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Name: 20181225_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 25, 2018
3158 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various topics including weather modification by China and Russia, hydrofluorosilicic acid lowering IQ and fertility, and the endgame of the technocrats. He emphasizes the need for public debate on these issues and questions the intentions of those involved. Infowars promotes several products and discusses various topics including President Trump's foreign policy decisions, censorship of conservative news outlets, and efforts to drain the swamp of deep state corruption. They also talk about how mind control works through rhetoric techniques and powerful institutions that manipulate individuals using secrets and vice. Alex Jones encourages listeners to support InfoWars by spreading content and purchasing products from their store.

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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
It's December 17, 2018 on this Monday, Global Edition.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be here live for the next four hours in the War Room with Owen Schroer, Roger Stone and others.
You know, I'm sitting back, looking at all these different stories that I have to cover, and the first one that sticks out with all the things happening around the world is a story that's top-linked up on DrudgeReport.com.
That's China and Russia perform controversial experiments to modify the atmosphere.
Now isn't that funny?
Because China and Russia admit that they can control the atmosphere.
And when you look at the antenna array at the Sura base, It's identical, basically, and it's designed to harp.
And so we should probably get Dr. Nick Begich back up in the near future, who first really started talking about it 25, 30 years ago.
It's just frustrating to know there's all this weather modification going on, and to have the Department of Defense admitting it back in 1997, and have international treaties from 1978.
Prohibiting both aerial spraying to manipulate atmosphere on a mass scale as a weapon, but also manipulating it using antenna arrays.
So we talk about this, and they always have key people come out in pop culture, honest in news, and say, Alex Jones is crazy.
He doesn't believe there's such a thing as condensation trails, which is totally real, from ice crystals.
He thinks every trail you see behind an airplane is a chemtrail.
And that is not what I'm saying.
But the truth is, you can take heavily traveled jet corridors, and with ionizing radiation from these antenna arrays, they have now all over the world, you can then create nuclei and make it rain or not make it rain.
So basically, they're microwaving the atmosphere from the bottom, they're spraying aluminum dioxide, barium salts at the top, They've got patents where it can be added to the jet fuel, then put out via the jet turbine engines, and the airline doesn't even know.
They just agreed to buy fuel from a certain place.
And this is a fact!
And it's emblematic of everything else we cover, and everything else we do here, that this is an admitted system.
Just like there's an admitted world government.
There's an admitted plan to break up our families.
There's an admitted plan to open up our borders.
And you sit back and you watch this unfold, and the public are treated like children.
It's like the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
It made it law, and they signed other treaties so it became a global convention, that by 2000, all Cell phones would be triangulated via GPS using cell towers, and that would be used for geolocation and surveillance.
And obviously has a lot of normal commercial uses, like when you're driving somewhere in your car and the map tells you right where to go.
But that's what's frustrating is they go, Oh, Jones is crazy.
There's no such thing.
And then, of course, it all became true because it was a law.
And now, they've got it codified into these regulations that they're listening to you inside your house with AI computer recording everything and databasing it, even if you don't authorize it or even know it's happening.
And 5G's coming out, where even the Centers for Disease Control, the Department of Energy, the LA Times, the New York Times go, oh yeah, this does give you cancer.
But we're just doing it.
It's beyond secondhand smoke.
So, I don't want to just get up here and bet you complain about things, but That's what's going on.
And it's a plan.
And the system knows it's hurting us.
The system knows what's taking place.
The system knows what's unfolding.
And we have to ask ourselves as a culture and a society, what are they doing we don't know about?
And who in the world is running this thing?
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You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Sometimes you get phone calls you just gotta take, and that was one of them.
We're live here Monday through Friday 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
Don't forget David Knight with The David Knight Show doing a wonderful job informing the planet.
8 a.m.
Central until 11 a.m.
And of course The War Room with the amazing Owen Troyer.
He really is amazing.
And Roger Stone.
A lot of big interesting things happening obviously behind the scenes.
I'll be able to reveal to you in the near future.
There is so much that I want to cover today.
I want to be as judicious about this as I can to make sure we do get to cover it all.
But if you just joined us in the first little segment, I got into the fact that, oh, the Smithsonian is reporting and the Daily Mail is reporting and a bunch of other publications are reporting China and Russia are working together to heat the atmosphere for weather control.
Using large antenna arrays on the ground, directed by satellites in space.
And they're just like the HAARP system that we've been talking about for 23 years here on air, that Dr. Dick Begich has been talking about for 27 years, and that we've all been demonized for talking about, even though I had the director of HAARP on one time.
They had an Air Force colonel on the line watching when he could say, but this fellow was proud of his work, so he wanted to come on the show.
He was a listener.
We had a father there with us from like 15 years ago.
And he said, well, yeah, we can even ignite the atmosphere with these antennas.
And the colonel comes on during the break and says, that's it, doctor, no more, click.
So the head of heart thought that he could just come on the show And assuage everyone's fears, but the Air Force Colonel in charge of the situation did not think that was the case.
And that's just one more thing.
Every few minutes when I'm going through stacks of news, but every few hours without even trying, there's all these things that are happening that are admitted that for decades they denied, and then now they're just in the news just admitting it.
That's very, very frustrating.
To know that hydrofluorosilicic acid lowers your IQ, lowers fertility, and acts as a toxic adjuvant or booster to other toxins and chemicals and drugs in the body.
And I'm not just up here bitching and complaining about negative things just to do it.
We should be asking ourselves, who are these technocrats?
What's their plan?
What are they building?
Why are they like this?
What are they planning to do to the atmosphere?
of the planet.
What's the endgame?
Because it's classified.
There's a treaty from 1978 banning weather modification for military use that the US
is a signatory to.
But this is all going on on our relatively small planet.
And just like I want to cause a public debate about this, I want to cause a public debate
about why are they teaching worldwide five-year-old children that they're really a different sex?
Why are they feeding us GMO crops that they know, many of the newer crops especially, kill farm animals that eat them and cause mutations?
Why are they pushing all these deadly vaccines on us?
Why are they spraying aluminum dioxide and barium salts into the atmosphere?
What's really going on?
And you can talk about the 5G, and talk about governments pushing and moving to make all the bartending, and waiters, and restaurants, and factories, and surgeons be robots.
But we know there's an endgame to make humans obsolete, to take control of resources by governments and corporations, And to establish a system that is inducive to massive population reduction.
And you can add, well we're a small planet, there are too many people, we're lazy, we're stupid, not living on a planet where we're forced to do a lot of work, makes us more decadent.
So let's go ahead and just remove the population, but the system's doing everything it can to make sure the public is as decadent and dumbed down as possible, to be able to then set the precedent and the atmosphere, both literally and figuratively, to remove us.
So there's a big plan, and we ain't in it.
And that's what's even more concerning, is that what we're talking about is reality.
It's not our opinion.
It's not something that we just wish it was one way or wish it wasn't the other.
You can sit there and try to interpret globalism at different levels.
You can sit there and try to look at the good side of it or the bad side of it.
But when you get right down to brass tacks, this world government being set up is extremely vicious, extremely ruthless, extremely bloodthirsty.
and creates horrible byproducts everywhere it goes and is making us weaker and stupider and is actually hurting the earth with all the open-air genetic engineering and the chemtrailing and the geoengineering and everything they're doing isn't just hurting humans, it's assaulting our very atmosphere to a negative effect for all life, it's assaulting our oceans, it's assaulting the entire genetic Memory Bank of the Planet.
In short, the New World Order is a weapon system, a planetary terraforming operation.
Genetically changing the planet's genetic makeup, changing the atmosphere's makeup, changing the tectonic activity of the planet, changing the oceans, changing all life, changing the radiological background, changing the magnetic background with all of the 3G and 4G and 5G and all the rest of it.
And you can see it, you can feel it, you can smell it.
And every metric, every measurement, every gauge, Every heads-up display we've got, every observation we see, shows this modern system is doing one thing.
killing us.
Some bad, bad, bad, bad people are in charge of this.
And you can write a lot of science fiction books about who's really running it and what the endgame is, but I can tell you this.
I got a pretty good idea.
Because there's a lot of cleaner technologies, there's a lot of better technologies, that the globalists go out of their way to ignore, while they claim they run the entire environmental global movement, and that they want to give you clean energy, so they ignore all the bad toxins and all the serious problems and say that carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide.
The one thing that really cleans the atmosphere like oxygen and water and sunlight, one of the four pillars of life on terra firma, is under constant assault.
And now the Green Movement says, cut down trees to stop carbon.
Now, trees are bad!
We're gonna go to break and then look at some of the other contemporary things developing.
Like, oh, the Guatemalan girl, seven, died being brought across to the U.S.
border over 2,000 miles.
It's not her mother's fault.
It's not the caravan group that organized them's fault.
No, no, it's not her fault for committing the crimes.
No, no, it's America's fault when you take your child across a 200-mile stretch of desert through the most deadly smugglers the planet's ever seen.
That's coming up next segment.
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I knew that when they deplatformed us in a massive, draconian, concerted, racketeering operation four and a half months ago, that it was about removing Trump's populist, nationalist support base.
The people's support base for him.
And now we see, in just the last few weeks, Michael Savage is having his show cancelled from three hours to one hour, even though it has record ratings.
And Ben Shapiro, never been on talk radio, is being given his show, given his audience.
We see Gab McGinnis being taken off the air for being number one on CRTV, better than Glenn Beck, and others.
Anyone who truly connects with the people, and who doesn't apologize for America, from our president to yours truly, is being demonized, being sued, being attacked, being taken off the air.
The globalists are really upset now because they threw everything they had at us in the last few years.
The shadow banning and the lawsuits, the lies, the attacks, the boycotting of our sponsors, and it didn't work.
So now with the deplatforming, we're on talk radio, we're on local TV stations, and we're at Infowars.com and Newswars.com with bigger than ever audiences.
On those platforms.
InfoWars has two or three times the audience ever had, but that's on InfoWars.
It cuts our reach, though, to other platforms.
And that's where you come in.
Now, about two weeks ago, George Soros Media Matters funded Combine, directed by U.S.
intelligence agencies that aren't following Trump's directives.
He legally began launching operations to lie about Infowars and things we've said and done, and to contact radio stations across the country that we're on and say, Alex Jones is fake news.
Alex Jones is fiction.
Announce it's fiction.
In an attempt to have those stations kick us off the air.
And they misquote statements from 2013, 2015 and say, he's still doing all this, take him off the air.
We're talking about digital Nazis, or digital communists.
Digital authoritarianism is really the proper term.
And they're doing this because they can't beat us.
And they know from Brazil, to Germany, to the United Kingdom, to Russia, to Italy, to all over the world, nationalist and populist free market candidates are getting elected.
People are aware of the one world government plan to abolish our borders, to abolish our families, to make us debt slaves.
And they're saying no.
That's positive.
We're winning overall globally.
Humanity's coming back from the dead.
But for those of us that...
Bar the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
He aligns himself with the truth.
And it's time for you to choose a side.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Man, I'm looking at these headlines that are up at NewsWars.com, InfoWars.com, and of course, DrudgeReport.com.
Russia and China band together on experiment to modify atmosphere.
It's already been going on forever.
It's just like our HAARP technology.
Russia sought to divide Americans by race, religion, and ideology on socials.
And they invested $4,000, supposedly, to do it, compared to Hillary's billions.
This is all red herrings.
Scientists developing AI to combat hate speech.
Tool for flagging prejudice.
So the Southern Primary Law Center programs this, and then automatically blocks you if you say you don't want open borders.
where you say you don't want to have third world populations brought here that are unskilled
to then be politicized and turn into a political army and put on welfare.
There's just so much to get to on that front.
And that brings us to our next point.
We're going to have a pastor joining us who was a Muslim.
He converted to Christianity.
He tried to go to Mall of America.
Which, I've been there, resembles a bazaar in Pakistan.
And he was arrested for trying to hand out Christian literature, but the Muslims are allowed to proselytize all they want.
Because here in the West, we're supposed to bend over backwards to anything that destroys Christianity and free speech for Christians or conservatives.
That leads us to this next point that I mentioned earlier.
Guatemalan girl, seven, likely died of septic shock after boarding border crossing.
The media had said that she died of dehydration, so because the Border Patrol didn't give her enough water.
But what she really died of was her mother taking her the 2,000 mile journey from Guatemala and the aid groups that lied to them about how they'd get across.
And again, her mother that took her on this deadly, dangerous, illegal trek that only a crazy maniac would do.
But it doesn't matter.
All over the news, the headlines since Friday are, Trump murdered little girl.
Border Patrol murdered little girl.
That if we have a border, this is murdering people.
In fact, open borders veto opposes wall because it's killing people.
You mean third world collapsed countries are killing each other?
The number of people dying at the U.S.-Mexico border in some years has grown, O'Rourke said.
And then he goes on to blame America.
We're going to play some audio of that in a moment, but it's just outrageous.
Hospital officials who treat a seven-year-old Guatemalan girl, bless her heart, who died in U.S.
Border Patrol custody said she appears to have died from a sepsis shock.
According to the most detailed timeline of her death, released by the Department of Homeland Security, autopsy results show that will provide the official's cause of death were still pending early today.
The statement released by DHS elaborated on what happened to Jaclyn Kael McQuinn in the hours after she and her father were apprehended by federal authorities and she became ill.
She and her father, Neri Gilberto Cruz, were picked up by U.S.
authorities with a group of 163 migrants on December 6th in a remote stretch of the New Mexico desert in Antelope Wells Port of Entry.
Hours later, after being put on a bus to Border Patrol Station, she began vomiting and died December 8th at a hospital in El Paso, Texas.
So you're taking your daughter across some of the most deadly stretches of desert, where they're just, they found hundreds of, well they haven't found, hundreds of thousands have gone missing.
The government of Mexico admits 200,000 have been killed the last decade.
Hundreds of thousands missing, and they've dug up tens of thousands of mass graves over the Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California border.
I mean, you can't shake a stick.
And not find a grave, or mass grave, or skeletons and skulls.
I mean, it is beyond Road Warrior, as I call it.
It's just absolutely fantastical, in a horrible way.
And, again, they do the initial health screening, and they're just bringing in all these people, and they're just coming across the border, pouring in.
But this one girl dies, and it's all of our collective faults.
Not our country's fault, not our dad's fault, not the corruption's fault, not the bacteria's fault.
It's your fault as an American.
You're the bad person.
So we're going to be looking more into this as more details come out, but just the exercise of the media, the controlled corporate media, instantly, when she died last week, saying, this is Trump's fault.
You know, they faked the picture of Trump standing there with a little girl crying, said she was taken from her mother, which she wasn't.
Turned out her mother routinely comes up out of Central America.
For what reason, we're not sure.
And then, she goes back.
But she uses the children as a human shield.
But that's okay!
Her husband said she should be arrested, but no, no, no.
It's all of our collective faults.
By the way, I went and saw, uh, this weekend, Mule, with The Mule, with Clint Eastwood, and I gotta say, it's definitely one of his best movies.
And you get to see it for yourself, because it's very sophisticated.
It starts out where you think, oh my God, he really is old.
He really is, uh, you know, Looks like he's about 100 years old, but then you see that he's basically been playing the part of that.
It's very, very interesting.
You see him flare up into the old Clint Eastwood.
This is a perfect swan song.
Was it eight years ago he came out with Gran Torino?
He said he wouldn't be on camera again, but he's back.
And I think this is probably his swan song.
I'm predicting this will be the last film he's in.
But I don't know, he's so good at it, maybe they'll convince him to be in more.
But it's just such a good script, and the thing is very powerful.
You hardly ever go to movies anymore and get really satisfied watching them, and it was just very satisfying.
And, you know, he's a little wilder, too.
Clint Eastwood's never done anything like this in a movie.
I'm gonna leave it at that.
Well, he is involved in two threesomes, so.
Not nearly into stuff like that, but it's pulled off nicely.
And it's very, very interesting.
And it's kind of a story of loving life versus not loving life.
It's kind of a Robin Hood story.
In fact, it is.
It hasn't been said.
Let me tell you.
It is a Robin Hood story.
That's all coming up as well.
And then NBC anchors irritated.
Federal judge ruled Obamacare unconstitutional.
Of course it is.
To have a mandate that you've got to buy something from a private company?
And then the price goes up, because if you've got to buy it, the price is going to go up.
That's coming up as well.
The left always worships federal judges until they don't do what they want.
And now Obama says that Trump's making law through judges.
No, that's what the left does.
Under a strict constructionist, any judge would throw this out.
You can't make somebody buy a private service.
You know, we've seen it with insurance and so many other things.
It's a very un-American, very dangerous road to go down.
Well, you've got to be responsible.
There's more than one way to do that.
Are the illegal aliens responsible?
Oh no, they don't have to be, but citizens all do.
We'll be right back on the other side.
Infowars.com, Newswars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
We are the most censored.
Most lied about.
Most demonized broadcast in the world for good reason.
We're dropping truth bombs right over the target.
Tucker Carlson, the number two talk show host in the country on television, and who is a patriot and a very smart guy, is being Alex Jones right now in front of all of us.
They're building a straw man, demonizing him, lying about him, taking things out of context.
So they can then take him off the air, and then really start to run him into the ground.
In fact, it came out just a few months ago that in the internal Google documents, where they said ban Alex Jones, they also said ban Tucker Carlson.
He was right under me on the list.
And I could already see, once they deplatformed me, that they began to focus in on Tucker Carlson, that's why.
Talking to him off air, I've warned him.
And I told him four months ago, I said, you are next.
He was already, obviously, covering all that on air.
And it's because he's got such credibility that the establishment is attacking him.
But let's look at what they're attacking him for.
He said that they create this national guilt that America is this evil, racist place, when we've been the most open nation to immigrants the world's ever seen.
And the days of Ellis Island, you would be held for three to six months, everybody, to make sure you didn't have any serious diseases.
But today we have George Soros and the UN and others that openly fund huge caravans coming into Europe and the U.S.
Where people show up with cholera, and leprosy, and drug-resistant TB, and hundreds of other horrible infectious diseases, and we're told, don't even screen them, let them into the country, and then, under Obama, let them be child-trafficked.
The Senate report confirmed all of that.
Gave the children to child traffickers, because you can't even see who the kids are with, sometimes unaccompanied.
You've just got to let them in and put them on Democrat Party-controlled buses.
If we go back to 10 years ago, it seems like ancient history now, Lou Dobbs had about 8-9 million viewers a night.
That's double what Sean Hannity has, he's number one.
Carlson's number two with 4 million.
And what was he talking about?
Globalism, open borders, the UN using migrants to invade countries.
He was going off their own documents.
Lou Dobbs was taken off the air because he was number one, because he was telling the truth that he was a patriot.
Now he's relegated to Fox Business with maybe a million viewers.
And Tucker Carlson is next, and then Sean Hannity.
People debate all the time about mass immigration.
What you never hear anybody do is make the economic case for mass immigration.
It's obvious that we need more scientists and skilled engineers, but that's not what we're getting.
Instead, we're getting waves of people with high school educations or less.
It's indefensible, so nobody even tries to defend it.
Instead, our leaders demand that you shut up and accept this.
We have a moral obligation to admit the world's poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer and dirtier and more divided.
So if you import the third world, you are making it more poor, more dirty, more divided.
Just like Democrat-controlled cities have feces everywhere, and needles, and the highest crime in every case.
Same thing with socialist countries overseas, because it's a system of dependency that they create.
So if Tucker Carlson's guilty of anything, it's for not going far enough.
It doesn't just make our cities dirtier and poorer and more divided, it makes them more dangerous, where a San Francisco jury is letting a legal alien that shoots a woman in the back go, because, well, she's white.
We have diversity signal.
This is the real cancer.
The left openly now has drag events for four-year-olds, gay bars, have little children dancing and having money thrown at them.
I mean, is there nothing we won't put up with, with the bullying of the left and their total cultural takeover?
If we don't start standing up for each other, we're going to lose everything.
Yesterday it was Alex Jones, now it's Tucker Carlson.
Just say no to these bullies now more than ever.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe it!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Ramin Parsa is our guest till the end of the hour.
We see these news headlines from Europe where if a Swede or a German or a Christian or anybody complains about being physically assaulted, anything, they get arrested.
And we see judges ruling in Sweden and other areas that the Islamists that have brought in are allowed to even rape women.
They say, well, we're not going to give them any present time.
They're learning our culture.
And it's the leftist feminists that are bringing him in.
Why is that in my view?
It's because it will clash with Christianity and will create a divided culture.
But now, more and more, we see the UK and others announcing, if you even criticize Islam, you will be arrested.
