
I had like movie stars calling me and stuff.
Look, they always end badly, but Bitcoin is just a microcosm for the whole United States.
Our whole economy is a gigantic bubble.
And you know, had Hillary Clinton won, I don't think the Fed ever would have raised rates again.
They raised rates only one time before Trump was elected.
Sure, so that's my question.
So they clearly did something different because it was Trump.
No, because Trump enabled them to get in a few more hikes by blowing more air into the bubble.
And you talk about the 3% GDP growth.
We only got that for a couple of quarters.
I'm not even sure if we're going to be at 3% for all of 2018.
We didn't get it for 2017.
But whatever the GDP ends up being this year, this is going to be the high watermark.
We're going down.
We're probably going to be in a recession in GDP next year.
And we're not going to get out of it.
That's my next question.
A lot of economists are saying 20% reduction, bare minimum.
Some are saying 50%, and they're predicting great mainstream news.
I'm not saying that's right, though, as they lie so much.
A Great Depression scenario.
Well, the Great Depression is going to happen after the Democrats get in in 2020.
I mean, you know, because I guess the good news is they're going to screwed up even more.
I mean, if you want to call that good news, because we might have a shot of taking back the country in 2024.
But, you know, Hoover, you know, was in office when the depression started, but it really didn't become a depression.
Until Roosevelt made it a depression by basically taking all the failed policies of Hoover and expanding them.
And so I think when the Democrats take over this massive recession, they will turn it into a depression, except it's going to be an inflationary depression.
So it's not going to be a depression where stuff gets less expensive, because that actually makes a depression, you know, not as bad.
So you're predicting stagflation in 2021?
Except not just stagnation, an actual recession.
I'm talking about big inflation and recession at the same time, not just slow growth.
Has that ever happened before?
Well, you know, I don't know.
In the 1970s, I don't think the economy was actually contracting.
I think it was still going up.
But, you know, a lot of it has to do with the way they calculate inflation.
So it's probably happened, but the government hasn't officially acknowledged it because of the way they score it.
But I think that this time, even the government numbers are going to show a contracting economy.
So let me ask you this then.
What are you investing in?
Well look, I haven't changed my strategy.
I've been investing the same way.
To me, it's amazing that this bubble has gone on this big.
And again, had Trump not been elected, it would have popped two years ago, and I think the dollar would already be falling, gold would already be taking off, because the Fed would already be back in zero.
They'd already be doing quantitative easing.
So I think people should be getting out of the dollar before the bottom drops out.
Getting out of overpriced U.S.
stocks and bonds.
Getting into better valued assets outside the United States.
There are better valued... Sure, I mean does gold only go up or other commodities go up?
Well, I think all the commodities are ultimately going to go up.
I think gold is going to go up the most, so I think you're going to see a deflation in that.
I think commodity prices will fall in terms of real money, which is gold and silver, but I think prices are going to rise in terms of, you know, all these paper substitutes, like dollars or even euros.
I know you've got to go, but it's a two-minute break.
If you'll do five more minutes, I want to get back into Bitcoin, because I'm not a rocket scientist like you managing billions of dollars.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist.
You just have to have common sense.
No, I know.
So I want to hear about Bitcoin, because I agree with you.
Not just Bitcoin.
And people are really pissed when I do this.
I get death threats.
I think it's going to go to zero.
I mean, I just... Let's come back in two minutes and talk about that.
Listeners and viewers know that every time we go to break, I pass the hat.
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It's that simple.
So it's epic.
It's amazing.
I can't believe we've lasted this long.
In many ways we've gotten stronger and some we've gotten weaker.
This is the stuff of legends, and I just want listeners to continue to understand something, because it's the key.
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Uh, whatever it is, just take action today and realize that we're going to win only if you take action.
And again, I'm not here bitching at you.
I love you.
I appreciate you.
You're like a life raft in the middle of an ocean.
I feel like you are me.
I mean, I'm just so humbled.
I just want everybody to realize out of all the spectrums of knowledge and spectrums of information, almost all of it's disinfo.
What we're covering is The blueprint of what the globalists are doing and how to stop it.
And that's why it's so incredibly precious.
So again, whatever you do and however you can help yourself and InfoWars and our country and the world and our children, stand up against these control freaks, sociopaths, psychopaths and pedophiles.
Do it.
Because without you, we're going to lose this thing.
And if you just keep taking action, we're not just going to win.
We're going to build an incredible world together.
So God bless you all and thank you.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You found it.
The tip of the spear.
It is the Alex Jones Show with Mike Adams.
As we begin the third hour here today on the Alex Jones Show, Mike Adams filling in.
Thank you for joining us on December 27th, 2018.
I want to remind you that I am not, I am not your entertainment.
Alex Jones is not your entertainment.
We are not here so that you can just listen to something that affirms your current beliefs, although that's great.
That can help support, you know, your paradigm of the world.
And we live in the real world.
We live in the world of cause and effect.
But that's not why we are here.
We are here to give you information that can spur you to take action.
Action is crucial.
If you are listening to this show every day, And you're nodding your head in agreement.
And you're going, yeah, that's right.
That's exactly the way I feel.
That's what I'm thinking, too.
Yeah, the world's going crazy.
Look at this crazy stuff.
They want migrants to come in and overthrow America.
Look at the craziness with the Fed raising interest rates, trying to crash the stock market, and the liberals celebrating it.
Look at the craziness.
An 11-year-old boy dancing in a gay bar like a trans... I don't know.
It's too sick.
I don't even want to talk about that.
We're not just here to point out these crazy, insane things that are happening in the world.
And you shouldn't be, if I could offer this suggestion, you shouldn't be listening to this show just to get agreement.
You should be taking action.
You need to do things right now, I believe, because times are changing so rapidly.
There will come a day very soon where you won't be able to do things like get information online.
You know, if that EMP attack comes that I talked about in the previous segment, you won't be able to go to InfoWars.com.
You won't be able to hear this show on your mobile phone.
You won't be able to go online and look up the firearms disassembly manual for your rifle.
Because you'll have no connectivity.
You won't be able to go to the grocery store and stock up on butter because all the butter will be gone.
You won't be able to buy a water filter.
Amazon won't be able to deliver to your house.
UPS won't be functioning.
Heck, UPS barely functions on a good day.
You know, none of the carriers will be able to deliver anything.
Fuel will not be delivered to your local gas station.
How are you going to function in that scenario if you are not prepared in advance, including the information side of this?
So here's what you need to do.
I think, it's just a suggestion, I think you should go through InfoWars.com.
Maybe some InfoWars writers can do this, but put together like an index of the most practical, most important articles on InfoWars.com for 2018.
Maybe I'll do this on Natural News as well.
To say, download and print these articles.
Here's a hundred articles you need to download and print.
Well, just hit print from your browser, but you get my point.
Because if things go bad, you won't be able to access those articles.
No search engine will function.
No social media will function.
No mobile devices will function.
Cell towers won't function, and so on.
And if we have 100 nuclear power plants that go into meltdown at the same time, believe me, it's going to be such chaos nationwide.
If you're anywhere near a city, it's going to become a death trap.
You need to have a bug-out plan.
You need to have a bug-out vehicle that can survive an EMP.
You need to have a bug out bag.
You need to have, you know, things that are EMP proof in there, like a compass, like that ballistics calculator I mentioned.
You need to have things that can function even following these worst case scenarios.
If you don't take action and get prepared with those things, I mean, get iodine, get vitamin C, cover your nutritional needs as well, get storable food.
Get a water filter that's a hand-pumped water filter.
You know, Katadyn is a good brand as well.
And there are gravity filters out there.
Infowars Store's got some as well.
Get this stuff now, and it will serve you for a lifetime.
Because we're not here to serve as your entertainment.
I don't take two hours out of my day to just entertain you.
I'm here to help you save yourself.
Because I know what's coming.
Alex sees it.
We know what's coming.
We're always way ahead of the curve on this and we're warning you now.
Get prepared because it's going to be political chaos, possibly civil war chaos, possibly international war in the years ahead.
Be ready or you'll get caught with your pants down on this.
Much more straight ahead.
Stay with us.
The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
It's Mike Adams.
Socialists have taken over the Democrat Party and they're pushing for a so-called
Green New Eel in Washington, D.C.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is one of those who's pushing for this.
The Green New Deal, of course modeled after the New Deal that was a massive expansion of government, created, I believe, the Social Security Administration that confiscates your wealth and then wastes it and will probably never pay off many people working today.
The Green New Deal is a promise to basically destroy the fossil fuel economy that is currently powering the United States.
And let me say, for the record, my name is Mike Adams.
I'm here on the Alex Jones Show today.
For the record, I know that I and the Infowars organization agree with this, that this Green New Deal would be the end of America as we know it.
It would turn America into Venezuela.
And here's why.
The fossil fuel economy Under Trump, by the way, the fossil fuel economy has expanded to the point where we now are a net exporter of fuel.
In essence, we are energy independent now for the first time in over a decade.
Even as Obama tried to destroy fossil fuels and shut down coal-fired power plants, President Trump has brought back oil exploration, and he's brought back clean coal in America, And he has enabled us to be more energy independent, which, by the way, is huge in terms of supporting our economic growth and insulating us from issues of geopolitics, issues in the Middle East, oil embargoes or oil supply restrictions or oil pricing from countries that are enemies of the United States.
So Trump has, in effect, become America's best friend.
That's why he's hated by the globalists, because they hate America.
They hate energy independence.
But this economy is only possible because of the amount of work that is condensed into, let's say, a gallon of gasoline or a gallon of diesel fuel.
And I have news for Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
Cortez, there are no tractors that run on batteries.
Now, I understand that her IQ is too far gone to understand these complex concepts.
But there are no tractors that grow food and harvest food and plant seeds that run on batteries.
There are not commercial airliners that run on batteries.
You can have all the green energy in the world.
You can have all the solar panels and all the wind turbines, everything in the world.
But if you don't have some kind of quantum-leak revolution in battery storage, there's not energy density to power, like, long-haul trucks on the highways to deliver all the goods and services and deliver the fuel.
And tractors and agricultural equipment, they don't run on batteries.
They run on diesel.
They run on petroleum.
They run on fossil fuels.
And it's astonishing to me that these socialist liberals in Washington, D.C., they are so incredibly brain-dead.
They are, and I don't mean this as an insult, I mean this as a medical diagnosis when I say they are cognitively retarded.
They are incapable of understanding the most basic principles of science and
energy, and energy storage, and why diesel fuel powers the biggest machines,
construction equipment, cranes, excavators, skid steers, dump trucks.
The machines that power our infrastructure are powered by fossil fuels.