And then you have the big famous case of the woman who was given the death penalty in Pakistan for being a Christian, and then that was commuted, but now she has a fatwa out, they're trying to kill her.
She's asked for asylum in the UK.
Theresa May said no, it would offend Muslims.
So there is a leftist move all over the world that if you offend Muslims in any way, you get arrested.
And that includes if you're a Christian and you try to talk to them about Christianity.
So, we are adopting So, we're joined by our guest.
And they're even pushing that in places like Europe.
There's the headline, "Theresa May Blocked Asylum Application
for Pakistani Christian Locked Up for Blasphemy Despite UK Playing Host to Hijackers, Extremists,
and Rapists."
Yes, they give free council estates, that's houses, to returning ISIS fighters.
So we're joined by our guest.
Here's the headline, "Trial Pending for Ex-Muslim Christian Pastor Arrested
for Sharing His Testimony in Minnesota at the Mosque of America, formerly
known as the Mall of America."
Ramin Parsa.
He was born into a very large Shiite Muslim family shortly after the Iranian Revolution.
His family was greatly impacted by the revolution.
One of his brothers was killed.
Most of his family possessions were taken.
He was raised learning Islamic laws and made to practice strict religious traditions.
He was tortured multiple times under suspicion of violating these strict religious laws and traditions.
When his father died of a heart attack, he began to question his faith in Islam.
He had no hope or purpose in life and became suicidal.
At this time, he heard the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the first time.
At first, he disagreed with what he was hearing.
But later, upon asking Jesus to come into his heart, he felt the power of salvation come upon him.
He fled Iran, ended up in Oklahoma, serving a local ministry.
After graduating a small Bible college in 2011, he went to California, where he currently serves the Lord by preaching and training new disciples through a local church, television, and the Internet.
R-A-M-I-N-P-A-R-S-A dot org.
And it's good to have you on, Ramin.
Thank you for joining us.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex, for having me.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Tell us what happened to you while you were in Minnesota, Minneapolis-St.
Paul, Mall of America, and what unfolded.
Well, I was, in fact, a few weeks prior to that, I was in Mexico.
I was preaching the Gospel.
I was invited to speak in Mexico because I was told that many young men and women are turning to atheism because they're disappointed with Catholicism.
So I went there and I shared my testimony at a few youth camps, at a university, and a few churches.
And it was very powerful.
And on the way back, our plane crashed.
I cried out to Jesus and I called on his name and the Lord saved me and 102 other passengers.
Nobody died.
The plane burned to the ground and three weeks later I was in Minnesota and I was greeted with a handcuff at the Mall of America because I was speaking in Minnesota.
It was my first time in that state.
I was there upon the invitation of a pastor who invited me actually a year prior to that.
And I went there to speak at the church after the church service.
One of the elders and his 14-year-old son offered to show me the city and the mall.
And they said, we're going to show you the biggest mall in North America.
And I went there.
We had no plan to go evangelize or advertise or solicit, as they call it.
I was there in the mall, and I just ran into some Somali Muslims.
We had a private, you know, casual conversation.
You know, we asked each other, where are you from?
And I told them, I'm originally from Iran, and they asked me if I'm a Muslim.
I said, I used to be.
I'm a Christian now.
And I said, why?
Why did you change?
And as I began to explain to them, you know, my testimony, how and why I became a Christian, another Muslim lady who was not a part of the conversation, she overheard us and she went and told the guard that this guy is harassing us and this guy is, you know, attacking us.
And then the guard came and he said, you cannot do this here.
It's illegal.
You cannot solicit here.
I said, well, I'm not soliciting.
Even those two ladies who were listening to me, they said, we want to hear why you changed.
And they got into an argument with each other and we just said goodbye and we walked away.
We didn't want to make any problem.
We walked away and went to a coffee shop.
We got some coffee.
And when we got out of the coffee shop, three guards were waiting for me.
And they asked me to leave immediately.
I said, why?
They said, because you are soliciting.
I said, no, I'm not.
And I began to explain to them why I am here.
I said, I'm a guest here.
I'm speaking at a church.
I just came to see the mall, and as I was explaining to them, they arrested me, they handcuffed me from behind, and they took me to a mall jail underground.
It was a basement.
They took me to the basement, and they handcuffed both my hands.
Unfortunately, this is becoming far too common.
I'm sure you heard my introduction.
I'm in America. I mean I was shocked. I've been arrested before in you know
foreign countries in you know tyrannies in Turkey in Iran but it was shocking to
see that this could happen in America and that's when it happened.
Unfortunately this is becoming far too common. I'm sure you heard my
introduction you can see it in the news every day. We're in Europe. If you even
criticize Islam online you get arrested.
Now Facebook's talking about banning basically all French rural people from having access, because they said, quote, that started the Yellow Vest Movement.
There's this crackdown on free speech, and when Islam comes in, it doesn't put up with anybody preaching Christianity, as you know, in Iran, or in Saudi Arabia, or anywhere else for that matter.
And so to have you doing that basically in a mall that most of the time is over half Muslim, that's basically like you being in a mosque doing that, even though it's a public space.
And so that's seen as disorderly conduct, you see, because your free speech that Americans have doesn't comport with Islam.
So we're adopting the most radical forms of that, not just here, but all over the Western world.
Very, very frightening.
Absolutely, this is becoming common and it's just amazing that a few weeks prior to my arrest, Mall of America had a celebration for the Islamic feast and Islamic holiday and yet I'm there as a citizen, U.S.
citizen, I am in the mall and I am exercising my first amendment right.
I'm talking in a private conversation.
I was not screaming.
I was not passing any flyers.
I was not... I was just talking in a private conversation and I was interrupted.
I was told not to do that and I stopped doing it.
I walked to the coffee shop and we walked away.
But they came after us and it is true.
It is... You know, I fled the persecution.
I fled Iran because Sharia law is in full practice there.
And 40 years ago, liberals and Islamists, they grew with each other.
They demonized the Shah.
And the college campuses, universities, they began to protest and demonize the Shah.
And then a revolution took place.
40 years later, Iranians have no right even to say whatever they want to.
They have no right to believe what they want to.
So this is Sharia in practice.
And I was born and raised a Muslim.
I was taught Islam for 19 years every day of my life.
And Islam is the darkest and the most evil ideology that has ever existed in human history.
Rahim, stay right there.
We're going to come back and talk about this.
If you study why Infowars is public enemy number one for the globalists,
You understand why they're panicking.
You understand what they're scared of.
They're scared of nationalism.
They're scared of patriotism.
They are scared of people that will stand up for their sovereignty and who are territorial.
Because we have these multinational corporations that have slave factories, literal concentration camps in China, like Apple and others, who see us as weak and stupid, and they have this whole leftist ideology that's meant to basically weaken us and divide and conquer us, but it's not working anymore.
And the globalists have been able to track back where the main resistance in the last 20 years came from, And that main resistance has been my syndicated radio show, the documentary films we've made that have been seen hundreds of millions of times, and the other news operations that we've set up.
And that's why we're under such attack, and that's why we can't give up in the face of the globalist onslaught, because we've already launched The Americana movement, the new renaissance, 1776, worldwide, it's happening.
This isn't a hoax.
This isn't hype.
Infowars is real.
That's why the enemy media is always saying we're a hoax, or always saying we're fake, or always saying we're a fraud, because they don't know how to counter something that's the opposite of them.
When they say we're a hoax or a fraud, they're talking about themselves.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can see us here in one of our new state-of-the-art studios.
I was planning by the end of 2018 to be 24 hours a day live on radio and TV.
And we only launched two new shows in 2018, CounterThink and The War Room, and they do a great job.
We also, right before that started, launched The Real News with David Knight.
And we've expanded in the face of the attacks, but I really, in the next three or four months, want to be able to go At least 20 hours a day live by the spring.
And that's going to take major support by you, the audience, to get around the censorship, to get around the boycotts, to get around the globalist lawsuits.
And you've been doing it.
So far.
But I need your prayers.
I need your support.
I need your word of mouth that's unstoppable and overrides the censors.
And I need you to go to InfoWarsTore.com as we go into the new year where I'm going to extend all the Christmas specials that were the biggest in our history to sell out of all of our products so we don't have to pay inventory tax by January 1st.
Everything is We've got new shipments coming in in February.
We're going to be sold out of a lot of products until February because folks have been coming through.
But a lot of these products we're selling at below cost.
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So again, the three pillars of this.
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As Christians and conservatives and nationalists, we're quiet people that are confident.
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So, all the Christmas specials that we have are all extended until products sell out right through until January 1st, 2019.
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And to all the listeners that have been supporting us for years, thank you.
What we've done to the globalists is thanks to you.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Let your heart be light.
We cover the frightening, we cover the dangerous, we cover the scary things here because we don't believe you're cowards.
We think you have strength and courage and you want to know about the threat and face it.
And I think with the global awakening, the re-insurgence of Christianity, the re-insurgence of free market ideas and Western culture, I think I bet on the right horse.
At least that horse is in the running.
Now, if you just joined us, Ramin Parsa grew up in Iran.
He was a Christian, he was a Muslim, but then he became a Christian.
So again, if you just joined us, Ramin Parsa grew up in Iran.
He was a Shiite Muslim.
He saw the persecutions, saw the horrible things that happened, became a Christian, and now he teaches the gospel.
He was just visiting friends, invited to Minnesota, went to the Mall of America.
They were having one of their big Islamic events there.
They have them constantly.
I'm going to show some footage for TV viewers.
They come over, people talk to him.
He says, I was a Muslim, but I'm a Christian now.
Well, that's a big crime under Islam to be a Muslim and then become a Christian.
That's punishable by death in Iran.
Death in Saudi Arabia.
So this is obviously upsetting.
Well, you've brought in an incompatible group.
So now, instead of making them assimilate, no, no, we can't do this show.
He's warned by one guard.
Don't do it.
He goes, I'm not.
He goes and has coffee.
Three guards follow him.
They take him.
Recap for everybody, because obviously it happened to you.
You tell it best.
And the fact that they're going ahead with the prosecution here.
You're facing jail time.
And that's the headline.
It breaks it all down.
Trial pending for ex-Muslim Christian pastor arrested for sharing his testimony in Minnesota.
It's come here.
So recap what you told us and then get into the other information.
It's just amazingly evil.
Yes, as I said, you know, I was invited to speak at a church there in Minnesota, and I went there to speak at a church.
After the church, I went to the mall, just to see the mall.
And as I was visiting the mall, we ran into some Somali Muslims.
They came to us.
We talked and had a conversation, a private conversation.
And then it led to, you know, they asked me if I'm a Muslim.
I said, I used to be.
I'm a Christian now.
And they asked me, why?
Why did you become a Christian?
And I explained to them, Giving them my testimony, and then that's one of the... Another Muslim lady who was not a part of the conversation, she went and told the guard that this guy is harassing us and whatever.
And then the guard came and he said, hey, you guys cannot do this.
This is, you know, you cannot solicit here.
And I said, no, I'm not soliciting here.
And even the two ladies were listening to me.
They were arguing with that lady that, hey, we want to hear what happened with this guy.
Why did he change?
And then we just, you know, we saw it becoming a big motion and we just walked away.
We said goodbye, went to a coffee shop and got some coffee.
And when we came out, three guards were waiting for me.
And then that's when they arrested me.
They handcuffed me and then they took me to a basement in the mall.
And they handcuffed both my hands to a metal chair, bolted to the ground.
And I told them, I'm a pastor.
I'm here to speak at a church.
I'm visiting in the state.
They said, oh, we arrested pastors before.
And so it was so sad to see that such a thing happened in America, you know.
Who could imagine?
Who could imagine that America, which is the beacon of freedom, one day be a place where you, as a Christian, cannot even express yourself or be arrested for sharing your faith publicly?
And this is just a disgrace to what's happening to this country, especially in states where liberals are ruling it, and to Minnesota, Michigan.
And it's so sad to see that this is happening to America.
Well, here's another example.
I mean, there's thousands of these.
The U.N.
admits that the persecution of Christians has doubled.
We're the most persecuted group in the world.
Some years it's over a million are murdered, almost exclusively by the hands of Islamists.
And as you pointed out earlier, obviously living there, I studied the history, you had Mohammed Mosaddegh.
Uh, and then, you know, obviously, uh, that was a coalition of Islamists and, and, and foreigners that helped overthrow him.
Then they got knocked out and the Shah came in.
He was actually industrializing the nation.
Then the CIA double crossed him, brought in the Ayatollah Khomeini, and then he worked with leftists To overthrow the Shah, that's a historical fact, and then the Islamicists, the Shiite Jihadists, they then double-crossed the left and exterminated hundreds of thousands of them.
I mean, this is unbelievable how the left always has this alliance with radical Islam.
Can you speak from personal experience of that?
Absolutely, absolutely.
You know, 40 years ago, the Islamists and the liberals, the leftists, the communists in Iran, what they did, they clued up with each other.
They demonized the Shah.
It began from the schools and universities and college campuses.
You know, it sounds familiar, what we see in America today.
And they began to demonize the Shah, that the Shah is a puppet from America.
And so forth.
So they eventually led to a revolution, and they kicked the Shah out.
And Iran, which was one of the leading economies in the world, was one of the major powers in the world, and today is the poorest country, one of the poorest countries in the world, although has a lot of oil and is a wealthy country.
But the Islamists and the liberals destroyed that country.
And Sharia law, which was a theory prior to that, it became practical.
You know, when I was 11 years old as I was walking on the street to go to school, I saw people being executed publicly in front of my eyes.
I saw people hanging from cranes.
I saw people beyond the, you know, they put people on the bed and they whip them with a whip, with a cable, electric cable.
They would beat these people.
And after, you know, they told me these are the infidels, these are the mushreiks, these are the enemies of Allah and they deserve that.
Until when I was 16 years old, I was arrested myself and I was beaten, tortured by the Islamic Sharia Law Police.
And that's when I began to question Islam and shortly after that my father passed away and that's when I began to doubt Islam.
I began to do a deep study in Islam and I saw so much darkness in Quran and in Islamic studies and I lost my faith in Islam but at the same time I couldn't deny the fact that there's a God and I was crying out to God, who are you?
Why did you create me?
And that's when I heard the Glorious Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and that's when He saved my life.
And ever since I've been serving the Lord, I get invitations.
I just came back from Thailand.
I was on a mission trip and sharing the Gospels in the mountains with the Buddhist people who are open, and they invited me to share with them the Good News of the Gospel.
But in America, you get arrested for doing that, in the Mall of America, even though it was a private conversation.
So, Sharia law is a dangerous thing, and I warn the American people, I warn the Western civilization, that Sharia law and Islam is an enemy to the Western civilization.
This is happening, this is not something that is happening recently.
This has been happening for centuries.
You know, crusades for which the leftists are blaming Christians for.
Crusades were nothing but a defense against Islamic assault against the West.
The Islamists were trying to take over the West and the Europeans began to fight against
them and push them back.
And today the leftists are blaming Christians for crusades and the Holocaust.
Did you know the Holocaust?
Islamists are responsible for Holocaust and all these things that they're blaming the Christians for.
The Mufti of Jerusalem, you know, he was the one who basically urged Hitler to kill the Jews because he said if you kick them out they will come to Israel, they will come to Jerusalem.
So what happened was that's when Hitler made the final solution.
In his final solution, he decided to exterminate the Jews.
So Islam has been responsible for the death of millions and millions of people.
Well, let's expand on that because obviously Constantinople is now Istanbul.
It is a fact that the Muslims 1400 years ago began their assaults and the Hindus and the Buddhists will tell you over 140 million Hindus over 100 million Buddhists killed by Islam which was never there.
It invaded and it's all the way out in the Far East now as far as you name it all the way out in the Pacific Ocean in invasion ships you name it this is the fact.
And they had to arrest you because the Muslims were going to attack you because you were a former Muslim when they asked you, hey, who are you?
What group are you with?
Because you weren't Somali, obviously.
You say, hey, I'm from Iran.
I'm a Christian now.
Well, they said you're bad.
And so you had to go because there's no countries.
That are Muslim and Christian.
There's only Muslim countries.
It's only Christian countries that let anybody do what they want as part of our Western ethos and you've experienced that and I appreciate your courage.
How do people get in contact with you or invite you to their church or have you on their show?
Do they go to R-A-M-I-N-P-A-R-S-A dot org?
My name is Ramin at RaminParsa.org.
I also have written a book, it's called From Ashes to Glory, right here.
And in the book I explain my own personal testimony and also I share, I talk about the danger of Islam, the mission of Islam.
I talk about Islamic Sharia Law, Jihad.
Well sir, you're very, very impressive.
We're out of time.
Come back in the near future for a full hour, okay?
Sure, definitely.
Thank you so much for having me.
Have a great Christmas.
God bless you.
All right, we're going to come back.
Another big guest, Gerald Cilente, joining us.
We'll have open phones as well.
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Give yourself the gift of freedom and hard fighting against the New World Order, and get great products at the same time at InfoWarsTore.com.
Thank you all for your support.
I almost have to just sit back and take a moment of silence to think about how far we've
come against the globalists.
Ten years ago, you talk about a private Federal Reserve.
People laughed at you.
Now everybody knows it's private.
Ten years ago, you talk about a private one-world government with a plan for global carbon tax and a plan to break up the family.
People told you you were crazy.
But as 2018 prepares to unleash its mortal coil and give birth to 2019, We've been proven right.
That's why we're branded as fake news, that's why we're branded as Nazis, and all this made-up crazy crap by the horrible, deceptive corporate media that's sold out to all these multinational interests, like the Chi-Coms and others.
So, I just want to make the statement again that humanity is awakening, thanks to God and all of your action.
We are moving the ball down the field against the globalists, and now, more than ever, people have to realize that we're entering the event horizon.
We've already passed the point of no return, and it's now up to you, InfoWars.
Is in your hands.
And InfoWars has been targeted because we are successful and we tell the truth.
And they want to take us down to get at you.
So just as I am in your hands, you are in our hands.
We have a shared destiny.
And everyone knows it.
They can feel it.
They can smell it.
And they're coming from everybody.
Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and myself, and Owen Schroer, and Matt Drudge, and everybody.
They're trying to take everybody, Gavin McGinnis, off the air right now.
But none of those guys were ever able to build their own platform except for Drudge.
That's why you've got to support the InfoWars platform, because this model would mean the death of the globalist program of people being independent.
InfoWars is the renaissance model, not the conquest model, and it's you that funds it and supports it.
So, I spread the word, praying for us, and financially supporting us getting great products.
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And we have the best deals ever, until the end of the year, at InfoWarsStore.com.
Thank you all.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
The globalists are coming to sexualize your children.
They're coming to rob your bank accounts.
They're coming to totally conquer you.
The Southern Poverty Law Center and the Soros Group are sending out lies to all our radio stations now, harassing their owners, trying to get us taken off the air.
It's backfired.
We've gotten more stations, but in some cases, they're being successful.
It's sick.
We've got Roger Stone with huge breaking news in the next segment.
Then we'll go inside the takedown and the plan to take Michael Savage off the air.
But first, here is a key report.
Border hell as Democrats choose treason.
These months, the world took a landmark step forward with the adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration.
The drawings of lines on maps have never sufficed to confine people whose needs, ambitions, dreams, and opportunities expanded their horizons.
We are now committed to safer and fairer ways of managing borders.
The border wall battle will likely define the Trump presidency when it's all said and done.
We believe that when nations respect the rights of their neighbors, And defend the interests of their people.
They can better work together to secure the blessings of safety, prosperity, and peace.
On the one hand, a populist president has tirelessly railed against the unprotected U.S.
They're on the land.
We release them.
They go someplace into our country.
They're supposed to come back within two or three years for a court case.
But nobody ever comes back.
While the Democrats, who supported border protection in the past under former Presidents Obama and Clinton, have now chosen to promote their rampant hatred for the President.
The President made clear that he wants a shutdown.
His position, if he sticks to his position for a $5 billion wall, he will get no wall, and he will get a shutdown.
We're going to do whatever is necessary to build the border wall to stop this ongoing crisis of illegal immigration.
And that means sit down?
This is a very fundamental issue.
At stake is the question of whether or not the United States remains a sovereign country.
Whether or not we can establish and enforce rules for entrance into our country.
The Democrat Party is a simple choice.
They can either choose to fight for America's working class or to promote illegal immigration.
The thing I think we can agree on is we shouldn't shut down the government over a dispute.
And you want to shut it down.
You keep talking about it.
The last time, Chuck, you shut it down.
No, no, no.
And then you opened it up very quickly.
Twenty times.
I don't want to do what you did.