Because fossil fuels have the energy density that's necessary to run those motors and run
the hydraulic systems that are necessary for all that to exist.
Now the Green New Deal would collapse America's economy because the Green New Deal is trying
to destroy the fossil fuel system and get us over to so-called clean green energy in
some number of years, but it's a fairy tale.
And by the way, by the way, in all of this, fossil fuels release carbon that's trapped under the ground, carbon that the plants of the world need to grow.
Plants use carbon dioxide.
It's the number one most important nutrient for all plant life on our planet.
Food crops need carbon.
Forests need carbon.
Reforestation is only possible because of rising levels of carbon dioxide.
The more carbon dioxide we have in the atmosphere, it's a blessing to the re-greening of the Earth.
If we want to have a Green New Deal, it should be raising the carbon dioxide levels, because that would make the planet more green, more wet, more lush, we'd have more rainforest.
The science on this is absolutely clear.
Higher levels of CO2 are called a greenhouse effect, because a greenhouse is where you grow plants.
CO2 is good for the planet.
And actually burning fossil fuels releases carbon that's trapped underground that actually is a nutrient for plant life.
It allows third world countries to grow more food more easily.
You have more efficient crop production and food, food, agricultural food production.
You have more efficient of reforestation and ecological diversity.
When you have all these rainforests of the world that produce natural medicines and molecules of interest to scientists for natural cures and medical research, that's only possible because of carbon dioxide.
And it's fossil fuels that release the carbon dioxide that has been sequestered under the ground.
So, in effect, this is absolutely true to say that burning fossil fuels provides nutrients for plants.
It's absolutely true!
You'd have to be completely ignorant of science to understand that.
I mean, photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide.
Photosynthesis is the metabolic energy of all plant life as we know it on this planet.
Food crops, you know, rainforests, even marine ecosystems.
The seagrass and the sea algae and microorganisms.
In the ocean are all dependent on sunlight in order to engage in photosynthesis and they produce oxygen.
The plants produce oxygen as a byproduct.
The oxygen that you and I breathe.
So think about this.
We burn fossil fuels.
It releases CO2 into the atmosphere which makes plants thrive.
More plants can grow more food more quickly and release more oxygen.
The oxygen raises the level of oxygen in the atmosphere to support human life.
No wonder the globalists hate fossil fuels.
They don't want to release the carbon.
They want to keep it trapped underground.
They don't want food crops to grow.
They don't want independence in third world countries.
They want countries to be trapped in poverty.
They don't want higher levels of oxygen in the atmosphere.
They don't want humans even to be able to breathe.
This is why they're rolling out the global dimming experiments to pollute the atmosphere, to shut down photosynthesis.
This is why they're doing it.
The Green New Deal If the Socialists manage to push this, it will collapse plant life, it will collapse food production, it will lower oxygen in the atmosphere, it will destroy the U.S.
economy, it will lead to mass starvation, disease, and destitution.
Which is exactly what Democrats want.
Because that's, those are the kind of countries they like to rule over.
Look at North Korea.
Look at Mexico.
Look at Cuba.
Left-wing, fascist, socialist, communist despots.
What kind of countries do they like to rule over?
Countries where you have impoverished masses.
People who are disarmed and starving to death and have no money left because it's all been wiped out by inflation.
Look at Venezuela today.
Everybody turned in their guns many years ago and now they can't fight back.
This is the Democrat plan.
To thrust you into poverty.
Throw you into starvation, cause mass disease and destitution and dependence on big government, all while expanding the size of government to an extent that we've never seen in human history.
This Green New Deal from Ocasio-Cortez, this is the plan, this is the suicide pact for America.
It would shut off fossil fuels, it would shut off the economic opportunities that those create.
It would destroy farming, destroy agriculture, the food supply would collapse.
It would destroy the economy as we know it today.
No wonder Democrats love this plan.
No wonder.
They are rooting for it.
It would bankrupt the economy.
And it would guarantee government jobs for everyone, by the way.
Oh, really?
That is just what we need.
Half the country working for the government.
Doing what?
Oh, uh, fudging more climate change science studies that are rooted in total nonsense.
I mean, what jobs would they even give people?
Do we need bigger government in this country?
Do we need to collapse the fuel economy?
Do we need fossil fuels gone to the point where no one can run agriculture anymore?
That's what Democrats want.
It's just to give you an idea of how dangerous these socialists really are.
Their ideas are the worst ideas in the world.
They are the dumbest people in the world.
They are dangerous to this country, and they hate America.
They want to overrun our borders, collapse everything that's working today.
They are destroyers of worlds, and they want to destroy the United States of America next.
Infowars is one of the very few outlets telling the truth about this.
Stay with us.
We're ending the year.
2018 has been tumultuous.
It's been an insane year.
And InfoWars has continued with the deplatforming and the lawsuits, the demonization, the attacks, and everything else because of one thing.
Our supporters, our listeners, our viewers understand that what we're doing is a critical mission, not just for InfoWars, not just for America, but for the world.
And that the globalists Wouldn't be trying to shut us down if we weren't telling the truth, if we weren't effective.
So the old World War II saying, I've quoted it probably 5,000 times, but it's so true, I've got to do it again.
You know, a lot of cliches are cliches because they're accurate.
A lot of stereotypes are stereotypes because they're true.
In World War II, they didn't really have radar yet.
The British had a little bit, but not in airplanes.
They had them on the mainland for the Battle of Britain.
But our aircraft didn't have Radar.
And so, they'd fly in with a chart and a map over Italy or over Germany or over Nazi-held areas of Eastern Europe, and they weren't sure where to hit.
They had general areas of what tank manufacturing facility or munitions manufacturing facility they were supposed to hit, or what power plant they were supposed to hit.
But they learned, because the Germans couldn't help it, That they would put anti-aircraft guns around where it was really at.
And so first they'd send in a group of airplanes all spread out, kind of a forward observation group, to see who got shot at.
Because we're showing Germans paratrooping into Greece in 1942.
That's a separate battle.
And so...
They would send in reconnaissance planes to get shot at, and wherever they radioed in, they got shot at the most.
Lo and behold, they'd find that's where the factories were.
So the saying, when you know you're over the target, when you're getting the most flak, comes from that.
And so, that's what we do here, is we go out, and we find out where the most flak is.
And we find out where the biggest attack is, and what pisses them off the most.
And lo and behold, that turns out to be the most accurate information.
So as we prepare to close out this year, A, I want to thank you for the incredible support.
I want to point out, you've got the best water filtration, the best air filtration, the best books, the best films, the best supplements, the best survival gear, the best storable food.
We've got whatever the best is, I go out, I make a great deal to sell it to you at the lowest price available so that you get a great product and so you reorder and you appreciate what we're doing because I want to serve you well.
I want to treat you the way I want to be treated.
So this year, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, we're extending all the Christmas specials out.
Until January 1st.
And we've been successful, thanks to your support.
Selling out of almost our whole inventory, so we won't have the inventory taxes.
But let me tell you, you did a great job, but we did a great job too.
Free shipping store-wide, 50 to 75% off everything.
Double Patriot points on your next order.
And a free t-shirt with every order.
That is extended, but only a few days left until...
The end of this year.
And some items have already sold out, but everything else we still have is a 50-75% off store-wide free shipping, and a free t-shirt, and of course, so many other great items.
In fact, I'm told in a day or two, all t-shirts will be sold out, so there'll be a new free item, like colloidal silver, or something like that.
The point is, take advantage of year-end sales, help support the InfoWar, get the best deals out there, a true 360 win.
InfoWarsStore.com Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World
Order It's Alex Jones.
You know, Trump signed the Farm Bill into law.
It takes effect January 1st.
And hemp, industrial hemp, has been legalized from a federal level all across America.
This is a huge victory.
This is the ending of the prohibition of growing cannabis in the form of low THC hemp.
By the way, thanks for joining me.
Mike Adams here filling in for Alex Jones on this third hour today.
I'm going to give you some details about this hemp legalization move and why it is such a huge deal.
But let me preface it by saying, first of all, I believe it is wrong for any government to claim that a natural plant like that is illegal in the first place.
So as much as we celebrate the ending of prohibition, we should all be condemning the prohibition that has been in place for decades.
How does a government have the right to criminalize a plant that grows like a weed?
It literally is a weed in farms all across America.
It grows on its own.
And by the way, the nutrients, the molecules that it produces, the cannabinoids, are not only compatible with human physiology, they are molecules that your body creates itself to some extent.
Did you know that if you eat omega-3 fatty acids, which are the healthy oils from fish oils or chia seeds or flax seeds and so on, your body actually generates a certain amount of cannabidiol itself.
So your body makes this chemical.
And yet the government has criminalized a plant that also makes it out in the wild.
See, that's wrong to begin with.
So, yeah, we celebrate the decriminalization or the ending of prohibition of this plant for agricultural use, but we have to remember we are still suffering as food slaves under A tyrannical big government regime that never should have had that power in the first place.
So always keep that in mind.
The DEA is unconstitutional.
The FDA is unconstitutional.
All these government agencies are unconstitutional.
They have way too much power.
All the power needs to be stripped from them.
How can they write their own law without it being approved by Congress?
That's the problem.
And that needs to be corrected, by the way.
I mean, from from ATF to the CDC, you know, you name it.
These government regulatory agencies, EPA, you know, the Environmental Pollution Agency, they have way too much power.
But getting to the specifics of the hemp legalization farm bill law, it was pushed by Senator Mitch McConnell, which is interesting given that he's the senator of Kentucky, I believe.
And Kentucky happens to be a place to grow a lot of cannabis, doesn't it?
I mean, that whole region grew hemp for, you know, hundreds of years before it was outlawed, and it can grow it again.
So he's also up for re-election in 2020.
So he did this, I believe, as a political move to help get votes so he can stay in the Senate and, you know, to get the people at home to vote for him because now they could grow industrial hemp.
Here's what the law actually says, and here's what you need to know.
You can't just grow hemp anywhere in the country.
You have to still be licensed by the USDA now.
So they've taken industrial hemp, which, by the way, let me back up.
Industrial hemp is cannabis.
It's just cannabis with a low THC level.
The federal government defines that as less than 0.3% THC.
So you can have high CBD, which is non-psychoactive, and low THC.
That's defined as hemp, even though it's still cannabis.
It's just a different variety of cannabis that has a different chemical composition.
But you can't just go out and start growing it everywhere.
The government still wants to license it, but the licensing has been moved away from the DEA, and it's now under the USDA.
So it's an agricultural crop starting January 1st.
Importantly, it also means that farmers can grow this industrial hemp, and they can get crop insurance because it's treated as a normal crop, just like growing soybeans or corn or wheat.
And importantly, you don't have to spray hemp with glyphosate, by the way, so it will be glyphosate-free.
Whatever you get out of that crop, hemp seeds, hemp oils, hemp extracts, hemp fiber, it will all be glyphosate-free because you don't spray it.
You would kill it if you sprayed it with glyphosate.
Also importantly, the FDA still asserts that it has the right to criminalize CBD that comes from this hemp, even if you grow it in a way that's licensed by the USDA.
Now, I'm going to repeat that because this could be confusing.
I know CBD is a very popular product, and it should be.
CBD is, it's amazing.
In the things that it helps your body do, CBD is, it's truly a miracle molecule, if there ever was one.
It has so many uses throughout your body, and people who take CBD supplements report extraordinary effects.
The thing is, the FDA doesn't like that to exist, so the FDA has invoked a rule.
And listen to this for a second because it's so insane you won't even believe this.
The FDA says that CBD is illegal to sell as a supplement because there's a small pharmaceutical company somewhere that's studying CBD for possible approval as a prescription drug at some future date.
And that, according to the FDA, makes CBD supplements illegal.
Now, I almost got to say that again because you hear that and you're going, what?
What are you talking about?
The FDA says that even if there's a natural molecule, if there's some drug company studying that molecule for a possible prescription drug in the future, that that molecule becomes illegal even if it's existed throughout all of human history.
In other words, by the same logic, the FDA could say, well, vitamin C is now illegal because there's some drug company that's studying vitamin C as a drug.
You know, like an anti-cancer drug or something, because vitamin C does so many amazing things in your body as well.
This is the FDA's logic.
This has never been approved by Congress.
This is not approved by the Trump administration, this insanity by the FDA.
But the FDA is asserting this under its own rule, saying that it can block the sales of CBD supplements, that it can criminalize them, that it can attack and shut down companies that advertise CBD supplements.
And that's why Companies that are selling CBD products are now switching to saying that they are hemp extracts.
They don't advertise the CBD.
They are naturally high levels of CBD and other cannabinoids.
That's simply part of what the plant is.
That's the language that you're seeing now in the supplements market to try to evade or avoid the FDA insanity.
Now, hopefully, hopefully, This new Farm Bill law signed by Trump will allow more industrial hemp to be grown nationwide and it will become so popular that the FDA will have to back off of its position and eventually allow CBD supplements to be advertised as CBD supplements.
This comes back to the big government issue.
Why does the FDA have this power?
Why can the FDA criminalize a molecule that your body makes and that is found out in the wild?
Why does the FDA have this Dictatorial power to destroy your life and your company just because you are using a molecule that frankly, you know, God blessed us with all across this planet.
This molecule is it's like medicine from heaven and it's supposed to be free.
It's supposed to grow everywhere everywhere like weeds.
It's supposed to be so common.
So commonplace that everybody could just go out in their backyard and have some natural medicine.
That's what cannabis is supposed to be.
But the government doesn't want you to be able to take advantage of that medicine because they want you to buy pharmaceuticals and chemotherapy.
They want you to be licensed and controlled and silenced so that you don't tell the truth about natural medicine that grows everywhere across the country.
There's the truth about cannabis that you won't hear from the left-wing media.
Much more straight ahead.
Mike Adams here on the Alex Jones Show.
Stay with us.
He's got a lot of great books that you can find there, a lot of great stories, and he is, for me, the resident expert when it comes to all things Vatican, so he joins me today.
Now, the story here is, they're calling him a medium, miracle healer, whatever you want to say.
Very famous in Brazil, known as Jao de Jus, John of God.
He was interviewed once on the Oprah Winfrey Show, treated President Bill Clinton.
So, it comes out, though, that this guy was basically ritualistically abusing, apparently, sexually assaulting women.
Over 300, according to this report.
It's a big story right now going on.
And so, Leo, while they are basically interrogating this person, and they're interrogating him, Leo, and all of a sudden, weird, crazy stuff starts to happen.
Circuits start to explode, computers start to take a mind of its own, and so now the police interrogating this person are basically, like, kind of going through, like, some sort of, like, let's say, exorcism, and they're just having to remain extra focused just to even get this interrogation completed.
But, Leo, talk about how this is not something new and how this is something very real.
I mean, people can see this, you know, they talk about exorcism and stuff, but, I mean, these demons, these, we'll call them interdimensional demons, a lot of people in Hollywood try to communicate with them, a lot of people in Already, I think over 10 years ago, this John of God appeared in various forums, denounced as a pedophile.
people interrogating Jao de Jus in Brazil got a little bit of taste of the type of demons these
people are channeling. Already, I think over 10 years ago, this John of God appeared in various
forums denounced as a pedophile. So why did they let him do what he has done up until now? Brazil
is a place full of witch doctors and of black magic and I mean the extra-dimensional powers
that you are approaching with these rituals are taken very seriously, especially in Brazil.
And so this explains to you that he's a...
Very particular situation going on, but they are extra dimensional entities because they are coming from other worlds.
They are coming from other worlds, invited from this plane of existence thanks to rituals or Thanks to specific places, because there is a sort of stargate, doors to unknown dimensions that have always been there since ancient times.
But you have higher realms and lower realms.
So you have the angelic beings on top, but you have also the demonic ones below that are the ones who actually control matter.
So most of these Illuminati, if you want to define them as Illuminati, they are members of various secret societies.
They base their power on low-level demons that they maintain control over for hundreds of years.
And that means that their secret society has made a specific, maybe, deal with those demons or with that demon.
And they maintain that relationship through sacrifices of various kinds.
I actually met Catholic bishops who were linked to black magic, Brazilian sects, and they were involved in all these things that are well beyond the ordinary beacon magic.
We're talking here about very serious forms of witchcraft based on ancient grimoires that are very dangerous.
And I think that that is what probably the story is with this John of God, Jao de Jus, down in Brazil.
He probably made some deals with the devil and these demons are trying to do whatever they can to disrupt God's justice coming to this man who has been accused of assaulting over 300 women.
Leo Zegami, thank you so much.
Great stuff as always, Leo.
Get his new book, The Invisible Master.
LeoZagami.com is his website.
LeoZagami.com is his website.
LeoZagami.com is his website.
It's Alex Jones.
One of the best New Year's gifts you can give yourself is to manufacture your own legal firearm at home.
And that's one of the things that I did over the Christmas holiday.
You can see here there's a there's a lower that is the reason it's it's shiny in the center there might be slightly out of focus is because it was it was drilled out.
It was I used a ghost gunner.
And I built this myself, and of course, it's perfectly legal to do so.
My disclaimer for this entire segment is I always encourage you to follow the laws.
Don't want you to do anything illegal or get yourself in trouble that way.
But I live in Texas, and under federal law and Texas law, it is legal to manufacture your own firearms.
And so I purchased a Ghost Gunner from Defense Distributed.
And it works perfectly fine.
You might even be wondering, like, how does it work on this?
Because this isn't the bare aluminum.
Well, turns out you can just kind of dremel away six contact areas on this lower, and that's where the router bit touches this for conductivity.
And if you sort of dremel away The coding on those six areas, then it'll absolutely work, even if you've got, you know, different kinds of coatings on it, such as Cerakote or whatever you're using.
So this is this is the segment.
This is what's important.
We are entering a realm now where Democrats are trying to push these red flag gun laws where they say that anybody who is reported secretly to a judge can be raided and have their firearms confiscated without any due process, no rule of law, nothing.
You have no right to defend yourself.
You have no right to argue in your defense.
You have no right to even Present evidence in your defense.
You have no rights at all.
This is a total violation of the Second Amendment.
But just as importantly, what Democrats believe qualifies you for a red flag gun law is simply wanting to own a firearm.
So according to the definition of the Democrats, wanting to own a firearm makes you crazy, or makes you dangerous.
And that's enough to have your guns confiscated.
You see the catch-22?
It's a catch-22!
It's like, If you want to own guns, you shouldn't be allowed to own guns.
The only people that should be allowed to own guns are people who don't want guns.
Because they're the only sane people, according to Democrats.
It's kind of like the way they censor conservative speech.
They say, well, all conservative speech is hate speech, and we have to make our communities safe places against hate speech.
That's the Zuckerberg talk right there.
Have to be safe spaces against hate speech.
Well, what is hate speech?
Well, hate speech is anything that we disagree with.
Hate speech is anything that a conservative says.
Hate speech is anything that a Trump supporter might utter.
Hate speech is speech that says that people should make their own guns.
That's hate speech, you know, according to the left.
But I'm here to tell you that manufacturing your own firearm is a great American tradition.
And it is currently legal under most states, but I always encourage you to check your state laws because I believe in New Jersey, and perhaps elsewhere, it is now illegal to own a ghost gunner machine.
Now, a ghost gunner is not a 3D printer.
These are not 3D printed.
These are milled out aluminum blocks.
And a ghost gunner is a milling machine, a CNC milling machine.
It removes material.
3D printers add material.
And by the way, if you ever tried to 3D print an AR-15 lower and fire it, it would explode.
In your face, probably.
So don't try that because the materials aren't strong enough to handle that.
So you mill it out with aluminum.
And then you, of course, add the upper, you know, with the barrel and the bolt carrier group and the charging handle.
And, you know, you finish the rifle, you know, the buffer spring, all that stuff.
And then you go out and test it, make sure it's working well.
Now, a lot of people wonder, do you have to put a serial number on that firearm?
Opinion varies, and I'm not a lawyer, so again, follow and research your local laws.
But I've researched local laws in Texas, and federal laws, and it is my opinion, after that research, that there is no current federal or state requirement in my area to put a serial number on a self-manufactured firearm.
But if you sell it to somebody, or you give it to somebody, according to the law, yes, it has to be serialized at that time.
Why does this matter?
If you don't serialize a firearm, then if you manufacture more than one, it's hard for government confiscation tyrants to know how many you have.
If you're making your own firearms, and you serialize them, and you have, you know, one through ten, and they find a gun that is number ten, they're gonna ask you, where are the other nine?
So, I say, as long as it's legal, don't serialize them!
Why put on your gun a quantity number of how many you own?
Or, if you want to serialize it, make up some big long number.
That's, there you go, that's the serial number.
Let them deal with that.
Let them ask, really, you have another 1 million guns that you made?
Yeah, sure, in this closet.
They're right there.
All million of them.
Because, you know, the gun confiscation tyrants are so stupid, they don't even know what numbers mean.
But the point is, when gun confiscation kicks in, and believe me, the Democrats are going to push for it, they're going to have more shootings.
Make no mistake, there are more shootings being planned right now for the purpose of calling for gun confiscation.
Just like Operation Fast and Furious under Barack Obama and Eric Holder.