But was President Trump really out of line?
I think the President needs to, you know, call their bluff.
He said, I will own this.
So he's willing to shut down the government because border security and national security is so important.
So, I think it was a beautiful thing he did.
I think he shows American people that he truly cares about the safety of this country.
And he'll take responsibility for shutting down the government because the Democrats don't want border security.
The New York Daily News wrote, Pelosi said after the meeting, it's like a manhood thing for him.
As if manhood could ever be associated with him.
What an evil dig!
She continues, I was trying to be the mom.
I can't explain it to you.
It was so wild.
It goes to show you, you get into a tinkle contest with a skunk, you get tinkle all over you.
That is incredibly disgusting language coming from a leader of our representative republic.
Other than the fact that Pelosi has revealed that she is a foul-mouthed champion of perversion, what's most chilling is that she is leading the Democratic majority in the House, a political party that will stop at nothing to victimize its constituents in order to push the hyper-progressive U.N.
agenda, slowly corroding American sovereignty.
Some blame the present dilemma on migration policies, but the causes of the crisis are clearly much broader than that.
They include poor governance, climate change, and basic economic and demographic realities.
We're also watching as extreme nationalists pit one group against another, poisoning the communal bloodstream with hate towards people who are different, whether in nationality, appearance, or creed.
Migration is, by its nature, an international phenomenon, which can only be managed through international cooperation.
And that is why we are all gathered here in Marrakesh.
John Bowne reporting.
Defeat the globalist!
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning, but you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call or talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment.
Creativity and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit!
Seems like yesterday But it was long ago Janie was lovely, she was the queen of my night There in the darkness with the radio playing low and low
And the secrets that we shared The mountains that we moved
The mountains that we moved Caught like a wildfire out of control
Till there was nothing left to burn and nothing left to prove
And I remember what she said to me How she swore
How she swore that it never would end That America is really about to end
I remember how she held me Was Trump just that last death rattle, that last... Of course when he dies, they fight.
They're gonna give in, they're gonna let themselves die, but they fight back for a minute or two.
And then pretty soon they just say, I can't breathe anymore, and you die.
I've been there a few times when family died.
One grandfather, good friend of mine, as well.
He was just 30 years old when he died.
Is that all this show is?
Is that all Trump is?
Is that all you are?
Getting a few final breaths before the death rattle?
I don't think so.
All over the world, humanity's waking up, but I gotta tell you, they're taking Michael Savage off the air from four hours to three hours and now to one hour.
And the word is, in a couple months, they're gonna just terminate his show.
They're just gonna kill him slowly, leave him on, give Ben Shapiro the hours after him, even though Savage's rating's the best it's ever been.
14.8 million listeners a week.
And they're going to replace him with Ben the neocon, never-Trumper, Shapiro.
And they're going after Hannity.
They're going after Tucker.
Inside Fox News, they get called in and chewed out.
They get told, you better become anti-Trump.
Boy, Judge Napolitano, he's gotten... Robert Mueller is the man of ultimate integrity.
Why, the president could be indicted.
He could go to jail, even though the law says you can't as a president.
Wow, you really learned who your friends are and who your friends aren't.
But the evil's here, and it got sucker punched by us getting Trump in, and the economy came back for two years, but they flipped the light switch.
Foreigners dump U.S.
Treasuries as they liquidate a record amount of U.S.
That's all over the news in an attempt to punish the American rebellion.
And PewDiePie Was playing a mass player video game with thousands of players and one of them had the name Rabbi Shekels.
And PewDiePie laughed at somebody else shooting somebody.
When he was playing on his virtual reality headset.
And so he's going to be taken off the air too because he has 77 million subscribers on one channel.
Count all the stuff up, over 100 million subscribers.
That's right, he's going to be taken down because he wouldn't get bought by Disney a few years ago.
See, these big corporations can't stand an InfoWars.
They can't stand something that had 87 million viewers and listeners the week of the election 2016.
Bigger than the Super Bowl.
They can't put up with that, so they have to shut it down.
And to do it, they have to lie about it.
So, what George Soros funds through Media Matters and these law firms is a fake list of twisted things I never said.
They then sent it to so-called journalists who put it in the newspaper, who are really political operatives involved in tortious interference, to then target and harass radio and TV stations to take us off the air.
Well, you should want to put the show on to counter all of that.
You know, Media Matters is so upset.
Their videos get 2,000, 3,000 views.
Ours would get a million on average, so they censored us.
Oh, and PewDiePie's bad.
PewDiePie's bad because we've supported his free speech.
But, you know, the proof, the Wall Street Journal says is that he wears rimmed glasses, wire-rimmed glasses, showed in Heinrich Himmler, head of the Waffen-SS.
They don't even use a real Himmler there, though.
They just... He didn't really even wear glasses that were exactly like that.
They use an actor.
And then it gets worse.
PewDiePie used to have longer hair back when it was in style, but now he has shorter hair.
That's all the proof I need.
Who knew we were all Nazis, Roger?
The real Nazification, the real digital Nazis are the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Newark Magazine, and all the folks that want to muscle in on anybody who has their own thing.
It's not enough to share revenue with Google.
Now they're going to use their clients in the left to come and say we're these horrible creatures.
And then they maneuver us, either being their political creatures, like late-night comics are now these politicos, or we're taken off the air.
And when that doesn't work, they come after our bank accounts.
They sue us.
And people say, well, then why not give up?
Well, I thought we're Americans.
Our listeners haven't given up.
In fact, they've gotten stronger.
The other proof is he denied being a Nazi and said, I'm not a racist a few years ago.
He said, hail PewDiePie.
You see, that's how they do this, ladies and gentlemen.
Meanwhile, they're funded by a real Nazi collaborator.
They're funded by a real Nazi collaborator named George Soros.
So, their latest thing is to send letters to radio stations that mean absolutely nothing.
When the radio stations give in to it, you know they're going to be back, because it's all about intimidation.
The left's taking the university tyranny, but there's no free speech in expanding it.
And they tell you, oh, better take Alex Jones off the air.
And then here's an example of it.
There's an article on Infowars.com showing it.
Wall Street Journal, The Hill published fake news story about Roger Stone and InfoWars.
In the article, Stone says about statements he made on this show and others before he was even an employee here, that he'd heard about this Chinese national who was wanted in China, and that he said something he got from one Trump official was inaccurate.
They took that out of context and did a quote here.
Where they have him saying that it was irresponsible.
That turns into headlines.
Please show them the Hill article, guys.
Just type in Alex Jones.
It's everywhere.
It's on the top Twitter trends right now.
That Roger Stone admits he published fake news at InfoWars.
He did no such thing.
We have his actual statement he put out that the lawyers wanted him to put out to drop the $100 million lawsuit.
against him.
Stone admits to publishing false statements on MFORCE.
And then they force feed it on Twitter, once I'm removed, to make it the top Twitter search.
It's been up and down the top ten searches today.
And then once they do that, they put out a video as well saying that, oh you see, MFORCE is fake again.
So they can then say that we're fake, when we all know the kings of fake news is the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and CNN.
So joining us is Roger Stone, then we're going to go inside the removal, the plan to take Michael Savage off the air in three months and replace him with Ben Shapiro.
But they're easing it in.
They're easing, oh you're going from three hours to one hour, Ben's going to get, oh now Ben gets all your show.
So they're really getting the knives out, obviously Roger to move against Trump, but let's specifically talk about this right now and what you really did say in your clarification.
Thanks, Alex.
This is really pretty clear.
I reported a story, one of hundreds I've reported here at InfoWars, regarding a Chinese businessman, Miles Kwok.
While many things in that story were correct, a couple of them were incorrect.
But all of the research was supplied to me by Sam Nunberg.
So, I made the mistake of relying on the representations of Sam Nunberg, and I said to the Wall Street Journal that was just as irresponsible as their relying on the representations of Randy Credico regarding the WikiLeaks disclosures.
That turns into a faux headline, a fake headline, Stone admits irresponsible reporting for Infowars.
I never said anything of the kind.
Now, I am solely responsible for the content of that report, and I have issued the appropriate apology to Mr. Kwok.
I have not paid $100 million, as you might believe.
In fact, today I can honestly say I have paid nothing.
But, again, it is symptomatic of the way they try to use shards of evidence, shards of information, to discredit you.
And the Wall Street Journal and the Associated Press have attributed to me things I never said.
I'm solely responsible for that report, but they try to leave you the impression that everything I have ever reported on InfoWars is incorrect or irresponsible, and that is, of course, not the case.
But it shows how desperate they are, falsely claiming that I said that there's Martian
bases with slave children.
There's no video, no audio, no text, never said it.
Or that I'm currently, and they misrepresent what I did say in the past, they twist it,
exaggerate it, and say Jones won't stop harassing families at their houses of Sandy Hook.
You know, on the sixth anniversary, Jones sent more people to their houses.
They were saying this the last few days.
Just total crazy lies by the mainstream media as they get more desperate.
Let's talk about how they're getting ready to make their move on Trump.
That's obvious.
The bizarre things coming out of your good friend Judge Napolitano's mouth.
And then Vox Dei joins us to look inside the creepy, evil, weird, weasel world of the little Harvard leftist darling, Ben Shapiro.
It's all coming up.
You understand what they're scared of.
They're scared of nationalism.
They're scared of patriotism.
They are scared of people that will stand up for their sovereignty and who are territorial.
Because we have these multinational corporations that have slave factories, literal concentration camps in China, like Apple and others, who see us as weak and stupid, and they have this whole leftist ideology that's meant to basically weaken us and divide and conquer us, but it's not working anymore.
And the globalists have been able to track back where the main resistance in the last 20 years came from, And that main resistance has been my syndicated radio show, the documentary films we've made that have been seen hundreds of millions of times, and the other news operations that we've set up.
And that's why we're under such attack, and that's why we can't give up in the face of the globalist onslaught, because we've already launched The Americana movement, the new renaissance, 1776, worldwide, it's happening!
This isn't a hoax!
This isn't hype!
Infowars is real!
That's why the enemy media is always saying we're a hoax, or always saying we're fake, or always saying we're a fraud, because they don't know how to counter something that's the opposite of them.
When they say we're a hoax or a fraud, they're talking about themselves.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can see us here in one of our new state-of-the-art studios.
I was planning by the end of 2018 to be 24 hours a day live on radio and TV.
And we only launched two new shows in 2018, CounterThink and The War Room, and they do a great job.
We also, right before that started, launched The Real News with David Knight.
And we've expanded in the face of the attacks, but I really, in the next three or four months, want to be able to go At least 20 hours a day, live, by the spring.
And that's going to take major support by you, the audience, to get around the censorship, to get around the boycotts, to get around the globalist lawsuits.
And you've been doing it So far.
But I need your prayers.
I need your support.
I need your word of mouth that's unstoppable and overrides the censors.
And I need you to go to InfoWarsTore.com as we go into the new year, where I'm going to extend all the Christmas specials that were the biggest in our history to sell out of all of our products.
So we'd have to pay inventory tax by January 1st.
Everything is We've got new shipments coming in in February.
We're going to be sold out of a lot of products until February, because folks have been coming through.
But a lot of these products we're selling at below cost.
You get storewide free shipping, a free t-shirt, 50 to 75% off, and double Patriot points on your next order, instead of 5%, 10% on each dollar.
These are our biggest deals ever, because we're also coming online with a new sponsorship model to augment our sales direct, so there's no way the globalists can shut us down.
We aren't just going to continue to fight.
We're going to win thanks to your steadfast prayer and financial support.
So again, the three pillars of this.
Praying to God.
Spreading the word about the articles and videos and taking action, or doing your own show, or doing both.
And then of course, ladies and gentlemen, financial support.
That's a three-legged stool.
You can also add reaching out to local radio and TV stations, thanking them, thanking their sponsors, becoming a sponsor.
As Christians and conservatives and nationalists, we're quiet people that are confident.
We're not like leftist bullies.
Not to bully anybody, you've just got to have your voice be heard.
So, all the Christmas specials that we have are all extended until products sell out right through until January 1st, 2019.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site for everything.
Infowarslife.com takes you right to the supplements.
These are amazing products.
Take advantage of it today.
And to all the listeners that have been supporting us for years, thank you.
What we've done to the globalists is thanks to you.
You are the Infowar.
You are the resistance.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
[theme music]
[theme music]
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Listeners, I'm not complaining.
(upbeat music)
I chose this fight, and I believe in you, and I believe in America, and I believe in humanity worldwide.
But I gotta tell you...
We got two days left to get your Christmas orders in and get free shipping, a free t-shirt, 50 to 75% off.
A lot of these we lose money on to clear out our inventory and not pay inventory tax.
But most of these are our best-selling items.
I'm talking about X2, X3, Super Mel Vitality.
I'm talking about Alexa Pure Breeze, the great company that also creates the Alexa Pure Pro water filtration, the very first gravity-fed system.
They wanted to sell out for the year.
They gave you $127 for a unit that some people sell for $400.
They don't normally sell for $240.
It was $127.
Same thing for their four-stage ion filter, the Alexa Pure Breeze.
It's about to sell out year-end.
Give yourself and your family the gift of clean air in your house.
Give the unit as a present.
You know, I'll be able to talk about this more tomorrow, but I'm fighting every lawsuit they throw at us, and we've knocked out 17 of the 20.
So they filed a couple more last week, but the news didn't even pick up on that.
So it's a war of attrition, but you've been praying for us, you've been supporting us.
It's all funded by Soros, Hillary.
We got internal documents now of how they're doing it with a U.S.
intelligence agency.
It's going to be a huge scandal when it comes out.
I'm also, in the next week, going to destroy, politically, Ben Shapiro.
I have the dirt, all the proof, everything about who he really is.
Whole nine yards.
Get ready.
And they can't stop me because the information's already been given to others.
I'm gonna stop right there.
I know everyone from Talk Radio Network.
Everyone, except Art Bell, who's dead.
I know all of it, Ben.
So, get ready, ladies and gentlemen.
They're firing Michael Savage.
They're killing him softly, from four hours to three to one this month.
And then he's gone.
He's gone in three months.
And Savage is obviously being told if he talks about it, he won't get his contract paid out.
But this is, I predict Savage is going to go off the reservation.
His lawyer already has in a Washington Times article, Michael Savage being silenced by corporate censorship.
Attorney says, hey, I'm going down swinging here.
I'm going down swinging.
All right?
You know, the Pepe the Frog thing.
The artist makes a thing with a bunch of images of the campaign.
Little stupid frogs, one of the things on there.
I'm like, yeah, sure, we'll sell it.
People like that.
They sue us and say, give us the money you made.
Well, it was like $27,000.
But we had to pay the licensing, pay for it.
It was like $15,000 is what we made.
They sent a whole team from California.
They're in there right now.
They're not asking about Pepe the Frog.
They're asking about who owns what, who's behind it, how do you make your money?
It's all about taking us down.
It's Hillary Clinton's law firm.
It's a joke.
And they don't know that through this process, we're getting everything.
So, this is total war, but I need everyone to go to m4warestore.com and buy some t-shirts, buy some books, buy some videos, buy some non-gmr heirloom seeds, buy some products, because let me tell you, I'm not a wimp, but I don't bitch and complain.
I want to beat these people.
They're taking Michael Savage off the air.
They took Gavin McGinnis off.
They're taking people off the air every week who have top ratings and are good people.
And we built our own infrastructure knowing this was coming a long time ago.
And so this is like literally David versus Goliath, whatever you want to call it, the Alamo, Masada, whatever you want to call it, folks.
We're up here on the hill, surrounded by enemies, and we're going to fight.
But we need your prayers, your support, and to tell those local stations this is a great opportunity to carry us even more, to stand with America against these lies.
God Almighty!
I'm ranting, Roger.
Thanks for coming on.
I want to get more into this with you.
But I mean, what do you make of the treachery and the evil and these Fox News hosts turning against Trump?
And Flynn, the judge says, hey, you didn't do anything wrong today.
Just say that you were pressured and I'm not going to give you any time.
Say you're not guilty.
I'm going to let you go.
And Flynn said, no, I'm guilty because they're holding other crap over his head.
And we all know what it is.
It's turkey.
Go ahead, Roger.
Well Alex, first of all, let me say that if I'm with you and Dr. Michael Savage, I'm in damn good company.
But there's no question.
I now understand why it is so centrally important to the globalists and to the two-party political establishment to silence Infowars.
It was about this moment.
So I am smeared today in the Wall Street Journal.
They make false accusations about a simple settlement I make regarding one story I report out of hundreds, in which many of the facts were correct, but a few of the Facts supplied by Sam Nunberg who misread a Federal Election Commission report was incorrect.
So I offer a simple apology and that is blown up on the internet into Stone admits that everything he's ever said on Infowars is a lie.
Well, I never said anything of the kind.
Judge Napolitano, I'm scratching my head.
This guy is one of my oldest and dearest friends.
It was me who recommended to Governor Tom Kaine that he appoint Andrew Napolitano to the bench.
And until recently, he was one of the most articulate critics of the Mueller investigation.
Now, suddenly, he thinks Mueller is without blemishes and that Donald Trump can be indicted for something that is not even a crime, according to the former chairman of the Federal Election Commission.
What have they got on the judge?
What are they hanging over his head?
I don't know, but something here just doesn't seem right.
Well, let's just say it.
What about the Fox News host we know was talking to WikiLeaks and is a subject, and reportedly
the Palatonist talked to him.
So what?
It's not illegal.
Tell us about that.
Yeah, there's widespread speculation.
As you know, somebody is fighting a subpoena that has been levied by Mr. Mueller.
And that whole matter is sealed.
When there was a hearing on this in a federal courthouse two days ago, they cleared the entire floor so that nobody could even see who the attorneys were who came and went.
Widespread speculation, unconfirmed, is that that may be former Fox News personality James Rosen, a good friend of Judge Napolitano's, also a good friend of mine.
It was from Rosen to Napolitano to Charles Zortel that I got a tip, incorrect as it turns out, that the WikiLeaks disclosures would regard the Clinton Foundation.
And I said that publicly.
It came from a perfectly legal source.
Sure, exactly.
So what's going on with Flynn?
The judge, basically today, I was just watching Fox during the break, they said, hey, you can go free.
We know you didn't do anything.
Why are you pleading guilty?
Just say that they didn't read your rights or warn you, which they did, then I'll let you go.
Why are you going to say you're guilty?
And Flynn said, I'm guilty.
Let's get this over with.
That tells me they're holding some more stuff over his head.
Prosecute his son.
That's what I believe the matter is.
Look, I think General Flynn is a great patriot.
And I think this story is a great tragedy and an extraordinary overreach.
It's a perfect example of what happens when they have no evidence whatsoever of Russian collusion.
So now we invent perjury traps and process crimes in an attempt to take down those around the president.
General Flynn exposed what the Clintons and the Obamas were doing in the Middle East.
He exposed the falsity of the Arab Spring.
And that made him a target for the deep state.
My heart goes out to him today.
He is clearly a man who should have moved in court to withdraw his guilty plea.
But you're right, Alex.
Something is being held over his head.
You're going to be in studio Thursday and Friday co-hosting with myself, Owen Schroyer, David Knight, and more.
It's the ATX, the new Alamo.
Whether we go down or stand, we're going to send shockwaves throughout eternity with our fight, and we're going to beat the globalists in the end.
It's hard for us that are in the leadership, but we need your prayers.
We need your financial support at infowarestore.com.
Get in there.
Two days left to get your Christmas presents in time for shipment.
Thank you, Roger.
Infowars has changed the world.
Our audience, by supporting us, have truly been in the arena.
That means if you're old, it means if you're young, it means if you're black, white, it doesn't matter.
If you love freedom, and you love justice, and you believe in free market capitalism, and you believe in the Christian ethos, and you believe in Western civilization, and you believe in progress, then you are the man and woman in the arena, and I salute you As we prepare to close out 2018.
I knew that when they deplatformed us in a massive, draconian, concerted, racketeering operation four and a half months ago, that it was about removing Trump's populist, nationalist support base.
The people's support base for him.
And now we see, in just the last few weeks, Michael Savage is having his show cancelled from three hours to one hour, even though it has record ratings.
And Ben Shapiro, never been in talk radio, is being given his show, given his audience.
We see Gab McGinnis being taken off the air for being number one on CRTV, better than Glenn Beck, and others.
Anyone who truly connects with the people and who doesn't apologize for America, from our president to yours truly, is being demonized, being sued, being attacked, being taken off the air.
The globalists are really upset now because they threw everything they had at us in the last few years.
The shadow banning and the lawsuits, the lies, the attacks, the boycotting of our sponsors, and it didn't work.
So now with the deplatforming, we're on talk radio, we're on local TV stations, and we're at Infowars.com and Newswars.com with bigger than ever audiences.
On those platforms.
InfoWars has two or three times the audience ever had, but that's on InfoWars.
It cuts our reach, though, to other platforms.
And that's where you come in.
Now, about two weeks ago, George Soros Media Matters funded Combine, erected by U.S.
intelligence agencies that aren't following Trump's directives.
He legally began launching operations to lie about Infowars and things we've said and done, and to contact radio stations across the country that we're on and say, Alex Jones is fake news.
Alex Jones is fiction.
Announce it's fiction.
In an attempt to have those stations kick us off the air.
And they misquote statements from 2013, 2015 and say, he's still doing all this, take him off the air.
We're talking about digital Nazis, or digital communists.
Digital authoritarianism is really the proper term.
And they're doing this because they can't beat us.
And they know from Brazil, to Germany, to the United Kingdom, to Russia, to Italy, to all over the world, nationalist and populist free market candidates are getting elected.
People are aware of the one world government plan to abolish our borders, to abolish our families, to make us debt slaves.
And they're saying no.
That's positive.
We're winning overall globally.
Humanity's coming back from the dead, but...
For those of us that are the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
When you order products at InfoWareStore.com, you fund not just an American revolution, but a global revolution against tyranny.
And we have the biggest specials ever running throughout to the end of the year as part of a total store clearance.
Every order gets a free t-shirt.
Every order gets free shipping.
Every order gets 50 to 75% off in total clearance.
And that funding allows us to go into the new year on sure footing to fund ourselves throughout the first part of the year to not just fight, but to expand.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
I salute you all.
Now please take action at m4store.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.
It's Alex Jones.
And by every time you retweet one of these things or every time you promote this idea, you're promoting ignorance, racism, genocide, anti-semitism.
These are all things that you are putting forward when you are doing anything that promotes PewDiePie.
So be careful about this.
If someone decided to... If something were to happen, if PewDiePie were to be sued for this, you could be complicit.
If you retweet it, they could make you pay a fine as well.
Because you have officially published anti-Semitic things.
So if you are republishing this stuff, you could get in trouble for it.
Be very aware that that is a real thing.
You sound a lot like PewDiePie.
I'm of course skeptical, because I've been on the web for a while.
I've been on the internet for a while.
I'm just gonna say, hey man, I really appreciate your content.
You've gotten me through some tough times, and I respect the f*** out of you.
You just shot him!
Okay, Jim!
Come back here!
If you're a radio listener, you're like, "What was I just listening to the last minute?"
If you're a TV viewer, you're like, okay, I see a, looks like an 8th or 9th grade class.
It's a school teacher saying, if you go to PewDiePie's YouTube channel with close to 100 million subscribers and 100 billion views, that you're a bad person when you're a Nazi and you're involved in genocide.
Talk about defamation.
This is what they teach in schools all over the Western world about PewDiePie, Alex Jones, Donald Trump.
They teach in journalism class all these incredible lies about us.
And meanwhile, they've got the left attacking, but they've got the neocons from the Weekly Standard going under a national review that famously were designed to control the conservative movement.
That's been declassified.
And they've got Ben Shapiro.
And everybody knows I'm not an infighter.
I love Sean Hannity overall.
I love Tucker Carlson.
I love Matt Drudge.
I love all the other talk show hosts.
that care about America.
They're not perfect, I'm not perfect, but someone that has been popping up in my life since I heard about him from talk radio network host, and not just Michael Savage, I heard about him from other people, and I used to not even care.
I'm like, why are you calling me up?
Not so much Savage, but he'd bring it up too.
Other big host about this horrible little snot-nosed young lawyer that everyone hated.
And they tell me all these stories, and I've got a good memory, so we're talking 15 years later?
Yeah, Shapiro's been around that long.
10 years later, you're sitting there going, well, what's going on with Roy Masters and the guy that owned Talk Radio Network?
That's where Shapiro, according to all these people, comes from.
I'm not paying attention to him.
He pops up at WorldNet daily, you know, 10, 12 years ago.
Vox Day knows him pretty well, mentors him, and then starts saying a few years ago, hey, this dude's really bad news.
It's like Obi-Wan Kenobi figures out Darth Vader's bad.
And so I appreciate him coming on in a rush today because I knew about this, but I hadn't really been paying attention.
I'm so busy keeping Infowars going under attack.
It comes out in the Washington Times that Michael Savage, even though he has the highest ratings ever, is going from three hours to one hour.
And he basically says, it looks like they're taking me off the air.
They're going to pay out my contract, but I'm on an hour.
Others then predict around him, I'm not going to say him, That he'll just be off in three months.
So they're killing him softly.
And who are they replacing him with?
Ben Shapiro, who's never really done talk radio other than being a guest, is literally being put in his place with his audiences on these stations.
And again, it's so crazy because Savage would always bring up Shapiro and how much he hates him.
I would talk bad about Shapiro and he would call me and tell me, oh my God, you don't know how bad he is.
And then now I tried to call Savage this morning.
He said, I can't talk about it.
You know, it's lawyer stuff.
I just can't discuss it.
But his lawyers are in the news.
But the stuff he told me years ago, and again, I wasn't like into gossip and Savage is not a gossiper either.
I'm like, okay, yeah, whatever.
Let's talk about the new world order.
The stuff he told me then started clicking this morning, what the other host told me, and I'm gonna make some calls, but my God, folks, Ben Shapiro is a maniac loon.
And then he gets these scripts he puts out, and they all call him a genius on the left, he's an ever-trumper.
This is Glenn Beck 2.0, man, and I'm telling you, it's like the Godzilla movies, when one big monster comes to get Godzilla and can't beat him, one even twice as worse comes out of the ocean, and this is it, folks.
So, Vox Dei, I'm so against infighting, which he doesn't do, and I respect his work, I've known about him for a decade, best-selling author, also a big independent comic book producer, that I'm just like, no, I don't want Vox Dei on.
He doesn't do interviews, he does our show, about how bad Shapiro is.
I don't want to be that person.
But now I realize Just like Glenn Beck was in the position of sabotaging us off radio stations and behind the scenes, these are leftist folks and they're very dangerous.
So Vox, thanks for coming on.
You've got Jordanetics out.
We're selling it at infowarestore.com for Christmas.
Everybody should get it.
We'll tell people about that in a moment because this is the double-headed Creature coming out of the ocean in America right now because they don't want to just defeat the opposition They want to lead it.
So this is 2.0 controlled opposition.
Give us your analysis in this segment and the next I know you've got to go then on what we're really facing with Ben Shapiro because the real takeaway here is Michael Savage is being taken off the air for being number one and replaced with him and They're trying to hold him down with threats of legal action.
Not just the money if he if he squirms just like Gavin McGinnis last week.
I mean, this means they're getting ready to make their move on Trump.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, I should probably give you a little bit of background.
I've known Ben Shapiro for 16 years, I believe.
We were both contributors at WorldNetDaily.
And what was interesting to me was that Ben was quite young, of course, and he never wrote anything except for basic Republican talking points. And he wasn't very popular
either. I had access to all of the readership data and of all the weekly columnists, Pat Buchanan
was number one, Ann Coulter was number two, I was number three, Michelle Malkin
was number four, and Ben Shapiro was around like number 19 or 20. And this
is at WorldNetDaily?
Yeah, this is at WorldNetDaily back in 2003-2004, that time frame.
And back around that time frame, I got nationally syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate, which was the elite press syndicate.
Ben got syndicated by Creator Syndicate, which had this way of pushing people by telling newspapers that if you want one of our popular columnists, you need to take one of the less popular ones.
And they started pushing him really hard.
Remember, this is back in like 2003 2004 timeframe.
And it was interesting because Ben ended up having a crisis of conscience.
And he sent me some emails and said, Hey, you know, I've never had a I've never had an original thought for myself.
All I'm doing is repeating the talking points that people are giving me.
You know, what do you think I should do?
And I told him, look, you know, you need to decide for yourself what you want to be.
Do you want to be your own voice or do you want to be someone else's voice?
And in retrospect, it's very clear that he decided to take the wide and easy path.
And that's why you're seeing him promoted incessantly because he's nothing but a talking puppet.
And that's why you see him aligning with people like Dave Rubin, people like Jordan Peterson.
All of these figures are being pushed forward and propped up because they are meant to be the official approved opposition.
Because the left wing wants to publicly oppose itself, thereby depriving, you know, moving the Overton window to the left and depriving the genuine opposition, which can be anyone from Rush Limbaugh to Mike Cernovich to you and so forth.
They want to deprive the genuine nationalist opposition of any voice in the media.
And so that's why you're seeing Dave Rubin and Jordan Peterson talk about setting up an alternative to Patreon, because you've got the hard SJW globalist left, and they're trying to set up a near-left fake opposition.
And they're going to gatekeep as well, because that's what I've always noticed about Shapiro,
is back from his days controlling talk radio as well, very young when they got him out of Harvard.
If you study why Infowars is public enemy number one for the globalists,
you understand why they're panicking.
You understand what they're scared of.
They're scared of nationalism.
They're scared of patriotism.
They are scared of people that will stand up for their sovereignty and who are territorial.
Because we have these multinational corporations that have slave factories, literal concentration camps in China, like Apple and others, who see us as weak and stupid, and they have this whole leftist ideology that's meant to basically weaken us and divide and conquer us, but it's not working anymore.
And the globalists have been able to track back where the main resistance in the last 20 years came from, And that main resistance has been my syndicated radio show, the documentary films we've made that have been seen hundreds of millions of times, and the other news operations that we've set up.
And that's why we're under such attack, and that's why we can't give up in the face of the globalist onslaught, because we've already launched the Americana movement, the new renaissance, 1776, worldwide.
It's happening!
This isn't a hoax!
This isn't hype!
Infowars is real!
That's why the enemy media is always saying we're a hoax, or always saying we're fake, or always saying we're a fraud, because they don't know how to counter something that's the opposite of them.
When they say we're a hoax or a fraud, they're talking about themselves.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can see us here in one of our new state-of-the-art studios.
I was planning by the end of 2018 to be 24 hours a day live.
On radio and TV.
And we only launched two new shows in 2018, CounterThink and The War Room, and they do a great job.
We also, right before that started, launched The Real News with David Knight.
And we've expanded in the face of the attacks, but I really, in the next three or four months, want to be able to go at least 20 hours a day live by the spring.
And that's going to take major support by you, the audience, to get around the censorship, to get around the boycotts, to get around, you know, the globalist lawsuits.
And you've been doing it So far.
But I need your prayers.
I need your support.
I need your word of mouth that's unstoppable and overrides the censors.
And I need you to go to InfoWarsTore.com as we go into the new year, where I'm going to extend all the Christmas specials that were the biggest in our history to sell out of all of our products.
So we don't pay inventory tax by January 1st.
Everything is We're going to be sold out of a lot of products until February because folks have been coming through.
But a lot of these products were selling at a low cost.
You get storewide free shipping, a free T-shirt, 50 to 75 percent off and double Patriot points on your next order to the 5 percent, 10 percent on each dollar.
These are our biggest deals ever because we're also coming online with a new sponsorship model to augment our sales direct so there's no way the globalists can shut us down.
We aren't just going to continue to fight.
We're going to win thanks to your steadfast prayer and financial support.
So again, the three pillars of this.
Praying to God.
Spreading the word about the articles and videos and taking action, or doing your own show, or doing both.
And then of course, ladies and gentlemen, financial support.
That's a three-legged stool.
You can also add reaching out to local radio and TV stations, thanking them, thanking their sponsors, becoming a sponsor.
As Christians and conservatives and nationalists, we're quiet people that are confident.
We're not like leftist bullies.
Not to bully anybody, you've just got to have your voice be heard.
So, all the Christmas specials that we have are all extended until products sell out right through until January 1st, 2019.
Infowarsstore.com is the umbrella site for everything.
Infowarslife.com takes you right to the supplements.
These are amazing products.
Take advantage of them today.
And to all the listeners that have been supporting us for years, thank you.
What we've done to the globalists is thanks to you.
You are the Infowar.
You are the resistance.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Vox Day.
It's a very successful, best-selling author, syndicated columnist.
He's also just published Jordanetics, A Journey into the Mind of Humanity's Greatest Thinker.
And of course, that's sarcastic.
Dealing with Jordan Peterson, how the left has embraced him by actually saying, oh, he's so intellectual, so then the right thinks, oh my gosh, he must be God.
This is how they control reality.
We also have all the Alt Hero comics.
They have one through five now out.
We have them in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
A perfect Christmas gift.
Get your order in by tomorrow at about noon.
And we're guaranteed to get it to you anywhere in the U.S.
That's Hawaii, Alaska, before Christmas.
And you can order up until Friday and get it anywhere in most the U.S., but just to be safe.
And you can also go put in the comments section when you order a note to family.
If you want to just pay what you're getting and then have the box sent as a gift, just make sure there's a note in there and that it's addressed to who you're sending it to.
And then get your Christmas shopping done that way and support the InfoWar.
Every stocking for young people especially needs Alt Hero, London Calling, The War in Paris, which this came out six months ago and it's all come true.
As Vox predicted, he lives in Europe.
Smart cookie.
Alt hero, Reprisal.
Rebel Cell.
And of course, Crackdown.
So, he's awesome.
All available.
Free shipping, shorewide.
Right now, Double Patriot points to your next order as well.
And we need the funding because we're kicking their butt, but they are gunning for us.
Like we're a big battleship in World War I, winning a major battle at sea, but we've got all their attack frigates aimed at us and their cruisers, and we're on fire.
Ladies and gentlemen, everyone knows I'm not a gossip about other talk show hosts.
I'm not one of these men that can't handle somebody else being successful.
In fact, I would love to support Ben Shapiro.
But I have just confirmed, when I was told by three talk show hosts, that I ignored because I'm not into this.
And these people never gossip.
They brought up Ben Shapiro years ago.
And I will tell you, Michael Savage again calls me sometimes and he, when I attack Shapiro, and he is shaking with anger about him and the things he's told me are unbelievable.
And then I went, wait a minute, it hit me this morning, I went, oh my God, two other big hosts told me stuff even worse.
One of these people told me how they wanted to beat him to death.
Now, this is a respected talk show host.
And it just made me think.
So you were a mentor to him.
You were one of the top guys at World Net Daily.
Let's go back.
You knew him when he was just going to college, before he even went to Harvard.
And I know I'm running over you.
It's just so insane how this is all coming together, Vox, and just how dangerous this guy is.
Well, the thing is, I called him out back in 2005 when he was of an age to join the military.
And he was running around saying that the U.S.
should establish an empire.
His literal words on August 11, 2005 were, no one said empire was easy, but it is right and good both for Americans and for the world.
And what he was calling for was a invasion of Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, and others.
So the neocon plan.
Yeah, I mean, what you have to understand about the neocons is that they are not merely left-wing.
They are the left-wing opponents of Joseph Stalin.
They're Trotskyists.
They're the students of Trotsky, Leon Trotsky.
And they came to the United States after Stalin defeated Trotsky and essentially kicked most of his followers out.
And so they realized that they couldn't make much traction in the Democratic Party, so they reinvented themselves as fake conservatives, literally neo-conservatives, and they attempted to control the Republican Party, which John Podhoretz himself admitted was the purpose of the Weekly Standard, which, as you know, recently failed.
Their whole point has been to gatekeep and redirect the Republican Party and the American people away from nationalism, away from America first, and away from Christianity.
We know they are world revolutionaries and that's why they want to establish this global
That's why they're constantly pushing for invading everything and everyone.
So simply put, Ben Shapiro is a dyed in the wool, third generation, fourth generation
Continue please.
We have no question about this.
There's no question about this whatsoever.
And you see him get called out occasionally.
He runs around saying that everyone who is racist should be and bigoted should be disemployed and they should be hunted down and thrown out of their jobs.
And then at the same time, he turns around and says, well, I don't care about the browning of America.
I don't care.
I mean, he sounds exactly like Bill Kristol and John Podhoretz and all the other fake... Well, no, he says Americans are lazy.
He's an acolyte of Mr. Kristol.
So really, Ben Shapiro is Kristol and his father's, who was the head of the Trotskyites, revenge.
And that's why they have a hard-on for Russia, is that they went in, they took over Russia, they got kicked out, these globalists, these atheists, and And now they're angry, and that's why they hate Russia so much.
Well yeah, what people tend to forget about Stalin is that Stalin was a nationalist.
He wasn't Russian, he was Georgian.
But he had no interest in world revolution.
And, whereas Trotsky did.
And so, they got kicked out by Stalin, and then after the fall of the wall, they managed to worm their way back in.
But Putin kicked them out again.
And so that's why the neocons hate Putin and Russia so much, is because Putin is a Russian nationalist.
And so the nationalists of any stripe, as you know, and you've talked about this before, the real struggle is no longer left-right ideological, it's actually Globalist vs. Nationalist on the material level, God vs. Satan, Jesus vs. Satan on the spiritual level.
And that's why even the WikiLeaks shows Soros wants to overthrow Israel, because it's National vs. Globalist.
You know, when you look at Israeli parties like Zihut and the other Israeli nationalists, they have no interest in ruling over Ukraine or getting involved in Russia or China.
That's not part of the Israeli nationalist program.
Now that there is a Jewish homeland, the Israelis want to focus on building it up just like any other nation with a homeland does. But when you've got these
world revolutionaries like Ben Shapiro, like Bill Kristol, like John Podhoretz, they desperately
want to use what is left of American power and the American military to try to establish their
world revolution.
And it's an absolute fact that the Trotskyites, as you know, and it's been even quoted in the
Wall Street Journal, they admitted it years ago, that they wanted to basically take over
the conservative movement because it was blocking communism, but use it to take back over Russia
and then the world.
They just saw America as a bigger vehicle for global domination, as you said, because Stalin, for all of his horrible things he did, was trying to make Russia an industrialized power.
So he's very czarist or Putin-esque in that vein.
And so that's why the left went from hating, from loving him to hating Uncle Joe.
And of course, you were saying Peters is much more dangerous.
And I was not disagreeing with you, but I thought, I'm telling you, they're pushing Shapiro on YouTube, Google, the algorithms, and he's behind the scenes trying to take me off the air.
And I said, whatever network Beck's involved with, this is the new guy.
And now Michael Savage is being taken off the air.
And replaced with this guy.
I mean, this is unbelievable.
Yeah, it's astonishing, especially when you look at the fact that Savage is the number two most popular radio host in the country.
This clearly is not a business decision.
This clearly is something that is being done for other reasons, and we know what they are.
You know, it's the same reason that, I mean, what you have to understand is Ben Shapiro is a total mediocrity.
He's not particularly smart.
No, he's a little man, he has scripted lines, and then the left praises him, and the establishment praises him, and conservatives go, here's a guy we can get behind and not get friction.
Yeah, because you just let the fox in the damn hen house.
Yeah, it's exactly like the Harlem Globetrotters versus the Washington Generals.
The left, the conventional left that everybody recognizes is the Harlem Globetrotters, and then Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Dave Rubin, all these, the intellectual dark web as the New York Times.
Joe Rogan's now joined it.
Joe Rogan too.
They are all set up to be the Washington generals so they can go out there, convince As much of the right as possible to follow them into defeat.
That's what they're there to do.
They're there to gatekeep and mislead and lead the right and lead the nationalists and lead the Christians into defeat.
That's why I mean think about how ridiculous it is.
Yeah, look at how the New York Times shows Joe Rogan and Shapiro and all of them in a big flattery piece.
These are the okay conservatives.
These are the ones, yeah, maybe they're a little bad, but you know what?
Oh my gosh, I don't know the inside baseball on that.
Do five more with us, Fox, or even longer if you can.
And we've got Owen Schroer coming with big breaking news.
This is not about gossip.
It's not about, no, it's about understanding how the globalists are trying to take us down.
And there's now no doubt, and I can't believe that I've been sitting on top of the bombshell on Shapiro, that I will release soon.
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The globalists are trying to set up a private corporate world government that's above the law.
If there's any opposition, if there's any independent media that can call the fact that the emperor has no clothes, that can call BS, it's game over.
But if you look at everybody else, like Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh and Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, they are all beholden to the networks they're on that can be targeted.
There's only two groups in the U.S., InfoWars and Matt Drudge of DrudgeReport.com, that are truly independent.
And of course, they're two of the dominant media forces in the world.
It really is amazing.
That's why as we close out 2018, I want to just remind the listeners of the amazing fight we're all in and how far we've come together.