That was a false flag operation to try to ban guns by letting guns get into the hands of violent drug dealers and Mexican drug cartels.
That was the whole plan.
And isn't it amazing that Eric Holder has never been charged for gun running?
And that Barack Obama has never been charged for that.
Anyway, that happened.
That's true.
But when they come to confiscate your guns, they're going to go by the records.
So if you purchased a firearm and you went through the FBI background NICS system, the background check system, there is a federal record of your purchase.
Those records will be used to confiscate your guns.
This is what happened in Venezuela.
The people were told by the government there, hey, there's too much crime and violence in society.
We need to have a peaceful society.
Everybody should give up their guns.
And the Venezuelan people said, yeah, that sounds like an awesome idea.
Let's give up our guns.
So they gave up all their guns and the government, for those who didn't give them up, the government just went door to door based on the records they had and they took the guns and they confiscated hundreds of thousands of weapons and they arrested thousands of people.
And then Venezuela had no guns in the hands of citizens, but all the guns in the hands of the government.
Shortly after that, the government decided to declare war on the citizens.
The government said, oh, we're going to steal all your money.
We're going to hyperinflate the currency.
We're going to make it a crime to criticize the government.
We're going to arrest you and basically assassinate you if you criticize the regime.
And you don't have any guns to defend yourself with.
So the Venezuelan people are now starving to death.
And the women are selling their bodies for, you know, meals.
And people are desperate.
People are eating zoo animals and their neighbors' pets, if any are even remaining at this point.
They're dumpster diving for food.
The government is a dictatorial, tyrannical regime, and the citizens have no way to defend themselves.
Because they gave up their guns, they allowed the government to confiscate the guns, and the government was able to do that efficiently because they had the records of who owned the firearms.
This is why you need to have, and I say this again with the disclaimer, always follow your local, but you need to have, in my opinion, at least one firearm that the government doesn't have a record of through, and again, you need to accomplish this through a legal means, such as, we're legal, manufacturing your own firearm.
And it's absolutely important to do this.
You can also have a concealed carry permit.
In many states, you go purchase a firearm and it doesn't check with the FBI for that firearm.
There's only a record on a piece of paper at your firearms dealer.
And that is a relatively good situation compared to having a federal database of your firearms.
So governments, even a government that today is, let's say, friendly to you, may not be friendly in the future.
That government may be taken over by a dictator, a socialist, a fascist at some point in the future.
And if that happens, your life may be threatened by that dictatorial regime.
You and other Americans need to have the ability to defend yourself against tyranny.
That is the entire point of the Second Amendment.
That's why the Founding Fathers wrote that into the Bill of Rights, so that you could have that right, you could have that power, and if you're not exercising that power to manufacture your own firearms where legal, then you may be subjected to exactly the same kind of tyranny that is currently destroying Venezuela.
Those are my thoughts on firearms.
Stay with me.
me. We'll be back after this break with much more.
2018 has been tumultuous.
It's been an insane year.
And InfoWars has continued with the deplatforming and the lawsuits, the demonization, the attacks, and everything else because of one thing.
Our supporters, our listeners, our viewers understand that what we're doing is a critical mission, not just for InfoWars, not just for America, but for the world.
And that the globalists wouldn't be trying to shut us down if we weren't telling the truth, if we weren't effective.
So the old World War II saying, I've quoted it probably 5,000 times, but it's so true, I've got to do it again.
You know, a lot of cliches are cliches because they're accurate.
A lot of stereotypes are stereotypes because they're true.
In World War II, they didn't really have radar yet.
The British had a little bit, but not in airplanes.
They had them on the mainland for the Battle of Britain.
Our aircraft didn't have radar.
And so, they'd fly in with a chart and a map over Italy or over Germany or over Nazi-held areas of Eastern Europe.
And they weren't sure where to hit.
They had general areas of what tank manufacturing facility or munitions manufacturing facility they were supposed to hit.
Or what power plant they were supposed to hit.
But they learned, because the Germans couldn't help it, that they would put anti-aircraft guns around where it was really at.
And so first they'd send in a group of airplanes all spread out, kind of a forward observation group, to see who got shot at.
So it was, well, it's Germans paratrooping into Greece in 1942.
That's a separate battle.
And so they would send in reconnaissance planes to get shot at, and wherever they radioed in, they got shot at the most.
Lo and behold, they'd find that's where the factories were.
So the saying, when you know you're over the target, when you're getting the most flack, comes from that.
And so, that's what we do here, is we go out, and we find out where the most flack is, and we find out where the biggest attack is, and what pisses them off the most, and lo and behold, That turns out to be the most accurate information.
So as we prepare to close out this year, A, I want to thank you for the incredible support.
I want to point out, you've got the best water filtration, the best air filtration, the best books, the best films, the best supplements, the best survival gear, the best storable food.
We've got whatever the best is, I go out, I make a great deal to sell it to you at the lowest price available so that you get a great product and so you reorder and you appreciate what we're doing because I want to serve you well.
I want to treat you the way I want to be treated.
So this year, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, we're extending all the Christmas specials out.
Until January 1st.
And we've been successful, thanks to your support.
Selling out of almost our whole inventory, so we won't have the inventory taxes.
But let me tell you, you did a great job, but we did a great job too.
Free shipping store-wide, 50 to 75% off everything.
Double Patriot points on your next order.
And a free t-shirt with every order.
That is extended, but only a few days left until...
The end of this year.
And some items have already sold out, but everything else we still have is a 50-75% off store-wide free shipping, and a free t-shirt, and of course, so many other great items.
In fact, I'm told in a day or two, all t-shirts will be sold out, so there'll be a new free item, like colloidal silver, or something like that.
The point is, take advantage of year-end sales, help support the InfoWar, get the best deals out there, a true 360 win.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones with Mike Adams.
It's my honor to be joining you today and I really appreciate you tuning in.
I hope you've We've received a lot of practical information.
This is my last segment for today, and then we've got, I believe, Doug Hagman taking over the fourth hour.
I always try to give you very practical information that's really, you know, well-researched.
Information that can greatly enhance the quality of your life and make you more free, keep you more informed and aware, and help you get more prepared against what's coming.
And I really want to invite you.
Let's take a big picture view together here.
I want to invite you to start observing the events that are happening in the world around you and looking at them now from the perspective of the war against humanity.
Because I believe that as you start Really having this overlay, this perspective on events that are unfolding, the narratives of CNN, the attacks on Trump, the mass poisoning of the food supply, the pushing of toxic chemotherapy treatments for people.
I think you'll come to understand that these all have something in common, and that is the desire to exterminate humanity.
That's really what it is.
I mean, you think Look at every action, like Governor Jerry Brown recently just pardoning violent criminal felons.
I mean, murderers in California are being pardoned now so that they won't be deported.
Well, why is the governor of California pardoning violent murderers?
Well, because it's all about spreading violence to attack good people.
It's about committing violence against humanity.
It's a small little piece of a much bigger puzzle that's all about how to destroy human lives, how to create disease and desperation among the population.
And everything that you see, you start to have a question mark about it.
A lot of times you'll see that it's a weapon, like cancer treatments are a weapon.
Cancer treatments cause cancer.
You know, the fluoride in the water supply is a weapon that's scientifically validated to lower IQs in children, adults, and senior citizens.
Pesticides are a weapon system against humanity.
Herbicides, cancer-causing chemicals, these are weapon systems against humanity.
And even gun confiscation is a way to take away your ability to defend yourself.
The illegal invasion of America through the borders This is a way to overthrow first world nations and destroy societies that are leading humanity into a brighter future.
It's all attacks on humanity.
And so I have to say, this mass poisoning of the human race, it has been underway for a long time, many years, and it is accelerating now.
And the only way to stop this is to stop the globalists.
I have to emphasize this.
If we don't successfully stop the globalists, then we are going to become extinct as a race.
Our time on this planet is looking to be very limited.
You and I may be witnesses to the last chapter of human history, at least structured in the way that we understand civilization today.
Because the attacks on humanity are proceeding.
And all of these screaming, babbling leftists who are attacking Trump and attacking America, what are they in favor of?
They're in favor of abortion.
They're in favor of pushing vaccines and maiming children.
They're in favor of the toxic GMO crops.
They're in favor of polluting the atmosphere.
They call it, what is it, stratospheric aerosol injections.
It's terraforming.
They want to block out the sun.
They want to poison the planet.
They want more air pollution.
This is their goal.
Everything that they do is about destroying society.
It's about destroying human babies.
It's about destroying fertility.
It's about destroying the very definition of a man and a woman.
It's about creating a society where there is no more, there are no families.
There's no sexual reproduction.
There are no, there's no future for any children or the children of those children.
That's, If you start to look around the world and see it from that point of view, you will understand what's happening.
And when CNN reports, oh, it's horrible that the troops love Trump.
Why is CNN doing that?
Because it's an attack on the security of our nation.
They don't want America to have a military that loves its president.
They don't want America to have a border.
They don't want America to exist at all.
They are literally trying to destroy this country.
And think about the incredible evil of the people that go along with this, the so-called journalists who are just fake journalists.
Think about the propagandists.
Think about, I mean, just think about the fact that as I'm here with you today for two hours, I haven't used a teleprompter for one second.
You know, I've got some articles printed out.
I've got a few notes here.
But I've delivered this entire show without any teleprompters.
There isn't a person in the left-wing media who could even do an hour show without a teleprompter because they're so brain-dead.
They cannot even tell the difference between facts and fiction.
They're no longer even journalists.
They are just biological puppets.
They're just talking heads, reading scripts, taking drugs, and pushing pharmaceuticals.
That's all they do.
They're barely human anymore.
They are automatons.
They're biological robots.
They do what they're told.
But that's not the future that you and I want for humanity.
We are not here to just obey and do what we're told.
We're here to innovate.
We are here to help make humanity better than it is today.
We are here to create a brighter future for our children, to keep humanity alive, to reach for the stars, and to expand our knowledge, understanding, and awareness of the world around us and how it works, because we are students of cause and effect.
We are students of reality.
And that makes us enemies of the delusion weavers who are trying to control and suppress human consciousness and human minds.
And they can only do that through deception.
They can only do that by distracting you from reality, by taking away your ability to think for yourself or to observe reality or to say that one plus one equals two.
If you can reason, If you can engage in rationality, you are the enemy of the establishment.
The establishment has no use for anyone who can think for themselves.
And as I mentioned earlier, the most offensive thing in the world to a globalist is a healthy human baby being born alive.
They can't stand that.
They want all those babies murdered before they're born.
But the next most offensive thing is a baby that grows up with healthy nutrition, good parenting, a family unit, Maybe homeschooling or a good school, a private school.
Maybe some interaction with the Christian faith and some teaching of morality and ethics, combined with intelligence and discovery, where that child grows up and becomes a free-thinking adult.
And that is a huge threat to the globalists.
A free-thinking adult is the second most offensive thing to the globalists.
And it takes courage to be a free-thinking adult.
It takes courage.
To share this video, to share this information, it takes courage to do what you do and to do what I do.
But while most people want to be comfortable, you and I, we want to be effective.
We want to help humanity move forward.
We don't want humanity trapped and enslaved.
In this mental cage, this prison system of disinfo and fairy tales and LGBT propaganda and indoctrination.
That is a trap for humanity.
That's mental slavery.
We don't settle for that.
That's why we do what we do.
That's why you are listening to this show.
That's why I'm here Substitute hosting this show.
That's why InfoWars exists.
That's why Natural News exists.
We are the real independent media and the independent thinkers of society.
And everyone that you listen to here on InfoWars coming up, you know, Doug Hagman and Paul Joseph Watson and Owen Schroer and David Knight and many, many others.
We're all independent thinkers, just like you, which is why we don't have the same talking points.
You know, like Pelosi and Schumer, they tweet out the exact same tweet.
Because they're handed it.
It's a memo for them.
It's copy and paste.
They are globalist robots.
We are nobody's robots.
We are free-thinking human beings who love humanity.
We love our world.
We love healthy brains and healthy babies.
And we love good nutrition and healthy food.
We love having a bright future.
And that's what we're striving to create by defeating the globalists that are working to systematically destroy humanity.
That's why we need your help.
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We have a chance to defeat the globalists.
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It's always my honor to join you.
I will continue to do so as long as we have an opportunity to bring you this message of truth and courage.
And frankly, divine inspiration.
Because that's what's behind us.
Fighting for God.
We're fighting for love of humanity.
We're fighting for the survival of humanity.
Thank you for listening.
Mike Adams for InfoWars and the Alex Jones Show.
Stay with us.
We'll be back with The Fourth Hour.
Listeners and viewers know that every time we go to break, I pass the hat.
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It's that simple.
So, it's epic.
It's amazing.
I can't believe we've lasted this long.
In many ways, we've gotten stronger and some we've gotten weaker.
This is the stuff of legends, and I just want listeners to continue to understand something, because it's the key.
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Whatever it is, just take action today and realize that we're going to win only if you take action.
Again, I'm not here bitching at you.
I love you.
I appreciate you.
You're like a life raft in the middle of an ocean.
I feel like you are me.
I mean, I'm just so humbled.
I just want everybody to realize that of all the spectrums of knowledge and spectrums of information, almost all of it's disinfo.
What we're covering is The blueprint of what the globalists are doing and how to stop it.
And that's why it's so incredibly precious.
So again, whatever you do and however you can help yourself and InfoWars and our country and the world and our children, stand up against these control freaks, sociopaths, psychopaths and pedophiles.
Do it.
Because without you, we're going to lose this thing.
And if you just keep taking action, we're not just going to win.
We're going to build an incredible world together.
So God bless you all and thank you.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Doug Hagman.
This is Doug Hagman sitting in for AlexJonesInfoWars.com.
I'm so proud to be sitting in right after the fabulous Mike Adams, of course.
With me is my son, Joe Hagman.
Together, we run something called the Hagman Report.
That's HagmanReport.com.
I've got to apologize, folks.
I had some oral surgery done, and if I sound a little bit funny, It's because of the holes and stitches and all kinds of stuff in my mouth.
So but we'll get through this together.
And I want to thank you for tuning in.
And I want to thank you for the support all year of.
Infowars.com supporting Alex Jones, supporting the movement, which is extremely important to do.
We are in the fight of our lives, I got to tell you that.
Of course, this year, 2018, we saw massive amounts of censorship.
We've seen the tyranny, the tyrannical, oppressive nature of the Democratic Socialist Left against the conservatives, against the truth-tellers.
We've seen so much take place over the course of the last 12 months.
It's really 12 years worth of headlines over the last 12 months.
One thing I want to touch on before we get too far into things.
You want to talk about fake news.
We had seen, I want to bring this up, because one of the issues is about the Iraq war, or the Iraq, the presence in Iraq, the presence in Afghanistan, the trip by President Trump to Iraq.
The leftists, socialist leftists, especially on Twitter, Just having this massive meltdown saying that essentially saying that they shamed Twitter shamed President Donald Trump into traveling to overseas to a war zone to visit the troops.
Have you heard this folks?
Have you heard this?
It was because of the tweets.
It was because of the shaming that was done, right?
Well, obviously, obviously, folks, any thinking, rational, sensible human being, and Dan Bongino pointed this out earlier, would know that the presidential excursions like this have to be planned months in advance.
Months in advance.
The support teams or the advanced teams that go out to carry the presidential security detail.
So this was not, gee, I shamed him, he's leaving, he's suddenly going to go overseas now, because we've successfully shamed him into going overseas.
So what a load of crap that's taking place.
So I want to call out these morons out there in the news, and I mean, you've got to be a moron to believe that you actually had the power into shaming the President of the United States.
To go out, even more moronic, is to believe What is being said?
So with that, again, look at the facts and look at the fake news.
This, of course, it might seem obvious to you if you're tuning into this fourth hour into InfoWars.
It might seem obvious to you that, hey, this does make sense.
But media, the Hollywood crowd, the activists on Twitter, they claim that they're shaming him.
Well, these presidential trips, as I said, are planned a long time in advance.
And any rational, sensible human being with firing synapses should know this.
Joe, I'm going to bring you on.
I know that we have to talk about other aspects.
I want to say it's good to hear you talking halfway normal again, folks.
As he said, he had oral surgery done, and over the holidays and before the holidays, we really couldn't talk.
He couldn't talk, so he used a lot of gesturing and whatnot.
So this is the first actual day that I've had a chance to speak with him since that surgery, so it's good to see you back up and running.
Yeah, and but there's a whole lot going on definitely want to get into what is going on with Iraq The people are taking issue with an unannounced visit by the president You know stating that they never reached out.
He never reached out to them, but we're gonna talk about that And we got some other stuff fake news.
We got some stuff on Christmas.
They wore on Christmas and also on the Robert Mueller investigation Whip when this is in for wars from you right back stay with us.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
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But you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
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That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment!
the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit.
(upbeat music)
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones with Doug Agman.
The more of you that I inspect.
And welcome back to this fourth hour of InfoWars on this Thursday, December 27th, 2018,
Thursday, December 27, 2018, winding down this year and what a year it has been going by so fast,
winding down this year and what a year it has been going by so fast, almost into 2019.
almost into 2019.
But we got some great stuff to get into this hour.
But we got some great stuff to get into this hour.
We were talking before the break about Christmas and President Trump and the fake news that we see
We were talking before the break on about Christmas and President Trump and the fake
news that we see and just the insanity that the media and the Hollywood types have been
and just the insanity that the media And welcome back to this fourth hour of InfoWars on this
constantly drumming up on Twitter and whatnot.
And I wanted to cover this article before we get too far into Iraq, into the economy
and other and more important and pressing matters.
I came across this article today and it's been up on my screen all day because I just
can't X out of it.
I wanted to make sure we covered this.
From Breitbart, leftist recoil and horror after Trump signs military MAGA hats.
This article explains how the media and Hollywood have predictably reacted in horror after the
president signed several Make America Great Again hats and gave them to members of the
Now, you have actresses, you have CNN personalities saying that this is just awful.
Mia Farrow, On Twitter, this is awful.
Trump signing MAGA hats for the troops who are stationed overseas.
You even had CNN analyst and former member of the Obama administration, John Kirby, warning the troops having a Trump campaign hat could be breaking military guidelines.
And this is just all part of their war on Christmas and the war on Trump.
We talk about the political divide in this country never before In my lifetime, have I ever seen the divide so great?
And it's not just a divide along party lines.
If that were the... I mean, that would make it a lot different.
This is a divide along President Trump and the Constitution and American way of life, traditionally, versus where they want to take it with this progressive social communist agenda.
And we see that the left, we see the media, we see Hollywood, we see all these establishment powers that have come against Trump, that have come against America, that have come against Americans.
We have to understand it's not just the president that they hate.
The president is where their anger is focused.
It is the people who support the president.
It is the people who believe in his agenda, in the ideology of America as it was founded, and its intentions that they hate.
And this is not going to go away when the President leaves office, whether in 2020 or 2024.
And that's the battle that we need to be focused on and prepared for.
Because as Hillary Clinton said just a few months ago, civility will not be restored until their political party is in power.
And she only went halfway.
What she didn't say was that civility will be restored when they're back in power and their opposition is no longer a threat or a bother to them.
And that's the war we are fighting.
And they do it in every which way.
We talked about it here even on this show.
When David Brock and Media Matters, that strategy came out against the social media strategy to destroy President Trump.
Not sure of the exact title of that.
But it laid out the agenda of how they were going to go after the president, how they were going to go after his administration, how they were going to attack him through social media, through the news, through the Hollywood, through the legal system.
And we see it every single day.
And it is, it doesn't, it's no stopping.
I compare it to Groundhog Day or a baby that doesn't get what they want.
They just whine and whine and whine.
But babies usually get tired and fall asleep.
These people, this evil, only increases.
And the more we give it a foothold, the more it will take over.
And we have to fight on those front lines each and every day against it.
And however that looks for you, each and every individual person, is what we have to do.
And we cannot cease.
Just like the evil will never cease, we cannot stop fighting.
Because the moment we do, we are giving over to that evil.
And it's everywhere in the headlines.
I gotta tell you, Joey, you are so exactly right.
And let's always remember the stopgap between the fight by the globalists, the globalists fighting the American people, the stopgap is President Trump.
Of course, he's not part of the establishment.
He's not part of the political process.
And it's funny you mentioned, too, the Iraq thing.
The number of people invoking the Hatch Act, that's nothing more than a petty So petty, because obviously when Obama visited the troops, he signed anything, he signed body parts.
I mean, you know, people's, soldiers' uniforms and arms.
It was crazy.
So, for them to bring this up is disingenuous, that's number one.
The other aspect of this, and you hit it too, This is a constant barrage, in my view.
Anything Donald Trump stands for, it's always going to be discontinued forward.
In other words, you mentioned even a baby falls asleep once in a while.
These people don't.
And it's funny because yesterday, I was taking my rage, I shouldn't say rage, the fact that I can't talk too well, I figured, okay, I'll start writing.
And on my Twitter account, at Hagman PI, shameless plug there by the way, but not really, Philippe Raines, and how many people know who Philippe Raines is?