Just remind you that you are the power, you're the strength, you're the will.
Of InfoWars.
So please spread the links.
InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Because if you don't spread the articles and the videos, no one else will.
We're all in each other's hands.
God bless you all and thank you.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
♪ You may be an ambassador to England or France ♪ ♪ You may like to gamble ♪
♪ You might like to dance ♪ ♪ You may be the heavyweight champion ♪
♪ So you better be ready ♪ ♪ 'Cause you're gonna be a champion ♪
♪ You better be ready ♪ ♪ 'Cause you're gonna be a champion ♪
♪ You better be ready ♪ ♪ 'Cause you're gonna be a champion ♪
So Ruth Bader Ginsburg is not healthy, and she's undergoing some very serious lung surgery.
Her time here on this earth is not going to be outlasting President Trump's time in office, is where the odds are there.
This is not something we're celebrating, this is just a matter of fact.
Roger, we just saw the Democrats go to extraordinary lengths, tell extraordinary lies, extraordinary tales, to keep Brett Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court, who has a lot of, you know, kind of establishment ties, a Bushite, who just kept Planned Parenthood getting funding at the state level.
If we just saw what they did to try to keep him off the Supreme Court, can you even imagine what they would do if Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't end up outlasting the Trump presidency?
Can you imagine the dirty tricks of the Democrats?
Look, I think this is the Democrats' worst nightmare.
Donald Trump forging a permanent conservative majority.
On the U.S.
Supreme Court of younger jurists who can last decades, this is what's driving them crazy.
So here's what I can predict.
Regardless of who the president selects as his nominee, man or woman, they will accuse that person of doing something wrong.
It will be totally manufactured.
It will be fraudulent.
They'll have no evidence.
They'll have no proof.
They'll have no corroboration.
It'll be wild.
Like, for example, they might accuse the nominee of being a gang rapist, for example.
Or of drugging and raping members of the opposite sex.
Something really crazy and unbelievable like that.
Exactly like they did with Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
And then they will try to whip the people into a faux hysteria based on these false charges.
This is Infowars.
Tomorrow's news today.
You heard it here first.
Whoever the president nominates, man or woman, will be accused of some untoward, illegal, outrageous act, and they will produce no evidence whatsoever, but the Democrats will go into high gear, insisting that it really happened.
Yeah, my guess is they come up with some crazy accusation.
Maybe it's like something from high school or something.
They were at some weird party or some nonsense.
It'll be just totally ridiculous.
And then two days later, eyewitnesses will come forward.
The eyewitnesses to the event.
I mean, I don't really know.
I can't think of who the president might want to put on the Supreme Court.
I don't want to name any names, Jeanine Pirro.
But I think there are a number of women attorneys who would be highly qualified, both on the bench or in private practice today, former prosecutors perhaps, who would be ideal for this position.
And therefore, I think it's safe to say that the President is going to go back to the list that was supplied to him by the Federalist Society.
A list that he pledged when he was running for president that he would choose from.
There's an eminent number of men and women on that list.
There's a few more libertarian-oriented jurists.
I would urge him to look in that direction, particularly given the fact that this president in the last couple days He has withdrawn our troops from Syria and taken our troop number down in Afghanistan.
He has signed sweeping legislation to change the criminal justice system so that people who are convicted of first-time nonviolent crimes are not put in jail forever.
And he has legalized industrial hemp.
All key points on the libertarian agenda.
Mr. President, you are a libertarian.
You just don't know it.
I would like to see, it's Amy Barrett Cohen, I think was the lady's name.
Yes, she was kind of the runner-up.
She would be an excellent nominee.
Now there's a giant problem right off the bat.
She's pro-life.
So she has to be destroyed.
The left will go insane.
She must be destroyed because she would probably vote to overturn Roe v. Wade.
That will drive them completely insane.
Speaking of that, the movie Roe v. Wade will be coming out in January.
I have a small cameo in that movie.
My friend Gary Heaven has a small cameo in that movie.
This is a blockbuster.
It really is going to be extraordinary.
You gotta tune in for that.
Yeah, the Democrats don't like you getting in the way of their child sacrifice.
That's for darn sure.
Alright, we're gonna come back on the other side more with Roger Stone, your phone calls, and what happens.
I mean, let's say Ruth Bader Ginsburg, I mean, tragically doesn't have even a month left.
I mean, we're really in a tight spiral here.
Defeat the globalists.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the pedophiles.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat Alexandra Cortez and her mindless idiocy with hashtag Alex Jones.
Defeat the censors with hashtag Alex Jones.
They've tried to ban us off every platform out there, but we've just gotten stronger because you've taken action with hashtag Alex Jones.
I am patient zero in the massive banning, but you can override the censors now, and if all of our audience gets involved with hashtag Alex Jones, we are unstoppable together.
We've already changed the world together with our laser focus.
Do it again with hashtag Alex Jones on Twitter, on Facebook, on Google, on YouTube, everywhere.
Call or talk radio, C-SPAN, shout it out loud in public.
Hashtag Alex Jones.
That's the rallying cry to restore the First Amendment.
A demonic human spirit that refuses to submit.
Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
You know, one really cool part about being the head of the InfoWars Network is when I'm even on so-called vacation or visiting my wife's family in Omaha.
I get to crawl into my own show and take it over and commandeer it, but this is how I'm going to commandeer it.
We were going to air a couple special reports that people put out in the last two segments of this hour, but let's just not do that so Roger and Ellen have time to take all these calls for people that are holding.
We've got a guest host, obviously, in the fourth hour of this Friday edition coming up today, but I just wanted to bring this up as I'm listening here to Roger, and he brought up Judge Jeanine Pirro.
She's super smart.
She's got a great record.
She's super good looking, but she's also tough.
And whether it's a man or a woman, whether it's Barrett or Herb, they're going to make up outrageous crap, criminal stuff, you name it.
And so, I think Judge Jeanine's perfect, because she's close to the President, she's strong, she has a very conservative voting record, and she's tough, and she will destroy.
Instead of just sitting there crying like Kavanaugh and getting upset, I don't know why he did.
I remember thinking, God, if Judge Jeanine, for the fact that Roger was pushing her, if Judge Jeanine was in there, she would absolutely chew them to hell.
Because when you're being accused of something you haven't done, just attack!
Face, instead of being shocked by it, and I think that's the move with Ruth Bader Ginsburg, preparing to make the jump into hyperspace after already having chemotherapy and now having cancer again and going through lung surgery today.
We wish her well, but my God, years ago she was stumbling around like she was a reanimated corpse.
So, this is a big deal and it shows why the left is so scared.
They're the traitors that sold the country out.
They're the people that thought they were invincible.
And all over the world, humanity's awakening.
Yes, it's not fun.
Because of the brunt of their attack.
But it doesn't matter because the fight is on.
So please, Roger Enno, and get into that.
And let's start wrapping Judge Steve Pirro.
I totally agree with you.
We need to get these names out there.
I know she's already close to the president.
And then let's go to the phone calls to balance the hour.
Thank you, gentlemen.
Go ahead.
Well, and I think because we've already been down this road recently, Roger, with Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Trump can even...
Go in with a little more strategy to this, and let's say he wants to pull kind of a, you know, they call it a 4G chess move, and you put Judge Jeanine out there as the nominee, and you let them destroy her, excoriate her, she defends it, but then he says, okay, fine, we'll pull it back, and then we'll put, you know, Amy Barrett Cohen on.
So, because we've kind of seen the tactics now of the total, just unhinged Democrats, I think Trump can now learn how to use that to his advantage.
Well, I'm not sure people understand that Jeanine Pirro served with great distinction as the Westchester County District Attorney.
She was a crusading district attorney.
And she was very aggressive on sex crimes, child exploitation, and so on.
She is just a great, great woman.
Tough as nails.
Deeply principled.
Extremely articulate.
And yes, for many years, close to the President.
She would be an ideal nominee, in my opinion.
As you point out, generally speaking, we try to put, at this point, people on the bench who are younger at all levels, so that the Trump revolution can outlast him.
And that would be the only reservation, although, in all honesty, Judge Jeanine looks very young to me.
And I think she'd be a great nominee.
Guaranteed to drive the left completely insane.
Now, I don't know what Judge Jeanine's future is at Fox, where I believe that some of the greatest talent there, Sean Hannity, my friend Tucker Carlson, Judge Jeanine, Judge Andrew Napolitano, whose recent comments kind of bewilder me, but who I still think is fundamentally a good man.
I don't know what their future is as the Murdochs try to move Fox to become more like the Sky Channel and try to erase all the things that made Fox profitable and one of the most trusted names in news today.
It is really sad to see what's happening at Fox.
Shemp Smith watching this guy.
I liked him much better when he was in the Three Stooges.
This guy is a clown.
Giving him two hours in the middle of the day to spout left-wing disinformation.
That's not television.
That's garbage.
And just total stupidity, too.
I mean, there's nothing to that guy.
Shemp Smith.
Good ol' Shempy.
Shemp Smith.
He's a little light in the loafers.
He appears that way.
But folks, the other thing I want to remind all of you of, because it's important, if you like what Owen and I do here every day at the War Room, if you like the iconic Alex Jones Show, if you're tuning in to David Knight, recognize That we are literally under siege here.
You see, one of the reasons they want to close InfoWars down is because they know that I can use it as a platform to defend myself from the onslaught of Robert Mueller and Congressman Adam Schiff and Congressman Eric Swallowswell and the whole cabal of left-wing Democrat congressmen who smear and defame me and would like, frankly, to put me in jail.
They know I can come on InfoWars and tell you the truth.
They know that InfoWars is a platform that Alex Jones can use to mobilize millions of Americans if there's an illicit attempt to take down our president.
The left has always loved civil disobedience.
When it's on the left.
This is one of the greatest things about Dr. Martin Luther King.
And I guarantee you, there will be civil disobedience if there is an illicit attempt to take down our president.
But it needs a Paul Revere.
It needs a beacon of truth.
It needs a platform where people learn the facts and what is really going on.
So they want to take Infowars down.
How can you stop that?
The single best way is for you to go to the Infowars.com store now.
You see, we don't have any giant multinational corporations.
We don't have any right-wing fat cats who are underwriting what we do here.
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Now we have the additional burden of millions of dollars of legal fees paid to ravenous lawyers to defend us in an entire series of harassment left-wing lawsuits that are really designed just to generate negative headlines that can then be used to be taken to various radio stations and other outlets and say, oh you see you've got to silence Alex Jones, you've got to silence Roger Stone.
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And again, Alex Jones gets digitally assassinated off of all the major social media platforms, but thanks to you and Alex building InfoWars, we have a platform here where we can counter their narratives, counter their lies, and still get millions of eyes on us because of the platform we built and you built here at InfoWars.
Okay, again, the big news, Ruth Bader Ginsburg having major lung surgery, not long for this world.
A sad situation there, but what does this mean for the Supreme Court?
Trump is pulling troops out of the Middle East.
The left, the neocon right, the American media is panicking.
Their stocks in Raytheon are going down.
And you've got the border wall dispute happening right now.
Trump got the votes in the House like he said he would.
Nancy Pelosi said he wouldn't.
She was wrong again.
She's a total dingbat out of touch with reality.
What happens in the Senate?
Will Mitch McConnell get it done?
Or will Chuck the Rat Schumer keep the borders wide open?
Infowars has changed the world.
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And now we see, in just the last few weeks, Michael Savage is having his show cancelled from three hours to one hour, even though it has record ratings.
And Ben Shapiro, never been on talk radio, is being given his show, given his audience.
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The globalists are really upset now because they threw everything they had at us in the last few years.
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So now with the deplatforming, we're on talk radio, we're on local TV stations, and we're at Infowars.com and Newswars.com with bigger than ever audiences.
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Alex Jones is fiction.
Announce it's fiction.
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We're talking about digital Nazis, or digital communists.
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And they're doing this because they can't beat us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
Live from the info wars.com studios you're listening to the Alex Jones show
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
I got something that tells me what it's all about.
Well, if Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't make it much longer, Roger, we're looking at...
I mean, I can't even imagine the political chaos with the wall funding that's about to
go down, the congressional shift we're about to have with the new Congress being sworn
in, the new Attorney General.
I mean, it's just crazy.
Perhaps now a Supreme Court Justice seat up.
We're really looking at quite wild things coming across here, the pipeline, in 2019, are we not?
We really are.
You know, in all honesty, a shout-out is due to two outstanding public servants, at least in this case, Senator Mitch McConnell and Senator Rand Paul, principally responsible for the inclusion of the legalization of industrial hemp in the Farm Bill.
All right, let's open up the phone lines here.
We've already got callers lined up.
We're going to start with Chris calling in from Chicago, wants to talk Supreme Court.
and Senator Rand Paul whose original idea this was to having the courage to
push this through and of course to the president for signing it.
Hemp, hemp, hooray.
All right let's open up the phone lines here we've already got callers lined up.
We're gonna start with Chris calling in from Chicago wants to talk Supreme Court.
Go ahead Chris.
Hey gentlemen.
How are ya?
Great, thanks for calling.
Uh, well, first of all, I just want to tell you and the crew I put the blood of Jesus Christ over you every single day.
Thank you.
Um, listen, uh, you know, nothing's more annoying than the word bipartisanship because it never works in conservatives' favor.
You know, there's always this sort of Alinsky delay tactic with these ass clowns.
You know, they're always saying, trust Mueller, You know, give us abortion with the mother's life, and rape, and incest, and the Second Amendment.
They want to ban bump stocks, and registration, and, you know, and kind of over Thanksgiving, I had a, you know, sort of come-to-Jesus moment with my family.
A lot of conservatives, a lot of good people, but they're not willing to go on office, take the gloves off, and sort of get back in people's faces when It's not going in their favor.
They just sort of lay down and take it.
Let me see if I can articulate what I think you're trying to say a little bit differently.
Basically, it's like if you're a conservative and you're trying to negotiate, you have a negotiation and you reach an agreement and that's just you trying to be negotiable and be open so that you can have some compromise.
But when it's the left or the Democrats doing it, it's in their eyes, it's this, okay, I'm just chipping away.
That they're just chipping away, getting further and further down their agenda.
They're not actually trying to compromise.
To them, it's just furthering their agenda.
Also, conservatives respect the rule of law.
And we're consistent.
We're not inconsistent.
They're hypocrites.
They have no respect for the rule of law.
So James Clapper can lie under oath.
about the existence of a metadata collection agency.
And when we learned through the disclosures of Edward Snowden that all of that is a lie,
he's never prosecuted.
Now they're going through my testimony trying to find out whether I said that the burger
I had was medium rare when it was really well done.
It would actually be the other way around and say, "Aha, you see?
Stone committed perjury."
The left has no, they have no consistency.
They are absolute hypocrites.
General Petraeus can leak classified documents to his mistress.
He pays $100,000 fine.
But General Mike Flynn is set up, he doesn't even really lie to an FBI agent, but they want to send him to prison.
You see, there's no consistency on the left.
Our people respect authority and they respect the law.
They respect nothing.
We don't want to take our guns and fix the situation.
We count on the police and the military, who we pay to do that, under the rule of law.
They have no such compunction.
The Antifa thugs will go out and they will beat old people.
They will beat women.
They will assault private citizens.
They don't care about the law.
That's the difference between the left and the right.
So it's like a bipartisan agreement to ban bump stocks, but really it's just the left furthering their agenda to take guns.
Is that what you're saying, Chris?
Oh, no, absolutely.
I mean, that's.
You know, it never worked in conservatives' favor, and we always end up giving up, you know, ground.
And that's why the American people need to show their support for Trump, because he is the stone wall that's not going to allow the left to just further their agenda, at least that's why we elected him.
Thank you so much for the call, Chris.
I've got to jump, though.
Let's go to, let's stick with somebody who's, well, I won't even say what they want to talk about, because most of the time they talk about something else.
So let's go to Gerald in Arkansas.
Go ahead, Gerald.
I'm hearing you.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg will start with the Supreme Court, first of all.
There's nothing supreme about it.
They're all bar attorneys.
I don't understand why people... You guys have got a lot of good whistleblowers on there.
I know we talked about it before.
You had Joe Bannister on there.
The people that know the Constitution, the truth is not being brought forward.
You know we're still under common law?
They don't call it common legal, it's common law, but it's been covered up.
See, that's what really gets to me.
Anybody can go look it up, but we're under uniformed commercial code.
Bar attorneys, they're not lawyers, they're bar attorneys.
A law barrister is who wrote the Constitution.
Well, look, Gerald, you're getting into fundamental...
Uh, just total mental, yeah, just abandonments of what America was intended to be.
I mean, you can start at the Supreme Court, you can end up with the Constitution, I mean, you could really end anywhere.
But again, you know, this, Roger, this kind of goes back to the left, the last caller's point.
This has been what the left has done.
Instead of conservatives and liberals or whatever compromising, it's just the left liberal agenda furthering itself.
Well, it's true.
Right now, there's a group of scientists and they're trying to figure out whether they can put Ruth Bader Ginsburg's head in a glass case like Futurama.
And as long as she still can talk, they'll keep her on the Supreme Court.
Kidding, of course.
Hold on a second.
I think Ruth Bader Ginsburg head may actually have been in a Futurama episode.
I think you're right, actually.
Because you see, she's an icon for the left, which shows you how screwed up they are.
Matt Drudge actually said they would put a head in a jar.
We might actually see Ruth Bader Ginsburg head in a jar.
It's entirely possible.
Well, we've seen they put Nixon's head in a jar.
I kind of enjoyed that, if you want to know the truth.
Well, I actually am a big fan of Futurama, but everybody knows, like, the weird predictions that the Simpsons made and that Matt Groening has somehow been able to do in his shows over the years.
Guys, see if you can find... I could have swore... I remember an episode with Ruth Bader Ginsburg's head in a jar.
In Futurama.
Alright, Jill.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's squeeze one in real quick.
Chase the Patriot in California.
60 seconds.
Fire away.
Hey, thanks for taking my call.
Frontlines of California.
Chase the Patriot.
Now, real quick.
Everyone listening.
Realize that you're listening for free.
Support the cause and vote with your dollar by checking out InfoWarstore.
They've got great stuff for the New Year, for Christmas, and everything in between.
Now, I want to talk about direct results of these sanctuary laws in my state.
If you guys look up Gustavo Garcia Tulare, this is something we're dealing with the last couple days.
He went on a two-day shooting spree rampage one of Pelosi's children are talking about.
But you guys haven't heard about it.
Because he was brought here as a child.
So, you know, he's free from any wrongdoing.
He was stealing, he had guns, drug charges, child endangerment since 2002.
He had been deported twice before, and worst of all, Owen, direct results of our sanctuary laws.
He was in custody two days before the rampage, but our sheriff... Chase the Patriot in California.
Thank you for the call.
He's got a YouTube channel, Chase the Patriot.
California, man, it's just lost.
I feel it's such a beautiful state too.
If you study why InfoWars is public enemy number one for the globalists,
you understand why they're panicking.
You understand what they're scared of.
They're scared of nationalism.
They're scared of patriotism.
They are scared of people that will stand up for their sovereignty and who are territorial.
Because we have these multinational corporations that have slave factories, literal concentration camps in China, like Apple and others, who see us as weak and stupid, and they have this whole leftist ideology that's meant to basically weaken us and divide and conquer us, but it's not working anymore.
And the globalists have been able to track back where the main resistance in the last 20 years came from, And that main resistance has been my syndicated radio show, the documentary films we've made that have been seen hundreds of millions of times, and the other news operations that we've set up.
And that's why we're under such attack, and that's why we can't give up in the face of the globalist onslaught, because we've already launched the Americana movement, the New Renaissance, 1776, worldwide.
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When they say we're a hoax or a fraud, they're talking about themselves.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can see us here in one of our new state-of-the-art studios.
I was planning by the end of 2018 to be 24 hours a day live.
On radio and TV.
And we only launched two new shows in 2018, CounterThink and The War Room, and they do a great job.
We also, right before that started, launched The Real News with David Knight.
And we've expanded in the face of the attacks.
But I really, in the next three or four months, want to be able to go at least 20 hours a day live by the spring.
And that's going to take major support by you, the audience, to get around the censorship, to get around the boycotts, to get around, you know, the globalist lawsuits.
And you've been doing it So far.
But I need your prayers.
I need your support.
I need your word of mouth.
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And I need you to go to info or store dot com as we go into the new year.
I'm going to extend all the Christmas specials that were the biggest in our history to sell out of all of our products.
So we'd have to pay inventory tax by January 1st.
Everything is We've got new shipments coming in in February.
We're going to be sold out of a lot of products until February, because folks have been coming through.
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So again, the three pillars of this.
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As Christians and conservatives and nationalists, we're quiet people that are confident.
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So, all the Christmas specials that we have are all extended until products sell out right through until January 1st, 2019.
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What we've done to the globalists is thanks to you.
You are the Infowar.
You are the resistance.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
We've got Roger Stone in studio.
We're still taking your phone calls.
Really quick though, I want to mention a story of a drone kind of stalking, if you will, an airport, the Gatwick Airport.
And this is kind of being turned into a big story.
I won't go into the details.
That drone harassment at that airport or whatever the heck's going on, they can't even apparently find the person flying the drone or the multiple people, whatever the deal is.
This has all the makings of a precedent-setting story here when it comes to drones and airports and how they regulate that.
But I want to get back to the phone lines.
So let's go to Dan calling in from Louisiana.
Go ahead, Dan in the Bayou.
Hello, hello, Dan Bordelon.
Thank you for taking my call.
First, I'd like to say Merry Christmas to Imple Wars and your entire staff.
Merry Christmas!
Patriotic listeners from coast to coast and worldwide.
Well, thank you, Dan.
Merry Christmas to you.
Go ahead.
My first comment, I'd like to...
About the total nonsense of Facebook.
I'm on Facebook, which, I mean, I'm only on there to promote Americanism.
And anyone that's on my page news, that's all I post is patriotic, American, conservative, Christian value.
You know, I post Alex Jones on there all the time on my page, encouraging people to go to InfoWars and also post other stuff that I find very informative and helpful for people to expand their mind.
If I can plug John B. Wells.
Midnight Caravan and Midnight, episode 369.
His lady guest, I can't remember her name, but she is absolutely fantastic.
She has uncovered a treasure trove of information about the 9-11 cover-up that I would encourage.
I would literally encourage anyone to watch that.
It's stunning, to say the least.
Well, you know, here's the thing about the 9-11 cover-up or conspiracy or whatever people want to call it.
There's just so many facts out there that never went reported on cable news, so they never hear about it, Roger.
They never hear about Mueller's involvement.
They never hear about the terrorists coming in and out.
They never hear about the activity in Florida with the corrupt bureaucrats down there.
Well, the fact that John Brennan, as the station chief in RIDA for the CIA, approves the visas for a number of the hijackers to leave there and come here.
That never gets reported.
No, particularly the angle of Saudi involvement is always fascinated me.
John B. Wells, very good man, does excellent work, and I've seen that particular show that you refer to.
I really commend it.
It's really worth your time.
All right, Dan, I'm sorry I gotta jump, but yes, thank you so much for sharing that stuff on Facebook.
A lot of people are afraid to do that, that they may get banned for it.
All right, let's go to Jennifer calling in from Illinois.
Go ahead, Jennifer.
Hi, thanks.
I just wanted to point out that I think Alex has mentioned before how the microchipping that we see coming down the pipeline really is seen in the Book of Revelation.
Additionally, I think there's one that's not widely recognized, but that a lot of people understand.
Revelation Chapter 12, a great and mysterious sign appeared in the sky, a woman who was clothed in the sun.
So that was the miracle of the sun in Fatima in 1917, witnessed by over 70,000 people.
Now honestly, how many miracles in the Bible were pre-predicted and witnessed by over 70,000 people?
Like, this is a big deal.
And it's absolutely been buried by the fake Catholic Church we have in power, completely infiltrated, you know.
The people running the church are not Catholic.
There are prophecies in it, there are demands from God that have not been met, and they've been nothing, they've done nothing but Really, they've covered it up.
Well, there's no doubt, there's no doubt the power of the Bible and its prophecy.
Just the more I live and experience, the more I realize that.
And there is also no doubt that's why they want it banned on social media, that's why
they attack Christians and conservatives.
But yes, the Catholic Church has been unfortunately corrupted for a long, long time.
And the real big secret to the Vatican are all about how they can go in to these sites
where there's ancient burial grounds, claim the land for religious purposes, excavate
the side, send it to the Vatican, and then nobody ever sees it again.
And then of course you see all the sex abuse rampant going on.
It's very sad because there was a time when the Catholic Church was a bastion of anti-communism and when it really stood for biblical values.
In all honesty, I think our current Pope is a communist.
He's betraying the values of the Catholic Church.
I really subscribe to what you say because given the extraordinary crucible that I'm going through, it's only the Bible and my belief in God that sustain me in this incredible fight.
Robert Mueller, the Deep State, Adam Schiff and those clowns, they want to send me to prison even though I have committed no crime whatsoever.
Well, that's not true.
My crime in their eyes is my support for Donald Trump.
And my opposition to Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and the globalists.
And they literally want to send me to prison even though I've broken no laws.
They're trying to destroy me financially.
It is only through my faith in God and the loyal support of the Infowars community that I am able to continue the fight.
And some days, I must tell you, it's daunting.
It's difficult.
And that's why I get down on my knees and pray.
So, thank you for your call.
And you know, just something else, too.
Thank you for the call, Jennifer.
It's like, it's just like, just the power and the omnipotence of God.
It's like, it's like, Roger, if you knew that someone 500 years from now or a thousand years from now, let's say you bury your Roger Stone somewhere and you know that someone 500 years from now is just going to come to that spot and for some reason they need that Roger Stone.
It's like you knew that.
Like God knows that.
He's put all of these little Easter eggs, all these little things out there for us to have at that exact moment.
But when you don't understand that you were created in a divine nature, you never see God's language.
You never see how God is speaking to you.
And you miss the omnipotence.
And Roger, as you said, I mean, you've been calling on God to protect you while these demons here are trying to destroy your life and your family.
Let's take another call here.
Virginia calling in from Kansas.
Go ahead, Virginia.
Thank you for taking my call.
Are you there?
Thank you for taking my call and let me first say God bless America and God bless President Trump and God bless you for getting the truth out.
I want to make a quick comment on the border security and the wall because I'm not hearing this put out here on the news.
The liberals, the Democrats and the rhinos in Congress have tried to tell the people if he doesn't get the money, he's not going to be able to use the army.
can't do that to build the wall. And this has been going on for years. We have projects
all over this country built by the army. President Trump has an absolute right to use the army
to build the wall. And I just have not heard that on the news anywhere because these people
in Congress are telling us he doesn't. So we need to know the people.
Well, he's already used the military to secure the border fence, and we've seen the videos with the barbed wire going up.
A lot of people are thinking that, you know, maybe bringing the troops home, you station them down at the border, that might be something Trump is thinking.
But Roger, how about this for a, by the way, thank you for the call, Virginia, how about this for a weird kind of next I really think this is kind of the future of Free Market Republic is the crowdfunding, crowdfunding project.
So like, okay, do we want a wall?
Okay, well let's go crowdfund it.
I think there's over 10 million dollars now on a GoFundMe for the wall.
Right, so how soon will it be before GoFundMe closes that down?
Well, they're making millions of dollars off this deal.
Yeah, but look what they did to Laura Loomer.
I mean, Laura Loomer set up a GoFundMe account.
They're trying to destroy her financially the same way they're trying to destroy me financially.
She put up a GoFundMe site to fund her incredibly effective investigative journalism and her questioning of radical Islam, and GoFundMe essentially deplatformed her.
So, unfortunately, even they are subject to the left-wing pressure from the Skolds who just want to shut them down.
I commend this veteran from Florida.
I don't know where he is now.
This morning when I woke up, he was at 11.7.
It's over 12 now.
And this is in like 72 hours or so.
Alright, Roger Stone is going to stick with you and take some more phone calls in the next segment.
By the way, environmentalists just stormed the BBC headquarters.
They want global warming a top editorial issue, but they ignore the admitted climate change that governments do, and they ignore the 5G coming, and they ignore all the natural disasters with the GMOs and everything in the United States.
They ignore that.
Tucker Carlson The number two talk show host in the country on television, and who is a patriot and a very smart guy, is being Alex Jones'd right now in front of all of us.
They're building a straw man, demonizing him, lying about him, taking things out of context, so they can then take him off the air and then really start to run him into the ground.
In fact, it came out just a few months ago that in the internal Google documents, where they said ban Alex Jones, they also said ban Tucker Carlson.
He was right under me on the list.
And I could already see, once they deplatformed me, that they began to focus in on Tucker Carlson.
That's why.
Talking to him off air, I've warned him.
I told him four months ago, I said, you are next.
He was already, obviously, covering all that on air.
And it's because he's got such credibility that the establishment is attacking him.
But let's look at what they're attacking him for.
He said that they create this national guilt that America is this evil, racist place, when we've been the most open nation to immigrants the world's ever seen.
And the days of Ellis Island, you would be held for three to six months, everybody, to make sure you didn't have any serious diseases.
But today we have George Soros and the UN and others that openly fund huge caravans coming into Europe and the U.S.
Where people show up with cholera, and leprosy, and drug-resistant TB, and hundreds of other horrible infectious diseases, and we're told, don't even screen them, let them into the country, and then, under Obama, let them be child-trafficked.
Senate report confirmed all of that.
Gave the children to child traffickers, because you can't even see who the kids are with, sometimes unaccompanied.
You've just got to let them in and put them on Democrat Party-controlled buses.
If we go back to 10 years ago, seems like ancient history now, Lou Dobbs had about 8-9 million viewers a night.
That's double what Sean Hannity has, he's number one.
Carlson's number two with 4 million.
And what was he talking about?
Globalism, open borders, the UN using migrants to invade countries.
He was going off their own documents.
Lou Dobbs was taken off the air because he was number one, because he was telling the truth and he was a patriot.
Now he's relegated to Fox Business with maybe a million viewers.
And Tucker Carlson is next, and then Sean Hannity.
People debate all the time about mass immigration.
What you never hear anybody do is make the economic case for mass immigration.
It's obvious that we need more scientists and skilled engineers, but that's not what we're getting.
Instead, we're getting waves of people with high school educations or less.
It's indefensible, so nobody even tries to defend it.
Instead, our leaders demand that you shut up and accept this.
We have a moral obligation to admit the world's poor, they tell us, even if it makes our own country poorer and dirtier and more divided.
So if you import the third world, you are making it more poor, more dirty, more divided.
Just like Democrat-controlled cities have feces everywhere, and needles, and the highest crime in every case.
Same thing with socialist countries overseas, because it's a system of dependency that they create.
So if Tucker Carlson's guilty of anything, it's for not going far enough.
It doesn't just make our cities dirtier and poorer and more divided, it makes them more dangerous.
Where San Francisco jury is letting an illegal alien that shoots a woman in the back go, because, well, she's white, we have to virtue signal.
This is the real cancer.
The left openly now has drag events for four-year-olds at gay bars, have little children dancing and having money thrown at them.
I mean, is there nothing we won't put up with, with the bullying of the left and their total cultural takeover?
If we don't start standing up for each other, we're going to lose everything.
Yesterday it was Alex Jones, now it's Tucker Carlson.
Just say no to these bullies now more than ever.
It's Alex Jones.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
And now, your host, Roger Stone.
Welcome back.
I'm Roger Stone.
You're on the Alex Jones Show.
We're going to continue with your calls because two-way dialogue with the InfoWars community is very important to us here.
And I want to also take the opportunity to remind you one more time to get in that last-minute Christmas shopping by going to the InfoWars.com store.
We'll come back to that in a little bit.
But when I got to Austin, I must tell you, I bumped my knee somewhere along the way and it was killing me.
I was literally gulping down Advil, but nothing was helping.
And then I got a few tabs of bodies here in the office from my friend Harrison Smith.
And I must tell you, within one hour, the pain was miraculously gone.
Turmeric, which is the key ingredient in bodies, has been used for centuries as a pain reliever for sore joints and muscles and I must say it was extraordinarily effective.
Now on a special price at the InfoWars.com store and next to Brain Force Plus, my new favorite product.
Here you see Brain Force Plus.
This stuff is great in terms of mental clarity and energy.
If you're like me, you get that dip around 4 o'clock in the afternoon.
You just want to take a nap.
I pop a couple of these and I'm ready for the war room, which at my time is 5 o'clock Eastern.
So tune in to the War Room today, by the way, when Jacob Engels from the Central Florida Post joins me for a special update on Steve Bannon and why Steve Bannon has been secretly meeting with Jeffrey Epstein, the convicted Clinton pedophile pimp.
Why would Steve Bannon, allegedly a nationalist, be secretly meeting?
With a sex crime criminal affiliated with the Clintons.
Tune in to the War Room today to get an update on that.
Let's go to our phone lines now.
And we'll take Charles in Atlanta.
Charles, what's on your mind?
Hey Roger, Merry Christmas.
You guys are doing an awesome job out there.
Uh, I just wanted to remind you guys of something.
You were talking about, uh, Judge Jeanine earlier, uh, with regard to being in the Trump administration.
And I wanted to point out, and there's a video of this, you can look it up yourself, it's called Joe Arpaio on Immigration Debate and is run for Senate.
From early in January of this year, Sheriff Joe brought up his investigations to Judge Jeanine, and you know what the investigation was, so Obama's forged documents and everything, and she cut him off, told him he basically didn't know what he was talking about, called him a liar right to his face.
This guy's a 50-year-plus law enforcement officer who did a forensic investigation on all that stuff, and he's absolutely telling the truth, but she won't allow that, just like everybody else on FOX.
Well, I think I'm in a unique position to address this because Sheriff Joe is a good friend of mine.
Jeanine Piero is a good friend of mine.
I'm going to chalk this up to her corporate masters at Fox.
There's two things you cannot discuss at Fox.
One of them is the issue just raised.
The other one is, of course, Seth Rich.
You can have no discussion of Seth Rich.
I think this is odd because a terrific article that I read in The Nation magazine, not exactly a right-wing or conservative publication, shows that some of the counterintelligence experts like Bill Binney and Ray McGovern and others point to very substantial forensic evidence that demonstrates that the Democratic National Committee was never hacked.
By anyone.
And it was much more likely, based on the load times of downloads, that the information that was allegedly purloined from the DNC was loaded to some kind of portable disk and taken out the back door.
Most likely by, you guessed it, Seth Rich.
But the Fox corporate masters will not allow Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson or Judge Napolitano or Judge Jeanine to discuss this.
So I'm going to chalk the fact That she cut Sheriff Joe off up to her efforts to kowtow, unfortunately, to the people who pay her paycheck.
Charles, thank you very much for your call.
Let's go to Chris in Washington State.
Chris, are you with us?
Alright, we're going to move on.
Let's try, um, let's see.
Let's go to Kevin in West Virginia.
Kevin, welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, Mr. Stone.
I wanted to talk to you about Trump's tweets from yesterday, talking about how if they tried to criminally remove him, the American people would have a revolt.
I think we're just too divided still to come together.
The only thing that most Americans can do nowadays is only to agree to disagree.
I mean, I know these demon rats are insane enough to try to do something like that, but if they succeed, what do we do?
Well, first of all, we're not agreeing to disagree.
You see, they don't want a debate.
That implies a debate and some civility.
Their answer, when we want to discuss any issue, when we want to get into the facts of the situation, is to censor us.
They can't beat Alex Jones in a debate.
They know that.
They can't beat Tucker Carlson in a debate.
They know that.
They can't beat Sean Hannity in a debate.
They know that.
They most certainly can't beat Roger Stone in a debate.
They really know that.
So their answer is to censor us.
Take them off of YouTube.
Take them off of Facebook.
Take them off of Twitter.
Silence them.
That's how you know they are defeated.
Because they cannot win a battle of ideas.
They cannot win a civil discussion and a civil debate.
Now, as I reported yesterday on InfoWars, The President has told at least two people I know that he believes that if there is an illegitimate coup, an attempt to take him down based on some fabricated case, that the American people will rise up, that the American people are armed, they still have a Second Amendment, and there will be a counter-revolution in this country.
He is not advocating civil war.
He is not for civil war, but I think he understands that patriots were not going to put up with this as they did in 1974.
And there's a reason.
In 1974, when Richard Nixon was taken down, largely because he was a peacemaker, He reached a strategic arms limitation with the Soviets, an agreement.
He opened the door to China.
He ended the Vietnam War.
He saved Israel unilaterally in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
My God!
The man was a peacemaker!
We have to get rid of him!
But there was only one monolithic media in that day.
CBS, ABC, and NBC.
The Washington Post, the New York Times, the LA Times, really the only national newspapers.
And therefore there was only one narrative.
Now, thanks to Infowars.com, and The Daily Caller, and Breitbart, and Town Hall, and Gateway Pundit, and Big League Politics, and so many other great Conservative and libertarian and pro-Trump oriented sites, you have a balance in our news coverage.
And that's why they are moving to censorship.
That's why they want to shut Infowars.com down.
That's why we saw the head of Google, Sundar Pai, come to Washington yesterday and lie his ass off.
I can't even find China in a map!
On a map!
Oh my God!
We're not tracking anybody.
No, no, you can turn that tracking function off.
He doesn't mention that it continues to track you.
You just can't use the functions.
Jerry Nadler says, the congressman from Manhattan.
Whose entire testimony was written by Google lobbyists.
Every question he asked was written by the Google lobbyists.
Who's taken more cold cash from the parent company of Google than any other member of Congress.
This clown is compromised.
He's purchased.
He's bought.
He's corrupted.
But he says it's a right-wing conspiracy theory that conservatives are disadvantaged in the search function of Google.
No, Jerry, you're lying.
Look at the Project Veritas videos.
Look at the internal videos and memos that have been secured from inside Google.
They are busted.
They are running a formulatic program to kneecap conservatives and liberals and Republicans and Trump supporters on social media and on the internet.
This is Roger Stone.
I've been sitting in for Alex Jones, and now I've had the opportunity to sit in for my colleague Owen Schroyer, who's headed for his Christmas break.
I want to thank you for joining us here.
This is where you can get the truth.
Infowars continues to be a shining beacon of freedom, and it is seen by millions of Americans as a source where you can get the truth.
Make no mistake, folks, they want to shut us down.
They want to shut me down.
Right now, this Christmas, more than ever, I need your support.
Please go to thestonedefensefund.com.
Don't let Robert Mueller crush me.
Don't let him destroy my family.
Don't let him stop me from being a voice for truth and honesty and integrity and freedom here at InfoWars, because that's exactly Thank you.
want. I appeal to you now at Christmas for your help. Help me, help InfoWars, help us
continue this fight. Western civilization, the future of the Trump presidency, all of
this is at stake, but we will win if you have our back. We have the president's back. We
need you to have our back. Thank you, God bless you, and Merry Christmas.
Defending the republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
I almost have to just sit back and take a moment of silence to think about how far we've come against the globalists.
Ten years ago you talk about a private Federal Reserve, people laughed at you.
Now everybody knows it's private.
Ten years ago, you talk about a private one-world government with a plan for global carbon tax and a plan to break up the family.
People told you you were crazy.
But as 2018 prepares to unleash its mortal coil and give birth to 2019, We've been proven right.
That's why we're branded as fake news, that's why we're branded as Nazis, and all this made-up crazy crap by the horrible, deceptive corporate media that sold out to all these multinational interests, like the Chi-Coms and others.
So, I just want to make the statement again that humanity is awakening, thanks to God and all of your action.
We are moving the ball down the field against the globalists, and now, more than ever, people have to realize that we're entering the event horizon.
We've already passed the point of no return, and it's now up to you, InfoWars.
is in your hands.
And InfoWars has been targeted because we are successful and we tell the truth.
And they want to take us down to get at you.
So just as I am in your hands, you are in our hands.
We have a shared destiny, and everyone knows it, they can feel it, they can smell it.
And they're coming from everybody.
Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and myself, and Owen Schroer, and Matt Drudge, and everybody.
They're trying to take everybody, Gavin McGinnis, off the air right now.
But none of those guys were ever able to build their own platform except for Drudge.
That's why you've got to support the InfoWars platform, because this model would mean the death of the globalist program, of people being independent.
InfoWars is the renaissance model, not the conquest model, and it's you that funds it and supports it.
So, I spread the word, praying for us, and financially supporting us, getting great products.
InfoWarsStore.com, you make it all possible.
And we have the best deals ever, until the end of the year, at InfoWarsStore.com.
Thank you all.
It's Alex Jones.
It's the most wonderful time of the year.
Well, it certainly is an incredible time to be alive.
Globalism versus nationalism.
A cold civil war going on in DC.
Censorship happening in the West.
All kinds of stuff.
5G being rolled out.
This is the Alex Jones Show filling in for Alex Jones.
I'm Owen Troyer.
Alex Jones is with us.
He's on the phone.
He's going to be with us here for the at least first hour.
Alex, give us a breakdown of what is going to be covered on today's broadcast.