Of course, the confidant of, one of the confidants of Hillary Clinton.
He got into this, well, Iraq, President Trump went to Iraq because he was shamed into it, as I mentioned earlier.
When I told him to put his pants back on and get off my lawn, he blocked me.
Here's the only reason I mention that.
Yeah, and here's the only reason I mention that.
It's because even if we were to argue the points, the facts as they are, they're not
going to listen.
And that's why you said, and I'll turn it back to you, the ideological divide is so
It's just, I don't, you know what, and I'd toss this out, I think we might have done this the last time we were on.
My question to the people listening out there, InfoWars, to InfoWars, InfoWarsStore.com by the way, support this endeavor, but my question to you folks is this.
We talk about the possibility of a civil war, alright, how bad it could be.
My question, could not having a civil war be worse?
What could be worse than having a civil war?
Perhaps not having one.
Now, I'm not wishing, and believe me, anyone who would wish a civil war on a country would be psychotic.
There's differences in war and types of war.
I mean, we're engaged in a battle right now.
It doesn't have to be a hot war with bullets and missiles that we're saying.
I mean, we're in an ideological civil war right now, and it's playing out each and every
day in the social media realm, in pop culture, and it is seemingly, it seems that they are
And it is because they have all the microphones.
It is because they get all the attention.
And most importantly, it is because they block and censor the opposition and the points of
And to your point about, you can't have a, I remember a time when you could have a disagreement
with somebody and you could have a debate, and there wasn't two sets of facts.
People would come to the understanding that, okay, maybe I'm not exactly right.
But what I see with this that is so dangerous is that these people think they know everything.
and they think they know what's best for everybody else.
And it's their way or no way at all.
And if you don't agree or subscribe to their way of thinking,
you're automatically labeled an enemy.
You're automatically labeled with an "ism," you know, racism,
whatever the term is of the day, trying to shame you into that role.
And so often we have seen people, you know, how many times have you seen people get so
defensive when they're called a racist or whatever the term is?
And that has all lost its meaning now.
And now we're at the point where we can't even have a discussion.
You can't even agree to disagree.
It's all or nothing.
And I've seen it change people.
I talked about this.
I talk about it all the time.
I have a friend whose mother is one of the sweetest ladies ever.
But she has been brainwashed by MSNBC and CNN.
The most sane and normal person otherwise.
But when you start talking about politics, when you start talking about the president, It's like a switch goes off in her head, and she thinks he's the most evil person to ever, you know, live on the face of the earth.
And nothing he would do could be good, no matter what it was, even if it was something she supported and agreed with.
And that makes no sense to me, and that shows me that there's a much bigger component here than just politics.
This is a spiritual battle, and this is a spiritual blindness and deception that we are fighting against.
And until we understand that, And fight that properly, we're not going to make much headway, especially when we're dealing with the evil that this earth has acquiesced to.
And even the church, we talk about this all the time, the church is conforming to the world instead of standing its ground and sticking to the gospel.
And when that happens, we are in trouble.
Amen to that.
Doug Hagman, Joe Hagman sitting in for Alex Jones.
Following, of course, Mike Adams.
Folks, support this endeavor.
Big sale going on there.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
The globalists are trying to set up a private, corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please, spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPanda.com.
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We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
But if you use the free energy of word of mouth, the most powerful thing in the universe, creativity, if you tell folks about InfoWars.com, Or NewsWars.com, or that local radio station that picks us up, or that local TV station that picks us up.
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So I would encourage everyone, Christmas Ordering is over, but right through to the new year, we have a store-wide clearance sale going.
Store-wide free shipping, double Patriot points for your next order, a free t-shirt with every order, 50 to 75% off many of these items we lose money on, but I believe you're going to experience how great our fluoride-free, super blue toothpaste is, fortified with little silver and iodine and other essential oils.
I think you're going to experience how amazing it is, and you're going to want to reorder it.
I think you're going to experience how amazing our colloidal silver bullet is, or how great Rainforest Plus, our nootropic is, or how amazing our body's ultimate turmeric formula, 95% cucuminoid.
No one else even has that.
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I believe in you, and I believe that you want freedom, and you want justice, and you want a future.
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And completely, absolutely turned over to the fight against the Globalists.
Beyond commitment.
Until my very individuality has been absorbed in the fight.
And that's a damn good feeling.
Because I'm the ultimate individualist.
I'm the ultimate collectivist.
The individual is powerful and is strong.
When the individual chooses God and justice and joins the collective, it's a collective of individuals forming the true collective, not the false collective of the devil, Lucifer, whatever you want to call it that is slavery.
Not a top-down collective, but a collective of common sense and the people that is transcendent.
And it's in that true collective that humanity will reach the stars and go beyond.
So as Christmas passes us and 2018 goes into legend, into history, it's your chance to financially support the very tip of the spear of the fight against the globalists and get great products at the same time.
A true 360 win, unless you don't take advantage of it.
Please stay with us.
It's Alex Jones.
And welcome back to the fourth hour on this Thursday edition of Info Wars on this December 27th, 2018 edition.
One of the last broadcasts of the year.
We're really running out of time in 2018.
2019 right around the corner and time is just flying by.
I want to mention this real quick, folks.
If you haven't checked out Paul Joseph Watson's latest video, I had a chance to listen to it this morning.
And it was really good, a very sad story.
There were a pair of murders, there was a double murder in Morocco done by Islamists.
And it was an ISIS-style execution by beheading.
And the state TV, the state-sponsored TV has been censoring the coverage of this murder
and refusing to place the blame where it belongs, on Islam.
Instead, they are censoring it.
We know that they have hate speech laws over there, but the insanity behind this.
You have the Islamic beheading of a female, and two murders, and you have the government
and the TV doing what they can to cover up the origins and reasons behind those murders.
What is happening in Europe?
This is a reoccurring theme and again go to check out Paul Joseph Watson's video.
He did a great job as he always does in breaking down these issues because it's so important.
This is at the doorsteps of America too.
We see the transformation of our society happening in many places around the country.
from Texas to Minnesota, all over the place. We saw just a few weeks ago, I don't know
if we had a chance to talk about it here, where there was a judge in Minnesota or Michigan
I believe that ruled that the female...
There you go.
Female genital mutilation.
That it was unconstitutional to disallow people of the Islamic faith to do that.
And this is bringing Sharia law into America and becoming Sharia compliant.
So we are not as deep in trouble as Europe is, but we are seeing those signs on the door and how long before they decide other parts of Sharia law should be accepted as part of a constitutional type It doesn't make sense.
It doesn't make sense at all unless they are wanting to bring that here.
You know Joe, the individual responsible for expunging a lot of that Islamic Sharia information, Jihadist information from the manuals of the FBI, Robert Mueller, of course.
And we know that Robert Mueller is doing nothing except continuing his investigation on President Trump or against President Trump, much to the delight of the Democratic Socialists here.
And again, it's to take our constitutional republic down.
Make no mistake about this.
And yes, Sharia and the Sharia Compliance, which is antithetical to the Constitution, is part of a globalist agenda to rip at our fabric of America.
But you know, I mentioned...
Yeah, go ahead.
Between James Comey and Robert Mueller, those two, as FBI directors, they have done so much damage to the FBI when dealing with Islamic terrorism.
And they have, you know, when we looked at Robert Mueller and we hear people saying, oh, he, when the investigation started, that he was one of the most upstanding, you know, moral people, the perfect guy for the job.
Well he's got a laundry list of conflicts of interest, of shady dealings, and of questionable
It's like what he did with the FBI, scrubbing the FBI of references to Islamic terrorism,
trying to, and this was James Comey too, and I don't understand, you know, in today's world
why they would do that unless they wanted to fester and grow.
And they don't, I mean, we've seen it time and time again.
ISIS will play a responsibility and the government will say no, no, no, no, don't worry.
It's not terrorism.
It's domestic.
It's workplace violence, like the Fort Hood shooting.
And that's when it really started to open my eyes.
When the Fort Hood shooting happened, they said it was workplace violence.
Well, it makes me think, too, about Mueller.
We had, of course, folks, HagmanReport.com, that's our website, that's our home base, Hagman Report Live for our show, 7 to 10 weeknights, 7 to 10 p.m.
Eastern Time, weeknights.
But we had John Milkovich on, and he's the author of this book, Robert Mueller, errand boy for the New World Order.
Now, I don't get paid for talking about this, we don't make any money off this book, but He talks about the, well in this book there's a report, and he's a state senator from Louisiana, I believe 38th district of Louisiana.
But he writes that there's an epic disconnect between Robert Mueller described by the mass media
and officialdom as a model of public propriety.
As a model of public propriety.
And the Robert Mueller documented independent researchers, a chronic collaborator with career characterized
by cover-ups, corruption, and unconscionable conduct and ever willing instrument of the deep state dissimulation.
And I'll tell you something, and again, I'm not hawking books here,
but I'm telling you, when you look at what Mueller was tasked to do, he is doing it exquisitely.
So anyone who would ever believe in any sense of the word that Mueller was a white hat, or is a white hat, is delusional.
But one thing, one real quick thing, I don't want to get too far off what you were talking about, the Hill today.
This is so critical for people to understand, because Joe, you and I are following the prosecution of General Michael Flynn.
Well, in the Hill today, real quick, an article by Kevin Brock and Dan Bongino mentioned it this morning on his podcast.
I just want to mention it right now.
There are three audits in FBI handling of Flynn interview.
And frankly, I did not catch this.
And I just want to toss this over to you right after this.
The three oddities, again, this is an article by Kevin Brock, writing in The Hill.
One of the biggest issues here, and I did not think of this, I didn't catch this, and I wonder how many people did.
The 302s, there were two 302s that were done on Flynn.
One, rather contemporaneously, or right around the time of his January 2017 interview, the two agents interviewing Flynn.
They completed a 302.
And of course there was an August 302 that the FBI completed.
Now having said that, what was the basis, what was the underlying predicate for interviewing Flynn in the first place?
It was what kind of investigation?
It was a counterintelligence investigation.
And even the And as an aside, the Washington Post has leaked to the Washington Post by the intelligence community about Michael Flynn the day before his interview, or around the time of his interview, I should say, that there was no indication of any wrongdoing.
I guess here's the bottom line in one of the oddities.
are criminal documents.
In other words, documents to record a statement in a criminal investigation, not a counterintelligence investigation.
So what in the hell were two FBI agents doing creating a 302 on a counterintelligence investigation?
Unless it was never designed to be a counterintelligence investigation.
So think about that.
Think about that.
And folks, go ahead Joe, you can take us on.
Just real quick, I mean we have not seen, I want to see the declassified information.