Well, that's right, Owen.
I can never really take off, but I was going to take off today and be with some family, but there's no way I can do that with the just incredibly historic things that are happening.
And I've told the listeners, we're going to see a quickening here.
And I think people don't need me to tell them that, but Trump is really attempting to deliver on common sense, moral, just policies, not Machiavellian Uh, divide and conquer policies.
He's also going to be very, very firm with other countries, though, if they make deals and then renege on them.
And that's why the globalists are so angry at him, because they want to play both sides.
We are witnessing Trump deliver on almost everything he said he would do, and now that he's cleaning house and getting rid of all these people that are actually blocking what he originally wanted to do.
That includes Mattis, and that includes Kelly, and all these people.
The establishment is really getting ready to make their move.
But the good news is Trump knows that.
He knows history is happening right now.
He's not going to be lukewarm anymore.
He is going to go with his own leadership and his own understanding that's proven to be very, very accurate.
And so we're about to see just incredible things unfold.
We should all be praying for President Trump.
But I thought that when we come back from break, We'd walk through the accomplishments, and we'd walk through some of the areas that he has not gotten things done, but you notice suddenly, on all those areas of criminal justice reform, of the border wall, on
Pulling out of Syria, pulling out of Afghanistan, that's even bigger.
That's America's longest war, now 18 years.
Trump is now really going into high gear, and we finally have a real president.
You can agree with him, you can disagree with him, but we have a real president.
We haven't had this really since Reagan partially, or JFK.
We have a real president actually acting as if he was elected, and as if he was making the decisions.
And all the Council on Foreign Relations and all these globalist groups, They like to sell the influence out to the highest bidder, and then they call it consensus.
It's not.
It's called treason.
They are beside themselves.
So Trump's doing the biggest thing he could do to drain the swamp.
He's taking their power and their money away.
That's why the Clinton Foundation has 93% less money coming in every year than it did just two years ago, because Trump is taking the influence away.
And that's why the big lobbyists, the big Republican groups, the big neocon groups are all out to get him.
So folks, you ever wondered if Trump was the real deal?
About a year ago, I flipped out when he bombed Syria that second time.
But he kept listening to Mattis and said that was the right thing to do, that would actually end it.
It didn't.
And then he said, I'm going to go with my instincts next time and what I promised to do to the voters.
And so now he's doing that.
So this is the time that they could assassinate the president or try to cause a major physical civil war.
So we'll be breaking that down.
Also, Sacha Baron Cohen, in his own TV show, was trying to joke around about pedophilia and found a hotel official that was there ready to cover it up with him.
And they were even talking about killing kids.
So all of that shocking stuff is coming up.
And we've also got Louie Gohmert.
when I was there two weeks ago in Congress, he said, "Listen, Google, Sundar, I'm coming
after you to get rid of your liability protection in Section 230 since you don't operate as
if Section 230 exists for your users."
Well, it doesn't exist for you anymore.
He's introduced legislation to do that as well.
There is just so much.
And then, of course, a really big story, I spent out for a few days.
I remember when Bruce Beagle was at our offices last year, and the guy lied and said that
I said, "Suck my sausages," and I wouldn't say that to anybody.
He comes to the conference room, and they're eating my lunch, and I said, "Would you like
We have brisket, we have sausage.
That turns into suck my sausage.
Well, these very same type of reporters have been busted, not just one.
The whole dam is about to break.
Going to the Texas, Arizona, New Mexico border and lying wholesale about white people hating Hispanics.
Just total made-up garbage about crimes against Hispanics.
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This transmission is coming to you.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
This president got elected to get our foreign policy back on the right track after years of being adrift.
One foreign policy blunder after another in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Libya.
So does the president want to withdraw the 14,000 troops from Afghanistan and the 5,000 U.S.
Does the president want to withdraw the 14,000 troops from Afghanistan and the 5,000 U.S.
troops in Iraq in addition to the 2,000 troops in Syria?
I have absolutely no policy announcements of any kind to make tonight whatsoever.
What I'm talking about, Wolf, is the big picture of a country that through several administrations had an absolutely catastrophic foreign policy that cost trillions and trillions of dollars and thousands and thousands of lives and made the Middle East more unstable and more dangerous.
And let's talk about Syria.
Let's talk about the fact ISIS is the enemy of Russia.
ISIS is the enemy of Assad.
ISIS is the enemy of Turkey.
Are we supposed to stay in Syria for generation after generation, spilling American blood
to fight the enemies of all those countries?
That was Stephen Miller, one of the chief advisors to the president, a great patriot,
that I've interviewed several times before, and he's laying out the facts.
We've had an 18-year war in Afghanistan that's killed thousands and thousands and thousands of U.S.
troops, contractors, and others.
And it's designed to show that these big contracting companies and Other organizations can sit there and make record profits, and all of this is designed long term to sap American industry, to sap American money, and not allow us to have infrastructure.
So while the EU builds up and while communist China builds up and has a huge blue water
navy and while they economically take over, we are bleeding out in all of these wars.
It was Obama who turned the Arab Spring loose eight years ago and sent ISIS, re-branded
al-Qaeda, streaming in to Syria to then have Syria fall so that they can cause an Islamic
revolution to invade right through into Turkey and Europe.
So what Trump is doing by going in with Assad and with the Russians, a plan that our Pentagon
and with the Russians, a plan that our Pentagon came out with four years before Trump
came out with four years before Trump even got into office, and Europe. So what Trump is doing by going in with Assad
even got into office, our Pentagon blocked Obama and said, "It's immoral to bring this country
down and turn it over to al-Qaeda and then ISIS and then let that collapse into the borders
of Europe. We're not going to let you do this in your plan to Islamify Europe," which we've
now still seen Obama and Soros try to carry it out. But if Trump, and before that the
Pentagon, the good people of the Pentagon, let Iran pull and Senator Cruz and others.
If we hadn't have all pushed for that six, seven years ago, Europe would have completely been collapsed into the huge Islamic caliphate that was being set up.
So, Trump got advised by General Flynn and by General Jones and by others.
General Jones had been the head of the National Security Council.
got briefings once he was running for office about the larger plan to collapse the Middle East
into Europe as part of this larger plan. So Trump was simply continuing on with a plan of good
generals and good patriots in our government who blocked Obama's plan or partially blocked it
six, seven years ago to beat Al Qaeda's air force, ISIS's air force. So Trump ran on getting out of
Afghanistan. Trump ran on getting us out of Syria and then he listened to Mattis and he listened to
Kelly with the same old stories we've got to stay there.
And then he discovered, confirmed reports, that our military, because they were telling Trump, was being ordered to bring supply columns in, not just to Kurdish terrorists who were attacking Turkey and destabilizing things in Syria, but also to ISIS.
And Trump Continue to order them to stop doing this, but the mid-level and high-level commanders were double-crossing America, double-crossing Trump, double-crossing the Russians in the deal that higher-ups had made six, seven years ago, and were continuing to destabilize the area by shipping weapons in to ISIS and to the Kurds, which then kept the war going and then gives Hezbollah and the Iranians an excuse to stay in the area.
What Trump has done now He's gone to Saudi Arabia and said, never fund a Wahhabist, Al-Qaeda, ISIS group again like al-Nusra.
We will regime change you.
He's then told Iran.
You keep doing this with Hezbollah in this civil war, we're going to bomb you as well.
We're going to bomb all your ships and your oil fields.
And he's put the sanctions on him to show how serious he is.
And he's told Erdogan, you better stand down and stop attacking the Kurds.
And you better stand down and stop sending troops in to try to overthrow Damascus.
Or we're going to continue to have economic sanctions on you.
And Trump finally got All these sides, including Israel, to agree to stop meddling in Syria in this giant seven-way war, seven-way war.
But still, insiders in the deep state, the neocons and others, and Obama with his shadow policy, where he follows Trump around and tries to derail what Trump just did, they were still sending in convoys of U.S.
forces with trucks by the hundreds a day, supplying heavy weapons and ammunition to the final ISIS stronghold.
By Trump cutting off the supply to the Kurds and ISIS, he did finally cut the head off.
If the corrupt elements of the CIA are not allowed to resupply those forces, so Trump needs to be prayed for.
Nobody since Kennedy has tried to get us out of wars like this.
The announcement of 7,000 troops, that's half the troops in Afghanistan being pulled out.
The announcement of 2,000 troops, that's almost all the troops in Syria being pulled out.
The announcement of this happening and everything but forward observers, basically spies and
special operations being there.
Now that all of this is happening, Trump is completely delivering on his foreign policy
promises to pull out of TPP, to renegotiate NAFTA and GATT, to renegotiate all these other
major deals to stand up for national sovereignty, to get Japan and South Korea and the EU to
kick in more to NATO.
And the hundreds of millions a year now that we'll save, it'll come back to rebuild our
actual military hardware.
Next generation systems and to take care of the troops.
Trump's basically had a 40% pay raise for the average enlisted people.
That's about to go up even more.
Trump has already slowed wait times by about 40% to 45% for the VA.
I mean, he is battling as hard as he can.
And listen, the only reason I'm saying all this is it's true.
It's true.
So everything he's been doing has been He's been tainted by the establishment not following through with his directives, but now he's removing all the people that were standing in the way of that.
And the only blemishes on the president is that after the horror of Las Vegas and the NRA saying, sir, no one wants bump stocks.
They're useless.
There's no lobby for them.
Nobody cares.
He said, fine.
Give the left a bone.
You know, ban these.
That's a bad thing.
He hasn't done enough on vaccines, but we wouldn't have these two good Supreme Court justices.
We wouldn't have all his pro-gun speeches he's given, standing up when there's these mass shootings, not blaming the Second Amendment.
Overall, I'd give him an A on the Second Amendment, not an A+.
I'd give him an A+, on everything else except for vaccines.
I'd give him a B+, because at least he's talked about them and said they're dangerous, that people should do their own research.
He's marched in pro-life rallies, something no Republican ever did.
He's called for states to have the control over abortion and to be able to curtail it down to nothing.
And so anybody buying into leftist hype that Trump hasn't delivered, he's a fool.
He said, I'll shut the government down.
And people said, oh, he's balking.
He's not going to shut it down over the border wall.
He just did it.
The House then balked and passed it.
Will it pass the Senate?
I don't know.
But God has literally given us a last chance reprieve in the West with Donald John Trump, who I can't believe he's gotten this much done.
And I know how real he is.
Because he's been persecuted.
And anyone that supports him is absolutely, massively persecuted.
Because the system, the world system, absolutely hates this man.
Because he has become the first real president in decades who's actually operating like he is in charge of the executive and not a bunch of foreign globalist boards.
Like the Council on Foreign Relations.
And he's got China major renegotiations.
He's got everything happening.
But the private Federal Reserve is working with foreign enemies and the Democrats to try to derail our economy so that America turns against this real president who's gone to bat.
And then it gets even more wild.
It was the Democrats in 1993 that passed the minimum sentencing laws where If a black person has cocaine, they get three times the amount of time in jail as a white person.
It was Hillary that called blacks dogs that must be brought to heel.
Trump is now passing a law and signing it to repeal that, and the left is attacking him for it.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
Stay with us.
Our audience, by supporting us, have truly been in the arena.
That means if you're old, it means if you're young, it means if you're black, white, it doesn't matter.
If you love freedom, and you love justice, and you believe in free market capitalism, and you believe in the Christian ethos, and you believe in Western civilization, and you believe in progress, then you are the man and woman in the arena, and I salute you As we prepare to close out 2018, I knew that when they deplatformed us in a massive, draconian, concerted racketeering operation four and a half months ago, that it was about removing Trump's populist nationalist support base, the people's support base for him.
And now we see, in just the last few weeks, Michael Savage is having his show cancelled from three hours to one hour, even though it has record ratings.
And Ben Shapiro, never been on talk radio, is being given his show, given his audience.
We see Gab McGinnis being taken off the air for being number one on CRTV, better than Glenn Beck, and others.
Anyone who truly connects with the people, and who doesn't apologize for America, from our president to yours truly, is being demonized, being sued, being attacked, being taken off the air.
The globalists are really upset now because they threw everything they had at us in the last few years.
The shadow banning and the lawsuits, the lies, the attacks, the boycotting of our sponsors, and it didn't work.
So now with the deplatforming, we're on talk radio, we're on local TV stations, and we're at Infowars.com and Newswars.com with bigger than ever audiences.
On those platforms.
InfoWars has two or three times the audience ever had, but that's on InfoWars.
It cuts our reach, though, to other platforms.
And that's where you come in.
Now, about two weeks ago, George Soros Media Matters funded Combine, directed by U.S.
intelligence agencies that aren't following Trump's directives.
He legally began launching operations to lie about Infowars and things we've said and done, and to contact radio stations across the country that we're on and say, Alex Jones is fake news.
Alex Jones is fiction.
Announce it's fiction.
In an attempt to have those stations kick us off the air.
And they misquote statements from 2013, 2015 and say, he's still doing all this, take him off the air.
We're talking about digital Nazis, or digital communists.
Digital authoritarianism is really the proper term.
And they're doing this because they can't beat us.
And they know from Brazil, to Germany, to the United Kingdom, to Russia, to Italy, to all over the world, nationalist and populist free market candidates are getting elected.
People are aware of the one world government plan to abolish our borders, to abolish our families, to make us debt slaves.
And they're saying no.
That's positive.
We're winning overall globally.
Humanity's coming back from the dead.
But for those of us that Or the tip of the spear, we're being targeted to take out the leadership.
That's the globalist only hope.
So when you support InfoWars, when you spread our articles and videos, when you buy products at InfoWarsStore.com, you are literally not just supporting InfoWars and free speech and standing in defiance against Soros and Hillary and the rest of these people, but you are standing for your own future and your own best shot of having an early warning system in America to stand against these individuals.
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And we have the biggest specials ever running throughout to the end of the year as part of a total store clearance.
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Every order gets 50 to 75% off in total clearance.
And that funding allows us to go into the new year on sure footing to fund ourselves throughout the first part of the year to not just fight, but to expand.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
I salute you all.
Now please take action at m4store.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The answer to 1984 is 1770.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Benjamin.
What's up, everybody?
What's up?
And sorry about the last segment.
As you can see, I'm a little closer now because I was trying to use a nice, fancy little camera to look extra special for my InfoWars audience here.
And it was slowing it down a little bit.
I guess it was a little patchy.
So I'll just do a quick recap.
Stop watching porn.
Start watching conspiracy videos to replace the porn.
Realize there's a lot going on in the deep state.
The tiger that attacked that gay guy in Vegas 11 years ago can't host the Oscars.
And yeah, my new special Conspiracy Queries is at hugepianist.com.
So that was pretty much the recap.
And I don't know what, I apologize again, that sometimes when you kind of shoot, shoot for the moon, you might only end up in a near-Earth orbit, you know what I mean?
And I don't even know that that's a thing because I don't watch pornography anymore.
And I noticed something that, and I'm sure a lot of you guys that watch this show have experienced this, that just questioning stuff gets people furious.
Just furious.
And if you rate what people should be upset about, if you're starting to like talk about if we went to the moon, right?
There's a group of my friends that the fact I question that narrative, It makes them insane.
Like, they can't even hang out with me.
And it's like, all of science is based on skepticism.
Science has never, like, there's no conclusion to science ever.
There's only what you have there.
There's something in science called a knowledge half-life, and it's different in each field, like physics versus medicine versus all that, where in seven years or nine years or whatever, half of everything you're being taught will be debunked.
And this is the irony.
I know so much about the scientific process and the method and some of the things that I'm talking about, that I'm being more scientific than a lot of the people that claim I'm a science denier.
That's the upside down we live in.
That's the hate is love, tolerance is oppression.
You know, you guys get it.
It's It's getting to the point where I sometimes, if you ever want to come to my YouTube channel, youtube.com slash Owen Benjamin Comedy, I just did a video yesterday where I explain how wizardry works because my father is a professor of rhetoric.
And rhetoric is nothing more than magic spells.
And people can call me crazy all they want and be like, oh, there's no such thing as wizards.
You know what?
The big hat, the staff, the long gown.
It's like, have you ever seen the Pope?
Have you ever seen the Pope in his big wizard hat whispering magic spells and people do stuff?
My dad's a wizard.
I'm a wizard.
I just don't practice witchcraft because I know it's wrong.
But I just did this yesterday.
It's three hours long, which is a bit of a marathon.
But I'm really trying to help people navigate this world of witchcraft and spells.
Because all a spell is, is saying words in a way where people give you their freedom and their autonomy.
Without any thought of their own, for your advantage.
And the way to beat it, and that's why I'm a supporter of Donald Trump, and I don't know him.
I don't know if it's motivated by him truly being a truth teller, or if he just knows how to beat magic spells.
Either way, what he did in the election where Hillary Clinton was doing a magic spell, You know, where she's like, and Donald Trump here, I mean, he will avoid paying taxes, but I'm going to protect the women and the black people.
And he just goes, what a nasty woman.
And just that's how you beat a magic spell.
Cause she was being a nasty woman.
She was being a hypocrite.
She's doing a magic spell.
She was playing off people's empathy to, uh, and if people don't think spells are real, That woman, Hillary Clinton, has said words and gotten hundreds of millions of dollars and people killed.
So, magic spells are as real as anything in the world.
And like, um, so yeah, if you want to check that out.
And my new special, uh, Conspiracy Queries at HugePianist.com.
So, just to sum up last night's livestream, in case you don't watch it, the way to beat a magic spell is simply the truth.
As clear as you can possibly say what you think, It renders them completely vulnerable.
And that's why, like, with that Hillary Clinton thing, so he says, what a nasty woman.
And she's like, she can't even stop doing the spell because the thing about wizards is they don't really exist.
They lose their autonomy.
They're hollow on the inside.
So she just keeps going.
And what we'll do now, because Donald over here and you saw a robot just continuing the spell.
And it was devastating for her and that's why the only response to that was mockery.
And I think one of the reasons I know this so well is because I'm a comedian and I now know the darkness of mockery.
It was never my interest.
My interest was always to get high fives and laughs and beers with bears.
But That's why all those women started being like, I'm a nasty woman.
I'm also a nasty woman.
Hey, Donald, look at me.
I'm a nasty woman.
And the reason Trump, you can't beat him is because he's like, I know.
The slave emotions are shame and fear.
Like, yeah, you should have shame if you're 400 pounds because you're going to get diabetes and we all love you and care about you.
Like, the upside down is reverse weight.
Don't fat shame me.
No, people should fat shame each other.
Myself included.
I've been over 300 pounds before.
My friends and family called me a fat and I was like, I had shame and then I lost some weight.
But like when you're a witch or when you're evil or all that stuff.
Like I used to be pro-choice simply because I had never had a child and I was just under a spell apparently.
And then I said abortion was wrong when I was still in Hollywood and people lost their minds.
They're like, you are evil!
And I first had shame about it where I'm like, oh no, what did I say?
And then I'm like, wait a minute, they're shaming me for wanting to protect unborn babies from having their skulls ripped out.
And then you really see through it, and that gives you a strength.
And I don't do this, and Alex doesn't do this.
I'm sure I'm not going to speak on behalf of Alex, but like, this isn't to scare people.
It's to free them.
That's the whole point of shows like Infowars and my shows and stuff like that.
It's like, okay, this is how you beat the monsters.
They don't really have that much power.
And if you notice, they kicked me off Twitter and Facebook and all that stuff.
Lately, they stopped me from live streaming on YouTube, but I started another one.
Lately, I haven't been facing the platformings.
Their new strategy is they just ignore me because they know that it can only help me at this point.
And when you show no fear, if you apologize at all for something you're not sorry for, they'll eat you alive because an apology is a submission, a submission and apology.
The reason me and my wife have such a good marriage is because I only apologize when I feel I'm sorry.
I know I'm sorry.
That way, when I say it, she knows it.
And when I don't apologize, she believes that I believe I'm right.
And that's the type of clear boundaries that make for a good marriage, make for a good relationship with the government.
And if someone like Like, Steph Curry apologized for saying that he thought we didn't go to the moon a day after he said it.
That's not an apology, that's a submission.
And as soon as you do that, you're owned.
Right after the break, I'll show you examples of celebrities being owned.
And it's Queer As Day.
It is Queer As Day, guys.
And I'm not telling you this to raise your cortisol and scare you.
It's to free you so you can beat the wizards.
Hugepianist.com for my new special, Conspiracy Queries.
Stick around.
And youtube.com slash ownbenjamincomedy.
Much love.
Thanks a lot. See you soon.
If you study why InfoWars is public enemy number one for the globalists, you understand why they're panicking.