I want to see, I don't know why the documents have not been declassified.
I don't know why the president has not decided to just put everything out there.
You know the FBI talks about protecting sources and methods.
But they have been, they were weaponized against the president, they were weaponized against his administration and his campaign, and that information needs to come out so we understand the full scope of the criminality behind the Obama administration and the weaponization of the intelligence agencies against President Donald Trump.
We're ending the year.
2018 has been tumultuous.
It's been an insane year.
And InfoWars has continued with the deplatforming and the lawsuits, the demonization, the attacks, and everything else because of one thing.
Our supporters, our listeners, our viewers understand that what we're doing is a critical mission, not just for InfoWars, not just for America, but for the world.
And that the globalists Wouldn't be trying to shut us down if we weren't telling the truth, if we weren't effective.
So the old World War II saying, I've quoted it probably 5,000 times, but it's so true, I've got to do it again.
You know, a lot of cliches are cliches because they're accurate.
A lot of stereotypes are stereotypes because they're true.
In World War II, they didn't really have radar yet.
The British had a little bit, but not in airplanes.
They had them on the mainland for the Battle of Britain.
But our aircraft didn't have Radar.
And so, they'd fly in with a chart and a map over Italy or over Germany or over Nazi-held areas of Eastern Europe, and they weren't sure where to hit.
They had general areas of what tank manufacturing facility or munitions manufacturing facility they were supposed to hit, or what power plant they were supposed to hit.
But they learned, because the Germans couldn't help it, That they would put anti-aircraft guns around where it was really at.
And so first they'd send in a group of airplanes all spread out, kind of a forward observation group, to see who got shot at.
Footage we're showing is Germans paratrooping into Greece in 1942.
That's a separate battle.
in 1942. That's a separate battle. And so they would send in reconnaissance planes to get shot
at and wherever they radioed in they got shot at the most.
Lo and behold, they'd find that's where the factories were.
So the saying, when you know you're over the target, when you're getting the most flak, comes from that.
And so, that's what we do here, is we go out, and we find out where the most flak is.
And we find out where the biggest attack is and what pisses them off the most.
And lo and behold, that turns out to be the most accurate information.
So as we prepare to close out this year, A, I want to thank you for the incredible support.
I want to point out, you've got the best water filtration, the best air filtration, the best books, the best films, the best supplements, the best survival gear, the best storable food.
We've got whatever the best is, I go out, I make a great deal to sell it to you at the lowest price available so that you get a great product and so you reorder and you appreciate what we're doing because I want to serve you well.
I want to treat you the way I want to be treated.
So this year, InfoWarsStore.com, InfoWarsLife.com, we're extending all the Christmas specials out.
Until January 1st.
And we've been successful, thanks to your support.
Selling out of almost our whole inventory, so we won't have the inventory taxes.
But let me tell you, you did a great job, but we did a great job too.
Free shipping store-wide, 50 to 75% off everything.
Double Patriot points on your next order.
And a free t-shirt with every order.
That is extended, but only a few days left until...
The end of this year.
And some items have already sold out, but everything else we still have is a 50-75% off store-wide free shipping, and a free t-shirt, and of course, so many other great items.
In fact, I'm told in a day or two, all t-shirts will be sold out, so there'll be a new free item, like colloidal silver, or something like that.
The point is, take advantage of year-end sales, help support the InfoWar, get the best deals out there, a true 360 win.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Doug Hagman.
Doug and Joe Hagman here from the Hagman Report filling in for Alex Jones on this fourth hour
of this Thursday edition on this December 12th.
27th, 2018. We were talking about Robert Mueller before the break here and a number of things
that he has been in the news about, including the most important, which is the investigation
into President Trump for Russian collusion, which has moved well beyond any collusion
now into looking at obstruction and anything they can get their hands on to try to undermine
and destroy the president and his reputation and what he has been able to accomplish. And
that's one of the things that we have to be grateful for.
When we look back at 2018 and 2017, even 2016, is the fact that every intelligence agency,
every law enforcement agency, federally at least, seemed to be weaponized. Didn't seem to be, it
be weaponized.
Didn't seem to be, it was weaponized against President Trump and his administration and
was weaponized against President Trump and his administration and his campaign, first and
his campaign, first and foremost.
foremost. And he was able to overcome that. I'm not sure that any one man alone could do
And he was able to overcome that.
I'm not sure that any one man alone could do something like that.
something like that. I think there Every law enforcement agency, federally at least, seemed to
I think there is much more at play than just politics.
There is a spiritual component here that must be recognized.
And he continues to have successes, even in the face of all these enemies that have been
piled up against him and all these agencies that have been weaponized against him.
He continues to succeed.
And we can't, no matter what is going on, forget that.
And we have to be thankful for that, because at least we have that.
Just imagine what it would be like if Hillary Clinton was president.
I read something that she tweeted out, some kind of Christmas message that had a picture
of her from her time in the White House, almost like wishful thinking, like she wishes she
was back there again.
But Robert Mueller, dad, you got into this a little bit, but there's a great piece up
on the Hill.
Giuliani calls for Mueller to be investigated for destruction of FBI evidence.
Now we have seen what, the Strzok page messages.
Just disappear.
I mean, no other, except for Hillary Clinton, really, in my memory, no other evidence in the FBI just disappears unless there is somebody who is making it disappear.
And how convenient for these people that this evidence just goes bye-bye, but how much Is Robert Mueller on the hook for this?
I mean, he's overseeing this investigation.
This is his evidence.
This is his information, right?
And the Inspector General, too.
We have to ask, what is going on with this?
But Buck Sexton, he wrote, I'm sorry, John Solomon wrote this opinion piece up on the Hill.
And he talks about what Rudy Giuliani says.
And he says that it's time for Robert Mueller to be investigated.
And we've talked about this for a long time.
Can the President, should the President fire Robert Mueller?
When would be a good time?
I thought when the Attorney General switch was made, that, and the announcement from Mueller, saying that they were not going to focus on Russian collusion, that the mandate was going to be, you know, basically anything but that.
Moving forward, that was when the President should have pulled the trigger.
Now, a lot of people don't agree with me.
They think he should just let them stay the course, since if they're ever going to find anything, they would have already found it.
But, obviously, we see dissenting opinions, especially even on Fox News and Judge Napolitano.
I haven't really been listening to a lot of what he's been saying lately.
Oh, lucky you.
But yeah, he's saying things like, you know, Trump should resign or they're going to indict his kids and they have stuff to go after him on.
It just seems like everything and everyone just wants to see Trump fail.
And as we said earlier, the divide in this country seems to be along the lines of whether you like the president or you don't like the president.
But it is much deeper than that.
But will Robert Mueller, will James Comey, will any of these people ever be held accountable in any way that is satisfactory to the American public out there who have been paying attention, who know the crimes that have been committed by these people?
That's my big problem.
Joe, I'll just chime in here while I still can.
The investigation is the obstruction.
And if you think about this, Huber, John Huber, working with OIG Horowitz, can't testify to an ongoing investigation.
Comey, for example, can't testify or testify about or provide information about X, Y, or Z. Because why?
The investigation is ongoing.
Don't want to compromise an ongoing investigation.
Now, if that was a legitimate investigation, obviously, I understand that.
But the investigation is going to keep the obstruction alive.
In other words, the endgame objective here is to keep the Mueller investigation going until President Trump is out of office.
And we're at, what, day number, I think, 590.
A year, six months, and I think 12 days of the Mueller investigation.
Out of, what, 707 days of the, like 590 days out of 707 days of the presidency.
So, this is the tactic, I believe, of the Mueller investigation.
And the intent of the Mueller investigation, continue forward until Donald Trump is either forced out of office, Or something else takes place.
And I'll tell you something.
Roger Stone... I thought he was going to leave.
Well, yeah.
And Roger Stone and Alex had a very good piece, and I would not... I'm going to tell everyone out there.
I saw it over the weekend, over the holiday weekend, where Roger Stone was talking about, talking with Alex, and they were talking about, as much as I hate to say this, the removal from office with prejudice.
And I think people understand what that means.
Look, Donald Trump, there's no chaos in the office.
There's no chaos in the White House.
Everything else is... People who say that there is, that's fake news.
Well, you know what?
I'll say this.
There's chaos to the extent that the deep state holdovers, the Obama loyalists, the communist progressives, to the extent that they create.
There's not chaos being created by President Trump.
There's chaos being created by the people who refuse to allow his agenda to be implemented.
And we know when we read it in, I believe it was one of the books when we were in D.C.
The confirmation hearings for, oh my goodness, the Supreme Court Kavanaugh was going out.
And that book came out by Woodward.
And they talked about that.
And they said how many of the workers in the White House refused to submit paperwork or to hide things so the President didn't see.
I mean, things like that.
That's the only chaos that I really see.
The turnover, as far as the personnel, does not bother me.
because you can have a position and fill it with 10 different people,
but until you get that right person in there, you have to get the right person in there.
You can have that turnover as long as you're getting the right people in there.
So I don't see that as chaos, but everything that the president,
I mean, just look, as I mentioned earlier, the coverage about the president,
not only going to Iraq, but CNN, they're saying Trump is the Grinch
who stole Christmas from the troops in Iraq.
CNN does its best to dump on Trump troops trip.
And then it goes on from there on NewsBusters.
I'm just reading the headlines here.
CBS, NBC, Slam, Trump's visit to troops in Iraq took him long enough.
So some say he didn't go there quick enough.
Others say he should never be there in the first place.
How dare he sign magazines and give them.
Yeah, how dare he sign MAGA hats and give it to the troops?
I mean, he's the Grinch who sold Christmas for the troops in Iraq, according to CNN.
I mean, but the troops love him.
From everything I can see, why don't they let the troops speak for themselves instead of, you know, always trying to put words and feelings in other people's mouths?
It's just...
It really is irritating.
And what is the media going to do whenever Trump is out of office?
I mean, what are they going to focus on?
What's their obsession going to be?
Because that's all they can talk about right now.
And it puts us in a position where we seem to always be, not defending him, but trying to just put the facts out there to say what's right.
But there's so much more we could be focusing on.
And it is keeping us, or we're keeping us, from working on those solutions because we're so preoccupied dealing with what the networks are putting out.
That has to change.
We have to change that somehow.
I think I've got an answer for you on this.
And I was thinking about that too.
What would happen right now if there was a change of power and the Democrats were in
power at the executive level?
We know that's going to take place.
And we're going to get a taste of what you did.
To answer your question, we're going to get a taste of that in January.
And it's going to be, they're going to extol, number one, the virtues of things like gun control.
Extol the virtues of immigration, but not assimilation, but immigration.
As well as push the globalist agenda.