You understand what they're scared of.
They're scared of nationalism.
They're scared of patriotism.
They are scared of people that will stand up for their sovereignty and who are territorial.
Because we have these multinational corporations that have slave factories, literal concentration camps in China, like Apple and others, who see us as weak and stupid, and they have this whole leftist ideology that's meant to basically weaken us and divide and conquer us, but it's not working anymore.
And the globalists have been able to track back where the main resistance in the last 20 years came from, And that main resistance has been my syndicated radio show, the documentary films we've made that have been seen hundreds of millions of times, and the other news operations that we've set up.
And that's why we're under such attack, and that's why we can't give up in the face of the globalist onslaught, because we've already launched The Americana movement, the new renaissance, 1776, worldwide, it's happening!
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That's why the enemy media is always saying we're a hoax, or always saying we're fake, or always saying we're a fraud, because they don't know how to counter something that's the opposite of them.
When they say we're a hoax or a fraud, they're talking about themselves.
Ladies and gentlemen, you can see us here in one of our new state-of-the-art studios.
I was planning by the end of 2018 to be 24 hours a day live on radio and TV.
And we only launched two new shows in 2018, CounterThink and The War Room, and they do a great job.
We also, right before that started, launched The Real News with David Knight.
And we've expanded in the face of the attacks, but I really, in the next three or four months, want to be able to go At least 20 hours a day, live, by the spring.
And that's going to take major support by you, the audience, to get around the censorship, to get around the boycotts, to get around the globalist lawsuits.
And you've been doing it.
So far.
But I need your prayers.
I need your support.
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And I need you to go to infowarestore.com as we go into the new year where I'm going to extend all the Christmas specials that were the biggest in our history to sell out of all of our products so we don't have to pay inventory tax by January 1st.
Everything is We've got new shipments coming in in February.
We're going to be sold out of a lot of products until February, because folks have been coming through.
But a lot of these products we're selling at below cost.
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These are our biggest deals ever, because we're also coming online with a new sponsorship model to augment our sales direct, so there's no way The Globalist can shut us down.
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So again, the three pillars of this.
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That's a three-legged stool.
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As Christians and conservatives and nationalists, we're quiet people that are confident.
We're not like leftist bullies, but Not to bully anybody, you've just got to have your voice be heard.
So, all the Christmas specials that we have are all extended until product sellout right through until January 1st, 2019.
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And to all the listeners that have been supporting us for years, thank you.
What we've done to the globalists is thanks to you.
You are the Infowar.
You are the resistance.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones with Owen Benjamin.
Hi, hi, hi everybody.
This is a blast.
So we're going to talk about celebrity culture and why they say Because another actor said that 007 should be trans.
And I'll talk about that and why that is and why they do this.
But I also want to quickly address the moon landing hoax.
This is the whole thing with me.
And science is based in curiosity, right?
They even named one of their spaceships the Curiosity because I'm a very curious person.
And my brother-in-law is an engineer and we debate all the time about whether or not we went to the moon and how and why.
But there's so much wizard emotion attached with it that people literally start like yelling and crying and getting angry.
I've lost friends over this.
I know that we didn't go to the moon when we said we went to the moon, if ever.
And they're like, well, why?
Why wouldn't the Russians call us out?
They did the whole time.
The whole time.
At no point, because I have a lot of Russian friends, at no point did the Russians think we went to the moon.
It's like, well, OK, here's the thing.
The thing that spawned the whole thing for me is the live TV broadcast.
I gave that to my brother-in-law.
I said, listen, I'm not saying human beings have never been to the moon ever because I can't possibly know that.
That's why I know the 9-11 narrative is wrong.
I just have no idea what the real one is.
I know that in 1969 or whatever that broadcast was fake because a TV state look at the trouble that I had in the first break in 2018 with all the technology we had with the transmission.
I couldn't transmit Within the same country, with all the technology in the world properly, because of some blip in the 3G, Wi-Fi, all this stuff.
When they said we went to the moon, they had less technology than a cell phone.
290,000 miles to transmit, like a normal TV station requires like 150,000 volt generator to go like, you know, six, eight miles with a giant dish.
So these guys in negative 200 degrees Celsius with these ridiculous wizard outfits on, they transmitted live with like no electricity really and no giant dish and everyone heard them.
The first segment of this show, people couldn't hear me properly.
Uh, I'm in entertainment.
I'm in... Listen, there's all this stuff about, uh, the pictures being doctored and blah blah, and people can argue all day long about that stuff.
It's all about focusing on... on what you know.
I understand live broadcasts.
I understand the lack of capability.
And then when NASA said that they destroyed the technology and it's too painful to bring it back, that's their words, not mine.
And then when someone looked at the telemetry data, they said, oh, we erased it.
We taped over the tapes because of budgetary problems in the 70s, because apparently, you know, $20 billion a year, they can't buy new tapes when they're recording a Seinfeld marathon.
It's all nonsense.
And that whole thing was staged.
And listen, when someone says, Oh, you think we never been?
I'm like, I have no idea.
I'm not saying where we've been or what we've done.
But means motive opportunity, right?
They had the means, they had the motive, they had the opportunity.
Because no one, I don't think we can go to the moon personally.
But I'm not going to stake my reputation on that and my name on that.
I don't think we went to the moon.
But Maybe we can, maybe we can't.
I just know that that was fake.
So, they didn't know that yet.
I don't think that we could not go to the moon.
And Russia was winning the space race.
And so, this is why I don't feel that this is a lack of patriotism.
I don't feel like this disrespects America in any way.
I think America is built and founded on skepticism, especially of a government alphabet agency.
What, do I not criticize the IRS now?
Am I not American?
This is nonsense.
Even if I'm wrong, I'm being very American by questioning this.
So, um, I can't remember what I was talking about.
We go to the means motive opportunity.
Oh, so they fake it because at the time I can't, I'm not sure exactly what was going through their heads, but it's like, We're in a cold war.
We have to win.
We have to do anything we can to win.
We can't let the world see a Russian flag on that moon before us.
So how do we do this?
And one of them was like, well, I happen to know Walt Disney.
And someone's like, I know Stan the Man Kubrick.
And they did it.
They faked it.
And then as time went on, this is why I don't lie.
It's because it always comes out that you lied because you can't possibly predict the future.
They couldn't have known that you can't go to the moon.
That's what I believe.
Maybe you can.
I'm not staking my reputation on that one.
But as time went on, so they quickly faked a bunch in a row and then done.
No one's ever went backwards.
Contradicts all, everything that everyone knows about human nature that contradicts.
At what time in history has one country went to a land, planted a flag in it, and no other country wanted to put their flag in it too?
At what time in human history has a corporation done something that another corporation doesn't want to compete?
The people that went to the moon, that motivated the whole world to want to go there as well.
Why would we not go back?
Why would we want to go to Mars and not the moon again?
It's nonsense.
We never went back.
And then, you know, people are under such a powerful wizard spell that, like, Buzz Aldrin... By the way, never trust a man who names himself Buzz.
I learned that in college.
That's Life 101.
My name's Buzz.
It's like, you're not driving the car, Buzz.
I can't remember.
I'm sorry.
I'm kind of I'm just running and gunning right now.
I was about to talk about celebrity thing, but this is just very, very interesting to me.
I don't remember.
Oh, but oh, yeah.
So Buzz and Neil Armstrong, Neil A. Backwards is alien, by the way.
I'm not I don't think that necessarily means anything, but whatever.
So they give a moon rock to the country of Holland.
And the country of Holland is like, oh, thank you.
We are Holland.
No, no.
We're Holland.
And they're like, thank you for the moonwalk.
This is so great.
We wear wooden shoes.
Why does my every accent I do sound Chinese?
Anyway, they figured it was petrified wood.
Like the rock wasn't even a rock.
Like these wizards are so confident that they're not even giving people rocks.
And then, but people are in this denial.
The denial is so intense that they can just put up like another Google's hit that's like, guy with petrified rock loses his rock right next to Holland's guy.
And everyone's like, see, look at Tim Foilhat, Owen Benjamin.
I mean, clearly they just mixed up the rock and the petrified wood.
You've lost your mind.
I mean, you used to be a really good comedian.
Because what happens with addicts?
And approval is an addiction.
Approval is an addiction.
Wanting to fit in with the herd, feeling safe, that's an addiction.
So imagine you lose that and like heroin addicts, it's like, ah, so you don't feel safe, right?
Someone removes your narrative, which makes you feel approved of and safe and all that.
And you're like, wait a minute, we didn't go there.
Why would they give a piece of wood to them?
Could someone please fix this?
And then a wizard like Neil deGrasse Tyson, or what's that other wizard's name?
Bill Nye?
Bill Nye, the potential American version of Jimmy Savile, that my theory, allegedly, whatever I have to say to not be sued.
So they just step in and go, well, I mean, this other story could be true.
And everyone's like, of course, of course.
Owen's crazy!
The fact that we don't, the technology has went in reverse.
The only time in human history that we can't do something that we could do in 1969 because of technological issues.
We deleted all the information.
No one's ever else went back to the moon.
You can't do a live broadcast from the surface.
But other than that, this all checks out.
You know, we probably should just blame Trump and fossil fuel and global warming, or cooling, or climate change.
What is it today?
What's the spell of the day?
So I don't choose to not live in that world.
And then finally, when you do win these arguments, this is the saddest part.
People just go, just go with it, man.
Come on.
Why do you do this to yourself?
I have two beautiful kids.
I'm happy.
I'm doing fine.
Don't worry about me, guys.
I feel better when I know that I can predict the future, which only comes from being honest to yourself.
Hugepianist.com for my new special.
When we return from break, we will finally discuss the thing I said I was about to discuss,
but we never went to the moon.
InfoWars has changed the world.
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That means if you're old, it means if you're young, it means if you're black, white, it doesn't matter.
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As we prepare to close out 2018, I knew that when they deplatformed us in a massive, draconian, concerted racketeering operation four and a half months ago, that it was about removing Trump's populist nationalist support base.
The people's support base for him.
And now we see, in just the last few weeks, Michael Savage is having his show cancelled.
From three hours to one hour, even though it has record ratings.
And Ben Shapiro, never been in talk radio, is being given his show.
Given his audience.
We see Gab McGinnis being taken off the air for being number one on CRTV, better than Glenn Beck, and others.
Anyone who truly connects with the people, and who doesn't apologize for America, from our president to yours truly, is being demonized, being sued, being attacked, being taken off the air.
But the globalists are really upset now because they threw everything they had at us in the last few years.
The shadow banning and the lawsuits, the lies, the attacks, the boycotting of our sponsors, and it didn't work.
So now with the deplatforming, we're on talk radio, we're on local TV stations, and we're at Infowars.com and Newswars.com with bigger than ever audiences.
On those platforms.
InfoWars has two or three times the audience ever had.
But that's on InfoWars.
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And that's where you come in.
Now, about two weeks ago, George Soros Media Matters funded Combine, directed by U.S.
intelligence agencies that aren't following Trump's directives.
He legally began launching operations to lie about Infowars and things we've said and done, and to contact radio stations across the country that we're on and say, Alex Jones is fake news.
Alex Jones is fiction.
Announce it's fiction.
In an attempt to have those stations kick us off the air.
And they misquote statements from 2013, 2015 and say, he's still doing all this taking him off the air.
We're talking about digital Nazis, or digital communists.
Digital authoritarianism is really the proper term.
And they're doing this because they can't beat us.
And they know from Brazil, to Germany, to the United Kingdom, to Russia, to Italy, to all over the world, nationalist and populist free market candidates are getting elected.
People are aware of the one world government plan to abolish our borders, to abolish our families, to make us debt slaves.
And they're saying no.
That's positive.
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Humanity's coming back from the dead.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
It's Owen Benjamin.
Hi, hi, hi, hi, hi.
Let's talk mind control some more in celebrity culture.
And also, just real quick, when people say, why do you care about whether or not we went to the moon?
Because the way mind control works, and again, my dad is a professor of rhetoric and I'm a 16-year, very accomplished comedian, which is a form of, I guess, good wizardry, but I don't think any wizardry is good.
The reason I consider it good is because it's consensual and it's There's no manipulation in what I do, but I can stand in front of thousands of people and make them all laugh really hard.
Which, I mean, let's just say I understand the power of words.
Okay, like for example, and then I'll get to that point.
I just, I love giving information to people.
All right, like a few of the words that motivate people the most are the word free, the word imagine, and the word you.
When you say free, people like listen when you say imagine and you.
So like if you take Martin Luther King Jr.
and remove any like politics or anything you think about him, I'm just uh objectively looking at his Rhetorical ability, which is wizardry, right?
So when he goes, free at last!
Free at last!
Thank God Almighty we are free at last!
Free, free, free.
Says free three times.
And that's the same with comedy.
Set up, punchline, tag.
The number three is very, very important in wizardry.
I'm not saying what he's saying isn't cool, like, yeah, be free, all that, but that rise, and in the beginning of I Have a Dream, he talks very softly.
He's like, I have had a dream.
He goes, I had a dream.
One day, I'm from the, and so the reason speakers do that, wizards, is it makes the audience listen.
It's like when you speak softly, people listen, and then as he builds, Then he starts shouting out regions, because that covers the U. You know, the red hills of Georgia!
The snow-capped mountains of Colorado!
I have a dream!
He's shouting, he's making specific, specific, specific.
And he hits enough regions where someone's either been there or they're from there.
And at the very end, free at last!
Free at last!
Thank God almighty we are free at last!
And as a comedian, I'm watching that like, wow, that guy's awesome at wizardry.
And again, don't listen to what I'm saying and say that I don't think black people should be free.
That's literally insane.
You know, I was just talking to my buddy Vox Dei about nationalism and how he's an American Indian and I'm married To a Hispanic woman and not a Jewish grandmother.
Not that any of this matters at all.
As far as like what opinions you can have.
Your opinions are not race-based.
That's psychotic.
And we're talking about how that this narrative that like dudes like me and him that like believe in national boundaries that somehow we're full of hate.
It's like, okay, so now you're saying I hate my kids.
Like, that's like fighting words.
Like, I'm starting to not even... Not only do I not feel shame and backpedal, I'm like, say that again!
Say what you just said again!
You know, I'm like, right out of Pulp Fiction.
It's like, he's an American Indian.
And then people could be like, well, I mean, he looks white.
That's his whole point.
Think about, I don't, I'm friends with a lot of American Indians because I played lacrosse in college, box lacrosse in Canada, a lot of reservation athletics my whole life.
I've never met an American Indian that isn't a nationalist because they know exactly how nations are taken down.
You know, you come in, you outbreed them.
You take away their god, you give them, you know, some form of drug.
Back then it was, you know, booze.
You put them on a little res, give them a casino, a lot of sugar, and free money that they didn't earn, and take her easy, you're now gone.
And look at what they're doing now.
And Vox lives in Italy, and he was like, so if France invades, does that mean I hate white people?
And that's the thing, it's not about race, it's just about the ability to have a nation.
And so when you have all these broken American Indian tribes and all these like wizards being like, I care about the Cherokees because I'm one one thousand twenty-fourth so I relate.
No, they don't want you to listen to the American Indians because they'll tell you the exact game plan on how to break a nation.
What are the American Indians Nazis?
Are the American Indians white nationalists?
That's insane!
No, just nationalists.
It's the people who built America.
It has nothing to do with being white.
Nationalist is fine.
Alright, so anyway, let's talk about celebrities.
The guy from The Wire, I like to show The Wire, and the guy that played that cop in The Wire recently said that 007 should be trans.
And I read this in a few places and I was like, 007 should be trans.
And normally I would be like, what?
This guy, this guy, why is he saying this?
This is, I mean, is this the world we live in now?
Hey everybody, is this the world we live in now?
Because I was still under the spell where I thought that this is what he thinks.
Now that I know what I know, I can break down why this happens.
That guy is hiding a secret.
The way secret societies function, sometimes the way my opener, Eric Nimmer, who's unbelievable.
We're going to release one of his specials soon.
He described it in a very black guy way of describing it because he's black.
Unfortunately, I want a white opener, but unfortunately, this guy is just funnier than the whites.
He's like, it's pimps and hoes.
I'm like, what do you mean?
He's like pimps and hoes relationship.
You do the tricks.
I keep my secret.
You keep your secret.
That's the way these abusive power structures function.
So someone has a secret.
That's why the higher up in some of these institutions of power, you get the most amount of pedophiles.
And that's not just one or the other.
It's all of them.
It's because that's the worst secret you can have.
Like no one does not want to kill pedophiles.
It isn't insane.
So if someone's a secretive pedophile, they have a secret that others can use against them.
And so, whatever it is, whatever vice got you to this position, you now don't have your own voice.
Of all the vices I've had in the world, none of them are very shameful.
You know, someone could be like, when Owen Benjamin was in his 20s and was a touring comedian, he would let women have sex with him!
And, um, I once saw Owen do a shot of alcohol!
Alright, so anyway, so then you have to speak for them.
And right now the trans thing is a big movement because it's just demolishing the family structure, it's increasing suicide in kids, it's just... You know, 007, what's that?
The amount of trans people that don't kill themselves?
Like, it's a tragic community because they won't acknowledge... Like, right now we're celebrating trans people and not acknowledging that they have a... I'll just call it a mental situation.
I'll be PC.
And when you encourage that, you're not helping that person.
I have elements of OCD.
So if I'm working on a song or a joke for 15 straight hours, and my wife doesn't say, hey, Owen, like, you're not wearing pants still.
Like, what are you doing?
And I'm like, no, I'll get it perfect.
I'll get it perfect.
If she acts like that's fine, she's not helping me.
If she's like, baby, come to bed, come to bed.
Come on, come to bed.
I miss you.
I'm like, okay, I'll come to bed.
And then as I'm in bed with my wife, the joke makes sense.
Just bing, because I'm just living my life.
I have elements of mental illness, just like everybody does.
And it doesn't help anyone by saying that isn't true.
I get bouts of depression, where I feel like the world is falling, which it is, but I feel like it's a tremendous weight.
And that is not good for me functioning in my life.
If someone's like, yeah, yeah, there's no point in living.
Here's a gun.
It's the same with this stuff.
It's like people are cutting off their wieners and people are like, double, double, double 07.
James Bond, you can have a black James Bond, Idris Elba.
You know, no one had a problem with that.
Cause it's like, wait a minute, can he still be a sex addict and kill a lot of people?
Okay, good.
A trans person can't be double 07.
So, okay, I want to show you someone else.
So, a really outspoken actor, or basketball player, on Trump and everything, and people are like, it's LeBron James, right?
He's like, oh, LeBron James, he says what he wants.
Don't tell LeBron what not to say.
No, because someone said, hey, LeBron, just play basketball.
And everyone's like, no, LeBron gets to say what he says.
Okay, this story just came out today.
Yeah, LeBron, Apologizes for Instagram post quoting Jewish money lyrics.
Yeah, he was forced to apologize, which is an act of submission.
It's not a real apology.
All he was doing was quoting rap lyrics about Jews having money.
I don't know if you know a lot of Jews, but a lot of them do have quite a bit of money.
Okay, so of all the things he said, you see what I'm saying?
He's not free.
There's nothing free about LeBron James.
When you see that $80 million a year, and he's like, someone drew a swastika on my eighth house.
I have no proof it was anybody, but everyone needs to get angry.
That guy has no power.
He's saying what people tell him to say, and it's not because they're all pedophiles.
Like, that guy, it's all different vices.
That guy might just want 20 cars, and he doesn't want to give them up.
Someone else wants just tons of sex.
Someone else just needs approval desperately.
They're not free at all.
All right, hugepianist.com for my new special, Pianist.
Best 10 bucks you'll ever spend.
Conspiracy queries.
Much love.
You guys, you guys are awesome!
I almost have to just sit back and take a moment of silence to think about how far we've come against the globalists.
Ten years ago, you talk about a private Federal Reserve.
People laughed at you.
Now everybody knows it's private.
Ten years ago, you talk about a private one-world government with a plan for global carbon tax and a plan to break up the family.
People told you you were crazy.
But as 2018 prepares to unleash its mortal coil and give birth to 2019, We've been proven right.
That's why we're branded as fake news, that's why we're branded as Nazis, and all this made-up crazy crap of the horrible, deceptive corporate media that's sold out to all these multinational interests, like the Chai Koms and others.
So, I just want to make the statement again that humanity is awakening, thanks to God and all of your action.
We are moving the ball down the field against the globalists, and now, more than ever, people have to realize that we're entering the event horizon.
We've already passed the point of no return, and it's now up to you, InfoWars.
He's in your hands.