So we have to be very careful and be very cautious.
As well as, and I heard Mike Adams earlier talking about setting up perhaps, well maybe Maybe some event or events that will result in taking away our Second Amendment rights.
Certainly, we know that they're trying to erode our First Amendment rights.
Folks, you're listening to Doug and Joe Hagman, InfoWars, InfoWarsStore.com.
That's InfoWarsStore.com.
Support the movement.
Be right back.
Since the time of Plato, 2300 plus years ago, elites believed that the Earth was overpopulated.
Now, you could argue that today, but in the time of Plato, there wasn't more than 100,000 people on the Greek islands.
But in his Republic, he wrote about humans crushing the breast of Mother Earth.
And it was his ideas 2,000 years later that were picked up by Malthus.
Sir Malthus.
Malthus wanted to herd people in Ireland and in England to pour people into tiny, small, 200-foot apartments so that they would fester with disease and die.
You've heard the term Malthusian.
That means you just believe in making things worse.
So that you get rid of the poor people, you get rid of the dumb people, you get rid of the stupid people.
He predicted that within a hundred years, that was the 1700s, he predicted by the 1800s, the Earth would reach its carrying potential.
There would be a planetary collapse of the entire human population.
So when you hear about eugenics, and you read about the UN saying we're overpopulated, and you see them pushing for global one-child policies, Remember that this has been a long-term view of aristocrats, of royalty, of oligarchs, of plutocrats for 2,000 plus years.
And really what they use this for is a way to dehumanize the general public.
Why educate?
Why have sewage?
Why have sanitation if these people are animals to begin with?
But see, once sanitation and things were adopted 150 years ago, infectious diseases went down over 95%.
So then the eugenicists met and they said, what are we going to do?
People aren't dying from infectious diseases, the Malthusian plan is failing.
They said, we'll take all these good scientists and people that have developed all these vaccines and things that are good.
And we'll take control of these with modern medical science through the Rockefeller Foundation.
And we'll actually control it and make everything worse.
Cancer was incredibly rare 100 years ago.
By the 20s, the Rockefellers had discovered most of it was viral and weaponized it.
And there's hundreds of other examples.
So when you pull back from this and understand that it's not that environmentalism is bad, it's good, but the bad guys run it, not to help the earth or people, but to control it.
When you realize that vaccine technology is good and real, but that bad guys have it and are adding Trojan horses, then you understand.
Just like computers are good, but then they can be used for bad with Trojan horses to control.
That's the same story over and over and over again.
That's why you have an attack on the family.
That's why you have an attack on the middle class.
That's why globalists want to make populations poor and stupid and controllable.
Because only one level of the eugenics operation says they're actually just gonna get rid of the poor people.
That's bad enough.
The truth is they're just using it as an excuse to humanize all life, throw chivalry out the window,
and treat their fellow humans like they're animals.
Because the globalists are sociopathic and psychotic in their spectrum,
and they project their own hatred on the public and their own loathing of themselves on the public,
and then cover it, claiming that they're nothing but social Darwinists
carrying out a cleansing of the earth when they're the ones with the open-air genetic engineering,
they're the ones with the gene splicing, they're the ones with the human-animal chimeras,
they're the ones with the atmospheric manipulations, when they're the ones endangering the entire planet.
So as we go into the new year, understand this.
A 2,300-year plan He's fighting against a plan for a pro-human future.
Choose renaissance, not death.
Choose Infowars.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Doug and Joe Hackman here filling in for the fourth hour on InfoWars on this Thursday, December 27th.
One of the last broadcasts of the year.
We covered a lot of ground.
We still got a lot to talk about.
We have this government shutdown that has been ongoing, I believe it is into day six, over the border wall funding.
We saw the GoFundMe page the President started for the border wall as the American people have been pouring money into it.
Before, I haven't seen the latest update on that.
I saw a headline, I believe, yesterday or the day before that they might have to return the money that you can't really crowdfund for a border wall.
I'm not sure about that, but there is a lot of stuff going on with immigration and whatnot.
We were talking about the CNN stuff and the troops in Iraq, and I don't want to jump around too much, but I just can't get over this.
The more I'm looking here at different websites, Jim Acosta, one of the biggest blowhards in the news business.
America-hating fake newser Jim Acosta leads CNN discussion on how U.S.
troops in Iraq should be disciplined for meeting with the President.
Did you hear this, Jim Acosta?
Talking about how the troops should be punished for meeting with the President.
I mean, what kind of world do we live in that we see this kind of craziness?
How does CNN get away with saying things like this and continuing to have an audience?
Do the people watch just for that shock factor of what idiotic and ridiculous thing they're going to say next?
I mean, they protect the terrorists, they defend the terrorists, and they destroy the President.
They destroy the Constitution.
Yes, by very definition.
I mean, to me, when President Trump Claims that the fake news media is the enemy of the people
there it is right there How much more explanation does one need or how many
examples right there alone?
Seriously, it's an affront to not just our president, but to the men and women serving overseas
And of course, you know what that what is seriously?
I want to know what in the hell is wrong with that guy in my view that
my I had a great aunt
Said it would say something like is that boy right there?
That boy just ain't right.
Okay, so I can hear the echoes from my childhood.
That boy just ain't right.
Meaning, a friend of mine that I had introduced her to, that boy just ain't right.
Well, Acosta, that boy just ain't right.
Well, seriously, you talk about the enemy of the people in fake news, hey, it's right next to it.
It's the definition of it.
So, I didn't mean to interrupt, but you're right in so many things.
As bad as, you know, all the mainstream media coverages of Trump, you don't see the White House correspondence for ABC, NBC act the way Jim Acosta acts.
And it is being done intentionally.
And I believe he's also probably being celebrated inside CNN.
He's probably being, you know, they're incentivizing it, I'm sure.
He probably has got a bump in his paycheck.
Become the story instead of covering the story and I love how the interactions between Sarah Sanders and Jim Acosta in the press room because she just destroys him every time and he looks like such an idiot but he doesn't know when to stop because he thinks that there is a and I'm sure there is a portion of these extreme leftists out there who just you know applaud and and enjoy that that kind of stuff but it is not doing any and this is the problem we talked about this before there's no working towards solutions with these people And should we work towards solutions with these people?
That's the question, because in my mind, the evil, it's evil.
It's not just politics at this point.
And if you're a Christian, Would you ever come to the table and sit down with somebody who wants to perform abortions?
It's not in your blood.
It's not in your belief system.
So there is no middle ground, if you understand what I'm saying.
And that's the way I feel about some of this stuff.
And we see it in issues like I want to go to the economy.
We see this volatility in the stock market.
Well, obviously there's a lot of things going on there, but the level of volatility is very alarming and people are spooked and they're shocked and they're wondering what's going on.
But the root of the problem is not capitalism, it's not the market, it's what has been done to the free market through the Federal Reserve System and the theft of the wealth from the American people.
And how long has Alex Jones been talking about this, folks?
Since I've started listening to him.
Okay, I apologize.
I really want to hit this home force away, but I cannot do that.
Look, Alex Jones has been right on the money, and that's why they want to shut him down.
That's why they want to shut Infowars down.
And you've got a bunch of sniveling, snot-nosed, wet-behind-the-ears, snowflake crybabies.
Am I allowed to say that on this show?
Take to Twitter.
They take to Twitter and they applaud, of course, the banning of InfoWars.
They applaud the banning of multiple platforms and conservatives.
Not realizing, not having a sense, an ounce of any common sense, that they're next.
That these cheerleaders are for the globalists.
They're not any use to anybody, including themselves.
How many people do you see?
see against Infowars Alex Jones. It saddens me to the extent that these people don't understand
that they are applauding for their own demise. My goodness, what's wrong with these people?
Go ahead. It's like what we see with the rise in hate crimes where you see
racist graffiti spray painted on a school or nooses. Lately, the trend has been...
The hate crimes have been committed by the people they're allegedly targeting.
It's almost like this self-hatred.
It's like the white people who are out there telling everybody that you're wrong to be white.
It's a self-destructive attitude that is, in my opinion, evil.
And it really has just completely twisted the minds of these people.
And you'd think with the rise of technology and the increase of information that people
would be getting smarter, that people would be getting more efficient, and things would
be, you know, the truth would be more prevalent.
But if the opposite is true, and it's not because of the technology, it's because of
the way people use the technology, it's just like the gun debate.
The guns aren't what are killing people.
It is the people who are using the guns that are killing people.
It's not the technology and the information that's making people dumber or more ignorant.
It is the way that they use the information.
See, you brought it up earlier.
What has changed?
And this is what people have to realize.
Dennis Prager, Prager University, was talking about this.
The assault against the American trinity, of course, the E Pluribus Unum, liberty, and one nation under God.
It's the one nation under God.
The fact that the morality of this country, the American exceptionalism... America, by the way, is an exceptional country.
The Western culture is an exceptional culture.
We, the West, we built this country.
Sorry, but we did.
And folks, you have to watch the Prager University, if you're so inclined, the video on this.
But he was right on the money.
The fact that this is a spiritual battle, a war against our faith.
And what was the, was it Ben Franklin who said, a Republican, or not a Republican, if you can keep it.
This government was set up for a holy, moral society.
Okay, but you get the quote.
So, without God, and without the idea that there is an afterlife and a punishment, the atheists out there, or the self-proclaimed atheists, or the people who don't have the belief system, the strong belief system, They're wholly incapable of governance.
Accepting this governance.
Go ahead.
And you know, we talk about this a lot, and even on our show, we're Christians by faith.
At the same time, these people, if you don't believe in God, I have nothing against you, but these people take it to a whole new level where they don't believe in God, yet at the same time they hate him.
And then they have turned their ideology, their political ideology, into their religion.
religion, which includes the love of abortion, which includes the open borders.
And what does it say when the government has to be shut down and all the president is asking
for is money to fund a border wall, to secure our sovereign nation?
And that is being met with such resistance, you would think he is advocating unifying
with Mexico and starting a new country.
It just doesn't compute in my mind that--
Hey, listen, Moana, do you lock your doors?
Listen, Moana, do you lock your doors?
Hey, Schumer, do you lock your doors?
You got security details?
I mean, they're hubris and they're hypocrisy.
Joe, it's just, wow.
Go ahead.
It's like one of the Parkland victims, one of the more outspoken anti-gun victims.
I don't remember her name.
Emma Gonzalez, I think it was, attended a rally where Alyssa Milano was, and this was months ago.
And they were railing against guns while having armed security standing there protecting them.
And that's what doesn't make sense.
It's the hypocrisy.
And as I said, the spiritual aspect of this is so important.
We need to understand it's a spiritual battle first and foremost.
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